HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 13A LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 InYestigation-> Will Call--*> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT S0.00 Total Calculated Fces-- > $502.36 f.-ol r -i , $\K I t^$-*r !i ,\1.\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0275 Job Address: 4899 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4899 AND 4899E MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 09l0fl2Cf,l5 Parcel No...: 210113102034 Issued. .. : O9l20l2W5 ProjectNo i t2-.. -rj t=2/ Expires. ..: 03lI9Dm6 T rJ D3 -o5/t owNER CARBO, iTORGE E. - WAGNER, F(OO9/O1/2OO' 2460 CITAyTON CT COLORJADO SPRINGS co 80919-3806 APPITICANT WESTITRN ROOFING & SUppLy T,I,CO9/07/2OO5 ptrone: (303) 782-9200 4O8O S. I(AI,AMATI{ ENGI-IEWOOD coLoRiADo 80110 L,icense:830-B coNrRAcToR WESTITRN ROOFING & SUPPIJY LI,eOg/07/200s phone: (303) 782-9200 4O8O S. KAIJAMATH ENGI-,EWOOD colJoRiaDo 80110 License:830-B Description: FINAI, APPROVAI FOR A RE-ROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO GRAND CANYON ASPIIALT SHING],ES Occupancy: Type Construction: FireDlace Informadon: ResEicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 ,tr.i!,t***)******t *,Lt i.*:i*****:|**'r'r**,i,t*iot*,*tt +:|*,t't*'t*+***)**'*'t'****,**:t:t***+ FEE suMMARY Building---> $353 .25 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check--> S236.11 DRB Fe€--------------------- >so. oo Addirional Fees-------- >s0.00 $0. 00 Recreation Fee---..------> S3 . oo Clean-up Depsit---'-- > TOTAL FEES-------------> S0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $502.36 $0.00 Payments---------------- > 5602.36 $502.36 BALANCE DUE----> $o. oo Approvals: Iten: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI 09/07/2005 Js Action: AP Itenr : 05400 PLAiIi:lIllc DgP-r-p-TvplqT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENf Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot fl{, -a1d-state *, ", *" information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdiviJion codes, disign review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Townapplicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TIVENTY-FOLJR HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47C2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:m AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 '|.:|.*:t'|.****'l,l't't:i**{.*{t:t!t***i.*|t:**:8:***'*****:t**!t*!*'t*'i!i***{.***!************!t+!t{t't******:i*;8:t*:****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0275 as of 09-20-2005 Stanrs: ISSUED **,1.***********:**!*'s!t{.:t'trt************:***'}***:F*!t,t*****!t!t*:t*************!t*,F,t ,*!***************,t**,**********,*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: O9t07t2Cfls Applicant: WESTURN ROOFING & SUppLy LLC Issued: 09/20/2005 (303)782-92n To Expire: 03ll9l2ffi Job Address: 4899 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4899 AND 4899E MEADOW DRIVE ParcelNo: 210113102034 Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO GRAND CANYON ASPHALT SHINGLES *******'F**:*:t*!*,1.,*'t'*,***t!*:&:**'t:t:***:t:r:1.,1.{.**rl.*+:i:tr.*1.,t:1.** COnditiOnS **:t**************d.*'tr!&********:f *********:F**** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. ***+f++*taf*+*********+**l'+*******3****t"i'|+**+f+++*****t**+*****rt****r*****+++++t********++ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +*f*l****+*******************f,****+++*+t*****++*+**t***f***********+**+***++******+**+***+** Statement Number: R050001548 Amount: gG02.3E 09/20/20O5OZ:38 pM Pa)rment Method: Credit Crd Init: LC NoLat,ion: CREDIT CARD BY CESAR A. ACOSTA Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: 805-0275 2101-131-0203-4 4899 MEJADOW DR VAIIJ 4899 ATID 48998 MEADOW 9602.35 DRI\TE Total Fees 3 Total AlIr Pmts: Balance : TYPe: ADD/AI,T SFR BUILD PERMTT 9502.35 $602.36 $o. oo *+t*'lr* +**** **** *********++++tft**+****** * ***+******** ***++*+++t*** * ****+ ***** * *++t+**++*+*** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current, PmtE BP 00100003111100 PF 001.00003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUIIJDING PERMIT F'EES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE 363.25 ZJb. II 3 .00 ll APPLICATION WILL PLETE OR U Project #: OWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! aTTK"" mwNavuln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION '.Urstu-rn R*J" Contact and Phone #'s: ' 3()3-_-lK 2 _ ctz(J.:> ALUA SF BU NG PERMIT & Materials BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL: $orHER:$ 9e, rfzff, P PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl:$ JA . Fyrn s COMPLETE VALUATION ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi LD OR Acceptbd Byr For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit z6l t 5/ ozos v Job Address: 4 l l! fl/2.*>(-. D-- Legal Description Su bd ivision: ",y't WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel () Repairl{Demo() Other() Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) ExteriorpQ Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family 0O Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Noffvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Gas Loqs 61) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burni Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler Svstem Exist: Yes ( ) No a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Document2 0512012005 tl rulth,ffi Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklist must he ompleted beforc a Building Permit apptiation is arcoEd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a mpy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over 9100,000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Worls checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodel/additions, 4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All C.ommercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistlve assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o N o g tr o D g o o a a a B D D o Applicant's Date of submittal: I have read and undesta Document2 Received By: 05/20/2005 tl BUITDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Work) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date/ that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: as soon as Document2 05t20t2005 Sent by: VAIL CONSULTIIIG INTL 719 593 1187 08127105 9:18 Job 993 Page I Projcctil.ne: CAR8ORE-ROOf DR8tunrbcr: DRaO5(X36 FojGct Deocription ! FIML APPROVAI FOR A RE.ROOF FROT4 CEDAR SHAKES TO GRAI{D CANYON ASPHALT SHIIIGTES Participcnts: OWNER CARBO, ]OR6E E, - WACNE& Rcf,f,I2zI2OO' 2460 CLAYTON CT @LORADO SPRII{GS @ 80!il9-3flb ApructNT CARBO, JORGE -WAGNER, ROBrN 08/2212005 ProFctAddne$: ,f8E MEADOT^,ORVAIL Locirtion:Z|899 AilD 48!BE II|EADoIi, DRTVE L€gd D6cridior: Lo$ 13 dodc 5 !tubdvlCon: BIGK)R'{ 5TH ADoTTION Parcd ilumb€r: 2101-13r-OZO3-4 Commcnts SEEC()i{DmON5 BOARD/STAFF ACrIOil llotim 3y: lctinn: STAFFApR Scon l BV3 vob: DrEof Apgfoya|,r OBtZZIZOos Condatitns: €ord:8 (P{-AN): l,lo changes to trese plans my be nrade wit}put the wdten consstt of Tonrln of Vall stafi an4or the app.oprbte review committee(s). Gnd: O (R-AN): DRB approrrd does not onsu'orte a permit for buiuing. prease consuft with Tdf,n dVail BuildE personrd prbr to ctrEtrrctbn activiths. Gnd:201 DRB approrrar sharr not beconre varid for 20 days follorving the date of approval.c-od:202 Approval of thb prsject shalr bpoe and become w*l ole (1) year folloring the date of find approral, unless a bualditE pe,mtt is issued and aonstiuctlon is corimenced and b dge dy pursd Urard ompletion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB F.. prld: 'ZO-OO I /f I Bi"- 6'5: # 6 u","-7y'rrnl/ory' (r^n t lJ"ffi,,4" fi'{-L"st'.a Fc-'if t-.-i r il"5 -'5r- S7 tL o b /oJ' ?,,2 ffi l(rr 'rt*rv -W tr'57, /7 L/v xlLN8 t1 Bc/.r tf )u"r x73.,rE ^l& & 7V' U. th, /,i* Afs' r,/' $=t &"'3 adr" D .:*) ? 3r ,7+ 17. i9r "i5 ,rP 4/o tjf "t/ '4 - -\-- --.f#7 nj,rE 11 37"& a3,,tYt' *C., - ,o-t*-23ee o ^ r#' /5" 4f ls ,xU- r44L 3 /."/70 #)#%* @ ,4 -ir,a! 3 J ,tr6.L it=-r {5 p ,i / --Ll+" I t-T:r1;lr,@':L-, lu' , i- .) oft' t )3 a I tzt-tc) t - ,i? - io.{- i ,'7" (nut € 100+2005 RecuesFd lnspect Dab:- lnspec{on Area: SIE Addresr: Tuesdry, Ocbber 04, 2005 JRT 489S ilEADOYUDR VAIL 4899 AND i(899E II|EADOW DRIVE ArFID lnlbrm.0ql _ {c!vlty: ilS(}275 T\D€: A.BUILD Occuoeiicu subrlH: ADUP Sbtl3: ISSI ED lmptu€.' JRM ?i " *ro,ro*cE E..mffiHhoBNE. Applh|nt l/|ESruRN ROoFlrlG lt SUPPLY tlc Contsctor: l/llESTt RN ROOFING & SUPPLY LLC Phono: (3[B) Tgll-C}fn PtDm: (3[r3) 784-9200 .ROOF FROII CEDAR S|{AKES TO GRAND CANYOT.I ASPTiALT SHIT.IGLES Requesbd Tlme: 08:30 Afl ' PlDn : 1?ftr* -or 71e-6s. EnbredBy DGOLDEN K a&t/- e,n?cvr, Ptl!'il - Fllllf, C/O REPT131 Run 3692 ' l. ! jr 1rl. ^^ @lr-, 6rUt*,g',*', nil' g '/nf 19, dF f PrcjectName: CARBORE-ROOF DRBNumber: DRB050435 Project DescrlpUon: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO GMND CANYON ASPHALT SHINGLES Particlpants: ' owNER CARBO, JORGE E. - WAGNER, RO08/22l2005 2,150 CLAYTON CT COLORADO SPRINGS co 80919-3806 AppucANT CARBO, JORGE -WAGNER, ROBIN 0812212005 ProjectAddress: 4899 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 4899 AND 4899E MEADOW DRIVE Legal DescrlpUon: Lot: 13 Block: 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-131-0203-4 Comments: SEE CONDnONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprova,2 081221200s Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until atl required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theproposat: Lot: l3 atock: 5 suuoivision: gtGHo€il 5tHADDIXO Physical Address: ,-- Parcel No.:A;, V (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:c ,4/at/3io26,J7 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:2460 C Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Feer p ,N rtr.J b, \ c { UT s*\ Rrsoo 9zt D Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition tr Minor Alteration STAFF: $s0 I $300 $2s0 stgn area. or demo/rebuild. ition where square footage is added to any residential or building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ( ry$i-familv/commercial) frinorAlteration (si ngle-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address: For Office UsFQnly: Fee Paid: Z"\) Check No.:"Ll<r> Meetinsuao,t 1'7'oS o56 q39 (Uot- 03 Planner: +a++++++************+*******++++++ffl****i**f*f*i**+***{'++++ttf++++'t***'}****r'*'}*'}**+*+**i+++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++at*+***********f+**+**++*+*fl*++t++*t+t+ri*a****+++++**++*******+****f**r***r**++f*+*i**** Statenent Number: R050001351 Anrount: $20.00 08/22/2OOSOZ:15 pM Payment Method: Cash Init. : iIS Notation: $/.ToRcE cARBo Permit No3 DRB050435 q4)e: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-131.-0203-4 Site Addrese: 4899 MEiADOV{ DR VAIL Irocation: 4899 AIID 48998 MEADOI{ DRM Total Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmts : Balance: This Payment: $20.00 $20.00 $0 .00 $20.00 ++*ll'tl** **** ** ***********f +++*** * *** *'li**'l**{' **++++***** ***t* ******** ****+++**** *** * ** * **'}*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeBcriptsion Cuffent frmta DR 00100003 t72200 DESIGN RSVIEVI FEES 20.00 IOI4/Nffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I,(printnu'")@ajointownerofproperty|ocatedat(address/|ega| description) 1811 \t',{Oor,> Un , tlOt.n ,O provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ff,=-- TtooFr u G I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. e/zl2oor m Page 2 of r3l06l06los ,*ffi MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAT REQUIREM ENTS General fnformation: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, gradingf or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** y' Stamped Topographic Survey* /r Site and Grading Plan* .q Landscape Plan* /-.Architectural Elevations* VVg)Exterior color and material samples and specifications.- --y' Architectural Floor Plans*,d t-igtrting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures ,4lTitle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* ,/aD) Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable, JAru- Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable .d The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and wriften approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed Page 3 of 13/05/06/05 Topographic suryey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor . Date of survey r North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scafe of L"=LO'or 1"=20'). Legal description and physical address . Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain)r Tes to existing benchmar( either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey o Propefty boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accurary. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.r Indicate all easemen6 identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals r Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundatlon walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities toinclude: Sewer Gas . Telephone Water Electric r Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.r Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. r Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger r Property and setback lines o Existing and proposed easements . Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.r All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height,r Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.r Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures, Page 4 of 13106106105 PROPOSED MATERHTS Buildinq Materials Type of Material Color _---. Roof <- Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other qAF G(AUD ANYoN _ eeF-l JpdFE| rc tffor*le u.looD Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L3lo6lo6/05 Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas, Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: Scale of 1" = 20'or larger Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover, Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, Lighting Plan: Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc,) a I a a o a a O a a a t a a Page 5 of l3l06l06l0s 4899 Meadow Drive, E U2 Vail, CO @ r*oential Fffiff:il,,Lot l38, Resub of Lot 13, Blk 5, Bighorn 5th Addition This is one of the finest properties available in East Vail with views of the Gore Range. A perfect blend of warmth and detail compliment this beautiful duplex. Designed for entertaining, this home has one of the nicest floor plans with an open living area, lofted ceilings and large outdoor deck. Special features also include a spectacular rock fireplace, 12' oak entertainment center, built-in vacuum system, burglar/low temperature alarm, exceptional landscaping and an irrigation system with timer. Construction and finish are of the highest quality. On the "Town of Vail" bus route. VRM (Value Range Marketing) Seller will entertain offers from $590.000 to $720.000 3 Bedroomsl2 3/4Bath Approximately 2,32O sq. ft. Per Town of Vail community dev., 330 additional sq. ft. can be added. Gas-Hot water heat Heated oversized 2-car garage 1997 Taxes; $2,52O.87 Year built: 1989 Stephanie Uberbacher, Associate Broker EDWARDS OFFICE INN at RIVERWALK o PO BOX I tO3 EDWARDS. COLOMDO 8 I632 (e7 o)et6 -8440 (800)637-4052 FAX: (970)926-6503 VAIL. BEAVERCREEK o ARROWHEAII . CORDILLERA. SINGLETREE. EAGLE. GYPSUM FILEWflI March 19, 1995 .LOT 13, BLOCK 5, BIGHORN sTH ADDMON Lot Area = ?1,8& square €et GRFA Allowable 25Y.ot0-15,000 =3,750 1O"/.ot15-21 ,8*= 686 Total = 4,435 Credits = 850 Total = 5,286 ' Primary Unit (West) . 60"h ot 4.436 = 2561 Credit=_#. Totaj =3,086 Secondary Unit (East) 40%of 4,436 = 1,774 Credit-1?5 Totat = 2,199 Existino (based upon original building permit set of plans) Primary Unit 2,550 Secondary Unit 2.119 Total 4.669 Available to secondary unit = 80 250 additionalGRFA= 25q Total = 330 square teet SITE COVERAGE Allowable 4,361 Existing 3.962 Remaining 399 Q/o/13/ od' 637 'fa-u';/ b Pct-if Fa:r Note 7671 h,u 3.y'K n3ll"t*> (W *",fti*4.|,; b'Al @7&@ t"' 'ra,/ PtEoe t etwnc* V7_i-Z;{g{w1?h-,btu:L _Fax I IheWeclther Stoppef I nteg reiled Roof ing Slslent #\'"-ffitilill#i ffi: lweaurerf (@oot iro^Epns' . , - \=jlltlE WetrP ; u,o:i'.v8":,i'",". lullg,allit Ca,nyon'" Shingle Grand Leak Banier Weailnrlllffich" and StormGuard' are the ultimate Leak Barriers! Thev provide extia Drotecliat at vu[nerable areas like eaves, rakes, vallevs, chimnevs, and'skvliohts 6ee usagebhhft bdlow). RoofDeck Protection S^hiryle-MaE" HOO| UeCK Protection lavs flatter for a - better-lookina roof. ( ln the- West.'premium LcatierhcK Roof Deck Protection is a great alternative.) Quality Shingles lncludino Timberlind the #1-sellino architecturaf shinoles in AmeTica- vour safest choice in roofino. From the na-me home- owners have trusted sincelB86! Effectiue Attic Uentilation Cobru'" boil or hard plalstic) and Mrcter Flonl" Ventilation Products heln proteq against- Dremalure roor 'deteriordtian (when used in a broperlv balanced ventilation svstem). lllstinc{iveRidoe Gap Shingles- Timfufiex@ and P^acificBidgd uls ncltve Ridoe Cap Shinoles enha'nce the appea.rance of vour nome -while guard.ing aoatnst leaKs at the ridge line. <,"- Oualitv low Slooe Prc-Gut Starcr Prernium Hoofirig Membrane StsipShingles $<ylights Llfurv" and Frcedon'" self-adherinl G,AF s pre-cut starter strip lhayenicape'Premium roofiil svstems are the quicker. - shinqles insure proper Skvliohts ddd the beauu easierl aid safer solutioi lor porches, in.s.tdll7tion of.ybur roofing of natural.sunlight to ttie carp1rts, garages, and ofier l?w sntngles, wntle. tnsunng lnrcrlor ot.ygur n9me... slooe roolino -nroiects-no oDen maximum resistance - with qualitv constructiqn torbhes or hbt aiphalt needtid! against shingle blow-0ft. and giroteition you can trust. I@ Qualitv You Gan Trust Since 1886... from F E North Americds largest Roofing Manufacturer ' /-J.l r ,grrt J \4|.GLI @ 2004 GAF mabrials c0rp0rati0n 4/04 1361 Alps Road, wayne, tlJ 07470 w$rtt/.gal.c0m - ' Waranty S0rvic€ 800-458-1860 Internati0nal Sales 800-555-1852 BES0C100 - IASTEBil SAI.ES 0tflctr CEIITRAL SAI.tS 0FFlCt: SoUTHHST SATES oFtloe SoUTI|WIST SALES oFFlCt: l{tSTERil SATES otflctl GAF MATEBIALS 132.3s8.2671 915.372.9701 813.248.6202 2r{.066.2{00 90s.J60.4200 CoRPoBATION 7$48.0401 The manl) lnvefrs ofa GEEIfu SHIA'GLES "'fhg Utimnnehofuz trorA Ru Wood I-ook" Diamond Cut'"Gnnules,.. Multi{aceted desion and lioht- ref lective conitruction aild dimension and depth to shingle. W Blocker (Granules)... Protects aoainst damaoino sunlioht which improv6s - the dirrabilitv and'extends the life of sliingle. Color Lock'"Geramic Fifing (Granules).., Maintains the true color of the shingle longer. Dura Gdp@Adhesive... LocK the shinoles in olace on the roof, gripping tight in even sr0ng gale l0rce \/Vrn0s. SpecSelect Gnding $rc4n fisphplt)..' ,. use or ilnesr quarry aspnafi rmproves wealnenng in harsh conditions. MicroWeavd0orc... 0ffers a suoerior strenoth foundation'that resists' cracking and splitting, FiberleclP Components (Co1e)... lncorDorates lrDers tnat are non-combu$ible: orovidino a UL Class A fire iatino.Quality You Ean Trust Since 1886... from North AmericaT La rgest B oof i n g Ma n ufa ctu rer Visit wrrlil.gaf.com lf'Ti utl rl.lllll l\ ril;rti\-1 t'/ ril i "Erand hnyoff$ingls are daigned for tfie uncomprcmising ottfirer arns0dxl ,,9. ocard/slrPN z x0r00v. alpunSAaaj lPaurl 02. alpun8/$rord 09. (pa4;decxa suorOeU lU) sotOutqs de3 o0ptU ..xeUequU 0rnsodxl ,,9. ocord/slrgN z x0r00v . alpung/xoal lP0utl e'09. alpunS/sacsrd 8t. (/[1uo uor0ag uelse6) sat6ultls de3 a0ptU.,a0ptucgced ernsodxl ,,9. ocard Jad slreN z x0j00v. alpunSAaal lPourl t 00. 0lpun8/secard z/. :saF-LiltrS-duTT0BtU p-urdiF se posn uaql . ,,0t x ,,'/10 L azts lcnpord . ocard rod sIeN t x0r00v. alpunS rad slosr]s rauPls 8l . :salourqs diTKlSlE-K se pesn ueqM . (sel0urqg de3 a0prg pue drg pue duts rauets) lcnpord asodrnd leng. s0lIulrlS r0Upls I dpJ ofiprU _uoiueC puerC/oer0nb0s puer$ ap03 8^[erlsrurrupv ursuocsrM nsodxl ,,g 'bsislrPN Ogt x0ddv 'bgsalpung 9 xorddv 'bs/sacord Z1 xorddv penuddy Ipno3 apeg -..ZgMO U\JISV t adII $rc6 11USV t ad^I gt0t0 |iUSV 86-9 tZ tV VS3 ? 06r!-9 0ZrV VSC Be1 purnn qdLuglp 1661n sassed 1J1 rro4 buler y sulg ,.u0tlcalold .Jolel aPolv al0urqg leqdsy ssul0reqrl .AuarEM purM pI qdul OLt uoucolo.rd ac0qc ueus jE€ 0[ /IUPJEM qqaalsual 'pn ouqa!.] sriltrlTsuTrurS['dF5 - suortrpuoJ abplols uo outpuedop fupA ^sL!l)llllsol luollodsqns uror,'"arrr^ Z9tt0 INISV psJr(J ro lJi|lr 0] DJrnlJPlnIPUr sr iJnp0r0 sI11.., suorlSulssj puE obE.,a^oc alalduoS rol AuerrBM pll ccs .. - . qd'!l 0ol srltuersM pur/,^ osrMraqto :-stuuLls 9ec oop'g lvc ^ue qtrM pdltetsur.sr puE JtDrru< iao s[c|| q n||rsn naltr?lsUrsr lanDor0 u6uM ltNo sartdde,!uprlu,r^ rtdur 0 ?tdN tulEtlE-lsut , ={il'bqD **080p uoer0€np Igq0sun uo4sapugs osaq lo ^UPaq oq q,ceprd Japl s?OM "'uoll3Elslps loulopnJ Jofeal! o ittdnr 0tt p stssl pulrvr tuotsoqel ssed ol apulrls sr op uOsap gas4es qdUl"'speqll4 111 aoueq3 ssel . i3c[0u llr/\ srsu/rr\oauoq mqo lE|4 u0sap s flou[sp pue enbup"'slempg uot/g r uoocElsflBs J0uM00tx0r.l Joper0 pue onp^ Jouodns mlp ol noI Oupnop-roqq o Es ol uoparlp leqp nro4qJqsug arnsoda,,g rpun apuqs 'Wr7L effi "'uory;qs4 loplng . stttNotsstJoud rot 'sapulqg dzg e0pu @x4lsqu[ osn w. sepqqg d4 eOp;g *e6pgcgpq tu1 II .-b6--U--UI0F0ffi . r;oo1 agod nqQq a pupp B ro, 10 seFuUS d$S nUqS ? dEC o0p!U *uofuPC puerg/.Honbas puag asn "'qonolbuqquH peged . ++uoqq uowllqsu! pue 1puslrru pepord-uou) see[ uelpg eq rcl uoqmlt)ld @aJlor.lc uErus r[t/\^ ^]uExPM 'pn eulp€n"'pullil n aceed epulllln eUl r "irldu 0lt q dn spur,r puqswr^ ot p0ueuu/\ /\^ou sapulrls 'go-nno1q ep -ulrls t0 IsU sarnper pue fuOn q0uqs qcee qees s4saqpe udug ang "'aceld q sAe6 o ise)lEqs poo/ii\ uP\qmps puHlqssod Sout -p paqOrq aq +Uo1aoqr1 siqur rapun turo4 sOuper pu! ,\ pue erg V sselC ":repg . n{e;-ro;re,{e1 uolre}od ta1pq sep4ord 0roo @o^€a6 oqyl aoueuropad qfiq-a1n 'pegceds-uropnC "'scueu.rolad q6!H . lool ilfer.1s pooan;anpu quo{ueg pue€ epntuome ol pau6sap s1 a$spd $1oJ pelqnurol-{pceds "'e$e1e3 rolsJ lempN . psryeur aq uo selOulrls ,Jl0p^ I^ear.l,, pelpc-'os eq 1o {ue o1se;0u;qs uo^ueC puerg aleduroc 'emnbs:ad 'sq1 gqy nno H"'aFuIlS ,,sr16,, ponm/ureag-radng o sqap poo ^ pal p qqdep pue {lpuosuaup por,lcpurun eq;oor rno{ aru6 o1 lep4 "7o97 ae sq4 e;6urqs p1.q-e$€ 'o lss?rx quo{u4 puerg "'o:ruereoddv enlpacul o uOpep peOOru Fr{ 'papcNludos e ur llnsar ,J30Jl0 ^/\oppr]s,,o[qns e rflM poulquoc q4 a;0urqs pedtncs 4tnFreC"'u0;sag papps;qdog r E)IOUI eileqs pooil pefifing V ro! n!oqO sr{orrucrJrcrds sull{,[tofhtoH lot epu!iln ?uI,, FILEMPI March 19, 1996 LOT 13, BLOCK 5, BIGHORN 5TH ADDmON Lot Area = 21,864 square feet GRFA Allowable 25/" ol0 - 15,000 = 3,750 10% of 15 - 21,864 = 686 Total = 4,436 Credits Total = 850 = 5,286 Primary Unit (West) 60% of 4,436 = 2661 Credir =__421 Total =3,086 Secondary Unit (East) 40/" ot 4.436 = 1,774 Credit =__428 Total = 2,199 Existing (based upon original building permit set of plans) Primary Unit Secondary Unit Total 2,550 2.119 4,669 Available to secondarY unit = 80 250 additionalGRFA = eg Total = 330 square feet SITE COVERAGE Allowable 4,361 Existing 3.962 Remaining 399 Yqm3;ui I a o o z o {F c o {6 z !|rI F =-{ --- d @ m 11 -HEH E5 <m@ l< ii E +FE l* e 3 =a= 13 c i iF ITE q l=e =lEEi5 &x: 6 €; EC 1 *s6E : e Er= e €Eg"', e i m-r.t 1", 1l = o Za1 (., n 8=zA {* --{ ^9> C) 2p ic HE a3 u SJ =-n 3X -lo o>vt- o 2a -{m 7)z >m c)n -t> o ? =m o -l €z m ,I 6 2 3 IT H H r' X t_ D'd o>'r f-o -l (, @ ?- I =z c, H 6) F z (Jr F I m r-m {z o ll t> t* lm lo l -{o €z 'l! F m F) N? A l = tr.tr. lE'z r. E z Q- ! n 5 s. I s.O s. I n P -F z F E z a 'E { {z o 'rl l a- m o z p FJ \| .t..E I ! n F. 5 I @ i {z n I t-a m 0 z lF l.J I !! = g, B t-. Ff H c) F- l.J I +' s.\o { {z 'r1 l T ,m 9' z o. I I = F z H €ts z - H tri r z an 3r, =r m .{ t-H z z ri F n rd LCt I = H F Y c rrt z E oE =D <F D p .p E] ED H lrt f" ol{ F lL/t HI z lt-CD IH alZ lf'l lz I IF IF t,t lf'l IH ts r tr{ q]z =q mil >l ,do EO .T q{-o . 'Tl \O -It oom \o :0 3 -{ -{ m x m 1'{ o z c o @ o { m ri F z a t-l z U)trl H flJ ( I L_, i CJ ,t co l.c,J ll C'lr I o- 3d 9-d OO d'<o0t 55 0ro 8:.cO -o.P(O 6io =J Oot E-$=r =o)oro oo gB. (u=- tot ;.E o! -6' =q):.6' 3=J(D ar o. rEg l-=llt -.'d: r*! gJ qro o-. ,.69 cj ;'d \-o R6 xo as. -o '' o. =ta 6A ' o'9'+f,O o.o o3 o'tl =_<o{. =J n'+ (,|o 3='oF dil B3 ol cil (o9 eg l,-oo {o .l-o '(,,3 'NE E>(o3 \t .s=t9 o';{a= F.Y tY.9 R.d. F3 (20t o. o. Eg (E-B JO F6 E<4= dt .. E ..o o lla e ,F r. t9 <3 3o H5 oo. 1*. =(o io o o.o 0r o o o \o \\ ci \\' . \9. Or c)r z N s $ lg i |Jl t-H z z t.F rtl F tJ ol ;t il t ol 'II gl zl mt'!l ol :DI 8l zl ;.1 >l al s) rtl ol !l =o m r 'n FI tri r z a N)s. >l z o {.l m €z m ! l z r-.It m -.{a z m m m l< '' lz lz t>lt- trl ! t a z o r !,I z :r c -l X X X X z U'c t- -t z -l m J I x z tll U' t-t-c m IO m€og1 +F -z za '' z = l- z>9R r6 d= >o ol m=ao z c 4 i tl I tl tl z m € F .#x m t o z o =z |- g : O U)m o rr t-c > 6 2 lJi R1 X! io >.n 2o QO .\z o ul. o 6t = =b @-1 od z2 T< 3 a .2 s s 4 oI 'EO z b €{ E* Frl Fl F I t.) (rl @ 5 @ @ 5. @ @ 5 F. Ot N) =z F @ 7 I z z -{m (A 2 z 3 z -{ i m =t- 1.2 X9 .t1 '.,q d 5t !:t-E F z m s z E P K "* \o @ \o -{o -{ t-T m n 3 -{'n m m g, U'm { x t-m z m q. m L 6)z a m m € @ m o v m _-{ z -tl m m =m o 2 J. t- 3 g z m |-ln - t- z m t (D F = m u 3 { t m ! = ='Tl m m u, VALUATION T m v =z o I |l F r =m 2 c) f- t- =z o m f-m f' @ F =o gJ F,\o N @ 6 @ F' 5 \0 @ h0 n)\|\l o. \*=$h+$+ ')) '*ii ^,l 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 8l657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOr,rN oF vArL PUBLIC !{oRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, l-988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, clebris or material , including trash durnpscers, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any st.reetl sidewaik, iii"v-o, public p13ge or any porri.on theieof. rhe right:;i_;;t-;n all r,own of vail streets and 5gags is approxiinateiy s ft"-'irfi--p..rro*.r.,r.This ordinance will be striltry enrorcla-uy-ir."-i"rrr of Vail Py!li-" works Department. pers6ns found violati'g this ordir.rance will be given a 24 hour written notice to-i."i""".'""id material .fn the event the perso' so notified does irot eompiy with the notice within the 24 hour time =pecliiea,--irr"-p"tiic works Departnent wilr remove said mate-riat at it" ""p""!" ot person lotjfiep, The provisions of this ordinance shall nor be applr-cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the rigni_'a_ray. To review Ordinance No. 6 in Vail Building Department to cooperation on this natter. full, please stop by the Town of obtain a copy. Thank you for your ,aaa. ""a) Read and acknowledged by: contrac I, r' Occupancy: R3,It{1. iR3,I|l Type of Const: V-N,V-N /owNER Engineer: NONE AT THIS TIl,lE Plans Exarniner: GAYY I.II'RRAIN fvail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-70O0 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniforn Building Code Project Id: VIGOR DUPLEX Address: LOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN 5TH. FILING Date: May 4, L989 Contractor: VIGOR DEVEIOPI'IENT NOTE:The code itens listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the L988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SECTION # 1 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 22.0 Feet EAST Property line 57.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 32.0 Feet 22.0 Feet 57.0 Feet 0.O Feet 32. o Feet Area increased 1-5.OOt for open area on 2 sides. OCC I.[,AX FLR AREA ALIOWED RATIO STATUS NAI'{E 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR 1 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDTNG TOTAL 1 Parking carage I{1 ok l-468 Unlinited ok R3 ok 984 Unlinited ok 984 Unlimited ok R3 ok 1724 Unlimited ok 3192 Unlinited ok 4176 Unlinited ok t. r' ;::;"::"+:1,'ilio* o.,"""* O Address: IOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN sTH. FILING F'OR SECTION # 1 EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATTNGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table L7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL I,IALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr* thrr NOP Ohr Ohr None Ml- ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Lhr* Lhr* NOP ohr Ohr None The exterior walls nay be of COMBUSTIBLE naterial . Sec.220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 508 of the area of the wall naximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A lllaxirnum single window size is 84 sq. ft with no dirnension greater than 1-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- openings are not perrnitted in this watl.* -- These walls may be reguired to have a parapet hrall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the waII. See section 1-709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING EL,EMENTS Table L7-A ELEMENT T.TATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural" Frarne Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #L Shaft Enclosure Any t hr Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:L) Mininum on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirenents.9) fn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent material-s. -- Sec. 702.(b) & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS R3-ML 1hr Materials approved for Lhr construction are required on the garage side only and I 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. s03. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR Ml OCCUPANCY: Code revrew for: O Project rd.: VIGOR DUPLEX Address: IOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN 5TH. FfLfNG sEcTroN # 2 SEPARATION DIRESTION BOTJNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTTON NORTH Property line 0.0 Feet EAST Property line 57.0 Feet SOUTII Property line 30.0 Feet WEST Property line 40.0 Feet O.0 Feet 57.0 Feet 30.0 Feet 40.0 Feet Area increased 25.009 for open area on 3 sides. OCC MAX FI,R AREA ALIPWED RATIO STATUS FL NA!,TE 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR L Dwelling R3 ok 1040 Unlinited ok L04O Unlinlted ok R3 ok 1L32 Unliroited ok 1616 Unlinited ok 2655 Unlinited ok 1 Parking Garage l,tl ok 484 Unlinited ok TOTAL FOR FIPOR BUILDING TOTAL FOR SECTION # 2 EXTERTOR WALL FIRE RATTNGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-ARG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WAI,L WALL PROT WALL WAI,L PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 thr't thr* NOP Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None ML lhr* Lhr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Otrr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COUBUSTIBLE naterial . Sec.22oL. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assenblies. 508 of the area of the wall naxinum. Sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A lllaximun single window size is 84 sg. ft with no dirnension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec, 4305, (h) NoP -- Openings are not pernitted in this wall.* -- These walls nay be required to have a parapet h'all 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall Is required to have the sarne fire rating as the wall. See section l-709. for details and exceptions. S:ff"Ii"i;:,'il;o* ou"o" O AddTess: LOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN 5TH. FILING OTHER BUILDING ELEI,TENTS TabIE 1.7-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any O hr Interior nonbrg wall Any O hr Structural Frane Any 0 hr Exterior struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any I hr Floor/Ceiling Assernbly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NoTE: See sec. L706. (a) for shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Minirnun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirements.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncornbustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- sec. 7O2.(b, & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATTONS R3-I'{L l"hr Materials approved for ]-hr construction are reguired on the garage side only and l- 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR I'{L OCCUPANCY: For Section # 1 EXIT REQUIREI.IENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LoAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Dhrelling 3 1- 0. 1 No No N/R ToTAL 3 r. ( 1) 0. 1( 0. 1) No No N,/R 1 Dwelling 6 1 0. 1 No No N,/R 1 Parking carage 7 L 0.1 No No N/R TOTAL r_3 2 ( 2) 0.3 ( 0. 3 ) No No N/R In areas where 2 exits are required, the minirnurn separation is L/2 of the maxirnum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c) Door swing is based on sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The numbers in ( ) are include occupant loading fron floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: Co<ie revrew for: O Project Id.: VIGOR DUPLEX Address: lOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN 5TH. FILING STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximurn rise of a step is 8 inches and the nininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. I'tinimum height : 36 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 2 The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:l-) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPARATION WALL REQUIREI{ENTS:1) The area separation wall is reguired to be a 2 hr fire assenbly. -- Sec.50s.(e)1.2, If the buitding has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall, J-hr protection is reguired on the projection and the exterior wa1l each side of the area separation wall equal to the depth of the projection.-- Sec. 505(e)2.3) If the area separation wall terrninates at an inside corner, see IcBo article in 'Building Standards' Sep/Oct l-982 for requirements.4) A 30 inch high parapet wall is required above the roofing. -- Sec.505.(e)3. See exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOMATTC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : WALL AND CEILING FINTSH:L) WalI and ceiling finish materials are reguired to cornply with Sec. 4204.(a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceilingt are required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b) INSULATION NOTES:l.) AIl insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum srnoke density of 45O unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiJ-ing. -- Sec. L7L3. (c) exc. f 2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. L7I2. GI,AZING REQUIREI{ENTS :l-) All glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing naterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. Code revien for:Project Id.: VIGOR DUPLEX Address: LOT, 13 BIJ(, 5 BIGHORN sTH. FILING A window nust provide a clear open area of 5.7 s,q.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(ninimun). -- Sec. L2o4. All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to l-o& or nore of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) All habitable roorns require an operable exterior openings egual to 5*or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. J.205.(a) The mininun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths rnay have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in atl areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. L2l-0 . ( a) 4 . Provide a smoke detector on all floors that is connected to an alarm audible in all sleeping areas. -- Sec. l-2L0.(a)4. For Ml- occupancy For Section # 2 EXIT REQUTREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NI'MBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRTDOR SWrNG 2 Dwelling 3 1 0.1" No No N/R ToTAL 3 1( r-) o.1( 0.3) No No N/R 1- Dwelling 4 L 0. l- No No N/R 1 Parking Garage 2 L 0.0 No No N/R ToTAL 6 l-( l-) 0.1( 0.3) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). The nurnbers in ( ) are include occupant loading from floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the ninirnum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minirnun helght = 36 inches, maxinum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. L7L1. exc 2 The mininurn headroour is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) Code review for:Project Id.: VIGOR DUPLEX Address: IOT, 13 BLK, 5 BIGHORN sTH, FILING ROOFTNG REQUIREI.IENTS :1) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. -- Table 32-A AREA SEPARATION WALL REQUIREI,IENTS :l-) The area separation wall is required to be a 2 hr fire assenbly. -- sec. 505. (e) l-. 2') If the building has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall, Lhr protection is required on the projection and the exterior waIl each side of the area separation wall equal to the depth of the projection.-- Sec. 5o5(e)2.3) If the area separation wall terminates at an inside corner, see ICBO article in 'Building Standards' Sep/Oct 1982 for requirements.4) A 30 inch high parapet wall is reguired above the roofing. -- sec.505.(e)3. See exceptions for alternate protection at roof. AUTOI'{ATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS : STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : WALL AND CETLING FINISH: L) walI and ceiling finish naterials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpetingt on walls and ceiling are required to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(bl INSUI,ATION NOTES:1) Aff insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. 1713.(c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI,AZING REQUIREI'!3NTS : 1) All glazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sg.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(rninirnum). -- Sec. L2O4. All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 108 or nore of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) All habitable roorns reguire an operable exterior openings egual to 5* or rnore of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The ninimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths nay have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --sec. -- L2O7. (al code revrew for: O ProJect Id.: VIGOR DUPLEX Addrese: IOf, X3 BIrK, 5 BIGITORN 5EH. FfLING Provide a anoke detector ln all areas havlng accesa to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4. Provide a snoke detector on all floore that iE connected to an alarm audible in all sleeplng areaE. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4. For Ul occupancy 25 S. Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 8l-657 (303) 476-7Ooo Plan review based on the l-988 Uniforrn Building Code Project Id: VrGOR DUPLEX Address: LOT, l-3 BLK, 5 BICHORN 5TH. FILING Date: May 4, L989 Contraclor: VIGOR DEVELOPMENT occupancy: R3 ,I{1 t R3 , },tl /OWNER Type of Const: V-N'V-N Engineer: NONE AT THIS TIME PIANS EXarniNer: GAYY MURRAIN SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED A-5 NOTE: A-4 A-5 NOTE A-4 A-5 NOTE A-7 NOTE: A-5 NOTE Provide an attic access (22X3O rnin) to each attic area.-- Sec. 3205. (a) This area requires operable exterior opening(s)having an area equal to 58 or more of the floor area. -- Sec. L205. (a) This area reguires an exterior opening for emergency escape or rescue with clear area/dimensions specified. -- Sec. L2O4. Provide details (construction and location) of draftstops in the attic. -- Sec. 251,6. (f)4.B The maxirnum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimurn tread is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #L The minimum headroom vertically from nosing line is 6 feet 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Provide 2 complete sets of engineered truss details by the truss manufacturer's engineer. (reg in this state) Show all design loads used in the design of this building on the p1ans. (snow, wind, seismic, live, etc. ) A-5 A-7 NOTE: NOTE: A-4 A-5 NOTE ffi \-\ e €l't lrr{r t*r s.l bl GET E- tcl !1.Hat = F{ ;.:l.- Y v- :--r.r ilJ FF .EE € tl F{t a E r-t f.r J H 'll A FI tF,l'1 ,.J \- FE ri F{l ir*Egt f9 alo =|-'ts+ EEEI EHiS e95* HB{H 3n\E €olR ln - 'r/ \r Ul-ri 8:Se 3et za;t n€o i{>\r FES lrn-.!*tfi z ro oas EqF :t> UEE xdd -JF^ ^FtlJ si<l F>+E..H f,Zc X,.Z \t \J ir \. /\ '+r { \,, ,i,ri>lJ -zEg itE l- /^r -. nGb =SF FTn .-\.,dH; FI cl F F u)H lr z o G' i,€ F ttl X o 8 F I (,t e. r 0o z t,6 b)vl x 1 qa 4 F{r.r{ E H c)o F = E# 6 -o-ct=r{C r @ \o \o =FI P o o a t.A, tt r<o c)n E H 6)!!o F z tJr H t' H H FT o z F s r.o @ lo ,iiiiiE i:3iE i 7 +L a ? =tL+\?i r iii i; 1;i;E'{re"*il i iiFifi \\ p !o atl z o z vl :o v, ? D n m I I I ,."-:5!g *FESHHH is$ ry H:FFFri ,iT!,gsE i9e,eeE 1""-r ."55 *.zoPoo tss6 zE z-33A3 ,u o' '{ '! nlnl ,q oo, F FI o o T a' P N FI r't -0 j\ ) , rl F I ; ^? (>'+c il C) F tt F It E B !! NOO|\, N(D ON F - :PF 00 ca t;; aa.,N>'!l I | | rE .F F .t.}!e!!....1! ^r!(rlt F rO !Fl NCI oFl ,3 ..a (! tt irocl lt !F qP ll I rli tt oo E ,tl ootlt Flr I I ttt F r-l z o lr, ;u i r! :'; >i 2!: r ii 3' rl : oi .9 .;; a-; : ii :;:::11 lii;i:: =1iiil! i! rl:: r iri-;:i i;::!r1 -'9..::;'i;ii1;ii:;lil :;s, i::::: i3l i -ii:i;:'i'l':-:.-t:i 'it-:::i i:'i i - -;;'lil"::iiiiii .; -':;^ i i;. i:ir il rl:!il 6d nr ! F| {itrr.||-t F "y"id go30g i PFFIF|r,II or o sr o.n o F ll (,rrd|,o!o o l{ N <rt\ro |\.g '. X |.tr Frleltt Nil .Fttlll!li} o xxF .o.tf, --r-- F t lrr Ct F|{(,FrrF.l,| |.r.to O '| 0 an ct oI ootrturg|-.!.!ut ttr .a r! arqo to> Fl tr r-l FI F' O.<\ oo oo illi t = UI (D CD (ct a'' H\ll,\' --rr-t \ 11 f t I ILJI tdl/W I H @ -t.0 filp fFeEEs; Ef H:FFFTE afiE it;.rsE 6EE'Iaaba :l> =i ,trr!t.tt!at Pvrvturu,O. |!|n!'!,rt Stot I , &eo PP?'g ts t.z l.at o<r6)'il I rt Irt o o r It I I N d r -t .0 ,-r,.irPI | | | rl!It o!6 FO\r z '-l ts x 5 F t F o z l.{ N (l - F '..'!t irNll I rll F Qa{ FPtO |.ccl O }FTI E F r .2 o o {o E tl o 2 rl z c' {oo :ir ::: ; i- : li :li ! "r .?, : la ".s 2:. ^?z c9 -ii l-o- : ii rO -a -a lt r. trll lt E F t ,!5 P5F -aF l||\rFlrl F tr(,;l | | rtt F (.! t' rl.{ tq ('oqcl tt .-l .t aro ir 9 ir oil xxx 'lrlllt' =. a'0c ittr! o E na lD @ ort !' 11 = -; :.t iiiiiii l.'..:i.!::l' :. :li";li 1;i:i r I i;;; ii: iiirrii .;.:ilr ::: i:: : :r-!-l:rl:it ?i;l!1 :ii:';l;cill ;ii;i;il: i*: t!; I i1 ri3? !i o F n| ! I o F g !t 5 t{g ur.rE |!| Fl lEo> ctFx FIE'I I Cl ]rt ttt F Fa c'u.{l.oFa O<\ C!qo FrNl ro\ aa oo |. F CtO . - oo I t iiEi igSt ii nl i N\tn\ -L\-fl v h ---;$ | .t .( n|o E tl il ct !n t{ .!o F |ll vr!l tl F .E al oct D!l Fi\Ar \t\ \ i 'tt t tr /& z.<z anotrl!r{r, E'F XFeseef 3-.n Hc)E FE F1..it'l !EilrFFF6l vre 6)Fr | | ta -.9 .9 5 g8E IOEOESE 6i,- 'Ebbbb z> z .!".ri c, Pvtvrvtvt o, ri'tr'!'! 'q \o (n C)<, F r) g t. a-r-o F .}4. () 'l' 3 ts z .!lt o oq)>l z FI r I E o o H l.{ o F uo!l .'r l., a-tr I t!,F TTE F oo ].. ll'E NB rlt F P TE ,.. r.l FcI t,tl o.|i.'tt 2 v o Itl il o t. Or i'si i'i a >!:!i ! ";' :li "-g ii i: !: i ::iiiii ! I Tl' ;. iri-r;i i;i:iri ;i;ilr; iilr:::iii*iii : Iti;- ';liiii :i i!'l ir:iil i;itii ;!;:;i :r; ^ai i:- r1 'i i ..; .1i tl | -t .3 (.!!.rr..| F Elogcg f l.Fll o|OI t,tI ir oi. ora !a x ra "'"f'8 vr o oI ntU|a gr c. El lEo> Ft l!{ll! llt dH E o<\.to oo 'oo -? ul ato cat (0 iffi iili i ltl i$ff# osrnrr FFFE FP I O or Nb.1 q\ \rNBl |,5D;r | | ttt F PFII oo|J 1s$$ t uN $$$ $iN ;:\ il$ t-r-o orq ' |, |\|F!!| | | I I ttl I ttttl ct0t, o a o o z Fl x t- € l! o z r { A C) F !t t NFO€67 6 ooooo oooo0 z : .i ! ot r.!::i : "r' :li ",9 roo6ro rO'.rN (:au ei c) E 7 o d !t N_\ t\r\ |\=I\ry a /. w-tr|_ ;3t ,7I ::; ii:tiii i: t'::: i=iiii: t:'.:=.i::l';. irl-; i i i;::i r r .'9..::ii;iir:::?..i!.i'.j';' ;il;iii i, iii; : ;:t: !i a;;i;i i:irii ;:i;;i -:i .:: ..;o i- FI I t!tu tO 5 O roOtl ON \a{rO l, \a F.or ll! v}qo it nt Fl trrtt''n.{ F Eo> at otcrux arlEtocio e Fl'H -' .18 t^,--t E rlF o oor o\t r. or t!9lrlr'lOitl ts o o t{ trol\l€rN ct<- o x I Lr.rro Ft|\laltN?l &atln|r o NFX>.F 3- -"r-f, ----- 5 Ocl t . t lr, F, ai lD |.F rri.tt o<ttit o }J O Or Vr O O-lrlrt ooitgrul _,oc,sr ur n| .tl .tt .it -t .t iili I s o) (o @ (o (.r.c I.*+g# Oar,r,.a,rE ..'...r oooooo .t tttr|o I N..ar6Il 90NONC|rroq {0!|l frHfi ;ryrlrjiSifi $:s:sE >lH F(!6!OOr90roort,'!t P o i 99l4rrtrrr.aotF - F <r o 0 o o Ft Nctar.oir -o :. k xcr EO ltt !\r F ^|ln^rF ArFlN: can}atra|.6 txxxxF s\ l.r 5 5 ar ..rC a Qq F F P P P al rpND.F I 9o . rr G|. F. c|'.E (DNrrFrrFt ts (.Pvr -0t t o nJ F 6 O Or O |^ O G|a or.ui'.trrrt eo00('rr|ur.' tavr6.av-;;t .! .tt .9 !t,nt'|'rritit N\t{\s _w, rn /l __--_t ;t* $' (l -\ r. 'tt * $ .^\ R\ ${ \\* 0.1 '\N IN .G \ q\ \ $t N 8'- :, 2r..?:;:- ,ii .-; (.r -0 I ot,.or,rpp!ttttttl, -,O,ar-,rrl\|F o r,lrN t tttut PP|lU N (\ N )\tl \(t d \ N \ t o x aC- r- >l t rr z l.{ cl o tc P i':l : oi ; >: "^:.: o. :3i ",s ;- t: NFoeoll | | | | tll PPIJ V c .....:l ooo90 6 {F(! -, or or lr! F r o\.otr :: 73 Z= Z7 -2 ii Al :t :i 27 :: i:; :ri ;:; :.1: ilii I I,G!.I | | rlt PFPF NNPO N <to It \r{(^ct r, NoGl ,oI o ttt F FI I : o ; rr.c.zr o'.-{: ".:: /'= (r) (C' CD (4, ?i: 0) 3 ,1r > 7o.-'.t t',4.',,|f;!rrr, f.r.o ,t " , I ll ' ,, i ,r L FFESSHg *rrrrF rB- '.8 . ctocoit -Bo?oo ll !t.!|!P VrVrA4t oLnat||i'rl oo I G9rNF!rrrr! ataa,AFIO z-lrlf a_6 lll.||(r!>z E -sr>589 3-l oo .-E io ]n r-*tt o ct(a oo,'r',t 1,"1,r.lt'(rt, t o0ct F tlt c| P E t. o F D { oo('ct oo(tct o D z N I o I o rl 2 o ll'ul ot >l c) FI I e. f F atal N.}.}tt or.}l}lo ?fE , F ., IPE CI C'co E F 1..1,!{al ro toll :: r3 i't?i:: J t.i :ir iii - lr izi : l!.1 >i l t. -l ..til ' iil :-:l 'i1l r:;l ii:l iiiitii i;'.3=,'!: g:' :. iri-; i i i;i:i r r ,'9'.!:ilr;fr; iiiiiii 'i.;: ii t;;:;: ititii i!!: iJ ri!5!? p TF I rrO lrI Fr|tr!l .|,E rtt I oro ,5 lr t, tt r-i'ral rrro !l rrE ,'|o9 I .E :E rt g iE ol tt .t O olrr x I} .a CI i!,! o I o l$oia xx l>ai.. aao il f,5tt tt .{sEg p-3-r dltH . r6 r!tnF.FF r.lH aoo|ora El, l, .a PCtOI{Et<rr o .[.' 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X !|i rro trlPFlNF|reI .Ft.r!r(t o NP '/a X, F ro\ l} a! .rG ct OO F P F ll rFN>.}, {OO . lt r.r. F. a|{ro lrF IrFtrr.t t lotrta 0 o or o o cr o <tI tl,tat o<toitaai - it .rt L' Vt V' it .rt ,!tt 'tt it ,tl ir |tl . (rr!I r!F Niro alrrI !PF o |, rr!(I r t!,oo ro or {!.c} (.t -0 o f,sfl i55Eri;rf H:FrFrE sFE 'i*';s :lD I l.t.tt.!(, P.,tglgt..t 'o €1rl+r goo N\ _\\N\ W Nll t! tt ,E ot rrCl olla rl , ,e IF rE I I !E !l 3B F !t gts ||lErl lln| E c).<\.!ra co €o a lis !:i !.: !'t -,9 2r; 'iil -ri .!l it.. '-i .1! F ltI o o r o I 0 i, H o o z H x F rt qt 6 o z l{F { GO o I f-t-0 ,t NN!I e.o n,NTI tl - o6(l I I tl rr,'raN :r:":r!.E t ta oarrO o Fr,aa Fi?F ,- t,..F ti - :llE ..,':i trtrF.|FO{i ad {I .3 o N N o I -, FI z c: tt, P r.t v,o F F'I 0 L D o o : oi .a - i oi iiiiii; l;'"3i. ! ! r:' ;. iri-; ll i;i:i r I ri3 iiii iii:ri; iriiri il;i;: iiiiii 1!;i ig :i13i? to cto lro tl tl Lo Lo tl 60 f.! -a I l}at lr€ CTD FF !Etd i! oa ttnEs ..Flta r.|.tltr Ec.iltt - t.l qt .a Hr -), (,l a,6 ta, Ii!i lili i .,\\.. i t PE rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER r"t E PROJECT DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM FEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL E] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE PrF$oP t PE INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .t DATE I JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr,,,FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n r-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB - Elt'tr N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: r -.,dDrsAPPRovED 6 REINSPECTION REQUIRED pffisoe DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME - '- CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: , .- : ' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL '' ,1' O UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V- - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEH a.|ntr ,e. q!{trtrQ T'1 ''""' O GAS PIPING - " PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION - E POOL / H, TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - n-_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -! r-r _ tr FINAL' O FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION.REQUIRED TJAIE prffis{o tNs o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TtrES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL OUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED la DATE INSPECTOR Prffisno" - I-r ' . ..:- I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE rNs T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED -t .': l .- '1 ^. ' )" :;' L'-) lij DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: \. :..,1r,:h. -{' .'\. \.'1.15:--, ..- t-1 ."',.. 1, \, INSPECTION: MON TUES WED iND-E FRI \. . NT.,t (PM--\,n '' t*,'- . CALLER ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING D tr o tr tr ROOF & SFIEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /Frr+PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( I It DATE A/I^(fff INSPECT I- 3f36 PERMIT NUMBE DATE READY FOR TNSPEq' .t+ A LOCATION: / J Fnt|E vt r.a!!4rzr. -- ,, ,. r - -- - ", ,.##.\|SPECTION oF.PRoJE-- ,/ . ll TOWN OF ,J,'r' JoB NAME fuqn, katdr REQUEST VAIL fri WED THUB FFI 'u0 CALLER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL il v r tr tr tr tr f\l ,/ROUGH/D.W.V. T IK ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O SUPPLY AIR p*eaoveo GORRECTIONS: t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT - JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM .PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING l- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hiFsr,op t PE tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECT DATE JO8 NAME READY FOR LOCATION: /-_. ,,-.-CALLER INSPECTION: { MON TUES ^ \- .-'7 L€,q? 'vvYei'.( c*t '\ -.,n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr F'UNDATTON / STEEL 45o*t*c dr* -.. --rfioor & sHEER f Fivwooo r'.rnir-r1.ro * ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER / :-q/EXHA{JST HOODS A tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL --'TT APPROVED -CORRECTTONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED rNs I PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM READY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr tr q UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING. I g tr D POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE OT OF trc tr CTRICAL:MECHAN!CAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I PE /r) a ,1 ,1 /"2 rNs \/ JoB NAME - v/ i-..,1 \r'r^, ti"' CALLER INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI ii,.,(-tri ' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: - nf,rf"-l PV BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLY'WOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING :*.:':::) tr POOL / H. TUB B'SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .-Q-Aeenoveo t conRecttoNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -.'- I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T NUMBEF OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr t-l SHEETROCK NAIL '-tr D tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE AM PM JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCKTNAIL D D o D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr E FINAL tr APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR pffisnca o PE tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME ]., READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM PM FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o o tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr q FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON .':i, CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr C tr D tr l<r IJ FFAMING ROOF & SHEEFI PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL )11 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PrfFs,e -It PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .'.. \ \ DATE '- \ , JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:'ruoru CALLER WED THUB FRI INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL "',/ | TUES AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL . ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EYFINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nriFiEroe FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giv'ing a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. PLUMBING MECHANI CAL FINAL ELECTRICAL BUI LDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY TEMPORARY C Of O DECI,ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF PARTY WALI, AGREEI'{ENT FOR FINAL PI,AT AND RESUBDMSION OF I.oT 13, BIpCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION THIS DECLARATIoN is nade this :4/ day ot L989 by W. F. Vigor hereinafter referred to as r! WITNESSETH WHEREAS Declarant is the onner of Lot 13,Subdivision, Fifth Addition, Town of Vail, Eagle (the Property) and Block 5, Bighorn County, Colorado WHEREAS Declarant has constructed upon the property a duplex residential dwelling (the Building) and WHEREAS Declarant desires to impose covenants, conditions and restrictions on the property NOW THEREFORE, declarant hereby declares that Lot L3, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, Vail Colorado shall be held, sotd and conveyed subject to the foltowing easements,restrictions, covenants, conditions, and obligations, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the property, and vhich shall be appurtenant to and run with the land, and sha1l be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. DEFINITIONS Unless the context shalL expressly provide otherwise the following terms shal1 have the following meanings: A. rrThe Propertiesrr means all. of the real estate described on Exhibit nAtr attached hereto. B. ilLottr or rrBuilding site" means Parcel A and Parcel B, as sbown of Exhibit rrArr together with aII appurtenances. trLotil and rrParcelil shall be used interchangably throughout this docunent. c. ilDuplextr means the two (2) contiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Lot. D. nUnittr means one of the two dwelling units conprising the frDuplexrf . -1- E. trConnon Open Spacerr neans Conmon Parcel C as shown on Exhibit rrArt which shall be owned egually by both the owners of the Lots, each having an undivided interest in and to the conmon Open Space. F. (Ownerr means a person, persons, firm, corporation,partnership or association, or other legat entity, or any conbination thereto, owning an interest in one or both Lots. ARTICLE I Description and Reservation Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed,Will or other instrunent shall }egally describe a Lot or real property interest as follows. Parcel A or B (as the case may be), together with an undivided one-half (L/21 interest in Cornmon parcel C, Final Plat and Resubdivision of Lot 13, Block E, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition according to the plat recorded in Book , Page _, of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of, Eagle County, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encurnber or otherwise effect not only the Building Site and the real property interest, but.aII appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Dectaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to the properties as said tern (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. ARTTCLE II Progeq-ty Division L. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a map of the property indicating three (3) parcels of real estate thereoni parcel A,B, and Cornmon Parcel C and legal descriptions of each of the parcels. 2. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the subdivision of the Property into the aforesaid three (3) parcels for ownership in fee sinple consisting of parcel A and parcel B and the co-Ownership by the individual and separate orsners of Parcels A and B as co-tenants of the renaining Common parceL C which comrnonly owned property is hereinafter defined and referenced as Connon Open Space. -2- 3. The Common Open Space shaLl be subject to the easements noted on the nap and these set forth herein. 4.Parcels A and B shall each be appurtenant to an undivided one-half (I/2') interest in Cornmon Parcel C and parcel A and B together with their undivided interest in Common parcel C shall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered only as such undivided interest. 5, No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Parcel A and B or of said lots fron their appurtenant interest in C. 6. fn the event Parcels A and B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of nerger shall not apply. ARTICLE IIT Driveway Easernent 1. There is described on the nap a conmon driveway. There is here by created a reciprocal easenent for driveway purposes as noted on the raap. 2. The cost of rnaintenance of driveway including snow removal shall be shared egually by the owners of the duplex units. ARTICLE IV L. Party waII Easements. Mutual reciprocal easernents are hereby establ.ished, declared and granted for aII party walls between improvements constructed on the Lots, which reciprocal easernents shall be for rnutual support and shall be governed by this Declaration and more particularly the succeeding sections of this Articl-e. Every Deed, whether or not expressly so stating,shall be deened to convey and to be subject to such reciprocal easenents. 2. General RuLes of Law to Applv. Each wall which is built as a part of the original construction of the homes upon the Properties and placed on the dividing line between the Lots shall"constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Artic1e, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto. -3- 3 . Shar:!-nq of Repair _and Maintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and rnaintenance of a party waII shall be shared by the Owners equally, 4. Destruction bv fire or other casualty. If a party wall is destroyed or danaged by fire or other casualty, the Owners shall restore lt and they shall contribute equally to tbe cost of restoration thereof without preJudice, however, to the right of each Owner to call for a larger contrlbution frorn the other under any rule of 1aw regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions. 5. Eeatherproofing. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, an Owner who by his negligent or wiLlful act causes the party walI to be exposed to the elenents shall bear the cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elenents. 6. Riqht to Contribution Runs with the Land. The right of any Owner to contribution from the other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land and shall pass to such Ownerrs successors in tit]e. ARTICLE V Exterior lllaintenance 1. Exterior rnaintenance of the Units and Conmon Open Space including, but not lirnited to, paint, repair, replacement, and care for roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior building surfaces,trees, shrubs, €trass, walks, and driveway shall be the joint obligation of the Owners of the duplex unit. Such exterior rnaintenance shall not include cleaning or replacing glass surfaces, doors, or exterior darnage caused intentionatly or negligently by an offner, his fanily, guests, or invitees.Cleaning and replacing glass surfaces and doors within a particular unit shall be the responsibility of the individual Owner. Repairs of exterior damage caused by an Owner or his family, guests, or invitees shall be repaired by such Owner at his expense. In the event the need for nraintenance or repair is caused through the willful or negligent act of the owner, his fanily, gruests, or invitees, or if an orrner fails to replace glass surfaces, in either case, after ten (LO) daysrnotice fron the other O\dner, the other Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to have the repairs or maintenance performed and the cost of such maintenance, replacement. or repairs shall be a lien on the interest of the defaulting owner whlch uay be evidenced by a notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County records. -4- 2. If any Onner fails to pay its share of any cost for naintenance, replacernent, or repair of an iten described specifically or generally in Paragraph 1 above and if the other Owner has paid one hundred percent (100*) of the cost thereof,the other Owner shal1 have a lien on the interest of the defauLtingt Owner for the defaulting Ohrnersr share which rnay be evidenced by notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County records. The debt evidenced by such lien sha]l- be the personal obligation of the defaulting Owner and the other olrner shall have the right to sue to collect the debt or to foreclose the lien as a mortgage, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to its attorneysr fees and costs. Any surn paid on behalf of a defaulting Ovrner shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen percent (188) per annun fron the date said sum was paid by the nondefaulting Ovner. ARTTCLE VI Exterior Decoration and Landscapinq 1. The exterior decoration and landscaping of the building including, but not lirnited to, color and texture of paint, stone, woodwork, paneling, roof rnaterials, siding, and the current exterior landscaping consisting of natural nrountain grasses and trees and sodded areas shal1 not be changed from that originally utilized on the property and in tbe building without the prior written consent of both Owners. The color of draperies, shades or curtains visible frorn outside the building shall be the personal taste of the separate owners but shall be rnaintained in a clean and neat fashion in harrnony with the surroundings. ARTICLE VII utiLities Lots A and B have separate water, sewer, electric and telephone and cable T. V. and billings for each service shall be the individuaL obligation of the owner to whom the services were rendered. ARTTCI,E VIII Architectural-Aesthetic control 1. No exterior additions or alterations to any exterior improvernents, landscaping or changes in fences, walls or other -5- struetures, shall be commenced, erected or maintained until and unless the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials, floor plans, exterior color scherne and location of such structure and the grading plan and finished grade elevations of the site to be built upon shall have been subnitted to and approved in writing by each of the owners. Each Owner shall have the right to refuse to approve any such plans or speciflcations for grading or landscaping the lands which are not suitable or desirable in his opinion, for aesthetic or other reasons, and in so passing upon such plans, specifications, and grading and landscaping plans, the Owners shall have the right to take into consideration the suitability of the proposed building or other inprovement and of the materials of which it is to be built, the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same, the hannony thereof with the surroundings, the topography of the land and the effect of the residence structure or other irnprovements as proposed on the adjacent or neighboring property and with the general residence plan of the properties. AIl subsequent additions to or changes or alterations in any residence, fence, wall or other structure, including exterior scheme and all subsequent additions to or changes or alterations in any grading or landscaping plans shall be subject to the prior written approval of bottr Owners. 2. Fencing landscaping, exterior maintenance, and other inprovenents erected or placed by Declarant at its expense, shall thereafter be naintained by the Owners equally. 3. No exterior mounted radio, short t/ave or television or other type of antenna shalL be permitted except on an interior roof, the elevation of which is lower than the surrounding roof so that such antenna installation is not visible from any other sites, frorn the Common Open Space and from the streets. 4. No tanks of any kind, either elevated or buried, shall be erected, place or perrnitted upon any site, except those initially installed by Declarant, if any, or upon written approval of the Olrners. 5. No clotheslines or incinerators shall be perrnitted or naintained on the Properties. 6. AII storage piles, equipment, furniture, tools and other personal property shall be concealed frorn view frorn any other sites, frorn the Comnon Open Space and from the streets. 7. Any fences furnished and installed by the Declarant rnay not be rernoved. 8. No mobile hone, shack, detached garage, barn or out building of any kind shall be permitted on the Properties. -6- ARTICLE IX Easements l-. Reciprocal Easernents. The Declarant hereby reserves for itself, its successors and assigns, a right of way and easement for the lnstalLation and continued operation, mai.ntenance,repair, alteration, inspection and replacernent of utility lines,includLng, but not lirnited to, water Iines, seqrer Iines, gas lines, telephone lines, television cable, antenna lines and such other utility lines and lncidental equiprnent thereon, over, under and across that portion of any site, building site, or the Properties, situate between any residence and the street adjacent ttrereto. Perpetual reciprocal easenents for the continuance and rnaintenance of said aforenentioned utility Lines shal1 exist both for the benefit and burden of both of the Owners of residences situate within the properties. 2. ff any utility line referred to in this Article is destroyed or damaged, the Otners shall cause the same to be restored forthwitht subject, however, to the right of any Owner to damages frorn another Owner under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions.Notwithstanding any other provision in this Declaration, an Owner who by his negligence or willful act causes danages to such utility line or lines shall bear the cost of restoration thereof, and any other darnages allowed by law. The right of any owner to contribution or damages from any other Owner shall be appurtenant to the Land and shall pass to such ownerrs successor in title. 3. If any portion of the building encroaches upon either Lot, a valid easement therefore shall exist for the encroachnent and for the maintenance thereof. In the event the building is partially or totally destroyed and then rebuilt, rninor encroachment of parts of the building due to construction shall be permitted and valid easement therefore and for the naintenance thereof shall exist. 4. Each Lot and the Conrnon Open Space sha1l be subJect to an easernent in favor of the Ovners, includinq their agents,eroployees, and contractors for providing the maintenance described in Article IX hereof. ARTTCLE X Insurance 1. The Owners jointly shall obtain and rnaintain at all tines insurance of the type and kind hereinafter provided: A -7- policy of property insurance in an arnount equal to the ful1 replacenent value (i.e. 1008 of current rrreplacenent costrr exclusive of land, and other itens normally excluded from coverage) of the irnprovements located on each Lot with an tfAgreed Anount Endorsernenttr or its equivalent, such insurance to afford protection against at least the following: a. loss or danage by fire and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement, and for debris renoval, cost of denolition, vandalisn, malicious rnischief,windstorn, and water damage; and b. such other risks as shall customarily be covered with respect to projects similar in construction, ]ocation and use. The insurance shall be carried in blanket policy form naming both of the Owners as insured. The policy or policies shall identify the interest of each tot Owner (Ownerrs nane and home address and/or Lot number designation) and shal1 contain a standard non-contributory cLause in favor of each first rnortgagee and a provision that it cannot be cancelled or rnaterially altered by either the insured or the insurance company until ten (1o) days prior written notice thereof is given to the other Owner and each first mortgagee. ?he Owners shall furnish a certified copy of such blanket policy, the certificate identifying the interest of each Owner, to any party in interest upon request. The blanket policies of insurance shall provide that the insurance thereunder shall be invalidated or suspended only in respect to the interest of a particular Owner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, ornission, negligence or non-cornpliance with any provj-sion of such policy, including pa)ment of the insurance preniun applicable to that Ovnerrs interest or who pennits or fails to prevent the happening of any event whether occurring before or after a loss, which under the provisions of such policy would otherwise invalidate or suspend the entire policy but the insurance under any such policy as to the interest of the other insured owner not guilty of any such act or omLssion shall not be invalidated or suspended and shall remain in full force and effect. 2. Other Insurance to be Maintained bv Owners. Insurance coverage on the furnishings and other iterqs of personal property belonging to an Ouner and public liability insurance coverage within each Unit and upon each Lot shall be the responsibility of the owner thereof. 3. Insurance on Comrnon Open Space. The Owners shall maintain insurance covering all irnprovenents located or -8- constructed upon the Corilnon Open Space. The Owners shall naintain the following types of insurance on the improvernents located on the Common Open Space: (a) A policy of property insurance in an anount equal to the full replacenent value (i.e. 100* of current rrreplacernent costrr exclusive of 1and, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage) of the inprovenents located on Conmon Open Space with an rrAgreed Amount Endorsenenttt or its equivalent,a |tDemolition Endorsenentrr or its eguivalent, and if necessary,an ttfncreased Cost of Construction Endorsernentrr or lContingent Liability from operating of Building Laws Endorsenentrr or the equivalent, such insurance to afford protection against at least the followingl f. loss or danage by fire and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement and by sprinkler leakage, debris removal, cost of demolition, vandalisrn,nalicious ruischief, windstorn and water damage; and II. such other risks as shall customarily be covered with respect to projects similar in construction,location and use. (b)A cornprehensive policy of public tiability insurance covering all of the Conmon Open Space insuring the Owners in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($L00,000.0O) covering aII clairns for personal injury and/or property damage arising out of a single occurrence, such coverage to include protection against water danage liability, liability for non-owned and hired automobiles, liability for property of others, and, if applicable, garagekeeperrs liability, host liguor liability and other risks as shall custonarily be covered with respect to projects similar in construction, location and use. (c) All such policies of insurance shall contain waivers of subrogation and waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from any acts of an owner and shall provide that the policies may not be cancelled or substantially nodified without at Least ten (10) days prior written notice to all insured, including the rnortgagees of any Lot.Duplicate originals of all policies and renewals thereof, together with proof of palrment of preniums shall be delivered to any first mortgagee of any Lot upon written request. The insurance shall be carried in blanket forns naming both the owners as the insured. 4. Reaopraisal . The Owners shaLl, at least every year, obtain an appraisal for insurance purposes which shall be -9- naintained as a pernanent record, showing that the insurance in any year represents one hundred percent (10O&) of the fuI1 replacement value of the improvements on each Lot and for the insurable Conmon Open Space. 5. Notice of Danaqe. The Owners shall mortgagee of a Lot whenever: (1) damage to any Lot exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00),the Common Open Space and the irnprovenrents exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,00O.00). shatl be delivered within twenty (2Ol days causing the damage. notify each first improvement on a and (2, damage to situated thereon Said notification after the event ARTICI,E XI Darnaqe or Destruction L. DestrucSion of Improve$ents on LojE (a) In the event of damage or destruction to a home due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the home, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires. for $rithdrawals, the signatures of both the Owners. The Orirners shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applled by the Owners to defray the cost thereof. rrRepair and ReconstructLonrr of the homes, as used herein, neans restoring the lrnprovements to substantially the same condition in rrhich they existed prior to the damage with eactr home having the sarne boundaries as before. (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damaged home, such danage or destruction shall be pronptly repaired and reconstructed by the Olrtner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against the Owners of the danaged hornes. Any such assessnents shall be equal to the amount by which tbe cost of reconstruction or repair of the home exceeds the sun of the insurance proceeds allocable to such hone. Such assessment shall be due and payable not later than forty-five (45) days after written notice thereof. The special assessment provJ,ded for herein shall be a debt of each Owner and a lien on his Lot and the inprovements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts, (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Owners and first nortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged homes rnay agtree that the destroyed or danaged hornes shall forthwith be deurolished and all debrls and rubble caused by such demolition be renoved and the Lot(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such -t_0- landscapinq and demolition work shall insurance proceeds available. Any shall then be disbursed to such Owners jointly. be paid for by any and al1 excess insurance proceeds and their first mortgagees 2. Damaqe to Common Open Space. In the event of darnage or destruction to all or a portion of the Comrnon Open Space due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the darnage, shatl be applied by the Ohrners to such reconstruction and repair. lf the insurance proceeds with respect to such Comnon Open Space damage or destruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the damage or destroyed Comnon Open Space, the Owners shall consider a special assessment. If sush assessment is approved by each Ovrner, the Ohrners shalI rnake such assessment and proceed to rnake such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessment is not approved,the insurance proceeds may be applied in accordance with the wishes of the Owners, except, that the proceeds shall not be distributed to the Ovners, unless nade jointly payabLe to Owners and the first rnortgagees of their respective Lots, if any. The assessments as to each Owner and Lot shal1 be equal to the assessment against every other Owner and Lot. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The assessrnent provided for herein shall be a debt of each Ohrner and a lien on his Lot and the inprovements thereon and nay be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. ARTICLE XII Conmon ODen Space 1. Ownersr Easements of Ouiet Enioyment. Every Ovrner shall have a right and easement of quiet enjoyment in and to the Common open Space which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the foll.owing provisions: (a) the right of the Ovners to dedicate, seII or transfer all or any part of the Common Open Space to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as nay be agreed upon by all the Owners and first mortgagees, (b) any owner nay delegate his right of enjoyrnent to the Common Open Space and facilities to the members of his family, his tenants, or contract purchasers who reside on the property, and (c) ownership of each lot shall entitle the Owner or -11- Owners thereof to the use of not nore than two (2) automobile parking spaces, which shall be as near and convenient to said Lot as reasonably possible, together with the right of ingress and egress in and upon said parking area. (d) except as hereinabove provided, the Common Open Space shall not be sold, abandoned, subdivided, hypothecated,transferred or otherwise encunbered by the Owners without the written consent and approval of both orfrners and all first mortgagees. ARTICLE XITI Ma intenance Assessments 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obtigation of Assessnents. The Declarant for both Lots owned by it within the properties hereby covenants and each owner of each Lot by acceptance of a Deed therefore, whether or not it shal] be so expressed in any such Deed or other conveyance, be deerned to covenant and agree to pay the annual assessments or charges. The annual assessment, together with such interest thereon, and costs of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on tbe land and shatl be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessnent is made.Each such assessnent, together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, shal1 also be the personal obligation of the person who was the owner of such property at the time when the assessnent fe1l due. The total assessnents shall be charged one-half (L/21 Eo each Lot. 2. Purpose of Assessrnents. Conmon Open Space. The assessments levied by the Owners shall be used for the purpose of pronoting the recreation,health, safety and uelfare of both Owners of the Lots and in particular for the inprovement and maintenance of properties,services, and facilities devoted to this purpose and related to the use and enjolanent of the Common Open Space and easement areas, including, but not linited to the palment of taxes and insurance thereon, repair, replacenent and additions thereto, and for the cost of labor, equipnent, naterials, management and supervision thereof. 3 . Snecial Assessrnents for Capital frnprovernents. f n addition to the annual assessnents authorized above, the Owners nay levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or -L2- replacement of a capital improvenent upon the Common Open Space,including fixtures and personal property related thereto. 4. Basis and Pavment of Assessrnents. (a) The annual assessment with respect to Parcels A and B within the Properties sha]l be estirnated by the Owners prior to the beginning of each year or fiscal year and the assessnent sha1I be payable in advance in equal quarterly or nonthly installnents as detennined by the Owners. The assessnents rnade sha1l be based upon the estirnated cash requirernents deemed to be such aggregate sum as is deterrnined to be paid by both of the owners in order to provide for payment of aI1 estinated expenses consistent with the purposes set forth in the Declaration including any deficit. (b) The owners sha1l deternine frorn tirne to time during the course of an ensuing year whether a deficit or surplus exists or wiII result based upon its current estirnate and shaIl make appropriate revision thereof. A deficit shall be borne by both Owners and shall be reflected in the next quarterly installnent to be paid by the Ohrners. (c) Written notice of installments and the arnount thereof sha1l be sent to both Owners and such installnents shall be due and payable on or before the tenth (LOth) day of the next nonth. The Owners are empowered to assess a late charge of not nore than ten percent (Lot) of the anount of each delinquent installnent. 5. A1l assessment.s shall be fixed at a uniforrn rate for both sites. 6. The annua] assessnent (or revised assessnent, including any deficit) and other separate charges provided in this Declaration (hereinafter referred to as rrassessnentsrr) shall be a charge on the entire real property interest of each owner and shalI be a continuing lien upon such real property interest against which each assessnent is rnade and such continuing lien sha1l be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except only for (i) taxes and special assessment liens, on the real property interest in favor of Eagle County, Colorado or any assessing unit, and (ii) except as provided in Paragraph 8 below. Upon the failure of an owner to pay one or more installments of the annual assessnent, the other owner shall assume and pay the unpaid indebtedness, then inmediately notify by registered mail the defaulting Onner including a full legal description of his property interest and the action taken. Such Notice shaLl be -13- signed by the non-defaulting Owner and shal1 be recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien for the connon expenses shalt attach frorn the date of the failure of payment of the assessment. Such lien may thereafter be enforced by the foreclosure of the defaulting Ownerrs real-property interest by the other Owner in like manner as a nortgage on real property subseguent to the recording of the Notice of Lien. fn any such Notice of Lien proceedings the defaulting owner shal1 be required to pay the costs, expenses and reasonable attorneyrs fees in an amount not less than seventy five dollars ($75.00) incurred for filinq the lien, and in the event that a foreclosure proceeding is subsequently brought, the additional costs, expenses and the arnount incurred for reasonable attorneyrs fees shall be paid by the defaulting Owner. The Owner of the real property interest being foreclosed shaLl be reguired to pay the subseguently accrued and accruing nonthly instaLlrnents (assessrnents) during the period of foreclosure. The other Owner shall have the power to bid in the real property interest at forecLosure or other legal sale and to acquire and hoId, lease,nortgage, convey or otherwise deal with the same. Any encumbrancer holding a lien on a rea] property interest nay pay, but shall not be reguired to pay, any unpaid assessnents payable with respect thereto, and upon such payment such encumbrancer shall have a lien on such reaf property interest for the amounts paid of the sane rank as the lien of his encumbrance. Upon the reguest of a first rnortgagee of any site, the Owners shall report to such first rnortgagee any unpaid assessments or other defaults under the terrns of this Declaration which are not cured by said nortgageers nortgagor within (30) days after the date of default. 7. Ownerrs Personal Obliqation for Paynent of Assessrnents. The anount of the assessment shall be the personal and individual debt of the Owner thereof. No Owner rnay exempt hinself frorn the liability for the assessment by waiver of the use or enjoyment of the Comrnon Open Spaces or by abandonnent of his real property interest. In the event of default in the paynent of an assessnent installnent, the Owner shalL be obligated to pay interest at the rate of eighteen percent (L88) per annum of the amount of the installnent fron due date thereof, together with all costs and expenses, including attorneyrs fees incurred,together with late charges. Suit to recover a money judgement for unpaid common expenses may be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing sane. 8. Assessnent Certificate. The owners shaLL, upon request of any owner, nortgagee or contract purchaser, issue its certificate certifying whether or not assessnent installnents with respect to any site or real property interest have been paid or if they are in arrears, ot, if in arrears, the total anount owning as of the date of the certificate. Such certificates shall be conclusive evidence thereof in favor of any third person 'I4- relying therein in good faith, and the Owner shall not be held 1iable for such disclosure or error therein. 9. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgacres. The lien of the assessnents provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first rnortgagee. Sale or transfer of any site shall not affect the assessnent Lien. However, the sale or transfer of any site as a result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the Public Trusteer oF any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, sha1l extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payrments thereof which becane due prior to such sale or transfer,but shall not relieve any forner Or,rner of personal Iiability therefore. No saLe or transfer shall relieve such site from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or fron the Lien thereof. ARTICLE XIV Administration and ltanaqernent 1. Both Ownerls Responsible - Ultirnate Control Resolution.Both Lot Owners shalI be jointly responsible for the administration and managenent of the obligations created hereunder. Ho!'rever, in the event both Owners cannot nutually agree when a decision j-s required by this Declaration, the irnpasse shall be resolved as follows:(a) Decision required j-n even numbered year: Lot 13A onnerr decision is binding.(b) Decision required in odd numbered year: Lot 138 ownerrs decision is binding. 2. Override. In the event an Owner believes, based on the standard of the reasonable nan, (i) that an impasse decision has been nade incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration or (ii) that the Owner in ultirnate control is gruilty of mis- or non-feasance with respect to this Declaration then the aggrieved owner shall petition the 8agle County District Court for a judicial deternination of the controversy which decision shal.l be binding upon both Owners. The Court nay assess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the rnerits of the case. ARTICLE XV Riqht of First Refusal 1. fn the event that the Owner of either Lot A or B elects to se1l, transfer or convey his Lot or any interest therein,excluding (i) the creation of a lien or encurnbrance -15- (ii) a transfer by gift, devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant, or (iii) the grant of a leasehold interest of three (3) years or less not containing an option to purchase or, In the event that the Ohrner of either Lot receives a bona fide offer to purchase his Lot or any interest therein, as aforesaid, fron a third party, said Owner shal1 give written notice thereof to the Owner of the other Lot (trAdjoining Ownerrr), who shall have ten (10) days frorn the tine such notice is given to agree in writing to acquire the said Lot upon the same terns and conditions as set forth in the said bona fide offer. 2. In the event that the Adjoining Owner shall fait to agree to acquire the said Lot within ten (L0) days, as aforesaid,then the Owner shall be free to accept the offer of said third party and convey his Lot free form any claim of the Adjoining Owner. 3. For the purpose thereof written notice is deemed to have been given if it is personally served upon the Adjoining O!'/ner pursuant to Rule 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, as it exists upon the date hereof, which RuIe is incorporated herein by this reference, or in the alternative when the same has been placed in the United States Mails, Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the Adjoining Owner. ARTICLE XVI Condennation Condemnation. If at any tine or tines during the continuance of ownership pursuant to this Declaration all or any part of the Cornrnon Open Space shall be taken or condemned by any public authority or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the following provisions of this Article shall apply: (a) Proceeds. AII conpensation, damages or other proceeds therefrom, the sun of which is hereinafter called the rrCondernnation Awardrr shall be payable egually to the owners. (b) Cornplete Takinq. In the event that all of the conmon open Space taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed or, in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the Condernnation Award shall be apportioned amongt the Owners equally and paynent of said apportioned arnount shaLl be rnade payable to the Owner and the first mortgagee of his Lot jointly. -16- (c) Partiat Taking. In the event that less than the entire Common Open Space is taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the Condernnation Award shall first be applied by the Owners to the rebuilding and repLacement of those improvernents on the Conmon Open Space danaged or taken by the condernning public authority,unless both of the Owners and the first mortgagees of each Lot agree otherwise. Any surplus of the award or other portion thereof not used for rebuilding the replacenent shall be used by the Owners for the future maintenance of the Conmon Open Space and exterior maintenance of the Duplex situated on each Lot. ARTICLE XVII Ternination of Mechanicrs Lien Riqhts -- Indennification No labor performed or materials furnished and incorporated into a Unit with the consent or at the reguest of the Owner of such Unit, his Agent, his contractor or subcontractor shall be the basis for filing of a lien against the Common Open Space or against a Unit or any other Unit Owner who did not expressly consent to or request the services or materials. Each Ohrner shall indennify and hold harmless the other Owner from and against all liability arising frorn the claim of any lien against the Unit of another or against the Common Open Space for construction perfomed or for labor, materials, services or other products incorporated in a Unit upon the consent or request of such Unitrs Owner. ARTICLE XVIII Separate Assessnent and Taxation -- Notice to Assessor Declarant shalI give written notice to the Eagle County Assessor of the creation of the real property ownership units defined herein and taxation shall be as follows: Lot 13A and 13B, each together with its undivided one-half (L/z't interest in Lot 13C shal1 each be deemed a separate taxation parcel, subject to separate assessment and ad valoren taxation. ARTICLE XIX General Conditions. Stipulations and Protective Covenants The following general conditions, stipulations and protective covenants are hereby_inposed upon the Properties. -L l- 1. Except for the business of the Declarant in connection with the developnent of the properties, no trade, business or activity shall be conducted, carried out or practiced on any Lot or in a residence constructed thereon, and the Owner of said Lot shall not suffer or permit any residence erected thereon to be used or employed for any purpose that will constitute a nuisance in law or that will detract fron the residential value of said Lot or the other Lots. 2. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Properties and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Owner of any Lot subject to this Decl-aration, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, for a term of twenty (20) years fron the date this Declaration is recorded, after which tine said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. The covenants and restrictions of the Declaration may be arnended by an instrument signed by both of the Lot Owners, and in all cases by one hundred percent (100t) of the first nortgagees of record. Any arnendrnent must be properly recorded. No part of the Declaration nay be amended in such a manner that it will adversely affect the existing right of any Ovrner or rnortgagee with particular respect, but not lirnited to,party walls, unpaid assessments or the lien of any rnortgagee. 3. Enforcement of these covenants, restrictions and other provisions shall be by an owner by any proceeding at law or in eguity against any person or persons violating or attenpting to violate any covenant or restriction, either to restrain violation and/or recover darnages and against the Properties to enforce any lien created by these covenants. The ornission or failure of any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriqtion set forth in this Declaration strall in no event be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 4. If any of the provisions of this Declaration or any paragraph, sentence, cfause, phrase or word, or the application thereof in any circunstance be invalidated, such invalidity shal}not affect the validity of the renainder of thls Declaration, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence,clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 5. lfhenever used herein, unless the context shall otherwise provide, the singrular nurnber shall include the plural , the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shal] include all genders. 5. The books and records kept pursuant to this Declaration shall be open to inspection by each ovner and his rnortgagee at any time during reasonable business hours. -18- 7, Declarant and all subseguent Olrners of any interest in the Property by accepting a Deed to any interest thereto waive the honestead exenption or any other exenption of the laws of the State of Colorado or any federal law only as it relates to any Iien filed by any owner pursuant to this Declaration other wise, such exceptions are not hereby waived. 8. Each Owner shall register his nailing address with the other Owner and all notices or dernands intended to be served upon either owner shall be sent by certified nail , postage prepaid, addressed in the nane of the Owner at such registered rnailing address. fn the alternative, notices nay be delivered if in writing personally to Owners. Prospective purchasers of Units shall be entitled to determine if a selling Owner is in default with respect to any maintenance obligation or any other obligation under these covenants by delivering a written inguiry with respect thereto to the Ohrner of the other Unit. If no response is received to such inguiry within (10) days of the date said notice is received, the non-selling Owner shalL be deerned to have hraived any clain of lien or claim for damages. The existence of a recorded notice of lien, however, shall constitute notice to a prospective purchaser of a clairn by an Owner of the other Unit, and sha1l not be affected by the foregoing request for infornation. 9. Any first nortgagee of any site within the property rnay jointly or singularly pay any taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have becorne a charge against the Properties and nay pay overdue premiuns for hazard insurance policies or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of such policy for such Properties and any first rnortgagee upon the naking of such payment shall be irnrnediately owed reirnbursernent therefor fron the Owner. fN WfTNESS WHEREOF the Declarant has set their and year first above written. i,' hands the -19- 'f -..L A N D T I T GUARANTEE of ltarch 02, Our order: BUYER: SELLER: ADDRESS: MCNALLY & BAIN 31OO ARAPAHOE AVE. #4O2 BOULDERf CO 80303 1 Attn: FENTON BAIN VACATION PROPERTIES DEI,IVER IN VAIL RUNS Attn: JOHN NILSSON CLOSER Attn: SHARI'{AN COPIES L9A9 v1 / *w. 3060-2 cIPANV Representing Title Insurance Conpany Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER F. VIGOR BRICE E. BAIN, FENTON A. BAIN BRUCE E. BAIN, ERNEST F. BAIN AND T t: -fi i. '. i I I t I , # . 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I I I i'ftl0l5lln lL rl rl Ttrr:,Ct'nrrirt!rttillt1 ltririn,lr,ltvll)thet5'jltaric00l :irt(hp0llry0t n{i!!cres 0f tllir-r Insllrancea!ld all llilhllitv an0 0r poll{lles ( 0rlnriltrrl irif .i:lir t,:.t-t,;. wirtt:ltet':t irlgl t(l:ilrs. Itrovrrjrrl ltrlll thi'l;ltrute to l:;stte sutit poltt-1ot trolttles ls; l0l tlu iStrli tti lirr: t)rtttftiin'r tiONnllluNS ANil 5 i if'l.li Al iONS 1'Ihet(irn},,tT|l)ltqi,,]f),'.,!\cn/lier1i]'::lt]l|],sni1li,l[iu{jerjecr1lfiitis,ttlUsidci)d.ol0therseiUli/ 2 il the prop0s,ed lnsl;rtrj ita: iJi acq itrrj actual kilcwlrrdge 0f -.ny dclect. ltelr cnctjnttrrnflc8. adversc clalm incurrerj pursu.int t0 i-iararjr;ph 3 rrf the';r: Conditr'.-r|s and Sttpulalltrlls 3 l.iahility of rh4 []0'',)n;l0y rirrdr,r lhrs 0rrnrinrinrr-'nt sfall be oniy tL, lhe iramed prrr{iosed lnsured anC such exriressfr' modilred ltcre rt {. ji6Y g51rn6 t)i aLilr)n:; iti rt,,ihls trl 3ct,0n that the ptt,posed lttsuf,r{l t',r*- lrtivrl (': 'niiv brlng i}pJrnst IhP itnd a|l]:iirlin(jt lii lllr' rrov,:lltirs rri lili:j ()ilnlllrtrn0ni :i IANt)Alll ) LXl.l Pl i(;N: i In atlriiti0n to tlte nlatterli crrftta: ed In lh{) C0ndili0rrir and Stiltulati0ns nnd E"x(:lustons fioln ilr:,tetagt:;rlrrrVr. rllr:rrlrl i{}. lll ,llt)nlllrtltt:rrl tS I t I I , t I : , t t I t 1 t : t I lri llli: lriil(,Wll}ll l. Hrqhts ot r:!fii lr;0l lti l 'i, r frLrssusl;rurl tl0t rilli)n/it hv lltt: pttl-rlte tcr;ttttls 2. Easements, 0r cia!lns of eascrnents, not sh0\,1r1 by the prrhlrc records' 3. Drscrepancres, r0nilicts irr boundary ltnes, sh0rta(le in area, enci'oachments, and any facts which a correct survey and rr!sficctton of the premises wouid disclose and wllich are not shown by the public records. 4. Any iren, or right t0 a tien, f0r seruices, labor oi'naterialtheretolcrc or hereafter furntshed. imprr.;sc,,1 by la$/ anrj it'r'i shouin h'1 the pubhc re0ords. 5. Defocts. lien:;, errcunrbranr;es, ,ldverse clainls 0r otller nlafiers, it aliv, created, first a1,pn.,|',,.'..'; ,,, ftc ':lhrrc r ec0rcis rrr ,rltachinri srJbseqrrent t0 the offoctive date hereot btit pri0r t0 the date the proposed instrrgd acqulres Ot rCc0t-..i i0r r,alrrr tlj{: tjst:.ilr,j 0r liiittdsl oI nrOrtgage ther00n CoverPd by thls C0n.nltment. lN WITNESS WHIRt0F, Title Insurance Cornpany of llinnesota has caused its corporate rrarne dtlc real :o lre:tereunto at.|ixed by its c!ulv aurho:'ireti of{iccrs 0n tlie dSte shown in schedule A, to be valid when cotrnterslgni)d by a valrdating o{ircer or 0thcr ruth0rized slqnatcry. IITI..E INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESCTA A Stock Company 4lI) Sefifil Avtrut: ./ t*1. AU:j.i't )!1,, :-t,tt,loi y -I lM F"Tnr 25 82 ' ALrA Oo*MrrMENr O SCHEDULE A Application No. V13060-2 For Infornation Only - charges. - ALTA Owner Po]icy $501-.00 slil: 33 With your remittance please refer to V13060-2. . Effective Date: February 23, l-989 at 8:00 A.u. . Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTArr ownerts Policy $L05, o00. 00 Form B-l-97o (Amended 10-l-7-70) Proposed Insured: W. F. VIGOR . The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Corunitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee sirnple . Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: BRICE E. BAIN, BRUCE E. BAIN, ERNEST F. BAIN AND FENTON A. BAIN t. The land referred to in this conrnitnent is described as follows: LOT 13,, BIOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE ]- . ALrA OoTMTTMENT O SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Application No- V13050-2 ihe following are the requirements to be cornplied with: . Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured - l. Proper instrument (s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly fil.ed for record, to-wit: ,. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED DecenbeT 02, 1981, FROM FENTON A. BAIN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oF NORTHGLENN TO SECURE THE SUM OF s10,00O.00 RECORDED December 08, 1981,rN BOOK 333 AT PAGE ]"9. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED March 14, l-983, IN BOOK 354 AT PAGE 935. I. WARRANTY DEED FROM ERNEST T" BAIN TO JEFFREY F. BAIN EDUCATTONAL TRUST AND AMY N. BATN EDUCATIONAL TRUST CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. t, A COPY OF THE TRUST FOR JEFFREY F. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST I,IUST BE REVIEWED BY THE COMPANY. (NOTE: THIS DoCUMENT NEED NoT BE RECORDED. ) '. DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AFFTDAVIT SETTING FORTH THE NAME OF JEFFREY F. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST AS A TRUST, AND THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL OF THE TRUSTEES WHO ARE REPRESENTED BV SAID TRUST, THE NAI',lEs OF THE TRUSTEES WHO MAY ACQUIRE, CONVEY, ENCUMBER, LEASE, OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID TRUST, AND OTHERWTSE COMPLYING WITH THE PROVT.STONS OF SECTION 38-30-166 OF I'HE 1973 CRS, EVIDENCING TTIE EXTSI'ENCE OII SAIt) TRUST PRIOR TO TTS ACQUISITION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. I. A COPY OF THE TRUST FOR AMY N. BAIN EDUCATIONAL I'RUST MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE COMPANY. (NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT NEED NOT BE RECORDED.) ]. DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AFFIDAVIT SETTING FORTH THE NAME OF AMY N. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST AS A TRUST, AND THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL OF THE TRUSTEES WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY SAID TRUST, THE NAMES OF THE TRUSTEES WHO MAY ACQUIRE, CONVEY, ENCUMBER, LEASE, OR OTHERWISE DEAL WITH TNTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID TRUST, AND OTHERWTSE COMPLYTNG WITH THE PROVISTONS OF SECTTON 38-30-166 OF THE ]-973 CRS, EVIDENCING THE EXISTENCE OF SAII) TRUST PRIOR TO ITS ACQUISITION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. ,Ab-6 Z SCHEDULE B-]. (Requirernents) Application No. v13060-2 9. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERII,TS, CONDIEIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SAEISFIED. 10. WARRANTY DEED FROI'{ BRICE E. BAIN, BRUCE E. BAIN, ERNEST F. BAIN AND FENTON A. BAIN TO W. F. VIGOR CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCIjI,IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! ALTAQoMMITMENT PAGE 3 . ALTA O'MITMENT O SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. v13060-2 ihe policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of fhe Company: Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. ;. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. Any unpaid taxes or assessment,s against said land. i. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. r. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR oF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMoVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SeptEMbeT 26, .],892, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. .0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SeptembeT 26, L892, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. .1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NovembeT 26, L966 1 IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. i.2. A FIVE T'OOT WIDE STRTP ALONG AT,L INTERTOR LOT LINES IS DEDICATED AS UTII,I'I'Y EASEMENTS FOR USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRATNAGE WAYS AS NOTATED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITTON. 13. EASEMENTS, RESBRVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI3T OF BTGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. ]AGE 4 UTM.IEED THIs DEED, made this l!-thday of March, 1989, between JETFREY F. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST, AHY N. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST, BRTEE E. BAIN ANd BRUCE E. BAIN, Grantors, whose address is: 6418 Clearview Road, Boulder, Colorado 80303, and W.F. VIGOR, Grantee, whose address is: 1705 Linden Lake Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524' WITNESSETH, that Grantors, for and in consideratlon of the sun of sEVENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/1O0 DOLI"ARS ($78,750.00), paid by Grantee to Grantors, the receipt whereof is hereby actcrow).edged, does hereby sell and convey to Grantee the following real property, located in the County of Eagle, and State of Coloradlo, described as follows: LOT 13, BLOCK 5, BTGHORN 5TH ADDITION, per the recorded plat thereof filed for record in Eagle County, CoLoradoi The said real property is also known by street address of: 4899 Meadow Drive, East VaiI, Co).orado, wi*'h aIl its appurtenances, a,::'rd.r':llnt rhe title to the sane, sul- jr'-:'- tc t3x,-s and r1s!€l:slrrr.\::, i,: : :-:-'2? a:i'l al' I subsequent )rears, .iC,';.::, l11!S, 1 l r:e:!'JnLSr t,l\,..lgf)r-- -'::i''S / Il'351€lVilX j-OjlS r feStf iCf,! OfrS, regtriations, ruies, roadways, r.ignts-of-way, building and zoning regulations and nineral reservations, of record or apparent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' Grantors have executed this Deed the day and year first above written. JEFFREY F. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST A},IY N. BATN EDUCATIONAL TRUST VICKI S. BAIN, Trustee Trustee STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF BOULDER ss, The foregoing instrunent day of March, 1989, by VICKI BAIN EDUCATIONAT TRUST ANd AMY E. BAIN and BRrCE E. BAIN, by fact, Grantors. $'roa-t--? A. BAIN, Attorney- in- fact ad*-AB';^ Attorney- in-fact ^r*I )' was acknowledged before nre this I s. BAIN, Trustee of the JEFPREY F. N. BAIN EDUCATIONAL TRUST, ANd BRUCE FENTON A. BAIN, their attorney-in- 1p;fr" /\Eil.-, l,[y cornmission expire", 3 N'l' Witness ury hand and official seal Notary WARRANTY DEED THrs DEED, made this l5taay of March, 1989' between FENTON A. BAIN, Grantct , whose address is: 6418 Clearvi.ew Road, Boulder, col-orado 8o303, and W.F. VIGOR, Grantee, whose address is: 1705 Linden Lake Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524, WITNESSETH, that Grantor, for and in consideration of the sunt of TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/1,0O DOLIARS ($26,250.00), paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby selJ' and convey to Grantee the following real property, located in the County of Eagle, and State of Colorado, described as follows: LOT 13, BIpCK 5, BIGHORN sTH ADDITION, per the recorded ptat thereof filed for record in Eagle County, coloradot The said real property is also known by street address of: 4899 Meadow Drive, East Vail, Colorado, with .111 it: a:-,:r:rta.1n1ei, at-,d uer:-ants the title to the same' sul-,-'e,:t- to t l;:L:,1 i1:'ti ir':"-ii]sAir'(inls fc': 1;'9? and all sul-;c-qttent years, covenants, €asenenrs, i:'Hc{i:I)trGns, reservations, restrictions, regulations, rules, roadways, rights-of-way, building and zoning regulations and mineral reservations' of record or apparent' IN TJITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Deed the day and year first above written. FENTON A. BAIN STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF BOULDER 55.,t The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before rne this day of March, 1989, by FENTON A. BAIN, Grantor. My connission explresz'j j0,ll tfitness ny hand and officlal seal. o APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB *****THIS APPLICATIoN WILL ORB APPLICATION ). BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED****NOT I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: . .. ... .t-: : ,': iio"-"iii itreamline ltrJ uppiouul 'elgcess for-your.proiect by decreasing the number - -,-.,"; of conditions or apprJnir-ihai tlre'DRB may stiiulate. ALL conditions of approval must ._.ffi 6; il;;i;"i before'i uuitains permit is issued' : A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to ::-r:i'rd l;T;s:!l i!"iti;!!ii'ulii iiliiliii ri,i:1i:i1dli!:1il:lili'!'li*ii'$i!iii ',W ii'il-1," ippiiiini;s reiponsluiiity to make an appointnent.with the staff to fi out about additionat rlu'iiiii-""qrir"t.nii. -ir"ii" n9!^tp1t,1 99M!IEJtpli:l- :,',',-ffi Address Legal Zoning C. NAME OF Address B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Des cri pti on Lot /a VALUATION The fee wi'l'l be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 3. People who fail meeting and who republ'ished. D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATtut: Er'f/ 4/r)R Address E: MME OF tel ephone S i gnature bi,t o'nd 7tt7 Address F. DRB FEE: $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.so,ool - $ 150'ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000'000 II'IPORTANT NOTICE RECARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_applicant must stake the site shouta also be inirflla. 'itis work must-be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. Z. The review process for'NEl,l BUILDINGS wil'l normally involve two- separate meetings oi-ttre Desiin Review Soiia, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval- to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled trave'iroi asked for a postponement will be required to be Bl ock Filing I no to 4.The fo'l'lowing items They, however, have Review Board. for approval: al ter the ',-,","'l€ lonqer have to be presented to the Design be iresented to the Zon'ing Administrator a. l,lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not existing Plane of the building; and b. Euildins additions that are not viewed .{foq ?ny other lot or public space, *[iif,'-tii"" had letters submitted from adjojning property owners approving itre iaattion; and/or approva'l from the agent for, or manager of a condomjnium associ ation 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studjes on your property. You shoujd chect with a Town Planner before proceeding. ;G SIIBDIVISION JOB NAME The location of must be approved slte p1an. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION utillries, whether they be nain and verlfled by the following or proposed lines, the accompanYlng trunk lines utilities for Mountain Bell 468-6500 WesCern Slope Gas Co. i 800 922-1987 Harry l{oyes Public Service CompanY 949-s 781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc . 949-5892 Ted Husky/Ilichael LavertY lleri Eage Cablevis j-on T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Val1.ey lJater & Sanitation Dis trict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee Authorized SlqnaEure Date ,/rt/ae 3-/s-87 ?-/ t -8\ 3-r5€7 I NOTE: These verificacions do noc relieve the concracEor of his responstbiliEy to obtain a street cuE permlc fron the Town of Vall, Departrnent of Public Works and !o obEain ucility locations before digging in any public !ight- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building permir is not a street cut pernic. A screet cuE Permi.c musE be obcained seParalely. This forrn ls to verify servlce avallabillty and location. This should be used ln conjunctlon with preparing your utillty plan and schedullng lnstallaclons. , rt(Please bring a site plan when obtalnJ.ng Upper EagJ.e Valley Water & Sani.catlon stgnatures) NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF P The following jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name LIST OF MATERIALS to the Oesign Revjevt COLOR *:rSf-!9 Roof Si di ng other t{all uateriais & X / > Z)ao 'o 44zyt) d6e Z/zu' -- Fascia ,{ v t : zz', ,f/ -1 (zAa''D -Soffi ts '(D ,f c!4 r,lindow Trim fuoo o - (D & sx.^oJ Doors / ^,O Door Trim Dao A Hand or Deck Rails ilarU.a '^ -, .,. ,4: Flues e/7tu4 Fl ashi ngs Chimneys S 7a- - n Pn ?r L ,/l /n r ) -€_- ,t"/( /O tQ -<-J PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES *Indicate caliper Quanity Size* J ,KP e4J- / '>-tt " kirt r/ ..-- for deciducious trees. Indicate height for cohifers. ' (over) ,b'lfulparo^ .<( , 4L'*_ _4 EXISTING TI BE REMOVED . PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Nane Quani ty /f,"- -4 t .-'J2( , /fLz$o S;e ,A' ,'^ &rc{o/o &,,r s0D strtrn TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rrtaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.)Please specify. )r') <_ o onTE:ffi Bl ock {Filing 5z W- ,ed+ Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining 'llal l Heights Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So] ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ,3 tl?h\ (30)qlL.' cl'{ 3r> Proposed ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ne Phone -rt z-+tr'f ADORESS: Ot.lNER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE x a6.a 3 z-- :4/@ _237c r17>a/' -e5,S @, l"tC f rfz-\\J 6L :_q- .---t - , /./ I -/, / ,\ 5c> (gcl; l cJ -) eG""n //o rt<.- O( Avalanche // ' //// *4- Flood Plain ,(J. ,(/ .<-- Sl ope Wetl ands Geol og i c Hazards 20' 15' 15' (30)(s0) YV"/ (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (1oo) (25)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: EXECUTIVE AIR Ri ck Pyl mon Town Pl anner Town of Vail Dear Ri ck ; and two sets of s'i te plan is in you ri ght away. g'i ve me a call. you again this Find encl Pl ans, pl us T'i tl the Mail to me, If you need any I'll be looking somer. VIGOR DEVELOPMENT 1705 Linden lake Rd. Ft. Collins, CO 80524 482-4749 March 16 , 1989 osed DRB AppI i cat'i on, e pol icy. New surveyors and I'll send it uo to more information pl ease f orward to work i ng w'i th Bil'l Vigor DArE oF METTING, l\irctr,r* f ', tQ11 ^.b{Bill Ruoff SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION: VOTE: ITETIBERS PRESENT: IOR: o DD o srGN REvrEl!--ug4!D Lou ParkeN Bill Bisho} Ron TodF Abe shaPi)\i -raH,'-q& g.,nvl\nc\ o*y 'i\<'i'rrt \t+{d' \atlw'J- BOARD; \ \-/L/\ \v V 4 {,\^rs l r. ,-rct& sEcoNDED sv' ''"1nP(fo AGAINST: -._-o-t(--.r|' ^".'ClN/'__a-r:<cf> ..s. l\\+r- ABSTtrNTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVILD: SUITII1ARY: cY li l0--, '-,t'' \(:ltcttic\-s [u ltUr' t\<,nrt ffid })Y$) ic,t rl *iu _J- c ltll )