HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 6 TREETOPS COMMON ELEMENT 1980 1984 LEGAL.pdfI I Project Application ,./.t. - ,,: l; . i- u Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Staff Approval , +-"- J- ', nd { 75 south frontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 475_7000 April 17, 1984 olflce of communlly developmenl TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign Application Requirements l'{hen applications for signs are submitted, the following information is required: l. site plan showing exagt location where the s'ign'is to be located. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) sca'le drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of application. ,,\n\(],r't gv'" 6,'o App'l i cati on Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Name of p"oi"", Teaa Ers< f/Ltte /A /-o- t,ts Name of person Subrnitting '(.Caes,eic{ oni{fa/" rZ Location of project LlAthA submi tta I approva 1 the appl icant be given. by can 1 L Description of project 0Oar*aZ r),r/,9 ^,,(/rLA The.fol'lowing information is required for to the Design Review Board before a final srgn submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material of Sign 3tr'. D. Conrnents MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Photographs shqwjng proposed 'locatJon-4. Actual siqn V q. Colored s;ale dfrwfig- l. Site Plan 2. Drawings sFowTng-efact'location 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SuUmittaT- k t 9h .o6 F ? s 2 -:'7 -i.,,1. vi' Project Appllcatlon Proiect Name:ii. ; o"," rs 1z\o [84 Prolect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Contacl Person and Phone Architecl, Address and Phone:1?*.=r.- L Lr-, ,iy.., \, 4r u - 3r Z Z Legal Description: Lot rf) , Block riting "lFrrL i-ii.rr*tst'r€'F'i: ,zon -W Comments: Motion by: Design Review Board Oate Seconded by: -"- nppRovel ),/-OISAPPROVAL Sr$rr,,r.r, Q'-'?-*. i{r. -3o\\-i l\/z liiuFr .ri it\., 1-,g Sl^'f^\,,*-!", (oVa" "\t',N[i) A-.tf 'Et-darr Approval 7.3b/Fo o Fascia f' Roofing Panels A rn -l --t -tf|lfl -{E g T-I z a rr o r- - FREE-FORM Gives design flexibility with the classic batten look. This system otters panel modules of any practical length and width. Panels are installed by using the style No. 100 batten and the No. 1250 clip. Entirelv concealed inside after installation, the No. 1250 clips secure the battens and provide complete protection from the rveather. The 100 syst€m can be ordered completely fabricated or you can order battens only and flat sheets. Panels, drip sills, gravel stop, etc., can be easily fabricated on regular sheet-metal eouioment. The No. 100 batten is supplied as standard rvith open ends for use rvith top cover and bottom drip sill. For customized jobs the No. ']00 batten can be ordered rvith one end or both ends capped. This allorvs for a free-form design w,here either the bottom drip sill or top cap, or both, can be eliminated. See next page for typical applications. ldeal for vertical and inclined applications, the 100 system can be used on a oitch doirn Io ll:12. Furnish and install No. l00 batten and oanel svstem as manufactured by Foremost Manufacturing Company. MATERIAL - 24 Cauge hot-dipped galvanized steel with Kynar 50CPfinish. Color to be -. PANELS - Panels to be one-piece, continuous length construction. Battens to be* - inches on center. FLASHINC - all exposed flashing to be of same material as panels. INSTALLATION - No exoosed fasteners to be used. Fastenersto bespecified byarchltect based on backing material. Battens and oanels to be secured n,ith No. 1250 clips at a maximum spacing of 18 inches. *See sketch for standard dimensrons. STD Dll.,l :5" o' 17" -".a'-i!lh.r spac l-g av?rabiel . FLUSH - #r250 cL PS-. BATTEN |s/a" \tu x 1" H 7.3UFo Kyoto 5teak House Rossen./Neumann A ssociates, Southf ield, Ml St. V incent's Hospital Stress Center lndianapolis, lndiana Atchonics, Atchitects CUSTOM ,qPPLICATtONS USiNG I'YPE IOO RAI_IEI\S The No. 10O batten with end cap one piece construction can be furnished with cao on either. one or both enos. Pro.jecting tab can be cut off when flush mounting is required. This allows wide latitude in custom designing. Shown are some typical apprcarons. CONTINUOUS TOP WATEF STOP a t il tl ||l ItU <V BATTEN (2 END CAPS,l FLUSH) TYPICAL TOP CAP ryPICAL #1OO BATTEN SPECIAL STARTER #1OO BATIEN STR IP (oPEN TOP- END CAP BOTTOM ) TYPICAL #1OO BATTEN CONTINUOUS SIARTER WOOD ryPICAL #1OO BATTEN (OPEN TOP & BOTTOI\,I) SPECIAL STARTER BATTEN (WITH ONE FLUSH END CAP) BATTEN (NO ENO CAP) Ma iott lnn, Cnnd Rapids, Michigan Pi vawa, Architects TYPICAL #1OO PANEL #1OO BATTEN (ONE FLUSH ENO CAP) .I - I\'OULD ING SOFFIT #34 SILL QUICK-LOCK Saves time, lowers construction costs. This system of fascia and mansard panels with Foremost's exclusive Quick-Lock permits sections to be aftached easily and securely. They literally slide together - no bending, no cutting or on{he-job measuring. The panels have pre-punched nail holes on the flanges, and are nailed or screw,ed directly to the backing material. When the next panel snaps into place, locking flanges are fully concealed, fully corrosion-proof. The locking flanges on Foremost panels are designed with some "play" in lateral movement so that each panel can be aligned before nailing. This feature also allows for expansion and provides a continuous water stop. Simple one-piece construction allows 301 panels to be supplied in any practical lengh. ldeal for vertical and inclined applications. the 301 system can be used on a pitch down tct 12:12. Furnish and intall No. 30'l panel system manufactured by Foremost Manufactu ring Company. MATERIAL * 24 Cauge hot-dipped galvanized steel with Kynar 50ffcoating. Colorto be -. PANELS - Panels shall be of one-oiece construction. roll{ormed to required lengths. FLASHINC - All exposed flashing to be of same material as panels. INSTALLATION - No exposed fasteners to be used. Fasteners to be specified byarchitect based on backing material. Panels to be secured at a maximum of 3 feet bet\4'een su oDorts. Maximum Recommended Length 30 leel O -l*---N+ s"- 1 PANEL] SOLID PLYWOOD OR HOFIZONTAL FUBRING STRIPS - 36" N,IAX. O.C, 7.3t/Fo TYPICAL FLASHING DETAILS FOR SERIES IOO g 301 1!a" I2" G f32 SILL +(j :r STAFjI t i, :'!.ilaL ,' *1250 CLIP (oN 18" CENTERS-1lll BOTH SIDES) ; II; +o .l carlNlEl:r i rlP A:l:,1:MFIY *c-1 CORNER TRIM TYPICAL PANEL TYPICAL PANEL #c-2 CORI.J E N ANGLE (2 requir€d) ', .,, 1/l{ I If-rl Il--!-- ltc-3 .J t.,lOULDING (2 required) CCFNEn TfiiN" (1 r€quired) . , "'' .."1@ Koll Busi ness P ark, Redmond, Washington Lance M ueller and AsJociates/Architects STANDINGSEAM Thin line rib creates aesthetic effect. (t 1- v_^*__lrul f- STD. SPACING,,rr' "nO ta'. --_l (other spacing avarlable) Series 701 standing seam panels are preformed with a 1-112" rib in continuous lengths with 11-314" and 13-3/4".- soacinq (other soacine available on reouest). lnstalled with'r.spacing (other spacing available.on jjeques0- In*alled with\ :3:lf,::*,1i1il:':flj:11':1.9'":p,:rg''iij:,'"9*1?" '' lq34 " Spirc,J q s61= r?aa=eFS quvr"rnslr rtlr- punching for better; cleaner appearance. ldeal for vertical {,-A<.,\and inclined applications, the 701 system can be used on a oitch down to 3:12. Holiday lnn, Dearborn, Michigan Nordstrorn-Sarnso n an d As soci ate s / A rch itects SERIES 70i SPi]Cif:ICAIIONS Furnish an install No. 701 standing seam panel system manufactured by Foremost Manufacturing Company. MATERIAL - 24 Cauge hot-dipped galvanized steel with Kynar 500 finish. Colorto be PANELS - Panels to L one-oiece form rolled. Seam spacing to be inches. INSTALLATION - No exposed fasteners to be used. Fasteners to be specified byarchitect based on backing material. Panels to be secu red at a maximum of lB" be] Nveen supports. Maximu.1 Reconmended Lenglr: 40 feel NAILEF CLIP (B!1lon punchgs staggereo FOREMOSTSOl OCUSTOM STANDING RIB PANELSYSTEM ...more design flexibility in a rib system. #c-801 CONTINUOUS CLEAT STD SPACING 13% 'and 15t', (olher spacing avarlable) /i SERIES BO I SPECIFICATIONS Furnish and install No. 801 standing seam panel systems as manufactured by Foremost Manufacturing Company. MA|ERIAL - 24 Cauge hordipped galvanized steel with Kynar 500p finish. Color to be -. PANELS - Panels to be one-oiece form rolled. Seam spacing to be - inches. INSTALLATION - No exposed fasteners to be used. Fasteners to be specified by architect based on back- ing material. Panels to be secured at maximum of 18" between suoDorts. FOLD.OVER CLIPS This simple 3-piece system from Foremost includes panels, clips and continuols rib cleats. Continuous lensth pariels are availablein standard '13-112" and l5-t2" widths with other spacinss available on request. Fold-over clips aniho} the panels and are completely hidden under the continuous rib cleats. Clean lines and easy installation make the 8O1 system ideal for all vertical and inclined applications, on Ditch down to 3:12. Maximum Flecommended Lengthr 40 feet FOREIITOST SOFFIT PANELS Available to give you an exact material and color match when you are using Foremost Fascia and Roofing Panels on any bLiilding. Steel;heet eliminates possibility of galvanic cell corrosion as when differine metals are installed. SOFFIT SPECIFICATIONS Furnish and install No, SC-20 soffit manufactured by Foremost Manufaduring Company. MATERIAL - 24 Cauge hotiipped galvanized steel with Kvnar 5Offfinish. Colorto be 107: " STD. WIDTH SOLID PLYWOOD OR FURRING STRIPS 10" o.c. #93 *SE-20 J-IVOULDING SOFFIT PANEL COLORFUL o)scL KYNAR 5OO' SHEET STOCK €, COIL AVAILABLEo Stucco Flinish is available in all colors Foremost's preJinished sheets offer to the architect and the sheet metal shop a high quality metal at surprisingly Iow cost. Almost any type of building - commercial, institutional, industrjal - can use this versatile metal for fascia, roofing panels, flashing, coping, etc. t EA;riiH[.5 r Made of 24 Cauge C-90 hot-dipped galvanized steel with Kynar 50ff fluorocarbon coating. o Easily formed with regular sheet metal tools and machinery. Can be bent to lT radius without fracture of coating! o Each Sheet protected with a heavy plastic film. Film is easily removed after forming, even in hot or cold weather. r Can be ordered cut-to-size t,or maximum savings. o Carries a 2O-year warranty - your assurance of quality! !il"it l-r i .LiIOCK SPf t ll" lC s,l li.)l'15 Stone Cray +*Premium Finish - Extta Cost Represented by... with K Furnish 24 Cauge hotdipped galvanized steel flat sheets with Kvnar 50f finish as manufactured bv Foremost finish as manufactured bv Foremost wrrn Kynar )L r"flnrsn as manulacture Manufacturing Company. Color to be F (trREn4{Jgl Piq}i F {-.S & AeC8.550R! ES ::ri l'e !' r' {)i c cted i&' i'r.h l{.)., rr a r 5 S 0. This high quality fluorocarbon coating has remarkable physical durability and pigmentation properlies lhat dssure color fastness... color fastness that stands up to intense sunlight and extreme weather conditions. Proper su rface preparation produces this long-life finish. Foremost's hot-dipped galvanized steel is primed and baked; then rollcoated w,ith Kynar 50ff and baked again; and then protectd with a scratch-resistant plastic film that is easily removed during installation. The coating is warranted for refinishing or replacement for twenty years. :- i.. .1 , . l Withing the iimitations of printing ink on paper, the swatches shown are reasonable facsimilies of the colors. lf exact color is important, color chips are alailable on request. Kynar 50O' is a reg islered trademark of Penfiwalt Corporalion. MANqFACT(IRING 2000 West Eight Mile Road Southf ield, Michigan 48075 Phone (313) ]52-7 37 3 co. ,,tndstone Statuary Bronze Polar White Weathered Copper** Erick Red Regal Brown Antique Bronze eall To ll- Fre 1 - 8OO - 5 2 1 -9 3 1 6 ( exc e pt lvlic h i g an ) o 8.6. AVAILABILITY ANO COSTS Availability: NUBELAR Coat ings are available from Glidden Coalings & Resins Division of SCM CorPora' tion, 900 Union Commerce Building, Cleveland, Ohio 441 15. or they can b€ obtained by conlacting any of lhe listed regional olfices. Buildrng com' ponents tinished with NUBELAR ccalings are available lrom melal build ing Ptoduct manulaclurers. tabricators. and custom applicatcrs. Lisls are available lrom Glrdden. Cosls: Prices ol metal building components coated with NUBELAR are available from the comPonenl manufacturers. Prices for sPray applying NUBELAR coalrngs lo ex' truded metal comPonenls are available from Glidcten aPProved applicalors. 7. GUARANTEE WarrantieS a(e nOrmallY available lrom qualified building component manufacturers and applicators. Refer to Glrdden s Technical Data Sheet tor correcl appl ication recommendat ions. REGTONAL OFFICES LOS ANGELES. CALIF 90022 6948 Bandini Blvd. Phone (213) 685.4750 MiN N EAPOLTS. [l1Nt! $!a13 1901 E. Hennepin Ave Phone 1612) 331 '5991 PORTLAND. OREGON 972I0 2800 NW 31st Ave Phone (503) 228'5205 MAINTEI NUBELA maintenance necessary, s easily remc cleaning so Minor scralc with a spec applied, aifdl NUBELAR) o NUBELA in conlunct t sealanis and 9. TECHNII ComPlet, and lileratu Glidden. 10. FILING : Sweet's and lnduslria ' (YNAn 500 i Pena\rall Corp READING PENI Thrrd & Bern Sl: Pnone (215) 373 SAN FRANCISC( 1000 Srrteenlh: Phone: (415) 62 1 TORONTO.ONT, 351 Wallace Av€ Phone: (4 t6) 534 WESTLAKE. OH (CLEVELAND) 801 CanlerburY Phone: (216) 344 l ,. ELIDDEN CHEM'CAL COAnINES 'SCw COeeOnATror{. CLev€LANO O}'{rO 4'r:t5 Thir Spcc-Ocra Sh!.i con- formr to aditorirl ttyla prcrcribed by Th! Cgnrtruction Spacilic!rion lnatituta. Tha mtnut!cturar it ra!gontibtc for tachnicrl tccur!cv Szes: NUBELAR coatings are Color, NUBELAR coatings are commercially available in guantiti€s available in a wide range ol slandard of 50 gallons and up depending on colors. Special colors are avaiiable il requirements of lhe iob. Non- approved by Glrdden's lechnical slandard colors in spray quality are department. also available in 35 gallon minimum quant ities. All erterior components of aluminum or galvanized steel that lenct lhemselves lo a tactory applied, oven baked finish can be coated with this pfoduct. 4. TECHNICAL DATA PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NUBELAR, C6NTIXCS F NUBELAR' 1. PRODUCT NAME NUBELAB. A premium fluorocatbon coating produced wilh KYNAR 500' resin under license from Pennwalt Corporat ion. 2. MANUFACTUFER SCM Corporat ion Glictden Coatings & Resins Divis ion 900 Union Commerce Building Cleveland. Ohio 441 15 Phone: (216) 3*l€372 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 8as/c Uses: NUBELAR coatings are used by manulacturers of metal curtain wall and olher building prod- ucls as a long.lite exterior finish for aluminum and galvanized steel. NUBELAR is a liquicl coating lhat is factory applied and oven baked on properly prepared and primed substrates. NUBELAR coatings are applied as exterior linishes for metal siding, louvers, fascia, curiain wall, rooling, spandrel paneling and column covers. The building com- ponenls can be either postformed from precoated coil stock or spray coatect afler f abrication. Limitalions: Since NUBELAF coalings require baking to cure, lhey cannot be tield applied. NUBELAR coatings are not approved for use on hol or cold rolled steel intended tor exterior exposure. Composition and Maletials' NUBELAR coatings are based on KYNAH 500 polyvinylidene tluoride (PVF'). The coaling when prcpetly applied will give maximum exterior durability due lo its outstanding resistance lo ultraviolet rad iat ion and chemical degradation. Ti? lcn Doinl Sglc 0 a'lorrnal has b?!n r?!fodrrc€d lrom tublicalr0n! Eopyrrght!d bt CSl. 1964. 1965. 1966. 196t. .nd ut?d br 0ermrr. sio't ol Ih? Construction Splcrl,cal'ont Inttrtut?. Inc.. llashrngron, 0 C. 20036 Prop€rly 60' SDecular Gloss Pencil Hardness Posl Formability, 1800 Bend around I l8-inch mandrel Adhesion-lmDacl Abrasion Resistance (Abrasion Coef licientf Taber Abrader. CS-10 wheel, 1,000 gm load Accele.al€d T6sts: weatherometer, 2000 hours exposure Dew Cycle Weatherometer, 5O0 hours exposure Humidity, 1000 hours exposure @ IOOoF and I OO0,6 humidity Humidity. 240 hours exposure @ 1400F and 1(X) o/o humidity Salt Spray. 1000 hours, 5% sall tog @ 95oF Resull 10-35 HB.H Acceptable (11 Acceptable (2) 65 liters, minimum Acceptable (3) Acceplable (4) Acceptable (4) Acceplable (5) Acceptable (5) Acceptable (6) Tsst Designalion ASTM 0.523.67 ASTM D.3363-74 ASTM D-1737-62 ASlM D.2794 ASTM 0.968 Std. Taber Tesl ASTM G.23-69 ASTM D.3361 ASTM D-2247-68 NCCA No. ll16 ASTM 8.117.68 G ! E C a z c c : -= -U !c Qr A9 aZ ao I s gr o F o o ,p l-1 H (o (1) Flerible to poant of metal ruplure wilhout rupture of coating. (2) No loss of adhesion between coating and subslrale to point of metal rupture wilh 1/16" cross-hatch sctibe paltern lhrough coaling lo bare metal. (3) No more than 20 milligrams loss ot coating aller 400 cycles. (4) No gbiectionable chalking. color change. or blisle|'ing. (5) Less lhan 5 o/o No. 8 size blislers. (6) Aluminum: less than 59; No 8 size blistera. no more lhan 1/16" creep or tape off from scribe. Galvanired Steel less than 5olo No.6 blisters. nor more lhan 3/16" creep or taoe otf lrom scribe Glidden o !tn g o o =z o u, ^ I \AitAssociafesReal Estatq--*-- .--. - = A Subsidiary of Vail Associates, lnc., Creators of lail and Beaver Cretk ---;\ O c !ober 22, L984 -/ Mr . A. Peter Pa t.ton DirecEor of Comnunity Development Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Dear Peter: Enclosed is a copy of Ordinance ,1126, Series of 1983, regarding the construction of retail space on the garage to the north of Treetops at lhe entrance to the Lionshead Ma1l. section 1, Paragraph A talks about conmercial core II Zone District and certain things not pernitted upon the subject proPerty. I would like you to review this for me as I have been asked by the developer' Donald A. Simpson, to lease this space. we have had a number of inquiries frorn food-related services and drugs tore/pharr'racy type services. I dld not know whether the ordinance that I have is the final one, if you will notice it has not been signed. I also did not know if any of these non-permitted uses are subject Eo negotiation. I will call you shortly to discuss this matter with you. Associate Broker CG : cae En clos ure cc: Donald A. Simpson l, Box 7. Vail. Colorado 81658 . Vail Village Office (303) 476'4500 ' LionsHead Oifice (303) 476-3393 Bridge Street Off ice (303) 476-7797 . Toll Free Denver Area 57l4ll1 Avon Oll'ice. Avon. CO 61610 (303) 949-4404 . Toll Free Denver Area 613-9609 E.s Gersbach MATER I ALS (*o* o, o*orrrr, / LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N \ STREET ADDRESS: \DEscRrPriON 0F PR The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof . -tOtlLl-'I nlormatl0n rs reou a final approval can MATERIALS: TYPE OF for submittal by the app jcant to the Design Review be fiven: MATERIAL COLOR Si di ng Other Wall Materials B. Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows t,iindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other , ..t'| ^ t .!$9".q tsrcto{ttl dt \iilktdcy LANDscfiING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Des i gner: phone: *Indicate caliper for deciducjous trees. Indicate heiqht for conifers. o PLANT FIATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouanit ani ty Si ze Botanical Name Common Name Quanjty (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming poo'l s, etc.) Please specify. Project Application '' ,.: t, r: I Dale Name:Project Proiecl Contact ' ',.: .;: Description: Person and Phone 'r,rr' ,': i -i . Address and phone: i"-,,J c j:r'auss, j: jrti ljr^i- .,, i: i riarrc j.,tl olnr,ninr ,:ilr i,c, r_lhcr:-,Owner, Architect, Address and Phone: ltli :,'. l iI 'r:"rr:' i .r. cltn;Legal Description:Lot Block I Filing Com ments:': i''' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Staff Approval Date: August 28, 1984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo PhiliPs Bosoue de Circuelos 304-3 Bosque de las Lomas ivfe'xico 10, D.F. Ne'xico Dear Mr. Phi 1i ps: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. we have had to stop the inilosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Association that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exteri or changes. second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of Vajl. Third, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) Yon can obtajn the necessary permit from the Town (?) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor bridge (3) you wiil carry your own insurance on both the metal framing and the glass that You are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it 'i mpossible to paint the wood rai1.i ngs wiihout scaffolding or other more expensive means' this added iost w'i ll have to be born by you- Since the raj lings were iust painted, this cost will not probably happen for seve- ra1 years (5) you will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures al ongs'i de the bri dge. Please note that if you accept this agreement, it will also be binding on whomever you sell or transfer your unit(s) to. If you agree, please sign one copy and return it in the enclosed envelope. The sooner this is done, the sooner work can be resumed. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. EDWARD M. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condominium 469 S. Cherry #110 Denver, Colorado Accepted b Copies: Board Members Marvel Barnes As soc i at ion Since:ry,*%t unit(s)-3 E {4E o August 28, 1984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo Philips Bosque de Circuelos 304-3 Bosque de las Lomas Mexico 10, D.F. Mexico Dear Mr. Philips: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. l.|e have had to stop the inclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Association that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes. Second, you will need to obtain a building permit from.the Town of Vail. Third, the Board will agree to a'l low you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (2) The glass is of the same co'lor as on the fifth floor bridge (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal framing and the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it imposs'ible to paint the wood railings without scaffolding or other more expensive means, this added cost wjll have to be born by you. Since the railings were just painted, this cost will not probably happen for seve- ral years. (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this agreement, it wi'll also be binding on whomever you sell or transfer your unit(s) to. If you agree, please sign one copy and return it in the enclosed envelope. The sooner this is done, the sooner work can be resumed. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. EDI^IARD li4. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condomi ni um Association 469 S. Cherry #110 0enver, Colorado 80222 Accepted Copies: , .Board Members l4arvel Barnes w, f<3 -/:Uni t(s ) August 28, 1984 Mr. Andres Banos Ahuehuetes Norte 909 Mdxico 10, D.F. Mdxi co Dear Mr. Banos: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. lde have had to stop the inclosing of the bri dge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Association that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes. Second, you will need to obtain a build'i ng permit from the Town of Vail. Thi rd, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (i) You can obta'i n the necessary perm'i t from the Town (2) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor briCge (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal framing and the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it impossible to paint the wood rail ings without scaffolding or other more expensive means, this added cost will have to be born by you. Since the railings were just painted, this cost will not probably happen for seve- ral years. (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this agreement, 'it will also be binding on whomever you sell or transfer your unit(s) to. If you agree, please sign one copy and return it in the enclosed envelope. The sooner this is done, the sooner work can be resumed. Thank you and understanding in this matter. Treetops Condominium Association 469 S. Cherry #11C Denver, Colorado 80222 Accepted by: lli oate:'.{Z*/ ta/ H(4 ll Cop i es : Boa rd l,'lembe rs l4a rve I Ba rne s coope rati on STRAUSS ,1 f-- '1-T.- 75 soulh frontage load vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7@0 Martin H. Shore, Esq. Hellerstein, Hellerstein and Shore, P.C. P: O. Box 5637 Denver, Colorado 8OZL7 Re: TreetoPs Condominium Project. Dear Martin: Enclosed please find the agreement 'Vai1. I would aPPreciate it if You sign it and record it with the Eagle Recorderts office, and have it sent recordation. ollice of lown atlorney October 10, 1984 executed by the Town of would have your client County C1erk and truly yours, f, A. Eskwith LAE/jh enclosure .F THIS AGREEMENT dated 1984, by and between THE ferred to as rrVailrr, and Con dominium Assoc j,at ion, AGREEI\,IENT the 10th day of October 'TOM Of'VAIL, COLORADO, hereinafter re- the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of TreetoPs hereinafter referred to as t'TreeTops". WITNESSETH: WHERXAS, TreeTops has authority to enter into the lease or sale of the airspace rights above the existing parking ga"rage structure (hereinafter referred to as the ttSubject Property" ) located at TreeTops Conclominium Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") on behalf of the owners of the undivided interests of the general common elements of the Project; and \THEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restrictions regarding an employee unit be placed on the Subject Property. NOW, THEREFORE, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good. and valuable cons j-deration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the pa"rties hereto agree as follows: 1. That porti_on of the ancillary facilities on the subject Property comprised of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, den, kitchen, dining,-1i-ving and office space for a living area of approximately 1,080 square ieet (referrecl to as the "Employee Uni-t"), sha1l be used exclusively as the managerrs unit for the manager of the Project and shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately from the remainder of the Subject Property. 2'TheEmployeeUnitshallnotbeleasedorrentedforany period of less than thirty (30) consecutive clays; and, if it sha11 be rentecl , it sha11 be rented only to tenants who are fu11-time employees in the Upper Eagle Va1ley' The Upper Eagle Va119y,shall be deemed to include tt" Gore Va11ey, Minturn, Red cliff, Gilman, Eagle Vail and Avon, and the surrounding areas. A full-time "mployee j-s a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The restrictions contained herein sha1l remain in effect for a perlod not more than 2o years ar.d the life of Trent Ruder from tire date the certificate of occupancy is issued for said unit. 4. This Agreement shall be a convenant running with the land and sha11 bind TieeTops, its heirs, successors, and assigns, and all subsequent lessees ancl owners of the Subject Property' L, COLORADO Rondall V.Phillips, T Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TREETOPS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Bv: Edward M. Strauss, President Attest: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 1984, by corporation. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF CONSENT TO AGREEMENT Pierye Lakes, Ltd., a Colorado Limited Partnership, hereby eonsents and agrees to the foregoing Agreement between the Town of Vail, Colorado and the Board of Direetors of TreeTops Condominium Assoeiation. ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this - day of _-____-__---___, 1984, by Edward M. Strauss as President of TreeTops Condominium essi6fiIi6i'iiE-i,inda Averch as Secretary of TreeTops Condominium Association. My eommission expires: -2- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF PIERRE LAKES' LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership Bv: Donall A. Simpson, General Partner ) ) ss. ) The foregoing consent to Agreement was aeknowledged before me this dav of- " ,1984, by Donald A. Simpson as General Partner of P i e rrffis J,td., a c66ffi i6--i m i ted Par tnership. My eom mission exPires: Notary Public lId?liess of Notary) -3- sEP 2 0 EA4 LOUIS A, HELLERSTE]N STEPHEN A. HELLERSTEIN MARTIN H. 5 HORE CH R ISTIAN CARL ONSAGER JAN ICE HOFMANN CLARK MARIA J. FLORA EDWARD P, O'BRIEN MARTI R. BAR EN CH R ISTINA A. FIFLIS BEVERLY L, RUTEN B ECK JOH N l"l. wIEGAN D CONSTANCE A. CO LLIN 5 TELEPHONE {303) 573 - lOaO TELECOPIER (303) 57t- 127 | Hturnsrcrru, HELLtnstetN,cNo 5Horu, p. c. ATIORNEYs AT LAW II39 DELAWARE STREET P. O. BOX 5637 OENVER, COLORADO AO2I7 September 17, 1984 In Re:Tbeetops Condominium Projeet Mr. Larry Eskwith 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8165? Dear Larry: Enclosed please find the Agreement Colorado and the Board of Directors of Treetops managerrs unit at Treetops. Please forward the exeeuted eopy to Tleetops and eonsent by Pierre Lakes, Ltd. we drafted between The Town of Vail, Condominium Assoeiation regarding the us and we will arrange for exeeution by Very truly yours, HE Martin H.Shore sHoBE, P.C. MIIS:lsd Enelosure ee: Mr. Edward M. Strauss AGREEMENT Linda Avereh, Seeretary STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this ,I984, by day OI OI The foregoing Agreement , 1984, by Edward M. Partnership, hereby eonsents and of Vail, Colorado and the Board of TOIVN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a munieipal eorporation, for and on behalf of said corporation. trlv eommission exoires: Notary Public (Address of Notary) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF was aeknowledged before Strauss as President of me this _ dry TreeTops Condominium Assoeiation and Linda Averch as Seeretary of TreeTops Condominium Association. I\{v commission exoires: Notary Publie 1^ tt dl""P /A ,ffiwo u /hllAw" L Piere Lakes, Ltd., a agrees to the foregoing Agreement Direc tors of TreeToos Condominium CONSENT TO AGREEI!{ENT Colorado Limited between the Town Associa tion. - L- (Address of Notary) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF PIERRE LAKES, LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership By: Donald A. Simpson, General Partner ) ) ss. ) The foregoing consent to Agreement was aeknowledged - before me this dav of , 1984, by Donald A. Simpson as General Partner of PierrElakEsJtd., a Colorado Lim ited Partnership. My commission expires: Notary Public GdAressof Notary) -3- LEASE AGREEMENT WITII OI)'TION TO PURCHASE I. PARTIES. This LEASE AC]REI.:i\,1 riN'f wt'f I oprioN'to puttcltnsF. (herein referred to as rrlease") is between the Bour<i of Directors of Tnee'fops Condorninium Assoeiation, on behalf of the owners of the undivided interests of Tree'fops Condominium Project, (herein referred to as LESSoR), ancl eier.re iar<es, iic., u colorado Limited Partnership, (herein referred to as LE$SEE). 2' PREMISES. LESSOR hereby leases to LEssEE anrl LE$SEE leases frorn LESSOn' for the term and upon the terms and eonditions hereinafter set forth, all that certain air space (herein referred to us "Dernised Prernises") as described in Ilxhibit c logligd at rreeTops condorninium projeet (hcrein referred to as ,,projeet,,) described in Exhibit A, whieh has b.een initiale-d by the parties and is attached hereto and incorporated herein by. reference, together. with ;ll rights and s.ppurtcn&nces thereto belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining theleto. LEssEE nercuy o""*ptr the l)emisetl l)remises in an "&s is" condition' except as hereinafter set forth. Tiris Lease shall be subject to any appiicable provisions of the condorninium Declarrrtion for .1'ree.r.ops, 3. CONSTRUCTION. LESSEE agrccs to r:onstruet a retail/cornrner.eial structure substantially similar to the prelirninrrry plans sho\.n on ljxhibit 13, which is attached hereto and incorporated hereiir by refercriec, con.irtiirg of re tail,/com rn erc ial space and including, but not Iimited to .suclr ancillary facililies as janitor, traslr,rntlnagers office and living quartels for tlte rnanager of the Tree't'ops gondorninium '\ssoeiation and boiler space on tlre l)enrisr:ti I'r'crn iscs, an<i LE$SEE flrther agrees t6 construct related facilities alound re I)ernised prernises inelurJing, but not linrited to,loading berth and dock, bridge, modified ririveways and curbs, plaza and Iandscaping, all being substantially sirnilar to the prelirninary pians slrown on said llxhil>it IJ, witJr thc plaeernent of the structure, signs anci errtrurrc.s satisfrretory to LES.soft. LESSEE agrees at its. exPense prornptly to rrrlke applieation for lll perrnits llecessary for tire construction on tlte Derni-icd l)rcrniscs'of tt," r.ctail/corn m cr.eiitl structure and ancillary and related faeilities <iescribcd in this paragraph 3, and uny o6er itnprovernents whieh iessun may frorn ti"i" to time tlcsire to corrstruct on tlre IJemisr:t.l Premises' LE$soR agrees to cboperate with LE$sEE in meeting the requirernents to obtain such permits. In the event LESSEE is unable prior to [,lay 3f, l9g4 tr.) obtrrin all of tl)e necessary permit's, LESSEE shall have thc right to declrrrc this Lease crincclled and terminated, in which event LE$SOR and LEsSIiIi slrali tre released and relieved of anv further obligation hereunder, and payrnent anrJ any und atl things of ;r;;;hrlr-;;returned to LESSEE. 4' TERM. If . the llecessglyl 0errnits olc obtairretj as contenrptated by Paragruph 3 hereof, the term of this, Lease .shall coln mcnce on the f irst <tay oi tlre f irst calendar lnonth following re'ceipt by LESSIiE of a Certifieate of occup.ancy fronr tire 'I'own of Vail or Junuary l, I985, whichever cvent- fir.st occurs, ono ,nott contirruc for a period of ten (i 0) years thereafter ["plimary ter.rn'! unless sooner tcrrninated or cxterrtjer.j as hereinafter provided. LESSEE shaLl huve and is lrereby grdnted a total of nipe (9)successive options to extend the term of this l,erise for n p".ild of tirne ol ten years for :191:1"11 option, upon the same covenants and conclitions as herein provided, u'. long a,LLSSEE is not in default, except that the ninth option shall only be for nine years.LESSEII shall be deemed to have elected to cxcrcise one or,nore of suclr optiorrs unless it gives LESSOR written notiee of its election not to so excreisc Bt least six (6) montlrs pfior to the expiration of the prirnar-v tcrrn, or ol the tlrerr eurlent extension. tf LESSEE r ,j fa ils to exercise any of tlie options pursu&nt to tlre provisiotts of tltis parugtapltr tite Demised Premises anA any improvements constructed thereon sl-rall revert to LESSOR. b. RENT. The total rent due undcr this lease for the prirnary ternt is 'l'lttce Hundred Thirty Thousand and No/100 Dollurs ($330,000.00). LiiSSEE agrccs lo pa:/ $rid sum in the amounts hereinafter set fortlr pcr yeur for etrelt and every ycal cfuritrg tlte primary term of this Lease, such yearly rental to l-le paid in quarterly irrstltlltnents irr aOvanc-e on or before the fifth day of tfe first rnonth of eaelt quarter (unlcss such rcntal shall be abated or diminished as provided herc ina fte r), provided that, conten)pot'attcousiy with the delivery of this Lease, I.FSSIiE shutl puy to LESSOR the surrr ol'l'etr'l'ltotls:rtrd and No/I00 Do llars ($10,000.00) in cash as an &dvanr:e on thc feltt due for tlrc first ycr.tr of this Lease. The annual rent. which slrir cotrrnre ltcc oll Jttttttary 5, 1985, Ior tltr: primary term and for any extensions grurrtcd untlcl l'artgt'aplt 4 lreleof, (wlticlt shali al:;o be paid in quarterly installments as set forth in tlris paragraplr), is us follows: Year i Years 2-I0 Years Ii-20 Years 2l-55 Years 56-99 $33,000.0tJ $3 3,0 o 0.ti t) $,13 ,0 00.0t1* $53,0 0 0.00* $63,000.00* + provided, if LE$SOR fails to properly E)prove and ther€by gmnt the option to put'clirse the Denrised Premises set forth in Paragruph 25 lrcreof, on or before thirty (30) dtiys prior to the end of the primary term, thc annuul |cnt for titc balrLncc of ti|e lclrse yeiir:j I l-99 slrall be $33,000.00. LESSEE shall not be required to pay ury Condornitriutn Associutioli {rsscsstlrcrrts ol' any kind. Such annual rental payntents may be paici by clreck tr.nd sint to Vail l{otrrc ltctttals' IJo)i 223?, Vail, Colorado 8I65?, or such other i-rlace rrs LIISSOR rnay desigrratc irr writirtg delivered to LE$SEE, by ordinary first ciass nrail. 6, USE AND EASEMENTS. The Demised Premiscs nray be used for any rctitil or cornmercisl purpose except any use prolribited by tJre appl.icable zoning ot'riittancc of the Town of Vail in effect on the date of tliis Leasc, provided thut use of tlte ptr:tttiscs fol any form of vicleo games is prohibite d. Us: of tlre Dentised Prentises slttill ut itil tinres be in compliance with all applicabte federal, state &nd local iaws, otdintrtrces rtnd reguIB.tions, and with the recorded Condonriniunr l)eclaratiolr for TiecTops and any arncndntents thereto; provided, howcver, rro uttte tdttrettls slrall be ntadc to tltc Condorninium l)eelaration, Articles and Bylaws whiclr havc rul adverse or detf ilncrrtul effect to LESSEE and LESSEEaS use of the llenrisetl Premises without the LESSEES written consent. Any outsi& lighting installed on tlre Demisecl Prc mizus shuli bc in compliance with any restrictions imposecl pufsuant to the 'I'own of Vail design l'eview or irnposed by Lionshead Improventent District. LESSEE shall have the rights, at LESSEE s e.\pense: to enter thc De misetl P|e miscs, at any tilre af ter tlte date oi Uris Leuse, f or llie pllrposcs of nrakirtg investigations allc.t surveys; to clear from ilre property any un<t all strLrctLrrcs, pcrvrnttl propcl'ty trtttl <lcl.,t't"s1 to construct arxj install on tllc Demrsecl l)ienriscs retai-l/cotnmerciBl space und irlt-v a6ditional improventents and equipntent that LESSEII ttruy <iestre wlriclr is iniliatly sgleco to between the parties as set forth in Paraglaptr 3 hcreof; and to make arty ulterutiotl's that LE$SEE nrB.y desire in the Dernised Premises and the building, inrproverrrents attd equipment at airy time located thereon, subject to tlte restrictions srt forth in -2- ] Paragraph I0 hereof. LE$SEQshall have ull nccessury e aserncnts to (-'onstruct relatcd faeilities on the Project and-sfrall have tltc powet' to encumber said ease;nents, by montgage or deed of trust, or other proper instrument in the nature theleof, as security for any actual bona fide debt incurred to construct said related facilities. LESSEE shail at all times maintain and shall not interfere with aeeess frorn tlte upper level of the parking garBge structure to Tree'Iops II by tlte lrrit)ge whiclt presently connccts tlte parking garage structure and the TreeTops II building. LESSEE shall have a perpetual right.of ingress and egress to the Demiscd Premises across the general eommon elements of the Project for the purpose of construeting any irnprovements on the Dernised PreLnises, includ.ing the impr'<ivernents dcscribed in Paragraph 3 hereof, and for the purpose of rnaintaining, repairitrg and kceping tltc l)emised Premises and the parking garage structure in good condition. LFISSOR shail have a perpetud right of ingress und egress across tlrc I)erniscri I?rernises for tltc purpose of access to any part of the Project and for the purpose of rnaintaining, repairing rrrtd keeping the Project in good condition. Duling the terrn of this Lease, LESSEE sirall have the exelusive right to use that portion of the aneillury facilities to be constructcci on ttrc Demised Premises designated as the manager''s offiee rrnd living quarters, rnore f ullv identified in the prelirninary plans attachcd hcleto as lixhibit l,l. 7. UTILffIES. LF-SSEII agrees to pay, before delinqucrrcy, all chalges for grrs, electricity, sewer and water used by it. 8, TAXES. LESSEE shall pay, ol be obligated to pay, all taxes anri spccial assessments ievied because or in conncction with the lcasing ol opelating oI tirc Itcmiserl Prernises during the ternr of this Lease, but LESSEE sliall not t)e required or olrligated to pny any taxes attributable to the owncrship, lcirsing or operating of the pu|kiniT gaf^gc str"ucture. LESSOR ugrees that LE$SEE will not be liable for and LESSOR tvill forfeit all rights to l'ecover said real estate taxes if plcsentrrtiott of statcmerrt(s) is trot lnadc to LESSEE prior to the date of delinqueney. LESSEE may, however, direct thc taxing authority(ies) to send the statement(s) directly to LESSEIi. LESSOR further' ;-rijrces tllat LESSEE, in the name of LE$SOR but at LE$SEE's soie expense, mey protcst anrt assessment before any taxing authority or board or m{rintain any necessary legai action irt reference to said assessinent or for the recovcfy of any tuxes paid titereott. 9. MAINTENANCE. LESSEE &gree.s to kccp up the irnprovernents at arty trrrtc located on the Demised Pretnises in good repair, cusualty darnage and reasottable wcitl and tear excepted. LESSEE, at its own expensc, agrees to make all necessary rcpairs to the parking garage structul'e located on tlie Project, to kcep it structurally sound, to ensure that it will be watertight, and to mrrintain saitl parking gdrege strur:ture in filst class condition during the entire terrn of this [,easc, and neitlrer the unit owner's of the Project nor the TreeTops Condorninium Association sliall be rcquired to rnaintain strid parking garage structure as a general cornmon elemr-'nt of the Project. Upon cornpletion of construction of any irnprovernents located on tlre l)emiscd Pretnises, LESSEE agrees to restore the landscaping around the Derniseci Prernises in the matinef descri[>ed ilr Exhibit B, which is attached heleto and incorpolated hcrein by refcrcnce. Upon terrnination oI this l,case for any f easorl otlier than exefcise of tilc option to purchase the Dernised Prernises undcr' l)aragraph 25 hcreol and upon reversiott of the Dernised Prernises and any improvements thcleon to LEfiSOR, LESSOII shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the parking garage structure and thc exterior of any intprovernents constructed on the Demised Prernises and atiy sublessec of , LESSEE shall be responsible for the maintenanr:e rrncl repair of tire interio| of an5' of saiil im prove m en ts. i0. ALTERATIONS. With tlre lvfitten conscr)t of LESSOR, LE$SEE ntay tnakc sucS exterior altenations from timq to tirne irr the improvernents at any tinie located on the lfemised Prernises as LESSEE may desire, witieh nltcrations rvill be rrade try LESSEE in a good workmanlike rnanner without cost to LESSOR; 1;rovided that any suclt alterations shall be in compliunce witlr the Corttjotnirtium Ltcclaration for'l'reeTops' thc By-Laws of TreeTops Condominium Association, an<i the Articles of Incorporation of Treel'ops Condominium Assoeiation. 1'he cortsent of LIISSOR to sucir exterior alterations shall not be unreasonably withheld, LESSEE rs requireci to maintain the ricsthctic character and design eontinuity of tlre Projeet rnd to irtsure that any structurc eonstructed on the Demised Premises is in conf orrnity and hurrnony with tlre cxternal design of existing structures of tfre Project. LESSFIE is aiso requirecl to insurc that the ingress and egress to the 3-l/2 floor of '['rce'fops fi via tlrc prrcscttt purking garagc britiilc shall not be adversely affected. LESSEE may, at LESSEE'S expensc, delnolislr tlrc irnprovements any tinrc on tllc Denrised Prernises, and with diligence and corttinuity, crect arty inlprovcrnerrts orl tllc Ilernised Premises so long as any subsequent iinprovelnents ltc of tltc sarne or i-)ettel quality and workmaltship as the originally constructecJ itnprovc;nents. In tto evctrt nray LESSEE during the term of this Lense cver construct <-in thc Dcrnised l)retniscs ztn5,' structure which exceeds the 'f own of Vait's heiiTlrt restrictiotrs in effect at tll€' time lllis l,case is entered into. Il. TRADE AND o.rHER FIXTURIIS. LESSEE rnay install or causc to bc installed such equ.iprn ent und trade arrd other f ixturcs it.s llf e rcusonably llcecssal'y f or t itt: operation of its business. Such cquiprnent and trarle and othcr lirtures shall rettrtrit't personal property, ancl title thereto shall contitrue in tlie owner thereof, rcgarrllcss of tire ntanucr in which satne tnay be trttaclrcrl ol uf Iixed to tltc l)crrtisc<l l)tctrtiscs. In []tc cvrrttI such equiprnent antl trade or other fixtures are sul-rjcct to a licn or title f etelltion instrument, the holcler of any such lien ol titlc retctttion instrurnettt shall havc tltc t'ight to be able to eniorce the same as stated thereirt. t2. INSURANCII AND CASUALTY DAMAGE. LIISSBE, shall obtain anri contintte to mrintain in full forcc cluring thc entirc tcrrn of this l,casc und extettsions tlrt,.rcto, rtt its own expense, fire and extended eoverage insurancc in sufficient amount to cover all of the Demised Prernises. LESSOR sirail be narned trn aclditional loss paycc on siri(j insurance policy. LESSOR shall obtain un<j continue to inaintrii n in fuli forec iiuling' tllc eltire terrn of this Lease and extensions tlreleto, at its own cxPense, fire and crtended eoverage insurance in sufficient amount to cover thc parking g&rage stucture. LESSEE shail be named an additional loss payce on said itrsuratrce policy. If, in the opinion of LESSEE, tfre Demiscd 1)rcmises are rendered substantially urrf it for the occupancy o. use herein contentplated by uny casuaity or peril in-sured against in a .standarcl fire and extcnded cover&ge insurutrcc policy (sucli ri ctlsualty or pelil beitlg heleinafter referred to as BJI insurable casuslty ol peril) rrnd thc prirnary telrn or tlrc then current extension of the terrn shall ltave at least two years to Lult, LESSEE at ils option rnay promptly and diligently rcstole tltc I)e rnisetl Pt'ernises to thc cottdi tion eiisting plior to the occurrence of thc insulable crsunlty ol peril or rtt&V relcar;r,-'rrnd lrlfrl over to LESSOR the insurance procecds as a rcsuLt thcreof ait<l cancel and tcIrninate tltis Lcase. If, in the opinion of L-ESS liE, ttrc l,)ernised Plctnises trt'e retldercd substsntiulll' unfit for the occupancy or use herein conterrrplatcd by any r:asrtalty or pcril otltcr than an irrsurable casual.ty or peril, or by uny casualty ol peril wliatcvct' wlten tlle i-lt'irnaly tet'tn or the then curent extension of the te rm sl)a[ havc lt: ss thari two years to run, LUSSEE may either rcstore the Demised Pr''e mises at its expensc as ubove providec or LLaSEE may terminate th is Lease e ff ective as of the datc of occurrence of tlrc c.rsualty or peril. In absence of insur&nce, upon sucli carrccllutiotr or tcrrrriiriition, LI$SEE sirtill deliver the parking garage structure to LESSOR irr the condition existing plior to tire @currence of the casualty or peril. lf, in the opinion oi LE$SEE, the Dcniscd Prerrriscs ar€ not thereby rendered substantially unfit for the occuprtncy or use hcrcin conte mpiated, LESS EE shaU promptly and tjiligently restole the Dc rnise<.i i)re nriscs at LESSEIIs expense to the cond ition exist ing plior lo tlre oc'r:urrence ol' the cusualtv or per il. During the entire term of th is l,easr ancl cxtensions thereto, LISSEE shall indemnify and hold LFSSOR harmless from and Bgainst any and ail loss, chims, uctions, damages, Iiability, and expenses in conneetion witlt loss of iifc, personai irrjury, rrrxi damage to property arising f rcim any occurrenc€ in, r4;on, or at the [)e nrised Plr: ruiscs or any part thereof, or the parking garage struc turc, occasioned wholly or in purt iry any r-tc t or omission of LESSEE, its agents, e mpioyees, servants, license cs, invitee s, untl independent contractors including, but not liniited to, loss of rent payablc by LBaSIiE and/or any tenBnts because of los; e ither dileetly or inclirectly causeci by any act or omission of LESSEE. If LIIASOR is macie u party to &ny litigation conirncnced try or against LESSEE by reason of suclr act or orrrission of I,ESS EE, then LESSITE slrall pfotcct und irold LESSOR harmless, and sliull pay all costs, expenscs and rr: usontible attolr)ey's fees incurred, or paid by, LLSSOR in connec tion with such litigation. LBSSEE al.so sirnll indemnify and hold LFiSSOR harrnless fronr and against any and all loss, clainrs, actions, damages, Iiability and expenses in connection with Ure loss t-r f Iife, personul injury, ancl da rnage to property arising f rorn arry occurren(:e in, t4ron, or at any of tlr, gcne rrrl common elements occasioned wlrolly or in palt by any act or ornission of LESSEF), its agents, cmployees, servurts, ijccnsecs, invitccs, rux.i irrdcpondent contructc'rs rrurilr.', tlrc pe riod of construction of the ilnprove ments orr thc D,e rnised I're miscs :.rncl tlrc irnc iilrrrv rind rclated facilities, aU as described in Parrgraplr 3 of tiris l,errse . During thc entire term of th i,s Lcasc alro cxtensions thercto, LFSSO R s;hlli irtdertrnify and hold LIiSS EE, lrrirrtrkrss lrorrt un<j ugtiiri.st arry r.rnci all loss, clirinis, ri<'tiorrs, darnages, liability, and expen$cs in conncc tir-lrr witlr l<-rss of liie, personiLl irrju15,, and cla m age to property ar ising fmni any occurrcncc in, upon, or ut tt)e Dcnrise<l l)rcrnist:s or &tly p&rt tltercof, or the palkirrg: garsgc stluctulc, occasioned wholly or in purt by any irct or omission of LESSOR, its Bgents, enrployees, servants, Iiccr.rsccs, invitccs, anrl independent contractors including, but not Iirrrited to, loss of rent payabb by LF5SOR and/or any tenants because of ios; e ither dilectly or irrdircctiy caused by a;ry act or onrission of LESSOB. If LESSEE is nrade a party to Bny litigation commenced by or Bgainst LESSORby rcason of such ector ornission of LESSOR, then LESSORShBII protect and hold LESSEE harmless, and shall pay alt cost.s, expenscs and reasonable attorrreyrs fees incurred, or paid by, LESSEE in connection with such Iitigation. LE$SORaLso sttall indemnify and hold r.RsSEE harmless from and against any and all loss, clainrs, actions, darnages, liability and expenses in connec tion witlr tire loss of life, personal injury, attd da mage to property ar ising from any occurrence in, upon, or at &ny of the general eommon elenrents occasioned wholly or in part by any ac t or omission of LII$SOB, its agents, employees, servants, licensees, invitees, arrC independent contractors durirg the period of construc tion of the improve ments on tlre I)e nrised Pre rnises and tire anc illaly and related facilities, all as described in Paragraph 3 of tir is l,euse . During tlte entire term of this Lease arrd extcnsions theleto, LESSEE slrall obtrrin, und keep in full force und cffect, at its srlc c\pcr)sc, public liubitity irrsulurrci: f c'r tlrr: Detnlsed Premises and LESSEE S u:c oI anv r)art of thc gcnertrl conrnton elerrrents of lirc -5- l ; I ll li I I project. Coverage shall incluclc tlre business opct'atiotts cotldut:!cd lry' LIJSSEE atrrl t.ry rtny othcr persons on the l)emisetl Prernises with LIISSE,E'li pelrnisslon. Insut'ancr: sltali l-le it C om prehensi ve-G eneral Liability f orrn (including Contt'ar:tual Liability) in an atnount not lcss itran $1,000,000 pe, o"cu.."ttce, whether involvirrg dcilth or personal injrrry liabilitil' or property'damage liability, ot, a cornbinatiorr litclcctf. LESSOR sltall ire rttrincti as r;.rt artctitional lnsured-under saii'policy. LESSOR slrall obtain for tlre same tirnc pcliod, att<l keep in fuli force and effect, bt iti sote exper)se' pubtic liat-'itiiy insurance fcr tirt" pat'l<itrEJ gurug" structure in the same atrlounts of coveragc ls required ulder LISSEE1S policy' Lp.SSUU shall be named as an aclcli tional insure d uttdct' said polie\r. LESSEE and LESSOR each waives anv and all riglrts of recovet'y agnirtst tlrc othcr or against the officers, employees, ager)ts anci representatives of *,-he other, fot' loss of or ,:image to such waiving p".iy oi its propertv or the proPerty ol others under its control, wlrere sucl loss or darnage is insuretl agairrst unticr atty ittsul'rittct-' poliey in forcc at tllc time of such loss or dam"age. LF-SSEE"and LESSOR shill, upon obtaining tlre Policies of ilsurance required hereunler, give notice to the ittsuriince carriers th8t tl)e fo|egoing rnutLral waiver of subrogation is eontained in tltis Lcasc' l3'coMPLlANcEwrrHLAWS.LE,SSEEwillpromptlycornpllywitha]l applicable and vaiid Iaws, ordinatices un<J rcgulatiorls of fecleral, state' coullt]', rnunicipal or other lawful authority pertaining to the use and occupattcy of the I)erniscd Prelltisr:s- i4. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLET'IING. LESSEE sliall lrave an absolute rigltt to sublease the whole or any part of the Demised Pretnises without the prior approva) of LESSOR, provided that ariyiublease be subject to all of the tet'rns and conditions of tltis Lease and', provided furtlier, that LESSEE sliatl rernai n PrirnBrily liable for priyrnerrt of relt herein reserve6 eltd fof the 1>erforrnarrce of alI ot]rel terms of this [,ease rcquirt-'tl to be perfonned bY LE&SEE. LESSEE may not sssign this Lease witlroul- obtaining tlre prior wri ttcn consetrt oi LESSOR, provided that such consent shall not l>e lvithhcld arbitrarily', Suclr.cotrscnt sltirll be deem'eb withheld arbitrarily if the proposed Assigrtce is of sucll financial re-sources' standing and responsibitity at the tirne of such ;rssignment as to give rt:asorrable urru.un-e" of the payment oi a-tt rents and <ither arnortnts rescrved in this [,easc arttl of tlte performanee of -t h-e terms and conditions ol this Lease. In the event of utty sttt:lt assigpment of this Lease, LIiSSEE shull not i)r: r'elcuscri from any liability rtrisi trf1 'rr accruing under this Lease after the date of suclt assigntnt-nt' 15. BANKRUPI'CY. Should creditors, or be adjudicated bankrupt' for which LESSOR, at its option, maY interest under this Lease. LUSSEE rnal:c att assigtttnent for the bcnefit oi sucir action shall cortstitute a breaclr of tllis Lease terrnitrate all rights of LESSEE or its sucr:essols in I6. EMINENT DOMAIN. If all of the Dernisc<i Prernises is taken uncler thc poler of eminent domain or conveyed under threat of condcrnnation proceeditrgs, or if orrly a part of such pretnises iS so taken or conveyed a1d LES.SEE shall detelrninc that ttte icmainder is inadequate or ulsatisfactory f or its purposc.s, whicir deterrninatiort shall trot be arbitrarily or capriciously made, t[en, in eitllel evellt, tltis Lease sh{rll terminute effective as -of the date Lr:SSEE is required to give up the right to occupy or use any part of the Dernised Prernises. The terrnination o[ this Lease as above provideti sltall not opu."t" to deprive lrssnn of the right to make claim against the condemning truthori ty for any c.larna[es suffered by LESSEE, but LESSEE s]tall have 1o right to make &ny clarrn againsi LESSOR because oi such terrnination. If all or part of the Dernised l'r'etniscs is tJken or eonveyed during the prirnaly terrn of this Lease, LESSEE shall be entitled to tlle -6- full award received fronr the condemning autltority as danrages. If all or arry part of the Denrised Prcmises is taken or conveyed durirg tlre rcmainder of tlre lease years ll-99, the amount of any such dams.ge award shall be dividcd on the basis of fifteen percent (15%) to LESSOR and eighty-five perccnt (85%) to LESSEE- Notwithstandmg any language of lirnitation on LESSEETS rights to any awards in condenrnation as set forth in this eminent dornain clause, it is specifically unclerstood and agrced tlat I-,F^SSEE has reserved tle right to notice and participation in tlre trial of the condemnation proceedings, any sttlenrents thereof, and in any negotiations th&t lead to acquisition by purchase in lieu of condemnation as such proccedings, se ttie ment or acquis.ition re late to the Demised Prenrises. If thb Lease is not termimated as abovc provided, LESSOR and LE$SEE shall agree tpon an equitabie reduction of the rental. If the parties fail to agree upon such I'eduction withitt 60 days from the date of the final award or puyrnent for the part of tlre Denrised Prcmises so taken or conveyed, LtrSSORand LD:S,SIIEshull euch choosc orre urlritrutor and the two arbitrators so chosen slull choose a third urbitrator. Tlre deeision of arry two of $e arbitrators as to the rental reduction, if any, shall be binding on LIISSEE arrd LESSOR and Bny expense of the arbitration shali bc diviclcd equaliy betn'een LIiSS EE and LESSOR, 'l'he decision of any two arbitrators InBy bc reduced to jucigrnent as provided by Ure Colorado ltules o f Civil Procedur'e . 17. DtrAULT. The failurc of T.ESSEE to tirnely and fully pay ary installment of quarterly rent when the same becomes due sllall constitute a cl:fau]t under the terrns of this l,ease. Accordingly, LESSEE agrces to pay LEaSOR One llundred ($100.0U) Dollars per day for every day after the installrrrent first becanre rlue, provided, hoivever, that LESSEE is heneby gmnted grace periods of tcn (10) days after the rent installrnent wus due in which the One Hundred ($100.00) L)ollo.rs pcr day puynicnt wiil bc vriiivcd, witlr suclt grace periods never exceeding tlvo (2) gracc pcrials for every four (4) quartcfly instal.Inrents of rent due for each lcasc ycar, At lire option of tlre LF]SSOR, tlrc failulc of LESSEE to so pay any installment of quarterly rent wlticlt is in addition to tlle grace period provided in this paragraph slrall work as s folfciturc of this l-clsc, or LIISSO R nruy enforce performance in any manner provided by law. LIISSORslraU givc LIi"SSEE ten (10) days written notice bef one proceeding to f oreclose or deciarrc a f or fe iture of this Lcase on Bny default caued by failure to pay quarterly rcntal payments. LESSOR's agent or attorney shall then have the right witlrout furthcr noticc or demanrl to nc-cnter und IE nrove all persons fTom LESSOR's property without being deerned guilty of unli munncr of trespass and witirout prejudice to any n:medies for arrcars of rent or bre aclr of covenant, or I-.ESSOR!s agent or attorney may n]sume possssion of the property Bnd relet the same for the rremainder of the ternr at the best n:ntal sueh Bgent or attorney can obtain for the aceount of LESSEE, who shall pay any cieficiency; provideci, lrowever, LESSOR shall recognize and honor any and all cxlsting sublcars in force so lorrg as the &tme aIE not in default, in whigh event LESSOR slrail stand in the place and stead of LESSEE under such subleaoqs. Fr tlre event LESSEE shalt default in the perfonmance of any of the terms of provisions of this'rLease other than tlre payment of quarterly ttnt, I.ESSOR shaU promptly so notify LESSEE in writing. If LESSEE shall fail to cure suclr default within thirty (30) days after rec€ipt of suctr notice, or if the default is of such charac ter as to rcquire more than thirty (30) days to curc and LESSEE shall fail to commence to do so within thirty (30) ,iays af ter rcceipt of such notice, and tlrereaftcr fail to diligently prcceed to curc such default, then in either such event LESSOR nray curc such &fault ard such expense shall be added to the rent otherurise due, but any such default shall not work as a forfeiture of this l,r:asr:. -7 - In t}le event LE$SOR shall default in the performance of any of the terms or ptovisions of thjs Lease,. IjElqEEshall proniptly so notify LESSORin writing. If LEISSOR shail fail to c'u rc such &.f ault within thirty (30) days aiter receipt of sueti notice, or if the default is of such character as to requirc nroic thun thirty (J0) <.1ays to "u* o*t LESSOR shall fail to commence to do so within thirty (3u) cJays after rcceipt of sucli notice and thereafter fail to diligently pmceed to cure such <iefault, tlren in eitlrer sucli event LESSEE may curc such default and suclt expcrrsc sirull be deducted fronr tJre relt otherwise due or cancel and terminate this L,eas. 18. LESSOR'S COVENANTS' LESSOR covenants that it has the &uthority to enter into th is Lease and that the Demised Prerriscs arc subject to rn leases, tcnaniies,Bgrcements' encumbrancesr liens, rcstrictions and defects in title affectirrg tire Uemise<j Premises or the rights gmnted LESSEIT in th is t-cas:; that there arr no restrictivc covenantsr zoning or other ordiltattccs or legulutions applicablc to the uerrrisecj prc ntises whieh will prevent LII$SEE-from conducting its irrtent.lco business except tirose of record as shown on the title commitment furnisheci to LESSIiE. 19. QUIET ENJOYLENT. LESSEE, upon puying ilre rcnt and covenants and agrcements of this Lease, slrall have ttrelignt to quieily enjoy the Demised Prcmises and aII riglrts grante<i Lri$9EEln thls i_ease thereof and extensions thercto. if anv. 20' LEASEHOLD TITLE POLICY. If the pernrits contenrplatecl in paragr.uph 3 h9reof are obtained, LES.SOR agrces to funnish r.ESSEEat LESSOR's expensir, a leasehold titie policy in the amount of not Iess than $1,000,000.00 issueJ by- a tiilc conrpany acceptable to LESSEE. if tile said permits are obtnined, LF:ISSEE &grces to obtain &n(i nraintain in full force ald effect during thc pcriocJ of con.struction oT tire improvcnrents described in PaftLgraph 3 her.eof at.its option, eithcr u Iife insurance policy orr tlre li fc of I)oruld Simpson in the amount of $1,000,000.00 or l lettcr of creriit rn thc srlnic arnount with LE$soR named as-beneficiary or ps.yee, as tlre cersc may be. within five (5) days ufter rcceipt of the title comnlitrnent, t,LSsiiti shall givc *,.itt"n noticc to Llt$SOR of any defects therein which affect LESSES'S intcnried ue, If LESSOR is unable to corfect ute defects within thirty (30) days thereafter, then at LESSEErSoption this lcase shrll l)e void and of no e ff ect and the partics shall bc rr:leased f rrr m all obligatrols lrercuncjcr uri<r the^-ad-vance paid pursuant to Paragmph 5 above slrall Lre intrne<]iately returnerj to LESSEB. 21' UENS. LESSEE shall at all tinrcs lravc tlte right to encurnDer, Dy nrortguge or deed of trustr or other proper instrument in the nature tirereof, os sc"uiity for'* ar-ry actual bona fide debtr its ]easehoici estate lrercby created, or eny portion thereoi,together with its leasehold right and interest in an<j to all buildings and improvenrents arxi its interest-in any equipment and/or fixturcs located on the lt'rnised pre misres, anc)any easetnents for construction of .lelated facilities, provicjed tirat LLSSEE shall not irave tite right to so encumber any other prcperty of LESSOR. LESSOR shall continue to have the right to encumber, by mortgage pr dceo of trust, or otircr proper irrstrulrient in tlre n'atur€ ther€of, as eeurity for any uctual bona fidc det;t, nny plop".ty of tlre project other tlian tlre Demised Prcniises, in aecordance with tlre Condorniniunr Declaration for 'IYce Tops, so long as such encumbmnce docs not inte I'ferc rvitir LESSEE's riglrts urrdcr ilrls Lease. If at any time after the execution ancl rccordation irr tlre proper rccords of lie County in which the Dernised Ptemises arc locatcci of any such mortgage or decci of trust, the mortgagee or trustee therein shall elect to notify LESSOR in w,riting that such mor tgage or deed of trust has been executed anrj <Jcliverred by LESSEE and slralL furnislt perforrnini; Urc have, ltold ancl during tlre te rnr -8- LESsoR with the adclne ss to which suid ruortgulJcc or trustcc: &sircs copics ol lroticcs to be mailed, then LESsoilhl*lv'rg;": *rat it wiII the.eafter tnail to sucli niortgagee or trustee at the address so given a <iuplicate "opy or any jTA3.u notices in writing whiclr I,ESSOR may from time to-time give or *.un ,pon tr'e inssng under and pursuant to tne terms and provisions of th is Lease' Such mortgagee or trustee may' at its option.' at any' time. be fore the rights of r.EssEE shail have o"",i'io.fJ"o to Lissott;;l;.;i" provi<1e<1, pey anv of the rents due hereunder, or do any oUter a"t or thing rc-Cuired of or permittecl to the LESSEE by the termsofthisLease,topreventtheforfeitureorterminationolthisLease,andall p8yments so made nno JuiirinJ, so .lone anri pcrfo|rnc<J by or for attv such mo|tgagee or trusteeshallbeaseffectivetoprcventaforfeiturc-ofri'erig}itsoft}TeLBSSEE hereunder as the sarne *oum rruu" blen if done und perforned by LESSEE' Nosuchmortg8geeortrustecoftlrer.iglrtsernt]^int<:restofLF^SSEE}ten:undct's}rtriI be or become lable to LIfSOR u, on o,,.ig'ree of titls .I*rT^^:. otherwisc unless tt expressly assumes tn"'iuUlfity of LESSDS' tt'"ttj 'n' trssutrrlrtion sltall be infcrred fLcttr cir shallbetheresultofforeclosurearotheruppropriateproceedirlgsintllenaturctlrereof or sln Il be the result of any other action or re rncdy I rovided f or by such mortgage or deed of trust - 22. OBUGATTONS OF LESSOR AND LTiSSEE' a. LFSSEE shall: : i. barring ttnforseetr circuntstances anri ntatters bcyond the eontrol .;'i;iii;;, iur-'ttontiuuy complete the construction o{ u,q gorugo ;a iii sufticient ctndition to allow occupuncy of tnq garaee stf ucttrlc by .Novernber l5' l984' 'l'lte garagc arca shall be constructed un<J waterproofed (as required) in u gooo and workmsnlike tnutttrcr' ii. rough-in, in u gootJ anti. work lnanl-ikc tnantrer' all required services fo, o,*'ptoposed future managerts ofiice arrl livitrg qu".t".i. f $re Tbn'n of Vail approves such t.rea as an enrployee houuni * it, tl* irrte.rioi finish of suclt manager's office snd living quarters wrll l)e conrpleted' and if so conlpleted' wiII oE by LESSOR at LESSoRTS sole expensc' l ll,nrainLlin the Publir: or conirllon urc rctail coltltlrct'cial 5l)tt('c alI(l areas f or tlte ter m o f th is Leasc ' L.ESSOR shall: i. allow LE$SIiE und its cntplovees' "o1]-tt1:.1:1t.,,,::tl subcontractors ttttrcstrictctl uccess to tile g&ragc spticc ourlllLi the time in wllich the re ta il/co nt nte rc ial structure is uncl:r c ons truc tioti ' ii. assurc tirat rr ll trcccssary zoning and dcs.ign T^ui:"ilii,li*nt"tttt rot the rr:tail/comnlerciirl structurc to De constructeo ",u iu"t i-ly LITSSO R prior to tlie execution of tltjs irrcas ol the ple tnises aroLltro .irrsitle the garugc arlcl purktng b. -9- l,ease. In the event tlrat this rcquircmcnt is not tirnely met, LESSEE shall have the right and option to terminate the lcasr:. iii. furnish to LESSEE LES.SORIs Colorado eounsel legal opinion (within ten days after execution of th is Lease) in the form and content aeceptable to LESSEE that: LESSOR is Ure Board of Directors of TleeTops Condominiurn Association, a nonprofit corporation whictt is duly organ.ized, ,,,alidly existing, und in goo<1 stand ing under thc laws of the StBtc of Cojoraar.r. (b) Trec Tops Condonrinium Association is qualified to do business in the State of Colorado. th is Lease lus bcen ciuiy and validly executecl und delivercd by LESSOII to LE$SEE ancj constitutes a vaiio and birding obligation of ilre owrrcrs of tire unrlivided interests of the Project in accordance witli jts ternrs. rEither tlre cxccution alrd <JeIivcry of this Lcasc nor the consumntation of the transac tions conte rnplated he re ir.will violatc, or constitute a &fault uncler, any provisions of 'lhee l'ops Condominium Assoeiationrs Articles of Incolporation, IJylaws, Condorrriniunr Deelaration or govertring <locument, or any indentur€, loan ag rec ment, nrortgage or other similar Bgre€ ment to wh ich LESSOR or l'ree'l'ops Condominium Association are a party or by wlrich the ir property is bourxJ, or unrJer any judgnrent, ordcr or decrce appiying to L&SSOII or TrecTops Condonrirriurtr Association or to unv o f the ir p rope rty. 'lhere is no penri.irrg or tlrreaterrerl suit or plcrceding bef ore or by any court, agency or other auUrority to which LESSOR or 'l'rec'I'ops Condoniinium Association is B party or by whiclr any of tlrcir proper,t". -ii.; tre bound ol aflected. (f) 'fhe owners of Urc undivitlcd intercsts of tlre projcct have fee titlc to tltc prol>erty uffected by ttris l,crise and, pursuant to tire Concionrinium Declaratiori for TreeTops, ltave given the right and power to Lcase rind scll the plopcrty uffcc--hd by uris Leasc to LIiSSOR. 23. NOTICES. Any notices required or pcrrnittc<i hereundcr slrull be in writir4g and delivered either in -person to the other party or the oilrer party's auUrorized agent, or by United Statds Certified Maii, lteturn lieceipt ltequested, postage fuily prepaid-, to ihe addresses set forth hereina_fter, or to suclr otherl udrjres, ,, eithe. f,arty may tJe signntc in writing and & Iiver as herein provided. I (a) (d) I I ! (e) LESSOR: TreeTops Condominiunr Assoc iation 469 S. Cherry, Suite il0 Denver, Colorado 80222 - l{J - LE$SEE: Copies to: Vail l{ome Rentals P. O.'Box 223? Vail, Colorado 81657 Hellerstein, llellerstein and Shore, P.C. Attention: Martin H, Slrore ll39 Delawarc Street Denver, Colorado 80204 Pierre Lakes, Ltd., a Colorado linrited partnership Attn.: Donald A. Simpson 3201 S. f'amarac Drive, Suite 200 Dettver, Colorado 8023 I Copy to: Mr. T, Nlichaei Carirgton 320 1 Sou tir 'I'a nr arac Drive, Suite 204 Denver, Colorado 80231 24. RECORDATION. 'Itris Leas nray be fiterr for public rccoro Dy &fry pdlty hercto, or when the construction of the bui|Jing an<J other irnplor,retnents is conrpleted a!ltenein-provided, LESSOR and LESSEE shall executc ancl acknowledgc rr rnenlorijndum or short form lease setting forth the parties, descriptiorr of the De ntisecl premiscs, terrn of the 1ease, options f or ex tcnsion of the term, if any, tef rns of the option to purclurse tlrrr Dcnlised Prcntises, and atty otirel provision lrclcof, tlrc inclusiolr of wlrjr.:lr slruLl tre mutuaUy Bgl€ed upon by LES.SOR an<j LESSEE, wliich n.iemorandunr or short fornr lcasr:nlay be fiLed f or public record by any party hercto. llowcver, at tiie option of e ilrcr porty' a short fornt or n)emoran<lunr of lea-v: rrray be filed by either party ut 1ny tirnc af ter the execution of th is Lease. 25. OFPSET STATEMENT, (u)LE$SOR at;rrry ti,,," tpo,, not less ilrun tcn (10) <Jnys prior written notice from LESSEE shall executc, acknowlertge anci delivel to LESSEII a state ment in writing (i) certifying that th is Lease is unmodified ard in full f orcc and effect (or, if modified, stating ure nature of such rnodification and certifying that the LeaF, as so modified, is in full force and effect) and the date to which-the rent end other charges, if any, are paid in advunce, if any, ancl (ii) acknowledging that ilrerc art:not' to I.ESSOR'S knowledge, any uneurcci defaults on the part of LESSEE hercundcr, or specifying such &faults, if any, which arc cl,airned. Any such statement may be conclusively rcIied tp on by any plospective assignee, purchaser, or eneumbrancer of the Demised Premises. (b)LESSORTS fai-lure to deliver such statement within such tinie shaII be conclusive Lpon TESSOR (i) that th is Leas: is in full foree an<j effect, wi6out molification except as may be rcpresented by LESSEE, (ii) that therc ar.e no ulrcurcd &faults in Landlordts perf ormance, and (iii) that rro more than one (l) quarter's rent luis been paid in advance. 26. SUBORDINATION. LIi,ssoR srrall use its best efforts to obtain subordinations from all of the inortgage holders of Owners' undivided intcrests on tire De mised Pre mises. If LESSOR is unablc to obta in subordination rlgrcc fiients f rorn the mortgagees thirty (30) days after execution ol this Lr-.us:, then, at LESSEE'S option, tlris Lcnse shall be void and of no eff ect und caclr party slulL be relcascd flonr aIl otrligaiiu,r. - 1l - tFl n i fiii'j- hereunder and any advance paid rrs set fortli irr Paragraplt 5 above shaLI bc r€turneri imnediately to LLSSEE. 27. OPTION T0 PURCIIASE. LESSOR ilocs lrcn:by grant to LF^SSEE, its successors and assign-s, the exclusivc right ari<l optiort to purclulse tlre I)c rlised Prc rttisr.:s upon the terms and conditions set forth ilt tlr i-s ptiragruph, ittcluding ull inrpt'ovetitcltts up on such neal estate. 'lhe option granted lrclcuttclcr slruII be cxcrcisabic by LESSEE at Bny time within a 60 day time period eornnreticitrg :]0 days prior to anci errJing 3U ciuys afier the end of the lease years 10, 20, 55, or 99 of the l,€ ase ' upon written notice to the LESSOR, e ither in person -or by certified mai.l. ln the c&se of notice by ccrtified mail' notiee shall be deemed given bn the date tirot thc noticc is depositcd witlr tire Ulritcd States Post Office. The closing date shall be agreed upon by tltc parties, but in no event latcr thnn 9u days after exercise of the opti<xr. A conrnitnrent fol title insurattce in an atriouttt tt<-rt less than the purchar* price shall be fulnishcd by LII$SOR to LESSEE witltitt l0 days after the date tire option is exercised. LESSOR shall cieliver the title insttruncc policy to LESSEE after e Iosirg and shall pay the prrmiurn tltct'cotr. l'lic title comntittnent and titlt: policy shall have standard plinteO exceptions rjeletcd. At closing, LESSOR sltall dclive r io LiSSnn a general warranty deed eonveying tjre proprerty to LE$SEE free and clt:ar of aIl taxes except general pr.operty taxes for the year of closing, free and clear of all licns and eneumbrances exceft those ]iens and encunrbrances listed on the leas:hold tit]c conrmitment tlat are not inconsistent rvith LES'SOR'S covcn&np;et fot'tit itl l)itnagraplt lB ab ove. 'lhe purchase price shall be dcpendcnt upon tlrc ycar of the term ol tftc Lc rrsc durirrg wliich the option is exercised. 'l'ile pricc slull lre ris folir;ws: Year of l,e asl 'lcrltt I!'hen Option is Dxe n:iscd End of year l0 End of year 20 End of year 55 End of year 99 Pu rclurse i)r t r-'e $4lo,ooo.oo $410,u00.00 $410,000.0u $510,0u{J.00 'l I I In the event that LESSEE exercises th is option, encl completes the purcha:e of tlte Demised Premises, the rcnt payable under this Lease slrall be pr<;rated to tlrc datr: of closing. In the event that LESSEE exercises its option to purchase, and tlre purchusc transaction is completed, thb Lcase wili thereupon tr:rminate, except thtrt LESSE_E sha[ continue to be rcquired to maintain the parking grrrage structurc located on tlre P rr:jr:c t . in good condition until 99 years from the date of this lease and, irrovided further, tlttrt LESSEE shall continue to have the exclusive right to use thst portion of thc ancillttry facilities to be constructed on the Demised Prenrises desigrrated as the matrager's office and living qusrters, more fully identifierl in the preliminary plarrs attuched hett-to tts llxhibit B. However, if LESSEE exercises its purchase option and tJre purcltuv: transaetion is not completed for any rcason whatsoever, this teasc shall t-re un&ffectl}d and shall continue in full force and e ffec t. In the ever.rt that LESSEE exerc ise s tlt s option and the purchase transac tion is not corrpleted for t€usons otlter than tlre fault of t -F-SSne, then this option shall eontinuc in full forcc and effect and niay be cxerciseri Lr! LESSEE at a later date during Ute tertn of this Lense. : t o 28. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. 1'hjs l,ca* shall be binding upotr and sltall inurc to the benefit of the parties hereto and Ureir successors, assigns, heirs, and personal rcprcsentatives. 29. ATTORNEYTS FEES. In the event of any legal action arising under this l€a5g or by rcason of asserted breach hercof, the prevailirg party sltall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including reasottable uttorrrcy's fees itrcurred in enforcing or attemptirg to enforce any of sa icl ternrs, covenants or conditions, including costs incurred prioi to commenc€ment of legal action and all costs and expenses' inciuding rcasonable attorney's fees, incurreci in any appeal from an action brought to enforce any strid terms, coven&rts or cord itiors. 30. COMPLE*rE AGREEMENT. Thjs Lease contains the complete agrcement concerning the sub jec t matte r o[ th is Lcas] betwccll t]le parties and shall, as of the effective date hereof, srpersede aIl other Bgre€nrents between the parties pertainirg to Ure sime subject Inatter. 'lhe parties stipulate that neither of thetrt has made any representations with rcspect to the subject rrattcr of tlr i:; Lease or any reprcserttatiots, ineluding the execution and delivery hercof, except such rcprcscntations as &re specifieally set f orth hercin, and each of the parties lrerc to aeknowledges that hc or it has reled on his or its own judgnrent in enteling into tit Ls l-ease. Thc parties llereto further acknowle@e that any statement or rcprcscntotion tlrat may have lteretof ore be ett made by either of them to the other are of no effect and thtrt neither of thetn has relied therem in connection with his or its deahrgs witlr tlte otlter. 31. WAIVER OR MODIFICATION. n'o waivcr or ilrodification of tiris l,easi or of any covenant, condition, or bmitation here in contilineci sltall be valid unless in w|iting t'r nd duly execu ted by the parties to be cltiirgcct tilcrcw itll. 32. SEyERABILITY. All t43recrircnts ull(i covenalits containcd ltereilt rtnj evertrble, and, in the event itny one of tlrenr, rvitlr tJrc cxception of thosc containcd itt rcference to the drties to be perf orrncci by tlre purtics ltercto und as to payrlettt of rent or compensation, shall be held to be invalid by any conl[)ctcr)t cotttt, t]tLs klsc' slrall l.le interpreted as if such inval.id agre€nrents or covt:luittts were trot colltailled hcrein. 33. APPLICABLE LAW. It is the intention of the purties hereto that this Lcttsc an<l its perfornrance irercunder be construed in accorduttce witlt and pursuant to the lttws of the State of Colorado ard that, in any action, speeial proceeding, or other pn<reedittg that rnay be brought arising out of, in conncctiolt with, or by rcason of this l€asc' the laws of tlre State of Colorado slull be appiicable urr<l slurll govern.to tlte exelusic.rn of arry forum, without regard to the jurisdietion in wiricli any actiotr or special procc'eding nray be inst itu ted. 34. WAMR AND SURVML. 'l'lre fnilure of either party to insist upon strict compliance by tire other with rcspec t to any of tlre covenatlts and rcstrictiotrs cotrta ined hercin, on orB or morc occasiom, sluli not bc corrstlueci iis a wriiver, not' shall sucll courses of action deprive such party of the right thereafter to rcquire strict colnpliance hercwith. 35. HEADINGS AND CAPTIONS. 1'lrc lreaclings and errptions used in tltls L.e a:I: urc f or the eonvenience of rcference orly ulrrl rlo not f orttr u pult oI tiris Lcas;r. 36. AUTHORITY FOR TB.ANSACTION. L.rch party to this l€trsc, and cuch person executirg th is Lease for and on behBlf ol ri party liercto, hereby lepresents ulrd warrants thet the party lras fu]1 and cornprlcte c:orporate or partnership power and - 13 - authority to enter into and carry out th is Lease; thet the person executing th is tease on behalf of any party has full and conrpletc authority and power to exccutc this Lcasc on behalf of that party; that this tease will be a binding obligation upon the named party; and that rE ither the execr.rtion nor delivery of th is Lease wiII violate or constitute a default under the corporate charter, bylaws, partnership Bgreement or of any agrcernent or instrument to which each respective party is a 1>arty or t-ry which its property may be aff ected. EXECUTED this gth day of NIay, I984. LESSOR: I]OAITD O[' DIIi,EC'I'OITS OF TItL]ETOPS CO N I)OI\I INI U}1 ASSOCIA'I'ICI N LESSEE: PIE,ItltE LAI(ES, LTD., I Colorado Linr ited [)nrtnership STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF !,;n.,'. SUBSCITIBED AND SI{ORN TO BEFORE i\lEon the 9th day of May, l9B4 by Edwarcj M. Strauss as Prcsident, and Linda Averch as Secretary of Treel'ops Condominium Assoc iation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 'l iL r' (' My commission lVly address is: e xpires; (. , Notary Public i 3201 S. Tamarac Dr. Denver, Colorado Suite 200 80231 Itau s, wlr.,-,-,#* Donald A. Sirhpson,Partner -14- STATE OF My com rn ission expirres: My addrcss is: COLORADO // COUNTY OF (l i,it., ))s. ) SUBS.RIBED AND swoRN To BEF.RE ME on trre gtJr day of May, I984 by Donald A, simpson as cenerar partner of pierre iat<"r, r,io.,-"-coi"*il'ir,ni,e<l partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 320i S. Iamarac Dr. Oenuet, Colorado Suite 200 80231 - 15 - t'.. ,$ 'ffi1,}'.\. !:.3.: {1'l it. I : ',.ii ri ,, . txllllll'r A LEGALDESCRIPTIONFoItTItIjL'I'Ol,SCoNl)oN{INIUNI Thatpartofl,ot6,Bl.ockl,VAIL/uoNSlI!]AD'l..lRSIillL',ING,TownofVai}'F,agIe county, colorado, escrineo'as foilows, BeginrLing at southwest corner of srid Lot 6, thence N ?6o09,23,, [., 90.00 feet along- the- soutiierly line of said l'ot 6 to proint of beginning; thence N ?6t0i)';3; f,-ios.aa"i"et along the-soutilerly litie of said Lot 6 to ttre soutrreast corner or *i6iioi 6;l|;;;; N-4"35'22,;D.,22ti.zs feet along ure casterly linc of said Lot 6 to g," n*t-n*ri "ornn1' of srid Lot 6; the'ce N 86o53'18" w., 25'0 I fect along sa id northerly iine of said Lot 6 to a point oi cu've;, thence $uthwesterly along said northerly rine^sz.il Gi;; ilt" o." of i zs.zt; foot radius curve to tfrc left' rvhose central angle is 43v29'59r' and whose long cord bears S 71"21'42" W', 55'?8 feet to a point ;";";6?;;nce-s ns"3o'.ri;;lv'., i8.d5 Teet ulong tlre 'ortlier.Iy.Iine of sai<l Lot tj to ti f-f"ii ini,"""'s"i'lziif'; w.t 225.46 feet paraile I io tire westerly Iine of said l'ot 6 to tite pointofbegirrrring,togetherwith-anon.cxc]usiverighttouse.|ractG' VAIL/uoNSHEAD,FIRST"FILlNG,forthepurposeoiingrellan<'iegress,subjccttotlre reservation by Vait A;;iotet; I'c., to Oedicaie sriid Tract (i or any part tlrc'eof to tltt: publ-ic or to grant Private ease ments thereon to any person' subject to any tax asse ssment fecs or ellarge s by renson of. the--inclrlsion uf tlrc- sul;jcct property in the vail water and sanitation l-listriet, Vail Firc Protcctlon L)istrict' vail Metropolitan Recreatim District and vuil Gencritl Itnprove ment District; sct bacl< nestrictions as shown on the recorded Plat; restrictions contained in instrumettt recorded in Book 2l?, Page 6?5, records of Eagle courlty, c.olora<lo; and.right of a prop|ictor ol a ve in or lode to exuael and te ntou" r,it ore - tlte rc fro m sltould the sa me irr': I'ou tict t<-r penetrate or interseet the supject property nnci right.gf YuI for ditch(rs ttnd crrnrls constructcd by auurority or tn"' United statc-s us rcscrvccl by Patent of rcr:ot<'.:1e usc rrrellts for drainage, t€lephone, electr'icity, wtttct tttx} sturittrry scwcr' pt'otcctivc covcnttltIs of record. \ ( I /i o I]X}lI B TT B PRELI}IINARY PI,ANS p.1 of 9 I I I I 'l ( I i/^,/i;/ \ 'il:Al =!-r+, a'{-. p..=-4f- '\\ \- i t. \l(i-i" ,l lf i rrrY ot rdrroar ttr a, aroc! L Yr[/uoxrrD .rit Tnrx lrr.lr .r&ilrr4, . .' o EXHIBIT B PRELII'IINARY PLANS p,3 of 9 6..-, ) /'/(; G:) r'4/' TRtrE TOPS ]P&A?44 .i Int Iri Irfi t'q iBi rli tl .8i i0 :'I llr \t to \\ to J7 I 'lo ! io II: nl I r .- --)-| /\ ll\ts {\tl \-> u i .r-_J ?--1Vs-L r()N-re,r\P i*''l I'XIlI BIT B PRELI}IINAITY PLANS p.4 of 9 4! ( ,;, ) .t n'-l ir:t I'l:'\.,'I- ':" :j r{r F tl qll f J'i ,fl 0 $9 $ H I 2 i t 0fld 0ti rt fi l'q TR? tir l .8$'|l 1'i"a-i /\\ it\| \\li v .! o tt D f I D {iiq I I 't A r S'1 I I gl ijF I -rx ' q[ F S ii I IgB I 0 r t I t t : r: I 1 I f I I x E .l T t t $ d \t \\\. \'N. \ . \r. f,ll ilrt $l 2 rE In z' J$i if ;tf I r 'rli la:-{ti P&AruA oPs t I +y I il 0 I r o F n 0 l+ 'i f ; n -| +. "\.,. f I llr'r&r{l tt ii ! \rSt) \'rd vl. \\ \\/ "t*r/ 1IRtrtr tt@[PS PLA%A O B NARY PLANS 9 l;1 l; ra tiF I Itrl lD l0 l5E tf Ir .t' h-- ln) h llI lf f l0 I $ ?E-r,,\fL DevEr.4,^^ej 1-r- tN ccfr . ,//rtL, EX}III]IT B .. PI{IiI, TN] NAJiY P],ANS 7 of 9 I -l I s ii I , I .t t 1 l"rl n {l id I ! I ,) ;# T F ! I t B $e t- ---------.--..\- !T IN 1N i.Fr I T t tn r\9 '\'t \. - \\\ TREtr TOPS P&A%A (V tx tl I tlr1-AlL EEvtsr-c,r*\E1{f lN ccl3.Llo..l .^D - ?eTA- Le t -i $ I.r I .( ('(I ,' EXIIIBIT B PREl-IIlINARY PLANS p.8 ot 9 ::' !: t { t I I t( ti'nt T trtr 1l@PS iP&A%A E v \l )iIIIBII B I'liELIflINi\RY PL;lNS p.9 of 9 l-t I i i F -t )I t t I I fi / !-= /.l/ ,/ .,y' E={___-...-.--\ s F lt I a (l ffi !li T r I s e, ss lilq 'dt g SE rr ;tl +! -t tJ 1lRtrtr A@PS ,t1/ ,/ .l-:.:.- , =(-;: f? f\ f;l f-,, l!3 I-UA?-4/:L t v.AlL . l'l6Ns_te,a.D . @-e"- at 016 z.t,\ I ?ETA'IL Eta,,ELoP^1EN-r l{ c-cfr BXHIBTT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION }-OR DHNIISED PREMISES An_ airspaee over a part. of Iot 6, Block l, Vail/Lionshead First Filing, Towri of Vail,Colo.rado, according to the mQp recorded in the office of the EBgle County, Coloractoj Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beg inn irg at a corner of an existing parking strueturc whence the northeast corner of said Lot 6 bears 11 79o 19t44rr E 50.64 feet distant; thence the following ten eourses T."!"9-pig qarkirg structurc: (l) S 49"3?'08" W 34.80 feet; (2) N 40o22'52",' W i.Zo i""i;(3)S 49"37r68" W ?8.40 fee.t;.(4) s 40022'{2'' tl 61.00 feet; (5it{ a0;cz'oa" E 40.80 feet; (6j sr30sz'40''E 2?.06 regt; (i) ry.agol?'52{t oo.oo reet; (stN t+dni'eq"w 26.50 feet; (9)N 4903?'09" E 13.00 feet; (t0) N 40023,52'' t{ s9.30 feet to ilre point of begiruring,eonta inirg 0.1g acres, more or less. The lower limit of the airspace is the rpper deck of the existing parking structurc at elevation 8137.2- The upper limit of theairspace is at elevation dtos.r. The elevations 3*..b"Td.-o_"_ sanitsry *wer astuilt data for IVIanhole p-9A-2 (Invert=glZl.68) supplied by the Vail Water ard Sanitatim Distriet. I I i August 28, 1984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo Philips Bosque de Circuelos 304-3 Bosoue de las Lomas Meif co 10, D. F. t"te'xi co Dear Mr. Philips: I am writ'i ng to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. We have had to stop the'i nclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Association that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes. Second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of Vail. Third, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (?\ The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor bridge (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal framing and the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it impossible to paint the wood railings without scaffolding or other more expensive means, this added cost w'i ll have to be born by you. Since the railings were just painted, this cost will not probably happen for seve- ra1 years (5) You wjll need to make provision to mainta'i n any light fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this agreement, it will also be binding on whomever you sell or transfer your unit(s) to. If you agree, please sign one copy and return it in the enclosed envelope. The sooner this is done, the sooner work can be resumed. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding 'i n this matter. Si ncere-ly, EDWARD M. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condominium 469 S. Cherry #110 Denver, Colorado Accepted b Copies: . Board Members i4arvel Barnes Associ ati on unit(s)*3 E {4E August 28, i984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo Philips Bosque de Circuelos 304-3 Bosque de las Lomas Mexico 10, D.F. Mexico Dear Mr. Philips: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. |.le have had to stop the inclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. F'irst' it is a rule of the Associatjon that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of vail. Third, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (2) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it wood rai 1i ngs w'i thout scaffo lding or this added cost will have to be born were just painted, this cost will not ra1 years - bri dge framing and EDWARD M. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condominium 469 S. Cherry #110 Denver, Colorado impossible to paint the other more expensive means, by you. Since the railings probably happen for seve- agreement, it will also be binding on unit(s) to. and return it in the enclosed envelope. work can be resumed- tunderstanding in this matter. (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this whomever you seli or-transfer your ]f you agree, please sign one copy The sooner this js done, the sooner Thank you for your coooeration and As soci ati on 80222 Accepted Copies: , .Board Members l4a rve I Barnes w, L<3 /-Unit(s) August 28, i984 Mr. Andres Banos Ahuehuetes Norte 909 Meixi co 10, D. F. Mdxi co Dear Mr. Banos: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. we have had to stop the'inclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. Fjrst, it is a rule of the Association that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes. Second, you will need to obtain a buiiding permit from the Town of Vail. Third' the Board will agree to ailow you to glass inclose the bridge if:(i) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (2) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal the gl ass that you are i nsta l I i ng (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it wood rai I i ngs wi thout scaffol di ng or this added cost will have to be born were just painted, thjs cost will not ra I years. (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures alongside the bridge. bri dge framing and si ng_ery --..,.:.' .-t" J /(- ...t I t {bro*o r. Pres i de nt Please note that if you accept this whomever you seil or transfer your If you agree, piease sign one copy The sooner this is done, the sooner Thank you forl your cooperation and impossible to paint the other more expensive means, by you. Since the railings probably happen for seve- agreement, it wil'l also be binding on unit(s) to. and return it in the enclosed envelope. work can be re s umed . understanding in this matter. STRAUSS Treetops Condominium Assocjation 469 S. Cherry #Ll0 Denver, Colorado 80222 Accepted by: Date: Copi es: Board l4a rve I Members Barnes 80222 t(s )"E Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Design Review Board ,^. gl,{ DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Su mmary: Town Planne El Statt Approval ?* Adjacant Property funiers I,odge at Lionshead Lionslread Cerrter Lfonshead Liquor Sbre Ctrarlies Gondola Slrr Shop Ttre Yomger Csleration Alfie Packer's IIE Shades of Vail CLrr€rrts of Vait Vail Cookie Co. P.0. BCIr 1868 P.O. k 1868 P.0. Box 478 P.O. Box 1-59 482 Lionshead Centetr P.O. Box 6l-0 476 W. Liqrstread l4al1 P:0. Box 1471 520 E. Lionshead CircLe )r, ,. :t I '-/r ,/r,y Appricati.^ ,^'9 l/4+ I.This procedure The application APPLICATION is required. will not be FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is sulrmitted. PnonE&_:ZZL_ B. A. NAME oF eem;ceyr/@ta6 catfunry/]e1 AelA41dt gTE ADDRESS NA.{E oF "WYMEfl )9P41"'u ADDRESS .NAME OF OWNER STGNATURE (type or print) ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL c. PHONE kco. #- tro Maza'<-pHoNES9 f -3?t l Co Pozr-- ADDRES LEGAT DESCRTPTToN tot 6 n:,ock__{ Filing E. FEE. $100. 00 F A list of the nErmes subject property and :- of owners of all property adjacent the'ir mai'l 'ing addresses. to the PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAtL, COLORADO 81658 . (3091 476-3122 TO: DATE: SI]BJEC?: Tosn of VeLI - Plaru{ ng aad EnvlronnerIrtal Colualsslon Aprll 6, 1984 Request for a Zonlng Vartanee -IleeToos Plaza 0,preratlo and managenent of thc lreeTopa Condond-nlunc ln Vail Llcarshead has, elnee its begtnnlng, beeu dlfflsult and unvorkable because the coruplei Iacks on-sltc facllltleg for thla purpose. Therefors a varlance, to pernlt the ecnstruetior and oecupatiqr of a ilMaltagelrs Dvelling Unltn, ls bclag requested ib@ seetlon f9.26.f00-(Densl{y Ccntrol) of ths Tornr of Vail Zonlng 0rdinanee. The prcposed requeated varlance vi11 be used. ex_cluslvely for the above stated purpose and rd1l have no dlscemlble cf fect on tire structure. Adjacerrt Prorperrby G^n€rs lodge at Lionshead p.O. Box 1868 ' Licmshead C€crter p.O. Box 1868 Ili:nshead Liqr:or Store p.O. Box 478 Cliatlies Gondola Std StFp p.O. Bo:r 159 The Yo:nger Gerreration 482 Licnrshead C€nter Alfie Packerrs p.O. Box 610 Ihe S?rsdes of Vail 470 W. Lionetread lbll Gmerrts of Vail ?:0. Box 1471 Va:il Cookie 0o, 520 E. Tlonshead Circle o z F =e ul o- O U)lu uJ E = UJ TY.?so€l? , hs/-r/L] fd_ tr5 llJ F z z !l co .6 =z .l -'- lX f.)1 ...\ |O' Fll I I I Nl s- r9 o- tk s'= ,n l=!e vlo tz r7 :p-e* l: I EiEiEJEI IEilt ffII tt;iu i$I EEFE= == |:3E3d..,s I EAEfr Es ,': I etlf€ gE- |git-:'"=E i;fi F:i gt"$a i e s (0 rt)(\l +cf) lJ)\ C\' r--{c! == UJ z =f CO )< LIJ z ") =F AJ J u, z 6 =f . uJ = UJ lu iJ-z tr lu uJ E co 3 UJ LIJ E z 6 UJ F 6 lLl o l 2 UJ ) X F UJ l U) UJ u.t lt- E E uJ TL J F t- z f co & o t! UJ z = d 9 z L! = J F- t- NOrl.vnlVA \ => (a\ >\Jfa :r\t'l\ E)6 N zz o9 q5 FY cnO =i <)z LL<o1 LU :<F9 .j<\i ^l rJl I >l .61 =l izl rc' = l= l+, tl tl tl tl | (/) |t>t t(6 IB t- l- :<Ean Ou! =(d =d* ul+J oF 4-= trrd z LIJ z o tr l tL (r a o-f E o UJ o ^l cl <l o-l HI -l =l <l zl o E t^ l-Itr l< IPJ t5 l' t^ It :l l\Et .t =t i\--N zt 1-l ,,-T-]?' --rE ft >a>-d1 =F fi 1.., ,l <l z l.^ YrZ r- 51.F :IE < @lo IU l ) E a UJ z Y i F z F 5 a z L ll I I t-z l z O(4 E LIJ KO oq >E >c( 8o <z F z, Az Z-:F do 3uJ OI I \-l ->2 ---=, sl-_ S4 F 7::,\- = 4 i€ Y L I tr- I rr) lJ)c)rl O O uJ t o cl o "t z o F (L UJ Y UJ d) F = IE u.l u-o (I o o I ul F o z z =e coo =z O- l,! ),"i6 zii dd= =(r t! o- o +. uJ E9 EA o<2 ql-B9 scE cf, =a FJF- E F-=I "i c \r-' A; P ^L :c )' v =E 5 H Et x > -F -'F -.r .=i i uJ t- IJJ F o E =E UJ o-z 9 F (J f E.F a z o () nt]n t ol =.1 ol :l >l 1Ll ol zl 3l ol FI zl ol utl 5l <l >l t!l zl 3l g tl tl tl tl I cil lzl lsl l5l l<l l>l I rr-l lol lzl :l 3l el 9l u-t Fl tl tl tt ll tt l.l tot lll tol I uJl tit lal l>l I tr-l lol tzl i=l o4 0l rl-I FI ll tl tl lux lc!lc*l Ir{(,l I (ntl dl I 61 9l 'ol cil ol url ot acl 3l --.rl fil =l ;' ^l tl-l t-l tzl =l =l Et ol tr|Fl tl tl ll ll ll tl l,J I ur,I llJl tEl tct to l<l =t I Et <tr|E I I I I ^l cla oF (Jlrd l.P vll =ol(u old rrl cJlo CJIE 't-F ".f=l3* r** (-) .d E <n =J =a/)o- L.IJ I.JJ E ii z. -) I ql o.l ol {Jl 0)l oJ'L E5 =+E F o2 F F z z LIJ zr =<z.e JZ (LO (J ) E. llJ J LIJ <F r.! <ZE u.r F o F t!F I )<()an :io trtr! =l I I I l-l3l;El._t I I tHt=tR IiFltl."lx-l=l;lH Vlrultt| |9l:illlll =lEl El = i?l Rl=15 +f.zfbl=lrl;l.rlz =l<l'r.ri 5lol;'il;l<dlL,l dlilElEl"*13 =l I I l l lg ,nT" ul 2 3 oE lr ut :3 (rv f,nl z.\YZ (t, < tt o F CE F z NO[vn]vA 6a h^6 x5=FPo-9o Fb \J.z 3f H3 >(,FO j (.\r- UJ z o F llJl JI <l F z (5=zz =z d.-P J I z .'- t! J =E - <-: =ru (D IJ-J uttr lrJ-.q-. r'|.UJ od |Il<(.) Zt r)<:Z ld :F o FX Cl-!J iF it+- t U..Gl-l H=l d=tr1 &tl 9501 I u.l I 6--.lal o---l uL_ t J'r i trEJ 9:|'D_ g o tr !' !t E c E E o u o (u ct j- ,QJ 0)c o )z L o ?-J A->,t;-A* \ \--Jlt=\\-_,/ / l: -er E t z J u- Iu1 qJ L -ct -o NJ,Nlo -{ ^l t :lN 9rl BIA zl 3l s1 ol E FI Fi E ul "{;-->rd C)o u., =z -_t <o (JF i< r-, =32 UJO F z (J J t!z UJ (5 F (J tU (J J <O ou\u., ll,--r O eo <r- =<--:z () EF z() -F 8= =8 o eF 9X Ft-o=o o xx x €cl August 28, 1984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo Phi'lips Bosque de Circuelos 304-3 Bosque de las Lomas Meir'co 10, D. F . Me'xi co Dear Mr. Philips: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. We have had to stop the inciosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. Fjrst, it is a rule of the Associatjon that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes, Second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of Vail. Third, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (2) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor bridge (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal fram'i ng and the giass that you are installing (4) Because inclosjng the bridge makes 'it 'impossible to paint the wood railings without scaffolding or other more expensive means, this added cost will have to be born by you. Since the raiiings were just painted, this cost will not probably happen for seve-ral years (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any 1ight fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this agreement, it wili also be binding on whomever you sell or transfer your unit(s) to. If you agree, please sign one copy and return it jn the enclosed envelope. The sooner this is done, the sooner work can be resumed. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. EDWARD M. STRAUSS Pres ident Treetops Condomini um 469 S. Chemy #110 Denver, Colorado Accepted b ate: Copies: Board l4embers l4arvel Barnes Associ ati on unit(s)3 E {4E August 28, 1984 Mr. Carlos 0lmedo Philips Bosque de Cjrcuelos 304-3 Bosque de las Lomas .Mexico 10, D.F. Mexico Dear Mr. Phi I i ps: I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. l'le have had to stop the inclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Assocjation that you are required to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes Second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of Vail. Third, the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if: (1) You can obtain the necessary permit from the Town (2) The glass is of the same color as on the fifth floor bridge (3) You will carry your own insurance on both the metal framing and the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it impossible to paint the wood railings without scaffolding or other more expensive means' this added cost will have to be born by you. Since the railings were just painted, this cost will not probab'ly happen for seve- ral years . (5) You will need to make provision to maintain any light fixtures alongside the bridge. Please note that if you accept this whomever you sell or transfer your If you agree, please sign one copy The sooner this is done, the sooner Thank you for your coooeration and agreement, jt will also be b'i nding on unit(s) to. and return it in the enclosed envelope. work can be resumed. understanding in this matter. EDWARD M. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condominium 469 S. Cherry #110 Denver, Colorado Associ ation 8022? Accepted Copies: . .Board Members l4arvel Barnes ffi, unit1) 1_L q3 -f August 28, 1984 Mr. Andres Banos Ahuehuetes Norte 909 Mdxico 10, D.F. Mdxi co Dear Mr. Banos: I am writing_to you on behalf of the Board of Directors. we have had to stop the inclosing of the bridge between Treetops I and II. First, it is a rule of the Association.that you are requ.i red to seek Board approval before you make any exterior changes. second, you will need to obtain a building permit from the Town of vail. Third' the Board will agree to allow you to glass inclose the bridge if:(1) You can obtain the necessary permit from (2) The glass is of the same color as on the (3) You wili carry your own insurance on both the glass that you are installing (4) Because inclosing the bridge makes it wood rai 1i ngs wi thout scaffol di ng or this added cost will have to be born were just painted, this cost will not ra I years. the Town fifth floor bridge the metal framing and impossible to paint the other more expensi ve means, by you. Since the railinqs probably happen for sevel agreement, it will a'l so be bind.i ng on uni t(s ) to . and return it in the enclosed envelope. work can be resumed. understandi ng in this matter. (5) You will need to.make provision to maintain any light fixtures al ongs'i de the bri dge. Please note that if you accept this whomever you sel l or transfer your ]f you agree, please sign one copy The sooner this is done, the sooner Thank you for\your cooperation and STRAUSS Treetops Condominium Association 469 S. Cherry #11C Denver, Colorado B0Z?? Accepted by: Date: Copies: Board Members l4a rve I Ba rnes 80222 t(s),.r l--(n- 42 well meadow drlve vall, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-2200 October 30, 1984 Itls. Itlarvel Barnes Vail Hcrne Rentals 143 East llbadcnv Dcive Vai1. CO 81657 flre deparlmenl Dear l'ts. Barnes: RE: Ibeetops Balcony Enclosures The \rai-l Fire Departnrent does not oppose the enclosure of the bridges/ balconies between Tbeetops Phase I and II. Hcr,{ever, as a result of our on-site ilspecti-on, the follcwilg vi_olations were noted: l. The f jre departrent connect ion to the Class I standpipe must be secured and made access ible. The pipe should be secured to the side of the adj acent block wall and the fire departurent connections should be extended approximate Iy I2", such that the connection will clear the end of the stai-rcase wa]l. 2. The standpipe riser sha1I be secured in a more suitable, stable manner. It rnay be secured to either the handrails or the block wall. 3. The hose val-ves should be turned 90o so that the hose connection is il a hori-zontal plane. 4. The fi-re department connect ion to tf€ Cl_ass 1 standpipe strould be labeled "standpipe". It is cr:rrently labeled "auto sprinkler',. 5. Several of the handrail/barriers in the east stai_r tor,,7er are loose and need to be braced, i.e. upper floors. 6. The dry standpipe shall be extended to provide coverage for the ttrree top floors of the west buildilg. The Vail Fire Departrrent wj_ll recognize the equivalenry of the standpipe and not require a roof maniforld for either the Tteetops phase 1 or II. Cqrpl-iance shall be requi-red prior to Decernber 25th, 1984, If you bave furttrer questions, please contact nE at the nr.mber above. l1ts. lfanrel Barnes lleetops October 30, 1984 Page 2 Please aclcrowledge yorr receipt of this letten by signing belcns. Thank yon for 1ur cocperation,tu Michael lfccee Fire l{arshal Aclocxrledged Receipt: ,"*?r"roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI i . ":!:. CALLER TUES PM AM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .d Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I"-'-,''.:|DATE INSPECTOR Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: seconded or, RIIJCL APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAT '7.. )- i.il,r/.1i \l Town Planner r', .. 7 tAN | \r r/l I l. lun. ,/, I it\N i\ \J Staff Approval {.1 g':;i, ll lt t- i 7-r,'AE 22132 I IEI Egl E4:B rf ltc' . ltr J * ir27- 5 :--r5 tjoLrl . L,0r:JF:lJI'i-: Bl O tt,88 ltl:lri l'lo 'ool F '(rl Etr.I .l APPL I CAT I0N DAT t I ___ _rU_]JJ$_r"l988 DATI 0r DRB tlEETll{cr Auqlrst 3'-1988- - - DRU APPL ICAT I()N **{*iTHI5 APPLICAT]ON |,|iLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI,IATION IS SUOIIITIED***** PR[-APPL I CAT ION MEETING ; A pre-applicatlon nreetlng w'i th a planning staff nrenrber 1s strongly suggested to determlne lf any additlorral lnfornration is needed. No appllcatisn wl 1l be accepted unless it is comp)ete (must include all itenrs requlred by the zonlng adnrinistrator).It is the appilcant's responsjbjlity to nrake atr appointnrent with the staff to flnd A. PROJECT DESCRI P'I ION: of entrance to Bul19!lg, l:--lg!_994-El-t:l9f Bui.Jdlrg II out about additlonal subnrittnl requirenrent$, Please note that a C0I{PLETE applica- tlon w'i II streanrlirre tlre approval process fof y0ur proJect by decreas'i ng the nuntber of condJtions of approval that, the ORB may stlpulate. ALL corrditjons of appl-ovdl nlust be resolved before a bulldlng perrnit is jssued. Exterl or g$re!!-c-!E@u jI-![]gU-g-lL re- roof Lega l Descri pti on Zonirrg CC-? LOCAI I ON OiJ PR()POSAL: Address 450 E. Llonshead Clrc'le Lot tll ock Fi 1i ng Llonshead lst NAME OF APPLICANT:Treetops Condo A$sociation Address 450 E-Ltonshead Circle, Vall, C0 81657 te) ephone 476-6507 APPL I CANT '5 RIPRESTNTAT I VE:Beck & Assocl&tes' Inc 1413 Vu c0 Bl6 tel ephone 827-57 rr Tree Condo I atl on 450 E.onshead Circle, Vall' C0 8r657 telephone rt76-6507 The fee wl'l'l be paid at the time a bullding pernrit'is requested VAL UAT I ON FEE NAME OF Addre s s NAI'1r 0F 0l^l S 1 gna tut'e Add ress DRB FET; Il/TPORTANT H0TICE l0 ,000 50,000 150, ooo ,500 ,000 ,000, oo0 , oo0 , 000 REOAROING ALL SUUMISSIONs IO TIII DRI]: $ 0-$ $ i0,001 - $ $ 50,001 - $ $150,001 - $ $500,001 - $1 $ 0ver $l $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $loo.oo $?00.00 $300.00 in addition to meetlng subnlttal raquirements, the applicant nrust stake the site to indlcate property lines and bulldlng c0rner$. Trees that rv'l ll ba rernoved should also be lnarked. Thls rvork nrust be complated before the DRB vislts the site. The revlew precess for t,,lEl,l BUILDING5 vrlll normal ly lnvolve t|^lo separate meetlngs of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least tvro meetings for thelr approva'l . f'eople who fall meeting and who republ i shed, to appedr before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have not askod fur a pastponement wlll be requlred to be 4' The following items no longen have to be. presented to the Design Review Board.They' however, have to be presented to thb zoning nJministratoi ror approuii, a' Windows' skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the build.ing; and b. Building addjtions that are not viewed IloT gny other lot or public space,which have had 'letters submitted from adioininil propertv ownei-i approiing the addition; and/or approval from the agent f6r, oi" manager of a'condominium association. 5' You may.be required to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your property. you should check wjth a Town planner before proceeding MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEl.l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site ptan of site contajning the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp, 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals will be accepted. 3' Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks wjth diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,j ntermi ttent streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plajn and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existjng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7 . Locations of the fo l I owi ng: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sjte showing size and type of cul verts , swal es , etc. b. Exact locatjons of ail utilities to jnclude existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cabl e TV sewer qas Tei ephone wa ter el ectri c c. Property lines showjng distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevatjons e. Al I easements 8. Exjsting and finished grades. 9. Al I existing and proposed improvements includjng structures, landscaped areas,service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site impiovements. 10. Elevatjons of top of roof ridges (wjth existing grade shown underneath) to determj ne height of bu'ildi ng. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of servjce and avajlability. To be subm'itted wi th si te pi an. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1'r = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or.larger,tle_cs,,t0thdrrshrrubs:_and-iii.tiVe plants tha are on the site and the locatjon and design of pioposed landscape aieds'with-"-- '"- the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materjals to be planted. It 2. Complete landscape materjals l ist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information.as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the jnter-relation of the varjous components js clear, The landscape plan shou'l d be separate. The-existing topographic and vegetational characteri st'ics may be a separate m|P: i|g ipp]icant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should-be completed before the DRB site visit. E. , Architectural Plans ( o 1/8 " = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on complet.i on.Elevations must show both existing and finished graqes. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submjtted for review on the materials list available from the Deilartment of Comrnunity Develop-ment. Color chips' siding samples etc., should be presented at the Oeiign Revjew Board meeting. F. The Zon'i ng Administrator and/or DRB may require the submjssjon of additjonal plans,drawings, specifications., samples and -other material (inctuaing-a;il;ii if deemed necessary t0 determine whether a project wi11 comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that.clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan)of proposal may be submitted jn iieu of the more iormal requirement; aiu;; above, as long as-they provide all important specifications for the proposed inituaing colors and materials to be used. iII. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Or'i ginal floor plans wjth al l specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - Z cooies c. site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E . Photos of ex isti ng structure F. Specifications for all materjals and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Revjew Administrator you may aiso be required to submit: G' Statement from each ut'i1ity verifying location of service and availabil.ity. See attached ut'i Iity location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by reg.i stered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary tiile report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FiNAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required O.lglg any build'ing.receives a framing inspection rrom itre Building Department: A certified improvement survey show.i ng: " A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. djstances and anqles. B. Build'ing dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All. utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used,and exact I ocati ons . Z copi es D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basjs of bearing to tje to sectjon corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated,on map. G. Al I easements H. Building floor elevatjons and roof ridge elevations NAME 0F PROJECT: Treetops Condominiums LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NAME OF PROJECT: STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The fol l owi ng i n Board before a f A. BUILDING l.4AT Roof LIST OF MATER]ALS Li d Circle. Yail tic l,lembrane and ibtal re-roof of entrance to Building I, new deck rails for Buildinq II formation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review inal approval can be fiven: ERIALS: TYPE OF MATER]AL COLOR lilatch Exi sti ng Siding 0ther Wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Wi ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther Stucco Hhi te Stucco Hhi te Stucco Ihite lfood Lt- Tan Stain to match existinq Buildino I. B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Yuqrrr vJ S ize* |t/A Indjcate height for conjfers. (over) General llote: llew Bui I di *lndicate caljper for deciducious trees. 'PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Sjze (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type 1{/A Square Footage GROUND COVERS qnn SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retajning wa.l ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION % SUBD IVISION JOB NAME I rr'I.BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, -whether they be rnain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Da te Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 !.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publjc Service Company Gary Hal l * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty VaiI Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagie Vailey l-.Jater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek illA N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsi.b ili.ty to obtain a street cut pennit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of public Ir/orks and to obtaj.n utility locations before digging in any public right_ of-way or easement in the Torm of Vai1, A building perrnit is not a street cut perrnit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction wi.th preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new cons t pl ease fi I I out attached sheet. Comments: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing ih^||r-F^+'AKUfi l rEL I phone ZONE DIST DATE: L E GAL DE-S-CR-IPTIIT : -[oT-Bl ock ADDRESs: Ot^lNER PROPOSED USE LUI )I,ZL Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Al I owed (30)(33) t{/A Pro po s ed Sides Rea r Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta ini ng l,/a1l Heights Park ing Credj ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Sol ar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Env ironmental /Hazards : LU 'l 6l (:01 15s1 (3oo ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) SIope Actua l Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: )IaTT 5'l gnature rli 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 3, 1984 Edrr,ard M. Strauss Pres i dent Treetops Condomjnium Assoc'iation 469 South Cherry, Suite ll0 Denver, Colorado 80222 Dear Edward, In addit'ion, the manager's unjt per residential space is 95,000.project is being calculated as a unit's parking fee from the rest when you pay for the parking. KRiSTAN PRITZ Town Pl anner KP:br Encl . of f lce of cornmunfty developmenl -_Es: Treetopg l"lafiager's Unit Housing Agreement and Parkinq Fee The addjtion of the manager'.s unit at the Treetops Ancillary Building was approved by the.Planning and Environmental conrnission on May zg, ]|gg4. ll_for1 letter (dated 5/15/84)., you stated that you would bL wiiling to file the appropriate restriction to limit the unJt to be used only 5s an ernployee unit. I have enclosed an agreenent that the Town of Vail uses for restricting employee housing uniis. please fill in the appropriate signatures and return the agreement to.the Town of Vail Conrmunity'Development Department. Once the Town has received the agreement Bill pyka,-acting ' Toiln.Manager, will sign and record the agreement wjth pam Brindmey"r, iown Cl erk. will require two parking spaces. The fee The parking fee for the entire Treetops whole. If you wish to separate the manager of the project, you should work that out I hope that this information will be helpful. please give me a call if you have further questions. | . --,- S incerely ")/ hwn 75 soulh tronlage road vait, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 29 , J-gB7 olflce of communlty dev€lopment Mr. Ton Briner L43 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorad.o 8l-657 Re: Treetops Deck Enclosures, Summer 19g7 Dear Tom: Recently' you called rne and asked if it was absoluter-y reguired Enat all the decks.at the Tr;;f;p= project l.-.or,=tructed at the sane time- rnis qu;sti;;-;;.=e .ue to the fact rhat one or :il: :i":l:"::ll:'i:i"$;:H:i;l:::"*t "riI it=nt".n.o.,s,,,iin-- r suggested two alternatives for hand.ling the situation. The first approach wourd t;-;;-t"kl'out_a buirding perrnit for ar_r-of the deck enclosures. The senerat "i;;-i;;;of,8rn.',.= woutd also have ro be inci"J.a il;";=il",buiJ-ding i.rrit. rhe sire ::ffii::T:lf: H:::^1n-imnori."l J"'t or rhe-pi.,,,,i,,g u' i= -ir!","I.iiI]"i!",i:.3:i:'::r:i:"I..niiitir, ;jr;n".3::;: o"constructed according- to pri" u"i"re_ a temporary certificate of occupancy would be releas;a:- T;i" alternalive 'shoutd only be used if you feel very confident -ifr.t tn" cond.orninrum association will-b", irr"--r"-Joi"ir,".^tne -two-Jri.r. rhat they shourd participate-in ah"-;";;ir,lctio., of the deck encl.sures.r suss.ested rhis atrernari"; ;;i; if^it_=."^Jo*iJry reatistic :mi"ill:"way coulo u""i""ri il'i." for the rwo deck The second approacl y:"lg b: tg revise your proposal and resubmit the-iesign^to the oesign-Revj_ew goaia.- once again, it H:::r::"il5"i:i:'-5ii-!ii" ;;;;;;r s*e impro.,"*.'t= ro be Desisn Review uor' ltt new propo=ul:.,,9t." i;;';;;: received out ior-'fn;-;r;;::o.approval, a buildins permit coula be taken After talking to you on Friday, it seems that a new subrni_ttaI to the Design Review Board is probabry the wisest approach. rt now appears that other condoniniun owners may not want to participate in the deck enclosures and this Loulfl nrescnr problern! if you use the first arrernati-ve as f"; u5-;;iti"g "tenporary certificate of occupancy. In addition, tfr6 finai appearance of the south elevation of the building would be changed to a greater extent, as rnore than two owiers are questioning parti-cipation in the project. This change would likely warrant DRB ieview. f hope this letter clarifies our conversation over If f can be of any further help, please feel free 476-7000 ext l_11_. Good luck. Sincerely. /,1 .{).1 trnfjan Yvrll Kristan Pritz Town Planner LD. l.r r- cc: Peter Patten the phone.to call rne at LOUIS A. H ELLERSTEIN STEPHEN A. HELLERSTE IN MARTIN H. S HORE CHRISTIAN CARL ON SAG ER JAN ICE HOFMANN CLARK MARIA J. FLORA EOWARD P. O'A RI EN MARTI R. BARE N CHRISTI NA A. FIF LIS BEVERLY L. RUTENBECK JOHN M. WIEGAND Hru-rnsre rN, Hr.llensrerN aNo SHone. p. c. ATTORNEYs AT LAW II39 OELAWARE STREET P. O. BOX 5637 OENVER, COLORADO E0217 Jme 19, 1984 1K^' ^ ,il 1 '"fiff,.Tq TELEPHONE (303) 573-IOAO TELECOPIER 43031 57 t- 127 | Mr. Lamy Eskwith 75 So. Frontage Rd. Yail, Colorado 8165? In Re: TreeTops Condominiums Dear Lary: As we recently discussd, enclced is a eopy of an Amendment to the Condominium Deelaration for TreeTops which will be reeorded with the Eagte County Clerk and Beeorder. If you have any problems with this please let us know. Yery truly yourq HELLER,STEIN, HELLER.STEIN AND SHORE, P.C. 9."*t9/e64{zdL Beverly L. Rutenbeck BLR/mmm Enclcure ce: Ted Strauss CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO THE CON DOMIMU M DECLARATION FOR TREETOPS The undersigned, as holder of a reconded first mortgage or deed of trust on a condominium unit at Treetops Condominiums, hereby consents to the following amendment to the Condominium Deelaration for Treetops, &s amended, as reeorded in the Eagle County records, State of Colorado, in Book 222 at Page 190: Paragraph 29(a) of the Condominium Dclaration for Treetops is amended by the addition of the following new subparagraph: rrA portion of the aircpace rights above the existing parking garage strueture whieh are sold or leased pursuant to Paragraph 26(a) of tNs Declaration, as amended, may be used as a m anagerrs unit for employee housing, as approved by the Town of Vail, provided that, when such manager's unit has been construeteQ sueh m anagerrs unit may not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately frpm the remainder of the airspace which is leased or sold for a period of not less than the life of Trent William Ruder, a life in being, plus 2l years from the date the Certifieate of Oceupaney for sueh managerrs unit is issued by the Town of Vail. Said manager's unit shall be leased only to pemons who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley and shall rpt be leased for a period of less than thirty (30) eorsecutive days. The managerts unit shall not be divided into any form of tim eshare, interval ownersNp, or fractional fee. Fon purpmes of this paragraph, a'rfull-time'r employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week The rrUpper Eagle Vallefr shgll be deemed to inelude the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, EagleVail, Avon and the surrounding areas.rl The foregoing Amendment to the Condominium Deelaration for Treetops shall be filed of reeord in the offiee of the Eagle County Clerk and Reeorder, State of Colorado, in a form approved by the attorney for the Town of Vail, to irsure that the restrictiors contained therein rutr with the land and ar"e binding on the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of Treetops Condominium Association and the pr:rehaser or tenant of the airspace rights above the existing parking garage structure located at TreetoDs. By: Unit No. o CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR TREETOPS The mdersigned, as holder of a recorded first mortgage or deed of trust on a condominium unit at rreetops condominiumr, _t ereoy Lo,ir"-nts to the following amendment to the condominium Deelaration ra'rreeiops, asl-me.aed, as recorded in the Eagle County reeords, State of Colorado, i, B;f ttt;t'eigJiso, Paragraph 29(a) of the condominium Delaration for Treetops is amended by the addition of the following new subparagraphs "A portion of. the airs^pa.ee rights above the existing parking garage strueture which are sold or leased puriuant to Paragraph 26(a) of this Declaration, as "rn"nclo, 'rn"i o" r.a"o as a managerrs unit for emolovee housing, ," "pproufo by the Town of vail, provided that; when sueh r""it"s".i-*iihas oeen eonstructeg sueh manager's unit may not bj sold, transferreO or conveyed separately from the remainder of ihe-airspaee whieh is l-eased or sord for a period of not ressitr*-it" life of Trent William--Ruder, a tife in ueing, ffus zi yeils-irom tf,e date the C_ertifieate of Oceupaney ior'suerr ,;;E;; unit is iss'ed by the Town of vail. saio manager;r *itl't"iinl leased only to pensorls who are full time emplo*yees in tne Upper nagfe valley and sharl not be leased fa a-peiiod of less ti'an tnirty (80) eonse-eutive -days. The manager,s unit shall not be divided i^nto !!y form of timeshare, inteival orn".rhii, or fractionaf fee. "*.gy1>T= of thi:s paragraph, a "ful_time,, empioy.e is a person who works an average of thirty (lO;5or* per week.The nUpper.Eagle Valley'r snalf Ue deemLd toinclude-the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Ciiff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, avon ano tfre surrounding areas.n The fceeoing Amendment to the Condominium Deelaration for Treetops shall be filed of recoid iri the office of itre-ragre county CiJ-Jio Recorder, state of colorado, in a form approved by the attorneyior tne ifwn oi-Gt, to irsure that the restrictiors eontained therein ruir with the land.and "19 if"oi"g "r1h" h"irr, sueeessors,assigns and personal representatives of Treetops condominium Assoeiation and the purchaser or tenant of the airspaee rights above tne exisfrnf-o""ttng garage structure loeated at Treetom. By: Unit No. HE llrR.sretN, HrLLrnste rN awo Snonr. o P. C, LOUIS A. HELLERSTEIN STEPHEN A. H E LLE RSTE IN MARTIN H. S HORE CH RISTIAN CARL ONSAGER JAN ICE HOFMANN CLARK MARIA J. FLORA EDWARD P. O'BRIEN MARTI R. BARE N CHRISTI NA A. FIFLI5 BEVERLY L. RUTENB ECK JOHN M. WIEGANO I I39 DELAWARE STREET P O. BOX 5637 DENVER, COLORADO A02I7 TELEPHONE (303) s73 -toeo TELECOPIER t303t 57t-t271 Dear Lary: As we recenily discussed, enelced is a eopy of an condominium Deeraration for Treetrops which will be rdeorded Clerk and Reeorder. If you have any problems with thi; pio"; Mr. Larry Eskwith ?5 So Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8l 65? BLR/mmm Enelctre ee: Ted Strauss Jme I9. 1984 In Re:TreeTops Condominiums Amendment to the with the Eagle County let w know. Veny truly yourq HELLEnSTEIN, HELLERSTEIN AND SHORE, p.C. Beverly L. Rutenbeek t sl - d @ T.,reo l-r El 5 I<X f IHE ;l9n 3 lri g lmP c:liq I l-: fii =r-l =T5 o.<4q-6E ;!l ,iP ;5 eg m.,I m = <trq ox- 422 =oo v=t- Itrtr -n -O Or- z= zz o6)z trEE ()o z a {n c o {o z T nt v ={ 9z tq mt lr tl leS IH -I' llP < lao O lF 'r1 .It m a =-t -t o m x m !-{ o z o @ o .'- -l ,m o c),ts -J f\)q) @ z =lt -{5 (D lD -_t A,N o uiji o>'r-o -t- =m { om '-m >; o> 2n -tm nz >m i> =m z o z i -.{ \/ !z.r 3< 1Z -z -{-t (D tD ts p F fo ts F' I ! = '9 (D ai (D 5 r o o =.(n a --l q, F \*O)it ' ti.) l'\)N) EE lb [>FH DI tol Plo liit l(D r, l-l15 ltrD t(^) I tru lr-lo lo l-r lF ll(D I u1 l,n l'l- | -r t--r lq, lO t6 l l-l jo)t lol tl = (D (D - !(tr I no O F !or I +o (tl I = .: (D a.l ct =(D tn a'r c)o af -9'o cf o an to t=In l'n l= IF lf,lz lo I l,-lH l\r l* lo l;l€ l<lzl tol Et t=l trl tml lPl tzl l'l lt ll l-l t€ lz ll t>l- tm lo { l-.l mlO 5t{'tz lo t:t> lF II lm lF, t= l- I I I I I EE lzl tol l'n I t<l t>l lFl t!l lnl tzl l"l tl ll tY1 4 /a '/, h ;E3d - og(D :6Fq ;qii sei 3 =.-g{o=.s n- =its€(/, o Yf 5:"39 ^, 4. o, o i s aa Y O -O-3a*=(o9+o *o; o)O-=E -tt qr 13 =6t==--f +i5 a'a !.3 {oa-r f-o o * v,=i= qe48 i=33 @3ol = =< =i;r= E= ilq <o-f 0:a P o- Yfci 8HB* $ i; a'5 -'+Rd F *;€ 6 o< 3{(^)io)fuE oc!.- -s ci -.t5 ooo. crC --l-o 3Ej q,.t- d =c.t=o.+f 5((l -.C)a <oY c+F q,a)c:o^. l-r =I l-, =It\ Y N\\\X N'\'=N)d |{\fN- H t$\'l\ \\o l\ -l /Re l- \\+L.9 N No'lN&t\\o t\a l\ o t9 z m .tl €z m o z { -t o t1 o T =a m r ?l o (D o - @ f\)(, z -{I m €z m z a c t- -l z t- I m - € r - o o :! r c m o l o z r- m -r z m m m o c IO m€otr TF 2'a .z a z>9R nii d= >o ol m=(/)o c z = z m € --{ t1] >t z =z l- m I { 1'm P I t- I x z ON 6fr E;Eo >n eH 68 =i a4 ;:u 3 i az9 - I --.o O O al Z Z A,€50 o* di :r*J'l Nm=ol Et : : . !.1 f,r < ol =-t ? I U'o o,o (D R (\ $o'a G f-t (^) O F o n I q, 5 -n 5 o o,af 5 € 5 x- IN l-+'o loz l-z lqB lo@ lo, C l<F lgt o l<! 2 l6'o l=z l--O l-+, -.l lon lC Yj to-l lg) lcr lcf l5 tJ'tJ.to t(, I IAJ lo lo k l<t tt<I le,tt-tl tt-.I l(/l tl tl z = =2 6 i i I m _,Elk d B;)a =or I fi31 |ot I @trl ;-l I =l\.rb li'tr F rt E r[ q) ol S 3r{ErF l:. \p\' i\ -.t -{ t- !m =-1 Tl m m U> 3 Er D D t L N h N m J x )\ -s o t-m 7 m 'tt L -i rn =z m m € m m -t z -n m m =m :E z t- t- =6 z.o m l-m --t o t- t- z o I m rc) )f o F = m u B F \) \'\) vJ m =-Tl +U' .D VALUATION 3 m c)I 2 o a- |-c =g z m m t- g z T m n = =z o gJ o o O O o o f\) o o 5 o o o i., L + vl $ o\\ o $ H (.},) ts ${ r I -a V\\ -q Ol (tl f\) 4 (tl O :- >d \), t )t C^)to o O 7u, \ct F / q7 + :tl 3 ? fr .A o o o (o cp # e8'/7q Alqb4 \rue) e rg Fr {+ ai0 Hl a{+ +-t a a+ a+\rg tl Hl 6 \J |1 l-t -L+ '11 g {+Fl t1 l?\{ GI arr It {-ts h+R Fl f rrl E9 Ft l+Hd+ Fl r{0 {l< H v rtl E rv|rt+ Ft f+ -l .g F? a+ -i<f'\i .-: \: :.: .j =;;=-_=i*;:+a il ..- '.- i::.--4-^- ^^Z-.:>:-j= nY-:l.' =<i':>=i-- -<- ::- ..J :/:- .,:<3==--::='* ,.J xt=;-==z ^(^>Y:-Z ,:=.-Z:- . ^-=:;^>\- -z--i -,4-:-:: - i z:|3 ri :- \ =?;-\:::=i;-:--- Z '-: --'.\ -- r/: 1\iIv zi=L'ih-..:;-aZ: '\aZ i!i' C: >- -<- -: :>:--)-.=7-z-: i=i ---::_'4 "': -:. ; :=: z ==<=:c :; F.f;(r?:="=\-=:;;'==.=.-\-' ===.@!='*:o);L 5: '(ln Or \l t\)io) rl ,(" ' isr "6 = it!x iF\J G)-Clria 5 ,1.<l\ 3 r. ^i C r'\''.. -5 ,;. r\ '.'o 1'\,'J. 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I I F.'l(-\ R5 t',ll I Iw li.r It, lw t r8 I I h\ l}, $ hil 0lql I I t\ \ \ =l \ r"l l)Ir I'ol )l irh;l n tll I l'--- | \|l lo" txl +<l rl tl[ "F$ IF - x" Fti d. $'f \t' It \ PETER LOOMS r AtA vArL, coLoRADO 8r658 9+tA l jctuttzrar 3lt!)r.r{ uIE ", lqbL @l11or-..1 j |urus?*t tc-Y 4AtstF(c^t1cr{=,rer+ q@Fu-ki ffi12+tt-rc4 cfv#Ae fuI-nIL at-*ffi, Stop+4e, Q^/F.-Dz.e;t-Lrr{q cwtr) Ca-tsRd.ctlort -Wi i@st -%AY_(Nq ffiv*tt-e q,,ry,,vF , L,EaL-ffie;*ltrq cfnrqet' u.lsVe; n-WAIL ffit ffitcE= ]t-jtoere- Cvqe_.-p.d.) ]f- C,N-v @r#*Dy Lln) off{cE5 3-3 fr-1_ B-z 3-+-E-3 ffi3'.%7g1Nc{ 1,4# ffz X?Y q4rFAcF. tL.f_qEL G,@ ffL 'ffiVrst\Iq WF, d,LareS G,Ga rez KraL =tozas,' cfulr * u*, - 6,L* Tiz ,i:76zr'€r .P..J.) {-l,rrcrfz T T J-hn Lh. 5-hr PETER LOOMS r AIA VAIL, COLORADO 8I658 .D+rA tl'cl.illrcrcn Rl,',nlq ,, |%L @l11o1.-t UTE clA*str=L*rclt(= t9 QW<e 'Stop/,4=I - l--l ,/-!, Qltfg1Drdtt{Flq C}qtf) ir il tftffi ffi3,. llcreru %e*lNc{ I I 3-3 fr-L B-z fr-+ 2_3 W+JV qAEAq. tl-.fq€L 'WVft-q cfrJcg., t), Lr:veL k1-4lL stoy-as, #tczs FTbgjqg 6^qg-. p.rl.) 1,44o ft-z G,{rc ffL G,Ga rez E,oo I,rrcr<'2 (:4-tsfR4ctlort -W:iffiil -%EE(Arq '. I %v*t*q q,ry*F , L.Le\td- T ',FrA1s ffiEs, cm(&= Tt- Lh*.SIoeXe. Cky{F_.-p,cl.) t- Ti..(u- ucrrw,Dy g,wga-yr-ut LLn) * PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAtL, COLORADO 816s8 . t303) 476-3122 25 t'{ery L98lt lorm of ValI Department of Cmmmlty Developnent To vhoro lt' uay concern ! O: thls clate plans are beirg subnltted for permlt for constructlon of rl}eeTops Plazan - Vatl/Llons- Heail. ft 1g rmderstood, because of the lncmpl"ete status of said plans, that, though the ftrl1 pernlt ls be- lng sorght, permlsslan v111 only be glven for exca- vation anil foundatlon work at thl,s time. Slncerely yourn, I ( ll I ' Yfrr /.ffi//'s Peter Loons, Architect ccl Great Llest Cqrtractors chen and associates CONSULTI NG GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 5CE0 RO r54 GLENWOOO SpniNGS. COLOAAOO E1601 303,945-7458 May 16, 1984 Subject: Subsoil Study, Proposed Treetops Parklng SEructure Addition, Lot 6, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead, lst Filing, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 L69 84 Treetops Condominium Association c/o Peter Looms 4269 Nugget Lane Vail , CO 81657 Gent lemen : As requested by Peter Looms, Architect, we perforned subsoil exploration for new interior column /pads proposed at the subject si.te. Our analysis does not include evaluation of existing foundation bearing conditions. Our findings are as follows: Existing Structure and Site Conditlons: The existing tr^ro story parking strucEure is located north of the Treetops Condominiums and south of Lionshead Circle as shor,m on Figure 1. The structure is on the order of 15 years o1d and consists of a combination of cast-in-place and precast concreEe. The lower floor is slab-on-grade and the second floor consisEs of twin-tees. The strueture is reportedly founded on spread footings and appears to be in faj.r condition. Some cracks in the cast-in-place north foundation wa11 and slab-on-grade floors were observed. We under- sEand that some lateral movement of the north wall occurred and was subsequently corrected. Previous soils engineering work performed on the site is not known to us. Prior to consLruction, Lhe area rras a moderat.ely sloping hlllside dovrn to the south. The surrounding area is developed with similar s:ructures and condominiums. Proposed Construc L_ion: We undersEand 2 1evel coumercial rental space above structure will be a steel frame. Six proposed to support the addition. We will be about 150 kips maximum. iE is proposed Eo construct a the existing strucEure. The new new interior columns and pads are understand the column loadings OFFICEST CASPER . COLORADO SPFINGS. DENVEF . SALT LAKE CITY Treetops Condoninium As soc iat ion May 16, 1984 P age 2 1f loadings or condit.ions are signficantly different from Ehose described, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented herein. Subsoil Conditions: The ner,r column pad areas were at the locations shown on of the second deck rather ele,arance needed. general subsoil conditions withl"n the proposed evaluated by drilling two exploratory holes Flgure 1. The holes were drilled from the top than the l-ower level because of overhead Graphic logs of the subsoil conditions encountered are shom on Figure 2. Subsoils below the lower slab-on-grade consist of about 2 to 5 L/2 feet of manplaced fill overlying natural sands and gravels which contain cobbles and occasional boulders. The fill which is similar to the underlying natural soils appears compacted as evidenced by the recorded standard penetration blow counEs (see Flgure 2). Fill depths, types and condit j-ons different Ehan rhose encountered in the exploratory holes may exis t. The underlying natural granular soils extended to the maximum depth explored, about 15 feet below lovrer floor 1eve1 . Gradation analyses performed on sma11 diameter drive samples (minus I 7/2"size materlal) of the natural soils are shown on Figure 4. A sunrnary of laboratory testing is presented on Table I. Shallovr groundwater was encountered, near to above the natural soils as s hown on Figure 2. FoundaE-ion 3ecomrnendations: Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory holes and the required loading conditions, we recornmend the proposed columns be founded on spread fooEings bearlng on the natural granular soi1s. The following design and constructlon criteria should be observed: The fooEings should be placed on Ehe underlying natural granular soils and be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 4,000 psf. Settlements under the given loading condirions are estimated to range to about one inch and should essenEially occur during cons truct ion. The foorings should have a minimum dimension of 3 feet and be well reinforced. The fooEings should be provided with adequate cover above their bearing elevatj.on for frost proEecEion. The exisEing fi1l, areas of topsoil and soft or loose natural soils encounEered within the excavaEions should be removed and the fooEing bearing level exEended dor^'n to the natural granular subsoils. 1) 2) )) 4) Treetops Condominium AssociaEion May 16, 1984 Page 3 5) Possible boulders or large cobbles encountered within the excavaEions should be removed as carefully as possible to reduce disturbance of the bearing soils. Resulting voids below bearing elevatj.on should be backfilled with concrete. 6) Free water will probably be encounEered during excavation. Footings should not be constructed in standing waEer. It should be feasible to remove Ehe rrater for shallow draw down by trenches leading to a sump where the water can be removed by punping. Punping should not be conducted from within the foocing excavations as this could reduce the bearing capacity of the subsoils. It rnay be feasible to pl-ace some crushed rock in the excavations to stabilize the soils and/or al1ow consEruction in the dry. 7) A11 footing excavations should be observed by a representative of a soil engineer prior to concrete placement. Floor Slab Recomme-ndations : Areas where the existing fill rnaterial is removed from below slabs should be replaced compacted. The existing granular fill material should be suitable for re-use provi.ded all organic materlal, debri.s and oversized rock is removed. If the naterial eontains excessive organic material and/ or debris, or is overly wet, it may be necessary to import acceptable granular material . Drying of the on-site soils may be needed. Compaeti.on of below slab fill should be to at Ieast 952 of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. The floor slabs should be provided with control joints to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking and the slabs should be adequately reinforced. Li.niEaEions: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for use by the clienE for design purposes. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory holes drilled at che locations indicated on the exploratory hole plan and are for design of proposed interior columns. The nature and extent of variations between the exploratory holes may not become evldent unEil excavation is perfonned. If during construction, existing fil1, soil, rock and water conditions appear to be different from those described herein, thls office should be advj"sed at once so that re-evaluation of the recomnendations may be made. tr/e recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata by a soil engineer. The structural engineer should evaluate the competency of Ehe existi.ng foundation to support new loads. Additional subsurface information Tfeetopg Condoni.niun Aseociatlon l,tay 16, 19E4 Page 4 regarding beerl.og eorrditious should be obtained ag needed. v6t,y truly i'Elffst DAY/dc Rev. By: S.L.?. Scal e: \ )*t- ;tF#iExis,insDrive 4 169 8r chen md rrcoclrtes, Inc.LOCATION OF EXPTORATORY HOLES nnl Hole I HoIe 2 E1 .=100' El.=100' Concrete Deck on 2nd ['1uo r 100 ,/of Pa rking \ / structure \100 Concrete Slab Lower Parkinga Level \ \ 17 /1? lJ 39/r2 L5/L2 19 /12 s) I .ri +) ?1,/1? 12 /12 -200 LL PI =29 19/L2 -2OO = NOTES:I),lxplanation of symbols presented on Figure 3 Holes drilled from 2nd floor parking deck. ?\ 4 L69 84 ctcn rnd rssociates, inc.LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES LE(;END : fi Concrete deck and floor sLab. - rd f loor slab R-, Fill; silty to clayey sandy gravel with cobbles, firm, moisL to wet with depth, !X.l brown, Eraces oE vegeEati.on, topsoil and debris.N/ S Sand and Cravel (SII-Gll) wiEh cobbles and occasional boulders, silEv becoming f;! slighrfy silty wiEh depth, medium dense, wec, brown, subrounded, t SEandard Penetration Test AST)I D1586 r 39/I2 Drivc sample blow count, indicaEes 39 bfows of a 140 pound hamrner falling 30 incl-res rvere required to drive the SPT sanpler 12 inches. n)+ Depth to wat.er 1eve1 and number of da,vs after drilling measurement rvas made. + Depth at whicli test hole caved r"rhen checked two days after drilling. T r[ Practical rig refusal due to boulder. I ].JOTES: 1) Test holes rvere drilled on l.lay 8, 1984 with a 4-inch diameter continuous flight por{er auger. 2) Locations of tesE holes were measured approximately by taping from features shor"n ou the siEe plan provided. 3) Elevarions of EesE holes refer to roof deck as l-00 feet assumed. 4) The test hole locarions and elevati"ons should be considered accurate onlv to the degree implied by the method used. 5) The lines beEween materials shown on the Eest hole logs represent the approxirnate boundaries between material types and the transi.tions may be gradual. 6) waEer level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under conditions indicated. Fluctuations in the water 1eve1 may occur with time. 7) -200 = Percent Passing l{o. 200 Sieve LL = Liquid Linir (Z) PI = Plasticity Index (Z) 4 169 84 chen and Nssocittes. inc.LECEND & NOTES OF EXPLORATORY I1OLES -. 't r lg. Cxtx AND Cooulting Soil ad As s oc rATr s Fq;n&tioo Era inrco it :a a t I t a a !a ! I t o ! I I t a I I ;a t I t a to n to GLIY (tLlltrc) ?o llLT lxl_tlrlllcl onrveu 15 To sANo 567o slLt aHo cLAY Ltouto LrMtr 25 % tLltrlclrY lxoEx 4 3r'MpL€ oF silEy gravelly sand TroM Hole 1 c!^v (rr.arrcr to trLl llt-.!.ltrGl 00alrfI 2e% 7o at 13 feet ofiAvtL LIQUtO 5AM'LE 33 ol, LIMIY 3,lxo 58% slLr aNo cLAY % PLAt?rctrY tNoEx 9 t at 2O @aalf I % feet Fig - o? slighrly silEy gravellyrou tlole 2 sand GRAOATION TEST RESULTS .f(D .E....r .a l.a .. tr' 5 ,|!| , fC t ral-aad a(l tt a- arii lr' 6|'-- O. ot. '.1 ttt ^i-!e t .,lja .r rl 't' l tLt 't:or^reYEt ot ,rrl'rCLl lr rlLL{I[ltll v 3 tYltorto lCrrtl.! | cLIrr leu.|a ortrr-3 tra-alra lO ll tit arr rll a;-att or. '.a at? ^l-ta "l .jfila .r lI rrr Ir ta.l rtt or^r!lal o, "rarrcLl lr lrLLllallrl it4 169 84 \T !T z -u) f U) tlJ tr @ uJ F : o o Ut U) F o trJ F TE o UJ J .D FO dt IL o CE f, a o z z UJ o o- o6 o t INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' )t CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: Br E o tr o tr tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: . t., ... ..,--tt/'.,;,:..,,i:.: tr UNDERGROUND FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL :EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR "" '' ttffi) PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUT,|BING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rffit PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: INSPECTION TOWN OF REOuEST VAIL ..\JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUH FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL 'i..I-.j tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I] FINAL O FINAL .,f}.APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR (ffi] PERMI DATE t NS PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION OOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. PO WER D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE rffil :i 'i '- i-. t- ",,tl ./.. I JOB NAME -'- 1-' I INSPECTION REQUCST. .t 1 f ,' TowNoFVAIL ,' PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETBOCK NAIL - tr E O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING cl tr B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL jI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tmt il NSP EcnoN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ., I,' , JOB NAME BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES -_ TH AM FRI UR BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB - r'1 T'l - D FINAL - MECHANICAL: E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -r-l t1' . - .-.it.. tr FINAL - o n tr tr tr tr o o FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL .EI APPHOVED COBRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffi) I tNSPECTTON REQUESL TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE AM PM T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FHI READY FOR LOCATION: BU trl DI ul I Dl trl EI tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING I NSULATION ..-tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E tr O FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil * NSP ECTTON REOUESA PEBMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER ----------,1 READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BI tr tr tr tr tr o tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ET'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE -INSPECTOR rffil PERMI DATE t+ INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM ,. PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ._ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil * INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I DATE --.- JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL O FBAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'T trF trc CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIREO DATE INSPECTOR tffil PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * INSPECTION REQUESI TOWN OF VAIL AM PM DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON , TUES WED THUB FRI REAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'l trF tr( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr- APPROVED E DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR tffil t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NUMBER OF PROJECT PERMIT - JOB NAME CALLER . INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI OATE AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BU trl trl ol r-l I tr trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rffit * NSP ECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOB LOCATION: PM BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING r]" INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT il INSPECTION REQE'EST ,: TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR -Fffl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING EJ INSULATION tr o tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL d::i:r.i:- -,'-' - I trFl NAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffit t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYwooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING N INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELE trl 'trF OC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffir t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I AM PM PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER C] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER - tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH U EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL T]. APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,INSPECTOR rm) t INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffit I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI RM 'l Pt',1 READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. El RO{r8n7Vrffi€R O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .ct-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rffit PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT * INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: . r JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM B o u B tr tr o tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr C] FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL b nppRoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tml ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n Tl O FINAL MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n_ tr FINAL tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr ROUGH tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rr?"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER u PLYWoOD NATLTNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rft"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r INSPECTION REQU"EST , ,,owN oF vAlL J ; JOB NAME DATE INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM CALLER'ii. READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D D tr tr o o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK D POOL/ H. TUB NAIL o n FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIH tr tr FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE . READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB D FINAL O FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rft"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLEB . --i INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECH NICAL ENGINEERS 5080 BO r54 GLENWOOD SPBTNGS. COLOAAOO 81601 303./!X5-7456 gOnREgrED coPY Job No. 4 L69A 84 Great Western Constructors, 3201 S. Tamarack Dr., Suite Denver, CO 80231 Attn: Mr. Frank Dornan Gentlemen: As requested, we observed foundation excavaEions at the subject site on June 15, 20 and 27, L984, Chen and Associates, Inc. prevlously conducted a subsoil study for design of interior pads for the proposed addition and reported our findings under Job No. 4 L69 84 dared May 16, 1984- Our findings are as follows: Site Observations: During our initial site visit on June 15, we observed twoEa- excAGtiAs along the wesE wall at the entrance ro the existing parking sEructure and foundation excavaEion for a cwo story wood frame addition located outside the southwesE wal1 of the exi.sting structure. The west wa11 pad excavations were from 2 to 3 feet deep and 2 to 3 feet wide, An existing footing pad was exposed at 2 foot depth in the southern pad excavation and a l2-inch boulder which could not be removed vras encountered in the northern pad excavaEion. The soils below the existing footing pad and in the bottom of Ehe norEhern excavation appeared to consist of naEural coarse granular subsoils. The Erench excavation outside the southwesE corner of the structure \^ras abouE 3 feet wide and 15 feet long. Cut depth was about 4 feet and the soils exposed consisted of rnanplaced fill and black peat Eo the south. A backhoe pit was excavated in t.his area wiEh fill and peat encounEered to the maximum pit depth of 7 feec. During our June 20 site visit we observed the foundation excavaEions for 5 of Ehe proposed 6 interior pads and a portion of the excavat.ion for 2 pads along rhe easE wa1l. The remaining southwescern most inEerior pad was being excavated at this time. Cut depths in the conpleted pad excavaEions were from 3 l/2 to 4 feet below the exisEing slab level. The subsoils exposed at the bottom of the interior pad excavaEions consisEed of natural coarse granular soils. Up t.o 6 inches of loose and disturbed soils were present. Some vTater seepage was June 29, 1984 Subj ect: Excavation Observation, Proposed Treetops Parking SLructure Addition, Vail , Colorado. Inc . 200 OFFICES CASPER . COLORADO SPRINGS. DENVER. SALT LAKE CtTy Great Western Constructors, Inc. June 29, 1984 Page 2 observed in the bottom of the northeasEern interior pad excavation. The soils exposed in the eastern wall pad excavaEions consisEed of naEural reddish brown silty sands. The southern pad excavation on the east wal1 encountered an existing pad at I foot depth. At the time of this visit, a deepened backhoe pit r"ras observed in the exterior addition area near the southwest gorner. The pit had been excavated to about 11 feet where clays were encountered below the soft peats. The clays exposed were soft to medlum stiff, highly moisE and brovrn in color. A relatively undist.urbed hand drive sample of the clay was obEained and returned to our laboraEory for consolidation testing. The cest results, shown on Figure 1, indicate a moderaEe to high setEle- ment poEentlal . The peat and existing fill is not suiEable for even light foundation loadings. On June 27, we again observed the interior pad excavations and the ext.erior addition excavation near the souEhwest corner. An excavation for a spread footing to be located along the entire length of Ehe north wall about 6 feet north of the exisEing wa11,was also observed. The six interior pad excavat ions and the north pad excavation on the east wal1 had cut depths fron 4 to 4 L/2 feet below slab 1evel. Relatively densi: coarse granular subsoils were exposed. The northeastern pad excavation had several inches of v/ater in the bottom. The backfill outside che north wall had been removed with a cut depch of about 11 feet. The soils exposed in the botEom of the excavaEion consisted of naEural coarse granular soi1s. About 6 to 8 inches of 1oose, disturbed soils were present. The exterior addition excavaEion qras about 25 foot north-south, 20 foot eas!-wesE and cuts were from 8 to 14 feet below slab elevation (about 4 to l0 feet below design fooEing grade). The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavaEion consisted of natural med ir-rm stlff to st.if f and occasionally gravelly clays. Some water was seeping into the deeper part of the excavation. Ni1 to about 6 feet of fi11, topsoil and peat was observed in the area below the proposed slabs-on-grade. A relacively undisturbed hand drive sample of the sti.ff clays r^ra s obtained. The resu]-ts of a sr^rel1-conso lidation tesq shown on Figure 2, indicate a moderate settlement po EenEial . Discussion and RecommendaEions: The natural undisturbed granular subsoils exposed in the excavaEj.ons appear suitable to support the reconorended 41000 psf bearing pressure. A11 loose and discurbed soils should be removed as needed and the bearing leve1 extended down. Leaving the boulder in-place in the northern excavation along the west wa1l should be acceptable. Prior Eo footing construcEion, all water should be removed from the excavations. In the remaining three pad excavations on the east and west walls where existlng pads were encountered, the structural engineer should be consulted pri-or to pad concret.ing. An underdrain should be provided behind rhe basement walls at footing grade. Great WesEern Cons truc Eo rs, . Inc . June 29, 1984 Page 3 We understand the proposed 2 story wood frame addition outside the southwest corner of che existing structure will irnpose a maxlnum soil bearing pressure on the order of 1,000 psf. Footings imposing a maxlmum beari.ng pressure of 11000 psf may be placed on the natural clays. Sorne differential settlement with respect to the main structure fiay occur and should be considered in the design and constructi.on. Prj.or to footing construction, all water and soft soils should be removed. We understand it is preferred to re-establish design footlng grade lrith structural fill. Thls should be feasible provided the fill is adequately placed and compacted. The fill should consist of granular soi1s, such as the on-site soils exclusive of topsoil and oversized rock, compacted to 98% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a molsture content near optimum. Prior to fill placement, stabilization of Ehe subgrade \.rith a I to 2 foot depth of cobble sized rock may be necessary. The structural fill should extend laterally beyond the edge of the footing equal to the dept.h of fill below the footing. The fill placement should be observed and tested on a full-time basls. In areas where the proposed slabs will bear on existing ft11 and peat, the potenti-al for excessive settlement exists. To reduce thj-s potential, all fill, peat and topsoil should be removed and replaced \,rith granular soils compacted to at least 95% of. Ehe maximum sEandard Proctor density, The bearing walls should also be separaEed froo the slabs with a slip joint which allows unrestrained vertical movement to reduce the effecEs of differenEial settlenent. Other recorwnendations presented in our previous subsoil study which are applicable should also be observed. If you have any questions further service, please do not regarding our findings or if we can be of hesitate to call. Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By DAY/ dc Rev. By: S.L.P. cc: Peter Looms Frank Do rnan - Job Site David A. Young cA-1A-79 chen and associates. inc. 1.o 10 APPLIED PRESSUFIE - ksf B.e 0 a o G'l] *7 1 A l 9 10 Morsture Content = 19.7 percent Dry Unit Weight = 105,I pcf Sample ot: sandy Clay Frnm. PqgPoged S.W. extqrior addiE ion area, Ll' below g rade j t---a A 1d t c i1 compres sl-or ur 1e )n r n E essure CT ^te :t .I \ \\ \ 4 L69A 84 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fig cA.lA-79' - cllen and associates. inc. o. t r.o lo APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf rade ;.e n I '.1 r or-a c)lr E ,.r a lt A '1 r00 Moisture Content = 21.1 percent Dry Unit Weighl = 105 . 7 pcl Sample ol: sandy clay t.o- Proposed exterior addition area, 14' below i i \(-I ( \t t ---Addir rrnder con Lc rt t D S s L \due owe :ti to ItA l-69A 84 qwtrt t -af\Nqnl tnATlON TFST FIFSI ll TS trin z 3201 SOUTH TAMARAC DRIVE, SUITE 2OO DENVER, COLORADO 80231 303 750-6656 A U '*h.,{ t\aa SIMPSON HOUSING CORPORATION November 5, .1984 Steve Patterson Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Col orado Bl 657 RE: Treetops Pl aza Dear Mr. Patterson: Executive Vice President BhlM/mh This letter serves as our request for a 30 day extension to the November lTth deadline for completion of exteiior construiiion of the referenced project: Due to Oqlq.ll caused by the steel manufacturer, compounded by severe weather difficultjes, the exterior work has not maintained our original schedule. However, leasing obligations and interest costs require the project be compieted as soon is possib'l e, and i delay in construction caused by the November lTth dead'l ine-would resuli in-very severe economic problems. your granting or our-request will al'l eviate a potential hardship. Sincerely, MPSON HOUSING CORPORATION rent ii. Mi I I er An Alllliate ol Harold A. Simpson & Associates 0evelopment Company '"t i: h :, trih FotF r30 2/73 3OM Qlzq Copvrigtrr 1969 Arnsrlc.n L.nd Tirte Associarion "-/ffiEYr ref nril PoLrcYuo.AZ 383658 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 {Amended 10-17-701 .ITLE.NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PRO\ISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPI.ILATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPAI.IY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceedinB the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys'fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. [-ack of a right of access 1o and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal 1o be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA President secretary EXCLUSTONS FROM COVERACE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not lirnited to building and zoning ordinances) resiricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmen taJ regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attachirg or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estale or interest insured by this policy' i:r :'.:.'.1 :,**:i!:i t'.. . Auth ' ized Offiuer CONDITIONS AND 1. Def inition of Terms The following tenrs when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Scltedule A, and, subject to any rights or defenses the Compiuty may have had against the named insured. those who succeed to the interest of such insured by operation of law as distinguished fiom purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distri- bulees, devisees, sunivors. personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured slainrant": an insured claiming loss or damage he re under. (c) "knowledge": actua.l knowledge, no1 ,Jonstructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (d) "land": the land described. specifically or by reference in Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitule real property;provided, however. the term "land" does not lnclude any property beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A. nor any right. title, interest, estate or ease- ment in abutting streets, r()ads. avenues, alleys. lanes, ways or waterwa),s, but nothing herein shail nrodify or limit the extent to which a right of access 1o ard from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relatinS to said land. 2. Continuation of Insurance after Gonveyance of Title The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebt- edness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from such insured, or so long as such insured shall have liability by reason of covenants of warranty made by such insured in any transfer or conveyance of such estate or interest; provided, however, this policy shall not continue il force in favor of any purchaser from such insured of either said estate or interesl or the indebledness secured by a purchase money morlgage given to such insured 3. Defense and Prosecution of Actions - Notice of Glaim to be given by an Insured Claimant (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in ah litigation consisting of actions or proceedings comlnenced against such insured, or a defense interPosed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract for a sale of the estate or int€rest in said land. to the extent that such litigation is founded upon an alleged defect, lien, encum- brance, or other matter insured against by this policy. STIPULATIONS insuretl, is rejected as unntarketable. If such prompt notice shall not be given to th€ Company, then as to such insured all liability of the Conrpany shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such pronrpt notice is retluired; provided, however, thal failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any irtsured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Cornpany shall have the right at its own cosl to institute and witliout undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do ury other act which in its opinion may be necessary or dcsirable to establish the tide to the estate or interest as insured. and the Company ma-v take any appropriate aclion under tirc terms of this policy, witether or not it shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. (d-; \\ftenever the Cornpany shall have broug.ht any action or interposed a defense as required or permilted by the provisions of this policy, tlre Company may pursue any such litigatiou to final deternrrnation by a court ofconlpe- tent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right. in its sole discretion, ro appeal from any adverse judg.rttent or order. (e) In all cases *here this policy penttits or requires the Conrpany to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, tlte insured hereunder shail secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option. lhe name of such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Cornpany, such insured shall give the Company all reason- able aid in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlernent, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or pro- seculing or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reirnburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4, Notice of Loss - Limitation ol Action ln addition or the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a staten.lent in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be fumished to the Com- pany within 90 days after such loss or damage shall have been determined and no riglit of action shall accrue to an insured claimanl until 30 days after such statenlent shall have been fumished. Failure to furnish such statement ol los or damage shall lerminate any liabiJity of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. Options to pay or Otherwise Settle Claims The Company shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant any clairn insured against or to termiante all liability and obligations of the Cornpany hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the anlount of insurance under this policy together wilh any costs, atlorneys' fees and expenses incurred up to the time of such payment or tender of payment, by the insured claimant and authorized by the Company. (b) The insured shall notify the Company prnrnntlw in writing (i) in case any action Lr proceeding is i{il;; 6' Determination and Payment of Loss defense is interposed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case /^\ r,L^ knowledse shall come to an insured hereunder "f ;it;"1!il , ,, .G) ft: lhbility of the company under this policy ' ;i;i;il "?iiil*t't:.ir'r"h is adverse to the title t. #;il.; shall in no case exceed the least of: or interest, as insured- and which might cause loss or ( i) the actual loss of t6e insured claimanr; or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue ot - this folicy, or (iii) if titl; to thg estate or interest, as (ii) the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A;or (Continued on inside back .tltP).!| {" .;,.. rt] ,'' : . ,:+;.r,-,::: I TIll lltrrn,tr.s. Fr:r'ft ::::1.:l Pase ? ,r, ..-,,."c' , - File N,r, V(l{l+a.,51il ::,r::HE.frl_iLE A F ,r'l i * r. N,:', Az::rl:!:]i,5r-i AIi!':,urrt t l. " o{:i{:i' (l(Jtl. (:)i:l A,l ,Jr es s '1 ;' Fr:l:':', fla t(:i:,."ll"li.;E ;*,., l. ':.'r:lr! e-.1: )J; i:il-r A" l.! . .:| l(;f. t"r i: f, i: l t , :r r..l I t' .:l : rliFF{RI: LAr::F:;; r ITrr.. A r-r:il-.ril'iFii:.r.i LIfiI'l-E.Lr Fiti.irr'.:[F:::;ili:F "l !-ri? ;',r jitat+ |1r' lrrt+i,35t 1r: ll l-i...! l a.ri 'l 'Jl'L':r' j. E';,J ir: bl.i: :l;':l-i+ jri I 'i| aiiC t-i.,!' j c lr i!. ':,-,v',:t,i=d i., , ii-, i:: l"::, -'1 :i ,:i :i :I A|-.i-r}.:i:]'I'il:l|..''tiA:::|::i:l|.:n.r|[|F:Y.ii,l'l.|i.;il.liTF1rIiil,.lEl-'ji:lFj:ii.t|-r|..l ._!i-.liljr. :.:,1f, I ':'r;r4. I tj ltilrr-11.. ::jij;r Fl i F F:r"'l-;. 'ii!'rlr Titlr: ti, tfr* '.:etatt ,:,r iirt+r'est ':,:;v'.3r',:'J t''r' th:: p':ij.:r at th+ Ca t;: !-j,l r r:r i., { j. : v'-'s t€ d i rr : F, IEFiRF, [-Af,..E::i. LTlr ." A r::r:rl-r:rRAfl:i LItlITEIl F',AFil-t.jEt{5HIP i, Tl-,t+ iarll r *.{:*!.,r *,:J t* irr this r,il1r'i is sitr:at*d j.rr EAI-:,|*E tl.,:'tlr,Li'" lli l r:r'a,-lr: r 6.rr,r1 i5 ,les.f r'i h,,-::,-1 as f*ll*trtE: Al.J AIR::FAi::E |-IVEF': A F',AFjT rliF [-r1 T /:,., BLr-t':l] l.' v.il.-./t-Ji;i'ir:;F!L4;[r FIRr::-T FILlNtj, Tt:rhlr{ r:rF VAIL" r::r:rllrF(Afri:r, Al:r::!:rRr-lIf.lli Tir THE t'icrF'FrEr:rlrr-.lrrllJr lfl Ti-lf r:rFF I rlE r:'F TllE EArjl._E r:.Lrl..rl.JT'/ ? r::r:!Lr:rRAttl:r" r::LEFlt'1 Af iti REr- r:rRtri:'-] , f:i:':ii: R i r-iEil A'.:: FnLLr-Jl^.i';.; : gEGIf'lt'l INr:.i AT a r::nFiliEFl r-rF Ahi Ev 1';TII,.lt:i FARt'i1t'.li'i '---jTRLlr: Ti-lF;E: t",llEl'ir--:tr THE l'.ir-jRTHEA::;T r-.r-rFi!'iFR r:iF '-A I tr L"r:r'I /:, Erf,AR::; I'.i 7':' nErrREE::: i'l l',l I i.ii-lTE::: 44 ,.:iEr::i:rhifrf-; E ir:l , /-:,4 FEET n I t;TAf,iT; THEf'lr::E T HE F{rl-t fti.l l t''lr:i TEf.! r::t:rllF';!:5 ARr:rUNtr ::iA I fi FARI:.I fill ::;TRLlr::Tl-lRE: ( 1 ) :i 4'? f:Er:iF:EE:i '-::7 i'II Nl-lTFE ilr:l !;Er::r:rt{rr5 H :r4. rf il FEET; t .J ) N 4+ rrEr:iRHE5; :;j l"1I f',,il-l1g:'; I;J: ::;F-!:'t:rhll.t':; i.l l. " 7!l FEETi (:!) ::i 4p ETETjREFL:;::7 MiNr-lTE:J C!r:r ::;E!::i:rl'Jfrrir 9J 7i:r.4r:! FEi;-f; irl-) ':; 4r:, rrFr:iFEE,;i ::: HIr{r_tTF:; 5t !iEl:r:rr'1f15 f {:'1..r:r{j FEETs (5) r.i 4.t:r ftEr:iFii:-E-':; :r7 11 Ilrjr-rTEr!: r-!:3 l:;Er::.!--|Nft:; E 4(1. ttr:) FF:EI i (l:, ) :: l:l nEIfRtL-::; .:.;: f''l JlJl-ll-!:::; 4i:i ';Er::r:rNtr:;: F- ?7.0{" FEET; (7i N 4'7 nEriREFl:; 17 FlIf'lI-lTE::; S:1 ',:rFl:':rl''jl-i5 E 6tl.O{IFEET;(:3}Nl4tlEr:iREE:::4Il"lINUTE::;44::lFr::r:tl'JLr::,i'J:!t'.:-l(lFHETi {?} N 4,:r frEtiF{EE'.] 37 HINLTTES r:r$ SErlt:rNtrE E 1;}.{:t(:} FEETi t lrl) N 4!:r nEr:illEES;:': FlIf'Jl-lTE5 5t::rEr:l:rNtr5 tl 5?.:3{} FEET Tr:r THE Fr-rIl'.ll r:rF EIETiINNIFII:i, I::I:INTAININi] C'. 1? AC:RE::i' T'1I:IRE t:'R LE';'i. THE I-I:II,JER LIT4IT tlF THE AIR.'-:FAI:E Ig THE I.IPFER FEI::F. t-]F THE EXJ::;TIhII:i FARPJ.I hIT.i :ITRLII::TLIRE AT EVEVAT I NN 13137. ?. THE LIPFER L I M I T I:IF THE AIREFAIE I5 AT ELEVATIIN I31/T5.:I , THF ELEVATIBN:3 ARE EAEEN I:'N ,EANITARY E.EI,,|ER As-FIILT EIATA FNR HANH':ILE P-?A-: (INVERT=I]ITI.{.'B} SI-IFPLIEN BY THE VAIL WATER ANTI SANITATIIII{ IIISTRII::T. This Fal ic'v val id aB'l r' if Sctr€dul* E is attached. . T I ['1 flu.rrr ". r:Fr:'rnr iir Lit Fi le Nc," V{:}t:ii)6il{:t i;r:iHFllr-rl.r Er F,i I i.: r t.l,:,, A7:;::.-r:;r,1.15; l l-ris :-,i Ii.,:: i ,J+*: n,:t f ,:, I I ri rrr i. rrs : 1. Ftieiits *r ,:'l,3ir;s. r{*r:':'r,f':-r F+ g;.n.r;' r, l: c , rtr r. ,: F_ti:,:l- '..lp;;..1-1 r1 i4;.'. +' rr'.: r r::ir.r: l-rffj* n t g :,:f t!i..: Fr .iltTri seg_ I s. i.:rrE c, f *,:5 i.rr,,.. i. t..'. : rr rt, t F. 1i,1,1111-, ':rlrr {: l i Cts i rr l:, f, r_i rr ,.jar.,r. I i rr.*:.";rl1':l aair' fa-itr. rf l-ri.,il.i a a,:,t-.t-.iil: t irt* ir 'l 'J ,J i S,-- l ,r :; a rr ,-.i rrrfi i ,;- h a. i i i. fi!.r..t ri? agairr :.1: I,:1 s5 ,ir ,ianrE.F,: L,.i ':, i: F;lf tie,E irr f:(:.Eg.t:.3Fi{,t-i n,:,t S.l-i':'r.r'fr 1,., tl-;* F,JJ:, I i{ '.:.t: . '7 l-' r' t frt Fri L, I fh!:,r tF::+ L n 9 r-! l- ,r. .'i .. n tIJ rr,:' t :: f-; ';'i,i r, [-r *t:,-.i.ls. :,:T1r:,ri .l F;rL.! i .l r: f a !- ea i l:n r *,:.ir r ,j:i r t5, , Ar::,. I i. * rr , t ir 'r.' t- r-i i' ,i i: '1 1- t I-r'J F:i !:' I t .: ,:, r' r i*l-i1-. ,t,: ; 1.i rl,rr i .F,t,r :-r::i_ v:i L_.-::.: I af,,:,f ) ,tt- ,,,r.t..?. i 3. .'{.: ':,r' h€r::aJ-t*r f rtr rr i.:!-,,,t,'.i., itirt,",:,:-*,J [,.i ,r;.gi *ii]:J rr,:,t sl-,,:rLt.r t,..rL!!:,lf.dS." 5, Al',i r Ai'.!Ir AL-L TAilEt Aldlr A::;::;F::;.:;i,iEt.jt,:;:" t:, t_IFN:l: F{:rF: r-ti,ii:,AII_r tJ+TFR A!..Jir SFNEF{ {:HARr:ii:-!j ,' IF At..ly. 7 . TH[: TL-iil'1:t-. : r--:r:il[:t\lAi.lT:i AFlf' pF:r:!r./ ].::: I L-rl,.i::; r:rF THE L.FAiiE REFEFjfiTI-r Tr:i J p;g;r::HEIrLii*E A Ar"vIr T'HE EFFF-r-rl r.rF At^lv f:AIL.r_tFiE Tr:r i:jspgy l,iITi_j :::Ltr-:i.i l-gt_,ttl::,:1::r:ruEt,lAf.tT5 Ai.l[i FRr:rv I5I r:rfdii. ;-:i. Rir:illT L-rF FF.jr:iFtRIEl'r:rR uF A VEIl,l t:rFi t_t:rfrE Tr:r fy_rRq,.T Af.lfr F:Frir:!uli: Hl r:; r:iF.t'THEr{i:FFil:rr'1 r:;}'r!:ir-rl.rr rHL SAprE FL: Fr.-rrrrr,rtr rrr pEr.rETF.ATi_ i:iFi Ii]TEF:::.F-r:.r rHi:FFIEPII:iEE A!; FJ':gp'VErr Iti Lrr.rITEtr r:;TATF:-:' F,ATEtir REi.r:rFirrF_r,::IF.r-El,iBtrf.] (-i4,l?::l' lltl srlrlr|::. '.:r t:t AT pAtjE ?8. ' ' \!- r-':ir''l.! 'l.- I ' ::!-- j El'luil-': .. . . ?' RIfiHT t--rF- ttAY Fr:rR rrJTt::HE::; lrFr r::Af',iAr-r:r r::r:rf.li:iTRr-rr:;TEtr Fy rr-JF- A:-rr.HarFrr.,.1.y L-rF TIjE I-II.]ITEN :.iTATE::; At' FE';JTRVEiI IN LINITTT' .:,iNrri FATEI,.IT REI:;I:JFiTJi:iI i.:fFtUtr*U*,rO, 1:7:1, IN Blrt:rl.: ?:l AT F,Ariif 1;rg1. I O. RE::;Tti:I r:T I r:ir.f ::: lrH I r::l-J nr:i Nr_rT r::r:!l.jTA.I i.J A Ft-rRFE I TLiRH r:rR li f iE r_;;1-gq r_ L Ai-i :,1:-.E{ur I:TFIITTINii pg5;Tp1f:TIL-rr,.l::;' IF Afdy,' r{A::iFrr r:rf,i RA!:E, r::l:ri._j:ri;r. fti---!_.Ii:jir.-!iir I:IR NATII:INAL I]RII-'iIN, A.i r::i:TI.JTAITiETI Ii! II.,I:ITRUf,.IEIIIT F.Et::UFiI-:E:rI FlAY It:: ,1'--+7cr! IF] HLrLtli .2.17 AT F,ALTE 675. 11. EASEHENT TEN ( 1r:I 1 6g6' IN I.IIRTH ALI:IN':i ALL INTERIi:IR L.L-IT LII,IE!; A,:;sHf'r,JN oN THE pLAT FBR vnrr_zillrusHrAB FrRET FILIT.TL_i. 12. THFtiE F.RI]VIgII:IFI5, C:I-.'VENANTS ANN I:I:INTI]TII:IN:i, EASEI''EI.IT:f AI{II REsrRIr::TIrlNs' NHI|:H ARF A nunriEN TrJ THE r::LlNrrfltllNlltf4 LfNrr trEEr::RIE{Err rN ErlHErruLE A: ls L-:nNTAINEn iil rrlsrn,_,HEt{T REr:L-rRtrEgr p1iyE1,,1FER L rvTr rN Br:r':rli 3rr AI._:trrE 1p(; -erui iHE rrnsr FLIFFL.El'tEhlr rt:r:jArn rrEr::LARAT_rr_rr!RECTIRDEn sEpTEf{E(ER z, ipi:- rrv"Bt:iltti 2t5 AT FArt;E ___3?. lContinued frorn itside Jlont flap) (b) The Cornpany will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorneys' fees and expenses in litigalion carried on by such insured with th! written authorization of the Conrpany. (c ) When liability has been del)nit'ely fixed in accor. dance with the e ondirions of this policy. the loss or damaee shall be payable within 30 days thireafier. 7. Limitation of Liability No clairn shirll arise or be maintainable under this policv (a) if the Conrpany, after having received notice of an alleged defect. lien or encumbrance insured against here- under. by Itigation or odrerwise, renroves sielr defeet.lien or eneurnbrance or establisltes rhe title, as insured. witliin a reasonable tinre after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigarion until theLe has been a find deternrin- ation by_-a courr ol' courpetel]t .iurisdiction, and disposi tion of all appeals therefiernr. :rdverse to tlle tille. as insured. as_provided in pa.ragraph 3 hereof: or (c) for liabijity vo.luntarily assuiue<i b; m insurcd in settling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Cornpany. 8. Reduction of Liability - All paymenls under this policy. except payments made lor costs. attorne)'s' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the staisfaction of the Company. 9. Liability Noncumulatiye It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-pany may pay under any policy insuring either (aJ a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or inrerest covered by this policy, or (b) a rnortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A. and the amount so paid shall be deemed a paynrent under lhis policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the payn.rent of any such mortgages any amount tLat otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or inierest covered by this policy and the zutrount so paid shall be deenred a payment under this policy to said insured owner; 10. Apportlonment If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and aloss is established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be iomputed and settled'on a pro rata basis as if the anlount of insurance under this policv was divided pro rata as ro rhe value on Date of Poliiy of each separate par'Jel to [he whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy. unleis a'liabi.lity or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such pircel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by au express staternent herein or by an endorsenrent attached hereto. 11, Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Com. pany r"rnaffected by any act of the insured claimant. Tlre Conrpany shall be subrog:rted to and be entitled to all rights and rerneilics ntich such insured clainrant would Itave h;rii agdj.nst lny persorr or property in respecr to suclr claim had this policy not b€en issued. and if requested by the Conpany. such insured clainlant shall transfer ro the Conrpany all iights anrl remedies against any person or property necessary in ortler to perfect such right ol'strbro- gation and shall perntit tire Corlpany to use the name of such insured clainlant in tnv transtction or litigation in- voiving suclr rigJtts or rernedles. If the payment-does not cover tlle loss of such insured clairlant, the Conrpary shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the pioportion which said payrnent bears lo the amount of siid loss. If loss should result front lny act of such insured claimant, such acl shali not void this policy, but the Contpany, in thal eveut. sliall be required to pay only that part of any Iosses insured lglitrst hcreunder which shall exceed the anrourlt. if an1'. lost to tlle Conrpany by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. 12. Liability Limited ro this Poticy This instrunlent togetller u,ith atl endorsements and other instruments. if any. attached hereto by the Conrpany is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Cornpany. Any clairn of loss or diunage. rvhether or not based on negligence, and wlich arises our of thc status of the title to the estate or interest colered hereby or an)' action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and con- ditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsentent to this policv can be made cxcept by writing endorserl Irereon or attacheb hereto signed by cither the President, a Vice President. the Secre. tary, as Assistanl Secretary. or validating officer or author. ized signatory of the Conrpalr. 13, Notices, Where Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any slatement in writing requircd to be furnished the Corrpanv shall be addressed lo its Iloure Offlce. Minneapolis, lltinne- sota 5 5401 . a+d#I Note: This policy valid only if Schedules A and B ure attuched. $qotu\ nar [rrr-r lr.rsuRANcE CorpANy ot [\/|rNNEsorA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota ENDORSEMENT To be attached to and become a part of Policy No. AZ383658 Company of Minnesota. (v-65r 0 ) i t; ., t=; ;; .,. sm of Title Insurance ITEM II SCHEDULE B IS HEREBY AI4ENDED TO READ: SET BACK EASEMENT (10) TEN FEET IN I^i]DTH ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT FOR VA]L/LIONSHEAD FIRST FiL]NG. P/r L /:--.... The total liability of the Company under salcl pohcy ano any enoorsemenr rnereto shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obiigated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement. when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said policy as of the policy date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained. except as modified by the provisions hereof. Trrr-e lrusunaruct DATE ISSUED: DECEI'IBER 19. l9B4 | I [ff rnruesorn [orrrea*v OF -Ez..y-*:72'=- Authorized Officer ABent Secretary t Pqrrttl \1a[ Project Application Date Name:Proiect Proiect Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded oy: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: tr Date: Town Planner Sta{f Approval \ LIST OF MATERIALS ,1 NAME 0F PROJECT: 7rr.- h'i.' .t'Z'tzz LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: 1{<- c=-, /,;'; r,r'-+.t ( . i,' DESCRIPTION OF PROF The following jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof S'i di ng Other t,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Hindow Trim Doors Door Trim Fl ues Fl ashings Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures B.LANDSCAP I NG : , -f'zu S phone: Botanical Name 77.Q?,1'(,:'a:/-S 'z-)21 {v\6\\iouSlt |t\ rrai\i M - uJl ,5+Ai 't-/ztt; a. y2,' /'//{ z-z2g/V/Z/('Z . /.y'(;l? SZ:.'/'S 4zi 244//1,'4ti LZ///' y'A/"/or4 /21^/D Name of Designer: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. ( over ) {glq g__Qsrl B! *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indi cate he'i qht f d . PLANT MATERIALS: Botani cal Name common Name Quani ty Si ze ' (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED I I : Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. etl,-q \\,hoa COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. 155 SOUTH NAVAJO STREET DENVER COLoRADO. 80223 1303t 698-1050 December ?L, L984 L-0199-S Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8L657 Attn: Mr. Gary Marion RE: Final Inspection at Tree Top of Lions Head Dear Sir: Colorado Test Center, Inc, was requested by Great West Construction to i.nspect the structural steel welding and bolted connections at Tree Top of Lions Head. The last inspection was performed on 7L/12/84 and at that tine all outstanding items had been repaired in accordance to the engineering directions as outlined in his revisions. To the best of rny knowledge, all portions of the structural steel are cornplete and acceptable. If I nay be of any further assistance, pLease do not hesitate to call . Very truly yours, COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. WV/ro i11 Vaughfi Steel Technician STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING tql!il\$St 3201 SOUTH TAMARAC DRIVE SU|TE20O OENVER, COLORADO 80231 303 750€856 IITTI IIIII SIMPSON HOUSING CORPORATION 7)- March 1., L985 Town of Vail 75 South frontage Road Vail-, Colorado 81657 Please be advised that the area designated as trash room is an erroneous description. This room should be labelled as a storage room. We reguest that you incorporate this change into your record set of drawings. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ORPORATION Executive Vice President cc: Frank Dornan Peter Looms Bl{M/run es Treetops Plaza SIMPSON HOUSING An Atllllat€ of Harold A.Simpson & Associales Dev6lopment Company 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Itlr. Bren t l',I. l'1i I I er Executive V'ice President Simpson Housing CorPoration 320i South Tamarac Drive - Suite 200 Denver, Colorado, 8023] Si ncerel y , /':- --l-r ' ,_]r J: r.--' I *-\i-'--\"-- Thonns A. Braun Torvn Pl a nner TAB/ rme offlce of communltY develoPmenl l4arch 5, .l985 RE: Treetops Plaza Trash/Storage Room Dear Mr. l4il'l er' I had discussed the conversion of the Treetops trash room to a storage area with Frank Dornan tor"lir"-ugo. Our office has no problem w1 th the use of this space as storage providid a suitable alternative for trash storage is pi.rij!4.- ni f inOiiui.a to Frank, a plan to enclose this property's lurprt"., will be."quiieO if the propbsed trash room is deleted from the i.u6lopt-prun. tn evituating what is a "suitable" alternative, I w'i II 'look for an enclosure that screeni the drtpsters in a location that does not impact circulation. If the proposed trash room is converted to storage space,-I wil'l expect an alternative location for a trash facilities to be subm'i tted to our office for review. Corpleiion of tfis plan as proposed would be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy' \*r"\,RU\o THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. WILBUR D. STITES P.E E LS, SAUFIN CHAKRABABTI, P.E, RICHARO L. HUSMANN, P,E July 27, I984 Mr. Frank Dornan General Del ivery Vai l , Co'l orado 81657 Re: Treetoo Plaza Vail, Colorado Project T04-01 Dear Frank: This is to confinn our recent teleohone conversation relative to our verbal approval of the following items: 1. #6 reinforcing bars G 5 1/2 inches on center may be located in the center of the concrete wall from existing parking level to new main level . Detail 3/S-3 indicate 2 inches cover. 2. Use of expansion bolts instead of hooked anchor bolts when connecting to existing concrete. Revised plans indicate expansion bolts instead of hooked anchor bolts. If you have any questions or require addjtional cufinents, please call. Very truly yours, THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.,%/.0&E Wi I bur D. Sti tes Presi den t WDS/vj 3201 SOUTH TAMARAC DBrVE SUTTE i00 DENVER, COLORADO 80231 (303)696-1550 CIVIL ANc) STFIUCTURAL ENGINEERING ' L AND SUF|VEYING \qN*i"\ \\uro THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. WILEUR D STITES P.E A L.S SAURINCHAKFABABTI, P.€ FICHARD L HUSMANN, P.E June 29, .l984 Mr. Frank Dornan Great West Contractors, Inc. 3201 S. Tamarac Drive Suite 200 Dear Frank: After reviewing the existing foundation conditions on referenced it is our opinion that the proposed footings at column'l ocat'ions C-1, B-11 and C-11 are not required. If you have any questions or require additional comments, please Very truly yours, THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. project B-I' call. VZ/2,^_g Jte Wi Ibur D. Stites - '- Pre si den t tllDS/vj 3201 SOUTH TAMABAC DRIVE SUITE 'IOO DENVER, COLORADO 80231 (303) 696 1550 CTVIL AND STRUCTUtrIAL ENGINEEtrIING . L.AND SUtrVEYING Re: Treetops Plaza Vai |-Lionshead Col orado Project T04; \$(\\[\ THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. wtLSuR o. gflTEs P.E. A L.S. SAURIN CHAKRABARTI. P.E. RICHAFD L. HUSMANN, P.E. July 12, 1984 Mr. Ray Needham Great llest Contractors Inc. 3201 S. Tamarac Drive Sui te 200 Dear Ray: }Je approved the use of a horizontal construction joint in the stem walI of the retaining wall as shown on Section 3/S-3. We have also changed the floor joist for the Mezzanine Framing Plan from 16H5 to L4H7. Please call if you have any questions or require addjtonal comments. Very truly yours, THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. , Z/ }Ji'lbur D. Presi dent l,Id s/vj cc: Peter P '4t-e Sti te s Looms 3201 SOUTH TAMARAC DRIVE.SUITE 1 CIVIL AND STFIUCTUFAL 00 . DENVER, COLORADO 80231 . (303) 696 1550 ENGINEEF|ING' LAND SUF|VEYING : TreetoDS-PTa-za- Vail, Colorado Project No. T04-01 I . 4., .r APPL I CAT I ON DATE : DATE OF DRB }IEETI|IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATIONI t"lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deiermiiri if any additional information is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). it is tfre applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find oui about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0I'IPLETE applica- tion rvill streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIP'I ION: <_--_ B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Leqal Description Lot APPLI CANT: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Oi.JNERS: S i gnature Bl ock Fiiing Zon'ing NAI'1E 0F Addres s NA|4E OF t Address t\ttf I L uf Address F. DRts FEE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING \ .1_-.--- c. D. E. terephone frZf_!/fl 1 tetepnonfZa:ll4 / 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the site. Z. The revierv process for NEl.l BUILDIIIGS rvil l normally involve tr.lo separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least trvo meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Revierv Eoard at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed . teiephone fzZ.q/ I / The fee will be paid at the time a buildjng permit is requested- FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50-00 $i00-00 $200.00 $3oo. oo ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: I I , .. t : ,,, NAi'IE OF PROJECT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR LIST OF TIATERIALS The fo'l loling information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fivenl A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL the appljcant to the llesign Review c0L0R' Dy Roof Si di ng Other Wal I l'lateri al s Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndols l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flasnrngs Ch'imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther <te"[ F,"r*q &hss <rpe ( F,ra, e ,'To K B . LANDSCAP I i\G :Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani cal Name EXISTiNG TREES TO BE REI"IOVED Cornmo n Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height 1 :30 pm 3:00 pm t. 2: J. Work Session Planning and Environmental Commission May 29, 1984 Site Inspections Public Hearing Approval of minutes of May 14. Request for a setback variance and a conditjonal use permit in order to construct drive-in bank faci'l ities at the Vail das Schone shopping center at 2111 North Frontage Road l{est. Applicant: lst National Bank Request_to,amend Specia'l Development Djstrict 4 (Cascade Vi1'lage) to to the fo'l'low'ing: a. Increase allowable retail to between 36,000 and 37,000 square feet. b. Revise the height standards to make thern consistent wjth the current definition of height in the zoning code so that no buildings in the SDD will be taller than the tlestin Hotel. c. Add to Cascade Village by rezoning and eliminating lot lines (minor subdivision) two parcels known as the Robbins and Cosgriff parcels. d. Request a variance to the firep'l ace ordinance to allow'18 acconnnodation units to have fireplaces. e. Make other minor revisions to the SDD ordinance to bring the ordinance up to date with 1984 zoning regulat'ions and make it consistent with the above revisions. 4. Request for a setback varjance in order to enclose a covered deck and hot tub area at Lot .|9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road. Applicant: peter Kalkus Request to rezone Lots 7,8, and 9, Block H, Vail das Schone #?, fron Residential Primary,/Secondary to Special Development District No. 13, and a concurrent request for a minor subdivision to combine the three lots jnto one. Proposed are six dwel'l ing units, two of which would be employee unjts, Applicant: l.l and l^J Assocjates, Ltd. A request for a density variance in order to build a manager's unit gt lfe Treetops Condominiums on Lot 6, Block'1, Lionshead First FiIing.Applicant: Treetops Condominium Association Administrative appeal of staff decision regardtng Vail Assocjates Potato Wagon, 8. Prelim'inary review of early submittals for exterior alterations in Lionshead. a. Antl ers b. Gondola Building c. Canada's entry remodel 5. 6. 7. lli 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May '15, .1984 olflce of communlty develoPmenl Peter Looms 4269 Nugget Lane Va.il , Colorado 8'l 657 Re: Treetops Dear Peter, Your application for a manager's dwelling unit at Treetops Condominiums has not been accepted by the Community Development Departnrent. l,le will need a letter of project approval from the Treetops Condominium Association before the application will be complete. Your application will be accepted 'i f the letter js received by May 25, 1984. Thanks for your assistance. I know you are aware of the letter. Please cal'l me if you have further questions. S'i ncerely, {nii\..r?,rtt KRISTAN PRITZ Town Pl anner KP: br I :30 pm 3:00 pm 1. 2. 5. l,lork Sess ion P1 anning and Environmental Conrmission May 29, '1984 Si te Inspect'ions Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of May 14. Request for a setback variance and a conditional use perm.it in order to construct drive-in bank facilities at the Vajl das Schone shopping center at 21.|1 North Frontage Road west. Applicant: lst Nationai aant Request_to-amend Special Development District 4 (Cascade Village) to to the following: a. Increase allowable retail to between 36,000 and 37,000 square feet. b. Revise the height standards to make them consistent with the current definition of height jn the zoning code so that no buildings in the SDO will be taller than the I'Jestin Hotel. .l c. Add to Cascade Village by rezoning and elim'inating lot tjnes (m.inor subdivision) two parcels known as-the Robbins and-Cosgr.iff parce'ls. d. Request a variance to the fireplace ordinance to allow l8 accorrunodation units to have fireplaces. e- Make other minor revisions to the sDD ordinance to bring the ordinance up to date with 1984 zoning regulations and make it consistent with the above revisions. 4. Request for a setback variance in order to enclose a covered deck and hot tub area at Lot 19, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing at 324 Beaver Dam Road. App'licant: peter Kalkus Request to rezone Lots 7,8, and 9, Block H, Va.i I das Schone #2, from Res.idential Primary/Secondary to Special Development District No. .|3, and a concurrent request for a minor subdivision to combine the three lots into one. Proposed are six dwelling units, two of which would be employee units. Applicant: ld and l,J Associates, Ltd. A request for a density variance in order to bui'ld a manager,s unit lt lfe Treetops condomini.ums on Lot 6, Block l, Lionshead-First Filing.App'licantr Treetops Condominium Association Administrative appea) of staff dec'isjon regardi.ng Vajl Associates Potato Wagon. 8. Preliminary review of early submittals for exterior alterations in Lionshead. a. Antlers b. Gondo'la Bu'i1di ng c. Canada's entry remodel 5. 6. 7. t MEMORANDUM CRITERIA AND FINDINGS l.lpon review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the Munici I Code artment o n r E.y ueve nt recormends approvaT o the ues varrance basect upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Conrnunity Development Department DATE: May 23, 1984 SUBJECT: A request for a density variance in order to build a manager,s unit at the Treetops condominiums on Lot 6, Block l, Lionsheio-Firit-Fjiing Appl icant: Treetops Condominiums DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST 0n August .16, 1983, the Town council apprgvgd-a request to change the zoning from High Density Multi-Family to Connnbi'ciai core-ir-i6r-ir'e rrEetjpi pri'piiitv. fn fa1_uqry 1984, the planningand Environmental commission ipprovea'a p"oposii to build 8,000 square feet oF commercial space on top or in-bliiti;g-p5;kiE-l!lf!yl:; I qr3nasgr's off.ice, storase anb taundry i""ur, trash diip6iai, ina mecnan'lcal_equipment were also part of the addition. The applicant is re{uesting l_91f1-yyja19q.to pennit the construction of a manager's awltHng unit.il-ih;anclllary building behind_the retail space. The maniger's unit wduld be ioiaiea 9Il 9I the.upper.parking_'tevel in_the ipace previousl! ptinned to be used for sEorage and laundry facilities. Total square footage-fbr the unit is approximately I,080 square feet. A GRFA variance is required because Treetops presently exceeds the allowable llt!:.I.,?l_!ey]]lns-unils.pq". buirdabre acre for the cbrr zone. ccri zonins a'nows 25 dwentng units per buildable acre. Treetops I and 2 have 29 dwe'l'ling uilis.Lot 6 is approximate'ly .ggg acres. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses The employee unit will have no.sign'ificant impact on surrounding bui'ldings. The exterior of the ancillary building will not bl changed to iltow-ror ttre init. -'- The app'licant has stated-that: l9rl.!i:r.11$ rynasgment,of ^the-Treetops condominiums in vair Lionshead has,slnce. lts Deg lnning been difficult and unworkable because the complex lacks on-s'ite facil ities for this purpose.', The manager's,unit should have a positive effect on the entire Treetops development by providing fu1'l-time management and operationa't services.' Treetons J 5/23/84 ich relief from stri or literal inte retation and enforcement requlation'is necessa to ac eve c an un nt amonq s'ites in the vicinity or to atta ecti ves o title without grantlf special prTvTTege. { asp trea In order to fu'l fill Vai'l 's Conununity Action Plan goal to "make lonq-ranqe plans to meet the needs for-employee housing," rel'ief fiom the striit inie"p"6iaiioii-gI-lh:, density control requirement foi ccil zoning is necessary. sta?'f feels that,the employee unit benefits the conrnunity as a whole by melting an important housing need. In.addition' the CCII.zone encourages a mixture of multiple dwelIings, buildings,and comtnercial establishments in a-clustered, unifiea aevbtopmlni'i''is.26.0i0:"' Once the entire Treetops proposal is completea, tt witt-pioviae ior a-weii-piinnea commercjal and residential .development, The employee hoirsing unit js in aciorJ with the intent of CCI zoning. The proposal has no significant impact on these areas. The manager wou'l d park in the parking structure. StlQh gther factors and crjteria as the commiss.ion deems applicable to the proposed var.t ance . FINDiNGS mmission shall make the following findinqs before granting a vari ance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a_grant of special privi'lege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties clissified in the sime ai'itrtct. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,s1f9ty' or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or imprbvements in-irre vi ci ni ty. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or litera1 interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hirarnip iniontisi"nt with the objectives of this titie. -" - There.are e-xceptions or extraordinary circumstanceS-bF conditions appiicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to oiher properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wouid deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownbrs ot otnei-pioperties in the same district. ,tla!:Fortation and traffic faCil "satetv. r""lo,-3- 5/23/84 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff reconrnends approval of the requested GRFA variance to allow an employee hous'i ng unit. Approval 'i s contingent upon receiving an employee lrgr:!ng-lgreement.as referred to in the attached correspondence. (Section 18.13.080 B'10 a-d) The proposal supports the Community Action p1dn,s goal to meet the need for employee housing. For this reason, the strict interpre-tation of the dens'ity control requirement should be waived to fulfi'll the-goal of the Community Action P1an. o May 15, 1984 Oepartment of Cornmuni ty Deveiopment Town of Vail Vai I Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: Treetops Condominium Association has reguested a change 'in zoning to allow the exclusive use of a manager's living quarters to be specified within the previously approved building to be built over the existing garage facility. Th'i s is to be heard on May 29th. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Treetops on May 14th, we agreed to soljcit from both our owners and mortgage holders approval to be in- cluded in our Declarations, etc., a restriction specifically limiting the use of the dwelfing unit to employee housing as set forth jn the zoning ordinance (Sec. 18, 30, 080, B-10, a-d). You can be assured that our 1ega1 counsel will file with the county clerk the appropriate restrjction, should you grant the requested use of an em- ployee unit. EDWARD M. STRAUSS Presi dent Treetops Condominium 469 S. Cherry, Suite Denver, Colorado Associ ati on 110 80222 Copy: Marvel Barnes, Manager Peter Looms, Arch'i tect Martin Shore, Esq. 5 i ncerel Trout moved and Ra son seconded to a rove the uest for a minor ;s rezone as the on of the e vote was 4-0 w 6.A uest for a densit variance in order to build a mana er's unit at the Treeto ums on ot6 rst cant: um As50c -++qLL visible, perhaps fewer dwel'l ings would was ironic that the Town wanted to cut it in this project. He added that the Kristan Pritz showed mentioned that there added that the space and laundry. I PEc -3- s/zs/s4 be more appropriate. Trout felt that it down density in one project and increase plan was sensitive to the site. son moved and Donovan seconded to aporove the uest for cauge the strict or literal interpretalion of the requ ta racti ca or unnecessa spaces would also have t0 be pa'id for by e app the densit on wou ld resu 7. Adm'inistrative appeal of staff decision regardinq Vail Associates' Potato Wagon. Peter Patten explained that two questions to be concerned with were: 1)'is the potato wagon an accessory use? and 2) is this outside vending? Patten added that the staff considered the "fixed barbecue" an accessory, but that the potato wagon was moveable. .Dave Edeen of Vail ,Associates d'isagreed that the potato wagon was a vending operation,':Iut that.it was used the same h,ay is the barbecue, He added that Vail Associates d]d not rntend to take it off of the'l icensed premises. tdssn explained that the potato wagon was Ieased from Buck Latearneiu's company-6!-VairlnJiJiiui";. Larry Eskwith told the board that they must make the decision without concern as to who was running the operation, ind must decide whether or not it wii-an accessory use or a vending use. Donovan felt that the. potato wagon could be considered an accessory use if a waitress would have to serve.the potatoei to customers at tables, but if tfri poiaioei *"r"sold.to passersby, it^was,vending.. Rapson stated that during the vaii-i[i-ctassrc,Buck's people were actually receiving the money--it was fointed out that this was incorrect' that it was free. viele felt the p6tato wagoir was venJlng,-inJ'-i.tt ttut the council shoutd.make the finar decision. t"ori agrE"c witt ti;i;l'aii-piier tett that a basic definition of vendinq was needed. Rapson felt that if there was an igreement entered into with the shop or restaurant owner' it could be called an accesiory use. John Railton, a member bt,the audience,felt that a restaurant shou'l d be able to distribute food is in a salad lir, but it should be eaten in the restaurant. varr ance t in e d tiona arki n was 5-0 in favor PEc -4- s/zs) Lamy Eskwith stated that he thought the question was not totally clear cut.Eskwith felt the question was a difficult'one. Donovan offered ttre jala'init perhaps it would depend upon who received the money, for example :t one-rria-io go into-the shop.or restaurqnt !o pay for the merchandise it tould be in ii."iso"y use. Piper mentioned that it might make a difference if the mercfranJlsl ;;;;---on.a. specific premises. Trout asked if a potato could be purchased independently,and Levine answered that it coutd be and t'hat.it coutd ue biten-liadil;;::"--"-" More discussion of whether or not to consider this vending or accessory uses followed. Donovan felt that they did not have enough inf6rmation anA iantea t.ime for further study. V i e'le moved and Tro seconded to hold the staff decision that the potato wa should be NS outside ve VO e was z tn favor, z (Pjper a against. w th Donovan absta i ni n re staff decision was not u Patten stated that work session or on the matter would be June 19. called up to Council on either June 5 at ..",i. ,1r.0. t:106 -lhal. according Lo the indices ol'the CoLlnty Recordr:r ol'liag'l e CoLttt l.y, Co'l oratlo rcl a L ivc l"o tlrc f'o'l 'l ovt ing rea l properLy: LoT 6, BLOCK 1, VAIL/LIoNSHEAD FIRST FILING, ACCORDING T0 THE PLAT RECORDED ilovrr,rarn B, I}TI IN b00K 2?2 AT PAGE 190, COUNTY 0F EAGLE, sTATE 0F c0L0RAD0' ALSO KNOt'lN AS: TREET0P COND0l4INIUllS. rt I E/\SEI4ENT ItIPORT ,la Easements that affect the above described property are as follows: BUILDING SET BACK LINE 15' IN I{IDTH ALONG THE NORTH AND EAST LOT LINES AND ].0' IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH AND hIEST LOT LINES, OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS siowru oru THE REcoRDED PLAT 0F vAIL/LIoNSHEAD, FIRST FILING' EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-tllAY FOR LIGHTING, HEATING, ELECTRICITY, GAS' TELEPHONE' wArEn nuo SEWEMGE rRctltrtEs, AND ANY orHEn rtilo 0F PUBLIc 0R auA!l:lugllc uirLrrv sERVIcE AS REaERVED nr rur pRoTEcTIVE c0vENANTS FoR vAIL/LI0NSHEAD FIRST FILING RECORDE' MAY 18, 1970 IN B00K 217 at PAGE 675. N0 FENCE' I'IALL' Hi.oeE, eARRrrn on orugn tmFnovrmEilr sHALL BE EREcTED 0R FIAINTAINED 0N' AcROss on uiiHrn rHE AREAS CrsrnvEo FoR EASET.IENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY NOR IN sucH cLOsE PCOiINITY THERETO AS TO IMPAIR THE ACCESS TO OR USE THEREOF. EASEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN USE SHALL EXIST AND IS HEREBY RESERVED ON' OVER AND nCnosS rHosE poRTIoui or rHr PLAT 0F vAIL/LIoNSHEAD, FIRST FILING' RESERVED FOR UTILITY SERVICE AND FACILITIES' A. 'l 2 Datedl ..lEnuary 20, 1984 at 8:00 a.m. (ftre tiability of the colrpany is littri Led to tlre i'ec pa'i cl fol Lhis r.ctroli;) -4.Ill __.Ir r. APPITCATION This procedure is required.. The application will not be Applicari "^ o^r9 filfu/n4 FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. PsoNn&-:Zn-/_ A. NA.D{E OF APPLTCAI{?ztS +,fuaN/4t1 Ag4.i-/d/g#te ADDRESS B. ADDRESS c..NAME 0F OWNER (type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRES Aes* / o k/144-,L pHoNE399-3rtA Qo prtzz-t- LEcAr., DEscRrprroN ror__la_bLock__[_ EiLins/-/d.k(m FIQZS* E. FEE. groo.oo # ?5,.,p1 //r" /p F. A list of the nanes of owners. of all property ad.jacent subject property and their mailrng aodresses. PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE VAtL, COLORADO 816s8 (303) 476-3122 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Toun of Val1 -Plannlng and &tvlr@nental Conmlssl.on Apr1l 6, 1984 Request for a Zcnlng Variance -TreeTops Plaza @eratlcn and naoagenen t of the TreeTopa Condomi-nlums 1n Vall Licnrshead has, slnee lts beginnlng, beeo dlfflcult and unyorkable because the conoler Iacks crn-site facltitles for this purpose. ftrsrefore a variance, to pernlt the constructlcrn and oecupatlon of a trlrtaaagerts Dnelllng Unltn, is bctng requested ltcn seotldl f8.26.lOO'(Densliy Ccntrol) of the Torar of Vail Zonlng Ordlnance. Tha pro'posed requested varianco vi11 be used. ex-cluslvely for the above stated purpose and nlll have no discerrrlble affect on tire structure. .o Project Application \ '4 . \,.-. Project Name: Projeci Oescriplion: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing . Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval Project Application :Y. I)AIPL Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board l ...- ,/i =\ .,r/Date r' ' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Date: i t Town Plan ner E statt Approval tt ,li,\ili: ()i: I'lii).;i;Cl . -- LI:$A11 D:lr;'jl( I t'1't Oti :r;.il.riic I44p I llliscltJl,1 l(::i ol) I'tio.Jt:(:'j' The fol lor.ring inforrnation is rcqtrircd for submittal by thc Board bcfore a final a;rproval crn be 6ivcn: A. BUI LI,IN(; I1ATERIALS T)'pe g.f ll:rtcrial Poof Siding othcr l','a I I ilaterials Fascia Soffits lfindo',.rs lfinciow Trin Doors Door 'l'rirn Hand o: Deck Rails FIues Fla-shings Ch inn ey s Trash En:l osures G:'c:nhorrs es O |irel Botanical Name Common Name appl icirnt to the Design Rcvicrlr Col or B. LANDSCAP I NG -.-.\ t I I I r, tt ;,.";;;;., rlr,hr_ PLANT MATERIALS 5i ze Quanti ty 4 _6 TREES 24 6'/a' ?4u /4 fz- =// €d+L. {-4-,L SHRUBS o sQUARE zrzo 3, @o t, Aft FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE GROUND covehs s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGAT ION TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa'l 'l s, fences, swimming poo1 s, etc.) p'lease specify. PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAtL. COLORADO 81658 . (303) 476-3122 TO: DATE: SIIBJECT: fom of Vall - Deslgn RevLew Board t&'rcb I3, I98l+ heeTcps Plaza - Final approval Constrai.ned, as we are, by the faet that the frontqge pro- perty of thls proJect belolrgs to the toun of Val1 tbere are some 1'lrnltatims inposed upcn landscaptug scope. the tolm public works departnent has asked thot as rstlch as possible of the exlstlng grassed bern be left as Lt presen- tly is to facllltate lnterln snou storage. The lanscape plan, as presented, has been develo'pedr l.u part, to respect these cqrslderatLcns. At the suggesticn of tbe planni"g staff of the tonn of Vall ye have cc,nsulted with l,tr. Houarcl E. Gollnlak, 1-ocaL hortl- cultural authority for the tour, wlth regard to the nost ap- pro'prlate plant rnaterl.als for treeTops Plaza. At his lecom- nendatlsn these naterlals are: Locust and Blue Spruce trees; Cr.rrant, Potentllla, and Austrian Rose deciduous sbrubs; an asgortment of per€nal.al aad aanual plaatirrgs aoil sedun and stranberrLes for ground covers. The unclerground sprinkler system that exists on the slte vlll be nodlfted to adapt to thls plan. Access to the bulktlng for the handicapped has been nade possible by the ellminattqr of the steps at the north frot. A ranped rralk at a slope of S replaces the steps. As previously statetl the p1aa, ln particular the plant na- terl,als and thelr LnetaLlattor, has been reviened by and meets the apprwal of Hosard Gol}nlck on behalf of the town of Vail. oo"hq PETER Lfi)MS o AIA ^-l-rx t ' vArL, coLoRADo 816b8 '7\ I i '1@, ,<- tue.+Et Wtte ffi6f tf|if !(E ffiffi @qflwwalef Hes ifd Ate zbu/r{ or -f#rc AFE san€ k44t - I iz7ftarc h*Ib@ Lffitl L+asc.4Pr,/q :@, ffu frKg Qgua t^,% Wffdu\eslf rffi A@ 7w4t k /A44/ /+s %si/gcE q= ffb A./#eWq ffisrnFprAre ffiA/f%ffi-yls jza I I ffi1t-/.7-frre tt/@,vt t ft7bsep fr,*4/As we/t@/ flry 'WN ffiar@/N W-tz paWt1fle '9./<fmtfta</s, #e, s(ga8tr6l # -t# ftA^tAt/Mt s74tr 6 .f6tU// OF ,/Att_ Vk lt4t6 qg<:ot@ K//d/ VV. *bwaep a. @./.p/c<- 7 ,/u.4a @+uJ/+dFAc l:i4t@/,?T rcP- -lfle -76tv4r wtlf ruApp -7-? I. a-,gfue aafdfW&*4zE W4tlf &g i@ rr4*. /4f lts gao.*vnqhftlor/ lV?@ t\+tgw.]r-s 4ee I /u,rsr A,@ FzcsG li l:,wocE 734,; co72.p.4,*f, frtaLfruA 41D ks'tpt*4 iu4€ W,eoas sf"c,3s ; ,44 Asc#tt^dlf aF L #.fu etglqnc -%lJ*L gA$f/rles qzuJtt AKe sr%ty&epte re- q4/@ o o tPtFt PETER LOOMS o AtA vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 ii ilTk 4/r@qeoo*D ll iia<6# q<l -7-r{e -tu 613 #./t-/kEE -sry?//'\ ffi+f 9178 Wu- Ee rlt@tFt@. Tb @, # fr<{ .KtW Frs$ce 4 rl. ?c/A4//<#+"aA/ -ftre -qrffi .+f trte &otryyf 7WJf, A @ kfAC//- Af .i.s& e 6% p6Kk sm, %eraoSLf -s?Afi& TTte qr4{ i /4 A<p 44et3 trte 4W'P.sa<- oF trt?@ Hz a<( ft/+hLf or 7"8 7vr44 G WL' rt March 16, 1984 ATTN: To Whom It MaY Concern: RE: Gloss Levels on AlE.P. Metal Roofing Westin Hotel Cascade Vi 11age The paint finish used on Architectural Engineering Products Meta'l Roofing Systems are Glidden's "Nube'l ar" with Kynar 500 resin. Enclosed.i s a spec data sheet on the finishes specifically showing the 60' specular 91 oss range between I0% & 35%. Our. low gloss & medium gloss finishes have a 91 oss range of-25'Lto 30f respdctively. Aftei a roof has been jn place for 3,or 4 months we can lxpect the 91 oss to decrease by 20% to 30% from dust & film accumu'l ation. 0f-course, as time goes by & some chalking occurs the 91 oss wil'l be further reduced. The following'is a partial list of projects now in place'i n the Vail Area: Biddot, W OontPo n!1.,-- Si ncerely, RIDDELL & Learning Center Cascade Vi 1 'l age Mi 1l Race Condo' s Cascade Vi 1 Iage Vail Library Vail, Colorado Auxi'l 'l ary Building Vai l, Colorado Cambria Residence Vail, Colorado c0. ,' 1.{, r'lt, Low gloss dark bronze "Vail Bronze" developed specifical ly for the town of Vai1. "Vai l Bronze " Zi nc Grey Medium Gloss Bronze Low Gloss Redwood Cocoa Brown c k Ri ddel'l ENC .Enl,r ca,,,r,*h A, ral'ran Qlraat. Fnnlawnnrl Crrlnrctrltr 8olll .f3O3) 773-BO7l Glidden Il 5 rt a. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NUBELARO COATINGS SPEG This Sprc-Data Shorl con- forms to cdito?ial sty lr prescrib.d by Tho Conrtruction Spcclficatlon In3tituro. Th! manufacturcr is rasponsiblo for tochnical rccu.rcy, - Slzes: NUBELAR coatings are Color NUBELAR coatings are commercially available in quantilies available in a wide range of standard of 5O gaflons and up depending on colors. Special colors are available if requiremenls ol the iob. Non. approved by Glidden's technical standard colors in spray quality are deparlment. also available in 35 gallon minimum quantilies. All exterior components of aluminum or galvanized steel that lend themselves to a tactory applied, oven baked finish can be coated with this product. 4. TECHNICAL DATA NUBELAR' 1. PRODUCT NAME NUBELARO A premium fluorocarbon coaling produced with KYNAR 50Q' resin under license from Pennwalt Corporalion. 2, MANUFACTURER SCM Gorporation Glidden Coalings & Resins Division 9O0 Union Commerce Building Cleveland, Ohio 441 15 Phone: (216) 344€000 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Easlc Usesr NUBELAR coalings are used by manufacturers of metal curlain wall and olher building prod- ucts as a long-life exlerior finish for aluminum and galvanized steel. NUBELAF is a liquid coating thal is factory.applied and oven baked on properly prepared and primed subslrates. NUBELAR coatings are applied as exterior finishes for metal siding, louvers, fascia, curtain vvall, rooting, spandrel paneling and column covers. The building com. ponents can be either postformed from precoated coil stock or spray coated after labricalion. Limitations: Since NUBELAR coatings require baking to cure, they cannol be lield applied- NUBELAR coalings are nol approved for use on hol or cold rolled steel intended for exterior exposure. Composition and Mate als: NUBELAR coatings are based on KYNAR 500 polyvinylidene lluoride (PVF,). The coating when properly applied will give maximum exterior durability due to ils outstanding resistance lo ultraviolet radiation and chemical degradation. Th: ten point Spec.o.ta'l0rmat has beer reproducrd lrom publicalioos copyrighted bl CSl, 1964, 1965. 1966. 1967, and used by runjs. sion of Thr Const.uction Specilications Instit!te, Inc., llashirqton, D.C. 20036 Property 600 Specular Gloss Pencil Hardness Post Formability, 1800 Bend around 1/8-inch mandrel Adhesion-lmpact Abrasion Resistance (Abrasion Coerf icient) Taber Abrader, CS.10 wheel, 1 ,000 gm load Accelerated Tests: Weatherometer, 2000 hours exposure Dew Cycle Weatherometer, 500 hours exposure Humidity, 100O hours exposure @ IOOoF and 1 OO% humidity Humidity, 240 hours exposure @ 1400F and 100% humidity Salt Spray, 1000 hours, 57" salt log @ 95oF Result 10-35 F.2H Acceptable ('l ) Acceptable (2) 65 liters, minimum Acceptable (3) Acceptable (4) Acceptable (4) Acceptable (5) Acceptable (5) Acceptable (6) Tesl Oosignatlon ASTM D.523.67 ASTM D-3363-74 ASTM D-1737.62 ASTM D.2794 ASTM D-968 Std. Taber Test ASTM G.23-69 ASTM D.3361 ASTM D-2247-68 NCCA No. lll€ ASTM B-117.68 o tr o E,m z o o =_z ^IG'A:O Er.Qr :sm ,-,4 9Z s-(', E' a o =o o 7 P - -(o (1) Flexible to point of metal rupture withoul rupture of coating. (2) No loss of adhesion between coating and substrate lo point ot metal rupture with 1/16" cross.halch scribe pattern through coating to bare metal. (3) (4) (5) (6) No more than 20 milligrams loss of coating after 400 cycles. No obiectionable chalking, color change, or blistering. Less than 5"/o No.8 size blislers. Aluminum: less lhan 5% No.8 size blisters, no more than 1/16" creep or tape off from scribe. Galvanized Steel: less than 5% No.6 blisters, nor more lhan 3/16" creep or taoe otf from scribe. @ !m a |-()o I z o @ It { 5. INSTALLATION NUBELAB coatings may be coil coated or spray coated on metal substrates that have been properly pretreated and primed according to Gliaoen specifications. Coil coating application of NUBELAR is aPPlied ai o.z0 to 0.90 mils over 0.25 to 0.35 mils ol primer to Provide a total system dry film thickness ol 0.95 to 1:25 mils. When NUBELAR coaiings are spray applied the dry tilm thickness range will be 0.90 to 1.00 mils over 0.20 to 0.40 mils of primer to provide a total system dry film thickness ot 1.10 to 1.40 mils. The entire system is alwaYs aPplied in the Iactory and oven baked. The in- herent flexibility of the system per' mits coil coated stock to be Post formed by roll forming o( break press. Extruded components such as window frames, louvers, mullions, pre-assembled ventilators, etc', are usually spray coated after labrication. 6. AVAILABITITY AND COSTS Availabi I ity : NUBELAR Coatings are available from Glidden Coatings & Besins Division ol SCM Corpora- tion, 900 Union Commerce Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, or they can be obtained by coniacting any of the listed regional offices. Building com' ponents finished with NUBELAR coalings are available from metal building product manutacturers, fabricators, and custom appl icators. Lists are available lrom Glidden. Costs; Prices of metal building components coated with NUBELAR are available from the componenl manulacturers. Prices for sPray applying NUBELAR coatings to ex- truded metal comPonents are available from Glidden approved applicaiors. 7. GUARANTEE Warranlies are normally available from qualified building component man ulacturers and applicators. Refer to Glidden's Technical Data Sheel for correct applicalion recommendations. REGIONAL OFFICES LOS ANGELES. CALIF. 90022 6948 Bandini Blvd. Phone: (213) 685-4750 MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 55413 1901 E. Henneoin Ave. Phone: (612) 331-5991 PORTLAND. OREGON 97210 2800 N.W. 3 l st Ave. Phone: (503) 228-52Os 8. MAINTENANCE NUBELAR coatings are virtuallY maintenance free and nonstaining. lf necessary, surface residue may be easily removed bY conventional cleaning solvents or delergents. Minor scratches may be touched-up with a specially formulated, lield applied, airdry Glidden coating (not NUBELAR) of the same color. NUBELAR coatings can be used in conjunction wilh convenlional sealanls and caulking compouncls. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICE Complete technical intormation and literature is available trom Glidden. 10. FILING SYSTEM Sweet's Catalog (Architectural and Industrial Construction Files). 'KYNAR 500 is a regist€red |tademark ot Penn\r{alt Comoratlon. READING. PENNSYLVANIA 19603 Third & Bern Sts. Phone: (215) 373-4111 SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 94107 1000 Sixleenth St. Phone: (415) 621-0200 TORONTO.ONTARIO 351 Wallace Ave. Phone: (416) 534"4281 WESTLAKE. OHIO 44145 (CLEVELAN D) 801 Canterbury Rd. Phone: (216) 344-8000 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30325 1065 Glidden St., N.W. Phone: (4041 355-4760 CARROLLTON. TEXAS 75006 1900 Josey Lane Phone: 1214) 242-5141 cHrcAGO. ILLTNOIS 60639 1855 N. LeClaire Ave. Phone: (312) 237-6100 LASALLE. OUEBEC (MONTREAL) 133 Elmslie St. Phone: (514) 366-3460 No.043OGC EEIEI^ c Lt D o EN E H EM TEAL E oATt NE s ' SCM CORPORATION. CLEVELAND. OHIO 44I15 Lrlho In lJ S A rt t PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE , VAtL, COLORADO 81658 . (303) 476-3122 1O: Torpn of Vail - Desigrr Rewieur Board ItC.l: PeEer Iocns - Architect SUBJECI: Resubmittal, for final apprcval, TreeTops Plr'a The color of the uetal rcofirg has been changed to a dark rder - finish will- be lcnr gloss. I.,mdsc+ilg has been changed as folloros:1. Decidrous trees will be locust.2. Shralbs r,rill be decidr:or:s; Red Dogr^ood, Jaclcnan Poterrtilla ard Alpine C\nzant.3. Seasonal plartings (florrers) will be (used) on the lryper parE of ttre berm arid in plarters on th€ Plaza. A sign progran, to assrde consistency and adherence to Tqrr guidelines, will be developed for use of the buildir€ t€narts. Landscape details; cturbs, pawings, retairring rnra11s, etc. rrill be consistent with those used in the LiorsHead TJrprovsEnt District. tscerior lighting standards, as isr the inprovenent district, hrill be installed for the PLaz-a steps. Tire of operation r,rill be consistent wfth li€hting elserdrere in ttre districE. Benches, plarrters, and frash receptacles ccnsistent with those in the firyroverert district will be firrnished for the VLaza.. these el@rts will be rmrrable to facilitate snc&r rsrpval. ao otllce of communlty devolopment 75 south trontage foad yeil, colorado 81657 (303' 476_7000 February .16, .l984 Peter Looms 4269 Nugget Lane Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Re: Treetops plaza Dear Peter: 0n February '|5, the Design-Review Board gave preriminary approvar to your^Treetops p'laza_appfication. A ninnber'of conierirs were cited by the Board that should'be addressed before ilt" r"ririr, 7th meettng.These concerns were: l. The proposed color of the roof material .l. Possibil]ty of including landscaping on the,'bem,,ared.J. Accent etements on the buildinos !. Detail'ing on the site, i.e. cuibs 5. Lighting, where wiil exterior lighting be rocated and when will it be lit?6. Possibil_ity of,incruding benches or some other erement on the plaza wa'lkway (where thi width of the walkwiy i.c""ii"sj. - - Please do not hesjtate to ca1 I me with any questions you may have. Sincerely,,-l a ( \\enb,o--- THOMAS A BRAUN Town Planner TAB: bpr o1 ol Project App r Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect, Address and Phone: Filing 1 ? .1!\!.;i.: *.Zone 4 (-'' JL . .J Legal Description: Lot Block Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner D statt Approval LrST oF FLlICKtnLS 'I'hc fol lor',ing inforn:rtion is lJoard bcfore a finaI approvaI A. BUILIJIN(; MA'IERIALS Roof Siding Other lr,al I Material s Fas c ia Soffits l{indor.rs Itlindow Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chinrreys Trash Duclosures Greenhous es Other' B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: . Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanica'l Name TREES eA reqrrircd for submittal by thc clrn bc given: il*__qf_I{tlrref apPlic;rnt to thc Dcsilirr llcvicrrr Color fi{ezrql*- F.*t/ tJttffi. Cormon Name Quanti ty 5i ze (Wp-q'ry) (4)/,u.u "g/E -%zE Z(, a-/o t Jb4r@-@t16;6 fE!@4V'+_ qtr#.lfr|l?R SHRUBS flfuaL' ) GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Oj oo SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE SQUARE F00TAGE TYPE OR MTTHOO OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. t o UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME Lor ___G_ILcrcK __l=_-J tttNe T/eSf ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountai n Be'l 'l I -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va11ey Hater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek /-z!:gl / -/7-g{ / /-/?-g / I NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public rlght- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A, building permit is not a street cut perurit, A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availabli.ty and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const /:!_Z_{tplease fi I I out attached sheet. /_e2-E_l t_!15t \ {l O1 oo PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VArL. COLORADO 81658 . (303) 476-3122 IO: Desigrr Rewievs Board FROM: Peter Locns - Arctritect DAIE: Janr:ary 30, 1984 SllB.lECI: A Proposal to Construct a Ne$I Retail Plaza ALop the Existilg Paakirrg Stnrcttrre at TleeTops Condcrniniuns - LionsHead Sheet 1 stpws the proposal as i-t r^ould be seerr lookirg from the norEh. On Sheet 2, prepared and certified by a licqrsed surve)ror, are shoHrn and located existing cc'ntotus, ecisting inprovarerts arrd lerrgths and bearirgs of properry lines. There are no large trees, other significant natural feattre!, avalanche arers, flood planes t:cr 4$A or greater slopes. Sheet 3 is the general overall site plan relating the proposal to its environs and showirg drainage pattelrls. Oe Sheet 3u existing utilities are strcnn. Sheets 4, 5 and 6 stow building p1ans, parking plans, drivooay and walk layouts, larrdsc'Fe plan, ocisting and nelv finished grades and spot elevations. On Sheet 7 are shcnrr a cross secEion and the elevations of the building' Ttre subcrission includes a list of rnaterials (building and landscapir€), utility verification statsrcnt and the preliminary title report. I?re proposal ruas ap'proved for rezoning fiicm HII'IF to CGII by To^n Cor:ncil on August 16, 1983-bfter several revieur sessions with the Plarrr-ing and Envirormrtal C-onrnis sion. Ihe Planning and Enwirornrerrtal Ccmrission approved the proposal as corpfying with the CCII zoning and the Vail - LionsHead Design Considerations on Jan:ary 9, Lg8/+. Oa oo PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAIL, COLORADO 81658 . BO3) 476-3122 TO: Desigrr. Revier^r Board tr'RClul: PeEer Iocns - Architect ILAIE: Jarn:ary 30, 1984 SUB.IECT: A Proposal to C.onstnrct a Neqr Retail PlazaAtop the F.:cisEing Parking Stnrcture at TleeTops Condcrniniuns - LicrnsHead Sheet 1 shcr^rs the proposal as it l";Duld be seert looking frcrn the rprtlr. On Slreet 2, prepared arrd certified by a licerrsed sr.rrr,reyorr are stlcren and located ixiitltg contoltrs, eristing inprovanerrts and lerrgttrs and bearings of properuy lines. ltrere are no large trees,'ottter significant natural featirei, avalarrche areasi , flood planes nor 4(fL or greater slopes. Sheet 3 is rhe general overall site plan relating the proposal to its ernrirons arrd shorirg drainage patterns. On Sheet 3u e:clstirg utilities are shoqzn. Sheets 4, 5 and 6 stpvl building plans, parking plans, driveroay and rmlk layouts, lardscape plan, e:clsting and nqr finished grades and spot elerraticns. On Street 7 are stror^rn a cross section arrd the elevations of the building. - Ttre srrbmission includes a lisE of roaterials (building and landscaping), utilify verification statolenE and the orelimila:ry title r€Port. The proposal r,uas approved for rezoni-ng fron HI}ll[. to CCI,I by To^n Corncil on ei:guit 16, 1983^ifter serreral revievr sessions with rlre Plaming and Errvircrrsrtal Ccnmlssion. ltre Plarring srd Bevirorrrsrtal Cormission approved tlre -proposal as corpl-ying rJttr tle CCII zoning and the Vail - LionsHead Design Considerations on Jaoruary 9, 1984. 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 1. 2. Planning and Environmental Commission January 9, 1984 Site Inspections Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of meeting of December .|2, .l983. Request for a front setback varjance jn order to construct a garage 1.6 feet into the front setback area on Lot 3, Block 5, eighoin Fifth Addition. Applicant: Scott A Edwards 3. Request for a minor subdivision involving three parce'l s of land in the Golden Peak area--Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing, Tract B, Vai'l Vfitage 7th Filing, and Parcel C, an unplatted parcel recently annexed to the Town. Appi icant: Va'i1 Associates 4. Request for an exterior alteration in order to erect a temporary ticket office near chair 8 at 600 Lionshead Mall. App)icant: Vail Associates 5. Request for an exterjor alteration in order to build a new retail plaza above the park'ing structure at the Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6,Block I, Vail Lionshead lst Fif ing. Applicant: Treetops Condo Assoc. 6. Request for an exterior a'lteration in order to increase GRFA in unit 701, Landmark Condominiums, 610 West Lionshead Circle, Lot l, Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Lonnje Will.iams Torr'. MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Conunission FROM; DATE: Community Development Department January 5, .l984 - 4pr,.qdiw\ -sor- J-nJ SUBJECT: Request for an exterior a] teration in order to bui'ld a new retail plaza above the parking structure at the Treetops condominiums Applicant: Treetops Condominium Association DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST 0n August .|6, 1983, the_Town_council approved a rezoning of the Treetops condo-miniums from HDMF to ccII. Tl'" requesi'to rezone this iroperty was frbm the Treetops Condominium Association to allow for the consti-uction of g,OO0 rquir.feet,of commercial space above an existing parking structure. tn aiaitiori !g.,tl:..:9y"1"j3] space' the addition wouTd'incrude a manager't Jriii",'sto.ag"and laundry areas' trash disposal , and mechanical equipmenl for the uuitding.- A number of issues have been raised w'ith respect to impacts from this development on the Lionshead area. These were addressed'by the plhnninq and Environmentil commission, the staff, and the appl'icant durin-g tne reionlni process. nt itris time the proposal is to be considbred with resfiect to compiiairce with the CCII zoning and the Vail Lionshead Design Considerations. Er"o A. COMPLIANCE t,lITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCII ZONE DISTRICT 18.26.0.l0 Purpose The commercial core II district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges and commercial'establishments in-a-clustered, unified development. -Commercial Core lt aistrict in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urbin Design Guide P'lan anO Oeiign ConsiAeiiiion] -- is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space anj other amenit.ies appropriate to the permitted typei of uuiidihg anb uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the'district by esiablishing appropr.iate siie development standards. The, Community Development Department considers this proposal to be in keepinq wlln. tne.purposes of this zone district. The proposal wiII provide mixed'us,Es on the site as well as better g"ti.. tt'. "rl..h both have a positive impact on-ffiTo-heao area. los.\rse ir\-ik\ a'\- ;t "'*\'^.L \ $.\"^- ."'\^^.-.- D "T.*&- ^-.\n\ \ "r" Otoo, r/5/84 -2- COMPLIANCE I.'ITH VAIL LIONSHEAD UREAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN l. Sub-Area Concepts (EAST MALL ENTRY) a. Concept 3 The proposal wi ll contribute to a reduction in through the servjce area (between the Lionshead parking structure). Concept 4 The addition of commercial space to will generally upgrade the approach Concept 6 Commercial expansion wi'l 1 strengthen activi tylpedestri an scal e. R b. c. pedestrian crossings entry and the the existing parking structure to Lionshead. the mali entry with improved +> 2. 3. Architectural Guidel ines The scale of this building is oriented to the pedestrian through its size (one story) and sloping roof. Urban Design Considerations while this proposal is somewhat removed from the Lionshead Mall area,the project's architectural .sty1e is compatible with the types or deiign found in the Mall. The project is desighed toward the pedLitrian, and visual interest will be enhanced by-1ight entering the arcade through openings in the roof.. Overall, the projeci is in keeping with contempoiary architecturai expression that is desired in the Lionshead area. Roofs The des'ign of the roof is within Lionshead Desi gn Considerations.of snow slidinq off to the arcade. [+'*t*' A the gui de l i nes establ i s hed One area of concern is the by the possibility +> / (- .-vr .S a€- +> + rlan ad.iacent 5. Facades-tllal I s/Structures Materials for wal1s, mu] 1ions, and trim are consistent with these guidelines. -.h5 a B l-'.,u tY ewbRE 6. 7. o Neither decks nor patios Accent Elements are a part of this proposal Seasonal p1 anters are the only accent elements contained .in this proposal Landscape Elements The following are questins These will be addressed in Pavers Retainin rrlps ir5r84 -3- space nearly doubles location for benches. Utilization of this edging and retaining made up of banks of windows divided Visual relief is accented bv bui 1d i ng. and concerns regarding this proposal,s landscaping.greater detail by the Design Review Board. Pavers are the same. as the type to be used in the Lionshead Improvement D'istrict. One of this project's key elements are improvements in the-waikway between Lionshead and the parking structure. Therefore,it is important that the pavers extend acrosi East Lionshead cirile'to the parking structure. The staff would l'i ke to see this as a condition of approval. Wal kway The walkway directly across from the retail in width at one point. This would be a fine planters, or possibly some type of art work.space shoutd be encouraqed. These walls two elements should be consistent with found in Lionshead. +> Trees The landscape plan used on the site.the b'lue spruce. trees on the north shows both locations There are questions Consideration should side of the site so and types of trees to be concerning the locatjons of be given to locating these as to make them more visible. -\: -:E> Facades - Transparencies The front facade of the buildinq is by mull ions and structural supp6rts.the two recesses in the front of the Decks and Patios rrlps 1/5/84 -4- Uses on the site. However, these can be addressed during the Desigi Revi6w procesi. The one condition of aDDrov l imited se outlined in 0rdinance 26, Series of 1983.Lv, s\-r tsJ vt r Jn\). Limited to those uses permitted in ccII v{ith the exception of bakeries and confectioneries, delicatessens and spec'i alty food'stores, drugstores and pharmacies, florists, newstands and tobacco stores, ticket ani travel agencies, eating and drinking establ .ishments. Parking and Loading The required_loading space is included in the plan. The g,000 square feet of.commercial space and the nanagers office would require a totai of 2g additional spaces. Treetops wili have to contribute to the Town parking fund a fee which corresponds to this requirement. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the Treetops plaza proposal. The new retail.spacri and better defined'walkway wil'l have many pos.itive impacts on the..entry to Lionshead. There are some concerns regaid.ing l";,oiiiping &q ^1."t "N'-h1"c-l^sL^^\** c an[r\-un - tnr-k lA,Jess @ ) 0 ; \\B *Je t-t-!- MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Envjronmenta'l Commission FROM: DATE: Community Development Department January 5, .|984 SUBJECT: Request for an exterior alteration in order to bui'l d a new retail plaza above the parking structure at the Treetops condominiums Applicant: Treetops Condominium Association DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST 0n August .l6, 1983, the_Town_council approved a rezoning of the Treetops condo-miniums from HDMF to ccII.- Tt" request'to rezone this iroperty was frbm the Treetops Condominium Association to allow for the consti-uctioriof g,000 squ.r"feet.of commercial space above an existing parking struciure. In addition !:,tfg..!9ye19i3l space, the add'ition would'incrude a manager,s otiice, iiorage and taunclry areas, trash disposal , and mechanjcal equipment for the UuilO.ing.' A number of jssues have been raised with respect to impacts from this development on the Lionshead area. These were addressed'by the Planning and Environmental commission, the staff, and the applicant durin-g ttre reionin{ p"o."rr. At this time the proposal _is to be considbred with resiect to compliahce with the CCII zoning and the VaiI Lionshead Design Considerations. A. C0MPLIANCE WITI THE puRposEs 0F THE CCrr ZoNE DISTRICT 18.26.0.l0 Purpose The commercial core II district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multip'le dwellings, lodges and commerciat'eitabtishments in a,clustered, unified development. Cormercial Core It district in accordance with the VaiI Lionshead_Urbhn Design Guide Plan and Oesign Consideiaiioni -- is intended to ensure adequate right, air, open space-ini other amenities appropriate to the permitted typei of bui'ldihg ani uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the-district by esiablisning app"opriate site devel opment standards. l!:*a:prlj.ty_Deve'lopment Department considers this proposa'r to be in keeping wltn.tne-purposes of this zone district. The proposal v,ill provide mixed'us6s 9n the site as well as better define the entrance'to Lionsheid. These will both have a positive impact on the Lionshead arei. -- fTreetoOs 1/s/84 -Z-J B.COMPLIANCE l^lITH VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN l. Sub-Area Concepts (EAST I',|ALL ENTRy)- a. Concept 3 The proposal will contribute to a reduction in through the service area (between the Lionshead parki ng structure) . b. Concept 4 The addition of commerc'ial space to the existing park.ing structure wi'll generally upgrade the airproach to Lionsh.ij.'- ""'" c. Concept 6 commercial expans'ion wi'l 1 strengthen the ma] 1 entry with improved activity/pedestrian scale. 2. Architectural Guidel ines The scale of this building is size (one story) and sloping pedestrian crossings entry and the oriented to the pedestrian through its root. J. 4. while this proposal is somewhat removed from the Lionshead Mar) area,the project's architectural .style 'is compatibre with it"-ivp.s of deiign found in the Mall. Tfrg,nrojeci is deiigneo toward the pedestrian,and visual interest will be enhanced by"ligti "niering-[h"-i""ude through openings in the roof..Overalt,lrre-pr6l'ect is in keeping with contemporary arch'itectural expression that is aesirel in the Lionsheai irea. Roofs the guidelines established by the One area of concern is the -possibilitv pedestrians using the wa'l kwiy adjaceni The design of the roof is within L'ionshead Desi gn Considerations.of snow sliding off the roof onto to the arcade. 5. Facades-l.lalls,/Structures Materials for walIs, mulljons' and trim are consistent with these guidelines. Urban Oesign Considerations D- 6. 7. Facades - Transparencies The front facade of the buildinq is by mullions and structural supp5rts. the two recesses in the front of the Decks and Patios Nejther decks nor patios are a part TrJos 1/5/84 -3- made up of banks of windows Visual relief is accented bui ldinq. di vi ded by of this proposa'l 8. Accent Elements Seasonal planters are the only accent elements contained in this proposa'l . 9. Landscape Elenents The foll9!ilg are quest'ins and concerns.regarding this proposa'l's landscaping. These will be addressed in greater detail by the-Design'Review Board. Pavers Pavers are the same as the type to be used in the Lionshead Improvement District. One of this project's key elements are improvements'in the.walkway between Lionshead and the parking structure. Therefore,it is important that the pavers extend'acrosi East Lionshead circle-to the parking structure. The staff would like to see this as a condjtion of approval. hjal kway The walkway directly across from the retail space nearly in width at one point. This would be a fine iocation f6r planters, or possibly some type of art work. Utilization space should be encouraged. -' Retaining l,ialls/Street Edqe These two elements shou'ld be consistent with edging and retaining walls found in Lionshead. Trees The landscape plan used on the site,the blue spruce. trees on the north shows both locations and types of trees to be There are questions concerning the locations of Consideration should be given to locating these side of the site so as to make them more visible. doubl es benches. of this ZONING CONSIDERATION5 Uses RECOMMENDAT ION Oeetops l15/84 -4- Ljmjted to those uses permitted jn CCII with the and confectioneries, delicatessens and specialty and pharmacies, florists, newstands and tobacco-agencies, eating and drinking estab'l ishments. Parking and Loadinq ]!e ry3yir9d.1oad'ing space is inctuded in the plan. The 8,000 square feet or commerciat space and the managers office would require i totai ot 2g 19!1ti"r] splcgs- Treetops wiri have to contribute'to the Town parking runo a ree whlch corresponds to this requjrement. The Community Development Department recommends approval of the Treetops plaza proposal. The new retail.space and better definei'walkway will have *iny poiittu"impacts on the. entry to Liohshead. There are some concerns regarding iai'aIiiping on the site. However, these can be addressed during the Desigi ReviEw t6;;il:The one condition of approval js that the uses in t[e comnercial spaie lie-iimiiea to those outlined jn Ordinance 26, Series of .l993. exception of bakeri es food stores, drugstores stores, ticket and travel .c PEC -3-1ls/84 | "''o the request per the s taff memo, whl ch was for oue yea r untl.L TUrUre years. tne vote was 5-u 1n tavor .:, : 5.Reques t for an exterl.or alteratlon ln order to bulld a ondoI!inluEs, Lot ionshead 1s t FlLtl.n APP caot: TreetoDs condo ESOC Ton Brauo showed a elte plan renindlng the PEC tha t they bad approved a r e z onLng of th 1s property ln Auguet of f 983 from BDUF to CCII. Ue revl.ewed the compliance wlth the purpoaes of the ccrr zoae dlstrict, and flIth Ehe urban Deslgu Gulde plau. Braua felt that it was lnportant for the payers to extend across East lionshead circle to the parklng atructure sad asked that this be a condltLoo of approval. Peter Looms, architect for the applicaot, queationed the durablliry of the pavers wi th enow renoval equlpnent aad sas told that these pdlvers were 6 turdy and we re to be us ed t hrough ou t the new Llonshead IoproveDent Dlstrlct. Trout questl.oned whether the slte plan had beec changed elnce Lt wa6 presented for the rezoning vhlch 6tarted a dLscuselon on Ehe roon allowed for the buses. The aLte plau had_Dot beeD changed, and Dick Ryan explalned thst wl th the new tlonahead redevelopnent pLan, the area woul! be chaoged to make 1t easler for the buses to naneuver. Trout Bupported ihe propoeal, Donovan felr that'rttre but 1di ng needed dore-.-"p lzzaz" 1n order to at tract the atteqtlon of the tourLstt but th ie could be addresesed at DRB. Ra p son questloned rrhether any s tudl es had be en made to ludLcate that Llonshead needed oore retail space,.and Ryan replied that there had been r'Lth indLcatlons that more retail ahops rould be beaeflclal. the staff ne Eo The frout noved to ap prove the request per Dotlon dled for lack of a second. ?.ooovan iJlYe d a3d Rapson seconded to approve the requeet,!rlth the coDdltion that the pavers be extended across the streeE ""6-ffi'ot 0 a&i O'a MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Comm'i ssion Community Development Department January 5, .l984 Qo l( I IU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Request for an exterior alteration jn order to build a new retail plaza above the parking structure at the Treetops Condominiums Applicant: Treetops Condominium Assocjatjon DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST 0n August'16, .l983, the Town Council approved a rezonjng of the Treetops Condo- miniums from HDMF to cclI. The nequest to rezone this property was from the Treetops Condominium Association to allor,r for the constiucijon-of 8,000 square feet of commercial space above an existing parking structure. In addjtjori to,the con.mercial space, the addition would include a manager,s office, storage and laundry areas, trash djsposai, and mechanica'l equipmeni for the building."- A number of issues have been raised with respect to impacts from this development on the Lionshead area. These were addressed by the Planning and Environmental commission, the staff, and the applicant during the rezonjn! process. At this time the proposal is to be considered with respect to compliance with the CCII zoning and the Vail Lionshead Design Consjderations. A. COT1PLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCII ZONE DISTRICT I 8. 26. 0.l0 Purpose The commercial core II district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges and commercial'establishments in a.clustered, unifjed development. Commercial Core II district in accordance with the Vajl Lionshead Urban Des'i gn Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenjties appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desjrable qualities of the district by esiablishing appropriate site development standards. The. community Development Department considers th'i s proposal to be in keeping with. the.purposes of this zone district. The proposi'l i./ill provide mixed'usEs on the site as welI as better define the entrance'to Lionsheid. These will both have a positive impact on the Lionshead area. B. O'3 COMPLIANCE l^lITH VAIL LIONSHEAD URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN l. Sub-Area Concepts (EAST MLL ENTRY) a. Concept 3 The proposal will contribute to a reduction in through the service area (between the Lionshead ( parking structure). b. Concept 4 The addition of commercial space to the will generally upgrade the approach to existing parking structure L i ons head. c. Concept 6 commercial expans'ion will strengthen the mall entry with improved activ i tylpedestri an sca'l e. 2. Architectural Guidel ines The scale of this building is oriented to the pedestrian through its size (one story) and sloping roof. ,l ' + $ez? rrr.in< Urban Design Considerations }.lhile this proposal is somewhat removed from the Lionshead Ma.l I area,the project's architectural .style is compatible with the types of design found in the Mall. The project is des'ighed toward the pediitrian, and vjsual interest vill be enhanced by light entering the arcade through openings in the roof.. 0verall, the project is in keefing with contempoiary architectural expression that is desired in the Lionshead area. Roofs the guidelines established by the One area of concern is the possibility pedestrians using the walkway adjacent 4. The design of the roof is within Lionshead Design Considerations.of snow sliding off the roof onto to the arcade. 5. Facades-lrlal'ls/Structures Materials for walIs, mullions, and trim are consistent with these guidelines. \ftops 1/s/84 -z- pedestrian crossings entry and the o5 QOo, 1/s/84 .-3- Facades - Transparencjes The front facade of the building is made up of banks of windows divided by mullions and structural supports. Visual relief is accented by the two recesses jn the front of the building. Decks and Patios ( 6. 7. Neither decks nor 8.Accent Elements Seasonal planters patios are a part of this pro al. cA€+ + crcs* cA& are the oniy accent elements \t0 . contained in this proposal posal. 4r Landscape Elements The follglilS are questins and concerns regarding These will be addressed jn greater detail by the- Pavers t^lal kway The walkway directly across from the retail in width at one point. This would be a fine planters, or possibly some type of art work. space should be encouraged. this proposal Design Revjew 's l andscap ing, Board. Pavers are the same as the-type to be used in the Lionshead Improvement District. One of this project,s key elements are improvements in the.waikr'ray between Lionshead and the parking structure. Therefore,it'is important that the pavers extend acrosi East Lionshead circle to the park'ing structure. The staff would like to see this as a condition of approval. space nearly doubles location for benches. Utilization of this Reta i ni n These walls Trees two elements should found in Lionshead. be consistent with edging and retaining The landscape plan used on the site. the blue spruce. trees on the north shows both locations There are questions Consideration should side of the site so and types of trees to be concerning the locations of be given to locating these as to make them more visible. O1 t?"*; t/5/s4 -q- C. ZONiNG CONSIDERATIONS Uses RECOMMENDAT ION Limited to those uses permitted in ccII with the exception of bakeries and confect'ioneries, delicatessens and specialty food' stores, drugstores and pharmacies, f'l orists, newstands and tobacco stores, ticket and travel agencies, eating and drinking establishments. Parking and Loading The required-loading space is included in the plan. The g,000 square feet ot.commercial space and the managers office wouid require a totai of 2g additional spaces. Treetops will have to contrjbute to the Town parking fund a fee which corresponds to this requirement. The Community Development Department recommends approval of the Treetops plaza proposal . The new retail.space and better defined-walkway will have rlny poiitiv"impacts on the entry to Liohshead. There are some concerns regarding f";aiiiping on the site. However, these can be addressed during the Desigi RevjEw pil;;;:The one condition of approval is that the uses in tFe conunercial spuqe 6e-iimii"a to those outlined in Ordinance 26, Series of 'l 9g3. 3201 SOUTH TAMARAC ORIVE OENVER, @LORADO q}23I 3Gt 750€E5E o SUITE H SIilPSON HOUSING CORPORATION January 4, L989 l,[r. Gary MurraLn Chief Building official Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Enclosed is a copy of the proposal from The Engineering Group'Inc. for installing a monitoring system at Treetops Plaza. If this proposal is acceptable to you we will retain this firn to monitor the situation as proscribed. In addltion, we are in the process of gathering quotes from several subcontractors regarding the epoxy repair work for the twin-tees. we anticipate deciding on a subcontractor and conpleting the necessary work in the next 30 days. PLease 1et us know if this is acceptable to you. In beh^Jf of Pierre Lakes, L,td.,,4 ./ Steven L,. Ilughes cc: Don Sirnpson Brent Miller Jin Phelps An Attllhi. ot Hrold A. Slmgron t Altoclalr. Olvrlopm€nt ComFny fiUji/:r '.r.: ii"i:l Wilbur D Stilos. P.E. & L.S. Civil Engin€eflng Structurai Engineering Land Surveying qz The Engineering Group, Inc. December 20, 1988 Mr, Donald A. Simpson 3201 S. Tamarac Drive Sui te 200 Denver, C0 80231 Re: TreeToos Vail, C0 Proj. T040lP Dear Don: At your request we are submitt'ing this proposal for installation of a monitoring system at referenced proiect for purpose of determining the fo1 low'ing conditions: 1. Vertical and horizontal movement of twin tee slabs at upper level parki ng deck.2. Horizontal movement of westerly wall of upper and lower level exterior concrete wal I s.3. Horizontal movement of columns from upper'level parking to retail sDace. Fee proposed to instalI the monitoring .system .(and obtain initia'l data) would be Seven-Hundred F'ifty Dollars ($750.00) maximum. The following schedule is proposed for obtaining the data on movement of the twin tee slabs, wal Is and columns: 1. After initia'l reading, 2 readings at three-month intervals. 2. Then, 2 readings at six-month intervals.3. Continue collecting data at one-yeali ntervals until a pattern has been established or discontinue at the end of a 2-year period if the structure is stable. tlle propose a fee of Five-Hundred DolIars ($SOO.OO) for each set of data taken. 7000 South Broadway, Suile 1D . Littteton, Colorado 80122 ' (303) 798-4794 l4r. Re: Donald A. Simpson TreeTops - T040?/P December P. 2 of 2 20, 1988 |rie can jnstall a monitoring system and collect the jnitial set of data upon your approval of this proposal. Very truly yours, THE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. , Z'- PWf |rlilbur D. Stites President ([rlll'r[E"Hr]:ln ACCEPTED: your approval , please sign and FOR: @tnership, individual Date: 10B: 10 PETER LOOMS . AIA . ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAIL, COLORADO 816s8 . BO3l 476-3122 MBORANDTM TO: Tcn'sn of Vail, Plarrrilg and Ervirornsrtal Conmission FRCM: Peter l-ooms - Arctritect/Plarrrer D{IE: Irlovder 22, L983 SLIB.IECT: DfiERIOR ALTERAII0I6 0R IODIF'ICAIIONS IN CCIVI4ERCIAL MRE II (CC II) VAIL LIO}sHEAD - ''TREE IUPS P[AZA'' Submittal co'nsists of the follouing rnaEerial: Application Foru List of Mjacerrt Propertry Oovners/Ad&esses I,,lriten response to the Torpn of Vail Zoning Ordinarrce and tlle Vail Lionshead llrban Design Gride Plst lbitten response to ttte Vail Lionshead De*sign Considerations 1. Cover Sheet, perspective sketch 2- Inproverrerrt Srnrey, prepared by EeBle Valley Eng'ineering and Surveyirg, Irrc. 3. Site Plan @ 1" = 20' 4. Iovser I-evel Pa*ing Plan @ 1" = 8' 5. IJpper Ievel Pa*futg Plsr @ 1" = 8' 6. l4ain Retail l-evel Plan and Iandscape Plan @ 1" - 8' 7. Bldfding Section and Elevatims @ 1" - 8' .I 2. Novsrber 22, L983 Vail Lionshead - Tr-ee Tops Plaza Page 2 In respo'nse to the Vail li-.rshead llrban Design Guide Plan the proposal: Clarifies arrd defines a pedesfrian access way to the East Mall Entry frcut East Lionshead Circle wia the 'nPLaza". In response to the stated objectives of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordirrance the proposal will Maintain all necessary prowisions for adeqr:ate liglrt, air, sanitation, drainage and ptrblic facilities. Not inErease iny danger frorn fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accurulation of snow or other conditions. 3. Pronpte greatLy erihanced pedestrian and vehicular rraffic circulation in the East l,tail Enfry ar-ea by prowiding a well defined walkroay from East Lionshead Circle to the Enfry. 4. Provide seDarate off-street loadiirg facilities and errtrance the utility of the er.istiirg on-site parking stnrcture by wirtue of weather prote,ction' 5. Entrance the conruritaqr:alify and econcsri.c value of its egyirons by the creation of a wigorous, attractive and active retail establislrnsrt. 6. Entrance fhe effeitiveness of the Lionshead frrprovsrent District (r,*ren inplerented) by neans of the defined corridor conrector to East Lionshead Circle. 7. Nct increase population densiry nor r^puld it overcrowd the land since the proposed facility is to be built atop an o<istirg stnrcture. 8. br&tly enhance irh. "pp.*"t'tce of thb site by the c:eation of thg landscaped pedestiian accessway ind the effective screening of existilg trnsigfrtly struclures.9. Have no effect on w-ildlife, streams, r,oods, hillsides or other natural feattrres. .10. Respect e<lsting open space and prowide, with the na,aly created retail space, facilities and arsdties condrrcive to_ quality living_activity.- 11. I*owide for an orderly gro\,fth (e:<tension) of the Lionshead Connericial Core District. Fgrther, in response to connents raised dr:ring the rezoning process, the proposal includes the following considerations : lbe ovner/developer agrees to designate desired tentrtt types for the purpose of limiting vehicular traffic inpact. At the request of the Departrrrcnt of Public Works the existing grassed be:m w'i11 rsnain in essentially it's presstt form to permit snow storage. Snow rsncval from the site, itself, is the responsibiliry of the property ovrner' Ile access drive, to the cslter of the site, w'ill be uodified to prowide _ rnanetrvering space for Fire DeparEelt vehicles - - the pedestrian bri€e from the Ancill;rybuildir\g to Ttee Tops II r.rill be raised to PernLit head-in access by Fire Departrent vehicles. T?re loading berth, originally sho\,nn encroactrirg on the front set-back space, has been relocated to alongside the east property line. I6e revised plan ernrisions no change in the traffic pattern for Town of Vail shuttle buses. Novsnber 22, L983 Vail Lionshead - Tbee Tops Page 3 The proposal responds Eo the Vail Lionshe.C Design Considerations - - speci-fically: 1. Enphasis is placed on pedestrian scale by ttre basic form of the building, i.L., one stbry facade, creation of a well defined walk way (tnall) and the arcade configuration of the building' 2. As stated above the effect of the buildfug on the passerby, is that of. a single story with wisr:all relief afforded by the recesses ot tfle arcacle and play of liglrt ttrrough the roof openings. 3. Ilee ioof slope- gently ar^ay frcnr the wiew of ttre pedestrian -- its form is inteirded-to nf,nimi2e the volure of the building. Again, the arcade will inpart a sense of shelter (cover) for the passerby. - Alfernate roofilg materi.als are beirg considered -- arcng thsr rnetal standirg sean (stpu'n) or concrete tile as used at Beaver Creek' 4. Predcrninant r^rall rnaterial will be light colored stucco wittr accent panels and glass held in place by neans of dark colored rn:llions- 5. Since the Uuitaine appear-s to be a gror:nd floor stn:cflre the facade tor,vard the street"wiii Ue urainfy of-glass with waqri-r€ sill heights and a variety of unrllion spacirgs and forms r,rittr-in the strong wisr:al frans,ork of the arcade. Doonmys and their locations will e:<press the character of the particular spaces. 6. The entire "P:.:a.a" is-interrded to-fi:rrction as a srrong street like elsrent. If specific patios or decks becone a PaTt of the developed entity Ehey wiil be deiigned to be in harnony with the guidelines.-- 7. Againaccent elanerts, to ttre e'<tent ttrat they are appropriate, will be in keeping with the guideltues. 8. proposed iarrdscape rnateiials include crabapple, spn:ce-and_ appropriate spt'eaaing "vergrlens. It is conterpfated that there will be seasonal pianting-arpns-(boxes, etc.) for stlnrer color. The -pawing rmterial is to be interloeking pavers (of the type to be used in the i:rproveiett disrrict). //,,".."f! r/,/!i.8,3_ i,r-'PLICATIOi'1 !'OIr'l . .. EXI'ERIOR AITERATIOIiS OR IIODIFICATIOI'{S -lr C,ji.il1ERCIAL CORE II (CCII) \,4'II LIONSIIETD f- This procedure reguired for alteratlon of a:: existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor pitio or replace-ment of an existing building shall be subject to review by the PIan-ning and Environmental Commission. The application wiLl not be accepted until all information is submitted. 1. NAME OF AppLfCANT IteeTops iondonlnium Associatlon Suite N-90, 143 East l"leadow Drive ADDR.ESS Vail, Colorado g165? PHONF, tt76-Z2ZI 2. NAII{E OF APPLICANT's REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS Peter Loons. AfA PHONE 1176-3L22 3.NA}IE OF OWNER print or type) Tree s Cond omin ium Associati.on STGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATTON OF ADDRESS: 4 Su ,Vail Colorado 8t-657 PROPOSAL Parking Structure - TbeeTops - LionsHead PHONE 1.76-222]. 4. et tane Vai1. Colorado IEGAT DESCRIpTION Lol 6, Block 1, Vail/LionsHead Flrst Fl1ing # qotrs FEE $100.00 PATD I 5. 6.property lines and .location Iand. Improvement survey of property showing of building and any improvements on the 7 - A rist of the name of owners of alr property adjacent to the subject property and their I,tAILING aOdresses. Adjacent Property Owners Iodge at Lionshead P.O. Box 1868 ,! , .i n,/o.,-o ./ t\ rt ,,j)lr.-t Lionshead Csrter +m-1E68 -',T-'.t*i-' s'lr ' ! '. Lionshead Liqrnr Store P.0. Box 478 Charlies condola Ski Shop P.O. Box 159 ltre Yor-urger Gerreration 482 Lionshead Csrter Alfie Packer's P,O. Box 610 Ttre Shades of Vail 4l6rn. Lionshead 14a11 G\-rrerrts of Vail P:O. Box 1471 Vail Cookie 0o. 520 E. Lionshead Circle -7 I On Tuesday' August 16, 1983, a regular meeting of the Vail Town Councll was held in the Vail- Munieipal Building IlINUTES VAIL TO CIL ING TUESD AUGUST 16,1983 7 :30 MEIUBERS PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESBNT: relating to. condominium conversion ..ro.i ects Peter Patten aEEEd--TEe c6GE ey na any meeting? There were no questiorls . Chuck I' Herman St aufer PauI Johnston Chuck Anderson Rod Slifer, trlayor Ron Todd Bill ItIi. 1to , L{ayor Pro-Tem Gail lfahrlich Bill Pyka, Assista.nt Town I,Ianager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney M. The first item on the agend.a was the first readlng of Ord.ina"4r.ee-?Z6l--Seaies of 1983, and ordinance changj-ng vair Llonshead tiist titrii-(i".;;;;";-lr;;high density multiple faml 1y to commercial core rr ana-set detaifs in relation thereto. peter Jamal and Dick Ryan presented the issue and recommended this ordinance be adopted. rent Straus, presid.ent of Treetops made hi-s favorable presentations to the council. Ron Todd ma-de a motion to approve Ord.inance #26 and. Paul Johnston seconded the moti-on.The motlon passed unanimously and the ordinance was ordered published in fulI The next item on the agenda was the second readi-ng of Ordinance #27, Series of 1983, an Ordinance making it i11ega1 to obtain control over any stolen thing of Vafue. Larry Eskrvith stated. that this ordinance makes ii ittegal to knowingly retain -stolen property. Paul Johnston made a motion to apprcve Ordinance #27 and Chuck Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and the ordinance was ordered published. by title on1y.' The next item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance #2g, series of 1983, an Ordinance amending Chapter 10.080 Impoundment of vehicles.Larry Eskwith stated that the words "by auction" have been stricken from this Ordinance, which al-lo',vs the Town to enter into a contract with an organiza-tion rvho rvill salvage the cars and the Town wi-l1 not first have to offer the cars at an auction. Paul Johnson made a motion to approve ordinance #28 and Ron Todd seconded the motion. The motlon passed unanimously and the ordinance was ordered published by title on1y. The next item on the agenda was the of 1983, an Ordinance repealing sect seg,ond reading of Ordinance #29. Series .6ns 17 Ordinance #29 and Chuck Anderson seconded unanimously and the Ordinance was ordered There was no citizen participation. 4 and L7.26.060 (C) 5,ly metering utilities, est r-ons s].nce Iast -\ a motion to approve The lJotion passed frrl'l .26.060 (C) independent Anderson made the motion.published in The next item on the agenda rvas the Sayre stated to the Town Counci_l IEAT-E-Ai seeking a variance f rom^a_f i-ve square foot sign to a L2.5 square foot ligl. The Department of Communi{y Develop."nt recommend.s approval. Bob Dorf presented a model of the sign. The lign will be of redwood and glass wiin back lighting. Ron Todd made a motion to allow the sign variance with the stipulation that per the recommendations of the Design Revlerv Baord a rheostat be pl"aced in the lighting circuit and illumination of the sign should be kept at a minimal l-evel. Paul Johnston seconded the morion.A vote was taken and the moti-on passed unanimously. J 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 MEMORANDUM T0: Town Counci I FROM: Department of Community Deve'lopment DATE: August 11,.l983 RE: 0rdinance 26, Treetops Rezoning Attached are Condomi ni ums The proposal two times to the proposal . rnainly due to three memorandums explaining the requested Treetops rezoning to the Commercial Core II Zone District' was heard three times at PEC and was tabled the first investigate solutions to several potential problems with The DCD staff recommended denial__qjl_lheJelqdng the fact thE onsnea conqes ted ent rattlc ional activ e ro E rE-zoning at ihE ey re i-t Treetops had adequately addressed all previous \meeti ng. concerns and that Circle (of which Town in terms of PEC fe'lt that the negati ve impacts . t the existjng problem of traffic congestion in Lionshead 42%are pri vate automobiles) should be addressed by the better s'i gnage or ljmited access to the area. The pos'i tive aspects of the proposal far outweighed any 3-t ORDINANCE NO. 26 Series of -l983 AN 0RDINANCE REZ0NING LOT 6, VAIL t LIONSHEAD FIRST FILING FROM HIGH }ENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY TO COMMERCIAL CORE II ANO SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN IELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.1'l 0 of the Vail Municipal Code, a rezoning has been requested by the Treetops Condominium Assocjation to rezone Lot 6, Vail Ljonshead Fjrst Fiiing from the High Density Multip'le Family Zone District to the Coprmercial Core II Zone District; and WHEREAS, in accordance w'ith Section 18.26.020 of the Vail municipal code, the applicant for the rezoning has prepared and subrnitted a general development plan for the proposed rezon'ing; and t,lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Corrnission has reviewed the requested rezoning and development p1 an and has recommended approval of said rezoning and development plan with certain conditions; NOi^I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOt,lN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, THAT: Section l. The Councjl specifical'ly finds that the procedures for the amendment of the 0fficial Zoning Map and rezoning of properties within the Town of Vail as prescribed in Section 18.66.1.l0 of the Vajl Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Councii hereby receives the report of the Planning and Environmental Commissjon a recommendation for the approval of the rezonjng of the subject property subject to the foiiowing cond'i t i on: A. That the fo1 lowing uses listed as permitted uses with the Commerc'ial Core II zone district not be permitted upon the subject property: l. Bakeries and confectioneries 2. Delicatessens and specialty food stores 3. Drugstores and pharmacies 4. Florists 5. Newsstands and tobacco stores 6. Ticket and travei agencies 7. Eating and drinkjng establjshments, ,- -> -2- Section 2. Pursuant to section'18.26.020 of the va'i t Municipal code, the development p'l an attached to thjs ordinance as Exhibit A is hereby adopted. Section 3. Pursuant to Section'18.66.160 of the Vail Municipal Code, Lot 6, Vajl Ljonhsead First Filing is rezoned from High Density Mutiple Family (HDMF) to commercial Core II (CCII) with the cond'itions specifjed in Sectjon I above. Section 4. As provided jn Section 'l8.08.030 of the Vail Munjcipal Code, the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to promptly modify and amend the 0ffjcial .Zoning Map to indicate the rezoning specified in Section 2 above and the conditions herein imposed. Section 5. The Town Council hereby fjnds, determines and declares that this ordinance js necessary and proper for the health, safety and rrrelfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Sect.ion 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactrrent of any provision of the Vai'l Mun'icipal Code as provided jn this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any du'uy imposed, any violatjon t.hat occurred prior to the effecijve date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as conmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacied. The repeal of J 'i any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly staied herein. INTRODUCTD, RIAD AND PASSTD ON FIRST READING THIS day of 1983, and a pubJic hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the of ,.I983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vai'l Municipal Building, Vai1, Colorado. OrCered pub'l ished in f u'l I this day of ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk day Rodney E. Sl i fer, l'1ayor , .l983. -3- INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this day of ,lgg3. Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor VAIL TOII'N COUNCIL EVENING SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1983 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 7:30 P.M. ( REVISED ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (1) ORDINANCE #26, SERIES OF 1983, FIRST READING_OF AN ORDINANCE CHANGING VAIL LIONSHBAD FIRST FILING (TREETOPS) FROM HIGU DENSITY MULTIPI,E FAMILY TO COMMERCIAL CORE II AND SETTING I'ORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. (2> ORDINANCE #27 , SERIES OF 1983, SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN CONTROL OVER ANY STOLEN THING OF VALUE. (3) ORDINANCE #28, SERIES OF 1983, SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE A14ENDING C}IAPTER 10.O8O IMPOU}JDMENT OF VEHICLES. (4) METERING UTILITIES. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (5) Sign variance request for KVMT. (6) V.A. Request for funding for 1983-84 cloud seeding- (7) Continued discussion of proposed Buffer Creek Park land trade. (8) Request for funding for regional air quality study. (9) Town Manager Report. (10) Town AttorneY rePort. ORDINANCE #29, SERIES OF 1983, SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 17.26.060 (C) 4 and ]-7.26'060 (C) 5, RELATING TO CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION PROJECTS INDEPENDENTLY Rl char Caplan, Tq Manager t.'' -, 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 MEMORANDUM T0: Town Counci I FR0M: Departnent of Community Development DATE: August 1l, .|983 RE: Ordinance 26, Treetops Rezoning Attached are three memorandums exp'laining the requested Treetops Condominiums rezoning to the Commercial Core II Zone District. The proposal was heard three times at PEC and was tabled the first two times to investigate solutions to several potential problems with the proposal . The DCD staff recormended denial of the re-zoning rnainly due to the fact that East Lionshead Circle is a very congested area as it exists today and that until we solve the current traffic and circu'l ation problems, no additional activ'ity should be created. The PEC voted unanimously in favor of the re-zonjng at the'l ast meet'ing. They felt that Treetops had adequately addressed all previous concerns and that the existing problem of traffic congestion in Lionshead Circle (of which 42%are private automobiles) should be addressed by the Town in terms of better signage or limited access to the area. The PEC felt that the positive aspects of the proposal far outweighed any negative 'impacts. TO: FROM r DATE: SUBJECT: O MEMORAN DUM Plann'ing and Environmental Commission Department of Commurrity Development July 20, 1983 Request to rezone Treetops Condomin'iurns from High Dens'i ty Mu] tiple- raniitv Zone District to commetcial core II Zone District in order to adi retail space. Applicant: Treetops Condominium Association As you,ll recall, the Treetops Condom'inium Association has appeared before the"PEC two previous times wjth this application. Both times the proposal --has been tabied to address various concerns of both the Town staff and the Planning Cornmission. The proposal was tabled at the April_25 meeting_ in order. to enable the applicant to ituby poss'ible traffjc and circulation problems which could be potentialiy generateO-by the proposai and also to jnvest.igate alternative solutjons to a poteniiSl snow stoiage problem and the location of the loading zone. The proposal vras tabled ga'in on June 13 to aga'in investigate severa'l potential problems r+'ith the proposal . These concerns lvere: . |. Facil itation of snow removal ; 2, Facilitation of Fire Department access; 3, Location of the loading berth; and 4. Further consideratjon of potential traffic and circuiatjon problems. Since the June l3th meet'ing the applicant has met with various members of the Town of Vail staff and has-responded to the various concerns in the foliowing manner (see attached revised site plan): .llgq-l, The applicant has reduced the area of the proposed plaza and-the existing ilenn wiil remaih jn essentjaily its present fornr and thus the proposal should not adversely affect snotv storage, Item 2. The Fjre Department's concerns regarding access have been addressed by I[e applicant jn terms of increas'ing the turning radius into the project and also by raising the pedestrian bridge fronr the Treetops parking structure to the condo- miniums one I e'rel Item 3. The load'inq bey'th has been re-located out of the front setback to the 6sT-s,iae of ihe pr6posed retail space. Treetops -fOlal -Item 4. In terms of continuing to look at potential traffic and circulation lFo61-ems jn East Lionshead Circli and the impacts of the froposal, the applicants have proposed the following so1utions: 'l . The prov-ision 9I.4 "short term"-parking spaces for customers of the proposed retail shops within the second level of their parking structure; ?. Agreement to designate "desired tenant types" for the purpose of Iimiting veh'icular traffic impacts; and ^the. various. lodge shuttle buses shift thejr drop-off and further to the east, 3. Suggestion that pick-up points STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS After.reviewing the revisions the appticant has made to the original submitta'l (original memo attached), the Department of Community Development continues to recormnend that the propos,al not be approved.. Althou!h the aip'ticant hai aO"quat"ty addressed concerns regarding snow stbi"age, fire acceis, and the i"iiti"r;i-;h"loading berth, we do not believe that the central issue of traffic and cirLilation has been solved. As our previous recommendation stated, we do not believe that any additional predes-trian nodes of activity should be considered until a method is dLvised and imble-mented whereby traffic and access on Ljonshead Circle can be ioniroii"a. -The" applicant, through.providing four short-term parking spaces and agreeini to i.irit uses within the building has made an effort tb alleiiate some ot itre poienilai increase in traffic. However, we do not believe that these solutions'wilI be effective enough to-outweigh the.potential increased intensity oi iCiiuitv *itttn East Lionshead Circle. As-stated before, the area is cumentiy tire-icerie"oi i great arnount of congestion and confusion during the winter monihs. The staff believes that there-needs to be a permanent soiution to these cument problems prior to the decision to create any new activity center in the immediaie area,The staff does beljeve that once the cument tritrjc and c.irculaiion pioui"ms-can be corrected in East Lionshead Circle,_the. Treetops pioposat woutb Ue J fositive one in terms of an aesthetic and functionil enhancemeht to ttre exiii.ing-iru"fops parking structure, and the creation of an aesthetjcally pleasing ent"y"to iionsf,eaa from the East in the form of a commerc'iai retiit eipani;bn of tfre t-io"nstread t"tilt. MEMORANDUI'l . T0: Planning and Environmental Conimission FROM: Departrnent of Community Development DATE: June 7, 1 983 SUBJECT: Request to.rezone l.ot 9, Vaii Lionshead lst Filing (Treetops Condominiums)from the High Density Multipie Family zone distrjit to the'Commercial Core II zone district and to al.l ow a-loading space within the required front setback. Applicant: Treetops condotinium Association As you.''l I.recal 1, at the.April 'l 8, l9B3 PEC meetfng the Treetops rezoning proposal was tabled as recommended by the staff jn order to"'investigate t"affic and cjrcu-lation impacts of the proposal upon the already congested East Ljonshead Ciicle area. Enclosed is a. copy.of the study conductLd by-TDA Transportation Consultants and also a copy of the original staffmemo regardi"ng the propbsat The.,staff also requested that a method of solv'ing the snow storage problem which 1?1,9 !",..reated by the proposat shoutd be investigated. The pEC sirggested that the toading space be removed from the front setback area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After review of the Traffjc Impact Assessment the DCD staff recommends denial of the requested rezoning. The study pojnts out that "the current traffic circula-tion probiem in East Lioishead Circl6 is the result or ioo many dispersed pedestrian nodes within one compact transportation hub', and ttrai',wtrat is"not iieed;d;i;;;East Lionshead Circ'l.e is any fbrm of development ih;i *iil encourage additionji nodes of "kiss-n-ride,'activity, i.e., vans or cars coming into the area for the distinct.purpose of dropping o-fi or picking up other purfEng..r.,' The-ieport-goes on to state that "the Treetops commeriiai development iust ensure that the frontage-curb_space will not be used by their tenantsi itopourc or visitors, as this would oniy compound the serious winter probiem tnai rrli been described.,, The study states that the impacts of the proposal could be alleviated by several methods which include: I. Restrict parking a'lnng the proposed new curb to ,'No Standing or stopping Any Time, " year-round I 2' f9r13lize agreement that visitor or shopper short-term parking demand created by this commercial development will be satisfied in the'nearb! public pu"t ing structure. 3. Condition the Commercial Core II rezoning to preclude certain uses that could cause curbside parking enforcement"probierls,- ihus" uses include sma'l I app'l iance repair sl.,oP:, travel and ticket agencies, photocopy centers, cleaners,post office, and similar uses that requ.ire iarry.ing'large rid;ects or'catei to brief transactions. 4.Through berming and sidewalk construction, connect'ion between the proposed commercial parkfng structure portal to preclude more critical bus,/truck area. rr offer an attractive pedestrian deve'l opnent and the Lionshead pedestrian travel through the The staff believes that the suggested measures do not adequately solve the congestion problem at East Lionshead Circle. Input received from the Police, Public l,,lorks, and Transportation departments indjcates that the mere signing of the curb aiea and agreements not to park in that area will not work, l.le also do not feel that it would be feasible in thjs location to totally eiiminate the problem of curbside parking by limit'ing the uses to be located within the build'ing. Obviously some uses generate more traffic than others, however, we do not feel that this measure would do enough to create a no-impact situation. We feel that if the commercial space is successfui it will generate certain amounts of "kiss -n-ride" and drop-off traffic in addition to the traffic that exists now. The study aiso suggests the integration of the proposal to provide a consoli- dated eastbound westbound bus platform. This suggestion will not be successful for several reasons. The Transportation department believes that buses would 'not be able to make the turn during times of congestion, confusion would be created in the waiting area, the number of buses traveling in east and west directions is not consistent, and the room needed to que the buses would be eljmina.ted, Also suggested in the study is the fact that "further improvement in traffic operation and pedestrian safety will be realized if courtesy van and private auto drop-off points are relocated outside the East Lionsheld plaza area.,' The traffjc counts shown on page 3 of the report indicate that the highest vo'l ume during the two tuo-hour periods was private autos (+zz or the total v6hicle volume,) From direct observation and analysis of the time 'lapse photography,the staff knows that a portion of the private auto traffjc is'comirrisei ot -stiier drop-off and pick-up vehicles, a function which js not allowed in the area.However, no strong access controls currently exist to keep these vehicles out of the area. It is the staff's fegling that unti'l a solution which addresses this problem is arrived at, no additional problems should be created jn East Lionshead Circle. He be] ieve that this is the oniy recommendation suggested'in th'i s study that wil'l substantially solve the traffic and cjrculation problems in the alea. In sunrnary, we do not beljeve that any additional "pedestrian nodes', should be considered in this area unt'i I a method is devised whereby vehicular traffic and access can be controlled on Lionshead Circle. Also, thl problems of snow storage and the placement of the proposed ioading dock.in the front setback have not been addressed. PErER ?n . ArA . ARcHrrE.rrr=tt**,*o 4269 NUGGET LANE . VA|L. COLORADO 81658 . (303) 476-s122 MEbI]RAI{DTM IO: Plarrdng arrd Ernrironrental Ccmmission FRCM: Peter Iocms - ArclLitect/Planner DdlE: July 14, 1983 SURIECT: Plan Revisions "TreeTops Plaza" A Rezordlg Proposal at Vail, LionsHead Ttris nenprandr-rn is in respon^se to specific ccnngrts and concerns raised by Ccrmrlssion usrbers and public officials. the plarrring considerations arising frcm the above are as follotnrs: Prowision of sore on-site parfcing for the use of ttre proposed retail facility. Restriction on the type of retail use permltted in order to limit tlre inpact of traffic. Facilitation of srrcw rsprral. Facilitation of Fire Dee€rtrrEnt access. I-ocation of loadilg berth. Stnrttle bus traffie patterrl. the revised plan proposal addresses these concerns arrd considerations as folloros: Fotr on-site parking spaces in the r4per 1evel r,ril1 be desigrrated as stprt- term for the e<ch:sive use of the retail facility. Ilre cnaner/developer agrees to designace desired tentrtt types for the ptryose of litrlitfug vetricular traffic firpact. At the request of the Departrrert of Pr:blic l,brks the e<isEing grassed bem will rsain in essentially its present form to pernrit srn\^r storage. Srroqr rmrral frcn the site, itself, is the responsibility of the ProPerty otdller. The access drive, to the cerrter of the site, will be urrdified to pmwide -mareurzering space for Fire Departrrerrt vetricles - - ttre pedestrian bridge frmt tle Ancillaqf-building to TYeeTops II will be raised to perrnit head-in €rccess by Fire UeParrnralt vetricles. The loadilg berth, originall-y sto\'tn encroaching on the front set-back space. has been relocated ro alorgside the east property line. The rewised plan errvisions no change irt the rraffic pattern for Tcn^rn of Vail. stnrrtle br:ses. TO: FROM: DATE: oo 14tl.'t0lii,iiDUl"l oo Planning and Envirorrt,tental Contrnjssion Department of Conmunity Developrnent April 13, .l983 SUBJECT: Aoolicatjon to rezone Lot 6, Vail Lionshead First Filing from High Dbhsity liultiple-Fam'i1y zone district to Commercial Core II zone djstrjct . and to receive an ey.emption from the loading requirei:ents in order to a'l 'l ow a loading space njth the required front seiback. Appl icant: Treetops Condominium Association DISCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL The request'i s to rezone the lot upon r.rhjch the Treetops Condo,rjniums are locaied. The badic reason that Treetops has initiated th'i s proposal js to allevjai.e various functional and ma'intenance problems associated with the existing park'i ng structure on the site. Their desire js to rezone the property in order to permit the addition of comrnercial space on top of the existing s'rructure, thereby ef iminating the drainage and ice bui'l d-up problems vhich are currently experienced during the vrinter months. The Treetops Association also sees as a result of the rezoning proposal an opportunit' to provide a structure housing approximately 8000 square feet of retail cormrercial space and a landscaped pedestrian vialk\^iay plaza area which would "pronrote greatly enhanced pedestrian and traffic circulation in the East l'1all area, enhance the corrnunjty quality and economic value of its environs by the creation of a vigorous and active retail establishment and its attractive envjrons, enhance the effect'ivenes, of the Lionshead Inrprovenrent District (when implemented) by r.-rcans of the defined corridor connector to East Lionshead Circle, and greatly errhance the appearance of the site by the creation of the landscaped pedestrian accessrr'ay and *"he effective screening of ex'i sting unsightly structures." The Association sees the rezoning to allow the addition of the coflrnercial space as a vehicle to accomplish'"hese goal s. In addjtjon to the retail commercial space, the addition urould include.a smalI manager's office for Treetops, a laundry area for Treetops ct{ners and guests, storage area, trash disposal , and mechanical equipment for 'uhe bui'l dings. CURRENT ZONING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS The lot upon which the Treetops condominiums exist is zoned High Density Mu1 tipie- Family zone district and contains 39,050 square feet. The lot to the west is occupied by Lionshead Center which consists of Condorninium un'i ts and ground 1evel cormercial retail space. Lionshead Center is zoned Commerc ial Core Il. The lot adjacent on the east of Treetops is occupied by the Lociqe at Ljonshead anC consists of condominiums. The Lodge at Ljonshead js zoned High Densit-y l'lu1 tiple-i:amily. The foliowing table .compares Treetcps develoonent statistics according to existing conditions, lhe HDMF zone djstrjct (current zoning), oo rreetops -z- OlOl I8!.L T-qPl-c ryqq'iitrl l-U!-!E!+-0-Pr'!Lr'i T-sJAlllIl!-9 C Existing Al I ovred Under HDMF A'l I owcd Under CCII Oensity (units) GRFA cor.tlERcIAL SQ FT HE l GHT COV iP.AG E LAII DSCAPII{G PARK iNG LOAD]NG SETBACKS 26 condo units 36,369 sq ft 'a( 23,430 2,343 (as accessorY to a Lodge) 48', ?1,477 (55%) I I,715 (307i) 52 required I 20' (a'I1 sides) 22 31,240 sq ft unl imi ted 38' ?7 335 (707") 7 ,810 (20i1) 52 required 'l 10' (all sides) 53' 't5,952 (40.8?!) 23,098 50 0 8' (north) 7'(east)'15' (west) t0'(south) (The Cornrnercial Core 1I zone djstrjct states thatanyenlargment of the CCII zone district boundaries must be accornpanied by the adopt'ion-of a development plan for inu-p"opos.d distr.ici. The propoied.site-p1an for the Treetops conmercjai expansion anA itaia are the development p,1 an. (see attached) In terms of the developrnent statjstjcs shown in the above tabie, it should be noted ihui tuu"rul aspects oi the current development upon the Treetops site are noncon- io*ing in relatjon to the HDMF zoning, Since the proposed cornmercial structure ii p.opoi"a io be placed on top of the-existing parking structure, no site deve'l opntent sialittics are changed other than the 38' height of the new structure and the addi- tional 8,000 square feet of conwnercial space. Both meet.the requlalion:^lld.require- ments of'the proposed CCII zoning. Th.e i0' setback requirement of the CCii district wou'ld be met with the construction of the new bui1din9. PARKING AND LOADING The addjtion of 8,000 square feet of commercial spacq would rgquire 27 addj!,ional s office would require one additional space. ffi"etopswi1ihavetocontributetotheTownparkin9.fundafee^which corrbsoonds to this requirement. The 50 spaces which exist now will remain to accommodate the parking for the existing condominiums. \-- Oo Treel)r.-3- The addition of the corilrercial space.wil1 require the addition The zoning code statli iltui ttre iocation of loading spaces may any required front t"lU..[t unless an exernption is granted by for ihe fol1 ow'ing rea sons : 1. That the exemption is jn the interests of the area to be exempted and in the interests of the Town at iarge; 2. That the exernption will not confer any special nriy]]ese or benefit upon properties o. irprou"*.nii in.the arei to be exempted, which prjvj'l ege 0r benefit is not';6;;;;;il-in similarly situated properties e'lsevrhere in the Town; 3. That the exemption wjll not be detrimenta'l to adjacent properties or jmp'ove- ments jn the vjcinity of the area to be exempted; 4. That su jtab'le and acequate means wjl'l exist for provision of publ ic, co;rr'unity' group or .orroi'puriiig-ri.iljtiesi for provisjon of adequate loading facilft'ies and for u.yrr"t-io.'littiiUrtjon ind pickup of goods; and for financing' . operating and riiniiining'sucn facit itjbs i ind that such park'ing, loading and distribution iicitiies srratl be fully adequate to nreet the exist1ng and project"O i".ai-g"n..it"a by a'11 usei in the area to be exempte.d. The Treetops condomin'iurn Assocjation is requesting. an exempt'ion from this requirement' They wish to tocate ;il;'r;;;;;;o ioioing space wiih'in the required l0 foot setback for the fo1 lowing reasons: the site, it is not possible to 'locate the a corner encroachment into the front setback' It is felt that the value of the loading space far outweighs this encroachment' 4 /13/83 of one loading sPace. not be 'l oca ted t'ri th i n the Town Council "Because of the configurat'ion of required loading sPace without Fu rther :l. The exemPtion 2. The exemPtion 3. The exemPtion 4. The proPosed di stribution I js in the interest of the area and the town at large; wi'l 'l not confer any special privil ege or benef its; witt not be detrjmlnt'at to adjacent properties or impro'ements; loading facility wiii provide for an adequate system tor and pjck up of goods"' STAFF RICOMMTNDATION The Treetops proposal contains many positive aspects^both in terms of alleviating their own ir.o'Ut"*r and several coni,unity concerns.. -Obviously the project is.a benefit to Treetops in terms of the funltional problems of the park-ing structure' ln terms of community Uenetits the following aspects of the proposal are positive: 'l . The entrance into Lionshead from the V'illage to.the east is curent'ly con- fusing, undefined, and at t'imes an unsafe 6xpe|ience. Confrontation rvith cars' vehicles toaAing-ind untoading,and rvith busel leaving the East-Lionshead entry is alrnost inevitable. .l-he provision of an attractively-landscaped' we1l def ineO *uf f.truy ;i;"; the ed!e of the proposed corrrrrercial structure could so]ve sone of th'i s conf'lict be*.vr:en t'he oedeslrian and vehic.lts ani piovide a clear pith*ay vlfrereby the pe'destrian can errcer Lionshead; ^4, --' -- U v \., Oj rreerf a4- 4/13/83 The area as it exists to'day is not as oesthetjcally p1 r:;rs ing as it rniglr!be. The additjonal structure upon the site vrould el irnjnate-the opcn ir,,rnclosct: parking which exists on the top leve'l by providing attractjve ietbj'l spoce and providing a landscaped p'l aza/walkway along the street edge; The commerc'ia1 expansion could help to reduce the scale of Lionshead to a more pedestrian.scale and create both an interesting entry for those r-rJming into Lionshead and to pedestrians starting on the'ir way to ihe Vi't tuge; and (-' \- 4, The project wou'ld create an jncreased area for both the bus'l ane and fdr loadjng vehicles in East Lionshead Circle. The proposal aJso carries some negative aspects: 'l . The East Lionshead entry is the most congested point from an operat'ions standpoint wjthin the Town of Vail, The area consists of heavy pedestrian traffic, bus traffic, truck loading and unloading,'l odge shuttle bus drcp-off and pick-up, and automobile traffic.. All of these activities interface in a rather confined area. The proposal would create an addjtjonal crosswalk within this area,. require additional servjce vehicles and loading vehicles to pass through the area, w'i11 encourage rnore automobile and pedestrian traffic within the area, and genera'l ly result in an increase in the intensity of use of the area. The impacts from the proposal upon the currently congested area are not fully known. 2. The area wi thin the proposai designed as the walkway/p1aza area is current'ly utilized by the Town forr a snow storage area. The area is Town of Vail property and a so1ution to dea'l with snow remova'l does not seem to be apparent in conjunction wjth the proposai. lrlith the above factors in mind, the Department of Community Development recorrnends that the proposal be tabled for a period of sixty days. During this time period,it is requested that the appi icant conduct a study, which addresses the traffic and circulation problems stated above. Without know'inq the inrolications of the proposal with regard to the probiems currently experieiced wirh the East Lionshead entry' we cannot adequately evaluate the proposal . The study should be conducted by.a transportation specialist mutually selected by the applicant and the Toyrn and should specificaliy address the following area! of concern: A. The probable or projected increase of, both pedestrjan and vehiclular traffic from the addition and the relationship of the expected increase upon the present circu] ation pattern from the point where Lionshead Cjrc]e intersects with the frontage road to the access points of the Treetops parking structure, including the East Lionshead Entry bus turnaround and loading area; B. The projected or probable effects upon the existing circu'l ation pattern by the proposed crosswalk'l ocatjon at the east end-of the Lionshead Auxjll iary Building; and ( (. Or Treetops Osl4il3/tt3 c. Ananaiysis of alternative sol.utions to m'itigate any adverse impacts upon ' ti,u Cu.r"nt-veniiuiur and pedestrjan circulation caused by the Treetops ?roposal . In be conjunction with this studY investigated. a method of solving the snow storage problem should In'summarY, the TreetoPs ProPosal poses soml'po'uential problems in stuCv. it is difficult to rnake an Env ii^onrnental Corrrniss ion. possesses some very positive aspects, but also air already congested area. ll'ijthout furiher intelligLnt recomrnendation to the Planning and I slr.." *rdffi; o /44xll-t ritry t< itL:]rlirt(. a eAsr /I\r+L- 'EhFrP-Y .v 'tf--.:*.. fl li :$r ili It,lJ ',]t .,ll i t!'+:+ : it l: '-ll ,lt: li 1'- /. ./ 1:!," .,:x \l i ; : l.i -'--- ''i ,' ?&.t r:i i:' !t iii i'li. :ii ; ;' i I I i r \___ ---t ( I \ I I I I t I I I I T-t l I --1 I i ; I I I a t t-+i i '': : '/,,\r*''' r*t'!'|' - vl t ' ,r.il,? - lF.q, ;.'. l'r't ),r1r 1'{- .i, tt '/ ;- 1 l I I I : i $? , Y-- i,-*-.--J. d,-- I t T l |.".D ,ac.t-. i!i ;l:t.j .,' ll,i'i tllr / ,'ll / / /r, / ,'//':- 'i ; /,'l )w'l I | _-_-__Q -- ;\ - ----/ t -l t- I i .., -- a: -l I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I tr*l ,. I .-r"1 .l. ftTB lBt -{a F- --rr , ( \ I I -r'i ii) /-" oroil*n AND ENVIR'NM'NTAL rorrrrrrol July 25, l9B3 'l l:30 am Site Inspections 1:00 pm Publ ic Hearing l. Request to rezone Treetops Condominiums from High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) zone district to Commercial Core II district in order to add retail space and requesting an examption to Section '18.52.090 to allow a loading space within the required front setback. Applicant: Treetops Condomjnium Association 2. Request for an amendment to Sectjons .|8.04.030,18,22.090, and 18.24.1 30 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowed in the Commercial Core I and the Public Accommodation zone d'istricts. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 3. Request for a side setback variance to construct a garage for a residence on Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Third Addition, in a Low Density Multiple Family zone district. Applicants: Karl Forstner and Theo Moosburger 4. Request to rezone a parcel commonly known as the Getty 0i1 site, a .|.02 acre of unp'latted parcel of land located immediately west of Pitkin Creek on Bighorn'Road, from Low Density Multi-famr'ly (LDMF) with 2 employee housing unjts to Heavy Service (HS) in order to build a service station and car wash on the property. Appf icant: Brooks Investments 5. Requests for exterior alteratjons. to the following buiidings: A, Gore for : Creek P'laza Building: Enclosure of north side outdoor decks l. Sweet Basil 2. Blu's Beanery B. Lifthouse Lodge Building: To alter Purcejl's south deck (enclose some area) and to create a new retail shop. C. Village Center Retail Shops: to add a new retail addition on the east end and to revise the entrance to the Toymaker's Trail shop. D. Lodge at Vail: to expand and remodel two restaurants. 6. Request for an amendment to Section .|7,26.060 Condoninium Conversions to delete language which would require a converted condominjum to have separate utility meters for each unit, and to delete language that would require the converted condomium to pay fees equal to the fees charged if the buildjng were new, minus previous building permit fees. Applicant: Town of Vail slt+ I I t I I I I F= II Ir' il tl il fr 'T-l , t I I I I I t t t t I I I I TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT of the Proposed TREETOPS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado Prepared for TREETOPS CONDOMINIU M ASSOCATION Vail, Colorado May 19, 1983 Preparcd by TDA Colorado, lnc. Transportation Consultants ll55 Shcrrnan Street f)cnver, Colorado E0201 INTRODUCTION The Treetops condominium Association proposes to construct 8'000 sq. ft. of condominium office/retail space atoP an existing two-level parking deck just east of East Lionshead Plaza. The new construction will preserve the the existing 50 parking spaces which support the 26 Treetops condominium units. Additional parking demand created by the olfice/retail activity will effectively be accommodated in the nearby lloo-space Lionshead Parking structure. During the winter ski season the Ptaza is the scene of bustling activity as transit busses, courtesy vans, private cars, delivery and service truCks, and pedestrians vie for limited circulation sPace at the east entry to Lionshead Mall. This analysis is directed at assessing the potential traffic impact to this area resulting from the addition of 8,000 sq. ft. of retail/office space as proposed by the Treetops Condominium Association. While our field observations may recognize some of the current operational Problemsr it was not our task at this juncture to propose a definitive East Lionshead traffic improvement plan. Such a task would require more in-depth assessment of parking, access, and circulation needs. EXISTING CONDITIONS East Lionshead Circle provides sole. vehicular access to parking for the Treetops, Vail Lionshead condominiums, the . LodSe at Lionshead, vail International, and Lionshead Center. When the Lionshead public parking structure was constructed to reptace surface parking, the east end of the Loop was disconnected f rom the Frontage Road. East Lionshead "Circle'r is now an L-shaped cul-de-sac road with all entry and exit to the Frontage Road occurring rvest of the parking structure (see Figure l). Town busses are the only vehicles able to pass directly through to Vail Center via a bus- only gate at the east end of the Loop near the Dobson Ice Arena. - l-TD4 H o F -,lr I =ri o -J lrl >LLI F J H (J lr I ==o (J ata CL o FO UJ<IJJ lTJ r€. =F- C/'z,'cr ct Ir-I *r aa, J O frJ Cr t<rY'<o-> 5 cl- z.o F (J o -J ) I tt I = rr I I e= fd E r-l 0El -G o c € :c () UJ a (.} z. v.E. o- at,rL o F tll lrl oa F U-o trl F at, at,trl F (J o z. I t,7r Q.un" c"']j$ii o Due to the cul-de-sac, vehicles entering the Loop that don't have a parking destination must travel east where a turnaround has been provided near the southeast corner of the parking structure. Because of this, each transient (non-parking) vehicle produces two vehicle trips through the Plaza area (one eastbound, one westbound). Vehicular activity is further focused on the Plaza as truck loading is designated in a space in the interior of the Plaza area. This loading zone services the shops and establishments in Lionshead Mall. The zone is created through signing and channelization' courtesy vans have a passenger loading zone designated along the westbound curbline. All vans enter from the Frontage Road, proceed through the Plaza area, use the turnaround near the southeast corner of the parking structure and stop in the westbound travel lane iust'short of the Plaza area in a' "Permit only" area. For each activity - onloading skiers in the a.m., boarding skiers in the p.m. - courtesy vans Pass through the busy Plaza area twice. since its opening in 1981, the Lionshead parking structure has proven a popular destination tor day-skiers. walking distance fr'om parking to the Gondola at Lionshead is almost half the distance of a comparable walk between the parking structure in Vail Center to Chair Lifts /ll and /116. Understandably, the stairway at the southwest corner of the structure is the predominant portal for day skiers heading to the Gondola Terminal. The main pedestrian path crosses East Lionshead circle just north of the Plaza. To encourage shopping, visitors are allowed 2/z hours of free parking at the Lionshead and Vail Transportation Center public parkint structures. The shoppers use the same pedestrian crossing to and from Lionshead center. The townrs 3o-foot long transit coaches pass through this area all day. East Lionshead Plaza is a stoP atong the route from Golden Peak in Vail Center to the Concert Hall Plaza at the west end of Lionshead. Westbound busses stop atong the street iust west oI the brick crosswalk to the parklng Struqture. Eastbound busscs pass tlrrough a bus-only Eate that preserves an -2-iI-iDA exclusive bus-on high demand sit enter the east turning short th That is, the lead trailing bus wan trailing bus then boarding area contiSuous to the Mall entrance' During tions westbound busses rtshort turn" by turning left to und bus boarding area through the entry gate' Before westbound bus "pulses" with the previous westbound bus' bus waits for the trailing bus to arrive so Passengers on the ing to continue west can transfer to the lead bus' The xecutes its short turn without Passengers. Lionshead Plaza is a traffic and pedestrian circulation days each ski season, the Townrs Community Development time lapse photography of the area during one of l983rs presidentrs holiday weekend in February. we have rved traff ic movements in Table t. TABLE I PEAK PERIOD VEHICLE-TRIPS East Lionshead Transit Plaza February 19, 1983 8 to l0 A.M.3 to 5 P.M. Vestbnd Eastbnd Westbnd Eastbnd zQ\ zz(r)25 22 38 34 TOTAL Tralfic Volumes Recognizing E problem on man Department peak periods - summarized the VEHICLE Town B Vans Private TOT (Per Source: Based Development D l. Includes L ionsh ea While the total itself anywhere pedestrians cris which produces 9 t7 32 58 (21) 9 t6 30 63Q3) se(2e) r3492) .277 uO1) ( 100) 5' (20) 78 (28) 86 (31) on Time LaPse PhotograPh r tment. conducted by Vail CommunitY back eastbound at the East wcstbound triPs that turn Transit Plaza. volume, 277 vehicte-trips in a four hour period, is not in near the capacity of a two-lane road, it is the activity of -crossing the Plaza and loading and unloading into vehicles r iods of congcstion. -3-TiDA The highest vehi autos, 42 Percent destination Suests skiers dropping or the second highe of all vehicle tri THE TREETOPS ROPOSAL The 8'000 squar parking would be parklng will be loading dock will e volume during the two two-hour periods was private of the total vehicle volume. Some of these trips are of the aforementioned lodges. Others are obviously day- loading passengers. Vans, at 29 percent of the total, are user while town busses are the lowest user at 23 percent Trip Generati In a tyPical set be expected to a determined from exclusively). W draw 1,000 to 2' reported in a d reference.l The low number rePresents an all office use while the hi number is indicative of a small shopping center' Retail Alternati Clearly the Tr tops development is not analogous to a standard free center. Like Lionshead Center itself , the primary market standing shoppin draw will be ski rs and other visitors who are either guests of one of the visitor. In either case the potential shopper wilt likely be lodging,s or a daY linked to other tivities rather than a distinct trip (Irorn horne to Treetops le an 81000 square loot retail complex could expect to foot space is proposed for office/retail use' Tenant ccommodated in the nearby Lionshead structure' No new at the Treetops parking deck. An off-street truck provided as Part of the on-site construction. a free-standing commercial complex of this type could act 100 to 900 vehicle trips per day. These values are compilation of actual counts at numerous locations and are 0 persons per day, we would exPect thc rnaiority of these visits would be li to other prirnary trips (skier, casual shopping, personal business, other r creation). Hence, we do not anticiPate signific ration", Institute of Transportation Engincers, 1979'I'Trip -4-TD4 eneration as a dircct rcsult of retail develoPmcnt at the Treetops. The e11p-l9l99-Yg|r19l9:mrnodated in -the r ionqhead narking structure. particularlv durin8 winter Peak activity months.\-- Off ice Alternative An g,000 square foot office space could Senerate about 100 vehicle-trips per day and would expect to employ 35 to 40 people' In the 4 to J p'm' peak hour, about 18 percent of the daily trips typicalty occur' For an office complex, most of the vehicle trips are ernployee related and the parking requirementisprincipallyofalong-termratherthanturnovernature.ln the Treetops setting we will assume during the winter season that tNs long- term need will be provided in the Lionshead parking structure and not at the Treetops site. short-term parkers (business visit primarily) rvould typically ' occur on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. These visitors may have diflicultyfindingparkinginthestructureonafewbusyweekdays.on weekends when short-term parking after l0:00 a.m. may be in short supply, business trips will likely be minimal. CONCLUSION - The current traffic cir."latien ^r hle'n in East Lionshead Circle is the resultoftoomanydispersedpedestriannodeswithinonecomPacttrans- tch in sheer volume but it is these vans, busses, and cars that produce the nodes of pedestrian activity. What is not needed along East Lionsl.read Circle is any form of development that rvill encouraSe additional nodes of "kiss-n-ridet' activity, i.e., vans or cars coming into tlre area for the distinct purpose of dropping off or picking uP other PasscnSers. The Treetops cotnmercial spacc rvill not be used bY only cornpound the ser ious developrnent rltust ensure that their frontage curb their tenants, shoppcrs or visitors as this would \\'intcr problcrn that has been described. lrir)4 -5- Conversely, the ,.new,, pedestrian plaza that will be created as part of the commercial development may be an oPPortunity for helping solve some of thecurrentproblems.uthisnewpedestrianplazacanbedesignatedfor exclusiveusebytownbusses,theeastboundbussescouldmoveupintothis new area and westbound busses coutd enter thruough the same gate and stop whereeastboundbussesscurrentlystop.Thiswouldconsolidatetransit riders along one platform and eliminate the pedestrian node for westbound busses that now exists at the major crosswalk to and from the parking structure. Concurrently, if measures were taken to preclude courtesy vans and private autos from using any Portion of the westbound lane within the Plaza for Passenger PurPosesr we believe much of the current pedestrian/vehicular congestion would be remedied' RECOMMENDATION We believe ment could potential tratfic impact of the Treetops commercial develop- be alleviated if the following measures are taken (see FiSure 2): Restrict parking along the new curb face that will become available to be "No Standing or Stopping Any Time"t year round. Formalize agreement that visitor or shopper short-term parking demand created by this commercial development will be satisfied in the nearby public parking structure' condition the commercial core tl rezoning to preclude certain uses that could cause curbside parking enforcement problems' These uses include srnall applicance repair shops, travel and ticket agencies, photocoPy centersr cleaners' post office, and similar uses that require carrying large objects or cater to brief transactions. Through berming arid side*'alk construction, offer an attrac- tive pedestrian connection bctween the proposed commercial devclopment and tlre Liorrslrcad parking structtlre portal to t. 2, 3. 4. -6-TE4 (Q-i., -- /6i N,<J o- =at z t<ld crt F Lrl cr ..-1 ur zZ)\ = u, /.." \(C o k:---(L \.. -r r "l I '\)-/ lE o ^\=> ----. " -" ---'-'- --- - \.* \.N :l'q\ tils ts$ \'lv irs -/ :: _=/J $, >r o\ ,+1\ o preclude more pedestrian travel through the critical bus/truck area. \[/e suggest the townrs transit and public works staff explore with the Treetops developers the possible integration of the proposed Treetops pedestrian plaza to provide a consolidated eastbound/westbound bus platform.2 Further improvement in traffic operation and pedestrian safety will be realized if courtesy van and private auto drop-off points are relocated outside the East Lionshead Plaza area. Conversion of this seeking alternative area to transit and pedestrian use will mean snow storrse location(s). -7-TIM-) luwn u utr 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 deparlment of transportalion/public works MEMORANDUM T0: Dick Ryan FROM: Skip Gordon RE: Future Traffic Problens in Lionshead DATE: June 6, 1983 There are some foreseeabl-e traffic congestion problens if Treetops is rezoned for cornrnercial property. Itrith a definate increase in trucks, salesrnen and cars, I feel that it's necessary for sone kind of control; possibly another Check-Point Charlie at the top of Lionshead hi11. It only takes one illegally parked car to inpede all traffic and foirl up timed bus iuns. UndoubtabLy, there will be 1ocal empl-oyees unloading near the new shops during peak hours. Jh/ 'Yl ,4'/- 42 wect meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 Peter Jamar Community Development Town of Vail Re : Treetops Development llre deparlment May 31, 1983 Dear Peter, Having read the traffic impact study for the proposed Treetops development, the folJ-owing comments are made; 1. I doubt the impact will be as little as the study indicates. The existing traffic congestion is severe, and any addition could not help but to aggrevate the situation. 2. The underground parking should be persued, and the installa- tion of sprinklers required. The current access to the Tree- tops buildings is extremely limi-ted. Futher restrictions to Fire Department access should be offset by additional fire protection. I would presume the new construction would be required to be totaly sprinklered. 3. Access for fire trucks should be designed into the p1an. Sincerely, -,t l:t-, .t',:-.-.,<j'- - Michael- Mccee Vail Fire Department tnwn n l|il 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 departmenl of lransporlation/public works MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Jamar FROM: Dick Duran RE: Treetops Proposed DeveloPnent DATE: June 7, 1985 Having read the traffic inpact study for the proposed Treet6ps developnent, I have q fey.najor concerns. As we are a11 awar-e, congestion in this area during' the peak hours in the winier nonths has beel a problen fron iine to time to the Fire Departnent as far as access' There have been rnany tirnes that we must depend on this route for the Lionsi{ead area because of the congestion at the four-way stop. I feel adding more retail and office space tb thii area will not help but will a_ggravate the situation. At present' our only access into the LionsHead Mal1 frorn- the easterly side is through the Dresent bus turnaround. In reviewing Figure 2 of the irroposed transit plaza, I feel we would not have adequate icc'ess into the LionsHead Mal1. This is due to some sort of berm directly in front of the bus shelter. At pr-esent- our aerial attalk for the Treetops Condominiums is through the parking deck. If a building is constructed on this site, re wIIl no longer have adequate aerial attack for the -ast6rfy condoniniumf. With this- building constructed.o4 the pari<ing deck, our only access for fire protection to the treetois Condominiums would be down the steep grade- between LibnsHead Center and Treetops. I feel set-up tine for fighting any type of fire would be too-1ong, simply -becausE of ihe iong'hose lays that it would take to reach either of the Treelops builaings. We have no access frorn any other side to thLse buildings. In reference to code, unber the Uniform Fire Code 1982 edition, Section L0.207 C, "Access Roadway," where the access roadways cannot be provided to all exterior wa1ls of a building, an approved fire protection system or systens shall-6e provided as required by i.tt" Ctri"f . lt present, we do not have any adequate f ire supression systbn within either of the Treetops buildings. de[arttnent ul Hlins box 567 . vail. colorado 81658 . 303-476-5671 To: Dick Ryan Peter Jamar Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department From: Curt Ufkes Subject: Re-zoning of Tree ToPs Date: 0BJUN83 After reviewing the proposal submitted for the re-zoning of Tree TgPs' it is Chief Russ Motla and my'opin'i on that the construction of a cgmmercial area in this location is an excellant idea, but we have several concerns pertaining to the parking and traffic to this project. As everybody knows thdt this is one of the worst areas in the Torun of Vajl for vehiculir and pedestrian traffic. ,It is the pofice department.'s feeling that this part'iculir proiect should provide adequate off street parking for their emplbyees and specificatiy for deliveries, pick ups and drop offs. This loading zone stroirld be easy entrance and exit so that more than one or two vehiclei can use it at any one time. I would strongiy suggest that the proposed load'ing dock not be allowed, due to the fact that as soon as one vehicle parks ii there it can no longer get out. An example of this would be the Concert Hall Plaza Loading Dock. Ihis particular area is already over used and the_present bus-stoi and.truck and loadi;g zone is too small to accofmodate the traffic on a dai-lY bases in the winter-and in the summer. This problem is a year around problem, and js-not -jrii-isoiated to the winter seasbn as stated in the proposal present by Tree Tops. Theideal situation to handle traffic in this area would be to create a Check Point Charlie at the top of East Lionshead Circle at South Frontage Road. .Thi.s^would ultinntely control and regulate the vehicular traffic'i nto East L'lonshead ulrcle' which wouid eventually end up at the East Ljonshead Bus Stop- The Vai'l Police Department's experience in the past with vehicles parking.i! l!" availab'l e transporiatiori centeri does not work idequately. People feel that if they are only going to be five minutes that it would be okay to park oYI or,=l!9 str-eet and riln-'in 5nd run out. When thjs type of attjtude does occur they impede the normal flow of the Town of Vail Buses and other emergency Y9hi9]9t.that.must use these city roads. Examples of this is in front of the Vail Athletlc Lluo' which has an bpportunity to ilse the village transportation center, but does not. page 2 The second example would be the skier drop off on East Ljonshead Circle jn the area that we are talking about. The cars still want to drive down into thjs area to drop off their skiers even though the Town of Vail provies two and one half hours of free parking'i n the Va'i 1 Transportation Center. I feel that this clearly demonstrates that people are not go'ing to use the Lionshead Transportation Center in conjunction with the commercial area of Tree Tops to pick up and drop off thejr items. Si ncerely, Curt Ufkes Assistant Chief of Po]ice 75 south ,tonlage roact vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Dick Ryan Pete Burnett TREETOPS PROJECT June 9, 1983 If the Treetops Project is built' snowplowing, as there is no snow o deparlment of transportation/public works ME14ORANDUII 'it would cause ma.jor problems with storage or drainage in lhe area. TO: FIIOM: RE: DATE: o ING / l,/'-),J' t PLANN AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION July 25, 1983 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Dan Corcoran Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Wil I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Diana Donovan ABSENT FROM SiTE INSPECTIONS to order at 1:05 by the chairman, Dan Corcoran. seconded to approve the minutes of July l1 , lgg3. uest to rezone TFeeto s Condominiums from Hi 5itv MriIti le Famil i to CCII in or rtoa retail sDace.pp '| ca , Treetops Peter Jamar explained that Treetops Condo Assoc. had appeared beTore the PEC two previous times with this applicatjon, and both times tabled to address varjous concerns of both the staff and the PEC. The concerns were: l. snow removal ,2. -Fire Department access,3. location of the loading berth, and 4. potential traffic and cjrculation problems. He added that the applicant had met wjth the staf, and responded to the concerns (see Memo), with the exception of the traffic and circulation problems, for which they had made some suggestjons. Because the staff did not believe the traffic and c'irculation had been solved, they were reconmending denial . He added that it was felt that the 4 parking spaces to be designated short term parking in the TT parking structure would generate more traffic. Ted Strauss, president of Treetops Condo Assoc. stated that the Tour spaces had been requested by the Police Department, and that they would be giad to remove them. He added that they did not b/ant any food service or-liquor stoies in the Uiritaing. He stated that he had met with all the people who had shown concerns at the previous meetings and felt that the proposal was a positjve one. Trout was supportive, and suggested that the PEC restrjct the specific uses allowed in the building. Pierce agreed and stated that he felt the ternporary park'i ng spaces were more trouble than they were worth. Peter Jamar remjnded them that the Policd Dept. had suggested earlier that some short term parking be made availab] e with some kind of identification. Pierce wondered if this would truly be a traffic generator, since it represented a small percentage of Lionshead. PJ said that it repiesented one more node of activity in a location that vras already high in congestion. Pierce asked if the Town had a way of resolving the traffit.problem. Jimar stated thar he hoped the TOV could solve the problem, but that the Town had not studied the feas_ibility or budgeted this. Piper felt that it was too bad that there was this problem right on the heels of installing a new parking structure. He felt the proposal Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Larry tskwith Betsy Rosol ack Jim Morgan The meeting was called Piper moved and Pierce The vote was 5-0. I pEc 7/25/8a-2- ,nould enhance the area and that the applicant had adequate solutions to al'l requests with.the exception oi-6r"-ttiiiii p"o'uiur. Piper_adaea tnat it was a shame to penalize this particular properiy-U"."ut" ti're traffic problem. shoul.d have been recognized Uv'ir,!-iOVih;; -ilii;i;g lG parkins structurb' or the TOV should be workins on the pi,oUf "tn no*. piper.woniered if qlv study_had been done,on, the. retai.'l.9pgce within the 'pai[i;s iiiucturb wnen ii was 6uilt, and-Patten answered that he didn't know' for he wasR't involved witnJne o.oi".t. -rii.t. shared Piper's.opinion' although he concr:rred with the staff on tne"'ii.a.rti"Jiibutern. -Morgan rbcognizbd the traffic problem also' but was in favor ot ine proiect. He suggestei^ttrat perhaps the Town could have more dramatic signage at the top of Lionshead urrcle' tmo ed and Pierce seconded to re nd to the Town Councj'l approva'l of the to rezone Treetops frotLHDMF the rt term parkinq spaces constructed, and 2 at the TVDES DroDoseo 4 3norf, trerm pdrKrllg spdL of businesses al lowed in tne rela'l sDaces Ue those listed in the co t the exceotibn of bakeries and !q-[19-q!onerr es el icatessens and sPecjg ood stores a rmacl es ori st newssta s and tobacco stores' a travel agencies. The:gtg was 5i n tavor r abstai ni n stores, ticket a 2, Request for an amendment to the code to jncr ii App'licant: Lodge Properties' Inc' Corcoran read a letter from the applicant requesting to table until August 22' 3. Request for a side setback variance to con:trgqt a.garage for a reqigencg tn. App'l icants: Forstner and Moosburgei^--:- Peter Patten explained that the applicants believe the north sjde of the house .is ine best sitb for the garage, birt ttre staff felt that there were other places the garage could be built without requiring a variance. Theo Moosburger, one of the applicants, stated that they now felt that they could make some concessions and could move the garage and make it smallen whirch would result in a variance of only one foot. Patten responded that the staff would have to see the new site p'lin to respond to the new request. Moosburger wondered why he and Forstner weren't notified'when the condo beside them built into their seiback area, and since it happened before Patten or Jamar worked for the T0V' they didn't know. Moosburger added that they did not want the garage on the south side because of a deck ind because they felt that sooner or later they would be building on the other side of the propi:rty and would need this space for a right-of-way and for snow storage. After more discussion, Piper pointed.out that the board would have in that there wou'l d be no other locations that would be available a variance. Trout stated that he would support the applicant tabl a new proposal . Patten answered that the applicant 'itould have to. propos'al ,'and that the board could not vote.on that today, but cnl nded on the p-roposal denv the varia that had already been submitted. I d and as Dresented in the memo. The vote was n ravor w ai nst. oicoran rerninded the applicants that t to find a hardship in order to grant ing to resubmjt submit a new Viel e seconded to the Council ays in which to appea the decision Peter Jamar explained that this property had been changed from Heavy Service to UDNF intjggO ril"n th; Pia and thb Tbwn Council felt that residential use was a morc appropriate use foi th" site than any of the-uses listed in HS district' xi ieili""h to the triiii. ituav.ryqaq toitne applicant bv Leish,-scott and.Clgarv' jocl-tn *f,ich tney esiimatedanidditional l0% tb'the percentages listed with the iOOitien of the cir wastr. Peter Jamar felt that this was an underestimate' PEc -3- 35/83 rezone a arcel common'lY know4 the Getty 0i I s'ite ' q .02 acre arce atelv west of P n Creek on Biqhorn in order to a service station a!!,!-ql cant: Brooks Investments the appl icant stated that u n ata tition aqainst his oDlnron o the sta wished to withdlEw-h]5 roDosa | . Brooks that the board appreciated hjs response to the communitY feelings. 5. Reque,its for exteri : A, Gore Creek Plaza Bu : Corcoran read a letter from the applicant withdrawing a letter from the applicant asking to 4.uest to unpTat Corcoran'tol d B.ifthouse L e Buildinq:enclose some rea l an to create a new-retail shop.'- l. Sweet Basil Effis-FrajEet 2. Blu's Beanery Corcoran read - TaEIe unilTTusust 8.' Viele as did Morgan and Corcoran. Peter Jamar exp'l ained the--addition and. showed site p1 ans. He exp'l a'i.ned. tfiii tt'" p"oposal met the Urban Derign {onsideratjons for Lionshead and in"-aeit< ioliowed the Urban Design Guide Plan for decks and patios. tle questjoned the use of an awning wondering-if it would take.away part of ihe sun. Ken Wentworth, archilect for the proiect stated that the awning wai only ten feet high ind-the angle of the sun was relative1y.1ow. .He iOa.a t"Lui Purcell's"]ooked'!ike it waiin three parts, and this design wouia unlty the bujlding.- Trout felt.the project. was good, Pierce agreed' ina Fipe" isked aboui tfre. landscap'ing,,wonhering how much of it would be iott. ' Wentworth stateil.that the pianter would be 30",high in which one Oi tte evergreens would'be relocateb a'long with.other plants. Piper asked iUoui-th" p6ssibility r:f using steel -giates, and lllentworth answered that [["-i"J"i woutd take-up too--much room. Viele felt it was a good plan' Trout moved and V'iele seconded to a vote was favor. _. the ect as submitted. The C. Vil lase end and PEC , -4- 7/25/83 Center Retail Shops:to add a new retai dition on the east to revise the entrance to the To ker's Trail sho o lad Dick Ryan showed a site plan explaining that only part of the p_lan was the proposal. .He reviewed the impacts under the urban Design Guidij plan and Considerations and explained that the applicant would hive to pay'the applicable parking fee, and that one condjtion of approval was that the abpiicant iqree to participate in and not remonstrate agafnst a special improvbiu6ni distiict if one was formed for the Vil1age area. Jay Peterson.,-representing Lodge Propertiesi Inc., stated that only the alteration of the Salt Lick bar would be done now, with the rest done next seison. He added that the TOv wants pedestrians to come from Founder,s plazi, and it was the intention of the Lodge to tie their plaza to the Founder'f gliza. The board,_upon polling was genera'l ly in favor of the project..,Tr:out questioned the removal of outdoor dining space, since the board had denied.<iftrer projects which included this type of removal. Peterson said that they viouTd coinnii that they would replace any outdoor dining, that it was to t'he-the.iapplicant,s advantage to have outdoor dinjng in that area. Trout then asted.Whai'the next phase-of the Lodge was going to-be, and peterson showed on the sjte plan the addition to the International Room which would probably not be.BfeSehted until September. Trout asked how the outdoor d'ining ilould bb nanaledlif the International Room.expansion was not approved, and Peterson replied that the o.uidoor dining,.would simply move outward-from the building. Tiout suggested tfiii one condition of approval be that an equal amount of squire footage oi-outdooi.dining be r.epl aced. Peter Patten stated that the applicant, Fred Hibberd, asked to tab'le this until August 22. Pjerce moved and Piper seconded to table. The vote was 6-0 fn favor. D. Lod at Vail:nd and remodel two restaurants. Trout moved and Pi r seconded to a ve the Lo exDans ion r- the. staff recommendation an memo and add the ollowlnq con tion: Pri obtai ni n n rm approved an out oor ca e of equal size to the one Peter Patten suqgested chan this to state: Before o erti fi cate of occupancy is issu or the Ar restaurant. the out a rea ual to or qreater than exi st one. mus rev 1 se his motion as per Patten's recomme ati on. 6.est for an amendment Section 17.26.060 Condominium Convers to delete anquaqe which would requ a converted con nium to have utilit meters or each unit, an delete lan uaqe that would requi ayment ot tees ua I to e rees a e buildi were new. m rev 10us DUr IC lng permit fees.App l i cant:own of Vai ns te to ire to ch Peter Patten reminded the moved and Trout seconded that they had asked rove the amendrnent. this ame-qdgent.Viele board toa for The The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm. vote was 5-0 in favor. nl' t MEI'iOIIANDUi4 T0: Plann ing and Envi rorrmcnta I Contlni ss iort FtlOl4: Department of Cornrrlurr ily Developnrent DATE: July 20, .|983 SUBJECT: Request to rezone Treetops Condorliniums frorn ll'igh Density.i4ulti.ple- t'aniity Zone Djstrict to Conrnrercial Ccrre II Zone District in orCer to add retail space. Appl icant: Ireetops Condomjnium itssociation As you''ll recall, the Treetops Condorninium ltssocjation has .rppeared before the- PEC trr'o previous tintes ri'i th th js appl icaticn. Both tirnes thc proposal has been tabled to address various concerns cf both the Tol'tn staff and the Planning Cor,mjssjon. The proposal was tabled at the Apri'l 25 nreeting in order to enable the appljcant to study possible tr affjc anC circulatjon problcms tthlch could be poient'ialiy generated by the oroposai and also to investigate alternative solutjons to a potentia'l snow storage problen and the location of the loading zone. The proposal r.ras tabled ga'in on June l3 t,o again 'investigate several potential problens w'ith the proposal . Thcse concerns r'rel'e: 1. Faci'l itation of snot"t removal ; Facil itatjon of Fire Department access: Location of the loading berth; and 4. Further consideration of potentja'l traffic and circu'l atjon problems. 2. 3. Since the Town of \t will June l3th mee',,ing the applicant has nret with varjous niembers of the aiI staff and has responded to the varjous conccrns in thc fo1 iowirrg ee atl.achecl rev jsed site plan): The applicant has reduccd the .rrea.of the proposcci pleza and the existing renrain jn essential 1f its present fontr and thus the proposal shottld rscly affect snolv stor,rge. -- .Tl'"WpgqatdirtgacceSShavebcerraddressedb-v 'i c.r riT-in tr:rrrrs of inci ersirrg tlre turrril;rl raciius -i nto t.i:e project and "l so nl t.he pedcstriarr bl"idge froni the Treeto;.,s park'irrg struct.ure to the corlcio- Oll€ I grTgl 1-he loadirr3 berth iias.beerr re-loratcd out of the front sctback to the e of iltE-FTFuSffiTdTf space. I nri n i unrs r'{rr:tops -?- l0lli:l In terrns of corrl.iriuing to look in East l-ionshcr,,rd Circle and the posed the follotritlg soluljons: e provisjon of 4 "short term" pari<inc1 spaces for custotn,-'rs of the proposcd retail shops within thc second level of their parking structurel Agreement to desiqnate "desired tenant types" for the purpose of limiting , vehicular traffic impacts; and d \ vehicu lar tratf 'lc lrllpacts; ano il\ Ilg. lsuggestion that the various lodge shuttle buses shift their drop-off and lrr.Jp'ick-up points further to the east. STAFF RECCII.II4ENDATIONS After revieling the revisions the applicant has made to the original submittaj (original memo attached), the Department of Cr.riri'runity Developrnent continues to reconriiend that the proposal not be approved. Although the applicant has adequately addressed concerns regarding snovr storage, fjre access, and the location of the loading berth, vre do not believe that the central issue of traffic and cirtilation has been solved, As our previous recornmendatjon stated, we do not be1 ieve that any additionai predes- trian nodes of activity should be considered untjl a method is devised and imple- mented whereby traffic-and access on Lionshead Circle can be controlled. The applicant, through providing four short-term parking spaccs and crgreeing to'l imit uses r.ljthin the bu'i lding has made an effort to al'l eviate some of the potential increase in traff ic, Horvevu', vre do not be'l ieve that these solutions wil'l be effectjve enough to outrveiqh the potential 'increased intensity of activity rvithin East Ljonshead Circle. As staied before, the area is currently the scene of a great anloutrt of congestion and confusion during the winter months. Tlre staff be] ieves that there needs to be a perrnanent sclution to these current problenrs prior to the decision to create any ner.l activitJ, centerin the ir;:,nldiaie area. The staff does believe that once the current traffic and circu'l aticn problems can be corrected in East Liorrshead C'irc1e, tlre Treetops proposal lrould be a positive one in terms of arr aesthetic and funct'ional enitaacement to the existing Treetops parking structure, and the crea+"ion of an aestlretically pleasinq cntry to Lionshead frorn the East in the form of a comnercial ret.rii expansion of tie Lionshead l,lal l. at i)otenti(rl traffjc,,1(l circulatjor) itilpr,:cts of the pr,rpo:i,i , the appl jc.rnts I tefll pr'0lr I ha ve A t T0: Planning and Errvjronillc,rrtal Cotr;rrrission Fti0l4: Departnrent of Conrrnun jty Dcve lopntent UATI: June 7, 'l 983 SUBJTCT: Request to.rezone lot.6, Vajl Ljonshead lst Filing (Treetops Condonriniurns)from the High Density 14ultiple Faniily zone djstri6t to the Cornmeriiat Core II'zone district and to allor,r a loading space rviiirin the requ.i red front setback. Applicant: . Treetops condofrinium Association As you.''l I recall, at the Apri1,lB, l983.pEC meetjng the Treetops rezoning proposal vras tabjed as recommended by the staff jn ordelto-investigate traffic aiU'cii"cu-lation inrpacts of the proposal upon the already congestecl East Lionshead Circle area. [nclosed is a. copy.of thc study conducted Oy-lOn Transportation Consultants and also a copy of the original staff memo regardiirg the propbsai The-staff also requested that a method of solving the snor"l storage problem which Tgr.l9 lq.created by the proposai slrould be invesiigated. The p[d si,ggesieo iLat the loading space be renroved from the front setback area. STAFF RICOIIMENDATION After revier'l of the Traffic Impact Assessment the DCD staff reconrnends denial of the requested rezoninq. The study points ou.t that "the current traffic circula-tion probiem in East Lionshead Circle js the result of too many dispersed pectestrian nodes within one compact transportation hub" and that "what is not heeOeA ltonE East Lionshead Circle is any fornr of development firii wiri-uncor"uge additionai nodes of "kjss-n-ride" activity, i.€,, vans or cars coning jnto the area for the distinct purpose of dropping ori or picking up other piiring..r.,' The report goes on to state that "the Treetops conrrr;ercial deveiopment nrust ensure th;t the IIgl13!u.,curb,space rvill. not be used by the'ir tenantsi ir'opp"rr or visitors, as thjs tiould only conrpn_u1d tle serious r,rinter problem that his been described.,, -. No S(Ntc*,rf a4o/nc^it+-i-. fr*?FFr C- t-- 1---'Ine sruoy states that the impacts of the proposal'could be allevridted b0 seve ,z l4Jjl i0lti\iilrrJl4 methods rvh ich i ncl ude: seve ra I fn-Restrict narkino altrno the proposed rrerv curb to ,,No , '-\'2 ffny Time,,' roui o "No Standing or Stopping @Eg'Tili':uifl#:T:?'#l*i;x;i:*1"*gi i!"p"*??::';l,"ln="ii!:nr q:jilg :l:rlr: ructure.nt rvill be satJsfied in theffirg A,y 3) Condition the at L-/ cou-T-dffi-durosloe parkrncl cnrorccr)renr prol)tenrs. Incse uses rnctuoe s:ruilI appliance repair shoos. tr,-rvel and tickct egcncies, photricopV a"niu"i, c1r:aner.s,post office, and sinlilar uses ilrat r-L-quire iarryinq'l to brief transact'i ons. cai(]r ^Throu,3h.berrrr jrrg aJs irirrural k conr;trrit:L iorr,conncction bctr.lccrr tlrr: proposcd coirrrirr:rc i;rl palljinS. struc.turc porhri tb prcciu,le 'r,,r.,rc Crlf,lcal DUS/truck drca. I r'uL' ., t _ L_ bll /83 offer a?attrar:Li vc pedestr. i,rn devclolli:;r,rrt arr.i 1_lre Lionsir, .iJ pedestridn lrovcl through tlr", The staff beljeves that the.suggeste<1 measures do not aclequatcry solve the congestio:.problem at East rl"l:l::g gll:ii. , input received rro,n ir,e pot ice, pubt ic i./.rks,and rransportatjon departn:cnts indicates ilr;i it; o..u,jgnirg of the curb arca and agreenrenrs not to park in that area wi, not no"t. -w" uiro do not feer thtrt it vrould be feasible in this to.ution-to totaliy uiirinii"-ihe probiem of curbside parking by l imiting the uses to be rocated nitnin ii,'" ,rriioing. Obviousry sonre uses generate more traffic than others,.holrever, we do not feel that this rrreasure would dc enough to-create a no-inrpa-t ritrJiiorl "rd.";.;; that .if the comrnerciar ;??';,;;';i'i;';irl,;i."JJ',fls'fii*,:*i:illr;rgffi''1ki,, - n-ride" and drop- The study also suogests the integration of the proposai to provide a consori_dated eastbound vr6itbound bus pritiorr.- This suggestion will not be successful for severar reasons.., Thi i;;r!;;;;;;ion departmeit oetieves that buses wourd 'not be able to *ur,:.i1"^l!.n auiinq-iimes^or congestion, confus.ion wourd be created in the vraiting area, the ninrber of buses-travelr'nq il.east and west directions is not consistent, and the ioom-neiJIo to que tn,i uusei"viori'a"f,i ""ii#il'iilol Also suggested in the.study is the fact that,,further improvenrent in traffic operation and pedest.ian sitety *iri-[. .u.iir"i'#";",i;i;ry van and private auto drop-off points are reroclteo ortiioo ilre-raii ii".rt,."a praza area.,, The traffic counts:l9l1t-on.paEe 3 of the report indicate that the highest volume during the tr+o tv;o-hour, perihoi-was"private autos (42% of tne total vehic.l e volunre. ) Frorn direct oui"ruoiion-Jni'unoryrii oi ir,'e'"tinre lapse photography,the staff knows that:^nlti:;;;"ii,; irtuute-aui"l;.iii; rs ccnrprised of skjer drop-off and pick-uo vehicres, a function which i;;;;'uiio*uo in the area.ll"iil.";ril.strong access controts cJrrerrtly exist to keep these vehicles out It is the staff's fqqll|S that until a solution rvhich addresses this probler;r ts arrived at, no additidnal p"ouiers-snouta ie ;;;;;";";;"East Liorrshead circte.we believe that this^is'fi.ri;:i;cJm,ncnoatiol sussestcd-in this studv thar will substantialry sorve the tritric and circurat.ioi probienrs in the area. In summary, we do not !:]]"uu,that any additional ,,pedestrian nodcs,,shou.l d be considered in this area unt.i r a n'eir1oo js dcvised vrhereby velricular traffic and access can be controlled on f io"ih"i,l circie.--nlr"l'iir.e prourems of snor.,,stol'age a.d the pracement of the propoi"rr roading dock in the frorrt setback navc not becn addresseo. PETER,-ot, . ArA . ARCHrrEcruRE . t^rr,ro 4269 NUGGET LANE . VAtL, COLORADO 81658 , (30il 476_3122 MB{CRANDIM Plarning and Environsrtal Conrnission Peter Iocrns - Architect/plarner July 14, 1983 Plan Revisions "IteeTops plaza" A Rezoning Proposal at Vai1, LionsHead This nenprandtrn is in response to specific connrents and concerns raised by Cwmission nsrbers and-public ofiicials. Ttrc plarrring considerations arisi:rg fron the above are as follcn^rs: Provision of sorne on-site parking for the use of the proposed retail facility. Restrriction on the type of retail r:se permitted in order to iimit the irrpact of rraffic. Facilitation of sncns rsroval. Facilitation of Fire Departnrent access. Iocation of loadirlg berth. Stnrttle bus fraffic pattet:rt. The rewised plan proposal addresses these concerrs arrd consid.erations as follovss: I:= :l_ ":te parkirrg spaces i'' -th" r4per 1eve1 w'ill be designared as shcrc-cerm tor the enclusive use of the retail facility. ltre o,'ner/developer agrees^to designate desired tsutnt types for the pr.nryose of limitir€ vehibular"traffic i:i.paft. *rlh: r,.g"st of the.Departnsrt of Rrblic hlcrks the existirg passed berm wirr rffEin in essertiallv ]!. pressrt fo:rq to pernrit sr,ow stoiage. srn^r rsroval frcmr the site, itself, is the responsibiliry oi ihu p.op..ry €Eener. ftle access drive, !o the c€nter of the site, will be undified to provide T::.yT]{E "p,".9. for Fire_DepartnEnr 'ehicles - - the pedestrian^ bridge frcm Ehe Ancirlaw buifdirg.to TteeTops II will be raised to permiE head-jn-access by Fire Depai-h'n:nt vefiic1es. - ------ -- Y' The loading berth, origirrally shor^rt encroaching on the front set-back space.has bem relocated to alorgside the easL property line. fhe revised plan ernrisions no change iJt the traffic pattern for Tov0rx of vail .ghuttle buses. TO: FKM: DATE: SI]B.]ECT: T i ,! ! I IU: FROI4: NATE. SUBJ ECT: Planning an Departnten t April 13, o OL of .|983 14[ 1,1()11/,ii IrlJll' nV j rOrrlrcnla I Crrrrrnli ssion Conmun j ty Dcvel c.,Ptnent |:: ication to rezone Lot 6 Vail and to receive an exer,rption from the loading reou i renents in orcer to se'ut,'ack.al'low a loading space v/ith the required front App'licant: Treetops Condonrinium Association DESCRIPTIOiI OF THE PROPOSAL The request is to rezone the lot upon which the Treetops Condoniniums are locaied. The basic reason that Treetops has initjated this proposal is to al'l evia'"e various functional and main'"enance problems associated wjth the existing parking s'"ructure on the site, Their desjre is to rezone the procerty in orCer to permit the addirio of comilrercial space on top of ihe existing s'uructure, thereby e1 iminating the drainage and ice build-up problems which are currently experienced during the vlinter nonrhs The Treet,ops Association a'l so sees as a result of the rezonjrrg proposal an cpportun to provide a structure housing approximately t000 square fee'u of retail cc:;rercia'l space and a landscaped pedestrian uall.t,iay piaza area which r','culd "pronrote greatly enhanced pedestrian and traffic circulation in ihe East l'lall area, enhance the cormuniiy ouality and economic value of its environs by the creation of a vigorous and active retail estabiishment and its attrac'uive environs, enhance the effectiven of the Lionshead intprovenrent Djstrict (when implenented) by r,eans of the defjned corridor connector to East Lionshead Circle, and greatly enh;nce the appearance of the site by the creation of the landscaped pedestrian accessliay and t-he effect'i v screening of existing unsightly structures. " The Association sees the rezoning to allow the addition of the corinercial space as a vehicle to accomplish t.hese goa'ls. In addition to the retail comnercial space, the additjon r.rould include'a small manager's office for Treetops, a laundry area for Treetops clrn:rs and guests, storage area, trash disposai, and mechanical equipment for tn: buildings. CURRINT ZOI'I]NG AND S ITE DEVELOPI4ENT STATISTICS The lot upon wh'i ch ihe Treetops condominiunrs exist is zoned ti 'ich Density l"u1 tiple-:::J;{.;'il;I]:li;:;o'i1,.tffi,.jli*, ji,",r connercial retail space. Lionshead Centcr is zoned Cornrrer^c.i al Core Il. iire Iot adjacent on the east of Treetocs is occupied by the t-odqe at. Lionshead anc consist: of condoniniums. The Lodge at Lions.head is zoned.High Densit-y 1.1u1 t'ip1e-i.-rnily. The follorlinq table comnares Treetcps d:velopitent staijstics according tc t)risting conditions, the llDllF zone djstrict (current zoning)., Trce t.rrps -?- 4 /1 'r3 o a \.r TRTETOPS CO:;Diii iIJ I UI'i DtVFL0; iiiiJT STATISTICS Ixisting Al lor.;'-,d Undcr A] lt0l:F I rri;i,d Under rr | | 31,240 sq ft unl irnited C*^o SI*+ vt,rq^l h. I al,upv fuiorv fi4v. ?@31.&,) '' 38' 27,335 (707") 7,810 (20%) 52 required 'l l0' (al1 sides) Density (units) GRFA co!";laRcIAL SQ FT HI]GHT COYERAGE LAIi DSCAP iI{G PARI( i IIG I-OADJNG SETSACKS 26 condo units 36,369 sq ft 0 63' 15,952 (40.8:j) 23,098 ?2 23,430 2,343 (as accessory to a Lodge) 4g' 21,477 (55it) 'll,7t5 (30:r) 52 required I 20' (a1'l sides) xl 24 .7 (/ (north ) (ea st ) (wes t ) ( south ) 50 0 8l 7.l5' 'l 0' -j The Commercial Core II zone distrjct states thatanyenlargnent of the CCII zone distri.ct boundaries must be accor:ipanied by ihe adootjnn oi a i"".t,iF,n.,.,t Flon:nr theproposedcistrict@rtheTreetopSconnercia.lexpansion @elopment plan. (see attached) In terms of-the developrnent statistjcs shourn in the above table, it should hre noted that several aspects of the current develounient uoon the rreetois'ijt" u.. non.on-' fotm'ing in rel ation to t.he HDi4F zoni ng. S'j rrce the proposed coir,,rerc jal structure is proposed to be placed on tcp of th6 existing pari<inf structuie, no site ciei.elocnren:statistics_are changed ot.her than the 38'heigit'of th6 nerv struii'i" i.j-ti .'.l.ri-"tional 8,000 square feet of coinmerciai space.- Both rneet the.uqriitionr and reluire-ments of the prppe5sd CCII zonin-0, Th.e i0' setbacl< requirenrent-of the CcII cj istrict would be met rvith the construction of the new buildinq. PARIiIIIG AND LOADING The. addition of 8,000 souare feet of conr:lercjal spac !. _ -The,+nanagerls of f ice rvou'l d require iFbetops will have to contribute to the corre sponds ac cor:rnod a te t0 th is requ i re :,ent. T_e_50 :_aa ces vrh i one a Torvn thL: parliin-o for the exiTlli@iltu-iu,ns.. Treetops---3- 4/13/83 f i rie The any for t. 2. addition cf the c0;ri:iiercia'l space wil l rr-'iuire the addi zoning code states that the location of lcoding sPaccs reouiied front setbacks unless an exenrptir"rn is gronted tion of onc l oa d ir).1 ..:,4ce. lll0 V ttot De lOCai('d yjltllln by 'uire Tovrn Courrc i l t.he l ovri ng reasons : That th exemption is 'i n the interests of the area Town at large; to be exemp and in the inte sts of the That the exe;i ion vri I I not properties or benefit is not Town; 3.the exenption wjl not be detrirnen'ual to /..djacenl properEles Or 'lmPrgYg- in the vicinity o the area to be eiem ed; 4. That suitab'l e and aCequate ans vtill ex t for prcvision of publ ic, co;t'unity, group or comnon Parking faci ties; fo9 brovisjon of adequate loading facil i'uies ind for a systenr for distrjbut operaiing and maintaining such fii irj ro'Jenen ts coh.ferred on (,\r |-,e s/\u",p es-t "..'L., Hr rv I rsJs v' sjtuated properties elsevrhere in tl,e confer any in the area s imi l a11y That ments The Treetops They wish to for the foll "Because requ i red /pickup of goods; and for financing, ies; and i.hat such parking, loading fuily adequate to nreet the exisiing uses in the area to be exempted.and distribution facil ites shall and projected needs generated b Condomin'ium Assoc iat 1q.req u ting an I ocate the requ i red oad ing spac within orving rea sons: exemption from this requirement. the required l0 foot setback t pos s i bl e to 'l ocate the nt into the front setback. the site, it is a corner encroac of the configur ion of loading spac i thout It is felt that th value of the loading space far tweighs this encroachment. tor.rn at 'l arge; honof if c. exemption'-wilI not be detrimental to adjacent pro rt jes or iinPro',ements; e system for STAFF REcOt"ri{INDATI 0N The Treetops proposal contains many positjve c0rrcerns. bo DV ously t.he project is a Further:'l . The 2. The exeilfption is in the interest of the area and th z{enption will not confer any special priv'i iege benefit to Treetops in ln ternts of communitY e-f u n c t i o rr a 1 p ro b 1 enrs the followinq aspects of of the nark'ing structu 'uhe proposal are Pos i i terrns of benefi ts I nn "'J hcad-frorn the Villaqe to the east is curently con ag il-rroc ;-i neo, ino]ET'nes a n uns a f e exoer i'rnce . Con ironta t i on r'i i i fuSing, undcfined, and at.tirnes an unsafe exoeri':nce, Conirontatlon ri ti veh jcles l oadi ng and unloadi ng, and rvi'th buses Icaving the Iast Lionsir:-ad entry is alnrost inevit;ble- int grc"i\io^ "f "n a well derjncd r'all:rvay alonq the_edge of the proposed co: rrrttr^cial strt'c:ure well derincd r'all:r"ay alonq the edcle of the proposed co: rrrtlr^cial strt'ci could solve !!';r? !j,!L!jj-,co-0.f.ljllis'l;,.crl the 11' 6i33t.t-iirn i,r)d venlcr"'cou1dso@l.l;,..|hthetl,.rjcst.t.i.lni,rrdvehlcl..'d|.. plcv iCe a clffiT,\.ay r.ii:ereb1' the 1,,--c:strian can .:tr t er L ionshrer.j ; lreetops -4-4/13/83 ?The arca as Ort, tucou not a s ij(:Sthet be. The a nal strrrctur 0n iarl,.ing vrhich ex.ists orr the tl_p I r,url_ by and lFoTtTiT!noscapeo p -a,/wa I kviay 3. The conrmercial expans icn could help a more oedestrian scale and create into Ljonshead and to Pr:destrians and prov id i rro along the "L E||ts Ul r'-: l i ive reta iI c'oge; of Lionshead to nLtr;:L S t r'., t,.L roposal also carries somerregative aspects: The East Lionshead entry is the rnost congested point fron an operations standpoint wit.hin,the Tovn of Va'i I. The area consists of heavy peciestrian traffic, bus traffic, truck loadin-c and unloading, lodge shuttie'bus drcp-off and pick-up, and au'uomobile traffic.' All of t,hese ocrivities jnt.erface in a rather confined area. The proposal would create an edditional crosswalk withjn this area, require additional servjce vehicles and loadjnq vehicles to pass through the area, will encorrage more automobile and ped6strian traffic within the area, and generaily result in an increase jn the int:,rsitv of use of the area. The impacts from the proposal upon the currently ccrrgesied area are nOt f ul'l v knoivn Eilry for-ffise ,-',m'ing siart'ing on their vray to thc Villa3e; the pronosal designed as the rvalkrvay/plaza area is currentiy Tor.rn for a snovl storage area. The area js Tovln of Vail solution to deal wit.h snow removal does not seem to be a2parent wjth 'uhe proposal . The area rvi th in ut i'l i zed by th e property and a With the above factors in mind,Depa rtntent of Commun j ty Deve l opment roccmrends re tabled for a oeriod of sixty days. Dlring this tjme pericd,it is reques hich acjtjresses the.uraffic and cjrculation problems stai.ed above. i,liLhout knorving the inrolications of the proposal with regard to the p''oblens currently experienced wirh ihe East Licnsread gntry, we cannot aciequately evaluate the proposal . The study should be ccnducted by.a transportat.ion special ist mutual ly selected by the applicant and the Tor,rn and should specifical ly address the fol lowing area! of concern: A. The probable or projected increase of both pedestrian and vehiclu'l ar traffic from the addition and tfie relaiionship of the exoected increase upon tiie present circulation pat'uern from tlre point where Lionshc-ad C jrc'l e inr:rsects with the frontage road to the access pojnts of the Treetops parkjnq siruc'uure,including the East Liori5head Entry bus turnaround and ioading areal B. The projected or probable effects upon the existing circulation pat"ern by the proposed crossi.ialk location at. the east end of the Lionshead Auxill iary Building; and to reduce the scale both-Ei-ifiTer-Sidg o O EAST n\+l- +=f-ffF-Y ri h-".t I # il::* il ii li ;t tt-'* i :t I I t.'1 '-' ./. | ,' (,,' I i I .t 1 : ,1 i"' I , I tr- $o Pl anning and Env.ironmental Commission June .l3, .l983 Site Inspections Publ ic Hearlng A reguest to.rezone Treetops condominiums from the High Density Muttiple Fami'ly (HDMF) zone district to commercial core II zoni districi and a request for an exemption to allow a'loading space within the required front setback. Applicant: Treetops Condomjnium .Association Reguest for a conditional use permit for a day care faci't ity on lot 34,Euffehr Creek Subdjvisjon. Applicants: Mike-and Debbie Dawson Request for a conditional use permit in order to build an antennae on the top of the chamonix corners building, part of Tract c, vail das schone Filing No. I Appiicant: R and L Communications, Inc. (KV|',IT-FM) Lunch (approximately 45 minutes) 9;00 l0:00 z. 3. Appro ximatel v l2:00'noon 4, 5. 6. Request for an amendment to Sections .|9.04.030, 1g.ZZ.OW, and '19.24.130 in order to increase the number of accommodation units aliowed in the Commercial Core I and the Pubtic Accommodation zone districts.Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Request for a variance from section .|8,.l3.080(A) which restricts one unit in a Primary/Secondary zone to 40% of thd ;llowable GRFA. The fpp]ication con.cerns.iot 11, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing #.l.Applicants: I.M, and T.K. Turnbull Request for an amendment to section 18.26.040 of the vail Municipal code,conditional uses in ccII, in order to add; G. cornnrercial storage as long-as it is basement_ievel , not having any exterior frontage on any puqfj.g way, street, walkway ori mall area. Applicants: BradTey quayie and Michael Arnett RgQuest for an amendment to a conditional use permit in order to allow the vail Mountain School to use the Bardauf cabin as a general purpose classroom and small meeting assembly room. Applicant: -Vail Moirnthin Sctrool $90uest to amend Spec'ial.Oevelopment District No. 6, The Vai'l Village Jnn_complex, to add outside vending as a conditiona'l use, Appl icant: Van Ewing Request fora minor subdivision for lots l5 and 16, Buffehr Creek.App'licants: Randy Guerriero and Ange'la Leighton 7. L 9. (Continued) 6/7 /83 T l-PEC page 10. Preliminary review of Exterjor l'lodjfication proposals in CCI and CCII for the fo'llowing buildings,; l. Lodge at Vail 2, McBride Building - Gorsuch Ltd. 3. A & D Bu'ilding 4, Plaza Lodge Building - Christy Sports 5. Lifthouse Lodge - Purcell's ' 6. Lionshead Arcade 7, Village Center 8. Gore Creek Plaza Building - Sweet Basil and B'lu's Beanery o g and vote vlas 4-0 in favor. June 27. Trout moved l. A uest to rezo cant: Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Eetsy Rosolack cant.for #4, Lodge at Vail, requested to table unt onded to table. The vote was 4-0 to table. dgminiums_ trom the High Density Mul tiple Fanrjl q,L Core II zone djstrict and a uest for space w ront se soc iation , Plannin Environmental Commission June 13, '1983 TqEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Wil I Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce Ouane Piper COUNC IL REPRESENTATI V Chuck Anderson The meeting was cal]ed to order at l0:00 am by Dan corcoran, chairman. The ,,ry wcrJ Lcr I rsu Lu ur uer. dL tu:uU alm Dy Uan Lofc0fan, chaifman. T Ij:tl,,iasT^:n tl: asendawas the approval-of tle minuiei oi ihe meetins of May 23, 1983. corcoran corrected'item #t to-"euJ ;;inu-uoi"'";r';-;;"i.;or,, jrrsread ;;-u; ;;;;iifa. 'ii. B I E owa sCo Peter Jamar-explained the memo and remjnded the board that the origina1 memo of April'13, .l983 contajned.the request, and lhat the pEC iric tauteo ihe reou"it-in order for the applicant to investigate traffic and cJicuTatiijn Impiiis'oi"it,e pioposaL on the already congested East Lionshead Cjrcle area. The pEC had also asked the applicant t0 look at mov-ing the loading zone out of the front setback and to look at the snow storaqe problem. Jamar showed a site plan he hua "eieivea-Juui"u"io""the meeting which-thb staff had not t'aa time to stlov. it,u-n.r plan showed a new Iocatjon for a loading space and a snow storage area. Jamar read from the traffic gtudy which stated that,the impacts of the.pr;posal could be alleviated ly ior"listed iterns. He stated that lhere *ouia uE il-a;r.;;;;u ir.'ut signs or agreemenrs would stop the use of short term parking. He teit thti; peaestrian ionnd.iion between the.pi'oposed.commerciat divelopfrent ind the-lionir1[ia puriing-il";;i;;;portal-would alleviate -s,-QIg of the pedbstnian,travel-ttr".rgh the ouiitruil-u".u,as would the limiting o-fr-tre types bf uses at'lowed in-inu-fi"opor.o nirirJing. --' Jamar-also explajned that the applicants suggested consoljdating the east and westbound bus platform, but that,the Traniiortation department gave reasons why this lvould not work' He mentioned the fact that the triffjc studv itso showed itrat qzll or the traffic in the area.was from autos, and untii t[;;;;;;-. sotuiion-io'ttre-private auto entering the area {such,as.a_Checkpo'int Charlie), no additjonal p"oor"*t ltrould be created in the East Lionshead Circle'area. He als6 said that ilre itiir-iould not make a recommendation of approvai without further study-of-the new plan. Ted Strauss, President of the Treetops Condominium Association, stated that at tne Jast meetjng, they were totd to go blck and have'u i";iii;-;tudy made, they seiected a.traffic-engineer recomtttended by eeter Jdmar, and it was-the engineei,s opjnjon that the traffic pattern in the East Lionshead area would not.tanqe, Viele s Treetops Co zone dist o PEc 6/13/8a-2- Dav'id Leahy, traffic engineer with TDA showed a time lapse movie of the area.and.pointed out three nodes. one was the private vans with pennits to stop,another was the stopping of the buses, and the third was the traffjc from hutos- He added that it was a luxury to allow private automobiles to drive so close to the ski 1ift, and that this was not allowed in most ski areas. He felt that with the,site-improvements.suggested by Treetops, the area would be opened up, the buses could all use one platform, there would be additional curb space'dediciiea io lransit use only, and.he added that he saw this area as an extensfon of the mall, in which case the retail shops here would not generate more trips. liljke McGee of the Vai'l Fire Department spoke next, explaining that the Fire Departnrent was concerned about access to fight fjres at Treetops. tte siid that the firembn could drive a truck onto.the present top level of the parking structure, but if it were covered with a bu_il.ding, they would have a difficillt tifre because ihe drivewuy to the west of the building was narrow with ejther a sharp turn or a steep drop which made'it impossible to position a ladder truck. Skib Gordon, of the'Town'of Vail Transportation Department stated that at.present,5 vans hid permiision to drop off or pick-up passengers, and that ohe of thb stipu'l ations was that each drjver had to remain in his van. .Skip stated that between 2,000 and 3,000 people were piitea up or dropped-off at thfs point from 3:00 to 5:30 pm during'ttre ifi'season wh.iit'required 3_superv'isors from his department. Hjs feelinq wis that if there were more. retail space at East Lionshead Circle there would 6e more private autos-driv.ing in.the area, and that even with 3 supervisors it was impossible to keep itre-private autos out of the area. Curt Ufkes, Assistant Police Ch'ief, elaborated on Skip,s comments and added that this was one of the worst areas in the Town with respbct to pedestrians ana venictes.Ufkes felt that there.definitely needed to be a Checicpoint Chartie ai ine top-oi the street. He stated that the Police 0epartment was'in favor of the new relail ;51e if a Checkpoint Charlje were first installed. He added that they tradnii found tnat peopte.were using the Lionshead parking Structure, and that.if evirn one car parked. in^Lionshead Circle, it could tie up-traffic, arid that the toiaing-ione-tor trucks was overtaxed. Ufkes said that in aAdition io the 3 superv.isors,"there were Z traffic controllers used in the area at the peak tjmes, and sometjmes another uniformed policeman, and still the people in autos wanied to piiti right in front of the busiest area, He did mention that off-street parking would'be a s6lution for unloadr'ng and loading. Pete Burnett, Town of Vai'l street supervisor, was concerned about snow storaqe.Hg,felt.that the.plan presented would increaie the snow to be clear"o.way, ino l€duce the area in which to store snow. He added that it was impossible i6 be able to state a certain tjme when he could remove the snow, and that ihe roads were reduced in width in the winter because of the snow. Viele asked if the snow was currently stored on public property, and peter Jamar sald that it was, Donovan wanted to-know if it were feisible io cut a road to tne east of-the parking structure, and added that she fe] t a need to study the new site plan before_maKing a decision. She felt that a Checkpoint Charlie was needed whether or.not the Treetops Condomjnium proposal was accepted. Donovan asked if the Treetops had.enough off-street parking, and Jamar responded that Treetops at present had 50 pqt(lls spaces, which was 2 ipaces short of i.rrhat was presentty requiied. l.Jith the addition' 27 additional space! were needed, and these'could bir paid for in lieu of the actual spaces. Donovan felt that letting people buy space in the parking structure Pf 0zr stas -3- was in reality letting them off the hook, and that when the structure was full of skjers, there t,ras no place to park. She repeated that she felt more study was neeOed. Trout said that Strauss had referred to the spaces as "office space',, and questioned that. ..Jamar repf ied that offjces were not permitted on the groirnd fioor iri ccii zone district. strauss said that they expected the space to be retajl. rroui stated that most of the discussion was of the problem in the area right now, and :lgg.:igd looking.l !1. applicant's proposal which increased the cu.u spii" unJ drop-off area. He feit.that they could not hold the applicant responsibie for a problem that already exists, and-wondered jf the town bbuniil had i^evieweU oi recommended a Checkpoint Char'l ie. Jamar answered that the Council had not budgeted money for one. Djscussjon followed concerning fire truck access to the Fire Chief, repeated Mjke McGie's concerns about turninq steep grades. Trout felt that restricted uses could bE Charlie is constructed, and in the meantime, he felt the access should be solved. Dan Corcoran stated that the applicant could requesl tabJing, could appeal to Councjl if turned down, or could ask for a vote. Strauss stated tnat rre felt the need to proceed, and that rreetops did not have the money to stall a checkpoini cniiii.. Trout felt he could not vote in favor of the project with the fire truck access problem and encouraged the appf icant to regueit io table. Strauss said he-would request to table to address the fire safety problem, but pr"otested that this meeting .was to discuss traffic problem on1y, Strauss stated that he would I ike only three items to be addressed at the postponed meeting: Added fire access., retail space only, amd snow storage. Corcoran statea that the members who were absent may have addilional conce"ns is well. ,]imai iem:nued the board that the staff also was concerned about the ioiJi"g area, since they had not had time to study the new site plan. Marka Moser, in the audience, reminded the board that when the parking structure was f.irst !!il!, several.splcg: were supposed to be reserved foi droploff parking"but that this had not.materia)ized, ano'lhat if these ipurui were reserveoi pari of the problem might be resolved. 2. conditjonal us-e req{est for a private p1e-school to be 'located on lot 34 6;* Dick Ryan presented the.proposal ,.and-explained that, al though the facility was lljd:l;.rl:^:luil_!!.rtioned the traffic'inrpact ana ine iii["or adequate pirlins,and tett these concerns had not been adequately addressed. John Perkins, architect for the applicant, stated that the day care facilities in building, and Dick Duran, radius, room to maneuver and enforced until Checkpoint issue of the fire truck strauss asked to table_llg_tel untjl thgnrggting of Juty 25. Trout qoved to table untE-Jut.v7ilw@e vote to tabte p35i.ffi o PEc 6/13/83 -4- the Vail area had waiting 1ists, representing a real need, He explaine{ the floor and site plans and stated that the building was designed especially for that property. Mike Dawson, one of the appljcants, stated that they had been look'ing at property for B-9 months, and found that conmercial property was simp)y not feasible financially Corcoran stated that the and a petition of protest staff had received 8 letters of protest from neighbors, containing 60 names. Dick Peterson, a neighbor, was concerned about very narrow streets. He added that the bus was and also that he did not feel a day care should neighborhood park, and that a day care facility in the area. the traffic on what he said were a detriment on such narrow streets, have the continued use of a would lower values of property Jim King, another neighbor, said that he was concerned about the noise because he worked very late at night, and the early arrival of children would bother him. He stated that there was not enough parking, and some of the overflow would probably end up in his driveway. Brian McCartney, neighbdr, was concerned about traffic flow, especially in the winter when Buffehr Creek Road was s'l ippery, Marka Mosero neighbor, felt the locatjon a safe p'l ace for a school . Phoebe Peterson agreed with the concerns with high traffic and streams was not of the others, as did Dave Pelkam. t,lil'l Trout said that if he lived on the street, he would be concerned about it,also, for traffic doesn't just happen at certain hours. Donovan felt the sjtuation was dangerous, though the need was apparent. She suggested that the appiicant try to exchange the property for part of lot 40 which was to become a Town park. Viele was concerned with the problems, particular'ly the parking. Ryan said that the ABC School had about l5-.I8 parkinq sDaces which was not enouqh when soecial events were held. V'iele asked if a site'plan had been done tor ihe Town park, and Ryan answered that one had not been done, but that there would be a neighborhood meeting to see what was wanted or needed in the park. Ryan said that he had discussed the exchange with the Town manager, but had not as yet received an dnswer. -John Perk,ins stated,that he wou'l d like to explore the idea of a land exchange,and wanted to know what the PEC felt about it. Dick Peterson reminded the-pEc that when the TOv acqu'ired the park, it was suggested not to nive partcing i["..-so that there would not be another road cut fr6i tne frontage road. Briin McCarrney said he did not feel .the TOV should provide help to priviie'citizens for their businesses, and Perkins'responded th;t the Town'has i history ot neiping other day_care centers. He added that the applicant had not really asked ihe"Town of YliJ lgr anything, but.the suggestion tbncerned an equal traite of tand. He said that the school located on th6-frontage road could be a noise buffer from I-70. Corcoran asked the neighbors in the TOV trading part of lot 40 center on part of lot 40. The the audience for lot 34 in response from concerninq the ouest until ,lul exchange of I I . Viele CI 6/'t3/Bi -s- if they would be in favor of order to place the day care all was that they were not,. re discussion followed uested to table the r I [aDle tne request un uty properties, and then Perkins moved and Donova-ilecondEi-- vote was 0w r c0.r9r_-e!!.!91!i!9. 3. Request for a conditional use permit in order to bui'ld an antennae on the nq Peter rlamar explained that an antennae would be placed on the Chamonjx Corners Building in West Vail to service the new studio for KVI'IT. 8ob Dorf of KVMT answered questions. Trout suggested the antennae be painted, and Donovan suggested that the paint be flat in a light co1or. and that the facilities be removed from the top of the Vail Run building. Donovan moved and Trout seconded to a the re the co itions construc on the orne rs est r the staff memo dated removed antennae n+ The Planning and Environmental Conmission took a break to eat lunch, 4. Sequest for an amendment to Sections .l8.04.030, 18.22.090 and I8.24.130 in order to increaie the nu rcial Core I and t ge Properties, Inc. the vote was 4-0 in faJor of tabling- c Accommodation zone distric Corcoran stated that he had a letter from the appl this item until the next meetinq. Trout moved and the vote was 4-0 in favor of ta6linq:--=- icapt Viele pl icant: tabl e with a request to seconded to table ano 5.u'est for a variance from Section 18.1 .080 rhich restricts one unit naPr ec0nda zone VaI I das Schone F'il inq cants: ,lim sayre explained the request and susan Vaughn, representing the Turnbul 1s, stated that the 60/40 ru'le was to prevent mirrrjrimago, but that the additjons would help reduce the pnesent mirror appearance of tfteduplex because the additions would have to.be placed diffenent'ly. The duplex couldremain 50/50 and stil1 change from one-of mirror image. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT : MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Cornmunity Development June 7, 1983 Request to_rezone lot 6, vail Ljonshead lst F'i ling (Treetops condominiums)from the High Density Muitiple Family zone distrjit to ttre commercial core II zone district and to allow a'l oading space within the required front setback. Applicant: Treetops Condominjurn Association As you'l'l recal'l , at the April PEC, meeting the f staff n order n the aTFEEEy con st East Lion yai,tab'led +s recommendedTfri Iation'impacts of the proposal e u 0 e sluoy and al so a copy of the oriqinal staff staff al so requested that a method STAFF RECOMMENDATION roblem which the front setbac impact Assessment the DCD staff recommends denial nts out tha tl Conducled Dy memo regarding ra ns porta ti on proposal . Circle nsul fants t the After of the review of the Traffic requested rezoning. 0n roblem in E ra nsportati o I and that "ded alon East Lionshead C'i rcle is anvTffi that- w encour The s of the methods wh i ch i ncl ude: -/-_-.\ s\,^s-tf( l.festrict parking along the proposed'new curb to "No Standing or Stopping - Any lime," year-round 2,ro"'u@thatVisitororshoppershort-termparkingdemandcreated by this cornnrercjal development wjll be satisfied in the nearby public parking structure. J.ConotttontneCommerctalCoreIIrezoning,oGno. cou'ld cause curbs jde park ing enforcenrent-probi emFTFffiincl ude smal I appliance repair sllop:, travel and ticket agencies, photocopy centers, cleaners,post office, and similar uses that require iarrying large objects or cater to brief transactions. e prop0sa e loadinq space (+. rreetf -2- 6/7/83 bffer an attractive pedestrian develooment and the Lionshcad porta'l to preci ude more area. pedestrian travel through the f[!Flnrsnts ffiofk. 'vie also do not feei parking structure cri tical bus/truck The staff bel ieves that the s es ted measure . In r Transoortation red and w6ria le ieasible in this location to totally eliminate the problem of curbside parking by limiting the uses to be located within the building. 0bviously some irses g6nerate more traffic than others, however, we do not feel that th'is measure woutd"ao enough to create a no-impact sjtuation. We feel that if the commercial space is succissful jt wjll generate certain amOunts Of "kjss-[-ride" and drop- off traffic in addition to the traffic that exists now. a consol i - be successful buses woul d would be and west directions el iminated. 6Fr'P The study a1 so suggests the integration of the proposal to provide -llated paltbound westbou!'rd lus platf-of[. Thjs suoqestion wil'l not for several reasonsffidepartm6it believes that not be able to make the turn during times of congestion, confusion created in the wa.i ting area, the nunbei^ of buses traveling in east is noi consjstent, and the ioom needed to que the buses woujd be drop-off and pick-up vehicles, a functjon which is However, no strong access controls currently exis.t ot tne area. A'l so suggested in the study is the fact that 'Srtrther improvement irl trqffjc operati6n and Pedestrian safel'!.wil'l he realizeEL it courtesv van and orivate -ffie relocated outside the-'.iast Lioruh..o' lf uffiuT-\. The traffic counts shown on page 3 of the rePort indicate that the bjCb€! volume- (A24 of tne total vehicle the two two-hour oeri od Forn--direct observation and analysis of the time lapse photograPhY' e staff knows that a portion of the private auto traffjc is comprised of skier not allowed in the area. to keep these vehicles out It is t )robl em arrived at, no additional hould be created in Ea st ons 6-ad-f,ircl tle bel lev s is the oniy recommendation sugges n th'is stu v wil'l substantial ly solve the traffic and circulation problems in the area. Jrlry.,.rye be cons l0ereo that any additional "pedestrian nodes" should i'l a methnd is devjqed whereby vehicuiar trafflc do in be not bel ieve this area un and access can control I on Lionshead Circ ement of the proposed ave no Al so,of snow raqe and the