HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 13 LEGAL.pdf. 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 20, .l983 Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect Drawer H Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Subdjvision and development of lots ll and .|3, Block 3, Vail Va11ey lst Filing Dear Mark: This letter is in regard to the constraints placed upon the development of lots ll and l3 due to Town of Vail subdivis'ion and zoning regulations. In our records, lot 1l is listed as being i7,004 square feet, lot l3 is .|3,860 square feet. Neither of these lots can be further subdivjded jnto new duplex lots. Sectjon .l8..l2.050 of the Two Family Residentia'l zone distrjct states that "The minimum lot or site area shall be .|5,000 square feet of buildable site area...,' "Buildable area" is defined as "any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof whjch does not contain designated f1 oodplain, red hazard ava'l anche area, or areas in excess of forty percent slope." (l8.04.45) Development of lot l3 is a'l so constrajned by the Town's regulations concerning duplex lots of'l ess than 15,000 square feet. You can build one unit by right upon lots of less than .l5,000 square feet; a second unjt js al]owed as long as the requirements of .|8.I2.090(B) are met. Essentially, "The secondary unit shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period of not less than the ljfe of Trent l,lilljam Ruder, a life in being, plus twenty- one years from date that the certifjcate of occupancy is issued for said unit, and that the secondary dwelling un'it shall not be leased or rented for any period of'l ess than 30 consecutive days, and that if jt shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full tjme employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. .-." Make sure you review Chapter .|8..|2 in detail . In genera), appljcations for develop- ment must conform with all of the Town's buiiding and zoning regulations extant at the tjme a Design Review Board appl ication is accepted by the zoning adminis- tra tor . S i ncerel y, ./t . ,/%/-, /-Zt_-^_j_ // t-./ ,/' JIM SAYRE Town P'l anner lnun box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476€613 department of community development June 21 , 1982 Saundra Smith 143 E. Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal of 6-16-82 Dear Saundra: 0n June 16, 1982, the Design Review Board approved the Spring Hill Dup lex on Lot 13 , Bl ock 3, Vai'l Va'l 1 ey lst F'i l i ng . The secondary unit was also approved. The Board outlined two cond'itjons of approval: there should be a range of tree sizes from 6 to 8 feet, and the ex'isting trees should be protected from construction act'i vity. Si ncerely, arl b V/44.L---/./ Jim Sayre r Town Planner JS:df Project Application Date ,{ f,.: ,t:t:Ji r -t),I Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ption: Lot l l , stocr rJ Fitins !t)'tL- r'ALL'i y /.o^" - Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: -iL )'7 d) .)'),4 .,,.r^o"," '- i lt / !3 2- DISAPPROVAL Seconded by:{: t_) - i.s., a, t-) ,,- APPROVAL ] /&Attl(,L Su m mary: )t -, i 7- .,r-':r:- | f r -.:-.1 r -1 ,.i/?3rJ'At"r.'- Date: D statt Approval I ElIGII{EER]IIG CHI.EK LIST Subdivjsion - Va,. U,qr.e7 JUJ3-- I Lot Bl ock Fi1in9 1. 3.Source of Util'i ties 2- /s7 , submi ttal Items (Acceptab'le) (l'lot Acceptable) ,/ (A) Topo l'1ap - ,'/ (B) Site Plan ici [tiiity Plan J,7- 4't<': So'ry' (o) ritle lleport ,. , -./(i) sruaiu;sion Agreement (if applicable) -Eqi-ry-q':l-t-s--89.s!rrgle4r /z ' , -- t'/-.-t (A) Culvert Size Q' th,t(c ,4-4((z{.'tz "'t"-(S) Ori ver';ay Grade (8i! ma.r) (/\ctua | ) ----- (A (B (c (D tL (F Electri c Gas Sel.rer l{a te r Tcl epl;cire T. V. tr 4 - coirinents, 0& -Qffi!rs--84-!lLt3-H ---: @-,A>We- 1 Szr'>-.t- -aeegttrtc > {O-<as-c-- sgz*ie' / 6/ €14'N - *oe ,pcra t i @ PZ*"/4<* /zta eo 5-*- -A-Qa.€.41-e-Approved: Disapproved: I I I I I I .t zoNE cllt:cK sFg'R,R for P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS Legal Onner Cor'r,rents.: Description:Lot Required Requi red Architect Proposed Use tr c9nr Zone'District ""''" "' Lot Area ' GRFA: GRFA: Landscaping: Parking: . 3tt Proposed Setbacks: llaterccu rse-requ i red Al'lor';ed Front'-'nequ f i; d 20 r=*Froijos ea Sidcs-Required'15, proposed Rear -RequireC l5' proposed Prooosed tfi Propo:ed 3,ftlL - Sec ondary A1'l.or'red Site Coverage: Al'loived 2126 Drive: Slope permitted Environmental/llazards: .Avalanche Fl ood Pr'ain Prop:;:ed .O( ActuaL Prinnry Propcscd zrt <b Secondary SIope Propcsed Proposed Proposcd q8{ 7t':t i t.';r : /rpp;.p1.,1;!,/D i s: Jrpiiri,::ti lt.rt E : MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA A PROFESSIONAL CORPOFATION FOR ARCHITECTURE 143 EAST MEAOOW DFIIVE 303/476- 5105 CROSSROADS AT VAIL vAlL. coLoRADO 81657 June 10, 1982 Mr. Bill Andrews City Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Bill: Thank you for meeting with me this morning regarding our pians for the Spring H'i11 Duplex at Lot 13, Block 3, Vail Va11ey Filing 1. As you recall, we discussed the existing drainage patterns on Lot 13, and the adjacent Lot il. There are two existing swales, apparently the result of previous springs, which originate on Lot 13, and extend onto Lot 11. It is our observation, over the course of twenty months, that no water runs in these spri ngs. Th'is is probably the result of the development of Spring Hill Lane, and/or the construction of the residences to the south (uphill) of Spring Hill Lane. But whether or not these springs are active, our proposed development does not effect these existing drainage patterns in any way. As we discussed, the same person owns, and intends to develop, both lots. He purchased both lots with full knowledge of the exjsting swales. He jntends to design around the swales, and indeed possibly develop them into a site amenity. He has no'intentions, at thjs time, to mod'i fy either swale, or to define easements for them. The final plans for the swales on Lot 11 shall be defined when the overall development Dlans are done for that lot. Please be in touch if this does not adequately address your concerns, as we will be requesting final Design Revjew Board approval on Wednesday, June 16, .|982. R. Mo R FISHER JRM:de ABE L. SHAPIRO .Iune 8rh, 19 82 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Department of Community Development Gent lemen: In reply to your June 7th, 1982 advise "To Property Owners adjacent to lot 13, block 3, Vail Vatley First Filing" concerning Ehe owners desire to build a secondary unit which would be renEed and ownership retained by che original ovr'ner. &'uv to officially register*y objection t() any varlance being issued. this is zoned " pr:imcry / secondary" it is lcss than 15,000 scluare foot and, therefore, should pernit only a "primary/sLngle family" home. This is Al though My objection is based on the fact whlch chis l-ot is cont.iguous fo sl-r possible and an addiEional "renlal and densicy anC noc be complimenEa ry Eo The pasc, presen! and future efforcs of the density wherever possible would be violaEed this strect and the cul-de-sac of the minimum densitv and traffic trunccessarily add traf fic ,I ()l Vail to reduce vari-ance were to be if Lhis approveo. This letter is being wriEten in the event that I Ehe Design Review Board meeting on Wednesday, June will be unable Eo atceod 16rh. ry,r}f .ry?& D7, , *llrut . l) u,kQ,1yp7 1d/,hw .. Sinccrcly, trtpt?aunLV- I'ln.tt"lu..e/,1rOL, l,fT Owners UniL I, Lot t Shapiro I, Vall Va lley Second Ei Ii ng 1548 Spring lli I I Lane Vail , Colorl.lo 8'l 658 daI Post Offic€ Box 1547 Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476-1980 Pursuant to Ord.irrancc 22, Series of 1981, of the Town of Vail, I,thc 5T undersigned, as orlner of Lc:t /3, nrock_-J_, V4/L- VA/JF+ lV Subdivision, do hereby agree that: 1. The secondary dwelling trnit shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately from the prinary unit for a period of not less than the life of Trent Wi1 liam lluder, a life in being, plus twenty-one (21) years from the date that the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for said second unit, and 2. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if it shall be rented, . it shall be rented only to tenants who are full tine ernployees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The "Upper Eagle Val Ley" shall be deened to include the Gore Val1ey, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A 'rfull-time employeet' is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week, and 3. The secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any forn of tirneshares, interval o',rnership or f ractional fee, and 4, A declaration of covenants and restri-ctions shaLl be filed of record in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a forn approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. The recording shall occur prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said unit. MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIOI! FOR ARCHITECTURE CROSSROADs AT VAIL 143 EAST MEAOOW DRIVE vArL. COLORAOO 81657 303/476-5105 The following is a ljst of property owners adjacent to Lot 13, Block 3, Vaj I Val ley Fj rst Fi 1i ng. Lot 12, Hinshaw, Chas. T., Jr. Manor Vail, J. R. Elias Block 3, 5101 Kings Row P. 0. Box 606 Vail Va1 1ey : Wichita, Kansas 67208 Vail, Colorado 81657 F'irst Filing Lot 14, HBF Corporation Block 3, 216 HBF Building Vai I Val ley Midland, Texas 79701 First Filing Lot 15, Crow, Robert T. & l,lancy B'l ock 3, 6200 Peachtree Street Va'i1 Va11ey Commerce, California 90040 Lot 1, Svanoe, }lillard & Darling, Joan Vail Val1ey 13319 Mulholland Drive Second Filing Beverly Hjlls, California 90210 Shapiro, Abraham & Sylvia P. 0. Box 1547 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Lot ?, 41 pert Corporation Vail Valley 3600 South Yosemjte Second Filing Denver, Colorado 80237 Nichols, Charles E. L72L 01d Orchard Road Rockford, Illinois 61107 lmnn 75 south lrontage rd. vall, colotado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 utl June 7, .1982 To Property 0wners adjacent to lot 13, This letter is to inform you that the applied to the Department of Corrnunity a secondary unit which will be rented, by the original owner. This application will be presented at on Wednesday, June .|6, at 2:00 p.m. department of community development b'lock 3, Vail Valley First FiIing: owner of the above property has Development in order to build and ownership will be retained the Design Review Board meeting ,l b ltb .trPi)l,tCAl'lON irOll Sl:(l()LilAltY tlliIT i:Oli LrJlS OF l,ES.S 'flLL"l t5.000 l;QtJ/^.RL IilUl IN'lllli ltli:.i Tlil;)i'1'lr\1, ZONII IllS'lltlC'l'AflD li'J'Illl: },RI!.{AIIY,/ SIIC(INDAITY Ii,I]S I IJLN'I' I AI, ZONE N I S fIII CT I. A. NfuUI] OF PEi'IT]ONER NA.t'18 0I: ADDRESS ADDRESS ZjEWr4Fr KM_ B,PETTTTONER'S REPRESENT^T',rVE-JAA4Fs g l/lKrK - _ t44 FA fiqr', / TTNE-+A!---PH1NE-41A5\E D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS E. FEE:$100 plus an amount equal to rate for each propelty obner 7v 'A list of the names and nail j-ng addresses adjacent to the subject propefty. of ownels of all property II. CRITERIA The Corununity Developnent Departrnent and Design Review Board rnay grant an exception to allow the addition of a second dwelling unit if the followi.ng criteria are rnet: l. The second unit shal 1 not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot; and 2. lhe Conrnun ity Developnent Departnent shall find that the granting of thc cxception will not be detrinental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in whi,ch the subject property is situated; anC 3. That no varicnces for setbacks, hei.ght, parking, site coverage or landscaping,, site devclopmcirt or gross resjdential floor area would be approvcd uJrless thc granting of such a variance bencfits the visual appcarance of the site and surrounding area; and SIGNA ADD LEGAL DESCRrprrON: Lot1ffi_ Block__.,3 _ Ftrine vAtL (At_/84 l{ the then current first-c1ass postage to be notified hereunder. ,. ,,o'x rl vl ,. I bli I AUTHORIZATION Application ro. s".Jy urrit -2- That fifty percent of thc required parking nust bc enclosccl, and The architectural dcsllln of the structure and thc natcrials and colors mtst be visually harnoniou-s with thei]. sites and with surrounding si-tcs and structures, and nust not unnecessarily block scenic views fron exj-sting buildlngs; and Access to the secondary unit rnust not adversely affect the privacy of adj acent structures; and The applicant must denonstrate that the site has the ability to double its caPacity for handling trash and outdoor storage' III, RESTRICTIONS tr 6, 1 Pursuant to Ordinance 22, Series of 1981 of the Town of Vail , prior to i"ssuance of a building pernit, an agreenent to the following conditions x0ust be sig-ned by the p.op"ity ol,mer or owners on a forn provided by the Department of Comrnunity DeveloPnent : 1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be so1d, transferred or conveyed separately frorn tie primary unit for a period of not less than the life of Trent ltrilliarn Rud-er, " iif" in being, plus twenty-one (21) years froin the date that the Certificate of occupancy is issued for said second ruit, and 2. That the secondary dwel ling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if it shal1 Le rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full tine employees in the upper Eagle Va1 ley. The "upper Eagle valley" shal1 be deerned to includl the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A "full-tirne ernployee" is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week, and That the secondary dwelling unit shal 1 not be divided into any forn of tineshares, interval ownership or fractional fee, and That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a fornr approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. 3. 4. IV. TII.IE REQUIREIT{ENTS The Design Review Board rneets on the lst, Srd, and Sth wednesdays of each rnonth, The proposed plan and all required materials must be submitted 17 days Prior to the date of the neeting. TRANSMITTAT Lrrrrn AIA DOCUMENT CBIO J iISii'#T8, bla z o^rr, J-f|&z lf enclosures arc nol at noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. $d here$,ith ( ) ( ) in accordance with FOR YOUR: ) approval ) review & comment ) use THE FOLLOWINC: D{ Drarvings ( ) Specifica tions ( ) Change Order CODE B. REl!1ARKS under separate cover via you r request () () D(() () () w distribution to pa rties record ( ) information Shop Dra*,ing Prints Shop Drarving Reproducibles Samples Product Literatu re No tor t. See RTMARKS below coPrE5 DATE R€V, NO,OEsCRIPTION ACTION COD€ 2 5't2D2 /DRo a?pl4/Z;n\) ///-/3'Fn d-rrrvrA /4-/O.7b J,|;/L/*'"/D'-/ /5 /2.b2 /liljr,6'/fu ACTION A. Act;on indic.ted on il€m I rns m r tlecl O. For 3ignalure rnd lorwarding as noted below undcr RIMARK5 co PrEs (with enclosures) tr D L' D D MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA A PFOFESSIONAL CORPORATION FOR AFCHITECTURE CROSSFOADS AT VAIL I43 EAST MEAOOW OFIVE vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 303/476-5105 AIA DOCU^1INT C8r0 . T 11T A\lTRICAN INSI I I UI[ TR.\NS\llITAL ttTTtR ' r\FRlt l9:0 tOlIlON ' AIAs ' COPYRICHT @ 1970 of ARcHrrtcTs, 178t r\1A5s^cHUStTls AVtNUE, N.w., \VASHrNGToN, o.c.20016 ONT PAGE ;.' :i,,. , . :' VAIL Vm l.l.(i\I, l;l ', i;1'l tt):i: l,il 13. - ir! :, !t .9....... L,' 1_ - _ lilrrl{.illl'lr: u, l'l'()rli:l Primary/SeCOndary DUp'leX Spri ng Hi 11 Duplex 'J lrt' l'trl1r,1.ir1'. ittf or-::t:rl i'rtt i', l'.rirrir','(l ,',rr- .;rrl rtl;r I l,)' llrc ;r||lj' , ; tr lltt: l)c:; i'1rr 1.. 'r,:. lkr1t111 1,. t():r. ii J'itrtr I ;t|;rr.()\';r | (:;rr, lrr: 1;it,rrrr: A. llllll,lrli.,r; ll\.i'l;lllAr.s .l.Uft:.1!l :',t,.r.i,'rl ll<.rc, f Si dirig Othcr I'iirl I l,latcri.ll s (,f i (r t: Cedqr _9!_i ngl.es__*. yelrligl - t &- q ls s r_rq q w 99 { _w I ! [ _Q ] v_tryis_llgil_ t : 9? _ Glass block Vertical 1x6 clear redwood wjth 0lympic Stain #902 1x6 clear redwood with Olympic Stain #902 Pella Clad - dark bronze N/A Bronze. panel "$ry. d19f/3.Ul:g: tt.L 9:::l_t T:!:h To match siding si di ng 2" 0.d. brass rail Metal - stajn to match adiacent material (see samples) 24 GA metal stain to match adjacent materia'l (see samples) N a t u r al _.tlq n et[ !_Ie-l_r r_q q_l__gle a L'"9499!_!,t ! i n q d N/A Double-glaze4 a.ngd'i zJd bronZe aluminum frame 5 Ga]. I:ascia Soffi ts l{indo...;s Itiintlovr'l'rirn . Doo:'s Door'l'rirrr PLANT I'1ATER IALS llan<! o:-' I)cck llai 1s Flues Flashi'rgs Ch irnnc)'s I'ra slt Iuc I osules Glcclhr-lrrs e.s Otitel B. LANDSCAPiNC Nante of Desi5lner: Glenn Ellison Plrone : 476-3258 TREES Bot_qt q_ql_[qme_ 99l[9]f_!qt'te Quant j_ty. 5i ze &2 P/Picea Punqens Colorado Spruce 7 6-12 feet ,,'-Pton Populus Tremuloides Aspen 12_ I-2r, ca1 . I 5 Gal.SIIRUBS Cornus Stolonifera Redtwiq Doqwood 23 Symphoricarpos Albus Show Berry 8 Ribes Alpinum Alpin Current 5 Physocarpus Monogynus Mountain Ninebark 3 Juniperus Sabina 'Sea Sea Green Juniper 16 i -9gt . 5 Gal. Green' 5 Ga] . t,f 'G'ioijiltl cOvt i(5 SOD SiED TYPE OF IRRIGATION r udt. !gt!h9!_o-c-1s:rtj_._Qy_itr_Qs-e_Fo jl-l.Elgs_irnhhi' 1 Gal . Engelmann -Ivy___ Benson A-34 - Poapratensis Gl ade - Poapratensis Baran - Poapratensis TYP[ l5% Orchard Grass l5% Annual Rye Grass 20% Smooth Brome 15% Durar Hard Fescue 20% Slender Wheat Hose Bi bs 280 sj.-_f!. SQUARI I0OTAGE 3000 sq. ft. SQUARE FC0TAGE 40 lbs/acr:e TYPE OR NETIiOD OF EROSION CONTROL Spp Sifp llan C. Other Landscape Features (retairring wal1s, fences, svinrn'i ng pools, etc.) Plea.c s;,ecify. _ A l I re_ta i lt n g_an 4_! r'iJgqy_rrySl-l5_ s hdl_be__of_jalu rEl__g r ore_,- - All patio. ent and deck pavin OQ,,,r.r'r' r,{)r:Al r, ., \r,ii,,,,'n',,uS :;rl,r) | vJ s r tr;l _5fiif l_ :ZArt*eAf .rr)B NAr,flt _9flfl5.,16? s7 t_, f:).Upf-+(_ l,o'r' l\ _nlccx.__1 I; I I,IN(; nt,trtrt,S.S--l 5 .5PRI-LI42_H U-I--LAF.TF llrc iocat j.orr of rrt j'l itics, r,rhcthcr thc'y i incs, nnrst bc ;rppl'orrcd and vcrj f icd lry acconpany-[ng sitc plan. br: iira,in t rutrk thc liol l orvi ng I .incs or pr'<.rposed utilitics for the Dat e Itlorrntain Bcl I l{estcrn Slope Gas Public Scrvicc Company llol y Cross lilectric Assoc. Vail Cablc T.V. Uppcr [aglc Valley lVater: and Sanitation Dis trict N0'IE: l'hese verifications do not rclicvc the contractol- of hrs responsibility to obtain a stleet cut pcrnit from the 'l'ort'n of Vai I , Departnent of Publ i-c lVolks and to obtain utifity locations before digging in any public light- of-way ol casement jn the Torvn of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut perrnit obtained scparately. A stlcet cut permit must be 'l'his fornr j.s to vcrify scrvicc av;rilablity and location. I'his should be uscd in corr.j rurction rvith preparing your utility plan and schcrltrlinl; j.rrstnllatious. Aut Recorded Reception i;dr :".: - -"O ...Becorder. Trl's DIED, Dlade this 27Lin dav of April ' ts76 between Gene Alan Smith and Diana Dodge Smith, Husband and Wife, - of the Courty of Ga lve s ton and State of t€J3*aq of the first part, and Avedik Akop ianE z with the aaid part Y of t}te of these presents, EheY are indefeasible estate of inheribnce, in law, in fee simple, and have good right, full power and lawful authority to gTsnt, bargain, sell and convey the same il man-ner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and otber grants, bargai-ns, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encurnbrances of whatever kind or natur€ soever. excepE general real estate taxes for 1976 due and payable in 1977; restrictlve covenants as recorded April 13, 1970, in Book 217 at Page 406; ucility and drainage easenents as shown on plac; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said part y his hejrs and assigns against all and everT person o! persoll la*{ully elaiming or any part ihereof, the said part ies of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe said part ies ol tbe first part ho vs hereunto set and se8l s the day and year first above writt€n- th,ife TEXAS of the County of EagIe and State of Colorado, of the second part: \YITNESSETE, Ttat the sald parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerati,on----:-- .-=----; ,!9LLA:: to the said parties of the first part in hand paid by said part Y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed anil acloor ledged, have granted, bargaincd, sold and conveyed, andby these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirrn, uato the said part }| ol the second part' hi-s heirc and assigns for' e"rr, ail the following described lot or parcel of Ianil, situaie, lying and being in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: LOTS ll and 13, BL0CK 3, VAIL VALLEY, I'IRST FILING, according to the recorded plat thereof. TOGEiTEER *ith all and singular the hereditaments snd aPPurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apperkining, and the reversiou aad reversions, remainder and remainders, renls, issues and profits thereof, and all the estste, right, title, interest, claim and demand rrhatsoever of the said part ies of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in anil to tbe ebove bargained plemises, witb t"he hereditgments and appurtenances. TO EAVE AND TO EOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenpnces, unto the said part Y of the,secpnd part, his heirs and assigns forever' And the said part ies .^^ Eneaf -^.,^--nr -6-+ r"-rd of the first part, 1o" Ehem selves"nltF"", executors, a'nd administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and ....(sEAL) ... .. ...(sEAL) ..(sEAL) dayof April Witness my hand and official seal. Noterr Publlc. seeond part, his heirs and assigas, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery rrell seizeil of tbe premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and of the second part, or to claim the whole FOREVER DEFEND. the ir hand s STATE OF CEEONf,DO, CourtY o! Harris ]", Tbe foregoing instrunent was ackaowledged before me this 19 76 ,by C'ene Alan Sroith and Diana Dodge Snith. My comrnission exPirer Januafy 26 27t}r ,19 78 ,.-#'#&- No. 032. vl'lal}JfY D8E).-For P!.aorrrrhL a..Dsd.-Bndtod Pqbf bhhs c.., tt2l{ Stoqt glrct' Dov"' ColoF& -ll'?6 TtM FORM 2310.2 / 13 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 197O Rev. Jrn-e lrvsuRANcE CorpANy or [\/|TNNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis. Minnesota TITLE INStlI{ANCE CO\{PANY Ol' N'll\\ES()T.{, a \'linncsotu corporation, hercin c'allecl the Conrpany, for a valuable consideration, hereltl' corurrrits to issue its p<rlic1 or policies of title insrrr:rnce, as identified in Schedule .{, in favor o[ the proposecl Insrrrt'd rranred in Schedule .A, as rls ntr ()r r]rortgnqc(' of the estate or interest crtvered hereby in the land described or rcferrerl to in Schedule A, upon l)avrn('nt of thc prt'rniunrs and chtrgcs therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedrrlt's A and B antl to thc ( jrrrrtlitiorrs lrr<l Stil>rrlatirirrs ht'rt'of. oI this C<lurrrritnlcnt or by'srtl;setlttt'nt endorscrttt'rr t. tlbligatirlIrsltt'rcttlrclers|tirllccast'attcltertttilt:ltt'sixItttttltlts:titt'rtlrt' rrot tlrt' lirult of tlrr' Orrrrrlxrrrl . CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. 'l'hc tt'rrn "rrr<lrtgagt"', rvlrt,rr rrscrl hereirr, slrull irrclutlc <leerl ol tnrst. trust det'cl, <rr other sct'rtritr irrstrttttrt'trt. 2. I f ttre proposecl Insrrrccl has or acrlrr in's act rral kno',r'leclge of lrrt v tlcft.r't, lit'r r, e ttct tl ttbra t tc r', ittlr t'rsl clrritn or in Schedule B hercof, antl shall f ail to disclose srrih knorvlctlge to tht' ( irrupanl in u'ritirrg, tlt'(-lrrrtparry shall be rclieved frorn Iiabilitl'for anl Lrss or rlarnagt resrrlting frrlrtr any act of reliauce lrt'rt'ott t<t tltt't'rtcttt tlrr'Oorlrpany is prejudiced by failtrrc of tlrc pnrlxrscd lnsured to so clisclose such krurrr'lerlgt,. If thc prr;lxrsecl lrrsru'cd slrall rliscl<rse such knorvlcdge to the Cornpanl', or if the Conrpany otherrvise:rcrlrrirt's uctrral knorr lt,dge t,f arrl strch cle Icct, Iien, erncu lrrbrance, adverse-clairn or other rn:rtter, the Company at its option r r rav anren <l Schucltrle B o f this ( lo rr r nritrtrerr t accordingll', but sucb'aurencllrrcnt shall n<rt relit'r'e the Cotnpanl frrrrrr liubilitl previottslv incurretl I)rlrsuant to paragraph 3 of these Qonditions:rnd Stillulations. 3. Liabilitl.of the Conrpanv under this Courrnitnrent shall bt'onlr to tht'rrarrrr'<l grroJrr>sccl lrrsrrrt.<l antl sttch partit's includecl under the definition of Insured in the form of polic'r' or lrrilicit's corrtIttittt'tl for ancl orrll for acttral Ioss incurred in rcliance hereon in trndertaking in good faith (a) to cornply'r'",ith the rerlrrircrrrtrrts^ lrtrcof or (b) to elinrinate excelltions shou'n in Scheclrrle I), or (c) to acqrrire or cr('at(' tltc cstatt' or intt'rcst or rllortgagl' tltert'<rn arr, ltt'rt'bv {. Any' actir>n or actions rrr rights of actiorr thrit the 1,lrog>ttst'cl Irr'ttrctl rrrin ]nrvc or rrrin brilrg irg.rirrst tltc this (lornmitrnelrt rnust be bascd r)n alld are sulljt't't to the provisiotts ol tltis ( lottrtrtittltt'rt. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS Exceptions I through 5, of Schedrrle B-2 on tht, rt'r'erse side ltert'of. :rrt' its f ollttrvs: l. Rights or claims of partit's in possession not shos'n b;- thr llublit'recortls. 2. Easerrrcnts, or clirirns of t'ast,rrrcrrts, not shou'n bv the llLrhlrc rt'corrls. 3. I)iscrcllancies, conflicts itt borrndary' lint's, slrrrrtitgt'in arca. r'ttlrolrt ltrrrcrr(s. irrr<l irrrl [acts ulritlr a corrcct sun'e1' and inspection of thr, premisc's *'orrJcl clisclose antl * lrir'h rrre not slros n bl, tlrc prrl;lic rr:cords. 4. Any, lien, or right to a lien, frlr services, labrrr or rrratcrial tlrt,rctofort'rrr lrt'reaftt'r frrrnislrt'<1. irrrllo.t'rl by'law' and not shorvn by the qrublic records. 5. Defects, liens, encrrnrbranct s. adverse clairrrs or other rnattcrs. if arrr'. crelrtt,tl, first appearirrg in the lltrblic recorcls rrr attachirrg subsetprcnt t<l tht eflectivt' tlatc ltt'rt'ol lrrt prirrr to tlrt' <late thg 1;ropost'tl insrrred acquires of recortl f<lr valrrt'thc erstate or int(,r['st or nlortgirg('tlrlrcorr (r,r't'rt'tl by tlris (]orrrnritrrrcrrt. I\J \l'l-f NESS \!'IIEREOF, 'l'itlt' lnsrrrance (,-orrrpanl'of \litttrt'sota lrits cirrrsttl its corporate nalnt'arrtl scal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorizecl officers txr the tlirtc slton n irr Scht'tlrrlt' A, to bt'r'ali<l rvlterr crruntt'rsign<'cl b1, a validating offict'r or other arrthoriz-t'd siguatorl', Jrrr-e lr.rsunnuce f,omennv or lflrNruEsorA l)v' Valicittirrg Of fict'r 'pr' Kffi**<-O ,f 'lEtd aql uo u,'lot{s sP laal 0[ f1.ra1se3 aql JaAo pue laal 91 fllaqleoN aql JaAo luauasea a6eulelp Pup fltttln 'lPtd aql uo ur'lotls se laaj 91 ,{1.ra1se3 Pu€ laal 0t,{tJaqlnos aql JaAo luarasPa a6eu1e.rp Pue,(rttlrn .9gg a6e6 7e LLZ loog ut 'gL6l' €L l. lJdV papJotal luaunrlsul ul PaulPluoJ sp.asnp[3 JalJe an Jo annlfa]JoJ P u[PluoJ 1ou oP qf,lqA'slueus^ol a^]ltlJlsau 'AuE JI'sa8rBqc ra.!\as puE ralr.tr ptzdun loJ suatT S ,(par3p;O l.rJq sgq Jnp sarel Jo Jtr)rJrual s.rarnsearl) 'puel prBs lsute8e sluaurssasse lo sarzl ptedun ,(uy t .a.)rJJo s,r.)1rsBJr.L Jql <l1 pJrJrlJa:) 1a.t 1ou sluarussasse [ElJads pue alqu{ed ro anp 1a,{ lou sluaurssassP PUE saxel'9 'ior€q apts asra.\ar uo patuud S qBnorql I suogdaexg prePuuls I :{uzduro3 aqt Jo uoJl -r17Jslles aql ol Jo pr:!-odsrp Jre Jur?s aq) ssalun Rrrr.lollo; aql ol suoodacxa uleluoJ lll.l'! panssl aq o1 satcrlod ro ictlod aq1 suotldacx3 z-8 3lnOf,HCS r'luail lu$ol sltll u! Joj pat t€3 paao /txuPJJPll aql ul asnods an Jo Japulo[ aql anlnban tttr/t aA'pa[JJeu st u]an3q a3l-sa^ a|'|1 ]I 'palnf,axa sPt{ psalsauoq ftlPluolns up 'g/z tt}8 alPuas rtbnoJql 9/6t't /ctne Jo sv,, 'fltado.td ltefqns 6u1fal -uof 'ZINVJd0)V )I03AV 01 aJlA pue Pueqsnq aJ€ sJoluPJb lPq1 luaua6patrculrP puE aJnleu6ta;ipoq uf-tptrlral q1!A asnods slq pup HIIr.lS NV1V lN33 t1o1; peeg,{lupJrpl{ 'S :11.4\-ol ,proJar Jo, pJlJ ,(1rrp pue prlrrre\r J(l lsnru parnsul aq ol lsa.talul lo JtPlsa aql Eullea:c (s)luauln:1sut ratlo:4 6 .pa;nsur Jq ol lseJallur -ro dlelsa Jql r()J uorturJptsuoJ lnJ aql;o s:o8eflrour ro srogutri aql Jo lunoJJ" aql loJ lo o1 1uaut.(e,1 1 :qtllr pallduoc aq o1 sluaula:rnbJr aql arB Sur,trogol .rq.; sluau-rartnbag r-s 3'lno3Hcs 'opEJo[oJ Jo alpls 'e[6P3 Jo /tluno3 ']o3Jaq? lEtd pspJofal aql otr oulp.rocce'glillll tsiJIJ'A311vA ]IVA't )3018'€[ PUP tl. sI01 :s^rolloJ sp paqFrsap sl tueurtJruuoc srql ur ot parraJar pu?l eq.L 'g slupual luloe sP 'Hlllis 39000 vNvI0 puP HIII{S NVIV lN39 :ur Pelse^ Joareq slEp a^rlceJJe aql le s! uleraq PaleAoJ lsalelur Jo alElse oql ol alllJ '' lldt{Is .lll v :sr uraraq para^oc pu€ lueurlruuoJ slrll ul o] PaueJar lo Paqlrrsap Pu€l eql ur lsaralur Jo alelse 3qJ c 'il. '01 o toE cv lqzz-gLn :3NoHd /99I8 oCVUO]OC ''llVA 'Clll lilll Al]lV,l ilO$ :Parnsul Pesooold $ '^au 0/6I III'IOd NVO'I ..VI.IV.. sutilssv Jo/Pue ZINVIdo)V )I03lV :parrrsuJ pasodo:,1 00'0S9'S/ $ 0l-lI-0I papuaurv- -016I-g uroJ trll'Iod s.uuN,t\o ..vrIV.. :pensst aq ol serrtlod ro Arllod 'u 'H'V UU:! lE 9/61 't[ [[JdV :alECI a^rlraJJg 'I -----ggf€=^y-.o;1 uorrecllddy v 31no3H3S co 33rJco 3rr.L HcilourrJllbl ' ".u ollNs Wr vu l^loiliY,