HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 6 LOT 3 RIVERHOUSE CONDOS COMMON ELEMENT LEGAL.pdf/a. tz-dt The Willows Redevelopment Co mparison Prone rties Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Develooment Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land tJse Plan Designation' Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation Current Land Use: Develooment Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Bishop Park, 43 and 63 Willow Place Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 30,848 square feet (0.71 acres) Allowed/Requ ired Existinq 18,493 sq.ft.21,482 sq.ft. 16,966 sq. ft. (55%) 10,766 sq. ft. (34.9%) 20 ft. 5'48', 55' Riverhouse Condominiums, 83 Willow Place Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1$ Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 16,523 square feet (0.38 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq 9,767 sq.ft.16,190 sq.ft. 9,087 sq. ft. (55%) 7,'148 sq. ft. (43%) .2' NA Edelweiss, 103 Willow Place Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1't Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,825 square feet (0.36 acres) Allowed/Requ ired Existino 9,'187 sq.ft.20,970 sq. ft. 8,703 sq. ft. (55%) 6,963 sq. ft(44yo) 20tt. 48', Summer's Lodge, 123 Willow Place Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1$ Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 14,063 square feet (0.32 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq 8,438 sq.ft.11,202 sq.ft. 7,031 sq. ft. (s0%) 7,120 sq. ft. (53%) 20 ft. 48' 20ft. 48' Difference > 14o/o < 2oo/o > 15' >7', Difference > 60% <12% > 19.8' NA Difference > 55o/o < 11Vo > 20, NA Difference > 32o/o > 3o/o* > 1g' <4.5' 0' NA 1', 43.5' "facts in file regarding site coverage were conflicting Riva Ridge North, 133 Willow Place Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1't Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total SiG Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Oesignation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Totat Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Heightl High Oensity Multi-Family 11,935 square feet (0,.274 acres) Allowed/Required Existino 7,161 sq.ft. ? sq. ft. (55%) 20 ft. 48' AllowedlReouired 9,199 sq.ft. NA 20' 48' 13,126sq. ft. ?sq.ft 1', 4s', Existinq 19,824 sq. ft. NA 't' 45' Difference > 54Yo > 19' <3', Difference > 54o/o NA >19' <3" Riva Ridge South, 114 Willow Road Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,333 square feet (0.352 acres) The Willows Gondominiums, 74 Willow Road (existing) Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village 't" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 21 ,144 square feet (0.49 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq Difference 1Q069 sq.ft. 18,607 sq.ft. > 13o/o 11,595 sq. ft. (55%) 12,638 sq. ft. (60vo) > 5o/"20ft. 4' >16' 48' 48', NA 'l4Willow Road Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 'l$ Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density MultFfamily 12,630 square feet (0.29 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq Difference 7,579 sq.ft. 7,531 sq.ft. < 1o/o 6,947 sq. ft. (55o/o) 4,678 sq. ft. (37Yo) < 18% 20 ft. 10' >10' 48' 44', < 4' TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICANT CONTR,ACTOR OI,tlNER FireD1ace Inforuation: Re6bricted: DEPARTMEIfT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEITI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AtT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: 83 wf IjI-,OW PL LOCALiON..,: 83 WILLOW PI,ACE Parcel No.. : 2101-082-L5-000 Project No.: 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0L11- SLaLus...: fSSUED Applied. . : os/1,3/1998 Issued...: 05/27/1998 E:qpires. . : 1-1,/23/1998 Phone: 9709490660 Phone: 9709490560 ON Descriptsion: EXTERTOR R-EMODEI-, Occupancy: Rl- Mult.i-Family Tlpe Construction: If FR !)pe II Fire ValuaEion:160, 000 SAITIRE DEVEI,OPMENT TNC PO BOX 1_37L, VArL, CO 81658 SAIJTTRE DEVEIJOPMENT INC PO BOX L37t, VAITJ, CO 8L558 RTVERHOUSE I4AIN BLDG Add Sq Ft: *Of cas AppLianceB:#of wood,/Pallet: BulldiDg-----> PIan check- - - > Inve6higation> wilt call----> 980.0O 63? . OO .00 3.OO 200 . oo . oo 500 , oo 2,32O .OO . oo 2,32O .OO 2,32O .O0 Reet.uaranE Plan R€vl€r--> DRB Fee-------- Rccreatsion P€6--- --- -- --> Clean-Up Depo6it.- - - - - - -- > .OO ToEal CalculaEed FecE---> AddiEiohal Fees---------> TotsaI Pcnnit Fee--------> Pa] n€nEs-------- fE.em: 05100 NG D Dept: BUII-,DrNG Division:O5/L3/L998 Ac E PLANS TO CHARLIE O5'126'/t998 Ac R APPROVED JRM ITbm:'O54OO NG D DepE: PLANNING Division:O5/L3/I998 AC R PLANS TO PIJAIINER O5/L3/L998 Ac C CANCEL APPR O5'/A3'/L998 AC E PI,ANS TOPI,ANNER os'/20'/1-998 Ac R Itbm:'05600 EPAR Dept: FfRE Division:Os/26/1998 Ac R N/A Itbm:'05500 woR DepE: PUB WORK Division:os/26/L998 Ac R N/A TOV/Co Clean-up D approved ResistiveamOUnt date #Of Oas Logs: FES SUI4MARY TOTAL FEES----- 2,320.00 BALANCE DUE---- .0O ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;.;;;; ;;;;; ;; ".-,,;DECI,,ARATIONS I hereby ackhowledgo thaE I have read Ehi6 applicaEion, filled out in f!rl] the information lequiled, codpleEed an accurace pIots plan, and 6tsaEe tshaE all the lnformatsion provided a€ required ia correc!. I agree t.o comply with tshe information and plot. plan, to conply $ich all Town oldinanccE and 6caEc lawa, and to build thi6 etruclure according to the Toyn'6 zoning and eubdiwieion code6, dcBign rcvier approvcd, Uniforn Buildihg code and oEhcr ordinanceE of Ehc Tosn applicabLc theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IALI, BE MADE TWEIITY.FOUR HOURS IN TD\ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {79-2139 OR AT OUR OFFICE s6nd clean-up Dcpoole ?o: sALTTRE DEv O STGNATTJRE a[*- oR @MTRAeTOR FOR HruSELp AND owNER Page 2 * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0Lj_1 as of OS/27/gg Sratus___: TSSI]ED ******************************************************************************** Permit 1fpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant-- : SAITIRE DEVELOPMET{I INC 9709490660 ilob Address: 83 WILLOW PL Location---: 83 WILLOW PLACE Parce1 No-- : 2LOL-O82-I-5-000 Applied--: 05/L3/t998 Issued---. os/27/L998 To E>qrire: tL/23/L998 DescripE.ion: EXTERIOR REMODEI, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:'r * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * *:r * 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIVCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121_0 0F THE 1991_ I]BC 3, Downspout from roof on southeasE corner must not drain Eo ne ighboring property. 4. UBC 5406 SAFETY GIJAZING REQ'D ON SIDE LITES NEAR DOORS 5. I]BC 17]-2 AND 3305 FOR GUARD RAIL AND HAND RATI DESTGN AND REQUIREMEN:TS FN'|t' dotE -on o|Ft tn tta -o F €P u t[I @ € F Ci z a tl E c '{ d n E t o 88 g EE B u|t .l U?Etz a!nt Fit ro H e t .!l x E t! U tl E .U !? ul 3rd oo c!o ZA }lH o !l t ul 6l EE ! E r8 5i 3g ,r E a trE 0|ll EE dtt E ('ro U ut 0t 8E 'tF d C'c ut 5 g h 4 3 t F 3 It g d E FI F { !t H -l rl ..1 ct 6 t!F o q d o t td 6 o :, C' 14 ;o oo o.clo 4o : ; -o C!z rl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII4ENI OF COMMI'NITY DEVBLOPMBNT NOIIE: TIIIS PERIT{IT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: 83 wrL,IJOw PL LocaEion...: 83 WILLOW PLACE Parcel No.. : 2101-082-15-000 Project, No.: ON iIOBSITB AT AT.,L TIMES Permits #: 898-0111 StaEus...: ISSUED Applied..: os/L3/t998 Issued...: 05/27/L998 E:<pires. . : lL/23/L999 Phone z 9709490660 Phone z 9709490660 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OVINER Description: EXTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R]-.I)pe ConsEruction: II FR Valuation:160, 000 FircDhcc InforEation: RGBtrictrd: SAI,TIRE DEVELOPMENT INC PO BOX L37L, VArr,, CO 81658 SAIJTIRE DEVEIOPMEIiIT INC PO BOX L37L, VArL, CO 81558 RIVERHOUSE }iIAIN BI.,DG BuiLdlng-----> PI.n Chcck- - -> fnwcaligation> will c.ll----> r*fr*rrr*rfrr.** PEE 9so. oo ReEtualanE Plan R€viet-->,00 200 . oo .oo 500 . o0 TOTATJ FEES----- 2,32O.OO 637 . O0 . o0 3.O0 DRB Fcc-------- Rccr.ation FeG----------> ckan-Up DepoEit-------- > Multi-Famj-1y Type II Fire Resistsive Add Sq Fts: *of OaB Applianccg:*of wood/P.llcE: DepE: FIRE Division: DepE: PttB WORK Division: *Of Cta6 Log. I srJt'lttuly r.rrrrr Total crlculat€d F6.6- - - >2,32O .OO Addicional Fecs------ ---> .0o Tot.al Pcruits FGc--------> 2,32o.oo PalmenEs------- 2,320.00 BAI,ANCE DUE-.-- .OO rtrrirr,rrtrrrit rrrittrrrrr*rri .rrtrrrtrtt*tritttartrttf Item: 05100 os/L3/L998 os/26/L998 Item: 05400 05/L3/L998 o5'/L3'/L998 05-/L3'/1998 os'/20 /L998 Iti:m: 05600 0s/26/t998 Itbm:' 05500 os/26/teeg BUII.,DING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUTI-,DING DiViSiON:iIRM ACTiON: NOTE PI,AI'IS TO CHARLIE iIRM Actsion: APPR APPROVED iIRM -D-T,ETVTUTWS DEFARNME-I.IT DEPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:JRM ACEiON: APPR PLANS TO PLANNER iIRM ACI,iON: CA}TC CATiICBI, APPR JRM ACI,iON: NOTE PI.,ANS TOPLANNER DOMINIC Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT iIRM Action: APPR N/A PI'BLIC hIORKS .]RI'I ACtsiON: APPR N/A ,,rtrr+trr*r**rl* rrrtrt'r*r*+*rr* .ri*rr**rrt*rr+ See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions tshat may apply to this permit. DECI.ARATIONS I hercby acknoslcdEc tshae t hav6 read Ehi6 applicalion, filted out in fulI the infornatsion rcquired, coEPl.tcd .n accur.te trtloE plar, .nd 6tace tshat' all tshc inforoation provided ae required is correc!. I agree tso cot4tty witsh tshe inforEation and p1ots plan, tso cooply rilh all Tovrr ordinancrd ald gtsate lay6. and to build t.hi6 ELEuctute according to Che ToYn's zoning and eubdiviaion codes, de6ign revi.r approvcd, Uniforro Building Codc and other ordinancc6 of thc Toen aPPlic..ble Lh.reto. RBQIJBSTS FOR I!{SPECIIONS SIIAI,I, B8 I4ADB TVfBItTI-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVAIVCB BY Send CI.an-Up D€poait To: SAI,TIRB DJ sromrrnr?onueR oR csurRAqroR FoR HrHstsrJF AlrD owNER Applied--: os/L3/L998 rssued---: 05/27/L99e To Errtrrire z LL/23/L998 Page 2 **********************************************************************rl!t******** EONDITIONS PermiE. #: B98-01L1 as of 05/27/98 Status---: ISSIJBD **********!t********************************************************************* Perlllit Tlpe: ADD/AI-,T SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applicant,-- : SALTIRE DEVELOPMENI INC 9709490660 ilob Address: 83 wIrJLOw PL I,OCATiON--- : 83 IIIIJIJO$I PI'ACE Parcel No-- : 2LOL-082-L5-000 Descript,ion: EXTERIOR REMODEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAI'ICE. 2. SMOKE DETESTORS ARE REOUIRBD IN AI.L BEDROOMS AND SVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 I]BC. 3. Downspout from roof on soutfreasts corner musE not drain tso ne ighboring property. 4. UBC 5406 SAFETY GI,AZING RBQ'D ON SIDE LITES NEAR DOORS 5. I,JBC 1712 AI.ID 3306 FOR GUARD R,AIL AND HAND RAIL DESIGN AND REQUIREMENTS rtttt.r+at.rtttr+tt T(nDI OF VAII,, @IJoRIDO gErtcutrc arrttrr*rraitattttaaa.ti*arttiatttrtttatttttrt g!.E.ErrE Nu!.b.r 3 REc-oao7 l[oun!: 2,27o.oo 0s/21/98 a2rL9 P.l|ocnE !LG,hod: CHBCK Nol-clon: 2301 IniE: PBM PerElc No: B9e-0111 Tlryc: r-BUu.D ADD/ALT sFR BurrD PE Parc.I No: 2101-092-16-000 glce Addrc66: E3 9ltt LOll PIr Loc.cion: 83 WILLoI{ PLACB Togel P€es: 2,320.00 Thir Payr.nt 2,27o.oo ToEal A&& PuEo: 2,l2o.oo Balancc: .0o rrrtrrrrrrr.rat a ritrtritt|Jtt Ja J Account cod€D€6cripElon BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUTLDINC PERITT FEES DR OO10oO03112200 DESIqil REVIEW FEES PB 00100003112300 PLIII CHECI( FESrl tD OO1OOO02.O31O0 CIrEAtfltP DEPoSITS ltc oo10ooo311280o wrLL cAlL rNSPBqrrON FEB Anount 980. O0 150. O0 637. 00 500. o0 3.00 o ;::ii ;:,til.l; 13";:jl"l;;: i"l:: j "'#i oF vAr L "o*,,*u"*, os nrfta// / ate RecoivGd'' o robName, 4' t'''/n'JobActdrestt /z 4, -/( ..7 - \rchitect: Legal Description: Lot_ Block__ Filing suaorvrstOlr, )wners Name: \RfEL , rJ lO | -AXa -/ L - Aac' pERMIT Applf cATIoN F ( oxrnz _ 4/4/ E(. t-a -/L-aaa pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM JUN 04 19S APPLICATION MT'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED t * * J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * PERMIT fNFORIIATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r, * * * * * ' [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing ,[q]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Address:Ph. leneral DescriPtion: lork class: [ ]-New p{-Alteration [ ]-Addit,ional J 1lnepair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelling Units z /Number of Accornmodation Units: fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet t * * * * * rt * * tt * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r! * * * * * * * rr * )}UILDING: E )LUMBING: $ ELECTRICALz | 3,tap, ? MECIiANfCAL: $-------, [ * * * * * * t'* * * t! * * * * * * * *'* * *'* * :t * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATf ON leneral Contractor: \ddress: ;Iectrical contractor: iddress: OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ ***'/r** ************** *** *:*** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES; BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: NO.a-7 ,l.umbine contracror: EqB - o|ZI rddress: lechanical Contractor: rddress: }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMTT FEE: IECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: r >trt>rirrtrtrt rt**** **** * * ** *** ** * *****FOR OFFf CE USE ** ** ************ ***!t't********** 'LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: VALUATION I CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: DArE:-5;-.!L' !!- Con Bac c cc 970-3 \RCEL f ! ( , Offlce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORM PERMIT ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I I5 7 Ea 28 Co 0 1c 864 cssors el 4. - ozd s c nEy As or Par tz- i, u f.PER,\IIT f r*****************************\ ' b4-"uiruirn [ ] -Pluhbins t rob Name , (rftafiousC Gr*3 PERMIT INFORMATION TT * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical I J-Mechani'cal [ ]-other Job Acldres=: 83' M''an" fi^'s Vf; Legal DescriPtion: Lot Block__ Filing sueorvrstQy; .1 Nf naar.==, (.0fu I-oft €oweop; rlh.1zb-?5oo rrch irect : ally-fupat.a .Address, (ofu 1zf Aron Dh Stbzo ;eneral Description: .lork class: Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet b EI,ECTRICAL: $ )lunbing rddress: Contractor: techanicaL contractor: rddress: }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: 1ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: ]P tr FFE' . TYPE GROUP sQ. FT. :omnent,s: [ ]-New yy'-ott"rarl-on [ ]-Addirional t lln"puir [ ]-orher fumber of Dwelling Units, lO 'tumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances )" k * * * * * tt * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * VALUATfONS )]UILDING: ?LUMBING: $,MECFIANICAL: $ **************************'t****** OTHER: $ TOTAL: { INFORMAaION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr t,*rt*** Town of Vail Recr. NO. t * * * * * *'+ * * * * * "( * * ik * * *. * * it * * * r( *^CONTRI\CTOR ?eneral contractor. X LTtQt WEtbfivEnT \ddress: ;lectrical Contractor : \ddress: Phgne,Nunbe*'lclLf -ObbO ,#W,# ^!g.u;o.rx€ BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: PLI.IMBING PIAN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAIJ PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP OIIOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: VALUATION I CLEA}I IP DEP.OSIT REFI]ND TO: o 75 soulh lronlage roa d vall, colorado 01652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of rlce ol communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI-TN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, pLease stop by the Tovrn of :::i"::ti3i"3.":f;i5'il:li":i""iliin a copv. riranl vou ror your zr' ,l I 't rl Read and acknowledged Y-q"r-"" h^L?d \ Couraaeroa- f-r* ositionTnefEEiEEE (i. e. contract,or, owner) 75 soulh lronlsge road vall, colorado 816S7 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ot,lco ot .o.rrnily development EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,tE FMNE d a'll mul ti _fami ly permi ts wil l maximum requirements. Residential esser amount of time. However, if pact the various above mentioned ry review, these projects may Every attempt will be Tgge by this departnrent to expedite this pet'mit.as s.qon as possible. - I' tb" undersigned, understand the p)an check procedure and time f rame.. X"km=-Covoo's. k s'tz-'or6 / Cornmun j ty Devel ogrment Department. TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: .A,LL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED egarding lhe need for a 'public Way permit': 1) ls this a new residence? YES 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? 3) ls any'utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easemenls, or public propeny? 7) ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for slaging, parking or lencing? NO ,r/' ,/- \--- ,,-- a t,/ B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging t'/' or fencing plan required by Commurity j Development? . ns, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained. obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at uestions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town I have read and answered allthe above uestio .rubf Qa^r*\ Contraclor's Signature s. Q-.49 Dale Job Name ,. rrl rlny.1E.lEeE 41 1lFltu vL1 iluus1, 11uMgowfits Ll5io.o Unit #l ie'i trL Srrzarme hfamEf 6362 S. Oeneva Cr. Englewood, CO 801 I I Vail H 303t740-8271 o 303/330-7007 Unit #2 l'{ac & Cindy Allen Shenrran Allen Real Estate P.O. Box J97 lir"r]]d, Vt. 05?0;1 "ail 479-9?72 ri 8il2-775-2404 8()2-773_2?52 0 r 802-773-3361thx L.nit #J fiouglas&CyntlriaS,.o ?4 Sylval La. Vreston, I\4A 02193 Vail 476-23? I H 617/235. I ,)6 : nit #4 Jotur & Pai i._r,.rq.:r.,stein R !-ox ii:.,r: ij,- . irrettn i. lr i r l Vail 476-i,t H 203/8f;(.' I 'Q ?124,-- tlnit #5 Marvin J. Lube_rk (ct Suel Paul D. Balsread (& Greta) 590 South Harrison La, f)elver, C() S0209 Vail 476-1624 H 303t7',17-t599 r 303/320-t784 far 'r 303/320-t77? h Unit *r-z Katlty & Roy Plum 6Isle Ridge Rd Hobe Sound, FL J3455 Vail 476-7146 H 407/s46-7646 lrax 4071546-7642 Unit #8 LeE & Dainey Klingensteiu 3I Oxford Rd Scarsdale, NY t0583 Yail 4?6-2022 H et4l723-E585 o 212/476-s850 Unit #9 Aifouso & Ivlercedes Alvares Agua Caliente ?2C Edo, Mexico 5i900 r'sit 4?6 o 0l l-525-272-til IB o r Q I l -jf, j-lrr i,07 I r 0l l-525-i. ySgZ h unir #10 Jolur & Jeame English 1800 N. Kenr St., Suire I tO2 Arlingtcn, VA 22?.09 Yall 4'/76-25-il o 703/s27-6t0a ? vail, c-olorado Denver, c,olo|ado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. STRUCTTIRAL FRAMING PLAIIS, DETAILS, AND GENERAL NOTES FORTrrr'. RIVERIIOUSE CONDOMINIT]MS EXTERIOR RENOVATION Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Date: March 16, 1998 Prepared By: Monroe & Newell Engineers Inc. PO Box 1597 Avon, Colorado 70 Ilenchrllark Road . Suire 204 . I) O. IlOx 1597 o Avon, (lolorrrclo 81620 . (970\ 919-716U . FAX (97O) 94<)-4054 ir PROJECT: RIVERHOUSE M&N #3978 DATE: MARCH 16, 1998 GENERAL NOTES 100 PsF 80 PSF 1OO PSF o REMODEL 1. LIVE LOADS USED IN DESIGN: A. RoOF (3:12 SLOPE) B. ROOF (> 3:12 SLOPE) C. EXTERIOR DECKS D. WIND 1. BASIC WIND SPEED 80 MPH 2. EXPOSURE B E. EARTHQUAKE ZONE I 2. TESTING: A. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH OR PROVIDE COORDINATION FOR TESTING AS REQUIRED BY THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. THE TESTING PROGRAM SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE PROJECT OWNER. ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. B. IN THEABSENCE OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS, THE CONTRACTORSHALL FURNISH INDEPENDENTTESTING OF SOIL COMPACTION AND CA"ST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE STRENGTH AND REINFORCING, TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO ASSURE CONSTRUCTION IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 3. FOUNDATIONS: A. THE ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED IN DESIGN IS 2OOO PSF. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CNPACITY IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. B. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED. EXACT BEARING ELB/ATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR WITH APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOfiOM OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW EXTERIOR GRADE. C. ALL FOOTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON FIRM, UNDISTURBED, NATURAL SOIL OR PROPERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95O/O (MINIMUM) STANDARD PROCTOR DENSIW UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOIL AND RECOMPACT WITH APPROVED FILL. (RE: SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OF BEARTNG SO|L.) D. CENTER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER WALLS, COLUMNS OR GRID LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PI-ANS. E. NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEER WHEN EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED SO THAT CONDITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL OR CONCRETE. 4. CONCRETE: A. ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE MADE WITH TYPE I PORTLAND CEMENT. o AGGREGATE o COMPRESSIVE STONE AND SHALL DEVELOP 3OOO PSI STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS. B. SLABS, TOPPING, FOOTINGS, BEAMS AND WALLS SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS IN A HORIZONTAL PIANE. ANY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE AT THIRD POINT OF SPAN WITH VERTICAL BULKHEADS AND HORIZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE AS DETAILED OR AS REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. C. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILDING CODE 318 LATEST EDITION. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4 INCH CHAMFER. USE STANDARD HOOKS ON DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. REINFORCEMENT: A. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM DESIGNATION A 615, GRADE4O. B. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185 AND SHALL BE I-APPED ONE FULL MESH AT SIDE AND END SPLICES AND WIRED TOGETHER. C. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION:1. CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 2. CONCRETEPOURED rN FORMS(EXPOSEDTOWEATHEROREARTH) 2" 3. COLUMNS AND BEAMS (TlE BARS) 1-112" 4. SLABS AND WALLS (NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER) 314" D. NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE MADE EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. I.AP SPLICES, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 BAR DIAMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAKE ALL BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. E. PROVIDE ALL ACCESSORIES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT REINFORCING AT POSITIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL REINFORCEMENT TO BE HELD SECURELY IN PROPER POSITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 318. 6. STRUCTURALflEET: A. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 436 EXCEPT PIPE COLUMNS WHICH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53 AND TUBE COLUMNS TO ASTM A5OO, GRADE B, LATEST EDITIONS. STEEL SUPPLIER MAY PROVIDE ASTM A572, GRADE 50 AT HIS OPTION. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE A3O7 STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS SHALL BE A36 STEEL. B. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST PROVISIONS OF AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION." C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, USE STANDARD FRAMED BEAM CONNECTIONS WITH STEEL BOLTS PER AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION" TABLE II-A WITH A325-N BOLTS OR WELDED EQUIVALENT. SELECT CONNECTION AT EACH SPLICE TO SUPPORT 60% THE TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD CAPACIW FOR EACH GIVEN BEAM AND SPAN. D. MINIMUM WELDS TO BE AISC AND/OR AWS BUT NOT LESS THAN 3/16" CONTINUOUS FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E. ALL WELDERS SHALL HAVE EVIDENCE OF PASSING THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY STANDARD QUALIFICATIONS TESTS AS DETAILED IN AWS D1.1. 7. NON-SHRINK GB.Q!II: A. NON-SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. BETWEEN STEEL COLUMN BASES AND FOOTINGS. 8. WOOD: A. ALL FRAMING AND TRUSS LUMBER SHALL BE DRY DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH, GRADED BY WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION AND CONFORMING TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS FOLLOWS: 2" THICK - 4" WIDE STUD FB = 800 PSI 2" TO 4'THICK - 6' & WIDER NO. 2 FB = 1250 PSI 5" THICK - 5" & WIDER NO. 1 FB = 1350 PSI NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITIVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. B. PROVIDE 1 X 4 CROSS BRIDGING NOT OVER 8' ON CENTER FOR ALL WOOD JOISTS AND 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS ATALL SUPPORTS. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE UBC SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, C. LAMINATED BEAMS 1. ALL LAMINATED MEMBERS SHALL BE FABRICATED OF DOUGI.AS FIR I-ARCH AT 12 PERCENT MOISTURE CONTENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH WCLIB. ALL SIZES SHOWN ARE NET.2. LAMINATED MEMBER SHALL BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER, LATEST EDITION AS PUBLISHED BYAITC.3. PROVIDE UNITS CONFORMING TO AITC '117,22F'18, D.F. FOR CONTINUOUS MEMBERS AND CANTILEVERS AND 24FV3 FOR SIMPLE SUPPORT MEMBERS. MEMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ZERO CAMBER WITH TOP SURFACE CLEARLY STAMPED ON EACH MEMBER. D. PLYWOODDECKAND/ORWAFERBOARD 1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCEWITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION.2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLYWOOD. ALL PAI\ELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE. 3. FOR FLOORING USE 3/4" T&G STURD-I-FLOOR SHEATHING NAILED AT 4" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND AT 1O'ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.4. FOR ROOF USE s/8'(40/20 SPAN RATTNG) EXPOSURE I SHEATHTNG NATLED AT4" O.C. ALONG PAhIEL EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.5. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 112" EXPOSURE I SHEATHING NAILED AT 6'O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES.6. DIAPHRAGM SHEATHING SHALL BE THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON PLANS WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERPENDICUI.AR TO SUPPORTS WITH END JOINTS STAGGERED.7. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS. TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN SUPPORTS. E. LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MEMBERS SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING STRESS CAPACITIES: FB = 2800 PSl, E = 2,000,000 PSl, F6 = 750 PSl, FV = 285 PSl. BUILT UP MEMBERS SHALL BE CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE OPTION OF USING 3 1i2" OR 5 1/4" WIDE MEMBERS. q A. ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL MOVEMENTS. B. FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL MEET ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DMWINGS. STRUCTUML STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. GENERAL: A. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL SUBSTITUTIONS. B. VERIFY ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS, ROOF AND WALLS WITH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS, SIZES, LINTELS, AND REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CONTRACTOR'S COMPLETE RESPONSIBILIry. C. PROVIDE ASPHALTIC MASTIC-COATING ON ALL STEEL AND WOOD EXPOSED TO THE EARTH. D. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BARRIERS, ETC., SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. E. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST FIELD ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. F. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL ASSUMED CONDITIONS MATCH ACTUAL CONDITIONS. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS DIFFER, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER SHALL BE CONSULTED. tutonto& Newell Engineers, Inc. DATE DATE OF vtonroQ Newell Engineers, Inc.sHeerr'ro. ll or "*"r-oo u, tl S' oo li OATE CHECKED BY lvtonro& Newell Enqineers, Inc.OF SHEET NO. CALCULATEO BY DATE DATE CHECKED BY SCALE vtorrro"Q Newell Engineers, Inc. Pi0OiIIz0a-risi'qh S|EG 2tE |(P dl tvto.,tot Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE OATE tvtorrro& Newell Engineers, Inc. JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCAr.E Monrot Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO CALCULATED AY CHECKED BY SCALE uo*o& Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO CALCULATED AY 3-2e -18 CHECKED BY tvtor,rot Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO CALCULATED 8Y OF V4o'1& CHECKEO BY OATE DATE SCALE n.4':lt-o" Pn00i,4T 2 r {5mgr ).r !rti5 r ,r.d.: tvton.o"Q Newell EnAineers, lnc. JOB SHEET NO 3'2o - q€. CALCULAIEO CHECKED BY SCALE .l --r.N E-E= s- *6 =,2''o o.c.4, 6lP= lor' ^,=lO€ G, ro( "ri'-lt -6' mclilc il]i ilsfokshet205 (PJddcdl Mon.ot Newell Engineers, Inc. DATE DATE $00Uf; t!! !nltSir"llrfi llPfidrdr t tvtorrro.Q Newell Engineers. Inc. ebaV>.3t-\rp SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY 3-2o-fS DATE DATE 1400.cl?0r r(!lrl]rrsrr.r! r05 r tPd&d) Updated 5/l2 9am 3. That if Council does not provide for enforcement, the PEC can review this conditional use in two years to ensure compliance. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-2 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That one of the garage spaces be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use by the occupant of the EHU. 2. That the applicant submit (for review and approval by the DRB) a construction staging plan indicating the limits of disturbance and tree protection measures for the site. 3. That the PEC can call-up the conditional use, if necessary. 2. A request for a setback variance, to allow for a deck expansion, localed at 83 Willow Place, River House Condominiums/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: MFI lnveslmenis, represented by Larry Deckard Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A request for a fronl setback variance, to allow for a proposed residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects Planner: Christie Barton MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: VOTE: MOTION TO DENY FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTILJUNE E, 1998 4. A request forfront and side setback variances, to allow a proposed residenlial addition, located al 2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Shawn WeYrauch Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 7-0 DENIED TOWN OF VAIL D epartme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 11, 1998 Larry Deckard, AIA P.O. Box 725 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Deck Setback Variance for thc River House Condos/Lot 3, Blk 6, Vail Village I st Dear Larry. The Planning and Environmcntal Commission, at its May 11. 1998 meeting, approved your requests for deck setback varianccs to allorv the decks on thc rcal ofthis building to be in filled. Ifyou have any questions, plcase call mc at4i9-2148. Planning Administrator {2 *""'"""o '^"^ o t, \.- I \ t I 'r, il t -l d I 9 t- J ij. u, J -/: ul \il rcg i ir O' tr, O Attrrc/, w-r Lt A t ,f,i rj oF 3 44/iE/82 lr,'t:4il .'rA 1;::Ur.: E-]r?ii F- Ia c a\ BhaII have a ri,ght-of-t ay to ente! upon the above dsacri,bad prop_arty to repair and maintain aaid cabla wh€never and to the €xt€;t neceasary. -o \r \\o8 g 3'.qt + .\tu EASEMENT A}ID RIGHT-OF-VIAY I Doc.lfLO9787 Tnrs AcREEMETT, made and entered into thia of Ausust I9!g_, by and beErreen Nansv Ri ch , hcreinaft€r: referred to a8 crantor and @nt. Inc., h€reinaftar r€fGrred to Grantor COMMI,NIN. TELEIISION INVESgIIENT, INC. BY: day aa Grant€€ . WITNESSSIH, that for $1.00 (ONE DOIJAR AND NO,/xx cente)aDd other valuabl€ consideration, clantor ag!.aa to give and grant, and do6a hereby give and grant to clant€e, lta h€irs,aucceaaorB and aaaigne, an €aaem€nt and right-of-lray on. abov€,ovsr, in, and under crantor,'a properey, fully deacribed aar Lot 3 r llock 6, Vall ViJJ-age Eirst Elling, recorded at Eagle County, State of Colorado,ln B ook )36 Paee 3?9 clante6 promiees that all work relatlng to in8tallation,maintenance, and repair shall be done in " ,oarro", ao a! noE to unreasonably interfer6 with crantor's uae of aaid prop€rty, and crantee further promlses to leave the property in euUitanliaffy th€ aame condition as it lraa betore the lnstallatron. III WITNESS, TIIEREFORE, th€ underaigned, aa parties, have a€t her€to thei! Ej,gnatur€s, on the day firat describ€d above. (tt: / i l,/:t,; !!):.1 ; l rt)l I' t ttl \'! l /'//iJA, h'I r l)t t( I tt. tttt :11 ':JJ THIB DEED, i.d. tntr chr of JO|N n. CAIC!|ENrCn ol rh. cq'ry o? Color..lo, o, th. llrrt p..t,.nd 'ILIIO [TtlID cl ..' 3 l (.) Vt Juno 11, 1993 ri oth.r oodt .'td vrluobl. co.rrlcLrrtl|rr to tha a.ld n .ty ot tha 'flrrl Pc.t ln iand Fld b/ lh. a.ld partl.a ot lia ra.ond prri, th. ..calpt rhrrrot lr h.rrby cdrt...ad a.J actDrJtdc.d, hla eta,rtadr b.rotln d. lold ri co..vaY€, a,'d bt thrra D...antt do.. 0r.^t, b.ro.ln. ratl, cqlv.y arld cfillr. (nlo tha aald parllaa of iha racdrl parl, thalr halal aa{ .tllFL fo..E.. not In tan|7Ey ln ..nr!ur t|Jt th lolnt 16..ry, .tt tha tntt'r,|rc d.r.tlbGd lot or F?crl ol 1..d. lylr|e s.d t int In th. Courty cl EACLE -s tt.l. oa colo...lo, to rlt: COIIMT'TN|TUH T'NTT 1. RIVEftTUS 'IHER[!F R€OJRDfD DECEHtsE T2, DFjsoriEro rN rG coinffltn M' AT PAGE 458, CCI'NTY OF EMLE, SrATE CF O)I,PJ\I)D, .lio l?l... .r .r..'r '5.. UIITT i, RtlE{tIJSE CCNDCIi{DmI|S, 83 WII,Ift{ PI L'+ ' \ IL' @ roltl\lt !lih .ll lrt.trEUl.r rrr. h.r.dltrnl. .nd.agrrt-rJEr. th.r.to h.loTEln!, or l^..tla.lr..tF.rl.lnlrie, r{ th. ..v.r.r.n i.rd r.vr.rl('r., r..rlrd.r jrl rai.lrd..r, r.'1t., lr.ix. .r|'l ptotltr th.rcol; ..rt.lt th..ri.l.' altatt. lllla lnror.fr, c,.tr ral t',dl.n: ri.r.dvar of ttta ..ld p.rty or tha llrat p.tl, .llh.r lh l.t o? rtrlty.ot. l't.ri lo lio .lbv. l)..C.l.rd D..il..., r{th t'. h.r.drtrirrtr .tl .tgr.l..srE... TO Nlv! ArD lO rOrO tf! .rrd p.dilr.t .bov. hrr o.ln J afrl d.rrr lb.d. rlti tlt..pfu.l.n fi.., rrito th. aald F.tlat ot th. ..co.d rrrr, rh.lr h.tr. rhd rrrlinr tor.v.r. r^l th. a.ld F:rit ot lh. llr.t p.rt, fo. h16.ll, hlt lralra, ar.avloaa, .nd rditnlrr..rc.i, d..r covc.rnt, g.dnt, b..0rln 6ryJ .0'!r to 4.d yill lh. ..ld p.rtlGr ol lh. ..coti t\atl, lilla h.laa rnd.{.lqnr, th.: !i tft. tlri ol th..nr..ll,T A^d d.llv.ry ot ti.r. tr.r.nl., i\o l. roll r.lr.d 6l lh. p.ailrar aboi ronrcycd, r. ol gDod, tur.. t!rl.<r, rtaolutr ..E, l^t!l..rtbl...l.l. ot lt\h.rlll|ac., In t.y, tn l.o rlr|pli, .rd i.r |..d .lChr, t'rlt p.rlnr .nd t.rtul .utlro.lty lo g..^i, brrg.ln, r.ll .rd cfiv.y lho altr l^ irrvl.r .?rd lo.i.. .lora..ld. td t|taa th. ..i .a. t..a a.d claar trdi.ll torrl.r ard otha. tra.ttr. bargal^., .ataa, lla^a. lalaa, aataaalrntt ari H3#i"'i#Ffri.iiill$ iwo'{{;K$io.,rs F€R rrE yEAR reer NrD sl,nsmsrry! yErrs,..Nru 3aBrFrr To l^sFloilrm, Rlrtrl/ATlolt<;, REsrtu rrc[s, cci/EMltrs AND Rlclnr oF laY oF RF-coRD. .d rhr rtxrvd r .,q.ln.d pr..rlr.r In th. qrlat .dl p..c.*tlr Fnr..rlon ol r.ld trrtl.. ol lh. a.aottl pa.l. tha alr?tlFr Ol thon, th.l. ..rrF. rrd th. l.lri.rrd.r.lgrr ol rLEh rulvlvor, !.0rl'It .ll trl te.rY p.rtdt or pa?rdr latlully cl.lrl|t or ir.tlli tho rrrol. or .rry n rt th...of, th. ralri F.rty ot thc firtt prrt rhrll ..Yt elll 9^ltlrl 1|o fo|fYtl Dltt5. ln .tngul6r.r-'lbr !h.ll ln luJ. rho pllJ|rl, thc pl ..l th..ih€rrl.r, l|rrt thc ur. ol ..ry gctrltr rhtll ba.fpllaabta lo rll f{ !ilfltst liltraor. rnr r.l.l p..ly ol rh. ftf.t nnrr hd$ lr.r.urlro ..r hr. ir'!l ..rl r!.1 li. hl ul v..r tlt.t so.rr Slq^.{1. s..lod ird ,!llvcr.d ln th. P..r.nc. ol JIFTREI L. XT< NTf,t ATd sl'ZA}INE )IX, KRAI.IF ,1orr tca.l (dlrcrr lr 6362 S. GDIET.IA CIRCI]E EI|GI€IImD. @ 8011i ot ih. couly ot EFI]IJ rllr(3tlrN, lh.t rh. i.ld Frry ot lh. tlr.i p.rl, trD ||-r0rt0 llcHtt Tra TrqJsrro oolL^Rs Ar0 co/l@fll3 rd tr.r. ot colo.rto, of li! ..co.i 9r r ----l acr ..d In .drlor.tl6 ot lh. .('r 61 lrrr$ft2,I)OO.(F) Jrrrn ll, i99l 'itli E o o a E !$ n D f t I tl 8i ai al .<l <Ji 3l oi ft o Ql ol 7l ;l ,I fl tl fi 6i l I -- - -niii- o t-i-or irrinii C.rxrlY -r 'h. foraoolr{ l^qi.rtbnl rtr r,v JOlol R. OAfiIOmNTc, ^.r^6llaJrrdJ l.lor. ||| thl. d'y ( I Xy.ifll.rldr trPl..i vrrr... ny h rj.rn nfll.l.l r..l to,,i !.,t4 ilr.P.rltr vr{.Atrr 0lt0 :rr).r(ir,\. ..,(r.)OfrV :lo FROU t )Cr: 36i arl6 'J-' I 'O 'lu- sl:l: D::i:n:nl;rir Fee q! --- .. SIIER .tN V. ALIEN !r!r'd l.r llr ro rirlc ir''n ot Ii ltv ool_'rls AID O;r€t GC(D AIE 'lAr-l!Lt LotsrDtll lst -' tF l'16 rr'd' Tt|b docment b apoorcopy and Yfl mt ph|ch0r4hvie0. Ttis b nd fP lait oi ttris om'o' a...rc<, !hi..c tr_.r itu..r. u' - lh. rjllrr'r'Ll 1i1, ., -- cani Il'G !u tn! !t aool( ;32 A1 IiNIV!'t DICIAR^TtOlf ccull'tt " EICIE' t]I$u,,$',!l'l'I#'l[|'l{l!!|$lt!|r!llj!ilil r1\6 l.orr )t :t'rr: nxl alhcr ,ff1';;:: i.- ':.:li-li'I:::::::.::,;,:':.:'[',lX l]:l;'li;.1i.;lc!6' " n'r e'$''"'r xd !e "l+.t.,br^ :o .it rarrl'" 3it(l !: r' tiz u?ou= SXEETTT V' ALLBI!; TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL t1Att-O5-9a l6:53 iaco.dd rhu --. c.Y or -- ---;:- acc.p! 'ctr n-,--- Qr. T li il ii 51AaE Ol ciJloa DC' ,.,".n,,, [lart]m-' ,ia !o,.!.rir r.i'sL'!oe'o r'rd:( E ihir:rdY ri fl aat'ch I q?Y !r - SHERX N V, e.LLEi _=----- .... .. Flc>rrda ' )\1 !rr.c.r./ h-r_l ry.atrirltrir rrt '!r . | | --:-\dcnn$.EDtruir- - io,tx tt l'.i'x:'v r:c'ar,t: i"-r;l.lc ::r''. i3 or I I ()i:ll) i r i,i:r' :'- :_ji'l .'r., a: i:;:(:: .n*;""";; 'i'r'"r*" .- ---'- ------ ---- toa rv U-: (!!l: C'' n O'cl - 21tZ) '- - -i{tzloiiY v260!9t t,,S ottr:, r4':b tri' L!;r ol ---- ---5 tar.bt.r 'r .rd 4'':i '(B ro sE;rl.ln v. lt LEr, Jx' OslftlS: 3991J4 J0r'l"r.lE t--:r ITHI tsn|l-* t"'.,'- I th,. I I Elt I I | ,r'o.. lt,, I lt* I I to tt I Cclol !t, :rt-l i atro .t.ll pet $aI SD Frt' Fat It lr tlGn EX( SI,JI EC nat rl I t_I l.c' I I I I I I t-lbv I sDl I i€t. !t.", 'l t;I tacro rl ?t\ 399153 F-s|.lii F,-?6. 6J/;:n/s.) r:t40 JOIINNETTI-. r,tiIt_t If.s rnfrl-i aot|r|,{ Ljt Ir:J1 TIIIS DEED , ||(r th{. d.y or i.,,jt 'li 2i, l.!fi:) .r .,.trt t. f'tj10Ttnt:r -?. tro _|loGft;'T- 2 -t- l -l'l/PTLTNG STAI'IP 4IDCq D- rlDSlD{Drrs @RpoRAIrON, A @rc,N.D MRFORArICN u ltt RL, I corp.r.tlcr drly oT'lt.d.nd.rt.rl|t q$.. 'td b' vtrllr ot rh. 1.l.t ot thr 3trt. ot (DI.CRAEO ot th. tl.t( D.rr. ..d EEIELAS A. . lllPItD dtd CIfr'lI R. SIIAPIROT AS JOII'T rEx ITa gl1l RIGIT OF S1JRVI VORSI{IP .ro.. t.i.l -lr..r l. 7{ Sfl,l/}l{ LAltE, llESrcN, lA 02193 | of ti. Cqrity ot frd lt.t. ol , of th. ..cord F.tl lJllEllelll. llt.t thr r.ld Frty ot th. tlrrt F.r, lor r{ In .dtlo..ilrr ol thr t|.i d rDUR TIJNIXE) It{ErIY IIUJSAI'ID AIiID f r..ldr!-&Llt. co.pr.r. .nl ro b. i.n rlto .tllr.d, .rt6t.d ty lt. Y!.r ll ?at abYa rr|ll.n.AIICELA n ll4y't4 eizd,t R D€ /eaAl/.4 3rr'l or cd,c-tDo.I PNC'ID T cq,ttt ot---EQ,!E-.lhf for.t€l.r Intn-ri -r .crrElade.d bafora r til. d.y ot 'L,ulnLll . L>c7 l I ^4z.oo lo alt r.ld F.ay ol ti. tlr.t F.t In i5d Fld b/ lh. ..ld F.t ot th. .....rd p..t, th. r.c.lpt |lt r.Gt l. h...by ccrl6..d ti.crrEt.rta.d, lu. rbt.d, b..r.l.!d, .otd..d GdE {d -d t tix. p..rdt. tu r.ht. b.r.ln, r.tt, - cdrv.y ri cdral.r r'to d!. ..ld Frl(ln) 6t ih. ..c..i p..t. lr.lr. ri ...19|r tor...., rtt ot th. lotldl|t (h.crlLd tot(.) o? F C.l(r) ol ld..lr|'.t., lylrt rd b.l,t In ri. Cc.rrty ol ..d tt.t. of Cltorrdo, l. rl tr cclfc rNlut wrr II|INMF RDCONDD A}ID DESCRIE@ IN mK 232 AS PAGE 458, CrrNlY OF EreL;8, .l.o l,wt - rrlt ld n*or CEIOCHINIII{ tNIf 3, RrVER }lIlSE AI(A 83 WrlLOI{ PlrrcE loCltlll rllh .tl ri rl6lrrtar tia;.r.dll-rtr .ri.FJrtrrrt r rh.rGrtto btat!lrr., or ln.,tr.lr. TF.?trlnlE,rd llta rGimldr o. rar!.aln, r-kdaca, rGttr. lrtl.ta.rd pr6flt. ti.r.of; ri alt th. aatata, ?!alri, tltta. tnta?.ri.ct.l..rd .br.d {t.t.o.r. .l th. ..ld F.tt ot th. flr.i p..t. .lti.r In t- or .qulit,ot. In rd to tFr .!.|.. b.r|.|'l F.rla.r, rlti tia h.radlt-ttr rid allratarfta.,l0 nvf lF l0 fx.o lhr..lrt t -1... .bE !.?t lrid.d d-arlb.d, rlth !i. .tFr.t.rrrnr l'l0 th. ..la Frl(l.rt !f li. ..cdi F.t. (thal.) ial?r a.d aaatan tdar., lri ri. ..ld AI@'JA I}I'\'IESDOIIS ORFRAgION, A @IIRADO @RPOATrION F.ly ol ti. tlrat F?t, lo. ltr.tt, .ri lt. rEcn.o.., &.r cdrrrrrt, lr-rt, br$ln.r{.f.. to rS rlth th. r.ld F l(16, ot ttro..coi Frt, (rh.l?) h.lr. rd 6110rr, th.t .t rh. tb ol ti..rr|.ll|t ri d.t l}try ot th.|. F.arila ll l. l.tl ralt.d ot tL F-|..r .bovr cnw.fd, aa ol . tod, ar., Frl.ct, ataotda ri |rd.laarlbla ntata o{ ldrarl.tE.. In trr, In t.. .lTla, ari h.a !6ad aleht, lutl F.. ri t.rlut rnho.lty tc !r.{rt, br|.ln, aalt rd Gqirat tlra .r l|r rrrr ot lo|r.to.csld. rd ti.t th. r-.?. tr.. rn cl..r tra.lt lorr. .rd ort.. t.rrt., bra.l||, ..t.!,t163, i.r!t, ata.rarmlr -i l|ruibr.rt.l ot rDlavla lini r nat6a a61rr,. T'rcEFT GENERAL TAJ{ES l}ID ISSESSI,IEVTS FlR rtE }?TR 1989 IIID STJESEUE T YEAE, .l}ID qE|rDq !o ElsEF Is. RESE\,}C!clIs, RESTRICIICa{S, orDqlrls N,rD RIGI|IS OF rAv, I EgsItlG, IF AN{. -d tta aoln b.r$lr.d F.il... {n lh. qrl.t .ri F-..bta F.....ldr ot th. r.kt F t(|.r, ol th. ..co.d Fat h.lr. .t..altr, {.lt|! .lt rd .a.y F ..rr r Fr.d. trtstly cl.l.lrt o. to alrl. th. drota or !t Fr! tia...fr th.|.ld p.?ry at tlr. rlr.t F.t Jtrll rd rllt gtl||f lD t(ll\rll DattE.ll gtlrltl lfilllot, th. r.ld Frit ot lb tlril Frt l...u.d lt. ccrtrr.l. ri- to b. h.G,rto a(/l.crlb.d by lta i,^r fJ fr , A COMMT, !14I I,IA R A coIJORAEo C(RPORAfiC..rrd .rpf..r 9/ )7 /lr9I 3 hrd .rd olllcl.l r..t. t ,rrrtdr JJ/ /rr/ /.t / / / / / / Flt rtt/il a cor9fatlct tu'trELA J. ':,, rl|.rvtq.lrt I ''-" ..' -.--';:.!'' i.'1! .;-'3::"- :-' ', ,ir{.:.:.}1..::.il 7or. to. (0t Cortt lll |llrl^rlY 0(l0.corfr.tldr'sFcl.l ....d t I2882V ttit. , 12882 "-..1,::::'"'" o TlllS Dt-nt), .,,lc rhir irr lJ-. I'ct \r ccn d.v ol l.t,.t i i T}IFEE HUNDRED SEVEI'TY IIVE TI:OUSAND ANO NO/lOC----- ------DDi,LARS' ro the siid p^rty o[ rhc first p:rrr in hard tr:rid hv lhr riirl tJilrr v ol thc sccr,fld prrr, rh{ rc(e]pl whcrcot l! nlg C'] Jrirr:/ ol thr li13! prrt, lcr irse'1, and it! succcssors, docs aovcnint. frnnt, birAiin an(l iE.cc to nnd vrth ll,e srid pnrt J' of lhc s€cond plt., h1s helrs an'l rssigns, thnt lt the 0me ()l rhc en{c.rlrn'l|nrl dclivcrt of thara frcsattt il It iv€ll !cl?.(l of lhe prcmlic! rtbnvc cr'nvcvcd. n! {)f n Food, surr., trcrlccl. .rb.ol!tc rn(l Indrloriihl6 r!t.rl( ol lnhcr|tancr, In lew, In fcc $lhnle, and hrr good rlthr, full pi,wer rn(l krwlul ruthoritv lo fr'rnt. brrgir n, sall in(l aonvel'thc srmc in :flrnner and [orm !foresriil, and that thc sfmc nrc frcc rnLl clcnr fiom all l,'f',,cr nnd othar 8t]ntF, bnrgiin!, siler, liens, rn:(Gs, niies$ments an(l incumbrirncrs of q,hrrcvrr k n: or n.rlure s!,cv.ti eXc4p! CenerF' Tax.'g lor :,987 ond subtic.lucnt yc1rs, e[l]4n.rnf,$ ol rcc l-d -€'+F.+|{-[€l,e|+crr ' end - j- corded. declarart-Lons, rea.tr.va.-1ans, r(,"',rici-1.'ns &rd ^o!'^h^n'c t/'- >'e \ nnd rhe ibova bnrgnincrl nrcmiscr in the quiet nnd pcaconblc nrrs.s{run ot rhc rrid prrl y of rh! !..ond pnrt -hls hclrr nd rrslgns. olllln3t nll nndcv(?v t)crron orpersons lx$4l|llvcLrirhlnEorto:l:rlmth.r^h la or !|nv pi*' lhrrcof, the sili(l nxrty ot the fi.sr prn sh.rllrn(l v ill !V.\RnAN'I' ,\ND FOREVER DEFEND .tN WnN[{S WItF.REOF, The srirt D rrv ol rhc firsr fl|rr hrr (.rrrcd rls (orpor,rtc ninre to bc hereunln ruhi(rihcJ by Ir I'reildcnl. and irs cortxJr.rre rcll to be hcrr'unto.tffirc(1, lrLlctrcd hv it! ,Sv(rslirry, llrc d!y rnrl yc||r llrrt rbovc wrlllan : ir'rtas,.r I Thc i.rrc[{'in8 lnltrumt,,r wllr acknowlcdAc.l hci(,rc ni. th:s /.' /"(h\ r'i . I /' '. ( r.f,r',' , hy .,. _ l.' . 'i , ,, ' ., , . '/ .i (, . Jrr. , Ily rx'lirrri rn nrlr orr oiifrriir ,.l . 1'1" tn,'s\ irlv l,ilr'l ln(l fliri'l] sor j ^. .. '-'-': '., '- -,----l-!-i-:---l-- ' " "')-\:i:nFT[:]n:-- n corpnrirtion duly orlnnlrc(l iur lc:,(istirg undEr:rnrt hy vi ue.l I[c lirs.s df rh.srircof j, -,<rr-" or rhc firsr nnd, lnd ,J0rnJ Kr,rtJ{jil j -ijlll !' l2'l llOO6tttfil il I whor! t('Arl nrl(tr.ir l. 11 !.)x llr1.t :,ar,,r, (;r"',.rvl( r,, (jl Ot,t|i(, I ,..y'-'rVVi of thc County ot nnd srrtc of 3'7 S^ | o? thc iecon(l prrt' . . ,:. r. tto J t/'- 7-f,7 |1<.\ |--'*:-l .,''...1 WITNESSITII. Thit lhc sfli(l pirrtv of thd firs' p rt, tor an(l in.,,'rsidcrlr(rn ol the srim .'l - 1 tner'eol rccofdec uecember Lz, Lyli Ln -' thc Condomlnll]In Declaratlco reccrdec l)c County o.f lln8lcr gi,nlc of Colorodo. nlto known na atrcct nnd numbcr TOGETHER with !ll fnd -,i.*ulrr tlrc hercJltirmcnr. i nnn.rfrlhihr i^d tl. r.vFl<'^n nppertalning, nnd thc reversron or reversrons, rcmxin(lcrs, rc tillc. Intarert claln nnd (lam1n(l whatrocvcr c'f lhc crld pra t^ thc dbov. har8dlnc(l pretniscs. r+ith lhe hcr.J(lii.\nrcnri n TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the sxl(l plemlsct irl'ovt hnr laid part y ol thc sc.Dnd pnrr. hls hc SLMJEnS A550CrATEst rNC. 3F,778 . ,,^ y'!rL-,.- .,",.8L.- Jltl'\. | :,r ''iLt tt t. t:[Ca, ,ti l'rcririenr in{l ":i i j srAr' o,, .i;';i.i;o. I , .F. , , , .-.g,ru^" * .1,.i^- l" No 4cB coMputtF vJ^FeaNyy oEEo-c'c.orrr'oN-rp.c,^! ,n' ." .,",'. '.+ni; il'Yii B.508921 S^ra J.l.ts P-84.1 07/02/\J3 ()l i l,1l) F;,rgle County (llerk REC 5.00 LESLIE C. KEYS NOTANY PI-J SLIC SIA iE OF COLORAOO PCT C) ,l Ilc c o ro. DOC ff,fa DllD , rl.b thl. cby or JurE 30, l9r3 rrlJxt guxP Stote Doc. Fee RTCNRT' q'TERREZ I{j}TZ, (EF EI CAPARGO CIITIRREZ A}JD CY}IIHIA q'TMREZ CAPARrcO ol tha Coisty ol .|i Strtc of Coto..do, or lh. t.co.d P.r!:.--- --VtlEtSEtx, lh.t th. rlld p.rty o? ttt. tlrrt part, tor dd tn.c.ul&rrtim oi' thc rur o, (rfiS735.000.00) lwt n olto tilrtY fl\r€ rHqJllb Dd.l^ll Allo 00/l00lrl5 to th..rld F.ty o, th. llr.t p.rt lh hrd p.ld bt thc rcid p6rty of tha record p.rt, tf. r.c.iPt iEr.of l. h.rcb/ .GtEt.drd dd.6t6.cd, h.! b..g.ir*d, gr.6tcd, iold lrn co.rv€ycd, 6id by thclc p..scnt. do.! !.mt, b..!Eln, ..1t, cd'rvrf rai cdltfFa, r'to tha arld p.rty oi thc a.cdd F.rt, his hc{r3 .nd liilcrts lor.v.r, .ll thc tottosld! d..crlb.d tot o|. raaa(trrlw ol EDCLE ccNEt{Ixnx wrt IHENDF RECRI@ rEscmb I}| ErE lf PrcE 45A, CCI]NIY OF EE,E, STATE OF @I.ORAM. .lro t wr .t rtrG.t tr.&. 83 9IILLOH PLACE' fls, \AfL @ 81657 t(Eftitl rlth.tt !.d rl^!ul.r drC i.r.dltrGnt! !.d 4grrt.n.E.r tha.cto b.lo.tln9, or In rDivl tc lrT.rtalnltt, ..d dra rtrrl|tdl ld aarlrrldr, ra-lr*r 'd rall$an. rcntr, I isr..3 a.i lrollt3 thlrmf; ltd lll ih! cttatc, rlfht. tllta fnt.rdt. cl.h .t ffi rJirtre"cr ol rhc r.ld porty of lhc lir.t p.rt, ai?t.. in t.e or cqrlty,ot. in.'rd to th. -ol,r b.rtrltrd F-|..r, eith th. h".cdltGlt td .FF..l..t.tc.. tO IAVE lro tO h(lD ttt. ..td P.-lr. .boy. b..!.lTtd tid ct ..rlb.d. rith ih! t*'r--tc.. rtrio thc !.ld P.rty ot tlta a..o.t fa.;, hlr h.lra ..d r..JfE loaov.r. A^d th...ld p.rly of ti. tl..i P..(, lo. hlt.Ll, ila h.lrl, .rcuio.ar rd drtntrtr.to6, (baa covtrr.at, 9r..rr, b.rgal^, dd.9..c to ri rlth th. !.id Frty of thc a.cond pari, hla halra rd -.iitr, lh.t .t thc tir of th..G.rtirE rd &tivcrv.l rl?.. prBe.t!, lt. is |..tt t.i:Gd ot thc p"ril!'r rbi' cdrv.yld, .l ot !E J, ru.c, F.rl.<t, !!.otut. !{t lndllc..ibtc .rt!t. ot rni.rltrE., In lrv, in f.c .itpL.. ..d h.a 6aad rtiht, futt g,ra. rd lryful. drtlorlty to g.'lt, b.rg.rn, r.lt .d cdrv.t tfia arE !n lu.ttcr lrd tort !! aloaar.ld, ld tlrrt ihc .rr.ra traa ari claar tr.t rtt to.Er ard othlr graalt, b.fgal^a, aatci, t1!n3, t!r43, rttoaslnta rd tr|J{frtar ol $atnt. tlttd or naltra iaay:r. tlctpt e;ilrlt tlrEt AF llstsgfrrs tCe Tff rrlr 199! Aro g-astoJ(rl rtltS rr|0 gJgJtcr rO ElsEx€xTS, ltj€rv^lldS, lfStlICllCS, C!-.:r I'S |,O tlcll;S 0t lAY 0f rEcceo. r'd ttrc lbovld b.rerlrEd Fr.ilr.r in lhc qJl.( ..d p....sl. FE.!.ttldl of t.id party ot thc accdd frt, hla hatra rtd ..rt 9rr .g|t ! .1. 'd Gycry Fr|dr or Fr.qi. llrlutly ctllnlng or io clllr thc rfro(! or .ry p.rl tharcol. thc t.ld P.rtY ot tha tl..t Fri $.tl rd rltt U rr|.|l lto lottvtl ofl€to, lhG rlrlgul!. r|,t . 6hrt( lrElrd. th. Plur.t, th. pt!.al tha alrtular, l! tho 6. ol ary !.r*. .hrtt b. .tpll..bt? to ltt e.riarr.It gItrESi |titttof, rh. r.ld p..ty ol rtr. tirrr p..t h6t h!.crrro rct ilr-ir|d lrld 6.!L thc d.y lra y.!r tlrtt &v! Colord, ot rh. llrrr pt.t, r'd yeiffit t.'1.1ffil d-'g UJE€cfi As J0lt,T TINA,ITS As Tc AN UNDIVIDED 1/2 INTEREST AND PAUL O. EALSTAD AS TO AN UNOIVIDEO 1/2 INTEREST ALL AS TEIIANTS IN COI,IFION q 3865 CHEIR( CREE< CRTVE NORNI 9ro.. (.rpt .dr... t. E}IVR @ 80209 ol tha Coisty ol .|i Strtc ol Coto..do, ol th. r.cord $'I t lcn.\r sr^rE of corcn4Dl co.rlt,/ ot l' t (,gQ Ihc tor.goir! | r'.trrrtirt y.s.cko'rtld9rl brforc rlt sr this d.Y of CATEEN CAPARPCGO CIJTIEREZ JurE 30, 1993 AND CYNIHLq CI'TIffiREZ , b/ RICARF q.tIltHEEZ l{-tl€Z. CAPARFCGO zl t, A tv c-f t.f ct'r .roir* /' it"/( tJitltt. Glr hrd ..d ottici.t s.!l 'ts'..1 I J0 i6 to.r gJ:A @?tlltl lllt riY oEEo ao. Photo{raphic r..o.d 20794V.20'r94V V20?91 ot tha l::;. lg lffl:t:_-.aD.,e:-' .,--.'., {.. ---------------arli*0,. THIS DEED. I!d. thi. d.y ot batYaaal IRA C. ROIIGEREER, JR. ,.,.i : r.. i:i,.-. I '.r | : tt Sr rlH '1,b Coto...lo, .'f th. tl..t F.t. .d KMI{Y F. Ptitr arrl Roy R. pU.F{ lrrot. t.r.t d..rr t. 36 E. 72ND SfREf, NEt{ YORX, Ny 10021 ot tir Cdrtty o{ ||'d St.t. ot Colo.ldo. n.gltl€SsEtlt, lh.l th. r.ld t rty ol th. fi..t p..r, lor dl l''| cd.ld.r. r1 c,, -d oth.r ibd art v.tu.bl. Gdlld.r.tldr to th. ..ld p.rty ol th. tlrat p.rt In h.rd p.{d b/ rh. |tld F[rtl6 ol tho t co,i p..t, tha racrlpt raa.rof l. h!..rw c.6l!tt.d ..d .ctrpytrde.d, hri grtntrd, Uigrt't.i, roid nd-corvcryca, ud by th6a P.iaitt doar g...tt, bart.ln tatt, lqirly..d cqrllru rnto tha rrld partl.t'ot t[r rccord part, thrlr hrlir rrt'art rltr rorarrar, rEt tn.lanaEy In cdn|ur but l^ lolnt t.'i|.rcy, rlt thr fgttdli|e d.rc.lbad tot of ,a.cr[ ol t]\d,lylrt td b.lhe i|t thr ttttttt ccrriiy al EAGIE nd irrtr ot coto..do. to rtt: 10 THE @NEUINIIJI.I , N'ID AS DEINED AI'ID OF @I.ORAF. 19?3 IN rcK 232 A]r .l.o tru.t t. rtrnt trd.r CMff,qNIIll tJtfff 6 AltD 7, RI\lElruSE O|DCI.{INIII{S t6EtllEt rlth .tt .td .lr|.ut.r t;. h...dt!.rtn..ttla rartral(il ..d aarlatlq!, a-lltf ri r-lrda Intaf.it, clrl. rd b.rd 6.t.crt. ot t:l. r.ld D..t 60r,t b.g|l,rd Fr'13.t. rlth th. h6.ditGrt. .rd.f0 X rrE ll0 t0 t(I,o th. ..ld pr'ir.a rbvr bar!| tha t cct part, th.i: h.1.. .r.td aralirr {o.Grrr. Ari !d drl6latr.torr. (rvra covqrtnt, grarrt, brnrln ri aer .t orlgrr, th.t rt ric tlE ol th. ..r..al lr! ..d d. v.cqwayrd..t ol !pod, rs.r, Frt|ct, rbaotut, |'d ln&trr .lfit, tutt F... r t tarlul. &tho.lty to 0. . t.r l^. tct lhat tha tlE ara frat ld ctarr lt(i alt lc I othaa gra|lt!, baaeaiara, aataa, (iana, taxai, at!-.aail'nta a|td , FOR lHE YEAR 19S8 A}ID SI'BSMUE{T YEARS. NID RESIRICTTO'.IS, q/E{ANIS A}ID FIGHIS OP T6Y, Il{ ri thr rbo\,.d b.rlrlhad p.ciiras lh th. qrl.t .nd Frcclbte potr$rlo.r o, !.ld trrtl.r ot thc r.co.d trrt, tha ru.ylvor o{than, thrir aatiFi td tha haira and !3310^a ot aial aurvivlr, rgli'|t att a.rd dcry ltaadt or Frarl.|r la;tu[y clalilne of lo ct.,r th. ,rol. or.ny p.rt th.r.ot, rh. ..ld p.Fty ot th. flr.r Fr..t rhltt rnd y t V'IR II AF tCCVEt Otltro. ttr tl^gul.r,irtb.. 3h.tl l?ttudc thc pt|'.t, th. ptu.t thc.t^!ulrr, .rd thc ur. ot.ny i.ni.r th.tt b..gpuc.blr ?o rll,:lint|.ra. lX glIrEtS lJll€llol, th. a.ld p.rty ol the tl.at pa.t h.a hcrcurto r.t hla h-d lrd.eal llIttan. Cdr'rty ot :rd Stata ot cl) T SErrE{ ILJNIF@ nilrSAI\tD AI{D }tCl100 DoLur3, thc d.t ard yaar tliat .boya tlghad, S..l.d lrd Dltlyrr.d l.1 th! 9r.3sra ol (sE||.) -- sl^T€-ot cot(n^oo C6.rtr,t ol.ly,..l, / |t rr- Ihc loraggiarg i|!trur^t |!r .ciioetad9cd baloaa IRA C. ROTHFB8, JR, iy .dnt|la3idr arpir6 . .r r'. t '- uro ItE ctj R^ll€c co{PlxY l0!! EAS! rst AV€. t60o D€rv€r, cordrDo 60?06 'r thtt dry t SPJCt^h. f , U, , ''1.\i /orn 9e!l COI9UIEn y,'ItlllY 0EF0.lo Jolnt t.r5nrr €ic.d | 1;432V rirtca 12432 ,19 / .lJitn i3 rw h!r'd ./i ofliclat aaal. I '!crlb.d lot or Dnrc.l C.runty of Eagle lrr88 . llIJ-l ril 0. I(rtltgt'rbor, .1r., . l. ,.pIsHoP P -RX ASSOCIATES,'t* "..'i ', .'.'.. ,.1.", - :i 8,1 60c i..ii..,tllLLlir1 i- l\ r: i'0tl:\!:,; ,l l0 sl AH'8[ \tl of l.nd, ritu.tc, lylnB ond bcing In thc rnd Ststc of Colorado. to.$lt: (ir.rrcr,'rl Partncr of A COLOI]IDO CI|NEML -a PART}IERSHIP .l:r \\rtrr,:s nrv hl'r,l ir,'l "af,rrr,l!.rl August t.,5ri r"rs'.,, BISHOP PARK ASSOCIATI:S, A COLOR \DO CSi"Etu\L Pr\RT;r*tRSll IP Ist , ftlrr' ( '.ttrltt "f PAIJL r.,1..,:,'r,'.',fth, r,,-rr,,,,t.n,,,1 LEE 8/. KLINCENSTEIN 31 Oxford Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583 | i . . . ...... I'. New York L- ..- ..rtrx. ( ',o,,t},'r tnst\t"-ttl"l'll,l'i"I'rtl" s'a"n't lrrr(: n lTSl:SSf:Tll. Th'rt iht F t,l t,:rrlr-,'f rhr'rrrslI. r,f,,rt'r.l r'r c,,'rsr'l, r.,t,,,'' ,,rrlrriurn.,r ($400,000,00) FOUR H$IDRED THOUSAND AND NO/ I OO - - - - DoLi./|RS' ro rhc trld Drrty ot thc llnt p.rr In hrnd potd by thc !!id oqrly of thr .ccond p!rl. thc rccclpt trh?tfol lr hrnby !(knowlcdtcd .nd clntcssld. has br.Bain+d, Brant.d. sold .nd convcyrd, &nd by thlse prcscnl3 docs Itanl, barilin, rctl. convcy rnd confirm. unto th. srid p.i(y of thc sccon.t p.rt, his heirs and assigns lorcver. rll the lollolvlng Condonlnlun Unlt 8, RMRIIOUSE CCNDOMINIWS 'according to the Condonlnlun Map thereof recordcd Deccnber 12, 1973 1n Dook 232 al PaBe 459' as as deffi:ed and descrlbed ln the Condornlnlun Declaratlcn .,1-.,f l,.,sn n..r,.rxd(KExl(ar recorded Decenber 12, 1973 ln Book 232 at Page 458, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. T(X;t:.tl|}:lt$''l'n||:''l.t!'l'E''|:|rl''tll|'tt'||l.||n|'||t:|!,|tpl,illli''|||.| .arlrrrr(.:rn,|t|r.lr'lcr.r.,rl:rll.|r.v";rr.'n-.r''''l:'..|f| rr;,nrl l,'th, rl"';, l.rrsarrr,rl l"r'rr!r_r's.\(ilhllrrh(rr{lttrrrr"rrl'rr'|rlrll'u'lFnxncts' T(' lt.tt t: .1\ tt t | ) t|( tt.t) r l',. si' r.l Ir ror r.r'. :r l,,,r r' l,rrr rr' ||'r,l nnit '1.:(t rl{ ,1. s il I' t lif ul'l)trrtrnur roi. unto rhc !ei.l t , r | | I \. | , t- r I r . :,.(.,.n.t t,i,r!. trr. lr.rr. rrr,t r't:rsrr f,,r, !rr. Anrl tl,. .arrt t,rtl\' ,'f rhr fi.st l,::rt. tor hims(ll tri hcirt. l'\'.lut,,|.xtl,|l',|t|t||'l.l'It..::..l!n'.l.|\|'nn|'t.r.|i'|'i.||lr!t|tt':.|llt:|gftr'.r,an.|qrtlrthl |t'.lli''|.:'l}.|n..'r.'-.|l|xr:'t|t'..t|'|'|'.'flll|',.r'..'rt|,rr(lll.|.t.'|rvr'|}',ftt|ec..l'||'s.'||tt.h.r.l'l|ltiztl|of a|,,r..,'rtr...|..|.n..,fr.n,,|..ll'.''|r.lr'.|.t.:lll.',|l|tI'|rl.lrn.|.t"rr.i|,|.frt||t''l|f'nhtr|tc lr,n,,1 rrr!'r. lrrll 1,,,rt, r :'r',1 t:tqf"l r'rlh..'tlr I'r !txrrt. I'irlli:rttr. trll :rn'l ('rnvc! th' 'ltrnr tn nsnnIr and for|n rl !fr, rr,t. nr,t U,il ,.. .nr,,,. ltr,. fr*. rrr,l ,lr'ar fr,,l|' t'll f,,rrr.r r'l|rl ',lhr'r ,arfntr, Itrrxltinx. :rrl!. lieni, trr€!. ra\,..,,,,'|t. r,,rl ,rr,',,r,l,rarr.r''"r$l'xr"\r'r lrrt'l"r rrnrrrrf('{ r''' ExcePt Scncrsl taXeB ;Or the yeor t988 a.nd all subscquent years; casements of record or ln exlstence' recorded declaratlons, rcstrlctlons ' and covenancs; rIr..:r,rt t,;,,r\ ,,r rr , r .r Il'rr shr'll arrrl $ill \\"\lll(ANl Ar.-t) t'(|ttt:\'t:ll t)t:t't::\..l) Tl'r' iitr||rrlnr n''nrhfr sh!ll I ri, tr,,t,.t l,r. t,tIr l. I lr,. trl':'l r hr.rsrrlrrr. rrrr,l t h,.'. ,,frf (.rr'l|r' .lr rll ltltrllicrrlrL'to trll g.rrrllrr' t\lrlfft:ssrtltl:ttl:(|1,rtr',:rrt t,nrl),.frl,, frr.r r';,' t hn: I|| r' |,IrI,'.| | ltr: hfn,l nrr'l i.l'l thr''lrvrn{ltr||rlrril B I5I It.,,P !4IL 4!!@Ll t9!91-uN:n r.r -- ts t:A l,l (iT[ra] Prrtrnr irxl bY: M,rt irn"'lrlc lrrxlinP 0 I -_1 r ".r'.'1,, :,'11."' lrr' r'r.'rr $ i'' x'r""$ r' rr!"'r r"'r"" ""' it'{ TtMi b)' : Ibvid I o .ifl i+orda. ta i jdL!^4fl r \ t ",r.,' t.l,'l r.Lrr.u r,,: I)t)nLr l ntr'LD.tl- jorr,L l l, j rr r t r,., j c/ct llct1,r ld rt, fi.ri< r.: r I..r t lr.rm L WdLkil{J (,JJ \4(jaL I.'if tlr SL. l;u I te 4000 L,)\; An.lc) r.ts , Ch 900'l ) -l F WAI{l(AN L l)Ii l:l.l 'flUS l)llli-l), Duilc thtr ...1.? , d.ry ot . ,tr-_E $0. al-&-.1___. tt)I)(', lretwcen A|.|;ONSO Al,V Ala,l,7. l{ f : YCA l)AS of lhc tairl ( i,r,nty o, liA()! .1.. a,:d Strtc ot COl.OltAlX), gtzntor. uul I)ONA lNl'lil(NA flr)NAl, l.li\ltl l:l) *lxr5d lelrl id,ircl is 'Irtderit 'l'rust (ilrrpany (li.V.l,) l,irnitcd, P.O. lkx l4fi, ltoad'li,wl,'lorrr)lr, lIrirish Virgil lsl;rrxJs, grarucc: WI'f Ntl5SlifIl, 'Ilnt tlte yrltttrrr for arl.l il rrlt:idcr.rt, 'r ;f thc sunr of 'fcn rjollrru s d dltct grxd uld valuahle consi,lerrtirrl I)()l,l-AHS. thc rccolt :rrd srrllicicncy of vltich is llcrcby rclnowlcdScd, has grantcd, balgaincd, sokl rr colrvc)/cd, and by rlrcsc prescnts rlrxt Vun, hztgtin, rcll, convcy anrl ct>ulirn, unk) tlr ,rrjrrlrc, lris lrcirs lrrd !s!igns li)rcvcr, irll tlrc rcal pt(r(utfly l.r|ctlql wfth infprovc'lrcnts. il lny, riituatc, lyrrLi .rrrt bcirrp i,r ll'c c!id C{)u'rly (,1 liitglc otd Str|r of Col(rrLd(l rlcscribcd rs lirllorvs: Unit 9, lllvliRltoUsti (_1 )Ntxu,lrNl r JNrs, AcrorClng to the Map rccordcd l)rccr)rl)cr |,2, lt)73 iu Iirok 231 rt Pagc 459 es Rectpllon No, 128344 and as dclincrl lr dcscribcd irr the l)cclrratiorr of6rants, Submlrtloru rrrd Covcrr rntE Ertahlir|ing C ndonrirriullr ()w crrllip,)f llivcrln)u[c Cordonriniunu rccordsJ Da;anb 12, lt)'l7 ln itook 2T2 |rt l)ugc 45ll ar ltcccptiorr No, 128343 rlso known by :lrcct rrrd nurrrlrcr as: tt3 Willow l,hcc 19 Ylil, CO !li65'l TOCEII|ER with all rnC ringular thc hcrcditanrents arrd rpprrnerrrrrccs th:rcto bclonging, or ii: anywise appertalning, anrl thc rcvcrsirrn lr rcvcrUiors, lcrnrirylcr urrd rcrr:rirtdcts, rerrts. tssucr and prrrfitr tlrercrrf, arrd !ll tlc cstrtc, ri!:lrt. titlc, l|ltcrcit, clrrirrr anrl drl|r]lnd wllill6(,cvet ol lhe grt cr, clthcr In l:rw or c(luity, of, In flr'l t,) th.: llx,vc blrgrir:erJ prcrrisrs, wirh tltc ltcrcdttzrlcnt! tnd !PPUrlCnAnCCri. TO IIAVMNI)'fO llOl.l) thc rrid prcnri:tcu ahovc brrgaincd and dcstrihe.J, wirh thc appurlcnancc[, unto Ihc grontcc, lril hcirr and rsrigns lirrcvcr. And lhc graDror, f<rr hlrnrsif, !.g Itcirs. and personrl rcprescntxtiv4s, docs c(,vcnt t, grallt, blrgairr,;lntl agrrc to and with thr 6,;1rr'as,hlsl,r.r'randa$)'nt,thltatttldti re()fthccnrcllinganddclivcryofll,cseprcrcrrt!,hct-.wchscizcd ol the ;,r'crniscs ar,ovc corrvcycd, hls gorxl, surc, pcrfrct, lbsolutc arrd indcfeasible crtalc of inhcdtarce, in l:rw, irr llc simplc, ar hu gorxl riglrt, full ;rowcr:rnd lawful authorily to gratrt, bafgaln, rcll lrd r,rnu"t tltc sarnc in nranncr and fornr as af,rrcsrirj, ,nd lhat thc sarnr are frcc ard cleor ftom all forntcr Jnd othcr Srants, blrgrirrs, "llcs, lirns, taxes, ls$essrncnts, encunrbranccc rrd rcslrictionr of whalcvcr kind or nllure 6r)cvcf, rxccpt ','ly)l'c r)rrttcr6 dct forth in llxhlhlt "4" attrchcd hcrcto ud Inadc r prrl lrercof, 'Ihc grart,r ..hall and will WARRAN'fY ANI) IrOnIVl1R I)laFllND thc abovc-brrgained prcrnlscr In llrd qulcl eD.l pcaccnblc porrcsslon of t|c grrlrtcc, hic hcirr ond arrignr, ogolnrt rll rnd cvcry pcrron or pcrsonn ,wfully clailrrlng llr" wholc r)r nny part tlrcrc.il l lrc ringullr nurnbcr 6h!ll Includc thc plur!|, thc plIri.l tllc singular, und lhc r!re of a y gendcr rhxll be applicablc to all gendcrE. lN WITNnSS Wllliltl:Olr, lhc grirntor lus cxccutcd this dccrl on lhe dttc sct forth lbovc. Af .l (rNso At.vAtlt..t nEYoAt)As Statc of Colrrrrdo ) )ss. Colnty ol &614 ) Thc f(;,r cgbi/.! in|itn|'l|rrt war irclryowlprtgcrl b<'lirrc r rc rlrin l!-. duy,ltl fFn&'4R Y -, t,l'l [, /t l,.ri.,,( i,-,gtt;t .r,rr^rr, rq'l,l4,rFri^llr,,rrtrNr,,riwrrr^l|tytrr vrl , t (., l) 2 U'0l -lf. A lrr q) 1) E& c.d <. -.U \)r*O oo I @l' r.- .C r:' !l IJ "l c'l qEt TIIIS I)f ::D, r.,i.: rr,\ d,,/ o, llIOflEL F. O-lRFJrJt arxj ihRrE v. i'"l)' 19, 1ne9 CLTRIV-\jJ ot the ard St6te of ,ri0j 6 oo oo o o oo lrl .E r") oNE lfiTrro{ IJINE HIJNDRED THCXJSAI'ID A}ID NO/1OO*r r * ***************** r *r**rr*r***rr .nd othcr good lrd valulbl. co^sidc.ltion to thc sald p.rty of rhc fi.st frrt ln hlrd prid by tha tald p6i:ts! ol .rcdd plrt. th. ra.alpl eh.rcof ir h!rGtry c.rlf.Bscd rnd.ckhoyt.dgad, hal grrntGd, Uaigatncd, iold cnd cchv.yed,lhcsc p.csants des 9flnt, b6r9!in, s?tt, co.rvly.^d contirm unro in.'s!ld p..tics of the sr;,rrd p.rt, thelr hal;s rssrgns roaever, not in tcnrncy in cqlmon hJt jn jojnt t but in joint tcnancy, rlt thc tollc ing dcscribed tot o. p.rcal Co\,"ty ol EAGLE srd Strtc of Cotortdo, to elt: Color6do, o{ rhc tirst F.t, aM JOI{I{ A. n{GLISH ard JEAN C, EJGLISH rt,osc lledl Eddress js 4630 }IAh'IIJORNE IANE, N,W., hhSHINGTgl.f D.C. 20016 ot the e Colnty of 9lINtSS€fH, Thot thc toid psrty of psrly of lha flrst p!.t, lof 6^d In consldera!Jon ot tha srrn of arri Sllta ot Colorrdo, ol thc sGcord p6rt: lYing lrd bejng ih thc ***tttt Sigt[d, Sc.t.d lrd 0.1ivc.cd ir lh. P.csc.c! ol srlr€ 0r €o{3+rae- I I 00u.ARs, thr !.ld by at? o{ lrnd, , lr col.rDalqN]ll,t UNTI 10, RnmHCUSE @NDCMTNrLI'!S, AC@ THmEOF RE@RDED DECESER 12, 1973 N'I M''3'-^i !+xr_t.!|t+,N-rvry VNlr' ru, RTVERHqJSE @NECMTNTUI\LS, AC@RDING TA lHE CONmMINIIJM I,Ap THmEOF RE@RDED DECESER 12, re73 n mx 2rj-af FacE a5g,' ero-rs-ilE} iiim' Aro eEsqrnrn nt rHE -coNDcfngUfi ' oigdqltrbfiie6iDi6 ff&d#' ri]"rq'ir'fi";#x*iYz AT PAGE 458, @(NIY OF EAGLE, SIATE OF COINRAM.AT PAGE 458, @(NIY OF , SIATE OF @I.ORADO. !t!o lno*, as str?rr ,ritt r @NDCIfiNIUM UNIT 10, RIITRHCIJSE @.IEMINIUI"1S tocElHEn rilh all lrd 3lngulrr tha hracdit0iEnta a.rd.pFrr!anarrlr th.reto balonelhg, or in rr'4.lta apfrrttlnln!, td tha atv.rrloh lrd ravafaiorls, rcrn iri.r lnd rcnuirdcrs, r.nts, isr(ras rnd prollts tha.aof; and rlt tha aat.tr, .l9hf; tlltr lntarcot, ctljm rrd ddlu.d Ehltsoev.r ol thc slid p.rty ol th€ {ifsi p5.t, .ith.r In l.r or Glui ty,ol. In.nd to th.rbova bargain d praniras, yith tha harcditln|clitt arE attJ.tcruncls. TO l{Avt ArlD T0 HoLC thc B!id prcJnl6ca !b6v. b.rg!in€d lnC dcrcrlb.d, r.lth lhc lFpJrt.n!E.r, rrtto tha rald F.rtlar ot thc ..co.rd D.rt, th?lr h.irr rlYj.r.l!.c fo|.cvc.. ^ri tt'. r.ld p!.!y ot th. ttr.t D.rt, tr'r ht|n..tl, hla h.tra, .racutora,..d rdnlnl.trrtor., rh.r covc'r6nt, g.!nt, b.r9!ln .^d.9.c. ro .lri elrh thc r!ld prrtlc. ot Ura .aGo.ld pa.t, th.t. halrr ..1d asil9|1t, thrt rt thc tiflr cl thc c^scrting lrd dctivcry ol th.se prcscnts, ha ia !.tt rcitad of thc p.nilraa abaw convq/cd, !6 ot good, aur!, perf.ct, rbsotutr ard ird.fr6sibt! cstrtr ol ir$critln a, In trr, In tar al,tpl., .|rd har eood right, tutl FErar lri llrful rulhority to grsnt, berg!in, ra(l rrd c.nvcy tha sdE in oarnar aid tolr! ar atoratrld, rd thti lhc tl|lE ara trar 6rd clcrr frdi rll fo.|lEr lnd otha. grrntrr b.a!!!na, r!laa, llanr, taxit. tttelaitnlt md lfrc(,brrmct ol r'itltlvaa llnd or hliu.a toaval", E<CEPT 3EJMAL TN(ES A\D ASSESSMDJTS FOR T}IE YEAI: 1989 AND SIJBSUJBTT IIARS, AIID S1JBIECT TO EASE{ETTS, RESEFN"IATIOT{S, RESTRI ]TIOI{S, CCA/FIANTS A!.D f,TGIIS OF }AY OF RE@RD OR IN E(ISIEICE. IF ANV lnC th! abovad berg.incd pl.amises in thc quiet rnd peaa€oble possassion ol said Oa.tics ol thc scco^d Dart, tha tuavlvoa ot the'n, ?hcir rssigns rnd thc h!irs r.d assigns ol such survivor, against rlr lnd cvcry p.rgon or parso.is tagfut(y ct.inIng o. to.'l!i'n the vhole or ahy o0.t thercol, tll' s,riC party ol tre trrrr p,r.t shrlt ..d eilt yARRlll AXD FdEVEf DEIEIo. Iha sj^gulor n|.,lt r shatt include thc plurrl, the plur8l the gingutar, lrd thc usc ol rny gcrdcr 3h!tt ba lppllclbt! to att 9andc.s.lr VIIfIESS IJ{EPEO|, th. seid party ot the tirst Dart h6s herrunlo sct his hsrd lnd scll th. dly 6rd yalr tlrtt lboya rri ttcn. Y E lr, !1 U z o: \U tut!\J l/1 (.0 oc llJ n oo 40. OJ J rOx OI tn o, I |!t!F F @ IJJ <tz ez ftI oo {t- Inc loregoing inslruienl !.i lal^oetaCg.i bcior. tE this day ol I'IOIAEL F, CURRA}T ard MAIUE V, CURRA}T fy col'nissi d.1 exFi.es May 19, 1989 .yirncsr nv h.t^d.nJ olli.i6l (erl. G-SrAl'tn-'- -1. nt) ,19 vlt215 torfi 92lA CorlPuItR uAlRlriTY DttD.Io J.int Tcnr^r. 13215V ri rtct 11215 P-O1 Feb-17-98 04: l9 T997 AITIYUIIL MEETING MIIN'TES TrID T!,',,7 Af,IfUAI, IIEHITO OF THE RIVDRIIOU3E CtoI|DOTtrIU[ A'IOCTATTOT WAA CAI'DD 11O ORDER AT 4PX OT SATUIDAY FIBRUAR" 7,lfit. TTEltl PRDsEf,T: AI'O PRTSDIIT: PR.EIDTT ff PROIT: UR O f,RE.tEFl l|RAftR #l UR T f,R8 TAC ALLDT T2 IR O IRS JOHIT ITLTI|CEI|ATDUI (4 DR TARVIII LT'EECK f5 IR 0 XRS RO? PLUU *6,t7 fR LEE KLIrOITCfDII| #E TR JOHT E|3CLIoH #IO IR FnATER HORI| EATaODRf XR DOUC 8IIAPIRO f,R ALFOI|AO ALVANI/iZ A QUORI'I EtA! REACHED WITH THE HDIIERS PRESEIIT AIfD B Pnotrt. TITD IIXUTES OF TITD 1996 AI|IN'AI UEITII|O WERT APFROVED. A DIICU6IIOI| OF THE FIIfA.TCIAIT FOR 1997 Dtr8UED. ArfEN IAl ItO PNOYIIIOT FC'R A 1996 EXPDTTIE TITAT g'AA ACCRT'ED Itr l5 199!, FnAIEn, lAtD HD AffitC Feb1l7-98 04z20 P.O2 ttll! "EAn, AltltrltrG TllaT THEnE ARI rO TIaCUIS OIf ArY" OF TRE C.APTTAL IIPROVITDIIT€ CURNEI|TLT T'I|DDII COtrlIDlRATlOil, IARYTI| LUBECK UADE A IOTIOi 1rO APPROT'E THD tlfrIATlD EUDCDT, f,AC ALLDr SlOOlfDDD THE rOItOtr, AI:D TfI RIIfr OF THOTD PRISDM PAS8DD TTIE XOTTOI| otrArlrcusLl. ROY PI.UI TEE|[ CAIIE IIIE PRESIDEIfT'8 REFORT. IIE ADYEDD ItA TO OOTTIIIUD OltR lldx, tnatcRrPtror To THD tAta vArL EoMFIIDRS AESOCIATIOI|, A BODI WHICH AXOTC'f OTBAR ACflYITIE3' CIPSEL? TOI|TTORS ALL ATTTEIE AT fHD VILIAGD TO RDIITTRODUCE THE 8tnlAIWAI,l3 PNA'ECT AI.OTG OI'N RTVEnIATK. HE IEMIOtrED TTIAT il A GOI|VTRSATIOI TTTH THE trlg IAYOR OF VAIL' ROB rronD, tHD gfnranAlfi PRqncr wrLL AL9A'3 BE Or rHE ACEIDA OT IAIfr II)CAL NEIIDEI|T€ Af,D FOIJTICIAI|B. ROB IOND IIOT OTL? UIDDNSIATDS TIIE PLIOIIT OF TBOSE OF Ug tnto Ln/D Arrtfc firE BAf,f,, BIIT AIAO 8lDE8 tnTH OUtt OB'tCTTOil |\O tT. BOTH FNAAEN, HORI| ATD RO' PLT'T AffIf,DED |lotril COUTCIL TDIf,ffGA DURTO THD I.EAN. Af,D THt tul.tlc.f ot TH! lfRllxwau( wAa ICvf RlltrTRoDucED. II mlDoltlD TO A QUlIlflOf, rRoI JOHil IGIIfGDT8TDIT Aa nO wrrEmrDR oR fof RrvlnHougE Is DoIrO II|OOOH nO grA? Or TOP Ot TltD 3I?OAT!OI|, EOTH FRIAER HORrf Af,D nOY PLUil AtlunlD HIX FtAnIB. rT WAI AIIO P'OnTED OIrr THAT IAnVIt LT'BIC!3 WA8 n TD' 1\0 TDP If, AI|D HDT.P IF IORE FIR'-POWER Ig MDDED. THt IDDfITO IOl'lD O|r TO THE EUE'ESD OF AAPTTAL IIINolU'lIIt'T!. RO' ?I,UI nIIITDED TIID AISOCIATIOT OF HII tEPllrlrR r.grrDR clfrrc A BID ot 4325'ooo Bv trD'l5or AIIOCIAIE! TtO DO TEE WONK O.r OUR PRO.'EST. I'NASIN THET| ADlmtD u3 TIIaT A SEGOTD DID Ol| ',zm,w To Do THI tAxt TONfi, HAI BEDrtr IADD DT GORDOT BIAAID. BOTR FRAIIN AI|D no? nAr/t cFolID; TO BAE,r QUOXO IFOnIIR IAIAODR OF OUR E|nLDITO Af,D Wll,L rrowlf To IAI|? Ol| utl AIfD lll ASauRtD ua TEAT OOnDOI F A PnoFlstlot/ll wBO WIlt D(t A (X,OD.'OE. A UofD glA3 TATI .r 1lO AEE ll' TIIERI WAI A IA'ORIT" If, FAYIOR o'PRlclDfiogtlEt|lEctPlrALllPnovEflrTg.AaTHERE irr ro raronlrr, A LDroTtrl' onE ArD TAxD DtSCUAsrOIr arflrlt, tr wEtcH recn qorDolrrlur owmn (IrcLUDrrG ilrOlr nfpnf*rrnO B" tRoxr EIro HtD gIITftr LETTER;; OFt..rlD Ht! VIDI! Or IUCH IUB'DCTt A!: CO8.T OF THE rnorlcr; THE lrDclltllrr ot Dotrc DuERrrHrIo THAI TllD encrrmgr PRoFoltD FfiOrE[tORX Or wALtt alotfc TIIE RAIP Feb-17-98 04z2A 1lo THD oAnAOD, IfDW DOR[DR8, STOtrBFOnK Or THE st(I IIDCrcR3, Encf; TIID FUTUE IIPASI OF TtrlgD CRArcts olr THD VALT'I OF OUN, UTITA. IAC ALLEtr II|IORIED U8 TIIAT HE r|AD ruCDTITLY HAD HIg UTIIT ADPNAIBED, AtrD 9Ag SUNPRISED TIO DISOOI'IR TEAT IT EAD ALIOST DOUBITD Ir YALUE Itr JUsf THruI ?IARI. EITDRITA flIl APPRAIEDR ATTRTBUTDD EOXE OI Tttrt oAlr To THE Uf,IT'g EXCELLEm LOCATIOT, HD ArsO IADE TIID POIIIT THA" WE TIAVE COMTI|UAI,L? UIiORADDD TIIE BlnLDtro |trEw toor, rDw EotLER 8?3TEI,II|TETOR HAr,LgArq ArD THAA THIg gA8 Ar lrnontAm PART OF THE HIOIITR DtrALUATtOtf. HOWDUDR, THE AppnAIsER AISO rOfED THA? lr TID LfT THD SrfTRIOR OF ?HE EI'II,DIf,O DDIERIONAT4 TIIITI NllIlrO VALUIS WII& PDAIT AJID DVIf,TOALL? TREI|D DOrilWAnD..rDtrr XnATER UTDIR8COruD ?Ht8 tASt RtIARt(n oBrERvIro THaT wt tpERt noouro ognsELvDa rr 9E DIDtrf ACIttrOEI,EDCD OUR AT'ILDItrO'8 DAITD II'OI3. AUz/ITtrE KNAIER AIID KA"TIY PI,T'I EOfH AAID THAT TIIEY T|AD ructFTt T HtanD (1oIIDI|T3 FROI ACQUAImAICIS ruFI.lgUTO THETE 8EIfTIIETTE. OT THD 8T'B'Egr OF TIID D('IIDnS, IAC ALI.lr LITEiDD OUn EUltDlT(l€ pRltDm t,(xrK TO TEAT OF A IOTDL. A LEIfCTITT DISCUITTO|I FOLII)WED Oi THD trlW DTTFIWAY AIID EOW IT WOUI,D CRIATL' TIPDI'E THE rnAER'8 I|IDW OD ttID IOUilTAIT. Ai ALTDnt:l,TlYt, ttraLLER ETTR?SAY TITAT HAD BEEf, DRA9I| UP BT THE AN,CEITDCf WAI AUIIITTID 11O TIIE IEErII|CATD ACCDPTED AA THD TEIP Dtttotr a Iottolf ro Do agaT $rTH THD trx tocrcRs wA8 DDDIATED. Ar,FOtrrO Al,VAnlZ lB" pnox"f nTQUBTED trt BE AIIOI'ID TIO @EIrl THI TWO BAITOI|IIS OUT3IDD Ht8 oorDollrruI urtT. roT otLy wA8 THIS pnotDgt EiDo$ED, EIt/f IT TAI TUNIHIN IUOODIfED THAT TIID TAXI THIro BE DOIJD TO TEE OTHIR THNEE OOTIDOIIrIUI UIJIT! Or TIIE BACK tIDD. TEt WORT MULD BT AT THD E|IPDilID OF TIIE AltoclaTlor. ArmR IoRt I.EroTHy Dttculatolt, avoTE To DO Ttxl ttrTtnl Rn/lnltoutt PRqrtgt, suarDer To ctRTAtr cof,DtTlotrr, 9A8 tArllf. a ratoRrTy o) te% voTED nf FAltoR. THD CDNf,AIT OOTDITIOT|S TO BE X T IFIRI: rl TI|E AncHmtcf rHouLD suBmT To u! fi tpRtTltro HIE FTEDltr$ OT flII IIPORTATCE OF TIIE DOilDN8 TtO TRD FIIIAL I/OOK OF THD BUILDII(}. 2l coRDor BLAf,tD SHOULD OM U3 A REALITilIC IiTITATE OF fHD @8T OF THE RIIIIODD PRq'ECT. THIS EID AHOUI.D AI'O IHOW A DRIAITDOSII OT CERTAT ITETIZDD GOETS: rf OOtf OF TlIl 3TOIID FORII FOR ?El GARA.CD RAXP wAl,rr lAr oPForED To THE nfiLrf,Oel P-03 P -04 bl oo3t oF Tm 8ro;tFoRlt O; THE 8r3t r,.tcltlRl' Plrtg IfrF '.rct'R DooRg pArlrrrD To OIIR APDCIFICITTIOIf CI OOTI OF TTIE TTOTI'WORB Or BACtr OF BUILDITC dl ootT oF GomfDsDrto THE rgo rercorurs or EACtt oF THt Foun corDomrluf, urrTs or THE AACr AIDD OF THE BUILDIrO cf GOAT OF TtrE DOIXERB OtfCD FNAIER IIAS RICTDVDD THE AAOVD ITFORIATIOI| FROI gnoR, rtl WILL tO IOTIFT THE FOR THEIR VIOTD OT EACH OF Y|ofIE ARD GOIPT,ID! RD8ULTS, ArD THt THOSD ITEIS TIfCLT,DDD TIIA"NECTYED A FAVONABLE f,A'ORIrr VOTE. TTIE U]ilIT OWilEN3 W'Eru OF OIID IITD IrHEr tT CAIE T'O THT DEaonarrw lmlArcDEltrs ro rHD Butr,Drrc. rnp crof,E ro EE UIID TEROUONOUT TIID ITPROVDIEIITS WrLL Ei rEE EAIE rrotE THAT WAA UllD Ir 44 rnuol' pt.AcE lrt lr rnr nroto ArEUrf. flrD tArcot" srDrS ArD RAErrCS riru, BE DOrE lf,TIII 8AIE Jfllt Aa fltO slo W TEI PHCInO AIAnrXl. THD BAI,oOTIEA AtrD THE SrI DOONA SHOULD BE SUOGEsTED Et oun AtcHtrrsr, AT.TEoUOH tr WAA rOrDD rnei irtl pern On!DT€NA" USID Otr THE EOlttlDTAI,P IIPPEANS DTCELLET|T.TBE ETltGco YID[, tl PArtr?DD a oRAy/wfltrE coron r,rxr rHar Of, 'EE LIFIIIDE BUIDilTA Oil 8OUTH FNOITTAOI ROAD. INTSDN EJITIATID THAT TIID gIORI( !9OULD TAIII BAITEDT I|OUR AtrD FIW IOTTHI. TIIE COI|TRASDOR 8AID HD COWO EN ADt'l no lrA$ lr rlD rAY' Assuxlro rHE mcDttEARy PEnIITS ARI tT HATD. lT ITAS FMTIIER AGRIDD TNAT A OI|E TN'T AISIItIIil'T BAIED OIf TIID GOMRACTON'E FIIfAI, BID wlOUI,D BT IADI IT IARCH AI,Of,O WITIT THE REOULAR QUASflnr," ASaEltIlIrT. THE TEEUTO IOT/ED OIf NO THE DLECTlor OF OFFICERA. THE glarl oF RoY PLur Ag PruttDErr' Jorltr Df,cLIgH Al vtcD PREtlDltfr' LED rllrcDlflfErr Al SECRETARI, AIID ranvrr LUBICT AI TRlAIil'ilN WAS VOTDD Or AtrD Uf,AIIIOUILY APFROVED. Feb- I /-98 O4:?I THREE IUh,ECIE WTRE IMRODUCED A8 f,E!f, BUSlrEss. TIIE PLI'IE 3AII' THEY 9DNE OOilSIDERITTC f,ENOITO rXirN rgO oorDo /rrftR ANCEITDCIUNAL PLrrs CALL TIID TITDOSI AIID DOORS Or THE rROrT EIDD ID@I|D FII)OR ALL, R DOOR EfRICAL. trExr, FRASER HORr rorED TxE cHAItol IRAT HD Ig srowLy rerric m THE EALLWA" LIC}rTI B' NDPIACITO BURTED OUt AUT.NE WNrr L TOER LAEflIrC, LIST IXPET8TVE rL('rusCEiT OrTi TrrAT ANE aaclcD UlrH RlFLEelonS. FIIfI|LLY, FR.atER urronuno us flTAT HD HA8 IOVID HI3 OFTICD II)C'.TIOi rROT VErr, rO IDPANDS. IT AISUilTG UA THAT HE AXD (}EOrF WEUS WrU, CAru FON OUN BUILDTITC, T'EAR FOR HIf IIT HIA Hrs rrsroratrotr lnonr.D r"r ^""mli'ffil3ffi1r"LACKrO. FnASDR WAA PnAISED FOR HIg IICELIEIIT WoRt( B?JOHII ETOLIAH AID rrEAN:rILY COTORATUIATED B" THE RI6T OF TEt UrlT OWttnS. TTIERD IIUTO TfO FT'RTHEN BUstIfE€s, IT WA8 IOYED Br A cEotul ot wrlAt'r tK)lcl3, tEcotrDDD Dt rHooD gArE vrotcEg AIfD UTAIfIIOUTLY PASS8D TO AD'OURX THE r99? ErrrWAI EEnro. P-05 REPT131 TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO PAGE 13 AREA: CD OA/19/95 @82@9 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FORt 8/L9/98 =================================-==============================================Actlvity:898-0111 8/L9/99 Type: A-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Addrese: 83 l{ILLOt{ PL Locatlon: 83 I{ILLOW PLACE Parcel t 27@7-@82- 16-@@@ Descrlptlon: EXTERI0R REIIODEL Appllcent: S Ovner: Contractor: Occ: User II FR Phone: 970949@660 Phone: Phone r 97@949@66@ fnspectlon Requeet Requestor: Gordon Req Timet O8:O@ Itene requeeted to A@@9@ ELDG-Final lnfornation..... Phonez 9@4-3O86 Comnents: external remodel Rlverhouee be Inepected.,.Action Commentg Time Exp Inepection Hietory..... Item: @@@LO BLDG-Footinge/Steel @6/@2/94 Inspector: JRI'! ltem: O@@2@ BLDG-Foundation/SteeL 06/04/98 Inepector: CD Item: O@O3@ BLD6-Framlng ftem: @@@3@ BLDG-Inaulation Item: 00@6@ BLDG-Sheetrock Nai-l ltem: @@@7@ BLDG-Miec. ltem: @@O9O BLDG-FinaJ. Action: APPR Acti.on: APPR APPR FOOT ON EAST SIDE APPROVED Besign Revie* ec?on Form TOWN OF VAIL ProiectName: RiverhouseCondominiums ProjectDescription: Exteriorremodel Owner. Address and Phone: MFI Investments, PO Box 2015, Edwards, CO 81632 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone.Larry Deckard, PO Box 725, Avon, CO 81620, 949-7038 Project Street Address: 83 Willow Place Legal Description: Lot 3' Blk. 6, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: 210l-082-16-001 Building Namc: Riverhouse Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Doyon Action: approval Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 Conditions: 1. Variance approval required for rear deck in-fiIl. 2. Deck posts on north elevation must be extended up to the base of decks. 3. Windbw trim elements and accents must be continued around the entire building, notjust the front. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 4ll5l98 F:\EVERYONE\DRB \,{PPROVA I-\98\zuVER}IOU.4 I 5 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 o o RTVERIIOUSE CONDOMINIUMS REMODEL VAIL. COLORADO DESIGN PROPOSAL BY: LARRY DECKARD ARCHITECT P.O. Box 725 Avon, Co. 81620 FEBRUARY 23.1998 L Larry A. Decka.d?.1.A.. P.O. Box 725 Avon, Co. 81620 (970) 949-7038 TO: Fraser Hom C/O I{FI lnvestments RE: Riverhouse Remodel 2/23^998 Dear Riverhouse owner, This letter is to provide an overyiew of the design for the remodel of your home exterior. The scope of construction is primarily exterior revisions with a small interior entryway addition. The exterior revisions include a substantial face-lift to the south (entry) side ofthe Riverhouse and deck revisions to the north side of the building. The south face remodel is most critical as the most visible face of the structure. Riverhouse is located in a prime Vail location offering full access to Vail village while secluded from daily village activity. The residences to the west are Bishop Park and Willow ltacel tnese pro.yects were construct 990,s. These important rolein creating an ide gn cues for th reflected in design elements from I elements fro House located across Gore Creek from the Riverhouse. The south face remodel includes the following elements: l. Stone veneer at the lower level. 2. New entry configuration. 3. Two gables at the main roof 4. Stone veneer and new doors at the existing ski lockers. 5. New stucco at the top two floors. 6. Stone veneer and wrought iron rail at auto entry.7. Entry gable with heavy timber support. 8. New deck configuration and new wood railings at level two decks. The addition of the gable roof elements plays a critical role in defining the character of the Riverhouse remodel image. These elements breakthe long horizontal fascia onlhe existing structure. These elements are reflected at a more intimate scale at the new entryway roof. The horizo-ntal image of the present elevation is further reduced by introducing stone rail supports at the second floor deck *ru]tni, goncePt is taken to the ground level with stone rail supports at the auto entryway. Wrought iron is introduced at the auto entry railing to reduce the heavy-rail image ofthe preseni configuiation. The new upper level railing and the new northdeck railings will be similar to the bavaria Houi railings. This board tlpe railing with pattern cut outs is also employed at , illow place. The colors for the remodel shall be an offwhite (warm) for all stucco areas. The wood trim and railing color is to be a warrn gray similar to the Bavaria house. Roof fascia to be a darker tone of the railing color. This darker color may also be utilized for trim such as shutters and ski locker doors. This color palette shall be finalized with paint samples on site. The stone color is to be sirnilar to the gold gray stone on Willow Place. New hardware for the ski lockers with integal locks and numberplates will clean up the padlock look the ski lockers have at present. I hope this letter clarifies the design intent for the Riverhouse remodel. Sincerely, Larry A. Deckard A.l.A. Page 2 RIVERHOUSE EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED REMODEL SOUTH ELEVATION RIVERHOUSE EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED REMODEL NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED NEW STONE VENEER RAILING CONCEPT FOR REMODEL Qucstions? | tfr. Planniug Staff at 479-2 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is lbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Revicrv approval, Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw ntrst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to suburitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infomration. scc the submiftal rcquircrlctrts lbr thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. The application canrrot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquired infbrrrtatiorr is submitted. The project tnay also nccd to bc revicrved by thc Towrr Council and/or thc Pl:urning and Environmcntal Coruurission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval expircs onc year aftcr final approval unless a building permit is issucd and construction is started, TOy/N OF VAIL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCTATTONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: r9 BLOCK: G FTLTNG:vAr- VltrA PHYSICALADDRESS: O)O U,ttLLo.J rt&E yErLJ dO. G. !aooition-$50 D Minor Altcration - $20 E Conceptual Revicw - $0 Construction of a ncrv building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any residential or conrncrcial building. Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc inrprovcmcnts, such as. iitoofing. painting, rvindow additions, landscaping. f'cnccs and rctaining walld. ctc. For my application wherc the applioant rvishcs to mect with Dcsign Revicw Board to detcnninc rvhcthcr or not the projcct gcncrally corrrplics with thc dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conccphral revicws. C. D. D, E. F. PARCEL #: /lOlO^TJA OOI (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Otlicc at 970-32tt-tt640 for parcet #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: o!vNER(s) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: AwoN , Ca. 816?o vmoN TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 DRII fees arc to be paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying fbr a building pcmrit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valttatiott ofthe projcct. Thc Town of Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI\IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. BUILDING MATERIALS: ?Tt/coo Etqctl- Rg. zroa,* ho"^ttgpg-88!-'53 Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Othcr Ett t 6t'6 hoauooo obt €9 l.,tooo czaor___etS'__ F.9. ceea<l.roonuteoo oDl 53 E*tst'b AA?TEA Wr,zsr. v/o ,9roruE @D * Plcasc spctify thc manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance I8.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposed" please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height abov e grade,lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shcet of the lighting fixMes. pna6 + LaFrfo,gi? ATro a a aa - Pprr.rtoA- .ir^lt'r OFF uhtrTE QpeT 9r^rd5 o8n, 6OLte O ,5' " 6Pa^rr.9 p no,$ noota.oc7 g$t 53 " N^Tlltrta< AoPGA,'l N./s, O PROPOSEDLANDSCAPING O Botanical Nanrc Common Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: JuprPenus llontzoms;!--C4Etut'&-i'le-'t 5fl lvape *Minimurn rcquircrncnts for landscaping:dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliPcr coniferous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Pleasc specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maxinrum hcight of walls within thc front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elscwhere on thc propcrty is 6 fcet. I :A fu{v'n,Ee ur<ou*T Comrlrity Development plan Rorlg Form Routed To:Lury Pardee, Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire ,r)-' ,/ Retum To:Dominic Maudcllo, Communifi Development Date Routed:3t25t98 Retun By:4t1tgtl Proiect Name:Riverhouse Condos - exterior remodel Project Address:tl3 Willow Place Project Legal:Lot 3. Blk.6. Vail Villagc #l Project Description:Exterior remodel. No new floor at'ca. '1 Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions com,lhity Development plan Rorlg Form Routed To:Larry Pardee, Public Works Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Dominic Mauricl lo. Community Dcvclopmcnt Date Routed:3t25198 Return By:4ilt98 Proiect Namc:Riverhouse Condos - cxteriot' remodcl Proiect Address:83 Willow Placc Project Lcgal:Lot 3. Blk. 6. Vail Villagc #l Project Description:Exterior rcmodcl. No new floor arca. Approved ./ Denied (cite detailed reasons) y' npproved with conditions oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAII-, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Pl,umbing-----> 165.00 P l,an check---> 11 .25 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0023 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 83 WILLOW PL RIVERHOUSE 2101-0I2-16 -0 0 0 Restuarant P lan RevieH--> TOTAL fEES---.-- .00 209 .25 Total. caLculated Fees--> ?A9.?5 .00 2W.25 2@.25 .00 Investigat i on> uil.L ca t t----> .00 3.00 Addition6t Fees-----> TotaI Pernit Fe€-----> Paynents-------- EALANCE DUE--------> **ffi*ffiri****ffi*ff ***ff i**ffi ffi **i't**t*** ,#**ffi,r*ffi tr#(**rt-ii*Hi t**ffi Dept: BUILDING Division: **ffiffi*i*r**fiiffii,r-****f****t*i*rit*ftf**rr*****rffi***#rtfrit*f***ffrf***tr**ffi**ffi***t*t**fttt*t**f*r****tl*t*'r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-oelor/is96 neN Action: APPR oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING' HEATING P o Box 250, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLWBING, HEATING P O BOX 250, MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER RIVERHOUSE MAIN BLDG Description: REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING BOILERS Valuation:11,000.00 ***t FEE suttl'lARY #**#*t**'r#ffi **ffi *tr*#*ffi*ffi Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/03/L996 riiued. ..t o4/03/t9e6 Expires ... 09/30/I996 Phonel 3038275562 Phonez 3038275562 DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful'|, the information required, compteted an pLan, and state that al,t the iniornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl'y vith the infornation to compty Hith att Toyn ofdinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and codes,'disign revien approved, uniforn Bu'itding code and other ordinances of the ToHn aPPLicabl'e thereto' accurate Ptot and plot p Lan, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TUEIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY oo oo ********************************************************:r******* TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Staterurt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0144 Amount2 2Og'25 O5/2L/96 08:17 Payment ltethoa: Cf Notation: #31695 Init: CD B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 209.25 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 P96-0023 TYPe: 2101-0 82-16-0 00 83 WILLOW PL RIVERHOUSE Total Fees: Toeal ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 209.2s 209.25 .00 Amount 165.00 41.25 3.00 oo oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArLf co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #: M96-0018 APPLICANT BURNETT PLI,JMBING, HEATING, ELEC. 80 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMB]NG, HEATING, ELEC. 80 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 OWNER RIVERHOUSE MAIN BLDG Description: REPLACiNG TWO NEW HOT WATER HEATERS 83 WILLOW PL RIVERHOUSE 2101-0I2- 16-0 0 0 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: I SSUED o4 / 03 /tee6 o4/03/ree6 0e /30 /Lee6 Phone t 827-5562 Phone z 827-5562 lof Gas Appt i ances: 40,000.00 fol [ood/Pa t tet:FireDtacc lnfornation: Restr i cted: irilff*i*r*ffi*f,ffi#rfirfH*riffi*ffttEEs irchanical,--> E00.0O Rlstuarant Ptan Reviee-> Pl.an check-> 200'00 DRB Fee-------------> lnvestigation> .00 ToTAL FEES----------> l,lilt c€l,t----> 3.0O tr******ffi*i*tt**i.ffi ffir*t i****Jr*frffi ***ffi *r.ffir**************M Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT-o4/oz/199a ox Action: APPR DepT: BUILDING DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.607 0F THE 1991 uMC. TURES INSTRUCTIONS AND ir'rc ro cHAPTER 9 AND 05 0F THE 1991 I'MC. LY WITH SEC.5O5 AND F NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. TIBLE FLOORING.BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ING HEAT]NG OR HOT_WATER U E T'IOOR DRAIN PER SEC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoyl.edge that I have read this apptication, fiLl.ed out in ful'l' the intormation required, comPteted an accurate Ptot pl,an, and state that et,t, the information provided ss requi rcd is correct. I agree to conpty Hith the inforiEtion and ptot ptan' to co@ty Hith al,L to*n ordinancis ino stitc [avs, and io buiLd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning end subdivision oo oo codcsrd.siEnraricHaPProvcdruniforrBuitdingGodeandothcrordinrnclgoftheTomlpPtisabtcthcrcto' REqrEsrs Fon r*spEcrlor{s s}r LL BE IADE ruB{Ty-F.t R HorrRs Ir{ AD'AN.E By rELEp}oNE AT 47ts213E oR AT qJR oFflcE Fnofi 8:00 ltl 5:00 Ptl SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTUICTOR fOR HIIISELF AND OUN **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************:t*************************** statemnt Number: REC-0144 Amount: 1'003'oo o5/2L/96 08:16 -p.Vt ".t, Method: ci Notation: # 31695 rnit: CD **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account Code 01 0000 413L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 M95-0018 TYPe: zLOL-082-L6-000 83 WILLOW PL RIVERHOUSE B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 1,003.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1,003 .00 1, 003.00 .00 Amount 800.00 200.00 3.00 o o I PERI'IIT VATL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORM AP? fi 3 is90 , APPLICATION l,tUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rr Uay i Ii***************************** PERI.IIT TNFORMATTON ******* **rl [ ]-Building I j-Plr"nt''inn [ ]-Electricat f-Mechanibal [ ]-Other Job Nane:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing sueprvlsloll: 2*JaooAddress:P]n. ??t-3/oo lq n/Z- t'- 2o. '- ea / ' 9) <9 ',..7/7-6/08 aalres;z fe4szjL_fu ceneral Description:l* ?./.r<,e e F Clz"/ Oles work class: rsg-New [ ]-Ar.teration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: /O Nunber of Accommodation Units: ,lurnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Woodr/pellet_ |t********************************* VALUATfONS ************!t******************** - BUILDTNG: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $PLUMBING: g ,,pLuMBrNG, | ! /, ooa MEcHANTcAu f@_ torer,: $-v l*********************!t***** coNrRAcroF TNF6RMATTqN ********:r**************r***7 Eeneral Contractor: rF-rr.,n ^€ rr-;1 r,^-;#;:::,-",*."*r: _ Town of vail Reg. No.phone Number: Electrical contractor: Totn of vail Reg. No.Addressi nr-^-- *.--'-^-- 76 -aoJ Phone Number: Plumbing Contraccor:PLumbing Contractor: t?.. " .,^ a-7 Address ? Dr,t r-- r:"t:' Town of Vail Reg' No"/oo P Phone Number: ?2o-+q6^ a OWN OF VATL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: 4- ? .?t T * ************** ********** !r ****!t*FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I,IECHANTCAL PER}TIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 I.{ECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FE8: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DP.OSIT REFI'fD TO: FROM: DATE: RE: O "rrorANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhal requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right olway, easements or public property to be used for staging, YES NO D'' /-L.,/- L'- t'-" L.-- 1) 2) L-"- parking or lencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging L- or fencing plan required by Community Development? !!You_ answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or at C9.1i1ulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspector, aI.479.2158. I have read and answered allthe above ouestions.questions. Job Name nalure luwn n llal 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT IiIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In suluoary, Ordinance No. 6 sta enance or repair projects of J.es tn the rigbt-a-Lray. To review ordinance No. o in full, prease stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. trranx you for your cooperation on this matter. and acknowledged to Project F;?--< - 2.6 (i.e. contractor, ordner) lnwn 75 south trontrge rosd vlil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olflce ol communlty deyclopmcfil BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMilE as three weeks. f]] c9mm9r9ia1 (1arge or sma'[ ) and a]r murt'i-fami'rv permits wiil have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. iesidentia.l sser amount of time. However, if act the various above mentioned review, these projects may Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite th.i s perml't as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 6 Corrnun'i ty Deveiopment Department. o BU RN ETT PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL BOX 250 SOTOLEDOAVENUE MINTURN, COLORADO81645 (303) 827-5562 THE HEATING SYSTEM TTIAT I,'E ARE PUTTING IN THE RIVER HOUSE, TO REPLACE TI{E OLD SYSTB4 IS DESIGNED BY BEAUDIN GANZE INC WE ARE AI^SO PUTTING I}] NET^] WATER TIEATERS, IN PI,ACE OF HBAT EXCIANGER, llIEY ARE DESIGNED BY BF.AUDIN GANZE INC. BEAUDIN GANZE PHONE NUMBER, #949-6]-08 4-3-96 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD PERMPeTMiI #: 895_0014 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Bui Ld i ng-----> PLan Check---> Invest i 9at ion> tJiLL Cal.t----> Description: UPGRADE ELEVATOR Occupancy Ty e TabIe Date: 04/OI/1992 Fireptace Information: Restricted: #0f Gas Apptiances: Job Address: 83 WILLOW PL Location... : RIVERHOUSE, 83 WILLOW Parcel No.. : 2707-O82-L6-000 O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756/ MTNTURN/ CO 81645 RIVERHOUSE MAIN BLDG Status...: ISSUED PLCAppIled. . : 12/28 /Ie94 rssued...: o7/04/1995 Expires..: 07/03/1995 Phone l 3038279202 Phone z 30382'192Q2 Valuation .00 #of wood/Pa l, Let: Factor Sq. Feet TotaI Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: **#ff***#***L****ffiJr**#**ffi**#***ff***lri***#***#* FEE SUlll4ARY ff*#****t*id**JrJ.****rr*********tr*tct*#******ff***#****:t 85.00 55 .25 .00 3.00 .00 20.00 .00 100.00 265 - tt 263.25 Restuarant P lan Revieu--> DRB Recreat ion Fee----------> ctean-uo 0eDos i t--------> TOTAL FEES___-- Tota L Catcu lated Fees---> BALANCE DUE---- ********************************r(*********#******************#************fftr***ffi***tr****ffr*tr****'HJriffr*tHr*ffir***Jr*rk'tttt* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/21,/7995 TRYNIS Action: APPR IIbmT. O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITem: O560O FIRE DEPARTMENT ITemI O55OO PUBLIC WORKS ]tem: 057OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Addi tiona L Fees---------> .00 Tota L Permit Fee-------->263.25 263 .25 .00 Dept: BUILDING Division DeDL: PLANNING Division Debt: FrRE Division Debt: PUB woRK Division oebt: HEALTH Division **********************lr************tr********Jr****it-******H*****************'H(**********ff*****************i*********ff*********t * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I have read this apptication, fiu.ed out in ful,t the infornation required, compteted an accurate PLot ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comp(y with the information and plot ptan, to compl,y l,rith al,l, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieli appfoved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AI4 5:OO PII Send C Iean-Up Deposit To:SIGNATURE 0F Ol,NER 0R CONTRACTOR FOR HII'1SELF AND OlvlNER * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * t *** * * * * * * CONDITlONS Permit #: 895-0014 as of O2/2L/95 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD'PERM. Applied: L2/28/Lgg4 Applicant: O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Issued: OL/04/1995 3038279202 To Expire: O7/O3/L995 Job Address:Location: RMRHOUSE, 83 WILLOW PLC Parcel No: 2101-082-l-6-000 Description: UPGR,ADE ELEVATOR Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS W]LL BE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLAINT THROUGH NWCOG, BILL HULSE o **************************************************************t!* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * t **** ******** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************* * * * ** tr** ** ** * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0007 Amount: Payment Method: 3401 Notation: TT ' 263.25 02/2r/ss r1|06 Init: Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 47332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 47336 Total Fees: Total ALL PMIS: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DES]GN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 895-0014 Type: MF BUILD NEW MULTI-FAM BUILD 2t-01-082-L6-000 83 WILLOW PL RIVERHOUSE, 83 WILLOW PLC 263.25 * * ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t * * * 263.25 263.25 .00 Amount 85.00 20.00 55.25 100.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEC.TRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0002 Job Address r 83 WILLOW PL Status. . . : ISSUED Location...: 83 WILLOW PLC, RTVERHOUSE Applied..: f2/28/1,9 Parcel- No..: 2101-082-16-000 Issued...: O!/04/L9 Expires..: 07/03/L9 APPLICANT O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Phonet 30382792O2 BOX 756, MINTURN, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Phonez 30382792O2 BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 OWNER RIVERHOUSE MAIN BLDG *******************ffi*#*****************tr******ff*ir** FEE SUf{tlARY **lr*#*#*******tr**t ***trJ.**#***ffi*ffotrHdrJrt(tr**trt*** Description: UPGRADE ELEVATOR E lectri ca[---> 42.W P Lan Check---> Investigat'ion> .00 Uil.L caLl.----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 45.00 TotaL Catcutated Fees---> 15.OO Valuation: .00 DeDT: BUILDING DiViSiON: Add'i tionaL Fees---------> Tota[ Permit tee--------> 45.00 > 15.OO BALANCE DUE---- ffH*#***ff*#Jr****ffi***ffiffiffi***ffi**Jr**Ht **#**ff*#L*Jr**ffL****Hff*HL*ffi*ff***lrHffr|H(*ff*#r*******lrHr*ff*ffiff****** IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/21/L995 TRYNTS Action3 APPR TT rHotrHr!ffi*Jotrhkt****#tr*J.*ffiJ.**#r**tr*ffi(*rrffirJr*ffiot**fflrt***fftrfhtir*'H(*fffr*ffi*ffi*ffirtt**ffiffffiffi't'tffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, REFER TO BUILDING PERMIT COMMENTS ***ffi*ff***lr*H*ffi*H*tr*rrt*##*H***HH*HH**ffi***t##*ffi*HffrrH*.,r,#rrr*rffi**rr**#ffi*t*ffiffiffiffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appLication, fil.ted out in ful.L the information required, compl,eted an accurate plot ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comp[y with the infornation and plot P[an,to comply uith al,[ Torrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto- REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI,]ENTY_FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 E:OO AI'I 5:OO PI.I SIGNATURE OF O},NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OI,INER ***:[************************************************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0007 Amount,! Palzment Method: 3401 Notation: CK - 4s.00 02/2L/95 11:11 rnit: E95-0002 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2LOL-082- t 6-000 83 WILLOW PL 83 WILLOW PLC, RIVERHOUSE Total Fee6:45.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ********************rt******************************************* Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4t336 Description ELECTRICAL PERM]T FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 45.00 45.00 .00 Amount 42 .00 3.00 NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT Perrnit # : ALL TIMES M95-000 6 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript j-on: UPGRADE ELEVATOR f i rep lace lnformation: Restlicted: llechani ca [---> 20.00 P lan check---> 5.0O oRB O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 RIVERHOUSE MAIN BLDG MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 83 WILLOW PL LocaLion...: 83 W]LLOW PLC, RIVERHOUSE Parcel- No.. : 2101-082-16-000 Status . . . Apptied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone:3038279 Phone : 303827 9202 #0f Gas Logs:fof wood/Pa l. Let: TotaI Permit F ee--------> Payment s------- Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: #Of Gas App L i ances: ISSUED L2 /28 /te .or/04/re o'7 /03 / re 202 -00 2E. O0 28. OO ********i**ff*H**fr***#*lr*fr*ff*frfr***fi***ff***ff#** FEE SUlll'IARY **##**i*****i.***:trffi**ffirffffiffio**ffioffifi****ff** Restuarant Ptan Rev lew-->.00 Total Catcutated tees---> 2E.00 > .00 Additional Fees---------> Investigation> UiLL Ca L L----> -00 3 .00 TOTAL FEES_.--- rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/2I/1995 TRYNIS ACtiON: APPR TT II,emI, O54OO PLANN]NG DEPARTMENT 28.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTION REOUIRED BY BILL HULSE. **lr*ffi*****ff**rr**H*****trrr***ff*#**************tr***fi*rr*ffi***#***Jr****ffir**t t'H***Jr****Jr**#Jr**tr't**'t**ff**1trrf*Jri****ff* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appLication, fiLl.ed out in fuLt the information required, comPleted an accurate ptot pLan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and ptot pLan, to comply r.rith aLl, Town ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, tJniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROI'I 8:OO A[ 5:OO PII SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************************************tr*************** Statennt Number: REC-OOO7 Amount: Payment Method: 3401 Notation: CK - 2A.OO 02/2L/95 11 : 14 rnit: M95-0006 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 210 L -0 82 -16-0 0 0 83 V'ILLOW PL 83 WILLOW PLC, RIVERHOUSE Total Fees:28.00 Total ALL Pmts! Balance:**************************************************************** Pennit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4r3r2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 28. 00 28.00 .00 Amount 20.00 5.00 3.00 E -I E -t o @ m Iq |-o Ltt i..':o ::i a!x-:s Po inO {: FI <=35 o< 6P ;!E -@o ctl >l =E ;'i 3 o 'n m -.t -rr l#{l L-lLll}4l ffiHE J *6- ,.fi f-f i \.,/IE22 Y t-= a\ a\s>"' i ru ts - -.{TTtr .T] -E z= 2= z T nt n ={ z o -{m I o ! -tl m {{o @ m x m !-l z (- @ a { m 5 \5 q]2 =c m; t> |l3c l> c lfl r It" c l-T i^ tr \o.l *= c u 1r fT )t ,G 'U (-ln \i -J -o o o z a {a c o {o z z,.o c?n o R<z'a Ti 6z 9y c)\J -O zt--rc 3= 12 ()O 8?z'^-lx 3: d9 nt- 2n vz >m o!--{ >or-n I =m €z m z m H |< E!r t!, H F Ta-1 a-m ,-! o>'r- t- --l u'r-x I =z m -m I o =z o 'rl z -t m i I I -.t o €z o 'n z r m 9)z !n m l- m d {z I l= lm lo lz lo I l- I E I I I l-a I i o =z o _n r m 9)z l F e ! 't @ N. I \o F.) f.) ld l=lo ln t<t> lR lm z 9 l*lF.\|I I = r rr z c) z H c) I m I ; I s. I u)5 3 Trl o-O5 -:t (D p-d og d-< ^,o :-J=qro R{ :^E 6o :1 f oat D-or:' =r !) oto o-o q'* -(D:- ilqt -E -='-:i o* 9o =' .l YX df :d o--o.= DO ah -,o:ex r-f :d *o ltr xo xo c)(o o o = =. =o o a --o g) - F -f o o .o r3 .<- =. E -l o € o 5 !)J o o U' o) <t, q, €v =ct 6' a o o 0) o s o o -{ € 4l d o 'f f=' (cI b f o o. =:2. o I (t. (o o { 0t o t f o =o s. 3'(c) o J =o *r4l -rtl tr g - "'1 { It !t p. o' 0)g (D J (D o .) tr.It P z tI'H H H Nv1 >'l -F (- (i FC t7 €z m ! o a z + 'n t I U'm t-TI D z +I m m , l z l- ll m :a z m m m 2 o c z (!) C t- --t z -l !m f z t c m I9 q€otr -z zA 1>t z>eR Ici d= >o i'i !ao z c z = z rn € m o 2 =o z i m ! !m f c 7 -l Ftl HI al FI *] trrl \ol TI ^l 5l FI )6l TI ol ^l tii 't BI \o i :l ) I l 1 c)N-m^fr i=rgr;F io F>_n =zo ii'qo o<z v6)<4 f o 62 o= E b z9 oo o 'n2z € T No= v< = F, rn !l]r rd ri ry d" H FE F F z I c) a) ;.i c) E t.H z z z o F. @ c r I z o z m I t. H z E FJ z E r Fr t! F H F H z 2 3 z --a --t m --l Ol >l ol o: +l ol -l I I I i I m z H z I I (Jl -l o --{ t- !m to = ='Tl m m (t, { t.t. c) E-lr a m -l x m z c -It m l, I m 2 z m m { TD u m m i z .Tl m m 3 m I z 6 l- l-c = m i o t- 2 o m o x g 2 o m , . -\t m 3 =-n m m U) /ALUATION !m E =-l z o =m z o l- =z m l-m z 5 l.J l.tt I.,J 5 ) tl c) 5' 5 l.J L,' @ /+t\Dl , H r lr, 14( .4) +4 ^; OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION ,1II PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM Ilu DATE: R[C'D oEC e g 19goPrrufir r/ PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED NFORI{ATf ON * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * :} :r ical [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other Job Narne: VIU. --rb"S€ HoonWz- Job Address: ObS LrllLr-r-:tai PC. Legal Descrj.ption: Lot Btock Filino qlrpnrrrrer^*. 'lt ^/.-t iItt-owners Nane: ktvsLifLU5€ iIvr4e Address: p5.4)t, .3+fr F Architect: N.^' Address: ph. General Description: J 3lnepair [ ]-other Number of Dcrelling Units:lc Numlrer of Acconnodation Units, O .,O iances '- Gas Logs_ woodr/pellet_ ,o""T***** * ****** **** !r * ***** ********* |-L75 -- orHER: $ u !'srrerdr uonEracEor-; J'/'.ryPccl/,!/a,v gNg; CIL Town of vail Reg. No. ryAl-E Address t ik Y 1 SC" * phone Number: KL1 . ct 4.T- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO.Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. MEcHANIcALPER}tITFEE:Zotoo,/ffi;ffiil;^;.;:^;"::i;':;-..--_-9,,=o? v- I.IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK tnx,z @ y', OO '/ RECREATToN FEE: afrl*ftL J+tfi-PeP /tiJS i Mechanical Contractor: f Address **************************_****** FOR OFFfCE USE *******************************BUTLDTNG eERMTT FEE: K1, dct -iuiioilre prAN cHEcK FEE: ^";;:;'-*:. PL'JMBING PERMIT FEE! _- . PII'I,'BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEEz u,ao\i ;;;T.;:-" r-''c r'tr'tr; uttat4L 7t&) '/ CLEAN-UP DEPOSfT: -ffi- |?l^tl| r ?ToTAL PERMIT FEES: w BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: cioNSIY?--IC'.rN c4.) tLl tNT<€-N t Ll> 8,9'tS 4$€,.." CI.EAII UP DEPOSIT REPIII{D TO: I I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) Oate: Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a .public Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed thal reguires the use of the right ot way, easements or public propefty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO )c X Y 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) ns, a "public Way permit" must be obtained. obtained at the public Work's office or at uestions please callCharlie Davis, the Town answered allthe 11 How it relates to Building permit: 1) Fillout the ourcheck tist provided@ 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) rf yes was answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit. is required. you can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment,rocated at 75 s. Frontage Road or ilbric works, ro rtediiliogvair Vailey Drive. Notice sign ofis for utirity companies. Ail utirities must field verify (rocate)respective uririries op1t9 signing apptication. so;;;tii,ry;ipln". require up to a 48 hour notice to schedute i fd&te)- A construction tratfic contror pran must be erepapd o.n a separate sheet of paper.This pran wiil show rocations of ail traffic Jonirotdevicei tilg"r, *nrs, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, st"ging, "ta.; sketch of work being performed musr be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & depth of work). This may oe-orawn on the rramc Eontrot pran or a site plan for the job. submit compreted application to the pubric.[g*'. otfice for review. rf required,rocares wifr be schedured fc rthe Town of v"ir er""tri"iilft ;;ftion crew. The locates are take prace in the moming, uut r"y require up to 4g hours to perform. The Pubric work's coastruction Inspector wirr review the apprication and approve or disapprove rhe permit. you wiil ue contacteo as to rh! ;ffi;;; any changes that may be needed- Most permits are rereaseo within 49 nori, J Ling received,but please allow up to one week to pro"""r. a copy wiftbe faxed to Community Development *? j:5 n*J, ffi T s,:,::l s:':i:il:;'il;; Note: 'The above process ls for work In a right_of-way only. 'Public Way permlt,s are valid onlv until November lSth. 'A new public Way permit ls required each year. 75 routh lrontage road Y!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ofllcc of communlty devclopmG[t BUILDiNG PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE a'll mu1 ti _family permi ts wil I maximum requirements. Residential ser amount of time. However, .if ct the various above ment.ioned review, these projects mdy Every attempt wiil be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. - I:-I!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time l rame . V-t,1e/.+fDi,rs'6 Communi ty Development Department. 75 south tronlage rord uEil. colorado 81657 (3o3t 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: IROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty devclopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI., REGISTERED T{TTH THE TOWN OF VArL TOI{N OF. VAr], PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\rEr,opMENT IrtARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE ledged by: onsh p to Pro ect To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town of :::i"::ii3i"3"":f,if*:i:.:a-'";I;i" a copv. rlani vou for your Rea Y tvt<-tvrr fdo,,; lL L('q't (i.e. contractor, owner) *****************:r********************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0001 Amount: 28.00 0L/o4/95 15:45 Permit No: M95-0006 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT . Parcel No: 2101-082-16-001 Site Address: 83 WILLOW PL Location: 83 WILLOW ROAD Payment Method: Notation: TT ENTERED Init: *****************!k********************************************** Account Code Description Paid 01 OOOO 413].]. PLT'MBING PERMIT FEES 2O.OO 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Total (This Payment): 28.00 Total Fees: 28.00 Totaf All Payments: 28.00 Balance: .00 *********************r.****************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t t * * !k r. rk r. * rk r. tc * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number Perrnit No ' Parcel No Site Address Location Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERM]T FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total (This Paynent): REC-O001 Anount!4s.00 0t/04/e5 75:44 895-0002 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2LOr-082- 16-001 83 WILLOW PL 83 WILLOW ROAD Paynlent Method:Notation: TT ENTERED Init:*****************************************:*********************** Paid 42 ,00 3 .00 45.00 Total Fees: 45.00 Tota} Al-1 Payments: 45 .00 Bal-ance: .00 * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. r. * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: REC-o001 Amount:243 .25 Or/04/95 15:41 Permit No ' Parcel No Site Address ' Location eayilent Method: 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS 895-0014 Typer B-BUILD NEW SFR BUILDTNG PER 21,01-082- 16-001 83 W]LLOW PL 083 WILLOW PL, RIVERHOUSE lnit: TT Notation: TT ENTERED **************************************************************** Account Code Description Paid 85.00 55.25 100.00 3.00 243.25 01 OOOO 4T336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total (This Paynent): Total Fees: 243.25 Total AII Paymentsr 243.25 Bal-ance: . 00 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FR AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D,W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYwooD NAtLtNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o D O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Updated 5/l2 9am 3. That if Council does not provide for enforcement, the PEC can review this conditional use in two years to ensure comPliance. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-2 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That one of the garage spaces be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use by the occupant of the EHU. 2. That the applicant submit (for review and approval by the DRB) a construction staging plan indicating the limits of disiurbance and tree protection measures for the site. 3. That the PEC can call-up the conditional use, if necessaty. 2. A request for a setback variance, to allow for a deck expansion, located at 83 Willow Place, River House Condominiums/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: MFI Investments, represenled by Larry Deckard Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a proposed residential addiiion, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects Planner: Christie Barton MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: VOTE: MOTION TO DENY FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 8, 1998 4. A request for front and side setback variances, to allow a proposed residential addition, located al2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Shawn Weyrauch Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 7-0 DENIED Updated 5/[2 9am 3. That if Council does not provide for enforcement, the PEC can rcview this conditional use in two years to ensure compliance. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-2 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That one of the garage spaces be appropriately deed restricted forexclusive use by the occupant of the EHU. 2. That the applicant submit (for review and approval by the DRB) a construction staging plan indicating the limits of disturbance and tree protection measures for the site. 3. That the PEC can call-up the conditional use, if necessary. 2. A request for a setback variance, to allow for a deck expansion, located at 83 Willow Place, River House Condominiums/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: MFI Investments, represented by Larry Deckard Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED 3. A requesl for a front setback variance, io allow for a proposed residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects Planner: Christie Barton MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: VOTE: MOTION TO DENY FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 5-O TABLED UNTIL JUNE 8, 199E 4. A request for front and side setback variances, to allow a proposed residential addition, located at 2625 Larkspur Lane/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Shawn WeYrauch Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 7-0 DENIED TOWN OF VAIL D e partme nt of C o mmuniry D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May ll, 1998 Larry Deckard, AIA P.O. Box 725 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Deck Setback Variance for thc River House Condos/Lot 3, Btk 6, Vail Village I st Dear Larry: The Planning and Environmcntal Commission, at its May 1 I, 1998 meeting, approved your requests for deck setback variances to allow the decks on the rear ofthis building to be in filled. Ifyou have any questions, plcase call mc at479-2148. Planning Administrator {P *'"'""" 'n"r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOHANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 11,1998 A request for a setback variance, to allow for a deck expansion, located at 83 Willow Place, River House Condominiums/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: MFI Investments, represented by Larry Deckard Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing to perform a major exterior remodel to the River House Condominiums (see photos attached). As part of this remodel, the applicant is proposing to inlill the open areas between the existing decks on the rear (north side) of the building. The Zoning Regulations allow decks to encroach up to 5' into the side and rear setback, however, given the configuration and size of this lot, the existing building and decks encroach into the required 20' setback for this site. The proposed deck infill areas will be located approximately 6' and 12' from the property line, hence the request proposes a 9' encroachment into a 15' required setback (decks are permitted to encroach 5' into the 20' building setback, per section 12-14-6 of the MunicipalCode). The DRB, on April 15, 1998, approved this exterior remodel subject to PEC approval of a variance for expansion of the deck areas. Variances have been granted over the years on this site for the addition of decks and other improvements due to site constraints resulting from the size and configuration of the lot. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors: Upon review of Section 12-17-6 of the Vail Municipal Code, Criteria and Findings, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested setback variance based on the following factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Many buildings located in this neighborhood are constructed with encroachments into the setbacks. The existing decks already encroach up to 15' into the setbacks, and with the proposed infill there will be additional area within the setbacks. However, the proposed addition will not have a 2. negative effect on adjacent properties, as this portion of the property is adjacent to Gore Creek. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. As stated above, the existing buildings and decks encroach into the required setbacks. This building, as well as other buildings in the area, has similar encroachments in the setback and therefore the granting of this variance will allow equal treatment among sites in the vicinity. The size and shape ol this lot creates a physical hardship. Therefore, staff does not believe granting this variance will be a grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal will have little, if any, effect on these issues. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowing findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsislent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. a B. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed setback variances, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. F:\EVERYONE\PEC\M EMOS\98\R IVERHOU.5l 1 " ,,-tl o"X_ u t -I 5-s $-l __t $$s K( _.t \c. -{- \ $E iJU gY lll t\ L i;t $ =\F--J.t ..\\ .r- r)N \N -v9 !\.1 $$$\ +\ -rr)\J '$ J ri 17 .tl }L $ N s_s uK t_ il \t ( z$uz ai -r'rI lli .trs $ c, ''- J) 9 s s --{--r -ai v $\t s :l \.!-a{ I _0i $:r\' sii\ \L I "'i $lr' r--11-i '7t tl v lfl ,qN I h-iil *I"' .- -t--o/ a,.2 J c| { \)$ ,\5 t- Vr l-!\ :L D=N{ ..E _N ll 5lL 6g ri Larry A. Deckard o A.r.A. P.O. Box 725 Avon. Co. 81620 (970) 949-7038 TO: Fraser Horn C/O MFI Investments RE: Riverhouse Remodel 2/23/1998 Dear Riverhouse owner, ffis letter is to provide an overview of the design for the rernodel of your home exterior. The scope ofconstruction is primarily exterior revisions with a small interior entryway addition. The exterior revisions include a substantial face-lift to the south (entry) side of the Riverhouse and deck revisions to the north side of the building. The south face remodel is most critical as the most visible face of the structure. Riverhouse is located in a prime Vail location offering full access to Vail village while secluded from daily village activity. The residences to the west are Bishop Park and Willow Place. These projects were constructed in the late 1980's and early 1990's. These buildings have played an important role in creating an identity to this neighborhood. Design cues for the Riverhouse remodel are reflected in design el€ments from these neighbors as well as detail elements from the Sonnenalp Bavaria House located across Gore Creek from the Riverhouse. The south frce remodel includes the following elements: l. Stone veneer at the lower level. 2. New entry configuration. 3. Two gables at the main roof. 4. Stone veneer and new doors at the existing ski lockers. 5. New stucco at the top two floors. 6. Stone veneer and wrought iron rail at auto entry. 7. Entry gable with heary timber support. 8. New deck configuration and new wood railings at level two decks. The addition of the gable roof elements plays a critical role in defining the character of the Riverhouse remodel image. These elements break the long horizontal fascia on the existing structure. These elements are reflected at a more intimate scale at the new entryway roof. The horizontal image of the present elevation is further reduced by introducing stone rail supports at the second floor deck area. This concept is taken to the ground level with stone rail supports at the auto entryway. Wrought iron is introduced at the auto entry railing to reduce the heavy rail image ofthe present configuration. The new upper level railing and the new north deck railings will be similar to the Bavaria House railings. This board type railing with pattem cut outs is also employed at Willow Place. The colors for the remodel shall be an offwhite (warm) for all stucco areas. The wood trim and railing color is to be a wann gray similar to the Bavaria house. Iioof fascia to be a darker tone of the railing color' This darker color may also be utilized for trim such as shutters ana sti locker doors. This color palette shall be finalized with paint samples on site, The stone color is to be similar to the gold gray stone on Willow Place. New hardware for the ski lockers with integral locks and numberplates *iit cte"n up the padlock look the ski lockers rtu"" ut pi"r*t. I hope this letter clarifies the design intent for the Riverhouse remodel. Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. Sincerely, Page2 RIVERHOUSE EXTSTING SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED RENIODEL SOUTH ELEVATTON RTYERHOUSE EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED REMODEL NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED NEW STONE VENEER RAILING CONCEPT FOR REMODEL o AP GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Pl;urning and Environmcntal Comnrission. For spccific information, scc thc subntitul rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by t}c Town Council and./or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Addirional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcakfa;t O Conditional Use Pcrmit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning El Sign Variancc p Variancc 'E Zoninc Codc Amcndntcnr Qucstiofall rhc Planning Strfl-at 479-21-]8 PI-ICATION F'OR PI,ANNI NC,\ND IiN vI RONN' T'N'f A I- COivIIlT ISS ION APPROVA L tr Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopmcnt Plan tr Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: _)tr Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (Vail Villagc) tr Major or O Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) tr Spccial Dcvelopmcnt Disbrict tr Major or El Minor Amcndmcnt to m SDD B.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQIJESTi CO^J^tcCTtoil OF DI.CXS AT TOI#N OF VAIL E. D. c. NAME OF OWNER(S): LOCATION ADDRESS: OFPROPOSAL: LOT 3 BLOCK_ fa_FIL|NG Yatc vtcq^bE 7eT BUILDINC NAME: F t V f--r<- Plo u.s e- ZONLNG: BESIPEvTI^I. MAILINC ADDRESS: F. OIVNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): C. NAMEOFREPRESENTATTVE: MAILINC ADDRESS: FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJB]IIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RXQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COI!flVTIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, H. PHONE: VAIL, COLORADO 91657. Rcvircd fl96 Larry A. DeckarO n?n. P.O. Box 725 Avon, Co. 81620 (970)949-7038 Dear Sirs, This letter is to state the issue for a variance regarding the Riverhouse condominiums at 83 Willow Place Vail, Colorado. The Town of Vail planning department has stated that any improvement within a 25 foot setback from property line requires PEC approval. The owners at Riverhouse would like to connect the existing decks on the north side ofthis existing structure. The existing decks onthe west end of the building are within this 25 foot setback. The existing decks will not be extended in depth beyond their present configuration. Thank you for your consideration ofthis proposal. Larry A. DeckarO A.il. P.O. Box 725 Avon, Co. 81620 (970)949-7038 Riverhouse Adiacent Propertv Owners Bishop Park Condominium Association C/O Brooks Thomas 63 Willow Place Vail, Co. 81657 Edelweiss Condominium Association C/O Rick Halterman 103 Willow Place Vail, Co. 81657 Unit 1 Jeff& Suzanne Kramer 6362 S. Geneva Cr. Englewood, Co. 801l1 Office (303) 793-0443 Fax (303) 689-9923 Unit 2 Mac & Cindy Allen Sherman Allen Real Estate P.O. Box 397 Rutland, Vt.05702 Yail479-9272 H (802) 77s-2404 o (802) 773-2782 F (802) 773-336r Unit3 Douglas & Cynthia Shapiro 74 Sylvan La. Westoq MA. 02193 YalI476-2321 H (617) 23s-r996 Riverhouse Owners Unit 4 John & Pat Klingenstein 8 Fox Run Rd. Greenwich, CT.06830 Yan 476-6639 H (203) 869-41s9 o (2r2) 492-6190 Unit 5 Marvin J. & Sue Lubeck Paul D. & Gretta Barstead 590 S. Hanison Lane Denver, Co. 80209 Yail476-1624 H (303) 777-1589 F (303) 320-1784 H (303) 320-1777 Unit6&7 Roy & Kathy Plum 6Isle Ridge Rd. Hobe Sound, FI. 33455 YaiI476-7746 H (407) s46-7646 F (407) 546-7642 Unit 8 Lee & Dainey Klingenstein 31 Oxford Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 Yail476-2022 H (914) 723-8s8s o (2r2) 476-s8s0 Unit 9 Alfonso & Mercedes Alvares Agua Caliente 220 Edo, Mexico 53900 o 0tt-525-272-8118 F 01r-525-273-360'7 H 011-525-589-9892 Unit 10 John & Jeanne English 1800 N. Kent St. Suite I102 Arlingtoru V A.22209 Yail476-2531 o (703) s27-6r00 o THIS o ERTY ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROP PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onMay11, 1998,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for front and side setback variances, to allow a proposed residential addition, located at 2625 Larksour Lane/Lot 1. Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Shawn Weyrauch Planner:Dominic Mauriello A request for front and side setback variances, to allow for a proposed residential addition, located at 706 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects Planner:Christie Barton A request for a minor CC1 exlerior alteration, to allow for a change to previously approved . plans, located at 286 Bridge Street, A & D Building/Lots A & B and Part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis, Golden Bear Store Planner:George Ruther r a deck exDansion, located at 83 Willow Place, Vail Village 1st Filing. d by Larry Deckard A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: BMS PartnershiP Planner:Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regularoffice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published April24, 1998 in the Vail Trail. ii4 w \ t, I Y\\ _c //' 1. t.' VACATION OF EASEHENT KNOI.I ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TIIAT the UPPER EAGLE VALI,EY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRTCT, a quasl-nunlclpal corporatlon of lhe State of Coloredo, formed on January I, 1985 by the consolldatlon of VAIL WATER AND SANITATI0N DISTRICT AND UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT, whose lega1 addresB ts 846 Forest Road, Vatl, Colorado 81657, hereby vecates and abandons to the present owners of Lots l, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 6, Tract H, Vall Vlllage Firet Flllng, VatI Colorado, a l0- general utlllty easeuent descrlbed as follows, tolrlt: A l0' general ut{llty easenent along Lots l, 2, 3, /r, and 5 property llnes whtch ere ad.Jacent to Tract I, as spectfled ln AEEechement A, whlch ls attaclied hereto and lncorporaEed bereln by this reference. t/rlh'8, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EACLE offtclal sIcNED AND DELIVERED thl6 &. o^, ", 4d.-, 1989. UPPER EACLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT By: lllIIlao Cene rel B. Georg-e, Henager s9 ng lnsErument was acknowledged before me thls MO"t 1989, by Wtlltan B. Geor4e, ne the General Ianager of the Upper datcd Sanl ta t lon Dlstrlct. ' .' i|ITNESS mv hand and i tr / , 'l:, / !l'1 Iv\ : 4'l tlii(jl.l Cl-)lJt'l |' rjtli;li RI- C o,6b Doc 6, oo PubIic .{y commtssron expires' 4tiy' ,U lQ// r.' r.1 li r,rr,:t il-:,Oi, f'- t{:j .Jlll lfJFll-l-l-t:- l-'il tl-l- lt:'ii F, Li I r,lf ; 'll ',r O o CTIECK REQAEST PRSPIREDBY: )2 laoZ,DATE: ,z<,4p2?r'- vENDoRNAME: /_' %ok-Q lrt;/r- VEINDORNUMBEk 7 C ,f//.; DESCRIPTIONOFEXPENSE: CLEANUPDEPOSITREFUNDFORBp # ZZZ 2 NAI,IE OF JOB: 'flr*^-/.*") ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l000022002 .l DATE APPROVED:/1 APPROVAL SIGNATI.]RE:W o z E =E,u,o- cn 4 tl trr a/, UJ UJ u- == uJ (L cflt,til'/t, Bhoooltv) e.:l .! -lF \<trlO I I I I I I t._, VrS rdl()zri 3rx Ft- C'JI(,,z zlo 3r= ut uJ F xz FO sz u)J =2 >w o.6 2Z =2 o oc (6 .:',o6 I'E (E(a ,^o ()Y cv (!- .!o E:E o.: IL J UJ o =I F o z o o (r o 5-tr €c =!(5O :o -o o- 9F L.=(s6 cF (sc -= -.rl :o(,)E i€.e 6 !o:= c = iEJ H +;; -=->FF99 rY O,xv!to ;oc(E ..:g-(!>cLo - i F 9 Q.g 6 6t i o 6i: E q) .o (! a o (! (5 at !t 6 E o o (u o o 3 I o (! @ o F ra) (\ N tn 6l Or F =ll,l o- z J lD Y o ttl I o z 9 E o IIJ uJ z 6 =f -) 9 z (J uJ E UJ ul z tr llJ E UJ =g UJ tz.z 6 tu o F llJ o f z uJ F uJ o f tn uJ lu lJ- E = UJ F o F z :l F UJ llJ z =J z C) UJ Fl ts H NOrtvntvA I ri IE li rst 2 El < e -l i .,j &l ro {t o N T4I E N tsl tr YF CA oo 3<Z rr-o o4 -rJ, Z,> Y=o E:as (/,c -^2 du gJF z> rrJ k >E -r z tr^ ;o EE .to 1>9c:)<)z rL<oq o-Y >x )< { (-t )a< ) )lv I rd IH E ,& >u) )iv )< iF.l rFq )E iF I lli z tr : LL (r = F x )<E a LIJ c z E o o z o (r IJJ F t UJ z a L z l z !: uJ ko o< > iil =i R'r 6o <z .z 2=-iF dtr 3tr OI ! ! tl [] l ct o lrJ z 9 I F c z F J l 2 ZY <r!-J<c)o- F l o F o UJ o u,J u,J z o L (f lu (L J z E o o r-(o -J LC)O O u, F U' CD o -z o F (L lu Y [rJ o o F = E utN nO\-o\ o rj o ()H '<lE Y!u 2= ZA ar Or == E =24 - --'t H -,= 3 G[ an -rlrf LIL IL ] ..i3 \J \-.' = =83 "'1 ": L!6il= F UJ o- l! uJ o z l o I o F I JF h=dtr >(l-OL 9o xo-:>IJF ul =IJJ d)o F o E cL o o ot E c E E o l) o g -- F =E, lrJ o-z I F o f E.F a z o o o\ I -ir ui J UJ _l TI {l -l I 2l dl HI -rl <l >l rLl ol zl =l 9l z H H H z F-l g d ol uJl cl Jl <l il ol zl 3I 9l el ol uJt El il it ol zl 3l ol H (\ rn I o\\t o\ I r\ o z UJ = z = H z trl N z a Fl L!,1 z =tr o z uJ = lr-o z B F CJI ctl qFl s1 lrl I <tlll lCl\o qFIF-Cl@l-t at- t<t rqBl cal Ftr!^lo ctc\lo pl Nl fi fli >i d<r{ ol>Ad dn edi 4z<) E H z E z rd rJ) H u; =z z =IL I I I L lo I I J u't u4 6l CI q -{ >-<= =o ,n *.>Y =<>(r fF d6 () O E F z E <F uJ<ZE L!F t,,t z o () ) c O UJ J F uJ L r <cj o?, lo mntr e lt tg IJ q F \.]i\o o c)o d .g\E 0 o 6r !' o r0 o ol c E = @ E o f CJ o o. st I 0, c CD 3 I v, iq.It ! tg q) f tc !o o O) o o u 0t IJ t, tt 3 ,A o € o ,]'fi c a! o o 6 o a E o q) t E 0, d:EE '5E E8 F.s *E =rr E'i !r OR .C, tr :€g't c9 ic o.9 rf;(uc =:-o i= =9 fl =i=*6 E9 Eo orc .L C Oo rdg;.cs -o.(!O o.9 €'e o3 ;8 o.o t;r!D >g -o q) .oE OE !o i c, \a z = J i.. \ \, \ ..i5 YY;;FF =;c)E;H Enn B EE E1 gs TB D0 EE t>E dE E FH ? :F E F6 t trut E EE si !E UJ TD o II T l.t- \tfl o z I E UJ o. g c L g B c ]c F z o9 =<coo =z a6 Ot! ts E E lrl o.z o F C) -E b a z o o trDtr EJ o o .F (J TIJ h F o () u a q )?,) L u c u o ) t' u I I I I 'tu l{to I I I I I l. t;t<Fl | il=5t I !.F il rl lE 3 a(o i Z-tr q I i H*k ao9 -tl <l FI EI tl .. >l o lrl a UJ UJ z o F I q UJ ) z o tr I I I I I 2 @ >t I ui =z cc -.| =c( (J 4' (,) JO <F l!< rtZ (J ,t "t '"' it ' ' dt'j LU = 35Vd Er l-50-zEEl \ May 18, 1998 Nebon Zceb, Gcneral contractor will 14. Eorn, Aest. Seerctary 5[: b IO RIVERHOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 225 WALL ATREET vAlL. COLOR.AqO 61r57 pltor,for thc roof reFlacehent project with pt8th Conrtrustion s! sub rct'ral p6ol ra-oval and replacement. : t,t" -i '!'i 'r -l! -I- vt lt :+ t-:i+ g -j .td 3i -ii :., s- b <= - -r q!- F of 1 :z:_e t_ ; \ fr d- t ii.i."*- -ir l_'lr ivl\tJl N.5 / v, -3 g 0o r- .-, _.,J 'Gr '-,'- ra)( l. :,_ \t rt :! .:- cJ - d -a-4.' ^.r? q-e, \a ' -,1 -. ('+-t tQ I a tE-q\_;.- I I I '1: tr i' il I I I t' ll ,l I I I .l t IJ ..r)- J o F ."sd ,J "\v I .l J N- I I I .i , I I ' t-'; r- - I ". I :r lr 'l :i i,ii l,it:4i - - ; -f -: : a -tD .{>* F-- - - - h - - -II -.\ oLl; -__v L I Ao I I 6 I -J t Fq- *i5 ol :t TM ,tt r-,\t-rl \ \9/ ;- IG\rct g o l:-;;_ _.1.__--. ! t i, t 'I -l -\.D .') I t (!'l g o ?t\ - t \\ -ul E J rX vl 1- I - -rn ir ::l q,,x c, \-q s{ tn SDVd sc: blO st-50-eEEl RIVERHOUEE CONDOMTNIUM AI3SOCIATION 128 WALL STREET vAlL, COLOlr^90 6rGr? \ May 18, 1092 Nebon Zceb, Gcneral contractor will lrl llorn, Aaet. Secretery pctor.for the roofreplacement pfoject with plEth Conatruction e! eub lqruar toot remoral aad rgplacEu.cnt, $o ...' r,b.E .;+< ":. -\ -!\r'i''-3-w i- '-j;V'.:-_9.:i* v) :i' f :+ i- iv, t*u -*:+ :( d d .-,": -:-" g _ r)> U c (lr : .1 .{ '--L (. \ ..1 - :: Z )1.:- -*:.e t J-ll-J 1 S" -6 :,+- ,:i.= t :id (; '-10 .-J -: d .; i-Li 1-I a- -: -s o.r n- J" -\t rg -._1 .r-+-, m ," i' ,\/; il Sirir ' -3 l^ l''a t 6 .rlPi d E Jqi -: I ..i -] lFl : I ..l_J a - $o- ')i I o! n *n q -_9 l\ 7_ 1* i?Q\i..1 \\ct I \ "c, J -1,\ 't_v -/ So >Fr -.1 :$ .t. \ \ \ U o,,.x .. (., \_k .-" LI /a t 6', g o .t _vl ../l I _yt (l. ct t __.:J____-, .i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PM AM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN \: ''.. r, THUR FR OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION:.i)i - \. -,:.\ BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL B FINAL MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 7' 7 - ?.- rNSPEcroR 1/' , - ,::,.'( )z ==t u, an a L! LIJ tr. E. u.l CL , bf :'t111 -t-:tr'., )lP ),:'J.) ol \o z z H E I lo LU IF IO xz i ,c .6 l,,) ) r+ ,= f x t>: lo od z,:o ol>z 5 t6 o .,tr =<ko o l! J u, =I uJ r F o z (r rr- F F f F z <n o.\\}o\((!\\ c\it -. I v t<E--J\\L ')Yr( )i \\ c,(I., .8 1 dr)a.\r a!/ -c c (5 o c ; =l c =c l D c) a (5 B q) 0) '= 9'D ii 93h; -'a.^a):.= ;( E *Pgs tr=qc ; o Y.9 c-o> ;;;€-6.o6 =EF-i 5= P c9oE 33;: 33an =l'-F,^-OOc iE o 3 e;9:F5...=-(or- o- o o--q:-o oi-ool E o-.S rccv -cYx ?;EP i6i: --trf oq-.: 9ro 5:o:3! 3 u >.= 7i(5:Y ;n::'-XvE B6.e :oE nr PEg: @ o\€ : E uJ z o 5 m Y (-) r () z J O E F UJ o z 6 f, (.) z I C) t/,J z tr E uJ o CD 3 g u.l E z 6 Ltl o F 6 o- UJ o-l z L! (J X F L]J o l (n LLI trj LL = L! F F z o : (J F z f o z I UJ NOIIVN]VA ar B=t < <\E Y !I VH !i. o- I =c); B AEA F,-oEE =>.94 32 HS *s :a e ur:.::B 2E -N(JF N >E -I =(D z tr f (l l 4 cn \o E d u.l 4 & z c F o o ;o F. E F ; z 2 2 - aa F91 o< >; a -z z- -I do B !,J oi ) c a: :<l O !l ; E (J< :o H-k -o9 I s 4 a9Y 6ao- o lu g-l_ ul z a - E u,l c J z o r o o o o I UJ t U) d) --) z o F uJ Y uJ d) F F.{ ,o\r- cn = ,-r llJ cO CL e.l L .,l o5l >ol *zl I tzl rHl LIJ FFJ ,^L.'zo z zz >z O-ll )..i5 =83 .- /\ -r- dd>* E E ul o- lr- F9 E< o9)E2 a9 .Er( cd =>'=uJ-E h>o dil E =o-r 3X E ri r x>6 :-- F cl'1 o-tt; uJ II) o -- ts =E, lrJ o-z I F ()f E.F o z o (J TL'N z ) tr : (D F IE IE lFq IH Its{ lo z l() lor th & r-x I rJJ =z (D z rn H =z Lr.,t c2 Fl F-l Fl H F cn LU = = I iL H -=t rq --f I =(J an H z H Ff Fl H =(r ct) I (\ o z J a z =F -t I o\$ c o z ,.i UJ J z 3 o c z o u,t! J IL z 3 o F tr o z r'i llJ J z B F uJ --)lrJ F z uj (E o z B F IJJ J ul F t LIJ z = F UJ F = E <F L!<zE UF (tZ O <o OF t< ----t Z r >Y ;f :z LLO <; YF ?<)<t AF -,2 =3 Eir H o2 -)<O <tL ul r.rJ JO rFt I I I luJ l<(ro I I I I I, t< l6 z t=l6 t2 z tl J lll ? G o F o z tr trl z = I I -l <l otc =t d J J 3 t- IJJ ru >o .. >l r.lJ r.lJ IJJ z = gJ ) z I E ! ) 2 uJ =r z l! )<():'^ql J F I \( *Q t \\- d 1s s ;t :s \ * ui =z fl sl-$\<|\- Y .J J.F-=\']{.-r AJS :t 4J R.J tl,E N trl \l4 \ul {]d ulS =i AE 2 tr ul = \5 {{ I $+{ S- tri J ul F o =l PI JI sl E zl 3l q H ==E :i z uJ E J lr o 2 3 o F = ol =l uJt El sl El ol zl BI q =E o z gJ J z 3 UI J ul F IJJ z , F UJ F T <F r!< tuF (nZ <o c)F iE XF ;il 2? =f )z EO o <A YF 7<)z<+E i,z =g E i'r g +E Oz b, o z ==E !u c ul F o -,z F ul Y UJ d) Oa F6, E rsr cr'- lrJ t--(LcJ rr ol =-l >L1 A 'tl tt, I tl 'l F lrt \J zo z =e coo =z dP T- T-'t LJ t-J =tr L =G UJ lr ul z I o F I JF UJ-h= o- tll >c Otr 9o -r Ul xo-x>EF J uJ o F z I F () E F a z o (J !T I 75 Bouth lronlage road vail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-?\39 otflce ol communlty development BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineer''s (Publ ic l.lotks) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a rev'iew by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'l I) and all multi-family permits w'i ll have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Development Department' iili ! ''\ 75 soulh l.onlaEe road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ox 479-2139 TO! FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or material , including trash dunrpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Publ-ic works Department. persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materj.al.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within tt:re 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: n/ReIa (i.e. contractor, owner) t,, TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL $'/ ;t,:l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '-l JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PM AM LOCATION: '/'f BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL !d.neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 1 INSPECTOR nFs'ot lnt'ln 75 soulh trontage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development September .|4, .|982 Rick Baldwin Pierce, Baldwin and Associates, Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vai l , Col orado 81657 Re; A'lexjandro Rocka Va hce Proposal at the Riverhouse ot 3, blk 6 VVlst Dear Rick, I met with Jeff Hole of your firm last week regarding a poss'ible setback variance for A1 exjanciro Rocha to raise an existing patio and to put a roof structure over it, As I explained to Jeff, I feel due to the close proximity of the deck to the property line and the circumstances involved, that the staff would strongly recommend denial of the variance, I'm fairly certajn the Planning and Environmental Commissjon would support the staff's position. As you know, there must be a demonstrated physical hardship for a setback variance, and the case at hand has no such hardship involved. If I can be of further assistance, please call, . A. PETER PATTEN,'Senior Planner JR. APP:bpr Si ncerel y rNSGctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL CI ROUGH / D.W.V. i E FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n l99.lAS-H.EFl...^ tr cAS PTPTNG " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL CI ROUGH / D.W.V. i E FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL TI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t DATE .INSPECTOR I,tu stan g Fuel Cnrporation Edward C. Jou llian lll Chairman and President Mr. Bill BishoP Arthur G. BishoP & comPany PO Box 667 Vail, Colorado 81657 1100 First National Cenier East Oklahoma City, Oklaboma 73102 405 27? 9471 Telex: MUSTANG OKC 747140 September 12, I978 Dear Bill: I am writing as President of the Riverhouse condominium association in respect to the upcoming Design Review Board Meeting. Please be advised, I have checked over the plans of Mr. Stephen P. Cherner to add a hot tub to the deck of his apaitment at the Riverhouse Condominium' Please be advised, the Condominium Association has no objections to this addition. I shall seek Board of Managers ralification at the earliest practical date. fn addition, I am asking Mr. cherner to execute the enclosed rndemnity Aqreement. Yours very trulY, F'cJ'.llt/tP Att. CC: Mr. and Mrs. CC: Mr. StePhen Michael Curran P. Cherner Edward C--Joullian, III o R]VERHOUSE CONDOIqINIUM ASSOCIATION VAIL, COLORADO Mr. Stephen P. Cherner Iowa Agronomics, Inc. 520 Pearl Street September 12, 1978 PO Box I0 Boulder, Colorado Dear Steve: 80306 You have requested the Riverhouse Condominium Association permit you to construct a redwood hot tub on the balcony of your apartment at 83 Willow Circle, VaiI, Colorado- Pleise be advised, the Association is willing to permit the construction of such a hot tub, based upon the location and plan as attached hereto and made a part hereof under the following conditions: 1. You shall indemnify the Association against any increased operating costs or any other costs that could be incurred through the construction of the facility set out on the attached p1an. 2. You sha1l indemnify the Association against any claims, expenses, Iosses or any other action that may be taken by the town of VaiI or other governmental authority because of the construction set out on the attached p1an. 3. You shall indemnify the Association against any increased taxes, ad valorem or personal property or otherwise, that might be incurred because of the construction of the facility as set out on the attached PIan. 4. It is your sole responsibility to so notify any successor owner or cwners of your apaitment of the conditions contained within thiS letter agreement and require suCh successor Owner ' or Owners, and each subsequent successor thereafter, to agree to be bound by the provisions of this letter. The provisions hereof shall be covenants running with the land. ft is the intent of this letter to require you to protect the Association against any additional costs, whether legal or not' that may be incurred by the Association as a result of the construction of the proposed facilitY. o . Mr. SCherner 9-L6-78 *2 You further agree to comply with the construction requirements of all applicabli Urrifai.ng,-p-lumbing and electrical codes and to a-sign and construct such-frol tuf with materials so as to conform to tfre existing decor and architecture of the building. If the above clearly states your understanding of the arrange- ments between tft" a'="o"iatioir and you, please so indicate by signing in the "p.""--pionia"a below and relurning o completed copies to me. ECJ zIIT/tP Accepted and agreed to this day of Stephen P. Cherner Yours verY trulYt Edward C. Joullian, III , r978. r0 o t|lA A0R0il0Mlcs, l}{c.EXECUTIVE OFFICES 520 Pearl Street P. O. Box l0 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Teleph one 303-444-347 0 STEPHEN C HERNER, President JEFFERY WHITE, Chairman Septernber 25, 1978 Vail Design Review Board Building Department P.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mark Dear Mark: ln response to our celephone conversationr T am writing to request that the Vail Design Review Board schedule a revlew for rhe October 5 meeti-ng of my proposal to install a redwood hoE tub on ny paEio deck that adjoins my aparEment at the Rlverhouse Condominium in Val-1. I have enclosed an l-llustration includlng plctures and diagrams indicatlng that the tub would be set in the deck and therefore' not Ln view from the street due to the enclosed railing. that surrounds it. In addition, the consEruction will conform to all applicable building, plumbing and electrical codes, and the tub w111 be designed and constructed so as to conform to the existlng decor and architecture of the building. Mr. Bill Bishop has been advised of these p1ans, and hopefully he will be at the meeting and available to clarlfy any questions that may arise regarding rhis request. In addition, I have enclosed a coPy of the prelimlnary approval by the Condominum Assoclatlon and also a copy of the indemnity agreemenE Eo protect the Association. Thank you for your consideration. SPC/ cas Enclo sures cct Mr. Bill Bishop box l(X) vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development December 20, L977 Zoning Administrator Jack Curtin River House Box 667 Vail, Colorado 81'657 Dear Jack: TheTownofVailisamendingtheZoningordj.nanceto a1loi,v a timited number of private parking spaces to be leased onalong-termbasis.lcopyoftheproposedordinanceis enclosed. Extensive studies of parking utilization were conducted duringlastskiSeason.Thesestudiesindicatedthatmost privafe parking lots had spaces available even during peak ski season. You are eligible to lease 2 parking spaces' If you wish to participate i-n tnis leasing program' please conaplete,the - enciosed form and return it witn an application fee of $1O.OO to us for review and aPProval . DST/di Enclosure a S. Toughill DESIGN REV]IIi{ BOARD DATE OF MEMBERS .SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN }IEETING PRESEI'IT: MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED.. L-.-- DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY; TOHN OF VA I L BU I LD ING PERM IT SUPPLEMENT rAr PRoJEcr /7... l/rh* ?2.- The s ignatures be low certi fy that the I970 Un i form Bu i I d i ng Code, as Town of Vail, Co lorado, have been adhe red to: Sect ion 302 ( a ) App roved p or a lfered w i thout w r itten the fo | | ow i ng exce rpts f rom amended and adoPted bY fhe read, understood and wi | | be lans shall not be changed, modif ied, authorizstion from the Building 0fficl al Section 302 (c) The authority to violate Ordinance and shall after requi ring fhe in f ull and by the Buil of f by Buil issuance of a buil any provisions of not p revent the Bui correct ion of same. d ing permif does not g ive this code, or any other lding Off icia I from there- posted consp icuous I d i ng Deparfment. Do ding Inspector. Sect ion 304 (b) The lnspection card shall be read, f illed out y in the waferproof holder furnished nof cove r up any work no+ s igned any sign (temporarY or permanent) the Town of Vail Section 306 (a) (d) N0 BUILDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. Ordinance l5 (1967) Before may be used S ign Re v iew Ordinance 2 Gene ra I Contractor and ALL subcontractors wifh the Town of Vai I Drior to the start o or posted, it sha I I be approved by Comm i ttee ( t97t) shall be licensed any work. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing aff idavif sworn to before me, a N rnis f,* day of and dec la rat i ary Public, was,,/u I subscri 4. J) on by d and My Commiss ion Exp i ( SEAL ) Contractor res 4/9/2f LL +o I (D r) l- J rF a l< o J t I -c. E Fl N D I I ..1 ''l I N I I I I I I I I I I -l I 'l -l I I € 5 ? I I I I I I \cl <)l \cl ;2 z a. T,'- = I ,! I I I I q cl '-l -l 'l rol I al cl ol Ll 01 Ll ol "l -l -l -l :l ;I '-l I -l iul '-l r-l .rl ::l ')l .-l u)l OI ^,I _-t I E ; 3 5 lr t, l. { \ i1 I -l .;9'.r I tsa ssH ;gF R=-i \;\\|:r-.x X ..k': d r,1 > a< bss n8P =3S Xoll qsQ \ l-. c^Srlr'. TFXE et-Z:\{<\.\ -r+r\Av :!sf ". I Q'\ i\ r\ A \.1 z;\=\=qts itSx Silqr(\ t R,,.'i^li3 *Xlc<(5:o SIEF -\ \ \ ; ' XSdt.S =:Es F\\(\\x:u9 a5<g €l:a..-3Si {{Frn g fld Ol SE l$++q *-f aqH Eq*) S .-'b.- Oo S-i] nq $/ r-sr H31 +s{ +{fr.+ ffi Hg Xd! H \\d r*r.r i*:ii,tR"{ aF\da LI ee qb4 €sA 449 l5'€ @t i-i L4 #1r&, +a*\ ,\/ t'$*e ilE {l'+ tu w +rE? {.<*,? f""+ fi=d $q +{r)H 3"t tu .I'tE\l tu a ) -E Lr.l . E. z rr\rsPEcfioNr FTEouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER COVER REO. RATI F PARTIAL LOCATION: ROUGH STANDPIPE WDCS FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: n ornen LI PARTIAL. LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM n nppRovED n orsnppRovED E nerNSpEcr n uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS --,r 1s- DATE IN SPE CTOR fltt JAt 'l f97tl January 3,1914 Tow hom it may concern, I have the intent ion of landscap ing the ground of R ive rnhouse on Willow Place before July,1974. We are awaiting f inal plans and will p rocee d when weather permits. Yours tru ly, n lJ L., r J \a-x.r,: t '\{Jl* 6 Nancy P. Rich KKBNA MHB: et December 2I , 1973 ,0,F;C 2 ? 1on Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Inspector c/o Mr. Robert Hiland Fitzhugh Scott & Associates P. 0. Box 1773 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: At the request of Mr. Bob Hiland, Fitzhugh Scott & Associates, we have reviewed the actual concrete strengths required for the footings and the parking garage walls for thq River House at Vail, previously known (during aeii6n p6ase) as the Thr'dE-WiTIows II. The nominal , minimum concrete strength specified by our office is 3000 psi to insure enough cement for workability and adequate ft'nish, as well as making an allowance for bad pours or inadequate curing. Test cy1 inders taken June 6, 1973 for the footings indicated strengths of 2802 psi and 2511 psi. We anticipate the 45-day strength to be in the neighborhood of 2800 to 3000 psi. 0n June 27,1973, cylinders were taken for the parking garage wal 1s which tested 2622 psi and 2698 psi at 28-days and 2845 psi at 45-days. A review of our design for these elements indicates that an actual con- crete strength of 2500 psi would be adequate to carry the applicable loads within the allowable stresses. The concrete strengths indicated by cylinder tests are, therefore, approved for service in the structure. If we can be of any further service, please cal l. Si ncerel y, ---.4 ./z/4 t fu?azt_ Mike H.Barrett rNsPE"ioN TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL DATE :'"''' i) '/:i JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER f]orxen E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ?(q. C eppRovED ! orsnee RovE D I nerNsPEcr LIU CORRECTI ',.t* 1"),,' -.(t' ,'-,1' DATE INSPECTOR 100 vail, 21 colorado DECEMsER 7 ] 8r657 303.475-5613 box TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TH IS IS TO CERT I FY THAT UN TOP FLOOR PENTHOUSE OF THE A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY tTS ONE (1), TVJO (2) R IVERHOUSE PROJ ECT FOR THE PURPOSE OF , slx (6), AND IS HEREBY GRANTED HU},1AII HAB ITAT ION. THE ABO&E IS OF THE REMAIN UNTIL FINAL I IS ISSUED FOR GRANTED Ii ITH THE UNDERSTAND Ii'IG THAT HUMAN OCCUAPi'ICY ING UNITS WITHIN THE BUILDING l,IILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED NSPECT ION IS COMPLETE AND A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY THE TOTAL BUI LDING. cl e- OlJe- J ERRY L. ALDR I CH CHIEF BUI LDING OFFICIAL TOWN OF VA I L e9r ..1 d l.t tl.o a .pp.c0,(o +J O l.lr EOOd.4 .AUCO-tr r0rurfio .IOcoCUr: -.: €g ..1 d. JJ CiJJ>lla coo:'-t-c *llr!l}OClr!{n\+14g'.lc)-!)oo t/l '!, C H r.H \1-)'-l (U :J O -voafiE t'UE:3 tr1Jrj 1).-t:u.'o']r >(_)..pccc aJ .F1 .r'l Cr C L] ra :.r U 'iJ !{ '-l -rJ ]JCJC6'rl -lJlO::o!{oU.-1 .!_ 'J' G -r_ ('>AAjH-p O i'.-t tt C rd -i rd ro . .Fl tr(ltLtO'.t'l -rl.| u '-t >] )^r -t) ,_l r-r!i,r.(tc .-{r:CClrO .-t ..1 lr id ,4.>td5 po aaal!,_t 4.r .!{ r.j cr -i]r+rEilif,)F:{o-{6o Ltlr.d+4c),to=.-t :. c -J Lt rJ') Ct Gj <' U 6 !{!'l{cf,'JE tt{J.dO..l ,i(J3carro I :jOO!,n tl .lJ '-t o nJ ,-1 at lr.l o- C-l 3 .,{trr0 _-r > c o .-1 ..1J r:)c o ,i) ';i o a, 1,, U .1 6 +J U t fL' X 0.J o -c !') :,. /\ ::. r..'/. \,-? .J) al 'rr 1z l,l )-i o$<{9o @ ''\ Iu :Y o<.J <o zz td- UJJ EJ IIL ,L cl oJ zg t{c .q E .J U (jJ gfrq tzz TOWN OF VAIL LABOR AND I.,lATER IAL TO BE B I LI.ED t \ Ttul,(',-4 , &,,j;, \ I it l:'/ Permit Number /'.a/./.i, 0*'z*rr"r A | +\ '->Dute-W- I Job: Square Feef of Misce I laneous Comments:.$ I q. la c) r \r .- rJ r_-t<l_-_L r/ _:aJ_*6 thq Ca\r'ev .A C q,V'-t \- "K,=-$ 19 vr. Fr le p.ose- ae 'Lineal Feet of Pavement Saw Cut a) @$t.50 per tin. ft,g/)2:_:- .-.^. I I Repav i ng 1'.j -1 e|z,5O per sq. f t , labor: Hourt 4 gS //t _ per lrcur Tota I Amou n t . A I nl Po:aC ug tha"{tte o trJa o--V rz- V e e 4-'rrtte !'t tL-ie \\4 FY ACa/q X 3*fu|*- \4o' 8c> + lo:t = t =-5 eil \otl/jf,ri x q-=- z?.8 + $q/.() s fJ r c\.'. rrusPEcfloN FTEonUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE WDCS FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: n orsen E pnnrrnl. LocAroN R EADY FOR INSPECTI ON MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM EN TS: AM PM D appRovED f] DrsAppRovED ! netNSpEcr I uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE IN SPE CTO R " ii.r.',ilF f] . NlOt,:.r:r- o -,:.ll:- ill.,l o (:(jnsullittq Engineers October 3, 1973 1'T 0c1 t oic* (u-4'Xt't'z -z I Bob Hunt 0ffice of Fitzhugh Scott Archi tects/Pl anners, Inc. P.0. Box 1773 €,ver,r*u.rra Dear Bob: The question has been raised concerning the cantilevered roof beams camying the 4'-0 roof overhang. I wou'ld call your atten- tion to our structural detail A/5-5 on sheet S-5 of the above project. This detai'l shows a 5'8 backup span with the 4'0 cantilever. Although this is not a 2 : l ratio the detail cal'ls for specific anchorage requirements which we fee'l arb very adequate. If you have any further questions concerning this framing detail, please contact us. Norden, P.E. JFN:jl E-4 Vai I ' Cg}gptdo*-81657-'*' Re: \Ih.ree- ldillow Place 2 Condomini ncerely Q.-., // .o .A-.FlEirO-F-t cl o t-t a 0J !.-1 C (J .-i rJ > () rd ''i qr O. cl gR,t>!oorr 11 *ul -r o) o E rll.dlc3cJ .:to5q._tt oqrJf-o +, .: .5 c 'i.l : i P lJ..tJlqJO..rd-'Ooo:?-f,.n crco3lJ"oo.i +roon'(.) (/) O '.1_1 Al Ci tr cjci.i-coc.e^.-1 Jir-r .-t) u q:-Oqr OI .;O -: q U .+J q-r -c 'r't -ruoc.iolJd O rJ ,.1 rd 3 ,.1 ?F€G:a)rrr{0O3c1 o-|' /.r r)-c.-tF-oo-{E lrc)C._t>oa'Eg.u.r.rr]+;,u\H q_rlJo ._l c,!qJOd()Fni -:gFr o q'-t G d O0JfiA!-rni^ltttcogor.r_rb,9..9.9'i:o _ H OrJrrntoi;qJoOOir..f C, O 0r Lrl:u(d cl .p l.r!.pC!;t d+ru-.lJ-:rl.n doilo.p$i tCtrrdC.Cn Q E . .ri .lr .r)>rz.,0o!(,t__q.c i1 .,1 -E i o,.:qto,Fdrroa; F.{oJ,r.O!{gc.urq tr-PCCJ-F\qrlrud^?]Ja n '.1 'Jt q ,-t I .1 -+! I '.-1 .-t +r E + :j !crolr0|.tc!i gJ(Jtrrrtooa (9 ! o.o E o. E i ,f.l o ll o i o U ._l o 0, U ln -l o .-l .r co -q f: =t{ ..1 r).r ,vE rc ^a'co OU tn .q or oo a_\ '-r ._q *{l.l F- ai Lr,C>(, E .-t .-l O !d -_l Cl F) .|-JOrC, qrorr'.. F-t -r c Co.)}XIJ.;ootr FcA-C .r-r()(J O '-t -tJ -C . 6 ..tJ E-r;)]> co f- c! !r {j) o .lJ o o{<v go <o zz !JJ o IIL F|! trf OJ ztD ^|lJ :Y o< tr CJ '-i r0 .Fl l-t !o .rl l.{ ro o,(J al oJJ a0 3C)r o, .-l 0.c qro ..t )) r't .-r .e qrJ cio o.(J gc x q.) (/)oo OU (. Co)o'.l o:(J !rtJ5 a9P U]H o+;c.ro.U('}'-l c cJ CJ .-l t']OU'r .l 0) 'rl c! tr.r lr .A rt c) 'o ro r-.r c '.1 'Fl .q!o c) lJ.c :-r !q.ocn t-- ^ Cf\ c! Fl F\o\ t+r .-{ o x at '-. -c n'2 .1 rt j :-l^H,1 |!* l>e29 ir- E 0, q) cN9 fcj'rlo {rE-CvtE tJ -lJ E q-r 'rl ,c Dr o ul 7 + q ouH..r oO!r0Je U-lOJ'l dJ]ro -l in ..1 ouia:a !r a.-l O G).-t ,rl o '-t cJ Colqr € r-l rl r{ '-l (J O '--l otc-4o J:.acJc -C.O IJCJ(,)N'-l '-l .C !-rf 3.lJo.lq C\l \i) C!CJCOlr cdoSC\U rt ur O\ 0J 6 r/t ll 5>O O U .-l q-r 0J ('o.,!a)o,E U f a ) tr cu..too .-t u uoocJp a.ac -U-.!+r]JO. 6"..rc;a > CJ CI ..1 'J U 0JrJcof loaJ e o u.-1 q q !:E .1, .l-j 0, ,r- !r{ \r rij -C P ..1 o u l.l .tjt{1J0)!uq|n'o u0)!c ulrorr2 X x H q H o -c c) .tJ .p .a .p c) Fl! 0)cJc qrO C)cJ 3A .r1 o>!-{CJ I].c{).IJ o.oo 4x o .lJ o oo O '-l U tr 0J qJ o q-{ ..1 p(0 tr trO O '-l f! {J {J ou o0J UO (,)l{t{ C. cq tr- ,-{ (! U .J ;a 0) .rJ o (/)(i r{,.t d o I tFr P tr o tlr o () 0) q-1 c{ 00 $ 5<q lln o EtJ (o ,,1 Ul o<.J 4O m; zz UJ trj o IIL .lL E) OJ zn INSPECITIclN TOWN O F L DATE .IOR N AM F TIME BECEIVED AM PM CALLER t{' .',/.J' ,/ \""J'./ flornen Ll pnRrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnepRovED tr nerNspEcr n uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcllow FrEGluEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER M ECHAN ICAL VENTILATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: E orxrn n panrrql. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM n nppRovED E DrsAppRovED ! nerNSpEcr ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEc(ioN TOWN OF FIEOUESiT VAIL JO8 NAME PM CALLER E oruen ! peRrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI A:, { i.: I MoN \.,,,li:..-"-..i. COMMENTS: TUE AM PM $eee Rov E D ! orsneeRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o u-"/ Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail. Castle Rock Truck 514 Ticket i 8e59 Ru sEP11tg73 wal1s/Sur!ace )+5r from S.E. Corner Cu.Ft. I Ll+L-76 Yield: Concrete TemP.: (,8o F A l'loi s ture : u^leather: sunny Tirne Tested: 2:OO d By: p. lr..Ion" Materials Testing Service ^531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for gU3" Job No or r. O. !14 Date Tested | 6/2f/73 Location:High Mix I. o,:5L slump: J" Airt 6'2 vlt/ l,later Temp. : Ai r TemP. : 7$o Total Yards | 52 at, sample Total Water: Max. Agg. Size: 3/l- l4ax. Size Load C.Y. : 7 Time Batched: 1:OO Time Placed: l:50 Spec. P. S. I . at 28 DaYs : -3ooo Tes te TEST CYLINDERS Cyl i nder Di a. 9]4 (Set l+) 2@ 7 Day ) r ^C Cyl i nder Di a. / ^^ a O. UUO 1@ 14 Day 33 53 Cyl i nder Di a 6.oL? 6.003 ?@?B DAY ? oA1 l+O28 ., lr/ Average:I011 REMARKS: porto-lvlix 4005 v e:'hou se REPORT TO: City of Vail o lii, I August 16, 1973 '( 5,' Mr. Bob Hunt F'itzhugh Scott, Architect P.0. Box 1773 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bob: After your phone call of August 14 informing me of some low strength concrete that was placed jn the south basement wall of your 3 l^l'i llow Place Condom'iniums project, I reviewed Chapter 17 of ACI 301-66 con- cerning the evaluation of concrete strength. Section 1703 (a) reads," ngths of ultimate strength type concrete and prestressed cen-c shall be considered satisfactory if the average of any three consecutive strength tests of the laboratory cured specimens repre- senting each specified strength of concrete'i s equa'l to or greater than the specified strength, and if not more than 10% of the strength tests have values less than the spec'i fied strength." Because the ACI speci- fications do make this provision for the possibility of understrength concrete, I feel that this particular test falls under this section and can be considered acceptable. It also should be noted that the strength of this concrete, as indj- cated by the lab tests, has been steadily increasing and should reach the design strength within the next few months. Based on this fact and Section 1703 (a) of the ACI Specifications, I feel that the con- crete as piaced is acceptable. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please contact me. Norden JFN: et cerely I s ( rl il I Materials Testing o Se rvrce ,ff ?531 West 8th Ave. uenver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT ior Hyder Job No or l. D. 9Il+-I Date Tested: 7/3I/?3 l4ix I. D. : 5i Water Tentp, : Total Yards: r0 Sl ump: 3+" i4ax. Agg. Si ze : 3 /L Time Batched: 9: lO 825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Porto-Mi-x Truck jltr Ti cket r YO/+ J flLr AUG301973 Loca ti on : Ai r: 3.8 Air Temp.: 660 Total Water; +75 Max. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Ti me Pl aced: 9z L5 Stairways East end l"Jt/Cu. Ft. : UJ. Cc Yiel d: Concrete Temp.: 670 F A l'''loisture: l^Jeather: sunny Time Tested: -O:00 )703 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: i00O Tested By: Malone -I @f5Dal's rEsr cYLTNDERS 914 (S et 1C) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day Cylinder Dia 2@B Day 6. ool 2)7 t+ 6. ol8 3oo9 6.020 1601 6.008 22g6 6.011 jgo5 Average: R EMARKS: 2)30 REPORT TO: o Se rUIGE o Materials Testing ?531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 Sfab Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT fo' Job No or I' D. 9ll+-I Date Tested: Z/tZ/23 l4ix I.D.: 5+Sl ump: 23n l,later Temp.: Total Yards': 2 yards Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: I2z30 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Alsor Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock ,') Hyder Construction --Truc k Ti cket sltr AUC 5L5 r 93L9 3 0 lgl:l Locati on: Alrt 4.4tr, Air Temp.t 650 Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y. Time Placed: l: JO 3^oor E gui-oment Room |^Jt/Cu.Ft.: r r.r A . -\*). v fnnnrofo Tomn v9 | viii|,. F A Moisture: Y iel d: t 72o : 2 yards Ti me Weather: rain Tes ted: 2: OO Don Johnson Tested By: TEsr cYLtNDERs gLl+ Cylinder Dia. 2@7 Day 6.oL9 t-806 6.003 1660 ( Set, 9) Cyi inder Di a. 1gr 6.0io 14 Day 2*68 Cylinder 5.oo5 6. o0l Dia Zo 28 )t+O) )038 Day t @ -Hol" 6.o10 J6)O Ave ra ge l REMARKS: L7)) P orto-l'{ix 3220 REPORT TO:v r vJ of Vail oo Materials Testing Service '531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 Date Testedt 6/2I/73 Mix I.D.: S* SlumP:3" liater Temp. : Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: rEsr cYLtNDERs 914 ( Set Cy1 inder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY a, . ):'/ \..,LJ (.al5 2rl Average: I r. REMARKS: Porto-lvlix MATERIALS REPORT tor Hyde j\ Job No or l. D. 9IL 825-5261 Location: Wal1 Air: 12. Z Vtl Air Temp., 7Oo Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 574 .....5.l ' Ticket f 8852 l!'.'1 ,i).i s/ 3O' from S.E. Corner/9r down Cu. Ft. I I35. 12 Yi el d: Concrete TemP.: Bto F A Moisture:Total Yardsl 28 at sample Total Water: + I gal . l''lax. Agg. Size: 3/1, l4ax. Size Load C.Y.: 7 Time Batched: 10:l+5 Time Placed: tl:15 3000 Ti me !.leather: sunny Tested: l1: jO P. Ivlalone Teste rl Q.rr. ), Cylinder Dia. 1@.1 4 DaY 6. oor+ zt+j? 1 Hold Cyl inder Di a 2@ 28 DaY t / 6.008 1@HOL 6.011 Soo,rr', D '=u' * D=?o , J4 G*.u...., J} \\/if,+ o?s 73 REPORT TO: glst of Vail oo Materials Testing Service nu n$u rsrg13 LocationHigh Walls, w. 2nd l+' Layer Airz $t1' l'JtlCu.Ft.:1tr3.1? Yield: Air Temp. t Ttro Concrete Temp.: 73o Total Yards: 21 at test Total Water: + ]O rial-. F A l"loisture: i'lax. Agg. Size:. 3/4 l4ax. Size Load C.Y.: 7 lJeather: sunny Tirre Batched: 8:30 Tirne Placed: 9;39 Tirne Testedt 9'.\5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: JlOo Tested l3t: P. ir'ralone TEST CYLINDERs Cyl inder Di a. 6.oza 6.Oel1 "531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 Cylinder Dia 2G) 28 Day 1@ Hold 6.005 3110 6.ooi )9?L Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 864^, , ^Ti cket q YL4<MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or L D. 9Il+ Date Testedt 7/5/73 i'lix I.D.t j+ Slump:21,,' i.^later Temp.: 9r4 (Set 7) 297 Day Cy1 i nde r Di a. o. ul-1 tC4 Day 3 841 ?t,\7 2 ? 5A t/ Average:] LC8 REMARKS: Porto{vij.x REPORT TO:gist o1'Vai. I; Hyder o Materia Porto-Ilix ^-r'l Truck 51J - e a\trt- Ticket F -.( [tst" 9t5i q\t\ TEST CYLINDERS Cyl i nder Di a. / ^^d o.v t / 6.009 Cy1 i nder Di a, 6.o20 9U (set ?O 7 Day z60L r ( d1 1 O ,l,5 lays Cyl i nder Di a ?-O28 DaY 5.985 )270 5.989 )r59 )2rl+ 1@ 14 Day 3721+ / r\verage: R EMA RKS: 2qo1 ls Testing Service ^531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERTALS REPORT {o, HYdCT Job No or l. D. 9l-4-1 Date Tested: JulY 5, L97) t4ix I.D.t 5 l/3 Slump:5" ''.Ja te r TernP . : Total YardsrSo-51+ at test I'lax. Agg. Size: 3/I- T inre Batched: 12z)a Spec. P.5. I . at 28 DaYs : Location: High wal1s wesr- section, last lift Air: 6.6y'" l^Jtlcu. Ft. ; 119. !2' - Yi el d: Ai r Temp. : 81o Concrete TenrP' : Jlo Total },/ater: +10 gal . F A l"loi s ture : Max.SizeLoadC.Y.:7 ':leather:sunn:; T.i rne P l aced :122 45 Ti rrre Tes ted: 1 : OO l00O Tested BY: Pa';-l'1al-one Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 'Riverhouse REPORT TO: Denver, Colo. 80204 Materials Testing a Se rutce -531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT lor HYder Job No or l. D 9f4-I Date Tested: O/6/71 Location: Footers - V/est Center East. !i x i. D. : j)?: Sl ump: l-* Ai r: 3.2 l"ltlCu. Ft. : l4t*.OO Yi el d: Water Te,,rp. I Ai r Temp. : ?2 Concrete Ternp' : 74 Totdl Yards: t8 Total Water: F A l"loisture: Sunny* then "'1, Max. size Load c.Y.: 6 Weather: Partry l"lax. Agg. Size: J/+ lvlax. Slze Load L.Y.: " ,loucjv Time Batched: l:OO Tirne Placed; 3tL5 Time Tested: 3z)O Spec. P.S.l. at 28 Days: 3OOO Tested By: -Pat l'Ial-one 1i9 45 days TEsr cYLINDERS gt t' ( Set I ) Cylinder Dia.2@ 7 Day Cy1 'nder Dia. 6.020 \i7t 6.)2? o. JLI lb+i Ave ra ge : R EMA RK S: 1b08 l.- )o Lt Also'Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock '7 'f,;.2, Porto-I'Iix Truck 5IL Tipfqt # d orJ4 6.c7o )226 Cyl i nder Di a 2r'--r 28 t"aY 6.:t2? ?]cz 't! D+1 6.ozr ?5L:- 9"26 -{a JnilJ , A.szS Iliverhouse l@ 11 DaY *- ); REPORT TO: H'rder Con.st:'u,: I r,-nr\.i-! o Materia ?531 West 8th Ave. Den"er, Colo. 80204 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 86o Ti cket # 9069 flr.t hUG 'l 1gn l"later TemP. : Total Yards: 10 Average : 287 5 REMARKS: Porto+llx Air Temp.z 690 Total Water: Concrete TemP.: 7Zo F A Moisture: 6.008 3t+?O 6. ooi+ 3602 ) 536 ls Testins SJ?uice 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or Hyder Construct erhoujT Job No or l. D. 9I4 Date Testedt 6/29/7)Location: pootr"r Pads Inslde Mix I.D.: 5L Slurnp: 5+ Air:5.6tr, Wti Cu'Ft': I43' 12 Yield: Max. Agg. Stzez 3/4 Max. Size Load C'Y': 9 lJeather: sunny Tinre Batched: lO:30 Time Placed: 10:45 Time Tested: II: OO Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: 3O0O Tested BY: P-:-Iidoni:- I ' Johnson rEsr CYLINDERS 9r4 l set' 6) Cylinder Dia. 2O Day Cylinder Dia. 19 14 Day Cylinder Dia 26 28 Day 1@ Hold 5. oLj- zgot+ 6.c17 3253 6.oo6 28t+5 REPORT TO: 1o"t of Vail N3l West 8th Ave.825-5261 r..tqi$!ts O lla ting Service Hvder Constructio Location: S. W. Footing/ 3 Ai r: 4.7/" l'lt/Cu. Ft. : I45,4 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck5lC T'icket # 896I Willow Place ' Yiel d: : 650 Air TemP., ?5o Total !'later: +10 gal. Max. Size Load C.Y.: 6 Time Placedz 2255 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {o' Job No or t. O. !I4-1 Date Testedz 6/26/73 Mix I.D.: 5+ sk. SlumP: Water TemP.: Total Yards i 27+ l4ax. Agg. Si ze : 3 /l+" Ti me Batchec: Spec. P.S.l. at 28 DaYs: rEsr cYLTNDERS 9fL (Set Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 5.99t, 3931* 6 . orl 38'/ 6 Average: R EMARKS: ?onq ztl Concrete TemP. F A l4oisture: Ti me Weather: partly Cloudy Tested Byr Tes ted: 3. 15 D. Johnson '1 I Cylinder Dia. 6.A22 1@ 14 DaY 1 Hold Cyl inder L'.OO:.t (,..)15 2@?8 Day r /-,1,'t 4D1) Lrb57 Dia REPORT TO: Tovm of VaiI rNst=JoN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMME N TS: TUE E pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! appRovED fl uporu rHe CORRECTIONS LJ DISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: tr nrrNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR t &--r* 7-2o-a' " J-/- ,,. fzz- e7 472 \fu<.ca - //;-/ .z--f .Za y'/-e*'-- - &1, I Zr-Czz'/ tr .4 ,<. 4.e.8 -- g4 /?71 Ezt- b.-..) t?zz - y', t ?z- A. 44 ,V+. tault9 Zz a-L< i, t?-72, - ,4 / e?,__- >,tV7z -', - '-^ -- lmn box 100 vail, colorado Br6s7 303 476.5613 ME MORAN DU M tl Place (Riverhouse) The following is a chronological summary of events relating to the Rich project: Tn. FROM: DATE: S UBJ ECT : December J a n u a ry Feb rua ry Feb rua ry Ma rnh | 6 , -t Ma rch 20 , March 23, Apri | 6, Town Counci I Diana Toughi B J une 1973 Three Willow lB, 1972 l6, 1973 7, 1973 26, 1973 t973 197 3 t973 197 3 Plans submitted to 1.C.8.0.ano Building Department Ordinance 2 (Series of 1913) Des ign Re v iew passed by Council Plan check received f rom l.C.B.O. Gordon Pierce applied for Building Pe rm i t Preliminary des ign review Ord inance 5 ( Recreat ion Fee ) by Council Des ign review approval given Counc i I Building permit issued passed 0y t 16 7 Ntt JUL SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT lsZ3 TOWI'I OF VA I L Project Name '.. '-' ' '--\\ i Rlverhouse (Tjrree W1llow Place #2) Inspecto CONCRETE: RECT IONS RE U I RED Week endlng July 11 , ]-973 DATE LOCAT ION ADDIT IONAL REMARKS o PLIJMEIING.' MECHANICAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL /a, / ? 7,! 4s ?</{ t/4L er/ P/uru',,0 t / e41 ,"'t;, USE OF BUILDING:erlca LASS oF woRK: Kr* ! aoorrol ! neruooel ! nepnrn RlP.oN oF W.RK: P'/um/rn7w /a/"i; PPRovED ! otsappnoveo e /d ,r ti ..ttt'* ,, th,vcy' P, ,Fr.A 6rr" / /. ' PHoNE 3??-/y'a5 PLUMBING: NUMBER IbEbPM MECHANICAL: NUMBER T6O6 P4 ./an4t6'oo vALUArroN g-gjffig vALUArloN r bl 6 /& ao REMARKS:REMARKS: , PERMfT ,r,'goa.so PERMf T FEE .,' o,, /3: oo I onre 13 d-e* 73 ToTALFEES: s 3CZ.5o NU JUL g t97? DATE 7 /2/7 3 7 /3/7 3 SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOv.lN OF VA I L Project Name;_Rlverho CONCRETE: LOCAT ION Inspector_ CORRECT IONS REQU IRED Space Reinf. from wa1ls Tle loose Bars. Installing Wa11 Column Reinf. PREGAST: ADD IT IONAL REMARKS oo Materials Testing Service l53l West 8th Ave.825-5261 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERTALS REPORT io,HYder Construction Job No or l. D. 9LL Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Riverhouse FIII JUL 6 1E73 Footers, 2nd HaIf E. W. & N. l.Jt/Cu. Ft. : Y iel d: Concrete TemP.: F A l'loi sture: tJeather: sunny, some Ti me Tested:clouds Tested BY: p. t,T, t ,-"' o 13 45 days Day Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 DaY Truckdg2 Ticket # C7;-1, Date Tested:6/tZ/ll Mjx I.o.:5E SlumP: l+" Water Temp.: Total Yards t Zln l4ax. Agg. Si ze: 3/l+ Time Batche41 3z05 Locati on: Air:5/. Ai r Temp.: qoo Total l,later: Max. Size Load C.Y. Time Placed: Cylinder Dia. 1@ l4 A ,rrcl )ot ')v.!*'/,')/|,| Spec. P.S.l. at 28 DaYs: ?OOO TEsT cYLINDERS gTL (Set 2 ) Cy'l inder Dia. 2@ 7 DaY 6.005 6.or5 Average: R EMARKS: 2350 44t I 2t+t3 REPORT TO: o Project Name Ri-verhouse CONCRETE: MASONRY: 3 trucks reJected slump 6% & below. One load high on air. tllt "il..]L w/E 6/22 ? io"l SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L nspector DAT E LOCAT ION APPROV E D CORRECT IONS REQU IRED Formlng wa1ls to lst floor Forming foundation wa1ls. SettinE reln:x checked, Relnf. gar door to N.E. Cor. 6v Poured foundatlon wi east of entrance ea 'lI< errl rrv t vv! t wall th and north wall to center of b1dE.x PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL REMAR DATE Project Name CONCRETE: LOCAT ION PRECAST: SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Rlverhouse ' w/E 6/29/73 RU JUL 21973 Inspecto RECT IONS RE footlngs _ Apq! Il 9!!3 _L__8!_UA R PLUMBTNG/MECFIANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL p eeenoveo TOTAL FEES: DATE " /+3 ToBNAME TbtPee- ul rLt-Crrr ' ]r--*ce I owNER L\AUCY ?rCr+ADDRESS coNrRAcroR ArAe, FiR c, F2o-r OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ! r,rew fl eoornoru ! neruooel E nepntn DESCRIPTION OF WOBK: PLUMBING: NUMBER lG0 C ?MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN $ qq BS VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE 731 a o PERMIT FEE ! otsnppnoveo DArE 2 c-l,,,u 73 International of Building Off ic ials LOn I erence 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 (213) 699-0s41 June 27, 1973 OFFICERS FRESIOENT EUGENE B, PESTER D RECTOR OF COM MU N ITY OEVELOPMENI POMONA, CALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.PRESIOENT NEWELL POCK CHI EF BU ILO ING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASH J NGTON SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT JACK D, WH ITE BL LO ING (:ODE ENGINEEP, XANSAS CITY M I SSOU RI TFEASURER VINCENT R. EUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUN/OR PAST PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REG IONAL EUILDING OFF CIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO EXECUTIVE O IRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S WORKMAN M]LL RD , WHLTT ER, CALIFORNIA MANAG ING OIRECTOR JAMES E BIHR 5360 S- IMOFKMAN MILL RO \vH ITYI ER CALIFORNIA D I RECTORS GAYLORD C, OOWD DI RECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICH IGAN DONALO A, ERICKSON D IRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF I NSFECTIONS M INNEAFOLIS, M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF EUILDTNG INSPECTOR PIERCE COIJNTY TACOMA, WASH INGTON ROBERT B. FELON ER SUFERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECTION WIC H ITA. KANSAS CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILOJNG INSPECTOR MOLJNTAIN VIEW, CALI FORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWA RO, CALI FORN IA YINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILOING VERNON, CALI FORNIA OICK T. JOROAN O ]RECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN. TEXA5 FLOYD G. MCLELLAN. JR DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTY OF ORANGE SANTA ANA, CALI FOFN IA OFFICES OF THE EXECU'TIVE O IRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAOING EIFECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHN ICAL OIRECTOR O. R. WATSON Plan Check No. 8805 Project: Three Wil1ow Place II rl Li ,j LJt_2 1973 K Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: We are returning all on the above project February 7, 197 3. data to you under separate cover in accordance with our letEer dated Please feel free to contacE Ehis office if we can be of furEher assistance. Yours very Eruly, IMERNATTONAL CONFERENCE TJK: hb ING OFFICIALS Koyama t su Plan Check Ensineer SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L NU w/E 6/15/73 JUN 2 5 lgB Project Name CONCRETE: LOCAT ION Rlverhouse (Three W iIlow Plaee #2) 't'-r-::._---*--.------. . - | nspect/r APPRO V E CORRECT I SRE U IRED ) DATE 6/72/73 Poured Footlngs from Stalrs North PRECAST: DD IT IONAL REMARKS Project Name sPEc IAL INSPECT l0N REPoRT RU JUll 1 g lg73 TOWN OF VA IL Three Willow Place I nspector_[. !-[!]ggd CORRECT IONS REQU IRED CONCRETE: LOCAT I ON DAT E 6/6/73 Installed corner bars for Cont. reinf.South Footlngs to Stairs PRECAST: DD IT IO a I TO: FROH: 0ATE r SUBJ tCT r r,tEH0RAHDUri Torn Cosncl I Dlana Toughl | | I Juno l97l Thmr Wl l lor Plaec (Rl vgrhoucr) Thr tolOorlng lr rulatlng to thr a chronologlcal Rleh proJrctl I uBmtry of rvcnfr Dccrmbcr 18, 1972 Jrouary 16, 1975 Frbrurry ?, l97t Frbrucry 26, 1973 Ittarch | 6, l9?l llarch 10, | 97t l.farch ?1, 1975 Aprl I 6, l97l Planr rubmltfed to 1.C.8.0. rnd Bul ldlng Drporimrnt Ordlarncc 2 (Strlcr of 1975) Drrlgn Rcvlor pcsrod bY Couacll P l an chcsk rucr l Yi4 trom I ,C .8 .0. Gordon Plorer agpllcd for Sulld'lng Prrarl t Pml lolntry drrlgn rtvlol Ordlnrncc ! (Rrcrcetlon Frl) by Councl I Dcrlgn rcvlcr .PProv. l glvrn Councl I 8ul ldlng pcrmlf lrgsrd pasrrd by rNsr=.t?r ,,E.IJEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ROUGH STANDPIPE WDCS FINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: VEN TI LAT ION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ! ornen ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM fl appRovED I DrsAppBovED n REtNspEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE IN SPE CTO R hR.F 5 J,ru 73 rFFrcE oF FTTZHUGH scoTt - ABCHTTECTS / PLANNEnS. tNc. varL. coloRAoo ar63? 303/176.303€ May 3t, r.973 RLH: cb CC: J. Aldrlch Mr. W. Jacober J. A. Hyder Constructlon Co. 4850 ,factson Street Denver, Colorado BOZf5 Re: Place #2) 15oo Dear BtlL: Aspen Vall.ey Plumblng and Heatlng Co. proposal for plumblng, dated May 1, 1973, appioveO May'24, 1g7J,lncluded a 4t'. sanltary sewer tb-the maln anA'a f1n water l1ne. Per the Va1l Bulldlng Department a 6n sanltary sewer 1s requlred and llrt water supply 1s too sma1L.The next slze that can be tapped 1i- a- 4tr I a 4t,water maln 1s requlred. F a F z a d z ' 'i z $!l s =l El PI -I _l \9.f. n <( \\ U IJJ z s cc z.ON ;o\\sHs iH \ Y llJ I zw q.o "H -i, a t! \'\ N t; \ S -€n= -? : ,.1 =z O T Q> -v.<c i=t4E =<c<=j i. TJJ E =X 2 l \i tc cc J J UJ F o J J F E IE J E !J z l \tr \,) J -l F z UJ UJ r! uJ lrJ lJ- i't\N \i \\ \ $ N tr 'i-\ \ z o.f uJ F = F IL l! z J F lt E E ul z UJ z J z E l J z I uJ E J E F u,t F IJJ o o-f z IJJ J P s.*\ r!I <t F Y o =tt J 2 F z tr E tr,l F J ; uJ z -l .i, .i ( z ) @ $ F uJ u\\=.i a F 2 tu ql \t! uJ t( ;< z lt_ i:\ ..t \ ) z \\\F z I E = z cc a] r!i i o llJ \\\ .-F. \N F ( .; N \ UJ o =n \ o z t; i q J J 3 F X : .l'\ (l o = =F z o UJ tl C) ul o- tn c UJ J Y z cc nJ llJ o. d z F F qJ 3 IJJ o z F cc u, z ni = ql z ul II IE ul o z F CE ll, z F CC UJ z o UJ F )u,/ f CE F z IJJ a0 o UJ F o o z F z f (t z : z s t Er = =o F z z J z IJJ E tE UJ IE IJJ F a F NOrtvnrvn L .E =r =H lr oo =,2 =q l- -'f o ,). \ z F J o 'v \\ \ \ )( -F ul z \i \ I t \ 'J \ ut IE o = ..\ f,( i.t a \ ) -\\\\ F \ !l l \e x i.\ UJ E z .Y t'( ) !\ 6 ) a E \ s( :E \ ' t F \ !.\ i- ..! lir -*. \ z \ \ IJJ J E Ur '..,| tc\ f '\ \- 't -N 2 : tr \ ) d) F F -4. SJ >oo : qQ Cr o z Vr.r9 z F qq d.6 FfE q.t F> :z :< urf >o FO - a,i I I I I I I \l \-l \l -.-\l \ I I I 2 I rt Y 3 z 9 ul o z IJJ ul E 2 z ) U3NMO aoIJVAJ. 'N03 IS9IIHCUV 'csfo 'M!l'l o o l{arch 21, l97t Mr. gordon Pltroo Offlcr of Fltrhugh Scott Val |, Golorado SubJrctr Drrlgn Ravlrr Oear Bordonl Thr Totn Counoll trar cpProYcd Throo lllllor Flrcs pcndlng nlSoflr- tlonr rlth thr rttff on thr foltorlng ltlnst l. Surfaer parklng rhould b. povrd tPProxlnrtrly 5r to tho routh cn-d rrvrFal parhlng fPtc.l cen bc rl Inlaaild rlth thr ner groPolcd floor plan. Fl.are rubnlf c Plot glcn rcflrctlig ihlr changr. Thlr tl t I al lor h.cYY landroaplng rdJrernt io thr froni of thr buttdlng to blrnd tbr slto of-Ii+rr-tl+t.|erffmr II' rlfh thr ptrklarto. Arra tdJrcrnt fo tract lend rhoutd bc glYen lPeclrl rt?cotlon rhrn landrcaplng lr Plannrd. b. opprovrd bY Includlng rlrr ond lPoclor for cpgrovrl. Slgn Revlcr Cocrfttco. contact thc Bul ldlng qurr?lonr, Pleasr 2. l, Plrrrr rubnlt a ol plants io bo 4. Al I rlgnr nutt | | yor hrvr frrthcr Drpartntn?. Yourl truly, TOIN OF VAIL Tarrel I J. Hl ngor Torn l4antgor dr rt.ff thr an u-od, to thr tlrrch 16, | 971 TOr TERRY IIIH6ER TOUil CoUllC I L PLAIINING eollMlssl0N FROHI KENT R08E J I ir LAHOf{T DI A}IA TOUG}I I LL REc STAFF REvlGI 0F THREE wfll0r PLACE Thc lol lorlng facorrcadatlonr arc ntdc by thc Torn of Vrl I rtrlt rltrr crr.lul rrvlcr sf thr ProPortd ProJ.ctt l. gurtacr pErhlng thocll bc movod cpproxltatcly 5r to th. routh .nd hitvY lr$dacrplng urrd odJtclnt to thc front of thl bul ldlng fo blend cltr rlth adJocent pork .rc6. 2. A rtrontrr tlrldor frortnrnt rould mrkr bul ldlng morc cotrPrtlllo rlth surroundlng rtructurcr.!. Arac rdJrcanf to tracf lend rhould bc alven rprelal aftlntlon rhrcrllrnllrgn I ng landreaPl ng. 4. A landrcrPlnO Plon should bo subnlt?ed for approval. ,. A|| t|gnr aurt br rpproved by thr 5lgn Revlcl Conmlttlc. {r}* i-f .. . L\- I [-ega-r I Descriction U:,c Z.:",r, -.//)Ha -, Does Usc i.A,R. Allor,ied /.e:,t-.tt , F,A.R. Actua ! /.6c?7; i. e , A r:.r i tecT r/o-z )l Con f o;-r,-r Lot S: .:e A I lcwab le Sc u.r.-e f:cctace /4. c-ss Actual Squar^e icotage /4.4/6 _-_, Over (Uncier )tG3 rcmenTS:/5- , Sides , f?e i l'- _ ,tO l4-.{23--l.t i)t'az't lr-ecl if .tt30 , Sides J_4__, Real r o ?ar king Proviced: Co've:ed , Tclal FroviCed' ;/ F . A. i] . A'l i,r PARK l l.l c cALC|lt A'l l lils Setback Requi Sel back Provl Parklnp ltequi [..r n co ve:-c d F ro n 1 Front + re d .<A 4K Vct^,ate e, c?rzz)led 3- 7e .r at )ZzL &ffiz/e/ OOI,I14ENTS ON itIVERSE SIDE Chccked Bv D,r ie {oe"f"lt- . /o-.x,-V f,-a.oge. tr-t 15 s !1"t n lo t t' 6f -- (/,tt,ae f xto,c- ttl's'a . t;,^t, ^ .(!q. it), ^ ^t,21,/ (7 x c_.<) 1 l'.st /l'...'?1 . \ < lo | ./ ,) 5 t1-- aot.a \f o. oc ) b7- e,eo jf/ -- . /2) , /1o ..t 14.e, 7r'! 6 7 C.'' 6 ?d?. od a f x s7. 75' t o.5'a X 3t' 3 t g /,2{= Jqst tJ Pl.o. . sa *,e ot P,"tf etee/lea1,7 - f /a oa b7r? '"0 o,oo Th'^t l!lo.^ 6?Q?'ed 7 /'t'o * 30 ?tlf=/e.J.o /6J. ao J2-ca /o, t, ug re Taire L lt',fo ,1 31e aJ r\ ?,r ? I 26t2?.1 t X ze - = /b) s-23 ) Il t/a , k,sf fret,ded. 74, e a /6,tE6.eo H hun Ufl March 16, 1973 TO: FR0tr4: RE: STAFF REVIEY'l 0F Tffi The following recommendations are made by the Town of Vail staff affer careful review of the p roposed project: box 100 vail, colorado 8r6s7 303.476.5613 TERRY M INGER TOWN COUNC I L PLANNING CON4MISSION KENT ROSE J IM LAMONT D IANA TOUGH I LL Surface parking shou ld be moved approximately 3t to the south and heavy landscap ing used adjacent to fhe front of the building to blend site w ith adjacent pa rk a rea. A stronger window treatment would make building more compafible wifh surroundi ng structures. Area adjacent to tract land shou I d be g i ven spec ia I attent ion wbea p lann ing landscap ing. A landscaping plan should be submitted for approval. All signs must be approved by the Sign Review Committee. lnternational Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD February Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 7, L973 I' t )' (213) 699-Os4'1 OFFICERS PRES DENT EUGENE B. PESTER DI RECTOR OF COMMUNITY OEVELOPMEN T PO MONA, CAL]FORNIA F]RST VICE PRES]DENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF EUILDING INSPECTOR YAXIMA, WASH I NGTON SECOND VICE-PRESIOEN ]'JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENG]NEER XANSAS CITY, MISSO!RI TREASURER VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU'LO]NG VERNON, CALI FORN IA JUNIOR PAST FRESIOENi PERRY C. TYREE FIEGIONAL BUILOING OFFIC AL COLORADO sFR NGS COLORADO EXECIJTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S WORKMAN MILL RD WH ITT IER. CAI- FORNTA MANAGI NG DIRECTOFI JAMES E. BI HR 5360 S WORXMAN MILL RD, \^/HI ]'TIER, CALIFORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOlI/D DIRECTOFI OF INSFECTIONS XALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DEPARTMEN-I OF INSPECTIONS iIINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOfA BILL P. HORN CHIEF EU ILDI NG INSPECTOR PIEFICE COUNYY TACOMA, WASHINGTON ROEERT B, FELDNER SUPEFINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECT ON W ICH ITA. XANSAS CHARLES R. H INKLEY CHIEF BU ILD ING INSFECTOR MOUNIAIN VIE\M. CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER 6IJILOING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERLNTENOENT OF EUILOING VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T, JORDAN OIRECTOR BU ILO ING DEPARTMENT AUSiIN, TEXAS FLOYD G, MCLELLAN, JR. OI RECTOR OF AUILDING ANO SAFE-TY COUNTY OF ORAN GE SANTA ANA, CALIFORN'A AF n t / 'r' '.Li tt i' ;'',l ,...i OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T, H. CARTER "ilir'J!'.:'E:i.'*"' TECHN ICAL DIRECYOR Plan Check No. 8805 D R warsoN ?roject: Three trrti1low Place I1 Address: Vail Vil lage Type of Construction: V - One Hour Occupancy Classification: H and F-1 Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Three Floor Area: F-1 - 7,522 Sq. Ft. H -15,350 Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: 163 Valuation: $400,000.00 1970 Uniform Building Code Seismic Zone No. 1 Data for the above project has been reviewed for conformance with the Uniform Building Code and our cotrElents are as fol- l-ows: NONSTRUCTIJML CCD,${ENTS : 1. A three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation in con- formance with Tab1e No. 5-B and Section 503 is required between the parking garage and apartments. 2. Horizontal occupancy separations should be supported with a structural system having equivalenL fire-resistive pro-tection. Section 503 (b). 3. Rooms in which rubbish (1inen) chuEes EerminaEe should be separated fror the remainder of the building wiEh at least a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 1706 (c). In this particular design, indicated in Detail 2/A-10 Ehe trash chute should be of a minimun of 18 gauge steel fire- stopped at the garage slab level with an 18 gauge steel collar and a fire damper should be provided near the end of the chute. The trash rocm itself should have two-hour wa11s and one and one-ha1f-hour assemblies for openings there in. 4. 6. 7. -2- Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required exit corridors or stairways. Section 1706 (c), Shower sEa11 wa1ls should be finished rdith a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a height of 6 feet. Section 17 11 (b). Fiberglass or other prefabricated finishes should be covered by a research rec onnnendat ion or complete justifying data under Section 105 should be submiLted. Doors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosure should comply I^rith Section 1711 (c ro e). Envelope ceilings should satisfy the following conditions. Sec-tion 4303 (b)-6. (") Should nor be used to provide fire protecEion for beam and girders supporting more than one floor. Sheet A-7, for example, bearing wal1s C 3lA-6. (b) Columns should be individually fire prorecEed. (c) Duct and outlet openings are limited to 100 square in each 100 square feet of ceiling area and should inches be pro- 8. tected with approved fire dampers. (d) Electrical outlet boxes should be of steel Ehan 16 square inches in area. and not greater Fire-resistive systems involving wood trusses should c ornp ly with applicable research recommendations. convenEional f ire-resistive systems using wood joists are not applicable. Reference is made Lo ftem 10, Part II, Research Recomnendation No. 1000; one-hour ceiling construcEion, Part II, Research Reconnnendation No. 1352;or Item C4, Part II, Research Recommendation No. 1602. Note that all involve doubLe gypsum board wiEh resilienE channels be-tween. NoLe thaE floor covering system indicated in U A_6 should be installed in accordance with Research Reconmrendation No. 1016 to comply as a portion of a one-hour assembly. Stud wa1ls to be fire-stopped aE 10 feeE 0 inch verticallv and hor iz onta 1 ly . 9. -3- 10. In order to allow the added story height and/or ornission of area separation walls in Ehe parking areas, the following conditions set forth in Section 1102 (b) should be observed. (a) Enclosures for floor openings should be of Ewo-hour c ons t.ruc t ion. (b) Interior openings in the enclosure walls should be pro- tected with labeled one and one-half-hour fire assemblies or approved fire dampers. This includes stair enclosures,(their openings) trash chutes, elevator, vent shaft, etc. 11. Light and ventilation should comply with Section 1105. Mechani-cal ventilation is required in garages exceeding 5,000 square feet. 12. Exhaust ventiLation at or near floor 1eve1 is required by Sec-tion 1105. 13. A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the resE of the building. Section 1108. 14. An H Occupancy more than tr,/o stories in height or having more than 31000 square feet above the first floor should be of one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section 1302 (b). Sufficient decails showing cornpliance should be on Ehe p1ans. 15. The following roons should have window areas as specified in Section f305 (a), one-half of which is openable. (a) LighE to kitchen u;rclear - possible obstruction by cabinets (should be clarified by cabinet or kitchen elevarions). (b) AparErnenE 17, guest bedroom and bath. Kitchen should be clarified for required 50 percent opening to adjacent roorn. (c) A11 uniEs should show openable windows. (d) Sil1 height in bedroons should be a maximum of 48 inches above floor. Plans should clarify. 16. Mechanical ventilaring system in baths should provide five air changes per hour directly to Ltre outside. Section 1305 (a). Fan capacity should be specified. _l+_ L7. A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is required betrdeen a boiler roorn or cenLral heating plant and the rest of the building. Section 1312. 18. Every dwelling uniE and guest roorn facilities as specified in Section 19. Exits: should have comforE heatins 1311. (a) Exit doors should be openable from the inside wirhour the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort. Section 3303 (c). Note also that surface mounted flush or surface bolts are prohibited. Automatic flush bolts are a1l-owed on pairs of doors provided the door with the flush bolt has no knobs or surface mounted hardware and the unlatchine of any leaf requires only a single operation, (b) Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feer 0 inch x 6 feet 8 inches wich a min imrrn door swing of 90 degrees. Section 3303 (d). Plans should clarify. (c) Interior openings into corridors should be protecEed as set forth in Section 3304 (h). Twenty-minute rating for door assemblies requires compliance with a specific research reconrnendation or a labeled fire assembly. (d) Basement portion of stairways should have an approved barrier where continuous to upper floors in an exit enclosure. Sec-tion 3305 (g). (e) Handrails should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). (f) Stairr.rays should be enclosed as specified in Sections 503 and 1102. 1) Doors should be labeled one and one-half-hour fire assemblies with addiLional requirement of maximum 450oF temperature rise above ambient after 30 minutes of fire test. 2) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor Eo prevent people fron accidently conEinuing Lo the lower leve 1. -)- (g) One stairway should excend to the roof unless a s ladder to roof per Vail Ordinance No. 6 is provide. See Section 3305 ( revised). 20. Venting is required for elevator shafts extending more than tr,/o stories. Section 1706 (d). The larger of 3-l/2 percent of the shaft area or 3 square feet per elevaEor should be provided. 2L. The space beEween wood floor construction and a suspended ceil-ing below should be divided into areas not exceeding 1r000 square feet. Section 1517 (e). 22. An approved automatic f ire -extinguishing sysEem is required in the garage, including boiler roon, machinery room, etc. Section 3802. 23. Wet. standpipes are required as specified in Section 3804, as amended by Vail. 24. Fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 37O4 or comply with a specific research recoumendation. 25. The interior wall and ceiling finishes should be specified and comply with Table No. 42-B and Section 4203. 26. Glass and gl.azi-,ng should conply \^rith Chapter 54. Type and thickness of glass should be specified, Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply with Section 5406, Parti- cular atEention is direcced to sliding glass doors. 27. Ranges should have a vertical clearance of 30 inches above the cooking top to unproEected combustible material. This can be reduced to 24 inches if the combustible material is protecEed with min imum I/ 4-incn asbestos millboard, No. 28 gauge sheet metal or a metal ventilating hood. Section 190f (a) - Unlform Mechanical Code. Cabinet elevations in kitchen desirabLe. 28, Mechanical plans should be filed so compliance with the Uniform Mechanical Code can be deterrnined. -6- STRUCTIJRAL COMMENTS: 1. Special insPection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work: (a) Structural concrete where che design is based on an ulti- mate compressive strength in excess of 21000 pounds per square inch. (b) ALL welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabr ica t or. (c) Prestressing work. 2. Acceptance of the foundation investigation report is reconnended contLngent on compliance wiEh loca1 ordinances. 3. ?lans should note manner of complying with soils engineerrs reconrnendations . (a) Elevator piE protection from ground water. (b) Removal and recompaction of poor f i1-1 material. (c) ?rotecting foundation from creek rlater undermining. 4. ALLowable sEress in glued-laminated members cnvet L2 inches in depth should consider a depth reduction factor. Section 24LL (d)'6, 5. Exterior wal1s and bearing Particions below the second story in three-story buildings should be 3x 4 or2 x 6 studs. Section 2518 (f)-1. (Design does not consider all loads on walL and stresses in members. ) 6. Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should cornply with Sec- tion 2313. Designs which rely on cross grain tension of wood members are not acceptable sLnce the Code has no allowable value. A positive means of connecEion such as joist anchors or clip angles should be provided. 7. ?ly-wood grades should conform with TabLe No. 25-9. 8. Details should be provided on roof (floor) diaphragm connections that indicate hord the shears are transferred to vertical shear- resisting etements. Connections should be juscified with struc- tural calculations for conpliance with a11owable values. f,t- 9. Wood members entering masonry or concrete should c ornp 1y wifh Section 2517 (c)-5. 10. AITC laminating specifications should be used for glue-lam construction since industry no longer uses the criteria set forth in the Code. Reference is rnade to Research Reccrnmenda-tion No. 2519. 11. Nailing for plywood diaphragms and shear wal-ls should be indi- cated on plans. Data should agree with calculations. See A-3. 12. Additional calculations: (a) Calcul-ation Sheet 6 - Footing deslgn should be completed including reinforcement and thickness requiremenE. (b) CaLculations should be provided for reinforcement in re- taining waL1s. (c) Soils engineer recornmends concrete footings be designed for l0-foot span. Adequacy should be verified. 13. Calculations and camber specifications for glue-laur beams should be provided. 14. The following should be s hown on plans: (") Balcony framing per calcuLation Sheet 3. (b) Twelve-inch TJ?s at 16 inches, second floor framing. (.) Ledger connection to wall does not agree with calcula-tions. Adequacy for combined vertical and horizontal loads should be verified, 16. Manner of cal-culating typical interior column loads should be c larified. 17. What is horizontal steel for masonry walls? 18. Details of trus-joist blocking shoul-d be shovm. 19. Post should be provided belor each GLB in roof framing. -8- 20. Center to center and end distances should be shown for bolts' 2L. Continuity in wood rnember s not aLLowed. The three-span beams should be redeslgned as sirnple spans. 22. Structural sections through bullding should be provided. 23. Where is shear wal-l detail (calculation 8) shown on plans? 24. How Lateral Load is transferred into Ehe mas oDry wall should be detaiLed. (Calculation Sheet 8.) 25. tlhere is Detall cl2/ 4 sh.ownl- 26. Calculations on concrete cored sLab should be submitted for review. Enclosed is invoice No. A 10903 covering the pl-an check fee. A11 data is being held pending receipt of further lnstructions from you. If lnstrucEions are not received, data will be returned ln 90 days in confotrance wlth Section 302 (b). Pl-ease feeL free to contact us if there are any quesEions. Yours very t,ruly t INIERNAT IOt]lAL CONFERENCE TJI(: hb Enclosure Koyamatsu PLan Check Engineer o PLAN CHECK APPLICATION TO: IMERNATIONAL COMERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 5360 South Workman Mi11 Road Whittier, California 90601 FROI4: T.*n "f V"l, Bex t00 U Vall, Golerade I To ?lan Checking Department: ?lease provide plan check service Invoice Eo our Purchase Order No. I ,\ ,t v1 ,I \ I /\ 1. Name of Building Threo wi I low r:l az.c I J 2, Address of Job Val I Vi I lage 3. Name of Owner Mrs. Nancy Rlch 4, Valuation 5. Fire Zone $400 .000 6. Seismic Zone - Map Area (per Table No. 23-E)30 on plans for the following structure. L? tl calculations and specifications: (Please check) ) Under SeparaEe cover (< )a lready sent under the following Edition of the Uniform 7. Wind-pressure 8, Frost Line 9, Soil Bearing Data 10. One set of plans, Enclosed ( 11. Please check p lans Building Code: () kx)() 1964 Edition 1967 Edition 1970 Edition os amended (Other - Please lndicaEe) International Conterence of Bu ild ing Off icials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA 90601 (.2131 699-0541 October lL, 1972 CFFICERS PRES DENT EUGENE B. FESTER OI RECiOR OF COM M UN IiY OEVELOPMENT FOMONA CAL'FORNIA FIRsT VICE.PRESIOEN I NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILD NG INSPECTOR YAKIMA WASB N6TON SECOND VICE-PFES OEN I JACK O WH ITE BUILDING COOE ENGINE€R KANSAS C ITY, MISSOUP TREASUREI? VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERINIENDENI OF BUILOING VERNON. CALIFORN IA J UN IOR PAST FRESIOENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING O FfIC ]AL COLORADO SPR NG9 COLOFADO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T, H. CARTER 5360 S WORKMAN M LL RO WH TT ER, CAL IFORN IA MANAG ]NG O]RECTOR JAMES E BIHR 5360 S. WORKMAN MILI- FO r.vH ITTIER- CALI FORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DI RECTOR OF INSFECTIONS KALAMAZOO M ICH I CAN DONALD A, ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARIMENT OF INSFECTIONS M INNEAFOLIS, M LN NESOIA AILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILOING INSPECYOR PIERCE COUNTY IACOMA. Y\/ASH IN GTON ROBERT B FELDN ER 5UPERINTENDENT OF CENTRAL JNSFECTION V.I CH I-A KANSAS CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MOU NTA IN VIElV CAL IFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BLJILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAM EOA HAY\.r'ARD CALIFORNIA VI NCENT R. BUSH SUFfRINTENDENI OF BU ILO ING VERNON, CALIFOFNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR AUILDING DEPAR'TMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS FLOYD G. MCLELLA N. JF. DIRECTOR OF BU LO]NG ANO SAFETY CO T/N-Y OF ORANGE SANTA ANA CALITORNIA OFFICES OF THE EXECUIIVE OIRECTOF T. H. CARTER MANAGIN6 DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHN ICAL DIRECTOR D, R. W^TSON Plan Check No. 8621 Project: Six-Story Apt. Bldg. 3 Wlllow Place Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81637 Dear Mr. Aldrich: We are returning all data to you under separate cover on the above project ln accordance wl-th our letEer of July 18 , 1972, Please feel free to contact this office if we can be of further assistance, Yours very truly, TNTERNAT IONAL C ONFERENCE TJK: hb ING OFFTCIALS tsu Plan Check Engineer Srptc.mbcr 29, .1972 J. A. Hydor Conctructlon GomPanY 'Drar Mr. Hydcrr o o {850 Jackron Drnvrr, Colorrdo It hag come to,our attenflon fhat conrtructlon rl I I not proegtd on Thrce Hl I low Plccg thls yoar. Thoreforc, roul d yo{f -ploe se novc your construetlon t.ral ler f rom thr rltc.cs loon ts pesslble. Xnnf R. Rosc, Torn Englneer ,dt 4850 Jackson Street Denver, Colorado 802t6 303,,'399-1405 July 20, 1972 Bui lding Department Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Re: Three l'lillow Place Gentl emen: It has been determined that we will project. }'|e have made app'lication for this project. Accordingly, we request that we be clean up fee on this project. ,J0G/L not be constructing the above subject for a building permit during this year reimbursed our building permit fee and Sincerely, @crrP$ I lf zr atl 9,- ^:Y Qo'9 International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILI ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 (213) 699-0541 (. Ed Struble Buil-ding 0fficial City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. S trub Ie: Data for the above project has with the Uniform Building Code 1ol'rs: GENERAL COMMEMS: t' Pl-an Check No. 8621 Project: Six-story Apartment Address: 3 Wil-low Place Type of Construction: II Occupancy Classification: H/F - llF-2 Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Six FLoor Area: Garage & Office July 18, 1971 1:n OFF ICERS PRES I OENT PERRY C, TYREE REG IONAL BU ILO ING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORAOO FLRST VICE.PRESIOENT EUGENE B, PESTER SUPERINTENDENT DEPARIMENI OF BU ILD ING ANO SAFETY FOMONA, CALIFORNIA SECONO VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CH EF BU ILD ING INSPECTOR YAK IMA, WASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILD ING VERNON CALIFORN IA JUN IOR PAST PRESIOENT TED E. DU KE ETJILDING OFFICIAL EILLINGS, MONTAN A EXECUTIVE OI RECTOR T, H. CARTER 53€O S WORXMAN M LL RD WH TTIER CA !I FO FN IA MANAG IN G DIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR 5360 S, WORKMAN MiLL RO WH ITTI ER CALIFORNIA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C, DOWO OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON OI RECTOR OEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIS, M INNESOTA A ILL P. HORN CH IEF BU LOING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUN'Y TACOMA, v/ASH INGTON CHARLES R. H INKLEY CHIEF AUiLOING INSPECTOR MOU NTA IN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COIJNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARO CALIFORN IA JACK D, \^/HITE BI',ILOING COOE ENG IN EER KANSAS C ITY, MISSOURI V I NCENT R. BUSH SUPERIN'iENOENT OF BU ILD IN6 VERNON, CALI FORN IA OICK T, JORDAN O I RECTO R R\J ILOING OEPARIMENI AIJSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFJCIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA EARAARA CALIFORN IA Y EXECUTIVE DIRECTOF T. H. CARTER MANAGIN6 DIRECTOFI JAMES E. BI HR TECHNICAL OI RECTOR O. R. WATSON Bui lding - 5,515 Sq. - 25,370 Sq. Ft. Ft.Apar tment s Occupant Load: 126 Valuation: $728,500.00 1970 Uniform Building Seismic Zone No. 1 ( Suggested) Code been reviewed for conformance and our cofimenEs are as fo1- 1. For the purpose of plan review this building was classi-fied as a Type TI building housing Groups F-l and F-2 Occupancies on the first story and Group H Occupancy on the second through the sixth stories. 2. In conformance with Ordinance No. 6 of the T own of Vail,this building is considered to be six stories. NONSTRUCTIIML COMMEMS : 1. The sEructural frame and interior bearing walls of this building sha1l be of minimum Ewo-hour fire-resistive con-sEruction. The one-hour fire-resistive roof-ceiling system and Ehe two-hour fire-resistive floor-ceiling sys- tem above the second story should cornply with one of the items listed in Table No. 43-C. 2. A three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation in con- formance with Table No. 5-B and Section 503 is required between the garages (F-1) on Ehe ground floor and remainder (H) of the building. art J. -2- (a) The three-hour floor-cei1-ing system should comply with one of the items listed in Table No. 43-C. (b) The beams and columns supporting uhe floor above should have a minimum three-hour fire-protective coating. (c) Bearing wa1ls should be grouted solid to comply with a three-hour fire-resistive requirement. (d) Door openings G-2 and G-L7 should be provided with three- hour labeled assemblies. A one-hour occupancy separation between office (F-2) and garage (F-1) should be provided. This separation should extend through the underfloor area. Table No. 5-B. Clarifying deEails for wal1s on ground floor separating Lhe office frorn garage and accessory room should be provided. Refer to SheeL No. 2 of the plans. NoEe thaE door No. G-9 should be a minimum one-hour fire- resistive as semb ly. Steel columns in the exterior wall line should be protected by maEerials having a two-hour fire-resistive raEing. This applies for example, to columns A-4, A-1, D-lA, and the column on the east exterior wall at Line 3A. See Sheet No. 2 of plans. 5. Columns 3-A and 3A-D and Ehe columns aE 4-C.6 in the north garage should be procecEed against injury by approved coltrmn jacketing. Section 4303 (b)-5. 6. Roof coverings should be fire retardant. Section 1704. Details or specifications complying with Section 32O3 (e) are required. 7. Detail-s showing the attachment of shiplap siding to wa1ls should be provided. 8. Fire-resistive rating of exterior wal1s should be maintained through attic areas. Section 4304 (c). See Sheets No. 13 and No. 14 of plans. 9. Combustible material in exterior wall framing is not permitfed. Section 1903 (a). See details of walls on Sheers No. 13 and No. 14 of p1ans. 10. Exterior wall openings in the following locations must be pro- tected with labeled 45-minuEe fire-resistive assemblies. SecEion 1e03 (b). 4. -3- (a) A11 openings in the east face of the building between Lines r'lArt and rr4Ar'. (b) In the wesE face of the building, all windovs except the two windows adjacent to and immediately norEh of Line r'4rt. (c) Refer to Sheet No. 9 of the p1ans. The easE garage door opening and the east half of the balconies above and the west garage door and the west half of balconies should comply, 11. Refer to site plan on Sheet No. 2 of the plans. At the west face of building the corner which apparently abuts property line described by N44o35tE should have no openings on either side of it which are closer than 3 feet to Ehe property 1ine. Sections 1903 (b) and 504 (b). See also west elevation shown on Sheet 14 of the plans. IZ. Eave overhangs should be of noncombustible macerials. See Section 1710. Note also that the eave overhang at the corner mentioned in Coruuent No. 11 should comply with SecEion 1306(d). 13. Shower stal1 tra11s should be finished ltith a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a height of 6 feet. Section 17 11 (b). Fiberglass or other prefabricated finishes should be covered by a research reconrnendaEion or complete justifying data under Section 106 should be submitted. L4. Doors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosure should comply with Section 171-1 (c to e). 15. Envelope ceilings shown on SecEions A and B on Sheets 13 and 14 of the plans should satisfy the following conditions. Sec- tion 4303 (b)-5. (") Duct and outlet openings are limited to 100 square in each 100 square feet of ceiling area and should tected with approved fire dampers. (b) Electrical outlet boxes should be of steel and not than 16 square inches in area. inche s be pro- grea te r 16. I,lindow areas in rooms Nos. 513, 514 and room designated "unfin- ishedtr should comply with Section 1305 (a). See Sheet No. 7 of the p lans . L7. Mechanical ventilating sysEem in baths should provide five air changes per hour directly to the outside. Section 1305 (a). Fan capaciEy should be specified. -tL- 18. Every dwelling unit and guest room should have comfort heating facilities as specified in Section 131L. L9. The trash chute and the trash roqn etaLLs should be of minimr:sr two-hour fire-reslstive construcEion. The chute construction below the first floor shouLd be of No. 18 gauge steel and pro- vided with a No. l-8 gauge fire damper. A tight fitting collar around the chute should be provided at this leve1 so that there is no opening fronr the trash room into the shaft enclosure. The openings in the trash chute shaft should be protected with one and one-half-hour LabeLed assemblies. 20. Exits. (a) A floor or landing not more than 2 inches below the thresh- old is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3303 (h). See door G-12. (b) r'Lobbiestr as designated on these plans are considered cor- ridors. Accordingly, interior openings into them should be protected as set forth in Section 3304 (h). 1) Twenty-minute label-ed assemblies are required for all door openings into units. 2) For stairway enclosure openings see Cotrment No. 20 (1). 3) For elevator shaft openings see Comnent No. 21. 4) For ground floor Lobby requirements ' see CottttnenE No. 20 (1) 3). (d) Stairway No. 1 shoul-d have a minimur width of 44 inches. Trim and handrails should not project more than 3-1/2 inches inco the required width. Section 3305 (b). (e) Landings on stairways shouLd have a dimension in the direc- tion of travel equal to the width of the stairway but need noE exceed 4 feet. Section 3305 (f). The landing on the exEerior stairway shouLd comply. (f) Handrails should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). -5- (g) Guardrails for stairs, balconies, and landings should conforrn with Section 1714. Note that maximum clearance bet\reen interrnediate rails is 9 inches and rail height should be 42 inches. See Sheet No. 14 of the plans, Section B and Detail No. 14. (h) Openings in exterior walls within 10 feet of exterior stainn'ays should be protected with self-closing Ehree- fourths-hour fire-resistive assemblies. Section 3305(k). See north elevation view Sheet No. 1l- of D1ans. (i) Noncombustible exterior stairs are required. SecEion 3305 (m). Wood stairs shown on Sheets No. 11 and No. 15 of plans do not comply. Distance Eo property line of this stair landing is questioned. (j) A11 required interior stairlays which extend to the top floor in any building four or more stories in height should have provided at the highest point of the stair shaft an approved hatch openable to the exterior not less than 16 square feet in area with a minimr-rm dimen- sion of 2 feet. Stairway No, 1 should comply. Section 3305 (n) as amended by 0rdinance No. 6 of the Town of Vai1. (k) The stairways shown on Sheets Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 where a combination of straight sections and winders are used do not comply with Section 3305 (c), (d) and (f) . (1) A11 s ta irr.rays should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. Two-hour wal1s are required. Doors should be labeled one and one-half-hour fire assemblies $rith additional requirement of max imum 450oF temperature rise above ambient after 30 minutes of fire tes t. See ground floor plan, Sheet No. 2 of the plans. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to Ehe exterior. Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclo- sure, including protect.ed openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. The elevator door aE the ground floor should not open into the exit enc losure . 1) 2) 3) -6- 4) On the ground floor, the exiE doors from stairrrtays No. 2 and No. 3 should exit directly to the outside and not terminate inside the building as shown on Sheet No. 2 of the plans. (r) Stainday No. 1 shouLd be a snokeproof enclosure cornp 1-y- ing with Section 3309, as amended by Ordinance No. 6 of the T own of Vail. (n) IlLuminated exit signs should be provlded in conformance r,7ith Section 33L2 (b) and (c) . (o) Every s1-eeping room belcx,r the fourth f l-oor should have one openabl-e windotr or exterior door conforming to Section 1304 for emergency exit or rescue. 27. ELevator doors should be label-ed one and one-half-hour fire- resistive assemblies. 22, Venting for the elevator shaft shoul"d conply with Section 1706 (d). The larger of 3-l/2 petcent of the shaft area or 3 square feet per elevator should be provided. 23. Roof drainage should be conducted under the public sidewalk. Section 3207 (e), 24. Dry standpipes are required since this building is more than four sEories in height. Section 3803 (b). 25. I^let standpipes are required as specified in Section 3804 as amended by Ordinance No. 5 of the Town of Vail. 26. A f ire-ext inguishing sysEem should be provided during construc- cion to comply with Sectlon 3806 (b). 27. Chimneys should comply rtith Sections 3702 and 25L7 (f). Attach- ment and support details are required to check chinneys for com- pliance with the Uniform Mechanical Code. 28. FirepLaces should comply with Section 3704. Details are re- quired co check fireplace compliance with the Uniforrn lvlechanical Code. 29. The interior wal1 and ceiLing finishes should be specified and comply with Table No. 42-B and Section 4203. -t- 30. Glass and glazing should comply with Chapter 54. Type and thickness of glass should be specified. 3L. Glass and gl^azing at the bal-conies should comply r^rith Section 5406. 32. Details for skylights should be provided in order to check them for compliance with Chapter 34. 33. Details should be provided showing cross-secEion of the expan- sion joints referred to on Sheet No. 11 of Ehe plans. 34. The open area at the balconies does not appear to be at least 65 percent open and unobstructed. See Section 1305 (a), Excep- tion No. 3. 35. Mechanical pLans should be filed so compliance with the Uniform Mechanical Code can be determined. STRUCTTTRAL COIVIMENTS : 1. Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work: (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate compressive strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) A11 welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabr ica t or. (c) lnstallation of high strength bolts if used on connections. 2. Soil classification in conformance with Table No. 29-C and 4000 pounds per square foot soil bearing value used in design should be specified on plans. Value is subject to your approval. Sec- tion 2904. 3. The foundation investigation report mentioned in calculations was not included in data forwarded to us. IE should be submitted for review. 4. Lateral load calculations should be based on wind Loads in the 35-pound per square foot wind zone per Tabl-e No. 23-8, and resub- mitted for review. Note that this is based on vour instructions. o -8- 5. Justifying calculations and details should be provided for floor framing members and connections. Beam to c oh:rnn con- nections should be shown on p1ans. The computation of column l-oads is unc l-ear. 6. Plywood grades should conform with Table No. 25-8. 7. Details should be provided on roof and floor diaphragm connec- tions Ehat indicaEe how the shears are Eransferred to vertical- shear-resisting elements. Connections should be justified with structural calculations for compliance with alloHrable values. 8. Footings should be constructed to meet the conditions outlined in Sectlon 2905 (a) as arnended by Ordinance No. 6 of the To\nln of Vai1. Clarifying inforrnation on plans is necessary. 9. Structural specifications should be on plans. This includes concrete, masonry, mortar, groutr h:mber, plywood, reinforcing bars, structural sEeel, steel decking, eEc. 10. Calculations and details for reinforced concrete stairs should be submit ted. 11. The 10J2 members should not span more than l-7 feet. Your attention is directed in particular to members bounded by Lines rBrr and "C" north of Line 4 and south of Line 1. See roof loading worksheet and Sheet No. 8 of the pIans. L2. There is a conf l-ict in beam designation between the calculaEions and roof loading worksheet. The bearns in question are B-1, B-10, B-13 and B-14. Discrepancy should be eliminated. 13. The exterior exit balcony on the second floor should be designed for 100 pounds per square foot live 1oad. See Table No. 23. This applies aLso to the stairway serving the exit balcony. May we suggest a valuation of $728,500 since there was none specified. ?lease inform us of your decision so that an invoice can be issued Eo cover our services. A11 data ie being held pending lnstructiona are not received, in conformance with Sectton 302 Please feeL free to contact us TJK:BNH:hb -9- further instructions fron you. If data will be returned in 90 days (b). Lf there are any questlons. very truly,Yours INfERI.IATIOI{AL CONFERENCE KoY-ama t su Pl-an Check Eng ineer t. BOARD OF I'1 I NUTES OF 14EET ING ZON ING, APPEALS AND July 13, 1972 EXA14 INERS The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a.n, in the Bu i I d ing. A. The following members were present: Messrs. Vie lulun ic i pa I l€ , Knox, ll ||l Hoyt and Strub le ( ex-o f f icio). B. The f o I Iow ing Euests wei-e present: ilessrs. 1,1 inger and Rob inson, Tcvrn of Va i | ; Larry C lark, Co I in Ste;;art, Gaynor Mil ler and llugh Hyoer, i,iounrain ri aus; Jen f/rignf and David S age, representing David Hof f nran; Rob e rt Lazier, Lif t House; Gordon Pierce, Thi-ee Willow Place, F itzh ugh Scotf and his res idence; Chuck Ogilby, Apollo Park; J ack Ca tch e r, Hilton. 0ld Bus iness - None New Bus iness:A. Case B-6-72 - l'4ountain Haus - Request for building variance not to insta | | mechanical ventilaf ion in interior of f ices and laundry room and to allow the atrium area to rema in as it is.Mr. Minger and Mr. Rob inson determined that fhis is not a case for the Boa rd of Appea ls and shou ld be resolved administra-f ive I Mr. Miller and M, : CIark sfarted by explaining that f.lr. Bynum had approved the smoke senso r sysiem as had Fran B ush; in fact they had required it, lvr. Strub le is now asking them to remove it and open the ai r ium a rea for ventilation. The mechanical venfilation was next discussed. 1,1 r. Hyder stated that to put in mechan ica I venti lation now would be atmosr impossible and verV expens ive. Mr. Hyde r further s tated ihat he does not consider the laundry room to be unsa fe because it is not ventilated. i\y'r, Robinson end l.lr. l/inger then sta-l-ed that they f eel the majoriiy of fhe th inES on the list of l'la rch l0 have been done and there is a point you cannot go beyond and that the problem of no Certif icate of 0ccupancy shou I d be reso I ve d now. Thev then inquired if t4r. Sf ruble had insoected the l,lountain Haus to deiermine if the iterns on the I ist had been cornp le-ied except for iiems 5 and B for which they are ask ing a variance. 14r. Struble stated that he hao nor maoe such an inspection. 1,1 r. l.4inger apologized to 14r. Clark and stated that an inspeci icn would be ma de immediaiely to deie rm i ne what remains to be corrected. At that tine, Bob l.'lcl'le il I and Kent Rose were sent fo rhe l.icuntain Ha us to inspect the f aciji-ties. l'1 r. Clark stateC thai he has trieo to nake the builoing sa fe and has spenf a great deal of money, approximately $35,000.He further stated that the storage aree which does nof have mechan ica I ventila-iion will be ventilated at such time the area becomes a comrnercial space.. Af ter ttr. ivlcNeill and ivi r. Rcse comp leted the inspection, rhey repc rted their f indings as follows: The attic a rea has been comp lefed except for some wiring that needs lo be insta I led in condu if; the steel beams coat ing does not meet the Resea rch Recornmen dai ion and should be recoated with lL'iono-Cote I l/ztt thick to meet the requirement.Three layers of 5/8" gypsum board will also meet th is require-ment. The fire door has been ordered, but had to be special made because of the type of jambs. Since all of the items.had not been comp leted as requ ired, Mr. l'1 inger suggested that goard of Zoning, oot, s and Examiners Minute.s of Meeting July 13, 1972 Page 2 it was decided that there that we d isaDD rove the var suggested that th ey be limited to one water c l oset, one lava- tory and one kitchenette in each building. A mot ion was ihen made by lr'1 r, Knox -lhat we disaDprove the variance as presented by l'4r. 0gilby. The moiion was seconded by l',1 r, Viele and ap- proved unanimously bv the Bcard. The Board then stated that they would recommend ih at a variance rniEht be a p p roved allowing one recreation roorn in rhe basement of each building wiih no more than two bath rooms (consisting of one water c loset and one lavatory ) and one k i tchenette. 1,1 r. 0g i lby was to I d that he mus-l come back to fhe Board w iih drawings so that we may grant a variance on these recommen dat ions and for specif ic p lans. Case B-8-72 - liiancra - Recuest for builCing var iance in noncon formance with Sect ion JlO5 ( i), 5l0l (b) and 1304 of the Un iform BuildinE Code. (l) Va r iance request to allow emp loyees lounge to oe used for sleeping p u rposes ano provide a ladder to window for second exit with sill heigh'l ol 72tt - A motion was made by ltir. Knox that the variance be approved. The motion was seconded by 14r. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board, (2) Requesf to allow door that is not a required exit sw ing in wrong direction. l/r. Struble pointed R The Town of Vail retain $1,000 of the 525,000 bond and tha+ the Mountain Haus be given a period of 60 days to comp Iete the items listed, with ihe exbeption of items #5 and #B which will be exc luded. When the 60 day pe r iod has exp ired, an inspect ion will be made ano anv rema in ing iterns must then be completed within l0 days or liountain Haus will foref eit the $1,000 and the Town of Vail will complete the items. In add ition, under i tem #5, th ey have agreed to f urnish sorne type of c ircu lal ing fan for venf ilation. A check for $1r000 was p resented to the Tow n and the $ 25 ,000 bon d was returned. Case B-9-72 - Apollo Park - Request to allow basement fo be used as hab itab le space ( :^ec reat ion and laundry room ) without considering it another storr7 to dete rm i ne ihe , equ ired ty pe of construct ion. The Boa rd f irsi pointed out th at the re is p lumb ing already installed for two un its in the basement. The con cept ion of the Apollo recreat ion room is much dif ferent than the idea the Board has of what a recreation room is. l'4r. 0g i lby then presented sketches of what they would like to do in the b a semen t area ( sketches attached ) . Mr. 0gilby insisfed that Mr. Strub le insisted that the re be th ree recreat ion rooms instead of one and therefore, they have spenf a lot of extra money on that basis. Mr. Strub le denied ihat he had ever suggested s uch an arrangement. N'l r. Strub le then e laborated that the re appears to be plumbing prov ided for two or four units in the basement of each building. Mr. Viele stated that there is so much doubt about wh at will be done with the area that we cannot grant the variance as presented. f''ir. Strub le fhen suggested fhat we discuss the va r i ance in private and give Mr. 0gilby a dec is ion shortly. After much d iscuss i on, s no hardship and Viele suggested ance as proposed. l.'l r. Strub le ihen Board of Zon i ng, ApO ls and Examiners Minutes of Meeting July 13, 1972 Page 3 ouf that th is is an unsa fe condition as it wou ld be con- fusing in the event of f ire. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the Kiandra be required to change the d i rect ion of sw ino or lock the door and remove the hardware. The rnotion was seconded by t4r. Viele. The Board voted unanimously to deny the variance. (3) Request not tc install exterior handrails at steps on v,/est side at south end of buil'ding. The d iscuss ion d isc lose'd th at this is a required exit f rom the lodge portion of the building. A mot ion was made by Mr. Knox th at thev be required to install a handrail on at least cne s ide of the stair. The mot i on was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously by the Board. D. Case B-7-12 - Li ft House - Request for building variance in noncon formance with Table l7-A to allow wood roof o ver 6" concrefe slab. Mr. Lazier p resented cj raw ings and pointed out that the area in question ( fou rth f loor condominiums) have Btt p recas t ce i I ings, and the a rea wou ld be treated so that it would be rwo nour consrruction. Mr. Struble s tated that he agrees with Mr. Lazier and because of 2,000 square feet the building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as the building was desrgj ned. No wood is allowed in a Type ll building. The Boa rd d iscussed the ma tte r and defermined that the corridor area must be p rote cte d so fhat an'; f ire cou ld not get ouf into the corridor. The 2 x l0rs over the corridor area must be fire rated and an Brt b lock separation must be p rov i ded b etwee n roof and corridor areas. A mot i on was ma de that the va r iance be granted by i/r' Knox p rov i ded th at the maferials as discussed are used ove r corridor T-10. The mo- tion was seconded by t'1 r. Hoyt and approved unan imous ly by the Board. E. Case 7-6-72 - Bank of Vail - Request for 7 l/2t setback in lieu of l5r on west side of building. The variance had been granted on a preliminary basis af the lasf meet ing and had been d i scussed at that tirne. A mof ion was made by Mr. Knox thaf the va r iance be granfed. The motion was secon ded by Mr. Viele and app roved unan imous ly by the Board. F. Case Z-ll-72 - Hilton (Bush Construction) - Preliminary variance request for zero setback in lieu of l0l on wes t side of prc- posed building. After 14r. catcher had p resented the p lans for the building and some d iscuss ion f rom -ihe Board, it was decided th at the Boa rd wou ld re comme n d passage of the variance after itrs properly pos te d for the required period of time provided the re are no object ions f rom r:d join ing P roPe rty owners. G. Case 7-12-12 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Request for 0r setback on east and west s ides of site 10. This is a pre- liminary hea r ing as the variance was not submitted within the proPer post ing time. After Mr. Wrighf and Mr. Sage had presented the d raw ings for the p roposed building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa r d, the Boa rd req ues te d a copy of the LionsHead master plan in orde r to f u rthe r dete rm i ne the access for f ire equipment to the area if the va r iance were to be granted. lf fhere is p rope r access, the Boa rd might consider granting the variance, but shou ld have further study before they ma ke a commiit,ment. .fi?::1":'"1"il,::?i.loor s and Exami ners J u l.y, |, 3, 1912 Page 4 H. Case Z-lO-72 - Three Willow Place - Request for 0r setback in lieu of l0r at tract land. The Board had previously d iscus sed ih is matter at the last meeting and had g iven Three V/illow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion was seconoeo by [4r. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Boa rd. l. Case Z-B-72 - Gor don Pierce Residence - Request for setback variance on north and east' :ides to allow building to con- f orm to natural contours of lot and to save large trees. Mr. Pierce P resen ted draw ings showing a ra des and trees on his property and stated that he doesn I t want to cut la rge trees on the site to ma inta in the required setback. A mot ion was made by Mr. Knox and seconded by [''l r. Hoyt that the variance be aDgroved. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board. J. Case 7-9-72 ' F itzhugh Scott - Request for sefback variance on east and souf h'. property lines to allow addition to be bullt in triangu lar con f igu rat ion. This va r iance had been d iscussed at the Iast meet i ng in a preliminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A mot i on was made by Mr. V ie I e that ihe var i ance be g ranted. The mot ion was seconceo by Mr. Knox and approved unan imous ly by the Boa rd. lV. 0the r Business - Con t racto rs L i cen ses we re approved and signed by the Board. Respectf ul ly submi tted, TOWN OF VAIL €l%:,/b Ed Strub le (Ex-Officio) ow The primary purpose of th appa rent misunderstand ing Ordinance by the of f ice o that the entire p rob lem o F.A.R. is due fo the fact 0rd inance to mean habitab their interpretafion, the allowable F.A.R. of l:00: sPEC tAL MEET ING 0F J UNE 12, 1912 FLOOR AREA RATIO - THREE VIILLOW PLACE A special meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. on June 12, 1912 at the request of 14r. Fitzhugh Scott and Mrs. Nancy Rich. The following persons we re present: [4essrs. Go rdon Pierce, Mayor Dobson, Larry Robinson, George Knox, Jr., Jim Viele, Ed Struble and Ms. Rich and Diana WYgant. e special meeting was to d iscuss the in the inte rpretat ion of the Zon ing f F itzh ugh Scott. Mr. P ierce stated f being in excess of the allowable that h is of f ice interpreted the Zon ing le f locr space. However, even using building is still in excess of the | .00. The basic a reas of d isagreement in interpretation we re as fo I lows: l. Town of Vail interprefation inc ludes the following items which were not included bv 14r. Scott: a. Measurement rrom either the center or the outside of the wall for gross area. Scott t s of f ice measured f rom the ins ide of each wall and deducted for interior par- titi.ons. This amounts to a dif ference of only about 400 sq ua re feet. b. TheV deducted all areas for f ireplace sPace. c. The Town inc luded stairs (required) and exit ba lcon ies which were not included by Vlr. S cott . d. The Town of Vail inc luded of f ice and storage areas in the ground f loo r level which was not inc luded by S cott. Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Rich have asked that the Boa rd of Trustees review the interpretation of the def inition of rtf loor arearl to determi ne i f the intent was tthab itab le spacerr or rtgross hor i zonta I a rearr as the Town of Va i I inte rp rets . Scott I s off ice also would like to plead a hardsh ip since the building was designed first under the 1.50:1.00 F.A.R.; was then redes igned and not passed by the Arch itectura I Control Boa r d; v,,as redesigned a -fhird time to pass Architectural Control and construction is now ready to begin. lf the Town of Vail inte rpretat ion the ga rage area, several c losets, a f loor cou ld be deducted and the bui the allowable F.A.R. is used 1 all storage areas in wockroom, and the entire toP lding is still in excess of fu::t. { 1.37 f it'J. tJ 5g-4!_ t,^. .v.e 4 s 115, t3 4g.:t /7 7- 3 {'z s' lr..-c /d. 5-.1 t 3- ro 37. o o /j'7 / 3,/. ? >- 17'2f 4-"i 1/' ea "?? e{ t/t 3'D JJ z{ /t'ao /i.,.t ?e.,,,.i.r. t b.t FT t'T"W*/iTe rTVe -,)r" a d tNlerri c ;ray'.ial o / ,.,t.'c7 ?'7f .J1.{o ll zct 5u, e 4 iil#,':,. / e.a 6 (t,/?. 68 '. /7 t., 5-,t F2. -t 3- ? -".' :(6a,-) sAetts ( 7rt,oo) o/.,.4A (-r^,.'r3) ', 4/ f t5'', , e.t). .r5.zr- I, Q.2 {( 1to -o o ) ., # 3 .t lco.J.J . (t?'2{) f .^.t1t.o- ? xa.-/r (12.e.") " /q e.z 5- (t ^1,q") .l,o.tt s !'. tf ?.ca / 7.!=o t7.7f //. f /ll' t u- 5.(EIe qs t'-tl ./ 7;3. J 3 P,,.. / t^" .. - tl*o f,.?r-X 2.s' | ,/.,. * .,i'r. c 7..: t a.cf s{^,', dA+t.,r ,. *J r_I L /0.?5- x " EJ 1 [a :,'1,1, ^ .t4al t 3 3 )?.'r I {;s .J7 A 2''1 "t s 2 2 at.9a1.66 &or',ttt'u st" (t5.,t\ /e- zt l4ss r-'',.. .lc-' , f,,. sl"i.s l04.rt\ 0 t,47.€t ' I L/?3'J,lJ A y'3)--1 .t.t 3 V3s'!-f 't 1 33>1 Zl s' ,/ tf 4'/4 <.216 - 27o./7 1 la ta,,; i,, . (Y,,s'z') '). t s- /' !,."s,."e Z.t X /C, co ,/t,638,/7 /l t6|-4t.a,. l(,5_A) + ui.t t * i1.oo CVerage', -l , obs F, 4 1," /, re{ }L) a 1t5 4r"^-J -::;:e, f , r2 7s- 5-r 51.'/5- j I Va oc 23t6,y,1 J,l.,azf.7o APPL ICAT ION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXAM INERS Date App I icat ion F i Go rdon Pierce led June 12, 1972 t, Scott/ Nancy R ich ranroqpnl-i nn - '. J racnaa-f{rrllrr t -J rcnrrcct a veri anr:e of the Vail Zoni f rom Ord i the requ irements nance in order to in lieu of l0l Ord. B ( 1970) ze ro (0) setback on one corne r of Sect ion Ma in-f 6 in ng ran rri rad I vYv ' I vv 2-/a '7 2- Of f ice of Fitzhugh and/or Sect ion as amended and adopted by the Town of Va i I of the Un iform Bu i I d ing Code in orde r to ln making a determination on zoning, the Boa rd considers only hardship; need for the proposed variance; compatibility of the P ropose d variance with the surrounding a rea; effect on f uture ment of the area and; health, safsfy, and the welfare of the i of the Town. undue de ve lop- nhab itants ln Bu i ld ing Code variances, the Boa rd may cons ider on ly suitabi lity of alter.nate materials and methods of construction and; reasonable in- te rp retat ions of the provisions of the Code. The admin istrat ive of f icial may cha I lenge any variance granted which goes beyon d the scope of the powers of the Boa rd . lt is understood that a fee of $25.00 payable in advance and that a ten ( l0) day posting period is required prior to a pub I ic hearing on the above requests. Please list ,/t,t tJt5n|o djoining ' r' t' a n o re r T a ne rS. lso ss Con do the {nay :T be notified l/. igned: \,/ o ,Junc 19 ' 1972 !b Anthun O. Blehop Arthur 6. Blrhop Conpany Veilr Colonrdo tr).rn llr. Ekhop ThJ.r Lr to Lnfonn you thrt thc Boand of Zoningl Appralr 61{ f,vrrninrra wiII Bt.t at 0100 r.n. iluly l3 ln thr Hunlolpal Building. Thc followLng variancc wltrl bt astrd uDon! Thrcc Sl.Ilor Placc - R.qucst fon ronlng vanlanoo to allow aeno actbaok Ln Ifuu of l0 f et thr tnrot land on on. oorD.r of thr butldlng. ff ilou wieh to prot.st thlg vanl,!ne.' plratt havc r nrpttrontativr pncaont et thc lEoctl.ng of flh your Drotttt by contitlod ual.l Younr truly, BoARD Or ZoHING, APPEALS A!{D E}6I{INERS Dlane t{ygant for Rob.Ft Clallc, Chal.rran of the Board bw .Iunc 13, L972 f{r. Xrn Prnny Pcney t Conpany 7t 6 rTth Denvcr, Colonado 80202 Drar Hr. Penny: Thia ia to lnforq you that the Boarrd of Zontng, Appcale and Eranl,nere nill nGGt at gr00 a.n. JuIy 13 Ln thc l{unlel.prl Bull<llng. Thc foll.owing vanl.ansc wLll br eotcd uponl Thrcr WlIIow Plaea - Rcqurrt for zonl,ng varlenot to ellos scno sotbaek in lieu of l0| at thc tnact Land on on. oorrrir of tho bul,lding. ff you rylah to protcet thlc varlano€f pleacc havc a r.prcrontetLve pruscnt et t ro naotlng or fllc your pnotoft by contifird nall. Youn truljrr BOARD 0r ZOHIXG, APPEALS AND EXAHIDTERS Diana l{ygant fon Robrnt Clark, Chairnan of the Board brr rlune 1,3, 1972 Edelweise Condorniniua Aasociation VaiI, Colonado Dean Sine: Thir ia to Lnforur you that the tsoard of ?onlngy Appeale and Examl.ners will meet at gr00 arn. July 13 In tha Xunlcipal SuLlding. The fol.lowlng vaniance will be acted upon: Th:ree WiIIow Placc - Request fon zonLng vanianeerto allow zcno Eetback in lieu of 10r at the tnact land on on6 cornen of the bullding. If you wisb to protest thLe vanilnoc, pleaae have a rcpnGaontative pneaent at the neeting on flle youn protcst by oertificd nail . You:rs tnuly, BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAHINERS Diana ldygant fon Robcnt Clank, Chainman of the Boand bw t. o BOARD OF ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXANl INERS [4INUTES OF MEETING June 8, l9-12 Meet ing Ca I led to Order A. The meeting was called to order at 9z20 in the l4unicipal Building. B. The following membe rs were presenf : Mess rs. Young and Strub le (ex-off icio). C. The following guests .v'e re present: l4essrs. D ick Brown, Ted Grossman, Nle I Sorenson, Bud John Gavin. Knox, V i e I e , Ch uck Rosenqu ist, Lorance, and ll. 0ld Business A. Case Z-5-72 - Yantage Po int request for l0r setback variance on south property line in Iieu o+ l5t. This setback was d iscussed af the last meef ing and a preliminary variance was granted. Mr. Jim Viele mad a mot ion tha t the va r iance be granted. The mot i on was secon ded by Mr. Knox and passed unanimouslv by the Board. B. L ionsHead Centre (Sink Buildinq)l'1 r. Bud Lorance met informally with the Board to d iscuss all i tems whicn musr be corrected before a permanent certif icate of Occupancy can be issued by the Building Department. Mr. Lorance commenced by giving the Boa rd sorne background on th is build-ing which was sfarted in 1969, The buildin.o des ign was started before the p rope rty was w ith in the Tow n limits and was then annexed. The f irst plan check was made by [4r. Charlie Bynum in August of 1969 at the time of annexation. On September 3, 1969 Mr. Bynum issued the f irst lette r of non- con form it ies on this p roj ect. There ensued a d isagreement befween the arch itect (14r. S ink) and Mr. Bynum as to the non-con form it ies. The plans we re then sen t to 1.C.8.0.in Novembe r of 1969 wh ich was also returned in November.Mr. Sink sent his reply to the Town of Vail w ith a request for a hear ing in December of 1969 . l'4ore i n fo rmat ion was senr to 1.C.8.0. in December, and on December Jl a second review was received from I.C.8,0. 0n January B, 1970 i"l r. Sink met with the Boa rd of Appea ls and many variances we re granted. Construction was terminafed on l"4a rch 3l and Mr. Lorance was reta ined by legal counse I on April 24, 1970 to review plans in order to solve some of the problems. Work was commenced again on J une 4, 1970 at wh ich time a new building permif was issued as the original permit had exp ired. In meet ings with Mr. Bynum, Mr. Lorance and he worked oui soluf ions to some of the problems and a letter was jointly written by the two which was dated June 4, l97O ( copy attached ) . Nea r fhe end of the projecf, Mr. Bynum retired and 1"1 r. Struble made the f inal inspect ion so that a certif icate of occupancy cou ld be issued. At that time he wrote a I ette r to Vail Associates dated Decembe r 31, l97O ( copy attache d ) . The i tems on this I ette r we re d iscussed with fhe Boa rd so that eve ryih ing can be reconc i led and a certif icate of occupancy issued. By item:(l) The second stair will be insfalled from the exit balcony.(2) The windows as installed do comply (Mr. Struble will CheCk) . ( l) Vari "n.a .rrantarl an f[ i5 item on January 8, 1970. ;33i0t., Zon i ns, npp"?, uno Minutes of Meet i ng - June 8, ||t. Examiners I Q12 (4) This item was accepted by 1,,| r. Bynum in Ietter of June 4 andMr.Strubleagreedthatitcan'tberemddiedatthisfime.(5) Same comment as (4), (6) l'',i r. Lorance has recommenoeo New that th is ventilation be insfa I led. (7) Th is i fem has been corrected. (B) Var iance granted on January 8, 1970' (9) Has been corrected. ( lo) Mr. Lor-ance pointed out that these b a lh rooms are quasi-public, but he will recommend the instal- lation of f ile. (ll) Has been correcied except one hole where there was a lrozen sprinkler. (12) Will be covered by a sepa rate building Permit when this area is f inished' ( l3) Mr. Lorance will be recommending th at th is i tem be insta I led. (14) Mr. strub le will accept this item as is because it is not a hea lth or safety hazard ' (15) Has been corrected. ( l6) Variance granted on January 8, 1970' (17) Has been corrected. Mr. s-iruble then stated that he wouIdmakeafinaIinspectionwhenitisrequestedandif a||oftheitemsaresatisfactoriIycomoIefed,hewi||issue a Conditional certif icate of occupancy ' He does not f eel that he can put his signature of a certif i cate w i fhout some oua I if ications. Bus i ness CaseB-4.72-\ai|2|appIicationforvarianceno-|tocon- sider lofts as a story. The architect, l'4r ' Ted Grossman' presented drawings to clarify lof -f area' He feels the units shouIdbeconsideredassinglefar.lilydwe||ingsincethere is f ire separat ion and the occ Jpancy load will be low' Mr. Grossman then went on to explain th at he had contacted both the Denver and Aurora building depallmglts concerning f ofts and they both permit larger than l/3 f loor area with- out requiring the extra exit' lt was the consensus of the Board that the nature of use of a condoninium in Vail is much dif ferent than that in a laroe city and that occupant loads tend to be much la rger in a resort area' They also pointed out th at -ihey as a Boa rd, cannot change the Code' but can on ly approve a lternate methods of accomplishing the samething.l.4r.GrossmanandMr.StrubIedifferedinopinion on the def inition of mezzanine and what is inc luded in the calculation of the mazzan ine area and allowable area' A call was then made to Mr. Koyamafsu of l'C'B'0' to clarify thispoint.ltwasthendetermjnedthatfheymustincIude all f loor space in the lof t area, inclucing the closets and bath room; and th at the a rea to be used for fhe l/3 ca lculation can incllde only rooms that the lof t oPens directly onto, those that are 5O% open to that area and not the bathrooms, etc. that 1.1 r. Grossman was using for his calculation' The Boa rd then d iscussed several so lut ions to the p rob lem of a second exit from the loft area. lt was the opinion of the Boa rd that some safety precautions we re necessary in th is case. A motion was made by l'lr. Young -f hat the mezzanines be considered as anofhe r story, but that the lof ts be a I lowed as D lanned Drovided that: smoke and heat alarm systems are installed in lof ts and thaf either a sprinkler system or aseconddoortotheroofbeprovidedinadditiontofhe smoke and heat alarm systems. i,l r. Grossman is to inform board Page 3 Boa rd of Zoning, Minutes of Meeti c. lv.0the r Bus iness A. Contractorrs licenses aDproved Submitted by, TOWN OF VA I L BOARD OF ZOM.NG APPEALS AND EXAM INERS ry'',"' Appea ls and Exam i ne rs ng - June B, 1972 in writing wh ich of the two a lte rnat ives he plans to use, and also mus t submit revised p lans. The mot ion was secon ded by Mr. Knox and approved by the Board with one dissenting vote. Case Z-6-72 (Preliminary Hearing) - Bank of Vail request for 7 l/2r setback in front on Ma in Vail Road in lieu ol 15t. Mr. Mel So re n son presented the d raw ings to fhe Board and explained fhat the only par.tl of the building thaf would p rojecf into the req u i red setback are the p lanter boxes and a ba lcony and door canopy. The Boa rd in formed l'ir. Sor- enson that they will recommend approval of the variance since there wi | | be at least 50 t between fhe Bank and any other bu i ld ings on thaf side. Case B-5-72 - (Preliminary Hearing) - Apollo Park requesf to use habitable basement space as laundry rooms and recreation room and not have it considered a story when determining fhe type of construction. T hey have agreed to use a concrete r'..u n A n.v qcna r: t ion b etwee n basement and remainder of each vvvvPvIvt building and to continue wet standp ipes i nto basement. The Boa rd will recommend approval of the variance as there is no sa fety h azard involved. Case Z-7-72 - Three Willow Place (Preliminary Hearing) Req ues t for roof to overhang t ract land, Bishoprs land and Edelweiss land, and to allow F.A.R. to exceed l:00 to l:00 by approximately 1fi, The Boa rd re v iewe d previous va r iances for this p roject and nofed that 4t se-f back variances we re granted for stair a rea but that the re were to be no pro- jections closer than 4r of the property lines. The other corne r of fhe building in question wh ich has no setb ack f rom the tract land has not been g iven a variance. The Boardrs position is that we cannof grant tl'e requested va r iances as if is not w ith in its power to do so. The Board cannof change the F.A.R. r e q r.l i r e m e n t - - t h i s must be done by amend ing the Zoning 0rdinance by +he Boa rd of Trustees. The Boa rd cannof give permission for a building to encroach upon otherrs p rope rry. D. dw 4.d. INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENCE oF ButmtNo OrrlclAls NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CAI.IFORNlA 90601 TELEPHONE (21 3) 699-0s41 l(ay 26, 1972 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE RE6IONAL EU ILDING OFFICIAL COLOFADO 5PFIING5, COLOFADO FIRST VICE.PRES IOENf EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENOENT DEPARTMENT OF BU ILD]N G AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.FRESLOENT NE\/VELL POCK CHIEF BU ILD ING INSPECTOR YAK I MA, WASHINGTON TREASU RER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF EU ILOI NG VEFNON CALIFORN IA J UNIOR PAST PFESIOENT TED E, DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS. MONTANA EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR T. H, CARTER 50 sOUTH LOS ROELES PASADENA, CALIFORN IA MANAG ING DIRECTOR JAMES E, BIHR 50 SOUTH LOS FIOBLES PASADENA. CALI FOFNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DO\ivD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALO A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONs M INNEAPOLIS, M INN ESOTA BILL P, HORN CHIEF EU I LDING INSFECTOR PIERCE CO IJNTY TACOMA, MlASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU I LDI N6 INsPECTOR MOU NTAI N VI EW, CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAI- couNTY oF aLAME6A HAYWARO, CALIFOFNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING COOE ENOINEER KANSAS CITY, M ISsOURI VINCENT R. BUSH 5L'PERINTENOENT OF BUILO NG VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN O IRECTOR EU LOING DEPARTMEN' AtJSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILD ING OFFIC IAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BAREARA, CALIFORN IA N on profi | Serv ice O rgon izol ion ond Plan Check No. 8621 Three Willow Place Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vail-, Colorado 81557 Dear Mr. S trub le: This is Eo acknowledge receipt of data on May 17 for the above project which r.ri1l be reviewed and our cortrnents forvrarded Eo you as soon as possible. However, to properly review structural plans we will need calculations that justify the struc!ural system in supporting vertical loads, and resisting wind and/or seismic loads. This includes the foundat ions . Please make reference to the above number when send-ing in additional da ta, May we thank you for your inEeresE in our services Yours very truly, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIAIS TJK:hb cc: Fit.zhugh Scott UNIFORM BUlLDlt'lG CaDE ond Reloled Ordinonces Aclive Closs A Members OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGII{6 DIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR TECTINICAL OIRECTOR O, R, \^/ATSON tsu f Plan Check Eng ineer lor lhe Moinlenonce of lhe Ofrering Speciol Services io tFFfcE oF FfTZHUGH SCOTT - ARCH|TECIS/ pLAt{XEnS. |l{C. 733 XORTH VAI{ BUREL. ll|LWAU|(EE 53202 ala I211-5141 Date lrley 15, I9T2 ro Mr. T. J. KoYamatau Chlef Plan Check Englneer Internatlonal Conf erence of Bulldlng Offlcla1e 5360 South Wonkman M111 Road whlttler, callfornla 90601 Re Three lt|lllon Place Val1 , Colorado Job No. 1304 Gentlemen: We are sending lo you: X h"re*ith - under separate cover _ Dy messenqer - lot your approval - tot your use - for distribution to your subconlractors - as per your requesl - approved as noted - to be correcled lhe following on the above project: Enalosed ls a flnal revlew set of worklng drawlngs (ln progreea), uhlch ls belng submltted to you for a eheck for code conpllanee. Copy t Flr. Ed Struble, Bu11d1ng_0ff1c1a1, Box loo, Va1I, Colorado 81657 - Destroy or mark "VOID" any prints previously issued to you not bearing revision date of as noted in the revision column. Very truly yours, FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHITECTS / PLANNERS, INC. BY fEvld tr. forphy rNc. 713 XORIX VA lUREll,aco?T - ltcxrrEctt / PLAIlEtS.r.lLwauxE€ 53?0il lla / rrl./r r '.i,t;, f.)'i:'. I.{r. i. i l.'l i arq Bi rhr;tt l'ar.l 0r:1j..'orn j a ;': r'eet, Drtnl' e 1., (:ol.Ofr.do ,i)2(';r Dear I'i I1: l,rie l.o:-ncl hclevi tlr 1s, r t)ui l<t irtfl $tan(jard eqttlpment ilnrl f"l 'r ish ct., r'l: J.J st i'or .ry'o'.rr u.te. These starttlards l.Jcre llir. 'i ili .-,l;all1.i ::h,lnr; the orra..l.1-t,v l-er.rel a"d also t.lrr: b.?.':'' ,.'- ' o I' ll'hrec .: i I l.oll t)l aee. Orrr of''.i ce ttj.l. l. eonl;ire1, ii' 'i'r,' j ou; condomlnj.um li'rne rs i'or rl)r:^ i i'i r i n iorna.i !on i'c al '-i inr r:ol.or !'!e'l.ee h I t)Lr Itjiehen c:a.i;jnot, tcl.()r" j()n, .r'i renlr'''r" rlecifn, etc. ilr' nntiel nate t,ire corpl el,ion of 'rr ''ki tlt1 drawlnls and sDrt,'i ll cabior-rs bv rr;:'r1 i.ln',r. fiollti'1."';':tion cotlld l:egin be1'r're eOmpl.et'i on o,' ,r ,^A-,r i ,'t -:j :'j tir & ttCOnditiOnaltt bul .l.rli ng perml t. l,Ja: are forrrarri jnF, e- eorr'' of l:his 'l-etl:er an4. check I i st bo thc 1'cl lo'.'j.r;.^. ' r'.ro.r;; Pit:h ', r'i t,z, l_en l.i d(ier G. 1.'la,eher,ir. G] ass t,loreault 'i llor: ' Jr oll r: . l .i.1,. . .L''. ' LL't-".ree fi ' , ,0i.' i r, C:l a ' ,(. !1.r, i' -rCts - ''jCele1c'" lir.nr1e,/Ov r;' r - .lonpp r I or - D i :::1..;!s,)er - I)isooral - Crrlrll '.er ..on^ ["1. oo r^ r' - :)A TitRootl: 1 " n i t.;g La ',a.1, o r. , 'Frir - nathror-.-' A/.^^-l:o,.J e^ _ l.ln ,: jllr. C,.,,:.,,.. I,'l { 1( _. ' iin r:. ,i: Ceil_.jnl - '-i ajillii /;r;) I' i;,;:iI .liICK Ll:T l-'i'o-i,'i.r.r', ::irt:rl r.'cor.l - Crar.,,i tt_ -, "U.,-iiC L Uc. l-il.;(a.y -.r ;lt -)').2.-R; l,Ioen l(iLehen Faucets i;.1i. .l-.6 r'.''rie foot No Frosi Refrlgerator/i"ree -ler 'ncrl,,I TEir-:'2i) - ().::,. "()l' 1,11n''j.cana - Double oven, self clean i rtg , nrOrl r-' L ,l ')7 ','frl rlpool .l;:C?OO '(lo I'l,i t,chen-Aid cr.rsto:;r KDC_IZ '': '1"': 4rat.or i La:;1. ic l'.rrn inate Acor:s1,J I't ol^ by Tarkett A':,or-in.'.r:: !..alrl e rrl I j()ngat.erl (I,uxor,',..) ',, cn l. at \,ta ,r i1 .l,ln.l \larlr'! e iop ,,.r1 t.li 6l-" deep bO,,,'.. ,-1 lf;t:':.n .);,r:\,.,'i :)t -Ot' l.,hi-flpOOl bath (6r _Ort it. i, ex Lra_ .o:.i, ) IIa I l_ Ma.e !t Co . l''lia !. Carey, ',ri th mi rror Ceramj,e T'1,1_e ,)r:,' ';a11 pa.inted (tfte around trrbs to : lloen ava1lab1c celllng l'airt: 1l i,:(lo;i | 'L ')!,' Fr. 'l i I I I l,rn.,: l r:,.1,.,:ti r,, l: i,i Illt r.' rol,l - l')llllll/l :.,1(1Or:] _ :lp1Il:': i" j'l i":'- f, iit.' j:r:lll 'l'.,'., lltiAf't -, r'r1 : n ':^-. - i,lc1rlc.rt Ffarbl c top lIith 6] t' ;lt-; r-'e lJ ,1' 1i'1r'' i\'.,-.1.'cfl,) :" a :1,.1r !. d r' ..r ll , -r-r /C l' :f'ti" ') I r '!, deep bowlrMoen l"loen Faueet & 10r15 4f $1 per rqlrare foot - othel flnishes avallable Iia1 I. ilae lr ' ' -!{ ! :- r:r i Ca rn., , -li th ml rror Corrn.i e '.li l.e tutrs to celllng 1tl le Lround I i l.: r, l)jtoolts : f ;1 r',16' i; 4 : ' aflee ].)t"-, :re- l I n:.' nted il. 1 ..'., f. l'a - (r i' L l'la,iestie - ,lrlili,-.: n t:rye ".'1th .':t l'e r eaclt ,. rler' ^ req'.te::t cust.om faclng '-'. r .::;r;ri r.... ), i i,',irt i'lxtrrres - PreScollte . i [i1 r1r".r'i1--;1 1 or;1,:ets w1 L]. also be ln- :, !i1';[ c\r, .1.',r,r.'J. I I'r)f (leCOfAtlVg wAll and Co. e '.1 .l i rri : ''' ;.J1,,v11-'1 (firlr l !:hert tr;,r eaeh eOn-,lr.r i 4 j1111 c.-''.rr). Ownr.r$ ntrst lnfofm - relr i 1.ee 1. l, - '.o qrrnnl t.;. anrl l ocatton of Litero 'i:i'1,') "er'l pr ior t.o t.he dryl.lalllng I)lr: .'.t; r '' n'^'6J;l11letiOn. .'er ri'. icont,enporary serles double hung) rlel'rLa,qc h rierjes ey'l-lnder 1ocks, Plynouth ri'.;'if'n. r.,''ailatrle ln lOR. o11 rubbed bronze (-r' '1'l), iai;in stainless st,eel f 'nlshesi -l)a'r an<l tiilht orrick recovery, 2 per apt.,(Uho i;erstJn,lhorrse ltea,r:/ Duty Spaee-Mates t{,*it''Dft/ - jrr:rie:r'a1 i'aci f 1r': i.ndl.'r'iduat roon thermostat r: ()I'i t, r() !. n'ir p'l a.cer. i lrti:r.. - l,' r i .i) lJafd, :, r. I lr;t i;atc l Ileat.er: .:.,.:',Yf: r'..,'l 1 1.;.161 - l'll er-'i;r i r: IIea l, i n -1.*tJ o ii-'.) -.,'.r-.lr - .n F.^ ti 1*f {. o Rlch Road 6oo44 Colorado Archltect: Fltzhugh Seott-Archltecta, Inc. 5623 North take Dnlve Mllwaukee, lllaconaln 53217 Scott Job No. f3O4 OIITLINE SPECIFICATIONS /'EI,0€F', SYS!'Ell F --:',. Stcel frane and bar Jolsts. 2" concrete decklng. t/ ,, 'ETTERIOR BE,ARING WALLS L1 - Concrete block. l/ . Bull.t-up pltch and pqravel roof .. Red aggregate. . Cold roof eonstructlon. (Double roof) EXTERIOR WALLS -F---- Stueco on concrete block. No palnt. Uood sld1ng wtndow trlm - natural cedar. c+Ass . Clear, pollshed p1ate. UOOD.FRAHINO At rlndoy ralls. s$qBL STAIRS . Concrete treads. Sheet rock sofflte. and on res1llent cllps. lbe. Joseph Rlch - Condonlnlum, ValL. Colorado IIITERIOR PARTITIONS 2"x4" rtuds and J/8" drywall. FL^OORS Ctrpet and re81llent t1]e TINDoHS Uood hoppera below flxed llghta. Sol1d core flush doors throughout. KITCHEN CABINETS Factory flnlshed wood cablnets "Grab1ll", or equal. coufTER roPs t/'Fonntca' COVERED PARKINO, BOILER ROOIT{ AND TRASH AREA, SKI ROOT.ISI Concrete Floor. Concrete bl.ock wall.e, pa1nted,. Concrete celllng rSaa, Jott/s I6BBT Red sandgtone Stucco ualls APPLIANCES fIoor. and celllng. Double oven, four burner ranse.-S€zF ctzlh)trlC Refrlgerator, freezer and tce maker.Statnless steel- slnk wlth garbage dlsposaL, dlshwagher -_.and qompacter. TOILST FTXTURES Itledlum Grade, 1 t tub, except !n r',aster bath. Master Bath: 6 ' Jar:uzz" Roman Batfi wt Lh hhlrlpo "t. {#ol A , Itlr. and l{rc. Joa Condomlnlun, Vall Colorado HEATINO SYSTEI,I Ccntral gac flred hot rvater, lndlvtdual rootn control . Cintral elrculatlng domestlc ELEVATOR hIIRINC Accordlng to Code FIXTI'RE ALLOTANCE $2,5OO.OO INilDSCAPING Rallroad t1e retalnlng ralle 'Black top drlve. $5,oOo allouance for plantln8. TRASH CHTNE 0alvanlzed FIREPLACES Brlck and lron wlth flre doora. gtone. El ec trlc overhead machlne: 2OO-25O f.p.n. - 5,OOO wlth baseboard hot water. rt*ll radi.rtlon and F/LF INTTRNATIONAL ConFERENCE or ButLDlNo OTFICIALS NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213) 699-05.11 March 10, 1972 OFFICERs FRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REG LONAI- BU ILD ING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS COLOFADO FIRST VICE-PRESIOENT EUGENE E. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT OEPARTMENT OF BU ILOTNG ANC 5AFETY POMONA, CAI-IFORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILD LN G INSPECTOR YAXIMA \'^'|ASH INGTON TR EA5 U FER VINCENT R. BUSH sUPERINTENDENT OF EU ILD ING VERNON CALIFORNIA J UN IOR PAST PRESiDENT TEO E. OUKE BLJ ILD]NG OFFICIAL BILLINGS MONTANA EXECUT]VE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLEs PASAOENA. CALIFORNIA MANAG ING DIRECTOR JAMES E, BIHR 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD O IRECIOR OF INSPECTIONS XALAMAZOO. M ICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON OI RECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M NNEAPOLIS M IN NESOTA B ILL P. HORN CH LEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COU NTY iACOMA, \|/ASH INGTON CHARLES R. H INKLEY CH'EF BUILOI NG INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIE]/v CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILD LNG OFFICIAL COIJNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE B'-ILDiNG COOE ENGINEER XANSAS CITY, M ISSOU R I VI NCENT R. BUSH 5UPEFINTENDENT OF BU ILD ING VERNON CALI FORN IA DICK T JORDAN D RECTOR BI] LD NG OEPARTMENT AUSTIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILDI NG OFFICIAL cOUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BAREARA. CALIFORN IA OFFICES OF THE .'":"'l:til1?';"^ 11 i ! MA\AGING DlREcroR / / /. ,I JAMES E, BI HR -tJ tt 71r r.{ t */4 ' -,rc-l'Bfl:iii.i+'31"" Tffii{+o.ur+taeq PRE].IMINARY REVIEW Ed Struble Building Official Cicy of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Preliminary plans for Ehe above projecc have been reviewed for compliance with the 1970 Uniform Building Code in conjunction with Vail Ordinance No. 6, Our comments are as follows: L. The parking garage on the ground floor has a total floor area of 3370 sq. fr. Accordingly, it would be classified as an F-l Occupancy. A Ehree-hour occupancy separation is required between it (F-1) and rhe apartments (H). Table No, 5-B. 2. In accordance with Vailrs Ordinance No. 6 to Section 420 of Ehe Code, the parking garage 1evel would constiLute an additional sEory. Note the lobby area, rest room and what appears to be a laundry room on Ehis floor. Accordingly, this building is considered a minimum of 6 sEories. For cornpliance with Table No. 5-D this building should be at least of Type TI Construction. 3. Wet and dry standpipes in compliance r,riEh Section 3803 and 3804 are required. 4. A11 ventilation and exhaust equipment should be encLosed in a one-hour shaft in accordance with 1706 (a) and (b). Details should clearlv indicaEe this. A Nonprofit Service Orgonizotion lor the Mointenonce oI the UNIFORM EUlLDll'lG CODE ond Re/ofed Ord,nonces cnd afferino Soecio/ 5ervr'ces io /cl've Closs A Menhers ExiEs: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Light (a) -2- One sEairway shor ld extend Eo the roof. Note thaE this sEairway should be readily accessible to all occupants. Section 3305 (n). A steel ladder from the top most floor to the roof is acceptable. Ordinance No. 6. Other stairs require hatches. Section 3305 (1). A smoke proof enclosure is required in buildings five or more stories in height. Vail Ordinance No. 6, amendment Eo SecEion 3309 (b). A11 stairways shown on Ehese plans are considered interior and should be enclosed in two-hour enclosures in compliance wirh 3308 (b). 1) 2)Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior. Fire resistive construction should be required for exiE enclosure, including pro- tecEed openings. A11 occupanEs on each level should have access to tr^ro of the enclosed stairways. In some inst.ances some occupants are required to descend one flighE of un- protected stairs before being able to reach the other required means of egress. Adjustment in design is necessary. Private winding stairs shown between the firsE and second; second and third; and fourth and fifth floors indicaued on these plans should be justified for compliance wiEh SecEion 3305 (d). They do not appear to comply as shown. and ventilation should comply with Section 1305 (a). Required windows should open directly onto a streeE, public al1ey, yard or court. They may open inEo a roofed porch where they meet all the requirements set forth in the exceptions at the end of this sub- section, page 81. The 65 percenc opening requirement at balconies with closed rails is questioned. See Sheet S. Bathroom windows such is at lower right hand section of p1an, sheet 4 does not comply. A.11 openings should be protected with labeled 1l hour assemblies. (b) A11- data is fron you. Please feet free to contact our office if there are any questions. Yours very truly, INTERMT IOI}IAL CO..IFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS TJK: Pn cc: Fitzhugh Scott -3- Light and ventlLatlon for most of the kitchens shown on these plans appear insufficient or non-comp lying. Note that lf exterior windows are not provided they must conply with the conditions stated ln paragraph 4 of Section 1305 (a). being held pending recelpt of further instructions OFFICE OF FIIZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHITECTS/PLAN EBS, Ir|C. '33 NORT1I YAN BIJREII, I'ILWAUKEE 53202 1141211.5f81 Date To March 10, I9Tz Mr. Ed Struble Bulldlng Offlclal Town of ValL llox ojt Va1I, Colorado 81657 Joseph Rlch Condomlnlum Three W1l]ow Place 1304 Re Job No. Genllemen: We are sending to you: ^ herewith - under separate cover - by messenger - for your approval ^ for your use - for distribution to your subcontractors - as per your request - approved as noled - to be corrected the lollowing on the above project: One (1) set of prelimlnary plans for 3 WlLlow place, for your revlew. Pl-ease send us the results of any checks you make on the FAR and conforrnance wlth Town requlrements. - Destroy or mark "VOID" any prints previously issued to you not bearing revision date of as noted in the revision column. Very truly yours, 'Lbllv FITZHUGH TECTS / PLANNERS, INC. By TorPhY oFFfcE oF FfTZHUGH SCOTT - ARC|{|TECTS/ PLA]{]{ERS, tt{C. 73t ltORTt{ VA}t BUREX. U|LWAUTEE 53202 411t 271-5;t81 I4arch 6, 1972 Mr. Ed Struble Building Official Town of Vai1, Box 631 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: Please indicate on the enclosed card the date when'you received the preliminary plans of the cond,bminium to be known as rrThree Willow Placerr and if possible the date when you may be able to send us the results of any check you make on the FAR and conformance with other requirements of the Town of Vail-. Fitzhugh Scott FS,/km wishes, a PlLd ofFrcE oF FfTzHudH scoTf - aREHtrEcTs/ PLAN]{ERS, D{O. 733 NORTH VAN BUFEl{, I{TLWAUKEE 53202 414t 271-A7A1 February ?5, r97? Internatlonal Conference of Bulldlng Offlctals 5630 South Workman MUI Rogd rlntttrer; Callfornla 90605 Oentlemen: Encloeed 1s on€ eet of prellnrlnlrry archltectural :drawlngs of a propoaed condomlnlum to be bullt at Vatl, Co].orado, thls sPrlng. t w6uld be greteful lf you would nal(e a prellmlnary revlcw of these plane, wlth epeclal attentlon to 'ex1t rgqulr.ements. Struo'Cural and mechanlcal p).ane and complete archl- teetu'ia't;drawlngs w1ll be submltted afteT preltmlnary approval 'has p'een reeelved on these dnawlnge i Slncercly Yours, Fttzhugh ,Scott Enolosuree c-opy-!oi. ,./'.Mr. Ed Strublc ! Bullellng Offlclal Torn of Vall, Box 631 Va!.l,-Colorado 81657 icl,l)i 0i vAIL tsOt.iD cF zciillic, ApP:ALS AiiD ;xAi.;IN:RS i:IllU-iES F0F, i'1EE:Ii\iG CF 0CT0BER 2t-, t_97I llee; inq Call-eo tc Ol.der. A. TrLc nceting ,/Ias calied to order at 9 : 2 5 a . m. in the new l'lu:.ic lpal tsuiici:-ng. ts . fie f oilo'.r j-ng nier,rbers 'yJere present : I'lessrs . Clark, Knox,lioy;, Viel-e, Young, and St:ub- e (ex-off icio) .C. T:.c --:1lo',ring guests were present: Messrs, Arthur tsishop,tsi-rl 3isho?, Goi.don Pierce tepresenting Mr. and Mrs. R',.ch; DonaLd Cha,o*in of the Mountain Hausl Terrence P. Cowhey;Chuck Ogiiby of Apollo Park; Evan Bickell of Frederic Bene-Cict and Associates representing the Kiandra Lodge; Terry .,:agoc of R.ogers, Nagel, -anghart and Mr. Ross Davis rep:.e -sent -'ng the Lodge Assoc:_ates .D. llinutes of the meeting of September 17 were deferrbd untiL the next meeting due to the long agenda. Past Bus ines s A. Case B-l-71 - The Mountain Haus - l4r. Don Chaptin appeareo to represent this case which has been pending since February.- iulr. Chaplin feels there are three options open to the Moun-tain Haus: Fire escapes on the outside of the building,which he feels would architecturally disfigure it; partition sect:ons to make the stairways smokeproof encl_osures; or doon closers. They have tried several -Eypes of closers,but none have worked well. Builders Service Bureau has given them much information and they are going to try another type of device. Woulcj like to keep their costs down, but want to please the Board. Mr. Clark recommended that we give them the three al-ternatives to choose anong and that they be given a time l-imit. Mr. Chaplin stated that they woul-d have one closer installed th:_s week and if it works,he will orden them ::ight now. Mr. Struble then stated that he woulci not sign a permanent certificate of occupancy,It must be a letten which will state all of the facts that didn''E meer Code, I'c wiII be a provisional occupancy permi:.A notion was made by Mr. Knox that the Mountain Haus choose one of the three altennatives and that the project be com-pieteci by Deeernber I and conpleted to the acceptance of the.BuiJ-ding Off iciaI. New Bus ines s Case 2-11-71 - Request for setback variance of 4r in lieu of lOt - Mr. Arthur Bishop, Mr. Bilt Bishop and Mr. Gordon Pierce appeared to represent the interests of the Richts and ',,- :-'+.,r.,,^L o^^tt. Mf. pierCe State.i th:t thcv r^^; - -^.F LJ\-\J L L. TT!'. ]. IEI'LjE DLuLgg LII(-J rTeeu d 5eL-back on two corners because of the strange shape of the tot. These lots were orginally designed for. residences and now commercial buildings are being built and it is a problem to set the larger buildings on the odd shaped lots. He further explained that the building was original_ly designed with a scissor stair which wourd not meet the unifonm Bui]ding II iiI. A Pa oe ) Miriutes for i{eeting of Cctoirer 2:, 197} :oand of Zoning, Appears anci Exarnincrs I D. Coce. Thi-s necessitatei acding two exits off the corners and t-rat is :ie or.ll/ thing t-"^at nade the setback var-ance necessary. I: t:.ey Co no: get rhe ,.'ariance, it wil- be nccessary :o cor.?l-etely recesign the propcsed :ui1ding. He feels rhai t;le building is very much in scale with the q"hr /'\..F---- \.rr la---r 't'!^^ i ---^T1q I.7;a\ -:r y.o f l-ra -rr:r^rnino r,5 !,/ \r -L r s -L .l : 5 r I lrls IrrD.l\ryr, !a-!\r cl.t s Lrrs ctuJvrrtarr6 property owners on the west stated thein reelings as follows: Th:-s j-s a violation, ;ut is a prac,ical type o: thing and snoulC be consioered as ar. exception. They have no objection -^ r-L^ -...; l..t;-- -- .i- j - J^:.i^*-, .aq rhono i< :nonrr;r,5 qnFrro !\, L^-E Ju-!I(.lii-B d.D I L -LJ \.lc>IE;.lc!.1 cr.J rr G\^\-Yucr eE oruc.L-s 1-^ na- tino or.'L \-/ 5s L _L -LI.s r=Yttrytrls.r L Llrr'\JrrBir cL. r(.t ---.rrnrjno fnnm ^ne L": r r: ^-^-hef . The Boafd f ee-Ls that J urrrPrlrB -r I vlll vllg r-,/ l,l I I Ll -L . I B -(J dll(J L, the ob'iec:onS ,1pp ohi F.r-=-'-1 c +.\ +he bui I dins rather than tO vvJ eu the setback because o: l-oss of view. A notion was made by I'!r. Young :iat t;re variance be granted. The motion was secor.cieC by ltn. Knox and approved unanimousl-y by the board. Case B-l-9-7L - Terrence P. Cowhey - R.equest for building variance ior an alternative method of exit from a sleeping room, Yr. Cowhey stated that everyone concerned through -r-.^ -1 ---.;-^ --r F,rr j I /lina +lr-rrrnl"r+ f h:t f herl r^rene mecf ino rhe Lrlc I.,,rcr.lrirrrr6 d,tr\l uu*ILr_Lrr6 LltvuBtl L L.^s u Lr^v-,Code. The Architect stated his opinion and had no written notice fron the Building Depantment whethen this was satis- f;ntn-v. }rr"jno this rc-ion i,t was on Vacation. The fabri- cato: spoke to )ick and until, the l-Ctn of this nonth, he was rrnrier. fhe .im-hpss-inn f'n.af -r; a nnnglem had been reSOIVed. The wal-f in question is glass and the ventifatlon is provided near the ceiling. They have not tried to evade any of the problems, anC the mater.ial is already fabricated. The aethetics of the building prohibit windows or doors and the fabrication is such that they cannot be added now. Mr. lioyt made a motion that an interior doon be placeC in the master bedroom between the two rooms for exit. The motio:'] was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously by the Board. Case Z-13-7I - James Slevin - Request for setback variance of 5 | on the northeast sioe in lieu o-.' 10 t in order to preserve trees and fot contours. A motio;l was made by Mr. Hoyt that we gnant the setback variance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Young and approved u;'ianimously by the Boand, l'.aqa R-1 '1 -'71 - Annl l a P:r.k r.ro.rlaef fn- l-"'i l.l jn- r'.L ror Dufro;ng varlance to allow l-ess than the required open wall space for natural -isht anc ventilation -The apartnents that contain the walI in question were nor originally designed that way. They tal-ked with iC about changing the walls and at that t:ne found out that they would have to buil-d a window in the waII. --- ^., !1_ ^.. _..-- +.- ^-, L - -: _^_ _; ^ _^ -uirement but there was -rlcy Lrr\Ju5rr L Llrcy rrcLtl rrre L Lirs l. sY a misunc.erstanding and the window was built to the wrong si.ze and t;re window is about 12 square feet too snall. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance be granted since there is no safety hazard involved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Young, and approved unanimously by the tsoard. t i'linu-ses fcr ifeetino o' Octoren 2l - q7l tsoard oi Zoning, Appeals a::d Examiners Case B-lB-71 - Rec-le ::or buitcini va:iance to a--ow a spiral stairlay ro s rve a loi,- arEa largei than i2 O sc,,.,-rre f eet - I'ir. Evan tsickeli pr.eserted tie f acts in the case . T:.e s;airs dre not ac:ually spirat siairs, .f,ut only in two place s do they actually wi:,d . I: al- so a?pears ri,ar :o ..ad miscalcufated the foft area, as it was not drawn to scale prooerl-y. A notron was nade by Plr. Viere that the vari.ance be granted with the stipuJ-a:ion that ir the pl-aces where stair sPrl'afs it be boxed in on the corner.s so that ninr;iun :read wicrh 's approximately 6". The notion was seconded oy Yr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. Benedictrs O:rice wil-I subn-t a draw'ng show-ng what they propose to do. Case 3-15-7L - Request io:. bu*fding variance to alfow a 36tl :.a:rcrail to na-rch ex-sting :n lieu of +2" requi:.ed - A mo-cio; was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be grantec anc was seco:rded by Mr. Young and approved unanimously by the Ro.ir"d . ( R,.rr:cst -:rro h\r F,rftana tr-erichs and Monie Frerichs) . Case B-1+ -7 I - Charles Rosenquist - Lequest fon building varia:rce to al-Iow handrails to be further aoart than BB" -A decision was deferred on this case so that l"{r. Rosenquist can submit an alternative method. He will- have to comply wirn rhe Corle recrr r'r.enent rrnl ess he does suDmit this al-ter-native method. Case Z-I2-7L - :-odge Properties, Inc. - Request for Zoning variance to allow no setback on the South property line a; one point and 5rsetback along that sioe of the bu*lding.Yr. Tercy Dragoo of RNL, fnc. and Mr. Ross Davis appeared ;o Present their case. They presented drawings of the p:.o- posed building to the Board and explained that they wili need thls variance if Vail Associates wilt not agree to an ex-tension of addition into the rear yard setback up to the south pro?erty line. A mo'cion was made by Mr. Knox that the va-'ianee 'oe oranrer" srriricot to neplnlgsion not beino p'rante.i for the other by VaiI Associates. The motion was seconded by Mn. Hoyt and approved unanimousl-y by the Board. Case B-1 6-71 - Lodge Prope::ties, Inc. - Request for buitding variance to all-ow five story bui-ding with first floor o: Type I co;rstnuction ( 3 hour) and put four floors of Type fTf cons-cruction (one hour). Code does not clearly oefine a Oankinu Strltetlrr.,a wi th nthoy" t\/1cs of r-nnstnr-c'ti.gn aDOVe .LJ /UU T;rey woulci provide three smokeproof enclosunes for sa-ety .-- '.'-i I I nr.r- -i h -r t^ra+ .:nrl r:lr-r rr cf :-.t-r'r^ -t'r{-^F- flrorr r^r.i I 1 cLrI(r w-LII IJL L -!.rr O. ws L clrrLr llt y rr LcrllLt-JIj/C Dy D LCl.rD , r rlsJ wrrr also agree to provide a two hour separation between units rather than one hour as required by Code. Wou:d do a four hour fire wall to divide building into two segments. A motion was r,rade by Ml.. Hoyt to grant the variance. ?he motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Boand. D o 1O1O NORTH GREEN BAY ROAD LAKE BLUFF. ILLINOIS 6OO44 october 16 rl,9 7I i'ir . itobert rl ark Bo ard of Zon ing urr6 Appe ai s Town of Vail Ds6s i',r'. Cf ark r After what seems like manyrinany neetings vrith your Board and other Boards concerneci wj-t:! ne\.v buiJ-ding in Vail , we have now to come to you for vrhat sltould be a rather ninor concession. 'ute have done everything possible to conform to both the letter and the soirit of +-l:e lal.: as it nor'r exists in the tovrn. -we have accepted the nuch lower faloor-area ratio of I.l:1 all-otted to us, though our neiEhbors totthe east and r;he south were permitted to build with an F A-R. of I.l-:5. The rccluestcd variance is for fire stairs onLy, necessitated by the building ao66. Tlre configuration of our fot is such ti..at to buj-Id a structure of a p1easing aspect and in accord with other buiidings in the area, r..,e desperately need the additional- f eet of set-back. l,rithout it, to concur rvith our FAR, should irave to be bulld a higher structure which does not secm suitabl-e to us. f understand that variances are possible if one can shovr that it is a "good" variance, and the definition of a "gcodrr voriance is onc which "aflevi-atcs a hardsi,ip for the ov.'ncrs". .,e feel strongly tiiat this v/ould alleviate a r€a1 hardsi'rip without 'ini:lictinrr An-v riis.:6mf6r'l to neichbors or to town. lve stroncjly urge you to consider this rcquest favorably and the spirit in rn'hich it is made. 'l^(^*-L- ph E. Rich Sincerelyr t" DAVID CARTER Atlolnef at L4u 2037 THIRTEENTH STREET, E'OULDER, COLORADO EO3O2 443-1e42 October LL, L97L Mr. Robert Clark, Chairman Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners Town of Vail Box 631 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Variance request of Mr. I'. Scott on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Rich Dear lvlr. Clark: This office represents Mr. Ted Malpass, owner of Condominium #206 in the Edelweiss immediately adjacent to the proposed structure of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. On behalf of my client, I would like to contest the variance application as far as the ten-foot setback is concerned. I can see no hardship whatsoever that would justify a lesser setback than Lhe required ten feet.I view the subject request as only a means of obtaining a larger building upon the su-b ject property than is allowed by the setback. As this is a new area, I cannot see where any pre-existing condition warrants a variance of this nat.ure.The overcrowding and lack of open space are too severe already to warrant further encroachments on the minimum setback. Because of the odd lot shape, I see where it would be more convenient or cheaper to build under such a variancei these conditions, ho*ever, should have been considered when the property was purchased and are not proper grounds for a physical variance based upon hardship. If the variance is granted, my client shall suffer a reduced view because of the obstruction, and obvious diminished value of his unit, which faces this project. As I am sure the Board is aware, increased building costs or lower densities through compliance are Mr. Robert Clark, Chairman Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners October 11, 1971 Page 2 not grounds for a variance and, therefore, I cannot imagine any basis for this request. As to the use of the lobby as a vestibule, my client has no objection, unless this would further increase the density or reduce the already limited open space of the area. As I cannot be present to contest this variance,I respectfully request that this letter be read into the record. Thank you for your cooperation. via Certified I'lai1 cc Mr. James Ial. Kough, President Edelweiss Condominium Association cc Mr. Ted Malpass DCC: srh t N OAH A ATLER EOWARD I HALIG M A N LAWR ENCE A ATLE R ArleR, Hatrovaru ar.ro ATLER ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW 7IA SEVENTEENTH SIREET OENVER. COLORADO AO2 02 October 6, L97L TE!EPHoNE 623-43?l AREA CODE 3O3 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Variance Board Town of Vail Box 631 Vail, Colorado AL657 Re: Variance Request of Mr. & Mrs. Rich Gent lemen: As an o\^rner in the Edelweiss, I have been advised of the proposed variance of Mr. & Mrs. Rich and am most dogmatically against the same. To allow a building in a mountain town and community to have a set back any less than l0 feet is most deplorable. It seems to me that the entity responsible for zoning in the town of Vail should endeavor to proLect open spaces and aIIow as much space between different buildings in order to avoid the conqestion which is so characteristic of urban areas. In addition to the foregoing, allowing a structure to be only four feet from the property line greatly detracts from the secluded privacy which other condominium unit owners desire in the Edelweiss, particularly in their pursuit of the use of balconies. But for a trial October L4, I would be in protest and encourage the variance. which is going to commence on attendance to voice my vociferous Board to deny the request for the '/ t , /// 4ftt(()-z | -t / HALIGMAN AND ATLER LAA:mh CROWN CORR ERECTION, INC. OF INDIANA BOX t726 - HtGHtAr{D,INDfANA 46322 - Telephonc 219 - 949€080 - 3t2.731-1424 October 6t l97L Board of ZonJ-:ng Appeals t Examiners Attnr Mr. Robert Clark c/o Tovm of Vail Box 63L Vai1, Colorado A4657 Gentlemenr Let this letter serve as a complete objection to the variance request of four (4) feet to the corttrnon boundaries in lieu of the required ten (1O) feet- Yours, 202 J JP/ L cc - Mr. James W. Kough 1776 So. Jackson Street Denver, Colorado BO21O , Chai rman ADJ USTMENTS 1657 we are reconnending that the cons i der granti ng the Ri ch'the northwest corner of the e tract area. P.O. BOX 7 vArL, colo. 81657 Mr. Robert Clark BOARD OF ZONING The Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado I Dear Bob: ARCHITECTUBAL CONTROL COMMITTEE September 20, '1971 After working wi th Fi tzhugh Scott, Archj tect for the proposed Rich Condominium [Wi11ow Circle, Lot 3, B]ock 6, First FiIing)fora period of seyen or eight nonths, the Architectural Control Committee is pleased to report that we feel Mr. Scott has designed building that is both functional and attractive and wil I be an asset to the "neiqhborhood", Board of Zoning s reouest to al I ow roof of the buildi Therefore, Adjustments portion of oyerhang th a ng to Your careful consideration in this matter wi I I be appreci ated CONTROL COMMITTEE P c ter |.I. Se i be rt hairman PWS/s an DONALD G. SCHINE G LOV E RSVI LL E. N. Y. October 111971 Robert R. Cla::k Chalrman of the Board of ZonlngrAppeals and Examlners Town of Val1 Box 631 Vail, Colorado Dear I{r. C}ark: We the owners of Edelweiss condorninlum 506 most vlgorously protest llrs. Rlchts application for a setback varlance of four feet instead of ten feet wklic}. would permi-t her proposed bullding to come wlthJ.n four feet of the colunon borrndary of our condomlnlumo The center of Val1 1s now becomlng very congested wlth bulldlngs being br:'il-t one on top of one anothen and the open spaces dlsaPPearlng. To preserve the beauty of Va1l the lot llnes permLtted. under the present zonlng strould be preserved arrd no further varlances should be granted. Yours very trulye < /1 '.ry<4^4) chine 8Ja*,/*Donald Sehlne LEONARD R. KERNS, JR. I oit2rl tcutH clcrElo avENul oAK LA\^,N, lLLlNOl€ gO4lS October 5, L97I Mr. Robert Clark Chairnan of The Variance Board Town of Vall Box 631 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear I1r. Clark: As condominium owner of Unlt 101 Edelweiss, I wish to protest both zonlng variances applled for by Mr. Scott otr behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. I understand thls matter will be heard bv the Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners on October L4, L97L. Sincerely, LRK,Jr. /bj a CERTIFIED I'{AIL HOLME ROEERTS E OWEN ITOO BROADWAY. DENVER, COLORADO 8O2O2 aREA COOE 303 - e92-3eOO WALTER K KCCH rEO P STOCA MAF >ATR IC 1A ANN C-ARK JUOsON W OETRICK October 7, L97L '":::,: . _ ..t: Mr. Robert Clark Chairman of the Board of Zoning, Appeals and Exarniners c/o Torun of Vail Box 631 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Clark: We are the atEorneys for !1r. George R. Webster who is the owner of Condominir.rm Unit 305 Edelweiss, Vail, Colorado. The Edelweiss l-s located east of and adjacent to the property owned by l{r. and I'Irs. Rich. Mr. }Iebster has advised us that Mr. and l,Irs. Rich have requested a variance to pemit the construction of a bullding wlthin four feet of Eheir Lot line instead of ten feet and a viriance to permit the use of the lobby as a vestibule. ltr. Webster has requested that we advise you that he strongly objects to the granting of the variances requested !y ltt. and Mis. Ri6h. Mr. WebsEer relied on the exl-sting zoning ordinance when he purchased his condominium unit. The, requested variance would diirintstr the air space between the Rich ProPerty ar-rd th-e Edelweiss and woul-d infr-inge on the view }tr. Webster would other- wise have. The proposal is not in keeping with the architectural- standards prevaillng in ttre town of Vail. I'fr. Webster does not know of any valid reason why the requested varLances should be granted. I would appreciate it if you wouLd Eeep-us advised Tegarding this matter and alsir- furnish us wlth copies of aL1 pertinent data relating to the location and design of the proposed building. Thank you for your ation matter. Ly PAC:jdf cc. I"lr. George Clark R. Webster Sbtfr) 1550 i{tllow Iane llLchi.ta, iknsas October 2, l97I Mr. Robert Clark Chalnnanr_Board of Zoning, Appeals ard Exanlners Town of Vail Box 511 ValI, Colorado 81657 Doar Slr I A copy of your notjJlcatlon to Mr. Janes Korgh, Presldent of Edehreiss C ordomlniun concernLng Var{ances requested by Mr. Fltzhugh Scott on behalf of IIr. & FIrs. Rlch, was forwerded to me as an apartment owner lrmedlate\r adJacent to thls prop€rty. Please be advised that I am opposed to argr reductlon in the setback space, n;r feeling being that the originaL lntent of such space is to prwlde a reasonable erd practlcal clearance between bulldlng structures wlthout which apa.rtnents become nothlng nore than wall to wall tenenents. Obviously, the only roason for the request to reduce the setback dlstance ls due to the archltect deslgning a bulJdlng larger than the space avaLlable ancl allowing an exceptlon to the setback reguletlon urder these clrcumstances makes one worder why such regulatlons were invoked tn the first place. the grantlng of thl.s request for a reduction in the setback dlstance wlll no dorbt "open the door" for ultirnate requests to elinrlnate the setback altogether end such requests wtll be difflcuLt to deny l-f this one Ls approved. I would think that an archltect,lf he ls interested Ln preservlng e ratlonel deveLoprr.ent of Vail, would be the last one to want a regul-ation of this ldrd elimLnated. Your favorable consideretlon of thls request for rejectlon of any request for setback reductlon wlll be in the best interests of VaiL anl lt's future developnent. Respeetfully yolrs, Rrn/a ff3i;kt31"H3*"r", cc; James Kough OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHITECTS. INC. September 2, L971. Mr. Peter W. Seibert,President Vail Associates, Inc.VaiI, Col-orado 81652 Dear Peter: It was good to see you again everyone seemed to feel that Western project. the other day and I'm very glad that we had mad,e a good start on the VaiI- Best Wishes, Fitzhugh Scott r appreciate very much your offer to write a letter to Bob clark recommending that a variance be granted to permit the cornice of the proposed Rich condominium to overhang the Tract land at the northvtest corner of the building. rn refurn for this favor, r am sure that the Riches witl be happy to dedicate the very much Iarger triangle at the north point of their property to vlit Associates, so that it can be.incorporated into Tract It, r. r hope to see you again on the.20th of september when r expect to be back in Vail for a second meeting conc6rning the vait-wlstern proj ect . cc: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rich Mr. Ed Struble r",/ F, i c'l-rnn-Da--.' & CO . 5623 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, M ILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN. 53217 . 332.5781 o -ar :::;:? ::':af tr ir L-ir r ]ii)-\ ,J- \-/-\: I.-I.tr 71._\.^.:r-r.c-\,'-\n ! \, r\r.i\u) ^1j_,lJ lrDr l'.; -\r ar:-r ^i \r^iJ U J !]JI J\t' AT.-LALS SenJ-omho n i lo?l , , )/ 7-/t'" A P:- -a4-t1 Tn \t ..^ 4 J-U--.i I\J -\tsOAR) C:- BOARD Oi DAIE: a,rn-i^- l;r naki;g a detenni:"iati-on o;l zoning the 3oard considers onr-y, f . un-due hanosrip, 2..need for the pr.oposea_variance, 3. conpatibility of t;le pro?osed vaniance witn the'surrounain! """-, ,*. effect on future cieve*ocnent of the area_a:rd, 5. health, "L,,.."ty, and the welfare of t;re inhab:-tants of the Town. in.buildi;:g code vaniances the Board nay consider on1y, 1. suit-a>i1:ty o: aiternate na;eriars and r,ethocis of construction and.2'. :reasonabre inte::pretation" of- th" poo,ri"ior.,;-;i -;il; -;;;":"-' Tne Adnirist::arive ofr'icia,'t nay challe-nge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the p6,0""" o.,.- Ihe a6.rJ. is unce:rstood that a fee of $25,00.is payable in advance and that te:: (i0) dav posting period 'is requir.d-ti'i;;-tJ a pubr:.c heaning the above :requests. - Si.gneci: t:- a AP.DLIC.^TIO N TO APPEAR B;IOR,: TiiE 3OAR,) CI Z C )i NG ADJ USTlYTN; tsOARD OF tsUii)I]\G APPEALS DAiE: Septernber l. l_97f -!. tri + -t-',, -r. c^^ ".1";;ffaffSfftt :'espect.'u1Ly request _ f \Jrll Llic vci.r'rc.rtu€ _ i,Qiil Ine O-' tne Vail' Zoning Or.ci_nance in orcer to r/ 'tz aiici Sec:ioi lr.i'1 .-.i-- rr^==" q{i \-r. r,E; wuqe rn. b ,.i:lding code vaniances the Boa:ro inay co.sioer onry , 1. suit-arii:ty o-.= ar-ternate ;.areniars a::d methods oi-"o""t"uctlon and.2 . :'eascr:a,:i-e ;nterpre;at:-or'r" or=--t". p"o"i"iorr;-;; -;i; -iJi"]"* t Tne Aoninistrarive offlc_iar- inay chalJ-enge any variance grantec, which goes beyonc the scope or- rhe p6ro"r:s or ine a6arJ. Erc'!rrLs\- wrrJ. ;s uncerstood' that a fee of $25.00 is payable in advance and that ten (10) <iay posring pe:riod, is-requir.o'pi'i.i-t6 a pubric heaning the above nequests. - It Signed: SeptenDcn 1, 1971 Talisnan Condoninium AeeocLation end Nottinghan{Rumford EntenpnLses Vall , Colonado Gentlamen i lb. Fitzhugh Scott, on behalf of Mn. and l"{na. RLch, hae appliod fe:r two var:iancea which will be heand by the Board of ZonJ.ng, Appeale and Exauinerg on Octoben 1l+, 19?1 at 9i00 aim. in the Town of VaiI 0ffice. One varl-ancd ts a regueat fon E aetback variance of, 4 | in lLeu of I0 I and thc other is a building varLancc to use thc lobby ae a veetlbule by installing door clogeri on all doors and have opcn aroaa alongside elevatore ln lieu of glass. If you wieh to prot€Et appean at the rneeting xoall . cither of theac vaniances, pLcaae or ssnd formal protest by centt.fLed Sincanel,y, BoARD 0r ZONING, APPEALS AlrD EXAHTNERS Robert Clark Qhalrnan of thc Board CERTIFIED MATL dw a Septenber 1, 1971 Mr. Tenne}l J. Mingcn Town of ValI P. O. Box 6ll Vcll , Cglorado Doan Tenny: Hr.^Fltzhugh Scottr_on behalf of Mn. and !ft.a. Rich, hrr applled fon two variancee which wlll be heand by thc Pqgd of Zoning, Appeala and Exaninera on October lli 1971 at 9:00 a.m. in the Town of Vail Office. Ona vanl,-ance ie a reguest fon a setback vanl.ance of 4 | in licu of 10 I and th€ other ls a building vaniance to usc thc lobby as a vsstibule by lnstalling doon cloeerg on aII doo:ne and have open ar€a€ alongeidc cl.evators in licu of glass. If you ryish- to pnotest cLthen of theee variancee, pleaac aDpearr at tbe mecting on send formal letton of praoteet by centified nal-l; Sineenalyr BoARD 0P ZONING, APPEALS AND E)GHINERS Robent Clark Chairman of the Boand dw CIRTITIED MAIL .. Septenber I, I97l l,ln. ,Janee Kough Edel-woiee Condominiurn VaiI, Colonado- Dea:r Mr. Kough: . Mr. Fitzhugh Scott, on behalf of Mn. and Mns. Rich, hae ' applied fon two variances which wj.ll be heand by thc Boand 9:00 a.n. ln the Town of ValI Offlce. One vanLance is a.request for a cetback vanianoe of 4 | in lieu of 10 I and the ' othcr is a building vuiance to use the lobby ae a legtlbule . by Lnetqlling doon cloeenE on all doons and have open elreas alongside elevatons in Lieu of glaes. If you wLsh to pnoteet eithen of theee vaniancee, please appear at the meeting or send fonnal letter of pnotest by eentified nai]. SinceroLy, BOARD 0r ZoNING, APPEALS N{D EXAI.TINERS Robent Clank Chairman of the Boand dw CERTIFIED MAIL o . Septenben I, I97l BLehop-Pcrry ' 1751 Call.fonnLa StnGct Denver, ..Colonado 80202 _ truly, BoARD OF ZoNrNe, Robent Clarrk Chafu,na$ of the dw Gentleugn: lbi Fitzhugh Scott on bchalf, of Mr. and l4re. Rieh haa ap-Dlicd fon two variances which wilt be hcand by the Soara of-ZonI'ng''Appea1sandExaminGn8onoctoben1-4,1s?I'it 9:00 a.rn, in the Town of, Vail Offlce. Onc variancc Ls a !€quest fon a Betback val:lance of 4 t ln lieu of 10.and thc other ie a-bullding variance to uae the lobby aa a v€atibule by Lnetalll.ng door cloecng on all dooir and heve opan'andig al,ongeJ.de alevatore ln lisu of tliel . , If you wiEh- to protcet eithcn of thcse vaniancce, pleare appgar at the neeting on eend formal proteet ly 6ei,tiflca ncil. Yours APPEALS AITID EXAMINERS Board F8:lre &rclocurea Gopy to ltin.Stnrbl ilr, Pctcr U. Selbert Chalrrrn ArchltcoCural Control Comlttcc P. O. Eot 7 Urll, coLorsdo 8f657 Deer Peter EnoLosed are thc lateat revlrod plans f,or the Rloh oondonlnlun. rlrc dotted llnee lndlcate the trlanglae r trlked about 6,{g Lctter to you of Auguct 13th. Slncerely youra, Atrguat 18, I97l Fltzhugh Scott Ed OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHITECTS, INC. August 18, 1971 Mr. Ed Struble,Bullding Offlcial Town of ValL eox 63t vall, CoLorado 81657 Dear Ed: I certalnLy would appreclate 1t lf you could make out the appl1- cations for varlances that the enc1osed plans may require. I donrt know that lt 1s necessary to ask for a varlance as far as the stal-rways go, because 1t occurred to me later that we mlght Just as well ]et the lnterlor stalr be a smoke-proof enclosure and 1et the lobbys be, 1n effect, bal'conles. I thlnk we are O.K. wlth the F.A.R., but maybe you w111 want to check lt. It ls only the fire escapes whlch get plus, of course, the overhang on the to ln my letter to Peter dated August sent to you. too close to the lot llnes, Tract 1and, whlch I referred 13th, a copy of whlch I F'S: fmc Enclosunes 4++. 5623 NORTH LAKE DR|VE, M|LWAUKEE,WTSCONStN, 53217. 332-5781 1y yours, v o v OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT _ August 13, I97f Mr. Peter W. Selbert Chalrman Architectural Control P. O. Box 7 Va1I, Colorado 87657 Dear Peter: Thanks for your letter I am very p,leased that about Set to go ahead ARCHITECTS, INC. Comnl t te e of August 9th with 1ts frlendly postscrlpt. you like the new deslgn and I thlnk we are ful1 steam. Our hope 1s tc pre-seJl the unlts thls Fall, start constructlon at the end of the skllng season in April of I)'-iZ, wlth completlon at the openlng of the 1972-73 sk_i season. Hu.gh Hyder w111 be the general contractor and Denver consul-ting engineers w11l work wlth our offlce 1n the preparatlon of the worklng drawings, speclflca-tlons and supervision. ft was my thought that the wood shown on the elevatlons would be untreated ccdar and would weather to the same color as the Chrlstlana and that the balance oll the wal]s would be whlte stucco on masonry block. I had not thought much about thc irg-gpsgate for the roof, but I shoul-d thlnk we woul-d prefer the red co1or, Revlsed pre]lmlnary drawlngs showLng tiic changes ln tlre stalr system wlll bc sent ln a few days Lo the Tlulldlng lnspector. Ed Sbruble wllL submlt these Lo tlre Zonlng Boarci o1' Appeals for varlanees from lot l-lne set backs,, etc. He ciocs not antlclpate any problems exeept wlth the roof overhang at Lhe ncrthwest corner. There the roof woul-d proJect about five feet at the greatest polnt onto the Tract land. Ed and I hoped that you m-i,rht intercede on our behalf.*Of course, we could sLiee ofi Lhe Lrl.angular corner of the roof,but I know that you will agree tllat that woulC be a poor solutlon. We are well wlthin the F.A.R. cut the pent,agonal shape of the Lot nakes it dlf f icul-t fulJ.y to util tze +-he af lowable f and. Vall certalnly looked great when I was there last week and f hated to l-eave. I hope we will- be back again about the mlddl-e of Septenrber. 5623 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, MILWAU KEE, WiSCONSIN. 53217 . 332.5781 Cont inued OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT -ARCHITECTS, INC. JuIy 26, I)TL Mr. Ed Strubl"e Bulldlng Offlcial Town of ValI Box 631 Va11, Colorado 8165T Dear Ed: Enclosed are revlsed plans for the Rlch condomlnlum whlch f woul-d appreelate very much 1f you could review ln a prellmlnary way. Besides changlng the archltectural character of the bulldlng to conform to the wlshes of the Archltectural Control Commlttee, we have redueed the cubage by elimlnatlng most of the hlgh ce11lnged llving rooms, bub have malntained the same floor area. The most slgniflcant change 1n the plans ls to replace the smoke-proof stalr and the two flre escapes wlth two fire stalrs. The whole bu1ldlng, of course, would be of concrete constructlon. I would partlcularly llke to know whether thls stalr amangement ls satlsfactory. It seems to me to be an lmprovement over the old arrangement, but we could go back to that, 1f necessary. f am coming out to Vatl on Monday, August 2nd, and would l1ke very much to see you on Tuesday, the 3rd, so don't bother to answer thls letter. I would appreclate 1t very much 1f you could reach a prellminary Judgment on the stalrs wlth any other observatlons concernlng eonstruction, materlal-s, setbacks, parklng, ete., bV August Jrd. If you havenrt any obJectlon to these plans as they are, we w1ll then submlt them to the Arehitectural Control Commlttee. Our hope 1s to have quarter inch p1ans, renderlngs, and a model ready for dlsplay and pre-sel11ng thls Fall and Wlnter, with construction to be completed 1n one season next year. yours, FS: lmc Copy to: Ivlr. and l{rs. Joseph Rlch Scott 5623 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, M ILWAUKEE, WISCONS IN, 5321 7 . 332-57 81 P.O. BOX 7 vArL, colo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE l,lay 10 , I97L Mr. Fitzhugh Scott ARCHITECTS, INC. 5673 North Lake Drive Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532L7 RE:Joseph Rich Condominium Dear Fitz: Following Mrs. Rich's contact with the Town of Vail in response to Peter Seibert's leLter of May 4th, I97L, I feel a letter of clarification in Pete's absence is in order. It was not our intent to pass judgement on those matters which are controlled by the Town of Vail Board of Zoning and Appeals, but only to mention them as we compiled the sequence of events leading to the present status on the subject condominium. We regreL any inference you or I"lrs. Rich may have gained to the contrary from our I,lay 4th letter. In relation to matters that fall within t]- e realm of the Architectural Control Committeers authority' our stand remains. We feel we have done what is reasonably required to accomodate you on your plans' progression, and do not in any way feel responsibte for your construction start-up delay Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Rodney Slifer Chairman Pro TemPore RS/LI{/san Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Page Two May 10th, 1971 cc. Peter Seibert Joseph Rich Terry Minger Town of Vail Board of Zoning and Appeals Architectural Control Committee Larry Wright o t#,- ^-*a.^t*r. aa.o. May 4, L97I Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Architects, Inc. 5623 North Lake Drive Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217 Dear Fitz: Our letters of April 23-rd crossed in the mai1, and I feel it is appropriate to review the sequence of events and the facts as they relate to the development of the Joseph Rich property here in Vail: I. On February 16th, 197L, you requested a preliminary meeting with the Architectural Control Committee which was scheduled at our normal meeting February 26. L97L' rvith all members present. Your plans and model were not of a preliminary nature. but were more complete. The pJ-ans were not approved because: - The building was not of an alpine design and departed substantially from the feeling and character established by the surrounding buildings. - The parking was not in accordance with town requirements- - The building was non-conforming with set-back requirements. We requested that you furnish us with a profile in comparison with the existing Edelweiss condominium. 2. We had a special meeting for you on l4arch Ist, L97I, wherein you said you would request a zoning variance on design and location of the building, and if approved, would re-submit the building plans showing window and balcony changes. You also agreed to consider changing the roof fine to obtain a more alpine design. --more-- BOX 7, VAIL, COLORADO 41657 AREA CODE 303 476-5601 Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Page Two May 4, I97L 3. On March 4th, 797I, a special meeting of the Town of Vail- Board of Zoning and Appeals vras held to consider your request. No informal decision tras reached and the items were deferred to the March l-8thf I9'7I, meeting. 4. A11 matters were considered at the March l8th' I97L' meeting of the Vail Board of Zoning and Appeals, and the variance t'ras denied based on the intent of November, L970, zoning ordinance change to a 1:1 Fl-oor Area Ratio, the blocking of the Talisman vi-ev;, and public sentiment. 5. On March 24Lh, I9'1L, at a regular meeting of the Architectural Control Committee. the March 1st, 197Lt meeting was discussed, as r,vell as the Town variance denial of lriarch l8th, I97L. 6. At your request a special meeting of Lhe A:rchitectural Control Committee was held on April 2nd, L97I, whereupon your revised plans rvere studied. It was determined by the Committee that the building exterior and vrood trim needed more detail, that the stairivays as planned rvere hazardous and unacceptable, and that the roof line still was not in keeping with the alpine character of the surrounding buildings . 7. At our regular meeting of April f5th, 1977, the above April 1st, I97I, meeting and its results were discussed, as well- as the plans and slides which we viewed. The special meeting results vrere con fi rmed. Your letter of April 23rd, L97I, has arrived, and we feel it unfairly attempts to place the burden of d-elayed construction upon the Tovrn of Vail agencies and the Ai-rchitectural Controi. Committee. We heid tvro special meeiings at your request, a measure not normally performed, and acted with diligence in contacting you following our special and regular nteetings. We advised you of your problems, namely: - The building, including windows and balconies, was not of an alpine design. - Your proposed parking arrangement is not satisfactory. - The wood trim and the exterior of the buildinq rvas not satisfactory. --more-- Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Page Three May 4 | L97l - The staircases were not acceptable. The roof line was not acceptable. You have not cured all of these problems, nor have you applied for a variance on the set-back requirements. The Floor Area Ratio is an established requirement and it is unfortunate that you relied on a more Permissive ratio, and unfortunate that you proceeded on the attitude of the March 4th' L97L, informal zoning board meeting only to be turned down at the official March l8th, L971, meeting. In view of the special meetings that have been held at your request, and the fact that the plans still do not satisfy the requirements of the Architectural Control Comrnittee, we certainly cannot be considered the reason for delay in your construction start-up. Sincerely t ARCHITECTL*' "O*'ROL COMMITTEE ( Peter W. Seibert Chairman PWS/san cc: Jcseph Rich Town of Vail Board of Zoning and Appeals Architectural Control Committee P.O. BOX 7 vAlL, coLo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE April 23, L97I Mr. 'Fitzhugh Scott Architects, Inc. 5623 North Lake Drive Mitwaukee, Wisconsin 632L7 Dear Fitz: At an Architectural Control Committee meeting on ApriI 15th, Ig1l, Rod Slifer and }Iitch Hoyt reported to the Committee on their meeting with you and Mr. and Mrs' Rich on April 2nd, L97I. The Committee also reviewed the plans and slides which were submitted at the meeting on April 2nd' I97L. The Architectural control committee feels that the exterior of the building and the wood trim need more detail' To conform to the fire code the first floor of the btrilding can be covered 100% wi-th wood, every floor above the first floor can only be covered 40? with a fire retardant wood. The con-mittee also feels thaf- the stalrs would be hazardous in the rtrinter, anC some consideration should be given to covering the stairs. The Committee would like to remind you that since the stairs will serve as a fire exit they must Le clear at a1l times. The Committee would prefer that the staircase be turned so that it is closer to the building' --more-- _4t) - J i4 g: Mr. Fitzhugh Scott Page Two Atrrrit 2 3, I97L The roof treatment is unacceptable to the Committee and they request that it be changed to conform to the alpine character of the surrounding buildings. The Committee would like to draw your attention to the Protective Covenants, Article 1.A.a which reads "It shall be an objective of the Committee to make certain that no improve- ment will be so dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired"' Sincerelv,-'-=---r encn:rrncffi,z#rRol, coMMr rrEE Chairnan PWS/san cc: Ed Struble o !b.. Fitelrugh Scott, Archltcet 5683 Herjth lskc Dnive l{ilraukes, llicoona.in Drcr Fitl: In nepl.y to your letten of Apnil 19' l9?1' tht Pfannins Coqiiselon haa.dcoldcd that trto ctorj . EDaccs'wflL not bo eountod tnicc as fl,oo!' crea ,for fLguning F.A,R. If you nctd flrther lrtfonnatl.on' please do not lireltatc to oall"on nrLte. Elneerrl,y j TOTIH OF,VAIL OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHITECTS, INC. AprlL l-9, l97l Mr. Ed Struble Bulldlng 0ff1c1aI Town of ValI Box 631 Va1L, Colorado B$Sf Dear Ed: Thanks for your note of Aprll- 7th, lndlcatlng your cafculatlons of floor areas for F.A.R. purposes ln connectlon wlth the Joseph Rlch condomlnlum. You were also golng to let me know how to flgure floor areas for F.A.R. purposes. Obvlously, lf two-story spaces are to be flgured twlce lt would be to the advantage of a bullder not to plan for hlgh ce1l1nged rooms, but to make the floor space rent- able, slnce lf they are lncluded 1n any event' lt would not affect the F.A.R. ft seems to me that thls lnterpretatlon, wh1le not materlally affectlng the bulk of a bu1ld1ng, would deflnltely lncrease the poputatlon and result in more lntenslve use of the Iand, whlch I should thlnk wouLd not always be the result hoped for by the authors of the ordlnance. ours, FS: lmc cerely 5623 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, MILWAUKEE,WISCONSIN, 53217 . 332-5781 OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT -_ ARCHITECTS, INC, Aprtl 23, L97I l,tr. Peter W " Selbert, Chalrman Archltectural Control Commlttee P.O. 3ox 7 vall., coloracia 61657 Dcer Peter: On llarch loth I wrote you teiJ. 1-nF you thlt the Rlches and f were plannlng to come to Va1I on A-pr1l Ist, and asred that we be per- mltted a second hearlng before the Archltectrrral Control. Commlttee COnCernlng the revlsed plans for the eondonLnlum proposed for thelr 1ot on l{1l1ow Court. Havlng recelved no anewer to my Jetter, i telephoned yoll on or about the 29th of l'larch. You stated that you were not Bolng to be ln va1l from the Lsr to about the'/tn or 8th of Aprll, but that you would try to arrange a meeting wlth the other members of the Board. Before I left for Vall you cafled rne, to say that a meet- lng wlth sllfer and Hoyt was set for Frlday, Apr11 2nd; thaE slldes showlng I new modeL and drawlngs would comprlse sufflclent exhlblts; that you and the fu]l Board wculd revlew theee on your reEulln to Va1l, and that your declslon would be communlcated to tne Rlches and myself w1th1n a few days - certalnly by the 9th of Apr11. YoU Are well. eware of the probl.erns we have faced because of the changee 1n the F.A.R., of whlch we were lnformed subsequenf to the ilrst submleslon of our plans to the Arehltectural ControL Comrnlttee and the denlal of our request for a varlance. l{e had hoped to start constructlon earJ"y thls summer and these faCtOrB clu8ed aerlous delays, but your fallure to glve us your dec1o1on, ae promlsed, has been the coup de grace, once agaln wlth Setrloqg eConomlC COnSequenceS to lnvestors who are realLy concerned wlth the welfare of' Val1. The Rlches and I wlll have to take these facts lnto conslderatlon 1n plannlng future actlon. FS:lnc Copy to:llr. and Hrs. JosePh Rlch Blahop-Perry :.Torn of Va1l - SlncerelY Yours, , ,- ." 1 .f , ,aF'-.\-.- i !' t ! FltBnugh Scott 5623 NORTH LAKE OFIVE, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53217 . 332.5781 Apnil ?, l97I Hr. Pitzhugh Scott, Architect 5623 North [,ake Drnive Milwaukee, l.liseonsin 53217 Dean Fitz: Thie is in confinmation of our telephone convensation this date negarding floon area of the Rich Condonuinium: Pinst Floor - 3693 Squane Feet Second Floor- 3693 Squane Feet Third Floon - 3775 Square Feet Fourth Floon- 3415 Squane Feet Fifth Floor - 1?33 Squane Feet Total 16309 Square Feet As I nentioned, these figu::es were based on the latest prelininaries you left in ny office ' a4d I had to scale everything sinee nothing was dimensional . Reepectfully, TOWN OT VAIL Ed Struble Building OfficiaL dw It Tai,i.i CI' Vh_l, 3.ir'.i-D O;' Za;',..liG. ./\p:Lr',..,S. i*,ID EXAi:Il,JE:.S l.'ill;','ES F01,. I"IEETIj'JG CF I"lAF,Cii lB, 197I i'ieet ing Ca-r -'ed to Cricr A, The r.eet,ng i.r.: s calied to order at at Ga s L tio f Gra;rshanner . A. None I'iew Business C. Tne. -r'-o1i-oeJing guests vrere present: ].1es rs.Davic Sage , :/,. ),.i. iJottinghan, H. Aian Z igei Davie, Gaynor l"iil_ler and Hugh M. Hyder. D. Minutes o the Special lleeting held March 4,Motion wa nacie by Mr. Hoyt -id ,econded by Past Bus ine s s 9:20 a.m. on l.larclr l8- lq?t Clark, Hoyt , Knox, P.ichard H. Bailey ,, Fred RurLford, John l97f were approved.Mr, Knox. negarciing floor Area II] A Case Z-I-7I - Sco++/pinh -6-,,^-.r- t 'L L/ I\.Lcrl r.equeSt f Of Vaf l-ance c,The l"linutes o: the Special l{eeting held so that al-1 interested parties woufd be presented at this . Special lieet ing by t{r .of Mr. and l,1rs. Rich. foilowing discussion was heard by the Boaro: ]/.r, i'l . l{. Iot tingrain expressed seve:"al nc:sonc. r.r\.,to tne variance i9i,,e s;;;i;;: ,l::ii il:":3j:"i:l i: Ifi: ;:#::3.he;ght of the buiiding-since it would affect some of the views from the Talisman. Secondly, he felt it "-" t}r"'intent of the new zo:rr-:rg ordina;rce to decrease 'the size o.f buirdings in proport.ion - to the 1o size ard this iloor Area Ratio VanianJe wourd nor re-flect the intent of the change in the zoning ordinance from r-.5 :1 ;o 1:1. inall_y, if the .r-ri-nce wene granied tt woufo invite ce, which w u1d have to be sranted and th:s w u*ci be o;posed io everal-.neetings of the Board of ne OfO;nance . ?he next objection was presented by r{r. H. Ar-an zeiger. iie stated his objectlon on architecturai grounds in that he feel_s the scale of the Town of Vair is an imporiant thing ""J tii."" must be great concern about cornpronising this iriiportant aspect. l'1r. Fred Runford anci l"rr. John Davie expressed basically the same obj ections to tne vaniance. Manch 4, 1971- were read ev5'rrr!c!rr L \-/ r- urrc factS l:,tzhugh Scott on behal,f -1 ',) ].J U_ . :.'r' ilB ( I I I I /\ I I I \\- t o ^: -'5>l-in- Zoirrng, Appe,-lis I q? r LxatT,r-nel"s J ii=- -a:t1' Lo;inscn, Tcwn Attorney, was then calleci upoi: io express his iegal o:inicn. He feel_s that it is not v,ritnin tne tsoaro of Appeo-ls' power tc g.ant such a variance as it :-fivorves a Floor Area ilat-o change wrrich is a basic zoni;rg concept t;rat is not subject to review Dy the Boaro of Zoning, app.als anci Examiners but rests oni-y wiih the Board of rrustees through an anenoment of the ord'nance Mr. Te:'rerl i{inger, Town Manager, then ex;ressed his objectioi:s n behalf of the lown. He gave his definition of good inci laci ariances wh-ch stated in part that a gcod variance is one which al-l-eviates a harcshrp fo:r the prcperty owne.s. He -.=eel_s that there is ;ro evrcient hardship invoLved in this particular case,ard tiereiore if :he variance -!,!'ere g:.anted, it wou_d be a bai woulc )e t:irough the pe-:ition for rezoning of the area. The chairnan tier ca]reo for duscussion frori the Boarcl . l/i?. ciark srated tnat rhe Bra:.:i-6 of rhrs varlance wourd create a highe:.ciensity than any area i:: Vail' right now. yr. young stateq rhat wnich was seconded oy Knox. The chai-rman then calred for a vote of the Boar.d and tire variance was unarinously cen;ed. case B-i-7r - l'fountain iiaus rec-uesr ior appeal regarding door cl-ose:rs. Tne l'iountain Haus variance to elirlinate coor closers was re-viewed and discussed ly the Board with l1r. Fiugh iJyder and Mr.Gaynor' llii.-e:r. l{any possibilities were covered such as f ire doors ai the head of the stairs on the 5tn and 6th floors, door cios,ei.s on those ooors nearest the exiis only, a:rd ladders on the exterior baLconi-es in l-ieu of door closers. The Board and Mr. Hyder and iir'. iiiller were all concerneci abour rhe safety factor involved.rt was brought to everyoners attenrion that the Townrs present :ire e:.u-pfi,ent was not capable o: reaching beyond the tirird or possibly the fourth,r'loon in r:he event of fire and this nrakes ---ire precaut:-cns especially important. T-re tsoard agreed to post?one their decision o;r this case untir !:re next neetir:g, at which tine rhe liountain Haus peopl-e woul-d su-;mit pre-inrinary designs on a laooer sysren on the exte:.ior bal-conies in Lieu of ooor cl-osers which everyone concerned feLt would not be the best solution. Tre following apprications for contractor r s Licenses were reviewed and approved by the Board: 1. n ? ri A '7 F,s;en Construc cion Conpany Burnett Piunbing and Heating Ei-ectrj_cal Gl enwood S pri.ngs l,iasonry lice 6 Gi:ow, Inc .FauI Ke LIer P.a' ;r n l'=.:nn-rr i:*.IC. lJeeden Crane Service I I f t" I t t Hrrch 15, 197I tb. Fltzhugh Scott 5623 Nonth Lake Drive l,tl.Iwrukee, Wieconain 532I7 Doan Fitz: Your ctetoh of the vcntllatlon fon the vestibule of the arrckcpnoof enclorure will paes Code. I mlght brlng to your attentlon at thlo tin6 that the eneloaure itaelf nust el.thGr hav€ extcnlon vontllation euch ae cponabla wtndowe or a moshanlcal ventillting Byst€n. If you chooec.to uee Hindowe, I would auggeet they be located lt the east cnd of the enclogure. Thank you for your skctch. If I can bc of furthcr hcLg'pleaec feel fnee to call on me Re epaetfirlly, TOTIN OF .VAIL Ed Str.ublc Bullding Offigial .: dw OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHITECTS. INC.March 11, L97l Mr. Ed. Struble Building Inspector Town of VaiI VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Dear Ed: Encl-osed is a sketch showing a typical condition of each floor of our six story building at each end of which is a fire escape. After you look over this sketch I would appreciate if you would call us collect in line with our conversation this morning. Many thanks. FS:sm Enc. 5623 NORTH LAKE DRIVE, MILWAUKEE,WISCONSIN, 53217 . 332-5781 i,j.t. \ leuroPl6' (n'^i*.^*) N6rE: st4DFE TDUER CA{D llloN TYPlcAt, 6? P1a EvWs Nwdil 1g1to llgr' 1le" t &* i'0'siii CF VAIL tsOARD O' ZCii-iJG A^iD APPEALS I.iII'I-UTES OF SPECIAL I{EETI}.iG l"iarch r,, l97I \lee:-'..c- c'=ll,.rl -n Oroer - 3:31 a,m. ar ihe Town cf Vait Office.-, Oroer - 3:31 a,m. ar ihe Town cf ?ire fnl lnr,ri-o rr:r.:-nhor < r,roFo r\nocor-.Yessrs . Cl-arl<, Hoyt , Knox, and t/ielin, StrubLe (ex-officio). The f ollorving guests were al-so presenr: i'lr. f j-tznugh Sco;c ano l"ir. anc ilrs. Rich. i. :"'f:;;i; l?"l,ll'"X3'"lil'oi"n.l3 that a pr.elinlttar';r r-real.iirg ccul-d be held on their request f or a zo;ring variance before they lef t f or l'lilwaukee. Th-s was only : nTre I -. m-l n.:rrr hc:r'r'no ian:rrqa ihcr.o r^le q na_\t annrroh f r'ma fa rnql-.rhe nrnncr ten-d:rr nnl- i nc naarlr'r^a,'l Irrr Or-d i n:nno thar.afnna f Ira , uiru! t Lrrv Rn:v.zl /1 r11n,-\r- =F--,\\zp n- d-i s;r-r-r..-\/p the :rrl ir-af i-a f,Ln111 theif next neeting on l'iarch lB. l1r. Scott requested an informaf decision because time is very important and it was stated by Ed Struble that we cannot do this as there might 5e some objection by ad- i n'n j n o ^n-\-\ahtrr 96ngpg within thp ren ri:v neri n r"l .uJvvYllg!gurlvuj i"r Qa^++ extensive hiStOnv of -re evpn-s th:t nrcr-pdpd the request ior a zoni:rg varia;rce. The Richts first noticed a change in the character of Willow Circl-e fron resrdential to concominium in nature. A1so, their house has grown too smal-l for :;:em a:rd tiey :eel the best solut;on lies in building a condominium with '.rnits of a larger size than those now existing ir Vail ( -hree bedroo;:., three bath and possibJ-y a 5 becrcom, 5 ba:h). Instead of adding to their present house, rhey want a zoning var;ance so that they might build a concominium oi a s j.ze th;f -i s in koor-tns w-. th the )T-esenf larza- -r--rrrc*r- .'= the afea..t/lvU9lruuvvvlvt/J Scott deter.mineC that the best use oi the proper-cy woulcl be to bui-d ten condominiums large e;rough to acconmodare I0 - 12 people. Mr. Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Ricn then me; with tne Arch:tectural Con-Lrol Boarc. Tae 3oard would like then to increase the size ^: --- _ \...;.1 .:..: * _ - :! :_ -__7rn.:t'_.*:-el \/ ihc q F-ILe Size aS the \J- t.-s J!-L-L-L!LITIB >U tllO. L l. L I5 d!aUP-L \J..r ---.4. -srJ LrrE rc:surrouniing buildings and this would not conform to the 1:f Floor Area Ratio as stated in Crdinance 15 (senies of f970),Scott then po'nted out the changes that must be made in the plans as subnitted in order to meet the Uniform Building Code. The changes b::ought to his attention in a meeting earlier in tfle week uTith Ed Struble wer.e that there must be two aoditional .fire exits (stairs of non-combustible material- ) added ro rhe ends of the -^":-.:-'-- -*-: - rmrrelz.oof -/-rr^rc ). r.lnrr'l r- l.r c r.errr..t^o.l . Ir windows JL1-L-L\r-!rrB t O,ltll A DllrvJ\!9rJl \r(J f e!/wst e1/L, u-L\^ l-./ C .L s\- !.1-I C \,,/ are withi-n 201 of propertv l-ine -ihev must be fire rated. At tre special meeti;rg of the Board of Zoning Appeals, M:. Scott prese:r-.ec a: arcii;ecturaLrxodei of the proposed building, prot nl:n< af th,. T17r.\r-^ - ^ r --'-^ --r -ro'l jmi n:r.,,rr rlr^:t.rr' r-}.a 'rr,-i - zt r'r -poseo 5:-Ie, ano p; J e+ qi.-..9s or rne Dua-o.rng. T:r his nresentptirrr. hc ,eqkpd fnr' 4 Variance in the F-oof Area ' JIv uvl\99 rv!Ratio from l-:I as nequired by Ordinance No. 15 (Series of 1970)to :.3: -. He pointed out that when the building was in the ?Lan-ning stages, the Floor Area Ratio requinement was 1.5:1 and the bu*1ding, as planned, would meet the former requinement. He aLso requested a variance in the setbacks from the ?roperry lines as I] jt"5ug" z .-/' Minutes M: nr'Lr Lr of Special Meetine ) required fI tl" Zoning code. Ed stnuble then suggested that \J the buirding be noved back on the lot so that the variance in se'cbacks would. not be required, as this would possibly present a fire hazard because of the ciose p"""i",ity oi ..,"rou"ei;; buird-ings; -however, it would then be necessany to gnant permission fon the buirciing to encroach on tne ua"um"r'.t. Miich noyt-"'i"i"a that he thought that the easement hac been abandonded since arl of the utilities come in from the road. Bob crark then stated that the Boand must consider the compatibility of tnis buiioing with the adjo:ning. pnoperties in ^"[i;;-;h]ir decision. chan b/el-in afso askea init the contracton b- very canefur during construcrion of the building so that the tract r-and can b"-D"u_served' Mr. Scott stated that the Rich'" *i!r-rt-n.-"iiii"e io aeeo the tract l-and involved to the Town so thai thene would never be a chance of it being destnoyeci and it could be preserved fon its ecolog:cai value. III. Adjournment .''.".I|.:.*ras no funthen business and the meeting ad: -!v.'av cL.tll.jouinEd at ur vA_tL, (c SarrraJ--arrr ( Ex-0fficio ) dw 4'7b - 5'Zat.4 2-r-7/ APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING ADIUST}4ENT BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS DATE: ance on the a neme ect ion e vaa Z oning.uro.r ance order to I /"Soo CL, /u /-n//1/zun''r It van UT ect fuI -7 7 r?|ts o in rn making a determination on zoning the Board considers on1y, 1. un-duF handship' 2..need f9n- th9 prop6sed vaniance, 3. compatilirity-or the proposed vaniance with the-surnounding .r.a, +. effect on future development of the area and, 5. health, sif"ty, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. rn.building code vaniances the Board nLay eonsiden on1y, 1. suit-ability of alternate material-s and methods of constru6iion and,2. reasonable interpnetations of the orovisions of the code. The Adninistrative 0fficial- may challenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the por.rers of ihe Boand. rt is understood that a fee of $25.00 is payable in advance and that " t9l (10) day posting peniod is required-pnion to a pubri. r,"""i"g on the above neq uests . t t Internattonal Conferenca of Bulldlng Afflclalc 5360 Seutb-Workman Mlll lroad Whlttlcr, Call-fornla SubJectr rhrcc wlllow Pleca Gcntlesrenr Plcase aoccpt ttrLs lettcr as authorlzatlon to porform ' a prelintnary plan ehcck on the above-gubJect proJectr Thc archLtect on thle proJeot ls Fltzhugh Scott and he will be sendl-ng thc plans dlrect to you, Thank you' Youra trulyl TOWN OT VAIL Ed Etrublc Buildlng Offlclal $i- CCle Fltzhugh Scott (/o *,o r')'iC- X't-- (r(,., .. /-i !- A 2(.o ./ x" 7 x7 J,yr/ // I r o.t- /. .t- x /[.t^ /a 'v a' 2r x 'j' t. 7 <7 {,,, t t q/J c ,7J,, t ?- 't /O. t' ),t XZf., 17.i- / t; ', l/.t x { '/ x "2 I )-x //,f /7X at / t/ / ?.t' /t x 2- 32J1 o o 2o,oa 6? a o /Z.ad 721 , c_4 I14-z->' fa.ae lt7'r-c - J?r:3 - ,. 7?s- z >- /t/!a . a O /43c c c 3363.oo //f .7t- .) 7l'Jt' f .a t7J- 'o /.7 >- ',i.nJ ?t ' r- t i ?: .t- '- 2t - ' : (c) tz ltl,', -,-l /,//77,:c @ y't rl.; '),- /'/' l-t. ' 1'." (l;.r f J 7f a,/:,.::a lrz /,? /, t7.t- @gD , t) (' 7 t:- t /i: o a (,t.i ) ./,.i., .t /,rt- \ </\ ,.:- I ,.. /4 ( I'f 1:-,' i. i G r/'/,')1. ) C /i; r.,' 2_ . \ . ."- .c.) /' ,'.. , dt"l't,'-ic.rd / /('7/c.:' o o t "^t).,3-/ 82 2f fl 12. 7s' s-r6:.'/b- L/tV. 6b J 3 t4,y1 J/, oz f. 7a The primary purpose of t appa rent m i s un de rstand i n Ord i nance by the of f ice that the ent i re p rob lem F.A.R. is due to the fac 0rd inance to mean hab ita their interpretation, fh allowable F.A.R. of l:00 SPEC IAL MEET ING OF J UNE 12, 1912 FLOOR AREA RATIO - THREE WILLOW PLACE A special meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. on June 12' 1972 at the request of Mr. Fitzhugh Scott and 14rs. Nancy Rich. The following persons were presenf : l4essrs. Gordon Pierce, l{ayor Dobson, Larry Robinson, George Knox, J(., Jim Viele, Ed Struble and Ms. Rich and Diana WYgant. he special meet ing was to d iscuss the g in the i nte rp retat ion of the Zoning of Fitzhugh Scott. Mr. Pierce sfafed of being in excess of fhe allowable t that his office interpreted the Zoning b le f loor space. However, e'ven us ing e building is still in excess of the :1.00 The basic areaS of disagreement in interpretation were as follows: l. Town of Vail interpretat ion inc ludes the following items wh ich were not inc luded by Mr. Scott: a. Measurement from eil-her the center or the outside of the wall for gross area. Scott I s of f ice measured f rom the inside of each wall and deducted for interior par- titions. This amounts to a dif ference of only abouf 400 so ua re feet. b. They deducted all areas for f irep lace space. c. The Town included sta irs (required) and exit ba lcon ies which were not inc luded by Mr. S coit . d. The Town of Vail included off ice and storage areas in the ground f loor level which was oot included by Scott. Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Rich have asked that the Boa rd of Trustees review the interpretation of the definition of I'f loor arearr to determine if the intent was rrhabitab le spacerr or rrgross horizonta I arearr as fhe Town of Vail interp rets. Scott I s of f ice also would like to plead a ha rdsh ip since the building was des igned f irst under the 1.50:1.00 F.A.R.; was then redes igned and not passed by the Arch itectura I Control Board; wa.s redes igned a third time to pass Arch itectura I Control and consfruction is now ready to begin. lf the Town of Vail interpretation is used, all storage areas in the garage area, several closets, a woDkroom, and the entire top f loor could be deducted and the building is still in excess of the allowable F.A.R. oo box 1oo vail, colorado s16sz 303 BU I LD I NG VALUAT I ON DATA 4 7 6,s 613 The above f ig ures are 1912 building season. representative trinrrrac ,{n nn* of bu i I d ing cosfs for the include land costs. Averaoe Above Averaqe F Occupancv (Retail and Of f ice)$ | 8.00 521.0c F or B-3 Occupancv (Restaurant)32.00 37.00 H 0ccuDancy (Condomin i ums and Lodces)aA 1q Tvpe I o- ll - Precast 20.00 24 .00 Tvpe I or ll - Steel 2l ,oo 27.00 Tvoe lll (or TvDe V-rnasonrY)20.00 26.00 Type V - li ood Frame 20 00 22,Q4 | OccuDancV (Sinqle Family or Duplex ZU 00 zo 00 STATE OF COI'NTY OF C0L0MD0 ) ) EAGLE ) SS. DECTAMT]ON OF LAND ALLOCATION , being first duly sworn g statements are true and information and belief, to o _squareFet and the t,J/J.,,,upon oath correct wit: 1. That tnis statement is raade in conjunction with the filing of an application for a builciing permit to the Town of VaiI and to eomply with the requirements of Anticle VIf, Section 3, Ordinance Numben 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning 0rdinance for tne Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Number 8 (Series of ]970) and 0ndinance Number 15 ( Series of 1970 ) . 2, The description of the building site for the pnoposed building is as follows: Three (?) Storv Frame Constfuetlofr,T,ot= #3 Rlock 1 (Descniption may be attached or surveyor's map may be used to snol,, lstFilir description) . contains L6 '523 squane feet, depose and say according to my best knowledge, 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains pnoposed addition contains STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUT.ITY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing to before me, affidavit and declaration was square feet; the total building in the aforesaid Zoning sguare feet is 1 A tr.)e aS Ondinance as amdfrii6tlT.- 4. The pr:oposed building and/on existing buil'ding and addition as it relates to the building site anea, conply to the FLoon Area Ratio fon tlie zoning which applies to the building site, as defined in the aforesaid Zoning Ordinance as ,amended.r-, -ltlquty l/. K,cL {, }< lwJ, L Sc, {J 6-,\u(d qn4- a Notary Public, Uy Ig!!l P. dulv subscnibed and nic-fr A Fltzhugh Scgtt swotln thi s My Commiscion Expires ( SeaI) day of r,ebguary , 197q Co-Owners My Commlsrlon 4lrs Dcc. 2t, 1975 \ -,_., r,. 1,-, I /..1 \+1 \, I I cli,,-t \\ I rn.a/! I -l oi-'r. I I I o //-, .-.'t 7a iy'J 7 .- /' ,' t . t- .,, - .../ 'i './ :' "r -1 ..: . j. ,- :,+ r -, .i. ? 1," ,i : : ti'.:: .. ' ? ., ) .'- ,/\| 6,: !, ) ':.:x') l /21 .'/-. -: /, ,' .,"t, (//o . c ) / ta -.') . 22,e . j I t,/' ..,/ (i,i ), fY i'... 3,!...',:. .,,... j tit.-, f.3 - ):. -r _,. " t ^ -,'1- .r 7 r t.?l (,. ^ a t' a ' ' ,. ,i. \ a,: L: 'r t'l ::;'l i. t '...\ . '." ) .:.. ' .\ '| . :.. ,t , / z, , tl '7 i,:{n,,c .;1.1 ! - .)2) -i ::;i*- f I 12 .75 f,r 61. ?5- LltV6.ob 2 A t6, y,7 .-- -(tron- ) - *a / drary' - frAB, /,45 -?/rozf.7o I l\l lou* | = llb t a' tl.t z ?2r 1r ,$ r 3ltl e tZ.S t 3rf * 3z.S t.S. 7Z 'r tfS *,s i lo. r, Z.l.S * .g ?3r b.r,5' ? 0.r Sr .S E ,vc "t z') L t? 37. 4tt l, ^ -lhL'o =lLlt 1z )r- <--_--. t( (7 |\o. -'- '/l, L.-, An *