HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLOCK 2 LOT 5 UNIT A LEGAL.pdfceA|m$llw oatEl,oFt{EHT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel. 970.479,2139 ta:,; 97A"479.2452 web: www.vailgov.€om _froiect t{ame: MILLER RESIDENCE Project Description: ADDITION Participants: DRBNumber: DRB060068 o3lL712006OWNER MILLERS UONSHEAD LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO DALLASrx 7525L APPLICANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHITECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHMCT 03lL7lzoo6 Phone: 970-926-5099 O3l L7 12006 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 182s AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 695 FOREST RD VAIL LOCAIiON: 695 FOREST ROAD UNIT,A, Lot: 5 Block: 2 Subdivislon: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 6 2101-072-1000-8 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 06/02/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for bulldhg. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: of llnal apprwal, unless a buildlng permit ls lssued and consbucdon is commenced and ls dllpenUy pursued toward compleUon. I - j Cond: CON0007933 Smoke detectors required per IRC R 313(2003). Cond: @N0008108 The dormer rldge elwatlon shall not otceed 8152.5 Planner: BlllGibson DRE Fee Pald: f300.OO l{AR-08-2008 tlED 05:15 Pl1 IBSA Chairrnan's 0ffice FA)( N0, 9723869764 I I Additions- Residential or Com merrcia I Application fior Design Review Denarbne* cf CommunitY Dadoplneil 75 Sorrh konbge Roo4\d, trotdto 8165, Ef 3 970.479.2r3e tu2 9m.47t).24s2 w!b: r$iw'tabov.mm General Informatitm: Nl projecb rcquidng design 1gvlc., m.S rpceiw appronal prior to $.&mfiflng a hrlHirg'pemft applitztion. -lot"ofl3 Ure'su-Umittat iequlremenL br the partlo.rlar approra $at b rq0e#. An apdbuon f(r _De$gn .Rarb carnot De accEptrd unul alt'requtred lfr.rnatid U rcc*trcC bt the C"rnmutrlty Dadqment Depatunent' Tte Fodcct may al? Itcod i" oi t*rer*o bt ftl Tom coundl and/or the Phn-nirg and Errirmmenbt ftmtnisirr' Dct'gn rwiew ap9rovrl lapslt untess a Mldiig permit i3 l6$€d ard conrtr||ctidil CofimelrG Iilbh ono ycar o[ tlrG appronl. thcProposaf: LoE-fl-Btod(, 2 srwririlon Physical Addees: Parcel l{o.:ZlOralztee g (Conhct Eagle Cg. Assessor at 97tr328-8640 br Parcd no.) Zoning: ,fi-'pda.t Name(s) of 0wner(s): Mailing Addrtss:.g 7 Owner(s) Signatrrc(s LUr.' 'h Lzvin :h af. /nc- $50 gtE $1,00 Persquare footoftotal sign area- No Fcc 1550 for srsbuction of o nal hfld[rg or *rm For an addUon rvlrere $uarg botaEe ti added tD ary reddentlal or'' commerciitl hildinE (irdtidcs 250 lddfions & Inhrbr orwetslool). $250 For rnmr changes b bulldhqs and dE lmprmments, srch as' rcroofirt9, gnntng, wiMcr adtron+ hdsplng' fetrces and letainlng walls, d. +20 For mlnor dtangcs b bulHiqs and site imroalents, sudt as'. rerooffng, p*nting, wtnOotr- addltiotlt, lurdsc4inA ftnces and retsining walls, ete $20 For reuis;iss b Plans alrcody amro,€d by Pknrp Stalt or the DeCan Revier{ BOan . EaNameof Appl'rcant: Itlaiting Mdtess:b e)y lbzs ./kurz ?o 8/a Phonc: E-mail Address:.u;n-4 rci4 tn tJ{z-i. hzd Type of Revie{f,and Fee: 0 Signs O Conceptual R€rrieuY O .Jtlerv C.onfiuction Y{oaitionI 'E i4inor AlEration (mut$-famlV/comtfl etclat) O Minor Atbrafon (dnsle-hmily/duplo() rl Charrg€s b Approrr€d Plar|s O Separaum R€qu€st No Fee 2-627 Bd( Lc,r.r..c {t-L Description of the Pado **lfl****tlt*********t****+*'l**+*t*******+****+*********+***+*****++******{.++*{.*++**********+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ' 't*f****+t+***++*f****f+*****l+***+***f****t**'*****************f*********+*+****+***********'* Statement Number: R060000258 Amount: $300.00 03/17/200601 :41 pM Payment Method: Check IJEVINE Init: iIS Notation: 2627 /BETH Permit No: DR8060058 [4re: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101- 072 - 1000-8 Slte Addreas: 595 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 695 FOREST ROAD INIT 'A'Total Fees: Thie Payment:$300.00 Total ALI-, Pmte : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 'l****'!*****t*t+**+****+'+**f+***+****l***+***t*+*'i*+,*********f****f+{.**+*+**t********{.t***+** ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account code DescriDtion Current Pmt6 DR 00100003 t!2200 DESTGN REV]EW FEES 300.00 \.l-_ l\a "$,r TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road I/ail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 Ftx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 26, 2006 Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 RE:Miller Residence - 695A Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 6 Dear Beth, Thank you for submitting a revised site plan for the proposed addition to the Miller Residence at 695 Forest Road. The following is a summary of Staff's preliminary review of these revisions: 1. The proposed addition exceeds the maximum allowable building height limit of 33 feet (8159 - 81 19 = 40 feet) and can not be approved as submitted. 2. The site plan should be drawn at the same scale as the survey. 3. The new retaining wall shall be setback a minimum of two leet from the property line, 4. Label the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations of the retaining wall. 5. Enclosed parking spaces shall be 9'x 18'and unenclosed parking spaces shall be 9'x 19'. 6. A 4' concrele pan with 2" invert must be located at the edge of the road. 7. Show the drainage near lhe driveway (water flows around, over, under ?). ff you have any questions or commenls, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4/.--z--- 22. /A- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {g*rnruor^ro Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70)e26-4ee3 (P) (e70)e26-2ee3 (F) May 18,2006 RE: Miller Residence - 695A. Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 2,Yao.l Village Filing 6 Bill Gibson Department of Community Development, Town of Vail 75 South Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear Bill, Enclosed is a revised site plan for the Miller Residence. You will find all of the items that you noted for me have been addressed. I also verified the following information: the existing driveway is l4'0" wide. The proposed driveway is 16'0" wide. To widen the driveway, it will just require moving the existing boulders west 2'0", see the enclosed pictures. The one spruce tree will only need to be trirnmed a little bit. I had all ofthe utilities located and have enclosed the reports. I also enclosed a picture showing the located lines as they enter the building at the juncture between the two buildings. Please contact me with any further questions. Please FAX the staffapproval letter if you do not require any additional infomration. Beth Levine Architecl Inc. Enclosed: l. New site plan - 3 copies. 2. Three utility locates. 3. Photographs for the utilities and site retention. 4. TOV list from 5-10-06 Elcl-e Rrven Waren & Snnmnnor DsrnrcrEa{l FoGst Rood . Van, Cotors(b si6f/ . (gmy lZeZfSO o fOtlOZq i&lOgg . *r".€'"oarS WATERAND/OR SEWER LINE LOCATION REQUEST ItllPoRTAl'lT: Do NoT collNEcr water or sewer gerylce unlese TAp FEES have been pald, underpenalty of flne. €, tt > ?. ,,Lt-fEru^{ NO LlABrLrrY: Eagle Rhrcr water & sanitation Dishict.(ER!1/&sD)_wir att€mpt to rocate water/seriver rines, uponrequest.and without charge.. Please be aware that ERWiisD did n6t instali urJrot"n * ""*r* lines it isattempting to locate- lt is retying on a.drawing or i."oro or ottrer locafion oi lnto-*nn provfrJed by others.ERW&SD will attempt to ,9,9 r,"!ptl."o,y itt;r Ging avaitabre rnnormafion.- Eiiwaso will nor accepr financiarliabilig for costs incuned as a result of an inacouratelication, Date: $12-06 ReasonforLocate: ADDITION Speclal Instruc-tlong: No ORtqDtt{qs (\) AccountNumbe(e): 84S100, 84gOS0Subdlvlslon: VAIL Address: 0695 FOREST RD, WU Tfme: 7:15 Ff tES Lot:Block: Filing: Phone: 904-110S Locatlng-For (Gompany): GUIDA CONSTRUCTTON(;ontirct Name: MRoN Type: f-l Stubout l--l naln Line l-Fl Sewtce Ltne l-Fl curostop MapPage# 2101472 LOCATION @ to be sketched or described in space below. 1r) lndicate paint or strakes and number thereof. ---15,' CS 11 nl't I.,t/ ' (-/ Gustomer Slgnature: ERW&SD Locator lnltiale F:\'l 5lil/SD\3CUST\Appf MNT$LOCATERQST.OOC Town of Vait Electrical Deparhent Line Locate Sheet PW__ Public Way Permit Nrrmber n-", ti ,' dr; 4 /1 & T\wNdwfrily Phone Number Telephone CATV 'Landscaping r 4. All exca'vation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172) 5. Description of utility locate: @ -J, , i lt.a;k '-''l,v,.i\l ji ",1,r t,*,'l ,'f t- 6. I certify fhat I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and of the Vail Muntcipal Code and All utlllty ,u", 5' ' 15' a (, t. L rl 5 itL, . far "s* ikL Excavation Contractor Name 3. Work is for (circle) Sewer Mailing Address Gas Temp agd wtll abide bythe same, and all utilities have been nodfred as requtrcd. Pink copy-Elcclricll DoportrFm . i:,. Whirc copy-Town of \hil Y.llow cofry-{ontrlctd I.AUILI I Y LUCATION SKE lCTI l71sl 471-022s TICKET # LOG-#: Area#: Footage: ADDRESS: b?f .4 6rcs, ,,4 PRIUIEIY 0w1lt0 fAclmEs [lY Bt lll 0|6 mH. IHSIE SICUJDI, 8UI rnf [0I Uim0 m, sEc0ltll nY frcmc, wAnR, ftD fmn rFn $ sESVtCES. r F r trwms REsp0xstBttlly T0 6EI AESI MilGD. ltlY IIRIS PR0IIIED h-JlDER6R0Ut0 t(m0fis ttr c0ltfrlE$y 0tty tlil m Tlnnilfry. { r NORTH /v1 tr DIG ALERT One or mor€ ot lh€ tollowlnq hlgh plofilo tacllltl€r hag bscn locded In or n€al your dlo rroa.Plear. pot hol6 and -verlfy locatl,on. Il Electdc Feodcr tr Flber Optlc E Duct Run tr H.P. Gas E 6{X} Palr or Greater Telephone E 4' or Blgger Gas tr Watch & Protect/ Standby Requlred Please call 719.471-0229 to schedule a tlme. EXCAVATOR NOTIFIED /', EXCAVAToR: lj r t tDE Lny'-fT/ uLl,tstl/ tlow llrr*ed: SPdnt O Flags tr Nylon Whl!ke.6 prlntt Tirn. Antv.d ltre Conpteaed Nrms Dato Atr d PM Time Elsctrlc Gar CATV Tslephone Watol Flbor Optlc Duct Run Sewer E-G-wT* wFlo - DRs- :!9!qE IS!!s ltt 9llLY 0mD r{ln 30 D-IYS_0R Slllu YNHr. ill roR BE.nns F piln M[$ rRE ff$nono 08 wEfittrnHr. r0uR nclEr t8 il(}T l|AuD tf rtst$ fit ffsln0yflt. Itlls SIGTGH ls lfPf,{lxlllfft lE lllc]lEs ]l0Rn0lflAttY FB0ft flIEBt0fl $lDE 0F mE ilCl$y ls c(}$stpEflt0 t c0Bstsr tocrn0x, 'OMMENTS .n.4 c I 'RINT LOCATORS NAME EXTEIID€D .'OI AOREETEI|T Or company End I agfea thst thb otiginal locafe lbket is an o(brd€d iob arxt that locatE will b€ done on a da},-b-dai b6sb. No dcawting wil takoltaco until signsd pap€rrcrk is rE€iv€d by our Comp€ny with lho dig area d€fncd. ExcalEtor8 Slgnafure iignature of p€6on on job site 6;6aG fAiltu,v a5A 6"43{. trhti+q W.*1" Mt* 4+frb harb.- 6rA2 z7ltv* v rthnt#r.',,. luabV. ,,/ o.lrdz ADDMONS . RESIDET{THL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS *ffi Topographk survey:r W€t stamp and signature of a li:ensed suru€ryor . Date of survey. North arrow and graphh bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lo[ size and build abte aiea (build able area o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater Blan 4oolo, and . HfJHhng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the suruey. propery boundaries to the nearest hundredth (,01) of a foot accuracl. Distanes and bearings and a basis of bea6ng must be shown. Show aristing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.r Show right ofway and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve informauon. . Indicate all easements iaenun& on the subdlvision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the tiUe report. Ust any easement restrictions. . Spot Elerraiions at the ejge of asphalL abrE the street fronbge of the propefi at trnenty-five fmt intervals 1i5'), and a minimum of one spot elevaUons on either skle of the lot' r Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diareters of 4" or more, as measurcd from a point one foot above grade. . Cock outcro-ppings and other significant natural features (large boubers, intermittent streams, etc.). r All o<isgng improvements (inctuOing foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). . Environminbi Hazards (ie. Rock tail, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setback, ii applicable (shor centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the rcquired stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locauons, Including any @ebls on site or in the righttf-way adjacell to the site' Exact location of existing uulifo sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure' tftiliEes to,indude:r CableW' Sewer Gas o Telephone WaEr ElecEic . Size and type of dninage culverts, swales, etc. . Ad1acent riraA*ays taUeteO and dge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. y' ' dtivtwa4 t ltfr 'r $a l*+? Existing and proposed easemenB il*13??i[:ffi.tftffi of buitdinss and other structures includine decks, patios, fences and walls. Indlcate the foundation with a dashed llne and the roof edge with a solld line. Ali6p"t"d rmf rirtge fines wi$r proposed ridge elwations. Indicate aristing and proposed grades shown unciemeaUr all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height' F.pglgd drivevrlays, inAuaing pet "nt slope and spot elevations at the property line, gange slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect gnde' Site and Grading Plan: . Scafe 6 t"=20'or larger. Proper$ and setback lines :g ,t' @/o F:\cdev\rcRrJs\PERM[S\Planning\drb-addi6qr-1 1-23-2005.dc Page 4 of 14 rtl23l200s ,r8 i.8 .Q A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for drivanvays that exit the street in an uphill dircction. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location ofall required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with prcposed elevaUons at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 5'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable r Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or larger. Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of exisUng trees, 4u diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existirg ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs ard height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground @ver.o Delineate critical root zones for o<istirg bees in dose prcximity b site gradirg and construction.r Indicate the location of all propced phntings. . -Ihe locaUon and type of exisUng and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation,o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall ehvations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of V8' = 1'or larger; U4' is prefened. Floor ,plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the o<terior structulal walls of the building.. Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, klkhen, etc.).. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See fifle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. r ArchitecturalElevations:. Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred. All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both exisilng and finished gndes. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawri at the same scale.. If building faces are proposd at angles not represented u,ell on the normal building eletrraUons, show these faces also,. Eleyafrons shalt stpw propced finished elevation of floors and rooG on all leveb.r All o<terior materials and colors shall be'specifted on the elevations.. The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, . meter locations, and window details.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.r lllustrate all decks, porches and balconies.. Indicate the roofand building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).r Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, lf applicable.r Illustrite proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the ftnished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. F: \cdev\FclRMS\PERMm\Hanning\drb-addluon-l 1-23-2005.doc Pdge 5 of 14 rvz3l20o5 .ir,_ ., a'A'1., ! -lr -o t Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 10,2006 Beth Levine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 8'1620 RE: Miller Residence - 695A Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 6 Dear Beth, Thank you for submitting a revised site plan for the proposed addition to the Miller Residence at 695 Forest Road. The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised site plan and determined that the plan is incomplete and does not include adequate information to allow a complete review of the proposed Miller addition. Please find attached a copy of the Town's site plan submittal requirements. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4Z*z-h.-l-z--- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail I RECrcI.ED PAPEA{t ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Topographic survey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scafe of 1"=10' or l"=20'). Legal description and physical addressr Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyr Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.r Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals a a a a Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie, Rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed Utilities to include:CableW' Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. the right-of-way adjacent to the site. from their source to the structure. a a rl Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. ' dcivQwetl! had 'r na l*+? Existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed grades Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. on site or in service lines Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger. Property and setback linesI oo F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_addition_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 14 1V23l200s : g o a a A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limib of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: Scale of 1" = 20'or largei Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:. Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred. Floor ,plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structulal walls of the building.. Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Ttle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.. Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. . Architectural Elevations:. Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred. All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades, Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.. Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.r All exterior materials and colors shall be'specified on the elevations.. The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.. Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.. Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).r' Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.. Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planninq\drb_addition_1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 5 of 14 Lrl23lz00s 0t/1$/00 IoN 19: {a JAI 858..5J1.,!0Ig-,,ro *JStIn rt @ oor p.e970-sa6-2393 'OITITPf,OERNTOWIEN,IYEITICil IPPROYA|. trTIER I I I i Fetde ffi iethr 6 uEt aFs\rd of fie phrr d*ed 4.1'att sftn har€ beln suunGt E treTom dlrscomnnlftvDarelopment Deparunent6rtnc pmposcd rnproveillerct be conpkd a:rthc aOOis nru aUorn I undersbnlUratthe oz fr bFfA aud ?o e I lirdprrlltersndthat mlnor motlllla0ons ray berndetoOtedans or,€rdt corn* dO€teyleryy trGb ensrrc omlf,lalu wih$a Tdnt apClcat& ortes and regulathrE. t, (prutrurr=W!fur^ qL---a joint owna d pnoFty hcau at (add,Eir/lsl dor6o6,,re funX-(4(. 'th-" i"B" --- lS ?st- (Darc) I I I I I aattp 7 *.?lfl4l7F;t|'!4 . From Land Tltlc (D88) Thu ilar 9 13:06:38 2006 Page 1 of 10 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER, DIS1HBIJTION Drte: 03.09-2(n6 olrr Order Number: VSml3?57 hrpcrty Address: 695 FETREST ROAD A / VAIL VILLAGD FIIJNG 6 BL&2 LOT;S UNIT A VAII, @ E1657 lf you lnve any hqdrtce or nqulrc trdrr ssslshncg dease cortbct orrc of h mr*crs below: For fitle Assistrnce: vrfl Tlue I)ept. Roger Avila IOE S FRONTAGE ND W #203 FO BOX 3vt vAu4 co Er657 Phonc 970-476-2251 Faxz 91|}.'476.4732 EMall: ravlle@lgc.com BEIII LEVINE Phon 90-926-{993 Far: 90-926-2993 Sun vh tru From Land Titl€ CDBS) Thu ilar 9 13:06:38 2006 Page 2 of 10 -\land Tide(f^t.{ittta cotat|^xY hopcrty AddrcEs: Land Title Guarantee Company Dre: ()3-09-2006 Our Ordcr Numbcr: V500lJ/57 695 FUEST rcAD A / VAIL VILLAGD FILING 6 8[,K:2 LQT:S UNIT A VAn+ C0 Ef 65? Buyer/Borrowcr: MIITmS' LIq{SHEAD, IJ.C Seller/Owncr: MIL,LEnS' LtrqYSHEAD, Ll.c Need e mep or dlrecfons for your upcondng cJosftg? Chcck out Lend Tt0e's web tltc at www,ltgc.com for dlrectlohs to any of our 54 olllce loceflons. ESTIMATE OF IITLE FEES Irfonndon Blrdcr 97sO.OO ta ,td |'lcta dtaaanE.. Cqt ay rt,.t ba thta ctaaractlca, aDcrE taar 'LLt ba ectl,ct.l,.t trtat tlr- TOTAL $750.OO tcn Co..t cl Oaloa TIIANK YOU TIOR YOI'R ONDERI From Land Title (DB8) Thu llar 9 13:06:38 2006 Page 3 of 10 -ttand Title LAN) TIT1E GTNFFNIE CN,PATY INOCE orvrrcr: MILLERS'LIONSHEAD' I,I,IC ProFrty Addrtss: 695 fOnEST ROAD A / VAIL VILT AGEFIIJNG 6 Bil.Ik2 I.OftS UNIT A VAtrr CO 81657 Yorr Refertnce No.: l?h€n rcferriry !o dis order, peasc rtfercrrce orr Otder No. V5001957 Irforordon Hrder -Total- . CIIARGES{l(Gt!;s - $151).00 $rs0.00 Ptease mke clncks payrue to! I-md Tlde Gururec Company P.O. Box 5.140 Dmvcr, @ Efill7 From Land Title (088)Thu llar 9 13:06:38 2006 Page 4 of 10 CHcrgo Tlde Imrrre CorynY ALTA COMMITMENT Our fficr No. V500l37Yt ScrHulc A CxsL Ref.: Prop.rty Addrerr: 695 FrOREST ROAD A / VAIL VIIJAGE FIIJNG 6 B[,K:2 L(}T:S IJNTT A vAtr' (I) tl697 l. Effecdve Dete: Fcbury 21, 2OM rt 5:00 P,ltd. a PoDcy to be Issucq and hoposed Innrcd: IrtromdonHrdcr hopooedlnottd: MILLERS'LKNSHEAD, LIf 3. Thc estate or Interest ln the lend descrlbed or rdcrred to In thls ColDDlbnent rnil covereil herdn ls: A Fee Sl'r'[ile 4. Tltle to the cstrle or lntereet overcil hereln b rt the effecdvc dete hcreof vcstcd In: MILLERS' LIq{SHEAD, r-trC 5. Thc lrtt{l rdcrrcd to ln thls Comlhent ls alcscrlbed rs follow6: SEE ATIACHE) PAGE{S) F{)R I,EGAL DESCnIPTIO{ From Land Title @88)Thu lilar 9 13:06:38 2006 Page 5 of 10 Our Order No: V50013757 LH-DE(HPllO'l PARCTL A: A PABf, OF IJOT 5, BII)CI( A VAIL qLI.AGD, SD(TIT FILING, TO\ilI{ OF VAtr, COUNTY OF EAGI,E STATE OF CI)II)RADO, BEtrNG MOREPARIICUIARX.Y DESCRXED AS FOI,trJOVIE: @MMTT*ONG AT TIIE NORNIWEST CORNER OF SAID I'T S, TIIEN@ AN ANGLE RIG}IT OF 3E DEGRENS 2ff MIIfIJTNS 55 SRCI)NDS OFT'T'IR N(NTHRRI.Y I.INR OE S^M I.OT 5, A DIST^NTN (trf t6-18 tutgl''r'o l'l[t'l]tur trolN'l 0r lllfl;lNNrNq sArD ltxN'l'AtlJo I'UING ttlu NORffiIEAST CORI{ER OF PAR(E A; TIIENCE AN ANGLE RIGHT tr' 325 DEGREES 2l MINU'IES 3s SEOONDS A DISTANCE OF 32.6 FffiT IrO TIIE NORf,HWEST CORNER. OF PARr:Fr, A; IHEN(E AN ANCLE RIGIIT OF M DECNWS OO MINUIES OO SECIOI{DS A DFTANCE OF 5E.3 FEET TT) TIIE SdITHTTEST (I)RNIR OF PARCH- A; TIIENCE AN ANGLE RIGIIT OF m DEIGREDS 00 MINUTES OO SECONDS A DISTANCE tr' 35.9 FEET TO A LINE COIVIMON TO PARCES A AND B; TTIENCE CONTINI'ING ALONG TIIE SAME LINE A DISTAN@ OF 2.7 FEET TO TIIE EIID OF SAID IINE, TIIE SAME FOINT BDING TIIE SOUTIIEAST CI)RNm. oF PARCEL A; TIIEI{@ AN ANGLE RXGIIT (X'90 DEGREES 00 MII\ruTEs 0o SEGONI)S A DISTANCE G ZL.AEEE-|; TIIEFTICE AN ANGLE RIGHT OF 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 sEcoNDS A DISTANCE OF 6.0 FffiT; TIIENG AN ANGLE RIGIIT OF 270 DEIGNEES OO MINTUItsS OO SECO\II}S A DXSTANCE OF 35.9 FE T TO THE POINT OT BEGINNING. TOGRIHER, WIIH AN UNDTVIDED ONF-HAI.F (U2) INTBEST IN PARCEL c' relNG ALL OF r,oTt m.ocK2 VAIL\/ILLAG4 SIXTH FILING, IIOU/N q.'VAn, CO{JNTY OFEAGLq STAIE OF COLORADO, EXCNPT TTTR PARCEL A DES(RIBM ABOVE AND PAR@. B DESCRIBED AS FI)LI,OIVS: PAR(SL& A PARtf OF IJOT 5, BLO6 2, VAIL Vll-AGE, SD(fir FILING, TOWN OF VAtr , COUNTY OF EAGI,E' STATE OF COLORADO, BHNG MORE PARIICULANX.Y DESCRIDM AS FOLIOWS: COII,IMEI\ICING AT TIIE NORTIIWEST CORNER OF SAID I,OT 5, TTIENCB AN ANGLE RIGIIT OF 70 DEcRmS 25 MINUTES 25 SEC{)NDS OFIF'IIIE NCTIIERLY LINE OF SAID IrOT 5' A DISTANG OF 115.06 FmT TOTIIE SOUTII\ilEST CORNER OF PARCEL A' TIIET..ICE AN ANGLE RIGIIT OF 109 DEGREDS 25 MINUTES 05 SECOTIDS A DISTANCE OF 35.9 FEET TO TID TRIJE POINT OF EEffi{NING, SAID FOINT ALSO BEING TllE NORIIIEAST CORNER OF PARCE- B: TIIEN(E AN ANGLE RIGIIT OF 270 DEGNEES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS A DISTANCB OF 2E.4 FEET TO TIIE SOUTIIWEST CORIYR. OF PARCE- B; TIIENCE AN ANGLE ruGIlT OF 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 4A7 FEET TO TIIE SOUTIIWEST CORNER, OF PARCEL B; TIIENCts AN ANGLE RIGHT OF M DEGRMS OO MINUTDS OO SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 2I..I FEET TO TIIE NORTIIEAST CORI{ER. (X. PARCE B; TIIENCE AN ANrs n. nXGf,lT OF 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 4O.OO FMT TO TTIE BEGINNING OF A IINE COI\,IMOT{ TO PARCU,S A AND B; THENCE CONTINI,JING AIONG TTIE SAME LINE A DISTANCE OF 27 FEET TO TIIE END OF SAID LINE TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING. Fron Land Title @88)Page 6 of 10 A LTA COMMITMENT S&de B . Secdon I (Reqdrcntnts) Our Order No. Vgnxt'1757 TIF followlng .rt tbe rcqdrlmcnts to be coEpllcd sltb! Itcm (r) Prymil b or for fu rccoul of b gnrtors or rDrqrgon of 0r ltill aonrldctrdon for 6c clttle or ll$rcst to be Insured. Ilem O) Proper lrtrmdr) crtdrg dr cs& or l*n$ to be lrrrnd m,rct bc cxecuhd rd &ily flled for rccord, to-wlt: Item (c) Frymnt of rll tncs, c.hgcs or asscfsmtb levled ud rses*d agdrrt the sr&Jcct prcldsee wHcb an dtr rdpryda Ilem (rt) Arlildoml Eqdr@rls, lf rry dsclosed bdow: Tlds pmdrrt lc for lrtrormdornt prposes only ard does not oor|sutft any fom of dde gtlrrNnt c mr InsrrN|ce Ib llrttlltt of &e cotDF8ny shll not excecd lh cbr$ r|d W |h 4[crt for ods pm.tucq mr slnll te comru bc held [rHc to ary pcty otrr br fre apfllcent for dts product TIIIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INT'C fiA'TIO|{ Oi{LY' AND NO FOLICY WILL EE ISSIJED PTJRSUANTHMEIO. Thu llar 9 13:06:38 2006 I Tttl (n[n)n rn nn nn nnnfl n- | rt[ A t.'t'A t:(tM M I'l'M ltN'l' SchrHc B- Secdon 2 rr-. tr..t-. ft.,. trllr0tJFtql The pollcy or poltctcs to be l$ued vilt conteln excepdons !o the lollowlng unlcsr tbe ram rne dlsposed .t to lLc [6tfrcllo[ c'f lhc Conrplry: I Rhrtlr rrr rhilln trf lrrlin ilr llrrrrrirur rrrl rhrrlt lur llr lrrllil nnrnh 'l Tmnn$t r. ftn nt nrl nf nnmnnn|n. mt nlrnmn lur tlrr Fillo rnonrln 3, l)l$:ttplrrcles, qrnlllcls In lroun0[y llncs, $hrr0gc In rnq cnr:ruulrn:rilu, |Id rny llNls wldch u c{)tttcl $urvcy lrxl hnlr:dblt ol 0: lrtll ser wurdd rllsdo* rnl wldst rrl rrrl sllwrt l4r 0r prllls rucrlnb. 'l ilntr lhn, d0l 'rr I llfiq fftt'.flTlnnr. l I nrftd. rlhr.firtnm nr hirndril ttrriltlftl, tntr$rfll ]U lin fl mt rlf|rn lU llr ptlllr rrntrlr ll.l;.1r. l;.... . .. .-.J'.... .. -l'..- .lril.-....r!lr. lr..|L.., il'rrq, rrrrLrl, l;..1 rtr.rr;. ;rllx r..l.li. ...r-J.... rrrrlithl; rrrllrroprrrn rn rh rrllbrrlru rlrrrrr trrrrrrl lrn lJrrnrrr rll thu rh lnlrlrttt htnrrr rrrrprlrnt lf rrrrrol ltrrt yr rr. llr' r.Nhrh' |l" ifrtfE.flt rlt lrxrdE||Er, llr.n'rllr r'llYfn'll lry lhi l ll|tl'r-lt|I.tl, .thttltttrttpttt[t|tllrrrurrllnrll|rrlrrrlrrrtltrtrrlrrlrtru|rr||rtg||rul Fron Lahd Tltfe (083)Thu ilar 9 13:12:13 2005 Page 7 of 1O ALTA COMMITMENT $chsldcB-Sr:clfrmI (lrxcepdons) Our Otuer No. VSU0I5757 'lth- pull.y ur poll.ls lu br loourrl "lll rurlmlrr rrrrlllurs lu llrr llullurrhrg rlrL'ro llrc uu* rrrc rlbpru.rl of to the fad6frctlon of the Company: I. Rlghb or cldm of pcde6 tn possctrdon mt chrvn bt tb plllc ncorda L EucnnrF, or chlrE of eoeclDcnlg, not shown by thc FlHlc Ecotds. S- Dl:rcrclorlcr, rurltlclr hr lurrrduT lhrel :drldryc hr urig etrsrunr;hro{n rrrl rry l}r{r wldslr :r srncr{lurvcy nrd lrrpcctlon of frc prodsca soutd dedooc ord wlich or|! mt sbwn by hc Flllc ttcotdr. 4, A ny lleq or dght to I llrn, fnr rrryl|frr, Inlnr or mntrrlrl llr|?lofo|f nr l|frdfrr tl|nd8hFd, ltqmffll hy hw ilrl mt shown bf lh trr c rEoods. 5. Drfrt b, llurr, rn:rrrdr.u;ru, lrdvrrcc drlrrr ur u0rr urd&nr, lf uryr crv.drdr flnrt qltulrg ftr lhr lxlllls nstrnb ur rtll|rirg rubqrrrrl to lb dfrc:lirrr rleb lrrrof ld piur tru Or d:.b 0r pupnd irnrrrd :rquirrJ of rrcunl fur vC|t fu €5hts or Intcrest or tm4Brgc tbltoh cov€ttd bt dds Crdomra 6- Tues or speclal asrssnrcnts whlch rtn not shown as exls0ng Uens by ee plllc records. o th Tl'eastnr's omce' 7. Llens for urpdd wehr rld screr dtqcs, lf eny.. & In dddor} 6e owrEr'E polcy wllt bc rubject to tb mrenge, f $V, mted In Secuon I of Sc.hdtile B hereof. 9. EISSTING LEASES AND TM{ANCIES, IF ANY. 10. RIGHT OF PNOPRIEIIOR OF A VEXN OR LODE TO ETTRACT AND RET1OVE TIIS ORE TIIERSf,'R(NiI SHOI'ID TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO FEFTEIRATE OR INTENSECT TIIE PAEMISES AS RESAVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT REICORDE) SEPIEMM,o4, I92:I, IN BC'OK CI AT PAGE 9E. II, RIGIIT OF WAY FTIR DITCIIES OR C^ANAIJ CONSIRUCTED BY TIIF AUIIIORITY OF TIIE UMTED STATESAS RESRVM IN UMTED STAIES PAIENTNEC(XDED SEPTEMBM04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 9E. rL RES',TRICTTVE COVENANTS, VyHI(XI DO NOT C(AITAIN A FOEFEITUnE ORREVmTER CI"AUSE BIJT ON{ITTING ANY COT/ENANTS OR RESTRICIIONS, IF AIIY, BASED UFON RAC& CO[,o& RELIGION, SD(, SA(UAL ORIHV'TATIOI{, EAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STAIUS, DISABILNY, IIANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AN(ISTRY, ()R SqJR@ OF' INCO}IF, AS SET FORIII IN APPLIA$I-E STATE OR FMERAL IAWs, HCET TO TIIE EXTENT TIIAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PMXVIIITED BY APFT.ICABLE LAW AS @NTAINE) IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ruNE 05, 1954, IN BOOK IE3 AT PAGE I ANI) AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEIYTNBOONDEDJT'LY 14, 1964\ IN B(DK TE3 ATPAGE I4I. From Land Title (D83)Thu illar 9 13:12:13 2006 Page 8 of 10 A LTA COMMITMENT Schdrie B - Secdon 2 @xcepdons)Our Order No. v50013757 The pollcy or pouclcs to be lssucd wlll contrln cxcepdons to the followlng unless ttc sem ere dlsposed of to the sadsfactlon of the Complny: 13, EASEMET{TS, COI\IDITTONS, COVENA}IIS, RESTRICTIOAIS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES O[rI TIIE RECORDED PT.AT OF VAIL VIIJAGE FIIING NO. 6. 14. TERMS, CONDnONS AND pROVISTG{S OF TOTilNHOUSE DECT,ARATION BIJT OMITTING ANY covENANTS OR RESTRICTIO IS, IF AI{r, BASED rJF()l{ RACq COIJ()& REI.IGION, SEX, SE}fl'AL ORIENTATIOhI, FAMII.IAL STATUS, ]VIARITAL STATUS, DISABILITT, IIANDICAB NATIOT{AL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOT'RCT OF INC{X/m1 AS SET FWTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR TEDRAL r"Avtt, EXCEPT TO TrrE UTEI{T THAT SAID COVEN/IIYT (X. RESTRIC'TIG{ XS PERIVIITTD Bf APF!.ICABLE IAWRECqDE).trINUARY OE, I9E1 IN BOOK 316 ATPAGE TgE. 15. DBD OF TRUST DATE) JANUARY OE, 19EI, FROM NORXUAN E MtrIfiR, RT. MILUM, AND ELLIOT ARGIIII-A TO TIIE PTJBI,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE CdJNTY FOR THE USE OF INTERSTAE B,r,TTmY SYSTEM OF AMERICA T() SEC:I' nts THE SUM OF $5367rE-00 RECORDE) .tr{!IUARY 14, 19E1, IN B@K 316 AT PAGE 663. 16. DEED OF TRUST TROM RT. MIIIER, TO TTIE PTJBI.IC TTUSTEE C EAGLE COUNry FCR, THE USE OF RON GRUSET{DORF, INc' TO SECT RE THE SUM (F $106,572.00 RtsCORDED JANUARY 14, 19tr7, IN BOO( 455 AT PAGE 901. 17. DMD OF TRUST FROM RT. MILIX.R TO TITE PUBIJC TRUSTM OF EAGI,E COUNTY NM TIIE USE OF CXTART-ES DAVIS C{JSTOM DESIGNS Tt) SECI Rts TIIE SUM ()F $r06,vr2.00 nEconDE).IINUARY 14, 19frr, An BOC,K 455 AT PAGE 902. From Land Title (083)Thu lilar 9 13 : 12: 13 2006 Page 9 of 10 T A TI TITI TT fT'IitE A HTIIIT f'fIM"NrYT DIS('-OSURE STATEMITNTS No&! h$uant iD CRS 10-11-12, mdce ls hnby glven M A) Th subJect reet pmFrty nay be locdtd In e specld dtg dsrlct B) A Cedtrcrle of Tbes lhn llsdrg crh trdq Jurlsdlcdon uny b obtdned from tb Coruty Ttqsunt' s rrdtodzcd rgent C) Tb lrtrordon rtgrilq sFclC dsulcts rd fu bordrdes of snch dsElcb my b oblrlr*d lhom h Botd of Oornty Conrdsslorns, 0E ConnF Clerh ad Recorder, or tlr Cou*y Assessor. Nob: Effectl"e Septeurber 1, l9!11t, CnS 30-10.406 reqrdrcs tb dl docrrenb recelved for ncordrB or flllrg in lh cterlc end recordcr's offlce shtl cornh r bp rEgln of d lest otr Incb uxl r le& dgE rnd botloD rnryln of at lesst orr Hf of m lrrcb. Tlr cbrk ud tecorder E y tduse 5 rword or llle uy docrrrrnl lhcl does not corforfrt, €xcept tbt, |b reqdrcrmnt for dre top mrgln sbll mt epFly to docrrEtt rrltg fonr on whlch cpaoe ls pmvlded for rccordlrg or fltrrg lnfonrndon at tb top rmrgln of lh iloctmrcnl Noe: Colondo Dlvblon of Insurencc Regr{eflons 3-9'f, P{agrNph C of Atdcle VII ttqdrcs Ont'Every [0e cndty shll be rcsponslHc for dl nnlers w]ric] aper of ncord ptor to th tlme of rccordlng wlnrrcver lhe flfle endty conftxs fte closltB and ls rtsporrlue for recotfirB or ll[tg of legC docrtrnents resulfirg fmm be 0arrrdon wHch wrs closed", Pr,ovlded tnt Land TIde Gnnntee Crmpany cofiluds On doshg of ar Insrrtd tsarwdon ard ,s nspotrslHe for rtcordtg th legal docrmnb fmm lh 0sEacdon, excepdon nurohcr 5 wlll not NDcrr on bc Oremr's TIfle Follcy ud th Lerders Policy whcn l$ucd. Noter Amnrdve mc.brdc's llen protecdon for tb Ormer rmy be avdlatle (typlcruy tt ddeflon of hcepdon no. 4 of Sclrdule & Sec0on 2 of the Codt|rnt tlom tbe OwrECs Pollcy to b€ lssud) upon con'Fttenct wldr lh followltg conduons! A) Tb lud dcccdbed In ScInftIe A of dds codBrnt m|st be r CryIe fdly reddcrre wldch lnchrdes r condodnhm or tosd|ouse |rdL B) No l$or or nrilcdds he bccn frrrftl*d by mecrlnrdcs or mbrlel'nnn for p4oses of corBtnndon on tlr lnnd described ln Sclrcd[le A of flrls Conmdtnrnt ${thln tb Insl 6 EontbB. C) The Compeny Eust recelve rn ryroprlaE etrdrvlt Indermlfylry lhe Colr{my 4alnst urfiled mecherlc's and rBbdd-mn's ller. D) Tfn Cnqmy rmKl rffdve Inyrrlpnt of fte alpmfirts JrflrdltrIl E) If ttere lrc ben conshrdon, lrrpr,ovenenb or n{or rtpdrs urxleruken on tlE propefty to be Ftrtbed rn'lUlltl DIA llttrltllD lrllt,l a, Uit rruAt Ul Ul: t\-.|rUlr.lllalli:ltlr L|! rrti|rrracllr:l|s u, Urtlull |:UY grugrt for unrecordeil ller|s wlll trrlude: dlsclosurt of celtrln constlrcdon htrormdonl flnrrd|l lrfonnr[on rr tt ht rrurr! ir| l-llrr |rrl tr tt t ttrrrttq trt[! lf tltt r;lullrlrrt lJtrdru liut ara.t Ld ln{lr$stl!7 AAttctr|rncr frtlfTrri t i6 tlra t6|rqll|ry, $d, Itt r|dli+|rr| tt.lune$lamr -r rrny lr rrLc'*rr., nfGr -. c.rarrrhnll.r'. uf 0r lft^-'.1.1 l..l\nrrn rrrr lry 0r (}rlrr1a...y'. Nu urvcmgc wlll lr glven umlr :ury drlrluilrrcro fur hUur or uabrlul fur whlch llt lrrrurcd h6 corf.cted for or €rrcd to poy. NoE: Pumant to CRS l0-ll-123, mdct ls bereby glven: Tlrir rrrlilr. rlllirr'hr rrrrr.rJr lrrlir.;r nrrrnrilrrrrrlr r.rrrJrirrirl5 r rrritlrrl rrat'rrlr'r' itnlrrrrrrrl rrrrliion, lrr rrrrlllfl|r, hr Irh||ft r H, Irlirln ? A) Thxl lhm ir rwnnlrd rvldrffr lh r min rrl rxtrlr lT:x lrtn rvrrld, lrurd. nr tlhtrrvixt corneyed frou 0r srrf*e .s& rnd Og lhlt ls a subMd llkellnod ful a lltrd pcty holds som or rll lntcrtst In oll, gaq otlnr drrrds, or geodrcrml enersr ln 6c proFrt$ std B) That srrh dr*rd estDle ry lnclude the rlgl* to entsr rrd use dr FoFny wlthout th srrfre owneds perdsslon Notldrg hrcln contdned wlll h dccmed to oHigate 0* coryny to povlde tny of 0r covereges rrcfarrtd to hrrrttr urlcrr llrr rlrvr :andfors rt ftrlly reffrllcd" Porm DISCLOSURE 09l0Ll02 From I and Title (DR3)Thu ilar 9 13:17:13 ?006 Paga '10 of l0 JOINT NOTT(:N OT PRIVAf:Y POI. ICY lflrlnllLy Nnl.h|| rl ldhnrrrrhrl (:rrxrF |ll' I tl|[ltrrlrG / a :ltlrl||gfl 'l'll.hr l.lrtrrnl|rrtrt I ltltll||llly Sccuriry llnkln Tirlc Insurrne (hmlnny rrxl l,rnd Tirlc (iuarrnrcc (hmltrny July l, t{lOl Wc rq.rrr:rrLc orl rcu*rl llrs r.rlrrr c-Ar.eldlvro uI lurlol lo r,urorlcro and lllc rq,glrctar6 uf rra.llr,allc lltrlcrol rd nlnto rrlv-nnrr lown. W'o holtovri ffnrt rinrlrlirc vnr nwnn nf linw wo rm llnrrl non Jrllln Jnrnrnl lnfiirrrllnn ('Tl'rnorrl ffirniullmrll nul fr *hrrrr ll h rllg{lw.rl- irlll l}rnrr lh' lrrrk frr n n'hlfrrn}hi ll lnwl lr'lrrtrr rlr rrrl lll. rrrllh'thl uc nar.- Thir Priv..r.y Shbnrnl rttu;idtr lh'X ufl:nrrlion. llb rvrrlr 0i rigbl lo chmgr Oir Prirrry - $trDEr* fHml dn* fu tlnrc conrrlrtcl* wlth rDnilaohlc n{vdy hwF. ln the oourse of our buslness, we may coUect Peronal Infotaadon about you from the followlng soursts; Fbom aoolcedors or olltr fontrs we Decclve fmm you or your althorlzed rcgtsentrdve; trlm ybiu tars*dons wlq or from lln servlces bclrg pcrfotrned by, tlsr orr rf,Illetq or otbn; Flrom orr lntrr*t rf,eb sltts: Fbom tbe prtllc rtcords maldrtned by govenrrrcnlal eldd€6 fial se elther oHn illrcciy fmm &ose enddes. oi fron orrr d lates or othrc: ald Fbom cbnsmr or ober rtportrg rgcnd€s. Our Pulicir Regrlrdirry lLe Prulccliul of tlrc Corfidentiulily rnd Sccurily uf Your Pcrvorr:d Inforrration llln rminhin nlrrrlml 0lnotndn rrrl rrrnnrlrrrl nnfnmrrrln tn nf|aDnl nntn l]rnrrl lrfnrnrllnn fnm rrrn hnlnnd rrl.rr nr inlnlsilln Wr liril errrtr tri lhc knrrmrl litrrrrrnllrri ndy fti lhrsr rnqftryrr.r wln rrrrl srr{r lrr'rr.tr in .nnmfllon wllh llr|vl.flqB Jrrrtrls or s.'rrhA h ynr nr fnl nl|fr lrglfinmh ]rrfiPaf JrnlnsF|t Uur l'ulicicr rd l'rzsl,irj|3 LcBrrtlitrB thc s'lrrriug ol lour l'clruttd lr or Etiutr lVr u.uy vlnrr your ILrrurd It{onrlltun -i0r uur ulflialru, rucl us irsuunx sullmricr, rgeuls, nd u0rr rcd osub sildonnrit eorvloo pnorddon Wo olso nny decloso your Eoreornl Irtrornndonr I b uenb. brokelt or rcDresenlrtvec !o Dr,ovlde you wllh serrlces you hve rcquesbd;* n 6h-ferty conoactotr or_6ervlce fi{ater€ who pvlde serrlcds or petfonn nntlredlg or ollrcr finrcdori oi our belstr: rrda b otlFr$ wl& whom wti enter lnto jolnt Earl(cdrB rytemnb for pmducb or servlces tbet we belleve you nny trrd of hertst In ddltoq we wlll drclosc yorr ktl:sornl llf,ormdon wbn you dRct orglve r|s perdsdott whn wc rrt ttsartd bv trw !o do so. or wlnn we -$!srct frltdulettr or crMnd advl0cs. We dso my dsclose yorr Persornl tiforrefion wtin othcrwlsc fnilUd by epflicde plvacy lara such s, for exeirflg wbir dlsclosut ls rpeded lo rr|fonr orr rlEhh ndnlng nr* of my ng|Tfrmnt, tnmmllnn or lTlnllonsLp wlft yolt. rJr: ul th iurprrrarr rsglsilititicr uf rou.r ol uur rfliliurrrl turr4.urrirs is ru mcorrl usurrr s in tk prllir: donCn Srrch'docrmnd rmy conhln yorr Personal Irfonradon ' RiC.t lll A-..crr !u.l llqrvrul ldv^ m-Gon du ALilil.y lu Uvr.oJlthrwrr |J. lrratusrt ULd.srll {)r lr.l.u-- Ce Cn rlntff nffonl yn|t lhe [h], to acnern ynru Pennml Infonmftnn end, r|rxler c*rffn cftTJlGhncFr, an tlnl nltr htltllltrrt1rrtrl|}rlnr:i|rdirrtir|irrtrhur|rrrrrirr|hrrdrrrrrrr|[ltttt,ttttJtdlltr|rt|tlllfill|;llll urnnr|irrr-r,nrlrrrrtt|rrlurl.ttlrhr|trlittrtrr|.5.llrrr-|ltqtttrr!-Irfttlltlittlrllhlrulttr'rt r'lrrrg' r nurrrrrrlrlr fi.r ftt trtvrr lll t'rtrh furrrnrl irr n'rprlrlirg ll rrr'lt nrpth .ul .-r--L -J..ju-J L ll- IiIJJ:rJ lI-c,-J n:.-JJ o--1. -f o--.r,-iJ@:..E- {rlL L---- o--r-1, sbU ta in wridrlg, erd dellvend to fu followirg adilrtss: hlvrcv Crmdldrce ()[lcer Fident? Naddnal Ftmndat. Iln. 4050 Catle Rctt, Sdte 220' Saru B'arbru CA 93110 Mulallrlc Pntrl ucl"r ||r Scrvlcc$ ||.$|.l'!lY||h.}rl!|rrl|||nxln'l|urr|t|r.|ltr|1[.lrl|l'thT.||lIl{.ry||i',yt,||1r!||nrt'|u't1lln. l'runr rrv. Wr ngrlogirt lbr rny irtunvrnltrrr lhir uy c'erue ytu. From Land Title @83)Thu Mar 9 13:L2:13 2006 Page 10 of 10 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Ftdetlty Nrdond Flnsnclrl Gruup of Compmlcr / Cblcrgo lttle Inrurancc Compony Securlty Unton Tltlc Innrnnce Company end Land lltlc Gurrrntee CoDPrny Jnly l, ZDI Wr rtr:ounllrs l|rt rtrtl'cl lhc txlvrcv cx]f,rlrllom ol'l hy'f, cttfflr|tnt |rd lhc rt't|Uln|:flxlnh ol'{llll:rllc lcda:rd Jrl .drft. rd;rrr.y lnwr Wf. h,lh.vr'lhnl ;Jt hc ylr rw$n. nf hrw wl tlg' trur rrr*lnhllr lrnnnrl Inftirvrn lltn ('Tt'rutrrJ frforimnof '). rrd b wbm lt l5 dlsclosod. -wtlt form h hsls for r rilatorstrti of tl*t bctwetn us ad 0r pdillc tlrl wc serve.- Tlis Pl|yay Ststsffi pmitdcs thef cxflrndon Wc rcseFe b. dgh] !o cbatBc tls Prtvry Strl.nEr fllm dttr b dn* consbent-wfft rmucrHc Flvecy lrws. In tlrc course of our bnrslmes, ec mey Gollc(t Fdsond Infomrdon rbout tou from tbc fouovlrB toEtas: t Flom m[crdons or olher forms we rccelve frcm you or your a lpdzcd nlltse allve;r ll\rru y'.rL Lnror*Gvro will+ vr fruu, 0,* ocr tire frit45 l*.f,r.rr-.l lrl, rs' urr rl[lirlq ur vuat;i lloE our lr&mct web 91ts9iI rt'0m tbe niillc rtcords rrqlnhlrnd by governnrnDrl erddes tlnt we dlltr obtdn dlrcc0y fmm frose enfldes, oi from orr dnlhtca or olhr; md* llom connmr or olher rcportrE rgemles. Our Pl fuhr Rcgnntirrg lhr Pnrltdiorr of l|rt Colrftrtcnlirlily rnd Scturily of Yuur Ptnortrl lrrftrrnuliolr tv. ,,..:,.t ,:.. .J,,,.:..1. . 1.. t....:. -.1 ,.,.. ..1.-..1 ,.f. E..".1' 1,. r..'! . I r..,.. r\ ..'..'J I'L",',,1:'... f,,.... .--...11..':.. .l rcrrr or tnrirfon l{'c llnit eccm ui lrc hnorut ffionrsrhri orly ur thonc rr$oyr* wln m.d ndt rffi In conmcton rvilh poviditg lnxlrr:lr or rcrvlcu tr you or for olbcr lcgilinulc lrrimrr puqrtcts. (hn' Pollclcc and hnctloci ncglrdlrrg tlrc Shulrrg nf Yolr Pcriond Inforrrratltn lqt- ..* ..1-- ,..- tl--....-J t-J..-..J:-.. ..:11. ..-- Jl:l:J-.., ..--1. -. ..-.--"-- -....r,- j--, :-..1., -..1 ..u--. --J 4nftrtn a-lfifuruit mx'lu lmrldnrn. lV! nlns nrny ilndaar ynrn llfnn|lnl l||fr|!nr lnnt r t----t-.t--t-------------.rr.--l-.--:l-,--..:0----.:---.,--L.---.---l-Ir m lfird.irfi cftt{rl.ttrti ftf_tflalr. Jrtrildrrx r)Ul prrrllr .rnlcx rrr luftni nnrl(|lltg or oll*r llnc{ori ori orr behtr: rndf h rrllrr ;allh rlrurl ri rldrr ir l irir rrrrrlrlirg 'qrurrtilr firr'lnrhrh lr rrnirr llnl rr hlirrr ylrt ny !d of lrileltfa. In rhllllon rrc wllt rliyclocr: vorr lt[urrut Infornllon wh.n you dittcl or glvc w plmirrlo4 whn rrt rrt rtqrirtd lrlrrlt jr rl rr rlrl rl lrrrr tl ftutl rrl rr r|l rrrl rrlJJrI llh rfrt rtrp-lrtll ll ;tl lltmtnrl L'rlbrL,nllurr rllrr ulln -hc prrrilll..l lry applh'tUr ghnty |r-r otn! na1-[l r^aiu1-lr, rvlrrar rllsr'lurrlr b rrnltrl ln rnfon+ orr righlx nddry ot ftJ $ny uEff]nsnlr lr.r|atlx'lion ||r ftli|llll|llhi$ wilh yotl, ftl uf tlrr lu4rlturl nrglr:lUllllur uf tuul uf uur rd[lftrlrrl uurupurlrr lr lu rrrrurrl rluurnrlrlr lrr l p .llu donrrln ftnh dnnrmmntd rtl|y annlnln yotr 9nnoml ltrfomndon- Rlgl.l 1". ,\.rn^ \r..,., F", ^,.rr.l tr.A. ....11..', ..,,.1 ,ll,llllt fir flr,. ....1 Il. r ..r " {L I r.;.r.rl {!l,r.,gr^ Ot r}"I"llt.,, frllrinrrlr|lrrlrr|Trrr|3rrrrr||rrlig|lrr.lnrrrrr5rrrrlI}rrlurr|.Infilllr.r|rlllll. t ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIA'T suBMrTTAt REQUTR"EMENTS General Information: This applicadon is required for all proposals involving.the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This indudes ptodit fo. ZiO addltions and interior @nversions' See TrUe 1!' qupter 15 -'Grcs ResidenUal Floor Area for specific regulations' CI/en pages of Application is complete dro6oart b comPleted and signedlJa / Ltlt:( llsL l) r-trl I rPrsr'qr crr rir r'r:rr rLv d rStampeO ToPograPhic Survery* USite and Grading Plan+ O/ landscape Plant n rArctritectural Elevadom* {r*tuiro, color and material samples and specificatiors' gt/, Rrdritectunl Hoor Plans* d, UgnUng Plan* and Ort-shee(s) for proposed.fi:<tures drnil" *-oort, in.ludins schedulG n a e b verfi omership and easements+ A/iil;#;dt;;itd;;lt" and adjacent sucfirres, where !-PPllcable, . . .ilw;ffi'ilft;;i fr.;; ;-conoominium assodadon, landlbrd' and jolnt owner' if r have read and understand the above listed submittal requircments: ProtGct aPPlicableU Si6-spedfic Geological Hazard Repor!, if applicable* tr The Administrator andlor DRB may *ddir" the submission of additional plans, drawtngs, specifications, samples ana mrli materials (induding arnodel) ir deels necessary to d"t"rm.il;h"der a project will comply wisr oesign Guideline or if the intent oi-the proposal is not dearly indicated' Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an astedsk (*)' **For Interior conversions with no. exterior chanoes. the submlthl requlrcmenE indude a aomplefte set of o<i*ing ;"j';.&-fl""r pl"tts, a ude report, and written approval from a ;;6;;iil associauo-n, landiorci, and joint owner, lf applicable' Date Signed T()IiIN3 ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS Toldgnphk survery: ly' Wet stamp and signature of a licersed surveyor0 Dateofsrruey 1.14+ frfu-t nA?o North anow and graphic bar scalCn Scale of 1'=10'or L"=20)o Legal description and physical addresso lot slze and buildable area (bulldable area excludes red hazard awlandte, slopes greater than z10Yo, and floodplain)tr Tis to existing benctrmart<, eihei USGS landmark or sewer invert This information must be clearly sbated on the s:rveyB Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Dlsbnces and beadngs and a basis of bearing must be shom. Shor e,risting pins or monuments found and ttreir relatonship to the established comer.o Show right of rltny and property llnes; irrc{uding bearings, distances and qlrve informabbn. e Indicate all easemenE ldentified on the srMivislon plat and recorded against the property as indicated in B|e tiue report. U* any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalg atong the sileet ftonbge of the properly at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elemUons on either side of the loto Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existlng trees or groups of tees having bunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one fuot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant nab:ral feah.res (large boulden, intermittent streams, etc.). All aristing imprwemenb (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. roctfall, debris ffow, avalanche, wedands, floodplain, soils) WaErcourse setbacks, if applicable (shov centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, induding any pedestals on site or in the rightof-way adjacent to the site. Exact locauon of odstng utility sources and proposed service lines ftom their source to the structure. Utilities to indude: o tr tr o tr t/ SitE and Grading Plian:o Scale of 1"=20'or largero Property and setback lines Sewer GasWater Eectric tOLn/z,'tL 4l'L z^//4'7/ Cable W Telqhone o o Slze and type of dninage culverts, srvales, etc. Adjaent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadvray shown for a minimum of 250' in either dlrecfron from property. o. ESsUng and proposed easemenBE Eristins and proposed gradeso ftisting and proposed layout of buildings and other structr.rres induding ded<s, patios, fences and walls. Indlca@ the foundation wlth a dastred line and the roof edge with a solid line. o All proposed roof ddge llnes with proposed ridge elantions. Indlcate o<lsting and proposed grades shown undemeath all ruof lines. This wlll be used b calanlate bulldlng height,\ o Proposed drivewaya, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, gange slab and as necessary along the centerline of dre drivamy b accurately reflect grade. tr A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for drivenvays that odt $e sbeet in an uphill direcdon. Page 3 of L2lMlz}lCF 3 o Locatons of all utilities incJuding odsting sources and proposed service lines from sources to $e sbuctures.6 Proposed zudace drainage on and off-stb.o Location oflandscaped areas.o Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required pa*irg +aceso Snow storage areas.B Proposed dumpster locaton and detail ofdumpsterenclosure.o Retalnlng walls with proposed elern0ors at top and bottom of ualls. A deblled cross-section and elevation drawlngs shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawlngs are required br walls between 4'and 6'feet in heighLo Delineate areas b be phased and appropriate tming, if applkable f,andscapePfan: ALL to rzt'na'4't't a'{r1* fanzz'/w<t-+ "*o Scale of 1" = 20'or larger -f7',/- L/t'd4/,.1/4 'z/ i'l (4 / 'fr/g 5lz^ cL cr Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. , /,1,rz(zaa-n Location of odsting bees, 4" diameter or larger. IndicaE bees to remain, to be relocated (induding new location), and to be remoyed. Large stands of tees may be strown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affec@d by tne proposed imprwements and grading.o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and $ze (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foudation shrubs) of all the o<isting and proposed plant material induding gmund @ver.o Delineate criucal root zones for exisAng trees in dose proxlmity to site grading and constuction.o Indicate the location of all pmposed plantings.o The location and type of o<isting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following ib installation.o B<isting and proposed contour lines, Retaining walls *rall be induded with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of !8" = 1'or larger; 1/4'is prefenedE Floor plans of the propced development drawn to scale and fully dimensloned. Floor plans and building elevaUons must be drarun at the same scale.o Oearly indicate on the floor plans the Inside face of the e,rterior struch.rral walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area we (i.e. bedroom, kltrhen, eh.).o One set of floor plans must be "rd-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See TiUe 12, (hapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.tr Provide dimensions of all roof ealres and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of {8" = I'or larger; {4" is preferredo All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensloned. The elevaflon dnwings must show both eri*ing and finished grades. Floor plans and br"rilding elanatons must be drawn at the same scale.tr If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show thse fiaes also. Er Barations shall show proposed finisffi elewtion of floors and rooft on all lerels's All oterior materials and colors shall be spegfied on the elevaHons.o The bllowing shall be shorvn gnphically and fully'dimensloned: frocia, Eim, railings, drimney caps, meter locations, and window details.o Shor all proposed o<terior llghEng fixturcs on the buildlngo lllustrate all decks, podles and balconiis. ( tr Indlcate the roof and building dralnage rystem (i.e. gutters and downspouts).o Indicate all rmfup medranical systerns and all ottrcr roof *ructires, if applicable. o' Illusbate proposed building height daaton on roof llnes and rldges. These elerrations should coordinaE with the finished floor elevaUons and the datum used br the survey.o E<terlor color and material samples shall be submithd to staff and presented at the Design Re/iew Boad meeting. Paqe 4 of lzlMtZElO4 - fighEng Plan:. o Indlcate type, location and number offixtures. G o Indude height above grade, lumem ouFug luminous areav a Attadr a cut sheet fior each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMET{T LOCATIOil CERTIFTCATE fiLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construcfron is undauay, and befurc the Building Department will schedule a firaming inspection, two copies of an Imprwement locaflon @rtificate survey (ILQ stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitEd. The follqving information must be prodded on tfie ILC:o Basis of bearing and de to section cornero All property pins bund or seto Building location(s) with ties to property comers (ie. disbnces and angles)tr Building dimensions, induding ded<s and balonles, b $e nearest tenth of a footo Building and garage floor elevaUons and all roof ridge and eave line elewtionso All dninage and utility service line asbuilts, showing type of material, slze and e,\act locauon0 All easements Page 5 of LZl04l28l04 € PROPOSED }IATERIAIS @-sf.!!a!ede! 'Color fVa7Q-r-til3 Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials , Fascia SoffiE Wn&ws WndowTrim Doo|5 Door Trim Hard or Deck Rails Flues Rashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retalning Walls E<terior Ughttng Other //tta,{-arz ad- -e< r+*1"9 a/l/'l &r/tt;O t{otes: Please ppecify the manufachrre/s name, the olor name and number and attadt a cdor dtip. Page 6 of LaM/2S|W Botanical Name PROPOSED T.ANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantityv' L-.e"PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS 'ttV/,Lou hn tft'"*', E|(ISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED il "rr ,., - !*crlttru o ..? 7.4. ,/c (tlrl t.fLU ,.1,t g Minimum Requirements br Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe .Square Footaoe GROUND @VER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION COMTROL Please speciff o'$er landscape fuatures (i.e. retalnlng walls, fences, sr,vimming pools, etr ) { Dlaa ? ,rf 11 tdA t'r0 IAA UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICANON - This form serves to veriff that the proposed improrrements will not impact any existing or propose<l utility services, f anO also b veriry seruice arailabitity airO tocaUon for new @nstructionand should be used in conjuncfion withL preparing your utility plan and sdreduling Instatladons. A site plan, induding gndlng plan, floor plan, and ele\rations, shall be submitH to tie folloMng utilities for apprwal and verlfica0on Authorized Siqnature PebGomments QWE5T 970.384.025(fax) Conbcts: ScoE Carington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCET HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.,1076 (tel) Contacil Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4s66 (hx) C,onbd: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 JIm Oheaf 970.262.4003 EAGTE RWERWATER& SANXTATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (teD 970.476.4089 (frax) ConbcH Frcd Haslee lL |'La/' CaYt4t't'ch'aY<'- '2- br;/Ao ,'a d dzci- r+fu e42 COMCASTCABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Conbct: Floyd Salazar 1{O'tE5: 1. If the ufrlity approval & verlfication form has signatures from each of tie utility companles, and no comments are made direcily on the furm. the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can prcceed. 2. If a utility @mpany has concens wlth the pmpmd @nstruction, Ule utility repr€sentawe shall note dirccily on the utility veriflcaton form that there is a problem whictr neeG to be resotued. The issue should then be detailed in an aUached btter to the Toyrn of Vall. Howerrer, please keep in mind that lt is the responsibility of the utility ompany and the appllcant to resolve identifled problems. 3. Ttpse verificaUons do not reliwe the conb"ctor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of PuHlc Works at the Torrln of Vall. Ljtlity locatons must be obtained before dlgoing in arry public tight- of-way or easernent within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit'ls not a fubllc Way permit and must be obbind separaEV, The Dweloper is requlrcd and agrees to srbmlt any revlsed dnwlngs to the utilities for re-approval & reverification if 'Jre submitted plans are altered in any ufily after the authorized signature date (unless othenMse specjfically noted within the comrnent area of ttris brm). Develope/s Signature Page 8 of La04P8lM v Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e264ee3(P) (e70) e26-2en6) TRANSMITTAL Date: b'lZ oA T0: 'fat FROM: Beth LevineRE: I'J Ut"- (?z.a\'e4tu.z ..- (aQ5 ft-uo* W 1' Att INCLUSIVE: , tAI zrldw,i l.t'-1 +- DrzfJ , 4r.-,^,' '. ' *an** ,@vo,c.,+-[ 4 J.r*^- ^ ffrlz ""ir't\ J ' Pu+u 4 opVrt. Ort,4r.A L,t,yu* ftU+u"._o 69r++.4 bffi ca-Lea,^-L^-h,rr.t NorE:" k grPt o,tLu*L nh',,n 4 Uk- fD 2ttl,,-urz-= j 1.aCf . coPY: Flav.r yla\\*rw , 7''',ill' iz/ / L /.. /-/f U +-'.1s lit l ... a F?i.i' Jr-)\ N$i!s .+r.i':\\\\\J J I+-t\. -\) J --) .-Tl' \$-\f J *{\l\'\ *I \ \ -\ 9G67tr?efle{lete0 G) tooz-gabta)Q) tuv-gzobte)029t8 oJ'uo^v9Z8I xog'O'd'cul'lrotlqcrv eu!^a.I qleg g to-l'z {colg '9 Eulltg ,\r\/s9I8 opB.Ioloc'l.rBAv llun .p"ou $eroJ s6gecuaplseu reflll^tr$siJ)rl \oF..usl.l'1ltEAc...c'.tlcsc FE i-9F hF.',o.- X F.E Hi 8oll-;lfrE8Xrnii#tr(r.l .i s rn ctrq€€€ qbo()() ,333 ,.1.C '. 'l;:; ?' 1 !rT- l, \*,93 f * \+-'"\ r* 4- +. \ft ':t\-.-- t \ \\ 3lt&l&l(,I€ €l € ol,-; s 8l # €lB; ;H|fi. Elrr ootrXsEs E j^ r-a r-a - rtlEEEsE-"---PIr{ H-t t{ u.t t{:l-:-ooot- i-sPIlq _v \i,vry$its.t \ ll lt\c.e\ i *il ;- '+.:l -:.g zlw31,r, ol .olrl oo ol oo rflH $A HK ec) r*.ts-i;oE trr/1, -rhv (t) -x. r^vr-rar) ---CJ -cg U cg c)f* :s{.UJ "dr{\il'ts+++| 'I\5r $ta*1-a-t st5 5.:ll _\I ,RD aIEz *,.F tt \FI \ rl d ai €i €il€i 'oi* :l q d'+ crf d' '4rj:f o .t o url h al \O \O \ Ol O .El I F s KIR €l r r tt ultt i*l lr()I^IO #l E = $ T6lYx! F3l hSEs;d!l t ;glg E 'l sls .g __ t-r*r^ ({\- e. '5() OL. 1-'l q) oUI .:l j trttrl.:cl!<l- -. rld€ .El "blt'r*l 3l$ g gl El rf ",6f Elvl 9l<t 8l Pl rlul xlbi vl *, Xil sE 6-€l .=l tr cI- frl Els E \ ,r-;o oE () :+8dtr,:;t€ 6\ar \t lD -=^Lrv^ --9 t\ l- +. v} ru 3 t--" r+a .?. ,,F *;", ra) :r Orf'=tr)'E <. -r -) a \fl llfi 'i \OE Do^'= i-ir F\ = *r_J .r'r I OHrl!q !P<o fr&Fr '-'! r"1o x \.'E E. :E t- rrl E- l- ..t.rt iiilFrst 8S€l\o" E 6ls 1-' I. I [l.^ --, a& "l ssl Hs E I.+ rs$ o inflIr fl?,uJr?l?; El=i#."]'1",' OlEq9l s Fl -elr E !lerlr - | El-E ?" 1jl dl $ | EIE€€l 5l! l$ il$ * El q) -s cg F-'v -l 'r, i ,".1 ,i-: - -:1 -.1qdolcto o al .h O O Ol rn\o i+ cal 0a!+ ci c.ll \o lcnil lt illrll- lv) Il.\-.,1 .'l rbOll Xr.Ol l; qsl:ibl '.. ;Esls I' qirtrooN o\ \c) rf c\s c) C) t< +r B F 6) Fi 0.) F- t= -cg.!|rlr)aI c)E.- U)()rl,Ft OaoL(J la otr4,opg G) euzgu(arc)Q) tsvga@ts)029I8 OJ 'uo^V9Z8I xog'O'd'au1 tcelgc.rv erqlr.I 16og gwt'1,{cotg 9lhnlf nnl,s9I8 opsroloc'EsAvltun'p8ou Faroc s69eilepls u {018ru-ifT\fx.:E$e{.:-[,$ f-.€.|-- $ $N ,g \ \ ._ g,a.f],IlZ? o8u;,ro;uq G) t66z-9t6 (oL6)G) t66n-et6@16)02918 o)'uo^v9Z8I xog'O'd'cuJ'lrelrqrrv au!^eT qlog Sto'l'Zlcolg'9 Eulpl U/9918 oP€roloc'll€Av llun 'p€ou lsarod 969orueplsau relMtr g-&s-F*tlo$$N'ilJF\-rQr9I aE',21 ,fttV sg tltr t il\+ {n! ?$ss rtu $$ d. <. }J\",i s-t r.l'l ,, I\tf fliiv!trt{i>)Iql ,Ni_ .\ll I \t -l\lia ", lt- *'is $ls ki $i t+a- sl=\ N$ (\. sul +Ts$Lsq ss $s$ rttlti! r.tfY r lf -l 0l 1l rlTI \*I)J 3;:J:,=;: s.'v \--iir i* --{ -/i/\I z +:".--- ,/ 1+./ {ol..f:l Q-ltl u Q'1VQ a ga'd-T,11a8r;,ta1uq G) tooz-gze (ote)Q) teov-gza6rc)02918 oc'uo^vsz8I xog'o'd'Ju1 6lcelgqcJy eu!^arl qleg Sro'l'Z {colg '9 E IUg n t/99I8 op€Joloc'll€Av llun 'p?ou rsatoJ 969eruaplseu relMttr uZ',21 -s \i\i +sFt\) I d $ $as N + aI l| $ .L $ q $$ 5 ha gra'O2,1\eiu67eluq G) tooz'gzo (oto)G) eoeb-gze $te)02918 oc'uo^v9Z8l xog'o'd'rul'lcellqtJv eul^o-I qleg S to'!'Z{colg'9 EulllA rut,9918 op8roloc'lI?Av llun'psou rseroc 969acueplseu refilntr+$+ilT$Sg". s'J5s ; ( \t N ) ( t II ,I I L I I I "l I { I I II I I.',""-*".--.-+ a $ d h it' $ iV 2ta1lQ, nf,l -92 go.ov,lleEBd/elBO G) r,soz-szs(oto)Q) eoov-gzo@to)029I8 OC'uo^V9z8t xog'o'd'cu1'lcelgqcrv au!^eT llleg 9ro1'Zlcolg'9 EqUg nn,9918 op"roloc'IIBAv l1u6 'p?ou $eroJ 969erueplseu roll!trAtr+1STTS$:.s-)'l.5$t t\ $t*\b *s,Is \2 I { [Lt $t s{+ TF s>("r' Ti\ )s''-" yZ',?t 'l t' a.'11 ,fa 3OO7r'lleEu6;oleq Q) too7'gzobtt)Q) toop'gza(orc)97919 93'uoirY9Z8t xog'o'd'cu1'1ce1;qcry eullerJ rl1eg Sto.l'Z{colg'9 EqlU nnts9l8 opBrolos'l!BAV{un?sou|sercd S69ecurplsnll reIutrAI $z s s 9o.qilLq a8u4,taluq G) toez-gze $te)G) tup-gzo(oto)02918 c)3 'uo^v9?8I xog'o'd'cu1'laelgqcrv eul^orJ qlag S to'l'Z:lcolg'9 Eulllg L,,t,99I8 opBroloc'llBAv llun 'p?ou lssroJ 969erueplsnu relllntrII s2 $ ffi tJ $t+tts q2 -9a Q)1\eEBd/alB(Q) tooz-gzobto)Q) eoov-gzobto)029t8 oc'uo^vsz8t xog'o'd'cu1 'lcalgqcJv eu!^eT qleg g lo1'Z {colg '9 E IUg ,tn/9918 opsroloc'$sAV lJun 'pBoU NeroJ 569ocuep!8eu rell!ru J_J 1' I jt $r s . .4-J'r-_-Tt I L_1fr i_H _go a-2,1trI a, a8u4,telrqea , (il t66z-926(oL6)| (il to6v-szo6to)07913 93'uo,rYsz8I xog'o'd'cul'lcolllluv eu!^e''I qleg S to'I'Z{colg'9 Eulllg nn/99I8 opetoloc'lIsAvlpn pou$aroc 969erueplsell rell!ru $ $YJu { $ hl + 1r bllI Iil o1 $ 3e,a:7'llQl7 aEu4,reluq G) tooz-xobto)Q) toov-gzobto)02918 cD 'uo^v9Z8I tog'O'd'lu1 61ca1lqcrv eu!^aT qleg g to1'Ztlcolg'9 Eul[.] .l,rtlggtS oPBroloc'lI?Av rlun'p,eoa Farog 969ocueplseu ronlntr q _l s .$ 2aC ( rllJ It) L. q i +li;3t 1l -l --ta alhlq 1i Nj $ I l I 1isq trf+ 1J I Soa?-'lt G) tooz-gze (r'to)Q) toov'gzo$to)029I8 OC'uo^Y9Z8l xog'o'd'ou1'pa11qcrv eu!^arl qleg gtol'Z{colg'gEulll nl/s918 op€roloc'llBAvlFn'Psodlseroc s6getuoplseu rellltr lUA eEu4,teluq I tI I \I I,it ,+'lr \ $' N:-?: >\I $| I a- ,$ N sz i$ -rls jr $i sl+ saQ't\2lg aEu47a1rq Q) rcez-gzo1rc)Q) toov-gzobto)0zglg oJ 3uo^vsz8I xog'o'd'cul 'lcellqcrv au!^orJ qlag g to.l'Z {rolg '9 Eul[g .l,n/s9I8 opetoloc1PAv llun 'P€ou $aroc s6gecuaplstu refi!tr 1 _t, TE$ Ii l{lrls, 6 il + fis{ sr ttr 9a'a7'11 G) tooz-szo@to)Q) toot-gzo(oto)02918 oc 'uo^vszSI xog'o'd'cu1 spelJqcrv au!^erJ llleg S ro'l'Z{colg'9 EqttU .,t 1,,s9I8 opBroloJ'l!BAv llun'PBou FeJoJ 969eruaplseu relllntr./ t^ a8u;,to1uqzt2 i\\rts I tt I I HI l= i$l-.-\ i ils = *pp lmprovement Compleiion Date: T.+t\e J. 24p:1 I{ar-00-07 ll:lOan Fron-T0lfl{ 0F UcoffiUfilTY DEVELOPlfllT s101ts2152 O 1-l2l P,002/006 K*AV '{6 \de^se CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT A-GREEMENT THls AGREEMENT, made and entered Into this 9 0", of (\ c^-.r -L ,20-!3 byartd among 6,J.D4 ,Ccrv'rtL,.t/2Lre."! (the -Develope/'), and the Town of Vail (the Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer,as a condition of approval of the Temporary. Certrtcate of Occupancy for '/Lae<- /.Q ? (address, Iegal description, and projecf,number) wishes lo enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of he Torrvn to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications tiled in the office of the Community Derrelopment Deparfinent of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements refened to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish e_casllg[eposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in tFe amount of $---71 {.P-- as collatenal for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in ihe event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in mnsideration of the follouring mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equiPment an_d. materials necessary to.perform ind complete all improvements refened to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees [o complete all improvbments referred tq in this Agreement on or before the lF dayof ' sJ'n- .. ,2Oq .The.Developer shall complete, [n.a good workmanllke minner, att irnprovernents refened to in this Agreement, in accordance wih alt appmved plans_ and specificatibns filed in the office of the Comhunity Developme_nt Depattment of the Town of Vail, dnd tb do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. AII said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to i . the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other ofiicial frcm the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service distric6, as their respective Interest may appear, and ehall not be doemed aomplete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Devilopment Departnent and Public Worke Department of the Town of Vall. F:bde AFoRMSID|A\D|A cash blmet-l l20o2-doc Pegc 1 of 5 Receiptfunds to:n"ii Z;;U A-sry--("* Malllng Address:- ?.-c tza* ?Lo =V-tu- c-c E.6St Legal Description: Lot Address: Developcr: Project Number: tlar-09-07 ll:lOam Fron-To||l{ 0F U c0muil ITY DEVEL0PIEiIT o97017S?45?r-t?t P 003/006 F-018 Z. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 3" 5-A as collateral for the completion sf all improvements refGned to In this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement bY the DeveloPer' 3. The Dewloper may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of secu'rity or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful comiletion of those improvements refened to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the ierms of this Agreehent. Such acceptance by the Town of altemative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olflcer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage tiappening or occuning to the work specified in this Agieement prior to the completion and accephnce of the same, nor shall the T0vvn, nor any ofrcer or eniploy'ee thereof, ba liable for any persons or property inlured !V reason of the nature of said work. bui all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or alny of its omcirs, agenb or employees may become subiect to, insofar as any SuCh losses, claims, damages or lia6itities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by ihe Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for an!'and all legal br other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with lnyesggating or-defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provlslon shall be in addition to any other liability whioh lhe Derreloper my have. 5- lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial retease of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subjecl improvement is constructed in compliance with af! plans'and spbcifioations as referenced-hereunder and accepted by the Town._ Under no condition shall the dblbr amount of the collateml that i$ being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount neCessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole dis$etion, that any of the improvements refened to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved Plans and specifications fited in-the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or nbt accepted hy the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph I 9f !ltl" AgiremEnt, the'Town may, but shail not be required to, draw upon the security efened to in this Aineement and comptete tire uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement' fu1su91t i.-SrctiJ" U-i l+; Van Town Codel the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refaned to in this Agreement may be revoked untl all improv6ments referred to herein are completed by the DEvebper or trb Town in accordance with this Agrcement- F:kdaAFORmqDlA\t |A cash format-1'?2002-doc Page 2 of 5 tlar-0t-07 ll:l0anr Fron-TOllf{ 0F U C0mt|illTY DEVEL0PIEIIT 9t01792162 T-r2? P.001/005 F-0t8 H the cosis of completing the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement g)(ceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest Et twelve peroent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and. may be collected by civil suit or may be iertn'eO to the feasurer of Eagle Cor,rnty to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad \€lorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvemenb refened to in this Agreement, such fallure or retusal shall be considered a violation of Tile 12 (Zoning Regulation$), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penafties pursuani to Section 12-+10 Molations: Pcnalties) and Chapter 14 (General Penalty)' of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the rvork and materials of all improvemcnts refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-vmy, pursuant to Chapter &3, of ttrd Vait.. torrm Gode, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said imprcvements- B. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provlded that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto- F:\cdrri{FORME"\DlA\DlA cash fomal112u)2.doc Page 3 of 5 llarl 2-07 l l : l Zan F rom-T0lf{ 0F I COHUil ITY DEvELOPtEllT Dated the day and year first above written. Developer STATE OF COLORADO ) ) $s. COUNTYOF EAGLE ) Wihess my hand and official seal. My commission el(Pires 5 fa fz" r" srATE OF COLOMDO ) )s3. COUNTYOFEAGLE ) sI017S2152 T-135 P.002/002 F-033 Thi foregoing _kDay of Developer lmprovement Agreement ryas acknowledged before me this-W:*'-''""'---"'-'.io"eliv -,W; ta/itf The foreooinq Developer lmprovement Agreement yvas^act<nowledged before me thisj-t-a ,, ^+ ,[tbo,t ( J,^ ZOn]6u LO r\\ r.trv.- y1,r,- Q . t-{ Arn- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: A{.ni\ \3r-ZZzuA- ...s'liliii'32,,- ;i;,j,,. Town Planner F:hdar\FoRMs\DlA\DlA cash brmELl12003.doc Page 4 of 5 -&,a;[s 05/AEl2A86 22137 e7s32nra3 EMPIRE PAGE 82/02 QUOTATION ATltl: Aerun DATEI Ellll0S FROM: Camerun Tumer DESCRIPTION OF $IORK CARRIED OUT Intdor dnd Extedor paffing. .Apply lw6 COAlb Of flAt leto( pelnt UpOn all €flefiOf vrood surfaceO. Pou,er urash and gbln all decftlng. pdma and lWca palnt all nfi, dtyfeall- Sltain end l@u€r dl neur bim, dooc, shelving, msnh|s and wlndos, Jamj. puil!, al nall holcs end tapo and €ulk all fiim. Gd atsin and taGqrer all €dstng painbd exlt &o|B. ("tM'SPl €XrETLt/21\ Y<t^K 7uc>o CuetomerAddruas Jim Guida Constructlon Po Box 760 VailCo NOTES All $od( is guar{ ad to b6 rs specifi6d, u/'t$ atl nttffhb Bupplled by Emp,G FFlntlng, PaylflenB uvlll h6 nrds on th6 bsh of 25% ln ialvrnce, rtlth ilr6 out!ilidlng brhnan duc on th6 conFllton of lhg lrcft Any uorl(3 can{ed out onblde ot oflhBcfual agrcenents rdll b€ charged at s1.00 / hr. Fdr hbor end mrhirb ct Frl, All blds iubmlfied B Empln Prldng $! tubjcti b clrsnqE il nol $c.pt6d tr,lhln a 100 dry p.dod. Work carded Out At Miller Residence 695 forest Rd Vail Exclurlona I Gcl Stiln and lacquer kitchen cablneta $4750 2 3 TOTAL COST oF WoRK $/O,090 Sign Her€ To Accept Quob Quohton Epspered By .Empire Palntlng . PO Box 854, Vall, CO. 81658 t Tel I Fax (970) 3Zg 0203 a rfl!flYe.tlllFalndng.oom Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Receipt No. a"t --3 r 3-cp r-!.-k Please make checks payable to the TOWN oF VAIL Account No,Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3'14 1110 Address Maps 7A $5.00 001 0000 314'1110 loning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141'111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees - RENEWAL CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10 AD Za9o.,n lRl 001 0000 2 110 0000 3 -l --t { t t:' c3 - c' o cl.l| dl :tt ct 91.(tar .|..i:F:J C t= <r.e = q, D, EL '< tn rt' -td H ts r-:l rtt t:,i o- o -'F- :o r$g :D* * CEES A E+ 9brt( P ;* r a sE*-<, :| - -.t r :> gtt:t .+.D F :c) e eN(fE o- Fi + n -..r 6_,-n i: a t,rL\.r qD ::19|:i nr; F; f,{F Cftn x 9t 4hi3 ffi=tra in F.:rE.r6Sgff€a* = c., (,-i;<- .'ia lll<:; I E- s.3 f;E. = J n B-'''ii*F ; g ---z, .. 1r', (r *{ .. i=,r -*--tt-+rJ $ghi ki Fo g L4C4Ln Lr --a -:' FF?.E F EE S.:5 888 E F* 8:i'. \ ) 001 0000 2t o01 oo0o 3 * all items cl No speed c ITOTAL: I 432+ reca1,71(& .i:n c.q^re.l- .[ l,a'.ri-i*n Comments: Cash- MoneyOrder# r G O:,A t\ Check# -EZ2L Received bY:' L-2 f/cdev/forms/admin/sales-action-form-2007 1/5/06 o : ; F F t2 !{0tsoHr. Alazorc.l.gEloo F oio Fri.' oAtrtttAZFDFro I( lo>oq a clq6 NI 2 o(, o N I f; dF Eg EU z il o F F (\ z89.lrl .gH hea9 A66 ^ rl dtqaHI lqDq Ao8 H IAE o.l Era oro !4 Hoo o U oqlNO ,]f'x F EE E9ce g ts lrE|z2ttt p E9(a€ A fr lrazdc'oH: arlI E HE 89 E4 t{ -a !{ E H 2 h Et6-(,frgeRE>!aP PEp 69U U- AHig t{ F! A !4 A2 !{ (,1o tl ; no o O il .rl 6t!E> |{EII{8rl0tldo.u q EE IAr||E. Design Revlew Board ACTIOH FOI.M Department of Csmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vnil, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 faxr970.479.t.152 uyeb: www,vailgov-com ProjectName: MILLERRESIDENCE Project Descriptioh: Participants: OWNER MILLERS UONSHEAD LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO DALI-AS TX 75251 APPUCANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHfiECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ARCHiTECT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81620 License: C000001399 ProjectAddress: 695 FOREST RD VAIL 695 FOREST ROAD UNIT'A Motion Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8060519 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS (DORMER, WINDOWS, STDING MATERIAT ETC.) rLlt0l2006 LL{LO|20O6 Phoner 970-925-5099 LLI L0|2OO6 Phone; 970-926-5099 Locatlon: Legal Description: Loh 5 Block 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 6 Parcel Number: 2l0L-072-1000-8 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action! STAFFAPR d- Date of Approval: tll2Ll2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome rold one (1) year folloving the date of flnal approrral, unless a building permlt ls issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued to,ward completlon. Cond: 113 All dwelopment applications submltted to the Town after the effectlve date of Ordlnance 26, Serles 2005 shall be subJect to the pendlng employee houslng regulatlons in whatever form they are flnally adopted; provlded, howarer, that lf the Town fails to adopt the pending employee houslng regulauons S Aprll 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment appllcatlons. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO -J GdDffi ffir(bnmcrdaf-" fpfiAon fr DGdgn noufoiw ilEEr--rDreZ5Urffil$H,ffittEi;IISTEUII bS.,FfzE*xffo! X nF qilr**n lF ra* G tfr r*r Lfrrtdffi|L fE GnD qll.q*i I FIrFJ It #, h #*r k Drtu H drrr he- --r-r- -r- rrit-t-ErrrEErE -- r4!=E.E rEEGrE- -D:-:ilr -ElrE lfung--er f,r -an1g - rEr TIT E-I-CEl--EI-It -'-Il-rf,.L Ldrrrrffi t*-E_w.3- nycare+ edrg fuE+ "J.- l*ri* ft. nur!'! ZteOlZta,S (ffi lrgts A, E tgDiEHF{O tuFild rn.) I-r hc(.l..(-CF r*k Et'F af fffiol.EqcffitFafr-FinilEbffbdEffi{#ul|Etiltrfibbqilllb0c'. :t-qrDrIErD-ITDEE rec.rl,-]ruG. E'rErr-:EIErhGrrEqt3tfqrd-Sffi,e6{,*, fFl} tffiq, hbfrg' b d rrl*frg*,rC.E_*!-5 F H sd ; '||q shr a rh odrlHH -?F U ^,v) flo h -01o ?(-- ?/aLfrEe Edk lbaaE-EE Sbns -CIc@k oHmfrE'.ffi| trhnh{Iffi. O rfrfr.3rhbffifD hhp fil |l!! f, tal. qa6 t lo tlllil.Qs*nhclll{snrt. I evJ*q RRJaL'o6e tE-c{ PRBo L osr 7 Change to Appmved Plans requested fon Norm and fuine MillerAddiUon Lot 5 Blod( 2 Subdivi!$on V V 6 695 Forcst Road, UnitA 1o-2il)6 The items that frre Millers rvould like !o change are: 1. The fiont south domec cfiange fiom nood siding to stucco. Add a verthal translfion board at|he rrct rcof brmination. 2. Eliminab the luooden bfiacr<efi on the westem deck edge to emphasis the stucco on the dormer. The sbucfural support of the member b no bnger necessary. 3. Add bur 5'0' (w) x 4'o (h) windouc on the norfirrrcst & noftect corrers. Eliminab the two 2'O (w) x 3'O (h) norh side wirdor*s. ^.^_,. . !. Ghange a singb anbrior door on the vveet rna$r bedrmm u/alt to a pair of 3'O(w) x6'40) French doors. 5. Add a sealed glass gas fireplace in the master b€droom. 6. Add a tansom widows abole the rmr north fadly mom doors. 7. EliminaG tf,o windoua on the lqwr east elevatbo. 8. Efimin# the small upper verlbal wirdorrs in the lMng roorn's south and eret ebvetbns. CT-a7-46 g4r53p F$dlr;Tro:919?6.Eirgst P.3.4 i-.5E|Ef,rBfionEIGitirttErf...llfa r,@lr.eierAtwd dlsifton) |ttoroEt|Efits lrudtr rjbl|tqrrrd!,qFUh*kbr .IAL' d ,, ::tr::-1*'dbFE,HUGtn sinbd b tu Torrr d v|l Ont nq,*Frril Frc,! bfh "a*_ff : h GEkn rorrrtrr*rlor r urhrni ..np,,wild I llrts urrrtnt u*fibdlcillrrryhe b Uctr3aEtt,rn qrln I|bFwqr b cnr|l arroabu lfi frrrf*lt mn.ldE af .tnttF, Pa!. t of 6aaASrO{ CO ,,OL€?FOI6 uqt rlq{ r'13 qEB &t '.'o 190t9?&016 ltt'ltl arnrr ol-r arRa-r €lt s & rro Gr-a7-a6 s4:3tP Ffttr! Crtttot rD Aopru,.d nrE rl|r|bth lbdrrr6A.m l.!frerl|&olot68bcr2$t|fttsbyVCGeSFquitbd.UtiA rGes{6 f:r ibnclrar frr f&l suB bbchEa G! llr Cu|. rrrD dc||- ff|ptiE rtibf,cr fr .ltl!-.hDorU d I|6 tdr|nntu|. ? Etnr* Orc E' fr qr-th.Eil tBqr brdr-lb ITEOOD*.Bffiffit#* tr|.tEzf {rrtrSUGDful ".ror i,ffiry ebr|a o ir Ett-rrEloanr { b r p*d turfiDr = Atos S llr l. iEtcr-|| rE lEEr.3 turt a clrrts;r -rG.rUlf "-ri"rrl Afre rbfll.: g!3+Frrfuohh;-qi.h;; **,"1.1-"- r ll- rf xghh fr Hl rcirl rt ra rt 1D!9197Ut u'tcil P.4.4 urGN aloH rrl q0e3 €lr gr gZ FOr '019}S{116 ,'d g'd r90r€tloLc rttflnt :rrnu al:! arflar (rT-a?-aG art: sF Ftr{I,r: Bcdr I-evine Arcbibci, IG. P.O. t825 Avon, (P 81620 (e7o) e2 ee3(P) ( gml s2G2e93(F) TRANSMITTAL Dalc: la 4€'z>(o rSr*rtoro TO:9lgtirE{51t61 P.?tq r| u .rrqi .f3 ClE t6z:tf SO gg fro EROtrl: Bcrh LevircRE: (A4 fuay Fa>-t- INCI.I,JSIVE: 6\ (tntu4 /tlo*.:t le-t?-occ t?-) l3{_ rynz'-h'c'' +*' ,' Ob,'iL +? Apt,'6i41 fu.-y" ** O> tJe.g(t,-t".L -.l?rr.t ?*T\ oolvta, tAA+r^,L AWattuL (JHet/" l*or.El_+ fu^**Y'IP: itb*"u ;i ftn+ tuW: re bn<ve loln'tt- ' @PY: glr*, z'd t'd t90t9t8{1.6 tuolu euou eI: er8n:EFI't | /'va ^^ r^.r -la J Beth Levine Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon" CO 81620 (e70) e264ee3(p) (e7o) e26-2e%(r) TRA}{SMITTAL Date: t hOQ ro: J}V' @)il A1w""' FROM: Beth LevineRE: l-t tLlW '?r4, INCLUSTVE: NOTE: Ct^o,^r1t- +- 4ffYz{ze< /to-f ' 0 ry/"'*-a'u'z\Dufltw T^ ; ;-'/-' 4 /4YF4' flrtt-z Ib wol aY *44\l'ttt"^-L oWA ,7f** \-/ ANllt'lrfi4 , COPY: *'ir*+***+f*a'}'}****+***a*r'laff**+***f'l**'t+*i'lf*++l+****t'***+***+***+tt*++*+****t*t*******++** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO State,nr€Nrt**l**'l+***lf***l*tt't+*a!'tf*|t**f**af+ir**ft*aa**'l*+**{r*+'}a{ra*'t**t'}*+t'}*:t'f+***a*t'*+****++'t*t***'}+ Statenent Number: R060001938 Amount: $20.00 LL/LO/20D6O9:55 All Pa)rnent lilethod: Check Init : iISlilolation: 2705/BETH tElIINE Penrdt No: DRBO605!.9 T14le: DRB-Ctrg to Appr planE Parcel No: 2101-072- 1000-8Site Addrese: 695 FOREST RD \ZAIIJLocation: 695 FORES? ROAD ttNIT 'Ar ThiE Pa)ment: $20.00 Total Fees: $20.00Total ALL PmtE: $20.00Balance: $0.00 '**t'*t{'f****f*tt*++*+***+f****+*lrtt**'}****'***i'**+**t****l'a****f+*'}+'}*'}a***'t't*:}**+*'t'***i'**+*** ACCOIJNT ITEM IJST: Account Code C.rrrrent Prnt,s DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DBSIGN REI':TEW FEBS 20.00 DescriDtion TOIIT.IOT'IlA[, D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com January-10, 2006 Beth Levine Beth Levine Architect, Inc. PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (fax) 970.926.2993 695 Forest Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Village 6tn Filing Northwoods Dear Beth, Thank you for meeting with me last week to discuss the two projects mentibned above. Regarding 695 Forest Road (The Milfer Residence), Staff maintalned at its meetlng this moming that as long as the Employee Housing Unit (EHU) is the thlrd unit on the properly, its access to the Prlmary unlt must be discontinued with the proposal for any new Gross Reside ntial Floor Area (GRFA) upon the site, per the following section of the Vail Town Code: Each EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access fom any EHU to any dwelling unit it may be aftached to (Section 12-13-3-C-4L The only way that such access would be allowed to continue at this point would be if the Town could verify that it had granted an approval initially for access between the Primary unit and the Employee Housing unit. The plans that are located in our office are not sufficient to discern this access or the lack thereof. Additionally, I have been unable to locate the file related to this legal description of the lot and cannot decipher whether or not this residence was originally approved with an Employee Housing Unit and the access that cunently exists. Additionally, I have attached a portion of the language within the Special Development District governing the Northwoods Condominiums that relates to the allowable site coverage and open space area within the project. This may prove helpful in overall calculations for the first-floor proposal that you detailed with me last week. Finally, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I hope to locate the legal file for 695 Forest Road this week, which may lend better insight upon the number of dwelling units originally approved by the Town of V4 at that property. Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure I tr.-'-! \ \ir IuUr r {p ^"t'"""o "'" l1 maximum distanco ln the same plane botween any two corners or a building shall b€ two hundred twonly-nv€ feet. (Ord. 6(1974) _ 9(rJ: Ord. S(1973) Arr. ig, Ch. 2(part).) 18.42.140 - Coverage. Not more than twenty-flve percenl of tho total sito area may bo covored by bulldlngs. (ord. 6(1974) _ 9(G): Ord. 8(1s73) Arr. 13, Ch. 2(pad).) 18.42.150 - Opon Space. A. usoable opon spaco for dwolllng unlls shall be requlred as hdicatsd In tho developmont plan, but ln no case shall tho useablo open space requlrcmenls be lsss than as follows: 1. A minimum ol one squar€ loot of useabrs open space ror each lour foet of gross resldential lloor area; 2. Not less than ono hundred rirty squars feot ot usoablo open spaco shall be provided for aach dwelling unit. B. Useable open spaco may bs common space accessibls to moro than ono dwolling unit, or prlvate spaco acccssiblo to separate dwelting unlts, or a comblnation therool. At least filty percent of the required useablo opon space shall ba provided at ground l€vel, exclusive ol roqulred front setback areas. c. At least ssvsnly-livo porcont of tho roqulrod ground-lovol usoablo opon spaco shall bo common space. Tho minlmum dimonsion ol any area quatifying as ground lsvel useable op6n space shall bo tcn feet. D. Not moro than fifty porcenl of the ussablo opon spacs requlramont may bo satisti€d by balconi€s or roof decks. Tho minimum dimension of any area qualifying as non-ground- levol useablo op€n spaco shall be llvo foet, and any suclr aroa shall conlaln al loast lfty square feet. (ord.6(1974)_s(H): Ord. B(197s) Art. i3, ch.2(pad).) 18.42.160 - landscaping and Sits Oevelopment. A. At least slxty percont ot tho lotal stto aroa shalt be landscapod as provldod In tho . development plan. B. withln any area exompted hom onsito parkrng and/or toadrng requiroments, properry owners or appllcants shall be required to contributo to rhe lown parklng fund, estab shed .6