HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Medical Center Record Request (2) � ` ��t � � � � ✓ � �� � � �� TO: Plann_ing and Environmen al Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: --�'e� ri,a r � �q st g �Q'i('C 1'L- � � � �� � SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, including a new parking structure AND FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN. (Revisions are indicated by capital letters. ) Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center ON FEBRUARY 13, 1989, THE PEC REVIEWED THE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST. THE PEC VOTED TO TABLE THE PROPOSAL TO THE FEBRUARY 27TH PEC MEETING. THE MOTION WAS MADE BY DIANA DONOVAN AND SECONDED BY PEGGY OSTERFOSS. THE VOTE WAS 3-1 IN FAVOR OF TABLING. PAM HOPKINS VOTED AGAINST THE MOTION TO TABLE. JIM VIELE AND SIDNEY SCHULTZ ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE. BRYAN HOBBS WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING. THE PEC ASKED THAT THE MEDICAL CENTER OBTAIN COLORADO DIVISION OF HIGHWAY'S COMMENTS ON THE REVISED FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE A. Hospital Expansion The proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 31,209 square feet for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side of the recently built west wing. Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the patient care unit (PCU) by 20 beds. The second floor is 8, 150 square feet. A small entry addition adjacent to the parking structure is proposed for the first floor (1,242 s.f. ) . Construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing adds 21,817 square feet. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. B. Parkinq . The hospital proposes to construct a 2-1/2 level parking structure at the east end of its property. The structure will provide parking for 177 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. AMBULANCE ACCESS IS PROVIDED THROUGH THE LOWEST LEVEL OF THE STRUCTURE AND OUT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE STRUCTURE TO WEST MEADOW DRIVE. A SECOND ACCESS IS PROVIDED THROUGH THE HOSPITAL'S EXISTING MAIN ENTRY. THIS ALLOWS FOR TWO ACCESSES FOR AMBULANCES. The elevation of the 1 + � � � • -� � � � top level of the parking structure would be slightly � lower than that of the existing South Frontage Road. � The north end of the structure would be constructed on � land currently owned by the Doubletree Hotel. The Vail ; Valley Medical Center and the Doubletr�e Hotel have entered into an agreement to allow the structure to be ` built on Doubletree land in return for stsared parking � arrangements and other considerations. �: The hospital's proposed structure will be built in such � a way that it can be connected to the Doubletree's ` underground parking at a later date to allow sharing of parking. The structure would eliminate 20 existing t surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These 20 spaces will be replaced in the proposed structure. � Surface Parking will occur on the present west lot, providing for 104 vehicles with an additional 18 surface spaces on town owned Lot 10. The lot is leased from the town and will remain in its present configuration with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. The Vail Valley Medical Center is required to provide a total of 220 parking spaces on site. The 1986 conditional use permit calculated the requirement for ; 220 spaces by adding the number of day shift employees, � hospital beds, and exam rooms. The overall total � included an obstetrics (OB) wing on the north side of ` the second floor, althouqh this was never built. Thus, � the number of parking spaces calculated for the unbuilt OB wing should be credited against the overall parking 4 requirement. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: � USE SPACES REQR E' HOSPITAL 1 space per bed 30 � 1 space per emergency exam bed 9 1 space per employee (maximum on day shift) 55 94 94 DOCTORS OFFICES ' 1 space per doctor 32 1 space per employee 38 �: 1 space per exam room 44 :' 114 114 AMBULANCE GARAGE 1 space per transport vehicle 4 1 space per employee (on duty) 2 > meeting room space 6 �� 12 12 Total spaces required for entire facility 220 � 2 ` � � � • • • • If the parking spaces for the obstetrics wing are deducted from the total requirement of 220, 203 spaces are needed to service the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed to by the Town and Hospital. The obstetrics wing called for the following parking: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-OB 10 Exam room - OB 1 Day shift employees- OB 6 Total 17 spaces The incremental parking requirements that the proposed expansion will generate are computed as follows: � USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-General 20 Exam rooms-General 6 Day shift employees-general 49 Total 75 spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Base figure 86-87 expansion 203 Incremental increase, 89-90 expansion 75 Total Required 278 Parking will be located on the property in the following areas: Parking structure 177 spaces Surface parking 104 spaces Lot 10 18 spaces Total 299 spaces Available parking 299 spaces Doubletree parking in northeast structure - 20 spaces Total 279 spaces Required 278 - 1 space above required 3 � ` � . * It should be noted that no valet parking is proposed with this expansion. : � Due to the fact that the hospital is proposing to construct a portion of the parking structure on Doubletree property, 20 parking spaces for the Doubletree will be lost. The Hospital has agreed to provide 20 spaces within the northeast parking structure for full time use by the Doubletree. If and when t the Doubletree expands, the Hospital will permit the hotel to use up to 48 additional spaces between the hours of 5:30 PM and 6:00 AM. The 20 spaces previously assigned to the Doubletree on a full time basis would revert to Hospital use between 6:00 AM and 5:30 PM. The following chart indicates how the parking will be utilized by the Hospital and Doubletree when the Doubletree expansion occurs. PHASE I PHASE II (WMC EXPANSION) (DOUBLETREE EXPANSION) 6:OOAM-5:30PM 5: 30PM-6: OOAM 6: OOAM-5: 30PM 5:30PM-6: OOAM REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED DBLTREE 167 167 167 167 261 193 261 261 HOSPITAL 278 279 278 279 278 299 278 231 It should be noted that the Hospital plans to provide all of its parkinq on site for the current expansion. The Hospital will gain an additional 20 parking spaces during the day once the Doubletree expands. The Hospital will have a deficit of � 48 spaces in the eveninQ hours between 5: 30 PM and 6:00 AM � after the Doubletree ex ansion. * The Hospital has provided parking counts indicating a drastic reduction in the number of cars on site after 5:30 pm (Please see parking counts memo, attached) . C. South Frontaqe Road Improvements THE STAFF HAS SUNIIKARIZED BELOW THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT REQUEST AS OUTLINED IN DAN FEENEY'S LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 24TH, 1989: OUR PREPARED PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WILL BE PRESENTED TO MR. ROBERT MOSTEN, DISTRICT s' ENGINEER FOR THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, AT 11 i' AM ON TUESDAY, 28 FEBRUARY, WHEN HE VISITS THE SITE. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF THE PLAN ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. WE WILL WIDEN THE ROAD TO PROVIDE THREE FULL s LANES FROM THE POST OFFICE/MUNICIPAL DRIVE TO ' . A POINT WEST OF THE DOUBLETREE'S WESTERN ACCESS. THIS WILL INCLUDE A WEST—BOUND THRU ` 4 `" t � f � � � . • • LANE, CENTER LEFT-TURN LANE, AND AN EAST-BOUND THRU LANE. IN ADDITION, THE DOUBLETREE IS PROPOSING TO CONSTRUCT ITS ACCELERATION/DE- CELERATION LANE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE HOSPITAL'S IMPROVEMENTS, RATHER THAN DEFERRING IT UNTIL THE HOTEL EXPANDS. 2. THE BANK BUILDING WILL RELOCATE EACH OF ITS TWO ACCESS DRIVES IN A WAY THAT PROVIDES MORE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION, BETTER ALIGNMENT WITH THE EXISTING POST OFFICE/MUNICIPAL DRIVE, AND JOINT USE OF THE WESTERN-MOST ACCESS FOR THE BANK BUILDING AND TI�iE HOSPITAL'S PARKING STRUCTURE. 3. THE DOUBLETREE WILL REALIGN ITS EXISTING EAST ACCESS SO THAT IT MEETS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD AT A RIGHT ANGLE, RATHER THAN ITS PRESENT SKEWED ORIENTATION. 4. OUR ENGINEERS ARE ALIGNING THE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SO THAT THEY WILL HAVE VIRTUALLY NO NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE GRADES OF EXISTING ACCESS DRIVES ON EITHER THE NORTH OR SOUTH SHOULDER, WITH ONE EXCEPTION. WIDENING ON THE NORTH SHOULDER WILL MAKE THE GRADE FOR THE WESTERN ACCESS TO THE POST OFFICE UNACCEPTABLY STEEP (14�, IN LIEU OF THE EXISTING 6-7�) . THE HOSPITAL WILL AGREE TO RELOCATE THIS DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 30 FEET TO THE WEST. BY EXPIAITING THE EXISTING RISE IN SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD TO THE WEST, THIS WILL ALLOW THE GRADE OF THE NEW DRIVE TO BE KEPT TO A GRADE NO STEEPER THAN THAT OF THE EXISTING ACCESS. 5. IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM TURNING RADIUS INTO THE HOSPITAL'S PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE, ALL FUTURE WIDENING OF THE ROAD WILL HAVE TO BE ACCOMPLISHED ON THE NORTH SHOULDER. THE ELONGATED PLANTER PROPOSED BY THE BANK BUILDING TO SEPARATE ITS SHORT-TERM PARKING FROM SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD TRAFFIC WILL ALSO PRECLUDE FURTHER WIDENING ON THE SOUTH SHOULDER. AS EXHIBIT A TO HIS LETTER (COPY ATTACHED) , DAVID LEAHY HAS INDICTED CONCEPTUALLY HOW A FOURTH LANE MIGHT BE ADDED . AT THE NORTH SHOULDER. WHETHER OR NOT THE SUPERELEVATION (BANKED CURVES) IS REMOVED WILL DEPEND IN LARGE MEASURE ON FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE EAST AND WEST OF THE ONE-EIGHTH MILE OF ROAD OUR PROPOSED PLAN AFFECTS. 5 � � � ` � i' 6. FOR AN EXCELLENT SUMMARY OF THE SCOPE, RATIONALE AND ADVANTAGES OF OUR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PLAN, PLEASE SEE DAVID LEAHY'S LETTER OF 24 FEBRUARY 1989, COPY ATTACHED. TDA also states that traffic through the four-way stop shall be decreased by the access plan: "Based on observed turning movements at the bank and Doubletree Inn, between 1/3 and 1/4 of the Hospital's peak hour trips will be oriented to the west. Hence, the proposed access plan will lessen the percentage of Hospital trips passing through the 4-way stop intersection by 25 to 33�. This reduction of 25 to 30 p.m. peak hour trips using Vail Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic operations. Specifically, the single-lane northbound Vail Road approach at the 4-way stop will experience reduced length of vehicle queue by virture of the proposed access plan. " (TDA Report, p.9, January 3, 1989) * Please note that the plan assumes that the configuration of the four-way stop remains the same. D. Hospital Master Plan The Hospital has developed a long range master plan which envisions future expansions and also coincides with the Doubletree's master plan. The plan calls for redevelopment of the east end of the Hospital property including demolition of the original clinic built during the late 60's. The emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to the east end (South side of the parking structure) with = direct access to the South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage would allow construction of an access connecting the east structure with a parking structure at the � west end. Thus, the master plan provides for moving virtually all Hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. The Hospital submitted a plan which shows maximum build-out ; heights of 4 stories on the west wing, 2 stories on the center wing, and 4 stories on the east wing. This massing is restricted through agreements with the Doubletree. A future northwest parking structure is also proposed. The west parking structure would be limited to 2-1/2 stories with one floor being underground. The total build-out square footage for the Hospital is estimated to be 231,940 square feet. � II. ZONING ANALYSIS The site is located in the Public Use Zone District. There � are no specific development standards for this district. ` Instead the zoning code states: 6 i � . . . • "The public use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18. 02.020 and to provide for the public welfare. " A. Site Area: 3.811 acres or 166, 007 square feet B. Floor Area: Existinq New Total Basement 12,490 0 12 ,490 First Floor 48,752 1,242 49,994 Second Floor 35,239 8, 150 43, 389 Third Floor _ 0 21,817 21, 817 96,481 31,209 127, 690 C. Site Coverage: Square Feet $ Building 49,994 30.2 Ambulance Storage 2,320 1 Parking Structure 13,850 8.3 Paving 51, 000 30.7 Open Space 48,845 29.4 Landscapinq Site Area 166, 009 +100� D. Setbacks: Front/South: 25 ft. (no change) Side/East: 0 ft. (no change) Rear/North: 0 ft. Side/West: (no change) E. Height: � $��. /D,,�nu'W /YaX�'�- �¢ig�� U . The proposed expansion will have a total of three stories. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18. 60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: 7 , > � � . . < � . � � Consideration of Factors. A. Relationship and impact of the use on development ob�ectives of the Town. Staff believes that the Hospital is in an acceptable location 4 provided that proper site and land use planning is ; coordinated with surrounding properties. We are comfortable � that if the master plan is followed the hospital can continue to expand in an orderly manner that will be positive for the community. However, we do feel that the site could benefit in the long-term by relocating the doctors' offices and pharmacy to another site. This would free up additional square footage for necessary hospital uses and also decrease traffic. � The Vail Valley Medical Center provides vital services for both permanent residents of Vail as well as our guests. The medical center is an important facility which will meet the present and future medical needs of the Town of Vail. The purpose section of the Public Use District states that public and quasi-public uses must provide for the public welfare and ' also meet the general purposes as prescribed in Section 18. 02. 020 of the zoning code. Section 18. 02.020: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities; 2 . To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, ; avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other ' dangerous conditions; � 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian� and vehicular traffic circulation and to lessen � congestion in the streets; 4. To promote adequate and appropriately located off street parking and loading facilities; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values; 6. To encourage a� harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development r objectives; 7. To prevent excessive population densities and � over crowding of the land with structures; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the - Town; ` 8 � , • . � • 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides and other desirable natural features; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desired living quarters; 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The staff feels that the proposed hospital expansion reinforces these objectives of the zoning code. B. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. lLl� The height of �. proposed with this expansion should not have major impacts on light and air. Height limitations as outlined in the master plan have been designed by considering impacts on adjacent properties, particularly West Meadow Drive. In respect to utilities, major utilities are located in the area of the proposed parking structure. The applicant is in the process of determining how the relocation could be accomplished. The hospital is a significant public facility which meets community health needs. The project definitely satisfies a major public facility need. � C. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas. 1. Frontaqe Road Access PERMIT REQUEST: The proposed northeast parking structure was designed with the intent of removing traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The approach to parking and vehicular access supports the goals listed in the Land Use Plan for this area. In the preliminary stages of review, . both the Planning Commission and Staff indicated to the hospital that it was important to remove traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The Land Use Plan has designated the West Meadow Drive area as a transition area between the Lionshead and Vail Village Commercial Cores. Section 4.4 the Land Use Plan states: 9 � � , € � � . , � ; . � The connection between the Village Core and Lionshead ` should be enhanced through: A. Installation of a new type of people mover. ` B. Improving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk, alpine garden, and/or sculpture plaza. C. New development should be controlled to limit commercial uses. A high percentage of the vehicular trips on West Meadow Drive are due to the hospital. The applicants submitted information for total trips on West Meadow Drive for October 15th and October 18th. They state that: "Total trips on West Meadow Drive between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm range from a low of 1, 018 trips on Saturday, 15th of October to a high of 1,618 on Thursday, September 29th. The percentage of vehicles on West Meadow Drive using the hospital � varies from approximately 34� on October 15th to � 53� on October 18th. " (Letter from Dan Feeney to Kristan Pritz October 21, 1988. ) � The peak number of all vehicles using West Meadow Drive during a 60-minute interval on each date is as follows: � � DATE TIME INTERVAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES E � 29 Sept. 11 am - noon 185 15 Oct. 11 am - noon 158 � 18 Oct. 1 - 2 pm 156 By providing the structure and new access on the Northeast corner of the property, these trip numbers $ should be substantially decreased. The decrease in s' hospital traffic using West Meadow Drive supports the long term community goal to develop West Meadow Drive as a pedestrian link between the two villages. In respect to the road improvements proposed in the Access PERMIT REQUEST prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. , the staff believes that the plan provides for much needed improvements to the South Frontage Road. The key issue related to the . Access Control Plan is whether or not the Colorado Division of Highways will find the plan acceptable. In a preliminary review session on January 31, 1989 in Grand Junction, the hospital, Vail National Bank, Doubletree Hotel, and � representatives from the Town of Vail met with the Highway � Department Access Control Committee to review the plan. The ; Highway Department wrote a letter summarizing their concerns with the Access Control Plan. 10 r: 2. � - . • • Instead of denying the proposal by strict application of the State Access Code, the Colorado Division of Highways agreed that access to the parking structure would be possible provided that "continuous acceleration, deceleration, and left turn lanes are provided". They stated that they felt that it was possible to provide a positive access design that will meet the requirements of the property owners without compromising public safety. The highway department recommended that the property owners consider the following design options: 1. Provide one access to the parking structure which in turn provides access to the Doubletree and Vail National Bank. 2. Close the two westerly approaches to the old Post Office and provide a road to the easterly approach along the Interstate right of way and connect parking lots around the Post Office. This would allow for movement to the Frontage Road more to the North. 3 . Removal of the super elevation (bank of the road) and center line spirals to gain more room. (Please see letter from Mr. Chuck Dunn, District Right of Way Engineer, February 1, 1989. ) The Highway Department also indicated that it would be helpful if the Town of Vail would determine what uses would be located in the Post Office building once it is vacated. The effects of a fourth lane in the northern area of the highway right-of-way should also be studied by the Town of Vail to determine how a potential for future fourth lane might effect access onto the Town of Vail property. In light of these comments, the hospital requested to meet with the council on February 7, to discuss how the proposed Frontage Road improvements affect the Town of Vail and to ask for Town of Vail support in resolving the conflict. At that meeting the council passed a resolution addressing the hospital request. (Copies of the resolution will be available on Monday. ) The staff also agrees with the resolution in the respect that we are supportive of the property owners efforts to work out an acceptable Frontage Road improvement plan with the Colorado Department of Highways. Instead of prohibiting the project from proceeding through the planning process, the staff believes that it is acceptable to proceed with planning commission review of the proposal with the condition that an access permit be 11 � . � � � ` � £ approved by the Colorado Division of Highways before a = building permit is released for the hospital expansion. # The proposal is extremely complex and involves three ; private property owners plus the Town of Vail. To their credit, the three property owners have reached agreement on a myriad of issues which allow for the completion of s the Frontage Road improvements. 2. Shared Parkinq. The hospital has submitted information which indicates that the required parking drastically decreases after 5:00 pm. The parking information provided by the hospital below indicates this pattern: � OF TOTAL NUMBER OF EXCESS SPACES DATE TIME CAPACITY VEHICLES PARKED CAPACITY UNUSED Dec 30 3 : 30pm 205 158 47 23� Dec 30 8: OOpm 205 39 166 81� Jan 4 3: 30pm 205 165 40 19.5% Jan 4 8:OOpm 205 36 169 82% Jan 11 5:30pm 205 113 92 45� Jan 12 5:30pm 205 101 104 51% When the parking structure is complete, our total capacity will be increased to 279 spaces. Because the mix of hospital services is not expected to change with our proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumption that the percentage of total spaces unused at 5: 30 pm will remain approximately 45-51�, as it was on January 11 and 12. Thus, the number of unused parking spaces at 5:50 pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when� the parking structure is constructed. This is almost three times the number of spaces we have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. Employees who fill day-time only jobs, such as business office personnel, normally leave the hospital between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Shift changes for positions that are staffed round-the-clock, such as nursing and EMT { jobs, occur variously between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift is finishing and another is� coming on duty is finished long before the spaces would have to be available to the Doubletree. In addition, most evening shifts have 25- 30� fewer personnel than the day shifts they replace. (Letter from Dan Feeney January 13 , 1989) The Doubletree has submitted the following information concerning their parking utilization: � 12 • . • • The results of the survey show that daytime parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, and guests ranged from approximately 15� to 38� of supply. During this period Hotel occupancy ranged from 32� to 100�. 38� of the parking supply is equal to 63 parked cars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of "unauthorized" cars utilize the parking supplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of the bar and restaurant and when factored into the survey indicate a higher utilization of the parking supply. At 9:00 p.m. the 167 spaces were never full but our observation is that later in the evening the parking fills close to capacity. The survey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree is a workable and desirable solution. Even though our survey indicates peak usage during the day is roughly 38� maximum we are proposing to provide 73� of our required spaces during the day and 100� in the evening hours. The difference will more than provide a "cushion" for any seasonal fluctuations or special events that may occur. (Memo from Peter Jamar dated January 10, 1989. ) The Staff approves of the shared parking concept for these two projects. We believe that the shared parking will provide for a more efficient use of parking between both projects. 3 . Delivery Service: The existing driveway at the east end of the hospital will be maintained as a fire lane to facilitate snow removal from the upper deck of the parking structure and as an access to the service door at the southeast corner of the parking structures lower level. The service door at the south will be used only by maintenance vehicles and not by the public. Deliveries will continue to be received at the materials management department in the southeast corner of the building via West Meadow Drive. At this time, the hospital does not feel that it is practical to have truck deliveries drive through the proposed parking structure at the east side. 4. Snow Removal• Snow on the top level of the parking structure will be pushed off the southeast corner into the service corridor. Because of extremely limited space the hospital anticipates trucking snow off the site after every major snow storm and after second or third moderately sized snow storm. Staff concern 13 � � • , 4 � .. F r E � on this issue is that the hospital agrees that all snow " removal and drainage must be handled on their site. Drainage � and snow may not be pushed onto the Frontage Road or to other � adjacent properties. � 5. Pedestrian Connection With The Bank: The hospital is providing a sidewalk connection from the Vail National Bank property to the top level of the parking structure. Although the design and location of the sidewalk may need to be refined at the request of CDOH and at the Design Review Board level, the staff believes that the sidewalk connection between the Vail National Bank and hospital parking structure is important. Staff Summary: The Staff feels that the proposal is a vast improvement over existing conditions on the Frontage Road and will provide a sound solution for parking and access to the site. The most significant benefit of the plan is obviously for West Meadow } Drive. It is estimated by the hospital that because 85 fewer parking , spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, they anticipate that an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day { �q��Q� during peak periods will be achieved. This is based on the hospital's observation that each parking space generates 5-6 �,Q(,OI'�` tri s West Meadow Drive between 7am and 5pm. (See letter rom Dan Feene . Vehicular traffic will be drastically reduced, safety will be improved and the door will be opened to make the necessary improvements to make this an attractive and safe pedestrian connection between the Village and Lionshead. . D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located includinq the scale and bulk of the �roposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. ; f The hospital expansion does effect the character of the area s due to the increased bulk and mass of the proposed expansion. However, even though the hospital has somewhat of an institutional appearance, the third floor expansion on West Meadow Drive has been designed to break up the bulk and mass of the expansion as much as possible. The third floor is not one solid building wall extending above the second floor. Instead, the architects have broken up the mass by the use of . two deck areas and one recessed area. The hospital has also used as much glass as possible along the west and south elevations. The glass also helps to decrease the perception of the bulk of the building. 14 � - • . • The parking structure has minimal impacts on West Meadow Drive. Most of the structure is hidden from view by the existing eastern wing of the hospital. From the South Frontage Road, the parking structure will actually be slightly below the grade of the road so visual impacts of the structure on the Frontage Road should be minimal. It will be important that as much landscaping as is possible (given CDOH requirements) be located in the planting areas along the South Frontage Road. Even though the structure itself will not be visible it will be positive to screen the view of cars parked on the top of the structure. The hospital is proposing to decrease the amount of asphalt on the east side of the Medical Center. Access will still need to be provided for fire, AMBULANCE and maintenance vehicles along the east side of the hospital. However, the hospital has proposed to landscape between the access road and the adjacent Skall Hus property. Staff believes that this will be a positive improvement for both projects. Access to the trash facility will still be maintained for the Skall Hus. IV. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the pro osed use. Vail Valley Medical Center Master Plan: The Staff is looking at the Master Plan as a conceptual guide for future development on the site. Below is a summary of our comments on the proposal: 1. The parking structures should be connected by a ramp that will allow for direct access between the two � structures. We realize that the connection is not feasible until the ambulance building is relocated to the eastern portion of the site. However, we do not feel that it would be acceptable to build the western parking structure without this connection. Even if a west parking structure is not built, we continue to recommend that access from the northeast parking structure to the west surface parking lot be provided once the ambulance building is relocated. 2. Staff would prefer to see future parking located under the east wing of the hospital when it is rebuilt. It would benefit the site if the western parking structure could be avoided. 3. We feel stronqly that the fourth floor for the east and west winq should be pulled back from the West Meadow Drive side of the expansion. Terracing back will reduce the mass of the building to the users of the street and to the adjacent residences. 15 ! i" � � � � � � . � �. � �- 4. The Staff does not feel that the hospital should rely on � Lot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually, once the West Meadow Drive pedestrian mall is created, Lot 10 will most likely be used for landscaping and a pocket park. � 5. Staff could not support an expanded service delivery area off of Meadow Drive on the southeast corner of the property. Instead, we would strongly encourage loading � and delivery to be relocated to an area that could access off of the South Frontage Road. Master Land Use Plan: The Vail Valley Medical Center lies in the Transition Area. i This land use designation is described as follows: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Village. The activities and site design of this area are aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the area and strengthening the connection ; between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, nature exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of ? civic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacent f: properties to the north. This designation would include ; the right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adjacent ` properties to the north. (Land Use Plan, page 33) Also, as previously noted, policy 4.4 refers to possible future improvements to the West Meadow Drive area. The staff finds that the proposal is in concert with the Land ' Use Plan. The key element is reducing traffic on West Meadow Drive to facilitate implementation of policy 4.4. We feel the Vail Valley Medical Center, Doubletree and Bank deserve credit for working out an agreement to allow access for the Vail Valley Medical Center from the Frontage Road. V. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the � district in which the site is located. � 16 . � € � . •. , • . � • . That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request and adoption of the development standards per the proposed plans with the following conditions: 1. An access permit for the South Frontage Road improvement plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Center as well as Vail National Bank before a building permit will be released for the proposed hospital expansion. � The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access PERMIT REQUEST OUTLINED IN THIS MEMO. O3. The proposed Special Development District 14 for the Doubletree Hotel is AMENDED TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE TO BE BUILT ON DOUBLETREE PROPERTY. 4. Snow removal and drainage from the proposed expansion and parking structure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right of way. U�1�� 5. Access through the southeast corner"lof �the parking structure shall be limited to fire and maintenance vehicles. The general public and hospital employees shall not utilize this access. �- NOTE: The Town Council has asked that the PEC discuss with the applicants how an assessment district could be �,n�,1 structured which would commit the Vail Valley Medical � 1�,��� Center, Bank and Doubletree Hotel owners to helping fund ��,^fy` necessary future road widening improvements in the area directly in front of these properties. The Council feels that the proposed improvements would push future widening to the north side of the right of way and they do not feel that the town should be responsible for�� �� 5 the total cost of these improvements. l � ��q�„Al� � . }w. ��' ,� o ca.�d acc� -��. �� � D/� i���� S i f�l'. �'� radQ alb��1 �M t� a �"` � �� �',� aM � � ``� � �- �k�� �� �row�. � � � l�.i C�- �.� �� s � r � � ' � P �hr�S .. �� � .��� l , =l� � 5 � 1e_- i� � i� �a., a�= `� � � �� �� S � ��\ ��� �.�� � - 1 ��1 ����✓""Lr � �� � : l� � � � � ���� ��� � � . ' � � . , - • � �` `�- � i! �� Planning and Environmental Commission February 27, 1989 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Chuck Crist Peter Patten Diana Donovan Kristan Pritz Pam Hopkins Rick Pylman Peggy Osterfoss Mike Mollica Sid Schultz Betsy Rosolack Jim Viele Kathy Warren A work session was held on the Medical Center and on air emission inventory. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Jim Viele. The new members, Sid Schultz, Chuck Crist and Kathy Warren were sworn in by the Town Clerk, Pam Brandmeyer. 1. Approval of minutes of the meetinq of 2/13. Diana Donovan suggested corrections and moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. The second was made by Sid and the vote was 7-0 in favor. 2 . A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition a c�--a�� �arK' - -. tructure to the Vail Valle Medical Cen on Lot F Vail '� la e 2nd Filin at 181 West Meadow ive. A licant:. V 1 Valle Medical Center � , Kristan Pritz e^' lained changes that had b,�en,'made sirice the last meeting rega �ng the Frontage Ro�-�and the ambulance egress and ingress. �'�She_mentioned---ar�letter from John Dunn of the Doubletree condos regarding the height of the project. Jim Viele had discussed a possible conflict of interest he may have had with the town attorney, and found he did not have a conflict of interest. Sid Schultz removed himself from the discussion and voting. Kathy Warren wondered about the height of the hospital addition, and Skip Spence of the Reece Johnson Architects, stated the height was approximately 54 feet to the top of the parapet. Kathy asked more detail questions which Skip answered. She felt concern with the site planning and was not comfortable with the open space between the bank and the . • � parking structure, the height on West Meadow Drive and the entry on West Meadow Drive. Chuck Crist suggested perhaps a porte cochere at the entry would soften the elevation, and Dan Feeney replied that he would suggest this idea to the board. Kathy then mentioned the loss of part of the view when approaching the hospital from the library, and Skip replied that the architects did cut back some, but could not determine the exact size of each floor until it was determined exactly what would be in each space. Peggy Osterfoss felt that there were concerns in four areas: access, landscaping, location of the ambulance garage and the bulk and mass of the building. With regard to access, Peggy felt the Town of Vail should be willing to construct a possible 4th lane. She had concerns about the helipad relocation, if this were deemed necessary. Peggy felt there was a dearth of landscaping, and the proposal as presented was unacceptable without more landscaping. She felt that the relocation of the ambulance garage was needed before any future additions were made to the hospital. Concerning the bulk and mass, she felt that a stepping back would help, and perhaps the areas that appear to be greenhouse could be eliminated. Peggy felt that to step back on only the 4th floor would look ridiculous and that the stepping back should begin now. Diana felt that not enough time had been spent on the solution and that an approval given at this time would eliminate options. Diana stated that the parking structure should be constructed downward now, because it would be impossible to do in the future. She felt that since the hospital fronted on a residential street, the architecture should be more in sympathy with the neighborhood. Diana also felt that Lot 10 should not be used to meet parking needs. She felt the use of Lot 10 made the library less accessible. Diana said it was essential that the hospital state exactly when all traffic would be removed from West Meadow Drive and there be a time limit on the the construction of a parking link from the structure to the parking lot with the next expansion. Diana pointed out that some landscaping was being removed by removing the planter boxes. She also expressed concern about the helipad. Pam Hopkins agreed about the need for more landscaping and the need for reducing the height of the hospital expansion. She pointed out that the next floor would make the hospital 70 feet high. She said that Vail was pedestrian oriented, and this must be taken into consideration when designing the hospital "from the inside out. " Chuck Crist agreed with Kathy regarding the site planning. He could foresee the Vail National Bank Building as an "off shoot" of doctors' offices and would have liked to have seen the . � • s parking structure tied into the bank. He pointed out that tall trees were shown on the model, and felt that tall trees would mitigate the height of the addition. Jim Viele felt the access proposal was a substantial improvement. He expressed concern that the Town was not further along in their planning on the South Frontage Road. He stated that he would like to see a master plan which would locate the ambulance garage in further stages. Jim felt that the building should be softened at the front entry but felt this and the landscaping could be dealt with at the Design Review Board meetings. Jim would also like to see a "decent" pedestrian path along West Meadow Drive. He pointed out the he did not feel the window of opportunity in working with the CDOH on the South Frontage Road would exist forever. Therefore, he was prepared to support the project per the staff inemo and pass it along to the Design Review Board for "fine tuning. " Peter Patten said that the Town Council had asked the PEC to discuss with the hospital the possibility of an assessment district and requested that the hospital agree to participate in one if formed, and not to remonstrate against an assessment district. Dan Feeney said he and Ray McMahon would take this request to the hospital board which met the following week. He suggested that the area the hospital might agree to would extend no further than from Ford Park to the Westin. Viele felt that the town must look at a larger area with regard to an improvement district on the South Frontage Road. Peter Jamar, representing the Doubletree Hotel, stated that he did not support an improvement district concept on the South Frontage Road because the improvements being made by the Doubletree, hospital and bank were mitigating impacts from the proposal. With regard to mentioned deficiencies in the overall plan of the sites, he reminded the board that the properties were not under one ownership. Peter mentioned the difficulty in getting the different parties together over the several months of working on the proposal and felt that commendation was in order on the results regarding the access plan and moving of the building. Peter felt that the issues left were not entirely up to the PEC. With regard to landscaping, he stated that there was now an increase, he felt that the parking structure was well designed, he felt it was unfair to bring up views at this point. The adopted view corridors did not include views in the area of the hospital. With regard to the style of the architecture, Peter stated that there are always some buildings not in character in residential neighborhoods, i.e. churches, schools, and other �facilities. Given design constraints, there is plenty of time to massage the design and deal with the details in DRB. , • � � Jay Peterson, also representing the Doubletree, mentioned that the Town had put pressure on the hospital to build a parking structure. If the PEC disapproved this proposal, the parking would go back on West Meadow Drive. Perhaps this was not the optimum solution, but it was better than putting the parking on West Meadow Drive. Peggy felt she agreed with many points made, and did not feel that these properties should be made to participate in an improvement district, but did feel that some specific conditions should be part of any approval. Diana felt the project had come far, but still issues needed to be addressed. Jay suggested adding a list of conditions which would give the Town something to go on. Viele agreed that this decision belonged with this board. Kathy felt day trips would be increased on West Meadow Drive with the hospital expansion due to more use by Sports Medicine and visitors. She pointed out that employees make only one trip per day. She also felt the ambulance trips would be increased. Ray MacMahon pointed out that the doctors' office generated many trips (they would park in the structure) . Pam and Kathy also asked why the structure would not be constructed deeper, and Dan Feeney replied that the ramps would be too steep and it was also unaffordable at this time. Peggy moved for approval and Jim Viele seconded with the conditions of the staff inemo which were: 1. An access permit for the South Frontage Road improvement plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Center as well as Vail National Bank before a building permit will be released for the proposed hospital expansion. 2 . The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access Permit Request outlined in this memo. 3 . The proposed Special Development District 14 for the Doubletree Hotel shall be amended to allow for the construction of a portion of the parking structure to be built on Doubletree property. 4. Snow removal and drainage from the proposed expansion and parking structure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right-of-way. 5. Access through the southeast corner of the parking structure shall be limited to fire and maintenance vehicles. The general public and Hospital employees shall not utilize this access. 6. The Hospital concurs that the relocated access drive to . � � � the helipad: * Shall not exceed a 7� grade (this assumes that the existing access drive grade does not exceed 7�) * Shall allow for safe semi-truck access and loading for the Post Office * Shall not compromise the existing CDOH permit for the helipad * Any trees or shrubs affected by the access shall be relocated in the same general area. The motion included the following conditions as well: 7. In the event the CDOH deems the helipad must be moved, the Hospital must bear the expenses of the relocation of the helipad. 8. The mature evergreens to be transplanted due to the new access drive shall be guaranteed to live for a period of 3 years or be replaced with trees of comparable size. 9. The PEC puts the Hospital on notice that as a part of any future building plans, the ambulance garage must be relocated to allow for, A. Direct access from the ambulance garage to the South Frontage Road and, b. for direct access from the South Frontage Road via the parking structure to the west parking lot. 10. Directions shall be given to DRB that they make certain that maximum substantial landscaping be placed on either side of the entrance to the parking structure, even if this will require regrading, filling and retention. 11. Suggestion to the Town Council that the Town of Vail assume responsibility for the cost of a 4th lane along the Town of Vail site on the Frontage Road and associated modifications to the Town site if a 4th lane addition is required by the CDOH. The vote was 4-2-1 with Schultz abstaining and Diana and Kathy voting against tha motion. 3. A_request to amend Special Develo ment District #14 , � Doubletree Hotel, Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd . Filinq. Applicant: Vail Holdinqs, Inc. Rick Pylman gave the staff presentation, reviewing the history of the original SDD 14 which was adopted in 1986. This SDD expired on September 18, 1988. The present request included �/� � � L PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA February 27, 1989 11: 15 - 12 : 30 Site Visits 12 : 30 - 2 : 15 Worksession of the Vail Valley Medical Center 2 : 15 - 3 : 00 Worksession on the Town of Vail Air Emissions Inventory SITE VISITS PUBLIC HEARING 11: 15 - 12 : 30 3 : 00 PM �3. Approval of Minutes for PEC meeting: February 13 , 1989. �. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Lot F, Vail Village 2nd Filing, 181 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 1. ��. A request to amend Special Development District #14, Doubletree Hotel. Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. 250 South Frontage Road West. \ Applicant: Vail Holdings, Inc. � \ 2. ``4. A request for a conditional use permit and parking variance for an office space for the Vail Valley Arts Council in the Lionshead Parking Structure. Applicant: Vail Valley Arts Council and the Town of Vail 3 . 5. A request for a side setback variance in order to construct a garage on Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Tufo and Gary Bossow 4. 6. A request for a stream setback and front � setback variances for Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Robert and Francis Gunn � � HOSPITAL WORK SESSION AGENDA February 27, 1989 12 : 30 PM l. Summary of February 13th PEC decision to table the Vail Valley Medical Center conditional use application: Planning Staf f 2. Explanation of changes to the conditional use application: Planning Staff 3 . Explanation of the revised Hospital access permit for the South Frontage Road: Dan Feeney and Dave Leahy a. Comments from the Doubletree Hotel: Peter Jamar b. Comments from the Vail National Bank: Paul Powers, owner and Sidney Schultz 4. Summary of Vail Valley Medical Center responses to the issues raised by the PEC at their meeting on 2/13 : Dan Feeney �� _____ • • �. a�-> i��� , �� � �� �3�� ����. ��.�- ��� ���-�� �� u�� �. -��. �'��.e.� � � . �� ��- a15� Q u�or!�ic+� -�� a.E�� ir�u� o� �,�1 �'� � � �- C� -�� P� �S �. .� �.. o ��,�� � A��o . �� �- � �o�n�i. �o� a �Q; .�� � � I�vJ Q� � -�� ��� ro� a�� �a� � �ni - � �-�'� � �� � �� s�� �� -���D�l -�--- -��_ � �� , � � � i� ���- � J�3. lD�� �-1 �,� ti o� � �� ���. � � � ����-� Q � �M �{��..���d��� _ 6 ��.ct ���►�--Ia f� � l�� 1�r. �! C� �ornt'I�OJv�, = � �OV� � i - ��Y(,l-�.� �R.Q� � � �� c�-+� � S b � u�r�- � � �' . � g � �D �o�.- �- S� , °t�" n- � 1 �-�wv�o�0 5 C�- c�� ��t , . C�c��e. ��lu�u�-- a� � b�. -�c�.� l�a-� � y�''" � 1��� - a�,� � �� . I t_ i� i � � . �.�. 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Y l��o �-�'�� � � , . — �. `�• ���� �, `� ' s�. �� � -��-� � � � � �-X..� y � - �� � � ��� � �� ��� � � \ � �- ' � � � - ; 0 . . ���� ��� . ��� i�� � � � C� s 1-,�.e-,�,, .� c�. �, € � ; �� — /,!/. . � 7� � G��. _ . � � ��,- - .�.�-� . � g - � _ ���, �� `7� �.�.�.. �-�-,c . �,,�f�� . � � .�. � -�� .��:�--� �`� � --G�� -� , ,a��-, � . �- �/. � � _ � � _ - � - �. �� �-w� �� ��`- • ! Hospital Conditions: The staff recommends approval of the conditional use request and adoption of the development standards per the proposed plans with the following conditions: l. An access permit for the South Frontage Road improvement plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Center as well as Vail National Bank before a building permit will be released for the proposed hospital expansion. 2 . The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access Permit Request outlined in this memo. 3 . The proposed Special Development District 14 for the Doubletree Hotel is amended to allow for the construction of a portion of the parking structure to be built on Doubletree property. 4 . Snow removal and drainage from the proposed expansion and parking structure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right of way. a�^r1d��hiJC� 5. Access through the southeast cornero�of the parking structure shall be limited to fire and maintenance vehicles. The general public and hospital employees shall not utilize this access. 6. ;'The Hospital concurs that the relocated access drive to the � helipad: * Shall not exceed a 7°s grade (this assumes that the existing access drive grade does not exceed 7%) � �- * Shall allow for safe semi-truck access and loading for ��,�i5 �', the Post Office. 1 * Shall not compromise the existing CDOH permit for the helipad. * Any trees or shrubs affected by the access shall be � relocated in the same general area. Peggy Osterfoss moved for approval and Jim Viele seconded the motion with the following conditions added to those recommened by the staff: 7. In the event the CDOH deems the helipad must be moved, the hospital must bear the expenses of the relocation of the helipad. • � 8 . The mature evergreens to be transplanted due to the new access drive shall be guaranteed to live for a period of 3 years or be replaced with trees of comparable size. 9. The PEC puts the Hospital on notice that as a part of any future building plans, the ambulance garage must be relocated to allow for, a. direct access from the ambulance garage to the South Frontage Road and b. for direct access from the South Frontage Road via the parking structure to the west parking lot. 10 Directions shall be given to DRB that they make certain that maximum substantial landscaping be placed on either side of the entrance to the parking structure, even if this will require regrading, filling and retention. il. Suggestion to the Town Council that the TOV assume responsibility for the cost of a 4th lane along the Town of Vail site on the Frontage Road and associated modifications to the TOV site if a 4th lane addition is required by the CDOH. , ` � � I I PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting: 2/13/89 PEC Members in attendance: Pam Hopkins Sidney Schultz Diana Donovan Jim Viele Peggy Osterfoss Grant Riva Community Development representatives in attendance: Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Rick Pylman 1) Approval of minutes of January 9, 1989 - Motion: Sydney Schultz Second: Grant Riva Vote: 6 - 0 2) Conditional Use - Vail Valley Medical Center: Staff presentation by Kristan Pritz, with Frontage Road traffic analysis and access plan discussion by David Leahy, of TDA Inc. TDA will request an access permit of the State Highway Department with changes to the access plan, as presented today. Kristan continued with the staff presentation; zoning analysis, criteria and findings. Staff recommendation is for approval with conditions, as stated in the memo. Kristan introduced Resolution No. 3 , series of 1989, an action by the Town Council to demonstrate support of the concept of shared access to the State Highway Department. Staff comments on the Vail Valley Medical Center master plan followed the points outlined in the staff inemorandum. Dan Feeney - No applicant presentation John Dunn - Represents Doubletree condominium owners and is not opposed nor in favor of hospital expansion at this time. Ron Anderson, Pres. of Skaal Hus Owner's Association - Concerns are vehicular/pedestrian conflict � on West Meadow Drive. Mr. Anderson feels that all hospital related traffic should be restricted from West Meadow Drive. He agrees with restriction on use of structure access at southeast corner of hospital property. � I � � P.E.C. Questions: Grant Riva - Asked for explanation on ingress/egress of emergency vehicles. Dan Feeney - Explained that during this expansion emergency vehicle traffic will be on West Meadow Drive. He also explained that eventual master plan goals are to relocate the emergency room, allowing direct access to the Frontage Road. Grant Riva - Asked Mr. Feeney about the councils position on the cost sharing of Frontage Road improvements. Mr. Feeney - Replied that any improvement greater than 3 lanes is a solution to a larger problem and should be shared by a larger group of participants than the Hospital and Doubletree. Paul Johnston - Stated that he felt an equitable weighting of the improvement costs should be developed. Grant Riva - Asked for clarification on Vail National Bank parking amendments. David Leahy (TDA Inc. ) - Explained the proposals impact upon the bank. Peter Patten - Explained that there is no current application from the Bank. Peggy Osterfoss - Impressed by incredible scope of information. Parking solution makes sense (shared parking) . Master Plan and South Frontage Road improvements are the areas of concern. Does "equitable" mean an even share of the costs. Paul Johnston - No, not equal shares but weighted, based upon frontage, number of vehicles, etc. Peqqy Osterfoss - We need more information (i.e. where will the landscaping go, which will buffer the parking structure and the bank's new parking?) . We need specific answers to all the questions. Dan Feeney - Flowers and low lying shrubs only, due to the line-of-sight problem (36" maximum height) . Landscaping is . a trade-off for the reduction of traffic on West Meadow Drive. The CDOH does not want much landscaping out there. Peqgy Osterfoss - Need more time to focus on the overall Master Plan details. The access questions which remain will hold this up for some time anyway. , � � Diana Donovan - Vail National Bank needs to be a bigger player in this. Shared parking makes sense. Four stories are to high for this part of Vail. Architecture needs to be compatible with the neighborhood. She asked if deliveries could be removed from West Meadow Drive. Dan Feeney - The parking structure. is off of the Frontage Road, effectively precluding this. He said that deliveries constitute 6 - 8 trips per day. Diana Donovan - She feels that although a tremendous amount has been accomplished that more work and review will result in even better solutions to West Meadow Drive traffic. Landscaping is critical to break up front (north) of structure. Agrees that Frontage Road from Lionshead to 4- way needs to be addressed. Not against the expansion, although feels that there are eventual limits to this. Questioned whether Lot 10, Town of Vail property was still available. She felt that hospital should agree, as a condition, to participation in a special improvement district for Frontage Road improvements. Feels that integrating the east and west structures should be studied in the future. Sidney Schultz - Abstained from comment due to involvement with an adjacent property. Pam Hopkins - Asked why the Doubletree wanted to restrict the height of the east structure. Jeff Olsen - (Architect for the Doubletree) Replied that view considerations directed the height restrictions. Pam Hopkins - How many rooms will have views impacted? How will the public know the west lot is full? Dan Feeney - An attendant will be on duty to control parking (even without valet service) . Pam Hopkins - Concerns: 1) Bank must address its parking problem. 2) Disappointed in the architecture, use different materials/window groupings, keep it friendly. 3) Problem with 4 stories, relocate doctor's offices and pharmacy. 4) Where is "the other out" for the ambulance? Dan Feeney - Will be studied further. Jim Viele - Acknowledged letters from the public which are in commissioner's packets. Some are for and some against. ' � � � Peter Patten - Pointed out a few clarifications regarding the site plan. Diana Donovan - Entered into a general discussion regarding parking improvements, and felt that although she was not opposed to this expansion, that more work was necessary prior to an approval. Peggy agreed that more information on short range access issues was needed regarding interrelationship of today's players (Doubletree, Hospital, Bank, T.O.V. ) . Paul Johnston - Felt that the staff recommendations covered these issues. Dan Feeney - Stated that an approval now would benefit long range studies on the Frontage Road by putting the burden upon the Hospital to receive State Highway Department approval. Ray McMahon - (Hospital Administrator) Encouraged the PEC to approve the proposal and allow the hospital to proceed. Pam Hopkins - Summarized, saying that although the solutions were good, they could be better, but wondered if the motion could be broken down into more specific areas. Jim Viele - Stated that any motion made should give the applicant very specific direction. Diana Donovan - Again stated her support for the project and her request for more information prior to a vote on the proj ect. Dave Leahy (TDA) - Explained the Frontage Road access situation with the Highway Department. Dave Tyrell (Representing Vail National Bank) - Spoke to the parking issue. He felt bank issues should not hold up the hospital project. Pam Hopkins - Motion to approve Conditional Use Permit with the conditions of staff inemorandum and condition that the access for the Vail National Bank, Doubletree, and Hospital remain as shown. Any change would require re-hearing by PEC. Also, that in next expansion proposed ambulance traffic be routed to the Frontage Road. . No Second - Motion Dies. Diana Donovan - Move that application be tabled until a Frontage Road access solution is agreed upon by the applicants and State Highway Dept. ' � � � � Pegqy Osterfoss - Seconded the motion. Discussion of the motion followed. Clarification of Motion: Until we (PEC) find out what the State I Highway Department wants and will approve. Vote: 3 for, 1 against, 2 abstain �I Ray McMahan - Asked for a clarification of the PEC motion. ' He would like clear direction as to what information the hospital should present. Discussion of this issue followed. A decision was made to have a work session on this issue on 3/27/89 . 3 . McCue Variance: Staff presentation by Kristan Pritz. Staff recommends denial per staff inemo regarding criteria and findings. Robert McCue - Applicant and owner gave his presentation requesting approval. All neighbors agree that the variance will improve property values in the area. None are opposed. This is not a special privilege, many adjacent homes already have many additions. Bill Pierce - Property was zoned while in Eagle County, annexed to Town, and may not be properly zoned. Deck encroachment is not visible except to adjacent owners who have no problem. Sidney Schultz - Apparently I was not present at PEC during the previous McCue variance request, however, do feel that addition could be handled without this degree of encroachment. Diana Donovan - Feels direction from council was that 250 square foot addition should not allow variances to this degree. Distance between buildings is too close. Peggy Osterfoss - Agree with Diana's comments regarding the 250 square foot ordinance. Grant Riva - Agrees with direction given from Council and staff, however, given attitude of neighbors and low impact, . I would vote in favor of this. Jim Viele - Agree with Grant for a little different reason. Persuaded that variance criteria are being met so could vote for it. � ,� r � Motion: Grant Riva - Move that request be approved as submitted with findings of no grant of special privilege, no detriment to public health or welfare. Second: Pam Hopkins Vote: 3 - 3 (Note: A tie vote is deemed a denial) 4 . Pierce/Fritzlen - Rezoning: Presentation by Mike Mollica. Recommendation for approval based upon Land Use Plan, surrounding zoning and allowance for an employee housing unit. Motion: Diana Donovan - Move recommendation of approval per staff inemo. Second: Sidney Schultz Vote: 6 - 0 5. Pierce/Fritzlen Variance to Minimum Lot Size: Staff presentation by Mike Mollica. Recommend approval, feels there is a benefit to adding an employee unit, with a condition that the Town Council approve the above referenced re-zoning. Motion: Donovan - Approve per staff inemo, noting the conditions of approval. Second: Peggy Osterfoss Vote: 6 - 0 6. Sitzmark Lodge Exterior Alteration: Staff presentation by Mike Mollica. Recommendation for approval with condition that the existing large spruce tree be relocated on site. Duane Piper - Representing the applicant, made a brief presentation regarding maintenance and space needs. The existing tree does need to be removed to accommodate the addition. The applicant wishes to expand the alpine garden landscape concept and feels smaller trees would compliment that type of landscaping better. With regard to parking � Duane feels that the creation of a new parking space by removing the boiler should cover the required parking of the addition. Bob Fritch, the Sitzmark owner spoke to the landscaping issue. Diana Donovan - Feels the building needs some tall vertical landscape elements. DRB should examine this. . , � � Sidney Schultz - Was staff aware of the creation of a new parking space through this application? Peter Patten - Responded to Sidney's question with a discussion of the intention of the CCI zone district with regard to parking. Motion: Donovan - Approve per the staff inemo, tree must be relocated near pedestrian bridge. DRB to look at landscaping closely. Second: Grant Riva Vote: 6 -0 7. Vail Mountain School: Staff presentation of Conditional Use Permit by Kristan Pritz . Recommendation is for approval with conditions: 1. CDOH approval of relocated bike path. 2 . Rockfall mitigation prior to building permit. 3 . Irrigation of landscaping on CDOH property will require CDOH approval. Vail Mountain School - Variance requests for site coverage and front setback (parking) . Kristan Pritz gave the staff presentation. Staff recommendation is for approval, the requests are reasonable and the site can handle the variances. John Milan (Architect for the project) - Presented a section drawing through the parking/bike path/berm area. The CDOH has verbally approved the bike path on the state property and will follow-up with a letter shortly. He discussed the possible rockfall hazard at the site and also presented the landscape plan for the project. Grant Riva - Overall scheme is good. Traffic circulation is also good. Pleased with project and is in favor. Peqqy Osterfoss - Questioned rockfall mitigation. Will gym wall be able to handle the blow from a falling boulder? John Milan - Woodward-Clyde is the geologic consultant and will do further study, however, the rear wall of the gym will .be designed to mitigate any rockfall. Peqqy Osterfoss - Overall plan is a positive improvement. Are all those parking spaces needed? John Milan - Not really, but it will be buffered by landscaping. , � � ' Diana Donovan - Have bike path curve around the existing trees, instead of just a straight shot. Cars may be parked I too close to the soccer field. DRB should look at landscaping. Sidney Schultz - Questioned the vertical separation between the Frontage Road and the bike path? John Milan - About 6' or 7' . Jim Viele - Mountain School has been a good neighbor. Run bike path as originally planned and do not relocate existing trees. Motion: Grant Riva - Conditional Use Permit, approve as submitted with conditions 1 - 3 listed in staff inemo. Second: Diana Donovan Vote: 5 - 0 (Pam Hopkins abstained) Motion: Diana Donovan - Approve variances per staff inemo Second: Peqgy Osterfoss Vote: 5 - 0 (Pam Hopkins abstained) 8 . Vail Run Satellite Dish - Variance Request: Rick Pylman - Presented the staff inemo. Staff recommendation is for approval. Hardship has been shown and it would not be a grant of special privilege. Color is white. Motion: Peqgy Osterfoss - Approval of variance. DRB should require additional landscape screening if tennis bubble is ever removed. Second: Grant Riva Vote: 5 - 0 9. Bed and Breakfast Ordinance: Peter Patten - Updated the PEC on the progress of the Bed and Breakfast ordinance. > � s • ` . ,. � TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: February 13, 1989 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, including a new parking structure. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE ' I A. Hospital Expansion II 3���qs��. The proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 31,�2rq9�„ sc�?�re feet for patient care, as t� 1 well as an on-site parking structure. The project would ��' f��'� ��y��T� include the completion of the second floor on the north ����.: ���� side of the recently built west wing. Completion of the sr��� second floor will allow immediate expansion of the patient care unit (PCU) by 20 beds. The second floor is 3�,��`: a1����h 8, 150 square feet. A small entry addition adjacent to � • ���s the parking structure is proposed for the first floor � 1� 1 .�r,� (1,242 s. f. ) . t f O�T t������r� Construction of a full th�.��€�or on top of the existing west wing adds 21,817�square feet. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. u B. Parkinq � 1���� The hospital proposes to construct a 2-1/2 level parking °`� structure at the east end of its property. The ��.�} s�0.(�0 structure will provide parking for 177 vehicles, with � � ,_ _.1 a1����� access directly off South Frontage Road. The elevation V���� �� of the top level of the parking structure would be ��. slightly lower than that of the existing South Frontage ��_ Road. The north end of the structure would be �`^ � constructed on land currently owned by the Doubletree Hotel. The Vail Va11ey� Medical Center and the Doubletree � Hotel have entered into an agreement to allow the S �- �� structure to be built on Doubletree land in return for ��ac. � � shared parking arrangements and other considerations. y � �a The hospital's proposed structure will be built in such n_ 'n a way that it can be connected to the Doubletree's �� underground parking at a later date to allow sharing of � w parking. The structure would eliminate 20 existing surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These 20 � S�QLOA spaces will be replaced in the proposed structure. i - 1 � • . • �{ S�a1� Surface Parking will occur on the present west lot, t�_ � � providing for 104 vehicles with an additional 18 surface spaces on town owned Lot 10. The lot is leased from the town and will remain in its present configuration with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. The Vail Valley Medical Center is required to provide a total of 220 parking spaces on site. The 1986 � On,6 • �nn�,• conditional use permit calculated the requirement for �u i1Gt �• 220 spaces by adding the number of day shift employees, hospital beds, and exam rooms. The overall total �� included an obstetrics (OB) wing on the north side of �'� O� ���',� the second floor, althouqh this was never built. Thus, __.� the number of parking spaces calculated for the unbuilt 1 O� Q OB wing should be credited against the overall parking d � requirement. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: �� �� ' '��°��� USE SPACES RE R w � H SPITAL � 1 space per bed 30 1 space per emergency exam bed 9 �� ��i�� 1 space per employee (maximum on day shift) 55 94 94 � ���, DOCTORS OFFICES 1 space per doctor 32 1 space per employee 38 1 space per exam room 44 114 114 AMBULANCE GARAGE 1 space per transport vehicle 4 1 space per employee (on duty) 2 meeting room space 6 12 12 Total spaces required for entire facility 220 If the parking spaces for the obstetrics wing are deducted from the total requirement of 220, 203 spaces are needed to service the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed to �y the Town and Hospital. The obstetrics wing called for the following parking: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-OB 10 Exam room - OB 1 Day shift employees- OB 6 Total 17 spaces 2 � � � • The incremental parking requirements that the proposed expansion will generate are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-General 2p Exam rooms-General 6 Day shift employees-general 49 Total 75 spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: �; USE PARKING SPACES �'I Base figure 86-87 expansion 203 Incremental increase, 89-90 expansion 75 Total Required 278 Parking will be located on the property in the following areas: Parking structure 177 spaces Surface parking 104 spaces Lot 10 18 spaces Total 299 spaces Available parking 299 spaces Doubletree parking in northeast structure - 20 spaces Total 279 spaces Required 278 1 space above required * It should be noted that no valet parking is proposed with this expansion. Due to thefact that the hospital is proposing to construct a portion of the parking structure on Doubletree property, 20 parking spaces for the Doubletree will be lost. The Hospital has agreed to provide 20 spaces within the northeast parking structure for full time use by the Doubletree. If and when the DoubTetree expands, the Hospital will permit the hotel to use up to 48 additional spaces between the hours of 5: 30 PM and 2 : 30 AM. The 20 spaces previously assigned to the Doubletree on a full time basis would revert to Hospital use between 2 : 30 AM and 5: 30 PM. The following chart indicates how the parking will be utilized by the Hospital and Doubletree when the Doubletree expansion occurs. 3 � : o • :, .. . . � S��RQ�O 'P�R�k.��� PHASE I PHASE II (WMC EXPANSION) (DOUBLETREE EXPANSION) 2: 30AM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-2 : 30AM 2: 30AM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-2 : 30AM REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED DBLTREE 167 167 167 167 261 193 261 261 HOSPITAL 278 279 278 279 278 t 299 278 231r a� �I y ao It should be noted that the Hospital plans to provide all 3 / its parkinq on site for the current expansion. The Hospi al will gain an additional 20 parkin '�y �,aces durin the da once the Doubletree expands. The Hospgtal will havega defi�;,��� 48 spaces in the evening hours between 5: 30 PM and 2 : 3�_ after the Doubletree expansion. * The Hospital has provided parking counts indicating a drastic reduction in the number of cars on site after 5: 30 pm (Please see parking counts memo, attached) . C. South Frontaqe Road Improvements ��p� ������ti��) � ,,���, ��I�'�� ���1 1 The Hospital, Doubletree Hotel, and Vail National Bank have joined together to develop an Access Control Plan for a 3 �p� section of the South Frontage Road directly adjacent to their �� properties. The Access Control Plan was prepared by TDA, Colorado, Inc. (Please see attached TDA report, January � �� 3, 1989) . The plan has not been approved by CDOH to date. �lQ�v\ CDOH's position is contained in the attached letter from �� �� Charles Dunn to Peter Patten. _ Q�� The improvements proposed in the Access Control Plan are 1!��, �M�- divided into two phases: ,�A�' . � - �� � ' IA1�1� Phase I (Vail Valley Medical Center Expansion) : � � 1. The Doubletree will re-align its existing east entry. �� 2 . The Vail National Bank will re-align its east en_� so , that it is opposite the Town of Vail I�ost��"�5"��ice arking � �- lot entrance. This access point will only be used as an 1 �`j_,+ � �entrance. `��ars will eriter at this point and drive 'i�Oru through the parking lot and out the west side of the ,� ,) �, property. This will allow for one way flow of traffic. ��� The Vail Nat ona an is a o o ng a i iona parking and loading spaces in front of the Bank. � Vail National Bank must submit for a variance fQr _ ,,_._:_ -: -- -------- parking in the front setback anzi:��al._.D�s�. n, eview Board approval before their proposal will be _f' `! Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH) approval wil� 1 be "Y�t�uired, as well. � r �. 4 : � • ,' 3 . The Hospital will construct their access into the • �� ; � northeast parking structure. They will also be ��u'u'�� responsible for the widening of the south shoulder of the South Frontage Road which will allow for the ��; ,�,� extension of the left turn lane on the South Frontage • �� Road that presently extends from the 4-way stop west to the Town of Vail post office access drive. The left- a��s turn lane will be a continuous two-way turn lane for 500 �� � feet. This will provide left turn storage for each � future access drive and extend westerly through the ' �� � Doubletree's frontage. � Phase II (Doubletree Hotel Expansion) : l. The Doubletree Hotel will construct a right turn de- �^ �___n.�;�celeration lane along the east bound South Frontage Road ' ��'���� n conjunction with the future expansion. The lane will �� �•"�� be approximately 150 feet long with a 90 foot tapered � � section. At the time of the future expansion, the � Doubletree will relocate its eastern entrance further to � � the west and allow for ingress and an access drive egress. The existing extreme west and east access points will be closed. A restricted use delivery truck • � only access drive is anticipated at the very west end of ,�,_ J n�� the Doubletree to serve as a loading dock location. WrW v� `'d� ��-�.��'u"�. �� TDA so �ta es ha traffic through the four-way stop �,� i-_' `1.,� n„' shall be decreased by the access plan: • C�tO.\1�-JNU ����,,Q "Based on observed turning movements at the bank ' and Doubletree Inn, between 1/3 and 1/4 of thE Hos ital's eak hour trips wi e oriented to the ,.��.:�::.,.r, ��� . Hence, the propose �` p an wi essen the percentage of Hospital trips passing through the 4-way stop intersection b� 25 to 3�. This reduction of 25 to 30 p.m. peak hour trips using Vail Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic operations. S ecifically, the �sinctle-1,�,�ay� ,,�?�.._..�..,.. northbound Vail Road approach at the 4-waY�stop� will experience reduced length of vehicle _gu_e}� virture of the proposed access plan. " (TDA Repor , p. 9, January 3 , 1989) ���'�` * Please note that the plan assumes that the configuration of the f'our-way stop remains the same. D. Hospital Master Plan 4..�L� �-����� 1��(,, � � � J 1�11 � �� � �� The Hospital has developed a long range master plan whi�i � e�ons�'�fufure exp san ions and�so coincides wi�e �� , Doubletree's� master p an. T�fie p3'an ca s or redevelopment � ,�V, �- W� o`� the east end� of the Hospital property including demolition . �C1 of the original clinic built during the late 60's. The d�` emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to �� '�� � ���- � 5 � �� � ���� . � . ' � • the east end (South side of the parking structure) with direct access to the South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage would allow construction of an access connecting the east structure with a parking structure at the west end. Thus, the master plan provides for moving , virtually all Hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. ,.l� � The Hospital submitted a plan which shows maximum build-out N!� heights of 4 stories on the west wing, 2 stories on the �� center wing, and 4 stories on the east wing. This massing is � '� restricted through agreements with the Doubletree. A future �� northwest parking structure is also proposed. The west parking structure would be limited to 2-1/2 stories with one � ,`i � floor being underground. The total build-out square footage w � for the Hospital is estimated to be 231,940 square feet. �� �i `^" I. ZONING ANALYSIS ; � �- � �.• The site is located in the Public Use Zone Distric . There are no specific development stan ar is istrict. ` � n�� Instead the zoning code states: r A �,�� "The public use district is intended to provide sites 1T _'��► for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their � s ecial charac ' ' s cannot be appropriately regu a e y the development standards prescribed for �� ��� other zoning districts, a for which development standards especially prescribed for eac cular ��j� ��� development proposal or proj ect are ._ne� s�e_,_sa'� o chieve 1'» �[, , the purposes prescribed in Section 18. 02. 020 and to , �,�� � provide for the public welfare. " �,�,p�� =�� 11!*�.�C�� f��111�X�i� __ ._.__�._.�...-_�.. �._ -- A. Site Area: 3 .811 acres or 166, 007 square feet � ���"r B. Floor Area: Existinq New Total Basement 12,490 0 12, 490 First Floor 48,752 1,242 49, 994 Second Floor 35,239 8, 150 43, 389 Third Floor 0 21,817 21, 817 96,481 31,209 127, 690 C. Site Coverage: '' Square Feet $ Building 49, 994 30. 2 � Ambulance Storage 2, 320 1 Parking Structure 13,850 8. 3 Paving 51, 000 30.7 Open Space 48,845 29. 4 Landscaping Site Area 166, 009 +100% 3qqo c��ueto�e.. 6 . � . � D. Setbacks: Front/South: 25 ft. (no change) I Side East: 0 ft. no ch�nge �I Rear/North: 0 ft. ��MuL1V1�'�) Side/West: (no change) E. Height: 46 ft. The proposed expansion will have a total of three stories. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18. 60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors. A. Relationship and impact of the use on development ob�ectives of the Town. Staff believes that the Hospital is in an acceptable location provided that proper site and land use planning is . �� � coordinated with surrounding properties. We are com�Q,rta �le ,p��.�'1 that if the master plan is followed the hospital can continue �^_� to expand in an orderly manner that will be positive for"`�ie ��M �ommunit�y. However, we do feel that the site could benefi in the long-term by relocating the doctors' offices and (�L pharmacy to another site. This would free up additional , ��{,1� square footage for necessary hospital uses and also decrease ��� traffic. The Vail Valley Medical Center provides vital services for both permanent residents of Vail as well as our guests. The medical center is an important facility which will meet the present and future medical needs of the Town of Vail. The purpose section of the Public Use District states that public and quasi-public uses must provide for the public welfare and � also meet the general purposes as prescribed in Section 18. 02 .020 of the zoning code. Section 18. 02 . 020: � 1. To provide for adequate light, air, � � sanitation, drainage, and public facilities; �� � t 2 . To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets; 7 . • • � .. 4. To promote adequate and appropriately located off street parking and loading facilities; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values; ' 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives; �, 7 . To prevent excessive population densities and over crowding of the land with structures; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the Town; 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides and other desirable natural features; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desired living quarters; 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The staff feels that the proposed hospital expansion reinforces these objectives of the zoning code. B. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. �� ' The height of 46 ft. proposed with this expansion should not have major impacts on light and air. Height limitations as outlined in the master plan. have been designed by considering impacts on adjacent properties, particularly West Meadow Drive. - In respect to utilities, ma`jor utilities are located in the � area of the proposed parking structure. The applicant is in p�•��' the process of determining how the relocation could be accomplished. The hospital is a significant public facility which meets community health needs. The project definitely satisfies a major public facility need. 8 . • • C. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to ' conqestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, , traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and , removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas. 1. Frontaqe Road Access Control Plan: The proposed northeast parking structure was designed with the intent of removing traffic from the West Meadow w�� Drive area. The approach to parking and vehicular �j�}�� access supports the goals listed in the Land Use Plan for this area. In the preliminary stages of review, �� ' both the Planning Commission and Staff indicated to the ���iS hospital that it was important to remove traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The Land Use Plan has ���� designated the West Meadow Drive area as a transition area between the Lionshead and Vail Village Commercial Cores. Section 4 .4 the Land Use Plan states: e connection between the Village Core and Lionshead should be enhanced through: pF(� �.���p. SMPQD��T� ��o us� �.,��, _ ��� ` A. Installation of a new type of people mover. N B. Improving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk, alpine garden, and/or sculpture plaza. C. New development should be controlled to limit commercial uses. A high percentage of the vehicular trips on West Meadow Drive are due to the hospital. The applicants submitted information for total trips on West Meadow Drive for October 15th and October 18th. They state that: �� "Total trips on West Meadow Drive between 7: 00 am 3y � ���5 � � and 5: 00 pm range from a low of 1, 018 trips on � �� Saturday, 15th of October to a high of 1, 618 on �1���'Q,�, � ��, Thursday, September 29th. The percentage of vehicles on West Meadow Drive using the hospital ^���] __��,� ` varies from approximately 34% on October 15th to �UO���' p � 53% on October 18th. " (Letter from Dan Feeney to �«� C� P (� , Kristan Pritz October 21, 1988 . ) � The peak number of all vehicles using West Meadow Drive during a 60-minute interval on each date is as follows: DATE TIME INTERVAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES 29 Sept. 11 am - noon 185 15 Oct. 11 am - noon 158 18 Oct. 1 - 2 pm 156 9 ' � � I � � I By providing the structure and new access on the Northeast corner of the property, these trip numbers should be substantially decreased. The decrease in � hospital traffic using West Meadow Drive supports the long term community goal to develop West Meadow Drive as �, a pedestrian link between the two villages. In respect to the road improvements proposed in the Access Control Plan prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. , the staff believes that the plan provides for much needed improvements ��� to the South Frontage Road. The key issue related to the Access Control Plan is whether or not the Colorado Division � of Highways will find the plan acceptable. In a preliminary review session on January 31, 1989 in Grand Junction, the ���� hospital, Vail National Bank, Doubletree Hotel, and representatives from the Town of Vail met with the Highway Department Access Control Committee to review the plan. The Highway Department wrote a letter summarizing their concerns with the Access Control Plan. Instead of denying the proposal by strict application of the State Access Code, the Colorado Division of Highways agreed that access to the parking structure would be possible provided that "continuous dCCP� e1"?t�Ori_ r9P�E?1 Prati nr�anr� Tleft turn lanes are provideci:' . They stated that they felt that it was possible to provide a positive access design that will meet the requirements of the property owners without compromising public safety. The highway department recommended that the property owners consider the following design options: l. Provide one access to the parking structure which in turn provides access to the Doubletree and Vail National Bank. 2. Close the two westerly approaches to the old Post Office and provide a road to the easterly approach along the Interstate right of way and connect parking lots around the Post Office. This would allow for movement to the Frontage Road more to the North. 3 . Removal of the super elevation (bank of the road) and center line spirals to gain more room. (Please see letter from Ntr. Chuck Dunn, District Right of � � Way Engineer, February 1, 1989 . ) U� . The Highway Department also indicated that it would be ��� � �` helpful if the Town of Vail would determine what uses would be located in the Post Office building once it is �1 � vacated. T�i,e effects of a fourth lane in the no�th rn N- � ��'�� area of the highway right-of-way should also be,q studi� by the Town of Vail to de�.ermine how a potential for future fourth lane might effect access onto the Town of Vail property. 10 � . • . In light of these comments, the hospital requested to meet with the council on February 7, to discuss how the proposed Frontage Road improvements affect the Town of � l Vail and to ask for Town of Vail support in resolving Q��1��N the conflict. At that meeting the council passed a �� resolution addressing the hospital request. (Copies of � —5��� � the resolution will be available on Monday. ) ����L�� � The staff also agrees with the resolution in the respect 5��� ` Q� that we are supportive of the property owners efforts to work out an acceptable Frontage Road improvement plan with the Colorado Department of Highways. Instead of prohibiting the project from proceeding through the . planning process, the staff believes that it is acceptable to proceed with planning commission review of the proposal with the condition that an access permit be �/1��� 0� approved by the Colorado Division of Highways before a p� �6, ,p,��� building permit is released for the hospital expansion. � The proposal is extremely complex and involves three ���'� ���. private property owners plus the Town of Vail. To their credit, the three property owners have reached agreement on a myriad of issues which allow for the completion of the Frontage Road improvements. 2 . Shared Parkinq. The hospital has submitted information which indicates that the required parking drastically decreases after 5: 00 pm. The parking information provided by the hospital below indicates this pattern: % OF 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF EXCESS SPACES DATE TIME CAPACITY VEHICLES PARKED CAPACITY UNUSED Dec 30 3: 30pm 205 158 47 23% Dec 30 B: OOpm 205 39 166 81% Jan 4 3: 30pm 205 165 40 19.5% Jan 4 8: OOpm 205 36 169 82% Jan 11 5:30pm 205 113 92 45% Jan 12 5:30pm 205 101 104 51% When the parking structure is complete, our total capacity will be increased to 279 spaces. Because the mix of hospital servi�es is not expected to change with our proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumption that the percentage of total spaces unused at 5: 30 pm will remain approximately 45-510, as it was on January 11 and 12 . Thus, the number of unused parking spaces at 5:50 pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when the �Z�1�0 parking structure is constructed. This is almost three times the number of spaces we have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. 11 � . i • '' . , Employees who fill day-time only jobs, such as business office personnel, normally leave the hospital between 4 : 30 pm and 5: 00 pm. Shift changes for positions that are staffed round-the-clock, such as nursing and EMT jobs, occur variously between 3 : 00 pm and 4 : 00 pm. Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift is finishing and another is coming on duty is finished long before the spaces would have to be available to the Doubletree. In addition, most evening shifts have 25- 30% fewer personnel than the day shifts they replace. (Letter from Dan Feeney January 13, 1989) The Doubletree has submitted the following information concerning their parking utilization: The results of the survey show that daytime parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, and guests ranged from approximately 15% to 38% of supply. During this period Hotel occupancy ranged from 32% to l00%. 38% of the parking supply is equal to 63 parked cars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of "unauthorized" cars utilize the parking supplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of the bar and restaurant and when factored into the survey indicate a higher utilization of the parking supply. At 9: 00 p.m. the 167 spaces were never full but our observation is that later in the evening the parking fills close to capacity. The survey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree is a workable and desirable solution. Even though our survey indicates peak usage during the day is roughly 38% maximum we are proposing to provide 730 of our required spaces during the day and 100% in the evening hours. The difference will more than provide a "cushion" for any seasonal fluctuations or special events that may occur. (Memo �� n from Peter Jamar dated January 10, 1989 . ) 1� � . Q The Staff approves of the shared parking concept for these two projects. We believe that the shared parking will ��S ���' provide for a more efficier�`t use of parking between both projects. 3 . Delivery Service: The existing driveway at the east end of the hospital will be maintained as a fire lane to facilitate snow removal from the upper deck of the parking structure and as an access to the service door at the southeast corner of the parking structures lower level. The service door at the south will 12 � • � • be used only by maintenance vehicles and not by the public. Deliveries will continue to be received at the materials management department in the southeast corner of the building via West Meadow Drive. At this time, the hospital does not feel that it is practical to have truck deliveries drive through the proposed parking structure at the east side. 4 . Snow Removal• Snow on the top level of the parking structure will be pushed off the southeast corner into the service corridor. Because of extremely limited space the hospital anticipates trucking snow off the site after every major snow storm and after second or third moderately sized snow storm. Staff concern on this issue is that the hospital agrees that all snow removal and drainage must be handled on their site. Drainage and snow may not be pushed onto the Frontage Road or to other adjacent properties. 5. Pedestrian Connection With The Bank: The hospital is providing a sidewalk connection from the Vail National Bank property to the top level of the parking structure. Although the design and location of the sidewalk may need to be refined at the request of CDOH and at the Design Review Board level, the staff believes that the sidewalk connection between the Vail National Bank and hospital parking structure is important. � Staff Summa^y ry� �. s �'j �',�1�• The Staff feels that the proposal is a vast improvement over existing conditions on the Frontage Road and will provide a sound solution for parking and access to the site. The most significant benefit of the plan is obviously for West Meadow Drive. It is estimated by the hospital that because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, they anticipate that an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day during peak periods will be achieved. This is based on the hospital's observation that each parking space generates 5-6 trips on West Meadow Drive between 7am and 5pm. (See letter from Dan Feeney) . Vehicular traffic will be drastically reduced, safety will be im�lroved and the door will be opened to make the necessary improvements to make this an attractive and safe pedestrian connection between the Village and Lionshead. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located includinq the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. 13 ; � . • s The hospital expansion does effect the character of the area due to the increased bulk and mass of the proposed expansion. However, even though the hospital has somewhat of an institutional appearance, the third floor expansion on West Meadow Drive has been designed to break up the bulk and mass of the expansion as much as possible. The third floor is not � � one solid building wall extending above the second floor. �Na� Instead, the architects have broken up the mass by the use of two deck areas and one recessed area. The hospital has also used as much glass as possible along G�• the west and south elevations. The glass also helps to decrease the perception of the bulk of the building. �}�,� The parking structure has minimal impacts on West Meadow . Drive. Most of the structure is hidden from view by the ������� �� existing eastern wing of the hospital. From the South J�i�uV� Frontage Road, the parking structure will actually be , il�(1..�� slightly below the grade of the road so visual impacts of the ����� structure on the Frontage Road should be minimal. It will be �(''. important that as much landscaping as is possible (given CDOH requirements) be located in the planting areas along the ' St� ��� South Frontage Road. Even though the structure itself will • not be visible it will be positive to screen the view of cars parked on the top of the structure. The hospital is proposing to decrease the amount of asphalt on the east side of the Medical Center. Access will still need to be provided for fire and maintenance vehicles along the east side of the hospital. However, the hospital has proposed to landscape between the access road and the adjacent Skall Hus property. Staff believes that this will be a positive improvement for both projects. Access to the trash facility will still be maintained for the Skall Hus. IV. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems �plicable to the proposed use. Vail Valley Medical Center Master Plan: The Staff is looking at the Master Plan as a r,.c�nG����>> guide for future development on the site. Below is a sum ary of our comments on the proposal: �^4��� �� � r 1�f.�L�� � r . � 1. The parking structures should be connected by a ramp that will allow for direct access between the two � structures. We realize that the connection is not feasible until the ambulance building is relocated to the eastern portion of the site. However, we do not feel that it would be acceptable to build the western parking structure without this connection. Even if a west parking structure is not built, we continue to recommend that access from the northeast parking structure to the west surface parking lot be provided once the ambulance building is relocated. 14 . � � � r 2 . Staff would prefer to see future parking located under the east wing of the hospital when it is rebuilt. It would benefit the site if the western parking structure could be avoided. 3. We feel strongly that the fourth floor for the east and west wing should be pulled back from the West Meadow Drive side of the expansion. Terracing back will reduce the mass of the building to the users of the street and to the adjacent residences. 4 . The Staff does not feel that the hospital should rely on Lot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually, once the West Meadow Drive pedestrian mall is created, Lot 10 will most likely be used for landscaping and a pocket park. 5. Staff could not support an expanded service delivery area off of Meadow Drive on the southeast corner of the property. Instead, we would strongly encourage loading and delivery to be relocated to an area that could access off of the South Frontage Road. Master Land Use Plan: The Vail Valley Medical Center lies in the Transition Area. This land use designation is described as follows: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Village. The activities and site design of this area are aimed at encouraging pedestrian R� flow through the area and strengthening the connection � between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, nature exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of civic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacent properties to the north. This designation would include the right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adjacent G i^� � properties to the north. (Land Use Plan, page 33) �� 't� Also, as previously noted, �olicy 4.4 refers to possible �'� .��t�uture improvements to the West Meadow Drive area. � � ��. ���:� The staff finds that the proposal is in concert with the Land Use Plan. The key element is reducing traffic on West Meadow Drive to facilitate implementation of policy 4.4. We feel the Vail Valley Medical Center, Doubl��xe�,_�nd_ s e ,_..._ .� . credit for working out an agreement_.to�._allow..a,cce he Vai-� Valley Medical Center from the ���qe Road. 15 � • � � r V. FINDINGS I The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request and adoption of the development standards per the proposed plans with the following conditions: 1. An access permit for the South Fron�..ar.�e Road �,m�ra�nt plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Cen r as well as Vail National Bank and Doubletree ow�s before a building permit will be released for t.}� proposed hospital expansion,:� 2 . The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access ntrol Plan. _ _: 3 . The proposed Special Development Distr,'� for the Doubletree Hote1 is approved by the Planning Commission and Town Council. 4 . Snow removal and dra�e from the proposed expansion and parking struc�ure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right of way. 5. Access through the southeas� -corner_-.o�hP nartri nq structure shall be limited to fire and maintenance vehicles. The general public and hospital employees shall not utilize this acce�s. -� 16 ' t' � � , 1 � " n�e�� ¢�� � lo� "O'^ , � �0 � �� �nWOMr0�1r� 1n � J�Lln -��R ' � NOTE: The Town Council has asked that the PEC discuss with the � applicants how a e structured which would co�mit the i� ' ey 1 Center, Bank and Doubletree Hotel o�r�e�s- tc�-•-�te�giTtg•'�tmd necessary future road widening improvements in the---e�� directly in front of these proper-t.�. The Council feels that the proposed improvements would push future widening to the north side of the right of way and they do not feel that the town should be responsible for the total cost of these improvements. 17 � `1 . � � � � �r�C.l��vr�' � � � 1 l.�-. �\ V ��r, J�.�i1,�� n��- � � Cc!�n � � c��� n�-� � �� � , _ �� �� . 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' a� � �� ��� ��n� �o �r �-- I�� ��nn���,� ��. ��a� � . , 'Q� � � 0� �'�b U�x�� �,r�, ��v, 1SS�- � i+� o�. ����, s�,r- a�� 3 . �,�, � .; . , • • a .� ' _ PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING.DEVELOPMENT ANA�YSIS. RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: RICK PYLMAN, OWN OF VAIL FROM: PETER JAMA DATE: JANUARY 10, 1989 RE: DOUBLETREE HOTEL EXPANSION — PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS AND PROPOSED PARKING PROGRAM In support of the re-approval of Special Development District No. 14 I am providing you with the following additional information regarding the provision of parking for the proposed expansion of the Doubletree. As previously outlined and documented within the Environmental Impact Report completed for our initial application the statistics regarding parking are as follows: Current Existina Parking Supply: 167 Spaces Total Parkinct Supply required per Town of Vail for Hotel Expansion: 261 Spaces Previously it was anticipated that a total of 211 spaces would be provided on-site to meet the Doubletree projected parking demand. This meant that there was a 50 parking space difference between the amount of parking that Doubletree felt was needed and the amount required by the Town of Vail parking requirements in the Zoning Code. The provision of 211 spaces was based upon Doubletree's past experience with the operation of various resort hotels and the observation of the parking characteristics of the typical Vail guest and the characteristics of the Vail visitor in general. At the time of the approval o�` SDD 14 a condition was attached which in effect granted a "variance" to the parking requirements and required the property owners to contribute to the Town of Vail parking funds. Suite 308,Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West • Vail,Colorado 81657 . (303)476-7154 i> - 's+.. , N . :.i�. "t�wy . . . . . . . � ��4 . .. � . ..:r a � � @� - . . . s .. . "vk.-,� . . . . .. �f .. �' r'��ax "f�Ky';�'1'> n, �. ' ♦ .:- _ k� —aTx. a„�;�.'� .. . .�,i%c.e • � • / � � The construction of a joint parking structure on Doubletree and Vail Valley Medical Center property has now opened up new opportunities to provide for meeting the Doubletree parking demand. The fact that the WMC needs to increase its parking supply to accommodate its expansion provides the opportunity for joint use of the parking between the WMC and Doubletree. Whereas WMC's peak parking demand is during daytime hours, the Doubletree peak demand is in the evening hours when restaurant and bar patrons utilize the facilities of the Hotel. The WMC will be constructing a 185 space parking structure as indicated upon the plans that have been submitted to the Town. This parking structure will remove approximately 20 existing surface spaces at the Doubletree which will be replaced within the middle level of the structure and will be directly accessible from the Doubletree's surface lot. These 20 spaces will initially be designated for use exclusively by the Doubletree. Therefore, the Doubletree's current parking supply will remain at 167 spaces. Upon expansion of the Hotel the WMC has agreed that from the hours of 5: 30 p.m. - 2 : 30 a.m. an additional 48 spaces will be made available within the structure to accommodate our total parking requirement (per Town of Vail) during our peak demand period. The parking provided on site at the Doubletree will be increased to 193 spaces when the expansion is constructed. Therefore our total supply during peak hours will equal the required 261 spaces. It is also anticipated upon full Hotel expansion that, during the daytime hours, when the Doubletree's parking demand is low and the WMC's at peak, 20 spaces can be allocated for the Hospital's use. The hours that this parking will be available to the Hospital will be from 7: 00 a.m. - 5: 30 p.m. We feel very confident that the arrangement described above can more than accommodate the Hotel's parking needs. Continual observation of our parking characteristics over the past several years supports our request. A recent survey of parking taken during the peak holiday period is indicative of the real parking needs of the Hotel. Copies of the survey are attached. r The parking survey was conducted starting December 20 and was ended on January 3, 1989. The purpose was to analyze parking demand of hotel employees, hotel guests, other visitors to the Hotel, and unauthorized parking. Parking passes were distributed to both Hotel employees and Hotel guests in order to enable identification of each by category. Parking counts were taken three times a day: 7: 00 a.m. , 2: 00 p.m. , and 9: 00 p.m. ,�, , .. ... . . :.. .:. •. _ :�.�. . . _ . . .:. ::�� _ ..»,�t� .. �. . .�....s�.:� y, . . , � • / - � r The results of the survey show that daytime parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, and guests ranged from approximately 15% to 38% of supply. During this period Hotel occupancy ranged from 32% to 100%. 38% of the parking supply is equal to 63 parked cars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of "unauthorized" cars utilize the parking supplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of the bar and restaurant and when factored into the survey indicate a higher utilization of the parking supply. At 9: 00 p.m. the 167 spaces were never full but our observation is that later in the evening the parking fills close to capacity. The survey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree is a workable and desirable solution. Even though our survey indicates peak usage during the day is roughly 380 maximum we are proposing to provide 73% of our required spaces during the day and 100% in the evening hours. The difference will more than provide a "cushion" for any seasonal fluctuations or special events that may occur. . � :.-.- �, � , . . . :�.�.. .;.�� . � . ., .� � ���i�, . ... ..��- ..� :.. . . .. . . .. . .:.f .. , :, .�.. :.,. . - ... ' - . .:,,. .. .: ! � • JA1�E5 E. HOR��AN � 5230 �.aa�es�ore �rive �.itt�eton. Co�orado 80123 (303) 795-6718 November 14, 1988 Vail Planning and Environmental Com�ission Vail ,CO . 81658 RE : ProAOSal to Further Enlarge the Vail Medical Facility � Dear :�iembers of the Planning Com�ni4sion : - The underai�ned are owners of pro�erty interests at 252 W. ��fe�dow Drive . As such, ��re strongly ob�ect to the current proAOSal to further expand the Vail hospital. Indeed, the recently co�pleted expansion T�as o�` itself a serious mistake and there should be no effort to onl.y a��ravate the situation . West A"eadow Drive ie �lready a bottlenecked dead- end from a traffic and congestion at�ndpoint with an almost endless parade of �ed�strians, cyclists, and automobiles . It is , in fact, a place where many accicenta may be expected to happen , particula#rl,y if the situation is a?lowed to worsen . The hos�ita.l expansion proposel t�rovl� certainl,y be most detri�ental to the health, 9afet.y, and wel�'��� gf Yail Villa�e ae � mountain ski and resort area/cond��tions of th�s nature are not to be expected� much less tolerated . Even if Vail were a Boston or Manhattan , it is ' unlikel,y that a pronosal of this nature would be accept�ble to zonin� and traffic p�anners . Cit,y planners would no doubt be hoarifiec� with the thought that , �ithin � small one or two block radiue, there would be an ex�andin� hospi tal in auch close proxioity to a� pvblic i ibrary, a f ir`e station, a sports/ entert�.inment public arena, two ma�or hotela, o�`fice ar.d other buildin�rs, private residences, etc . . . .all aceessed by a street that aerves a co�k�ination of foot�ath, cycl� tr�il, and roadway for all kinds of vehicular traffic . It would seem to be the responaibilty of town pl�nners to create and oaintain a safer and nore pleasant environment in keeping w3th the concepts of the ori�inal town plan��rs . Very Truly Youra, �'�.,,r� £ �'��'�'`�� cc : Vail Town Council �°`''''_��� � �,R. I . � • ,7 � / / i Do you care that the orthopedic surgeons at Vail Sports Medicine may be forced to leave Vail as a result of the hospital bringin� in Dick Steadman, the U. S. Ski Team physician? Do you care that Steadman is not coming alone but is bringing a partner and that together they will be assisted by three resident orthopedic surgeons at all times? There are three orthopedic surgeons now in Vail . When Steadman comes that number will be increased to eight. Bye-bye Gottlieb, Chipman, and Janes . But that' s the free enterprise system, right? Competition and all that? Wrong! Our hospital is non-profit, partially supported by fundraisers and contributions from locals . Physicians pay rent and receive no salaries from the hospital. The hospital has offered a contract to Dick Steadman stating that they will pay him an annual salary of $300., 000. 00 . He will be paid $150 , 000. 00 out right and $1 ,500 . 00 for each surgery case he does over 500 cases. He says he does 600 each year which will add the � additio�al $150 , 000. 00. If you question this , ask the hospital administration for a copy of his contract. Chipman and Gottlieb have been caring, responsible surgeons in Vail for many years . Their new partner, Janes , seems to be of the same calliber. They stay at the forefront of every new break- through in Sports Medicine and arthroscopic surgery. Do we really need Dick Steadman at the expense of the current orthopedic surgeons who have provided wonderful care to so many of us (including me) for many years? Please reconsider your support for this situation. A Loyal Patient, 1`���^-� � ��,-e�,t'�.� �� Marty Swenson P.O. Box 4566 Vail, CO 81658 ' • � � . , I ` / V +'��� � �l� � �� � �� � . / /� -/ V /j. Mr. Peter Patten Planning Director Town of Vail Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Patten: This letter is to protest the proposed expansion of the Vail Hospital on West Meadow Drive and the construction of a 55, 000 square foot parking garage. 1. Traffic on West Meadow Drive where we live is already creating a major hazard to pedestrians who naturally like to stroll on the board roadway. Al1 we need is more ambulances and sirens to add to the excitement. 2 . Recent newspapers and periodicals are filled with stories about the glut of empty hospital beds, and the closing of medical facilities in small rural towns. Has the need for more hospital beds in Vail really been proven? Why should everyone from the region need to drive all the way to Vail . Why not a branch facility in another town in Eagle or Summit County? 3 . At a recent meeting it was suggested that Vail hospital could become the Mayo Clinic of the Rockies. I suggest that expansion of the hospital could further erode our swiss village atmosphere by becoming the Denver General Hospital of Vail. The original clinic was designed to assist the full-time residents of Vail and treat the injuries of our visiting skiers. It does the job admirably. Do we really need a research center or is this just item #1 on someone' s "medical wish list"? Let' s stop this project before it gets out of contr�l . Yours truly, � � . ��%� � %%�c�ii Charles and Jane Martz 252 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 CC: Vail Town Council Vail Trail Vail Daily • � " • - H�RRISO\ F. KEPNER 5161 JUtiIPFR ROAU • LITTLETO\.COLORADO 80123 � October 1 , 1988 ' Town of Vail Town Planning Director Vail Colorado , 81658 Attention : Mr . Peter Patten Dear Mr . Patten , This is to protest any further hospital expansion or �ncreased traffic alon� �Jest �leadow Drive . I have lived on this street for twenty-five years (Skaal Hus Condor*iiniums and private home on 252 6d. Meadow drive) , which means starting there before there were any other buildin4s on the street . As you know, the hospital land was ori�inally zoned residential , and we helped re-zone it to allow a S:nall hospital/clinic for the good of the Town of Vail . Additions since have gone way beyond the original scope and "promises" to the then property owners nearby . Traffic is now such that tourists walking between main Vail and Lionshead are severely bothered . This is the oaly stretch between these Town centers that is open for general traf_fic , and is certainl.y a r.egative tourist attraction for our beautiful Town . A seperate entrance for current hospital traffic would be in our best interest to �romote Vail as a "walking" village . Your kindness is considerin� these concerns will be most appreciated . ' Sincerely , Hal Kep r CC : Vail Town Council • . September 23, 1988 Town of Vail Town Planning Director Vail, Colorado, 81658 �lttention: ��r. Peter Patten: Dear :ir. Patten: This letter is in regard to an article in the Vail Trail concerning a proposal by Dan Feeney to increase the size of the Vail Hospital on West Nieadow Drive. We live at 252 West Meadow Drive which is directly across from the hospital and we oppose any e�ansion of the present building. r�hen the original Vail Clinic (as it was once known) was proposed, the home owners on West Meadow Drive were asked to approve a zoning change in order to construct a small clinic and everyone cooperated when told that it was going to remain small and local. ;�Te opposed the recently completed expansion which was barl enough, but this new proposal is ridiculous: The building is becoming a monsteTM tiv:ithout giving any consideration to the neighbors on West Meadow Drive. The street has historically been a walking, jogging, � � bicycle environment and we have already witnessed a great deal more traffic since the recent addition and we think it is time to stop any further expansion of the hospital. Vail is not the only location available in Summit and Eagle counties to construct a hospital and we protest any plan to expand the present f acility in Vail. I suggest that the Planning Commission spend more time on �eautification and establishing more green belts than trying to make a Denver out of Vail. . Yours very truly, 4Venc3e11 � 1lrlene aley 252 T��est Meadow Drive cc: Vail Trail Vail, Colorado 81658 Diana Donovan Vail Town Council Merv Lapin .- , : . . �� � � �. WE THE UNDERSIGNED, REPRESENTING THE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ON WEST �� • MEADOW DKIVE FROM THE FIRE STATION TO THE LIBRAKY REQUEST THE FOLLOWING FROM THE TOWN COUNCIL: TO HAVE THE HOSPITAL CHANGE IT ' S �NTRANCE FROC'1 WEST MEADOW • TO THE SOUTH F'RO:YTAGE ROAD. THERE FFESENTLY EXIST A DANGEROUS SITUATION WHICH WILL ONLY WURSEIV Gv'ITH THE HOSPITAL EXPANSION. AS THE DEMAND FOR 'THE HOSPITAL HAS AND WILL INCREASE THERE IS A GREATER CONFLICT BETWEEN THE PEDESTRIAN l�ND CAR TRr�FFIC. THIS IS PARTICULAR�" DANGERIOUS BECAUSE OF THE IiVCREASEhUTILIZATION OF THE LIBRARY AND ICE ARENA BY CHILDREN. NAME ADDRESS --=�� , � � f / -� , ' R "��✓...'..�d�:.�,G�L__'_ ___..----.__.__--_.__. __.._w..�._......,.__,,.�..���_..L�'_.I..��,-�G.Z.iL__l��U______..�.�._._._..__......_.�._.._._.__,..__ _ ----.. ._ �t 1 J a���tiC� _...�:.._ . 02/,._�, . a��.�__.. ..___._.. .W� .. w. ��� _ . . / �z� �� � ..�.�. _ � . ...n_....�r...._.. _. �.�i �_.�_. ._ . ._. _ .._ ._- --._ . . _ . .� G��.�. .� ��� . ...... _ . -- . , . � ._, _ __�__._ .Q..._.. .�. . _...._. ..._.._..�...A�.,..��-2.�-:_��. . __ ....�__..--, --,---_-����_.�......_ �, �.,1.��_v__rt►��, _ � �............._.�.v._..__..�1.:�c.��..�.�.�..�_... . . � ,. .�.{.,�...�.�.�.%�.�...._... , . � � .____. . __ _�� _ _�L_ _ _._. .. .._ ,. i..�:� .� � �������.._ �y _ < < <. � . � . —�----_- - - - ...,. .._....._�..,......�.. .._. ,._.�..:.. . : .. .. �. . _ .. _._ --...� .-- ._ .._.__. .�ss �� -�-�-�._r....��...� __ -. - _�...�--��.«_�.�:�_ . . �_�.�_.n._ti.,...�.::..a2s�.t.... ___�..._..,���. _._"_.��.,��<...�...�...,.� __ _ . . _.____ � � � . , � 16Z � --- ... _... �.: . .. _, :_._�:_.,T� .._._..._�..n,_.� . ...—��:� _. ± _:.. _ _ ._ ,� !�'� - , . � :.. � G�-c,e�-� . , ^. .... .. ...�.�_ ___ ` ��L. ,� _ �_T 71 �� �2'.�%t����_�/��.-,Y-._.._,..._..� �� -�--�-� --�i�--f ��;� _ ._..�..a�r..m.;r. .._ ..., ._,._-. :_ __... ._. z.�_:...�.,.,-------__���_�,� _.�. _. . . . . _. . . .._-.--�--_._..__�__x.�..___.�3�.�-�.. _ . .___�_.._....��.�..�..r...�.T......r�.�.,..,��...��_.�.a,..�...,...�.�..�.�.�.m..��...r.�.�...�..`.�ns....�...�.t,..��.�....�...�.�,�,...�_:.�_�,. -.� �-- ---.- __--_—_ - �� ,------.--,._- . --__ - �..�.�___._�_ ��,�.a_.��„� �.,..����..�„���.�Wnr,.,_�wy._�.�4�._---.�.._-------w_.�..�.�..._._._.__�.��__.____.._�...�.____,.�.�_.�...��..._..�_.�_____�_- _ _�__------ -� .._..,._.._��_..........._.o.............�...�_._..�m....�.�..�..�.....��.�.r.r..,_n�._�.g...._.....�...�,,._.._,..�.._.......�,,.�.. ��. � .. .. �, _ . . . f ? j , K � � _ `,\ . _ , _ _ _ ... � - -- - . � ., _ .- _ . . � . _� - _ REC�o SEP 2 6 1988 dY(zs. dY�oz9a,� '1�: 1�ou9[�.1, az. l�ox 476 �v�.�, ealo�do &165fi September 23, 1988 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Vai 1 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: As long time residents of Vail , residing at 142 West - Meadow Drive, we are aware that the Town of Vail is concerned with the amount of traffic that uses this street. May we please bring two matters to your attention. 1. The Dead End sign is not visible until the driver has committed himself to making the turn on 4lest Meadow Drive, so he continues on and turns around �ither in our circular driveway, or at the cul-de-sac. 2. A driver may be trying to get to the Lions- head parking structure. �--� Two signs are needed at the stop signs, pointing to West Meadow Drive: NO OUTLET and NO PUBLIC PARKINGJ or� HOSPITAL PARKING ONLY. Another suggestion is to put a traffic counter on the � south side of the cul-de-`sac and one going into the �� hospital to determine how many people are lost, sight- `_�� ���4��i�� - -n. - p�� �� -� � � •�� � � TM I� ' _ � - �y„ �i l^� ►y ,� ,.j, 1" ` � ', � ;� tow� o uai , 75 south trontage road VA,IL 1989 va(I,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 oifice of the town manager October 3, 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan D. Douglas, Jr. P. 0. 8ox 476 Vail , Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Douglas: i�ank you for your letter concerning traffic on West Meadow Drive. We appreciate your observations and suggestions and will be studying those to see how we can best implement change. You may be aware that the Town has been undergoing extensive study and recommendations for a new signage program, both vehicular and pedestrian, and we will take your suggestions into consideration as this program is being implemented. Your interest in the community is much appreciated, and we would be glad to hear from you at any time concerning problems or suggestions you may have. � Sincerely, ; i - ;,� `� '� J _ . � Rondall U. Phillips Town Manager RUP/bsc , � cc: Peter Patten � Stan Berryman . , „ • • \ I � I ,; : � .-� -r-�. � � �: . �, .. , y-,. j : . +,,, j c r y.c � , "M' n y��;Cct Jl�,y4 y wiZf (GA y.y�` ��ll f .1C'K �' 1 N �� 5 G f Y>. JA _ '+ . . .: ' Z .� ��� �Y �� ��i.4'�,2``/��T': �,�/��3 `/ Q�, ��y„g'--, . .a�.�s+�s� .r � 1`v� � � .,,�� t a� � � � �s � 4 � 4 ,, � ^�' "''r9"`:1"r"c'� t � f'jt `w'-^fi;'. �:�, �6,,. .'.� - ' �. 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J � N �-+ � * Z J� � � � ' q .. ..., . ��o vail valley ��� mel.��CC�I CeC� 18� West Meadow Drive,Suite t00 �er Vail, Colorado 81657 (303)476-2451 October 3, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz � Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W, Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Attached are summary sheets of two traffic surveys we conducted on West Meadow Drive. The first survey, conducted on 21 Sep 88, includes vehicles arriving and departing the hospital , between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivals and departures, as well as hourly counts of v�hicles parked on-site, were tabulated for both the west and east lots. We conducted a second survey on 29 Sep 88 in the same manner, except that we also counted the total number of vehicles First Bank of Vail . On this day, 46% of the ehicles travelingP4lest Meadow Drive between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m, were on hospital-related business. Lyn Morgan, manaqer of the Eagle County Ambulance District,_'has provided the following information on numbers of emergency calls for a 12-month period: SEP 87 47 calls OCT 87 42 NOV 87 45 -= DEC 87 140 JAN 88 153 FEB 88 122 MAR 8g 178 APR 88 gg MAY 88 36 JUN 88 54 JUL 88 104 AUG 88 ' 84 Please call if you need any further information. Sincerely Da e Project n er /lrp enclosure Ray McMahan Administrator 3� � . F PROPOSED ACCESS CONTROL PLAN for a Portion of SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Vail, Colorado Prepared for Town of Vail and Doubletree Inn Vail Valley Medical Center Vail National Bank Prepared by TDA Colorado, Inc. 1675 Larimer Street, #600 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 825-7107 January 3 , 1989 � , � i CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ExistingConditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PlannedDevelopment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 DoubletreeInn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 6 Vail Valley Medical•Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 6 VailNational Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 AccessControl Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , � Area-wide Impacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figures 1. Location Plan, Project Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 . Existing Access & Circulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 . P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 . Proposed Access Control Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 � � 4 PROPOSED ACCESS CONTROL PLAN FOR A PORTION OF SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Vail, Colorado Introduction This report discusses the traffic operation elements of a proposed access control plan for a one eighth-mile section of S. Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. S. Frontage Road is essentially a two-lane paved road with graded shoulders serving property frontages and public roadway intersections along the south side of Interstate 70 through the Town of Vail. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. The road widens to five lanes (two through lanes in each direction, plus left turn lane) beginning 600 feet east of the 4-way stop intersection at Vail Road, see Figure l. The need for an access management plan is dictated by several development plans: 1. Planned expansion and on-site circulation changes - for the existing Doubletree Inn at the west portion of the project. 2. Construction of a 185-space multilevel parking structure at the center of the project to serve Vail Valley Medical Center's planned expansion. This structure will be used primarily by physicians, employees and outpatients to hospital and medical offices. 3 . Planned reconstruction along the frontage of Vail National Bank to gain additional short-term parking spaces and to relieve current safety and capacity deficiencies. The resulting access changes along S. Frontage Road to accommodate each of these projects are being evaluated collectively in the interest of providing the maximum compliance possible with the State Department of Highways Access Code. S. Frontage Road is under the administrative jurisdiction of the State Highway Department and any changes to existing access provisions require concurrence ,by the Highway Department. This report describes existing and anticipated future traffic conditions and depicts the suggested access control plan for the effected section of S. Frontage Road. -1- � r. . i � � • F-: a - ,,�o � l'��: �y,l ° �.: L...� m � � Q p_� ^1 �� il �« e-1 `". � � ♦ _,�. J. 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LL ::.3 , o ' � C; � rf F.' 6: � ` � L. _ 1 M „ � c o = . .. 1..., .,... :'M _�..o"`. ` ,� ___— ,. .,�-.. p5t s i ai. ♦�i �� uoipiiaNj �.�����_ � ^ ` / '>a 5�� z I� �jO+ 1: �s - 1�' �.y �;:� '`o l :7 C LrK• �� `�:i IO��F:��. �� A}�' :�.7 \ v' On�y ..... �.y . ._....__........ . ..� ... 5 ..��������:' o .,� \ fQ' G.i e.:'� p � � i`J :� t ^'� ::l Fi- , � ` - � .y ;>y r'>. ,:i io 4P is� r> ..i ro :>> e; V ;>. EE; ~ iiif fs • ....�� . .i� ����� . ..� .... f, _ ��• : ..:,. ::...::,. . - o` ��:... ... ... ......... ..... • ,_. �.;: . . ..:.� . t'.: C�:'. ^1 ��' ts: ��-1 � ra t<: � {,;i � �,. y,� :�:`,j �' t �' O � ` - � � � �` z i>' 3 �:i� =•� i � � t � .. �' F ,i� • ' o ^ •„ �-. .. .._,:.. .. ..__::,. '� � L-f 7L/wVlh'D 4----------------- •�.,.s � ; . --� - - - '"'°�'""'" • � . .� � . _ �,� . e -2- . � � Existing Conditions Within the project area there are currently four full- movement access drives along the south side of the road and two full-movement access drives along the north side of the road, see Figure 2 . Following the natural topography, access drives on the north side ramp down to join S. Frontage Road. Driveways along the south side ramp up to join the roadway elevation. Through the curve opposite the Post Office, the Frontage Road is super elevated (banked) opposite to the natural slope of the land. Driveways leading up to the Post Office/Town Hall and down to the Doubletree Hotel are quite steep--approximately 10 percent grades. Both drives are skewed from a normal radial alignment to favor movements to and from the east. About 80 feet east of the Doubletree Main access drive is located the first of two access drives for the Vail National Bank Building. The second access drive is about 60 feet to the east. Six short term parking spaces are provided along a portion of the bank frontage for bank patrons. Visitor parking is along the west side of the building. Long term parking for tenant use is accessed from the rear via the driveway along the west side of the building. During afternoon peak traffic periods motorists often park illegally along the eastbound frontage road shoulder if parking spaces are not available along the front of the building. Traffic counts taken on the afternoon of Thursday, December 22 , 1988 from 4 to 6: 00 p.m. indicate bank traffic is oriented 65% to the east and 35% to the west. As shown in Figure 3 , total volume in the peak 4-5: 00 p.m. hour was 109 vehicles of which 40% were inbound and 60% outbound. The shortage of parking and close access drive spacing results in noticeable internal congestion and delay within the Bank's parking and circulation area during peak periods. Traffic counts taken in January 1986 at the Doubletree main access drive show a total of 36 outbound and 33 inbound vehicles during the p.m. peak hour. Trips were oriented 70% to the east, 30% to the west. Volume on the frontage road was 567 vehicles eastbound, 382 westbound. Vehicles entering and exiting the Post Office/Town Hall access drive were not counted in either count since the Post Office is relocating to a North Frontage Road location in 1989 . Future reuse of the Post Offic� building is anticipated to be a town or joint town/county public use. In any event, the future use will likely be accompanied by noticeable reduction in site generated traffic as compared to the short-term, high turnover demand exhibited by the Post Office. The principal deficiencies with current S. Frontage Road operation in the project area are: -3- � � � ; I E€ i .� _ � �� ,� .�.t•-re,�,�u ,��►_,.��' +�. 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' I C` � � '�rr+ �' ,,, EXISTING �_ � L^� � �'�' 9J� 567 � 'YJ �382 �21 � �� 9J 2/� DOUBLETREE �la HOTEL ` � � � 14 ( 1/ 11/86 ) �l 11 18 20 �, � � 0 6 22 BANK BUILDING ( 12/22/88 ) 1 � . 1 2 1 � r'` 48 15 ,,, FUTURE BUI LDOUT 17 48 DOUBLETREE HOTEL 1 �^ 31 14 ` 36 f— q� /'�► 72 •-► 104 � �""30 HOSPITAL PARKI�JG BANK BUILDIPJG STRUCTURE � No ScaZe P ,M, PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES ( 4 : 00 to 5 : 00 p .m. ) FIGURE 3 5 TD.4 � . � � 1. The rather abrupt transition from a five-lane cross section to a two-lane section leaves left turning motorists uncertain about their proper deceleration and storage position relative to thru travel lanes. 2 . Closely spaced, full-movement access drives at Vail National Bank result in noticeable on-site maneuvering and circulation delays as well as hesitation by motorists turning off S. Frontage Road to enter either of the Bank's access drives. 3 . The skewed approaches and steep drives for the Post Office and Doubletree result in hazardously high entry and exit speeds for some motorists using these drives. These current deficiencies are considered in the development of the preferred access control plan. Planned Development This section of the report describes planned land use changes in the project area and the access implications associated with these changes. Doubletree Inn has prepared plans for extending the north and east wings. Underground parking would be expanded as part of this project. A new single access entryway is planned and access to underground parking will be revised. A traffic study prepared in 1986 projects a future Doubletree p.m. peak hour volume of 72 outbound and 67 inbound vehicles using the future access drive. Vail Valley Medical Center is planning a 185-space parking structure in conjunction with vertical expansion of the existing hospital footprint. Hospital physicians, employees and staff, many of whom now gark in valet stalls 3 and 4-cars deep in a surface lot, will instead use the parking structure. Al1 access to WMC parking is currently via Vail Road to West Meadow Drive. Hence, virtually all hospital traffic passes through the 4-way stop sign at the Vail Road/S. Frontage Road intersection. Town of Vail staff have indicated that consistent with the Town' s adopted Land Use Plan (1) , any �traffic growth associated with hospital expansion will not be permitted on West Meadow Drive. West Meadow Drive is identified as predominately a pedestrian link between the Village Core and Lionshead Village in the Land Use Plan and local traffic use is discouraged. Hence, parking l. Adopted November 18, 1986 -6- ' � � structure access will be exclusively to S. Frontage Road. Based on the size of the facility, intended use, and the hospital ' s demonstrated work day and shift patterns, we estimate 108 p.m. peak hour trips (72 outbound 36 inbound) will access S. Frontage Road to and from the planned parking structure. WMC is requesting a setback variance from the Town of Vail to allow the structure to be built up to the north property line. This is to allow normal ramp gradients within the structure. Vail National Bank is undergoing a change of ownership. The new owners wish to remedy the current short term parking deficiencies and on-site circulation problems by expanding the parking row in front of the building and gaining greater separation between access drives. We estimate the improved parking and circulation plan will result in a 15% increase in access drive volume for site generated trips. Accordingly, we anticipate the future p.m. peak hour volume for bank building trips will be 125 vehicles (76 outbound, 49 inbound) . Access Control Plan With encouragement from Town of Vail staff and in accordance with guidelines contained in the State Highway Access Code (Section 2 . 12) , representatives of each effected abutting land use have met jointly to develop a mutually acceptable access plan for the project area. On December 22 , 1988 representatives from the Town of Vail, Vail National Bank, Vail Valley Medical Center and, the Doubletree Hotel met in Vail to review three conceptual access control alternatives prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. A basic plan was agreed upon in concept for subsequent refinement and review. Figure 4 depicts the access control plan that has been agreed upon by the effected abutting property owner representatives for buildout of each property. Features of the plan are: 1. The existing six, full-movement access drives in the study area will be consolidated into four full-movement and one partial-movement (inbound only) access drives. A restricted use (delivery truck only access drive) is anticipated at the west end of the project for the future Doubletree Inn loading dock location. 2. The existing cer�ter left turn lane on S. Frontage Road that extends from the 4-way stop sign to the Town Hall/Post Office access drive will be extended west as a continuous 2-way left turn lane for 500 feet. This will provide left-turn storage for each future access drive. Center-to- center spacing for competing access drive left -7- r � � . turns will be approximately 150 feet. This spacing falls between the limiting 100-foot spacing and the preferable minimum 185-foot spacing for successive right turns as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. (2) 3 . Subject to final engineering plan and profile investigations, a right turn deceleration lane will be constructed along eastbound S. Frontage Road in conjunction with Doubletree Inn expansion. Per the Access Code, the lane will be 150 feet long plus a 90 foot taper section. 4 . The Medical Center will share its full-movement access drive with the adjacent bank property. All parking structure entering and exiting movements will use this access drive. Vehicles exiting the bank will also use this drive. Vehicles approaching the bank from the west may also use this as an entrance to the bank property. 5. The bank will have an entrance-only drive located opposite the existing Post Office/Town Hall access drive for patrons approaching from the east. The geometry of the entrance and the orientation of parking stalls will force one-way clockwise circulation in front of the bank. This improvement will eliminate the overlapping opposing left turn storage problem that now exists at this intersection. Area-wide Impacts - The proposed access control plan shifts some Hospital turning movement volumes from West Meadow Drive to S. Frontage Road. This is done in compliance with the Town' s Land Use Plan, as previously discussed. Based on observed turning movements at the bank and Doubletree Inn, between 1/3 and 1/4 of the Hospital 's peak hour trips will be oriented to the west. Hence, the proposed access plan will lessen the percentage of Hospital trips passing through the 4-way stop intersection by 25 to 33%. This reduction of 25 to 30 p.m. peak hour trips using Vail Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic operations. Specifically, the single-lane northbound Vail Road approach at the 4-way stop will experience reduced length of vehicle queue by virtue of the proposed acces+s plan. 2 . Transt�ortation and Land Development, Table 4-6 30 mph, _ITE, 1988. -9- / ' � � ���.�♦ - � " STAT�, OF COLOI��DO �� DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 222 South Sixth Street, P.O. Box 2107 �T� Grand Junction,Colorado 81502-2107 �°���'�'� if (303)248-7208 . �8 M� February 1, 1989 ,,��F�OV�P, Mr. Peter Patten . Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: The Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH1 has completed our analysis of the information provided to us during our meeting on January 31, 1989 regarding the Vail Valley Medical Center. We have the following comments: The south frontage road is a category five roadway. The State Highway Access Code 2 CCR 601-1. Par 3 . 8 .2 states, "One direct access will be provided to each individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership or control. " Par 3 . 8. 3 continues, "Additional access may be permitted to a parcel when (a) there will not be any significant safety or operational problems and (b) the spacing meets the access spacing requirements of the code, subsection 4 . 9.2 and (c) additional access would not knowingly cause a hardship to an adjacent property. " Par 1. 3 . 2 of The State Highway Access Code states in part, "In no event shall an access be allowed or permitted if it is detrimental to the public health, welfare, and safety. Section 43-2-147 (b) Colorado Revised Statutes states in part, "After June 21, 1979, no person may submit an application for subdivision approval to a local authority unless the subdivision plan or plat provides that all lots and parcels created by the subdivision will have access to the state highway system in conformance with the state highway access code. " In light of the above, CDOH could deny any access from the frontage road to the parking structure for the following reasons: The Vail Valley Medical Center is not currently an abutting property owner to the frontage road. Subdivision after June 21, �1979 would require internal circulation with one approach providing access to the subdivision. The owne�s on either side of the proposed access indicated and the Vail Valley Medical Center design engineer agreed that some hardships (driveway approach grades) would result from the access. ' � • �.;a. � 1. I The increased traffic volume would create operational problems on the frontage road which has been identified in the I-70/Main Vail interchange improvements Environmental Assessment as already having operation problems. The addition of the access without all of the necessary channelization would be detrimental to the public health, welfare, and safety. Recognizing the needs of the Town of Vail, CDOH will agree to an access to the parking structure provided that continuous acceleration, deceleration and left turn lanes are provided. We believe that it is possible to prcvide a positive access design that will meet the requirements of the property owners without compromising public safety. In reviewing the plans provided it was noted that when both proposals were drawn on one sheet that the continuous acceleration/deceleration design utilized a more restrictive turning radius near the bank parcel. In addition the three-lane proposal indicated that some channelization was being provided. However, the area shown was actually the through lane and not channelization. We suggest consideration of the following possible design options: (1) Provide one access to the parking structure which in turn provides access to the Double Tree and Bank of Vail. (2) Close the two westerly approaches to the old Post Office and provide a road from the easterly approach along the interstate right of way and connect the parking lots around the post office. This would allow for movement of the frontage road more to the north. (3) Removal of the superelevation and centerline spirals to gain more room. We recognize that this access proposal presents some difficult design problems; however, we must assure that highway safety is not compromised. Our design engineers are available to discuss design details and will work with the project designers to discuss design solutions. R. P. MOSTON DISTRICT ENGINEER � c -�,�-- . C. I. Dunn, J�. District ROW Engineer CID:rb cc: Demosthenes Moston Sanburg Perske file , � • 1�� ' '�i PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING.DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH , February 9, 1989 A. Peter Patten Jr. Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Peter: On behalf of Vail Holdings, Inc. I am requesting that the public hearing on February 13th regarding the proposed expansion of the Doubletree Hotel be tabled until the February 27th hearing date due to a scheduling conflict that I have. As you are aware we have been working for the past several months with the Vail Valley Medical Center in order to provide them with the opportunity to utilize a portion of Vail Holdings, Inc. property for both access from the South Frontage Road and shared parking. This solution to removing a large amount of vehicular traffic generated by the Hospital from West Meadow Drive has been designed and agreed upon by both parties and will take the form a a perpetual easement which will run with the land. The granting of the easement is conditioned upon both the Hospital and the Doubletree expansion plans being approved by the Town of Vail. One outstanding issue regarding this solution, as you are well � aware, is the State Highway Departments' approval of the access point and the extent of improvements that will be required in conjunction with that approval. I, along with the Hospital Board :� and the owners of the Vail National Bank, am confident that this situation will be worked out to the satisfaction of all parties involved, including the Town. Vail Holdings, Inc. fully supports the proposed expansion of the Vail Valley Medical Center as i`t is now proposed and we are pleased to have been a part of this cooperative planning effort which I believe has recognized the importance of long range planning and has resulted in a design solution which benefits the Town of Vail: Suite 308,Vail National Bank Buitding 108 South Frontage Road West • Vail,Colorado 81657 . (303)476-7154 _ � - . .., � ,. : - • .... . . . .. . ,�.z':.,..wr.s� --�� .. —�° �:: ""` "� , �«��'"n' i - -rL ,. �iw�.,�,...: � .� <� � �.iN�+ °.�•,1s�+� . .�3:- . . . � • �'+� �, � A. Peter Patten Jr. j Director of Community Development ; Town of Vail February 9, 1989 Page 2 Jeff Olson of Anthony Pellecchia Architects will be in attendance at Monday's meeting to represent Vail Holdings, Inc. and to answer any questions that may arise. I look forward to presenting the expansion plans for the Doubletree at the February 27th P.E.C. meeting. Since ely, Peter Jamar, AICP PJ:ne � i , . . , .� .: � . � �� , ,. ! _� _ ,x,. . .. _ _ � - rxr:�:.'7�ft�.:,+f, W-r.�.t.: . . " . . � ., �-r 'i .,-... +rt K . . .., . . :.,._ .. ,.;,. •� ,.. .. . ..,, .;;+�t'�d'f,,ir.s, "�-�����.. . .. � . . .. �, . . _ . . . . . ,.. .. � _ - - - . . ,_ r,. , >. •-ie.Y.... . A • • • I TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: January 23 , 1989 SUBJECT: A request to rezone a 0. 32 acre parcel of land from I', the current Residential Cluster zone district to the 'I Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Applicant: William Pierce/Lynn Fritzlen I. THE REQUEST The applicants are the owners of Lot 2 , Block 5 of the Vail Intermountain subdivision, which is situated immediately east of the Flussheim Townhouses and west of the Interlochen Condominiums. A single family dwelling of 2,534 square feet is located on the lot. The intent of this rezoning request is to allow the applicants to construct a small secondary, rental unit over the existing garage. The secondary unit would consist of a studio apartment of approximately 350 square feet, and the applicants have agreed not to sell, transfer, or convey the secondary unit separately from the primary unit. Also, the secondary unit shall be rented only to full-time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley for periods of 30 days or more. The current RC zoning on the property allows for a maximum of only one dwelling unit. The proposed P/S zone district allows for only one unit by right. However, lots of less than 15, 000 square feet in the Primary/Secondary zone district are allowed a secondary rental unit when the criteria in Section 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the zoning code (criteria for lots under 15, 000 square feet to allow a secondary unit) are met. The following table compares the requirements and standards of the current R/C zoning with the proposed P/S zoning: Current Zoninq Proposed Zoninq Zone District RC P/S Allowable Dwelling Units 1 1 +l employee unit Minimum Lot Size 15, 000 sf 15, 000 sf Maximum GRFA 3 , 520 sf 3 , 520 sf Setbacks Front 20 ' 20' Sides/Rear 15' 15' Maximum Height 33 ' 33 ' � i � II. EVALUATION OF THIS REQUEST A. Criteria #l. Suitability of Proposed Zoninq The "buildable area" of this lot is severely � restricted by existing easements and floodplain. I Approximately 5, 700 square feet of this 14, 080 square foot lot is located within the Gore Creek floodplain, I thereby reducing the "buildable area" of the lot to ! 8, 380 square feet. The existing single-family residence maintains a 25 foot minimum setback from the 100-year floodplain. Construction of a secondary unit over the garage area would ensure protection of the floodplain while limiting new construction within the existing building footprint. The rezoning, as proposed, would meet all of the Town's development standards of the Primary/Secondary zone district with the exception of the minimum lot area requirement. A variance from this requirement has been applied for and will be reviewed as a companion application to this zone change request. B. Criteria #2 . Is the amendment proposal presentinq a convenient, workable relationship amonq land uses consistent with municipal objectives? The Primary/Secondary designation is consistent with adjacent Primary/Secondary zoned properties immediately south of Gore Creek and would also be compatible with the existing character of the neighborhood. The requested rezoning is consistent with the following development goals in the Town's Land Use Plan: Policy 5. 3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. Policy 5. 5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Policy 5. 1: Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. � • � . C. Criteria #3 . Does the rezoninq proposal provide for growth of an orderly and viable community? The staff feels that this rezoning proposal does provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. Employee housing is in short supply in Vail and is a crucial element in Vail's continuing to be a viable resort community. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation for the rezoning of this lot to Primary/Secondary is for approval. We feel that the P/S designation is the most appropriate zone district for the uses proposed and that the addition of an employee housing unit would be a positive contribution to the community. Moreover, the Land Use Plan specifically allows for these types of incentives or minor concessions to encourage the provision of additional employee housing units. i �. � � I' ��i�� 2 � 3 8� ��z �-�-�- = �'��n ,-c�?� � �+Z�u_ • �� � -�-c-n G�a�- - L'� � �! � • �'� ru�-��-� , • � � �� ,� �- � _ ,�. � � S C� � -- �/��/G�/�. ��c�y � �" _ �- ,�- 5.��� - -- ��. �. ? ��- ? _ .� � �.� � .� / � �,-�_�� ,��' �� - �� . �'.�.� �- ,�,..� m,�e�,� �. . �/ -7� . 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" �^��-�'J �'- \.. �'(A I"' �_ �!:��Y i i-L.r\ �������� _ �� �:.. ��� -- ,,���� � ,� - -� ��� � �o� ��� _ _ �� � � ���- � G�,�� ���� ��'G%� � �� __�- G� � - !�-T: . � � �� � ��� _._--�x,� - ��,,,..�_ � , Nv ' ��� ��.�.% �',� �,�,� I � ��� �- ' '' �� ____ 3_� i � . - • � � . � , Planning and Environmental Commission December 12 , 1988 3 : 00 PM 12 :00 PM Site Visits: I Hong Kong, Ulbrich Property �� 1: 15 PM Work Session , 1. Work session on proposed addition to Vail I Valley Medical Center. 2 . A presentation of Congress Hall studies by architectural students. 3 : 00 PM Public Hearing 1. Approval of minutes of 11/14 and 11/28. 2. A request to zone a recently annexed parcel . � commonly known as the Ulbrich property, Lots 16 and 19 , to Hillside Residential Applicant: John Ulbrich 3 . A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I for the Hong Kong Cafe. Applicant: Phil Hoversten 4 . A request for a condominium conversion for the Bell Tower Building. Applicant: Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. 5. Preliminary hearing to determine review period for exterior alterations in Commercial Core I. . � ' ,- y � t����r��-- � f �� � i�o��55101� ���. �� i�.� �-� �`(1,��� ��l J�.� ��i : u�ou�c�— 1� �� - - � S..Qx�i cSZ— � . 0�'�.QO� D�l � � _ — '� �o� L�D��C�� �L I � �i��• ' �1n� � �� Ll5 � G�J�V�C�M 1 �� � � � � �� ��-C�.c, _- .9��p�10,���\l in a� �w T 1 �5 l� ' S1�1� � �� l/1�l(SU�.� �`Y� �'�V�JU��CQ, �1 ln � . �-� ����e� — ��- � �. �_ �� �.� G ��rn.��� _ V�d� -� ��rn��- -�D5 �� � � ���� ����- � � �� � - i� �� � o� �;� c�o l -�� 5 � �� . �}�, ��,,�. : Qu�— ���cQ. �t� ��- � �, �'- � � �,� �� a��� ��n�'�d, ��- �� .� ��- 5 . � � � � � ��� 1 1� ��� � � � � � • � . `t � � �� ° �c�a �. �c�C�' �-,�' y� ' � � • �t,� i���� � �� � ��� � � ��� �� ���- � - � ��.��� . �_ ��o u,Q.�n� �c� u�lll l.�e�s � � ��� ���� ��`�o �� I�. ��1�,� t _ ��Ic� �s c�� I���� �� �� 1�� �1�� �' ` 11�x, 1,1\ Uv� � � � �- � � S � ' c, ���n�o� ��- �. �� � � . �1 _ w�ll �, . _ �� l��r��� � �� o�-� 1� � � . _ _ � o�v�� �� ��� v��no�� �� �� . r, � � - � � � � j�� _ � �e, - __ _ __ _ ,; � . � , { ,, � � ��l ar�ot..:- _ .�-- �E'c� ��r�i � c��: aN� � �I`�Pf �L . �'' ��,�� � � ��. �- � _ ��l � ����a..� ���n : � -- 5����,� �� -�-� �bs. �-- � � ��ln�- �;� ��� ,��--� ���. � � � ������_ � � � �,,� �: �.��,���.� ��.�.< <�. �.� -�-� � � � ��-�n ���� _ 5���� � � _ -�� �- �� �. a�l ����. � ���. � �� 5 �� S� - �u.�-�e- 5��.�--� . � , , � ao � ��-�---� � ��.�b ��n,�. � �� �i a��:- �,�� �l� �D c�- c����, � � �!�e�-� u�- .—._— � a� � - � � � � . � � � �� � � � � t�i�l 1�� � ' • i . ; . - _ ���� �1��. Cc��-� c�.��-� a o�-�; 5-�.,�v�e�- .� � � � �;�o,��� -� � ��-- � � c�� �� � ���� , _ � � � � � _ _ , � � _ ,. . _ _ �1 _ _ �; _ - _ f' _ _ _ , I� � � � f �. . � �; � �,. _ _ i i ' _--- ' f , ,, _ � � _ _ � 1� _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ . _ _ . ; . ; � _ ___. _ _ _ _ �- , _ ; � ; _ __ _ l � ; _ � � � . ; _ _ _ _ _ . � . . _ t _ � � • � '� � �` vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 . Vail, Colorado 81657 �� medical center (303) 476-2451 December 9, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: In cooperation with the Doubletree Hotel , we have developed an expansion plan which we believe satisfies the objectives of the planning staff and the PEC. Major features of this plan are as follows: � The hospital proposes to construct a 22 level parking structure at the east end of its property. The structure would provide parking for 180-185 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. The elevation of the top level would be slightly lower than that of the existing South Frontage Road. • The north end of the structure would be constructed on land current- ly oN�ned by the Doubletree, and would be situated such that it would not interfere with previously-approved expansion plans for that fa- cility. The hospital 's proposed structure could be connected to the Doubletree's underground parking at a lower level , to allow sharing of parking. • The structure would eliminate 10-12 existing surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These spaces would be replaced in full with spaces in the proposed structure. • The present west lot, providing parking for 118 vehicles, will re- main in its present configuration, with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. However, because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, we estimate that this plan will achieve an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day during peak per- iods. This is based on our observation that each parking space gen- erates 5-6 trips on West Meadow Drive between 7 am and 5 pm. • The proposed structure, together with the existing west lot, will provide on-site parking for 298-303 vehicles on a year-round basis, with no valet parking contemplated. Based on the formula agreed-to during the approval process for the last expansion, we calculate that the proposed expansion Hiill increase our parking requirement to Ray McMahan Administrator ; ~ � � ; Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail December 9, 1988 Page two 285 vehicles. Please note that the hospital intends to provide suf- ficient parking to meet its current needs, without the need for shared parking with the Doubletree. Both properties, however, wish to arrive at a reasonable formula for shared parking during subse- quent expansions. • The hospital is developing a master plan which will dovetail with the Doubletree's master plan. Our master plan envisions redevelop- ment of the east end of our property, including demolition of the original clinic, built during the late sixties. The emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to the east end, with direct access to South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage would allow construction of a short, level road connecting the east structure with parking at the west end. Thus, future expan- sion of the hospital will enable us to remove virtually all hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. • We recognize that existing problems with traffic flow on South Front- age Road could be aggrevated by our proposed east parking structure. We have hired a consultant to advise us and you on possible solu- tions, and to assist us in any discussions with the State Highway Department. • We have developed some architectural revisions to address the PEC's concerns with the mass of the building. The extent of the expansion to the hospital building itself, however, remains as described in our Application of September, 1988. Sincerel , an Feeney, P ana er /1 rp cc: Peter Jamar ' V / � � � �ii i.� � / .�.�f � ` °. P"�� � - � U l`� i _ _, . � C� � G�� � 1 �� � (?`�L� �o � � M � _ � � � �3 �� - = _ { 1 �3 � z �2 i � �� �z � � � ('Z � . �� 4�, . � . , � � � � � � ; �-� �� � i l� � �� � � � rs { � � � � � � �� I � `1 .� � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � �� � � g � � �� I • I � . L , /� l� - � � �� - �� �- . � - � � � ; %'. _ �i��� ,�. ��� �� _ ,- ��_ ��. ��� ," U -- ��.. - w��s�� . � - � , _ �;�� � ` - - ��- . ��- �� -�- , — � � r-- � � . G�/, . �• �� ��-r-;�~ � , � _�� w� � � � �. �i���- � � � . . � ������ � �� � �.- � ��� E , �- _ �'� � �, .s�. ` � � G� . �� . , ��� �� �/i/� �.... .-�-- ��� �� !� � ��" fi � � � . , ' �.-r�'/ - �--�,� � - ��-. ���G��.. � , �� � � �,� � ' . �n,� - , �z • 6 ' � � � i ����/]// ���� JY� � � v • `� ��������� � � I /� e��� � . �: U . C � i . � �-�� � , � ��D�� . � ���� � �x �� ; � �: � . ���� � � � , i� . � �� : _ . _ _�i I� _ I± � i; � � �� �� �; - • � `�J � °��� �'C� Peggy Osterfoss stated that she felt that support of the office was a good trade-off for requiring Andy to add the bollard. Diana Donovan made a motion to approve the project per the staff inemo with the following amendments: 1. Condition #2 - The office space would be allowed to be located in the Plaza Conference building. 2 . Condition #4 - The 32-accommodation unit plan is acceptable. The 8-dwelling unit plan is denied. Square footage for the 8 dwelling unit is only approved to be 11,200 square feet, the original approved GRFA. She stated that Andy may submit a plan before the project is presented to the Town Council for staff approval. The plan is to allow for adequate open space between Millrace IV and the Westin. She felt that it was also acceptable to allow the additional GRFA of 176 square feet to be applied to the Westhaven property. 3 . She moved that the concern over the bridge connection in the Cornerstone building be removed from the comments passed on to the Design Review Board. The motion was seconded by Pam Hopkins. The motion passed unanimously. 4. A work session Qn the reques� for a conditional use for an addition to the hos ital. 5. A work session on the Glen Lyon Office Buildinq, includinq the micro-brewery. � • . � ��� � _;, � � After more discussion, Diana Donovan moved and Pam Hopkins seconded to recommend approval to the Town Council to amend the Arterial Business District to allow micro-breweries with a more specific tourism-related light industry definition. The vote was 6 in favor, one against, and one, Jim Viele, abstaining. 5. A work session on the request to construct an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center Dan Feeney explained a little more about what the hospital was thinking about with regard to their addition. There will be another work session on the second Monday in November. Peter asked about the traffic counts with two additional days. And Dan Feeney said they did two additional days and they have done a total traffic counts for four additional days, one of which was a Saturday. He said on that Saturday, 1000 vehicle trips passed the Fire Station and this counted every type of vehicle. He said this was 400 less than the Monday through Friday period. Dan Feeney mentioned that he had submitted a three to four page letter regarding parking and traffic. Peter said that on Friday he had taken a six-hour time lapse movie with a camera on the top of the hospital pointing east. The results of this would be available in two weeks. Discussion followed concerning the Doubletree and the hospital working together on a master plan. Mr. Feeney said that the consultants were meeting now about this. There would be some conclusions at the next Planning Commission meeting. Jim Viele wondered if one could extrapolate the numbers from the four-day study to a peak season. And Feeney felt that they probably could, but he didn't think that they could extrapolate the total number of trips on Meadow Drive. Peter Jamar, representing the Doubletree, said that he had met with Dan Feeney, Kristan, Rick, and Peter and that the � Doubletree was 100% behind the hospital expansion, although they did have concerns with current or future proposals. Peter Jamar felt that for the parking structure it did not make sense or was not in anyone's best interest to build a 100% peak park demand for the hospital day parking and that of the Doubletree night parking and possibly there could be a combination of the totals. Diana Donovan felt that the next addition must require getting traffic off of West Meadow Drive. Peggy also felt that the Vail National Bank and the Town of Vail should be brought in as part of the master plan. Dan Feeney stated that the Vail National Bank was aware of the planning that the hospital was doing with the Doubletree and they did indicate an interest. Jim Viele thanked Dan Feeney for the update. f, • • _ � [ ���'��= ��. �l � �� - _ _ �. �l _ ._ �� �I�� 6c� o� 10�� �vl� _ ��_ _ -_ o��l���_ _ ________________ _ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ____ , __ � � _ � 5 �n _ _ _ _ , � _ , , , , _ __ 1��� ' __ G�.� _ , � i - _ , l - -- . _ � 11�O1�.,�C�. �l��b J� �1�.� ���:� �- ���y.. __ � -- . - c�.��.�S 1`l�� -��r���. -�-b ._ __ _ __. _ _ �. _ ___ _ _ �����. � _ _ :� �� ___ � _ ��- ��-�� - u�o�.1 �u�� __ rx� � _ _ _ u��� �� � u�� 1� s� ___ � > > ; .. _ _� c.l c�, ��`�. c1� � 0�� ���� � _ _ _ _ _ _ -- -_ �a��� Q � � � c� _ oLQ_. _ � __ � __ . _ o�� � �,� �, �u� _ -- � � -- ._ -- __ _ u�� S '� � � _ .___. . . . . \ � � � r \ _ _ . o�.� � v,���l� -� � � l� �c.� __ _ . � �-'�v� � _ _____ _ __ � _ __ ��� ���-�- _��� _ l , � __ � -�-� - � ,�, � � � � .�� � _ _ _ � _ � _ ; , :. , _ _ _ ____ _ ___ __ ___ �� , _ _ . . . _____ __ _ _______ _ � _ _. __ ____ ___ � . � � .�- � -- ��r� � - O���oSS � _-��-- __. � � _ _ _ � - - �--��� ��. _ _ _ _ �n � o�� � � ad..�-��� __ _ _ _ �e� � __ �i� -�� �;m �= ��. -�� _ �5� � _ _ _ �� ��, a�u�� _ �,�. _ 1� �r- __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ . _ _ _ Sl�. ��, �l1�IQ � �.� �(�'�s ��Z. , � _ - (�'� � ��- -� �Q � _ __ V � `� � `��- �a n. ����.. �' . . _ . _ � — — _ ��- ���� 1�..,• . _ - ��o �a l '��,o - __ _ __ — �r w _ D . _ o�� - . __ __ _ _ �� �� -� �. ���rian�. � � __ _ � `S�. � � ' � � _ - --- __ SU�`�� __. 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To: Planning and Environmental Commission From: Community Development Department Date: October 10, 1988 Reference: Worksession on the Vail Valley Medical Addition Attached to this memo is a package of information submitted by the hopital addressing parking and the access road. In addition, the Town has analyzed possible options for parking and access which are summarized in the report from RG Consulting Engineers. The purpose of the worksession is to discuss the access road and parking issues related to the expansion. The staff has also recommended that the applicant look at ways to lessen the impact of the mass and bulk of the hospital addition. � �i Y � � f :�/� I FEASIBILITY STUDY PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD � � • � . r ,t�� I. INTRODUCTION In exploratory discussions regarding a further expansion of the hospital , the Town planning staff advised us that the issue of a new access from South Frontage Road should be addressed. 4lhile all parties understood that there were a number of rather severe constraints on any possible design, the hospital administration concurred that it should hire a consultant to study the problem, and actually establish the vertical and horizontal alignments of the "best possible road" that could achieved, working within the various constraints of topography and existing construction, both on and off hospital property. Assuming the proposed road would meet all standard safety criteria, the hospital saw two potential advantages for improving its operation: �� o Ambulances could gain quicker access to South Frontage Road, not I, only for actual emergency calls, but for transporting critical pa- i tients from the hospital to the helipad west of the Post Office, for medical evacuation to Denver. � o Patients needing medical services could gain quicker and more-direct I access off South Frontage Road. This might be particularly helpful ' for the tourists who use the hospital , and are generally unfamiliar �� with the Town's layout. II . DESIGN ASSU�"PTIONS As in any engineering problem, but especially one involving an existing facility, the owner and consultants must identify certain goals that should not be compromised and certain design variations that will not be pursued, because they clearly fall outside the range of practicalities. In the case of a new access to the hospital off Seuth Frontage Road, the major assumptions we made are as follows: o Above all else, safety is of paramount importance. At the risk of stating the obvious, a hospital is a unique facility. Access must be good not only for ambulances, but also fior private vehicles. o Any road must be minimum of 25 feet wide, to allow for 2-way traf- fic. In addition, a separate pedestrian walk should run adjacent to the road. o A separate on-ramp allowing ambulances to safely merge with general hospital traffic is desirable. o A possible access at the northeast corner of hospital property must be aligned in such a way that it would minimize the loss of parking spaces at both the Doubletree Hotel and the Vail National Bank building. o The existing east lot, used primarily by patients visiting the pharmacy and doctor's offices , would remain intact. We feel that this lot is needed for the convenience of those patients using those ',:t.j:� facilities. In addition, losing those 26 parki�_ spaces �Q�tld_re- ��*;. �' . �J%fih quire cp�.�tr.uct-ing-+a.nother-ha1�-�veT`on the,�par.,k�ing structure at r;=��J � ari incremental cost of $350,000. 6 }� �� ` f. ..% o Demolition of any existing buildings, including the Ambulance Garage, is not financially practical . In the case of the Ambul ��e�� ance Garage, it is already in an optir�um location, immediately adjacent to the Emergency Room. . • � � � =3� ,, Page tv�o o An access off South Frontage Road between Vail International and the Doubletree Hotel is possible only by enclosirg P�iiddle Creek in a culvert, and building the road over it. The enviremental impact of the culvert, and the necessity ef cutting doti�ln all the trees and other vegetation lining the banks ot the creek, seemed so severe as to preclude further consideration. o An access generally followinq the alignment of the existing bike path betweer, the Ice Arena ard Vail International , and in some manner '� merging with East Lionsheac� Circle, appeared to have most of the �� features which the Toarn wishes to eliminate in our present access , and was not studied further. III . DISCUSSION Mountain States Engineering Asscciates, P.C. , working in conjunction with Fisher, Reece and Johnson, P.C. , our building architects, was directed to study the problem, and furnish a design which would aodress the above goals and assumptions as well as pessible. The resultant �esign is shown on the attached plans (3 sheets) . We have a number of rather serious concerns with the proposed road: o The grade, in one area as steep as 8.33%, is excessive fcr a hospital access. We feel that 4% is the maximum grade acceptable for a hospital access , even under dr�-pavement conditions. (As a point of reference, the west approach to the Eisenho�ler Tunnel is appror.imately 7%) o The 30-foot radius of the curve at the east end is, at best, very marginal . Coupled with the steep grade, this curve is even more troublesome, even though we could bank the curve. o The proposed hospital access is slightly offset from the existing drive into the lot shared by the Municipal Building and Post Office. Ideally, of course, we would have liked the two access drives to be directly opposite each other. Barring this, the next best option would have been to separate the two drives laterally by at least 100 yards. Because of the constrairts imposed by existing constructior, neither goal can be achieved. There would be an extreme hazard created when vehicles negetiating left-hand turns trom the hospital attempted to merge with vehicles makir.g right-hand turns from the municipal/Post Office lot. The existing access road into the Goubletree, only 60 feet 4rest of the proposed hospital access , is another factor jeopardizing safety. Lastly, the large number of pedestrians attempting to cross in the middle of this vehicular confluence concerns us greatly. At the very best, the State would have to install two traffic lights, as shown on the plans , to mitigate -- although never completely solve --those hazards. o Alti�ou�h the vertical and horizontal alignments are severe even in warm-weather months, in winter much of the road would have to be mechanically heated, either by electric mats or glycol circulated under the pavement through pipes. We feel that a hospital access + J � • ♦ : � r i• Page three road that must rely on mechanical snotiv melting to be negotiable in �I auverse weather is clearly outside the nor,mal range of desion i parameters. ` o Ambulances must be able to egress from both the east and 4�est sides I'i of the Ambulance Garage. Those leaving the east-facirg bays must continue to use West Meadow Drive, because our consultants concluded -- and the hospital concurs -- that a separate on-ramp, merging with the proposed access road somewhere near the east propert�i line, was not feasible. An ambulance leaving the �vest-facing bay could only access the new road by negotiating a 180-degree turn with a very short radius. In order to use the proposed access road, a west- '� facing ambulance would have to stop at least once, back up, and �� resune turning. This is clearly unacceptable for an emergency ' vehicle. Thus , this ambulance would also be required to continue using 4Jest Meadow Drive. One of the two hoped-for advantages to the ' hospital in constructing a new access road (that is, more direct egress for ambulances to South Fronta�e Road) is not attainable. � o Even without incurring on the small parking lot at the east end, the hospital would loose thirteen existirg surface parking spaces . These spaces could be recovered only by constructing a larger parking structure. At �10,000 per space, this would add �130,000 to the effective cost of the road. o The 26 vehicles using the east lot must continue to use West Meadow Drive. o The prcposed cost of this proiect is at least ,�550,000 - 56G0,000. Even this estir�ate does not include the cost of land acquisition from the Doubletree or Vail Natioral Bank building, or with developing a structural solution to the dan�er of our underminina the southeast corner of the Doubletree's foundation. It also V assumes that the 12-inch water main that._runs_1ust_nor_th of_ou� proposed access road would not have to be�elocated_, either because of inadequate groun cover to prevent horizontal migration of frost from reaching the main, or to allow censtruction of some type of structure to stabilize the southeast corner of the Doubletree. IV. CONCLUSION The design of this proposed road is fundar�entally flawed. While it might be marginal for a hotel or condominium complex, it is clearly unacceptable for a facility with the unique function of a hospital . Furthermore, the proposed access is measurably inferior to our present access off West Meadow Drive. Because this hospital serves the health needs of the entire community, we think that the safest possible access , given the current state of development in Vail , must be a high-priority goal embraced by the entire comr�unity. � • �� vaii valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ►`�% medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 October 3, 1988 i � Ms. Kristan Pritz ; Senior Planner I Town of Vail ' 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. �I Vail , CO 81657 � Dear Kristan: Attached are summary sheets of two traffic surveys we conducted on West Meadow Drive. The first survey, conducted on 21 Sep 88, includes vehicles arriving and departing the hospital , between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivals and departures, as well as hourly counts of vehicles parked on-site, were tabulated for both the west and east lots. We conducted a second survey on 29 Sep 88 in the same manner, except that we also counted the total number of vehicles passing our checkpoint at the First Bank of Vail . On this day, 46� of the vehicles traveling West Meadow Drive between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. were on hospital-related business. Lyn Morgan, manaoer of the Eagle County Ambulance District, has provided the following information on numbers of emergency calls for a 12-month period: SEP 87 47 calls OCT 87 42 NOV 87 45 DEC 87 < 14 JAN 88 �=5 FEB 88 �� 2 MAR 88 '178 ��dv ' APR 88 �9 MAY 88 36 JUN 88 54 JUL 88 104 AUG 88 84 Please call if you need any further information. Sincerely � Da e Project n er /lrp enclosure Ray McMahan Administrator I � � ���� � N -k L �C •r Z �k � I �--� N r h" � � t6 Q' �J I/ � •r ¢ � �nN�o � �� ,--� orn a U J lU �--� d' LL') Gt .-ti N CY' �t � tn Q �--1 �--� r-� H .-�1 �--� �--� r-i p � �--' i � 2 W �--� � � m d •r � tn a O � � O Y i L Z 2 V �F d.l � d � a"� U � � d •r Q1 �{-) 'k Q1 � .*k 318t1�I1dd11 lON .� �. o 3� N O N � f� � � �- t6 N N rt3 a--� > +-� r0 � •r •r � �. tl. V) � W�Ic .� t6 O O � J-�t � t r � Q1 U J O W �--� �--• Q �--� Q)� > = H 3 c rts � ^ w .-� p a� •� � � �-1 �! d � � N•r N N (/7 �p •r � d � O � � N U L . W S � � N O r-� � �] > 2 � � � 1 N � OMtOt� 0i011� l0 i 3 •r � � � t� 1� I� 1� l0 lD �1� 00 N ; O L t Q N Z (n 1� i • 'p p +� � +� a . ; 3 no O F- � J �-• •,. I N 3-� N Q � � f O N H H � C O � • �o �r- F- � 3 N � � � a1 � C • Y � •r 3 L �k � � c a � N .r O W d ,= N N O� �--� � � N a1 � � � r � r � � U r U z ,,, 031N(10� lON s .�s JJ y" � t QJ Q U � > N > H �--� > O S 4- � H W � O 4- O �i = r-- O _ •r +� +-� � �O C 41 C V � � � � O r0 O � � U a--� U O � O C f-+ O r v r � E E E E o ro .�c Rs c� ro w ra Rs ra ra � E E E E E +� c +-� i +� a riaana o Rs o a� o O .--i N F- Cp h- a �--� W 00 Ql �--i � �--i .--i N M cf l.C) � �k -k -k � 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I i� * * r--, f� 00 O� O �--� N .--�N M�t .�c .�c h- '--i � �--� * � • � � N �K L * •r 'k L.L_ Z �►c �-+ N '--- N O I� � � d' J r6 .r. Q f� Lc> I� O tD (�t0 .--� O Ol Q UJ tfl .� d'�11') Ct �Ntt ctCO N Q �--� �--�`�-+ � � � .--� � }� O � F- C = W H •r � 00 d p E O � N � O Y � �i Z 2 V 4-- 4J � d L i"� V i Qi t0 � O_ •r N +� * 318t1�Ilddt/ lON .� � o 3� N p N � � +-� C n.. as v r Ql �O � � �--� � � •r •r � L Q N �'- i N �--� � W-�c S' tt7 O O �- Q l U J � � r � � 2 I-¢-� a--' v1� d' W f-r 3 C � � r-i ] d p � •r � fn N N � > N•r � •r � n U L - W � g � N O � � � I N �tOMlfl1� �1Q� I� Q1 3 •r � � � 1� 1� f� i� l0 l0 �1� 00 00 � O i .0 � i-> Z pN„ � ' ' � � .1-� ~ � Q �_ _. 3 N 3� � o cn H- 1- � � c F�- o • � •r 3 � � '� rn a� v� � • Y � •r 3 L * r N RS � N U � C a. W a •r O C' �-- ..0 VI N � d' j r � r � ~' Ur U z u, 031N(10� lON •r � •'' J J �F- S •r .� Q U O � � � � � > � > O� �? � � t� > {� r O 4- O � O � •r � +� V �6 C 41 C � � � � � O r6 O O C �F- U +-� U O r � � � E E E E o rts�c ro U rt w ra rts rts ra c E E E E E +� c +� i +� a aao- aa o � o o� o p '"� N F--- m I--- a F-- W CO al �-+ �--� .--� �--i N M � �n �c �k -k i� � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 �K �k �K �--+ (� � Ol O �--i N .--�N M� # � F- '--� r--� .--� ,K . � • . � - � � r�g �or��a���r�� c�r�ga�c����, ��� October �, 1988 Kristan Frit� , Senior F'lanner Town of ��ai 1 � Office of Community Development 75 South Frontage Ro�d ', Vail , CO. 81657 I Fte: Vail Valley Medi�al Center Ac�ess Review �' Dear Ms. F'ritz : '� RG Consulting Engineers, Inc. (R6CE) has conducted a review of the access road feasibility study presented by the Medical C�nter and the plan prepared by Mountain States Engineering Associates. The additional access road as proposed is probably the best solution as a private secondary access to the Medical Center; however, it does present some marginal grade and turning radi��s '� conditions and would require extensive retaining wall canstruction. In general , we agree with mast of the asumptions s�tated i n the teasi bi 1 i ty study. We do not__ agree that access ta ����,�.� � _ - __ _ --- - East Lionshead Circle is not worth.,, further study. I�or do we , � _�.-- ---_.. . agree that 4% is the mar.imum �lope all cess roaci � in a m�untain location like Vail . ' , ___ ___ - _ The l an ro osed b Mountain States En � y '� ��� ' P p p y gineering, Alt�rnativ�� No. 1 , addresses only secondary access ta the Medical Center arid � �� I would r+ot provide secondary access from West Meadow Drive •For other vehicular traffic. The design as stated in the feasibility study has undesirable gr-ades and horizontal curves. In our opinion, the estimated cost -For- constructing this acces�, which ___ _- -- . -._ is included in the feasibility study, is reasonable:-- We have conducted a brief an�lysis of the situation and believe tliat there are some alternatives which should be considered. The present access to the facility, without any e:pansion, ha� sorne deficiencies. The present ac�ess via West Meadow Drive, which is a cul-de-sac street, provides no secondary access for patients, 1?!� �.�C�',�,�i3�-�V emergency vehicles, or staff personnel ; and thP prapose�i Meciical ���� � Center e:.pansion will only compound this existing problem. The � additional traffic will affect the adjacent residential and �� --_.___._ _ . __ _ ___ _______ commercial development and �urther conge�t the traffic at the _/ intersection of West Meadow Drive �nd Vail Road and thence Vail ����1� �odd and �he highway trontage road. It is our opinion_that not sa�-p�. _ _ --_—� __ onl y i s a ser�dary access to the I�!e�c-T�aci 1 i ty needed , but a �econda� �cess_shnul� be c�►nstructed ta--reTieve-�fi@ cu - e-s situation on West _Meadow Drive . This e+fort , because it 1860 blake street . suite 510 . denver, cotorado 80202 . (303) 293-8107 -�. E= � I • • I . ' * Ms. k;rist�n F'ritz �, F�.3g e 2 �� October :s, 1988 benetits the entire community, �hould be a joint effort between the Town and the Medical facility. The following discussion� of alternatives is oftered for your cor�sideration: Altern�tive No. 1 : Construct an access as praposed by the Mountain S'tat�s Engineering Associates' plan. This access would provide secondary access to hospital patients, staff , and �m�rgency vehicles; however, the grades and horizontal alignment are maroi r�al3 -_�_ .__ _ �.___ Al t�r-nat i ve hao_�; Provide an access from the frontage road directly to We3t Mtadaw Drive. This approach would provide �ccess not only to Medical Center traffic, but also secondary access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic presently utili�ing Meadow Drive. A discussion with tne Colorado St�te Highway Department indicates that they would be willing to allow the I-7�� frontage road to be regraded to eliminate the present super-elevated condition on the frontage ro�d. A visual observation suggests that the south side of the frontage ro�d could be lowered approximately four feet. This gr��ding would improve winter driving on the frontage road and allow an acceptable grade from the frontage road to West Meadow Urive, An acc�s� opening to this street would b� provided for- emergency vehicles and Medical facility parking , which presently has ingress and egress only to West Meadow Driv�. �;emaving the super-elevation on the frontage road al-�ould provide a grade dif-Ferential between Meadow Drive and the frontage road which wauld allow an acceptable street grade, as well as a relatively flat approach area to both intersections. A1 t�rn��ti v� No. �' Construct an access thr-ough the Do�ible Tree park�ing lot , c�nsolidating the present Double Tree access into one point on the access road. This alternative is a modification of Alternative tVo. 1 which would allaw a greater hori�ontal distance between the frontage road and 4Jest Meadow Drive. The increased distance, �ombined with elimination of the super-elevation , would provide a superior grade to Alternative �. This would require regrading and reconfiguring the doctors ' parking lot. Eliminating one of � � � Ms. k:ristan Fritz � F'age 3 Dctober ', 1988 I I �II the Double Tree access points would also improve e;;isting II access congestion on the frontage road. This access, as in the case of Alternative No. 2, would provide additional access to West Meadow Drive. Altern�tive �lo, 4; � � � I Construct an access from Lions Head Circle along the bikepath between the Ice Arena and Vail International . This alignment would impact the bike trail and adjacent properties sever-ely, but would provide secondary access for al 1 af the e•r,i sti ng and f uture traf-f i c uti 1 i�i ng West Meadow Drive, The pedestrian/bikepath would be retained adjacent to this alignm�nt. A1 t�:�r•n�ti ve No.�S: �telocate the proposed parE:ing structure to the east side of the ambul��nce garage and construct an access from the frontage ro�d to an upper level of th� structure. A separate spe�ial ramp within the structure could be constructed to pr-ovide access for ambulance traffic from the e:;isting garage facility. A1 t�rnat i v� �In�_. b: Improve West Meadow Drive and provide emergency lights at the intersection of West Meadow Drive and Vail F.oad. This solution does not provid� a secondary access, but would improve er.isting tr�ffic flow. St_irnrr��r�: Construction o-f a secondary access to the Medical Center shoul d be a par-t of a program to pr-ovi de secondary access to the entire area presently served by West Meadow Drive. West M�adow Drive should be improved along with construction of the secondary access. A pedestrian/bikepath along the south side of West Meadow Drive shouid be a part of those improvements. An attempt to adjust and consolid�te the access points on both sides of the I-7� frontage road should be included with any new access road construction. . • � • � . Ms. F�ristan F'rit� Page 4 October 3, 1988 � We have not attempted in this review to place construction cost estimates on the various alternatives discussed as we have insufficient information to mal:e reasonable estimates at this time. We do not agree �hat Alternative No, 1 is unacceptable, but it cert�inly is marginal . We da not believe, however, that adequate study has been given to all of the possible alternatives, including those we have proposed , to mak:e any final decisions at this time. A detailed analysis utilizing complete topographic information, property boundaries, impact on e:;isting fa�ilities, and possible land acquisition costs should be made before a final plan for a secondary access is prepared. If you desire -Further information or clarification , please let us E�now. Sincerely, F�G C IJLTING ENGINEEF:S, INC. �i�ii:� .ac / Ricardo J. F. 6oncalves, F'. E. F'resi cient F:G: at ' � � � � � r�g �or�����a�g c��ga��c�r��, oc�c� October 4, 1982 I I F:ristan �ritz , Senior F'lanner Town of Vail Office of Community Development 75 South Frontaqe Road Vail , C�. B1657 F;e: Vai 1 Val 1 ey h'ledi cal C�nter Access R�vi ew Dear his. Fri t� : We woul d 1 i ke to of f er thi s fol 1 ow-up to aur 1 etter of October :� i:o provide additional information and clarification for your usE in considering the access to the Vail Valley Medical Center. In our first letter, we proposed alternatives that were independent o+ cost and Town of Uail involvement. This letter will reiter�te and e;pand upon the advantages, disadvantages and costs that we presented �t our meeting on October 3, 1988. A1 tF_�rnat i ve No. 1 : The access praposed by P'iountain States Engineering has the adv�ntage oi� being a private access, but the impact of the additional traffic on this already congested intersection wiL-h �he frontagC road would be v�ry d�trim�ntal �o tr�ffic � ------- flow on the frQntage .road. 5ome relie± could be obtained by Town o-r Vail invo�vemerit, or Town of Vail requirement of the M�dic�l Center to redesign and reconstruct the access for the Town Hall , and reconstruct the entire intersection to eliminate ti-ie super-elevation on the frontage _road. This woul d great 1 y rEduce the ef f ects of the i ncreased tr-af-F i c , but would alsn increase the costs of the project. "I-he major advantages of thi s al ter nati v_e are 1 i ttl e �n.o_ Towr` ------ --- i nvo-T vement, and the reduct i on of_t�f�i�._a_� the f our-wa.y stOp. The ma�or disadvantages are cost , traffic con�estion , addi ti onal pri vate dr i ve, and overi y s�ee� g�=a e� � _ ��___. ----__ C 7 f�. (�. /('UJ�=�t�. <<�JT � �-�/��c cz�} �{l�a�l � r�- CD��"� � �U'1 1 Gtck�l ri v• <n r.�P o�-�y � �o. � � 1860 blake street . suite 510 . denver, colorado 80202 . (303) 293-8107 :�'� ,�E"= �., . � . Ms. F:ristan F'rit� F'age 2 October 4, 1988 Al.tern�tti_ve_No. _2: The advantages of this alternative are increased traf-Fic 7 t� icCi�(.;;�- circulation -for the Town, reduc�d traftic Zoading on the < i��ll��•�� West Meadow/Vai2 Foad and the tour-way stop intersections, � - 1M���4�' greater f 1 e::i b i 1 i ty -f or al 1 traf f i c users of West Meadow � �rl����- Drive, better traffic safety, and a much lower cost than T� Alternative No. 1. The disadvantages are loss of some � � park:ing for the bank, possible loss o-F parF::ing for the �� Doubletree Hotel , r-equired negotiations with three private parties and the Town, possible condemnation of property if a �� �/�r public access, and difficult property acquisition if a asS 4&������1���� Pri vate access. The cost of th i s al ternati ve coul d be as i 1 1�u N'�( much as half the cost o-f Alternative No. 1. Hs with 3 V• Alternative No. 1 , it would e recommended to eliminate the � �� Sj^��� s�iper-elevation and relocate access to the Town Hall . �''�� ��,�� --_ --- _ 31�' Alter�n_ativ�__hJo.�._ ` �, This a�ternative has the same advantages as Alternative IVo. j�Q� �_ 2, with the additional advantages of elimination of the need ���� ,.��� to relocate the Town Hall access, the aaility to put �% \'�"'� 1 andi nys at ei ther end of the street wi thout e.;ceedi ng ��v'J'�� m�::i mum al 1 owab 1� rades better aa�r 1��� 9 , parking for the bank: than ( ` Alternative IVo. 2, and a reor�ganized, more efficient parking � '' `'Q'�' ����ccess tor the Doubl�tree. The disadvantages would be t (�1��� increased cost over Alternative No. �, more impact on ° Doubletree parking and therefore more possibl� resistance ��m�l{, f rom Doubl etree, and the requi rement of the Medi cal f aci 1 i ty � «� �havinq ta reorgani�e its Doctors ' parE�ing area. While the 'QL l,,�� ��'^�`; �ost of thi s al ternati ve i s greater than A1 ternati ve No. � j�t� '�Of.�) ���''�'i t i s substanti al l y 1 ess than A1 ternati ve Na. 1 . � 1 \/ Al.tc�rn:.�iiv� hao. 4 : �- This alternative has the advantages o-f being less costly � ���1� ��;n- than the pre�,ri ous al ternati ves, and i t woul d el i mi nate the a�3 cul-de-sac and its associated traffic problems. This �� '�„ �,��y��al ternati ve woul d connect Li onshead Ci rcl e and Meadow Dr i ve �'��� into a continuous secondary access, which would provide bctter traffic flow. It could redu�e the amount of traffic — on the frontage road four-way stop directly attributable to � �rQp���,t.,`. ��- the i ncreas�d Med i cal Center traf f i c , but i t coul d actual 1 y �^^�r"�' �� increase the amount of traf*ic on West Meadow Drive by ln 1 M OYti �l3 �+r P''�'--� ���1 � .��1•��v'����(���� A �(� r-�, � � i ; Ms. ti'.ri�tan F'ri t� �� Page � I October 4, 1988 encouraging tra-Ffic use not rel�ted to business and residential use on Meadow Drive itself. Additional disadvantages are the detrimental effects of traffic directly adjacent to the Ice Arena and Vail International (su�h as noise, where there has been nane before) , a generally less aesthetic approach to the problem, and � less direct solution to the impact problems being caused by i ncreased traf-f i c to the Medi�al Center-. Altern<<tive N�..�: fi ",.1 1 � Thi s al ternati ve has the _adv�nt�ges__n.f__�east net cost . ha� • �Puc11 �T �d5' as 1 i ttl e i mpact on ad��cent__ ro �r+-� pG__a_� A1 ternati ve�N� 1 . aj� �� }�; ' (which would require less coordination with other property �, � �� owners th�n same of th� other alternatives) , requires little �t���� or no Town involvement other th�n from a reviewing agency �'i � standpoint, and would relieve some traffic congestion at the �t �, f our-way stop by al l owi ng westbound tr-�f f i c f rom the 1 ot to ` � ��l''�^A„h�ve direct access to the frontage road. The disadvG�ntages ��an-•r,��"are that it still creates additional tra-Ffic impact on a �� very congested part of the �rontage road, creates traffic ���-� ��.;` conf 1 i cts wi th Doubl etree access and the bank access, does ���� 1 nothing to solve the er.isting pedestrian/vehicle conflicts � �C/\% \���on West Meadow Drive, does nothing to help the traffic -�� circulation on West Meadow Drive other than reducin the ���dS1LY�" g amount of traffic, and does not provide good pu�lic � rlQ����j� secondary access, although the ambulances would have two ��1,��1R �1��l��cces�es. ,.(Ck� A1�L-err�ativ�IVo__b: .� This alternative has the advantages of elimin�ting the /�h, pedestri an/vehi cl e conf 1 i cts on West I`'leadow Dri ve and bei ng ������`> � the least costly to the Medical Center; but it has the ��� ��.1v�C di sadvantages of requi ri ng si gni f i cant Town i nvol vement and �.(��,� cost, does not provide secondar�,� access, and does nothing to solve the traf+ic impact at the West Meadow Drive/V�il �;oad and the four-way stop intersections. We believe, however , _ that this alternative is one that the Toi�n should implemen,t � ��;�� j regard 1 ess of _wni cn_.oth�r al ternati ve i s sel e�tar�. � ---- .,nUa���,��. �a�c��°� ;�--'�� �� ��J - ������''' x�-��. ��-� ��' ('. ��fp� � . �0 5 � ���{ cU� � 1� �l � � i � � � ', Ms. F-::ristan F'rit� I' F'age 4 October 4, 1988 Cost/Benetit Ratia: We have analyzed the foregoing alternatives and have ran�:ed them according to cost ( i = least e•r,pensivei , best overall benefit to the Town ( 1 = best) , and best overail benefit to the Medical Center (1 = best) . This ranking shows Alternative t�lo. 6 as the best benefit to the Medical Center , basically because there is no direct Medical Cer�te� cost or involvement; Alternative No. � as the best ov�rall benef i t to the Toiyn; and A1 ternati ve IVo. � as the best bene-f i t overall to all parties. Alternatives 4 and 5 rank a close second to Alternative No. 3 as overall best benefit. Attached are two tables showing very rough, "ballpar4�:" costs, and the rank:ings of the alternatives. Al l oc��ti�n �f C�sts: One note should be made on statements we have made regar-ding "cost to the Town. " With Alternatives 2, 3, 4 and b, where Town involvement in a public access would r�sult in "costs to th� Town" or "no direct cost to the 1`ledical Center, " these costs can be recovered trom adjacent b�nefitting properties, or impacting properties, including the Medical Center , through special assessment districts, thereby reducing or eliminating the net cost to the Town. If you have any questians, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely, F�G C� JLTING EI�GIIVEEFtS, INC. , G�Gt;e%� /"�J C/%� I R.i�ardo J. F. Goncalves, F'. E. Fresident FiG: at ' • � � ROUGH COSTS — VAIL MEDICAL CEhITEF: (Does not include super—elevation reduction) � b A1 ternat i ve No. 1 �-W fi!��•w �)r� �6c_ic�,uUU ' Alternative �1�. ? �2.W k�c��l �,�� �� �;,.�:,�,�;;t; �t�i��,�.�':°.r,� �25i� ('�UU - � 4 A1 ternat i ve I�o. � �Qul �00.c� � W� �� t�M� . �3cj0,�j�a0 2 A1 t�rnat i ve No. 4-��r���'�L��{�'�'�'t - �:��jij pcjv -�n-11- �+�(��� ' 1 A1 ternat i ve N�. 5 �� ${'`��� �15u,c:�vC� 5 A1 ternat i ve Na. b ���� ��U �lr�.� �1���,C�UU F:ANk:I NG — VA I L MED I CAL CENTER I ��� I ',^, f�. � �F�'�(t"�� Over�l l Overal l Total Benef i t BE�n�f i t Combi ned Cost To Town To Med. Ctr. Benefit Alt. 1 b 6 6 18 Alt. 2 3 2 4 9 � �Alt. � , 4 1 5 5 t\A1 t. 4 - ? 4 � 6 ��� Alt. 5 , 1 � � 6 -=%, Alt. 6 5 ? 1 8 �� /� �� �. V� .. y/1 • � � �'�' � � � . 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P , � ,� c�. a�° m ,9.�-- � � . � � � q ��"� vail vaile 181 � Y West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ` � medical center v4�i, Colorado 81657 ;��� � (303)476-2451 i!`� �9�a' � � 31 August 1990 �� ,�;r� � Kri sten Pri tz n��' �� 1, Director of Community Development v Lu'�`� Town of Vai 1 � ��i1� �. 75 South Frontage Road �� Vai1 , CO 81657 ��11� ' 1 Dear Kristen: �� � ,I _-- ___-- �- We are projecting completion of our new parking structure b�c_2LQ���mber 1990 � During the first four weeks of the upcoming ski season, we will meet our � parking demand in the following manner: J Self-parking west lot 65 spaces , Valet parking west lot 107 ' Ambulance garage 3 Surface parking east of ambulance garage 7 Manor Vail Lodge 60 I TOTAL 242 spaces Our current calculation for peak parking demand is 272 spaces. (This does not include the 19 spaces required to support the MRI and Learning Center, since neither of these projects will be completed until early 1991. ) The 242 spaces I we will have available during the first few weeks of the ski season will meet 89% of our peak parking demand of 272 spaces. As have other activities in the ' town, we at the hospital have observed that we do not reach "peak levels" until Christmas week. Thus, we feel that these 242 spaces will meet anticipated parking requirements until our new structure is completed. The 60 spaces we intend to lease from Manor Vail Lodge is the same number we utilized last ski season. Also, we have valet parked successfully for the last three ski seasons. Thus, both elements of our temporary parking plan have been used before, and would not seem to involve any new permits or precedents. Ray McMahan Chief Executive Officer KRISTEN PRITZ � � TOWN OF VAIL . � '31 August 1990 Page 2 We will not require the use of the temporary lot adjacent to the_ S�n y�il Cor�dominiums this winter. We will re-vegetate the lot prior to `AI.Qyember 15; �1�4IIs as soon as the di rt temporari 1y stored there as backfi 11 material for our parking structure is returned to the hospital site. Please call if you have any further questions. S' erely, � i . � �L an e Project r DF/bh cc: Ray McMahan Rich Meyer Jay Peterson • • \ ,�y ; tow� ofi uail 75 south frontage road o�fice of community development vaii,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 . �� July 31, 1990 ( � � O� Mr. Dan Feeney � Vail Valley Medical Center 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Dennis Anderson Associates letter dated July 23, 1990 from Don Voisinet Dear Dan: I am writing this letter to confirm my understanding of the minor changes made to the landscaping for the Vail Valley Medical Center. Design Review Board allowed the staff to approve minor changes to the landscaping proposed for the West Meadow Drive r entrance to the site. This included relocating five aspens up against the west elevation of the building and a redesign of the ' area beneath the building overhang. The other changes outlined in Don Voisinet's letter were not approved by the staff or the Design Review Board. In particular, there were definitely no approvals for a reduction in landscaping around the parking structure. If there are any further questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, � �1 (,1n Kristan Pritz Community Development Director KP/PP cc: Dennis Anderson � I � • � \ ��y lo�ll �1 �UII 75 south frontage road office of community development vaii,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 • April 20, 1990 Plan Review Notes: Vail Valley Medical Center Contractor: G.E. Johnson Parking Structure Permit # 4289 181 West Meadow Drive Building Type II-FR Plan review based on 1985 editions of U.B.C. , U.P.C. , U.M.C. and 1987 edition of N.E.C. . The following list of items are deficient in meeting the minimum code requirements adopted by the Town of Vail. Please Submit revisions and corrections for approval prior to construction in these areas. 1. ) Mechanical ventilation exhaust system for closed parking garages (U.B.C. sec. 705) in insufficient in its design. Current design: 3 fans @ 4750 cfm = 14250 cfm based on 8800 sq. ft. Required design: 3 fans @ 15, 200 cfm = 45600 cfm based on 30, 200 sq. ft. 2 . ) Second Exit out of lowest level of parking garage is over 150 ' travei distance. Provide passage to stair tower G-1 to meet minimum reguirements for U.B.C. sec. 3303 d. 3 . ) Provide details on stairway identification per U.B.C. sec. 3306 q. � � � � Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Structure 4 . ) Stair guardrail\handrail details do not meet minimum code requirements. U.B.C. sec. 1711 requires openings not to be larger than 6" in any one direction. Details on page A-9 show 7-1/8" . 5. ) Provide stair barrier for stairway G-1 and G-2 as required I� by U.B.C. sec. 3306 h. i 6. ) Elevator hoistway vent opening appears to vent through the elevator machine room. This is not allowed per U.B.C. sec. 5105. In addition provide a fire damper 1-1/2 hr. for shaft wall penetration. Provide and submit details on this issue. . 7. ) Fire Alarm pending Fire Department approval. 8 . ) Fire sprinkler system pending Fire Department approval. 9. ) Owner to provide Special Inspections as required by U.B.C. sec. 306. Submit schedule of Special Inspections for approval. 10. ) Location of drainage pipe from parking structure to creek to be determined on site with Dan Feeney and T.O.V. staff before pipe is installed. Dan Feeney is responsible for contacting Kristan Pritz to review pipe location. Willows must be preserved along creek. 11. ) South-east corner Site stair to Vail National Bank parking lot is to remain or be rebuilt with the addition of sidewalk extending south along hospital access drive. Verify sidewalk location and design with T.O.V. staff before construction. 12. ) Precast concrete pipe exhaust ducts are to have a top finish grade of 12" above finish grade. 13 . ) Add one parking space between existing ambulance building and new parking structure. 14 . ) Angle parking lines opposite direction in Double Tree east Parking lot. , . . w Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Structure 15. ) Provide drainage of top level parking structure to sand and oil trap. Area between grid line H to G & 2 to 4. 16. ) The parking structure shall be constructed as approved I'� by the DRB. If there are any questions concerning these issues or other items please feel free to call. Joe Norris Plans Examiner Town of Vail • • � � ��'/ vaii valley �, � 181 West Meadow Drive,Suite 100 �. �� . Vail, Colorado 81657 medical center �t, ''`' (303)476-2451 � 26 April 1990 Kristan Pritz Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: The top of the elevator shaft for our parking structure will be no higher than 8182 feet, as reviewed and approved by the DRB last year. I have directed our architect to make the necessary changes to accomplish this. I believe this should resolve this issue. Please let me know if I can provide any further clarification. S nc rel . n e e e���" o�ec a�c er � DJF/bh cc: Skip Spenst Ray McMahan . Administrator � • ' � � ��" i 1O11II O1 1UII �� ' 75 south frontage road office of community development �' vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 March 16, 1990 Mr. Chuck Dunn Colorado Department of Highways P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Spring Expansion 1990 Dear Chuck, The Vail Valley Medical Center is proposing to add 2 ad3itional levels of parking plus a learning lab beneath the approved parking structure. I discussed this issue with Rich Perske several weeks ago. His general opinion was that additional lanes, etc. would not be necessary. However, I saw him at our Transportation meeting on March 15th and he suggested that I send you a letter documenting that you received a copy of the plans. In my planning commission memo, I will stipulate that before a building permit is released for the parking structure, the Community Development Department will need a letter from your department stating that all the appropriate approvals have been obtained and that there is no need to amend the existing access permit due to the change in plans. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, �) �� Kristan Pritz Acting Community Development Director KP:jlt � • � VAIL (�J VMRD �_ _ '� RECREAT ON STRIC ,,� (303)479-227 T �� tow� ofi uai � � 292 west meadow drive � recreat(on depettment ' vail,colorado 81657 . l (303)476-2040 � I March 6, 1989 � Vail Valley Medical Center Ray McMahan, Administrator 181 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. McMahan: The Vail Metropolitan Recreation District is investigating the possibilities of constructing an outdoor ice skating surface east of the Dobson Ice Arena. This action is being taken because of the tremendous interest in the arena as a skating surface and a multi-purpose facility. VMRD feels the only way to meet the needs of the community is to plan for an additional ice surface in the future. This letter is intended to keep you informed of VMRD's thinking and receive your thoughts. Sincerely, � � Patrick J. Dodson � Recreation Director PJD/1 a CC: Town of Vail - Peter Patte Vail Town Council R ` � .� r TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: March 7, 1989 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, including a new parking structure AND FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN. (Revisions are indicated by capital letters. ) Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center ON FEBRUARY 13, 1989, THE PEC REVIEWED THE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST. THE PEC VOTED TO TABLE THE PROPOSAL TO THE FEBRUARY 27TH PEC MEETING. THE MOTION WAS MADE BY DIANA DONOVAN AND SECONDED BY PEGGY OSTERFOSS. THE VOTE WAS 3-1 IN FAVOR OF TABLING. PAM HOPKINS VOTED AGAINST THE MOTION TO TABLE. JIM VIELE AND SIDNEY SCHULTZ ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE. BRYAN HOBBS WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING. THE PEC ASKED THAT THE MEDICAL CENTER OBTAIN COLORADO DIVISION OF HIGHWAY'S COMMENTS ON THE REVISED FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PLAN. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE A. Hospital Expansion The proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 31,209 square feet for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side of the recently built west wing. Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the patient care unit (PCU) by 20 beds. The second floor is 8, 150 square feet�. A small entry addition adjacent to the parking structure is proposed for the first floor (1,242 s. f. ) . Construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing adds 21,817 square feet. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. B. Parkinq The hospital proposes to construct a 2-1/2 level parking structure at the east end of its property. The structure will provide parking for 177 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. AMBULANCE ACCESS IS PROVIDED THROUGH THE LOWEST LEVEL OF THE STRUCTURE AND OUT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE STRUCTURE TO WEST MEADOW DRIVE. A SECOND ACCESS IS PROVIDED THROUGH THE HOSPITAL'S EXISTING MAIN ENTRY. THIS ALLOWS FOR TWO ACCESSES FOR AMBULANCES. The elevation of the 1 • • , � top level of the parking structure would be slightly lower than that of the existing South Frontage Road. The north end of the structure would be constructed on land currently owned by the Doubletree Hotel. The Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree Hotel have entered into an agreement to allow the structure to be built on Doubletree land in return for shared parking arrangements and other considerations. The hospital's proposed structure will be built �.n such a way that it can be connected to the Doubletree's underground parking at a later date to allow sharing of parking. The structure would eliminate 20 existing surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These 20 spaces will be replaced in the proposed structure. Surface Parking will occur on the present west lot, providing for 104 vehicles with an additional 18 surface spaces on town owned Lot 10. ThP lot is leased from the town and will remain in its present configuration with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. The Vail Valley Medical Center is required to provide a total of 220 parking spaces on site. The 1986 conditional use permit calculated the requirement for 220 spaces by adding the number of day shift employees, hospital beds, and exam rooms. The overall total included an obstetrics (OB) wing on the north side of the second floor, although this was never built. Thus, the number of parking spaces calculated for the unbuilt OB wing should be credited against the overall parking requirement. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: USE SPACES REQR HOSPITAL \ 1 space per�bed 3 0 1 space per �emergency exam bed 9 1 space perlemployee (maximum on day shift) 55 ,��. — 94 94 DOCTORS OFFICES 1 space per doctor 32 1 space per employee 38 1 space per exam room 44 114 114 AMBULANCE GARAGE 1 space per transport vehicle 4 1 space per employee (on duty) 2 meeting room space 6 12 12 Total spaces required for entire facility 220 2 , • • If the parking spaces for the obstetrics wing are deducted from the total requirement of 220, 203 spaces are needed to service the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed to by the Town and Hospital. The obstetrics wing called for the following parking: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-OB 10 Exam room - OB 1 Day shift employees- OB 6 Total 17 spaces The incremental parking requirements that the proposed expansion will generate are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-General 2p Exam rooms-General 6 Day shift employees-general 49 Total 75 spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Base figure 86-87 expansion 203 Incremental increase, 89-90 expansion 75 Total Required 278 Parking will be located on the property in the following areas: Parking structure 177 spaces , Surface parking 104 spaces Lot 10 18 spaces Total 299 spaces Available parking 299 spaces Doubletree parking in northeast structure - 20 spaces Total 279 spaces Required 278 1 space above required 3 � • . * It should be noted that no valet parking is proposed with this expansion. Due to the fact that the hospital is proposing to construct a portion of the parking structure on Doubletree property, 20 parking spaces for the Doubletree will be lost. The Hospital has agreed to provide 20 spaces within the northeast parking structure for full time use by the Doubletree. If and when the Doubletree expands, the Hospital will permit the hotel to use up to 48 additional spaces between the hours of 5: 30 PM and 6: 00 AM. The 20 spaces previously assigned to the Doubletree on a full time basis would revert to Hospital use between 6: 00 AM and 5: 30 PM. The following chart indicates how the parking will be utilized by the Hospital and Doubletree when the Doubletree expansion occurs. PHASE I PHASE II {WMC EXPANSION) (DOUBLETREE EXPANSION) 6: OOAM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-6: OOAM 6: OOAM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-6: OOAM REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED DBLTREE 167 167 167 167 261 193 261 261 HOSPITAL 278 279 278 279 278 299 278 231 It should be noted that the Hospital plans to provide all of its parkinq on site for the current expansion. The Hospital will gain an additional 20 parking spaces during the day once the Doubletree expands. The Hospital will have a deficit of 48 spaces in the eveninq hours between 5: 30 PM and 6: 00 AM after the Doubletree expansion. * The Hospital has provided parking counts indicating a drastic reduction in the number of cars on site after 5:30 pm (Please see parking counts memo, attached) . C. South Frontaqe Road Improvements THE STAFF HAS SUMMARIZED BELOW THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT REQUEST AS OUTLINED IN DAN FEENEY'S LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 24TH, 1989: OUR PREPARED PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WILL BE PRESENTED TO MR. ROBERT MOSTEN, DISTRICT ENGINEER FOR THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, AT 11 AM ON TUESDAY, 28 FEBRUARY, WHEN HE VISITS THE SITE. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF THE PLAN ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. WE WILL WIDEN THE ROAD TO PROVIDE THREE FULL LANES FROM THE POST OFFICE/MUNICIPAL DRIVE TO A POINT WEST OF THE DOUBLETREE'S WESTERN ACCESS. THIS WILL INCLUDE A WEST-BOUND THRU 4 �� , • • LANE, CENTER LEFT-TURN LANE, AND AN EAST-BOUND THRU LANE. IN ADDITION, THE DOUBLETREE IS PROPOSING TO CONSTRUCT ITS ACCELERATION/DE- CELERATION LANE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE HOSPITAL'S IMPROVEMENTS, RATHER THAN DEFERRING IT UNTIL THE HOTEL EXPANDS. 2. THE BANK BUILDING WILL RELOCATE EACH OF ITS TWO ACCESS DRIVES IN A WAY THAT PROVIDES MORE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION, BETTER ALIGNMENT WITH THE EXISTING POST OFFICE/MUNICIPAL DRIVE, AND JOINT USE OF THE WESTERN-MOST ACCESS FOR THE BANK BUILDING AND THE HOSPITAL'S PARKING STRUCTURE. 3 . THE DOUBLETREE WILL REALIGN ITS EXISTING EAST ACCESS SO THAT IT MEETS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD AT A RIGHT ANGLE, RATHER THAN ITS PRESENT SKEWED ORIENTATION. 4 . OUR ENGINEERS ARE ALIGNING THE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SO THAT THEY WILL HAVE VIRTUALLY NO NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE GRADES OF EXISTING ACCESS DRIVES ON EITHER THE NORTH OR SOUTH SHOULDER, WITH ONE EXCEPTION. WIDENING ON THE NORTH SHOULDER WILL MAKE THE GRADE FOR THE WESTERN ACCESS TO THE POST OFFICE UNACCEPTABLY STEEP (14%, IN LIEU OF THE EXISTING 6-7%) . THE HOSPITAL WILL AGREE TO RELOCATE THIS DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 30 FEET TO THE WEST. BY EXPLOITING THE EXISTING RISE IN SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD TO THE WEST, THIS WILL ALLOW THE GRADE OF THE NEW DRIVE TO BE KEPT TO A GRADE NO STEEPER THAN THAT OF THE EXISTING ACCESS." 5. IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM TURNING RADIUS INTO THE HOSPITAL'S PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE, ALL FUTURE WIDENING OF THE ROAD WILL HAVE TO BE ACCOMPLISHED ON THE NORTH SHOULDER. THE ELONGATED PLANTER PROPOSED BY THE BANK BUILDING TO SEPARATE ITS SHORT-TERM PARKING FROM SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD TRAFFIC WILL ALSO PRECLUDE FURTHER WIDENING ON THE SOUTH SHOULDER. AS EXHIBIT A TO HIS LETTER (COPY ATTACHED) , DAVID LEAHY HAS INDICTED CONCEPTUALLY HOW A FOURTH LANE MIGHT BE ADDED AT THE NORTH SHOULDER. WHETHER OR NOT THE SUPERELEVATION (BANKED CURVES) IS REMOVED WILL DEPEND IN LARGE MEASURE ON FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE EAST AND WEST OF THE ONE-EIGHTH MILE OF ROAD OUR PROPOSED PLAN AFFECTS. 5 � i . 6. FOR AN EXCELLENT SUNiMARY OF THE SCOPE, RATIONALE AND ADVANTAGES OF OUR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PLAN, PLEASE SEE DAVID LEAHY�S LETTER OF 24 FEBRUARY 1989, COPY ATTACHED. TDA also states that traffic through the four-way stop shall be decreased by the access plan: "Based on observed turning movements at the bank and Doubletree Inn, between 1/3 and 1/4 of the Hospital's peak hour trips will be oriented to the west. Hence, the proposed access plan will lessen the percentage of Hospital trips passing through the 4-way stop intersection by 25 to 33%. This reduction of 25 to 30 p.m. peak hour trips using Vail Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic operations. Specifically, the single-lane northbound Vail Road approach at the 4-way stop will experience reduced length of vehicle queue by virture of the proposed access plan. " (TDA Report, p.9, January 3, 1989) * Please note that the plan assumes that the II configuration of the four-way stop remains the same. D. Hospital Master Plan The Hospital has developed a long range master plan which envisions future expansions and also coincides with the Doubletree's master plan. The plan calls for redevelopment of the east end of the Hospital property including demolition of the original clinic built during the late 60's. The emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to the east end (South side of the parking structure) with direct access to the South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage woulc�� allow construction of an access connecting the east structure with a parking structure at the west end. Thus, the master plan provides for moving virtually all Hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. The Hospital submitted a plan which shows maximum build-out heights of 4 stories on the west wing, 2 stories on the center wing, and 4 stories on the east wing. This massing is restricted through agreements with the Doubletree. A future northwest parking structure is also proposed. The west parking structure would be limited to 2-1/2 stories with one floor being underground. The total build-out square footage for the Hospital is estimated to be 231,940 square feet. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The site is located in the Public Use Zone District. There are no specific development standards for this district. Instead the zoning code states: 6 �I � `� � � � "The public use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18. 02 . 020 and to provide for the public welfare. " A. Site Area: 3 .811 acres or 166, 007 square feet B. Floor Area: Existinq New Total Basement 12,490 0 12, 490 First Floor 48, 752 1, 242 49,994 Second Floor 35, 239 8, 150 43, 389 Third Floor 0 21,817 21,817 96,481 31,209 127, 690 C. Site Coverage: Square Feet $ Building 49,994 30.2 Ambulance Storage 2, 320 1 Parking Structure 13 ,850 8.3 Paving 51, 000 30.7 Open Space 48,845 29.4 Landscapinq Site Area 166, 009 +100% D. Setbacks: Front/South: 25 ft. (no change) Side/East: 0 ft. (no change) Rear/North: 0 ft. Side/West: (no change) E. Height: 52 ft. 10 inches maximum height. The proposed expansion will have a total of three stories. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18 . 60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: 7 � • . Consideration of Factors. A. Relationship and impact of the use on development ob-jectives of the Town. Staff believes that the Hospital is in an acceptable location provided that proper site and land use planning is coordinated with surrounding properties. We are comfortable that if the master plan is followed the hospital can continue to expand in an orderly manner that will be positive for the community. However, we do feel that the site could benefit in the long-term by relocating the doctors' offices and pharmacy to another site. This would free up additional square footage for necessary hospital uses and also decrease traffic. The Vail Valley Medical Center provides vital services for both permanent residents of Vail as well as our guests. The medical center is an important facility which will meet the present and future medical needs of the Town of Vail. The purpose section of the Public Use District states that public and quasi-public uses must provide for the public welfare and also meet the general purposes as prescribed in Section 18 . 02 . 020 of the zoning code. Section 18. 02 . 020: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities; 2 . To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicul.:ar traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets; 4. To promote adequate and appropriately located off street parking and loading facilities; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives; 7. To prevent excessive population densities and over crowding of the land with structures; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the Town; 8 I \ , • • 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides and other desirable natural features; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desired living quarters; 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The staff feels that the proposed hospital expansion reinforces these objectives of the zoning code. B. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of �opulation, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The height of 52ft. 10 inches proposed with this expansion should not have major impacts on light and air. Height limitations as outlined in the master plan have been designed by considering impacts on adjacent properties, particularly West Meadow Drive. In respect to utilities, major utilities are located in the area of the proposed parking structure. The applicant is in the process of determining how the relocation could be accomplished. The hospital is a significant public facility which meets community health needs. The project definitely satisfies a major public facility need. C. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas. l. Frontaqe Road Access PERMIT RE UEST: The proposed northeast parking structure was designed with the intent of removing traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The approach to parking and vehicular access supports the goals listed in the Land Use Plan for this area. In the preliminary stages of review, both the Planning Commission and Staff indicated to the hospital that it was important to remove traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The Land Use Plan has designated the West Meadow Drive area as a transition area between the Lionshead and Vail Village Commercial Cores. Section 4.4 the Land Use Plan states: 9 � • • . . The connection between the Village Core and Lionshead should be enhanced through: A. Installation of a new type of people mover. B. Improving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk, alpine garden, and/or sculpture plaza. C. New development should be controlled to limit commercial uses. A high percentage of the vehicular trips on West Meadow Drive are due to the hospital. The applicants submitted information for total trips on West Meadow Drive for October 15th and October 18th. They state that: "Total trips on West Meadow Drive between 7: 00 am and 5: 00 pm range from a low of 1, 018 trips on Saturday, 15th of October to a high of 1, 618 on Thursday, September 29th. The percentage of vehicles on West Meadow Drive using the hospital varies from approximately 34% on October 15th to 53% on October 18th. " (Letter from Dan Feeney to Kristan Pritz October 21, 1988. ) The peak number of all vehicles using West Meadow Drive during a 60-minute interval on each date is as follows: DATE TIME INTERVAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES 29 Sept. 11 am - noon 185 15 Oct. 11 am - noon 158 18 Oct. ' 1 - 2 pm 156 By providing the structure and new access on the Northeast corner of the property, these trip numbers should be substantially decreased. The decrease in hospital traffic using West Meadow Drive supports the long term community goal to develop West Meadow Drive as a pedestrian link between the two villages. In respect to the road improvements proposed in the Access PERMIT REQUEST prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. , the staff believes that the plan provides for much needed improvements to the South Frontage Road. The key issue related to the Access Control Plan is whether or not the Colorado Division of Highways will find the plan acceptable. In a preliminary review session on January 31, 1989 in Grand Junction, the hospital, Vail National Bank, Doubletree Hotel, and representatives from the Town of Vail met with the Highway � Department Access Control Committee to review the plan. The Highway Department wrote a letter summarizing their concerns with the Access Control Plan. 10 + � . Instead of denying the proposal by strict application of the State Access Code, the Colorado Division of Highways agreed that access to the parking structure would be possible provided that "continuous acceleration, deceleration, and left turn lanes are provided" . They stated that they felt that it was possible to provide a positive access design that will meet the requirements of the property owners without compromising public safety. The highway department recommended that the property owners consider the following design options: 1. Provide one access to the parking structure which in turn provides access to the Doubletree and Vail National Bank. 2. Close the two westerly approaches to the old Post Office and provide a road to the easterly approach along the Interstate right of way and connect parking lots around the Post Office. This would allow for movement to the Frontage Road more to the North. 3 . Removal of the super elevation (bank of the road) and center line spirals to gain more room. (Please see letter from Mr. Chuck Dunn, District Right of Way Engineer, February 1, 1989. ) The Highway Department also indicated that it would be helpful if the Town of Vail would determine what uses would be located in the Post Office building once it is vacated. The effects of a fourth lane in the northern area of the highway right-of-way should also be studied by the Town of Vail to determine how a potential for future fourth lane might effect access onto the Town of Vail property. In light of these comments, the hospital requested to meet with the council on February 7, to discuss how the proposed Frontage Road improvements affect the Town of Vail and to ask for Town of Vail support in resolving the conflict. At that meeting the council passed a resolution addressing the hospital request. (Copies of the resolution will be available on Monday. ) The staff also agrees with the resolution in the respect that we are supportive of the property owners efforts to work out an acceptable Frontage Road improvement plan with the Colorado Department of Highways. Instead of prohibiting the project from proceeding through the planning process, the staff believes that it is acceptable to proceed with planning commission review of the proposal with the condition that an access permit be 11 p i approved by the Colorado Division of Highways before a building permit is released for the hospital expansion. The proposal is extremely complex and involves three private property owners plus the Town of Vail. To their credit, the three property owners have reached agreement on a myriad of issues which allow for the completion of the Frontage Road improvements. 2 . Shared Parking. The hospital has submitted information which indicates that the required parking drastically decreases after 5:00 pm. The parking information provided by the hospital below indicates this pattern: � OF TOTAL NUMBER OF EXCESS SPACES DATE TIME CAPACITY VEHICLES PARKED CAPACITY UNUSED Dec 30 3 : 30pm 205 158 47 23% Dec 30 8:OOpm 205 39 166 81% Jan 4 3:30pm 205 165 40 19.5% Jan 4 8: OOpm 205 36 169 82% Jan 11 5: 30pm 205 113 92 45% Jan 12 5: 30pm 205 101 104 51% When the parking structure is complete, our total capacity will be increased to 279 spaces. Because the mix of hospital services is not expected to change with our proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumption that the percentage of total spaces unused at 5: 30 pm 'I will remain approximately 45-51%, as it was on January , 11 and 12 . Thus, the number of unused parking spaces at I 5:50 pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when the parking structur� is constructed. This is almost three times the number of spaces we have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. Employees who fill day-time only jobs, such as business office personnel, normally leave the hospital between 4: 30 pm and 5: 00 pm. Shift changes for positions that are staffed round-the-clock, such as nursing and EMT jobs, occur variously between 3 :00 pm and 4: 00 pm. Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift is finishing and another is coming on duty is finished long before the spaces would have to be available to the Doubletree. In addition, most evening shifts have 25- ' 30% fewer personnel than the day shifts they replace. (Letter from Dan Feeney January 13, 1989) The Doubletree has submitted the following information concerning their parking utilization: 12 ' 'I w • . The results of the survey show that daytime parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, and guests ranged from approximately 15% to 38� of supply. During this period Hotel occupancy ranged from 32� to l00%. 38� of the parking supply is equal to 63 parked cars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of "unauthorized" cars utilize the parking supplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of the bar and restaurant and when factored into the survey indicate a higher utilization of the parking supply. At 9: 00 p.m. the 167 spaces were never full but our observation is that later in the evening the parking fills close to capacity. The survey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree is a workable and desirable solution. Even though our survey indicates peak usage during the day is roughly 38% maximum we are proposing to provide 73� of our required spaces during the day and 100% in the evening hours. The difference will more than provide a "cushion" for any seasonal fluctuations or special events that may occur. (Memo from Peter Jamar dated January 10, 1989. ) The Staff approves of the shared parking concept for these two projects. We believe that the shared parking will provide for a more efficient use of parking between both projects. 3 . Delivery Service: The existing driveway at the east end of the hospital will be maintained as a fire lane to facilitate snow removal from the upper deck of the parking structure and as an access to the service door at the southeast corner of the parking structures lower level. The service door at the south will be used only by maintenance vehicles and not by the public. Deliveries will continue to be received at the materials management department in the southeast corner of the building via West Meadow Drive. At this time, the hospital does not feel that it is practical to have truck deliveries drive through the proposed parking structure at the east side. 4 . Snow Removal• Snow on the top level of the parking structure will be pushed off the southeast corner into the service corridor. Because of extremely limited space the hospital anticipates trucking snow off the site after every major snow storm and after second or third moderately sized snow storm. Staff concern 13 � • . on this issue is that the hospital agrees that all snow removal and drainage must be handled on their site. Drainage and snow may not be pushed onto the Frontage Road or to other adjacent properties. 5. Pedestrian Connection With The Bank: The hospital is providing a sidewalk connection from the Vail National Bank property to the top level of the parking structure. Although the design and location of the sidewalk may need to be refined at the request of CDOH and at the Design Review Board level, the staff believes that the sidewalk connection between the Vail National Bank and hospital parking structure is important. Staff Summary: The Staff feels that the proposal is a vast improvement over existing conditions on the Frontage Road and will provide a sound solution for parking and access to the site. The most significant benefit of the plan is obviously for West Meadow Drive. It is estimated by the hospital that because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, they anticipate that an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day during peak periods will be achieved. This is based on the hospital's observation that each parking space generates 5-6 trips on West Meadow Drive between 7am and 5pm. (See letter , from Dan Feeney, December 9, 1988) . Vehicular traffic will ' be drastically reduced, safety will be improved and the door ', will be opened to make the necessary improvements to make this an attractive and safe pedestrian connection between the Village and Lionshead. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed I use is to be located includinq the scale and bulk of the ' Qroposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. � The hospital expansion does effect the character of the area due to the increased bulk and mass of the proposed expansion. However, even though the hospital has somewhat of an institutional appearance, the third floor expansion on West Meadow Drive has been designed to break up the bulk and mass of the expansion as much as possible. The third floor is not one solid building wall extending above the second floor. Instead, the architects have broken up the mass by the use of two deck areas and one recessed area. The hospital has also used as much glass as possible along the west and south elevations. The glass also helps to decrease the perception of the bulk of the building. 14 I . � � I The parking structure has minimal impacts on West Meadow Drive. Most of the structure is hidden from view by the existing eastern wing of the hospital. From the South Frontage Road, the parking structure will actually be slightly below the grade of the road so visual impacts of the structure on the Frontage Road should be minimal. It will be important that as much landscaping as is possible (given CDOH requirements) be located in the planting areas along the South Frontage Road. Even though the structure itself will not be visible it will be positive to screen the view of cars parked on the top of the structure. The hospital is proposing to decrease the amount of asphalt on the east side of the Medical Center. Access will still need to be provided for fire, AMBULANCE and maintenance vehicles along the east side of the hospital. However, the hospital has proposed to landscape between the access road and the adjacent Skall Hus property. Staff believes that this will be a positive improvement for both projects. Access to the trash facility will still be maintained for the Skall Hus. IV. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Vail Valley Medical Center Master Plan: The Staff is looking at the Master Plan as a conceptual guide for future development on the site. Below is a summary of our comments on the proposal: 1. The parking structures should be connected by a ramp that will allow for direct access between the two structures. We realize that the connection is not feasible until the ambulance building is relocated to the eastern portion of the site. However, we do not feel that it would be acceptable to build the western parking structure without this connection. Even if a west parking structure is not built, we continue to recommend that access from the northeast parking structure to the west surface parking lot be provided once the ambulance building is relocated. 2. Staff would prefer to see future parking located under the east wing of the hospital when it is rebuilt. It would benefit the site if the western parking structure could be avoided. 3 . We feel stronqly that the fourth floor for the east and west winq should be pulled back from the West Meadow Drive side of the expansion. Terracing back will reduce the mass of the building to the users of the street and to the adjacent residences. 15 � � . . 4. The Staff does not feel that the hospital should rely on Lot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually, once the West Meadow Drive pedestrian mall is created, Lot 10 will most likely be used for landscaping and a pocket park. 5. Staff could not support an expanded service delivery area off of Meadow Drive on the southeast corner of the property. Instead, we would strongly encourage loading and delivery to be relocated to an area that could access off of the South Frontage Road. Master Land Use Plan: The Vail Valley Medical Center lies in the Transition Area. This land use designation is described as follows: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Village. The activities and site design of this area are aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the area and strengthening the connection between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, nature exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of civic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacent properties to the north. This designation would include the right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adjacent properties to the north. (Land Use Plan, page 33) Also, as previously noted, policy 4.4 refers to possible future improvements to the West Meadow Drive area. The staff finds that the proposal is in concert with the Land Use Plan. The key element is reducing traffic on West Meadow Drive to facilitate implementation of policy 4.4 . We feel the Vail Valley Medical Center, Doubletree and Bank deserve credit for working out an agreement to allow access for the Vail Valley Medical Center from the Frontage Road. V. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. I 16 . , Y 1 ' That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the � applicable provisions of this ordinance. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request and adoption of the development standards per the proposed plans with the following conditions: 1. An access permit for the South Frontage Road improvement plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Center as well as Vail National Bank before a building permit will be released for the proposed hospital expansion. 2 . The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access PERMIT REQUEST OUTLINED IN THIS MEMO. 3 . The proposed Special Development District 14 for the Doubletree Hotel is AMENDED TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE TO BE BUILT ON DOUBLETREE PROPERTY. 4. Snow removal and drainage from the proposed expansion and parking structure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right of way. 5. Access through the southeast corner of the parking structure shall be limited to fire, AMBULANCE and maintenance vehicles. The general public and hospital employees shall not utilize this access. 6. THE HOSPITAL CONCURS THAT THE RELOCATED ACCESS DRIVE TO THE HELIPAD: * SHALL NOT EXCEED A 7% GRADE (THIS ASSUMES THAT THE EXISTING ACCESS DRIVE GRADE DOES NOT EXCEED 7%) . * SHALL ALLOW FOR SAFE SEMI-TRUCK ACCESS AND LOADING FOR THE POST OFFICE. * SHALL NOT COMPROMISE THE EXISTING CDOH PERMIT FOR THE HELIPAD. * ANY TREES OR SHRUBS AFFECTED BY THE ACCESS SHALL BE RELOCATED IN THE SAME GENERAL AREA. 17 � � . � Peggy Osterfoss moved for approval and Jim Viele seconded the motion with the following conditions added to those recommended by the staff: 7. In the event the CDOH deems the helipad must be moved, the hospital must bear the expenses of the relocation of the helipad. 8. The mature evergreens to be transplanted due to the new access drive shall be guaranteed to live for a period of 3 years or be replaced with trees of comparable size. 9. The PEC puts the Hospital on notice that as part of any future building plans, the ambulance garage must be relocated to allow for, a. direct access from the ambulance garage to the Sough Frontage Road and b. for direct access from the South Frontage Road via the parking structure to the west parking lot. 10. Directions shall be given to DRB that they make certain that maximum substantial landscaping be placed on either side of the entrance to the parking structure, even if this will require regrading, filling and retention. ' 11. Suggestion to the Town Council that the TOV assume responsibility for the cost of a 4th lane along the Town of Vail site on the Frontage Road and associated modifications to the TOV site if a 4th lane addition is required by the CDOH. NOTE: The Town Council has asked that the PEC discuss with the applicants how an assessment district could be structured which would commit the Vail Valley Medical Center, Bank and Doubletree Hotel owners to helping fund necessary futur� �road widening improvements in the area directly in front of these properties. The Council feels that the proposed improvements would push future widening to the north side of the right of way and they do not feel that the town should be responsible for the total cost of these improvements. I 18 j '`r, ,� S � TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST r� � Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by �' 8 : 00 A.M. Thursdays. '�. r� �[�, �� � �.�L Date: Dept. V/�"�` +�Y.V Meeting Date: � Work Session Evening I. Item/Topic: S �� ,'� �� � v � ._.._ ��� � , ��� �\� P�-- ��.�s��� �� � � Q- � u� �-�,r�- c�. � 1 .2� Ot�l�. �-� �Ch �R. �'1�C Ci ��C'�� CG�1�� 1 G"�� M �" -�' . , , � � �� � ,Ja. .�.` �i��t co,� ��� a�d. �r�--►� ���v�.�.-�� � � I E-, , � �c w��- _ �a:�� ��� .� ro.�� C��d���. �� � II. Action Requested of Coun ' 1 ,( , 1� ��' '�'} �`�- �P > III. Background Rationale � (' � ; � ���� a� � \�-i �� ��� `�"'�`^-� �;.�' tT r�.1r'� �l��? _.1 i, �: � �1 � � � � ��a��,���,�;�� ,�.� �� �,,-��.. t��.o���5_ v�. �� � �_ �- E � �o�.��, �� �,�.�.. � �c��� ��������� � y y � �� � �� - s�d� ��.-� ����,��.a � �� IV. Staff Recoinmendation � �� � ��� . �� 4�� , V. Assurances: ( Legal, Engineering, Finance, Outside Professional) i � Emplo ee ignature , � � • • • LAW OFFICES COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION PETER COSGRIFF VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING IN LEADVILLE� JOHN W. DUNN SUITE 300 COSGRIFF, DUNN & BERRY ARTHUR A.ABPLANALP,JR. P. O.BOX 2299 P. O.BOX 11 TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C•CHRISTENSEN VAIL�COLORADO SI6SB LEADVILLE�COLORADO B0461 (719)486-1885 TERRI 5. DIEM TELEPHONE:(303)476-7552 TELECOPiER:(303)476-4765 February 17 , 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S . Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristan: As you are aware, I represent Vail Inn, Inc. , the association of owners of the nineteen condominiums located on the fifth and sixth floors of the Doubletree Inn. This letter is written on behalf of Vail Inn, Inc. to object to the master plan presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission by the Vail Valley Medical Center. It is the view of Vail Inn that addition of a fourth floor to the Medical Center would create a building having a scale and bulk entirely inconsistent with the character of the area. We note that recommendations have been made by staff to mitigate the impact of the building on its southern aspect by terracing or setting back the fourth floor. It seems to us that the concerns of Vail Inn owners, who look at the building from the north, have not been similarly considered. While a master plan is probably not binding on future development, approval of it certainly suggests a disposition on the part of the Commission to allow future use of the property in accordance with its guidelines . We therefore urge its disapproval by the Commission. Yours very truly, COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP Jo n W. Dunn JWD:kem cc: Mr. Petracca Mr. Jamar Mr. Peterson THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN 6 ABPLANALP� P.C.IN VAIL. � _- = - ._< . " - � . � \lYlrs.�o��. �o�ison � gg6�rarmigan�oac� � � � �l �C��� V/ail�lioZorado 816,5'j � ` ��.-e�� �C�..��..� — � �-ti��- l�n.�-� �- %t�eQ�-� .�� l / -� � � �� 1�� (�c�.��Qy ��;�-�tc��-� �� / _ a��K-��.� �'�..Q- -�, � �'�F-.e-.�Gp.2 v� /� � l�� ���1_� � t���''�_ L�J .�-L C�-{��i _�`� �� , �� ��� �'-�-- ��� - -�-��C- ��.��� � -� �s , � l� ��.- ��, � , �`.�____ ; � ������. � � � �'� _ �� ���c,�2Cej ��-'� i�.- �`s?L ���� I � a �, �.�J ;7 2,u� L Z�C� - ; ���w � . .�-�—� � ,�„�.r� �LS ;i2�.J G��,�, � _ � � � � ��- . �.� �� �� �� � � ��� ��s� �1��z� � � � • JA1��� E. HOR�GAN 5230 Q.a�Ces�ore �rive �.itt�eton, Co�orado 80123 (303� 795-6798 November 14, 1988 t �• Vail Planning and Environ�ental Com�isaion Vail ,CO . 81658 RE : Proposal to Further Enlarge the Vail Medical Facilit,y .. _ Dear :�Sembers of the Planning Comr�iQsion : - The underai�ned are owners of prorerty intereGts ` at 252 W. Meadow Drive . As such, we strongly ob�ect to �' ' the current pronos�l to f`urther expand the Vail hosbital. Indeed, the recently completed expanslon was of itself a serious mistake �nd there should be no ePfort to onl,y aq�ravate the situation . West Meadow Drive is �lready a bottlenecked dEad- end from � traffie and con�estion standtioint with an almost endless parade of Aed�strians, cyclists, and �utomobiles . It is , in fact, a place where �any aceicents 4 may be exuected to happen , particula�rl,y if the s3tuation �. 1s a?lowed to worsen . The hospita.l exx��nsion propo4el � would certainl,y be -nost detri�a�ntal to the health, 9afet.y, �nd welf'��� f Vail Villa�e ae a �ountain ski and resort areafcond��tions o�' thbs nature are not to be expected� much less tolerated . Even if Vail were a Boston or Manhattan , it is unlikel,y that a proposal of this n�ture would be acce?�table to zonin� and tr�ffic p?anners . City planners 4 would n� cloubt be hoarif ied with the thought that , � �+ithin a small one or two block radiu�, there would be � �.n expa,ndin� hospital in such close proximity to s� public library, a �'ire station, a sports/ entertainment � public arena, two m�.�or hotela, o�`fice ar.d other � buildin�s, priva.te residenees , ete . . . .all accessed b� a street that aerves � com�ination of footpath, cyclg trail, and roadway for a�l kinds of vehicular traffic . It would seem to be the responsibilty of town pl�nners to create and �aintain � safer and raore ple�sant er.vironment in keeninR with the concepts of the ori�inal town plannere . Very Truly Youra, ���, � �'�'�'�'� c c : Va i 1 T own C oun c i 1 fi- - "-`--'�'z`-j�'`% � � , � � • i . L ��,;� � � � , � � r � � Mr. Peter Patten ���� �� Planning Director Town of Vail Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Patten: This letter is to protest the proposed expansion of the Vail Hospital on West Meadow Drive and the construction of a 55, 000 sguare foot parking garage. l. Traffic on West Meadow Drive where we live is already creating a major hazard to pedestrians who naturally like to stroll on the board roadway. Al1 we need is more ambulances and sirens to add to the excitement. 2 . Recent newspapers and periodicals are filled with stories about the glut of empty hospital beds, and the closing of medical facilities in small rural towns. Has the need for more hospital beds in Vail really been proven? Why should everyone from the region need to drive all the way to Vail . Why not a branch facility in another town in Eagle or Summit County? 3 . At a recent meeting it was suggested that Vail hospital could become the Mayo Clinic of the Rockies. I suggest that expansion of the hospital could further erode our swiss village atmosphere by becoming the Denver General Hospital of Vail. The original clinic was designed to assist the full-time residents of Vail and treat the injuries of our visiting skiers. It does the job admirably. Do we really need a research center or is this just item #1 on someone' s "medical wish list"? Let' s stop this project before it gets out of contr�l . Yours truly, � � ����� ���C�iJ Charles and Jane Martz 252 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 CC: Vail Town Council Vail Trail Vail Daily ` • • HARRISON F. KEPNER 5161 JUNIPER ROAD • LITTLETON.COLORADO 80143 October l , 1988 Town of Vail Town Planning Director Vail Colorado , 81658 Attention : Mr . Peter Patten Dear Mr . Patten , This is to protest any further hospital expansion or �ncreased tr�ffic alon� �Jest ��eadow Lrive . I have lived on this street for twenty-five years (Skaal Hus Condor�iniums and private home on 252 6+1. Meadow drive) , which means starting there before there were any other buildin�s on the street . As you know, the hospital land was ori�inally zoned residential , and we helped re-zone it to allow a S:nall hospital/clinic for the �ood of the Town of Vail . Additions since have gone way beyond the original scope and "promises" to the then property owners nearby . Traffic is now such that tourists walking between main Vail and Lionshead are severely bothered . This is the oaly stretch between these Town centers that is open for general traffic , and is certainly a r.egative tourist attraction for our beautiful Town . A seperate entrance for current hospital traffic �aould be in our best interest to promote Vail as a "walking" village . € r Your kindness is considerin� these concerns will be r�ost appreciated . Sincerely , �» Hal Kep r CC : Vail Town Council ' � • September 23, 1988 Town of Vail Town Planning Director Vail, Colorado, 81658 �lttention: Mr. Peter Patten: Dear i`Lr. Patten: This letter is in regard to an article in the Vail I Trail concerning a proposal by Dan Feeney to increase the size of the Vail Hospital on West Meadow Drive. , We live at 252 West Meadow Drive which is directly across from the hospital and we oppose any e�ansion , of the present building. � 4�(hen the original Vail Clinic (as it was once known) was proposed, the home owners on West Meadow Drive were asked to approve a zoning change in order to construct a small clinic and everyone cooperated when told that it I was going to remain small and local. We opposed the recently completed expansion which was bati enough, but this new proposal is ridiculous: The building is becoming a monster without giving any consideration to the neighbors on West Meadow Drive. The street has historically been a walking, jogging, � ' bicycle environment and we have already witnessed a great deal more traffic since the recent addition and we think it is time to stop any further expansion of the hospital. Vail is not the onlv location available in Summit and Eagle counties to construct a hospital and we protest any plan to expand the present f acility in Vail. I suggest that the Planning Commission spend more time on �eautification and establishing more green belts than trying to make a Denver out of Vail. Y�very truly, Wenc3e11 & 1lrlene aley 252 West Meadow Drive cc: Vail Trail Vail, Colorado 81658 Diana Donovan Vail Town Council Merv Lapin ���� � . • • .� WE THE UNDERSIGNED. REPRESENTING THE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ON WEST � • MEADOW DRIVE FROM THE FIRE �T'A`I'ION TO THE LIBRAKY REQUEST THE FOLLOWINV FROM THE TOWN COUNCIL: �O HAVE THE HOSFITAL CHANGE IT 'S ENTRANCE FROM WEST MEADOW • TO THE SOUTH �'RONTAGE ROAD. THERE PRESENTLY EKIST A DANGEROUS SITUATION WHICH WIL�L ONLY WORSEN WITH THE HOSPITAL FXPANSION. r�S THE DEMAND FOR 'THE HOSPITAI� HAS AND WILL INCREASE THERE IS A GREATER CONFLICT BETWEEN THE PEDESTRIAN t�ND CAK TRr�FFIC. THIS IS PAKTICULAR�' DANGERIOUS BECAUSE OF THE IiVCREASE7UTILIZATION OF THE LIBRARY AND ICE ARENA BY CHILDREN. NAME ADDRESS � , . . , h � � � °� �!'' / "j ; , t, �" i...J f . / ' --- - �_>.�_.. .... �_�.w'_,��...� . _ .. ..... , . . , � ��.-_ ;. :�' � �..�.�:�.� _ __ ____..__ _._.. _. ._ _...._,..� __ _... _. ....___ % �� G�%'�Q.t '�� ���vv /�/ GC/► ;��. Q��- : %��_�.__ . _:_.� _ � . _,,� ��.�.� .� ��. . , .. _ . ___ � ..__� .� �._ ._. ___ . . ,__ .-- __- � , P �_ , _ _. . _ __. .�_ �? ..... _._. . ,. _ . _ . . . _ . . _. . .., _. ._ _.._. _ . _. �_,a��.�_�__...�..,. . �.2,�. �Yy ..�.. _ . . _ �....n. �,.�.�„�; .,.:�q,�-�,�.� .�,...r.....�,.,_,..,.,�...,,..,....1..-�-L,.. ._ _t.�t..�_., ,,�-�....a,.,:�..r.�.�.r.,�...,.._.�,/�,�...�... _ _;,� _ i �:� � � _ - ,, -- _ - _ �� .� - �'N i < < < . � . ..,�.-..�...s.__ _ _, . , . _ _ _ ___- ,.. �.�.. ___._ p�.._... ,. ...R__�_� ,�,�-:.Y�z,..�� _ �� . �. .� �� __ .. � _. ,..,.��...� ._..�..__�s �r�.�..__�. ,���� ,._- , < �._.._ .. . _ ... .. �� . . � . . � . . _._ ._ l�z . _ .�,�. . . . . _ _ .��. ._ . .�� ..: � 'v � _� �'�� �����.�_� ��� .���-� �_r� _.� .._. _ �—_ _ � . ___ _�_T_ �_ _ � .._��x= _..:�.. r_. v:ti__.s.. . . _ r a ,, , , , ,.. . _. _ _��...�.�..�..�.....�.��:� ....,,.�.�,�..�.� �•__,�._�.��.�..a�.......�._„�...n......�.>,.z..p... ,..�..,...,�.,�,,�.,...�,.,..,.,.�.��..ro.m.ti.�:.:� ,,:,...-,.��,.,-��,.,,�E....�:r .��-.�_.�..-.�-.,,_.,-�-�,.-.,�,�..-r.-.,-.3,,.m«- .._-.,�,�-a,�.��. - .:_:,: >. ��.�.�,.:.��.r.�„�..� _.x�_.:�.._...�-_"-�..,. 1,_._ ,_, . : _.: _.__,. :... _ ..._ . _.r._.._. _ �.._.__,_..a�.,.��.,r�, ,_,_ ..� .�,�.r.........�,.«...,..R.�....�.,,.�.,.,.......,.�...a,.��,�.,�a,...�.,�..�,.G..,.��.�..,,.�,.-�,.,_��..-s�,.�,.a_ _._._,_. _.____.___-_---------- ..._ _._ - _ __.------�.>-R.,.,-,._—=,,.�z-..._._ �--.R...-.•,._..��.� -.�-_-�.-.�.--�-..,_-�.,�.R,-,-._ . . __ , - -..._____-__ .__--_- ----_.__.._.�_r._._.�__�...�,.:.,--. -.._ .�._� ,..�..��.�.�,�,�,«-- -- -- -,m.....�-- --a...w - --- �.. _.._,�,,.a,=.,....,..,.....e..�.......e.,.�.A..._..�..r.....,d,...,.......�.. ��.�.�...::�re.,...�.-..:arsa<>-..- :ar�_..,, .<*-s.-.sa.ara.trana+sc�-.:x.w:�r=a.zrr-ar> �..e+aux.-,.�.xxy-.-Kr.r...--...--n.rr�xrr--.•::_ac^zrzs�--r..�-:-.�.-.�..--.��.. ..,....�..............� _�.� ___..__.__ __ �� 4 , , ,, • � ,� - - - - - - �. '- -- . - .. - - _ ,. . _ _ - K - - - . REC'0 SEP 2 6 1988 i dY��s. dV�oz9a� 1�. 1�ou9La1, az. I . L�ox 476 �v�.c, eoco�.do ��65� September 23, 1988 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Va i 1 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: As long time residents of Vail , residing at 142 West P�eadow Drive, we are aware that the Town of Vail is concerned with the amount of traffic that uses this street. May we please bring two matters to your attention. 1. The Dead End sign is not visible until the driver has committed himself to making the turn on 4Jest Meadow Drive, so he continues on and turns around �ither in our circular driveway, or at the cul-de-sac. 2. A driver may be trying to get to the Lions- head parking structure. �—� Two signs are needed at the stop signs, pointing to West Meadow Drive: NO OUTLET and NO PUBLIC PARKINGs or� HOSPITAL PARKING ONLY. Another suggestion is to put a traffic counter on the south side of the cul-de-sac and one going into the �� hospital to determine how many people are lost, sight- ��� � - . ,,� - � �,.. �� � .;i i . �� � • • ' y � ` . �< - � 'ti . � . � ` - . � +� . ' � r � ' a t � . '• 4 dl�jzs.. d�o�9arZ 1�. 1�ou9Las, az. L�ox 476 �ai�, eoLoza.c�o 8165& seeing, or going to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Very truely yours, `���� �����-� � .�� . G�-�' Catherine and ���organ Douglas c—� �/ �__� :.� .. r'�' �__ :` � ,� .,, � . ' � '�.�► TM � i � �; . i'� • _ '�'� � � � V 7 � ' `j`� tow� o uai ���� � 75 south frontage road VA.IL 1989 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 office of the town manager October 3, 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan D. Douglas, Jr. P. 0. Box 476 Vail , Colorado 81658 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Douglas: ihank you for your letter concerning traffic on West Meadow Drive. We appreciate your observations and suggestions and will be studying those to see how we can best implement change. You may be aware that the Town has been undergoing extensive study and recommendations for a new signage program, both vehicular and pedestrian, and we will take your suggestions into consideration as this program is being implemented. Y�ur interest in the community is much appreciated, and we would be glad to hear from you at any time concerning problems or suggestions you may have. � Sincerely, .' � � .- , `� .�, , �r.� Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager RUP/bsc cc: Peter Patten ✓ Stan Berryman , • � � ' _� 'n� , ' �" ��,� ✓ ' � Do you care that the orthopedic surgeons at Vail Sports Medicine may be forced to leave Vail as a result of the hospital bring in Dick Steadman, the U.S. Ski Team physician? Do you care that Steadman is not coming alone but is bringing a partner and that together they will be assisted by three resident orthopedic surgeons at all times? There are three orthopedic surgeons now in Vail . When Steadman comes that number will be increased to eight. Bye-bye Gottlieb, Chipman, and Janes . But that' s the free enterprise system, right? Competition and all that? Wrong! Our hospital is non-profit, partially supported by fundraisers and contributions from locals . Physicians pay rent and receive no salaries from the hospital . The hospital has offered a contract to Dick Steadman stating that they will pay him an annual salary of $300., 000. 00 . He will be paid $150 ,000. 00 out right and $1 ,500. 00 for each surgery case he does over 500 cases . He says he does 600 each year which will add the - additio�al $150 , 000. 00. If you question this , ask the hospital administration for a copy of his contract . Chipman and Gottlieb have been caring, responsible surgeons in Vail for many years. Their new partner, Janes , seems to be of the same calliber. They stay at the forefront of every new break- through in Sports Medicine and arthroscopic surgery. Do we really need Dick Steadman at the expense of the current orthopedic surgeons who have provided wonderful care to so many of us (including me) for many years? Please reconsider your support for this situation. A Loyal Patient, 1\ _� � I��ti � --> ��,-c�..ti�-��.t:�- � riarty Swenson P.O. Box 4566 Vail, CO 81658 � + RESOLUTION N0. 3 Series of 1989 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE TOWN'S SUPPORT OF THE DOUBLETREE HOTEL, THE VAIL NATIONAL BANK, AND THE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER IN THEIR NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMEIJT RELATING TO ACCESS ON THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. WHEREAS, the Vail Valley Medical Center wishes to construct an expansion of the Medical Center building; and WHEREAS, the Medical Center, the Doubletree Hotel , and the Vail National Bank are engaged in negotiations with the State Highway Department relating to obtaining access to the Medical Center from the South Frontage Road; and WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to support the Vail Valley Medical Center, the Doubletree Hotel , and the Vail National Bank in their negotiations with the Highway Department subject to certain conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: To support the Doubletree Hotel , the Vail National Bank, and the Vail Valley Medical Center in their negotiations with the State Highway Department to formulate a long term solution to the access and transportation issues extant on the South Frontage Road. The Town Council recognizes the Medical Center expansion plans and will not oppose such plan on the basis of inadequate laneage on the South Frontage Road. The three property owners involved in the negotiations with the Highway Department, the Vail National Bank, the Doubletree Hotel , and Vail Valley Medical Center owners, recognize the potential of future costs associated with any Frontage Road redesign and hereby commit to assist in any equitable sharing of such costs. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1989. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk / �,� f` - o � PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in - accordance with Section 18. 66. 060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on February 13 , 1989 at 3 : 00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I in order to remodel the Sitzmark Lodge. 183 Gore Creek Drive, Lot A, Block 5B, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Sitzmark Lodge 2. A request for a variance to the number of satellite dishes allowed on one lot in order to locate an additional dish on the Vail Run property. 1000 North Frontage Road West, Portion of Lot 10 & Lot 11, Block C, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant: Ciscorp 3 . A request for a conditional use permit, a variance for parking in the front setback and a site coverage variance in order to construct an addition to the Vail Mountain School. Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12 Filing, 3160 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Vail Mountain School �, y • • 4. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and a parking structure to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Lot F, Vail Village 2nd Filing, 181 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 5. A request to amend Special Development District #14, Doubletree Hotel. 250 South Frontage Road West. Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Holdings, Inc. The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on January 27, 1989. ,� • • PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING.DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS, RESEARCH January 6, 1989 : t ;; Kristan Pritz Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Kristan: This letter is to confirm that Vail Holdings, Inc. is aware of the application being made by the Vail Valley Medical Center for expansion of their facility and that the proposed expansion includes the construction of a parking structure which is partially upon Vail Holdings, Inc. property. Vail Holdings, Inc. will be sharing parking within that facility and have authorized the Vail Valley Medical Center to proceed with their application utilizing a portion of the property for the parking structure construction. Prior to construction we hope to reach a written agreement with the WMC regarding this matter and enable the project to proceed. - Sincerely, Peter Jamar, AICP PJ:ne Suite 308,Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West • Vail,Colorado 81657 • (303)476-7154 ,� . ;� , f_. „� . � � � � � Date of Application � Date of PEC Meeting `� ��'� f - � ' " APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT _ _ . . _ ! I. This procedure is re uired for an � use permit. q Y project required to obtain a conditional � ' The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT I/ �� l — � � � � ADDRESS- ��� (� ��� '� � � � A/� Co �r �� �� PHON E 6. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE .��� ��;��!�y � � ADDRESS � � � i ���� � � PHONE C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (prin�t or ; � � � • � � ` OWNER(S): :SIGNATURE(S) � � . ADDRESS � (� . ' - . CJH�.� CC� ������ PHONE _ �/S - , D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT�BLOCK FILING �/l� • � ADDRESS � �S E. FEE $100 PAID �K � /� gy ' THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ` ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property . INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHrND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. � � . � II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE . . � A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAF � TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDEDEMBNO APPLICATION wI��ESTED BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT'S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT �"�� � � ! WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADOITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. '�°��c � j ' . .. � :3: �. �`_ I � ' . . �. . � PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUhiBER OF CONDITIONS OF APP R O V A L T H A T T H E �. PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILOING PERMIT IS I�D. � . � . ' - - f; . , , r — ,. . ` - - ... . _ —__ '., OVER � ,,,� - . � � . _ , ' � ' � . � � , • --- II. Four (4) copies of the following information: � . `A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and � • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make . • the .use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. � • �� B. A site plan showii:g proposed development of the site, inc2t?ding - ,,.. . topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, . . .• . useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� , •' ' � features. � � . . . : ` C. Freliminar buildin ' Y g plans and elevations sufficient to indicate �the dimensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan of , • ,:', all buildings. _ _ � . � D• �� Any additional material necessary for the review of tlie application � �•�.;�... as determined by the Zoning Administrator. . III. Ta.me requirements -�- � _ � The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th � . Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accc:�panying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the - meeting. � - � .. � . . � . . . �. . ._. ....:.._ . ' ._ _. _ . � . � ! __ . .� �: " _ . _.. � , , .. ' � �.. 4 � ' � f. . �. . . . .� . .. . . . . . . . .. . � . . � �"'� . . .. .. �.�.- ....... .. . . ....�. �..� . .. . . .... . .�. �� ... .. . . .. r�.�� [ . . . . . " . . . . � : Y_ . ' § ' � . _ _�����. ' . . - ' �. � § • � ' ' [ ` . . .. . . . ' � � . .. . ... �..� . . . . � . ' . ' 4 . § . Y . � . � � fi . �'� " � . . � .. � � �' s - � ' £ Y . . . � I , � � . . ' � . . � '•�4 .. " . ... . . . . £ � . . . � ' � � . . � . . . . . .. � � ... . .. . . ' . • � ! .. ' . ,. .. _. ' . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . , . .. €. , .. �. . .. . . . ' �. . ' . . ... . . . � . ., ' '.. . ' � � . � . . . ' . .. b��. . .. _ . , . . . � , . . • � - . , .g.. . � �{ � . . � . - .. . . ..... . . ... : ; - • �.. � � ' ' � . • . � � . . . . � . ' . A:� ' . � ' . • � `. � C e - .� � _ • � . . - . ' . . � t i � . ���� � � � .� � ,, .F"v�C.�_--- _ -' ' �._ .. , �� vail val(ey 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 � March 24, 1989 u �� �/�� ✓ 1 �Ms. Kristan Pritz ��- Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Uail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: As we discussed, the hospital will conduct a total of four parking/traffic surveys before the end of the current ski season. Between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. , we will survey every vehicle that enters and leaves our east and west parking lots, noting the time the vehicle arrives , the purpose of the visit (hospital , doctor's office, employee, sports medicine) , and the time the vehicle leaves. We will also count total number of trips of all kinds on West Meadow Drive during those hours, so that we can compute the percentage of current traffic that is hospital-related. This accumulated data will enable us to determine average duration of stay for persons using various medical center functions, peak hours of parking utilization, as well as provide us with the body of raw data needed to compute other parameters that are deemed to be significant at a later date. S' cerel , an F . Project Ma er /lrp enclosure Ray McMahan Administrator �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 � Vail, Colorado 81657 �� medical center (303) 476-2451 February 24, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: I Reference your letter of 17 February 1989: l. Our prepared plan for improvements to South Frontage Road will be presented to Mr. Robert Mosten, District Engineer for the Colorado Department of Highways, at 11 AM on Tuesday, 28 February, when he visits the site. The essential features of the plan are as follows: A. We will widen the road to provide three full lanes from the Post Office/Municipal drive to a point west of the Doubletree's western access. This will include a west-bound thru lane, center left- turn lane, and an east-bound thru lane. In addition, the Double- tree is proposing to construct its acceleration/deceleration lane in conjunction with the hospital 's improvements, rather than de- ferring it until the hotel expands. B. The Bank Building will relocate each of its two access drives in a way that provides more horizontal separation, better alignment with the existing Post Office/Municipal drive, and joint use of the western-most access for the Bank Building and the hospital 's parking structure. C. The Doubletree will realign its existing east access so that it meets South Frontage Road at a right angle, rather than its pre- sent skewed orientation. D. Our engineers are aligning the road improvements so that they will have virtually no negative impact on the grades of existing access drives on either the north or south shoulder, with one exception. Widening on the north shoulder will make the grade for the .western i access to the Post Office unacceptably steep (14�, in lieu of the existing 6-7%) . The hospital will agree to relocate this drive approximately 30 feet to the west. By exploiting the existing rise in South Frontage Road to the west, this will allow the grade of the new drive to be kept to a grade no steeper than that of the existing access. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz February 24, 1989 Page two E. In order to maintain a minimum turning radius into the hospital 's proposed parking structure, all future widening of the road will have to be accomplished on the north shoulder. The elongated planter proposed by the Bank Building to separate its short-term parking from South Frontage road traffic will also preclude fur- ther widening on the south shoulder. As Exhibit A to his letter (copy attached) , David Leahy has indicated conceptually how a fourth lane might be added at the north shoulder. Whether or not the superelevation (banked curves) is removed will depend in large measure on future improvements made to the east and west of the one-eighth mile of road our proposed plan affects. F. For an excellent summary of the scope, rationale and advantages of our proposed improvement plan, please see David Leahy's letter of 24 February 1989, copy attached. 2. Our proposed improvements will have either positive or neutral impacts on adjacent properties, with the exception of the west drive into the Post Office. Please see Paragraph 1D above. 3. The Administration feels that an engineering study of South Frontage Road from Cascade Village to Ford Park is indeed warranted, regardless of whether the hospital expands. We are prepared to recommend hospi- tal support for an Area-wide Special Improvement District at our next Governing Board meeting, scheduled for 6 March. We cannot, however, recommend support for a Vicinity Special Improvement District, which would presumably entail improvements only to the one-eighth mile of road which fronts property belonging to the Doubletree Hotel and Vail National Bank Building. A limited approach to this extensive problem will not result in the sound and cost-effective engineering solution needed to correct the many long-standing deficiencies on South Frontage Road. �. We understand that Sydney Schultz, architect for the Vail National Bank Building, will present preliminary plans for realignment of the two existing access drives at the 27 February work session. Please see Paragraph 1B above, as well as David Leahy's letter, for additional information. 5. The parking structure we have proposed could be constructed another one and one-half levels down, without encountering ground water. We have had preliminary discussions with the new owners of the Bank Building, regarding constructing a larger (deeper) parking structure, in increments of one-half level , in return for payment of incremental construction costs. An underground pedestrian tunnel linking this lower level with the Bank Building's existing structured parking is feasible. Ms. Kristan Pritz February 24, 1989 Page three 6. Master Plan A. The Master Plan envisions that the Emergency Room and Ambulance Garage will be relocated to the east end of our property whenever the original building is demolished and re-constructed. It is not possible to forecast if this will occur during the next expansion. Whether the next expansion entails a new fourth floor at the west end or a re-development of the east end depends on the types of additional services our Governing Board feels are needed to meet the community's health care needs. B. Delivery will continue to be handled at the present service loca- tion at the southeast corner, with access off West Meadow Drive. Accepting truck deliveries through our proposed parking structure, with its 24-foot wide aisles and sharp turning radii , is not prac- tical . That would result in a situation where neither deliveries nor patient circulation through the parking structure is effi- ciently served. Presently, we accept an average of only ten truck deliveries each day during the week (Monday thru Friday) , and even fewer on the weekends. Future growth of the hospital is more likely to result in larger deliveries (of slightly longer dura- tion) , rather than more frequent use of West Meadow Drive. C. A connection between the proposed parking structure and the west lot is predicated on relocation of the Ambulance Garage, which in turn is predicated on re-development of the east wing. While re- development of the east end seems likely, we are unable to predict a date. D. We understand the general need for some terracing of a future fourth floor. However, until we determine which specific func- tions will occupy this space, we cannot intelligently discuss the specific form a fourth floor might assume. E. Our proposed widening of South Frontage Road will not affect the present manner of helicopter take-offs and landings at the heli- pad. The hospital has no definite plans to re-locate the existing helipad. 7. We understand the concerns of the PEC and DRB regarding the mass of our building, and are actively investigating alternatives. In the meantime, we plan to bring a scale model of the proposed expansion to the work session on 27 February. I Ms. Kristan Pritz February 24, 1989 Page four 8. The Ambulance District will have a secondary egress through the lower level of the parking structure. The western drive will once again become the primary egress, as it was several years ago. The Ambulance District Board understands that our proposed parking structure will decrease trips by private passenger vehicles on West Meadow Drive by as many as 500 a day. This is an advantage ambulance drivers will realize every time they make a call during daylight hours. In addition, the Ambulance Board understands that the Master Plan envisions relocation of the Ambulance Garage to the east end of a re-developed hospital , with dedicated access to South Frontage Road. In short, the plan is currently safe, and will be further improved by continued growth of the Medical Center. 9. The CDOH is aware that the northeast side of our proposed structure must essentially coincide with the highway right-of-way line. Personnel from the District Engineer's office have advised us that only minimal landscaping, involving native grasses and low-lying shrubs, will be permitted. Larger plantings would obviously interfere with line-of-sight viewing of traffic, as well as windrows created during snowplowing of the road. Please bear in mind, however, that the Bank Building is proposing an enlarged planter/island as a component of its portions of our coordinated access plan for South Frontage Road. 10. In response to your verbal inquiry, we will continue to incinerate pathological wastes, as well as combustible materials contaminated with body fluids, on site. We are currently breaking in a new incinerator which has a larger burning chamber than the old model , and will utilize improved technology for cleaner burning. We have scheduled a stack test next month to ensure that this model meets all Colorado emission standards. The unit is adequate to service the pro- posed expansion, as well as some subsequent growth of demand. ' cerel �� D . Project Man er /lrp enclosure �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 . Vail, Colorado 81657 �� medical center (303) 476-2451 February 23, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Reference your letter of 17 February 1989: 1. Our proposed plan for improvements to South Frontage Road is accurate- ly summarized in David Leahy's 23 February 1989 letter to Chuck Dunn of the Colorado Department of Highways, copy attached. We expect to present our formal application to A1 Pierce of the CDOH on Monday morning, 27 February. We are still optimistic that the logic of our case will prevail , and that the CDOH will agree that our proposed improvements are adequate, considering the present traffic-carrying capacity of South Frontage Road. 2. Our proposed improvements will have either positive or neutral impacts on adjacent properties, with the exception of the access drive at the west side of the Post Office. Because of proposed widening of the north shoulder, the drive will become steeper. Mountain States Engi- neering is preparing a section through this drive; I will deliver it to you before the end of this business day. 3. The Administration feels that an engineering study of South Frontage Road from Cascade Village to Ford Park is indeed warranted, regardless of whether the hospital expands. We are prepared to recommend hospi- tal support for an Area-wide Special Improvement District at our next Governing Board meeting, scheduled for 6 March. We cannot, however, recommend support for a Vicinity Special Improvement District, which would presumably entail improvements only to the one-eighth mile of road which fronts property belonging to the Doubletree Hotel and Vail National Bank Building. A limited approach to this extensive problem will not result in the sound engineering solution which will correct the many long-standing deficiencies on South Frontage Road, even with a needlessly-high expenditure of money. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz February 23, 1989 Page two 4. The Vail National Bank' s involvement in the hospital 's application is limited to relocating each of its two access drives in a way that pro- vides more horizontal separation, better alignment with the existing Post Office/municipal drive, and joint use of the western-most access for the Bank Building and hospital parking structure. We understand Sydney Schultz will present preliminary plans at the work session scheduled on 27 February. Again, please see David Leahy' s letter for additional details. 5. The parking structure we have proposed could be constructed another one and one-half levels down, without encountering ground water. We have had preliminary discussions with the new owners of the Bank Building, regarding constructing a larger (deeper) parking structure, in increments of one-half level , in return for payment of incremental construction costs. An underground pedestrian tunnel linking this lower level with the Bank Building's existing structured parking is feasible. 6. Master Plan A. The Master Plan envisions that the Emergency Room and Ambulance Garage will be relocated to the east end of our property whenever the original building is demolished and re-constructed. It is not possible to forecast if this will occur during the next expansion. Whether the next expansion entails a new fourth floor at the west end or a re-development of the east end depends on the types of additional services our Governing Board feels are needed to meet the community's health care needs. B. Delivery will continue to be handled at the present service loca- tion at the southeast corner, with access off West Meadow Drive. Accepting truck deliveries through our proposed parking structure, with its 24-foot wide aisles and sharp turning radii , is not prac- tical . That would result in a situation where neither deliveries nor patient circulation through the parking structure is effi- ciently served. Presently, we accept an average of only ten truck deliveries each day during the week (Monday thru Friday) , and even fewer on the weekends. Future growth of the hospital is more likely to result in larger deliveries (of slightly longer dura- tion) , rather than more frequent use of West Meadow Drive. C. A connection between the proposed parking structure and the west lot is predicated on relocation of the Ambulance Garage, which in turn is predicated on re-development of the east wing. While re- development of the east end seems likely, we are unable to predict a date. D. We understand the general need for some terracing of a future fourth floor. However, until we determine which specific func- tions will occup,y this space, we cannot intelligently discuss the specific form a fourth floor might assume. l� i Ms. Kristan Pritz February 23, 1989 Page three E. Our proposed widening of South Frontage Road will not affect the present manner of helicopter take-offs and landings at the heli- pad. The hospital has no definite plans to re-locate the existing helipad. 7. We understand the concerns of the PEC and DRB regarding the mass of our building, and are actively investigating alternatives. In the meantime, we plan to bring a scale model of the proposed expansion to the work session on 27 February. 8. The Ambulance District will have a secondary egress through the lower level of the parking structure. The western drive will once again become the primary egress, as it was several years ago. The Ambulance District Board understands that our proposed parking structure will decrease trips by private passenger vehicles on West Meadow Drive by as many as 500 a day. This is an advantage ambulance drivers will realize every time they make a call during daylight hours. In addition, the Ambulance Board understands that the Master Plan envisions relocation of the Ambulance Garage to the east end of a re-developed hospital , with dedicated access to South Frontage Road. In short, the plan is currently safe, and will be further improved by continued growth of the Medical Center. 9. The CDOH is aware that the northeast side of our proposed structure must essentially coincide with the highway right-of-way line. Personnel from the District Engineer's office have advised us that only minimal landscaping, involving native grasses and low-lying shrubs, will be permitted. Larger plantings would obviously interfere with line-of-sight viewing of traffic, as well as windrows created during snowplowing of the road. Please bear in mind, however, that the Bank Building is proposing an enlarged planter/island as a component of its portions of our coordinated access plan for South Frontage Road. 10. In response to your verbal inquiry of yesterday, we will continue to incinerate pathological wastes, as well as combustible materials con- taminated with body fluids, on site. We are currently breaking in a new incinerator which has a larger burning chamber than the old model , and will utilize improved technology for cleaner burning. We have � scheduled a stack test next month to ensure that this model meets all '' Colorado emission standards. The unit is adequate to service the pro- posed expansion, as well as some subsequent growth of demand. ' erely Dan en Project Mana /lrp enclosure �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 I . Vail, Colorado 81657 �� medical center (303) 476-2451 I February 15, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: We, of course, were disappointed that the Planning Commission did not approve our expansion project last Monday. The major reason for tabling the vote seemed to be the irresolute status of our negotiations with the Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH) regarding the extent of improvements our proposed expansion warrants on South Frontage Road. As you know, the only remaining substantial issue involves the question of whether a fourth lane (a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane) is needed. The PEC's i nacti on seems to be i n conf 1 i ct wi th the 1 etter and spi ri t of the Town Council 's unanimously-approved resolution of 7 February 1989, which essentially states that the Town will not oppose the expansion project based on the number of lanes to be added to South Frontage Road. In view of the fact that the Town has stated that our commitment for adding a third (left-turn) lane is adequate, we feel that the outcome of our negotiations with the CDOH regarding a possible fourth lane is an invalid reason for delaying a vote. The elements of our proposed expansion address the previously-stated major concerns of the Town Council , PEC and staff. The relatively minor remain- ing issues can be resolved with the DRB. For these reasons, we request a vote on our Conditional Use Permit application on 27 February 1989. If the PEC feels a work session with the hospital , the Doubletree Hotel and the Vail National Bank is necessary, we are available for a specially-scheduled meeting next week. Sincerel � � �� Dan ,. P. . Pr ' na r /lrp Ray McMahan Administrator �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 January 13, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Fronta4e Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Reference your letter of 10 January 1989. Following are specific re- sponses: A. SHARED PARKING WITH THE DOUBLETREE. We took counts of vehicles parked at the hospital at 5:30 pm on two consecutive days: TOTAL N0. OF VEHICLES EXCESS % OF DATE CAPACITY PARKED CAPACITY SPACES UNUSED Jan 11 205 113 92 45% Jan 12 205 101 104 51% When the parking structure is complete, our total capacity will be increased to 279 spaces. Because the mix of hospital services is not expected to change with our proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumption that the percentage of total spaces unused at 5:30 pm will remain approximately 45-51%, as it was on January 11 and 12. Thus, the number of unused parking spaces at 5:50 pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when the parking structure is constructed. This is almost three times the number of spaces we have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. Employees who fill day-time only jobs, such as business office personnel , normally leave the hospital between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Shift changes for positions that are staffed round-the-clock, such as nursing and EMT jobs, occur variously between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift is finishing and another is coming on duty is finished long before the spaces would have to be available to the Doubletree. In addi- tion, most evening shifts have 25-30% fewer personal then the day shifts they replace. B. PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION WITH BANK. Sheet 1 was revised on 11 January 89, to show a separate pedestrian access (sidewalk) from the Vail National Bank property to the top level of the parking structure. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail January 13, 1989 Page two C. SNOW REMOVAL FROM TOP LEVEL OF PARKING STRUCTURE. Snow on the top level of the parking structure will be pushed off the southeast corner, into the service corridor. Because of extremely limited space here, we anticipate that we will have to truck snow off site after every major snowstorm, and after every second or third moderately-sized snowstorm. D. AIR SPACE AT EAST SIDE OF STRUCTURE. Construction will create an open air space between the east side of the parking structure and the existing retaining wall at the west side of bank parking. However, this air space will be essentially the same minimal depth as the present retaining wall . In addition, the opening will be as much as 25 feet across. Design of a steel grate would require a rather substantial structure to support its own dead weight, as well as live loads due to snow and persons who might venture on top. We propose to leave this area open, and protect it with safety rails. E. SERVICE AND DELIVERY. The existing driveway at the east end of the hos- pital will be maintained as a fire lane, to facilitate snow removal from the upper deck (see Paragraph "C" above) , and as an access to the service door at the southeast corner of the parking structure's lower level . The service door at the southeast corner will be used only by maintenance ve- hicles; certainly, we cannot envision it ever being used by the public. De- liveries will continue to be received at our Materials Management Depart- ment, in the southeast corner of the building, via West Meadow Drive. We do not see any practical way of taking truck deliveries through the pro- posed parking structure at the east side. F. STAKE CORNERS OF PARKING STRUCTURE. We will do this by noon on Monday, as requested. G. REVISE PLANS. See Sheet 1, revised 11 January 89, four copies of which are attached. We will have a service entrance to the lower level of the parking structure at the west side. However, until the emergency room and ambulance garage are eventually moved, this access will be blocked fre- quently by ambulances and skier transport vehicles off-loading patients. Thus, another service access in the southeast corner is essential . Please call if you need any further information. Si erely, � L.�// ��G.'7� Dan ey, P.E Projec /1 rp �� vail vailey 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 January 6, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: In response to your letter of 3 January 1989, the following information is offered: FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS A. See Proposed Access Control Plan, prepared by TDA Colorado, Inc. B. See Proposed Access Control Plan, prepared by TDA Colorado, Inc. C. All improvements denoted a "Phase 1" on Figure 4 of the TDA report will be accomplished now. "Phase 2" will occur when the Doubletree Hotel expands. D. Delineation of responsibilities among the three property owners is as follows: (1) The Doubletree Notel will realign its existing east entry. (2) The Vail National Bank building will construct improvements that front the north side of its property. (3) The hospital will construct the remaining work, including the access to its parking structure, and the widening along the south shoulder of S. Frontage Road. E. See "D" above. HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE A. The hospital will immediately replace all the surface spaces the Doubletree looses because of construction of the parking structure, up to a maximum of 20, by assigning spaces in the parking structure for full-time use by the Doubletree. If and when the Doubletree expands, the hospital will permit the hotel to use up to 48 additior.al spaces, between the hours of 5:30 pm and 2:30 am. If and when the Doubletree expands, the twenty spaces previously assigned to the Doubletree on a full-time basis revert to hospital use between 2:30 am and 5 pm. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail January 6, 1989 Page two HOSPITAL PARKING STRUCTURE (cont) B. See "A" above. C. See "A" above. D. See Sheets 1 and 5, both revised 3 January 89, four copies of which are attached. E. At this time, the Vail National Bank is not involved with the hospital parking structure. We do not see any potential for a sharing of parking since the bank's peak period coincides with the hospital 's peak period. F. The hospital 's parking requirements are significantly reduced between 5 pm and 6 am. The counts on two recent days: N0. OF VEHICLES PARKED DATE 3:30 pm 8:00 pm Reduction 30 Dec 88 158 39 119 4 Jan 89 165 36 129 Thus, we have many more parking spaces available during the night than the Doubletree has requested. HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. See Sheet 1, revised 3 Jan 89. Because of line-of-sight-problems, landscaping on the Frontage Road easement must be limited to sod and low-lying shrubs. As for the strip between the west parking lot and Middle Creek, this is the only area we have for snow storage. We would be willing to plant native grass in this area. Any other planting would, we fear, preclude effective snow storage and leave the hospital with two equally impractical and undesir- able alternatives: either truck the snow off site after virtually every snowstorm, or pile snow in areas currently designated for parking. B. Four copies have been provided. C. Four copies of Sheets 3-M and 4-M are attached. D. See Sheet l, prepared by Fisher, Reece and Johnson, and TDA's report. E. See Sheets 1 and 5, prepared by Fisher, Reece and Johnson. I _ , Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail ' January 6, 1989 Page three DOUBLETREE AND HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. The legal agreement on shared parking is being prepared by the hospital 's attorney. The basic tenets, however, are as described above in subparagraph A. in the Section "Hospital Parking Structure". Sincerely, ey, . Project I n er /lrp enclosures cc: Peter Jamar E.B. Chester i � � � 'i 1 � ��t .' � I � _ � � t � U � . - -� �/VL- �` ���- � i o� , �`��� �o�, � � � _ � � � �3 � "�7� _-� = I �3 � Z �2 � � �� ('L lZ �� �� l 4� , � � ' � � � a� �� � �s �- s �g c � `� � s � � � � � � I � `j .� i . � � �� � � , . �� � �-�- � �.� � � � g � � �� , . � � ; �� vaii valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 t_ � Vail, Colorado 81657 ►� medica) center (303) 476-2451 December 27, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Transmitted herewith are four sets of plans for expansion of the hospital , revised in accordance with my letter of 9 December 1988. I have also included a master plan (Sheet 8 of the submittal ) showing a likely build-out of the hospital , although the inherent difficulty of anticipating medical technology and community health care needs into the long-range future makes such a plan tentative. ; Please note that the proposed parking structure does not meet minimum �' setback distances off the South Frontage Road easement. We request that a variance be granted along with our Conditional Use Permit. I have also included a preliminary sketch showing proposed improvements to South Frontage Road. On Thursday, 29 December, our traffic consultant met here at the hospital with representatives of the Town, Doubletree Hotel and Vail National Bank building to review preliminary schemes, prior to presenting these to the Colorado Department of Highways. (See list of those in attendance, attached. ) I understand that our Conditional Use Permit will be contingent upon our securing necessary approvals from the State. Sincerel D , Project Mana er /lrp enclosures Ray McMahan Administrator . . l��G��LcG�Rc r� l,/s�lC L/�fL�rz/ G�7�,D ��'T� /�-c'Gc`'SS� /?'/l�'��i�icy '�, � � l��z,��, @ G�.z��/__(,zr!/�� ��`'s�)��1/ - L�«/ �� ���� f � l�iO�� �IGG�/G� C.�'L"'fG�t� �� ��oGis/7�&c ��f c �i��%3�S Z S � 7/07 �� / � � ,/� ,.._.�'���.W..�_�` .., /�7� �/�1 �/�4/L �{a�0//IIGS I/IlC -T2� � Z' - lS� I'� � � � £� / � 7 _ . � � � __..._ __�......__..._ _ . ,.. _ . . ; ___ ._ _ . . s�A^� /JER2yMA�t/ ���'"� � V��L y7 / - Z� 7� ' � � . �.f / II! �-- ��, �� UC+�.Q ��G�-�l �G�� � -7�o-J (��� . `{� � -J �II�� �� � � �� r3 �l � �__ �/� !�� � ��� �� l��,-�I� � ��.�`� ! ��; ��`�� �`��:2y.�/ x/� _ - �Gf L- Q 4���� �r�L �o¢} �L- �.i 4--�� _�j����-' I ...s�.. / . � �7 � ! � � �'1 ��'�' r� � � � � CJ , ��--�,-�- ���'1� l.'�- o���� � l �'S-v , � ' : , . i i <_.�:q���'�t'.�s-nw���n�yr;arr'�.+°°.�!'°E*"�,'.xu,:,�'�M!'•-�a�9!r:�r...^g;ro�%'�. � �.r.",�i, — ._ � *tT'�':!lwF. .:. „'r'�?+"s;?��F,'" �:',yes,iC_. 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P � w � l ��J � , �' M—, . , 1 �, , a�I , � � J�� . �I' ' l '�'• '.F �y+.,.�— � � i���.,yJ '1 �1�E� + �r�I' � � ' ;' �I "— �� � 'JI..,'�r� .�y� J xi, l� f ������ ` "� �', `T• �� � • ' � • � ' ,�. �,/¢t„ V ! � ' ,� � { I� ( ' � {+ � .� � � / �3�1?�`: r _J .''. .°' s;.��_ .'�:,:s-' _" . ., � '4� � , ,�.. - ; . t ♦ �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 . Vail, Colorado 81657 �� medical center (303) 476-2451 December 9, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. I Vail , CO 81657 ' Dear Kristan: In cooperation with the Doubletree Hotel , we have developed an expansion plan which we believe satisfies the objectives of the planning staff and the PEC. Major features of this plan are as follows: • The hospital proposes to construct a 22 level parking structure at the east end of its property. The structure would provide parking for 180-185 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. The elevation of the top level would be slightly lower than that of the existing South Frontage Road. • The north end of the structure would be constructed on land current- ly owned by the Doubletree, and would be situated such that it would not interfere with previously-approved expansion plans for that fa- cility. The hospital 's proposed structure could be connected to the Doubletree's underground parking at a lower level , to allow sharing of parking. • The structure would eliminate 10-12 existing surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These spaces would be replaced in full with spaces in the proposed structure. • The present west lot, providing parking for 118 vehicles, will re- main in its present configuration, with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. However, because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, we estimate that this plan will achieve an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day during peak per- iods. This is based on our observation that each parking space gen- erates 5-6 trips on West Meadow Drive between 7 am and 5 pm. • The proposed structure, together with the existing west lot, will provide on-site parking for 298-303 vehicles on a year-round basis, with no valet parking contemplated. Based on the formula agreed-to during the approval process for the last expansion, we calculate that the proposed expansion will increase our parking requirement to Ray McMahan Administrator • Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail December 9, 1988 Page two 285 vehicles. Please note that the hospital intends to provide suf- ficient parking to meet its current needs, without the need for shared parking with the Doubletree. Both properties, however, wish to arrive at a reasonable formula for shared parking during subse- quent expansions. • The hospital is developing a master plan which will dovetail with the Doubletree's master plan. Our master plan envisions redevelop- ment of the east end of our property, including demolition of the original clinic, built during the late sixties. The emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to the east end, with direct access to South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage would allow construction of a short, level road connecting the east structure with parking at the west end. Thus, future expan- sion of the hospital will enable us to remove virtually all hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. • We recognize that existing problems with traffic flow on South Front- age Road could be aggrevated by our proposed east parking structure. We have hired a consultant to advise us and you on possible solu- tions, and to assist us in any discussions with the State Highway Department. • We have developed some architectural revisions to address the PEC's concerns with the mass of the building. The extent of the expansion to the hospital building itself, however, remains as described in our Application of September, 1988. Sincerel , an Feeney, P ana er /lrp cc: Peter Jamar ��� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 ►'�C medical center (303) 476-2451 November 11, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Thank you for the opportunity to appear before the Planning Commission on 14 November. By discussing and resolving the issues at this work session, we hope the Commission will approve our application for hospital expansion on 28 November. We request that the Commission consider our application as submitted, including a 3-level parking structure at the west end of our property large enough to enable us to meet our commitment to park all patient and staff vehicles on-site. Access to the hospital would continue to be via West Meadow Drive, improved by construction of a pedestrian mall parallel but separate from the vehicle-carrying roadway. Our Governing Board is willing to participate in such an improvement, although the extent of this partici- pation must await further definition of the scope of the project. Our original schedule called for construction of the west parking structure next spring and early summer. We intended to use one level of the completed structure for staging the construction of the second and third floor addition, while the remaining two levels would enable us to park as many vehicles as we can now. Although we hope to secure a Conditional Use Permit for this project as currently submitted, we wish to continue efforts with the Doubletree Hotel to i denti fy possi bi 1 i ti es for a parki ng structure at the east end of our two facilities, with access directly off South Frontage Road. Because of the complexities of such an investigation, resolution will undoubtedly take several months, and possibly as much as a year. As long as such a study is in progress, we should defer the construction of a west parking structure because we may come to a better solution. We also feel that it is not feasible to construct both the building addition and Ray McMahan Administrator . Ms. Kristan Pritz November 11, 1988 Page two parking structure simultaneously--there would be virtually no parking left for either patients or staff. Thus, if we are to construct a west parking structure, we would defer it until April 1990, when the building expansion would be substantially complete. Quite obviously, lack of a multi-level parking structure during the 1989-1990 ski season would create a severe parking shortage, even with the 30 spaces we currently lease at Manor Vail Lodge. The solution appears to be Town approval to allow 120 members of our staff to park in the Lionshead structure during the 89-90 ski season. This would enable us to thoroughly pursue joint development options with the Doubletree, and still realize our goal of completing the building addition by July 1990. In summary, we are committed to provide hospital parking by building an on-site parking structure. We can begin the structure in either April 1989 or April 1990. However, we feel that the April 1990 date is the best solution, if we are allowed to park in Lionshead during the construction period. The hospital 's Governing Board appreciates that the Town is generally supportive of the improvements that this expansion will bring to medical care in the Vail Valley. We believe the approach outlined above enables us to reconcile several conflicting objectives in a reasonable manner. Sincerely, a�e .E. Projec - a ger /lrp .� ��� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ►� medical center Vail, C303) 476-2451 October 21, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. I Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the additional parking and traffic flow information you requested in your letter of 3 October 1988. • Reference Item 6: We have conducted two additional surveys of traffic on West Meadow Drive. We conducted the first on Saturday, 15 October, and the second on Tuesday, 18 October, copies of which are attached. (For the sake of completeness, I have also attached copies of the two previous surveys, which you have already seen. ) Total trips on West Meadow Drive between 7 am and 5 pm ranged from a low of 1018 trips on Saturday, 15 October, to a high of 1618 on Thursday, 29 September. The percentage of vehicles on West Meadow Drive using the hospital varied from 34� on 15 October to 53% on 18 October. The peak number of all vehicles using West Meadow Drive during a 60-minute interval on each date is as follows: DATE TIME INTERVAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES 21 Sept not counted 29 Sept 11 am - noon 185 15 Oct 11 am - noon 158 18 Oct 1 - 2 pm 156 Statistics on ambulance calls between September 87 and August 88 were provi ded i n my 1 etter of 3 October 1988, a copy of whi ch i s attached for your convenience. • Reference Item 8 : The Conditional Use Permit issued in 1986 requires the hospital to provide 220 spaces for patients and staff during the ski season. The permit allows the hospital to achieve the total of 220 spaces by augmenting on-site parking with up to 30 spaces off-site, for use by employees. During the 1987-88 ski season, we maintained 205 spaces on-site, and leased 15 spaces at Manor Vail Lodge. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page two The 205 spaces on-site consisted of 102 self-park spaces, and 103 valet spaces. Only staff used the valet spaces. During the summer months, we maintain 151 spaces on-site. We do not valet park, nor do we lease spaces off-site. We do, however, have a rotating list where 15-20 day-shift employees park at the Lionshead parking structure Monday thru Friday. Plans submitted previously for a 3-level parking structure at the northwest corner of our property would enable us to park 290 vehicles, as follows: PARKING STRUCTURE 220 SURFACE PARKING-WEST 36 SURFACE PARKING-EAST 34 VALET 0 290 I � These 290 parking spaces will be available year-round. ' • Reference Item 9: Although we have reems of parking surveys on hand, we conducted them before the new wing was opened last summer, and felt that they were irrelevant to the current configuration of the hospital . ' Therefore, we conducted a new survey on Tuesday, 11 October, between the I hours of 8 am and 5 pm. Results are as follows: , DEPARTMFNT NUMBER OF PARKED VEHICLES I Emergency Room 15 X-Ray 3 ', Pharmacy 6 ' Patient Care Unit 14 Sports Medicine Center 55 Business Office 10 Employees 94 Miscellaneous 13 Dr. Chow 19 Dr. Gerner 2 � Drs. Eck/Zeitlin 16 Vail Mountain Medical 82 Jimmy Heuga Center 8 • Reference Item 10: Experience has shown that a large number of our employees drive smaller cars. Such cars, if properly segregated, can be parked four deep in the valet section, rather than the three deep originally envisioned. This will enable us to park 214 vehicles on-site during the 1988-89 ski season. If we lease the full thirty spaces available to us at Manor Vail Lodge, we will have a total of 244 spaces this winter. Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three Ray McMahan's 16 May 88 letter to Ron Phillips was meant merely to document that we have more parking available both on- and off-site, using present resources, than either the Town or the hospital originally thought possible. He did not mean to imply that he felt that the 220 spaces agreed to during the 1986 approval process was inadequate. In fact, we have had several discussions that this additional on-site parking might allow us to ask fewer of our employees to park off-site at Manor Vail , at least on certain days. • Reference Item 11: The 1986 permit calculated the requirement for 220 spaces by adding the number of day-shift employees, hospital beds and exam rooms. The overall total included an Obstetrics (OB) wing on the north side of the second floor, although this was never built. Thus, the number of parking spaces calculated for this department should be "credited" against our new overall requirements. (The 1986 Conditional Use Permit makes provisions for this. ) USE PARKING Patient beds - OB 10 spaces Exam room - OB 1 Day-shift employees - OB 6 TOTAL 17 spaces Subtracting this from 220 shows that 203 spaces are needed to service the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed to by the Town and the hospital . Incremental parking requirements that our new expansion will generate are computed as follows: USE PARKING Patient beds - general 20 spaces Exam rooms - general 6 Day-shift employees - general 49 TOTAL 75 spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: USE PARKING Base figure 86-87 expansion 203 spaces Incremental increase 89-90 expansion 75 TOTAL REQUIRED 278 spaces Thus, we propose to construct 12 more spaces than the calculated peak demand, based on the agreed-to formula. • Reference Item 12: None of the 290 spaces to be provided wi 11 be valet-parked. • Reference Item 15: It was our understanding that the Town would provide a new bus stop at the southwest corner of our new wing. We concur in the need for this. Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page four Questions on the ultimate traffic-conveying capacity of West Meadow Drive have been asked. We feel that a study of this sort, which must of necessity include Vail Road as well as the 4-way stop, is beyond the purview of any individual owner. We do, however, feel that West Meadow Drive could safely handle additional vehicular traffic if pedestrians were provided with a separate, attractively landscaped mall . Conversely, if pedestrians continue to walk 4 or 5 abreast down the middle of West Meadow Drive, it is difficult to argue that a� amount of vehicular traffic can be safely handled by the road. Our architect is currently working on a revised package of plans which will , we hope, address the other issues raised in your letter. This effort has been somewhat delayed by my requests that he study alternate proposals for resolving the access issue, such as various schemes for constructing a parking structure jointly on hospital and Doubletree land, at the east end of our property. Nevertheless, I expect to have a revised set of drawings to you not later that 28 October. Sincerely, Project ger i /1rp enclosures cc: Ray McMahan John Reece TRAFFIC SURVEY September 21, 198a �1 ����.� TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER VEHICLE %*** NUMBER CARS IN TIME PERIOD VEHICLE TRIPS* TRIPS - HOSPITAL** HOSPITAL LOTS**** 7-8 am 72 67 8-9 am 74 115 9-10 am 70 147 10-11 am 73 � 150 11-12 noon ° 66 ¢ 146 12-1 pm Z 67 � 117 ' 1-2 pm o 49 a 126 2-3 pm " 79 ¢ 141 3-4 pm o 87 � 140 4-5 pm Z 89 Z 89 726 *Total count of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive passing checkpoint at First Bank of Vail **Total count of vehicles using W. Meadow Drive to arrive at or depart from Hospital ***Percentage of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive using hospital ****Total count of vehicles parked in both Hospital lots at end of �ime period . TRAFFIC SURVEY September 29, 1988 'i�hL���� TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER VEHICLE %*** NUMBER CARS IN TIME PERIOD VEHICLE TRIPS* TRIPS - HOSPITAL** HOSPITAL LOTS**** 7-8 am 103 56 54% 71 8-9 am 152 84 :� 55 119 9-10 am 160 71 44 134 10-11 am 170 86 51 126 11-12 noon 185 72 39 118 12-1 pm 155 55 35 113 1-2 pm 162 69 43 116 2-3 pm ll8 63 35 125 3-4 pm 177 83 47 112 4-5 pm 176 99 56 97 1618 73� 46% *Total count of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive passing checkpoint at First Bank of Vail **Total count of vehicles using W. Meadow Drive to arrive at or depart from Hospital ***Percentage of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive using hospital ****Total count of vehicles parked in both Hospital lots at end of time period : , TRAFFIC SURVEY Octob r ],5, 1988 V��� '��� > TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER VEHICLE %*** NUMBER CARS IN TIME PERIOD VEHICLE TRIPS* TRIPS - HOSPITAL** HOSPITAL LOTS**** 7-8 am 62 26 42 36 8-9 am 59 28 ``.` 47 48 9-10 am 67 25 37 51 10-11 am 133 57 43 66 11-12 noon 158 55 35 55 12-1 pm 110 32 29 63 1-2 pm 108 43 40 52 2-3 pm 128 38 30 44 3-4 pm 108 22 20 38 4-5 pm 85 20 24 32 1018 346 34% *Total count of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive passing checkpoint at First Bank of Vail **Total count of vehicles using W. Meadow Drive to arrive at or depart from Hospital ***Percentage of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive using hospital ****Total count of vehicles parked in both Hospital lots at end of time period TRAFFIC SURVEY October 18, 1988 r,— ��'�''' TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER VEHICLE %*** NUMBER CARS IN TIME PERIOD VEHICLE TRIPS* TRIPS - HOSPITAL** HOSPITAL LOTS**** 7-B am 118 67 57 83 8-9 am 141 72 '` 51 126 9-10 am 153 89 58 130 10-11 am 135 66 49 128 11-12 noon 128 55 43 131 12-1 pm 140 53 38 106 1-2 pm 156 72 46 125 2-3 pm 149 99 66 136 3-4 pm 145 89 61 124 4-5 pm 150 82 55 85 1�15 744 53% *Total count of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive passing checkpoint at First Bank of Vail **Total count of vehicles using W. Meadow Drive to arrive at or depart from Hospital ***Percentage of vehicles on W. Meadow Drive using hospital ****Total count of vehicles parked in both Hospital lots at end of time period �t" � vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303)476-2451 October 3, 1988 I Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: Attached are summary sheets of two traffic surveys we conducted on West Meadow Drive. The first survey, conducted on 21 Sep 88, includes vehicles arriving and departing the hospital , between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivals and departures, as well as hourly counts of vehicles parked on-site, were tabulated for both the west and east lots. We conducted a second survey on 29 Sep 88 in the same manner, except that we also counted the total number of vehicles passing our checkpoint at the First Bank of Vail . On this day, 46� of the vehicles traveling West Meadow Drive between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. were on hospital-related business. Lyn Morgan, manager of the Eagle County Ambulance District, has provided the following information on numbers of emergency calls for a 12-month period: SEP 87 47 calls OCT 87 42 NOV 87 45 DEC 87 140 JAN 88 153 FEB 88 122 MAR 88 178 APR 88 89 MAY 88 36 JUN 88 54 JUL 88 104 AUG 88 84 Please call if you need any further information. Sincerely Da e Project ' n er /lrp encl osure Ray McMahan Administrator . � r �V� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ►�C medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 September 12, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz �, Senior Planner � Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: When the new wing of the hospital was opened in August, 1987, our Governing h�.��' Board felt that the present facility would be adequate to meet the commun- " � ity's health care needs until the early 1990's. However, higher than anti- cipated utilization this past winter, as well as more rapid-than-expected growth projections for the future, especially in the area of orthopedic medicine, have convinced the Board that the next expansion of the hospital is needed by mid 1990. Our proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 29,800 square feet of space for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side (8,100 square feet) , construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing (21,000 square feet) , and additional space in the basement for mechanical equipment (700 square feet) . Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the Patient Care Unit (PCU) by 10 beds, with provisions for the addition of another 10 beds in the future. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. The 3-level parking structure, augmented by remaining surface parking, will enable the hospital to park 290 vehicles on site on a year-round basis. This is 70 more spaces than we presently have available during the ski season, and 139 more than during the summer months. Ray McMahan Administrator Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page two The Conditional Use Permit issued for the last expansion requires the hospital to maintain 220 spaces during the ski season, although as many as i 30 of these can be leased off-site. The Permit also stipulates that any �� further expansion beyond merely completing the second floor will trigger a requirement that all parking be provided on-site. We believe that experience has shown that the 220 spaces presently available comprise an adequate base to meet the parking needs of the existing medical center. We have calculated the higher capacities necessitated by further expansion on an incremental basis, that is, solely on the basis of those functions which will be added to the present facility. Using the formula agreed to during the last approval process: USE SPACES 1 space per bed 10 1 space per doctor's exam room 6 1 space per day-shift employee Surgery 24 Patient Care Unit 6 Doctor's Office 10 Business Office 5 Radiology 1 Building Services 3 65 Thus, the new requirement for peak-use periods is 285 spaces: Present needs 220 spaces Incremental needs 65 spaces TOTAL 285 spaces As requested, we have studied the feasibility of constructing a new vehicular access to the hospital from South Frontage Road. Enclosed with this Application is a plan showing the best possible road that our consultants could design, working within the existing physical constraints. Also included is a Feasibility Report detailing design assumptions made, as well as conclusions. . . : Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three Unfortunately, this "best possible road" would be one whose design i parameters are outside widely accepted norms for access to public buildings in general , and hospitals in particular. It would, we believe, jeopardize the safety of persons needing the hospital 's services, as well as greatly complicate vehicular flow and pedestrian movement on South Frontage Road, even with the installation of two traffic signals. In short, it is not possible to construct a safe access off South Frontage Road, even with an expenditure in the range of $550,000-$600,000, and the hospital is opposed. We are sympathetic with the Town's goal of separating vehicular traffic from pedestrian/bicycle traffic on West Meadow Drive, and look forward to working with you and the Planning Commission in identifying possible solutions. In the meantime, please contact me if you need any additional information to process our Application. 5incerely Dan , P. . Projec a r /lrp enclosure J e �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ���C medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 September 12, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner '� Town of Vail '� Community Development Department I 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 j Dear Kristan: ' When the new wing of the hospital was opened in August, 1987, our Governing Board felt that the present facility would be adequate to meet the commun- ity's health care needs until the early 1990's. However, higher than anti- cipated utilization this past winter, as well as more rapid-than-expected growth projections for the future, especially in the area of orthopedic medicine, have convinced the Board that the next expansion of the hospital is needed by mid 1990. Our proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 29,800 square feet of space for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side (8,100 square feet) , construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing (21,000 square feet) , and additional space in the basement for mechanical equipment (700 square feet) . Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the Patient Care Unit (PCU) by 10 beds, with provisions for the addition of another 10 beds in the future. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. The 3-level parking structure, augmented by remaining surface parking, will enable the hospital to park 290 vehicles on site on a year-round basis. This is 70 more spaces than we presently have available during the ski season, and 139 more than during the summer months. Ray McMahan Administrator r Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page two The Conditional Use Permit issued for the last expansion requires the hospital to maintain 220 spaces during the ski season, although as many as 30 of these can be leased off-site. The Permit also stipulates that any further expansion beyond merely completing the second floor will trigger a requirement that all parking be provided on-site. We believe that experience has shown that the 220 spaces presently available comprise an adequate base to meet the parking needs of the existing medical center. We have calculated the higher capacities necessitated by further expansion on an incremental basis, that is, solely on the basis of those fiunctions which will be added to the present facility. Using the formula agreed to during the last approval process: USE SPACES 1 space per bed 10 1 space per doctor's exam room 6 1 space per day-shift employee Surgery 24 Patient Care Unit 6 Doctor's Office 10 �usiness Office 5 Radiology 1 Building Services 3 65 Thus, the new requirement for peak-use periods is 285 spaces: Present needs 220 spaces Incremental needs 65 spaces TOTAL 285 spaces As requested, we have studied the feasibility of constructing a new vehicular access to the hospital from South Frontage Road. Enclosed with this Application is a plan showing the best possible road that our consultants could design, working within the existing physical constraints. Also included is a Feasibility Report detailing design assumptions made, as well as conclusions. � Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three Unfortunately, this "best possible road" would be one whose design parameters are outside widely accepted norms for access to public buildings in general , and hospitals in particular. It would, we believe, jeopardize the safety of persons needing the hospital 's services, as well as greatly complicate vehicular flow and pedestrian movement on South Frontage Road, even with the installation of two traffic signals. In short, it is not possible to construct a safe access off South Frontage Road, even with an expenditure in the range of $550,000-$600,000, and the hospital is opposed. We are sympathetic with the Town's goal of separating vehicular traffic from pedestrian/bicycle traffic on West Meadow Drive, and look forward to working with you and the Planning Cornrnission in identifying possible solutions. In the meantime, please contact me if you need any additional information to process our Application. incerely, CtJI� Da , P . Project a er /lrp enclosure � ,� r �V� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ��� medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 47&2451 September 12, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: When the new wing of the hospital was opened in August, 1987, our Governing Board felt that the present facility would be adequate to meet the commun- ity's health care needs until the early 1990's. However, higher than anti- cipated utilization this past winter, as well as more rapid-than-expected growth projections for the future, especially in the area of orthopedic medicine, have convinced the Board that the next expansion of the hospital is needed by mid 1990. Our proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 29,800 square feet of space for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side (8,100 square feet) , construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing (21,000 square feet) , and additional space in the basement for mechanical equipment (700 square feet) . Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the Patient Care Unit (PCU) by 10 beds, with provisions for the addition of another 10 beds in the future. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors ' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. The 3-level parking structure, augmented by remaining surface parking, will enable the hospital to park 290 vehicles on site on a year-round basis. This is 70 more spaces than we presently have available during the ski season, and 139 more than during the summer months. � Ray McMahan Administrator i Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page two The Conditional Use Permit issued for the last expansion requires the hospital to maintain 220 spaces during the ski season, although as many as 30 of these can be leased off-site. The Permit also stipulates that any further expansion beyond merely completing the second floor will trigger a requirement that all parking be provided on-site. We believe that experience has shown that the 220 spaces presently available comprise an adequate base to meet the parking needs of the existing medical center. We have calculated the higher capacities necessitated by further expansion on an incremental basis, that is, solely on the basis of those functions which will be added to the present facility. Using the formula agreed to during the last approval process: USE SPACES 1 space per bed 10 1 space per doctor's exam room 6 1 space per day-shift employee Surgery 24 Patient Care Unit 6 Doctor's Office 10 Business Office 5 Radiology 1 Building Services 3 65 Thus, the new requirement for peak-use periods is 285 spaces: Present needs 220 spaces Incremental needs 65 spaces TOTAL 285 spaces As requested, we have studied the feasibility of constructing a new vehicular access to the hospital from South Frontage Road. Enclosed with this Application is a plan showing the best possible road that our consultants could design, working within the existing physical constraints. Also included is a Feasibility Report detailing design assumptions made, as well as conclusions. t I Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Page three Unfortunately, this "best possible road" would be one whose design parameters are outside widely accepted norms for access to public buildings in general , and hospitals in particular. It would, we believe, jeopardize the safety of persons needing the hospital 's services, as well as greatly complicate vehicular flow and pedestrian movement on South Frontage Road, even with the installation of two traffic signals. In short, it is not possible to construct a safe access off South Frontage Road, even with an expenditure in the range of $550,000-$600,000, and the hospital is opposed. We are sympathetic with the Town's goal of separating vehicular traffic from pedestrian/bicycle traffic on West Meadow Drive, and look forward to working with you and the Planning Commission in identifying possible solutions. In the meantime, please contact me if you need any additional information to process our Application. S' cerel C�u Dan - P.E. Project Man er /lrp enclosure . ' �I FEASIBILITY STUDY PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD � • r, I. INTRODUCTION In exploratory discussions regarding a further expansion of the hospital , the Town planning staff advised us that the issue of a new access from �outh Frontage Road should be addressed. While all parties understood that there were a number of rather severe constraints on any possible design, the hospital administration concurred that it should hire a consultant to study the problem, and actually establish the vertical and horizontal alignments of the "best possible road" that could achieved, working within , the various constraints of topography and existing construction, both on and off hospital property. Assuming the proposed road would meet all standard safety criteria, the hospital saw two potential advantages for improving its operation: o Ambulances could gain quicker access to South Frontage Road, not only for actual emergency calls, but for transporting critical pa- tients from the hospital to the helipad west of the Post Office, for medical evacuation to Denver. o Patients needing medical services could gain quicker and more-direct access off South Frontage Road. This might be particularly helpful for the tourists who use the hospital , and are generally unfamiliar with the Town's layout. II . DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS As in any engineering problem, but especially one involving an existing facility, the owner and consultants must identify certain goals that should not be compromised and certain design variations that will not be pursued, because they clearly fall outside the range of practicalities. In the case of a new access to the hospital off South Frontage Road, the major assumptions we made are as follows: o Above all else, safety is of paramount importance. At the risk of stating the obvious, a hospital is a unique facility. Access must be good not only for ambulances, but also for private vehicles. o Any road must be minimum of 25 feet wide, to allow for 2-way traf- fic. In addition, a separate pedestrian walk should run adjacent to the road. o A separate on-ramp allowing ambulances to safely merge with general hospital traffic is desirable. o A possible access at the northeast corner of hospital property must be aligned in such a way that it would minimize the loss of parking spaces at both the Doubletree Hotel and the Vail National Bank building. o The existing east lot, used primarily by patients visiting the pharmacy and doctor's offices, would remain intact. We feel that this lot is needed for the convenience of those patients using those facilities. In addition, losing those 26 parking spaces would re- quire constructing another half-level on the parking structure, at an incremental cost of $350,000. o Demolition of any existing buildings, including the Ambulance Garage, is not financially practical . ln the case of the Ambulance Garage, it is already in an optimum location, immediately adjacent to the Emergency Room. i , . � Page two o An access off South Frontage Road between Vail International and the Doubletree Hotel is possible only by enclosing Middle Creek in a culvert, and building the road over it. The enviromental impact of the culvert, and the necessity of cutting down all the trees and other vegetation lining the banks of the creek, seemed so severe as to preclude further consideration. o An access generally following the alignment of the existing bike path between the Ice Arena and Vail International , and in some manner merging with East Lionshead Circle, appeared to have most of the features which the Town wishes to eliminate in our present access, and was not studied further. III. DISCUSSION Mountain States Engineering Associates, P.C. , working in conjunction with Fisher, Reece and Johnson, P.C. , our building architPCts, was directed to � study the problem, and furnish a design which would address the above goals �', and assumptions as well as possible. The resultant design is shown on the ' attached plans (3 sheets) . We have a number of rather serious concerns with the proposed road: I o The grade, in one area as steep as 8.33%, is excessive for a ' hospital access. We feel that 4% is the maximum grade acceptable for a hospital access, even under dry-pavement conditions. (Ns a point of reference, the west approach to the Eisenhower Tunnel is approximately 7%) o The 30-foot radius of the curve at the east end is, at best, very marginal . Coupled with the steep grade, this curve is even more troublesome, even though we could bank the curve. o The proposed hospital access is slightly offset from the existing drive into the lot shared by the Municipal Building and Post Office. Ideally, of course, we would have liked the two access drives to be directly opposite each other. Barring this, the next best option would have been to separate the two drives laterally by at least 100 yards. Because of the constraints imposed by existing construction, neither goal can be achie��e�. There would be an extreme hazard created when vehicles negotiating left-hand turns from the hospital attempted to merge with vehicles making right-hand turns from the municipal/Post Office lot. The existing access road into the Doubletree, only 60 feet west of the proposed hospital access, is another factor jeopardizing safety. Lastly, the large number of pedestrians attempting to cross in the middle of this vehicular confluence concerns us greatly. At the very best, the State would have to install two traffic lights, as shown on the plans, to mitigate -- although never completely solve --those hazards. o Although the vertical and horizontal alignments are severe even in warm-weather months, in winter much of the road would have to be mechanically heated, either by electric mats or glycol circulated under the pavement through pipes. We feel that a hospital access r y Page three road that must rely on mechanical snow melting to be negotiable in adverse weather is clearly outside the normal range of design parameters. o Ambulances must be able to egress from both the east and west sides of the Ambulance Garage. Those leaving the east-facing bays must continue to use West Meadow Drive, because our consultants concluded -- and the hospital concurs -- that a separate on-ramp, merging with the proposed access road somewhere near the east property line, was � not feasible. An ambulance leaving the west-facing bay could only access the new road by negotiating a 180-degree turn with a very short radius. In order to use the proposed access road, a west- facing ambulance would have to stop at least once, back up, and resume turning. This is clearly unacceptable for an emergency vehicle. Thus, this ambulance would also be required to continue using West Meadow Drive. One of the two hoped-for advantages to the hospital in constructing a new access road (that is, more direct � egress for ambulances to South Frontage Road) is not attainable. ' o Even without incurring on the small parking lot at the east end, , the hospital would loose thirteen existing surface parking spaces. These spaces could be recovered only by constructing a larger parking structure. At $10,000 per space, this would add $130,000 to the effective cost of the road. � o The 26 vehicles using the east lot must continue to use West Meadow Drive. o The proposed cost of this project is at least $550,000 - $600,000. ; Even this estimate does not include the cost of land acquisition I from the Doubletree or Vail National Bank building, or with developing a structural solution to the danger of our undermining , the southeast corner of the Doubletree's foundation. It also assumes that the 12-inch water main that runs just north of our proposed access road would not have to be relocated, either because of inadequate ground cover to prevent horizontal migration of frost from reaching the main, or to allow construction of some type of structure to stabilize the southeast corner of the Doubletree. IV. CONCLUSION ! The design of this proposed road is fundamentally flawed. While it might be marginal for a hotel or condominium complex, it is clearly unacceptable for a facility with the unique function of a hospital . Furthermore, the proposed access is measurably inferior to our present access off West Meadow Drive. Because this hospital serves the health needs of the entire community, we think that the safest possible access, given the current state of development in Vail , must be a high-priority goal embraced by the entire community. i � • Braun said that there would be no way to prevent anyone from using the parking structure. He added that in the case of the hospital people parking at Manor Vail , that Jack Rush, manager, would be able to monitor this. Osterfoss asked I McMahon if he would have any way of knowing if employees were parking at the Medical Center, and McMahon assured her they could by use of valet parking. Donovan suggested adding another column to the patient sign-in sheets asking exactly where they parked and whether or not they had a problem finding a parking space in order to find out exactly what the situation was. Braun pointed out that one condition placed upon the Medical Center was that they monitor the parking situation. Piper felt that having the hospital do their own monitoring was a little like a fox in a chicken house. Diana felt that the Town should do the survey. Hopkins stated that she would like to see what traffic is generated by the hospital , by broken legs, doctors' offices, new babies, etc. She added that in most cities, the doctors' offices were not on the same site as the hospital . Braun stated that one condition of the original approval was that there be an annual review of the parking situation starting the first spring after the first winter of operation. Donovan asked what could be done if it the parking situation was found to be inadequate, and Braun answered that the number of required parking spaces to be leased off-site could be increased. Hopkins stated that in a year she would want to re-evaluate to see exactly the number of spaces being used by the Sports Medicine Facility, the doctors and the hospital . Hopkins moved and Schultz seconded to approve to amend the previouslv approved development plan for the expansion to the Vail Uallev Medical Center per the staff inemo dated Mav 12, 1986. The vote was 5-1 with Donovan votinq against because she felt that this was poor planninq. 5. Appointment of a member to the Land Use Plan Committee Rick Pylman stated that it would be good to have one member from the PEC on the committee. Donovan nominated Jim Uiele, and Jim said that he would be willing to serve on this committee. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm. �� tow� of uai 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a�s-7000 oifice of community development Ms. Deborah Jost Administrator Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Users of on-site parking Dear Deborah: As I am sure you are aware, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved your request for off-site parking at the Manor Vail Condominiums. As a condition of approval , the Planning Commission requested that the Medical Center provide detailed survey informtion concerning the users of the Medical Center buildings. This would include a breakdown of user type (i .e. clinic patient, hospital patient, visitor, business related, employee, etc. ) , time of day, length of stay and where exactly they parked. As you may recall , we had previously discussed this concept as needed information to help verify the parking needs of the Medical Center. Congratulations on your recently announced promotion. I would request that you see to this letter being passed on to your successor. We can then coordinate the details of the survey information prior to the coming ski season. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, / \ �����^_ Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB:bpr cc: Ron Phillips PEC Members 1 �� vqil v411ey 181 West Meadow Drive ►'�'� medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 � s i � May 2, 1986 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road South Vail , CO 81657 Dear Ron: As previously discussed with Peter Patten and Tom Braun, we will not be appealing the Planning Commission's recent denial of a Conditional Use Permit for parking off West Meadow Drive, and a fourth row of valet parking. Please disregard the April 21, 1986 letter from our counsel , Yu, Stromberg and Huotari , P.C. , indicating otherwise. 'ncerely, an "en y er . /ls � cc: Deborah Jost Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Tom Braun Deborah Jost Administrator ii� .�. . \ � / — - ��� . , �o�� a� �a� � �i 75 south frontage road vaii, colorado 8i657 (303) a76-7o00 office of communtty development April 2, 1986 h1s. Deborah Jost Ac-�inis�rator � Va��3 Valley Medical Center ' 18- Wesi Meadow Drive I Vail , Colorado 81657 i i Cear Deborah: I �:�uld like to clarify two points relative to your March 31 , 1986 letter to Ror Phillips. These would pertain to the schedule you outlined with respect to �he Council ' s review of the proposed agreement between the Town and the Va�l Va?ley Medical Center. The points to be clarified include the following: 1. While I did agree that a letter from Bob Lazier/Sun Vail Condominiums amending the number of spaces available for lease from 20 to 29 will satisfy the Planning Commission's ccndition of approval , we have yet to receive written verification of this. Without this documentation, the Planning Commission approval is not finalized. We will need to see tnis written veriTication from Bob before we can schedule a work session with the Council . To facilitate the preparation of the Council agenda, written confirmation from Bob will be required by Thursday at 5:00 pm. 2. Wnile a formal review with the Town C�uncil can be tentatively scheduled for their evening meeting on April 15, it must be understood that this is conditional on the progress made at the work session conditionally scheduled for April 8 at Z:00 pm. I want to emphasize that the specifics contained within the agreement will havQ to be worked out during ±he work session review. The Tormal review at the evening meeting will take place once there is a solid conceptual agreement be�ween �he two parties concerning the wording of the agreement. Assuming oositive progress is made at the work session, we will plan on formal review the evening of the 15th. However, if addit;anal time is needed to resolve the ag��ement, the for�al approval by the Council may require rescheduling. i i •° i � As you recall , an amendment to your approved plans was submitted that would permit �ne surface parking spaces located along Meadow Drive. As was explain�d to me, this was a "fall back" proposal if your initial parking propasal to the Planning Commission was denied. In light of your pending approval from the PEC, a decision needs to be made concerning this amended application. My recommendation to you is to withdraw this conditional use application. Please advise me of your decision by Friday, April 4, 1986. I hope these clarifications are understandable to you. If not, do not hesitate to me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, ' , �'"'"" \ , � Thomas A. Braun Senior Flanner TAB:bpr � I i � � � � � � , ; ;, _ - ,'�;y tow� of uai � 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a�s-7000 oNice of community development February 24, 1986 Ms. Debra Jost Administrator Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Remaining approvals for hospital addition Dear Debra: I wanted to briefly outline for you the remaining approvals prior to beginning construction of the hospital addition this spring. While your approval Tuesday night was the big one, there are some steps remaining prior to construction. The first of these will be March 5th at the Design Review Board meeting. I would request that Hillary submit his revised elevations as well as any other revisions to the plan by Thursday, February 27th. In addition, a detailed sign proposal should be made on this date. If that date is a problem, please contact me to determine when these drawings can be submitted. Secondly, the Planning Commission is required to review the shuttle/parking solutions proposed with this development. We can discuss these alternatives further at our meeting next week. Dependent upon publication requirements, this Planning Commission review could be either March 10 or the 24th. Finally, the written agreement between the Town Council and the Medical Center will need to be reached prior to the issuance of a building permit. Logistically, it would seem wise to have the shuttle system finalized prior to initiating this dialogue with the Council . I would anticipate that comments and changes regarding the conceptual agreement would be from the Council more so than the staff. This dialogue can take place at Council work sessions with representatives from the Medical Center. With the exception of the detailed review of the building permit plans, the above mentioned steps should complete the Town's review process of this proposal . Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, ,' ,' � �. ' s,�-----�- - Tom Braun Town Planner TB:br �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive � medical center Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 January 14, 1985 Mr. Tom Braun Town of Vail Box 567 Vail , CO 81658 Dear Tom: �I At the suggestion of the Town's Design Review Board, I am hosting a meeting I with those agencies concerned with the hospital 's need for an emergency �� transport helipad. The discussion will be open and informal for purposes of , updating ourselves regarding all sides of the issue. The meeting will be held Friday, January 25, 1985 at 9:OOa.m. in my office. Continental breakfast will be served. Please R.S.V.P. to Suzanne Fitch at 'i 476-2451 ext. 231 . j Sincerely, � Deborah Jost Administrator DJ/smf Deborah Jost Administrator � � Project Appiication Date 1/10/86 Project Name: Vail Valley Medical Center Project Description: Addition and alterations to V�IMC Contact Person and Phone Deborah JoGt, AdminiG a o 47Fi- 451 x 31 , Owner, Address and Phone: 181 W. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Lead Architect: (303) 777-0407 1500 S. Pearl Street Architect, Address and Phone: Fisher1 Reece & Johnson. Architects. P.C. Denver. CO 80210 Associate Architect: Briner/Scott Architects, 143 E. Meadow Drive, Vail, CO 81657 476-3038 Legal Description: Lot E & F , Block , Filing Vail Village, 2nd Filin�Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: w�� PPROVA DISAPPROVAL �v Summary: ' � t ' � t �- w�c.- -� ���o�Q� (:�Clahv�o �-.� � _ YLt�L� ��..�`.e� �Ll� , �� � Z.t i 7t� ��TU �� U l _ `. �u , �� � To n nner ❑ Staff Approval Date: r ' y ` '\ I that it was frustrating to all that Golden Peak was not yet constructed, but added that if the present request were not approved, he did not know if it would change Golden Peak's priorities. Donovan asked if it would do any good for the board to express their feeling to Gillett in a letter, and Macy felt that if the board chose to write him, that would be fine. He added that Gillette was aware of many aging lifts, etc. , whereas, Golden Peak could still function as it was. Because of the many other priorities, Macy felt that Golden Peak would not be #1 in priority for a number of years. Viele moved and Schultz seconded to approve the request for a conditional use to enlarge Chair 12 with the staff recommendation that the approval would onlv be valid for as long as the interim development plan was valid and would be reconsidered at such time as the interim development plan was reviewed bv the Town. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 3. A_request for a front setback variance in order to build a residence on Lot 7, Vail Village lOth Filing. Applicants: John Mueller and Frank Wyman This was tabled until the May 28th meeting. 4. A request for an amendment to the approved development plan in order to re-locate previously approved off-site parking on Lots E and F of Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Centerr �" Tom Braun explained that one element of the Medical Center's app.r�tied development plan involved the lease of 30 off-site parking spaces to meet the parking demands of the proposed expansion. At the PEC's last review of the project, they approved off-site spaces to be located at the Sun Vail condominiums. Any changes to the location of these spaces were to be reviewed and approved by the PEC. The Medical Center was now requesting to locate the spaces at Manor Vail rather than at Sun Vail . Through a parking utilization study which Manor Vail conducted, the staff determined that Manor Vail could lease 67 spaces to others. Braun stated that the staff recommended approval of the Manor Vail site, with the condition that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail condo association be submitted to the staff indicating that the condo association agree to the lease arrangement. Ray McMahon, representing the Medical Center, stated that he had talked with Bob Lazier, owner of the spaces at Sun Vail , and Lazier indicated no opposition. Donovan said that she would like to have a way to find out just exactly where the people who work in the Medical Center are actually parking. She was opposed to the fact that they may be using the parking structure because the hospital may never actually add on and in the process of adding on, construct a parking structure. McMahon indicated that the Medical Center did know who was parking on their lot. Donovan felt that since a parking pass did not really cost that much, there would be employees who felt that their time was more valuable, and in fact she had spoken to employees who had said they would buy a parking pass. / ! F i PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 12, 1986 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Tom Braun Pam Hopkins Kristan Pritz Peggy Osterfoss Rick Pylman Duane Piper Betsy Rosolack Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane Piper, at 3:00 use after site visits. 1 . Approval of minutes of April 28, 1986. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes and the vote was 6-0 in favor. 2. A request for a conditional use permit in order to expand the lift operator building at the base of Chair 12 in the Golden Peak Ski Base Recreation zone district. Applicant: Vail Associates Rick Pylman presented the staff inemo with the staff recommendation ofi approval . He showed elevations of the building and explained that the total size of the building after expansion would be 768 square feet and that the approval would expire in June of 1987. He stated that a conditional use permit to allow a previous expansion of this building was granted in September of 1984 and since that time VA had received approval for a new development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base area. That redevelopment plan had since been put on hold and a I two year interim development plan had been approved which would expire in June of 1987. The interim development plan did not address this facility or the needs of the lift operations personnel . Although the expansion of the lift operator's building at Chair 12 did not further the redevelopment of the Golden Peak area, the Town strongly supported efficient mountain operations, and due to the location of the building, felt that there would be no negative impacts. Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, explained how the building would be used and stated the existing building was severely inadequate for VA's needs. Peggy Osterfoss asked if the expansion wou1d be large enough when considering that the mountain expansion plans would include China Bowl . Macy replied that it would not only be large enough for the China Bowl expansion, but also for the expansion of lifts 6 and 10 as well . Piper asked if the building would remain after the new facility was built, and Macy said that it would remain and it would probably be used for storage and part would be used for the operation of Chair 12. Diana Donovan felt that it could be more aesthetically pleasing, and Macy said that he would pass on the concern to DRB. Donovan stated that the redevelopment of the Golden Peak facilities seemed to have been placed on the back burner. She felt that the more the Town allowed VA to construct "add-ons" the more remote the construction of new facilities at Golden Peak seemed. She did not like the indefinite time period. Macy replied • • �� V� �— � 1�1��ie� � 'r � — �,,,u�. ,t ��P — �`� v� � ��w�ow�e�...�> � � — '��` - (� – �w�. 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The build�ng for� and mass is determined by the functional requirements of the second floor patient care units and the limitations imposed by the site. 2. It xill not be feasible to expand horizontally in the future therefore the building addition is designed for vertical expansion of tWO more floors plus a mechanic�l eq�:�pmer,t pe-ithouse and a rocf-tcp helistop. The rocf therefore is level in order to tecome the third floor in the fl�ture. 3. The °enestration at the second (and future floors) is a horizont2l strip xindow approach to reduce the visual-scale of the building nass. This window approach also provides the maximum Window area for the patient rooms and therefore the maximum achievable views as well as er.haneing the atmosphere within the rooms. �;. Build�.ng void ar�' reces� spaces are prcvided at t°.e first f?oor in or3e^ to lessen the in�act of the buildir.g ma�s on the site, Lo create ir,te^tst and to fu^t5er visual.y reduce the sc�:e of the b;;=�ding. 5. Tre bu�i�in� mate*ials are face brick to mater er be coWpatib'_e with Lh�t of the e�:istins buildings, tinted ir,sulated vi�ion glass and spandrel glass in per�ano�ic finish aluminu� franes, and board formed cor.crete to matcY� Lhat of the existing buildings. 6. In 2n effort to maxi�ize the on-site parking of this limited site there resuits a restricted amount of green space. Ti:is r.eeds to be ve^y earefully developed by a landscape arc�iitect �n orcer to achieve a very' ' strong landseape statement. ' . *• u • � . r • �� . ' ' APPLICATION DATE: � DATE OF DRB �IEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBP4ITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff inember is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to f�nd out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval m�ast be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Two STORY AND PARTIAL BASEMENT ADDITION TO VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER (42,923 GSF) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 181 WEST MEADQW DRIVE VAIL, C�JLORADO 81657 VAIL VILLAGE Legal Description Lot E & F Block ---- Filing SECOND FILING Zoning SPECIAL USE C. NAME OF APPLICANT: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Address 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO telephone 476-2451 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: DEBORAH JOST Address 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO telephone 476-2451 E. NAME OF OWNERS: °j� Signatu e % �--- Address telephone F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10.00 � io,00l - � 50,000 � 25.00 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $ 50.00 $i50,001 - $ 500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00 $ Over $1,000,000 $3�G.u0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements , the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners . Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. i � . ' � . . � � . . . • , . 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should ' check with a Town Planner be�fore proceeding. . • ` �� � • � � MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED - I . NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies) : 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acre� or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or mor°e one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders , intermittent streams , etc.) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts , swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gas Telephone water electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures , landscaped areas , service areas, storage areas , walks , driveways , off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations) , and other site improvements . 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. 6. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals , to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shr?ubs -and^native plants th� are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape area=s wi�h the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. � 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners . Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged . The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. , • ' - � � E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1 ' or larger) 2 copies • 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. - Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Community Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc. , should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans , drawings, specifications , samples and other material (including a model ) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines . II . MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site pla►�; of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors ��� materials to be used. III . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements . IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i .e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines , type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations . � • • • • • � . � � • _ UTILITY LOC��TION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER LOT E & F $LOCK FILING VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING ADDRESS 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountain Bell 1-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company , ,;��'� �l �` Ga ry H a 11 ;��,�., /.��� ��i���1/ �/a �- �� � * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. < � / % * For n�w cons Ted Husky/Mi chael Laverty '��, • �Z 7�`�= pl ease fi l l ou aitached sheet Vail Cable T.V. � � r Gary Johnson ,� �, t �_..,� � � , ° �, � Upper Eagle Valley Water ` and Sani tati on Di scri ct �—�,� �- �� _�"� David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before dibging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. � This forr.i is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. i , � J ' � � ' • • • • ` • LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT E & F BLOCK --- ,FILING VAIL VILLAGE SECOrm FILING - STREET ADDRESS: 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Two STORY AND PAR zAL RasFMFtvT annTTT�N T� VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER (�, '� GSF1 The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof MEMBRANE W/ROCK BALLAST GREY Siding N/A Other Wall Materials BRICK TO MATCH EXISTING RE� BOARD FORMED CONCRETE TO MATCH EXISTING GREY Fascia N/A SOff1tS EXTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD WHITE Windows TINTED GLASS/ALUMINUM FRAMES BRONZE W111ClOW Trim PERMANODIC ALUMINUM BRONZE Doors TINTED GLASS/ALUMINUM FRAMES BRONZE Door Trim ALUMINUM BRONZE Hand or Deck Rails N/A Flues METAL BRONZE Flashings METAL BRONZE Chimneys N/9 Trash Enclosures � �M NATURAL Greenhouses N/A Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES populus tremuloides ASnPn 74 ��-�" 64 2-2;" picea pungens Colorado Spruce __ 15 6-9' 20 10-12' --s6 ��- EXISTING TREES TO malus dolgo Dolgo Crabapple 5 22" BE REMOVED �> Aspen 1 15' 4 9' Spruce 2 15' 1 20' 1 10' *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers . (over) . , � � • . • . PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size � (con't) SNRUBS potentilla fruiticosa Bush Cinquefoil 184 5 gal cornus stolonifera Colorado Redosier 50 5 gal coloradensis ogwoo — juniperus horizontalis Trailing Juniper 100 5 gal �rvt��_I��►-,� , So EXISTING SHRUBS none , TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS potentilla verna 11,050 perennials/kinnikinnick/Oreqon qrape 3,515 SOD SEED native arasses 12,000 TYPE OF drip on north hill�idP below Do �bl trPP 7,400 IRRIGATION � heads 11,730 TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL � C. OTHER� LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences , swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. 3'-6" cone, wall , board formed, at area ways 8' -10' brick wall with signage l\.,�I.N�R A�v. . �..���,..,,A,1 I � .; . �• • • , • . ZONE CHECK ' FOR � SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Filing ADDRESS: OWNER Phone ARCHITECT Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE _ LOT SIZE Allowed Proposed Height (30) (33) Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front 20' Sides 15' Rear 15' ', Water Course (30)(50) Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits : Garage (300) (600) (900) (1200) Mechanical (50)(100) Airlock (25) (50) Storage (200)(400) Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Slope Actual Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Wetlands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature ' , � • MUD LOT � . B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: . phone: PLANT MATERIALS: 6otanical Name Common Name uanit _ Size* PROPOSED TREES populus tremuloides Asppn _ lp 1�;_2�� 15 2-2 2" picea pungens Colorado Spruce 16 10' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED . SHRUBS - EXISTING SNRI�BS, , TO BE REMOVED ' ,��— Type Square Foot GROUND COVERS soo � SEED native grasses 6300 TYPE OF IRRIGATION � TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees . Indicate height for conifers . (over) . _ • • MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 18, 1986 12:00 p.m. A special meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, April 18, 1986, at 12:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Dan Corcoran Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer MEMBERS ABSENT: Eric Affeldt TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney The first item to be discussed was an update of theJlail Village M�ster Plan. Members of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) present for the discussion were Diana Donovan, Sid Schultz, Duane Piper, and Jim Viele. Peter Patten and Tom Braun presented background information on how the planning process for this project has proceeded over the past year, as well as new information on how the concept of the plan has been changed from previous discussions. As proposed, zoning changes to specific properties are no longer being considered. A new review process similar to how the Urban Design Guide plan functions is now being proposed. There was general support for this concept with an understanding that the staff would proceed with drafting the Master Plan and then begin a public review process with the Council and PEC later this spring. This review process would concentrate on the specific goals and objectives as well as the public and private improvements identified by the plan. There was no vote taken on this item. The second item was the agreement and lease agreement for the Vail Valley Medica C�.nter. Larry Eskwith gave details on the requested c anges by ouncil rom the Evening meeting last Tuesday. After a short discussion by Council , one change was made on page 3, section 6, adding language providing that employees of the hospital , Doctors' offices and related medical facilities use the valet parking. A motion was made by Hermann Staufer to approve the agreement and lease as amended, and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2, with Kent Rose and Dan Corcoran opposing. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk � • MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 15, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, April 15, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt � Dan Corcoran Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was the appointment of a Planning and Environmental � Commission member. The applicants were: Connie Knight, Lewis Meskimen, Peggy Osterfoss, L. Roy Sante, Bob Voliter and Gerry White. A vote was taken-Peggy Osterfoss was appointed. The next item was the appointment of a Design Review Board member. The applicants were: Lolita Higbie, L. Roy Sante and Bob Voliter. A vote was taken and L. Roy Sante was appointed. The third item on the agenda was the appeal of Planning and Environmental Commission denial of Burger K�g request to enclose an outdoor dining patio. Rick Pylman gave detailed 6ackground information on the request. Jay Peterson, representing Snowquest Partners, the owners of the Burger King restaurant, gave reasons why the request should be approved. After a lengthy discussion by Council , Peter Patten gave his thoughts on the request. A motion was then made by Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal to uphold the PEC decision to deny the request. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Eric Affeldt and Gordon Pierce opposing. At this time, Peter Patten stated there had also been a request for a set- back variance which had also been denied by the PEC. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to uphold the PEC decision for denial , which Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Gordon Pierce and Eric Affeldt opposing. The fourth item was the Vail Valley Medical Center lease and agreement. Larry Eskwith explained details o�the agreement and the-lease agreement for the Mud Lot. Fred Yu, counsel for the Hospital , explained enhancements planned for the Mud Lot and requested a prorated refund if the agreement was terminated early with which the Council disagreed. Deborah Jost, the Hospital Administrator, made comments on Sun Vail and Manor Vail offering parking spaces. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal requested some wording changes: 1) page 2, paragraph 6, change "reasonable" to a specific number; and 2) page 2, paragraph 5, restructure the parking sentence to say through the PEC. Fred Yu requested wording in the lease to include the Hospital 's normal right of appeal if the PEC turns them down for parking changes. He also felt the liquid damages clause was inappropriate, but the Council disagreed. Larry Lichliter, a member of the Hospital board of Directors, commented on their parking problems and that they are working on a solution. Lew Meskimen had questions regarding the parking, to which Deborah Jost responded. At this time, Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the agreement and lease agreement with some items to be worked out between Larry Eskwith and Fred Yu: 1) Paragraph 5 in reference to option or lease with Sun Vail , reword the last sentence. 2) Paragraph 6, to change reasonable amount of time to a specific amount. 3) Page 3, paragraph 1, a mutually acceptable dollar amount to be inserted. 4) Include appeal rights for the Hospital through the PEC. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Kent Rose and Dan Corcoran opposing. The final version of the agreement and lease agreement would be reviewed by Council at the Special Meeting to be held Friday, April 18, 1986. � � V� 0 �?�i.1�. � 59��..�di��a��CrtV�—' �1.�.,�A�pr�{O 81657 303•476•565� V Telex 950269 April 14 , 1986 Mr. Ray McMahon ' Vail Valley Medical Center i 141 E. Meadow Drive � Vail, Colorado 81657 Re : Lease of Parking Spaces Dear Ray: Please let this letter serve to confirm our recent telephone conversations regarding the Vail Valley Medical Center ' s desire to lease thirty (30) parking spaces from Manor Vail Lodge. These spaces will be made available to Vail Valley Medical Center per- sonnel for the 86/87 winter season. At the conclusion of the 86/87 season, it will be the intent of Manor Vail to re-negotiate with the Vail Valley Medical Center for the leasing of these spa- ces for the 87/88 winter season. The cost for the above mentioned spaces will be $10 ,000 . This will be made payable to Manor Vail at the beginning of the 86/87 winter season. This lease is subject to approval by the Planning Department of the Town of Vail based on their review of Manor Vail ' s vacant parking spaces from this past winter season. I feel q�aite confi- dent that this will not be a problem. The Vail Valley Medical Center will be responsible for all insurance liability pertaining to the leasing of these spaces. If this is agreeable to you, please sign below where indicated. Sincerely, MANOR VAIL LODGE ----�► k Rush, A Ray McMahon Ma aging Agent Vail Valley Medical Center � .,.._--- 4jt ��6 �� � Date � � � � + � Box 3595 ��'�" � ` Vail „ Colorado 81558 11th Hpril �36 7he Vail To��� Council Cornmuriity �ev�lo,pment Dept . Vai1 Plunicipal �uil� i �igs Vail D�ar Sirs Rk `Jail ��alley= ��iedicial Buildings I feel ti�at all par�;ies involed in -�he recen� To��n ptan�� ing application and the issue of the nurnber oi par!cing spaces at the CE�tre hav:� overloo�<ed an iir�per�tant issue and �the dcsirabilit� and bene�Fiis of haviny 7 quality nospitai in the town have over-ridden a basic problem with th� i��edical Centr�s current proposals �a��el�� that vei� icular acc2ss is sol�ly via West i�-�eado�� Drivz . I consider that tl�` further � and considerable increase in th� us� of �;h;: Drive is detri - m2nt� 1 to the general struct;ure of �he �fo��ii for this Drive = s r:.��guLarly us�d by visitor�s and �eside��ts as a pcd`strian li ��k betwee� Vail ceii�tre a�d Lior�si�ead . Curr2ntly the link is reasonably pieasu�t altt�ough al ��ady bei �g spoilt by increasin� hoSDi-tai und T. O. V . vehicular� access to par'<ing lo�se ,-he princi �le of keeping tiie amou�t ofi vehicular trafric �r�ithin the Town to a minimum is comnendable vet the current P�edical Centre ' s proposals are completly c�n�crary . I believe �that �there must b� a better solution fou�d to this important issue and such exceeds a�v question as to the number o�F saac�:s actually provided . bJtiils�t �rritting I wouid also point out that I feel��;�� locat- ion of �the refuse area is ���ot ideal , i=or in my experience it is dubious if sufficient screening can b� obi;ained to w�at is usually an iantid� area . The r�-�use stor�� should be part o�f the main struc-ture rather tha� a iit�tle "out-house" . � ( I You�s fai�c:hfully �,. j:. l � ��� � ; �lair THOkPE � ' �� � • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIUEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on May 12, 1986 at 3:00 pm in the council chambers in the Vail municipal building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use in order to expand the lift � operator building at the base of Chair 12 in the Golden Peak Ski Base Area. Applicant: Vail Associates 2. A request for side setbacks and a front setback variance in order to build a residence on Lot 7, Vail Village lOth Filing. Applicants: John Mueller and Frank Wyman 3. A request for an amendment to the approved development plan in order to re-locate previously approved off-site parking on Lots E and F of Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN i Senior Planner � 1 I Published in the Vail Trail April 25, 1986. � JANUARY 1986. LISTING OF ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES BORDERING THE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER. Lot�� Vail National Bank (Note: Lot �62 is a resub of lot D) . Box 2638 Vail, Colorado 81658 2 Doubletree 25� South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 D Mr. Ron Anderson (The Skall House) 727 Penn ' Holton, Kansas 66436 ' 4 Mr. Richard Eddy Mr. Meade 5�85 S. Fairfax 5�85 S. Fairfax Littleton, Colorado 8�121 Littleton, Colorado 8�121 S Mr. Benjamin Duke 555� S. Steeie Street Littleton, Colorado 8�121 6 Mr. Irving J. and Mrs. Carol J. Schwayder 591� Happy Canyon Drive Englewood, Colorado 8�11� 7 Mervyn Lapin 232 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 8 H.F. Kepner Manager by Calva Corporation 5161 Juniper c/o Century 21 Littieton, Coiorado 8�123 Box 611, Avon, Coiorado 8162� 9 James U. King Jr. c/o Kross Petroleum Inc. 9�� Threadneedie, Suite 65(l Houston, Texas 77�79 l� Town of Vaii 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Tract Town of Vail A 75 South Frontage Road West Vaii, Coiorado 81657 �� ����,,I � l� �l • � Date of Appl ication ��/�,Q �6 Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. � The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPL ICANT ��,[ c�A,���y �����—�,� ADDRESS_��� G� �y�o � ��� J� -- IIAI�► �G /6�/ PHONE • �,2 �/ B. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE �� t�a� ADDRESS `�� � A��(� . PHONE � — C. N E OF OWNER S) (print or t pe; 17` . , �5��� � OJNER(S . SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS_�� � g�� )� PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS �(�� �1)� m�i�,�i�ln ��Pl I�I�,�� CD �� � , E. FEE $100 PA"ID 3 7 ��CK ���1� BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID EFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property . INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHI'ND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE . A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING � ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT'S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT �'� . WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREh1ENTS. ' PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAh1LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE � � PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS I�D�ED. _ . . - —_ . . _ . , OVER � � II• Four (4) copies of the following information: A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to ma:;e � the u�e compatible with other properties in the vicinity. , . ..� B• A site plan shc:air.g proposed development of the site, i.ncl�ldiZg ,, . topography, building locations, par.'c�nq, traffic circulat�on, . � , useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� , �' ' features. • � . : ` C. Freliminar buildin ' Y g plans and elevations sufficient to indicat` the di�ension:;, general appearance, scaie, and interior plan of � all buildings. _ _ � D• � Any addition�l material necessary for the review of the application �t.;, as determined by tne Zoning Administrator. . III. Time requirements � � The Planning and Environmental Com.•nission meets on the 2nd and 4th . Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accc:;,panying material must be submitted foiir weeks prior to the date of the . meeting. � , _ _ � � : . �_ . �,. � - _ . ,� �- � .. , _ ,; --. . ._� � ;- � • �� , 3 � Note: These minutes have not been approved by the Planning Commission. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FEBRUARY 10, 1986 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Tom Briner Peter Patten � Diana Donovan Tom Braun /�� , / Bryan Hobbs Rick Pylman � , (J`J Duane Piper Betsy Rosolack Sid Schultz � Jim Viele � ABSENT ( Pam Hopkins ------------�--_ 1 . A re uest fnr a conditional e ermit and a arkin variance in order to construct an addition to the V il Valley Medical Center. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center � � , Tom Bra�a. explained the request an "�showed floor plans, site plans and elevations arrd��ointed out the cation of a liquid oxygen tank and trash dumpster. He state e second floor area that contained the obstetrical care unit was to be done at a later date, but should be considered as part of the proposal . Braun pointed out that the Medical Center and the private clinics played a vital role in providing health services to both permanent residents of Vail as well as guests. Braun said that there were a number of areas with respect to the proposal where it was felt that the development standards that have been adopted by the Vail community were not being met, but that the staff was sympathetic to these shortcomings and had worked with the Medical Center in an attempt to resolve them to the greatest extent possible. There had been a williingness on the staff's part to compromise some areas of design and planning because of the nature of this facility. The staff felt that the Center served the community as a direct benefit and resouce and merited some considerations that could not be afforded to private development. He referred to the memo written on the proposal . Debra Jost, administrator of the Medical Center, gave a little background on the request. She said that studies had begun three years previously on a five year projection and a ten year projection of the Center's potential needs. The conclusion was that within five years there would be a need for 35 beds. Ms. Jost admitted that the shuttle system was a stop gap measure and said that the employees had agreed to use a shuttle so that the Center could have additional beds. The Medical Center hoped to raise funds for a parking structure for the long term solution. Hillary Johnson, the architect for the addition, showed a model and some perspectives. He explained that the reason the proposed addition would have a flat roof was so that it could be expanded upward at a later date. � � `�� . Merv Lapin, a resident across Meadow Drive from the Medical Center, stated that the Medical Center was an excellent neighbor but was concerned about the parking situation because the lot at present was not always controlled. He suggested a pay lot. Lapin questioned the need to have parking spaces for the Town employees of the ice arena and the libray. He suggested they park where the other Town employees park. Lapin also warned that he would be against any heliport on the site because in the past, pressure from helicopter flights twice had blown out windows of his residence and he was also concerned about the safety of having flights in the area. Lapin suggested that a time line be placed on gaining more parking or proving the lack of need for more parking. He stated that he would like to have seen the figures that justified the economics of postponing the parking structure. He expressed the wish to have the oxygen tank and trash dumpster moved or buried. He also suggested a compactor instead of a dumpster. Sid Schultz quoted the staff inemo as stating that in the next construction phase the Medical Center would build a parking structure. He wondered how the later situation would differ from the present situation to allow the construction of a parking structure. Ms. Jost responded by stating that this addition would take the burden off with additional beds and would give the Medical Center time to raise more funds. Schultz then asked if the staff felt that a four story building that had been mentioned would be compatible in the neighborhood. Braun responded that the staff could only judge the present proposal of two stories. Schultz asked the architect what the plans were for a long term parking solution and where it would be placed on the property. Johnson said that it would be on the northwest corner and would be 2-1/2 tiers tall , the lowest tier would be down one level from the street. He indicated that future plans could call for rebuilding the original hospital because the roofs would not allow expansion upward. Donovan asked if the Medical Center's plan was to expand again in five years and Jost replied that although the studies were for five years, they would not know for certain whether or not another expansion would be needed in five years because of so many uncertain factors. Donovan also wondered if the Medical Center had discussed sharing parking with the Doubletree and Jost replied that they had pursued this for a time, but that the Doubletree (Crest) did not follow up on the idea. Donovan asked the staff whether or not they had felt this was a worthwhile idea to pursue and Braun replied that there had been some problems in the fact that the Medical Center was non-profit, while the Doubletree was not, which made working together cumbersome. Braun felt that from a conceptual standpoint, a joint use parking facility was a solution worthy of study. He added that the Doubletree also had many other problems to solve. Braun stated that the 220 parking spaces figure was for the whole proposal , but the 2nd floor wing was being postponed. If the 2nd floor wing were to be constructed at a later time, parking for this part will already have been accounted for in the 220 figure. Donovan stated that she agreed with Lapin in that Town of Vail employees did not have to park near the library and ice arena, that originally the "mud lot" was to be for patrons of the library so that people could make a quick stop at the library. She stated that the library and ice arena were being made inaccessible. Lapin agreed and felt that there was a disincentive to use the Lionshead Parking Structure because of the short period during which there was no fee to park there. Donovan also pointed out that the access to and from the "mud lot" was dangerous because it was impossible to see buses coming from the , � � � west. For this reason, she also felt the location of the oxygen tank was not good. Donovan felt that a 90 day clause as stated in the tentative agreement with the Center was too long, and suggested it be shorter. Jost explained that the Town staff and the Medical Center staff had discussed this and felt that because the Medical Center might not have immediate control over some problems to do with parking. Donovan felt the shuttle system would not work. She stated that she wanted to approve the proposal , but was not totally convinced that the Center had done all possible to explore parking alternatives. Jost replied that the Medical Center had talked to the Doubletree, had looked at using the Lionshead Parking Structure, had considered building a parking structure, and were now proposing a parking shuttle. She added that if they had overlooked anything, they were open to suggestions. Jim Viele stated that he shared all of Donovan's concerns regarding the shuttle not working, but did understand that alternatives had been researched, and yet felt that more studies should be done on parking. Jost asked for suggestions on how to go about studying the parking differently. Viele replied that he would like to see the financial papers which did not allow for the construction of a parking structure. Jost said the papers were available to the public. �� Bryan Hobbs felt that the parking situation was atrocious. Piper asked about the cost of a parking structure. Johnson stated that he did not recall exactly, but felt it was about $1 .5 million. Piper asked for number of spaces planned, and Johnson replied there were to be 2-1/2 tiers with 60 spaces per tier, about 150 spaces in all . The bond issue was for $6 million, the parking structure would be about 16-17% of the budget. Piper asked if the parking structure could be built if the 2nd story wing were postponed, and Jost replied it could not, and was contingent upon financing. Piper felt that about 50% of the employees would come from down valley and were not likely to drive past the hospital to the golf course parking lot to be shuttled to the hospital . Piper stated that he did not know of any project that the Town had ever approved for expansion but allowed less parking than originally existed. He added that the success of the shuttle was extremely important. Jost explained that the hospital was not negligent in planning, but that it has ' grown extremely fast. .. Braun stated that if there were a motion for approval , the placement of the oxygen tank should be given further staff study and should not be approved at this time. The location of the oxygen tank and the trash dumpster were discussed further. I Donovan felt that the only way that she could vote for the expansion was if I there could be further study of parking solutions. She suggested limiting ' visitor hours, spreading out visiting hours, etc. She felt that the whole Town � needed to work on the solution, and something could be written that committed persons to meet to work on a solution, and felt a solution could be found if enough people would be willing to work on the parking problem. Jost asked for ideas, and Donovan suggested perhaps paying employees extra, maybe showing employees how much money they would save if they rode the shuttle. Jost replied that she felt the employees would be willing to meet with the Town staff. Piper felt that in some way a shuttle could be worked out, but did not feel the issue would have to be tabled. Donovan suggested giving conceptual approval and working intensely for the next two weeks to brainstorm more ideas for parking. Jost replied that they had met with the Town and explored many ideas. She was � � � . wondered if the board was aware of all the work that had gone into the parking proposal . She added that the management of the hospital had stated that they would not let employees park on site and would not give incentives to encourage the employees to park in the Lionshead Parking Structure. Donovan felt a solution to parking was still needed. Piper stated that everyone was interested in solving the parking problem. Viele moved and Donovan seconded a motion to deny the request. Thev felt uncomfortable with the parking solution and felt there could be a better solution found. The vote was 3 in favor of denial , 2 aqainst with Briner abstaining. 2. A request to amend Section 18.71 of the Vail Municipal Code to address small additions of Gross Residential Floor Area to multiple famil units. �plicant: Town of Vail Peter Patten asked to withdraw this request. 3. The board was reminded of the Booth Creek tot lot meetin on February 11 in the Town Council Chambers. Patten told the board that a tentative date for a joint work session with the Council would be March 6th from noon until 2:00 pm in order to work on the Vail Village Master Plan. � - • • ` . 7. A review of the Vail Valley Medical Center's propo�.ed employee parking system as required in conjunction with the conditional use approval of the Center's proposed expansion. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center Tom Braun explained the proposal that included 53 off site parking spaces in four different areas. In addition, a total of 191 spaces were now shown on a revised site plan of which 85 spaces were assigned/valet spaces. The staff could not support the 12 spaces located in the Vail Uillage Inn because it was felt that the availability of these spaces at the present time were undoubtedly due to the inaccessibility the general public had to those spaces. In addition, the VUI development as a whole was well short of what its required parking on site should be. Twenty spaces were proposed to be at the Vail 21 parking structure. Since there was no documentation concerning the utilization of that lot, the staff was unable to support this element of the parking proposal . One space within Village Center had been offered for lease to the Medical Center. Lacking additional information, it was assumed that this space was tied to a condominium in the project, and if leased to the Medical Center would theoretically eliminate a parking space for this unit. For that reason the staff could not support the leasing of this space. At Sun Vail , 20 spaces were proposed to be leased in an area of the site where parking would be provided for future development of the Sun Vail condominiums. The staff could support these spaces being leased to off-site users. The staff suggested additional parking be located at Sun Vail to make up the 9 space deficit. Deborah Jost, the Medical Center administrator, stated that Joe Staufer had demonstrated that spaces were available in the VVI . As for the one space at the Village Center, her husband leased this space separately from a condo and this parking space was formerly storage. She stated that one problem with the Sun Vail site was that is was the furthest from the Medical Center and that the Medical Center was being charged two times what the others were charging to lease parking spaces Piper agreed with the staff and stated that any leased spaces must not displace other locals from their parking spaces. Discussion followed concerning available parking at Vail Village Inn complex. Patten stated that that project was very short of parking and that parking on the site was required for retail or lodges. Donovan pointed out that condo spaces at VVI have restricted parking spaces. Dan Feeney, who organized an experiment with valet parking at the Medical Center for three days, stated that the experiment went very well . He said that no more than 2 cars were backed up, usually during the 7:00 am to 8:00 am shift change, that after the employees got over the anxiety of having someone else park their cars, they became quite supportive. He kept hourly logs which he offered to distribute to the Town staff the next day. He stated that between 6:30 am and 7:30 am they parked 22 cars, between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, they parked 28 cars, after which they experienced a slowing down to 6 to 8 cars per PEC -6- 3/24/86 . ' � L 6. A request for a conditional use permit, rear, side and front setback variances and a required parking variance in order to construct an addition to the Ski Club Vail building located at 598 Uail Vallev Drive. Applicant: Ski Club Vail . Kristan Pritz explained the request and showed elevations, floor plans and site plans for the addition. Charlie Adams, co-director of Ski Club Vail , stated that the club was attempting to improve the quality as opposed to enlarging and that the enrollment would not increase, but the congestion would be decreased. Steve Boyd spoke from the audience in favor of the addition, saying that this would benefit the community, since 85% of the racers in Ski Club Vail were from Vail . Donovan stated that the parking problem was awful and felt that it would make more sense to not have any parking at all to facilitate the movement of cars through the drop-off area. Tom Briner, architect for the project, stated that they had looked at several ways to get 3 spaces elsewhere. One option would have resulted in a 12 foot retaining wall . Piper felt that since the width of the drop-off was 18 feet, it may work. Donovan suggested a one year approval to see whether or not the drop-off and parking would work. Donovan moved and Hopkins seconded to approve the request with the followinq conditions: 1. The facility must remain a private ski club facility. Any changes to the club that would allow for public access to the facility would require another conditional use review. 2. Ski Club Vail agrees to sign and strictly enforce the loading zone and parking. 3. Ski Club Vail agrees to submit a revocable right-of-way permit for the encroachments onto Town of Vail property. 4. Ski Club Vail agrees to plow and maintain the turnaround so that auto access is maintained at all times. The snow will be hauled off the site by Ski Club Vail . Snow will not be dumped out into Vail Valley Drive. 5. Staff recommends that landscaping on the south side of the building be provided to soften this elevation. All landscaping should be designed with protection from snow storage. This is a detail that should be addressed at DRB 6. (This condition was added to those in the staff inemo. ) That there be a review after one year to see whether or not the parking and drop-off area needed to be changed. The vote was 5 in favor, none against with Viele and Briner abstaining. pec 3/24/86 5 . � - • � . hour until 3:30 pm. At 3:30 pm there were 20 cars. At 6:30 pm the remaining car keys were turned over to the personnel at the switchboard. The employees were pleased to be able to park at the front door of the Medical Center. Feeney stated that during the busiest time 3 people were needed to park the cars, that temporary signage was used, and that no patients used the valet parking. Discussion returned to the parking situation at the Vail Village Inn complex, and it was learned that one needs a card to get into the parking complex at one entrance, and a gate is located at the other entrance. In Stauffer's letter agreeing to provide 12 parking spaces for the Medical Center, he stated that he had control over 50 spaces, 8 for tenants, 20-30 for the hotel , and had 12 to 22 not used. Piper wondered if it was fair to the retail owners to not be allowed to use these spaces. He felt that anyone going to the shops or restaurants in the VVI complex should have access to the parking spaces. Pritz added that when the teen disco was being contemplated, the staff was told that there was no parking available in the structure which houses UVI parking. Donovan stated that Vail 21 was used for employees, and that the Village Center was leasing spaces illegally. She felt that Sun Vail had potential . Jost stated that she felt her husband's lease of the space at Village Center was legal , and Patten read from the zone code which stated that "no owner, occupant, or building manager or their respective agent or representative, shall lease, rent, convey or restrict the use of any parking space, spaces or area to any person other than a tenant, occupant or user of the building for which the space, spaces or area are required to be provided by the zoning ordinances or regulations. . ." In referring to the Village Center, Patten stated that the problem was that the property owners or developers have, in this case, chosen not to utilize the parking space for required parking, and instead, are leasing to people un-connected with the building which is technically a violation of the zoning code. He added that the staff had been dealing with the change of parking to storage in those areas for several years. Jost stated that she felt that she had covered all possible lease options in town, and Viele agreed with the staff that Jost must provide documentation that was asked for to prove the spaces were really available and Donovan and Schultz agreed. Hopkins suggested trying to get more cars on the site of the Medical Center using valet parking, and Piper felt the lot was already pretty crowded. Jost then asked if the board would approve 3 spaces at VUI , 3 at Vail 21 , and 20 + 3 at Sun Vail . Braun said the staff had no documentation about Vail 21 and could not approve leasing spaces there. As far as the VVI was concerned, Braun stated that the general public or users of the VUI site weren't allowed to use the parking spaces when Staufer was required by the zoning code to allow them to use the spaces. Jost stated that she had pursued getting more information on the VVI to the extend she could. She suggested the hospital request 9 additional spaces from Sun Vail . Piper summarized the request should be for 29 spaces from Sun Vail and the valet parking as shown on the site plan. Jost stated that this winter she would keep a log on the medical center parking lot to see if they have an excess of spaces. pec 3/24/86 -7- . � � ' � . Hobbs moved and Piper seconded to approve the proposal conditional on the Medical Center securing 9 additional spaces from Sun Vail and 191 spaces on site with an annual review starting in the first sprinq after the first winter season of operation. The vote was 6 in favor with Briner abstaining. 2. Pam Hopkins volunteered to serve on DRB for April , May and June with Diana Donovan as alternate. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. PEC -8- 3/24/86 • • • PLANNING AND ENUIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 10, 1986 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Peter Patten Bryan Hobbs Kristan Pritz Duane Piper Rick Pylman Sid Schultz Betsy Rosolack Jim Viele ABSENT Pam Hopkins The meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm by the chairman, Duane Piper. 1. Approval of minutes of 2/24/86. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the mi nutes of 2/24. Vote was 5-Q_ta---a-��ev��-____„ �—___ -� 2. A work session to review the�i�. Valle Medical Center's� ro osed empl oyee parki ng system as requi re -ea�rjt�n�et��orr���h the condi ti onal approval of the Center's proposed expansion. Peter Patten explained that the Medical Center was to come up with a plan to "make up" a shortfall of 61 parking spaces to meet the Town Council 's condition of approval . The Medical Center was presenting the idea of using off-site parking and using valet parking. Their plan was to lease 12 spaces in the parking garage of Phase III of the Vail Village Inn, 20 spaces from the Vail 21 , and provide 36 spaces by using valet parking on the site. They determined through a survey that 8 employees walk to work. Patten stressed that this was to be only a work session, with no staff recommendation and no expectation of a vote from the PEC. Patten stated that the staff felt the lease spaces should be evaluated through the lease parking ordinance pro�ess. He added that the staff had envisioned a more permanent type of parking solution and felt that this solution was not ideal . Deborah Jost, hospital administratcr, was confusa� about the parking along Meadow Drive and Duane Piper reminded her that the PEC had not approved any parking along Meadow Drive. Jost explained how the valet parking would work: The back two rows would be for early arrivals who would leave their keys with a valet person, and the front row would be for short time parking only. She added that they were also pursuing the parking of 20 cars at the golf course parking lot with a shuttle. She referred to a letter to Tom Braun dated March 3 in which she outlined the above suggestions. Jost polled the board to see if they preferred off-site parking to the use of a shuttle. In general , the board did prefer the off-site parking but were very concerned that this be only a temporary solution. Donovan felt that a parking structure was needed immediately. She added that the use of parking spaces in other places was merely shuffling the problem to those other parking lots. Schultz stated that the Medical Center was not presenting any corzingency plan �I in the event that the number of employees who walk to work should decrease. He ' added that the Vail 21 lot was usually full and that many VUI condos were not yet sold. He felt that the Medical Center should instead contact some project � � that rea;l,� knew how many extra spaces they would have. Jost said that if she utilized the latest parking survey, did the staff feel that this would be accurate, and Patten emphasized that the survey referred to was only for 3 days, and was done on a week-end that was not terribly busy. He added that the staff had not directed anyone to feel that the numbers in the survey were correct. He stated that th� staff needed more information. Patten said that Joe Staufer (owner of Phase III of the Vail Village Inn) had been asked if he would be able to lease some of his parking spaces and Staufer had replied that he did not have any excess parking spaces, and so Patten was concerned about the spaces the VVI was promising to the Center. Piper suggested that there should be another more conclusive parking study done. Patten added that he would like to see more information from the people who had stated they would lease spaces to the Medical Center to see exactly how the spaces were being utilized before they were lease spaces to the Medical Center. Jost asked to poll the members about their feelings about the 21 spaces along West Meadow Drive. The members were not in favor of this, and some felt this should be a last ditch effort only. Donovan felt that not only should it be a last ditch effort, but that it should only be a temporary partial solution. She also stressed that she felt it was still important to gain access to the hospital parking lot from the South Frontage Road and Jost stated that she probably would proceed with an agreement for an access easement from the Doubletree. John Reece, architect for the Medical Center, showed the landscape plan along West Meadow Drive if the 21 spaces were to be allowed. Jost stated that the Medical Center was considering making the entire lot a pay lot. She asked if she should not pursue the idea of a shuttle. Piper replied that it might not be necessary if she could work out other solutions. He asked Jost if an access agreement with the Dc�.�bletree could be worked out. Jay Peterson, representing the Doubletree, stated that they had agreed to allow an access across their property to the hospital . Piper stated that the PEC was still interested in seeing an access agreement because they felt it was important to reduce the amount of traffic coming down Vail Road and West Meadow Drive. Jost stated that they would formalize the agreement. She asked when the staff would need a new application, and Patten replied that it should be received by 9:00 am Tuesday, March 18. He added that Tom Braun had also mentioned the need to show a circulation loop on the west end of the parking lot and that the compact spaces appeared to be too small . Reece asked if they must show the concept in plan or if it could be in narrative form, and was told it must be in plan. Gates to the lot were discussed and Dick Duran, Fire Chief, stated that one prob�lem with gates was gaining access to the lot by the Fire Department in the case of a fire. Donovan suggested that in the case of a fire, the trucks could simply go through the gates with little trouble. Duran preferred sensors. He stated that if gates were put up, he would request that they be left the same width as the driveway. It was suggested that the gates could be tied into the fire alarm system, automatically opening the gates when the alarm system was activated. 2 . � • � 4. A request for a conditional use to amend the development plan of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Applicant: Vail Vallev Medical Center. Peter Patten made the presentation. He explained that the Medical Center is requesting to amend their development plan for the expansion project which was approved by Town Council on February 18, 1986. The request is to construct an 18 space parking lot in the landscaped area along West Meadow Drive on the southeast area of the site and to add a fourth row of valet parking in the main lot. Gary Swetish, architect on the project, stated that compact cars would be placed on the end, as it is easier for them to get out of the lot. He said that planting removed in the area of the retaining wall on the northwest corner would be relocated to the east along the north edge of the property, potentilla would be increased along East Meadow Drive, a 3'6" high wall along the sidewalk would be built with a planter on the top to screen cars. He stated that the Council had asked the hospital to try to locate all 220 spaces on the site and this plan was a response to this request. Kit Williams, representing Sun Vail , stated that it was their intent to help the community by agreeing to lease spaces to the hospital and that parking costs reflect site development costs to locate parking on the site--grading, paving, etc. They were not trying to take advantage of the situation. Kathy Douglas, a resident across from the hospital stated that she had no objections to planters and berm and as president of the hospital auxiliary was in favor of the parking on West Meadow Drive. Joan Norris, speaking for the Skaal Haus Condominium Association, stated that the area was filled with pedestrians and felt it was a pity to turn this area into a parking lot. She added that the wooden enclosure and placement of the trash receptacle was not satisfactory and should be moved back. She stated the need for more lights along the street, and felt the street was very dark. Norris also felt that some access to the north for ambulances seemed necessary. Merv Lapin, resident across the street, stated that he would prefer to see la�dscaping in place of parking on East Meadow Drive. He felt that an extra ingress/egress is a problem. He felt that more entrances equaled more problems in terms of traffic. Lapin stated that the hospital was not a charitable organization, but charged to cover costs and to make improvements as a commercial institution. He stated that originally the hospital when built was to last only till year 2000. The new plan is a five year plan which conflicts with residential . Lapin felt that the Frontage Road exit was really more appropriate--this really should have been done--without Frontage Road access, West Meadow Drive will eventually become very congested with vehicles. Fred Yu, attorney for the hospital , stated that the hospital was supported by charitable donations somewhat and does provide some free assistance, though it was not a church. He asked if there was a way to provide parking on the site as the Council requested. He believed that the proposal would be used for five years and should be looked at in those terms. Lapin asked if he could see the financial statement of the Medical Center and was told by Ray McMahon that there was a statement that was prepared for the bond financing and Lapin could look at it. Lapin asked, in respect to real estate concerns, at what point was this site not appropriate for a hospital . Pam Hopkins asked if there was a division -3- ' M • • between doctors' offices and actual hospital that might determine when the building becomes more of a medical center. She asked if doctors and private offices could pay into a parking fund similar to what occurred with the Doubletree. Patten said that the idea was not to use structures for private parking as was stated with the Doubletree. Mr. Yu stated that there was the possibility that costs for parking will be passed onto the users of the hospital . Sid Schultz agreed with Pam that landscaping was very important. He said congestion on West Meadow Drive had a severe impact on pedestrians. He asked what happened to the idea of accessing from the Frontage Road as per a previous request and Deborah Jost replied that Jay Peterson stated that the hospital may have access from the Frontage Road but that they hadn't done any specific feasibility studies or drawings. Gary Swetish stated that an emergency access was discussed and the 10�o grade was a problem for the Fire Department. He added that the traffic on the Frontage Road would be increased a great deal . Schultz said that 100% of car traffic using West Meadow Drive could be a major conflict because West Meadow Drive was the major pedestrian link between Lionshead and the Village. Swetish stated that the Town Council had asked that they attempt to get the parking on the site and with out details with the staff on a Frontage Road entrance. Schultz replied that perhaps the Council was saying that we need a parking structure. Ray McMahon said the hospital made $700,000 to provide for the future of the hospital and is trying to serve the community. In the first year of constructing a new building they will break even, and experts tell them they are going to have to expand the hospital . Diana Donovan said the longer the process goes on, the more a parking structure is a necessity. In the beginning this was not meant to be a county-wide hospital , but lost sight of the original intent of the hospital--is not a glorified clinic. She pointed out that the impact of parking adjacent to the Doubletree will have many impacts - that is why there are setback regulations. She felt the parking plan looked very difficult to really use. Donovan repeated that she felt it was negligent on the hospital 's part to have all of � the traffic enter the hospital parking lot from West Meadow Drive. She felt the Frontage Road access shoul� be a priority. She felt that the hospital should have worked with the Doubletree to share the costs of a parking structure, that it had become more obvious that a parking structure was necessary and that maybe the hospital should be located on a new site. Jim Viele stated that the proposal has variances way beyond what we would be considering for a private group, and is way beyond special privilege. He described the proposal as an asphalted site. Viele fe�t a parking structure was needed to meet the intent of the zoning. Duane Piper said that he was not in favor of parking in front of the building as he had stated before at a previous meeting. He also co�ld not support the fourth row of parking and the loss of landscaping. Donavan felt that the sidewalk should connect to Lionshead instead of just to the hosp�tal . Kathy Douglas felt that no one would be using the sidewalk, beeause they walked fi abreast. Patten felt that the sidewalk wnuld be used if it were properly designed as was the sidewalk in front of the Village Center. I, , _4_ . � • . Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to deny the request to amend the previous approval per the staff inemo, stating that this was not a solution that is adequate for on-site parking. The vote was 5-0 to deny the request. 5. A request to amend Section 17.16.130 C, Final Plat Requirements and Procedures to include an Eagle CountY Tax Assessor's Certificate and to include the actual certificate in Section 17.32.800. Applicant: Town of Vai 1 Kristan Pritz presented the staff inemo explaining why this amendment was necessary. Piper questioned why we cared if property taxes are paid. Patten explained that it was not the Town's role to "police" this matter, although it would provide disclosure to buyers. Viele requested more information on why we need to get involved in this. Larry Eskwith explained that there was no real benefit to the Town, but rather to the potential buyer. He added that the Town would have no liability in this matter. Schultz moved, Hopkins seconded to approve the request. Vote was 5-0 in favor. Peter Patten presented 4 housekeeping items, congratulating Tom Braun on his promotion to senior planner, outlining PEC schedule for June (it was decided to cancel the Memorial Day meeting and not have an extra meeting in June) , reminding the commissioners of the Village Study joint meeting with Council on Friday, and noting that the Burger King application was appealed to Town Council . The meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm. -5- . � . � r # � VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING NEEDS As indicated by the Comparative Parking Requirements For Hospitals and Medical Office Building, a copy of which is attached, it is difficult to assess the parking needs of one facility to another facility by comparing the existing codes and standards. To better understand the actual parking needs of Vail Valley Medical Center the hospital made a survey of the existing parking lot to determine how many people used the lot and for what purpose. The survey was conducted from August 28, 1985 throu�h September 2, 1985 and encompassed all three work shifts of hospital employees. The three work shifts are 7:00 A.M. To 3:00 P.M., 3�00 P.M. to 11 :00 P.M., and 11 :00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. The survey was conducted from 7:30 A.M. with a count of cars in the lot from the r.�ight shift, and extended to 8:00 P.M. to aecount for both day and evening sh:Lfts. The following additional information is relevant to the survey: 1 . The back parking lot, (adjacent to existing Sports Medicine) which provides 22 parking spaces was closed during the study. 2. Access to the parking lot was not controlled. When visitors parked in the lot for ether than hospital business, they were not asked to move �heir cars. 3. Durin� the period of the survey, there were at least 30 empty spaces at all times. This included the time of shift changes, cars tiza� had no affiliai:ion or business at the hospital , visitors and regular hospital staff. 4. There are 13 physicians who have private offices located within the hospital. Their hours of operation are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 5. Even tn��i�n the lot was not controlled, the maximum number of cars in the lat at any time was 130. This included patients, doctors, visitors and un- auth�rized parking. A copy of parking survey is attached. The preser.t site with the expansion will accommodate 1�J8 parking stalls. Of these, 20 az°e for doctors parking. It is felt that with the use of a parkin� attendant the unauthorize3 parking can be eliminated. This le�ves 12$ parking stalls for patients, visitors and employees. Allowing 55 stalls for the maximum em�loyee shift (ski season) will leave 73 stalls for turn-over parkin� for patients ar.d visitors. The parking survey indicates that the average time of stay for patients and visitors is fairly consistent at slightly less than 6Q minutes. The average parking time required for hospital business trips is approximately 3� �inutes. Assuming the average length of s�ay, (including hospital business trips) to be 60 minutes for turn-over parking the 73 turn-over parking s�alls will, during an 8 hour period, accommodate 58u ears. At maximum capacity , the parking for an 8 hour period for patients, visitors and employees would accommodate 639 cars (55 + 584 = 639). With the separation of the Doctors' parking lot and an attendar�t controlled main parking area, the 148 stall parking will more than accommodate the acLual parking r.eeds of Vail Valley Medical Center r � � • VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Following is a breakdown of existing facility Gross Square Feet and a breakdown of Gross Square Feet for the proposed expansion. The area of Sports Medicine is included with area of Physicians Offices and Clinics. PHYSICIANS OFFICES EXISTING FACILITY - 19 BEDS HOSPITAL AND CLINIC TOTAL FIRST LEVEL 29,250 ---- 29,250 SECOND LEVEL 5,9�5 15,245 21 , 190 Sub-Total 35,195 15,245 50,4�0 Ambulanee Building #,760 ---- 4,760 Total - Existing Facility 39,955 15,245 55,200 PHYSICIANS OFFICES PROPOSED EXPANSION TO 30 BEDS HOSPITAL AND CLINIC TOTAL BASEMENT 12,658 ---- 12,658 FIRST LEVEL �3, �35 3,9b5 �7,�00 SECOND LEVEL 13, 165 ---- 13, 165 Total 38�.958 3,965 42,923 TOTAL BUILDING GROSS SQUARE FEET OF EXISTING FACILITY AND PROPOSED EXPANSION 78,913 19,210 98,�23 Following is a breakdown of Medical Staff and Employees: Medical Staff 32 Employees Off Season Ski Season Total Max Shift Total Max Shift 55 25 100 55 I � � . . . � • • VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEh1TER PARKING SURVEY August 28 through September 2, 1985 - HOLIDAY WEEKEND AVG, # AVERAGE # OF OF AUTOS TIME AUTOS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE PER DAY PER STP.Y 163 Employees 8-31 9-1 9-2 54.3 6.7 hrs. 47 Patients 8-31 9-1 9-2 55. I2 min. 52 Visitors 8-31 9-1 9-2 59.71 min. 77 Dr. Visits 8-31 9-1 9-2 57.72 min. - 40 Hosp. Bus. 8-31 9-1 9-2 38.16 min. 35 Emerg. Rm. 8-31 9-1 9-2 53.57 min. 24 Unauthorized 8-31 9-1 9-2 16.52 min. 438 WEEKDAYS AVG. � AVERAGE # OF OF AUTOS TIME A!1TOS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE PER DAY PER STAY 258 Employees 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-3 64.50 7.1 hrs. 130 Patients 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-� 57.10 min. 109 Visitars 8-28 8-29 8-3� 9-2 53.14 min. 347 Dr. Visits 8-28 8-29 8-3Q 9-2 52.5Q min 158 Hosp. 8us. 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 26.10 min 36 Emerg. Rm. 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 65.42 min. 88 Unauthorized 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 20.1� min. �� • . • • • COMPARATIVE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDINGS PHYSICIANS OFFICES SPACES REQUIRED WMC HOSPITAL AND CLINICS EXPAIv'DED TO 30 BEDS PHYSZCIANS OFFICES HOSPITAL AND CLINICS TOTAL Denver, Colorado: 1 stall/600 GSF 1 stall/300 GSF 116 64 180 Aurora, Colorado: 1 stall/2 Pat Beds 1 stall/400 GSF 97 48 145 +l stall/Med Staff +1 stall/2 Emp. Colorado Springs, Colorado: 1 stall/6 Pat.Beds 1 stall/200 GSF 87 96 I83 +1 stall/Med. Staff +l stall/2 Emp. Colorado Public Health: 2 stalls/Bed -NA- 60 - 60 Wyoming Public Health: 1 stall/Bed -NA- 85 - 85 +l stall/Day Shift Emp. Dept. Health & Human Services (Federal) 1 stall/Bed +1 stall/Day Shift Emp. -NA- 8� - 85 Logan County, Illinois: 1 stall/3Pat.Beds 1 stall/400 GSF +1 stall/3 Empl. 44 48 92 Florida * South Miami: 1.75 stall/Pat. fied 1 stall/275 GSF 53 70 123 Dade County: 1 stall/Pat. Bed +1 stall/3 Emp. -NA- 74 - 74 & Resident staff Miami: 1.5 stall/Bed 1 stall/450 GSF 45 44 99 Broward County: 1 stall/Pat.Bed +1 stall/1000 SF -NA- 119 - 119 Orange County: 1 stall/Bed 1 stall/200 GSF 30 96 126 Tallahasse: 1 stall/Bed 1 stall/200 GSF 30 96 126 • • � • Comparative Parking Requirements For Hosnitals and Medical Office Buildings Page 2 � * From Report by David Plummor and Associates for South Miami Hospital dated Revised December, 1984. Note: Other facilities were compared however, their parking code requirements were the same or less than the facilities noted above. • • VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE III. A. The variance requested is for on-site parking (18.52. 100 C1 & C9). The zoning ordinance requires on-site parking as follows: 1 . Existing Hospital 22, 107 NSF Hospital Addition 16,586 NSF 38,693 NSF 1 space/patient bed = 30 1 space/150 NSF - 258 28$ 2. Existing Medical Offices 7,181 NSF Medical Offices Addition 3,983 NSF 11 , 164 NSF 1 space/200 NSF = 56 TOTAL PARKING REQiJIRED = 344 PARKING TO BE PROVIDED = 148 III.A. 1. The requested variance does not relate to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The use of the structures is intended to remain as hospital and medical office use. There is minor increase in oecupant load due to the buildin� addition. III.A.2. There are no other sites in the vicinity with hospital and medical office use therefore compatibility and uniformity of treatment is non-applicable. IZI.A.3• No effect. The parking needs for Vail Valley Medical Center (Hospital and Medical Offices) is presented in the attached paper "Vail Valley Medical Center Parking Needs". By survey it is demonstrated that the parking to be provided is adequate for the expanded facility if unauthorized parking is prevented. This would be accomplished by an attendant during peak demand. The attached paper on Parking Needs shows parking requirements by other jurisdiction's and their effect if applied to VV MC. This further demonstrates that the parking proposed for VVMC is adequate for the building uses. . ,. . • • VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER BUILDING DESIGN 1 . The building form and mass is determined by the funetional requirements of the second floor patient care units and the limitations imposed by the site. 2. It will not be feasible to expand horizontally in the future therefore the building addition is designed for vertical expansion of two more floors plus a mechanical equipment penthouse and a roof-top helistop. The roof therefore is level in order to become the third floor in the fLture. 3• The fenestration at the second (and future floors) is a horizontal strip window approach to reduce the visual-scale of the building mass. This window approach also provides the maximum window area for the patient rooms and therefore the maximum achievable views as well as enhancing the atmosphere within the rooms. 4. Building void and recess spaces are provided at the first floor in order to lessen the impact of the building mass on the site, to create interest and to further visually reduce the scale of the building. 5. The building materials are face brick to match or be compatible with that of the existing buildings, tinted insulated vision glass and spandrel glass in permanodic finish aluminum frames, and board formed concrete to match that of the existing buildings. 6. In an effort to maximize the on-site parking of this limited site there results a restricted amount of green space. This needs to be very carefully developed by a landseape architect in order to achieve a very strong landscape statement. . , � � VAZL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER AREA TABULATION BASEMENT MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 3,690 NSF UNFINISHED 5,260 ST�ZRS, CORRIDORS, SHAFTS & STRUCTURE 3,708 12,658 GSF FIRST LEVEL SPOHTS MEDICINE 3,965 DGSF PHYSICAL THERAPY 5,274 DGSF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1 ,82�4 NSF LOBBYS, CORRIDORS, STAIRS, VESTIBULES, SHAFTS, PUBLIC TOILETS � STRUCTURE 6,037 17 ,1Q0 GSF SECOND LEVEL NURSING CARE 21 MED-SURG & �1 INTENSIVE CARE 13, 165 GSF BUILDING �42,923 GSF i � I'I , I . � Date of Application_ ,Tanuary 13, 1986 Date of PEC Meeting February 1�, 1986 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionai use permit. . The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Vailey Medical Center ADORESS 181 West Meadow Drive Vaii, Colorado 81657 PHONE 47b-2451 B. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPR�SENTATIVE Deborah Jost ADGRESS as above PHONE 476-24 1 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (print or type; tv/A ADI�IINISTRATOR � Q1�11J F @(�t,.-T'—�I-C ni o T,�;S �� � � - ADDRESS Same as above � PHONE I D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT�_BLOCK FILING Vail Village - 2nd Filing ADDRESS 181 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 E. FEE $100 PAID j �3 fi � CK � 227 gy I _� 11 -�' . ►� � THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHI'ND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE . A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT' S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT . WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. . • PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE TNE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPRUVAL THAT THE � PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A ` BUILDING PERMIT IS I�SUED. _ . . - �— . -_ ,�� OVER � � II. Four (4) copies of the following information : A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make � the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. , , B. A site plan sho;�ir.g proposed development of the site, incltlding topography, building locations, par?cing, traffic circulation, � useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� ' features. " � ' C. Preliminar buildin ' Y g plans and elevations sufficient to ir.dicate the dimension�, general appearance, scale, and interior plan of � all buildings. _ _ . D- � Any additional material necessary for th� review of tY�.e application ,.;: as determined by the Zoning Administrator. . III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Com.-nission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the nece material must be submitted four weeks ssary acccripanying . meeting. � Prior to the date of the � ,- � � : : — � � _ : 4 y_ r � `. • . . • - I `��� ... . . . � 4 �� � • • . �J ^ �/� ``� \ __ \� �,l(1 �Q���[I 0� ��I �' 75 so�th irontage rcad vail, cotorado 81657 (303) 4�6-i000 Septembe� 27 , 1°85 Ns. Debra Jcs� Admin i st:a tor Vail Val'ey "edical Center 181 V;est x:eacow Drive Vail , Coloraco 81657 Re : Vail Valley Medical Center Exp�nsion Plans Dear Debra : Following t'r,e work session with the Planning Ce�T�cpentosome September 9th, the Planning staff of our department time discussing the expansion plans at Vail Valley Nedical Center. I thought it would be helpful for you to be aware of �;hat we �eel to be the relevent issues with respect to an expansion ! to your facility. The following is a brief summary of these i ��ues : Par;cing lhis is obviously the area of greatest concern with ��, re �pect to any expansion at the hospital . However, one � car.not asGume that if this issue is addressed, all the areas of concern with respect to an expansion are also �olved. As we have indicated , our position is that we will consider I al �ernative formulas for calculating parking aemand. We recognize that the formula prescribed in the existing zoning cooe is not "magic. " Our concern is that parking provided on the si�e meet the Cel,�ands oenerated by the facility in a wcrkabie r,�anner. C?-culation both vehicular (on the site as well as access ' to the site ) and pedestrian circulation will need to be , e�alua �ed . Related areas to be consiciered will include , lc•�dina access as well as any changes to, or i��,pacts on , bus SEL'V1C2. BLik ?nd *'ass The relationship of the proposed addition to tt�:e existing structure in terms of bulk and mass will be a ccnsideration of the staff as well as of the Planning Cc-:mi �sion. � i r • � • ' �c S_`� Plar,ning General �� ite planning of the new adc3ition is re_a �ea to all of the obove menticned considerations. Of ��-=icLlar importance to the staff is how the site will meet i�s �ancsc�ping reouirer�ents with this propcsed expar.sion. This is especially important when considering that the site is �urrour,oed on three sioes by residential uses. Adequate b::`��rs should be proviced between the hospital facili�ies =nc its ne?chbcrs. It shc�lc not be assumed that this list is all inclusive. I have atter,r_ec to hichlicht the areas that the staff will be looking at in re_onse to any formal propcsal that is made for expansion . r;h?le t`�e is=ue of Farking is of pri,��ary concern, it is not the only f�c�cr to be considered when evaluating any proposal. For example , it r�ay be possible to provide a greater number of surface �,arking spaces on this site . Hcwever, how does that affect t�:e ability to provide appropriate amounts of landscaped areas? I hope this will provide you with a better understanding as to our pcsition prior to any review of a formal submittal . Please 0o not re=itate to call with any cuestions you may have . Sincerely, / ` \V I` � `/ i�^'�� rhoras �. 5raun lown Pi�r.r,er lAB:bpr cc: Tcm Briner < � T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development t7ATE : September 6 , 198� - RE: bJorksession�df�Hospita�xpansion Plans ; , As the Planning Commission may reaall , the Vail Valley P1edical Center is in the midst of developing plans for a future expansion to their facilities. One of the issues relative to this expansion is that of parking. Because of the importance of this issue a worksession with the Planning Commission has been requested by the applicant. Included, for your information, is a study conducted by the hospital that was done to evaluate �oth the present parking situation as well as future parking needs. It should be noted that the staff has not had ample tir�e to review this information. As a result, we are unable to provide any input on this information at this time. � � �� V�'� V����y 181 West Meadow Drive r� mec�ica) center Vail Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 81658 September 4, 1985 Dear Planning Commission Members and Staff, To facilitate discussion regarding the parking needs of the hospital , particularly in light of the proposed expansion of beds from 19 to 32, the hospital has undertaken a parking study. The purpose of the study was to determine how many people use hospital parking, for what purposes, and what parking is needed for the new expansion. The following table is a compilation of the study which was conducted from , August 28 through September 2, 1985 to encompass all three work shifts of I hospital employees. To interpret the statistics , the following facts are �� relevant: 1 . The hospital employs approximately 100 employees during ski season and 55 during off-season. There are three work shifts , 7:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. , 3:00 P.M. - 11 :00 P.M. , and 11 :00 P.M, to 7:00 A.M. The study was conducted from 7:30 A.M. with a count of cars in the lot from the night shift, and extended to 8:00 P.M, to account for both the day and evening shifts. 2. At no time during the days surveyed were there less than 30 vacant � parking spaces. In other words, given the heavy traffic for Labor Day weekend and regular staffing, we had 30 extra parking spaces at all times even while allowing people to park in the lot who had no affiliation or business at the hospital . 3. The most congested time during the study was from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Visitors generally come during the evening hours until 8:00 P.M, when visiting hours end. 4. During the study, the back parking lot was closed, (adjacent to Sports Medicine) which provides 22 parking spaces. 5. There are 13 physicians who have private offices located within hospital space. There hours of operation are 8:00 A.M, to 5:00 P.M. 6. Parking was not controlled during the study. When visitors parked in the lot for other than hospital business, they were not asked to move their cars. 7. The maximum number of cars in the lot at any time was 130. Attached i s a copy of the Parki ng Study. Deborah Jost P,dministrator ;! • VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING SURVEY August 28 through September 2, 1985 �� HOLIDAY WEEKEND AVG. # AVERAGE # OF OF AUTOS TIME AUTOS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE PER DAY PER STA,Y 163 Employees 8-31 9-1 9-2 54.3 6.7 hrs. 47 Patients 8-31 9-1 9-2 55.12 min. 52 Visitors 8-31 9-1 9-2 59.71 min. 77 Dr. Visits 8-31 9-1 9-2 57.72 min. - 40 Hosp. Bus. 8-31 9-1 9-2 38.16 min. 35 Emerg. Rm. 8-31 9-1 9-2 53.57 min. 24 Unauthorized 8-31 9-1 9-2 16.52 min. 438 WEEKDAYS AVG. # AVERAGE # OF OF AUTOS TIME AUTOS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE PER DAY PER STAY 258 Employees 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-3 64.50 7.1 hrs. 130 Patients 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 57.10 min. 109 Visitors 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 53.14 min. 347 Dr. Visits 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 52.50 min ' 158 Hosp. Bus. 8-28 8-29 8-3p g_2 26.10 min I� 36 Emerg. Rm. 8-28 8-29 g-3p g_2 65.42 min. � 88 Unauthorized 8-28 8-29 8-30 9-2 20.10 min. ' 1126 . ', �� I - �I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING UPON BUILDING EXPANSION ' September 4, 1985 PARKING REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE NSF HOSPITAL: Existing - 22,107 Proposed - 12,000 Total - 34,107 PARKING REQUIRED BY ZONING: . 1 space/patient bed = 32 � 1 space/150 NSF = 22g 260 MEDICAL OFFICES_ NSF � Existing - 7,181 Proposed - 6,131* Total - 13,312 PARKING REQUIRED BY ZONING: ,_ 1 space/200 NSF = 67 " 327 * Sports Medicine PARKING PROPOSED HOSPITAL: 1 space/2 beds 16 1 space/Medical Staff 32 1 space/2 Employees 50 98 MEDICAL OFFICES: (15 physicians) � '� 1/physician (included w/hospital ) __ li 1/Nurse 15 4/physicians for patients 60 � 75+ I 173 �i + 13,312 NSF = 75 spaces = 178 NSF/Space �I . . . ♦� ' VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Following is a breakdown of existing facility Gross Square Feet and a breakdown of approximate Gross Square Feet for proposed expansion for Scheme 1, Scheme 2, and Scheme 3. The area of Sports Medicine is included with the area of Physicians Offices and Clinics. Ambulance Building isnot included. PHYSICIANS OFFICES EXISTING FACILITY - 19 BEDS HOSPITAL AND CLINIC First Floor 29,250 ___ • Second Floor 5,945 15,245 Total. 35, 195 15,245 PHYSICIANS OFFICES PROPOSED EXPANSION TO 32 BEDS HOSPITAL A�� CLINIC Sch. l Sch.2 Sch.3 Sch. l Sch.2 Sch.3 � Lower Level 7.600 9,950 --- 6,700 ---- ---- First Floor 17,900 5,745 13,435 ----- 7,455 7,300 Second Floor 1,800 11,600 19, 130 ----- ---- ____ Third Floor ----- 1,450 950 ----- ---- ____ - - - 27,300 28, 745 33,515 6,700 7,455 7,300 II! ______ ______ __°___ _____ _____ _____ �'i TOTAL GSF OF I�i EXISTING & PROPOSED 62,495 63,940 68, 170 22, 125 22, 700 22,545 I� I Follocaing is a breakdown of Medical Staff and Employees: I'I Medical Staff: _ 32 E�pleyees: � Off Season Ski Season Total Max Shift Total Max. Shift 55 25 100 55 � o w x � cn r-� r �n ty x E x n n c� a t7 rn O iy F-+ O F-+ O (D fD (D `C fD O O O G (D � Cn K � �-S n F�'� W C �rt � O W 1-� F-� F-� ►S � � n n. £ w �' � � r• �-r w n n � n n (�o w � w a o � x �' � � w w w w n m z� w � �• n ro � .. oo .. a, a a ,. .. a w •• N• u� o �n w o 0 0 � n x, w •• � � b .. c� c� co r• �v O U) I�-+• rt '�] �' Q' C 't1 F--+ F-� �F � (D � `C fD F-+ �' rS O O N W � R. Q'� h'• � I-'• H r't � n � � N• � w m 9 �' N C � c�n o 0 w v w � .. .. a � co 9 � + + + + + + �- t-. � � tr1 � � trl � r� N � � � � Cn � � �--� � � 8 ft � m tn 'b m [n 'b m fn tn m m fn m A� tn [n tn V1 rt fY F--' rt rt F--' f? f'► rt rt fY fY f7 1-t� Pt f? rt `.L' �n w w o w w o w w w w w cu w �-n w w w o rr U� � � �C � h-� �C t--� � N N h� H-+ � F-� � � �n N R F-' F-� fD F-� I--' (D I--� F-+ F-+ F� l--� F--� F-+ � !-� F-� F� "d F-' Q1 \\ (D �\ (D \ \ (D \\\ \ (D \\ \ H F-' I--` W W C7 tC CJ bd \ N N !-+ G� fD N fD bc7 (D � N p' N N O 9 � m c� �-d � a �e a � a �v r� m b o r b � w b v� °; �n �n a � �n °rr' b � � °r-r' c� f7 W F--' • a" � 'L7 rt • • + (D • C!1 r* o w w • w a� Q. � c�a • � a� �+, �, r+, �o • uw � fn fn n rr r-n a (D a w �n a m a. �o � � � a � � � � � ro � � � � � � a � � rt � � � z � w w w w w r7 �+ � � � � � � i � � i i i � � � c� y i N .� i i i N � w r z � � V O O O O H cJ� O v� o 0 0 o z � H O c� c� c� c� c� � � x c� v� �n cn �n v� cn �f o 0 � �1 �T1 �1 '�] H (A '",� c� ni �zl � 9 � • r� H C/� H C __ � [=i C7 �d � � C7 H � z . � � � r � O A � b '�:i H c� 9 r� 70 H CrJ tT1 ��31, N �O 00 d� Q� W O� W O H � Gf 7, �O O O �O � oo r.� � oo r+ ,�d C H - - Gz'�� t-� � - d C7 � r� ri � x z r� c� tx ry cn t� d � , � � � � � � n 1� W O 00 Oo O� �D ln �l � p0 V � N N � \O 1� p0 • ' � C=7 � H �n � ro za d � � � N � � � d � , � � o 00 0o rn o v� oo �' I OD �O N N N A N lJ� W • H 7d O C=7 ra A ' C w H � N �9 ' d , by I [z1 � ' C7 � , _ f� I � �-• � n� � r� n �� .� r o 00 0o rn o v� •n � 00 0� N N N 1� r-� lJt O • I w I rt � w � w w n � o w N w m � � . � �t c n r� • o �t m w w a o � w w w �* � 'b v� n w �o r w � tu w �• n a. � � � o rr � � w n w .. ti, � �r w c� w a °' w � � o w n m o � ro c� � w � � n c �o n o � � -� � G r�r W � t�i� �' :-r �C � �C 1--' rt � � � + + + + + + + + �--� � � r-+ r+ � R'� �--� r-• �--� N ►-' r—� r-' N O � � �--� r-� �--� f?+ �--� �--� �i tn U� tn fn (n tn � fn tn ln (n tA tn U� fn tn (n ln fn ln �f tn t� rt rt r'f rt f'T rt (D f't rt r7 rY 1't f'r rt x rt fY rt (p r't rt x w w w w w w a w w m w w w w w ro w w m w m m w w o � � r� � � � w � � rr � r• r� r� � w � � rr � rr r• � � u� � � � r-� � r-� � r-� r-- w � � r-� � r-� a � � w � w a � � ro \ \ \\\ \ W \\ I--� \ \ \\ (� \\ F-+ \ F-+ (D \\ f-I .'� ''d LTJ �,' W N F-' N ''d F-' ''d '"d �--� h7 \ Z V] ''d F-+ 1� I--' � W ''d y � w � � w i w a� o w �d c � w � v� � �-r w a a n �v a �-d hv cn r� rr �d n �-r o rt w n w �-r w o a� ra � r . . . . w w rr � • pi . . o • n m rn • m (o �n � cn .. �-r �-r w �v rr • � �-n a cn a �-r v rn �n cz� � cn • • �+, • w uy tw �n rz� w � �u w rt �,, co �o ro � r� cz t� � � �', � a. w a x w cz u� a w a. a a �o n a. o �-n �n r+, r� r� r� a. . h, rn cn �-n a a a ,-,, � �,, �' n �n �p rt , `� �d x � a � H I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 H I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 C7 9 i i i i i i i i i i i i i rz H (n z H O ('� �i � � H n � . Cn • � C7 Cn 't7 r� a x � H C27 � � lJ� 00 00 N W r� V W ln N O� Q� H r-� Q� �D ln �D 00 �O O 00 ln �O W W H 7d z r� - - _ c�.o � h-� H �D '�V' C=] W C7 C� C7 � � � Q� � ►-� �D 1� � W � O� O� W �D V (� 1� W O� 0� 00 � N V .L� 00 N 00 � �' F�-� � �i � cn ry� a � � c� O� �O i--� �D 1� Q� W r O� O� W �O V ]' Cz7 1� W O� 00 00 l� N V 1� OD N �O O� • lT1 Cl� N C7 � H [=J O.O � H W 7d N [T7 C7 W C . , m � � n cn r f) � tD r-+ �D l� O� W �--� Q� O� W �O �l �' l� W Q� 0� OD � N �I l� 00 N �D O� • W �E H G� � 7. Cn � 0 o y x w w w w rt n .� y �, w � cn �-�i � a� �' � � w � v� �' a° • o n w �n m �o r � oo w m �D G O �' C o tn G p, �p Q. W n � w w � � o 0 �' cn � C r• n � � � t�o t`Jo � fD o r•�v � � � � w o �u o � n W rt ,^Gj � C� � O O � � � � � rt 'b C `C r• w rt C w w � a + + + + + + + �-. �. �-- �- � t� �-. .-. �d �-. � O �- � � �... �-. �-.. �-. �- a �v . . . r� w �r, r� w � cn cn v� �n v� cn cn y, rr m m �, m a. cn �n u, v, u� rt G rt rt rt rt () N• rt rt 1-�• V7 fY • f7 rt rt rt rt .'7.�' (D � Q1 W Ul !n (n W W F-' (D W W () rt W W W w w Q1 0 a � r-� n �-r rr � r-� c � � � r� w � �n � r-� � N � cn o � � w w w � r-� a r-. � r-� � r-� n � � � � � �-d 7o n �� � r� r� cn � r• �� �n iv �v � � � � �v � 7d w �v n � � p+, t� rn w w b H C w o w m �n cn � w o0 o u, w �o rv o �-r, � w m a � rt v d b r�y rt � � o �-r w o0 o v �d c� � K t9-� � • G g ro • v� a a � � � °n' �; �v w � cn � w cn Q., rt �v o. � m �o . . . . ru F--�v r� ny �n d � o a a cn w o n. c� �, �,, ro o �n rs� t� t� .. � n rn co rr f� (� M (D (D (D (A (D � w r• a a. a a' r� z v°'i ,-°'n �, w � w � o ,�, rt (D M n � � � n I rt Ul ,'D v v ro . � '� x M fD � � O W � V] � � H � 1 I 1 i 1 I I I � d H • i i i i i i i i i n a i i i i i i i i � r z H C/] z H O C� '�i � � h-1 C7 t=i cn • � � � , � n �i �--` H C'ly �O N N N A �D �O W O� CA (!l ln � � �O t� N rn rn W H ' ~ � I _ _ G�z].O I � I �-+ N i �O '�Lf ' [=7 W t7 I [� ' C � � � N � �„_, n ,. 1� l� .L� .L� ln O l� Q� V �' W 00 OD 00 �! N W � V � . i I I C/] r 1� .L� A ln O � O� V a' �C �d � rn o0 00 00 � �. o. r v • y a N CTJ C7 z r� r7 v� t� t7 7d t�f H.O O � H W '� N � i • . C7� ' CT] � d � ' � N r-� r f� C/) � r .� r r tn o � rn v � C) tn o0 00 00 � v, v� � v w I � w � �. ' ` �.�_ � Planning and Environmental Commission March 11 , 1985 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Eric Affeldt Peter Patten Diana Donovan Tom Braun Duane Piper Kristan Pritz Howard Rapson Rick Pylman Sid Schu;ltz Betsy Rosolack Jim Viele Jere Walters 1 . Approval of minutes of ineetinq of February 25. Donovan moved and Rapson seconded to approve the minutes. Unanimous approval . 2. Request for a final plat of Vail Woods Subdivision. Applicant: IKS Vail Assoc�ates Peter Patten explained that the final plat with all signatures had not been signed and this was a requirement of PEC approval . Also, some language revisions to the covenants were needed to be carried out. He informed the PEC that the applicant had requested withdrawing the final plat application until these items were taken care of. No action by the PEC was required. 3. Re uest for � conditional use ermit in order add 1528 s uare feet to the existin s orts medicine de artment of the Vail lle Medical Center in a Public l�se.,district. Vail Valley Medical Center , Tom Braun made the staff pre ut that the biggest concern I� of the staff was with respect to parking. At the present time, the Medical Center does not provide for the total number of parking spaces required by the zoning ' code. With this application, the Medical Center had proposed re-striping the parking area adjacent to the Sports Medicine office� which would result in a net gain of , one space. This addition would require 5 additional parking spaces. The staff felt strongly that these spaces be provided s�mewhere on the site and felt that the most iogical place would be on the west lot with re-striping. Tom Briner, representing the applicant, showed on a site plan which parking spaces could be re-striped resulting in 6 additional spaces. He added that a gate had been purchased for the parking lot and would be installed in the spring with the result that there would not be skiers using the parking lot. Four conditions listed in the staff inemo were discussed and agreed to by Briner. The fact that the hospital had not completed a master plan was of concern to many of the board members. Affeldt stated that he was on the hospital board and that a master plan was being worked on. He was asked to impress upon the administrators of the hospital that the master plan was extremely important. . � 3/11/85 � PEC 2 i , � Affeldt responded that the problem was funding. � Viele moved and Walters seconded to approve the conditional use permit per the . staff inemo. The vote was 6 in favor with Affeldt abstaining. Donovan requested that Affeldt forward the concerns about a master plan to the hospital administrators. 4. A request for a conditional use permit and for a setback variance for a new ' quadruple cha�r lift located near the base of Chair 16. Applicant: Vail Associates Peter Patten made the staff presentation. He pointed out that there would be a 12% shift in the route skiers take up the mountain. With 12% more skiers using ' the Village lift, there would be an increased demand for parking spaces. He then discussed the effect upon the Vail Institute tent and stated that the staff had received verbal permission from the summer users of the tent to the effect that they agree to the construction and did not wish to use the tent this summer. Patten reviewed the memo which dealt with access, related policies in Vail ' s Community Action Plan, findings and the staff recommendations which included 4 conditions of approval . ', �� There was a request for a side setback of 14 feet, which had been reduced slightly I' by moving the structure slightly south. Joe Macy of Vail Associates stated that they had written approval from 4 of the 5 utility companies and were about to receive the 5th, all of which gave approval for construction in the 10 foot utility easement. (Mike Larson, also of Vail Associates pointed out that only roof overhangs would be in the easement. ) Macy agreed to the 4 conditions and added that VA would plant new trees to replace those cut down for construction. He stated that he was a member of the parking task force and was helping to find new parking spaces in Town. One suggestion from the task force was to make the parking at Golden Peak a pay parking lot for the public and Vail Associates would probably be able to lease parking spaces at Manor Lodge. Macy felt that there would not be more than a 10% increase in skiers getting onto lifts from Vail Village on a "worst day scenario of 16,000 skiers." Jack Curtin, representing Mrs. Hill who owns property at Qne Vail Place as well as the Hill Building, stated that Mrs. Hill had no objection to construction of the new lift, and no concern if trees were sacrificed, since more trees could always be planted. Rapson expressed concern about egress of the increased number of skiers, for he said egress was already a problem. Macy said the plan was to widen and improve the Tourist Trap area. Rapson wondered if the gully above could be widened, and Dave Larson of Vail Associates stated that there was a problem because it � contained the Town of Vail pump station. Larry Litchliter of Vail Associates pointed out that the Vista Bahn had downloading capabilities, and downloading would be encouraged for the skiers of lower ability. Donovan was unhappy about the fact that Vail Associates would receive the money for skiers parking at the base of Golden Peak. Schultz asked when the addition to the Village parking structure �_ o - ---- ---, � � ' Planning and Environmental Commissio�� March 11 , 1985 2:15 pm Site Visits 3:00 pm Public Hearing . 1 . Approval of minutes of ineeting of February 25. 2. Request for a final plat of Vail Woods Subdivision, a revision of Special Development District 11 which would divide the remaining area into 11 duplex lots. Applicant: I. K.S. Vail Associates 3. Request for a conditional use permit in order to add 1528 square feet to the existing sports medicine department of the Vail Valley Medical Center in a Public Use district. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center � 4. Request for a conditional use permit and setback variance for a new quadruple chair lift located near the base of Chair 16. Applicant: Vail Associates � , _ I �...;. . ,rt^;.._., , .�.�.< t € . - `�-.��� � -:�=, = -.r-....;,_:;_. . z�' . . rrt�•�:, r_�'+' r �s� ; ���� xh'�°�,��� � ''ih:- '"�'ai:'-_' _ . . . ` � � , � 6 -� � \ TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community_Development Department DATE: March 11, 1985 �� SUBJECT: req est for a conditional use permit in order to add 1528 square feet to the egisting sports medicine department of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST As proposed, this expansion would add just over 1500 square feet of floor area to the Vail Valley Sports Medicine clinic. This new space would accommodate a physical therapy area, an examination area, dressing rooms, and an expanded reception area. In their submittal, the applicant has stated that no new employees or new functions will take place at the clinic as the result of this addition. The purpose of this expansion is to allow for a reorganization of space to facilitate better operations within the office. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends a�proval of the conditional use permit based upon the follawing actorsa Consideration of Factors Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Tawn. This site, recently- zoned to Public Use District, has been the location of the Medical Center for a number of years . While the Medical Center is surrounded on three sides by residential development, it is within the development objectives of the � Town to retain this site as a medical facility . This proposed �:,:•'.; ; expansion would be consistent with the existing development and uses on this site. However, because of the difficulty with the site constraints at the medical center, it is imperative that a Master Development Plan for the property be produced. The staff has urged the hospital administration to develop a master plan but, again, we°re dealing with only a small addition proposal. This complicates our ability to look at the facility as a whole with regard to parking, circulation, general site planning and neighborhood compatibility. � The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of papulation, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. � T� �., � � , There are no impacts on the above mentioned factors. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, acces�, maneuverability, and removal of snaw from the street and parking areas. Of the above mentioned factors , the biggest concern is with respect to parking. At the present time, the Medical Center does not provide for the total number of parking spaces required by the zoning code. With this application, the Medical Center has proposed re-striping the parking area adjacent to the Sports Medicine offices . This will result in a net gain of one space in this lot due to the addition of compact car spaces. Of the 1, 528 square f eet to be added under this proposal, 1,080 square feet are used in calculating the additional parking demand from this addition. Areas excluded from this calculation include common hallways and mechanical areas . This 1 , 080 square feet equates to 5 additional parking spaces as a result of this proposed addition. As presented in this application, these plans would result in a net deficiency of 5 spaces . The staff feels strongly that these spaces be provided somewhere on the site. The most logical opportunity for adding these spaces would be on the west lot of the Medical Center. There is potential to re-stripe a portion of this lot to add 5 compact car spaces that would satisfy the demand created by this proposed addition. The issue of parking will be discussed further in the Staff Recommendtion portion of this memo. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed nse in relation to surrounding uses. � This proposal should have no negative effects upon the character of the area in which it is proposed. In addition, this proposal � is compatible with the existing scale and bulk of the uses on this site and surrounding sites. Related policies in Vail°s Com�nunity Action Plan There are no specific policies directly related to this application. Such other factors and criteria as the Cammuission deems applicable to the proposed use. � FINDINGS The Community Development Department reconmiends that the conditional use permit be appproved based on the following findings: ,�r..r.; .- �_., . f i r � � That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, ot welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. STAFF RECOMMLNDATION The staff recommends approval of the proposed addition to the Sports Medicine facility. Of primary concern to the staff is the issue of parking at this facility. As pre��i�,.�usly mentioned in this memo, this addition would require f�v� �''c�ditional parking spaces to be provided on site. Relative to the issue of parking, , the staff would recommend the following conditions be applied ' to this application if it is to be approved by the Planning Commission: 1. The re-striping of a small lot adjacent to the Sports Medicine offices be done prior to the issuance of any temporary certificate of occupancy. 2 . A portion of the western parking lot be re-striped to add five compact spaces . This should also be done prior to the issuance of any temporary certificate of occupancy. �, 3. This past fall, the hospital agproached the Town with plans ' to add control gates to their parking lots in an attempt to manage the lot more effectively . The staff has issued a building permit for this work . An additional condition I of approval is that these gates be installed prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. It is felt that these gates would do a great deal to alleviate the parking problem at this facility. 4. This past summer, the Medical Center added to the parking �` area with the addition of paving and striping to the westerly most portion of their property. While this action surely is a postitive one in terms of parking, the work was done without any consideration given to landscaping requirements for parking areas . A final condition of approval would be that the hospital work with the staff to develop a landscape plan for this portion of the parking lot . Staff would recommend that a landscape plan be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy, and the said landscape plan be installed prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. `.�¢.�c J� � o s� �tn� C ov� �-+nn�O� �d �$2- C.av��,��o t�l S _ . ,� ':�,�. , , � r - „r � . � ��c..___ _��\��� �:� 1 �o s�,� �x p�s;o rl C _ c� . 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II( a �i i i a ����. � _ . �_ s_� �J I i i ,i . � '�,,,��'.,I . � �.I I � '1; � , � � � � i � � , � ; �! � � � vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive - medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 MEMORANDUM T0: The Planning Commission i�. FROM: Deborah Jost, Administrator�'�1 V SUBJECT: Description of Proposed Expansion of Sports Medicine Department DATE: 2/18/85 The hospital is proposing to add 1 ,528 additional square feet to the existing Sports Medicine Department of the hospital . The expansion will allow for more room to perform existing functions within the department. No new employees will be added. The space will accommodate a physical therapy area, examination area, dressing rooms, and expanded reception area. The project will have no impact on neighbors to the hospital either in noise, ', sight, or parking. It is simply a reorganization of existing space to allow ' for better patient flow, privacy, and more space to do physical rehabilitation � exercises. The expansion will not add any new functions. The architects have recalculated parking spaces and through restriping the existing lot, the expansion will allow for the addition of one parking space. In terms of patient care, the project will greatly enhance the treatment area for patients. I appreciate your efforts in reviewing this project. Deborah Jost Administrator � � Date of Application 2��$/85 � Date of PEC Meeting 3/11/85 � APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. - The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Valley Medical Center ADDRESS 181 West f�eadow Drive Vail , CO 81658 PHONE 476-2451 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Deborah Jost, Administrator ADDRESS c/o 181 W. Meadow Drive Vail Colorado PHONE 476-6396 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (print or type; non-profit community owned Texas corporation � OWNER(S): SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT�_BLOCK FILING k ��;ll � �Jt ADDRESS_ �g� W, hq adow Drive, Vail Colorado E. FEE $100 PAID '- / �'S CK # > y qsz BY %�� ��� � � ��- (��� � �----- THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHI`ND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE . A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT'S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. "Yc PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE � � PEC MAY STIPULATE�. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS I�`SU�D. _ . . - _--__ . . . , OVER � � � � II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make � the use compatinle with other properties in the vicinity. � • � B- A site plan showir.g proposed development of the site, incl�lding topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulationt . „ . useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� ` ' features. - ` C. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate the dimension�, general appearance, scale, and interior plan of ' all buildings. _ . D• � Any additional material necessary for the review of the application �,.: as determined by the Zoning Administrator. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary acccmpanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the . meeting. �, - . , } . ` . . ,� � , � � � . . � . . . .. i `� �;: w ._ .� ,t,..-��, . � i `` . � • INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT• �r _ ��,/1 — "-%�Pi7�c �P�.e�S /i/�x�ic...,�"" P � /�r�/SIo DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS �� Reviewed by: Date � � Comments: L� ��f�w (J 7i c. i r y C ft-s E»�7�v� �s 7�c'7 2C� � c5 ,r 7,c'�9�r E— �8 �.v 7,7< <= �CC�°W2� � V S/f°"'' ,t� 9' �." 7 7 L L �E�r c�..� l.�.e�-��..�v S v S\li�o w � /Z /-�- ��7ct �2c-`pa e> �v� PG.coFe�'r io-.��s� r�c�x� - � t5 S�7E I�iQi4.,.,.9-c�E /9��-zrf�b .,c.�, �g�..,.9�C��- P r�,� . � P�i+tiC/�vCs �Y '�/NTEY/Ui2.�� / �� �6 (/T.c/77 � C`�"'�Sc�FP�.v� . I�C /F���t�tJ-,+ �"����,,-� FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date Comments: . POLICE DEPARTMENT ' Reviewed by: Date Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date �: � ,, _ Comments: ; ! ; � � � � • � �, _ �� t " ��° � Vail valley 181 West Meadaw Drive ►��'i medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 MEMORANDUM T0: The Planning Commission T�' FROM: Deborah Jost, Administrato� SUBJECT: Description of Proposed Expansion of Sports Medicine Department DATE: Z/18/85 The hospital is proposing to add 1 ,528 additional square feet to the existing Sports Medicine Department of the hospital . The expansion will allow for more room to perform existing functions within the department. No new employees will be added. The space will accommodate a physical therapy area, examination area, dressing rooms, and expanded reception area. The project will have no impact on neighbors to the hospital either in noise, sight, or parking. It is simply a reorganization of existing space to allow for better patient flow, privacy, and more space to do physical rehabilitation exercises. The expansion will not add any new functions. The architects have recalculated parking spaces and through restriping the existing lot, the expansion will allow for the addition of one parking space. In terms of patient care, the project will greatly enhance the treatment area for patients. I appreciate your efforts in reviewing this project. i I Deborah Jost Administrator .. . .. . � .. .. . ... :... ...:... . . _.... ,.. ,.....'. .��.'�':: �:�.:�,. t�... ��s.r.::,.-.:. � r a,t��... ..,..F... �.... . 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T. of 1a.F, T�act F � �;' � 99 5 S � , i ,� 9 4.1 '13., `_ i`3 � "�E `�F'8• -13 4�i,ti �� ��� : i �i.� �i , � •�� �`� io ��h . i �ti� , �� � ' oi� � � �i � i �l :� i � ','� S. a5 46 32��E � . , �;� 1 �_: 130.D �� A" �I � No�th wal� .�; �., , :� � � � �e.f 1 Valley Med�csl Cente� st � � � , � �v Trec t F � � � � a , -...._ �< � - L � . � � - � �F � � o � � � � . � � � � ;� � T�ec t D � � ' rti f am a � ,ti I , �aseph D. ��epkes, do hereby c+� y that I ;� a regi s tered �and s urveyar under the 1 aws of the State af �� Tract E � �� Calorado, that thi s p1 at �s an accurate repre�entati an �� �� Va.i 1 V,i l.lage, 2nd F.i 1.ing � of a fi�1 d survey d�ne by me and u�der m�y supervi s i or�, :� � and the locati on of i mprave�n� �s based upon the manc�ments � s hown he r�eon. _ � .. � In wi tness w�€reaf I set my hand and..,rsea� thi s 25th � � �:� day of May, 1983, A o D, � �� � ;� � � .� �_________ _ . . _. . . 3 �2J'�'.79 _ � A�4T5.OO ,,: � �,: � /V g5'39 '42,.� 30 �. g4 �� � � wes t . 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'� �, �, . r _ , , _ � 4 , , h;. . ,. .. s�'t,d�_.,... .�,... .:%.,,.a✓A�..-..,f 'f�+ ..:1.F?!a�.�.s� ..�-'�"�..,r. .. -�. .., w" . .. .,... �,..... ".-. . . .. �..�.h,:,.N� . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ..., x r ... . .... ....., .. . . .. .. .. . _.. .h . W�.. ,:.Q'� .0. . ,.. .. .... .s�.... �,. .S� . . . .. . . .. - *�,„..a '., . ... .. . . :... .. . . . .^ . � . � � .. . . � • • � � vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive • � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Date of Application 2/18/85 Date of PEC Meeting 3/11/85 I I. F. List of names of owners and their addresses of all property '� adjacent to the subject property (Lot F Filing 2) : �' , t.� ';.; c. .�a�: e. w� � j� �,ti= � � Lot ?_ The Crest �c-/-o�r°?����ar�- � f-` r 1 � ��{ o i.� S r n-� �n o �^c-� % � ��j c:'�, � '—?u �l�-�( L c c�L ,. �`- i� 1"� e r s�, -��1.�' Lot 7 Mervyn Lapin i3 o x � 232 West Meadow Dri ve 3 r u 9 ��� � l Vail , CO 81657 Lot 8 H.F. Kepner managed by Calva Corporation 5161 Juniper c/o Century 21 Littleton, CO 80123 Box 611 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 9 Mr. Hurtt 11205 Tack House Court Potomac, MD 20854 Lot 10 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road 4Jest Vail , CO 81657 Trac� A Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657 � � �( �:�-..� � �� � � � Deborah Jost Administrator , ,r%�1�"� ��� L%�u '� � � Date of Application 2/18/85 . ' Date of PEC Meeting 3/11/85 � APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. . The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Valley Medical Center ADDRESS 181 West f�eadow Drive Vail , CO 81658 PHONE 476-2451 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Deborah Jost, Administrator ADDRESS c/o 181 W. Meadow Drive II Vail Colorado PHONE 476-6396 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (print or type; non-profit community owned Texas corporation II � � OWNER(S): :SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT�BLOCK FILING oZ ADDRESS 181 W Meadow Drive, Vail , Colorado E. FEE $100 PAID X CK # BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHrND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY TNE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT' S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT , WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. ��' _ ,, PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE • PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A ` BUILDING PERMIT IS I�IJ�D. _ . • - � . . - • �__ . OVER ; ! � � . II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make � the use compatinle with other properties in the vicinity. B• A site plan showir.g proposed development of the site, incl�lding topogra�hy, building locations, parking, traffic circulation� � � useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� ' ' features. ' � �. ' C. Freliminar buildin .� • ' Y g plans and elevations suf�icient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan o� all buildings. _ _ . D• � Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the Zoning Administrator. . III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary acccmpanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the . meeting, � �, - _ � }_ � �,. � . r. � _ — ,. I � -- �Q. ..._- ._., !"� .s� . - .�. . • • . • �� Va�� v��le! 181 West Meadow Drive � Vail, Colorado 81657 , medical center (303) 476-2451 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Date of Application 2/18/85 Date of PEC Meeting 3/11/85 I. F. List of names of owners and their addresses of all property adjacent to the subject property (Lot F Filing 2) : Lot ?_ The Crest c/o Carl Corzan 3808 Stravel Manhatten Beach, CA 90266 Lot 7 Mervyn Lapin 232 6�Jest P�eadow Drive Vail , CO 81657 Lot 8 H.F. Kepner mana�ed by Calva Corporatian 5161 Juniper c/o Century 21 Littleton, CO 80123 Box 611 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 9 P+Ir. Hurtt 11205 Tack House Court Potomac, MD 20854 Lot 10 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road L�Jest Vail , CO 81657 Track A Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657 Deborah Jost Administrator � I • - ''�� vaiivailey f 181 West Meadow Drive � i � medica! center Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 MEMORANDUM T0: The Planning Commission , /l; FROM: Deborah Jost, Administrato� SUBJECT: Description of Proposed Expansion of Sports Medicine Department DATE: 2/18/85 The hospital is proposing to add 1 ,528 additional square feet to the existing Sports f�ledicine Department of the hospital . The expansion will allow for more room to perform existing functions within the department. No new employees will be added. The space will accommodate a physical therapy area, examination area, dressing rooms, and expanded reception area. The project will have no impact on neighbors to the hospital either in noise, ' sight, or parking. It is simply a reorganization of existing space to allow for better patient flow, privacy, and more space to do physical rehabilitation exercises. The expansion will not add any new functions. The architects have recalculated parking spaces and through restriping the existing lot, the expansion will allow for the addition of one parking space. In terms of patient care, the project will greatly enhance the treatment area I, for patients. ', I appreciate your efforts in reviewing this project. 'I ; � , Deborah Jost Administrator ' I • � Date of Application 2/�g/85 " Date of PEC hteeting 3/11/85 ' APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. . The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. I� A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Valle.y Medical Center ' ADDRESS 181 West f�eadow Drive Vail , CO 81658 PHONE 476-2451 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Deborah Jos±, Administrator ADDRESS c/o 181 W. Meadow Drive Vail Colorado PHONE 476-6396 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (print or type; non-profit community owned Texas corporation � OWNER(S) : SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT�_BLOCK FILING � ADDRESS 781 W M�adow Drive, Vail , Colorado E. FEE $100 PAID X CK # BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHrND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THEAPPLICANT' S RESPONSIBLITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. ,,^�� . PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREqSING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE • PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A ` BUILDING PERMIT IS I�D. _ . - �_ • • . . _ —_ . OVER � `'r/ II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A• A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and • its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make � the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. B• A site plan showir.g proposed development of the site, includi�g topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, � � useable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainag� ` ' features. • � ` C. Freliminar buildin � • ' Y g plans and elevations suf�1cient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale, and interior plan o� all buildings. _ _ , D• � Any additional material necessary for the review of tfie application t.;. as determined by the Zoning Administrator. . III. Time requirements � The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accc:npanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the . meeting. .. �_ _ , � ,_ y • `, - . ' ,. � I ' . • _ - I ��� Q� ....._..__r.r.:f .Sr:'� .. . .:_Y!A! -:! ! ! . , . ' �•'�' vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive � medical center Vail, Colorado 81657 ' (303) 476-2451 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Date of Application 2/18/85 Date of PEC Meeting 3/11/85 I. F. List of names of owners and their addresses of all property adjacent to the subject property (Lot F Filing 2) : Lot 7_ The Crest c/o Carl Corzan 3808 Stravel Manhatten Beach, CA 90266 Lot 7 Mervyn Lapin 232 West P�eadow Drive Vail , CO 81657 Lot 8 H.F. Kepner managed by Calva Corporation 5161 Juniper c/o Century 21 Littleton, CO 80123 Box 611 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 9 Mr. Hurtt 11205 Tack House Court Potomac, MD 20854 Lot 10 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road GJest Vail , CO 81657 Track A Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657 Deborah Jost Administrator � '�r+' a,� �� � �'�1�Y TOYVN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 July l 1, 1996 David and Margo White 9 Reid Stre.et Box HM1541 Hamilton, Bermuda HMFX Dear Mr. and Mrs. White I have received your letter regarding the mechanical equipment installed on the rooftop of the Vail Vallev Mcdical Center. This letter is intended to be a follow up to your lettcr and inform you of the steps the Town will be taking in addressing your concerns. On July 11, 1996, I completed an inspection of the rooftop of the Vail Valley Medical Center. While it was not apparent that any ncw equipment had been installed recently, there v��ere several vents and flues which are in need of screening and/or painting. I will be scheduling a meeting with Mr. Dan Feency, Facilities Manager, of the Vai] Valley ?�4edical Center to work on getting all the vents and flues painted and/or screened. I will also be reaffirming with Mr. Feeney that any new mecbanical equipment proposed for the rooftop of the medical center must receive To«n of Vail approval priar to installing the equipment. I will pass your concerns on to Mr. Feeney during our meeting. Again, I have received your letter regarding the mechanical equipment installed on the rooftop of the Vail Valley Medical Center. I will keep you infonned of my mcetings with Mr. Feeney. 1n the meantime, should you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can be reached during regular office hours (mst) at 970-479-2145. Sincerely, ��..,�--��•ul George Ruther Town Planner �•RECYCLED PAPER r • � MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Shelly Mello DATE: August 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center On August 3, 1993, the Vail Valley Medical Center was issued a building permit for an interior modification which added three offices. At this time, Dan Feeney of the Medical Center provided information showing that one operating room had been converted to a supply room, thus decreasing the required parking by one space. As a result of the building permit release for the interior modification there was an increase of three spaces, therefore there is a net increase of two parking spaces as of today's date for the Vail Valley Medical Center. According to records, this would indicate that there are three spaces remaining for the project including those spaces provided on Lot 10. �a,t.Q V.i(�� �� �t.e�;..� a � • . � � , i ��o� �'1�- _ -�- �" � � �1►�� ��Vol , I�L Plo�.� , 1k�.Q'�1o�1- ►Po�1�. C�� �. �_ - wl�i.-� c� l� cw� � ����� � ��. � � � % /-' '"`-' L1�1�-����.<,:� �d'� �. 1 / � � !���- /� ��ra� �d.� � - �P l�v��. 1�1�� �,� �`c� �? P � ) � � C���ru..�5 ��� ��r�'r�o ��__ ___ _���7 , �� . , � , , > � �Q-�-,- ���'� �,� � �� C��o� ���� (,{�.1��- r� � - c ����- � . Q , � ' � ! � -�-� �s -��Q-- '��� ��va�ue�_ �����; �� �,��, G'�( �s) . � ;�� �U � `' � � � I ��� ) _ �.��� � l��v�.� . I��« �'►� i�,�Q. �� V� ��(��.�-� C� ����- o� � �a . ' � � ' � . < �� - �.�r�. �-� �nn rm�'r�a�.�� �e �- 3 �� � � , � e � �--� ��'�.- ��� �� -�1.��',..� . 1�e� u�� � 5 l-� ��� o� � rni�Q� �l�? —�� � � � ��'���'CI T1�L��- U�1� U1i�l � �t �eJ�r� � � � � � � C��1 5 �-y� �� � limi , . ��rn�' rna� -�o �} b � —�, � � ��� � �� � �e�. — w����-. � . ��' o�r-1- � �- ��- �� �.� �r'h � G�! - � � � , � . �� r .�. , �1 , S�-� co�,V,m��. S � �r5-1�-� � , �)� �) l�ii1�1 r'� �,�� � � i�t�Q�^�'l��-'`� � � �J lU jll �r,�,[�Q,, � �7 � � �}�uc.,�, �.� �� �.? � � 5���- �.a� d.�� .� �. c�u�r�,t� o� U�o��s.�oi o�, �r` �.�' . . I \ . ��� tow� of uail 75 south frontage road office of community development vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 October 26, 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney !, Vail Valley Medical Center I 181 West Meadow Drive ! Vail, Colorado 81657 � Re: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Hospital Wing and 1989/90 Winter Parking Plan Dear Dan, Recently, Jay Peterson contacted me to find out the process the staff would require for the issue of the new hospital wing temporary certificate of occupancy. Peter and I reviewed this issue and have determined that a temporary parking variance and amendment to your conditional use approval will be necessary. Please submit these requests as soon as possible. We feel it is important to address your temporary certificate of occupancy as soon as possible so that it does not appear that we do not have time to review the request. I know you have been very busy with the construction project. However, I think it is best to address this issue in a timely manner. I would also appreciate it if you would give me an update on your proposed parking plan for 1989/90. In past letters, you have indicated that you would use a third parking lot. At that time, this lot was not identified. Please let me know your final parking plan (once again) , as soon as possible. Dan, the deadlines just never stop. Thanks for your help on these two matters. Sincerely, ���a���� K istan Pritz Senior Planner KP: lr cc: Peter Patten Jay Peterson Ray McMahon � ,� �" `�'� G F � � C� _ _ D � S FM Systems, Inc. (303) 279-4234 � 795 Mc(ntyre Street, Suite 201 _ � FAX # (303) 279•6205 :+ i Golden, CO 80401 .� �;.� ' i � ; ' .. . ' i � � ;� j . i ; � � . . . ; ; � ' _ � ; - . I , � � � Se tember 2 _ � ; { ; ' ; i j p s, �989 � � - - ` � � ' ��..�a " i ,� �'; � , :i ' � �� ; � � ' ' � .�, �.�� � �.�, , ; �, ;; � ! Vai1 Valley Medical Center ' ; , ��.: _ °� 181 W. Meadow Drive ' ' � , ' ' : � j ',i ' � Va i 1 , CO 81657 ' , :_ , � ,., � � , � i i ; �' : �• _ ' , � i � �f . � ��, , . , Attn: Mr. Ray McMahan, Administrator ' - "' ,' , A � f i �- � Re: Shenandoah P25 Hospital Incinerator ' , i , i , , ,1 � Dea r Mr. McMahan, ; , _ ', ' , On September 2C, 1989, 0 performed an inspection and operational check-out of the Shena:idoah P25 Incinerator installed at your facility. Brad Schneider was present during this proc,edure. The previous smoking problem was due to a malfunctioning modulating gas valve controller. This item has been replaced and the incinerator is now operating within j factory specifications. ;°j ;: ! To help eliminate further problems, I would sugaest one operational change - have the operator verify that the � upper burner is actually firing and that the secondary : temperature is at least 1000° before loading waste in ,� the un i t. � : �� - � 4 .. . . .' ' . . _,_� ��..�. �;;� h�:;; The sett ings for the burners, far�s and control s were al so � checked on this visit and found to be proper. The unit is � ..��`"i operating in accordance with factory specifications and i the State of Colorado emission limits. .. ; ' � Please call if I can be of further service. Very truly yours, F YSTE INC. .¢�� � �. Ken elmain KD/ff \ - . : . . ; : ev • • \ '�ti tow� of uaii 75 south frontage road office of community development vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 September 6, 1989 Mr. Ray McMahan - Administrator Vail Valley Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. McMahan, I am writing to express my concern about the repeated incidents which have occurred over the past month involving the hospital incinerator. I have documented incidents on August l, 1989 and August 30, 1989 during which time large quantities of malodorous smoke was seen pouring from the incinerator stack. On both occasions I contacted the hospital to investigate the situation and my call was the first indication the staff had that a , problem existed. ' On both occasions I have spoken with Brad Schneider, of your maintenance staff, who was very cooperative and was able to locate and correct the problem. There are two areas which concern me as they relate to this issue: ! (1) There is no apparent internal notification system for malfunctions of the incinerator. (2) This is the second time within a thirty day period � that the general public has been exposed to the smoke ' resulting from the incomplete combustion of hospital I� wastes. I The general public is unaware of what the hospital burns in its I incinerator and as a rPSUlt expresses a large amount of concern when these incidents occur. My office received no less than 6-8 phone calls on the 30th requesting immediate action and expressing concern that this has occurred more than once. As I stated previously, Brad has been very cooperative in correcting the problem. However, I have a greater concern for the duration of the incident before the problem is located and the apparent • • increasing frequency of occurrence. At this time I would request a thorough inspection of the incinerator by an authorized and knowledgeable service representative to determine the reason for the problem and correction so that this does not occur again. This is a fairly new incinerator and I would imagine it should not be experiencing these periods of partial operational failure. I would request a written copy of all findings from this inspection for my file. I realize that nothing can be guaranteed for 100% incident free operation, but I would feel more comfortable knowing the circumstances have been investigated and everything is working as well as can be expected. This would also provide me with the opportunity to reassure those concerned individuals who continue to contact this office. If you have any questions concerning this matter or if you would care to discuss it with me, feel free to contact me at 479-2138. I am looking forward to your cooperation in assuring there are no repeats of these incidents. Sincerely, ( '�; � �� '������'� -Susan Scanlan Environmental Health Officer cc: Harry Collier - Air Quality Control Division State Health I • • \ �� tow� of uai 75 south frontage road office of community development vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 April 11, 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney, Transportation/Parking Specialist Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Hospital Parking analysis Dear Dan, An adjacent property owner suggested that you also take several parking counts at peak periods during the summer season. I am also thinking that this would be a good idea. I would appreciate it if you would incorporate these counts into your parking analysis. In addition, I wanted to reiterate that it is necessary for you to count the total number of cars using West Meadow Drive and then determine the number of vehicles that go to the Hospital . Council questioned whether or not you were doing this. My understanding is that you are counting total vehicle trips on West Meadow Drive. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, !�, , �j��l '� 1 Kristan Pritz Senior Planner .-rs. .; . �. . o • ���� � _ �f : �;�� tow� o uai 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a76-7o00 oftice of community development March 28, 1989 ' Mr. Dan Feeney, P.E. Project Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Suite 100 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Parking and Traffic Study Dear Dan: �i The Planning Commission reviewed your parking and ,traf�fic analysis at their meeting on March 27, 1989. They asked that you be sure to also count emergency vehicle trips, delivery trips, and visitor parking. It was emphasized that parking on Lot 10 should also be counted. If you have any further i questions, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2138 . Sincerel , ►1'��ar ` Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:kc , � � � ��`- \ � — _ ��;y tow� of uai � 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2116 March 31, 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney Project Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 W. Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Conceptual Review of the Vail Valley Medical Center ' and Parking Structure, Design Review Board, March 29 , 1989 Dear Dan: � Below is a summary of the comments made by the Design Review Board on March 29, 1989. As you know, this was a conceptual review. 1. Landscape Plan ' A. Landscaping should be very substantial at the entry to the parking structure. Additional planting in this area is necessary. , B. The size of the materials should be as large as possible. C. Further study is necessary for the trench area i adjacent to the parking structure. It was suggested that the architects look at building a retaining wall I along the east side of the trench which could be used � for landscaping. This would still allow for adequate ventilation for the parking structure and make the landscaping visible from the Frontage Road. D. Sidewalk connections should be added between the parking structure and the bank, as well as the parking structure and Doubletree property. E. The signage for the parking structure should be included in the landscape plan. This will ensure that + , � � the landscaping does not block a logical location for the signage. F. Lighting for the entry way and parking structure should be submitted with your application. G. The layering of the landscaping in the Bank planter is positive. 2 . Third Floor Addition A. The Design Review Board liked the new entry plan. The DRB felt that the architects had done a good job of creating more of a pedestrian scale on the west elevation. B. Many members were still concerned about the greenhouse. Some members felt that the greenhouse would not function and would be too hot. Others agreed that the greenhouse would be too hot, but also felt that the greenhouse form did not seem to be , �. compatible with the existing building. One member �, felt that the greenhouse would be acceptable as long as the greenhouse slope was used elsewhere on the I building. C. It was suggested that the architects try to add plantings underneath the second story overhangs along West Meadow Drive. One member said that they were 'I certain that plants will thrive in these shaded � areas as long as the appropriate plants are used. D. The architects should present a specific design for the concrete bunkers along West Meadow Drive. E. The architects should look at adding windows on the east and west elevations of the building, . particularly in the area of the greenhouse and the east elevation which connects to the existing building. F. Several members suggested that it would be appropriate to add berming and additional landscaping along West Meadow Drive. G. There was still concern about the massing of the third floor. It was suggested that the architects make a horizontal demarcation of the third floor by the use of a change in material. . � ' � � H. The board specifically requested that you submit a roof plan, complete landscape plan for the entire site and a specific design for the concrete bunkers at the next meeting. Enclosed with the letter are a project application, sign application, materials list, and Design Review Board schedule. In order to meet the April 19 Design Review Board meeting, it will be necessary that you submit all your information by April lOth. I will be gone the last part of April and the first part of May. Rick Pylman has agreed to handle your project while I am gone. I will be out of the office after April 14 . It would be best if you could try and make your submittal before that date so that I can make sure everything is organized. I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I wish you good health and hope you feel better soon. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2138 . Sincerely, �Y'IS�n1 �' �l� Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:kc Enclosure CC: Rick Pylman Peter Patten i � � ' . • • � �y;, 1 tow� o uai 75 south (rontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a76-7o00 office of community development February 17, 1989 � Mr. Dan Feeney, P.E. Project Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference: Hospital work session, PEC meeting February 27, 1989 Dear Dan, , You requested that the staff summarize the issues that the ' hospital should address at the PEC work session on February 27th. The following list of issues should be covered at the meeting: , 1. Frontage Road improvement plan: * What is the final plan? * Who will construct the improvements and at what time? * What is the Colorado Division of Highways position on the preliminary plan? * How is the Vail National Bank Building involved? I * How is the Doubletree Hotel involved? ' 2 . What are the effects of the plan on adjacent properties, , including the Town of Vail site? (General impacts - from the Frontage Road improvement plan on adjacent , properties?) , 3 . Will the hospital agree to not remonstrate against a Special Improvement District, if improvements beyond the three lane preliminary design are necessary in the future? * Area wide Special Improvement District? I, * Vicinity Special Improvement District? . . • ` 'Y Mr. Dan Feeney 2/17/89 - Page 2 4. Vail National Bank: * How are they involved in the project? * A plan showing the requested improvements to their property should be submitted by the bank. This will require coordination with Sydney Schultz, Architect for Vail National Bank. Peter Patten has already discussed with Sid the possibility of preparing a plan in time for the February 27th meeting. 5. Is it possible to connect the Vail National Bank parking structure to the hospital parking structure? 6. Master Plan: * When will the emergency room and ambulance building be moved to the east building? Will this occur in the next phase? * How will service and delivery be handled in the future? Our understanding is that deliveries will continue to occur on West Meadow Drive with this expansion. You should explain why this is necessary and what type of screening from the delivery area could be provided. * What is the timeline for the construction of a connection between the northeast parking structure and the west surface parking lot? Will this connection occur even if the hospital does not expand in the near future? * Will it be acceptable to the hospital to terrace the fourth floor so that the fourth floor is not visible from the pedestrian areas on West Meadow Drive? * How will the Frontage Road expansion effect the heli- copter landing pad. Where will the long-term location of the heli pad be? 7 . Architecture: The Planning and Environmental Commission as well as Design Review Board requested that the hospital make an effort to soften the institutional appearance of the structure. They stated that window groupings could be more residential. The DRB suggested that the hospital provide a massing model for the PEC meeting. 8. Ambulance Ingress/Egress: * Is the proposed plan acceptable to the Ambulance District? * Is the proposed plan safe? . ' �,, � � .� 9. Landscaping: * What is the landscape plan in front of the structure? * Is the landscaping possible given CDOH concerns? � Please submit a landscape plan showing materials that are possible. This is the staff's best effort at listing issues raised by the Planning Commission at the meeting on February 13th. You may wish to call several of the planning commissioners to go over this list just to make sure that all the issues are addressed. We have scheduled the hospital for a work session with the PEC at 12 : 30 - 2 : 15 on February 27th. Our understanding is that you I would also like to have a public hearing on the project. We , have scheduled the hospital as the first item for the public ' hearing. The hearing will begin at 3 : 00 p.m. in the Town ! Council Chambers. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, r� �� �� Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:sm ...a�+�,,.f�� w�.,,:; �� :. , � �4 �: r,�+,i �-,� w� � _ ° _ -'�+ . .;I��-,' .�-'�r�'�� _ - �.. y_ w�i •"� #t' __�..,� . .� � � ' 1 ' .�:. � �. �dM�'1�y . , _. . _� ' i ��`�'�7' , r- � � � � -`� .. y !� � .. �y, ' - ___ . .. � - .._,.... ° � • , _--- _ �` — • -,�� ��`..�-- �j� - +ti� � v s ,�. �;� �: � J i/ � � � � � / / ' � , � ' / r' � , �.. . i � � / // i � / 'i � S d r � � � � 4 � : :-.7d_�...� �� � �� � ���� � � . .� , � �;. � � i IIII ',� '� .��'il�'' �YI I i �I�.�'I ' II III�II'Ip �'I��� �I ! il�� �II IP�'I , iy • '"�` - '� `8_�i".�s``�+► +�t '"'"'. � �f� � _p._ . , ��� 1 ��' � � � �,��� �� �3 y�� � � ; � " `�`i.�t �,� { :3•'3� . 3 x�' i ��� I ,�"����6 ��¢�1''�g�. �mi�i�,�.-.� ���'.������ I i �y � � ; �...,, �.: .;; i � � � � f � �y' 7��� I f'��"� , ��'��������r°r,p`s ���,;,i. d �i��`��+�"�,���..����r�z���'��,.^ `g"'� ?'e . h^.a� .�, .,'uy .. . �'� � 'b�,�`rz�`s,E�'�#l�a `�z�r�`��.m �� �"a"�� a�z'��,� ��'�'� �'s{��-�'a ����� �� •, � , . - S_` c ; �'; � � � �, s�i� i �''�, "4 �.c ',� . ��! �' ��"�E�.-4 _ ,� . - .. � /r � _ �3 4 3a,s L'`��-' 1' �r#' . ny: r �+ �. r '�''yt�k `t_F.���'��%'',.�"��s"���'��Y�����:, � $ . �.—"� � ' '�� �^'�U,kl��#? �''��''��3 �t���5�i`,��, � J{y�i�' . Y � �^� , jf � � . '. a.�� sµ. ryk�i y R�k� �"��4? ^b'� � "�„�` F� � _ � . t b. ��� �.„����it"y�j`y��'�f�� �� ��� �� ����ti'£�_�iv��l�Wt�t�Y� � � � E e;,� � ' � � � Our New Phane Numbers A re' 'y�y 479 2138 tow� of uai �� 479 21�9 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a�s-7o0o office of community development January 10, 1989 Mr. E. B. Chester 366 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Frontage Road Improvements for the Vail National Bank Building ', Dear E.B. : The staff has reviewed the Vail Valley Medical Center proposal and South Frontage Road Access Plan. In respect to the Vail National Bank's portion of the Frontage Road improvement project, the staff is requesting that you and the present owners of the bank submit your part of the proposal for review by the Community Development Department. The Vail National Bank property is located in the High Density Multi-Family zone district. Under HDMF zoning, parking is not allowed in the front setback (20 feet) . The proposal calls for parking in this area and will require a variance to this zoning standard. The improvements will also need to be approved by the Design Review Board. It would be helpful if you would submit a 1" = 20' scale drawing showing the redesign of the area in front of the building. The staff recommends that you cut back the eastern portion of the parking lot to save landscaping. It appears that you could still gain 4 parking spaces while maintaining the two aspens and three spruce in front of the building. Some of the landscaping will need to be removed in order to allow for the new parking area and access. However, the staff would like to see the loss of landscaping minimized. We also think it is important that the Bank provide at least one loading space. Presently, trucks park out on the shoulder of the Frontage Road to provide delivery service to the Bank which creates problems for traffic on the Frontage Road. . � • � We would also prefer to see the access for the Bank parking lot changed so that one enters from the east entrance and exits out the west side of the parking lot. The additional entry which is shown on the access plan by the Hospital parking structure will conflict with the traffic coming in and out of the structure. We believe that it would be better to only allow cars to exit out of the west side of the Bank parking lot. We encourage you to submit for the parking variance once we hear comments from the Highway Department. Enclosed are Planning Commission and Design Review Board applications. We understand that you are not the owner of the Bank at this time. It will be necessary to get the present owner's signature on your application. In general, the staff believes that the applicants for the Hospital expansion and Frontage Road improvement project have made a great deal of progress in meeting the concerns of the staff and Planning Commission. We appreciate your efforts and participation in the project. If you have any further questions about the submittal process, please feel free to call me at 479-2138 . Sincerely, 1 an ��1 Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:BR Enclosure cc: Peter Jamar Dan Feeney ` • � • Our New Phone � �� Numbers A re� y,ti 479 2138 tow� ofi uai � 4792139 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a76-�o00 ofiice of community development January 10, 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Hospital Submittal for January 23 , 1989 Planning Commission i Review Dear Dan: The staff has reviewed your submittal and has the following comments: I. ISSUES A. How will snow be removed from the parking structure's top level? B. How will the southeast entry on the lowest level of the parking structure be used? If this entry is only used for service and deliveries, would it be possible to locate the service and delivery on the surface parking area so that landscaping could replace the access drive up to this entrance? C. Between the east parking structure and existing Vail National Bank building a void is created. The staff would recommend that a grate be placed across the top of this space with planters placed on top of the grate. We also feel that a pedestrian connection between the parking structure and the bank is necessary. D. Master Plan. The staff used the Master Plan as a conceptual guide to development for the Hospital. The following . • • � comments relate to the development proposed for ultimate build-out of the Hospital: 1. The two parking structures should be connected by a ramp that will make vehicle access very direct between the two structures. We realize that the connection is not feasible until the ambulance building is relocated to the eastern portion of the site. However, we do not feel that it would be acceptable to build the western parking structure without this connection to the east structure. 2 . Staff could not support an expanded ', service/delivery area off of Meadow Drive on the ' southeast corner of the property. Instead, we would strongly encourage loading and delivery to be relocated to a site that could access off of the South Frontage Road. 3 . We feel strongly that the 4th floor for the east and west wings should be pulled back from the East Meadow Drive side of the expansion. The more terraced the 4th floor is the better. 4. The staff does not feel that the Hospital should rely on Lot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually, once the West Meadow Drive pedestrian mall is created, Lot 10 will most likely be used for landscaping and a pocket park. 5. Staff believes that parking should be located under the east building. I would appreciate it if you would submit the following information by next Friday, January 13 , 1989 : A. A specific justification for the shared parking with the Doubletree. We are requesting that you do two more parking counts at 5: 30 PM. We would also like any other information you can provide to justify the shared parking. You may want to mention the fluctuation in number of employees from day shift to evening shift and when the two shifts end. B. Indicate the pedestrian connection between the parking structure and Vail National Bank on the landscape plan. C. Describe how snow removal will be handled for the top floor of the parking structure. � j • • D. Show how the grate/planters could be designed over the open area between the structure and Vail National Bank parking on the landscape plan. E. Describe how service and delivery will be handled for the Hospital now and in the future. F. Stake the property by Monday morning for staff review. G. Revise the landscape plan to show a service and fire lane on the east side of the hospital as well as additional landscaping. Explain how the southeast access to the structure will be used for maintenance vehicles and why it is not practical to have an entrance on the west side of the structure. If you have any further questions about these comments, please feel free to call me at 479-2138 . Sincerely, , Y� �n i Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:br s • • — ��`/ 1�7 tow� of uai 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otfice of community development October 3, 1988 Mr. Dan Feeney, P.E. Proj ect Manager Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Additional Information for the Conditional Use Review for the Vail Valley Medical Center Expansion Dear Dan: I am requesting that you submit the following information to the Community Development Department office by October llth. ' Some of the information we have already discussed, and my understanding is that you are working on preparation of this material. Please submit the following: l. Label all spaces on floor plans as to their proposed use. 2 . Provide elevations and floor plans of the parking � structure. Indicate the number of spaces within the i structure. * Please note as Tom described in his letter to you on July 20th, that a 1:20 scale elevations and floor plans are acceptable for Planning Commission, however, 1/8" :1' or larger will be required for Design Review Board. 3 . Provide a survey of the site which shows the existing improvements on the Vail Valley Medical property. 4 . Provide a vicinity plan which shows the Medical Center property in respect to the Frontage Road, Vail International, Post Office and Town of Vail site, Doubletree, West Meadow Drive, Dobson Ice Arena, and the creek. 5. Submit a set of complete floor plans and elevations of the existing structure. � � • 6. Submit trip generation numbers for the users of the facility, employees, and emergency vehicles. 7. Height information for the proposed building addition and parking structure. Height is measured from the existing or finished grade to the roof ridge. 8 . A written statement explaining how the hospital is presently providing parking for users and employees. Please describe the number of total spaces, valet parking, as well as off-site leased spaces. Also, please list the number of spaces in the parking structure, surface parking, and any valet spaces that would be used for the proposed hospital addition. 9. Information on utilization of the existing parking at the hospital. 10. In a letter from Mr. Ray McMahan to Ron Phillips, dated May 16, 1988, Ray states that 1987 peak demand for parking was 211 spaces. He also mentions that for this upcoming ski season (1988-89) , the hospital will have a parking capacity for 244 vehicles. Would you please explain why you feel an additional 24 spaces are necessary and who will use the spaces. 11. The proposed second floor addition appears to be different from the originally approved second floor addition in 1986. Would you please explain if there are any differences and if so, do they affect parking requirements. 12 . Of the 285 spaces proposed to be located on the hospital property, are any of these spaces valet? 13 . Please submit a landscape plan indicating existing landscaping and shade the proposed landscaping. 14 . Please provide a proposed construction schedule for the proj ect. 15. Was the handicap bus stop built in the previous expansion? 16. Are the maximum day shift numbers for hospital and clinic I employees the same as previously determined in the 1986 , expansion? j I�� r . . i 17. Please determine the development standards that you are requesting for the proposal. This would include determining setbacks, maximum heights, floor area, site coverage, and landscaping. Site coverage and landscaping are calculated by deducting these uses from the total square footage to determine what percentage of the site is devoted to these purposes. Please let me know if you have any questions about these submittal requirements. Sincerely, , �l T 1,L'��� �� I � Kristan�Pritz Senior Planner KP:br i � �„� � - ;.. . , : ` �-_ . , , ''';� tow� ot ��ai � 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81657 � (303)476-7000 June 15, 1988 Mr. Dan Feeney Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dan: It was a pleasure to have met with you concerning future expansion plans at the Medical Center. This letter is a follow-up to that conversation. The present agreement between the Town and the WMC established �I requirements for parking as related to the '86 expansion and future growth of the facility. The agreement required that 220 parking spaces be provided (both on and off site) to meet the demands of the Medical Center. This number was based on the existing facility and the proposed expansion. It is understood that a portion of this expansion was not constructed in '86 (the O.B. wing) , and the development of this space would not change the agreed upon figure of 220 spaces. The agreement went on to require that all parking be provided on site at such a time that the Medical Center initiates another expansion. "On-site parking" would include providing the 20-30 spaces currently leased from the Manor Vail, as well as any new demand created by expansion beyond the completion of - the plans approved in 1986. Simply stated, required parking for the WMC is 220 spaces after the completion of the plans by Fisher Reece and Johnson dated October 25, 1985. All required parking is to be provided on-site with any future expansion. The precise number of spaces (over the 220) would be determined based on the nature of the proposed expansion. This determination would be made as a part of the staff and Planning Commission's review of your report. .� . �. . , � � � ;:'�" : � ' � �r � � r J I r I look forward to working with you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, „ .. _;, ... ���� 1 ., \ Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner � TAB:bpr cc: Ray McMahon Ron Phillips Peter Patten ' i � I I . �;, � ;:�"�i�-r' .. _ '..�, � � � � _ �y;� tow� ot uai � , _ _ �� 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 � (303) 476-7000 oftice of community development ' I June 2, 1988 ��, � Mr. Ray McMahon Administrator Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking at Vail Valley Medical Center Dear Ray: Thank you for your letter of May 16th concerning your experiences with parking this past ski season. Based on my casual observations, I would concur that parking was manageable at the Medical Center this past year. It appears that more stringent management, valet parking, and the Medical Center's commitment to provide off-site employee parking during the ski season are meeting the demands of this facility. While your summary of 1987-88 was informative, the parking survey data may prove most beneficial in evaluating parking demands in conjunction with future expansions to the Medical Center. Sin erely, n � ���� Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB:bpr cc: Ron Phillips Peter Patten � � .:x -� , . _ ba d H H H � O z a r x �. o � � � � � � � � * �P W N�--� N h-+ O t0 OO V ��-+ �F �F �F �. i i i i i i � i � i 3 r%i -i 'D � OJ ---� CJ� � W N � f-+ f-+�. t0 00 Y'�'1 H O fD O � O 'fl '� �'0 '� N �-+ p 9 c+ � c+ � c-r 3 � � � � � fl, s�, s�, cv m r fl, � c, �-a, o � � � � � ro J � J O J 3 O 'D C� C'h C� -� � %V O Q+ O C ta C C O Z �-�} � � �.C G� � O -h O ��'f' IC —I H "h< � < (D < p '"'' � H fD � fD � r r � ��� NOT COUNTED "' y n _, n Z H -�� _. < � 3 U�i fD tn (D fD t/f N S `"'a W p �. � I'T1 � � C A Cn � iL In —+ x' .... � � �. fD 7C'• � f/1 fD c� a 3 lD � O --� �.pi . � O �� r� � n � I o cv g '-" r' -a � �+ o a . �, � �v a S � O N0000 V� Q101 V V V V N � 2 <� � t0 V tDtD �lalwO � N 1 3 �� T1 O (D 0 3 W '� �p '"� = m .�.. 'Q C �. 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(D 7C'• � V1 (D (a a 3 �.n�i � � � � a � O -1 -�-i af � � n o o cv g '-� r' n -� <-+ o cZ � 'o c+ � �"� o .A � oo � � cncnrnoovrn v' � o n S < � .ANIOIDN W UiQ1lON �l � 3 Q' �7 O rp o 3 00 �� T �n � ro x m � � � c �. s„ o � �. -�.cn � a cn .r oo cn c+ -'• (D O � C -- C �+ca c+ � -I 2 �--� C n �--� o �o m 0 o n, ° � � � � c+ tn -s �. �F m N� Z � J� �J. � � ff C f'F �71 (� � fD Cl! 'p ' � � � _ d N O N O '� �• U1I Ul �l 01 � W -P -A CT� Cn U7 \ -fi 7 W U1 f--� al Ql 00 W l0 00 r-+ V � * c+ fD � � x' J• � � � � � � � � � � � �� = Z J• O � 0 C O � O N 3 p. �• i � �O _ � � m O � �--� f-+ f-+ f-+ �, F-+ �,, F--� D � N 00 N W N O W N W N 00 �--- �--� � cn � rncnrn � aoornw � c* Q' r � y �'i' O N J � N � T �F Z J. � � � � �r •,,rr . �� vail valley 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 ►`�� medical center �a��, Colorado81657 (303)476-2451 October 3, 1988 Ms. Kristan Pritz � Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W, Vail , CO 81657 Dear Kristan: , Attached are summary sheets of two traffic surveys we conducted on West Meadow Drive. The first survey, conducted on 21 Sep 88, includes vehicles arriving and departing the hospital , between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivals and departures, as well as hourly counts of vehicles parked on-site, were tabulated for both the west and east lots. We conducted a second survey on 29 Sep 88 in the same manner, except that we also counted the total number of vehicles passing our checkpoint at the First Bank of Vail . On this day, 46°6 of the vehicles traveling 4Jest Meadow Drive between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. were on hospital-related business. Lyn Morgan, manager of the Eagle County Ambulance District,:�has provided the following information on numbers of emergency calls for a 12-month period: SEP 87 47 calls OCT 87 42 NOV 87 45 ___ DEC 87 140 JAN 88 153 FEB 88 122 MAR 88 178 APR 88 gg MAY 88 36 JUN 88 54 JUL 88 104 AUG 88 84 Please call if you need any further information. Sincerely Da e � Project n er /lrp , enclosure Ray McMahan Administrator . . r � � __ ,�. Our New Phate Numbers A re� _ ��, 479 2138 � �y,� 479 21.?9 tow� o uai � 75 south irontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) a76-7o00 ofilce of community development January 3 , 1989 Mr. Dan Feeney Vail Mountain Medical 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Peter Jamar Jamar Associates 108 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Hospital and Doubletree Submittals for Planning Commission January 9, 1989 Dear Dan and Peter: The staff has reviewed the submittal material for the Hospital and Doubletree proposals. The following questions must be answered by noon Wednesday, January 4 in order to allow the staff time to write the memo for the Planning Commission meeting on January 9th: I . FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS A. What is the final design? B. What is the justification for the design? C. How will the inprovements be phased? D. Who is responsible for construction of the improvements? E. How is the Vail National Bank involved in the design, phasing and construction of the Frontage Road improvements? � � � ' .� II. HOSPITAL �KING STRUCTURE A. How many spaces in the structure will be jointly used by the Doubletree and Hospital? B. What are the conditions of the joint use of the parking spaces? C. How does the joint use plan relate to the interim and build-out scenarios for the two projects? D. What is the final design for the structure? E. How is the Vail National Bank involved in the parking structure, if at all? F. What is the Hospital's position or justification for ', allocating 48 spaces in the evening to the Doubletree? Conversely, how does the Doubletree justify the lack ' of 48 on-site spaces during the day? I The staff is asking that written answers to these questions be ', submitted to our office by noon tomorrow. ', I The following information must also be submitted by noon, Wednesday, January 4th. The Hospital has been asked to submit the following: I. HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. A landscape plan. The landscape plan should address the area around the parking structure and the surface parking to the west along the creek. B. The final report from TDA concerning the Frontage Road improvements. This report should summarize traffic counts and other information that was used to arrive at the Frontage Road improvement design. C. A massing sketch of the master plan. The sketch should show both the north and south massings of the ultimate hospital build-out. D. A final drawing on the Frontage Road improvements which shows the proposed ingress and egress for the parking structure. E. Final drawings for the parking structure. . " ` _ � • J II. DOUBLETREE AND HOSPITAL SUBMITTAL RE UIREMENTS: A. The Doubletree and Hospital should submit their final agreement as to how parking will be shared between the two projects. III. DOUBLETREE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Final design drawings for the parking structure interface with the Doubletree site. The staff thought it would also be helpful to pass on our comments on the Hospital Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to address the larger scale issues related to the ultimate build-out for the property. Ingress/egress, parking, building massing, and the inter-relationships of the Hospital to surrounding properties can be generally addressed by using this plan. The plan illustrates at a conceptual level how these issues could be handled on the site. The master plan should not be used to address specific site planning issues for future phases. Below are our staff comments: 1. The building massing is generally acceptable. 2 . In respect to the west parking structure, the staff feels that it is important that access from the Frontage Road be used for the west parking structure to decrease impacts on West Meadow Drive. Parking management will also be critical to the west structure. Staff believes that the option to locate parking underneath the east wing of the Hospital should be examined. We also feel that parking could be located between the Doubletree expansion to the east and the existing hospital. By combining parking in this area, it is possible that the western structure could be avoided. These two options should be looked at before the western parking structure is considered a necessity. 3 . The parking spaces located on Lot 10 should eventually be removed. In the future, the Town will most likely utilize this property for another purpose. The staff feels very strongly that the information and answers to questions included in this letter must be submitted by Wednesday at noon. We hope you can understand why the staff • ' � � , ' needs this minimal amount of time to review the proposal. The project is extremely important to the community and deserves ! adequate review time to ensure that all of us will be thoroughly prepared for the Planning Commission meeting on January 9th. � Sincerely, •; �,. � �,. ��� � � Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:br cc: E.B. Chester, Vail National Bank . . • � . � P�L. TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: February 13 , 1989 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition to the Vail Valley Medical Center, including a new parking structure. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE A. Hospital Expansion The proposed expansion entails construction of approximately 31, 209 square feet for patient care, as well as an on-site parking structure. The project would include the completion of the second floor on the north side of the recently built west wing. Completion of the second floor will allow immediate expansion of the patient care unit (PCU) by 20 beds. The second floor is 8, 150 square feet. A small entry addition adjacent to ' the parking structure is proposed for the first floor (1,242 s. f. ) . Construction of a full third floor on top of the existing west wing adds 21,817 square feet. The new third floor will house a surgical suite comprised of four operating rooms, doctors' offices, a fourth radiology room, as well as ancillary services. B. Parkinq The hospital proposes to construct a 2-1/2 level parking structure at the east end of its property. The structure will provide parking for 177 vehicles, with access directly off South Frontage Road. The elevation of the top level of the parking structure would be slightly lower than that of the existing South Frontage Road. The north end of the structure would be constructed on land currently owned by the Doubletree Hotel. The Vail ValleyyMedical Center and the Doubletree Hotel have entered into an agreement to allow the structure to be built on Doubletree land in return for shared parking arrangements and other considerations. The hospital's proposed structure will be built in such a way that it can be connected to the Doubletree's underground parking at a later date to allow sharing of parking. The structure would eliminate 20 existing surface parking spaces on Doubletree property. These 20 spaces will be replaced in the proposed structure. 1 . . e • Surface Parking will occur on the present west lot, providing for 104 vehicles with an additional 18 surface spaces on town owned Lot 10. The lot is leased from the town and will remain in its present configuration with access off West Meadow Drive for the near term. The Vail Valley Medical Center is required to provide a total of 220 parking spaces on site. The 1986 conditional use permit calculated the requirement for 220 spaces by adding the number of day shift employees, hospital beds, and exam rooms. The overall total included an obstetrics (OB) wing on the north side of the second floor, althouqh this was never built. Thus, I, the number of parking spaces calculated for the unbuilt OB wing should be credited against the overall parking requirement. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: USE SPACES REQR HOSPITAL 1 space per bed 30 1 space per emergency exam bed g 1 space per employee (maximum on day shift) 55 94 94 DOCTORS OFFICES 1 space per doctor 32 1 space per employee 38 1 space per exam room 44 114 114 AMBULANCE GARAGE 1 space per transport vehicle 4 1 space per employee (on duty) 2 meeting room space 6 12 12 Total spaces required for entire facility 22p If the parking spaces for the obstetrics wing are deducted from the total requirement of 220, 203 spaces are needed to service the building actually constructed in 1986-87, based upon the formula agreed to by the Town and Hospital. The obstetrics wing called for the following parking: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-OB 10 Exam room - OB 1 Day shift employees- OB 6 Total 17 spaces 2 . • � �' The incremental parking requirements that the proposed expansion will generate are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Patient beds-General 20 Exam rooms-General 6 Day shift employees-general 49 Total 75 spaces Therefore, new parking requirements are computed as follows: USE PARKING SPACES Base figure 86-87 expansion 203 ' Incremental increase, 89-90 expansion 75 �' Total Required 278 II'I Parking will be located on the property in the following areas: Parking structure 177 spaces Surface parking 104 spaces Lot 10 18 spaces Total 299 spaces Available parking 299 spaces Doubletree parking in northeast structure - 20 spaces Total 279 spaces Required 278 1 space above required * It should be noted that no valet parking is proposed with this expansion. Due to thefact that the hospital is proposing to construct a portion of the parking stru'cture on Doubletree property, 20 parking spaces for the Doubletree will be lost. The Hospital has agreed to provide 20 spaces within the northeast parking structure for full time use by the Doubletree. If and when the Doubletree expands, the Hospital will permit the hotel to use up to 48 additional spaces between the hours of 5: 30 PM and 2 : 30 AM. The 20 spaces previously assigned to the Doubletree on a full time basis would revert to Hospital use between 2: 30 AM and 5: 30 PM. The following chart indicates how the parking will be utilized by the Hospital and Doubletree when the Doubletree expansion occurs. 3 . � � � PHASE I PHASE II (WMC EXPANSION) (DOUBLETREE EXPANSION) 2 : 30AM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-2 : 30AM 2 : 30AM-5: 30PM 5: 30PM-2 : 30AM REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED REQ PROVIDED DBLTREE 167 167 167 167 261 193 261 261 HOSPITAL 278 279 278 279 278 299 278 231 It should be noted that the Hospital plans to provide all of its parkinq on site for the current expansion. The Hospital will gain an additional 20 parking spaces during the day once the Doubletree expands. The Hospital will have a deficit of 48 spaces in the evening hours between 5: 30 PM and 2 : 30 AM after the Doubletree expansion. * The Hospital has provided parking counts indicating a I drastic reduction in the number of cars on site after 5: 30 pm �' (Please see parking counts memo, attached) . ' C. South Frontaqe Road Improvements The Hospital, Doubletree Hotel, and Vail National Bank have joined together to develop an Access Control Plan for a section of the South Frontage Road directly adjacent to their properties. The Access Control Plan was prepared by TDA, Colorado, Inc. (Please see attached TDA report, January 3, 1989) . The plan has not been approved by CDOH to date. CDOH's position is contained in the attached letter from Charles Dunn to Peter Patten. The improvements proposed in the Access Control Plan are divided into two phases: Phase I (Vail Valley Medical Center Expansion) : 1. The Doubletree will re-align its existing east entry. 2 . The Vail National Bank will re-align its east entry so that it is opposite the Town of Vail Post Office parking lot entrance. This access point will only be used as an entrance. Cars will ehter at this point and drive through the parking lot and out the west side of the property. This will allow for one way flow of traffic. The Vail National Bank is also considering additional par�ing and loading spaces in front of the Bank. The Vail National Bank must submit for a variance for parking in the front setback and final Design Review Board approval before their proposal will be finalized. Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH) approval will be required, as well. 4 . • � �rl� 3 . The Hospital will construct their access into the northeast parking structure. They will also be responsible for the widening of the south shoulder of the South Frontage Road which will allow for the extension of the left turn lane on the South Frontage Road that presently extends from the 4-way stop west to ' the Town of Vail post office access drive. The left- �I turn lane will be a continuous two-way turn lane for 500 ' feet. This will provide left turn storage for each future access drive and extend westerly through the Doubletree's frontage. Phase II (Doubletree Hotel Expansion) : 1. The Doubletree Hotel will construct a right turn de- celeration lane along the east bound South Frontage Road in conjunction with the future expansion. The lane will be approximately 150 feet long with a 90 foot tapered section. At the time of the future expansion, the Doubletree will relocate its eastern entrance further to the west and allow for ingress and an access drive egress. The existing extreme west and east access points will be closed. A restricted use delivery truck only access drive is anticipated at the very west end of the Doubletree to serve as a loading dock location. TDA also states that traffic through the four-way stop shall be decreased by the access plan: "Based on observed turning movements at the bank and Doubletree Inn, between 1/3 and 1/4 of the Hospital's peak hour trips will be oriented to the west. Hence, the proposed access plan will lessen the percentage of Hospital trips passing through the 4-way stop intersection by 25 to 33%. This reduction of 25 to 30 p.m. peak hour trips using Vail Road should be noticeable in peak hour traffic operations. Specifically, the single-lane northbound Vail Road approach at the 4-way stop will experience reduced length of vehicle queue by virture of the proposed access plan. " (TDA Report, p.9, January 3, 1989) * Please note that the plan assumes that the configuration of the f'our-way stop remains the same. D. Hospital Master Plan The Hospital has developed a long range master plan which envisions future expansions and also coincides with the Doubletree's master plan. The plan calls for redevelopment of the east end of the Hospital property including demolition of the original clinic built during the late 60's. The emergency room and the ambulance garage would be relocated to 5 . • i►"' � the east end (South side of the parking structure) with direct access to the South Frontage Road. Demolition of the ambulance garage would allow construction of an access connecting the east structure with a parking structure at the west end. Thus, the master plan provides for moving virtually all Hospital traffic from West Meadow Drive. The Hospital submitted a plan which shows maximum build-out heights of 4 stories on the west wing, 2 stories on the center wing, and 4 stories on the east wing. This massing is restricted through agreements with the Doubletree. A future i northwest parking structure is also proposed. The west ' parking structure would be limited to 2-1/2 stories with one � floor being underground. The total build-out square footage for the Hospital is estimated to be 231, 940 square feet. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The site is located in the Public Use Zone District. There are no specific development standards for this district. Instead the zoning code states: "The public use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18 . 02 . 020 and to provide for the public welfare. " A. Site Area: 3 .811 acres or 166, 007 square feet B. Floor Area: Existing New Total Basement 12 ,490 0 12, 490 First Floor 48,752 1,242 49, 994 Second Floor 35, 239 8, 150 43 , 389 Third Floor 0 21,817 21, 817 96, 481 31,209 127, 690 C. Site Coverage: ' Square Feet $ Building 49, 994 30.2 Ambulance Storage 2, 320 1 Parking Structure 13 , 850 8. 3 Paving 51, 000 30. 7 Open Space 48,845 29.4 Landscapinq Site Area 166, 009 +100% 6 . . � D. Setbacks: Front/South: 25 ft. (no change) Side/East: 0 ft. (no change) Rear/North: 0 ft. Side/West: (no change) E. Height: 46 ft. The proposed expansion will have a total of three stories. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18. 60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the j following factors: !I Consideration of Factors. A. Relationship and impact of the use on development ob�ectives of the Town. Staff believes that the Hospital is in an acceptable location provided that proper site and land use planning is coordinated with surrounding properties. We are comfortable that if the master plan is followed the hospital can continue to expand in an orderly manner that will be positive for the community. However, we do feel that the site could benefit in the long-term by relocating the doctors' offices and pharmacy to another site. This would free up additional square footage for necessary hospital uses and also decrease traffic. The Vail Valley Medical Center provides vital services for both permanent residents of Vail as well as our guests. The medical center is an important facility which will meet the present and future medical needs of the Town of Vail. The purpose section of the Public Use District states that public and quasi-public uses must provide for the public welfare and also meet the general purposes as prescribed in Section 18 . 02 . 020 of the zoning code. Section 18. 02. 020: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage, and public facilities; 2 . To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3 . To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation and to lessen congestion in the streets; 7 `�r rMI` 4 . To promote adequate and appropriately located off street parking and loading facilities; 5. To conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values; 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, and workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives; 7. To prevent excessive population densities and � over crowding of the land with structures; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the Town; 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides and other desirable natural features; 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desired living quarters; 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. The staff feels that the proposed hospital expansion reinforces these objectives of the zoning code. B. The effect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The height of 46 ft. proposed with this expansion should not have major impacts on light and air. Height limitations as outlined in the master plan have been designed by considering impacts on adjacent properties, particularly West Meadow Drive. In respect to utilities, ma'jor utilities are located in the area of the proposed parking structure. The applicant is in the process of determining how the relocation could be accomplished. The hospital is a significant public facility which meets community health needs. The project definitely satisfies a major public facility need. 8 . � � C. The effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parkinq areas 1. Frontaqe Road Access Control Plan: The proposed northeast parking structure was designed with the intent of removing traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The approach to parking and vehicular access supports the goals listed in the Land Use Plan for this area. In the preliminary stages of review, both the Planning Commission and Staff indicated to the hospital that it was important to remove traffic from the West Meadow Drive area. The Land Use Plan has designated the West Meadow Drive area as a transition area between the Lionshead and Vail Village Commercial Cores. Section 4 .4 the Land Use Plan states: The connection between the Village Core and Lionshead I should be enhanced through: I A. Installation of a new type of people mover. B. Improving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk, alpine garden, and/or sculpture plaza. C. New development should be controlled to limit commercial uses. A high percentage of the vehicular trips on West Meadow Drive are due to the hospital. The applicants submitted information for total trips on West Meadow Drive for October 15th and October 18th. They state that: "Total trips on West Meadow Drive between 7: 00 am and 5: 00 pm range from a low of 1, 018 trips on Saturday, 15th of October to a high of 1, 618 on Thursday, September 29th. The percentage of vehicles on West Meadow Drive using the hospital varies from approximately 34% on October 15th to 53% on October 18th. " (Letter from Dan Feeney to Kristan Pritz October 21, 1988. ) . The peak number of all vehicles using West Meadow Drive during a 60-minute interval on each date is as follows: DATE TIME INTERVAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES 29 Sept. 11 am - noon 185 15 Oct. 11 am - noon 158 18 Oct. 1 - 2 pm 156 9 I . - � � By providing the structure and new access on the Northeast corner of the property, these trip numbers should be substantially decreased. The decrease in hospital traffic using West Meadow Drive supports the long term community goal to develop West Meadow Drive as a pedestrian link between the two villages. In respect to the road improvements proposed in the Access Control Plan prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. , the staff believes that the plan provides for much needed improvements to the South Frontage Road. The key issue related to the Access Control Plan is whether or not the Colorado Division of Highways will find the plan acceptable. In a preliminary review session on January 31, 1989 in Grand Junction, the hospital, Vail National Bank, Doubletree Hotel, and representatives from the Town of Vail met with the Highway Department Access Control Committee to review the plan. The Highway Department wrote a letter summarizing their concerns with the Access Control Plan. Instead of denying the proposal by strict application of the I�I, State Access Code, the Colorado Division of Highways agreed i that access to the parking structure would be possible provided that "continuous acceleration, deceleration, and left turn lanes are provided" . They stated that they felt that it was possible to provide a positive access design that will meet the requirements of the property owners without compromising public safety. The highway department recommended that the property owners consider the following design options: l. Provide one access to the parking structure which in turn provides access to the Doubletree and Vail National Bank. 2. Close the two westerly approaches to the old Post Office and provide a road to the easterly approach along the Interstate right of way and connect parking lots around the Post Office. This would allow for movement to the Frontage Road more to the North. 3 . Removal of the super elevation (bank of the road) and center line spirals to gain more room. (Please see letter from M'r. Chuck Dunn, District Right of Way Engineer, February 1, 1989 . ) The Highway Department also indicated that it would be helpful if the Town of Vail would determine what uses would be located in the Post Office building once it is vacated. The effects of a fourth lane in the northern area of the highway right-of-way should also be studied by the Town of Vail to determine how a potential for future fourth lane might effect access onto the Town of Vail property. 10 . • '�r � In light of these comments, the hospital requested to meet with the council on February 7, to discuss how the proposed Frontage Road improvements affect the Town of Vail and to ask for Town of Vail support in resolving the conflict. At that meeting the council passed a resolution addressing the hospital request. (Copies of the resolution will be available on Monday. ) , The staff also agrees with the resolution in the respect that we are supportive of the property owners efforts to � work out an acceptable Frontage Road improvement plan with the Colorado Department of Highways. Instead of prohibiting the project from proceeding through the planning process, the staff believes that it is acceptable to proceed with planning commission review of the proposal with the condition that an access permit be approved by the Colorado Division of Highways before a building permit is released for the hospital expansion. The proposal is extremely complex and involves three private property owners plus the Town of Vail. To their credit, the three property owners have reached agreement on a myriad of issues which allow for the completion of the Frontage Road improvements. 2 . Shared Parkinq. The hospital has submitted information which indicates that the required parking drastically decreases after 5: 00 pm. The parking information provided by the hospital below indicates this pattern: % OF 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF EXCESS SPACES DATE TIME CAPACITY VEHICLES PARKED CAPACITY UNUSED Dec 30 3 : 30pm 205 158 47 23% Dec 30 8: OOpm 205 39 166 81% Jan 4 3 :30pm 205 165 40 19. 5% Jan 4 8: OOpm 205 36 169 82% Jan 11 5: 30pm 205 113 92 45% Jan 12 5: 30pm 205 101 104 51% When the parking structure is complete, our total capacity will be increased to 279 spaces. Because the mix of hospital servic'es is not expected to change with our proposed expansion, it seems a reasonable assumption that the percentage of total spaces unused at 5: 30 pm will remain approximately 45-51%, as it was on January 11 and 12 . Thus, the number of unused parking spaces at 5:50 pm will increase to the range of 126-142 when the parking structure is constructed. This is almost three times the number of spaces we have made available to the Doubletree Hotel during evening hours. 11 `rrr �/�' Employees who fill day-time only jobs, such as business office personnel, normally leave the hospital between 4 : 30 pm and 5: 00 pm. Shift changes for positions that are staffed round-the-clock, such as nursing and EMT jobs, occur variously between 3 : 00 pm and 4 : 00 pm. I Thus, the overlap that occurs while one shift is ' finishing and another is coming on duty is finished long , before the spaces would have to be available to the � Doubletree. In addition, most evening shifts have 25- 30% fewer personnel than the day shifts they replace. (Letter from Dan Feeney January 13 , 1989) The Doubletree has submitted the following information concerning their parking utilization: The results of the survey show that daytime parking demand for the Hotel employees, condominium owners, and guests ranged from approximately 15% to 38% of supply. During this period Hotel occupancy ranged from 32% to 100%. 38% of the parking supply is equal to 63 parked cars. During the evening hours the survey indicates that a number of "unauthorized" cars utilize the parking supplied by the Doubletree. These are patrons of the bar and restaurant and when factored into the survey indicate a higher utilization of the parking supply. At 9: 00 p.m. the 167 spaces were never full but our observation is that later in the evening the parking fills close to capacity. The survey supports very strongly that the jointly shared parking arrangement proposed by the Vail Valley Medical Center and the Doubletree is a workable and desirable solution. Even though our survey indicates peak usage during the day is roughly 38% maximum we are proposing to provide 73% of our required spaces during the day and 100% in the evening hours. The difference will more than provide a "cushion" for any seasonal fluctuations or special events that may occur. (Memo from Peter Jamar dated January 10, 1989. ) The Staff approves of the shared parking concept for these two projects. We believe that the shared parking will provide for a more efficier�"t use of parking between both projects. 3 . Delivery Service: The existing driveway at the east end of the hospital will be maintained as a fire lane to facilitate snow removal from the upper deck of the parking structure and as an access to the service door at the southeast corner of the parking structures lower level. The service door at the south will 12 � � be used only by maintenance vehicles and not by the public. Deliveries will continue to be received at the materials management department in the southeast corner of the building via West Meadow Drive. At this time, the hospital does not feel that it is practical to have truck deliveries drive through the proposed parking structure at the east side. 4 . Snow Removal• Snow on the top level of the parking structure will be pushed off the southeast corner into the service corridor. Because of extremely limited space the hospital anticipates trucking ', snow off the site after every major snow storm and after second or third moderately sized snow storm. Staff concern I on this issue is that the hospital agrees that all snow ' removal and drainage must be handled on their site. Drainage and snow may not be pushed onto the Frontage Road or to other ', adjacent properties. � 5. Pedestrian Connection With The Bank: The hospital is providing a sidewalk connection from the Vail National Bank property to the top level of the parking structure. Although the design and location of the sidewalk may need to be refined at the request of CDOH and at the Design Review Board level, the staff believes that the sidewalk connection between the Vail National Bank and hospital parking structure is important. Staff Summary: The Staff feels that the proposal is a vast improvement over existing conditions on the Frontage Road and will provide a sound solution for parking and access to the site. The most significant benefit of the plan is obviously for West Meadow Drive. It is estimated by the hospital that because 85 fewer parking spaces will have access off West Meadow Drive, they anticipate that an immediate reduction of 500 trips per day during peak periods will be achieved. This is based on the hospital's observation that each parking space generates 5-6 trips on West Meadow Drive between 7am and 5pm. (See letter from Dan Feeney) . Vehicular traffic will be drastically reduced, safety will be imprroved and the door will be opened to make the necessary improvements to make this an attractive and safe pedestrian connection between the Village and Lionshead. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located includinq the scale and bulk of the �roposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. 13 � � The hospital expansion does effect the character of the area due to the increased bulk and mass of the proposed expansion. However, even though the hospital has somewhat of an institutional appearance, the third floor expansion on West Meadow Drive has been designed to break up the bulk and mass of the expansion as much as possible. The third floor is not one solid building wall extending above the second floor. Instead, the architects have broken up the mass by the use of two deck areas and one recessed area. The hospital has also used as much glass as possible along the west and south elevations. The glass also helps to ' decrease the perception of the bulk of the building. The parking structure has minimal impacts on West Meadow I Drive. Most of the structure is hidden from view by the I existing eastern wing of the hospital. From the South Frontage Road, the parking structure will actually be slightly below the grade of the road so visual impacts of the structure on the Frontage Road should be minimal. It will be important that as much landscaping as is possible (given CDOH requirements) be located in the planting areas along the South Frontage Road. Even though the structure itself will not be visible it will be positive to screen the view of cars parked on the top of the structure. The hospital is proposing to decrease the amount of asphalt on the east side of the Medical Center. Access will still need to be provided for fire and maintenance vehicles along the east side of the hospital. However, the hospital has proposed to landscape between the access road and the adjacent Skall Hus property. Staff believes that this will be a positive improvement for both projects. Access to the trash facility will still be maintained for the Skall Hus. IV. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed use. Vail Valley Medical Center Master Plan: The Staff is looking at the Master Plan as a conceptual guide for future development on the site. Below is a summary of our comments on the proposal: � 1. The parking structures should be connected by a ramp that will allow for direct access between the two structures. We realize that the connection is not feasible until the ambulance building is relocated to the eastern portion of the site. However, we do not feel that it would be acceptable to build the western parking structure without this connection. Even if a west parking structure is not built, we continue to recommend that access from the northeast parking structure to the west surface parking lot be provided once the ambulance building is relocated. 14 i . �. � 2 . Staff would prefer to see future parking located under the east wing of the hospital when it is rebuilt. It would benefit the site if the western parking structure could be avoided. 3 . We feel strongly that the fourth floor for the east and west wing should be pulled back from the West Meadow Drive side of the expansion. Terracing back will reduce the mass of the building to the users of the street and to the adjacent residences. 4 . The Staff does not feel that the hospital should rely on Lot 10 to meet parking needs in the future. Eventually, once the West Meadow Drive pedestrian mall is created, Lot 10 will most likely be used for landscaping and a pocket park. 5. Staff could not support an expanded service delivery area off of Meadow Drive on the southeast corner of the property. Instead, we would strongly encourage loading and delivery to be relocated to an area that could access off of the South Frontage Road. Master Land Use Plan: The Vail Valley Medical Center lies in the Transi�ion Area. This land use designation is described as follows: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Village. The activities and site design of this area are aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the area and strengthening the connection between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, nature exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of civic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacent properties to the north. This designation would include the right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adjacent properties to the north. (�and Use Plan, page 33) Also, as previously noted, olicy 4.4 refers to possible future improvements to the �est Meadow Drive area. The staff finds that the proposal is in concert with the Land Use Plan. The key element is reducing traffic on West Meadow Drive to facilitate implementation of policy 4. 4 . We feel the Vail Valley Medical Center, Doubletree and Bank deserve credit for working out an agreement to allow access for the Vail Valley Medical Center from the Frontage Road. 15 . . � � V. FINDINGS The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request and adoption of the development standards per the proposed plans with the following conditions: 1. An access permit .for the South Frontage Road improvement plan shall be obtained by the Vail Valley Medical Center as well as Vail National Bank and Doubletree owners before a building permit will be released for the proposed hospital expansion. 2 . The Frontage Road improvement plan will include a minimum of three lanes as proposed in the Access Control Plan. 3 . The proposed Special Development District 14 for the Doubletree Hotel is approved by the Planning Commission and Town Council. 4 . Snow removal and drainage from the proposed expansion and .parking structure shall not be handled on the South Frontage Road right of way. 5. Access through the sou"theast corner of the parking structure shall be limited to fire and maintenance vehicles. The general public and hospital employees shall not utilize this access. 16 _ � � � NOTE: The Town Council has asked that the PEC discuss with the applicants how an assessment district could be structured which would commit the Vail Valley Medical Center, Bank and Doubletree Hotel owners to helping fund necessary future road widening improvements in the area directly in front of these properties. The Council feels that the proposed improvements would push future widening to the north side of the right of way and they do not feel that the town should be responsible for the total cost of these improvements. 17 r � - � . .�__ ��r,�� �1��_ ca�r.Q �v 1�� � �v,�; `� �� fn�� CC'� JC,�. 3r� _� i, � 1 V . � I�n�� ��X 1 n`i �.�� Cc��n�S v � - �,�� � : _ _ Ir�TE�-oEP,SRTMENTAL REVI EW � r^?OJECT: , � � CJf^ ) . � ��_ D4TE SJ�!�ITTED: C(,� , DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING � CCF���ENTS P�EEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: `�I �.""—�,--_—_ • PUBLIC 4.ORKS � P.eviewed by: Date _ Co:,�.��enis: _._ . , � � FI RE DEPP.RTMENT� - n ..�'' - - Reviewed by: ' �,. 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