HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 34 LEGALDepartment of Community Development I 75 South Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgou.com OctoberT.2OC/. Exclusive Resorts c/o Mary Miller 1530 16m Street, Suite.500 Denver, CO 80210 Re: Short-term rentals located at 1249 and 1251 Westhaven Drive/Lot 34, Glen Lyon Subdivision Ms. Miller, This letter is in response to your inquiry regarding the definition of two-family dwelling and short term rental of dwelling units in Vail. First, the definition of two-family dwelling unit is referring to the type of structure which can be constructed on the property. lt is not meant to infer that a maximum of two families can occupy a dwelling unit. Second, the Town has no zoning requirements prohibiting the short-term rental of dwelling units. Should you choose to purchase the above property you will be able to short-term rent the property to any number of guests, so long as they do not park on Westhaven Drive. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148 Wlh regards, lil"MJ Senior Planner Cc: File {p ur"."ro rnr"^ o a'n+mf"* Departrnent of Comnunity Deve lopment 75 South Frofltage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwvailgov.com First American Heritage Title c/o Trisha Keyes PO Box 1980 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: 1249 and 1251 Weslhaven Circle/Lot 34 Glen Lyon Subdivision September 29,2004 Ms. Keyes, This letter is being sent to you at your request regarding the property identified above. The property identified above is located within Special Development District 4 nrhich has an underlying zoning of Two-Family Primary/Secondary Zone District. This project was recent given approval by all the appropriate Town of Vail Review Boards to proceed with a remodel of the homes. To the best of my knowledge the home complies with all applicable Town of Vail zoning requirements. I have attached the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Zone District portions of the Code for your review. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970479-2148. Wth regards, I 4,^Jnn^t^C^rQr{|t Wanen Campbelll Senior Planner Town of Vail lp ^tt"""o "'"n 12-6D-1 SECTION: 12-6D- 1: Purpose 12-6D- 2: Permitted Uses 12-OD- 3: Conditional Uses 12-6D- 4: Accessory Uses 12-6D- 5: Lot Area And Site Dimensions 12-6D- 6; Setbacks. 12-6D- 7: Height 12-GD- 8: Density Control 12-6D- 9; Site Coveraqe 12-6D-10: Landscapinf And Site Developmenl 12-6D-1'l: Parking 12-6D-3 12-GD-2: PERMITTED USES: The follow- ing uses shall be permitted: Single-fam ily residential dwellings. Two-family residential dwellings. Type I employee housing unit as provided in chapter 13 of this riile. (Ord. 6(2000) g A: Ord.8(1992) g 1't: Ord. s0(1977) g 2) 12-6D-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a con- ditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 12-14-1A of this title. Funiculars, and other similar conveyances. Home child daycare facllity as further regu- lated by section 12-14-12 of this tifle. Public buildings, grounds and facilities. Public or private schools. Public park and recreation lacilities. Public uiility and public service uses. Ski lilts and to$,s. CHAPTER 6 RESIDENTIAL DISTHICTS ARTICLE D. TWO-FAMILY PRIMABY/SECONDAHY RESTDENTTAL (PS) D|STR|CT 12-6D-1: PURpOSE: The two-famity pri- . mary/secondary residential dis_trict.,is Intended to provide sites for single-tamily residential uses or two-famlly r6si-dential uses in. which one unlt is a'largerprimary residence and the second unit i5 asmaller caretaker apartment, together withsuch public facilities as may appropriatelybe located in the same districi.'The two'_family primary/secondary residential districtis intended to ensure idequate figf,f, air, ?lvacy and open space for eacn O-weiting, commensurate wift single_family and two-family occupancy, and to maintiin the de- :'fqf residentiat quatities of such sites byesiabfishing_appropriate site developmeni standards. (Ord. B0(1927) $ 2) t Town of Yail August 2004 12-6D-3 Type ll employee housing unit as set forth in chapter 13 of this tiile. (Ord. gg(AOOg) $ 1: Ord. 17(2001) g 2: Ord. 6(2000) g 2: Ord. 8(1992) g 12: Ord. g1(1989) g 2: Ord. 30(1e77) $ 2) 12-6D-4: ACCESSORY USES: The foilow- ing accessory uses shall be permitted: Home occupations, subject to issuance ol a home occupation permil in accord with the provisions of section 1Z-14-12 of lhis tiile, Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhous- €s, garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single-lamily and two-family reeidential uses. Olher uses customarily incidental and ac- cessory to .permitted or conditional uses. and necessary for the operation thereof. (ord. 30(1e77) $ z) 12-GD.5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN- SIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen thousand (i5,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape capable ol enclosing a square area, eighty feet (80') on each side, within its bound- aries. (Ord. 12(197S) g 3r Ord. gO(1977) s2) 12-6D-6: SETBACKS: ln the primary/ secondary residential district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet(20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be lifteen feet (1S,). (Ord. 50(1978) S 2) o 12-6D-8 12-6D-7: HEIGHT: For a flat roof or man- sard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'), For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall nol exceed thirty three feet (33'). (Ord. 37(1e80) S 2) 12-6D-8: DENSITY CONTROL: A. Dwelling Units: Not more lhan a total of two (2) dwelling units shall be per- mitted on each site with only one dwelling unit permitted on existing lots less lhan fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. B. Gross Residential Floor Area: 1. The lollowing gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted on each site: a. Twenty five (25) square f€et ol gross residential floor area (GRFA) for each one hundred ('100) square.feet of the first lilteen thousand (15,000) square teet of site area; plus b. Ten (10) square feet ol gross residential floor area (GHFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area over fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, not to exceed lhirty thou- sand (3O,0OO) square feet of site area; plus c. Five (5) square feet of gross residential floor area (GHFA) for each one hundred (100) square feet of site area in excess of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. 2. ln addition to the above, four hun- dred twenty five (425) square feei of gross residential floor area (GFFA) August 2004 Town of VaiI 12.6D-8 shall be permitted for each allowable dwelling unit. C. Employee Housing Units: Notwith' standing the provision of subsections A and B of this section, a type I em- ployee housing unit shall be permitted on lots of less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet in accordance with the provisions of chapter 13 of this title. Any type I employee housing unit existing on or before April 18, 2000, shall not be ellminated unless all dwelling units are demolished, in which case the zoning on the property shall apply. However, an existing type I employee housing unit-maY be re- placed with a type ll employee hous- ing unit on lots of fourteen thousand (14,000) square {eet or greater. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 4; Ord. 8(1992) S$ 13, 14: Ord. 37(1990) S 5: Ord. 19(1990) $ 1: Ord, 12(198s) $ 4: Ord. 23(1s66) $ 1: Ord. 23(1981) $ 2: Ord. 22(1981) $ 1: Ord. 35(1e80) $ 1: Ord. 22(1e7e) $ 1: Ord.12(1e7il $ 2; Ord. 30{1e77) $ 2) 12-BD-9: SITE COVERAGE: Sile cover- age shall not exceed iwenty percenl (20"/"1 ol the total site area. (Ord. 41(1990) $ 5: Ord.30(1977) S 2) 12-6D-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE. VELOPMENT: At least sixty percent (600l") of each site shall be land- scaped. The minimum of any area qualily- ing as landscaping shall be ten feet (10') (width and length) with a minimum area not less than three hundred (S00) square feet. (Ord. 30(1e78) S 2) 12-6D-11: PARKING: Off streel parking shall be provided in accordance 12-6D-11 'tO of this title. (Ord' 30{1977)wilh chaPter $2) ) Town of toil August 2004 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 OWNER BERTOI,E, PHIIJIJIP 701. GR,ASSMERE A\IE INTERLAKEN Ni' 071L2 License: COMTRACTOR SHAW EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVO}I CO 81520 License: L06-E APPLICAI'IIT SHAW EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVOI{ CO 81520 License: 106-E Desciption: NEWSERVICE Valuation: $6"000.00 Permit #: 802-01 19 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/0512002 Issued. . : 07/22/2002 Expires. .: 01/18n003 07/05/2002 Phone: o7/05/2Oo2 Phone: 970-925-3358 07/05/2OO2 Phone1. 970-926-3358 FEE SUMMARY *:*++*a:tt+*t*+'f+**'**'rl.**tt'a'r**'t*'t*.1.1***:r*{'*:}:l't*'}:ttrt't+r+a++**a*t Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----> Total Pcrmit Fee----> Pa),rnents-*------> BALANCE DUE----> a'rr*********,t****'t:*:1.**+rt,f:t*tll*t*l,t*:l*******it***{.*iliitttt++l++,1l'|'lat*'iIttl:i:}'*** ort *r*T oF coMMLrNrry DEVELoprtlT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1259 WESTHAVEN CR VAIL Location.....: 1259 W HAVEN DR Parcel No...: .,, a{S312402frD ProjectNo : M, Lo f -l't Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation---> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES-> s108.00 $0.00 93.00 $111.00 6{-"-"-kJ^S--b $1X1.00 $0.00 $111.00 $111. 00 $0. oo Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAI, DEPARTMEIin 01 /o5/2oo2 DF Action: AP ItCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI{BffI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 {BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO cHEcK FOR CODE CoMPTTIANCE' f +:tr *at *aa lt+ *'t** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is coffect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable therelo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE a TWENry .FOUR HOURS IN eNc/sv sic RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * * * *'** **** * * ** * * * * * **,* * * *ir* * * * * * * + *** ** * * * * * + +* * * *+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +,i * * * * * +** *,t *{.,* * * * {.** ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SAtClnENI**{'******************'t * * ** * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + * * * * + * * {. * * * * * 't,} * * * * rt * ** $* ** * * * {.{.:$* ** Statement Nunber: R000002268 Amount: 9j_11.00 07/22/ZOOZL2zLT pyl Palment Method: Check Inits: LC Notation: # 1- 1-151/Shaw EIect Permj-t No: E02- 01,1-9 T]T)e: ELECTRICAIT PERMIT Parcel- No: 2L03L24O2OO9 Site Address: L259 WESTHAVSI CR VA.IL Location: 1259 W HAVEN DR TotaL Fees: $1,L1.00This Pa)ment: $LL1.00 Tolal AIrIr Pmts ! $111..00 Balalce: $0.00 *******************+***************++++**i**++:r:I**:f***,k!3*d.*'t * * * * * * * * * * * + {. + * * * * * ** * **:* * {. *:r* *i.* ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cur rent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POWER PERI"IITS l^lc 00i00003112800 t{lLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 108.00 3.00 FR[}I : sFI+J ELECTRIC JIJL. A3 ffiz 6:3gFft Pl I/ , f.., ".. ..+..i5i,jt(i .1 ..i.:i,!t:i"r'l#.,!.,\.. Nvt{wyan ?5 $. Frqq1ag6 Rdl. ValL cobrado 81657 r r *t.. i. rt rr rrtt r.rt* t*lt.trl.t *r**t**.FOR OFFICE USE OilLYT T*t * *t""iJ ' t'****"rt""*'l.rlrt 'r AIA Ele6lcal Contractor:Ghq, EiEc*v; c ,r..c- Tor,vn ffVail Reg. No.: IOU' -'€Fntact bnd Phbna f'$ 3?O- tzo7- Kaen r/u,;d, th.a*,t q>b -=.z' y \*w^"ffi*"iJ[ll* J AMOUT'IT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:H5CTRICALVAIITATION: S bffiQ # ffiffi 4' --{trffiffiffi Job 1glpi^"@c ,hV l.uitcte( H^-Jiil*-1 \t JsbAddftss: la5t l*trcst-haoe.. Et- VaiI Legal Detcdption I Lou I Bhck: ll Fllingl Subdivisiort: ffi-lMdres$-Phone: Pebiled description of wsrlc:' lJc,r-.1 *tri tz ,/ Workoass: llew() Mdltion( ) feriodet( ) trpoti( ) T WorkType: Interior( ) Ecerbr( ) Eoth( );) rypeof Bt4.: singh-famuy( ) ouPtct( ) MuB-fdrnly( ) comnrcnial( ) Rfshlent( ) otfter( ) ,.rrr!- No. of Existing Dwelling Uflits In thb burldingr t No. of AffintrpdaUon Units ln tltb buiHinql lstfiisoermitfora hotfub: Yes( ) No(J Doeg a Fire Alarm &ist Yes ( ) No ( ) ^r*4 l No( ,) F;/a/tryone/|bflrl3/€lEcrletm ort*r*T oF coMMrrNrry DEVELor,il,,Lte,{TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1259 WESTT{AVEN CR VAIL 1259 WESTHAVENDR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . CONTRACTOR SIIAW EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 8L62 0 License: l-06-E APPLICAT T SHAW EI]ECTRIC P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 8162 0 License: 105-E Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call-------> TOTAL FEES-.> BERTOIE, PHILI-,IP 701 GRASSMERE AVE INTERI,AKEN N.] 0771-2 License: a8/26/2oo2 Ptrone: o8/26/2oo2 Phone:. 97o-926-3358 08/26/2002 Phone: 970-926-3358 Desciption: WIRINGFORACUNITS Valuation: $1,500.00 ****i ** * i*'l l.a'l *******++++++:F+t:a..* * $50 - 00 $0.00 s0.00 s3.00 5s3.00 $s3.00 $0.00 $s3.00 $s3.00 $0.00 Totral Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permit F6e----> Palments-----------> BAI,ANCE DUE.----> ff$"J"l?. r o Er.EcrRrcAr, DEpARrMElrr o8/26/2002 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. qt "{.t€P'r", E02-0156 ,: ISSUED . i 0812612002.: 08/2712002.: Q2/23/2003 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S}IALL BE MADE -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY o TWENTY a AT 479-2 t3 8"OR AT OIJR SIGNATURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 8:00AM-5PM..! *** '* * * f * * * * ** t +* * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * + * * * * * * *** * * * * * ** * * * *,t + t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *:l,k + * * * * * * * * *+ * * + + + *!t** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * 'f *{.'t:1.+ * * * * **** * **!* * * * * + * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * {t * * * * * **,t* + * {. * * ** * * * * * * * * * {.,t,F * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + ** * Statement Nrrnrber: R00000296G Amount: g53.OO Og/27/2OO21-1 :23 .AM Payment Method: Check IniE,: DDG Notation: Shaw LLz35 Permit No: Parcel No: SiEe Address: Location: This Payment : ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111400 l,]c 00100003112800 802-0156 2L03L2402009 1259 WESTHAVEN ]-25 9 WESTHAVEN $s3 . 00 Descni pti on T]4)e: EI_,ECTRICAL PERMIT CR VAII DR Total Fees: TOCAI AI,L PMTS : Cunrent Pmts $s3 .00 $s3 .00 $0.00Balance : + * * * * ** * * * ** * !i * * 'F * t **** +{. + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** + + {. * * + + * * * * * * * * + * ** * * * *** * * ** +{.,t * TEMPOMRY POWER PERI'4ITS |'JILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 50.00 3.00 FRI}I : g}MLJ ELECTRIC Pt-to-rE No. : 97a9263358 F/.JE. 2? 2W. ffitaLfrt Pt t-zz-o> ED IFITICOiIPLETE OR UIISIGNED Proiect #: Euilding Permit #t Elstrica! Permit #: 97o,47 I -2149 (Incpectonc) 75 S- Frontrgc Rd. vail, colorado ar557 r*.ri**+r!!*r*+*****************.r*t*t**FoR oFFIcE u$E ol{LY***********++****+**************t**** NA S,ha, ,Elecfric T^c l(on^ /furl* 8j.a**r COMPIETE SQ. FEETFOR NEI,Y BUITDS andVALUATIONS FORALL oTHERS (tabor& itaurinls) MC[rl'lTOFsQ FTIN SIRUCIURE: ZG&ELECTRTCALVATUAITON: $ ffi)O . oo or #Patelr# )rc3 W lob Name: Vhilt;p B.er+'ol-e-Job Adrtrcss: DS4 1r.1"r* ha^e"l\. tEt t l-qEI DeecdF,uon I t"k I r*.t I n[,,g,Subdivldon: Ou,nefs Narne Engineer: ilAddress:thone: Detailed descripdon d utr|c k-,in"5 f,r." AC i**Vs Wor*Class: Ne!v() rt'dt*ml I R"Todet( ) Repair( ) Tempr-r*ri ) Ott;d WorkType: Itrterbr(Qf Exterbr( ) 8o,U,ai IOoesanfruAi$atttlislocat'on: Yes( ) - HofJ Typeof 8ldg.: Sirrgtefamily(/) Duplex( ) Mulfi-famalyt I Comnrerciat t I necaurant( ) O$rer( ) !,1o. of Exi*irg [Xflelling Unib in tfib'building: I I No. of Ammmodah-on Unb in this building: Is th's permit for a hot hrb: Yes ( ) No ( I DoesaFircAlamExltts Yes( ) No( ) /\l+ l[ ooesaFlreSprinklerSptertexisE Yes( ) llD( ) Filevslonafomfi /d€senn ct Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjectName: Spicer/O'RourkeResidence Project Description: Painting Owner. Addrcss and Phone: Bill Spicer, Gerry O'Rourke, l7l0 Platte Street, Denvero CO 80202 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Rick l{ufftnann Box 116, Gypsum, CO 81637 Project Street Address: 1259 Westhaysn llt{+? C ircl e LegalDescription: LoC 7t Gw€7'/ t--YoP Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Approval for Olympic 709 and Olympic "Fawn" stains Motion by: nla Seconded by: nla Vote: nla Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: July 8, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved F TF,VERYON E\DRB\APPROVA LUE\SPICER.?08 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 t Qucstions? flh" Planning Staff at479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any projcct requiring design revierv must rcceive Design Rcview approval prior to subrnitting for a building permit. For spccific information, see the submittal rcquirements for the particutar approval that is requested. Thc apptication cannot tre accepted until all the required information is submitted. The pro.ject rnay also need to be rcviewed by the Town Council and.ior the Planning and Environmcntal Comrnission. Dcsign Review Board approval expircs one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A B, DESCRTpTT6N6FTHEREeuEST: L|,.J-.Y P,a""^t cB{o' 4 5"1^-i PHYSICAL ADDRESS:t?-5 yJe"X l}7,"t.-- 0n FILINC: ,. /o^{.f'-LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) D. E. PARCEL #: ZONIN6: TOl,i[NOFV/,IL F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S):Ertr- J PtcElL b eaAy 0 rto.rrrrtr; MAILINC ADDRESS:t"l lo 4dq , Cb - n9zo L PHONE: OO'\ qTA 't0\ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:oF tlb 5t *t'LO PHONE:5L4 1351-- TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: U New Construction - $200 Constmction of a new building. Includ.es arry addition where square footage is added to any residential or cornmcrcial building. Includcs ntin9tdreegc s to btrildings and site improvcment"s, such as' rcroofi ffiiin tin grtrv l ndow additi ons, l andscaping, fcnccs and retaining walls. c\i--./ tr A.ddition -$50 d nninn. Alteration - $20 DRB fces are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Later, whcnapplying tbra buildingpermit'pleaseidentify the accurate valuahon of thc proiect. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the f'ec according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBTIITTAL REQUIRENIBNTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAIL, COLORADO 81657. H. ]o BUILDTNG MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED I\L{TERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: (ldMNA l* b WW Lr t2- VIS pl"V'-r-r{ - Lrlo W-"-rX tf*'f iu-t ,ra--il COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Walt Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin-r Do ors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimrcys Trash Enclosurcs Grcsnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Othcr f,tt Fnuz^t 0-lrh^^rpL -=.--.-1'-T0J^, Azot [:+",{ ) ' fA,i'N ' 0\fT',, '- FA*lhl u * Please specify the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All extcrior lighting rnust rneet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixhrres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifu each fixture type and providc the height above grade, lumcns output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhres. Updatcd 6/97 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN AFVNL 75 South Frontage Roa.d Vail, Colorada 81657 9704n-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER P[an check---> 172.25 Invest i gation> $i l.l, cel,l,---> .00 3.00 Job Address: L259 WESTHAVEN CRLoCATion...: SAME AS ADDRESSParcel No.. : 2L03-I24-02-009Project No.: Status. . . Applied. . lssued. . . Expires. . ,00 Totat Catcutated fees---> ISSUED o6 /16 /7ee5 07 /03/7ee5t2/30/lees Description: REMODSL BASEMSNT Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:22,O00 Fireptace Infornation: Restrictcd:fof Gas Appt iances:#of Gas Logs: .#0f tJood/Pat tet: ******lit***tr**trt#ffidffir*****ti**rrt****ffirffi*** f EE SUl,ll,lARY ****#***#******************{nt*t***ff**tr*rHr***H***** Bui Ldi ng----->265.00 MICHAEL I,AUTERBACH P.O BOX 3451, VArL MICHAEL LAUTERBACH P.O BOX 3451, VAIL O'ROURKE GERALD J & 14705 CRESTWOOD CT, co 816s8 co 816s8 DONNA G ELM GROVE WI 53),22 Single Fainily Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: 206 Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r--> DRB Fee-------- Recreat ion Fee----------> CLe8n-Up 0eposit--------> 50.00 30.90 1@.00 Additional Fees--------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Payments------ 621 .15 .00 621.15 6?1 .15 Dept: BUILDTNG Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept': FTRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: codes, dcsign reviiH approved, Unilorn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the lown aipl,.i thereto, REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEFTONE AT oUR otFlCE FRotl 8:00 All ITem: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/2011995 DAN Action: APPRIICn3. .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO6/20/L995 DAN Action: APPRITbm:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 9F/20/L225--D4!!__ -^ _-Aqqfon: AppR N/AItem!' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS06/2011995 DAN Action: AppR N/A *ffi********ffi*rrtJr**,t**|ht'rt* ***********#*****f,*******ff******r****i*************H**Jr**t *tr*ffi#**ff********* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknohtLedge that I hav€ read this apptication, fil,ted out in fuLl, the infornation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl thc information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.], vith the infor[Etion and pLot irl,an,to cospl'y yith atl Toun ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's aoning and subdivision Department of Community Deve lopment Send C tearFup Deposit To: {2 *o"o"o '*'* FOR ITIIISELF AND OI.INER TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Fronnge Roa.d Vail Colorado 81657 Page 2 CONDITIONS Department of Community Development fuqvbathytwSrgtsz as of 07/03/9s status---: rssuEDt t *FAYglV&Vt#t*********:&*******************************r,*********************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant-- : MICHAEL LAUTERBACH Job Address: 1259 WESTHAVEN CRLocation---: SA$E AS ADDRESS ParceI No--: 2103-124-02-OO9 Description: REMODEL BASEMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Applied--t 06/L6/1e95Issued---: 07 /03/l-995To Expiret t2/30/L99s 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND oF HOUSES, AS pER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.2. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE3. AtL FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. ALL LEVELS COMPLTANCE. tP***o'*"' o ****.************************************************************ .TOWN OF VAfL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** staten4t Nunber: REC-0043 Amount: 371.15 07/03/95 11:45 Palment Method: CHECK Notation: #8801 fnit: LRD Permit No: 895-0182 Type: A-BUILD ADD/AT,T SFR BUILD pE Parcel No: 2103-L24*02-009Site Address: 1259 WESTHAVEN CRLocation: SAME AS ADDRESS TotaL Fees: 62I .75 This PaYnent 371.15 Total ALL, Pnts: 621 .!5 Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Anount 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES -200.0001 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 265.00 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 172.25 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100.00 30 0000 45032 RECREATTON FEES 30.90 01 0000 41336 wrl-,r, CALL INSPECTrON FEE 3.00 c$w Block Job Address:Job Name: OFoUpK Legal Descriptionz T-aEfull rrrins suBpivrsioN, ClrP 4// . owners Nane: WVht-*Z f WoW Address: ff.54 N. uWh,l.w ctWen. #tZN :tWet runy' Address: Pf zt z uAtt- OA p:n.1l39/2LArchiteet: General Description: Work class: [ ]-wew #l-ALteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units; Address: ELectrical Contractor: Address: NurnbT of Accommodation Units: Appliance "M- cas Logs- Wood/Pellet7- ELECTRICAL: S VALUATIONS *** * ***************************** OTHER: I P1-unbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PilII,IBING PERMII FEE: MECHANICAL PERI.{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FE8: Cornnents: BUILDTNG; PII'MBINC:MECHANICAL: $ CONTRA TNFORMATION * * ************************* Town of Vail Reg. tto.E1I'E Phone Nursber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE ***r*****ir*************ib******** BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECX FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CIiECK FEE: roTAL!W RECREATTON FEE: a.Obd'tr,tfCLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERI'{IT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNA1rURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TYPE t/^rr( CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT Rf,fl]ND ;o NOTE: THIS PERMIT-MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Perrnit #: E95-0158TOWN OFVATI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address: 1259 WESTHAVEN CR FAX970-479-Z4SZ L,ocation...: Parcel No.. i 2L03-L24-02-009Project No.: APPLICANT TRSNCH ELEC?RIC P.O BOX 3146, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRIC DRB FeC .@ 3.00 D epartment of Community Developme nt Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 08/04/L995Issued...: 08/IL/L995 Expires . .l 02/07 /L996 Phone: 3036? 40227 Phonez 3036740227 P.O BOX 3t46, EVERGREEN CO 80439O9[}IER O'ROURKS GERALD J & DONNA G 14?05 CRESTWOOD CT, ELM GROVE Vir 53122 Description: WIRE HALLWAY Valuation:500.00 ffiffi'hi|ihlifran*******t't*itnttffi***t it**t*rif,'*tH*tuhtr**** FEE SU[litARY rffi,**rt*r**r*ffi*r*****:t*#***********rtrlr#*ff*]i € (lctrica [-->50.00 lotat Calcutated Fees-] 53.00 Addit'ional, Fees-------).00 lnvestigation> Ui t L Cal,l.---> TOTAL FEES-_> 55.00 :tlr*t**lr***ttffi*ffi**rhjrf,ffi*ffi*ff**#*****ffi#****#*H**fi*#****#**lr*ffi****rffirtlr#***rt*rtt!t*rt***#rht#**r***** Totat Permit Fee*------> 53.00 PaymentS----r- BALAiICE OUE---- rte.M: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO8/04/L995 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUTLDING Di-vision: *tt ***lb*****i"ttt**H**f,**,rtli*ffi***r.****Jr***i'ffi*lHffiffi***rffi*ffirrt**ffi*!t**#r*'.S**!t**t.rti****ff*Jr**rr*ffi*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **f,i*tf,f,***t*i***f****ffiitr*tr*Jrt**rr***!ffi**trrHrffr#r*ffi***ril*****i*ffiJr*******#r*ffi*#***#rt*rffirhf,f,tr***ffi****ffi*** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitled out in futt the information required, cornpteted an accurEte ptotplan, and state that atl the information provided as requi ned is correct. I agree to compty riith the iniornation and ptot itan,to.conPty Yith au, Town ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according !o'the Tovn, s eoning and subdivisibn codes, design revie[ approved, tlni forrn Buitding code and other ordinances of the To$n aFpt^icabLe thereto. IEOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVA]'ICE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT Ot,,R OFIICE FRO}T 8:OO 'It'r 5:OO PI,I {S ooro*"*o ************************************.**rr*****rr**********rt******** TOI{N Ot' VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0055 Amount: Payment Method: CK1046 Notation!53.00 08/7r/9s 13:33rnit: lltMC 895-0158 Ttpe: B-ELEC ELECTRTCAL PERMIT 2103-724-02-009 1259 WESEHA\/EN CR Total FeeEi53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:*******rt*******'tt**'*****************rk****************rt*********** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTBICAL PERMIT FEES TVILL CALI,' INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 a t Job owners Name: 6p.ty' A i-r,, r K,- Architect: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *************** ** ** ******** ***** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECTIANTCAL PERI{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Tovrn of vail Reg. No.Aef EPhone Number: jAA aata ,/Ph.77A z-.rt, Ph. General Description: work class: I J-New I J-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dsrelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: ^ {Srnber and rype of F5-repLaces: eas appliances_ Gas Logs_ woodr/perlet_v l|t** * * * * ******* ******************** VALUATTONS ********* ******************* * ** ** OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ ** * * * * ************** * ****** BUILDING: ELECTRICAI,z ISaa,aa ^ PLII'{BrNG: T-- MEcI{dicAr, +T- fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ir rl CONTRACrOR INFORITTATIONt Eeneral Contractor: To*m of Vail Phone Number: q7/ Reg.NO. Town of vall Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ** * ** ********* * *** * ************ BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'I,IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PLAN CHE BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: / bT rzq-oz-@? .39H,!i i3ll,E.lili3iF3*fl"DATEr 4-A-%f . PERMIT # , APPLTCATToN IIUST BE FTILED oUT cot'tPLETELy oR IT l4Ay NOT Bg AccEpTED xF******************** ** * **** * * PERMIT INFORMATION ********** ** ** ** *************et l-Building [ ]-plunbinq lf-Erectrical [ ]-uechanical [ ]-other Name: f rar--ke Rfe, Job Address: Legal Description: L,ox_full B1ock_ Filing Address: Address: ,c-7. E?t- o/5tr Cornrnents: CLEAN I'P I'EPIXIIT REtrIIN|D T0: RJG eS '95 6g:35 FR 443 2196 f;lfE August 28, 1995 MikeLauterhaeh MJL Development P.O Box 1440 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: InteriorR*ainingWdl O'RourkeRwrodel 1259 North Wcsthaven Circlc Yail, Colorado Dear Sir, 343 o 383 443 2196 TO 138394W304 o P.W/t2 Mcfinterprises P.,"la^,"*l I]n7.aoo"*y. &.u*. 78il$ Eveott Way Awa&, Colot$o E9005 (3S3)-r22-r4s4 Avcn of$ce (303) 94€-4121 9.19-0304 Fex I have wviawed the sbwc mentioned situation at thc jobsitc and found it to be adequate. My review at the jobsite was limited to rhe urall in question. The situation can be dcrcribed as follows: A 2x 4 retaining wall with stud$ at 24" qn certer. ?lw wall is 8'6" tall. oil ono sidc there is a layer ofgravel against the treated treated plywood"the top of thegravd is about 3'6" above rhe floor. A 2 x 4 brace is atached to evcry other stud just above plywood. Structurally, the stud wall can easily supporr the gravel. lfyou have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincaely,. .( I,6.-- € rr-I^V Kim E. Mcleod, P.E. .@69,ffi,r#!.t., e go x* TOTH- PSSE, ga *x rNi#croN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 i+'l, READY FOR LOCATION: 'l'EF?oq, CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATEFI O FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING fr FtooF & sHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHA O SUPP T HOODS tr CONDUIT DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: n/.--'/r=r- --4-oe're Y/ r 7/ V-s lNSPEcroR (J /6' t ''-'--' t NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . 479-2138 ,' ,.( .1 1" ' ..-- CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL /./' O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER C] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB el coNDUlr i "'; t/ tr suppLy ArR E FINAL tr FINAL CT APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR d- Fi - /rs' PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT A';!;u" roa runue 1 - INSPECTION: DATE READY. FOR LOCATION: corrr^i't,-,1 TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .,i 479-2138 'i,,ti . THUR ,'FRI .-. J I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING .-1 ROOF & SHEER. PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH'tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',-, DATE INSPECTOR (. OCign Review Action FCr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number .1 Poect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ddress and Phone: tLn'. t,, (!o. t://>'tB 'r'l't - 1/7 / . Legal Description: bt 5! Block - Subdivision /,i 1 , . , 1.r-, i zone District ,'f: ProjectstreetAddress: lifr ',,o,1 t -.t i r..., ," , , (.'., .^ 1.* Comments: Motion by: Board /,SlinecrioD Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval I stattRpprovat Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid .DF3 'IPPLICATIOII - rO?rN OF VAILI DATE APPL]CATION RECEIIED :DATE OE DRB HEETING: *irt*t*tr* .-- TIIS ,IPPLIC'ITIoN wIrL NoT BE rlccEUNTII. }rL REQUIRED INTORI,IITTIOIi IS i;rt*l*tit*t ry$il"" 00ruii!{. t)f V, DEPII.PROJECT INTORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (5200,00) Addition (S50.00) AJ-terat i on Concep ual RevieH y' Mi.,o.(920.00) (s0lc. ADDREsS: + | D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivlsi on Frail 4.t. * 2l I.f property is described by a meets and bounds legal9::gription, .please providi on , - i-pii"te - =neec anoaLtech to tbis applitaLion. F. J. P l<,ZONING: t / r l,OT AREA: ff reguired, applicantstamped survey showing t,ot area.^"". "r?ij. a current H. G.NA}'E OF APPLICA}IT:MaiIin Address:o' b NAT'IE OF Mai I ing APPLICANT'S dress: I. SI GN'IIORE (S) : Mal linq Address: VALUAT IONs 0 - s 10,000I 10,001 - s 50,000s 50,001 - s 150,0005150,00r - s 500,000$500,001 - S1,000.000S Over 51,0OO.000 l%w,M, ep tl* DFB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a bui}ding. permitl-pLease identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Va.itwill adjust. the fee according-to lhe table below, toensure Lhe correct fee is paid, Fii q"rr"r,,,, . , FEE PArD: J$ 'b ' e r r,t, 5 20.00$ 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 5400.00 5500.00 flt * DESIGN REVIE}V BOARD APPROVAT EXPTRES ONE YF,AR IIIIER trTNA!APPROVAL, ullr.Ess A BUTLDTNG PERHTT rs rssuED nND colrsrRuctrox rsSTARTED . *TNO IPPIICATION }IILL BE PROCESSED 'IITEOUT OWNER' S SI GN,ATURE I NAI1E oF owNERs: ________ApW+e Condominium Approval. if appticable. LIST OF I{ATERIA],S I NAME oF "*oo0 a| LEGAL DESCRIPTIONT LOT STREET ADDRE5S: -4--+ I? DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: BLOCK SUBDIVISION 9tW The following infornation is required for. submj'ttal to t.he Design Review Board-before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIAIS i Roof siding other wall- uatertaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tri.rn Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of TYPE OF I{ATERIAI.cotoR B,Deslgner: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Eotanical Narne Comfon Nanei OuaLtitv Sizer- r.lo W)6-E- N' *rndicare caliper for deciduous tleea. M+"iT"T,!"lt-g?!:l:I-- o".iiioJ" ii".-"-i" z i".n"". Indicare height for conlterous EXISTING TREES TO BE REMO!'ED I PLANr $AlA!s: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBSTO BE REMO'J-ED *Indicate si ze .5 qal lon . GROI]ND CO'tr'-ERS OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSION CON?ROL of proposed shrubs. Uininum size of shrubs is Tvpe Scuare Footaqent\ael *psfts {5 (-IeNDSCAPE LIGHTTNG: tj_::l:.i:l rishtins is proposed, pteasesnow the nururer ot tiT::.:: ana. roEatioi"-in , separar.errgl|trng pIan. Idenrify each fjxture-frim-tne Lighting plan::^:1" Iist below and-plovide tr," "iirlg", lersnE abovegrade and type of IighL proposed, :IllI tANDSgApE-FEATuRES (reraining walts, fences, swimninoPo9ls, etc. ) Please r:")]:.. u"*i,,,*-iiiinio!!'iIirl.ii:i:: l;:n?::,.,:'":;g:ilT! i" t i.l;.. T"* inum heighr of watis "ii"ii,"r" on the property ,' Cynthia Stroum Meagher 119 - 39th Ave, East Seattle, lJA Zenko Farnily 26335 St. Marys Road Libertyville, IL 60048 Turkl Bin Saad Bin Mohamed Abd.uLazLz c/o Helmut Horn P. O. Box 340 Vall, CO 81657 William Spicer & Stephen Arent 1710 Platte Street Denver, C0 80202 Colorado K. C. Properties 2100 I,i. 59rh lllssion ili1ls, KS l"lr & l{rs Steven 0. Spaulding c/o Cohen-Espey Real Estate Services, Inc. 4435 l(ain Kansas City, MO d,tr{ o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town ol Vail wilt hold a public hearing onJgIe 2lJlllg5_at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for a Residential Addition at the O'Rourke Residence located at 1259 Westhaven Gircle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Gerald O'Rourke The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on June 2, 1995. F:\everyone\d rb\zsoohu\o'rourke.53 1 ss ct B9 o*E 6)rmz ec)z, U)cIDosgoz -.1a BI c' ) ...; QltT ('l.Al\t tr].]:lt l lllll Dl:l:lr. ,"t, rrn. lJ ,tn ,,| Jurr,,lrtlrcrn Wll.l i,Vtt Sl',1r.,.r {rnl $t elfrOn fuant t,r g9 at thc Cltt arxl 't,,l,rrr ,,t Dcn\1gr Jn.r\,.,rd ol colrrtr. ,..m{. .n r Clen Lyqr &nElqtt,r)L, trE. , l(rtFr l.nalult t[!:t[i/(lrn lc\r.ttnfuftlrr |n ht rrr,r, ,,t,ttr Lsrr{ th( \t..tt,,lolorado . r,.ntrt rrr.\ t.r.,t .erh,.* h l?lo plotteslof.do e0202 6trtr.t-, btluBr, ItlfiDlS. The rtr rrrhr. t,{ roOaoloE t Grorlt to!!trft rE cs|.Fi&rati(n @h.|.l0'l|ti|,ft|r{*drr.|J.rrnlrrl|rrrr||]t'|'t(1^|rl|t)m FtE r &rr .tfiha, rk.trf. y.ll. rtorg tnd (rt lt ( | ,tl\t unr tfi. trrnt.r. rh \ur(rr!{\ ;|nU r\\rtn. finrrr. rll th rrghi. trtlc.Intcrit,.hln| xrl &'ln,|n.l I h|r r' th &mt, 'r hr\ m .nJ hr th. n rl F{rn), tof(tlrr l. Ih xrFr.. .nrr,t. . ,t .n!, $te.t.. l! nt ||ld bain, in tha ( ,rrt) 'rt Eitgto .|rt \r.tr r,t (i{.,|rh, d.*rfi.d . t{l*i: g EdHE gF BE EH E B E Iot 3,1, Gl8tl LtlN SLEDMSTO!,accodlrg to thG re@rdcd plaL thsrEf ar 4tsrtcd, 4oa5la B-9$8 p-JJ3 66/eOlA9 trt.Og F,O I OF IJOHNNETTE PHILLIPS €EGLE COLIT{I V CLERX FEC 3. OO DOCo.6 rhrr larrci hr \trct ..rJ ri nrt\r $ VdClrnt latd flt llAtl; l\ll lat lllll.ll rlt .rn "r',rh' $nl,lll ,'r.l rrnrullt th. rllurrrn.rrrr.,lrl pnrlsds rh rrrao lrcl o11t ,rrn anlr i$ thc'cJnh'.$F?r jnrrt .ntl .rll ttlr' ..r.'n Irlht trt', Inhrr{{.rlIl.|| $h.tt{rrLt !'trtx|.r. ,r artt rttlarrra{{[!.drq!|}rt'Fl!r..'h'hfh|Jh||rh.r{''i||x''.l|ln'trw.....|.,nd.|r|!|ltn{(\l.rl|r.rnfu|rrrrunrhrrh.||||r{|'k|.||r|r|ulr|.| Ilurrl lhc rlniul.lr, irr\l th! u{ ',1 .r''\ a(.nt!r .lr.'t: h !t,tt'!rhlr t( rll r(rh[-r. ..: \l \ll rlr t |,ll 'k \lri I Clti' anj t ,..r fhn'?r I tx l't, !r,rr'r rr .r r' . nl *,,. i .. .: I rf CblorrCo '2 . SteFherr Ar'..:nl \lr .,rntnrr..,,, rt.',. ' $,r.i . u" ,,,',.r .,.'.1,,.,., ..' I J ", cit7 ,url 'l,.'r "rJurE r, 89 r.' njr\/('r , \Ltc l{illi.ur:lrirr..r and <r rr ltrq!, .r{ - ( , ',r N., $:. L\ a'l|. v | r I ri\r xrr r tr,i dFdn- -) H! Eqo n| b I El|l :do> 8g )truul !d fir AJ fiior! 2r 65a-t .lt :1 n 8i ln ar lo .J ]r.rltrii=tllclt ([Dr |';tE DErrEmtr'rr.*i{> lt|I8bln DIED, r- $t. ar.{s.ptrrtrr 05, 191,1 'ILIIIO I'IIP rl _tri n .- rt fr- rf A.'frr f t lc, 9-r ara t rrrtra.l li. lH ottt li t trrr i,t...rl o|nlrD J. iriEfit! rrll tEtot o. o, El,rt(l A d.n DD @tFntTtct ,. ,,i,lii-&ifii!5Fii..d L 'rr't|". sfrrrrrr, r\r n .'r r.,ri ii 'j'iill, .,,, r.ii,l,il..lli:fl1'i1 :; H gT tlf, tllatl llilr t[rarrtl tq'urt.! ca,,roorra a58ta9 8-56? F-o:1 p1/ !,./,)| tf.:17 p\i ! Or iJo,INNErfE ,rirftIpS fAGl I ('.\/Frrr ((f,AA. ( Or rr4A()(l t:L:: Sil'.::.?.llj:t:.il5.:: !r""r{ F't, rr. '-.rri ..'..r r. r.r-r .s?..... rr -*ar.a... i-F.ttaa..r tr. a.<d! Fri. -t r^ r-..3 ?_lrr". l'..trt. rt. tr..rr, -...rn, ..lt .-{t rrt,irrrt . ta tti aar;r'rjirn'i ;;;..ii;.T;.];.;:i,',il ;m,i,J.ijf,i!fitkllniF,il:X..1;C'* gi":.lf ffiq 'iorusffitsrr ,raa l.|.t -tiir ir ||$. I t?ottul c | #5t*r !(.0,f .-rcrF.n I sN :,I ll ,I Rfcl(!-oo t)ocs9_& ' {x rrr - |r.!r ,l |r.r. ltEl i^El[., rlIDG ru tgxllJlE, Vrrri Go ffiit#SLH *giH#ffiAFliiilfi''* ;rF sfrT*.;,.g,mi:.ng131 x*=}F!#E:ffi ;:t !i:":::,;'* ifi ,i,ffi il.ili.13ig!fi lr-?f Fi.rr!..;r'r-_i.-,EiEl*iiiEfi;'Jffi Sfr TE.rtr'rrrrrr rijr.r.-;tr rr.-r*=J.5:t: F:J it trnt ,it, .tni'ti-ii.i ii-{"c.iri'|. n-r -.trlitorlllff !i",I?:i,'i* $.Hi Ft ::.*fr iii-- 'e rt -r lE lql ti ..ra rr-r..a aba-b.frd i frrrU. rttt tr- Itrtiirtt. iaat _ rla a!'tla dF fn ?T!.":SS .:.:!1-!! -.u.r'r *.-iii';i.]i; .. ...i .,rr* ,..-- h,.- -.- -I.ii:.,3;'g.gjj;i;j ;:;lF:+.?:=i,8. :.I:ll,=,:iln..i.flE,f# i$[ilii; .:i:,4::i;',::::,k,:l j;:--t ---irn. ;.-c--.ii;ti.L;j"Ii';.Ii::i fl?:IJ-nc Fr Fr..r Lr .'..r!'iE .. ,.-:::s..:t?l' ":rrn =' r'o iri'1 ; gr; or rjrr riii]-Giz'r rr- :!..!.i9 ?a liit.-rrt. rrirr. ir-ii- -'- '" --.::-9::,.!^t+.. rr ;rr. I'.. prrr.! rtr. rori'r -;i i';Jll;'t;" "'l" r' r-' ri r" r'!'r'. d: !.: 'rtt. nxl'F ii-irft-.ltrrv --ar-- rr -tr ra bi.tre ,a. rr |t r n .- aF .r- rr rii-a-.rrffi&ffiFiie ffiTEBiX.ffiha ltr'Go,t.iiie..": \-s.\- ffi##ffi' Dc., I al-h aba F-rat, t. ti a.r.t rl_Fat)I. Etdtar a, lt. lata Inlt a, it eal F"r..ia _Flr r, larrtrr? raarlrr rl rrra tatfa d -.r.t .. .r.r arrrrr.r. trr,rr-.itli *r r.aa| _ I'.6 t_ruatr aialt, |.*'"nilx an'fr",$tt'iiigil,Si{:if,,F:F-Fffii{ffi,,. .._:i.., l.<r.ta.t, rrt aly -tn F., ,t.at aFra,.,|ln. !!!!? ra rr* taaa ta, - ;i{ i. 't'i.' ,'""'.i'..,'.',i', B.,-$ 7 :'al) I'rIT CL Ilt DEED ,o ,,, ?,oo to TEI8 DtlD, Xrd. tblr dey ol .\r r l I t, r(,v r b.te..! DAVID HODGSON ,rnrl r,AME LA HOr{::S(,N n! Lo rha l/ffchInEereat, of lha Counry Qf Eagle ,lnd St alfr of Colo!.a{to. 9!-!lrf -llflr part, and J. ROBERT lracxuNzrE, TnUSTEE r[tDEn A sBr,F.DECIARA?ION TNUST DA?ED II,IAY 2{, rSSS iS X..S,.ATED JULY 14, 1992 rhoee legal addreas lB 12104 Delnrar, Learood. Ran8a8 66209of, the Councy ot rtohnaon and SEat.e of lansas, of the ie-ona p"rt, .IIIT|BSSETH, That. Lhe said patty ot rhe ti.rsr part, tor and lnconalderafion ot Che sun of S10.00' to sa.id .part (lee) of f_h€ firar parc in hand paid by the gaidparE (les) of the 3econd parr, itre receipt rirereot ' rJ trereuycontesaed and acknoyl gdged.- hag remised, reieaeed, aolct, conveyeaan9_ QUIT CIAIMED, and by theac presentl doreel iori"", iet-.""e,eell, convey end QUrr cl,ArH unro'Ehe laid part (les) or tne iecondp?r!, (thelrl helre, auceessore end aeafgne, Corevir, "fl t.nerighl, tltle. tnrcresr, clain and derna nd ytrien ic ;efb ftit if."l oftI! l-1r!^r .prr-t ha {rf ln and ro rhe tol loyJng acscriGa'Gt orperccl o! lend rltuata, .tytnq rn.t b.ing tn ttre touniy-Ji-aagfc anaState ol eolorrdo. to rlr: One eleventh tL/llth) incere3t in and to thefollorlng, reel eetate prr.erl B, togethGr rlthan undlvlded l/2 lnL?rert ln and to tha corrncrnpereel. a resubdlvlson qr Lot 29, AnendedPl.at, Clen ^Ly-on Subdlvlaton, according co theplaE recordcd lrtareh ?. r9A! in gooh- J5l aCPage ?12, Counry of Bagle, iCacc of Colorado. allo knoxn r! Bt.rce[ and nrrrnDer p,rrcei B, I re8ulJlvldon t! Lec 2i.Glen Lyon Subdlvtslon. To llAvE lltD To HoLD. the aane. togerher elrh arl and 6ln9urrrthe rppurtenancea and privilege6 there-unto b€longing to ln anirtrethereunto rppcrErinlng, and ell rhe oar.,tc, rlghi, itii", -r"lir.rr and claln rhateoever, of rhe rald part (lerl of rhe firii -part, elEh€r ln. tar or egutty, ro the only lroper use, beneflt nnd behoo!of t.he said f-art {ier) ot the aeco:td pirt, ttfreir} helra and aarlgnrforever . IN WIT\ESS I|HEREC\F, th€ said part ea) o! rhe flrlt prlr ha(!)hereuntc set. Lheir han,l and seai ,-lre Cay and year tirat a trovavrlt,tFn. ')UCl{,qo I i{o la{oB t3(J < t! l, UI Ohot hoDU ci l.lf{ -l\ol<our ts Ia.q 'oto(ao! 6 rr *,|!o<rfrEosll1 rn 9UIT CLAIIiI DEED lllS DllD, Xrd. tblr day ot lhstctt 3tt l]r, '' itt' ' /i ) ';,, ) oou.ooa sqto b.t!.oa s?RvEN o. spAuLDrNC rnd s'.rzANr\'H spAULDrt{c. c.A. spAuLDrMland SUSN.I SPALrl,X,IlfG aa Eo r. hr lr,l l..h i:lt.rresl. of Ehe County of Eagle anl St.ttr of Coloradc, of the f lrsi parr, and COH!;N-nSRny REAI, F..qTATE SERVICBS,IBC, yhor€ legAl addrnrr lr t{15 ttt.rln, Xanrrs City, Ul$ourlol the Counfy of .lackson nnd Sraie o[ tr.rns,rsl of Ehe accond part: ^ rf r:'ltBssETH, Th|t t.hc salrr F.rrry of Lhe ti.rL p8rc. lor rnd lnconlldcratlon ot th€ r.un ol S:0.00 ' to rald part (icsl ot t h-s f ir6t. pirrt i,r hand patd by t.hc raldparE{leel of the second- parr, ifre receipt yirereof ' ls herebyconfesaed and acknoulgdgea,- has re:r.ised, reieased. aold, coaveyeiand, QUfT CLAII',!ED, and Oy these prosenLa do rest iernf ec. relca4,rell, conve^y and QUtr cLhru urrro'Ehe laid p{rr (les} of tne-iecondplr!, (lheirl hetrc, aucccBaor! and assigns, lorever, a11 tncr19ht., t,ltle, lnr.ere'c, clal.m and dernand rhi;h is aald part ilicl otthe c,tys-g -parr hals) ln and ro the follovlng CescriUed' fot orpa.rcel ol land sltuace, .lylng and being ln the iounBy ot saglc andSErte ol Colorado, to rtf: One tuo/elevenths (2/ltChsl lnLetesr in and tothe folloyl?g _ real egcaee parcel B, iogetherrlch an undlvlded t/2 lnceresr in and fo thecorrnon parcel. a regubdivlson of tot 29,Amendad PlaE, cleo Lyon Subdivision, accordingEo the plar recorded March 9. 1983 in Book 3Slat page TlZt County of Ba3! e, Sratc ofCoIorado. alco kncr:: ar streql and n,r:r{:er par:tel F, r r.+p,rhrllwlnon of Ltt 29,Glen Lyon Subrlivlsion. TO HAVE AlrD lO |OLD th€ sare, roset.h€r ulLh all and alngularthe lppurtenanc.es and prlvlleqer tnere'unto belonglng to ln inirfaethereunLo appet raining, arrd a j'l the eataL,!, rlgnf, fitle, inCireecand clalm rhatroever, of the salrl part llesl -ot't.he firrC, parC.eI:h€E ln. lar or et;ulty, ro Ehe onl1, lroper. rrse, beneflc and blhoofof the sald partties) of Ehe eeccnd part, (rtreir) heira and aeeignatorever. IN WITT,TESS Wa{EREOF, the sald p.lrt. (ieE) of Lhe f irst, parE. hr (slhereunro set thel! hand and seai the day arr<! year ffrsr ,rboverrlc.cen. trQo b$ otu {el|l odvl OLo3 NE o\*e{ -r\(9rcOLr (\oo Iq.t ltt3t'o\t\a n-ioo(tt{(toqlnqr ,iu'li ,4L Nh\ JJt'ttt tt,,,.'/ ,,,,i.,toNNxF||| r 't! | tr. i l(1 \r ..,.r... 16...r.: l,x i t a:d(rNl! .l ,,tA Q|n ('t,Alllt Dt !:rt It0l *,'rt {?th }l.rlr,. Srrl!rtJr'r.,ro.d r Ia r. r 6020!( t,ur{t r}l .lrrl .rton ,+,\t: t OF I ,1tl arn4nrl lrOl" (t. r r(1q. atr) .rr,r. Fnrn N' (nullgil;",lt,l;a"ltrl't^"rtN col'Lsol, rrd,n.,,nu,.., "-'' "iiiii -,,11ffi;1"* ^ n."u,,,^Hr'j.",,1,,. ^rnltto l90l i{ottr.rrqood. ii;:,,:r ";;in1,,,.. r,,0 IIL:,, r,r \r,!r, ,rx\ .'rr h ,r.rr rrr .\r.1,1. , 1., ,l$ 9, r.hl \r.r dn(hlrll, ,r. .flrt, X,t | | tar (i{rrt ri }rtla rri.ia lrt.l rt rt.i t. .{ |tr to0 r.{ !|alI Ij*T;ttll ;.ijlli ,li l..: ,.. ."1 . n,nrrr,.,;,r,.in ,,r ,hc r,,n, ,, ,* llijlli,**ilj"g_l*l :, :ll".,l*:_:x.":-i:::-: -:__::.jl_ _::_T_T:-:ly:::_- **^,,dE'rctF.nt.!ricki(.r "r.r,"1, r.r,.ir,-yir-,I*il;;. il;;il;-,,;;;;.-;,,;------------ Do[Ar! tlrrr ro*nn dr Frhtr.. |tL.rG. *ff .1-*,*,.,,,r,.. .lnlllrl ti rI tt'l ."l..tlMeD. dt'HTt%,:il:,1*;::.n:: ji jdd;f ;ffi;,:IiTi-"r,Tlffi ffffi"Lffi1.':h.fff::.TJ;; ;'";il' ;:il.i ffi} J.","TT ffi#ffiufilr,tlnartr, lt an'. | .u|t. l! ,n! nd ltftn! li tlrColajo, &r:itrd rr inft,Br dbd 0n.-El:. Jirh (l/ltth) rnterrarrtc! ,e,rt Ln rnd to the lrll(.'r!,ng ,.al ::.::l t. toBGthcr rtth !a undtvt,Jr.d ! tntcr.rt ir rnd:? :ht-lgl P.aEel , r rceubrttvtlt,n o; ;;-;;,;;il.dPl.t. GLEN LYotr st tDMsrorlt.cardcrl u"."r, gl-ii6i.-'--' trccordlnS' to thc Dl't ot !.!lc' strt. of colu..dolook 354 at Pese 7li' county dF ler It ti rld ir|la i: 1260! gc.t llevsn Clrclrr V.ll. Colorrdo .H*fl"ffinftT*'.* nl '.'l {'!uhr r il'.,ri-.rnc Fifrca.r rr'! o rdc,-r c hd-ry ro.r -]ffiif, --. G '{e'ntr'ftrh .o'rr"id(l'i *ht{*'.t of li. rtrnrt.l rt*, a niEd, irrimig-wirririfi ;;-;:'i,:T::"*,r,,"J:Xfl?T,:m_ ( ( xAtlsAs st^tt (,|.lI[D$!t). _ Conrtd JOt |SONTE Eltit|| rnrarrrr *t -lrEtGttd hG^.! rr riit -kuig--LctLhr:/ - .$,rl;," ,-.q&abn, (al** t,t-, lc?L , wri(ir mr tud |nd.,lth.irl * . Y , , /,1c,tatt1j. ,W I I ,ni*,i ftrtt h,lr. qrttfl^nEt '' /r; - 't..) .'.4., ,r' *'' c oo !i ,) eo trQ \{aq a(,(, ts NLI oL-rl PtO ., tj o 1,,ai -'t\(9\tt O l{r V} o Iq.q oto(4o\ a E\qlotrrQo{Ll q) qU I t CIJA III Df,ED tll6 l)ttD, X..!o tht r d.y ot bctrcta FR F.0 N . (.(tlnteres! ..rul.f;,.j!,t, I I I and r;\ROLytj COULSON as tO the 1/f lth of Eh€ Count_y ot E,rgj... rrrc s..at,e of (.rlorddo, of the f lrar par.t, ar:d t(!:VIN K. irin{Nl N i(,ho.e resar addre'a ,; ;;;;'":-,":-.:=- & AssocrArEs' rNc' t(ansaa 6e2os --- ls 1?cl tlett 4'tLh r'1rr..., sulte 3oo, ltestrooct,of the eounty of Johnsnn af,rl SCate of K.rnsas, of Ehe gecond part: - WITNE.'|SETH, Thlconstdera;i;;';; i.j:' "1||""; 'i'l,itf' )' c! r h+' t : r Bc p,rn,, ror and in t,o rald part llog) (parE(tF8l ot tho ,tt tlr" fjtlt 1'rrt i halrd prJfl by th. arld iglr:?-"-io "ii "iiiln"i'i"9" Fntr, il.' !, c.'rpL rf,-ereo!-'te"ie*uy tr;=*lfifffi alao hnornGlen Lyon One,/eleventh n/llt.hl inrer-errc in and Eo therOlloylng r.ea I ''g j61an undlvi"r!r';-il,'j';"-: ill'r:el B'- toqather rlchparcal, * ;;,;hjrx 'rrPat ln ind to thc ccmronPrat. cren jy;; i'#iJi"fll_, :?:",?"rt:'f;aprat recorded March^g, llb:*i;";"if iio ".vaqe 712, County ct E.rql., Star4 of Colorado. ,l,i""ra"i.r1a",ir:rJ nunbrr F,ar(.el B, a re.ubdlvtBon o! Lot, 29, To l{AvE AND Tc -l',:,:r t.h: s.rmo, r ()?eLher rith .ilr and alngularE,ne appurrenances ,rnd .pr rvitr.?os ,i,.i"ru?,i., belonging to ln inyrteechereunlo ar;portainrn,, :ng..it , i," ;;;;i.. righr. rlr le, intlregc!il#'-',lt:i"::'-?iJ.' .r tr": *.i'i -f,"i'i'tr,'', or the rrrst prr!,or c,ne aald part ri;"rtI'i i3-tl'" c'nly !rt,per. use, benef tc and olnootforever. ':: Lhe s'" r:nd part , rt t'"t ir rruii"iii-"Iligrr" . lN t{t tn'*Ess w}it.RE i;;;;li."-::l'-ir'l ii -i,,,1',1, 'f,,,,'' ", ', r"1: ..''liJr ".l#";j"rI'., LiIr :i,i:i. ).'. . \ ,, :,\ I I ?.o QUIT eLtI}| DrrEb tflI8 DllD, llrdo thlr dry ol batr.aa l{l LLIA!,' R. Wt !,f l:njj.)H. I I I .r, t..; I h.: trtltlr lntercrt. Of Che COUnLy ()f EarJl,r and St a!,' 'Jf r-'111.)ra,t.r, o! Cho llrrt part, arrrt 14liVIN l(. Nl, NIN!' S AfigoetATES, INC. whote l€9al addr esr jr 1301 ll,.6t .t'rr h I l;r,:r', SulLc toO, lfe6f rood, l(anaa8 66205 ot the Count.!. .)f .l()l:l)F()n dn.t Stlte of fansa!, of the C,recond pa rt ; a.- .l{I?ltE!'8BTH,Thatch,)cairt1,artyc|f!-.hetirRtparE,for|nd1nconllderirtlon o( the dum ot 510.00 to Baid pert (iesl oI the flrnr 3iarr in hand pald by Che raldparE (le!) ot the e.'?o'l.d part , th.' ric.: iI)t rh(lreof la hcrabyconlrtrcd rnd ecknoul.'d.lr.d. han .o.1po.l. rnlpil,...'d, aold, convaycdrnd QUIT CI.AIMED, rnd by r heae pro;r'Dt.rr do (eri -'onlec, rclarra,!e11, convey and QUIT Cf,AlM unLo Llre F,rtr! part (Jes) o! Lhe laeondpart, (thelr) helra, BucceFaorg rnd aHslgnp, torever, all therlght, tltle, lntereat, clalm and demand *hicl. ls srld part (leal ofthe flrac part, ha (s) ln anC !o rhe follor,ing deacrlbed lot orpareel of land tlt,uaLe, lylng and boir: I tn i-lre eounBy of Eagle rndStatr of Colorado, to Yl!: One/cleventh rllllt,ht lnt'.,FF! lrr ar.rl Lo thalollorlng r..fi1 F,ttate f,nrr:rrI B, to,f..t hnr vlch f n undlvld..tl | /X Lnt arort: i rr ,rnd t o t lrn commonplrcal, l rcFubdlvl n(|n ctt t,ot 2't , ArnandedPlrt, Olcn Lyon gubdlvlilrrl], ecc..rdlng to Encplar recordcd March 9, 198! ln Book 351 at P^ga 712, Ccunty ol E,l.|lf;, Sttte 4f C.rlorrdo, allo knorn ar ltreat rnd number' t'{rc'rl l}, a resubtllvlron ol Lo? 29, Glen l,yon Suhdlvlrlon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a;rme, toqether rlth rll and aJngulartha appurt,enancea and prlvilegen rhorounto txrlonglng to ln anyylre lhercunt,o appert.alnlnrl, and all the eaBaEe, rlght, fltle, lnEcrestand claln uhatBoever, of the aatd parttteal ct the flrst part,either Ln law or eqult y, tr the only proper rrae, beneflL and behoofof thc srld pari (lcg) of t.he second part, (thelrl helrr and aErlgna forever. IN I{ITNESS r'IERECF, the art(i pirt {les) of the llr8t part hr(8} hereunto a4t th-tr :,.rnd an.J s'.al th4 day and year fir!L abovr' rrltrrn, aj 'Jl{.al'J trO C.\aDA() Q9't ;q.t,l 'i tt oF 11 tf,l, <) 15trJal -,\.(r'it6 lra 4 ? Iqq tar 8F,i0 ,'rtlr A! tF;(l.lo(trrqo{|nt4 I i a,, 0'r'3r'4L 1P QO I \o(;c ko . li OUI' EI.IIII{ DErD TIIS DttD, tud. tbt. &y o! batraaa J. Rr)Bl:p.r MACIf:trZ: E aB L() | h,: | /\ Lh lntjrr.*r! ,of the County o[ tjdgle a,r,, SCaEc ot Colorndo, of Ehe f iret perr, an{ -J_._ ROBERT liACxENZrE, TRUSTEE l,rNDER A SELFDEcLAnATToN oF rRrrsT. D^rED iiAI 2;;'i;;;'r,, RtStAr,n .;ul v t t. ,9r?yhotf I d(r.t I r(ld , ..ia l,Ol t hC Crrrr r: t v of . ot t h€ a....ond lrart: '') I t,R q{a6 ,.P ; Q aa o' Orr..3 r8b"r{ -,\(9 3S .! nd State ,)! e I(g u,l 8,5o\t\q orjo r.$aqu't u) rITNtisssttf , "n:a-:ll^ 1at-!^na-r-rf ,)f r h., (lrrr ,).rrr, f or rnct tneonlldrratlon ol Lh" ,lrm ()! 51O.oo ro lrld part (len) _"-f_ ,l:o f irat p.rr r. Lr lrrnd paid by rne galdprrt (1e8, of the geconrt part-.- itr'' rer:r.!pE rirereof . ls herebyconfeered and ecknovlea.j+,1,- h-r-r' ,*-,n'i n,ri, , Fl€rsed, aold. conveyGd.nd OUIT CLATMED. "-,ld --!y tnd.l -jr"i,..r,ir. ,t.r(.r_1. r.rnlrG. rclcar!,,cr', convey ano butr cr,iri'"nioT."' ,ilii,r perc*es) of rhe recondPlrrc, (chelt ) helre, rucceetorl iri.t--ir"tqne, ,or-ever, el I thar1ght, trtla, I n t e r a r t , . c I .r I n .na O.nonjrtrtch tr'r ld p.rt ( l"r, of;::"#:?t,i::',,ni,'.i.'' tn ani -ii -.'i'""i"r r,,rrnf ;;;;.G;;' itt o,gtrt. o( Ccl.redr:, .1";r,,It"n lnd t,."in,t ln ttc -co"n i y - oi'ia,l't e ana One/cleverrth -li,/t1thl lrrr.arert rn rnd Lo thcf<.rlloring r*al antati p"r.r..i-n, |,)gaLhFr ttthan undlvided t/2. llrr.?tc"t ,n arrA ro-tl * ;"il;;parccl, e .reluMlvfgcn .l- tt zg, An,rndedplrt_, cl en l.y-on^ -.Subdlvf e f on, ic"ording co th.ptat recorrre-o r.rarctr -i;-;;i tn Book 354 acpag€ ?12, County o! Eajle-,- g-tat., of Colorado. eiff ifi:tr"""xu"tt"iT;;:o nunber Parcel B, ,r resul.rrtivlson of t',r 2e, TO I{AVE AltD Tt) l?-Lq tl.e aame,. cogeth,?r rlth all and olngularEhr rpput te'nanccs anrt J;r lv I I eger t h" ssi-6-f o belon3In.y t o in anyrlrethereunro apperrarr.rri;, a.c nil tho ;;;;", rlght, r i,. le, rnrirercllln;.,t1tl rll"ji1"J,"r1,- oc t re -aiic i-"it'ri""r_-.i' t19.'tj,".i.-p.,t. li, :[:.":' ;; li, i*i',T; : l .' l:":l l',,ll:l'i, i3i l, T :l? I ; ?:]': ::ffi i . IN HITNIiSS lfltERE jr.,, ttie .ra!,d par t uea) of lhe I 1r...:r par! ha rr,i:l:ll:::,:, "., thFit ti,,r:,t rrr4 eeai r;;-;'y aDd yray f irrt abovc. ,l-t,) -f601J28 E-ttl I P-t5o sAnA .r, FIs t:n 0t/ I 4 /93 t?:tl l,i,lnl L COI \'tt r ., fi,A . l'ti t trF I I r rt . ,ll,l r|' t l|ll, DftD . r- rhr. -r ., llni DUlft ln rlmtt filt otr lqol I, irl h tray rl tn!*n lt.ta al ... t.rl rrr rr 861!l St. lhrn Rord' tlbartyvlllrr l[ 600lt ' "i,,.,r,.. rh.r rh. ..r. r:;t$ *; ,,ffi,, '., 'f'l'ili.iLllliii?r *T-t-rlftbro,om.o) l ttttl ttv t[raa nrrt ra l/16113 lr tlt atla Fftt at tt| ll?r| I.l In td Fla t ll|. .|la F.tt .l lh. |.it Frr' lta ;rltl ,||rt lt lltat- _rrel-- rl |' x.-, u Dt lr-. tFrir-, -lr rt..riir-. -ra h lha tt tlr -.| |l'!r !a,llr, xl!r- aanrt |'L |.rf lrtr {ira tla ||la F tt.l ib cd F.r, . Lrr. tl ...ltD |..flr, tll ltt l||ldia aaatll ll*,fl*r "'-, !li'illi,'li1.ii.!:'!.'il?' bG5&LIIT lltSWSk f;FTt$"FiTt ffiSP#ffiHffi'sgarn.lrrlJ dffif,b'ra ltair .t 4.t..-. l. d t : $rnff&iilirt*qFih R G{ 3 .1.. rrr x .tfr.r i-r ltl 2lr (fl^ltl llEX t EWIAIO{, 1'lll,r drnD0 t lll d|lr .tt ..t.La,|.. d L.taltrt. rl Fr.l rl lt tt. blttl|t. |. li Jr'r|x Attal^l|i|. Jl Ita rfiartl, rl tr[?r l.r. i-tifr rl '|ft-.r. rrrii. tl.. iia t.lltr llir.-ii rf rll tt it|tr. ?lthlr tlllll'|lrrit. rlrlr rt -d a.lalrff d tt |.la F?rt ., lrt. llfrl Frl, rllh. l. ts .' l|llt'at. li ta la liarha |}lald F-l|.|, rllt lt t .-llr|rlo ilylalrl F-ltaar rlll ri. l--llFto rl ;rlt!r!-,t. rr|| ra r0 Li ua r.ta rltr - r.rariJ rl -..1!. rlrl |r. If,lEr... 5r. i. rla ttt af|rl Frr lla tal{ |,l |.rlF ra-.. tl ||ra aala Farr at lh ll. Fl, ,a. lla.ltr tla ial..r,mttt. _tt, tla Ll.r, ni-t..-rl r?1. llr trlrt iIta nrl tr. lla tal{ tl |.rl|'r r..ar. tl ||ta aala tarr at lh ll. Fl, ,a. lla.lt. tla ial..r rr{ -lilairrta|t. -a r.f,urt. rD.. tDli. rl rt r r. rl rlth lt xla F rt , $r rarrl Id. th hrrli. $rt .t tta tlr af h a-tt.t i -llrr aa rbr FFrl.. b lr -ll lll-.1 lta Fr|5 xlariri. r rt Fa. an. r.frl, -.1d. d ftt,.al||a aar.la.t l.tGllrrar li lrr li tr alaaar d-l?lltt, tull F lla l-{ul f,tb.lrt ta t-1. b.Fln, ..ll ri tGtt ti. rI li fnt' ll. ttl L tt-Ln at ira ari .'a trr rt rl|.. a..'alt a.ar rril|- rrrr. t.tir, arlt. llir lrt' rmlr rl rali. ttat i. xla l..l' d H ratra Fl. tlr Flrt ib lr -ll rlt-.1 lta Fd5 -rt rltrr.r li lr, li tralaaa, tl t.| f-ti. rr ri .r|rt fi tll i rt ala. drrrfra. Ital lta t- ..a ,'r rt al|.. a.- rll hei rl rtl- |?|rrla. I.|.l|r. arlt. ll||, 116r ffiil rlatdtlrra al *ale. rli. 'ttt. al',aa|'t rtar trta, nlrn?r ,t rt n|| l||l 5 l/iraarl nrl, 5 allltl ta unnl llritlall,ltrat3'|tl, dltr - arlm r nl t idDl rl na ltd br.lr- F-1.- l. ri arl.r .r F.atr r[r.al-r d xla Frt .f tta r...1 tt. rla raltr_tl attlrt ialnl alt ,l n'a.t tatb - Fr..ra r-l9l'r alalal|| aa la alala |. Jr.la - rt Fr tlr..dr fr xla taitI tf rti t?t Jr.l I rl irrt tl.|lr .a rctrta orra. tia tlrrrt|. i-. a.tl l|tlra r]a rtrtrlr n rltrl tftatl l.'. rl llr i.t , '! tara. ,rat I I aJlaaal. ra all aa-6.- tr ftrllt ,lno . $. irtt lrrr rr $. lt..t r.r 1.| r'.ar || ll. t ra .!a ral lia -t d F? ll'|l -Flni. 3r{t -aalr., |llrt 0' cota'lFqo.rry rr 1a.11 f.t I I li. l.aialrt l,rrh-rt -a daldfd Llr.a r .| lilr -r.f &rr 00, 199! . rr DIttG {p'r }ol aacorl 391 tlr tl'| qtJ|n rrrflr ttO tr ,l$tli'' d ' r.rrl 2061IV.2otit : v::-'(,// .a6aiaeJ ll-.r,'() ,,..r r. r,rr.lrr. .,., rry.ltr,nrya I lI FNrt t llli t.tjt ! (rrMrrl .," r\i / n, .r tf r.IIlria. t lra tt{rlatr It rrr, wAtillANTr DEED fr('c o. oo ,.Hri,RE,*i,"$:",tii.r*.ii;tliiiii$iltl$ll$*ili.li#ffi 5HI*!,"i.t3'Ilol Il|C. , l GOLCtioo cci:til !!oEli3,l3":. / Iil,flir'frit,lll'iilsliiri+!,lrii:ii#iiiiiiriii$i:lli];.:rtDs!y D*grln.d, rolil rnd-convlyrd, _rna.ly-[ii-ii proont. dor. or.nt.- D.rg.tn, -ltl, oonvry- rna- ooit i ii, -inii-iiattlgna lor.v.r, tl !tri,iui.t!,,, I 1 "oii ll.tiii' il;kil,.li::l;ilsiil !iiiitF*il,l!. ttttoLEt LJo lulDtvtllol| l33i'!llo.l":i: 3ilT:"3$;.i*'i:: iffi!: 'urr ', r'?r rn ra lnoun btf a!r..t rnd nurb.r r.t {Vroant tandt loOtf,!||rR rtth .ll .!! ,!rtut.T th. h.r.dl!.r.nr. .nd aDDuFt.n |rorCh.rtto brloagtnC. r!.v.rr roi..,r.r r*:l_llili:::itin i!!illFi:ftl$ffi;i$*.*tharaoS, ttrd rll thln*roiioi cr-* ti;iliil:illii!:,!:iiili,,3:3ii;: :.iiili.*{:grDc". b.rrrrnrd pr-il-r.' riti--iie-iirilitii..no .rE .rt[rt.a.ic... a !!91.-!!!t!r. r.t torth tn Ehtblr t .rtr.h.d h.r.ro .|la r.a. aD|rB nataot. !r.--9rrt|tor. rhrl l rrrd rl rl_rllrAn. riD,qnfvn Dt?DtD tl.iiii!:i5iiI.', r::li!:!.1i":l !ilii.l{F:rtp--l'.+.,qr cE ii-Uii;lsEl;hii:ln,llit!'l,ti}ri"c'T.iilef "fr.T rnd -tnr -ut. oi-.ii-iinil, rh.r I b.- rpplr.."r. dl.Iil $tlll!or.r. tb Il.iiT3:i.ylnaor, th. errntor h.r .r.cur.d rhtr drod on rD. .rr. xr ll|I.l lllla.r l.tia a$'tt. Itlrt. tc tFr(rjra.. - nr(q\ t1 t,- outT ctttn DttD rHl\ IIts8 tur - -THtt DIED, t{rdr thl. ltth (i.y.ot tugu.t, litlr batr..n ttcIAtL irlLAtfrrirtor ot th. countr-9t lli!!-.nc-iirir oi-ioriiiii, iii'ii5i,-inrort^Lo o,rounrr .ntr rrLLtAx lpiclt, Hei-ii ti ilr urioiiioiD-{ia-' -'- !!Tl!rr! rhorr trsll rddr.rr tr r?io rumr iirrn, DrXvU; C6ioreml0l0t ot th. county ot l.gl. rnd t!rt. of cotorirlo, Cilitjir ---'-' !lT!!!r!l!l lhrt rh. tr.ntor tor .nd tn conrld.r.tlon ot th. .utor rn{ oot,tatt AND otHtt coo0 AltD vALuliLr c.orrrorulroi tnr::!tl?! lnd..utttol.'rol ot rhtoh.tr h.r.by rohnorrrrtqrd, tii-rarl..o, ral.rr.d? lold, oonvryrd rnd ot'|i ClAfIlD. ind'bv th rpr.|rnBa oo.r. r.il..r t.l.t.., a.ll, oonv.I rnd ouit ctatl untcth. ltrnt..f-hl. h.tr., .uoo..rorl ind rmlenr. ioiivir.-itt"--l'n. llohtr- lltl., lnt.r.rt, otrlr .nd d.r.nd rhl6h th. irrnior rrl|lr ln.rn6 lo_t,h. r.rl prop.rty, tog.th.r rtth lrDrov.rintr. ll i.Iill"llll.ihllil! ::.r:illl.ln .n. county o! :rsl. .nd ttrir ot g lot ltoLllf t IoN rutotvt I roil l9!p4!lg to-th. .r.nd.d_ptrr th.r.oi r.oord.d July li, lt?a lnlmt l?a r! Pag. l?O aa n.o.ptlon l{o. ltl??r. la lnoyn bt.t,ra.t lni nu;b.r..t lvaornt hndl !O llAvl At|D TO HotD th. ..r., !ot.th.r r,t!h .ll .nd llnsullrtha rppurt.nrno.. lnd pr lvl l.g.r - !h.r.un!o b.lonilno o!-lnantDl... th.r.unto rDp.rtrlnlng, ud:..t thr ..tri., -tlght, tttla. litat.rt rnd olalr rhtt.o.ylrl I of th. grantor, alth.r lnlrr or .qglty, to th. only Drop.r um. bonrt ti rnd bhoo! ot thagfr!!a?, hl. h.lr. .nd ..atln. tof.v.r. th. .lngul|r t|utrEarrDtll tnolud. th. plur.l, th. plurrl th. .lngulri, ano llta uaaot any g.nd.r thrll b. .pDllo.bt. tc rll g.nd.r.. bI ld r'e o,j 8i {5 $$ TT ;d, ! $[1ba! $i lX lltlllfl lltlo?, th. erantor hr. .r.out.d thlr d..d on thadrta a.t Scrth .bov.. Itrt. of Colorrdo I county ot trsl. I tt' lha tor.gotng ln.trur.nt v.r rchnout.dq.d bator. ra thl!ary of Auglu.t , l9il, by Itchr.I J. Lut.rbaoh \\.;cl , lt\5, rltn.rr ry iand rnd SF (t(-llratl lltlr .t l{lr Cr|rrt. lrr. Tfts Dnnn, rlrrrr,r. lOti: drr.r li.hnnn *'*' [&t.Sr'fil;,iH3lt..{ 11)."' A r" rrrr. ! ::'i. nrrr , tt Sfrn**,rn*,,, j Jlill'"lt .r- r,*r,,c r i,or r,,, r dil i';;i' rhol| l.rrlrrHr..r |r 75 S. fr,ntal'c Prl. '..\h11. (i\l(rrx(h r|l,l rtat' ol.f ih.r'6'rnrr [.rAl(' Colo|rao. olth...6nd a,.t r. 00.;il:::::::::::::::::::'l-.''^"n"r"r''o'rndrn'on'id"'|t'ooo,.h''"'.' 00.00 toth...idD.'y orrh..iiir*rinh.D;;:;;;;;;.,;'-------;;;r-.;;";;;;;:;ff::,::i; Ir h.r.bt lohfrrt.d .nt |.lnortfttFd, h r,r.d. *"-.j, r".rd ."",.r.i.nO Crr, "LAl Dn. .nd b, 1h...D.o..nrrdoCB rornh. r.t r-,..[.ro6v.,.'lit-qI,lTCtAII"".,f*..,Af.if -.,rh. r.ond !.rrr lCg hEru""'orr r'd "rrrnr' fo.rv.r. dr r h. airhr. t{rrr. inr.r.rt..rar.r .nd aor,'a rllh r,*',a prrr o,t}.,r? ra"th.! in rndrothi lotlorinad.|cnt dloto?Drr.?tofl.rrilritlrat,Irlnt.ndhrrntInth, C.unl,'r EegliJ .hd srrt. ot cotorrdo.:o rrr Glsr Lycrr Srbdlvlslqr r Trsct JItact A Tract Cltect E Tfoct CTHct F Trirct E 3. --l E!gl? Cot nty St'ie / d.o lidrn rr r..! .nrt ru'tb"r n/a TO IIATE A!tlt t(r nOLD rt!. r.tn,, torrlh.? r ( i rtt r||.t jnrr{., rh. .rrurr.h.n.r. .nd ,.iriraF. r}..runtab.loniiha oriD rnt irF ih.?!unto rrFrr r rhrra. .nd .t! th. c.r.r...trh3. tltb.Irrrr. a.a.t.|tn rhrt...rrrr.a tla ;:i::1,.I'til[i'6fi''.i:::;',';j:.,."-"'".'*"'"r"-"'.in";.n.r.rroo'.f,h..rirpe,.y J lNlUlTNlssrnfRt:Ot,rh.rrktD.rr .arr.f,'rin. h.h.aaonlo rr i!g rlanaana...l thr.trl rnd t..r a!r.r rh.rt. rr,rrln o Rhode lslard_-_Jtt,|qsitn.d. S.rl+.t |l I lt,,t'rrFd h rh. fr,.rh. ,,r ttr E._ _ __ llE^Ll **-:::,::::y""' ITh.to,..nrhrrnrrrorl.ntr.rr.tn.rt.rtr+dr{tr{.nr.lt,,r 22th Jrr,,f FebrUdrylr {l8 bv' rku)*-c. .i(atcs. (Llrc,ral p,rrtncr ior dore crcrr( Associrrt.€g, a ur -."",,..,"If 1,.;!+.{ LrTi t('d l,id'tr\f sdtsrrnr.. ny hrni rrrr orh..r,r.l l{..ltl, ar rr ( | .tr I'rr , .l;L.. --- -ir.*,. . jir!.ql.>.'.!.*.r,,rr, IDrtc:--Ll.lr.l.ailaI Eostr CoI State Ogg Dlr: Ora oli Orutc'r, E),..\\ a\q(rr OrutC: Orrrfc.| Cqrldrnthr lla;Dl!trl( Crlntaih thell, le cSRtsa:tL t9{?4j 'Sacr,Fdr trold Gr obug.tttarlPt Crrntr€ ftq.rtt (i ('r t2 t-.,..O. rlrurr rr,,. :1 5 rr Jf I salll'il 6354 ,1b" i rt :lr.iLCJitil);,;t,J. llrr\.tlctt {; tonx ffi i;.. i"H {*$, ffi il5;;i1;1;,i jii ::.., ;'iffiffiqtr*iuffi o* t* ff;$:b$i.-U$fl;il,#*: :T,:, ", r5---tt.hrarerr 6U 9uBg, 6.ra J.'4t t8r DllD. n lr rt, l(.rrhrl! ll, D..n ,?;ljl'"'',..1,';,i;ii,' oult cutx DIao 3- Salt{..t $a llrrl ltt. ri ltr;;{r,:!;: lltl( Lgrp.rr! r A f-n,"r aqThorrr J. lurrrs, lll, C.'ul lrr f , ';rlrrtr, .j.!. T.,,i,uCv, a.ii at Th'.;:. i laltltra -Brrt a lal t Faatl at lal art!-ra. ltr[ r'll !.r'I rd ttra t_rt-llaaa at CalsE, ta rral Ai| tr. .r',1 :rndt.'t.:. i on. dcrc r lbrd i'r,,f rrti i Prrc.l A, tot.tl'.r |'lihl.6ubdtyl.lon o( Lot 19.rccord.d Irrch 9. l9lr l alr lm a rarrt d n- ttt. ltlri?t lar.a rd aartr ,aad,lt ull*tt 5lat0,. lr xra Frtr.rl .l n ta, trarl rH rttt|r. trrt. t-f- d 0.1tx.- li lI ,t-r. .f $.rt ! tttrr6f .a tr t-!ln l raarl - -d# 5-. - ol. -t d Dcrntt-\ia) r, it h4i uJtl ql|r l.u Ir ; Elirt| Ania rf ,r" t-' rJl|r't Etr rt $rtr .' T!.rrn'.tll. ,,.r., td !.. Lrrr,dr. t l| rala r..lttit.f rr. ll?tt trt lit rt Fla t ti...laF r{i-) d rt r-.1 ,rt. D rr.1l d laltt a5lr.- na r!r{at-r L .-1.-. n.t.a-r -ra ..r./.a dil AJlaa. .A a, n t-da aarl ,!arr.trla-a. xll. a6a tl a.lf Ct'.l| |,$a rra..ra Frtril .t tr. G.ra ts t. lrrr't l.lttt. -a-.-t ra raatr.ltala. all li. arant, tlllr, rerr-1, .t.r. ar, t-l ar.a rr Lra F rtr-l .t tr. '|rrl irl t t.I r^ d aa l-&t.) : .nd t.r th. loll^rlnrl l{!&.rr rt t!.!,,,urlr in:.,, llb/.{ {.v: )rr.jt}-t'.C. ?top.rtlcr. .nC lannrlb ll. Spra.tr ar,,l l.larliyn !r. :,lrn.'rr.rE l.|.l -D la l,Ll U".r ,,,r, tl^ ,, .rt?. | .L,. tt., ,- r,, ..rr. i4t|1aa tr a.{r - rla rr.a..a brr.l. I t '|dl'|.llla|l.fr. lt|t lb rla ritr.l |I ll,rt ts t. fJ |f{ lrr ..rlar.rlrr .f tt ra - :, . 1,, \l,; t| 1,,'.1 | ,ratl'l rn undlvtd.C l/2 lr\t.r(rt ln.nd to tha CoEn Artoded Pldt, Ct€n l,ton Subdl,ltlon rccordlnt lh to.', li,l. a: Page ll!. {:o!n?, of E gl.. st.tc Prr c.l. .t to 3hc l lr!of C.rlonCo. lc r|l L to tl fi.-. |ralt ||u .ll ia rl||ltr ra ntrEa.d tfullt lt'.fl. flili t te rirli rrc.m grritite] rr rrt rr rl.|.. .ltl; rtrtr. tifl ra ct.|| a-rF. , L a'! t'a] l- .t u; frrr rrt. rlrir ra rr * critl. 1. ri ..'ir 'i.",' rr.-brlrt Ja31 .a 1;a aai f.'rllrt., n..- ?v.ffg flrl ,J,rnuary t 99l .tl!r. t rd at .atle l.l a-1. tltot0lrra J.,H:r -'':'*:'l:i::,'::::l P6 I Oll I R.scFdar I Qut r clatl orl:t tfta DllD . tr n.. ar .. Ict C!on Lron lrrg"trr:c.. i | --.ilr ,. ?rr: t rrtilc?rht9 :tn'a E ,t c$.r d ,- $ar! ta lj"'lr*iNLoral aa Ga lt'rl tt., rl Jrr.r | , t-.1 , l. r : . !t.r r.r .t,'rrtirrd ,. I yl lr.. ax iara -a. lr.,t wr d rl lrar. '. I r-. r. d li tltl tttrl rafa ttt aa ttt f lrat -rr aa. aa |. ar|..ar.{l- a, ttt aa,,t!Itl, tr.! t.r .rtd lra ,f I otJ I i da Irtlrr., .l rar. al..t tr ii rd Iia t tt oaa !rt(l.at r, lt r.d Fa. lt tr.ll -t- la ItF t C,r- aa -tal{.a. b ?-,lta. n.l.a.d. ..la ..r*rra rl arf A.llQ. ra lt lt - t!.lt aart r-lr.|la-. rll, .a{r ,l rrll c|Jrr !i. tL.ata Fralt.J !t d|. x.dra pl. (tilrt .alrt. E-.rt ra elai. !q, alf |,|a.ird. tltt". li.r , .t.|. rra.Sal.i h rda rttl..l .. lta f l.x tl -(al |. =l r.-aafaaf-f.t Fabd lor r !-.a.t ta |rd rlh.l.. lrrrt rl tl! li tra dr Jt rutr, lt , Calr-. l. dl? & to ln un{l"ld"{ l/l.lt} lntrrrrt ln rel i,, rtlr t'.lt{'rtnt drrcrlbe! gtcra?3tt t? g ?arcat A. lo3.th{ r A L.|rbdlrlalotr o{tLt rccotdad tLr(:h Golondo. glth rn undl"ld"d t/J lnt"?..t ln.!rd to rhc Cnoo ?rrcrl. L.ot !9. Atslri 4 ::.r. ale': Lv.'.r Subdlylalon rccordl!3 to 3ta 9. lgtl |lt li.ot lt4 rt Prrr ?ll. c('untv of E ;1.. S!.ta cf afrlx- .|rrt d n-t Bi: K. .,ir. r, lqDnlnl' Partn"t .'rrl oam IJL\SI5 tlb ltlt l.f riri.rFl - -h.laarl lrta - rita - , |t fa"lo I. !{unolnl. ar C"t'era l Pattacr c{ Glen i.soo fi..trcrtlar. A F"rnr.tt cc'ncrrl ?.rtrt.rhlt. t r-f..|- ,.1+l /., . .., ,-o., 't{ 6glAf 7 "t '|.tl fln.t llt| tnar IHJfi,lE[,rL]r.-a,n ..." .ll .dlrara t tta -l rltlalaa .aal ' Otunr e'tr aa|r taa..r-, lh,Oltz llt|d 20l3ltr', " 5e9089 8-63JSrru J. Flrhcr tttt 'lFr fi- f:'r tirit ctlltt DEED DllD . rrr ,rrr 6 r. Efrrt,a tm , ..'! '1, Pt . at th I l.1t C[' !.,:f ,{, r :l:Jl. !{l I( rll:: : 'r r. .\\!r,|-a lial d'arral tr .at 16 a6\trarir. ul aa tl|a taar{ latt:a (t!t" nllttttl. llr.l .rr...id Fr. or '.'. l,.l !.tt. le' A\ U:;l,tvlDlrr tt rta atl, talll..t Jr ii. rtl.r trrt ir i.i Frir!t th!.ald Frlr,. of ri. t..t{l P,l, llt t|(.lPl laa.loa ll latt' li arrtirrd d xt*t\.q.4, i.r r..rcr. .at.r.al, rold a.ti*ld rn aJtr Ctllio, ti t li.t, ttr3rnta (b{.r } ..rlta. rrlata. !|tl, aorra, ..1trrr tttlr \rito tt.| !r!(, !ptli..) ra Itia r.(.'i Irt, (ttlt, l.itt, ta..trdt d a.i'tr , tart,ir rtt itr r,rt"r. rittr. l6t?t.rl, rlrr.tdfudrri?i ll r.;'t qr.l(i.rt tl il{ littl F.l hr(l} in talldLr ar.rltrd r,. /{ t6...1 ,, tri rit\|.l.! Itfu! trt bri't in ?it td llata ct Colorr. t' r,'. trt hr(r) in rd lo lta Cqrrtr ot ErclE : \ Alir : :'il I t:, .til. TARCU A, T( {t ETll r i. i : l rj A R[,5U8D|Vls'Ofi (lt' I ]l RECORDTD UlPr.ll 9. I ''l l\Dl'.::r:r (Al.-|.'.i I lliTit i .iYL\:)t.1. IlJtTr I'i\' t.Yir. t-:, l.'{t( lli ,rf PAr;l lJ. r. .' '\ ,1:,ir lu lrii. a.'.,!'jalli PIICEL ' 1,, 1,(l1r'. A('r.,,i.rlIr: 1rt TttE PLAf ' F f.ir.i.l.. sii:l r'! cu:.ot no ir.. lr!..r r.rn'.r'd ^,* i,ArLt-t. .',, A RESLlri,Jf istOfi ot l(;l .'9r i.l,l.:. Lf(J:i Sl.btJlVlStotl A/ti/.l llr'f 1 tJert 11 rvr'n Clr(lr, !',Jl. (,,)t')' rd') tO tJ| ll! lo {tO l|L t-t, ldarliat rltr rli ttl rl.i|rl.' ttt lF lrrrtrltc -i tltll''ltr llt'iT t' ttltdrltl t l^ liti-itirv.r" r;tat;a,r: rti rtt tt- ..r. r. ritt' tiltr' l "'tt t'd 'l'lt J"rltr'?' ot rtlt t'l' F l(l"t d fia 1.ar r.t, .lri.r ,a lr or oritr, ro rr criy fdr rrr,-trdtr rn tr1'-t .t t;'a talal D,.lllo.l af tL e.l Ft. (lh.ltt Ltrr ta -rltr to..i..- 'tf t|tatl 9.(raor, 1l{ a.i.l F.l(i.r) .l a|. tlrrl F.l tt.(at |L.6'la ..t ti.i. l!,rl td aa.l th. q td F- lltal &i r. i ll.t!. Itftd. ta.td -S o.IIitia In lr|. tr...ri. al $-ryx r', l, ,\ ."( l.\t t.s. A f .\\sA GlsElt^l. PAf ll.! istl i P ! lrRl-\cf SPt.l(ln llll.rD i.:' ', ,"1(lStP. e ata.{ I t.t l: r.P"u PAI{TliiJ Itr'l ... {.titaL - ',1':: . ' 'r.,.,,,rt ".._J'rsn:a/ -th5-t rtffirFF{ tia to.aFl'r . '! t .!l rfi ..rre rrt^l rtrtra at rt't a|.t at .t t,it{!i J. lri' iit'i tt!. L. iti!i. i Ktt r"'t. Cf,OtCf g. }lORt \, tN. .L':D ti' sPf-r-Cl.R fiii:?{l .:n;r. , nS r'r"'k$r!.rL,fii'r rr-r"r:-!AlL Assff't^Ir " A t:'rr\sAs t'r'rir8^L ry'iiiiiijrrl'l ii,' ra t-|iij.--rts| ,tt .elt r. ry htd td orflcr.r !"1. r.tto rv anrrt rt I'trrtt lott tlir rlxr r.r. !'l,'tl oln'll I td,laroo r.r ?! t Il.R. tl:, Otlrtta trl ' Aall o..o 1...c I wo j t2 t..1..ffi\ vt?("il .l/,/ trttl \ + Ill i QUrr cr.AlH DEED -"*-.-f I.. I ilE SttTE Of cot.(,!rAl)rl feoutnl oP EACLE 6 x.llo{ lt,L Ht:H D? ?tfES! PRESEITIS: ga aE8;! r'I;=AI,() t t[-lt\ EE ttta||rqaa ra ntt|tr- q ?9 THAI, S"fE'|ln'r Tf TLB qg:y.t-At{", I Tcrar carporatlon, lucccllor lnlntcr.rt to neyarriirk--iitir'-'c"ri-.;;; -". rlr_hrr! corporatlon,(hGratnrftcr cat ied ,,"."*Lli{:i, t#-$;'i; clnsiderahlon o! th. ru!of Tcn rnd No/100 hrr.l.ARS -(trb'.OOf .iii i,.iLthcr gc,od lnd v.lurbl.con.rdar.tlon In hrrr I r .ti.t'r'r _ir'icirii.i"riiildeir lr,D -frilnEFrgfinr(hcaclneftrr crr!lrd "i urt t,"iraii.ll"'il,;';.iLTt pt of rhtch ta hcr.b,tcknorlcdsedi hrr Rr:ilrairi; -iei6rii:d.'ibiu, cowErED .rDd our"FllrIF.-D: _rrrd_ by thcse present r _ OJei'Erin r"sEl neusesr, sELr., @trvEr ^ND gurr cLArr{ unto p'rc.hascr arr oi ili i-e?'r unoiv-r-alJ r-nrlriii'inth. f ot lor tns dclcr I bcd p,.,|. r t y, -tl, *; ;;i i,f t "c- i tEui t;e-i;-;.ii;,countt. Colorado. dcrcrirrod ar 'ioi I6Ji, ' {6_rr. , ll!9+ f, tog.thcr rrth rn.urdtltlcd !/l tnter..t in Jrd to SFilfi jiij:.:'#i"ffi#r'l:;l'i.?i:?:::ffiH:':rir,:'n _.-__thl. convGy-lncc tr,nadc end e.clcp_t rd rubJrct t.o th. rlghta o!oBncr ouncrr lnd oroee-du_res speclf tc'd fn th6 Anendcd tcn-jriti I1199ry*" tgreerrer. 'oatea seplern-ii- -iii idgi, gov€rnl-n-g orncrrhlplntcrest ln colo:ado/xc partnershlp, jna lii arry and lll carcocntr,flglt" o.f .vay, valir! ristriqglo-nj. ii"eiir -rcrcrvrttont of rn,tlnd. ralntenrncc chargcr^, burlding'rJc t"cr. rrnei, a-na -lJvc-rLEr-tal rcaulrtlon!., lf. dni., to the crtint,-luf onrr to thc .xtcnt th!!Btrcv rre rcfrcctcd bv ihc recorar or [ic oirrci'oi-utiiioiiiEiiilirot tha ebovc aenttorica coun[i-iia'itiii.--' I'lO HAyE IND tlo r|OLD thc_ rbovc dclcr I bcd prc.llcr, togcthcrrlth rll end rtnoular _t1c. ;1eptr -1nil i-pl-"rton."".t thcrGto ln en, lg*}Tq'ro.,,iff.,.xrJ,"'i':r*L*1..'.i.":".*{;i{:rof ,f i;#lriill!.9r. cgutty to thc only propcr usJl-na b.;.?lt;l-;ir;.[il;;-diSr|clr halr! and aes{9ne ioicvir. rl (j { l||B STATE OF TEHS COUTTTT OF HARRIS cR NtE8. s MAttrNG ADDRESS: Hl(' l'.oO lrrc Exesuted thl! thc J::_ day of {}. , , f,*- , ,9r3 E; llr'G: Tltlcz,:{r!@ tcLnoelcdgcd bcforc tc, on thtr thc:j;orE.l31'..oitffiten RESURTI IFTER BECORDT NGi tO: 529958 B-633 P- !102 o:t/o.1/9.1Sara .l . Fi shcr E{q le corrht l. ll:594 t.'i | ',t. I('lerk I ltsr..or.,t', r lnltrurncnt at fl iEooFtINo nr.oucSt? o $v $lltE r RESN I LK A PARTNHTS I I oF 1,,\N coRl,0t^t toNti |,ro l|rct ilcoioao ir i, r0 t:" -l-$11g 6 RE5N t uRr- A PARTNFRSIII P ut' lAti - c'oinoRlttolrs!.r ||.O. ltllx I O l()9 F- L\[UtoRl lF.A( ll, I A 'i.'h1n tl ba 5F^4€ ABOVE I rits L|NE FOn nECOnOER'S USE- ut Itllilcl{td ilF!ttltolotr|'lJ ?a€trl ttIq oo ANooE\trD ON oa.t6r! "8 N Quitc' m Deed lXli l(tllraUnMltll| | !r Inltlilr)tl.i illUlJarll ltiVlCf Th. un.l. len d Ormlo(r, dr3l.rt(r) undr? p.n.lty ot prrlury thrt tl , lo orrtng l. fu. rnd co7?.ct: Oocutnanluy l?rn3lc? ltr |l S -i).trtl.- I compulad on lutl volua ol pf( pidy ft,nv?yorJt or ) Cofirpultd On lun valua lcat vttuc ol ftpni nnd pncumbttnto$ re rnnrn g !l tmo Ol ialc. I Unlncorporltod rica ( rr l Crty ol - -,-v-,-ll t.--, - . lnd FOR A VALUASLE CONSIOEFAnOI{. rccerpl ol whnh |c hor.by iclnowlpdqod, IIATTHEII IIULLARIiY I ulI{ tn fi u h.Gby REMISE(SI. REL€ASE(SI AND FOREVER OUIICLAIM(SI Iorn undlvld3d on€-halt lrtrre\t a,' tl,1llxt.h Yl'|.1.'\RXT .rnd Ttuaarar of th! ll$llnrh\ tnnllv lt||i.t I d]rtl'rl srlterllrrr lh! lolowlng dclcnbed ?arl propsrly in thc Counry ol l .rrl | ,. P RCEL Ar to3rthrr rltlr .nr undlvirl. rl orrr'!r rll r rcrubdlvl!lon r.f l.r't jq, A-fn{1,.{l I'l.rr. ( :r rr racordrd llarch c. 198 1. trr ll, rr.lt t'., l'.r,., 11.'l . Slrlr ol colorsd t t hc i'"nn('n parcs I I ir( r'rrrrl [fl8 to the pllli Strtr.,rf t'tr ll,rndo.E oo 6,Oort ui ll b86 IrJ nlt ln. pr.Jved lo ma m lh; brur ol talrSltctory ovdrncr) lo uo thp pcrson(fl ltroae nlme(t 3/aG lublcnbed lo lhG ryrthin inJlrum€nt rnd aclnowlidgrd lo mo lhtt hoirtslFy at.rul6r! lhc arm. i6 hb/h.|{tfalr lurhodrod crp.crty(.!), ind rhat tlv hr3/tEtu.rt ihnalu?a(a|\o(r lhc In3lruficnl lho pa?s ^i{i, dr ll's .ntty rJFoi b!lt![ ol whch lh. prBonIO rcled, lxoLlrod th€ .nstrum€nl. WTNESS my h.nd and ofrc|al seal. , \:rrMAIL TAX STATEMENTS l(] !l\, l''l I , o a T0wN otr vn tt,t"rrorrTnr.- ?6/4f, Dl.;PAll l tlll|N l (r! (:()Dlltl UNfl Y D]:Vltl,OPltlf,Nl ,^r" 5 , /Z?i (--ITF,(:KS MADI', PAYABIIi'I'O TOTVN OTVAN, !gt* !n' N} ffi al tlb *f ltt ltii rltl w$tr W \g i.ll ,l!! i5: !!r! H: di dl:fii1(; "l!'Accot,NrNo. ' o 0000 4 540 ZONIN(i N ND N DDRIiSS MN PS t;5.o0 0 0000 424 5 UNI F()ItM I]UILDIN(; CODI ti54.ur) 0 0000 424 5 UNIIJORM PLUMI]ING CODIJ $19.00 0 0000 424 uNr FonM Mtict tANtCAt C'(tDl $J7.00 0 00ut 424 5 uNtl.ot(M tjililt cot)ti $16.00 0 00ur 424 5 NATIONAI, IJI,I'CTRI('A L COI)I $17.00 0 0000 424 5 OTIIIJI{ CODI' I](NKS 0 0000 4 548 I]LUI' PRINTS (MYL^RS)$7.00 0 0000 424 Xlrl{(lx C(Jl'llrs $0.25 I 0 0000 424 SI'U I) II'S 0 0000 424 TOVFlitis cOMpul'lit( Pt(oc RAM $5.00 0 0000 4237 |l'liNn L I Y lrUlrS / l{l:-l NSI'UC]'IONS 0 0000 4 332 PLAN I<ljVIliw Rlt-CIll:CK Fl;l: tS40 Plllt IIR.I 0 0000 42332 ot l.' I I()uRS tNsPt;crTIoN l;tilis 0 0000 4t4 ('()N l l(nc l'()l(S l-lCliNlills l;liliS 0 00004t413 sl(;N n PPLICn t-toN l.'tit:$20.00 0 0000 4 4 J A D D rr r( )N A L S tc N^(iltFlll-ls IooTIrq. t ;'r. l 0 0000 4244{L VTC ART PI{OJI'C]' DONATI0N 0 000q4 r.r3l rl'l(ll l'n ll) l)ltSl(iN KliVl UW Il()A l{D ljl..l.;?/)s- o 000(ITZ|7l I NV lrsTl(in TI()N l;ltl: (liUlLDlN(;) J 0000 45 |o .I{)V PAI(KING FUNTJ 0 00w22027 TOV NITWSPAPI,R DISPItNSIiR l;UNt)* 0t 0000 2t I t2 'r'AxABLB @ 4% (sTA't'B)t{.ll tlt nl. 'ri * 0t 0000 4t0t0 I-AXAtlLlt (n) 47. Cl'OwN) 0 0000 4217 |I]UILDIN(J I NVI;STICAI'I0N ot.rltirt F. . ft;u At'l'LluAt tuN l Eu$. ' t.a it ': )'1.: ' , 0 0000 4 r33!-.AEDITIONN L CRI;N "250"I triz[r0.u0 )i)' 0 000FH1R0 C0NI)I1'I0NN L USI' PIJI(MIT $200.00 o 0000 4 330 rjxTrjruoR n LTriRnTroN ILtiss'rilAN 100 sQ,r'1'.1 ili20u.00 0 0000 4 330 Itxl.l:l(lOR AI.1-l:RA1-|ON IMORli ]'lln N l(X) SQ.lj l.l $500.o0 0 0000 4 3t0 SPI:CIAL DI:VIaLOPMIINT DIS'IRICT JNltwl ti I ,500.00 0 0000 4 330 SPliClnL DliVliLOPMl;NT Dls'l'ltlCT IMAJOR AMI:ND s I,000.00 0 0000 4 330 SPIJCIAL DI'VI]LOPMIiNT DIS'TRICT TMINOR AMIJND $20(r.(r0 0 0000 4 330 SUI]DIVISION 0 0000 4 3J0 VARIANCI]$250.00 0 0000 4 330 ZONIN(i ClODIi AIvl|iNDIvtl:N IS $2t0.00 o 0000 4 3J0 rui - zONtN(i $200.00 )TilliR OTIII]R A a /a I *t".---, *"ZW*.'-t ^"t*ffi-- ao o amil / /,,.t /4quA'r'fl: A//z_/"t - -7-- LEGAL oescRrPtroN: Lot, ,14 nto"l, -ADDRESS: Single F ZONE CHECK . FORy Residence, DupLex, Pri ZONE DISTRICTS a mary /Secondary Subdivision l*J-/*,, LVo-'t OWNER PIIONE PTIONEARCIIITECT 1X*LIL-U' zoNE DrsrRrcr ?F] (5Dr) PROPOSED USE Al"Lowed (30)dD ExisEin(I Proposed Total No CJ.lrLarZ CE- Z4bl + 425 = ,.:9fu5 71ss+ f i + 425 =-ZbbS_ 20, 15' 15' 4bZE q xro chr.{e olL /l) 101 + sn c hatf. 3'/6', 3 tteqra r:oorl-teqoll(eoo) (1200) il5 Permit[ed Slope - t ProPosed Complies with T.o.V. LighLing ordinance \/6c waLer Course Set-back (30) (m) /,llDl.L //.,JA_Lz_L Front. Sid.es Rear rtt,.r Cj^*uqa<- AL Ileight s Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (501) Envi ronmen t a1lIIazards : Znn t3+ c1 n'sLope No YES_-=- NO 1) Flood Plain 2) PercenL Slope (< > 30%) 3) Geoloqic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaLL c) Debris Flow 4) WeElands No_r_____AY Does Ehis req'r.iesL invoive a 250 r-rridiLit-rrr? \b tlow much of [he a].Lowed 250 Addition is used t,rith Ehis request? view Corridor EncroachmenL: Yes Previous condiLions of approval (check properLy file): LOT SIZE 18 5IT A BUILDABIJE I.,OT AREA HeighL ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks site Coverage Landscaping RcEaining WaI1 parking Carage Credit Dri.ve: L0 (303) 949-4121 FAX 949-0304 POST OFFICE BOX 3238VAIL, CO.81658 Ioy.c0t4[4, DEU oEPI. June 16,1995 Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Departnent Attn.: Mr. George Ruther RE: O'Rourke Residence Remodel, 1259 N. Westhaven Circle Vail,CO. Dear George, Per your request we have verified that the documents on file with the town of Vail building deparfinent submitted June 16,l995,originally produced by John M. Pqkins dEted May 10,1989, are in fact the "as built" plans for the O'Rourke resideirce and are to be considered correct in regards to the quantities ofsquare footage and placement oftbat square footage. 69w Regardg Steven Jemes Riden A.I.A. . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBStrE \\ulst\o\ \ 9ff9 5/26l8q 003892 t of ommunity development TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT WPEOF PERMIT trtrtrtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lvdl 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H rG DlVlSlO 02?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - Resldential Duolex 9EPMITNO- z9F f BUILDING 355.000.00 ELECTRICAL 8 .000 . 00 PtUI'BING 8 .000 .00 f,ECHANICAL 5 .000 . 00Two-Level Framed 376.000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 6328 @ .15 BUILDING PERMIT 1 .606 . 00 MqA) GF \Ar(\\e\v -o (J { PLAN CHECK 803.00 ELECTRICAL 294.00 NEIV( X) ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL REPAIR (PLUMSING 80.00 owELLTNG uNrrs 2 accouuoDATroN uNlrs - MECHANICAL 7s .00 HETGHT rN FT. 1i Ho. rtneplrces 7 RECREATION FEE ts = 949.00 INSULATION: TYPE THIGKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100.00 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT s00.00 exr. wl-r-s I I 5.5" I 19 USE TAX *r*O*rOO TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS x TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4.407.00 wooD JoeNo:rls- _--5L2UU ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE -!like-Mo11ica - 5lI-9-189 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I | * |INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING E BUILOING NOTES:Fast Track Dermit foundation onlv. $qDul! c_guule!_e set of workine drawinss. blde mach, elec, etc. I heroby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informetion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state th€relo.review approved,.Uniterm Building Code and other\r\\ \sv$s\An t\brp='\\ ffi\ rr^. r\\ a r.-. AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF El MECHANlCALl25Fwe"rhaven circle LEGAL \ DESC. LOT3\ I BLl(-- FILING Glen Lyon llOgnAmgr Alpi.ne Townhouses III OWNER NAME Michael Lauterbach lrallADoREss P.O. Box 3451 ClrY Vail PH. t+7 6-694t ARCHITECT plpy John Perkins lran aDDREss P.O. Box 266 clw Vall PHA76-5288 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnm Mlchael Lauterbach LOIAIN OFJAIL FEG- NO. 106-L tete. 476-6944 Hl','-'^ull FIRM Statewide Electric TowN oF vArL REG. No. 128-E rr.te, 420-22L7 PLUMBING FrRrr J & C Plumbine TowN oF valr FlFGl Nd I I 5-P UUNIKAUIUK MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEq. NO TELE. $,wtifirutr nf (Drrufunru (Df lilutl Drpurtnrnl @sfftr fruililing THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUITDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT HE TIMF, OF 'SSUANCE TTT'.S STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI-IANCE \X/ITH THE VARIOI,T,9 ORD'NANCET OF 'I'I{,E ?'OIT/N RECUI-ATING BUIT-DING- CONS'TRUC7]ON, AND OR USE. TO THE BES'I'OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name APLINE TOWNHOUSES III Use Classification RESIDENTIAL Croup R-3 Building Pcrmit No.3892 Typc Construction v Owner of Buildins MICHAEL LAUTERBACH Building Address L259 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE LOT34 GLEY LYON SUBDIVISION AUGUST 28 l99l '| hc building offitirl nra), in rrriting, suspcnd or revokc a Crrti- ficate of Occuprnct issucd under theprovisionsol rhis codc rvhen- cvcr the ccrtificatc ir issucd in crtor. rx on tha basis of incorrcct informarion supplied, or rvhcn it is dctermined rhat rhc building or rtrucnr.c or portion thcrcol ir in virrlation of an.v ordinancc or rcgrrlarion of the Iirwn of Vail or anr of rhc provirions of rhi,i (oo{.Stanek lL POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: SUBJEC?! DATE: offlce of communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED ?OITH THETOT{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, t_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, traclc or deposit any soil, r""i, sand, debrisor rnaterial , incruding trash dumpsteri, p".iuui" toir-ets andworkmen vehicles. upon any st,reetl siaei,rair, ;Il;y or public -p-1?9e or any portion thereof" The ri.ght-"iGt-;n arr. Town ofVaiL streets and roads is "rpproximately S ft, off pavement.This ordinance will be striii:ry enforcld uy ttre -iowrr of vailPublic works Department. persons found .rii,r"ii"g this ordi.nancewill- be g-iven a 24 hclur written notice to remove said materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not coinply wi-th thenotice within the 24 hour tirne speciriea, trre-pu[ric worksDepartment will remove said mateii"r at in"- ""p""se of personl"tifi.9: The provisions of thii ordinance shall nor beapplr'cabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in thelrlghl_"_rouy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, please stop by the Town ofvail euilding Department to obtain a copy. trrani< you for yourcooperation on thj.s mat-ter. '")(2ut.r * Crtlrytuy'./fositio (i.e. contractor, owner) 6-,t - rr CONCRETE All concrete design ts baseo upon the "Butidrng Cooe R€qutrements fon Retnforced Concret.e" (ACi 318-83) and shall be constnucted tn accorciance ttlth "Speciflcatlons fon Structural Concnete fon Buildtngs" (ACI 301-84) and Chapter ZE of the l3B5 tJntlorn'r Butldrng Cocie. c. n E. Al I concrete shai I attatn a Aln entralnment shaiL ae 7i AII netnfonclng steei shali be Grade 40 fon S5 bans Retnforctng steel snal L be r-eciuce bondtng capabliittes r'rlnrmum ?8 day conpress.,.ve stnength of 3000 psi mlnlmum ion alI extenlor u,ork. conform io A5TM SDeclflcatton AGl5-81 and shall and sn'raller and 6rade E0 for *6 bans and larger. t'ree of loose rust scale or any coatlngs that tielded u,lne t'abn1c shai I conf orm to A5Tl"l Soecr f tcatron A185. follou,lng ASTM standardConcnei.e maienlals shall conf or-r'r to sp ec l l l cat l ons : Por-t iand Cenqent ' Cl50, Type aggregntes, C33 the T irJaler, C lean, drtnkable Air Entratning Admrxture, C260 tia t er-reduc lnq Adrvrtxture' C434 AII relnforclng bacs shali be accondance ulth the "l'lanuai of Concrete Stnuctunes " (ACI 315-80) detarled, bolstened, anci supported ln Standard Pnact lce for Oetatnlng Relnfonced to ueather or earth contact r.r1ih earth Concneie protectron for relnforcement shall be ds follous: Concreie poured aga.tnst eanth - 3" Concrete pounect 1n f orrls but exposed *5 bars or smaller - I l/2" Bans larger ihan t5 - Z' Concrele not exposed to u,eather or ln Slabs and r"ralls - 3/4" 0t ner - I tl?" H.Lap spllces 1n rer,nf orclng shail be a nlnlmum of 36 bar dlar',eters unless otherr.ltse shoun On plans. l,llre fabrtc relnforcement nust lap one fuil mesh at slde and end laos. out not less than 6" and shall be urlred together. Make all bars contlnuous arounci cor'net's or- pnovlde corner bars of equal slze and spactng. Provlcie trao *5 bars arounci aii openlngs, extendlng 24" beyond ed_oe of ope n 1ng. Pr-ov1de cont rnuous shear^ keys at ail cold ,lotnts and el seulhene as shoun on draur l nqs , all anchon boits for colunn bear-1n9 piates shatl be placed urlih settlng templates. 6rout beneath coluFrn base plaies and beam bear'lng plates shail be a mlnlrnun oi 3/4" ol non-shrrnk 'Efabeco" "Ftve-Star", or approved equal- Equipmeni shail be provlded for heatrng the concrele materrals and protecting the concrrte dunlnq freezrng on nean-ireezing ueather. AII nnier-1als, forms and earih ln coniact L,i.ih concreie siral i be free frofli frost. 1ce Bnd snoul. rrli concreie shall be ihoroughiy r;nsoi.tOated by vihratlng on ta!4p1nq durlng placement, and shaii lre thonougn y uorked anounci ihe nernforcement and rnto the corners oi the iorr.ls. Honeycomb I nq uri I i noi be accepiable. A, D, AII Glnlam be"rns sh.e.l I conform io FL'=1400 Fsi hendrnq stress and be nade f ron Foug-Fir t rr'rbcr-. A q..rd.r.rl se.rsoninq perrod c:t ntoderate temperatnre:' rhal i he provrded f or Glu.lams upon enclo:.1n9 the structltre {o rnininire c\cessrve checl. ing drrc io sLtddr:n hr.rmrdr t!' chan€es' Roof she..thrng shall be j/3" c-c EYT-l:lPA 321I8 pL;"'r.ro66, unless otherL,ise not ed on Flans' Al-l -lr-rmbcr- sholl be Hrnr-r-rr- lli on E=1,44@,,QLO psi. Floor subfloorrng shall be 3/4' C-D il'.lT-APA noted on Flcrns. Fl..rcr L,ettleen prr.rn.ery and l.ryer of 1./2" plyL,ood erd one Iayen of 5/8 " - ROUGH CARPENTRY Conforrr lo P5 ?0 f or-Er"i'en r,r.rtertalsr gnad: PIvr.rnnd A<<nr1,r! rnn f .. nlv'.tood. allltf :r[,]C the Nal.ronal Forest Pro,--{,-rcis 4ssoc!..i!on an.i Timber Conrtr^uct ran rind C.h=rtter i5 of thr -1 38? n! .ril ot hl(iPA, Ar.tertcan r'uh I r cnl rons .1nd Ftanddrd5 ai the Anericen Jnstrtute of t-lnr f orfi Burldrng Code. L'ed I er Fh=1.150 r,si (reFetitive use), 4712o plywood, unless otherwrse secondar-y unr t:. shal I be one plyr,rood. the Truss Joist Lrstituio for Installatron shall be as Per the Lunrber' Standard PS at t ine of dr'essing. ?A (U.S Narl aII plyr.rood to edges and @ 12" on the plans. Nai at panel edqes and 0 s hot 'n on the p l ans. rool' r.rf tcrs dnd hlocl,ing t,rth Bd @ E" o'c. at Fdnel fl.c. at intenrqcdiate supportsr unlesS othertl:.se shown I piyLrood to f Ic'c'r go.rsts and blocking t"rith Bd 6 6" o'c. 10" o.c at rntenrqediate 3oists r unle56 otherwrse c H. At I TJI 's shal I conforn'r to the standards of :5, 35, and 45 serres; E=2,200'000 psr. manufacturer t s specifrcatrons. Lumber standard shall be Amcrtc.rn 5of tr,rood Deoartn'renl of Comr,erce ), S4S, MC15 ' mot sture AII connector hardtiare rs to be manufactuned by H.rrdr.'are sh.ell be sr:ed by r4anulr.lctuner- for loads draLlrngs avdl lable f rorn the structunal enrJlneer' Installatron shall connply r,rr th ihe "l'lanual of House Framrnq" by the Natronal Forest Products Assocrati.on, rncludrng narlrng.' f rr-estoppingt Lf nc hor'age, framing and L,racinq GIue plytrood subfloor to f Ic,or jorsts and clywood shedthing to shear iaalls u51ng ddheslve confornrng r..,rth APA Specifrcairon AFG-o1 (u.B.c. Stand.rrd No. 25- 19 ). Pnovrde solrd biocl..rng cf the same s1:e as nafters e;rceed I fect ma>i trrutrr SFactn!. the Sirnpson Colnpany. des r gnat ed on structural or- jorsts at Iine-q not to 1,1c1:,( i rll L1f4 nctl l:.ng sh.rIl ccrform io the f oll.oLorng narlrnq :.cheduie: 1. Jorst to sr]l" on grr-der', toenal'l..... "3-Ed 2, Brrdgrng to ..;orst,, toencrti each end... " " " "?-8d 3. 1">i6" subfIoon or iess to each ,1orsi, face nail""' '""'''2-8d 4. U: rjer t hcrn 1".5" sl,bf ],L-ror 1c e.'rch .]or:1, face nai1""' ""'i'-8d S. l" sub,t'ioor to llis+" or 6rrrJer-,t'rlrnd and f ace n.riI " " " " ':-16d 6. Sole plBle to .1c'r-'it on hloclr tn-rl, f acc narl.. l6d La lE"o'c' i. ToF f,i-,te io :i'rij-. :n':' r,all'... """ '?-IE'l E. 51rrd t i-) sole nl;'te. iocnaiI t'.:th 4-ild or endna:l trrih i-1Ed 5. i,rortbled studs, iace narl...., .16d to 24"o.c. 10. Dorrblerj top plates: f rrce nat.l'. l6d 0 16"o'c' i1. Top plaies, laps ar,d rntersections. face narI. ' '. " 'z-tGd 1?. Cont rnuor-rs he.rder, tr{o nle ce5 .. ',. iid F l€" o.c. alonq ccrch cdqe Ccrt rn1 .;o:.sts ?- t"'t",I nan: r f Ut.j. iq 18. 1') Itl . ?4. ')l 11 3-8d Contrnuous headcr .to stud, tocn.rrl.,... .....,,.3-Bd Ceilrng ..; orsts, )a6,s over pcrr-trtrons, fncc nari.. ....J-16d Cerlr.nq Joisls to;,araIIcI rlfters, facc narl.. .....3-15d Rafter to olate. toenarl..... ,...3-Bd 1" brace to cach si,-rd and p.l ,rte, lace narl..... ,,.....?-Bd 1".,q" -heal.hrnn or ln.c -^ nr-F Ea.:-i-r facc narl..... .....?-8d rrli der than 1".16" sl-e.rthrnqr fcrce narl each trcanrng. ...3-Bd lEd @ ?4"o.c. beans. iOd e .::"o.c.at top and bottom and stcrqgened l-lod at ends and at edch sFIice 31. :" Flcrnf,s 2-16d at each bea.inq See plans for rrny .eddrtronal she.rthrng and decl;rng ndrllnq nole5, AII lre.rders shall h,e l- j.(l: ior 2,<4 trcrlis and lll,: 12 f or l;<6 t alls unlesg othenr.rr se shourn on the F'lans. AII headens shall be 5upported by one tri,'lmer each sidc unless othe.t.'r 5e sho[.]n on plan5. AII exterron waIIs dnd rnterror Ioad bearinq u,ails shall be braced at edch end and at least every 16 feet of length by srnpson cl^,B 1?6 u,al I bracingr unless specrfrc layout or plyurood sheathrng rs rndrcated on the pIans. Al l bur i t-up grrclers, t,earqs and headers shai t he glued urlth adhesivc confornnino to APA Spec:.f rcation AFG-01 and nalled as pen naillng schedule' All mudsrlls and urood used nedrer than 6" to thr edrth shall be califonnia Redr;ood on pressure .rrrpregnated L.rlth an approved pnesenvat j.v€ as specrfied rn U.B.C. Standand No' 25-1?' Srll plates shaIl be bo.lted to foundatlons urlth a ntnrmurn of I/?" dianeten anchor bo.[ts spaced at 4'o.c. and embedded 7" rnto concrete. There shall be a mtnimum of two bolts per prece u.ri th one boit located within 12" of each end of edch F r ece. uood studs may not he cr-rt or notched to a depth e^ccedlnq ?s/. of therr^ t,idth. i,jood jorsts on naftens nay be Fenetrated r^rlth a hole no lai"ger than 1', draneter located a aFFr-oxinnately nrd-deFth and midspan of the member' Any devratron from thrs specrfrcatlon nust be apFpoved by. the Structural Eng r neer . Mrnrrqtrm uncjer-floor clearance betr,rcen earth and uood fralllng shaII be lB" to floor 3orsts and 12" to floon grr-ders and ledgers' Studs ln e:,itError ualis and rnterion bcarrnq r,.,aI Is r,rhrch suFFort one floor crnd a roof shaII not be.[ess than 2:':4's' and u'hich support tuo f loors and a r-oof shall not be Ie-.s i.hnn l;i6's ta the bot tor', of the Iowen fioor 3orsts and l>:4's f or- the tuo upp*r u,alls. AI1 studs In exterlon r^ral ls and rrrterlor' i:eantng ujdI l5 shall be placed at 16"o,c. unless other'wrse shoun on plans' FIooi' jc'rsts shal l be fldr{ ir'rum herghts for ural I s. doub.i e d under dll paral lel t'all pantltions. frrmed u.lal ls shali be 14' fon Ir:4 ualls and 16'for ?xE [,rrn::'r-'ra]ns f or f .:r'rrnQ :hal i te as []3r arrchrt€cf ur'rl drert'lrnqs iijl fl r crol lr".-, :,htli annr'nrn lI t h..j :t,lrriJ,:lrdi of lhl I rr.ts 'lo.: si InSirlutc fCjr t l/:', 1l 1/E", l'1 ". lE", anrJ 18" dcoihs; E=],'300'000 pst' Aii t'1rr1:rit .,in{ !'ircrlisFs c; !-rr!e'j to {]''1ci^r i'r crndt i l';ns requ l re p:lr-ficrnent pr-eservet 1r,p trecrtmen.t in accoi-dr-f r-tcE Lrtth fr.|,i.p.4, 5136i,rnds cl and c?. 3* f chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 30ltttouHolnot 0G s. zuxl :LGlrttrtx6 DENVER. COLORAOO aoill! sOIL AND FOUNDATION TNVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LoT 35, cLtN LYoN SUBDtVISt0N vAlL, coLoMDo Prepared for: I,IORGAN CONSTRUCTI OI,I COHPANY P. 0. Box 22t0 vAtL, c0L0MDo 81657 303/ra+tl05 Job No. 18,612 July t2, lgTg TAEL€ OF CONTENTS coNcLUs | 0NS SCOPE SITE CONDITIONS suBsorL coNDtTroNs FOUNDAT I ON RECOI{HEIIDATI ONS GROUND FLOORS UNDERDMIN SYSTEI.I SURFACE DMTNAGE I,IISCELLANEOUS FIG. I - LOCATION OF TEST PITS FIG. 2 - LOGS OF TEST PITS FIGS. 3 end lr - cRADATlOt{ TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUH}IARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS I I I z .) 3 t c0NcLus t oNs Thc proporcd rcrldcnce ghould bc foundcd wlth spreadfootlngs placcd on thc uppcr n€tural solls dcslgncdfor a maxlm{rm soll preslure of 2,t00 p:f wlth deslgndetallr and prccautlons glvcn as dlscusscd. SCOPE Thlr rcport prssents the results of a soll snd foundatlon Invcstlga- tlon for the propo3cd rerldcnce to be located on Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdlvlrlon, Vall, Colorado. The report prcsents the rccoruncnded type foundatlon, allarable toll prcasures, watcr table condltlons, and other rol l-rclatcd dcllgn and constructlon dctEl ls. S ITE CONDITIONS At the tlmc of our Invcatlgation, the sltc was vacant. The ground surfacc slopcr mdcretcly to the northwest. l,lexl mum elcvatlon dlffer- cnco across thc sltc ls on the order of 44 fect. Ground covcrconSlsts of grllr, wccdl snd Sornc ripcn trecs. suBsolL coHDrTtoNs Subsol I condltlons tt the sltc h,ere Investlgated by excavatlon of tr,ro tctt plts et locatlons shorm on Flg. l. Gcneral ly, rubsol ls are frlrly unlform end conrlst of up to 2 fcet of topsoll overlylng sllty rend end gravel wlth occaslonal lcnscs of sand and occarlonel bouldcrs. Rcrults of gredatlon anrlysc3 perfornad on thlr mstcrltl are prescnted I n Flgr. 3 and lr. llo frcc Hrtcr was cncountcrcd In our tctt plts tt the tlme of GXCavrt lon. -2- FOUNDAT I ON RECOII}IENOAT I ONS l'|e understand the proposcd res|dcnce wlII be I t!\ro-s tory rvood frane structurc wlth e full bascrnent. |Je do not havc lnformatlon at prelcnt .s to thG proposed lover floor plan. l,/c recorncnd that the proposed resldencc bo foundcd wlth spread footlngs placcd on the uppcr natural granular sollg. Thc fol lovtng dcslgn and construction detalls should be obscrvcd: (l) Footlngr placcd on thc upper sllty sand and gravel belov the toptoll thould be deslgned for a maxlmum soll pressure of 2,500 psf. undcr thlr prcssure, we egtlmate total scttlenent to be tolerable for rec ldentlal con3tructlon. (2) contlnuous foundatlon wells should be relnforced top and bottom to Spen €n unsupport€d length of at lcast l0 feet. Deep foundatlon walls should alro bc derlgncd as a retainlng structure reslsring lstcral certh prclsures based on an equlvalent fluid welght of 40 pcf. (3) Local soft pockcts or dtsturbcd solt found at foottng exiavatlon should bc rcnrovcd and footlngs extended down to the lower, flrm rollt. Carc shoul d be takcn durlng re-mova I of bout dcrs so as not to dlsturb the rcmalnlng solls. (tt) All exterlor footlngr should be provlded wlth adequate soll cover ebovc thclr bearlng clcvatlon for frost protectlon. GROI'ND FLOORS Thc on-:l tc collt arc sultablc to support slab-on-grade congtructlon. Slabr should bc scparatcd from all bearlng membcrs wlth a positiue -3- expanslon Jolnt and adequately relnforced. To provlde unlform bcaring N for the concrete slab-on-grade, we rcconrnend a Ir- | nch laycr of free dralnlng gravcl bc provlded bcncath thc floor slebs. UND€RDMIN SYSTEH In order to prcvent ground watcr from affcctlng the lower level of the bulldlng, wG rccormcnd that a perlpherel undcrdraln bc tnstalled erpund thc pcrlmrtcr of the foundatlon. Thlc undcrdraln should conslst of perforated plpc placed In a gravct flllcd trcnch €t footlng grade. Thc draln should slope adcguatcly down to a Sump where water can be removcd by pumplng or gravlty outlct. SURFACE DRAINAGE The follovllng dralnage precautlon3 should bc observed durlng construc- tlon rnd malntalncd at all tlmer after the bulldlng has been cornpleted: (l) Exccsslvc wcttlng or drylng of the foundatlon cxcavatlon ihould be avolded durlng con3truction. (2) Eackflll around thc bulldlng should be nplstcned and compactcd to .t lc€st 90? standsrd proctor dcnslty. (3) Thc around surface lurroundlng rhc extcrlor of the bulldlng should be rloped to drcln rvrey from thc buildlng In ell dlrcctlons. (tt) Roof dorvnspoutE lnd dralns should dlschargc wcll bcyond thc llmltc of all brckflll. It I SCELLAIIEOUS Thl: report har becn prcpered In eccordence wlth gcncrally acceptcd roll rnd foundatlon englncerlng practlccs In thls arca for thc use of -lt- the cl lent for deslgn purposes. Thc conclurlons and reconmendatIons submltted In thls rcport are based upon thc data obtalned from the test plts cxcavatcd at thc locatlons Indlcatcd on the test plt pl8n. The noturc end cxtcnt of varlatlon! between the tert plts mry not become evldcnt untll cxcavetlon ls pcrformed. lf, durlng constructlon, soll and ground watcr conditlons appear to be dlfferent from those described hereln, thls offlcc rhould bc advlrcd .t oncc so that rc-cvaruatlon of the rccofimcnda t I ons may be rnrde. l,le recommend on-slte Inspectlon of cxcrv€tlons and foundatlon bearlng Etr€t€ by a soll englneer. CHEN AI{D ASSOCIATES, INC. Hans Froes ch I e Revle+red By Rlchard C. Hepworth,'P. € HF/tr,r.dlrrs By oo -.-r- Sca I e: l tr- j0. ( /-\ P ropc rty ,tLtnel/ \ LOCATION OF TEST PITS 3.0'Eouldcr Proposcd Bui ldlng | 8,612 Fi9. I r"rt?t r EL-8Ir.5' t Flt)t{E I =o lr, l! l,tC- | 5.6 DD-|03. I -200.It6 -200-22 Topsol l. Send and Gravcl (cH-Gc), sllty, claycy,wlth lenser of sand, cobbles and boulders, dcnsc, very rmlst to nrlst,grey to roddlch brcnn. Undlsturbed hand drlvc sample. Bag samplc. Test P i EL-68.5 -200-5 | -200-28 NOTES: (l) Test plts were excavated on June 21, 1979 wlth a backhoe. (2) Elevatlons arc approximate andrefcr to @ntours from sl tc plan supplled by the architcct. , (3) t{o free weter lras encountered In our test plts at the tlme of our I nvcs t I gat lon. (4) !/C - lJatcr Content (Z); DD - DFy Dcnsity (pcf): -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 5leve. Flr,l! I zo F rd lr, LEGEND: F tl8,6l2 TEST PITSLOGS OF F19.2 Oxtx rx o Asroc rlrcs O Conrulring Soil ond Foun&tion En9 inoco c !a I t ili a a!aa a t t a c!av rtlrltrgl l! ltt? tE-rr.ltr3l oi av€L Lrcut o 3A r| FLE 7 % cexo ltZ % srr-r Ltrttr % tl-AarrcrrY or Gnval clayey sand I en- rro". scg cobb I cs .,. . rxo curv Jl llaOEx Tert plt f2 7o % ot 3* fcct. Lacuto Ltl.tt . xo 50 % .rLY axo cLAY 28 * r.larrct ?Y t r-oa. %' * .t7-l0fcet.garerr-c o. Gnvel sllt rrnd lcn3G3rro- Tc:t plt f2 cobblss and bouldort GRAOATION TEST RESULTS Flg.3 ca- 2 v I lrlt9ltD laal.,oo .!..dD .a Orrrttal ot trafct: rt rtLL a ! E Fa I . clll l?trr?al t!t.'t.t? ..F ttdlrcl ,t E,6t2 orn rxo AssocrArrs Comrltirp Soilqd a!aa a It a ao ao ro F t ! oa I c : t I II a crtY rttrlt€l l! ttLl lrc- tr.lrrcl cRAvGL 6 % Lteulo LIM I T 3Ar. ?LE o: Gravcl ' cobblcs .^"o 48 % sr Lr % .rarYrctrY cl ayey gnd I cnser.o- ..No .LAY 16 txoEx Test plt f,l o/o % at 3 feet. to ao n0 atultcl IO ltll lE- t!.1?rcl o"^raa l! '/, e^"o35 . f, . lrLr aND cLaY . Lrouro Lrr,rt" % FrJttrcrrY txoEx .^.pr-i or G ravol t I I ty 3!nd ltntGt"o", Tcrt pl t ..r: ., "'i ' cobbtcc tnd bouldcrt 22%r #l at 9 to l0 feet. L Fl g. cl-2 Foundotim Enginreo tra-aL Iat all arl '!t Orl Oll Ot ..1 ltt -t-F rrf _hlt .I tla ra, lar rat ||riorrr.r.r or rrrfiitli rr rrrrlJiirrr n I l| ^[,la .l | !a rO' I'Orrtatat Ot 'rr?rg|.t rt at|.|'fgfrtrl ,l8,612 GRADATION TEST RESULTS CHEN AND ASSOCIATES TAELE I Job No, 18,612 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS OEPTX (FE ET) NATURAL TIOISTURE l'/. ) OENSITY ( PCr ) ITEREERG LITIITS UNCONF IN EO STRENGTH (PsF) TRIAXIAL SHEAR TESIS PERCETIT PASS I NG t'10. 200 S IEVE SOIL TYPELr0ur0 LIIII9) ASTTCI rfi0EI P/"1 OEV I ATOR STRESS (p s F) CONFII{ING PR€SSURE (PSF) 103. I Gravel cl ayey sand saS' C66b f€S- ,Gra_vet sllty sand lenses cobbles s boulders Gravel cl ayey;se; ioub les Qr_eyel. -s-! ! ty sgt_d_ lenses cobb I es and bduld€rs . Iuwn Project tr161s3 A1plne Townhomes III Date: IIl3/89 Bldg Pernit No. 3892 Address; 1259 Westhaven Circle Legal Description: Lot 34 Blk - Subdivision Glen Lyon srrhdiwicinn otlice ol community develoPmenl the following item(s) do not conform code: 75 3oulh lrontrge toad vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47*'2138 (303) 47$'2139 To:Mike Lauterbach This ls to inform You thatto the Town of VaiI zoning 18. 13.080 Densitv Control of the zoning code and will be attached definition of "craw The above occupancyplease do Signed: corrected Prior inspection for. /l have anY quesclons I(issuance of co or Tco) - I!-Y"t''not hesitate to caII 479-2138' 4x /V.aa As contractor for the Project' I informed of the violations listed the violatirqns before a temporary acknowledge that above. I also certificate of T have been aqree to correct o6cupancY wiIl strator roj ect. o (; L DEFIN ITIONS of a strucrure not including the follorving: A. Areas specificalll'desieneci and used for mechanical eouip- ment to operate the building B. S ta irrva vs C. Elcva t ors D. Comnron hallu a1's E. Common lobbies F. Common resrrooms G. ,{reas designed and used for oarking H. r\reas designed and used as srorage rvhich cio nor have direct ilcccss to iln in<iividual officc or retarlsrore. noi ro exceeo iir.e pcrccnt ot rhe rotal proposcd ncr i loor area ior ot t'ice and not !o cxceed eisltr percent ot the roral proposed ncr i]oor area ror retail. Common arcas are spaces l'or rvhich all lenants in rhe build- ins contributc torrarci the upLeep and rnaiirrcnance lh!'rcoi irnd .ttc rrot rrscd for emplove e s orkinc areas. (t)r'(l. -.:ri( llltil ) SS 7. fi: () l. St itJ;:l ) S l.li0l,( I):rrr).J i3.0.{,1J0 }'loor rrea. gross residenri.rl (Gli.l.'A). "C ross residr:ntial t'loor arc:r ( C il FA)" is dciined as rhe rotal area u,ithin the e nclosin!: walls of a srruciure includinc all hebita- ble- arr:as: cxcluding crirrvl spaces antl attic arcas tr.lth a cciling hcight ol' f ivc ter.r or lcss. Ovcrlappin,r sttirrr avs shull oniv he counterl irt the lo\r'rlst lcvcl. Ijtrr I !]r. purposr: oi rlcternrirrrnq ccilinc hcil:hr rlirhin un irrric irrca. rhc ccilins hci!hr sh:rri hc ,.'ulculatcrl lrs thc riistancc ncttlccn tilrJ t()p:iric ot rlrr strtrclttral tlldillbuh r rl :1 cctlillo lln.l t hc ttntlcrsit.lc ()l't llL'\t ntClu t;r l tttc : lrcrsr'l tho r()a,l tlircctiV lrh()\d. {.\rl irttic itruir rrhich is crtttr.,d hr. r' \ ) | I s | t. L r c t i I ' n {)l ll f()ot'h\ r:u\s-lvFc rrrr:nrbcrs rrrll hc cr:crttptctl irorn clricrrliuirrrr trtosirlcd tlln( tltc tl rrrscs lrc \l)ilcc(l no lirrtltcr ilt:tn tltittr irrchcr tu.irrr. r.\ er.rrr lsnaccshlril Ircriclinr_.trilsi.ulurr-,il ir lrcrc thc tlirtirrlric hctrrccn th(' \rrftircc ol lhc c:rr(lt urrtl rlr ll00r\\ \tc l. il (l t llc l: trt tcfr irlc ()l thl. \t rrrct ll tit i itrcrn ncf( s ) ol thc. tlortf,.lttcct l', irir*t r: rlrrcs ti(rt c.\cccrl ii.. c !cL.f ,i..i ir :rccri:.riblc bt ant,!r('llrls t!(rt (rr (.\ct|':(l nlilc \(tu:lrc lr'ut ln .tt.c:t. ):')1..r Ilh\l:ul(l In!: I ltd Irricr:r)ltu! Ili,j I,rll()..\ trt{lirrtitatrrrrrr:rndrllottirrr.:r': :ltitll .: ;rDlr : 1.. \\'iritirr rlrc SRF, R,.rn.l R p S a,rrc..!irrricrs rhu tirlloliue ,i r- | o ( (, ZONING . additional areas shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: hundred sc]uare tect per each r lllir\lrnun) ol t\\ o spacL-s pcr 2. Ilechanical area not exceedinq a ma.riinum suuare lcet pcr ailowaDlq dtveiiing unit: All or nrrt ol an uiriocii.'nor ercceoir.:rAll or nrrt ol an uiriociL'nor ercceoing u ma.rimur:r oi' ..jlt_rrnt-r'-! ir c. \LluarL'lcel oer aiio$able d\ciirns unrt:-l. .:S!ora ge :l rdil or coln Dlnu t ro n ot slorirtc .r rai]\ r.rol. !'\cced- . lng il mu.\lln util ot t \\ o ;:u no rL'd :u u;.r r!- iccl pcr al trrs abie dueiling u nir: i. Soiar hc:rrrnq rock storagc arc:rs. Anv squarc lootil!c in crcsss rtl thc ::ilL.ritrruln credltl alloueci rn uuragraphs i lhrt_rugn J above rriri b.: incitrr.tctj in the calcuiations ot gross r:srtienrral lloor ilrca. B. Within buildings containrrr!: rnorr: ihln tlr.o llio.rrablu tlsei- ling or acconrmoriarion unirs. rhe follos ing ldrlrtional arcas shall bc e.rciudud fronr calculution as Ci{ F.r:l. Carases) l. -3Elai nearin_q rock srorrse arcrs:3. \l echanil,al areis:>4. "Fcrmm on trallivir s. cornm()n c!osets. lob'nr. urcas. stair- \r'avs and comnlon encloscd rddrr.-lliL)nJl llcrlities notuxcecdinI tt mlrimunt trl n il r]tr..r.u nt cqtiul t() l\\!,nt\.p@ h-,r]n..rnr rr r.:.'j i,;, i* n*,r ";'([liFtir,rtaue *hich crccutls ti. trr.,.,r... p.r..,,,,n"ii_ L, l. Enclossdearrses ol'lhree r''-'h icic sn:rce nor eEEFr ri r' allos ablc ri u c ilirrg u nit: g-.-=:1 .:ri6-l o DEFMRTMtrNT @FIu u l=l u\J u l,:J lJ.tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@trMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM)N FoRM xxXXXXX ACCoUNT # 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLTCATION FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42415 1988 UNTFORM BUILDING CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE l 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORM MECHANTCAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE COOE I 0000 42415 1987 NAIIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 4241s OIHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE PRTNTS (M.,tARs) 01 0000 42+12 XERoX COPtEs ,/ sruDrES PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION 01 0000 41322 OFF HOURS NSPECIION FEE I 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41J30 0+HEFTEES T{,tnr ?.e w ..eq.l 0l 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION I MBMO TO: FROM: Mlke MollLca Gary Murrain/ Mlchael Lauterbach Pursuant to my diecusslons with each of you yesterday, lt ls my lntent to start excavatlng the refereoced slte early thLs morning ln advance of the Lssuance of a bulldtng pernlt, Ae we dl-scussed, I will be transplantlng varlous on-aite aspen treesr' preparlng a storage area fot large rocks whLch w1.11 be Lncorpotat.ed wlthLn the landacape deelgn uhlch are curtently avallable from the Post Offlce quarry, and later ln the week, benching the slte for the foundatLon. Per our agreement, If a buildtng permit vrere to be wlthheld by the Town of Vall for any reaaon thls sumrer, I agree to return the s{te to itsl orlglnal. status which would lnclude snoothing the slte and revegetatlon. Please contact me lf the above stated lntentlons are not as we dLscussed and thank you in advance fot your consLderatLon and cooperatlon. ftd-e7 DateMichael Lauterbach 442- TOWN OF $F9uepr tJA I E. PERMIT NUM I I ER OF PROJECT INSPECTI a- tr+e '+lJOB NAME MON CALLER TUES (oi) "READY FOR LOCATION: THUR . FRINCW BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION o CI tr o POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. tr ROUGH tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o trtr FINAL FINAL ! neenoveo CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t PE BER ( I UMITNPERM DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES '\. . -. WED rJ '.'\ F PBOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL LJ tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: ,1, O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr b FINAL -a--:.-tr DISAPPROVED $REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I r I INSPECTOR TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ' oo-. \.---- t\ \) JoB NAME ON: CALLER TUES THUR ---------@)"READY FOR INSPE TI.\ LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, / -- // . /,f //i rNSpEcroR 'ii-" INSPECTIONTOWN OF $FLouEFrPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ) -\'-( ri\.z\,- . '_.J\\DATE ._-) rj .- \:\ ..: JOB NAME CTIoN: .,i. 1\tE\ '.'..\;1. READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER luES L |\.:F.|.. t.I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E} ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL D tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Tt- D SUPPLY AIR n J; tr F'NAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME 7(:& READY FOR LOCATION: /-\AV*J CALLER WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL T9U pc ea4r(Lu_::tT- D rrruel \-\\,i ]Itr FINAL O HEATING HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' DATE PEFIMIT NUMBE F PROJECTRO LO 43 JoB NAME Ar CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WE A,- L/ OVED tr DISAPPROVED I nerNseecrroN REeUTRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: .nitr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL U FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1 ar l FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo,v items need togivingapermitafinal Please check off in the be compl ete before Cof0. box provided. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRI CAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE: /n-27-fu oATE 3-7-90 A. APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REUIEI.I APPLICANT Glen Lyon DeveloNAME OF MAILING ADDRESS c/o William Spicer 1710 Platte Srreet Denver Col-o 8O2O2 PHoNE r 433-6803 B. c. D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S P.O. Box 345I REPRESENTATI VE Vai1, Colo Michael Lauterbach NAME OF ot,NER I S MAILING LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT 34 BLOCK 8r 6sB PH0NE 476-6e44 PRoPERTY oWNER (r-type) Glen Lyon Develo t, Inc. SIGNATURE PHoNE 476-6944 ADDRESS OZOZ ,rtffiD>/. PArD i"1,7or_---,-/ J-da:Er l. 2. J. G. H. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development wi'll be responsible for promptly- recording.the plat_and accompanying documents with ihe Eagle Couirty btEi'l... and Recorder upon Town of Vail lppiova'l .. SUBDIVISI0N Gr"" lv"" . ftltNe E. F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED ev h./A"lrrLil ?<z-torl Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat following therequi rements of Section .|7. 16. 130 (C), 1,2,b,4,6,7,9,9,.| 6,tt,tS anal4 of the Subdlvlsion Regulations. The plat must contain the fo'l lowing statement: 'For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision areto be treated as one entity wlth no more than one two-familyresidence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots.', fnestatement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A'gopy of the declaratjons and/or covenants proposed to assure themaintenance of any common areas. The dec'l aration and/or covenantsshall spec'ifically address the painting of the exteriors of theunits so that thE units will be painted the same color andmaintained in the same manner. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIE|,l CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.24 of the subdlvlsion Regulations. fa*l1 O S&"nef hl(e o . :ry :r,DtrPHRTMtrNT @trtr@MMUNITV DtrVtrt@FMENT W 'o*, ActoN F'RM xxxxxxx ACcouNT # 01 0000 41330 COM. OEV. APPUCA]'ION FEES 0l 0000 41s40 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42415 19BB UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORiI PLUI{BING CODE 'l 0000 4?415 1988 UNIFORI.I MECHANICAL CODE 01 00CI0 42415 1988 UNIFORII RRE COOE 1 0000 42415 1987 NAT]ONAL EL.ECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 LUE PRINTS (M'rL{RS) 01 0000 +2412 XERoX coFtES ,/ sruores 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEC.IIoN 1 00oo 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FE 1 0000 4.t412 coNTRACToRS ucEllsEs fEES 1 0000 41330 0l 0ooo 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION LE COUNTY ' 551 tsroadwaY' ''Eagle,Colorado Aiffi l F03)328?3ll I , '.1| araaallii"llt IgE9UDRTD AIT,INE sdct{{"vPro\sHltt ffi-Rc-cllFs( lSOr EBOMr DEl4ft atalt. Iaa. ,Ftt t'tE -Lrrt**. 031nlga I'Ilke Molluce Town of Ve{l Eagle County t' ooz.' lraEcE EO 8:TPE OF DOCIIMET{T PRtrORIl''!{s i t. t a a e lf,llGr FNT T I0:25 e.n. 479-2157 * (3031 t28'?207 *(303) 328-7311 lncludlng thiE caver Page' tt g\c\ 'osIt6v1C'Fs\ ++ ' g g' t\ O. ,F rt- = t\ F'€or.clG= r $*t E -t F? : t' .! L'a trl .-lil* HtJ< n, . $r l!H' 5E -g R r{" ro lll llJE BE R E -= O\-EE -. E q tox = o I' -q fi . ;<F E q i fo-s Elrl&D IJ'{lrlEF e. =qieE uisE;{oE{:,-rifiE oll, .. Hroltl ..ooul|llUJFr,>zr{ ul uJ ul ,EF'JtduJOct4L' I I I I uJ F o x d, tr'l r- z4.tj Foz ' (-go\\go O,\ .it fo 't :4 Cl('IJ L ct{0 a!g 6 0I d E G u,l I,IJ.Nq (3uJ. t eE..c .r| t .\|AIfi <- gt r. lE ,!.3-:g 3'Eog -'"':HI -E E;sg; *grE la;: E$i$ * Hr; Omt'tn tl.g l||rag$n ; .; :'l, 3 #lt9ta8t?l [* I ()I tlVll:lil 00-el-e ::U!OVNVIi llNnOC <Yr' t-S-i -- -PAR[ = t:E $#F: :ia ry - =' ttrYili -F' -++ \ Hii *it J i orre. t:, - 3i f,ECETVED Br:I i; ;oilEi;;, to ,-, iarlrr.tIct .ter I = ..:t..i - '- {- -!rri^ = i EIGLEGOUflTYTREASITRER= A I P.o-Box/m8 b- r E-.r- ^-.---r Irr;E.Ualker Eaglq Cdorcdo Bt€3f { --. 05 /1Et89 cJr ct(il3460/STETART 1rL. NECTIPT T7E381988 TAr ouE rr{ 1989 PIRCEL lto. : 2f Oi-tAi-OZ-O01 SCHEDULEIt{O.a O0OtZalTTPE OF PROPERTY : REALrAX oISIRIGTT 0125 Aftour{T RECEITEo: IIORGAIII GEORGE T & XARY JAIIE 80X B85J RANCH0 541{TA FEe GA 92067 1t485.5Q 7t4a5.5O DATE BECEIYEO: RECEIYEO BIT coilllEr.tr s: F o(5 z. =oIJ 4tJgt trt @ Fz.uuvt TONNtrOUSE DECIJARITTOT FOR AIIPT}TE TOWTCHOUSES III RECITALS t. GLEN LYON- DEVEIOPI,IENT, INC., a Colorado corporation I]P-::lir?ltllt is the owner of lne rear property (the ,rproperry,l)srEuaEe rn the county of Eagle, state of co1oraoo, describ;:d a3the rrNorth Parcertt, the ,south'parcelr., and the t,iornmon parcelrlin fxhiUit A attacired hereto and made a part hereof. 2- Declarant has constructed on the North parcer and thesouth Parcel a building consisting of two units, with each suchyni!,designed and intended for us6 and occupancy as a residentiardwelling unit. The units are designated helein-as the 'northapartment unitrr and the ,south apaitment unitr, respectivery,which are sometimes referred to herein separatily as r,apartirentunitrt or collectively as rrapartrnent unitsir. 3. The North parcel contains the north apartment unit andthe South Parcel contains the south apartment uirit. 4. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish a planfor the ownership of the North parcel and the south parcel asestates in fee sirnple and the co-ohrnership, by the individual andseparate otners thereof, as tenants in common, of the CornmonParcel . DECLARATTON Declarant does hereby pub].ish and declare that the followingterns, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses,reseri\rations, limitations and obrlgations shalt be deened to runwith the land described herein, snarr be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successorsand assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in therear property which is described herein and improvements builtthereon, their persona!. representatives, heirs, successors andassigns. - l-. DMSION. Or' REAL pROpERTy. (a) The property is herebydivided into rrtownhouse units[ as follows: . (i) The rNorth Townhouse Unitr! consisting of a feesimpre estate in the North parcel and an appurtenant theretoone-half undivided interest in and to the Common parcel ,together with the improvements, easements and rights rocatedthereon or appurtenant thereto in the same respe6tiveinterests; (ii) The trsouth Townhouse Unitx consisting of afee simple estate in the sorrth parcer and an appurtenantthereto one-half undivided interest in and to the conmonParcel , together with the improvements, easements and rightsIocated thereon or appurtenant thereto in the sanerespective interests. (b) .Each townhouse unit shall be inseparable, and maybe reased, devised or encumbered only as a townh-ouse unit. Noowner (ttownertt) of a townhouse urrit shall assert any right ofpartition with respect to the common parcel and eaci owner waivesany and-arr rights of partition he may hold by virtue of hisownership of an undivided interest in-and to Lne cornmon parcel asa tenant In common with the other owner. . (c) Title to a townhouse unit nay be held individuallyor in any form of concurrent ownership recolnized in cororado. tircase of any such concurrent ownership, each-co-owner shal1 be jointly and severally liable for performance and obaervance of-all the dutl-es and responsibilities of an owner wJ.th respect tothe townhouse unit in which he owns an interest. For aIIpurposes herein, there shall be deemed to be only two ohrners, theowner of the North Townhouse Unit and the owner of the South Townhouse Unlt. The parties, if more than one, having theownership of each such tolrnhouse unit shatl agree amongthemselves how to share the rights and obligations of suchownershipt provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership,association or other legal entity sharl becbne an owner or theparties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of atownhouse unit, then such entity or concurrent owners sLa1l frontinre to time designate one individual who shall represent suchentity or concurrent owners in alr matters concerning all rightsand obligations pursuant to this Decraration. any srlch enti€y orconcurrent owners sharr give written notice to the other owneidesignating the individuil to act on its or their behalf and suchnotice shalr be effective until revoked in writing by such e"iitvor or^rners. Any act or omission by such designated individuatshall be binding on the entity or owners having designated hirn infavor of the other owner or any person who may rely thereon. (d) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust,rnortgage, will or other Lnstrument affecting a townhouse unitshall describe it by the legal description 5f the parcelconstituting such townhouse-unit and ls an undivided one-halfinterest in the common parcer described by its legal description,with such legal descriptions being set foith in E;hibit A. (e) Each townhouse unit shall be considered a separateparcel of real property and written notice shall be given t-o ttreassessor of Eagle county, colorado, so that each townhouse unitshall be separately assessed and taxed. - 2. EI{CROACHI,IENTS. If any portion of one of the threeabove described parcers now enciolches upon any of the otherparceJ-s as a result of the consiruction ;i ";t'uuiraing, -"i-ir any such encroachment shal1 occur hereafter ai a resurt ofsettring or shifting of any building, a valid eisement for theencroachment and for the maintenance of the same so rong as thebuilding stands, shall exist. rn the event any buirdini snarr, uepartially or totally destroyed as a result ot iire or othercasualty or as a result of condemnation or emLnent dornaLnproceedings and then rebuilt, encroachnents of parts of thebuilding.on any other parcel , due to such rebuiiaing, =n"ir r"pennitted, so rong as such encroachments are of no greater extentthan those previously existing, and valid easements for suchencroachnents and the rnaintenince thereof shall exist so long asthe building shall stand. -..,__,_.1. PARTY I{ALL. (a) The conmon wall placed eguallyclivrded on the common boundary separatLnq the north ipartfrentunit and the south apartment irnitl the f6otings unaeriying anathe portion of roof over such wali is corlectively referred toherein as the rrParty Wa1ln. (b) To the extent not inconsistent with thls!9c]111tion, the general rules of law regardint party wa1ls andliability for danige due to negrigence oi wirriui acts orornissions shall apFly to the nirty walt. (c) The owners of either apartnent unit sharr have aperpetuar easenent in and to that parl of the other apartmentunit on which the party warl is rolated, for party warr purposes,including mutual suppoit, maintenance, repair' and'i;;;;"ii;;.--i;the event of damage to or destruction of tn" p.i[v wait rrorn anycauere, the owners shall, at their joint expense, iepair orrebuild the Party warr, and each owner stra-tt haie tile rrght tothe full use of Lne eaity w"ii-=" repaired i.a-r"r.rrrt.Notwithstanding anything-contained .Love to the-contrary, if the negligence or willfut act or omissLon of any owner, his fanily,agent or invitee, shall cause darnage to, or destruction of, tlreParty warl, such owner sharr bear the entire costs of repair orreconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or willfur actcauaes the Party l{alr to be exposed to the erenents shall bearthe full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against suchelements. 4. I,ANDSCAPING, SERVICE }TACILTTIES, ACCESS AND PARKTNG.(a) Except as otherwJ.se specif.i,cally provided in writing andexcept for any expense or liability caused through the negligenceor willful act of any owner, his fimily, agent oi invitee, wlicnshall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shal1 share one-half of all expenses, liabilities and general upkeepresponsibilities with respect to the Conmon parcel and aIlinprovernente thereon. The olrners from time to tine, shaltundertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements asthey may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the trarmoniousimprovement of both townhouse units in a common theme. The ownerof one townhouse unit shall not unreasonably damage the value ofthe other townhouse unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, butboth owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harnonious common appearance of the apartment units and Common Parcel . Each onner may use the Comrnon parcel and inprovementslocated thereon in accordance with the purposes for which theyare Intended, including, but not lirnited to, access to his apartment unit, parking, landscaping, trash Etorage and openspace, wlthout hindering or encroaching upon the tawful rights ofthe other orrner. (b) Common utility or service connections or lines, common facilities or other equiprnent and property Iocated in or on the Common Parcel or eiLher of the apartnent units or theparcels upon vhich such apartment units are located but used in common for the benefit of the Common Parcel or for both the NorthParcel and the South Parcel and the apartment units locatedthereon, shall be owned as tenants in common of egual undividedone-half interests by the owners of each townhouse unit and,except for any expense or liability caused through the negligenceor willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invitee, whichshall be borne solely by such owner, aII expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionatety with such ownership. The owner of the parcel and the apartment unit thereon on which such property is not located shall have aperpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel and apartment unit thereon containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (c) It is expected that common parking and accessfacilities will be provided on a portion of the common Parcel .The owners shall have equal right to the use of such access andparking facilLtles and no owner shall hinder or perrnit hisinvitees to hlnder reasonable access by the other ohrner and hisinvitees to the parking areas or such other ownerrs apartmentunit, and further, the ohrner of the north apartnent unit shallnot take or pernit his invitees to take more than one-half of theparking spaces fron time to time provided on the Common Parcelwithout the consent of the other owner, and the owner of thesouth apartment unit shall not take or permit his invitees totake more than one-half of the parking spaces from time to timeprovided on the Common Parcel without the consent of the otherowner. ft is presumed that snowplowing wiII be required fromtine to time, the costs of which shall be shared egually by theohtners, Other maintenance and repair of such parking and accessfacilities, as nay be reasonably required fron tirne to time,shall be undertaken jointly by the owners, the costs of whichshall be shared equally by the owners. 5. ALTERATTONS. MAINTENANCE ANp REPAIRS. (a) Inaddltlon, to maintenance provided for in paragraph 4 above, the owners shall, at their joint and equal expense, provide exterl.or-maintenance and exterLor repair (naintenance, repair and replacernent of items required from ordinary use and on a periodicbasis) upon each apartment unit and the inproved and unimprovedportlons of the parcel upon which located including, but notlinited to, the exterior walls, decks and staircases, and theroof housing the apartment units and the parking and accessfacilities located on such pargels, but excluding the exteriorhot tubs, which hot tubs shall be maintained and repaLred by therespective owner thereof. If the need for repair is causedthrough the negligence or willful act of any owner, his farnily,agent or invitee, such oqrner shall bear the entire costs of suchrepair or reconstruction. (b) Each olrner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the lnslde of hls apartment unitincluding, without limltation, fLxtures and improvements and allutility lines and equipment located therein and serving such unitonly. In performing such rnaintenance and repair, or in improvingor altering his apartment unit, no owner shall do any act or workwhich impairs the structural soundness of eLther apartnent unitor the Party Wall or which interferes with any easement grantedor reserved herein, (c) utility or service connections or lines,facilities or other utillty equipment and property located in, onor upon either parcel containing an apartment unit, ln such unit,or in on or upon the common Parcel , which are used solely tosupply a service or utitity to one apartnent unit or the parcel upon which it is located shall be owned by the owner of the apartment unit using such utility or service and all expenses andIiabilities for repair and naintenance shall be borne solely bythe owner of such apartment unit, who shal-l have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or apartmentunit containing such property as is reasonably necessary forpurposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (d) No owner shall make or suffer any structural ordeslgn change (lncluding a color scheme change), either permanentor temporary or of any type or nature whatsoever to the exteriorof his apartment unit or alter any present exterior improvernentor construct any additional exterior improvement or additionalbuilding or Etructure of any type or nature whatsoever upon anypart of the parcel containing his apartment unit or the CommonParcel without first obtalning the prior written consent theretofron the other owner. fn case of damage or destruction (otherthan as provided for in subparagraph 5(a) above) of any apartmentunit or any part thereof or of any improvement upon any part ofthe parcel containing an apartment unit by any cause whatsoever,the owner of such apartment unit or improvenent shatt cause with due diligence the apartment unit or improvenent to be repairedand restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, forthat purpose. If the cost of repair or reconstruction exceedssuch Lnsurance, ttre excess shall be paid for by ttre owner of the damaged apartment unit or improvenent. Such apartment unit orimprovement shall be restored to a condition comparable to thatprior to the danage and in a harmonious manner to promote theconnon thene of both apartment units and improvementE on theparcels containing the apartment units. . 6: l,lEcllANlcrs LrENSr INDSI{NTFICATTON. (a) Except foritems incurred as a comnon expense as provLded for herein, if anyowner shall cause any rnaterial to be furnl_shed to hls parcel orapartment unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein orthereon, the other ordner shall not under any ci.rcumstances beliable for the payment of any expense incuried or for the valueof any work done or material furnished; all such work shalt be atthe expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such ownershall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmenand other persons furnLshing labor or materials to hLs apartment unit_ or the parcel on which located or any improvements thereinor thereoni nothing herein contained sharr authorize ei.ther owneror any person dearing through, with or under either owner tocharge the common- parcel or any apartment unit or parcel on whichlocated of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other lienor encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice ishereby given), the right and power to charge-any lien orencunbrance of any kind against the common-parcel or one owner oragainst one o!'rnerrs apartment unit or parcel on which located forworlc done or materials furnished to the other ownerrs apartmentunit or parcel on which located ls hereby expressly denied. (b) Except as provJ"ded for in paragraph 8 below, if,because-of any act or omission of any ohrner, any mechanicts or'other lien or order for the palment of rnoney strltt be filedagainst the common Parcel or against the other orrnerrs apartnentunit or parcel on which located or any improvements theriin orthereon, or against any other owner lwtrether or not such lien ororder is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act ororoission forms the basis for such lieir or order shalr at his owncoEt and expense cau6e the sarne to be cancelled and discharged ofrecord or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable tosuch other o$rner, within 20 days after the date of filingthereof, and further shall indernnify and save the other ownerhamless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims,losseg or damages, including reasonable attorney,s fees resuriingtherefrom. . 7. fNSURANCE. (a) Each owner shall keep his apartmentunit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage byfire and extended coverage perils (incluaing vandalisrn andnalicious nischief) for the naximum replacement value thereof.Any owner may on 3O daysr written notice, at any time one year orlonger after the last appraisal of the apartment units, obtain awritten appraisal of such units from a conpetent appraiser,charging both owners with the costs thereof. Such lppraisershall be a dLsinterested and independent third party-wno isunrelated in any manner to either owner whether thr6ugh joint buslnese ventureg or otherwise. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force for theprotection of hlmself general pubtic liability ind property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death-orproperty damage occurring in, on or upon his parcel owned in feesinple, the inprovements thereon, and the Conmon parcel and theimprovenents thereon, in a linit of not less than gboo,oOo inreapect of bodily injury or death to any nunber of personsarising out of one accident or disasterl or for <tarnige toproperty, and if higher tirnits shall at any tine be customary toprotect.against possible tort liabltlty, such higher rinits shallbe carried and each owner shall name the other owner as anadditional- insured party under such policy. - (c) Each owner shall be separately responsible for a1linsurance covering loss or damage to personal property in hisapartrnent unit and flability for lnjury, death or damageoccurring upon his parcel or inside-his'apartment unit-thereon. (d) Each owner shall deliver to the other ownercertificates evidencing all insurance required to be carriedunder this Paragraph 7, each containing agreements by theinsurers not to cancel or nodify ttre poficies withoul, giving theother owner written notice of at least 3o days. Each orrner shallhave the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies ofthe other owner and require evidence of the palment of prerniumsthereon. (e) Nothing provided in this paragraph 7 shallprevent the owners from jointly acqulring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this Paragraph 7-to be separately insured against by each owner. 8. RIGHT TO IJIEN. (a) If an owner, at any time, shallneglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligatlonrequired hereunder, the other olrner may, but shall not beobligated to, after 20 days written noti.ce unless thecircumstances reqluLre immediate action, make such palment, or, onbehalf of such other owner, expend such surn as uay be necessaryto perforn such obligation including, but not linited to, thepaynent of any insurance premiums required hereunder or theundertaking of any work required hereunder for repair,restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shalt have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting ohrnerrs townhouseunit as is reasonably necessary for such repaJ.r, restoration or naintenance. (b) All sums so paid or expended by an owner, withinterest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per annum from thedate of such payment or expenditure until paid in full, sha11 bepayable by the owner so failing to perform (the rrdefaulting ownerrr) upon demand of the other owner. (c) All suns so denanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the townhouse unit of thedefaulting owner in favor of the other ordner prior to al-l otherliens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessment; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such townhouse unlt. Thetien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall becorne due and may be forecLosed in like manner as a mortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or clain thereof executedby the nondefaulting owner settJ.ng forth the amount of the unpaidindebtedness, the name of the defaulting olrner, and a descriptionof the tovnhouse unit. If any such lien is recorded, thedefaulting otrner shall be required to pay the costs and expensesof the preparation and recording of the nondefaulting ownerrslien, including reasonable attorneyrs fees, or $150.00, whicheveris greater. In any such forecloeure the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinateto the lien of any first nortgage or deed of trust, Lncludlng alladdltl-onal advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any townhouseunit as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage,foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieuof foreclosure, including the transfer of a deed in lieu offoreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such aEsessments as topaynents thereof which becorne due prior to such 6al-e or transfer,but shall not relieve any forner owner of personal liabilitytherefor. The mortgagee of such townhouse unit who acquirestltle by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not, however, be llable for any past due assessment and shall only becone liable for future assessments onthe date it becones the ortrner of such townhouse unit. No sale or. transfer shall relLeve such townhouse unit from llabitity for any aggessments thereafter beconring due or from the lien thereof. Inthe event of the sale or transfer of a townhouse unit withrespect to which suns shall be unpaid by a defaulting owner,except transfers to a first nortgagee in connectLon wl-th aforeclosure of Lts lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaseror other transferee of an interest in such unlt shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or traneferror thereof forany such unpaid sums. (e) Upon written request of any onner, mortgagee,prospective nortgagee, purchaser or other prospectJ.ve transfereeof a townhouse unit, the owner of the other townhouee unit Ehallissue a written statement setting forth the anount he is owed under this- paragraph, if any, with respect to such townhouseunit. such statement is binding upon Lhe executing owner infavor of -any person who may rety tnereon in qood tiittr. unress arequest for such statement sharr be cornplied with within fifteendays after receipt thereof, arl unpaid iuns which became dueprror to the date of rnaking such reguest shalL be subordinated tothe lien or other Lnterest of the person requesting suchstatement. ?. USE RESTRICTToNS. (a) Each apartment unit shall berestricted to a residentiat dweiling as i perrnitted use, and suchuse as well as conditioned and accessory useE sharl be as definedby the Town of Vait Zoning Ordinance. (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, televisionor other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, eitherelevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kindwhatsoever or outside storage of any perEonal property shall bepernitted or maintained on either townhouse unit wittrout theprior wrltten approval of both owners. (c) No aninals shalL be kept or maintaLned in, on orupon either townhouse unit, except that each ouner nay keep andnaintain within his apartment unit two donesticated dogs and twodonesticated cats; provided, however, that such domesticatedan'lna1s are kept under control at all tirnes, do not present anuisance to tbe other o\,rner and are kept and controlled in strictcornpliance with all Town of VaiI ordinances that nay apply tosuch animals. .(d) fn addition to the parking restrictions set forthin subparagraph 4 (c) alrove, the owner of the north apartrnent unitnay keep no more than three automotive vehicles permanently onthe North Parcel , and the owner of the south apartment unit shall keep no rnore than three automotive vehicles permanently on the South Parcel . Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor hones, ATV6 or recreational vehicles on either townhouse unit isexpressly prohibited. Parking of more than three automotivevehicleg by either owner or hLs farnily, agent or invitee on suchownerrs townhouse unit for more than a 48 hour period isexpressly prohibited. (e) No |ttine sharingl, rrinterval ownership[ or sinilarinterest, whereby ownership of a townhouse unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either townhouseunit without the prior written approval- of both owners and atlIienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of recordon any portion of the Property which approval shall be reflectedin a document of record. LO. NOTfCE. Each owner shall register his mailing addresswith the other ohrner and all notices or demands Lntended to beserviced upon o$rners shall be sent by certified mail, postageprepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such registerednalling addrese. In the alternative, notices may be delivered ifin writing, personally to otrners. 11. DURATION OF DECLARATfON. Each provision contained inthis Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as the rule against perpetuitLes or the ruleprohibiting unreasonable restraints or alienation shall contlnue and remhin in full force and effect for the period of 2l- yearsfollowing the death of the last survivor of the now llvingchildren of Stephen W. Arent, or until this Declaratlon isterminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs.AII other provisions contained in this Declaration shallcontinue and remain in full force and effect until January Lin the year 2018 A.D., and thereafter for successive periodsof l"O yeara each; unless at least I year prior to January 1., 2018 A.D., or at least L year prior to the expiration of anysuch 10 year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terrninated by recorded ingtrument, dlrecting-terminatlon, signed by all ovrners and all lienors holdlng a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the Property. L2. N{ENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration nay be amended or revoked only (a) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns aI1 of the Property, or (b) upon unanl-nous written approvalin recordable form of all oerners and aII lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the Property. l-3. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision ofthie Declaration, and agreement, pronJ.se, covenant and undertaking to conply with each provJ-sJ-on of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of tit1e,estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of thisDeclaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated Ln each deed orother l-nstrument by which any rJ.ght, title or interest in anyportion of the Property is granted, devised or conveyed, whetheror not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrunent;(ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, tltle orinterest in any portion of the Property by an owner, be deemedaccepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenantof such ordner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives, Euccessors and assignsi (tii) shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of the Propertyiand, (iii) shafl be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for themselves, their personal representatives, heirs, successors andassigns, and also an eguitable servitude, running, in each case,as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion ofthe Property. 14. ENFORCEIIENT AND REI.IEDIES. (a) Each provislon of thisDeclaration shall be enforceable by any onner by a proceeding fora prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action torecover damages. If court proceedings are instituted inconnection with the rlghts of enforcernent and rernedLes provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover his costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneysr fees. (b) Each ownerin equity or at J.aw whLch hereunder shall be broughtCounty, State of Colorado. hereby agrees that any and atl. actionsare instituted to enforce any provisionin and only in the courts of Eagle (c) Failure to enforce any provieion of thisDeclaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provl.sion,the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any otherprovision of this Declaration. 15. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercLse of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other oqrnerrEtownhouse unit including but not Limlted to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a manner whichshalJ- not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such otherorrnerrg use. of his townhouse unit. 16. $UCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Except as othenise providedherein, this DeclaratLon shalt be binding upon and shall inure tothe benefit of Declarant and each onner and the personalrepresentatives, heirs, successors and aesigns of each. L7. SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall notaffect the validity or enforceability of any other provision orany valid and enforceable part of a provlsion of thisDeclaration. o . 18. CAPIfONS. The captionE and headings in thJ_sinstrument are for convenienle only and shart not be conel.deredin construLng any provisions of th-is Declaration. 19. 9ONSTRUCTION. $lhen necessary for proper construction,the nascurine of any word used in this beclarltion shall includethe feninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural , andvice versa. u$.",=I!|. pfTNESS V|HEREOF, Declarant has executed thLs DeclarationcAro day of get, 1989=- F€rv$rth.\ rqqo DECIARANT: GLEN LYON colorado DEVEIOP!,IENT, INC., a corporation By: The undersigned holder of a deed of trust upon the'propcovered by this Declaration hereby subordinates its interest INsuch property to thn provisions of this Declaration. STATE OF COISRADO ) DFDo?E- cehss.CoUNTY OF €*€tiE- ) UNITED BANK OF DENVER, N.A. nr)BYZ t^JrA,--; K ['ffi-'-r-t"* *), 1s9.1. t/.r cj- The-foregoing Lnstrument was acknowledged before me this Mday of Fekrruart, , 1990, by willlamJspicer, as President of Glen l-,yon Developnient, Inc., a Colorado corporation. I{l-tness ny hand and official seal .lfi Comneon Expttrgg.lm. tt, t993 110-17Xr St.. 22nd Floor Ihnvat,CofuadoShma oF coIoRADO )) Es. COUNTY OF EAGI,E ) The fo4eg-oing instrunent was acknowledged bgfo^re neday of 3 Ls9o, ty LutthnmD.PAnrAsopt/rcr, Prmi of oinver, H.e. connission expires: thi as 5lg 4s.r WLtneEs ny hand and officl-al Eeal . My connission enpires: Wa/.l.I1'f,fi'finE{*crfir 19, r99c 1iFllttg",2frtlMOgt|'f'MW (s8AL evFtT?fi4,A. ii.!i}!il,gY SEAL t!,'D t EXHIBTT A (Attached to and made a part of Townhouse Declaratlon for AL,PINE IOI{NHoUSES III) I;EGAI, DESCRIPTION North Parcel North Parcel ,A RESUBDMSION OF IllT 34' AI|ENDED PIAT GIJETI LYON SUBDMSION' TOIIN OF VAIL, EAGLE CO['NTY, COITRADO South Parcel South Farcel ,A RESUBDIVISION OF IOT 34, N{ENDED PI.AT GI,EN I,YON suBDrvrsroN, Tot{N oF VAIL, EAGT,E coItNTY, COTORADO Conmon Parcel Cornmon Parcel ,A RESUBDMSION OF IST 34, AI'IENDED PIAT GLEN LYON suBDrvlsroN, Tot{N oF vArIJ, EAGLE couNTy, coIoRADo h,'k- I O t-, t\ O"1 lYo //,".- '{ V*, 'l %' tl{f ,(f , I o. x4, G(.- Ly n - 5- 6{. b--. Tr:-* .r" 5 4-7r<-,- 4- -/t( L €-ou.-ltLu/.,'c,-. e.p t(r',-1 q7 foc-ft 4 4I*- fr.o.+u..$ (-e*,-( gp+. "- o.{- +L- 9v,15.{*'O i*r.,"-*X.g + \ o.tr S ol. 4C*- u1 o'-.-'5 f- +'', f= gfr(o r^ ' ()".( or- *r^.':z ft"<-+<- 5L.-1{ be- U*? le-#c- C-f, (ro+..=*oa- k K'r. a. tR (1a r'\- o .t . - +" a-.$ c, . { - o* /3 -. 1.1....d- D -f *. 'l\ RJ -f-d OeL-r 1 e-49 L €-ot*r-<---'(- T*o, f <'e.^.5 o\t- Q--1aL9e. our o/r"uu 5 9 rr,L , vtzr*--- .t S -'11e s S )'- rtr*9 ,lro,.- c"tF--1 V\r't.- Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 14 B lock Filins i'n/ery /'!aP , ron" P/a Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by:-\'-., i APPROVAL }\*=-*.-"--DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date:h, ,Y'tr 7 ( t,"u Approval o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMO Mike Molllca / Gary Murraln Michael Lauterbach May 18, 1989 Lot 34, Glen Lyon Subdlvlsion Pursuant to my dlscussions with each of you yesterday, 1t ls my intent to start excavating the referenced site early this mornlng ln advance of the lssuance of a buiLding permlt. As we dlscussed, I will be transPlanting various on-site aspen trees, preparing a storage area for large rocks whlch wlll be incorporated within the landscape deslgn vhich are currently ava11able from the Post Office quarry, and later Ln the week, benching the slte for the foundation. Per our agreement, if a buil-ding permlt were to be withheld by the Town of Va1l for any reason this summer, I agree to return the site to l-tsr orlginal status which would include smoothing the site and revegetation. Please contact rne lf the above stated intentions are not as we discussed and thank you in advance for your consideration and cooDeration. {ta-t7 DateMichael Lauterbach I Project Appllcation D,,.e 5-/7,tr7 . --. t 'FlFProieci Name: f-l lpiNe I owtlhon e S -IJL Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone 4 ?6 - L744 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr6ss and Phone: Legal Description:uot 3{ ,elocr ririno blerr 9o,v ,irr*" y'S Design Review Board D^t" 5 '/7'Y7 Motionby: 5o *a seconded urt h' (J'4 f..--=-,/APPROVAL \ <.A\-7 'r \r DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval DATE: 5.?.t1 L EGAL DmR-ipTf0Nl-l_o-t- 3.,{ ADDRESS: O|llNER ARCH I TECT ZONE DISTRTET PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course /\Site Coverase QS 7o ) Landscapi ng Fence/Retai nrl'ng i,lal 1 Hei.ghts Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Corunents: ZONE CHECK FOR ..SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS one Phone 4to I 246t l61o ?0' 15' 15' (:0115s1 1b2t b07o Bl ock Filins_JAhdJgx Al 'lowed ffi@' Proposed 32.75t mttx, 3ySZ,/2 127,1 = 10?6'/z 27lLt/z+241 = 24'5b'/z l6qo @*',D t1/A 3l6t'/z E+,*{ (300)(600) (e00)(1200) (50) (100) (25)(50) (200)(400) r#T-tr6 (ra\ 6z\ (zs) Gr) G'o) V ?" Stope Actual l4To //"^V,i< . \_Avalanche OK Flood Plain OK Slope OK lletlands OK Geologic Hazards rtK K soe - P/s Secnl,olAe e (53r) Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ffi APPLICATIQN !fiff3 May 1, 1e3e DATE OF DRB I,IEETIIIG 1 !i '1r DRB APPLICATI0N / .T"l:;i' . _ :t ldf:.j; **r**THIS APPLICATION IIILL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATIoN IS SUBIIITTED#* ',"11 - :'*,:.--j I.PRE.APPLIcATI0NMEETING...........:.- ;:;ii*# A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member.ls strongly suggested to ifl{tl. determiiri it any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted ..;iipj unless lt is coinplete (must include al'l items required by the zoning adm.infstrator). ''liSJF.;fIt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find -.,,.-.,,j; out .bout aiaitionif submittal requiretnents. Pleise note that a G0MPLETE applica- f '.,:j.lt# tlon will streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number :":,of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must lffi; be resolved before'i UuitOing permit is iisued. l, -;'1+ A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: priiirary/Seconlary residential dunlex.'.-ffi B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address I259 l.lesthaven Clrcle Vail Co lorado Legal Description Bl ock Filing Glen Lvon subd. Zoning P /S C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Michael Lauterbach Address P.o. Box 3451 Vail, Colo 81658 tel ephone.47 6-6944 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address Same E. MME OF OI'INERS: tel ephone tel ephone Signature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee wil'l VALUATION be paid $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:5o,oo1 - $ 15o,ooo s150,001 - $ .500,000 $50o,ool - $1,o0o,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL l. In additionto indicate should also. si te. 2. The review process for NEHof the Design Review Board, at the time a building FEE t to"o $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00. $200.00 $300.00 permit is requested. to meeting submittal requiremelnts, the applicant must stake the site property iines and bui'lding corners. Trees that will be removed be inarfLa. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: BUILDINGS wi'll normally involve two separate meetings so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . People who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 3. .r * .-lfl! .,.,,",'.{g 4.Thefollowingitemsnolongerhave.tobepresentedto.the.Design.ReviewBoard.iily;-ffi;;i, ilt; lo i"'p""riiniea io ih! ionins Administrator for approval: a. tlindows, sky'lights and sini'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pline-of the building; and b. Bui'ld.lng additions that are not viewed from any other ]ot or public space' wnich have naa titters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;-and/or approval from the aient f6r', or manager of a condominium associ ati on . S. you may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid check with a Town Planner before proceeding. LIST OF MATERIALS iiH'.TdlFiFiion'-ri STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol'lowing information js required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Oesign Review COLOR Na turalRoof Si di ng Other l,lali Cedar Shake Mr +asi -1-t'tcrLgr tcll> Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai]s F'lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other DoubleRedwood2x12 Plvwood ' Pella Clad JXOr,mDOSSedbarr Peachtree Metal & G 2 x 6 Surroun Uetal To Match Surrounds Stucco Beiee Earthtone N/A B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Asoens Unknown - ( Iransplants trom s1Ee,, Asoens Unknown --- . -- (Io be EransplanEed on saEe, Common Name Blue Soruce Ouani ty o B - 10r Rlue Soruce 9 6-8t Indicate he'ight for cohifers. ' (over) 6 x 8 Posts - l{etal Rail Inserts To Metch Fasc'l e Perkins Si ze* *Indicate callper for deciducious trees' , l.tr . PL{NT I-IATERIALS:.. (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Quani tv Size :L 'g. <rrFll EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D 2,500 sf SEED Anv disturbed areas.4,000 sf ManualTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL seedlng wlth straw' cover. c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES None (retaining wal'l sr fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. o ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS n^Tr. l{av 1. 19 89iEiri@ero.k ADDRESS: 1259 l^iesthaven Circle FilingGlen Lvon Subcl. - OI.INER ichael Lauterbach Phone 476-6944 4pgg 1 1gg1 Joiln !91k:!19 Phone 476-5288 LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining 'llall Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Al I owed (30)(33) 4.10r 2.46L I ,640 20' 1.5' 15' (30)(50) Proposed 33r Maximum Not to Exceed Not to Exceed Not to Exceed In Excess In Excess In Excess -0- Hei ghts ( 3oo ) (6oo ) (eoo)(1200) (so) (1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) -0- 4 covered sDaces 1,200 100 400 -0- LU J; Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 50 S'lope Actual Aval anche None Flood Plain None Sl ope ro"/" l.Ietl ands Geol ogi c Hazards None None Comments: Zoning: Approved/DisapProved Date: Staff Signature UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAIIE Alpine Tovmhomes III LOT 34 BLOCK FILING N)DRESS 1259 i'lesthaven Circle The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines must be approved and verlfied by the following utilitles for slte p1an. Authorized Sienature Mountain Be1I 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. r 800 922-1987 llarry Moyes Public Service Conpany 949-s7 8r Gary HalI Iloly Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Ilericage Cablevisi.on T.V. 949-s530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distrlct 47 6-7 480 Fred llaslee or ProPosed llnes o the accompanying Date 4a/-s t/-2{-57 4- r-S-s1 N0TE: These verifications do no! relieve t.he contractor of his responsiblllly to obtain a street cu! permlE fron the Town of Vail, Departmenc of PubLic Works and co obcain ucility locarions before dlgging in any publlc righc- of-way or easemenc in Ehe Tosn of Vail. A building perrnit is noc a screet cut permic. A sEreeE cuE peruric ulus E be obfalned separately. Thls forn ls to verify servlce availabillty and location. Thls should be used in conjunctlon with preparing your utllity plan and scheduling lnsrallatlons. , *(Please bring a slte plan when oblalning Upper Eagle Va11ey lJater & Sanit," tlon slgnacures) Thr!rintrd poriionr olthbforrn rpprovod ly tte Color.do Rsrl Ert.le Coo||||irtion(SC Aa-2.tt) . Tlll8 18 r tEBll. ll{sr8uflElt |r llol ulr0ERsT000, rtclt. T x 0R 01HER coulsEt Sltouro sE c0ilsutrro rEFoRt stcil c. VACANT LAND CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE (Seller's remedy limited to Liquidated Damages) ,1e89- l. The undersigned sgent hereby acknon'ledges having received fronr I.IICITAEL J. IAUTERBACTT check 5+e*e+ in resl estate in the L.ot 34, GLEN LYON SUBDTVTSION together wlth all eesements and rights of way appurtenant thereto, all inrplovenrents thenron and all fixtules of a permanent nature culrently on the premises excep! ss hereinafter providsd, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and hereinafter called the Propel.ty. g' -Subjeclto the.provisions ofparagraph l?, the undersigned person(s) MICHAEL .f . IAUTERBACH (as joint tenants/tenants in common). hereinafter. called Purch aser, hereby agrees to buy the Propelty, and the u ndersigned owner(s), herei nafte r called Seller., hereby agrees to sell the Property upon the tet.ms and conditions stated herein, L The purchase price shall be U.S, $ 192 r 500. 0Qpayable as follows; g 5, OOO. OQrereby l.eceipred for; i ti ustee account, as earnest money and part paynrent for the follOwing described County qg EdgI€ . Colorodo, to wit: 9151000.00 to be delivered by purchaser to Otto,Peterson & Post on or before Aprit 2L, L999, to beheld as additional earnest noney in said attorneysltrustee account. FL72,500.00 in certified funds to be detivered byPurchaser to Seller at the closing of title (theItClosingtr) to the property. A. B. . ii .l lt iII il. Price to include:No other items; and the follorving water rights: NOng. ' thingo cf lolur rrgrivrC hcrsrnCrr rh*ll b^ -ctur-rC tr purch*ecr, g' If r rtolc and tt le.r tC Lr f cc,,hai r..a fF^r,i.i^he r,I .r GhrrgC glnily gr v*ri&ble iFle;e€td'raeH+ +aricbls p.yrontar this egntlrs' :- re.|Citie'rrd ,'p^- p".^h""--.--i--,i-g "..1 "^-".-r!nra te such r€nsent wilhert ahanig in tho tcjn.t ..C eenCtlien3 CL",,-h l^.- ..^.Fr o" he'air,' n'^vi'1..1 tr+*rsigngblc by P.'rglrr:r- 1.'i!hest rl.rilt^rL-i^-rnt er ccltr-. 8. Cost of any appr.aisal for loan pur.poses to be obtained after this date shall be paid by ' No, SC 2.6.2.E1, CONTtTf,T m 8UY AND SELL t[AL ESf^rE (vH!l r-.dr] ondford nrblirhint, J825 w. 6th Ar!., blsrood, CO E02t,r - {lO!) l!l.6q00 Purchaser. 9. amount equal to the purchase price, fi{current commitment for title insurance policy in an ex[ense, shall be furnished to Purchaser on or before April 21 , 19 89, Selter will deliver the title insurance policy to Purchaser after closins sBFF€hf,d$e.JintSbBllo". 10. The date of closing shall be the date for delivery of deed as provided in paragreph ll, 'Ihe hour and place of closingshall be asdesignated by Stewart .Fitla of Faglc Ccrrrnty, Tnc- 11. Title shall be merchantable in Seller, except as stated in this paragraph and in paragraphs 12.and 13. Subject to payment or tender ag above provided and compliance by Purchaser with the other terms and provisions hereof, Seller shall execute snd deliver a good and sufficient ganeral warraniy deed to Purchaser on Uay 15 , 19-3!1, or, by mutual agre€ment, at an earlier date, conveying the Property free and clear of all taxes, except the general taxes for the year of closing, and except ndnp i free and clear of all liens for special improvements installed as of the date of Pulchaser's signature hereon, whether aasessed or not; free and clear of all liens and dncum brances except U.S. patent ReSefVatiOnE i except the following restrictive covenants which do not contain a right of tevert€r:None i and except the following specific lecorded {'n r}cel+prl;.r.t easenlents; UttI ity easefnent' that dOnot restrict the Purchaserts intended use of the Property and subject to building and zoning regulaLions. 12. Except as stated in paragraphs I I and 13, if title is not nrerchantable and uritten notice of defect(s) is given by Purchaser or Purchaser's agent to Seller or Seller's agent on or before date of closing, Seller shall use reasonable effort to correct said defect(s) prior to date of closing. If Seller is u nable to correct said defect(s) on or before date of closing, at Seller's option and upon written notice to Purchaser or Purchaser's agent on or before date of closing, the date of closing shall be extended thirty days for the purpose of correcting said defect(s). Except as stated in paragraph 13' if title is not rendered merchantable as provided in this paragraph 12, at Purchaser's option, this contract shall be void and of no effect and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and all payments and things of value received hereunder shall be returned to Purchaser. 13, Any encumbrance required to be paid may be paid at the lime of settlement from the proceeds of this transaction or from any other source. Provided, however, at the option of either party, if the total indebtednese secured by liens on the Property exceeds the pu rchase price, this contrsct shall be void snd of no effect and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and all payments and things of value received hereunder shall be retu rned to Purchaser. l| €erml 3*ffce fe r the fggr gr gle-il- x^--n t- r!,. -^"r .aa.p+ la-y -.-a +x^ -c.r rgcc-t rrreaamant, prataiC It|t@ctre. rontct FH^ me rtglge ins" -^ --^ f -. -i " -" ^ -n i - r' -t", ?- e naum\rrnee 5r if ant'r end . 15. Possession of the Property shall be delivered to Purchaser on Conpletlon Of the ClOSlng , subject to the following leases or tenancies: NOne. 16. In the event the Property is substantially damaged by fire, flood or other casualty between the date of this contract and the date of delivery of deed, Purchaser may elect to terminate this contracti in which case all payments and things ofvalue received hereunder shall be returned to Purchaser, 17, Time is of the esse nce hereof, If any note or check received as earnest money hereunder or any other payment due hereunder is no! paid, honored or tendered when due, or if any other obligation hereunder is not performed as herein provided, there shall be the following remedies: (a) tF PURCHASER IS lN DEFAULT, then all payments and things of value received hereunder shall be forfeited by Purchaser and retained on behalf of Seller and both parties shall theresfter be released from all obligations hereunder. lt is agreed that such payments and things of value are LIQUIDATED DAMAGES anc (except as provided in subparagraph (c)) are the SELLER'S SOLE AND 0NLY REMEDY for the Purchaser's failure to perform the obligations of this contrsct, Seller expressly waives the remedies of specific performance and additional damages. (b) IF SELLER IS lN DEFAULT, (l) Purchaser may elect to treat this contract as terminated, in which case all payments and things of value received hereunder shall be returned to Purchaser and Purchaser may recover such damages ar may be proper, or (2) Pufchaser may elect to treat this contract as being In full force rnd effect and Purchaser shall have the right to an action for specific performance or damager, or both, (c) Anything to the contrar)' herein notwithstand i ng, in the event of any litigation arising out of this contract, the court may award to the prevailing party all reasonsble costs and expense, including attorneys' fees. 18. Purchaser and Seller agree that, in the €vent of any controversy regarding the earnest money held by breld, unless mutual written inEtruction is received bV b+c*et,&rtittr shall not be required to take any action but may await any proceeding, or at badret option and discretion, may interplead any moneys or things ofvalue into court and may recover court costs and reasonable attorneys'fees. * Otto, Peterson & Post 19. Additional provisions: See Exhiblt a attached hereto and made a paft, hereof. 20. lf this proposal is accepted by Seller in writing and Purchaser receives notice of such acceptance on or before -__.AI}riJl,4_, t this instrument shall become & contrsct belween Seller and Purchaser and shall assl such prrties, except as stated in pulaglaph ?. CHAEL t( -il-rf.E!lrJ4gor Assigns Purchaser's Add ress D- O- Bor 3451 , Vai 1 . eO 81658 ,FAX (3O3) 845-9135 (The following section to be completed by Seller and Lieting Agent) 21. Seller accepls the above proposal this /.12l day of AFrl I , t9 I qaad.{S{'€eg .t*r€etc{.fJ.r Seller'sAddress Bov 885q, 6323 carre del carnranario, Ranclro s:nta Ferc4 92067 FAX (619) 756-5748 J,ieti-g-p r^r'-r't N.*s --'l A'rnr-". GEORGE A. UORGAI.I EXHIAIT A (Attached to and made a part of Vacant Iand Contrast To8uy And Sell Real Estate dated Aprl.I 11, 1989, betweenMichael J. Lauterbach, aE purchaser, and George A.aoa haat, J..tfl.torgan, as Seller. ) ADDITIONAL PROVTSIONS 1. Real Estate Transfer Tax. Purchaser shall be responsiblefor and shall pay at the Closing the 1.0 percent Town of Vail RealEstate Transfer Tax inposed on the conveyance of the property fronSeller to Purchaser. 2. Closinq Costs. Seller and purchaser shall each pay aLlcosts of the Closing customarily borne by a vendor and vendee,respectlvely; provided, however, that purclraser shall assume andbe responsible for all of the 1989 property taxes and sha1l pay theohrnerrs title Lnsurance premiun and any and all other closing costscharged directly by Stewart Titte of Eagle County, Inc., the title company agreed upon to handle the Closing. 3. Purghaser Continqency. Notwithstanding anythingcontained herein to the contrary, purchaserts obligations undeithis Contract are expressly conditioned upon purchaser having soldand closed upon the sale of Lot 52, Glen Lyon Subdlvision, EagleCounty, Colorado, on or before April 18, 1989. If such conditionhas not been met, on or before the date set forth for suchcondition, and Purchaser has given wrLtten notice of such fact toSel.Ier on or before April 2L, L989, purchaser, at purchaserrs soleoption, shall have the right to terminate this Contract. Upon suchtermination, Purchaser shall be entitled to the return of all amounts paid to Seller hereunder and neither party shall have anyfurther obligations hereunder. If written notice of failure of thecondition to be net is not given within the appropriate tineperiod, such condition shall be deened to have been net or waivedby Purchaser. 4. ReaI Estate Conmisslon. Each party representE to theother that it has dealt with no broker, ealesnan or other finderln thie transactlon, and each party agreea to lndennify the otheragainst any c1aln, Ioss or damage lin-tuOing, wlthout tinitation,reasonable attorneyer fees) arising out of any agreement nade bythe indemnifying party for other brokerage or finderrs fees basedupon this transaction. 5. Foreign Person Affidavl.t. At the Cloelng, SeJ.ler shalldeliver to Purchaser SeIIerrs Affidavit etating, under penalty ofperjury, that Seller iE not a foreign person (as such tern isdefined in the U. S. Internal Revenue Code and Income TaxRegulations) and settlng forth Sellerrs Social Securlty nunber andSellerrs home address. Such Affidavlt may be dlsclosed byPurchaser to the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. 5. Survival of Closinq. All representations, warrantles,agreements and obligations contained in thiE Contract shallcontinue and be enforceable beyond the Closing. 7. Counterparts. Thls Contract nay be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deened to be an orlginaland all of whlch together shall constitute but one and the sameoriginal instrument. 8. FAX Copies. xFAXt! nachine copies of ansignature by either party shall be blndlng as if they weresignatures. 9. Choice of Law. The ter:ms and conditions of thisshall be construed, interpreted and enforced in accordanceapplicable laws of the state of Col.orado. originaloriginal Contractvith the 10. General Provisions. (a) Thle Contract constitutee thesole and entire agreenent between the parties and supersedeE anyand all prior oral representations, promLses, covenants,understanding or other agreements, if any, between the parties andthelr agents and may not be nodlfied ln any nanner except by aninstrument in writing executed by both parties. (b) No failure by either party to exercise any right it may have shall be deened to be a waiver of that right or of theright to demand exact conpliance with the terns of this Contract. (c) The Paragraph headings utillzed in this Contract arein no way.intended to interpret or define the terns and condLtionE.Rather, they are intended for ready reference purposes only. (d) All terns and conditions of this Contract shall be deemed severable. Therefore, should any one or more of the samebe deemed void and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shallhave full force and effect, (e) This Contract shall inure to the benefit of andshall be binding upon and enforceable agalnst the parties and theirrespective successors and assigns. (f) The tern Sellerused in place thereof, shallsingular, plural, indLviduals,applicable. qr Purchaser herein, or any pronguninclude the masculine, feninine,partnerships or corporations where