HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE LEDGES DEVELOPMENT PLANNING LEGAL75 south lronl.ge road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlly developmenl May 13, 1988 Mr. ,Jeff Gibson Box 1136VaiI, Colorado 8L658 ne:*ff1-9i1 site Dear Jeff: B-ased 9n yogr inguiry concerning the possibility of rezoningthe cetty oiL site to a comruerciar use, our stair has concrudedthat we would be hard pressed to support a proposal of thLsnature. .Our Judgement is based prinarily on the change of use,cornpatibility wittr neighboring u-es, the-potential foiincreased traffic to the site, and consislency with the VailLand Use Plan. In addition, previous proposals have met strongneighborhood opposition. '! Feel free to contact ne with any guestions you may haveconcerning this parcel . Sincerely, n/t i \\t-^,--- Thornas A. BraunSenior Planner 75 soulh ,ronlag6 ro.d Yell. colorado 81657 (303) 176-7@0 ottice ot the town manager VAIL1989 Apri'l 22, 1988 Mr. Robert Harlan Texaco, Inc. P. 0. Box 2100 Denver, Colorado 80201 Dear Mr. Harlan: Thank you for your call earlier this week concerning the property which Texaco, Inc. owns in East Vail. The Town of Vail would be'i nterested in purchasing that property and would like to make a proposal for your cons'i derati on. The Town of Vai'l offers $50,000 for the property with the idea that Texaco, Inc. could take a tax write-off as a charitable contribution to the Town for the difference between that price and the appraised market va'l ue . l,le also request that Texaco, Inc- accept a $10,000 down payment with the balance of $40,000 to be paid over four years at six percent jnterest per annum. This interest income may be tax exempt as municipal financing and wou1d further enhance the deal for you. This parcel of land would make an excellent open space entryway to East Vail and could be of great benefit to the cjtizens of this community. |{e respectfully request that you and your colleagues seriously consider the possibility of Texaco. Inc. being a partner in this effort and making this generous contributjon to the Town of Vajl. }Je would be happy to recogn'ize your company in any appropriate manner for this typeof contribution. Please call me'i f you have any quest'i ons, or if I can provjde any additional information. Rondal I V. Town Manag Si nc lips RVP/bsc :.i4. i l{Allt{,/\N't'Y t,t.t;t) . r, l. ,,. , lt,, 77 | .Je&!tl!s)-... i-]i:iii. a,ii. COiii-i.:i',', .r ljclii'-nrr' :'::i'i.:r'.tl i:ii r.h.::r' 't't^r^!..' is lBl(r t{ilshirc Foulcvarrl. of t.he ('ity ()f l,os An.tal.,'s. c,n,t\t f of l,(rs Aif(folcs in.l St.1tc of Calif()rni;t, : uc(.o!r:jor lti .'e r'ter t , ::\elly rril conrrnny, fcr llrc (.nGi.lcrnl i,\h of a)r!^ :)ol lnr .rn l '.-i..r '.'i ',,1 1 , . , , ' ' ' - i , i . . ' , ' | ; . | ' , . irr t,,.r. I r,.r i l. il.'.c!'_1' ::4 ! :! i!!:.1 c.rnvc)'s !|o (;t:r,|.\' RFFlNtiji; AI\t) lr,1lrtl"f trJ(; t.t)1.!PA],tY, n t]eln,nr^ c:lr.arirr i^n, !.'hos. sl r^o1 nil.l!-e..s is l4J? :tor|i !! I-ioltl4.., Citi' .!f T'rls.l, Cr}uhtv ot Iulsa dn4 .:tat ^ ('t r,{littro:nar, tilc r.:al nropert:/ in tlro Count], of ,f -'-.an.l Stat o of I z q. !l Colora.lc, noro oart icrrlarty rlescriberl oD llxhibit "4" lrhich j:! attache I llerelo aii.l l)v tr,rs rofcrenco incornorilt.'4 h^r.,'in, tn'i:h all i!-s aoorrrtenances, an4 r..arrants ilTa titlc *o tha sai:'.-', s-:blect 1a '-,:aser.ont<, r^snrvnt ir}hs nn.l re!=trict ion:: of r.rc.)r'1, i,f an\', Jn't sutlf.ct to e:{istlntl lcl::es .rn,l t.,noncies, if an]'. ,1l. r':cl li: c::..'-i:.:l iiri'l l'-.!irtL..l ,.,,.',.''i , ,.' t(,r- rJor:tc rer(rer in-l r^.rr.ii,hi"nl iln, irn.l tlr.. . t)rr: i,l-ra'ion r'._rr,l is Iess than S 5OO. oo. I ot t4 t- F.z I E . :,1i! (rl. a.)rq'f"'arF Pr,., r .r,,rr I l.r'rlf,,f t,t f'<lac< 1)a /: i:'r"l'i olr. t lt. (.,'rt)()rit t :;;',r.11 .i.II . .''.tttr U f.iY r:rrrur, i r'r; ion ,.rtl) i re.:r : i l,t.-.. -.. ,/( ttt r'l-'-.1'--- r-'t s i.rne., thilr /tl day ot Felqo aen, _, 19,-7. Aiiesr, ' . -a^4Maen\- _l{. Lc.-!./, i,:rs istnlt Secr.-,tary +aLt-..' (;t.fT\- tlT l, ('(jlrlPIri'i tJy_ i l v.,-- , rr 's ;a '"3an'tG., a.,..-n F+tra, V " :]..D.:.t.:l lf !.i'.i F!.t Frr ol-lccrtdrr !._t t rart 12, Tourrhlp , South, Rrn3.r..r W.{t .lf the 6lh_ P. M.. ErSlc County, Cotorrdo, h.,rc Drrttcutrrtr icrcribrdrr tollosrr L}cttrninl rt . pornt i,ir e .ur"c .iC on ll-. crtt llnc ol ,rldSr'ct|6n l-1. !_rl_d Foltrr hclaj S 00. Z.l' 2t" E, tll. tO fcct fiom th" norrhc.rr-orner of rtlrl S.ctlon I l: ihr.ncr. northw.,rtctly alont tho rrnrthcrly ,f;f,i "l-*.ylino af Fodcrrl Highwry t-?0 anrt il.,nt rho.rJ"f . J,rri. io the lcft hrvtna err,lius rf 2?05.0t, fc.t. .a.rc.h.trncG oI Z?3.50 tcct. .f hr .i;rd ;i';:i;':;f,.r!.Ni,f.!2'2t'\Tan.llrrralenqthofZZS.rtOt."tith.ic..;q.r.etilr,.$ ljtnc r1!{ r-rntlr'rly righr of *ry ltnc .:?/.. r,0 tcct ro ri- Tr,r,, p,ri6r oi Bcgtnntnl;th..n-.. N qq. Ztr t(" tt' :rlon1 r:rld routhotly ,lFht of $.ny lln. ll. r)0 tect ti rn -' ]lt-:' pli:: rn rr.i'l s.'rth,.rly.risht of \a.rl. tin.: th.ncc N ?t. .t.l' .tt,, rr.tor,j''srt4rsirrlhl'rly rithl 'tf..e'-lin(. t2.l.r,l fr.ot, nlor.'.)r lc.. r,, " p,.jnt o:r lhe-'r')rtl. lln. of .iid S .tion I l: tlonr. S R.. J, r ot,. tr rt,.-. .ri,r'.,._:tf.rti :l:ht''.,-'.. lii-.. ',J..n f".t r. r p.'int .rn'h. r.tjstinr n,rrthorll, rirht.rfl|'.ey Iinc ofr.r r'.:. !r c|:r;rt i:,,.., .jri.l lirrf, a1.,, t,..irrl thr.qestorly l:nr. nJ rha no*.-r..tt.rl l'.lin (:rr.l f.!..r,ln\'. S.rr)-ii..i-:,,n. r\,.nr..,:r!,,1g 3^i.l northerly rlght,,t r rf trn. S ii. .r r' | -/ f. \ r. r/ t..t tr, rn .r.rIl. Iroinr irl r1i,l lin.,: thcnce Sar ' l'lt ?S| E rlo:rg .rid n.'rthc:ly rtght ol wey line 240.O0 fc.t: th('ncc.lG-DrrtinA (tom !.i.1 B^rthrrly rlttht olu'ev $n^ N tj,. tO' o.r..F ZA;.ei fcct tothr: Ttu^ P.)int of Ri.BinnlnB. Contrinlng l.0O0.cre!, rn.tc o, lGrr. rstu ',t ?l rll.- i33 Inty -to .ty l3 itne, rrd. ry. d ten t h !., ,l" at/rt 12, ro Ii" 6(<-bu.t. . !f9 .."tr..r tr.ttfo xo. 122nA ... P n. Ssnu' tY 5, l9i) . 191rell I!" -Bt.! ..f.oadt, b tb f* I c lrrt a t!-rd rb. LtE&rd rld teventy-two ur- JERRY R. DITNN oa.. City arrd 0.6 d Dcaver Dd LL |.ojGtdbft.rrt d SKFr-LY OtL COMPANY . a.r"or.tl[ olt|lltd rJ .d&j r- rd ft *r .a ll. Lrr o{ lL !& d DGlrwrre . dtLr-falr rD||ratllrl r{tFrtt JAII !,''B'filr tfll|E|lllt n t O..L FtY .( tL. ir* 9r*, tl,r :rri b a-l,Lr$a d tD I Ta t)ollrrl rad other good end vrluablc conrldcrrtlqr; o..t F"tf -- i'trr ari r.'r t;-i Fi-t th.-;n Frtl od tb :t{ -q} tr,1111 i:lfhrf *ri rr..ht|l3.4 L r artd4 r..r..h.4 dd |t' -tt{ d F F|ill|t la.}-Fl. brtb, .d. dr.t ra ..dtri' lrt rL |.td FtV d fi ...-a F|t-t-m + '{i-!rlca tb drdrf btta b cFri cl l.!d'.lb.t+ Itba d f'E b |- i' '. :1' An.' aa Eada Dd !t t .i col'adc' to-ttt I Asrcrlof lud botry P.rt of Scctiotre Z, ll rnd- lZ, Tornrhlp 5 -8cdt- fq iitT;-J.i;6th P.-M-. ' Elgle courtv' Goloredo, morc prrtlcdcly &rcrl ^. roiro-., Bcrllnlng ri a polat on a culvo rad on tto crrt- Illl of- lld;; i;n";r Bctflnin;;i a potat in a culvo- r1! on tDo 'rrt I|r' od- rrlt 'i:-5..tt; ii, nra poei ueu? s ooi 24'-28" E, 412'.80 t::t ftq-q:-":*j-: :}i; J :.iil"'"tr; l;;h rn c c n or th*'c I ti r lv''l @s thc r dharlt^ rr !*-1 -t!lii,'iro;"f r.a.t.t Htthwsv t-?o tld atonS th-G ^r-rc -"I: tlt: to P: l-T.b:H!-t^ triafor "f ??05. 0O icct,' an ar : dirtrncl ol 275. 5O fccl Thc chord ot .ald .rC ji Iii.rr x si; ti' 28" w roa r'"" a rcn6h 91 275.!0 t cti tEracrN:9-' 2.8:16.'l,Es"Fl ;il;;.td-.*lhcrly rrght of wev ltne 2?6.60 fect to th' Tt!' +4t Cl E til tri!" H is;ig, t6'" w-rlolts raid routhcrly riglt of t!t-!!". !.t..99 !:d.b t1 -Dt!c Dolnt ia .rld routhctri"iiii J -rv tiic; itrtncc N'?l' 'l{r "n.w daa \, reti riruthcrly rttht of wrv linc 3?4.61-fc-ct-,- rnor:-:t !"? P.1fg1:!.=-.-1{iitft-irr. "ii.ra-suctt- i t; th"""" s E9' '15' o4r' w .lcf qlf rdorlyfr "i -rv ff"c 91. 50 fcct to 8 ttoitrt on tbc crirtlng northfil' $$t o-f rry'31413 ofd It: S. tEghvry No. o, reki llnc-e-bo bcbg -tbG -tTttrt Ttl d ?!-lit-.;;;;-Pi;fi Cicck Meedowr subdlvlrloa; thcncc do3 ntd -rerlbetly { ^. --- rr-- s 1(. zqr I ?'t E 8l- 32 l6.t to an anllc Dobt tn tatd lllL: thGg!of Trv lbc S 35' Z9t I ?" E 83. 32 l6Gt to an anglc Pobt tn t'td u||t: thGg! g li;;'gtZ;,i rlong raid northcrly rlsht of wrv !lr-: -z-10.-99 !:{i-eg"-. i.: .,,-..1:3;J' fi#,:iT:"'#:;i; ;i;il'"; ^.i;; ;";a ;,,. io'- 6 ; il z1 z. ri ii.i r" + u ifc ftit" Poiat of Bcglnnlng- Gontrlnlng 1.000 acrc!, rnotG or le'!' ** T(l(;!:l llllll $.'n i,l: | ;. , thf h.r,,i|l,'1 .pIertriDitS, rnd llr r. r r , 'r,' l,longing or in rntrLa ,,f tr rh.r.of; .nd .ll rf.r err8t(, risbt. tri[. Inter.rr. .lr)rt .t :. r,s | ) ,r 'r ,1, lrrst r,or!. (ilh.! t! Lt ''t tloir'J. t,l, inrr t !,, thc rlrorr l,&r;r n.,l prenllr,x,\ill. , j rrl)LrrL,,n.cr. 1(, ll.ll E ,tSlr'll) tlOl,l) lh" rard lremirer rlrve trnr*nir,,l rrL,l ,lorrrrIod. rilh tl1. ippurten.hcG., utrto tL .trl t'.r'i ,i rl.r r.{r,nn trr,, r'L(l .{ii(n{ t,,J, ' r And th, \.,iLl prrty ol th. fl t D.!t, lot lr;m..lf, his I,"iru, ?re.ul.,r!, ri,j rdriiniilrrr, ri, d,,r'. v nrnr. qTtnr, brrgrin rhd.3r.. to rld ritf, ', .r,l ta/. ,1 | r.rrn,j p!i'.,ti .,-...iiorr.n,i 15.r!. ),rr rt thc tinr, r,f rh. .nrerllng rnd d.llvart a, l,, l s .^,. ,.t, | .t lhc I,r,,,rrr. .t!,!. .,,,v(y(d, rr of rood, rur., D{d.ct, rb.oluta a!.1 I nl',i'ar"r, rn rw,,n f'o rirnple,rn,i hrs aood right. full Do$!r.nd htlul ruthotltt t .. . ,Lr. i.i.nv, t rnrnn.r rnd fr,r,.' xr rlor'rrld, .rd lhrt th., rad. rl. t.!. .nd alcr! trlttr l$r'4,. JLI' li.r{ t.rrr.r.r,r.'rrrlr.n,l In.umhr.n.({ ot rhrt t.r llnd or trlurr 3t L27n7a No.......--.--...-......... .-...--.---, VARRANTY DEED b.-L 2A7 P{t.. t// - *+t' er*.,-o.-'tk-:.,k:' I R-.1:, E ..*. -.... . l. /i (,D Tffi',} .1,C, -nfi-sil '1: marfhda-r "T*,fmm urban dosisn ;X'fTESH; 1537 washington otrsel d8nv6r, colorado 80203 ar€a code 303 832-5593 15 July 1983 Mr. Peter Jomor Office of Community Development TOWN OF VAII 75 South Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Peter Attoched is the Troffic Study Report in regord to rezoning opplicotion for the proposed service stotion ol Frontoge Rood odjocent to l-70 ond Eost Voil Exit. Itrust thot fhis study will ossist you in evoluoiing the froffic impoct of the proposed service stotion. Pleose feel free to coll Leigh, Scott & Cleory, lnc. if you need odditionol informotions. lf you need ony other informotion in regord to opplicotion plece lei me know. S incerely v4..r;'r/af.*; Morvin Hotomi AIA Enclosure: Troffic Study cc: Brooks lnvesf ments , g - +o-.-'t M-- +.4^e..,-+S o-Lo".* =H^ \"--.1^ F-Pr L + \,^..g ^<-.10.* 6-t rs L.>r 5 J"o n L{- r..,rc.-,x* cq.,^\{-t^-.r.-.-{ 1d,/<--r,--<\ .{l^-e-.' \^l-- l.c.[ \'\c- ']o $<-<., r4 a-5 q\r z9v\S fi<. c/i- . W(a-r S<-v'<-'rJ C-^u-"r{a-:(t a 'a.9 t^'-r rtL P--1p, o- $ o G oe o r.r .fec{ r* ..{-) l. E \-Jo-, tc1 It'.:^ L .+- lJ L. .-. t" L ..-,.,.t s1_l/,,*\ fJ<1P i 5.rG'^,.-' f# ( s r.,,-.'S q- (Jo.-'+,.-4 P.--,.- ooQ (9€C!'<-Cj,cS (s t .^\ *.!l*s p-op----\ l-',.rc- -{-'ik* + ?p"=.-+.""+t- {C*s p .'<-<-<- |l1 -a t,".-.'. C^-S qr* <>,pc.-_<_- a.-[1." f+L, !4^-.rt *+i{,-( So{<-t{<rs ,...t<L\ zr- S @.-td+ -tp €'t.-S. &C *1^€, € -.-J.^.-.-,1. , u\"Lo-seVk-s. &cL--.,, "!4 {--\H^ 's Co*{.'^"-c-* -+- you r .,,.^.-&- 9uq4os*.o^ t -+" 5--*- wL.-c-*-<- _- "qa^- $*.,.- s4-^.. €0a - D u^.- \-(-." \ s lS5-,-c-. *{S O€ rz\svr, &,.^-- /loa^-^.,^? =l-'G-^t(\l c!-S a7 v^<_..,^ S (*<. - J*-C+*---*.^^,t $3.-o--u* "k-.*--S pc^.'J^L,- U---*- --t1-n ,'..,L* - s+ lo-$,-c- " \!* t+ t^', o., [c!' *-^4-\ *a.+t 'Fo v^ (-cr-3 c r,-.r +{^< oC S La.--.+ sf-r l^-.<- Cr- 5 L._._c \-.^.r._Y -Lo.,^r^ Vo; d4/\-!S () r.,a.- b\ ("-.-{ \n"o S <-\^-zd0!, l<- . t-\'{a--t+ Q u.,c- k P^tt-.,.\ {.e-\^ Co-'s,.&.-- clLlq-1'*t LL {4^.- -l-.^r,^- E ,r^.,t-t., tJ }- \.JoJ"S a--f p'r-+cr...dg<-. c^- E O4^. Os'^..'+ rr'1sr.q\.<-1poe5t- z 5o drL- S*- I Lp *t \+4^-cr* y c.*, i.- -L-.-g \.,\, \, p{--r- VU<.I L.*r- .r<-Lt -,-r.a.( \<- L\ --..' s 4.. o'.,.'- {,1^.,.g 1. o-^ I 1,6 €,-c-4-- q t'< \o- \, '.-cL/a{-- .( 1L--s---!Y,1s'L.<-,<- Lfr* I I C-o-, !.[c.J o,r{ , '.-+-,r.4 {r<J[ ;.{f h*t t^..*,>.tf 1,1**rt*1 vs {r4,--c- Csu.^<-.( rr^,-- o,.,r14.-.- , Q "tt & (fb^--r-.^ \\ \ ! r,^,, o,..r\ A p \-c--3<- 4 '."'\a c^-[.4. 2 {.-... Er g\\A wco. poy.,.L tc , cl.,5<,.rsg *{-.'S Z v<o-l'-z--c-- rf {-{<- Dn Lr- <>(_ 5b p A\:.' 1r** <^.- \f {r.d q...-.-*S \ 9! t-'< ct 1s7\,^ 84 'k ++Ly nel'r .-{--f-<-r i 6.r - 1():l 6 a Tl. Drhacd Dcrtiorr oftll. tonr .DDrov.d bt lhe Col.?.do B..l E.t.t. CoDni..lon(SC 2a-2-tl) Il S t8 A tloAt |XSTRUXEIf. tF XoT UtoERSmoo. IEGAL. TtX 0R onER CruX$Et SHouto BE CoilSUtIED BEF0RE SlGXlllC. VACANT ]AND CONTRACT TO BUY ANO SELL REAL ESTATE (Seller's remedy limited to Liquidated Damages) March 8,,rs 88 1.Theundersi8nedr8€nth€rebyacknowled8eshsvin8receiv"at.o-@ :-tt " "u- of t5!-r!!!-!!-, i,, the rorm of --A--9€llj_!j€dtor.r,"taty Dan Seibel Realty broker, in broker'! elcrow Sa id or trultee account, aa esrnest money and part paymelt for the followinS described r€al estete in the County of Eagle Colorsdo, to wit: check A parcel of land being part ship 5 South, Range 80 West Eagle County, Colorado, More Exhib it "A" attached hereto of Sections 2, 11 and 12, Town- of the 6th Principal Meridian, particularly de s cr ibed in and made part of this Contract. toSether vith sll eslementr and riShts of wsy appurtenant thereto, all improv€ments thereon end sll firtures of a permrnent neture currently on the premi!€s€x.ept r! h€reinafter provid€d, in their present condition, ordinery wear6nd tear excepted, and hereinaftet called the Property. 2.subjecttotheprovision!ofpsra8rsphl7,theundersi8nedl6p4rglMunicipa.l.ity----kl:l;'l$l"ftkl"A"l"l,l"d^fr'1"1,*,.i"an€!care.r Purchrier, hereby a8lees io buy the Property, snd ihe undersigned owner(!), hereinrfter called Seller, hereby .Er€es to sell the Property upon thc i.ims rnd condition! ststed herein. 3. Th€ purchrle price arrall be U.s. I 1 7 5 . 0 0 O . O O , paydble as folloes: 5 50 r OOO OO hereby receipt€d for; $125,000.00 in Cash or Certified funds at the closing of title 4. Price to include: A11 improvements and Sellers mineral rights, rnd the followins waier riaht!: N O n e 6. If a new loen ir to be obtain€d by Purchaser from a third prrty, Purcheaer agrees to promptly rnd diliSently (r) spply for.uch loan, (b) etecute all docum€nts snd furni!h ell informetion rnd documedts requir€d by the lender, end (c) psy the customrry costs of obtainin8 !uch loan. Then if such loan is not spproved on or belore -----NJ.A-, 19-, or if so approved but is not availsble st time of closing, this contrect .hsll be null rnd void and all payments and thing6 of value rec€iv€d hereunder shall be returned to Purcha6er. 6. [f a not€ and tru!t de€d or rnortgaae i! to be assumed, Purchaser sgreer to apply for s losn rlsumption if requi!€d rnd a8rees to pay (1) r lo&n transfe! fee |lot to exceed 5 N / A and (2) an inter€lt rate not to exceed -----Nf-A--% per annu m, If the losn to be a3!umed hec provi!ion! for a ahared equity or vsriable int€rest rstes or viriible payments, this cotltract is conditioned upon Purchs!er revi€win8 and consentinS to euch provi8ionB. If the lender's consent to a lorn sssumption ir required, this contract is conditioned upon obtainillE .uch consent rithoutchrnge in thet€rms and conditions ofiuch lorn €xcept es h€r€in provided. ?. If a note is to be mede peyrble to Seller as putial or full peym€nt of the purchase price, thi8 contract lhall not be rlligrleble by Purchsser without wriit€n consent ofSeller. 8. Costofenyeppraisallorloanpurporestobeobtsinedsfterthisdsl.eshallbepaidby ?Uf ChaSef s. i{ **+"1 $ f+ hlral. P***tl ++ifef lo lalelof f,crrrent commitrnent for title insurrnce policy in rn smount equrl to the Durch.rc ,;.., l, A$J,'l "lrl"{ "ld "lpl"ll *a be fu rn isb e d to Pu rch aser on or b€fore March 31 ts!3- It s"tl". elects to furni!h said title inrurance commitment, Seller l'ill delive. the title inlurance policy to Purch&ser after closing and pry the premium ther.on. 10. The date of closing lhell be th€ dste for delivery of deed s6 provided in peregrsph 11. The hour rnd plrce of clolin8 lhrll be .! derign.t€d uy Dan Seibel Realty and The Town of Vait -.11. Tiil€ shell be m€rchrntable in Seller, except es stat.€d in this par68rrph snd in peregrsphs 12 6nd 13. Subject to lryment or tender aa abova Drovided and compliance by Purchrler with the other t€rms and provisionr hereof, Seller rhell execui€ end delivor r good rnd lulficient S p e c i a 1 vrrranty deed to Purchas€r on April 7,te3&, oa by mutuel ag:r€€m€nt, et sn esrli€r drte, conveying the Property free snd clesr of ell taxes, €xcept the gen€ral taxcs for the ye rr of closing, and except N O n e ' ftee and cleet of all lien! for !Fecirl implovements inrtalled as of the date of Purchase!'s signatur€ hereon, whethe! d!!e!bed or not; frce and clear ot all lien.strd encumblanc€! except NOne Othef than U. S Patent reservations. Gtcaptthc follo*ing re6tlictiye covensnt! which do not contain a dght ofreverter: N O n g No. SC 26/192.E1. CoNTRACT m BUy AND SELL REAr ESTATE (\h..!r lnrd) Bndtord Publishing, 5825 W 6fi Avc., Lrkelrood, CO 80214 - (303) 23369m '--- -L s-ac @ srerPPv Pur.rI|rN rrralorg,u!trt1 serppY r,t.ll.s relles ol aJualaq aql puB .uoraarruuloa aql pearxa ol 1ou lnq t.{orq Pltr ot Joeraqt Jlaq-eqo .lellaS pui rolorq tulll!l uaeateq pepr^rp aq l|rqr anlr^ Jo 35u!qt pu! rluaur^sd qcns tepuneraq pe^terer enlaa Jo 3tulqt pur llu.srlrd Jo ernlleJro, Jo tuaae eqt ul 'lnql .ea:tr pur 'uorlrisusrl rlql ul reJ!^.ra. lo, arlrd asrqrrnd ",i1 Jo %---T- ,o uotrrluuroc r frd 01 aa.rtt pu8 'T.8:6r '-------------Tt r[- lo Lrp -'-tz- Btql Isrodord r^oqs eql sldarr! renas .Iz (tu.tv tu!F!.| pur r.ll.S fq p.lqduor.q ot |lo!l5or trlrollor.ql) s.raasqrJnd /aTs-_@O-'rs' ^tlPau laqTas uEc alio raiaqrrnd arec TTEA JO UAOJ OgJ ..aeeq nd Jo sutrsss pus s.rorse'ns 'rrleq eql Jo lrJaueq aql ol ernur asqs puf, rassq",nd puB relras uaaaraq r*rt;'"liTlt":t"l ittrout"'i1""it"ffi"",-;1:lf;; '-""""""'TZ--qET€l[-eroJaqrouoatustdettf,qtncJoatnousanacatlalrfalnftuerurrrr.tut/efeflh<petdarr?srtssodo.rd"t,,rftYOi JaTTaS J.asEqcJna :suor8l^ord Ituollrppv .6I 'soal .rfeu:otla elqtuoaael put glloJ lrnoJ Jeaocal dsur pus lrnor olur enls^ Jo stutql lo sfauour .(us preiAralui feru 'uorlerolrp pua uorldo !,re{o:q lr ro'tulpeerord ,{ua lrrat dsur lnq uoll'a Ius a{rt ot parrnba.r aq lou Ilsqs Je{olq ..la{oJq ,tq pe]lrerer sr uorlcnrlrurualllra lantnur rsalun .Jelo.rq ,tq pleq fauour tsauraa .ql turpratar fsre^orluor ,{uB Jo tua^a aqt ul .tBr{l aarts ralles pus rassqrrnd .8I .6aaJ .EfeurottB tu!pnliut ,aBuadxa pua slsoc elqBuorrar lls IlJsd tullrsAardaql 01prg/ns daur Unor aql'lJuluor ttql Jo lno turauB uollatllll IUB Jo tue^a aql u! 'tulpurlsqlr^\tou ularaq rlrsltuor aql ol tulrltjtuv (r)'qloq ro 'satsurBp ro .tuau.roJrad tlJ!reds roJ uorlra ua ol lqElr aqt e^rq llBqr ra€sq)rnd puB IralJa pus actoJ InJ ur turaq ss pslluor s!ql lserl ol liale {Bur ra6aqctnd (Z) ro'redord aq ,(au sa aetaurap qtns ra^orar fsu, ra.aqcrnd puB rassqJrnd ot paurntar aq Itsqs tapunaraq pa^recer.qa^ Jo sturql pua sruaor,{rd llB asar ']'rqa ur !p.lrurural sa Irarluor !tqr to.rl ot loele Isur rasBqr.rnd (r) J,,InVJgO NI SI gS.I.ISS JI (q) 'raaaurap lauotlrppa pua ecuBurroJJed rlJrredr Jo rrrpa!uar aql .a^ra/$ ,(l66ardxa rallas 'lrsrluor s!ql Jo Euoltst!lqo aql urroJJed ol ernllsJ e.raatqrJnd eqt roJ lcgr{gu I1NO oNv g'IOS S,us'I'IsS aq} ers (c) qdrrttrrrdqns u! pap!^ord ss tdarxe) pus slovwvc cgIvcInOI.I arsanla^Jo etulql pua cluaurf"d qrns lsql peerta 3! 1I repuneraq suorlalrlqo lla i{o.rJ perBeler aq ralJB.raql llsqs !a!lrsd qloq pur .ra11ag go;lrqaq uopauFtar puB ra€Bq nd ^q palraJroJ eq ltaqr rapunaraq pa^leJar enla^ Jo stutqt pua rtuaurdad lls uaqt ,I.InVJgO NI SI fSSVHCtnd Jf (s) :sorpeuar turaolloJ eql aq flaqE eraql 'pepr^ord uleraq sa pou.roJ.rad tou sl rapunaraq uorlst!lqo raqto r(ur;r .ro ,anp uaq.r pa.rapu-1:o pa.rouoq 'plld lou er rapuna.raq enp luaru,tad raqto ^u€.ro repunereq .tauour tBauru. sa pe^lacer lJaLIr ro atou i(us JI .Joaraq acuasse aql Jo ir aru!.L .l,I rasBqc.rndol peu.rnlar aq IlaI{8 rapunaraq pa^letar anls^ Jo i'ulql puB sruaur,(Bd ll8 e€Br qorqa ur llrsrtuor slqt alBulurrat 01 lrala ,(sul ra€sqrrnd 'peep Jo ^re^llaP Jo atap aql pus ltsrtuot i!ql Jo alrp aql uaa,rtaq r(rlBn53r r€qro ro pootJ 'ar{ ,tq paasurBp ,t BrtuBlsqnr i! .tlredord aqt tua^a aq} uI .9I 3u1s o 1c Jo alep aql a u o N :6errusual ro sassal ,ul,$olloJ aqlol laafqni uo r.sBqrrnd ot para^rtap aq llBrt6,{tradord ar{1Jo uorssaEEod .9I 'paap ro ^ra^rlap Jo atsp 01 pauo!lrodda .q suralT SuTnuT luoc {ue pua ',{ua Jl 'raouBrqunJue uo iseralur puB 6unlulard eruarnsur aEstllour VHJ 'c1uaJra/.aa'61uarrata,n's?uarplBdard'1rreurs6a6s!tuaiartsouiaqlpua,{^alluerarlsouraqluopessq.tulsolJJoJBaIaq?roJsaxslIsreue5.}I pa^ra'ar anls^ Jo €turqr puB €ruau^sd .s pus repunaieq Buorlst,rqo rrs urorJ paesara.r aq lBqs ola,eq ^r";';i"":"i;$"'iJ#:fl."lJ:Hj:X"1i:i:Itartuor sIql 'artJd aaaqtrnd aqt spaarxa ,{lrado.rd aql uo sue!l .{q parnres sreuperqapur IBrot aql Jr .Ilrsd raqlr. Jo uorldo aq1 1r :a,raaoq ,paprioel 'arrno8 reqlo r{ua urorJ Jo uollrsruBrl BlqtJo spaacord aql uorJ luaural}ras Jo au'Irl .ql 1a prad aq ^aur prrd eq 01 parrnbar erurrqurncua,{uiy :g1 'r.EBqtrnd ot p.urnlar eq lleqs rapunaraq pa^Iatar anls^ Jo 8au!ql put slueur,{Bd IIB pua rapunaraq suortat!Iqo lls u.rorJ pesseleJ aq tFqsoletaq ,{lrad qrBa puB rJaJJa ou Jo put pro^ aq f,q€ IrarluoJ slqr'uo!}do i.rassqJrnd ra 'ZI qdlJtsrod stqr ut papt^ord ss alqyluuqrrau.r pa.rapuailou.l.lMJ!'eI qdtrtB.rad ur palale 3a ldecxg (6)lJeJepptBsturrDarrorJoasodrndaqtroJi,{ap,(trrqtpapuatxaaqIIBqstursolrJoatspeql,tulroliJoalsp iroJaq ro uo luaiB qrasaq nd ro rasBqrrnd ol aJllou uallg.n uodn puf, uolldo s.r.llaS ta ,Eursolr Jo atsp aioJaq ro uo (3)lJeJap prss taar.ror ol elqsun 3r renas JI 'tulsolr Jo atap ot roud (8)traJep ptsc lrarror ot troJJa alqBuors.r esn llaqs rallas 'tursop Jo alBp eloJaq lo uo luaEr r,.ra11ag ro :afig o1 luaEar.reaar{trndro.rasaq ndxquaa€€l(6)lraJtpJoaJrlouuatlu,r|puBalqaluar{rJourtouc!a11!tJ!'81 pusII sqdsrturd u; pe1r1s sr laacxg iif .€uortBlntar turuoz pua :u!pllnq ot toafqns put . {lJadoJd aq1 Jo asn papualuT aql lcTJ'tsaJ 1ou plno^1 1eq1 r pJoaaJ Jo aSoql pU€ :eluaurarra luarrdd! ro/pus poprorar rulcadr turaofloJ .ql tdrrra pur a' EXHIBIT "A" A PARCEL OF LA}.|D EEING PART OF SECTIONS 2, II AI{D 12, TOIINSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL UERIDIA}I, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOIJS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON A CURVE AI{D ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION II, SAID POINT BEING S. OO'24' 28" E. 4T2.80 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION I I; THENCE NORTHI.'ESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF IJAY LINE OF FEDERAL HIGHIJAY I-70 A}ID ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO TTTE LEFT IIAVINC A RADIUS OF 27O5.OO FEET, AI{ ARC DISTAT{CE OF 275.50 FEET. THE CHORD OF SAID ARC BEARS N. 54' 32 I 28'' W. A}ID IIAS A LENGTH OF 275.30 FEET; TIIENCE N. 59. 28' 16" W. ALONC SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 276.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BECINNING; THENCE N. 59. 28I 16'I.'. ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RICHT OF I.'AY LINE I5.OO FEET TO A}I AI{GLE POINT IN SAID SOUTHERIY RICHT OF l.'AY LI[E; THEIICE N. 7I' 441 43" W. ALONC SAID SOUTHERIY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 324.5I FEET, }iORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION I I; THENCE S. 89O 461 04" W. ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF I.IAY LINE9I.50 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EXISTING NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OLD U.S. HIGHI.'AY NO. 6, SAID LINE AI.SO BEING THE I.'ESTERLY LINE OF THE NOI.'-VACATED PITKIN CREEK MEADOIIS SUBDIVISION; THENCE ALONC SAID NORTITERLY RICHT OF I.'AY LINE S. 35O 291 17" E. 83.32 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LINE; THENCE S. 46' 19' 25'' E. ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY 240.OO FEET; TITENCE DEPARTING FROM SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE N. 227.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNTNG. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLOR.A.DO EXHIBIT ''A.. LINE 560 50'09" E. p^(m "1b,ry;"-t 6Ln,2 /P ,Ktr p Febrerary 27, L988 Vail Town Council Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Council Members : It is ny understanding that the property just west of pitkin Creek on the north side of the Frontage Road is for sale.I urge you to give serious consideration to the purchase ofthis lot (approxirnately one acre) to be dedicated as greenspace. I would also ask you to consider treating that sDacewith attractive landscaping so as to improve the entranc;to East Vail. I an a property owner in East Vail (5127 North Main Gore Drive.) Sincere 1y, 8Xh&/*Yl. t. Martin "'l Marctr 14, 1988 Vail Town Council Town Of Vail Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Council Members: As a property owner in East Vail (Unit /111 The Fa1ls) I feel strongly about the continuance of the purchase of green space throughout the Vail Va11ey. I support the purchase of the property to the west of Pitkin Creek for open/ green space. Sincerely $c0\[ARtt$8 March 8, I988 Vail Torn Council Town of Vail Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Counc i1 Members: As a property owner at Pitkin Creek park Condominiuros(Unit3/4) I'm in strong suppo!t and highly recornmendt,hat the Torn of Vail purchase the parcel of land justwest of Pitkin Creek for open/green space. I als olike the idea of an entrance to East VaiI concept developedat the far west end of the parcel. Very truly Yours, R[['0MAR11p88 March 8, 1988 Vail Town Council Tonn of Vail Va11, Co. 81657 Dear CounciL Menbers: As a property owner at Pitkin Creek Park Condoniniuns(unitVc) I'm ln strong support and highly reconmend that the Town of Vail purchase the parcel of land just west of Pitkln Creek for open/green 6pace. I also like the idea of an entrance to East VaiL concept aleve'loped at the far nest end of the parcel.. W RESDMAR 1T 1980 March 8, 1988 Yail Town CounciL Toun of Va iL Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Council Menbers: Ag a property owner at Sitkin Creek Park Condornintums(Unitltt) I'm in strong suppo!t and highly recornmend that the Town of Vail purchase the parcel of Iand just west of Pitkin Creek for open/green space. I aLso like the idea of an entrance to East Vail concept developed at the far west end of the Darcel. ES0MAR 11 1988 March 8, 1988 Vail Town Councll Tonn of Yail Vail , Co . 816 57 Dear Council Members: As a property owner at Pitkin Creek Park Condoniniuns(Unitq5) I'm in atrong support, and highly recommend that the Town of Vail purchase the parcel of land Justrest of Pitkin Creek for open/g!een 6pace, I also llke the idea of an entrance t,o East Vail concept developed at the far west end of the parcel. . S incer e ly, 'a;ah, ffgoMAR 11 p88 Uarch 8, 1988 Vail Tonn Counci1 Town of Vail Va11, Co. 81657 Dear Council Menbers: As a property owner at Pitkin Creek park Condoni.niums(UnitlO ) I'rn in strong 6upport and highly recornmendthat the Town of Vail purchase the parcet of :.and just$est of Pitkin Creek for open/green space. I alsolike t.he idea of an entrance to East Vail concept devel.opedat the far west end of the parcel. Very truly Yours, Rtc'oMAR11€88 March 8, 1988 Vail Town Council Town of Vail Vail, Co. 81657 Dear CounciL Menbers: As a property owner at Pitkin Creek park Condoniniuns(UnitSf I'n in strong support and highly recomnendthat the Town of Vail purchase the parcel of Land justwest of Pitkin creek for open/gfeen space. I al8olike the idea of an entrance to East Vail concept developedat the far west end of the Darcel. Vary Truly Your s , Be.x- (;s\It: \ Vail Town Couocil Torn of Vail Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Council tlenbers r trgtlltAR t t €88 March 8, 19E8 Creek Park Condoniniunghighly r e c onrnendparcel of land Justn space, I alsost Vail concept developed 4s^ a property osrner at Pitkin(Unitl-W I'm in Btrong support. andthat the Town of Vail purchase thewest of Pitkin Creek for open/greelike the idea of an entrance to Eaat the far t{est end of tbe parceL. S incerely, March 8, 1988 a$ul'iARtttEB Vail Town Council Town of Vail Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Council Members: As a property owner at Pitkin C"eek Park Condo- miniums (vnitt/f1 I'm in support and reconnend that the Town of Vail purchase the land to the lrest of Pitkin Creek for green space. I also feel that sone sort of formal entrance to East Vail nould be appropriater at- tractive and appreciated at sone future date. Sincerely,€?/e//r RTC'OMAR11ffi March 8, 1988 Vail Town Council Torn of Vail Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Council Menbere: As a property olrner at Pitkin Creek Park Condo- niniums (UnitSt) I'rn ln support and reconnend that tbe Tonn of Vail purchase the land to the west of Pithin Creek for green space. I also feel that sone sort of fornal entrance to East Vail rou'ld be appropriate, 8t- tractive and appreciated at aome future date. S inc ere Ly , cinA o o n$'DMAR1tp88 lz 'ffitbeTyroleanfr" Bu jjge \lail,Colerado 816t8 .|,fr Qaurr., - ,t ,I-l /\./ / ,,v g eOn /w/ r J t pt A 'Tnw,3,w;--/ y'tlrl e 1Zc3't o;G,-7 t? f 3 f oa LttPtru.€ PtZ //,t r?.Dsl l/Btc, J laEeF Tt&= '-t O .Iv N G,O urt c., t- '7- €) p/re er? ,E .T/d Ef f ftfze S C (9r= LEn p r-a lL 4,46e.--'"t .fP-i c t{ /Jca,<os't pfnn 1f Etae€ ' EP4O tlt t3,/?sf VErc 'wtlf Poacec oF L:4^to HAs /?t-<tFnt l/&y d,voeeu#rucL Ot-Z;2. Wz: a &es, fr,-.t D 4,J€ W*: P€opce O r= Ls,etry€ PP ' .4N a VldE .4p ZA4e,-, f N/A € /./ryo/< /o@o p , .2) ouue pf r:r71ef/-E --/ Ntt'T 2la,u|To Sisau: t i- /ZtFinrt rGt2 @n*t 6t2 erEL, PL6'7sA @tr-.ts'ia6? V,E P.?icFL Foe gpc=rv gV/?cE fir'tD rt €rvacc FEe< Zr,?tvq€€ gs,Q. To (/ft,, |fft,. To'tv rt PUq*r nrQ LftPt t;s t Qc=rv l*L4= /y t€n/ Leigh, Scott El Cleary, Inc. TRANSPORTATION PLANNINC & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS l8t9 York Strcet Dcnwr, Colorado 80206 (303) 333-r r05 October 3, 1983 Mr. Marvin Hatamillarvin Hatami and Associates 1537 hlashington Street Denver, CO 8203 RE: Restaurant/nesidential Project Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Marvin: We have now completed our traffic and access analysis ofthe proposed restaurant and residential development to be con-structed in Vail, Colorado. The subject project is planned fora site located immediately east of the East Vail Interchange be-tween I-70 and the adjacent frontage road (old US 6). A qualityrestaurant is planned which will accommod.ate 120 restaurantseats and a 40-seat lounge. In addition, the building's upperfloors wilI consist of eight residential units. Existinq Conditions The attached illustration depicts the planned layout and access characteristics of the site. As shown, two access drive-ways are planned along the frontage road with the westernmostdriveway to be located approximately 200 feet east of the EastVail Interchange. The frontage road currently accommodates anestimated 3,500 to 4r000 vehicles on an average weekday, ofwhich about 10 percent pass the site during peak-bour periods. Since the frontage road is a former State Highway (US 5), it isconstructed to high standards which include one I2-foot-widetravel lane in each direction. In the vicinity of the site, theroadway is relatively straight and flat with excellent sightdistance character istics. Estimated Traff ic Generation As previously stated, the proposed development is expectedto consist of a 150-seat quality restaurant and eight residen-tial units. Based on the rnost recent traffic generation ratespublished by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the fol-lowing estimates are applicable: Tbampotation Systems.Transit.Parking.vehicular Access.Pcdcatrian & Bicycle Planning.Traffic Opcrations & Safcty.Signal Dcsign.Traffic Impact Studict l,[r. l,fiarvin ttatami October 3, 1983 Page Trvo Average Weekday Traffico Enter o Fi<it l,brning Peak-Hour Traffic o Enter o Exit Evening Peak-Hour Traffic o Enter o Exit Traffic Distribution ESTIMATED TRAFFIC GENERATION Total VehicleRestaurant Besidential !;IE_ (1.17,/seat) (3.05/unit) 185 25(1.17lseat) (3.05/unit)210 2L018525 (0.03,/seat) (0.l/unit) 51 ( 0.02lseat) ( 0.4/unit) (0.09,/seat) (0.4/unit) 18ls3(0.05,/seat) (0.2/unit) 5 6 10 The distribution of generated vehicular traffic along the frontage road is one of the most itryortant elements in determin- ing the projectrs traffic inpact. Major factors which influence the traffic distribution include: o The location of the site with respect to the balance of the Vail urbanized areai o The tlpe of land use to be provided; o Traffic activity in the area and access to I-70; o The location of the site with respect to other competing f aci lities; o The specific access and circulation characteristics ofthe development plan. Based on these factors, it is projected that 55 percent of the proposed project traffic wiII be oriented to the west and 35percent towards the east. Application of these estimates to thepreviously cited generation data yields the turning movenenttraffic estimates shown on the attached illustration. As indi-cated, the maximum concentration of project-generated traffic will be west of the site, where only 12 eastbound and 6 west- bound peak-hour vehicles are projected. Mr. I{arvin Hatami October 3, 1983 Page Three Traffic Impact The projected levels of increased traffic activity can easily be accommodated by the frontage road with no noticeablereduction in operating conditions or traffic safety. of prinary concern is the maximum nunber of left-turns into the site. As shown on the attached illustration, 9 peak-hour vehicl-es are ex- pected to turn left into the projectrs west driveway -- this is equivalent to an average of one vehicle every 7 minutes. Fur- thermore, no more than two entering vehicles waiting to turnIefts are expected at any given time. It is therefore concluded that separate turn lanes are not justified for this proposedproject. AlI turn radii at the projectrs access driveways should be at least 25 feet, however, in order to facilitate aIIright-turn movements. Conclusions Based on the foregoing analysis, the following conclusionsare made concerning the traffic inqract of the proposed restau-rant/residential d.evelopment : 1. The proposed development can be expected to generate atotal of 2I0 entering and exiting vehicle-trips on an average weekday. Of these, 18 will enter and L0 willexit during the peak one-hour period. 2. The maximum concentration of project-generated trafficis expected. along the I-70 frontage road west of the s ite. 3. The existing two-lane frontage road can easily acconmo- date the additional traffic to be generated by the pro- posed project with no noticeable reduction in operatingconditions or traffic safety. I trust that this informationplanning for this project. If we canplease give me a call. Respectfully subnilted, LEIGH, SCOTT & CLEARY, INC. Bv ',7b;Q.'/,+ehilip' t't. Scott rrI , P. E. * will assist with further be of further assist.ance, PNS,/mIcEnclosure: Estimated Traffic Distribution cc: Brooks Investments ORDINANCE NO. 45 Series of 1983 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A PARCEL COMMONLY REGERRED TO AS THE GETTY OIL SITE, A I.O2 ACRE UNPLATTED PIECE OF LAND IN BIGHORN, FROM LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY (LDMF) TO ARTERIAL BUSINESS (AB), AND SETT]NG FORTH DETAILS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, in accordance with section]8.66..|10 of the vail Municipa] code, a rezoning has been requested by Brooks Investment to rezone the Getty 0il Site frcm Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) to Arterial Business (AB)u anAi WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the public interest to rezone said property NOI,I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOt,'lN OF VAIL THAT: Section l. The council specifical ly finds that the procedures for the amendment of the Oficial Zoning Map and rezoning of properties within the Town of Vail as prescribed in section 18.66.1.|0 of the Vail Municipal code have been fulfilled, and the Council hereby receives the report and recommendation of the Planning and Environ- mental Commission. Section 2. Pursuant to section 18.66.160 of the Vail Municipal code, the Getty 0i1 site is rezoned from Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) to Arteriat Business (AB) with the use restricted to-a restaurant of 4220 square feet. Section 3. As provided in Section 18.08,030 of the Vail Municipa] Code, the Zoning Administra- tor is hereby directed to promptly modify and amend the 0fficial Zoning Map to indicate the rezoning specified in Section 2 above. Sectlon -4.If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thi.s ordinance is for any reason held to be invarid, such decision shall not effect tbe validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would. have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsectlons, sentences, clauses or phrases by declared invalld. -2- Section '6.. ': The Town Council hereby necessary and proper for the inhabitants thereof. INTRoDIcED, READ AND PASSED 1983, and a public hearing 0f finds, determines and declares the health, safety and welfare that this ordinance is of the Town of Vall and day of Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the vair iunicipal code as provided in this ordinance shail not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed' any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution cosunenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repeared and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shalr not revive any provis.ion or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un.l ess expressly stated herein. ON FIRST READING THIS shall be he'ld on this ordinance 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Vail Municipa'l Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this _day of ATTEST: Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor Pamela A. Brandmeyer Town Clerk on the Counc i l Chambers of day the , lgg3. r.:r!*FV.a INTRODIJCED, READ AND APPROVED ON this SECOi|O READING .ANO ORDEREO PUELISHED lay of Rodney E. Slifer, Hayor filitE.,l;rrandnreyer o )( TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.] ECT : BACKGROUND UEI"IORANDt,}| Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Cornmunity Development July 2l, 1983 Reouest to rezone a 'l .02 acre unplatted parcel of 'land located iril"aiut.tv west of Pitkin Creek on Bighorn Road, from the Low-OensitV Multiple Family Zone Distrjct to the Heavy Service Zone District. Applicant: Brooks Investments The appljcant desires to rezone the subject property from the LDMF zone district io-tf,!'Huiuy SerVice zone district in oider io enable them to construct and oi""ii" i slrvice staiion and car wash upon the property. In 1980 the property rvis rezoned from Heavy Service to LDMF witn tfre conditions that development U"-titnit"O to a "maximum of B units' two of vrhich shall be reserved for sale o. j".i.-Uy-.tptoy""t oi tt" Upper iagle Valley and'limited to a tota'l GRFA of .10,250 square feei.j' At thb'time of r;;oning, the PEC and ihe Town Council felt ihat residentiai use would be a more approfriate use for the site than any of the uses listed within the Heavy service Zone District. THE PROPOSAL !|hile the applicarrts have a specific project in mind for the sjte, the.basic itir" i"-U"'ionsjdered is whether the'site is zoned appropriately-or whether the Heavy Service zone district vrould be a more appropriate zone tor tne parcel' ffre Uasii criterja ri"a *t'tun evaluating a re-zoning are the basjc obiectives- of-the zoning cooe. -ifie"oujuitiu"t which apply to this proposal are the following: The East Vail area is primari]y a residential area of Vail vrith the only commercjal enterprises'being t'he Vail Racquet Club restaurant and the lriquor ;il; ina mirtet'tociiea wiifrin the Pitkiri Creek Park condominiums' These ,i"i-ui"-Uusical 1y trppott services for the complexes within rvhich they are located. The proposed service statjon and car wash, as well as.the other uses listed within the HS distrjct are genera'l1y a higher intensity use in terms of vehicle trip generation thai residential use.. A study completed by t_!9 aoplicant (coiv attached) states that "about 60% of the peak-hour traffjc ;;ii;;;t-uiit'invotve moiorists already passing by the-site on the'ir wav to anot-her destination.i Obujorsly thln, the other_4C% will be people drawn into the area by the pioposed use ihat normally would not be driv'ing into the vicinity. A. ;.'l 't ;a Car l.lash -2- 7/21/83a B. To encourage a coryenrent, workable rel consistent trrith municipal obiect iJes.-r_ The proposed use, as well as the other uses possib'le within the HS district are not compatible with the adjacent uses to the property. To the east of the site are Town of Vail stream tract and residential condominiums, to the south are'located duplex and single family residences, and to the north and west are the frontage road, open space, and the I-70 right-of-way, the I-70 right-of- vlay basically being physically separated by a change in grade from the sjte. The staff be'l ieves that any of the HS uses would s'ignificantly alter the character df the area due to operating characteristics and an increased intensity.of use and:t,:uld be incon'patible with the open space and residential uses which are adjacent to the sjte. C. To provide for the growth of an orderly and viable conrnunity The Town Council and Planning Commission determined in .l980 that residential use was more appropriate on the site than any of the Heavy services uses. As mentioned above, characteristics such as noise, increased tr:affic, visual charac-teristics, and the general nature of these uses is not compatible with the resi-dential East vail neighborhood. The Town, through zoning,'has provided sites which do allow the Heavy Service uses nrhere they are generally conrpatible withthe surrounding uses. STAFF RTCOMMENDATION The Department of Community Department staff recommends denial of the requestedre-zoning based upon the facts that the potent'ial1y increased'intensity of useof.lhg.propertjt-.'and the general nature of the Heavy Service uses are not compatiblewith the area in which the site is located. WTyrslean Boxffgo tilail,Celrado 8bt'8 lre+d October 20' 1983 lorn of Vall PLannlng Coulsslon RE - Rezonlng Cetty Oll Slte Dear Iadles ard Gentlenenr Thls le the fourth tlne the developer of the Getty 011 slte 1n Slghorn ls requestlng a hearlng to rezone that partlcular parcel. Repeatedlyt they have been d.enied. thelr rldlculous groposed ahanges. Agaln ln Just three nonths they are baak wlth another pnoposal whlch ls totolly unaeceptable ln a resldentlal area. A fer years ago all the duplex lots ln our snea rere dornzoned to prtnary - secordary. The Getty O11 stte ls zoned yhat ls reaeonable for the resldenttal nc!.gbborhood, and I suggest that the next tlne they apply for a chan6e they ehould be denled a hearl'n6r Ttrey are naklng a nock&rg1 of the systen; and' a're rastlng everybodyrs tlre ad orrerg]r Slncerelyt 'iar,Fitrtrl'\ 1, i. PEIITIOIJ FORil FOR P..YENDI'IENT TO TI{E ZCIIINC ORDIITF.NCE OR REQUEST FOR A CHAIIGE IN DISTRICT BOT'NDARIES procedure Lr requlrcd for any proJect Siecial DcvcloPtmnt Dlctrict Procedure. appllcatlon rill not bc acclgted untLl Peti+-ro" o"..Qo# tjtat world go through all lntornatl,on Lc gnbmittcd. I.Thie tlre Ihc A.Srookt Invctmsnt NAIITE OI APPLICTTI ADDRESS 228 sh..tt-" sr- , n-^-l',cete.80?*3PEdE 837 -1917 B. uNtE oF APPr.rcAlITrs REPREsnsrerrvE@ ADDRESS 1537 W*PAONE 832 - 5533 C. AUTEORIZATIOI PROPERTT OM{ER Getty Refining ond Mo*eting Compony SIOIAIT'RE , PoREss p-o- g.' 269. n."'.. EONE ^d58 -gzl D. LocATIoN oF PRoPosAl Frontoge bod (old U'S' Higtrwoy 6) ot E' Voit exil intcrchonge ADDRESS I.,EGAI, DESCRIPTION See ottotched survey. (unPloffed) OF2 E. F. FEE $f00.00 plus an aq)rmt equal to the then cur'rent first-class Postagentc for eech property olrner to be notified hereundor. A List oe Lne name of ourners of all proPerty adjacent to the Snbject ProPerty and their riling eddresses' REQUESTED ZONING AMENDMENT Rczoning of subicct proporty from LDMF to Artcriol Br.cincst Dirtrict to ollow use ond construction of o Rcrtouront on this property. ) ma .-i hata - | " Tg ""F" ""f, :, "l**r, ,": architecture urban design and planning 1537 washrngton street denver. colorado 80203 area code 303 832-5533 REASONS FOR REQUEST The proposed property locoted in the south eost portion of the Eost voilexit ond l-70 interchonge hos been the subieci of o voriety of rezoning proposofs in the post few yeors. On August S, 1992, the Voil Town' Council opproved the rezoning of this property to Low Density Mulri- Fomily (LDMF) use ollowing eighr (8) resideniiol unirs. In order fo moke the development of this property economicolly feosible, the portitioner is proposing to chonge the use to ollow the construcrion of o locol restouront . The obiective of the petitioner is: o. To provide o reosonobly priced restouront to serve the community. b. To d-evelope this property to the best interest of the communiry ond Town of Voil. The initiol contoct hos indicoted thot ihe neighborhood fovors this development . PROf CT CHAR,ACTE RISTICS o. The building is locoted close to Frontoge Rood ond in the center of the site in order lo provide on omple buffer zone from pitkin creed pork development, ond l-70. b. The restouront is focing south ond west to toke odvonroge of the fovor- oble views ond exposure to the sun. c. The orchitecture of the building complimenls the surrounding deverop- ments oncl it is compotible with its neighborhood in terms of scole ond chorocter. d. A londscoped courfyord is provided on the west side of the restouront for sumrrer use ond omenity to dining oreo. e. The impoct of troffic reloled to this development is negl igible, omple porking (n'ore thon required spoces) ond eosy circulotion is provided for ihis project. pose iwo O LANDSCAPE TREATMENT The subiecf property is seporoted from Pitkin Creek Porl Condominium Development qt the Eost side by opproximotely 120 ft. I of streom troct which is port of Town of Voil. This wooded oreo contqins Pitkin Creek ond moture trees, which will remqin in lts noturol condition, forming on excellent buffer beiween ihe properiies. On the North ond West the site is bordered by the Stote Highwoy Deportment right of woy. We strongly recommend thqt the Stote Highwoy Deportment with cooperotion of the Town of Voil londscope ihis oreo with wild Rocky Mountqin flowen or ony other notive ground cover. This oreo, odioceni to Eosi bound romp is o gotewoy to Eqst Vqil Community ond its oppeoronce is imporlont. The soufh portion of ihe site odiocent to the Frontoge Rood, old US 6, will be londscoped with gross, trees, ond hedges, (see site plon). COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT Locol Restouront o Dining copocity 64 seqts plus or minus. o Lounge copocity 20 seots plus or minus. o Fifty four (54) porking spoces. Leigh, Scott & Cleary, Inc. TRANSPORTATION PLANNINC & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Itt9 York Str€ct Dcnr,tr, Colondo tllXl6 (!ol) 331-l lo5 November 10, 1983 Itr. Marvin Eatani Marvin Batani .nd A""o.iatee 1537 waghington Street Denver, CO 80203 8E: Reataurant ProJectVail, Colorado LSC *95-83 Dear Marvin: In accordance with your requestr cte have revised ourearlier traffic analysis of a proposed restaurant,/resldential developnent to be located imediately eaEt of ,the East VailInterchange between r-70 and the adjacent frontage road. Reference ie nade to our letter report to you dated October 3, r983. It ie my understanding that tire proposed plan ls to be modified to consiet of only a 54-seat quality restaurant and anaegociated 2O-seat lounge. As such, the following trafficgeneration estimates are applicable: Estimated Traffic Generation Vehiclee Entering Site----is-6- 3 8 Average Weekday Traffic[lorning Peak-Eour Traff ic Evening Peak-Hour Traffic VehiclesExiting Site -To-d-2 4 This Enall amount of traffic will result in a naximum con- centration of four left-turn vehicles entering the site from thewest during the evening peak-hour. Thie }evel of increasedtraffic activity can easily be accommodated along the existing frontage road with no noticeable reduction in operating condi-tions or traffic safety. Thn pon tbn Sydrnr.Tlrni.Prrtinf ,Vchi$hr Accc|..Pcdcrri.o & Btyclc PL6nhf.Tnffic ODcttbu f Srfay.lxgrl Dcdfn.Tnfifc hD.cl Studi.3 ,.1 o . ./ j-ri.,.{ ;};?1:jr.} !tr. Marvin natani Novenber L0, 1983 Page fTo If we crn be of rny furtherpleaae call. Reepectfully aublttcd, LBIGB, SCOgf t CLEAnY, IfC. a asslstance on this natterr ,1.t1 t ITL '.r. 3 jF-.!r' *t 1.-.^. q rrDlrr:rt /^pnrFT nToN TEE BROOI(S I}WESTMENT CO. !'{HO PROPOSED THE GIS STATIOI'I/CAR WA'SH NEXT lO prTKrN CREEK PARK (AND sO GRASIoU$LI I'rITHDRnlr) WANIS 1!0 IN/ITE AI.T. rrrgNNSlED PARTIES TO GII/E TREIR INPIN,/IDEAS ON I"HAT WOIII,D BE FEASIBLE AND ACCEPTABLE IOR SrTE rN QUgSrrON. TEf,T, ABOVE .ALL,, l[ANt' AI'IT PROJECT ICI BE IN TIIE BEST INTEREST TPR AI,L COUCNMTPP. OI{E PRO- POSAI, TS A LOCAIS RESTAIIRAI{T. EXAMPIS: A REA,SONABLY PRIC@ ESTAB. LI6I{I'IEI.T PROVIDING PTZZA, SUBS, SAT,AD BAR, HORS DIOEUIRES./URTCUOS, sPECIALIt IrEl4S, COCKTAILS; ETC. POSSIBLT A PIAI{O nAR/BNtnRTAINMElrl, VIDEO GAMES, SPORTS WIDE SCREEN T,V., EILLIARDS, pINc pONc, VOLLEy gAtt (slMMER) AND rUOnU, A PLACE FOR LOCALS 10 EAVE ruN AT A I,trNIMIm COSTT THE BROOIiS INVESTMEIIT CO. WAI\IF TO HOST A WINE & CIIEESE PARTS tO mAR EVERIONE. PLE.A,SE SIGN BEIOTf AND INCLUDE TOIIR PIIOI\IE NUI"IBER SO IIE CAN NOTITT YOU $II{EN AI{D II'IIERE TI{E PARTY WILI BB I]ELD. fOR I{ORE IIIFORMATION, CAIJ: MIIRRAI IIEMINGER 475-68F4 NA}48 & PEO}TE NUMBER FOR RESTATIRANT AGAINSf L8 /- t ?? '&5 a...n,,o SUR\TEY,/PETITION TITE BROOI(S IIIVESTMENT CO. WHO PROPOSED THE GAS STATION/CAR ITA.STI NUXE TO PITKTN CREEK PARK (A]{D SO GRAgIOT'III..Y WITI{DREW) WANTS 1O TNVITts lrd; TNSERESTED pARTrEs r0 cn/E THErR rNpur/rnga.s 0N lllIIAT t'lotnD gE FEASIBLE AI{D ACCEPTAETLE IOR SIflS fit qUnSlfOtl. SEEY, ABOVE ALL', WANT A$r PROJE0T 10 m IN TI{E BEST INTEREST IOR AIL collcEnrvsD. oNE PRo- P0SAL Is I' lOcAls RESTAIFAI{I. gxAl4PIE: A REA,SONABLY PRrg@ EsrAB- LTSHMEI{T pRovrDrNe pT.zzA, suBg, SALAD BAR, HoRs DroEtrvREs./mrcnos, sPEcrALtY rrEl4s, cocKrArr"s; ETc. PossrBly a prAl{o BAR/ENTEnTATNMEI.IT, VIDEO GAI'IESr SP0RIS WIDE SCRXEN T'V.r BILLIARDST PING PONcr VOLIEY BALL (SUM}@R) AITD MORE. A PLACE rOR LOCA],S 1O IIAVE Il.'N AI A MIl.tlMU'I COSNI EEE BROOICS IN\TEST}ENT CO. VfAIqETO HOST A WINE & CITEESE PARrr TO I{EAR EVERYONE. TIE CAN NOTIFY YOU I{IIEN AND I',II{ERE TiS PARTY WILI BE I{ET.,D? AGAINST <r !7 C &^, u bt,(( !i'i-4L'1 / q76-7€,' IOR MORE IMORMATI0N, CALIL: MIIRRAI HEMINGER 4?6-682h (\-- - n .$-.--^ - v'^ .!-l-.. tr-tw SURTEY/PETITION THE BR0OliS IIWESTMENT C0. WHO PROPOSED THE cAS STATION/CAR WA.SII NE),(t T0 PITKIN CFEEK PARK (AND sO GRJACIOUSTLI 1TITHDREIV) Werm TO IM/ITE AI.L INTtrRESTED PARTIES TO GIVE THEIR INPUT,/IDEAS oN SHAT TfoUI.D BE FEASIBLE AND ACCEPTABLE IOR Sfm IN QUESUON. THEiy, ABO\IE ALL'. IVAN! ANT PRO.IECT TO EE IN TI{E RNST INTDREST FOR ALL CONCf,'RNED. ONE PRO. POsAr, fs A LOOAI-S RESTAIJ'RAM. EXA,MPLEs A REA.SONABLY pRIgED ESTABT LTSHMEM PROVTDTNC ptilZ\jlJBsf SALAD BAR, HORS DroErnmEs./mrcros,€ SPECIALIry rTEl4S, COCKTAILST ETC. VIDEO GAMES, SPoR!S WIDE SCREEN BALL (suMl'm) nrp MORE. A pLAcE COSTI T}iE BROOI(S ITIVESTI'IENT CO. 10 HEAR EVtrRYONE. POSSTBLY A PIAI{O ilN,/gNlEiRrAINI'[EM, T.V.1 BILLIARDS' pINc poNc, vo[.,I.gI IOR LOCAIS TO HAVE I'I'N AT A MINIMUM WAI.I$ TO HOST .A, WINE & CIIEESE PARIY IOR MORE INTORMAIION, CAII: NAME & PHOIIE NUMBER MIIRRAI IIEMI}IGER 475-68F4 @dt -f/?/ ,--/' GLzQ,1 /,126 - e>j*/ "?-- 47G- 5L,7 '/ 76- L/ THE BROoI<s IM/ESTMENT CO. i{HO PROPOSED TI{E GAS STATIOT/CIn wA.sE NExB TP PITIilN CRtsEK PARK (A}ID SO GRASIOUSLT WITIIDREI'I) WAIITS Ip U{VITE atl, TNTERESTED pARTrEs ro cr\rg TEErR rtlpur,/rosa.s 0N lltHAT vroIILD m FEASIBLE AND ACSEPTABLE IOR SI1E IN qUESTION. THEY, ABOVE ALL', WANE A}TT PROJECT TO EE IN TI{E BEST INTEREST TOR AIL CONCERNED. ONE PRO- POSAL IS A LOCAIS RESTAURAM. EXAMPLE: A REA,SONABLY PRICED ESTAS- LISHMEI{T PRoVIDING PI.ZZA' SUBS, SALAD BAR, HORS DT0EWRES./NRIC}IOS, splcrAl,ty rrtstls, cocKTArLs; ETc. possraly A prANo BAR/ENTERTATNMENIT, VIDEO GAI'IES, SPORTS ![IDE SCREEN T.V., BII"LIARDS, PING PONG, VOttr'Eg BALI (SUMlffi) elro MoRE, A PLACE FOR L,OCATS 10 HAVE ruN AT A MINIMUIT COSTI THE BROOIiS IN\TESTI'TBNT CO. WANE TO HOST A TIIM & CHSESE PARTY TO HEAR EVERYONE. PLE.A,S TIE CAN NoTITT yqrl l'titEN Ar\rD M{ERE THE pARly WILL BE I{ELD" IOR MORE INFORMATION, CAITLI MIIRRAI I{EMINGER t+?6-6V4 NAI'G & PHONE lrul'lBER FOR RESTAURAI{T AG/IINSTIT il!ilt itrt ?"i 74 -,/'f 'r'.t L/ r-o33? I'e U 4ffi-r-t'o I ^.,'! ll .1 rn'a 1 47r,. *4 ttr^ -t" hatamr"T*."fff,fffi 6rchitecture urban design and planning 1537 washington slroEt dsnvsr, colorado 80203 area cod€ 303 832-5533 ADDlTIONAL INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED RESTAURANT AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO BE LOCATED AT SOUTH EAST PORTION OF EAST VAIL AND I.7O INTERCHANGE LANDSCAPE TREATMENT The subiect property is seporoted from Pitkin Creek Pork Condominium Developmenl ot the Eost side by opproximotel y 120 ft. t of Streom Troct which is port of Town of Voil. This wooded oreo contoins Pitkin Creek ond mofure trees, which will remoin in its oturol condition, forming on excellent buffer between the properties. On the North ond West the site is bordered by the Stote Highwoy Deporlmenf right of woy. We strongly recommend thot the Stote High- woy Deportment with cooperotion of the Town of Voil londscope this oreo with wild Rocky Mountoin flowers or ony other nolive ground cover. This oreo, odiocent to Eost bound exit romp is o gotewoy to Eost Voil Community ond its oppeoronce is importont. The south portion of the site odiocent to the Frontoge Rood, old US6, will be londscoped with gross, o row of Honey Locust trees ond hedges to screen porking oreo (see enclosed plon). Two existing trees, o 15" ond o 10" Pine on the site will be removed to ol low proper porking loyouf, they will be reploced by ornomentol trees on the triongulor plonier islond ot the eost side of the building (see enclosed plon) . RECREAT IONAL FACIL IT IES A Volley Boll court is plonned ot the West side of the site in oddition there ore plons to provide Sports Wide Screen TV, ond Billiords inside rhe building. RES lDENTIAL CHAMCTERISTICS The residentiol section of the proiect consists of four (4) one bedroom unifs @ 720 sq fr. per unit ond four (4) three bedroom units in two- story composition @ 1280 sq ft. per unit. One of the three bedroom two boih units will be ollocoted for employees housing ond the remoin- ing units will be sold os offordoble condominiums; ronging from $75,000 to $85,000 for one bedroom, ond $130,000 to $150,000 for three bed- room units to be finonced in ihe open morket. milln hataml and asaoclatcg - malvrn nalamr ara arcnrtgcr - urban desisn "X'iTl8""lfi ; 1537 washington etresl i'Tn';:"i1"i"..:3333 October 2, 1983 Mr. Peter Potten Office of Community Developmenf Town of Voil 75 So. Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Peter, Encloced ore odditionol informotion regording rezoning opplicotion os speciol development district for Getty Oil property locoted ot fhe South Eost poriion of Eost Voil ond l-70 interchonge. lncluded ore: o Troffic study o Londscope treqtment ond londscope plon o Recreolionol focilities o Residentiol c horocterisfics I trust this odditionol informotion will sotisfy the requirement of opplicotion. Pleose let me know:f you need more informotion. Sincerely4.,*; Morvin Hotomi AIA MH/tp t-.r -an" hatamr "T* :#; g*fiH architoctuta urban dcsign and Cenairg 1537 washin$on nrged d€nv€r. colorado 80203 er9a coda 3O3 &?-sstlll ADDttIoNAt INFoRMATIoN FoR PRoPosED REsTAUMNr AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO BE LOCATED AT SOUTH EAST PORTION OF EAST VAIL AND I.7O INTERCHANGE LANDSCAPE TREATMENT The subiect property is seporoted from Pitkin Creek Pork Condominium Development qt ihe Eost side by opproximotely 120 ft. t of Streom Troci which is port of Town of Voil. This wooded oreo contoins Pitkin Creek ond moture trees, which will remoin in its noturol condition, forming on excellent buffer between the properties. On the North ond Wesf the site is bordered by the Stote Higlnroy Deportment right of woy. We strongly recommend thot the Stote High- woy Deportmeni with cooperotion of the Town of Voil londscope this oreo with wild Rocky Mountoin flowers or ony other noiive ground cover. This oreo, odiocent to Eost bound exit rornp is o gotewoy to Eost Voil Community ond its oppeoronce is importont. The south portion of the site odiocent to the Frontqge Rood, old US6, will be londscoped with gross, o row of Honey Locust trees ond hedges to screen porking oreo (see enclooed plon) . Two existing treer, o 15" ond q I0" Pine on the site will be removed to ollow proper porking loyout, they will be reploced by omomeniol treee on the triongulor plonter islond qt ihe eqst side of the building (see enc looed plon) . RECREATIONAL FACILIT IES A Volley Boll court is plonned qt the West side of the site in oddition lhere ore plons to provide Spo*s Wide Screen TV, ond Billiords inside the building. RES IDENT IAT CHARACTERISTICS The residentiol section of the proiect consists of four (4) onc bedroom unitr @ 720 q ft. per unit ond four (4) three bedroom units in two- story compciiion @ l2g0 sq ft. per unit. One of the three bedroom two both units will be ollocoted for employees housing ond the remoin- ing units will be sold os offordoble condominiunr; ronging from $25,@0 io $85,000 for one bedroom, qnd $130,000 to $150,000 for three bed- room units to be finonced in the open morket. Leigh, Scott tl Cleary, Inc. TRANSPORTATION PLANNTNC & TRAFFIC BNGINEERTNC CONSULTANTS Itt9 Yorl Succi Dcnrcr, Colordo tfiAfr (303) 33lr r0, October 3, 1983 tlr. llarvin Eatanl lrliarvin Eatanl "rri Arro"iateE1537 neshlngton Stre€tDenver, CO 8203 R8: Restaurant/ReEldential project VaiI, Colorado Dear !lr. I{arvin: we have now compreted our traffic and acceea anarysis ofthe propoged restaurant and residential develo;nent to -be con-Etructed in vail, colorado. The subject projecl is prannea-iora gite located in'nediately east of th--e eait viir rnte-rchange be-tween r-70 and the adjacent frontage road (old us J6). I eiirityreatauran-t is planned which will accomnodate l20 resiauranCseats and a {0-seat l-ouqge. In addition, the buildtngrJ npplifloors will consiet of etght residential unite. The attached illustratlon depicte the planned layout andaccess characterlstlcE of the site. As shownl two accees drive-{ays are pranned along the frontage road with the westernnostdriveway to be located approxinateiy 200 feet east of the Eastv"i+ rnterchang^e. The- flbntage roid currently accornmodateg anestlmatecl 3'500 to 4,000 vehicles on an average weekdayr of:l_.:! :f"": 10. percenr pasE rhe site durins p""i-noo, pJii"a".srnce the frontage road is a former state Highway (us 6i, it isconstructed to Iiigrr stanaaias- rt i"tt include one r2-foot-widetraver lane in each direction. rn the vlcinity of the gite, itrJroadway is relatively stralght and flat witi excellent ligntdietance characterietics. As previousl-y stated, th_e. proposed develo[ment ls expectedto conEist of a 160-seat quality restaurant andl eight ta;ida;:tial units. Baged on the host iecent traffic aeneration ratespublished by the rnstitute of Transportation nngine"r", the fol-lowing estimatee are applicable: '-.. Tr.nd:4rti{.Vcitub Accc...Pdcrd.a e Bgdc pbniry.Tnffr Opcrui'o| f S.tay llr. llarvin Hatami October 3, 1983 Page Trvo ESTIIIATED TRAFFIC GENERATION Average lfeekday Iraffico Enter o Blt Reatruract ( 1.17laeat) 185(1.17lreat) 185 Traffic .(0.03/rorrUi 5(0.02lgeat) 3 l,lornlng Peal-Eour o 4t'r' ' o Exlt Realdentlal ( 3.05,/unit) 25(3.05,/ualt) 25 (0.l/ralt) I t 0. {/unit) 3 Sotrl Vehlcle Trips 210 210 5 5 Evenlng Peak-Hour Trafflco Enter o Exlt (0.09lceat) 15(0.05,/eeat) 8 (0.l/unit) 18 3 ( 0.2,/uqit) 2 IO Srafflc .Dlgtrlbutlon The distrlbutlon of generated vehlcular traffic along thefrontage road is one of the most lryortant eleuentE ln determin-lng the proJectrs traffic iryact. llaJor factore whlch influencethe traffic distribution include: o The locatlon of the slte with respect to the balance ofthe Vail urbanized areai The tlpe of landl use to be provlded; Traffic activity in the area and access to I-70; The location of the eite with respect to other conpeting f aci lities; o The apecific accesn and circulatlon characterlsticg ofthe developlent plan. Baeed on these factors, lt ls proJected that 65 percent ofthe proposed project traffic will be orlented to the west and 35percent towards the east. Application of these egtinates to theprevlously cited generatl-on- data yields the turnlng movenenttraffic estimates shown on the attached illuatratlon. As indi-cated, the naximum concentration of proJect-generated trafficuill be west of the elte, where only 12 eaEtbound and 6 west-bound peak-hour vehlcles are proJected. , -_ tF.i, 4 B^;" ,.r ';.:,:- r: ,r:- r..,:.--r,.- i - Mr. Marvin Hatani october 3, 1983 Page Three traffic Inpact The projected levels of increased traffic activity carreasily be acconuodated by the frontage road sith no -noticeablereductlon in opcrating conditlonl or trafflc safety. Of prinary concern ie the naxinrrn nrnber of left-turng into the Elte. AE shorn on the attached illugtration, 9 pealc-hour vehicles are ex- pected to turn left into tbe projectrg regt drlveray -- this is equivalent to an average of one vehlcle every 7 ninutes. Fur- thermore, no more than two entering vehicles waitlng to turnleft are expected at any given tine. It lg therefore concludedthat 3cparatc curn lanea are ogt JC*gff,fe$.Jgf thtg pr.ogo:edproJeet. A1I turn radil at the projectts access driveways should be at leagt 25 feeL' however, in order to facilitate a1lright-turn movenentE. Conclusions Baeed on the foregoing analysis, the following conclueions are made concerning the traffic iryact of the proposed restau- rant/reeidential develolment: i I. ftre propoeed develolnent can be exgected to generate atotal of 210 entering and erlting vehicle-trlpe on an average reekday. Of these, 18 wtll enter and 10 rillexit during the peak one-hour period. 2. The maximum concentration of project-generated trafficis expected along the I-70 frontage road west of the s ite. 3. The existing two-lane frontage road can eagily acconmo- date the additional traffic to be generated by the pro- posed project with no noticeable reduction in operating conditions or traffic safety. I trust that this informationplanning for thig project. If we can please give me a call. Respectfully sutmltted, LEIGH, SCOTT I CLEARY, INC. * will assist with further be of further aesistance, Bv ,,7b;(.'/,+ Philip'N. Scott III, P.E. PNS,/nlcEnclosure: Egtimated Traffic Distribution ccs Brookg Investments ti ,r& _.i t=gt !e ,s _- ---.,.. *i L(,)OEJ- rl€€ EiHsE i$€: iiEf,2 rt -lai:t E:l-Fts g5: -:. a -tsF"..Fi*; E$s*E: 3 fitr .to N3"N,, o1lo ;19 rt q. (,;.' t o (A 1 Jp *l(t MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission FR0M: Community Development Departrnent DATE: November 21,1983 SUBJECT: A request for a rezoning of the property known assite (the parcel immediately west of piltin Creekin^Bighorn) tr9 )tA6, tn order to buitd a restaurant. Applicant: FACKGR0UNq the subject property has been before the property from Low Density Muiti- twice. First co I ication at the and the Getty Oil Park Condominiums to Arterial Business Brooks Investment. Dgrilg the last few months a request forthe Planning and Environmental Corrnission l-The-second request was before the Planning and Environmental Commission on I P:!9?:",31.f-1993.. Requested was to rezone the property from Low Density Mu.tti_ I t?TllL!l:DryFl to,Special Development District with undlrlying Arteriat business I lAtsl.District and build a restaurant plus affordable cond-omiiiums. Rftii oiscussion,p{-tl:^ll9nning_and^Environmental Conrmission, the applicant wanted to modify 'rr.pr-upusdr. rJr9Jjannrnq and Lnviro t hear themooltled proposal' and the applicant requested the proposal be tabled untilfg "st pt anning i'a i'"i"J''ii'iir c;;';!!i;;il";iil. h'is proposal. The plannin r ron t€-Ez6i'-E-haproperty with no aF"ili deveropment district request. several requests for this ropert were presented to thEnvironGie town nct l. In the process the property was Servi ce Mul ti - Fami I LDMF). Atot use was no eat 'entry PROPOSAL land from uare foot a lounge Again' the basic issue to consider is whether_the property is zoned correctlygill 1 !y,?."n:ilv Multi-Famiry zone, or-inoura it'oe'..r6n.0 io nrtiiiai-duiin.,rrom a review and action by the Planning and Environmental Corrnission anO lne"'-Town council in 1980, tne itati coniia"it a rezoning to a business zone not l/,// ).6., (.r--\ /VUL.' .\,-)/ '-J eef 0il Site -2- 1t/21/83 in conformance with the development objectives of the community or with theEast Vail area. Some of the specific purposes of the zoning code state: To encourage a harmonious, convenient workable relationship among land uses,consistent with municipal development objectives. As noted previously in the memorandum in 1980 this property was rezoned fromHeavy Service to Low Density Multi-Family. One ot ltre'ieaions ror-itre-r"ionlngat that time was that East vail had no commercial or busin"si-tvp. ionini.-"ir'"Council considered the business zoning inconsisteni *iin the esihuisnea"zoningin the area. tl I q:l fo,promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulationf- and to lessen congestion in thb streets. Currently under the Low Dens.ity-Multi-Family zone district where g units cou'l dbe constructed, there would be-1ess congestion on tne streliiln.r "iii"."i!r.ur"unt.Also' if the restaurant were not succesiful other ;;;r-i; the Arterial Business,,-E|e could be requested. il/ U Y' To conserve and maintain established community qualities and economic values. I ___\he..East-.Vail community has very. high resid_entia.l qua.lities. A restaurant useat.this tocation,.the entry way"to Ea!t vdii'iej,is"t,i'de'tnionsji6;i-;itf ;i"establ ished cormunity qua'litiei.A \l o\ To otherwise provide for growth of an orderly and viabre community.U\ ,ry previous action of the Town Council 'it seems that for the orderly growthz of East Vail, a commercial/bus'iness zone should not be introduced into East Vail. SITE PLAN The app'l icant's architect did submit a site p1an, floor plan, elevations andsections 9f tfe proposed restaurant for Planning'and Environmental commissiJnreview. It should be noted that this is not a iequirement ot ttre;tili6;-but provides the Planning and Environm"ntal Commljiion wiifr-a view of how therestaurant may work on the site. In reviewing.the proposed s.ite p.l an, there would be some zoning problems. First,there js an buildins and parking s"fuiiI proui.r.--seionol-irreie'ti-i-iront"'--landscape problem. ' If the Planning and Environmental commjssion considers the rezoning appropriate, ;jll;:r in the site pran wourd be ne"a"i o"ro"e pr"s"ntifion to the Design Review Get0il site -3- tllzr/s3 RECOMMENDATION The conmunity Development Departrnnt reconmends denial of the rezoning requestfrom Low Densitv Multi-Famiry.to Rrteri;i il;i;e;;."-iiiit,"the rezonins toArterial Business from a residentiai-zone ls_not ionsiiiiii wiilr the zoninoand character or the.sumoundins oi Eiil-viir niidr'66rilil: 'ildt, lti'i:lrtaurantuse or anv commerciar or business use wourd oeat6 iaaiiionar-;;;;ii.;d;;il;.Third' the staff considers that-reiideniiut ,re on the property provides fororderlv growth within the communitv ana ttre eiit-iiaii'-.;;;:' If-the Planning and Environmental Comnission determines that the rezoning isappropriate' thev shourd stare their finaings-i;;';#;r;i:" rn aaaiti;;; fi"P'lannins and Environrnnta'l comrniiiion iiiour'I-reiiri[i;h;'use to only a restaurant. 1' PROf qI CHAR {CTE RISTICS REASONS FOR REQUEST The proposed property locoted in rhe south eost portion of the Eost voilexit ond l-70 interchonge hos been the subiect of o vorlety of r"roningproposo.fs in rhe post few yeon. On Augusi S, lgg2, the Voil Tr;;'Council opproved the rezoning of ihis pioperty to Low Density Multi-Fomily (LDMF) use ollowing eight (S) residentiol units. In order lo moke the development of this properiy economicoily feosibre,the portitioner is proposing io chonge the'use to ollow the constructionof o locol restouront . The obiective of the petitioner is: o. To provide o reosonobly priced restouront to serve the community. b. To develope this property to the best interesr Town of Voil. The initiol contocr hos indicored fovon this development . movin hatamr T* "",:.=f"?**",,; architecture u.ban design and planning T537 wash'nglon strset denver. cotorado 90203 arsa code 303 932-5533 of the Community ond thot the neighborhood o-. The building is locoted close to Frontoge Rood ond in the center ofthe site in order to provide on ompre buffe-r zone from pitkin creed pork development, ond l-70. b. The restouront is focing south ond west io roke odvontoge of the fovor-oble views ond expoeure to the sun. c. The orchitecture of the buirding compliments the surrounding develop- ments onil it is compotible wiih ih neighborhood in terms of scie ondchorocter. d ' A londscoped courtyord is provided on the west side of the restourontfor summer use ond omenity to dining oreo. e. The impoct of troffic.reloted to.this development is negligible, ompleporking-(rnre thon required spoces) ond eosy circulorion i, ;;iiJ';.,this prolecr. -f poge two COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT Locol Restouront o Dining copocity 64 seots plus or minus.o Lounge copocity 20 seots plus or minus.o Fifty four (54) porking spoces. n]in hataml "nf,L".?::t*s,; LANDSCAPE TREATMENT The subiect property is seporoted from pitkin Creek porl Condominium Development qt the Eost side by opproximotel y I2O ft. I of streom troct which is port of Town of Voil. This wooded oreo contoins pitkin creek qnd mofure trees, which will remoin in irs noturol condif ion, forming on excellent buffer betr,veen the properties. on the North snd west the site is bordered by the stote Highwoy Deportment right of woy. we strongly recommend thqt the sfote Highw;y Deporiment with cooperotion of the Town of Voil londscope this oreo witir wiid Rocky Mountoin flowen or ony other notive ground cover. This oreo, odiocent to Eost bound romp is o gotewoy to Eqst voil community ond its oppeoronce is importont. The- south portion of the site odiocent to the Frontoge Rood, old US 6,will be londscoped with gross, trees, ond hedges, (iee site plon). Leigh, Scott Et Cleary, Inc. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING T TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS It89 Yorl Strcct Dcnwr. Colondo t0206 (30t) 333-r r05 November 10, 1983 Hr. llarvin EatamiMarvin gatani ind e""o.iates 1537 Washington StreetDenver, CO 80203 RE: Restaurant ProjectVail, Colorado LSC *95-83 Dear Marvin: In accord.ance with your request, we have revised ourearlier traffic analysis of a proposed restaurant,/residentialdevelopnent to be locaLed innediately east of :the East VailInterchange between T-70 and the adjacent frontage road.Reference is nade to our letter report to you dated October 3,1983. It is my understanding that tle proposed plan is to benodified to consist of only a 64-seat quality restaurant and anassociated 20-seat lounge. As guch, the following trafficgeneration estinates are applicable: Estimated Traffic Generation Vehicles VehiclesEntering ExitingSite Site Average Weekday fraffic Morning Peak-Hour Traffic Evening Peak-Hour Traffic 100 3 8 100 2 4 Thls small anount of trafflc will result in a maximum con-centration of four left-turn vehicles entering the site from thewest during the evening peak-hour. Ihis level of increasedtraffic activity can easily be accomnodated along the existingfrontage road sith no noticeable reduction in operating condi-tions or traffic safety. Tfrn$o lion Sy|ttm.. Tnn$ ' Putina. Vchi:ulu Accds.P.dcarilt ll Biqclc Pl|||ninf.TrrffE Opcrrlbtu ll $fcty.SLnrl Dctill.Trrffic tmp.ct Studicr {?. '9-: !:.r -.; -! Mr. l,iarvin Hatami November 10, 1983 Page Ttro lf replease call. Respectfully I,BIGE, SCOTT can be of any further eubuitted, T CI,EARY, INC. aseigtance on this natter, .Q,/'no Scott III, /; a. Planning and Environmental Commission November 28, l9g3 PRESENT Diana Donovan Jim Morgan Gordon Pierce Duane Piper Howard Rapson Will Trout ilim Viele The meeting was called to l. Approval of minutes of November .l4. 2.A uest for a rezonr'nq on tn {,reek Par n00ml nto Arter al Businesspplicant: Broo nves STAFF PRESENT Dick (yan Tom Braun Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack order by Duane Piper, chairman, at 2:00 pm. n order to s were not available.) rcel immediatel west of 0h, uens -Fam a restaurant. Dick (yan explained that,this proposal had been changed and was now a requestto build a restaurant and loun!e.' He went over the fremo and site p1in. -'l,riruin Hatami, architect for.the project stated that the p"opoiui r,ud been reduced inrepond_to objections in heighi and massing. He shbwe!-ihe new project on-inisite plan,.floor plans, seclion and one elevation.- i" iiie"ted that the Townof Vail had allowed the Pitkin Creek Firl, a multi-uie aeveiopment with a grocerystore, restaurant and liquor store. He stated that he was dii-ecteo uv siair-ioreguest Arterial Businesi zoning. Hatami i;ii ih;a tne"iown of vair iouia timitthe use to a restaurant. Jay Peterson, deveioper of Pitkfn Creek Park said_that only 5-6% of the developmentwas commercial whjch were integrated into ttre wtrote aevefoirent. peterson addedtha! jl the. Getty property weri zoned erterial Business District, the owner hada right. to.have-anything 6n the property ailowed unaei-ilrin-roniig, ind"ii'"friobe the burden of the Town to turh dbwn i request ror conaitionat iie. peieri|n-read a letter from Jim Sheehan opposing-the'ioning. ' r'e'I'' Jv., _ Pepi Langeg9.er,9 nearby. landowner felt that the additiona'l traffic that wouldbe generated wou'ld be a-big detrimeni.- He added ir,it ne fiio a lot about the samesize and asked what would ieter others like himself from aiiing ior-in-upione.-""Georges.Boyer, resident of Ti;ber Fiiis're'lt that the roaa-was already overcrowded.He added that the commercial in Pitiin-Creek Park wouta piovlde for the needsof the residents of Bighorn. Piper mentioned that the petition circulated had names and phone numbers only,not addresses. Murray Heminger, _wtro wouto-u. minigi"g lhi l.rtarrant, statedthat he had circulated the pitition mosily ii ilre-Fiiltn creer iirt swinmins-poot. 17+ ar PEC -2- 11/28/83 After more discussion, Jim Mor n moved and Duane Piper seconded ro approvetheuest with the condilloi that there ana reement Drior to construction a tten into the oFd'TnancE en own o a ownersrestrl c to a res aurant on VO avor r9anmotion for roval was defeated. Mr. Fraser of 3628 East.Bridge Road spoke in opposition to the restaurant,Russ Geonetti reoresenting an owner nimed ,lonei'opposed ihe-proporur, lnjinrvbecause of traffic. Troul stated thii he wo;ii;;Fp;;i il;e residentia] simirar .to the.'l ast proposal . Donovan felt that Arteria'l busjness ione would allow toomany-things that would not work on that site. Viele concurred with the staffand Peterson. Pierce had mixed feelings, stating that he felt a need for ihis !yp9 oI restaurant, but must consider itr6 ne;ghu6rs, obJections. Norgan rett-that all the zoning had been self imposea uv irre prop""iv-o*n.rs, but felt thatit was somewhat uniair...the propertv uelng-quisi'-i5mmei..iir at the outset.He felt that the town could ule b reitaurait'jn that location. Morgan added thatthe road would be improved at that tocaiion .ueniuiirv,-ina-n" stated that hedid not feel that this was an appropiiiie roiailon-roi.'a-pirr. piper stated thatthe Town could restrict the usb to'a restaurant and pointed out that the neighborswere divided as to whether or not they supportea ine ieitiu"ant. He added thatthe. property was bou.nded by an entranle ramp and a service road and wonderedwhat the best use of the pioperty would bi.' tt.-polni.a'out'tnat when-peopi" ruer.told there would be a_liqlor'stoie and grocery store in pitkin cre"[ pi"ii ir,evwere supportive, and a restaurant was n6t unlike those. He ravored'ttre piojlii. Mike Palmer, a realtor, spoke that when he worked in that area it was a problemto find a restaurant for iunch. Hatami felt that the communitv oeveiopmeni-Department shoutd hetp to develop !!e property, ina inat-ne,ouil G h;ptt-l;work out the detaiTiTegarding. ti^affjc, site i,ian, eic. - n"minger siid ihit-itwould not be another RuEy's, itrat ttrere would'oe ictiviti.i roi kids as weir.-He.pointed out that at ail ot ttre other off ramps in the valley there was commercial ,but no residential. He would work with the neilhbois io ifiit the restaurant wasnot noisy. LT E 'I PETTTIOII FORM FOR }-.YENDI{ENT OR REQUEST FOR Petr.+','o.,o"'.!-go# TO THE ZCIIINC ORDI$}.NCE I.lhis the lhc A. procedur€ lr requlred for any Project Siecial D,arnlopuent DistrLct Procedure' aPpll.catl.on 1111 not bo acccpted untll A CHAI.IGE IN DISTRICT BOTJNDARIES Brcok lnvutmont that would go through all lnfornatl,on lc cubol'ttcd. E. NAIIE OI TP?LICTIIT ADDRBSS 728 Sh.r-r' Sr- -, h-.-^', C^le . 90?03 PME 837 -1947 NAI.IE OF APPLICNITIS REPRESTNTATTT'S M"ffi ADDRESS l5g7 W*hl^gto^ 9. D""t"t PEONE 83? - 5533 c.AUTAORIZATIOT{qF PROPERTT OWNER Getty Refining ond Morkefing C,ompony SIGNATT'RE ADDnEss p-o- g-,269. n-^,.,. BONE-4SS-=JZZ- D. LOCATIonI OF PROPOSAI, Frontoge Rood (oldU.S. Highwoy6) ot E. Voil exit intcrchongc ADDRESS LEG'AL DESCRIPTION See ottotched rurvey. (unplotted) B. FEE F. A Llst of Lle name of owners of all ProPerty adjacent to the Subject ProPerty and their niling addresses' REQUESTED ZONING AMENDMENT Rczoning of subicct propcrty from LDMF to Artcriol Br.lincss Dirtrict fo ollorr r.sc qnd conctruction of o Rcstqurqnl on this ptopcrty. $100.00 plus an au)unt equal to the then cur'rent first-class Postago retc for each property omer to be notified herewrdcr. malrdn hataml and asaoclatcs t mervln hataml ele alchilecl architec-ture urban design and plannlng 1537 washington strool donv€r, colorado 80203 ar€a coda 303 832-5533 October 15, 1983 Mr. Peter Potten Office of Community Development Town of Voil 75 So. Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Peler, Enclooed ore revised plong ond pertinent informotion regording rezoning opplicotion for Getty Oil property from LDMF to Arreriol Business District. I trr.rt this revision will sotisfy the requirement of opplicqtion ond presenfo- tion to plonning ond Environmentol Commission. Pleose let nre knovv if you need more informof ion . I trust this revision will sotisfy the requiremeni of opplicotion. Pleose let me know if you need nrore informotion. Sincerelyv4,r';//.fr^' Morvin Hotomi MH/tp TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: MEMORANDUM Plann'ing and Environmental Commission Community Development Department 0ctober 20, 1983 Rezoning.request on the Getty Oil site to change from LDMF with specialrestriction! t9 9 special Development District-with Arteriai Businessursrrlct undertying zone. Applicant: Brooks Investment A. THE REQUEST Please find attached the applicant's statement of reasons for request, Btc.from Marvin Hatam'i and Assbciates and ttre triiric iirai ov reign,-iioit----and_Cleary. Basically, lhe uses being.proposed are i iestaurant and eightdwelling units. Tfrg qnnlicant has iniiiatba in previoui meetings wittr iiitrthe desire for a third use--a corrnercial kitchtn'(i.e.-manuractuilng pr.riiriafoods), but it is unclear whether or not this remiinr pu"t of the proposal . Some details and statistics concerning the proposal: The restaurant, includdng g.rounge, represents three revers and 71 r4 grosssquare feet of area. Tha kitchen wouti be 1440 squire reei (inciuded''---in the 71]4 above)._ The totar site area is on. ud." i+:,soo'sq ri) orwhich 25% would be landscaped, 16% covered uv ruiiainds and 59% coveredwith asphalt. Proposed setbacks are 65 feet in front, 7g feet on the east side, .|20 feet on the west side and four feet in the rear. rtre-treignt of most ofthe-building is 43 feet representing +-ili sioi.i.r'"iti, a portion goingto 48 feet. 83 parking spaces are froposed. The applicant is proposing eight "affordable,, condominiums. They proposethat. the 624 squal.e foot Sne.Sedrooms wouia-ue-ii;iilii"it $75,000 to g85,000,which equar5 a pgl square-foot price rrom griouiq ii-to Eiioiiq ri. -il--' three-bedroom units liave il49 s!uare teel or-ehFi uia-"or.ia-lii"v-i $ild,oooto $150,000 price tag representing a^range of g1l3/sq ft to #r30/sq ft.0pen market financin! is'proposed] on" 6i ih"-ih;Lillea"oor units wouldbe allocated for resiaurant bmployees and reta.ined by the aevetoper.---- Landscaping. proposed is urban and formal around the building. The plantingto screen the parking lot is also formar in init-lre"i'a"" ipaced elual 'distance-apart from iach other in a straight ii;e. -iwo existing, V€r/mature pines of r5" and r0" diameter wouli oe eriminilea in rav6i or ineparking lot. Getty Ue -z- 10/20/s3 B. EXISTING ZONING c. In 1980 the site was rezoned to Low Density Mutti-Family (LDMF) with theconditions of no more.than. .|0,250 square feet of GRFA, iro'more'than eightunits, two of which shall be reserved for sale or leaie by.rptov.es-oi - the Upper Eagle Val1ey. EVALUATION/ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL The proposal _is. best evaluated by separating tlre two issues involved. First,the merits of the rezoning propoial ind sec6ndly the sDD-inaiviis'in'il,."--'site plan. A number of the issues overlap both aspects but wil'l be discussedonly once. l. Rezoning The staff's July 21, .|983 memorandum to pEC on the rezoning proposa'lto Heavy-Serv'ice on. this site pointed out crjteria to be uieb fbr rezonings.These will be used here, as weil. a. TO OfOmOte safe and efficipnt nodocfr i.en .:nr{ rrahi^,,l rs rqrrr.i^ ^:-^.. Pedestrianization is not a critical element to the proposal becausethe predominant means.of accessing.the site is vehitulir. An existingpedestrian bicycle path accesses ihe site from the eist, where thevast majority of pedestrians would originate. The enclosed traffic-study concludes that the proposal will notcreate unsafe conditions on the road. In compiriirg this study withthe one the same firm did three months earlier for-the servicl stat.ion/car wash, it appears there would be about half the total numberof trips entering and existing the site on an average week day. However, one shou'l d note that the peak hour period impact is almostthe sam as the_gas station. For ine gas st;tion it iras estimatedrnere woutd be.l2 peak.hour left turns (one/S minutes) while therestaurant/condos would produce nine (orie per seven minutesj. Further-more, the gas station_would have prodiced,'by Leight, Sioii'ana !.learyfs estimation, l1 qggk.hour'trips out 6f a lotat of 410 duringthe entire-day. They predict the proiosal now in iront-ot us wiilhave.18. trips enterlng and l0.exiting'in this peaf hoJr perioa.For both proposals it was estimated ihat no more than two vehicleswaiting to turn left would occur. Our conclusion is that the proposal for restaurant and condominiumspresents no less traffic impact during the peak trour ferioo-ttranthe gas station, and. that the developrient wbuld crea*-significanttraffic congestion at the entrance tb eignorn. fo,promotq :afe and effig'ientJeggstr!an and vehicular traffic circu-lation and lessen cgngesti Gettv siteJ- 1o/2o/R3 T9 !!!9uraqe,q, convgnient, workable rela@, consistb The land uses themselves do not present negative impacts to theneighborhood. The problems arise when one consideri the maqnitudeot the restaurant coupled with the residential use. the stitf questionsthe viability of a 7:ggg sq ft restaurant and lounge in-this location.The Chart House has 6100 s{uare feet of restaurant,/kitchen/lounge s_pace' while the entire Mamiott Mark ballroom represents 'g000 iqru""feet-(2000 more than proposed). The Marriott,s t<itcnen wrriin servesthe Center Court and_Matchpoint-Lounge, as welt as aining iunctionsin the bal]room is ]770 square teet (s3o square feet moii than the Plo?o:gd f!tcf9n).. l.le do.not picturd the restaurant/lounge operationas a tow-key "1ocal s,' restaurant as the applicant does. !.Iljljlg !fe.,larOe scale restaurant with eight condominiums housing .1"Tlnlll!r 0f.1,6 people presents a rand use impact which is incompatiblewltn the residential and small amount of support commercial characterof the western end of Biqhorn. As mentioned above, the proposal seems quite out of character withthe immediate area and probably not via6le in terms of the restaurant'ssize and location. There exists a space approximately one bl;;i - - ' to the east of this site in the Pitkin Crebk pari Coniom.inium projectwhich is zoned for a restaurant and is vacant. it,is rpu." of ;boit1500 square feet presents more of the picture or a;totai;r; tvp"-restaurant. 2. Special Development District The SDD-chapter of the zoning code provides good design standards/criteriafor eval uat'ion: A. A buffer zone shail be provided that is adjacent to a residentiaruse district. The buffer zone.must be kepi fr;;;i rrijainii-i,-r'structures,and must be landscaped, screened or protected by natriir r"itrr"s-io-ih;i-adverse effects on the surrounding areas are minimized. This may requirea buffer zone of sufficient size io adequate'ry;;;;;;;; u,e prop"ose;';;;-from the surrounding properties in termi or visuai p.iuu.y, noise, adequatelight and air, air poilution, stgnage, and other corpuriui" p"i."iiliii-'"'incompati b'le factors : b. The the buffer zone is adequately provided off rown owns a stream tract area which is the site to the east where heavily wooded rovi de orderl vi abl e eettr fe -4- 10/20/83 B. l-:i.:y]llton system designed for the lype of traffic Aenerated, takinglnto consicteration safety, separation fron,living areas, conven,ience, - access' noise, and exhaust control . Private 'int6rnal streets may be permittedif they can be used by police and fire depirtment vehicles ro" "i,eige'niy"purposes. Bicycle traffic shal'l be considered and provided when th6 siieis to be used for residential purposes; Thg_RarkinS and circulation system,_as proposed, is a case of major over-klll: The_applicant is providing almosl three iimes the iequirei partingwhich results in 59%.of-llre site being asphalt. virtualty dne entiresite not covered by building is asphalt, i.rittr ttre excepti6n of a formallandscaped/paver area behind the building and a volleyball court on thewest end. This is unacceptable in that vail has always had as a majorobjective to keep the paved area to an absolute minimlm. restaurant may need more than the required do not feel that 83 spaces and 59% dsphaltAlso, the service and delivery area seemsarea to access for large trucks. C. Functional open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural features(including trees and drainage areas), recreation, views, convenience,and function; The only functional_open space provided would be a vollyball court tothe west with a small grassed.area around it. There is a volley ballcourt one block east of this development which receives little--use. ' The applicant. propgses elim.ination, as mentioned earlier, of two larqepine trees' the only trees on the site. They would ue replaceo wilt"-the asphalt parking lot. These factors result in a poor graae wittr respectto this criteria. D. Variety in terms of: hous'ing type, densities, facilities and open space;, The proposal actually weakens the employee housing conditions in thecurrent zoning. .The.current.zoning language is somewhat weak, admittedly,in that it doesn't.give specifics on the pric'i ng of the units, but merel!-says that two of the eight be "reserved" for loials. The proposal does - not give any assurances that-any ]ocals will be_housed, bui merely givesa price range which they feel would be affordable (with open maitit-finincing). In comparison to the gl25/sq ft or so (estimated average) proposed forthe condos, Pitkin creek was sold for $g0-90/sq rt at a.6o* financingand 5-12% down. l,le_do not feel the proposal represents, in any mann6r,affordable housing for local people. I'le understand that a drive-to one space per eight seats, butis anywhere near acceptable. as though 'it may be an awkward Gettv s|D -s- 10/20/83 F. Pedestrian traffic in terms of: safety, separation, convenience, accessto points of destinatjon, and attractivenesi; Addressed in rezoning section. type in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship,G. Building and bul k; D. The building proposed is out of scale and character with its surroundingdevelopments, especially with regard to height. pitrin creer< part< condosare.probably 25 feet in height, wnite ttre single ramity inJ-auptex reiia"nceson the south side of Bighorn Road are around 5o teet oi iower.' the propotii-is for a ridqe heiqht.of-43 feet.running-a length Ji go r."i with a portiong,f tn9 roof loing io 48 feet. rne uuitiing st6pi aonn-on-th" west side.The staff feels this_building.presents too much bulk on the site, somewhat :iTil.i"!9,luj]aing z of pit[iir Creek park lwrrere-ilre-lorr."iiii'i;iwntcn snould have been "broken up,,more in mass. Nevertheless, the majorityof the Pitkin creek park site plan preients groups of smalter luitoinG -' which fit the site reasonably weil.' rne appiiiiii n.r.'p.oioses theexisting allowable number oiunits_p1us a vbry ti"ge-""s[arlant/]ounge/kitchenoperation which pushes the proposal' beyond ttrir rJaionauie-ionstraintsof the site and its surrounhinbs. H. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: purposes, types, maintenance,suitability, and effect on the nejghborhood.' The staff feels the preljminary landscape plan presents a tremendouslvformal ' stiff feei ins without -resard roi" eliiiiig-""sJiuiiJ;-'i;.';:-ih'"two pines). This is not consistint with either ifre iown,s overall objectivesfor the more informal grouping of trees in reilaeniiai"areas or for thelarge degree of importince of-preserving existing maiu"" t""., on the site. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Jhe staff recormends denial of the proposed rezoning to Arterial Business/specialDevelopment District. l'le see no ueirefiis to the coimunlty in this proposaldue to the lack of strong assurances of-employee/affordable housing as wellas the scale and design of.the proposal . ile ieei the building would be quiteout of scale with the neighborhbod'and ttrai-ttre-;s"l-oi-iiir,"It', would bea.major detriment to the.entrance to Bighorn. l^le have sirong concerns overthe potential peak hour traffi..ong"ition in this entry area to the neighborhood.Generally, the proposar is.attemptiig to do way too-muc"r, *iirr the site, andthe design proposed has not, in irny iashion, *itigit;d-lnii-tu.t. t-o o. To provide o recsonobly priced olong with 8 offondobly priced b. The residentiol toke odvontoge c. Thc residentiol hove their own d. The orchitecture of the snd it is compoiible to scole ond chorocter. c. A plonter-ctoining wolt ir plonned on the ploce the fence ond leperote the site from line . O"'CratamrT"l^".:""f "?*-",,.: erchitcctute urb€n design and planning 1537 washrngton strret oenver, colorado 90203 ersa cod€ 303 832-SS33 REASONS FOR REQUES The proposad property locoted in the south eost portion of rhe Eost Voilexit ond l-D interchonge hos been the rubiect of o voriety "f io."l^gproposo.fs in the posr far yeors. On Auguri S, lgg2, rh; itil T;;;Council. opproved rhe reznning of rhis pioperry to t*, Densiry ili;i-Fomily (LDMF) use ollon,ing eighr (g) ieridentiol unirs. In order to moke the dev$pment of thh property economicoily feosibre,the. peritioner is proposing to odd o rocot restouront to the orreoly =onedMulti{omily housing. The obiective of the petitioner is: restouront to serve the community condominiums. b' To build o locol restouront on this property if the Town of voir doesnot fwor developmenr of residentiqr unitr in coniuncrion with theretquronf . c' To develope-this property to the best interest of the community ondTown of voil . Tha inirior conroct ho' indicoted thot tr.," *ig[u.ri*afovors this development. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS s. The building is locqted to,r,qrds ihe Western order to provide on omple buffer zone from development locoted to the Eost. portion of the site Pitkin Creek Pork tn unils ond restourqnt ore focing south ond west toof the fovoroble views ond expooure to the sun. units ond restouront, while port of the some structure,ideniity. building complimenrs the its neighborhood in terrs surrounding developments of the relotionship to norlh property line to re- the highwoy'r property r;-Poge two The impoct of iroffic porking (more thon for this proiect. h. The turning rqdirs from Bighorn Rood Exii Romp to l-70 will be improved, qied with the Torvn of Voil ond ihe COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT 5ataml and associates mary,n haiamr ar archrlecl f. A londscoped courtyord is provided on the north west side of the res- iouront for summer r,lse ond omenity to dining oreo. reloted to this development is negligible, omple required spoces) ond eosy circulotion is provided (Frontoge Rood) to Eost Bound this improvement will be coordin- Stote Highwoy Deportment. o. Restouront o Dining copocity 120 seots plus or minus.o Lounge copocity 40 reots plus or minus.o Sixty (60) porking spoces. b. Residentiol o Four (4) one bedroom units.r Four (4) two story 3 bedroom units.o Sixteen (16) porking spocer (two per unit). -a I t" hataml "T*,:,:;,?,"i#; . architecturc urban dcsign and planning 1537 washrngton strsst oenver, cotorado 90403 ersa codo 303 83?-5533 ADDTIONAT INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED RESTAURANT AND RESIDENTIAL DEVETOPMENT TO BE LOCATED AT SOUTH EAST PORTION OF EAST VAIT AND I.7O INTERCHANGE LANDSCAPE TREATMENT The subiecf property is seporoted from pi*in creek pork condominium Devefopment ot ihe Eost side by opproximofel y IZO ft. t of Streqm Trqct which is port of Town of Voil. This wooded oreq contoins pitkin creek ond moture trees, which will remoin in ih noturqt condition, forming on excellent buffer between ihe properties. On the No*h ond West the site is bordered by the Stote Higfrwoy Deportment right of woy. we strongly recommend thot the ltot" Higt,- woy Deportment wiih cooperotion of the Town of Vqil londscope fhis sreo with.wild Rocky lvlountoin flowen or ony other nqtive ground 9or.l: This oreo, odiocent to Eqst bound exit romp is o goiewoy to Eosi Vqil Community ond ih oppeononce is importont. The south portion of the site odiocent to the Frontoge Rood, old US6,will be londscoped with gross, o row of Honey tocrit trees ond hedges to gcreen porking oreo (see encloeed plon). Two existing tree3, o 15" ond o 10" Pine on the site will be removedio ollow proper po*ing loyout, they will be reploced by ornomentol trees onthe triongulor plonter islond ot the eost side ofihe building (see enclced plon) . RECREATIONAL FACIL ITIES A volley Boll court is plonned ot the wert side of the sire in oddition there ore plons to provide Sports wide screen TV, ond Billiords insidethe building. RES IDENTIAT CHARACTERISTICS The residentiol section of the proiecr consists of four (4) one bedroom units @ 720 sq ft. per unit ond four (4) rhree bedroom unirs in rwo- story composition @ 1280 sq ft. per unit. one of the three bedroom two both units will be ollocoted for cmployees housing ond the remqin- ing.units will be sold os offordoble condominiurr;,on!ing from $75,000to $85,000 for one bedroom, ond $130,000 to $150, Ofu ior rhree bed- room units to be finonced in the open morket. Leigh, Scott tl Cleary, fnc. TRANSFORTATTON PLANNTNG r TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Itt9 YorLStrcct Dcarr. Colondo &l!b (t03) 333-t t05October 3, 1983 Mr. l,brvln Eatanlllarvin Eatani and Associates1537 Washington StreetDenver, CO 8203 RE: Reataurant/Residential proiectVail, @lorado Dear !lr. Marvin: we have now conrpleted our traffic and access anarysis ofthe proposed resrauranr and resid"ntiir a;;"i;il:nt to be con_structed in Vair, cororado. ThJ_subject pioJEcT-is pranned fora site located innediatery easu of th; s""t vl-ir rnterchange be-tween r-70 and rhe adj_aceit iioniage road tora-usrot. A qualrtyrestauran-t i9_ pranned which wiri a".orra"t.--rzo restaurantseats and a l0-seat l-ounge. In additi"", -[fr"-U"f faf"g.;-;il'";floors witt consist of etint reeiaentiaf rinfis-. --' Exlstinq Conditiong The attached irrustration depicts the planned rayout andaccess characterietics of the site. As shown, two access drive_ways are planned arong the frontage road with the westernnostdriveway to be tocated- lenroxim.ieiv zo0-teei'eait of the EastY"i+ rnterchange. The f?-ont"j" roia ""t.""try itcormoaateE anestimated 3,500 to {r000 vehicles on an ave}age weekday, ofwhich abour r0 percenr pass ct,.-"ire-d;;.;';li-r,oo, periods.lil:: the fronrige road -is a foraner Srare nigiwav (US G), it isconstructed to high standards which l""riia'"i' Jie r2_foot-widetraver lane in each direction. rn the-vici;ity ot' tn" site, theroadway is retatively straight and flat wttt excerrent sightdistance characteristics. As previously atated, the proposed developnent ls expectedto consigr of a J-60:_""1:'quaridt iestaurant aia-eight residen-tial units. Basa4 0n the host iecent traffic aeneration ratespublished by the rnstitute oi-itinsportation Engineers, the for_lowing estimates are appllcable: -' Mr. l,farvin Hatani October 3, 1983 Page Trro J ESTIMATED IRAFFIC GENERATION ReetaurantTrafflc(1.17lseat)Average lfeekday o Enter o Bit tbrning Peak-Eouro Enter o Exlt 18s(1.17lseat) 185 Traffic ( 0.03,/seatl 5(0.02,/seat) 3 Residentlal ( 3. 0S,/unit) 25(3.05,/uatt) 25 , (0.l,/untt} t ( 0. {,/unit) 3 !otal Vehicle Trlps 210 210 6 6 Evenlng Peak-Eour ltaffico Enter o Exit ( 0.09,/seat) l5 ( 0.0Slseat)I ( 0. 4,/unit) 18 3 ( 0.2rlunit)210 Traffic Distribution The dietributlon _of generated vehlcular trafflc arong thefrontage road Lg one of the most iryortant elements in dete-ruin-ing the projectrs traffic lryact. t{ajor factors whlch influencethe traffic distributlon include: o The location of the aite with respect to the balance ofthe Vail urbanized areai o The tlpe of land use to be provided; o Traffic activity ln the area and access to I-20; o lfhe locatlon of the eite wlth reepect to other comPetingfacilities; o The speciflc acceEs and clrculation characterlsticE ofthe development plan. Based on these factors, it ig projected that 65 percent ofthe proposed project trafflc vill be oriented to the weet and 35percent towards the east. Application of these estlmates to thepreviously cited generatlon data yielcts the turning no.ren.nitraffic egtinates shown on the attached illugtratlon. - As inaijcated, the maxinum concentration of proJect-generated trafficwilr be west of the slte, shere only 12 -eastbound and 6 west-bound peak-hour vehiclee are projected. Mr. ll,arvin Hatami October 3, 1983 Page Three Traffic Impact .-th9 projected levers of increaEed traffic activity oaneasily- be ?cconrnodated by the frontage road with no -notiieablereduction in operat-ing conditiong or iraffic aarety. 'of prinaiiconcern ls the maximun number of left-turns into une gtte. A3ehown on the attached illustration, 9 peak-houi vetricl"" "ie e*_pected to turn left into the projectri west drLveway -- this lsequivalent to an average of o-ne -vetrtcte L".rt ; -ninutes. Fur-thermore, ao more than two entering vehicrei waiting -Lo tuinleft are expected at any given tr.me. rt rtirreierore'concludedthat s.eparate turn lanes are not Justif,ie_il -Jsr- lhis propoJiaproject. Art rurn radit ar rhe -projtEttJ*-JcceEs diivardtJehould be at least 25 feet, however,-in-order tJ facilitate iirr ight-turn rnovements. Conclusions Based on the foregoing anarysis, the following conclusionsare made concerning the traffic 1ryact of the proposed restau-rant/residential development: 1. the grop_os-ed developnent can be expected to generate atotal of 2r.-0_ enterigs and exiting-vehicre-tfips on-a.average weekday. Of these, 1g will enter and- l0 willexit during the peak one-hour period. 2- The maximr,' concentration of project-generated trafficis expected arong the r-zo fion[,age ioia rest or -irre E ite. 3. The existing-two-rane frontage road can easiry accommo-date the additional traffic Lo be generated Uv ttre-pio_pos99 project with no noticeable rtduction in-opeialineconditions or traffic safety. t will assist with furtherbe of further assistance, I truet that this informatlonplanning for this project. If we canplease give me a call- Respectfully suhnitted, LEIGH, SCOTT & CLBARY, INC. Bv ,fu;q.,/.* PNS/nlcEnclosure: Estimated Traffic Distributioncc! Brooke Investments $$rw 'Ari-.N bqDo.E€.8LC+.ocnp-'=or-l o-(r'.9 .ortsC(EF .l- =l-€ EEOE.ts := ES ',- 6t^G'_vi IJJt+l €iH; itg iIFrl $gp ozul(t ut lrJ *rgBO<r E8:-A L ra .t. # lQ ,f s E#.silgo todol F TI9 !f -t> =5Ka<l I fi$s*I L0Do.EE]€el-c+-. Oo9i-3--E".9 orFcc[ !6 .lb =l-r! EEOE+.= ES 'F2.fin loi ulF igBo<r E8L o- q >' i!|}q { IJ1!: tl // //* r{rBo r? marvi'8ta-t "Ts ""fff, :, "t#,: architecture urban design and planning 1537 washington streei denvef, colorado 80203 erea code 303 832-5533 REASONS FOR REQUEST The proposed property locoted in the south eost portion of the Eost Voil exit ond l-70 interchonge hos been the subiect of o voriety of rezoning propoeofs in the post few yeors. On August 5, 1982, the Voil Town Council opproved the rezoning of this prope*y to Low Density Multi- Fomily (LDMF) r.re ollowing eight (8) residentiql units. In order to moke the dev$pment of this property economicolly feosible, the petitioner is proposing to odd o locol restourqnt to the olreody zoned Multi-Fomily housing. The obiective of the petilioner is: o. To provide o reosonqbly priced restouront to serve the community olong with 8 offordobly priced condominiums. b. To build o locol restouront on this property if the Town of Voil does not fovor development of resideniiol units in coniunction with the restquront . c. To develope this property to the best interest of the Community ond Town of Voil . The iniiiol contoct hos indicoted thot the neighborhood fovon fhis development. PROJECT CHARACTERIST ICS The building is locoted tolrords the Western portion of the site in order to provide on omple buffer zone from Pitkin Creek Pork development locoted to the Eost. b. The residentiol units ond reslouront ore focing south ond west to tqke qdvontoge of the fovoroble views ond exposure io the sun. c. The residentiol units ond restouront, while port of the some structure, hove their own identity. d. The orchitecture of the building compliments the surrounding developments ond it is compotible to its neighborhood in terms of the relotionship to scole ond c horocter. e. A plonter-retoining woll is plonned on the north properiy line to re- ploce the fence ond reperote the site from the highwoy's property line. o. Poge two marYloata-l"nf_T_?::l*"r,; f. A londscoped courtyord is provided on lhe north west side of fhe res- tourqnt for sumrner use ond omenity to dining oreo. g. The impoct of troffic rcloted to this development is negligible, omple porking (more thon required spoces) ond eosy circulqtion is provided for this proiect. h. The tuming rodirr from Bighorn Rood (Frontoge Rood) to Eet Bound Exit Romp to l-70 will be improved, this improvement will be coordin- ofed with the Town of Vqil qnd the Stote Higinloy Deportmen?. COMPOSITION OF THE PROJECT o. Reetouronl o Dining copocity 120 sests plus or minus. o Lounge copocity 4O seqts plus or minus. o Sixty (60) po*ing spoces. b. Residentiql o Four (4) one bedroom units. o Four (4) two story 3 bedroom units. o Sixteen (16) porking spqcer (two per unit). i.'l' t \.Date of ePPlicatioP l t APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DISTRICT DE1IELOPMENT Brooks lnvestment September 26, 1983 DEVELOPIT{ENT PI,AN IN ARTERIAL BUSINESS DISTRICT that would go through atl information is subrnitted. I.this the The A. procedure is required for any project Sirecial Development District Procedure' application will not be accepted until NAI{E OF APPLICAI{T ADDRESS 728 Sherrnon St- , n.^-c', Cete . 80203 PHNB APPLICANT I S REPRESET.ITATIVE Mqrvin Hotomi AssociolesNAI{E OT ADDRESS 837 -1947 B. t537 Woshington St. Denver, Colo.80203 PHONE 83? - 5533 c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER Getty Refining ond Morketing Compony SIGNATURE ADDRESS P.O- Bax 269. Dan.,or. C",1.'- RO?OI PHONT! 458 - 8Zl I,OCATION ADDRESS oF PRoPosA! f1e6lqgg Rood (oldU.S. Highwoy6) ot E' Voil exit interchonge See ottotched survey. (unplotted) LEGAT DESCRIPTION FEE $100.00 plus an anolmt equal to the then cur.rent first'class Postage rate for each property owner to be notified herewrder, A List of the name of ovfners of atl ProPerty adjacent to the Subject proPerty and their miling a.ddresses' II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. Detailed written,/graphic description of p-roposal' ;: air- erivir5;ft;t;r-impait re"piiiC fitetf be submitted to tlre- zonins administrator in accordanc! with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030' exempt projects; c. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated^UV tt. developm-nt wilhout undue burden on available or proPosed Public facilities; r- r'f "/f; D. E. F. -r I tualj d ,'lt lt ] t;!Application form Sp"lf Development District Dtlopment PIan Existingfeet if or with slope of D. E. F. G. contours having contour intervals of not rno:ce than f,ive the average sloPe of the site is twenty Percent or less' contoot iitervats of not more than ten feet if the average the site is greater than twenty percent' AproposedsitePlan,.atasca].enotsmallerthanoneinchequa]-sfifty feet, "n"ri"g-ine-approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all PrinciPal site., development featir;;;-;;;h i" r""a".aped areas, recreational facili- ii"", iedestria"-pi"""i and-walkways, service entries, driveways' and off-street p"iii"s and loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site developnent; Apreliminarylandscapeplan,.atascalenotsmallerthanoneinch equals fifty t""[l-=tbwiirg existing landscape features to be retained' or removed, and rt"*i"g-pioposed lindscaping and landscaped site developmentfeatures,sn"rt"soutdoorrecreationalfacilities,bicycle paths, t;;ii;, pedestrian plazas and waLkways, water features, and other elementst Preliminarybuildingelevations,sections,andfloorPlans'-at.a scale not smali6i"ttt.n one-eighth equals_one.foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, locilions of ,t"es tithin buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development' NOTE: It is recomnended that before a special devclopment district appli'cation is subnittcd, a review and conneni rneeting slrould be set up witlt the Departne)lt of Cor'rnunity Dcvelopment ' 'l I I I I:-,*--l III. Time Requirements Thg planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th I"londays of each tn""trt. An applicaLion with the necessary accompanying material must be subrnitted fJur weeks prior to the date of the meeting' rlqaan '/rVnrs T@ nn. L /Po, OeP !- 'onn7 eta-'V cy aal D*rla,r',*rf )i/a'c|t O Pshooa,'t (D ,?os/ t tudo s /A rtu,,^/,tt,r.,^-" a;/4^:d. . u/ry 4rzal?rlcl ta'rd++e aap g!(7AlaAd. a6{^U 1** . sa.FT U U I .TrailrZ s/oel7 , ..,. low Rt^;aah,a/ ft$ ,nwlln/rnr/ ( lw +f a ryalalL , 8t4ln zo+r to ee^l W- 4 tltl S - lu Vl*a'llc /wrM srYfoctn V J'' PEC known as t -3- 7.t25/83 st to rezone a arcel commonl 'l .02 acre i mme ately west o itk car wash. nvestments Trout moved and Viele seconded to iipprbve'@' The voEe was .or -J oPPcL Peteir.Jamar explained thei:additftiri dnd showtid:s'itei p1an5. 'Hd-efplained. ttrii ttre propoial met thd Urtian Design Cons jderations for L j-o.rishead and the deck fo1 lowed the Urban Oesign Guide:PIan for decks aridliat'ios. He questioned the use of an alvn+ng wondering if it woulg lu\g-g*qy,part of ihetsun.- Ken Wentworth, archilect fon:the proiect statedlhat:the awning was only ten feet high and thei angle of the sun was relatfvell|-low. .He iaaeO tirat Purcell's-looked like it was in three parts, and this design would unify the building. Trout felt the project.was good,. Pierce agreed, ina piper isked about tie landscaping, wondering how mycfbf:ft wou'ld be lost. ..-tlentworth stated:itiat the pidnter would be 30" higlf:in which one oi-it. "u".g";"n. *oria-0":ieiocateb-along'with other planfs'.'' P'iper asked about the p6ssibjlity of using steel grates, and Wentworth answered that lne t"eet would take-up too much room. Viele felt it was a-go-od plan' as ttid Morgan and Corcordri. '. - -- :': :'' :c -' 4. Peter Jamar explained that this property had been changed from Heavy Service to LDMF in 1980 when the PEC and the Town Coqncil felt that residential -use was a more appropriate use foi tn" site than any of the-uses.listed in HS-district' He refemed to the traitli study made for the applicant by Leigh'-!.9t1 and,Cleary' Inc. in which they estimatedanadditional l0% to-the percentages llsted w]!n lne addition of the car wash. Peter Jamar felt that this was an underes,timate' 5. Stan Brooks the appl icant stated tliat upon ]dokilq at a petition his ar a oDtnlon tFe stafT, he wished t! !vil!-E-fq - -.' -.-- ,:---' ' .'-::-::' ' Corcoran told Brooks that the board appreciated his response to the community feelings. A. Gore Creek P'l aza Building: ' '-1 :: -::--' : --: l. Aweet Basil Corcoran'rdad-'leftdrjrtrm-the-app1 icant withdrawing fit-Fro1-ect. 2. .31g5--Eee!gIX Corconin-r.ead a ,liltterirrorn'the appliciinf3diking-to--tfiIe-ntiT-fiusust 8. i"table.Ig -4!gS!_9._ The vote ulas 6-0 -'iI faYo-r .of lab I ing. - . -? ! B. -..:' f'e'J Ittn: '' ' ' c:\,s I I r. etty 0il site reek on B i ice statin order to Ltlcr i,:. rt!i! tL, PEC -4- 7/25/83 ? C. Vil'lase Center Reta j 'l Shops : to add reta i I the east nd and to revise the entrance to the Peter Patten stated that the applicant, Fred Hibberd, asked to table this untilAugust 22. Pierce moved and Piper seqonded to table. The vote was 6-0 in favor. D.e at Vail: to e nd and remodel two staurants. Request for an amendment to Sectlol 17.26.060 Condominium Conversions to delete. language which would require a ggl11 -netels for each unit, and to delete lanquaqe that would uire the payment oT lees al to t ees charqed if the buildi were new m] nus rev 10u sbuilding permit fees. Applicant: Town o Vai Peter Patten reminded the board that Dick Ryan showed a site plan explaining that only part of the plan was theproposal. He reviewed the impacts under the urbln Design Guidb plan andConsiderations and explained that the applicant would hive to pay the applicableparking fee, and that one condition of approval was'that the abplicant ibreeto participate in and not remonstrate against a specia'l improviinent distiictif one was formed for the Village area. Jay Peterson.'-representing Lodge Properties; Inc., stated that only the alterat.ionof the salt Lick bar would be done now, with the rest done next selson. He added that the TOv wants pedestrians to come from Founder,s p'l aza, and it wasthe intention of the Lodge to tie their plaza to the Founder's pliza. The board,_upon polling was generally in favor of the project. Trout questionedthe removal of outdoor dining space, since the board hbd denied other projects which inc]uded this type of removal. peterson said that they would coiiniithat they would replace any outdoor dining, that it was to tire the'applicant,s advantage to have outdoor dining in that area. Trout then asked what'the nextphase of the Lodge was going to be, and peterson showed on the site plan theaddition to the International Room which would probably not be preseirted untilSeptember. Trout asked how the outdoor dining i,rould be handled'if the International Room.expansion was not approved, and Peterson rept'ied that the outdoor dining wou'l d simply move outward from the bui'l ding. Ti^out suggested that one conditionof approval be that an equal amount of squire footage oi-outdoor dining be rep'l aced. Peter Patten suqqested changing this to state: Before a ternporary certificate oor d.tnlng area --^::=l1-ggual tg or qreatef than.the existing on -lrs motion as per Pat 6. they had asked the amendment. amendment. was 6-0 in for The this vote V ie'le a new addition on To Trail sho Tfout moved.and Piper seconded.to. apprgye thb Lodge elpansio_!_-per !!g_!taJIrecommendatjon and o moved and Trout seconded to approve The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm. favor. ,-F- ,'}./ TO: FROM: DATE: .MEMORANDI'M Planning and Envjronmental Commission Department of Cormunity Development July 2l, .|983 SUB,IECT: Request to rezone a 1.02 acre unplatted parcel of land located immediately west of Pitkin Creek on Bighorn Road, from the Low Density Multiple Family Zone District to the Heavy Service Zone District. Applicant: Brooks Investments BACKGROUNb The app'l icant desires to rezone the subject property from the LDMF zone district to the Heavy Service zone district in order to enable them to construct and operate a service station and carwash upon the property. In l9B0 the property was rezoned from Heavy Service to LDMF with the conditions that development be limited to a "maximum of B units, two of which shall be reserved for sale or'lease by employees of the Upper Eagle Va1'ley and limited to.a total GRFAof I0,250 square feet." At the time of rezoning, the PEC and the Town Councilfelt that residential use would be a more appropriate use for the s'ite than any of the uses listed within the Heavy Service Zone Djstrict. THE PROPOSAL }Jhile the applicants have a specific project in mjnd for the site, the basic issue to be considered is whether the site is zoned appropriately or whether the Heavy Service zone distrjct would be a more appropriate zone for the parcel . The basic criteria used when evaluat'i ng a re-zoning are the basic objectivesof the zoning code. The objectives which apply to this proposal are the following: A. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation@-rii- The East Vail area is primarily a residential area of Vail with the oniy commercial enterprises being the Vai1 Racquet Club restaurant and the Jriquor store and market located within the Pitkin Creek Park condominiums. These uses are basically support services for the complexes within which they are located. The proposed service station and car wash, as well as the other uses listed within the HS district are genera'l ly a higher intensity use in terms of vehicle trip generation than residential use.. A study completed by the applicant (copy attached) states that "about 60% of the peak-hour traffic activity will involve motorists already pass'ing by the site on their way to another destination." 0bviously then, the other 40% will be people drawninto the area by the proposed use that normally would not be driv'ing into the vicinity. Car llas - 7/21/83 B. To encourage a converlient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal objectives. The proposed use, as well as the other uses possible wjthin the HS district are not compatible with the adjacent uses to the property. To the east of thesite are Town of Vail stream tract and residential condominiums, to the south are located duplex and single family residences, and to the north and west are the frontage road, open space, and the I-70 rjght-of-way. the I-70 riqht-of- Way basically be'ing physically separated by a change in girade from thd site. The staff believes that any of the HS uses would s'ignificantly alter the characterdf the area due to operating characteristics and an increased intensity of use and:rould be inconrpatible with the open space and resjdentjal uses which are adjacent to the site, C. To provide for the growth of an orderly and viable corrnunity The Town Council and Planninq Conrnission determined in .|980 that residential use was more appropriate on the mentioned above, characteristics site than any of the Heavy Services uses. As teristics, and the general naturedential East Vail neighborhood. which do allow the Heavy Serv.icethe sumounding uses. h-2 o such as noise, increased tr:affic, visual charac-of these uses is not compatible with the resi- The Town, through zoning, has provided sites uses where they are.generally compatible with STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Commun'i ty Department staff recommends denia'l of the requested 19-,zgninS based upon the facts that the potentially increased intensity di;aa- 9.]-:h9,p.operty and the.general nature of the Heavy Service uses are not compatiblewrth the area in which the site is located. 'Leigh, Scott & Cle o afy , fnc. TRANSPORI'ATION PI,ANNINC & TRAE'TIC ENGINI'ERING CONSUI,TANTS lEt9 YoR( sri:.-T DENVEft, COLOfi/ i-I) i,U3C6r (303).:33.1ir, j l0!8illrtwniof,,$||rf UbtaXrlor'f,tawt3- {t{t3}60:jrfa July 12, 1983 Mr. Marvin Hatami Marvin Hatami and Associates 1537 Washington Street Denver, CO 80203 RE: Getty Oi1 PropertyVai1, Colorado Dear Marvin: we have no\{ completed our traffic and access anarysis ofthe proposed Getty oil service station develogment to 6e con-structed in Vail, Col_orado. The subject projecl is planned fora site located immediately east of-the -nasl Vail interchangebetween r-70 and the acljacenL frontage road (old us 6). e foui-pump service station with attached automatic car wash is pran-ned. No vehicle maintenanee or inspection facilities .re |ran-ned as a part, of the project, however. Existinq Conditions The attached illustration depicts the planned J-ayout andaccess characteristics of the site. As shown, two access drive-lays are planned along the frontage road with the westernmostdriveway to be located approximately 200 feet east of the EastVail rntercbange. The frontage roJd currently accommodates anestimated 3r500 to 4r000 vehicles on an average weekday, ofwhich afou! 10 percent pass t,he sit.e during peari-hour pefioas.since the frontage road is a former state nighway (us 6i, it isconstructed to high standards which include oie 12-foot-widetravel lane in each direction. rn the vicinity of the site, the lgadway is reratively straight and flat witir excellent iigrrtdi stance characteristics Estimated Traff ic Generation --.- A".grding to the most recent edition (r9g2) of ,Itrip Gener-atron: An rnformati.on Report", which is published by ch6 tnsti-tute of Transportation Engineers (rrg), ; typical furl-servicegas station (with repair facilities) genera[ds about 750 vehi- Transit. Park ing. Vehicular Access. Pedcsarian & Bicyr'lc I)lanning.Traffic Opcrarions & Safcty.Sig.lal Oesign.Tlafnc ltnpact studi.s Mr. Marvi n llatamiJuly 12, 1983 Page Two cle-trips (375 entering and 375 exiting) on an average weekday.Of these, as many as 52 would take pftce during the stationrspeak one- hour period. - Fof this particular project, it is estimated that tbeabove-cited rates should ba increased by about 10 percent inorder to aecount for additional customers who would'only pur-chase a car wash. The station is therefore estimated to ge';er-ate a totar of 410 entering and 410 exiting vehicres on an aver-age weekday with ?9. entering and 29 exitiirg during'the facili-ty's peak hour. This level bf activity couid be ex-pected duringpeak spring and s-ummer periods when r6ads and purL'ing rots-ii6cleared of snow, local transit usage is low, .n-d demano for carwashes is rerativery high. As noted in the rrE reference, about50 'percent of the.peak-hour traffic activity will invorve motor-ists already passing by the site on their wiy t- another destin-ation. Traffic Distribution The distribution _of generated vehicul-ar traffie arong thefqontage road is one of the most important elements in dete-rmin-ing the_prcject's traffic impact. itajor factors which infruencethe traffic distribution include: o The location of the site with respect to lhe balance ofthe Vail urbanized area; o The type of land use to be provided; o Traffic activity in the area and access o The location of the site with respect tofaci lities; o The specific access and circuration characteristics afthe development plan. Based on these factors, it is projected t.hat 60 percent ofthe proposed stationrs traffic wilr be orierited to the west and40 percent towards the east. ApplicaEion of t.nese estimates tothe_previously cited generation data yields tne Lurning movementtraffic estimates shown on the attached ilrustration. As indi-cated, the maximum concentration of project-oenerated trafficwirl be west of the site, where rz peir-6"oi .i.iri"res are pro-jected in each direction. As previously noted, lloot. 60 percent(10 vehicles) of these trips are arreaay uy:lulsing trre site. to I-70; other competing Mr. Marvin Hatami July 12' 1983 Page Three TraE_f ic.-Jnpect The projected levels of increased traffic activity (as muchas 7 peak hour and 100 average weekday vehicles in eich direc-tion) can easily be accommodated by the front,age road wit,h nonoticeable reduction in operating conditions or traffic safety.Of primary concern is the maximum number of left-turns into thesite. As shown on the attached illustration, 12 peak-hour vehi-cles are expected to turn left. into the stationrs west driveway-- this is equivalent to an average of one vehicle every 5 minlutes. Furthermore, no more than two entering vehtcles waitingto turn left are expected at any given t,ime. It .is thereforeconcluded that separate turn lanes are not justified for thisproposed project. AII turn radii at the stationrs access drive-ways should be at least 25 feet, however, in order to facilit,ateall right-turn movements. Conclusions Based on the foregoing analysis, theare made concerning the traffic impact ofstati on: I trust that this informationpLanning for this project. If vre canplease give me a call. Respectf ully submitted LEIGH, SCOTT & CLEARY, INC. PNS/mIc Enclosure: Estimated Traffic Distribution cc! Brooks Investments f ol lovri ng'co nclus i onsthe proposed service trafficof the 1. The proposed development can be expected to generate atotal of 410 entering and exiting vehicle-trips on anaverage peak-season weekday.. Of these, 17 will occurduring the peak one-hour period. About 60 percent ofthis traffic is expected to be drawn from traffic whichis already by-passing the site. 2. The maximum concentration of project generatedis expected along t,he I-70 frontage road wescsi te. 3. The existing two-lane roadway can easily accommodatethe additional traffic to be generated by the proposedgrroject.. * will assist with furtherbe of further assistanee, U t ffii!# o (g o o .9 o U) (! @ ul co -o ao o (u F 'o o CU .E @ ut {t{ / co ro E elE g El :-'oFl€ E ilg - *lo E ilg o l>o- l<[[ 6E'tgftroul \ \ .-"--.. //'v A ..bruoJf. $nq): I-1 . I T/ I rll ll I 2 Irol<tl6l aSosl l1:30 am 1:00 pm prnthe AND ENVTRoNMENTAL commrssrol July 25, '1983 S'ite Inspections Publ ic Heaning Request to rezone Treetops Condomjniums from High Density Multip'l e Fami'ly (HDMF) zone district to Commercial Core II district in order to add retai'l space and requesting an examption to Section'18.52.090 to allow a loading space within the required front setback. Applicant: Treetops Condominium Associatjon Request for an amendment to Sections .|8.04.030, 18.22.090, and 'l 8.24.'1 30 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowed in the Commercial Core I and the Public Accommodation zonedjstricts. Appl icant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Request for a side setback variance to construct a garage for a residence on Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Third Addjtion, in a Low Density Mu'ltiple Fam'ily zone djstrict, Applicants: Karl Forstner and Theo Moosburger Request to rezone a parce'l commonly known as the Getty Oil site, a I.02 acre of unplatted parcel of'land located immed'iately west of Pitkin Creek on Bighorn Road, from Low Density l'lulti-family (LDMF) with 2 emp'loyee housing units to Heavy Service (HS) in order to bui'ld a service station and car wash on the property. Applicant: Brooks Investments Requests for exterior alteratjons to the fo1'lowing buildings: A. Gore Creek Plaza Bui'l ding: Enclosure of north side outdoor decksfor :'l . Sweet Basil2, Blu's Beanery B. Lifthouse Lodge Bui'lding: some area) and to create a 2. 3. 4. 5. To alter Purcell's south deck (enclose new retail shop, C, Vil'lage Center Retail Shops: to add a new retail addition on the east end and to revise.the entrance to the Toymaker's Trail shop. D. Lodge at Vail: to expand and remode'l two restaurants. 6. Request for an amendment to Section 't7.26.060 Condominium Conversions to delete'l anguage which would require a converted condominium to have separate utility meters for each unit, and to delete language that woujd require the converted. condomium to pay fees equal to the fees chargedif the building were new, minus prev'ious building permit fees. Applicant: Town of Vail I I ORDINANCE } Series of -980 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A PARCEL COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS TITE GETIY OIL SITE, A I.O2 ACRE I'NPLATTED PIECE OF LAND IN BIGTIORN, FROM HEAVT SERVICE (HS) TO LOW DENSIIY MULTI- FAMILY (LDMT) AND SETTING FORTII DETAILS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.110 of the Vail Municipal Code, a rezoning has beeu re- quested by lfoodbridge Groupr Inc. to rezone the Getty Oi1 Site from Heavy Service (HS) to Low Density Multi- Farnily (LDMF); and' 'IfHEREAS, the applicant has agreed to a maximum of eight units and 10r250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA); and, WHEREAS, the Planning and Bnvironmental Conmission of the Town of Vail has considered the same and recommend- ed approval of said rezoning to the Town Council; andt WIIEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the public interest to rezone said property; NOW, IIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI{N COI'NCIL OF THE TOIIN OF VAIL, THAT: (1) The Councll specifically finds that the procedures for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map and-rezoning of properties wi.thin the Town of VaiI as prescribed in Section 18.66.110 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfi-lled' and the Council hereby receives the report and recommendatj.on of the Planning and Environ- mental Commission recosunending the approval of the re- zoning of the subject property. (2) Pursuant to Section 18.66.160 of the Vail lrtunicipal Code, the Getty Oil Site is rezoned from Heavy Servj.ce (ES) to Low Density Multi-Family (LDlm) with a maximum of eight units two of which shall be reserved for sale or lease by a resident/employee of the Upper Eagle Valley and lO,25O square feet of Gross nrdinance No. o I Page 2 Besidential Floor Area (GRFA)' (3) As provided in Sectlon 18'08'O3O of the Vail l[unicipal Code, the Zoning Adnlnistrator j-s here- by dlrected to promptly modify and amend the Offlcial Zoning Uap to indicate tbe rezoning specified in para- graph (2) above. (4) If any part, sectlon, subsection' clause or phrase of tbis ordinance is for any reason held to be lnva1id, sucb declslon shall not affect the vaLldlty of tbe remaj-ning portions of this ordinanee; and the Toum Council hereby declares that it would have passed tttis ordj.nance, and each part, section, subsectiont sentencet clause or phrase hereof regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, secti-ons, subsectlons' sentencest clauses or phrases be declared invalld' (5) Tbe Town Council bereby finds that tbis ordinance isnecessaryfortheprotectionofthepublichealtb,safety, and welfare. INTRoDUCED,BEADoNI.IRSTREADING'APPRoVEDAND oRDERED PIJBLISmD oNcE IN FULL' this tgtb day of February' 1980, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado' on the 4th day of March' 1980 at 7:30 P'M' in the Municipal Building of the Tonrn ' ATTEST: Ordinanee No. II{TRODTrcED ON SECC{D REAI}ING, RBAI)' AND ORDERED PI]BLISf,ED BY TITLE ONLY TEIS Xarcb' 1980. o I Page 3 t AND APPROVEI) ?tb daY ol ATTtsST: ( to or RESTRTCTION RELATI\IE T0 Th:-TU9-*MPLoYEE LNrrs or tir GETrr orr, srrE Units and the following restrictions sublease: (1) Tbe units sball be sold onlY to qualified Purchasers' (2) If tbe units sbalI be leased and sublet anfl said lease or sublease less than ni-netY (9O) days' (3) A "quallfied purchaser" sha11 be a resldent of the Upper Eagle Valley wbieb includes the Gore Valley' Avon, MLnturn, Red Cllff' Gilman and Eagle/Vail' and a fulI- time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley ' "Full-tine Employ- ment,, sha* be deemed to mean emproyment of more tban 30 hours per week' Members of the family of tbe employee sball be exempt from this requirement' (4) These restrictions sball be in full force and effect for two years from the date of closingt at which time tbey sball terminate' (5) These covenants and restrictions relatlng to unlts and -_- sbal1 run with the land and be binding tbereon and they shall run in favor of the Town ofVallwhichmayenforcetheprovisionshereof. on sale, resale, lease are leased or sublet theY onlY to qualifled Purchasers sball not be for a term of t,? @etty Getty Refining and Marketing Company I e.O. ao" 269, Denver, Colorado 80201 . (303) 458-8771'l Pelroleum lvlarketing Department F. D. Harlan, District Real Estate Bepresentative June 28, 1983 Town of Va i'lMr. Peter Patten 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Mr. Patten: In reference to the petition form for amendment to the zoning ordinance or request for a change in district boundaries coverjng the request for zoning amendment submitted by Brooks Investments on the Getty vacant tract, find attached a copyof our power of attorney grantitng Richard R. Irvine the rightto sign for Getty Refinjng and Marketing Company, Should you need any additional information regarding this matter,please 'l et me know. Sincerely, ,n 4A4 / ,.7I A.//a,:h4 R. D. Harl an RDH/m1 cc: Marvin Hatami Associates 1537 Uashington Street Denver, Colorado 80203 R. R. Irvine -- , ..t J "a o POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, pursuant to resolution unanimously adopted. by its Board of Directors at a meeting on May 20, l-980, GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY, a'p.lu,u.r. corporation, with offices in Tulsar'Oklahoma, hereby constitutes and appoints RICHARD R. IRVINE its true and lawful attorney- in-fact for and in its name and behalf to negotiater' make, execute, acknowledge and. deliver any and alL of the following instruments requiring execution and delivery in the name of the Companyr on and containing such terms and conditions as may be deemed ad.visable and appropriate by said attorney-in-fact: any and. all instruments and, contraets bywhich real or personal property (wherever located) or any interest therein, legal orequitabler may be acquired, whether bypurchase, lease or otherwise; any and all leases, subleases, releases and,other instrwnents, by which any interest inproperty, real or personal utilized,, or tobe utilized, by or necessary to the conductof the Companyrs marketing operations maybe transferred, reLeased ox otherwise alien-ated, provided, however, that said attorney-in-fact shall have no authority to selJ-, mortgage or pledge real property; together with ful-I por,lrer and authority to execute any amend.ments, modifications, suppl-ements, renewals, extensions and cancellations, of and pertainingr to any of the instruments hereinabove set forth, and to supply all things necessary or desirable to enable the Company to acquire, handle, maintain, extend or perpetuate any and all rights created or evidenced by such instruments with full force and effect as if authority had been granted in each particular case by the Board of Directors of this Company, hereby expressly ratifying and confirming any and aII acts performed under and by virtue of the powers and authority hereby conferred- I )l = _4r1.:, :t "tI,'. \ STATE OF COI'NTY OF OKLAHOMA )) ss.TULSA ) GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COI,IPANY By and official ,1990. seal this .'l I, Brenda cray, a Notary Public in and forsaid" County and State, do hereby certify that JACK D. JONES, to me personalLy knovrn, and. known to be the sameperson who executed the foregoing instrument as presidentof GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING colt{PAIiIY, a DelawaTecorporation, appeared before me this day in person and,being first duly sworn, acknowledged that he is thePresid,ent of said corporation, that the seal affixedto said instrunent is the seal of said corporation,that said, instrurnent was signed,, sealed and deliveredin behalf of said, corporation by authority of its Board ofDirectors, and further acknowledged said instrument and hisexecution thereof to be the free and voluntary act and deedof said corporation, and his own free and voluntary act anddeedl for the purposes, uses and considerations theiein expressed,. i ,MY ,t'lauL- Given d6 ctay or _ ',), I I ,ii , comrnission expires: I The power and authority hereby conferred upon said RICIIARD R, IRVINE shal-I continue in force and effect unless and until such power and authority is expressly and duly revoked by the President or any Vice President of this Conpany and evidence thereof is duly recorded.rthis instrument is recorded. 1980. ;tl'"**3dt'l in the counties in which EXECTITED this 22'^y' n,a1 day of ,ffu/ , Assibtan Jt1 )IV Jones Brenda G. Gray b -r3-83 i t., tl 24 June 1983 PETITION FOR!,I FOR AI.4ENDI.TENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQT'ESIr FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I. This procedure is reguired for any amendrnent to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAI'18 OP PETITIONER Brooks Investments PDESS 728 Sh..r"n Sr.. D. go2m pHONE3374g4a B. NAI|E OF PETITIONERTS REPRESffIATIW M.'.,i. t-{.,r^-; A.. ;r.. Petition Date n{ ,'. il,rp 'rF. PDruSS 1537w*h;n9r"n Sf .- BONE 832-Fi33 C. NAME OF OI.INER SIGNATURE D1sEss p-o- n".,. zaq. D""". HoNEi5g=gg1 (l a-D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Frontoge Rood (old U.S. Highwoy6) ot E. Voil exit interchonge PDRESS S""fh .f e".r b^,,. ).unplotted DESCRIPTION 9f00.00 plus an arnount equal to the then curent first-classtate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. A llst of the names of owners of all property adjacent tosubject property, and their nrailing addressei. See ottoched list. REQUESTED ZONI NG AMENDMENT Rezoning of subiect Property from low density multi-fomily (LDMF) to its originol zoneof Heovy Service (HS). LEGAI, FEE Posrage the G. (pri nt ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Pitkin Creek Pork Condominium Associotion P.O. Box 217 Voil, CO. 81658 Trocf A Town of Voil Lot 2 ond 3 , Bighorn Subdivision 2ndAdd. Joseph Longegger 3807 Lupine Drive Voil, CO. 81657 Lot 4 ond 5, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Add. John ond Afheno Buxmon P.O. Box 445 Voil, CO.81658 Colorodo Stote Highwoy Deportment 42Ol E. Arkonsos Denver, CO.80222 EIEHOBN-sUBD.I-VTSI FIRST ADOITION EIAHOEN_iUs0 SECOND ADOITTON a\y' k"N\q marf nau-t "#, :ff:, :.1#,; architacture urban dcsign and planning 1537 washinglon slreol denver, colorado 80203 area code 303 832-5533 ry,.u^oli,i(u(-n (6-l,"pov*' t't ^ 4bl,D' t L^'Ln "\ L*,'- 7-*u +r'" "' ),It'-, (" " €on matheta-,"H,n?#?|F; architoctuta urban de3ign and planning '1537 washington street denver, colorado 80203 area cods 303 832-5533 REASONS FOR REQUEST The petiiioner is plonning to.build o well design service stotion (without Mechonicol services) ond cor wosh, compotobie with rhe surrounding environmenl . The following ore reosons for ihis request: q. At the present time the residents of Eost voil hove to trovel to mid voil or west voil fo obtoin gosoline for their outonrobiles. The opplicont feels it is in the interest of the public ond the Town of Voil to hove such o focilities to be locoted in the Eost Voil community. (see ottoched service stotion sile locolion onolpis mop) b. The proposed site next ro l-70 interchonge is weil suited for this use,qnd would be on qdditionol omenity lo the oreo. c. The rezoning of the subiect property wos requested by Woodridge Group Inc.,(A poteltig! buyer, who never purchosej the propJ.tyl from Heovy Service (HS) ro Low Densiry Mulri-Fomily tl_Of"ff) *t Ll wos opproved by fhe Town Council in Aug.5, 1982, iherefore reinsto- temenl of its originol use (HS) which wqs odopted by Town of Voil is oppropriote. pLAlrNrNu?* EN'TR'N'ENTAL coMurss rP AGEIIDA 3:0O P.M. 41 1. ) Approval of Minutes of 12-10-S neetlng. 2., Mlnor Subdivision Bequest for Lots 11. and 13, Block 3 Vail Valley lst Fil.ing. 3. ) Conditional Uses for Commercial Space at Pitkln Creek Park' Inc. 4.) Front and Side Setback Variance Request to construct an Underground Garage for Eve B. Nott on Lot 10' Block 2' Vall Village 13th. 5.) GRFA Variance Request for Units 23 and 25, Lionsmane Phase II. - '..*\ \6.) !,Azoning of a one acre parcel at the l{est End of Bighorn (nexi =--'to P[tkin1 Creek Park) fron Eeavy Service (HS) to Low Density Multiple FamiLy/Special Development Dlstrist. (Getty Oil Site) 7.> Selection of a PEC Member to attend Desi-gn Review Board Meetlngs. ( PLANNTNG nrfrnurro*lT'NTA,., .o""rrrro* | trBOII: .DEPARTIIENT OF COMIIT,NITY DEI,IEIOPMENT DATE: January 25, 1980 Zone Change Request for Woodbridge East (Getty Oil Site) from Heavy Service to Low Density MuJ.ti-Fantly and 13 1422 square feetunits and 11r185 square UEIIORANDUM Ito: -, RE: The proposal is for eight units with 10,25O square feetof Gross Besidential FLoor Area. IYhat has been presented Ls a schenatic plan showing the approximate locations and shpaes of the buildings. Also shown on tbe schematic planls a small recreational amentity area. LDMF Standards wouLd allow nine unLtsof GRFA. BC Standards would al.lonr sixfeet. The Town Council last discussed this piece of land ln early'December.At that time they were very nuch spli; as to whetber it should beused as an Office Building or for Residential purposes. Ourrecollection, however, is that those members that desired Residential Uses were requesting RC Densitles. As far as the schemati.c plan itsel.f, what has been proposed istwo triplexes and one duplex resultj-ng in a site coverage of ltfland 451 of the site being landscaped. Botb of these standards'are in conformance with what would be required under Residentia'lcharacter to it uader this proposal than under tbe past Officebuilding submittals. The Staff reconmends that the Zoning Request for. Low Density MultiFanily be denied. The maximum allowable density'should be sixunlts, which would result in a straight Residential Cluster ZoningClassification. The Staff wuld consider the eight units only ifat least 502 of the units were for low and moderate income longterm residents under guidelines proposed by the applicant, whichwould require both P1ann5-ng Commission and Town Council approval. a' Planning and ME!{ORANDUM Environmental Commission Department of Conununity Development 9-2L-79 Conditional Use Request to allow and on the Gettv oil Site, which is in a\-__District. To.i FROM: DATE: RE:office building Heavy Service The proposal is for a three story building consistinS 9q L2 '825;il..'; i".t of general office spice. The proposed Building has a Parking Reguiiement of 43 spa-es, with 57 spaces being provided' The site coverage of the building is 1lB, vtith the reguirement being 75*. 56t of the site is lindscaped with the requirement being 10t. The building is three stories above grade, with the first level being primarily used for covered parking. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS the Department of Conrnunity Develop- Conditional Use Permit based uPontJpon review of Section 18.600, ment recommends aPProval of the the following factors: Consideration of Factors3 when this proposal previously was brought before the Planning and Environmenial-Commi-ssion and the Town Council, it was decided that residential units were not an acceptable use on the site. It was also discussed at the sessions with the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council that a residential scale office building was a more appropriate use that should be further investigated by the applicant. The effect of the use liqht and distribution of population transportation fac ut ools, parKs and recreation acilities, and other c rac ties an acilities needs. The revised site plan indicates that the building is totally located within the 20 fool setback lines and that no parking is located within either the front or side setbacks. This should,, therefore' provide a fairly good landscaped buffer along the Frontage Road and adjacent to the iown owned property by Pitkin Creek. ?1! PEC Merno--Page 9 -2L-7 9 -woodbridge Meadows Effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion,automctive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control" access, maneuverability, and removal of snow fromthe street and parking areas. There is only one access point onto Bighorn Road (Old U.S. 6)which should minimize congestion. The access point is alsoin the middle of the strai.qht stretch of road and is close. enough to the East Vail f-iO tnterchange that the increasein traffic in the Bighorn area should not be significant. Effect n t,he charac area in which thee scale an on to surro ng uses. With the site coverage being well below and the Landscapingbeing well in excess of what is reguired in a Heavy Service Zone District, we feel that this office building is a lessobtrusive use than other uses that are permitted in this Zone District. The specific design of the building will berepresented to you on Mond,ay through the use of a model. From discussion with the appli-cant, it is our understandingthat it will- be primarily residentj-al in character and notout of character with the area. Such other factors and criteria as the Conunission deems It should be mentioned again that this parcel is still being considered fo:: purchase as part of the Open Space Purchase Program. There are, however, no specific offers that have been made at this time and we do not feel that this factor should in any way influence your review of this mattet. The Open Space Purchase process is one that needs to work independently of other review. processes. lte Envirgnmental impact report concerninq the proposed use,if an environmental impact report is required b,]r Chapter 18.56. No Environmental Inpact Report is required. Findinqs and. Recommendations : The De t of Communi Develo t recommends that theConditionalUse Permit be roved based on the followinrLnolncts: That the proposedpurposes of thisin which the site location ofordinance and is located. the use is inthe purposes accord with theof the district , ' PEC 'Etto--Page 0.. 9 -2L-7 9--l{oodbridge Meadows That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it woula be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public healthr safety-, or welfare or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the PurPoses of the district in which the site is located. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community DeveloPment recommends approval of this Conditional Use Request subject to a more specific p:-esentation and discussion of the design of the building, which will be presented to you on llonday. we feel that the rnore detailed submission on the Architectural Design and use of materials is extremely imPortant in that this area is Pre- dominantly residential and that this site is a very noticeable one being at the entrance into Bighorn. We feel, however, thatthe use of the site as an office building is the direction that was given to the applicant and that this proposal is in accordancewith that direction. 'DICK nY/U{' (X}t{uNITy DrlUnOFtlUtT IO: Ig|nf @LNCIL gl,BtET: Getty Oil Site Zone itrlti-Family (MDMF) '.,.-:. , _'1, snATIgIIcsi ' This- id i one:acre(q$t-t9 Pitkin Creek Change from Heavy Service to lledium Density , .:. .. . i...i end of Bighorn -': as a gas station. ,. ", .|. (Hs) unpl atted .Park ). It - .L- parcel at'the West was zoned for use @IIESI: The Request is for 5,000 square feet of net eight condominium units with a tota'l GRFA of rieann'mm RffiMMB{DATroN: In receiving new policy guidelines and the Town Councjl, r{e now feel that the'most appi^opriate use vrould be as Open Space. PIA]{NING & EIWIm.IMNTAL mfi},IISSICt{ ACTIC{: Denial by.a 3-0 vote (Goehl, }lills, }Jhite) and one rbstention (Drager). The major reason for denial was the nunber of units being proposed. The PEC would'like to see it considered for 0pen Space. 'leaseable office space and 10,200 square feet. from both the PEC of this parcel J PTJNNING AIID ET\MIrcNI\EbIUIL @IT{$sn[ *>_5 d4.w AGE\IB 7-24-79 r.l Di.sussicr with rritz clade m zadng anl use of skerly oil site.(Ocrtinuaticn fion 7-10-79 teetftrg. ) 2-l nretJminarlz Plat for parcels Brc.D, ard E, timsidEe FiLftrg tdo. 2 3.' rftral Plat for Parcel A Bigfwr subdiuisicn and parcel A Bigtgn l€tAdditicn. 4-) Ecposedl zcring ard Eeliminary plat nreroyar fc vair valtqr 4thFrlingf a 28 acre paroeL alsrg Ure eoft Care Fesently bejig Arne:<ecl. it tu s{ ri 1$glll li ss $i gil giE f$ fiE $t e* aatr gf Ei in, #ri H r$i El af, li fit{ E{$s $i fE gtg fli$ r {lis E$ ii$ $g ifl giig fiI, ll IiE $fi$ i E * ugl $*l, ffi fli, $gl g$ti *fifl ifi gii gii' fu$gg frEI ! $En;il Fr# {f;sll$$ssE rfr$#Ege;fiiin ggiifig;giig} : Fi Hs{ulr,$ : $ c[ H${n#s;T !q $$ fllfltfllisflIs$gg$ $$E $*.$ffin$ $H In ,isiflt$B ; T B..E; $$ t ;mf; ItFi*ff !.$gt,sEi$fls E E {l *i ;Hffif E$ # Hr , $t Ei ff E$inf ff H Et ,* u fil ,g*$l u*83 ff gi3$fl Fg $ fll $$$F '3$s Hr ;n l \ l,t fifiifliiiiH$Ifif,t$gJ {$iEii{iEgrg gsianHFIff€fi$ft( sg;$t f,EEE; Iifffi-'E n rii $i#i$ c Eig 1i f$$f$r it rlr fl$fs ;liffFgl {gFg Els$Ei ;lfiiin f,l sdEf iiu, figifi EH lrs#'dtEt gE4g $sfifli$$ u!f $ H ort<l(\ A E$ $E e8,'g& a t ri f, qo;i : IH$flf,f,8f,Ifi [ $l *sf; I.He'r Ul fUB ' nj f :l frfl flHEx .ed :l E: Ifr fE 3|EIi g {g ;n iEr $ E$FiEIHtifli lFssfi;l*$$fif, €sl Ei gl s! # i$ $sEEfril sHB$FB ? N i !D: F'F&I: DAIIE: RE: MEXrllRINUl,t Plaruring and Ervj:omental Corrnissicn Deparkrent of OornmiQr De\relcElrent 7-20-79 Resuhnrittal on Ske1ly Oil Site Rezuring Request Backqlourd: lltris itsn qras heard by ttre PEtr at ttreir neeting on July 10, L979. At ttrisfleeting, it was tlre general consensus of ttre Board ttnt no nerrr csrdcnriniununits be pernitted cn the site, w:ittr an office building or even a gas statiqr being tlre reccnnerded ue. Ot July ].7, L979, this matter was discussed with the ficrvn Courcil at thejr r,'mk session. the @urcilrs first preference \,ftrs to purchase ttre site ard use it as a 1nrk. llhe Courcil's secord preference was a rnixed use wrcreSrbwith less density ttun ttre previous subdttal anat wit}r a park li-ke feel toit. Site Plan A new site plan has been suhnittecl. Ihis site pJ-an still has eight urrits but has an overall @FA of 10,200 square feet rattrer tban 131600 squarefeet. Tte rerrised plan also slrcnrs a reduction in tlre footprint of theoffice buildinq. The net r-esult is ttrat a m,rctr g€ater percentage of thesite rrecnains uncovered by buildhgs and cpen as landscagnd areas. nr boking at t}le Specific l,ediun Density l,tulti-Family (r'l)MF) zqe districi requi$ercnts' the landscagnd area required is 308 r^rith tle proposed site plan having a landscaped area of 51E. site coverage in Ml,!F is not to elceed 458,with the prcposal traving a coverage of 24?. Reccnnendations: llhe revised site plan has a rn:ch rc&rced inpact qr tle site. It stjl_I has e{ght condcnriniurn writs, but the deveJ-cper has e><pa:essed a will-jngness to:restrj-ct the ue of sone on atl of the rsui-ts as enplqgee housing. l{e feerthat the PEtr strufd fjrst decide vrtetber or not tley fee3- tlr-is site should be used as a prk. ff that is decided noE to be an appnopriate use, r,e stillfel tllat a nixed use @ncept is appropriate ard that restrictions of tJe use of tJre eiglrt units as resident housjag r,rrculd be hiShly desirab].e. F? TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMI4ISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMI'TJNITY DEVELOPMENT 7-6-79 REZONING REQUEST FOR THE ONE ACRE UNPLATTED ''GETTY OIL SITE" IN BIGHORN FROM HEAVY SERVICE (HS) TO MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI- FAMILY (MDMF) THROUGH THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PROCESS. STATISTICS APPLICANT: Woodbridge Group Inc. AREA: I Acre ZONING: Medium Density Multi-Family with Special Development D'istrict Provisions (MDMF) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant PR0POSED USE: Eight Condominium Units and 5,000 Square feet of Net Rentable Office Space. REQUEST: The request is to change the use of the Property located directly to the west of Pitkin Creek Park Inc. The previous intended use was as a gas station. The proposed use is for a combination of office space and condominiums. BACKGROUND: The staff has worked with the app'licant in trying to determine' a suitab'le use for this parcel. The staff discouraged against any corunercia'l uses on the site, but did suggest that a conbination of professiona'l office space with some residential use would seem to be appropriate. The intent was to try to find uses that st.:pped down from the Pitkin Creek Park Project to the East Vail Interchange. The density of Pitkin Creek Park is approximately 18 units per acre. The proposed change of use is a downzoning from a h'igh intensity zonedistrict to a 'l ower intensity one. The Heavy Service Zone District was generally felt to be an inappropriate district for this parcel. . Another request of the Staff was to use the newly created Special Developrent Djstrict Process. This process can approve specific uses and a spec'ific sjte p1 an as part of the rezon'ing request. The reason that Medium Density Mu'lti-Fami'ly (MDMF) was chosen as the proposed zone district was primarily to a'l 'low the mixture of residential and office uses. trn any zone district 'l ower than MDMF, no office space would be permitted (even through the Special Devel opnnnt District Process). -w" , IE!#3;,';lil?-',n.,,,P Even though MDMF unuld permit ]8 Condominiums Units on this site'' the propoial is for only eight units of average size of I '700 square feet. The types of uses that have been mentioned for the'5'000 lquafefeet of Proflis'ion 0ffice Space include an Architects 0ffice, a General Contractor's 0ffice (but not for the storage of equipment or materia'ls), a bank, or a real estate office. These uses can and need to be further specified during the process Although the Special Developrnent District Process is being followed, the necessary informationfor complete approval of the Development Plan is not available at this time. The applicant desires to have the zone changed before more detailed submittals are prepared. r SITE PLAN: The Sjte Plair that has been submitted shows the eight condominium units along the Eastern Property line in one continuous building with ten foot offsets between each un'it. The 0ffice Build'ing is on the llestern End of the Property (by the East Vail I-70 : Interchange). The intent is to use a solar system in the office buil ding. The Site Plan does indicate setbacks'along the North and East Property lines of five feet. The requ'ired setbacks in MDMF are 20 feet on all sides, but setback variations are permitted as part of the Special Development District Process. These variations cannot be discussed in great deta'il at this time due to the lack of detailed information. They, however, wjl'l be very c'l osely reviewed at the time of the submitta'l and approval of the deve'lopment p1an. The Site Plan does indicate sufficient parking for the proposed uses, with 50% of this park'ing enclosed (which is a MDMF Deve'lopmentStandard). i l,le, however, want it c1 early understood that this underground parking' area is to be used so1e1y for park'ing and not for storage. One other general requirement is that the offjce building be residential in character. This a'lso will be closely reviewed at the tinp when the development plan is submitted. RECOMMENDATIONS The Departnent of Cormunity Developrent recomnends approval of the Zone Change Request from HS to MDMF. This approval is recormended with the following condi ti ons : Dwelling Units is not to exceed eight. .Net Rentable Commercial Space is not to exceed 51000 Plan through the Special Deve'lopment District Process be presented and approved by the Planning Commission' and Design Review Board before any construction commences. I . ) The number of 2.) The amount of square feet. 3. ) A Deve'lopment wil'l have to Town Council, PO 8ox l8l Copper Mounloin Colorodo 80443 303 i 668-2847 Jim Rubin, Zoning Offical Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 re: East Vail Triangle/Pitkin Landing Dear Jim, Attached please find the following: June 15 1979 1) Rezoning application2) check for $102.803) letter from Getty oil4) legaI description 5) re-revised site plan After reviewing the economics of the residential unitsit became apparent that the units were too large andtherefore too expensive. We have revised the site planto show a total of nine (9) units or approximately 15,200 sfof floor area with an additional 21250 sf of garage space,one space per unit aL 25O sf each. I hope this latest revision meets with your approval. dent/architectrltz vice p @etty Getly Refining and Marketing Company I P.O. Box 269, Denver, Colorado 80201 . (303) 45&8771 Pelroleum Marketing Department R. D. Harlan, District Real Estste Representetivo June 4, 1979 BH/p'l Mr. Fritz Glade P.0. Box 2239 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. G'lade: As you are aware, by letter to me dated May 30, 1979, the lloodbridge Qroup,_a Colorado corporation, is interested in purchasing from thiGetty Refining and Marketing Company a parcel of 'land known as the East Vail Triangle,.located on the Southeast corner of I-70 at Exit 180 in the Town of Vbil, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Said offer is contingent upon the Buyer obtaining approval of the Town of VaiI for the necessary water and sanitation'hook-ups and thenecessary rezoning to develop the piece of property in accilrdancewith a M.D. - 14.F. Development Program. You_are hereby authorized to make application for M.D. - M.F. Zonlng 1! Buyer's sole cost and expense. It is understood and agreed howevirthat such authorization does not commit Getty Refining and Marketing 9pmpaly to-sell the premises to Buyer and that Getty Refining and - llarketing company will not be ob]igated to sell the-premises-until suchtirn as a formal contract has been-approved and execirted by itsauthorized offices. If I can be of any further assistance pl ease let me know. Si ncerely, TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO ZONING DISTRICT (REZONINC) Appltcation Date' Publlcatlon Dste Public Hearing Date Naoe or Applicant {1h Y&gzae *te t'tr.. Name of Owner tf different frou Appllcant or)DeP #6 -.l1.l.rri/cD- En&.Malllng Addrees a-}.6 ?o rerephone l7o+) 1'1to.I5 Legal DescrLpt ion:Lot d,(61 , Block , Filing (If Property is Uoplatted, strbnit metea 6 bounde descrl.ptlon ag exhlb 1t ) Appllcatlon le hereby made for an Amenrlroent to the Zonlng Dlstrlct APPLICATION T{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWINGS 1. Itearing Fee - $100 + $f.40 for EAGH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OVINERS OF THE PROPERTIES wlthin 300 feet in a Slngle-Faolly Resldential ; Two-Fanil-y Residential ; or Two-Fanlly Prlnary/Secondary ResldentLal Zone Dlstrict; or adJacent to the subJect property in all other Zone Dlstricts 3. Maps and other documents ae required by the Zoning Adnlnlstrator. 4. A descrlption of the preclse nature of the proposed change and ao explanation of why lt ls being proposed. Described ae fol1ow''| kaas <Ib tg€'nte @o @tl wt r$ Signature of/$pLicarrt TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEI''I0MNDUM TOI.IN COUNCIL DEPT. 0F COI'!{JNITY DEVELOPMENT JULY 'f 2, 1979 REzoNrNGo@ 0n July 10, the Planning-and Environmenta't commission reviewed a rezoningrequest for the Getty Oil Site, a one acre parcel toiateA-JAl.acent io tiiEEast vail Interchang-e... t. pl6posal wis to'ctrange-itre-ioni utstrict fromHeavy Service. (Hs) io ltedium'Di!;it), ti]itt-famtty with the actuat proposalbeing for eight condominium units m-'th 5,000 tqui""'i""i"or office space. The.Planning and Environmental cormission officia]ly took no formal actionon the request but did state their basic objeciion io-irrl lreation oi-iiv"new residentjal units__(see m.inutes enclmed). rtre ieC-susiestion was todevelop the site totaliy as an ofiiie-u;ii;i;s ii:-pl"n"pl'Eu"n ur. su.station. The pEC arso did not rule out the p6riiuliilv'it-aiiowing ;;*light commercial uses on the site.- --- The staff feels that this matter should be discussed with the council!:fgt.. another proposar.is.put togeiher by the Jppr:ica,ii. -ir," stattstill be]ieves that a mixed'use f6r ttris iiie-tJ'5ppr"p"iute, withperhaps a lower density. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FnITz GTRoe, AncuITecT, REPRESENTING Wooosntoee Ixc. HAs AppLtED FoR A ConorrroNAL Use PenNlr ro ALLow AN OFFIcE BUILDING oN TnE GETry OTI STTe oN AN UPLATTTED PARcEL IN BIGHoRN, SAID PARcEL Is IN R HeRw Senvlce DTsTRIcT. TTIIs Is TH AccoRDANcE wtrH CnRprEn 18.60 oF THE Vnrl fvlut'rIcIpAL coDE A PusLrc HERnrHe wILL BE HELD BEFoRE THE Towru or VRII_ Punnlne AND ENVTRoNMENTAL Commlsston on SeprEmBER 24, 1979 Rr 3:00 P.M. IN THE Vntl MuuIcIpAL Butt-otne . SAro HeRRtNG wILL BE HELD IN AccoRDANcE wtrH Secttor'r 18.66.060 or rge Vetl MuH tc tpRL Cooe , TO}{N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A,ar{; :s A, RuetNtne AomtH rsrRAToR To se puBLrsHED ru VRrr- TnRrl SeptemgeR 7, [gZg l{A!{E Or nranEST APIII ICAM: rrf crade APPLICAI.II: Resubmlttal of ln East Vall. o rldgeorr 'lc Office ButldtngDeslgn for Woodb Ml'[E OF PIIBLIC BCDY DA15 OT HMRI}G: IERI{AL ACTICI{ TAKE'I & EINDITGS: OIHET OIIMENTS; HEARING AFPI,IC.ATIAN : 10-8-79 Planniag and Envlronmental Comiselon 3-1 for approval, 1 abstentlon. The applLcant wl.lL be required to landscape more on the eastern slde of the 1ot and to revegetate wLth ground cover the area between the right of vay and the property line. PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Fritz GIade, Architect, representing the l{oodbridge Grcup Inc., is app'lying for a rezoning of a one acre unplatted parcel at the West End of Bighorn (next to Pitkin Creek Park) fron Heavy Service (HS) to Low Density lttu]tiple Fami'ly/Specia'l Deve'lopment District.. Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.66 of the Town of Vai'l Municipa'l Code. A Public Hearing wil'l be he'ld before the Town of Vai'l Planning and Environmental Conmission on January 28, 1980 at 3:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Mun'icipal Building. Said hearing will he held in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the Touin of Vail l,tunicipal Code. TO}JN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COIf4UNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,r,"*A.W;^ 5{mes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on January ll, 1980. o l'O1YN Or VAil, APPT,ICATION ITOII CONDITIONAI-, USE I,,IiIIMIT to /1Applictttion Date Publication Date Public l{earing Date q lz4 7 , -'ftW $)octa*P's*, GPe \*=' Name of Owner if different from Applicant Irtailing Address q I iIII t I relephone 4?to - <t+'t5'' Legal DescriPtion:Lot , Block , Filing Ott- +fr€ fT- propeiE is unPlatt subm t metes & boun s Eescr-iPtion as exhi Application is herebY made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow: trict.ina APPLICATION 1VILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOITING: l.HearingFee-$5o.oo+$l.40forEACHaddressedenvelope. 2.ALTSToFTHEolyNERSoFTHEPRoPERTIESwithin300feetina single-Famirv neiidential; Tvo-Farnily Resiclential; or Two-Family PrimaryfseconOary-nesiAen!l"1.Zone District; or adiacent to the sui:ject property 1n all other Zone Districts' TheorvnersListshallincludethenamesofallownersandthe legal clescription of the property orvned by each' Accompanying this list "iruii-be pre-addreisea- envelopes along with. certificates ana Reiurn Receipts properly fill-ed out to each owner. These iott" can be obtainbd from the U'S' Post Office' 3. Site Plan, floor plan and otheT documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise nature of tbe proposed use'.its operating charactcristics and measures proposed to make the use cotpitible with other properties in the vicinity' ,afi!9,/o;i;:;;:4 %:P PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fritz Glade, Architect, representing the Woodbridge Grorp Inc., has applied for a Rezoning of a one acre unplatted parcel at the llest End of Bighorn (next to Pitk'in Creek Park) from Heavy Service (HS) to l,hdium Density l,tu]ti-Family (ltlDMF). Application has been made in accordance with Section 18.66.1'10 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held beofre the Town of Vail Planning and EnvivtnrBntal Conmission on July .|0,'1979 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing wi1'l be he1d in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the l.tunicipal Code. TOhN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COIVM'NIW DEVELOPMENT 0, Q.^t;* James A. Rubin Zoninq Administrator'q' Pub'fjshed in the Vail Trail June 22,'1979 TO}IN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR AMENDUENT TO ZONING DISTRICT (REZONING). Apprication Date /t 80 Publlcatlon Date /-/tYKD Public Hearing Date /- At'fu Name of Applicant Name of Owner lf different from App 1ic an t /NC. Mailtng Address TeI-ephone b-frl{ Legal DeserLptlon: Lot , Block , F11ing H7 o ?/7€ If Property ie Unp atted, eubnlt netes & bounds description as. exhibLt) Application ls hereby Described as f ol1ows: uade for an Amenilment to the Zoniog Dlstrict 4t-?2./fu @za.<ena,rf @>7rzcV Aultu^t,{5, S{s:/rat of/{ppLLcartt APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWINGs 1. Hearing Fee - $100 + $1.40 for EACIT addressed envelope. 2. A LIST 0F THE OWNERS OF TIIE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-Faally Residential; Two-Fanlly ResLdential; or Two-Fanlly Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Dl-strlct,s 3. Maps and other documents as required by the Zoning Adnlnlstrator. 4. A descriptLon of the preclse nature of the proposed change aod an explaoat Lon of vhy lt is being proposed. 4W* &"2 /.9-J I Uo;*tU 3/ts7 0/*.^L Al**^"t f-*";04"AO"'*ev /{ag.$fi Vart- t Co &as7 tt.rlr.a' mCIJUNt91991I: Z:I Summit Construction Services, Inc. June 1.3 , L99L uike t{ollica Town of vail Planning Departnent 75 S. Frontage Roadvail-, co 81658 Dear tlike: I wanted to update you on the progress for conpJ-etion of the Ledges landscaping. $te are currently conpleting the seeding that remains around Buildings c, D and E. The power poles are scheduled for rernoval next week, so that the bern by the east entrance can be conpleted. AIt trees and shrubs required for the proJect were installed last year and the previous year. lfe did upgrade several aspects of the landscaping by planting 10 more aspen than the plans called for, as well as several additionaLpines, 5 gallon shrubs in lieu of L gallon, and alrnost double the arnount of sod that was specified. I would appreciate you taking the time to walk the site in the next week so that the project can obtain a full C.O. and I can get [y clean-up depositsreturned. If you find anything we need to do, please don'thesltate to contact me. l{e enjoyed working with you on this project and look forward to another project in the future. Yours truly, --;--- rA'" tt(40il'a2-.t.-.=_ Tory Hauser, President THldn 1,16,q( ?,A */ >,tltu -,k /";// ft-T ,-/ fV;J,-+ * qfl*.^ ( -f" Or+a---+ P.O. Box 2608 . Dillon, CO 80435. tSO@ Ia i,zi.I( 44 I aT ZAt * tvv ",,t/ N,"d 4-teb @,4'D'^'rta). 'l,z?. 1 (\o-- \.\ /J./(Ku+ \ >,- bt ."* *'f /^.".A'.t, A, D, C k I -o. cJ "p"r.-- G!!!Y zerc$ | HOLY CROSS E,LE,CTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. $ 4,092.09 4,430.87 (14.420.00) $ 5,897.04 * 3?99 HIGH*AY E2 (303) 945'54e1 P. O. DRAWER 2l5O FAX:945-4OEI GLEI.IWOOD SPRINCS, COLORADO E I 602 l,fay 28, l99l ) ,W,tnwt.t.l A{,,tAWt\nn 1 |Mr. Tory Hansen {\Ni)tX r } k Summit Construction Services, Inc. \ )\\ul(ft\,.$J\P. 0. Box 2608 / 4Nu"'{'\.\1"-.Diron, cororado 80435 {ri.nYA_Ar ^0"RE: Finar Accountins - f1;:lli',;"61;;f;.:i lll,fit?li "o \ tle '"\0{t '\^r&*-,$[ Dear Mr. Hansen: " \nK*_J pursuant to our contract letter of September 26, 1989, we have completed-our final . /\Vq1 accounting for the above refenenced cbnstruction. A surmary of costs, a'l'locations and I t{/payments follows, q' u/0#91-12346 HCEA unE EXTENSIoII CoST $8,522.96 Construction Deposit (Refundable) Contribution in Aid of Construction Prepayment Recelved AdJustnent Due: Sunmlt Constructlon Services' Inc. P. 0. Box 2608 Dlllon' C0. 80435 * funds to be held by Holy Cross Electric pending completion of developer's work. Condition #l jn our contract letter speclfied your responsibility to insta'll an underground servlce for the Highway Dbpartment._ Upo! comp'letion of thts task' the existing overhead line will be-retired. Removal cos!_s may be deducted from the adiustment due of iS,ggZ.O+. Any adJustment funds remalning will be promptly refunded. The constructlon deposit in the amount of $4,092.09 is subiect to annual refunds based upon 20 percent of tne annua'l revenue received from the facilities constructed under the above referenced contract 'l etter, not to exceed $409.30 per year for a period of ten years. Upon expiration of the ten year refund period, the remal.ning construction deposit balance witt be'applied as a non-retoverable contrtbution ln aid of construction to lU0#91-12346. Actual net refunds wi'll not exceed the construction deposit of $4'092.09. Shou1d you have any questions regarding the above accounting or adiustments, please contact me. Si ncerel y, HoLY CRoSS ELECTRIC ASSoCIATION, INC. Stephen B. Casey, Contract Administrator SBC: rjm Enc'losure CC: lfl0#91-12346:52-70:The Ledges, East Vail Interchange Town oT-VaTT Pl anriTfif Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 I AFFIDAVIT OF TORY HAUSER I, Tory Hauser, Presj.dent of Summit Construction Services tInc., do hereby state the following: 'l . That Summit Construction Services, Inc. was the General Contractor for the Ledges project, located in VaiI, Colorado. 2. That North South Partners was the developer of the Ledges project. 3. That North South Partners sold three of the six units in the Ledges project to local residents, whose names and addresses are as follows: (a. ) Gerald Rubin & Marilyn Metcalf 3891 Bighorn Road, Unit C VaiI, Colorado (b. ) Gary & Deborah Eno 3891 Bighorn Road, Unit A Vail, Colorado (c.) Kevin & Pat WalI 3891 Bighorn Road, Unit F Vail, Colorado Further, the Affiant sayeth not. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of 1990, by Tory Hauser, President of Summit Construction Inc. Witness my hand and official seal. My comrnission expires: 1'l /9 /91 December, Services, NOTARY r-a- PUBLIC L2lL8l98 LgiSZ DIIBs 3434585956o CI}EiTRI.ETT(N W o PAE 01 lAx colfEt 8f,EEl Eo! t'\rkq ..!'\oLLrL,. Toy fl-Alr4.a'e -'-_-''_- f:.f'tq - ars{ lBons &rrtt CdrrttTctlon Serntsur Inco (3011 158-rlc6 13031 .68-5966 (rrl) nE! ()too ot! EI ) O.ec L!tqr5 +rEE urt u oE (JOLO t^ t r- rF(.,.r Ul (ut !r,+., .|'r ! Lrn o>€:c>coE.'" O G >.r(J.3.1, ur c c EO(,.FOo,O>o! cL+r oIL:Lto+r co.oE |,tt ('tL(l,€lr. tl+r Cos||€ I!r(' .O(uo€ ' L.ELCc'EOU'OO>rOEFCL .F Eo:'L+r!oc, (u o o.F! .|'r ,rl ('l| .1,o orF c it+r |,l |t >o (,-5,'EEEC L O''.F C € tru +rttoo€ LL.F >.r E (lJ llo+J !l c,rJrJo.(J(,o+r>rl--. -C O )|E+'>LO.. oD o!!.Pbr(U c tA GtC, F.F O !f-f E C,nF >i+, .F |DO c.F c-C.C= Gt , r.. +t +,0orf.to-LobLt1'c16J!toL.,.ut'loe3 io o(, :}oc.a -a !o E (l, L:tvl lfo 16 Lt(,(, tr|Foz, \ud= $H 6E Ri' 3$\ HHi Ii eI Ol $ile.s> -l g/st$'sose$q€oEgBIg ts €!/€,GtC'EG.F.F ttC'I LI9exE=bI+roqr.tC!F C\.+ EFEb€=r+, e+9.c'F !! o.= 5E;;feb*€=;EitfE 8E6EEgStt t-t$,Err5.|J >€EoFE EE-P gEhE6riE b;t,'91:o.clts :L€git* E:-.Ru .F 1\?{,lrFc ciEssooc"igEvilt .,.F. to.!G,F+'.,L a, Qt vlo t!,-+rLFllFCrtL {!t a, o c!.t dt ct3'SoEfEgoco>o: oct -o o.Et o c ar vlo 6 L?.O c' Ct(|L.FC' CLI C!Oa|ct .rEooto+t *t^E X>nra{J o,Pr' (|,< .n o ott lP rE ttl+rE L EC . l!,(| t{,' 0, ttrr-.|JoE|^+r>EEarooPP.F a c' +r-C vl C6 5Il?t.FCU.P |!tll'EGtto.r )r.n L c' O.F d(FC Cr(U>LLl^r dtlr-C.CF (J O. +,+rc!i!ar.P oc lcLL E.c O T O E O C'!, C|.r, C+ C ItrJl| Lo+ro.-!,x!to ccclJc,coc tr at ?Eot 6 .+, ooo -F C Ctt G C, L..ttt F+, 6 . C c, L |! lt.F O'! L+rr E |E |! > lJI tr!tta, c, oLc'Y|FF>.L:\ dFtC\Fc'r,t(l,Earar.t L t.c |! cE.?oFP-.BPoF > .F +, +r o it ntE+rL !J| rJ rE Cr vri,F :' U (|, {rG |. A>.P Vt E.t E4r.}, r! tFo o+, c c oLO+rits G'.c|OEAC .PIJEIC+,5'liE-19-.'.lt t +, +r-c o? ctUtq>+r F.rt IF.'OC>rF CI[| Xs Lo|rF?urELC-bg-EE.P.!'{r.!+, ttF |a r- .1, >.P Cttrlt C ? !,| +, Cl-Cl c.tarLFU CI{, .lr.F+rFOa C|()gld€r! L U X l,.t (l|:.|QtP a, O X{r6+rErF Ctl |q lnt !, F L.r. 6F c,+, . E.Et t+, CtA L .F c, C.Crl{J ilr:t oro L.do L>.€rF.ru a, !qclo|.|J |!L .OE> H tt |qtttt4|OSG' vt .O.rJ €o.G vt 9- ..- o? C'?L+, rt.gc L U Ut., !t E {,.P.P U? sl-c L c o c vr !t oO.!SlFCtc,Ellr !tsF tFr o o tt.F t hot$qdc/')Jt*Ac-t4F1xq,,.(a\sr\DolV.r(llht/\oYb" \9 ,P; \oj -J $b P e UI -J a. 36 E .l-'a s =qs R H F (, I .;q, \a \I s B (tl '09' H.*J '^d' o? .t\=a\to 1"'"'o';;;?A"-s--6'"r))c-Eilii--ct i.3"ftsr'5 I I d 'qIto(4\a 1., ss $b HS (t, {Sb =P8 H$ $8" $EiE $H g Efo E€ ;$tt I ,lls ;il1 :;ll fi j I {; C'aioaI=art .ltLCoot-t?otEf!5lo ItrlJc EoI(D a v a R E '8 k, H E ta so q;l\r tc\'l\ F lat (o\ l!r, !oEottIo€oocE6ocT!oIoor€aOC:ol€c.!c!dlolooC+,c6-.bG\0r€(,(,XLoa f3aL .lJA.Pat|l'i'o 2.P tlLC.!oe(,go€CC' JIcorC'€!€.ta.ct tL}C'ForLgoTE-l I ! otlo ('0r.P !?liT !,*€t *Es,'" 93tte3!.'-8 t! "9E'.P +OE x>r''a€ O+rll 3Ct! OOg P a:!;EgEE nt+, +r,F t o P.G |l3..,*€EHEartr? L g lr?rFE {,O\LLvl,-d.P-C.CF|JGtiE-€t-15-b88-.58c5"!ro cEE(,EE5.go.EEEE.ts6P:33SbtEl'o'3O 6FF > .L:\r-co.rOr|OCPtLGaogH:3'.F€i s EE+rL I t,a eO.F :' O O 04: |l tl>.P' Ct G,lr.|rI8.-€-5.8oAGC +'IJc:TCF:$tEa.E teffEiiE:iE.lC 'F O+'.ttl5g b=' EE .'ia L t x lt.c>o+r+roxocr+,; fleEf '.;iELaD OS|,f|Laa, tr >GlF ar l, Cllr i l-€ i:t?t;€;irfEa ! E O arP (,.F.C L C! O g IiEOaCt?C!-fCH|t.F!r-OClttF "\o',9j &",a*v,<eeJgg.p,,. \I)\r4-k -? L1E;1a:.ir::l;e:_':t..)iiiI:..:Ic..;sL!.1l.r.t(i,:t.J;t:|::-..l.-.4.. or btN.N^-': (o!r^t fr)voQrrTF 7 ct 6trsl{tdb .\q-,+5- {ooE'\+= t\ ot,\f \*\\\1 :\Bru,9b'.lt. -E =o(, atlF .F.Cc>o .p3!"6et '€,9 ec, ut t e, r|..r- Ul tl+r !. 6|,|+'LGLeslH93*'3 =. i:g€ gs P! sE tEs>r.F Ul .1, c8F*5oE,-rLSggsFe:a = L .1, .Et C,aJ (l,uq,'F. !l ,aJ |!9P8gt-53--t.,' F EEcLC'.F.F E,! >r C, !iE9*8ob!:e Esia+, > L.. Ei !, =rFrll3c Ulc,g-EEUIOF >r.p .r- .lr3 SESf € I{ 0, ct rtnsRl s. vrll$b.$olca I Ert2e _g-;jn_ \'I t t-J l'j ,gl qqr ura qg s si 9,,. il 's trt 8Ed()t'F t 5(' fij s b =P Eq€(o=Iqo'U)l-. ; N (rl - H = F g \nlrl\J trJ lrJ T qi t-. l= I ilir i i 75 soulh l?ontage rcad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (303) 4792139 August I7, L99O ollice ol communlly development Mr. Tory Hauser, President Suronit Construction Senri.ces, Inc.P.o. Box 2608Dillon, CO 80435 Dear Tory! Thank you for your letter dated July 25, 1990 with regard to the expiration of your letter of credit for the above named project. Upon site inspection of the Ledges, the Town staff is in agreement with your analysis of the percentages complete, specifically for the paving and the landscaping. The Toern wiII alLow the current letters of credit to expire. However, we will not issue any final certificates of occupancy for the Ledges untit all inprovements are completed. Such improvements include finat revegetation and landscaping' undergrounding of the currently overhead power lines, and final asphalt paving of the road. Shoutd you have any questions on any of the above, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, /U.A trQ Mike Mol.lica Senior Planner MMlpp cc: Gary Murrain %*, tr.rlf.r' II V,IPI Summit Construction Senrices, Inc. July 25, 1990 Mr. Michael Mollica Planner Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8'l 557 RE: Ledges Dear Mike: I am vrriting this letter with regard to theour letter of credit. ^ The following will progress on Ledges' sitework and paving: Arli'c ./i,'1. I rt pdl expiration date on update you as to the ( 1 . ) The temporary overhead power line from Building B has been removed and permanent underground power to the site has been installed. r would like to schedule an inspection torelease the letter of credit from the Vail National Bank in the amount of $875.00, which expires August 9th. (2.1 The landscaping is approximately 50* complete and should be close to 1008 complete by the end of August. Holy Cross Electric has not yet renoved the power poles which arein the berm by the east entrance. However, they are workingin the area. We anticipate them removing the poles within thenext 2 weeks. When this has been done, we will immediatelyplant the berm and revegitate the area.for this expires on August 25th. The letter of credit (3.) The road through the site is currently cut to grade and half of it has been paved. We are scheduled to completethe paving by the 25th of August, at which time the letter ofcredit for this work expires. Please give me a call should you need any further information. Sincerely, ---A \d.r4+\rr{ ToryvHauser, President THldm P.O. Box 2608 . Dillon, CO 80435 . (303)468-1486 !*-*rot" Itt=tncrlng:..- Aultuqt 15, 1990 Tory tlauaer $trnqlt Conetnuction Servlces Box 2608DlIIon, @ 80435 Re: The LedgaaProject No. 9OO11S Dear Tory, Thls letter La sritten to doounent that Inter-llountaln En8incaring Dnovlded gtali!8 of thc utillty end acctgs easet€ntat the Ladges grior to the conatructton of tho utilltl,ca and roaduay. lle alao provldcd li.nc and Eradc ataltru for aoac of thcutlllty constructlon. Although no aa-bullt aurvcy hrg bmn dont, to thc bcst of roy tnorlcdgte thc utllltlru and roadway scFc oonatnrotad rLthln thE eagooent, t.Ll f If sc can bs of any further tlorvicc, Dlcart don't heEltate [ .o cal]. \ sinccrcry,";:7xffiry ffi,,ft Jt{S: cjn Aon ib. 920 r Am(r. Colo6dot1fil0 r 919*iO2 gmurr80!!t681 1,lil0 Vanca S&tel . lrlwoo4 Colordo ffitS r Pfiotc tr[O156 / -. aslztls' 14 48 3434065 s.ri{rT co.ElJrro.r srl/PTGE 01 rAX COYBR SHIET ro, fhi,tr Ih^ Q.,'. ^ . *,4-71,-p.l+,r $ggnit Conrtructlon Scrvtoft, Inc.(303)1l88-1{88 Date Recer"? o" the connunity Development Department : IPPLICITION IOR 8IIGLA Til{ILT SUBDIVISION CEIDITEA L7.25 YIIL III'IIICIPAIJ CODE D. APPLrcArro" r"rffi;\P^rD/* cIIEcK # E.UATERTAIS TO BE SUBilTTTED: 1. Th'o mylar copies and one paper coPY, of the subdivision plat shall be subnitted to the Departnent of community Development. The plat shall include the following: a. The finat plat shall be drawn by a registered surrreyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably nylar) with dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger wi.th nargins of one and one-half to two inches on the l.eft and one-half inch on all other sides. b. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or comnon uses and other inportant features. All cunres shall be circular arcs and strall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. .All dinensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which nust balance and close within a linit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrott and graPhic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets, alIeys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, ?nd ?dedication thereof to the public use. An ldentlfication of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserrred for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. f. A written survey description of the area including the total acrealte to the nearest appropriate significant figrure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this Danner as well. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set' which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all nonunents used in conducting the survey' Monurne-nt perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perineter nonuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be deternined by the town engineer. O0 AUG 1 51990 (PTJASE PRrNT OR TYPE) rA. appf,fcanf --Tb'E L\sosern-- s( "rr.rrr So.,tt'\ P IitArLrNG ADDRESS Ro( \411 b\(Lo{, Co 8Oq3S PHoNE qbg- 1466 B.pRopERTy onnnn NoRtr\ Sorvrit\ Qr.esr-rcra-5 orNEnrE EIGInEURA PHONE- I{AILING ADDRESS co.a C. IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS rrT_BlrcK_suBDrvrsroN l-.<r\(^€< FILINq 9- a statelt by the land sunr"rot .Oaining how bearing base was detemined. i. n certificate by the registered land sunreyor as outlined in chapter L7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the surrrey was performed by hln in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes L973, Title 38, Article 51. j. A certiflcate by an attorney adrnitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the publlc the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee sinple, free and clear of al.l liens and encunbrances except as noted. k. The proper fonn for filing of the plat with the Eagle Countyclerk and recorder. I. Certiflcate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or lmprovenents to the public' all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property wlll be regul-red to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership ln additlon to the fee sinple owner thereof. m. Sl.gnature of owner. The plat must contain the fotlowing staternent: f'For zoning purposes, the lots created by this subdivision are to be treated ls one lot with no more than 3gg dwelling units allowed on the conbined area of the S lots.tr The statement shall be nodified to indicate the number of units and lots proposed. 2. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants relating to the suUaivision, which sha1l assure the malntenance of any common areas which nay be created. The covenants shall run with the land and shall be in a for:rn suitable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 3. Schedules A and B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA The burden of proof shall rest nith the applicant to show that the subdivision conplies wLth the zonlng ordinance with respect to building locati6n and other aspects of the structure and ground, with the original plat as approved by the Design Review Board of the Town and the accurateness and integrity of the suntey data found on the plat. Upon receiving two copies of a conplete subnittal along with paynent oi ttre appropiiate fee, the zoning adnlnistrator-shall route one copy of the sile nap to the town engineer for his review. The zoning adninistrator shall then conduct thiE revies concurrently. The town engineer shall review the subnittal and return comments and no€ifications to the zoning adninistrator who shall transnit the approval, disapproval or approval with nodlflcatlons of the plat wiinin firurteen days to the applicant. The zoling adtninistrator shall sign the plat lf approved or reguire modifications on the plat-for apfrovat 6r deny approval due !o inconsistencies with the.originally aiirovea plan ol tl-iture to make other reguired nodlficatLons of the plat. G. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community Developrnent wllf^ record the Plat and any relateb covenants with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Conrnunity Developnent Departrneit will retlin on- rnylar copy of the plat for their records and wiII record ttre renaining nylar copy. h. F. E rlxD ?trLE cuARANTEE coitpANy 80x 3J7vAtL co 81698 ASSESSED IO: NORTH SOUTH2955 VALI{ONT BOULDERI CO PARTNERS 80301 AMOUITITS REFLEGTED ARE vAuo ol{LY uNnLe 02/29./90 PROPEFW DESCRTPTION A!T: SEC/TI.JN/RNO: t t-J-BOLIN- CURRENTTAX 1,744. 05 TAX DUE: STATI,IS: poro o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. cc o. oo o. oo I lIEry SALE Ar,rouNT rs suB./ECT TO Igg_qrrE ro ENDoRsErenrr oi-iiE'-r!F!r rAx BY cERr oF puncraii- -gER. AFTER SEPT t, pEnsoNer_}nop.rolILE HO'.|E AilouNr rs susJECr'id' ' yF!. _AFTER ocr. I REAL pnoF. 'rei lgTT_rg suBJEcT ro csarvcd.' ir-er6efIfI rltE TREASURERS oFFicE ;il--rREcr AnouNr pRroR ro nelriirii;. NOTICE IIE.U?{O€RSIGNEO, DO HEREBY CEBTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNTFEA ET'TATE TP(ES DUE UPOIrr_es^reinoii-ff eifi ilEfr,?i'.:fi ';ii'^ttT?SBi?ti3 fr -gi1triFRodwxtcHnlESAMEuetsiiuiii-eiEE-rftbrvmr: Arrcuilr REoUTRED FoR REDEMpnoN, enirs rioieb-iiihern. MTTESS WTTEREOF, I }iAT/E XERET,,NTO SET MY I{AND ANO SEAItts o^YoF FE?#.x66!* #.l*?zu IiIARY E. WALKER PENALTIES: o. oo TOTAT TA)( DUE TAX LIEN SALES OB DEUNOUEI{T TAX TOTAL Atrtctt itT TO FEDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSTENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE THIS^CERT|F|CAIE DO€S r|oT-h|cttDE t.A'{O OR rpnOVEilEItfTl, ^g9F-9.!FD _u!o€R ^ seprnere sq{EDuE-H-rndEi-per*liildpnopemvro(is: oR seEcur_ menovara,n osiari--iiF$iffis, ilooi_eliOllES, UiltESS SPECtF|cil,fy MElfiEfttED. fi.ff. rssusHrs cEFnFTcATE $ ro. oo \o'\q-V-\* Gr", . \*' \N\uq- \Nr'L\ t INTER.OgP.qRTNENTAT REVI El.| Peo.lEcT: JLe /e4e c DATE SU3IfITTEDz 8. 6.?o DATE 0F PUBLIC HEARING- l/A CCI'!'.IENTS I{EEDED BY: AsAla E sfirrktL lpr- o', as Vu I l' a id- +- o,N. L1 i*gr0rn,,..,.,*, t fu-L i ul'i lt;., a.-n-_ bu; | .l- ">n Qnu;&J FIRE DEPI.RT?.iENT ,ffi, Reviewed by: ru &16L*- -l'l'L- 0ate Conments: POLICE DEPART]4ENT Revieved by: Connerrts: Date I '€r' ..r j; REC.::E.4Ti OlI DEPARTI.::NT Revle'aed.by: Co;;,ents: Date !i!;t ?li*^" *- Ilnter-Mountalnffitr#t:- - Englneerlngrta. l.,rlE ARE trORWARDtNG-IO Y0U: ffHerewith I Under Separafe Cover Via E !.s.tima+es ffPrints D Copy of Lefter I Proposals f] Specifications ! Change Order E Repor+s ! Survey! THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: I for Your Use I For Approval PLEASE NOTE: ffror Review and Conment fl nt Requested I Approved as Submitted tr NO. COPIES DMWING NO.LAST DATED DESCRIPTION 5 / orl 8/t /?o ft*c rZ.nz or V 'ft. Za6 Pne.e T Lakewood ,t G Rug 08/13/90 o 3056430669 Rubin 8 flssociates Inc TEL Nn.303-476-4149 ED MARINE 4 OZ .13,90 i7t34 P.02 AIIENDMENI trO DECLAR,AtrIONS OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS roR THE I,EDGE6 SUBDIVISION VAIL, CO T!{IS N'IENDMENT le made on the date hereinaftar Bet forth by the LoL Ownere of recJra at the pr€eont tfune and rnade bursuant to Artlctt X, Sectlon-i-oi tfre Uecliiatlon of Covenante, bonditlons, ani-nestrictlone for The tedges Eubdivleion' WITNESSETHI WHEREAS'Declarantlwlghto.arnendtheoriglnalDeclarattonofcovenini", ccnaiiil;;;-;"4-i;eiitcttone hereln- so a3 to chang€ alI rof,erences to r.,oie ir'2, 3, A,5. and 6 to read L,3t'A' E' c' D' E, and F; and 'dHEREASrDeclarantehaveconplledwlth,ther"';'lirenentsprovlcrlns for ;;;- i-ri"naii1g ot tfre origlnal Declaratl-on of bovenant6, conditlong, ahd Restrlctions' llL\w THEREFoRE, all refercnce6 in the origlnal Declaratlon of cove*ants, conori,ii";;;;d R"itii"ttotta to toti 1, 2, 3' 4' 5' and i-shil, I b6 read as Lots A1 B, Cr D, E, and F' AND THEREFORE, thlE Amendrnenb le to be fulIy lncorporated. into tne oilginii o*rfui.tlon of covenanta,. Cond1tlon-e, and Restrictions i* if t-uffy set forth verbatim thereln' IN WfTNEss WHEREoF, tha underelEnad, being thc DeclarantF trelein, have 3et tttEiif tdna on tfre-aite or datee chovn brlow' Thls Arnendnent ehal] be effectlve Ntlltc PRo TUNC August-9' I??0 provldsd ;ii ;;;;rsiii slqnatures ars procurerr wlthin 20 dayg therecf. DECLARANTS: NORTII-SOUTH PARTNERS oF lprs c, D, raI Partner a Rubin o?/r3/so rh & Rssociates Inc TEL o 3056430669 N0.303-476-4149 ^-. U,IED HARINE @ OE Fug . 13 ,90 11 :35 P .03 Gary and Orrnars of Byt Datcd: ,fohn and Ownerg of Iolle lovrttt€t B t. Project Application o"n 4' 4' 7O Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Com ments: Filing Zone - Design Review Board Motion bv: H 'r, 7-n . seconded ry, A o^2r 4,.1,70 DISAPPROVAL 4-o Summary: Date: E statt Approval o a-2t APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORB I.IEETIIIG DRB APPLICATION , '..i. _ .:': *****THIS APPLICATION }|ILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION TS SUBI'IITTED#** A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION B. LOCATION OF ' -'i-,.""J I.PRE.APPLIcATI0N.MEETING'..'..';",.::':... A pre-applicatlon meetlng wlth a plannlng staff member.ls strongly suggested to . ''t:l:i. determiirb it any additional inforiration ls needed. No appllcation will be-accepted .:31! unless it is complete (must l4clg{e all ltems required.by the.zoning adninistrator). 'iEI:It ls the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find . ,-.-.' out about aiitttionat-submitta'l requirements. P'leiie note that a COMPLETE applica- ::,.r,,.S'ii tlon wil] stream'line the approval process for your projgct by decreas'ing the number r' of conditions of approval that the-DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must lft: be resolved before a bullding permit.is issued. '.. r"'r Address z Legal Description Zonlng C. IIAME Address D. MME OF Address E. MME OF APPL ICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Si gnature Addres F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at VALUATION +DPCK@ .ll',TTr2t, IA0 Filing te1ephonqQry11--- ephone@9p11 $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $l,0oo,0oo$ 0ver $1,000,000 the tlme a bui'lding FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00' $1oo.oo. $200.00 $3oo. o0 te'I ephs n:e af, I ; t*?5ll : : permit is requested. +1. IMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the appllcant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be renoved should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEil BUILDINGS will normally involve tv,ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their schedu'led meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wi'll be required to be republ i shed . ,: t. il. o be presented the Zoning no to4.The fol'lowlng ltems They, however' have ,.1 to the Deslgn Revlew Board. -""*ifl Administrator for approval : longer have to be presented to 5. a. tllndows, skyllghts and slnrllar exterfor changes that do not alter the existing plane of the bulldlngi and b. Bulldlns addltions that are not vletred from any other lot or publlc space' wtricfi trive had letters submitted from adJoininb property owners approving the additlon; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium' assoclation. Studies on your property. You shouid o ,t I. NEt,| CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED ,-: ,-,i-r i ' rr,!S* . .....: i-i,;.:. of 4" or more. boulders, ...' . :'.' A. topograptrtc map and site pian of site containing the following (2 copies): - 1. Llcensed surveyorrs stamp. .''2. Cfitour intervals of not more than 2' un'less the parcel consistF gf ,6-ag1e.s 0R . more, ln which case, 5r contour intervals will be accep-ted':(N6ffE P.tAfr2 3. Existing trees or groupq of,trees having trunks with diameters one foot above grade, HAI.JE Rock outcroppings and other sfunif lntermittent streams , etc)-4!H.. tures ( I arge 5. Ayalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40X or more, lf applicable.. t#486. Tles to existinq benchmark. either USGS 'landmark or sewer invert.Mffi:-4q;l gi..4 b%z:zq-l. .Locations -of the following: _-_8.. Propoged surface drainage and off site showing size and type ofon be submitted with site plan. C. Pre'liminary title report to accompany a'|1 submittals, to- -and al.l-.ea5e[rents on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20r or larger) - 2 copies to include existing sources and proposed structure. Utilities to include: bearings and a basis of bearlng and spot e'levations lnsure property ownership b.uti'l i ti es s to the gas e]ectri c ng distances and th percent slope lea 8. $!il19, qnd_flnis!gd. srades.' f-lEr 2tr1-E -r!4\L---- -.-.*.9. [l] existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, c. d. e. * )K d( service .areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading _mr Zi+H.h5*b(t,Jith spot elevations), and other site improvements.. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine heiqht of bu.ildinq. B. o;;m^ffi:]ffi1)., vlrirying 'rocation or service and availabiltty. ro l. Show the 'location of 4" diameter oi,larqer'trees;:other are on the site and the location and deiign of pioposed fi+rttri&f$#tr5$35 sizls or prant materiars 'shntjbs'aRi'netiVb o't antslandscape areas $J'ith to be planted. N NOTE: lete lan materi al s l.i st. As much of the above infonnation as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics'may be a separat map. The applicant must stake the s'ite to show lot lines arid building corners. Tree that wil'l be lost during construction must be tagged. The wor' shou'ld be completed !y_e1!1sv,q1es., ct 'locations of al'l ce lines f cabl e TV sewer lines sed drivewa before the DRB site visit. oo rrrchitectural Plans (l/8u ' 1' or'larger) 2 copies i. lilust inc'lude floor plans and all elevatlons as they will appear on comp'letion. +K 2. ._+- r-f.! ,:.-r4+-r --qJterlor surfacing materials and colors shal'l 6e specified and submitted for both existinq and.finisheC grades.N-FWAe)terials and colors shal'l be soecif tions musa t- lz---v1?li" review on the materials llst available from the Department of Comunity Develop- be pre-sented at the Design Review ;(r. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches'that clearly indlcate what is proposed and the'location (site p'lan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including co'lors and'materials to be used. .- III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0rigjnal floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 coples C. Site plan'showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of additlon E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for a'll materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Conanunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying 'location of service and avai'lability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN!d-/7t Rfte" a building permit has been issued, and when the project is untlenray, the followingwi'll be requirei before any bui'lding reieives a framinb iispection fror ihe Bu'ildingDepartnent: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building'locations with tles to property corners, l.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. A'11 uti'lity service lines as-bui'lts showing and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coples E. Basis'of bearing to tle to sectlon ctirner. F. A'lll property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on map. G. A]l easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ! The Zonin'g drawi ngs, necessary ment. Color chirs, siding samples etc.' sho[ld be Board meeti ns.:(e,tJ- A)EMtffAL" WYX) - Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addltional plans, spec'ifications, samples and other materJa'l (lncludlng a model) 1f deemed to determine whether a project will comp'ly with design guidelines. size of lines, type of material used, ridge elevations. O ,,r, oF MTER l,JfiqVY 1|tt,ffi,wbr'bfl-?Jnv",5Ail 7alJ VAI-*'%tE aJ F-rrylt. Q.t_42+tpc> ":+. rr I ,IAME 0F PR0JECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADORESS: OESCRIPTION OF PR il:-Irllgllns_tnformafion ts_requtred for submittal bv theBoard before a final approvit'iJr'i,! Airl.i_a by A. . BUrLD{NG MATERTALS: blfitA, VUp4 O WVi a, Materlals bp4{#tt#,,aexy 1p'^t#pAg,W{U4rY6k-Y UHTItr applicant to the Oeslgn *.ul*.,. . At&,a hLA,? wy4,7, -teAr.lrap. TTA-A+4V*a 42^Y wtg4Y ?AF+.4^a 4k\alApa-I Hvrte 14L-u)>2 IF.m; ' 4A>/, !;apaswsl {44114Q tYf.g4drTE W 14fl, HWIlRr) YD eq'l.|all l^lHlTtr LIST OF MATER I{AME 0F PR0JECT: - . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: a DESCRIPTION OF P The following informatlon ls required for submittal Eoard before a flnal approval can be $lven: A. BUILDING ]'IATERIALS: .TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng other wait 'l.tateri ai s Fasci a Soffits . . l.|indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashings, : Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses LANDSCAPING: Name of by the applicant to the Design *.ui*.,.., COLOR *s * d z\5 il B.Desi gner: phone: PLANT MTERIALS: |OPOSED TREESle-r FilJM *Indlcate callper for nical Name deciducious trees. tfuet7/ lotAZt, bl- 44t%08e).w-,'€Db-^lPlt-tg -tndlcate helght for cohifers. ' (over) . -.! ... "" . dfr-#44 Common Name . PLANi I'IATERIALS: (con't) GROUND COVERS Botani cal Corrnon Name o Quani ty Si ze . EXISTING SHRUBS-".._--I TO BE REMOVED 'TYPe Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD ERO5ION CONTROL OF ER' LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ts,fences, swimming pools,Pl ease speci fy. o'.* ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DrsrRlctt_ --:--::-.-_.-.-- o}INER--." -- ARCHITECT ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE HdiE[L: --^__-_ Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front S'ldes Rear l'later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng 'rJal'l Parki ng Credits: Garage Filing one Phone Al'lowed 112ffi4ff 20' _--+t=_l21VF - -_= Aa-e.! - (30)(so) tu,61 -?,4-- Proposed +K- 13/ ^ ,d* Hei ghts @ww,d- Mechani ca'l . Ai r]ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Comments: (3oo) (600) (eoo) ( 12oo) (50) (100) (25)(50) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood P'lain Sl ope }Jet'lands Geol og'ic Hazards LAWILSre - Zoning: Approved/Disappioved Date: Staff Signature IOBq IoTt:l -+ loLe+ )1 qb oAG uNtT C, "_\5,L"* u.rsrT O- -. 34(,t l-lg{: lNcJe-' * ONAVAIL NATI L BANK IRREVOCABLA LHTTER OF CREDIT STANDBY Letter of credit No. 101- RrFiry Datr: augssL 9' 1990 Beneficiary: Toltn of vail P.O Box L00vail, co. 8L558 Date: February 1-2 , 1-990 centlemen: At the request of the applicant, Tory Hauserr and for the amount of the same we hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of EIGHT HIJNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE and oo/Loo DoLLARS ($875.00) in your favor for North South Partners, available upon presentation of your draft(s) drawn on sight on us accompanied by: a) Statement purportedly signed by an authorized representative of the Town of Vail certifying that payment in the amount of $875.00 has not been made to the Town of VaiI on or before August 9, l-99o for improvenents regarding The Ledges, Unit B, 3891 Bighorn Road and such payment is past due. b) This original Letter of Credit No. Lo1 we hereby engage with you the drafts drawn under and in compliancewith the terms of this Credit and accompanied by specified documents wiII be duly honored upon presentation at this office by 3:00 PM on or before August 9, L990. Drafts must refer to this Letter of Credit nunber. This credit sets forth in full the terms of our undertaking and is subject to the Uniform customs and Practices for Documentary Credits, L983 Revision, fcc Publication No.4Oo. Any other instrument or agreement, if referred to herein or to which this credit nay be related, shall not in any t'ay xrodify or anpLify such undertaking. VAII., f lCe President Vail National tsank Building 108 South Frontase Road W. P.O. Box 2638 Vail, Colorado 81657 3031476-460O FAX, 3031476-2666 tr.r.f.r' I: V-I:II Summit Construction Services, Ine. [,\^. t\4iL t\oA_aril-o.* ?aa"^. --- r-sl^r-' {6 Ve^)& F,slr^r^.^\ q flA ttto D^, I n -) 1Lrz. *"?'oa gw^!A,r\ B fl^*"-)-.-...tr.^-- O -7-- tt b Ko-^d€^-----..--- (n{r.* R.,L? { P,0. Box 2608 . Dillon, CO 80435. (303) 468-1486 lflrupurul Page No.of Pages STATEWIDE ELECTRIC CORP. P.O. Box 2080 ARVADA, COLORADO SOOOr Phone 420.22L7 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO SUAiv\rf (ousrtLtjcrlor/ SFfr,,trF.5 rl/L. PHONE 'l l, g -/18b )-B-so STR EET Box :.bo8 TI+t. L,t|t,ts Bo tustil l. 'B' CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE DlLLod (o. BoY3f JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT l+orl, DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specitications and estimales lori f ty ,0crI-5)04/ w rTH GUIILAL Conf-.icmL., /.t-t^trLL sil,VtLe r/-0.,q CI\)Ll-Hf hl To ua|el|lMtlA . ll,tce U/LL)ILJ lN-t,Ucntutr, -IAT.+L: $ loo.ao file PfUpUff hereby to furnish material and labor - comolete in accordance wrth above sDecifications. {or the sum o{: Srvtil rluttllttl nil I tto /x,n - llars (g 7O 0' 0D )to be made as lollows: All maierial is Suaranteed to be as specitied. All work to be comqleted in a workmanlike manner eccording to standard practaces, Any alleration or d€viation trom above specitica. tions involving extra costs will b€ executed only lpon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estirnale. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidedts oa delays beyond our control. Owner to carry lire, tornado and other necessary insurance, Our worke6 are lully covered by Wo men's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signatu re Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within Afffptlnfe d l[flgUf8l -rn" "oou" prices, specirications and conditions are satislaciory arid are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specitied. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date ot Acceptance:Signature o DATE_Z,1,4n_ APPLICATION FOR A. B. NAME OF MAILING APPLICANT ADDRESS H1NE-A&_&1f- NAME OF !4AILING REPRESENTATIVEAPPL ICANT'S ADDRESS C:NAME OF Ol.lNER'S MAILING LOCATION LOT PROPERTY SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.oF PRoPosAL 7V4+g *..fp BLoCK suBDrvrsr}N tfr'i LEry)Ae4 FTLTNG PH0trE_413-E61)__ r a$rtdl_ MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Three (3) copie-s, two of which must be mylars of a site map fo] .lowing therequirements of Section '17.16..|30(C) 1,2-,3,4,6,7,e,9,id,tf i f i ini'ii #'' the Subdivision Regulations ]l: :::9:rfl:9..9: townhouse plat shal't also inctude floor p1ans, elevationsfr"\. L. u5i-ieL.iu;r:, ds necessary to accur.ate'iy determine individuil air spicesand,/or other ownerships and ir tne project wis built suusiinilalli irre;;;-"as.the approved plans. A copy.of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that thereare maintenance provisions included for all commoniy J"nea-ureus. PAID APPRoVAL PRoCESS, REVIEl,t CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.zz of the subdivision Regulations. G. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall bethat the Department of Community recording the approved plat with ^the_final signature required on the plat soDevelopment will be responsible for piomptlythe Eag'l e County Clerk ind Recorder.' FEE $'t00.00 MATERIALS TO H. ORDERNO.: VENDORNO.: ISSUEDTO: GRANT RIVA NORTH SOUTH PARTNERS PO BOX 1297 DILLON, CO 80435 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE PARCEL NO.: OO11575 ASSESSED TO: NORTH SOUTH 2955 VALHONT BOULDER, CO PARTNERS 80301 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL ? 02/2A/90 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TRACT: SEC/TI'IN/RNG: 1l-5-AO PCLIN- TAX LIEN SALE AHTruNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANCE DUE TO ENDORSENENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLDER. AFTER SEPT I, PERST]NAL PROP. & MOBILE HOI.IE AIIOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANEE. AFTER OCT. I REAL PROP. TAX AT,IOUNT IS SUSJECT TO CHANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR CT]RRECT AI.IOUNT PRIOR TO REI.IITTINC. NOTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHATTHE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OFTHE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE PROPERW DESCRIBED HEREIN. AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE BEDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REOUIREO FOR REDEMPTION, ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL rHrsog DAYoF FEBRUARV Ao 1e gO TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY MARY E. WALKER CURRENTTAX TAX DUE: r,744. 03 TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO BEDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS STATUS: )@E PAII) )oQc&nilUo(I check in 0.00 office not O. OO yet receiPte( o. oo o. oo o. tlo lx)@ttmoo( 0.00 o. oo TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE o. oo xlx2x*l)(otr{ 0.00 THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAI{O OF IMPROVEMENTS A,9 SESSEO UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PERSOML PROPERTY TAXES, OR SPECIAL IMPBOVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS, ]'/IOSILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED, FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICAIE $ 10. OO THE FIRST NATIONAT BANK OF INTERNATIONAL OIVISION P.O. AOX at65 ATLAT{TA GEORGIA ATI'2 ATTANTA c^BLEro5r€ss ftc, AUG g 1 Bd''"'*rs+zrtte D.13 AUGUST 30, 1989 our R.'farac. No.. L/C 5-7595 Plc r|cntlon thb nunbar ln dl coftrToadmca Advlrd tluough TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, C0L0RAD0 81657 Gd|tLfitr: At thc |t$Lrt of GARY CARTER 2196 WEST PARK COURT sToNE l,rottNTArN, GA 30083 D D Elxwe enclose original copy of x$Fxow Letter of crcdit{0t*ipt Llc s-7sg5 f] Confirmation of our CABLE amending/Gtabli*ring the Letter ot CrediVAdviceW We enclose their original letter of credit no. When presenting your drafts and the documents specified in the credit. please include an additional copy of the commercial invoice(sl for our file, n fnit letter is solely an advica of a letter of crsdit isued by the above mentioned correspondent and conveys no engagomont by us. l--l We confirm this crcdit and ther€by undertake that all draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the original credit, and any other conditions stated herein, will be duty honored. l-l We enclose tho original rnendement letter dated received from our correspondents amending the terms of the abov€ mentioned letter of credit, I Witttout engagement or responsibility on our part, we quoto b6low the oontents of a cable received from our correspondent. Upon orr roceipt of further details, we will advise you accordingly. ,fM(rdY'ff'; S. B. Doa qrloat tt turrlcr tp THE uaEroiM cufttrx3 arD100 ?iasncr Fa Doqui.rrlrariy crroEr liilil(kucr-, t I 9 8 3 tatT|liN^Tlot{a|. cH raEti oF coMletcl pualJqattoN r.g(*tf:lp ^xy ervtsro.t rxEiEAFrri. L/qt.t6 3025 2CC-095@A 't n Au6orlad Shniur. Intenational Division The Firct National funk of Atlanta hxt Oflice Box 4155 Atlanta, Geo,Eia 30302/USA wAcHovrA Rtc'0AUG31€89 AUGUST 28, 1989 TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADO 81557 GENTIEMEN: WE HEREBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE STAND.BY LETTER OF CREDIT t/C S-7595 IN YOUR FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF GARY CARTER, 2196 WEST PARK COURT, STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30087 UP TO THE AGGREGATE AI{OI,'NT OF USD18,25O.OO AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT ON US MARKED ''DRAWN UNDER THE FIRST NATIONAL BAI.TK OF ATLAI.ITA CREDIT NUMBER L/C 5.7595' ' WHEN ACCOMPA}ITED BY THIS ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT. TTTIS LETTER OF CREDIT COVERS BALAI{CE OF PAVING AND LAI.IDSCAPING WHICH IS NOT A PART OF PHASE T AT THE LEDGES DEVELOPMENT IN VAII, COLORADO. MULTIPLE DRAWTNGS ARE PROHIBTTED. WE HEREBY UNDERTAKE TO HONOR DRAFT(S) DRAWN I'NDER A}ID TN COMPLTANCE WTTH TITE TERMS OF THIS CREDIT WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY DOCU}{ENT(S) SPECIFIED WHEN PRESENTED oN oR BEFORE AUGUST 25, L990 AT OUR COUNTERS. TITIS CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCT'MEMTARY CREDITS (1983 REVISION) INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLTCATION NUMBER 400. rHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLAI.ITA Telex: 461 l0l5 FNBAINT Cable Address: FIRST NAT S.ll.l.F.T.: FNBAUS 33 Telephone: 404-332- 56E I CaSTOMER DNITT Si8ht of ttb FIRST oI exchuge (Secood Unpeld) THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA Atlanta, Georgia FIRST wAcHovlA ^ . Nlmber Teoor to tlc Ordcr of Amfirt ln Word6 To: Drawn Under Firm Nome Authorlzed Signrtu€ Cusroutn DMFT Sight of this SECOND of exchrnge (Flrst Unprid) - ft Nrmb€r THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA Atlanta, Georgia FIRSIT wAcHoYtA Pry to thc Order of Amount in Wonls To: Ihrrvn Under Firn Nrme Auahorized Slglrtu€ tr.r.f.r' I:, -J:ISummit Construction Senriees, Inc. h . Vt-)* /aoe\r<*a* P-a-o-^",^^-^- ^ fq".,-{ Va;AuA'. ta^-^dlr> 11"&-g+ A +B {n Notti^-. S-.^-tL pcditr^'r-A A-.:c,os'i- Rj , \q.gs, \,ca'^- tr,ub_o_, q$.^r\ IjS,^-- olv".*l& n-v.ptu-t+ ou_\ c_a-r^a_as_,j*^^-_oJ +" ptn^l,\a6- &"1$t-^- ,f c"d*$ *r:$.; t,^ ,.^.-o-<{- d-d*r\ r-- tg^q a"^^o.-.,^-ls "( $ rg,as, oo {t ^T*)T-, - t'(tt d'* ^q-Lu,^^AAfi'L%{4$- d- t**d, {L,-*} ct^-a^r.^g {-r^,eK Lz-#G^- 6 or"al ,^0,{ rr-o-. digr.,..4""d , t _ T* lt * d._nJ/.uue_u,.dj (o r6t-*_ t*,*-t_ *0,_J)-- a,^ #""s p^ "{f"} uL;1P c-k\-c-.- , \1^{+'trs1J '/0. ^"$'\ d^$L v-\ cn\ tJF'-,- .^^{,I1j,\- ,l. *S tN.oL^^A-z--.'--_ a""b."-- - U^ILS *"t/- l,E ^A P.O. Box 2608 . Dillon, C0 80435. (303) 468-1486 {t \tr.rlr.r' I: ''-.I:I Summit Construction Senrices, Inc. Mr. Hichael Hollica P lanner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, C0 81657 August 10, 1989 Dear I'like, Thank you for meeting with ne yesterday to clarify therequirenents for obtainin€ a buirding pernit and road pernit inorder to begin construetion on The tedges property. Per our discussion of your need for a letter of credit,the following:I offer bret x l.2gz 7,90o' 1. Landscape bern by east entry to project cost = $4,3S0 x1.25 = letter of credit anount = g5,432. 2. Roadway: Phase If indieated on siteplan delivered8-9-89. Cost = $8,600 x 1.ZS = $10,TS0. Please verify that the retter of credit anount is correct and wewill forward it to you ri€ht away. Thank you, ' r(q4->F.Lt{'4.'\- To* Hauser Pres ident fi{*l = lY, z5o ENCL: 910 for agfreenent delivered 8-9-gg. P.O. Box 2608 . Dillon, CO 80435 . (303) 468-1486 frfdf-IlP v/f:I Summlt Congtructlon Scrvlces. Inc. P,O, 8ox 2608. Dillon. CO &435. (3d1146S1486 P\t k-e i\ol-lr c r:. Pltlr..ie- - Iulnr L WE ARE SENDTNG YOU f;'-frftached E Under s€parate cover via h I r.r n D6l / t,r,Ll-r-r the following items: t tr Shop drawings B'f,opy of letter D Prints D Change order LETTEI @F TRANSnnITTAL 8-Plans tr Samples D Spocitications oatE I Joa No.ail-Bi I A'IENIION [l^r- k-r-..,=< Nnrn{. <--ui-l{ Pnr=-rHrP.- coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION .-)S,'L,> DQn (l^TLo L p&",,.<-.,- /-,,Fic^ r.\\f c,t,.^i- Lrftr\ ,i ,',^ n1-.'L n,,,*,,,L I ll,ac ,.[,..-c*\ ^/,.\,.-o,,tp:r^r-,4* rQr(,,, *,,L e 9-h9 0 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked beloryv: E For approval Ef'For your use Ei-As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as not6d E R€turn€d lor corrections E R€submit-copies for approval O Submit -copios for distribution tr Rotum-corrcctsd prints D For r€view and commcnt tr D FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO tl anclorufar rra .!ot rr no| d. llndly notity u t onc.) Ja'cF/*,i.: .*... 1' l: i; .n"q'\) ln t IU c\' /.t / AGREEMENT THIS AGREEI'IENT dated the lOth day of Ausust , 1989, by and between the TOWN O-F VAIL, COIORADo, herein after referred to as lVail,r and John Randoloh Hodges hereinafter referred to as North Souch Partners . WHEREAS, described as: North South Partners is the owner of the property Lot , Block t Town of Vail (see legal attached) county of Eag1e, State of Colorado hereinafter referred to as the rrsubject Propertytrr and, WHEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject Property' NOW, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($Lo.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. E'ursuant to ordinance No. 9' Series of 1980, the above described propety has been zoned Low Density Multi-Family, with a maxinum of eight dwelling units and a maximurn gross Residential floor area of 10,25o sqluare feet. Said property---------._ shall have two dwelling units reserved for sale or lease by a resident/employee of the Upper Eagle Yel]*. The Upper Eagle Vatley shall be deemed to include the Gore valley, Minturn, Red cliff, cilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and their surrounding areas. 2. This agreement shall be filed of record in the office of the Eagle county Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the VaiI Town Attorney for the benefit of Vail to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. q) 3l 4tzf9la68 E-51e F'-S91 A9/A5/A9 16:39 FG I OF 4 JOHNINETTE F,HILLIF's EAGLE COIJNTY CLERK REC eA. Efi DOC a. rara I )go-,( \tlmata 65' l. ') foreg waE a edged be i L989, Dtt-affiG;-roL-dipires'i= T'6J[ ?l rseg .' Notary Drawer The foregoing instrument !,ras acknowledged before me this 7thday of August, 1989, by John Randolph Hodges, as GeneralPartner of North South Partners 22L9, Dl1lon, Colorado 80435 I before ne this'tndill U.{trultios Notary Public 4A9@e'B F-51e tr*491 A9/AE/59 16:39 trGEOF4 THIs DEED, made and entered lnlo rlrs-L-day of -{?%'le8e, by anl- Lelweeir ielnco nrilNING AND llRRrstifrilIil-c','.,1 0tE1."1,t"If:tlll:ll9E9r Dy an0 Dgfwgen lLAAUU KLf llllltu nltv tr'rr\'\L | ,: --' with offices at l43i'S*;i gbuf,l.t, 1uisi, Oklahoma 74119,. party of the first piil, -.na NSRTH s0uTH--piniHrni,-;'-C;i;;dL- partnership with office's at 2gss'vairont, Boulder, Colorado'8030Fpartt-f the second part' WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part,. for and in conslderation of.the sum of Ten Doltars (gtOlO0)'and other good ani -val.uable. consideratigl tltd--9y the said party of thi seconh part, the re99ip! of which is hereby acKnowleogeo' Ooes Uy these'presents Grant,'8argain, !"1 ],'Co-nvey and Confirm unto said parlJ of the second 'part i-fre ?oli"lt"g -desCribed'rea1 eitate, situated ln the County of Eagle, State of Colorado' to-wit: A oarce'l of land beinq part of Section 11, Townshlp 5 South' Rairqe 80 West of the 5th P.ltl., Eag'le County, Colorado' more par[icularly described as fo]lows: Beqinninq at point on a curve and on the east line of said SeEtion it, siia point being s 00'24'28" E, 412.80 feet- from the northeast corner of said Section 1l; Thence northwesterly a1 ong the southerly right of way line of Federa1 Highway I-70 and along the arc of a curve to the left having i raiius of 2705.00 feet, an arc distance of 275.50 feetl. The chord of said arc bears N 54'32'28" ll and has a length of 275.30 feet; Thence N 59'28'16'l'l along said southerly right of way llne 276.60 feet to the True Polnt of Beginning; Thence N 59'28'16" l,l al ong said souther'ly right of way -1 i ne 15.00 feet to an angle point in said southerly right of way line; Thence N 7l'44'43" U along said southerly right of w-ay line 324.51 feet, more or lesi to a point on the north line of said Section l1; Thence S 89'46'04n l,| along said southerly right of way-line 91.50 feet to a point on fhe existing norther'ly rig.ht of way I ine of o'ld U.S. Highway No. 6, said I ine a'lso being .thewester'ly line of ftre now-vacated Pitkin Creek Meadows Subdivi sion i ,.. Thence alon$r'said northErly right of wav line s 35rZ0rf7f t-'i 83.32 feet [o an angle point in said line; SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED said norther'ly right of waY lineThence S 46'19'25" E a'long 240.00 feet; Thence departing from said 56'50'09u E 2?7,87 feet to the ?|?| et i rrJ {.ti northerly right of waY llne True Point of Beginning. SUBJECT T0 easements, reservations, restrictions, party wa11 agreements, zoning 1'3e15, existing leases and. tenancies, ad vilorem taies and-special assessments now levied or assessed agalnst said,premlsis'., : ' i r,r ,ri ir i i TO HAVE AND T0 HSLD' the same, together with' a'l'l ' rrights and appurtenances to the iame belonging or appertaining thereto, unto the said party o?' the second part, and unto iti succiisors and- assignsj fore""-'r. The said party oi ttre- first part hereby covenanting that_it and. its 5uccessors and hsst-gns shaii and wiil Warrant-and Defend tie title to the pr{:,ises unto the I 40906S 8-518 F,-S91 a9/td5/a9 16:39 pB 3 0F 4 I i : ;l i' ti i. ={r a p ^n tv 9 r .t h:- - s :.-:,{' o.lf li..'* S P ""t"t :*" ll'. i' tl i : ;':' Ji,"Jn.l [, t" nti "' i "ffi l';i.';':".* :-t"1 L" "'o ns c'r a i m i n s roreverr 69qrrrJe ::-st-part, but none other.the partY of the ttr flrst Part has executed IN lf ITNEss wHEREOF' tl.t t^tl-{ partv' of -the these presiitJtttt- Jtv'iii-itir flrst above written' t: STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA !,ly conrni ssion exPires : llitness my hand and official seal ' TEXACO REFINING AND I'IARKETING INC. orney- I : !.t:.rl h' ' I i ir l, .l '.r, ii( I tr'G4cJF4 2 essors anq by, througn a33lgns tor under By )) ss. ) The foresoins instrument was, acknowledsed before t.?rlnpr4#*E?iilftl#ffi #i - ii|,' ll *. $' lJ.'ru',x', X'.' "o:lH -i i-d' 1i: c-o r p o i a t i o n . ( _/&-t' il il Ll ri NH3l -t lrl tl ii 'r This document was drafted bY B. H. Crist P. 0. Box 1650 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 lrl ii '.::.: !. ll'' ir I b,, Lr r u it I rll . 'rt ...r 'l' ,l4a?aEB *-=rai_"ri tzs/@=/as 16:Je ,\ Associates, stated Vail Associates agreed with Hermann, Tom and Kent. He remarked the streamwalk should be done, jf there are no negative environmental impacts. Mike Cacioppo felt the Council must find a way to compromise'i n the best interestof the commun'i ty. There was some djscussion regarding the complex'i ty of the des'i gn issue and environmental concerns. Peter Patten then explained what the $10,000 would be spent on. There was more discussion on the pros and cons and thefeasibility of the project. Tom Ste'inberg made a motion to approve the ordinance as presented, and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. Gail noted she would support the ordinance and design study so to have it placed on the Vail Vi1lage Master Planfor any future possibility years from now. Eric Affeldt remarked the supplementa'l appropri ations were for approximately $3 mjllion, and not just $10,000. He then reviewed what the whole amount would cover. Mjke Cacioppo agreed that 98 percent should be approved, but d'i d not want to approve wasteful spending until it js madenight. A vote v'ras taken and the motion passed 4-3, with Mike Cacioppo, Merv Lapin, and John Slevin opposing. The third item was Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1989, first reading, an ordinance allowing employee units in Lionsridge Filing No.4. Mayor Rose read the full titleof the ordinance. Peter Patten briefly explained what the ordinance was for; basical 1y a housekeeping ordinance to rectify an unintentional omission. Peter than answered quest'i ons of Council. A motion to approve the ordjnance was made by Tom Steinberg, and seconded by Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 7-0. The next order of business was an appea'l of the Design Review Board decision grant'ing final approval of the Cascade Crossing project. Mjke Mollica reviewed theapplication and gave brief background jnformation on the project. He noted the Cascade Crossing is a proposed sing'l e story retajl center consisting of 10,270 square feet of leasable retail space. The property is located at 1031 South Frontage Road West, which is immediate'ly west of the Vail Professional Building. The one acre site is zoned arterial business district. Merv Lapin had called the item up for informational purposes only; it was a large project and he wanted to know more about it. Mike responded to questions of Tom Steinberg regarding the undergrounding of utilitjes. After some discussion, Mike showed Council plans and drawings of the project. Bill Hine, architect for the project, reviewed theproject and answered questions of Council. Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the Design Revjew Board's decision regarding the Cascade Crossing project. John Slevin seconded the motion. There was more discussion regarding sharing of the cost of undergrounding utiljtjes. A vote was then taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The fifth item was an appeal of the Design Review Board decjsion granting final approval of the Ledges project. M'i ke Mollica revjewed the application and drawingsof the proposed project. He noted th'i s project, as approved by the DRB, consistedof six single fami1y homes on approximately one acre. The site is zoned low density multi-family and has an allowable density of eight dwelling units. Randy Hodges, archjtect and partial owner of the project, stated it did meet the zoningrequirements. Peter Patten gave some additjonal background information on the neighborhood and site zoning. Gajl Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to uphold the DRB decisjon of the Ledges project, whjch Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 7-0. Tom Steinberg commented the Town had lookedat this property earlier and let it slip through our hands; we shou'l d look at allavailable properties to purchase with real estate transfer tax money. Merv Lapin stated he had not had a problem with either of the two projects, but wou'l d like more communicatjon with staff; he needed more jnformatjon. He suggested a short description of each item on the Design Review Board agendas might help. The sixth item of business was a presentation of the 1988 audited financial report.Jerry McMahan, of McMahan and Armstrong, reviewed briefly the audited financialreport. Jerry, Steve Thompson, and Ron Phjlljps then answered questions ofCouncil. Jerry noted there had been a vast improvement jn the Town's procedures and record keeping over the last few years, and the Town staff should be commended. Tom Steinberg made a motion to accept the audjt as presented, which Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. There was no Citizen Particjpation. Mayor Rose mentioned the Governor's "Dome on the Range" future vjsit. He stateo the Governor would be in our area July ?7; in Avon, June 27, 2:00 p.m., and in RedCliff, June 27, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Red Cliff will be holding a town meetjng then, and.the Town of Vail will particjpate in that. -2- I MINUTES VAIL TOI'JN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 11, 1989 7:30 P.M. A regular meetjng of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, Ju'ly 11, 1989' at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipa1 Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Michael Cacioppo Merv Lapin Gai'l llahrl i ch-Lowenthal Tom Steinberg None Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was an update by the Colorado Department of Health on the Eagle Mine Clean-up. Dick Parchini, the on-site field officer of the Department of Health overseeing the construction on the mine, gave a brief sumnary of what had transpired to date. He stated he expected to receive the June air monitoring data by the next week, and noted they would put up two additjonal TSP monitors outside the Middle School , one inside the school (probably in the gymnasium), and one across from the Batt'l e Mountain Trad'ing Post. He cormented he h6ped to have better turnaround tirne by sending information to Denver instead of Oregon. He reviewed a few other highlights of the proiect, and then answered queitions of Council. Tom Steinberg reported what the Advisory Board to the School Board was doing. Mike Cacioppo thanked Dick for the report; CDOH was addressing the problems, and he appreciated jt. Dick stated he would make another update next month. At this tirne, Mayor Rose announced he had just received the final vote tal ly of the special elect'ion - 307 in favor of town participation in the television translator district, and 210 against. The second item on the agenda was a consent agenda of the following items: A. Approval of minutes of the June 6 and 20, 1989 meetings. B. 0rdinance No. 14, Series of 1989, second reading, regarding supplemental appnopri ati ons C. 0rdinance No. 16, Series of 1989, second read'ing, concerning vacating a portion of a cul-de-sac in Intermountain Mayor Rose read the full titles of the ordinances. Item B was pu1 I off the consent agenda. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve Items A and C, which John Slevin seconded. Mike Cacioppo was concerned over the statement, in the June 20 minutes, "Mike Cacjoppo stated his concerns over this.", and wanted more specificjnformation. He asked Brenda Chesman to go back and listen to the tape and make the wording specific. Eric Affeldt noted a typographical error on page 1of the June 6 mjnutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. grdinance No. 14, Serjes of 1989, second reading, was discussed. Steve Barwick stated that at first reading, $140,000 for the construction of the strearnralk had been taken out, with $10,000 left for design work. John Slevin did not feel the Council should spend the $10,000. Mayor Rose exp'l ained why he felt it should be 'l eft in the budget. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal stated her concerns over notification of the adjacent homeowners. There was some djscussion by Council. Hermann Staufer stated he was disappointed to hear there was no need to spend the $10,000 for the study, and explained why he felt the money should be left in the budget. Tom Steinberg commented he total 1y agreed wjth Hermann. Joe Macy, representing Vail ?. ,/.tt 8: 15 Mi ke Mo] I i ca 8:30 Mi ke Mol'l i ca 8:45 Jerry McMahan Steve Thompson 9:15 9:30 9:45 I 1981, specifical 1y permitted employee unjts on each 1ot, but Ordinance No. 26, Senies of 1987, upon reannexation of l{est Vai1, imposed single family zoning wlthout reference to employee units. Employee units were inadvertently 'left out of wording in 0rdinance No. 26. Staff Recommendation: Approve Ordlnance No. 15, Serles offfig. 4. Appea'l of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Cascade Crossing project Action Requested of Counci'l: Uphold/overtunn the action of the DRB. Backgnound Rationale: The Cascade Crossing is a proposed ffienter consisting of 10,270 sguare feet of leasable retai'l space. The property ls located at 1031 South Frontage Road West, which is immediately west of the Vail Professional Building. The Deslgn Revlew Eoard has granted final approval for the proJect, however, the Town Council has called this item up for review. This one acre site is zoned Arterial Business District, andit'is the staff's opinion that the applicant has met all the TOV zoning considerations with this pnoposal . 5. Appeal of the Oesign Review Board decision granting final approval of thc Ledger proJgct Action Requested of counci'lrffi-iqoverturn the action of the DRB. \--- Background Rationale: The Ledges property was formerly ffi Parcel"'-it is located at the East Vai'l I-70 Interchange, and has received final approval from the Oesign Review Board. Council has ca]led this item up for review. This project, as approved by the DRB, conslsts of six single fami'ly homes on appnoximately one acne. The site is zoned Low Density Multi-Family and has an allowable density of eight dwelling units. Presentation of the 1988 Audited Financial Report Action Requested of Counci'l : Receive neport from auditors ffiions you may have. Discussion of TV trans'l ator vote results and direction to staff as to any future action Action Reouested of Council: Dlscuss the TV translator vote ffition, if necessary. Eackqround Rationale: The TV translator vote results shouldffihe end of the meeting. Staff should receive Council direction that evening if any further action is to be taken. 0wr* Cor.lrc;f 6. 7. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 8. Adjournment -2- Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: oa" C'2t'Y1 Contact person and p6on" R n*d* iluo{5.5 46Y^ EYD I Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Rq"Jt 4"rl1.SJ \,/ Filing zone ,l b/n FLegal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date b, 2 t't1 Motion by:5 a,, Xp Seconded by:/1 tant "t i -t'-<r6p6wnt)^F,'vn( 4-6 -- "'DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date:b, 2.t. 71 E statt Approval O ,rr, oF MTER ii-) MME OF PROJECT; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Jhe following lnformatlon ls-requlred-for submittal by the applicant to the Deslgn ReviewEoard before a final approval cdn Ue Aiven: -aA. EuILDI,NG MATERIALS z gl,W' A, Ap4 b b,V4 a, A,W, a bLM , ? VLD4, 7, Roof A-kWEfiA,XtAffiUwWW*4-Mrililt%t"W'ry,aJgqgPAiy^.tAP @wwJr _ _A l Ajv ruJze Trldrttdr-!Z Doors 6qte\ . Aca-|rewbawaAD P99i ?rip-(f!na1,) Ww44!tr &v\p-' '- ak\iH9{ or oeci Rarrs -f,bpbl lu;une p!-- WFr/-. AAnr- irweJ?lw bis VAt r-("'' Fl ues, [J.Z.^JEFlashJnss Iffi,fl* Ftrl- ' 4orrt \{1 sr,drng a64p^ ttPwatd+@w._trthef HalJ Materials W.- ffiexa'r - +t-Ug-,i'i;l; ryd- #x"AW,W. -1r$lapp, tvra-l4gWMg'##t&,Ac^Y du{ qv, 1 4,(2^a qqny --de^.( liil"ru*': ; ilAe@J uHrItr lb.L ry.. l4urr1=- 4^pal gotfits . Itzr,r.VpAg, - 3'0e 4vAY :.6:'fzw-w\1Jhp*f -_---+ ChimneysWtlZ Trash lnclosures We LtL() Gr,eenhouses f1/21.-t7o\ht^Pre.4rd#- ftfattfVP vy€onpfi+1(1w W4ilA€ TT1et€t-1A-tPtl V'%ffi,Iv+fl' r-ueoail t'++tr:=- W= ,ffi LrHrs -,weJ l,ll ndows IInter-Mountain I"tgineeringLrd. June 19, 1949 Mr. Randy Hodges c/o J.R. Hodges, Architects Box !297 Di I lon, CO 80435 Re: Channel Capacity - Pitkin Creek The Ledges Proj ect No. 89122E Dear Randy: We have investigated the capacity of the existing channel for Pitkin Creek as it passes to the East of the Ledges, at the East Vail interchange of interstate 70 in Vail, Colorado. This investigation congigted of comparing the capacity of this open channel with the capacity of the culvert jmmediately upstream and with stream flow records. There is an existing stream gauge on Pitkin Creek. trle contacted the Colorado State office of the United StatesGeological Survey and they reported that the 1OO year flow in Pitkin Creek was 176.9 cubic feet per second. The gtream gauge has been in operation since 1966. The size and location of the culvert was meagured by a Eurvey crew form this office. The culvert has a very unusual shape. It appears that the first 30 feet of the culvert at it's up stream end ig a specially manufactured section. The opening is a large arch (1O feet wide x 7.2 teet tall) and gradually changes to a 6.4 foot diameter round pipe. The fairly high flowg at the time of our measurement prevented a detailed inspection of the interior of the culvert so these dimensions are approximate. Both ends of the culvert have concrete headwalls. A sketch of this culvert is prov i ded accompany this letter. on page 3 of the computations which [^le aseu.ned that the f irgt SCt feet of inlet to the 18O feet of 5.4 foot diameter pipe has theoretical capacity of 35O cubic is greater than the lOO year storm flow. the culvert acts aE an round pipe. The round feet per second, whi ch 8ox No. 978 Avon, Colorrdo 8'1C20 9rl+5072 Oenv.r tgg1531 1420 Vance Slra€l L.t.wood, Colorado 80215 Phon :234015E Hr. Randy Hodges c/o J.R. Hodges, Architects Page 2 June 19, 1989 We then Pitkin Creek crew mea:iured page 6 of the caI culated the channel based on an average cro55 conputations ) theoretical depth Mannings Equation. section and slope. of flow in the Our survey(see gketch on Assuming conditions the 2.7 feet at the of freeboard in no blockage, normal flow and steady state water surface elevation will rise to a depth of reported lOO year flow rate, leaving three feet the channel. I hope this provides you with the information which you requested. This analysis is of channel capacity only and is not a flood study. If Ne can provide additional information, please cal l . SincereIy, fer .s Vi e-iden JMS: sdp cc: I'like Molika F$'F'u-r4Etu 4i,;ffi -Inter-Mountain v TUITE TO! r.AO V$rcE ETEET L rEI(II Cq-o. t02t! (9osl a&FotE8 P.o.ar gte 0et0 loTTlt€lr^|a m^o AVOI Cq-O.0taa0 Gml9aH07a o Engineeringrta. tbor.ct lto. Blrr:z-€ olt./E:*'t,slal JmS gr..t o.S oc-) I rre L.o.* -C*.". !'ce* Cs,oo...-,1 4. HYDRAULICSI6 Q=4zs $p^roeo-<- .; Slsg,- Dn-.o.< \ Co ^-rtt o.r e--r.. o.: p"-tt.,-.,'5" rooo loo aoo 100 ll,xaLao o(,rl"Et crLwlr fLdlr.c tu!! {rr r.t-l! tr or|.r c|d Nl t -.rt a. 6rrl. xr !'i-|.ar ar..a.a . rrr a6{.r t cta6 .3 -C .l to c.; q, 6A 60 54 4t a2 qo 'c. 04 ?/ 6\t T'q 'l roo to 6(l 50 ao ;;299 TJ s a lo t 6 t a 5 o a----s44E po 5 a a t 33 35 to "'1.)i{ 2l Olor,-24 ||r. O-2! G|! L -25O fl. t'-2!0 r 0.41- | lO fi- r. - 0.2t fLd H- 6.0 h. HEAD FOR STANDARD CORRUGATED STEET PIPE CUIVERTS NOWING FULL_ OUTTET CONIROT n =0.Q21 --CAp-.-,f,*-F ;-- G-.,- " -S -l-64"J.c*j n^^.tt j tOC :t..jF-";-E.i; c.iffi jo.*,_J \1aAs "i l$!-*1*=tOo,vn-i3to,*^,.. i , I I , ' i i ! \):; USGS [z^ai\er-iqs f [.-,,*: ioe \T?c '.6 tOtr$ Fqr1d-,I I Iti!i tr f;III li,,.i-]l-i-i--r --ll - a ---r ll I o tt Inter-Mountain v sJlrE tot I'AO YATTE gTEET LXGi@. cq-o.sa!5(t03lale{l5a P.o,er( s7l 0et0 lsTTrl{€H L AVO( C(l-O.6tdn ftD: 949-5072 mAD neeringrta. PForact t6.K e:t-€ 0.t. / tF 1"/rF 1R1 JrnSgr..t lb.1o?? C*** b"'t'* Oooo'-''' {5^F 44oJ + i'*\ 4Eo-t- t1r+ t,l: = 4q4.3 - ** . --" a - Co.-.r-*r=f-&.€Eit*oAAO'. Ie ",p Ko-r- = {ir-,3,-{-.tJ*!:S";;;..e: $1:,= -- i; i.-l ii j'lf r*.l ii - - l,l i ri i I i.-, - Zautnj', $cA.a9 c-'. GKFA : HL*cKt " #",;lt , 5;{. Au, ; ,/.*ltrytn5 /aa{rn; I Lbn tr (^*. ,{ f l,oZ ,*r(.es />r13/ f lo.2.9o f ^ur. al/,*^lle 2''' G,t) st'Q!y,"1) tS 7a : /9,9s t f '10?" = 17t7?Z f 2 sl'.'/u qubJ u,;lt ^//r.i GRFrt 7tV"s.J 6b4 lo, zot + OK 32| t" nar(. 414 f N 2e6rr f z/o.u. lo,zSi )D 6 C E F f / t't { lbqo ^L t qDq t776 /G70 t?76 /O,261 HJf "*x/ *-,-. .*,; tr+ f .* *-.4 Mg /^- -d€r; tr ^u'*o.". (t* "/r.4-*-,t 4 bC B --ut-E*,--, t4^4 fMtV r-- I-70 & plt'*t. t* Vai1, Colorado southeily right of way llnepoint on the north line of i I I rl I r, ir,t. .l ril i ,l . i ,.. Road, . :i I 1989, wi th part, 2955 l,lITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of thesum of Ten Doltars ($10.00)-and other good ani va]uabie conjtoeritlon piiu-iiy l!: tlid^pltv of the secon-d part, the iec_eipt of whiih is trereoy iiribriielg.o, !ge:,?y !l!tq presents cl1lt,.Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto said pirtyof the_sec-ond part the fo.llowing-described real eitate, situated in the Cbuntyof Eagle, State of Colorado, to-ilit: I parcel of land being_part of Section ll, Township 5 South,Range 80 lJ_est of the -6th p-.{., Eagle Courity, Cotoiado, moiirparticularly described as follows:- Beginning at point on a curve and on the east line of saidSectlon.ll, said point being S 00.24,2g" E,4lZ.g0 feet.fromthe northeast corner of said Section ll; II.l.q northwesterly _a-1ong the southerly right of way lineot-hedera.t Highway I-70 and along the arc of a curve to thetett_ttaving a radius of 2705.00 feet, an arc distance of275.50 feet. The chord of said arc beirs N 54.32,2g" U andhas a length of 275.30 feet; Thence N 59'28'l5n }J alorg_ said southerly right of way line276.60 feet to the True point of geginning; Thence l,l 59'28'16,' l,l along said _15.00 feet to an angle point in I ine; Jlgnqe N 7l'44'43" l{ a'long said324.61 feet, more or lesi to asaid Section ll; Thence s 89.'46'04'. r'r. along said southerry right of way r ine91.50 feet to..a-point.on th.9 extsting noitneriy-rigtt i,f wiyI ine of ord u.s. -Highway No. 6, sa-id r ind ai sb -ueing th"ewesterry r ine of the -now-vacited pitkin iieer NeioowiSubdlvision Thence alon!']'s1i6 norttr[r'ty right of way rine s 35rz9,tf7rr,t''i'83.32 feet to an angld potnt tn- said lin'e; : i Thence s 4o'19'25" E along said northerry right of way'rinez4o. oo feet; i r, r .t i , Ilglqg--{..t $-ing_f1om said northerly risht of way tine56'50,09u E ZZt,g7 feet to the True poinf oi Segi'nnin6. SUBJECT T0 easements., ,reservations, restrictions, party wa11agreements' zoning r aws.,_ existing 'reases and teninci6s, advalorem taxes and-special assessmEnts now te*eo-or assessedagalnstsaidpremises., : irt,r ir i . T0 HAVE AryD T0 H0LD the same., . together with. all , rrights andappurtenances to the iame belong.i.ng or appertiinirig thereto, rinto the siiO partiof the second part, and unto -iti sucCirisors and- ariid,.ts; forev,_,r. The saidparty of the first.p_art hereby covenanting ttrit -ii'"inl itt successors injassigns shal I and wi I I lJarrant -and Defend t'tte titt e -to -ine pri r.r i ses unto the southerly right of way linesaid souther'ly right of way .t I ll; i l: i ir fr',-.,LLl aN SPECIAL UARRANTY DEED . TII! DEED, made and entered tnto this 8L day of &fie ,bv-.and between TEXACo REFINING AND I4ARKETiR-G INc.,-a DeIe}{aET6;I6iEfio-;offices at 1437 South Boulrter, lulsa, Oklahoma 74ilg, party of ilie iiratand N0RTH S0UTH PARTNERS, a Co/o.or/n partnerihip with offices atValmont, Boulder, Cotorado 80301;1ffi-6fTh-e iecond part,. sald party gf the second part, and unto lts heirs, successors andforever, against the lawful-c'laims of a'l'l persons claimlng uy,' ttrroughthe party of the first part, but none other. ass lgns, or under IN wITNEss [',HERE0F, the satd party of the flrst part has executedthese presents the day and year flrst above wiitten. )) ss. ) The foregolng lnstrument was acknowledged before ne thls f,14 day of Ax+i'Aq1AlrfETr'6-irlll'; 8Jtl;.[' "tttffi!,,r'', tlt'r:?H-i i-d'ii: ::irl'"lffi,ltFi-n*re llltness my hand and offlclal seal. STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA lly commlsslon explres: -I=a!, :i tj 1., t ;il This document was draftedB. H. Crlst P. 0. Box 1550 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 TEXACO REFINING AND I,IARKETING INC. 'j : ! .t:rr t'' h, ; i . itl,;.i ,,tr .ll( rll ri 1'r I "t t ll l' fi hti :rii :; !; ltr' ;rt i [1 ,, Lt f. ,U lt by Attorney- I n- IHTTR-DEPARTIIENTAL REVI Ell PROJECT, DATE SUEI4ITTEO:. DATE OF PUELIC HEARING g/gI COI"TI4ENTS NEEDED IY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:5.+ */(*'*< O.X " o^ *e ..&, f altt&/4r::ok- FIRE DEPARTI4ENT POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revlewed by: Comments: Revier,red by: Comments: Reviewed by: CO;;,rents: Date Date I. i "'l'r' . .: ;'{ Date ---t -- It v 'tr APPLICATI.N DATE: +,1# t-| ' DATE OF ORg llEErIHe : 6,41t 84 "' DRB APPLICATION '.'- *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***ltt-tll1l) AffLlultl lvlr vllLl lrvr eb rur'Lr | '.':.:.'.-.''b,1:.).;.:i*ie.rI. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEETING3 . :'' :r-;::''' ',.,.. tJt A pre-application meeting wlth-a plannino staff member'is strongly suggested to^.^, -.i' ffiil"IL-i[E ii iny aaiiiioiat inforiiation is needed.. No appl'lcatlon wl]l be accepted -i;E&i unless tt is compleit-fiiiti i;;i;E-iii iteiris-iequired.by'the.zonins administrator). '''.H{fr il'ii tf," applicint;s iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find - .,,,illi ort auout aiiitionat-suumittat rgeuiremenil- i*:;:-T::-tl1t,1-:99!:]E.llpll:*- :r .':'."#iit, iion wiif streamline ine approval process for your-proig9! by decreasing the number - ;;. ii-ionaitions-of appro::],!ll._!t.9*?.tll.::ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must --l,ffiSibe resolved before'i Uuita'ing permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION' krev zoning l-zr|.l |^.f'.!3tly Fdutfl -FAF4ltY C. NAME OF APPLICANT: B. LOCATION OF Addrefs r Legal Description a/e J,A Address w{ le D. MME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:= Address E. NAME OF Si gnature Addres F. DRB FEE: The fee wi'l'l VALUATION lt,iwt,I,fuAHAfi+ ?rfl, TefiH,WlEa)-IY, Filing 16'5fl1' telephon€.p.Ezfi1l '-'tTiZFttilCl telephone 4*#ll ielephoneAdA-6511 be paid at the time a building perm'i t is requested. - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 150,000- $ .500,000- $1,000,000 $1,000,ooo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: $o $ 1o,oo1 $:.50,oo1 $150,001 $500,001$ over EgE_- $ 1o.oo $ 25.00 $ s0.oo $1oo. oo $2oo. oo $300.00 +1.In addit'ion to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inarfla. ihis work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for'NE}{ BUILDINGS of the 0esign Review Board, so Plan 3. People who fai'l to appear before the Design Review meeling and who have not asked for a postponement republ i shed. will normally involve two separate meetings on at least two meetings for their approval . Board at their scheduledwill be required to be o ta, ; The fotmtng tta s no tonger hayg-tg be.pnesenteo.tl,tl. Destgn-Revim Boatd. They, howev"", nili Io Ui pieslnteO to thi Zonlng Adninlstrator for approval: a. lflndows, skyllghts and sftnl-lar exterlor changes that do not alter the existing Pllne of tjte bulldlng; and b. Bulldlng addltlons that are not vlened f-rom any other lot or publlc space' i[iifr-'fiivi fiia ietters subnltted firm adJolning property owners approvlng liii-iOiitioni-ana/or appruval fiur tfie agent for, or nanager of a condominlum 'associatlon. S. you nny be requlred .to conduct lhtural thzard Studies on your property. You should ctrect ilittr a Town Planner before prcceedlng. ..,:'U" NOTE: - -:' :3.t'5r]1l I. NE}l CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED . .:. f' s to the structure. Ut'ilities to include:Fr gas el ectri c bearings and a basis of bearing A. Topographic map and site pian of site containing the following (2 copies): t. Lf censed surveyorrs stamp. FglAFl W)X L€,%@ ^ 6Yt€ Z. Crifrtour intervals of not more than 2' un'less the parce'l consistF of -6-agres on- more, in which cit", 5i contour interviis will be'accepteil./hl 5Y(A AAFI) 3. Existing trees or groupq of,trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grader FIaFJE 4. Rock outcroppings and other s!,gnificanttaQrql feEtures (large boulders' intermittent.streams , etc) -(ttJ ATE "l-AF. ) : 5. AValanche areas, 100 year f]ood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. t#t-tE6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS'landmark or sewer invert.-' ;"4lrd- A'l AF4 o%z:zq 7-. .Locations of the following: -.--e. Pqoposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts , swal es , rf.tc.A1 ^ft'E Pt-^l'4) b. -Exact locations of all utilitjes to include existing sources and proposed cabl e TV Tel ephone * )K ,K determine height of btl.t'ldin9.@ ?fiE t4-qt)B. A statement troni-edctr uiiti'ty verifying Iocation of service and avai'labifity. To sed driveways,r{th percent slope and spot elevations Afr€ Ft-Af.l ) 1 . Show the 'l ocati on of 4" di ameter or ',l arqer trees ,' o ther are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed isfing and finishqd grades. be submitted with site Plan. preliminary title report to accompany al1 submittals, to insure property ownership - and al.l-. easeqlents on property Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies c. D. sizes of plant materials 'shnti6s,ani'iiatiVi olants thrlandscape areas with to be planted. l' the inter-relation of the various components is c] ear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographjc and vegetational-characterjl!]q: may be a separate mab. The applicant muat stake the site to show lot ljnes and bui'lding corners. Trees ttrit witt Ub'tost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. o Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 coPies il;i: iotor chips, siding sampla.c etg.'-!!9\ld be pre-sented at the Design Revieyiiil'.i'."tins.,da)AYrmo -rzz+l.\ - t The Zonin'g Administrator and/or DRB may require the_submission of additional .p'lans' a"i*inss,-rpecifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed ft;;;;;i tb determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. E. i. Must inc'lude floor plans and all elevatlons as they will appear on completion.' MaWe$dgJ# "&.?Jr'HiEs n"uo": : 2. -Edilfia surficing materials and colors shal'l 6e specified and submitted for i.ui.* on the matirials llst available from the Department of Cornrlunity Develop- tt,# )K ;[r' II. MINOR ALTEMTIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more ionb ai they piovide all important specifications'materials to be used- '- III. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Orig'inal floor plans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan'showing existing and proposed construction - 2 cop'ies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at DLpartment of Cormunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availabi'lity. See attached utility location verification fonn. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. preliminary title report, verifyjng ownership of property and lists of easements. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the proiect is underway' the-following *iii Ue requirei before any building rece'ives a framing inspection from the Building Departmentj A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with tles to property corners, l.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utl]ity service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used' and exact locations- 2 coPies D. Drainage as-bui'lts. 2 coPies E. Basjs of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A]1 property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on map. a'G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations' proposed and the location (iite plan) "; formal requirements given above, as for the proposed including colors and LIST OF MATER MME 0F PROJECT: - . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF by the app'licant to the Design ReviewThe following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be diven: A. BUILDING I'.IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL:W11AE Fasci a Soffi ts l.{i ndows }Jindow Tt: Doors Door Hand or Fl ues Rails Fl ashi ngs Chirnney Encl osures reennouses Si ze* 122t41w0€eLw-,'6Db-*]Plil'e -- Indicate height for cohifers. ' (over) lthera4g54p.W B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' Common Nametanical Name EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED -t.']ala j . PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) Botanical Name Common Name Quani tv EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS ! Souare Footaqe'TYPe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION uahaEL- TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. 0 ol,tNER- - ARCHITECT ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Herglrt Tota,I GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng ",|a11 He'ights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani ca'l Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Dri ve: S'lope Permi tted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRLCT' *.' Block Filing ne Phone Al l owed 20' _--+E-'lAr,?l' --; Zadl (30) (50) Proposed V7md'fr 'LPZ?AA€ tu,61 -?F - '?"ffi Pvav (3oo)(600) (soo) ( 12oo) (so) (1oo) (25) (so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Fl ood Pl a'i n Sl ope }'letl ands Geo'l ogi c Hazards Conments: Zoning: Approved/DisaPPioved Date: StaTTTTgn'ature L- UTILIIT LOCATION VERIFICATION SI'8DIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS the locatlon of utllltles, vhether they be maln trunk lines uust be approved and verlfied by the followlng uEllltles forslte plan. or proposed llnes, the accompanylng Date Mountaln Bell 468-6500 :Iqr!-/F4*-- q;eo l{estern Slope Gas Co.I 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Service Company 949-5781. Gary llall Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchae1 Laverty Herltage Cablevlsion T.V. 949-5530' --ru.rlc.{eo3b'-4. \\irk Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitatlon Dl.strlct 476-7480 Fred llaslee (-?>4? NOTE: Thls Thls Author 1z ed Z: f{",q 8] These verlflcations do not rerleve the contractor of hLs responslbtutyco obcaln a street cu! permlt froro the Town of vair., Departnent of publlc T.f--.11 to obrain.urlllry locarlons before dlgglng in any pubtlc rlghr-of-way or easenenc in the Town of vail. A building-permit 1s not a screeccut pernit. A sEreet cuE pernlt must be ;Stained separately. form ls to vertfy service avallabillty and 1ocatlon. should be used ln conJunccton wlth preparlng your utul.cy plan and .scheduling lnstalla.tlons. a' It(Plesse brlng a stte pran when obtalnlng upper Eagre Varley l{ater& Sanltaclon slgnacures) ti Eecr-n Couxry Trrr-e Conpone,TroN NOFIIAN E. LARKINS PRESIDENT KAMMY S, WALTERS MANAGEF IETEPHONE t3os) 476.64211 o€rw€B orREcT l3(xt) 572-1480 TELECOPIER: 1303) 478{420 THE VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILOING, SUITE 1OO 95i} SOUTH FFONTAGE BOAD WEST vAtL, coLonADo El457 June 6, 1989 Town of Vail 75 S..Frontage Rd Vail, Colorado eiOSZ RE: Sect'ion 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 West; TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING/NORTH SOUTH PARTNERS TO t,lHOM IT MAY CONCERN, P'lease be advised that North South Partners are in the process of obtaining title to the above referenced property in Eagle County. There has been a delay in this transaction because Texaco Refining was not ab'le to deliver merchantab'l e tit] e until just recently. This transaction should be completed on or about June 9, 1989.I have received a check in the amount of $82,345.00 from North South Partners,(purchasers), for the amount of the purchase price, plus or minus any closing costs. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 476-6423. Thank you, -.rSi ncerely,fu*-1=\-'s=E Kammy S. Walters Manager 9tat'o couLtY: Tl|E TrrLE CoMPANY, INc. FFASEF VAILEY CENTENGRASEF POST OFnCE AOX 41 5 WTNTEF PAFX, COIOFADO 80.64 {3O3}726{077 AFFII.JAT€O OFFICES Pfl CouralYl ASPEN TnLE CoRPoMTToN THE gPEI{ PBOFESSIONA! EUILONO SUITE IO2 6@ EAST IiOP(|NS AVENUE ASPEN, COLOM@al61l (303192O.rOaO lugr cot xrt: SuM rr CoUNTY ArstRAcr CoMPAN Y 1 6 TIOFTH RIDG€ SIF€ET tp€T clfFtcE Box 5t0 aa€cKENFroGE, COLOFAOO 6(124 l303t 45ttl20 ,b . .: o o th. Ftrf Idroarf la* of lfll,rdt fucker 92 td seriar No 1-Mt!! June 2, 1989 Atlanta. Ga. 6a.ta 6to Pay to the lssuing Otlice EAGLB COUNTY TITLBOrder ol s82, 345.-9g8 F €o !)6lo(il ;ft[?i'};iiiiif ii:ii:' ,;;;ii:l , i;;t; ,.,',',, ;:ri, '"' r:li" 'rl::Dollars Remitter EWING To Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta, Georgia rF I l8r.BL sil - r:og loo0 ll.gt: og loooo loil' ozq?-'.