HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 14 PHASE 2 GENERAL LEGALeItidcr, 'l'own'lO La:rry nttomcy Pcter Pattcn, Scnior pl anner 2/18/Br FROM: DAI'E: SUIIJECT: -Carling/Gallaghcr Issuc=_=__:___ ,/y hf:Jliii"3:'i::.ff .:i::';;'.fl :'il::;:u-i:.'f l":'ffi;: :;:h.lll; "liy"d$)Jsquare fcet were actuatly in the plans. Ntr. Cart ing,, iri.e;i ;;;;";;;;rq/_Ieprcsents an additional 22I squarc feet of 6l{FA. ih,.rr, the totul of actualsguaTe footage in the duplex is norr, 3601 square feet.. ' 'i';.T stated yesterday' I feel strc.-jiy that rr,c sr.roultr not sirply rgiveaway,rthis -, - i,r throrving-our: hands rrp"in the air. r realize the inconsistcnciesi' sornc of the --1'^ crr.culations, anJ tnat the plani ,lr""ia never have beenaccen+ ^ ' r have inhe. " -,:i ir'.ir problen a'cr have worked hard along with JinI,'::in, Steve Patterson, Larry rrv-.re"t "nd yourself on this issue. We feelthat ye acted-properly and htnestly ar^.,.^:.--v through, but cannot say thcsame for the fraudurent and dishonest behavror'_:--;;;"j:.,;ioper an,-r :r.rbsequentolrner. rt remains illegally converted space r+hlch the oeveroper has knownfron the beginning. r dontt knoiu if itts fair to subtract the z2r square feet from Deane Knoxrsrenaining 932 square feet. Irorsever, r would =o" no difference between an),oneelsets con'ersio' of illega' ap""" i'a basement or roft area and carring rs.l"'l::;'..';.1-i.:;-".-.ii i,lcse, we sinfry.u.rnot ret it ride, especi.alry after allthe discussions, red tags and iils frorn the devciop"" un'J-p""rent orurer rr,hichhave taken p1ace. ! i i a ,,4 Project Appllcalion ,:,i,1">ri'L t (.'dx.L(tkt Project Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n: tor'xi:z:.Lili!',rr!"F--- r*- , rr,^n Zone: Zoning Approved: o^r" 'r1'' 7' 7'l _l r'Design Review Board i' Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL t.-.., (it)tt. I, t \-/\- -I Summary: ,/ /,. /Ah \1,\or+ Qa clp,)t<yaci 'g i.t f, r{ 'i) rt 1 ec4- / *A Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: I Project Application Architect Address and Phone: .ri t,..t.t.,.. 1 t1'/ /j Legal Descriptio n: 1-6 lt/ u.t,.lt- ( f ','ei"ti /f a Zone:. Zoning Approved: ?t' l'r',' -L- Design Review Board // )6- 7, Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: , Zoning. Administrator '..'' i....,,t .,',../ llF Prlil.ryrvail Chief Building Off icial ooz(n+nco =oz T FTa =+ CLoEq'--l a -:o =o ..1'Tt o T6:3.-.'ia - oq o 3o trnn -t- TL]tr 3trqrnLL -T \{;ti> =/1/-\YPr "r'r TOr- z.=U@>= z zt- -tm no(- mo-{ 2o !m =zo Z /-\ an x<z.\ }l>-^ -7 --l ^9v o z.F-tc3< 1ZQc) )-l-Imt?^At ",>= ot c) zc) nz>m -t> c)- =m c) -.t m z m otr3Ho>'t- r .J t-x ltrz a) --l I q r_lxm a _n u =t- oo m <n 3 I-l ! l< lFl>oon m l F EDF m I 3 a' m a l I I ED F m a z m c.zq,zO <Y=m:-nmPEAd-E r'\i=x+z f,, gtmmOur.oo C:nU?; <6zqro--l >(, I\>2c. oz-oc)ooomon<f iq =xE9pzB 6;Af t c!xt-z =" 3 =o --l P)' r$o= @-) @@ 6)N 2Y2trxd4):mF io =za),jo.oa)12naulIo 6pxzc: z<n-J^=x-nzz € x 9r 9l ;l C)l .nl 'Tl I5ttl-l I I I i I I ol _-tl ml lldl I I I I ol:l 'r I I VALUATION .€>F>: a!-€+c>!.-<al F> =_ > o>l !i3i;:ztro>", Q>oEo-:xeV-^z.y,zzt9z o > =o=6oU alip4o ;-;t- -tz-:'_> Cod>-::='rr iir'.t< O CASOLAR DEL I'IOTE HO}{EOI{].IERS ASSOCIATION, INC.Post Office Box 3796Vail, Colorado 81657 January 13, 1981 ,. Mr. A. Peter Patten Senior Building tr Zoning Officer Town of Vail, Dept. of Connunity Development Box 100 1'ri'! Cn'!nrrdn Fl_657! er.r t Dear Peter; I{e received a copy of your letter to },1r. Gallagher dated Decernber 31, 1980. Enclosed please find a copy of a letter sentto l'{r. Gallagher from the Casolar De1 Norte Flomeowners Association,Inc. dated Decernber 17, 1980. To my knowledge the Association Board has not received a reply from 1.,1r. Gallagher regarding the December 17 letter. The Boardrs letter is self expLainitory in thattr{r. Gallagher "rebui1t" another three or four feet backafter we had already agreed with Carling to let him havefour feet additional portion of the deck over and abovesuit settlement had dictated. llow the deck extends someeight feet beyond rvhat the Larvsuit settled. Ve y yours, DEL NOIi.TE HOI!,IE JlWi: tm Enclosure cc: Mark Donaldson,Secretary of the Board apparently on the deck a thtee or what the law- seven to 0crATI0N,lly{,r./(& AI'{ES lj,i. NIcDONALD, PRES IDENT f#sorr nl{of r Dtr rorc Pos t Vcll ' ' issoctartor, INc. .j.-.r\ YV3796 - l\ V- zE1657 '1",/t/ 0rclrber l7, 1980 l{r. Charlqs P. €allrghcr 4612 South Ylnc lfry Englewood, Colorldo 80110 0ear llr. Gallrghcr: It hrs cote to thc rttcntlon of thc Casolar Del Norte Homcorners Assoctatlon, lnc. thrt you have I non-conformlngutllizatlon of addltlonrl decklngr rpprrantly being replacedafter you purchrsed thr propcrty fron Carl lng-t{cKee. The Board feels as though you wcra rcll arare of the conditionsof the prrvlous lltlgatlon lnvolvrd In thls matter, andthe settlement whlch ras rcrched betreen the. then parties. You may not be arare that thc tettlcment tras also approvedby the Torn of Vall as a condltlon before issuance of aCertificate of 0ccuprncy, Ind, thcrefore, your present non- conformlng use I s al so a vlolatlon of ordlnances of the Torn of Val l. The Eoard hrs determlned that the non-conforming use should be elimlnated, and, therGforcr we would request that you do so rlthln fourteen (14) days frorr the date of thi sletter. Your fallure to so comply rlll result in the B'oardthereafter taking other necessary and further steps to cor-rect the improper utlllzatlon of Lot l4 with the Honeoy{ners Assoclatlon and the Tonn of Vall. The Board did everythingconceivable, and wlthln the poyer of Jurlsdlction, to both cooperate.xith you, and to facllltate your closing, al l of whl ch I s re l I knorn by your attorney, The Board dlsllkes very much hrving to Hrite this ttpeof letter to one of lts ner menbcrs, and the ray to elimin-ate any further prob'l ens rith regard to this matter is to have a proper con formlng utl I I ratlon . Yery truly yours r CASOLAR DEL NORTT HOMEOI{IiIRS ASSOCIATION, INC. J^f,tES I. nCD0ilALD, JR. PRESIOEI{T / ral cc: Charl es Bonire'l I , Attorney at Law George Straw, Attorney at Lar lla rk Dona I dson , S ecretr ry o f the Boa rd i t, : I 4 l, ' 't f!r'trrt Colorrdo o department of community development box lfi) vail. cotorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 APrit 7' 1981 Casolar Honeowners I Association c/ Victor Mark Donaldson 1000 Lionsridge LooP Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: Please find enclos ea;ffi-- -oF:1 addition to the-Gallagher residence located ffiit.'i4, casolaLlpll il' This is a request for a iliiil;;-p;*:;--,':ffiova1fortheadditiona14l6square feet for the recreati;;-;;;;. --;i;, iire Buldins Department wilr require ihe work to neet all Tor.,m Building code requirenents. Asyouareprobablyaware'thisspace.hasalreadybeenillegallyconstructed and this subnittal ir'"-rl""r to 'obtain Town of Vail approvals to nake the arealegal,WeforwardthisasperouragreementwiththeAssociationto work cooperati.vely ""-ift" cttola'r project] Your PromPt resPonse is appre- ciated. APP:bPr Encl. Sincere A. ?ETER PATTEN, Sen ior Planner ''t Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: 6t'oK;"i#!i& "ss a nd Phone: Lesal Descriptio f6lL-, no"r (zf.{Aia'16^ ,/^ ./---^. / /) )f'/F Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Ofticial April 13, 1981 Mr. A. Peter Patten, Jr. Senior Planner Town of Vail Box 100 Pl eas let me ow if awa relikeobema can be f s0 perl an your letter of April 7, 1981 , we Vail Homeowners Association are variance by the Town of Vai'l . As of to the Board opposed I would matter f any further assistance. 1ic hearings regarding this tively represented. r Ca r Vai Box 3796 Vail, Colorado 81658 CC: Di rectors , Di r-ectorto $,w Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Peter: Thank you for your continued effort to cooperate with our CasolarVail Homeowners Association. I have received your letter datedApril 7, 1981 regarding the Gallagher Residence and submit this statement of position for your consjderatjon. Firstly, the dwelling unit has been acknowledged to be larger than allowed in our Declarations fron the beginning (352 squarefeet Iarger approx'imately). This statement comes from previousletters sent from your office. Secondlyo the extra square footage being applied for is an additional violation of our Declarations. Thirdly, the fact that the administration and enforeement of these Declarations is somewhat in question, we the Board of Diree-tors, are extremely opposed to any such expansions for fear of diminishing the rights of other Casolar Vail owners. In the past,it has been stated that the original deve'loper and the zoning administrator for the Town of Viil jointly irepared th various documents by which we stjl1 operate. In these documentso isclearly stated the 1,690 square foot limitation for each dwellingunit. Until we are able to reach a mutual agreement for the usage of the square footage al1owed in Casolar Vail, vre fee'l itis very important to abide by the original conditjons under which the entire subdivision was developed, e direct response to Directors of Casolar the approval of the rs Association Lo box lfi) vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development April 7, 1981 Casolar Homeowners I Association c,/ Victor Mark Donaldson 1000 Lionsridge LooP Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: please find enclosed the plans- - fof - addition to the GalLagher residence located on Jii"'iq, casolar Vail rI. This is a request for a building perrnit .na'r"qt'i"ts zoning approval for the additional 416 square feet for the recreati;;";;;;,- nir6, iitu nt 'aittg DePartnent will require ;;;-";;k io *.ut all Tor'rn Building code requirenents' As you are probabl y aware, this space.has already been illegally constructed and this suburittal il"i'ri,r"r to 'obtain Town of Vail approvals to nake the area legal . We forward-thls as per our agreelDent with the Association to nork cooPerativety on tf'e Casolai projectl Your prompt resPonse is appre- ciated. dk, Senior Planner APP:bPr Encl . C at yt.:lcil S(/< tQ tlunfu*-,*Frqfu, / a+-+ *t Uu- o ;r,-.r ffi1-Z L o t A"'"at^ S3t ? s- =94,{* )tq\O% ^ '3,'1 g S Nol 0uuntof.6 fo S O tA(g Mo* rtctra-^60- l.lS1 Gr F#- ls ogo A firu4ay U>e*f *- llse . ,rtI -l ril(,p"-| 0"^'-^2 Aar*r'" lG- fr i I I I I box 10O vail, colorado 81657 {303} 4?6-5613 department of community development Decenber 31, 1980 l"tr. Charles Gallagher Vail., Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Gallagher, This letter is to inforrn you officially that your residence recently purchased fron Duane Carling is in violation of both the Building and loning Codes of the Town of Vail, The area in violation is the recreation room on the lowest,level of the house. ns you are aware, we recently had extensive discussions at the Town offices witir ur. Carling concerning ih" rpac" in question. At that tirne, Steve Patterson, Chief Building official and I specifically told [|r. Carling and his attorney, Ed Drager, that the space was illegal as it existed. It was illegal because the house is at its rnaxj.srum atlowbble 6ross Residentj,al Floor Area (GRFA) and the workshop and other basernent areas were not approved by the Tor,m cf Vail as living area. Our agreernent at that titne was to block off access to the then workshop area along with sone other ninor changes in the nectranical robn. My recollection of t.he specifics of our agreement is foggy at this ti.me, and I havenit as yet been able to locate written docunentation of that agreenent . The gist of it is that Mr. Carling was fully aware of the illegalities of the space and of the restrictions that we irnposed upon the area. Understandably, I was shocked to hear of your circumstance in that the area now is a fu11y conpleted recxeation Toon, Whil.e syrnpathizing with your situation as far as economics and ignorance of past proceedings, I cannot allow the space .to continue to exist as is without a proper approval from the Town. Proper approval would consist of a glanting of a variance by the Planning .and Environnent a1 Cornmission, I'his process is open to you. It consists of filling out a variance request forn in thc Comnunity Developrnent office. Thp variance is a GRFA Variance and we will require previousLy approved plans for the structure, proposed plan, and a writtel| statement frorrr you concerning vrhy you feel the variance should be granterl, If the Planning and Environmental Coranission denies your request, you rnay appeal that decisio$ to the Toittl Council. I took for-r+ard to our yneeting this Friday and hope I can be of furtlrer assistance in finding a nutually agret:able decision to this problcn' Duan e Ca rl irr.g , lirl Larrl' r, i ,l r:.r . iJ: , . lJr,r-gcr. i -q{:,-,,ii l):!1tt er'sltl :,,:'.,,r(_lii September 26, 1980 Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding official Town of VailP. O. Box 100VaiI CO 81657 Dear Mr. Patterson: The irreguLarities and possible code violations and Caaolar Del Norte Declaration violations relating toI"ot L4, Casolar DeI Norte Phase 2, owned by Carling- McKee Construction and constructed by the Carling-McKeepartnership, are matters which the Tor,rn of VaiI may wishto consider in determining whether a certificate of occupancy should or should not be issued for either the \dest or the east side of Lot 14 until aLl issuea and matters contained in these enclosures have been corrected and resoLved, We are informed by staff that the Design Review Boardwill apparently not approve our plans for Lots 13 and 15 until the j.ssues contained in these enclosures affectingtot 14 and our Lots 13 and 15 are resolved, accomplishedor corrected. Enclosed are copies of a lawsuit and tis Pendens r^rhiclt have been filed against Lot 14 and the CarLing-McKee eompanies and others. The lawsuit and Lis Pendens areself explanatory. AIso enclosed are copies of Letters written to Carling- McKeets attorney, Mr. Ed Drager, explaining in detail allirregularities, improprieties, possible code violations, Casolar Del Norte Declaration violations' and darnages to our adjoining properties, Lots 15, 13 and 12. ft is very guestionabLe in my mind that an adminlstrative body such as the Town of Vail would issue a certificate of occupancy to a building or owner involved in all or part. of the items, issues, violatlons and improprleties eon- tained in these enclosures until all such issues have been corrected and resolved. continued Mr. Steve PattersonBuild,ing Official Town of Vail- septenber 26, 1980 Page Two !bt"l you for your cooperation ln these and other matters. .t ec: Larry Rider, city Attorney George St,raw, Attorney Casol,ar Del Norte Homeowners Association J$/fb I I ,l n'"'-i"'- THE DISTRICT COURT IN A}]D FOR COUNTY OF EAGLE ANI) STATE OF COLORADO civil Action vo, fiO a V '=?Q JAMES !{CDONALD, TINA I"TCDONALD, JEAN CATOE, Trustee for W. H. CATOE CORN GROWERS, INC. PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST, and TINA I',ICDONALD, Trustee for JAI'{ES W. MCDONAID, JR. AATORNEY AT LAW, P.A., PENSION AND RSTIREMENT TRUST, Pla int iffs, vs. DUANE CARLfNG and THOMAS MCKEE, individually and doing business as CARLING/MCKEE CONSTRUCTION PARTNERSHIP and CARTING MCKEE CON- STRUCTION COMPANY, LEO PAYHE, DEAN L. KNOX, DONAI,D R. CARPEN?ER, ANd CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, IN COIIPtAINT Defendants. COf,lE NOW the Plaintiffs above-named by and through their attorneys, Hochstadt, Straw & Strauss, P.C. and as and for a Complaint against the Defendants and each of them al lege as follows: PREFA?ORY ALLEGATIONS 1. Plaintiffs Janes McDonald and Tina McDonald ( sMcDonald" ) are the owners of the following described reaf estate located in Eagle Countyf Colorado, to wit; Parcel 15, CASOLAR VAIL II, a resubdivision of Lot 47, BJ.och A, TIONSRIDGE SUBDMSION, according to the Plat tsecorded November I, 1978 in Book 271 aL Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Plaintiffs Jean Catoe, Trustee for w. H. Catoe Corn Grobrers, fnc. Pension Reeirement Trust and Tina McDonaldr Trustee for Janes W. McDonald Jr., Attorney at Law, P.A. r Pension Retirement frust ("Trusteesrr) are the owners of tshe following described real estate located in Eagle County, Colorado, to wit: I ParceLs 12 and L3, CASOTAR VAIL II,a resubdivision of tot A7, Block A, LIONS RIDGE SUBDMSION, accordingto the Plat recorded Novenber I, 1978 in Baok 277 at Page 524 of therecords of the Cler k and Recorder of EagIe Countyr Color do. 3. Defendants Duane Carling and '. )mas McKee doing business as Carling McKee Construction Compan a partnership (iPartnership") is the owner of the following :scribed reaL estate located in Eagle Countyr Colorado, to witl A Portion of Parcel 14, CASOLAR VAIL II, a resubclivision of Lot A7, BlockA, TIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION,according to the Plat recorded November L, L978 in Book 277 at Page 524 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Upon infornation and belief, the above-described ParceI I4 owned by Defendant Partnership has been resubdivided into two separate parcels and improvenents in the nature of a duplex dwelling constructed thereon; that the North East side of the duplex has treen conveyed by the Defendant Partnership to a third party allegedly named Rubinstein; that the South West side of the duplex has not been conveyed and remains in the name of the partnership. 5. That Defendants Dean L. Knox, Leo Payne and Donald R. Carpenter ("Developers") are the devel.opers of the prolect known as Casolar Vail fI consisting of fifteen (15) parcels and Common Properties of which the properties described above in Paragraphs lr2rand 3 are a part. 5. That Defendants Developers executed and caused to be recorded in Book 277 at Page 524, Book 281 at Page 634, and i.n Book 283 at Page 2Bl of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado a certain PLat Map, Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Del Norte and Correction to First Supplernent to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Caso.Lar Vail, respectively, which are incorporated herein by this reference. -2- 7. That Defendants Duane Carling and Thonas McKee doing busi.ness as CarIing,/ltsKee Construction Partnership (oconstruction Company") acted as General Contractors for Che construction of the irnprovernents situated upon Parcel 14r CasoLar Vail II as is more ful 1y described in Paragraph 3 above. 8. That Defendant Casolar DeI Norte Hone Owners Association, (trAssociationn) is the Oldner of the Conmon Properties in Casolar Vail rI Subdivision, as described on the recorded Plat Map. 9. That Defendants, Knox, Payne, Carling, ivlcKee ,-. Carpenter and Casolar Del Norte Home Owners Association, are or may be charged with the duty of granting and or locating ease- nents in and over and across the Common Properties to the diverse parcel owners in such a manner so as not to affect the rights of the other parcel ourners. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 9. That Defendantse Construction Company' Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or allohted to be constructed upon a portion of the Conrmon Propert,ies adjacent to ParceL 13, owned by Plaintiffs Trustees, a certain water line and trater shut off valves, as is more fully described in Exhibit "Arl attached hereto and made a part. hereof. I0. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendants, the said nater line and rrater shut off va.lves lvere constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not nour able to construct the anlicipated improvements upon the Parcel 13 aII to the Plaintiffs danages in an amount as yet undetermined. Plaintiffs reserves Lhe right to amend the complaint when the damages are fully known. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF 11. That Defendants, Construction Company, Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or allowed to be constructed upon a portion of the Common Properties adjacent to Parcel 151 owned by Plaintiffs McDonald' an electical -3- line, transformer and vault as is more fully described in Exhibit DA'r attached hereto and nade a part hereof. 12. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendants the said electrical Iine, transformer and vault rrrere constru\ :d and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not no eble to construct the anticipated improvenents including the 'welling, driveway and parking facilities upon the Parcel. 15 all to the PLaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undeternrined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to amend the complaint when the damages are fu11y known. THIRD CLAIM POR RELIEF 13. that Defendants, Construction companyt Partnership, Developers, and Association negligently caused or all.owed to be constructed under Parcel 15, owned by Plaint.iffs McDonald, a certain sewer line serving and appurtenant to the entire Parcel 14. 14. That as a direct and proximate result of the negligence of the said Defendants, the sewer line was constructed and located in such a manner so that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated irnprovement.s upon the ParceI 15 all to the PLaintiffs damages in an anrount as yet undeterilined. Plaintiffs reserves the right to arnend the complaint when the damages are fully known. FOURTH CLAI},I FOR RELIEF 15. That the sewer line and electrical line constitute an intentional trespass upon the Parcel 15 owned by Plaintiffs lflcDonald in that Plaintiffs McDonafd neither expressly nor impliedly acquiesced or gave perrnission for the tresspass, 16. That as a direct and proxirnate result of the tresspass, the sewer line and electrical were constructed and located in such a nanner so that Plaintiffs are not now able to construct the anticipated improvements upon lhe Parcel 15 all to the Plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undeternined. -4- Plaintiffs reserve the right to amend the complaint when the damages are fully known. FIFTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF J.7. That the sewer line was .onstructed by Construction Company or Partnership to rve the entire parce_L 14 owned by Defendant Partnership, lB. That said sewer line encroal t'tcDonaldsr Parcel l5 which encroachment and and unlawful taking without right, title or 19. That unless said encroachment Plaintiffs McDonald will suffer irreparable adequate or speedy renedy at, Lavr. ls upon Plaintiffs tresspass constitute interest. is removed harm and there is no 20. That Defendant Partnership by constructing or allowing to be constructed upon Parcel 15 said selrer Line have created an appurtenance t,o Parcel 14 which is unlawful and without right and if not enjoined wiII create an adverse possession and/or an estoppel contrary to the right, title and interest of Plaint.iffs McDonald. SIXTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF 21. That Defendant,s Partnership and,/or Construction Conpany have constructed upon Parcel 14 decks not in conformity with the site plan approved by the various governmental and guasi-governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the said ParceL in that said deck is B feet in width on the east and west sides of the improvement constructed on Parcel 14 but were approved to be no more than 4 feet in widhh. 22, That Defendants, Developers and Association negJ.igently approved and allowed to be constructed said side decks. 23. That as a direct and proxinate result of the improper construction of said side decks by said Defendants, Partnership and Construction Company, and the negligence of the Defendants Developers and Association, Plaintiffs McDonal.d are not no!'r abLe to construct the anticipated inrprovenents upon the -5- Parcel 15 al I to the Plaintiffs damages in an amount as yet undeterrnined. Plaintiffs reserves ttre right to amend the conplaint when the damages are fully known. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray as foL.Lows: 1. For damages as are ascertained, 2. For interest as allowed by law, 3. For an Injuction requiring the owners of Parce] 14 to remove the Sewer Line and Electrical Line from the Plaintiffs McDonaldst Parcel 15 and to remove four feet of the exterior width from the east and west side decks of the duplex dwelling constructed on Parcel 14. 4. For Punitive Damages as allowed by law, 5. For Attorneys Fees, 6. For Costs Expended herein, and 'l . For such other and further relief as to this Court may seem just and proper in the premises. HOCHSTADT, STRAW & STRAUSS, P.C. By! ceorge 1,1. Straw # I07 Attorneys for Plainti.ffs 1700 Broadway, Suite 1211 Denver, Colorado 80290 ( 303 ) 839-5809 Plaintiffst Address: 2875 Manrrs Ranch Road Booth Creek, Vail , CoLorado 81657 L -6- PAECE sDu, I I i t\, itit:t r'-- -y'1:l j ,/. tlllti t, I Ilrn )V W(2- ---4 _-.--': 'V-- , '_.--g(, fl PAf t.!.i I t I UNDI'R FtTi:*{{ I No. lJ7. l.rs msDU-is.-0rrdfo'd P! STATEOFCOLO afrjil # s'oiiii- B;AGii-7"ax.4r.-4 ')^;'.: j' ;'" A^)"fr',"'ji;L--,"0-," iqi-i:' ta1-J'oo od. P blFhroa. Ir t6l W.1t atth A!!nu.. (jr,l(l.n. (itlotadd tO40 { P}"WD', t"r/..-e,r'r,A ss. rnrrrr- Dtttott'-:-a.ru*i p. crrY& DENVER f"''County of-=-.- i.l{!!! MeDoNeln, ^rrr'i4 UcDQNALD, _JEAN X h (v AqgCATOE, Trustee'for W.H. CATOE-C0RN I ()u' GROWERS, INC. PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST, McDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LALl, P.4., Pla'ntrjf S v\-DUANE CARLING ANd THOI.IAS MCI(EE. iNdiVidUally and d/b/a CARLING/McKEE CONSTRUC- CoNSTRUCTION C0}{PANY, LEO pAyNE, DEAN L. LIS PENDENS l I 5Ifl*mR8$o*Bnd' ofi$$[ENIEEo'tt$'6$?o* I l D.fcndra! S Notice is hereby given Dist r ic t that an action. suit or proceeding has been commenced and is pending in the Court in and for thc County of Eagle in the Sttte of Colorado, wherein JAI'lliS I"IcDONALD, TINA McDONALD, JEAN CATOE, Trusree for tl.H. CATOE CORN CROWERS, INC. PENSION RETIREMENT TRUST, and TINA McDONALD, Trustee for JAIIES W. McDONALD, JR. ATTORNEY AT l,AW, P.A., PENSION AND RETIREMENT TRUST, plaintiff s , and DUANE CARLING and THOMAS McKEE, lndividually and doing busLness as CARLING/ llcKEE CONSTRUCTION PARTNERSHIP and CARLING McXEE C0NSTRUCTION COMPAI.IYf LEO PAYNE, DEAN L. KI{OX, DONALD R. CARPENTER, and CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOMA OH}IERS ASSOCIATION, defendant s.'that the object ofsaid action, suit or pruceerling is to enjoln a fresPass vla sewer lines crossing Plaintiffsr property and in favor of Defendant Carling llcKee Contruction Companyr s property and to requlre the removal of a four foot portion of the east and west side decks of t.he property, all as descrlbed below. {#nHdd"n$d$W#rnj/ilw(t{ttedf.t$$til4wt*,6trptftf4lc tgufrt6prr pf btqq+Ftwtt I and that the following is a description of thc property a{fecred tlrereby, !o wit: Lot 14, CASOLAR VAIL II, a resubdivJ.sion of Lot A7, Block A, LIONSRIDGE SUBDI SION, according to the Plat recorded November 1, 1978, ln Book 277 ac Page 524 of the recordsof the L -k and Recorder of Eagle County, Colo rado . HOCBSTADT, STRAI"I & STRAUSS, P.C. By; Attorneys for Plalntiffs 1700 Broadr^ray, Suite 1211 ./ Denver, Colorado 80290 (303) 839-5809 ' | 'r\r rt I'l.d h! rh( al(l.nJlnt 'l l.r.!. '{ f,l.d i.y rh. rrl.rinl'tf. Ge6rge rl -i a J(Lrat*, / . tl/^1, .t., ?J(, 9.A telephone converration rlth !ir. Ted Husky, Engineerat Holy Croar Electrl.c """"i[s- fn our being informedthat tr. Carlino. not only fn"i"i.t"A and determLnedthe locarron of-the tii"ltJi-Ji.-i". aetually didpart of thc cxcavatron and,/or-Lnstruction ioii-..ratrngttrereto' Tfre tact'e and i!""ri-or movrng the transforn*ras far aray f,rm the CarllrrS4-torJ"-s1te i+ ana acluaffyplaclng tt rtthln_-ttc antr-i;;;;-driv-eilay and parkingeasenent- for lot 15 ls -bot;-i";6rarnable and inexcuaabreeapecial]y glncr.carlrng r."-i"iiv anare of the drerancesbctuEen tbe buttdl1g "ii1i"g""-.ia upon the placinspy hlm of thG locetlon or-if,e-tiansformer he eirherkne'u or had to rcnov that-ru"t iilation put the transformerln front of our bulldltng i"""f"p", whether lt belI^ t11 j?ad rrsht-or_yri ;; ;;;:-' r.i "i"lii'..iJaTron EDe survey, ths tranrforncr hag been placea onto--caeolar comrpa groperty ana in-trl. "p."" to be utirized." the parklng and dr!,rcuey for our Site t5. transronner not pliced cqurdrrrr;i-Lr;;;i-til iri uurrai.saites and ln ttre.nrcper iocetfJi-hEtgad of being plaeedso far rnet of srEc l{ r! to ereate the problens and haaardsuhich tt does. '. , r:qr!*.. - l' I lo".- dE-- ,:.49.q8 F O. gox r?90 ITOOO5'War?r.oirR€fr rElE?nONG,.3Og) :.!-raOO September lOf lgBO Mr. Ed Drag€r, Jr.Attorney-at-Lavvail National Bank BulldtngVall, Colorado g165? Dear Ed: ttre danages and ;rroblenrr cauged to-us .by the Carling,/ttcKeeconstrrretion partnerinrp *a *""I-p"rtlcula;ry -or,"rru carringby virtue of hle actioni """ti""r ro ,roorr[.--i,aailionar r.nformarionreceived tn the laat ferv aaye-i--ae follors. .*,*y*-f*, ,rE; tr"e?..*.,/4 1-" r' I ---'-'-_1":-]f .: , -=- ..d,:l!, i!*;; yr, E9 Drd,ger, Esqul.rePage 2 September I0, lgg0 I0. Regardtng.the plana for tte -CarlinqftcKee duplexon stte_l4 re irc tnforrned ttut n"ilii".-irr. ftoorp^lan, trre rguare footagc nor the deeks conform tothe prane uhr^ch uere aftrroved by ii"--c"""r"r HsneornergAssocl.atl,on andlor thc-iounc of-Vali. --ii trave beeninformed that tha sr.te plan arirt"q"'tor-srt" rlrndicate and shoy decke-oi st-io-I-f"ii-in"t""a or' 8 feet. I_f such ir eorrect, then re nust take thepositron -tbar thc rnproperli ourit a""i"-"i-iitI"-14 rould have to bc ;ad; to-conf,onn to itre plansas approved, speciflcally tbe slte Blin. The conflict-of Lntercst lrosture tn wlrtch !rtr. Carllngpresently f rnde. hrncerf poiic:;e very r.nterestrng potntsof rav, espeerally tn vriu "i irre probabilrty that the indrvlduarrnembers of the Honreounerr Acaoefation goard as rerr as theBoard cpuld be herd-perrcniriy-ft.rt* ioi-irr.rr-ictg ot negligqnoeand/ ot intenrlonal -dirnagec -cii,r.a -i" - d;- p;;;;itiee ny amember of the board, ani permrliea and,ror-iiiJ*r.E to n"pp"r,by the other nrernberi of t[i-roi;d. -il. J;";-;;;i. ilr"t tt,"extent of the damagcs oould not only a"-iil iililrt" reeutr'of the costs to reittfy t'' varrous-probrems lauseo by carrlngbut. arso any losp rn ricai ""a7ir-p;;ird-;""iiir"q ln ourunfts nhen constructed not berng abie io re-eoid"at marketand or at as tfo! 9_f prlccc ". ihey should b"-by vlrtue oft_he anoe?ran+e 5e . tne'iiiiing-ruiii dupi-i ,rtii rhe extendedrvLnge and,/or the rnp-roper an6' 'nsatrefictory-rocation ofour butldtns stres r*rrcn nay travi-6-b;-,*;lal---' We also have been.ted-to belleve that Mr. Carling iawithholding and/or reJecttng tba approval of our butldl.ngplans and sl.te locatione unjurtly, ag a mcmber of .ttre boardas a proper determlnatloa aitecti the carti"s^r"ie" partnerehipfina-nclally by virtue of the rnproprrettes and probreme causedby ilr- carlrng and furthcr ttat-tt"-r,""-r.atJ"i"5-ir,.t shouldwe pursue the6e natters cnontrlncd ln these tyo letters thata boldup of the gp-proval of our plans uould be a tool orn€apon which could be utlllzed til, Un. Ed. i-"* ""rt.f.!h.!.you recogntze the trqttcattins of eucfr actions by Mr.carllng .n the ev-ent such happene to be true-or "orr""t.Please be assured we urlr roil rnto thls matter ln aubstantialdetail. I ,.{.,t f'. d,?-,*,JA t'{r. Ed kager, Jr. At torney. at-LahtVail ilational Bank Buildino\tail, Colorado gtSS? .it** -1 .. F*ti, .ftat/. r _j a.)x ra9c. lt -:O(r S. tr . .r?rtF a: ai! r tt! gPdo t JCg ta6-rl.jO .qeptenber S, 1980 Dear Ed: are quite coneerned oyer havLng a number of rrreg*rarltiesand lmpropertfes corrected as loon aa possi,ble which havebeen either caused or precifitit.a by lour .ii"nt-the carling,44cKeccorrstructron company witcrr ir freaetrity cons-ru"iinq a duplexon Site 14, Casolar Vall If. You are advised that re are deslroug.of resolvi.ng theaerutters at an early date on an amlcabi" U""i", tI possrote, . but- the eeri'ousneg-s or ceii.il ;; the roriowii:q-iseues issuch that barring an e-arly r"soi.r..rrrt rill resurt rn whateverlegal action is ieenre,t n"i"ii.rv wltl be i"l*"il--- tfe are addLtlonally ahoclc,it as .what has been cauaed,damaged or preciprtated-"nq" *; varroug lots rras apparentrydone so by the piegtdcnt ir tna-cagorar der Norte Hone ohrnersAssocia-tlon and as e gabtnrr and-dc-veroper "I-l;; carring,/McKeeconstruc_tion company. rt ls llkerise LnconceLvabre to methat eirhgr you or iron crrrpiri-icrld hive .ni-r.io"r"dge ofor would have lent any forir of aoproval to ailch herrn. damages,irreguLarities and or tndercieti"l" to an adJotnlng propertyowner. l. The-uatel:gpt gff.lretyqg fgr slre 14 are instalredtB feer east oi-Bril-iEis-Eiridiiq-I"ilioi", aa eonsrruet€d.Tbe closest poi.nt betreen sltes rrl and our site 13is L5 feet. ?hercfore Carltng set ir,e wJter cutoff valvea over ln froirt of orir orrginaiiy designatedSite_ by_ 3 fect and uader our antlcfiatea becks wenay bui Id and thcn conrtrueted hrs iiatii line tothe east tn front of our envelope to pul sorne underou.E drrtlclprted dgetr ln a totar drerigard for othirs. :.:',s' Mr. Ed hageC .lr, Pac:e 2 Septenber 3, 1.980 2. 3. !v95pna ts hrving- to narranEe to 3cme ext€nt theer.flilalng. envcrole-hrt utth trri reroeatron Ji--Jri!''rq and tlre erteDdrl dechs to both eagt and west ueare ap-parentry forcrro to rearrange our atte eonsiderauty.Aceordl,ngly tha €ngl,n.6tE ena aritritecte -into;-;; that ne should both rotate the envelope a; *eii ."spve tt $xtnvhrt fomrrit. If not ttrei ,ciifios/t.r"ir" has deprined us of tbr srm€ rfghis to our proDertya-s they havu urtltrod, Therefirc til i;a[';;;-;;'the yatcr ll,nc and tlro cut off -natvea iiif"-"ftt""into our butlcltng cnvdope or Eo cfoao t"-it-tfrt-ue eannot builil and'or uraer. our froat aecis.--d"rr,if sueh had to be rcllrircd at ! l.ater aate ii" ""--t ll". case today rtth ttrc prere{rt repair) tf,er"-*:r9 o9.no yay f9T a rubsequent prollerty ovner t6get to hi.s rater ttnr. ,t an lnfoinei ttrit irtei"--have been no sas*ncntc iretttpr iegucstea-uy i"r-grantedLo carltng.&Ke€ for thc yetca ind serer iine"-"E-constructed and regul,red. fhls eituation appirerrtfyhas'only one retult The Bewer llne fron Stte l{ either eomes under ourburldtng $tte 15 -or ro,erose to lt trrai-auring ."i"t"uctton }:-_FI-F 9_ry9:9. - rsarn the serer coutd "i"i .i"rrvnave been tnctall€d- to comptetely mtse our enielopeand anticipated deckr. The electrical'ditch nbleh hna been dug to tbe rastof 9ite l4 ras nade eo far over as to U" cmpt.t"iywithin our buildltng cnvclope and thcrefore ,"Ga ;;moved. Further, thc dltch-choul.d have ncver 1"""-made any furthar rrc;r fran the butLdfnq envifopc-of Slte l{ than Tlt fcat (lt of the dlatinee betireensites l4 pnd lS'at tklr clorert potnt _ rhat ls .i.-air for one Le fatr tor the otherl . Thcrcforewnen the dtteh rs rrv€d-rt-itouiE-i[ *iiiiii;i.itbetween the tlrr lnrtletng envelopea, sudtr ts necessaryto eliminate a trarard-go afl paittea rs any, gubsequentdig up for repalr rourd be dairgerane if noi eo aec'ornprisbed. iir.. |ike l(lntzlag lndl,catec hls totrt cooperationln inla nratter and lndleatea that wtren tba ditctris dug next tl.ne .that tt nuat,go ln tho eerreet locat.ion. ,1r.. I .'/irr*tqy ,t/ -/*.. ,P.rt Mr. Ed fagec Page ? September 5, Jr. 1980 6. ' Slte l{ 1.8 otfor tha Ctsolar rhe Torrn ol lfirft;: thats sald 3gutF.' rry tbree Uutldt$rq.:aifl Itr. Ed IlagerPage 2Septenber 5, lgg0 danase tbqreto ""-a7or"il ilri _F LrsErCrEC'f gnyxf rt)/I.yc at the{ eipensc. It, 8. Tbe electll:l trqnifor5:-tr loeatcd on ehG Casolarcom'n l:9p:{!r,, fr[-tl' .F "g"i-lifrt]Jr_*.r, rDdil"l3"-:":- :rti- ri-eat{"n ana ar iyluJv:easancnr. ana,zor Hriry{!fl T.ji{*t ;i:i*j,iH*::is eretcdas vell as tha cfcctrieal dltch. . I erplatned..:: S:-qf$Dg r?:t_reck that r yant to berotallv eoopcrattve rrit-a'ril i:rsFrb"rr rtrd tht r.rantedno nere than r nas_entrtr.a-tl.it_i9a-:?"{ rJitirt"ry r*'ould settle fo".-l- r"r"-tli-rl: entttlad to. tse haveuronsed no one Tt * u""Eiicital Ft grrmfia and takenadvantage tn rhat "ppr"e-t;;;-i" r urry .l,rnprident m.nner.l{e arc b"rng-:_?}rvey_ rsde S1flrttgly_ co aB to determineaa accurarery aa poestbrc lnc il"c_tftc detairl-oi-tu, lnformatton-contalnd heretn._- o", a""iiidiT.ry. ilark Donaldson vtllnave a copy of tre aunt]-ili-iiir be abte to dtrcues rheaematters rlth you, An hoDert nrletake ean bc underetood niay times, hoyevertffi :"}:li'L l1li*rtF#ilnrnpro'Grtr.ac and darnasee By rh{s tr.::lT_?IE hcgby.pt-aelrg cv€ryon. tnvotvcdon notrce thar th6*- r.trcrr r#ri. F-;:";i;;i"il rher,r cnrrrereno larer than scpt*,tii-fi;-rFffi otr,errril-*ilt#." tcaar.':t::li-:? ff *". l3F?! "aiv - ry - L' "" r * i - i,,J -iii co r oradoevent trre virer rilFtrT$"ffi.*ill; *;:l.:;"*itreaolved and/or rerocatcd rt;i io- o,* "*"",raiiii and eonstruetionil ili, ff .:, ?,t=** e*ild;:m,itil.ji{::*=ar, ica fr=i"i'il-iF :"ffi;if; i$i# :iil ilU:r rli:rui;n 5ff :":"n!::.*;--p;:p!::rd.lrr*ffi 9"":l'll.ffilEt*ili, $,lttgg r,IttorncyJl&t/dscc; }t11n* cg5ltns m? ''c,.-,4 "J\\{l\a"i /*d .!&DolilllDr rlR.tt I€u, p.A. Forte l,lor* Omers Assoelatlon .f,--Y-4lL.Jlj-:fug*ei.{" Ir. Ei Drager, EsqutrcPage 3 Septenber f0, ttg0 [' i I In furtherancc of tha contllct of lntercst lasue andsl'tuatr'on, r waa artontahcd-Iillerrve tFe notrce of theannual reetlno. rhrch r unoc*ti"a,;; nlin;;;;"i1 "o1r, aapotnttns!f!/or lamlns-ryanc cerltrig-il-ir- prorr. r rra furtherctr.snayed at paragnph f coic-ining the nsnlnatlon of ftvedrrectorg ar_a nontfuttnf-ffiilt"" ulrtch cqmrttee doesnot er'Et and never nar irirtcl aceordtng i" "i-i""rredgaof the Honeoynerr-Arsoetial;;.- carltnE cncn nerng nornrnatedby yorl, or hr,m, *ttn inc-*iiir"t of titiriit niit"r etarlnsevervone rn the.facc_rs a furthcr tiavciii.--n, inould bothresign and be dtequallf,ree-iroi-.ny_furthii connictron, actlonor vottng rtth tbe^leard. Ooi og tha Boardl ilamberg ras notconsult€d "o" T:_-_!her-G- a ,r""tir ,,,eitios-"r'lrrf-"o.rd rodeterntne thc proxy.- foo "li rrt"n io-i.Ea"iriri yoo, o,your cltenrr approich to ""ii.i" of thcci iltt;;". The locatton of thc qnnual nrceltf9 !91.S ln Ur. Carlingepersonat hone nray provc to bc t-r,*iil'ail;fi"ii ana awrrvar6. fhere further aplrcar' to bs.a po-sarbrc profeaelonar eonflietof interest if yttu are reprcrentrng- thc u"rrrd;;;a Associatlon aar have been inf6rmett by-ui.-;;;i;s and- you ii"-"1."o represenrtng:::, :;:r*:Ef;;::: con,t,"cirJi- fr ,tn"rcr,ip -rn- rhise very Ed. as you can nell ltmglac tbere types of lcttera areverv dr'stastefur- to have to #itc eepectiity f;m on€ artorneyto anolher and vherern ""a-ttiJ nay ne ceriain expranatlonsfor some of the l!*i d;t"fi;e-tn tbesc tvo 1ettere,. rhecontinried multrplrctty-oi-ioniirit" of intere"i "ia lmproprietresof t{i. Carling,-aasunring fre-var-""ttng alonG, iD outsicte memberof tbe assoctatio1: "ggfr ., ,r".ir, -bE""rJ"-i"iv ",rrious andwary of yhat ts actually g"fi-on. r have discusted thl.g mattcr_agaln nith Don Chaplin overthe telephone thig aftsrnoon-;fi-r rndtcated to Don thatr naa certainry desr-rioua "i lrir"g rrts unaeratarrfung .r,asupport in thls S!!::^::pegfaify ilnce rre rs-irre real estarebroker havlng the property ffst-i and the-Aiofcer-trrroughwhom rhe sales are-thiref;.;-;;;;"edlng. r have known Donfor manv vears and lrkc rrr-i"t-sirpara lxrsonalry very much,and r have trled lg.ouy pi"pirti tr,i""qf,-iil;;-; broker,even tn Casolar, and needlclb ti say, r would be absolutelyastonished if any^ea-l:: "l rne-iartins/r,rciee-sii"-re duplexYere to take place vl'thout'notice of the problems contalned n,,,'i li:''r ' t rill Lntervene for thetba ovcrall eltuatlon. rely, t'/ // irAlrEs tf. I|CDoHALD, tR.Attorney et L,ar, P.A. .ryu/de P.S. Again. pleace thrt ne have not caugGd -any of these problcms, b,rt re nuat lnsigt thatbe protected and be equal to all otlier proptity cc: Drane Carling Thomas llcKee Donald Chapl{n Mark Donaldson W.M. Klntzing George Stran David Falee Dean Knox Casolar del Norte llomeounert As8oclationTown of ValI David Nhf.senantBill Sandler__"-a cn f., --ti.-"- Gt"^' \el or preclpltatGd our rights owners. F,*f-eg)^Jt-.c*n,t-&-. Arf l{r. Ed Drrger. Eaqutn Page 4Septc$ar 10, 1990 of hopcfully rerlrcnetbli 9purlrose of resolvtng and Ln theee lettcr!,-uil^otnrrrl^n. nitch could affect the ounGrrblDgs t,9ll as ttre trnrnctal Dodt$n of r ruDrequGnt puachlrer.r vould not rant to .o Dgn g.-t hst in thtr-mttci rhatgocwr,eqrcctarly Lf he har not rsa nrortedgabla of thc nttcri ' contalncd tn tbc'' lottcrr rnd nor D.itt g *nwreags i.a takrrya deflnltc ttolttt\rG ffirr. to rrrorrre -nd cd;-at E aeg""t"aa containcd tn ttc lcttorr. .l y"ry-:?rly_reaoltrmnt o! thlr ntter, f tcet.ecrtalnrcurd beneftt all pcrrurr, bonner, !Ef' rrrou,ra kntr tbrt - upon dlaeuaelng eertaln ol ttrcr ntlerc vhr.ch ycii iJor"to re vhlle ln vstl ylth errltng tbat r rccctvad very cooland I'rreeponel,rrc rcprr,cr and aciordlngry tt h.r recultcd1l ny harlng to tstc tbc qfltrpatrvc icftonr irtca incrrrarnethe survey, dl.seuecl,one yttb Holy Crota, dlscugel.onc rlthotbere ln ordcr to br_tr_re thc nttarc to ltght tn the vlera ,.,|,i-,n il . /l?*tz,S w!''' ,i/n,1 .f,.*i/r, .l1dt/,c;tlzna P (). ao\ l23O rToc.]Swete'itSlFEar TELEPT.CNE \f,O5) ?.a-re OO September 19, 1980 Mr. Ed Drager Attorney at LawVail National Bank ButldlngVail, Colorado 81657 Please be advised that the requfrements necessary toresolve the danage iEsues perpetrated by various partiesincludlng the Carllng,4lcKee Constructlon Company and MessersCarling ahd McKee, lndlvidually, in connect.lon vrith Lot l4 and against our propertles, Lots 13 and 15, are as follows: t. Tlre furnishf,ng to np and the other 3oard Membersthe names, addresses, and teJ.ephone numbers of al 1 rnembers of Casolar del Norte Homeowners Assoclationto whom you rnalled notlces of Annual Meeting and Proxy. 2. lhe removal of the transformer, electrlcal lines and electrical dltebes equldistant between Lots 14 and 15 envelope and out of the Casolar CommonProperty. 3. Rcmove the serrer llne from Lot 15 building envelope' and place sane at least trrelve (12) feet outside. any portion of the Lot 15 envelope. 4. Rernove the rater cutoff valves in front of Lot 14 and remove the uaterlLne to at least twelve (12) feet fron our Lot 15 antlclpated envelope per the drawings provided to you.. 5. Reduce the slze of the east and uest decks by four(4) feet and renove the atrium and the improperwalls relatl,ng theret,.., pursuant to the slte plan submitted by Carling and approved by the clty. 6. Provide flfty ttrousand dollars ($50,000.00) to beheld ln egcrorr rrttb.an escrov letter to cover boththe coat and good falth for the performance of allltems of issue contat.ned ln this letter and to provi.defor the accornpllshnent of all itens of issue containedin this letter to be ccrnpJ.etcd within 14 days. .r/ , ,,; , l +, - /. t,tr.rrit. JV1'/t,:,a.,.1.,'/*.1|u'. I',' l:i. E.l ])raqer .iccternbt;r I'i, 1960 F.eturn a]l dir.t and frII relo.,'ec bv Cariino fromcrlr- Lot i3 to our Lo.- 13 when anL: where we so i.ndicateand s6iri fiL1 ic be compaetrid to ?5% standard Droctordenstt-v. 8" Cl,ose o:i or piug up i.:h.- _1 5? sguare feet overageC,l?.P.A. buiLt iirto Lot 14, or pro.ride us wlth writtenecnfjrmation frcm the city that sane will not bedeoucted from the G.R.F.A. for Lots 13, 15 and 12. 9. t,-arling tc resign from the Board imnediately, notpursue re-election and resign as prox-v, and for CarLingand,/or his agents or assoL-iates to offer no objecticnto the proposed Site 13 and 15 Site plans as presented.Assuming the compJ.ete cornpLiance with this letter,we wouLd then agree to move the Site 13 as far east -as possible (approximately three f .et) and south(approximately three feet) and to -otate the envelopeas drawn by the identical eight (g) feet which CarllngreadJusted tot 14 envelope. This inoving of ourenvelope is still detrj.mental to us because of theadJoining parties and lre would sti.ll be four (4)to five (5) feet back of Lot 14. i0. We w11.1 attempt to npve the Lot 15 to the west asmuch as possi.ble over present zonlng and set baekIimitations. 11. We rould not pursue the improper floor plan with . the clty on Lot 14. 12. Assuming the complete compliance uith this letterwe would not seek further damages against l'lessersCarling and McKee and,/or any associates of theirspersonally for malfeasance, misfeasance and otherlmproperties and irregularities so stated in ourpreviously stated letters. The above and foregolng ir a written statement of whatwas stated to you by me Wednesday mornlng, September 17,1980. I hgd requested an inunedl.ate response and agreedthat f rould calr you back before L2:30 p.m. that day, whichI did. I also attempted to contact you two (2) addilionaltimes by telephone that same afternoon and at 20 minutesto 5, I went to your office. Our previous correspondencestated that a resolvement of the matter from our point ofview rnust be completed by September 15 whieh has not beenaccomnlished. We ftled suit in Eagle County and filed a t. ,Jl ... ]N THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. 80 CV 299 THE Il_ UL. .,tT7 fu: Y-/69,..-tz,;F .obnq*Jio". (.y - Mr. Ed. Drager, Esquire Page 2 September 19, t98O Lis Penden against Lot 14 on September 17, 1980. I have remained ln VaiI since September l?, and I amavallable at any reasonable time to diseuss tbe accomplishment and settlenent of the above and foregoing. We would appreciatehearing from you and/or !lr. MeKee,s attorney at the earliestposstble date. Thank you for your cooperatlon ln these and other matters. Very truly yours, JAI.IES W. IIICDONALD, JR. Attorney at Law, P.A. cc: Thomas McKee Donald ChaplinVictor Mark Donaldson I.l.M. KintzingMr. David Whlsenant Casolar DeI Norte Homeowlers Assoclation Dean Knox George Straw David FalesBill Sandler Duane CarlingMr. Jim RubinMr. E Mrs. Don Gruidel Charles Bonniwell Land Title 1 a ,i I o motion of the Plaintiffs setting forth a defauLt pursuant to this stipulat,ion, the Clerk of the District Court shall cause the letter of credit to be paid into the Registry of the Court and to be held there pending further orders of the Court. (b) The Defendants jointly and severally tlo hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Plaintiffs from any and a1 I damages, including reasonale-\ttorneysr fees /\incurred by the Plaintiffs, for failuy'e of lhe Defendants to tlfu11y cornply with this stipulation. \ i (c) The Defendants specifidally agree that the Court shall have the poner to enforce this stipulation in law and in equity and to issue such mandamus, injunctions and contempt proceedings as may be requested by the Plaintiffs upon motion therefor and as approved by the Court. (d) The balance of the-agreement shaLl be- as set forth in the below paragraphs. 4. Within forJrteen (14) days of entering into this agreementr the Defendants at their sole cosl and expense shal l cauae to be performed the following: (a) Remove the sewer fine from the Lot 15 building envelope and place same outside any portion of the Lot 15 envelope and the overhangs for decks as per the approved plans and as approved by the Casolar Homeowners Associati"on. (b) Remove the wat'er cut off valves in front of Lot 13 and place them reasonably equidistant between Lots 13 and 14, and remove the water line to outside any portion of the Lot 13 envelope and the overhangs for decks as per the approved plans and as approved by the Casolar Honeonners Association. (c) Reduce the size of the west deck on Lot 14 such that the deck does not extend, in width, more than four (4) feet from the west foundation wall- and parallel to said walL to the deckrs southern extrenity and parallel to said waII to its northern extrenity where the said deck meets the greenhouse, but allowing adequate space for opening the greenhouse door and exit therefron. -2- (d) Remove the electrical lines and electrical ditches from Lot 15 (and refill any cuts) and replace same to the sanle specifications as seb forth in paragraph 4(a) except that the Lines passing between Lots 14 and 15 shall be reasonably equidistant from each buil"ding envelope and as approved by the Casolar Honeowners Association. (e) Notwithstanding the fourteen (14) days set forth above, the Defendants shall within a reasonable time and with good faith efforts cause Holy Cross Electric to move the transformer, electrical vault and related equipment from the Casolar conmon property and relocate same on the road and utility right of way reasonably equidistant between Lots f4 and L5; and upon the reasonable request of Plaintiffs to be not Jater than nine (9) months from the signing of this egreement, return or replace all dirt and fill removed fram-.Lot 13 as.directed: -- 5. within one (1) day of entering into thrs agreement' the Defendants shall pay to the Plaintiffsr attorneys the Plaintiffsr legal fees in the amounL of $2'5I3.00. 6. The Defendants or by and through their agents, assigns, servantsr employees, attorneys or friends shal1 not in any manner cause or attempt to cause an appeal of the Town of VaiI Planning Conmissionrs approval of the building plans as subinitted by the Plaintiffs for tots 13 and t5 and as previously approved by the Planning Cornmissicin. 7. It is the intention of this stipulation that the Lis Pendens previously recorded on Lot 14 be retnoved therefrom and that a1 I of the Defendants and the claims aqainst them be dismissed with prejudice saving and preserving the claims as set forth in this stipulation against the Defendants, Carling and McKee, for further adjudicationt however' it is the fgrther intention of thi a) the removal of a portion of the west deck located on Lot 14, Casotar Vail II, a resubdivision of Lot A7' Block A Lionsridce Subdivision, according to the Plat recorded November -3- I l, 1978, in Book 277 at Paqe 524 of the records of the Recorder of Eaqle Countv, Colorado, (b) the sewer line run with the Land and shall be bindi-nq upon the heirs and assi of the Defendants to the title of said Lot 15. This aqreement sewer and water line agreenent have not been cornp]ied with to ineure such agreenent is compl"ied hrith. The Defe'ndants also agree to execute such memorandum if requested. Subsequent to completion of the stipulation by the Defendants, the Plaintiffs shall cause to be filed with the Eaql-e District Court a notion or and order for dismissal with prejudice of any the stipulation. claim pursuant to Cctober,WITNBSS our hands and seals thi; 2n<l day ui 19B0. STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER PLAINTIFFS: By! ge M.dWr , agenc therefor DEFENDANTS: Carling McKee Construction Company Construction Partnership andCarling McKee Construction Company )) ss. ) I, Linda K. Reinking, in and for aforesaid, do hereby certify that George M. said County, Straw, agent in the State and record appurtenant to said Lot. 14 and crossi"nq Lot 15, and (c) the \./ater line appurfenant to Lgt 14, as defined in the Conplaint, shall a memorandum thereof may be recorded at the Eaqle Countv Clerk and Recorderrs Office on or after october 20, 1980, if the deck uane Ca_f.-Lihg, individually and doing- b'usiness as Carling/t,tcxee Construction Partnership and Thonas McKee,Thonas McKee, indj.vidually and- doing business as CarLing,/McKee -4- o attorney for Plaintiffs, who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing Stipula- tion and Order for Dismissal v,rith Prejudice with Reservation of Jurisdiction Regarding Stipulation set Forth Herein, appeared before rne this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act and.deed for the u6es and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of October, 1980. My'conmission expires May 5, STATE OF COUNTY OF COLORADO DD. , in and fbr said County,in the State aforesaid, do hereb'y certify thal Duane Carling, individu- aIIy and doing business as Carling/tltct<ee Cor,struction Partnership and Carling McKee Construction Company, who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing Stipulation and order for Dismissal with Prejudice with Reservation of Jurisdiction Regarding Stipulation Set Forth Herein, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, seal"ed and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary .ac1: and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. . Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of october, 1980. I, My comrnission expires A f tZn'r-'7 STATE OF @LORADO Notarv PubIic )) ss. the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Thomas McKee, individually and doing business as Carling,/ucxee Constructi.on Partnership and Carling McKee Construction Company. who is personally known to me to be the person r,'rhose narne is subscribed to the within and foregoing 'Not4 COUNTY OF fh-*tg"f* ) /.' \ U - /U n4l +< .^ :* --r .c^1 , (:a_r.n( -U,,'J*,2. L c.rn-t-,+. , in and for said County, in -5- Stipulation and Order for Dismissal with Prejudice with Reservation of Jurisdiction Regarding Stipulation Set Forth .Herein, appeared before rne this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of writj.ng as his free and voLuntary act and deed for the uses and purpose.s therein set forth. Given under rny hand and seal this 2nd day of My comrnission expires le-to -tr ORDER THIS MATTER COMING ON to be heard this - day of october, 1980, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, DOTH ORDER, as foliows: - 1. That the within lawsuit, with hhe exception of the reservation as .set'forth in the stipulation, be dismissed with prej udice. . That the Defendants, Duane Carling and Thomas McKee, are hereby ordered to perforn the stipulation as per its terms. 3. That the Plaintiffs are ordered to' subsequent to performance of the stipufation by the Defendants, tender to the Court a further order of dismissal with prejudice as to the stipulation. BY THE COURT: DISTRICT JUDGE -6- T u n y'z/rr. luwn , /,1'/)"--,-,h box t00 Yail, ooloredo 81&57 (3031 47e5fl3 ilanuary 2, 19gl Mr. Charles GallagherVail, Colorad.o 81657 Dear !lr. Gal-J-agher, This letter is to inform you-officiaAy that your residence recently purchasedfrom Duane Carling is in violation of both the Building and zoning-Coaesof the Town of Vail-. The area in violation is the recieation rooi on thelowest level of the house. As you are aware, we recently had extensive discussions at the Torffr officeswith !.1r. carling concerning the space in question. At the time, sG;;- -.- Patterson, chief Building official and I specifically told t{r. carling and||9 atl.o5ney, Ed Drager, ttrat the apace wai ittegal is it existed. It wasillegal because the house is at its maxirmrm alloiable Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA) and the workshop ancl other basement areas were not approved bythe Tovrn of Vail as living',area. Our agreement at that time wa-s-to block offaccess to the then workshop area along with some other ruinor changes inthe mechanical room, The gist of it is that tlr. Cartingl was fully a!{are of the illegalities ofthe space and of the restrictions that we ilnposed upon the "r.i. Understand-ab1y, I was shocked to hear of your circunstince i.n-that the area now is afully completed recreatl-on room. While sympathizing with your'situation asfar as economics and ignorance..of past procledingsr r cann6t allov the spaceto continue to-exist as is without a pr-per approval from the Tonn. Prcper approval would consist of a granting of a variance by the plannJ.ng and Environmental- conunission. ?hj-s procesi is open to you. rt consistsof fill-ing out a variance request torrn in the Co'inrnunity DeveJ-opment office.The variance is a GRFA variance and we will reguire prLviously-approved, plansfor the structure, Proposed plan, and a written statement troi yiir concelningwhy you feel the variance shouLd be granted. If the planning aid gnvironnental comnission denies your request, you may appeal that decision to the TownCouncil. r look forward to our meeting this Friday and hope r can be of furtherassistance in finding a mutuarly agreeable decislon to this probrem. ' a'1,;.u-1 department of community dwelopment ' Ro]'c'-- cc: Duane Carling, Ed Drager, Steve Fatterson, Larry Rider,ltark Donaldson Senior Plann l-_ lnun department of community development January 2, 1981 Mr. Charles GallagherVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear lt{r. Gallagher, this letter is to ilforrn you offieia4V that your residence recently purchasedfrom Duane Carling is in violation of both the Building and, Zonlng-Coclesof the town of VaiI. Ehe area in violation is the recieation rooi on thelowest level of the house. As you are aware, lte recently had extensive discussions at the town offices lith !4r. carling concerning the space in questio:r. At the time, stevePatterson, Chief Building official- and I specifically told !,tr. Cirting andfl.g at1o5ney, Ed Drager, that the space wal ittegar is it existed. rt wasillegal because the house is at its naximurn alloiable Gross R.esidential FLoorArea (GRFA) and the workshop and, other basernent areas were not approved bythe lown of Vail as living . area. Our agreement at that time wal-to block offaccess to the then workshop area along with sone other minor changes inthe mechanical room. box lfi! vail. colorado 81667 13031 47S5613 lhe gist of it is that l,[r. Carling rras fuJ-J-y aware of the illegalities ofthe space and' of the restrietions that we inrposed upon the arei. Understand-ably, I was shocked to hear of your circumstince in-that the area now Ls afully completed recreation room. While sympathizing with your situation asfar as economics and igmorance..of past procEealngsr I cannot al1ow the spaceto continue to exist as is without a proper approval frorn the Town. "i-.i -l Prcper approval would consist of a granting of a variance by the planning and Environmental comrnission. This procesi is open to you. rt coneistsof filling out a variance reguest form in the Corronunity DeveLopment office.The variance is a GRFA Variance and we will require prEviously-approved plansfor the structure, ProPosed_ plan, and a written statenent froir yiir concelningtivhy you feel the varianee should be grantecl. rf the Planning aird EnvironruentalCommission denies your request, you nay appeal that decision to the TownCouncil. r look forward ta our meeting this Friday and, hope r ean be of furtherassistance in finding a mutually agreeable decislon to this problern. cc: Duane Carling, Ed Drager, Steve Patterson, Larry Rider, Mark Donaldson Sincere s++N *.' -t sT0P'lT0 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO OFFICE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL NOTICE THIS BUILDING HasBeen Inspected,and - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION tr CONCRETE MASONRY tr PLU MBING WARM AIR FURNACE trzELECTRIC wlRlNG GAS FrrT|NG AND VENTING x *o BUILDING PEBMIT ZONING / tr OTHER: IS NOT ACCEPTED Do Not tr tr tr tr u Remove This Notice! DETACH AND BRING THIS PORTION OF CARD TO BLDG. DEPT. AT MUNICIPAL BUILDING Laation Building lnspstor offbeof Building offbial, TowN oF vAlL, coLoRADo CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community development TYPE OF PERMIT 9-2L-79 PROJECT NO.DATE 101 m!n Btru BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III I 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH orvrsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Nery Dlllrle< PLUMBING MECHANICAL PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT, VALUATION BUILDING PERM IT PLUMBING MECHANICALNEW (X ) ALTERATION il ADDITIONAL I REPAIR RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS 2 ECCOII,III,IODATION UN , .1 c.n.r,l (.3,sCl 3Z3Z-BEDRooMS COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT- V€TiCSBATHTU B/SHOWE R NO FIREPLACES _?-NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING g UNCOVEREO PARKING CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMF FEES /J --LIa4-UILOING OFFICIAL flruLTL NG ADMINIST RATOR DATE NING NOTES: INSULATION R.VALUE *t't! r HEREB' AcxNowLEDGE rHAr r HAvE Qt a't\READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ' I T ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE I.AWS BEGARDING BUILDING CONSTR IJCTION VAIL WATER & SAN, OIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: LEGALlc LOT 7 BLK-_A_ FtLtNG Llonsrldge Sub JoB NAME: carling Drplex OWNER ttAME T\rene Carlins MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM T\rFne Carliilp MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Fl8,id Drane Carl i no MAIL ADDRESS E LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL AODRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTO FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. fi'i-f 0(r* r Legal Descriptic,n: Lot for P/S 7.0'nE DISTniC'rS z0r,rI cilt.cl( s["R,ll, R ' -.XrV i. | /'l:J /irchitect tlistrict W Prnnocnd llspZone D istrict ['roposcd Use Lot Arca Height Allor,red 30' Proposed Setbacl;s: Front-ReqLiiruA' ZO; -*lroptsccl Sides-Requ'i red l5' Proposed Rear -.Rcquiretl l5' Proposed l,laterccursc-required Proposed GITFA: Al'loired i--3tfiO- Pr.opo:.ed -S{A!-I GRFA: Primaq, /illotved Secondary Al loned Site Coverage: Alloived Pro pos e d Landsciiliirrg: Farking: . Itcquired Requ'ired Proposed Ptropc:'cd Drive: Slope Permittecl. Envirounrcntal,/llaz,rr"ds: Avajanche Fl ood Pl ain Slo;:e lictual- Zori 'i rr g :Lli',te :Approvcci/D i sapprovcrJ : I I -Zonirrg Arlnrj n i:; It-,irlot' I L l t"rgD l+ Tfan,------.--..-.. f l,;r K eba-r\ ,6.-= ;.7 rX 35 =-- 7tt lao Ao X} rL XZ ,^y! p%n >7.f,t,kr8.f= [1.xr y t6 _ 7?-- tX l8.r =/6-arx t1.a.- --- 34 Fk> /f X I1.OlG-rx 6 .1"1rp 6ga ?vo .qo 1,6 3t-- SoY 3og s,b1j tg 7€g 56 I q8xLx&28s 1? t6q Date [,rgf oF u4tERrAt9 NAMB OI PROJECT o""' (Y r,BcAL DESCRIPTIoY <'rA fl/V Lor- 27 nrOCX DESCRIPTION OT' PROJECT FILING The to A.) following information the Design Review Board BUILDING IVIATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa1l llaterials Fascia Sof f its Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand pr Deck Rails Flues I'lashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 1.4\ cF g(<u[ ('(: ItL | 0trtl Aitl - is required for submittal bY'the before a final aPProval can be Applicantgiven. Tvpe of lvlaterial Colord.q--r,g;Tt; B E-rLL/ v-tl 1-,',t "u €1e-> t u (771 ( P cct= 1elt- u'/ At€ctr<z fK(atl 2r 4'<Y t'ltl+t( ^i/9 Y t*F I ftt}eo PtcrqgD 4t? ut"-<' 7-t6,15 Z x 6 //,.dOD t/D/tik -/7) fuA7cd r/t14-E- 4.Aru.{A( sy'.el XG / ^t s -L'L/ CoFNttt L/.'Vl t, .lB.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping l"laterials and Ground Cover) Botanical Narne Cormron Name including Trees,Shrubs, Size BL/E SlICUC€ YNA. -4 dA'r' v- L(.t( ( cLL. ---+---- Quantity I / - 7 (&Lr/J/Z{ ,*ro f q-e' ll e /C-tt 7 ' /7 CL//( Yi*'/ - /2,'a,.r't' (/-".7(.D C A<,(4t <:N T €N Alu elp O?r5/p€ l'r'11A( ?c #or TLB nfi efr . tj.l fpc,*tezry o ,ar )t,"- e / lt Drg "- . ,- D r r-(i,o,- box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development December 31, 1980 Mr. Charles Gallagher Vail-, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Gallagher, This lctter is to inform you officially that your residence recently purchased frorn Duane Carling is in violation of both the Building and Zoning Codes of the Town of VaiI. The area in violation is the recreation room on the lowest, 1eve1 of the housc. As you are aware, we recently had extensive discussions at the Town offices with lrlr. Carling concerning the space in question, At that tine, St-eve Patterson, Chief Buifding official and I specifically told Mr, Carli.ng and his attorney, Ed Drager, that the space was illegal as it existed. It was il1ega1 because the house is at its maximutn allowdble Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and the workshop and other basement arcas were not approved by the Tom of Vait as living area. Our agreenent at that time was to block off access to the then workshop area along wlth sone other minor changes in the rnechanical room, My recollection of the specifics of our agleenent i.s foggy at this timc, and I haven't as yet been able to locate written docunrentation of that agreement . The gist of it is that Mr. carling rvas ful Iy awarre of the illegalities of the spacc and of the restriction-s that r.;e inposcd upon thc area. Understanclab ly, I r,r,a s shocked to hear of your circumstance in that the arca now i-s a ful ly completed recreation room. llhilc syrnliathizing with your situation as far as econornics and ignorance of past proceedings, I can.not allow the space .to continue to exist as is withcut a propcl' approval from the Tov'rt. Proper approval would consist of a gxanting of a variance by the Pl:rnning . and En.ri::onTnent a1 Corrr.nis s ion. Tiris p'rocess is open to )'ou. It consists of f il l|ng out- a vari-ance reqlrest forn iri thc Cottuirrrnity DL-velopment office. The Vari.ance is a Gltl:A Variancc anrl wc-. ivi 1 i reqtt,i:ce pre'ri ous 1y approvcd plans for t.hc stuucturc, proposed pIan, lnd s wri -r:t.en ".rtaternent from you concer:ning rrhy you feel the va;-lance shoulri be grrntcd, If the Planning and Ilnvi ronrncltt;r I Conriiis.sion denics yor.1r t:equest, you na.,r apfcal tha.t dec:ision to the Town Counc -i I . I 1oolt fot.'t';ard to our IlrL'Lr c ing Ih:s i:;'.i ,iay lind ho1,c I c[tit be of furtlier assistartce in finding a rtutl1al11' ::gri-c:rbl e ti,;r: i:; iot't r-o this problem. . Il I !iii1:l.lr', Stcye plttcr'.so. ' , ,-.:4 I ti strn . ---F+. 34 . rl0Bt -,1@',t{ Frtl e a,)\n\ t! drur tr. r,i . rnd Etr{r "f tar nr/l(Alerlt,to. thac.lrrdc -a.im of (1lO.0A)---*--- ---l,tirn. in hlrd prrd, lllE n;i4lltlittat flf ioY 1? rgfrl ,&a-G{ti) , and t!'atc ol aolortdo . lhr f',ll,re rna rt.ri "( Ergre . rnd Strtr ofCol 'rrd(,. to wrt: 3: ii i ii ri irli(l ii Frrctl :rt P|{p 5?4, oorrrtr of [aq]e, Strtc of Cclortdo. s}id iasterly d! | ln{rr r !..rt'rht lr'.il t"rfir'.! !r'h rll tl.r i[-p{rt-4\'r.ir.t talar.,l thrE ,. -'+l ^ = n*':!rrlq ,r'ir' ,tuht'ii'":' t' S''AT& (..i' ( ,l {rkAtr, t r,r,r, r t.f tlc 0ort.g,',t5 rrr:r Jmri:! rrmrrknox,',js ri l, l,r ;, dr; ol . :9 6J . r,: {i,t 1', lr'-r, l {ubenst€} i. !,r aatr rt,ldx'n t e i;. : rlq'rln*3 8tI lcsro .r ,i of fr' ,a *r' )1, Clgclrr Ytll !f,5 rcsshdlvl.ton vf Lot A-l, lsloc rccordltE to the nlrt recor{ad tloredrer I, bl0'ft4t1 *t p|rrlaslr?ly (h:c-ii'rd rs foll,*s: Beglnnlnq it tha taorthestt rly eot{t"Of rlle.hrtt'l 1lt; thcice, e;o c t:r ltsterl; 11n? .i (r'ld Fa.cel 14. 3 33 fi'gar. Il .-|rnut t, 3^ sa'cot|l!( r t lo.ofi fert t(, the So{r lhcastcr ly cormr of r4{d }rrcr? llr t}€ica. alom thr sliirttreflv llt|G cr \ald Ptrccl ltl. s 56 degrr.ite r+ !rErt.g3. t r4{d hrcr? [lg $l€nce . alo/ th| slii]ttreflv lll|G cr \ald Ptrccl ltl. S 56 degrr.it{l orturts*. 0? 8.mGdr, Y j3.01 fr.ei; theuce, &prtiing 5^id Sol'tl€rl y line, ll t3 dftre3. tlelnrtcs, l0 lecsrds, L, ,4.fi1 ?pet tc the l{crltnrly llna of 36ld?etqli,Ui tsrf,tr', oicaq 3d1g;c"thrrlv llne, fl. 56,Jegrerr.4l rnlnttcs, 303effi. t 10.Q0 fet t(, ttx !.lnt r" l'!?lnni:rE. Also kno;r r:: rrlrel l4B, A rtt.t{tyfrfdl of Plrc*l tl, Cr';"i,,r. vrll Il. lcccrdlnq to th. plrt !'*cord{rd |lrlr{ff 8t, l$F In Book 1{}l at Prir l}7. { rrrt,' or [..gle. 5e',te ttf Calorado. ; i, i1 '!P !t/: i ,iit 1 i .-*i 4",,\{il;:;;;',*"o+ .: , !',!{s:# at6{rtt T 'ta r3 rqAimirld .rt | !.ol it .ar.|tr tlr ott gter|t dil dYr, I il bfllr : sro'54" I ItO,,t frctl rX*r I ilfitFtl!.t;Itf*nqa i s{llt'o9' f tr.lS trrrt, t!xx. r !flt.Sl. l-1t.6 fb-i 56'ra7 'iEf t 11.23 fcrti te th€ Fotnt of btglno lr.c. atrl rta6tr,,dre I€€'-. a't"e or l€3S. ir-l'. . . A mf,tCl:('t CFID I0 Crrp'cu. Air I?t0?tR 0fSCRlFf lt'otlF ;rJi6lfllllLr RtC0RDflr. / | *.-*;- lr*i"-,.r.. rtgr-!*{1...1:..JJd0 ilr.t'-",!. lnillts€. cSof''tn 6tHPil . ,.F!c i.c.r&r " tt'.l . i '-+,",. )'r )$1,oo:ts Er! I c- (,o{ra-t} ^xfq $ftT$r{?t:fr ' o lcrd4o i-r F"0. Dtr ei65. vrll. (]'runt ,' (,f FA{l ig . .!,t $irr. .f t.,, ,hr.,,ns:.1{,:r,(tcl cf lai t*.110. ( ! !Qrm)-- -- - - ---Sollara.ln hrnd Frrd. lletrby *l{{r 'rl qrrii (,nrfl!a.. i{' CAS(l-lli t{S{t0l{ttAl ff\rla'}- T1$ 4tfA rrs'ol,lR:'{1. r€tl f ir|:{t'r[.i$ S3-'i.'l!'10?t, lii. clx'rr rr|*rcs,r tr l-Tt,p/r/Z . !-rt!r.'\..f fdr, ,r.r,dStrtc,,f i.olora4o .tl'e trtlorrhlrrrl gaqclg. ro r'w { urrtr of [r91r- .rnd:i1,.. of r'{rl(,r.do. to riit ,"t'"&#;' Jf*r.cf! lr, Clsoler rr: l:, I ree,rb'llylslor of Lnt A,;, tlrr.L A, Ittr'.. BtStJ.f0t"trioa r-^^-dinq io th€ tili .?cor.ap'(. ,!,..dr,hr l, t!78 !,rd{d 27i at prop 5. I i '-t:t t,r:'ic rgrord: n' !r.lii (o.rniv. . -r'l orad!.. &!r. (llr'9li r ' ' ..t t r", rt1 t," t'. :rr 1lkoirer ,,,r'r- 3iltt !l;g3{li.rlt n( ruv 1i npo {4-;l:fAIF.L "' 't t tt, .. .,,IfT,sBti..j | -:.tructltfi Lo i. ,! r14 '/ f' 1. {: *{.f,p '{r.t;[,i r ir"ard - ')Irlr'!r:."r'! r'r|t .-irJ-trg i'r ,1\l' .i) , ";gr--Si. AOI<I s."',rd,'r tttl.^ Criuity (,ovtg rf frgfc , rtd 6ta'.+ r! , ftrr tbe tortsil+trlri r:rf len m,il00 $m sut#rm Itov rz ffi $4tdlil!il.- 3/?//{gf ----'' i,l I ,5i0.00' -.. ---- - -U;lbr,:. rn hrnd pr rd. !.'rra\y r{ {c.r rt|d qurt clrlarrj to6fi,liii f'/, {t: Cflilfil$ll I(}i :o{PAn'f , A .4[,.nfff, ctfff,* P|*J$ Rsr{lP r b,-" rddr..ri rt ? C . Ea* ??G6, Yr' ' Curnt r. ol qdll€ .. -,..ri. ?*{!b oor i-rsl8 -It -i'arcal :l *J t'',1 porticrr of t\€ co.t!{'luous c orion arta thrrt{ ol -*:o:.:r fr I t'fi".*!'b itl.'n srtd Clrllng irr:e hr,irii.-c r'. i o'ls truc toit \nccFfl fir'lrx ; Gt thlr sirql iar) fert iF ienlir ard fortu i40l feGt tF t {dtr, (s.hlldltg tnvelry cf oo src thr.l aao{ tqulre feqt lnrr or tho {lHiiro'leni uu'rcr'l &*r Uxirgt r,te I lr'gth rr$ *ldth d{i{rn.ions Rr/ vary).ind I'rr,iFtt .l. .n tlr. C.rurrtr t,f Eaglc ,xr!lSl{!' I,i , 'ol(}rrdo. to ftt: &icri!€f, )t tlu t ctrtr I q rcittr pr'€oartd by [r91a Yulley Ec{ittcrint rnd l'sr.9e1 r',, lnc., n!t|.al l'i/3I16{J ,*. salcd tnd ers(-uted I'y Dannie lorcorln, rtt.cht,l nartta t4d 6dc t Flrt '!r"of ttrd d?lcr{tt'<i r: iallo*!: rno{? ri.,.tionf, ('f tar6dl l{ !t4 rtr Coflroft Arat ci i,.$,rirr lrll li, a t.rbdir'sio'i frcor.lad In tm orti,.! $f the trglc [.runt:t, rolo!-ado. Clt'rx ,r6d qli.frdpr fi| }*lvrlr6cY I' iglfl :- Boot 27t Et Farrf 5?r. d"scrll1'o 0s follors' . aDd gts'a uf ic !9.a46 ! r!" t rll.rsinl rcri .o..t ycaterlt cciner. r.. ..,,id lalolrr fril ll tn?'rc ': 16041',,9"t ff.t't feet; thtncf 5: 5;':,,r;',an, ,,,1 ?6. 1,, fei l; :i€nr|, ri l.jol?':1" ).ff fe+il r.hc^ e ., l.jr'l?,1 i" i .al f ({ti t h3-!rc li llol?,: I iJ 1,4). :! {pt r t.} t_rf ''' ',t!arF {!.t, .,{' nr rr'(, ?tt' 'l:. .rl' tl., xx ' ,./i//!1,h.. ,'/,./.. *;t.! r {i '.:"br' rr.! .{:\:./ ,.,\, '.; lp L-J.i \-r-\' "' .-'/- \_ .r 'to,t t/l:e -;.O !J r, rra*r.rr.r.rr r x i't'.rcJ;ltr* .?l |'.' d 'r '{ ' " :Ct r 'fr lJ rh ' \lidL t ' *, +l: 'i :': 1r !v ' (x,a r.. fa bd.o, ". { .t: i'11 L..rJ'. aa,-L-,-.-.-..*.*-t- llGTIf, . . r\ .' l'.gf. Eat' i e r.d St.r. r{ r d". r&. l. rrt i.rrrr I ii. t]esol.rr lsll II. A Fa'irlivislc of !:t A- 7 ' tl. (r'k A . Li<rrs Rldg $*dlvl.ldl 5ct IUr r,7e,-..*" \11'DR trl' -"r-* at, mSffi IARD rum .}l tr.l. d .,,, ,rr,-.". .', .'it cAtl Itr kllt Cfisltocn(n Cltlll. l C.l&aa" calaral Part D.rrhlp P. 0 Bo(I r ...r..irtrfr. rtto, 'r_.t"r 'irt! t'l_fr't l' In 'r rtir. 'lt"' '|n{"'' ttnt' rt"r" "d t"rrb tlctn{: ""I tb '' ! r'. t.d F't t J rlo ft ..i t"t ttrhtt In l|t'f t'dlt' r{' , . {'11'1.||1..,{ .|? | ",. :,' .n .nl dr-rlt'a tNll !;t'f Porl'n'_t' urt' lL'l' '..."r l.d tr,r ..rd F tt 'l tL i6l Ftr' t" ht-|.' r|. Llrr' , '.6rrr,. rna .rrF ro 'ql t|!l itts "t"rttt "lh' scti' F !' , r .'"r ,l.i v.rt 'n th.r. tt.-nta. h ' t'll 'l|. .'rL F a"' !.. .,r-r..,DL r.t.r. .l !nlr..tlrr,6 r' 1.r' |r fta d-rr' 'r' l- l. l .'",..1 rr. i:-'i't i:i :r I itr l,!_r.r.,r,t',,.rt\l ^_ ''' n ,r 16rr' ' tl| r4l|rr tt"tr' L..t''r" "L' th'' t'-1 acst thrt cteln Ld 6f t\!t-r-r.'rr rirrrtl of Eei*<, Stetg"f Alrt& ' rwttd ta frnl ... I ,...,'t' it 'trl !.'!\.ir; prt drt'D' rE qIFGr : ?{l CTI '.,rrt.'. sll : 5 Pd?t:! kt?-\[r Lqr3. ri; of nccrd ' d Ftli lJ..i,re i.nura'r l. -lso' :J rs"qJ-tt y*r' lrnl r..: - ilrrv r-'{ rhr rccsrl Pat {FEl to P"' t. \rtl\t\irtlt|.l!., ; j'\' .rfef 't 1 \.o - r-l'f-t tt, !4rd'l.'r t' ") 'd Ttctr)s tl'A l|ri,Js(' r: r'q' Itl .r E)d ad r.lt lrrttl ', )ur Laa L q -rIet.l J3 ;lrr.r at ntn t r.a Ct*l-l' [ ,'r {tw6 tntq1i1 li rh.h? hl|t.4jrrrr ir Dft l! |, vrlr, oloredo iio-*.^ "**rro..,.,;-*ilr'iH._, | -ffi 1,- il ;r!* |lry,:l li rh.h? hl|t.4jrrrr ir Dl'nr r ;, rlro lalwl lj 311j.t rnd nut.., ,. TtX;IfHER \r,!h rI rnd 3rnrt . drn n,. an.r rh. .?y".!:oh .* ,.,tlll]j-t"-i1'rn'rt3 rDd rpru'r".'. .. .err,.!.rr !. I lt.. Inr.r.tr. rrrirn .llln" "..,"0., ,"0 '.;;.;.,":'"t" rh'r'ro b'lo'Fnr' or In 'nvl' r,!.r. ' 'l F .r ' !- hrrF'hrd ",.#l-T:1.".'"*'--:;'.;;;'trrf,' '|!!u" '::'i P'ot'rt th"?.ft rnd rn rh' r. rt \r r: r \ r) r(, H,,.,, , n. ..fI_.. .,," rr,. rrcr.a,rr,,,"nr^. ,;; ,fiL1"..1."1i", p'rr,.,rhcr r'' r'o. cqn,ry. ci, r'! r " ' I r n,, n.,,"'li]"'" "t'.'' b"se'""a 'na a"" ,,.,,i,. .:, tr!,,rr. r,"..::.r_::::"" ,",.._.;;;-;:...:;s:ib.rr. r,, h r hc rppu,r.nr''c.s. uh16,h. s,io ,r ,i.n\ rhar!r,rr.,,.t-"t,*l"tt't""t ut-,.,,,.."n.r,,.,Prrr!of lhrft'!l prrt for hrrn3all l"t1t,r". ' : \''" f .',r.s-'..-l.llj'L'":*""'-'";;;;';,':;;j.J'r'r\rr''th('r'|dp'rl 0'thts"ohdp't' :- " " , :ri p.rc, .nd ,,rrur .1.",','-1.i.:1",.."0'"0.r;.;,;;J;,:l:'.-I'rcnrs hr '|\ rcrr 'r'|r..t orrh" D!.,n,3.g !i ''f ,' r f,F.r rfir the .3,n* .r.;:-t-t-".t to rtrnr' urrgrln. tc" '-.s ol rnh'rrtrncc rh lrr" rn tee strnDtc tnahe: 1.--..,rr.,.D(eiorrtJ:-:lo,'":'"",n.u?..,'."ouconvcvrh"trirci'''nrn,,et'ndrornr: Sx..ept for "aa"a"rra"ntttv'rkrn'lorn'l'rr'3L";;; -"" o' lr'r Frrnts' brra'rns t'l"s' l''nr' trr's' l;:;l: :1., ;;rfi i.i;"Iii$i::::":":,:":i"l::J.t.1.L11,,,"3:,i6,, IIll .; ll it il li ii il l : l'-t:,dr-i ' t,,'- \'L, r ^r,,,,,i,rjr,^,no,t.*,u,r",.,r,,,fr,rrh,r.rnr\ - ls!..t1-l i:lh --:- r ' ' !..'f (Ptt,l \ ..!\ 'a,,, | !t orrh,il ...rt lsf A t.l a.6L ,lFrI ,t