HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 2 LOT 7 LEGAL/a/4 4K"z /iot'ffii/e / TIMES 897-0039 Status. . .epplied.. Issued. . . Expires. , Subtotal:5,418 467t67O.24Table Date: 05/Yt/7996 Total Valuation z 467 ,670.24Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 46?,670-24O Fi reDtace lnformation: Restricted: Y fot Gas Apptiances:tof Gas Logs: 2 fof Uood/Pa L tet: *t********************************************************t FEE SUl.lfiARy *********************************************************i I S SUED o4/02/reel os/12/|ee7 \t /oB / rse'l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. )lean-up De Refund DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLEI KULLER RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit ParceI No.. ect No. Description:NEW SFR Occupancy DweIIingsPrivate Garaoes Buitding-----> 2,212.OO Restuarant ptan Review--> Ptan Check---> 1,437.8O DRB Fee-------- 1469 ASPEN GROVE LN 1469 ASPEN GROVE LANE 2103-014-15-007 PRJ97-0022 Addresstion. . . Invest igat i on> l.l i l. L Ca L t----> .00 Total Catcutated tees---> 4,815.10 200.00 Additionat Fees---------> -O0 462.60 Totat Permit Fee--------> 4,8'15.1O.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.0O Ctean-Up oeposi t--------> PIJANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TOTAMMIE AcLion: APPR Tammie No FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CHARITIE Action: AppR per mike PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE AcTion: NOTE PLANS To LARRY_P AcLion: APPR LP ENGINEERING 4,415 .40 .00 ********************************lr******t*************************************t***********************t***********************i*t** TOTAL FEES----- BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DAN DAN Action: APPR 500.00 Payments------- Dept: PLANNING Division TAMMIE Conditions Dept: FIRE nivision mcgee see con Dept: PUB WORK Division PUBWORKS Dept: ENGINEER Division Item:05100 o4/02/tse7 0 4 /14 /tes7Item:05400 o 4 /02/Les7 o 4 /rr /Iss7Item:05600 04 /02 /7ee705/0e /tse7Item:05500 o4 /02 /Lse7 05 /oe /Lss7Item: 05550 04 /02 /ree7 o4 /08 /Lss7 os /0e /res't CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERRITERRI Action: NOTE SEE NOTICESTERRI AcLion: APPR SEE CoNDITIoNS tpproved amount date APPLICANT INFINITE SCOPE INC Phone: 97O-468-1367P.O. BOX 1196, DTLLON CO, l_l_9 LABONTE ST 80435 CONTRACTOR INFINITE SCOPE INC Phonez 970-468-1367p.o. Box 1196, DTLLON CO, 119 LABONTE ST 80435OWNER KULLER JUDITH A 54 WOODLAND CIR, EDINA MN 55424 Number of Dwelling Units: 001Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuation Zone 2 V-N 96 .72 4 ,626 44'l ,426 .72 Zone 2 V-N 25.56 792 20 t243.52 *ff*****i**********ff*****tt**f**t********ff******************ff**ff*****t***fi***ff***ff****ff******ff**#**Jr************ See Page 2 of thj-s DocumenL for any conditions that DECIJARATIONS apply to this permit. I hcreby acknowtedgr that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,l. the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y eith the information and ptot pLan, to compty vith atl, Town ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL SE I.'IADE TIIENTY-rOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4A-21384R fT oUR oFFIcE FR0l4 8:00 Atl 5:00 Ptl U,.+J\{roJh*." . Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: INFIIIITE SCoPE INC S]GNATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OI.IN€R PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 897-0039 as of 05/1,2/97 Status: ISSUED * **** rr* r.* ****** * * *** * * ********* *** * **** * ********** rr * * t ** * *** * ******** * * * * * * ** * * * I may Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUp) PERMTTApplicant: INFINITE SCOPE INC Job Address: 1469 ASPEN GROVE LN Location | !469 ASPEN GROVE LANEParcel No: 2103-014-15-007 Applied: 04/02/L997 Issued: 05/72/L997 ********r,**********************************rl************************************ CONDITIONS******* * ***** **** ** *************** * ************t ****** * ** * * ** ******** ** ***** * * * *1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH. SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME TNSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. SOTLS REPORT REQ'D PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECTION4. A monitered fire alarm system is required P. GRADING ON THE EXISTING PERMIT SITE PLAN DOES NOT MEET 2:1 G rfi RADTNG STANDARDS. AT TCO ALL GADTNG AND IVALL HETGHTS MUST CO NF'ORM TO TOWN STANDARDS. :tE5b!;Egs:EE;::'z -^;, IY,^'AElr = ctl- >, In9E", 6 ii5-:I :ogEE;I :E iE€I t -bgE| '"9 E::I Z =.! -.=I i: * !.: -I -UHe-I :l ATBE I € qE b;..I g+€se€ | = !? E q.E u,I J l rU OrO =_l .o e (J t a.i:9l itE I a!I ;EfEEEI zEtE5U I I }--\.-r\)l-+* lftt-'.-__l- .\T"--.\>rl .E (-) Qqr F-'-l I I I I I llttlttltlll>t I'\l I..1 o,l I t.-1I o.l .l I939 ?2. (J c;) ij(J q) q) ; o o o) o z Oo Fif2e t4 '- E8 otr-+6 R a.E'eE t _4 AtlJ (!-O H€EE it'tr sr.b;--HOCI F€ 'J.6ExE€ E?q9 ;}F,- {., J!oaa ttt 7, O =x(JE5s E E! 3e =9Uoo =t(no3a -.i OO == I:"- s,.E z =e3Oo,, YP'd €E .2 r^ ,!.!.sEy, n, a^= !!EE,;.>'€ bbce()iur--='F3 h vr)\r' -a O-Fgr'\vt/\v -v r.r . ^v rYl (-Ar r\\=r' rY, (-A tr-, Fr'. rYlr)v 6 Ab\s $ E=h'F s-B\o5A€;;ES*':s*r- x:<o**t,i tSA€* c?l \ R .-,i bd -'- SSnFqs IoF slj.: a () c) d {) 7 Legal Description: Lot Block_- filing sunnrvrsron, owners Nane:,'''' -'. (r., /ulc . Address, ?a&x //f0, \utor, A g46{ 40ga%z Architect:Address:.Pn. General Description: 2rrrr^r*, Nah) alsTrq ...work crass: 1-J-New [ ]-Atteration [ ]*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornmodation Units: Number and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances, t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONSI Gas Logs wood/PeIIet TIUILDING: $EI.ECTRICAL: $oTHER: $ Z,?4o-oo]LUMBTNG: $ / MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ (* * r< r( * * r{ * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * '', '',/CoNTBACTOR TNFORMATTON?eneral Contractor: /A/F/^tt7€ J€ t , /,vc .Town of VaiI Reg. NO. *************************** \ddress:Phone Nunber: ********************************* /r*tt/otnfoe :l l-eet+iea] Contractor : Contractor: \ddress: ?Iumbing \ddress: 4O5?"'n of Vair Res. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. 'lechanical Contractor : \ddress: r******************* ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: -)LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ,IECHANICAL PERMIT FE ]LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: -BII{]MBTNG Pr,AN CHECK fEE: il\'ifbHANrcAL ptAN cHEcK FEE:uFtcnnerroN FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Town of Vail- Reg. No. Phone Number: OR'-SFFICE USE * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * *"iBUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: onnents: GNATURE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: VALUATIONGROUP a 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATD: CITP T] TT.T' . otf lce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CoMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ord.i-nance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur- for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi', ,""X, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash iurnpsters, poriuute toirets andworkmen vehicres.upon any streerl =id;;"ii;-;ii;y or pubtic -q'g:" or any portion theieof- The right_oi_"";-;'' alL Town ofVaj-1 streets and.roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement-Tlris ordinance wirr be. "trilliy .nrorclo by the-rown of VailPubric works Department. perslns found ,ilr"Iing this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour writtcn notrce to remove said rnateriar.fn the event the person so notified.does not compfy with thenotice within the 24 hour time =p".iii"J,..;;"";;;tic worksDepartment wirr remove said mate.i.t at in" ""p""se of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sharl not beappricabJ'e to ctnstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any utiliries i" in"-ii!ii_"_ruy. To review Ordinance No. e in ful', please stop by the Town ofYill Bu.i+ding Department to obtain a copy. rhank you for yourcooperation on this matter_ ead and (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh lron trge toad v8ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 of tlco of communlly deyolopment BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requj.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (.Publ ii works) review anJ approvai, a planning Departmentreview or.Health Department review, anb'a_ruuiu* uv lh" driioingDepartment, the estinated time for a totar ..ui"n-iluy iu[e'is rongas three weeks. AlI commercial (rarge or smarl)and a'il murti-famiry permits wiilhave to follow the ibove rnentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarer projects 'impact the various uuou. mlnilonuadepartnents with reqard. to necessary review, tfreie pioj..ii"ruyalso take the three week period Every attcmpt wi'l I be made by thispermit as s.gon as possible. - I , the u nders i gned, unders ta nd the Trame. departnrent to expedite this p1 an check procedure and time Commun'i ty Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Job Name: /run^,rrc {*r, DaE:. aJ'zt'qt Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use ol ihe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecling lhe right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Righl Of Way Permit' required? B) A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B, lf no 1o BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above oues ,/r-n,n(ae O3"vsgg Conlractofs Signature need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO ,./' / t-/ Date 6) Job Name o DE''BLOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArL, CO AL65'l 970-479-2L38 ilob Addre88...:Location......: Parce1 No.....: Projects Number: DEPARTIT{ENT OF COMMI'NIT]f NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 1459 ASPEN GROVE LN 1469 ASPEN GROVE I,ANE 2LO3-OL4-15-007 PRJ97 -0022 PME}TT ON .'OBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES PermiE #: M97-0116 StsaEus...: ISSIIED Applied..: 07/L6/t997 rl-sued. . . : 04/06/L999 Expires..: L0/03/!999 APPLICANT BASAJ,T PLITMBING & IIEATING, LLC Phone: P.O. BOX Lt63, Gr,ENWooD SPRTNGS, co 81602 COT.ITRAqTOR BASALT PLt'MBING & HEATING, LLC PhONE: P.O. BOX 1163, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 8L602 OWNER KI'LLER iII'DITH A 54 $IOODT,AND crR, EDrNA MN 55424 Description: MECIIAIIICAI., FOR NEW SFR 81r.plac. tnforocElon: Rc.tsrict.d: rEE sUHltlARY t{schanLcal---> laD.oo Ecslurlinc Plan n.vi.l--> 'oo tot'1 calculatcd Fces---> 603'00 Plan chcck---> r2o.o0 DRB Fc.-------- -oo Addltslon'I Fc66---------> '00 Invcgtlgrtslon>.ooToTAI,FEES.....603.00TotrlP6rnirF.3---..--->603.00 wlll call----> f.oo Pryaen!6------- 5of'00 B.AIAIICE DUE---- 'o0 *rr**tttf*ittatrtati.rtrtrttt*lttt**t'*altt*tittttt*t*tftl*ttt*tittttt tl!rtt t ttt t*'"*t tl|t* r* tt,'**tttlrltti'*rttr 6E?tsa z I E} g o "lHf;I?f;.""3Eltfiy$$R charrie ""?fE:' ::::o'*n Divieion : Itbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT,IENI Dept' ffnf Division: A4ld6/L999 cHARlrE Actlon: APPR n/a COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, fof oat APPlLanclg: ValuaEion: llof OlE LogE: 97A-947 -0499 970-947 -0499 24, 0oo . 00 *of Wood/Pallct: L.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FrELD rNSPEgrroNs ARE REQUIRED Tg CHECK EqR-qqDF^goMLI{lA}IgE-tor,rsusif6N [iR-i6 i&*Ou-rEEi,-ps-R sgcl-toi oF rrre rg9z uuc' oR 5EFr6N-zo1 oF THE 1997 rMc. +sF#B+Ei6l,qgnwt8By Eft "yEffitEH58_6$:E$E:ii8)' rffi gfti*rEEf;fiIfiRf;="Ir*r'"EE;FEHB-?*AS$8TB 6 U""F",fi[*iBB] $"tTo* CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Fc-ctSS- 1'6 EFntlwc-f6urFi,iilm Musr coMPr-,Y WrrlI-c4APTEB 3 AlrD iiEdli6r?-oF-rrin-' is57-trMt-liND- -GApiun- g oF -THs--l e 92 rMc . - -E6ILERS'sfrAr,r.,- sstfi6fi{iiin b'ii-r'i<i"<jRS-ttr-NONc0ltEqgT-IELE coNsr ' uffirFs--r,Is-TBD FOR M6umruc oN co!@usrIELE ^ELgQRII G . FiiRl,tli . FffiNS-AiID*cbiE'AfrAtv5 i s -fr r-uST- BE-FoSIED II\ MEcHANI cAL ROOM PN,IOR TO AN INSPECTION SQUEO' DRATNAGE oF MEcIaNrcAr., RooMs coNTLiNrNc IIE4TINq-qB Hor-wATER SipF-L,Y-soiisirs--s-rd,ir, ss--EoijrpFep wirg A ELo9B-DB4IN PEB sEc- T622-6r-fre-i9s7--Ifre,-on-SEcudN 1004. 5 oF TIrE 1se7 rMc. *************ilr:r************************************** ************************** DECI,ARA:TIONS r hct.by icklrorl.dg. thrt r hrv.t raad chi! ippllc.clon, flllcd out ln full ch. Lnforiati( n raquirad, cotq'l€b'd. En 'ccurrt! plot plan, and IEICG that all th. LnforsrLlon provtdcd a6 r.qul.icd 1,6 co!f!c!. I qgr.. go colgly;tEh lh' infornatsion and ploc plan' Lo conply righ rll ro!.n ordrnanc€B rnd Etatc lava, rnd co bulLd thiE rErucgurq accordlng to thG Toxnrg zoning and suHivitlon ""a"rl'll"ig" '..tL- "pp..""a, uniforo Building codr arrd oth6r oldlnance€ of tho Tovn applicable therctso' RBeu3grs FoR rtspEerroNs sHALL BE t{.tDE T!{ENTr- Fot R HouRs rN -ADVANcE BI TE{PHINE AT {?9-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM s:oo Au 5:o0 Plt SIGTIAT{IR8 OF OI{NER OR COIfTTACTOR POR HI}'SELF AND OWNER r<] TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 EIectsricaI---> DRB Fee Invc6t igation> will cllL----> TOTAI, PEAS...> DEPARTMEN| OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TITIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Aa 'l - '14 3 -1 ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0059ELE TRICAI., PERMIT Job Address: 1459 ASPEN GROVE LN LOCAI,iON...: 1.469 ASPEN GROVE I,ANE ParceI No. . : 2l-03-014-15-007 ProjecE No. : PRJ97-0022 FEE SU!4MARY SEatus...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 04/L4/t99tIssued...: 06/LO/L99t E>qrires- . : L2/07 /L99t ToEal. Calculat.d Feca- - -> 57.00 Additional Fccs---------> -0o Total Pcrmit Fc.--------> 57'0o Paymente-------- E7-oo EAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO APPLICAIVT APEX SECIJRITY GROUP PhONCZ 970-945-2L52 1.429 GRAI{D AVENUE, SUITE D, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 CONIRACTOR APEX SECURITY GROUP Phone: 97O-945-2L52 1429 GRAND AVENUE, SUrTE D, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 8l-601- OWNER KULLER JI]DITH A 54 WOODI,AND CIR, EDINA MN 55424 DescripEion: NEW RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuatsion:2,24O.OO 5{-O0 . o0 . o0 3.00 57 .00 Item:0600004/L4/L998Item:05600 04 /L4 /L998o4'/L7 /L998 ELECTRI CAL DEPARTMEI{T.JRM AcLion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTJRM Actsion: NOTE.fEFF_A AcLion: APPR DePt: BUILDING DePts: FIRE PLANS TO FIRE DEPT FD approves plans. Division: Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FQR -CODE COMPLIAIiICE.Z: Knoi boi i- required. l5cat.ion nQE proviQed on plans3. Monitorinq metsliod musE be provided(C-entrar recievLng agency,4. Letter of-certificaEion reQuired after project complete- DECI,AzuITIONS I h6!.by acknowlcdgc thaE I havc rcad thi6 appticaEion, fillad out in full lhe inforoation rcquirad, comPleted an accuraE. ltlot plan, and stat6 thaE all the inforuaEion provided as required ie corrects. I agree to co.tlply eiEh the j.nforuagion and PloC PIan, !o courply r,itsh al1 Tosn oldinanc.€ and alace lans, and to build thi6 strucLule according to Ehe Torn'E zoning and 6ubdj'vi 'ion codeE, deeign review approvcd, Unifom Building Code and othcr oldinances of Ehe Town applicabl'c thereto. REQUBSTS 8OR TNSPBCTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T'''IENTY. FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY ,a ar6r.rA"nRE "" L oR col+TRAeroR FoR HTM'BLF AND owNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIL, co 81657 97 0- 47 9 -2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE Permi-tPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P97-0088 APPLICANT BASALT PLUMBING & HEATING, LLC P . o. BOX 1163 / GLENV,IOOD SPRINGS / CONTRACTOR BASALT PLUMBING & HEATING, LLC P.o. BOX 1163, GLENWOOD SPRINGS/ OWNER KULLER JUDITH A 54 WOODLAND CIR, EDINA MN 55424 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR Investigation>.00 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IAOE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO Job AddressLocation... Parce1 No. .Project No. 1469 ASPEN GROVE LN 1469 ASPEN GROVE LANE 2103-014-15-007 PRJ97 -0022 co 81602 co 81602 Status . . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone:. 970-9 Addi t ionaL tees---------> Totat Permi t Fee--------> I S SUED01/r6/reel 07 /r7 /ree7 u. /L3 / reeB 47 -0499 Phone t 97 0-9 47 -O499 Valuation:21,000.00 *********************************************************** FEE SUl,ll,,lARy ****************t************************tr****************Ptumbing-----> 315.00 Ptan Check---> 78-75 396.75 Restuarant P[an Revi ew--> .00 TotaI ca LcuLated Fees---) 396.75 ]OTAL FEES-____.o0 396 .75 l,,r l. L Catt----> 3.00 Payment s------- *d*******rr*i******r***r*************i********************************,,*,r**i************?lfiiil-lYi;;;;;;;ii*iiii*************ll*** Itqm: .05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMBNT Dept.: BUILDTNG Division:07/I1 /L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *********i**************************************i*******************************i***********i***************************t********* DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno'.ttedge that I have read this apptication, fi!l'ed out in fut! the intormation required, completed an accurate ptotpLan, and state that atI the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with tire information and ptot ptan/to comply uith al'l' To|rn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, unifofm Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl.e thereto. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4't 9-2r38 E Iect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation> tJi l,L caLL----> Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 229.N .00 .00 3. O0 1469 ASPEN GROVE LN 1469 ASPEN GROVE LANE 2103-014-15-007 PRJ97 -O022 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Exp.ires. . Phone: 30346 I SSUED 04/02/ree7 04/15/ree7 ro/12/ree7 80249 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 897-0042 APPLICANT AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27 15, DILLON CO 80435 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 2'1 L5, DILLON CO 80435 OWNER KULLER JUDITH A 54 WOODLAND CIR, EDINA MN 55424 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR *********************************************************** tEE SUt4t4ARy Phone:' 3034680249 VaIuati-on:25, 000 . 00 232.00 .00 Totat Perm i t Fee--------> 232.00 TotaI catcutated Fees---) Additionat Fees---------> Pay|nen 232.00 ToTAL FEES---> 232.00 BALANCE DUE-_-- ****************************************i****************irr**********************************t**********************t*****t******* Itqm: .O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:04/.02/.7997 CHARLTE Acrj-on: lloie PLANS To ERNSr04'/I5'/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTI!s4r;',qlqQ0 4rRE DEPARTUENT Depr: FrRE Division:04/L4/1997 DAN Action! AppR N/A ********i********************i**************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *********************i**********i********************t***H***********************i*i**************************t****************** DECLARATIONS I hereby.acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl,ed out in ful.t the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy uith the iniormation and ptot i:tan,to.conpty with al'L Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structufe according io the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Euil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2BA OR AT OUR OFFICE FRot4 8:OO Ar 5:OO P Assessors , APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED S* ************ ******* ** ** *** **n) ,r'I u]-Buildinr tt l-plunbing t OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: PEzuIIT il OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * *** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Address: Architect:.Address: 1, General Description: work class: {-w"w [ ]-Alteration t l-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units, I Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: BUILDTNG: $OTHER: $ CTOR INFORMATf ON :t * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *C- Job Name: Legal Descrip J_On Ol^tners Nane: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: I I ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDTNG BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: atock-? ririnn*h U'Wu(lrffi Address, *'b2fu121 pnle.:-&4Q51 Address: ElectricaL Contractor:I Town of Vail Req.Addressz ' ----------H?_ooVt phone Number:Qfu- Plurnbing Contractor: _T,pwn of VaiI Reg. NO -pISron" wu u"t r//d# -/47d-. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: "n re2r-w Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ******************************* PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: ,yrrb"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances _ cas LogsT- wooa/pellet_p * ** * ******** ***** *** *********** * PuhfiffiJig.,**-- ******* * ********************'t VALUATION CLEA}I TIP DEPDSIT REPII}ID SIGNATURE:.. 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, t988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE g<* i.e. contractor, ovrner) rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ""i:.,-r""i, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash durnpster3, p"iiuui" toilets and.workmen vehicles.upon any streer, "i;;;"ik;-;ii;y or publicpI?:. or any porrion theieof. The rishr_"i_;;t-;n atL Town ofvail streets and.Iga-d= is approximateiy s ft. 6fi pavement.This ordinance wirl be striliiy -enforced by the Tor^rn of vair.Pubric works Departrnent. pers'ons found vi;raiin; this ordinancewirr. be given a 24 hour written ""ti""-t"-;;;;;;'=aid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not compry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-"p""i;i;;,"in""i"tric worksDepartment will remove said mateii-t .t itr"-'""i"ise of personnotified. rhe provisions "r ii,i"-"iai""i"I ;fr5;i not beapplicable to cbnstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utiliries i; ih"-;iifri_u_ruv. To review ordinance No. e in furr, please stop by the Town ofYlil !"ilding Department to obrain a copy. rnant< you for yourcooperatj_on on this natter. 75 roulh tronlage ro.d vall, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otf lce of communlty deyolopmsul If this penT!.t requires a Town of Vail Fire 0epartment Approval,Engi neer''s. (pubr ic !9lftt reyiew and approuai,' a ptanni ni'bepartmentreview or Hea't th Department. review, an3' a-revie; ;i-;i;;"Erit arngDepartment, the estimated time for'a iotal .uuien-il"v"ial!'as tongas three weel(s. All commerc'ial (large or sma'll) and al1 mu]ti-family permits willhave to fo'llow the ibove menti6ned miximum requiremlnii.""iesiaentialand.small projects shourd take a Iesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller.projects impaci the vJr.ious-auove mlntioneodepartments with regard' to-necessary review, ilr"i" p""j""ii'ruya'l so take the three-weef perioA. -"1-- r'v\'E.-er Every attempt will be Tgge by this department to expedite thispermi't as sqon as possible. - - -- -r!rve! Ye Y' I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. BUILDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE t I Communj ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Please answer the fo ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public propefly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? MEMOBANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS BEQUIRED questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES 1) 2' 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is.a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? tf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way'Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may bs obtained at therPublic Works ofiice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. FW /s Signature 04/Lz/Sg 23:10 FAI P.O. Bu 1163 (970)947-o4E' Glerwood Sprirgq CO t1502-1161 -. . fAX 9tl5-9tt{ ilsnnPLUrlilNf & HEATIII|C LLC ATTN: CltEIic TowuofVail BuildingOcparffit FuNo. (97014712452 Ioy.mI,ruHl Kufl€t R€sidff€"'; 't''" ';-i'-"':* ,--'' '- ',',;*nl| Gerrsl Cou&artor - Infnite Scope lac. Dcar Chnrlie: In rcgards ro tbc abovc rcfsrnced project, all fuE veiliDg br the boiler system was instalbd by lvfast€r Plumber - Robert }lfiila Lkense No. 1804?8. Thc instalation was dorre according to 8I Uniform Ittectnnical atrd PbdiDg$dc md boibr stadads. Iftherc are ray quastions, pbasc do not besitate to contart me- Thanlc you. @or Apdl13, 1999 (ul.ra Pesroe*rcf- fnq?- otl(o Date Receiver MAY 041999 April 30, 1999 Mr. Harold Kuller 54 Woodland Circle Edina. MN 55424 ER?-ooB? Pn-o6g9 Re: 1469 Aspen Grove Lane AKA Lot 7, Block 2, Filing 4, Lionsridge Subdivision, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Kuller: The District has received your faxed copy ofa letter dated April 6, 1999. The variance request as stated will be granted. The District will require a check in the amount of $ll.00torecordyouroriginalletterandtheDistrict'sresponsetoyourletter. Itis understood that as the property owner, no prohibited substances may be introduced into the District's sanitary sewer system under penalty of law. Furthermore, it is agreed that the owner ofthe above referenced property will, at their expense, install a sand and oil trap ifthe District should find evidence that any prohibited substances have been introduced into the system. Please be advised that the District has not received the original April 6, 1999 letter from Mr. Kuller. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. If you have any questions please contact the District at 476-7480. Sincerely. \"d\ N*rQor. Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator FFVcd c: Mr. Bob Smith, Infinite Scope, Inc. Mr. Charlie Davis. Town of Vail WATEB, WAsrEWATen, OprnrloNs & MANAGEMENT SERVIcES F:i I 5wSDSREGS\CONSTRVW\LETTERSu(ULLER.DOC N 05/03/Sg 08t22 Sszo 468 ozss Memorandum @ ool Date: To: From: Subject: 3€f-ff Frank Kilian /4f As?,a(Gmn /4/. VAru lo P/afZ tlAzcoo ?f,-aaf G42Y GoaDfl-L o03? ProjectName, f/ZtEA QAD,Arrce D ElwatorPlanReview 'faPE //4 N nt* ^tot Test and Inspection Location P€rmitNunb€r Elevator Type ?uruBr/Arfra tr The plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicablc ANSI l7.l and UBC codes. WIln" elevator/eeaht€#ft€t the above location was inspected and tested on/ J-r2s!f anaa: n TEMPORARY Certificate has becn issued- f/fff.fnl. hspection Certificate has been iszued. Comments: sienattrrq {UZ^ \eip\planinsp,sam May 27,1999 Leonard Sandoval Town of Vail Public Works 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Kuller Residence; 1469 Aspen Grove Lane Dear Leonard. As you requested during our site meeting of May 24, 1999,I am sending you in writing our verbal agreements. Infinite Scope, Inc. will unhook from the driveway heat system the last heat loop adjacent to and parallel to Aspen Grove Lane. The driveway heat will stop a minimum of 2' from Aspen Grove Lane. Infinite Scope, Inc. will hire A-Peak Inc. asphalt company to put a hot applied rubber crack seal at the juncture between Aspen Grove Lane and the Kullers' concrete driveway. Accepted: Vail Public Infihite Scope, In :j:-: -__:---r-tr lnflnlte Scopcm(c. cusroM HoME rurrDER p.o. Box 4898 D|LLON, COLORADO 804ii&.4898 |c70) 4&1367 FNl(970D46&2072 Apr 10, 1997 Dan Stanekvail Building Depr 75 S. Frontage RdVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Kuller Residence, Lot 7, Blk 2, Filing 4, Lions Ridge Sub, Vail , Colorado Dear Mr. Stanek, I have structural reviewed the 8.5" x 1L" enclosed details. The details include 1/S1 to 35/S1 , 2/52 Eo 18/52 and 5/S3 to 2L/53. If you have any questions or require any additional information,pleaae contact. RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIATES COilSULTING STRUCTURAL E]{GI]{EERS 1722 14lh Street Suite 250 Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 443-3974 9?9+453+665? MAIN OFFICE AVON (e70) e4e-6009 (e70) s49-e223 F$( (e7o) 468-693i1 (s701166-6939 tO* \' I t I I 1 rcolLrlein consultins ?ngin*r* Gonsulting Geotechnlcal Engineers 12364 W. Alenrcda Plwy ' Suilc 185'lalowood' CO E0228 SILVERTHORNE (303) 98e-1223 (303) e8902O4 FA)( Dcccmbd24 1996 Jon Gunson Joo Gunson Archireds P.O. Box 1490 Bcckenridgc, CO E0424 Subjccn PreliminaryDcsignRccommendrtiots Proposed Kuller Residence Lot 7, Block 2, Filing 4 Itions Ridga $uMivisioo Vail, Colorrdo Job No.95-357 Ar requcstcd, we preparcd 6is lgtter describing Our assumpdons and our prctiminary dCsign rpconrmandntiom for Lot ?, Elock 2, Filing 4, in the l,ionr Ridgc Subdhision in Vail, Colorudo. Our recommendations arc based on our sitc visit and our erpcrlcncc In the arca. We anticipale thd a two*tory residcncc of wood framc and cast-in-placc concrclc construction will be : bullt on thc lot. Slnce rhc lot is steep, thc dcpth of the excavation at thc back of the rcsidence will be about . 15 fccr Thc front oftho housc will havc a walkout bascmcnt/garagc. Bascd on our cxpcrlencc in tbe area, wc anticipatc the matcrialr orporcd in dre bottom of 0tc cxcavation for 0rc residcncc witl consist of a silry or claycy sir,rd. lt ii also pmsiblo that sandstcn: or silbtoLa bedrc',ck rnay be oncountercd in the oxcavation. lf bcdrock is encounlered, it may be necessary lo blast Oc bcdrock . in ordcr to complcte thc cxcavaion. In our opirrlon, thc sand soils will safely suppolt a spread footing . foundation systan and slab-on-gmdc flmrs. Tho spread footing foundation system supported by Oc sand soilc cet bc dcaigncd on n prcliminary bosis uring a maximum allowablc soil beering pnssrlt! of tJdl paf. If bcdrock is enmuntered, higber bearlng pressungg ane posslble, Tlrese bearing pretsure$ can be ftnalired whcn I soils and foundation investigatioo is pcrfonrrcd, All cxtcrior footinl,s should bc constructcd at loast , 4 fect beneath dre fiod gradc to rcducc thc risk of fiost hcavc, To rcduce thc risk of damp baseoot floor slabs, we rccommend a 4-inch laycr of ficc dnining grarrcl bcneath thc slab to act as a moisture htak Watcr from surfaco lnigation and snowmcft frcgucnlly flows thmugh thc rclativcly permeablc baokfill , adjaoeut to drc foundatlon walls and collccts on $e surface of the rclatlvcly lrnpcrmeablc marcdals occurring at Oe bottonr of the foundation excavatlon, 'l'his can cause we! or moist besement conditionr . after conctruction. To reduco tho risk of rcctrmuladon of water adjacent to basqnent n alls, we recommend . provision of a foundation drain. A tlpical dctail of a drain is shotrn in thc anachcd figure. P. O1 '9 I I : I ! I a I 9?€'+453+665? Jon Gunson Dccanbcr24, 1996 Pagc2 Bascmcnt atrd rculnlng wrlls arc plrnned for lhc rcsldcnce rhat may rcquirc lateral design prcrsurcs. For thc'd.rcsf' condition, wo rccommcod 6e bclow gndc walls ba dcsigncd using an cquivalcnt flukl wc[ht of 50 pcf For ftc "$1ive" condition, we recommcnd the watk bc designed using en equivalcnt fluid wcighf of 35 pcll A coeflicicnt of liictlon of 0.,f nray bc uscd to resist sliding. Thc aquivabd fluid wcithtr arc based on a horizontrl backfill condition and do not irrclude rlloranccs for surcharyc loads duo to hydrorotic precsurq or liv. loadr- Thc risk of wcniog ttrc foundrtion soili can bc rcduccd by carcfully planned ald maintaincd surhcc dreinrge. Wc rscornmcnd Src grolrnd surfacc sunoundiog thc cxtaior of the residEttcc be sloped away fiom rhe rcstdcncc ln all dircctlons. We recomnend a mlnimum stopc of 12 inches in ihe fiGi l0 fccc Backfill around rhe foundetion wdls slrould alo bc mobtencd otld compactcd. Thc rccommcndatioos prxcntcd in this letter arc only prcliminary. Thc Town of Vail iYill roquirc a solb and foundcioo invctigation u o rcquirerncnt for lssuing a building pcnnit. At that tino' wc can lindiza out rccommcndations. Wc rpprcciate rfie opportuoity to provide this servicc. lf $r can bc of firthcr scrvico, phase contact us. Sinccrely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Rcvlcwcd by sDw4r (2 copics sont) attrchmcnt A)Jo, #{-/*J,!d_ Willinm H. Koccblcin, P.8., Prcridcnt P. : i ! -l I I I 97aa+45=+6657 bELOW ONADE WALI COIIPACTEO BACKFILL (gEE REPOFT FOh EAOKFILL RECOUIfEilDAT|Ot{S) I|AiIUFAGTUBED ORA$I lrrRADBArr{ tooo oR Eoulv t|r8^Fl t4oll oR EOUIVALCilT ORAVEL PTAETIO ShEETfiO PERFOFATED PIPE t2'iln. NOTES: 1. DRAII{ $HOULD BE AT LEAST 12 INC}IE6 EELOUI TOP OF FOOTINo AT THE }IIOHEST POITIT Al{D StOpE OOWI{WARD TO A POSTT|VE oRAVlrT OUTIET oR TO A SUUP TVHeRE wATEi oArr tt REt|ovED BY puilPlNo. a. tHl oRAtil litouLo BE LAlo oN A SLOPE RAilOllO BETWEEN tre NCH AilD lr.l ncil OROP PER'FOOT OF DNAII. 8. qBAYEL tPEOlFlCAtlOtS: WA8HED I lre HcH TO tlo. il oRAvEL WlTll LEAA THAI{ tt PAagtlO THE ilo;8oo tlEYE. TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL P. gg lzt I , , Town of vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8155? (303) 479-2138 Plan analYsis based on bhe 1991 uniform Building code Projeet Number: PRJ9 7 - 0022 Ad.dress: 1459 ASPEN GROVE LANE ConCractor: INFfNITE SCOPE fNC Architect:JON GUNSON Enqineer: Ray Davj-s NOTE:The code items tisted in this reporE listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Name: KUITLER RESIDENCE Date: April 7, L997 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const I V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not inbended to be a complete in the 1991 UBc. It is a guide to SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property fine 100.0 Feet 100.0 Feet EAST Property line 10.0 Feet L0.0 FeeL SOUTH Property line 28.0 Feet 28. 0 Feet WEST Property line 10.0 Feet 10.0 Feet EXTERIOR WATIJ FTRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A The exterior walIs may be of CoMBUSTIBLE material . Sec -220L. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings- Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 ht fire assernblies' 50* of the area of the wa11 maximum. Sec-2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maxinum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 1-2 feet. -- sec. 4305. (h) NoP - - Openings are no! permitted in this wa1l.* - - These wal1s may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapeC waII is required to have the same fire rabing as the wall. see sechion I7L0. for details and exceptions. NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Kitchen 2 Great room 2 Library 2 Master bath 2 MasLer bedroom 2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 1 carag,e 1 Exercise room 1 Bedroom #1 1 Bedroom #21 Bedroom #3 1 IIi-i I il-rr -^^h 1 Changing room 1 Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAT FOR FI.,OOR BUILDTNG TOTAL 319 504 2rt 340 548 _LUb_t 2643 zzo 263 298 tro 150 /JO 5 418 31.90 50.40 0.00 0.00 54 .80 0.00 0.00 45.r0 zz.ov zo.5v 29 .80 0.00 15.00 0.00 1-5.95 30.20 10.55 r-7.00 27.40 0.00 0.00 z).v) 11.30 I J.I3 t_4.90 3.40 7.50 0.00 No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No 1 1- t_ 1 1 1 1 1- 1 l" 1 t 1 1 1 1 l1 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum siII height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicaf ventilation sysben may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation- -- Sec. 1205' (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shafl have a ceiling heighL of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens. halls, bathroorns and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feeL measured to the lowest proj ection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 1'/2 of Lhe area' - - sec. 7201 . (al Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has noL ]ess than 1-20 rqi"r" feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. - - Sec' 1207' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet in any Sec . 120?. (c) FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door ttrat is required from this room' The mininum the f oI lowing. - - Sec. l-2 04 - dirnension. following conditions 3 A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed bottom edge less bhan c. Exposed top edge greater than D. one or more walking surfaces plane of the gl az ing. 8) Glazinq in railinqs regardless of height IncLuded are structural baluster panels panels. See exceptrons. opens directlY to the exterl-or clear openable area must meeb pane greater than 9 square feeL. L8 inches above the floor. 35 inches above the floor. wiLhin 35 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface. and nonstructural in-f iIl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) clazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousres' 2) Glazinq in f j-xed and sliding panels of sl-iding door assemblies and panels in swi-nging doors oLher than wardrobe doors ' 3) clazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5)Glazingindoorsand.encfosuresforhoLtubs,whirlpools'saunas'steam rooms, bathtubs and showers' Glazing in any porbion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazrng is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest ""por"d edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either verbical edge of the door in i ctosed position and r^rhere the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface' 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations ilescribed in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIRE}'IENTS : A smoke d.etector rs required on the ceiling or wall aE a point cenlrally Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area' -- sec. L210. (a) 4. A smoke deteclor rs required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping smoke d.etectors are required to be wired to the building's shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec' 1210' (a) DeLectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area 'i n whi r:h l-hew are located.. - - Sec. 1210 ' (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and. the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solj-d core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503' (d) exc ' #3 area. - - sec. f210. (a) 4. A smoke detecbor is required on all If the upper Ievel contains sleeping in the ceiling of the uPPer level -- sec. 1210. (a) 4 stories. -- Sec . 1-210. (a) 4. room(s), a smoke detector is required close to the s tairwaY. power source and -1 of the dwel l ing at least 35 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. piping installed in walfs passing through to be in t hour shafts. provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches, Minimum heiqht = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches, -- Sec' 1712 ' (a) exc' #1 The minimum head.room is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requj.red STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be The maximum rise of a steP is I -- sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i)to 38 inches above the nosing if for thr fire- resistive construction.Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-secLional area of not more than 9 sguare feet may lined. on the inside vrith not Iess than 26 gage oetwani ze.l sheet rnetal with all joints Iocklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door I 3/8 inches Lhick or equivalent. - - Sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible 3 floors or less do not need -- Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chirnneys. pipinq, or ducts thab do not extend through not more than 2 f l-oors need not be in t hour shafts. - - sec. 1705. (c) 4) A1l- other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' - - Sec. L705 . (a) ADDITIONAL REQUTREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey' Such survey shalf be subrnilEed and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl spaces within the Torrn of Vail are linited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5'. be earth floor only. be ventj-1ated as per UBc 2515 (c)5 $rith minimum access as per UBc 2515(c)2 and rnaximum access of 9 sq- ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 deqTrees or more shall require an "ngit ""t design. Such design shall address drainage, soil relainage and structural des j-gn. Excavation below slabs on grad.e shall not be permitted withouE prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the st'reeE. For M1 oecupancy Slope garige floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil intercepLor to dry well or to sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation District. rn garages with living area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha11 be proteeted with one hour fire resisbive construction. UBC 503 (B) . Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road vai], colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Nunber: PRiI97-0022 Address: 1459 ASPEN GRovE LANE contractor: INFINITE SCOPE INc ArchiLect:JON GUNSON Engineer: Ray Davia # SHEET 1 IDENTIFICATION Name: KULLER RESIDENCE Date: APril 7, 1'997 Occupancy: R3.M1 TYPe of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REQUIRED ExEerior surfaces wiLh stucco shall be provided' with exterior netal lath as per UBc 4?05 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be aalquatety flashed(not with just screed metal) ' A lath inspection is required prior stucco appl ica!ion . A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system- -- Sec' 1205'(c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in Iaundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shaII be provided' Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav' may be venLilated with a recirculabing fan' UBC 1205(c)' HeaEing and cooling equiprnent located in bhe garage shatl be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elenents and swj-tches at least 18rr above the f loor level of the garage. UMC 508. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove inseallation shall be insballed in a room or space havingr a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. IJMC 504 (b) The garage musL be separabed from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side' -- Tab1e 5-B & 503. (d) exc.*3 The door betvteen the garage and the dwelling is required to be a l- 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503- (d) exc'f3 6- 3-99; 5rOsPM;Land Oes I gnI ;970 94€ 3248 # 1/ 1 Lewo DpstcNs By ErusoN, INC P.O. Box 1259 j' Avon, CO E1.620 9',7A1949-r7W 970/949-3288 Fax Facsimile Transmittal D&: 6.1.99 To: I*onanl Sarybyal, Tsqm of VailPublic WortsDepartmeot Fax#'. 479.216f Froor KaftyAalb Numbcr of Pages (including covcr): I EelloLeonar{ Land Dcsigs by Ellisol will renrovo the onc 6' E & I servicScrry and thc tflo 15 gallon currarts (oro to thc eost and olc to thc rcst of tlo senric6crry) whlch were plaftd inthe Town dVail Right of Way or the embanlcnent where it is tbo sGepcst Orce thes€ sbnbs are rcnroved ald plamcd elsewhere oa the site, the bank will be rcgnded obelesssrcepthmisctrentlyorirting. Ifanyquestionsrsrainregarding&cncvgradingissuer,LandDesigns naycallLeonardat4T9-219Eorat39G46?Ttoarfdtrgpaurcctingatthesitc. Itisorururderstandingthatasq/laleor sctbac'k disencc from thc edga of mad is not rcquircd but tbat thc lessening d the grade psrccnbge to bc between a l:l b 2:t slope is tnc dcsircd goal. Ifyot havc any qucdions or comrncoF reguding thc work scheduled to bc performed as outlinad above pleasc call before 5:00p.m.dJune4th. Otlrcrwissurewillbep€rforningthisworkbetvrceathpdaresofJune5tolrmell, 1999. Ihank you for yoru .i.ne and help in aitdressing these lssuee. Sincerely,ru44 Kalty Aalto ); i"'l, l .ii:!,:, ar*! ,.r+ f1r,l1f iu slla :lill':li, , llJ,h;.', iJ1ll i'i;t 1 irO [-r,, ].,. + itV I ili: ; -.Ultir.l!i i+ r' E'/ ].'.! I'ype': l+ -81..1 .1. L-li Ll'Lal;t..ti;:: tr r .1.'.,rr:i'j f-,r::r.'r iltjrjltT i..lr" i: r: V i{ l'iiiir illitlA: t;l: .i r.ilii-Il10 f lr, ri s t i' , NliF I'{ ' ri ;rir'fi s s t i. +tL1 riSt'i::N biii-]\r[;. i.-.1.1 1..1.ri..,,rL i {}n: .1.'itrr:l AbF'i:.i''l GR{f ul;r i... Fi f..li:l i.,.,r r.r-: e I : ;-1.1. llt;'-$ J. 4 -.i :r-?irt"l 7 L){* :;r.: i r. 1., t i tt ti : irlLh 5i:: l? r'itrl.i.i. :i,-.*rr'l-. l .il!F-11.11 iL 5i-iji:'l:: Li'1t, t. r t''i e r'' : tit.rl*.i..i.: i;, ,it.ill i. I i'l Fi i.,srr;.1;1s;{:li'1 IliF: lNIii: Sf;ilfrL .i. l'lL, l-lrrrrre : ''t7ut'"q68'-l J;ii;' F'ir r; lr e .l [-rl, (ryt r-,r I ! ):li]t -+fr$- J .ili';i i ristrr.r. i;.L trn liei-lltesl In t ur"nrai 1 ii. i:'l t: rl.1 ,1''sLcti'I lj{.rl'.I SLiL.L...i Vpll"i lirrl Ir.rle; i.;lJ.: lrjvt []ummerr[:."1 "ftc RPpru[U1.''A'tf o.' Cc rq 0.r*ttc'^"t {A'}:l,i!,, rii..i1*--Tenrp, tu'ii _- _ " irrrt'!\e!E--frAL. ..-S r-rF- ..ks.,rgs&vl rrsl- .L.vkse'l .... t {Q.D -f <. t\TAtkIA(o.L- -- -- , : " iil'tIiXr? ..7ii\-1tli7--td"e7\e{di -N' ti,i,:,rrr rj.ilj.rSrrf;.:j: /l^l-[{rr'..t$ti Hr;.(dri / -^rfr t'V) ,. l,:rn. tdflljtlr,:i Ftlr--l:r i 1*.1. cJpivsi/r*!\y' gi.,rr-le, / 1 ll J, /l^ rr:i,rfrili l.f['r 1.tzr ]:il,,.iti-ri--lr (:itr'Lirlgsr':jL1:'e.l \..'\//lq-4-b{L SrGiJ'. -...- ".!]$ilcxJgg'</aG(E : .kjgcEff(-3) . {-rt'ttt(- -CctdlJ* Iir=i.1i,1 i.;r.oli Fi .ir,,ti:i'y,. " " " " ne- G*€{Af: .l t.. er rft :l llililsfl 1 r'i,l--1 erir1.i" *t L:c' er s. * l i:.lr"r i tr a g - - n f " r''. , , ,. " , r , r r'. .,,,, , ;r , 1 , ri r.... tf, r. , , . r.itr: r' 1$ z"J I lrisl.ie-.cb (-i r'; i;i li; ii:' , ,:'.,.:. t it i .ltrs;:iec Lr.,i ; Lri.r , i.r,,;ir :l rzliilrirljt l iiri-tti"I; srrnrjah i i:rir",-iL t+e l tr.r r.r /i'ti.,'a;7 lrrs;,rr+rrf rlr: [:Li i-t{-rL:i r"jtr r f:)[-F.'li ,ti-:'l-ii{r-i\}i:ii titT /u\:,ii 7 Iris;.ru,,:h (ir'I L-1.:'U i-ir.'l.i r.'rr r ilf.l:'it {:;i]i4l:'i.L li:: l': r:il'lt'i:i Ei[:t: I i. {i r } r/"r f.r ri ia:01 ;rl.-Hl\l*.:1. 1.,u $ i t u f.'.1 arr tlrijtr l l r'$'l .l risper:i) (rr. ! i:i i:. iJ it r.:i I:: i]rL;rtrrr I iji:]|..!i! i::$r.Lr't-i.ii; j- oir,'fr}-aloin4 Apllr' .i. l. * rir ; laDtdl;lvi Bl.-r.llii-'Fi"*rrn i ri r,3 iltlj,l Hi:z tJ *.] I n r; p*r:1, ur' ; [.lj r"ir! i. i-r r : r:i i'lit-.{{ ;:'i:['liilViji) i L E,rn : tltAtztSut .gl-.bl.i- I rigrrI*[: i c'n :]ai./ri1.,LiS l. risuer,:i; r:r r" r i;ll t:lrcL r crrr ! i-ii-'l-r li F'Ff:3lii..i\lii:L' L i.i.: rrr l fltlttfif,td irl.l]G-lilreetrcic;t< l"l.,ri I AL. /;ir:-:/ rj*:t i.rrsper:Lr:r'l J tii'i r:ir-t, L.urr; Fl!-'l-il{ i1l.'a-'iii.ivt::[ l,JITt'{ COITRF:CI lrlttes:: C[.it4tit,lr:1I'1"E;:ir';t1[:t-]il l?ililirl r'll."L.t}r.-. Tt.l i:rti-i I'i fl!r ri R[]t;li nN INSIOF, Fil I H i( r; I k[:. Iiii I ]. t\ir:; I t: rJ rn I rZ]v-rr/"r 7iJ h|_l,Lr-.iilt.:i(:1, vt'+t'i /;'tltl .[11s]icri l" ur. l tll)i+{: I I on } l-il-tfrl? i I lif-:. l'{r-r-i L:i.) irfjAl:-l ii i.lotesr 'ol._li'l$FlilIl r.if{ Allll L..Hi.Ji'.lt,lt y i.:l-11.J ii: lijiif'rf: l ir !llrpl?t'lvIi) tit..s{i il\irit.:,1:.i;"fL.U ltlr'"rii{-ifif.ifri i..i.ri. lyil\![.- y r il-i ] $ r-l'-.li.i Fit.-Fiir.iilJy BLE.I''I i:i:iNi:i rii[.]{iTilL} 1..:Ai.li.,iij i rl[:i:i.i.i: f t_i]i.lir itrL_li."i Ir:rJ.i, i..!, l Hi:ii. rii.[is sFl[ .i.l r- l-lljl-,b.i.tii -l. li f.t..,i,rF,l.-1 {.\, .il i.r 'i i1r: i."i.i[ii:. r. L l ,n I rit?ltiir)ti ir[-Di:i- l:: i n"i i I i,r,rrr I ti"itr-rti,:itlr lr[-l.iti--.f'er!F" Lr{-1 I i: t,: ,11 r k|lt:i.:ii: f-,tJ-.1[iiil-'" l;./t.t r i. ,i r'r ii tlr l!1.t:r;i;;i t-'L. i"{hl-'l-L:l'rF " ii.i t-l r l: t,- 'ir : [tt)lj. j 7 F l.- Ai'..|-'Fr I f.lHL. i.-./ | I i r. ',f iil I li.[r.r:, Ji ! i-'l^l"-F: I I'l]-tl-. L 1 t.J I i; rilt: tilvtS+';i bl,l)[]i--l:-i.ilaI i..;/ i:i D?fi^I ltE: I Fil.l I i'li.:; i,,lill-1... ltl';;,,1.;'; ; .1 ;1 gg ,*n ll;o:tl:t::O?[i:ii::=*:tlliilii],::1p :i:11.. . _"=:llll_::" +i 6l i.'.) i'ltr.rir:i H--FL..i4it i!al;i.r*I I i::1 ';.i l.if:. ti lliirisbi'l triSf :li r.rr..t,I r. {r t e I .i 4e,: !t A}Sf'Lhl [:tlii]l,i:: L..l'i l. trr ,,r1..i ulr; .i.4ir,.i FitlF i:t..1 tiiiljVE L-.Fifri,l i : !:i i'(-:s I l ,;- 1t.t;; tt J. a - i i; -i.rrt* 7 I-re.r:'r ;'r r.,ir r.tlli I i:'L-Lli4.b I l.lLi l:: Lif'e i'\ii::1tJ :'1:: ft irJr'f.r r:r i::"rril.; triHliii.ll-] Frl,ul'ifJ I i.lt:i ii, FlL.il ill.lti" i.-.l...L. i..r ul n {: i' l ir,lJt...L-[i i( .]t-lD.l-f l'l h.l i-:{,,,r-.i.1r-'tur.; jil-'t*,Ai-..'1 }-'L...t.itrihIl',1{j ri i{f::.t'ri-i-t.}'.ilir l...l..tl [Jrr..:iJg;* | ii,t | {-' ii t1 i ':i i 1/J. -ij L;' -l1-r 4 :;, -J lliiorie: i'rl ! ri lr ci :: :) i i:i'. 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U.ti /.::'r'./t) 7 1ii sper-:t or. I Di:i i i; i: rrr r lijtiJI:1;tiJ l-rl-t,lli.'l:i.n*1 .,. A'+ I tr.),::: i.J"J lrrgpr:ctr:r': l; I-, lii11 l-r grs: ii.ttGl".I:. i?iUt.:ii !^lpt Ii:l'l irtf Gt..l I fiL Ir l- {] }i I t{E kf irin ;::iii i,5I rr J itl"l:l;-. i I'luLr+s; l:i.-llilii iiRFr ll.l$ ll|rUll h\i:tii\l 1il.:,f lU F.tf-,i":,R':1Viit.- p:: p1i|r1 I,lA I F.ii slrlL, . :-il-t,t]i]; irlt I tll{ i[il-l-ii\ri..r ) i:i$ ] 1-'LHF:[]r?irii:i.) 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Il: if Ii; Ir o/Yt r't t --.t t.:-n:. O -t t t. A.. t l-..- .-. 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L'i , .1.i.i,,.i.;r.i 1., r'r{-. i,,i. r.;ri; i., i':'i] 1.. ii,i..l., i.LLii.irt J:il il'll.;. i l: c.' :ti ; l:tv-r:..]'.; f.',.,1 -i t i!"tl-- {i,'i-l ;. i. l,i ilr .: i/lat:'l .:i. f,l Lti-. i_r ij l. . ,. j1 .; ,; . i J BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE REF.I I 31 A6/9l3/1999 l3:54 Oror" oF vArL, troLorinDo PAGE AREf,: CFREGIUESTS - INS]pECTN NORK EiHEET$ FOR: 6/ J/1999 897-Oe'39 6/ 3/I9 Typer B*BUILD Statr-tsr NOTICE 1469 ASF.EN GROVE LN 1469 AsF,EN 6ROVE LANE e t 63-0 14- 15-Cre'7 NEI^I SFR INFINITE SCOPE INC KULLER JUDITH A INFINITE StrOF.H INC varl7 Activityr Addre s s : Locat ion: Far'ee I : Description: Appl icant: Ovrn er : Contract or: Constr. l NSFR Usel V NOccr Fhone l Fhone: Fhone: 970*46A-1367 97ra-468- 1367 Locks, l{old5, and Not ices. . . , ACTI V ITYNotice: TCO BtrND EXPIRE$ 6/l/99 Inspect i on Reqrrest Information... Req t:te st or: rick Req Time: €tBl6O Eonments: will Iten6 r'equested to be Inspected... tzr654fA BLDG-Final C/O Inspection Histot'y. .. . . Iten ; O05tZt1 trl.l-Ternp. access/dr.ainagIt en: rzt0Srag trH*Rouqh Brade Fhone:466-1367 cal I please Act ion Eomn ent s Ti ne Exp It It Iten: OtaSOJ Ftl-Final driveway qr.ade Item : ACtElet BLDE-Foot ings/steel Qt6/Ig/97 Instrector.: EG Actionl AFtrR ApFROVED $7/ee/97 Itrepector: DS Actionr fiFFR RETANINE t.|At-L Iten ; Sluro;ter BLDG-Foundat ion/$teel Ct6/e6/97 Inspector: EE Actionr AFFTR nFFROVED e7/fi3/97 Inspector: LtrV Action: AtrtrR COMF'LETE FORMS SEC. Iten: BA5e0 PLAN-ILC Site trIan A8/ lt./97 InEpect or: GEORGE flct i on: AF,F,R For-rnclat i on/Fnam ing Appr. Itemr 0003et BLDG-Franing A5/e2/9A Inspector.: CD Action: ffF,trR AFFROVED em ; O@O5O BLD6-Insulation @6/te/99 Inspector: CD Actian: AtrtrR AFFI1OVED em: 6OE6O BLDG*Sheett'ock Nail fl,6/e3/98 Inspector': JRM Actiorrr ffF'FR f,FFROVED WITH CIIRRECT Notes: DUMBTJAITER/FIECH RIIOM NEEDS Tti BE TYFE X ROCI{ ON INSIDE f:0 1 HR FIRE RRTING Item: 0O07O BLDG-Misc. A4/L7/9A Inspector: ED Act i on : AF.F.R F I RE RATED SHAFTS Notesr DUMBWAITER AND LAUNDRY CHUTE SHAFTS AFFRUUED ALSU INSpECTED MASOhIRRY CHIMNEY' rt{Is HAS ALREADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED CRNNOT VERIFY CONSTRUCTION. CLEARANCES AND 5IZ AF'PEAR TO CCIMtrLY I.IITH THE CODE Item : tlla0glzl BLDG-FinalItem: rZ'O53Et BLD6--Temp. C/OA4/$6/99 Inspector: CD flctian: fltrCR Notesr TtrO IS AFFROVED ON CTNDITIUNr _F.LANNING RF'PROVRL OSTAINED -F.UBLItr WT]RKS gF.F.ROVAL I]BTRINEI) _REMOVE RLL SITE DEVELOPMENT S16N5 sHE NtrTEEi REFT 131 T0t^lN oF UAIL, COLORADO PAEE E AREAI GFfr6/A3/ 1999 r:ir54 REGIUESTS * INSFECTN 'WORH SHEETS FtrRr 6/ 3/1999 _REMOVE DUMF.STER.LATC}{ REOUIRED AT FED DOOR IN 6ARA6E _LATCH REEUIRED FOR ENTRY DOBR _UNCOUER SIYIT]KE DETEEIOFIS -I.,ATER DISTRICT APF,RUVRL REAUIRED FOR GARAFE DRAINS HOOKE TO SANITARY SEI"IER, OR DRAINS MUST BE CAF.PFD _THERE IS ONE FULLY I4ORKIN6 BATH OT}{ER FATHS I.IOF'T COf,IF'LET REINSF'ECTIDN IS REOUIRED AT FINAL C/O 63/AA/99 Inspector: CD Act i on : NO Eee not es Nobes: ELEVATOR FINtrL AFF'ROVAL HAS BEEN RECEMD ON 3/3/99 LETTER OF AF.F,ROUAL FOR GARAGE DRAIN$ HASJ BEEN RECEVED FRO THE WNTER AhID SANITATION DIs]'RICT Item: Ct053l PW-TEMF,. C/A 0t4/q9/99 Inspector: LS Action: Dttl NOT READY FOR TCO INSPEC NoteE: DAN WOULD CALL WHEN DRIVEITAY t^lFS CUEARED OFF. THEY WEREN' I,JILLING TO REMOVE SAND FOR GRADE SHOTEiIten: 40533 F,LAN-TEFIp. C/O fr4/td7/99 Inspector: GEORGE Action: AtrtrR Itenr OrA537 FLAN-FINAL C/O A3/1e/99 Inspector: DOMINIC Actionr DN A6/t/ts/99 Inspectorr DOMINIII Action: AFFR Iten: OO539 F,tr-FINAL C/u Itemr A654ra BLD6-FinaI C/A Rr-,pftovED see not ice CORRECTIENS MNDE Nl [-T** \.\\t t\,. gr^[ffiIJn,r1;>\PJt'c"M)t"*' c\D REF,Tlsl TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO FAGE 9 ::g:g::=:::3:=:::::::l=i:::::I=::!**:I:=: g:li:a:3::=======t:It:=T== Activity: tr97-OOAB 6/ 3/t9 Typer B-PLMB $tatus; ISSUED Constrl NSFR Address: 1469 AStrEN GROVE LNLocation: 1469 R$F,EN CROVE LANE Far.ceI r ElO3-O14-t.5-AA7 Descript ion: FLUMBING FOR NEl.l SFRApplicant: BflSFLT FLUMBING & HEfiTING, Owner: KULLER JUDITH RContractor: BflSflLT trLUIYlBING & HEATINGT Occ l LLC Fhone; 97A*947-0499 Fhone l LLC trhone: 97Q*947-A499 Use l I n$pect i on Reqr-rest Req r.re et or l nick Req Tiner 68:tl0 Itens requested to mgteg0 trLltlB-Final Information..... Eomnent s: wi l l cal be Inspected... A Fhone: 468-1J67 I pl easerton Eomment s Tine Exp Inspection Histor y...,. Iten : OtlelB FLMB-Underground 07/t7/97 Inspector': DS Iter: AOSETA F,LMB-Rongh/D. 14, V. A3/13/94 Inspector: CD Act i on : A[--'FR [,|ATER TESTED AF,F,R SEE NOTES sAN. SEt ER, l{UsT 0BTAIN DISTRICT PRIOR TO TCO RtrF'RO HEAT I5 5TIL.L DRNIN TO SANI flct i on : Act i on : AF F'R 6la f'5 I A I RTEST Action: fiFFR EUt F'SI AIRTEST Itenr Item: Item: Iteml Itenl Notes: FLBtrR DRAINS I-IAVE FEEN TIFD TO AF.trROVAL FRT]M I,JRTER IIND SEI.\|ER WRTER COLUMN TES' F.EHFORIYIED laSeJA' F LMB-Ra ugh/[.lat er" A3/ I=/94 Inspect or.: CD g'E34ra FLMB-Gas F,iping tzrS/18/9S Inspeetor: CD ra'ae50 F,Lf4B-F oo1 /Hnt Tr-rb Ct0e6A F,LMB*M i sc. A7/?e/97 Inspector: DS Aetion: AFF,R IN FLOOR A&P9UI F,LMB-Final A4/Vt?/99 Inspect or": CD Act i on : DN DENIED Notesr EAGLE RMR WATER AND SAN DIS-TRICT AF'FROVRL REGIUIRED FOR THE CONNECTION OF GARABE FLOBR SEI,JER CAULf( RLL TIJILHT BASES CRULK RLL SINK NRSES HANDHELD SF.RAYER IN MASTER sHT]WER REOUIRIS R VACUM BREAKE LOWER $ATH SHOI,JER ENCLOSURE }4UST FE COMF.L.ETED BAR SINK DISHilNgER CONNE:CTION NOT COMFILETEq4/A6/99 Inspect$rr CD Action: FA SEE NOTES Notes: BAR SINK NOT C0|4F,LETEi BUT DISHWA$|-IER HOCIK UFr INSTFILLED OTHER BATHS RRE NOT COhF.LETE BUT ONE FULLY I,IORKINE BRTH I5 OF.ERATIONAL. HAND HELD sF'RAYER HNS BEEN REMOVED UNTIL SUCH TIME A VAC, BREAKER IS INSTALLED I^IRTER DISTRICT RF.F.ROVAL IS STILL REOUI RED f:OR GARAGE DRtrI AT THIS TIME GARAGE DRAINS ARE CFIF.F.ED OZ/ft6/99 Inspector: CD Action: NO SEE NOTE Notesr A LETTER OF AFFROVtrL HAS BEEN REtrEIVED FOR THE GARAGE DRAINS FROM THE I^IATER AND SNNITATION DISTRICT REFTTSI o6/o3/1999 08rOB TOtrN OF VRIL, trOLtrRADB lo ::::::tn:5:::II=::::.=::::l:=:::l1-:i::3:==-**-=:::::=3:-* Activityr M97-0116 6/ 3/t9 Type: B-MECH Statusr ISSUED Constrr NSFR Addrcsrr 1469 ASFEN EROVE LN Lor:etionr 1469 ASF,EN GROUE LANEtrarcel: E1Q3-014-f5-qO7 Ocei UEe! Description: METHANICAL FOR NEW SFRApplicantr BASALT PLUMBING & HEATIN6, LLC trhoner 97O-947-0t499 Owner: KULLER JUDITH A Fhone: Contractor: BASALT FLUMBING & HEATINGT LLC Fhonet 97Qr*947-6499 Locks, Holds, NCTI U I TY Not ice r and Not rces. . . . PLAN6 StrECs CUTSHEETS REA' D Inspset i, on Request Requeetorr rick Req Timel O8:Ofi Iters requested to OO39A I'IECH-Final Inforuation.... Commenter will be Inspected.. . Fhoner 468-1367 cal I pl ease Act i on Connent s Time Exp Inspc'etion History..,..Itenr 6Oe0O MECII-Rough o4/14/99 Inspector: CD Aetion: AtrtrR LETTER RECIEVED Notesr N0 MECHANICAL ROUGH INSFECTIUNS HAUE BEEN RECORDED. THE TOIdN HAS REEUE$TED A LETTER FRtrM BASALT P&H CT]NCERNINB TH INSTALATION trF MECHANICAL SYSTEIYIS. THIS LETTER HAS BEEN REtrIEVED 4/13/99 Itemr 0Oe4O F,LMB-Gas F.ipingItenr 00310 MECH-Heating Ae/15/94 Inspector: CDItenr 00390 MEEH-Exhau$t Ho0d6Item: AO33A MEtrH-Supply AirIten: 06346 fvlECH-Mi sc.Iten: OA39O MECH-Final A4/o6/99 Inrpectorr CD Notes: STRflP RND I$OLATE Action: AtrPR HEAT IYIAINS 50 pSI AIRTES flction: f,FCR fiFtrROVED/CORRECTION REGD ALL HEAT LINES NND GAs LINE IN MECHANIC RUUM FINAL RFPROVAL Igi CONTINGENT ON THE RECEIF.T OF A LETTER FROM THE CONTRACTT]R STATINE MEANS AND ITIETHOD CIF MECHANICA SYSTEM INSTALATION. THERE IS NO RECORD OF A ROUGH INSF.EC MUST RECHECK ALL HUI4IDIFIERS. THEY ARE NOT COFIF'LETE AT TH TIME Aetion: AtrtrR LETTER RECIEVED RE E6 F.AGE 7t,T131 IO|JN UF VAIL, {:OLORADO /Id3/L999 O€:O8 REAUEST. INSF'ECTI,I WORK sHEETs FOR.,/ 3./1999 AREF: CF ---- -a- = =::===== = ==*;:==E = =:;:r!::==* ==Activity! 897*6€t39 6/ 3/ 19 Type: B-BUILD Stabr-rs: FIOTICE Constr: NSFR flddr"ess: 1469 ASF,EN GROVE LN Location; 1469 AStrEN GROVE LANE Use: V NF,arcel I 3ltZtJ-O14-15*tarztT Description: NEhl 5FR flppl ieant r INFINITE SCOF.E INC Ewnerl KULLER JUDITH A Contractor': lNFINITE SCOPE INC Occ: OOtlT Fhone: 97tZt-464-1367 Fhone: Phone:97O-468-1367 Locks, Holds, and ACT I V ITYNotice: TCO Notices.... BOND EXPIRES 6/1/99 Inspect ion Request Informat ion. . . Request or: rick Req fime: O8:AO Comnents: will Items requested to be Inspected.. 40540 BLD6-'Final C/O trhone: 468-1367 pl easecal l Act ipn Com m en Time Exp Inspect i on Hi Ft ory. . . . . CIASOt FIJ-Temp. accesE/dr.ainage Ut$StAe F,t,f-Ror-rgh grade $AESS F l.l-F i na I driveway gnade Itemr Item: Iten r Item: Mu B-r cor^JG TSSCJF S L € FT Act i on: AtrCR CIOU'f A BLDG*Font ings/Stee I Et6/tg/9'7 InF.pector: EG Actionr AFFR AF'FROVI:D U7/e:e/97 Inspectort DS Action: AFFR RET/.ININE l.lRLL Ltem I guzrrAe0 BLDE-For-rndat ion/5teel A6/e6/97 Inspector: EG Action: AFFR AFFROVED A7/o3/97 Inspector: LFV Action: AFFR COMFLETE FORt'lS SEC. Itenr tAraSeE F,LAN*ILtr Site F,lan QB/tll97 Inspectorr GEOREE Rction: AtrFR For-rndation/Ft'aninq flppt' Itemr Oraft30 BLDG-Framing A1/P,?/9A Insuect or r CD flct i on l AFF'R AFF ROVED Itemr OIAOFA BLDG-Insulat ion A6/L?./98 Inspector: CD Actionr RF'trR AFFROVED Item: 00069 BLDE-Sheetrock Nailgl,6/e3/98 Inspector"r JRM Ac.tionr AF,F,R nppROVED WITl.l CORRECT NoteE: DUMBTJAITER/IIIECH ROOM NEEDS TO BE TYFE X RODK DN INSIDE F0 1}'IR FIRE RATING I t ern r Cl0etTO ALDtS-Mi sc. €t4/t7/94 Inspector": CD Action: AFtrR FIRE RATED SHTnFTS NoteE: DUI{BI"IAITER AND LAUNDRY CHUTE SHRFT$ AF'FRDVED ALSO INSFECTED MASONnRY CHIMNEY, T1{I5 }{45 ALREADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED CANNOT VERIFV trENSTRUCTIBN, f,LEARAI.ICES AND SIZ RF'F.ERR TO COMF.LY T.'ITH THE CODE Iten : rztcttagtit HLDG--FinalItem; orz'534 BLDG-Temp. C/A Q4/A6/99 Inepectorl CI)Notes: TCO IS AtrtrROVED ON CONDITI0N: -trLANNIN6 AF.F.ROUAL OFTNINED -F.UBLIC I,IORKS AF.F.ROVffL OBTAINEI] -REIYIOUE ALL. SITE DEUELOFIMENT 5IGNs I;EE NOTES REF,Tl3l TOWN 0F VAIL, COLORADO 86/o3/ 1999 68:OS REBUESTS - INSFEETN WORK SI{EETS FOR: 6/ 3/1999 *REMOVE DUNPSTER -LATtrH REOUIRED AT PED DOOR IN GARAGE -LATCH REOUIRED FOR ENTRY DOOR -UNCOVER SMOKE DETECTORS -hIATER DISTRICT RtrF.RTIVAL REAUIRED FOR GNRNBE T0 SANITARY SEI^lEtl' BR DRAINS MUST BE CAFFED -THERE I5 ONE FULLY IIORKING BATH OTHER BATHS REINSPEETION IS REGIUIRED RT FINAL C/O F.AGE g AREAT CF A3/o6/99 Inspector: CD Act ion: N0 see notes NOTEE! ELEVATOR FINRL flF,F'RtrVAL HAS BEEhI REtrEIVED ON LETTER OF APPROVAL FOR 6ARA6E DRAINS HAS BEEN THE I,IATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT Itemr fiC'53e FH-TE|4F. C/n O4/A9/99 Inspectorr LF Action: DN NOT READY NoteE: DAN t^rgULD CfiLL WHEf{ DRMWAY WAS CLERRED OFF. ]^|ILLING TO REMOVE SRND FOR GRftDE SHOTS Item: €r€t533 FLAN-TElvlP. ClD A4/O7/99 Inspector: EEORGE Aetion: AtrtrR AFFROVED Iten: 80537 FLAN*FINAL C/Ofrii/tg/99 Inspectort DOMINIC Actionr DN see notice Item: '4il539 F,t4-FINAL tr/o Iternr raA34O BLDG-Final C/0 DRAINS HOOKE NOF'T COMF.LET 3/3/99 RECEVED FRO IJOR 'IEO INSF.Etr THEY WEREN' \4o t)-rr Pt''qe :! :eOL 1 C t tl fc,guA )l:rru.r,rl'?tN,ri ? C PLr,.1f- f,o,,..(€*t..,2Ul(C \y$rz? in,rf Vt Gcncral Strucfural Noles Tydcal, Erc€pt as Noted Kuller Br3ld.lrEc, Lol 7, Blk 2, Fillng 4, Llons F dge ROA 96G)g Jen 7. 1997 OGelgn Uv6 Loadsqllsnow) 80 PSF -Fel E6vc Load (lCE) 10O PLF - V(3O) = 80 MPf i. fxppeuls 6 -c Zone 1r- 40 PsFOcck l0O PSF oroo,"oi'!l"'l"f, ffi;""i,"*Q,?f,nf ffi ft $ffi f giragffiil':: supporb wllh 18 gagc framirq archors. All exterlor slud walls shall be braced with one sheel ol 112' fiyuord at corners end not mor6lhan 25l€el on car er. Double jolsts under parlitions where joists ar6 parallel lo partidom. Provlde conllnuous wall studs al each slde ol wall opcnlngg. The number of contlnuous studg at each slde ot any op.ning shall equal one-hall ot the sluds inlerrupled by the opening All wsll studs shall be continuous trom lloor lo tloor or lrom tloor toroof- (Unless specllically shown or noted. do not Install Int€rrnediatc plate In any stud wall.) Cross brldge all lloor Joisls at mldspan and/or at I toot max on center and provlde solid blockirg or .im jdsts al all joisl supporls end jolst ends Provide solid built-up posts under all beam and column bearing 6reas. Exlend bulll-up posls lo loundallon and block solld through lloor lolsl s spacc Wood beams congtrudled wllh multlple 2 x's to have sDllceS onlv al sunporls Wood and/oa steel beam3 to bea, 4 inches minimum onlo supporls Inslall lloor & foof plywood wllh graln Ferpendlcular lo supports STRUCIUNAL S TEEL Structural sleel. ASIM 436 Colunrns to be centered under beams Pipe columns : ASIM A53, Grade B Tube columns: ASTM 4500. Grade B BoIIs: ASTM A325 Weld material: E7O XX electrodes All structural steel shall be tabrlcated and erecled pe( AISC Manusl ol Sleel Construction. lalest edition. Standard lramed beam connections sh6ll be selecled bv detailer lor one-hall ol the tolel allowable unllofm load oiven In the nlSC Manual ol Steel Co'lslruclron (latest edillon) tor each grven mdnber and span MASONNY Concrete rnasonry unils shall conlorm to ASTM C9GN-1 Masonry clmpressive stress, I m = 1A5O psl Morlar shall contorm to ASTM C27O, Type S. Grout shall conlorm lo AS IM 476. 28 day strength 25OO PSI Masonry walls and piers shall be grouted in litts ngl exceeding 4 -0" unless otherwise approved by Archilect- . Clean. cells and rod grout into place. Ftovlde cleanouts at base ot each grouted cell To mlnimize leaching, prolect all masonry work lrom molsture anlrusion during construclion. Grout all .elnforced cells. bond beams and all cells below orade. V€sonry reinforcement. ASTM Adt5 Grade 40 All masonry walls shall be reinlorc€d horizontally wilh standard DUH- O-WAL al 16" on center Typical vertical reintorcement 14 al24" Provlde 1 - ,5 each side ol wall openings, at corners, at each gide ol control loints. and at endg of walls. TvDical bond beam reinlorcement: 2 - ,5 conlinuous Cold wealher conslruclion shall corfornr lo oulde soeclticalions trom llternatlonal Masonry All Weather Councrl See CONCFIETE sectiors tor additional relntorcernenl noies. o Subdlv GENERAL Seclions and deleils shown or noled applv lo stmilar condilions e{rewhcrc not specificslly shos'n or noted tha Slruct(rrEl ErElnccr, as A del"ndlng p€rty. ,e al any rlm€ a parly lo lllgalion Involvlng any clalm teleled lo the wotk desc bed on these drawlnosand shqJld..claimant nol prevall substanllafy agarnst det€nding party In su;hllligatlon all lillgalion €rpens"s, !N[ne3s feds. aout costs and- dttorhevs leesincufied by lhe delending Fany tn detendlng agalnst such ct8tm, sha be batd bylhe claimer Ihes-e plans have been englneered tor conslruclion at one specllicbuildrng.slte Builder assumes ell responsibllity tor use ol these plans at anyolhe( brildlrE site FO|.}{DATIONS FoundBllons dcslgn In eccordarrc€ with recommendations conlajned ln S^oils Invcailgatlon Report by Ko€cfilein Engineers. project NoS357 Dated: Dcc 2,1_ 1*18 Sald reporl is hcrcby made psrt ol these documenls and, except wt€reolherwise Bpecllically noted helein, a fecomrr)endsliong and precau0ons conlalned ln lhat repo.l shall bc edhered to bV the contraclor Foolings shell bc placed upon unillskrrbed nalural soil. Minimum lrostp.olecilon pef local buildl.tg deparlmenl. _ . . Footlngs shall be placcd upon undisturbcd natural soil oi compacled lrll l€sled arld ipprovcd by Scils Engrneer Maximum design 3oil pr.3su.e: tsOO pSF Oeslgn lalG(al sdl p.essu.c (eqdvatent flutd pressufe): SO pCF Rovtds perimcter draln system wlth Invert minlmum o( 6 inches Detowbotlorn ot be3crncnl !leb. Exlcnd perimelcr draln lo davliqht or lo sumD Slop€ frcrlrnelar grade awsy trom brdtdino a'minirnum droD ot one loolIn lhe flrsl len le€t Termlnate h dfalnsgd swale araded mlntmufi 2olo lo ca y(,nofl waler w€ll away ltom buildinq , . - . Concrete must bc dac€d continuously $/i roul horizontat cold jojnl. ltcold iont ls n€carssary eppropdalo v€illcal r€inkicemenl musl be Drovideo.Conlraclor shall b6 responsibl6 tor adequatety dracing top otba3crEnt walls frlor to bac*tlltino wallg - Full height.b€senEnl ialls ntust be anchored securely al lop lo floorli8mlng Anchor sill plate io bqsement wafl w h ttz x tO- anchoi borts ht Zq. on ft;fi:ilfffiT;;::::.:::T:revlsifi) Mlnlmum ?8 dsy cmpresslve sirength 3OOO psl Type ll c€m€nt In cqcrete expced lo soit. alt other TvDe IFo.rn€d reinlqcenEfil ASTM A6t5 crade 40 - Fleinforccmenl shsll bc labricated and placed per ACt Manuat olSlandad t'rsclicc (ACl,31 5) Spllcc6, dowcl proJcclton q ambodmefit shafl be 32 b€r dld[reters butnol less than t8 lrlchcs frrovldo cornc| btr! or conllnuou! rclnlotc"mcnl al colncr! andIntersccllong Ilplcel lorndelm wall r.into(cefllent: 2 - ,5 top & bottom Place top reir orc"ment nol rrbre than 4Inchas from loo ot wall orgradc b€m eM placc bollofii r€lrtorcement not rnore than 4 inches lrom bottomd concrel6. f"ovldc 2. 15 eround e opentngB wllh bars exlending 24 inchesb€yo6d ope.ring. . -Wcldcd wtre hbrtc pcr ASTM At85. Lap on6 tul mesh eno rvtre$crrcly. Cqt dtdnalG wlrc! at 3leb conkot iolnts TTVOOO FFIAMING Mi.lmum lfsrnlng artr nalllrE per cuftenl Unilofm guildino CodeColrrnns to bc clr{crGd urdaa bcerng Maxlrirrm mdsftrc coricnt tof trarnlng lumber t9%Mciel hangrB shalt hav6 o.le nalt h ;very nail hole. 2 X 4 sluds lor non"bcerlrE |rterior pertiltdns: Hem-Fir or vltite WoodStud Grad.. 2 X 4 stu6 16 bearing wa s end/o. exterior walts lo 8.0' lerEdh HerDFir Slud Grade ovrr 8 -0 lcrElh: HcrftFir Cortslnrc,tion Gradc Bcarns 6' widc ar|d larqcr. D(ltr-Fh No | (Fb = t35o PSt, E-= |,6m,mo pst) Columrtg - Ooug-Ftr No. I (Fb - i2OO PSt, E = 1,6@,000 pst) 2 X 6 studr lo 8 -O' trfEih H"rlFlr Shtd Gred. ovcf 8 -O lc?Elh: l-16.n-Flr No. 2. _ Jolrt!. bcrnE, rrftG.t 2'lo 4'thtck, 5. and widc,.l{cnFFlr No 2 (Fb-EsOPSl, E= |,3OO,O0O PSI) . Vail , Colo Web $rRUCflnA[ REVIFW Of '- pfrp.lf ' .'.. ::!..",." '3:.1T1ON wtth no clrnbar manulacturod bv Trus Jolsl APR 10 1997 RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA ('( )NS( rl.l lN(l S1'lll rC'lI lRi\1. t'lN(itNliIiRS 172? l,ltlrSlrccl Srritc 250 llrruhl.'r, (irlorado 8l)302-6.116 (303)441.1974 ,ll 4. cotJr, 1 I I i i.I (r. ? I flNtsAZo Pr4vELi[y 5URFA.CE 2,'Kl(alPIFI5UL T.o. 3LA9' -u 'T.o. ruAH. qg'-1, 4" co Nc. st-AA oft GRaP,P,.ularu-tolto u,d,F, o ?-r Kteta tNs-rJl-. *+ tt! DorrLAt 4a'o.,.:. ."lkrf?' |1|aaFilE+, e) '. PROJECT KUU.I& RE?IZEN';(|-JoB l{o. 16a9 SUBJEGr FOlltrzafnt. DATE REF. NO.FILE NO. ttJu lq \\\\\\_ @ *5T.+fr, c(.l.ll'. Pp trcr.rt'lu6''t b F:FP- ol'J' I ft flrll2'f l-ll..l: t=l> 5 ()tl- R3 ^RAY DAVIS & ASSO0ItrES' CONSULTINO STRUCTURAL ENOINEERS l?22 l4lh Str..n Suilo 250 Bouldcr, Colorado 80302-6316 (30lXll-397,1 'o o PRorEcr Kl)vLb<@+l JOB lfo. a*g Fi2ul&af,lD\l h' tte JorN-f ' 4u tlrU 4r €LAFTKENn H/6xG'lo/ld t"t.lJ,F- TRtilv!:-f:, 2r.6 cprlT, ruAl-F It! 1r1r2 INCJ'|oR- WVTb Al Do. ftu FF-.rzt1 4tiRlrlE.R,s NsfEi, A Wt,t?g +b aL AVP|,]ED l^t|ERE FN, . hR^ee lbLet lYliN n'Abv.lA ?vxo oF €J-Afs II.'WALL:ST alo: >/4'=1,-d o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA c()Nst [.1 tNo s'l R(rc't'trRAt. DN(itNEF,RS 1722 l4rh Srrccr Suirc 2J0 Ilouldcr, Coforado 8O3O74346 (tO3)443.797 4 €TaNL MtNStaf .- FEF: ALAV'g foR t+eti 4'l* !4'*V6't 24/ a(c, *4'r exp. baLrsQ tz" e'c., we--(f Kl';,R&E,futva JoB ]fo. 150? suqJEs@ ?^(t ciIUA AAtL lRVAfe? Lxu at , fr- u.)# 5 rl|b. tltlC b , v' A,Bovrl- e 18" o.c . I n" r Fon cogtfEg!- i t//' ev?. Jorilr. 4'cotlL.artAg RETNFAl <o\b'lo/to vt.wg *6@tz) o.c.Vaef. zt Rlql? t\suv. **@ +8"V IRA4@RHSI€A d Rtat? r.ew, t -\ t I ml''i;',yJ:-ft,f:3*..:t;l; '11- "o".' *'.-"e rF=o=*ll '* 'or*i-] I rz22 r.lrl, sr,."r suirc 2J0 ll Sua"fCr FaAF{rta.r lO{ | [|}rrrr|t|er,(.olrrrrdo8(,]l)2-6l46(10J}44.l.J97'||REF. NO. RLE NO. - 4TAIc#.FrFFB-ENF iib.€lAF o lo?t.d' llt r, L' a\Hogl.o{s 2><b aL lb'o.c. I,2, EXP. JT. I'1TL, 4i e;vts FFNI-I !.tl6 rc'-lollo UJ[l: b\NDgloNE T,a, I^IALL V2'l lo'ANct{o3, p41t al 4A' o E.\ tz: lTctl C,',"RNEF .. $ er 40'oc. l/rtToM cpFltERt 0lJ U $a (2).9 T.a B. cohlT. ATI ETAIT AT E]ITRY Scele: TJ?.6LAF tl'lod-?'l 3/4'.1'-O' $tAB RAYDAVIS a nssocltis' CONSUT,TTNO $TRUCTI'RAI. ENOINEERS' l?22 l4rh s|Iccl suil!250 . .,. I , Bouldcr, Colondo 80302-6146 (30!X{3'1974 rt PRorEcr KUWAR frl2t"Vtl .roB No. n509 nUBJEct @lll.f?Anq'l DATE FILE t'to Jon uo.qboI(AY DAVIS & ASSOCIATE ('()NSl't.11N(l STRUC'n rRAl, ENotNEF,RS t7l2 l,llh Sk!r( Suitc 250 llrxrldrr, Ctrltrrrdo 80102-6146 (30J14 43 -397 4 Et lBJEcT fi'l]l.lPAT1et l ||o. Ftl E ll r;.il .i,i ,ltt: ,riil!1. ?x b Fe.+yru*a t6+ LA t4t2t4a2w-rs t+'0 Lq L@t<duft/t+* td' .\*twF.-boLrrg @ 6ZroL, W 6TONE VENEEE 4 iQ,1'4. ^t/b"-!14'Jl{ Exfi EoLT"> Q' ,zt e.o, ' Zr B,c-t> tvzut-, : #,lx l$, o o o... -Q4;;te tVa' twc-eryz I lt rLt' "dt"rf;).* w''<' \t, 7xO A.A,4, fr- <2\*? co*a. -p?t m, *5 Gr ll' FdLL t.lr 4'Cox)c. €LAF FEU6Hla"6 - tol|c t^.t.tJ.f, T.o.€!t nq'-a" zute tN3rJl-., 2x t?z Fl.FtrRS Ui4 - 16" vA64'"bto.o, "* lNl.a Ea. L%n AO v, t-'*T fR.&22,- + ?,--vtr-, ?) BQgP q!_EAUNDATION WATI t/t"calg; r- -T.\-Iffiii$Jiil##r",$:*nl l| ;;;il-"c;;;;Liiiiriire oortut'rsl4 ll - G' E ,,,,, IE |lO' r i i I : 2xb f^YAfJ.r^f. JHEa{HtpA . t4t'f .t G. t"l)rlttfOr)', ., H,ootl l)Ecl,i, 2x6 Fl.r\tli ttl/ )/l'Q x lo'r A-8. . A't t!,b.c. lil' FPor'l.rpFt tEPs rI,AX, li.r'EXP. .rr. l'lIl-. "4"- exb P lft LarltL,3tlf5 ott 6P,APF- c ntarp rusuu. f AIS$a+ ta.N.o-l'-lltd Zt d.rEA +4e 8' F+dFJL 2"Rtda lNsrJL' rul *p r.I n. col-lf. T'oF. 1u-g +-/-- lt=lll rl =!lt=tilllf=lll= =lllfrFr- . DFAN 4r+ Fbl.l RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA c()Nst,t.lINO Sl RUC',t r tRAt. EN(itNtjlttlS I ?21 I {tlr Strset Srrhc250 llolftlcr, Cuft rrrrlo 80102.6145 (101).113-397.1 pllo.,EcT K LIILUK FE€I IUglEqI--r. ZUIJ P/^1 It l'l Jon ilo. n6o.b I - . Zx(o l.lAl-L tob- ttvd L* 6 )p1.;7c' KEF: fLAqS wKq?"f-"lHq tl r,l /^t .,f, Urt'51"1 rlid ^? "l 2z{ra"xtc+l.e- ErLTs.Q ?'1' o,L.. | ft" tl;i eflo t StrL tV t 4a9 eaM<tz. *q'ep: ao.tt=fT, d <tql, tNsut-: .FOU IIDATION W -- (zYla daltT, T+E lii €lf,s,ft.,, "?jGptpog Jol,lb6EE PLAN pR..?t€l\.lq l)'vxe,JarNf r,r# eil&z 1'+ft@ -FPN..PRAN lt arhbKEIfl( l^l/ G'x@- l(// t( ) t^l,N F a/4' ,l'-o'l 'i!" Klqle tNtlJL. RAY DAVTS & ASS0CIAIa cor lsrrl.'f lN0 srR(lcrl lR A l- Ell0lllEERS Itll l ltl' 8trG.l 8ult3 2t0 llorlJg, C.oknrto l0!01'6t{6 (l0l)l{!'tt?'l cr KUttaR,- L!:rr"fl*----..:!QD !!9: qryZ.- i,ri,iii I I i't ' r' F?LtilFArldLl-_------ n- ftlE,lo,:: i-- ?VYI4 .IREAIEP 3i3r1'hT'a,'{ 6l ,?o,?'taRNERt rril'ulq ^ruT ,M191, a/Yt',EZ ?LAN r?R QlR. I 5?L'h I'sl_ ft E-9:, tl'#"frg l1i' t:>tP. -,T. I'lTl-. illt=\ lr=lll =1ll=1il l1x LonL. gt.AB ol..l<1(Aat ReluF. l, l,/ 6>ta-P/ro vt.l.l.F --x e'tqtQ trtt)L, 1a PCR/,I PIPa "Q I RAIN llri tl \me" IJo " hqn FL)rlP-rl'i(-1bawt^l ,)ota19 c- ' 5rH b\FbLoN(.\-t . ' I FDN. WALL 'el?.tstt+frrltttdnu't INsfAtL bITUTHENE FP.'oYt I rf. Apv FlN. a}-0. T0 tF1. 69LDA '(0P 0" coNC'|-J^L, ANtSnea qKAW , T.O.l^ lol|t-ll { ovtt*J + +8/ tzt o c. yeir FuwH61. # 10ryz) o.o,,HoRtz + 5& q" o.L.veet Fuw Aew\l . ?tilatp lpsUL. rl,J. rurRrxq3jlouiNtzx*tgr(r*D T.+F. cof.lT. oalo: I I I NAY DAVIS & ASSOCIATNf, col l$lll-'tlll(l s'tRtlctr rn,tt. utt0ttttEf lTll l.Ilr 6trcrt 6rrltc 150 lloulrlg. (.rltnJ.r l0!01 6|{6 (f0tll.l!'J9?{ l-enq:lEcr KUtt-e-g :.t'.=Yu:iJ= 1 rullrlf-r:ellLln.A-llcr.l-e --- brrt .flEf.!lo,._-_-_--*!'tr-E.l .lon flo.'1 lo. c50 t i.i':' :t r!lI' l: I ri;l ,i:l 'tf,?lE ffiE't?d nu"r t lxh Au.t't,i'{rta9 l^VAt.t,t"t, J I t rAfH tt tzr \AEtC? lREXIEOZ*U PLATV. A/I,tz"0xlO'A,V. hT f,?o''?taRNERtt E \! N .FFzn lFT. AE^/. FtN, .. aLo. <0 lFI, beLaw to? oF CONL. LJAVL /-'tN6rALL Pirufl.{AlF, T.o.t,l. le5'-1 ' l' cv # 1g*) o.o,.AoRtL + 6o 7'o' c'veLl' (uvL u/^f. t!itatp lpsuL. ?,Y Itr tr=lll =ilt=til\lltrlttu tt h.', l:)rp. .,1.. l.lIl-. :4x co'|L. gt.Ab oll <^2 Ar?t RE ltllj. l'.1./ 61 6 - to/to t^t.t l.F. t<tq(2 (")#5tst{. : _ _!e._ zvaa b_'z-EE FL,LN Itl.l9uL, .1" 0 PRAI i ?aRF,N PIPE ::=:==i:::-:_---::=---.t=.,..i|' NOle,lt(2 4.LxP) cJl< I'tr(Rtl i,:l llLev)v-l ,lot'tIzt (, t .trH " ll:::-:::::: --- ::::: :-- ll o6lo:l'-0" RAY DAVIS & ASSOCI.S coNsuLTrNo sTRt'c nrMt, ENctNErRs l72l l4lt Slrc.l Suito 2JO Bouldcr, Colorado 80302.6146 (303)443.3974 lro. Fll.E llo o, ut! o .r, 8.' rl.. qt .,f-+1jt4 O 4d a.c'ta rraY (palaKa FOUr|DATIOlI P,,'W- NJ|.|. 2LOCLINC (z)Ga*n foF 4. FdF1. *4 6 bl' e.o. r[*rJ.z, b26 l?u a,c/ V.Ri: i, t *rrto t*gt)v !crqqr-F.t!+--F- l-< FEe vQe JOB f,to. ?aQb ?-t(o l,l ALL lob'- tt'/b l(ld nt Jot.;r.- K.EF' rLANg wK €,? Y-lt v1 4hl(',?f ^rrl+o<zQ 4bn o,o.{ lNeqorl erlo e oF 9TL. FM' i. l(z El4#'ft.,,, tvt .lllo vxe,.k?tNf 4t aLAg EEfr+( bJ/ G'x{o- ltz/ro vl.N.E 7/4'rl'-or $TT3L B z" <ap NauL. | *n" DAVrs a essocl.+l lf enffcr KUr#K qF+efri{ ,tw no.45o3 'l I corusilriNoitn[.i,lin"r."ni;;Jiffi Il--I 1722 l4tlrsrrcer suite250 Il stEccT F$NFAnq{, I [llou|dcr,(.otorado80]02'6J46(]0.rfi4].3g71|I oYo.z-c,K.ttlh wl ttoA 6pA6tNstrE: AGr,ff @R'*eL, vNrHeP qq\oe 'erlt 2 t I X ?tm Ce. U.nf.I 2xl2 at ty''on.(o.A. tor'-jyd -iss _t( / lRexte? zto e wlG) t4Q x ron A.eo6gea.96, #+otd o,c. Ftsil.HE? taKAfr I $lt-r 4 x gr AT 48'oc. HAX. (2))>t.ats.. cor.lT. coilG. R:TAtlilltc wA{.t Scafe z 3/4',t,-o. At DIGK o .- RAY DAVIS & ASSOC CONSLiLTINO STRUCTI'RAL ENCINEERs | 72? l4th StrcEl Suiio lr0 Bouldtr, Colondo 80302"63,16 (101F43.1974 I o pRoJEcr Y-ILL6.R JOE ilO, ''1503 l SUAJECT r+ Ntrar;oN Q->*9 Tf + ?fil, KFF, FF.l, wAu.- slet tul tN lllt, ffiT {'EE niN tuFlaq. aze (z){r'ToF e g}t.UIN Ol (ANE. NALL Qt\tq 9zlfo1j.-FrTuF{ rr{1D I I^IALL -l ,HL?,t,YJ!t"fftffi9,mT: 1722 l.lth Strccl Srtilc 2J0 llorrldcr, Colondo 803025146 (l0l)-l4t-397{ PRo JEcr FUL]-L1< PAAr2e JOB llo. T tsDLINPAT1?N DATEo o W {""i#?#\ t(.o.rJ.ffi= ba_4-y1 zr@ glw AAw +1V _-,--1 4 G*, \-- g)++ea.. *. (.0.( ilLl' ?tafuu ro* I IFeo'tt|Jg rJt?aA I d ur6 aaNc,, IALL6 Fncrf N fi4 €lF *\bl/e6 +tg" ru-':t/st F2K ReNF N11.il5 NAU- l-l\t .D '.'.'r-6 I'-a:! . .P. /-- I < ^ #-Ha+ 6ve ?LiN FoR roafwd ,tLeb BREAK tll FOoTlllG & STEP tll WALL at qaR6?\w o RAY DAV|S & ASSOqI;ES c()Nsr ll 'l lNo sl ltt rc lr rR'\l.liNdtl'lts l?12 l.llh Slrccl Srrito 250 lluulder. Cokrnrlo 80302 6:!'16 (301)l'13'3974 o o (z)+-r cotlr. aor \Wr. :-= ---++ Ft'l I -1 ,t-rt+- 'l I ,f4U l^.lalj-. @1r'Q,'%lt1', 6't,5lMrrP)*4 e.s"c. ta" tNTb AHU LIN.L €E Rlrq faf, FaThfQ btzFz : iBREAK]ITI FOOTI]IG 'scafe: 2f Nt = lt-o,r o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIII:S ( :oNsr fl .'11N(l sl Rt.,sllJR.{1. liN{ilNlllills | 722 l.lrh Slr€cl Suhc 2t0 llorthlcr. L'olorudo 80102 {l'16 (101)l t1-197{ PRoJEcr riltl-EF FeaDg JOB t'lo. jlo-' sI'BJECT tsALINPAllPN DATEo o lREatce U.tuppbxo ,.JruP hIALL 4) dalU) gLAb F$$t\"-''r', F.tr: 2J11. f?F. RFF{,''{ T1{l+ lJAl-{- I izt aoFlr Fftt d Vttpr- d,oNa, ht.lll€ FlEAta lN Fnir, BHEAK TH FOOTI}IG & STEP TIiI WAtt calez p7":1'-$ Arl6't c.ej,tT, trTq. o l1#,?*.YJ i-**iffisj * JD 1722 l4lh Skcrl Suitc 2J0 Ilouklcr. Colorado 80302-6346 (303)441'1974 Pno,ili 'r f-ylt9s:toYr'Ic€ ,,,,, il,.- 13o? sun,troT ruNPATlpJ- -e =a_-_ JtdD auFl DlEz.aL. lr.t r,lALL 6/,b td/tn Fl.f..l.tl e€[l( 4x ALAB oxl{'lzADE -#ffi+ ^id $L - ="2'Rqlr2 t\l6uL. ''ee- ?LAIJ Fd"- F.S-tNtr l?\p'l?" 7gg;7 4IJ Uilrr|JTusbF-F -btV I ,l'r rnr,1"n' \ \ l- - | ---.Lte Et^'.-_-----'::fr - iiiiiiii liiiiiii itii' IHTERIOR PAD U]IDER SLAB r1 $ir;ttftr:'1../,1't:ltr.lt , i , 'iti; ItAY DAVI.S & ASSOCI,-S (()t'rst rt.l tlr( | s t ttt tclt rn,rt, titttitl'Fllts l'rl2 | llh St.(l Srrilo25(l ll rtlJrr. (irl"rlrlo ll(l.t(t2 63.16 (lllJ) l l.t .l97 | .sTu P dal-, lU l-lhL.L +' ")r\b FEINE t.l/ bv<p-lolto bl,il,r. _-_-\ "af5r + r.)'& coNc. PIER vtlit\t+6 auw Hq'r' 8GALE.?/+' . l'-a' _ Jg:f.Ap , S_5ET PIAN T 9EE PLAI'I FOR FoOTll{Cr SlzE dl'lD RErr.rFoRcll.tc. STUD GOtUIll FOOTIIIO rnd PlfR RAY DAVIS & ASSOUTI]S c0Ns(tt,l tNc s rRt.,c t L|RAt. ENclNDtins | 722 | 4rh Street Srritc 250 Ilouldcr, Colorrdo 80302.6146 (303)443.1974 (z) * I aor STEP III SLAB o !icaf e: ll/2.'= l'-?,' DTL. Pno.rEcr tcuu-r5 RE6ID strBJEcr r,?>ijlAqP* .loa lfo. nEab REF. NO.Fu.E O. 7t4 4, z,,Gl "hPll- f,Frz t^4u *4 @N1;' I 12" airP tsb To o:vF-R t+Ftr cJF ccl'l<FErE STEP t/i' e\ft,,r2tFrr, y'" Latv. "..,1$b F.ENllTtJ6'rG-tc/tD l^lhl.F. I .'t IIAY DAVIS & ASSOC!iS ll ,rhlff, Culorrrrhr 80102.6J.16 (lo1) l4l..lr74 PROJECT KUUEK re^D G_roa]|o. 1?92 SUBJECT Fo tJ IJ Pir TI o rJ DATE FII.E ,r!i vd av? oe euo*'t Aenlpt ' t I ifi\!) Lt'L' 56'L ?r^r'l foR SttLL\ A,tsLAe, arl rigl"1tE V€nlF. tvc'lollo Vl'Hf l tI -/t"E.t?.,lenlf II!I:.l!r , ', i ,-.,7 i it"l I fruio,i+r-i i i Il I --q<.- qFElxd F?R Ka;|N ; i | | | ll itit- Vi,ero'sE+l a,\' I I i i I ill i i t ivf;rJbnew? i ! i-..tlll i i l, iiII r I i i i i,:lrilii le:, ?/Nrr=l.o'1 RAY DAVrS & ASSOCITES coNsl lt.11Nc S't'RUC'II'nAt. l.:Ncu.ltirRs, 1722 l^ltlr Strcct Suite 250I Doutlcr, Colorotlo 80302-63.16 (303)4.t3-3971o o exaL e' td e,o, &q. vl^t)-' Pt gff a.Z FeR F€AMIN41l.pv Off? go77P Lol.lc. +t)\s F..et}i'e H/.0\@-lolv A.d,a W)Qro" t^'oorfibg ed o,a, (R6XVA Ztb fu f ,f cot'JT' A?I'R,XIMA.TELtNe oF elc^VA'ftrN au etqe N9ut. f o. sla64";5r-f- rl Scale: rrr,'r: t'.tl o RAY DAVTS & ASSOCaES cr )Nst.rt.'tlNc s t Rl tc'tt tRAt. IiN(itNuiRs , | 722 l.lrh Strcct Srrhc250' llorrl,lcr, Colorotlo 80302-63{6 (3111) lI3-1974o o Zxct A.A.A,q\n v) t.x.u. tuY^e REf, *rr. a'? fee 6HEIG NALI., NAIUNC-1 Ptf,TEeNtAl nxl,looo RErF;6rfu q'? FA er+EAR. 'hlALL t.DtUNq4 Tjrteprl sl) xrr,' 4'9l{E- RarNF r^l/ ox@- lQlto N.d,F. Lx(t A.bl.v.t.t- 4l,ti'-+ \ or x aov4s €., ?+^ ro. f,,f cotlf. ?" Rtato tNgut-l (Q *E doxrr, C?l€: tl2,'= 1'-aY, o a RAY DAVrS & A$SO('TES coNsl rt.'fl Nct STRt'Cl t'RAt. ItNctNEERS 1722 l.lrh Strcel S$itc 2J0 llouller, Colorado E030?{J45 (103)441-3971o o PROJECT KULLTR @bI JOB ilO. q503 SUBJECT TODI IUA|V.,IJ DATE REF FII.,E col-um.t r F(,oTtN(i CEIIlERLIN= I^IFAP COLLIMTJ U"TA O) LAYER5 d 3O{F FELT. PIFE coLurn:l, Ree | 94r t.z (rrorr /..r, trr:rioUE) tsA5E ts <ee sttf.5.z r.lf 4:tt/,4x4' ETF ANCHORE, . 4: cot1L.6l-,4B Ol.l GRADE:t'FlEltlr: Vl/ r"xtc - lollo lA,t1,F1 T,O. ELAB ERIM (_- T.o.fao V q+'-l lrr st llll I r rc'l.t- 5t tR[{r-, GRoUI J U h 'Ee V^Q'.1'.tl?)2V'f a176 1eetu6 . t' PAD UIIDER;PIPcollG. o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIATES coNsut,'t'lNo sl Rt,c'l!R,lt- EN(ilNEnis l?22 I {rh Strccl Suitc250 lfotrf rlcr, Cof orrdo 80JO2,6j46 (j1Jl44t-t97 4 f KULI.YK KEEIW ,-r roo oF coNc. P|ER lab loa coluFlN IFb r L4' (ta'llrlfo Lo\ 4'AE,O]r'E FINISI-IED 6RADE COVER END GRAIN OF COLUMN IUITI.I FENTAPI.IENOL CI.ILORIDE AND FDN. TAR BEFORE SETTING ON CONCRETE PIER rzf. coNc. PIER vU b)tF5 FUw r+{- ffi gEE FLAN FOR FOOTING SIZE AI.ID REINFORCING. LOG COLUMN FOOTTNG AND 86ALE.4/ntt. Y-6' PIER I |..| RAY DAVIS & ASSOCITITIS ('( )NSl il.llN(i S'lltt'('lt rR.\t llN(;tNtit.tRS 17,:2 l4th Strccl Srritc 250 ll<rrltltr. C,rlorrilo 80102-6-l.l(, ( 1o.t )441-.19 7.1o o RezvaS ros No.14o? I , t6 r?1')17'rxhD pocl $€rat F .s?'.{FY El-r(. LIIJr€F, a4-, @f a:foNE Iir.lleFlEtz aFAw 6E\.lE \/EI{EER a^ef- tNP c4FAtl oF c,adrlN NI fEJ.,rf}.+{E}-k2L c.t{L-oRtD€ .rJ-lP FP\\.fI€ DFF€FE <-EfTt$a trr\l 6l4u h.l,\LL 9'aHU 6aRor.lT qou? *r4 rur lu4f, w, cjr_|l- Fri.terlre frtrrvt;Ay SIRF/\<-4Z r- . 4t.t1n la ToI RJVEI^IAY.:5rlRFA4E' foe arrb'.lE sqffoFf 14 eta, ForJF- L .. 6 z4* eb, H-L 9:', I 9eE n-Ar..l ,pp I'r\p .JZF + FFrrll ----------------: I Allrrilc wAr o r-aI lrAY r)Avls & ASSocoES I| ('( )tJsr rt. l lN(i s I Rr rcl't rRAl. liN(itNHiRs II l72Z l.lth srr.cr suir,j 250 I AVERHANq A\P c Tc4o$e (t\tat+ea q<xt7a zflo\eu?NF-eR FINBHEP?KfVE},-|AY 4URFME {f 4 Fr.lLL Hrtcat+rptx. al)-L- A aurL-<gthf-*vt> [\ofg1,ov+- "$td I i : , I I cale: /4. "f -61 o o o o RAY DAVIS & ASSOOTES ('r )Ns( rt, t]N(l s tl rc't'(TRAL EN('INI..F.RS 1722 l.lrh Shoct Suilc 250 llouklcr. (hlrrrrrlo 80302-6146 (303)411-3974 ! I : a, sast*1rr{E 4' FGEa RFN. apap e,l.t Crl.lF+<dEP FtU- b(;'+46 &4' aal:{- 4f4 filLL t-lErc+lr#. aE)J- A' a\g-4goSt.sYt> i4 ftc,t pa1"pl- "ft|6 e4r ar1 \e Scale: 7at.l'-d, I RAY DAVIS & ASSOUTES coNsl ll,'llN(; s l lll K |( lRn l, I;,N(;lNlltiRs 1722 | 4rh Slrcct Sititc 250 lloultlcr. Colorado 80102-614f) (30-l )441.1974o o PRoJEcr Furr-3 FF3PE\jl JOBnO.Tzob SUBJECT F{IPATION DATE FEF. NO.F|LE l{O. lll AE",HANq :l+'oVoca Oav. *6tl/ri lA''\h"wq OaVeT ENtrqpalt l "f @LUF4(NftNfArt{ENAi- c-)+to?tw Al'ti> fprj ?.E BtroFE €FmNeld\ ctlL) aAP 4{oilp - Ut^?8'oHUF|ERfaR r:o*elE tbu r-'cl, Cb\'-+7rfi'T,*F soflts) o" xd xd' Mrr:ounYbtK Wry*F-eA' cov, +4 Fr.l[ H<{?v., o3))-, 4t etAb'^Ilc"AhlzgToNte Fir..Igr\eEE flj${' rbF F.l-6/ lR.Ef,:!1f! P1-.\;.1 fi2F Fir..t,GrFADF9 irl +4 fiA p2NEL *olL_fJ'64'.Aa, 4EE 1.i^$ EzF ?aV 1178 *FFIN GTU F|tN et TIITRY o RAY I)AVIS & ASSO(:IA c()Nst|L ITNO S llrctl rRAt. DN(ilNl'lrRs 1722 l4th Srrcct Suirc 2i0 Bouldcr, Colorado 80302-61,16 (10.1).t41-1974 lb" tt (ii5 IPE STEYP€? Prq pROJEGT n uvuZ( Fr-z'tL'*a -..ron rfo. 1509 ful)N?\r10N nEF. NO. Fll,E 1lO. ?"ftY'"^*ffiW tatd a*t.co*a, et\ Scale: 'l RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA c()Nsl rl.'l lN(; sl RUC1 t tRAt, ENOINDIRS 1722 l.lth Strcct Su;t.2J0 Borrklcr, C'<rf orodo 8OJO2-63 46 (!Oj )44 J _ t 1 4 JoB NO. fEeb SUsJECT ZUil T4 a? FN;3flEp> 4,lbflE Ur.uu pEyar{> zt'6t4p &Tauc 44 u*t- e*la. euL.F.ttzP_ FTts€R REINf,aoHo. Jfe-ft E bi)e, c>N cott&lE) @tL RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIM'ES c()N.st'1,'l lNG s't RUCl1 ttrAt, EN(itNtittns | 722 | ldr Slreel Suite 150 Ilouklcr, Cokxrdo 80302-6146 (l0l)l4J -t974 t]=r||=F\. +f 4 IJc'bL W< evA. EtlY-P_ PROJECT KULLr'-R R6I?VN4 SUBJECT z4?t.la --',-i l'All?. Joa No.q90b OATE Z|]A;+UV *faUa FIDER fig1Xp CONa. . +Il-'?tz a Ffer.ANLol4tMtw *tv 4-*9'.-= ! I Im I l?ll l.lrh Srre(r Suirc 25tl I t!olE9_I_ts!!=LEE_EEq-.e__ roano.aEob _. suBJEcr Er-lr'lpaqpU DATE tl FILE }IO +-alEF-fANq aAf A'alNesfulc ofoAe \ENEER 4 FiFffi REN.6t^F4l crylFl<-TEP FltL +€ffir"=lf 4 R|LL t-krq+{r 4t oYl. t+e+pN FNff *e-oue F.\ 4.,FJ-.L- A a,vll-<Fo']l..*pw f 4 frca PaIFU "Al6 24' az. -lJl GnU RETAIilINE-!f,AII at EXTERIOR SLAB Scafe: 7i.t'-(), RAY DAVIS & ASSOC'ES CONStlti IIN(l S l'ltl lcllJR/\1, DN(;tNlrERS 1722 l4th Srrcet Suite 250 llouklcr, Colorado 80.102.6346 (.101)441-3974o o PROJECT JOB lto. SUBJECT DATE FILE 1" aeeF ?ANfoF-ceD S|.lb f1 coNt' lllEll Htc s B Cale: YTrtt = 1t- 6tr @ o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA coNsut.l'INc s't'Rl rc'l URAt- ENCTNEERS 1722 l4th Srr€ct Suitc 250 Doul&r, Colorado 80302-6346 (3011143-397 4 PBO.'EGT KU SUBJECT C/\TOH AASIIJ t' fJ @BASnI ITAY DAVIS & ASSOCI coNstrl- nNo s't Rt,cluRAt, ENotNtIERS 1722 ltth Slrcet Sttitc 2i(l llouldcr, Colorado 80t02-6146 ( j03)44 j-j974 PBOJEC T K,ll.';L?R RF,r+tA A.t ca JOA tfo. qEOT SUBJECT rcUNOAfION DA?E REF. ilO.F|LE r{O. -RAY DAVIS & ASSOC'I'ES coNSUU N(i Sl R(rc'fltnn t., EN(;tNF,t.:RS l?22 | 4lh Slrcct Snilc250 llouldct, Cokrrrrtr 80102-6346 (10.-i)441-3974o o cr l<UVt'9R KbtP JOB a+02 SUBJECT EEAM fa etAfi DATE FILE rcl' Q vocn ?,r-b Pr(A @P4 x4lu.v. ,2qn tsagr +rL. A . j --(d\Z" + nd' l-+\rr Erun5'(or'I wrrm o RAY DAVIS & ASSO{TI'ES ( r )NsUt,'[N(i s lt rc tr rR t, ItN(ilNfinRs | 722 l4th Street Suitc250 oukL'r, Colr'rndo 8O102-6346 (30fl441-197 4 ?!qJEg! FuLF-F FaerpeG - Jq1!qlfl!-- SUBJECT F:lEl}l To EtrAn OATE REF FILE IIO PROJECT KUVL.€R K%I"V JoB tfo.45ob SUEJECT Lo Cq crl/qlJ'. S . DATE RCF FILEo o o (t) )lq' E(,,, LAq, GFor4 Bofitr|,I) {z) '/4 " + x (ar' g-gg, 5 d q^F, t/4, ?pNi 9{V. ff- ^VAS.ANW<voqATA d 4Z? tzlof qx,) *qa trl .? qft T I a \-_ \ /E/3tiu iirr ]-t \u' \ =1>41+/et/ti4 EJn TO BEAil oltlrEcTtol{ ll RAY DAV|S & ASSOdJES ('oNs(,l. llN(i s'l'rt uc ltrRAl, F,NctNtitiRs 1722 l4(h S(rea Srrirc 250 Boulda, Colorrdo 80.102-6346 (l0l)44:l-1974o o PROJECT KU.,IEK"%Jo8 ilo.q.503 .s$-i" F*li igits s s( 64jr :.1$r Io slt aI N :t.\ $ Hf *N sz $ rL s tllg fi J t_ \|r -N ;(\l ei u qP ;$ri '"$ ${ ge $lf+ R Fl-s $li t }II / lzG./ | )zl&e r$$b sF;$ :t-st+u ftfz .r€ 3$ trl z$l $+' s $ts s alar td--t-ot @ o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCES c()Nst lt,l lN(; st l{t,c lI tRAr. tiN(it=N t;,1; tre | 722 l4llr Slrcct Suite 250 Jlottldcr, Col<'rn<lo 8OJO2-6346 (JOi)4 41 -397 4o o SUBJECT #uL 2u-g \^IEF g-r>g l,0F,t-D Falnr P.ur pgaq €lI1F5o{ ?l.lLr- ?to€lHBaN 6Hfi.o "l?gttto tl.b ARoUNP - FAce eF q,r, eM, ?,,<t/s 4-{t-l -------------r ^/ .Qtcsoftal @ .6rf-1.. Y)r,crrJNtEPgNK D.atr> wtt'V< il it I +A -7R \_z ___________.--) --..\ ,/ 'l I qlx\ *!fi xa'lia. <"[;{e-?F UJE e\-Au& T'{Fu-Ec2f, FilLL F1EFIE O>14:'r rr{FJ Fa IFIID 4'L, liritliiJl lrai +Yd'x e)' d]-. alQi f=f-au o RAY DAVIS & ASSOI'|ES c{)Nsr rt.'l tNo s I R( 'c t t rR.\1. tiFGfttiriRs 1722 | 4lh Sl.eel Srrilc 250 lloulder. Cololndo 8030?.614(r (103)44.t"1974 RAY DAVrS & ASSill'ES c()Nstrl.'l rN(; s]'Rt.rc tlrR t_ lj.NtlllNrirills 1722 | 4lh Street Srite 250 llorrldcr, c^olrrrndo 803026146 (303)44.t-1974 o o o ?fl? Vlti&/- A/EF.HA\\h6qfeev eu v; 11,>2x(t Frlt€,t4@\'//qPJll.S a&*zt 2x (o r:l@i4- b?1*l.^.rAt-t- , Vd *16*(Htfl{t 1'- ct' -9fAf{9ve+19tF- (z)Zt@ & b4'O<tae*rO6.e td ANll bLK4r l^JlO x bQ 0F aIv, E,Y. @r\z/, l--JArv 7E F tt ./61 >/4', r1/d "lr:rl-.Ve?' TJI'g o t(?'o,u l^ilox?,tt (6gnOHA) FUPRINdt IN5TALL DIN]THENEFutn t4f, AEV. FlN.6AP,'v tFI, bevwIaP dF ANC. I^IALV. **13*yJ,'",**::3ilT: l?22 l4th Slrcet Suilc 250 Iloulder, Colorndo 80302-6t46 (103X43-3974 o o It?at f.rt'.s @ l(2,' a,o,.,,?7+" FaLT e4.s/DE taeB. TrE l-<le i SAF Pu.e,.r.t +ffirea- bVq'l .#rr1 qAa< hl€L? (o wril beAV> ?xb fu .st1af N\A/+-PzTO l-4lO x %o AltQ*fu L'?,P *|'/i' , U'. A'?uA- Pfr'- v4f)P'Ta ffi. I tpw. >'O grr. ?t?p et-(t\ar\ Ar.t-J.) €lOi f'-1'-Vt, o mI'?*,YJ:.ft *:^lgt,I: 1722 l4th Strect Snite 2i0 Bouldcr, Cof orndo 8O3074j46 (l1]'y43 -]g1. 4 FLNR Y<AtAtNq Jos rfo. a3> o fu+ $Hr =N ..f\U NxN tfl Itr =-x N niu $s -$ H{i *EqE ho1 il E 2 ilE c + df 1- -9 FpIt + t$t-\ Gl N 5.\ N-3 zlre5l)7t, '?T {v, Ut til/. 46L dIxlllE ht E ?L tri(r -\Xst i[fiu' Ar- sHvzilJ t_'.fr $$i$$E NS? $ $- ={ Yoh €$d )L 9. $ $ N D ale: 7*u--y-6, RnY DAVts & ASSoa'tt,s c( )Nst rt.I tN(i s IItt rt l r rR,rt.litffirrt rrs 1722 l4th Strecr Sl'irc 2:0 llorrklcr. Cokrr;rdo 80102-6346 (J0.1).141-t974 o o o / RAY DAVIS & ASSO{TI'IiS c()Ns( rr. l'tN(' S t R( r(:.l.Uttnl, DN(ilNIittRs 1722 l4th Strcct St|ite 250 Brrtrklcr. Cok'ratlo 80102-5146 (l0l)44t-39?4 ?EoJEcTKL,fL,f.-.*- --.l|t^-.^- Jolr|o.quab suBJEGrr€-1._ fF\urtc,l DATE REF. ?{O.FILE NO.o o o utb w4r{"&+ L4x1 ,Yj'*oLd 9,. 6t* il Ot.t-t >ivt, @)V4 A aAe!-&.-t1g (2)44'd <d?x? AFtaHaes +F"4'rysr_ UEgE >e. bl/d' x tl' (a,v, Zx@ A.A.t--l,fu.x)'-A't L^J/(>\t/Z>@ xlo'l /\t\(hae- wvTsc>tfr -gFlar^lFr) Aj\J,, l^JAf-UwF; t1/31?'e' zxl? *4< -.J.€rfs,cblYarlo) I I suBJEcr (W)K/K@? RAY DnVrS & ASSOa'r'riS c()Nst l, ftN(i s'l Rt tc'tl rnAt. F.N#t.;rins 1722 l4th Slrect Stile 250 Ikntldct, C'olotr<lo 80102-(r346 (303)443-3974 ]F\ $$ilr$ J {i$idi,s's _$. =I.:ilt ilr--t ;0I ,l o strI N xN $l ;$tv r\- i,l r,oorour EAGKSP t ir BIDROOT' I tO calet4/= 1'4' o o o RAY Dnvrs o nrro,O"., coNst rt. Nc s'ntUc'tllRAL t:N(;lNt)tRs | 722 l4th Strcct Suite 2_{0 llotrf tftr, Colorndo 8OJO} -(,3 46 (103r44j -397 1 RAYpAvrs & ^ssoolEsc\)Nst tt.l lNo s l( rc t I rRAt. liN(;lNtinRs 1722 l4rh S{recl S ite 250 llouldcr, Colorndo 80302{346 (l0l)44.1-39?4 o o O>l7/i,1Yt" v1,L'FwaE (r\ ?xa oov AA GV}AN EFA}'I LY.U 2AF-<J|13EtiDUr2 FFr4 tJr,l-\- b/l evtv<ooe qVe) <-tr's L tcc' Ao. 9rllP5?rr tef 1-EA...lot.rf G>l?6t x lA, H,L,- |3ar|Df 1 RIs{ Te J?tsE i-r-\ 1v I tl ltZ1*rl l-l tli_ l_ -e Cb) t>4 * ttWlnv. eH, guo et--. t*t -4eeJktcalar-Je ! ( a) H4 * qtr) lY|.\-, *1' Yl ere"tT qrv E 1o" Utra,i lg IAJ- 16)U(, ltlltr (Fv, trNwx tg'f'rL,Fr'l. -- l'- o' o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCIA CoNSt,l,llN( | S l Rl lC'l (lllr\1. tlNGlNllnRs l72l l4rh thccl Suitc 250 Dtxrldcr, Colorrrlo 80302-61{6 (J0.1)443-397{ !:' .' l t' I It' I 1l t. I i?i I I t; jir I ' t,!,I RS It t.L. PU-Rttll = ilr.-frrl '@ RAY DAVIS & ASSOCI'ES c()Nsl rt.' N(i sl'tttic.tltRAL liN(itNtiERs 1722 l.lth Slrcct Snitc 2i0 lloutlcr, Color ndo ll0l()2-6346 (303)443-1974 EF. NO. FILE NOo o @.9 0,o. i 0\l7qn^11# r1v, i' :! I:l i Ili ).l,!t; Ilrt Ll It,tr 'I I I :i rl I I,: I ri, i' 1l :il i '; i'ii'I a I I I I I ! I I i ! i!.. j MI alo,. lW=t -g)'i o o o o RAY DAVIS & ASI (\ )NSt ll. l lN(i S l lll r(t'l t rttr\l , FIN(itNl|lRS 1722 l4lh Srrccl Srile 250 llottLlcr, (\'lurarlo tl0l02-6346 (301)4.1 l-i974 Scale: lD" t'-e, la4,-4 Ftr, 11, F2RfFltl lN@N4,' l.lAJl- -4 ?34'#- ' Ffr4, FtyaFll>a|+li .r 'l - (.--_ _ -/ FLOOR FRAN|I|C at GRAWT SPACE '.l'.i .( t ilVf,TJr't, Lz) z^1v tfD=4ER. I'tl(z)76 t xD''Ej'€ al-.l4{DFe Garagemjl ?rtr.6'o G Vj ho's o t?'a.?. 7*1'+ 6 lb'oz, E.V).A Crawl,Space suBJEcr ft-fi- a?AY RAY DAVTS & ASSOCTES c0Nstll.TrNo s'fltt rc t ttR Al,liNclNt;FRe 1722 |4th Stree( Suirc 2J0 llorrft lcr, Colorndo 80102-6:146 (.t0 j)44i-19 74 RAy DAVTS & ASSOII.ES c()Ns(rt.TlN(i sl Rt_rcl.l JRAr. EN('t!mtERS ' 1722 l4th Slrcet SuitcZ50 ll'rrtlcr. Colornrh 8(,1(,2.6146 (l0l)441-3974 RAY DAVIS & coNsl[,TlN(t s.t Rtrc.ntRAt. ttNOtN rrr.Rs 1722 l4th Strect S ite 2i0 llrruklcr. Colorado 80102,6346 (103)44.1_3924 RAY DAVIS & ASSOC}S coNst rt,11N(i s'IRUC',l l rR Al. liN(il N ur,Rs' 1722 l4tlr Slrcct Suite 250 , lltxrlder, Colt'r!(lu 8{1302-6.146 (l{)J){41-.19?.1 ' o O PRoJEGT TuLLEtr FE*iPl.E JOB}IO.1Ery SUBJECT FooF Fl+ttltJfit DATE REF. NO.FILE TO. G)Ztlo .IIVADVR ' -,'. ,, | . , | -. 6a)slrrPsod A-13 cLi?s' i=&r{ sipe oF st>Gz . '',:" (+ r'-tpr-)... .j., h) tt,4 IlrE ilArLs A, Z*lo 1o EJ.Pa6 ,ii il 'l EY Scafe: 1t77" t 1t-6n GRIGKET o 'aRAY DAVIS & ^SSOOI'ESCONSI rl,'l'lNC Slllt,C l tJR l, l,N(ilNlttlRs 1722 l4th Street Suile 250 Roulder. Colondo 803024I46 (301)44.1.3974o o suEJEcr KooT "lF.AtAtN dr)o roo *. 6)2*ut'!aV? *uFJeI-* a EXfEilr2 @ca Toa$frJw- frt+ dF r,JAl.{- o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCFTI'ES JONSt.'Ll lNc S11 rc't trRAl, ENOTNEERS 1722 l4rh Sh, ,r, . 2J0 ,ortlder, Colorldo 80102-6346 (103)44-1-3974 -l $ A $ $* r$ c '$ $ $ N ( I*l' $s$$ $l[r *$\ t trn f r 3$ i$ t t\ $ t { LIr E D Loo 04 k bl7f = l'-O' o o o ( ( )NSr 'l.l lN(i s t Rr r( l|B At. nN(;lNlillRS | ?21 | ilth Slr.et Suitc 250 llrrlrldcr. Colorndo 8(l.rO2-6]t46 (1t0.1 )441-1974 RAY DAVIS & ASSOCI rg-t E rid gfffF \{]$q d- r$ $i' fr$rii \$*d qIOil--+Ll is o o o I(AY DAVIS & ASSOCIA'I'ES (trNst[,'t tN(i s l t lc:.rt,RAt, ITNOTNEURS l?12 llttr Strcct St|itc 2i0 lkxrldcr, (irlorarlo 8{tlOl 6346 (.lOJ).14 J-3974 5F F TL^NsfoP covslt?5 -ILJvr4!+ ntfl)-wfie .Lta'4Vtkslero ^'nl ,,o,-.f*)- | +IEFE q, *€21t1,'/ -LI- (r) -l- Y 9!!s.rE9f- za.U{1=aVrl< Lt= -lzLlP_t1U-1" ffF.@"911-1''7,- c/i'i']fllnwlft 5Ee ?l,,.t.l (olt NTILEV OT ED t l vlEt^l Scale:ll/l';11-ot'1 BTtkggfflut Bn. w,/ -RAY DAVIS & ASSOOXES CONSULTIN(; S1'RLrcTUR^L ENGINEERS 1722 l4th Srrc.t Suitc 25O Botrldcr, Colotrdo R0301-6346 (303)443-3974o o N4 s lTt{ iv $ \Io s $ CelQi 7/4'-- l'.-O' o RAY DAVTS & ASSOCI*IS coNst,t,'l tNo sl Rijc'tlrRAl. ENCtNltrtRs 1722 l4rh Strcct Suitc 250 Ilouldcr, Col<rudo 80102.6J45 (301)441-3974 +leF oe1"12 F,eP e- 1e MAfcH -)?ffLH <tA,?.bc) crL\? e-/ix4x1" v.tl (z-)"D' + x+' ''r-et+ ?LtA- PeNe Wet-DlDr-. Tt? c^P E- ts sxzxfll) 'cc2l)T. f,r ztP- FDD? l NFrcH Tq"8.91LL e\Y; +\F v+ervlr2 H€x>ee-FUW @NF I47|-{/cot-. 1e ?xt? E-L4x4x Ye! r d-s"Fuu- wlJeweLP 10 12 b^,t6 tu|fxJ*-r'lAl 121 y" Q *4' v-e1? EEA9ER to TS GOII}IE Ttolr o RAY DAVIS & ASSOCI-S c( )Nsl I tlNO Sl Rt'C1rJRAt, t,N(;t*1sl72l l4th St.{ct Suite 2J0 Br-rrr|rler, Colorodo 80]02.61{6 (303){ ll-1971 o a RAY DAVIS & ASSOC'ES coNs(rr. |]Nc st Rlrc ItIRAL DNcrNtttilrs | 722 | 4th Strcct Suitc 250 Bouldcr, Colorndo t0.102.63.t6 (t01X4.t.f 974 cr KULLER Wiq?a JoB ilo. ?3ob 8UBJECT lRUb, DATE FILEo o o I ;i i .l I ptli'qwnrvlo Ql ,-- qU*fVRooFe E il)Aril \LI I EU'oe. tt)'+ voa woK6v(1 f1oml1uz+te)lN'fal aAtutE N toaKour5 oNt-Y t.fl )$oftl16\wtbNtN1t Flf 6NUq tr:tRUqz 1R)*t'ct p Flf 6NU4 Id tRvqz 1v? (,Ho?O t wl< 0r4rt E)tfEFlP TIU<U 1R0r't' C&F i C/A1 -rtloxt- ttr5It-r{lMO A\. RAY DAVIS & ASSOCI coNst ll.'IlNCl $ l-ltuc'l (!RAl- EN(;lNEttRs 1722 l{th Streel Suirc 2t0 . llouldcr. Colorar.lo 80302.6346 (30JN{3-3974 RAY DAVIS & ASSOC coNsl Jl.l'tN(; s1 Rr.tcl1JRA1, ItNOINItDRS 1722 l4th Slreet Saite 250 llouldcr, Colorado 80102-6346 (303X43-1974o a o /q'e|-+tr 6rL t.l:{ ?u +t6t+{ (ffi;+^o' t^qtfie ln , 12'1fu^4pYlv.s- ;1_rnqa-- ole:1/1'=1-s" RAY DAVIS & AS coNsl rl.l lNc sI R( rc rt rRAl, IiNctNl:r.RS | 722 | 4th Srrecl S itc 2J0 Bouldcr. Cokrrado 80302-6146 (301)441-3974 InJ|q flxE R9|fihlq !+*el^JrJ r2)(-||eP._J I T?r{ 5P9 1 Loq,.Fnl,t oF tt,L,qlJv @.Tetr* Tc.? <+loFPl' (r)174'/ c5) |v4 l{r.'Jl Lcql caleit/d"l-a, /! ii ; I {\ t.llt (q\ zxG.q\V CJol gTerr]E \EJEFF. cA? fr- YA"r"^9' rV1.4).Z'ix4" 1*.*>rftt '[3 o'>^n' ttFlt I;q bH To O4 o(T.a60v LIa, €TFAr6 T9-"F,s. *1 l+"'z" vltcr- --T1- <sF/b li,e' ate.w+rL e- l,.lpr-.r> II FtFE€a^ 9fl.+trr..lo|'r /FrNr*l€Pr rt-t I I I I I J /ltQ*fr ) Na.Pro Fe<'gDf f9. - RAY DAVIS & ASSOCY'II.ES coNsul.'t-lNc sl RUcltrRAt. ltN(ilNtiDns 1722 l4rh Strcct Soitc 250 tlouldcr, Colordo 80!02-6346 (303X41-1974 (Rw,t'C tu? Lt4rFf' f.o.b |d-zV+ o> illxql) u.v, -C9. a.9*)/a' Dm ----:- AUn @?Ace oe19 r,ov PROJEGT t<tAW'3*L- nt^)O* JOB tro.ctbd> SUBJSCT DATE FEF. lrlo.FILE I{O. lllllllllllllllltl lrl rll tll tll r[l r+ rl l1 t/ rl .lll,tl; lr I I I -l I J_lJ I f- I wlox/-,o ,W,%!tir'* tolr ale'.lb= tt-o, fALe 0F +1o\evzNEE-R ii^z" wt?e erv,g(e'e,Aore io -1.+.E 1 I' I rfixC uRve? ,f.. e /4x4xY) gvwsP r Htox+1 ll, l--t l'll I l+*VA4oNRf Fr<p-?t,ri&e'; l' , eri6Hu"ai=iriF'-'-- i t ' =t:ARct{ il' \_,, I fre oF breNE vF.lEr-F \r llI lllrrhl: llr!:11, O G.R. F.P. STOI|E SU ^ller.z?- Fn^[.] '*tgc+rftr+En4 F|lAl€f'{_Ls_pTb tg.1E EA, +DE REF.T 13 T qr6/ras/ 1999 Activity: E97*OO4E 6/ 3/ 19 Type:l B-ELEC Fddress: 1469 ASFEN 6ROVE LN Locationr 1469 ASF,EN GRBVE LANE Farce I I 3lrZr3-O14-15-gr07 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEtl SFRApplicantr RVALANtrHE ELECTRItr CORII Ownerr KULLER JUDITH A Comment s r wi 1l be Inspected.,. rol^,N oF uA*il, OBrOB REBUESTS - INSFEtrTN WURK ., ri 'F,ffiE .13 =111333-=r=-==l!53:=:9."i'FINAL Constr: fVSfn I : h^c'r.-a^^{.?->.-^b t( /\VUse: l^.o\ ? G\kz t;NLORADO SHEETS FOR: 61 Statr-rs: Occ: inspection Reque4 ; $equestor: ri ck; ,;Req Time: O6:OO ItSmE requested to 0O190 ELEE*Final F,hone: 3@3466S349 Fhone: Fhone: 468-1367 Act i on I AF.F'R AF.F.ROVED ACt i ON: AF'trR COMF.LETE MAKE-Utr I iF.Time E*p cal l pl ease Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . I,ten r OOl lO ELEC*Temp. Fowen i aatO6./97 Inspeetor: EE ftem: o,Al?Q ELEC-Rough 06/A?/94 Inspectori LF|UItem: et'l130 ELEC-Conduit'-'I t ", r rlo 14Er ELEC-Mi sc. Ite4m: ftOlpO ELEC-Final A3ft6/99 InspFeton: EG A3/3@/99 Inspectorr EG Act ion: DN ffct i an: AF'F R needgfi inkitchen RtrF.RgUED .l{ .l * Act i on Eomments __l Dear Dominic, Tbark you for yolrl assisrmce itr ouUining the issucs regarding the Kuller residencc in order for the c€rttfrcate of occ-upancy to h issued o ft shmp from cngiacer for approval dboulder retaining in the rear. L€tter is to be supplicd to thc Town- O Excessive lighting (f fixture allowed por 1000 s.f.) Series offlood lights - rcmov3 entirelv. Sat€tlite dish - placo on builditrg with scr€fling/painting Aquire approval from the Town for mlor and plaamerrt prior to moving. Boiler needs scr€eoiry to e€st Work needs to be completed on or before lvfay 30. Developer improvemcnt agreement expires or Town will cash it if.May 306 deadline is not met. Speak il Grcg Hall, hblic Worts DeAl, regarding issues at road right of way. lMur,ell<;To: Dominic l{e*i€la- Town of Vail Plandng Dept. From : Karhy AaIo Iand Designs by Ellison RE: Kuller Rcsidonce ;97O 949 32tltl L*l ?,|,' @ L'ci' t:'+e Posl-if Fax Not€ 7671 o"* o'tt nt lols" Iro \..:;rl- fl.^--Fldn L+{-- A^ lL co"oepr. -I . o,v. ?h^.,..,*co La*J'Drsi-,,-<Pl'n?f 4u. L\4g phone r 1.ll , [..loo,Faxf 41c. y1sL Fax* 141 '1Lb6 , t ,-ri(A't* ct y'Vttr''1 t,l I L'\r'1 ;f Va' | ' (9701 949-17oo . FA)( [97O] 94$3284 o ct o 'tr tr 0 Sinccrelv. 6d{41 kathy Aalio If \ir list is not complete or if you see any discrcpancies betwcen the lisr ard yorn futcnt" pteasc record any changes on this form and fax back. If dris lis is complcE, pleasc sign at tlrc bottom and fax back Orr fax number is 949- 3288. Please do not hesibte to call if you luve ary qucstrone or comments. And apin, thalk you for your help in nraking srre all issues are rcsolved Cc: Rick Emering Infinite Scope P.O. BOX 1259 . O*t, *lgBADO 81520 . F )iQ tJ" ( LAND DESIGNS .ev ELIISON SENT BY:XEROX 3006; Re(€lpt lundt ls: N:UNI. t: $wr.\0tlc\tofina\dcvirnlxrg.llr 6-99 12:O2PMi 8459742 =>o 651 22S0S66;#2/6 A4drc.c Ddc of ExoitelF{! Tlll€ AGREEMEHT, medc 6nd entcred lnto thr! . S_t"tt- Oay s1 April . 19-99 , !y^99 qTons . l|AR0L?- .L JlJpy KULLER (herehafrer cariec rne -oevetopc'.), anoineTO.WN OF VAIL (hereinafier cateO ttre .fo,mq anO -_ArL,nruCf f_HN( .. - ..{hereinattercalled he'Bank")_ WHEReA€, ihe Duirutt Ftrf. db a oundhton trt dpFlrrva{ Er rhu -KuLler__Eeri_dencc____Temporary cerllflcala of Occuparrcy wishes to enler tnio a Develope-r tnrpTvenrent Agneemeni. and WHEREAS, lhe Developer ls obllgated to provifls seourity or collaterat sulfictent in tho ludgfflurtr rtf tkq Trtrrn lrt malut rr,4D|'''dkfu ptu.rlblHHb frtf btrl??lrr{in,,r itf rtdrral}i |rtP}.t rEr6trxrb r,nt forth bclow; and YWEREAS, lhe Developer yrishes to provide collarcral to guararrree perfornnnce ol this Aorgotn€nl, inclutlirg conslruclion of the above-referenced improvgments by moand ol thetullttFl|.g. Devoloper agr€Els te establish a letter ol credit with a Bank in Eaole Couoil ln a dollar amount of $ zp.. tJrJQ_:.!.t0 __..(125% ot the total cost of the work 5howryr below) to provide -securlty for the tollovving: IMPROVEMENT - atI to receive irliqatjon25 aspen, Zt' - z i/2" ca1rper, 7 U tr B slrr-ubs, 4' - 5'I B & B tree, 7' - [J, 146 snrubs, 5 qal lon 320 sq. ft. bluegrass sod 640 sq. Ft. porennials - 7bT" area, r gal.. spaceo 16,, o.r_. Now. rHEBEFoRE, in consderarion jftf,"15rt3*"d%Jr]r,Lf tJ88{rl,t dlri 86,!e,nenrs. thc Dcwolopor e6d th6 Tdwn cgToo Oar tollowC; 1 . The Developer aorens, ^t the sole cosf and exp€nses. to furnish ail equipmenl and rnateflal necessary lo perform and complete all improvements, on or before r .lrrrro r 9!rg ,*. fhe De,veloper shall conpleJe, in a good lvofkmenlikp mailner, all irrp.ove.rrnrtts .e lbt.d abave, in lccordancc wllh :ll plans and cpaciticatians titod ln iho offico ot the Comrrunily Dovclopment ctcpanmcfii, the Town of Vail, and lo do all work incldental thereto according to and in conpliance wirh the following: Prgr J ofJ Q"t*-& 5V\qs SENT BY: XEROX 3006; f \ev*y:neVbrmsUevimpa g.lf 6-99 12:02P1': 8459742 => ruszd5 o 651 2290966;#3/6 a. Such other desigrrs, drawings, maps, spocilications, skolchss, and other ma(orsubmned by nre Dcveroper to DG approveo Dy any or rng aDove-rererencoo governrn€nhl enttlies. All $aiJ work shall be <bne uncr€r the inspection ol, and tothe s.ris,fsalion of, lhe Town Engineer, th€ Tosrn Euilding Official. or other official from tho Torn of Vail. as Etfecrcd by special ctBtrlcts or service dislrjcns. is thelrtEspocllve.htefest may app€ar, and shall not be doerned comptete unut approved and accepted as cofipl0l6d by the Town ot vaff tro,nmunlry oevetotxncnl D€penment and PuDllc wor{<s Department. 2. To Eecure and guaranlee parlornunco of ils obl'rgalions as sel forth horoin, the Devolopor agrees to provide sccurity and collaterat ae follows: lnevopAble leter of cr r,rffiemounr ot$-1@--wmrftl,UlrJ(a-5*#- --..--(ffi)aathe securily for lhe lrq)rovem€nts set forth above It lhere ls a dofault urrier the Agreement by Dev 6lop6r. 3 The Developer rny at any lim€ subslltut€ the oollateral originally set lorth gbove for 2nolhor form of collatcral ecc.cpteble to thd T6wn to guarantree the taithful conlplelion ol those improvements refened to hersin and lhe pertormance of fhe terTns of lhi3 Agr66ment. Such aCceptSnco by the Town ot al(emsliv6 collateral shaH b€ al the Tonn's solo discrarion. 4, The Town shall not, nor shall any otficer or €mployee lhereol, bs liable or rF|.FoniitslA fot tny acpidcnt. losc or danregn happening or orcurrlng to fhe work spccifled in this Agreement prlof to the cosrpletlon ard afceptarEs of the qame, nor shall the lown, nor any offfc€r.or amplayets th€reof, be liable for any p€r5ons or propeny Iniursd by reason ol the nature ot salo rYorh, Dut all ol sal(l liabflities shall ano are nereDy assumed Dy tne l,e!etop{}r. The oevclaFAr hdnrby aEr6oe to inderflnlty end hold harrnles* thn Town, 8nd eny of jtn oftrcers. agents and employees against any losses, clains, darnages, or tlabllltles to whlch rhe Torvn or gny of lls ofticers, agents or empfoyees may become subjsct to, insofar as atry such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or acfions irr respecl tlrereol) that irlse out ot or are Oased upon any performance by the DevelOpel hereunder; and the Developer shall relmburse the Town lor rrry :nd all leg:l 61 6tho/ arpcnsac roaronebly Incurred hy the Town in conncction wilh invsgtigBting or delendirtg any srrch loss, claim, damage, llabllig or ac{lon. Thls lodemnity ProvEion shall be in addition to any oth6r llatility which ttre Develot)er may have, 5, lt iS mfiually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the lown Shall euthorizo for Partlel rcleace ol the c4llator:l @pocitod with the Town fot cach eltngory ol improvement al such tinu as srx.:lt irnprovefilents are constructed In compllance wilh all plans end specitlcalions as refereflced nereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condltioil wlll the amount of tho collaleral lhat is ooing neto 0e fe(ruced below the amount necessary to conrplete suc*t improvements. 6. It lhe Town detefmlnes. at ils sole discretion, that any of the irnprovernents conlenplated hereuncler ars not codsfnnted in conpllanco wilh the plans and specilications set ionh in thi6 A€re€mem on or b€tore the date set lodir ln Puragraptt 2, me Town may, but snafl not be required to, rede€m the lener ef Crscllt tts necessary to complete ihe unfinished SENT BY: XEFOX 3006;- 6-9S 12:03PM; A459742 =>6512290366; lmprovements, The Bank Ehall rel€ase such furds upon written rsquest from thc Tcr'rrn statinq thal the lrnprovernonts have not been conptetsd as required by thls agreernent, The Bank shall not tequlre th8 concufence ot lne dovelgper pnor lo releuvc ol rhs {urds ro rhc Town no/ chqrt the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been conplotod asi rcgu irod by tnlc rgro4ryt rnt, Elt lhall release cuqh funds solely uport the folvn.s !t ritton request. ll frta cogtE of c{rnpleting me worr exceoq me amounl ol the oepostr, thc ExcGrE, together with interest at twolvs percent per annum. shall be a lien agalnst the property afld may bo colleotcd by olvll €uit or may bo cp.tifiod to the treraurrr of Fnole County ta be colleded tn the same menner as delinquent ad valorem taxeg ler/lsd agalnst such prwrty. lf fie permit ho&ler fails o/ refuses to complet€ th€ cleanup and tandscaping, ad defined ln thls chapter, euch failure or rofusdl shAll bE considered a viotation of the ZonhE Code. 7. Thq Oe\relop€r $rarfafrlF rll rwak rnd materbl tor e priod of one year afler acceplance ol all work referred 1o In thls Agreemenl by thE Town if such work is localed on Town of Vail prope(y or within I own ot Vail rEht-ot-way pultsuaflr lo S€ctlon 17,16.250. 8. The padies hcrelo rnutualfy agree that nis Agreernent may be amended trom time to tirne, proTidcd that ouch qrnendmenis bo in writino end ex€ooted by qll pcrtles herelo- Dated the day and year first above wfitten- o #4 l6 f:\ever.vtou\fornsldwimplg. llr frgc I oi 5 SENT 8Y:XEHOX 3006; STATE QF COLOI{ADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 4o 6-99 12:03PMi 8459742 =>65122S0S66;#516 Darepper ss. The fgr€going " oayor_Deveroper Inprovem"i,,1nf"*illT:11"--q. Y:'"" 1: W||oace rny hend ard offbiel coal. My commissbn expires:. . ,_. Nolary Publlc ?g*Au , Cornrnunity Oeveloprnent .STATE OF GOLOffADO COUNTYOF EAOLE ) ss. ) . _, . ,fh fofegoig0 Clgvolop€r lmplovemeril Agreern€nl uras- acKnowtedged before me il|ls I,/r.!.Htv s1 L'- f '- i r .1e '1.11 by ._.G_2.c,-;_t.-.- /,, . Wimees nry hend ud olliclal seal. Arn: E. wright, Notary pubtic - - i\1, C rrtr 'r:ssirn Erpires Gl-7'1999 My oommloelon explrec: 75 s.l Flontqg? R_o_d ,// .,-.(/*-* . u(4)24== --^..-'zl.ldary Publig] h*e 'l of 5f lcvcr),t)rcUorgrtusvitxpag,l|r SENT BY:XEROX 30O6; M ruvtsoF.9TATE OF€EL€iTAEO D* ror ACOUNry OFffG}KF o 6-S9 12:O3Ptt,tt 8459742 =>65122S0S66;#6/6 z-@* ss_ 4l4oE""?ffior11:Al":11,rydqu4'"il""Ti1tffP.r?."-H&"i:- Wftrrc3c rrry hend ond ('ffl(}l.rl eeel. My commissicn expires:_ , \arrf o.le\rqrrbirnpql.t tr '1 1-. EILEEN E P,IETRIJSZEWSKI NOTARY PUSIIC - MIIiNESOTA My Co. i. Epiaa Jm. 3 | . 20oOf ft*rfiltirfuryfifranllitryrr\ ^i rv a ALLIANCE BANK IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit No.: 60801 89500-80 ,ia,i* n'- ^c', ':-"a,, AilR i i 1ggg 4pli16,1999 $25,000.00 Date: Amount: Mr. George Ruther TownofVail 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Ruther: We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit ("Letter of Credit") in favor of Toram of Vail ("Beneficiary") in de aggregate amount of $25,000.00 (TWEN:IY FTVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) for the account of Harold and Judith Kuller. Available by your draft at sight whe,n accompanied by: A. Certificate signed by one uAo states therein that s/he is a duly authorized representative of Beneficiary, and that Harold and Judith Kuller are in default of its obligations to Beneficimy under the terms of the Developsl Improvement Agreement dated April 6, 1999. Drafu rmder this Letter of Credit must bear upon their face the clause:.DRAWN LTNDER ALLIANCE BANK LETTER OF CREDIT NO. #6080189500-80 DATED APRIL 6. 1999" The negotiating bark to endorse amormt of drawing(s) on the reverse hereof. We hereby agree with drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts negotiated under and in compliance with the terms of this Letier of Credit that the same will be duly honored upon presentation to Drawee if drawn and negotiated on or befbre June l, 1999. This Letter of Credit shall be govemed by, and conskued in accordance with, the terms of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 (or most current) Revision), Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500. Yours very fuly, ALLIANCEBANK By ane L. Turbes 120 TowN SeUARE n 444 CEDAR STREET s Sr. PAUL MN 55101 - (551!229-0070 A FAx( 651)229 -0966 cENERnr- TNFoRM^rloN I Y \' ' Zlz{'q7 OM*' ft,i*ppti.otinn is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw upproual. 'Any irrojcct rcquiring tlcsign rcvicrv mrtst rcccivc Dcsign Rcvierv approval prior to subrnitrirrg lor a buiitling pcrruit. For spccific infornration, scc thc submittal ,cquir",r1.ntifor thc particular approval that is rcquc.stcd. Thc application callnot bc acccptcd until all thc rcqtrircd inlornratiorr is subnrittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Cotlncil and./or tlrc Planrring and Environntcntal Conrntission. Design Rcviqv Boar{ approval cxpircs onc ycnr aflcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issuctl and construclion is startcd. Qucstions? c.llQ Planning Staff at 4?9-2 I 28 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE REQUEST: r I.OiNTION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 1 I]LOCK: 2- FIL Lto3- o/4. /f - oo>(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8(140 for parccl #) T}wN 0F vAILly No t.hit^ r,:,(e*.i,, , lt'1 12 ' o I' v P|{YSICAL ADDRIISS: 146^ Nt ?1"- (y ^tL l'4"*-'(; It. L. D, Ii PARCEL #: ZONINC: NN MD OF OWNt]R(S): MAILING ADDRESS: ti Ci owN lrR(S) Sl GNAl'UIrE(S) : NAME oF n PPI.IC^NT: tr/alL.r \,rJa\,t z-, L '? L'*l D".,.,''' b'a E-\\'r'"- roc. f. P.,v t? q<r ri.,ov. f D ' ?:l?lDMAILINCADDRESS: Y ",.9J]__)25' I I. TYPE OF RI]VIEW AND FIII]: E Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrctiou of a ttcw building. E Addition - (Minor Altcration - $50 lnclutlcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or cornrucrcill btrilding. $20 Includcs tninor changcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcnlctrts' srtch as'. rcrooling. painting, wittdorv additions' landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcrmit, plcase idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTownofVail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuatiorr. PLEASE STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIViITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SoUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' PI-IONII: bl1-' 112' 11:-1 Pl-fONE: 11o 141 ' \1oz> orrssri.rnF? Catfl'nnnhre St :lif ::r'i'i" 2 I 28 4 jy1,1 g n'f rtt?{ F$$ DtrsrcN BUVIliw ApPlt{ }1"1 t ';:,''',',,ll,l"lrtfltftl'fi*-,rcqtririrrg.Derig.rrllcvicwn;4rrou;,I. Anyprorcclrqlurtirr*'lciig'rrr''|tr.r\ t'r': I ,i','.'')|.-\lt1t|K.'*,*.".,p1,,,'-,.i1oi."r-.".i,*.r.-*u',."t,.,,lji.,ei'rrn,ir.i't'rspcc|fl].'n-f1)|.|rti|ti(||t.:'.:cr|r|'.,''!||!ll.!| rcri,,,i ,,,:n,\t,lrrtrqtrirrrrr:'l:rr;i;;.,i;,;;;;;,r,,rsrca. rr,Juinfir^r-rarrrrotbc ':q'cl)tcdrrorilaij tlr''t''(l ''rsn ,i,' - ,,,n,' ,s {ubnlittcd ''h";il;; ;J';'51' 'tu t1t" '15ffiI];ill.;l,.lilJ;,iH,il:".1-;Tl:::l'll' 1 ,. ., ,,,,r",rt,,1 (:otrrr iitiio't DCSit ff 0r'l('19 DotltT 'dttF'rrr i,u ,.,',,,, Pfrlfllt iJ ilf fd nd (ontlrurlll)'r il \t;rrl( tl' . I t ,r ul:sct(lrrroNoli-tltnRl;Ql.ilisT: tt.lfh-'1p{tff{ itr-'iqr?*.rt"*. *r !qPJ'o:';' . h":;';'i{{;iil'';;;; ro' "--,JJlj-- ar'1""".r L4.u.A. rrrr'! JLt-l-reAtl: "* *::*:"-,_*Til[, ,'ilitTl* *rrl*cnl: r.Llr. 1- -- nt-ocK;,L-'- t: tt'l ll itx nrl\'r.r \'r r t\r'r t' l l \':itc n t. Atyfxrl'.:!5:, l$.le.l . J!, pr.:.: --6p-x*h--l**' . ltAlt{lfit tt {('r'rtla{l I'irglc Ctr' A {ncssor't f)tlitio lrr }?t}"3?}t :l(' llt tiv patccl lr) t)1v:r rrtu ?it ( icr A',r ur\ *''( F\ r NaMli ()ri Al't'l.t(.,riN l': vo Fr Ail AN(l af!Err'lil}t:.-9--. r... r' t'\'Plj 0F ttlivll'W ANI) Ftil'' D NEtr f:rtnltr trtrlrrn - X200 {urstrrr(:tiolr of a now lrtr dirrl' ("1 A rlitifir -isO tn;lrrlr.ir ry Jr.l{litirrx rvhcrc squ;tr.: fbotnl',e is lrttlcd !t1 r11 ' ra;;ll rrlr:tl ttr , rrourrr':n.:i;rl hrrildi|1U (Mi,'n A,,,'rrio'- r20 ::';.::iil:';1il,1f."ff1.jjJljlil,tllTH;il,il*lll l;,,,11i,i,,","', ,rrrllt. r:lc llRtt lcc$ ilrr to hv ;rrid nt ihc trnlc (ll sribtrrrtt$!. lntrr. whr:tr pptyinl; tbrr l:nril{ia6lCnrr'r' pili* i rrlcntili lh( ;rcr'(ltilt r ..'tfrurio,, t r"r'#prnjt*r.""iri'" tili*' uiVnri t"in a{iti*f n'drcc nrctrliinF r€ rh< '""r!ii..( {ul*-ris}' . r.r' \{il: riggrtr(T Tur$ appr.tc^f toN.,*t.t. suBil-t1 1AL nt:QtJIREJffEN'rsa'tflt'11{E r Et: 'f o Tllf': nr:t.Anr't:Nr.r-li Crfliiiu.ii tv or;vtuOpn'rn''f, ?a sdUTH l'ROl't't'AGr' R()tr)' V,llL COLOT|DO tl6-r7' lCech lei n Consu fti nfEn ginerrs Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alimeda Flwy. Sulte 135. Lakewoo4 GO S022S M4rN OFFTCE AVON (393) 98e-1228 (970) e4e-000e lsoe; soe-oeo4 FM (970) s4s.9223 FAX Mnrch 6, I??? lon Gnncnn Jon Gunson Archirccc D.O. Dor Irr0O Breckenridge, CO 80424 SubJect: BouldorRotainingWallRecommendations Roposed Kul ler Rcsidonce Lot 7, $losft 2, filllg 4 .Llons Ridge Subdivisiorr Vall.'t';olnrirrn. . Jvb Nu. 96-SJ7 As.rcquested. wc prepar€d lhis lener to present our recommendariorrs for thc dcsign of dro Bouliler Walland-tre-BoIlder Rehining wall for rhe subject project Thc da.ril for drc Bouldcr ivall is prcsented in thea'ach€d FlB. l and rne ocqr[ tor tne Bouu;r It iaritng warl rs preentcd in rhc ,n"rt JFic" t. -" We appreciatc the opportunity to provide rhil rsrvice. Ifwe can bc of firrther service, plcasc contact us, Sinccrvln KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENCINEERS n* Jfu)Try -JcoB D, Iylrner, Engtneer sDwjt ' i .-cc: Tammie Willlamson, Town of Vail attacments SILVERTHORNE (e70) 468-6933 (9zo; eaE-srat t^x . O, MAX. HEIGHT oHtvEwAV O, TO ', BOULDERS XEY EOULDER INTO EXISTING 6RADE (12. MIN.} {TYP.) Flo. 3, i NOT tO gGALE NOTE: 1. TLOI'E OT EOULOER TAGE TO EE 0.6:l (ltonlzoNTAriVEFttGAL) ; I I It I JO8 NO. 90-357 BOULDER RETAINING WALL oRtvElvAY NOT TO SCALE I'MAX HEIGHT 3'TO 4'BOULDES9 (TYP.) rEY EOULDER INTO EXIETIHO 6|NADE (I'' MIH.) OF BOULDEF FACE TO BE l;i (HoBIZONTALIVERTICAL) I I NOTE: I, SLOPE I . :l'I JOB NO.96-Q57 BOULDER WALL FIG. T tbign Review Action FOh TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 1- t',i i -,1 Prolect Name: Kri tl_r--l-- lr' l-t; 5; r.; C.i-..- l-rl ,i,,r',, i'l' /,'ur.L Buildinq Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone:tL' L.i it..1 r' I i; ;'ArchitecVcontact,Addressand Phone: -,1 la l'. tt l\) 'i t,.! t | 'i' r rL :' /'/ / /'i ' .t i '-:-...-.. P.l' Lt- K'h.lL:- t .. '", r.- i :. ! ' tl:,-'1 Legal Description: Lot'l Block - gu66iv9isnL;tI'v,t,l'c,;- i',-'i/n/t ZoneDistrict Comments: Motion by: i-i-*lr: / ' )'i Board / Staff Action. r,--_.:-*_ _ ", . Vote: ''' 1 - t- Secondedby'..-i{iti, 'r ,: | -- ftl Aooroval/1 ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: lt'-j,lt,"' [r;'.' r- i:' ;. ;r',',,i,;:t'', f..t)rL'a-- '/.,' (ii<.;]zitt-/ri,i i"Ll t\J ' il-+L Ltiltii"' / ; ''l t, k' 7' i lJ( L Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid ==:r" I f , $o -t ^,."-l:,i#PJ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 5, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Communify Development Department 12:15 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Amctt Clark Brittain Brent Alm Ted Hingst John Schoficld (PEC) SITE vlslrs - l:15 I . Sandstonc - 1020 Vail Vicw Drivc 2. Rcd Lion - 304 Bridgc St. 3. Kullcr - 1469 Aspcn Grovc Lanc 4. dc Bruin - 5 I 97 Gorc Circlc 5, Lcach - 1390 Buffchr Crcck Road Drivcr: PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO 1. Innsbruck Mcadows - Altcrations to prcviously approvcd plans. GR Kinnickinnick Road/Lot 13, Intcrmountain Applicant: Bob Bornc, rcprcscnted by RKD MOTION: Ted Hinsst SECOND: John Schoficld VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 2. Sandstonc Creek Club - Addition to clubhousc pool arca. 1020 Vail Vicw Drive/Lots 84 & 85, Block B, Lions Ridge Filing #l Applicant Sandstone Creck Club, reprcscnted by Fritzlen, Piercc, Briner MOTION: Tcd Hinsst SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 4-0 TW CONSENT APPROVED 3. Rcd Lion - Conceptual review of exterior modifications to the commercial storefronts' TW 304 Bridge Street/Lots E, F, C, & H, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicanl Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Morter Architccts MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE : f*f'^.JJd::ii:t,ilji;5il:- 2, Lions Ridgc4th n',,'p Applicant: Harold Kullcr, rcprcscntcd by Jon Gunson Architccts MOTION: Brcnt Alm SECOND: John Schoficld VOTE: 4-0 T\\1 APPROVED WITH I CONDITION- l. Snow fcncc must bc providcd prior to construction along thc limits of disturbancc. 5. dc Bruin - Rcsidcntial addition. Dirk 5197 Gorc Circlc/Lot 9, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Applicant: Andre de Bruin, reprcscntcd by Don Gipc MOTION: Brcnt Alm SECOND: Tcd Hingst VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS- 1 Ovcrhead electrical scrviccs shall be placcd underground. 2. Outstanding issucs with Public Works shall bc rcsolvcd' 3, Install I x6 wood T&G on the garagc doors' 4. Thc sccondary drive to thc storagc garage shall bc grass crctc. 5. The proposed spruce trcc located offthe property shall bc placed on-sitc. 6. Lcach - Conccptual rcvicw of a single-family rcsidcncc TW 1390 Buffchr Crcck Road/Envclopc B, Parccl 4, Lions Ridgc Filing #2 Applicant: David & Jody Leach, rcprcscntcd by Bob Mach MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 7 . Pctcrs - Ncw rcsidcncc. 4193 Sprucc Way/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition Applicant: Stcvcn Pcters, rcprcscntcd by Stcvc Isom LW MOTION: WITHDRAWN SECOND:VOTE: 8. Information Updatc: StaffApprovals KVBA, TVS - Window sign in Sunbird Lodgc 675 Lionshead Placc/Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshcad 3rd Filing Applicant: Stewart Eves StaffDenials Lionshead Ski Storagc - Ski storage facility Lw 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block l, Lionshead I st Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oll'ice hours in the projcct planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Developmcnt Departmcnt, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign lunguugr interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 4'19-2I14voicc or 479-2356 TDD for in ficrmation . Dirk l8ecrrlei n Consu |ti Pg En g ineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Pkwy. suite 135. Lakewood, co 80228 AVON SILVERTHORNE (970)949-600g (970)468-6933 (970) 949-9223 FAX (970)468-6939 FAX 12364 W. Alameda MAIN OFFICE (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX March 6, 1997 Jon Gunson Jon Gunson Architects P.O. Box 1490 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Subject: BoulderRetainingWallRecommendations Proposed Kuller Residence Lot 7, Block 2, Filing 4 Lions Ridge Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. 96-357 As requested, we prepared this letter to present our recommendations for the design of the Boulder Wall and the Boulder Retaining Wall for the subject project. The detail for the Boulder Wall is presented in the attached Fig. I and the detail for the Boulder Retaining Wall is presented in the attached Fig. 2. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Reviewed r, 4l,lb-,,- 41, K*JJ.,^ William H. Koechlein, P.E., President SDw/jt cc: Tammie Williamson, Town of Vail attachments DRIVEWAY NOT TO SCALE 6, MAXHEIGHT 3, TO 4, BOULDERS (TYP.) KEY BOULDER INTO EXISTING GRAOE ( 12, MIN.) OF BOULDER FACE TO BE 1:1 (HORIzONTAL:VERTICAL) NOTE: 1. SLOPE JOB NO.96-357 BOULDER WALL FIG. 1 NOT TO SCALE <i. '!.., 8, MAX. HEIGHT 3. TO 4'BOULOERS (TYP.) BOULDER INTO EXISTING GHAOE (12, MIN') OF BOULDER FACE TO BE 0.5:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL) NOTE: 1. SLOPE ORIVEIVAY JOB NO. S6-357 B OU LDER RETAINING WALL FIG. 2 !/l F,hlo ''*' f'- L1_)! sf, a-) a) a-/ <f, a..l ::1 c) CC, C)o! c) Lr r. O)! L) O aa C)o o CD i]r o O o)p L-: (l C) c\ N 0) =l o ' oo - - 'a J(, oJJ ! tr -oo - oltl rudO- afr/'\ E =o Hd -\Hi iFn: 7- [-lnlzF)4-SI.=X\-./ cE oJJ =ctoJ Eo 'ilrllllli illillil rl, r' J 1\xittl[fit\ill'lii O t!llrrtllr\\lill,,ilir O ;tli\,ll[\1ll,,i,, = , <)c a) I ({) C)(t al =()(a c! ')(_l CJ O) : a ilc ao C)o o co \r)I Ct a) O)! !)C' C'1 C)c! 0)1:) o ' oo - - =o J C' oJJ = tr -oo - o ttl tJ.I dO- a;1'\ tr =o Hd -\IYJfi<HIjE.ru =l-it 7- I-]r]}zF)4=v.=Y\-/ c- oJJ =c,oJ troJo() -I (Fo oo 12364 W- Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO BO22E Koechlein Consulting Engineers Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers (303) 989-1223 (303) 98s-0204 FAX March6, 1997 Jon Gunson Jon Gunson Architects P.O. Box 1490 Bseckenridge, CO EO4Z4 Subject BouldcrRetainingWall Recommendarions Proposed Kullep ft35ijs1qg Lor 7, Block 2, Filing 4 Lions Ridge Subdivision Vail, Colorado Job No. 96-i57 Reviewed by sDw/jl cc: Tammie Williamson, Town of Veil athchmcnts ,{5.reguestcd, we pcpared this letter to prcscnt our recommendations for thc design of thc Boulder Wall and the Souldcr Retaining walt for lhc slrbject project. The dctait for the Boulder iVall is prcscnted in thcattachcd Fig- | and thc dcfail for rhe Bourdcr nirining wail is prcsenred in the rttachea Fij. 2. We apprcciarc lhe opportunity to providc rhis scwicc. tf we can bc of firnher scrvice, pteasc contect qs- Sinccrcly, KOECI{LEIN CONSULT'NG ENC IN EEBS AVofl (970) 949-6009 (970)949-9223 FAX SILV-ERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (e70) 468.6e39 FAX Scot{D. Wamef, Enginecr vt ttv-c'y*e lYt I ltx4ztt4.It William H. Xoo"t'trir',Fr- fr"riaili OBIYEWAY 1{OT TO gOALE 8'UAX HEIOI{T g'TO '. BOULDER9 (TYP.) KEY EOULDEB IilTO EXIATINg qBADE (r2' MIN.} OF BOULOEfi FACE 7o 8E r:I (HORIZONTAT,VEH TICAL) NOTE: I. gLOPE JOB r{o. e c-3s 7 BOULDER WALL FIG, 1 o 6' rrAx. HEtol{7 BOULOEHg (TYP.) BOUIDER al{70 EXrltT|lrO GFADE (12' lllNJ NOT TO SCALE NOTE: 1. 6IOPE OF BOULDER FACE rO 8E 0.5: 1 (HOFIZOIITAL:v EBTICAL) DFIVEWAY r2'Mlir. r(EY JOg NO, e3-3G? BOULDER HETAININO WALL Flo. 2 ,a 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departueilt of Conmrunity Developrne nt February 24,1997 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuller 54 Woodland Circle Edina, MN 55424 RE: Kuller Resldence Deslgn Review Board Dear Mr. and Mrs Kuller: The Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl is in receipt of your application for the Design Review Board (DRBi scheduied for March 5, 1997. The Public Works and Planning Department has identified the following issues: Public Works Department: 1 . Please show the following easements on the site plan as described in Schedule B-2: 11' 12,14,16, 17, 18, and 20; 2. Retaining walls cannot exceed 3 leet in height with the front setback, and the maximum height foi retaining walls elsewhere on the iite is 0 feet. Allwalls 4 feet in height or greiter must be siampeO by a certified (Colorado registered) engineer. This standard also applies to all rock walls; 3. Please show boulder walls with a maximum of 1:1 lay back on the site; 4. please show snow storage. A minimum ol30% of the paved area is required if used lor snow storage. As informltion, snow storage may also be a landscaped area that contains grasses and shrubs that will not be damaged under snow; 5. The driveway width required per Town ol Vail is 12 feet. The width of asphalt should be measured perPendicularlY; and 6. As information, the driveway grade is very close to l}yo. The maximum allowable grade without heat is 10%. Pleas6 ;onsider thd design of the driveway as it relates to changing conditions in order to maintain the '10% slope required. Planning llepartment: 1. please provide a note on the site plan that states all crawl spaces are 5 feet in height or under. Any crawl space over S lebt in height will be calculated as gross residential floor area; and {P ou"'"'uo'*"o Z. The proposed structure exceeds the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for fte dite.' More specifically, the calculations performed by the Planning Department show the proposal as follows: TotalGRFA Allowed Proposed 4,249 + 425('credit)= 4,674 sq."ft. 4,754.4 sq.tt. The garage credit is 600 square feet. The garage is 857.4 square feet. Thereforc' 257.4 square teet 6f gaiage space will bd calculated as CRfA. Thus, exceeding the allowable GRFA tor the site. I im iri'the process of verifying the GRFA numbers, and I have contacted your architect in order to resolve this issue. please provide revisions as soon as possible in order to recalculate the GRFA. The comments from thi Fire Department are not avditaOte at this time, however, I will provide this information as soon as possibld. As information, please stake the lot prior to the DRB meeting. lf you have any color /material samples, please Oridg these to the meeting. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 470-2142. Sincerely, Ce"^^)l/ ntlZ;^- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Tom Peterson ZONING 18.04.130 F.loor area, gross residentiql (GRFA),. Gross residential floor area (GRFA) means the to$l square footage of all levels of a building, as measured at rhe,.insirle face of the exterior walls (i.e., not including furring, sheetrock, plaster and other similar wall finishes). Cnfa slalt include, but not be limited to, elevator shafts and stairwells at each level, lofts, fireplaces, bay windows, mechanical chases, vents, and storage areas. Attics, crawl spaces and roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces or patios shall also be included in GRFA, unless they meet the provisions of subsections A or B below. A. Within buildings conraining two (2) or fewer dwelling units, the following areas shall be excluded from calcula- tion as GRFA:1. Enclosed gruages of up to three hundrid (300) square feet per vehicle space not exceeding a maxi- mum of two (2) spaces for each allowable dwellins unir permitted by the Zoning Code.2. Atric space with a ceiling height of five feet (5') or less, as measured from the top side of the structural members of the floor to the underside of the struc- tural members of the roof directly above. Attic area created by construction of a roof with truss_type members will be excluded from calculation ls GRFA, provided the. trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches (30") apart.3. Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not greater than twelve (12) square feet in area, with five feet (5') or less of ceiling height, as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. EDITOR'S NOTE: Thc provisions of this Section shall nor bc cffccrivc fo! 8try spplic8rion for dcvclopmcnt wbich has bccn subrnirrcd to rhc Depanmcnr of Community DcvclopmcDt, lrd.rcccptcd by thc samc; oo, o, bcforc July l. 1991, unlcss agrccd ro by rhc rpplicsnt submirting thc applicrrion bcforc Julyl. 199 t. (v!il 4-95)306-2 DEFINITIONS 4. Roofed or covered deck, porches, terraces, patios or similar fearures or spaces with no more than three ' (3) exterior walls and a minimum opening of not less ihan twenty five percent (259o) of the lineal perime- ter of the area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio, or, similar fearure or space, provided the opening is contiguous and fully open from floor to ceiling with an allowance for a railing of up to tlree feet (3') in height. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building set forth iri Section 18.04.130 above. Excluded areas as set forth in subsection A, shall then be deducted from total square footage. . B. Within buildings containing more than two (2) allowable dwellings or accommodation units, the following addition- al areas shall be excluded from calculation as GRFA: l. Enclosed garages to accommodate on-site parking requirements. 2. All or part of the following spaces, provided such spaces are cornmon spaces and that the total square footage of all the following spaces shall not exceed thiny . five percent (35Vo) of the allowable GRFA permitted on the lot. a. Common hallways, stairways, elevator shafts and airlocks; b. Common lobby areasl . c. Common enclosed recreation facilities; d. Common heating, cooling or ventilation systems, sola! rock storage areas, or other mechanical systems, Square footage excluded from calcula- tion as GRFA shall be the minimum square footage required to allow for the maintenance and operation of such mechanical systems; e, Common closet and storage areas, providing access to such areas is from cofirmon hallwavs only; f. Meeting and convention facilitiesi 306-3 (vril 4-95) ZONING g. Office space, provided such space is used exclu- , sively for the management and operation of' on-site facilities., h. Floor area to be used in a Type III or a Type IV Employee Housing Unit (EHU) as defined and restricted by Chapter 18.57, provided said EHU floor arqa shall'not exceed sixty perce4 (60Vo) of the thirty five percent (35%) common area allowance defined by Section 18.04.13082 above. Any square footage for the Type III or Type IV EHU's which exceeds the sixty percent (60%) maximum of alloryed common area shall be included in the calculation of GRFA. If a property owner allocates cofltmon area for the purpose of employee bousing, and subsequently requests a comrnon area variance, the Town shall require that the housing area be converted back to conunon uses and that the employee housing units be ieplaced within the Town. Any square footage which exceeds the rhiny five percent (357o) maximum shall be included in the calculation of GRFA.3. All or pan of an airlock within an accommodation or dwelling unit not exceeding a maximum of twenty five (25) square feet, providing such unit has direct access to the outdoors.4. Overlapping stairways within an accommodarion unit or dwelling unit shall only be counted ar the lowest level,5. Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet (5') or Iess, as measured from the top side of the structural members of the floor to the underside of rhe sruc-- rural members of the roof directly above. Attic areas created by consmtction of a roof with truss-type members will be excluded from calcularion as GRFA, provided the trusses are spaced no greatet than thirty inches (30") apart. (vail 4-95)306-4 o DEFIMTIONS 6. Crawl spaces accessible through an opening not . greater than twelve (12) square feet in area, with five feet (5') or less of ceiling height, as measured from, the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above. 7- Roofed or covered decks, porches, terraces, patios or similar features or spacei with no more than three (3) exterior walls and a minimum opening of not less than twenty five percent (25Vo) of the lineal perime-. ter of the area of said deck, porch, terrace, patio, or similar feature or space, provided the opening is contiguous and fully open from floor to ceiling, with an allowance for a railing of up to three feet (3') in height. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forth in Section 18.04.130 above. Excluded areas as set forth in subsection B shall then be de- ducted from the total square footage. (Ord. 17(1994) $ l: Ord. 15(1991) $ 1: Ord. 37(1990) $ 1: Ord. 4l(1982) $ lA: Ord. 37(1e80) $ 1.) 18,04.135 Fractionalfee. "Fractional fee" means a tenancy in common interest in improved real propeny, including condominiums, created or 'i.r j:.. held by person, pannerships, corporations, or joint ventures or similar entities, wherein the tenants in common have formerly arranged by oral or written agreement or understanding, either recorded or unrecorded allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or more co-lenants to the exclusion of one or more co-tenants during any period, whether annually reoc- curring or not which is binding upon any assignee or future bwner of a fractional fee interest or if such agreement continues to be in any way binding or effective upon any co-tenant for the sale of any interest in the property. (Ord. 26(1980) $ l.) 307 (vril 4-95) o munity m'D rEB t2fl91-Com Development PIan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Rcturn To:Tamrnic Williarnson. Communify Dcvcloprncnt X 2112 Datc Routcd:2il2t97 Rctum By:2^9t97 Projcct Namc:Kullcr Ncw Singlc-Family Rcsidcncc Projcct Addrcss:l4(r9 Aspcn Crovc Lanc Pro.fcct Lcgal:Lot 7, Block 2, Bighonr Subdivision 5th Addition Pro.jcct Dcscription:Ncw Singlc-farnily rcsidcncc ffi :ir:ii!: .......,(': :i,:tttt:.i: ... Nccd (lornmcnts by 2l 19 197 Yttl-(,,;in"t gs.J(tr li:L)i\ I'ti:.,fo 1, l.{n .'" ):..-.:r ';e) ,t ','.1r.:,),>\c B-z i;e; n: ilr'i ;1 ,.p rl '3 '1 ca'.} 2D v!Xi\! Lr-roi\)i $C<]e d 5 ,it hgrc\ht rn $\J (rOrtt ,,,r) (XX)L 1 6r' tet .J uq' \rc' Cti l\ 'Jt t rr- .\1€. All -,$-$o 1' ( {-\ he.rqhr ci nrqh,-'f ft\.r5\ tjr .\c,].n?(,l b'\'{1 e ni\ 'dlr ( iotr-;r}c t-d \*C ) -. "t-t'd'^3 Ptor.,- -, h,r.^,r .lr)- rJoor.Jdr w.-^ile wirlr -,'il*]ffi,r! oa,r)r.Jit€ rl()n fx) ,ir\ ,-\ r(4 ujifh u\.d(5c{hd \o(^] sh(,)bf l1lc\F t^c)l^r[,L.tt1n.-{cfidr-rifr) ;now'l ix)dr'ir1 f L!Q]a4 Y i:4t4 (ralt inC."rrJtn ot lh(. d,ptv \b i€g4:Jtd{r*j".l -i a,,,i-\ 't -: r,r::.'-Jtd p 4-rl .rr,Jr,-ui,l. t.l ,:rip-t,ldn.' l)r. ac^./'b'l '.r\'-I\ h ., edr brb8 tz' r., r ri'r.rr-.,] z/il\.ll ',y'av,;d , l (Jt(11 Lrl.rr,''ci-i i-lillql . TAt\, L lJtt ii.^/- { Vn),-,!.V4WO | ,) Ja i:, r'y'rAt iS-,O )-'to - /D"h r... li]a h]i}t1ttt}1i ,ll,) wr. roi.a "1r/),8 vl:h., nelar, t)"',;'1)n:1 ''r rr b.; .., ry]\- a\' i(r% ,5 ri.'r | ^ r: betkt io h'- a iie br E'loa fu alb\tt f'( o((o( Datc rcccivcd: Datc rcvicwcd:Rcviovcd by: ALTA SCHEDULE B- 2 (Exceptions) 130.00****--_---- o c OMMTTMENT Our Order # VS25860_2 * * * *ENDORSEMENT *u*reffi ffi trffi trffi **ffi #*us"*@.,ffi-##S ffiEffi *t ffi trtffiffi.rHE po,,rcv rNsuREsffi +,-* trffi+P 2. RTGHTS OR CLATMS OF PARTTES TN POSSESSTON OF THE PRINCIPAL DWELLING;3'--qrl-ENFoRCED REM.'AL oF THE pRrNcrpAL p'ELLTNG oNAccouNT oF, AT DATE oF H&vtr ni#'fiH"H#T#H-#"ffi €T4.*"#HH=- coNDrrroNs OR *g-sel4rraN Qr aNY ZONING ORDINANCE TF THE LAND ONLYruUJ-LI 34q TrCE. -.- USED FOR A OR SINGLE ffi#"#"+#"H. _g.oMtllg HEREBY ASSURES u.u**# ffim"*"#g+*P- rllAr- sA rp LANp:m-ffiffi"""--dFHrry^ffiffi":H,;t#ftr ffi-nmffio-'o'os.#u=8"i;ffi Aiffi ,#ffi F*"H*--ffi ,#g,HusrArNrEE%*reH## sr+a ri.-#.:ffv_$!j!{!p SHALLsHALL pno-rTo en-ffinffi rffi-43-t9s7 t?=L? d.r KNrTril.c MILLS MINNE$OTA KNITTING MIIIS 6t2 452 A9t5 P.DI/W 1lo: GOMPANY: FROM3 Ir{essage: // -0 DArE: 3'7':' . , Number of Pages Sent (Including Cover Page) = I - - 1450 MENDOTA HEIGHTS FOAD 'ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55120-1097 a12-462-2240 . FAX 612-452-891 5 MFffi3-1997 L?tt?.#";il;"6L2 452 A9L5 P.@/qg Amer'rcan lrnd ltle Association Owrpr's Policy l$17-gz porrcvrnrnt,r$V 2 45062 4 SUBJECT To YH€ EXCLUSI0NS fBoM C0VERAGE THE DCE'rloNs FRoM co'tRAGE C0NTAINED lN SCHEDI l.t S AND IHE CONOITIONS AND SNPULATIONS, OtO REPTJ$n NATl0ML IfitE INSUBAilCE CSIPANY, a Minnemu corpor4rofl, heoin called dE CnBPary' in$les, as of gsre of Policl shown in Sdredule A, agair6t lgss or damage. not erceeding the Artoun ol Insutdrf,e Staled in Sdledule A' susEined or incuned h the insurad by reason of: l. Tr e ro the estaF or irnercst desctibed in Sdredub A being lesEd other lhan as $ared thotsiru 2. Any d8fect in or lien or encumbrartr€ m the tjlle; 3. UnmattsBbility of th€ tille: 4. L6ck ol6 ligh ol acc€$ to and itom th8 land. Ihe Compny will also pay th€ costs. anomeys' hss and erpemes ircurred in del€nse of fhe lr{c, as hsured, bu only to the extrnt prwrded in the Condhions and Stipulations. N Wrn{ESS WHEREoF. th8 s€lt old Ralt|Hic l.lational fide hsfancs ccnparry tras caused i6 cupolaE name lnd seal to be heruunto affircd by ils duly authdrired olficer3 as of ihe date srrwn in Schsdute A ttn policl to te valil vutren counterrigned by an altrorirsd olficet or agot( ol he comparry' ExcLusloNs Fn0M covERAGt lhe following maters are expressly excluded fmm fte co\rsrage ol this trlLl and rhe Company will not pay loss ot dama0e, c0sb, attrneys' leec or erpares v',hidr ri!. h teason of; L lal Any lasr. ordinance or goEmrnenut rugulation (irrluding. hfi not limned ro. luilding and roning la'ro, ordinaEes, or regubtionsl eslticting, tegulating nntribitlrU or lelating n lil tle occrrparrcy, u$. or arioynrem qt tB ladt liil dle chalect8t, di ensions ff localion o'l arry inptnnment nor or lEresftBr erected oo $e tand; liiil a separa[; in o,vrters]rip qia change in fie dims0si0ns s ana of he land or any patoel oJ wiich rh0 land is or $,as a patt or(iv) Envimmeotal ploGrlion, or dre effect ol aoy viohrion ol tlrese la'vyr, ordirnncer or goverrumnBl rwulations, er$spt l0 the ertent hat a nodcE of fie entorcement thereof or 6 nolice of B defed. tisn gr cncurnbare resultir8 tEm a violaton 0r allsg8d violatiorn atleoing tp land has bes0 rscor# in lhc public Ecords at Date ol Policy. lbl Any Wemmgnrrl trlice pourer flot exctuded hy lal abore, slcepl b trB g(e$t tl|at r ndice sf thr exerciss ttra sof or a m$cs of a dslsct. lien 0r snflmb?nco resutting from 5 violation of alleged vioblion affecting the hnd hEs been recorded in UB public lecords at 08te 0f Polic1. 2- Bion$ of emln?m domain unless notice 0t tlE Brercise thereot hos har nconted in the public rectrds at oars 0t Policv. but not e&ludhg lrut c0vertgq any bking which h6 *currsd FiDr to oate Dl Policy whirh would be bhdiry on tre rigils of a purdraser lor valw witE$ kno Jled$. 3. 0efects. licns, encmbratEes. advsrse chims. tr otlleI maitE s: (al created. suffered. assumed or agrccd to by $e in$rfed clsimant lb) mt tn0rvn l0 Ue Conpany. not ieoded in he frblic recsds rt t)ste ol Pol'Ey, hn t Dvn lo fie i|su|?d cl.imant and not disolosed in rvfiling b rhs Company W fie lr6urEd claimanr prior F lhe dEE fE ilsured clairEnt became an insured undet this policT lc) resulling in no loss 0r damagg to he insured claimant ldl atraching 0r crBtting suble$eil o 0ate ol Poliq or (sl lEguttittg in l6s or darnoge wtrich urarld not trara bern srrstaioed i{ tlrc in$rred dairnant hrd poid wlue 161 hg est3g or intenst insured by $i3 FlicY, 4. fuy ctaim. whidr 6rises out of Oe t€nssctbn ve$ing h ths in$nd the e$aE r horrst insurad by tris potiry. bv reason ol fts operotbn of tederal bankuptcl, s{ttc insohreirl. or sirmlar creditsrs' righ$ lalvs, that b brseil on: (a) tlE Uansaction crrotrng $e eshte 0r imerest insured by this pdicX being desnted a ffardulfft corNqate of ftadutert tran$fec ot lbl the vgtEaction crsatiry hs estate 0r inlerc6t insured bl, this polrl being deemed a trd8]€rnial fanstet ercspl $here $r ptetetential tEnster rEsults fmm fie tailure: li) u timety tEcdd the instrumefi 0f trlmfefi 0r (iil 0f surh recorda or F impan notice o a purcha:er for rdue 0r a iudgment ol lian crediot otD BEfuEuc tf^RoxAl,TlrLE lXtUBAt{8E cot9ALY A Sttr'k bnpary aQt Setutd AvdItr gotth, Mi^t gfd,tit, Mia/I'/5,,tr ftt'lol l6ttt ?7t'tlt, -/!tnglr. i:lij hstAd tLtghltlf $flice ot: I.A[D IfltI GIJAMI'TEE OOIPA'IY 16 SOUfi MNTTE ROAD TY. P,O.FIg fu0aicdSrg5orr DBIfrm tp,.ltl o'mcl\Pdrl 10179 het br tuE|d{|l CONDITIONS AI{D STIN,I^IONS t. bfiritiuoltans. The t0llofling tsrms wft€n used In fti3 policl tnetn: lal 'insri': ttre in$red named in &hedute A' wrd' subiect to ony rigits 0I dofensss tl€ Compary uould havs had agairsr the mmed irBted' trosi ",tn crccecd to the iot€ro$t of ttle nonred incrned by opendcr of law as disringuished fun puahre including. hrt rpt limited lo, hei/s. diStrbdaes' deyi$€9. $rYiws. Ders0nal rcFEsenta wt, $ert ol kio, o( corDorat€ or liiuciary successm. lbl 'insurBd claiDant-: m insured clairning loss or damtEe' tcl 'kroddge' or 'tnown'; ac't$l klo\,,lsdge' mt constructive tmdedge 0r mtice wtrhh moy ne impted t0 an insrlted.by nason 0t tlm public reLrds r defined in lhis Flicy 0r any orher tecotdr whicfi impan con$fl,cltirc m{m of manen otfacting the l*ttl. ldl 'lard": the hod described or relened to h Schedulc A' and imporranen$ rffircd tlercto wtridr bv law constitute rsal pmpetty.' fr: bI land'dms not inctde any ptogertY beVurd the lines 0t dre area dercribed 0t rcfcncd to h Sclredule A, nor anv righl.lide, i etesl e$ate 0r mlomd[ ill abuning stleels. mds. avenrns. alleys, It|E!' waYG or wdaways' but ltotia tt.,ein ;lH[ mdtfy or limit the extetll tD ttilich a tight 0f dccess lo ud frrn the land is in$red by this Polkil' lel 'trlDrlgige-: mDtlgage. deed Dt trusi. llust deEd. ol 01h?r sscurily instrument.(ff 'publh recordr': recotds esublished onder $ate sla0rG3 at Dalc ol R licyl0r the $npose 0{ itnpa(ing coGtructive nqtice ol r|Etlsr3 Glatir€ b real prcperty o purclrasas fr value and withalt lnoi/ledge' Wth ospen b becrim t laflid ol rhe Excfusions from Coverage, 'Nblic reco'&' slpll alsr incruOe *ti'|umemal Pmt€ctlrn lielrs fihd h tra recordr of the clerk ql $e UniFd Sbles oisticr Goun lor rhe distric in which fie l8nd is located' lEl 'u]ltFtfrtability ot rhe tide': fl dhged or lppdtem ninsr . . at',eaiig the riile ro $e land, nd erchded Dr grcepted frcm @verage,lfttiDh wouio dttle a purchaser of fis e$ate or intercst described in Schedde A t0 be relssed frorn tp obligation to prrstrae W vinus ol a onu'drtual cDndition requirirrg thc delivtry of mlrleEble t le 2. Mit uatio,, o( hsuarre Atter CurleWzct of ftth' Iha conrags of this policy slrell crrtinue in lorce rs of llan of Policl in lar,or of an insugd onh 30 tolg as tD insurcd tetaim an Blsle 0r il{6rErt in the hrd, or holds 3n ir*bEdne$$ secufed by ! Ftdlase rutv monFgE 0iven by a purdtaser t|!rn the inrurEd. ot only s0 lonq as$e insted shall hatte iobitiry'h rcason o{ corenants o( 'ratranty aEda by ure insured in ilny gsnsfe( or cmveince of the esla@ or inteest- lhis poliry shall not continw in force in favor ol irry pucfuser ttom the insured ol chher lil an estaE or irnercst in the land. or (ill an irdebtedP$ secured W t pudlase money mongage grven o o insred. 3. Notie d Cbitn to be GiEn W ln$td clainilt tha in$rgd $all notify he CoilFatry ptlmplty in wrhing (il in cate 0l tnv lirigafion as sst tulh ifi Seclion 4lal below, (iil in case kprledge shall c0me t0 a;: lnsured lprwndor 0t ary dtim ot tilh or inrcrest which iE sdverse 10 th? litls '!o lta estalB or i et?rt, as insured, and vYhidr night couse lo$ or damaqe Jo/ whirh fie Conptny may be liable h vinue of thir policl, or liii) if tille n $e e$sr? or i tecst, as insulsd. is leiected as unma*r*able. lf ptompt notice gtall nci be qitnn to € Cotngany. then os to the in$red all tiabilit't sf the Compony strell terminetr wilh regaad l0 fie rutter s msuels fot lt/hki plomfl norica ir reriuircd; prwided, holever. that foilure & nolily $e ComFny $all in m ctre pp.i'dice ttE &hts al anY insurEd u(der this plicv unless tne Conpanl shall le praluOiccd Oy t e faiture and then only lo tp exEnt of $e trEidice' a }etasc ad ftoecutim of Actiar,g 0W ol hauEd Clainmt to CWaE, lal UpDn wtilteo reqJer| bY the hsw?d aod subi€ct to he oFbnr cc{uirt€d in Scaion 6 of $$e CondhioN and Stipubdons. tie Cuttpsny. at ils orvn ost and withul rnrrcaronable delay' shall Pori& tol the dcfg|3E 0f an insurBd in litigation h which atry fiird PanY asssrB a claim odveBe lo fie 0'dc 612 452 ffi15 P.WW cr in&rest as insured. o* on,rQ *on slated causr ol action alleoing a defect iicn or encumbr&te oI o$et maner insuted agaia$ h this policy lhe CsnDr,v $att haw the tigl'l t0 telect counsel of iB choice (suDie'st tD fu ]idlt of tr iniuna m oUl*t toI reassrable cause) b reprcs€nt dte in$xed 3s to $0se statEd c8!5es of actidl and shall mt be tiable fot and will not pay the fees of any otnr couns:|. Ihe Compattt will not pay anv fees' coits ol. enpenscs incuneC ty tlu insurert in hc detense 0f those causes of action u/hitl allege rrErcrs mt insu.Ed against bY this policy'' lb) The Companf 3hall ha€ aE dght ar its own cosl. lo insdhits and rosrue anv actioo 0r gmceeding or b d0 anY other ad wnich m |t! oonlon ,mv be neces.ary or desireble l0 esBbli$h the tille r0 tlE estate or i etest' as insured. or ro patent or €thics lcs s dsmage o rtEinsured' The CdDpaly mav Oke any ipprufiate anion under fie tsms of this policv' wteds ot rol it shait le tiuote hireunder. and shall not ttrereby concede liability 0r lraive 3ny pmvisim of this plicy. lf tlt Conprry strall ererciso its tigms urdor this o6|?oraoi. it rhall do so diloendY.' ?i 'Wrterto"r ttr Compery rhsll have blough an action 0t idemced 3 defensp rr reQuitEd 0( Demitted by fic pcvisiotE of illis poliq, $c Comp0ry firy ourut any litjgation to fhal ddefininalion bY a coun 0t comPebnt ;uiJiction ani erprusdv reserves rhe riqht, in its sole discrenim' to appeal lrorn any adverse it$rnent o( odef - (df h atl casei where ilis policY p€rmits or requires ths Conpany E 0rosecute or ptovide lo/ the deteBt of any action or pmeeding' the iilgfed rnarr""*e io uta c*9anY the fight to s0 prosec|ile 0f Foa'lde de'lense in d,i aition or ptweeoin!, and all appeals tberein, and Permit the Compary to ure, at iB opiion, fhe nams of $e insured for this putpote' Whemlter nq,*tttO Oi ttt. C*parry. fc insured, at the Compony's erpense' rhall grve oi compani att reasonable aid (il in anv action or proceeding' securing eridencs. oblaining wimesses' Fosecuting or delenlin0 tfre-actisn ot . proceeding or effarrng setdetnenr. and {iil in ary otfter hwful 6tt wtrich rn ile ofinioi ot me CornPdny may be necessary or dctirable to esublish fie title io rhs esttlc or inlersst as iltsured. ll the ConprnY is preludiced bv 0|e taltuie ot tm insureO 1o 1n'n;56 1]|e rs$rired cooperadon. rhe Company's ob[gatims ro the insLtted undar the polily s'lull temintte' includlne an1. iiobiiity or obligotion to delend.0(osecun' ot continue arry litigefion' rYith rEgord ro lhe motrel or maters requiring slch coope€bm' 5. fudolLssa0anagP. ln addition t0 and tfter the mticoi requiled undet secti0n 3 of ese Conditim ad Stipuhl'nns have beer prfidded fie Company' € ptwf 0t loss tr dirage signed anC sworn t0 by the itFufsd clsirnant stult be fumished o the i-itw *it'tn S0 Oats afior tre insurcd cleimanl shall ascenain fie facls qlrlU rise ro tlra fas or damage- Ihe Fuof of bs or damagF slnll dslcribe fie &td in, or lien orencumbnnce 0 ths trtle. or otrBt mEftet insued tga'nsl bY tris policy whll|l c0nlriNt$ tE b6i! o{ h6s 0r dtrllge ard shall lrbtq l0 lhe ,m.m poi*ble ttt batis of olculrting tre amourl ol-the Joss or damaoe' lf rhe Compary is prejudicad bv the lailure of the insrred clairnant to ptu'ide l'E nquiBd pod oi toss ot danage, tlls CqnFny's obligEtionsto lhe insured ,lnLt *" poticy *tall re'ninate' incldin0 any liabiliry or obligalifi lo de{e'd' posewts, or cmtinue tny lilhation, wi$ .€gard o he matrer w maners requiring srch poof ol lo* or damage.- tn iOoitlon, ttr insured chinanl npy reEsonabh be rgquited h submit to eraminarion undef oadr by any authodzed represfiklive of the CDrparry dld dnll produce {or uaminaiion inspec.tisr srd mpyitrg, tt such teasqrable dmes and piaces as may be designaEd by ary authsized rspresenta ve of dE Comparry, all recolds, boois. ledgen, ctecks' concsPordeme atd trlfnorilda' wtpitreitreadm a Oate befo€ or afw Date ot Folicy, wthh reasonablY leirain o tre toss Or danuge. Funher. if nquested by any authoriued reptEssrbtive ot thr Comprry. tlp ins,ted clsimam stEll gr$t its permission' in wddng' for any Euttodled tspte$ntatiw ol ttu Company to eramin€, irfpect and copv all ,*rAt, Uoott, t*g*, d|ecb, corrspondence ard rnemorand! in the cusbdy or.onttot of . tritC-purtY. which €asonabtv gertain to lhe loss 0l danage' All idotrion rtesignoid is confidantial h the imlled Glaimant tsovidod ro the Corpunl p,rrogt, o lhis Seclion shall no be disclosed tD o$eti ullsss' io tbe nurlnri,i iuagt*r ol the Company' h is nec€ssfly ir the adminhdiot 0l MFR-43-1997 1?:13 N KNITTII.G NILLS (Mt td ot irstdg M@vetl . MAR-€3-1997 L7:L4 ^-tlN IfiITTIIS MILLS 6t2 4s2 trlL5 P.U/6) ltcntifirrdr tnn urlle ftwr o'Ig..t t fiS clrim. Farlurs 0t $e insurBd Claifila to iubmif hr dmination Un@r 0s01, (cl ltu ConrOanywi[ il hoss cO6' atprnsl6'fees a'd erpaises 'noob4 otl.,.r reasdxrbly ,"q.€sred infffiiati'n or g.ant permission to secum mtfi i" oj*o'to *;6t 5gilsni 9r &es€ cmdiriotrs ild Sti'rlstionr i**Ul *r.*rV id;.maticr trcm third parrix as requiad in $is prryaph I A*tio,yt'tL ti,iiinrrina. rny riabltitl ot U|s C*Oany utdEr his potrcv Es t0 thal rhim. I ire land desgibed in Schgdule A consisrs of tvtro or mqt€ parceb rhich 6. bptio8s to Paf Ot Uhstwise Setile Ctai/'rg Tanffi0/L d LkthilitV- ats mt used G s 3ingte siE' at$ a los is est*tished affecling one a more of ln cass ol a claim under thb potiry. the cmpan! shatl ]Evt the tottowing ,rte pu,ceis urt mt ,ti, the lms stpll be comffed and s€nhd on a p'0 taE additigur optiors: ,.'r' n." rru'Frr' -E bas'r a if dt amount ot insuBnc€ under fits plicy was divided go rab as i0 lal To Pal, or TBnder Paynrent ol lhe Atteut'! 3|:ll!Ura'Y. ,- ^. - te vaG sn thte of ffdicrt ot erch se'araE paftd lo rhawlrcla' Etdu3it€ 0i Io pay or tsndot payment otfr!'iffit ffiuranp under this i.rY itnp't"*nrt *de subsequafi t0 Date ol Policy' unlCs a liabilhv 0r ve;uo potic,y, rggslhe. wift ,oy .oro, *otryili"t tm ,tpt*t lt,Yttq by ry has otherwise been ag/eed upgn as ro eadt p'rcel ry bE conpary and thg insured clairnanL wlricr, ..ure a'rnaaJUy ,irirrp.ny. ,p t t5e dil d i$$red at t€ tifi,. d the is$Bnce ot this golicy and sho,n E'1 ar 8pt85s oar|rgtt of lende, ol paFnenl a.rd lr,hich tiE comparry ii obligatel o pay. sEtemgnt or by an srdorsomsnt attadled ro this p0li6"y' Upon rh. sercise h the Ccnpanv ol dris optbn' allliabilityand g. linilaion ol liability. dligation: p tre insurcd undrtlili3 Polist, olhH $tn r0 makg tlE prynsnt {al lf fte Company esrablishes fia title. of Ism0lcs lhe alleged dehct' raquiretl. stalt Umhae, including any liaUlity or obligarion b delsxt, . .. tien or Encurnbrarus. or cures tE lack ol a right 0f ac{pr3 m u {rorn the land. ot trosecute, of cmtinus any lhigrrion. and tlP polky shall be sjtrcrdered l0 Ue ;* dr-.htm ;;;md*etabiliry of irts, rltas in$Isd. in a rutsorauy bomnary try clncaltalin i:_- ..'L. rL-- '- ,^!-,6,. ^. drig.*;rir* ryanv merhod, irlciudins lh,stli9"..* th:^1y11'113_ (bl' To Pey or OtlErwiss Senh W ilririr ttJJ.i'i. i it'"tt tt"rt turry pttot'ntc its obligations wittr resoea rc Wi@ *ir-*nrirro irtin not be tiablo lortny loss ot damagg causd lhsteby' iifffiyqrffifiscsettrov,lth$elPa.:tSJ:T'jj:5i ''""tii'ri'inr,ilii"rrnylrlgarton,i'clrd,nglirigttiooWqqlrylo, of an inrurui claima ilttY claim iruured against under $is policv' Egethel.wift ** il C"#iJl *r..rijil"'Compstr tftan -fot-no liatitity {or toss or sny costs, anotneys' lees and erpgr$es incurrgd by 0re iNuIEo clal|Bnt vun|cn danage unil'ftere haa 56gn 6 flml {st€nination by a coun ol cfiTelent were arntrrireo by 6e coanpany up lo trs 1i1ns 6J pqyps6 alt| whirn $e ilfjliii*, a116 or,rp6irbn of ar appeals therefrsm. adverlc to the title as company is ouioated h paY;0r . .., .n. {_,_-.._^., j-!_^_..h^ r,Fi-. in$nsd.' Ol -u pay or odrlrwise settl? wilh 0te insured daimant the loEs or i"t n" Comoa'y rhalt not be liabh for loss ff danage to arry insuted orr.g. prwfud tu und€t ttis Flicv' together rri$ anv ctBB, atunevs' teet U ,,iiriU *ii;;i;;rum; W t'. insured in senli|u arry chim or suit *",:ff;ru;t.T[fr11*flU'S#ffi #Jl#r]&;hilili'i';ttenconsentor$ecodDa'v' ' Upln'dn erercise !y tho CmDatry ol eifier of rhe optiont parided.fu in fi. MMiu, ol lt'",w; Fdulqr * fqm,riott of tit bi,ity. fr"#si*tlil#?i,T:ffi;:,lliljffiJl'$,frH;#i#r, - A|rp'rnn",r'uno"'L;'psriry.erceotpav''sntsffide{orcosts,atbnEYs' made. stEll brrninare, 'rduding ily lisility or obtigolion to rlefurd. o'oot*' leee and erpenszs' sltall reduce the amqnt ot ths insurance Fo EnD- o conrinua ary liti0athn. lt- Liabilia l/d/n{/u|nllnave. 7, Detsninatiot, Eftnt ol Liahiliu ad cotsuance, lt it.jt "tlv ,rd3tstood thal the amount ot ingrance undet drs poliol This policl is . cootract of ind?moily agEinst actoal mqrtary loss or slBtl be radrced by arry amatnt rhe &mpany may pty undct anv poliEy inrurin0 damage su6raind or imuned uy the insried'cnitint *,t'o t'a' t"tt*d tt' o' i*ngtg; u wttdhe;Egfim it ohn in schedule g o' lo whif rE iltsred rhrnseryrearonof manersinsundasa.insrwrhrporicvanaonrtorho ' lt*:*l$ffi;TrffJ,iflitl.ls*i:ffilT##.:" enent herein descdbed. ._ .._r^_ ,ri_ -^ri-. .h^[ h^r ^!^.a.{ ,ho refgrred to in SclEdule A and the amount so paid strall be deemd a payment lal the liability of ihc company un&r this policy shall not erceed fte u ter rhis potiry to the insue( 0rvne(. lesst of:(il the Amrunt ol In u16rrce s6t{ in Schdule Ir or. ,2. pafw,t ot !6s lii) rhe ditfetence betrvaen fte wlue of t€ insund errru or (ai ruo parrnent shall bB nads widlout producing tltis policl lor inurest as insrred and the wlua 0t tne inrured e$als ot int6est subiect lo Sp e"aot,rtt errt i tire p"yre"r mlsss tc aolicy h3s bedr lost or dest(4ed. in defecr. tiEn or enqjntranc€ i.rsufed Egaimt by ftis policy. *niirr-rase jrot or ioss or de$ructim shatl be furnislred to tre satisfadion oi lbl h the c{.nt lhs Anount of InsutalEe siaud h Schcdub A at the he &mpenv- Date ot'fulicv is less tisn 00 oercenr 0t d€ value ol ltE ilrrucd esrate ol lbl Vilnn tialility and ttr€ eneot of loss o danEge has bern datiniterY inbrest or the tull cqnsideraton pald ler rhe land, whicha,e( i5 lesl. or if fired in accordance with tt€se Conditione and Slipulatioos" the l03s ot damagg jubsequent to the oate ot Potiry ar imForeflEnt h stscted on fie lad vfiidl shall be payrug within 30 days tlBreatter. inc'easer fie v6lue of the insued estab or intee$ h al leasl20 piftenl over ii, n"o-t or m.ronce sroted in Sohedun a. rhat tiir pticy is subiect to 0E '3 Stthq,;ltiul'llrpn Paynent u WarcnL touo,/ins: !{ Thql|D?'{try[4!!'b'9gatl0ti (i|wherenosubsequrn|inp'o,w9nthasbeen,n:b,asloarywt'mdpak'sc|aimUndgrthis oanial b6s. the Company $all only pal the loss pro rata in the proOonion tJt poliq, ztl righl of.ato0aton shall vesl in the Compary uruflected h ary en il;;;;ftnn;"e 4 o-u ot roligy ber to ga rotrtydlue 0, $c insued ot the irsufsd ctsimant. 6ra@ or inters$t at Dae ot poticu oi " lhe cornparry $nllbe subro0ated lo adbe snriuedro all ]igfiB and (iil f,,h.re a suDseqrj3nt imFoBfirent has beeo made. as t0 r]ry r8lllEdies.whict tho irstisdiaima would haw had again$ aoy Ffso'l or panial losr, the CuFpa,,y $rarr orrh payfi-e G-p* trrr ln o. proe.n- rliot ptq.tty ln t rpttrto the c|am hart this disY mt been i$$cd' ll q'?ted bY lm perEcnt ot fie Amount 0t lnsuranE; $ared ir Schedule A bsors to the ruir tn'Co"for|,i*t iroured claintot shall uanshr to $e Compary all dghc ad of die Anown of lnrurance stated in Scladuto A and the emount erpendert for ernedi* a@inst any pnson o p|ope'ty neclssarV in order lo pettest di! ti0hi0' uu implovemenl The provisior of this paograph $nll not appry ro costs. anorneys'Iees or etie in tr mme of thB ir6rd cHmant ard b use tp nane of the hsuerl and erFnses fol which rlp c0rnplrty is lidble undF this potrq, and snall mly ;hiflflt in any tansadbn u lidEatim irnolviag fiere rt hu or remedies' Bppty to $ar ponign ol any lcs umd enceet, init" agbreg;ls. ro psrcent ol ll a paymnt$ ac66ufil ol 6 chlo dgEs not (ulty cs\tEr the hss ot the fie Arnourt 0f hswance $ated in Schdule A insured cLimar( tP ComponY stEll be submgated h thsse rigns ad (@tt'itunltoniglavrr'l flAR-A-1997 t?:15 lQnthud hwi inn h @vanl n0Edies in the pmportion which the com9anrs paynent bears to tE whole dmur of the 163, lf b$ $ould Erult frqm any act of lhe insurd claimanl as ststed abw8. il|al aq $al not v0ld tris policy, but tr Company, in lhat ewnt, sMl be (equircd to pay only thal pan 0l ary l06ser insursd ag8inst h dris plicf rNtrirr stnll erceed the am0u4 il ary. lost to Oe Company h Eason sf the inpainnent by the insurd claimant ol h6 Comparry's dghl of subrugatior. {bl Tha cofitoany's Rights A0ainst Non ilFued,oblisors. The Cornpany's right 0t g.Jbrogation agalast non-iumd obligon shall aist ar)d shall i0cl0de, whou limharion, he ,ighb ol tE iniurEd to ir&fln ies, guara ies, otier polbies o{ insurmce or bmds. notwithstandim airy tsms u csdilions crftrined i0 those imtrumnB vyttich ptoide for suhogation ilghts by reoson ol this poli1. t4. ,fdifratic].. Unless prohibiled bv applicable law, ei0pr the Conponv ot tro inluld may demend 0rbirraton puEurrl to $e Tirb trFurance &thratio Rules ot drs Americ&r Arbilrstion Associadon. Arbirable natten mry imlude, hr atE rd. limiH to. ary c0ntowrsy r daim benvegl de Company ad dre irued orEmg wl 0l or clatiog to lhis policy, any senlce ol tr Compar,ry in oonn€ctioo with its issltnce or dre bead of a golict provision a dter obligatim. All arbitabb matters wfs) fie Amunt of lnrur ce is tl ,000,00 or lsrs slEll be a.bihted 6t $e opdon of eiher Ule Company or ths insurgd, All orbtrable wmrs wtEn thl AtfDunt 0t Insunnc€ is in ercess o1$1.fl).000 shall te 612 452 8915 P.eEtW pgrmir a coun o araro ,not ,*, t, prarailing paq. JudEment upon lne awd odecd by tln Arbitrato{s}may be enlered in any coun harin0 iurirdictio 6eroof. lte law st the siurs of the lad shall apply to an attilntior under ttE T;i!e lnsrrerce Aftiradol ftules. A copy ot tlre Rul€s may bs obtained hom the Cmpary $on reqest. 15 Liatiliry Lini@ a this hlict tulicy Enlie Cmufrt. (el thir policl ogether wih all endonanents. il anY. attached hetetc by ttre Compury ir he efitic Foliq and cmllacl bstrtl'8sn $s irEuDd E i the Cunpany. h inulpretho any provision ol thls policy, this policv shall be construed as a u,hole. (bl &ry claim of loss or dannge, whether o( mt based m negli.Jence, and which rrises our of fi€ sr8lr of d|e title to the estate 0t inlerest @wrcd horsh 0r by any actim 6senin0 srdr claim, thall be ae$fcted to this policl. lcl ltlo a,IEndmem ot 0r ond0nomsnl l0 &is policr cdn be made ercepl by e fiitin0 endoased heaeon 0t anached heteto sign8d by aither he Ptesid?tlt, a Vice Pnskhnt. ttre Se*etary, an Assrstom SeEretary. 0r Validatino 0tficst cr Arhorircd sionalory ot fie Company. 16. Sewrilility, In tp e!€il ary prwigim of the pdiry is held invalid ot unentonsable under fre amlicsbb la,v. fie oolicv shall be deemed ml t0 ittcluda lhrt Fovision and all ottpi previions shall remain in full lorce ard efiect cN KNrrril-c HrLLs MpR-€3-1Sr7 r?124 lfiontinn! hon insidl MtctJ $ rc*trrtxc tltt-ts rumdies in lhe propon'nn which lhe Cornpanfs paynerr bears t0 lh€ wfr9ls amount ol lhe lsSS. lf lols should rerult from any act of thc insund clainanl as thted *ors, fiar ffi shall nor v0id ttris plicy, but llr Comparry. in $at e\ftnt, shall be reguircd to pay only that pan of any lossec insured againrt by this plicy wtriit shall erceed tl€ amoum, il ary. lost m fu Conpny by reason ol lhe inpaiment by tlre imued claimant ol fte Compfly's dght of $bogatrm. (bl Thc Comoany's Rights Aqainst N0n-ins.uJg0bliqa?s. Tho Compa,U's right of subrogplion agahst non-inamd oblign shall aist ard shall ancludq vrilhqu timitation, the righb of lhe ins.rEd to fudemnilies. 0uara,tties, other policiss of insurance or bonds. notwilhslanding any tems or condilion3 contlin€d in thoBe instumnls whidt proyide tol subrogation rights by reason of $is pol-rg"y. ,a. Atbifiatist. Unles pmhibibd by apdicable law. eithet the Conpony or $e insrd nEy daitnd 0tbilration pu|suanl to the Title lmurance Arbitratio Rder ol lho Amricil Atbiuation Associatid. Arbiraue matters may ircludg br rE not limited to, any conttoversy 0r cltim ber$reen tle Company rrd tre insured a8ing out of or clating b thh poliry, any seruhe of $e Cunpary in comrlion with itr isuarre or the breach of a pdicy Fovision tr ofier oblkptim. All dbitsabb matte's uft€n he AnarJnt of lmuraflce is $l ,ruo,m o lers slull be aftirated at the option 0f eiilpr Oe Company 0r ths insurBd. All arbitrable mangs when tlr Amrnt 0t lnsurance is in ercess of $1.m.000 shall be arbifar€d only when agned to by bth the Company and fte insurcd. Arbitration frsjsnt to this policl atd unda the Rules i0 etlect on fie daE the dema0d for atilratron is made or, at lhe optio.l ol tlle insurcd. the nules h eftect at DaE of Poky shall be binding upon te lanies. The award nray l0clude an0nEy6' less only if the laws of tlt staE in whidr lhe land is lcaled 512 452 E)15 P.zE/A9 psrnit a coun u awa, ,noil ,*, a , Fevaitino patty. Judolp upon tne amd rendecd by the Arbitrab{sl may be entered in any coun having iudrdictio thereof. Ihe lsu/ of the sros oJ the land shall apply lo an ajbittatim utder lhe T;i!e Insutance Atitttion fules, A mpy of tle Rules may be ohairEd trom tlE Cmpany upofl request. 15 lidtlity Liniaed o this tulkry hlicy Entirc Cu ncl lal lhb poliry @gether with all endqsemenls. il inY. attached het€tc by the &mpany is the entic polhy and cmtract bstrt e$ ths imurad 8nd thc Comp y. h interFeting any ptot ision ot this policy, this policv slull bc construed as a wiole. lbl &ry claim of loss u darpge, whBther o, nol basat m negligerrce. d wttich arises oul ol the sutus ol $e ti e to Oe estale o, intetesl @wcc herdry or h any actifi assertino srdl daim. shtll be restdcted to this policr {cl llo aflEndm€rt ol ot endorsomsm l0 his poliry can be ma& ercepl by a wlili00 endorsed heteon 0r anacied herelo signed by eihet he Ptesident. 'a Vice Presiden( ltE Sec.stary ar A$i$lart Sdet ry' or Validaling ofncet ct A/thorired Si0nabry of $e Company. rc. Serenbtlilv, ln $e ewnt atry prwision of the policy is held ilmlid of unenlorceable urrder tre amliclble lily, fte policy shall be deemed ml t0 i.trludc filt qwision and all dhet pto,isions shall renain in lull lorce and eflect. 17. tloticet llll,f'e &ttt. All rdicoi requiftd to bs giv€n Ua CompanY 3nd ary st5temnl in wtiiing equired to h funi$cd thc Cunpany shall include rhe number of lhis pdicv ard stsll be ddresed b iB Homo 0llicel 400 Second Avstw South. MirBapol'ls, Minnssota 551{ll, 161 21 371 -l 1 I l. . MRR-S3-1997 L?.24 .IlN KNITTING MILLS tt 6L2 452 A9L5 P.%/49 Ovrners FoIm 402 Policy No. Sv2450624 Order No. VS25860 AmounE $450,000.00 SCIIEDI'LE A Address L. Policy DaEe: April 05, 199s at 5:00 P-M- 2. Name of Insured: 'JI'DTTII A. KWIJER 3. The eacaDe or interest in Ehe lanil described in this scheilule and which ie covered by Ehis policy is; A Fee Simple 4. Ticre Eo uhe esEace or inceresc covered by this policy aB the date hereof is vesEed in: iIUDfTII A. KUL,LER 5. The land referred Eo in Ehis policy is situaEed in EAGL,,E County, Colorado. and is described as follows: LoT 7, Ar,OcK 2, LIONS RIDGE SUBDTVISTON, FrtrNG No. 4, ACCORDfT.IG TO TI{E RBCORDED PIrAT TI{EREOF, COITNIY OF EAGITE, STATE OF COLORADO. Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. . INR-43-1997 I?225 dN KNITTING MILLS Osner Form 402 order No. vs25850 SEHEDTII,E B ilr"" 6tZ 452 EgLS P.W/99 No. SV2450624 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the fo[owing: 1. RighEs or claims of parties in possessiorr nor shown by E'he public records. 2- Basements, or claims of easernenEs, noE shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, Conflict.s in boundary lines, shorEage in area, encroachment s, and any fact's which a correcc survey and inspecEion of the prernises would disclose and which are not 6hor,vn by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, tor sersices, labor, or malerial'Eheretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by tshe public records- 5. 1995 TAXES NOT YET DI'E OR PAYABIJE NlD ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREAST'RERS OFFICE. 6. RIGHT OF !{AY FOR DITCHES OR CA}IALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITTTORTTY OF fiIE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IINTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED J]uIY 27' T979' IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 886. 7. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIITS. WHICH DO NOT EOIITAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTBR CLAUSE, BIII OMITTING RESIRICTIONS, IF AlfY, BASSD oN RACE, CoLoR' RELrcIoN, oR NATT9NAL oRrcrN, As col[TArNEn iN twsrnttualr RECoRDED sepEenber 20' 1972, rN BooK zzs Nr pAci 443 et'rD As AMENDED rN TNSTRITMENT REcoRDED sepEember 29, Lg72, IN BOOK 225 AA PAGB 565 AND AS AMBI{DM IN INSIRT'MENT RECORDED JATTlrAry 22, L974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53. 8- TERMS, pRovlsroNs, coNDrTroNs AND OBITTGATTONS col{TAINED rN EASEMEIIT At{D RrGHT OF WAY RECI)RDED MARCII 18, 1980 IN BOOK 300 AT PAGE 290- g. RBSTRICTIVE COVEIIANTS WIIICH DO NOT COiO?AIN A FORFEITI,R.E OR REVERTER EIAUSE, BUT OMITIING REslnIcTIoNs, IF AI{y, BASED ON RACE, COLoR, R.EtrGIOlV, OR NATIoNAIJ oRIGIN, AS CON:TAINED TN INSTRWENT REEORDEDJUIY 01, 1985, IN BOOK 418 AT PAGE 738. ]-0. TERMS, CONDTTIONS .AND PROVISIONS OF SI'BDIVISION IMPROVBMB!{TS AGREEMENT RECORDBD August 01, 1980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGB 412- 11 . IIIIL,IIY AND ACCESS EASEMBMTS AS SHOWN ON TIIB RECORDED PLAT OF IJIoN'S RrDGE SI'BDIVISION FII,ING NO. 4. 12. EIJECTRIC EASEMEIIT IN THE SOIXTHE'AST CORNER OF SI'B"IBCT PROPERTY AS SHOTJN ON THE RBCORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SIIBDMSION FIIJING NO- 4' Page MFR-43-1997 L?.25 KNITTING I.lILLS 872 452 A9t5 P.@/Ag -Orvner Form 402 Order No. VS25860 Policy No. SV2450624 SCIEDUI.E B 13. EASEI.IENTS, RESERVATXOAIS AIID RESTRIqTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PI,AI OF LION'S RTDGE SI'BDIVTSTON FII,TNG NO. 4. 14- DEm OF TRUST DATED March 31. 1995. FROM JTIIITTH A- KIILIJER TO THE PIIBL,IC TRUSTEE oF EAGLB COIDITY FOR lIIE USE OF .IAl,lES P. POWER TO SECURE TIIE SIIM OF $300,000.00 RECORDU) april 06, t-995, rN BOOK 554 AT PAGE 795. *r **ElilDoRsEMENT 130 . 00***r PROVIDED TIIERE IS SIT{IATED OIT TgE LAND DESCRIBED IIIIDER SCHEDIIrE A OF TEE POLICY A SIIiIGLE FAMILY R-ESIDENCE, TIIE POtIeY IS IIEREBY AMEIIDED AS FOLTIOWS: NOTI{ITIISTAIIDTNG A}TTMING THEREIN TO THE CONTRARY, TIIE POI,ICY INSURES AGAINST T,OSS OR DAMAGB BY REASON OF TIIE FOLIOI{ING: ].. ANT {'NFTIJED IJIAN FOR IABOR OR M]TTERIAIJ FURNTSHED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON TTIE IJAND (EXCEPT FOR AIVY SUCH IJIM{ ARISIIiIG OUT OF EONSTRUCTION COItrRACTBD FOR oR ASSIIMED By TrrB rNSItRm) , PROVTDED CoIISIRUCTrON OF Arr-, TMPROVEMEMTS IS COMPT.ETED AT DATE OF POI.TICY; 2. RIGATS OR CI,AIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION OP THE PRINCIPAL DWEI.,LII.!G; 3. TTTE ENFORCED REMOVAL OF' T}IE PRINCIPAL DWELLING ON ACCOUNT OF, AT DATts OF POLTCY: (A) ATVY ENCROACHMENT OF SATD PRINCTPAI., DWEI.,LINC ONIO ADJOINTNG I.ANDS OR OIITO AI{Y EASEMEIIT SHOI{N AS AN EXCEPTTON IN SCIIEDI'LE B OR OMTO AIVY UIIRECORDED ST'BSI'RFACE EASEMEIST. (B) AI'[Y VIOI,ATTON OF BUILDING SBltsACT( I,INES OR COIIENA}MS, COIIDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS REFERRED TO TN SCIIEDUI.8 B OF THE POIJICY. A}IY VIOI.ATION OF A}IY ZONING ORDINANCE IF THE I,AND TS USED ONLY FOR A SINGI.E FA}'UJY RESIDENCE. TIrE TERM IPRINCIPAL DWEITrJINGi MEANS AI{Y SINGL,E PAIIIILY RESfDE}nfAL STRttCTtRE ON TI{E IJAIID WIIETIIER DETACHBD OR NOT, IF TIIE PRINETPAI, DWETLITIG IS A COIIDOIIIIIII,M I'NIT IT REFERS TO THE SPACE WTfiIIN TIIE BOI'NDARIES OF TIIE T'NIT. ADDITTOTdAT., IMPROVEIIE}MS A}ID AREAS SUCH AS OUT.BUILDIIiIGS, DETACHED ciAx,AGES. FENCAS, DRMI{AYS, nErArNrr.rc wAr,ts, pr,Arflrs ArrD COMMoN AREAS ARE NOT INCIJUDED WITHTN TIIIS DEFINITION. THE TERI.{ rZONING ORDTNAICE'| DOES NOT TNELUDE BUILDING CODBS, OCCT'PAI\ICY RESTIITATIONS A}.TD SI,BDIVISION IA9IS. ***FOIU|{ 103,7*** TITE CO!,IPA}IT HEREEY ASST'RBS TIIE INSI'RED TIIAT SAID LAND ABIXTS UPON A PITSSICAI,IJY OPEN STREET KI\TO$'N AS ASPEN GROI'E IANE, WHICI' AD.IOINS BUFFEHR EREEK ROAD, IIHICH TS A PUBLTC ROAD, AIID TTIE COIUPAIVY H8R3BY INSI'RES SAID ASSI'RBD AGAXNST r,OSS MilCS SAID ASST'RED SHAI,L SUSTAIN TN TITE EVENT SAID ASSI'NANCES HEREIN SHALL PROVB TO BE INCORRECT. Page 3 . IfR-83-1997 L?126 CN KNITTING MILLS owner Form 402 order No. vS2586O SCEEDI'IE B rTEMS 1 TIIROIICH 3 OF SCHEDULE B ARE IiEREBY DEIETED. ITE,T NO. 4 OF TEE STAI{DARD EXCEPTIONS IS gER.EBY DELETED AS TO A}IY LIBNS OR F TUBE I,IENS RESIILTII{TG FROM WORK OA IINTTN ET,,I FURNISHED AT TIIB REQI'EST OF JAMES P. POWER. OI.,D RBPT'BLIC NATIOI{AIJ TITI.IE INSURANCE COMPAIiIY SIIAI'L HA\rE }TO IIIABII'ITY FOR AlI.|r IJTENS ARISING FROM WonK oR MAaERIAL FURNISHED AT TI|E REQUEST OF JIIDITH A. KIIITLER. 6L2 452 e9L5 P.g9/A9 icy luo. sv2450524 Page 4 TOTAL P.A9 ARTHURI. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natunl Flazu& Cqluhanu 222 Br Gtrhh Arc, Gunairar, Colardo I I2l0 )0t -64t.t2t6 November 15, 1995 Mr. Harold Kullcr 54 Woodland Cr. Fiina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keller: At the request of Mr. John Gunson, project architect, I visited your Property in Vail (tnt 7, on Aspen Grove la:te). The purpose cf nly site inspectlon was lo evaluate the proPase'l huild.ing 'site, as shown on Mr. Gunson's May, 1995 site plan, with respect to potential snow avalanche, debris flow, and rockfall hazard. I conducted my site inspection on November 2, 1995 ' SNOW AVALANCTIE AND DEBRIS FI.OW The property and building sile are not exposcd to avalanche or debris flow hazard and thus will not require mitigalion or special design. ROCKFALL The property and building sitc are klcatcd approximately 600 vcrtical fcet bclow and south of a horizon(al cliff band roughly five-to-ten fcct tlrick lhat has proiluced rockfall at selected locations in the past. The slope betwcen thc cliff band and lhe buikling sitc is gencrdlly steep (20" to 30" inclination) anrl does not suPport a foresl capablc of arresting rockfall motion. Inspection of the ground surface bctween the building site and the cliff band 600 feet above the site indicatcs that rockfall has not been an activc process bccause rockfall boulders ltave not been cleposited on thc slope. Furthermore, thc cliff band is generally solid and does not contain many loose ,nik, thut could becomc detached and fall as rockfall. I locatcd one boulder witlrin thc cliff that could fall onto the slope, horvevcr this boulder would probably shatter inlo sntaller rocks most of which woutd follow a trajectory lo the east of l-ot 7 and stop above the buiidings' Although I cannot state with absolute certainty that rockfall hazard docs not exisl, I do feel that the probability of a damaging rockfall event is so small at Lot 7 llrat it can be disregarded in planning and design. I would be comfortable building on this site without rockfall mitigation. Sincerely, Cl"*t^.^l ilL,no, Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche--c6ntrol engineer cc: John Gunson Meu l1/o lng . Axlorchcs o Auloachc Gnlol Englneulng rco"?ll lei n Consu lti n g ?n gi neers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers . Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 AVON SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX We anticipate that a trvo-story residencc of wood l'r'ame and cast-in-place concrcte construction will be built on the lot. Since thc lot is stcep, the depth of tlre cxcavation at the back of tlre residence will be about | 5 feet. 'l'he front of the lrouse will have a rvalkout basernentlgarage. Based on our expetience in the area, we anticipate lhe materials exposed in the bottom of tlte excavation tbr the residerrce rvill consisr of a siity or clayey siurtl. la !:.; aloo pcslible thrt sandstone or siltstone lredrc'ck nray be encountered in the excavation. If bedrock is encountered, it may be necessaly to blast the bedrock in order to cor plete the excavation. In our opinion, the sand soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system and slab-on-grade flools. The spread footing foundation systetn supported by the sand soils can be designed on a prelintinary basis using a maximum allorvable soil beariug pressure of 1,500 psf. Ifbedrock is encountered, highel bearing pressures are possible. These bearing pressures can be finalized when a soils and foundation investigation is perforrned. All exterior footings should be conslructed at leasl 4 feet beneath the final grade to reduce the risk of frost heave. To reduce the risk of damp basemerrt floor slabs, we recommend a 4-inch layer offree dlainirrg gravel beneath the slab to act as a moisture break. Water from surface irrigation and snowmelt frequently flows through the relatively permeable backfill adjacent to the foundation walls and collects on the surface of the relatively impenneable materials occurring at the bottorn of the foundation excavation. This can cause wet or nroist basement conditions afler construction. To reduce the risk of accurnulation of water adjacent to basement walls, we recommend provision ofa foundation drain. A typical delail ofa drain is shown in the attached figure. 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy MAIN OFFICE (303)989-1223 (303) 989-0204YFAX Decenrber 24, 1996 Jon Gunson Jon Crurson Architects P.O. Box 1490 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Subject: Prelinr inary Design Reconr mendat ions Proposed Kul ler Residence Lot 7, Block 2, Fiting 4 Lions Ridgc Subdivision Vail, Cololado Jott No. 96-357 As requested, we reconrnrendat ions for rec onr nr en dat ions are (970) 468-6933 (e70) 468-6e39 FAX prepared this lctter tlescribing our assunrplions and our prelinrinary design t,or 7, Ulock 2, tliling 4, irr llre Lions Ridge Subdivision in Vail, Coloratlo. Ottr based on our siti.) visit and our exoerierrce in the area. Jon Gunson Decenrber 24, 1996 Page 2 Basement and retainirrg walls are planned for the residence that may requile lateral design pressures. For the "at-rest" corrdition, rve reconrnrend llrc belorv gradc rvalls be designed using an equivalent fluid weiglrt of 50 pcf. For the "active" conditiorr, we recournreud the walls be designed using an equivalent fluitl weight of 35 pcf. A coefficient of fric(iolt of 0.4 lnay lre used to resist sliding. The equivalent flrrid weights are based on a horizontal backfill condition and do not include allorvances for surcltarge loads dtre to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. The risk of wetting tlre foundation soils can lre rcduced by carefully planned antl nraintained strrface dlainage. We recornnrend tlre groLrnd sLrrlace surrourrding the extcrior of the residence be sloped arvay frorr the residence in all directions. We reconruencl a nrinimum slope of l2 inches in the first l0 fect. Backfill around the foundatiou walls should also be moistened and courpacted. The recornmendations presented in this letter are only prelinrinary. The Torvn ol Vail rvill requile a soils and foundation investigation as a requirernent fol issuirrg a building permit. At that time, rve catt finalizc orlr reconl rnendat ions. We appreciate the opportunity to provide lltis service. Ifrve can be of further service, please contact us. S in cere ly, KOICI II-EIN CONSUT,TING ENCINEEIlS Reviewed r, 4Jilr, {K,)J"; Williarn lJ. Koechlein, P.8,, President sDwjt (2 copies sent) attachment i'i _, Itrll f EqJE CI_KH r4-gLe- e,-*s lefuALloB No. q?Q 2 FILE NO. srrBJEcr f2etvZrlAi( LlrlLll-9 ,',rrr.rt,fllfl rflBftlltO I l; :,'"tL; ,l::"1.,i',; i:,,1d,Rb slbNIE VE\J€€P art TyzFleVL;+ rFfi'h, CDVEPEP AI VN' f?zbrfP 7u'il^loc'P M$ 6\J, \ d,Rb ,,.,,*., flffl rflB0llfi0 I l,?i''',ffii:H".3i"xlYl NO. FILE NO zVz" AEAittlVR otb'lLE69Yt2 TINE PE'E&EA VOZNt,..I6ATHERET'U @77EK PA}IELg (F.l6rDE 6,oa1) 5't<auuolr-tca Irnott"t r.;uuEzEEfu-JoB rro. qqto' - | I stta.lecr TYP (,rARy'.iaz:- Oc)ot!- V g'''t It------l\ DATE nEF. lto. F|LE ilO. ,/ l"b owtF lklll l"(p R,5 LF11^.t7 l".l/V'drF"ovP J L ?psp_ ylailE to CuI10? ?^NEL Povltl 6'! illr_r Scafe: trzt'=1,-c)t -ln!!E9lJ\4LrP_F-. =*5 .2 -!98-tl9,a@? - sUBJqcrlt!lAL!?El\!t- rl rRftLt.TdiRrb SUBJECT Elrw,6 nEr. ilo. J00 ilo. r"rnl^t rlf rJ | flrJ Alp- spc TY ?t bLo tv-h.J c1 aD\EA+UaA5 trt 4. A,*1*-t=y'.rtA-l) iee Fool?a;J foF-LoPA E/a" s'te,{tltdq 2*z z,ss>1gga LxtT 9U?'/A9( / Ll.lL F.t.t tl614G \- cor-r-t .rofir-r \nAf ll4'e-Laa1 vulreff- 1E Lf4 l-crtt lr.r€oe-narx.octsO Lo61 a),{Jts'l 4'+tttutr1421 gECTIOH \/ L6)ttra eo o po Jf BF1 rara !i'd 'rP;4, J 4LL fL4'r4 lVleEE 'N)tvrq't wn tota1 i Lx4 gTuQ r-^l,,a.l-Ll ! Scale : ltrz"=l- o" Att BEHInD EXT. TIIUS$ [ffituffi - 7tt1. 1" , l/l'l "tlJl',. stlt,t- e iov'lir,Rs - rt. LtE - srARt A9't?Fr'fut: iit|" tl'Jit"'"" r t 1 5tvvt. ttAlE t,lv(.t1. fA.t1'14 lt;[,'ti7 / l ill lilt-t' Ito oz, -5flEE1- a4'rEF\ t: 4ut€1- 3'x3rxlz4" gTeev /\Navd \ 5,,x 5'l a(efl ?vxt6 _ - .') =--=-="i: r==-===-- .t'rroJrt r l'-tlU=!ffg=--I_ _,tou ttuA-*b . _sur',n:<; r d]. lLllt_lt=,_t' l_l Irntu I :l':. I ltl t,n.l: il0. a[m nt q!'i$994jAEIruL:::: ::: $cale:'fto 9cN.E YOUR LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONTACTS March 07, 1995 Our Order No.: VS25860-2 Buyer/Borrower, ' ,JUDITH A. KULLER Qo'l 'l or /l.lr.rnar. / vrrlrv! I JAMES P. POWER ProperEy Address: If you have any inquiries or require furE.her assist.ance, pleasecont.act one of the numbers listed below: For Closing Assist.ance: For Title Assistance: ARZANA RUCKER SARAH DORMAN OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #2L5 1OB S. FRONTAGE RD W. AVON CO 8]-620 vArL, co 81558Phone: 303 949-5099 Phone: 303 476-2251-Fax: 303 949-4892 Fax: 303 475-4534 Guides Lo understanding tit.1e insurance are available uponrequest.. Pl-ease calL our Sales department aL 303 331,-6299. Not,e: Once an original commitment has been issued, atry subsequenL changes will be emphasized by underlining. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! orD REpu+ NATT.NAL TrTLE rNsuRju{cloMpANy TA COMMI SCHEDUI,E A Our TMENT Order # VS25gGO-2 The- land referred, Eo ih tfris LommitmenE,follows: !gT-]t_BLOCK 2, LroNs RrDcE SrrBDrvrsroN,ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED PI,Ei_i;SNBOF,OF COLORADO. is described as FILING NO. 4, COTJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE ALr^O"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Except j-ons ) The policy or policies Lo be issued will- conEain excepEions to the fol,Lowinq unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. SLandard Exceptions 1 through 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. a .Tt^-.^^ --^,-l -^-o. r.c1i(cb drrLr crbsessments not yet due or payable and special assessmenEs not veL cerEified to Lhe Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments againsL said land. B. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THB AUTHORITY OF THB UNITED STATES AS RBSERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED J:uTY 27 , L979, IN BOOK 2BB AT PAGE BB5. 10. RBSTRICTIVE COVENANTSI WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIG]N, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDBD SEPI.CMbET 20, \9'72' IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AIVIENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPLCMbET 29, T912, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 555 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRLIMBNT RECORDED JANUATY 22, 1974, rN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53- (il FIFTEEN FooT UTILITY EASEMENT ALoNG THE SUBDIVISION BOTINDARY LINES, AS\-/ RESERVBD ON THB LION,S RIDGB SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, PLAT. AGREBMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY AND MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY RBCORDED SEPTEMBER 27, t9'13 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. R]GHT OF WAY FOR AN BXISTING ROAD, BEING PORTY FEET IN WIDTH, LYING EQUALLY ON BACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE, OVER AND ACROSS LOTS 20 AND 21, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE B]. WEST OF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COLORADO, AS }{j\S BEEN GRANTBD TO THE EAGI-,E COUNTY BOARD OF COMISSIONERS, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO UNDER RIGHT OF WAY GRANT COLORADO 14434, AS PROV]DED FOR UNDER THE ACT OF OCTOBER 13, ag64 (78 STAT. 1089, 16 U.S.C. 532-538) AS SET FORTH IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 27 , T979 IN BOOK 2BB AT PAGE BB5. TERMS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLTGATIONS CONTAINED IN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED MARCH 18, 19BO IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 290. RBSTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACB, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED TN INSTRUIVIENT RECORDED JUIY 01, 1985, IN BOOK 4].8 AT PAGE 738, ./ Our Order # VS25B60-2 4;\.rz I -L.). €e 15. PAGE ,-'ff A L r O" o M M r r M SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions ) [15/ TERM'' coNDrrroNs AND PRovrsroNS oF suBDrvrsroN rMpRovEMENTs A.REEMENTRECORDED August 01, rSaO fll,BOOK 306 AT PAGE 412.,JJ). HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ELECTRIC EASEMENTS AND ACCESS EASEMENTS ASSHOWN ON THE RECORDED Pr,Ar Or LrON'S RrDGE .UEOTVTSTON FTLTNG NO. 4. [1BJ EASEMENTS AND RrGHT oF wAY FoR ELECTRTC rRANsMrssroN AND/oR DrsrRrBUTroNpuRposEs AS GRANTED TO HOiy-inoss ulncrniCaisocrarrou, rNc., rNC. rNINSTRTIMENT RECORDEO AUGUST r+, 1980 IN EOOX 3OO AT PAGE 899. l9l BLE.TRT. EASEMENT rN THE sourHEAST coRNER oF suBJEcr pRopERTy As sHowN oNTHE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUEOTVTSiON-r''IrNE NO. 4. ?O) EASEMENTS, RBSERVATTONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE\-.-/ RECORDED PLAT OF LTON'S RIDGE SUBDIVTSTON FTLING NO. 4. \_\_,,ryr.HArrr ANp w!; wrLL SBND coprEElr,@Nft.= ffi'+# m*'W*1ffiffiffi"*HgffiH* ilffim*-"ffiffior"*:-ql q-r** #ffir+*Flrs esey- rHn Hffi"'ffi 3"q*.,ffirffiffiffiffi:# E:i_eE!!r!e rF LANp ENT Our Order # VS258GO-2 OWNERS TITLE ##ffi GE ffifu*"ffiffiff #rH#: BE DELETED upoN pRooF rnAr rHE wArER crtRbnrg.qttf? IOO S Ridcp Slreer Bor ugo I &€ck6nrrdoe. Coloroclc 80424 | tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter TO '-iZtrN .F Vktu.-\ \A\.- ao, OlGgl > WE ARE SENDING YOU frAttached tr Under separate cover via F{.int" D Change order LETTil@F TRANSNNNTTAL F{t"n"D Samples the following items: tr Specifications tr z4hT l'"'""ffr"D,tLK Mn6r,rl Y<IJLr_EQ_- R_je6rDE}.r% rA3> .aCfl-tc-tntal ,OO c '6t Ndi <f .srrc' * Pua..l,LNDYlft N4 Cae-4,- €*?r)4'utl'ts FAa-6$,t< THESE ARE tlzt $(for aoorovat ! For your use fl As requested 1D ITTED as belorY: Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ,+ D Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corrocted prints o ! tr on For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO $ fo* e,aC-",tt . Codent . 1096 Po6t4onrunor Contont PNcuri2.o /@7 t.. c|d4 b. or'l l, a.rctoauaaa aaa ''ot aa notad, ZUI Err Codic Ava "Tfi'-Hf#'" November 15, f995 Mr. Harold Kuller 54 Woodland Cr. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keller: At the request of Mr. John Gunson, project architect, I visited your property in Vail (tlt 7, on Aspen Grove !.:ne). The purpose cf rny siie inspection was lo evaluate the proposed huild.!1g site, as shown on Mr. Gunson's May, 1995 site plan, with respect to potential snow avalanche, debris flow, and rockfall hazard. I conducted my site inspection on November 2, t995' SNOW AVAI.*ANCHE AND DEBRIS FLOW The property and building site are not exposed lo avalanche or debris flow hazard and thus will not require mitigation or special design. ROCKFALL The property and building site are located approximately 600 vertical feet below and south of a trorizontat cliff band roughly five-to-ten teei ttrict that has produced rockfall at selected locations in the past. The slope beween the cliff band and the building site is generally steep (20" to 30" inclination) and does not support a forest capable of arresting rocKall mo(ion. Inspection of the ground surface between the building site and the cliff band 600 feet above the site indicates fhat rockfall has not been an active process because rockfall boulders have not been deposited on lhe slope. Furthermore, the cliff band is generally solid and does not contain many loose roiks fhut could become detached and fall as rockfall. I located one boulder within the cliff that could fall onto the slope, however this boulder would probably shatter into smaller rocks most of which would follow a trajectory to the east of Lot 7 and stop above tbe buii<iings. Although I cannot state with absolute certainty that rockfall hazard does not exist, I do feel that the probabllity of a damaging rockfall event is so small at [.;clt 7 that it can be disregarded in planning and besign. I would be comfortable building on this site without rockfall mitigalion. Sincerely, o Crr*1*^4 . tlLrn, Adhur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer cc: John Gunson ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Nmrnl llrzrnJr Corulrul Mes Wa tng t Ahlqrclqt t Auhnclc Conrnl Englnccd'tg rotnlein ConsultinfEngineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 SILVERTHORNE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX December 24. 1996 Jon Gunson Jon Gunson Architects P.O. Box 1490 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Subject: PreliminaryDesign Recommendations Proposed Kuller Residence Lot 7, Block 2, Filing 4 Lions Ridge Subdivision Vail. Colorado Job No. 96-357 As requested, we prepared this letter describing our assumptions and our preliminary design recommendations for Lot 7, Block 2, Filing 4, in the Lions Ridge Subdivision in Vail, Colorado. Our recommendations are based on our site visit and our experience in the area. We anticipate that a two-story residence of wood frame and cast-in-place concrete construction will be built on the lot. Since the lot is steep, the depth ofthe excavation at the back ofthe residence will be about | 5 feet. The front of the house will have a walkout basement/garage. Based on our experience in the area, we anticipale the materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation fbr the residence will consist ofa siity or clayey saili.:. li ii alro pcssible that sandstone or siltstone bedrock may be encountered in the excavation. lf bedrock is encountered, it may be necessary lo blast the bedrock in order to complete the excavation. ln our opinion, the sand soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system and slab-on-grade floors. The spread footing foundation system supported by the sand soils can be designed on a preliminary basis using a maximum atlowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. lf bedrock is encountered, higher bearing pressures are possible. These bearing pressures can be finalized when a soils and foundation investigation is performed. All exterior footings should be constructed at least 4 feet beneath rhe final grade to reduce the risk of frost heave. To reduce the risk of damp basement floor slabs, we recommend a 4-inch layer offree draining gravel beneath the slab to act as a moisturg break. Water from surface irrigation and snowmelt frequently flows through the relatively permeable backfill adjacent to the foundation walls and collects on the surface of the relatively imperrneable materials occurring at the bottom of the foundation excavation. This can cause wet or moist basement conditions after construction. To reduce lhe risk of accumulation of water adjacent to basement walls, we recommend provision ofa foundation drain. A typical detail ofa dlain is shown in the attached figure. MAIN OFFICE (303)e89-1223 (303) 98e-0204 FAX AVON (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Jon Gunson December24, 1996 Page 2 o Basement and retaining walls are planned for the residence that may require lateral design pressures. For the "at-rest" condition, we recommend the below grade walls be designed using an equivalent fluid weight of 50 pcf. For the "active" condition, we recommend the walls be designed using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used to resist sliding. The equivalent fluid weights are based on a horizontal backfill condition and do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. The risk of wetting the foundation soils can be reduced by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the ground surface surrounding the exterior of the residence be sloped away from the residence in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first l0 feet. Backfill around the foundation walls should also be moistened and compacted. The recommendations presented in this letter are only preliminary. The Town of Vail will require a soils and foundation investigation as a requirement for issuing a building permit. At that time, we can finalize our recommendations. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. lfwe can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENC INEERS Reviewed rrrilJo {<*JJd- William H. Koechlein, P.8., President SDwljt (2 copies sent) attachment ll \l I "" ,.,"Fflll r,iiiKt'-\tflBftllTt(\ U I I J\.-/l h:*,'":3:l';"J;,,:$: Jos No.q?A? SUBJECT r2PtVEilA sToll PIER 'W / DEGORATIUE slONlE vENEEFqg lye.rJEVLr+ t*1'd, caveFEP El VI,|LELIEP TvldoaP crrtttc t,trrrF fllflat ltTrL/'t 1pftffiOOj5 Q,oAe !r,6er 0a. r.r9' Ilre:,enr,lJe C.r o' rJ SOll.ll REF. NO. FILE NO ':::.-. -t-.i tl r/,t/vi 7tt2'1^\El1y1gk ou?IkEa9€r2 ?NE 5'mouuolr-tcz-\l=-l E}ITRY DOOR ale:7/4= l,-d atrrlF TFltl l"0R,E aEFA.t< Ttq. N/ V-<rFoovE ttlq-o DiE \_ GARAGE D ale: ?.rr=t,,c,l OR EV. illRfiffib_lo $il5 PNOJECT BJECT nEF. lro. nLE Ho. MAtNTAril | iluJ At?- $?c. Lr', t,t-otvliq aw\e.q+u1&9 #g'sttgnrntl,lq 2*t Z U\Pfcfi LxtZ 9U?'FA94 ,r Lt,6 A'1, zr4 ?..e./F.eTbV PFt? €l2ge IjlL t.t, t/ 614 4 \- cau-r. 44Ft1'l \,EJf ! trt ! At*tA- n7rnri)-r)aee ?Fa? FIAN FOI. 9.o?A $ f, $ .,-L J liri 'cuoa, vEFtttl€- 1U1Y4 Larrt rr.lFaesaeadxto Loq du*l lii+ ttstuJ*ii LO)& Lo o l.o ffgrt rtr4". 5,\<:|1 IH&E J .4LL n'A.r€ i$tazE 'fu;;F4'4w1to'.a1 i Z*4 bfuP P.lAt-t-l ' Tlotl at InoJr:() r F-rtUUeg Bg=. sur',rr;rrl-l lll -ll )V'f lVt. Z_ lrAl E 1t:l:, 1lt. l:1.8 1Cr. - '7't s.3" t trftt' 1ll':11' .9 tti.t= L- ' <9 /.ov l'lli lz5 5l-rfE li.4' t:l' g ft:,t ll.. t.l,/ l.l:J< t:.\l<_ {o fKo\/tE t_ Vl{Alll\.C,ti-. FI-LIE 'r'ARV AerFs'ra( 9rAI<K l-l<kYefoe-lltqp ,ldr, 5"r5' trvvt. ^Ale t.w(|. FA'tTH ltiv L7 / | llt'tt lt' ( Pl-AN 6v(.YA1j9u lu Dz. 6AE.E-T <-cfpla b'*3t^la" gTeev l K:,4 '. LEr.l4ff l___) YOT'R LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPA}IY CONTACTS March 07, 1995 Buyer/Borrovrer: SelIer/Owner: Property Address: Our order No.: vS25860-2 JT]DITH A. KULLER JAMES P. POWER If you have any inquiries or require furt.her assistance, please contact one of lhe numbers listed below: For Closing Assistance: For TiE.le Assistance: ARZANA RUCKER SARAH DORMAN OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #215 ].08 S, FRONTAGE RD W. AVON CO 81620 VAIL, CO 81658Phone: 303 949-5099 Phone: 303 476-225LFax: 303 949-4892 Fax: 303 476-4534 Guides to understanding title insurance are available uponrequest. Please call our Sales departmenE aL 303 331,-6299. NoLe: once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent changes will be emphasized by underlining. TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! trrtrrent To Insure ALTA Commitment - 1970 Bev. ifij 0t0 REPUBLIC NATI0NAL Tlilt INSUBANCI C0MPANY. a Mrnnesou corporation, herern called the Company, for a valuable consideradon, hereby commirs t0 issue its poltcy 0r policies 0i rtle insuranc€, as iden fied in Schedule A, rn {avor of the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner 0r mofigagee of the estate 0r intsrest covercd hereby in the land described or reiened ro in Schedule A, up0n paymenr of the premiums and chatges thetefor; all subiecl l0 the provisions ol Schedrle A and B and to rhe Condrtions and Sdpulations hereof. This Comm|tmem shall be effecive only when the idenrny of the proposed Insrred and the amount of the poltcy or policies commi[ed for have been insened rn Schedule A hereof by the Company, ehher at the ime 0f lhe issuance 0l lhis Commnn]ent or bv subseouent end0rsemenl. This Commtment n preliminary to the issuance ol such polcy or policies ol title insurance and all liabilhy and obligations hereunder shall cease and lermina€ six monrhs afler rhe eflective date hereof 0r when the policy or policies commht€d ior shall issue, whrchever lirst occurs. pmvided that the {al{ure to rssue such polrcy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONt}IIIONS ANt} STIPUI-ATIONS L The rerm "mongage", when used herein. shall include deed 0f trusl, lrusl deBd, 0r other sec!rly rnstrument. 2. lf the proposed lnsur0d has cr acquires aclual kncwledge ol any defecl, lien, encumbrance, adverse clalnr or other marter alfectinq rhe eslare or interest 0r mortgag€ thereon covered by rhis Commhment orher than those shown rn Schedule B hereof, and shall fad t0 disclose such knowledge tolheCompanylnwnting'theCompanyshallberelieyedlromliabi|ityioranylossordamageresultrngfromanyactolreliancehereontotheeltenttheCompany by failure of rhe proposed lnsurd 1o so disclose such knowisdge. lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge t0 the Company, or i{ the ompany mhe&ise acqutres acrral know/edge of any such defect, li€n, eflcumbrance. adrierse claim 0r olher maner, Ihe Company at rts oprion may amend Schedule I of this Commitment accotdingly, bul such amendmenr shal) nor relieve the Company from liabilhy previously incuned pursuant 10 pangraph 3 oi these [onditions and Slipulaions. 3. ltabilrty of rhe Company under rhis Commirmeflr shall be only t0 the named proposed Insured and such panies includedunderthedefinii0no{|nsuredinthef0rm0fpo|rcyorpocies comply with rhe requ/rements hueof or (bl to eliminate exceptions shown rn Schedule 8, or {c) to acqulre 0r cruat€ rh€ estate 0r interest or mongege thereon covercd by this Comrnnmenl. ln no event sha)l srch liabilrty exceed rhe amount srated in Schedule A {or rhe poliry 0r policies commnted for and such liabjlity is subiecl to the tnsuring provtsions and the Condnions and Stipulations and the Exclusions lrom Coverage of the form 0f policy 0t polioes commrllsd for in favor of the proposed lnsured which are heteby incorporated by reference and made a pan of this Commttment ercepl as erpressly nodilied herein. 4. Any aclion 0r actlons 0r flghls 0f aDtion that the proposed Insrred may have or may bring against the Company ansing out of the sttus ol lhe litle r0 the esrale or inrercsr 0r the slarus of rhe mongage rhereon covercd by thls Crmmitment nust be based on and are sublect to the provisions of this Commitmenl. STANDABO TXCTPTIONS ln addirion to rhe malrers conrarned rn rhe Condrtons and Sripulations and Exclusions from Covetage above relened to, rhis Commitment rs also sublect to the followtng, 1. Rrghts or claims 0f panies rn possessron no1 shown by the public records. 2 [asements, or daims of easemdnrs, not shown by the publc retords. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in borndary lines. shonage tn area, encroachmenrs, and any facm which a tolltct survey and inspectron of the premrses would disclose and which are not shown by the publn records. 4 Any lien, 0r nght t0 a lien. fcr serlices, labor 0r rnateial rherctolore or hereafter lurnished, imposed by law and not shown bv the orblir rerords. 5. 0efects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other marmrs, if any, creal€d, ftrst appearing in the publtc recotds or attaclinq subsequent to Comrnrlm€nt. lN WITNESS WHEflE0F, Old Republrc Narional Trrle Insurance Company hss caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunlo allued by rts duly authorued officers on the dare shown rn Schedule A, ro be valid when counrersrqned by a validaring officer or other authorized signatory. -fr*^e-.,-.-4 0t0 RtPUEl_rc flAfloitAt TrTtE rtsuBAilcE G0MPA'|Y A Stotl Coruany 100 5ec1nl Avenue South. Mtnneapalrs. Mlnner1ta 55401 i6 t2 | 3/t fill 8v Aan\otzed Signatuy Ofi forn 2582 A,Es, 4, /?*"2 SeceIary llllllllllllllllH.ej OLD REPUBLIC Gommitment To Insure Natlonal Tille Insurance Company lssued through the Office of: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Road W. Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-2251 / FAX (303) 476-4534 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave., Su te 600 Denver, CO 80206 PO. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 / FAX 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., Suite 150 Englewood, CO 80112 740-6293 t FAX 740,8514 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 | FAX 423-1365 ASPEN 533 E. Hopkins, Suile l02 Aspen Plaza Bldg. Aspen, CO 8161 '1 (303) 925-1678 / FAX (303) 925-6243 DRY CREEK 26 W Dry Creek Circle Suile 390 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 | FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 | FAX 745-2669 ENGLEWOOD 6041 So. Syracuse Way, Suite 100 Englewood. CO 801 11 770-9596 | FAX 290,9040 FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 S. F ddlers Green Suite 103 Englewood, CO 8011 1 771-4539 I FAX 771-4526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 ,' FAX 369 6133 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, Suite 300 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 i FAX 238-2956 LOUISVILLE 890 W Cherry Sl. Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 661-0237 / FAX (303) 661-0252 NORTH 9101 Harlan, Suile 100 Westminsler, CO 80030 427-9353 / FAX $A-1'572 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworlh, Suite 1 J5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemile, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80237 694.2837 t FAX 843-0402 BOULDEF 2425 Canyon Blvd., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80302 444-4101 i FAX 442-7913 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 I FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPHINGS '102 S. Tejon, Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (7191 634-4821 / Dlrect 595-4113 FAX (719) 634-3190 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Ave., Suile 102 PO. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 (303) 945-2610 FAX (303) 945-4784 PARKER 1084'l S. Parker Rd., Suite 1 10 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 I FAX 841-1012 VAIL 108 S. Frontage Fld. W, Suite 203 PO. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-2251 / FAX (303) 476-4534 AGENTS BRECKENRIDGE PO. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Br€ckenridgs, CO 80424 (303) 4s3-2255 / FAX (303) 453-6014 DILLON BRANCH PO. Box 4288 '135 Main St., Suile 5 Dillon, CO 804i15 (303) 262-1883 / FAX (303) 262-0390 OURANGO 121'1 Main Durango, CO 81301 (303) 247-5860 FAX (303) 247-9089 GBANO JUNCTION 225 N. sth St., Suile 120 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (303) 244-8989 / FAX (303) 244-8907 --TOTAL-- ****WITH YOIJR REMITTANCE I' NATIONAL TITLE INSI]RANCE COMPAIVY A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # VS25850-2 For Information Onlv 50 .00 1,330.00 PLEASE REFER TO OI'R ORDER NO. VS25860-2**** o"o fr*"r" ALT 1-. Effective Date: Februarv 27, 1,995 at 8:00 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: nALTA" Owner's Policy L0-L7-92 Proposed Insured: JUDITH A. KULLER ftALTAfr Loan PoIicy aO-t7-92 Proposed fnsured: JAMES P. POWER 3. The estate or interest in the landthis Commitment and cowered herein A Fee Simple A.M. $450, 000.00 $300, 000 . 00 described or referred to in 1S: 4. Title to the estate or int.erest covered herein is aL the effect.ive daE.e hereof vested i-n: JAMES P. POWER - Charges - AIJTA Owner Polic I65 . UU AlE,a Lender Polic $7s.00Tax ReporE Endrsmt # 130.00 PAGE oLD Rto,.,rc NArroNArJ rrrlE -*r.,t"" coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # VS25850-2 5. The land referred Eo in this Commitment is described asfollows: LOT 7, BLOCK 2, LIONS RIDGE SI'BDIVISION, FILING NO. 4, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTQ COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order # VS25860-2 The following are Ehe requirement.s to be complied wit,h: 1. Payment Eo or for t,he accounE. of the granEors or morEgagors of Ehe fu1l consideration tor t.he estate or interesE Eo be insured. 2. Proper instrumenE(s) creating the estate or interesE to be insured must. be execuEed and duly filed for record, Eo-wiE: 3. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRAM|Y DEED FROM JAMES P. POWER TO JI]DITH A. KULTER COIWEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM JIJDITH A. KULLER TO THE PI]BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF JAJVIES P. POWER TO SECURE THE SIJM OF $3OO,OOO.OO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDTNG! ! PAGE 3 ^r., I coMMrrM SCHEDULE B-2 (Except.ions ) ENT Our Order # VS25850-2 10. The poli.cy or polici.es Eo be issued will conEai.n excepEions Eo thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the saEisfaction ofthe Company: l-. SEandard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheeE,. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments noE yet cert.ified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Lj-ens for unpaid wat,er and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 27 , L979, IN BOOK 2BB AT PAGE 886. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITT]NG RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED September 20, a972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AIVIENDED TN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SepLembeT 29, 1-972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 555 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JanuATy22, 1974, rN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 53- FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINES, AS RESERVED ON THE LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, PLAT. 12. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL IJAND COMPANY AND MOUNTATN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, ]-973 TN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 13.RIGHT OF WAY FOR AN EXISTING ROAD, BETNG FORTY FEET IN WIDTH, LYING EQUALLY ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE, OVER AND ACROSS LOTS 20 AND 21, SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COLORADO, AS HAS BEEN GRANTED TO THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COMISSIONERS, EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO UNDER RIGHT OF WAY GRANT COLORADO 1,4434, AS PROVTDED FOR UNDER THE ACT OF OCTOBER 13, L964 (78 STAT. 1089, 16 U.S.C. 532-538) AS SET FORTH rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 27 , T979 IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 885. TERMS, PROVTSIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLTGATIONS CONTAINED IN EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED MARCH 18, 19BO IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 290. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELTGTON, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUVIENT RECORDED July 01, 1985, IN BOOK 418 AT PAGB 738. )-4 . 15. PAGE Att coMMrrMENr SCHEDI'LE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # VS25850-2 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SI'BDIVISION IMPROVEMEIflTS AGREEME}frT RECORDED August, 01-, 1980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 412. 1-7. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ELECTRIC EASEMENTS AND ACCESS EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE ST'BDIVISION FILING NO. 4. 1.8. EASEMENTS AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC ?RANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION PURPOSES AS GRA}i:TED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., INC. IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED AUGUST ]-4, 1980 IN BOOK 306 AT PAGE 899. ].9. ELECTRIC EASEMENT IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SI'BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOI/VN ON THE RECORDED PI-,AT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVIS]ON FILING NO. 4. 20. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RBSTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI-,AT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FII,ING NO. 4. rTEMS l_L ? AND 3 OF THE STANpARp EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETEp FROM THE OWNERS POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY TMPROVEMENT LOCATION SURVEY. NOTE: SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEMENTS SET FORTH TN SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. PLEASE PROV]DE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH THE NAME OF THE SURVEYING COMPANY AND WE WILL SEND COPIES OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. NOTE: rF THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATTON SURVEY rS NOT RECEIVED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO REVIEW AND ENDORSE THE COMMITMENT PRIOR TO CLOSING, ADDITIONAL EXCEPTTONS MAY BE ADDED TO THE POLICY. UPON THE APPROVAIJ OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECETPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAI' I'IEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE lfgNq punll-rsHep AT rHE neQuEsr or-uAMEsP. POWER. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSI]RANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO I.,]ABTI,ITY FOR ANY LTENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAI, FURNISHED AT THE neouLgsT oF fiJDTTH- a. xut.,t,rn. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF I,AND TITI-,E nscoRps rHE DocuvrsvTs REQurREn uNpER scHnpur,E E_1=- NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM T IINDER SCHEDUL,E B-2 WIIJIJ BE DELETED AND ITEM 6 WTLI, BE AMENDED TO READ: lgg5taxrg lrdT ypf pgE-a3 !4I48!E 4ryp assEssr,rsNrs Nor yEr cERrrFrEp ro rHE TREASURERS ITEM NO. B I.'NDER SCHEDULE B-2 WTLL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. PAGE 5 ALO coMMrrM SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcepEions ) ENT Our Order # vS25860-2 ****EIIDORSEMENT 130 . 00**** PROVIDED THERE IS SITUATED ON THE LAND DESCRIBED UNDER SCHEDULE 4 OF THE POLTCY A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, THE POLICY IS HEREBY AIV1ENDED AS FOLLOWS: NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING THEREIN TO THE CONTRARY, THE AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF THE FOLLOWTNG: POLICY INSURES 1. ANY UNFILED LIEN FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL FURNISHED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND (EXCEPT FOR ANY SUCH LIEN ARISING OUT OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTED OR ASSI]MED BY THE INSURED) , PROVIDED CONSTRUCTION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETED AT DATE OF POLICY; 2. RIGHTS OR CLATMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF THE PRINCIPAL DWELLING; 3. THE ENFORCED REMOVAL OF THE PRINCIPAL DWELLING ON ACCOI]NT OF, AT DATE OF POLICY: (A) ANY ENCROACHMENT OF SAID PRINCIPAL ONTO ANY EASEMENT SHOWN AS AN EXCEPTION UNRECORDED ST'BSURFACE EASEMENT. (B) ANY VIOLATION OF BUILDING SETBACK RESTRICTIONS REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE LINES OR COVENANTS CONDITIONS OR FOR IS DWELLING ONTO ADJOINING LANDS rrv scHnour-,s e-on oNro ANY OR B OF THE POLICY. ANY VIOLATION OF ANY ZONING ORDINANCE FAIVIILY RESIDENCE. IF THE LAND IS USED ONLY FOR A STNGLE THE TERM ''PRINCIPAL DWELLING'' MEANS ANY SINGLE FAMILY RESTDENTTAL STRUCTI'RE ON TIIE T.,A}TD WHETHER DETACHED OR NOT. IF ITTE PRTNC]PAL DWELLIIJG IS A COlDOlarllrtlt"l UNII ]I neFERS TO THE SPACE r,lrrHrr'r tlre BOUNDARIES OF rHr uNrT. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AND AREAS SUCH AS OUT-BUTLDINGS, pETACHED GARAGES, FENCES, DRIVEWAYS, RETAINING WALLS, PLANTS AND COMMON AREAS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS DEFINITION. THE TERM ''ZONING ORDINANCEII DOES NOT INCLI]DE BUILDING CODES, OCCUPANCY REGULATIONS AND SI]BDIVISION LAWS. ***FORM 103.7*** THE COMPANY HEREBY ABUTS UPON A PHYSTCALLY OPEN STREET COMPANY HEREBY TNSURES SA]D ASSURED SUSTAIN IN THE EVENT SAID ASSURANCES ASSURES THE INSURED THAT SAID LAND ASPEN GROVE LANE, AND THE AGAINST LOSS WHICH SAID ASSURED S}IALI,, HEREIN SHALL PROVE TO BE INCORRECT. KNOWN AS PAGE oGUARANTEE COMPANYI.AND TYTI,E DISCLOSI]RE STATEME}ilT Required by Senat,e Bill 9l--14 A) The subject. real property may be located in a special Eaxingdistrict. B) A Cert,ificat.e of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from t,he Count,y Treasurer or t.he County Treasurer' s auLhorized aqenE. C) The information regarding special disLricts and Ehe boundariesof such dist,rict,s may be obtained from t.he Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or E,he CounE.y Assessor. Required by SenaEe Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiction shall be obEained from the County Treasurer or lhe Count.yTreasurer' s aut,horized aqent . H"n; OLD REPIIBLIC National Title tnsurance Company ENDORSEMENT ' Attached to policy No. Issued by OI"D RSPUBLTC NATTONAL TTTI.E INST'RANCE COI{PAIIY i The Conpany hereby assures the Insured That said land abuts upon a physically openstreet known as (insert name of street)l and the- conp-a_ny hereby iasures said assured against loss which saidassured sharL sustain in the event said asturances herein shallprove to be incorrect. The total liability of the conpany.under said poricy and anyendorsenents thereto shitr not exceldr-in the aggregater-the faclanount. -of sairl policy and costs whiitr the com-piny- is 'obligated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof t6 pay. This endorsement is made a part of said poricy and is subject l?-llg scledu.les, conditions and sripulation! thdrein, "*."pi-i,modJ.fied by the provisions hereof . OLD RXPUBLIC NATTONAL TITTE INSURANCE COMPANY By COITRADO Fonn 103.? o ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal ocscnpuon: Lot /t*--u--r*r Lteus r-oaa rr.,uo F4 Addrcs t4 Paone ftllL) Q't z' 7 33'7 Phonei/.S 3 -b bs-7 Proposed Total RcmainingAllowcdExistins 4 718_ r (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum 11, Ut4 'ffiu-,,- + SbciCt - 'tdi-'q 2L' F ts' l5' l5' t5 6'\tql l5i Rquved Z'6 Encloscd Complics with TOV Lighring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enr"i ronmcntaLiHazards Goo@eoo)(l2oo)cEec-(;l = Z5TFOfezl I q-\rcmxttcc srcpc I L/ Yo J '1.\Proposcd Slope /U Yo Ycs i.,--- No Ycs___r.Z__ No z'i Proooscd usc -'>in q/e Hat t .{ - Buildable arca zi . lz/C t rotarGuA 14j. 4z€ =4hZI_.4+ffiy= {t4 ":_ru?r'l Prinury CRFA -+ (425) (675*) Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675*) * 6'75 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involvc a 250 Addition? N O Horv much of rhc allowcd 250 Addirion is uscd with thts rcquest? t\//)- a Sitc Covcrage Hcight Sctback i-andscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigtrts Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcway I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) /v/4- 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) /1t/A 5) Ceologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions ofapprovai (chcck propcrty filc): tVAr',/E ls thc propcrfy non-conforming? Descibe: y'/t9 Project: tr sunvey tr STTEPLAI\I tr FLooRPLA}.IS Scalc Benchmark Legal desoiption Lot Size BuildableArea Easemenb Topography 100 yr. flood plain BuildingHeight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOvcrhangs (4) DeclclBalconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fances Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage FireAccess Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Clawl\Atic Spacc EHU A BUIDD.iGELEVATIoNS Scale Color\Matcrials RoofPitch Watcr Course Setback Environmqrtal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elcrations O LAI.IDSCAPEPI-AI.I Existing tces hoposedtrecs Legad MISCELI.ANEOUS Scale Condo Approval Title nport (A & B) Utility vaifi cati on form Photos ofsitc Buil ding material saruplcs C.O. Verification Su\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (rmdergoun d) View Conidors Variances Plat restrictions aE.ytr.d, gll7l91 DESIGN REVI a APPLICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: tf*ia*t*** INCOMPI'ETE APPIJICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDUIJED FOR REVIEW. o EI{ AOARD I. A. ********** PROiIECT INFOR}TATION : DESCRIPTTON: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X new ConstructionAddition ($50.00) ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) ConcepLual Review ($0) D. ADDRE's. l4ceq U LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,OE 1 Bl0ck 2 FiLr\](4 4 E. F. FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 t$ i0, 001 S 50, 00u s 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500.001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI. EXPIRES APPROVAIJ ITNLESS A BUIIJDING PER"t'fif IS IS STARIED. \-b F-+t'ltu D FEE $ 20.00 $ 5U. uU $100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAII ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address:c.l Phone NAME OF APPI,ICANT'S RE SENTATIVE: Mailing Address:6Na\o6t H.NAI'iE OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) STGNATURB:Mailino Address: APPIJICATIONS WII'Ir NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNERTS SIGNATURE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at the t.ime of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. I-,aEer, .when applying for a builCing permit, please idenLify the accuratevaluation of t.he proposal. The Town of vail will adjusc the fee according to the table below, Lo ensure the correcE fee is paid. Subdivision Llatt3 RtD46 If property is described by descript.ion, please provideto this application. ZONING: a meebs and bounds on a separate sheet lega1 and attach IJIST OF MATERIAIJS NAI{E OF PRO.JECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: I,OT_-7 BI,OCK 2 STREET ADDRESS: L\c2t{g to t.he DesignThe following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATBRIAIIS: Roof Siding Obber wall Materials Fascia Soffi Es Windows Window Trim Doors Door Tri m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys A.-ut1ru tt'\ CLIO \r{oag, 9Qcnee AaL 2x 7*. C,r te- qW Q/.AA€tbdg.:1-,9 Etfl- NB 2* e,g. C$t*e_ GRSX reguired approval TYPE OF for submitt.al can be given: !{ATERIAI, ftAso <R:f_< urr) Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wal1s Exterior Liqhting other .={-Dt$t,Fz\V@,.- RoCx- 6aBy Name of Designer: phone: B.LANDSCAPTNG: ;;ffi,H';t:'' AND SHRUBS **fndicate size 5__931:Lan- GROUI{D COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATTON TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSTON CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: ff exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the nurnlcer of tixtui;;-;il l-ocations on a separarelishtins plan. raenriiv-ei.il"it"l"r" iio*-firl ii|rrrins planin the space below anO proviae-tne_neiqht above giade, type oflight proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheeE. ofthe liqhr f ixrure. (secribn ials;'.0s0 .r) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) please_ specify. fnaic-ate heights oi retainingwalls' Maximum h-eigh!-ot "iir"-iithin the front, serback is3 r ' Maximum height-or *iris-!i"""rr"-" on .he property is 6, t-\ Rotanj.cal Name e.nro ll.*. ouantitv .Size* *Indicat,e caliper for deciduousfor deci;;i;uil; -i;: J "i " ";"i*:f, :: . .'ifi Ei."HT**f*3*.Indicate height forconiferoustrees.lrrnrmun heiqhc for coniierousMinimun h .%- MlrFAt/rLg L-rgf dN f+r,.rrf<q4eg 1q,A{n f proposed shrubs _ TvDe $ L-.rafl-,.FgArll ,G-Dq Oq\WwAc-/ Single F LEGAI, DESC PTfON: Lot ADDRESS: OWNER ^U ami ZONB CHECK FORIy Residence, Duplex, Primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS En$t$r*n Lror,r.e F.rD4 PHONE PHONE Allowed Exis tinct Proposed 'fota1 3eLd! -5nt# N.A, + AE Front Sides Rear 20, 15 | 15' SiLe Coverage L,,andscaping P.ebaini.ng l"!al1 He:ghts Parking 3t /61 Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) N,A, \ /'' ARCHITECT rJnN\ (TU\3cN AIA <il\aLe- F-tM11-,yZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE €\NGLT.- FA'\4tLY F(Lor srzg --539 3c'- =-HEZL BUTT,DABLE r,or AREA -Wxro?:rrza- Heighr ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks ?t25 + 425 = j& ttia*Aal++tou =-fzi,4-aff Q+'-co" l3'z 1€t \o2t 414aiE H*il €EE Llt@B-*n_ l{Ao< M.\X 2) PercenL Slope (< 3) GeoLogic Hazards I(! ?,^rr 8€13*d ltarrsp A;rvr*; f, ttause 3 neqra , *VuoL 3 e,nct Garase credit (300) (600) (900) (12001 @ Drive: permirr,ed slope r e?r&i"4"+T o,$}fft Complies wiLh T.o.v. Lighting ordinance ves Y tio Water Courae Setback (30) (s0)N,A, YES- NO-x- Envi ronmen Ea 1 /Hazards :1) Flood P1ain > 30r) 232 Y\ax, a) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall lEec) Debris Flow - 4 ) Wetlancts View Corridor Encroachment: Yes N,A, Does this request involve a 250 Addition? NC2 Ho!'r much of the allowed 250 Addition is used wibh this Previous condiLions of approval (check properEy file): 10 reques E? .-r . i-r. l I l-,i,A'.riolq. coL0RAt 9?GJ + S ;4 + 6.:-:i j- F'i"L 1 Y.V,l "i , 'i . * +: .r [, '; linftr.lt:i ]1. 4(i. i. .i {) I s -;55 dri'-. I or 9.39-4!i1..r'r lJ;t L tt itei 6.it r :r:-i' -: I, i: j:'i':, {1,: f,.{ j,lt:t,;il ',, .i i:"-i i i..?i i '- ,': 1.3P1 I ;i',.' ;.;.. jij E j.:rirl-Iii-r i,;Jli.i;. i.. *! 3 trr;'Jlfigltfi: .!.?ri; !ei,.. ':1:.C kv '.r'iir,.i ' . t-.ygf l,:; ,lgl: i. r;;.,. s 1,_r:'i (if :. .:':..'.: ': " ' '. i -. '. :,s,;: I i' '-/r i . i,l' i'i,i- L'. ;t l .ii: j l;.:il.t..ltr i"iii;r- It i:t. * BDST lMAt-\n Fa I(!->--.-ooll{.,8 ir 'JiA $:t{t Fian iA reqrfized. FhySical JOcai iO$ of 'Rnu.r,r,r ur,:i.j t iregr:,,r!i t)c thtrwn on Lh* tlte p:ah, fflllll-y -jt1oar-ir::tg rnay or nay noi,;i-i*-::i' grtrvl_cs co bhe Fror,err_y lin*. An'i r.rtllity sxtension reqrrircd ;::.'i.i j Fe the r:igponglb1l1t.:/ o! the properLy o.r,lier. -''. : j l: :i. Lr a ut j..L 1.i1' tr;fii!,iifiiy' has c(.\nci:f.ifi9 ';r{Li}i the t}.rclno8erl i,*lrrgir rti:t.in:',i, L:n+ Uti.t'"'/ lepr:rr$sr}tai- j.ve Sh<;trid i.ofqiirecr j)' oi: 1i1+ util,:_iy y*r1f ri:a:ltrJ1 [or-I|r tfrirr bhere I-'r a profrien '.chrcii n€e,i: to be r-as111,.')C " The i s.er:rt 6ncuiO ii:Er) jre gliei'Led out jn dr;l.a:t, l lri ari Ati_ij(:tredrriLLer tC, Lhe TO'*ri crf V.e:i -L " However., Dieage ker,'c lrrrrriod Lhat 1i is girE rr:gFOltr,ih:,iiL.,, +f the ut,ilrtv crrir.p&:-19 tr:r I r:siff,ve f .ient..i t i.ed Fi"ob-l stn,q _ J. it i'ne UL,';-i1t-y u*ritiCar i'tn f crrr1 hAS r.'qnalures f rOm+ilci'l of r*ir* u': 1L1i.y' f uflpi{rl6E " and na! cornftencs are_- iiLc.,tr.S rJtl't=ci-l:' Oli th+., f r)it]'r_. Ine ?O.Wn wiil.. -presr.rrtgl-tlaL rh*re &re no Ff,f;hler,s enC Lhat the devel.opmtsnt T'hese verif icatrons dc not relieve Lhe conr_tadtor ofrris respongrbj liLv ro obbain a gt,reel cut perrnicfroil bhe Town of vall, DeparEmenE of Fublj.c Workgand eo qbLa_L)_ utiii f.y- lacai,llns-_hef.Q.rF digginq,inariy g:ublrc righr-of -ws.y or easement in Lhe Tohm Ofvail. A builqLnlr _Berfill is nQi-a, Firsel-glrl_-Qsrni.i.A streel cub penniL nrust be obeained seFarately. L,he expenfe and : i I I I 9,InsEallaLion .'f ccrvice lines arc aLresponsib : of lhe property owner, . ''ir- f$lgil-.Qt. tffi&"*tiI[,tlfgg- &ocAfiIFfi YnE*EIqafIgN-lOnS 'i,:1i. fof,n iS used lO .".eirifl' rgervjce avalJ,abtlity lnd locablon. ThjB srioul"d be ussd i.n ecnjun*Etorr vi.rt-h preFaring your utill by plan'aad schedirlr. 1nq J.ns:BL1aL1f,n6, Fof enlr' new congirlloE,l,c!1 propogal, tho.ipBiie;rtlc liujrf t: pro\,'1 +e a coir,plgLed ui tiltl' verificacj.on fcrm. iirhe ic(:*ti on and avallabriii;y i)f ut-1 llgles r wheLher: they be m*i:r rr'.rnk ilnec ";r pl:clpcsed ilnes, nust; he appri:.,.ed and verifled bi. the 1ir:r.ii?':+rnri Ut1.i.:i ijg$ f+rf the dCCfimFar,v'infl Sit.e plijri. i:.Ll iJlia.jlrf"ifi-.rt-lrq E1{Iriril,rlf85 D*,}d tO i.re C}:liJrIiaIS, A&i I ii.cr it I'* sjj- ii.l !i fi',3 i,rt,;: r' ,, ,tl t / , J- Ij(tua !- -1' *,!4.., ; a'r :- t-Fri,jti . t-lril 1 'i\i$ti -!)F yAIi,L'ri5I.L l-tjy - l*Qg&.T.IAlr -rgg;B.1g4r I ON fQES 1i iri\ i {ta:'JlI; , ';-: l' -kL: 'j'j1e I cr'rn is r")sed t(i verj.ty $er:.u-tc:e ar"aj.1.abil i t.1. 616 locaLion. Thj.sr;hourd De uaed in con'Jun(':t.ion with prepar:rfls v.rur: ut.iliBy pJ,an and, ,-:rr'.Julrng !nEtai. latilJrls. F'or ani' new construciion proposai, Lhe -!ljpr-1 Cant inusi provLde a C*trpleled utilrt.y verj f j.rai.iOn forfi. Tfi.e i{.rea':'j.lrn and avarlairil-. f v ot utiliLies, whet,her thev be mainirunp; .l.:"nes or i:r*pc$ed ij:nes, nusb bo aporo.rec and verrfied bv the t LrIl,JwE]]q- ui.*-;ii Li_i:$ f cr ttre ac,;ompat:lyinit s j te I)J an . ;ri | *ui!l{,riEii1g slqxlarurtrs need to be oriryina3.s. JiU L tlr',' r i,:cu $1,J1;,i iLiIrJ PaL..j 4 . i: , ri113 -i {- d:IItfltu Ii I i--'.ii t 1{):iS .i'. ; .. r: i.: UI ..14; 45jt,t i :ji.,- .r ;r 5+:::iricL. i.loriiij,Jt:,, '-r 4I i: i-.i 5 C:-:r ;' Hg ].1 /'it.i.f.ilr (:oo.l tr,,'f-3*'+1 1:i.;.. i.:=i-iS::l -h. i e(-- l..1- i(-l A$ililc. f,*1., -t:;2 iitr.I l. t r t:e ;. i i i'; j..Lri:ji , l'i.;r: ii,.l;l,t'r'rj ii i i.ljlrlOi l&',:€]Ii.i;- '{F r:-, i.. -:;f i-vi ij I (rjt :..}t r jt:r' i.:L1i:li-:i i:1}i {'i'.& gree p}an ri'rilat be sbown +fJ-er aervic€ iina"]-f be the i'l;r-i'E: l. . j.s recnrlr+d. Fhysicai l-dcagj-on rf known ucllitrgs or', en{N g.i.te plax. u'r.i.li.ty .Loeac}oss nay or may aoE to gh€ pr$perty 1i.ne, Aav tr.tility extrensitsn requirsd respcnB:bl-l.ity #f lhe pfopej.ty crh:ner. If a ut:.iity r-:;151153.11'1',' r'1as cot.rcutl-,s "vJ"ih Lne proposes const.!:ue'LiJ'n. l-ile ut. j"J.i iY :. etrreserri-ar.r l.ve slroulci noL drrecE'Lv cri Ltre ui-i1.r Ly ../ef if i/J.itron I cJ.r.rn ilrat gller.e is a nrohlero which needs l-o ire resc.rlved, The igsrue :;hou i rl then he spe|l.ed r.ruL j rr ilF-1La. j. I .1[i an ablacnPd.i.et t{rr L$ tlie ?0$11 Oi Va1,t, }{owe-ret. piease keep rn nrind t-h:rt, iL ls Lhe i.esTir.ils jtrrli t'r' sf b;le uLairty ,.:ctt(fran', t f f C{iOi 1'6 I c€Irl.L tlir( prOD-r.eftS , If tlie uii l itv veri.f icai-irrri tof:il i'r,is .glgnaLures ifom tractr r',f iha; '.rtrliLy conpali,i,es, atrd ito cr)nments are nracle d j :r ec i,i,l" on l-he f Llrn, ri.he 'IoH'tl w.I I I. p!e-'lutfte thal t-hF-rfel i;if- n Draibletns and r-naf- r-tle cievelupr&ent 1,treSr": vHri{: r L*r,i hi r,'}l't$ do Ir(1t I:eiieve t, ri€+ *LrnCIACtol" Oi t.j s rei+rlr);rsib.i I l r.Y tc ()btairr a st-reeL cuC permit f r:om t-lre 3o-*'rr of Vai.L, Del}arlfienL of PLiDlic works and t u ali t.ai n . il-|*:. il-lll- i oc+ L:.c-trs-&gf.:rre -d.rgs$g in any pubiic tight'of'wav or easenent in tlre fown of vai1. A buit.djnq_J-ermiliE,nor a Etreet cut-l i[ . A str:eet cui permit must -be obtained €eparaLely. rnstallation of service lines are at the e:<penge and responsibility of the property owner. +1. TDTtIL FiiGE.rZEl *.* \ l,-;.|.,-,:'' ,.rIt-t.lrl. 857 t-..t -l j'fls rotlri i.s u6a(1 to v'erif y service a"railabiLiry tsn$ locaiion. ?hissirould be ueecr Ln cDrrjunction with pre-par:flg ynur utility p:lan and$cnefi''.llrng ]tnstalraiionF. r'or any new ecnst:ructicn nropOsall., r,heSll.o,iicant r$,.lst FrOl'Ide s. eoFtpieted Ubiiity lrerififlaf,ion form. 'l'he iccaricn arid avail.:.b:.1j. ty of uLilities. wheLht":.r- Lhe'r' i,,E? iflain t7tt!'rt!. I l tartie /'! ?- r\r_/rr:^66.-{ ! i6^- 6rid}, t^- ,i^*.-a-,^;i -!--.,. t,ioJjese.3 j.ine"c, nusb be itpproved and .,'erif ied by hlrex'Jjicrring r.rr-tllLies for Ehe acuontrA.rrVirrc siLp F,lan. Air ar":inofj"zl,rif s:.Gilal1ure-$ iieed L0 be cil:i.ginal.$. {iu-llsr:L,eeci .;:-,tnatuxe rJfl,Le i-, . .:r . i"; e;"; i- L${fL1i'til:" C r:r L i Ctais.ii'l ::E*i; .:;r' '.ld$-4:,ii.] :i;;i' ;-';S1 li:.i, +r1 i. )':l C A,l*,JC, !: +i . :;.J9r i;nifti"ri,tff irs ilsrri:. Ted 'cir:el<y/1,{i+irae: Larref l; rr ./:,f/: 't-7 '*.:'L: ;=r.igr.rsi.t:n cf i.ie iiCCir.,( €S qsA sita plan in required, Fh:tslcal locaLios of knoenr utilities :filJsf, rre snown on the $rts Fletr, Util.ity locations ftay of, $a.r/ flOLoffer B€rvice to che pEoperty J.ine. Any ufrltty ext,ension required sr;a-Li :i€ Uiie re8pon8tbj"i"iiy of l:he Droperf-y owner. S,t.1!'E i i, If a uc j.lirv ecnganv iiris ,:snc€rRs ru'rr-il :he plopo$ufl ftons t l:ucbl.c:i, Lhe tiL]i. I b.Y" :iep:'ie$eniat 1ve shauld :'rcr9 d:.rect1\' orr the ut,iiitv vesif icraticrn form !hat, uhe.reis a paobrp-rn r...hich need*c c{: bE resol';ed, The -tssuesirouid then be "speJ.Ied orrE ifl darlai"l .in an af-Eaetierllei;Ler i:o t.ne Towl ct veil" i{owevel.' pl.ease heeD ln m.in,j thac it is r.lle reepcrslbilrty ou the uti15.cy comc'fi.rly t{, f€gol're iu&n[].tra,l prcb].ens. 2. It t"he. u.t-ii-i.L:,f ve:-r'iica.l:i"r-''n f orm has .rignaLtrse$ f rcrn each tjt i,ne 1-rEi i:-tv comDanreg, and r:,.:, corilnents af,e niarie .::.r:esiiy i:n i:he f or.'n, Lbe TovJi:r r1l.l. presune L-iiar l-]iare a.re no Erobiem.s arid i:hat Lhe develcpment , .ii j,i,.-. . i :; :J. These ',,'+:ri.r:i.caf.irjrjs d(, noi: reliev'e Lile ccrnerrctor of nio::Fi=,pcnsits'itiL:", Lo obt.d.ln a streerj exL pennil f,ron tlre Tor.rn of va:1", DeDarEmerrt of Publ.id Works +*l La \'*!-iE!+i!. rv ury.'.q*I'r u'.- IJity }o.caE1Dns,.b-eiof.g*df..$.!I.inC. in ,}.r',rt' pubi.ic rJ'illlL-Qtt-way orl easerftelll ln the Town of, vai lL . .\*bn$,{mg.-ncErnl.c-. is-JLa"E.*l. "s!ree| .clrl--.netmd-t.A stre.rt cuL pefirriL musL be of.rtarned seF,aratelv. {. installat.ion of service lines are aL the exPenEe and respon,sibiLrEy of Ehe property otrner, ,1 ir j : jij, i.;; i:g:j-:.'.:'iilri- :: i 5'E. .:.l::i tr,l:.F{ | - - 'J;: ., ,, .'r (r.,rf,,, .,,,r,-, .tl,:r.531 .F, 1.'10 IfrHtt-QE-..Y4rr..UEIIITI.-IJqcARtrHi,"f-EBtrftrCA'smN--EQBg l..l--^ i,irr.s lls' -l-*-G 5.- "*l l -3F-y-gr " "u*nr * Tne torm is used to verift'service availar'jl:ty and losaLion, This should be used in sonJuncLiott with preparlrig Yaur utility plan and scheduLing insr,all-at.:-ong. For arry new con-qLrlrctj-on proposal' Ehe aDol"icant muFh pro','ide a cornpleted uLilrb;' verj-f ieat.rorl f onn. lfhe J.ocaf.ion and avai.I.abiiify of uLrlitres, wheLher Lhey be main truni; lines Cr pfirposed l.iliesr thUSE b+ apOro'"'Ed anri';'r.:rrftecj by Ehe foi1?.,rrr.ng ul:.iities for r,he ac*oflpayrying $1t9. D.r.a.n. .,1L1 authorJ.zirrg si,lnaLl:res need Lo be c;rigrrrals ' rluili#ri7.e.d iiiqrriaLu;.E p.4te l.i. ii. fr'r;t (:onnunic.irt iOrs .in'j.r;E{; | ';s 5,i! 45llr t tTril r-" e i : Lr:ilTl..ilitl/ ' -, tl \-), , 'i t,-1,, t i,f\ti- lil,,:',' .:iJ:r j ii i s.:'.:t.TlC -r;5 Jiii:] . ',i j '. r :l i . tt:c i ll,.'€r l- i. fi -'l }t'jp'; . ;':r i:itr,'.",.jI'!i.-::]l.1l: i i.er ., fiJ: r:..t' =.:i\ - s . -,..." ;;.,'.. 1.'i. +tA ,r,ii;s plafl i$ focruif,ed' PhYsleal loi:ation of, known ut-ilttles rr.,-r.Ls,- bp shorn orr tire sj-t* Fian. titilj.tsy Location8 may or may noL iitfer sersic€ t.o th€ Dfop€rty i-i-ne" Any ueilibl' e8tension requirecl 5hA11 De. Lhe resf:'cnslbrlrty of tlre propeJ:';y {twrrer* L,t'| | I f f 3 r.lli iiL-"r c.:}fiIr,,trli l'rfl.: coriSilrlri ltrin i-i1e p.ropose'.r uQrrt i":-.'r-i{: !.:i *i}, i;}le ul].lrly :i*:Fre'leI)cabtvr} gjlou;l!. troI cii.i+1,;tl',, uI.| lhar tiLr..l ii--1'r,'er.:.ficirL,rC'..1 torltl f;i-raL Lhei:* r.c a Ftab.i F.n ir,hlch rleeog !:ti be resoJ.\'eci' 'Iire rssue snoril.C Lbsn be .spel.led r)ut ifl (lelal.L i* an aLtaehedj.ejtter Lc thg ?.'crwrl ot l,tai1. :iowever' please keep rtr iiijrirj iitaL i.L ie t:te reSfiOOSeL'iiity r-;t Lhe uLi^fit'/ { al.'ili,:j"riY LL'\ TF:FOi t"'e j.delltiri,::;i --foDI€lrl$. f i' il'le r1i-.j 1:itj/ ',;ex'itiial;:i-rn f iirJI' ilci.d sl.gnagure$ f r-orir e;rr:h of the i.: t i l:i L.y r:.Jmpar';.i +5 , f,l"Ir:l rlo citrnfiten c 3 are rus(i{: rii.T:act.l.'., cr} . L!!e ilC,lir,, th€l To'*-ri vti I l. prBLtu'ri(l l.ha'r t.ilr'rr€ are iirJ Froili.eilis anC- ciia'; ch€ ievei-opgteilL TiTESJC v*r: l.i-c.-r*ioi:e dC' IiDL reileve tne Clfnt'xaceol of lii,rr t:Fj,irrflrr,eib:. l-itV ho obteliri a $i:1:ect euE pellniL ir-ol, f.rre 'i'Gt+.l cf Vai1, DeFartmenE o,: Fubrrc Wofk*q anrl t'.fl tlb.[,ai n u t i"U*ty.^.,!p"c+t 1$n"€-j!,ef-{ir e- diqgjlDq i n 6rlrr nr.,h'! ic ri$ht-r:f -vray 4]r aa8enerlL in Lhe fown of, v.: i l., i:..biii.l tlinfl-serulj.t, is^-JxrI-3-$tree.U--cu.E--ge]][Lf . A $treeit cuE permif- m'ilst be obLained separat'ely. rnstallat..ion of serviee lirres are at Lhe expense and respon,sibility of Uhe properLy owner' i':; . -: r';et-e'i' i_'l:j j..! i.-,: l -*EJ-""-=r'rE. 13 FRor4.E. *."f. o. .a) ,o rr"nf"*PAGE I/2 IQiL._-r1fl.-_vt._4j.1,^Ua'iLi:t)_.teC-AEIgN.{ERrr.:Jc.n.rtON F-elil.{ -ir;.: i.'';:ln .rs tiii eii t;O -v,ert.iy .gef-,rice av+i1.at, r. Ii.t.1,, alrd j i,rg:_Lt:: :irln. Thi:r :ij,1;::;:., ?:._"i,:::. in c-c'ju.slior, wi eh prerii i,;; /; ,;,"1r- j 1 ir i, pi arr :rid.+'-r'r:"rL-.1r1'v ,'rigr.rr j.ll,at ji'-.)n.$, F-or aily rre'6.- c..ri!.(j!_;-ri+:.i.-,r-, q,,:.i)ooga_r", i.lie.:'1-;;.,"i'.r[:3.:.rt*Iil|istpiLi..|ici=acL.1ItlpleLtd.'j|.i.]1t:;...,...lf,i.fi,:.ir|!,'r1r-f1l.p1 I jj:: +'-;1.- l-'qli: &l-r.d iir.iai .i-A-bi L r i,y af UL j.ii l- j,::.:, .d]1 r..!: ljij1. 1_r.1;3,... 11*: r6;.i ji ir'1,r.rk *;rres i.,i. Flr ilLor'i.r(: l-:r're:i. tilis i l,e ,-rJ.;pr,..,r.,irJ altcl :.,,1t.i f i r:,r.1 h1, tlref-,-'-, -it',';Lr'.; "^Lil i t ies: ti,r: rn,: a c,,-:orrpil i:ir_i n{r sr i., ..; r1.. r) !.i..:_rr:r.!.!ZriiiJ S:.{n,it-UIflg n6re:i j: a} bF ,:,i r j"rr-nj}:,: i; ltil ).ri 1'1-1' ,,.1 j1.i,. BEST -$,|S"* ,-1}. 'c v}.r.' .;.i"1. i,.r\ f -i;1.'t, r-*, .;1rg1.$.]-'ir.. .! ) - I f,-)-i-r'. ii; 1 .,:, . i a. ;1. L .1. :i :: I lJ l-.: I.;'*:' |:r..)i'l iFC j-:.f (la,-: i:i:ii:l?ijllii ,{i i:i lirj; ir i-{.} t r : . C r! -.1 r-:.ilI':-1.ij.... i., --lfr, ii.r: r.i.-. j.ili.-,. i-E,l_,:-.-.!i:-li-,'. _!::.=i. :riha)ri t.i trrr.1.li I '.:l:i.i":. J, ;-l:* '..i,,i.1 ;i f :. .,,i::: i.rl;./.'er: i a.ji i (.) t.Tt i !-i;,ti- f h.,-.., r r !l ij.' -r!,-,:tiii ..Jt!j,-.;l n {:/J,..i r: l_r) kte ?.iiaai.1ir.ra1.J . ,iito i ,. .r,,r= ;.:ri:-i.;-i1 r-;:.tn t8 jrF.j. j. lerj ari-r l_ -i i', r_1,3i--;;.i l :l: ,.rn 3it j:,...i-.tr.-/l ,,,1 i ;..'i. ;_., !ii+ _:.1-.r:.:. Of i.':l,i I . .i-j a,i{ E..rir: i. i,jl i:,eS€ }"eqi. j.f, ii,i1r,:. ...ii1r. :i.a l.t,; a- jii.J J'n: {i_',|)j.r:,1 tl.:r-1. f i -, ._:,f . i.r,,r 1;; .i i ; ai i.r.,;i-r,l iiir;: l- u l .1!:+i'-.": I,_1t i:.. j. i i ,-'{ 1r r1,i-, -1 ;:1 .. '' j.* ...-1 '.' .!.r' ... .,j.: J /:.r,. ,...i. :,--, 1:,, 1,.,:i .:l e:1 ? 1- !.J.!-|i)c t r:-r.i, i.:r.. r,. \,; ,..i.,: ,:i,j r 1...:- .:,_:ln;.,:tit | ..:. :::...t. !..,,.. .".:.:l!fi+:f r r., .-l c. :..-r'jr- ,:i.t;'.,',ti !'r. (ifl iile-j f ,:.-l,lr. 1ir:-- Tr.:U-r: .": i i -.i nl:r.,j:r,i,r.l -l.rcl ,-. {..1|y1- rr ciI + ,l'lc i,:f,iof :-l {:jllg .jrt.li t.iln i i:i:+ ricr,:rrlrrr.,:nerif. ;:i?i.:r !_ '.rri J:. i.i-i*rii..iL.!i.J5 <i r*, rri., i: .tg1i gtr:: Li:F :-l .tntrnr_tar1. of:i:., ;.'r.:i-' j'rj,j*i).i i.t.i_... f Cr Oi,i:aifi ,3 :' := I,t:a.!., 1i]- 1rc.1?i l-:',,;,.,^ii :-Il'{, . ,.; r,'.i.:. i_r_i: -';11 , t-;:f,a r i.ii:,-rn t nr f-ihl iq t,:nr.k 1',.ir1i -.; ;!1t;,-dl_ll.-l*i,.;*i-rL,y -j.:.\,..,1!, j.:_I.l.r6 t;tf's,,'r+ .i;,fltil|lg in,:;, i;,r :.!ii-i r.-j I1'J_.il -,_,,I .irrfl.'," t,f .?aSe!h?r:t iI ii.te-ffr,,"a:.I Ofl-t':-' !::-iiu-:.:.14.&l$r*-pF{mri;._r-:,,itt!- A.g:..t9ei*.ffUt pg..IXLi_l .;i :i.ti€:;L cuii lier-rilil mu^-cf. be obLain;A-;eG;ic.elf- iristalrarlon ot.service lines are at the er<pense andresport.cifJility of the pro.r-,erty owfier, MEMORANDT]M TO: Tom Moorhead FROM: AndyKnudtsen DATE: January2,1996 . SUBJECT: Employee Housiug ia Lionsridge 4th Filing I. The Question Tom Braun, representiug Carol Orrison, would like to know ifthe caretakers units constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, III, IV, or V Employee Housing Units. II. Background Carol Orrison is the owner of Lot 10, Block 4, Lionsridge Filing No. 4. There is currently a single family home and a two-car garage on the properly. The propefly has less than 100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for funrre development. He would like to build a two-car garage and a caretaker on the property. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. However, Ordinance I 5 of Series 1989 allows a caretaker to be constructed on each lot. As a result. each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary type of stnrcture. Per Ordinance 15 of Series I 989. the caretaker cantrot exceed one third of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the employeeunit is provided in Section 18.13, which isthe Primary/Secondary section of the code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I porfion of the' Employee Housing Ordinance. III. The Employee Housing Ordinance The Employee Houiing Ordinance provides for five different types of employee housing, There are different attributes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the Employee Housiug Ordinance which match the situation rmder a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one attribute that matches this situation; however staffunderstands that the one is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate. o Planners: pleese keep thiq in mind for all dgvelopment in Lionsridge 4th Filing MnuoRaNouu TO:. TomBraun FROM: AndyKnudtsen DATE: January 8, 1996 SUBJECT: Employee Housing inlionsridge 4th Filing On January 4, 1996, Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attached memo and analyzed the Employee Housing Chart, located inthe zoning code at the end of the Employee Housi'g Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling units in Lionsridge Fourth Filing shorrld be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if vou would like to discuss this firrther or would like additional documentation.