HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE HOBBIT HILL COMMON LEGAL/ Deeign Reyiew Board ACTIOI{ FORH Ilepartment of Communlty Devalopment 75 South Front*ge Road, Yail, Colorado 81S57 t€l: 9t0.479.1139 far: 970.479.2{51 wob: mwr.Y"algw.com Project Name: HOBBIT HILL Project lrescription: Participants: APPUCANT STUDIO SPINNATO ]UUE SPINNATO PO BOX,t673 AVON co 81620 License: C000002392 Project Address: 1545 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Hobbit Hill Phase I Units 4,5,6,7; addre DRB Number: DR8080200 REVISIONS TO UGHTING PI-AN, CHANGE COPPER FI-ASHING TO GALVANIZED METAL owNER NANCY H. SOUTHARD REVOCABLE O6|O9|ZOW NANCY H. SOUTHARD TRUSTEE 4120 DRESDEN DR WINSTON-SALEM NC 27104 06/09/2008 Phone: 970-390-5836 Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: Hobbit Hill- Unplatted Parcel Number: 2103-123-2400-1 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SrAFFAPP Dab of Approval: 06/1V2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate r€rriew commifree(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of ftnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is \commencd and is diligently pursud toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid! $2O.OO Ghanges To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Dspsrtrnenc of Communlty DadaPlrle t 75 soufi Ftgtbge Rosd, V!tl, colo|"do 8l5t tel: 970.479,2128 fo(: 970.{79,2{52 web: wuw.vallqov.om Grnaral fnfqrnat'pn: AI prolect3 tequfirq dedEn |tldeJv murt rccdsE apFoyal prlor b drbmiuing a buildng pctmlt appllcatotl. Pl€Es .ef# ti nn srilnftte reqr.rfenre*s for Ure paruori'r apprdral thnt b rcquelild. An apptcatlon for oesEn Re\rlerv qnnst b. reptcd unti a[ Fqul]ed frmrinaUon g ncema by the Comunlty E]errelopnfft DepamElrt The pr"loct n aV abb need O Uc avte$r.d by the Town Cound ancuor tlre Pllnnlng trd ErMftrlmenttl C,ormlsCo.l. iXi6n .tirir- apprornl lryte untci r buitding Fsnrit ir iss$ld rnd con trudoa comman46 wfiirun one yerr of tlrc rPProYaL tleacrl pdott ol thc R€qn€st! Jun 06 f' Oa O3: 3Op GRHPEVINE EQUITIES 303-48r+-4zl 1A p.1 *m t"occuoncf ttrepropooal: totl-Elock:-subdtvislont.V,rtlt-{tr#\(P+{^G'6 tr $JrTs q.S, fo,f) phyilctl lddlHs! I5t'lta t-lt *+rrz!e+r rrc-r.1 r-rpr-ug ParcGl l{c: ar t?<., - <'' .486 , -a.tf.|-t FC.or*tit Elgle Co' Asressor Et 970-32&8640 fur parcd no') 7 3{rilc(d) oilOwnc(4): 4 F/fle-- namc of Applicant: trlittlng Addlrr8; ?p e\F +t{r\ ,fl/DN. Lo R:l,h ?'fi ...: : .. ,- Phofi€r "f.l(" - sFt o _ E-mail Add.6r: dRcviow and Fre: nges to AlProved Plans t20 fur revlslons to pla|13 alr€ady rpproved by Planning StaF or $E D€Can Rerrlerv B@rd-qrl]'tllld B..tdrE|n.nE: 3 seB of Plans Addrcssirn Project CharEes Sigrlature of Hofireown€r(s) or Assodation F:\EdcliFoRMstPetmttslPleffltl'$pRBld6-chengc-to-rppmY3dlHenq-lJtsgr-10''l I'EtrAdoc J=ae,GJ lJ- O\l -Zo= =flfl] oF roo @ OIYNNIdS OIfiITS 8t000t6048r rvd SIilr 8002/90/00 -J '.4 Bulldlno Mater{als Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doo|5 Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other PROPOSED MATERIATS Tyoe of Material €fUr r o SfhL\E €XrsTrL\q'Tc) erzv\AflNl Fxlsfl |\th .tr) ?#Yl4A.lh-l twc'nr'.' /rwr<trN/a flr PpM krrrJ SrUr L f' ?6J€Rrr (fXlNIEb \^lDOb S.Ft 11 .lD 'P-tv,rt1- ffi," rt Color t>E )(n.4.€t aA ket-p AL a- Zd€A<jr - STD Co\-oE'Plc rA<-rtrJ t05 \^,E(r - q ery MrFj+qa -B!$INJ\ rfror.bor I ^.u)e-,ro6 R.rr€F STAti.)Eb Sfp_lp @Ztlo- @z4ro-zr r|/.r ty\,t ri,-r M.rroaE .q.e.ak \) T|<t- Zllg-' s;TD hJHrrE {*33 frkrve*L Sru NHrta qr+e SfArNgD u}6t - ttfD CoLo. 'Etrrc rrn-t'to6l t%gg'*, r^ I.N\ I A 3-oo n.^t .<hor* I{otec: Please speciry the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, F: \cdev\FORMS\Permib\Planning\Otd fomE\drb_mimr_att_8-28-2m7.doc Page 6 of 13 f*+*rf++*******+afatala*ll*frlaa{'a'*a+***++*{'**t**fl|a*+a*+*l!***!t{r*****tll*l}falt}ltaaaaaaa+++t* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcmcot*++taa{'l*l+*l+l++*tltl'*'t**++++lra't+**t*****++*'l**ll}lf*'a{'**ff*r!t*f***t'}l}*'}*fafa'aal*al'faaaaaaftl statenent, tituriber: R090000903 Anount: 920.00 06/09/2}0at1 :2? All Palment Metbod: Check Init: iILrB Notation: 210 STITDIO SPINNATC) Permit No: DRB08020O Tl4)e: DRB -Chg to Appr PIanB Parcel No: 2103 -123 -2400- 1 Site Address: 1545 MATTERIIORN CR VAIIJ Locatlon 3 Hobbit ltill pha8e I units 4,5,5,?; addre Total. Feea: 920. OO f'lri8 Payment: $20.00 Total AIJJ Prnts: S2O.0OBaLance: 9O. OO lfftt+**{t*l'aaatttalaaaa'}'}+a***fffat*+l'*{'++**+tt*****rrir*rrt**t*tffirr*+rrrlaftlflflfa*r**a* ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Descri-ption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO37T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 cr|lT?o6a.aeltr.r Decign il,eview Board ACTIO]I FORU Departmsnt of Conmuntty Developnefit 75 Souti Honhgs Road. Vall' Cduads 81657 t€l:070.4?9.2139 far:970.479.2'152 wab: rwu.rdilgov.com Project Name: Project Description: Legal Description: Parcel Number: 2103-t23-240G2 2LO3-L23-2400-3 2to3-L23-24004 Comments: Participants: owNER NANCY H. SOUTHARD REVOCABLE O3l24l2OO8 NANCY H. SOUTHARD TRUSTEE DRBNumber: DRB080070 O3l24l2OOg Phone: 970-390-5835 Location: Hobbit Hill Providing stucco facade, new stone veneer and new garage and entry door, new metal roof to existing tuphxes (2), extending existing deck of east duplex and providing new hot tub pad, adding new entry roofto right unit of east duplex 4120 DRESDEN DR WINSTON-SATEM NC 27104 APPUCANT STUDIO SPINNATO JUUE SPINNATO PO BOX 4673 AVON co 81620 License: C000002392 ProiectAddr€ss: 1545 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Hobbit Hill Phase I Units 4,5,6,7; addre Loh Block: Subdivision: Hobbit Hill- Unplatted 2103-123-2400-1 Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of APprovalt 0312512008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wiur Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) year follovving the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and onstrudion is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250'00 Nov,18 O? O1:43a GRHPEVINE EqUITIES s70 -47S -5203 Minor ElGerior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vait, Colorado 81G57 Ek 97A.479.2L28 fax; 97O.4B.Z4S? web: www.vailgov-com Gensraf fnforrnation: All projects regu,rirE design rerriev, must receive approval prior to srbmitting a building permit apptication. pteaserefet to.the subttittal GquiretrEnts for tre panrcutail appro*i nat is requesed. An application fior Design Rwiewcannot be acc$ed unbl alt reguired inforrnatjon is received by the community oe"itbpm.nt Department rheprojed tnay also need to be revkwed by the Town councfl andlor tr," n"nnin6 i"a -iriJ."r""t"t crrnmis*on.De6tgn G{ew appruval laFsef unla6€ a build;ng p"rrtrit i. Issrred aad constn ction conrrnenc€E wattrinon€ year of (fie .pgrovnl Description of the ReguGsc PEr.vrnrr-\r-\ <nv-Ln r"ernr.re., r,.l r.r^, <1.n r.)e t,.t --\)€tsr2 f _NF\^J 4Ee4q & - €})neyp{E\^l rvaET.ar -E .E'oF .rp _Fy / <-if .,,1 b,,,rPr$/ E=- 42-) _ E\lEFrN r]q F- rs-nr.tq qFz}. ^F lq T valT ol Location of the Propoeal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: EAST F'UPL€irs L1,6, b,-l Physical Address: l<4.t" h.A ^1T er-ts-.pj- \ e. I E-C- L6 Parcel l{o.: zro3 r13.u * oo r,-or,z,.aoa - a{(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970_32g_g610 for parcel no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): E-mail Addr€ss: $50 Plus 91.00 p€r square foot of tobl si{n area. No Fee $550 For @nstruction of a rm,v buildtng or derno/rebuild. $3OO For an additbn where square footaqe is aOOeO to any resid€rfial or comrnercial building (indudes 250 addlncns & interhr conver$ens).$250 For mir|or changes to build,ngE and sit€ improvefiEnts, zuch as.rc-roofing, paintirE window additions, tandscaping, fences andretaining walls, etc.$20 For mirror changes to buildtngs and dte impro\rements, sucn as, re-rooting, parnt rlg, wlndo/y addtttbns, lards@plng, fences and retaining rvallt etc.$20 For revisions to Ftans already approved by planntng Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee p.2 aaq fArii o E na 4 X tr D Name of Appli@nt Mailing Address: Phone: 4+o _Zqct _cc.33<o Fax:. te-o, q4q- QQ48 Type of Review and Fee: E Signs ! ConceptEl Revie$/ 0 New Constructionn Addition Minor Alteratidn (rnulti-fam ilylaonrnercial) Minor Altratirn (Sngle-family/cluplex) Changes to Approved plans Separation Request ilalllng Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): ft'rff?ffo*I' o*.*".., 18? r" Meeurg Date: ry' , b'OE DR TOWN OF VA|L MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGSAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This applicauon is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or $te improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of pauos, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TSI'I' q Stamped Topographic Survey*B Site and Grading Plan*D Landscape Plan*a ArdlitecturalEle\,"ations*o bfterior color and material samples and speciftcations,o Ardritectural Floor Plans*o Lightng Plan* and Ort-shee(s) for proposed fixturesq 'l'itle r@ort, includirg ftfedules A & B to verify ovnership and easements*o Photos of the o{sting site and adjacent sfru(tures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and jcint owner, if apdicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Repo( if apdicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawirEs, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. P/ez,v,tzbmt llree (3) capfus a/the zulenizlr zold vilt az a,r/enbt (/. **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the sr.rbmittal requirements indude a complete set of existing and proposed flmr plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium associauon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and undcstand the above listed submittal requirements: Project tlam€: Contractor Signature Date Signed F:\cdev\FOR S\Permits\Planning\Old foms\drb_minor_alt_8-n-2007.doc Page 3 of 13 gxlsf,rL\f-l 'tD 2.En,'\ AflN\ F'./ rsfi hrh ,rrr e.Fv!tA1r.-l wn^r'../ryr<+rr'lt1'ro Zr:MArrJ PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvp€ of Material I'ATTAI- STA$DINq SEft{ €frur r -'' St-hL\€ S<nla Lo a6rzf|( t (1}<1NEb \^lt)Ob 5..1r 11 , n zJ\ihtklr L:rrS;Frrr.){a tu ealn* rnfo"_ }nA.rL,A. fe?ero\tEG Aar€n N A ItE'(rsrl.rNq Tb eJt.n^Al N.) z ^epzlz- @ sTbFrE; usDq6 <Atf . - S-oo . o,-l .<hor+ Buildino Materials Color 'l'pP ^t{dr aR/t?rJ) AL r-eEr €-A€tr- STD (t'LoE'Paz rA<-r*rl 106ll %ooE-E a bt-oc/\p6 R.LltF ST,\lNtb S;fg-lP @zno-?P aErJJrra9t t lvtb oL2 Bt ^$rr) frCL Z.l\O -Z-D B|' J kr\4 ri.J r*i/5o aE ,.D,e'nur T/<?- 2lto-Z'o srD w+rraE q*42 rtArve-y'n- Sru Nltrtr 4*?3 SfAlruE-> tfi6t - StfD CoLot- \P^<lFtc rAlJ- 106ll w r(r-'h?-cv M rP"tqf " qr^l r^n nl l!ro6?rtzlq'>-g> Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofnts Windours Windo^/Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deci< Rails Flues FlashirE Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior UghtirE Other .r / I .,ln llotes: Please speciff the rnanufactjre/s name, the color name and number and attadt a color chip. F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Old fonrs\drb_minor_all8-29-2007.doc Page 6 of 13 PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for tandscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvoe gSgqglg$gC GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL STF.AI$ BA{E\ Please speciff other landscape features (i,e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) \,-----'\K PROPOSED IAIIDSCAPI]IG Botanical Name Common Name Ouandtv Slze 4-v t3tl$4 F-+rcTrr,.:c1 -*dA- F : \cde\r\FORMS\Permlb\Hann ing\Old forms\drb_minor_alL8-28-2007.doc Page 7 of 13 ftov '16 O? 1 L: L?p GRRPEVINE EQUITIES 9?O -r+?9 -5209 p.l Hobbit Hitl Home Owners Association March 20,2008 Dear Sir/ Madam, The project at 1546 Matterhorn cirde is done with our knowledge and aPProval' ^.,^r +lra fr,rnf dtrar Theenlargementofthedeckandroof|inechangesoverthefrontdoor at unit 7, irealso done with approval from the HOA' We would liie to request that any future changes done to the property be of a similar style- I SincerelY, ,\=_/ =" o--}... -=o" ;-1-*--)\-=.-''--' -'__ /-"{ Greg Fair' 'i . Ho U-Olt H il I Hote'.pwner Associati on P resi dent - .:.-:r 970-476-4089 10:40:16 18-03-2008 03/18/2008 22.10 FN 10700400918 @ors ffi,PJHfSIH:nt1.mf*F_lq qn lqFd a,q Frrdns or FrEpd 'dfty Eqvra€e .nd ds b Hffi ffi ilHgtgma,Jlgff flfi4ffi H;sffij,,ffiffi,Hfi ffi,ffi ff t#n,gjgm,llffi lffislu.r.riffi a&iil;tfi ilitrffi #ffi HHi"Xffi itlffiggl#d-m.*'it-iuofri;'a-i-Ju#Effi ff ffi &-#'fi.ffi TJffi ,Hffoofnu&t r pu *t unrr,b u odair -coimsndrriu,ilEt iffiffi.ff5ffiffi iffi ffifi. mwbwadttfuhtfudnt 1 t1 *m E RWSD STTJDIO SPINI{ATO urfuly APpROYTL r vKiFlCAtlO]r Aritrothad ehnrnrE lot L Tth uillty4ryrl&t/cdtcdonform hasdgnltrlsfiodtFdr tdtr^qury aornpuh+.nd noEmn.|drr|lrfldedrEcdycr rtrfom, orrF.rdon t8bql|tttrD z urg6*ule rJuilt]rsfutr;dfifiilffifr.icjrt,o,iulG]a{,, !.j6drr,,ithatttsr rc m proF,hrr mO Ure aschmcnia; noa;a:-'f. If r.uillty e-qplny hu orcms uroi.qr e'.op&n con$ucloq tln uurny nprpggnffivq s;11[ mE dtrd, on tho u6ltyYulflebl- lbtm fEt orrc F a gttfun rrtrtctr nigb to uc rteoh"d. Trr iE Je-e],rdrfi-uteit' t l-orco h arr .ttct*l ktbr b rfi.Town C.Vat[. ltoncy:r, eh€r laep In mhd tlur rt ts tri-isponcbjmy of il-,mry-iDmd,ry iud Eii-.pphrn;,rmn;lds|UledF!ilcm, cAilt7Atloil dtTflcf 970116,7{0 (Et) yr0.4?6,4089 (fiiloOflH FrudHScc fhtd!.Persrtd.ffi €t|Gr3f grl! Iro.41E filaE (bN) 9t0.9r9.9138 (fu0 Conbcts hldBrrlt dayu Fvarrocabb.srrca*.onr f;.,ffi.s#:xn-Tl[*1 or_r,".qqlc1r4bf tity F osdn . R$ic wilf kmft tronr rh Dapafunar ofhlilcUro.tl.t|haTtrnof Ve[.ln ery pnbllc dtlt-of.my or €$ntt*wl|hhtrTqrndv.it. + ltc D.rrbpcr is nquna rndffi my |u,H drrylneB b h. uilUEs fc anpCrotf,Te rlsrikdirn r trS,s51n rnctcdrnrnvrvrvartrtreilrrffi dsnruiiEtrriil'r6iffi ;ffi ei;&-ifr t.-mffi ,**ttl.of &Elbm). l5ubdirHo r r|!:*Fr {.' rL!.. tgdrlt E Gomntnir Erra aurlgr c70.46&6860(bt) 971).{6&0672(ta0 Contrc!$ Stm T@loy Amufa.qph$Odwltt.corn ICtr HIEH rnassrRleu 90.26a{0fi(bt) 970.158.r.$t (fil) Anh(|: RlchSbncms ftnrrl,*nrt!3|b.Elencfq6ebm HOLYCRNEflENCY 9m.9rz9{71 (Et) erc.915,4(Bt (rb0 Contfft Dir.€ Gots dallcohotucrEE6n xGtH.rlrlEtY 970.262".t03E (fu) 970.26e{t2{ (H) cootld$ xlt Boeeft Prgr E of t3r:kClv\FmilSlrtlrrft\nt|t||nggd ttrmlfibJtto.ifi,lB-z]ztpt.lbc . SILVERTHffiNE HP Fax:19704681401 aJ,/ L6/ Z|J!,tt azi Jn tAL lu I ur{uuu{u $l Lrlrlu lrlNNAru Har 17 2008 6':37 P.02 g] UIJ (Pt*" fu'^q/ ilARNo r+'lsta -r- *y'€*s (oeun{S e,.- t{".c t+rs aF trt+'|, r7 ?m drvld art$Oc.ble.mnEr$.com lelFsrl" Il lrc- rruty .pprwlt & ndl{atlcrr llorm has spnaturs ftbrD eilh oa tE udlfy comggr|1is, and no omnens arE made d(€Gtly cr tfr lonl or ftr .(ton ls bten wf,hn 2 hrlcks d [E Udilty's r€elpa of dp fum wlthout .ctbiudolt tlre Ttrn rr[l prcslrna hat thlrc a€ no problems rnd fia {tcydo0ment crn p|Dcod, Z. [ | udtlty coirgany h.s oonclnE wlth the groposed contucton. ttt€ |Itllty |tptcs€nbdtt shall noE dirtctly orl u|! unNy vartfic!$on form thrt tMrc ls a pr€Urin whleh meds b bc nesolvrd. The irotlc slrorb thcn bc det tlcd ln .n auaci.d lGtbr to Orc Torrvn d Yall. Hourrer, pteai trc!.c in nrid that lt b the rcrponsrtilty of th. uullu dnpfiy tld tfiG rpPtcaft to tcfohc k cntfiH probbrffi, l. Tlrese wltkrhne do rct r.Scvr thc conta(0r .a drc |tspotriblhy b Otatn r n Hk wry FcdTit from lh. D.DotInGrf of fuDlk Wbttl rt thc Torrn of V.f,. utililrr lciloor n||i tr olhbd 6ru dlodrs In my pdtc rlghtoftay or cas:rsrt tlilHn 0E filn o( Y.I. a. Thc Oct rbF rs nlqu]td lrtr Wnras to subrtt ant rcrErt for rerFrcval i It rhc snnftfd p|*E ara .&!trd |n my irNy @v Urc arlirorircd dgnetrrr drE (unles6 othe.wGc sp.clnctlt notcd r$lr.r tte cot ncnt ilra d thb fom). *m UTIIITV APPROVAL T VERTFICATIOT{ Thlrlofi $wes b vErlff tlrat th progoed impruremcnls wll not lropact rrry Gxarting or pDposed udllty $lvtE, rlrd de to narify rc/ytc wathulty dxl lcathn for ncw erdnnbn and *roub ltr usrd In ohruncdo.t vrlth 9r€grritn 'ow dlltY pLn .tld rdlrddng in*rirdon5. A i.!e drn, iirfudng g.ldhg Faan, noor phn, arrd elarxbns, shall be suhr tEd tD thc followlng uullthg for .F.ovrl fid vtrslodon, ttEIlE ^IJOW UP fir 2 WEXIS Fon tltiltlr L il COf||,lH(n5 ngil fiE UTlLftYOil' lflEs. It Vos rr€ .rubh b obt an aom|tlnti wlt,|h tfiat tlmcftd|rE thrse onttd The Tovun ot Vail, hr#bDrr#Lt&6ffit* fot Jlddmrr tsl{a Mlmra-lrne+\ Zrez ue Suhluhbn! r{d!Er.r r {rr L Ldt! -{r5rt,3 Inlhodlrdl flcrrll]|Crnorfi P:ts QTTE T e70.468.6850(d) 970.468.6r2(far) ContlcG: SNfi Tooley en rd,too&voouEC,cdfl XCEL HICII PTEESINEGTS 970-262..075 (hD 9Xl.{68,1401 (fax) Contaa: Ikh Slg:ros dchld-!tsneto6oxc€lencrq!.@m }IOLY CR(ES ETHGY e70.9t7,5{7r (hl) 970.$t5.40€l (t x) Conbct ltlrha Gob ddolblDl|olvcrocricom XGET EIEFC' 970,262.{03E (au) 9t0.262.r02{ (Er) CatG: Krt 8og.( l(athYn.EdcrtoxcE INEnGY.com t/rclttrYERw rEtI sriltf/rT|roil utsrltct 970,176.74fi (brt) 970..,176.,1089 tf|r) €oritiact: flltd l'leslcc lhaglcedcrtrsd-om corcrSTC/ttlI 970,{E.&l{E (td) 970,9t}99 r3t (fax) contxt Daldd Ev-|s neeI!a13 D6rclog!t" fo.fi 4drb_r|r|trd_rLa-l8-ZW7.d* Mar, li,2008 5:59A1/No. 1 137 P, l UTIUNT APPROVAL A VERIFICATION Thls form serves b ".66r,9's1 169 gloibsed imprwemenb wlll not lmpad any erirting or propos€d ddllty seMco€,. and ds to v€dfy se.l/|ce availability dld locaUon lor new ihhstructbn and strould be usEd in sodundlon wFi prepa.ing yau uullty phn and xtreiuli4 tnstalhdons: A,5te.dan, heludhg.gmdtng ptan, Roor ptan, and eleEtlons, drall be wbmlttidl b lhe tdlowhg uuid€s for approial and verincation, P.lE lbE ALLOST IrP ff) 2 wEEKlg FOR APTRoVAL OR COMMEITfS F.BOill T.IIE UTIUTY @ljlPAt{IES. If yeu are rhable to obbln comrents wlthin that timefrrne plbtse conta.t The Tsurn oF Van, Dfr$oper to Ptovlla LolAtldieJE Informatiut: 3.tt'ctv that tfEr8 aiE nq problents aid the dexElopmint can p|ffoed 2. If a Utility c<iripany lla6 oncems witr ttre proposed oon#uctlon . the utilty represenBtlve dlalt note dir€qlly 9n tfie uflllty yFdftcatibh f;m h'et trrere ls a problem wnch neeals h.be reolved, The ssue should tren be d€talled h aa atuched le$e1 to th9 foln of Viil. ttowever, ileae feep ln mtnrt drAt tt il the lesponsrblllty of the uulty company and lhe aitp-llcant F rFsol're uullty apptwal &.yedfication hm has sgnatures from each of $e uulity conpMes; and.no comntinEare mqge dlfctry ,gn id iorm, bi iib a,Uqn ts.bken wlffrin 2 we*s of th€ UUliVs rcce]pt.of the fprm wtrrout o.plalnatlon the Torvn lrlll presume identificd pruHe|rrs. 3. These verlRcatlons do not |EJeve Pubk Wo*s at the Town .of vall, U Ganlraclpr ol the respottshitity lp obtain a Fublb Wry Fennft fitrtt thE qepaatm€nt or rjocbtitire tnust be obtalned befors digding h a y pLlbllc flgflFpf-urdy or eascilent wirhtn the Torvfi ol vall, a ,4. Tho bevploper is tF.Ftltid aid aqi€d.s b Subtiilt any rariied dawing€ b the utilitlE roi ri srjDmltdd plans arc alterd in d'ly way aftef trle auhorEed slgnature dah (unless ath€|l{Be' b the utllitlE foi lf the noted wlthin the omrnent Lot.ikldrescl@ Subdlvlslonl:SoEErri4]Il.- r-ot#t L],qrL3. ArdhorlzcdjElonatulE gcEruPlts Elle QwEST 970..168.6860(tcD 970 468.t1672(fax) ContacF Sam Tooley 41. The bareloper is |F.ntlrld XCELT{IGH PRESSURE GA:; 970.262.4076 (ED e70-468.1401 (fil) Conhct: Rich slsnercs ridlard.slsneroi@xcdenerqy,eom ]IOLY GROSS ENERGY 970.947.5471 (t6l) 970.9,15.4081 (fax) Conbct Dhm Golis dgolhtfDholvcFss,com XCH. EI{ERGY e70.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.402,r (bt) ftrtacts: Xlt Boged WATERA sAilITATIgrl DrsmICI 970,476-7480 (tel) 970.475.a069 (far) Contact: Fred HaCee fhaslee@ptvsd.oto COtlGASil CAELE 970.{ 18.8248 (tel) 970.919.9138 (ln) Gonlad: Da{d Erans davt4 evans@cable.f o.fi thst. om area d thlb form), Pnge E ff rl lllAR.24,2008 6;27AM |1OLY CRO$S ENERGY--N0.288 P, 1 tff lV\t\\'/,. ('IILITY A'PPROVA! &YEdIEIE,AYIOil mrFE;z Thb foirn SefvES to r,€rlff ttEt .ttre prcpced ;|tptottehents wil not ifllpect any ddsfittg or propoeed uUlitrserrdcesr and also U veri' ,*wb waibbirty .u r*tfii ,fii"J ;"srrr"r, rrta srtJriiilEi# ;-o-dr"dotl 1a6 g:certu vo'r uflltrv pbn ard E,1,€rtutim hsratiro * ,n* pfr di'dn gi.-flq ai-tr, no= Oftt -n;'-.*r"ti"ri, stnU E *UinmO b Ere hlptt{r' uq.fies for apprceat ant verificado{r paliiilffillp-roiwEg6;;i AP?Rdtridn corr'rsnS FBpH il{E l'lu'ITY conpA Els, It*ou an,mureffiffin cpffiwl-lrr tr*tnnnane deasecnnadTheTou'oofvall' Illglllg/rrlgl. tD ffic tot /ffrrgr mfuatlall lsAdd=: @ subdivirior,.,;Hst-=-aru-- r**r-:l€tlc3 @riedsl$easle EfE4!88 D.t crftsr 970.,15t16860(tGD 970.{F8,067z(rax} Contads San Tmlery silJd.&ds@oqe$ccu TCELHIGII PRESUREGAg 97o.26L4075(Frl 970.468.r4d (feo Cqnffi Ridt Silt€tff ddlerd-slsneros@xdenedh/l$E lror-YcRoeg EtrEngr S7f'B+75l.7L0E,D 970.e'+51@1 (fa)r) frfttact DEm Eatis d@rsEfrslqcrd6$Qq XCELE]IERGY 970.252..1038 (f6r() no.25'2.4m4(d) Corrffi: KtEogefi KatrrwrsdertdxCEfNlB$Lciln EIGITRIVERWATERE sAttrfAiloilglsrRlcf 9?4.476'746{l (teQ 970.476..{0Sl (fo0 Gntacf ftecl Hagee n€dsgsoE*ors COHEls'CAELE 970.{r&82.18 (EJ) s?0.949J138 (fo{ turdicn DsvH Fr€m dd'/id evar6{!€ble,aodqs,g0m ilffiifi€.t prcblerns,ffiJ#ffi;" rn nd r€reve fi€ conracbr prdrre$o{rdbllvP-?9El :lfgY'13*,m*ffiffi R6fiC Wot*sattreTsirnr of Vail.lIi in fuy golE rbnt+t+tsy or ersnert withln llE To,t n of lfai1.ilTffiittesfor reppptwl& IeveriRcaton f the Gt€ss&*b.siddfitary ndqd $,f[dn tfie onrrent n# -t -.*p rr-L r\,e,gl> 'fo'=t?*r Fr)c-RoAO+I{FLIC ffsq -=.\-t) +'oB ffi ** * Er 'eriffifl ftm has egnahrrettom €adr ol ths uflilty smPoni(=, and,rro corlrrFnte arE rEde dfrEdh' on rhe fom, or noacnffi iE raler]l,6ili'i*dG'#-i'* rnrtrz. t*hrf}uie.bErillutoti eeluinafrontlte Tolrtl wlll prc*me naittrele are nq problenr and the rtevdogment en proceed' .z rf a utilry Fmpny r,"s *to.;'ffi G PtdJ .0rEb',,cfio'1, ti€ utfltv qqpqqf,lufl hote dlnctv En th€ ulililv verrfiotion tum tnt ng" i, o piu-t ilircrr-nEeoi o le ,*"tr"4 Tl;t"'t** sttot tilSn ne aemted In an athched tetEr b ure To,m of VEit. Howe{s, pfeaS.-dil'fn'dnd--Brat t F 6'e,€'pondbilfry * tre rdli* com*ny ad *1e aDdbnt t0 l=orr'e 4. Tl€ Devetop€r ls leqqiRd and agreef to qibmit rny revied drargt gJbrrrifred planF are alErcrt ln any r!!ty pftef rle aumol'Eo ssrERlre E9FS dr3 031I6izoos ZZ:34 FAX 19?00{90948 STIJDIO SPINNATO UNUTY APCROVAI I YERIFIAArION @ orr ,.ffi Thb fom serye$ to vedty that $e propoftd lmpro\€filenE will oot impacf any exi$ing or proDced uflity servlc€s, and a19 b verlfy *rvice availa$lity *rd loetion for nan constrr.rdon and slrould be used In onJundon wlEr pr€pa{tng your uf,llty P|rn..a.|(l r*ci llrf irrsbttation$ A stE pl!n, hcludlng grrdtrE plan, ttoor plan, and elevauons, slE[te-$/bmitEd b tfie fullowilB utilitjes furamrdd and venfiatbft, pt.E^* ruory up ro 2 WEE|(S'FoRIPPROY L OR COrtilEtIS Fnfl,l THE UTIIITY OfiieUfS, tf you are unable b obtain commefits within thot umeFrame pleaff ontact The Tofln of vall' Ocwrogor b ffia Ld Ad&s hrlbnttfutt I.otlddr€93! lsrlt M^(TIEP=itbP-\\ aEz4L€ suHvlrNon! t{6F-rr? |rrr r- Ld#t qFILl? AollrorkcdShmtln lmorDe Drln OK sfila* qU[E5T 970.{€46860(t!D 970,168.062(fax) ConE€ts: sam Tooley sam u€|. hgl€vdov\tEsLcto.n XCIL HIGH FN,ESSURE €^S 970.262..f076 (tel) 970.{5E.1{r (ru) conEt Rlch Slsneros richard.sisJ€rosorc€le0Foy-cofir HOLY CROSS !'{IRGY 970.947.H71 (tel) 970.94s.r+081 (fa() CofrtEU Dlsrlr Golls dgqllsdhofuscs-com XGELCI{IR6Y 90.262.4038 (tax) 970.262,tt0211 (bl) Conbcts Kft B€ert l€tlxvr,BqgertGlxCErENERGY. com ETGI'E RN'RWATIR} SAilFATIOI{DISTRIc 970.476.7480 (d) 970.176,,1069 (tn) Conrad: ft€d Hrdec fhaslee@erwsd.orE colrolsTc Etl 970.418.82{8 (tel) 970.949.9n8 (fax) Conta€t D€vld Evans david evans@cable.comed.G0m lOMr f. tf nc uUtty app|owl A y€rlflcadon tufm hag slsEtrrr€s llqn cach of the uulty cpmpanhs, and no cornrpnts are tnadc dTedy on the form, or no acdon ls lakerl y{ftln 2 wed(s of $e udtityt tecipt of the furm withort c.plaitFtbn tie Town |ill Prcsume drat tltefe are m proolems and the dsr€lopmert crn pmceed. 2. It a Uttllty company has oorrcems wlu| ttle proposed consfidbn, the ustty r€prcsenttdr/€ shti noh dldy oll tie udllry verlflcatlon ftnn that tlere G a pmblern wfiir*r needs to be rcscived. Th€ lssue slEuld then be d€lElled In an EttactEd lefrer to fie Town of Vall. Howaner, p|e+:e feeg in ftind that k ls E|r r€sponslbllty of Ere u6lty company and trn appllont to re$Ve ldentfi€d P|ublerns, 3. llege verlflcatinns do not rdiare th€ ontractor of lhe r€sponstlllry to obtaln a Pubtk Wa/ Permll from the DePa/tm€nt of Public Wo*s at the r o,wn of VaX.In any publlc rlglrtd.wry or etson*nt wtrrln ileTown of Vdl, any rerlised drJwi'rnF to the Gilttes for regpProval & rswrification if the4. The DeveloFer ls reejl.ed anA aiies o sOlnf any rerlised drJw''nF to the utilties for regpProval & rswrification if the srbrnlttld ptrns a|t altcrrd In any ffiy atlcr ttre authortsed sgnatue Oae (uoless odlerwlse spccifi@lv noted withln the @mment ltWarea of {rls fiorm), f om6\d1brhor-rlt-8-28-2m7.doc z d t€z(x,oaoga 'o|||/99:O 'I3loglg aooz 2a raYfl <Nol{) Pagr 8 of t3 r.gaito t{olll O3l18/z0OE rUB 8.22 rAr 9?09254106 CoxCAEr CABI,B UTTLITY APPROVAL I VERIFIGATIOII ThG Forfl serv€s b wrify thdt $|c mpcsd [rfibverflents wltt ]pt impafi any odsting or proPoEd utility sMces. a1d abo to _ v€rfy serviE arai?ab|fty and lffition for new cDnstrucdon ond sf'ould be used in conjunctiolt wi$ PrEp6rinq your utllty phn ?nd#ulfng hstdhuons- I sitE pfan, lrrdudtng Eradirng ptan, noar pl6n. and €Ftations, shai be srbmitt€d to ttP folo/vlng udlides for appro'ial and veriFrcation' PLtASE Auo6t uP To 2 lIrECl(i FoR APPRO\'AL OR Oolit'lEllrs FROM THE lffrlrrY cOfipANfES. rlf lou are unabte to obbtin mmmenLs within that timeframe Dlease contict The Torvn of vail- De€lafir F l+vride lotAdtltlglrrtun 'd,d,/rr **m EAG1EBWERWAIERA SAI{ITATIOfI DISTRICT 9m.475.74&(d) gilt.rr76..t08E (fox) Coniact Frrd Hasles tlEsBslanffd.org oor,lclsT GIELE 970.41832.18 (H) #ffij.Hr-,*, trdTESi. ft-IE *ittty.pproyal & yEn'fication fofm has slgnaf|.Fes frsn caclr of Ee uttllty @mPanies, and no commerits atE made dirEdy on tlle ffim, 'or hb actin ls Eken widtn Z rngrs of Ure Uulitys r€celpt of tlre form wiFrout e.pldnad$ the Town wll prsurlE that ttlere a|€ fia problems and the dEvdoptrEfit cn Precd.e 11 a utity -ritpatry has (onems rvlUr tne fogisa aqsuctirt, U€ ud|fy €prtaierbtive Crall noE dimdy m the utiltty tu€rifrcatofl form that 6ert is a pfn'bbrr nnirr ni"Oi m Oe resohred. The isue ciould d|en bc d(tiled ln a0 aRaded httE s fie Tolfr of Veil. tlor$reyer, pre* rcep h lrind fiat lt is the responshility of Ut udnry cDmpany and ttE apCbrt to restve ideob'fied probfems. 3, These verificatbrE do not relieve the crrn0iarior of the responibitity to obtuln a fublic Way Pcrmit from thc_Dcplttrcnt of ^ within tie Torrrn of Vail, A hlildins-.p.Eritit no't . Publlc Wey Detrnit rl.| mult E€ oElmcs let i*. Tlre Dareloper is rcquirea-Jna agrte to submit any tevlsed &a,.ringE to the utjlldes tor rc'apprwal &if d]e s:bmitud Ofans arc altercd h any way after th€ authorized ggnaaure dafe (unle$ oth€rvrise specifl:a[y noted within the @nune|lt l-ot lOdress: f54b Mmr4-!r.re-r.\ e re,z-ue $ubdivirion:..!leean=-g.r.r-.1--- r"ot+: 4,(,UF Auhorbed Slan tlrt 99mmo4!f qE QUrEsr 970J6E.6860(tED 970.168.0672(fax) Contaclsr sam Tool4ry sr.rlrt' I tddcYi@quH*,rq! XCH- I{IGI{ PREIISURE G'TS 970,252.1078 (E,t) 97n.45&1401 (ttu) conEd: Ridr gsnercs ri$od.$i$oelsF@!9Fls!qs,ss!! HBY GROSS EilERgY 970,947.547L (Ert) e/0.r5.408r (fax) ContacE Dfana Golis dgolisoldrEusrqon XCEL ENENSY 92t.262.4o38 (far) 970.26t..r02{ (ED Cofltacts. Kit Bogst E4!!rvn. BooFrI@XCELE NERG-Y_.co.m public Worts at the Tofrn of Vail. tttilits teltions must bdnhtalf,i4bsJorE diaai4a In iry puuic dght'of-wey or easen*nt @001/001 : \cdet^FORMS\Fffi nr!t\Ptmning\Old l6nrs\*b-minar-.tl8-, 8-2007.do.Pag. I of 13 pinnato, Inc. Q,uentin Pendant Sconce Page I of2 l{oE3irr H]LL E)(TElLro& scoilcg RESTORATION HARDWARE*. bsby dild IrAd.d is.lItca6eag*Ct'cloe f ) fh lJtll|l Ore..LbrrE (l||J| OUENTIN PENDANT SCONCE ll49 . Ouadln llaftb a blC anlrrrca, coutard co'|rf or . Fhtbn'le lhr tLlt tr. eh douhb rlradaa ot fioAad ttrrd c|.r lhaa. HanfiFo&hon fthf. hav. a rhap lLiah r|d 0r.lool ol'rcuehl lron. Hanfulr. 4llvllrn r c.nlb||brl ha. Dll|don r &t/f dLtt-. 1?H. C'l'W.td rLbort $orr Inbtlnation > SIT$1,?,',,n.. htp://www.restorationhardu,arc.com/rh/catalog/product/productjsp?produr architecture Quentin Outdoor Pendant RESTORATION HARDWARE -- babv child [ryI@ld AFd! . ] QAEL O S-rdyc.nbo t lkrn. UCnit Oeor tlali.{ Qaln :ie{,1 3"td@. Pend.nl Addrtona Vi€E L.4er Vcw Page2 of2 SliFi.! r Rdm Inbnr-on ' HoEBIT H ILL ExleEtoR- PENDAT'}T tudio pinnato, Inc. OUENTIN OUTOOOR PENDANT $249 - $349 . Ouonlin lighls a big enlranc€ courtyard comer or . F at1€r ng 9 ow f lels through dorble shados ol rosled I Hammered'ron tltlrngs hav€ a deep fnrsh and lhe look r SmallPendanl 9-1/4 dram , 19-l/2"H. one 6OW rnar . Large Pendanl 12 1/4 dram , 25 1,4 Hi lhr* 40W m.x . Catatog and Web only b.t4 Fdrd dd!,r,., N.r.. o||.don? Conirct qdo|l.r - i...t |4001141450 Sl|rPPrr(; R,\rEs d R[r uRN PoLrcY Elipdng (h h ..4 .i.. sdr corirndar PL... dbr re houl| io Fs o.(f,r. OrnlR ITEMS lN Tlrs CotlrcrtoN tnl qFrtr P.rnrnl f t-_.] @l ffi lvrbo Roura Yldo. Squr..P-rhrt Prd.trt http://www.restorationhardware.com/rh/catalog/producUproductjsp?produ COP YFIL I Dep artment of Comrnunity Deuehpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohralo 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 ututw.uailgou.com BillGibson. AICP Town Planner Town of Vail March 5, 2008 Julie Spinnato, AIA Studio Spinnato, Inc. 142 Eagle Drive A-6 PO BOX 4673 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Hobbit Hill. Park Side Villas. and Park Side Villas Phase ll Dear Julie, Based upon documentation from the Community Development Department's archives, it appears that Hobbit Hill, Park Side Villas, and Park Side Villas Phase ll were three phases of a single development project. The development potential for these three phases was based upon a total lot size of 1.823 acres (79,409.88 sq. ft.) and a "buildable site area" of 1.822 acres (79,366.32 sq. ft.). This total buildable site area multiplied by O.44 allows a total of 34,92'1 sq. ft. of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). According to the Town's archives, the total allowable GRFA was evenly distributed between the 11 total dwelling units constructed on the combination of all three phases (i.e. Hobbit Hill, Park Side Villas, and Park Side Villas Phase ll). Therefore, each existing individual dwelling unit of Hobbit Hill, Park Side Villas, and Park Side Villas Phase ll is allocated a maximum of 3,174.6 sq. ft. of GRFA. Once the allowable GRFA has been constructed for an individual existing dwelling unit, that unit is also eligible to construct additional floor area utilizing the 'lnterior Conversion' and "250 Ordinance" provisions of Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code. ff you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-217g. Sincerely, h2': h- /z.-<-- a \tn *o ,n r* 7 \ D ,I Parkside Villas 1546 Matternhorn Circle February 10, 1995 (upclated April 7, 1995) Lot Size: 1.823 ac. (79,409.88) Buildable area: 1 .822 ac. (79,366.32) Allowable: GRFA (25%ot buildable plus credits):22,316.58 sq. ft. Site Coverage (25% of lot size): 19,852.47 sq. ft. f mpervious (40% ot lot size): 31,764 sq. ft. Landscaping (60% of lot size):47,645.9 sq. ft. Existinq Phase l: GRFA:7,706 sq. ft. Site Coverage:4,244 sq. ft. fmpervious: 8,722 sq. ft. Landscaping: 17,457 sq. ft. Reserved for Phase l: GRFA:409.12 sq. ft. GRFA allowed for Phase ll: GRFA: 14,201.46 sq. ft, Prooosed: GRFA: 14,185 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 11,884 sq. ft. f mpervious: 20,722 sq. ft. Landscaping: 32,508.32 sq. ft. FIL E /j///| Y Total: GRFA:22,300 sq. ft. rc)v$ f Site Coverage:'tGJ2Ssq* lmpervious: 29,4,14 sq. ft. Landscaping: 49,965.32 sq. ft. Remaininq: GRFA: 16.58 sq ft. Site Goverage:€f24#7*q* j,7o,/.f 7 f lmpervious: 2,320 sq. ft. Pbrcent of Lot Area: GRFA: 28% Site Goverage:20.3Yo lmpervious: 37% Landscaping:63% D(bobao'to +zD 4 +,* *ly {^ U;t 7 tlzrfot' Hobbit Hill Color Samples: West Unit: Stucco: tienjamin Moore "Grey Mirage" 2142-50 a)ot .: E sq) Stucco Accent: Sto White 9433 Window, Fascia and Soffit Color: Benjamin Moore Brown Iar 2110-20 Standing Seam Metal Roof/ Gutters/Snow Fence: Dremet Charcoal Grey 210 Stone: Colorado Buff Stained Strip East Unit: Stucco: Sto Color "Pacific Tan' 10511 tudio plnnato, inc. ION'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect ilame: Hobbit Hill DRB Number: DR8010129 Project Descrifiion: Exterior repaint Pafticipants: OWNER BANKS, SAMUEL L. - DUVOISON,05l22l20QL Phone| DINGFELDER, JAMES & ]UDNH 4917 BAL HARBOR CIR CHATTANOOGATN 37416 License: APPUCANT Eagle Eye Management 0512212001 Phone: 376-0897 1546 Matterhorn Circle Vail, CO 81657 License: Pror€ct Address: 15,f6 MATTERHORN CR VAIL Location: Unit 6 Phasel - Hobbit Hill (2sngfam) Legal Descriptlon: Lot! Block Subdivision: HOBBIT HILL Parcel Number: 21031232,003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Clark Brittain Action: APPROVED Second By: Andy Blumetti Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 06/08/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/orthe Design Review Board. Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0004797 colors: siding is maple #211, windows are sage brush, fascia is hazelnut, garage doors and deck rails are oxford Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.q1 U Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 t GENEML INFORMATION . This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional buiHing square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the o<isting conditions. tr Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). ! All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. D Condominium Association approval (if applicabte). ! ff the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommwity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 Fzx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER joint owner of properry located at urnnr name, ttltb lAfufiaftfor n Uvclz- , Vnr I . provide this letter as (addresdlegal desoiption) written approval ofthe plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be compieted at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include. I further understand that minor modifications mavbe made to the plans over the course of the rbview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (signarure) {sunotoruo (date) U Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 t GENEML INFORMATION . This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional buiHing square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS n Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the o<isting conditions. tr Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). ! All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. D Condominium Association approval (if applicabte). ! ff the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommwity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 Fzx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER joint owner of properry located at urnnr name, ttltb lAfufiaftfor n Uvclz- , Vnr I . provide this letter as (addresdlegal desoiption) written approval ofthe plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be compieted at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include. I further understand that minor modifications mavbe made to the plans over the course of the rbview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (signarure) {sunotoruo (date) Questions? Catt tOtanning Staff at 47g-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any pdect requiring deign review must receive Desbn Rwiew approval prior to subrnitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit b issued and construction is started, OF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK: PHYSICAL AD Q'&ie,A it- c. S nmcrl *,eto 3tz3?Eagle Co. Assessors ffice D. ZONING: 5& parcel #) RESS: E. NAME OF OWNEKS): MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE: F. G. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new buildinq. Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when appving for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project, The Town of Vail will adjust ttre fee according to the poect valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLOMDO 81657. tr tr K ,rolz#pHONE; 3,16-0g 2 2001 no PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantitv: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: BflSNNGTREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirernents for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 5 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoel GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottorn elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the fiont setback b 3 feet. Maximum height of walls ebewhere on the property is 6 feet. o LTSToFPROPOSEDMATERTALSO BUILDING MATERLALS: IPilf-SIEBAt: All rtArer.t:ALs ( s,kkrsR ruhL ) COLOR: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits ' Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Srrttlil ;Atto 'd zro I si Di N 2) s'lnrr.4 )rq slnrt H zz6 Foers* bBstN tr qtq FoBt>r 6awt H frl Fo (esr Gtee LN # fl'l Fq*r 6eez I +'t tI HandorDeckRails 5o'lOtA s*nl>+zD Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and aftach a small color chip ** All e)Cerior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J, If o<terior lighting b propced, please indicate the number of fixhires and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixu.rre type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighUng fn<tures. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibifity b schedule this meeting by calling 97V479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete appliGtion form and all accompanying rEterial must be acceiled by the C.ommunity D€veloFrent Depafinent a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for cornpliance with the Design GuitJelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard *udy must be submitted and tfe owner must sign an affrdavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged b chec* wih the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plant landscape plans and offer site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. l, Plan sheetsize must be 24'\36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale b 1"=20'. All phns must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Title block, p@ect name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1-5". Names of all adjacent roadw4rs. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be bped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear bebre the Design Rwiew Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed' will have their items rernoved from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB apprcves the application with conditions or modifications, all condiUons of approval must be resofued orior to the issuance of a building permit. il. 2. ? 4, E 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk line or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications r-8w-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781(Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 CFed Husky;John Boyd) T.C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Hasbe) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: ]. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility corrpanies, and no @mments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problars and the development can Proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representatve shall note diretty on fre utility verification furm that fierc b a problern which needs to be resotrred. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3, These verifcaUons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Deparunent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utjlitv locatbns must be obtained befure diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoaratelv. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Re/iew applications, approve with certain modifhations, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board br decision. All statr approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Revie$/ applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materiab and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condorninium association, if applicable; B. Arry application b rmdlfu an odsting building that does not significantly change the o<isting planes of the building and b generally consistent wifi tfie architectural design, materials and colors of the buihing, including but not limited to ocerior building finish materiab (e.9. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), o<terior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennag satellite dbhes, windows, slqflibhB, siding, minor commercial fucade improvements, and orUrer similar modiftcatiotts; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, drive$ray modifications, site gnding, site walb, removal or modifications to o(isting landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational bcilities. ADDMONAL RB/IEW AND FEES A. ff thb application requires a separate rerriew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such r€r\riew, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftment of Highway Access Permits, Anrry Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees which are in o(cess of 50o/o of tie application fee. If, at the applhanfs request, any matter is postponed fior hearing, causing the matter to be republbhed, then ffe entire fee tur such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications de€rned by the Comrnunity Delrelopment Deparlment to ha\e design, lard use or oher issues which may have a signifrcant impact on the community may require rwiew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town sbff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire tfie consuftant. The Department shall estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay the consultant and thb amount shall be fonanrded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Frpenses incurred by the Town in o<cess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 dap of notifrcation by the Town. Any oaess tunds will be rctumed to the applicant upon rwiew completion. l't*'ttt*tt*thtt**'ttf,tttt******l**a****t,**f ,t**tt,t*,t**rt,t***rttt,t***r*lr*****at,,|*tttrttt*tltt TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO st'hmcilnl*ttttta*ftt'ltt*,.*ttf*tttt,t*t**t,*t*+*{r{r*t*+t*,tf*+tra*:},}r+****+*,1*a*r***a,t*,}**,3*+**a**t+**t+**a Staten€at Number: Roo0ooo819 Anbunt: $20.00 o5/22/200Lo2:58 prr!palment t{ethod: Caah fnlt: JAR Notation: P€rmie No: DRB01O129 Type: DRB - uinor AlterationParcel No: 2103123 24003 Site Ad&eas: 1546 Ii|ATTERHORN CR lrAIIrIJocatiolr: Ihtit 6 phaeel - Hobbit Hill (2angfamt Total Feee: 920.00xtrls Payment: $20. O0 TotaL AI J tuts: g2O.0O BaLance: $0.00*ll'tttltt*ll*t*a*t*t'trl*t**llltt**rti:r***lt't**lt*****'*tt**t,r't***t***tt*'r*+rt*{rr****tt'*'}*r'r'}l ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Desription 'Current pmts DR OO1()()()()31122()O DESIGN REVIEI.J FEES 20.00 TOWNoFVAIL, coLoMDO shteor€otttt+'l****l+*******t'i*'tl**'r*f t:t't****+**:ii**tt***t***r*'r*rt***'''r*++**'t++***t *r++*ri**ti***t+*atgtatenr€nt Nurnber: RooooooSlg Amount: g20.oo 05/22/2oo:.o2:58 pM Payrnent lllethod: Caeh fnit : iIAR Notation: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Ad&ese: L,ocation: ThlE Payment ! DR8010129 210312324003 1546 TATTBNHORT{ Unit 6 phasel - Type: DRB - l'linor Alteratlon CR \iAII., Hobblt Hill (2engfam) Total FeeB: Tota1 ALrIJ Pmts : Current Pmts $20 .00 $20.00$20. 00 Balance: 90_00*tl*ttlt**l****tttfttt'l*t*t***t+t*'a**+*t't*******t*rt***,r*tt***+**a+*ttft,**rr*+*:a*t****a**tt**** ACCOT]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 20.00 O ur/bxh*,t ny/,rztJ DEPARTI,IEI{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Firepl.cc Inforaats{on: Rc!tsricleil: *of *Of Ga! !096:llof wood/Pallcts: FEE ST'UMARY See page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaE may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS acctrlaLc plot and ploE p1an, subdiviaion FROM A:OO A14 5:oo PM TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD ;:-t-;, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 1550 MATTERHORN ER 1550 MATTERHORN CR' 2to3-L23 -00 -004 Statsus..Applied. Issued.. Extrlires. APPI..ICAI{T MI'ELLER SERVICESP. O. BOX 506, VArL CO 81568 CONTRACTOR MIJELL,ER SERVICESP. O. BOX 505, VAIL CO 81568 OI,VNER SIVERLY iIOHN L PO BOX 5004, VAIr., CO 81658 Ptrone : 970-476 -453 9 Phone: 970-476-4539 Description: REROOF NORTH SE TION BI'R Occupancy: R1 T]4)e ConstrucEion:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Buil.ding-----> 95.00 SAME FOR SAME Multi-Family 4, 000 55 .25 .OO Rscrartsion Fe€----------> 3.oo #lrrr-rrpD.lro.it--------t TOTAL FEES. -. - - Add ga. Appliancc6: R€rtuurne Plan Rlvi€w- - > DRB Pc€-------- Total calcul,ab€d FeeB- - - > 253.25 Additional Fc.!---------> .ooPlan chack- --> InveBtigation> wilI call----> .00 20 .0o .00 100.00 263.25 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'IVIENT09/2I/1.998 iIRM ACTION: APPR APPROVEDIEbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI(I09/2L/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/AItbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT6gl2t/:-9ge fiM Action: APPR N/Arti:m:' 05500 PIlBLrc woRKsO9/2L/t998 ,JRY| Act,ion: APPR N/AItem: 05500 PU09/2L/t998 Jpv : APPR N/A BALANCE DUE.--- .OO Dept: BUILDING Division:iIRIfDepE,: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Deot: PIJB WORK Division: I hereby .cknor.lcdgc that I havc rcad thl. appLicrlion, fi.llcd ouE in full thc infornreion required, cooPl.!.d an plan, and BCate th.b a1l lhe informatsion provided ae rcquired is correcb. I agrce to comply with Chc inforEaEion tso comply rith all Toen ordinanccE and ltat€ 1ar6, alld to build thi6 Btruclurc according to th€ Tor.n'B zoning end codee, dceign rcvicw approvad, Unifofifl Building codc rnd othc! ordinanceE of bh€ Town rpplicabl. thclclo. RaouEsTs FoR INSPECUONS SIiALL BA MADE !1{E!ITY-FOUR HOTRS rN ADVANCE BY srnd clcan-Up Dcpo6it Tot MUBLLER SERVICES ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMIT Permitz#: 898-0277 c^fl* ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: ISSTJED 09 /2r/L998 oe /2L/Le98B/20/aeee TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Dep approved amount date Sq Ft: efund OR CoINRACTOR 8OR HIMSET.F AND OWNER ***************************************************************************:l**** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0277 as of 09/21/98 SLaEus: ISSIJED ************:t***********************************************:t******************* Permit fi4pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O9/21,/L998r.pplicant: MIIELLTER SERVICES Issued: 09/21/L99A970-476-4539 To Ercpire: 03/20/L999 ilob Address: LOCATiON: 1550 TVIATTERIIORN CR' Parcel No: 2103-123-00-004 Descriptsion: REROOF NORTII SECfION BUR SAI4E FOR SAI'IE Conditsions:1. FIBI,D INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COIUPLIAI{CE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAIJI.'S,CEII'INGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AIiI APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE FSQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 I'BC. 4. FIRE DEPARTIT{ENI APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORB AM WORK CAI{ BE STARTED. a.t 'rat a t ra r rr.i a t r a t r. r.rrrara a tt r rai a rrttrr, r r., rr r TOWN OE VAIIJT CICLORAI'O gE.r. nr. r a i rtra ra a aa a. rtl,rr, gCitcnnt lfu!$!r ! REC-0{51 .f,Doune r Ptl'[.nt' ll.ghod ! CHK Not Elonr 2195 263.25 O9/2Ll9a tOtL2 InII: BR PcnlE t{o ! B9e-O277 T!?. r A-t{F fDDi/At T Up BUILD pER P.rc.l Nor 2103 - 123 -oo-o0l . .:lr!aer 1550 XITIERHORIf cR locrEl,on ! 1550 liltTBRHORIil CR' Total f..rr 263.25 thl.Drya.nC 263.25 loCtl Nrtr Pat!: Ealrnca ! 263,25 .o0 rtftrta*trailrrrttlrllrttttr.rrtlttr*aatrttattttttrirt.rrialatti.,|}rraa AccounB cod.D..crlpELon BP 00100003111100 BUIEDINC plRMtt tEEs Dn 00100003112200 Dl3t4t REitrtErf Fllg Pr 00100003112300 'LAII cNEctr FBag loount 35 .00 20.00 55.25 100.00 3. O0 II' D2-I'EPOI cl.ll}|lrP DaDoaras slc 00100003112900 lfrrJJ cf,rr! rNgPteltoN FIE :ontacc Eogle CouncY Assessors Offlce TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTONrr 970-328-8540 for Parcel l. RCEL /z 7-103- lZ3- 0000 \ PERMIT APPLIqATTPN FORMD^rEr_?/t?/?q PER.\IIT f , APPLTCATTON MttST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOr BE ACCEPTED : * rt * rl rl rk rl:t:l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l * PERMIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * 't I-"urturnn [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal q7(-otner 'ob Name: Pl ,egat Description: Lot ftaltE g1.,"k__ Filing sugorvrstoN r )wners Nane:Address: 9r*lzE Address:'3o fruux 9K. l//+lL,rchitect: Hkfl< A ;eneral Description:oo/t 'ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional tyf-Repair [ ]-other umber of Dwelling Units;Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ,;rnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * urLDrNG: $ h9O, * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * CoNTRACTOR TNFORMAaTON * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LUMBING: $ ddress: lectrical Contractor: ddress: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MEcHANrcAlr {_ -- Ph. Ph. OTHER: TOTAL: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Reg. NO. L Town of Vail Req. NO,z Phone Number: 6fC.4K Iunbing Contractor: ddress: echanical Contractor: ddress:Reg. NO. *******************************FOR OFFICE USE *************************r(***** UTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRTCAL FEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: R,B FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:cnrnents: VALUATION ,LEA}I IIP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: o'o o IH3tdlqa ooj H<'Gci).oo(J EE ArT o€ oo co oo oo oo o C' oo T E tI r E do I H o n|.| o ct F o Ni F o ;E :4 tIiE 6FB FiHr, H oc|a!:R ,Ic&\C'E|E, EE ETE'( A Ea EE!!a E e 3Er{a E!o l.E HB gr EH i F x It! Ai !aEilg Ef; E u H 6 B H HIE A HE!l H HT .a ? d .=ocra 'g EItaf69TOH EES *******************************:***************************!r***** StaternntTO!{N OF VAIL, COLORADO **************rl!t***************:l*!t*************tt*******:l******** Statemnt Number: REC-0099 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *940 s3.00 lL/L4/95 15:46Init: LRD M95-0185 T!pe: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2L03-r23-24-OO2 1542 !.IATTERHORN CR *s Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmt83 Balance: ********************t*******************il*****************!t****** Permit No:Parcel No:site AddresB: L,ocation: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECEAIIICAL PERMIT FEES PI.,AII CHECK FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Anount 40.00 10.00 3.00 .-- un#xhox,;t ,Ul/rytt Lhsp/*zta/ AT ALL TIMES Permit M95-018sTOWN OFVAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE MECHANICAL PERMIT POSTED ON JOBSITE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97O- 47 9 - 2 I 3 8/4 7 9 - 2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR ohmER Description: KIRCHNER GAS Deparnnent of Community Development i5/4 i3l| *tt"RrIoRN cR 2LO3-723-24-002 ISSUED ro/te /LeestL/14 /Lee505/12/tee6 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 670, MINTURN CO THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 670, MINTURN CO KIRCHNER FIREPLACE 8164s 81645 Phone : 303827 9 623 Phone z 3038279623 VaLuation:1, 500 . 00 fof !,ood/pa I tct: *iffi*tlrffi*t*ffiffiffi*|tffffi*ffiffi*ffi FEE SUmttARY *ffi***H*ffiffirt*f,t*ffit**iffi*,ffi*ff i.lechani ca t---) PLan check---> Investigati on> tliLL ca L t---) Fi reptace Infornation: Restri cted:fof Gas App[ i ances:fof Gas Logs: .00 TotaI Catculated Fces--->.00 Additional Fees---------> 53.00 TotaI Permit Fcc------->Payncnl3----- 40.00 10.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Reviey--) DRB Fce----_.@ TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 BALANCE DUE-_*ffi ***ffi ffi *ffi ****ff *t*t**ffi****lrt***ff *tffi *ffiff *rt*rttffi ****** Item: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTLO/L9/L995 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qIElq_.INSpEqT_rONq ABE BEQqT8ED rO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. qol4gusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC: 607 OF- rris-lsti--uMe: '--' 3. INSTALLATION MUST COfrFORM TO MANOFACiDNES- TIISTNOETiOfr'S-ANP. TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. gAq APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACeORDiNc TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALT TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.906 OF TTTE__1.991 UM-c.- *******************************************************************************, DECLARATIONS I. hercby .acknoutedge that I have read.this application, fittcd out in futl, the infornation regui red, comp1eted an accuratc plotptrn, and statr that atl thc infofmation provided as required. is correct. I agree to compty riith tire infornation ano ptot iian,to caPl'y with atl Toun ordinances and statc [avs, and to buitd this structure according io-the Tovn, s zoning and subdivisioncodes' design rcvieu aPProved, uniform Buil,ding codc and othcr ordinances of th. Town aipl.icabtc thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I,IADE TUENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OiJR OFFICE FROI! E:q) A 5:OO PIt SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUNER {g *""r"uoru* ^$" ^^na ,-trl-tlz zl-o}rowN oF vArL coNsr*u"tro*o ffUnCUt ffiRMrr APPtrcArroN roRM l" DATE: t0 - lb -q 5 PER}IIT # . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI.{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt {********ir******************** p'Iwrr TNF.RMATT.N *****************************n-'[ ]-auildlng t l-Plunbing [ ]-ElectricaJ- ftltttechanical [ ]-other Job Addre ssz I 5'1Q rnalf er hd r n C ir c le * 5 SUBDIVISION: t f4Q t4aterhrn t trtb rA 5 e:n.I7(-t 3 ao Ph. ceneral- Description: )ns'[-all Qas Frrefilzte- Work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional t ]-Repair t l-oi'ner4PlU'ncz- Nuriber of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accomrnodation Units: / I'lprnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas App1iu.r""= / cas Logs- Woodr/Pellet-V ff********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************,l durr-,orNe : ELEcrRrcALz s-__-__-P- orHER: t-cHalllcar,: 11545, ToTAL: $ clN *************************** Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Plunbing Address: Town of vail Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: /rddress: :t ** ******* * ********** !t **** ]3UILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PDRMIT FEE3 I"IECHANICAL PERI''IT FEE : ELECTRICAL FEE: C}THER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rchnefJob Name: Lega1 Description: Lot Block Filing Owners Name: >tflerl /'lC69L Address: Address:Architect: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone Number: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: /) t Reg. BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: Cornments: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REN'ND Desigreeview Action Form O TOWN OF VAIL categorytlumoer 16 Date Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: A / r A t /'r-1t4 i., ,t lT5 owner,Addressano pnone' M \ t.tclY, €.,tTilfEr>, 2x 6frf lre.F, IKNd ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivisionttoek;(T- '7o6s g;s11;d fC- project SrreetAooress' [64{-p Mn]fa,r hu r v.. C , rc r<- Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval Vote: Astatepproval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-pai -...ii. \ oegn Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL Bu!lding Name: ....,,-- .L I .. ProiectDescription: \"'l)&Lr\t- 4 il !'1 t,1 i'ri,l 'lii .' ArchitecVGontact, Address ^na enon \la.,tl Lt f:tt <? Legal Description: Lot - Block_ Subdivision zone District U proiesrstreetAdo,""", 154fu Ml^#cvhi,vn f irc le-' Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval n Disapproval ,z(Staff Approval Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid ,ra-rtr0g5 lEl:14AM REALW 978 949 5ffi5 8OIJTfl.frfiD |lIO DNEEDItrI RO*D ullnrmn srI^8H, tfc E?tor Odobcfll, 1995 Laura Cmruitvlhrdoprtrat VIAFAX#; nU47}2/;52 Danlnurqr: Thil ir tc ncify you dthc rpproral of ilt€ l{obbir Ifiu furcciation for tre printing pcnnit rubffiod by Tcra Kitfiu ur qr bohelf. 'thmk pu tbr your assfitmcc in thii;dor. BOLUJC o P.2 Sincldy, 1 tcvL.d gll1l9a DBSI@I RE\'IIEIV D O'r, BoARD APPrJrqarroN - BoflN "" ""{! DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ****t***!t* INC(NPLWE APPI,ICATIONS I'AY NOT BB SCEEI)OLW) FOR REIIIE]T.**ta*tt*** A. I.PROJIEC1I IIIFORIIATION : ffiDEPT B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addirion (950.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) ConceptuaL Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: I.,EGAI, DESCRI Subdivision If property iE described bydescription, please provideto this appJ.ication. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet D. E. legaJ- and attach ZONING: fiIAI'lE OF Mailinri APPI.TICAIITT: Address: F. G. Phone NN.IE OF!'railing APPIJICAIiM I S REPRESENT Address: I. J. H.NAII{E OF OWNER(S): Mailing Address: Phone APPIJTSITIONS YTLIJ NOT BE PNOCBSS8') WITEOW OWNER'S SI@TA'IURB Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetine of subrrittal. of the DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permiL, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail. will adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. nr orFBE PAID: i r'(J -, CHECK *: DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDUI-TE: VAIJUATION$ 0 $ 10,000A ,l ll alt'la .. F r'r ^^^Y 4vrwv4 V lrv, t!,Vl, $50,001 -$ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 I Jv. Uv $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00. 0o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRBS OltB YEAR AFIIBR FINAII APPROVAIT UNIJESS A BUIIJDMG PERUIT IS ISSITED AIID COII9TRUCTIOIIS STANTBD. Phone LIST OF MATERIAIJS NAME OF PRO.JECT: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK ST'BDIVTSION STREET ADDRESS: A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUII,DING I,IATERIAI.TS : Roof Siding Other waII MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl.osures GreenhouseE Retaining waI1s Exterior Lighting Other required for submittal approvaL can be griven: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ to the Design COIOR qqw- tNoni- FrrAy's ttooehtr*\ Saw,- Vrpo& trnan* ltur/ Wrltw Vtwd- funrc lhuMt*- ww()* Fwua. ++arLWm v\srJtt -41iln s/ykr, Xnnn" N/A ar INiA Wuod-- 6fla.tn Designer: Phone: B.I.TAIiIDSCAPING: Name of /. ,l r arlrrr.l rJF lJfl I L- I'liscellaneousC; t \ ,J lB-1F-35 l5:BEIfl ReceiFt * 1815?'t Fc,:rurrt S 5TEPHEI.I I.i I F;CHHEE1.F.P[, Fni,:'Lrn t i.errd* red :i I r'em paid B1BEBB41531st:lfl t1l-r.:n,l* re t.u rnsd ::' THFttll< IrFJB FEES :8. BB fusrrt' Paid ?F_1. Sg [1. E{:1 1/{fIJ li*ur c.r=hier HEItTI L,,)o IOY-C0lrllr4. DEV. DEfr August 22,1995 Town of Vail Design and Review Board To Board Members of DRB: Hobbit Hill Home Owners Association has contracted with and authoized Stephen Smith and Smith Woodworking to submit design plans for roof line extension for entryways for all Hobbit Hill Units. This is to correct design flaws which has caused ice build up and run off to entry way doors. Sincerely yours, ",And/ /n'/Aa'd' Nancy Southard President of Hobbit Hill Home Owners Association i.rt.d, alLTlta DESIGI{ REI/IEW BOAND APPIJICATTON ' TOTIN OF VAII.I, I. A. c. D. B. DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRA MEETING: *t****t*** INCOMPIJSTB APPIJICATIONS MAY NAT BE SCIIMWED FOR REVIEN. PROjIECT INFORMATIO{: *ttt*t**** PTION: ADDRESS: I,EGAIJ DESCRTPTION: Subdivision IJOL BLock TYPE oF REvrEw: auu | { 1995 New construcrion ( g200. o0) Jar,,r,,o, orfCy"d0lyl[4JE[6DEPTAddition ($50.00) Conceprual neview (90) If property is described bydescription, please provideto this appLication. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. F. ZONING: NAl.,lE OF MaiJ.ing NAI'IE OFMailing APPI.,ICANT: APPLICANI I S Address: G. Phone REPRESEIiITATIYE: <a-t*r* 4s , at(mltf Phone H. NAME OF OhINER(S): l.-.s\.omsER fsf srcm"uru, I s\' Yail-ins Address:\ N\ .'\ -/ Phone APPITIC; ffiONS WIrIr NO/I BB PROf,ESSHD WIIWOtr.{I OUNBR'S SI@fIIATARB I. Condominium Approval if applicabte. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, aE stro\dn above, are to be paid at thetime of subnittaL of the DRB applicat,ion. Later, whenapplying for a buitding perxnit, please identify the accuratevaLuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail. will adjust thethe Lable below,Lo '$ fee accordingis paid.to I . engure the co Ng rrect fee FEE SCHEDIILE: VAIJUATION$ o $ 1o,oooS10,00i-$ 5u,uOu $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000.000g Over 91,000,000 DBSIQ{ REiVIEtf BOARD APPROVAIT EXPIRES APPROVAIj T'lILBgg A BUTLDING PBRIIIT ISIS S'IIAR'NED. FEE $ 20.0q $ 5U. U0 $100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 O![E YEAR AgrER FINAIJ rssuBD AI{D COISTRUCrIO{ II. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. IE is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment. \rrith the staff to determine if there are addit,ional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streanline thereview process for your projecE ITI. IMPORTATiIIT NOTICE REGARDING AI,I.T SITBMISSIONS TO THE DR3: A. In addition to meeting submitLaL requirenents, theapplicant must stake and Lape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be rernoved must be Laped. AllsiEe t,apings and staking musL be compleLed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicanL must ensure that staking done during the wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normal-ly requires Lwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board.: a concepEual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on Eheir scheduled meet,ing daEe and who have not, asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DFIB agenda until such time as Ehe item has been republished. D. The following items may, at Ehe discretion of the zoning administ,rator, be approved by the Confiiunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyligrhts and similar exterior changes which do noL alter the existing plane of thebuildinq; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must include letters fromadjacent property owners and,/or from ttre agenE foror manager of any adjacent condominium associat,ionstating the association approves of the addit.ion. E. If a property is located in a mapped. hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, weEland, etc.), a hazard study must be submit.Led andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pernit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Tourn planner prior to DRB appLication to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazard,s. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the fLoor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. hdicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot dist,ance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodificat,ions, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. rv. NBw Cq{STRUCTTON A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bya Colorado professional Liceased Surveyor, at a scaleof 1" = 20, or larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1. IJot area, and buildable area when different thanlot area. 2. Legal description and physical address. 3. Two foot cont,our intervals unless the parceL consist,s of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing trees or grroups of t,rees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturaLfeatures (J.arge boulders, intermitLent streans, et,c. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of streErms or creeks, required creek or streErm setback, and 100-year flood p1ain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more sha11 beclearly delineated by cross hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchmark, eicher USGS landnarkor sewer invert. This informaLion musL be clearly stat.ed on the survey so Lhat all measurement,s are based on the same sLarUing point. This isparLicularly important for determining buil-dingheight and driveway slope. See Policy On Surveyrnformation, for more information regarding surveys. 8. Locations of. the following must be shown: a. Size and tlDe of drainaqe cul.verts, swales, ecc. b. Exact, locat,ion of exisLing utiLiLy servicelines from tbeir source to the structure,including: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone water Electric c. AL1 utility meter Locations, including anypedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent Eo the site. d. Property Lines - disEances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. hdicate all easenenLs identified on thesubdivision pLat. 9. Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalE,along the street frontagp of l-hF 676nortrr a-ttwenty-five foot intervaLs (25,), and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the 1ot. B. Site PLan 1. Locabions of tbe following musL be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off sit.e. 2. 3. c. Proposed ati.retay,Qncluding percent slopeand spot, elevations at. the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenLerline of the drive to accurately reflecLdriveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the ed.ge ofasphalt for d.riveways that exit the street in an uphi1l direction. All exist.ing improvements including structures, J.andscaped areas, service areas, st,orage areas,wa1ks, driveways, off-st,reec parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wa1L spot, elevations), and other existing site improvements. In order to determine proposed buiLding heightselevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves when deLermined necessary by the zoning adrninistrator,sha1l be indicated on the site pLan vrith existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape Plan (lt' = t0'or larger) - 3 copies required1. AL a rninimum, the following informaEion must beprovided on Lhe landscape plan: a. Location of existing trees 4,, dianet,er orlarger, b. Type, size and location of all exist,ing andproposed plant material , c. Location of aL1 trees to be transplanEed, d. A detaiLed legend of all proposed plant maEerial including conmon and L,aLin nanes. 2. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant naterial following its installaLion. 3. Exist.ing and proposed contour lines. Retaining wa11s should be included with the contourinformation with top of waLl and bottom of waLlelevations listed. 4. Complete the attached landscape materials 1ist. Sign off from each utilitv cor\panv verifying thelocation of utility service and avaiLability (see attached utility verification form) . A preliminarv title report ScheduLe A and B must, accompany all submittaLs, to insure property ownership and identify all easements affecting the subjectproperty. Architectural Plans (L/8" = 1' or larger, t/4,, ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. FLoor plans and all elevat.ions of Ehe proposed development d.rawn to scale and fuLLy dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-Iined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Exterior mat,erials and colors shall- be specifiedon the att,ached materials 1i-sL. This materialslisL must be conpJ.eLed and submitted as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding samplesetc., shal1 be presented at the Design Review Board meet.ing. Details including, but not Limited c. E. F. I . to t.""i.l,rim, raitings, chitnn"" .0 merer' locations, etc. must be shown graphicllly andfu11y dimensioned. Zone check lisr (aLuached) rnust be completed if theprojecL is located wibhin the single-ramity,Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent sLructures. The Zoning Adninistrator'and,/or DRB may require thesubmission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other srat,erials (incl.udinga model) if deemed necessary to det,ermine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidel.ines. G. H. I. v.UINOR AIJTER.ETIONS TlO THE EXTERIOR OF BUIIJDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subrnitted in lieu of the more fonnalrequirement,s seE forth above, provided all imporLanLspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaEerials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS . RBSIDENITET., OR COT&ISRCIAI, A. original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = 1' or larger(t/4n - 7t is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. hdicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for aLl mat.erials and coLor samples onmaterials list (attached). At tbe request, of the zoning Adninistrator you may also berequired to subnit: G. A statenent from each utility verifying locat.ion ofservice and availabifity. See aLLached uEilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered CoLorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, Lo verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAI, SITE PI,AII Once a building perrnit has treen issr-rq{, a,nd eonstrr-let-ion is undenvay. and before the Building Department wilL schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginforrnation must be provided on the ILC: A. . Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. .o uciriEy service line as-trta", showing Llpe ofmaterial used, and size and exact locat.ion bf tines. Basis of bearing Lo Lie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set, andstated on improvement survey. All easements. carage slab elevations and all roof rid.ge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge 1ines. VI TI . CONCEPTUAI, DESIGN REl'1IEI{ A. Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any projecL reguiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Townrs Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprisrarily for applications more complex than single- famiJ.y and two-family residences. Hordever, developersof single-famiLy and two-family projects sha11 not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual- design review. complete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The fol-lowinq information shall be submitted for a conceptuaL review: 1. A concepEual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing ext,erior materials and a descripLion of the character of the proposed structure or strucLures; 3. Sufficient information to show Lhe proposal complies wiLh Lhe developnent sLandards of the zone district in which the project is to be locaLed (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calcul-ations, nuriber of parking spaces, etc. ) ; 4. completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of ConununiEy Development shall review the submitt.ed material.s for general" compliance with the appropriaEe reguiremenLs of Ehe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with Ehe zoning code reguirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generall-y in compliance witb zoning code reguirements, theapplication and submittaL materials shall be returnedto the appJ-icant wiLh a written o<planaLion as to why the Conununity Development Department staff has foundthe proiect noE to be in compl-iance wiLtr zoning corlerequirements. Once a complete appJ.ication has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review appLication and supporting mat,erial in order to determine whether or not the project generalLy complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative sha11 be present at the DRB hearing. lc. D. E. G. H. t NAltIE OF PRO.TECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following information ie Review Board before a final A. BUILDII|G TTIATERIAI.IS: Roof Siding Other WalL Fascia Soffi ts Windows Materials $lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash EncloEures Greenhouses ReLaining Wal-Ls ExterLor Lighting Other BIJOCK required for submittaL to the Design approval can be given: ITPB OF UATER,IAI,COIPR Narne of Designer: Phone: B.LAIiTDSCAPING: pr.,Ar,rrQrERrAr,s: Roranical- Name a*""*a-= ouantiiv size* | PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS *Indicate caliper for deciduous treea. Minimurn calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inclres. Indicate height forconiferous trees. Minimum heioht for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qalLon. Tq)e Souare Foota€re GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please sbow the nurnber of fixtures and locat,ions on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lightj-ng plan in the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe oflight proposed, Lumen ouEpug, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe liqht. f ixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,J) D. OTHER IJNiIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIls, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) PLease specify. Indicate heiqhts of ret,ainingwal.ls. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is3' . Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the property is 6' . t.!Lc.d, 8ll7 /9a JOB NAII{E o EOWI{ OF VAIL IITIILITY IJOCATION VERTFICATIoDI FoRITI SUBDTVISION IJOT BLOCK FTIJING ADDRESS The forn is used to verify service availability and locat,ion. This shouLd be used in conjunction with preparing your utiLity plan andscheduling installations. For any new construction proposal , theapplicant must provide a completed uLiliLy verification fonn. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utiLities for the accompanying site plan. A11 authorizing signatures need to be originaLs. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Conrnunications 468-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -6135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -1224 Mark Graves t*UDper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee r*A site plan is required. Pbysical locatioa of kaowa utilities musg be shoyD on tbe site plan. Utility locations may or nay notoffer service to tbe DroDerty line. eny ut,ility sxt€nsion requiredshau be the responsibility of the property owaer. NOTE:1. If a utiLity company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should notdirectly on the uEility verification form that thereis a probl.em which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of vail. However, pLease keep in mind that, it is the responsibility of the utility company to resolve idenLified probtems. 2. If the utility verificaLion form has signatures frorn each of the utility conpanies, and no conments are made direct,ly on ttre for:n, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of vail, Department of Public lrlorks and to obtain utititv locations before digqino in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofvail. A buitd.ing permit is not a street cut perrnit. A street cut permiL must be obtained separat,ely. 4. Installation of service lines are at the e4)ense andresponsibility of the property owner. o sinsleFamiLv*""Ll:ff "drr?Xnl"fr,prirnary/secondary LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block _ Subdivision ADDRESS: DATE: OlrlNER PHONE PHONE BUIIJDABI'E LOT AREA ALlowed Existing Prooosed TotaI (30) (33) ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Heighr TOTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Site Coverage . Landscaping Secondary GRFA + 4E = Setbacks Front Sides Rear + 425 =, 20, 15' 15' Retaining wa11 Heights .3t /61 Parkingr carage Credit Drive: Reqrd _Encl (300) (600) (s00) (1200)_ PermitEed Slope t Proposed Slope ed YES Complies with T.o.v. r,ighting ordinance Yes Water Course SeEback (30) (50) Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental,/Hazards: 1) FLood PLain NO NO 2) PercenL Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazards a)Snohr Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4.l Wetrands View Corridor Encroachnent: YeE Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?_ Previous condiEions of approval (check property file): No 10 o -'l N9 ldrdt lftmbcrr r TGlrlhl OF IJFIII- iliscellsreous CSI €8-14:95 l6;37:95 Receipt lt 179711Accouni* CK*1259 STEPHEN sI'IITH\PREPFID DRB FEE flnount tendered ) 2S.@ It€n paid houn? paid 8lasBa4l33l€80 28.88 Change returned > E.BE , THFIhIK I/BLI Vcur cashier HEIITI .l DATE nffirrysD F II. E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 r 38 / 479-2 r 39 FAX 303:479-2452 August 31, 1994 Department of Community Development Ms. Alice Parsons P.O. Box 497 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Hobbit Hlll Dear Alice: Below is a summary of the information from lhe Hobbit Hill file. I understand you would like to show what the development potential is to prospective purchasers of your property. lf they have any questions about the various assumptions we have made in our analysis, please feel free to give me a call, or have them call me. 1. Danny Corcoran has reported in his letter of July 1 1, 1994, that lhe total site area is 1 .823 dcres. He has further stated that the buildable area is 1.822 acres. The gr6ss residential floor area (GRFA) is based on buildable area. 2. We assume thal four units are currently built at this time. 3. We assume that you intend to construct seven units as duplexes or single family homes. 4. We assume that the existing units have the following GRFAs: .Unit 5 - 't,934 square leet .Unit 6 - 1,919 square feet .Unil7 - 1,934 square feet .Unit 8 - 1,919 square leet The existing GRFA is 7,706 square feet. 5. The 1.822 acres of buildable area translates lo 79,366.3 square feet. Based on lhis area, there is an allowable GRFA of 19,841 .58 square feet. t .)a Ms. Alice Parsons August 3'l , 1994 Page 2 6. Allowable credits for eleven dwelling units per Section 18.14.090A (for existing units and non-potential units) would be: 11 x 225 square leet = 2,475 square feet Adding these two tigures together, there is a total allowable GRFA of: 19,841.58 square feet + 2.475.0 square feet 22,316.58 square feet Please note that these calculations assume thal you will build single family or two famif dwellings, not multi-family units. 7. By dividing the total allowable by eleven units, there is 2,028.78 square leet per unit. This figure includes the 225 credit for each unit. 8. Please note that the existing units have additional GRFA available to them which could be used for luture expansions. Units 5 and 7 could be expanded by 94.78 square feet. Units 6 and 8 could be expanded by 109.78 square feet. This square footage is in addition to the "250". 9. Staff needs to reemphasize that the calculations shown above assume that there will be eleven unils construcled on the site and, therefore, include eleven credils. Fewer units result in fewer credits. Multi-family units do not receive lhe 225 square feet credit. 10. As discussed in our meeting of July 1, 1994, we agreed that an updated topographic survey will be required as part of a Design Review Board (DRB) application. The survey done by Burke was adequate to determine buildable area; however, it is not adequate to develop a DRB submittal lor the remaining parcel. 11. In the fulure, your client will be able to allow for individual ownership of the units once construction is complete. The process lo use will be the townhome plat process. Phase I must be shown in dashed lines and must be included on the plat, Phase ll should be shown in heavy lines and will be the area where the individual ownerships are crealed. All parties holding an interest in Phase ll must sign the plat. No owners in Phase lwill be required to sign the plat. Staff researched the plats filed for the 770 Potato Patch development and found that this process was used to allow for individual ownerships without including signatures of lhe owners in Phase l. By showing both phases, the line dividing the two phases will be viewed as a phase line only and will not actually subdivide the lot. L Ms. Alice Parsons August 31, 1994 Page 3 This situation is similar to the Hobbit Hill development in that Phase ll was owned independently from the original developer. I have attached a copy of a section of the Polato Patch plat that includes lhe stalement pertaining to zoning issues. lt states that: "for zoning purposes, the area on this plat shall be governed by Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances and other applicable regulations to Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch in its entirety, including Phase l, 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums and Potato Patch Townhomes Condominium Association." The text will have to be amended lo reference Phase I of Hobbit Hill. However, this note is important to include in this letter as it shows that this type of subdivision can be approved by the Town and what conditions have been included in the past, 12. lt is important to note that the staff has recognized the 198_ DRB approval for the eleven units. Staff is able to recognize this approval as there were four units that were constructed pursuant to the action taken by the DRB. By recognizing this approval, staff can distribute the GRFA evenly, as was done in the proposal approved by the DRB. I hope this clarifies any other questions that may arise. lf lhere are any others, please feel lree to give me a call. Sincerely, xc: Jack Snow Andy Knufdisen August 2, L994 (aot) ta6-tal I Andy Knudtsen Town of Vai]- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road vaj.1, colorado 8l-657 REr Hobbit Hill Dear Andyl r would like to further cl-arify the development potential in regard to the GRFA for the land adjacent to the present Hobbit HilJ- dupl€x€so After careful study of the information you have previousl-y giveng it would help tremendously if you could continue with your calculations a step or two further, for example: Total a3.l.owabJ.e GRFA including credits of 225 SF per unitc Phase I and Vacant Land 22r3L6,58 SFil-1=2028.78 Total- existing GRFA -- Phase I 7 1706 5pi4=1926.5 Total al1owable GRFA -- Vacant Land 141610.58 SFiT=2487.23 With these calculations in mind, each of the proposed 7 units woul-d be using 58.44 sF more ttran the 4 units in Phase I. Consequentlyr the MOST SF that could be requested by Phase r ownefs would be 409 sF total 158.44 x 7] or an average of lO2 SF per unit[4 units]. When a new plat is presented to DRB [or before], Iod think ttre new o'!{ners would use Danny Corcoranrs cal-culations of buildable area on the remaining parcel of land and come up with a slightly different number of SF per unit: L.221 ac or 531186,76 SF x .25 = l-31296.69 SF;7 = 1899.5 SF l-899.5 + 245 credit = 2t]-24.5 SF for each unit. Thank you for your help and patience in this matter. d "rt (t a-.r 0 ,-4I dv' . ,lJ.Jy W1 " r"fi f',) v\,* ..(< Sinc_erelyt wv 1a t ,,. 4'? illr tr' .(al t/I -..',, h"' "cAte (tF' (c, I o/' I.( ( ttt' I ,i 5 ''" rlJ nl-'I ,r ','/J(t't, ,/( b P\ {-1 v .L..in., LJI A ,no!". rl rt'l ,q tl I I | , {'r't',", m t-A A A' I1 't [ts u.-@ aaA lr(.r\ ( (*{ A t i-"t"1\"rA '|./.'.r& { t,f iq\-, { l- " +,/,*r,/.i.u l/'= f{ -,)'lcr'l- ? lr t- '{ '/' I 'l.'^t' ,r, Jfn"' I'r{t ,fn* ,lq+.itOI ' Rl,\i\,tl l<\t ' ,.. \ '4&'r'N'-> i16l '' (\ i'l' D LLt. l" .t+ t- td , &(t / .rfl u")V' { r(t' lu (P oriD o"uv ei'yY ,j t) D,"t -' ,trodo i|'/ j\, ,y'A;1/v'd / FII- E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 July 29, 1994 Deparnnent of Comnrunity Development 3RFAs: ^rkC\ff L..-\ r- o\ n ^o"t ) ^u{i')o /- t\ - &- tv"v'fl Ms. Alice Parsons P.O. Box 497 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Hobbit Hill Dear Alice: Below is a summary of the information from fre Hobbit Hill file. I understand you would like to show what the development potential is to prospective purchasers of your property. lf they have any questions about the various assumptions we have made in our analysis, please feel free to give me a call, or have them call me. 1. Danny Corcoran has reported in his letter of July 1 1, 1994, that the total site area is 1.823 acres. He has further stated that the buildable area is 'l.822 acres. The gross residential floor area (GRFA) is based on buildable area. 2. We assume that four unils are currenlly buill at this time' 3. We assume that you intend to construct seven units as duplexes or single family homes. 4.We assume that the existing units have the following GRFAs: .Unit 5 - 1,934 square feet .Unit 6 - 1,919 square feet .Unit 7 - 1,934 square feet .Unit 8 - 1,919 square feet The existing GRFA is 7,706 square feet (which includes 225 square feet credit for each unit). 5. The 1.822 acres of buildable area translates lo 79,366.3 square feet. Based on this area, there is an allowable GRFA of 19,841.58 square feet. Ms. Alice Parsons July 29, 1994 Page 2 6.Allowable credits for eleven dwelling units per Section 18.14.090A (for existing units and non-potential units) would be: 11 x 225 square teel = 2,475 square feet Adding these two figures together, there is a total allowable GRFA of: 19,841.58 square feet + 2.475.0 souare feet 22,316.58 square leet Please note that these calculations assume that you will buiE single lamily or two family dwellings, not multi-family units. By subtracting the existing GRFA from what is allowed, there remains 14,610.58 square feet ol GRFA. 22,316.58 square feet - 7.706.0 souare feet 14,610.58 square feet This assumes that there will be eleven constructed units on-site and eleven credits. By dividing this number by the remaining that could be built, which is seven, there would be an allowable lloor area of 2,087.2 square leet per unit. Staff needs to reemphasize that the calculations shown above assume that there will be eleven units conslructed on the site and, therefore, include eleven credits. Fewer units result in fewer credits. Multi{amily units do not receive lhe 225 square leet credit. As discussed in our meeting ol July 1 , 1994, we agreed that an updated topographic survey will be required as part ol a Design Review Board (DRB) application. The survey done by Burke was adequate lo delermine buildable area; however, it is not adequate to develop a DRB submittal for the remaining parcel. In lhe future, your client will be able to allow for individual ownership of the units once construction is complete. The process to use will be the townhome plat process. Phase I must be shown in dashed lines and musl be included on the plat. Phase ll should be shown in heavy lines and will be the area where the individual ownerships are created. All parties holding an interest in Phase ll must sign the plat. No owners in Phase I will be required to sign the plat. Statf researched the plats filed for the 770 Potato Patch development and found that 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ms. Alice Parsons July 29, 1994 Page 3 this process was used to allow for individual ownerships without including signatures of the owners in Phase l. By showing both phases, the line dividing the two phases will be viewed as a phase line only and will not actually subdivide the lot. This situation is similar to the Hobbit Hill development in that Phase ll was owned independently from the original developer. I have attached a copy of a section of the Potato Patch plat that includes the statement pertaining to zoning issues. lt stales that: 'for zoning purposes, the area on this plat shall be governed by Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances and other applicable regulations to Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch in its entirety, including Phase l, 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums and Potato Patch Townhomes Gondominium Association." The text will have to be amended to relerence Phase I of Hobbit Hill. However, this note is important to include in this letter as it shows that this type of subdivision can be approved by the Town and what conditions have been included in the past. 12. lt is important lor staff to emphasize that GRFA is allocated on a first come first serve basis, The allocation of GHFA within a project is determined at time of DRB approval. The numbers provided in this lener indicate lhe total GRFA allowed for Hobbit Hill, Phases I and ll. lf any current owners of the duplexes within Phase I request GRFA from the Town of Vail, we would be obligated to allocate the GRFA unless plans for Phase ll had already been approved by the DRB, 13. The Town of Vail is not required to recognize any private agreements between Phase I and Phase ll of Hobbit Hill. Any private agreements which may have been set forth allocating GRFA would be private and would not influence the allocation of GRFA as discussed above in #'12. I hope this clarifies any olher questions that may arise. lf there are any others, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, / ffi^*^'K-u*< Senior Planner ( ,1 " TOWN OFVAIL ?rr coPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 30i-479-2452 July 14, 1994 Departrnent of Communiry Developrnent Mr. Larry Eskwilh Vail National Bank Building 108 South Fronlage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Hobbit Hill Dear Larry: After receiving additional information from Eagle Valley Surveying, lwould like to update the most recent correspondence with the following information: 1. Danny Corcoran has reported in his letter of July 1 1, 1994, that the total site area is 1.823 acres. He has further stated that the buildable area is 1.822 acres. The gross residential floor area (GRFA) is based on buildable area. 2. We assume that four units are currently built at this time. 3. We assume that you intend to construct seven unils as duplexes or single family homes. 4. We assume that the existing units have the following GRFAs: .Unit 5 - 1,934 square feet .Unit 6 - 1,919 square leet .Unit 7 - 1,934 square feet .Unit I - 1,919 square feet The existing GRFA is 7,706 square feet (which includes 225 square feet credit for each unit). 5. The 1.822 acres of buildable area translates to 79,366.3 square feet. Based on this area, there is an allowable GRFA of 19,841 .58 square feet. Please note that this is 87.12 square leet less than what our earlier letters have said because the survey information has determined that the lol size is smaller than what was previously assumed. Under our earlier correspondence, we understood from the owner that the site was 1.83 acres. Danny Corcoran reports that the total area is 1.823 acres and that the buibable area has been reduced to 1.822 acres. These reduction in lot size results in a reduction of 87.12 square feet of GRFA. Mr. Eskwith July 14, '1994 Page Two b.Allowable credits for eleven dwelling units per Section 18.14.090A (for existing units and non-potential units) would be: 11 x 225 square leet = 2,475 square feet Adding these two figures together, there is a total allowable GRFA of: 19.841.58 square feet + 2.475.0 square leet 22,316.58 square leet Please note that these calculations assume that you will build single family or two family dwellings, not multi-lamily units. By subtracting the existing GRFA from what is allowed, there remains 14,610.58 sguare feet of GRFA' 22,316.58 square feet - 7.706$ souare feel 14.610.58 square feet This assumes that there will be eleven constructed units on-site and eleven credits. By dividing this number by the remaining that could be built' which is seven, there would be an allowable floor area of 2,087.2 square feet per unit. Statf needs lo reemphasize that the calculations shown above assume that there will be eleven units constructed on the site and, therefore, include eleven credits. Fewer units result in fewer credits. Multi-family units do not receive the 225 square leet credit. As discussed in our meeting ol July 1, 1994, we agreed that an updated topographic survey will be required as part of a Design Review Board (DRB) application. The survey done by Burke was adequate to determine buildable area: however, it is not adequate to develop a DRB submittal for the remaining parcel. In the future, your client will be able to allow for individual ownership of the units once construction is complete. The process to use will be the townhome plat process. Phase I must be shown in dashed lines and must be included on the plat. Phase ll should be shown in heavy lines and will be the area where the individual ownerships are created. All parties holding an interest in Phase ll must sign the plat. No owners in Phase I will be required to sign the plat. staff researched the plats filed lor the 770 Potato Patch development and found that this process was used to allow for individual ownerships without including signatures of the owners in Phase l. By showing both phases, the line dividing the two phases will be viewed as a phase line only and will not actually subdivide the lot. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Mr. Eskwith July 14, 1994 Page Three This situation is similar to the Hobbit Hill development in ihat Phase ll was owned independently from the original developer. I have attached a copy of a section of the Potato Patch plat that includes the statement pertaining to zoning issues. lt states that: "for zoning purposes, the area on lhis plat shall be governed by Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances and other applicable regulations to Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch in its entirety, including Phase l, 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums and Potato Patch Townhomes Condominium Association." The lext will have to be amended to reference Phase I of Hobbit Hill. However, this note is important to include in this letter as it shows that this lype of subdivision can be approved by the Town and what conditions have been included in the past. 12. lt is important for staff to emphasize that GBFA is allocated on a first come first serve basis. The numbers provided in this letter indicate the total GRFA allowed for Hobbit Hill, Phases I and ll. lf any cunent owners of the duplexes within Phase I request GRFA from the Town ol Vail, we would be obligated to allocate the GRFA on a first come first serve basis. 13. The Town of Vail is not required to recognize any privale agreements between Phase I and Phase ll of Hobbit Hill. Any private agreements which may have been set forth allocating GRFA would be private and would not influence the allocation of GRFA as discussed above in #12. Please give me a call if you, the seller, or the buyer have any questions. {4J< 1)tl .J, L )on I)) D i.:i.,:' :. tJ.. : .j'.: 'i:'i .:. '. : , :' il ':l/,.:r' . ..i : t.. .r '. r: 1' 1 ..' ' ':.1 ,:. : .... '': 'i. .: ..:. .ril:".:,.. .',..' .IuIy 11, 1994 Ms. Alice Parsona P.O. Box 497 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Eobbit Bill Hobbit EilI Phage I Reuraining Parce1 0.601 acres 0.501 acres L.222 acres 1.22L acres JUt t 1.823 acres L.822 acreg The calculations for the area under 40* sJ-ope are baeed upon thetopographic survey of the property prepared by ,lanres Burk, ColoradoLS 11204, dated 8/4/82. The drawing you provided also has a notesigned by Andy Knudtsen dated 6/6/94 stating the interpolatedcontour lines shown in orange arl to be recognized as oiiginalgrade for this property. Please call if you have any queetions regarding these areacalculations. - Sincerelv,-\\,4 s Preeident ili , t6gz7 i *it?;:A,:rff oFFrcE: 41 199 HwY. 6 & 24 Eagle-Vail, CO 81620 r\rArLrNG: P,O. Box 123O Edwards. CO 81632 PHorle: 30$949-1406Fru: 30$845-9504 T()V . r;rlhlii.a, DEV, D.,PT, Dear Alice, Per your requeet I have gunnarized the following area calculationsfor the above property. Total area Area under 40t slope /."Y;/" A U;c.-y',- ^#,r. -// p{vv, &- A-e) &, # " F ,-,/ u--) 44.1.-za- v+4' ,reA af 7h) *" a-* 's -t - /^ s;// 1-"u- L=tr-*t t*- ,u {J tl-- 4o' / -./ ld-t i,IL 1'2e-r-&Auig'g ,t)z cz4 ' /iu .- - .'/ 6" s L."---hl/r" ,,r*-+7 "a"/ ,^z7a..' /-/-- tfle I :V-Au.a, U a<2 a.- -.x.'/V { azrzea --l: I 4,'--.' / v*1t- J 'f/t f/s4 -. /L' 74, a.J-x' ct9 fW +, C'qr-afr/ 2t>7V:7 v v,' *d? /7 F T*tM f 4,- fu(, y /z:n-z /. p--@= P7r-'(3 T v"e 2 ;{>.-/4g!>.e <z .Z/ *"q Jc-ar>24 ryvt(z1i {"-*-/Z/ fr/Z/ . //,/ ///+//t -t-2 a-w7 \^-^/'/>f1) o t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Comnunity Developtnent June 14, 1994 Mr. Larry Eskwith Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Hobbit Hill. Revised June 14. 1994 Dear Larry: After meeting with you and Warren Garbois, staff has reanalyzed the calculations for Hobbit Hill. Warren's point about applying the credits to the existing units has now been included in the calculations which are shown below. The site is zoned Besidential Cluster. I have listed our assumptions sequentially so that the thought process is documented. Any change in these assumpiions will affect the final amount ol GRFA. Each one ot these assumptions will have to be verified by a surveyor prior to Design Review Board (DRB) application for any future development of the property. 1. We assume that this site is 1.83 acres. 2. We assume that all of this area can be considered "buildable area". We assume that four units are currently built at this time. We assume that you intend to construct seven units. We assume that the existing units have the following gross residential floor areas (GRFA): .Unit 5 - 1,934 sq. ft. .Unit 6 - 1,919 sq. ft. 'Unit 7 - 1,934 sq. ft. .Unit I - 1,919 sq. ft. The existing GRFA is 7,706 square feet (which includes 225 square leet credit for each unit). We assume that there is a total allowable GRFA of 19,928.7 square feet plus credits. The credits for eleven dwelling units per Section 18.14.090A (four existing units and nine potential units) would be: '11 x 225 sq. ft. = 2,475 sq. ft. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mr. Eskwith June 14, 1994 Page Two Adding these two figures together, there is a total allowable GRFA of: 19,928.7 sq. ft. + 2.475.0 s0.ft. 22,403.7 sq. tt. Please note these calculations assume you build single lamily or two family dwellings, not multi-tamily units. 7. By subtracting the existing GRFA from what is allowed, there is a remainder of 14,697.7 square leet of GRFA allowed. 22,403.7 sq.ft. - 7.706.0 so. ft. 14,697.7 sq. ft. (This assumes that there will be eleven constructed units on-site and eleven credits.) 8. By dividing this number by the remaining units that could be built, which is seven. there would be an allowable floor area of 2,099.6 square feet per unit. g. Staff needs to reemphasize that the calculations shown above assume that there will be eleven units constructed on the site and therefore include eleven credits. Fewer units result in fewer credits. Multi-family units do not receive the 225 squate feel credit. please call me if you have any additional questions about this. We hope that this letter clarilies the matter for You. Sincerely, Atil"k^unh-nv14 Andfknudtsen t"' Senior Planner xc: Kristan Pritz /t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p artnre nt of C ommuniry D eve lopment June 8. 1994 Iv'lr. Larry Eskwith Vail Nalional Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 BE: Hobbit Hill Dear Larry: Alter meeting with you and Warren Garbois, stafl has reanalyzed the calculations for Hobbit Hill. Warren's point about applying the credits lo the existing units has now been included in the calculations which are shourn below. I have listed our assumptions sequentially so that the thought process is documented. Any change in these assumptions will affect the final amounl of GRFA. Each one ol these assumptions will have to be verified by a surveyor prior to Design Review Board (DRB) application for any future development ot the property' 1. We assume that this site is 1.83 acres and is zoned Residential Cluster. 2. We assume that all of this area can be considered "buildable area". 3. We assume that four units are currently built at this time. 4. We assume that you intend to construct seven units. 5. We assume that the existing units have the following gross residential floor areas (GRFA): .Unit 5 - '1,934 sq. ft. .Unit 6 - 1,919 sq. ft. .Unit 7 - 1,934 sq. ft. .Unit I - 1,919 sq. ft. The existing GRFA is 7,706 square feet (which includes 225 square feet credit for each unit). 6. We assume that there is a total allowable GRFA of 19,928.7 square feet plus credits. The credits for eleven dwelling units per Section 18.14.090A (four existing units and nine potential units) would be: trnt gCIpy 11x225 sq. ft. = 2.475 sq. ft. l- Mr. Eskwith June 8, 1994 Page Two Adding these two figures together, there is a total allowable GRFA of: 19,928.7 sq, ft. + 2.475.0 so. ft. 22,403.7 sq. tt. Please note these calculations assume you build single lamily or two family dwellings, not multi-family units. 7. By subtracting the existing GRFA from what is allowed, there is a remainder ot 14,697.7 square feet of GRFA allowed. 22,403.7 sq. tl. - 7.706.0 so. ft. 14,697.7 sq. ft. (This assumes that there will be eleven constructed units on-site and eleven credits.) L By dividing this number by the remaining units that could be built, which is seven, there would be an allowable floor area of 2,099.6 square feet per unit. 9. Staff needs to reemphasize lhat the calculations shown above assume that there will be eleven units constructed on the site and therefore include eleven credits. Fewer units result in fewer credits. MultFfamily units do not receive the 225 square feet credit. Please call me if you have any additional questions about this. We hope that this letter clarifies the matter for you. Sincerely, l1 / ,/lL / /,/ //fJhY P*((t f t\ Andy Kn0dtsen Senior Planner C$F YFgLI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 May 25, 1994 Deparnnent of Cornnunity Developtnerzt Mr. Larry Eskwith Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 FIE: Hobbit Hill Dear Larry: The Town of Vail would like to clarify our discussions with you regarding Hobbit Hill. Below is lhe underslanding we have of the various issues that have been raised in the past few days. Please give me a call if you would like 1o discuss any of them. 1. Most importantly, the Hobbit Hill development, Phases l, ll, and lll, are zoned Residential Cluster. Staff has attached the Residential Cluster section of the Code to this letter for your information. Please read through it thoroughly so you and your clients understand the requirements of the Residential Clusler zone districl. 2. Staff understands that eleven units have been approved for Phases l, ll, and lll. This conclusion is based on the analysis shown in staff notes in the permanent Hobbil Hill file. The file indicates that there is a total of 1.83 acres of buildable area. Basdd on six unils per acre, this would allow 10.98 units. In the pasl, the staft must have rounded this figure up to eleven units. We will recognize this decision although it is not stiff's practice currently io round up the unit count and will continue lo allow a total of eleven units. Four of these have been built, leaving seven for future development. 3. Staff believes that the subdivision that has been completed for Phase t of the project has created a phase line. We believe this is a phase line as the plat clearly slates that it is "Phase l' and a condominium and townhome application was submitled, nol a minor subdivision application. During the development of the project, it appears from reviewing the file, thal the project was always considered to be one project divided into three phases. In addition, there is a note on the plat slating that the subdivision is for ownership purposes only. Also, the plal was signed by a planner, not the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) chairperson, which is appropriate for a townhome type of plat. Finally, Section 17.04.020(8) states that "no lot or parcel of land, nor any o Mr. Eskwith May 25, 1994 Page Two interest therein, shall be transferred, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole or in part, so as to creale a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvenl or subvert any provision of this chapter". The Phase I area would appear to be nonconforming in respect to several zoning standards if the plat was considered to be a minor subdivision plat. Lastly, we believe your client would be taking Alice Parsons declarant position as described in the Association's Declarations dated March 2, 1984 associated with the townhome plat. Looking at all of these lactors, the Town staff is convinced that the approval created a phase line only and not a separate lot' 4. Concerning the future platting ol the remaining phases of Hobbit Hill, staff can provide several options. lf your client would like to develop townhouses' the townhouse platting process would be appropriate. Single family homes can be' subdivided using the single family subdivision process. Duplexes could be buill and then be subdivided using the lownhouse subdivision process' All of these processes must occur afier the foundations have been sel' As part of the : process of platting individual units through the processes described above, the enlire area, Phases l, ll, and lll must be shown on the plat. Please note that for platting of the final two phases of Hobbit Hill, the Town of Vail will not require the signatures of any of the owners in Phase I using any of the three scenarios outlined above. 5. lf you would like to create a separale lot with the land in Phases ll and lll, it is likely that you would need variances to do so. From a brief review by statf, it appears that the vacanl land does not meet the standards required lor creating lots in the Residential Gluster zone district. In addition, this approach shall require the signatu.res of the Phase I owners' 6. GRFA and density will be calculated for the remainder of the land based on all three phases of the parcel. Currently, there are four units constructed. These four units have a combined GRFA of: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8: Tolal: These calculations have been based on floor plans provided by Alice Parsons. we are assuming these drawings are accurate. lf any discrepancies arise given the floor plans and what is actually built, we would need to revise the 6RFA catculations above. Phases ll and lll have been approved for seven units. To determine the amount of GRFA remaining in Phases ll and lll' please provide a survey showing the buildable area of Phases l, ll, and lll. once we 'know the total site area and total buiHable area, we will then be able to subtract the exisling lloor area from the allowable to determine the amount available lor future construction. Please keep in mind that the zoning of the site is Residential Cluster and all standards will be based on that section of the Zoning Code. o L, 1,934 sq. ft. 1,919 sq. ft. '1,934 sq. ft. 1.9'19 so. ft. 7,706 sq. ft. Mr. Eskwith May 25, 1994 Page Three There is a 225 square foot credit for single family or duplex dwelling units constructed in this zone district. Please keep in mind that this credit is applied only to constructed units and is not based on allowable units. 7. As you can see from the uses listed in the Ftesidential Cluster zone district, single family homes are a use by right. Therefore, you are allowed to reduce the number of units from that shown on the master site plan provided by Alice Parsons. Please keep in mind that any changes to the site plan will have to be approved by the Design Review Board (DRB). lt is likely that they will look at the design of the new homes and the site planning to ensure that they are compatible with the existing development in the area. We hope thal this letter addresses all of the questions that have been raised. We look fonrard to working with you afler you provide a survey of total site area and buildable area. This information is critical in determining answers to the rest of your questions. With the additional statf information, stalf will do a complete zone check and will continue to work with you to resolve any issues that may arise at that time. lf you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitale to contact me. I can be reached at 479-2138. Senior Planner xc: Kristan Pritz Tom Moorhead Alice Parsons o o FIl. t goPy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April27, 1994 Sincerely, ',|rr* a Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner 4-/,< D e p a r tm e nt of C onu n wti t y^ D eve lo p n e nt Mr. Lany Eskwith Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Subdivision reouirements for Hobbit Hill Dear Larry: As we have discussed this past week. the Town of Vail recommends that you plat the currently unplatled parcel as a lot prior to sale. However, this is not a Town requirement. In the past, the Town has approved the subdivision ol two duplexes that were constructed as Phase I of Hobbit Hill. At that time, we did not require that the entire unplatted parcel be platted as a lot. We recommend that you plat it as a lot at this lime as it would identify any boundary line disputes, identify any encroachments, document development rights, and determine whether any easements for drainage or other improvements to the right-of-way would be required by the Town of Vail. Also, it will most likely be required as part of any future development of the balance ol Hobbit Hill. lf you have any questions about this informalion, please feel free to call me or Kristan Pritz at 479-2138. e -.-1 [uu'mn o siwtENGINEERING REPORT FOR TIIE PRELIUINARY PI"AII APPLICATION OF I{OBBITT IIILL CONDOMINIT'US TOTW OT VAIL PREPARED FOR MRS. ALICE PARSONS PREPARED BY: ItIOtNTAfN ENGINEERING & LAlilD SURVEYTNG CO.406 So. Hyland Sq. Glenwood Springe, Co. 81601(303) 945-2045 BY: DATB: MAY 27, 1983 P.E. | 11250 ENGINEERING RXPORT FOR HOBBf TT HILL CONDOI.,IINIUI{S TRAFFIC Traffic will access the subject Project via Interstate 70, VaiI Frontage Road and l.{atterhorn Circle. The traffic limiting road is Matterhorn Circle. Matterhorn Circ1e typically has ll-foot paved travel lanes and 6-foot edge clearance. The short bridge over Gore Creek is 24 feet wide. Grades are relatively flat and sight distance is good. Mrs. Parsons provided the number of dwelling units impacting Matterhorn Circle and indicated there are l4-single family units and 146 multifamily units (including the 11 units proposed). All units served by Matterhorn Circle, Geneva Drive and Lucerne Lane are included. Traffi.c aenerated by these units is as follows: 14 single fanily units x 10 vehicles/day* = 140 vehicles,/day 146 multifamily units x 5.4 vehicles,/day* = ?8t_ffgh_f_gle.s/dg. Av-erase Daily Traf fic tebrl - = 9ZE--GhTEEZd-il Based on information contained in A Policy On Geometric Desigm of Rura1 Highways_, 1965, by the eneric-an-AES6tiETion oE-statE- Eighfr;'y-oftrffiis; Matterh6rn circle has an acceptable ADT capacity of 1400 vehicles/day. This capacity is based on the following critefia: - 40 MPH design speed - ll-foot travel lanes - 5-foot shoulders - mountainous terrain - 10t truck traffic - 80t restricted passing sight distance !,/ith the proposed 11 units Matterhorn Circle will be theoretically operating at 66t of design capacity. It is doubtful that 56t of design capacity will ever be reached due to the high percentage of the units being rental and the unlikelihood that all units would be rented at the same time. Another factor that decreases the hourly traffic volume is that the |righest traffic volumes would be primarily ski traffic. Ski traffic is more likely to occur over several hours rather than the high traffic volumes that occur from 7 to 9 A.M. and 4 to 5 P.M. Matterhorn Circle is certainly capable of carrying traffic generated by the proposed 1l units and will opeiate at traffic volumes far below capaclty. *Taken fron Trip Generation, an Institute of Transportation Engineers Informal nepSF- -1- The most probable traffic limiting section of roadway is thebridge over Gore Creek. This is due to the traffic from the west in addition to the traffic menti.oned above using this brldge. Theaddition of the proposed 1rtr units will have a negligible affecton the traffic conditions at this bridoe. HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS The proposed 1.8 acre site is on a gentle sidehiLl slope ofapproximately 15 per cent. The site is sparsely vegetated. Soil con-ditions are silty to sandy gravel. No portion of the property is ina 100 year flood plain. There is no drainage onto the property. Drainage from above theproperty is routed around the property in the roadway ditch. The onlyrun-off from the property will be generated on the property. There is noevidence of subsurface water. The general plan indicates 73t of the area will be landscaped.Run-off calculations are based on the following assumptions: - existinn """ is 0.35- rrCrr after landscaping is 0.10 (73t) - 'C' for impervious (roads and roofs) is I.00- I0-year stom is 1.8 inches,/hr.- 100-year storm is 2.5 inches/hr.- run-off based on Q-CIA Run-off On Existing Site: Q10= (0.35) (l-.8 inches/hr.) (f.B acres)= 1.1 cu.ft./sec. Q100= (0.35) (2.26 inches/hr.) (1.8 acres)=1.6 cu.ft.,/sec. Run-off After Proposed Development: Q10= (.73 x 0.10 + .27 x 1.00) (1.8 inches/hr.) (1.8 acres)= 1.1 cu.ft. /sec. 9100= (.73 x 0.10 + .27 x 1.00) (2.5 inches/hr.) (I.8 acres) = I.6 cu.ft.,/sec. Because of the improved run-off coefficient after landscaping andseeding, the future run-off will be basically the same as exists. The direction of fLow and quantities are indicated on the drainageplan. so that run-off and the possibility of pollution are rpininized, itis recommended that the entire site be graded, topsoiled, planted and landscaped with the initiElf-E5nstruction phase. This witl certainly improve the visual quality of the site and reduce construction impacts. -2- EXHIBIT A That part of the NEL/4 SW L/4, Section'X2, Range 81 West of the Sireh PrLncJ.pal MeridLan,couty, Coloradol deecrLbed as followsr Beginning at the northeast corner of said NEf./4 sw]./4, thence S 0e15f W along the east lLne thereof 2L2,OO feetl thence S 89e59r31x W 166'03 feet to the True Point of Beginnlngl thence S 89c59r31n W 186.48 feetl thence 37,43 feet along the arc of a curve tq the treft havLng a radius of 28"93 f,eet, a central angle c'f 74ol7r57)t, and a chord which bears S 5f 55032tt W 34.87 feetl thence S 15051134" W 73.06 feety thence S 66.)24e26n E 120"17 eet; thence N 07i29e38" E 10o84 f,eeti thence N 85:49e30" E 80.34 feeti thence N 53o24ro4n E 51.13 feeti ttrence N ooo56c16ri E 92,36 f,eet to the True PoLnt of, Beglnning, contaLnJ.ng 261180 sguare feet or 0.601 acresr more or ]-egge Tormship 5 Southe Town of vail, Eagle fl aeo n /-lr tt " Thsr.parr of che NEl/4swr/4, sectlon 81 l',e88 of Lhe Sixt,h Prlnclgal Mertdlani LAnp l//Jr t/ ml/ Qf /t'rt ElEA EXHIBIT v 12, townehlp 5 gouth, Range town of .ValI, :Eag1e Councy, Colorado, descrLhed as follows: Beglontng at a st,eel pj-n wtth cap (L,S. 4551) rnarklng the poLnt of beginnlngof a pareel of land deecrtbed ln Book 284 at page 961 in the recorda ofthe Eagle-county, colorado clerli ond Recoriler, whence lhe cenEer of ealdsect{on112 beare N 44c32rOgtr B 637.59 feet dtatant; thence.Ehe foll0wtngchree c-ouraee along tlre boundery of sald parcel: (i) s so"sgtzAn E 7g,olfeeti (2) S 76c30t00rr E 73.36 feec; (3) s 05o52103'' E 34.19 feec; rhences 8/rc38r26" IJ 145.56 feeu; thence N o0c5gr16'r E 264.64 feet,; uhence s 53o ?1'0^1"-!il 51.13 feet; rhence s 05"49r30" I,, 80,34 feet,; rhence S O7o29r 3grl wr0.84 feeg; chence N 66'24t26t1 E.l2o.17 feec co Ehe eaeterly rlghc-of-wayof llirBcerhorn circle; thence che tollowing two couraes along eald llne:(l) S 15"51 r34" I^J L04,62 feeci (2) 53.42 feer along rlre arc of, a non-turigenc curve Eo che rlghL havrng a rarlius of.43L.4g feec, i ceucral angleqf 07o05r38r'and a chorcl which bears s lgo5grio,r lf 53.39 ieet ro thcpolnt of beglnling, contalnlug 53,250 square feet. or L.222 aeres, noreor less. NoTE: The cie fronr ulre polnc of begtnnlng Eo the cenEer of sald sectton12 ls based on chc dcrcd recorded In Boolc 284 aE page 961, The nreasured re-Iaulo'slri1> beEwcen tlre. poinu of bcg.trrrrrng arrd a suEet pin,writr ;;;-(1.. s. 12770) nrorkl-ug t,hc ccnrer <;f sald seccion 12 te N AAn 40, trz,i E6li7 .IB f ccc, "b. A.NAME OF MAILING DATE Febeuary 23, L98, APPLICATION FOR C0ND0MIN IUM/T0ilNH0USE PLAT REVIElll APPLICANT ari". f_,. p"rron" PROPERTY OWNER (print or tvpe)Alice L. Parsons SIGNATURE PH0NE 476-5soL ADDRESS*o, tLz 621 /24 (d rrt.fr ADDRESS p o Box 674, vail, co 81658 PHoNE:?-ess0r _ B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM pavid L. rrwin MAILING ADDRESS p o eo* 3342, vuil, c PHONE C. NAME OF OWNER'S MAILING D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION Hobbit Hill FILING PIIASE I E. E FEE $100.00 pArD 3/g-/rr '4*',.- ''-ft z r->6 I4ATERIALS TO BE SUBI{ITTED 1. Three (3) copies, two of which must be myrars of a site map foilowing therequirements of Section 17.16..|30(C) l,Z-,3,4,6,7,ti,g,f0,tti i: uni i4 ;;-the Subdivision Regu'lations. 2. The condominium or townhouse plat shall a'l so include floor plans, e'levationsand cross-sections as necessai^y to accuriteiy aetermine-individu5f -air iriilesand/or other ownerships and if-the project wis built suuiliniiaiiy ii;;;;;-as the approved plans, 3. A copy.of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that thereare maintenance provisions included for iir .orioniv onn.,r areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEh' CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 11.22 ot the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the f.inal signature required on the plat sothat the Department of Connunity Development witt ue-"eijonsible ror pi-omptivrecording the approved plat with the Ea!le county c'lerk irnd Recorde G. H. TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 15, '1994 updared information shown ,";lfq,]filhlrl. .-'. Ms. Arice parsons -rlrrd0tcrttl^\5)Pnl P. O. Box 497 Edwards, CO 81632-0497 RE: HOBBIT HILL FfLt c$Py Department of Comnunity Development t to.P t3 ^l r< K1 zr 4 ffL- '"' ' "co,f- Staff has reviewed th€ drawings you have submitted for Hobbit Hill and has verified that they conform to rhe catcutations piivi,ieO by Jim Sayre in his letter of August j,.l^?!3:_:ll1-lit" attached Mr. Sayre's tetter fbr your information. Please be aware that all of the conditions that are fisted are still applicable and must be fullilled, with the exception of the construclioypnd i g3+ square leet. As the floor area for each unit is less than approved, these plans maY F !'!sed to develop llt 19t11i1g Based on the information in the tetter, staff understands that each iAOO "qu"r" feet ol floor area. In addition, staff would allow a credit of plans submitted show the left side of-the duplex with. 1919 square e right side with has been Hobbit Hill. Please t'aware'mat each duplei will have to be submitted to the Design for its review and approval. lf you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be al479-2138. Sincerely, ul^4tr-A AnUy Kriudtsen Senior Planner -allowed dV6z o !e, luun nf 75 routh ltorlngc tcld yalt. colot:ldo 81897 (3031 479.7C00 rrvr-' ',he'landltape Plan'lch a'lso aPpears on : I t. I I p'laced on the aPproval; granted befo: e anY Perml ts August 4, 1983 Allce Parsons -Teii-natt..horn cl rcle viil, coloraoo 81657 Dearl Al lce: 0n Auaust 3, '1983, the Oesign Reviet'Eosrd acproved the eleven unit liobbit Htlls Proiel:'l "roi'iu*ilg^it-o c'cicription cf the approval ;gl tn".niiiiJit.li;tt' Itl *-Pl'-- ffio' .,,fr, ,nl' ffi-rryT *':it1^:l :l:;'l.int * ils ii,:illriril,"Fliilli'ruli:fi "iili i'::;fi irrrr;lii: "il!'!-'^ Tho - pro;icc-t shE l l^De cgns L|uL!tru in:!l.Fii:i ll.lH,:lili!!:iii{i'i3i,t' ;ila"i';iiii ti irnr tiiins" The fol.lo*ing condlt{ons have been l. Publlc lforks aPProvb'l must be are issseC 3.. Const:'uctlon. I iml ts sna I I Ds esree t '1"'ioiltirltiijn- itrat t teke ..' :i;:::i,ifl*'i,,:l,'ffi,lilii:tll i':r;::iilii?ill;*ti iiili";i:1, I t't 79 j I y'.'tt , aet'0N eSv7, 6LP tOE - 8Nr"r LBE'3LS 533lJJ0 f'1U'1 9AtEZ v6/w/FA Paveneilt sholl be pruvided between-Phaee III and the end of llililtgl"iftii,,ii$lht^liillliil;'l;':,ffii:tll" ""' The:roilovi!h9 condltlons hlve becn pl.aced on the approval by the Flre 0eparUnent. ' i tc be "llaterous Brand"'ar A'l I nett hydrants tc De -rlarersus r, E b. Hydrant fe.ed to be 6" mlnlmumt 0n 'looped system' c. HyrJrant to be 36" above grade to center of discharge cap' (1. t.ncate 2 new hydranfs as noted 0n approved utility plan' e. S{x fnot free clearance is requlred around hydrants' f. Certlflcation of acceFtangg.by 41t91 distrlct ls required b.qfqre. gll tempqriiv:ietiiiiiitei it occuPancy are lssued' 0. The. fire bydrants shou'ld be in place and operatlona'l before ' ?t "nv rtittni {nspect'lcns are issued' All dirturbed areas are to be rpseeded'., A Ino man's.landtr of ..-,.^..,r. ...^^,re rha,rrrr ;;'; ;;.;;r L"iween the proPerty linq anuunfept weeds should not appear between propertY '. .;.': i..:.:i'... 7, I'latterhorn Cl rc1e. 8. rrre.vot'levball lour^t onat Jrias cttir'riino lefore any certificates of occupancy are thIng" shalI issued for be comPleted Phase Iil. SincerelY, JS/bb ':a1 aeE'0N eEvZ 6LF lE! F 8Nn /,Al'3LS S3liJJO lltf'l 9A.EZ v6/@z/P@ sr:Rn:vrsroN__j=l .r__b_S_, r_ H ,'I ( .-r-..-_r.- .lOg I.IAI'tg [J has, G_ BL0CK._._FILINc The locarlon of uti11tJ.es, whether they be mal.nnust be approved and verlfled by the ilf rorfrrgslte plan. Authorized Slgnature Mountatn Bellq6&'65;00 Western Slope Gas Co.I 800 922_1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Service Courpany 949-57 8r Gary HaII Holy Cross Elec t l_rc Assoc, 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverry llerltage Cablevlslon T.V.. 949-5530 Gary ..Johns on Upper Eagle ValILy Warer &Sanltatlon Ols trlct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee LOT ADDRESS NOTE: trunk 1lnesutllitles for or proposed lines,the accompanylng Date srgq 7-/ r-rt *(Please brlng & Sanita tion ?. /€-247-/ 7_ /7€7 7-/7-& 2 ^tf-*t Il":;.ff;':t:::l::"":: :::*l:':::: rhe conrracr_e' er hls responsibirity;:,;:.:ll :.":i:::-"::.f::ii.. f,"; ;;; i.,".li'ijd: ;il":il:::":i'ii;lr" l;:;;""33 ::" :::::',." l*:;lJ:;:F:{" b: ;i! "i' Jliii i;'il;Tl;,i: :i:i::of-way o! easemenr 1n the rown of u"i..-'i'i"iiliicut permit. A streec cut permit *ar"l-bu 'r. usJjrq .rrr6 permrE ls oDEalned separaEely. This form 1s to verlfy servlce avatl abllity and location, Thls should be used ln conjunctlon with preparing your utlllty plan and schedullng lnsEallaElons. a slte plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Val1ey Watersignatures) 75 louth tronlag€ rord uall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 26, 1985 ofllcc of conmunlty devclopmcnt REGISTERED A] i ce Parsons Box 674 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Construction Materials Behind Hobbit Hills Dear Al ice, This letter is to follow up the conversation we had'last week in the Cormunity Development Department office regarding storage of construction materials on the property behind Hobbit Hills. I spoke with you about making arrangements to rsnove those materials as soon as possible. I would appreciate your help and cooperation in this matter to insure that the materials are removed no later than 0ctober 26, 1985. The storage of these materials is in violation of Section 8.24.040 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vai'|. Ifyou have questions regarding this matter or problems meeting this deadline, please contact me prior to October 26, '1985 at 476-7000, ext 105. 5i ncerely, Sr,wrf,u'ra/ Sdsan Scanlan Envirorunental Health 0fficer SS: bpr ulo J!ofofu oz o =Fo c ': E g 9. oE dE 5EE; *i;ii i :€f E F i ? ^E+;E-e IiiEE: :E€ g:: EtJ l -=.i= 3;; i j: € iiE e!gii::; Eii€ E?: NrJ) r.or-l @ o€ .El.o o(.' IU o (J L (J cLo.CL(u+,+, |E =r.(l<fu) I !! o0 3 q Eqq ,aq 1 I E E U qJ F (Y' a&. r.. F{ z o! !c rU (at <t .P c , (U vl IE-co- a t/.,ulv1 o-z, =oF J.J F cocoo xH9 orH 9!D 6:5 R<? iE<(1 <\, zopD=d E=EL=Qou: cRxftYa 6ESa<(4ca5:eoor zelE il:HF<\1piHl=z E6BBilxFFEXIrI sEsS ErEt HFEx\/Fnv F95p EiFEc-'FY* *5SE HD.Hfrt -trF*rfratte.R EN -)(H.a-a -.f-H -F ri.P EF i{-l6\€v tstaER -11l9 (}+\ -aL. :. -a *FT LIHfi\sv fH ET e. irl E'HrlJfH .:)ttrlf{6. € (!z \ (.: r't- * - " :'fii iljffi,W ff -5""';; :11'' .- : adcriErrrar s? '-: '' ooyll|lllltt, corDtttont tlrD runlRtcttott o, 277217s.W.a-?AlJ JilttfrEnt tfltutPrg,lttg 0?Y. nECon0en thft 9 ou'04 KtBat! 'f,rtJ,., 9lIgB t lrllzRll!, D.clrrurt, b th. out.r o! crrtatn Drol'.rt!2 ln Eeglo count!2, coloradol drlctr 1r aotr partlculrrtt d.rcFlbrd ar fotlorrl HOSB!! rlLt, Pt{AttB t A RBSUBDIVISIOI| OF TrB REAL PROPERTT DESCR,IEED ON fIIE ATTACHED Eg{IBtT AI t{ofr T'|EREPOR.g, Daclrrent her.b'' dcclaror that .ll o! the proprrtlo docdbcd rborn tball b. h.ld, rold rnd conlr.lrod .ubjece go thr lotlovlng oalmrntll rrrtrlctlonr, cousnrntg and condttlonrl vhlch arc for tbr Durporc or protrctlng thc valu. rnd dcrlrabrrrty of, rnd rhlch rhal! nrn rtth, the roar plop€aty, and be blndlng on all gartlee havtng any rlghtl tltre or lntsrert ln the deacrlbed propertter or lnlz part thoreof2 thelr helral lucceaaora and aaa{gno, and rhall lnure to the benetlt of each orrner ihereofo AR"ICLE I DEFINITIO.IS @1. 'Acsgclatlosrr rhall nean and refer to Hobblt Hllr Aaaoclatlon, a colorado nonproflt, corporatJ,onr Eg@,!-?. .'ovn€rn ahall nean and refer to th€ record ovner, nhecher on€ ga more p€aronc or entltlea, of a fee al.rnple tlcle to any Unit rrhlch le a paat of the propertJ.esl lncludlng contract aellersl but excludlng thosE havlng Euch l,nteres! neaely as securJ,ty for the perfornance of an obJ'lEatlon. !' .4b-3,. 'Propertles,. Bhall nuan and lefer to that certain nst h.r.rft r D. brou;t durb tfi.'Jbstrdtctton o! thr Arroctarton. !ggHgq-4. -eoa6on lr.rr .hrtl rnrn llt r..l prop.rty flncludlng thr laprcrorntr thasrtol d'rrd l[r ttr sinrrr In cauron loa Htgtr coraron ut. rnd crJoynrnt. Trr cqupn Al.a fu rtromr on th. plrt of Hobbtt Hlttr ftl.d toa Feord rlth thr Brgt. Count!, cleak rnd Rrcordlrr r &9!!99-!' 'Unlt: rhall acan tnd r.!.r to rnlr p10t ot land shourl uPon rat ncordcd ruHlvlrlon st''g ol tho prop.rtlcr rlth th. exceptlon of tha Corupn Aaar. !!!9!!g!-9. iDectlrlntr rhatl rnean and rolcr to Auce !r parlongo ASttct.B tt EROPER T RICIfT!' &s!lg-I. 'o-ft'"rir; "i tbi#C itl'". onrr*hts o! tnrercrre tn tht Cornon Ara rhall br an rppurtcnanc. to otnorrhtp of a unlt, and nay not bc rrnnd lron unlt onnerehlp. l[trc omer of a wtlt ehall orn an lnterert tn the conuron Area ar a tenant rn cornnon rrth ghc othsr ov'G!!r |!he lractlonal lnterert o! erch unrtra appurtenant lntcrest ln the coimon Area ahall be a fractlon vhoce nuneratgr le one; and vhoce denonrlnator lr the nurnber of unltr rn the propertles. Sectlon 2.Every orner ahall have a rlght and ear€mont of enJoyrnent ln anit to th. Connnon Area rhlch shall be appurtenant to and ehall paes vlth the tltte to every Un;|,t, aubJect to the tollorlng provisl,ons r !r the rlght of the Associatlon to charge reasonable adrnission and other fees for the uee of any recreatl.onal faclllty Bituated upon the Comolon Area, b. the right of th€ Associatic and rlght to use of the recreatLonal to suspend the vot!.ng rl.ghts f,acll ities by an or+ner f or -TI t :;,*:if:*i.ffi.%Wff]+'ry ::':ii':r" " : " any prdod rtudnt itrtcll'rqt rrr.rnutt egalnrt hle tnlt ronalnr nnprldl and thr vn o3 thr nenatl61ral facll Ltles Ey rn!2 p.rry, for r prrlod noG to rrard 60 drtlr Cot en! lnfrastlon Df thrt, 1rrty og LE b1lrrrlr,1 nrtrl errd rogrutatlonrl cr th. dghC o! thc Arrocl,atlon to dedlcste or trunrg.r rtl ol rn:2 prrt o! th. Coilon laca, ot lntrreltr ln the Ccrnon Araap ruch ar lrroncntll to rnt Frbtlc rg.ngfr authonl€y' or utllttJt 3or .uah Frrpole. rnd rubJect to ruch cmdltl,onr !r nay be tgreed to by all th. nrenb.rrl t{o lrrch drdlcatlon o! ta!n!!cr lhalt be sltactlw unlclr rn lnrtrurrort agrorlng to arch dedlcatlon or tr.nlter rlgrncd bt2 ttl thc ncnb.nl and thoro prsglor holdlng flrlc d.ed! of trurt gr flrrt nortgagcr on the srlttr har been reeordedl dr rearonable lylar'r rulcr and regulatlonr govornlng urc of tha Colnon Areal ouclrd by the Arroclatlonre Board of Dlrocgoru. &E!gn-3, Dclcaatlon of Uaeo Any gtnea nrlr d.l€grte, :[n rccordancr rtth th. td|ltvrr lrl,. rl,ght of cnJoyncn! to the cdreon Aa.r aRd laclll,ttrr to th. arorbrrr of hta fanlly, hla tenantar or contract purcharere vtro rerldr gn thc property, $51!b4,. Reclprocal Earerentro Ltnea and other facl[tle! for ut111t1€!, lncludlng cable televlelonl nay 11€ rlthln the connton Ar€a lnd narlour unltr, Each orner and the Agcoclatlon chalt hane an €alenent ln the cgnmon area and each unl! for auch l:lnes and facllltlerl aa they are nor ln placel for ghe nalntenance of those llnes and tacllltlea Ln thoce locational rd,th a rl,ght of accEla for :lnapectlonl malnte[Etrc€e repalr and replacenents. To the extent rhlch Ls conrl,stent vlth the health, safety and n€lfare of the. ot{i€rEp the onner or occupant of a unl,t eha1l be contacted prlor to exercl,ee of the rlEht of, entry pur8uant to thJ.s easenent, Bo that a rnutually convenlent tirre can be arranged 6r such €ntrlo fhe orner of a senrLent estate of, thls easenent shall be entitled to have the unit lnvolved restored to its prior condi,tion after any exercl.se of, the rlghts conferred ty . is easement. &g$go-1. arrrt ortrr of r unl! rlralt Dr r norbrr ot th. Arrcclrttone rolrrdrtp rhrll br eggurtrnrnt to |l|d mt noG br r.pfartGl gta orlrnE lhlp oA eny Uhllr ltgllgD-Z. f,ulttprc o'nro?rr |'hrrl r 'nlt b orned bf oorc tlun onr trrtrro os Gtltt, lt tbr1l b. th. offl|rtbn ot rh.prrtlrr dth tt|ctr omtrrblg lntrrug !o edvl|. ttn A[oclatton ln r:ltlng ol tpr mnbtrrhlp rlghtrl nrch ar rroGlngl rrr to D. crrcl'd tor thrg tlrrt, tn crra thr ornr' o! r 'ntt rr. un.br. to to rgrc., thc Aftoclatlon ,h|tt h|vr thr dght to lnrpote a rorronrblc totl|uu, ruch er ftr.ctlonrl vttlng ln the crro of ! rrcttng ctrputrl rtrlch rhalt br bladlng upon Gh. orn.r, ol gh. unlt unttl ttt !z aso rbt. !o rgr.. on .qrla gth.a n.thodo Htrllo partler tfro grn e rnlt nrl2 rgraa r,tor|g th3r,taatylt conc.rnlng rllocatlor ol ruch ltrbllttht rr thor lor cqrunon .r(Denr. !r.o.mrel!t!, th. Artoclatlon rhatl not b. bgund ry an1l ,uch rgraa qntr, rnd lc rhr!,1 be entltled to tr.at the orn.rr ol a unlt ae belng Jotndy and reverallt2 Uabl. tol any ruch obllgatlotra. &,!lgE-3. Votlno brr nall. fhe artlcles of Lncorporatlon and blzlarr of tha Aeroctatloo aray prorrlde lor notlng by nalf btz a nanberl lneludlng rrtablklment o! tlnrc llrnltc and other pro_ ccdural tnattrrr rtrlch arc conrlltenc vlth thi! dcclaratlono ARTICLE IV COVENAIiIT FOR I.{AINTENANCE ASSESSI.{EtfTs @-1. Asgeesnentso The Declarantal for each developed unlt orned rlthin the properties, hereby covenant, and each Omer of any unit by acceptance of, a deed thereforl whether or not r,t shall be so expreaaed ln auch deedp le deemed.to covenant and agree to pay to the Assocl,atlonr It] norrnat aesessmcnls or charges, [2] speclat -A- lltalaEoE l9-T.--c.9-+d lrryrorurnE t C37 tosrsLng caplut' '.a!tti.r*ij:+i-t .r;:1t;:.... ., .i.Jrr.,<;... - . .:,:...-i..,-r-lttftGGrtt;utl E1l-ti'rforitr ios i'q',t','' tttalbutrbtc ro fer,pr thsn rll ttr. ghtd;'Jt 1"fi*a.C Cot 'rrtt!tu nrch rareeamanra to br rrtablbhrd end qrtl.ct d rr hr'Inaf Et grovldedo Ths.c arrrlrn.itr, togrttrr rlgh lat.rrrtj a)rf1 rnd r.aronrbr. attornryrj forrp rtull Dr r ctrrrgn on ih..trnd end rbatt bo r corttnulng lfun upon ttr. ttnl! egalnr! rfrlch rach ruc.i rrr.rlarcnrg :lr nadrr tach nrctr trrltrnalrt, togcthat rlttr lntr'tE2 eo?llt1 and rrrrontbtr rttornalrrf ?t'it2 rhall rtro ba Ch. pcrron.t obllgatton ot th. ornrr o!'rch unrt rt th. tl,nr rhon the alaeer- nont rrr arldlc !h. traro'r! oblrgatror tor d.ttgumt ..lel'or.ntr thtll not garr to any ornrrrr ruccrrr.orr rn tttt. r'ralr erprellry rlnllcC bt th€dr. 9es*bi'Plrroote of Aeacagn6ttso llhc rtrerrrnentr tgrdad ry the Aroclatlon chaU be uced e*rlugl,vely to proilota the recroatlon2 hralthl ralety1 and Elfare of the reeidente tn the Propcrtlrrp and for thr rcparrl :lnprovcrnent and narntenance og Gho con!n(''r Arolr and o! the rngrovunorta rltuatcd upon th. propc8trer. Ellen-l.Unlll Januar:r I of th. year tmnrctlrtcly follonlng thc conuayanc€ of the f:lrlt unlt co .n Ornerl thc naxl,nurn nornal llle'rment atrall bo ,5O.OO per Unlt per nonthr ro trot and att€B Janu. ry L ot the year lmnedlately folloring th€ comrqratrce ot the frrrt unlt to an oflner1 the naxj'um nornar assetsrnent, nay b9 lncreased each year not more than 1fi abow the maxlnwn normal allesarnent lor the prevl0ue y€ar, vlthout a vote of apprqnll by the onnels of at least 75?6 ot the unlteo br Th€ Boasd of Directors may fix the nornal- assessrnent at an anount not ln excesa of the maxlmum. E-egtlon 4.Soeclal Agseggtnents. fn addltion to the nortnal asaesanenta authorl,zed atrorrel the Assoelatlon nay levyl in any aasessnent yeaa, a epeclal aslregsnent :lor the purpose of defrayl,ng, -5- ln l{hole oa ln partl th€ co8t of any conatructtone r€con8taucCl,on, repala or leplaeenont-'ol t csplt!! l^npronement upon tb€ Comon Area, lncludlng f$cturet and perroral ptoperty rclated thor€to, oE tol ecterlor nalntenrnce ) ot toE other non-routlm nattoar, srovlded .gE! any luch aclcclrrcnt ln .xcea! of g1r4O0o0O rhalt harr€ the alrent of at l€art 73?( ot th. votcr o! the rianbe!! vho are votlnE on thlc lggue. Slg-1. l{oiElee and Ouonnr for Anv Actlon.Authorlzed under sectlon 3 rnd 4. rfrltten notlcc or anr neetlng calr€d for th€ purpore of tatclng any actlon authorlzed urd€r sectlon 3 or 4 sh.ll be gent to all n€rnb€rc not legs than 3o daye nor nore ghan 6o days ln advance of the neetlnEr At ths flrst euch neetl.ng called, the preaenc€ of nernbeB or of proxler e,ntltled to caat cl:<ty Percent of all the votea of each clacs o! nenberghtp rball conltltute a quorun. lf the requlred qpgrwt 1g not present, another rneetlng nay be called aubJect go th€ grrne notlcE requlrernent, and the regulred quor*lt ae the precedl,ng neet:lngr No ruc*r lublequent neetlng chaU be hel,d nore than 60 dayr fouorlng the precedlng meetlng. tn th€ arterrratrve, rrotlng by the Acgoclatlon rnenrberahlp La provlded for !n the articleg of lncorAoratlonl or the bylanr r Eb-9. unl.for:r Rate of Agaeeatnent. Both nornal and rpectal rlsersnenta must be flxed at a r:nl,forrn rat€ foa arl unit., and nay b€ collected on a rnonthly baslg. An e:<cept,Lon to thls ehall be €r(penses of the Aeeocratr.on attrrbutabre to a unlt because of $rongful acta or onlsglong of the Unlt orner, or his family, licensees or lnvLteee. rn that caee, the er<pense of the Association nay b€ apeelally agsegged agalnat the unlt and the orner Lnvotved. Section 7.Date of Conrmencenent, of Annual Assessmentsr Due @. The nomal aasesamenta provlded f,or herein shal1 cornnence as to all Unl,ts on the flret, day of the nonth follorlng the sale of the filst unlt by the Declarant. The Board of Directors shall fix che amount of the nornal assessment agalnst each Unit at least thirty days ln advance of each norrnal assessmen! period. written nouice of the nornal assessnent ehaill r sent to every or:rer subject thereto. The due dates shalr be established rry the Board of Directors. the Aasoclatlor ahal:ll upol deaandr and for aeasonable charget furnlch a certltlcate rlgned !y an offlcer of tha Aasoclatlon aettlnE forth rrtretlrer the alselcfietltt on a apeclfled Unlt have been paldr A propefit erecuted certklcate of tha Agcoclatlon as to th6 rtatur of aaleran€lrtt dl a tttnlt lt blndlng uPon th€ Aecoclatlon aa of the date ol llc I'asuancE. $g$!g!' extertor uatntenanceo rn add;ition to nalntenance upon tlre corBnosr Aaea, th€ Accoclatlon chau Prqvlde octerl,or nalntenanee upon each tlntt vhl,ch lo rubJect to assessnent hereunderl aa tollor.r r galntr repalrl a€plac€ment atra care of ahruba, 9alssr rallcc r and other er<tertor lftPrgn€fients. Such e:Gerlor nalntenance ehal1 not Include glaaa aurfacer r $g11!!9E-!' wor+glno caoltal igseg;nent. fhe Ascociatlon shau bave the Dorr€r to lenry a lorlcl,ng cap:lta1 arEeaarnent unlfornly on all lotlr ln an anount no nore than S2O0.00, payable at the tLrne of purchaae of, a Unl't and reflrndable rl'thl'n 3O daye frotr 8a1e of property of the ourer lnvolved e aubJect to the deductl'on for any obllgatlona oved t'7 that orner to the Assoc:lation. $i!!24-.!9. Ef,fect of Nonoav:nent of Assessmentst @g|$g of the Acsoc:tatlon' Any assesanent not pald rLtbln thi:ty days af,ter the dua date sha:':' bear lnterest from the due date at the rate of 18 pescettt p€! antrllio The Agsoclation rnay brlng an action at 1au agaLnct the Orrner peraonally obliEated to pay the samer and/or foreclos€ the l1en aEalnet the property. No o$ner nay raive or othervlea excape llabtllty for the assessments provlded foa herel'n by non-use of the conmgn Area or abandonmeint of hl'g Unit. The Aseoclatlon shall be entteled to trecover its reasonable attorneyr s fees ln any 1e9a1 actl,on brought concerning nonpayment of assessments ' @Q!!-LI. Subordination of the Lien to Mortoaoes. The llen of the asaessnents prov:lded for hereLn shall be subord:Lnate to the llen o! any flrst tnortgage or deed of trust. sale or transfer of, any Unit sha1l not affect the asse: ::rent lien. Howeverr the sale or transfer of an]' unit pursuant to mort939e foreclosure or any procacdtrrt In ltctr ttgrcolp a cttcb rcrtgagc oa de€d o! trirlt forocloeurel ln tha linncr prontded by Lrrv,, thdl ertlnlrulth the llcn of anch sllrlaarsrtt rt to P{msrtr rtrlctr becafis due prlor to such lal€ or trurrlcrr t!|lrtt tdr. Aaaoclatlon cmrclces tlre rlght - to rcdest| lrorn that ratcr llo talc ot tarrtrlf€8 rhall rellcve ruch unlt taottt ltablltct tor atu' !r!!!dlsrtt tb.a.a!t.r becorlng due oa tr6r tho llen tbsreofr Asnlctl v ARCHClEglURtl, ColtlROL No hrtldlng 2 lantee,l nll or othcr rtnrctule lhtll be comnencedl erectedr or nrat ntalned upon th€ Ptopsrller; nor rhall any €xterlor addltloa to or chtllgs or alternatlon thereln be nade rurtll the planc and epeclllcatlonr ehorlng ths nature, klndr shtpel lrelghtl naterlal,rl and tocatlon ol ttre gane rhlll hane been tubnr,tted to and aPPrwed l,n nrltlng rt to hrrrnont of erct.tlrrat' Ae.tgr. t color and locatlon ln relat:lon to lurrgundlng tCnrcturec and topograptry b!' the Eoatd ol Dlt€ctort Of thc Aecoclatlgn t ot V! an archltectural corrnltteo cgNnpoted o! tlrr" or noa' r'pr'rontrth'ur aPPolnted bf th' Board' rn tha grrent rald Eoardr or ttr derlgnated corunlctee, fallt to apPtove or dlaapgrove euch derlgrn and locatlon vlthln thlrty days after aald plans and apecllicatlont harte been guttnl,tted to ltl approval rlu not be ragulred and thla Artlcle v111 be deened to have been fully cornplled ulthr ARTICLE VT PARTY TNLI.S Sect,lon 1r General Rules of Lar to Apolv. Each nall vhlch - is b'ullt as a Part of the orlglnal constructl'on of the honee upon the Propertlec and placed on the dlvlding line betveen the Unlts shall conslltute a party rra111 and, to the exlent not lncbnsistent l.ith the prov:lslon3 of thle Art!,cle1 the general rules of lav regardlnE palty rralls and liablllty for property darnage due to negliEent or vl-Ufu!. acts or ornl,ssions shall apply thereto. @3,. sharl.nq of Reoair and lriirrucnance. The cost of et. ,i -, Seetlon 3. . Destnrct''on bv F:Lre oi other easualtv' If a party rrall LE deatro!€d or danaged tryl flre or other casualty' any ovtcer t,ho haa uled thE lrall nay restore ltt and It th€ oth€r orners there- after naka ute of th€ r'a!l., they thau contrlt'ute to ths coat o! restoratlon thereo! ln proportlon to auch uae rlthout preJudlce' hor*everp to the tlEht of any auch otnera to call lor a larger contr:llntlon flon ttr€ otber under any rule o! lart regardlng ltabtllty for negtlEent or nl'llful acts or on:Lsglons' seetlon 4. weathe#rooflno' Notrlthstandlng any other prorrlsion of thls Artlcle, an offiler vho by hls negllgent or willful act causet the party t'all to b€ etcpo8ed to the elements ahau bear the vhole cost o! lurnlahing the necesgary protectlons agal'ns! such €l€ments. 9@-!,' ' The risht of any ovner to contritlutlon lrotr any other ovner under thls artlcle Ehall b€ appurtenant to the land and shal1 pass to suctr otfier'a Buccesaora I'n tltJe o Sectlon 6. ReclDrocal Easetnent' Eaclr oxner 3ha11 have a perpetua1 easetnent, aPPurtenant to that otnrerrs unLtr ln and to that part of lhe subject ProPerty vhlch is adjacent to hls unLtr and upon rrhich the patty tall is locatedl f,or party rall pulposes' lncludlng na:Lntenance, repalr and replacenent ' ARIICLE VII I,NIT USE AND ACCESS 99g!1g!. subdivlsionr unless all other ovners agree' no Unit shall be further subdlvlded, nor sha1l the comnon Area be partilioned. Section 2. Improvetnents. Except pursuant to Artlcle v' and ':ress "t .ttl.::.tf,:i:;11.;*"1-o- ewr9r..ahrlt. rqrotf€ or nrarerial,ly clrange the q*terror rarertnrcteotr or atnrcfure of tlre btrrrdtng praeedqr h:[g u'tt t i tha Decrarantct unless t]rey ]ravu be€lr destaoy€d or ao danaged that reparr ra rrnpractrcabler rn caae the rhprorrenents on a llnl't alQ 80 destroyed or danagedl the only tnrpronenents vhlch can be plaeed on ure ttnr't ahalr be a reasonab!,6 reproductr.on ofvhat :ls be:llg replaeed. Section 3o Ths paopartiee ahall be uced onlyfor regldentlal gurpoaeg, unlelr prior approrraf i" gtrr.", ry the Aasocl,atl,on Board of Dtrectors and any go.verrunental body rlth Juriedl,culon in the tnatter. Sect:lon 4. A Oyners sha!'l refral.nfron acts or omrssions rhich detraet from the appeatance or conditionof the properties. E€g!.lon 51 I yards, sqnrLce yerds, visible fron a street No clothes llnesp drytng be so located as to be Sectl.otr 5o Garbase and Refuse Dl.soosal. No garbage, aefuse,nrbblsh or cuttinge shall be deposJ,ted on any street or comnon area,e'(cept :ln approprrate containers prorrr,ded by the Associationz andnot on any ttnit, utrless placed in a suitable contal,ner suitablylocated, solely for the purpose of garbage piclcup. A11 eguipnentfor the storage or di.sposal of such nraterial shal1 be kept J.n aclean and sanl,tarlz condl,tl,on. gectl'on 7' Aninals. The keeping of anirnals shau be rinl,tedto dornestl'c household petsl provided that sard anirnals are rrerl keptand provided for and do not becone a hearth hazard or nuisance to theneighborhood' The keepinE Of anr.nals nray be further restricted by avote of the owrers of at least 751 of the rmits. 9eqtior, 8. . No nining,guarryingl twrnellng, eccarratl,nge or drirti:rg for any substancesuithin thc earth, including oil, gas, ninr ;...rlsr gravel, sandl rock clothes Ll,nes ani' 'storaoe. or atorage areas sha!.l anVor publLc vier. rrr Dr grrn!'ttrc dtittll ttr '|rldlvlrlqr' !gEilq,.,ll. lgettt, Orr Arocletlon or ltr egotr !!t tnter upon urltr rnd thdr llDrovaartr lor tbr Putot' ol nalrlng lnrpectlonrp rrgdrrl nt:lrltttrlllca or rlrovrttqrfl rnd tol taklng .tcp, n c.rr|!t to prar.tfyrr tha proD.rtkl rnd 3hr hrelthl .ttew rnlt rlltsra of gha o|'tlStr |th.tl.Ytr golrlbtrl |'l srn.r rhoro unig or lnprovmrntt rar to Dr rubjrst to lrch rctlonrrhall bc glnen rmronabte pdor notlcrp ud rn oPDottt$ttt to arrango for a Dutultllr oonvcnl.nr. tlar tor rf;ltcf.;lng ruch ectlonr ARf,TCLB VIII OEilENAL FO'I3ISIS 9@-!' Lirorceme'trtr thr Alroct'atlonl oa anf omerl ehatl have tho rtght to grnioxeel ry a proc.€dlng at tar oa ln egrttyl all rectrlctlonrs condltlotlrr concnantr; recelvatlonrl ltena and chrrge! nor or hsr.rfger tnpolcd by thc pronlelonr ol thlc Dcclaratlon. Fal,lure l'!2 th. A[oclatlon or by tny Oflner to enforce any cot Enant or relgrlctlqr hereln contatned ahall ln no 6tent be deemed a ralver ol the rlght to do !o thereafter. Sectlon 2. .@!!X. tnvalidatlon of any one of these cov€nant! or rertrlctlonc b,1r Judgnent or court order shall In no rlge alfect any other provlalonr nhlch shall remaln ln full force and ellecto E.@-3. @!@E. The covenants and rectrlctlons of thls DeclaratLon ahall run rl'th and blnd the land, for a tertn of ti'enty y€ars fron the date thia Declaratl'on le recorded, after nhl'ch time they ahall be automatically extended for guccesglve periods of ten yeara. ThIs Declaratlon may be anended by approval oi the onners of not less than eJ.ghty Percen! of the Unlte. Any amendment nusg be recorded ln the records of the Eagle County Cletk and Recorder' The nelhod of, deterrnlnlng approval of the ovners nay be the sa'ne as provlded ln the Artl'cles of IncorPor. ion and bylavs for votinE by tnembers of the Assoclatlon. It I's perrnltted for a lender holding ,r :irst nortqaoe or dced of trusc on a unit to reguire lhc unit's 8nfi6nentt. r.rl proDlrty drrcdbrd on thl rttsch.d Etdlblt Br and n!y, !t har otcctlonr rdd all or Dtttt of ghat othlr progoEi,'t Eo th. PaoPtrtl€t rlrlch arr bound rnd borcflttrd !y ttrb Dlclarattonr Such annexallon rhall br .ftectrd by tho reeordlng ol rD lPptoprlate dcclaratlonl .reut.d !!t D.chrantr ln th. a.cordr of the Et91. county Clerk and Recosder' tl any tuclr annentlon le rtt.ctod, anytpar! o! the anneptlon pErclt rhlch la dcrlgnrated ! corrlnon arer rhrll be Jolned rlclr lhag part o! tb. Propcrtlca prdougllt dotlgnated !. cotturon E!r!o Thlr rlgh€ to crulo ililrt*Etlotr rhatl bcncltt gh. Declarantl and her rucc.ltoat and arrlgnrr tt at! appuagstrlnco to o nenhlp ot Gh. rcal prop.rty vltlch l. dercribed on Extrlblt B, bug vhlch hag ngg l2rg bcrn raadr parg o! th. PaoDorglct. SIATE O? COT'RADO )) rr. couNTr o8 EAGLE ) The loregolng lnatrurnent ra! actcnovtedged b€fore rne thlg /^ ' day of nilil,1984, by Allce L. Pargbng.. Allco Lr Parrone My conrnrlaalon explrea 6.t.8{ ? (' ( luwn 75 loulh trcnt.g. .oadnll, colorldo g165? (3rxrl 4?t-70m Alice Parson 1672 Matterhorn CircleVail, Co. 81657 Dear Ms. Parson, 9l OgtgP:f 5,_1983, the Design Review Boardthe-Hobbit Hills project. Riprovit-is-io" aroof, roof must be miintainei'ana-iniiairea speci fl cati ons . Sincerely, rllm Sayre Design Review Board Tovn of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81657 ilS/rmg approved the new material for "metal greay, 26 guage, metalas per manufacturer,s offlcc of communlty dourlopmrnt October 13, 1983 C . i;,::.*it 1i..,:' * 9ebse F- ?r-)*P gllHu rcnnzl I I E FgIP F HI B 6<4-ooz#su .al- tt uJ uJu-b = uJ o- J FoF ! 5a tot\ (f) Lt-d. c5 oo(\I N iol'4 I t^lr(ljl;xlr(ljl ia;=liEl i*l ul o : =zzv-o ooF-atzq 5 =ecP oE .toEZ\-()ooa()zX t!. <(9q iH6 s-R Z HN(5 ooo O(\Iro e, o- IJJ z E z F uJ J z F Jloz \- T \t\ c N1 ,1, ol{r4tx ut a * I o \$ 'r ) u)JJ =F tr, UJo- l!>oF ;1 Ff\F)rNf {rd o+tl*,tf ttlo CL r-\O't-1J(o 5str\g(o .ttcrxFc)(.) CO ci E 0) 0, -o(! =o-tA 3 F 0)E ooo (! E, o o Ec (U oooo o) E f c0 E =cf Eo o o.6] .9 o ;gg€9Eh; EEEE € s::a'- ar, =e: iE = si;c9dE 35;.5 EE-st:€8i.9;ee Ei;ecL (U cL-$E; soiEor:*e€ 96(o6 H:ge Es E5_ c\.y o 6 0'- .=.c= o (' e*; g E ei; t( E F.9 lE 3e=:; €Egg - () 6: oz tst-retur ! $q gE r-l-{to { -)) UJz 3 UJ? F z lrj tsoooazo Fo- UJY UJ to oF tr E IU z.n9 zz.Ero =z=r)dPtrrn J "d_6 =E'a= uJ ;1dd= L = UJ o. IL EE E<lLf€EE9ELa9.EE =>=ut:-E FEE =*{ u5I ltuE Xo-t x>t q- €= llJ @ F I =- ts =Elrlo-zo F() Ebzro(J i t $ q fl € il g r.osfp (, =J lJ- l-lT F o uJ =zoo-t <n o an!(o o,() 14 =4 lltltl -ll f,ltvl sl g =l q Ft 3 =.1ol +) (u o (I) (u (, z. =tr ot z.l oI uJl 1l al>l ltlol zl FI I el ol uJttrl JI al itol zl 3tolFI ?tol u,rl :l g I I I I I ?lolrul 5l <l>l |rIol 5l sOl lllFI F z, t-9? =d d. zo t F Fzoo z ro uJ = Eir 9Z F C) IJJtr- (ts <Fcc)uJ<zE t,IJ Fttt Zo C) E OIuJ llJ tr[$ I )t li. q, (J Jc v,lo (J o-oz o z Fooc \. ':c!,oo: rr4 ; F !1 -e 3 9E;: i3;E€ E ;€jE Fe E E€;;.8 r::E:: si;i: ;i^! l.: l= l;E i E; .!:..-d-Ei r gei- i: SXEE" :ii J i g.E EiE€ E?t NrJ) r.o @ o! att!o o(-) 'E (l, (JL (J E!o.E!c,.|-t+t .Oz- rO<f|J) g!! o0 I (v) ad. lrl llJ (1 r- I-urB 9!f,5:"* !<EiEie6i2up-3i tsrou: t45V EQ66rsqc4QSeoox zplt H:HF<\?oiHl=z ?38SlrlF?Esr!!FtrEXl{J a, H l{ ,-:Eto> Er€t HF:r\.'/ t- n vtoxxFZ\J: $iF-h FEsE +f F -c.ts -li-t*tf. Ette.R EN F -afrtsaH.f,t{ -F -f.f- Et tHe r-ttar:? -El|e F\aaLIts -a *:rIPr{t*tr\ =vif{ ET O.ll.t atta.PiH.Pthlh O.e T'c IU o (J <l +, = I (1, ul |E CL a an lJ.lV' o z, =oF JJ -|- F F' c6cao rJ) FI z a0 z o (J qJ D\- l)D Fee t Paid SIGN APPLICATION Date October 1, 1984 Person Submitting Alice L. parsons phone Location of ProJect _!146 Matterhorn Circle, vail , co 476-5501 submittal by the applicant approval can be given. D. on 3. Photographs showing proposed 'locaTffi 4. Actual siqn ..75. Colored sialEdraw-iiq {6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB submittar )lgn Aomlnlstrator Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- l Description of Project 2 puplexes [4 units] -- .F.rU'..+- >11-r.., The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a f ina'lSign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material Redwood Description of Sign Dark qrown background. '.Hobbit 1_j4 ltbite letters. Address is dark brown on yellow banner. Painting of groundhog--brown animalr green grasst C. Size of Sign 2 L/Z' \ ?, Corments The sign rill be mounted vith L/2" bolts frame b ualEglArs SUBMTTTED WrTH AppLrCATroN 1. Si te P'lan2. Drawings sEoilinEE-act location Sign Aciministrator I p flt I l' Tlrt,|;_{s (}l" n <4 u\ .<6\ FI: ss UI CN oIss;!6 ;D Es$ 6 fi f g @ S\ilR N\P nt "c.DN'iB\=Cx (x\r\ :J(,t "tp\2 s f^j iS TE\:-s 58fl $R r{,.*-l | il r'"1o ni$ 8R N rrs$ in3 BX\_,d OD si !El* nl- N_f3 1401 r'1$bi PERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL .,..,, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FHI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oo o NSPECTION REOUESTl,f rt CT . JOB NUMBER OF PROJE tr/r ls/PERMIT DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR/;c 'a -,Sz BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH/WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oa a oo O ero;""t Applicatlon s^L c.1-.+: t' t, / 7 ,r, 4 Proiect Name: Conlacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Addr€ss and Phone: r\'\' L , 't r,. il'" t t' Legal Description: Lot zone -IJ:LJ-!-. Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL ,J.l,l, (, l,\ I E statt Approval t r*rt.toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPEOTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ll , r r,i,l DATE ,*rt"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR ql / oerc tfulX/ JoBNAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:@ ruEs PMAM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER P tr tr u tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETHOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOB ot oo ,rrt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOB LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. F o tr tr u tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr trF ELE tr'l trF tr( tr tr FINALFINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tr Pnnbty/vai! oo oo t t INSPECTION REQUEST DATE , - JOBNAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr o tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTR!GAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE . - INSPECTOR ----E-',!!v!b\J' Q .'' t'{nrtY/r'il oo oI DATE JOB NAME ,"rt"roN *ror* TOWN OF ,':' -:! VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: 'BurLDrNGt tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.t rour.ronloN / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL . EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECT]ON REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oo DATE ,"rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER I tr tr D tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR _-T- li. P?l.b.y/eail DATE oo oo ,"#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: PMAMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER .tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr q TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr B FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oI IINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME rl t-.,,"6rDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAI FINAL "]'E-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oo DATE ,rr#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOB LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr o o tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR !t ,*rlrY/vr" oo oo ,"r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,i DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDINGT PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB o u E] FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oo '? / # ,,, ') 1 /2t,^ 'J 7 O '' t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: t INSPECTION REQUEST VAiLTOWN OF JOB NAME )f-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B.ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL AePaov-ati''"i!tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE . ./ ,'."r--f rNSPEcroR oo ot I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE tl "L iK l(,. ,, JOB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: -\ PM t( /lt-' CALLER MON TUES WED !'l ,ir - [t BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t ,"r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL .:1 DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND.tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIH tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .', ..a |NSPECTOR ___-_-____--__- *_iltF] tlt F.lnary/var! oo o o * INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES .-;,.' Ir r.t hh :rJOB NAME , _--.(-.,, 1 tvtot,t .i FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF oc tr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo oo ,* INSPECTION ,; ), r. I"-l r: i -:.-* t t REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES SP) 'HUR MO-N FRI PM')'f -r-, i (.c BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER o tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS i STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL fi:/nppnoveo / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ ';'t:'tt"iL- ) oare I ' ./ ,,''1 -',{1 4t rNSpEcroR oo Io * JOB NAME CALLER MON ,TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTIONTOWN OF ' .' ' ' REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB n r-1 tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: --pfbrsneenoveo .JTiqEINSPECTION REQUIRED 'i.:f.i,,"- '' ,t ./ j*' DATE INSPECTOR oo oo il) INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI DATE ll,;. l'i,r JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ----+\. CALLER ..,.,voN ' TUES .BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANlCAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trFl D FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR J INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUII DF DF DF FID; rrt4 DS tr_ PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING:ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B tr tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR M{QL tr FINAL d'64;RovED O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /- l" .lztDAIE r/ ' ' '' -- INSPECTOR l/l\ t;/--\' t) t' tfrLa .- INSPECTION I?WN PFF{ ri/ ' | -- | ,t ti REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON cALLER L -t , to- ruES &y', ,"u" FRI t. PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr u u tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNOATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr oFINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {-noro"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,/./*-}ATE /"- // /.- INSPECTOR oo o I /t ,r // ,'i, t i INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ./,(,/-,, / t/,tJ DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME .'. VOtl' CALLER TUES :\o* (!_-r,WEDREADY FOR LOCATION:5-'ri.= THUR FRIf, . (',i - a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON/STEEL trROUGH/D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -i-F DllOrPPq6tat SPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oo oO '/t/,, INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L DATE JOB NAME (@D, CALLER TUES THURREADY FOR LOCATION: WED ?UILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I noucn / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL /z r/ .1' 11r. 7-s E FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATEB tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o.rryifit tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: / " t+' DATE /. , INSPECTOR ' ',, t-/ t l,'/p4-oere t / 5 ,/t7 JoB NAME t/t/ Ili-.il lt \': t2 12 : tNs ' I' TIONWN OF / f/i REOUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON LOCATION: ruE9 ryEDrr1 , /," THUR I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL [/APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oo Io /;/i TOWN OF VAIL I; ; , ttJoBNAME--- i{,:r'i 'ts i'{ ,I t INSPECTION REOUEST /*' , r, ,Ol tt ( INSPECTION:MON CATLER DATE ,lt l(,)' READY FOR LOCATION: ---t\ TUES IWEDI THUR FRI ( .BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: $ uNoencnouno p noucn / D.w.v. O BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D o D tr u ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H, TUB NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIbIAL E] FINAL @(APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Pro ject Application ,/ Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone td*nrr, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su?nmary: ,^6:,*,, INSPECTIONTOWN OFT-i i( (l/ 1 J "1 //t ,l-' IDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: REQUEST VAILir JOB NAME -_,4:].!!!!,_ t' L,.' r t..CALLER TUES THUR FRI .1,., ,r 1 - --' ,11 ,, , BUILD D FO( tr FOt Kl FRr li Ro(- PLI tr INS NG: TIN NDI vllN /s' ON {EE; NAI TEE / s'r R ILIN PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] ROUGH / WATER tr rtr tr o tr DIN loT IUN AM )oF YW SUL IG rSH OD Tro :L TE {G tr GAS PIPING rNf SH OTINGS UNDATI AMING oF & st- rWOOD iULATIC EETROC tr POOL/ H. TUB oo SHEER )D NAII noN _ OCK NNAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH C] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL i n FINAI Sz:{ewseecroN R Eeu I REDtr APPROVED OVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR o eo /J- t,t DATE ' ' ii, ibt ,'/t - INSPECTION REOUEST /r.,/', . - o'i,..' - - /.- rl " . INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ,J,r,,' ./ t' TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: WED i '1., ' BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n EI n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE. */ oo t" ao rNsAtoN . TOWN OFol.'/, ,- /-l;tl /s*// REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED FRI t r''l (-slo . l, ,,, +/) l)u I i -t 7. ,/ t t-i.:. 7- ( THUR buttotttc: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL I PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING f$ouctt tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL (eeaoveo-,-/y'., tr DrsAppRovED tr REtNSpEcrtoN REeutRED CORRECTIONS: oor. /l- i?'/i rNsPEcroRt oa ot (,1 +9lu INSPECTION /, t, ,TOWN OFl-/, // ((t 1- i-4-r/ /; // REQUEST VAIL ,t-\DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED IHUR (,F;) a bUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL P'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo i l_ oo I Profect Applicatlon s^s w,Vr /4 ,Vdi Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Owner, AddrEss and Phone:.r' ht i.' Architect, Address and Phone:i,,.r,y'rr'|i *",,\'t,t/,,tt ,r 26 .//ti / /,r E,t- 75 ( Legaf Descriptio n: Lot /i!t /v J ' Block Filing i" i ' i' ' /''i:: '" ll ';: r , Zone - - .. i7t1 'ufi : A t'''4')Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by:k;p6tld /L Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL - (--,1 ,(t-1'lE- AAEY , 76 ot,e :-E , Fstr. n lsT 3E h4)i.)t-4 i4 f ] , ". ,' fi-,gStt tt) G 4S Ptt2- 5,pE.L.*-, ' - t?f. t' N Sl,ttt-t-t-''ft tfi lt '' ' Summary:rlET4 t-- S4LES l-t,ANJFr'1CJ;vL- iQ I Town Plan E Statt Approval /t | | -'a4 | t,t I >I tt't tt )DATE l-r-u'r - JoB NAME .-/"/ 4 /*,i(; - cnt.=* Z - INSPECTION: MON ;EE3-(.ldED/READY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: dFOOTINGS / STEEL -z -ELFOUNDATION / STEELaD /-, t< d-Z tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r:l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr Ftlnl tr FINAL ....'l VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ?-z t- 47 INSPECTOR o ot lr' / ''1/ r WED rr.rs#crior.rTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL6'/ , / / z7 li.)JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES @fnirrocArroN. i 5- a ,.,f'1"5 BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Up,rs 5-7 ilcU.ia., t;( y'l, t- (,- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAI tr FINAL TIiUR /?,....-i' --;.''('/ot (_._ PROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o to 1 -' .-, INSPECTIONTOWN OF !" li REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED- THUR FRI ',,.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r"r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u prNal tr tr FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o oo * DATE ,t? ,,2'- n -.t7'.r:''- 5-l JOB NAME MON ,rtr'i)..r:.'i..'f ,. INSPECTION TOWN OF t'-f .' i /-,_. REQUEST VAiL CALLER INSPECTION:ruES tiivEo,? 1-run FRI / {ta AM !M*)READY FOR LOCATION:L/,t-'t7-'S 4' { :l BUILDING: 'Xgoot'tot / srEEL PL tr E D tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o o n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIyAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDi- CORRECTIONS: o i" eo r t Prolecl Appllcation Contait P€rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:. .E 'i; n. ,//j / Architect, Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Filing Zone - Comments: Design ReYiew Board 4JG 3 Motion by: FJNA) seconded tv, ,/2, a,E c-Ar t:- E statt Approval " ln,,,rr*rttc cnr[r tlsr Subdi vi si on Lo,t Bl ock Filing (Acceptabl e) I - -)4,- 1.Submittal Items (A) Topo Map (S) Site P'lan (c) uti'lity Plan (D) Title RePort rle)iri i"uii-ision Asreement (if applicah Enq i neeri qg-Bequi rerirents2. i. A B c D E. F /. E'lectri c Gas Ser'rer hra te r Tel eplrcrie T.V. errtg:4. 7Pxla,+)///P68/ 7 #z<-c5 ',2G y' (t{ot Acceptable) - tUo,l € 4!gt*- /.'t<<>vfA-e 7< (n) culvert size .=./b '- ig) Driverr'aY Grade (81 maxi Source of Utilities A;a-zz-r?a2-Appr-oved: Di sapproved: Deiffi-ntbf f,t'orks n 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 August 4, ]983 Alice Parsons 1672 Matterhorn C'ircle Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Alice: 0n August 3,'l 983, the Design Review Board approved.the e'l even unit frobbit Hills project. Following 'is a description of the approval and the condjtions p'laced upon that approval: The DRB approved a project with a maximum density of eleven units anA tg,g2b'GRFA. Eich-of the units shall be no more than 1,800 GRFA. The pr6ject shall be constructed in phases; the boundaries of the phasbs ippean on the approved landscape plan dated .B/4/83.. The hpproval'ilso includes'i volleyball court and a "kjds climb thing" which a'l so appears on the landscape p1an. The following conditions have been p'laced on the approval: l. Public Works approva'l must be granted before any permits are issued. 2.' No cutting, fi:l ling or grading shall be al'lowed on those phases of the project which do not have permits. 3. Construction limits shall be established on the phase boundaries as they appear on the landscape p1 an. Construction shall take' place iritlrin these boundaries. A construction fence, built with iteel posts placed ievery ten feet in coniunction with,a snow fence, shall be erected before any permits are issued on a phase. 4. Landscaping should be installed in coniunction wjth the completion of each'Uuitaing. Temporary certificates of occupancy or permits for a new phase may be'withheld 'if landscaping is not-complete' Special prbvisions-will be made if a bui'lding 'is completed during wi nter. a ) "no mants 'land" of property line. and Al ice Parsons llobbit llills August 4, l9B3 Page 2 5. Pavement shall be prov.ided betureen phase III and the end ofMatterhorn Circle. Temporary certificates of occupancy willnot be issued for Phase IiI until pav.'i ng is complete. 6. Tl'," 'Iqt l owi ng condi tions have been pl aced on the approva'l bythe Fire Department. a, Al'l new hydrants to be ,'Waterous Brand". b.. Hydrant feed to be 6,r minimum, on 'l ooped system. . c. Hydrant to be 36" above grade to center of discharge cap. d. Locate 2 new hydrants as noted on approved utiiity p1an. e.. Six foot free c] earance is required around hydrants. f. Oeftification of acceptance by water district is required be.fqre any, temperary certificltes of occupancy are issued. 9. The fire-hydrants shourd be in place and operational before any' framing'inspections are issued. 7. All disturbed areas are to be reseeded. Aunkept weeds should not appear between the Matterhorn Circle. Js/bb 8. The volleyball court and "kids climbing thing" sha'll be completedbefore any certificates of occupancy aie issued for phase IiI. Si ncerely,n-/ )/hh J,[m Sayre Town Planner UTILIlY LOCATION VUITII:ICATION BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities,lines, nust be approved and acconpanying site plan. Itlountai n Bel l r -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company'Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. . Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val'ley l.later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek whether they be main trunk lines or proposedverified by the following utilities for the Authorized Signature Date -z-83 * For new const. please fill out attached sheet. A/Per/3+tE- Coelrz+<r 'e4zAcq+tffi ()rv* Kfrr4- {{.,_. . rr-i fu-tr'AIr '7-u0t 7'l'''n) r-z-8 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easernent in the Tovln of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit nus t be obtained separately. this form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. + NPJAL A? Htu{Ztc{+L p4.4L/n4 (aNt'zNqfurr e^/ 'l'hc fo I I or'; i n11 in f orrna t i on i:; l]oard bt.Irrrr.r a firial :rppt'oval A. ttlllt,lriii(i l"t 1'[nlAI.S Roof Siding Othcr I'ial1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windovrs Window Trin Doors Door l'rin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chiroueys Trash Enclosures Grecnhorrs es 0ther _tf f .,{_l! ft.1,-l,Li'1 ' Color lr.'r1rr il'gi ilor' :;ulrniLtll l')' thc ap|l jr:lrnt to tlrc Des j.11rr l.k:y j.6-'1,y clr tr lrC ,: iVcll : - 'f;fuozn,u. t lyf C/te,yrya / txil r't, /g f , , ',zt WaotO ,4zzgr?rcn y wro/-or- otl.'E/|r/at ? 6an€'?Nur ? Corrnon Name Quanti ty 1"2 -- PE B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI-ANT MATERIALS /on, /oS ZeAzptat?et qcEp ,ot/cu{= etAuc ,6/ae 6,adac E /Wr$ ,arcea /?oA/48 {s @"2- r/p,*sary-ee,g- ,1 Si ze L- 2tt /i / ,?" /02 ,"'. /o E, Botanica] Name TREES E ./ 6 d (-' a' sffis ( COVERS SEED ar,r,,'L?,r, s0D /o rfozr.z4 ,./ol-€4 olv a/.4/ d2 - 69,4/. FOOTAGESQUARE TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming'pools, etc.) Please specify. t .l N^iri,or:r'lo.;tc'r'__19f_"$_t:f r-olqclggg_E_s_ LlST of F'rt16t(lert bfir lrs* LIGAL D!;SC!{IPTION: l,O'l'lll,0cK I j .l l. I ii c-l,I e t e s .A_ rSundC_- :_Ma t,LeehOS-rL_Cj rc 1 e l)l:SCl{l l"l'1.0:i OF PllOJl:C'l'Eleven Townhouses -- Residential Cluster The follorvi.ng infornatjon is Board bcforc a final approval A. BUILD]NG I.{A'TER]ALS 'Roof Siding Other lfal l lvlat erial s Fasc ia Soffits lltin d ows liin<iow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ash j.ngs Chinneys Trash Encl osures Greenhotrs e s 0cher B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES rcquircd for submittal by the applicant to tl're Design Rcvicw can be g iven : Type of l.Jaterial Metal Patrician Bronze Color g'' char.,r..,.t p.,.,.ti,- Cedar OlYI4Pic Xr:cli Ca li f ern:L"a-&qa++f -*eeK z?t 4 see samp le Dei;€ Cedar 1X8 #709 Cedar plywood Double olazed -- Wood tl Cra-b -ApBte ' 5 s-prggg- lL stain+709 P oplJ-us-A:rgllstiEo-Li a Populus Tremuloides Cedar 1X6 Insulated Steel "oakheart" Cedar 1X6 Redwood or Cedar #709 _Triple wa]-1 pipe & Stucco Chiraney 24 guage steel-/painted 9{*<o @ -*€€lt-Isee sample] oakt",*,# Double glazed skylights Conunon Name Ouantj ty Si ze Natiwe Cottorrwood-- 11 .--896 19 I 6'_-L() B' 4_s_tg 6' 6_1_Lo 8' Aspen 3o Picea Englemannii PeJ<ing Cotgnee_E!elt_Ag.UlaJolia C__a!ance-sLe-r._ Lonicera ZabeL rl-9ney-s.uckitc- Cinquefoil F ot gnlefle_llng.geEoi 1 p_ot eniti:ra_ -- h3 - Jf.- 36 .5._sa1. 5.-gar. -5--4a1. wood doors Larry Benwa 524-9s32 SHRUBS l. f- \.t'rl" GROUND covERs -_t*Qover se-e.d-Ororo*,FOOTAGE lO,OOO s0D As needed TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SqUARE FO0TAGE z5__ooo__SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION t' JI'E*3i'ilfi'!3il'*0,. C. Qther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences,swinining pools, etc.) please specify. a--t I a,\ Ul'ii.IlY LOC'rl lrj'. \, l..ilt ,.- O:: suoDrvrsroN_![91-rt-_ 14 r I I T-c v, tt l) o u JiC{__ JOB NAI''E BLOCK Anr.Z,.FrLrNc--]'l l€*€a ) Uound_s ADD*Ess . 0.la*J-erl-^-- (.in The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the. accompanying site plan. LOT Authorized s ture Date Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District This form is This. should util ity plan ' '?:',.,h, z* Jatu-< z'rn, /mt'r'/S -tt-f y-, --- - 0) $z*f>- )Z'f-Nt _7 -.!2X3 3:iiJ3 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departrnent of public l{orks and to obtain. utility locatioris before digging in any public right- of-way or easgmeint in the Town of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut perrnit must be obtained separately. to verify service availablity and location. be used in conjunction with preparing your and scheduling installations. 2,,,,/;;L "/ ,t-r,, ,t/1 ' lru,-Ltr,/-rn-,- t1)n /> luwn o I|al 42 west meadorv drlye vall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-2200 Robert Armon DeGette, Armon, Kreuz P.0. Box 1230 Eag1e, Co. 81631 Dear Sir : Enclosed is a copyfor vehi cul ar access ..'J /tz,r' llre deparlment April 6, 1983 of the minimum design specificatlons and roadways for fire department vehicles. Re: Design Specifications for Vail Fire DepartmentVehicle Roadways The numbers in the left hand colurnb are the vehicle designation numbers. Pumper trucks are numbers 410,41I ,412 ; the areil truck number is 431 and Eagle Vai'l 's platform truck is 130 The 'ladder truck and the platform are generaly used on strcutures over 3stories or on chimney fires where the ohiimney terminates above 30 feet. The maximum acceptable grade js B%, unless the drive is heatedor has an all weather surface. Pl ease refer questi ons to :Mi chael McGee F i re l'la rs h a'l Vai I Fi re Department 42 l,Jest Meadow Dri veVail, Colorado 81657 303-476 -2200on cal l Sincerely, Mi chael McGee Fi re Mars ha'l TfM Form 2542 V 2/Al AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT. 1970 Rev. Jrl-e lrusunaruce fiorvreaNy oF ffirr.rr.rESorA a Stock Gompany of Minneapolir, Minnelota TITLE INSLJRANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedulo A, in favor of the p,roposcd Insured named ln Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hcreby in the land dcscribed or referred to in Sdredule A, upon payment of the prerniums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall bc effective only when the identity of the proposed Insued and the amount of thc policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the isuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorescment. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of titte insurance and all liability rnd obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective daie hereof or when the policy or policiss committed for shall issue, whichever fust occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or potcies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other sccurity instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Sctredule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in Miting, the Company shall be relieved from liability for rny loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the propored Insured to so disclosc such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company st its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitrnent accordlngly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations, 3. Lhbility of thc Company under this Commitment strall be only to the nsmed proposed Insured and such prrties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertakirq in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereofor (b) to eliminate exccptions shown in Sdredule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment, In no ewnt shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Sdredule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability ts subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and tf,e exblusions from Correrage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposod Insured which are hereby incorporated by rcference and made a part of this Commitment except as expresly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring agrinst the Comprny rrising out of the status of the titlc to thc estate or interest or the stalus of the mortgage thereon covrred by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the rnattcrs contained in the Conditiom and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverrge abovt refcrred to, this Commitment is also subjcct to the following: l. Rights or claims of prrties in possosion not shown by the public records. 2. Easements,. or claims of ersements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, strortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspec{on of the promises would discloso and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for scrvices, labor or material theretofore or hereafter fumistred, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to thC dste the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized-oflicers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid whed countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. Irte |r.rsunn"ce fiorvrenruv or llf rr.r'rEsorA -- rNil rJt^t l to3 LSZZ- I Lt (t081 suoqdat0l zstS 0(Ivuo10c'1tvn'rs3r ovou s9vINouJ 'os 8ol '49€ xos 'o 'd lt{ud]loc 11${uuuf|0 3]IIIONV] lo ac!$o eql q6nor$ Penss! pue peJnpoJd sei ueutlruuroc slrll :IUNSNI OI ALI A CONMI T'f.IENT SCHEDUI-E A Ap,p, l, ication No. VOtlO5l5? Fon Inf ort'tat' i on Onl g * Chal^ge€ - 0slner Fol icg PREL I I''I . REFORT $5I].IJO--T0TAI_-* *5CI.00 Llit,h gour rer.rittance please nefen to V000$152, 1. Hffective Date:! flAY ?0, 1983 et 8r00 A.fl . ?. Policg to be issued, and pnoposed Insrtr,sdl 'ALTAT' 0uner" s F ol i cg TP.t) Forn B*1970 (Arnended 10-17,-70) Proprosed fnsured; TS0 3. lhe estate or intenest in the lend clescrilred or referred to in this Iorrrr't itnent and covered here in is r A TEE 4. Title to the estate or int*resi csvered herein is at the effective daLe hereof vested inI ALICE L. FARS0NS AS T0 FARCELS l AND I, ALICE L. F"AR$0ilS and VELfIAL. $ANDERS AS T0 PARCELS 3 AND rr 5. the lend referred to in this Co.ir,,ritr,r*nl, is described ae follolrs! FAHCHL 1I A PART 0F THE NEI/rr g\tL/4 0f SECTI0N l?, l'01.|il$HIP 3 S0UTH' RAt{6E 8l uEsr 0F THE 6TH P.f,., DESCRIEED AS F0LLorrS! 8€6INt{Ii'16 AT THE NORTHEASl C0RNER 0F $AID t{81/4 Stl 1/4; THEIICE SOUTH O DEGREES 15 |'IINUTES t'lE$.f ' ALONG l'HE EAST LINE THERE0F' ?1?FEEl'; THENCE S0U'IH 89 0E0REES $9 t'lIllUTES 31 $EC0NDS TJEST' t66.03FEET; THENCE S0UTtl O DEGREES ttg f'IINUTE$ 16 $ESOND$ TJEST' 190 FEET; THEHCE S0UTH S9 DEGREES 33 r'TINUlES 3g $ECoi{OS UEST, t?7.74 FEET T0 THE TFUE F0INT 0F EEGINNING; THEN0E $OUTH 89 DE$REE$ 33 fiINUTES 3E SECONCIS L,ESTT 131.47 FEEl; lHEt,tCg AL0t{6 A CURVE T0'lFlE RI6HT IIHOSE RADIU$ IS 43T.4S T'EET AND I4HO$E LON$ CHORD BEARS $OUTH ?4 DEGREES ?5 flll{UTES f,EST A DISTANCE 0F l?3.00 FEET; THEiICE S0LTTH 76 OEGREES 3CI f'IINUTES EAST' 166 FEET; THENCE N0RTH 07 OEGFEES 29 IIINUTES EAST' ;\. o AAL T'$0tl t1 Ilf4gl.l 1' SCHEDUI.-E A A1.,Prli5s1 i on l'lo. Vtt0Ogt lt2 I54.33 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF P,€{ilNNING; PARCEL 3I A PART 0F THE I'lE 1/4 SW L/4 0F SECTI0i{ 12, ToIJNSHIF 5 SoUTH, RANGE s1 ITEST 0F THE 6TH P,''1., DESCRIEED A$ F-0t-t-0t'Sr BEGINTIING AT THE N0RlHEAST C0BNER 0F $AIU ltE t/4 $[,J l//r; 1'HENCE sourH 0 0EGREES 15 tIINUrES LJESI, ALON6 THE EAST LrNE THEREoF,2l? FEET; I'HENCE $OUTH 89 DESREES 59 f'IINUTES 3l $EC0N0$ t,E$T, 166.03FEET; THENCE SOUTH O DEGREES :i8 flINUTES 16 SEC0NDS !,IEST, 190 FEETt0 THE TRUE F0It{T 0F P.E0INNINS; THENCE $0UTl"l $ DEGBCES :58 fIINUIES ld, sEc0NDs uu$T, 167 FEET; THENCE |{ORTH 84 DEGREE$ 3S flINUTE$ t6 $EC0NDS I'JEST' 14$.56 FEET; THENCE N0RTH 07 DEI}REES ?9 l'IINUTES EAST, 154.33 FEEl; THENCE lloRTH B? DHEREES 33 f'lItluTES 35 $EC0l.l0$ EA$T,I27.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; FARCEL 3! A FART OF THE TIE T/4 #W 7/4 OF $ECTIOII 12, TOLINSHIF 5 $OUTH, RAI'IGEg1 uEsT 0F 'rHE 6TH P.l't,, DESIRIBEO AS FOt-LOtdS: SEGIIfNINS 0F 1H€ N0RIHEA$I C0RNER 0F $AI0 ll| I/4 $!l t/4; THENCE souTH 0 0EGREES 1g t'tINUTES I'EST, ALoNG rHE EA$T LrNE THERE0I-, ?1? FEHT; I'HENCU $0UTH S9 DEBREES $? flINUTES 31 $EC0NDS IJE$T, 27L.?t FEET T0 THE TRUE PoINT OF SHGINNING; THENCE SoUTH 89 DEGREES ti? fIINUTHS 31 SEC0ilDS frEST, Sti.67 tEgT I0 A POIN'f 0F CURVATURE; THEI{CE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT I,,HO5E RADIUS IS 28,93 FEET AND I,IHOSE CENTRAL AN6LE Tg 74 OESREgS CI7 f'tII.IUTES $7 $FCOI{D$ AI''I AfiC DI$IANCE OF 37.43 FEET llORE 0R LESS T0 A P0INI 0F TANGENIY; TI"IENCE S0U'[H 15 0E$ttEE$ 3it nIllUlES 34 $EC0N0S t^IEST 177.68 FEE:'r; lHENCE liORTH g9 DEI}REES 33 f'IINUTES 35 SEC0NDS EAST 131.47 FEET; THENUE NORTH CI7 DE$REg$ ?9 {'lIl{UTeS EA$T, 192,50 FEF:T T0 THE TFUE F0INl 0F P.E6It{NIN6; PARCEL 4I A PART 0F THE NE 1/4 $l,J l//r 0F $ECTI0t'l 1?' T0t,l,l9HIP 5 $OUTFI ' RANSE 81 UES r 0F THE 6TH P. i'I. , DEs{:RIBED AS FOLr_or,1$ | EEGINNINS lH€ THE iI0RTHEAST C0RI{ER 0F $AID t{E 1/4 Sttl L/4i THENCE sourH 0 oEsREHs 15 flINUTE$ t/EST, AL0N6 THE EA$T LrNE THEREoF,2l?FEET; THENCE S0UTH 89 DE$REE$ 59 nIt{UTE$ 31 5ECONOS U,EST' 166,03 FEET' T0 THE TRUE FOINT 0F BESINNING; THENCH $0UfH BY DEGREES 59 lrrNUTE$ 3r SECOI'|OS rOS.Sl rEETr THENCE SoUTH CI7 0E6REES ?9 nINUTES UESf 192.5S FEET; THENCE ll0RTH S9 0EGREES 33 nINUTES 35 SEC0NDS EAST 117.74 tEET; THENCE ll0RTH 0 DEGREES SB flIf'luI'ES 16 SECOI{DS EAST, 190 FEET TO THE TRU€ F0INT OF BEGINNING. ALL IH THE CoUNTY 0F EA6LE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0. $CHEDULE B*1 (R*qu irerrrents) Appl icat ion l.,lo. V0S0$15? Ihe follor,ring ar'! LhF requirenents ta he co*rpl i€d uith:1. Fagr*eni io or for the account of the grantons or r,tartgagorg of the f ul l cons iderat ion f or. t,he estat* or interest to be insured, 2. Proper inetruaterrt(s) crsating the eistatE or. irrterest to be insured nust be executed and dutg f i ted f or r,rcord, to*u i t I o ALTA COIII'IITIIET{T o ALTA COfIJ'IITf1 EN'I SCHEDULE B"? (Exceptions) Appl icat ion l'lo, VO00S15? The polica or policies to be issued uilt contain e>rceptions t.o thafollouing unless the seme are disposed of to the eatisfeciion of the Conpeng I 1. Siendard Excepiions I through 5 printed on the cover Eheet. 6, Taxes and assegsmentg noi get due or psgabte and special eEgeEsnentsnot gat certified to the Treesurep's office. 7. Ang unpaid taxes or ass&ssrnents against eeid lend. 8. Liens for unpaid uater Bnd seueF changes, if ang. 9. RIGHI OF I,JAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UI{lTgD STATES AS REBERUED II.I UI{ITEO $TATES PATENT RECOROEO ocToBER 4, 1?18 IN BO0k 93 AT pA6E 30t. UTILITY EASEI'IENT IO FEET It,I I^'IOTH ON EACH SIDS OF l'I{E CONNON BOUNOARY BETT'EE}I PARCELS l AND ? AS RESERVSD BY ROBERT E. NE$NITH IH (t/. uttttry EA$EIqENT ro FEET tN t,rorH or{ EAcH srDE oF THE conr'rolr\-"' BouNDARy BETI,EEN FARcEL$ tr AND 4 AB FEsERvED By RoBERT €. NEsa'rrrH rN DEEo RECoFDED JUHE 21, t?67 rN tr00K 203 AT FA6E 431. t-- COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Tef ephone li3{JSl 47 6 -2251 Thl. InrurJEr Comprnv ot Mlnn..otr lt . rubldl.ry ol Mlnncot Thl. Ftn.nold Cotportlon. NASOAO Symbol - MTIT. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver, CO 80232 7514336 83Sl Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver. CO 80227 988€550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge. CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs, CO 80903 6344821 1211 Main Avenue Durango. CO 81301 247-5860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road Wsst Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yosemite. Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 7794220 650-17th Street Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 1O3 Denver, CO 80237 750€,424 GROUND covERs SEED As needed san FoorAGE s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE to.OO0TYPE Hiqh Alritude TYPE OF I RRIGATION Underqround ;rinkler System TYPE OR I4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROT Rocks and/ir Cribb C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa'l 1s, fences, swimm'ing pools, etc.) Please specify. a *i I,I -l J i I lit; ]lgtl)-s- Q_._B_f_.unds - ,: .l_1Al_t-_e_:h9-r_rt _C; fqle1.. ,.1^,,1. ir:.i,1i:.;l'i l(i:i: i.Ol' l;r:S(.iil l''l I0':i OI: I'llCJl-(:i'Eleven Townhouses The fol lor.;i.ng infornet jon is Board bcfore a final approval A. IiUlLIrIii(l I.IATERlALS Foof Si<i ing Other l'ia11 lr'!at erial s Fascia Soffits l'iindor.rs l{in tiow Trin Doo rs Door Trirn lland o: Deck Rails Flues F 1a shJ rtgs Ch i r.ur ev s Trash En:l osules Glc:iihorrses Cther B. LANDSCAPING Nane of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATTRIALS Type of ltaterial Meta]. It 8,, enair-'r.r .nl'=ri,- Cedar Olyrnpic Stain"TO-9 Stucco I'Oakheart, Cedar 1X8 #709 Cedar plywood Double glazed -- Wood Cedar 1X6 fnsulated Steel "oakh€art" rcquilsi for submittal by the appl icent to the Design Rcvicu can be given : Color Patrician Bronze Larrv Benwa --524-:e-532 Cedar 1X6 Redwood or Cedar #709 -Tripl-e wa].l pipe & Stucco Chimney _ Stucco Cedar ].XB Double glazed skylights Spanel wood doors Corr'non llalne 0uanti ty Si ze NaJi-ye--Co-Ltolrwood-- -25 -- Botani cal liar,e TRE tS Asp_en 25 L_egqep_o_1e_P_+_ne _15. _ 6_-8' 6_-8: s_-6: c-e!onea-s-Eer-- --30- tl_etle_y_Slre-kf_e_ 30 _ P_ol,eniti |'l a- _30 -__ 1 gal. L-ga1. -J--gaI. e steel,/painted S:I?UBS I.,trl1_qwS__ _ 2Q __ ,l gal. \ l,.'- 1t' FL P t A l.t cr -fuBJaI's -- T{ Profect Application I Proiect Name: Proiect D€scription: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 1) Block Coinments: Design Review Board APPBOVAL ;;;;) ' - -----' -"='(__ ( --/-,--7 ')f 17 4 {v , 07 eA, -,/ izb<,-f / .9/va/^) ffi o Prolect Application o } )LL.f:r.r,Ux H/N luProiecl Name: proiecr Descrip,o^' ,4Llf- f ,?4fi-:;t4 ': frEtJntrt an-! contacr Person and Phone FIV ' E W owner, Address anc, Phone: OAlt-Y Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone - Comments:l"/h'ITtrn-- nslell ( )Np t p)'T,i.> Design Review Board Date Morion by: Inr-tl- I seconded ar' l*lTfL-] APPROVAL {l-,:,\. DISAPPROVAL \ ,___________r, Summary:/3.u'1 <\ t,r E statt Approval Project Appllcation Date uN tl*ILLProject Name: Project Description: Contact Person and 't4L a.lpvrELJ owner, Address and Phone: i' llL P4/4e/+ S Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL( cAL.thJAv Summary:(.,*{.NE+.],T 9 (aL\ Cf ./r., l^lt, Root. 6za.atN4 Et:- Ovfrz- OAlvt- , OtSt cvu'a-- /,5 tspScr'4$e-E en F\>), I /t <- I rai E';- rt E statt Approval Project Application _a , -/.1 '0i_.D612 IItl' ./-v' ' ', ' 'l r- I { ! r lJ Proiect Name' +l nUlt l-" I Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:.t..1 ,, t', " i. ; i i-, t. t, t Architect, Address and Phone: -F(,r +f'., (' t{- )jt I Filing (i rl ( ZoneLegal Description: Lot Block Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVALAPPROVAL Sum mary: !,HtL.I(a[1\ , Hvpr t4lJr','..,,,carat^)r--, taaef-- I f]\W 5c fi.Pt t2 tAL ./)T,attt: t: L. lt=lt4 A)€. 7: ttF)_:: 7 f f'tl,l,.i,.l F-l-\ i.i-..}5 uAL D statt Approval rt( l'.-. a 'tl1-., , fiOoA$ <rut'2: r*u.'u5 Ir.r1* z:- Axv r A;- '')..|''.. L - I f{4 | L r|:^;x !,:.OlL \' '.'5 IbLL $( ( o"tg r-j< t f >5 Y. -\ Projecl Appllcation /r /)-r), fT'T Hil-L- ( 2:,::.\,r,H;t-) ! u t-1_\,Protecl Name: proiectDescriprion' Hl.-'( t t4'1/2-' ,',<) ,ft?'-LJit"'J "'n-''/ ALt::;.a-tContact Person and Phone ( A {1fr9t APtt Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls:tlA 'l ,\ t' t2 Zone - Motion by: Jecofi Seconded by: APPROVAL Design Review Board Date .,.\. otslppRovlt-'\ -------tLl-,s Summary: E statt Approval o o .r*. - EIIGINEERING REPORT FOR THE PRELIITIINARg PLAII APPLICATION OF ITOBBITT ITILL CONDOMINIT'MS TOVIN OF VAIL PREPARBD FOR MRS. ALICE PANSONS PREPARED BY: IIOT'NTAIN ENGINEERING & I,A!{D SURVEYING CO. 406 So. Byland Sq. Glenwood Sprlnge, Co. 81601(303) 94s-204s BY: DATEI l.{AY P.E. * 11250 27, Lg83 ENGINEERING REPORT FOR HOBBITT HILL CONDOMINIUI{S TRAFFIC Traffic will access the subject Project via Interstate 70 ' Vail Frontage Road and Matterhorn Circl-e. The traffic limiting road is Matterhorn Circle. Ivlatterhorn Circle typical-Ly has ll-foot paved travel lanes and 6-foot edge clearance. The short bridge over Gore Creek i,s 24 feet wide. Grades are relatively flat and sight distance is good. Mrs. Parsons provided the number of dweLling units impacting Matterhorn Circle and indicated there are l4-single fanily units and 145 multifamily units (including the 1l units ProPosed). A11 units served by Matterhorn Circle, Geneva Drive and Lucerne Lane are included. Traffic Aenerated by these units is as follows: 14 single family units x 10 vehicles,/day* = 140 vehicles,/day 145 nuLtifamily units x 5.4 vehicles,/day* = Z8,9 "gtt1_g.leElqry.Av-erase Daily rraf fic tebrl - = Ff6-TfrI66Zti5F Based on information contained in A Policy qn Geometric Design of Rural tiiqhways, 1965, bv the emeric-an-ESsotiatiffi;T-SGLE-EiqhwaT-offiiciaIs; I'{atterh6rn Circle has an acceptable ADT capacity of 1400 vehicles,/day. This capacity is based on the following criteria: - 40 MPH design speed - ll-foot travel lanes - 6-foot shoulders - mountainous terrain - IOt truck traffic - 80t restricted passing sight distance With the proposed 11 units Matterhorn Circle witl be theoretically operating at 66t of design capacity. It is doubtful that 65t of design capacity will ever be reached due to the high percentage of the units being rental and the unlikelihood that all units wouLd be rented at the same time. Another factor that decreases the hourly traffic voLume is that the |righest traffic volumes would be primarily ski traffic. Ski traffic is more likely to occur over several hours rather than the high traffic volumes that occur from 7 to 9 A.M. and 4 to 6 P.M. Matterhorn Circle is certainllz capable of carrying traffic generated by the proposed 11 units and will operate at traffic volumes far below capacity. *Taken from Trip Generation, an Institute of Transportation Engineers rnformal nep6ffi- -1- The most probable traffic limiting section of roadway is thebridge over Gore Creek. This is due to the traffic from the westin addition to the traffic mentioned above using this -bifdge. Theaddition of the proposed 11 units will have a negligible affecton the traffic conditions at this bridge. HYDROLOGTC CONDTTIONS The proposed 1.8 acre site is on a gentle sidehill slope ofapproximately 15 per cent. The site is sparseJ-y vegetated. Soil con-ditions are silty to sandy gravel. No portion of the property is ina 100 year flood plain. There is no drainage onto the property. Drainage from above theproPerty is routed around the property in the roadway ditch. The onlyrun-off from the property will be generated on the property. There is noevidence of subsurface water. The general plan indicates 73t of the area will be landscaped.Run-off calculations are based on the following assumptions: - existing 'C' is 0.35 - "C' after landscaping is 0.f0 (73t) - rrCrr for impervious (roads and roofs) is 1.00- lO-year storm is 1.8 inches,/hr.- 100-year storm is 2.6 inches,/hr.- run-off based on Q-CIA Run-off On Existing Site: QlO= (0.35) (1.8 inches/hr.) (1.8 acres)= I.l cu.ft./sec. Ql00= (0.35) (2.26 inches,/hr.) (1.8 acres)=1.6 cu.ft. /sec. Run-off After Proposed Development: Q10= (.73 x 0.10 + .27 x 1.00) (1.8 inches/hr.) (1.8 acres) = 1.I cu.ft./sec. Cl00= (.73 x 0.10 + .27 x 1.00) = 1.6 cu. f t.,/sec. Because of the improved run-offseeding, the future run-off will be (2.6 inches/hr.) (1.8 acres) coefficient afterbasically the same are indicated on landscaping and as exists. The dj-rect,ion of flow and quantities the drainaqe - so that run-off I is recommended that I Landscaped with the I improve the visual and the possibility of pollution are r1inimized, it the entire site be graded, topsoiled, planted andlnitET-Fnstruction phase. This wiLl certainlyquality of the site and reduce construction impacts. -2- t o ! o SOILS AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY REPORT HOBBIT HILL The proposed Hobbit HiLl development is located on MatterhornCirc1e in West Vail. Residential improvements are planned forthis two acre tract. water and sewer wilt be supplied by thelocal municipality. The site is located on a gently sloping, major alluvial fanoriginating from a smalL drainage to the south. A 15 foot deep backhoe trench indicated that soils on the project consist of rock silty sand, brown in color, and with no water table. The site was reviewed in general for a variety of potentialgeologic hazards, such as flooding, avalanche, landslides, hydrocompaction, etc. Nothing of significance was observed. The cross section of the soil-s exposed in the trench showed no evidence of buried soil horizons, which would indicate thatcatastrophic flooding on the fan was a rarity beyond consid-eration. The site is well suited for the proposed improvements. Bearingin soils three feet or deeper from the surface whould exceed 1200 pounds per square foot. These soils should not be reactiveto concrete. //frT-/( /i,*'2f,- R. K. Barrett, P.G. t260 !.1j4 r 4 5(I I =7{(o{ -.lCD lfrF =n?= -l -.1o(oo@ ge 4 {RT az o\) \. =- I 5 @ 24 -.](o ES-.t coN)('z - I5 @ Ih. at zv -{(o @:O 9DF$(t-.,1--lzm 72= ,'d:;tolPoqg3r z@ B-_l CNa{: 12, \//' ] ,// c RCLE l9Z,s'-,.,. ---t: N c,t ]r { D-l. rrt 70 = -0 l o l./!Ja o. I-1 5= 6)k rrlfr IFI "\;nz (D L..0z6, o! G)K I I 5 o= ='-tmt rr+1,.. \ \lQr-;'ri F luwn \ 33 aurva 75 3oulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 30, .|983 Al'ice Parsons 1672 Matterhorn Circ]e Vail, C0 81657 Re: Hobbtt Hill ll Unit Proiect [)ear Alice: At their June 29th meeting, the Des'ign Review Board disapproved by a vote of 7-0 your 1l unit townhouse project to be located on an unplatted parcel in Matterhorn. The Des'ign Review Board cited four sections of the zoning code which they felt the application was not in conformance with: 18.54.070 A. Building Iocation, configuration, architectural design, materials and colors should be harmonious with the majestic mountain setting and the a1p'ine vr'llage scale of the town. B. Structures should not visually dom'i nate the townscape or call undue attention to themse'lves unless they are of civic importance. 0. A1l grading and excavation scars shou'ld be planted with natural materialb or others that will harmonize wlth the natura'l landscape. P. Landscaping should be designed to harmonize with natural landforms and native trees and other plant .J materials, except in commercial areas where the manmade { look may be more suitable. In general , lawns, geometric plantings, evenly spaced rows of trees, and other formal 'urban landscape features should be avoided. ltt 'j\I I 1F :&, Alice Parsons Hobbit Hill ilune 30, 1983 Page 2 Slncercly Pit/bb q. Partlcular attention should be given the landscape design of off-street parking lots to soften their harsh, barren appearance. Cars, as seen from grade and from higher e'levations, should be screened as nuch as possible by trees, shrubs, hedges, fences, mounds and simi'lar- landscape features. Plant materlals used for screening generally shou'ld be evergreens. The Design Revlew Board's concerns centered around what they thought was a poor site plan, inadequate landscaping, and conflicts between snod storage and the landscape plan. ffi Town Planner r - C.- s Oa ol 75 routh tronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 47&7000 June 17' 1983 Alice Parsons Re: Hobbit Hills Dear Al ice: For your convenience, I have summarized the results of the Town's "iri!*-i,f -iii"-ioni ng'und enEineering 'i ssues for the Hobbi t Hi I I s E'leven Gii-ir.f iminary apFltcatioi be1ow.- Items one through six.pertain to our discussion yestbrday; items seven through eleven.are-detai'l s which iiso-neeO to be aaOreii-ei. A sumrnary of the-June 15th DRB a'lso is given' 'l . tleight Buildings 4,9 and l0 are over the 33 foot height requ'irement by ?,1 , and I feet resPectjvely. 2. Setbacks The covered entry on un'it 3 js in the front setback. The trash eni'tosure is als6 in the setback. If the trash enc'losure is removed from the plan, each indjvidua'l unit shou] d have jts own trash enclosure. Oetiils of such enc'l osures, floor plan, elevations and 'locations on site plan, should be submitted' 3. DensitY a. Indicate "window seat,' on the floor plans where they occur. b. Take 317 GRFA out of the Project. 4. Easement Remove buildings, decks and so on from 20 foot utility easement. Indi cate on s'i te Pl an. 5. Phasing Plan Submit a three phase construct'ion p1 an. 0n1y one portion of the .l sjte wi'l'l be graded at a time. ol plan. I stronglY recormend a well- [r*."out plant-miterja'ls be submitted' O1 A]i ce Parsons Hobbi t Hi'l I June 17, 1983 Page 2 9. '10. +! i s { 5. Revised Landscape P'l an Submit revised landscaPing drawn 'landscaPe P'lan with 7. Dips Eliminate dips and replace with culvert' 8. Drai nage see Bill Andrews concerning drainage in northwest corner of lot. Storage Building Submit floor plan of storage bui1din9. Decks Indicate location of decks on site pl an. il.and Finished Grades on ilryqlq! Existing and finjshed grade on elevations of units l '6'7'10-and. ll make'l ittle senie. -Foi examp'l e, on un1 t one elevation 95, js shown be'low e'levation 92. Ninety iive is not be'low 92' Each and every item'listed above needs to be addressed and-subrnitted by nidi Jrine-Zi,-tgsl. ii-;;y-item is-missing gf is improperlv addressed' ii6U6ii-rfifis'shal'l Ue-remo-vea irom the,lunE Zg agenda' You wi'l'l not be ab'le to reschedule until July 20th. 0n June 15,'1983, the Design Review Board denied the application for a ;;"i;;iil;i .i;a;dil pian"roi-xouuit nirrs. rn denyins the appl'icat'ion' the Board cited: l. 18.54.010 (B) B.Toensurethatthelocationandconfigurat!olofstructuresare,isritty trarmonious with the'ir sjtes ind with surrounding sites and structures, and do not unnecessarilyblock scenic views from existing uuiiaingi or tend to domjnate-the townscape or the natura'l landscaPe. 2. 't8.s4.070 (A) n. -fiuif a.ing location, configuration, arch'itectura'l .desi9n, Taterll]:- inO cot6rs iftoriO'be-narfronious witn the maiestic mountain setting and the a'lpine village scale of the town' A] i ce Parsons Hobbi t Hi 1'l June 17, .|983 Page 3 .a 3. 18.s4.070 (P)P. Landscaping should be designed to harmonize with natural'landforms and native trees and other plant materials' except in cormercia'l areas where the manmade look may be more suitable. In general , 1awns, geometric plantings, even'ly spaced rows of trees, and other formal , urban landscape features shou'ld be avoided. S'i ncerely, n-)tu(* rur"" Town P'lanner JS/bb * # + oo ' U'flLlTY LOCATIOfi Vl:l{lFICAll0NL SUBDIVISION JOB NAI'IE Intuc /heh<a + bounds nDDRsss f)4rL+ftrL or).,-eir,. The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines, mrst be approved and verified by the following accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District these verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departneni of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a street cut permit. A stlceet cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. this. should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. lines or proposed utilities for the. Date -/{J>- tsI BLOCK 3&>_ )<'f-Nt -7-:J!63 3:J5-53 Authorized NOTEJ 75 south trontage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development l'1ay 24, ]983 Alice Parsons.|672 Matterhorn C'ircl e Vai'l C0 8'1657 Re: Hobbi t Hi 1l Dear Alice: 0! !,!ay .!8, .!983, the Design Review Board gave conceptual approvalof Hobbit Hills. All matenials listed on DRB procedures andinstructions shou'l d be in the app'l icat'ion for ireliminaryreview,'i ncluding, but not ljmited to, the foliowing: (l/E-levations of each_and every building, with existing andfinished grades illustrated.2. Floor p1 ans for each and every building, including the -..A storage building.(3). enasiig plan,'bieak the project into a teast three ptrasel) I v 0n1y_that portion of the site that you hoid permits'on will II be allowed to be regraded. _\ -4. Model 5. Elevations on all roof ridqes.6. A complete landscape pl an,'accompan'ied by a complete materials Iist.7. Preliminary title report for DRB.8. Utility verfication form. After the appfication is complete and I verify that the project meetsthe requirements of the zoning code, the project wjll be p'laced on an agenda. Si ncerely, AlPJih Sayre Town Planner JS/bb luwn 75 south fronlage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development April 25, .|983 Alice L. Parsons 1672 Matterhorn Circle Vail , C0 8'1657 Re: Hobbit Hill Dear Al ice: 0n April 20,'l 983 the Design Review Board reviewed the l'l unit Hobbit H'i1l project on a conceptual-only basis. The Board indicated that the design of the storage unit be changed so that its form will follow its function, with the suggestion that it become earth sheltered; more landscaping should be p1 aced around the project, particularly around the perimeter and the fjre truck turnaround; at least one more siding material , such as stone or sto, shou'l d be studjed to lend more 'interest and variety between units; a trash enclosure and location for mai'l box clusters should be added to the site p1an. You are to return to the Design Review Board with the above changes on their May 4, 1983 meet'i.ng. These e1 evations and site plan revisions should be'in my office by Monday, May 2 at noon. If the deadline is missed, the project shall be dropped from the agenda. 0n May 4 the project shall be again reviewed on a conceptual-on1y basis. Si ncerely, k, Town JS/bb Ic' luwn A'lice Parsons 1672 Matterhorn CircteVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Hobbit Hil.l Townhomes Dear Alice: I-thought it might clarify matters if I sununarized our conversationof March 10, 1983 in wr.iting. The-fo'l lowing material and documents must be submitted before theproject is scheduled for Design Review Board approval: (for detailssee chapter 18.54.) 75 couth lronlage road rall, colorado 81657 (3o:t) 476-7000 March 14, 1983 ./ / boundary survey' II. Pneliminary Title Report III. utility verification Form - signed by representatives from 18.54.0501. Topograph'ic and2. Drainage study3. Site plan4. Landscape plan5. Architectural plans, elevations, floor plans6. Model of site and building7. Erosion control and reveg6tation plan -- seea-f, 18.54.0508. Impervious cover mitigation plan Make sure that in addition to the above that all items listed on "DRBchecklist" are on the site-p'lan, elevations, or otherwise iccompany theapp'licat'ion. These items ihclude: Ties to existing benchmark Locations of utility service lines Driveways, with spot elevations Easements Location of roof ridges, with elevations, infeet above sea level , indicated Areas of 40i3 slope or greater Surveyers statembnt of-lot size. I. Site P'lan a) b) c) d) e) f) s) t Page 2 the various utilities. In addition to the above requirements, hydrologic, geologic andcirculation reports must be'included in your afpticitionl fneenvironmental impact should include all the itinrs mentioned in 18.56.040A, with an emphasis on three items: 1. Hydrologic conditions, such as surface drainage and watershed characteristics, groundwater and permeabil itycharacteristics...and any potential changes' or impacts. ?. Geologic conditions, such as Iand forms, slope, soi'l. characteristics, potential hazards, and any poteirtial changes or impact!. 3. Circulation and transportation conditions, such as volumes and traffic flow patterns, transit syitem needs andpotential changes or impacts. The hydrologic_and geologic reports are to be submitted along withtfe pryal soils report. The hydrologic, geologic and soils-reportsnould bear the stamp of a registered, professional engineer. The Fire Department has also made some comments concerning your proposedslte plan. These appear below: A.- Pending Upper Eagle Valley's Uater System Analysis, thelnterconnect between l,lest vail Matterhorn system and cascadewater system should be done. B. Hydrant locations to be on 300, spacing at entrance &across from units #lL and #2. snow siorage should not conflictwith hydrant placement, hydrant feeds should be looped. 9. Road by definition is to be 20'wjde. Set up width for firetruck operations is 14' just for the truck. D. Turning radius is as per UFD guidelines. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to come by or give me a cali. Si ncerely, .?'rz-Jlm sayre Town Planner JS: df P.s. If you have any questions regarding the Fire Department itens,please contact Mike McGee. v PROPERTY '-.ll-Unit Cl-uster Towntromes -_w effi Botanical Name TREES SHRUBS ."j'*':,'t,:1"; -.,...t-:: : ;,..), _ -_._rr-i -L]iri---r.. . nrrra=Seam Metal Panelfl Patrician Bronze Cedar Double qLaze wood Cormon Name Slze 'Ih c fol lovring inforrn:rt jon is Board llcl'rrre a final altprova.l A. Bl,ll,trtfi(; MA'IF,RIALS Roof Siding Other l'iall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trin Doors Iloor Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs es Other rcrlrrircd for subniLtxl by crrrr bc tivcn: Typc ot' l-!rtcrial N!! NA tural Cedarl-y4 - - _ Insu].eted sleel- _ Cedar.t_J4. . Cedar or redwood B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS o I.A1{D TITLE GUARANTEE @MPAI{Y P. O, 8ox 357 Vail, Colorado 8l658 476-2251 BEPAESENTING |ITLE INSUNA CE @MPANY OF MINNESO|Affi March 23, 1983 Mr. Jim Sayre Town of Vail Re: Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 west Dear Mr. Sayre: Pursuant to your request we have regarding the property in Section 12, owned by Parsons and Sanders. We did vided and a check with the assessorts If we can be of further assistance do not hesitate to call us. Very truly yours, ANTEE COMPANY William F.0'Sullivan Assistant Manager checked the public records of Eag'l e County Township 5 South, Range 81 west which is not find that this property has been subdi-, office confirmed this. LAND TITLE GQp t \., ' BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE .: Y/ -}/_r,/. i I I I (-)o oJo() t'-z !l'l ,.' X UTJ]G =te/Atl-, I ozEIF- --- I{ )l\-t. ' "ij'* l!o EJo. lrl 3neI -l P { ?o I , .,/i /7'),. L//. ) / / /(' (. nn rt5 i s !'\'i r LO}{Y Iw\ R-'i-L' l-l---9 !Lt' n'':\uh ;\l; iilii !Y Tllli:il: !'kl'Slp'l'ls: 'ilrrrL liLitL:ii L' :ihS:'1'l!l' 'f rrr" ( rirrnty 'if ild!ris nnd 5t-al-c af Tc)\.i3r fo! tllc c o !r s ! o c r a '' t '-' r ' "f Lint' (5I';0) Jull'rr and oLher valuaole corlSrderatr'ons rn 'rarr'l P'rlj' "crc-i soll5 a.1d cc:-r..,e)'s ro ALICL L' PARSONS' ot th' cl ty ;rlrcl count'/ of DenverandStiteofCJlorado'arldVLL\IAL'SA''iDEIiS'ofLne Counc!' of AraPalloe and statc of Colo!'ldo' tne followil)q real prepEr.sr siur.race rrr !ne counb)' of LaqIe rrld 3LdLe Df ccloraoo' !o-1r ! t: i traet of Iarld rrr Lire SNi 9f :":!i:ll-12'-'_-o Cl '1"\t ' l tllc 6tir lrrncipat llerr'dran' La9-Ie courlty' colorado, oescrioeq as foLlc'\"s: Begrnnrng ar tte Nor-t ea"t"t:l-::tl:.:.:t Lot 27, Matterhorn vrlLag':' :1?.1: ::t"t"' CoLoraoo' w:rtci Is LI'e rFrL BEG INN ING ' Thei.cc )t. 55"12'I0" !- .a- .irsitnce of fi?'9C fee! to a PctrnL of culvalule' rnence 50'00 Iuu' rlo's,t:l: :.:t";i er';:::to tne lef t )rav''re 'r.,raL't'13i 'Yinl'i. "l u'.-and a cirord bearrt'q r" :: ",-,.-:;-,;.'--r., tance ot 49'9l Ieel LU Lrrs 'iv! "'^: ":'---' corner ot a !ract of land dcscrrirecl.rn a dee<] rccordci it' r.joot' I?0..^t-:1?: 1:','::,:n' records of Lne L i.r ^ rLr'c-r r:e uJ!qu! ' v':'',*'-- l!""tv, nuqLo countJ courthouse' LagrL' Cclcrado' Thence s' 35olu'48" E' along the soulh- westerly Irne of sard tract of l3L1-i ut"- Lance of rgolsi-r"ti to the south!'esterly corner of said tract of la:rc' Thence s.61o5i'0I" w. a 'l i s t a n c e ^ o f - 2 1 9 ' 5 I feet to tn" s6itittt"ttrly corner of said IaL 27 ' Thenca N. 28orz'33" r'l. -1r:l! -!". ^Ior theas ter lv line of eara ;t-ir a distance of 167'20 feet [O the TNUN POINT OF BEGINNING. o ,1/7'( /7 ,3.irtll l|, 1-j|l5--- s r.\ r uToliY lii F lr,\!:Il'_tl!:!! KNOW ALI,:'iI:)i BY TII!SI PRfiSI']i.]T5: That RotstiRl E. ."lESi\lITIi, of lhc Coutrt)' of li rrris Jnd State of Texas, to! the corr5i'l'ration of ona {sI'00' uoIIdr aod other valuable considerations in hand paid' helctry sel'Is and canveys to tsILlY ti. Srur*DLRS and VELMA L' SANDLRS' oI Liic Cauiby a! Arapalloe arf i sL.aLu of Colorado, il ;e i:-'- :"'1")r' Lhe foIlowing real proPerty silu'ite in tlre countl' of Eaqle and S Late of Colorado, to-wrt: Beginning at the soutiwesL corner of Lot l8' 1"1.r L Lcrhorn vlIIage, Tirence ilortherly alonJ Lne ylcst"rl!' Iine of said Lot 18, a di.stance of 69'95 feet' nore or Iess' to the South!'/est colner of that portion of Lot I8 descrilrcd ln Soox 2l j nt Pdqc 719 ' Thence Easterly arorrg LlIc Sorrtncr-i'y i1tre of tllat p"tti",, descriled in Boo}t 213 aL Pag(: 719 and iii"ir"J- to the Nr..,!EherIy linc cf "F)d Loc i8' i r:rsLance of j.0l' z teeL co a ijclnL on '- ' Ecsterly Iine of said Lot 18' Thence Soutireriy aloilE thc Easterly line of said J,ot 18 a distancc of 60'20 feet' more^cr ress' to the SuuLheas|- colne! nf said Lot 18, Thence Wescerly along the SouLherly irn€ of Lot l8 a distance of llo'{6 feet'more or Less Lo the southwest corner thereaf' the Poin: of beginnrng. ulth all ita aPpurtenances and warrants ttre title to tne same' lubJecc to lettrictiona' reservaLions arld covenants of record rn.t rubj.c! to taxes for the y.rr 1969. due and paya'brc rn thg yal! l9?0, ehich t}|e Purchasers assurE and agree to Pay' oo ;34///f o I PLANT S€ARCH SELEITI0N tOtlXUT] =]' 2 SEETION =) t BOVT TRACT =) ^YSECTION:) ^Y FLANT $EARCH $ELECTION IOUTPUT] g) OUTPUT SELECTI0N tDI$PLAYl "! 2 REAOY THE PRINTER ANCI PRESS {RET} l'0 START PRII{T 'i"IITOI'I PLANT $EARCH EAGLE COUNTY, CO O3/T4/83 PAGE 1 $TATIONI 82 LANO TITLE CUARANTgE--- INPUT !', nAPt 0/1-----*- FR0''lr B?/93/t97 4 THRU r tt3/04/19s3 +** SEARCH c' f,lAPr 0/tTDDREL COLFEL$ R E 8$/ 07 / L979 REf{ARKST ?67*7?,O NAP OUII{O OUPLES t2f27 / t974 END OF SEARCH. END OF HAROCOPY. ** PLAi{T SEARCH ** 0RDER NUIIBER =) PT 2S5 t$7 181561 ?3S 75 0 --- INPUT = SECTI0N: 1? - 55 - 81[,---*- FR0nf a9/01/L974 THRUs 03/04/1983 TOR/TEE! SANOERS *** $EARCH = $ECTI0Nc 1l - 55 - SIU cof'lf,lgHT - 12/27 / t97 4 OVIND DUPLEX SEE 0.1 cofinENT - a9/25/t?74 ANNEXATION PLAT ENO OF SEARCH. ET{D OF HARDCOPY. ** FLANT SEARCH *Ti ORDER NUf1BER =l PLANT SEARCH SELECTI0N I0UTPUTI =) I t'lAP B00K OR ,/SUBNAIIE =F 0 flAP PAGE =) I BLOCK =) + LOI' !.1 {. $UBDMSI0N LIfiIT OPTION !"F PLANT SEARC}I $ELECTI0N t0UTPUl'I =) OUTFUT SELECTIOil tDI$PLAYI -F 2 *f* SEARCH = flAPr OltIDOITEL COLFEL$ R E tr5/07 /t979 REff ARKS | ?,$7-779 f'IAP OVINO DUPLE$ l2/27 / t974 END OF SEARCH. END OF HARDCOPY. ** PLANT SEARCH ** 0RDER NUfiIBER -) PLANT SEARCH SELECTI0I{ tOUTPUTl =," I nAP B00H 0R /$USNAf{E *} 0 llAP PABE =) I BL0CK "l'LOT .) 238 73 0 236 0 615 REAOY THE PRINTER AND PRE$S <REf> T0 START PRINT .) rrToil PLAilT SEARCH E:AGLE CoUllTy, C0 03/t4/89 PA6E I STATIONg 82 LANO TITLE OUARANTEE--- IltpuT s llApl 0,/l p.L0cxs * L0T! *------*-,* FROt'ls O?/83/L?74 THRU; 03/04/19S3 PT 285 157 t S1E61 238 7A 0 PLANT $EARCH $ELECTI0N (OUTPUTI el 2 . $ECTI0N =ir'1? T0|4NSHIP =) 53 RAN$E =F Sttd TOR/TEE f,*] =:} PARSON$ $EARCH LIfIIT OPTION -F FLANT SEARCH $ELECTI0N I0UTPUTI =) 2 SECTI0N *lr l2ii9 T0!,NBHIP =) 5S FANGE =) 8lt^l I'OR./TEE [*] =}. $ANDER$ SEARCH LIfIIT OPI.IOiI e} PLANT $EARCH $ELECTION IOUTPUTI =) 0UTFUT $EIECTI0N t0I$PLAYI =) 2 u) ao".,/11s bt\# ''n ,o.peels/fr 7D JLso'llr REAOY THE PRINTER AND FRESS <RET> T0 START FRIi{T .} IIToN PLANT SEARCH EASLE CoUNlY, C0 g3/r4/83 PA6E I STATIONI 82 LAND I'ITLE GUARANTEE INFUT * SECTI0t'lr l? - gS - Stll**--- FRon: 09/03/t974 THRU! 03/04/t983 TOR/TEE I FAR$OI'I$ *** Sf,ARCH * $€C'l'I0Nr lt - 5S - BlllTDD PARSONS A L PT $I,' ilE 06/30/1981 !,ELD CoUNTRY IN0 e. 32ti 3U1 22t664 fiEItARKS r 24?00 TDD PAR$OiISAL FTot/19/t990 t{gLo couNTy IND sK 300 326 1?6715 REIIAFKS | ?3600 DEDCICL FAR$ONS A PT $}'g5/o3/l?79 STVERLY J L ?S4 ?61 181366 RENARKEI 3OO TDD DUI{I'I A $}'o3/22/t976 PARSON$ A L 245 384 141535 REilARKS: 1?2{tO DEDL,AR PARS0NSAL StJgt/22/I?76 oUNN A 24A 383 141554 RENARK$C 232 cof'iltEilT - t2/27/t?74 238 71 0 OUIHD OUPLEX $EE O-1 coflnEflT - CI?/26/1974 ANNEXATION PLAT rlln ,^tr Clr^nn|l: - ?.36 t! 61$ Decenber 9, 1982 Vail Plrrhing Connieaion Vail , Colorado Dear Connieeioa Menbera 3 We eball be unable to attenil your Dec. 1]th neetiag and therefore wiehto expreee our concerne about the zoning of the recently annexed portionof thc Hatterbora eubdivieioa. Becauee of the alreacly excessive denoity (some 50 unite) of tbe tr'all LlncApartnente, the extrene anount of traffic on the road leading to thatbulldlngt an<t thc fact tbat the larger portioa of Matterhorn eubdivlelonand the ailJoining eubalivieion of, GLen Lyou are zoned priroarJr-Becondary, ve feel that the Least poseible tleneity ie appropriate for the reoainJ.ng undeveloped lan<l. Ue aleo f,eel that the zoniag shoul-il gg! b" finalize<t prlor to a conpleteetutty of tha exieting road Layout in-MEtterhorn. fhere ie onl.y one exl.tout of the area for an alreaily excessive anount of traffic. In etornylreatherr the access to upper Matterhorn circle is often bLockect by cara tliaabLed on the lower part of the circl-e and at the other end, a ateephill too icy to ascencl (Geaeva Drive). O! Dec. A9r 19811 the Vail FireDept. uae unable to pase the FaLl tine Apartnents due to the nuober of vehiclee tryiag to negotiate tbe road duri.ng a etorn and hatl to puIl adiaablei vehi.cle fron Geneva Drive in order to attend a fire on the upper road. Uhea the road ie aot blocked by cars, the reeidente of thcupper portion of Matterhorn hav6 great difficulty negotiating the turneouth from FalI Liae Apartnente. We would suggeet that portion of the road be redeeigned prlor to aay building on the vacant property at that cornor. We believe that the Public Works naintenance crewe anal the V.aiL Patrol- nea who vork that area uould. agree with ue. ?he future d.evelopnent of Donovan Park uiLl brtng aclditional traffic to the area which rill re-quirc carefuLl road planning. Ue woulil alao like to comnent on the conilition of the two acree to br zoned at the eastern end of Matterhorn (acroee fron the Fall Line). The ownere of thie property, who are requeeting cl-ueter zoniag, hevo aeen flt to let the property becorae a dunpiug grounil for oldl care endlitter for the paet three yeare. Truel thie uneightJ.y neee has begnthe uork of Fall Line resiclente, but the uncaring attitude of theproperty ounere bae been inexcusable. (lhey claim to be lntinlilatedby the Fa1l Line reeideute, but we feel they would have beea able to take legal action agaiaet the FaLl Line owner had they cared enougb about the neighborhood to clo eo). We are gratifiecl that at thieuritlng, the tonn of Vail ie having the cars towed. We hope thia is atthe expease of the property ownere and not the tax-payere. Thank you for your atteation. Conceraed reeidente and property ownere, O** U"Z/ / ) Jiu anil Ana Charlea 1644 t{atterhora CircleVall, Colorado v-w I ,#{t'* t_ . J-in TO: FR0lvl: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Conmunity Development December 9,'1982 Zoning of recently annexed parcels in Applicant: Toum of Vail . Matterhorn area The chart below represents existing and proposed the 7 parcels of property which were annexed in a written description of each parcel's status as proposals. Attached please find a map for your statistics and zone districts for Noverber. Following the chart is well as reasoning for our zoning reference. EXISTING APPROX APPROX EXIST PROPOSED TOV MAX PARCEL Parsons,/Sanders (North ) Parsons South Siverly/t'luel'l er Matterhorn Inn Condos Parsons,/Sander South A. PARK I'IEAD0WS FORMER TY ZONING Resource (l 'du/35 ac) (5.5 du/ac) Resource --: ' Resource 1.0 't .52 1.0 1.0 q .5 .86 \'--v i 1 't'(,/ -, NO. UNITS EX GRFA NO ACRES DU/ACRE TOl{ ZONING DENSITY 33 HDMF (25 du/acre) .,-FPark Meadows Fa'll Line RSM 355-4. -. '. 0" 0 -- 43,000 0 0 5,070 ? 0 l0 22 RSM RSl4 q .S 5? ll r HDMF (25 du/acre) 1-'- RC/< RC RC .*' ' 34let 'Vpark Meadows is a condominium complex with 33 different property owners l.isted by tfie Eag'l e Couhty Assessor's office. It is predorn'inantly short-termed and was con- structijd in the tiie OO's before County zoning. Since ihe denslty'is-higher than ilt t;;; disirict-we have, we propose io zone-it HDMF, which allows 25 units/ac:e ioi,.-iiot"ti a"niiiv lo tutiat's'existing). Thus, Park Meadols will be come 1ega1 non-conforming in the HDMF Zone District..: B. FALL LINE The Fall L'ine aparlments were constructed in the mid-60'1 Previous to County ?o!inS. itere a"e S+ afartrirents and approxinntely 43,000 square feet of floor area existing. ttre Uui]Olng i'a used for emplbyee housing foi tl'e Marriott's Mai"k Hote'l and owned by-t4aiser U6rcus. The density-is over 35 units to the acre and so u,e propose HDMF zbning because it is one closest density to what's existing. ;.- 6 du/acre 6 du/acre du/acre du/acre units Zoning O.n O Areas -3- l2l9l82 inis pircet is approxinnte'ly (measured by a planimenter by the staff) .86 acre. It has some sl ope to it on the south side, but it is uncertajn (without further inforrn- tion) whether or not the s'loping portion is wjthin the lot's boundarjes. The staff has taken a close 'l ook at what the most appropriate zoning for this parcel is. }le consider that there is a need to accomplish a transition from the mu1ti-family.parcels to the north and east of this property to the predominantly primary/secondary duplex nature development to the west. Indeed, physically this parcel relates more to the west (primary/secondary zoning) than to the northeast (proposed resi'dential c1 uster). Thus, we feel Residential Prirnry/Secondary js the most appropriate zone for this parcel. ENDATION Department of Cornmunity Development reconmends approval of the zoning as-outljned ve.' We feel this propolal both'legitimate'ly recognizes the existing densit'ies while protecting the prinnry/secondary natuie of the exist'ing lvlatterhorn neighborhood. Theprotecftng fne pr'ilrEry/seconoary nacure ot f,ne exlsE'tng maf,trernorll nelg,ruut'iluuq. I ioning aliovs for upgrading of ex'isting bui'tdings and grounds wfthout a'l lowance for addins units or flooi area-to these stiuctures. 0f course, any new development proposalsaoorng un]tr's or Tloor area Eo Inese sf,rucEures. uT cour'se, dny netY sevetuP rrrrL Pl must fol]ow the Town's Design Revjew Guidelines and, as a resu'l t, will be strictly revjewed with respect to the efects on adjacent properties and land uses. PARSONS/SANDERS SOUTH o for Zoning Annexed Areas -2- 12/9/82 the Mamiott's Mark Phase III?draron proiect is asA condition of aPProval fol'lbws: I'An agreement between the owner and the Town be worked out t6 ensure lhe continued availability of the employee housing units for the proiect's employees for eight vears.- In addition, the Planning and Environmental'Commission will review the proiect in eight years to see if it warrants extension." Such an agreement has not been reached as of yet, but the.staff has schedu'l ed a int.ting witt ttre property owner to accomplish-these.restrictions. Thus' Fall Line wi1l cdntinue to berle ai an employee hoirsing faci'lity for at 'least e'ight more years. These are the two vacant parcels nnking up a 2 acre piece of property across the ilru.t-iio ltre ioutn) troin fa]'l Line. -Alice Parsons and Velma Sanders proposed a rezoning for this pr6perty from Resource to RSM in -Eag'le County this past summer' tt-was ielt by the'Toivn tirat this and the other enclaved parcels in the area shou'ld oe under Town-of vail iurisdiction. Thus, the ensuing annexation. The staff has rtudied the zoning for this property at length. hle. feel that the existing aajaient densities to the north-warrant a mu1t'i"fami'ly zone for this parcel. In .[a;pi;; with a reisonable ]ower Oensity multi-family zone, we feel Resi.dential Cluster ii ippiopriate. nC would allow th'is pioperty to-deve1op in a clustered fashion and leave tno"" open ipi.", wtriCn is cbmpitiuie with the surrounding.public.park use. i{n nC zoning aes'ignaiion *ortO allow l'l'or l2 units, depend'ing on the exact parcel size of these two lots. D. SIVERLY/MUELLER The County issued a bu'ilding permit on April'13, .l978 for this property to alter i iingte iamily res,idence intb a triplex. Upon site inspection, tle ltaff.believes itrere"aie it tiaslt uniis now existing. l,le'recognize as lega'l only 3 units and t}is fits into the Residentia'l Cluster Zone Distrjct dens'ity of 6 units/acre. l'|e are currently working with the County planning department and the property owners to get this situation resolved. (: @ E. }IATTERHORN INN CONDOMINIUMS The Eagle County Assessor's office lists eleven property owners jn this building ;;d ah;r; ippeai to be l'l units existing. This'stiucture was a'lso constructed before County zoniiri and thus, its high density. l,le should.note that even-though there aie eieven uiits on about a ha'li of an alre here, that the building is very 1ow profile (one story) and unobtrusive. The units appear.to be quite snnll an'l thus th'is project doesn't hive the impacts which one would biperience.with an e'leven unit townhouse- tvoe deve'l opment. i,le ""co*rund RC for this parcel (c''eating a 'l egal non-conforming uib) so that this area is consistent in zoning with the parcels to the north. '' "1'_- "ro VA-1.\!/ / , &rAP .r.r.,O.;'.A' i.'l r r' 'l- . li, , i., ' , rt ' t\, ".:-,:a 3z'e- --r.l <)5 1,. :dlatg'!;' F),K'C tloTe5: l. zHE t ^ 1--r'E: f\ AL' : Rz 131.46' L . 123.42' Cttt r-s ?4'45-@ w :t?3.@' 5as:se'9tw tat' Q. a, ?4'o7' . /.- F.2A 9t-t:2749 c7 ,5 sz l; t'3?'tu 34 4..' @< 2^ ,, A&e 1t, owNea! a.lcc ' 'F'sot\tsvcLHA s,'Atoees 6,gp.r< act 44 429 Cwtvee - ". =C t' F Rg'AlS /2274' ,- UNPLAT'7'ED I idtu.t, y"l a n o o q B sI Il $ e/ ( lc6.@' R.4al.4','L, t3o.@' aJ,s47'44'16tz9.€l' e.pc,ea, aLtce L. ."xtesa^/s: vecrra 4. Sarwo€,es a :\ . :\ \ '& rt NA I Rtra\J'r' 4 A.:Gr,ac\p ^rcea- a -eE*_ 71.- 4-l'.(if;I f;'.|':) \ .raor At .t o p_o,g.22@N z+ B {\i $ !I s .8 E o dtr'-i j $ {tt 11 I * il ;:--- ^-- I'':r. 1r-= - { i -T- lt' .frtt c'stra; h 6, t-.ittv .4i':.!T:'{-- TO: FROM: DATE: v Property 0wners in the Tourn of Va'il /Department 9/28/82 Proposed Annexation of Community Development SUBJECT: Notice of Annexation Please be notified that the Town of Vail is proposing to annex your property, described as t,le have publis e propo of the Vail Trail and wilI continuenext step wil'l be consideration of on October 19, 1982 at 7:30 pm. nance (enc lo to do so in the ordinance n Ene the next twoat the Town ti ons editions. The Council meeting As it will require two readings of the ordinance for annexation, there will be another meeting at the Town council meeting on Novenber z, 1g9z. This is lltq ".tJ iest date upon which the annexation ordinance could be approved. Followingthis, the Town has 90 days to adopt zoning for the properties anirbxed. Thisprocess involves a public hearing at a meeting of the Planning and tnvironmental commission as wel'l as two readings of the ordinance adopting ioning at Town Counci'l_meetings subsequent to the Planning and Environinentil Commission's approval . In an effort to begin study on proper zoning for your property, we would inviteyou to contact our office to set up an appointment with olr planning staff.Infornntion you may have regarding site and floor plans, elevationi, topo-graphy, etc. wou'ld be he1 pfu'l . If such-a meeting with our staff is not possible, we would urge you to attendthe public meetings regarding the annexation and re-zoning of-your property.