HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 1 LOT 7 LEGAL•• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ,Vail ,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479 .2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.U5 Project Name:GRAMALEGUI CHANGE T O APPROVE Project Description: PLANNING CHANGES Participants: ORB Number:DRB040162 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L.05/06/2004 Phone :970 -477-2254 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAILCO 81657 License: APPLICANT GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L.05/06/2004 Phone:970-477-2254 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAILCO 81657 License: Project Address:2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: 2614 LARKSPUR LANE Legal Description:Lot:7Block:1Subdivision:VAILINTERMOUNTAINDEVS Parcel Number:210314301015 Comments: Motion By:Hanlon SecondBy:Rogers Vote:5-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:05/19/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approval doesnot constitute a permit for buildinq .Please consult with Town of VailBuildingpersonnelpr ior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not becomevalidfor20daysfollOWing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone (1)year follOW ing the date of final approval ,unlessabuild inq permit isissuedand construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:George Rut_ORB Fe!aid:$20.00 tPPlication 'for Design R!iew Departmentof Commun ity Developme nt 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel :970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: Allprojects requiringdesign reviewmust receive approvalpriortosubmittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refertothesubmittalrequirementsfortheparticularapprovalthatis requested.Anapplicationfor Design Revi ew cannotbe accepted untilallrequiredinformation is received bytheCommunityDevelopmentDepartment.The projectmayalso needtobe reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/orthe Plarlning and Environmental Commiss ion. Design review approval lapsesunlessa building permit isissuedand construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:-,-~.:::h::!"''''/\~;~'-''''l-_c...:.h..:..~_~~},,-_ Subdivision:LJc.....\:rAJ v""......,-k..:.I'Location of the Proposal:Lot:7 Block:I Physical Address:2.(;1 tr L......ksp--r t" Parcel No.:0'\.,~!~3 ICf30 /01>(Contact EagleCo.Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:OJ\otr~\r.l,1/7 Gt~Gra..........\tCSu.·\ l."'..~P'".r L.a..A<.Vc.....l Ie.;;,B ((5 -") Ph "f 7.:>'-(7?22.!)'t~one: Owner(s)Signature(s):~6~=+-_C-.--=~=--"!'C==_ C{'~'j Gr<--""..Iecj ...."" Mailing Address:~'I 1,./Lw SS p.....r L~o.'\.t. Name(s)of Owner(s):~...L:-.-=3~~~..:.=:.:!~~_--------------­ Mailing Address:_1..:.~_'_L_l~.::...:..~r=--=~'---_~.:...:-~=---_.=.:..-=-----,---=---:------- Name of Applicant:----"--''-'-:::1---'=-:..;:.:....;:.;:::.".'-+------------------- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review No Fee 0 NewConstruction $650 0 Addition $300 0 MinorAlteration $250 (mult i-family/commercial) 0 MinorAlteration $20 (single-family/duplex) )f Changes to Approved Plans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee RECEIVED f a%20lJlt Plus $1.00persquarefootoftotalsignarea. Forconstructionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild. Foranadditionwheresquarefootage is addedtoany residential or commercial building(includes250additions &interior conversions). Forminor changes tobuildingsandsiteimprovements,such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forminor changes to bUildings andsiteimprovements,suchas, reroofing,painting,windowadditions,landscaping,fencesand retainingwalls,etc. Forrevisions toplansalreadyapproved by Planning Stafforthe Design Review Board. •.•• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: GRAMALEGUI R040005754 Am ount:$20 .00 Check 05 /06/200409:39 AM Init:JS Notation:#684/GREGORY Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location : DRB040162 Type :DRB -Chg to Appr Plans 210314301015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees : Total ALLPmts: Balance: $20.00 $20 .00 $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Cod e DR 0010 000 311220 0 De script ion DE SIGN REVI EW FE ES Current Pmts 20.00 M&-1o ••• ff?oH ".-fo H-~~.k,A<;!:...--t /N ~"o ~ry-~T0.r 'or W L.cWl d -~~c o /l ce.'i/1 ~.Cit J G~*'1 ql ej v l 'U '-'1o de { t o ~'~j h4S,AibfJA,eJ Ivte MC4 7 <'{'Teo /5-~~!.JrJ-?;kJI 6~ase of.-K.e )/l€£,pll,.//10"1k?re«of '/2..R 0dk.Wt?crclUnS cxff'ILeJ .(;r c.'f .f C~01/L:f -Iv O!fft?/ved r-:If Q"cJ /flcer(/.ed a 5~{f?v-:0 /7 1ZP s)e £,,;aIrs ~Af!t?o/1 VV<4 S ~\ jJio /1.1£r:PI f ~n'MR.fleu <R cet/1'e~tk q /fnctp)!/l/br)-w,;fuil)_ Wp "r":'~i-1Z.R ICo Pe /r'@ued.;411 ;1k?of4p.r ~~Itt.e-ht.chet/1.~e <;10 f!&-~'-V!71 fR 5't6 i ?7 11k.<) wrtl,C>J /lei-({IcttC(/Jj 10 ,,(Pf&JeJ fbr1 5 i l 5 ~Y/j 1 /IZf 1 c7/7 (JIoczJa J I N CI'j 10. z Z.c:1hJ;1'€1'-5 fl.']::;CJ!krC?vf>-ht /l)'~I~vl4'c~;5 ~dd,'-:J ,,?~no at fZt/3 fz~/f?/ut se I.e{-~k/1o~. RECEIVE D u ~~ d .;z z ..... '"... 0 %..,III }>.l.L IJTl LIT"r'LOGATIONS, fWK1F5,NO L1~TO I'ETER GLOSET SHAJ.l BE FIElD VERlFEP BY GOI<fRAG1OR BEFoRE ~Of GOf'6TR.tTl'*l --S--_ --w--""'TER --6 --6AS __E __ELEGTR tGfT'r' --TV-GAel..E TV --F'H-Ta.m<:lN! AIlIO<ITECnJRAL p~ ...'""""'"SHEET ,SITE PLAN IY 6AIVr6E LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ,.t.3 F IR5T LEVB.R..OOR Pl..AN J..'"SECONI:1 l...Ev'R.FLOOR PLAN A5 ROOF PLAN I rtl~sc.~E M NQR"rn IE.."..,.)ElEVAnON ,..1 EAST I H3T ELEVATIONS ~UNIT) /1-8 ~IIo'EST EL£\fAT1ONS Aq E!IJILD t~5El-T10N PARKINlS REGlUIRED •5 SPACES PARKINlS PROPOSED .6 NEI'I SPAC.E5 +2 EXISTING SPACES LOT AREA •.3413 ACRE£>•14,1l6i SF. ;;ITE COVERAGE. I'1AXIt-lJM 20111 Of LOT AREA•2,QT:l SF . PROPOSED SITE COVERA6E •2,Qb55.F. 6RFA, CSoRFA HAXII-1M ....i..OI'ED •4~11 51'. CSoRFA PROPO!iED •4236 SF . PRIMARY MAX.AL1.Ot'ED •2'lO5 51'. PRlHARY PROI'05ED •2444 51'. SEGONDAR'f MAx.AI..LOI'ED •~12 S F. SEGONDARY PRDPOSEP •1104 51'. 6 AA.!'vSE I-1AXIlU1 AL1.Ot'ED •1,200 SF . 6 AA.!'vSE PROP05ED •1,040 SF . IllJILDING 1£16HT, flUlLDING 1£16HTMAXlt-lJM •33'-0' flUlLDING HEIGoHT PROf'O!>ED •21l'-5' F'ARKINlS REGlUIREMENT5 , ZONING STATISTICS Tl£RESIDENCE SHAU EE SPRINCL.B:>AS REaJlRfD 6T' 'Tl£TO'frt OF V AIL FIRE DEPARfto£NT J6 rr Dee NOT !"£ET Ac::GES6 ~TANOARD5 .GGlNfR.ArGTOR TO REVtB1 5P'RJHKlER SHG'IP DRArt~PRIOR TO tt6Tlr.LlAl1OH. DRAWING I DEX FIRE DEPARTMENT unUTY LEGEND STUCnJRAL~NEER: .'- LOT6 128 .'28 .124 'oa ····,OG .-., ,.-' --.... 130 --IJa '.122 ----,----...'20 -c ,,. '." lola ---'" • .."..re UNPlAmO 5NOH STORJr6E HlUt SHGlrftl """-TOED ~..3040 SF. ~Of 1130S1'.DRI~Y) roUirIt AL.1,IYJ«)IIl CAP LS H!3--__ __•El.-136.3'--. /; -- - TOP Of HALL •106'-0"" BOTTOM OF HALL SLOPES FROM 101'-0' TO 10/>'-0' TOP Of HAL L •106 '-0" BOTTOM OF HALL 5lOP6 FROM 1O'l'-o' TO 115'-0 ' TOP Of HALL •Ilb'-o" BOTTOM OF HALL SLOPES FROM 110'-0 ' TO 116'-0' SITE HALL (6'1£16HT t-IAXJ D<'-__"'f!I =),...._~=;~~... =~--~-'-.,~.,.----_........ ~-~--_..~......~_.._- ____"''''"''-ctl _ v aI __........~...,..."~(lp _aI _lql aI pYw:IOd or 14P "_p.:&ofI ~aI _f"dI'"e-__.._--..._ t2't»__.........~,,-"""__ClIo<w'_"''''__IIOj _ ~.._,rtIhr ...._rcr .."""'" """'I<>=~IooI .,."""*,,,"". ~~.WO:lrI<odI""'--""~_1<l :::~~,~,""-=I ~~..1t!1 ~~lIo:Il~~. -')-...,:';--~:.::\..=...I'cr';..J;;....-....... =====.~-,:::;::CW~~.....~c.:.:~~ ..........It ~~0--__,...___ ..........."'..-_..-.........._-'*fI-- "",-~--.....-.-~-.......--~_~ ~-......,-....... ~..~a::~-=~.:...~- ~..,-.....,.... ---.~',.--,.,-~=--:...o:::..,.r:-~,=-:,~ ::~-:,~~::=.-:: lGl:v .~,........lcItIooo.~,~,,,,, "'~"'"""P"'jdO _........,.1lId_lIf ....~ " __,~,"-­ fl:II'l1..o&»t "<1~. M ~~_l'br'-""'" 'Of lltJIl'1 "'-ft .....1iI _,.1f5OO .,.,_'.. ..~.1nOO ..0I '" e-__"p .....--_. ~'""'9"",,--....-~-.-­U __"'Clt...,..,....,l8C. ~........--~-..-­1:>_"'*""11 '"""1.81':.F....II,i ....~I """--_b _~~,.,.....,l.eC., ...,~';:::-.or~.~..~.~~ CODE"SUMMARY GENERAL NOTES: COlffRACTOR NOTES • ProjectName:Gramalegui Residence Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South FrontageRoad,Vail,Colorado81657 tel:970.479.2139fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber:DRB030154 Change toapprovedplansforaddition of Secondary homewith4-cargarage Participants: OWNER GRAMALEGUI/GREGORY L.05/13/2003 Phone :970-477-2254 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: APPLICANT JohnG.Martin,AlA-Architec05/13/2003 Phone:970-477-2476 PO Box621 Vail/CO 81658 Ucense: Project Address:2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location:2614LarkspurLane Legal Desaiption:Lot:7Block:1Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S ParcelNumber:210314301015 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION MotionBy: secondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR DateofApproval:09/14/2003 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmay be madewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vailstaffand/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:O (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith TownofVail Building personnel priorto construction activities. Planner:Allison OChs DRBFeePaid:$20.00 TOWN {OHN G MARTIN e Application for Design Review DepartmMt «Ccmmunr,o Development 75 South Front3ge Road.\Il11~CobWo 81657 lI!f:970.479.2139 tax:970.479.2452 web;_.d .wil.CD.us p.1 IirlOl. Generallnfannation: All proje<:ts n=quIrlng dll5i!ln n!ViINw must ~ve lIpptll\f11l pr;or 10 5Ubmitt1ng a building permit appriclltlon .Please refer to the 5IJtlInitt;N ~ements for the p(Jrticuler lIpprlM11Ulat is requested.An ilCJpIicatjon for Design R~ cannot be lIca1llted untilall required Information is received trr the Commonlt't Qevdoprnent Department.The project may aIsD need II>be ~by tile TCMIl Council andlOl:ltle Planning and EnvIronrnentzll CDrnrnission. Design rnicw appnnnlllll~_'-I •building permit ill is5ued and CIllRStnIdIon cammences witIIin _".rol~~. DBcripUon of the ....uest:/-:},)(..../'':t-- /i .r ~rrJL.-I7;)/1 /'//1 /.1/f<:-ev'~•'), ,..-ry .I fIYi $1.00 per squall!foat af ~sign _. $20 $50 No Fee S6SO $300 l.Oca~OfthePropesal=l.Ot:--2-B1ock:_'_SUbdiVIsIDn:jfl!?rVI/!{'jr fl1J.,/1 PflpicaI Addres5:~.(L.j ~"I-{S ().)f j~""niL PalU!l No.:Z.I 0 ;I Y So \v (r:::;(Contact ~Ie Co.f.sses5Ol"lit 970-328-8640 for Pllrcel no.) Zoning:f'r;.(1,>"')/t;Y.(/~1 ,:'<.r>< Gr.c'1'C'.'o.-f,v"t e.,\.., C Minor AIletaCIon (single-farnlv/duplex) )(,Qlanges bl Approved ~1l5 o 5epar;1Cion lteqlle$t o !"lincJr A/ret!Iion (lI1UIti-farnlIViwl'.'''''daI) Namll{a)DfOWner(s):..:.-.......~_ Malllf19 Addn!5r.:4 {Y 0-';(7 ('V r /..u oJ../1.4 '/ "Ownw(s)Sl9nat\lre{S)1 ~r;:_(trone:"i 7 v LJ 77 -..,z Name of AppIk:ant:Jc.l1 '1 f'f....1 u .r L//J •Are,k"+ Malf"'Addnu:1:1 ~(..I,<l/Alr.-('c>7?/0/Sy Phone:'1 )u "(77 -2.Y 7'-1./--------:----:------:---E-.....I Add~:--'-'''--'--.:.:..:J"-...:.J.:.:..''-J:::.........,,:.:,:/t':...!.J -'!..lI..;..J.,.;(r....·='J/):.JFax;Cf:;'~'-f 7 7 ,:e ,-et>'~- 'j Type of Ravtew altd Fee: o 5ign5 l:J CDnalpbaI RevIew .0 New ConaNc.tion o Addition RECEIVED Y"Ll John Go Main -Architect CREATIVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ~, PO so x 62 1 VAil...COWRAOO 8 1658 a , zss«DAVO STRAn . VAIL CO U)RACO 8 165 7 (970)477-2476 (970 )4 77 -2237 jlll..1rti n@ctive.net _.joImgmartin.cnm Memo To:TownofVailDept.ofCommunityDevelopment From:JohnG.Martin Date:5/12/2003 Re:GregGramaleguiDuplex,2614 LarkspurLane,DuplexAddition Subj:Construction Phase revisions toORB approved plans. AfewminorrevisionshavebeenmadetotheGregGramaleguiduplexadditionwhichwillrequirethe attentionoftheCommunityDevelopmentstaffand/ortheDesignReviewBoard.The architectural plansandelevationsshowmanyminorrevisionstointeriorwalllayouts,howevertheonlyrevisions whichwillbeofconcemtotheDRBarethe following: 1.GarageLevel,Rearofnewhouse.Abathroomforthe"office"hasbeenaddedtoanareacreated bythefoundationwallsduringconstruction.Alsothespiralstaircasehasbeenenclosedasopposedto being open-air.TheseareaswilladdGRFAtothehouse. 2.FirstLevel,rearof newhouse.AMasterBathroomhasbeenadded to thesameareacreatedby thefoundation wallsduring construction.Alsothespiralstaircasehasbeenenclosedasopposedto being open-air.TheseareaswilladdGRFAtothehouse. 3.Second Level,rearofnewhouse.Thespiralstaircasehasbeenenclosedatthetoplevelwhichwill addGRFAtothehouseatthislevel.Aglassblockwindowbringsnaturallightintothe stairwell.This areaaswellasthecovereddecknexttoitwerealreadycountedassitecoveragepreviouslysosite coverageisnotaffectedbythisenclosure. 4.Glassblockwindowatnewhousestairwellhasbeenchanged to twolargewindows. 5.Sixfootheightsitewallsforprivacyarebeingproposedatthreelocationsalongsideandrearof structure.Thefinishedwallwillbe stucco tomatchthehousewithacut-stonecap.Thewalltop remainsatthesameelevationasthegradeclimbs,thusthewallshrinksinheightfrom 6 footmaximum tonothingasthegraderises.Thegatesproposedwillbeheavywoodendoorswitharchedtopwhich willmatchthefrontdoorstobothhouses,yettobeselectedbyowner.Seerevisedsiteplan. ZoningImplications: GRFAAllowed(bothhousescombined): GRFAProposed(includingallnew revisions): 4816 sq.ft. 4781 sq.ft. ApprovedSiteCoveragenotaffectedbyanyofthenewrevisions. •Page1 , I SECONDARY UNIT =1963 SQ.FT. (ALLOWED 2011 sa.FT.MAX) TOTAL GRFA =4687 SQ.FT. (NOT TO EXCEED 4816 SQ.FT.) GARAGE =948 SQ.FT. (ALLOWED 1200 SQ.FT.) PRIMARY UNIT =2761 SQ.FT. (ALLOWED 2804 OR MORE) GRFA CALCS: MAIN LEVEL 'l4B UPPER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL • ••**.**********••••••••••••****••••***•••************••****••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ••••••***••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***•••••****••****••••**•••••••••••••••••••••**••** Statement Number: Payment Method: Martin R030003975 Amount:$20 .00 Check 05/13/200307:19 AM Init:JAR Notation :5412 John G. DRB030154 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 210314301015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 Larkspur Lane Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ••••••••*••*•••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••****••••****.***•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*.*** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 • Project Name:Gramalegui Residence Project Description: -. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.c i.vail.co.us ORB Number:DRBOI0382 Additionof Secondary homewith4-car garage Participants: OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L.11/13/2001 Phone:970-477-2476 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT JohnG.Martin,AIA-Architec11/13/2001 Phone:970-477-2476 PO Box621 Vail,CO 81658 License: Project Address:2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot:7Block:1 Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number:210314301015 Comments: BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By:Brittain SecondBy:Woldrich Vote:3-1 (Pierceopposed) Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date ofApproval:l J-V/D'f/ZDDI Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes totheseplansmaybemadewithoutthewr itten consentofTownof Vail staffand/ortheappropriatereviewcommittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):DRB approvaldoesnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Please consultwith Town ofVail Buildingpersonnel prior toconstructionactivit ies. Cond:CON 0005439 Nomore thana t otal of 14 exterior lightsallowed.Plea se revise el l bl;i l d i n~ permit. Cond:CON0005440 Landscpae planmust be updatedtomatchsiteplan.Please submit revised with buildingpermit. Cond:CON0005441 Atbuildingpermit,please indicate concrete panonthefirstdriveway. .. ZQNECHECK Datc:._Zu/ltljDt Phonc--:-_--:--_ Phone_W-~-__.-----rl~:....:----=------------Proposed usc I!ddJlWUf t!t~I-_ Lotsize _--!-~~Buildable area . o\\'ncr~~1i~biO;~r~========y;;~============ qu, RemainingProposed += +~= + ExistingAllowed TotalGRFA .!l1r1-+-.1~~~ PrimaryGRFA __+(4~5)(675*)=1)l5 • cSCCOndaryGRFA +(425)(675*)=~ nb~t\{al1eJ.a.-~.1hD *675 =425 credit plus 250 addition Docsthis request involve a 250 Addition?~l ~~llk Howmuch of the allowed 250 Additionisusedwiththis request?__---:---'-_ to \1'5 ~ ~ r/ ~I '- ___+Vlv5JA1~ (30)@ Front ,20' Sides 1-,'.:l Rear IS' Minimum 1Jq~D 3'/6'Retaining Wall Heights Landscaping Height Site Coverage Setbacks Complies withTOV Lighting Ordinance Required fR (0 ~Enclosed (300)(600)(900)~'.4~t .Permitted Slope ~%ProposedSlope % Parking Garage Credit Driveway Yes ·v No,_ Arc finished gradeslessthan 2:1 (50%)Yes,_No,_ .Environrncntal/Hazards <'J."JfI)Percent Slope «>30%),--.-__--'',/V---LiP..JL-_ 2)floodplain i1t!i----------- 3)\Vetlands vI/tJ.....----..------- 4)WaterCourseSetback (30)(50)=wa _ 5)Geologic Hazards _.--nLll a)Snow Avalanche._ b)Rockfall ..=::===--~__ c)Debris Flow- /'Previous conditions of approval (check property file);--<:. Isthe property non-conforming?Describe:~__.:..-_ ..., ,' DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project:~_~-:-_ o SURVEY l . o SITEPLAN Scale Benchmark Legal description LotSize Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr.floodplain WaterCourseSetback Environmental Hazards Trees Utilitylocations Spot elevations -, Scale BuildingHeight Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining-Walls Fences Parking/Garage TurningRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage FireAccess o FLOORPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU o BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale 2 01or'Materials RoofPitch o LAt"lDSCAPE PLAt"! Existingtrees Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS ,CondoApproval T itle report(A &B) U tility verification form Pnotos of site Building materialsamples C.O.Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utlitics (underground) Vi ew Corridors Vaiances Pia';restrictions www .jobngmarlin.com John G.Ma~-Architect CREATIVE A RCHITE CTURA L D ESIGN Memo MAIl.llliJ, P.O.ROX (j 21 VAlL,CO U..'":'RATX""1 ~16!i~•2586 uxvc s T RAIL V AIL \'()!r~li'A 1X)8 16fl ~: I'M. EMAil. (970)4 77·2470 (970)477 -2237 jrn arl in@cnv('.rll,t To:AllisonOchs,TownofVailDept.ofCommunity Development From:JohnG.Mart in Date:07/05/2002 He:GregGramaleguiDuplex,2614LarkspurLane ,DuplexAddition Subj:Final ORB conditions revisions package Enclosedarethedrawingswhichhavebeen affected bytheORBandPublic Works conditions forfinal ORBapproval.All of theitemsnotedcanbefoundonthefollowingdrawings : 1.A1siteplan 2 .A6 elevation 3.ASelevation Itemsto be addressed attime of permit application: 1.stamped-engineered drawingforthesingleandexistingdoubleretaining walls. 2 .revocablerightofwaypermit. Itemnotincludedforpermitappl ication: 1.Alleasementsnotshownonsiteplanortapasurvey.Daryl White of White Surveyinghas lookedintothisissueandcomparedthetillereporttotownandcountyplatsandlegal descriptions andhascometothe conclusion thatwordinginthetitlereportismisleading .The surveyiscorrectaspreviouslyprinted ,as isthesiteplan . AdditionalItemincluded : 1.Wehaveincludedastandardmetalroofcolorwhichshouldbeattachedtothefiledcolor board.ThecolorisBerridge Manufacturing Co."HemlockGreen ". ScheduleSummary : GregGramaleguihasdecidedtostarttheexcavationandconcreteworkonthisprojectlaterthis summerandfall.ThearchitectshallbesubmittingarchitecturalandstructuraldrawingsforBuilding Permit inlate-July.Therestofconstructionshallproceedafterthe winter,presumably nextspring . •Page 1 DESIGNREVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,December 5,2001 3:00P.M. PUBLIC MEETINGSCHEDULE PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION /LUNCH-Community Development Department 12:00pm MEMBERS PRESENT ClarkBrittain BillPierce HansWoldrich AndyBlumetti SITEVISITS MEMBERS ABSENT CharlesAcevedo 2:00 pm 1.Fermanisresidence-1109SandstoneDrive 2 .Cunningham -1319GreenhillCourt 3.Va il Nightclubs ,Inc.-228Bridge Street 4.Village Inn-100E.MeadowDrive Driver:George PUBLIC HEARING-TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00pm 1.Cunningham residenceDRB01-0379 . Final review ofproposedhottub . 1319GreenhillCourt/Lot24,GlenLyonSubdivision . Appl icant:BarryE.Cunningham MOTION :BillPierce SECOND :AndyBlumett i CONSENT APPROVED VOTE :4-0 Allison 2 .Gramalegui residence DRB01-0382. Final review ofnewsecondary home/garage . 2614 Larkspur Lane/Lot7,Block1,Vail Intermountain . Applicant:Greg Gramalegui MOTION:ClarkBrittainSECOND :HansWoldrich APPROVED WITH3 CONDITIONS: Allison VOTE :3-1(Pierceopposed) 1.AllPublicWorksconditionsmustbemet. 2 .Thatthefasciaontheexistingstructuremustmatchtheproposedaddition. 3 .Thatthecurbcutsbecutback ,accordingto staffs recommendations . 3.Vai l Va lley Medica l CenterDRB01-0392 . Final review ofproposedrevisionstoapprovedplans . 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E&F,VailVillage2nd Filing . Applicant:VailValleyMedical Center MOT ION:Bill Pierce SECOND :Clark Britta in VOTE:4-0 1 George Hill residence DRB01-0356. Enlargekitchen. 4889MeadowDrive/Lot14,Block5,Bighorn5th Addition . Applicant:JoanS .Hill Bada-BingPizzaCo.DRB01-0395. Awningsign . 1000LionsRidge Loop ,VailRun/LotC-11,LionsRidgeFiling 1. Applicant:William I.Fleischer • Bill Allison The applications andinformationaboutthe proposals areavailableforpublic inspectionduring regular officehours intheprojectplanner'soffice ,locatedattheTownofVail Community Development Department ,75SouthFrontageRoad.Pleasecall479-2138for information . Signlanguage interpretationavailableuponrequestwith24hour notification .Pleasecall479- 2356,Telephone fortheHearingImpaired ,for information. 3 •~~1·~~. Applit i:ion~Design ReviewDepa~of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 . web:www.ci.vail .co.us G·enerallnfarmatian: This application isforanyprojectrequiring Design Review approval.Any projectrequiringdesignreviewmust receive approval prior to submittingabuildingpermitapplication.Please refer to thesubmittal requirements forthe particularapprovalthatis requested .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untilallrequired informationis received bythe Community Development Department.Theprojectmayalsoneedto be reviewed by theTownCoundland/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Boardapprovallapses unlessabuilding permit isissuedandconstructioncommences within one year ofthe approval. r-e-;,..'Jef)h ~' .,T~e afReviewandFee: )g..New Construction o Addition o MinorAlteration o Changes to Approved Plans $20 $20 PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL sUBMmAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTIY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. • UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION T his form isto verify serviceavailability and location fo r new construction andshould beused in conjunction wi thprepar ingyourut ility plan and schedulinginstallations.The locationandavailability of utilities,w hethertheyarema in t runk linesorproposed lines,must be approvedandverified bythe following utilities fortheaccompanying siteplan. Authorized Signature Date QWEST 970.384.0238(tel) 970.384.0257(fax) Contact:JasonSharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970 .468.2528(tel) Contact :Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970 .949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566(fax) Contact :TedHusky L('~'",~.-._~ /1'0 ·0 EXCEL ENERGY 303.571.7518(tel) 303 .571.7877 (fa x) Contact:Pau l Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER &SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476 .7480 (te l) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:FredHaslee AT&T BROADBAND 970 .949.1224 x 112(tel) .970.9 49.9138(fax)2'#1 """,",-Jr- Contact:FloydSalazar '?<I' II-w·ot /(_.(p _.0 ( *Pleaseprovide asite plan,floorplan,andelevat ions whenobtainingapproval from theEagleRiverWater &SanitationDistrict.Fireflowneedsmustbe addressed. NOTES: 1.If theut ility verification formhassignaturesfromeach of the utility companies,andnocomments are 'made directly ontheform,theTownwillpresume that therearenoproblemsandthe development canproceed. 2.If aut ility companyhasconcernsw ith theproposedconstruction,theuti lity representative shall note directly ontheutil ity verification formthatthere isaproblem whichneedstoberesolved. Theissueshouldt hen bedetailedinanattached letter totheTownofVail.However,pleasekeep inmind that itistheresponsibility of theut ility companyandtheapplicanttoresolve identified problems . 3 .These verifications donotrelieve thecontractoroftheresponsibility toobtainaPublicWayPermit fromthe Department ofPublicWorksattheTown of Vail.Utility locationsmust beobta ined before d igging inanypub lic r ight-of-way or easementw ithin theTown of Vail.Abuild ing perm it isnota PublicWaypermit andmustbeobtainedseparately. 1 /1 :< # l::.\.....H- P.1/1 ;970 38 4 0257 6·2OO G 1 1:4SP~TC.COLO -.NO.829 C'~~,~eJ~~ 2.61'1 L.~,..k-JPVf"c-,,.,o-477"'LZ~'1 U~:l (0.UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFtCAnON". Thi~f~Is ~'VerlfY s~ce availabilItY and locatio"for new con5l:ruc:tlcn and should be used in COI1]unction with prepal1ng Vtlur utIRty pia"pnd SCheduling installatiQI'lS.The locatlon and availability of utilities,whether they are maIn trunk lines or proposed fines,must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. •NOV. _11-7-01;9 :16AM;aWEST ENG.I .o -~I .I.~O""'."l • Authorj:ted Sig'nature .QitIil QWEST 970.3B4.0238 (tel) 970,384.0257 (fax) Contact:Jason Sharp e PUB\lC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2528 (t21) Contact Bruce MiIICll' .' HOLY CROSS ElECTRIC A,SSOC:. 970.9'T9.5B92 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact:Ted HUs~.£~."'lJ ....j ..... EXCEL ENERGY 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact:Paul Kellogg EAGl-E RIVER WATER &.SANITATION .DISTRICT"" 970.475.7480 (121). 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee .AT&T BROADBAND 97D .....l22~x112 (tel)~~ .970.949.9138 (tax)2t,,1 h4~..Il..~~ Contact:Floyd Salazar "'"__A- i *Please provide a site pilln,floor plan,and ~evatiO"5 when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water &.sanitation DistJiq:.FIre flow needs mllSt be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the lltlllt.y verifICation form has signatures fl'om eqch of the utility companlJ!S,an~no comments are 'made dil\'!Ctly on the form,the Town will presume that there are ne problems and the development can proceed,' 2.If 8 utiliti ccmpany has concerns wlth the proposed construction,the utJlltY representatIVe shall note directly ontheutility vertt1Ci'tloo form tllat tIlere Is a problem whli=h needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached IetW to ttl!!Town of Van.However,please keep In mind that it is the responsibility of the utilitY company and the applh:an~to reSolve Identified .problems.' 3,These verifications do not relieve the contr;ldor of the responsIbility ta obtain a Pub/ic Wlr/Permit from the Department of Publil:Works at the Town of Vail.UlIlitv locations my~be obtained before diggina in any.pu/llic rlg"t-or-way or easement wit/lln l1le Town of Vall.A building permit isnot a Public Way perm!l:and mustbe obtained separately. W.-~l ~fIOL"ppese l <Al l=-• UTILITY LOCATlON VERIFICATION This formIs to~service availability and location for new eonstruction and should be U5C!d In conjunction with preparing yourutllity plan and scheduling installations.The location and availability of utilities,whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines,must be approved and verined by the .following utilities for the accompanying site plan.. Authorized §Ignature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) .970.384.0257 (fax;) COntact Jason Sharp PUBliC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970 .468.2528 (tel) Contact:Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS aEC'TRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact;T~Husky £1'......,.7 .... EXCEL ENERGY 303.571.7S18 .(tel) 303.571.7Bn (fax) Contact:Pau l Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER &.SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel), 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact:Fred Haslee 'AT&T BROA.DBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) .970.949.9138 (fax)2t,t1 """~+/J. COntact:Floyd Salazar I"}". *Please provide a site plan,flOor plan,and elevations when obtaining approval from th,a Eagle River Water &.Sanitation District.Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1.If the utility verl1'icatlon form has signatures from each of the utility companies,and no comments are .made direc:tly ontheform,the'Town will presume thatthere are no problems and the development can proceed, 2.If i!I utility company has concerns with the proposed construction,the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.However,please keep in mind that it isthe responsibility 01 the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3.These llerifications do no!:relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain (\Public Way Permit from the Department Of Public Works at the Tow"of vall.Utility locations must =.pbtained before digqirlg inany public right-or-way or easement within the Town of Vail.A building peonit isnota Publie W~y permit and ml/i.!:be obtained sep!l'ately. e e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To:LeonardSandoval,PW Date Routed : Routed By:Planner A//i'xJd ~~ DateDue: I Project Name:I~1{Aw\m~l'ff,(j !?t::.>- I Project #:I I Activity #:I Description of work:11?~N\D 41:I I Jr4d.d-r~",. Address:I Leqal:I Lot:I 7 I Block:I I I Subdivision:IVAi I 17v -h../(Tflo /tIf,!1J1>J ~ub . Status : D Approved D Approved with conditions i§Denied Comments:Date Reviewed:I'Jl(./~( • Department of Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.d.vail.co.us December 12,2001 JohnMartin POBox621 Vail,CO81658 RE:GramaleguiResidence,locatedat2614LarkspurLn./Lot7,Block1,Vail Intermountain. DearJohn, OnDecember5,2001,theDesignReviewBoardapprovedtheGramaleguiResidence withthefollowingconditions: 1.AllPublicWorksconditionsmustbemet. 2.Thatthefasciaontheexistingstructuremustmatchtheproposedaddition. 3.Thatthecurbcutsbeminimized,accordingtostaff's recommendations. PriortoissuingtheORBapprovalform,youmust have theseitemsapprovedby Planning.ThebuildingpermitwillnotbeaccepteduntilI have issuedyouthisform . Pleasesubmitrevisedp lans tomeatyour convenience.Shouldyouhaveany questions,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat479-2369. Si,hlL AllisonOchs,AICP PlannerII TownofVail o RECYCLED PAPER Department ofCommunity Development 75South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-4 79-2452 www.ci.vail.co .us November 27,2001 JohnMartin POBox 621 Vail,CO81658 RE:GramaleguiResidence,locatedat2614LarkspurLn./Lot7,Block1,Vail Intermountain. DearJohn , TheCommunity Development Departmenthasreviewedtheplansforthe Gramalegui Residence,locatedat2614LarkspurLn./Lot7,Block1,VailIntermountain.The followingcommentsand concerns mustbeaddressed prior tofinalreview: 1.Theresidencemustbesprinkledasitdoesnotmeetfire department access standards. .z.Pleaseprovidesnow storage intheamountof30%ofthepavedarea.Asindicated, thereisnosnowstoragefortheexistingdriveway. 3.Themaximumwidthoftheproposed driveways is48ft.combined.Theexisting parkingareamustbereducedtoamaximumof24ft.Aconcretepanisrequiredand thecurband gutter plowlinemustmatchandflowintothedropinletcatchbasin. 4.Therearesomeareasonthesiteplanwheregradeis disturbed butnotreturnedtoa 2:1 grade.Pleaseadjustandrevise . 5.Pleaseprovidea stamped-engineered drawingforthes ingle andexistingdouble wall. £:Sitedistanceattheeastendofthedrivewaymaybeanissue.Whenbackingoutof thedriveway,no landscaping above3ft.isallowed . vi Pleaseprovideallridgeandeaveelevationsonthesiteplansostaffcan determine buildingheight. b8':'"Wallsthatare considered partofthestructurecannotgointothesetback.Please adjustandrevise. o RECYCLED PAPER .. 9 .Thecoveredentryfeatureoffoftheexistingdrivewaycannotbemorethan 10ft.into thefrontsetback .Pleaseadjustandrevise. StaffhasreviewedtheGramaleguiresidencew ith regardstothesurveyand Primary/Secondary zoning.Theanalysisprovidesthefollowing: LotSize:14,867 sq.ft. Zoning:Primary/Secondary Hazards:none Standard SiteCoverage GRFA Primary Secondary Parking Primary Secondary Height Setbacks Allowed 2973sq.ft. 4567sq .ft.(+250) 2905sq .ft. 1912sq .ft. 3required 2required 33max 20/15/15/15 Proposed 2965sq.ft . 4238sq.ft. 2444sq .ft. 1794sq.ft. ok ok add itional inforeqd ok TheDesignReviewBoard conceptually reviewedtheGramaleguiResidenceattheir November 21,2001,meeting.Thefollowingweretheir comments andconcerns : 1.Theyareokwith2curbcutsaslongastheexistingoneisnarrowedtothepublic worksrequirements. 2.Thesidingontheexistinghouseshouldbereplaced. Alloftheabovecommentsandconcernsmustbe addressed prior tofina l Design Review Boardapproval.Pleasesubm it revisions tomenolaterthannoonon November 3,2001.Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat479 - 2369. sAo~e:el l1 ~I C P PlannerII TownofVail COMMITMENTFORTITLE INSURAN CE ISSUED BY ST EWART T IT LE GUARANTY CO lVIPANY .:'1, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY C OMPANY,ATexasCorporation;her eincalledtheC ompany,for valuablec onsideration ,hereby commits toissue its p olicyo rpolicies of title insurance,asidentified in ScheduleA ,in favor ofthe proposed Insurednamedin Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee o f theestate o rinter est co vered her eby inthelanddescribedo rref erred to in Schedule A,upon paymentofthe premiums and charges therefor ;all subj ect to the provisions ofSchedules AandB lind tothe Conditions andStipula tions hereof. ',~, ~. This Co mmitmen tshall be effe ctive onl y when theidentit y of the'proposed Insured andtheamounto f thepol icyorpolici es committed forhave been insertedinSchedul e Aher eof bythe Company,either at thetime of the issuance of this Commitmento rbysub sequent end orsement. Thi sCo mmitment is preliminary to the issuanceo fsuchpolicy orpolicies of title insuranceandall liability a nd obligations hereunder shallceaseand terminate sixmonths afterthe effective datehere of o r whe n the po licy orpo licies comm it ted for sha ll issue,whichever fir st occurs,pro vided that the failuretoissue suchpolicyorpolicies is notthe fault of the Company .! .::t: S igned under seal forthe Company,butthi s Commitmentshallnot be 'valid o r b inding untilitbears an authorized Countcrsignattire . INWITN ESS WHEREOF,Stewart Title GuarantyCo mpanyhas caused its corp oratenameand sealto behereunto affixed b y itsduly auth orized officers 0 11 thedat e shownin Schedule A.', STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY O rder No .00027528 .,.-. •••'l','.. .J '.t:~l'o:~· "."~'..••_'1.4 FI1 ~,~,f'or reoord tho17~l ,.~.".,'~~~";",~-:;,;..",,,,:,~;...+~~;...;;;:,,;~~~~...=:;:~~~~:;;,~~ .;. .~.;,....,.. ".'.'';. ..,:";.-. mi. ., .._" ·,'.... ..... CCUIl TY-..OF ..,:;: who,e Poot D1ilo II La k i'OWr.ae the .'.ohld ::·t " SCHEDULE;! OrderNumber:00027528 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 7, BLOCK 1, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS COMMITMENT WAS PREPARED ON APRIL 4,2000 .FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING THE TITLE,PLEASE 'CALL CRAIG HAUSCHILDT AT (970)949-1011.FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CLOSING,PLEASE CALL MICHELLE HUDSPETH AT {970j 926-0230 . This commitment is sent to: GREGORY GRAMALEGUI DOUG I<PEGGY KRAUSE ART/ANNA KLEIMER LIN GRUBBS ·.. OrderNumber :00027528 ••SCHEDULE B SectionI REQUIREMENrs Thefollowingaretherequirements to becompliedwith : Item(a)Payment toorfortheaccount of thegrantorsormortgagors of the full consideration for theestate 'or interest to beinsured . Item(b)Properinstrumentis)creating th e estateorinterest to beinsuredmustb eexecutedandduly filed for record,to wit: 1.Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company of payment of all outstanding taxes and assessments as certified by The Eagle County Treasurer. 2.Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty,Company . 3.Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company that the real estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of Vail has been paid or that the transaction is exempt from said tax . 4.Release by the Public Trustee of Eagle County of tbe Deed of Trust from DOUGLAS L.KRAUSE and PEGGYH .KRAUSE for the use of FT MORTGAGE COMPANIESD/B/A SELECT MORTGAGE RESOURCES to secure $246,750.00,dated NOVE,~ER 6,1998,recorded NOVEMBER 16,1998 as Reception No .676411 . Assignment of above Deed of Trust to GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES,INC.recorded OCTOBER 12,1999 as Reception No.711610. 5.Deed from DOUGLAS L .KRAUSE and PEGGYH .KRAUSE,vesting fee simple t itle in GREGORY L.GRAHALEGUI. NOTE:NOTATION OFTHELEGAL ADDRESS OFTHEGRANTEEMUSTAPPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AMENDMENT TO STATUTE ONRECORDINGOF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). 6.Deed of Trust from the Borrower to the Public Trustee for the use of the proposed lender to secure tbe loan . NOTE:EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1,1997,CRS 30-10-406 REQUIRES THAT ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FORRECORDINGOR FILING IN THECLERKAND RECORDER'S OFFICE SHALL CONTAIN A TOPMARGIN AT LEAST ONE INCH ANDA LEFT,RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGINOF AT LEAST ONE-HALF INCH.THECLERKAND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCUMENT THATDOESNOT CONFOR-\!. SCHEDULE B Se ction 2 Order Number:00027528 EXCEPTIONS The policy orpolicies tobe issuedwillcontainex ceptions to thef ollowing unless th esame a re disposed of to th e ' satisfaction ofthe Company: 1.Rights orclaimsofparti esin possession,not shown by the publi c records. 2.Easements,orclaims of easements ,not shown by the pub lic records. 3 .Discrepancies,confl icts in boundary lines,short age in area,encroachments,and any fa cts which acorrect s urveyand inspe ction of the pre mises would disclose and which ar e not shownby thepublic records. 4.Anylien.orright to alien.f or ser vices,laborormaterial heretoforeorhereafter furnished.imposed by law ami notshownbythe publicrecords. 5.Defects ,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created.first appearing inthep ublic records orattachingsubseq uent to theeffective datehereof,b ut p riortothe dateth e pr oposed insured acquires ofr ecord forvaluethe estate o r interest ormortgage thereon coveredby thiscommitment . 6.Unpatentedmining claims;reservations or exceptionsin patents ,or ana ct authorizing the issuance th ereof; water rights,claimsor title to water. 7.Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax sales . 8.The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy,fire protection,soil conservation or other district or inclusion in any water service or street improvement area . 9.Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S .Patents,or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof,recorded September 2 8,1904 in Book 123 at Page 3 reserving 1)Rights of the proprietor oE a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom and 2}rights of way Eor ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the United States. 10 .Restrictions ,as contai ned in instrument recorded July 24,1970 ,in Book 218 at Page 281 as Reception No.113872,and instrument recorded November 17,1970 in Book 219 at Page 120 as Reception No.114734,also affidavit recorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at Page 379 as Reception No.116033,and Amendment recorded April 28 ,1971 in Book 220 at Page 380 as Reception No.116034. 11 .Easements,restrictions and rights-oE -ways ,including but not limited to easements Eor uti lity and dra inage purposes 5 Eeet in width a long the interior lot lines as set out on plat recorded October 1,1970 in Book 218 at Page 799 as Reception No.114403. 12.Easement granted to Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District,by Vail Intermountain Associates,in the instrument recorded August 7,19 70 in Book 218 at Page 417 as Reception No.114008. ,,-:'.~ DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C .R .S.10-11 -122,not iceishereby given that : (A)THE SUBJECT REALPROP ERTY M AYBE LOCATED INA SPECIAL TAXI NG DISTRICT; (8)A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING JURISDICT[ON SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE COUNTY TREASURER ORTHE COUNTY TREASURER'S AUTHORIZED AG ENT; (C)INF ORMAT ION REGARDING SPECIAL D[STRI CTS AND THE BOUNDAR[ES O F SUCH D[STRICTS NiAYBE OBTAINED FROM T HEBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS IONERS,THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER ,ORTH ECOUNTYASS ESSOR . Note:Co loradoD ivision of Insurance Regulations 3 -5-1,Paragraph C of Art icle VII requiresthat "Every title entity s hallberesponsibl e forallmatt ers whichappearof recordp riorto thetime of reco r ding when ever theti tle entity conductstheclos ing and is respons ible for recordi ng or filingo flegaldoc uments resulting fromthe transactionwhi ch wasclosed ."Provided that Stewart Ti t le of Vail,[nc o conducts theclosingofthe ' insuredtransac tion and isrespon sib le for recording the legal document s fromthe transa c tion,except ion num ber 5 will notappear onthe Owner's T itle Policy andtheLen der 's Title Policywhenissued . Note:Affirmative Mec han ic's Lien Protection forthe Ownermaybeavaila ble (typ icall yby deletionof E xcep tion No .4 of ScheduleB,Section 2 of theC ommitment from lhe Owner's Polic y to be issued)upon compliancewiththe following conditions: A.Theland described inSched ule Aofthi s commi tment mustbea single fam ily res idence ,whic h includes acon dominium ortownhou se uni t. B.Nolaboror materials ha ve beenfurnished by mechanics or materialm en forpurpo ses o f con struction onthe land described inSchedu le Aof thisComm itmen t w ithinthe past6 months. C.The Company mu streceivean appropriate affidavit indemnifying the C ompany against unfil ed mechani c's and materialmen 's liens . D .Th e company must receivepaymentof the appropri ate p r emium. E .If therehasbeen construction,improvements or major repairs unde rtaken onthe property to be pu rchased ,within sixmonthsp rior totheDateof the Commitment,the r equirement s toob tain coverage forunrecorded lienswill include:disclosure of certain co nstructioninfor mation ;financi al info rmation astothe seller ,thebuilder and/or the contractor;payment ofthe appropriate premium;fully execu ted Indemnity ag reements satisfactory tothe company;and ,anyadditional requirements asmaybe necessary after ari examinatioo ofthe aforesaid information bytheCompany. No coverage willbe given unde r any ci rcumstances for laborormaterial forwhi ch theins ured has contracted foror agreedtopay . NOTHING HEREIN C ONTAfNED WILL BE DEEMED TO O BLIGATE THE C OMPANYT O PROVIDE ANY O F THE COVERAGES R EF ERRED TO IIER I<:IN UNLESS THE A BOVE CONDITIONS ARE FULLY SATISEIED. OrderNo .00 02 75 28 Disclosures(YSDD)Rev.10 /99 •• ********************************************************************************••*.******** TOWNOFVAIL.COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: R000001733 Amount:$200.00 Check 11/13/200103:33 PM Init:JAR Notation:127 9 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB010382 Type: 210314301015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL DRB -Addition of GRFA Total Fees:$200.00 This Payment:$200.00 Total ALL Pmts :$200.00 Balance :$0 .00 ••••••*••••**********************************************************************.*••*.*•••* ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Accoun t Code DR 00100003 11 2200 Desc r ipt i on DESIGN REVIEW FEE S Current Pmt s 200 .00 •• Department a/Community Development 75SouthFrontage Road Vail,Colorado81657 970 -479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us December4,2001 JohnMartin POBox621 Vail,CO81658 RE:GramaleguiResidence,locatedat2614 Larkspur Ln./Lot7,Block1,Vail Intermountain . DearJohn , The Community Development Departmenthas reviewed theplansfortheGramalegu i Residence,locatedat2614LarkspurLn./Lot7,Block1,VailIntermountain .The following comments and concerns mustbe addressed prior tosubmittingforbuilding permit: 1.Theresidencemustbesprinkledasitdoesnotmeetfire department access standards.Pleaseindicateonthesiteplan. 2.Themaximumwidthoftheproposed driveways is48ft.combined .Theexisting parkingareamustbereducedtoamaximum of24ft.A concrete panisrequiredand thecurband gutter plowlinemustmatchandflowintothedropinletcatchbasin. 3.Pleaseprovidea stamped-engineered drawingforthesingleandexistingdoub le wall atbuildingpermit. 4.Pleaseprovidearevocableright-of-waypermitfor improvements intheright-of-way. 5.Wallscannotexceed3ft.inthefrontsetback.Pleaseadjustandrevise. 6.Pleaseindicateall easements onthesurveyandthesiteplan . Alloftheabove comments andconcernsmustbe addressed priorto submit1ing for buildingpermit.Shouldyouhaveany questions,pleasedonothesitatetocontactmeat 479-2369. Sin9l1rel y!1.;1 I/P;;Ui AllisonOchs,AICP PlannerII TownofVail o RECYCLED PAPER •• MATE~fAL.COLot=e 6OA~ MATERIALS,COLORS,AND LlG~T ING SUMMARY METAL ROOF MATCH 5HERJi'iIN I'iILLlAMS "BLUE 5PRtJc.E"5I'i BOD8 GALV.METAL DRIP EDGE PAINT TO MATCH FA5GIA COLOR FA5GIA t 5U8-FASGIA 5HERJi'iIN I'iILLlAMS "BLUE 5PRlJGE'51'i 3008 SOFF IT SHERl-iIN WILL IAMS "YOSEMITE GOLD"5W 3048 PR IMARY 5Tl.JGG.O SHERI"IIN I1ILLlAMS "GAZEBO 11H 1TE "ITI"lT)5I'i 2221 AGGENT 5TUc.CO -CAPS AND HEADERS SHERl-iIN I1ILLIAMS "PORTICO"(Tl"IT)511 2012 Y'1OOD 51DING SHERI1IN 111LLlAM5 'YOSEMITE GOLD'511 3048 GARAGE AND ENTRY DOORS SHERl-iIN I11LLIAM5 "YOSEMITE GOLD"5I'i 3048 I1INDOI1 mOD 51LL 5HERWIN HILLIAM5 "YOSEMITE GOLD"5H 3048 DECK RAILING AND P05T5 SHERI1IN WILLIAM5 "BLUE 5PRtJc.E"511 3008 DECORATIVE GABLE TRU55E5 5HERI11N WILLlAM5 "YOSEMITE GOLD"5H 3048 7FrXIN0 REDWOOD DECKING,NATURAL CLEAR 5TAIN I1INDOH ALUM.CLAD "5EMCO 5TANDARD GL AD COLOR -"QUAKER BI<UNLl:' 5TONEVENEER t CAP COLORADO BUff LIGHTINGFIXTURE-HALL MOUNTED MATCH EXISTING FIXTURE LIGHTING FIXTURE -RECESSED IN SOFFIT 5TANDARD RECESSED CAN EXTERiOR DOWNLIGHT - SHERl-iIN I"iILLIAM5 "PORTICO"tn"IT)5H 2012 I . .Gazebo Wh ite TWT SW2221 I SHERrilN HILLIAMS "GAZEBO WHITER (Tl"IT)5H 2221 I HEMLOCK GREEN ' Blue Spruce SIN300B SHERl-iIN I"iILLIAMS "BLUE 5PRIJC,E'51'i 3008 Yosemite Gold SIN 3048 I SHERI1IN HILLIAMS "YOSEMITE GOLD"5W 3048 ,STONE-COLORADO BUFf "5EMCO"-"QUAKER BRONZE" JOHN G.IIIARTlN,ARCHITE:CT P.O.Box '21 Vall.Col""",,,81658 Phone:(170).n-247'r...,(170).n-= IrnarttnOetlYe..oom ....Joftn9n'tortfn .com A Remodel I Addition for: Mr.Greg Gramalegui 2614 Larkspur Lane,Vai~Colorado Lot 7,Block 1,van Intermountain SubdIvIsion DATt:11-1 2-2001 SIlttT MO .C8 EXISTING CONDITION PI-IOTOS DATt:11-12-2001JOHNG.MARTIN ,ARCHITECT P.O._121 YOU.c:._81151 Phonr.('701.77-2.71ra",(t70 .77-2237 Jma__.....fohngmartln••om A Remodel /AddItIon for: Mr.Greg Gramalegui 2614 Larkspur Lane.Val~Colorado Lot 7,Block 1,Val InterInow*In Subdlvlalon SHEIT NO.CB EXISTING CONDITION P140TOS DATE ,11-1 2-2 001JOHNG.t.4ARTIN.ARCHITECT P.O.Box Ilt Yol .Colorodo 8 1158 Phone:(97014n-247& fox:(970 4n-2237 }martlnOcflyt.com .www.JohngmGrtln.com A Remodel /Addltfon for. Mr.Greg Gramalegui 2614 Larkspur Lane.Vai~Colorado Lot 7,Block 1,VI IntermcurtaIn SubdMalon SHEETNO.C8 TO WNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VA IL,CO8165 7 97 0-479-2138 NO TE: ••••V~/rri!rmovaf~ DEPARTMENT O F COMMUNITY D EV~f)PM ENT lor 7';hioc:-/c..I THI S PERMIT MU ST BE POSTEDON JOB SITE ATALL TIMES J obAddress : Location : Parc el No : Proje ct No : A D D/ALT S FR BUI LD PERMIT 26 14 LA RKSPURLN VAIL 2614larskpur lane 21 0314301015 ~S-O l -0 (('.;5-Z Perm it#:B0 2-0274 Status...: A pplied ..: Issued: Expires : ISSUED 08/2 1/2002 09/1 3/2002 03/12/2003 OWN ER GRAMALEGUI ,GREGORY L , 26 14 LARKSPUR LN VAILCO 8165 7 License : CONTRACTOR GREG GRAMALEGUI 2 614 La rkspur Lane Vail ,Co 81657 License :213-L APPLICANT GREG GRAMALEGUI 2 614 Larkspur Lane Va il,Co 81 657 L icense:213 -L 0 8/2 1/2 002 Phone :9 7 0-4 77-2476 08 /21/2002 Phone:(970)4 77-2 25 4 08/21 /2002 Phone :(970 )477 -2254 Desc ription: Ad dition of Primary/Se condary horne with 4-car g arage Occupancy : TypeCons truction: R3,U1 V N Ty pe V N on-Rated Va luation:$350,000.00 Add Sq Ft:2723 Fireplace Information:Restricted:y #of GasAppliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWoodPellet:0 ....."'....***..******..'"**'"'"***.*...*....."'..'"'"****....."'..'"'"*."'...***...'"III***...'"**..."'.........FEE SUMMA RY ...**"'......*...'"'"*."'....**'"**....**'"'""'..*********.........'"'""'........******'"'"'"'"'"'" Building---->$1 ,7 4 0 .00 Restuarant Plan Review-c-$0 .00 Total Calculated Fees-e-$3.282 .45 PlanChcck-«>$1 ,131.00DRB Fee···-·-------->$0.00 Additional Fees------>$0 .00 lnvcstigation->$0.00 Recreation Fee-·······_·>$408 .45 Total PermitFee------>$3 ,282.45 Will Call----->$3.00 Clean-upOeposit--------->$0.00 Paymenls···------------>$3,28 2.45 TOTALFEES----------->$3 ,2 82.45BALANCEDlJE·_···->$0 .0 0 Approval s: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/13/200 2 CDAVIS Action:AP INSPECTIONS,SEE COND ITIONS Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/12 /2002 a o Action :AP I tem:056 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLI C WORKS 09/13 /2002 lsandoval Action :AP SUBJECTTO FIELD sub ject t of i eld inspection •••• **********************.**********************************************************.*************************************************************** Seepage2 of this Document forany conditions thatmayappl y tothispermit. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthi s application ,filled outinfulltheinformationrequi red,completed anaccurate plotplan , andstat e thatallthe information as requiredis co rrect.Iagree tocomp ly withthe informationandplotplan,tocomplywithall Towno rdinances andstatelaws ,andtobuildthis structure accord ingtothetownszoningand subdivision code s,designreview a pproved,UniformBuildin g Cod e andoth er ordinances of theTown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALl.BE MADE TWENTY-FOU RHOURSINADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT479-21 49 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM8:00AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER O R C ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEL F A ND OWNER ••••PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #:B02-0274 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-13-2002 Status :ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Penn it Type : Applicant: JobAddre ss: Location : ParcelNo : ADD /ALTSFRBUILD PERMIT GREG GRAMALEGUI (970)477-2254 261 4 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 larskpur lane 2103 14301015 Applied : Issued : ToExpire : 08 /21/2002 09 /13/2002 03/12/2003 Description: Addition of Primary/Secondary homew ith 4-cargarage **************************************************Conditi ons ******************************************** Co nd:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCOD E COMPLIAN CE . Co nd:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALLBEDROOMS AND EVERYSTORYASPERSEC .31 0.9.1 OF THE 1997UBC . C ond :CON0005558 R EVISED DRAW INGS ADDRESSING PROPERTY LIN E ISSU ES ARE REQ UIRED PRIORTOA FRAMING INSPECTION .TH ESE REVISONS SHALL INCLUDE PARAPET WALLDETA ILS ORSHOW CONFORMACE TO S EC 709 MEETING EXCEPTIONS THAT WOULD ALLOW THE ELIMINATION OFA PARAPET WALL Cond :CON0005559 SEECORRECTIONS LIST .ANYITEMS FOUND D URING THE COURSE OF C ONSTRUCITONAND INSPECTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WHETHER A C ORRECTIONIT EM ISLISTEDOR NOT 97UBCSEC .106.4.3 •••• **********•••*.***************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Gramalegui R000003089 Amount:$3,282 .45 Check 0 9/13/200203:12 PM Init:LC Notation:#176/Gregory Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Lo cation : B02-0274 Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT 210314301015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 larskpur lane This Payment:$3 ,282 .45 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance : $3,282.45 $3,282.45 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Acco unt Code BP 001000 0311 1100 PF 00 1000 03112300 RF11100003112700 WC 001000 031 1280 0 Descripti on BUILDIN G PERMIT FEES PLA N CHECK FEES RECRE ATI ON FEES WILL CAL L I NS PECTI ONFEE CurrentPmt s 1.740 .00 1.131.00 408.45 3 .00 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$I~gu(1 ELECTRICAL:$I!:,g'-l c.J IOTHER:$11..(0,00 0 I n,"..n"'G:$I&,u du MECHANICAL :$3 c:l...~U u I TOTAL:$350 ,c.J u v I oAE1C1#CFPorarceontact agle oumv .ssessors ffice at 970·328·8640 or VISIt www.eaale-countv.com I .e..Clt~~I ~Z.l()3/~l3 <:1'0 I$"'"I JobName:Lc.o-h~""L c.,,~Job Address:2 {;I L(Lc.r ~f""'-L""... u"'~\r U-' Legal Description II Lot:I ~~~.ik:I II Filing:II Subdivision:Vv:.\:i:A~J\.o-Ou ~'.f\ own~rs Nam~:Gree,Gru.N\~2 61'-(Lo.rk-sf)~r LA.Uv:.\1F970 '177 22-S'-( ArchltectlDeslgner:::J<..>k "Mc.r+;{\Address :p0.{J<>'i(62-\Vc..~\I co fj16S,:<f ?...l '17 72'176 Engineer:~J.t..>;/.sc)....~:~~~Address:360L.I\I)c.l'll ''Ie c;,/~r'v Dr Phone:303l?/ct qt.1 J Detailed description of work:C4..s,.u.s-«'CO ~O 10 1.{ A~++-~."..1-0 pr~r--..CA.f'r re$'iollll c-{c,/'J c..J~or;0"'"-r s~[",,,J<-"'-1 v ,,;1- Work Class:New (I)Addition (v')Remodel ()Repair ()Demo()Other () Work Type :Inter ior ()Exterior ()Both (v)DoesanEHU exist atthis location :Yes()No 9Q Typeof Bldg.:Single-family ()Two-family(./)Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other() I No .ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthis building :I No.of Accommodation Unitsinthisbuilding:\ No/Tvps of Fireplaces Existino:Gas Appliances (./)Gas toes (1 Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning() No!Type of Fireplaces Proposed :Gas Appliances til Gas toes til Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes (v)No()II DoesaFire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes()No (V')I **************************************FOR0FFie EUSE0NLy************************************** Planner Sign-off: I Accepted By:Other Fees:etc .,"}1,,,, ORB Fees;."' ". Public W:lV Permit FeA'<', \lVa illda ta\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\B LDGPERM.DOC 07/2 6/2002 __----1-_ 18/29/2002 1:37 383663913 ••••PAGE 1:11 eRO 5R.OAD5 r-NGINEERING.LLC !l602.oming C:;fory Drive Ca..tIc od<,CO .0 I ot 'O)~I 92.1 ~ph!?o-S-66'-90H Ix ._._._Ii\.._.....-...;:.::=......--.,:\'---_...._..~._~.:.. I:I Review of Steel Pier Drilling Logs Orarnalegui Residence,2614 larkspur Lane,Vail Colorado Mr.J bn Martin John.Martin Architect P.O.ox 6~1 Vail,-.lorado 816~8 Octob :r 29.2002 uhave any questions concerning this proposal,please contactthe undersigned, AcordinSto our review,the installation ofthepiers has been performed in accordance with the commendations of this office. Per e request of Mr.Greg Gtamategui,Crossroads Enatneering has reviewed the drilling logsforthesix steel helical piers Installed at the subject site. Ea of the piers were refused at shorter depths than specified onthe engineered foundation pllU •Thill refusal was due to the density oftbe soil encountered. F.ani O.Wilson,P.E. M ager TOWN OF VAILFIRE DEPARTM ENT-VAIL FIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL,CO81657 97 0-479-2135 .. NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BEPO STED ON JO BSIT E ATALLTIM ES J ob Address: Location : Par cel No: ProjectN o: ALAR M PERMIT 2614 LARKS PURLN VAIL 261 4L ARKSPURLAN E 2I03I 4301015 \'\<:SO \-0 \(5:z.... Permit#: Status ...: Appli ed ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: A0 3-0033 ~;Z -()~7'{ ISS UED 08 /18 /200 3 09 /03 /200 3 03/0112004 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L .08 /18/2003 Phone:970-477-2254 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR SUPERIOR ALARM AND ELECTRONI08/18/2003 Phone:970 -926-8788 P .O.BOX 2568 EDWARDS,CO . 81632 License:429-S APPLICANTSUPERIOR ALARM AND ELECTRONIoa/18/2003 Phone:970 -926 -8788 P .O.BOX 2568 EDWARDS,CO . 81632 License :429-S Desciption : Valuation : COMPLETE FIREA LARMS YSTEMIN DUPL EX CO NSTRUCTION $2,800.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FEESU~~~Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eleetrical-->$0.00 Total Calculated Fees->$340.00 DRB Fee-->$0 .0 0 Additional Fees-->$55 .0 0 Investigation->$0 .00 Total Permit Fec-->$395 .00 WillCall-->$3.00 Payments >$395.00 TOTALFEES ->$34 0 .00 BALANCEDUE-->$0 .0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Appro vals: Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/25/2003 mvaughan Action:AP add heat to mechanical room off garage. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*** C ONDITIONSOF APPROVAL ***••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••** DECLARATIONS Ihereb y acknowledge thatIhavereadthi s application,filledoutinfulltheinform ation requir ed,completed an accurate plotplan, and state thatallthe information as required isco rrect.Iagreeto compl y withth e information andplotplan,to comply with a ll To wno rdinancesand statelaws ,andtobuildth is stru cture a ccording tothet ownszo ningand s ubdivisioncodes,d esign review appro ved,U niformBuild ing Codeand o ther ordinanceso fth e Townapp licable thereto. REQ UESTS FORI NSPE CTION SHALL DEMAD E TIVE :"I TY-FOUR HO URS RFORHIMSELF AND OWNEF ••.. ***********.**•••**************************•••***********************************.********** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Numbe r: Payment Method: 3529 R0300 04612 Amount:$395.00 Check 0 9/03/200 308:17 AM I ni t:DDG Notation:Superior Alarm Permit No: Parcel No: S i te Address: Locat io n: A03 -0033 Type :ALARM PERMIT 2103143010 15 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAI L 2614 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment :$395.00 Total Fees : Tot al ALLPmts : Balance: $395 .00 $395 .00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Cod e 01 0000 415 30 BP 001 0000 3111100 PF 001000 031 12300 WC 00100003112 800 Desc ription ELEC IN SPEC SERVI CE S AVO FIR E ALA RM PE RMIT FEES PL ANCHECK FEE S WILL CA LL IN SPE CTION FEE Cu rrent Pmt s 55.00 105 .00 23 2.00 3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE RO AD VA IL,C O 81657 970-479-2138 MTMENT OF COMMUNIn'DEVE.NT NOTE:T HISPERMIT M USTBE POSTED O NJOBSITE ATA LLTIMES Job Address: Location: Parcel N o : P roject N o: E LECTRICA L PERMIT 2614LARKSPURLN VAIL 2614 lark spur lane 210314301015 Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Is sued ..: Expires ... E02-0196 ISSUED 09/24/2002 09/24/2002 03/23 /2003 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L . 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 L icense: CONTRACTOR GREG GRAMA LEGUI 2614 Larkspur Lane Vail ,Co 81657 License:213-L APPLICANT GREG GRAMALEGUI 261 4 Larkspur Lane Vail,Co 81657 L icense:213-L 09 /24/2002 Phone: 0 9/24/2002 Phone:(970 )477-225 4 09/24/2002 Phone:(970)477 -2254 De sciption: Valuation: temp service $1,000 .00 Eleclrical---> ORB Fee-----> Investigation-e-> Will Call---> TOTAL FEES-> $5 0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $3 .00 $53 .00 Tota l Ca lcula ted Fees--> Additional Fees--> TotalPermit Fee--> Payments > BALANCE D UE---> $53 .00 $0 .00 $53 .00 $53 .00 $0.00 Approvals: Item:0600 0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/24/2 002 df Ac tion :AP Item:0 56 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT ***********"'''*************'''''''*''''*******_**'''**Il''.''''''''*******"'••*"*******__"'.*****"'.***"'******."''''".**•••••••********_*11"*_***_******_****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG .):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS Ih erebya cknowledge that I have r ead th is application,filled out infullthe information required,completed a n a ccurate plot plan,and state that a llth e inform ation as required is correct.I agree to comply with th e information a nd plot plan,t o comply with a ll Town ordinances and sta te laws,a nd to build th iss tructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design reviewt!ved,Uniform Building Code and M dinancesofthe Town applicable thereto . REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION SH ALLBE MADE T WENTY-FOUR H OURS IN ADV~9~JlY TELEPHONEAT 479-2149 O R PM .~--r ~7 ~G------~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORH IMSELF AND OWNEr Contactand Pne #'s: '1?7 22$+ I _ I- A09( F INCOMPlETMNSIGNED r Project #:_--:I _~__---,-_ Building Permit #:,_ Electrical Permit #:--:-_-::--_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) dress: Electrical Contractor: Contractor Signature: G~ 75 S.F rontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 816 COMPLETESQ.FEETFOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) OFSQ rr IN STRUCTUR E:/SOO a;'~.+J-.-ELECTR ICAL VALUATION:$1000 - Contact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #1/03 /I.{'?OIOIS'" JobName:,-". 2G.f'-f L..~bp-4'c .....:2(''1 Lc..".b·,y_L",. I legal Description II lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision: Owne rs Name:bee",6\~B;u-l Address:2(tC(~{Aif L.,Phone:Cf??2 Z.~y Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescr iption of work: ~S"'.-e r..J ~~JLI-<!!:M~ W orkClass:New()Addition()Remodel()Repair ()Temp Power ~Othe r () WorkT ype:I nterior()Exterior ()Both (':.::bf-II ,""anEHUexist atth is location:Yes ()No ts} II Type of Bldg.:Single-family()Duplex ()O Multi-family ()Com mercial ()Restau rant ()Other() No.ofExisting Dwe lling Unitsinth is bu ilding:/No.ofAccommoda tionUnitsinthisbuild ing:I Is this permit for a hot tub :Yes()No c::r DoesaFire Alar m Exist:Yes ()No (*,II Does aFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()N°H I Other Fees:DateReceived: ORB Fees:AcceptedBy: Planner Sian-off: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ******'"*********"'*******"'************7VI) IlVail\data\cdevIFORMSIPERMITSIELECPERM.DOC 0712 612 002 TOWN OF VAIL 75S.FRONTAG E ROAD VAIL,C O8 1657 970-479-2138 NOTE:TH IS PERMIT MUST B E POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIM ES J obA ddress: Locati on : Parc el No: Proj ectN o : ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2 614LARKSPURLN VAI L 2614 LARK SPUR LANE 2 10314301015 Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: E03-0066 ISS UED 05/28/2003 05/29/2003 11 /25/2003 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L . 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC P.O.BOX 131 GYPSUM,CO 81637 License:105-E APPLICANT MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC P .O.BOX 131 GYPSUM,CO 81637 License:105-E OS/28/2003 Phone: OS/28/2003 Phone:970-524-7115 OS/28/2003 Phone:970-524-7115 D e sciption: Valuation : A DDITIONOF PRlM ARY AND S ECONDARY INAD UPLEX $4 ,000.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••F EESlJ~1~~Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Electrica l---->$72 .00 Total Ca lculated Fees-e-$75 .00 DRB Fee-->$0 .00 Additional Fees--->$0 .00 Investigation->$0 .00 Total Permit Fee---->$7 5 .00 Will Call---->$3 .00 Payments------>$75.00 TOTAL FEES-->$7 5.00 BALANCE DUE------>$0.0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT OS/28/2003 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihavereadthi s application ,filledoutinfull the information required ,completed anac curate plotplan , and stateth at allth e information asrequired is correct.I agree to comply with th e information andplotplan ,to complywith a ll To wn o rdinancesandst ate law s,andto build thi sstructureacc ording totheto wnszo ningand s ubdivis ion co des,d esign review a pproved,U niformBu ilding C ode andoth er ordinances o f theTown a pplicableth ereto. .... REQUESTS FORINSPECTION SHALLBEMADETWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BYTELEPHONE AT 479-149 ORATOUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 MI-4 PM. .... ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ****************************************.*••************************************************ S tatement Number: Payment Method: R030 004071 Amount:$75.00 Check OS/29/200301:45 PM I nit:CD Notation:#2339 Permit No : Parcel No : S ite Address : Location : E03-0066 Type:ELECTRICALP ERMIT 2 10 3 1430 1015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment:$75.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $7 5 .00 $75 .00 $0 .00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Acco untCode EP 0010 00031 11400 WC 001 0000 311 28 00 De scription TE MPO RA RY POWER PERMIT S WILL CA LL INS PECTIO NFEE Current Pm ts 72 .00 3.00 W.7tG/ Contact andPhone#'s: MIKe.ENGN FORMATIO CEIr.r.ED IF INCOMPLETE NIGNED Project #:---::--_ Building Permit #:8 Q&oa.7 4= Electrical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Town of VailReg.No.:05-6 TO Electrical Contractor: OVi'lf(tHV Et£LTf<IC Uv<:. 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 E-Mail Address: COMPLETESQ.FEETFORNEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FORALLOTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE:4/()0 IELECTRICAL VALUATION:$~D C (')•OC Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-countv.com for Parcel #....a.03 11/3 D I 01.5' '~h Name:JobAddress:~LAR.k5"f>Ut<.I-A NL.6R.A-mA LES UI f<:EMt9D£L ~t-,I ~ Legal Description II Lot:II Block:II Filing:II Subdivision:I Ownep~e:GR..A M At.£~t.>f Addressix"It}LAfC.k,<:;eo ~I nMJ I Phone:1-/17 -;:;.:as.1} Address:~e: Detailed description of work:Aqdltl~1'J oF"~g,(Y)~R.Y +SEcervDA e't' (1o'.J f+DUPU:X) WorkClass:New IX)Add ition ()Remodel (X)Repair()Temp Power()Other () Work Type:Interior ('l<J Exterior ()()Both()DoesanEHU exist at this location:Yes()No (~ ~:Single-family ()Duplex 00 Multi-family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other()•r No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthis building:J No.of Accommodation Unitsinth is building:'a Isthispermitforahottub:Yes ()No f'<) DoesaFireAlarmExist:Yes()No()II DoesaFire Sprinkler SystemExist:Yes()No()I Other Fees:Date Received: DRBFees:Accepted By: Planner Sign-off: $····~~~W~·····················FOR OFFICE USE ONlY ~. ~~ IIVailldal.lcdevIFORMSIPE RMITSIELEC PERM.DOC 0712612002 Jul .lb~q3 06:53p Jul 18 03 12:32p Jul 19 03 04:09p (970"'0331 p.2 p.2 p.1 45 +4 <><----.r .,u {"7<'1-,.......,d,U"i-;<.Cly L~hp..-I.-.~~7;~"7 ""''4.<$;''Iv <Y. S G~.1.5-: <;".1-uti.(G"r kI"...,.L,..+..r+-""\C....,,~,..,~ct:....i f.v....s .... ~u l.\lb-/o.~l 37b-2l~L , \X-rD)_cHSY ;?tt I Lj f\O_A1¥Z -W ht~ TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.F RONTAGEROAD VAIL ,CO816 57 970-47 9-2138 NOTE: DMMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELO. THISP ERMIT MUSTB E POST ED ON JOBS[TEAT ALL T IMES JobAdd ress: Location: ParcelN o : ProjectNo : MECHANICAL PERMIT 2 614LARKSP UR LNVA[L 26[4larkspurlane 210 31430[015 ~R5"0 \-{)(I 5 :L Perm it #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Ex pires..: M0 2-0268 ~O 2.-U~7 (( ISSU ED 12/30/2002 12/31/2002 0 6/29/2003 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGOR Y L. 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR R &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOULDER,CO 80303 License:184-M APPLICANTR &H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD BOULDER,CO 80303 License:184-M Desciption:hot waterbaseboard heatingandsnowmelt Valuation:$26 ,420 .00 12/30/2002 Phone :970 -477-2476 12/3 0/20 02 Phone :3 03 -543-9894 12/30/2002 Phone:303-543-9894 FireplaceInformation:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #ofGas Logs :0 #o f Wood Pellet:0"'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**FEE SUMMARY . Mechanical->$540 .00 Rcstuaranl PlanReview->$0.00 TotalCalculated Fees-«>$6 78 .00 PlanCheck->$135.00 ORR Fcc------>$0 .00 AddilionalFees----->$0 .00 Investigarion ->$0.00 TOTALFEES >$676.00 Total Permit Fee-->$67 8.00 Will Coll->$3 .00 Payments ->$678 .00 BALA.\JCE OUE-->$0.00 ..........•.•........................•...•.••••••.••................................~.•.••........................•........••..•..•.••........... Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/30/2002 GCD Act.Lon ."AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF A PPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG .):COMBUST ION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC .701 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 I MC. Cond :23 (BLDG .):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1 0 OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 •• ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ****.*************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: Mechanical 10719 R000003586 Amount:$678 .00 Check 12/31/200203:03 PM Init:DDG Notation :R &H M02-0268 Type:MECHANICAL P ERM IT 2103 143010 15 26 14 LARKS PUR LNVAIL 2614 larkspur lane Pe rmit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locati o n: This Payment :$678 .00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $678 .00 $6 78 .00 $0 .00 *******************************************************************************************. ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Ac cou ntCode MP 001000 0311 1300 PF 0010 0003 1123 00 WC 001 00003 1128 00 Descr iption MECHANIC AL PE RMIT FE ES PL AN CHECK FE ES WILL CAL L IN SPECTION FEE Curr ent Pmts 540.00 135 .00 3 .00 SHALL THE 1997 IMC . APP LIANCES SHA.VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAP.AND SPECIFIED IN SEC .B06 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER BOF (BLDG.i.GAS TERMINATE AS Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATING EQU IPMENT MUST COMP LY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC .1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC . Cond :31 (BLDG .):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond :32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED I N MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TOAN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond :30 (BLDG .):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAININGHEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALLBEEQUIPPEDWITH A FLOOR DRAINPERSEC .1 022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004 .6 OFTHE 1997 IMC . DECLARATrONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,filledoutinfulltheinformationrequired ,completed anaccurate plotplan , and statethatalltheinformationas required iscorrect .Iagreetocomplywiththe informationandplotplan ,to comply withall T ownord inances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothetownszonin g andsubdi vision code s,designreview app roved,UniformBuildin g Codeand otherord inances of theTown applicable thereto . REQUESTS FORINSPECTIONSHALLBEMADET WENTY·FOURHOURS I A ~A N C E Bl/ELEPHONE AT 47 9-2149 ORATOUR O FFICE FROM 8:00AM -4PM. ~!-r /~4-G>U1..- SIGAT 'EOF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: APPLICATION MOT BE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMP~~~~-DW ~Building Permit #::5;0;2..-Q271-S,(p~Mechanical Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &Materials TownofVailReg.No.:Cootactand Ph~f\e #'s:Y7o-31o ~.2S~LJ -/'v1 Je~~Y HJNfL CONTRACTOR INFORMAnON MechanicalContractor:p.~'11 M./~cHtfN J (.4 L Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeate -countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #1-,03 JLl30001 S JobName:(,-~/rJt1/}t-TiG()I RfZ.S 70 fi-N Ce..JobAddress:}.bIt!LAKKsPu I<.L410J E. I Legal Description II Lot:f II Block:/II Filing:II Subdivision:Ll4/L--lfI~DU',~rl I OwnersName:C-~£C.-~4LJ1'...{;v J Address:Phone:q'lO -'/77-2/91 Engineer:NA,Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork:{..lor uJk17rAt MS,'J[..bO.4fl0 f!-Jr.kTl!'I G c'S'r/o0,J M Fi'--T I Work Class:New()Addition 00 Alteration()Repair()Other() BoilerLocation:Interior.9<)Exterior ()Other()Doesan EHU existatthislocation:Yes()No() Type of Bldg :Single-family ()DuplexN Multi-fam ily ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.ofExistingDwellingUnitsinthisbuilding:No.ofAccommodationUnitsinthisbuilding: No!Tvpe of Fireplaces Exlstlnq:Gas Appliances()Gas LOQS ()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurnino() No!Typeof Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances()GasLogs()Wood/Pellet()WoodBurning(NOT ALLOWED) fromawoodburningfireplacetoan EPA Phase II device?Yes()No() \\Vail\dala\cdevIFORMSII'ERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC TdV!f .DEY. 1 3 '_I ~U I LAYER 'E X TE ~I I TYPE "X "DR YI"V SHAFT WALL. rVK :>b "LJIA .:::>t ,5 TAIRGA5E ... ., t'~~~I .......~_~1'l \~"',c£. ----\ \ \ "--+--SELF-GLO$INS, SOLID JIIlOqD,2 DO OR.(lJBO.30, \ \ \ \8 '-5~'\ =•C) -' ••=, l!)>-'I r-D-• '. f---'!c---------• 2~ \I'_2~U D PRIMAR UNIT STORAGE ~I LAYER EXTERIOR &" I TYPE"X'D RYYiALL AT'J"V'lAL LS 4 CEILlN0 .-~ 11'_11 " =-«'i ('() I ~..~~!..:......::...:.-.:.::...:~-:....-~~..:....::::.:::....:....:.,...;-f_:;.._t_-'---t_- _.,'j ....'0.--"I I .'1·.... ~; l~oOv l3nJ ' 11'-10" 11'_0" I LAYER EXTERIOR ~. TYPE 'X"DRYWALL A T lI'IALLS of GEILlN0 . , De velopment II 'Departme!1tL:::~~I'Building S ty &,n~~'X I 8 'PARKINSTOWNOFVAIL:t :rrv!cessPACE (INTERIOR) ~1ll6A.3,Uniform BuUdlDl Code,V8IId11)'l erm ttzThe issuance ."tin of.pennJt or approval of p"sand computations s.~.11 notbe construed to he a pemut fer.ell'•,or,an)'Vl O atio",r- ,"'"nf the.,pm.visiolJ:',Or Ih',~9de 0{of,III)',lilbr:r onl'I of ttiejurisd iction, "I'ermits presumin g t .....r :Jt hority to violate er caa heprovisions o itbis code or other ordi:,'he jurisdiction shaIJ nQl "id.; T issucnce of •csed on plans,sj>ecificati "and o~r data 'ha ll en lTc EHU h,~1.~1J.l fromthe reafter req 7t g the 'c orrect ;n n~ in d other da ta,or I 'preve nting b P IMARY UNIT :'2 -CAR G AG'E;'W~;'"vicl i'of t~i s :o<le2::CAR GARAGE ".....02::..--._-.-,..---_.-.,~ INITIp.L.'->,DATE:_ , I r -----------l i I I I I I I I I I ;Pro\(4'Ob~ ,O n~..\'f\or slo~ ,f1o&r--to (Jrtt,\\\' 13 "., •. • • •8"; • '\'T1n.~6-.\J\.R.e..Vle.1.J <i:\ A-Il Applr~\I~l~~~\ \S~nE.\-A~t>\tlt>- \ .~oo\-A\ @ I ~", e€.t>~OO\-A•I I! ~"\-I. ,. - E6RE~S •I ..I =..0 I N = --co-)' =In ..0-'N " .. I \~ •• Gas-F ired Residential Hydronic Boiler Reliable, Effi cient and Quiet IJUW HEATING $!STEMS .124-.I (6101 [] Tem~Pr C ~SUfe "'ugo Right Side View 24·7i8(632) PLJll -(lut----.. GasManiloltU Burner Tray Front View Inches (rn rn ) Model JVi Healing Cap.NellBR AFUE%Dimensions Water Gas Awo, BTU lhr,1000(Kill BT ~Ih"1000(KIIj ~s(mml CoM.CoM.Weighl In,,"'(in.)(in.)(Ibs.) JVI BTU Ihr Nal Pro.N 'Pro.Nat Pro,A B C Sizo X 1000(KIIj Gas Gas vas GasGas Gas_. 50 50 146 41.5 III 42.0 /23 36.1 10.5 36.5 107 83.4 840 I 13·31'8 340 3-1/8 80 2·7/8 731·114 112160 75 75 lI.9 62.3 1£2 63.0 /8.4 54.2 15.8 54.7 16.0 83.2 84.0 13-3/8 340 4·114 lOB 2 511·114 1/2 165 100 100 29.1 82.0 240 83.5 24.4 72.6 21.J 72.6 21.S 82.4 84.0 l 15-718 429 5-3/4 146 2-718 7J1·114 1/2 180 125 125 36.6 102.5 JOO 103.0 30.1 89.6 267 89.6 26.1 82.4 82.8 15-718 429 5-1/2 140 2 51 1·114 1/2 185 160 160 46.8 131 .2 J8 4 132.6 38.9 11 4.1 JJ4 115.5 JJ8 62.3 82.4 20-316 518 1-1/4 184 2 5 1 1·114 112 210 225 225 65.9 184.5 54.0 187.2 54.8 160.4 46.9 1628 47.2 82.2 832 25-518 6.51 10 254 2 5 1 1 ·114 3/4'225 ·1 /2 forpropane Model JV ~d LS:====LJ Left Side View Draft Oiverter Top View H<laliog Cap.NeIIBR A.'Ul %0Wnensi0ns BTIJI",1000(KIIj BTU.'hr'1000(KIIj Spall<.kJnobon 5tandUlg Pial lnd1es(mml Water Gas Appn 11'4JU'Coon.Conn.WI N BTUw Nal Pro.Nal Pro.Nal Pro.Nal Pro A B C 0 E V (in.)(in.)(Ibs.)Size X l 000(KIIj Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas GasGas 50 50 /46 42 /2J 43 126 36.5 107 37.4 11.0 84.4 85.4 80.2 82.0 13-3/8 340 27·3/4 705 23-518 6IJII 21·3/4 6.52 25-1/2 67J 4 10j 1·114 112 120 75 75 21.9 63 18.4 6418.7 54.8 18.0 55.6 18.J 84.0 85.2 80582.5 13-3/8 J40 27·3/4 70524·1/8 613 21·3/4 6.52 27·112 699 5 127 1·1/4 112 126 100 100 29.1 83 24 4 85 249 72.2 21.1 73.921.6 84.0 85.0 807 82.7 15-718 429 28-3/4 730 24·11861322·3/4 57827·112 699 5 127 1·114 1/2 134 125 125 38.6 104 30.1 106 31.0 90.4 28.5 92.2 21.0 83.0 845807 82.7 15-718 429 28-3.14 1JO 23-518 6IJII 22·3/4578 27.1/2 699 6152 1·11-1 1/2 138 160 160 48.8 13338.9 135 395 115.7 33.9 117.4 3"':830 848 81.0 83.0 20·316 518 28-3/4 7JO 23-5i8 600 22·3/4 57827·'/2 699 6152 1·'1-1 1/2 164 225225 65.9 186 548 190 556 161 .7 41.J 105.2 :8.4 83.2 85.0 81.583.5 25·518 651 31 ·112 800 23-11-1 591 24·3/4 629 27·112 699 7 178 1·114 3/4'181 "112 fo r propane limo In U.S.A.ItoLur"Hea t ing Systems 000 1 Docurncnt 10860 LURS HEATING SYSTEMS Waterpik T echnologies,Inc . 6000 Condor D rive,Moorpark,CA93021•805 .529.200 0 •FAX 805.529.5934 20Industrial w.,y,Roch ester.NH 03867 •603.3 35 .6300 •FAX603 .335 .3355 480S.Service x oa dW est.O akville,O ntario,C anada L6K2 H4•905.844 .8233•FAX 905.844 .2635 www.la.ars.com The C mp a ~t.ni-Therm®.. For Superb Home Heating Comfort Compact,Efficient, Dependable ... The Laars M INI-THERM g as-f ired residential hydronic bo iler featuresenergy efficiency to m inimize utility bills ,comp act construction,quiet operation andaboveall,th eabilityto deliver consistent w armthwhen outside temperatures p lummet. Ideal forbo th newhomesand replacements,t heM INI-THERM combines advanced technology with common-sense featuresin an exceptionally compa ct unit designedtokeepheat ing costs low.Thelow -mass heat exchanger and fast-acting control s designed into every M INI-THERM boi ler assure i nsta n t aneousavailabil ity of hot w ater torapid ly achieve o ccupant com fort.TheM INI- THERM isavailab le fornat ural gasorpropanein two models -t heJVandJVi -without expensive add -on accessories. Both f eature: •Small f ootpri nt •Six sizes from50 ,000-225,000 BTU/hrto fit anyhome •Horizonta l orvertical venting •Single-pointp ower con nection Valued fo r itseconomy ,;s we ll asfeatures,the JV co ntinues t o bepopu lar w it hhomeown ers. The built-in d raftdi verter, automatic ventda mper and two cast -iron wet wallsprovide performance aswe ll as dependabil ity and easeof installation .Itissmallenoughto fit th rough narrow doo rways and intosmall ut il ityareasw ith ease .Thebuil t -in draft d iverter al lows easy hook-up to existing syst em s.Noseparate ' instal lation in t hevent system isrequired .The easy-i n design saves t ime,effort and expense. •Standing pi lot (NT)or electronicin termittent rg nit i on (NS) •Up t o85.4 %AFUE •Combination out let -water tempera ture andpressure g auge Reliable,Trouble-Free Operation Allthef eatures oftheJVand more .TheJVifeat u res induced draft which allowseither horizont al orvertica l venting . TheN i boiler p rov ides in stallationflexibi lity,easy rep lacement fo r elect richeating, andt hesolutiont o de teriora t ing chimneys. Proven in residential appl ications wor ldwide ,t he MIN I-THERM 's advanced technology was dev elop ed for longlifeand dependab il i .y.The heatexchanger 's finn ed coppe r tubesprov ide unbeatable heat Horizontal (sea led)orver tical (type B)venting-yourchoice. •Reduced clearances: 2"backand left •Up to84 .0%AFUE •Sl ide -out burner tray •Easy h ig h-alt it ud eco nversion •Front-m ount edgauges •Built -in g ravity o perated vent da mper trans fer w ith consistent effic iency thrc.uqhout itslo ng opera ting li fe.Optimize you r h eatingsystem i nvestment w h i lemi nimizing yourfue l bi l ls with a trouble-free La ars MI NI-THERM . \ ..J ~,"TELEDYNE LAARS Economical "HE Efficient, Powerful , Copper Finned GasFired Hydronic Boiler (Reliable and--- ,.~ .~otOAt Electri ~al Data '{)-, Factory Provided Pumps -Standard PHBoilers replaceabl e w ithout d isassemblyo f burners or co mbus t ionchamber. Pressure relief valve is ASME ratedandisselected to provide d ischarge cap acity in excess of unit heat i nput . Combustion chamber is Tel edyne Laars'lightweight cast r efractory uti lizing calcium al uminate cement with 2 000 °F (1 093 °C)w orki ng temperature. Burncrs a re atmosph eric type co nstruct ed of AISIalloy430 (sizes 1 /5-1825)orAISI 439(sizes 2000- 5 000)stain lesssteel. Controls meet requirem ents of ANSI Standard 221 .13 and th e Canadian Gas Associat ibn st andard s and includeign ition safeguard,m anua lresethig hl i m it, operating temperature con trol. gasp ressure regulator,redun da nt elect ric gasvalve (optio nali n Ca nad a).w ater flow sensing ,and manual ga s shut -off valve. Standard contro l systems o pera tes on24VAC p owerf rom class2 transformer.Ignition saf eguard reactingtofla me fail ure inless than 0 .8 secondis standard on units abov e 400 ,000 BTU/hr. (1 17 .2 kW). Ch a ss is a nd jacket parts are of g a lvanizedsteel meeting ASTM Stand ard f or G90 coat ing.Exter ior is fi ni s he d with acrylic paint, therm oset at325 °F (163 "C). Th e warranty provides comp lete protect ion :o ne yearon mater ials and workmanship f or controls,combustion chamber, pump andta nk (if provided);five year warra nty on heat exchanger tubes (wa rran ted aga i nst therma l shock f or th e life of the boiler); andfiv e year>onall other parts. 0.8 1.6 2.1 5.4 5.8 8.8 Current (Amps) 115-1 115-1 11s-t 115-1 115-1 115-1 Voltage/Phase 1/25 1/12 1/6 1/3 1/2 3/4 Power (HPJPHSize 175 250 325-400 500·850 1010-1200 1430-1825 Energy efficiencies as h igh as 82%areachiev ed throu qh state-of-the-art design .Eff icient heat transfer andreduced standbylosses resu lt in lower operat ing cos ts . Design-ccrtific'-l by lAS (International Appr oval Services.a joint venture of A me rican Gas Assoc iatio n andCa:.a di an Gas Associat ion)und er A NSIStand ard 221.13.Boilersma y be specified for use with natural or propan e g as. Indoor and outdoor mod els are available for maximu m appl ication fle xibili ty. Working pressure of 160 psi isstand ard i n acc o rdance wi th SectionIVASME Be iler and Pressure Vesse l Co c.c,Unitsare factory t est edper ih is ASMEcode and rerjistered w it i:t h e Nat ional Board o fBoiler a nc Pressure Vessel Inspecto rsor t he il iJp licable Canadian provincia 'j urisdiction . Integral finnet'copper tubes meeting A S'v1 E specificat ion SB 75 .i re rolledd i :.x tly i nto h eaders .Heat exch mg er baffl es a ndan eiqht-fin s-j .r r-i nch tubing config u ration extr.ct combustion heat wi th max irnur .i efficiency. Heat exchange r headers conform toArti cle i ,PartHC of ASME Code.Extern al header covers arefield removablefor complete i nspection of tubi n q and header passages.Heatexcha nger is .,~ Minimu 'Clearances From Adjacent coi:\,struction Sizes 17 5-400 Sizes50 0-1825 Sizes 20 00-5000 Recommended Minimum Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Ind oor Outdoor Clea rance From inc hes mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inc hes mm in ches mm Top 37 940 Unobstructed30 762 Unobstruct ed 2 4 610 Unobstru cted Connectio n Side 12 305 Unobstructed12 305 24 610 24 610 2 4 6 10 Opposite Side 6 152 61526152 24 610 24 610 24 610 Fron t'18 457 Unobs tructed'24 610 Unob structed '24 610 Unob structed" Rear 6 152 6152 8 203 24 610 24 610 24 610 Vent "6 '5 2 -"6 152 -"6 152 -1 ·" Note:Base forcombust t .zle flooring stand ardono u td oorsize s500 to182 5.Indoor size s ~0 0 to 182 5 m ust b e ins talled on non -combus tib lef loorsor withba se for cornbustib.e floors(Teledyne te arso ptio nalb ase A.G.A.des ign certified).Ind o orsizes 2000 -5000 an d outdoor sizes2 200-4500requ ire installationo nnon-com i-ustib le f loors. ·At least 48 "(1219m rr.:clearanc e sh ould beprovi d ed in front of the b oile r for maintenance ac cessibi lity (removal of burners,etc.). ""1 "(2 5mm)ifd ouble w a ll vent is used . ".....,.",..'...,~-'Dimension Daf ;Y '.'.;~.:·~t -•,I ,'. Indoor M o dels Outdoor Models Notes :1 .In p ut a nd o ut put m us t be d er a t ed 4 %p er10 00 f e et a bo vesea leve l w hen in st alle da bove 20 0 0f e et a lt itu de 2 .Dimension s ar eno m inal. 3 .Units withpump s:Add20Ibs .(9 kg)t o sizes 175·400a nd55 lb s .(25 kg)t osizes 500 -18 2 5. 4.Wh en two ga s con n e c tio n s ize s ar e s ho w n,th esm alle r appliest ot hestandard g astr ain,w h ile th e la rge r a p p liest o o pt iona l t ra ins.Consu lt fa ctory fo r exac t speci fic ati ons . s.Vent damperrequ ired fo ro nly u .s.ind o or insta lla ti onso f size s 17 ·~-2 5 0 .For ve n t d im ension w itho ut vent dam p er a dd 5-(127mm)fo r s iz e17 5. Deduct 5'1..(133mm)for s ize 250 . Wa ter Gas Con n .! IBR Not Co nn ect ion!Size Shipping Outdoor In put'Out put'Rating'Size -inches NPT inc hes Dimensio ns!-in ches (mm)Weig h P Size MBTUIh k W MBTlJ/h kW MBTU /h kW Nat ur al-l P'NPT A B C V Ibs.k g. 175 17 5 5 1 13 7 4 0 11935 '/2.3/4 '"11h 18 457 27 68 6 14 '{,6 35 7 6 1522 55 116 250 250 73 19 557 170 50 'I.'j,1'h 22 '/2 572 3 1 '/.794 18'1.473 7178 285 129 32532595254 74220 65 'I.'"1'h 263/4 6 79 35]/.908 19 3/16 487 8 203 32 5 148 4 00 400 11731 2 9127 179 'I.'I.P h 3 1)/4 806 4 0 lJ.103.r.22'1.5 75 9 229 3 60 163 500500 14 7 4 10 120 35 7 105 1 'I.2 33'/.85 7 45 '/.1149 --75 1 3 41 600 600 176 492144 428 1251 'I.2 3 8 3/.984 50'/.12 76 --82 1 3 73 715 71 5 2 10 586 172 510 149 1 'I.2 44 '/.1124 5 5]/./416 --906 4 11 850 850 2 49 697 204 606 178 1 'I.2 50 3/4 1289 6 2'/.158 1 --1000 454 1010 101029 6 828 2 43 72 0 211 1'/4 1 2'12 58 1473 69 1h 1765 --945 429 1200 1200 352 984 288 85 6 25 1 1'/.1 2'12 6 6 1/4 1683 77 3/.19 75 --1 185 538 1430 1430 4 19 1173 344 1020299 1'/.11/.2 112 76 1930 87 '"2223 --1330 604 16 70 1670 489 1370 40 1 1191 349 1'12 1'/.2112 8 5'h 2 172 97 2464 --14 90 6 76 1825182 5 53 5 14974391302 382 1'12 1'/..2'"92'/.2 343 103'1.2635 --1630 740 2200220 5 646 17 86 523 1553 455 1'12 ·2 1'!z 4 i 6 5'"1664 83 2 108 --23 00 1044 2800 2745 804 2223 65 119335 66 1'/2-2 1'h 4 7 8 /98 1 95'h 2426 --2670 12 12 320031509232 552 748 2 2 19 650 2 1'/1 4 88 2235 1 05 '12 2 68 0 --2750 1249 3600 3645 1068 29 528 65 25 67752 2-2'12 24 100'"2553 1182997 --31 75 /44 1 400 0 4050 118 7 3281 96 1 285 3 83 6 2112 2 4 1 10'/2 280 7 128 32 51 --3380 1535 450045 00 1319 3645 1068 317 0 9 29 2'12 24 12331 24 1 40112 35 69 --379 0 172 1 Wa ter Gas Conn .! IBR Not Connection'Size Ship pinq Indoor In put 'Ou tput 'Rat ing'Size -inchesNPT inch es Dime nsio ns"')-inch es {mm }We ighP Size MB TU/h kW MBTU/h kW M8TU/h k W Natural-l P'NPT A B C V Ibs.kgs 175 175 51142 42 1233 6 I/z-J/.'I,1'h 18457 27 686 23 'j,597 6 152255116 250 250 73203 60 17652 'I.'j,1'/2 22 111 572 31 'h 800 24 3/.62 9 7178 255 116 3 25 32595 2637 7 22967 'I.'j,1'h 26)/.6 79 35 3{1I 90825'1.65 7 B 203 325 148 40 0 400 117 324 9 5 28 2 83 'I.'j,Ph 3P/.8 06 40 1/.1035 26 1/a 68 3 9 229 360 163 500 500147 40 5 119 325 95 1 3/.-1 2 33 5/.854 45'/..1 149 23 5/a 600 10 254 612 2 78 600 600 176 486 143 4 23 124 1 3/.-'2 38 5/.981 50 '/.127G 22 5/.575 12 30 5 7 02 319 .~~715 715 2 10 579 170 504 148 1 3/4 -,2 44'/•1124 55'1.1416 22 5/.575 12305 750 3 40 8 508 502 4968 9 202 59 9176 1 _1 1/~3/4_1'/4 2 50'/0 128 6 6 2 '/4 1581 2 1 5/.5 49 14 35 6 8 30 3 77 10 1010 10 29 6 818 240 711 208 1'/.1-1'/.2 1h 58 1473 6 9'h 1765 20 '/.52 416 406 945429 1200 1200 352 972 2858 45 248 1'/4 j,1'/4 »),66'/4 1683 7 7 3/4 1975 20 "'8 524 16 406 995 451 1430 14304 19 115833 9 1007 295 1'/4 1't«2 111 7 6 1930 87'12 2223 19'/.498 18 45 7 1080 490 1670 167048 9 1353 396 1 176 3 45 ,'/4-"12 1'/4 rt.85'1.21 69 97 246 4 19 '/.498 18 457 1 175 533 1825 1825535 , 433 1285 1'/.-1112 1'/.2'12 92 1/.2340 103 '1.19'1.1478 37 7 263 5 498 18457 127 0 5 76 200 0 2000586 1639 480 14 25 4 18 1'/J l '/4-"h 4 :;5 '/2 1410 73 1854 24'/4 6 16 22 559 181 5 823 24 50 24507182009589 1747 51 2 1'12 -2 I 'll 4 6 5'12 1664 83 2 108 24 '12 616 24 6 10 1950 88 5 30 50 3050 89 4 250 1 733 2 175 6372 I 'll 4 78198 1 95'h 2426 2 4 'h 6 16 26 6 60 210 0 953 350 0 3 500 1026 28 70 841 24967312 1'/2 4 8 8 2235 105'12 2680 24'/2 622 2871 1 2237 10 16 40 50 405 0 1186 3 3219 73 2888 8 46 2-2'12 2 4 100'/2 2 553 11 8 2997 24'j,6 16 30 762 2555 1160 4 500450 0 13 18 369 0 1081 32 09 940 2'/2 2 4 110 '"2807 12832 51 24'"6 16 32 813 2750 1249 50005000 1465 41 00 1201 3 565 1045 2'12 2 4 1 23 3 124 14 0'h 3569 24 'h 61 6 34 834 30 50 1385 e -. I .,.~•.'II..'..,r-.'"Dim .nSlon,.Diagrams Indoor/Ou tdoor ,_l OO T 1 1~,.:~~~ 1 /~I \ InletOutlet Top ••Ca st Iron 5 '14,Bronze 23j. ...Vent damperrequired onlyfor U.S. indoor installations of sizes 175·250 c '"[P'1 ~'~'''~I f---2611 --i (673)Ca st Iron 11'1.(289) Side 6 1 (1549 ) SideFront 29j7) ~L.-28'1.----l (432)(7 18) Side B 58 (1473) 12\01 1Pump (3 f' 1)L ~G a s Con n A -@ ~l!~~. Top Indoor Ou tdoo r Sizes 2000-5000 Sizes 2200-4500 7 Y,O utlet Whe n SinglePa ss (191)Hea tExchangeris Specified1I~O ut l e l ' ~.If! W AB ~iUl.'~I~-J Top 40~(1 0 1 6 )--J 10 20 -J 4% (254)(508)1 '-M q _1;6Yo 170 (410)(1778)-II-11 r.~(303 37 (940 ) 54'/,-.1 (1384) Side Front I 74 ----(1880 )'-----1 -18 % (479 Indoor O utdoor D imensions shown are inches (mm ). U-Values:R-11=.090 .. Heat Loss Calculations R-19=.052 .. R-30=.033 R-2.8=.357 Area/Sq.Ft.)R-Value U UA DT Required Output(BTU/H) Floors :/-10t-/I .oqo /q1,;?o '7751 ::L eos 30 ;03-:><tf,J 90 --;120Ceiling,(;; Walls :3 cv(.,i1 ,o5J,--I ,C;~,/C/O /Y(:;G 7I 901 ~.r ,~51 '35 ')~I CI(J / Windows 31 779 L/?:>?f i el .;.:ti-l X o/(}I Infiltration -:-f OOiJ ;<,'75 21 (:>7,I Address: Address : Phone: /1"0 (5rV/¢ ;!-fo rD)!,£.,.PH TOWNOFVAIL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 N OTE: DMMENT OFCOMMUNITY DEVELOe THISPERMIT MUST BEPOSTEDON lOB SIT E ATALLTIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit#:M03-0137 J)Cl2 ·o.n y JobAddre ss: Location : ParcelNo: ProjectNo: 2614LARKSPURLNVAIL 2614 LARKSPUR LANE 210314 301015 "R::m ('0 '15J... Statu s ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expir es..: ISSUED 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 0 1/28/2004 OWNER GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L .08/01/2003 Phone :970-477-2254 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE,INC.(THE)08/01/2003 Phone:970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN,CO 81645 License:174-M APPLICANT John G.Martin,AIA-Architec08/01/2003 Phone:970 -477-2476 PO Box 621 Vail,CO 81658 License: Desciption:EASTSIDEINSTALL T IONOFABVENT GASFIREPLACE. WESTSIDE :INSTALLATION OFABVENTAND3DIRECTVENTGAS FIREPLACES Valuation :$9 ,000.00 FireplaceInfonnation:Restricted:Y #ofGasAppliances:0 #ofGas Logs:0 #ofWood Pellet:0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••FE ES U~~ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MechanicaJ ->$180.00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0.00 Total Calculated Fees->$2 28.00 Plan Check->$4 5.00 ORBFee >$0.00 Additional Fees-->$0.00 lnvestigation->$0 .00TOTALFEES--->$228 .00 TotalPenn itFee >$22 8 .00 Will Call->$3 .00 Payments >$228 .00 BALANCEDUE-->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Oa/Ol/2003 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOFAPPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . Cond :22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PERSEC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,ORSECTION 701 OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10OFTHE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER~THE 1997 IMC.4IMIt Cond:25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALLBE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8OFTHE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESSTOHEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3OFTHE 1997 IMC . Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALLBE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST .UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond :32 (BLDG .):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BEPOSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST . Cond:30 (BLDG .):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATINGOR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERSSHALLBEEQUIPPEDWITHA FLOOR DRAINPER SEC.1022 OFTHE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OFTHE 1997 IMC. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARA nONS Ihereby acknowledge thatIhavereadthis application,tilledoutinfulltheinformationrequired,completedan accurate plotplan , andstatethatalltheinformationasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomplywiththeinformationandplotplan ,tocomplywithall Town ordinances andstatelaws,andtobuildthis structure according tothe towns zoningand subdivision codes,designreview approved ,Uniform Building Codeandother ordinances of theTown applicable thereto . REQU ESTS FORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ".NE AT479-2149OR AT OUROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNEF .... ••****************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL ,COLORADO Statement *****************.************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method : Exchange 4381 R030004425 Amount:$228 .00 Check 08/01/200312:19 PM Init:DDG Notation :Hearth Permit No : Parcel No: Site Address: Location : M03-0137 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 210314301015 2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL 2614 LARKSPUR LANE This Payment:$228.00 Total Fees : Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $228.00 $228 .00 $0 .00 *******************************************************.*********.*•••*******••***••***.**** ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Ac count Code MP 0010000 3111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 0010000311 2800 Description MECHANICAL PERM IT FEE S PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmt s 180.00 45 .00 3.00 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 .... ProjeCt #:~~~--''--_ Building Permit #:~_ Mechanical Permit #:=r_---- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT MECHANICAL :$ Contact Ea Ie Coun Assessors Offlce at 970 -328-8640 or visit www.eo 1e-coun .com for Parcel # Parcel #02/0:J /~:JO hi.>'0 0 •0 ~~ Job Address:-'?.r .0 /•• o •oi'co/f"--...,.£'Q/"?/I. Repair ()Other() Address: Address: Block:oj . WorkOass:New ()Addition ()Alteration (X) Job Name'.'C"'4mo/e v /, Detailed description of work:ca.ST'5~:~~_,...---.0'/c;..~':'1/'_"-c:::;..S e-s""s.,;;.!.z:;.~-/o.#'_;t/b¥r ~a.<j;"J4,,,r 11--"]- Engineer: Boiler location:Interior ()Exterior ()Other()Does an EHU exist at this location:YES ()o () Typeof Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex oo MUlti -family ()Commercial ()Reslllurant ()Other() No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsin this building:No.of Accommodation Units in this building: F:/everyone/farms/rnechpenn Wood Bumin () Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) No r MAl CTM zrepla-cesPLEASEREADTHISMANUAL BEFOREINSTALLING ANDUSINGAPPLIANCE. ... ..INSTALLER/CONSUMER SAFETY INFORMATION I MPO RTANT:Readall instruc- tionsandwarnings carefully before starting installation . Failure tofollowthese instruc- t ions mayresultina possible fire hazard andwillvoidthe warranty. WARNING:Ifthe information in this manualisnot followed exactly,afireor explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury orlossoflife. FORYOURSAFETY Installation and service must be performed bya qualified s ervice agency,or the 9 :"..-r-.i er,Do not store or use gasoline or other flam- mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this orany other ,0 l a n ce, F{O URSAFETY If you smell gas: 1.Open windows 2.Do not touch electrical switches. 3.Do not try to light any appli- ance. 4.Extinguish any open flame. 5.Do not use the phone in your bUilding. 6.Immediately call your gas s u pplier from a neighbor's phone. 7.Follow your gas supplier's instructions. 8.If you cannot reach your gas supplier,callthe fire depart- ment. Decorative Gas Appliances NVSTK36 NVCVK36 ,.. ,, ,---., ~,I ; ~.,, FP653 Installation and Homeowners Operating Instructions INSTALLER:DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUAL Leave in fireplace f or homeowner. l'1aJestic®NVSTR /NVC~eS ____It- TABL OF CONTENTS Specifications andFraming 3 Generallnformation 5 Parts10andChase Installation 7 Appliance ln st cltation 9 LogInstallati c n 13 Operating Instructions 15 Maintenance 17 Troubleshooting -Standing Pilot 19 Troubleshooting -Synetek Ignition20 Troubleshooting -Honeywell Ignition 21 Replacement Parts 22 Accessories 24 , -, ----------Maje.NVSTR /NVCVR Series NVSTR36SeriesGas Appliance g~~~hng 2LJr:!:"426"01'[ p I ~_['Va"RECESSED •-=NAILING-Io::::=========r l I FLANG E ....RoughOpeningWidth41'~ Rough Opening Heig~h~t -1~~~s;:=§~~==~~m 36 "OUTSIDE 40'12" AIR 36 "21' GASLINE ~CCESS ELE CTR ICAL !I °0ACCESS7'h" .r.;-----L-3 '12" -l I.·1 --16Y2 ----r 40'12" FP651 Fig.1.NVS TR36 Series specification andfram ing dimensions. NVCVR36 Series Gas Appliance -CoveModel 0/8"FRAMING RECESS I~ FP652 ELECTRICAL ACCESS OUTSIDE AIR +·1 .6"DIA. , r n I\ & 7'h" 36 "21 " i 7Y2" ~- ---4 0 'h"--- i Rough 22 ¥."Op eningiDepth~~~~~~~~~~~~RECESSED L %"NAILING FLANGE I· Rough O penin g HeightnnrIr 140W 36 " I Fig .2.NVCVR36 Ser ies specification andfram ing d imensions . .3 Maj~stic@ NVSTR /NvcvR4ttes GENERAL INFORMATION Thisgas appliance shouldbe installed bya qualified installer i n accordance withlocalbuilding codesandwith current CAN /CGA-B149 (.1 or.2) Installation codesforGasBurn ing Appliances andEqu ipment. FORU.S.AInstallations follow localcodesand/or thecurr ent Nat ional FuelGasCode . ANSI Z223.1. FORSAFE INSTALLATION ANDOPERATION OFYOURINSTA-FLAME NATURAL DRAFT APPLIANCE PLEASE NOTETHE FOLLOWING: 1.Th is appliance givesoffhigh temperatures and should be located outofhightraffic areas andaway from furniture and draperies. 2.Ch ildren andadults should bealerted tothe hazards ofthehigh surface temperatures of this appliance and should stay away toavoid burnsor ignition ofcloth ing. 3.Children should be carefully supervised when theyareinthesameroomas your appliance. 4 .Underno circumstances shouldthis appliance bemodified.Parts having toberemovedfor servicing shouldbereplaced prior to operat- ingthis appliance again. 5.Installationandanyrepairstothis appliance shouldbecarriedoutbya qualified service person.Aprofess ional servicepersonshould be contacted to inspectthis appliance annu- ally.Makeita practice tohaveallof your gas appliances checked annually.More frequent cleaningmayberequiredduetoexcesslintand dustfromcarpeting,beddingmaterial,etc. 6.Cont ro c om partment s ,burners andairpas- sages inthis appliance shouldbekeptclean andfreeofdustandlint.Makesurethatthe gasvalveandpilotlight areturnedoffbefore you attempt tocleanthisunit. .. 7.Theventing system (chimney)ofth is appli- ance shouldbe checked atleast once ayear andif needed your venting system shouldbe cleaned . 8 .Keepthearea around your appliance clearof combustible materials ,gasoline and other flammable vapour andliquids.This appliance shou ld notbeusedasadry ing rackfor cloth ing,nor should Christmas stockings or de corations behungintheareaof it. 9.Under no circumstances shouldanysolid fuels(wood ,coal,paper or cardboard etc.)be usedinthis appliance. 10.Theflowof combustion and ventilation air mustnotbe obstructed inanyway . 11 .Whether the appliance is installed directly on c arpeting,vinyltileorany combustible mate - rial other than wood ,th is appliance mustbe insta lled onametalorwoodpanelextending thefullwidthanddepthofthe appliance. 12.Th is appliance requires adequate ventilation and combustion airto operate properly. DESCRIPTION NVSTR/NVCSR Series areradiant,natural draft appliances andusea6"B-ventsystem.Donot burnwoodor other materials inthese appliances. Eachmodelis available withstanding pilot or electronic ignition forusewithNaturalorPropane gasunits . Reporttoyour dealer anyparts damaged in shipment. Adequate combustion and ventilation a ir mustbe provided.Theflowof combustion and ventilation airMUSTNOTbe obstructed. Provide adequate clearances aroundtheair open ingintothe combustion chamber;and adequate accessibil ity clearance for servicing and proper operation.NEVER obstructthe front openingofthe appliance. ---------- T he 6"vent system MUST connect t otheappli - ance andterm inate out-of-doors inavertical positionand terminate withaB-vent cap. Thisappl iance mustnotbe connected toachim- neyf lue servic ing a separate so lid-fuel burning ap pliance. MINIMUM CLEARANCES Hajes.VSTR /NVCVR Series HIGHELEVATIONDERATING Inputratingsaresho wn inBTU p er hr-ur andare forelevations upto 4,500 (1370m )i e et. For elevations above 4,500 (1370m)feet ,ratings shouldbereducedattherateoffour(4)perce nt foreach1 ,000 feetabovesea level. CANADA:When installing thisunitatanelevat ion above 1370m (4,500 feet),checkwith local author ities . Minimum Clearance to Combustibles inches mm Sides,floor,back ,top(dim .tostandoffs)0 0 B-vent 1 25 Perpendicular sidewall 6"0 Topofunittoceiling ,fronlofunitto 36 914combustibles(Seepage14,Fig.17) Mantle dimensions vary(Seepage14, Figure 16) Table 1.Minimum clearances to combustibles.FP654 GAS SPECIFICATIONS Mode l Fuel Gas Control Max .Min. Input Input NVSTR36 Natural Millivolt HilLo 41,000 29 ,000NVCVR36 NVSTR36 Propane Millivolt HilLo 41,000 31 ,500NVCVR36 N VSTR36 Natural Electronic Ignition 41 ,000 29.500NVCVR36 NVSTR36 Propane Electronic Ignition 41 ,000 31 ,500NVCVR36 GASSUPPLY PRESSURES Table3.Gas specifications.FP655 This app liancemustbe isolated fromthegas su -:J:pi ng system by closing its individual rna nu a snut offvalve during any pressure equal toorlessthan1/2psig(3.45kPa). The appliance andits individual shutoffvalve mustbe disconnected fromthegassupplypiping system du ring any pressure testingofthat system attest pressures in excess of1/2psig(3.45kPa). NATURAL LP Inlet Minimum 4.S"W.C.11 "W.C. Inlet Maximum 10.S"W.C.13"W.C. Input Adjustment 7.0"W.C.11 "W.C. Manifold Pressure 3.5"W .C.10"W.C. Table2.Gassupply pressures . _r-.NNING Planningthe installation isan importantf irst step: itwillsavetimeandmoneylaterintheactual installation.In planning theinstallation ,consider : 1.Where the appliance willbelocated. 2.Where/how theventingwillrun. 3.All components neededto complete the project. Majest ic does not manufacture B-Ventp ipe or its component parts.When purchasing B-Ventpipe components besuretopickupthe installation instructions. 5 Maj~StiC~NVSTR /NVCV.S -----tp!---- Parts Identification andChase Installation (Insulation methods shown are optional for c old climate.not a requirement forun it operation.) *00 not install header untilunitis in plr .~ SeePage8."M cuntir ; theAppliance ." '---GRATE '---FIREBOX '----VALVECOVERPLATE ::2U---STANDOFF ./"'~""~1 /--SURROUND ~~;;~3""1-----TERMINATIONCAP ~---STORMCOLLAR PANFLASHING CEILINGLEVEL /Hf----DRAFTSTOP FIRESTOP ::~~~~~F ;~~k~ BAIT INSULATION (cutoutaround firestop)---_____ NAILINGFLANGE ELECTRICAL ----;;>"'SZ;O"~i~ ACCESS OUTSIDEAIR -----.J<:v-.JI.V COVERPLATE Fig.5.P ans id e n tificatio n a nd NV ST Rsys tem installa t i on . [j -----@---- PartsIdent ificationand Chase Insta llation (Insulat ionmethodsshownareoptional l orco ld climate,nota requirementforun it operation .) 'Do not insta llheader untilunitis inplace . SeePage8,"Mounting the Appliance." ELECTRICAL ACCESS (onsi de) OUTSIDEAIR COVERPLATE (onside) "'---SCRE EN '---GRATE "---FIREBO X "----V ALV E COVERPLA TE ;;lJ.-----STANDOFF ~--SURROUND ...,...,--NAILING FLANGE ...--;,+-+1----DRAFTSTOP ..E;~~~~''''-----TERM INATION CAP ...-----STORMCOLLAR PAN FLASHING CEILING LEVEL --U~~~[:;~~j~t~frf~:I::~ BAn IN SULATION (cutoutaround lire stop)--." FIRESTOP -----+-If--..-=::::~::: FP657 Fig.6.Parts identification and NVCVRsystem installation. 7 ------------ MOUNTING THE APPLIANCE The appliance sh ould only be mounted onthe followi ng surfaces: •A flat co mbustible (burnable)surface. •A ra ised wooden platform. •A concrete block or other solid object placed beneath eachofthefour corners Tomountthe appliance: 1.Chooseunit location. 2.Eight(8)nailing flanges aresuppl ied withthe NVSTRfireplace (foundonthefireplace hearth).Fou r(4)nailingflang es are supplied withtheNVCVRfireplace.Toleveltheboxand secureitfirmlyinplace ,removethenailing flanges fromthehearthandinstallatth e sid es ofthe fireplace asshowninFigure7 . 8 '-----------,IHft-NAIL TO P STANDOFFS NVSTR36 '--------fiift--NAIL TOP STANDOFFS NAILFOUR FLAN GES ~._/ NVCVR36 FP65B Fig.7.Adjustabledrywallstrip(nailingflange). Gas SupplyLine _____M _ NST LLATION Tobe sure that each step of the appliance installation is completed i n order,use the check-off boxes provided. U 1.FRAMING Framingcantakeplacebeforeoraftertheappli- anceissetinplace.Theframingshouldbe posit ionedto accommodate thewallcoveringand facing mate rial.Framingmaterialshouldbe 2x4 orheavie r.Framing headers mayrestontopof standoff.(SeePages3-4 ,Figures1-4forappli- ance andfram ing dimensions.) =_.r.';;;3 AS LINEFROMITS SOURCE TO THE INSTALLATION Ifgasp iping fromthe source tothe appliance locationhasnotbeen accomplished,installthe requiredpipe.Consultlocalplumbingcodeto "c··,·-:---"'oer pipesize. Thegas p ipeline canbebroughtinthrough t~e right side(facingthecontrolside)oftheappli- ance.Aknockoutisprovidedtoallowforthegas pipeinsta llation andtestingofanygasconnec - tr,'O . N i ;....'i ne gasline connection canbemadewith properlytinned 3/8"copper tubing,1/2"rigidpipe or anapprovedflexconnector,thenreducedto 3/8"to t he appl iance.Because some municipali- tieshave someadditionallocalcodes,itisalways besttoconsultyourlocalauthority. U.S.:Consultthe current NationalFuelGasCode , ANSI Z223.1 CANADA:CGA-B 149(.1 or.2)installation code. Maj e M vSTR /NVC VR S eries ,11 2 "GASSU PPLY ~~1 /2 "x 3/8"SHUT-OFFVALVE -......j({(fj ,r3/8 "NIPPLE(r 3/8"U NION~~3/8"<s»r NIPPL EI·foo .. FP 598 Fig .8.Typical g assuppl y Installation. Always check for gas leaks with a mild soap and water solution.Do not use an open flame for leak testing. Thegascontro l isequippedwithacaptured screwtypepressuretestpoint,therefore itisnot necessary to providea 1/8"testpointupstream ofthecontro l. Whenusingcopperorflex connector useonly approvedfittings.Always provide a union so thatgas line canbeeasilydisconnected for burnerorfanservicing.Seegasspeci fication for pressuredetailsand ratings.NOTE :Iffle x con - nectorisused ,itmustbekeptinsideofthe ?-""::ance.SeeFigure 8. 9 ------------ o 3.ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP FOR E-MODELS -EB1 (Receptacle)HOOK-UP: A A ttach wh itewi refrompowersource to one(1)wireofreceptacleandsecure withanut.Attachblackwirefrom powersourcetothe other wireofthe receptacleandsecurewithanut.Besurenuts aretighten ed securely. O.ce the fi replace is secured,comp lete the wiring.Removeknockoutinthecenteroftheback oftheEB1andinstalllisted cableclamps .Feed electrical wi re through cable clam p leav ing ap- prox imately six (6)inchesofwireexposed throughthe EB1 .Securecableclamptothewire. FPSBO ELECTRICAL BOX OUTSIDE INSIDE J Wiring should be installed by a certified electrician. Turn off circuit breaker before wiring models. A Attachthecoverplatetothefireplace.SeeFig.9. U.S.INSTALLATIONS:FOLLOW LOCAL CODESANDTHENATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE,ANSI/NFPANO.70. CANADIAN INSTALLATIONS:FOLLOWLOCAL CODESANDTHECURRENTCSAC22 .1 CANA- DIAN ELECTRICAL CODE. /0 ____e-Maje"-YVSTR /I'fVCVR Se ries OL''';' BLUE 4(JVA TRANSF ORMER GREEN h::-:=-----ltI 3 &WHI TE 2411A::.RTN z ~ A Synetek Ignition FP382 1.Threadwirethroughthe electrical knockout locatedonsideofunit.Donotcutwir e or insulationonmetal edges.Ensure thatwireis protected.Runthe other endtoa conveniently locatedwallreceptaclebox . 2.Attachwiretoswitch and install switchinto receptaclebox.Attach cover plate toswitch . R Models ON/OFF SW ITCH Fig .10 .Remote switch wiringforRModels . o 4.REMOTE WALL SWITCH Fig.11.Remoteswitch w iring forEMode ls. FP 6iO FP650 W HITE B L ACK •O N·QFI= ~:SW I TC H NOVASIT 822VALVE '---;;;-;;;",----J Bt.ACK WHItt:. HONEYWEll S8600 B IGNITION MODULE GREEk .1OVA ~RAA SF O RM EA B Honeywell Ignition CAUTION:DONOT WIRE MILLIVOLT REMOTE A WALL SWITCHFOR GAS APPLI- ANCETOA 120V POWER SUPPLY. Forlighting instructions ,see pages 15-16. Withtheelectricalandwall switch wiringcon- nected,gentlyslide orliftthe appliance to th e desiredlocation. If nai lingflangesarenot already install ed ,atta ch fla ngeswiththescrews provided. Makesureapplianceislevel.Shimming may be required. Secure app liance inplacebyna iling o r screwing throug h nailingflangesintoframi ng.NOTE :Be suretoallowproperspacefor sheet rock. 3 .Connectwiringtogasvalve.See Figure10 or 11 (AorB)andfollowtheappropriatediagram . o 5.SLIDETHE APPLIANCE IN PLACE o 6.LEVEL AND SECURE THE APPLIANCE lJ _____M _ D 7 .MEASURE/CUT/FRAME CEILING HOLE (NON-CHASE INSTALLATION) Seeventing installation instructions provided by theB-Vent manufacturer. D 8.INSTALL THE VENTING SYSTEM, FLA SHI NG A ND T ER MINATION Forfirestopposit ioning,seeFig .12.On lyone (1) firestoprequiredperframe.NOTE :Afirestop is notrequiredattheroof. D 9.INSTALL OUTSIDE AIR KIT- MODEL AK-MST S e eseparate instructi onspro vided W itl l ou tsi '8 airkit. ~ OJa.10 +-+-+---,l:lI) ~c+--+--+---+--1 I:lI) ::J () '---r-+-+-+--la:.9 _;t:: -+--ll-+--+--+--i Cll c-.!:!::l--+--+--+-+-+--+-1 ...0~0-+-+--+--.o1I--+--+---I g 40 38 36 34 32 30 .28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 L...-.l....-..L..-...l...--'---'--'--'--'----"---' •=Acceptable venting configurat ion D =Unacceptable venting configuration ~JOI ST Attic Installation Firestop positionwhenareaaboveceiling is an atnc, l-NAILS(4) ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==i7. Ceiling Installation Firestopposition whenareaabove ceiling is NOTanallic . Seeven ting installatio n instructions provided by the B-VE.t ma n ufact u re r, SeeFigures 1-4on Pages3-4tolocate chimney centerlinedimensionfromacombust ible backwall. •Minimum v ertical chimney height -12 feet (3.65m). •Maximum vertical height -40 feet (12m). •Minimum height with two elbows -12 f eet (3.65m) •Elbow r eq u lr ern s t s allow a maximum o f ,. 90 degree elbows or four 45 degree elbows per installation.(Two 45 degree elbows = One90 degree elbow.)See venting chart for proper el bow o ff et runs. Lc31l1;-d III (Firestopldraftstop appearancesmay vary.Only 1firestop requiredperframe.) FP384 A :Vertical installations upto40feet(12m)in height.Uptoa6ft.horizontal ventruncanbe installedwithinthevent system usinga maximum oftwoeO-degree elbows or four 45-degree elbows. B:Vertical insta llations upto40feel (1 2m)in height.Uptoa 10ft.horizontal vent run ca n be installed within thevent system usinga maximum oftwo 45·degree elbows. FP567 Fig .12.Firestop/d raftstop positions.Table 4.Venting configurations . /2 _____e- o 10.L OGINSTALLATION 1.Op englass door (ifinstalled). 2 .Rem ove logsfromthe packaging.(Aswithall plastic,thesebagsarenottoysandshould always beke pt away fro m childrenand infants.) 3 .Place rearlogonback bracket.Ensure that log is firml y positioned and there isnosid e-t o-side mo vement. 4.Place thef ront logonthefron t bracket.Ensure t nat the logis firmlypos itioned a nd ther eisno s ide toside movement. 5.Place thefou r toplogsontothefrontandrear logsasshown inFig.13.Ensure thatthelogs are secureonthetabs located onthefrontand r C"-..!........~ 6 .End lo g isusedwith NVCVR only. Ember Material Placement Separate the ember material intosmallpieces, .ir:di ameterandp lace on the b "'_...;..__.th e lower burner tubes .Donot pack down ;leavein loose,fluffyconditionforthe most rea listic embe reffect.SeeFigure14. MajeS _~STR /I'1VCVR Series , ~/ ~~~~~~~~~~~§~EnoLoq used wunL.::NVCVR onl,/ FP 659 Fig.13.NVSTR3 6 and NVCVR36 logplac ement. Lava Rock Th -<nrovidedwiththis fireplace mustbe placedon tnefireboxbaseoneithersideofthebumer assembly.Donotplacelava rock in combustion pan. Under no circumstances should lava rock bep laced on any part of the burner assembly. o 11.OPTIONAL THERMAL VENT DAMPER (TVD6f7) Attachthethermalvent damper tothe combus- t io n dome with 2screws.Besurethe tabpo ints down .See Figur e 15. Start the app liance and operate it forap proxi- mately 5 m inutes.Turntheunitoffandc heckif the v entdamp eris in theopenpos ition(blades d own fr omt he hor izontal pos ition).Ifthe damper has no topened,check installation . NO TE :Not f orusein Canada . (Overhead View) Fig .14.Emberplacement . TAB ----.... Fig.15.Attach thethermalventd amper. 1/2"DIA. FP 660 13 _____M _ v l COMBUSTION CHAMBER OPENING 7"7 TT :;;' W ~.. // %: x r;§3-I I I ~A y t--WALL B ::;; T // C Z ;;~ D ~' 1 ~-~ E ~--------, Mantel Clearances Whenfinishingtheappliance.neverobstructor modifytheairinlet/outletgrillesin anymanner. Finishthewallwiththematerialofyourchoi ce. SeeFigure16and17forspecificclearances wheninstallingacombustiblemantelorother combustible projection . D 13.HEARTHEXTENSION D 12.FINISHING A CAUTION:All joints between the finished wall and the appliance surround (top and sides)may be sealed only with non-combustible material.Only non-combustible material canbe applied as facing to the appli- Ahearth ext ension i nfrontofapplianceis re::r:, mendedbut not required. Ref.Heighttrom Ret.MantelWidthCombustionChamber A 18'(457mm)V 14 "(356mm) B 16'(406mm)W 12'(305mml-------- C 14"(356mm)X 10"I.. D 12'(305mm)y 8-(2\"'''';l ..,'I I E 8'(203mm)Z 1 1/2'(38mm) FP662 Fig.16.Mantel clearances. STUD 2x4 FINISHED HEADER 2x4STUD FINISHEDWALL ,==:::::====r}[:Z~~aY;;:b~e~s:::;e2aled with noncombustible material. FIREPLACE' FRONT MANTEL SHELF Seemantel drawing for shelf-to-surround dimension Sealwith noncombustible material ONLY. TOP VIEW :::P5ES Fig.17.Fireplace surround clearances . i .J. ---------..------Majes~STR/NVCVR Series OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST FIRING Upon completing thegasline connection,asmall amoun t of airwillbetrappedintheline.When first lightingtheunitwithpilotlight,itwilltakeafew minutes topurgethetrappedair.Once purging is complete,thepilotand burner willlightandoper- ateas indicated inthe instruction manual.Subse- quent lightings ofthe appliance willnot require purging. Whenlitforthefirsttime,the appliance willemita slight odor foranhourortwo.Thisisduetopaint and lubricants usedinthe manufacturing process. Aftereachlighting,vapormay condense andfog th e 91RSS 'this moisture disappears inafewmin- utes OJ Durning. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR STANDING PILOT AND ELECTRONIC IGNITION (ADI)APPLIANCES F o r"'--~,FETY -READTHIS SECTION BE F RE ...-,ci T ING! WARNING:IFYOUDO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY,AFIREOR EXPLOSION M :.':::S ULT CAUSING PROPERTY D AMAGE,PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OFLIFE. A.BEFORE LIGHTING smellall around the appliance areaforgas.Besuretosmellnextto floor becausesomegasis heavier thanairand willsettleonthefloor. IF YOU SMELL GAS: 1.Do nottrytolightanyappl iance. 2.Donottouchelectrical switches;donot usea ny phoneinyour building. 3 .Immediately callyourgas supplier froma neighbor's phone.Followyourgas supplier's instructions . 4.Ifyoucannotreachyourgassupplier,call thefire department. B.Useonlyyourhandtopushinorturnthegas valvecontrolknob.Never usetools.Iftheknob wi ll notpushinorturnbyhand,don't tryto repair it ,callaqu alified servicete chnician. Forceor attempted repairmayresultinafireor explosion . C.Donotusethis appliance ifanyparthasbeen under water.Immediately calla qualified service techn ician toinspectthe appliance and toreplaceanypartofthiscontrolsystemand anygascontrolwhichhasbeenunderwater. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR STANDING PILOT 1.STOP!Readthesafety information above . 2.Toaccessthecontrols ,removetheceramic panelsandmetalcoverfromthehearth. 3.Tumwallswitch and wireless remoteOFF (if used). 4.Pushingascontrolknobslightlyandturn clockwise ~toOFF. 5.WAIT 5 MINUTES TO CLEAR OUT ANY GAS. Ifyouthensmellgas,STOP!Follow A inthe safety information.Ifyoudonotsmellgas ,go . tonextstep . l r ,:-,knobongascontrol counterclockwise »<>;toPILOT. r--~..,..;;q-.........NOVASIT 820 VALVE '..+-CONTROL KNOB FP3 B7 Fig.18.NovaSIT820valv e andpilot assembly. IS Maje~tiCFJ NVSTR /NVCVR _~S _____H _ 7.Pushin control knob allthe way and immedi- ately light pilot depressing the piezo igniter button atleast once every second untila flame appears.Continue toholdthe control knobin for about one (1)minute after thepilotislit. Release knoband itwillpop back out.Pilot should remainlit.Ifitg oes out,repeat steps 4 through 7 . •If the knob d oes not pOD cut whenre- leased,stopandcall your service techni- cianorgas supplier. •If thegas pilot willnot stay lit after sev e re! tries,turnthegas control knobOFFand callyour service techn ician orgassup- plier. 8 .After thepilot ha sbeenlit,the burner canbe turned onby turning knob counterclockwise »<>;totheON position . 9 .Replace the cover plate and ceramic pan e's. TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE 1.To access the controls,remove thetw oc eram ic panels onthehe arth andthe cover p late. 2.Turn wall switch or wireless remote (if used)to OFF. 3.Pushingas control knob slightly andturncl oc kwise ,....--.......to OFF.Donot force. 4 .Replace the cover plate and ceramic pane ls. Fig.19.SITknob . LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC IGNITION 1.STOP!Read the safety informationon Page 14. 2.To access the controls,removethetwo ceramic panels andthe cover plate from the hearth. 3 .Turnwallsw itch on theun it toOFF.Turnwall switch and wireless remote (if used)to OFF . /6 4 .This app liance is equipped withan ignition device which automatically lights the p ilot.Do not try to light the pilot by hand. 5.Slide the valve switch toOFF. 6 .WAIT 5 MINUTES TO CLEAR OUT A NY GAS. Ifyouthensmellgas,STOP!Follo w A .n th e safety information on Page 15 ,Ifyoudonot smell ga s,go to next ste p. 7 .Turngas supply ON. 8.Turnwall switch or wireless remote (ifused)to ON . 9 .The ignitorwill begin to glow after about 2to5 seconds.In5to10 seconds,thegas valve will o penandthe burner should light.Ifthe appli- ance willnotlight after three (3)attempts, follow the instructions "ToTurnOff Gas Aopli- ance"andcall your service technician <:.-..:3 supplier.- TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE 1.To access the controls ,remove the two ~e­ ramie panels andthe cover plate rrc hearth. 2.Tum wall switch or wireless remote (ifused)to OFF. 3.Turngas supply OFF.See Figure 20 . 4.Replace the cover plate and cerarn i .,..~:_. Fig.20.NovaSIT822valveandpilot. ..... ----_.......---- l\1AINTENANCE Keepthecontrolcompartment,logsandburner areasurroundingthelogscleanbyvacuumingor brushingatleasttwiceayear.THELOGSCAN GETVERYHOT-HANDLE ONLYWHEN COOL. Alwaysturnoffgastothepilotbeforecleaning. Forrelighting,refertolightinginstructionslocated onthefrontcoverplate. Neverobstructtheflowofcombustionandventila- tionair.Keepthefrontoftheapplianceclearofall obstaclesandmaterials . Leaveatleast36"clearancefromfrontofappli- ancetocombustibles. CLEANING GLASS DOORS Onlyglassapprovedforuse inTheCFMMajestic ProductsCompanyproductsmaybeusedfor rep lacement. 1.Theuseofsubstituteglasswillvoidallproduct warranties. 2.Caremustbetakentoavoidbreakageofthe glass. A 3.Under no circumstances should this appliance be operated with a broken glass front.Replacement of the glass as supplied by the manufacturer should be done bya licensed qualified service person. Itwillbenecessarytocleantheglassperiod ically. Duri ngstart-up,condensation (Which is no rmal) formsontheinsideoftheglassandcauseslint, dustandotherairborneparticlestoclingtothe glasssurface.Alsoinitialpaintcuringmaydeposit aslightfilmontheglass.Itisthereforerecom- mendedthattheglassbecleanedtwoorthree t imes withanon-ammoniahousehold cleaner and warmwater(werecommendfireplaceglass cleaner).Afterthattheglassshouldbecleaned twoorthreetimesduringeachheatingseason dependingonthe circumstances present. Majest••STR /N VCVR Series h Clean glass after first two weeks of ..operation. INSPECTINGTHEVENTINGSYSTEM The appliance ventingsystemwasdesignedand constructedtodevelopapositiveflowadequate toremovefluegasestothe outside atmosphere. Anyforeignobjectsintheventingsystem ,except thosedesignedspecificallyfortheventingsys- tem ,maycausespillageoffluegases(i.e.:car- bonmonoxide)intotheroom. Toinspecttheventingsystem,makesurethe maingasvalveisoff .Opentheglassdoor.Using aflashlight,check thecombustiondomeand cleanitifnecessary. CLEANING THE STANDING PILOT CONTROL SYSTEM Theburnerandcontrolsystemconsistsof: •mainburner •gasorifice •pilotburner •thermopile •combination millivoltgasvalve Mostofthese components mayrequireonlyan occasionalcheckupandcleaningandsomemay require adjustment.If repairisnecessary ,it shouldbe performed bya qualified technician. Inorderto properly cleantheburnerandpilot assembly,turnoffthegastotheunit ,openthe glassdoor(ifused),removelogsexpos ing the burner and p iiotasse mbly.Clea n allfore ign materialsfromthetopoftheburner.Checkto makesurethatburnerpartsareclean.Visually inspectpilot.Brushorblowawayanydustorlint accumulationIfpilotorificeisplugged,disassem- blymayberequiredtoremoveanyforeignmate- rialfromtheorificeortubing. Toobtain proper operation,itisimperativethat thepilotand burner's flame characteristics are steady,notlifting orfloating. 17 Maj~sticli NVSTR /NVCVR••s _____H _ Typically,the top3/8"or1/2"ofthethermop ile should b e engulfed inthep ilotf lame .SeeFig.21 . To adjust pilotburner ,adjest pilotscrewmarked "pilot"for proper size 1.Remo ve pilotadju stmentc ap. 2.Adj ustpi lot sc rew t oprovide properlysiz ed flame. 3 .Replacep ilotadjustmentcap . The air shutter issetat factory no adjustment should benecessary. NOVASITPILOT Fig.21.Properpilotflameheight. ELECTRONIC IGNITION FP581 CLEANING AUTOMATIC DIRECT ELECTRONIC IGNITION SY STEM Tum ~Tumclockwiseco~nterclockw ise tolower to Increase .flame height. flame height. GF390 The Electronic Ignition burner/control system consists of: •mai n b urner •gas ormc s •hotsurfacepilot burner •24VACvalvewith transformer Takingcare of the Electronic Ignitionunitsis almost identical totakingcareofthe Standing Pilot models .(Seethe Maintenance sectionon page 16.)Thehotsurface ignitor istheonly component whichrequiresEXTREMELY.DELI- CATE HANDLING .The ignitor ismade ot silicone carbide whichisaverybrittlematerial.DO NOT TOUCH THEHEATINGPARTOFTHE IGNITOR WITH YOURFINGERS! FLAME ADJUSTMENT Forunits equipped withHi/Lo valves,flamead just- ment is accomplished byrotatingtheHi/La adjust- ment knoblocatednearthe center ofthegas control. Fig .22.Flameadjustmentongasvalve(standingpilotonly). NVSTR36 and NVCVR36 Fig.23.Approximateflameheights foreachmodel. Itis important to periodically perform a v i su alch eck ofth e pilot and the burner flames.See Figures 21 and 23. /8 ----_........----Majes•.e /STR ;'N VCVi \,Series T OUBLESUOOTfNG·Nova Sf 20 Standing Pilot START •LOCKOUT HAS ENGAGED.WAIT 60 SECONDS ANDTRY AGAIN . •PIElO NUT TIGHT FOR GOOD GROUND. •FOR SPARK ATELE CTRODE WHILE DEPRESSING PIElO (RED BUTTON)-1/8"GAPTO PILOT HOOD NEEDED. •ALL WIRING CONNECTIONS •REPLACE PIElO IGNITOR CHECK YES ~ PILOT LIGHTS WITH NO--. PIElO IGNITOR t- -NO --.•SUPPLY LINE HOOKED UP '----'"""T---.......SHUTOFF VALVE OPEN YES YES PILOTSTAYSLIT •FORAIRINTHELINES •THERMOPILE NEEDSA MINIMUM 325mV.ADJUST PILOT FLAME HEIGHT. •ALL WIRING CONNECTIONS . -NO_•REPLACE THERMOPILE L..---"""T---.....THERMOCOUPLE NEEDS A iMU M OF14mV. ::S TIVE VALVE .TURNTO PIL OT .METER SHOULD READ GREATER THAN 100 mV.IF NOT,REPLACE. PILOT LIGHTS MAIN_NO --. BURNER I YESr----*--ISYSTEM OK. •VALVEIS TURNED ON •WALL SWITCHISNOT TURNED ON.WATCH FO R G ROUNDED WIRES! •THERMOPILE NEEDSA MINIMUM 325mV. •PLUGGED BURNER ORIFICE. FP396 19 Maj~stjc .@ NVSTR /NVCV~s ______H _ TKOUBLESUOOTING - NOVA SIT 822 with Synetek Electronic IgnitionARemoveglasspanelbeforeservicing. NORM AL O PERATION ABNORMAL OPERATION YES NO • ON/O FFSWITCH CLOSED ?I~5Sec .Inter-Trial Delay LED:ON ...I ~YES LOCKOUT:LED,STEADY FLASH. SAFE START CHECK ON?NO ~Reset by interrupting On/Off switch orP" Power for 10 seconds. J,.YES o Sec.PURGE LOCKOUT:LED 2 FLASHES. .J,.Reset by interrupting On/Off switch or Power for 10 seconds. IGNITION TRIAL:30 Sec.SPARKON. PILOTVALVE O N.HASFLAME :~J y!sBEENDETECTEDWITHIN30Sec?iJ,.YES ~PILOTVALVEOFF.SPARK OFF. SPARKOFF.MAINVALVEON.HAVETHREE IGNITION TRIALS I..BEEN COMPLETED?PILOTFLAME CONTINUOUSLY .. MONITORED. J,..LOCKOUT:LED 3 FLASHES. PILOTFLAMESENSEOK?NO-Reset by interrupting On/Off switch or J,.YES Power for 10 seconds. tON/OFFSWITCH OPENED?NO ~YES L-YES MAINVALVE OFF.SPARK ON. HASFLAMEBEEN DETECTEDPILOTANDMAINVALVEOFF?WITHIN 30 Sec? ~t o Sec.POSTPURGE?NO HAVETHREE PILOT FLAME~LOSSESBEEN DETECTED? HEATINGCYCLE COMPLETE.rLEDOFF. ... ON 2 Flashes 3 Flashes Constant Flash LEDCODES =Normal Operation =Pilot Ignition Failure (3 trials max.) =Pilot Flame Lost 3TImes =Safe Start Lockout:Control Failure orFlame Detected Out of Sequence. FP 628 :0 _____....1......._Majest••S TR /NVC V[{Se r ies •TUR N GASSUPPLY O FF ~CHECK :•LINE VOLTAG E(120VAC) •TUR N ON/OFF SW ITCH •LOWVOLTAGE TRANSFORMER TO CALL FORHEAT .(19 .5minimum VAC l •O N/OFFSWITCH POWERTOMO DULE •WIRI NG CONNECTIONS (24V NOMINAL) Y ES,UNP LUG IGNI TION LEAD ANDC HECK SPARK NO I •REPLACEMO DULE ISPARKACROSS~AT MO DULE I IGNITO R SENSOR GAP (24VACno m in al) SP ARKOK? Y ES YES + •CH ECK IG NITION CA BLE.G ROUNDW IR ING .CERAMIC INSULATOR ANDGA P.CORRECT AS NECESSARY. •CH ECKBOOT OFIGNITIONC ABLE FORS IGNS O FME LTINGO R B UCKLING .TAKE PROTE CTIVE ACTI ON TOSHIELD CAB LEANDBOOT FROMEXCE SSIVE T EMPERATURES •TURNGASON .NO •CHECK THAT AL LMANUAL GAS VALVESAREOP EN .SUPPLY TUBING PILOT BU RNER LIGHTS ?ANDPRESS URESAREGOO D .AN D PILOTBURNER ORIFIC E ISNOT BLOCKED. Y ES •CHECK E LECTR ICALCONNEC TIONS BETWEEN MODULE AND PILO T OPERATOR ONGAS C ONTROL. •CHECK FOR24 VAC ACROSS PV·MVIPV T ERMINALSON MODULE.IF VOLTAGE IS OKAY.REPLACEGASCO NTROL IFNOT.R EPLA CE MODUL E SPAR K STOPSWHE N NO NOTE IF 58600B GO ES INTO LOCKOUT .RESETSYST EM . PILOTIS LIT? •CHECKCON TINUITY OFIGNiTIONCABLEANDGRO UN D WIR E. Y E S •C LEAN FLAMEROD •CH ECK ELECTRICAL CONN ECTIONS BETWEENFLAM E ROD ANDMODU LE . •CHECK FO R C RACKED CERAM IC FLAMEROD INSULATOR. •CHECK THA TPILOTFLAMECOV ERS FLAMERODAND i sSTEA DY BLU E •ADJUSTPILOT FLAME . •IFPRO BLEMPERSISTS.RE PLACE MODULE . MAINBURNER LIGH TS?~•CHECK FOR24VACACROSS MV·MV/PVTERMINALS .IFNO VO LTAGE.RE PLACEMOD ULE. Y ES +•CHECK ELECTRICAL CONN ECTIONS BETWE EN MODUL EAND G AS CONTRO L.IF O KAY .REPLACEGASCONTROL OR GAS CONTROL OPER ATOR T KO UBLESUO OTING. NOVA SIT 822 with Uoneywell 58600 B Electronic IgnitionARemoveglasspanelbeforeservicing. START... SYSTEM RUNSUN TIL ON /OFF SWITCHIS IN 'OFF'POSIT ION . YES~ TROUBLESHOOTING E NDS N ONOTE :IF 58600B GO ESINTOLOCKOU T .RES ET SYS TEM . •CH ECK FO R CONTI NUITYOF IGNIT ION CABLE ANDGR OUND W IRE. NOT E IF GROUND ISPOOR ORERRAT IC.SHUTDO WNS MAY OCCUR OCCASIONALLY EVEN TH OUGH O PERATION ISNOR MAL ATT HET IME O F CH ECKOUT •CH ECK T HA T THEPILOTFLAMECOVER S FLAME RODAND ISSTEAD Y AND BLUE . •IFC HECKS A R E O KAY.REPLACEMOD ULE. FP649 2 / Maj~stic ~N VSTR /NVCV~S _____0 _ NVSTR I NVCVR REPLACEMENT PARTS (For units equipped with NovaSIT820orNovaSIT822gas v alves.) 22 23 r+:::JU--~1 4 ---1Jl o 16 a 17a /'_u__-II -,21,),.c:3 3a 15 19 18 E8 3 b ~I I I ;/ II C"I 16 17 NovaSIT822 Valve 24aJb ~~~g D27a b@±m dd 27b Nova SIT 820 Valve 12aJb 1f 1 NVSTRlNVCVR36 Logs ~.~f-.I :J n ~1d 1c F?663 ·_----------Majest••STR /N VCVR Series REPLACEMENT PARTS-NVSTR I NVCVR SERIES Description NVSTR36 I NVCVR36 Description NVSTR36/NV CVR36 1.Log-CompleteSet 3079162 12a.ValveNova-Nat.52677 1a.Log-Rear 3079159 12b.ValveNova-LP 52678 1b.Lo g-Front 3079158 13.Side Brick'3079 147 1c.Log-Crossove r 3079160 14.Corner Brick ."3079148 1d .Log-Crossover 3079161 15.CeramicPanel-End -/3080123 1e.Log-Crossover 3079166 16.CeramicPanel -Lt!.-/3080122 1f.Log -Crossover 3079167 16a.CeramicPanel-Lt!.3079139/- 1g.Log-End(NVCVRonly)3079168 17 .Ce ramicPanel-Rt.-/3080121 2a.BurnerTube-Nat.7549359 17a.Ceramic Panel-Rt.3079138/- 2a .BurnerTube-LP 7549363 18.Ce ramic Panel /3080125- ,?,.Burner Tube-Nat.7549360 2b.BurnerTube-LP 19.CeramicPanel -/30801247549364 3a.BurnerOrifice,Top/Nat.7535142 -Black 3061102 20.Door Track -Brass 3067102 3a.BurnerOrifice,Top/LP7535140 21.RemoteSwitchKit 53875 3b.BurnerOrifice,Btm/Nat.7535143 22 .LavaRockPackage3rp,....Orifice,Btm/LP 7535164 55255 -'-23 .BagofEmbers 70601094a._.,.Ice Nova-Nat.54273["'I...... 4b.PilotOrificeNova-LP 54272 24a .E.Valve-Nat.57884 5a.Pilot AssemblyNova-Nat.52445 24b .E.Valve-LP 57883 -. 5b D ',-.•<sernblyNova-LP 52446 :2.:.::.D ilotAss'y.-Nat.542 19 - 6.P ic '::'Ignitor 52464 25b .E .Pilot Ass'y.-LP 54221 7.CableIgnitor 53194 26.Transformer 7522409 8 .ElectrodeIgnitorNova 52465 27a.IgnitionDevice I Synetek 57899 9.PilotTubing 7549333 27b.IgnitionDevice/Honeywell 20000005 10.Thermocouple Nova 53373 28 .SensingElectrode 57886 11.ThermopileNova 51827 29 .End Panel 3080145 •NVSTR uses 2/NVCVRus es 1 ••NVSTR uses4 /NVCVRuses2 2.3 ______H _ ACCESSORIES Thefo llowing accessories forthese appliances are a vailable fromyourlocal Majestic distributor.Each accessorycomeswithaseparate installation instruction formountingtothe particular appliance. Besuretoreadeach instruction thoroughly before installing. SeeyourMaje st ic d istributo r orde aler f oroth er i il,i3:-:'''9 optionssuchasma rbleand mantels -avai lable inaw ide selection ofstyl es. ACCESSORI ES -NVSTR36 I N VC'3 6 Se ries-_._.. Acc essory 1..:,__~~;l)t i o n Mode l Nl.in ;~.;, Glass Door -NVB36 Bi-Fold glass door set-'3rushed Brass 36GDKBB,HGD36A .:,ackDoors 36GDKBK ....eiu xe polished brass 36GDKDP Outside Air Termination Complete s c o nnection fromairkitto out-of-doors AK-MST Thermal Vent Damper Reduces coldair infiltration when fireplace isnot inuse .(Open s ;:."..?s aut omatically)TVD6/7_. Remote C on t rol ON/OFF w/Batt cr.,.MRC1 Remote Control ON/OFF Thermostat w/B atteries MRC2 Remote Con trol I LCD ON/OFF Thermostat,Timer w/Batteries MRC3 ,'., CAUTION:Thisapplianceandchim ney assemblyisahighlyengineeredsystem, and,assuch,mustbe operated onlywith CFM/MAJESTIC approved components.If youuseanunapproved component tomakeany modifications,youmaycreatea possiblefirehazardandwillvoidthe CFM/Majestic warranty.Inaddition,suc hac- tionmayvoidthecoverage provided bytheowner'sinsurance. fI1ajesti••TR /N VCVR Series------..-----• Contac t T he Majestic Products Company for questions concerning prices andpolicies covering replacemen t parts .Parts maybeordered through yourMajestic distributor ordea ler. Mode l andser ial numbers arelistedont he ratingplate (locatedonrightsideo fco-n- bustionchamber). Youwillneedthe following information when ordering replacementparts: Recordyourmodelandserialnumbershere forfuturereference: 1.The appliance model number. 2.Theserial number. 3.A description ofthepart . Model #_ Ser ial # Shou ldy ouneed additional information beyond whatyourdealercan furnish ,contact U.S.A.:The Majestic ProductsCo. 1000E.Market St. Huntington ,Indiana46750 Attn:Technical Services. Canada :CFM Majestic,Inc. 475 Admiral Boulevard Mississauga ,Ontario Canada L5T 2N1 ,. •w ftAJESnCTM •• ~7replaces LIMITED 2/20 YEAR WARRANTY For MAJESTICI1l Decorative Gas Appliances T IESWITH RESPECT TO THEGASAPPLIA NCE,ITS COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES (INCLUDING IMPLIEDWARRANT IES OFMERCHANTAB ILITY OR FITNESS FORAPARTICULARPURPO SE).A LLOF WHICHARE HEREBY EXPRESS LYINCL UDED.IN NO EVENT SHALLANY IMPLIED WARRANTY PRE- SCRIBEDBYLAW (NOTWITHSTANDING THEFORE- GOINGEXPRESS EXCLUSION)REMAIN INEFFECT AFTEREXPIRATIONS OF THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHSAANDB. A.Gas Appliances,electrical and manual compo- nents,glass panels,all sealants or adhesives and optional accessories (exclusiveofMajest ic supplies decorativelogswhicharecoveredbyaseparatewarranty underparagraphBbelow): Withintwoyearsfromthedateof manufacture ofthe gasappliance,Majesticwillrepair,or replac e:,..')'Jr option)adefectivepartwithoutcharge . B.Cement or ceram ic fiber log componen ts: Withintwoyearsfromthedateof manufacture ofthegas appliance ,Majesticwillreplacea defective partwithout charge .Within yearsthreethroughtwentyfromthedate ofmanufactureofthegas appliance,Ma i r:r-"~,'ii'orovide areplacementforadefectiveparttoth e ,,.....:t assumesnoliabilityforincurredlaborcost. Theforegoing warranties givesyouspecificlega l rights andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstate tostate .Somestatesdonotallowlimitationsonhow longanimplied warranty maylast ,sothelimitation specifiedaboveonthedurationofany implied v.:"':".r!v prescribedbylawmaynotapplytoyou .:~,', statesdonotpermittheexclusionorlimitat ion of inciden- talor consequential damages,sotheaboveexclus ion of suchdamagesmaynotapply toyou . Inordertoobtain performance ofanyoftheabove warrantyobligations,writetoMajest ic atthis address : TheMajesticCompany Huntington ,Indiana46750 Attention:DirectorofTechnicalServices Sincelocalbuilding requirements mayvarygreatly throughoutthecountry,usersofMajesticproductsshould determineinadvance whether thereareanybuilding coderestrictions ontheuseofaspec ified product. MAJESTICMAKESNOREPRESENTATIONORWAR- RANTYREGARDING,ANDSHALLNOTBERESPON· SIBLEFOR,ANYBUILDINGCODECOMPLIANCE. TheMajestic Company ("Majestic")extendsthe warran- tiesspecifiedinparagraphs AandBbeloww ith respect to itsMAJEST IC Decorative GasAppl iances(the "Gas Appl iance"),includinqthe Majesticsupplied accesso ries andco mponentsreferr ed to inthos e paragraphs,subject tothefollowingcondit ions and limitations : (1)Thesewa rranties areextendedo nly totheGas Appliance installedintheco ntinental UnitedStates , inclUding Alas ka,and Canada;only if andsolong as th e accorda nce withtheinstallation andoperat ing instruc - tionsfurnished therewith;andonlyifandsolongasGas Appliance isnotremovedfromitsoriginal installa tion. (2).Thesewarrantiesare limitedto onlythe compone nt partsmanuia ctureda ndsuppliedbyMajestic.Theuse of components manufactured byotherswiththeGas Appliance(except foralistedTypeB v enting sy stem as definedinthe installation instructions)cou ld Cr ::l 2.:8 serioussafetyhazard ,mayresultinthedenia lof ~,.,r'i f i - cationby recognizedna tionalsa fetyagencies,an d j be inviola tion ofiocalbuildingcodes. (3).TheGas Appliance mustbeoperatedatall times in accordancewiththe operating instructionfurnished therewith.TheGas Appliance isdesignedtobum either natural orpro pane gasonly.Burningconventi onal fireplacefuelssuchaswood ,coal,oranyothersolidfuel willcausedamagetotheGas Appliance ,willproduc e excessive temperatures andwillresult inafire hazard. (4).Thesewarrant ies arelimitedto repair,replacement or f urnishinga replacement forsale ,asspec ified in ParagraphsAandB,forapartfoundtoMajestic 's satisfaction.after examination ,tobedefective in materi- alsorworkmanship under normal conditions ,useand serv ice. (5).Allobligationsw ith respect to these warranties may be fullydischarged byMajest ic refundingthewho lesale priceofadefectivepart . (6)Exceptas otherwise expressly specifiedinPara- graphsAandB.NONEOFTHESE WARRANTIES COVER ,AND MAJESTIC SHALLNOTBERESPON- SIBLEFOR,ANY CONSTRUCTION ,INSTALLATION , LABOR,TRANSPORTATIONOROTHERCOSTSOR EXPENS ES ,l,RISING FROM ADEFECTIVEPART,ITS REPAIROR REPLACEMENT OR OTHERWISE,NOR SHALLMAJESTIC INANYEVE NT BE RESPONSIBLE FORAN Y INDIRECT.INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUEN- TIALDAMAGES.EXCEPT TO T HEEXTENTPRO - VIDEDBY U ,W,THERE ARENOIMPLIEDWARRAN - TH E W MAJ~~!!~ us MmI ~1 B~"'·"'OSISSaJga.lJn tlrio.Can.m l5T 2N1 •9lb-SIO-78115 llXXl [2S1 ""'I~SL ·IUJI"IQIIJI.IN 46750 USA •219·356-&00 !Wi /w"'W.If'.ljestJetr»m.CJn e COPYright 1997 The Majestic Products Company 7 4 -12 ·9581798 ...-------l... INSTA LLER/CONSUMER SAFETY INFORMATION PLEASE READTHISMANUAL BEFOREINSTALLINGAND USINGAPPLI ANCE. IMP ORTANT:Readalli nstruc- tionsand warnings carefully bef o re sta rting installation . Failu re tofollow these inst ruc - t ionsmayresultinaposs ible fire hazard andwillvo id the warranty. WARNING:If the information in th is manual is not followed exactly,a fire or explosion may result causing property dam- age,personal injury or loss of " life. FOR YOUR SAFETY Installation and service must be performedbya qualified in stalle r,serv i ce agency,or the gas supplier.Do not store or use gasoline or other flam- mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or an y oth er appliance. FORYOUR SAFETY If you smell gas: 1.Open windows 2.Do not touch electrical switches. 3.Do not try to light any appli- ance. 4.Extinguish anyopenflame. 5.Do not usethe phone in your building. 6.Immediatelycall your gas s u p pli er from a neighbor's phone. 7.Follow your gas supplier's i st ruc t ions. 8.if y o u cannot reach your gas s upplier,callthe fi re depart- m ent. Decorative Gas Appliance 3 ,--.',-.,,..,. ". I ," """ FP6 22 Installation andHome ow ne rs Operating Instructions INSTALLER:DONOTD ISCARDTHISMA NUAL Leave in fireplace forhomeowner. • M'ajestiCE'OBR Series 13-_ c Specifications andFrami ng 3 Generallnformation 4 Parts10and Cha seInstallation 6 Appliance Installation 8 LogInstallation 12 Operating Instructions 14 Maintenance 16 Troubleshooting -StandingPilot 18 Troubleshooting -Synetek Ignition 19 T rc ubleshoot ing-Honeywell Ignition 20 Replacement Parts 21 Accessories 23 ---_••AitJtti c®GBR Series B-Vent SPECIFICATIONS 8t.FRAMIN G GBR36 SeriesGas Appliance AS LINE CCESS -I\.1----40 "--- e nlng r1\t lfttf i ght ;;..... I \I I I I I !==I•71h", - .10%"t 36 "19 'Y"ly v-2 "Illil •L/,7'h"--.L -.3 " Ro ugh Op He [ o/a "RECESSED =~=~f~=:!~~¥;=:~~=~NAILING•FLAN GE OUTSIDEAIR ELECTR ICAL ACC ESS --=t::1I;;;;;tJiT 1. FP623 Fig.1.GBR36 Se ries specification andf raming dimensions. MajesticY oe«Series s-v......H _ GENERAL INFORMATION Thisgas appliance should be installed bya qualified installer in accordance withlocalbuilding codesandwith current CAN /CGA-B149 (.1or.2) Installation codesforGasBurning Appliances and Equipment. FORU.S.AInsta llations followlocalcodes and/or the current National FuelGasCode. ANSI Z223.1. FORSAFEINSTALLATIONANDOPERATION OFYOUR INSTA-FLAME NATURAL DRAFT APPLIANCE PLEASE NOTETHE FOLLOWING: 1.This appliance givesoffhigh temperatures andshouldbe located outofhightraffic areas andaw ay from furnitureanddraperies. 2.Childrenand adults shouldbealertedtothe hazardsofthehighsurface temperatures of this appliance andshouldstayawaytoavoid bums orignitionof clothing. 3.Childrenshouldbe carefully supervisedwhen theyareinthe same roomasyour appliance. 4 .Under no circumstances shouldthis appliance be modified.Parts having toberemovedfor servicing shouldbereplacedpriorto operat- ingthis appliance again. 5.Installation andanyrepairstothis appliance shouldbecarriedoutbyaqualifiedservice person.A professional service personshould be contacted to inspect this appliance annu- ally.Makeita practice tohaveallofyourgas appliances ch ecked annually.More frequent cleani ngmay 0 5 required d uetoexcesslint anddustfrom carpeting,beddingmaterial, etc. 6.Control compartments,bumers andairpas- sagesinthis appliance shouldbekeptclean andfreeofdustandlint.Makesurethatthe gasva lv e andpilot lightareturnedoff before youa tternp to cle an this unit. 7.Theventing system (chimney)ofthisappli- anceshouldbe checked atleastonceayear andifneeded your ventingsystemshouldbe cleaned. 8.Keepthearea around your appliance clearof combustib le mater ials,gasolineandother f lammable vapourand liquids.Thisappliance shouldnotbeusedasadryingrackfor clothing,nor should Christmas st ockingsor decorations behungintheareaofit. 9.Under no circumstances shouldanysolid fuels(wood,coal,paper orcardboardetc.)be usedinthis appliance. 10.Theflowof combustion andventilationair mustnotbe obstructed inanyway. 11.Whether the appliance isinstalleddirectlyon carpeting,vinyltileorany combustible mate- rialotherthanwood,this appliance mustbe installed ona metal orwoodpanelextending thefullwidthanddepthoftheappliance. 12.This appliance requires adequate ventilation and combustion airto operate properly. DESCRIPTION GBRSeriesare radiant naturaldraftappliances andusea4"B-vent system.Donotbumwoodor other materialsinthese appliances.Eachmode l is available with standing pilotor electronic ignitionforusewithNaturalorPropanegasunits. Reporttoyour dealer anypartsdamagedin shipment. Adequate combustion andventilationairmustbe provided.Theflowof combustion andventilation air MUST NOTbe obstructed. Provide adequate clearances aroundtheair openingintothe combustion chamber;and adequate accessibility clearance forservicingand properoperation.NEVER obstruct thefront opening ofthe appliance. ---_...... Th e 4"ve nt system MUST connect tothe appli- a ncea nd t erminate ou t-of-doors inavert ical position an dterm inate wit h a B-vent cap . This applianc e mustnotbe c onnected toach im- neyfl ue servic inga separate so lid-fuel burning applia nce. A d rafthood is a n integralp art of th eapp liance. MINIMUM CLEARANCES Minimum Clearance to Combustibles inches m m.... Sides ,floor,ba ck ,top (dim.to sta ndoffs)0 I .. B-vent 125 Perpend icular sidewall 00 Topofunittoceiling,frontofunitto 36 9 14combustibles(Seepage 13) Mant le dimens ionsva ry (See pa ge 13, Ficure 12)-'.. Table 1.Minimum clearances tocombus tibles . Alltic®OBR Series B-Ven t HIGH ELEVATION DE-RATING InputratingsareshowninBTU per hourand are for elevations upto 4,500 (1370m )feet. For elevations above4,500 (1370m)feet,ratings shou ld be reduced atthe rateoffour(4)percent foreach1,000feet above sealeve l. CANADA:W heninstalling thi s unitatan elevation above 1370m (4,500 feet),checkwith lo cal autho rities. GAS SPECIFICATIONS Model Fuel Gas Control Max.Min• Input Input GBR36RN Natural Millivolt HVLo 22 ,000 15,500 GBR3 6RP Propane Millivolt Hillo 16,000 GBR3 6EN N atural Elec tronic Igni tion 22 ,000 15,:.:' GBR36EP PropaneElectronic Ignition 22 ,000 16,0 00 GASSUPPLY PRESSURES Table3.Gas specifications.FP624 T his app liance mustbe isolated fromthegas supply pi ping syst emby clo sing itsind ividual man ual shutoffvalvedur ing any pressure equal toorless t han1/2 psig (3.45kPa). The appliance andits individual shutoffva lve mustbe disconnected fromthegassupp ly piping system duringany pressure testingofthat system attest pressures inexcessof1/2psig(3.45kPa). NATURALLP InletMinimum 4.S·W.e .11 ·w .e. Inlet Maximum 10.S"W.e.13"W.e. Input Adjustment 7.0 "W.e.11 ·w .e. Mani fold Pressure 3.S"W.e.10·W.e. Table 2.Gas supply pressures. PLANNING Planningthe installation isan im port "~'i r ":~+')p : itwillsavetimeand money later in theactual installation.In planning the in sta .ia c...",v r ::,;acr: 1.Wherethe appliance willbelocated. 2.Where/how theventingwillrun. 3.All components needed to complete the project. Majesticdoesnot manufacture B-Ventpipe or its component parts .Whenpurchas ing B-Vent pipe components besuretopick upthe installation instructions. 5 Majesti~GBR Series B-ve M _ Parts Identification and Chase Installation (Insulation methods showna re optional forcold climate.nota req uirement fo runitoper ation .) ...~~~~3~~===T ERMINATIONCAP~.----STORM COLLAR PAN FLASHING BATT INSULATION (cuIout around f1restop)------.I. ::==~~~~~~iF~~~ff~:r~~~~-DRAFTSTOP FI RESTOP CEILING LEVEL NAILING FLANGE ELECTRICAL ACCESS OUTSIDE AIR COVERPLATE ----~<D'-J.LI ..u----STANDOFF ..,---SURROUND "'--SCREEN """"---GRATE """"---FIREBOX NOTE:Donot install header untilunit is inplace .SeePage 7."Mounting the Appliance."Framing headers mayrest ontopof standoffs andbe positioned on endratherthanlyingflat. FP625 Fig.2.Partsidentification an asy stem installation. 5 ----_.- MOUNTING THE APPLIANCE The appliance should onlybe mounted onthe following surfaces: •Aflatco mbustible (burnable)surface. •A raised wooden platform. •A concrete blockor other solid object placed beneath each ofthefour corners ofthe appliance. To mount the appliance: 1.Choose unit location. 2.Four (4)nailing flanges are supplied withthe fireplace(foundonthe fireplace hearth).To leveltheboxand secure itfirmlyinplace , removethe nailing flangesfromthe hearth a nd installatthesidesofthe fireplace as shown in Figure3. INSULATING FORCOLD CLIMATeS Whenan appliance isinstalledina chase oran outsidewall,the enclosure shouldbe insu lated likeanyotherwallofthehome.Insulation should be installed under the appliance andonthe insideofthe exterior walls. Inachase,itisagoodideatoinstalla firestop at thefirstce iling levelabovethe appliance.Also, installinsulat ion onthesidewalls.Insu lation maythenbeplaced above theceilingto assure thespacearoundthe appliance is protected .See Page6,Figure2. Be sure to always maintain the proper one (1) inch distance to combustibles around B-vent pipe sections. NOTE:Insulating forcoldclimatesisstrictlya recommendation andnota requirement. Alic®GBR Series B-Vent '---------'flfllt--NAIL TOP STANDOFFS NAIL S IDE·NAILING FLANGES FP549 Fig.3.Adjustable drywall strip (nailing flange). M~jestjew GBR Series B-v.-e INSTALLATION Tobe sure that each step of the appliance installation is completed in order,use t he check-off boxes provided. o 1.FRAMING Frami.ng can takeplace beforeor aft er the appli- ance IS set in place.The f raming sh ould b e positioned to accommodate thewallcoveringand facingmaterial.Framingmaterialshouldbe 2x4 orheav ier.Framingheadersmayrestontopof standoffsandbepositionedonendratherthan lyingflat.(SeePage6,Figure2for appliance andframingdimensions.) o 2.RUNGASLINEFROMITS SOURCE TO THE INSTALLATION Ifgasp iping from th e sourcetothea ppliance locationhasnotbeen accomplished ,installthe requiredpipe.Consultlocalplumb ing code to assureproperpipesize. Thegaspipelinecanbebroughtinthroughthe rightsideoftheappliance.Anaccessholeis providedtoallowforthegaspipe installation and testingofanygasconnection.Itismostconve- nienttobringthegaslineinfromtherightside, asthisallowsfaninstallationorremovalwithout disconnecting thegas line. NOTE:Thegaslineconnectioncanbemadewith properlytinned3/8"coppertubing,1/2"rigidpipe oranapprovedflex connector,thenreducedto 3/8"totheappliance.Becausesomemunicipali - tieshavesomeaddit ional localcodes,itisalways besttocons ult your localauthor ity. U.S.:ConsultthecurrentNationalFuelGas Code,ANSIZ223.1 CANADA:CGA-8149 (.1 or.2)installationcode. :3 r 1/2"GAS SUPPLY ~~r1~"X3ffi "SHU~OFFVALVE --.ff((f}~~8~"NIPPLE3I8"UNION ""4.......!1{318"rNIPPLE-e-«: ""-J!f).. FP5S8 Fig.4.TYP ica l ga s s upply Installation. Always check for gas leaks with a mild soap and water solution.Do not use an open flame for leaktesting. Thegascontrolisequippedwithacaptured screwtype pressure testpoint,therefore itisnot necessarytoprov ide a1/8"testpointupstream of th e control. W henusing copper orflexconnectoruseonly approvedfittings.Always provide a union so thatgas linecanbeeasily disconnected for bumer orfan servicing .Seegas specification for pressuredetailsandratings.NOTE:Ifflexcon- nector isused,itmustbekeptinside ofthe appliance.SeeFigure4. ------.- o 3 .OPTION FOR ELECTRONICIGNITI ON M ODELS ONLY-E81 (Receptacle)HOO K-UP: Wiring should be installed by a certified electrician. Turn off circuit breaker before wirin g models. Onceth e fireplace issecu red,comp lete wi ring th e fankit.Removeknock out inthe centerof the bac kof t he EB1and install listedcable clamps . Feedelectricalwirethroughcableclampleaving approx imatelysix(6)inchesofwir e ex ;::c:d throughthe EB 1.Secu re cab le cla mp to ~:~~··;~e . Attachwh itewiref rompowers o u r:'-;0 one(1)wireofreceptacleandsecure withanut.Attachblackwirefrom power source to t heother wir eof t he receptaclea ndsecurew ith a n ut.Be ~.•"'uts are tight enedsecurely. SecuretheEB1 assembly totheinsideofthe electrical box coverplate usingtwo (2)screws. Att ach thecovertothefaceofthe EB 1while beingcarefu l toposition excessw ire completely wit hin the EB1.Attac h ~he c overplate to . firepluce.SeeFigure 5. U.S.INSTALLATIONS:FOLLOWLOCAL CODESANDTHENAT IONAL ELECTRICAL CODE,ANSI/NFPAN O.70. C ANADIAN INSTALLATIONS:FOLLOWLOCAL CODES AND T HE C URRENTCSAC22 .1 CANA- DIANELE CTRICAL CODE. ~Js tic®aBR Series B-Vent INSID E ELECTRICAL BOX J OUTSIDE Fig.5 .Junction box (EB-')hook-up. Majesti~QI3R Series B-vtt _ Fig.6.RemoteswitchwiringforRModels . FP650 "'VA TRAN SFORMER SYNETE K KiNrTlON MOOULE B Honeywell Ignition A SynetekIgnition Fig.7.Remotesw itch wiringforEModels . FP382 C AUTIO N :DO N OT I RE MIL 1- VOLTREM OTE W ...L L W ITCHF GAS APPLIANCE TOA 120V PO W E.SUPPLY.For lighting instruc- tions,s ee pages 14-15. ON/OFF SWITCH Withtheelectricalandwallswitchwiringcon- nected,gentlyslideorliftthe appliance tothe des ired location. Ifnailing flanges arenot already installed,attach flangeswiththe screws provided . Makesure appliance islevel.Shimmingmaybe required. Secure appliance inplace by nailingorscrewing through n ail ing flanges into fra ming.NOTE:Be suretoal lowpr ope rsp ac e for sheetrock. R Models D 5.SLIDE THE APPLIANCE IN PLACE 1.Thread wire through theelectricalknockout located on s id eofun it.Donot c utw ireor insulation onmetaledges.Ensurethatwireis protected.Runthe other endtoaconven iently locatedwall receptacle box. 2.Attachwi reto sw itchandinstallswitch in:.: receptac le box.Attach cover p late toswit ch. 3.Connect wiringtogasvalve.SeeFigures6or 7(AorB),depending uponwhich diagram is appropriate. D 6.LEVEL AND SECURE THE APPLIANCE D 4.REMOTE WALL SWITCH :0 ------••4!tic®G13R Series l3-Vent o 7.MEASURE/CUT/FRAME CEILING HOLE (NON-CHASE INSTALLATION) Seeventing installationinstructions provided by theB-Vent manufacturer. o 8.INSTALL THEVENTING SYSTEM, FLASHING AND TERMINATION Forfi restop position ing,seeFig.8.On ly one (1) firestop required perframe.NOTE:A firestop is notrequ ired attheroof. o 9.INSTALL OUTSIDE AIRKIT- MODEL AK-MST Ee- ~ oj .9- 0. 10 -c:: ~ "iiic: 2 'C:: -=-~'-t-t--l Ql -Ql 0 +-+--+-t -...--,C Q) C'E~-1-+-+--1 C S -II--+--+--+-i~.s "ii '"2-+--+---'1--+--+---1 ()::J :+--+--+-1--+--+---11:'0~0-t-+--+-t"""""""I--+--l 0:;: 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 '--J....-.J...-.J...--'---'---'---'---'--.....I--l •=Acceptable venting configurationo=Unacceptable venting configuration See separate instructions provided withoutside ai r kit. Ceiling Installation Firestop positionwh enareaaboveceilingisNOTanatt ic. Attic Installation Firestoppositionwhena rea above ceilingisanattic. f-NAILS(4) ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;'r.FIRESTOP SPACER~:::::::-'- See venting installation instructions provided by th e B-Vent manufacturer. See Figure 1 onPages 3 tolocatech imney centerline dimension froma combustible back wall. •Minimum vertical chimney height -12 feet (3 .65m). •Maximum vertical height -40 feet (12m)., •Minimum height with two elbows -12 feet (3.65m) •E:~cw requirementsallowa maximum of two 90 de gree el bowsor four 45 degree elbows per installation.(Two45 degree elbows =One90 degreeelbow.)Seeventing chart for proper elbow offsetruns. L~ III (Firestopldraftstop appearances may vary .Only1 firestop required perframe.) FP384 A:Vertical installations upto40feet(12m)in height.Uptoa6ft.horizontal vent nun canbe installedw ithin thevent system us ing a maximum oftwo90 -degree elbowsorfour 45-degree elbows. B:Vert icalinstallationsupto40feet(12m )in he ight.Uptoa 10ft.horizontal ventruncanbe installed withintheventsystemusinga maximum oftwo45 -degree elbows . FP567 Fig.8.Firestop/draftstop positions.Table 4.Venting configurations. Majestj~GBR Series I3-v..M _ D 10.LOG INSTALLATION 1.Openglass door (if installed). 2.Remove logs from the packaging.(Aswithall plastic,these bags arenot toys andshould alwa ys be kept awa y from ch ildren a nd inf ant s.) 3.Plac e rearlog onbackbracket.Ensure th at log isfir m ly po sitio ned and t h ereis no sida -L o-sid e movement. GBR36 Logs LEFT1 RIGHT 1 Fig.9.GBR36logplacement. 4.Placethefrontlogonthefront burner (starting toward therearofthefront burner)andslideit forward until the notcheslockintoplace. 5.Placethetoplogsontothe locator notches . Ensure thatthelogsaresecure.SeeFigu re 9. Ember Material Placement FP530 FPsn L 1/2"DIA.(Overhead View) Fig.10.Emberplacement. Fig.11.Attachthethermalventdamper. Under no circumstances should lava rock be placed on any part of the burner assembly. Separate the err.ber material intosmallpiec es, roughly 1/2"in diameter andplaceonthefront burner tube.Donotpackdown;leaveinloose, fluffy condition formost realistic ember effect.See Figure10. Lava Rock Thelavarock provided withthis fireplace mustbe TAB _____.. placedon t hefirebox baseon either sideofthe burner assembly.Donotplacelavarockincom- bustionpan. D 11.OPTIONAL THERMAL VENT DAMPER (TVD4) Attachthe thermal vent damper tothe combus- tion dome with2 screws.Besurethetabpoints down.SeeFigure11. Startthe appliance and operate itfor approxi- mately 5minut es.Turntheunitoffand check if thevent damper isintheopen position (blades downfromthe horizontal position).Ifthe damper hasnot c ;3!ic d .che ck installat ion. NOTE:Notforuse inCanada. 12 ________tt!d-tic®GBR Series B-Vent o 12.FINISHING A CAUTION:All joints between the finished wall and the appliance surround (to p and sides)mayb e sealed only w ith no n-c ombustible mat er i al. Only non-combustible material canbe applied as facing to theap pli ance surround (the black painted face). When f inishing theappliance,neverobstruct or modify theair inlet/outlet grillesinanymanner. Finishthewallwiththematerialofyour cho ice. SeeFigure12and13forspecificclearances wheninstallingacombustiblemantelorother combustibleprojection. o 13.HEARTHEXTENSION Mantel Clearances A l COMBUSTION CHAMBEROPENING v WALL A hearth extensionin frontofapplian...:com- mendedbut not required. Ref.Height from Ref.MantelWidth !CombustionChamber A18'(457mm)V 14'(35Smm) B lS'(40Smm)W12'(305mm) C 14'(35Smm))(-'.m ) D 12'(305mm)Y I oJ \~'..i :JfT.m ) E 8'(203mm)Z 1 1/2'(38mm) FP599I631 Fig.12.Mantel clearances. 2x4FINISHED HEADER 2x4 STUD FINISHEDWALL 1=::====~~[~~~M;taY~b5:!e~s:::::;e2aled with noncombustiblematerial. SURROUND MANTEL SHELF Seemanteldrawingfor shelf-to-surround dimension Sealwith noncombustible materialONLY. FP568 Fig.13.Rreplace su rround clearances. Majestid GBR Series B-__ o EKATING INSTRUCTIONS ._---- FIRST FIRING Upon completing thegasline connection,a small amount ofairwill b e t rapped in the line.When first lighting theunitw ith pi lot light,itwill take afew minutes to purge the trapped air.Once purging is complete ,th e pilot a nd burner w ill light and oper- ateas indicated inthe instruction manual.Subse- quent Iightings ofthe appliance willnot require purging. When litforthefirsttime ,the appliance will emit a slight odor foran hour ortwo.This isdueto paint andlub ricants used in the manufacturing process. After each lighting,vapor may condense and fog theglass;this moisture disappears inafewmin- utesof burning. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR STANDIGPILOT AND ELECTR IGNITION APPLIANCES FORYOUR SAFETY -READ THIS SECTION BEFORE LI GHTING ! h.WARNING:IF YOU DO NOT FOL- ..LOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY,A FIRE OREX PLO- SIONMAY RESULT CAUSING PROPERTY DAMAGE,PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. A.BEFORE LIGHTING smellall around the appliance area forgas.Be sure to smell next t o floor because some gas is heavier than air and willsettleonthefloor. IF YOU SMELL GAS: 1.Donottrytolightany appliance. 2.Donottouch electrical switches;do not use any phone in your building. 3.Imme diately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone .Follow your gas sup plie r's inst ructions. 4.Ifyo u c annot reach your gas supplier, callthe fire department. B.Useonly your hand topushinorturnthe gas valve control kn ob.Never use tools.Ifthe knob willnotpushinor tum by hand,don 't tryto repairit,calla qualified serv ice technician. Forceor attempted repair may result inafireor explosion. C .Donotusethis appliance if any part hasbee n under water.Immediately calla qualified service technician to inspect thea pp lia nce an d to replace any part ofthis control system an d anygas control which hasbeen underwater. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS F R STANDING PILOT 1.STOP!Readthe safety information above. 2.To access the controls,open the a c~"~s oan el. 3.Turnwall switch and wireless remo .;-::=~;J used). 4.Pushingas control knob slightly and tum clockwise ~toOFF. 5.WAIT 5 MINUTES TO CLEAR 0 .•..-.~ Ifyouthensmellgas ,STOP!Fo ih.....,.. safety information.Ifyoudo not smell gas ,go to next step . 6.Turnknobongas control counterclockwise ~toPILOT. ,....."'"""-...~I.--NOVASIT820 VALVE l*+-CONTROL K NOB FP387 Flg.14.NovaSIT820valveandp ilot assembly. ___________________.sti~OBR Series B-Vent 5.Turngas supply OFF. 6.WAIT 5 MINUTES TO CLEAR OUT ANY GAS. If youthensmellgas,STOP!Follow Ainthe safety information onPage 14,Ifyoudonot smellgas,goto next step . 7.TurngassupplyON. 8 .Turnwall switch orw ireless remo te(ifused)to ON. 9.The ignitor will begin to glow after about 2 to 5 seconds.In 5 to 10 seconds,thegas valve will openandthe burner should ligh t.If th e appli- ance willnot light after three (3)attempts, follow the instructions "ToTurnOffGas App li- ance"andcall your service technician orgas supplier. 7.Pushin control knoballthe way and immedi- ately light pilot depressing the piezo igniter button at least once every second untila flame appears.Continue toholdthe control knob in fo r about one (1)minute after the pilot islit. R elease knoband it willpop back out.Pilot should remain lit.Ifitgoesout,repeat steps 4 through 7. •If theknobdoesnot p opout when re- lease d,stop andcall your service tech ni- cianor gas supplier. •If the gas pilot willnot stay litafte r :ev eral tries,tum thegas control knob OFF and call your service technician orgassu p - plier. 8 .After the pilot hasbeenlit,the burner canbe turned onby turning knob counte rclockwise »<>.totheON position. 9 .C:o sethe access panel.TOTU RN OFF GAS TO NC E TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE 1 .To a c cess t he controls,openthe acce ss panel. 2 .Turnwall switch or wireless remote (if used)to OFF. 3 .Pushin gas control knob slightly and turn clockwise r--...toOFF.Donotforce. 4.Close access panel. Fig.15.SITknob. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC IGNITION 1.STOP!Readthe safety information on Page 14 . 2.To access the cont rols,openthe access panel.. 3.T urn wall switch on the un it toOFF.Turnwall swi tch and wireless remote (if used)toOFF. 4 .Thisappliance is equipped withan ignition d evic e w h ish a '.;-:n~u t i c a ll y lights thepilot.Do not try to light h e pilot by hand. 1.To access the controls,openthe access panel. 2.Turnwallswitchorw ireless remote (ifused)to OFF. 3 .Turngas supply OFF. 4.Close the access panel. FP58S Fig.16.NovaSIT822 valve andpilot. 15 Majestj~GBR Series 13-.'----------------- MAINTENANCE Keepthecon trol com partment,logsand burner area surrounding thelogscleanby vacuuming or brushing atleasttwiceayear.THELOGSCAN GETVERYHOT-HANDLE ONLYWHENCOOL. A lways t urnoffgasto t hepilotbefore cle aning. For reli g ~i t i :l g ,refer to lig ht inginst ructions located on t hef rontc over plate. Never obstruct the flowof combustion andventila - tionair.Keepthefrontofthe appliance clearofall obstacles and materials. Leaveat least 36"cl earancefromfrontofapp li- anceto combustibles .Seepage3 . CLEANING GLASS DOORS Glass door kitsare optional fortheseapplica- tions .Ifglassdoorsare installed ,followthe procedures listed below. Onlyglass approved foruseinTheCFMMajest ic Products Company appliances maybeusedfor replacement. 1.Theus e c :substitut e glass willvoidallproduc t warranties . 2.Caremustbetakentoavoidbreakageofthe glass. Itwillbe necessary tocleantheglassperiodically. Duringstart-up,condensation (whichisnormal) formsontheinsideoftheglassandcauseslint, dustand other airborne particles toclingtothe glasssurface.Alsoinitialpaintcuringmaydeposit aslightfilmontheglass .Itisthereforerecom- mendedthattheglassbecleanedtwoorthree timeswitha non-ammonia household cleaner and warmwater(we recommend fireplaceglass cleaner).Afterthattheglassshouldbecleaned twoorthreetimes during eachheatingseason depending onthe circumstances present. Clean glass after first two weeks of operation . .'.: INSPECTINGTHEVENTINGSYSTEM Theapp liance venting systemwas designed and constructed todeve lop apos itiveflowadequa te toremoveflue gases tothe outside atmosphere. Any foreign objects in thev enting system,ex cept those designed specifically for t heventin g sy s- tem.may c ause spillage of fluegase s (i.e.:car - bo n mcn oxics)into the rc om . To inspect t heventingsystem,makesure t he main gas valveisoff .Remove theglasspan el. Usingaflashlight,check the combustion dome . Cleanif necessary. CLEANING THE STANDING PILOT CONTROL SYSTEM Theburnerand control systemcons istsof: •main burner •gasorifice •pilotburner •thermopile •combination millivolt gasva lve •thermocouple Mostofthese components mayrequireonlyan occasional checkup and cleaning andsomemay requ ire adjustment.Ifrepairis necessary,it shouldbe performed bya qualified technician. Inorderto properly cleantheburnerandpilot assembly,turnoffthegastotheunit,openthe glassdoor(if used),removelogsexposingthe burnerandpilotassembly.Cleanallforeign materials fromthetopoftheburner.Checkto makesurethat burner partsareclean.Visually inspect pilot.Brushorblowawayanydustor li nt accumulation Ifpilotor ifice isplugged ,disassem- blymayberequiredtoremoveanyforeignmate- rialfromtheorificeortubing . Toobtainproper operation ,it is imperative that thepilotandburner 's flame characteristics are steady,notliftingorfloating. Typically,the top 3/8"or 1/2 "ofthe thermopile s hould be engulfedin thepilotflame.SeeFig.17. ________..",StiCl9 OBR Series B-Vent To adjust pilotburner,turnpilotscrew marked "pilot"for proper flamesize.NOVASIT PILOT ELECTRONIC IGNITION Theairshutterissetatfactoryno adjustment shouldbenecessary. CLEANING ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM The Electronic Ignition burner/control system consistsof : •main burner •gasorifice •pilot burner •24VACva lve with transformer Takingcareofthe Electronic Ignition units is almostidenticaltotakingcareofthe Standing Pilotmodels .(SeetheMa intenance section on page 16 .) FLAME ADJUSTMENT Forunits equipped with Hi/lo valves,flame adjust- mentis accomplished byrotatingthe Hillo adjust- mentknoblocatednearthe center ofthegas control. FP581 Fig .17.Properpilotflameheight. Tum .~Tumclockwise counterclockwise tolower to Increa~e .flameheihI. flameheight.g GF390 Fig .18.Flameadjustmentongasvalve(standingpilolonly). GBR36 Itis Important to periodically perform a visual check of the pilot and the burner flames.See Figures 17 and 19. FP569'632 Fig.19.Approximateflameheight. M~jestic®GBR Series 13-.._ TKO UBLESIIOOTING· Nova S IT 820 Standing Pilot REMOVE GLASS PANEL BEFORE SERVICING. STA RT ::;-1 ECK -NO•SUPPLY LINE HOOKED UP '-----r-----'•SHUTOFFVALVEOPEN YES ! PILOTLIGHTSWIT H f-NO PIEZOIGNITOR YES •LOCKOUTHAS ENGAGED.WAIT 60 SECONDS ANDTRYAGAIN. i •PIEZONUT TIGHT FOR GOOD GROUND. •FORSPARKAT ELECTRODE WHILE DEPRESSING PIEZO (REDBUTTON)-1/8"GAPTO PILOTHOODNEEDED. •ALLWIRING CONNECTIONS •REPLACEPIEZO IGNITOR PILOT STAYS LIT •FORAIRIN THE LINES •THERMOPILE NEEDS A MINIMUM325mV.ADJUST _NOPILOTFLAME HEIGHT. •ALLWIRING CONNECTIONS. •REPLACE THERMOPILE •THERMOCOUPLE NEEDS A MINIMUMOF14mV. YES PI LOTLIGH TS MAIN_NO _____ BURNER I YES-*-ISYSTEM OK. •VALVEIS TURNED ON •WALLSWITCHISNOT TURNED ON.WATCH FOR GROUNDED WIRES! •THERMOPILE NEEDSA MINIMUM325mV. •PLUGGED BURNER ORIFICE. •DEFECTIVE VALVE.TURNTO PILOT,METER SHOULD READ GREATER THAN100mV .IF NOT,REPLACE. FP396 TOWN OFVA IL 75S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO81657 970-479-2138 Dt~MENT OF COMMUNITY DE VE~INT NOTE:THIS P ERMITMUST BE POSTED O N JOBSITEATALLTIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P03-D064 1)CiA -0 A.'7" Status...:ISSUED A pplied..:07/08/2003 07/16/2003 01/12/2004 Job Address:2614 LARKSPUR LNVAIL Location :2614 Larkspur Lan e Pa rcel No:210314301015 Issued ..: P roject N o :,.TOa\-O LlS'"L Expires ... 0 7 /08 /2003 Phone:970 -477 -2254OWNERGRAMALEGUI,GREGOR Y L . 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL CO 8 16 57 Li cense: CONT RACT OR EDWARD S PLUMBI NG &HEATING,07 /08/2003 Phone:970 -748 -0944 P.O .BOX 205 1 EDWARDS,CO 816 32 L icense :1 31-P APPLI CANT John G.Martin,AIA-Architec0 7/0 8/2 003 Phone :970 -477-2476 POBox 62 1 Vail,CO 81 658 L ic ense: Desciption:add waste,vent,gas and water supply for new unit.Rerun existing plumbing changed due to struct changes Valuation:$18,000 .00 Fireplace lnf onnation:Restricte d:??#of Gas Appliances:??#ofGasLogs:??#of WoodPall et ?? _*******••••••••••••••••••H**••*._.__******__**.*'****_**'*-**FEE SUl\.11l.1 ARY ......**-_....**-******************************************* Plumbin g->$270.OOR esluarant PlanRevie w->$0 .00 Plan C hec k->$67 .5 0DRB Fee >$0.00 Investigation->$0 .ooTOTALFEES------····>$340 .50 Will Call---->$3 .00Payments > BALANCE DUE--> Tota l Calcu lated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Tota l Permit Fee---> $3 40.50 $0 .00 $340 .50 $0 .00 $340 .50 1t.__*__*__***__****__**_***_***__***._*__•••********__***__***__*__*_********_***__****_ Item :05 100 BUILDING DEPARTM ENT 07 /08 /2003 DF Action:AP Item :05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT C ONDITION OFAPPROVAL Co n d:12 (BLDG.):F IELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHEC K FOR CODE COMP LIANCE . **----_._***-****••*****-*--*--*-*••_-*-___..__.._-..____..______.__._____- D ECLARATIONS Ihe reby a cknowledge that I have r ead this application,filled out in full the information required ,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all tt~mation as required is correct.I at !omPlY with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according tothe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONSHALLBEMADE lWENTY-fOUR HOURSIN AD~ANCEBLEPHONEAT 4~9_21~AT O~R ~.p ~/e ~~'e'£'C-~?j'i< SIGNATUREOF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHISELF AND OWNEF Contractor Signature: 75S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact andPhone 's: HI\Q.l O -1 '1 'a-cA44 •q Ol\-OO::::lI OTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL~GNED~ Project #,.0 1-__iZ=__-----, Building Permit #:~-o i74= Plumbing Permit #:_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) APPUCAllON &1.: E-Mail Address: PlumbingCont ractor: E~t)e DS ?uJM 51 106 +~O\l '~ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II PLUMBING:$ICO .CCO,oo II Contact Eat Ie County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eeale-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #;~,.p;iLl ~n l DIS JobName:Gel'lHf-)1£6UI eatOOC.L!7\VPt'\010 JobAddress:.2b\Q LA~~e.LM.)E 1\I~\l CO ...~..~~.15UbdIVI,;00'-~~T OwnersName:G "~...-\4 Ll\et:.5PUQ.LAlJc Phone:Lt17 -2.IQ7-- Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:In>D \IJ.II.-:'lE:,IlW1 ,6"-:>N-:J'D \.UJ\"1Ee.5UPPL'(foe kl eJ.V Ut-.JII 1 g~eul.j e."1~II'-.j G ?WHe>fk..lG C.lY\t..:Gl::D "l:>ue:10 ~5"Tl2Uc.l .Ctt>\NGC..",=,. WorkClass:New C'<)Addi tion (~Alteration ()Repair()Other () Typeof Bldg.:Sing le-family ()Duplex (X,)Multi-family()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other() No.of Existing Dwelling Unitsinthis building:No.of Accommodation Unitsinthis building: I Isth is a conversion fromawood burning fireplace toan EPA Phase II device?Yes()No~I ************""""*****************""""""FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*******"**""""""*"******************* Other Fees:.Date Received: DRBFees:.Accepted By: Planner Sign-off:e'" REeD JUl -7 2003 ~ IIVail\dala\cdevIFORMSIPERMITSIPLMBPERM.DOC 07/2612002 .. CR055ROAD5 ENGINEERING,Inc ~602 Morn ing Gloe.!!Drive C astle Rock,CO 80 10+ ~0,-81+-921 ~ph/,0~-66~-905~be September 2 3,2003 M r.Greg Gramalegui 2614 Larkspur Lane V ail,Colorado 81658 .. I I ~~I i '-\---'--------====:== Subject:St acked Boulder Retainin g Wall Gramalegui R esidence,2614 Lar k spur Lane ,Vail Colorado C rossroadsEn gineering ProjectNu mber02-214 Per your request,Crossroads En gineering ha s reviewed a four t ier,stac ked boulderret a ining wa ll installed onthe North s id e ofthe s ubj e ctpro perty.The wa ll c on s ist s of stacked bould ers toanappro ximate threetofourfoothei ght and each wall stepped back approximatelyfour feet.According to our review,this stackedwallis adequate to support t he r equired design loa ds.However,it should beun der stood that if these wall s were placed on un-compacted fill,theycould experience se ttlementcausing the boulders toshift.In a ddition,excess m oisture againstthi s wall could increase the settlement underthe wall and al so add additional pressures a gainst thew all.Therefore,itistherecommendation ofthis office that adequate drainage be provided away from the retaining wallando ff the subject site. If you haveany questions concerning this proposal,please contact the undersigned. Si ncerely, M i Tek ~ Re :WCB1438 .... M iTek Industries,Inc. 7777 Greenback Lane Suite109 Citrus Heig hts,CA,95610 Te lephon e 916/676-19 00 Fax 916/676 -1909 Thetrus s drawing (s)referenced belowhavebeenpreparedb y MiTekIndustr ies,Inc .undermydire cts upervision basedonthepa rameters providedby BMCW est-Fort Lup ton ,CO. Pagesorsheetscoveredbyt his seal:RlO2100 33thruRI0210035 My licenserenewa l da te for thes tate of Colora dois September 30,2005. Septe mber 23,2003 Anderson,Bob Thesea l on these drawingsindicate acceptance ofprofessional e ng ineering responsibility sole ly forthe truss components shown .The suitab ility anduse of this component foran y particu lar bui lding is the responsib ility of the bu ilding designe r,per ANSlffPI-1995 Sec .2. .... 4 .2 01 SA l 5 Oct1720 02 MITek Ind ust n es.lnc.Mon Se p22 15.33.5 12003Page 1 ob T russ TrussType aty Ply I 1 Rl0210033 CB1438 A SCISSOR S 181 I ---(octionall i J iw i BMC W EST Ft .lupton,FT .lUPTON,CO 8 0621 r--2.Q•o 5-10-4 12-0-0 19 ·'·12 2S-0·0 27·~O z-o-o 5-10 -4 6-7-12 6-1-12 ~·1 0-4 2-0-0 5xl0 Scale ~1:56 .3 6.00 [12- F 3.4 ""5x6 ~Sx6 "" '"~ ~ II =i ~ N l KI"'I'"~; 2x4 II 2x4 II 8x 12 -z:8x12 '"5x12 M II20H -s-3 .00 [T2 5x12 MII20H "" 5-10-4 12-6·0 19-1·12 25-0-0 "'04 6-7-12 6.7·12 5-1().4 IB'O0 100 6 11 IF'O4 1 5Edqel (J ·O 0 100 6 11 (M 'O 5 0 0 401PlateOffsets[XYl:.... lOADING lp sl)SPACING 2·0·0 CSI DEFL In Ilo c)IId ell PLATES GRIP rc u,80 .0 Pl atesIncrease 1.15 T C0 .6 6 Ve rt(ll)-0.3 3 M ·N >9 12 MII 20 1691123 T CDL 10 .0 Lumber Inc rease 1.15 BC 0 .72 V ertlTL)·0.4 2 M ·N >715 M II2 0H 1 27 /9 3 BCll0 .0RepStre ss ln crYESW80 .56 HorzlTll 0 .30J nla BCDl 10 .0 Code UB C97/ANS I95 (Matri x)1 s t lC lL Mi nIldetl =360 Weight :1371b lUMBER TOPCHORD BOTCHORD WE8S SLIDER 2 X6SPF 2 100F1 .8E 2 X 6SPF 2100F 1.8 E 2 X4 SPF·S St ud·Except" F·M2X 6 SPF 2 1DOF1.8E lett 2X 6SPF 2100F 1.8E 2 -10 -1, Right 2 X 6SPF 2 100F 1.8 E 2-1 0 -1 8RACING T OP CHORD BOT'CHORD WEBS Sheat hed or3 -4-0 DC pu rlins. Rigid ce iling di rectly applied o r10 -0 -0 DC bra cing. ,Row at mid pt O-M.H-M REACTIONS fi b/size) Ma x Harz Max Upilft B =2B5810·5·8,J =2858/0-5-8 B =-2 01(laad case8) B =~4 2 4 (l o a d ca se 7),J =-424 (1 aad case 8 ) BOTCHORD W EBS FORCES tlbl-Fir st Load CaseOn ly TOPCHORD A ·B =60,B·C=-57 10.C·D =-5456 .D·E=-4 884,E·F =-4755 ,F·G=-4755 ,G·H =·4884, H·I =·5456.I·J =·5710 ,J·K =60 B·N =4721 ,M·N =4792 ,l ·M =4792 ,J·L =4721 F·M=2676,D·N=·161 ,H·l =·161,D·M=·360 ,H·M=-360 NOTES 11 This t ru ss h as beende stqued fo rthew indloads genera tedby 100 mph wind s at 25 ft above groun d lev el. usmq 7 ,5 psf top chord dea dload and7 .5 psfbot tom chord deadload .in t hegable endro ofzoneon an occupan cy ca tegory I I.co ndition 1 enc los ed building,w ith exposure C A SCE7 -98 p er UBC97/AN 'SI95 II end ve rt icals ex ist .the y are not exposed to w in d.It c antileversex ist .th ey areex posedto wi nd .Ifporches exist .th ey are not e xposedto wind .Thelum ber DOL increase is 1.33 ,an d t he p lat e grip in crease is 1.33 2)Destqn loadi s based on80 .0p atspe cified r oof snow load. 3 )Unba l anced snowlo ads ha ve bee n considered forth is design. 41A ll plates are M Il2Q plat es un lessot her wise indicated . 5 )Thi s tr uss h as been designed f or a 10.0 psf bot tom chordlive l oad nonconc urrent w ith any other li ve loads perTeb le No.16·B,UBC-97. 6)Bearing a t jointt sl B.J c onsidersparalle l to grainvalu e using ANS IITP I1-1995 an gle tograinf ormu la. Building de signersh ouldv erifycapa city ofb earing su rface . 7)Thistru ssh asb eendesigned with ANSlfT PI 1-199 5c riteria. lOAD CASEISI Standard Sep temb er 23 ,2003 -,--,--,-----,----..,..,---,---,---,-:----,---,--,---,-=:-:--------------,-----:_=_l MlI~1 MiTek'", IA Wamlng -Verily de.lvn parameter.and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REfERENCE PAGE MII.7473 BEfORE USE DeSign valid tor use ooly with MiTek conne ctorsThi s d asign is based only uponpa rameters s hown.andisfo ran individual build ing component 10be Installed and loaded v&rticall)'Appllca b i ~ty of desig n paremeraers and proper incorporation of component is respo nsibility of build ing designer -not lruss ,desig ner,Bracing shown isfo r lateral scppcrt 01individ ual web mem bers only.A ddilional temporary braci ng to insure stab ility during consnucnon is the I responsibi lhly 01lh e erec tor Alxlltional pe rmanent brac ing ol lheovera ll structure is therllsponsib llityo f th ebuilding designer .FOf gene ral gu idance ','rl!g arljjng labflC,alian ,quality co ntrol.storage,de lr..ery.erectionandbraci ng,consult QST-86Q uality s teneerc.DS8 ·89 Bracin g Specilication ,andHI D-91 Handling Installing and Bra clIlg Recomm endallon evailable h om T russ P tala Institute.58 3 D'Onolno Dri ve,Madison.W I 537 19 .... 4 4.201 SRl s Oct1 7 20 02 MITek Industries,Inc .Mon Sap 22 15 .33 .51 2003 Page 1 r Trus s T russ T ype CtyPly Rl 021003 B1438 IB SCISSORS 5 1 (optional)t BMCWESTFt.Lupton .FT.LUPTON.COB0621 -2.Q-O 3-1 1·10 8-8-12 1J·S-14 1]-5-8 19->8 Z·I>Q 3-1'·10 -4·9-2 ....Z l-1 1-10 Z·I>Q 6x6 Scale =1:42 .1 E I 6 00 f12 d 3x4 .:,. l [ I 1M \;~A =I~NI~L J 2x4 II 2x4 II 8x8 8x8 II3.00 f12 3-11·10 6-8-12 13-5-14 17-5-8 3·"·10 4 -9-2 4-9-2 3-11·10 Plate Offsets IX Vj·'--;I'"B"·E"'d-=-ge::n0"5"1"0"I-l"H"'·0 0 005 101IK'O4 0 03'8"1-------------------------------.. .. LOADING Instl SPACING 2·0 ·0 CSI DEFl in Iloc l I/datl PLATES GRIP TCLL 80.0 Plates Incre ase 1.1 5TCQ.39 Vertlll )·0.13J ·K >999 MII20 16 9/123 TCDL 10 .0 Lumber Increase 1.1 5 BC 0.49 Vert lTlI·0.17 J ·K >999 BCLL 0 .0 I Rep St ress Inc r YESWB 0.81 Hcrz f'Ft.I 0 .12 HniB BCDL 10 .0 Code UBC97lANS I95 (MatrixI lst l C LLMin I/detl =360 Weight :93 Ib LU MBER TOP CHORD 8DT CHORD WEBS S LIDE R 2X6SPF 2100F1.8E 2X6S PF 2 100F 1.8E 2 X 4SPF·S Stud Left2X4SPF·S St ud ,.g.7 , R,ght2 X4SP F·S St ud 1·9·7 BRACING TOPCHORD BOTCHORD Sheat hed or5 -0-1 acpurfi ns. Rigid c eiling d irectly ap pl iedor10 -0 -0 ocbr acing . REACTIONS lib /siz e) Ma)(H ar z MaxUpl ift M axGrav B =2 104/0 ·5·8,H=2 104/0·5-8 B=1 51 (1oadcas e 7 } B =·3 42 11 0adcase 7 ).H =-34 2tlo ad c ase 81 B =21 28(loadcase21.H =21 2a(l oadcase31 FORCES Obi -Firs t LoadCase Onl y TOP CHORDA·B=60 .B-C =·3 2 5 5,CoD =·3087,D·E =·3075.E·F =·3 075 .F-G =·3087,G·H =·3255,H-I =60 BOT CHORDB-L=255 5 .K·L =2631,J -K=2631 ,H-J =2555 WEBS E·K=1487 ,D-L=·2 17 ,F·J=-217,D·K=159,F·K=1 59 NOTES 1)This tru ss h asbeendesi gned fo r thewi nd load s generat edby 100 mp h w ind s at 2 5 ft abovegroun dlevel. u sing 7 .5 ps f top chord dea d lo ad and7 .5 ps f bottom chord dead l oad.in the gable end r oo f zoneon an oc c upancy c at egory II.c ondi tionI enclosed building,w it h e xposureC ASeE7 ·98per UBC97/ANSl95 \I end ve rticals e xist.they areno t e xposed t o wind .\I cantilever s exi st .t heyareexpose d to wind .Ifporch es e xist ,t heyar e no t ex posed towi nd .The lumber DO L increase i s 1.3 3.andthep late gr ipincrease is 1.33 2 )Design load IS ba sed on 80.0 psf specified roof snow load . 3J Unbalanced snow loadshavebeen considered fo r t his design . 4 )Thistrus s hasbeendesigned f or a 10 .0psf bottom c hordl ive l oadn onconcurrentw ith any o ther live l oads p er TableNo .1 6-8,U8C-97. 5)Bearing at jointtal B,H co nsidersp arallel t ograin va lueusingA NSIITPI 1-'995 an g le t ograin fo rmula . Building desi gner shou ld verify capacity o f bea ringsurf ace. 6 )This tru ss hasbee n des igned w ith A NSIITPI1-'99 5 c riteria, LOAD CASEISI Standa rd September 23.2003 IA Wa ml J'g -V e lif)'d ••'s"••,...,.t....."d ,READ N .OTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK IltEFERENCE PAGE MII·7473 BEFORE USE. I Oesogn valid lor use ooly w llh MlTek conn edors ThIS d &sign II bas ed on ly upon p8 rnmetars shOwn,and is loran indillidual bu lldll'lg com pollElntlo be Inslallej and loaded 1181'\Jcally.I\pplic.ability0 1design pMamenters and prope r .,corporation of compon8lll:is responsili1ityof building des .gtlef -not trussIoesignerBtsciogshownIslorlateralsupponviindIVidualweDI'TlB mben on ly .Addilionaltemporary bracr.g 10insure &li1bi~ly dutinll cons lt\lCUon is the I respoos ,bjlhly of the erBdl)(Al'd lbonal permanent bracing of thll overl!lll strudure is the respoflS lblhty altha btJildlng de signet For genera!g uidance regarding faDficalian ,Quality (:Onl m l ,stor;tga,oelivery,arlleton .nd braang,con~ull 05T-88 aua~~Si andard,OSB-S9 B racin g Spe cifl:':8tJon ,and HiB"91 Handling ""s ta llOg an d Bracilg Recommendation availab le f rom Truss Pta18 lnstllu te,5830 '000100Ol'Y¥e ,Madison.WI 53719 MiTek"! .. SC ISSORS Truss T ype--=::-----r=c=-..~----fTob I-Truss J:IJtYPly,---------------------, R'02'0035 ;---';-:-B::;S~~""--,---;TD_m:,,"Fr!Q"""'-----__.____.;;;,-.=_:_=_;____,_,__.,1 ~(optlonall4.201 SRl sOct 17 2002 MiTe k Industrie s.,1-:n"'c".-"Mi'i::o=n"S"eCCpC'2"2"""5":"3"3 ."·5~2"'20=0"3-np-::-a9-::-e::--.,--------' i W CB1438 l BMCWESTFt.Lupton .FT.LUPTON.CO 80821 -,-0<>3-11·10 e-e-tz 1l).~8 11·5-8 ,-0<>3-11·1Q 4-9-2 1.S-12 7-0-0 5x5 Scale =,.38 .4 E I 6.00 r12 J 3x4 M d> N .;" I-I II ~I~ I I 2x4 II 8x8 fT2-3.00 3-11·10 8-8-12 10-5-8 17-5-8 3·11·10 4·9·2 '·8·12 7-0-0 IB'O 0,0281(H'O 4 0 03 BIPlateOffsetsIXVIC"----"=-,,.---;;,---.,=""''''"'',,''';-;;;;---------------------------------------.. LOADING IPsl)SPACING 2 ·0-0 est DEFL in Itocl IIdeti PLATES GRIP TCLL 80 .0 PlatesIncre ase 1.15 TC 0 .29 Vert ILL)-0 .05 H·I>999 MII20 '891'23 TCDL '0.0 l u m be r Increase 1.,5 BC 0 .32 VertlTLI -0.06H-I >999 BCLL 0 .0 Rep Stress In cr VES W B 0 .5 7 Horz{Tl)0 _02 G n la BCDL 10.0 Co de UBC97 /ANS I95 (Matrix )1s t LC LlMin IIdafl ~380 We ight:59 lb LUMBER TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SUDER 2X8S PF 2'00F 1.8 E 2 X 8S PF 2100F 1.8E 2 X4S PF-S St ud Lett2X4 S PF-SSt ud'·9 ·7 BRACING TOPCHORD 8 0TCHORD Sheathed or6-0 -0 acpurl ins.ex cept end vert icals . Rigid cei ling d irectly app lied o r 10-0-0 c c bra cing. REACTIONS li b/sizeI Max Horz Ma)C Uplift M axGrav 8 ~14 39 /0·5 -8.G =9 8110-5-8 B~30Blload c ase 71 B =-25 3 (lo ad c ase 7 ),G =-164 (loadcase 7t B ::1 71 2(loadca se21.G =9 81 (load ca se 1I FORCES (lb)·Fir st l oadCaseOn ly TOPCHORD A-B =80,B-C =-1 873,C ·D~·'53 0 ,D-E=-7 88 .E-F=-B'9 .F -G ~·9 8 2 80T CHORD B-1=,245 ,H-I ~12 90.G -H ~2 5 WEBSE·H ~·25 9 .0 ·1=-9 0.D-H =-8 3 8,F-H =953 NOTES t l Th ist russ hasb eendesign edfort he w in d loadsgenera ted by 100 mphwi nds at 25 ft ab ove gro und level . using 7 .5 p st top chor dde ad l oad and 7 .5 psf b ottomc hord dead load,in t hegable endroof lone on an occ uoencv ca tegory II ,co ndition I enclosed bu ilding,w it h exposure CASCE '·98 pe r UaC97!ANSI95 If end verticals exist ,they are net ex posed t o w ind ."cantileversex ist ,th ey are exposed to wind.If porches exist.t heyarenotexpos ed to wind .T he lumber D OL increase is 1 .33.andthep late gripincreaseis 1 .33 21 Design load i sbasedon 80.0 psi spec ified roof snow load . 3)Unbala nced snowloadshavebeencon side red fOl thisdesign. 4 )This trussha s bee n designedfor a 10 .0 pst bo ttom chord l ive load non concurrent with anyotherlive loads perTab le No.18 ·B.UBC-97 . 5)Beari ngat j cmttsl B,G con siders parallel t ograi n va lueu singANS IITPI 1 ·1 995 ang le to grainformula . Buildingdes igner sho u ld verify ca pacity o fbe arin g surface. 6 )Th IS trusshasbeendesig ned with A NSIITPI 1 -1995 cr iteria . LOAD CASEIS)St andard September 23 .2003 lA w nni';-V erify deallft p araln.tel'S And READ HOTIiS ON THIS AHD INCLUDED MITEK REfERIENCE PAGE "11 -7473 BEFORE USE I Des 'll"",a~d lor use onty ..i1h MaTek oonneceor:o,;This design Is b ased only upo~pafamelel'$Sl'ICIwn.allClll lor an ~,ual buld i".g oomP:On enllO be InSUllled and load6d v8r1iCilJly.Ap picebi/ity o f desig n pal'8l11tinlers ana propet l~alion of compo nent Is rospon ~lit}l .of buldlO g deS 19ner.-IVIt lru$S designer B raclt'l9 st10wn Il for lale m l support of Ind ividual web members only ,Acidltlonal lemporary tw'acing to ,ns.t.lrll stab lht)'dunng constl'\Jcl oo "the responslbillity ?l lhe erect or .Addit ional permanent bfacing o f ee OVlKall iotr\letute Is the respo nsibility of the bu ilding de signer.For gflf'ls ral guidance regarding fabncalion.quality conIrol ,SlOrage.ditWery.erection and braciog.COIlSU II 05T·88 Qua lity Standard.DSB-a9 BracingSpeCJilcatlOO.and HI B-91 HandlingInSl aUing and Bracing Recommendation ayaUable from Truss Plate Institute.583 O'Onolrkl Olive.Madison.WI53719 , 1.Provide copies o fthis trussdes ign fathe bui lding designer.erec tion supervisor.property owner and all o ther inte rested parties. 6.Unless expressly not ed.t his designisno t applicableforusew ith fire retardant or preservat ive t reated lumber. 2.Cu t members t o bear tightly against eac h other. 4.Unless olherwise noted.locate chord splices at 'f.panel length (±6"froma djacen t join t.) 5 .Unless otherwise noted.mois ture content at lumber sholln ot exceed 19%at time of fabrication . 3.Place p lateson each face oftruss at each joint and embed fully.A void kno ts and wane at joint loc ations. I ~.._---..-..-.-.-.....,....--- I A General Safety Notes Failure toFollowCou ld Cause Property Damage or Persona l Injury J6 Numbering System •Center p late onjo int un less di me nsionsind icate o therwise . Dime nsions areininc hes .Apply pla tes t obo th sides o f truss and securelysea t. •For4 x 2 orientation.locate plates 1/8"from outside edge oftruss and vertical we b. ~ Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIEN TATION I -----~... LATERAL BRAC ING CO NN ECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS BOCA 96-31.96-67 JO INTS A ND C HORDS ARENUMBERED C LOCKW ISE AROUN DTHE TRUSSSTARTING AT THE LOWES T JO INT FARTHEST TO THE LE FT . WEBS ARE NUMBEREDFROM LEFT TORIGHT PLATE SIZE 4x4 ~ •This symbol indicafe s the required d irecfion o f slots in connector p lates. Thefirst dimension isfhewid th perpen d icular toslots.Second dimension isthe length paro llel toslots. Indica tes loca tionofre quired c ontinuouslaleral bracing. ICBO SBCCI WISC/DILHR NE R 3907.4922 9667.9432A 960022·W.970036-N 561 7.Camber isa n on-structural considerat ion and is t he responsibility o f truss fabric ator.General practice isto comber tor dead load d eflecfion. 8.Plate typ e .size and loca t iondimensions shown indicatemin imum plating requ irements. 9.Lumbersholl be of the species and size.and inall respects.equa l toor better t han the g radespecified. 10.Topchordsmus t be sheathed orp ur1ins provided at spacing shownondes ign. II .Bottom chords require lateral bracing of 10 f t.spacing.orless.if noceil ing is installed . un less otherwise noted . 12.A nchorage a nd I or load fransferring connec tions to trusses aretheresponsibi lity o f o thers unlessshown . , MiTek Eng ineering Refere nce Sheet:MII-7473 ©1 9 93 M iTek®Holdi ngs,Inc. 15.C OrA should be exerci sed in hand ling. e rec tion a nd installa tio n o f trusses. 14.Dono t cutora lter truss member or plate w ithout prior approval ofa professiona l e ng ineer. 13.Donot overload rooforfloor trusses with stocksof construction ma teria ls. ..-=r<J::>r.... imE3 vVSl V'o/'\J I ----1 I--- Indi c ates location of j oin ts at whi ch bearings (support s)occur . BEARING 1__- (2)ClY2 "L VL /150 @ 16"o .c. (3)2 > \\ \\(3)11 ~"L \ \\ \\C) HUC5.31 , , ..-.. 04-07 2004 7'05 a m P ag 1 ~e1u~sted In r-ect Date: tnspecnon Are . Sit Addr ss . ednesda~,ApnI07.2004 CD 26~4 LARK PUR LIAi L :614 1 r k ur I n CC'AVIS oiler 1970/477-2254 DGOLDEN K Requa ted Time: Phone : Entered By: Time Fx p' 530 BL DG-Temp.C /O GREG GRAMALEGUI C DAVISj) ype A-bUILD SUb Typ€!.A :>.-tatus.I.U ED OCcl'p8ocy Use'V N Insp Area:CD GRAMALEGUI.G R v L.Phone .9 70-477-2476 G REG G F>AMALEGUI P one :1970}477 ·2254 ReceIVed revtILC.01<In pec onscnonnue -AOCHS PW need s to r&CleV e Revocable R ight of Way P ermitand Boulder Wall Drawl Fr omL enc e PEBefor e TCO Is approved -LSANOOVAl IlC denied.no further Inspec llon un lil resolVed.-11-03 AOC HS ILC ROlJTED TO ALLISO DFLORE Foundation and Framing ILCreq'dAOCHS rout ed to charlie .pl nntnforrev);3r Is Also fouted 10 P.W.9.902 Item : Requestor : Assigned To: c1lon: ct/Vrty C onst Ty pe Owner' Appft nl: .Nonce: N otlca: comment Comment Com ment: Comment. pm: equestor: Assl ned To Action'TimeExp Reque ted Ti me'8 : P hone :(970)477-2254 Entered By'DG OLDEN K 04 0 /-(4 t'1'\b1'-Iv EIA.ll d \1~h vvJ 0'-T CD .J:vLs ~i.;I\.. fl'U'\.Vll~F"",J ~p.e..,:..+toloL i Afpmv<L1 :r.~ ~lL\\~.~l\O+k-e.'P-e\M-\"\.s IhduJ \(t ItknlJA..J.,fire... flCtGt tLLedAA1GJ W.eJ =&~R:5=t.~:.¥:::;,~JI~l ,tOry o NOTIFIEEJ APCR APPR ED CCRRECTION R EQD I ocn ATBA K W L.P RO I ENGF IX. TFIED EF 0 TO A .oro 10 BLDG-FOOling t 09/1 102 In C omment: 1012'02 C ments : •ApprOIlQd tor cdavts t lon :NO N OTIFIED L RE TEOUIREDPRIORT O PP ROVAL 0 A FOOTING INSPECTION Inspector:Cd8 11i Action :APCRAPPR VE D/CORRECTION REQD M~I r move 1111 mUd romm of fooling f1l~nor 0 oncrele pt c men! Wet til II lIPr'hId Iccord rng to plan at oncenter Provide engineer ra rt'approval addr essrngso lisreport requ remnetof "1500 Ibs Bearing Pressure"when foundation is des igned for "2000'"Engi neer musl al so irm and a pprove the Instal lation of he lical p iers 10'30'02 Inspector:cdallis ActIon P AP PROVED Comments.Helical pier reportof approval rec'd see nL 20 BLOO-Foundatlon!Steel 1 1119>02 Inspector'GCD commcn.FOU N AT I J R NFFF I 11 •2 ..::.to r.- Comman F NDAI BDG·F a )11'19 'o~it l'l:fm: Item: REPT13..L Run I d:1 78 8 .... 08-12-2004 .Page 1 8:14 am Requ sted Inspect DlI~:Th u rsday ,August 12,2004 Ins ectlon Area:CD It Addre s:2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 2614111rskpurlane AfPID Information Activity: Cons/Type : Owner: A~~: Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: 802-0274 Type :A·BUILD Sub Type .ASFR Status:ISSUED Occupancy:O"se:VN InspArea:CD GRAMALEGUI,GREGORY L.Phone:970-477·2476 GREG GRAMALEGUI Phone:(970\477-2254 TempCO denied on 516/04.Thehousedonotconformto approved ORB plans.walls onsite thai w re nopproved 0'1 r 6.,Applicant willresubrnplanstha reneet whtwasbuiltan go toORB.-RFORREST RflcelV re dILC.Of(•inspectIOn can contlnue •AOCHS PI nOingTCO approved -GRUTI-lER Planning TCO denied.Thelist IS toolongtoaddhere.See leiter Inthe me addressing theIncompletenems.· GRUlHER ILC denied.no furtherIn pections unt!resolved 6-11-03 -AOCHS ILCROUTEDTO ALLISON·OF ORE PVII needstorecleve Revocable Right of way Permit -LSANOOVAL Foundation and Framing ILCreq'd -AOCHS routedto charlie.p1annlng forreVlew/approvalsAlsoroutedto p.w.919102 •CDAVIS Requested Inspectlon! ttem: Requestor: Comments. Assigned To: Action: ItemComments: Item Comment:o: Item Commen : Item: Req~or: Comm nts: Assigned To: Acton: 534 PLAN -FINAL C/O GREG GRAMALEGUI IMLL CALL CDAVIS b"'-':;".vt~ 540 BLDG-Fln IC/O GREG GRAMALEGUI IMLLCALL CDAVIS TImeExp:-/....Q- Requested Time:08:00 AM Phone:(970)477·2254 EnteredBy:LCAMBELL K R~".Qm$;.!'l -0 t, Phone.970477-2254 EnteredBy:LCAMLLK CD Item:10 BLDG-FootlflgslSteel ~Approved - 09/13102 Inspector:cdavls Action:NO NOTIAED Commen :SOILS REPORT REQUIRED PRIORTO PPROVAL OF A FOOTING INSPECTION 10123102 Inspector:Cdavls Action:APCRAPOVED ICOR ECTIONREQD REPT131 Run Id:2195 O~-02-2C04 ----.---- 8:0~.E-'!1 _ -------Inspection Reque t Reporting ...__VAI ..co -..IOwttilf ___ -P3ge6 equested In pect 0 Ie lnspecuor Area: Site Address' ru day,Marc 02.2004 GG 161 LARKSPUR I..N 1/IL 1 larl<spur Ian AJPID Informauon Activity Cons!Type' Owner. ~lcant Comment: M02-0268 Type'B-t.iECH Sub Type.DUP OCcupancy:USll GRAMA EGUI.GREGORY L Prone''370·477-2476 R s H MECH'WICAL LLC PhOne:303-543-9894 ROUTED TO GREG FOR REVIEW/APPRO 'AlS -OF ORES Status:ISSUED In pAree GD Run Id: Requested TIme:08:00 AM Phone:477-2254 Entered By.DGOLDEN K Time Exp'_ 200 MECH-Rough ~ApproVi!d ~ 09/11/0:3 Inspector·GCD Actlon'CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comments:1.ElOILER VENT EXCEEDS VENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR LENGTH 125 FEET COMB/NED MAX. AS BUILT IS 148' 2.PROVIDE TEST FOR BASE BOARD HEAT 3.MINI THERM BOILER APPROVED. 09117/03 Inspector:GCD ActIOn:PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comments:WEOST BOILER APPROVED. 09117/03 Inspector:GeD Action:CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comments:EAST BOlLER VENT STILL EXCEEDS INSTRUCTIONS. 09118/03 Insoector:GCD ActIOn:AP APPROVED Comments:EAST SIDE VENT IS APPROVED.PROVIDE LENGTH CALCULAnoN. 310 MECH-He8tJoa 10122.03 IMpactor:QCD Action:PI PARTIAL INSPECTION coml1l$llts:DRIVEWAY AND STAIR SNOWMEL T EAST Sloe:1CXlpsI TEST WEST 92ps1 TEST.Sl'PPlY AND RETURN NOT UNDER TEST. 315 PLMB-Gas PIping 320 MECH-Exhausl Hoods ••Approved ~ 09111103 Inspector:GeD Actlon:I\P APPROVED Comments:EAST SIDE BATH FANS APPROVED 09117/03 Inspector:GCD ActIon:AP APPROVED Comments.WEST SIDEBATHFANS APPROVED 09/18103 Inspector:GCD Action ~R CORRECTION REOUIRED Comments:Nd DRYER DUCT IN WES1 SIDE. 330 MECh-Supply AIr 340 MECH-Misc 3S(}MECH-Flnal' i 03101104 Iinspactor:CDAVIS ActIon.ON DfNIED (Comments.I NO ONEONSITENO ANSWER AT TELEPHON '-NO ACCESS TO ~TE /EINSPECTION REQUEST REQUIRED Item: Item: lIem: Itom: Item: item: IH.PTl·1 .. 01-28-2004 :52 8 !:!L age 12 Requ~sted Inspect Date" In~p tlcnAr: SIte Add ress: Wedn~sday,July 28 ,2004 J 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAIL 514 LARKSPUR LANE ~~~?og;~ef Ph376-3 _ ODE Req CH Sub AD at I :I ED InspArea :J Phone :970-477-2254 Ph 970-477 ·2476 P 97 0-827·962 FRE A('E lSI 8 1 TI OF B T T e xp : AP OVEC PTl 1 ------ :2135 4-05-2004- 701 _a m__ equested Inp ct Date , Inspecti nArea: Sil Addres", Type s..PL B uecu!""ncy G RA AI GUI ,R Y L Apphca nt'Ja nn G Mert,"A1A ·Arch eel Mondal Aprl105 ,2004 J 2614 LARKS URLNVAIL 14 L.uk~pu,L n uo Typ"DUP talU :I SUED U Insp A1&d ,J Phone '!::l70-477·2254 Phone'970-477 -2476 Requested Time '08:00 AM Pho ne,477-2254 EnteredBy:DGOLDENK u:T13 Run Id:1774 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COpy OFPERMITTOBEKEPTON JOBSITE DATE 'May 7 1993 PERMIT NO.OU~'1 1.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTIONIIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 9,000.00 ~. DIVISION 122a3 4 z ELECTRICAL 0 GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF WORK:~PLUMBING Redwood two (decks)to front of => ...J c( hosue as per original permit.>MECHANICAL o nnn nn TYPE GROUPG .R.F.A .VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 BUILDING PERMIT 135 00 PLANCHECK 88.00 ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERATIONXX)ADD ITIONAL ()REPAIR()PLUMBING ~ DWELLI NGUNITS __ACCO MMODATION UNITS__MECHANICAL ~ HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPL ACES --RECREATIONFEE - IN SULATION :TYPETHICKNESSR-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEWBOARD I:!~~I}FLOOR "-CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT lnn nn - EXT.WALLS i ~~USETAX ROOF ~\0" TYPE ELEC.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 323.00OF SOLAR WOOD HEAT Dan Stanek 5-7-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!:!.INITIAL c----------------ST.CUT ~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING !ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING Guardrail to be 36"min.height +4"max spacing between rails.Footing 4'min. DEMO Bel9W grade with rebar. I hereby acknowledge that I haveread this application,filled out infull the information required, completed an accurate plotplan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply withthe information and plotplan ,to comply withallTown ordinances and state laws,and tobuild this structure according to the Town's zO~Ilg;and~bdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc~s .?f -:tJie-Tdwn applicable thereto. /~//.-:clean up deposit to:..d ~~-:;"/. ~.Se~l Co~struction SIGNATURE ,,",OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDTHEOWNER. o P LUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo TOBE FILLED OUT COMPLETEL YPRIORTOISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERM IT Q9XBUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL •EGALLOT7 BLKI ESC .F ILING Vail Iul;QTIIlQl1tl,l;aitl, JOB NAME :Krau se Deck OW NER NAME Doug &Peggy Krause MAILADDRESS 2614 Larkspur Ln CITY Vail 18657 p~-0958 ARCH ITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM Ted Seipel Construc ti n : GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO . TELE 328-5257/328-6Ji 9 FIRM LECTR ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO . TELE. FIRM PLUMBING TOWNOF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG .NO. TELE . -OTHER FIRM TOWNOF VAIL REG .NO . CONTRACTOR TELE. ~. ''r ... II.'3:J @ PMTHURFRI .. INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL /eeA-USE ffS , DOuG MONREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ 201 L.b \~C!:>::#'"(;~Ci ..=#-2 <../7 (.)1>u.) PERMIT NUMBER OF pMJ--=E"'-C.....T-- DATE 5-?.G.-1"5 JOB NAME _-f-'.,.-b....I~~~_~~~_ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 ------_ o J ,./),- B -FINAL BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ ~PfT1hNlrJb WAL.L IL (I.-,,;"\,....I ~FINAL ., ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY A IR _ o _ o FINAL _ P(APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED J F~W~6t1 6~s :.tTl6Clt1JcN AND i?v BcJILDI I\l~o F-J2CC.K (2 f nilN It.../e:.lAJA-LL I)k."'-D B J PuRlI (W ort I"t' DATE _....:..--'-__~~_INSPECTOR CALLER NA ME -----f---';::;>::~~~~_;_-==~~-___1,......1.~4!_,c:LDATE--/--1--'-+---'------ READ YFOR I NSPECTION : L O CATI ON:-----......-4.t4-{---:.~--~~~~~~:::::::...------------ ...... ,. I ~\PLUMBING:l f1 j fjJr -;:J 0U NDERGRO UND o ROUGH /D .W.V._ o RO UGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL BUILDING: ~F OO T I N G S /STEEL /0 FOUNDATION /STE EL o FRAMING ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEA TING ~_ o EX HAU ST H OODS o S UPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL _ C Cf}.P (;ROVED CORRECTIO NS: o D ISAPPROVED o REI NSPECTION REQU IRED DATE ------'~:r---'-"'I4:.....,..:.-"'---INSPECTOR ---':...........~=--=::c::::..:.-==-='____'_____ ,."... ____~PM INSPECTION REQUES~ TOWN OFVA IL ~ ~- ~F R IREADYFOR LOCATION:--l-c....:..-""'-L---f-----;'-7----'--'.::.=-'-'=-'-"'-7"''--''''-'=-->,=------------------ PERM IT N UMBER OFP RO JECT 6/:< I ... - ~D I N :/, PLUMBING: o FOOTI NGS /S TEEL o U NDER GROUN D o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W.V . o FRA MIN G o ROUGH /WA TER ROOF &SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ~0 (FINAL 43../'h"/",~&o FINAL ,ELECTRICAL:v MECHANICAL: o TEMP,POWER ·o H EATING o ROUGH o EXH AUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 \ o FINAL o FINAL ( o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVED~A PPR O V E D CORRECTIONS: (2fe~~---ia~~!u--H~~~"'""E1.l-"'----------------- DATE --=_"'----'-..L-_INSPECTOR ....- I) ~I N S P E C T I O N REQUEST _TOWN OF VAIL • I CALLER eX)')G INSPECTION :~TUES WED THUR FRI QfolL/L Af2~SPUe.. ,> READY FOR LOCATION :_-=-UL-L-I._~~~~L__'___=:.....:...=:"______ r'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~-ID_L/-q ~O B NAME ------P.L-:=-=------------__ BUILDING: o FOOTI NGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROO F &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ PLUMBING: o U NDER GRO UND o ROUGH /DW.V:_ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS P IPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ ELECTRIC AL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT o o FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUS TH OODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL • 'ti'APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED I f DA T E ID -t./_93 ,NSPECTOR Q!;k e= ;\ Lll~-(J9~6' _______AMPMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFVA IL e. D\~ WED T HUR 1'1--=.-:---_ CALLER T UES D ATE ---'--'--"-+....:.....:.--=----J OB NAM E ~-'--.!...-'.l~~=---.---:-=::-;-....,. READY FOR INSPECT ION :MON LOCATION :C-(CJ)U If \r bc BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 ~ 0 -1:SJlC ctr:!FINAL 1:o FINAL "<. ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEAT ING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 I 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR l.Project Application Proj e c t N a me :_""--''''''-''-O....'--''--=----=-'-''-''--L<:...><..-'--'rI-_+----'----'---'---'-''.<....:._-I-_--¥O-.!--'''--'''--''-.J.-....!?:...'''"'''''----'- \ Contact Per so nand Phon e Arch itect,A ddressa ndP hone :_ 1 C omment s:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ M oti on by: S econded b y : Da te: r DISA PPROVAL .... 08-12-2004 8:14 am Inspection eq est Report n9 VAIL,CO ..,TOWN OF .Page1 AIPID Information Requested Inspect Da~: Inspection Area: Site Addre s: Thursday,August12,2004 CD 2614 LARKSPUR LN VAll 26141arskpurlane Acltvtly: ConstType: Owner: Applicant: Nolie: Notice. Comment Comment: Comment: Commen: comment: Gemment: Comment: 602-0274 Type:A·BUILDSub TvDe:ASFR Status:ISSUED Occupancy:([se.V N InspArea:CD GRAMALEGUI.GREGORYL.Phone:970-477-2476 GREGGRAMALEGUI Phone:(970)477·2254 TempCO de I don 51610 .The hou enot cenrrm 0 approved ORB plans.walls onsitethatwere no appro doer 6 ft..Applicantwillr submit plans the reflectWhat was bu It and go to ORB.-RFORREST ReceiveredILC.OK-inspectIOns can co llnue·AOCHS PlanningTCOapproved-GRUlliER PlanningTCO denied.The list is toolongtoddhere.Seeletterinthefile addressing the incomple a Items.• GRUTHER ILCdenied.no furtherInpeclionsuntilretved 6-11-03 -AOCHS ILCROUTEDTOALLISON-DFLORES PIN nds 0 reclevRevocableRightof vvay Perm-LSANOOVAL FoundationandFramingILC reQ'd •AOCHS routedto charlle.plannlng forr v"Jew/approvals Alsoroutedto PW.9/9/02 -CDAVIS Item: Requestor: Comments. AssIgnedTo: Action. Item Comments: It mComm n: ItemCommen : Item: Requestor. Comments: AssignedTo: Action: 534 PLAN-FINAL C/O GREGGRAMALEGUI \I\IILL CALL CDAVIS L:---J'-lo"'r 540 BLDG-Flnal CIO GREGGRAMALEGUI \1\11 LLCALL CDAVIS TImeExp:-/...Q- Requested Time:08:00 AM Phone:(970)477-2254 EnteredBy:LCAMPBELL K R"",~..Qm~;J.?M -0 I, Phone:970)477-2254 Entered By:LCAMPELL K Co Inspect;n HiStory Item:10 BLDG·FootirlgslSteel -Approved ~ 09/13102 (lSpector:cdavis Action:NONOTIFIED Comment.SOILSREPORTREQUIREDPRIORTOAPPROVALOFAFOOTINGINSPECTION 10/23102 Inspector'Cdavls Actlon:APCRAPPROVED/CORECTION EaD REPT131 Run Id:2195 ~--=---------- Inspection Request Reporting _.__VAll...CO -J_OwtUlF __ equested Inspect 0 tl" Inspection Area: Site Address: fu day,Marc 02.2004 GD 261 LARKSPUR LNAIL 2 larkspur Ian ~Uvily cons!Typeowner AppIk".ant. Comment: M02-026S Type:B-~ECH Sub Type.DUP OCcupancy:Use GRAMALEGIJI,GREGORY L.Phone:970·477·2476 R &H MECHo\NlCAL LLC °horofl:303-543-9894 ROUTED TOGREGFOR REVIEW/APPRO''ALS -DFLORES Status:ISSUED Insp Ar II GD RE PT 1·1 Run Id-1 f. Reql ested Timl':08:00 AM Phone:477-2254 Entered By.DGOLDEN K 200 MECH-Rough ~Approved ~ 09/11/03 Inspector:GeD Actlon·CR CORRECTION REQUIRED C~mmenls:1.ElOILER VENT EXCEEDS VeNT INS,RUCTIONS FOR LENGTH 125FEET COMBINED MAX. />S BUILTIS 148' 2.PROVIDETESTFOR B/>SE BOARD HEAT 3.MINI THERM BOILERAPPROVED. 09117/03 InspedOl':GeD ActIon:PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comments:WI:ST BOILER APPROVED. 09117/03 Inspector:GeD Actlon.CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comments.:EASTBOILERVENTSTILL EXCEEDS INSTRUCTIONS. 09118103 Impedor:GeD ActIon:AP APPROVED Comments.:EAST SIDE VENT ISAPPROVED.PROVIDE LENGTH CAlCULATION. 310 MECH.Heallllg 10/22,03 fnspector.GCD A.::tlon:PIPARTIAL INSPECTION Comments:Df<lVEWAY AND STAIR SNOWMELT E/>ST SIDE 100psf TEST WEST 92psl TETSUPPLY AND RETURN NOT UNDER TEST. 315 PLMB-Ges PIping 320 MECH-EY.haust Roods ••Appfl>Ved •• 09111/03 Inspector:GeD Action:AP APPROVED Comments:EAtT SIDE BATH FN-lS APPROVED 09117/03 Inspector:GeD Action:AP APPROVED Comments.WI:ST SIDE BATH FANSAPPROVED 09/18.'03 Inspector:GeD Action.CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comments:NdDRYER DUCTIN 'VESi SlOE. 330 MECh-Supply Alr 340 MECH-Misc 399'MECH-Flnal 03.0111)'1 I nspector:CDAVIS Action ON DENIED I Comments I ~O ONEONSITENO AN!;WER ATTELEPHONL -NO ACCESS TO C'TE I /EINSPECTION REQUEST REQUI ET '-......-;:;--,/ !tom: Itam: Item: Item: Item: !tern: Reaueste<1lns!X!Ction(sl Item:390 MECH.Fmal Requestor:Greg Gramalequl Mslgned To.GDENCKLA-'OPPcJuYuQ TJ_E"--- \1((l!Jet .. ag 12 T Dtu. IMp II :J ub pp 0D OUGHS T a xp: In onHi~ Tl 1 ------------ I:2 35 -4-05-::04 701 m----- Page 5 equeste<ll IS tDate: Inspection Area: Site Addres : fVpe :B-PlMB UCCUpl'l y ' GRAM G I.RE.L ApPlIcant·hnG Martin AJA·Archhecl Reques ed Inspecl1cn('l) Monday Aprtl05 2004 JP 2614 LARK PURN V L 214 L.uk~...La su T y UP atus:I SUED LJ InSp At.J F-hone Y7D-477-2254 Phone'970·477·2476 em: ltm em: T13 ppr 1/&0 J M rov ~Approved~ EST. Requested 1m,,'08:00M Phone:477-2254 Entered By:DGOLDENK Action: Action'f<P APPROVED r n : Run Id:1774 CONSTRUCTION PERM IT D PLUMBING D FOUNDATION D 6029 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ·May 7 1993 PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 9,000 .00 ~ DIVIS ION 1 2 2a 34 z ELECTRICAL 0 GENERAL DES CRIPTION OF WO RK:i=...PLUMBING Redwood two (decks)to front of ::> -'... hosue as per original permit.>MECHANICAL Q 1'11'11'1 1'11'1 TYPE GR OUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 BUILDING PERMIT 13<;00 PLAN CHECK 88.00 ELECTRICAL NEW()ALTERA TIONKX)ADDITIONAL ()RE PAIR ()PLUMBING ~ DWEL LINGUNITS --ACCOM MO DAT ION UNITS __MECHANICAL '"~ HEIGHT INFT .--NO .FIR EPLAC ES --RECREATION FEE - INSULATION:TYP E THICKN ESS R-VA LLU E DESIGN REVIEW BOARD J~~IFLOOR"-CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 1/1/1 /1/1 ~~EXT .WALL S ~USETAX RO OF ~\i) TYPE ELE C.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 323.00OFSOLARWOODHEATDanStanek5-7-93 ADDITIONALPERMITSNEEDED:BUILDING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- s.!:!.INITIAL f----------------ST.CUT I70NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTiNG ZONING &BUILDINGNOTES: Guardrail to be 36"min.height +4"maxPARKING spacing between r ails.4'Footing min. DEMO Below grade with rebar. I hereby acknOWledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the .Town's ~ng?clnd.-wbdivision codes,design review approved .Uniform Build ing Code and other ordlnan s .of-the'Town applicable the reto. /#~,//clean up deposit to:.d,~ Ted Seipel Cons t ruc t Lon SIGNATURE(eF"OWNER ORCONTRACTORFORHIMSELF ANDTHE OWNER , TO BEFILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ·QgXBUILDING D ELE CTRICAL D ME CHANICAL ?~1/,T ~~1r ~~,,~ _GAL LOT 7 BLK 1 ESC .FILING V ail IutllrmQURt<l it:l J OB NAME :Krause Deck O WNER NAME Doug &Peggy Krause MAIL ADDRESS 2614 L arkspur Ln CITY Vail 18657 p..\'-0958 ARCH ITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRE SS CITY PH. FIRM Ted Seipel Constru c t i n, GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.328-5257 /328-6J~9 FIRM LECTRICAL CGNTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE. -OTHER FIRM TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. II.'~Q PMFRITHUR .., • INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL . /cep,.USE efS, CALLER DOJG ~'W,I-""-READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION :_ -"',--,...;~-" 2UI L.DI t-..t~:#'"('p ~OJ .::::J::I-:)f..I 7 u J>-=:Y>-LJ ~_ PERMIT NUMBER OF Pit)JECT DATE 5-?-.G:.-13 JOB NAME _-+-"--->.....1--'---"'~~_~~--'--_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOO TINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D .W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 ~prrT1t,NINb Wt4l....L 0 I ~FINAL o.",~,../),.r.~~B -F I N A L ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "I ('J"~i\I n /1 r "eu:.~i&Lei,.,..¥fVlS£(tilL FOK.-<-.0.r/A.IAt APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED GC ~~6ft~~s :.KTl6C&11oN AND eV BU/LDIIJ(-,oF:f20<:..K (2frmA..1l1.Jb WA-LL 6 k:ej)B j PURl!(WGI rt l-c DATE _...2-----=---=-_--'-L.-_INSPECTOR *. DA TE --+-'--'---f--- READ Y FOR INSPECTION : LOCAT ION : - BUILDING:(f!!f!--,JPLUMBING: [)(FOO T I N G S /STEEL ;1".(fJr--.0 U NDERGROUND '-l 'I ---I o FO UNDAT ION /S TEEL o ROU GH /D W .V. o FRA M ING o RO UGH /W ATER ROOF &S HEER o GA S PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL '" ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:I o TE MP .POWER o HEATING f o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR . .. 0 0 o FIN ~L o FINAL C cp.P tR'OVED o DISAPPROVED o REI NSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : DA TE -----'=-r-.:...=~-;--'---INSPECTOR <..-- ~."... -.. PER MIT N UMBE OFPRO JEC T :A READY FOR LOCATION: \ CAL LER INSPECTION REQlJES~if TOWN OFVAI L LlL2 a,-l./.A--fL-. L:Jj,,£329 -,,5??S 'l (0UR)FRI ~PM -- (BUILDINV )PLUMBING:~TIN G S /STEEL o U NDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /D W .V. o FRA MING o RO UGH /WATER ROOF&SH EER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POO L /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAI L 0 0 ,I 0 'F INAL 4~/t .~rh.-O FI NAL,~ ELECTRICAL:{/MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER ·o HEA T ING o ROUGH o EXHAU ST HOODS o CONDU IT o S UPPLYA IR 0 0, o FINAL o FINAL o REINSP ECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS : QtethL~~(j.~~'U-..<~~~~""------------- DATE (p -:;7-9 7 I N SPECTOR 0",,. ...... I)FRITHURWED ~S PE C T I O N REQUEST_TOWN OF VAIL . /w cJGCALLER INSPECTION:GD'V TUE S tJ./O I Lj cne ~s Pu r<. •> R EADYFOR LOCATION :_-='u.L-L-.-4-_-=.L---'-"'''---'='''--''---'-_---'=---_ o •PERMIT N U MBER O FP RO JECT DATE ~-I D _LI J1 ~O B N AME __---j-"""'--'--"-_ BUILDING: o FO OTI NGS /ST EEL o FOU ND ATIO N /STEEL o FRAMI NG ROOF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o I NSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ PLUMBING: o U ND ERGRO UND o RO UGH /D W.V._ o RO UGH /W ATER _ o GAS PI PING _ o POOL /H .TU B _ 0 _ o ~~F I N A L B 1B Ll L vJ6RkS {OJ2liJJ:W.4 Yb FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 ---'--_ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EX HAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR 0 __-..,..._ o FINAL • )J'APPROVED CO RRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED --------Tt--=",.p~$>t~·-q-l-l------------=-,-, DATE -.L.Jc..<-_.L.-~=__ PR~SHOI' PM-----'-------".,~!i'FRI INSPECTION REQUESTI TOWN OF VAIL TUES CALLER WED ) ~--'------.1.-.J1'1----=-:-'----------------- DATE ~--"-+....l-.--!o....L-JOB NAME ---"-----"-.:..-'-l~~='----------__,___:_=__,__---_..,. READY FOR INSPECTION :MON LOCATION :r)(O)Lf Ie,r ~ \ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRA MING ROO F&SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NA IL _ o --. r ~F I N A L -\'\()r r PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /W ATER _ o GAS P IPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT O __~--'---_ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINA L o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REIN SPECTION REQUIRED '= DATE _INSPECTOR PRmT suop Project Application ProjectName:-JL..:>..L.:--'-''--''-'=''''O..!.....l.LJ='--'--74--f-----'-----'---'--'--'-''''--'--+---+"o......L--'''-"'''--'''--I.-~~=_____'_ \ C ontact Per sona ndP hon e Architect,Address and Phone: 1 Comm ents :_ Design Review Board Date _ Motio n by: Seconded b y : D ate : D ISAPPROVAL ~t a ff Approval II ~revised 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APP LICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING : ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BEACCEPTED UNTIL ALLREQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** I .PROJECT INFORMAT ION: A .DESCRIPTION:,i f,r B .TYPEOF REVIEW : New Construction ($200.00)~M i n or Al ter at ion ($20 .00) Block _-'-_7Lot __Concep tual Review ($0) 1.0,.-1<5 "11 1 '--'1.i LEGAL DE SCRIPTION: Subdi vis i on __V~A.!..;-"-(_---=....:.:...;~c:Ll."'-'1.~:...:..!..._ D. __Add it ion ($50.00 ) C.ADD RESS:_....;;).....;..;;..b ..;../....:.'i_-'-'-"'..J:-J-~'-"'-'_---'-'-"--_ If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a s eparate sheet and attach to this application . E.ZON I NG : F.LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area . TJ ("""In 'r 1'e ",'"'1 I<r e asr f r .B ?Y If?'n E"y l,.("0 2 16)1-1('t/ Phone NAME OFAPPL I CANT :--=-"-"-P'-'-:--:'-:---'-"-7-7-'i~----'+-"-""::";::"'=""--.....,....--:-:....,..... Mail ing Address : G . Phone H.NAME OFAPPL ICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Addr e ss :--=-=--_ I.NAME OF OWNERS :::DCN )I.)\j.o ('(OJ!'!1<n;u s t *SIGNATURE(S):::J)"J.........J~_~ Ma ilin g Address :~Pc II,tJd;c /5 '1 &::..,rr Cc7 21&)/-/1-'(Phone 3~-~'fj'b J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K .DRBFEE :DRB fees ,as s hown above,are to be pa id at the t ime of submittal o f ORB application .Later ,when applying f or a building permit,please i den ti fy t he accurate valuation of the proposal .The Town of Va il will adjust the fee according to the table b el ow,to ensure the c or r ect fee is paid. FEE PAID : FEE SCHED ULE : VAL UATI ON $0 $10,001 $5 0 ,001 $150 ,001 $500,001 $Over -$10 ,000 $50,000 $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1 ,000,000 FEE $20 .00 $50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $500 .00 *DESIGNREVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESSA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED . **NO APPLICATION WILLBEPROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'SSIGNATURE 1 LIST OFMATERIALS NAM E OF PROJECT :),hIU b "c l..<-(.,u(l..--e-.n-e -\"-((-"U<..,-Q _____ I LEGAL DESCRIPTION :LOT---=z....BLOCK _1_SUBDIVI SION \,.:t S TREET ADDRESS :,, ? . b (7 c:"d "~c,J<-, \1,':'''1,,", DESCRI PTI ON 0FPROJECT :_Q.,--=-':":1..:C -,-,+I":::~:...-I----'''=';'-'-'-:'''':':''i-'''':'''';;''"""''-''''':''':''::'''':''':'':'''':''''--''''::'''_--­ ..) Thef ollowing information is required for submittal to the Design Re vie w Board before a final approval can be given: A .BUILDINGMATERIALS : Roof Siding ~ha r 00 "M ~r ~r;~'~ Kr e-u 5(''.)..{,I '(J..AI{r'f",r TYPEOFMATERIAL r: Phone : :'::>Q_\~ \\ " 1\ II P LANT MATER IALS : PROPOSEDTREES r.s I ""(Sr r.,~e (PI 5 ,.,.>.;.(,(."( ~tl'l''',(J ~'1..W'~"f :t (''''1 ""'7 EXIS TIN GTREESTO BEREMO VED Botanica l NameCo mmon Name '6\\dl p-----CO~9;1'\~)sc;.:,;C(,. 9\S ()()r"\ Quantit y :t Size* 8 1 *Indica te cal iper fo rd eciduous t rees .Minimum caliper for decidu ous tree s i s2 i n ches .Indicate height for con iferous trees .Minimum he i ght f or coniferous trees is 6 fee t. 7 PLANT MA TER.:Botanical Name commo.me Quantity S ize* PROPOSED SHRUBS T G.-rr--.'\'-J A,Fo"--'C'---_ Co,it Q(Q !?(2.~\<'v <:-\\\\c. V""lA \t'n d ~~)-\-,..u C'-'U " ,, =. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicates ize o f propose d shrubs .Minimum s izeo f s hrub s is 5 ga l lon . ~Square F ootage GROUND COVERS SOD \\ SEED TYPE OF IRR IGATION TYPEOR METHOD OF ..:-_----''--_...;;;...::........:_ EROSION CON TROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING :I f exter ior lighti ng is p ropo sed ,p lea se show the nu mber of fix tures and locations on as e pa rate lighting plan.I d e n ti fy each fixture f rom the li ghting plan o n the list b e low and provide t he wattage,height above grade a ndt ype of light proposed. \.5. I ('J ,)--t OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal ls,fenc es ,swimming p ools,etc .)Please specify.Indicate h eights of retaining walls .Maximum height of wal l s within the front setback is 3 feet.Maximum height of walls e lsewhere on the property is 6 feet .\ .bu\o<L\ f ICI (;1 \;'(~\..G "-\l +0 \rfl-..---0).\1 EA D . 8 1[1-j or "L i).terll ~t lP d 08:.~,::::4 + Item paid HnlClunt ps i d 2u .(l(l THRt-U<YOU :II: :II: :II: :II:550.00 I S36.001 I 532.001 I 536.00 I I S30.00 I I I I 57.001 I I 50.251 i I I I I I I I_.520.001 I I ,,/ /170 '::---7,/)<';-- l '""""---"'"""""4--,,,,,-~,,,~,,,, tt I TOWNOFVAll:;-j I~' S 1 '):4 i\DEPARTME:-iT OF COMMlJ'NITY DEVELOP~IENT ".F:o ~ P SALES ACTIO N FOR,u n".ITl ¥~%~~;-;,\:-'-IE k;,~.}J,'-4(_~L /;'-c;&C k yU,~DATE 1(.,I t 9 "2.--i .);:.}f ,/////•./,-.-~--:~-':'W ~i ).:fPx2c'6 ~1lt:~6:ii;~W$t;iiM~G$:~;ifi:;~1~f~;rt;f.;~;1{m@HU1'!jHGfEii:t'$}1iiB:F~lNi'f4F;;4Q1i;N(ii~~~:0.tt·O~1:;tX~iEtf6TXtlffiW ! ~# (01 000041540 I ZO:-'1NG AJ....TI ADDRESS MAPS -,.,55.00 ;1~ill*01 c00042415 I UNTFOR.\i BUILDINGCODE n :{01000042415 I UNlFOR.\iPLUMBINGCODE R :II::.~01000042415"UNlFOR.\1 MECHM1CAL CODE .',[.:.:.~.:~ :;01000042415 UNIFOR.\i FIRE CODE .'A ;":<:fJOJ000042415INATIONALELECTRJCALCODE:f · .~%it 01 000042415 IOTHE RCODEBOOKS " J.0I000041548 I B WE PRINTS (MYLARS)li~' ~~£01000042412 I XEROX COPIES I STtJDIES t ~}01 000042371 i PEN ALTY FEES I RE ·~tSPEC110NS :}~" 2!:01 000041332 i PLA.'<REVIEWRE·CHECK FEE (540 PERHR.)'r::~Z ·;'i :01000042322 I OFFHOURSINSPECTION FEES ··",\:rr ;)010000414J2 I CONT KACTORS L1C E."SES FEES W \1 0 1 000041330 I OTI1ER FEES [; {~01 0000 4 1413 I SIGN APP LICATION FEE t€ ':t 0 1000041413 iADDfTIONALSIGNAGEFEE [5J.OO PERSQ.FT.j #...:.'t~ 1;[01 0000 42440 IHC ARTPROJECTDONATION f! };01 0000 41331 IPREPAIDDESIGN REVI EW BOARD FEE t ....f *0 011 ~~o 2111 ~T~~4.%)·f~ Y :II:01 0000 ~".I.V TAX l 4Z)W.~~t t I~~I ~;;~):>;t;A:;1;~ft'i~fjg :f0i~'::i;r:';'{:)\';;';i,t'~fui@':;':£}~fMi 2 :;i~ttlt~~t'lg~1fi;f§'l;~;~rlf}:~:~:~;~~f;~lI~;!tt;i~~:t-;1;~~i81*1~t\Jttt~ttff.ilf~;r)t):·:;jt}:~~ F 0 100004 1330 I ADDITIONALGRFA "250"5200.001 \' ,-"01 000041330ICONDITIONAL USEPER.\UT I S 2 00 .oo l ',:~, :~01 000041330 I EXTERIOR ALTERATION (LESS THAN 100SO.FT.1 I 5200.00 1 ';0 .,,~01000 04 1330 I E.'TIERIOR ALTERATION [MORETIiAN 100S0.FT.1 S500.001 * :{010000 41330 I S PECIAL D EVELOPMENT DISTRICT (NEWI SI.500.00 I V "<010000413 30 ISPECIAL DEVE LOP ~IENT DISTRICT IlviAJOR AME."''DI 5 1.000.oo h'>0 1 0000 41}30 I SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISlR lCT[MINOR A}.i ENDl 5200.00 I # ;K 01000041330 I SU13 DIVISION \t . ,f'!01 OOilO~IJJil VARIANCE mo.oo }! t i~01000041330 I ZONTNG CODE AMENDME.>.JTS 5150.00 1;; b 01 0000 41330 I RE.ZONI};G $200.00 I .f{ (]01 0000I I h ~>~t~14 ..w.~..·.t..t.·.•,'~)-~~ ~:.,;t~~.~.'..,;"COMMENTS:"·:",':,j n c :W:W I -------------------------------,..-----------1 £1~ n.:t:i~.,::.~"",::·,';,~.'..~.'.,·;;~.~·~~ti'i"'-'·H D:.,.,'.':,";,"".:i.i.".'~,.,"~~,;,::·,,",,/.,"',.,.~:;»?':,;,g'\,'~~;,ty",,·;<:·,~"v.,','::'~,',.'<,~;;,;:'.,,·,..,,·.~'''',''~',~0n'';\''~~''r,(1 ~;"W;'1kW~.,H',~e#:;i;:'.W;.;;<t"~'';n·'~"f,.Jl: L , ,.. +0 b e f "0'):5 ~f &Y( INto ;!'-v-QI!C{/.$O f C;,,?lfO / S +LA CCO Ell ;1 4- -:P r-;,.,,./<+- W II II 'to h 0 J)'J 1.('r: SMll!!f;-t:e '<:»\.-v ol!10 1.(;-,'v~/ bQck.c /~s ee-1 0 ),d e.se .;11'/'''''Y 'I '-.s I 1,e -I-w ..."'1.l-v ..[/5 for r eI C ('{3 o »dp.-z.\f- Trees T ~er-e \-./;(1 be L e f "'-'",,,,,-t :2 '-'/b I I -f'r 0"7 e I)jJ 01 2J Pc f(f o S md'!f ,eY..,!);")LA--4'(/ ~'E Q5 f s :,l:: Sf 10 Lv f'J-f s ;J e 05 e e t -»:..r C;.J '--f'..i (~,.. "1 ~c>--<-<-/----/~ !t?-~'1-7< ••• APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMITTOERECTORMAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence Wall 1'__ Landscaping OtherDATENov.jo IS~ ) OWNER 0F PROPERTY b.m:JCIA e :5c.£u.1 />.LIJ....eJu·D.....d;;<Jb'""e"""'-"f-..q--'-A...:.;{rlJe=::.:>-"---'--':..;.w .=~_ NAME OF APPLICANT lA.dfAA e ~u2..£!...1n.u;e""b>c'YJ~'--_ ADDRESS et:f:.5 4 6"frol1±rlqL..&:L .__L!.M ~kjr-'Ca~~~-=--_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF P ROPERTYTOBESERVED: (Please type or print) ,.jj....LOT J BLOCK I SUBDIVISION 01\-11..-I,Ax~mCllOl.L(l.L)'7-rv..um"",MlftJ7-_ 1\(If necessary,attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot Inside lot -LX~_ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: ~.I\'\~Wcu\:for del fe.,W~p h\ft±ibf'M.LS.,j-~(!.~le-f)/q f\. ~ed-JtJ da./ed Jt -to -~J Attach plans showing encroachment ,property line,sidewalks,curbs, intakes,hydrants ,me t e rs,ma nholes,any other affected appurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned)and section(s)as well as elevations (if applicable). Does structure presently exist?_~~~O~__ Proposed date for commencement of construction ~A~§~JO?~_ In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: 1.That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2.That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3.That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager,or his duly authorized agent,twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction,in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town . 4 .The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail,its officers,employees and agents from and against all liability,claims and demands on account of injury,loss or damage,including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,personal injury,sickness,disease,death ,property loss or damage,or any other loss of any kind whatsoever,which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit,if such injury,loss,or damage is caused in Whole or in part by,or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by,the act,omission,error,professional error, mistake,negligence or other fault of the applicant,his contractor or subcontractor or any officer,employee or representative of the applicant,his contractor or his subcontractor.The applicant agrees to investigate,handle, respond to,and to provide defense for and defend against,any such liability,Claims,or demands at the sole expense of the applicant.The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto,including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability,claims,or demands alleged are groundless ,false,or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain,at its own cost,a pOlicy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability Claims,demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail,its officers,agents and employees from any and all liability,claims, demands,or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage,loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's •• property caused by the Town of vail,its officers,agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets,sidewalks,or rights-of-way. 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction,or other structure constitutes a nuisance,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the pUb lic,constitutes a traffic hazard,or the property upon which the encroachment,obstruction,or structure exists is required for use by the public;or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sUfficient by the Town of Vail. 6.That the applicant will remove,at his expense,the encroachment, obstruction,or structure within ten days afte rr eceiving notice o f any revocation of said permit . 7.That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. 8.That in the event said removal of the encroachment,obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days,the .Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs of removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 9 .That the permit so issued is not assignable,and is issued solely to the undersigned applicant. 1 0.That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. 1 1.Special conditions: e,{1dMd.~~~s i qna cure ofProperty()er (I f jo}n .owner~hip,both signatures) ~ , I INTER-D~P .c.RHlE NTAL REV!EW I t...t::S,'./etYce. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING_/I -/-8:1 PROJECT:t6 c AweiNsbe...,I)?v/IM- O.4TE SU51 1ITTED:/0 '21·I., CQI'l1"ENTS NEEDED BY:----- BRIEF DESCRIPTIO N OF THE PROPOSAL: fZ~~~~~~· (!)N~tJ/v'-(P"~-~"'-~.'I 5/r ~ ~1~'~~~2~ M~B N d ~}~~7 ~' (V 5k ~~~e-... POLICE DEPARTl1ENT ,/"i Rev iewed by:tV I~'-<~e 1 ~~~<1- Co rment s:~. ,- ",'.,.... ;''1 •• ''':.i .·,."f··....~·."...":.~ REC:::E ,~TiO!1 DE?AR TI,:ENT Rev i co 'ned by:Da teCo~~cnts:'------- ProjectApplication I Date //./.1",~_ &~.J 6r~~7 -47(0-~?o2.. Project Name::S r~~I ~ Project D escription :=;~,/e~~ C ontact P erson and P hone _L)~2~2::J<=1~eP:::..-~~_a_:b,:...L=~~=-_-=~:"=~~:::f::!2~_--------- Owner.A ddressand Phone:_ A rchitect ,A ddress and Pho ne:_ 7 pis ) C omments :_ DesignReviewBoard Date //./,"!7 Motion b y : Se condedb y : 5-0 DISAPPROVAL ...7'»r 2'... ~M b C,X 0 E ~1 (\d=£4 PAMLf o.-U A SUm~~ry~--=;yf_-='-=""-"'===..c:..-_____"f__~=+'_-UJL=.::==rCL--~.=---""'--..1....------- oK.:7 ~ Town Planner o Staff Approval Date: the pr inllHy 'va >1 ?~.•L~~t~\'i::~~~.i~-~#. ff +~h~. -6.~~~ -~tWl+-~~~/~~ Nd-~~P e:' f?r -ut<-,(hL k ----u -1 PI tz ¥f ~~7'j K7 -b;;t:r b X Ie,;J'l .-~v-!~ -~tr'~~,¥~/I (A:--~~~"~'i ("",f,p ~ N.a.J.~~r-~~;&~. -*vvd!Je ~vi ~~1>((7:>~~-, ~~, *~~~r~~F' 10 ·3/·rr \.~ ) J TOL .GL 1;;~N -f-8''YlI.../}t~i o...wO<!..J .-¥Iv-to.~ ~C-r ~u.J.uJo.J;t..Ii.1J.A 61J <J.£t'O-L1U--t/.if waL('"G ~IJV.--tbdety _ ~U-AA'~8 l-cfu:..~.JJ..UJ::-Jr1.t.l.4itd ciA-LVM I . '~aUU'~u ~VI\.t.~~WIL dJ·t,.UUJ.)OC lVj tI:P. .'u..d ~~J.AC&<"(~;0-CA.,d..ujJ..;f U.J-tJ.-U "-&.- ~'F u»..cet rJJ.(J..ul-Ct8-{;Q.A lJ.:(~~U;()~f.:J.=fv... dJ",c{,..UJ .....i.fiJ \..QAAM fM."-<Lc....,Q..~8 CL b..t..vn..p _~.l.J\L..t.t..UJl.&~Jo:t..{M...t>O...-v_f,'?{trJ.,.('q:.r.r'\t.~,;'.i/.'1 'O1 ~M ~..~'--fY'./Jr!l.)~J (O..t 3,.::1 0-1J..,f;-l~~of,t-u;,W\.L-. '---"\'''~~A-o WL ov../l..Ct."I)-,---41.H v..CX:kt...-i;:t r;;{j)-O"C~..r-4..t;"~~4;~ ...--->I U.. ,(J.g cv!,.£··~lU~vcr.~iJ1.~:',0-4..-CV'~oJ_r...4f::~·'/)" bo.A.l~ re • ..--"~1/,J-.c:/,~~,L;J ':; /,I o I'f I~)K6 /){j -rIJe ~rn c.G /)h t/A.:::U9-/)"I '~/(J" ~ -j':;...1/'1 "r ((1111 (f-,r •</:::; IL.{J )...:J -t-u c. t~1_+(1 /-1/fj 1C .1') )_Y \.J ")}.'b Ele«,i.l I\, SJ...w e,·"Ji:>I:1CJ -17(,-')?fJ2... --l '"'.;:+c ttjc. "f-""' ~ H'1 JJJ I J l II .I (.t--,.....-~ .:II'->)-c:).or-L ., I .I ·1 ,k .I ,., '-I -.,..-~ Project Application Date _....!-.:..----.:_--'_ ProjectName:----"-'..::.....-'-'-"u....--'--"--''---:'1-..::.....-'-'-'-~-"----'-'-'-~..::.....-'-''-"'----'''------------------ Pr oject Descrip tion :.J..::...;..:.-'-_--:.-:..:.-L-'-'!-'-_ C ontact Personan d Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_ A rch i tect ,Address and Phone: ,... Fil i ng ..!..::L:.....__-'-:£.~~..:..!lL:.....'_____,Zone _L egal D escription :Lot ,Block _ Com ments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion b y : Secondedb y : A PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,---------------------- Sum mary :_ TownPlann e r o Staff Ap prova l Dat e:I ---------"lo·(?,·'t1 ~13 CoM me ("·d·j -C(wc~JlJft.{OHl;J:5~_ f(~-~~f ~-r-~~~~r -~~·r~~ K~-~~~ -~~1~f)~~~r-/- N.rJ..-~o-:~r':-D~-w4 nrt ~~. ~7-~¥17-~>u&~1~ N~-~(TT'.~'( -~~~~~rr?- -~~~!( ~~-~r-~dr-~ -r-J-~~~~-~~C-f ~~kJ-) -~r~RJ.~7 -~~~---U (,.:fc-~~~.L:k __F~~. 01<-~~r4-/~~~ oK-~~~-~~~~f~~ OK.-9 ~~ OK-~~Lr:t-~'?w4,k 7-Iii'! 01'---€)«.f ~ 0/1..-b L1~~?Yc~ /o-u-n »~~~~~~-w-~~ 7:8:00 r:«r-;/o/:z.(f1 ~~~ M-~. OK-b (J~~M.~~COI)(2~/~') G~«).csrt I ', .:..~ ).- ,.~.---I Ree~~be. Jh €~CA.'I II be re i"nOve.d Qy-e ~e A spel\JS rna 0-<ed 0h +f?e ~y ve ~ -h'-3.g eei -theye ore Itf>pro "t-.5 A~PEN Trees W be 'revrJ ov ed If\)+he...::5p\'i~~":9radedarE'Q~W ill be.e9/alLfd UJI+{\ m\J&tallj'~l.-<-\-es<t oe ,g rass '5?c='ed ."Thi~~(9e.0-f-grass ~ecJ does e-c..-tverne'Ls we.I/'11'l deep $/~e..aM i.1f kept- a..-r 0-heAd (l.t Df Ol.-~i f'C r--es . The.eJeva.:ho /IJ of-ffie r i dqe is ;S£i!:::r;8 A.<!.KS ~v ffie hOLlse I refuel i tV3 ~e deC!..k-\",e (T1Ie £.e..are ~\'V'4f)\Q+e.wiD rAe 1~a.fiDt0 svrl!e~which l...tJtll be.eb/-.\e (()h .....re:::c:$50 rLf ) ~0101 -LfC).1 'Ke:lr -.s8~ ~~,~i d e -~S 'The..~D(j s,e w',\\be ~ed b <jlUe~2f CC--r-.rr li'\e lot i ~-6 be.Kept-as.Mfvya.(QS>ro=>si b/-e.. /he.hb use.',:5 -h:,be 0....Ye£.i c1l?l-I.t1 e.--ro y FlgtIJ e$fn ;lie 12.... 'bAR Ie«e 3:.AweJns.be~oAd C[gn€.s-m;ti er 62'-f S 4-S.H2.0tl fa Cf e.r<d. Ufti L.-)6J. '-f rio -3 TO ;;L *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED***** ~£C 'D Del 2 19 8 9 '~ ...~-'-l'~~ f1...A..,qr~..~~APPLICATION DATE:J......!C£.¢,I ?:5J .o .J DATE OF ORB :-tEETIl~G:lli I~,1984 ..~:~ .",W-•.~:>,~ ",~:..\ "~~7'........-..._.1',..•.....,.....:...··r.~_.....•,....- .'. ORB APPLICATION / pO •...-',• ....;..~.:. , -..'" ..c;..~:~ A pre-application meetingwithaplanning staff member .is strongly suggestedto :,.~~2 ~~~~~~Ii ~~~~~~~p ~,~~~ti~~:~..~~~~~~~t~~~~~e ~~e;:~~i r~~"~~r ~~~~'~~~~~;i.~~'~~~i :~~:~~~r :"~~~l It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind ..~.: outabout additional submittal 'requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica-;".~:o;:~~ ti on wi 11 streamlinetheapprovalprocessforyour project by decreasi ng the number -.... of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapprovalmust ..~~ be resolved before a building permit .is issued.....~~::~ A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:.:5ihC(/e.-fth'b ibij horn e,-:-,~:~~ .::J r -.-. I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING:, " O.NA ~IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:_ Address --,.telephone_ \E.::'::r:WN ~~;;:~p e &1~~J):=:: Address c9.':"f S J-J-,--'3.EBon+t-;Ge p ~.\)fb l-.('),~//)s '1-telephone 1 '11a -~'1O~ i . F.DRB FE E:The fee will bepaid at thetimeabui lding permit is requested. VALUATIO N $a-$10.000 $10.001 -$50.000 $:.50.001 -$150.000 $150.001-$.500.000 $500,001-$1.000.000 $Over $1.000.000 FEE $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPOR TANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition tomeeting submittal requiyements,the applicant must sta ke the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must becompleted before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for 'NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board.soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who havenotaskedfora postponement will be required tobe republished. .. .. LIST OF HATERIALS ~Ar:\E 'O<F p;\OJECT:A&-,\)6>th .fhi llef:...Res.,delAcc:......:.;-:::.~~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT r{BLOCK I ,FlUNG IIlJ l k WTfPi'"ODilTl1ltU c;:i()t3 -DiV I~c;J " STREET ADDRESS:r2h lit b!l R!<§Po e I-.frrt Jli IIflt J-..{W..MIIj\o '>.1 (057 .,'. DESCRIPTI ON OF PROJECT:r.?In)i-U::fttm ipl Bf?{t:f::1.J ce ....-~. The following information is required forsubmittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Boar dbeforea final approvalcanbe fiven: A.BUILDI NG ;·lATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roo f ~D '-PANIS/-n:~t:.{QRoW/oJ S .d...-.1 1_---/-el-~--'------\u be~i ~qf~:qJyj MJ 11 ng .Ocr Oh u(lnet'ev~OfJ29Q '.J--e:;-';;":--=:~~;71~~=;I...-..---------""""'T.,............--.~.-. Other Wall Materials ~+V~Q~~~'l~~_a~?~):J~Yl~o v~n~J~/~~~~{~'~ Fascia Soffi ts Win do ws {~p h1Ji1 1CO J '~W16 (lA£etne ~t ts -u:mJ pai lck£i 11({dCl u»n &n:J :tri m WindO\~Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other ((h1b-]?xiCk rWW i o~--,13.......e=o=w .:..:.r-J _ ~lei II red'--------:.:B""'-=lo@=(v"-"N _ \Crob -JO ti C'J:!.UYll lj"-"in-'-j5 :BgowtJ Q~tt7 ~00 ~u<t ~r-'--'-A;------- B.LANDSCAPING:Name ofDesigner: phone: PLANT ~~TERIALS:Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name Quanitv Size* BE REHOVED ~-:9"~~.L.J,1o~ar-e......L..._ Ie., ,~,---=,""""->,"-=""""",,,,,,,fV ---rIte Lot -to r ew.a.i t\..(j$~_ r\O-tv vra.(Q s,IXJss.ilDIe. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. .(over) UTILITY LOCATIO~:VERIFICATIO~1 SUBDIVISION U811--In-le r 1}1 00n tCl \N JOB NAME A t,:,.}E£h'l mil Ie&-Re~1 d&lJ!e I The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be appro ved and verified by the f~llowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope GasCo. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-55]0 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District 476-7480 Fred Haslee Authorized Signature Date 9'-2 5-~S-/r .f~;;?2-Gr tJ-;JL~ NOTE:These verifications don ot relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail,Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail.A building permit is not a street cut vermit.A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility pIau and scheduling installations. *(Please bring a ,site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water &Sanitation signatures) EL~~Ft'/e(L.I.TlU ,A/p r &T~Jj,e-tJ 717 Lor--00AJe".e l-YJt-L. !+Ilvt;--7Z:J b.."n:N~~£)U6A-e,!"5e-t:2..l/((!.E co/e»€mree TV ~~n::.~.,f f!..9,eAle£oe.L-,(...De.73 N e eo£4Je-i/!.OF ,£.or g WARRANTY DEED THIS D EED .Made Ihis 3rd da y of o::t:dJer between IX.Ni\I.D W.LB'/IS AND S1 11\ilCN R .LB '/IS .I II 89 R E CORlmR 'S S TAI\I\' ,I .:, of the "County of Col orado.gramons).a nd ~M.MILLER AND fl1IRLI'llE ~1 . SOIi~ a nd S tate of "hose le gal address is 2754 S.Frrntage Rd.W. Vail,co 81657 of the County o f Eagle a nd Sta te of Colorado.grantees: WI TNESS.thatt heg run torts).for a nd in consideratio no f th e 'UIII o f Ten Dol.Lars and any other good am valuable o::nsideratian----------------------DOLLARS. the receipt a nd suffi cienc yo fwh ich is hereby acknowl edged .h agra nt ed .ba rga ined .sold a ndco nveyed,a ndb ythese pres ents dn gr um ,hurg uin .sell,co nvey and confir m unto the gm nll·c s .their he irs und a s s i ~II "i foreve r,not intenancy incommon hUI in joint tenancy.all the real property rngcthc:with i mprovcrncms,if any.s ituate .I y in ~and be ing inthe County o f Eagle a nd S tale o f Colorado .d e sc ribeda s follows : wr 7 BlJ.XK 1 VAIL INI'I*UJNI'AIN DEVEWR'lENI'SUIDIVISICN k=rding t o the plat recorded as Reo=ptian !'b.114402. a lsok no wnhy str eet and n umber as N/A TOGET HER with a ll a nd sin g ularth e h ereditam entsa nd a ppurtenancesth ereunto hc long ing.or in anywise appertaining,the reversi on and reversions.remainder and remainders.rents.issues and profi ts th ereof.and allthe e state .right.title.interest,cl aimand d emand wh atsoever of the gr amorts),ei ther in law or equity.of.in .10 1i In th eab ovebar g ained premises .with the hereditament s and appurtenances . TO II AVEA N D TO HU LD the sa id p remises above b arguincda ndde scribed .w ithth e app urt en ances.u ntothe gra ntees,their heirs ami ass igns fo rever,And the gru ntorts).for se l heirs and pers onal representati ves d o cov enant. grant.harg:lin ami agre e 10 and with the gran tee:">.their heirs and a s ~i ~n s.that OI l the time of the c nsc aling and delivery of these presen ts well se ized o f the premises above c onveye d.ha g(kKI.'lire.perfect,abs olute a nd indefeasible es tate of inheritance,in law.infcc s imple.andha gO'KI right.full power andlawful authority 10 granl.barg ain.se ll and co nvcy (he samein m anner anti form alim:said .•uu l Ih at the same arc free arul clear [ro m ;'111 lormcr anti o ther grants.barga ins .sa les .liens.taxes . a"...css mcnis.en c u mbra nces and res t ric t ion »of w hatever ki nd or nature soever,exce pt easerenta,restrictions,resarvatiicns am rights of way,all of record,and taxes of the year 1989 not yet a lien due am pa yable, The gra ntort s)s h all an d willWARRANTAN D FOR EVE RD EFEND th e above-bargai ned pre mises in the qu ieta nd pe aceable po ssession o f th eg rantees ,the ir heirs and ass igns.ag ainst all a nd eve ry person or per son s lawfully cl aiming th e wh oleo r a nyp art thereof. .'r :, I 11 I i I',I,. I',I :1, I I' ,I ~l i : IIII I'Ii II I I •19 ~tt ,day of O~ R.LB'1IS "..,,,,I ~hh ,P .W itness m y han d und otticial seal. executedthis deed o nt e d ate set fo rtI>' /_Pat'fr~ .19 STAT E OF ffiLOIlAn O "£)(1-15 } S~. Count y o f r \O.f'P,::L ~) "l f inDe nver.insert "Cily a nd ." The fo regoing in strument was acknowledgedbefore methis .3 rd b y Ih1ald ~v .l.e<lis am SharaJ.R.Lewis 'I "I "" :' l t " ii ,! ii " "I ' ;,".1, No.921 .Rn'.S.H6.",AKH"~l 'Y IJI':U)(10 .I(1illll "n.nl ~1 Bradford l'uh li ~hin !,:.5 tt 2~W.hIll A'lI ~..l.aI..M"i,,,.d,CO tUI1I ·1 -(;\OJ )23J·6900 ..'• ZO NE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS (0 bl2-J3 I V Acute..~~5Q.d ~b;:w ~~~V a.At0 ~~~WW{~~ah:v 04--c..h ~!vA.c ..hr!.fifttHu 'i"~~UcL ~a~.tL4-uttzL/IcL ~Uu cu ct cr:~":r I._h .uv fLJ-~_ o.LuJ ~t.MLt-lL-tJ L:cL--~Lui ~v -Q;~Lp!~ yv duudtJj--()nt;.j fU:;/1.N)O-vV ..J vU~~~du a.~ b-:fr l:I:it.-~tL1.cL b:i.L ~d.~~LuLct ~ I~CL1{cf.-~a.r U'X-~et l/)u J o:t:uJ ~~.{}er.9. 0,UL Cu)OA-:t W ~&::i0 ch,~0..LfY ~b ./0;/9 t'9 M ~~w ~a.Mim,"UlV ~~~ l-Awd..c;t;;~ddz-belw ~~,J~LphcLJiL J.cc ru.L/vuJu_ V (v)ft ~t L'I2~OJ)~~~J ~~ IVtcQ LxU.~LM ~L~?hU O(J;C ./~.~~ 7 '0 1M;~ruJJ ~~~ Q~~.,;/~~ -1-7-10 -;3 '-f{):L Date: Staff Signature .~.-,!~~~~. -/17'~fP'.71Wt--f<Ol'l/~~"'- ~~OLV~. IUTER-DEP.C,RTNENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARI NG 10 ,I'?,rr P·?OJECT:SchWe ~VI'Sb~,.....--- DATE SUS fllTTED:U__ COl·jjiaE NTS NEEDED BY:_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 10 '17'7,Sr ~/5~ f~tw-7 ~de ~~ POLICE DEPART l1E NT Reviewedby:Oate_ Com:nera ts : ..' ,', ,.- ',';.,....,.",.. •,":.0 \. "...,...,.,..'•w O ......\ REC?gTI Oll DE?AR TI·:EN T Rev i e'n'edby:O.a te._ CO:;'.:;'I<;nts: ,.: 7_-:)-2-<7 /Date: tvv ~c,l "--- --.il ,fLC A .f0A K \rc~d PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: INTER-DEPARTMENTALREVIEW PROJECT::;;In V~te ~(\6 It;£JW1 ---.".---- DATE SUBMITTED:7 !~I ,..-DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING _rJ-':-_ COMMENTS NEEDED BY:~~~n~~-~--_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHEPROPOSAL: C2.D~'V\.vt~Js.\lI'v~'s ?~tltf FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date: Comments: .1·. ". , POLICE PEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:Date: Comments: ~'". revised 3/11/91 . -•-•_.•,_0••~- DRB APPLICATION --------------------------~ DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required bv the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipUlate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A.DESCRI PTION:·_--:->J..lI\:";~::";'I .:..i ~~,e~d~Y...l..:.=:':":":::J;-¥A.!....U.----l~=-__ I''""if'\"If'-e.:; B. C . D. E. F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address _ot f l '1 l--IJ Rk :;,puR LONe,\JrH I ('0 .f /05 7 I Legal Description Lot ''I Block _J...I _ Subdivision ()\.)t>p ty'0 p n +o ,,,)Zoning 5 ,nc,le V II"(l.f I n F S-1 d e.~-hc.l NAME OF APPLICANT:\)cn--IR../"e ::Xlll.uel os hevC1 I I• I Mail ing Address:;:)'1-.«;if S·fgon~a tie.Rd . UA1 \Co .,~Ilc S t Phone ...11{,-3 1 0'J.- NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:R I(hD vd /\1 ',bQ Ii Mailing Address :__....;-~S .:.:().J.n..:.J)..:..e...:.._ _____________Phone .=J1 lc -~1-Qd- NAME OF OWNERS:r:'I k!\le t;..tH·r'\1 'dJe rg.i::»nlt'(1 t'.s c I 1l..v~QS Jp r 7 SIGNATURE (S):Q(VI.1 R -1 u~JUJ,LO.fM VjlLUC Mailing Address:-11--s =i S .FRo nt a 1e r&i .(){j /1,(),. Phone J.../"1 rv -3 1 ():J-,----------------Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the·time a building permit is paid for. VALUATION ~ $0 -$10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25.00 $50,001 -$150,000 $50.00 $150,001 -$500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 II.IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A.In addition to meeting sUbmittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed must also be marked.This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. B.The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board,so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval. C.Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D.At the discretion of the zoning administrator,the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board.They,however,have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a.Windows,skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building;and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or pUblic space,which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. E.Youmay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e.snow avalanche,rockfall,debris flow,wetlands,etc).You should check with aTown Planner before proceeding. .~ ...:--.--._.._.-~ IOFI 90028S 1/26/90 PROJECT No. ~w .(i?~ oyowers Registered LandSurveyor Ho.13901 IIOCIC 240 OEllIGHEO BY' Ihereby certify that this improvement location certifi cate was prepared forthe mortgage lenderandthe title Insurance compa ny,that it i snota land ·survey plat or improvement survey plat.and that It Isnottobe relied upon forthe establ ishment offence,bui lding.or other futu re improvement lines.I furthe r cer tify tha t thei mp rovements onthe above described parcel on this date ,except ut il ity connect ions,areent i rely within theboundaries oftheparcel.e xcep tas shown.tha t thereare no encroachments upon the descr ibed prem ises by i mp roveme ntsonany adjoin ing prem ises.exceptas indicated,andtha t there isnoapparentevidenceorsignof anyeasement c ~ossing or burden ing any'part ofsaidparcel,exceptasnoted. This certificate doesnot constitute a title searchbyInter-MountainEngineering todetermine ownership or easements ofrecord.For all infonmation regarding easements,rights-of-way or title of record,Inter-MountainEngineering relied upon t he Final Plat of Vail Intermounta in Deve lopment Subdiv ision . /-f'~~:'i1:~I~~~::~y~;~~~~~ .,..,..»«."':I ('l r::.~,.\;.··~'1 ~-'.::,~I C(0 •.::,.-.\...3/,..-.;it".:;.A/1 ....'I:(;'.,O:~h NOTICE:According to Colorado law you must comnence~::~~.,~~~~;~.~~any ~egal action based upon 'an~defe:t in this survey~~~~~:~~withln three years after you flrst dlscover such defect • In no event,may any action based upon any defect in this surveybe commenced more thanten years from thedateof certiffcation shown hereon. LINE 8 EARI NG DISTANCE 1 N 39'49 '59 "E 55.00 2 N 68'00'00"£2 9.43 3 N 39'49'59 "£1 .92 CUR VE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD 8RG 1 2 8'1 0'01"75 .00 3 6.87 18.82 36 .50 N5 3'55'00 "£ 2 45'37'02 "45 .00 3 5 .83 18.92 34.89 S51 '14'1 4 "E NOTES : PROPOSED ELEVA TIONS TAKENFROM SITE PLAN PREPARED BY MATTHEWS 8 ASSOCIATES DATED 10/2 6/89 . BASISOF ELEVATION :MANHOLE I09 .3A I RIM ELEV.=7874.42' INVERT OUT(W)=7869.63'. BASEDUPON THE FINALPL AT OF VA ILIN TERMOUNTAIN DEVEL- 0pMENT SU8D IVISION,BLOCK I,RECORDED I N BOO K 218 PAGE 798 THERE ISAWIDE STRIPALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES FCR USE OFPUBLICAND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS. /' /' I ,..-,..,- I':;..-..... .... •';1 • BLOC/</4 ) REVISIONS I (.,T -",,0:/ / '\,:>0 \: ••1~~r-MountaJD ~EngineeringLbL !O T1_..... / / P.O .IIOX 87. 08S0 NOTTZ........-AVON.COLO ••Sao (aDa!.....11072 '"I I" , I r-'l ·'J 'E ('T i \I ·'I !.\'I'r.:,I I I ,:I )!,-I ~-,I .\'i I I ;....'!'i :!;-'~i.I r:;I..,',:,,,,:t \, o,\P 1,"\" ,-,-. ,,'I ' I .':,';11.'::;',":".' \!.'I.'\l(;·':·~;',':,~," ~on:l ~~'"l,"'::',1)I U;-:f ;;.:~.,,! ':,T'I , I '. ."':'1 ,:-,t "~,~,,:',:~i• ,F ~,~.' [~'j'/ .... 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" ::(-.",'-,,I 'l l :.:.",!';' "." ;, 9C (SOOM1,89 ) BEST COpy AVAILAB LE n UA R A :oiT Y f "fl:\tI'A:oil' -----•....;i •:!"r'(:I I .:',I ) ..:,-J !".:...i 11 .;.'j "I I J :l '~n -, I I ,r-(":':.::'•\~;{i •'j '!", 9 9C (S OOM '·R 9) BEST COpy AVAILA BLE ~TE"·AnT TITLE G U ....U ASTy C O 't I'.\S Y CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1.The term mortgage ,when used herein,shall include deedof trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. 2.If the proposed Insured hasor acquires actual knowledge of any defect,lien, encumbrance,adversecla im or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commi tment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shallfail to disclosesuch knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shallberelievedfrom liability foranylossor damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure toso disclose such knowledge.If the proposed I nsured shalldisclosesuch knowledge to the Company,orif the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claimor other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule Bof this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3of these Conditions and Stipulat ions. 3.Liability of the Company under this Commitment shallbe only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition ofInsuredin the form ofpolicyor policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking ingoodfaith(a)to comply with the requirements hereof,or(b)to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B,or(c)to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shallsuch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Cond itions and Stipulations and the exclusions fromcoverageof the formof policy orpolic ies committed forinfavorof the proposed Insured whichare hereby incorporated by reference andaremadea part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4.Anyclaimoflossor damage,whether or not basedonnegligence,andwhicharises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby orany action asserting suchclaim ,shallbe restricted to the provisions and Condit ions and Stipulations ofth is Commitment. STE"'\VART TITLE GUARANTY CO)IPANY All notices requ ired tobegiven the Company a ndany statement in writ ingrequiredto be furnished the Company shallbe addressed to itatP.O .Box 2029 ,Houston ,Te xas 77252,and ident ify th is comm itment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BERwhich appears on the bottom ofth ef ronto ft hef irst pageof this com m itment . Page5 • CHECK REQUEST PRE P ARED BY :.src:£.S(~~DATE:4--/L ~/'1'7 [')~Sc.J ~e.l /1/:5 b e.ro ,~ V EN DOR NAM E: V ENDOR NUMBE R:fLe-vJ ..J D ESCRIPTION OFE XPENSE:CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFU1','D FOR B P #lf2-3'f NAMEOF JOB:WI {{~V ~~ ACCOUNT NUMBER:010 000 2200 2 AMOUNT OF REFUND:2..::'--0.C>o DATE APPR OVED:q -C ~-C}7 A PPR OVAL SIG N ATURE:I(i~//- p ' .,". ATTN:REA'l'HA VENDOR'REQUESTFORM: TEJ.1PORARY VEl'I"DOR VENDORS FULr8 .,_~:...:::::~-=::::...!..::s.....__-=--=-~::::"'::::"'::=-::~"'::="""":::':~:::=.:j.._-,-_ VENDORS~ ....v { ; RE1HT ADDRESS IF D.lFFERENT FROH ABOVE TAX ID#OR ss # IS VENDOR A CORPOP~TIqN YES NO ,0' j \.....REQUESTED BY:~ .....i .'.~.--. DATE OF REQUEST:--~-~-~-"-------_':"""":":"-'-'------ IS THIS A VENDOR REQU~ST FOR A ~E~UND~NO ,," I i II ;! \..I ~~ ~LAN S IN SLOT ,;)()NOTE-COPYOFPERMITTOBEKEPTON JOBSITE 11 /7 /89CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT I , UAI~00423 4IllIDlPPERMITNO. 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING $9350 0.00 DIVISION 122334 z ELECTRICAL 300 0.00TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT0 GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK:~PLUMBING 2 500 .00TYPEOFPERMIT::).... 0(MECHANICALoBUILDING(XJ PLUMBING Small Single F a mily Residence > IX]ELECTRICAL [Xl FOUNDATION $99 000 .00 IX]MECHANICAL [Xl Ex cava tion TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 7 BLK 1 V R-3 1302 @ .1 5/sq f t BUILDING PERMIT $63 5.00 t!.f(:/P- FILlNG .Intermaountain Sub -di vi int-DESC .PLAN CHECK 318 .00 03$7) JOB NAME: ,,"UL '....ClL "-"I'UL Mil ler Res idence ELECTRICAL h1 ,OO OWNER NAME Agnes Mi l ler &Darlene NEW (Xl ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 2 5.00 ct· .S c hw e~n s b e g lilA-MAIL ADDRESS 10 Grant Ave.DWEL LING UNITS __1_ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL CITY Seibyville,»al 476-37 0 HEIGHT INFT .__NO .FIREPLACES 1 RECREATION FEE 1302 @ .15 195.00 ~,/ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 5 0.00 FLOOR CLEAN ·UP DEPOSITMAILADDRESS 250 .00 EXT.WALLS Batt 6 19 USETAXCITYPH.'rJt v FIRM \Ulmr&l ~~Sb ~~~ROOF Ba tt 12"30 GENERAL 1,\\CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAIL REG .NO.''t6-'t-B-JJ RjYPE ELEC .GAS X TOTAL PERMIT FEES ~'~1h 0 0OF TELE.+lfJ-;mJ2 ~\",-":J"l().t'HEAT SOLAR WOOD Joe Norr is 11/30/89 FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~Uii.DING OFFICIAL ------DATE ----- ~L E CTR I C A L YN INITIAL I-Mike.1!.ollica _______1 !!....30/.8.!!.... TOWN OFVAI L REG .NO.(Not at t h i s j - ONTRACTOR ST .CUT (""\'U ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING X 1z0NING &BUILDINGNOTES:1.Color sc heme to FIRM PARKING come back f or DRB approval prior to XPLUMBINGTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.comnle tion.2.Re tai ning wa ll condi tion<fL CONTRACTOR DEMO X upon approved ROW p ermit. TELE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ,filled out in full the i nformation required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot p lan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ord inances and state TELE.I,•••and 10 ',IId thlsstructure accordlnq to t~O.,1"'0'1''1'and subdlvtslon codes,desiqn OTHER FIRM review approved ,Uniform Building Cc::J:nd ot r srdlnances of the :E napplicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO:~S:JtLU:)~~ll..-l t,A P,(l ljr .I1/11J ,--41!£lIa TOWNOFVAIL REG .NO.±±±±±±±±±±±±frts<f S .F('Ot1 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CO'NTRACTOR TELE./h I J J ('i)8)'"'5 7 ANDTHE OWNER. • 75south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 MARCH 19,1992 AGNESMILLER &DAR LENE SC HWEINSBERG 2614LARKSPUR VAIL,COLORADO 81657 DEARMRS.MILLERANDMRS.SCHWEINSBERG : • office of community development CERTIFIED MAIL ITHASCOMETOTHE AnENTION OFTHEBUILDING DEPARTMENT THATTHE OCCUPANCY OF2614LARKSPURLANE,VAIL ,CO .PERMIT#4234ISINVIOLATIONOF SECTION305(E)5OFTHE1988UNIFORMBUILDINGCODE ASADOPTEDBYTHETOWNOFVAIL. PLEASE COORDINATE AFINALINSPECTIONIMMEDIATELYORDISCONTINUE OCCUPANCY OFTHEBUILDINGUNTILAFINALINSPECTIONHASBEENAPPROVED. FAILURETO COMPLY WITHTHISNOTICEWILLRESULTINASUMMONS AND COMPLAINT TOAPPEARINTOWNOFVAILMUNICIPALCOURT. IFYOUHAVEANY QUESTIONS REGARDINGTHIS MAnER,PLEASE CON TACT MEAT 479-2138 . SINCERELY, jL~~ DAN STANEK BU ILDING INSPECTOR ~v Project Application • D ate _ Proj ect Nam e :~....,i,-\,--,b,=,--,v_-I-~d-''-'-'~~'-'--'--.-L C ontactPer son a nd P hone P ro jec t Description:-t-1"i\-~~l.lJ--~LA-----jLJI...f\-l.4<[l.1.!~...LllLt~/..-...:.~~.u:::::z--------------- Owner,Add ress and Phone :_ Archi tec t ,Address and Phon e: Zo ne _ Comment~:--'--__ DesignReviewBoard \\D ate _ Mo tion by: Seconded by : , APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ---------------------~--------------------- ~f!J~n~~-/----:r=-- Date:6 '2 .qj,....---_ ~Staff Approva l '9'T.•..,.r1C-.............'-"_...,-............-.-............1'-~ eTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL " /.'a:,./AM df/3-z! PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /2 -dI-ft JOB NAME _----Ad::::....~_~_<_'_r_'_=---,-----.:..-_ CALLER ;fi-("'7K /'(#- READ Y FOR INSPECTION :MON ;@WED THUR FRI L OCATION :.l....- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND kr'FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. iI o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o S HEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR --~~.;::::;,l~----------- D ATE ---'-I-'---''------f--f-=--- READ Y FOR LOCATION : ~f'JO'\L v ON""""\\11-"-"-'''P?''l,C'.L'~\VU"" I'• INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL ~'/Y{.Lv ' ____~A M @ BUILDING: o FOO TIN GS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o >6,FINAL Z:o. PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /OW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL, ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o RO UGH o CONDU IT _ o o F I NAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY A IR 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED ~APPROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED @)(2~!I I N ("+=k4 N t2C;cJ2;T:.e'/A/6 ~4/Jd&/2 &,k ~d/V/J///)/6 ~/hQlj7 8 \1 1,2 -/-92 2 -/9 -7'2-DA TE ~,,--L-<"-------L-==-_ ..Y 1/:;'31 PERM ITNU MBER OF PR OJEC T .. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL HI.L).C/t..---------------- CA LLER RE ADYFOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION :dl/;ILj Ltwvs m;£,4y,V W ED @ FRI PM ~I N S P E C T I O N REQU IREDt<!<P ISAPPROV E D BUI LDING:PLUMBING :, o FO OTING S /STEEL o U NDERGROU ND o FOUNDATION /S TEEL o ROUG H /DW .V. o FRAM ING o ROUG H /W ATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o I NSULATION o POOL /H .TUB "-,o,JoSHEETROCKNAIL0 0 0 9(F I N AL ; o F IN AL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.PO WER o HE ATING ,)o ROUGH \o EX HAUSTH OODS (!, o C O NDUIT o S UPPLY A IR .:., 0 0 , I -o FINA L o F IN AL , ",0A PPROVED " .' DAT E --.L.-=--=_-=-==--~=--_,.I NSP EC TOR PERMI T NUMEROF \.... INSPECTION REQUEST .. TOWN OF VAIL I , =t.~S(C\.~D ,....,,~-I""'"'•• OATE -+¥'or-+-~"">--\--'-'>--->';JOB NAME CALLER ~-----~ •il .., READYFOR I NSPECTION:MONTUESWED ~FRI B PM L OCATION :0.,('/'-1 Lcq <.I6 '::>f?u r-\h)' . BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND ~OND A T I O N /S ~EEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o ROUGH /WATERoFRAMING ROOF&SHEER o GASPIPING .o PLYWOOD NAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o F INAL o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ) INSPECTOR --/l-,r---1'4fL,.,<-,I--,~=-~--------- ,, READY FOR I NSPECTION :MON TUES WED THUR FRI _____AMPM LOCATION :2I'AI~J .rkl\lAr I BUILDING:-PLUMBING:-o FOOTINGS /STEEL 'II;,{o UNDERGROUND \ o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o IN SULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICA~- o T EMP.POWER ~HEATING -1 ~ o ROUG H o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINA L o FI NAL ~PPR O V E D DISAPPROVED o REINSPECT ION REQUIRED eTION RE TWNOFVA l ". .. READY FO R LOC ATIO N :~~..."A.~..l.....-~_:..p..~.).....:lI-.d~~~_----.l.<d'=~~"':>""'L.-_ ~ PERMI \UMBER OF PROJECT DATE Q -\\)-C\\J OB •-----..i..:""..="""""--->.---- BU ILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOU NDATION /STEEL o FRA MING ROOF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILIN G--------- o I NSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERG ROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPI NG _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ ~O U G H I 0 CONDU IT _ 0 _ o FIN AL _---,-_ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY A IR 0 _ o FINAL ,i(A P P R O V E D~~ CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 6 -/2.-,9'/DA T E --"''--~:''''''''::_---'-''--_ PERM rUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 9--"b -~\JOB READY FORI LOCATION : ". "eTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME ------'-~;}.d>~~....---.l?'~~~--------- _____AM c:2 BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL ROUGH /DW.V.~~A M I N G ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGI0PLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:/MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SU k AIR 0 X )@ o FINAL ,6FINAL (j D'S. f 7 0 ;tJ -s . 7 /" APPROVED -Wlt~{.,..f ~""d"'-/{-=O-="''-'-"-''''C-__''''::'''':'-'--=''-'-_--f''"''''-__-+-.J...L-j'-----_ DATE ---"''''-4~=t-':.J.------ -\ _____AMPMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAIL READ YFOR LOCATION :__----'-....L:-""""""-'-''--_-'---''''''''''-''-''''''''''''=~'"''"-'''-''-----''-'-------------- PER ~T NUM~:.~J E C T DA TE ~~~JOB NAME -....:....-~"-=~...:>-....-:----,....~-"'""""----r-;:--------\,.--- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTIN GS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o F OU NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D W .V.~ o FRA MING OwW-<rl 12'1ROUGH/WA TER ROOF&S HEER o GAS PI PING NO 1-lc«!:S~LY W OO D NA ILING r NSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 , o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TE MP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS I o CONDUI T o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL F APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED -7 7/'INSPECTOR~~«ZZ;;:, •I READY FOR LOCATION : CALLER .'0.;., ..Lj~?:JU PERMIT NUMte',OF?,,fiTECT DA TE 7/'1 fI-/J OB N AME ---...J-~-7"7~-'------;-~--V..-"'7~~--=----7l------;----- '(I V"),v BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FO UNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRA MING o ROUGH /W ATER RO OF &SH EER o GAS P IPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB -ASHEET ROCK NAIL 0 1 0 0 o FINAL o FINA L ELECTRICAL:ME~HANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ;0 APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -QJJ I .... DA TE 1lJ.Lf-17~-+--1--.i INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEROFPROJECT IZ-L 3 f /, R EADY FOR IN SPE9lJ~/ LOCATION :~'f CALLER ;:lP?7u/~ T UESW ED THUR FRI _____=@)PM BUI LDING : o FOOT INGS /ST EEL o FOUN DAT ION /ST EEL o FRAMING RO OF &SH EERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATlb~,_ ."o SHEETROCK NAIL _ ,-.\"'"'. ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o FINA L "--_ MECHANICAL: o HEAT ING _ o EXHAUST HOODS -r-r-_ o SU PPLYAI R _ 0 _ o FINAL '_.){APPROVED CORRECT IONS : A 0 DI;;APPi30VED ,()JA d/,i'~_do./;,/~....' I o REI ~SPECTION REQU IRED V \\ ,,-.' 'f \. IN SPECTOR ~~~~~Z=:-(__/2 -2--3 -9;,D ATE ----L--=-_---""---_+-_ ... INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ~. THUR FRI ~S\~) WEDREADYFOR L OCATION:----'-'-"""'--'----''-----::L-'''-c~~..>..->._''t''~~-~-=->....>....~-'------------ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA TE A-"\\-~JOB '--' BU ILDING: o FO OTIN GS /STEEL o FO UNDATION /STEEL o FRAMI NG RO OF &S HEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSU LATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGRO UND _ o ROUGH /D.W .V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o o F INAL ELECTRICAL: o T EMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 -::--_ ~N A L _ '\f.(APPROVEDt'cITl'tRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPP LY A IR _ 0 _ o FINAL --'-_ o REINSPECTION 'REQUIRED DATE .)-//?.y <.....' INSPECTOR --....:~:....L....LLL.---.:.......::--;.<~_ NAME ..... READY FOR LOCATION : ~n'r1 +e-I If---ffp -d«6 :J-Y-o ~ INSPECTION REQUEST~, ~_~TOWN OF .VAILmiLf!y~~.'r CALLER .D:W Hh &d-V ~ IN SPECTION'M O ~E S W ED TH U ~/A MPM J" Ata/</b ~k~~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATIO N /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER R OOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H .TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL t)f)t:7 tI-tA-0 ,U '-cit.)~);0./,fJ l//1 JA O~'I.~"'NfI r»:-1-.L 0 /0 F~NAL {J --tc...0 I C;:o _v o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CO NDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _-L_-'--_--'----==---_--'----_INSPECTOR ~ I~ ~INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of o. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE:~,~~\J \ FINAL MECHANICAL RESID.NAME:).6f 1 ,T?4L I,.I/~ t1#t1~~ EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: FILE NAME :_---:o....:...;::....:...~~>-.__'__==_'_::=.:._ -'CI _____AM @ -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF-VAIL ·... READYFOR LOCATION : PERMIT NUMB oR OFP OJEC T DA T E ~V JOB N AME ----E::==::-7,.,-1--t:T~~r~=_T_~t....:;::',dL.-==::::::.-- ,.. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING ROO F &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING --------- o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ ~F-IN-A-L --Z7"l7--,O ..-,-------- PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH I D.W.V ._ o ROUGH I WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL I H .TUB _ 0 _ o o FINAL, ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT 0 _ o F INAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED ~A P PR O V E D o REINSPECTION REQUIRED Q)(211 1 1 'N (."t )4n1tlezC/J;/:.,f'/,!/6 ~4 cJ~/(:::12 4)/POWLY/AU<~/~qJ/7 fj\J II?-1-92 --.r j @ p,tfJ rIINlfl l(o O~,TCtpV T /1#44#19-.1 £ffejJu /#.£e?#~"?cJ£E k fif,eb#d)/C /""{,-/I L L,d!16--/.5f (,.c:z? @ @ V7/C Alp~&A""5 .d?.e-epu //i'CO o £"Ti=n,o /l..I /(I M +Otft/vl rLz.-<-te'Lcrt=-o~u INSPECTOR -Ll~~~~=----':~~_2 -/9-9.2-DA T E --"''----..L..J.:=:....-...L.-==-_ '!f'. 75south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479-2139 MARCH19,1992 AGNESMILLER &DARLENE SCHWEINSBERG 2614LARKSPUR VAIL,COLORADO 81657 DEARMRS .MILLERANDMRS.SCHWEINSBERG: -FILE COpy officeof community development CERTIFIED MAIL ITHASCOMETOTHE ADENTION OFTHEBUILDING DEPARTMENT THATTHE OCCUPANCY OF2614LARKSPURLANE,VA IL,CO .PERMIT#4234ISINVIOLATIONOF SECTION305(E)5OFTHE1988UNIFORMBUILDINGCODE ASADOPTEDBYTHETOWNOFVAIL. PLEASE COORDINATE AFINALINSPECTIONIMMEDIATELYOR DISCONTINUE OCCUPANCY OFTHEBUILDINGUNTILAFINALINSPECTIONHASBEENAPPROVED. FAILURETO COMPLY WITHTHISNOTICEWILLRESULTINA SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT TOAPPEARINTOWNOFVAILMUNICIPALCOURT. IFYOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDINGTHIS MADER,PLEASE CONTACT MEAT 479-2138. SINCERELY, ~/~ DANSTANEK BUILDINGINSPECTOR