HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 12 LEGALCOM.UNITY CE..ELOPMEIIT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970 .479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Project Name:SCHELL/MILO ASSOC.RES.REPAINT Project Description: Repaintofexisitng structure. Participants: OWNER SCHELL,DAVIDH.08/14/2006 1511 COLUMBINE AVE BOULDER CO80302 APPLICANT SCHELL,DAVIDH.08/14/2006 1511 COLUMBINE AVE BOULDER CO80302 DRB Number:DRB060364 Project Address:790 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location:790 POTATO PATCH DR Legal Description:Lot:12Block:1Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number:2101-063-0104-0 Comments:SeeCondit ions BOARD/STAFFACTION Motion By: SecondBy: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date ofApproval:08/23/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):Nochangestotheseplansmaybemade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approvaldoesnot constitute a permit forbuilding.Please consult with TownofVailBuildingpersonnelpriorto construction activities. Cond:201 DRBapprovalshallnotbecomevalidfor20days following thedateofapproval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shalllapseandbecomevoidone(1)year following thedate of finalapproval,unlessabuilding permit isissuedand construction iscommenced andis diligently pursued toward completion. Cond:CON0008385 Theapplicantsshallpaintthe entire structure (bothsides of the duplex)with the newcolor,Lunar. ·.1'IU.oa= Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road,Va",Colorado 81657 tel:970.479 .2128 fIIx:970.479 .2452 web:www.VlllIgOII.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting II building permit llppllcatJon.Please refer to the submittal I'l!quimments for the particular approval that is requl!Sted.An appfiClltion for ~Ign ReView cannot be accepted until all required Information is realived by the Community Development Department.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and environmenta l Commission. Desilln review approval lapses un',,"a building permit is issued and construction convnllnce5 wltfl'n one year of the approval. For <DI1Struetion ofa new buUdlng or demo/rebuild.' For an addition where !;quare footage Is lidded III any residentlal or a>mmerdal build!nll Qndudes lSO IIdditions &.interior conversIOns). For minor cha~s III buildIngs and slte improllllmenl:!,such as, re-rootlnll,painting,window addltlons,landSl:8plng,fenteS and retaining walls,etc. Forminor changes to bundings and site improvements,such as. re-roofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fenw and retaining WilRs,etc. For revisions to plans al~dy approved by Planning Staffor the Design Review Board. f1Wi $1.00 per SQLlire foot of total Sign area. Description of the Reg,,~-."..........,...-......--:-----:--~-_:_;--,___-_;_"""I"":~--St'vC(.O (,l~{~~ Location ofthe Proposal:Lot:l"'L.-BIOCk:_J _SUbcllvlslon:,_-4:fu....=~l....;..;._-=='-'-....;;..;:;;;;.-J'- Physical Address:7'10 Po~to Patrl'l DtIVCI vail CO Parcel No.:2.101 0 b 3 0 \0 "\'0 (contact Eagle CO.Assessor at 97£l.328·8640 tor pan:el no.) zonlnal_R:;;.;e s::..:.i~tWMi=.:.;.·~..:....----:-_ Name(s)of Owner(s)1 [)o.vi~Ii .Scl1lll /MlloQ A5so-c.I,..\rf.. Mailing Address:10\1 CtllvWll,iu ~c.~ovldGi~olo /655 S Gj"'itJclcl ~D(t'\VW h:'?o':?l.4t •Phone:303·376 ·t 1 7~(1\411.-0 -Nol'Wl 'i~) Owner(s}S1gnab.lre(s):---H'f-P'~::'-'_---------------- Name of Applicant:_....:::D_a_v_~_ScM__t_I _1 _ Mailing Addrss:/<511 ColVVl'lloiVlt Irvv ~Ol.lleltr ec tl030Z. ,..--_-----,._Phone:i lol )303·446.14'61 Cw)303·444 ·Z~65 e-mail Address:fJ o.vt:t!'iVl ~@Kt'flVlQtlc.te-l.I\ell-Fax:)03.444 .40:;..4.:,,:£..:==..-_ Type of Review and Fee: Cl Signs $50 Cl COnce~l~e~ew No Fee Cl New COnstruction $650 CJ AddrtiCln $300 0 MInor AlteratIon $Z50 (multHamlly/commerdlll) ]I(Minor Alt:eratJon $20 (slngle-famlly/duplex) Cl O1anges to Approved Plans $20 0 separauon Reque!>t No Fe, For Office Use Onl:cj C/a 2 Fee PlI id::z-.~.O1eck No.:C , Meetlng Date :?.{g •0 b PlanrlGr: -.._.-..---'.-'. JaJNT PROPERtY OWNER WRm!rf APPROVAL LEl1Bl ,- ,.'.,. I ••:.'~ .'.'TOWN m I,(PfInt name).Norm SiH~,a JOint GImIIlt of flI1lIlI!rtV Iacall:d at (address/k!gal desctIptSon)~o PotMo p~DttV'(Vail CA)fJ'flSr:r PRNIde tIl/slelte'as wr1bn eppl'OVld ofltte plans dIltI:d wtIId\haVl!l been submitted to tile Town of van CDmmunly Dewfor;lment DepalUMnt far the ptQposBd Imp/'O'lemenl3 to be completed at the ~noted above.I undel'5tllnd lhQt the ProJX)5ed l/'IlPfUV!fItents Include: Si\lc(o ~ctLW(1"0 111 e..~t 0+~kOlA k.-to r9'_'D_""'_otriM \,.IavU Sidi~(.1M&:{VIew pc-i......DtI f-QM&CI\4I~....__ wont Sid'.,~D1 -tri~WI ~~ J ftJrther underStand IJlDt mrnor II1ClC!lftClllfDl1S may be made torne plans llWI'the anuse of the I'llVIew 'Jr<'~..,_.the Town's applJc:able cEldennd l'1I9u!lUons. Pege Z oflJ,JIQ6I06/05 "'l.S:vO so 22 ~nl:l 1'1U.~,....~/;;) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITT'EN APPROVAL LElTER I,(print name)D~Vic:!l\~~1\,ajoint owner of property located at (addres.s/I@ll!1 descrlptjon)i-QO p~\-o po.lt/h Dfilf'C,Vail co ~ZI(,5-::r provide this letter as wrltten approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed lmprcvemen~ to be completed at the i1ddres noted above.I understand thatthe proposed Improvements Include: s-htcw o.dtU.d io the ~o.f-~(jV.~+0 rgluev CM.1d CDv-e.v _-=-v{,;,;.;i ~~I .w6lT£(~iut.'~~V\e-N p~iV<t ~V"~~IV1I ~I-__ wova 'i>\c(ll...t1 li'Mot -tril-V\1M l-,l1l-\~ I further Understand that minor modlncations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town 's app licable codes and regulatlons. (Date) ~e 2 of 13/06/06/05 ~.J.c::..c::.~J.C.a.L.~I ·1 BUilding Mlllerials Roof Siding --7 Other Wall Marertals •~FaSCia •---?>SOffltE~5 Windows \U~..,Window Trlm ~~Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flu~ Flashing Olfmneys Trash Endosures GreenhoU5e5 Retaining Walls Exterior Ughtlng Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Type af Material ~o cM 7 --- -~------ ree{ Please specify the manufacturer's name,the color name II Notes: StJt-Atr~J Page 6of 13/06/06/05 <:[;,,()3..-00we ~ mber and attK:h a color c:hiP'~ color cM,,1( Jun '30 05 03:241"PRIMA PAINTING INC 970 827 4053 p .1 ••Prima Painting,Inc. 2121N.Frontage Rd.W.#181 Vail,CO 81657 970476 6067 Phone 9708274053 Fax Date:30 .June 2005 Attn:Dave Tel:303 8183651 Fax:303 444 5161 C1 3 0 ,)0 2'2 /_PH~t.-frlu IJ C/Cd (f Tv J 7 f;;ld ("1 9-0 )310 q 2311 -1"'VI/I-fUc.. Proposal for the Painting of:790A Potato Patch,Vail. Theprice includes provision of materials and labor for : Exterior:Prior toanypaint application the buildings willbe power washedwitha3600p si coldwater washer toremovedust or dirt that may hinder thefinishpa int/stain adh esion. Any peeling or weathered areaswillbe sanded/scraped andoil base primed, where needed,prior totopcoatapplication. All painted/stained w oodwillbetwicere-coated including alldecks,railings/p ickets. Discounted Cost :$4,800 Please v isitourweb site formore information ,www.primapainting.com Any neccessary scraping ,sanding ,priming,caulking andnail setting willbe carried out aspart of the contractual agreement unless otherwise specified . Any extra work outside the contractual agreement willbe charged . Time :$35p/h Materials:Atcost Pa yment tobe made asfollows : Anegotiable amount dueon commencement withthe balance dueon completion. Respectfully submitted by Prima Painting (this proposal maybe withdrawn byus if not accepted within100days) The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. YOu are authorized todothe work as specified.Payment will be made as outlined above. .Date:--------Signature:_ ******************************************************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL,COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: Payment Method: FINANCIALCORP. R060001210 Amount:$20 .00 Check 08/14/200611:20 AM Init:JS Notation:4492/INSIGHT Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB060364 Type:DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 2101-063-0104-0 790 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 790 POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees:$20.00 This Payment:$20.00 Total ALL Pmts :$20 .00 Balance :$0.00 •••••••••************••********************************************************************* ACCOUNTITEMLIST : Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMU NITYDEV ELO PMENT/TOWN OF VA IL 75 S.F RONTAGE ROAD VAIL ,CO 816 57 9 70 -4 79-213 8 •• NOTE:TH IS PERMIT MUST BEPOSTED ON J OBSITEATALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT P ermit #:B97-0151 J ob Addres s :790 POTATO PATC H DR Loca tion ...:790 POTATO PATCH DR P arc el No..:2 10 1-063-01-040 Project No .:PRJ97 -0088 Statu s ...:ISSU ED App lied ..:06 /1 0/19 97 I s su ed ...:0 6 /1 3 /1 997 Expire s ..:12/10/1 997 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL/WINDOW CHANG E Occupancy:R3 Type Cons truction:VN P hon e:9 7 0-926-2044 P hone :970-926 -204 4 WY-d ~th DeD Clean-up ~c./f"t~~~ approve d F a mily Residence mou nt ~s-~~ Non -Rated a date t.«hr Add s q F t: Single Type V 70,000 DEN NISON CON STRUCTION P.O.BO X 129 7,EDWA RDS ,CO 81632 DENNIS ON CONSTRUCTION P .O.BOX 129 7,EDWARDS ,CO 81632 DAVIS ROBIN JEAN--JT SEGAL S COTT S,2WILDACRE RD,CHAR LESTON Val uation: OWNER CON TRACTOR APPL ICANT Fi repl ace lnformdtion:Restri cted :"Of GasAppliance s:"Of Gas Logs :"Of Vood/Pallet : .******************t***************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Bui lding----->590.0 0Rest uarantPlanReview-->.00 TotalCalcu lated Fee s--->1,326 .50 Plan Che ck--->383.5 0 ORB Fee----------------->.100 .00Addit ionalFee s --------->.00 In ve stiga tion>.00 RecreationFee---------->.00 Total Permi t Fee-------->1 ,326.50 Vi I ICa ll---->3 .00 Clean-Up Depasit-------->250.00Paymen ts---------------->1 ,326.50 TOTAL FEES -------------->1,326.50 BA LANCE DUE ------------->.00 '********************************************************************************************************************************* N/A N/A Item:05100 BU ILDING DEPARTME NT 06/,10/,199 7 CHARLIE Act ion :NO TE 06/11/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR I tem:05400 PLANNIN G DEPARTMENT 06/,1 0/,1997 CHARLIE Action :NOT E 06 /13 /1997 DIRKAc tio n:APPR I tem:0 5600 FIRE DEP AR TMEN T 06/10/1 997 CHARL IE Action :APPR I tem:05500 PUBLIC WORK S 06/10 /199 7 CHARL IE Action :APPR De pt :BUILDING Divisio n: PLANS TO CHARL IE CHARLIE DAVIS Dept :PLANNING Divisi on : P LANSTO DIRK De pt :FI RE Div is ion: Dept:PUB WORK Division : '********************************************************************************************************************************* S ee Page 2 of t hisDocume nt for any c onditionst hat may apply to thi s permit. DECLARA TI ONS I he reby acknow ledge that Ihavereadth is a ppli cation,fi lledout in full t hei nfor ma ti onreq uired,comp leted an accurate plot plan ,and state that al lt heinforma tion providedasre quired is correct.Iagreeto complywit h the informat ion a ndp lot p la n, tocomp ly with a ll Town o rdinancesand state l aws,andto build th is structure according to the Town'szoning a nd subdivision codes,design reviewapp roved,Unifo rm Building Code and other o rdinanceso f tne Town appl icable t hereto . REQ UES TS FO R I NSPECTIONSSHAL LBE MADE T~EN TY-FO U R HOURS SendClean-Up Depo sit To:DE NNISON CONSTRU CT ION ••REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 03/23/98 08:07 REQUESTSFOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:3/23/98 PAGE' AREA:OS ==================================================;=================~========== Constr:AOUP Use:VN St at •.1s:ISSUED Occ: RAILS REROOF Phone:970-926-2044 Phone: Phone:970-92&-2044 B97-0151 3/23/98 Type:A-BUILD 790 POTATO PATCH DR 790 POTATO PATCH DR 2101-0&3-01-040 INT REMODEL/WINDOW CHANGE GUARD DENNISON CONSTRUCTION DAVISROBINJEAN--JT DENNISON CONSTRUCTION Activity: Addt'ess: Location: Pelt'cel: Description: Applicant: Own et': Con t r-ac t ore Locks,Holds,and Notices .... ACTIVITY Notice:PERMIT HAS BEEN UPGRADED Time Ex APPROVED NOT READY EXCEPT GARAGE FI REPLACE??-:>9B;-?-"/- FIREPLACE J)N£C 0 Action:APPR Action:ON Action:PA Inspection History ..... Item:00030 BLDG-Framing 09/09/97 Inspector:CD Action:APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD Notes:W BEAM CONNECTION IS CALLED OUT AS "BOLTED"ACTUAL IS WEL PROVIDEBOLTS OR ENG.LETTERAPPROVING WELDED CONNECTION DRAFT STOP ALL VERT.TO HORT.ASSEMBLIES Item:00050 BLDG-Insulation 10/23/97 Inspector:CD Item:000&0 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 11/05/97 Inspectorl CD 11/07/97 Insp ctor:CD Item:00070 BLDG-Misc . 10/23/97 Inspector:CD Action:DN Notes:WRONG PERMIT CALLED IN HAS GAS PIPING BEENTESTED WHERE IS SHUT OFF VALVE AT LOWER Item:00090 BLDG-Final Inspection Request Information •.•.• Requestor:DICK0 Phone:949-7202 Req Time:01:00 Comments:WILL CALL 1HRNOTICE INPUT#+111 Items requested to be Inspected .•.Act\~Commen~ 00090 BLDG-Final --tff1 £QLJf.:i£..._ ==?J!iNsAt!J#¥"--------rt=---'.------- ••REPT131 TOWN OFVAIL,COLORADO 03/23/98 08:07 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETSFOR:3/23/98 PAGE AREA:DS =============================================================================== Activity:P97-0064 3/23/98 Type:B-PLMB Address:790 POTATO PATCH DR Location:790 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel:2101-063-01-040 Description:PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Applicant:COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Owner:DAVISROBINJEAN--JT Contractor:COLORADO PLUMBING SERVIC~ Status:ISSUED Constr:ADUP Dec:Use: Phone:9709459809 Phone: Phone:9709459809 Time Ex Action:APPR WATER TESTED Action:APPR APPROVED Action:APPR APPROVED Inspection History ..•.. Item:00220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. 07/09/97 Inspector:DS Item:00230 PLMB-Rough/Water 07/09/97 Inspector:DS Item:00240 PLMB-Gas Piping 08/20/97 Inspector:LPV Item:00250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub Item:002&0 PLMB-Misc. Item:00290 PLMB-Final Inspection Request Information ...•• Requestor:DICKD Phone:949-7202 Req Time:01:00 Comments:WILL CALL 949-7202 1HRNOTICE INPUT#lll Items requested to be Inspected •..Action Comments 00290 PLMB-Final MAR-23 -1998 08:58 ••P.01/01 \'.lil .Colo=ln Deaver.Cu!ur.w n Monroe &Newell ~'Cn;.lnc. March 2,1998 Dennison Construction POBox 2739 Avon,CO 81620 Attn:Mr.Dick Dennison Re:Segal/Davis,790 Potato Patch (M&N #3578) Gentlemen: Pet our discussion,onthe project mentioned above,the welding of the steel earn in the garage to column connections inlieu oftbe bolting specified is acceptable. Ifyou have any questions or comments,pleasecall. Copy:J.R.,TownofVaiJ (479-2452) 70 Benchmark Road.Suite lO'!•1'.0.O~"c;1$97 •Av(,o,Cnln""lu Hltl20 •(1/70)949-7~6H •FAX (970)949 -4054 TOTA L P.01 •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75S .FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALLTIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Job Address:790 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:790 POTATO PATCH DR Parce l No ..:2101-063-01 -040 Project No.:PRJ97-0088 Permit #:B97-0151 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:06/10/1997 Issued ...:06/13/1997 Expires ..:1 2/10/1997 APPLICANT DENNISON CONSTRUCTION Phone:970-926 -2044 P.O .BOX 1297,EDWARDS,CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DENNISON CONSTRUCTION Phone:970-926 -2044 P.O.BOX 1297 ,EDWARDS,CO 81632 OWNE R DA VIS ROBIN JEA N --JT SEGAL SCOT TS ,2WILDACRE RD,CHARLESTON WV 25314 Description : INTERIOR REMODEL/WINDOW CHANGE Occupanc y:R3 Type Construction:VN Single Fam ily Residence Type V Non-Rated Va lua tion:70,000 AddSq Ft: Fireplace Information :Restricted:#Of Gas Appliances :#Of GasLogs:#Of Yood/Pallet : ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Building----->590.00 Restuarant Plan Re view-->.00 Total Calculated Fees--->1 ,326 .50 PlanCheck--->383.50 ORB Fee----------------->100.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->1,326 .50 Yill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Deposit-------->250.00Payments---------------->1,32 6 .50 TOTAL FEES-------------->1,326 .50 BALANCE DUE------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** N/A N/A Item :051 00 BUILDING DEPA RTMENT 06/,10/,1997 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 06;11;1997 CHARLIE Action :APPR Item :05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/,10/,1997 CHARLIE Action:NOTE 06;13;1997 DIRK Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/10/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR Item :05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/1 0/1997 CHARLIE Action :APPR Dept :BUILDING Division: PLANS TOCHARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS Dept:PLANNING Division: PLANSTO DIRK Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** See Page 2 of this Docume nt for any conditions that may app ly to this permit . DECLARATIONS Ihe reby acknowledge that Ihaveread this appli cation,f illed outin full the information requ ired ,completedan accurate plot plan,and state that all the informati on provided as required is correct .I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state l aws,and to build this st ru cture acco rding to the Town's zoningand s ubdivision codes,design review appro ved,Uniform Building Codeand other ordinances of the Town applicable the reto. •• Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit ~:B97-0151 as of 06/18/97 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Applicant--:DENNISON CONSTRUCTION 970-926-2044 Job Address:790 POTATO PATCH DR Location---:790 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No--:2101-063-01-040 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL/WINDOW CHANGE Applied--:06/10/1997 Issued---:06/13/1997 To Expire:12/10/1997 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY ASPER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3.ALLHANDRAILS,STAIRWAYS,AND LANDINGS MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 33 ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0289 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#3199 1,276.50 06/18/97 14:50 Init:DDM ADD /ALT SFRBUILDPEA-BUILD 1,276.50 B97-0151 Type: 2101-063 -01-040 790 POTATO PATCH 790 POTATO PATCH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Add ress: Locat ion: This Payment DR DR Total Fees:1,326.50 Total ALL Pmts:1,326.50 Ba lance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 0000 41310 BUILDINGPERMITFEES 590.00 01 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 383.50 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 250.00 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMEN T OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOP MENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:P97-0064 Jo b Address:790 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:790 POTATO PATC H DR Parcel No ..:2101 -063-0 1 -040 Project No.:PRJ97-0088 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Exp ires ..: ISSUED 06/10 /1997 06 /10/1997 1 2/0 7/199 7 APPLICANT COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone:970945980 9 2 335E7THST SOUTH,RIFLE CO 8165 0 CONT RA CTOR COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone:970945980 9 2335 E 7TH ST SOUTH,RIFLE CO 816 50 OWNER DAVISROBINJEAN --JT SEGAL SCOTT S,2 WILDACRE RD,CHARLESTON WV 25314 Description:PLUMBING FORINTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:3,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Plumbing----->45.00 Restuarant Plan Review -->.00 Total Cal culated Fees--->59.25 Pl an Check--->11 .25 TOTA LFEES-------------->59 .2 5 Addition al Fees--------->.00 In vest igation>.00 Total Perm it Fee------->59.25 IIi II Cal l--->3.00 Paym ents------------->59.25 BALAN CE DU E------------->.00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 06/10/1997 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD IN~PECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.ALL WROK MUST COMPLY 1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby ack nowledge that Ihave read th is application,f illed out i nfu llth e i nfo rm ation required ,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided a s 'requi red is corre ct .I agree to comply wi th the informat ion and plot plan , to comply with all Town ordinances and s tate laws,andto build thi s structure accord ing to the Townls zoning and s ubdivision codes,design reviewapproved ,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appl icable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN CE BY TELEP~UR ;:::ICE FROM 8:00 AM 5 :00 PM SIGNATURE OF OIlNER OR CONTRA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIlNER ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0289 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#3199 59.25 06/18/97 14:52 Init:DDM PLUMBING PERMIT 59.25 P97 -0064 Type: 2101-063-01-040 790 POTATO PATCH 790 POTATO PATCH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment DR DR Total Fees:59 .25 Total ALL Pmts:59.25 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMITFEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 45.00 11.25 3.00 •• TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE:THISPERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #:E97-0109 Job Address:790 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:790 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No ..:2101-063-01-040 project No.:PRJ97-0088 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 06/10/1997 06/10 /1997 12/07 /1997 APPLICANT BOLTON ELECTRIC Phone:970 -328-7281 P.O.Box 2046,Eagle,CO 81631 CONTRACTOR BOLTON ELECTRIC Phone:970-328-7281 P.O.Bo x 2046,Eagle,CO 81631 OWNER DAV IS ROBIN J EAN--JT SEGAL SCOTT S,2WILDAC RE RD,CHARLESTON WV 25314 Description:ELECTRICALFOR REMODEL Valuat ion:3,000.00 ***********************************************************FEE SUMMARY ********************************************************** Electrical--> DRB Fee---> Investigation> Yill Call---> TOTA L FEES---> 54.00 .00 .00 3 .00 57 .00 Total CalculatedFees---> Additional Fees--------> Tota l Permit Fee-------> Payments--------------> BALAN CE DUE-------------> 57 .00 .00 57.00 57 .00 .00 ********************************************************************************************************************************** Item :06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/10/199 7 CH ARL IE Action:APPRFOR I tem:05600 F IREDEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Divisio n: ERNST De p t:FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 .FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that Ihaveread this app lication,filled outinfu ll the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and s t a te that all the information provi ded asrequi red is correct.I agree tocomply with the information and plot plan, to comp ly with a ll Town ordi nances and state laws,andto build this structure according to the Town'szoningand subdivi sion codes,desi gn review approved,Unifo rmBuilding Code and other ordinances of the Town app licab le thereto. SIGNATURE OF OYNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIM~LF AND OWNER REQU ESTS FOR INSPE CTI ONS SHALL BE MADE TYENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM 5:00 PM ~~ ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0289 Amount: Payment Method:CHECK Notation:#3199 57.00 06/18/97 14:52 Init:DDM ELECTRICALPERMITB-ELEC 57.00 E97-0109 Type: 2101-063-01-040 790 POTATO PATCH 790 POTATO PATCH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment DR DR Total Fees:57.00 Total ALL Pmts:57.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICALPERMITFEES WILL CALL INSPECTIONFEE Amount 54.00 3.00 **Conta ct EagleCounty Assesso .ff i ce • (a t 97 0-3 28-86 40 f or P arcel 1/.TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION '0'ARCEL 1/:PERMIT APPLICATION FORM ~DATE: PERMIT INFORMATION )-Mechani"cal APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED~. rAj-Building [)-Plumbing [ UffRMi:E;c:.l'51lI\iL ~W1"c Job Name: OUT COMPLETELY OR )-Electrical Job Address: PERHIT 1/'\ ~-OI5! IT MAY NOT BEACCEPTED ***************************** [)-Other [)-other _ SUBDI VISION : Address: Block___Fi!ing ~~'-"-'-=....!~'"'_'__ \~ )-Alteration [)-Additional[)-Repair Legal Description:Lot _ Owners Name:-~':"L.-'\\S<-:Jo.\ Archi tect:\..0"""d ~o -\.C"' Wor k Class:[)-New [ Gen eral Description: Number of Dwelling units:~Number of Accommodation Units: I NFORMA'l'I ON ***'k *********************** Town of Vai l Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ***************************CON T RAC TOR ene ral Co n trac t or:1Y~D ...........\>,.l:>I' Address: ~mber and Type of F ireplaces:Gas Appliances.__Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ~*********************************VALUATIONS ********************************* BUILDING:$;).(\00 0.-ELECTRICAL:$.____OTH ER:$,...-_ PLUMBING:$MECHANIC AL:$TOTAL:$_ Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg .NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: ORB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTALPERMIT FEES: Comments:----------- TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:AOO ::fa g DeB JP lJ),c..J)tlvr.p€lfMiT/ (CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:.. *:co n t a:t Eag l e Co unt y A SS c s s o~ff ice ~ ' a t 97 0-328-8640 t;r P ar ce l II .TOWN OFVAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL 11:::1 10/-0 "2,-0(-0'/0 PERMIT APP&ICATION FORM DATE:-IO-qz P E ~l IT II--- ________________________Ph._ _____________Ph._ ~APPLICATION MU.STBE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~*****************************PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** []-Building []-plumbing []-Electrical []-Mechan1cal []-Other _ Job Name:S'p9 oj Je t;f/j£"tt-t'e Job Address:7i t')-f J >"L l 1)(1 -£ 1 't'1k I '1 '/./';,/~,),tt f.lLegaDesczLpa.one Lot I ';B oc Fl.lng VA ,e I d id",UBDIVISION: Owners Name::2 ,r ,1f ~,.-/;J "i<Address: Architect:LA!!/!V (11d £-r1d,;Address: General DescriPti~n:::L=....-t oL ~:crr ?e h 0 ~l1.-L --,-_ Work Class:[]-New ~-A l t e r a ~i o n []-Additional []-Repair []-other _ Number of Dwelling units:Number of Accommodation units: ( mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances G~s Logs Wood/Pellet pcrq7-o~ *********************************VALUATIONS~~~****************************** BUILDING:$?qcPOO -%'~ELECTRICAL:$--.:1.Q ~c?____OTHER:$,--_ PLUMBING:$qMo MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$,_ ***************************-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** eneral Contractor:i);::)....)I..JL ~r)1J (lNtr-tIorTLU frtin-Town of Vail Reg.NO.58 S -iS Address:Po Bo,f apr;li{[,;,!O ,.A~(Ie.)R4 "3;L.4>""/Phone Number:92&-;J()f/q '1S97 -0 ::>'. Electrical Contractor:8 <1 1;',1 ,c;/"@ /t.Town of Vail Reg.NO.Jo'3 -£ Address:;J-fJ(1oK.Mtlb Fa d ..(?;;l .S'/I,?I i"V7 Phone Number:3 ;J1f-?;2fi1 )I Plumbing Contractor:6/oca Jf!/L rn bi M :p:;n-oo&l Town of Vail Reg.NO.1J-9-P Address:I Phone Number:--:;/9 -{,tlS--62&'(, Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: ******************************** BUILDINGPERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPEOF FEE: DRB FEE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDINGPLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK yEE: MECHANICAL iPLAN 'CHECK ,FEE i . .RECREATION !:!fEE:'...~.;.-..,-------- CLEAN-UP D~PPSIT'UI 10 1997 TOTAL PERMI~"'FEES:..~\ BUILDING:TOV·COMM.Dt'J . SIGNATURE: ZONING:-??~e""??" SIGNATURE:~~ \ \Comments:-..:~----------------- (CLEAN UPDEP.OSIT REFUND TO:. ,I : • 75 soulh frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)479 -2~38 or 479-2139 • office 01 community development TO: } FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OFVAIL '- TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read a~dged by:)(~'s "~~DEtf/~$~~f/lU h~~osition/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) ~Date \ • 75 south frontage road vall ,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • office of community development ,'. BUILDING PERI·HT ISSUANCE TIME FRA~lE .If th is perm it requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer"s (Public Works)review and approval,aPlanning Department .rev iew orHealth Department review,and areviewbytheBuilding Dep artment,the estimated time for a total review may takeaslo ng as three wee ks. All commercial (large or small)and all multi -family permi tswill havetofollowthe above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects shouldtakea lesser amount of ti me.'However,if residential or smaller projects impactthe various above mentioned departmentswith.regardto necessary review,these projects may al so takethe three week period . Every attempt win be made by this departmentto expedite this . .permttus s.Qon as possibl e . I,tbe undersigned,understand theplancheckprocedure and ti me frame .. ~===",,:...~---- )l S oaa (~S;f24tkLP Project 'Name ! ;: ~Date Work Communi ty Sheet was turned into the Develop ment Departme~t. \, •MEMORANDUM • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWNOF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHENA "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'IS REQUIRED JobName:S'p~a I iJ 7 1 ()~n U! Date:r /?o&r Pleaseanswerthefollowing questionnaire regardingtheneedfora"PublicWayPermit"; 1) 2) 3) '4) 5) Isth is anewresidence? Is demolition work being performed thatrequirestheuseoftheright ofway,easements orpublic property? Isany 'ut i lityworkneeded? Isthedr iveway being repaved? Isd ifferent access neededtosite otherthanexistingdriveway? NO ~ 6)Isany drainage workbeingdone affect ing therightofway,easements, orpub lic property? 7)Isa "Revocable Right Of WayPermit" required? 8)A.Istherightofway,easements or public property tobeusedforstaging, park ing or fencing? B.Ifnoto8A,isaparking,staging orfencing plan requiredby Community Development? Ifyouansweredyestoanyofthese questions,a"Pub lic Way'Permit"mustbeobtained. "PublicWay Permit"applications may beobtainedat the 'Public Work's officeorat Community Development.Ifyouhaveany questions please call Charlie Davis,theTown ofVail Construction Inspector,at 479-2158. Ihavereadand answered allthe above S Q 0.1 PeS(~Ltwt--e JobName De .R.A'F eesigneviewctionorm TOWN OF VAIL ParcelNumber:2L 0/"-6(;1-O/-()L/Q Ow ner .Address anti Ph o ne :_.:::~""~,,,-f{--,-,----,~:::....:c.'~""'7¥>-.!....------------------ 7q{)fa fA ·tv 6dch ullt-i Architect/Applicant.Addre ss and Phone:----:=-+-':..L-_ Legal Description:Lot_Bloc k_S ubdivision Zo neDistriet _ Project Street Address :3£10 Ii hob>P...icL... Co mments :_ Board /~ Motion by:Votc :_ Se co ndedby:_ o Approv al o Disapproval tL S taffAppro val Conditions:_ Tow nPlanner Date:?fro/t/l>DRBFccPre-Pa id'----- Questions?ahe Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is foranyprojectrequiringDesignReviewapproval.Anyprojectrequiringdesignreviewmust receiveDesignReviewapprovalpriorto submitting fora building permit.For specific information,seethe submittal requirements for the particular approvalthatis requested,Theapplication cannot bc accepted untilall the required information issubmitted.The projectmayalsoneedtobereviewedbytheTownCounciland/orthe Planning and Environmental Commission .Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST : fl::<?'Pc.AN B. C. D. D. E. F. LOCA T10N OF PROPOSAL:LOT :BLOCK:FILING:_ PHYSICAL ADDRESS:'\~t)3'cx\n "1>Q ~ PARCEL #:dlQl-06 ~-0/-tJ..fo (Contact EagleCo.Assessors Officeat 970-328-8640 forparcel #) ZONING:_ NAMEOFOWNER(S):S~~S~"'\ MAILINGADDRESS:""\'\CL "\>t:AA\,o 1>o.\&. \10.,'tQ PHONE:'-\"",'\-")'X'\\o OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):U:~wS)a E fMM -~r NAMEOF APPLICANT:'i::>~\-~~\o\'"Su.!'l ~9.-=- MAILING ADDRESS:,"\'\Q ~\."-\;-,3""~ ~Ii,'L c>PHONE:'::\:t\-J~'\bi G.TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -$200 o Addition -$50 ~inor Alteration -$20 o Conceptual Review-$0 Construction of anewbuilding. Includesanyadditionwheresquarefootageisaddedtoany residential or commercialbuilding. Includesminorchangesto buildings and site improvements.such as. reroofing,painting.window additions.landscaping.fencesand retaining walls,ctc. For any application where theapplicantwishestomectwithDesignReview Boardtodetermine whether ornottheprojectgenerally complies withthe designguidelines.TheORBdocsnotvoteonconceptualreviews. ORBfeesarctobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later.whenapplyingforabuildingpermit.please identify the accurate valuationoftheproject .TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefcc according totheproject valuation . PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. EXTERIOR LATEX and ALKYD SOLID COLOR STAIN •Preserve and protect wood . •Enhance the beauty of wood texture. •Resist blistering,chipping and peeling. •Are long lasting and fade resistant. •Can be easily applied by pad applicator,roller, brush or spray. •For exterior use on siding,doors,fences and planters . COVER PHOTO: Siding: Cottonwood,SW 3040 Trim: RiverBirch,SW 3024 Accent Trim,Windows: Mushroom Basket,SW 2026 3•Color number one is thestaincolor recommended for the body or siding of your house. •Color number two is a coordinating stain color that can be used onthe house trim. •Color number three is an exterior ColorAnswers paint color which is recommended tobe used as an accent such asthe doors,shutters or columns. (NOTE:Th eex teriorpaintcolors s hownonthi scardar easa tin finish .Theyar e al soavailablein a nat and gloss finish )2 How To Use These Color Plans The Result ... Choose From Two Quality Stains Ask Sherwin- Williams The Sherwin-Williams Company 101Prospect Avenue,Cleveland,Uhio 44115 6 55-1960 Askaboutour extendedpaymentplan! GAD 12195 •SOLID COLOR ~.EXTERIOR STAIN 3 SW3Q 17 S\V 302 ] S ~2.NH I.PEPP ERIDGE 2.S PICEWOOD 3 .OV ERSEAS 2 3 SW 3007 S\\'\O I~ SW27 42 Color TestFirst...e Appearance of s olid color stainma y vary with d ifferent surfaces. Det ermine what the solid color stain chosen willlooklikeby testing the stain on as mall area beforea pplyingtoth e entire surface. I .LODGEBROWN 2.SMOK E TREE 3 .BLUESTONE 2 3 sw 30 41 S\V 3U4O S\\'2707 'SEE BACK PAGE FOR DESCRIPTION OFCOLOR SCHEMES I.C YPRESSMOSS 2 .COTIONWOOD 3.EGGPLANT 2 SW 3010 sw J ill I S W 20 13 1.WOODSMOKE GRAY 2 .ACADIA BLUE 3.MA NOR HOUSE 2 SW 3U28 SW3013 5 \\'272 1 I.IRONWOOD 2.GRAY B[J{ClI 3.RUDDY 2 sw 30 27 SW 3llO5 SW2300 I.DRIFTWOOD 2.NAVAJOWHITE 3.FOREST BERRY 2 SW"-Jlh sw 3026 5W 2712 '1.RO CKROSE 2.KINGS CANYON 3 .ROSECLAY 5 w 301K SW JOl7 SW 22lR I.SALEMREU 2.PEPPERIDGE 3 .BLACKFOR EST 333 SW 3038 SW3042 SW2724 I.PALMETIO 2.WOODLAND 3.BLACKC HERRY 2 2 2 SW JUJh SW 3022 SW 2i22 1.ORCHARU 2.BLACKALDER 3 .ROA N sw 3U12 SW 300l SW 207b 1.MEAUOWBROOK 2.SUMMERHOUSEBEIGE 3 .STONINGTON 333 SW 30 14 SW]024 SW zo-o I.JUNIPER BLUE 2.RIVER BIRCH 3.CAS ABLANCA 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 13 2 3 2 3 2 1.FLAGSTONE 2 .MAPLEWOOD 3.POTOMAC BLUE SW 30D SW 3032 SW 21 9] I.SAND CASTLE 2.BUCKTHORN 3.IIEATIIER SW 3006 sw 3Oll1 SW 2705 1.BLUESPRUCE 2 .CARIBOU 3 .CARNELIAN sw 3008 SW .1I12'l SW 27l1X I.SHADE TREE 2.TOBACCO 3 .PAVILLIONBEIGE SW 303 7 sw 3U3Y SW2031 I.SEQUOIA 2.SMOKETREE 3 .BRACKEN S\\'.1015 SIN 30IY SW 2734 I.CAPE COD RED 2.SHAGBARK 3 .TIll'I""!"TAN SW.102 11 SW30Ul SW20h8 3 3 3 2 2 2 333 2 2 2 1.COTlDNWOOD 2.RIVERBIRCH 3 .MUSHROOM BASKET SW3040 SW 3024 SW202(, I.LIGHTCORK 2 .CABINBROWN 3 .CHARCOAL BLUE S \...·3033 5W 3031 S\\'2739 1.NAVAJOWHITE 2.PINENEEDLE 3.BRICKDUST SW.1OI15 S \\'3UtJl,l SW 2715 I.WOODBRIAR 2.BELVEDERETAN 3 .CHAPARRAL SW 3035 SW JOIl2 SW 2733 I.DESERT WOOD 2.CEDAR 3.SHADOWY SW 3030 SW 3OJ-l S\....274 1 I.EMBER 2.C O TIONWOOD 3 .C HARCOALGREE N S\...·3029 5\\'3(140 5\\'225 1 e Da te ddrr ~/77? ..,e.O t.-I,'A db .........CI rP&d,'0/'"- O-V uJ C2 ~. Project Application , Proj ec t Nam e:DA VI e:;/<;;;&:6"1 L -~o;kr"'o(oca:Q ,'..f,'Q;o.I Proj ect D escription :~!)'oP.{y ai",'a-,=,"'-'-~-f/,--,o",-""cM~4"-"(),,","-"--------I-,'-,-'C -feF='-~~~~:L-...l..l.'~l,....!..---__ Contact Person and Phone ,Zone 7J-Bl ock _-!.....,Filing ~1v ~{.k m,.,.,+",15 c:P &I ~"7Y 11,0"'A 0.......,:lULy ......OJ :30..../5 99 -.tr'oR6 ...iJ_ ~O,,:J).,.":S -4 <;"'0-#$~o.Q lIIV 2 ~5!4 :s.o ~-J 7'2 -~Ro6 Own er ,Address and Phone ::...:/2:..t:.O.l.lbJj",£,,"':--~,,-=--l..-=.>.I..!..:"----_~=JI::...~~~~__--¢._~=-LJ,2.!!'...!....!~__ Arch it ect ,Add re ss andPh one :k""""""-,I/'-';'7J:r-..l.-L-'''''-'-~'-------'-L--,""",,LJ>!...'--''''.D:::I=---..!..LL..---'=2L...!~~~!.!::::..--_ Legal Description :L ot I ;z. Comm ents :_ Design ReviewBoard Dat e 5:-e:-?? M otion by : S econdedby : APPROVAL D ISAPPROVA L Summary:_ -~:;kf~~T own P lanne r .:s-;,../_<;\'? Date :0'r T- I Larry D.Mar t in ,Arc nitect 3Cedarwood Drive Mo rg antown ,W.V.2 6505 (.3 04)59 9 -4 086 A~r :l 23 ,1997 T[::wr~of VAIL Dept .o fCommu n i t y Developme~t 75 Fr on t a g eRoad South Veil ,Color2do 51057 Att :Mr .Dirk Mns on ,Plan ning Liason DesK ReF:Davis /5egal Addi t io n Pro jec t 7 90 -8 ?ota to ?at ch Va il ,CO Dea r Dirk , Enclosed 01e 8se fi n d tne f oll o win g for Desi gn Review approva l on refe r enced oroje ct : 3co oie s Improvement Loc ation Certificate dated 12 -1 1 -90 3 co pias of ~e suodi vision o f Lots 1[J ,ll,&12 Vail /P Dtato Patcn dated 1 2-3 -21 1 c opy /se to f Existing d rawi ngs 3 to 10o f 10 d ated3-30 -79 t itl ed Stanish Duplex (Note:GRFA Calculatio nsr edl ined on tnis sat) 3 Coolp.s /sets o f Proposed Project d ra wi ngs 1 to B o f 8d ate d1 1 -2 0-96 tit le d Scot t Se g el &RoD in Davis (Note :1 co Dy/se t na s s quare foot ane f or addition calcu la tions red l ined) 1c oPy of Proposed Mate ria ls an d 1COGy of O~o lication f o r Des i gn ~eview Also enclosed is c~e ck #515 Y in the amount of $50 .00 f or aoo li cat io nf ee . Thankyou f or the nel~y ou ~ave me v ia our telepho ne co nve rs at io n . r hope t he enc losed i nfo rmat ion meets the review require ments an dt nat aporo v 21 snaI l be for th co ming .Shoul d yo u h a ve a ny que st ions p l ease cal l . Si nc ere ly ,. ~f;~,t cc Seoal/O avis I .• ..Questions?C_Planning Staff at479 -2128 APPLICAnON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This applicationisforanyproject requiring DesignReviewapproval.Anyproject requiring design review must receive DesignReviewapprovalpriorto submitting forabuildingpermit.Forspecific information,secthe submittal requirements forthe particular approval thatisrequested.The application cannotbe accepted untilallthe required information issubmitted.Theprojectmayalsoneedtobe reviewed hytheTownCouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a huilding permit i~issued and construction is started. A .DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST:to create an exercise room from Dresent DaraDe and storace ~rea of lA2 so arp fept ar rl to exnanM M9st pr hgth 'oto -,ttic aaaa of 60 Sal ana Fppt- /B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL :LOT:1:<BLOCK:_.L.-_FILING:~"R{.( PHYSICALADDRESS :790-8 Potato Patch C.ZONING :_ D.NAMEOF OWNER(S):RJ81N J':>h DAVIS and SCOTT S.S E~IlL MAILING ADDRESS:#2 .ll IL')ACRE BOca,CH!l~LE.3TON!W.V.25314 Robin 304-558-4811 Scott 304-3/,4-9100 PHONE:Res .304-342-d806 E.OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S):_ F.NAMEOF APPLICANT:LAR'lV D .MARTIN,ARC'"iFt:CT MAILING ADDRESS :8 r,FOClRIiIOOD DR T W',MORGAfliT0 1dN ;Ii'1/?I;c;n c; ___________________PHONE:304-599-4086 G.TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: o New Construction -S200 XAddition -S50 o Minor Alteration -S20 o Conceptual Review-SO Construction of anewbuilding. Includesanyadditionwheresquarefootageis added toanyresidentialor conunercial building. Includesminor changes to buildings andsite improvements,suehas, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fencesand retaining walls,etc. Forany application wheretheapplicantwishestomeetwithDesign Review Boardtodetermine whether ornottheproject generally complies withthe designguidelines.TheDRBdocsnotvoteon conceptual reviews. ORBfeesarctobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later,when applying fora building permit,please identify theaccuratevaluation ofthe project.TheTown of Vailwilladjustthefee according tothe project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. Updated 1/97 "..,,.Questions?~e Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL QENERAL INFORMATION This application isforanyproject requiring Design Review approval.Anyproject requiring design review must receiveDesign Review approval priorto submitting fora building permit.For specific information,secthe submittal requirements forthe particular approval thatis requested.The application cannot be accepted untilallthe required information is submitted.The project mayalsoneedtobe reviewed bytheTownCouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit i~issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:to crea te ane xercise room from are s ent ~a r a~e an ds torag e a r ea o f1 82 sq uar p f apt and tn p xpa nd m9 st pr batb jnto ~t t i~ are a of 60 s nljar p f~pt B. C. D. E. F. G.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: o New Construction -S200 XAddition -SSO o Minor Alteration -S20 o Conceptual Review -SO FILING:'1M;,{R{t.. Construction of anewbuilding. Includesany addition where square footageis added toany residential or commercial building. Includes minor changesto buildings andsite improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc.. Forany application where the applicant wishes tomeetwithDesign Review Boardto determine whether ornotthe project generally complies withthe design guidelines.TheORBdoesnotvoteon conceptual reviews. ORBfeesaretobepaidatthetime of submittal.Later,when applying fora building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of theproject.The Town of Vailwill adjust thefee according tothe project valuation. ,'t .'"•0; PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICAnON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,7S SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81657. Updaled 1/97 .... BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WallMate rials Fascia Soffits -Windows _Winduw Trim Doors DoorTrim HandorDeckRails Flues Flashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining W alls Exterior Lighting** Other LISTOF PROPOSED MATERIALS DPVI S!SEGA L ADDI TION ~ROJEC T 7Jo -3 DOT4TO PA1~H ,VAIL ,CO LO . TYPE OF MATERIAL: PELLA PE LL A COLOR:* TU MA TCH EX IST ING TO ~AT CH EXISTING *Please specify the manufacturer's colo r,numberandatta cha smallcolorchip **All exterior lighting mustmeetthe Town 's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(1).If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixturesandlocations ona separate lightingplan .Identifyeachfixturetypeandprov ide theheight above grade,lumens output,luminou s area,andattachacutsheetofthelightingfixtures. 2 ROBIN JEAN DAVIS 2 WILDACRE ROAD CHARLESTON,WEST VIRGINIA 25314 (304)342-8806 April30,1997 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75FrontageRoad,South Vail,Colorado81657 Attn:DirkMason ,PlanningLiasonDesk Re:Davis/SegalProject DearMr.Mason: Pleasefind enclosed acopy of the APPLICATION FORDESIGN REVIEW APPROV AL.TheAPPLICA nON hastheoriginalsig nature of my husband,ScottS .Segaland me . Shouldyouneedanyadditionalinformationtoapprovethedesign ,pleasedo hesitate to contactmeorourarchitect ,LarryD .Martin. Sincerely, RobinJeanDav is RJD:j as Enclosure cc :LarryD.Martin,Architect ZOJ','E CHECK ~/s, Phone _ Phone --:-_ Proposed use __~...>L-_ Buildable area _ Datc./l1a.y 5 -/77''? Legaldescription:Lot /z..Block 1 Filing _'·--,I'-~.Q~~lS!-'B-L...2~~~h",--_ Address 790 •:D.--P<!>:fzclo f:>d",L.... Owner J?c,b.'''''~A.!;:s <r-s......-v ¥:o ?2. Architect Lp """8 171""'+j,,,- Zonedistrict ?~ Lotsize•'7;.?7 ~~,661S' Allowed Existing T otalGRFA 5'333 +.85"0 =6 /8 3-+ Primary GRFA "'3,2-00 +(425 )(675*)='5,.25"'y s"l + Secondary GRfA ;1../33 +(425)(675*)=..<5"5"8 ~3~+ Proposed =---- =;p.?r =,,"37" Remaining *675 =42 5 creditplus 250 addition Docsthisrequestinvolve a 250 Addition?/Vo Howmuch oftheallowed 250 Additionis used with thisrequest?_ Site Coverage ----+----=---- Height (30)(33) Setbacks Front Sides 20' 15'\ R=15' Landscaping Minimum RetainingWallHeights Parking GarageCredit 3'16' Required 6 ..y .Enclosed Driveway Permitted Slope%ProposedSlope % ComplieswithTOYLightingOrdinance Yes,_No,_ Arcfinished gradeslessthan2:1 (50%)Yes,_No,_ Environmental/Hazards 1)Percent Slope «>30%),_ 2)Floodplain _ 3)Wetlands,_ 4)WaterCourseSetback (30)(50),_ 5)GeologicHazards _ a)SnowAvalanche _ b)Rockfall _ c)DebrisFlow _ " Previous conditionsofapproval(check property file);_ Istheproperty non-conforming?Describe:_ ~O/o.c®..lJJ'o.....j""~Cu'o.~,~~OI'~o.~h.fA.'!:,.k..""-c<.P~~ ..Jo ~~~~~~. DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Pr oject:_ o SURVEY Scale Benchmark Legaldescription LotSize Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr.floodplain 'Water Course S etback Environmental Hazards Trees Util ity locations Sp ot elevations o SITE PL At'\! Scale BuildingHe ight Encroachments Se tbacks SiteCoverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balc onies Garageconnecti on SiteGrad e\Slope Retain ing Wal ls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driv eway(access andgrade) SnowSt orage FireAcces s o FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 additionalGRFA CrawI\AttieSpace EHU o BU ILDING ELEVATIONS Scale Colo rlMaterials Roof Pitch o lAI'IDSCAPE PLAN Existing trees Proposed trees Legen d MISCEL LAl'.'EOUS Condo Approval Title report (A &B) Utilityv erification form Photos of site Building material samples C.O.Verifi cation Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) ViewCorridors Variances Plat restrictions I r I ) l :",'.~--::''''~:':;.~'';~:--~:-'..;'--....;...-~..~:~:::'.~";;'......;:...:..;....~-..=~~~"-..-........~_~_...~~::-..:':--:-'...~:.._-:-.1-_:'_,:~::~:-:"..~..._.~;.""::~~':";:__::•.:..-~_:_~~.~..!.§:.~ I TOWNOF V/\IL IIl EC WT I'O.P .. 4~A OlHlL SS _ IT ~~rH OJ F.CT '"I n::\1 ~-.......• ~. DATI:~I ,A S',.£2 ~ ~ ~~ CI It:C"':S .\I A nJ·:"AYAnl .F.T O T OW t'O F "Al l.ffi. .. r. $7.00 • SO.25 • $2 0 0 .00 $2 00 .00 5 200.00 5 500 .00 51,5 00.00 f----;n 51,0 00 .0 0 .---,----,--I---f----I----I ~'----_.------1----1----1--,,- l ~~...Q!..Q000 4 I '~-ZO~J_N(;ANJ2./\b"I"_~-;;:R"'"'E"S.,.S Tr-..,.·1 /\~PS,.----------.---.---.,---,5"'5...0"0.-r.:·---II~ !~0I0 000 ·\7'\I S UN IFOIUd BU II.D ING C ODE 5 5400 •.~; 0::.0 1000042 ·11 S -cfNrIT )TlMI'ITJ1\fTiTNGCOD E 53"9.00 ·--.~ :-\.0 100004 24 15 UN IFO J(1\1 MEC I IANICA L C ODE 537 .00 •~~ ';,-(i l ClOOO .17·\15 l:JNiT o lu,ITTru,(ODE 53 6.00 •It"t~Cd 0000 ·12·115 '-NA TIoNA L i,LECTlUCAL CODE 5 37.0 0•~ 0:O iOOO042:m-O'mr:lf"CCfD E1TOOl-:'s •r;~-~J'~0 I O{)OO 4 15·IS IKD I~iITNfS(M)'LAllS).~ 0100 00·12 ·11 2 XE!WXCOPIES !-y ~~'(I I 00 00 -1 2lT2 s T(Jj)f[s .'"j ;0;0 1 (10 00 .1 2 -11 ~_.:!:9~:EE S_~9i'I P U rE R P ROGRAM ~ "01 0{)00 42 37 1 PE NALT Y F EES I R E·INSP EC TION S :".,-oloiioo .j 1 33 ~--l'u,N lTI~F\v'I(T :-CT(E CK F EE {S-10 PERJ.!!U.,,, ·0 1 00 0 0-.j 23 3 ~--OF F i!ouTE;JNsrCCJ'lON FEE S g ::C iTGU110 ·11 ·11~c O NYiz rlC'r Oir SCr C.TNSE S FEES ".~-mi(Joo.if iT3 ST(i}ri\FVC"IC,\'(TIYN';C;J'"":,"":I"':=-'-"'·-'-'----------1---+------52D.OO ----'.', :.:-0 I O(i 0.o-:iT-fD_J\lTIJl't19}~-;-i~,~"i(;NA(j l :FEI ~1.0 0 PElt SO .FT.}.~ ..:0 I 0 0 00 ·12·1·10 V lC A In PI(OJEC r DONATION Ji *.I~Jl O~..u;:=:!'~L:~i(j n.!I."8S·i N IU:VI EW BOARD FEE 50 OJ>-,i: '01 00 00·123 71 INVESrI (it\T10N FEE (BU IL DI NG )-- 3 I 00 00 .\;'I 10 'l'l )''Ti>;,T(f3 NGTm-:D -~. O T Olioo 2 202F TI j VN I 5V:~'I >;\1 ;E l l D ISPENSER FUN D f ~~-.(I I O~JlIli i1T(~2!~~,\"iE.~C -ri;:T'5 7.'TST A~E):;':~;•0 1 Ollllll-110JO ·IX'\t2.~!U~!...:!..:.Q LiT O WN)~~ ,-,'0 1 OU OO 4 2371 1llJILDING INVEST ICi/\l ION "i' oTil FR .,. ~i (~ •---------FEc 1\I·l 'Lrc'i'iTI'<T.,........l .E.....·.,...l~T-S -----------------------[:~ i:'(j"J,...O"'u"'O"'"O,...•.,..,11"3"'3""0-"-A'I)"'D"'I""I='I0 N,\I.G R I'A..2;'0"':ft -.'0 10000 41330 COND lri ONALU SEPERMlT ::: .,01 00004133 0 EXTER IOR AL lER/\T10 N [LESS T HAN 100SQ .FT .]~ '"0 1 0 000 41330 EXTER IOK ALTERATION {MORET IIAN100 SQ.FT.];.. ·010000 ·11330 S I'J:CIA LDE VE LOP:-'lENTDI5TRICT {NEW] :;.1 -"'07-1-ic00""0""0""4;-7}""3 J;';'O"'-+'S'"'P·.T.E~C7-1A"'L'::-'OEYEL()PM ENTDIS TRICT rM AJ0 RAM END ] S200.00 0100004 1330 R E-ZON1NG#OTHE R 5250.00 . $2 50.00 5 200.00 TOTAL:~o --- OT HER-!.". ~ !t- ~;;;.-CO.\IM O'IS :tE l I'"l~F.< ~ ';Jz~_l_-----------'--------------------_1~..~. 'r CAS lll ICK.•1 ,,~~C;Z IN.OW rw f •••"••. .J -,....------_._------ TOt,-IN OF I~Jf:I IL Miscellaneous Cash 8 4-29 -97 15~31 :19 50 .00 Lt e mp aid Rfilount paid THf:lNl-<'-,'OU NOTE -COPYOF PERMIT TOBEKEPTON JOBSITE DATE 11-9-':13CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT 650 1 $2500.00 PERMIT NO.------- BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTR I CAL PERMIT FEES z0 1--+-1 ~ 31-----+----------------1:; VALUATIONGR.F.A.GROUP 38,000 BTU TYPE I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I IIIIII v0 2 .OCCUPANC Y GROU P AB E H CB>M DIVISION I 2 2 ~4 GENER AL DESC RIPTION OF WORK:...,-__ CONVERT WOOD FIREPLACE TO GAS/TYPE OF PERMI T -.~:\ town or 181 department of commun ity development 1~. ~ 'J.s~{ ~T O BEFILLEDO UTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT rJ- L.L EGAL I\Q.T ...---eLK "DESC .F ILING BUILDING PERM IT PLAN CHECK J OB NAME :SANDERS CONVERSION ELECTRICAL AR CHITECT '--FI"'R"'M _ FEES HAlVED DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN·UP DEPO SIT RECREATION FEE MECHANI CAL PLUMBING TH ICKN ESS R-VAL L U ETYPE __'JO .FIREPLAC ES FL OO R ( DW ELLI N G UN ITS __ACCOMMODAT ION UNl TS __ HEI GHTIN FT INSULAT I ON: NEW ()ALTERATION (~ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () MAIL ADDRE SS OWNER 1-----,---7:7==--=----::c:=-_-,-=----,-----I NAM E MARGE &BE RNIE SANDERS MAILADDRESS2 601 S.QUEBEC,112 CITY DE NVER ,8 0 23 lpH 78 2-5256 ---DATE 11-09-93 -DATE -- CODECOMPLIANCE. USETA X TO TAL PERMIT FEES Dan Stanek 'BUILDING OFFIC IAL -- 1z0NING &BUILDINGNOTES:_ F IELD INSPECTION REOUIRED AT ROUGH FRAMING AND AT FINAL I NSPECTIONFOR 1--------~ONING ADMINISTRATOR WO O D G AS SO L AR ELEC-J EXT .WALLS ROOF PH.CITY G ENERAL '--'F1.c>.R"'M _ CONTRACTOR TOWN OFVAILREG.NO. TYPE OF TELE.~H ~E A~T~=======~======= ..A DDITIONALPERMITS NEEDED: "'ELECTRICAL FIRM s. CON TRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.ST CUT ----------1---1---+---- TELE.,n ,BL ~~G FIRM 1/11;({Ja fUvt./1/li1 I l /~·Tp:'''¥~7-,G ----~--+----+---II--=-=~_==~~~~~~~~~_ PLUMBING //frI-P CONTRAC TOR :::N OF (jL:;q :°1 /)1/...DiiiiEiiiiMiiiio ~~~_~IJL.~.;;.;;;.;;~;;.;;~~;;.;.j ·"OTHER FIRM-------------- VAIL GASF IREPLACEFIRM ME CHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWNOFVAILREG.NO. TELE.476-9276 11313-S Ihe reby acknowledge that Ihaveread this application ,filled out in full the information required , completed an accurate plot plan ,andstate that allthe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply w ith thei nformation and plot plan ,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws ,andto build this structure accord ing tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes ,design review app roved ,U ni form Building Code and other ord in ~2 0(t']e"{ow?:.pplicable thereto . 1 ~/~J./f-A./.d "TOWNO FVAILREG.NO. CON TRACTORTELE. ~I GIlfA T U R E-.Q t O W N E R Of CONTRACTOR FOELHIMSELF AND THEOWNER.' P.01 1 4:50 No .ooeP .OlTo~rl U~VRIL C JM -D ~V r r~J \i 03 '. TO\-n~OP VhIL CONSTRUCTION PP:Rl1:t'l',,"PPLICATION YORM' Dl~TEI 11:8~93 I . i ! i n.R ~\IT #(0501 .\i',--.,rl 17 ;,1'/' APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OU T COMPLETELY OR ~T MAY NOT 1PJ ACCEPTEDX'""*****",*He **'11 ....'"*..,,,"'********P ERMIT IllFORMA'l'lON ******..*......_""'Ill'"ft***~'***-.-.11 -.kll [l-Bu !lcUtl9'[]-P1UlUblng []-Eleotric:al !Xl -Me-:::han1cal []-O::her __ J ob Name:S4."l.ttRS CCfNtR3f erJ J ob Address;7 90 FOrA r!2 F4-7C-H I f.;Y:W S 1J::l- Leqal Description:Lot l3100k Filin9'~SlliD,IVISIO:,i _ owners Na11le:i'i Ci(~~/@ f'j.l.~.Yt NJi~~d d r e s s :dt:fJf S,QUfBC 'ir~t p&Ji~-,87fI~5J.:5b Architect:Address:Ph,__ G f<n (~'ril l Description:mJ'itR7 (JJ.bELR.~E1-A~~_2Q ~~i 73 .2 ,0,))~lJ!.._._.__.M ¥..... t': I':ork ClaM I ()-N'A"-T C><'J ....A1 tera~ion [)-Addi t Lona ),[)-Repa Lr r )-otner.._..,... Nu:nb9r of tlWell1il'l9'Vnits:~_'bUPltX NUl1\bel"of Accottunodation Units:_-r:and Type of Fireplace~:GMI llppli.ancE!sL.Gas Loqs_Wood/Pellet ~~*****************~**********",*~*VALUATIor;S *~************************M****** BUILDINGt t ELECTRICAL:$OTHER!$~_ ~LUU D I N G I ,MECHANICAL:(;&:0 .«>:TOTAr,:$ ~****~***.********.***••***CONTnA~~OR 11l;oro~TroM ****"''''*******.*••******.**~ tmaral Contractor :_To~-m of Vail.J:l~g,NO.~__ ~~d ress:PhohO Number: Ele~L L'ic...l Contractol:'; A d d n~::;s : 'l'o l/n of Vail Reg-.NO .____ Phone HUllll:lor: I ,I: ,I, I I,,·, i j ::1 ,! i ·! I,I:i ;;i ·I i·I I ! i I I ! I ·I ·, I: ;'1 .\.:: I ·I ! :1 :, ·I , 'I:1 " ,( ~~i :i l'.".:i .1., '; :l ! --~_..- Town of vail Rog .NO,___ :Phona Humb er: Tuwn ur Va il Reg.NO.3/3 :S Phone Humber:d -th -"tY& BUILDIN<H /J //~ ~~~~~a~R~:~~~6:=.LCX_4'~ tlIGNATURE: /1 T ».:(/f Plumbing COlltn~cto1.-: Adc1ress: .****",.*.************",******.****~'OK OFFrCE USE ********************.********** BOI~DrNG PERMIT FEE:DUI~DIN G PLAN ~H~CK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:_··..····jf27 ~PLUMBING l'LAN CHECK fEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:~L.MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK f~E; ELECTRICAL FEE;.~ZL RECREATION'FEE:OTHER TYPE OF FEE:CLeAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEEl TOTAL PERMIT FEES; ~J WN OF VAIL CO I ~-D t v .. V~IL Gq S FIREPLA CE I D.-47 9 2 45 2 1 ~:5 1 NO .OOn 99~ , '.\ -/5 aouCh /'011111\18 '''4.1 wall .c olor.do 01057 (30~)4 79-21,3&or 1,79-21 :39 oll/eg 01 community development TO: FROM: SUlJ.J~C1': ALL CONTRACTO RS CURR BNTLYL REGISTERED WITH 'Til;; TONN Of 'VAl!. Tot-at OF VAIL PUBLIC i~O RKS /C OMl1U N I T'l DEVELOPHENT !<!.A RcH 16,1988 COUSTRUC'T'i'On PARKH7G &<MATER:r;\L ST ORJ,<:iE ·i ·I I,i I , ,I,' i In sUllL'I',a l;"y,Ord inal"\~/?No.6 5tat~s t ha t i t.:!g ll J1 iil wflll for.I'Iny por~on to litte~,track or doposit any goil,r oc k,sand,d~b~is or m a ~c r l ~l ,including trash du mpsters,portahlQ t oilets ~nd workmen vo hiclec up on any street,oidewalk,allQY or pUblic pla :,;:e Qr any port ion thereof.The righ t-of-way on al l 'to\,m of V~il ~~reete and ro~ds i o ~pproximatcly 5 ft.off pavoment. This o rdinance will be ~triotly enforced by the TOwn of Vail F~blic Worko D ep~rtment.~¢r30ns found violotin9 thio o~dinanc o will De qivelt a 24 hour written ~otice t o rem ove afi id rnatorinl. In the eveut;the p~:t':;;on so notific:~ctoe~not comply rtlth thl) livl.lu6 within l:h~24 h our tilth;:speoif i.ed,the Public Works Oepa rtnuml;.will };emUV\:l sai.;l 111 Q.t ...i:ial at the expanse of por.son nutirieu.The prov.ij:;ium;vf this Ol."cUrla:oce ahall n ot be applicable Lu l,;onstx·u..:;Llull,1 11~intemllloe or l:ep~b..p r oject:;o f allY ;;Itre.et ur Cllley OJ."allY ut ilities in t he l."ight-a -way . 'l'~).t:eview Orail lbllL:r;,Ho.<>in fUll,plel:\~e stop by l::h<!!l Totm of Vail Buildin9 Dep<lI;Ll iU:mt to obta in a copy ,That1k YO\;f.or YO UI: cooperation on thl~liI c.l;.l ",r. W'"._.Jf·8 -93 J'otData ,, :iI: ·; i, , i ,I i ; ,,,i i I I r~ov 0 8'.1 j :5 0 No .0 06 F'.02 ,. ~...~. V AlL GA S F IREPLACE 3G332 84328 P.G3 ',' T, i. I III: i I,, ,, ! :; 75 IOliltll ronlao.rOad vail,colOrado &1&51 (~()a)479-2.130 or 479-2139 office 01 communlly d8Volopmltllt BUll0IN~~m'lIf lSSUANC~nt1E fRA NC l fthi:s perrr\tt \·e~u i.r e s a Tow n of Va 11 Fi ro Departmen t.Ap~ro val. £ngf,n ear"$(publtr.Works)reVi e\1 end approval ,a Planning Depar tn.ent r'cvi'ew or Hea l t h Dl?partment review,ande review by the Bu11di'lg De p)rtmcl1t.the es Hm'l tl'.<!ti me fo r a t otal r eview may take as 1uI1 g 0.$t hree I'leeks. A,ll commercial (la rge o r small)and all muHi-f~mi1y permits will he ve to follow th e abo ve /Ilen tio rlp,d maxim um r equ irements.Resi den tial &n o srne,ll projects should take (\l esser'amount of time.Ho \~ev ~r ,if res ldenti,ll l or s tn a ll er pr ojects i mp il d U',e veri ousa bo ve mentio ned dt=j)f1 r tm en ts wi.th r egard to nsc es sary r eviel~.th ese pro jects may al so til ke.t he three I'.'ccll pe ri od, EV8I'Y'I1 Hemp t;.\'(1'11 be made by t his depa r tmon t t.O expedite t h1s parmit as,soon as coss tb l c , I,the under~i,~rled.un derstLl l1d t he plDn chad:!lI"O CedU rA and t ime fl,'a rne \' I ~SAN l::l:f(S COJ";tR.~/OAJ P'fo j e.;t !'la me • ·e Project Application ., Contact Person and Phone Project Name:_-l..tle'S'l-c:---e..~t=c:-L...L.\or ]),,21+ Ct\-Q.,S Date _ Owner,Address and Phone : A rch itect ,Address and Phone: \....A....v~-d:-""'~-'-"-'---.........-_ ~ (.,1~J f,Co So"l :;l... \ Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date _---'l,"'-~r<r:!...~-=------- Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL ,[cue:f:-O DISAPPROVAL Summary :A~rvVQd ~~l k'-:':>kJLl WI~~VZVl S lcJ\;.,.dlf>l. ~~<e\obt c:;:'V'ywc:Q J/\I ""ejyc,(Co bl.c Cc)\c"r ~k Q~fb-~ky j5'k;£t Date (a l~\:-=~'-<tp"------------ o Staff Approval Project Application Date _ Project Description:--'..LJ.-.o!..l..J'---_ Contact Person andPhon e,. Architect,Address andPhone: \"l \ Comments:_ Motion by : Seconded by: DesignReviewBoard Date _---'l"'-~lr"-,I..o~----- APPROVAL h 1:-0 \ DISAPPROVAL I b--,~l.J\J (..)I 1-l.t-, V\Q {.yr-,l If /. ( o Staff Approval •Project Application • Date _ Project Description:-'-''-'--'-'-_ Contact Personand Phone Owner,Address and Phone:---"_~_'____'C...:...O._.:::...!::........!:-e-'------------------- Architect,Address andPhone: \l {\I ...,{"f <'"<'"-I l Comments:_ DesignReviewBoard Date __-""+--+-"--''----_ Mot ion by : Seconded by:)Tt:- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL l::..-0 Su mmary :--L.--';-':-__'----__-'-_----"_-'--'-='--'-'-~.:...__~~_:.l__!'_~~----:~~--~---=---=--:""---- o Staff Approva l Dat e : ....••FORM 404 REV.'.'970 NOTICE OF TRIAL SETTING-THE c .F.HOECKEL co..DENVER 3Z0el ........Lar.r.:lI...K~..He.s.ter _,. STATE OFCOLO~O '{ County of Eag.1e ..•...••..•_.•...••(S. :~~~t \la.i.l..) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFCOLORADO vs. CASE NO•................................ INTHEMUNICIPALCOURT. II Timeof Filing O'clock M. NOTICE OF TRIAL SETTING Pre-trail Conference Defendant(s) To:He:i.t.e.r.. ..............5j.lllfXffiil.n j . .............p,y.lrnan t/-. You are hereby notified that the above captioned case has been set for rdOOX1«~X[XlYlxt< ..........P.r.e::.trj.al JIllX»Y on the E~~day of ~~~t . 19 86..•at lQ.:.3.0 o'clock ..f!..M.If the issuance of subpoenas is necessary in this case.you a re hereby directed to apply to the Court for same. This constitutes the only notice you will receive regarding this setting. Notice sent to: Date of Notice:Ma.y...13 .l9.8.6.. ·Strike according tothefact. ....•),• SU....ONS "NO CO"PLAlNT In the 1"'.Jf'UCipal eOullln and lor the Town alVall.Eagle County .State oIColoradc):The people cure Stat e01c or- oradO Dy and Ihtough the peoQle 01 the Town 01 Vail.Colorado P1•..,t ift V. Ma le He Ight Weight I Ha.. Femal e I Eyes Birth Dale Sears.Mal1l:s.Tatoos t 1 I r I MakeYea,Colo< Case No._ Dockel No.--'_ N 5229 \/EHIClE K 476-"tr.3S cO':",,,e81657 NAAE Hester Larry last 790 Potato P 'h'D'VailAllO'ESS ate rive street city slate '''' cccucenoo employer oPER lIC .NO No &type - c ) ) , ) ) ea'Veh ,Lie No -tateModel Subsc"be and sworn 10.before me ttns Seclion NurTberli·S4 .050.3 H The Town o f Vall .to the above named de fendant Q,eelings.You are hereby charged WIth lhe below Il sled viola· lionlSI..-ld you are hereby ordered to appear befote thIS Court at lhe lime Ind place ShOwnbelow 10 answer charon olll'le Violation")at the Val l MJoi Cipal Code 01the fown 01Va.I ,Colorado as amended.which occurred in the Town atVail.alorado orar ,,I .\ location 'I C\A :0:Court appea rance larr aignment)at ~AM on the -J.-I-- VIII.Colo rado. Off'CO<--"7,....---:=:---------++.,.........,.------- COMPlAINANT Pn vate Corrc )l..illnanll~~~~;,,~A..:..~pC.===~--- Ott_ell!'"---H'-f-7~+--_f+:11f--+------- COfT'(Jl.alnanl(S)know(sl o r believe(s)and 50 allege lSI thallhe abO"e defendant vi ated the eoe cmc sech onls)01 the Vall MuniCipal Code olttte Town 01=~l.,01 ttle '11:otfjstate 01COlorado .:r~rther certifies thit .oP 01 this Sunwnons and Complatnt was b~_'Y_.._'_v._"~~1Z~:IL.-__l.J.:~~'tJU~~-------­ t,me "',..-----------------------------,s... E :::> ":::> '"c '"'":::> E E:::> '" ••APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORB :~EETI i~G: ORB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: Apre-appl icat ion meetingwithaplanning staffmemb eris stron gly suggestedto determine if any additional information is needed.No application will beaccepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by thezoning administrator). It isthe applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff tofind outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the ORB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. J telephone telephone ILotLegalDescription ~ B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address I]qo {Co-1?1;I--of I ~L//.~ 7 J L Block __.L....-Filing Zon i ng _-'---::.::...-_ Ynl ,~~/~ Address 110 r?~(~M---- D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:(iku.;[U?ltc!- Address 6?h .53 A eh it~1A ~ E.NAME OF OW NERS :i <Lw-(;~-4-)~.1-J1A--~ Signature Ut-~tlL!u-nd.r/AJy ?tv?if(~<­ j C.NAME 0FAPPLI CA NT:_--=:...-:"":::"O....:......::c..::...::.;=--..:::....=:.:::.....:-..::::.>;<'-'-..:.....:::::....:...__-----==..L...I'----''-=-=---=----''-''-'~ A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:_----L.!:....:..::;-'----::~=..:.-=-=:......:..::--'--''-------------- F.DRB FEE:The fee will bepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $o-$10.000 $10.00 $10.001 -$50.000 $25.00 $50.001 -$150.000 $50.00 $150.001 -$,SOD.000 $100.00 $500.001 -$1.000.000 $200.00 $Over $1.000.000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must becompletedbeforethe ORB visits the site. 2.The reviewprocess for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board.soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have notasked for a postponement will be required tobe republished. The following information is required forsubmittal by the applicant tothe Design Review Board before a final approvalcanbe fiven: COLOR •LIST OF MATERI ALS•~ LOT £T AD 0RES S:~q -=O-'-i?='--::- CRIPTIO N OF PROJECT: A.BUILDI NG MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windo ws Window Trim Doors Door Trim .Hand or Dec k Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys TrashEnclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSC API NG:Nameof Designe r: phone: PLA NT ~~T E R I A LS :Bota nical Name PROPOSED TREES Co mmon Nam e Qua nity Size* EXISTI NG TREES TO ~~~~ BE REMOVED *Indi cat e cali perf ordeciducious t rees.Ind ic ate height f orconife rs. (over) .' ",5 . -':.--""'-..•..t-\.....,. .("'Q .\,~•...l...)"','-'0 --L D (,~,:,'" ."::.7I ll"r.:." .'-.' ..- ..'" .:':: ._. " ..-:,:, ." -,.." ...... .......'.::....~.~.:: ..-..... ~'. .:.'.,:. .....'.-- ..;;~"..'., .-:..."..~...._'.", o '.'.~' s,r~..-: .':'';..7,t? .''-.... [3.-JJ .~~ .'. r ,t .'. -~.~.~.}:.~.;.. .. ...~..~.;'.~;....··:~..:..:,.:·.~~..i.:i:~.~,...\...:·.~~t.,s:;?.~.~JI/j];j:j'-.---~~~~~~:s:.~ r __••~~~~.~~~'~- "':~"~l ~~~>'"...".....\!::.~..-..•. ...: .e:;,;-~I -.-- .....'.O ·. .....~..".....h '" -c -~.••/~r-.."'''' .-...:--" ....;.•..-....:-..... '.. ,"- :.~..,- t "·• '.-:.. -,...r-" "0 r-;.~._.~.:."• "........:- ~..:::;:.;.~....' .0:..' .' ". ." '....: -;» ",;. .';--..... .'.. .t -.;": ."-,::... ';"~:.~ ----.,..' -;.~'. -.' -' ,.' --. ............. .',.> .".. ;'" --.-... 11 . I - ;...:'. --- P !I-/,-,:-... .I .. --- ..;,:,,-; ~..:.. ;_,,~i ';-;':"_ -; 0'.'-.I -.. ";-~~'~~,:~~:.. ·~··:h ":"".;, (---------- C~0.K\V ~~ ~\c S "3 A C o-dt-\1\4 \.~ 'J~)C-u ~\\,S ( ~~~.S ~~.. ~CWv--~*\V\~~~r""M~~ "V\r\,.V'..c4t~C\...r.)~\..AJ\v-.J \\\.v..\~M ~ ":::.Q ,*..L~Q.~,A-~u.,,,,,,-wM ...t o(A_b.J w\J.~-0\~ ~~~,~~~~~C~. C'-,,~~"c:.\Y"'-il.~&QA..jt -tn-~\l~\\.Lv ~\.I:0 r~-':\'\,oJ.0 1\~tlJ'<lJ)\J..t-..Q c..~\I).Q..~dQ."t\J-Q '~-L~tI\j~U do DC)"~~l"t"lt'tAQ.&\-v~w Q,)~~t~~~\'J,J W ~vw O-J /0~i~r 'l 'f\c:~.~~"~W J -\"""-t NLc:.t.F6'l'W 'f\k-\;,~j~\"0....,,*'\1'\.'~~~~-l' -\-a \)\l.~c:.~~Q.rw.A.'~.~~\..'V\1\I'-t~~V-\I\.-~H-C~ wQ ~~t~~_Q."i-t",,-~j~" S\~-~~, (wJ}~-\0O--~lo.k "America's Finest Satellite lV.Stores" 4 1 184 U S H\'t'6&24 U ABcx5520 10'10 S A81 LENE SUITE A 101 AvorI COLOflADO.8 1620 AUflOflA COLORAD080014 (303)Q4Q·'457 (303)36Q·7QQQ ••IA .".1 1 "7 "(?jObApplicatione{v~I I Cl -PH t~EETING DATE _ D~ APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA flvflZ ~(LEGAL DESCRIPTION I.Procedures for applyingfora satellite dish antennaare outlined in Ordinance #9 of 1985.Details of these procedures are availabl e fro m the De partmentof Comnunity De velopm ent.Appl icantsare encouraged to contact the Department of Comnunity Deve lopme nt f o r additional inform ation concerning s ubm itted requests,review criteria,and theapproval process. A.NAME OF APPLICANT k(A ;--f.A-~i/j ,,~ ADDRESS ?qo ;/0 f-n-;h--c Pcd---7'_A.~ (;{i~t PHONE '17 b -/13 5 eo !-cd-c !1tkA.ALt6JJ . B.NAr~E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES ~Y.l<j~A..ALJl ADDRESS ;LhS 3 f &nf--w~~PHONE 1f7t:,-/(j Z-'2- C.NAME OF OWNER(S)~A.~ 4:,flu--f-u Ar ~~~ D.List of names and addresses ofa ll property adjacent tothesubj e ct property including property behind and accro~s streets and their. mailing addresses.The applicant is responslble for corre ct malllng addresses . Pd0 11-":JL( h-t .;"- fyf,!( Ju{(3 w..TJ'L£u;~~L{)-1A~/?r/t o./fUtU1~(}j).;~r-~j'"(l6S7 f)~1 3bb jUM~;JI//Ur /ZZ-/o dt~3tJ (3 1fc~'L tVa,?J;;v,,~1!02 tUdunl ~"3 73t ~0I e(657) to!!;;I!Ad.I~I f LJ z rid C[lb5Y' AS OU TLIN ED I N ORDINANCE #9,1985,NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS IS REQUIRE D PRIOR TO REVIEW OF ANY APP LICATIONS BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD .FOR THIS REASON,COMPLETE APPLICATION S MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPAR Tt1ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT 21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHED ULED DESIGN REVI EW BOARD MEETING. •• '\' \lo..~o..r.T t'J :\\\\))\\\\'\\<::\~Q., 1 \\11 \ \\\\ ~-g~1 v»~\.- \re.~S I\\\'l C\.~v>t>\-Q,\o e \\\'\'0..-'\-c,"'"\)r "\Ie \',ee-Is I \\1 \ \"o\>!>4l. '3 \Q~\:.)\?e "~'Q..\e~e-.\\,.)ffi\1\\l~ C"'.Q ~~~~::,\~~')\'{'\::;\u...\\~~Cf'\."-\\-(~a \\:. d,\t e.c.~\~'p~'n'\'(\d "'()\)s~"()Y\"'C)\'i'\~o\).)l\~)'So ~('a ~.el "1"'\:>v;.~~~Q "{\s,\0..\\Q ~s,'J c,\- \-~~\\l()'t'c\Q.\)\.Ij'~'\e,\k)\\\cl.\S'f'{\Q(\'\-\Q..C1..'(\~s:-\-(){,'e -\""-0..d.\<;~~\J '\V\~ThDS,Q.'{Y\~~\\s 'v..)~Q.Y\(\\)-t- \Y\\"<2.S \~e.~,,~. •• 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 February12,1986 \'• office 0'community development Re :Lot12,Block 1,VailPotatoPatch,790 PotatoPatchDrive To AllProperty Owners Adjacenttothe Above Property : This letter is toinformyou that therequest toplacea satellite dish antenna on the above property has been withdrawn . \/1 3/15'6 ,I) 01 SH ANTE NNA Ap p1i cat ion t te ---:.-f-.!..=-+-"'--"'---'--------p~ Q(L\i ~MEETING DATE 1.Procedures for ap plying fora satellite dishantennaare outl ined in Ordinance #9of 1985.Details of these proceduresare available from the De part ment of Community Development .Applicants areencouraged to cont act the Department of Community Develop ment for additional in for mat ion concern ing submitt ed requests,review criteria,and theapproval process. \...Jc\.,\)C o PHONE '1 '7(,-1/3 S- LEGAL DES CRIPTION \~~,\-\d-,-\~\()C'\;\,\JG.\\,J,,:,-\,-O.:\\)Q '?a.-\c\, B.NA f1E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE s-B ",\\..'Jc,"',:,!\c...\:./R (,l-,o.5·'~:r ,wINv.(),\','-). ADDRES S "-\\\S \~j \:,+;}.'-\,'s.s ao ,I\"o \'>'2,\(,(l()PHONE q l(,ct-\IjS'] C.NA ME OF OW NER(S);r---:::r:-;-_ SIG NATU RE /~:<'1 -<T ~/~22i;/2~ D.Li st ofnam esa nd addressesof all property adja cent tothe subject pro perty i ncl udi ng property behi nd a nd accross streets and thei :. mailing a ddresses.The applicant is r esponsible for correct malllng a ddresses. \'\. \.J \L\c..C I~JG 'J \\\t(w Gl'lQ (C'(l.{; r 1 ')I .\ -G""~..l.,:t ..L:<vD l'J I\(~"I J ,~ \..,~\-\'d.. \..\)'\\~.)- L.~\-\\- \.,.<.:).y ;)\..\- •\-.IJ'\"d5 - -\.C\.~i'd \-\E'S\-Q..C~~~\:c.c~I'\\)<>\-\\\Q\'\~~'1 s,c\'\..IX\~Q '\S)'3 0 \) ._,..\<-\)\'N \.0~)D Q (\\:~t J C o '?,O d.'~d. CUs,\:;.~\'\H\!n""es ~(»)l.\~\.\'•\r?\'cD )0-.\J e.".C O Y~0 0~I )V£.'(\(\~\"\J0 \\s.~"I ~O "","?>7?,iS \l(~\\C O )J r~.)Ci..n '\~'\)C\~~S e IN -S ~\.,\Y\o.ch's Co N A,IJ e)I\'J .'1 ')\J 'i,\d d.\0 y\\\\\\~~\<'('..Q.~'ff\.Q N -\5S\\.,0.('1\Q ,"",c\()'-\)\)~\\le J \}c~\\2 \\:'::/7 AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE #9,19 85,NOTI FIC ATIO N OF AD JACEN TPROPERTY OW NERS IS REQUIR ED PRIOR TO RE VIE WOF ANY APPL ICATIONS BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOA RD.FOR THIS REASO N,CO MPL ETE APPLIC ATI ON SMUS T BE SUB MITTED TO THE DE PART ME NT OF COMM UNI TY DE VE LO PMENT 21 DA YS PRIO R TO THE SCHED ULED DESIG NREV IEWBO ARD MEETING. • 'i'\merico's Finest Satellite IV Stores' Paul Wayslak Sales Representative (303)949-1457 41184us,Hwy6 &24 #4ABox5520 Avon.Colorado 81620 •..,.-. -, -,-'. :'''_:~\';_H-.''...:,~;~!:~'.'., ..•... 'i.:: • ,- '.'",..~.-: -";- .." " ,;-.;.t;~..... ...J .,• ,-,: .t ....'~ ,..'.'. ..~;." ~J..;• ","'" :','l'~~W ....,~~:·:=...::.:..j 0 ·· ".~,.•., ,~14liJ'VW ' .":. ",.~ .'.--;0,' ," ...:.. .'.... W(/~It?b _-.'J • .,- :'•...... ~...-;..:;"..~_:'4" .:,. .-, ..... " --- .- -, .•'....1 ·':-:."••';4'.'. :......,.,"; ~.',...~...~," "," ."...-...... "': •• APPLI CATION DATE:--lLJ -,5:...",-/_~::<....-:..b _ DATE OF DRB MEETING:\I ~cr I ~G DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting withaplanning staff member is strongly suggestedto determine if any additional information is needed.No application will beaccepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make anappointmentwiththe staff to find outabout additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline theapprovalprocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions ofapproval that the DRB may stipulate.ALL conditions ofapproval must be resolved beforea building permit is issued. ~\c.c \::..-e<?\"~\'(\..~-eel '"""W ,n)c.\-\'t'J \):>Q ~'\(\c\ A.PROJ ECT DESC RI PTI ON:I._(\~'::.-\-....:...::;0..,...\-"-\---'-R->...l.."""Q-::-'_--O:::...:..c..=-=-..:..:..-_--'--".....l-'-"=--:..:.:..;c...:.;:;:'--__ (\'r\~s h"]s.Q '\~WI \-c.U 'I 5.\-.. FEE $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 VALUATION $0-$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 $..50,001-$150,000 $150,001-$,500,000 $500,001-$1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 Address ~-\c,-\-o..\-c\.telep ~-·I ·I §)i ) D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:CQ\()\'VJ (),\a ~-\~\\'\\-Q. Address l \\\<l "\lJ~J±.'()b \-d-\.\\{.().~(l 1-S5 d-Q AIJ~~;Cl~~l e Ph o n ~\.I ~-1 1.\5? E.NAME OF OWNERS:c\\'6 \-\Qs,\er-(5 1.'('<:;,;,§oc.,,\u'E'II l\~9 '\.,~Su\r:\\~1Q.QsI.) Signa ture __"~nt.\-."..C.~~'"\q f)'5 \,-5 t/~\ Address ~\).t:>1.1-;:).\~~'s ¥,c.I\C\"()~\{~J (1\C'l;)..()\''1 .telephone _-+-_ F.DRB FEE:The feewillbepaid at thetimea building permit is requested. {\I t:>~';M <-.\\<2 s k ~ I\"'Y ~\s '"~',,\"'~ \-\-.<0":J \-...\{:>..'l \Il ~ C. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed beforethe DRB visits the si te. 2.The reviewprocess for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate meetings ofthe Design Review Board,soplan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail toappearbeforethe Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have notasked for a postponement willbe required tobe republished. J•••LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:S (y \-Q\\I\--Z 1:-'£\S-\-g,\\C\\-;('11'0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LoT \2>BLOCK \.FIL~NG ~_ STREET ADDRESS:']'1 0 Y [)]"C<.\-Cl E"p o'\-c \--.J)dv-Q DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: '- The following information is required for submittal by theapplicanttothe Design Review Board beforea final approval can be fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES 'N c-i,€"Sc..:.-\~\\'\~v\S~\-0 'o--"Q _ \{\~\-C\\\~(\C1\\E?C."\\j ~e\-\l;\.J (w'\\:\-:\f'\\b \\".'j \)~"'\)\J~~0 \"'-\\\S O\).)I;'\-.~~Q ~Q \"\-'d '?\'\)<?Q\\~\s (JI(\.\l (\~(C.0 ~\£(\\(\d,-,-'\(\~£__ .w '\fu AS~Q'C\-\.~..QoS 0 '0 'o c';\\'s ·\~....;,.e ....;:;.s;-=-,__ EXISTING TREES TO _ BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper fordeciducious trees.Indicateheightfor conifers. (over) •• 4.The followingitems no longer have tobe presented tothe Design Review Board. They.however.have tobepresentedtothe Zoning Administrator for approval: a.Windows.skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing planeofthe building;and b.Building additions that arenot viewed from any other lot or public space. which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition;and/or approval from theagent for.or manager ofa condominium association. 5.You may be required toconductNatural Hazard Studies onyour property.You should checkwitha Town Plannerbeforeproceeding. • damsDl\ O ILC ORPORA TI ON Mr.Rick Pylman Towno f Vail 75 South Front age Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Mr .Pylman: February 3,1986 • My secretary phoned y our office this morning and wasr eque st ed t o follow upmy me s sage with al ett er. Please note that I a m the owner of the propert y locate d at 795 Potato Pat ch Drive and that I stron gl y object t o the installation o fas atel lite dish a ntenna o n the propert y o f Lawren ce K.Hest er of 790 Pot ato Patch Driv e. Barrie M.Damson BMD:tc 366 Madison Avenue.New York,New York10017.(212)503-8500 • 75 south frontage road vail ,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 January21,1986 Re:Lot 12 Blo ck1 ,Vai l Pot ato Patch ,790 PotatoPatchDrive To AllProperty Ow ners Adjacenttothe Above Property This is toinform you that Lawrence K.Hester,owner oftheabo ve property,is requesting toplacea satellite dish antenna on his property. If you have any objections or questions,please contact the Community Development Department within 15 days after receiving this notice. • 75 south f rontage road vail ,co lorado 81657 (303)476 -7000 Ja nua ry 21,1986 • Re:Lot12,Block 1,Vail PotatoPatch,790 PotatoPatchDrive To AllProperty Owners Adjacenttothe Above Property Thisistoinformyou that Lawrence K.Hester,owner of the above property,is requesting toplacea satellite dish antennaonhis property. I fyou have any objections orques ti ons,please contact the Co mmu nity Development Department within 15 days after receiving this notice. •Project Application •i '6 (...•Dale --'----L---'--'---I-~.1L-_ Project Name:SQ,;!\e.\",\-1:2,I <l ~\-Q\\"-',",010 Project Descript ion:·:I:~s.to..\\'8 -h.I \3,;.'d\J ".Q.vJ ~h ~\',\-e "D "s\". Contact Person and Phone ~u..v\WQ.')~\o..\(..N .~.\c."~ni .t=.n,jJ \l'\ C /0 Q(\\0 \\,,;)c I'\s\.C\'-\<;-\'i 5 '1 \-\~'S\-~r• '-\r"J b -\\~S Owner.Address and Phone :__"'~!..I().U\-,r---'~T_--+-~~~.l.--1..-:.u..L-_.L.5::~.uJ~_~~:.!l......v.f. \}Q\\I (,0 Architect .Address andPho ne :_ Legal Description :Lot \"d-..,B loc k \Fi ling ~O:\\Vo\-(r\-o~~CZ1 ~'"'_ ~\'·T)\S \..-'j ~\Cl,,(·\..\y-:.,('.1l\0\)'(~~\-O 'iCL-\-Qd (,c c,'f\\.,)Q.S e ~!\Th I;'C\lCjb)""'f\S\q,\\Q d b Q.h'w\d 'leI C.Q 0\~\\\S\~e,'')U )'f\Q d ~~\-o,sr 'j ~{'s \eI DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by :_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary :_ Town Planner o Staff Approval Date : Project Application I ?,(...Date --!---.L~~'---/.~~_ I)ql~\ c.Q,'.H>\\\-Q. 81..1 ? Contact Person and Phone • Architect,Address and Phone : u \legal Description:lot __"-":..-"--_~ -~,...:........=..~~~_~~~..L.-~~~~~~_...Ll.~~~_~~!J..d......_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ .Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary :_ T own Planner o Staff Approval Dat e: Project Application •1/1 Project Name:~-=--l...:....~:"":",,~,--__~~--,,,-....!.._~e..:...-~..:.--=-_ Project Description:.:::.!=;-:!...:....-l---:~::..-~-"-~~:....-~~~"O""'__~__!....:..._ Contact Pe rson and Phone Owner,Addressand Phone :_---:~-i...L----'.__--.l....L.----'"-.l.~...:.._l.._..:'__:.___.l___l_~...!:...___l_~~_Lj: Arch itect,Address and Phone: \Fi ling --''--_-'--_-''-_''-----''-'--__,\Lega l Description:Lot __-'-----''--_Block __..l.-_ Comments:---:....__.!..-__~~!...._....!.._~____'__l..___=:.._.:......__:.;;~-:.......:.--l..---- 'J DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ T own Plann er o Staff Approval Date : • , ,. >-..oo ...z :5.... ::E<:>u <:>zc ."z:<:> :IE :IE=> ." , TheTown01Vail ,to lhe above namedde fendant.gr eetings Youare hereby Charged wi th the be low lisl edvrcta -Model Veh lie No -~Iale rear llon(s l andyo uare herebyor deredt o appear before thiSCourtat the l imeand p lace shown be low 10answe r charge s ot meVlola!lon(s)al tha Vail Municipal COde 0 1the Town0 1Vail .C olorado asamended.which occurred in the To~n o f Vail ,q 1orado ~fi;tp ~kh 'Dr/ve.\f~\I to T ime Hours,DateLocaltOn,00..; XXCourt appearance (arraignmenl)at _____AM on the da y o f .19 __,in me Mun icipal Court intheVa i l Muni cipa l Building,137 West F rontage Ad ., V all,Colorado . ~Se cnoo Number ~4:.a li on r*De sc rtonoo a..pp nl\JCLII·54 .050.3 H \\a....-non Soje..I\;t e,0..i,=>h wi"\hoL.d p roper Complalnantls,kno w (s)orbene vetst and so a ll ege(SImat the eocve defendan l Violated the soecm c sec tion I!)01theVall MUl'ucipalCode 0'the Town 01Vatl ,Co lorado.as amended .aga inst Ihepe ace and dU;lOIIy ollhe people of the Stale of ccioeecc.and further cer llf les thata CODY ofthis Summons andCompla int wasdUly served on the oeteodantnamedab ove as p"O~lded by law """,,",S .by lome eate o ftlcer COMPLAINANT SubSCribe and sworn to ,before meIh lS da y 01 .19 ..ItJ oge 01 MunICIPal Cour t.by OtflCef " DEFEN)ANT Offi cer I prQmi$e 10 aopear at the time "place set torth above (see u).1under sland tha t signing this prom ise ISnolan aet'n!ss lon o f gUilt and tNt faIlu re t o liOn th l!prOfTltS8 may SUbject me toarrest . Pnvate Compla inant X Fai ll6 e 10 aPpear c co stuutee a separate ee eeee and Will resu lt in a warrant being ISsued ....Ie I Helghl Wei;""I Ha" Fema le I Eyes B irthDale Scars.Marl(s.rercos ....k.YearColor Case No._ DockeINo.__ N 5229 VEHICLE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT In 1M MJfuclpal Court in and l orthe To*"o f Vail,Eag le County,Staleol Coh)ladQ ;The peop~o f the Staleo f Co l- or ado by and Itwough the people 01 the To wn ofVa.l.Col orado Pla .ntl"II NAME Hester Larry K AOORESS 1as1 790 Pot ato Pa tc"fi l Dr ive Vail Com:",,,.81657 stree t city state z'.476-11'35 ccccpanoo employer pI>one OPER lie.NO. Na &t ype stale l'" I I I I l li< J 8, I I [ I I I I f]O-,L-L G J'!c::, i-P G-1,..-lZ a~.L Sa.!-"F-:F-<- ~~~C rJ 1'\oC~c::... q L---O b ) ..•• PLANNING fu~D EN VI RONMEN TAL CO ~NISSION Decemb er 14,1981 PR ESE NT Scott Edwards \\'ill Trout Gerry l\'hi te Dan Corc oran Du ane Pip er Jim Norga n AB SEN T Roger Tilk emeier STA FF DicK Ryan Pet er Pa tt en Pet er J ama r Jim Say re Betsy Roso lac k .The meeting was cal led to order at 3:00 p.m.by chairman,Ger ry \I'hite, foll owing awork session on CC4 zoning a ndr evi sed Red Lion pl ans . 1 .Approval of the minutes of the Nov emb er 23 ,1981 meeting.Will moved a nd Duane s econ ded to a pp rove th e minute s .The vote wa s 5-0-:-un animo us. 2.Request fo ra minor s ub di v ision of l ots 10,11,an d 12,Bloc k ..l.--.!:.ota to Patch .Applic ant :CDS Ent erpri s es,Ioc :------ Peter Patten s ho we d site pl ans sho wingn ew lin es with the o ld prop erty lin es in r ed.lie ex plained why the s ta ff recomme nde d ap pr oval an dKen \\'il son r e pres ent i ng the prop erty own ers ex p la ine d that ad ri vewaye nc roachmenton lot 1 1 wa s to be e limina te d with th e res ub di v ision . Danex pl ain edt hatno a l lowab le GRF A c ha n ge swou ldo ccur .Duan e voi ced conce rn a bout lot lines r e garding the di stance b etween th e build ings .Pet er ass uaged th eir c onc erns .Scott moved a nd Will s econded to approved the r eque st f oraminor subdivi sion .The vote was5 -0 in f avor with Dan a bs ta ining . 3.Requ est for a re zoning of lots 1 th rou gh 5,Cliffside Subdivi sion f rom Resid ential Cl uster District to S in gle Family District.App lic ants:Rich ard Brown ,Daryl R.Bu rn s,David L.Cole,a nd Charles H.Rosenqu ist. Peter Patten e xplained the memo s howing the site plan and d iscussed the graphs in the memo .Phil Ordway explain ed that he and Dave Sm entana ea chhad ac ontract to buy a lot if the zoning was ch ang ed,an d that they were inst rumental in r equesting the rezoning.Jim re c all ed that wh en this s ubdivisionwas a nnex ed and zo nedRes idential Cluster it was the i ntention to r econsider the zon ing at a lat er date.Hewas in f avo r of the c hange .Dan stat ed th at he felt that lot 6 s hould be i n cl uded.Ordway ex pl ained th at Ro se nquist (own er of lot 6)was in fa vor of c hanging hi s l ot to du plex(p rese ntly heco uld build ap os sib le 3)or PIS .Ord ways tate d that h e d idn 't ha vet i me to s tudy th e a l ter nat ive s in full and s od e cid edn ott oi nc lude l ot 6 .at t he la s t minu t e,ad di ng t ha Rosenqui st told him that he (Rose nq uis t)wo uld no ti n si s ton b Uil d ing 3 un its . Ordway w ~nt on to s ta te that he did n ot f e el t hat this wa s s po t zon i ng fu rJ ot 6 s incei t wa sa djacent t o RC zoning . •e PEC -2-12/14/81 . Scotta greed with Or dwaya dding ~hat l o t6 was so d ifferen t,th e re wasn o ne ed to co ns ide r it with t he o ther lots .Sco tt added t hathe wa s concerne d t hat t heh ous es not b e bu i lt hi gh on t her idg ea nd wo nde re d if at rad e-off c ouldbemade i n th is respect .Ordway ass u re d Scott that the h ouses wo ul d bedown the hill fa r eno ugh s ot hat th ey wo ul dn t t i n te r fere wi th ot her s 'vi ews . Ordwaya dde d tha t s it ing was th e main rea s on [or t ri e r e quest..Li rn v o i c e d c once rn ov er th e v isu al i mpact,al s o,then sa idhe wa s sure OR B wo uld ta ke tha t in toc on si der at ion. \Vi II moved a ndDuane second ed to re zone l ots I t hr u5 t o SingleFam i ly .The vote was 6-0 ,u nanimous . Dan voiced his concern th at t heh ome ow nersshowc once rn as to how hi ght hey build ,b ec ause th eowner s of the Rid ge were purpo s ely n otbu i ld i n g on the hi ghp oint.Gerryf elt this 'was t hec orrect zoriing beca use otherwiset he owne rswouldbe corni ng in with a seri es of r eq~ests for varian ces s ince the RC zone in this d ev el opment ma de it vi rtu ally unbu i ldab le , Pr el iminaryRevi ew Sess ion for .Exte ri or Alt erat i ons an d ~lo d i f ica ti ons . This s ~ssi on was to d ecidc wh ethe r or not the su bmitted projects wou ld be co nside red maj or--re qu irin ga90days tudy ,or mino r--re qu iring a60day s tudy . Al l of th ef o l lowingwe re co ns i dere d to be ma jor revis ions: Gal l ery Building Slifcr Building Lodge a t Vail-Ha rry 's Bar(n ew l oc at ion) Red Lion Inn-Deck Enclosure The meetingwas a d journeda t 5:30 p .m. I • ~:H"e ofA.App l ic a n t C {).r /...:,.(~.'f r ,I !~'J'/t-c . Ad dress 12:-I--~i ~{j l ,~~(..--(:~t -c ·~:,J~-~~---'\'!f~;~-p;lOJle.-"LZ~_L'Y j'J-_ B.Name of App Li ca u t 's Rep re c.enta tive._~bl ~.__~{~_L:.~~\--,-1 9_':.._._ Add re s s 1]\'I-16({L ((.(\'e.(L'('·I ·,l u(f it s:Ph one i l /',··i..f'iJ?--.------._----------_.-~----~-----------~-------_.._-------- D.Loc a ti o n 0 f Pr opc sa l Lot jt/'f /...Bl o ck .L:__F.il i n g_/{.~z:(1.·Z :f{__.~~!~-'~~~~~~__ I'll E.Fc c $10 0 t el '!)/ P-o •Ty pe of Sub d iv i s i on :(ch e ck on e ) ______I,l::j or (inv ol v i n g mo re ct h.n:tl J ots) _~_J'linor (inv ol vin g 4 or f c we rl ot s) ____Dup l cx (splittin g a dup lcx s t ru ct.u r -e :~!1 d/'J r Jo t) G .Pro c cdurc s fer ma j o r an cl mi no r s u b d i v i s i o n-:a rc ;]s d c fi n e d r n th e TO\·;n of \',l iJ Sub d i v i s i c n H.(·~,ld a t i onse n pa ge s 9 th r ou ~11 20 . II.Dupl ex sub d i vi s i o n rcqu l rc st he sa me i n f'o r rna ti on a ~:1 mi n r.r s u b d i vi s i o .i wi t.h t h e r -cqu i rc racu t t.h .rt t he fc .]]',:JI.:ing sta t eme nt.mus t "11 ])(,,11 'on the pl a t b efore r-ecc i vi n g To wn o f Va i j npprcv al: 1.For zon i n g o r o t ho r l :lI1 d -t :s e r c g ul a ti ons of th e ']'0',"1 1 o f Va i .L ,t.hc t,,'!p a rc cLs crc a t c d b y this s ul .d i vi s i on arc dccnc.I to be o n e l o t.No mo re th.i n "Ill't ",'-f.l!~j 1: rc s i d c n cc s h a ll h e ;1I]11\,'c d on th ec o mb i ne d a r c n s O t't he t wo p arc el s ,Al l ownhlc Gr os s Res id en ti al F lo or Ar c a (GJ<FA)f or t he tl,'o ··f :l c,ily r es id ence s h:lll b e c a l c u l a t e d u s i ng th e c omb i n ed a rcn of th e t.wop a rr.c ls, J.T i l:w 1 ~('qui n'l :l (n t s:~l ;]j or a nd min or xub d i v i si o n s niu s t be 'l)'provcd bv t hl'I 'j;l ll !:i l q ~ a ud l.nvi ronmcn ta l Co .nm i s s i o n .T h e PEe me ::l;'OJI th e :'I,d ,111 <1 '11.h /,lOl1 ,L!::;,II I '"".!: non t h .An n p p li c u t i o n wi t h t h e n o c c s s a ry ~l'~·c l):j j:,.l1 l y i n~~nri t cr i a l u u s t h I...·:~~l!ll:!j :t \'d [0 ";'(,1)h'c d,s p r i or t o t.h c chic of t.h c-:'1('c:tl llg . P.O.B OX184 2 VA I L ,C OLORADO8 165 8 103f476 -08 8 5 SUBSIDIARIES HERITAGECONTRACTORS G &G DE VELOPMENTCO. INVESTM ENTDESIGN INTERIORS LTD. !·:r .r eter ?"t te n T O'hll .r-l?nning Town of ',e il Va il ,Colorad o Dee r leter : • l,overr,i-,er 1 ?,1 9f 1 RE:r o ta t o r"tch d 10 &1 1 CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT5 }l ea se pa s s our mLno'r S UN i vi s ion heari ng to t he fi rst ~Be il'.e etin s in I e cembe 'r , The sif ned c o pi e s of th e mi no r s u'cd iv i s.Lon plat and ea seme .rt s ::<'.ve no t bee n returned t o thi s office as ye t .I ,.i l l fol low up on t he se and se t them to you as soon a s possible .Th ank you for :ou r ass istEnce a nd coop e ration . j{(Y' Ian I·;.Ca glii'.rdo I~;y-{ (11,,/t2IJt 12903 COUNTR Y RI DG E SA N ANTONI O,T X.7 82 16 5 1 2/494 -219 5 .-,.•••J •:.0 ._._ Tha t .;c c ard i ng to the i nd i ce s o f the coun t y Recorde r of Eagl e Color a do,r e l e t iv e to the f oll Ol'/i ~')(J r e al property: Lo ts10 an d 11,Block 1,Vail /Dotato Patc h Co un ty o f Eagle,State o f Co lorad o A.The recorde d owner o f sai d rea l prope rty i s: COS Enterprises ,a TexasCor poratio n l.l.Thr~r c <Jren o InCJ r t~J ~e$o r Deeds of Trus t \'/h i c h ~u rp o rc t o affec t sa id ree l property,othe r t han th e foll owing: not ap plicabl e 'II"'\., Count y Oil Led:__Ii «:{/=-..1-_ -,• 1 -:t -...'" 1. l{•.•.•' TH l\,D i.m,)!..s...tlruJl ],r..1 a s{'.l....-...c "';:17 r:·-~··!..I~.:. i 1 ._ a -:f ')..,'·S f ,); c ~s r~':~f ~~:~!E . l".i .....,::=.:.:.it i :. (,1 \h ..:0::1:-..:;:10,.1 (. •('o..otc~" I .. b V In'D~..5Y7R.-;,....t:lo a ....{I!pto.~,~u ...rl "'~r-n ''''r .nC It:f'Or.md .....t .~r.o!~.....c r-.., ______';:--::.:~·.;a -:-.../1 ':'"'-.,_':::f~:-'-;:":-:.-;'.~~_'.(~::.L-;.--";--~.-:.;--.--:-~-:-.-:-.!.o(ll..=_·.R! :,.t ~i.C ;-.a'-::,rtf U.~~))&rt ill hA!>i ~~u,ll so--rt Y rof u ~"'r.d p r"!.o u.;~..h..:I"Q~.~:'9-- \7,.r .C:.u -.!..~,",~v:..-!~}..:J:I'~\~.ha rl lo!r ~...~i d ."\l N>r."":r.c..~~t.h-..i"~~c::...~~C-.".:..~ 11:.::1 .("(•.....1 11.I .4 ~.'[::r.uL t r ~..aa i l ,,,~::(>.~t~;ilo""'{"O')rad t"'l"'"..,..:5 },...;,._r ~...,..."",f c.t-- n ~(,,~n.•!'g;;,...-b""G ._~d j ...t ~~i .......~::..,~Iec d,.l·ual•.l,i....[.:-:!,...~r C..c U... (':.;~l!o!:."!-::c:'.~~~-"~tO f (ko......ao .1"wi t : '.:-:~ '; J. 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O'-:J • '''i;1 l-."'-a ;10 '-:':' ., ,"l ••;;0. ._'I That accoro inqto the indices of the co unty Recorder of Co lorado ,re lot i v»to the fo 11 o\"/i ~l<J rea 1 property: Un it B Lot 12,Block 1 ,Vail/Potato Pat ch County o f Eagle,St at e of Colorado A.The recorded owner of said real property is: Law rence K.Heste r Ea gl e County ;.I ,"".,> U.Ther~arc no mortgages or Deeds o f Trust which ~urpo rt to affect sa i d ree l property .other t han the fo 11 owi og: N/A not ap plica ble 'I .'\,,....., "-I ., r I ,; " Uatcd:1/,I~-Jj7 ~LAN~GYmlANTEE COMPA NY~'1 1 ,\~ (The1i obi 1i ..y of the company is 1imi ted to the fee paid for ~ia i s report )(, ., STANISII A!ID CO"lPA1'IY,an Ohio Lt.dted Partnership _oLl;l100 .•...._.'dor\_A.II •.rebr\l ry 71l9~ ___He.1 Johnnett~Ph1ll ?S ............ I'-11_-4th ,"February It80 l'!e 2 .OO pr:l E~g l.County "u.. e-,"Eagle ..........."CelerwIo.til ....n........oM LAWRENCE K .HESTER-1tpI_. "...c-,,,Eagle oM_" e-,,,...--.....: W'I1"N 'DAaTH.'ftat ........-r'1'"'"ftnt part.tor'"i.,...,.,........f tM ...of TWO HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND AND 00 /100 ----------------------VQLLARS ....._"""'Y til 1M l\nl .....Ia ......,.w ~,........y '"1M _lIoo nc:tip'q -,_....~_~~toI4...-..,..,..,~-es .-........toll._..._.....y of 1M __hisW ,..._,011 1M '-'_lot of lu4.oi.....1,...oM bol I••1loe-t,,,Lagle oM "~,to wl.: Unit B,Lot 12,Block 1 .Vail/Potato Patch.according tothe Townhouse Declaration for Lot 12.Block 1,Vail/Potato Patch Subdivision,Eagle County ,Colorado recorded prior h~reto and concurrentl y herewith. al 2W known aJ.t ree t a nd u um ber TOCt:rlIEII .iu..1:oM aIapIu 1M t ............~1001_...or ia ..,.u. .~.aad tM ,....nk,G .,..J'Wft ~ud fTmai nd.,..rwotlU-.i..u aNI profitt tMl"f'Of .and al l tbe eIItab:.riaht.till..i nt ..-t.,.r laia ~r o f 1M ...w party of tM n rst put,.ith.r it .la w 01'~tJ .01.i~and to LbP ~pnal.-.with u.•Mndita.-se ......PJMI~· TO RAVE A.·D TO BOLD aMI p..-bM be.-pi1Md aDd d ..rtW wit"l~.Pl"/ln-nr...llnLO tM ........Y '"IIlo __his he 10"-.Aod ""...PO'Y .,.I......... forh im ...f Mira.u.-routGn......."rato c1e es to"ftMt.ITUt.barpia ••1MI a«T'M to and U.laid part Y .,1M lid JIU'\.hi ..,...,...-iCftl."WI at tM tim ..of \bP en--.Ii...and deoUwr)' .t tM.,.....ta.t he y a~J ail .t lhe prwa.ltH aboVf'con....,....of l loJOd.sure.porlflCt.S,beohl'.and iDlhf-.aibl •.-ate C1I iIIMntaDM,.I .....iD t ....pi ..&ad ~e riaht .tu ll pow"e'r and "wful authont)· to 1.barcain..u ....NDftJ t.M ..-e i••anner and fonn u at.,......,and tJr.at tM IUIW t ....and (In, t all f ......,ud ~hn ~u.baraalM,....li ....taa-.a a&mrttts and mttunbtanC'••t ...h.a t~«r kind O f nat.ww ...-r.,e xcept f or t a xe s and as sessment 'S accruina s u bseo uenc t o d atehe reo f:e asements,ri ghts o f w y ,condi tion s,restr i c t~o n s a ndr es ervations of rec ord,if any:and Townhouse Dec la ra tion of even da te h~re wi th . and thr ~.b&rIa.t'"pnrnLi.MI in tb qut and ,..r .....1 uion of I "••4 partY of t bif'~nd pa rt., his he1n and Maim-a CalM all and ".1'7 p.non or pe....n.I ....uU,.claUn.t.na I lG c1&U'ft t he wholt or Ul)'part Lh«l"I'Of.LM &aid pwt Y ot t he fi r..par1 .han and will WAkRA ST A NU .'OR.:VEK lJt:n:.'.J. 1.N W ITSF.SS WHEREOt·,1M aai d J*rt.Y ot t M tint part h~h if',......nlo M'\hi s hM4 and ..al IJMo u r ....'I''''ti nt a1 u v••·rlU <M\. S~ANtS II AN D CO MPA NY ,an Ohio Lim i ted Partnursh i p lS ':"'.' I fJ...«'t /1[1rI J..SEAL, I D~Vlll 1S.r,;::4Is tI y t)~r"l p"r tn r)I"~'S EA l.' STAT)'ut·t U1AlILAOO.I EDH r..'''OLF,4nE r al Pil rtn r e-."of Ea g le /... n...fO "~_1AIt NlMftt ...w .:.....t f o ~al l't 4t h d&1 et Febru.r y to 80 ~,DAVID STA ISH AIm 'S1..EPH E .WOLF,bo th !;<tne..al par tnt>r s of M,~~AND CO'~ANY,a n O~i.'''''~d l\ll~1rib and .rr.....'.112.-::z.-t &-_':.~. .,..: "....I,. ~t ...r ~..\- That accord inqto th e indices of the countyRecorderofEagle Co lorado I re 1a t i vetothefa 11 ovil 0CJ rea 1 property: Unit f!..Lot 12,Block 1,Vail/PotatoPatch County ofEagle,State of Colorado A.The recorded ow ner of silid reul property is: Marjory E.Saunders ;;0 . County :,. U.Ther~are noInortgagesor Deeds of Trust which ~urport to affect suid real property,other thun the following: not applicable ,.'\0, ...'v, Dilled:!I-It,,f1 (The ltab t l t t y of t he com pany i s limited to the feepai u for Lisis report)I U II P.O.BOX1842 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 303/476-0885 SUBSIDIARIES HERITAGE CONTRACTORS G &GDEVELOPMENTCO. INVESTMENTDESIGN INTERIORS LTD. Mr.A.Peter Patten,Jr. Iepartment of Community Planning Town of Vail 'Dear Mr.Patten I November 30,1981 CONSTRucno INVESTMENT This correspondence shall serve as an explanation for the request of vari- ances in lot lines on Lots 10,11,12,Block 1,Potato Patch Subdivision,Town of Vail.Accompanying this correspondence shall be title searches to verify owners of Lots 10,11,and 12,a survey showing eXisting lot sizes,(which are idential to the proposed)lot lines as proposed and signed copies of a survey, with proposed lot lines,by the respective owners of Lots 10,11,and 12. Presently two set-back violations exist on Lots 10and11 and the existing driveway on Lot 12 encroaches upon Lot 11.Without changing the size of the lots and with the full consent of all respective owners we propose to the staff and Planning and Enviromental Commission to alter existing lot lines to meet present ordinances of the Town of Vail. One set-back violation occurs on the southeast corner (south unit)of the structure located on Lot 10.It is 7.6 feet from the lot line between 10and 11.Originally this lot line was to be vacated,but this would have created a large duplex lot with four units.After much thought,it was decided to create an easement instead of vacating the line.The violation occurred (pouring of the foundation)before this was decided.The proposed change in lot lines will clearly erase the violation without changing the size of either lot. The other set-back violation occurs on the southeast corner of the structure located on Lot 11,(north u nit).The foundation sits 12.4 feet from the lot line of 11and 12.The proposa l for correcting this violation is best shownby the a ccompaning plat map.An -v en trade of land as propo sed betwe en Lots 11an d 12 which will correct the viol ation on Lot 11and the e Xisting encroachment of the driveway on Lot 12 onto Lo;11.This is done again with no change in lot size. It should also be noted t h:t the existing structures on Lots 11and12have thirty or more feet betwee:them at their closest points. 12903COUNTRYRIDGE SANA NTONIO,TX.78216 512 /494-2195 P.O.BOX 1842 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 303/476-0885 SUBSIDIARIES HERITAGE CONTRACTORS G &G DEVELOPMENT CO. INVESTMENT DESIGN INTERIORS LTD.Page2 We hope this correspondence clarifies our intentions on correcting existing violations and meets with approval of the Town Planning Staff and Planning and Enviromental Commission.Should there beany questions please feel free to contact me at 476-0885 or 476-0937.Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. r MG/bd 12 903 COUNTRY RIDGE SA NANT ONIO,TX .78216 5 12/494-2195 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LEGAL LOT 12 BLK 1 DESC.FILING Vail po tato patch J NAME :Sa unders (Stannish)Duplex I ER NAME R;chard Sa unders I· MAIL ADDRESS 3013 Robin Way CITY n r.n PH . I ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS I I CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Saunders Construct;on CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ?nn-A CITY PH FIRM .TRICAL CACTOR MAIL ADDR ESS CIT Y PH . FIRM PLUMB ING MA IL ADDR ESSCONTRACTOR CIT Y PH . FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MA ILADDRESS CITY PH . OTHER FIRM MA IL ADDR ESS CONTRA CTOR C ITY PH . PERMITNO .- 1.TYPEOF CO NSTRUCTIONIIIIII IV V 2.OCCUPANCYG ROUP ABEH IRM BU ILDING t;nnn DIVISIO N 122a 34 z ELECTRICAL 5000 GENERALDESCRIP TION OF WORK : ;::«PL UMBING 500Adddeck:::> -J«MECHANICAL> TYPEGROU P SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMITFEES VN.A NA .5000 BUILDING PERMIT 50.50 PLANC HECK ?I;nn EL ECTRICAL lA nn PLUMBING 10.00 NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL DWE LLING UN ITS __ACCO MMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE G.R.F.A.__BEDR OOMS DESIGNREVIEWBOARD In.nn C OMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANTSEATING C LEAN -UP DEPOSIT ton nn HEIGHT I N FT.__BATHTUB /SHOWER NOFIREPLACES __NO .TOILETS TOTALPERMITFEES $;>13.50 COVEREDPARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING 5Yo~u ~--f{"20----Hot Tub 1 BUILDING OFFTc lAL II INSULATION 1-----------------O NING ADM INISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESSR·VAL UE !'-ONING NOTES :FL OOR EXT .WA LLS N.A. ROOF HEAT ~\q\W ~l\S~-A.SFa·ELEC :X GA S: I H EREB Y ACKNO WLEDGE T HAT I HAVE SOLAR:WOOD :R E AD THIS APPLI C ATI ON AND S T AT E THAT T HE A BOVEISCORRECTA NDAG REE TO COM PLY VAIL WATER s SAN.D IST.TAP FEE :WIT H AL LT OWN ORDI NANCES AND STATE SPEC IALN OTES :N ."m 7'J.s un.mxc r:»~/V ~"';e~~.~~ I «r.~!T"O '·",£,,·~,·o 0 0 ('i)~"O.H ·T no ~ PROJECTNO._3-19-80DATE []PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION ONLYo TYPEOFPERM IT []BU ILDING []ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL I<J D 7 READYFOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:UM4-::1-s.,.; NAME L</ INS _____AM PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o IN,SULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING : o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ o _ o FINAL _ -U~\'Q <:NSPECTION REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING -,--_ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL .' :/ .J.'t!'f~.ii'CSAPPROVED RRECTIONS: ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT ..,...-_ o ----'-_-----:_ DATE ---l~~----"L------- It ,s aODpe~_'---"l~oDS LROL LIODDC.. • P.O.BOX22196,4925 EASTPACIFICPLACE ,DENVER ,COLORADO 80222 Mar ch 31,1980 Town of Vail Building Department Box 100 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: (303)758-4655 Please find enclosed the executed copy of our permit for our Residence in Potato Patch -addition to balcony and i nstallation of hot tub. If you hav e any questions or comments,please advise. Yours ver y truly, SAUNDERS CONSTRUCTION,INC. Jr/l(t);la~-v ~~~lfi~~c .Saunders RCS:mr enclosure PROJECT NO3-19-80DATE NQ 463PERMITNO. L TYPEOFCONSTRUCTIONIIIIIIIVV 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHIRM BUI LDING 5.000 D IVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL 5000 GENERALDESCRIPTION OFWORK :>--<:PLUMBING 500Adddeck::l ...J-<:MECHANICAL> TYPEGROUP SQ.FT.VALUAT ION PERMIT FEES V N.A NA 5.000 BUILDING PERMIT 50.50 PLANCHECK 25.00 ELECTRICAL•18.00 PLUMBING 10.00 NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL (X)REPAIR()MECHANICAL DWELLINGUNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATIONFEE GRFA __BEDROOMS DESIGNREVIEWBOARD 10 nn-- COMMERCIALSYST __RESTAURANTSEATING CLEAN ·UP DEPOSIT lnn nn HEIGHTINFT.__BATHTUB /SHOWER NOFIREPLACES __NO.TOILETS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $213.50 COVEREDPARKING __UNCOVEREDPARKING SfnJU.~__?&9/J?c1HotTub1 ---BUILDING OFFICIAL A INSULATION 1-----------------~ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESSR·VALUE 170NING NOTES:FLOOR EXT.WALLS N.A. ROOF HEAT ~\(\\cO ~L\S ~~A.s.11·ELEC :X GAS: I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I UAVE SOLAR :WOOD :READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT TtiE A80VE IS CORItECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY VAILWATER &SAN.DIST.TAPFEE:WI TH ALL TOWN ORD INANCES AND STATE SPECIALNOTES:L«rC)l.ING BUI LDING CONSTRUCTION . X ?1 "-<()'_____ "roN .TIIU ,••,..O WN,H •'H CO NTR ,en 'H []PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION ONLYo TYPEOFPERMIT IiJ BUILDING IiJ ELECTRICALoMECHANICAL ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IOW~. dep.artment of community development LEGAL LOT 12 BLK 1 DESC .FILING Vail Potato patch JO AME :Saunders (Stannish)Duplex 0 R NAME Richard Saunders MAILADDRESS 3013 Robin Way CITY npnvpl'rn PH.RO??? ARCHITECT FIRM MAILADDRESS CITY PH . GENERAL FIRM Saunders Construction ~ONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ?OO-A CITY PH . FIRM EfRICAL CO ACTOR MAILADDRESS CITY PH . FIRM PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY PH . FIRM MECHANICAL ., CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS •I r.ITY PH OTHER FIRM MAILADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY PH. READYFOR LOCATION : •INS TION REQUEST ('~roW N OF ,VAIL -=t--f-'LI---U-0__JOB NAME cl~/~~5f~J CALLER S"fJ.uhl c;;;:if. INSPECTION :..MONTUES W ~T HUR~('AM"!PM llud s.£bj -7'~r!-~--,-_=..a'-#~,----,=-=-,-~,,-\....-J__ BUILDING:PLUMBING: ~O O T I N G S /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUG H /D .W.V . o FRAMIN G o RO UGH /W ATER o IN SULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.PO WER o HEA TING o ROU GH o EXHAU ST HOO DS o CONDUIT o SUPPL Y A IR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APP ROVED CORRECTIONS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPE CTIONR EQ UIRED D ATE ---/--""'--->'----r---=-'-'-----IN SPECTOR l h&pr l n klr y.'Vi ll A e E H I R ·M 1 2 2a 3 .; fldd P::'Rl/.\1 l-i O._--'''-_ ~Ot7I7-~ ..:5-OC5 p<:!3 "'5 -0C)~ '.::::~;'.;:;C ;.L I, I ......--v "..: SCJ·~ .,.;zS-,OO /<t?CO !C,C)O ~C> I I I I '1 i II 1 0.00 I il b'j:2,00 I, I so 00 G rlOUP ALTERAT IO N ( ___e ;.TH 7UB /SHOW E R ___REST,\J RAN T SEATiNG '--'---+1 L C~ I /.1/1 · PH . ~~l===== p \..(.TYPE I NSUL /\T IO N !T HIC,<N ~SSI. --c..:.::. P H FLOOR E XT.W A L LS Roo r HEA T PH 1 1l tn EUY .'C l<,..:o ....·:...tf)~r 7 '("';I }o;A '"C :::-:;".;;;C;'.l ;:.,/ ~~:~:0 1 C:::;:"l.'":1:J oj;y ce ~cI6p..tient / .t ',".C-..~./1 7:==rv :==::>"1-.-);71;(/;_,.1·e-/,--;v..)I ":;--".,.'X1 t"vf'?LU II =I"Gf'/j '~/LfJ.1,._-'1,'.,)£.....~j ••..J .'1 ./I ~~Y :::..-::,/",'l'v1 ru r o ux o \+I'ON O "lv''L.__••••'-'M L"J r ...l I ''-I'I l 'i -I .(- -'Io I ,TY PEOF CONSTRUCil ON 2.OCCU ~A NCY GROUP OIViS iON III I ii I '/V).'- A 6 E H I R ·M 1 2 2~3 t, I -r I" r :;:,a li,1 ~"'"'U.__~_ ~2.?e l7~'= ...:s -Oc5 .eQ- "")-00 Dc;> C ,:W UP VAL UATi O';-'; ~o "~O ; \ -'-, ,~~S -;0 0 /??CO /,;:0 .1=",-.'1IV,c.~~' , I I I;'10,00 l/oi1.()O ! !. I '1:"LTERAi':O...,J { ___[;EOR001.!S ___RESTAJ RANT SEA TIN G ___el-.TH:Ui}/Sr-:OWER 1 +--:_ ! J 1=:.;==~=\'I=!==':::::;===::===:=::;===:=::='======== (-' !O'o'iE LlIKG UK;TS li :.:-', ___:-;0 .70 :Li'7S I •:.:'I ___U~;CC V ~i<ED PAR KING I I ,.~~ l NSUU·.TION TY?E FLOOR EXT .WA L\.S ;;cor /.;- HEAT !0 /,5 : I 'I !:Rt UY .\C"':-::J.....·:.c n::c 7I f ....;J l-i ....,., -----------! ! ,-<Q:\[),c...o..~e.e..)(\~..'1\~"o..\\\V'\~~o...&J . ~o....\\\~~~o G \d.~\,J3 ~",-~~c9...-Q...&.... ~~~~""::"\~e..&.'o~Led..Q...." #;2.tJ t:>I;'e.:~c.::"''''-""'~~0....\\v-,~L ~S S 0 ,e-Y ~~o...~'00.u-..\S \a ~~. ~.3 \<"'~~~'\\\,""O \-'0 e.~€>\-u-.~O ~.Q r-~...........': ,- ./ ,/ ./ --.---,-_./' "/ f -;r..':.-t ·.,."?", I .',,'r ""...."l!_..;.:J I , I' ",. :I __~-..;. /•••..t •• .(' \./ -/ ~I \Y, ~ r-0 --..---- / '", ,.t",'::".. ,-'",...i .~.'I .,~. ........' fl ~."~~-":!......~~=::...--=:-.~.:~_.- • -r ./• ) ) ) " I;.., / ,, "'f " .. ,.§QaDDeRS _ ~"')1"'o n SL Rl1CL 1 0 nDC.. • P.O.BOX 22196,4925 EASTPACIFICPLACE ,DENVER,COLORADO 80222 March 11 ,1980 Vail Build ing Department Va il,Colorado Dear Steve: (303)758-4655 Conf irm ing our conversat ion of today,we enclose the following information for our permit to add a balcony and future hot tub a t our duplex in Potato Patch . 1 .Copies o f the plans showing d etails and answeringq uestions. 2.Copy of the permit signed bymyself. 3 .Copy o f a check cover ing the cost of a permit fees . 4.Copy of a letter from Larry Hester (owner of the other half of the duplex)giving his p ermission to add thi s addition. As indicated o n the drawings,we will provide blocking a t the per imeter of the joists,bridging at the joists and hang ers on the ledges at the existing found ation wall. We have also not made a final decision on the e xact location or specif ication of the hot tub.This will be installed this Spr ing and wewill prov ide y our Department with as-built drawings showing exact details o f the plumbing and electrical installation.It will also provi de exac t l oca tion information so that can be approved by planning . If you n eed additional information,p lease advise .I appreciate your assistance on the above project . Yours very truly, SAUNDEas CONS TRUCTION,INC. //J(f)'~~-;'1~UAA1_~-ch~~K~.Saunders :mr enclosures .. L awrence K.H ester P.O.BOX 19531 IRVINE.CALIFORNIA 92713 March 11,1980 TOWN OF VAIL c /o Mr.Richard Saunders SAUN DE RS CO NSTRUCT ION P .O.Box2 2196 Denver,CO 80 222 To Whom It May Concern: .. As the owner of the east hal f of the Stanish Duple x,Lot 12, Block 1,of the Vail/Potato Patch Subdivision located at 790Potato Patch Drive,Vail,Colorado,the e xtension of the patio on the west unit by Mr.Ri chard Saunders is a greeable with me as we discussed. If anyth ing further is needed onmy part,I plan to b e in Vail from March 20th thru the 26th. Sincere ly, ~~Lawrence K.Hest er LKH:sq Project Name: Project Description : Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address andPhone : Zone: Zoning Approved : c DesignReviewBoard Motion by : Seconded by: APPROVAL ______________________f/v' ( Summary: Date _ DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator Date :...,," Date : Chief Building Official - ~""'~~::--.rr"; ~",.t '.;..•.,r (":.•~••:'" ...-. .-:. •J • ;-./- i "v ·~,;;;,.,!•••t . .. ---._-I ""',~t ."-;-:...._.__..---_.--_..._~-_.-_.- .: 0 " ,.t"J'......~ ---/",.~j i i ,V '~ ._.~:...--.--~...: .~·~e~~~:?~~.~t.~~ f-o/b ,~~~r/~-i;l.,.-, • ~?.....-c ~..::..,.e". -:'~,J..-:r/,.'.:...~: .tit- ,~e...\t>c...o...~e.e.)(\e.~~~~o...\\\"'~\-o-...&J. ~O::'\\"'&4ro e.\d..~\.A~v-..~~...cL~ ~~~,v.:.\~e..~'o~<-e&Q... 2..~t:l ~do:.''''''\........~~o...\..\'I'.'-Co-~~s a..e-y ~~......~u..o...\5\0 ~~•. .'3 -r<"-e,~~'\\\"'O~.'o e,~E..\-u-.'('-'o-lt.cQ. P I6 !:S PermilNo. NAMEOFJOB _...J::::::.a..:.'L.1..J.=L-"'='.LL~~~__----!~~E~A-_-r-_~,,;,<:-__....c~_ LOCATION ANDLEGALDESCRIPTION -l==£rr::..-D~_~~&:..--_L_-11J;mJIZ1u:.?r.lZtJ 0 1052 VAILWATERAND SANITATION DISTRICT ,WATERANDSEWERTAP PERMIT LiC .NO._ LiC.NO._ LiC.NO._ Gael /O -/.-.IGENERALCONTRACTOR-__'-L-.'<..;<x.~"""""'=--¥-_----'o_c....<.:._ DaleBilled _ PLUMBINGOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR _-,--_ EXCAVATiNG CONTRACTOR _ SiZEOF TAP:Waler Sewer MelerSize _ NUMBEROF UNiTS :5 <B (x$600.00)=Amount 2.-7 BO 41:&0 DatePaid 7-:2-2.9 /0 7/~:J.?tJ-- ~.ri,~,• Finance Director Bldg.Dept.-White ;-Waterand Sanitation-Gre en :-PublicWorks -Canary;-Contraclor -Pink ;-Accounting·Goldenrod CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LEGAL LOT 12 BLK 1 DESC .F ILING Potato Patch ~AME:Stanish Duplex ER NAME David Stanish MAIL ADDRE SS Box 6 CITY Wolco tt COPH·926-372' ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. G ENERAL FIRM Stanish &Co CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Box 6 174-A CITYWolcott CO PH .~?R-:'l7?, FIRM .TRICAL C A CTOR MAILADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM P L UM B ING CO NTRACTOR MAILADDRESS CITY PH. FIRM M E CHANI CAL C O NTRAC TOR MAILADDRESS CITY PH. OTHER FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACT OR CITY PH. 26' DATE 5 /17/79 PROJECT NO .N--264 I IIIII I V(v) PERMIT NO .- 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION 2.OCCU PANCY GROU P ABE H r@ M BUILDING 208.440 DIVISION 1 22"04 z ELECTRI CAL 7 ,5320 j::: GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF WORK ;'"PLUMBING 10,400::l -J '"MECHANICALNewduplex.>3 ,000 TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES 5 R-3 4304 172 160 BUILDING PERM IT 540.20 s M 1 ~M;~?Rsn PLANCHECK ?7n In 5 M 72R :'l R:'lO ELECTR ICAL 59 .60 PLUMBING 82 'so NEW (X )ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL 22 SO DWELLING UNITS _2_ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE 531 00 G.R.F.A3540 @ --l.5-BEDROOMS -.B-DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100 nn COMMER CIAL SYS T __RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN·UPDEPOSIT 200 00 HEIGHT IN FT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER 4 NOFIREPLACES ----2....-NO.TOILETS R TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1.805 .90 COVERED PAR KING --4.UNCOVEREDPARKING IfJ1--~.---__5-LU/.29-._ BUIDI G OFFICIAL DATE INS U LATION e------------------ONING ADMINISTR ATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE ~ONING NOTES:FLOOR FG R"lq DRB Approved EXT.WALLS FG ~'s ik ·t 19 ROOF FG 12 38 HE AT ELEC :~GAS:.. I HEREBY ~CK NOWLED G E THAT I H AVE[()en SOLAR :WOOD:READ THIS APPLICATIO N AND STATE THAT TIIE J CO ABOVE IS CORR ECT AND AGREE TO C OM PL Y •(.£J VAIL WATER &SAN .DIST.TAPFEE :2 ,280 wrru 'C',,,.,O'f9'",,,;~,cd1 ~ SPEC IAL NOTES :~"""00"'"""c oxs ra u ''''.',~':'.i"..!~,:,t '()~T R '\~TOR i ~~ ~PLUMBIN GoFOUNDATION ONLYo TYPE OF PERMIT OJ BUILDING OJ ELE CTRI CAL []MECHANICAL INS eTION REQUEST 0-1-()TOWN OF VAIL NAME "Lftut M/4;L &4 &t-/)~ CALLER READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCAT ION :\..,~t;/;, THUR FRI _____AM PM BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o ")?FINAL '1<vvm .t ~0 ELECTRICAL: o TE MP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTION S: o DISAPPR OVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _--''--_ --------.@ •INs'-eTION REQU~ST f J-.f)TO ,%N O F VAIL JOB NAME ~414 L ~w CALLER 1~~E5l10N:,MONTUES WEZ/?~FRI iL".;{l;~,,~-710 ~t1/.; READYFOR LOCATION:-'-=---"""'-J"L-.-.oE,.f'.......'G'-L----I--I--'=---+---"=~'______J'-""~'_"I"------------- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAM/NG o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o FINAL 'f1A;tr;..t.ypO..L-_ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROU ND o ROUG H/D.W.V._ o ROUGH /W ATER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ o _ o FINAL REINSPECT/ON REQU IRED / DATE J /~~·1!D INSPECTOR L i'd~!IJ).I---/~Vj the prln.ryfvai ."'.INS eTION '·REQU~ST VAIL I " fl TO NOFs.»f,A .,/ CALLER TUES WED -7 10 'If JOB READYFOR LOCATI0N:---"-"-'---->....""O"":---.L-L...:..:....z..-";'.'-..!::.-_--'--/-""'-------.,L.--'-'---'--"----;L...LJL.<-:...=_ DATE d I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. .0 FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 /'l 0 IRFINAL Lf'fJ/;"I",(',f'7()o FINALI.~ ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL I o FINAL ,, o APPROVED \f..DISAPPROVED J\REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS : I / $"~/..!,I?,.I'.;1.A p(I.M"'/~'"AI / i;Ji T A /1 II DATE J ;~~.q!f)INSPECTOR L ~v~'L--- ",Y""', .",-t he prln....Jl'o'ai OF VAIL I. THURFRIMONTUES ()u.4.:7 READYFOR LOCATION:--'--..::...:....:-'-'---'-'-'''----'--__'-'''---0::-=-'--=----'--....:....-_ I / BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0.c.,"<',()~-t I N A L /\1'\...1 'II ('n"-o FINAL I tJ ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAl ,: o TEMP,POWER o HEft,IING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS . o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL I ~PP R O VED o DISAPPROVED n REINSPECTION REQUIRED ORRECT~7.- 11 (I , I I J '~ INSPECTOR -Jt'fii":d:=,J"'-'I-_ ~ 6-l/--1iJDATE---'_ •INS~CTION REaU~ST TOWN OFVA IL _____AM ~READYFOR LOCATION:--i:r'-""'-=':"'--"f-'-~;of----'---""':"':""--~':"-:"''':'::=~---=----'-'------''---'''---~:'''':''''':'------------ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL _ o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o _ FINAL ~)0 PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WAT ER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ REQUIRED MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ D --=~---- o FINAL DISAPPROVED ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ o _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED DATE --~~4-=--<------INSPECTOR ....!'H:W--lW-'IYE~=------------ thrt printery/vail ~TANISH &Co~ P .O.Box 6-Wolcott,Colorado 81655-(303)926-3724 Feb.2 0,1980 To Wh om It May Concern; I ,David St anish,a cti ng as general contrac~or on the duplex unit loc ated in Pot ato P atch Sub .,lot 12 ,willf aithfully s ee that there will be an a de- q uate number of h i nge -p i n type door closures in the e ast side of the dupl e «.At thi s time ,only one (l) s uch t ype clo ser is available through any of t hel oc al s up pl iers .Ass oon a s the r ema ining closers are delive red ,they will be inst alled s o as to make the a fore -mentionedd o or a complet ely s elf -closing unit . Hopef ully this situatio~will be re solved in two we eks or there abouts .his d o or is the do or going f rom th e garage t o the main residence . Thank you . i /.....'-1/L.-.'--r~I J David Stanish I ..~........•...'..INSP~TION REQUEST READYFOR IN,fiPEC-goN:MON LOCATION :~~TUES _____AM ~P M VAIL FRI ../TOWNOF .,c/--/"DATE BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ O---o::r------~------­ o J fi{----'''''-'L=-:-='T'''--~------- PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /D .W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL..- MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY A IR 0 _ o FINAL _ o APP ROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED ':'-t(~__>.¥'L -s.:.,... / I/ INSPECTOR ?/jtd~ I /I ?/?//it I I DATE -----<..:,,:..---r':......------- the pr lnlery.'va ,l •INS~TION REQUE,ST OF VAIL A/--+------".,--------AM ® o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH I D W.V._ o ROUGH I WA TER _ o GASPIPING _ o POOL I H .T UB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ~TOWN JOB NAME ~i::~ QU EV WED. BUILDING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o FOUNDATION I STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ READYFOR LOCATION:--=--¥~~~-=AA'~~;----L...:..~-I-~U!!o<:LLL--II-'~J.;..,e~\C2--=----_ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLYA IR _ 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE-...,J.---I-~£....l,o""""'------ INS TION REQUE.ST • PLu'MBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION _ o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ READYFOR LOCATION :--:;:----T-'--=:::....o.q--=;P-r-':J:...""-....;;.,---~'----'---""-__L_o...:=..J..JL.:.'__"___If__'_.:......:...:.....c.-::e~------- DATE ~h tJro " ELECTRICAL: o TEMP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT _ 0 _ / MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o REINSPECTION REQUIRED, In.prtnler)'lYail INSPECTORDATE--'--r~'---"";;'=-'------ .s:: .s.'JJ t».l.w .th !JJJ.~. -~f .il~~¥t .INS~CTION REQUEST !/~0L ./,()TOWN OF VAIL DATE ~z.~)l 0 JOB NAME ~/,,-.+l,-,'l~"-,,.t'A.FQ...:;J ,>e(1fe;,"'--_ CALLER K O.<JO W;T:.I READYFOR INSPECTION'MON @ WED THUR FRI e PM CORRECTIONS: LOCATION:/,117 /)I 'Ad!.V -1 q o fj."-j;iJJ li?-te L IJA v ;},I BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GASPIP ING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ~F I N A L o FINAL ~A P PR O V E D o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION R QUIRED DATE -A -20 -go I INSPECTOR (~'---7-"""'"""""~-===---7I-J..A.~:l..&<:.-"'L-'---- the prlnlery lva ,l •INS~TION REQUI;ST flJ-()TOWN OFVA IL JOB NAME ,/.fruue uL A/71:!4«= CALLER I 'l1J (', ~READYFOR INSPECTI ~1J MONTUESWED j;,HUR /2.FRI AM PM\,Q~-1't1 ~~/n /;?/)~LOCATION : D ." BUILDING:PLUMBING : o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FO UNDATION /STEEL •o RO UGH /D .W.V. o FRAM ING o RO UGH /WATER o I NSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 Ito FINAL (',h (I)o FINAL \(i ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLYAIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED // o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / , ".1 /~/ / /.-,-(,, / f /I ,~ //,f / DATE _INSPECTOR milO I / READYFOR LOCATION :----'-X-(;l~~£LI.o:q;----__.f--'---=-J-'=:....:....:_f~.:-.l..-=-,A-,,z;..c..---------- BUILDING: o FOOT INGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAM ING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o C ONDUIT 0 _ IR FINAL MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR ---.:_ 0 _ o FINA L .0 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --==-----=---'-_-=-_INSPECTOR ,........ . '>L- the printery /vail INS~TION REQUe:ST OF VAIL _____AM B ~~TOWN JOB NAME JIa-1l~,MalJ;i CALLER {'//I/l~rtf4.j MON ~WED THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION:_ --------- NAIL _ BUILDING: o FO OTIN GS /STE EL o FOU NDATION /STEEL o FRAMIN G o INS ULATION _ I ~SHEETROCK 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDER GR OUN D _ o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o G ASPI PING o POOL /H.T UB _ 0 _ o FINA L _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUI T 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o H EATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAP PROVED o RE INSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _I NSPECTOR the prlnt eryJvail INSPlt:TION REQUI;ST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME _ READYFOR INSPECTION : LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES WED T HURFRI ______AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o RO UGH /DW.V. o FRAMIN G o ROUGH /WA TER o INS ULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NA IL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEM P.POWER o HEA TING o RO UGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECT IONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _INSPECTOR theprlnMry/va.1 INS~TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DA TE JOB NAME _ PM______AM CALLER MON T UESWED THUR FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING: o FOO T INGS /STEEL o FOUNDAT ION /STEEL o FRA MING o I NSU LAT ION o SHE ETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINA L _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WA TER _ o GASPIP ING o POOL /H .T UB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TE MP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT o o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS o SUPPLY AIR 0 _ o FINAL _ o AP PROVED CO RRECTIONS : o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTIO N REQU IRED DATE _INSPECTOR JOB ,INS~TION REQUEST NAME J~~/d:jC FVAIL .. CALLER TU dl.Wz}!9 FRIINSPEC~~MON 1 2 . I READYFOR LOCATION:---f---f\---l.L.....f--..L..-.fo......-t-'~~f.-.-..L--I--'~~---------------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL 0 UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL )\ROUGH /DW.V ._ o FRAM ING 0 ROUGH /WATER _ o INSULATION 0GAS PIPING _ o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 POOL /H .TUB _ o 0 o FINAL 0 FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TEMP.POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLY AIR _ 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ~PPROVED la--RETNSPECTION REQUIRED /DATE ---L..;LL,,L......<'-f£-------- INS TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME .--'-_ ______AMPMFRI CALLER MON TUESWED THURREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCAT ION:_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOU NDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o I NSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .T UB 0 0 o FINA L o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAUICAL: o TE MP.POWER o HEA T NG o ROUGH o EXHA US THO ODS o CONDU IT o SUPP LY A IR 0 0 o FI NAL o FINAL o A PPROVED CORRECTIO NS : o DIS APPROVED o R EINSPECTIONREQU IRED D ATE _INSPECTOR IM p,in.'y ,,..;..1 INS ~TION REQUI;ST. TOWN OF VAIL '.DA TE JOB NAME _ ______AMPMFRI CALLER MON TUESWED THURREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCAT ION :_ BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUN DATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSU LA TION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ 0 _ o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o RO UGH /D W .V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H .TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: o TE MP .POWER _ o ROUGH o CONDU IT _ 0 _ o FINAL MECHANICAL: o H EATIN G _ o EXHAUSTH OODS _ o SUPPL YA IR 0 _ o FINAL o APPROVED C ORREC T IO NS: o D ISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQU IRED DA TE _I NSPECTOR Itw p rintery/vail ,.•INS.TION REQUI;ST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ::I t Q /11\!'4 (l ~r1-Q vi . CALLER f?"Q..dLt.JII.J) INrSPECTION :~.TUES n WED \THUR FRI /..J ttl f!"~~~k ,00..fj DATE READY FOR LOCATION:--;_'---'--'------'-'-__'----'-"--'-'--=-=_-'---==_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL ~E R G R O UND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GASPIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ..----- .<D _A P-PROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -~+'----~--f------INSPECTO lG::$-~~~====----------- the prinierylllai l •INSF4t:TION REQUI;ST LOCATION: _____®PM OF VAIL ,. TOWN JOBNAME ~An """'AA b.b,\I 14.2 1 K CALLER ~.h..' MON (§)WEDTHURFRI Pa-h-/"\tr1 \'2-. READYFOR INSPE,CTION : (J ~+n DATE U./';j /32- BUILDING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o FOUNDATION /STEEL o FRAMING o INSULATION o SHEETROCK NAIL _ o o FINAL _ PLUMBING: o UNDERGROUND o ROUGH /DW.V._ o ROUGH /WATER _ o GAS PIPING _ o POOL /H.TUB _ 0 _ o FINAL _ ELECTRICAL:D '~'POWER -,-~_..:...;k--_ o ROUGH o CONDUIT 0 _ o FINAL _ MECHANICAL: o HEATING _ o EXHAUST HOODS _ o SUPPLYAIR _ 0 _ o FINAL _ )~(A P P R O V E D CORRECTIONS : o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ~-~"7/-rZ_..---'.A=·C=?--z=2·:..:::·-7~==""'"__t"_--- \'1•t',',, ,.,,,INS.TION REQueST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER '~A.ALt-.. TUESWED THUR (FRi) -=730 &-h1r>Kkk MON JOB NAMEDATE-=t 1,'2-h '21 READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION :~::.=~____lL...!_'___"_'_..\L'__l.__'_'_.!..I.....I!::>.o....=:......:...._ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND .sr=oUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULAT ION o GA S PIP ING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TU B 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST H OODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED Ii,M(;),f,.1 D 1.,/N ""'C'H'=i'-.:-1.i:=p...),,3d-------------- INSPECTOR/ZC / In.~rintery l v a ll •INS.TION REQUEST. OF VAIL '1-5 -79 /j.3(')AM o REINSPECTION REQUIREDoDISAPPROVEDoAPPROVED CORRECTIONS : J v BUILDING:PLUMBING: -,El ~OTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND /'-...-o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V . o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSU LATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ---- the pr intery tvail INSPECTOR2~4t //DATE -----L-r--=----;;L--!-+----- // •INS.CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE --'-JOB NAME PM______AM CALLER MONTUESWED THUR/FRIREADYFORINSPECTION: LOCATION :_ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DW.V. o FRAM ING o ROUGH /WATER o INS ULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H .TUB 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP .POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR I 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL o APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ----"-_INSPECTOR the p rintery/va,1 NCI DATE --DATE ----_. PROJECT N O ._ INSU LATION D ATE ------- TYPE I TH ICKNESS ROO F FLOOR EXT.WALLS I HER E BY .\C!(SOW L EO G£THAT I HAV E REA D T H IS A rrL I CATIOS A ND S T AT E T HAT T HE AB O\(I:::I S C OR k £C T A·NO ACR EE ,0 CO\1?LY WITH A LL 'TOW N OHDI.".jANCES AN D STAT!:: LAWS REGAH.OI:"o'G BUILDING CONSTRUt:TI ON , SPECIA L NOTE S:'''1,_.~~.~"m i._,!\i.".\J__,,.~~__ ~~-:e<lI ~""""-'1 PER M IT NO ."- 1.TY PE OF CON STRUCTI ON I II I II I v@) 2.OCCU~A NCY GROUP AB E H 1(§)1 B UILDING 7~~~,y U D IVISION 12 2a(D I Q ELECTR ICA L "'J ~3 '2.. GENERAL DESCR IPTI ON O F WORK :d l-PL!JM8IN G //)~O6'1<'::J -'/«>MECHANICAL "3 eo» f ~~~"?PC"S«="'~....r. T YPE G ROUP 59 .FT.V ALUATI O N PERMITFEES 5 '"P..'3 LJ'30-+/17'2..)'"o B UIL D I NG PERM IT .s '-1 0.Z0 S "A )"3 ()e:,32 C"sO I PLANCHECK 7J"J {j .I D I 'S M "77-0 ELECTR ICA L ,,~,c,e;'JG30 PLUMBING ~"2..s,-O ~"'W @ ALTE RATI ON ()ADDITIONAL ()REPA IR ()I MEC Hf ·.NICAL ~z..\Z.) ~. D WELLING UNITS ~ACCOMMODATION U NITS RECREATIONFEE 53J ·OQ ,/~GR .F.A.3$.1..../0 @.I~BEDROOMS DESIGN REVIEWBOARD /,0.6v .CO MME RCIA L SYST __RESTA UR ANTSEATI NG CLEAN ·UP DEPO SIT ~O O.oO .IH'EIGHT I N FT.--BATHTU B/SHOWER ±I'NO FIREPLACES .--=::::"-NO.TO ILETS TO TAL PERMITFEES /9 OC:;-D 9 o I •I .P ~_."'..\.,. T YPE OFPE RMIT 0'BU I LDIN G !2fPLUMBING [1 ELECTR ICAL 0 FOUNDATION ONLY [J---M ECHANICAL 0 I'·.LV"'"t •.,I '"'"••'-i I;I '."'-'~~t ~...ill-,---..:....!}tS;.x'I\.: "IO"'n 01,·"!n.,,~I :1 t a I ~,. d epart me nt o f community develo pment ~ EGAL L OT ,'2 BLK I I ]JrArt t o MOJ~,ESC.FILltlG ::>8 M E:'-~..:».~'--t:)w.c Wi ·N ~')~11\(\1 lirl ~~A ._'.(.], ~IA !L AQDR ES ~<.., C ITY Lt\rt~PH .~'Zfo -3 1 74- RCHITECT ) F IRIA MA IL ADDRESS IC ITY PH . 3E NERAL · F ;R ~A %,H ...../.\l ~(1;,INTRACTORrtAILA~lt?I /::t-4-f'.r I~T Y ~PH . .Fl p/t L ~CAL N TO R ~.I A IL ADD RESS. C IT Y PH., FI RM 'LU ....1BING ,NTRACTO R MAI L ADDRESS CITY PH.i I "I RM ==(1 ECHANICt,L I NTRACTOR IlAIL ADD RESS C I TY P H. "HER F I R ~.·, M AIL ADD RESS IRACTORCITYPH. .'-I ~ ..-VAIL WATER &SNlITflTlCtl DlSlRICT ......p 0 sox 1m ~IL,eot.p RAOO 31557 ... RESIOOITIAL ~IATER I:.SE\'IER TN>FEE CNJ:ut.ATIC."~PHfSlCAL __~QECK--':"" NN'E OF ~"E C1..,~:ER --oA V IO Bifi.0 ·,?pI.,I JSo/"L '..: 'STRE ET ADDR ESS "qQ Po-----:I:PEttV+'OILLD~/7-I 3 LC CK •FiLI NG 'i9AZZ9 fZl ~zrAL.. BILlHXi ADCKESS _ 1.BAS Er'£NT .31STFLOORBASltl&TO I LET -zx l.~=,0 ~FLOOR __"'2-~(ONE HAlF PATH)...FLOCH EXTRA SINKS Lj X .75 =3 ,0 2.~~~FU.L BATH~FlOO~(s ro;'/ER OR TU3 1 '1.3.00 -,I 2.,0 FLOC H BASIN,TO ILETJ FLOOR 3;~~~ROO'IS (LIVING ROOMS , EEDRCXlI '\S,OFr (CE S,J Ox 1.00 =JOt O ID~.l)STUD IOS) 4.~KIT00lS Z.x 2.~=S ,D 7-DISHtIASHERS z.x 1.00 ="Z.O 5.2 IJJJ1-IDR IES zx .~=1.0 (PER WAShE) .1 6.x '.25ICE~1ACHI N ES = 7.SA11'lAS x .25 = 8.~IATER COOLERS & WATER FOtJITAINS x .25 = 9.SWIM-lI NG POOLS X 5.00 = J ACUZZ I X HE = 10.'Z..orrsms .IATER ,Z X ="Z,..o <MI IIL'\LN OF e:-;E> i APMWE NT S I\l..1. I FU.L BATHS X 3.00 =t--J 2.1ro''S X 1.00 ='\) 3.KIT09l X i:~=~ ."'.OISH'IASH:R X = ., !4.l.AlMlRIES x '.~= i 5.1.00:oursu:e WATER x = I lOTALPOINTS as I I 10.00 POlms.=1.00 ~~~ '0·•.. ,TOTAL Ums 3 .8 X "~'=$z..-z-BO'SI )~k 2 7. INSPECTOR ..... ~..I FOLlCMING TIE CO~?L ETIC'N OF CONSTR UCTION OFAlL STRlX:AAES,TI lE DISTRIC T SHIll!. PERFO'\l'1 A Pfrr'S lCfJ...1:ls,'EcnCI OF 1\11..t'EEHISES TO CETEf;;·t1 NE THE IR1 8ER OF POWTS 10DE ASSES SED i\CCUI :l)li ;'~TO w.=:\'IMm ,,;0 5"',;;:,,Tt,"FEE.;~;o PJ\TE SCHECULE ,1\5 #i':IlDED,A:,l)TI lE DI STI\lCT SI-lI\LL ,'~',K£I'm'fJ)JUST :''::1lT S NE f.:ESS i"1 Y IN H iE OK IGlilf .L. TAP FE E PAID.THIS 1;IS?ECTIaI Sf\.\LL J\LSO DE 1[I~"lINE TIlE I:U ILOWG Oo 'IN ER 'S HI\TER NID SEiiER SERVI CE OW'GE. £OARD OF DI m:crons VAIL I1AT ER ".NIl SNlITM Ilr.1 DISTR ICT ~,....." "3 '1'1 I q~."2.0 5~J()ZQ 'Z-09 I CY(.) 1 0 e,@ J.B .~/JAJ/S/f-~pc...s x - ~Lor rz:~k /?or4'ro ~TC";' 790 ~r/97V ~rc,.4 ·r-z::k)ve: j$l7T:ooII!-7Z-3 ®I &X36 -c ae ho8/""v '3 E3 ':: ~c..o"-Jo I Lb ~ @ /Lo ')<Z.'2...... • e.$'x:110 l '1 'S )(s ·~ I I Ii:I e.o 1=lJD eJR- W "-'-><Z.'L ....48'-1 '2'1..--«Z '"2....::L/e'1 =/30 :-~7' 43 ()"-I ~-?lt) S'ro;e19 h~g G~~~I-;IV-.- S".7Z'/2 /8)(/8 ~Z =J It>2.- 'Z.~~2.'Z..-s '7"2- -Z~x '2."2.-==572- 130b ~"2.-~ /?2,J0D W~roEC I'-S q.~'I("2.'Z..~70 9 9 .~'K Z.'2."7.,(J t; '7 l('2.7..-I $'"'7- '7 y '2-'2.--:1s:\..\ --'77-~@ s:~(P30 §ZOB/LJLJO -=:.7~~32.,DO _ - '3 Z..t:J() J ':;;".''0 1'2...,0 6 _.L...}~_ .....-- ~-9.(PO 7 /..vura G-b @ ~l)O -/o~oo //t2 /)co ="'82 ~--o ·~~~~ Internat iorlatl!t o nference o f ~I d i n g Offici als p'(;!iGrm m comm ITTE E netommsnnnnc n S UP ER IOR E -Z SET ;\IODELS 0 2 S,0 36,042 SI I'GLE o rE :\I :'\G,036 R AlI:D I.,042R .~ND I.COIl:\ER MODEL A ND BUILDER 0500 ;\IODE LS S2 8 A:\D 05 36 F IREPLACES A:'\D .~1R 1'O OL TYPE AXI0 .~N D A lH S YPHON ASS CH!;\INEYS SUI'ER IOR FJI\EI'L.~CE C O;\IPA:"Y 4 325 AHT E SIA A VENU E F ULLEHTON,CALIFORNIA 92633 I.S ubject:Superior E-Z S et and Builde r 800 W ood Bur n ing Fi rep l aces and Superior Air 1'001 Type AKJO and Air Syphon Ty pe ASS flues.. II.D e scription:A.The Su p eri or E -Z Set M od els 02 8,0 36, 0 36H,036 L,W 2,042 R a nd 0421.are I a ct ory-b uilt,w co d-bnming fir e place u nitsd esigne dfor i nstallatio n withi n a w allw ith ze ro cl earances t o combustible ma t erials on the s ides,b ack,top,bo tt om a nd Boor.T he mo del n umbers r epresen t firebo x w id ths.F irebox heigh t is ~4 Inc he s.TJIt~u m t s ha ve a n over all h ei ght of5 5 inche s a ndo verall wi dths o f 40 ,4 S a n d 5 4 i nche s.C orner uni ts 0 36 H an d L a nd O;:;R en dL arc 42 7'2 i nch e s a nd 4 8 J,~inches wide,r espec - l ively.Tl.e unit ove ra lld epth i s2 4i nc heswi th the center o f the chimney c onnec tor l o cated 11 in ch e s from th e b ack unit.Th e Hrc- b oxes t aper to t he r ear a nd all m aintain a cl ear d epth of17 inches. Th e ope ning a cr oss the fro nt i s p rov id e d w ith a h eavy m et a l spark scr een .A1 ~1l-jn ch thi ck re fractor)'m at erial cover s the en t ir e Hoor o f t he firebox.A 2 -in ch thick re fr a ctory unit COvers th e b a ck 0 1 the fir ebox t oa height o f16 in ches.Al um inize d s teelh e atshields a le p rovidedon the side s of t he firebox.C o merm odels 036R an d L a nd 04~R an dLr eq u ire a noncombu stible p rotective wall sh ield 20i n ches wide a nd40i nches h igh at th e ope n end o f t he Ereplace a nd 40 in ches by 4 0 inc h e s at the cl ose d e nd when u nits ar e in - stal le d i n a n in side Carner.Th e ".'all protec tor s hield is manufa c- t ur e-d from a I -inc h th ic k l ay er o f fib e rglas>s e miri gidb oard .S ee Fi g m e 1'0.1f or d etails,An>'p roj ec ting a djacent w all m us t be a t l e ast30i nch es from the fir epl ace opening for Models 0 2S,036 a nd 042. The fireplace collaris provided with a No.1 8g a uge c ircu lar ga l vani7e d s teel d am per.The un it i s d esign ed for u sew ith the Superior A ir Kool Type AKIO l isl ed l ow h eat app liance ch imney o n ly. V a rious pa rts oft he £repl ace a re i ntercon n ec ted by mea nsof continuously weld ed Joints o r Jo ck scams:A n oncombnsrible hearth e xt ension nfm aterialsspecified in S ect io n 3707(1 )ofth eU ni form Bu ilding C nde must be pro vided i nf r o nto fth efirebox openi ng. T he h e a rth ex ten sio n m ustp rojecta tl ea st 12i ncheso n each si de ofth e fireplace opening,18in ches to the Ir ont on the0 28 model, a nd 20 In ches t o t hefr ont on M ode ls 0 36 a nd 042.The size of the h ea rth ex tensio nf or th e 036 and 04 2 COrner modelfir cpl a ces i s the same as f or the b asic u nits except t hatiti s flush ag ainstDie adja- ce nt w a lls .:\5 a n alte r nate,th e man ufac turerf u rn ishes ali sted fact o ry -built h e arth extension co n sisti ng ofa steel t op a nd two l ayers of ~-in ch thick gl assfibe r i nsu lationse cu red unde rneath. Th eu nit s a re d e signed t o t ake inc irculat ing ai r along t he f ron t b ase,w hich th e n passes u ndern e ath the fir ebox floor t ow ards the r e ar o f th e fireplace,up th es id es an d b ack of the fi reboxa n d enlers th e fluea tth e fr onl ofthe fire box th roat b elow th e d amper. Tlle a ir is use d as a coolingm edium an d d oes no tr ecirculate i nt o th e ro om pr oper . B .Bu ilder 8 00 Models 82 S an d S3 6:Model s 8 28 a ud 83 6 are fa clol)'-huill,so l idfuel -b urn i ng fireplace uuits d c ,igned for in sla l - l a ti o nwi th in ",,'aIls v.;th zerOcl e ar a nces t o comb ustihle mate rials o nthe bo tt om a ndto space rs on the b ack ,side,an dt op.E xcep t f or d imc::n~iona l d ifferen ces,the un its ar e o f simil ar co nstruction. The M odel 828 fireplace h as a fire box o p e n ing 19 i nc hesh igha n d 2 8in c hes w ide a nd a n o verall width of 3 7 i n ches.The ;\l odel 836 h as a19 -in ch high a nd36 -inch Voide fir e box o pen ing an d a n overall "idth of 46'.-:'i"ch es .Th c ove rall d ept h01b ot h uni tsi,24 inche s ".",.j th tJ l ~cente r o fDIe ch imne y c on nt:"C'tor ]oc 3 t ed 1 0 ~in c hes from th e b ad,of the un iLTI,e fir e box t ape rs t o th e r ear a nd ma intains acl ear d e pth of16i nches .The o pe n ing anoss the fr ont is pro- ,id ed with a h ea \')'me tal sp alk SC ree n.A 1 'h -i nch thi ck l ayer o f F ondue ca lci um al u minate ct::m ent an d e xp ande d shal e t ype r efrae· Rep ort -No.;13 0 1 A pril,1&76 t o ry mate ri a lr einf or c ed wi th l a th sc ree n cove rs the entir e floo r of t he E rehox.A 1 'h -I oc h thickla yer o f the same re fr acto ry m at erial c overs the b ac k o f the fir eboxt o.a he ig ht o f 16 in ches .No.2 0 ga uli:e >.lumin i a·d ste el L ca t shi elds are pro vide d o n -t hes ides o f t he ou ebo x.The bas icfi r epl ace h as an0 .01 8 i nc h thi ck plvani7e d steel o ute r a nd in terme dia te jack et,s ide an d r ear h ea t shields an d a firebox d o me o f alurn inlzc d s teeln nt Jess th an 0 .0 18 inch th ick . The u n its er e provid e d wi th a2-inch t hick g alvani zed steel h earth evt e nsionc on sistingo ft wo la yers o f s teel separa ted b)'a1 ',-:,by I 'a -inch st eel angle s pacer.T he t op l ayer is0 .0 26 In ches thi ck an d t heb ott om o ne 0.044 in ch thick.Th e h e a rth ex te nsionis4 1 i nches wide a nd IS i n ch e s d eep for the82 8 m od el an d 58 in ches w iele by 23 in c hes deep I or the &.16 model.D eta il s o f h e arth cx tens ion a re show n in Fi g u re No.II.Fl ue g ases f r o m the fin ·box <i re c o nveyed to th e chimney t h ro ugh a0 .026-inc h t hick a l uminized s tee lt r an si - t ion se ct ion which contains a circular d <:_:npe r o f :\0.18 b'.1 u ge s t ee l.T he firepl ace is d e ~i b n ed forlise with a 10-illch di am ete r S up er ior Air Koo l T ype ....KI O Hu eor an 8 i nch d iam et er S u per ....i r Syphon T ype ASS flue .B eth floesar e l iste d by V I.,I n c .as chimneys foru sewith l o w h e at appliance s . C.Su perior Air K ool T ype ....1'10 An d Air Syphon Ty-pe _~S 8 C h imn eys:Th ese are l ow b eat appli ancec himne y s of sirni l ar co ns true lion. The AKIO u nitc o nsist s ofalO-i ncb diame t er ,.012-ill cb thi ck st ainles s st eelflu e pipe,a 12 ~-in ch di amete r,0.018 -incht hick a luminize d s l e el Interm edia teli ner a nd 3 1 5 -~n ch di ame ter ou ter j a cket f o rm e d fr omO.OIS-illcb th ick galvani zed oral uminized s tee l. F ixed spacers ar ep rovided to m ai ntain s pacing b etwe-en pxrts, D implesa t th eb otto m o f ea ch se ction engage ah em in UJe t op o f adjacen t s e ctions t o fix the flue inp o sition,O ptional roof t crmi - natio ns (sq u are o r r ou nd )a re off e re d ,both provided w ith 1'0.2 0 ga u{e a l umi nized s t eel ca ps.S t o rm collars,fla sh ing a n d Er esto p 'PaCE rs o f O.OIS -inch thick aluminized sleel ar e p ro vided with e-ach flu e a ss embly.. The Air S yphonA SS chi mney isid e ntical in construction a n d mat er ialsto the ...6J(]O unit.The flue p ipe is8inches in d iamet er, the intermediate p ipe is10 inchesin diame ter an d th c outer ja cke t i s 12 'h inches i nd i am eter, Su perior Air K onl Type AKIO flueis d e sign ed f or a m aximum h e ighto f 8 0 f cet bU In ot less than 12f e ct 2 inches above the Boor upon which the fir e place r e sts .Sup eri or Air S yphon T ype ASSBue is designedf ora maximu mh ei ght o f 8 0f eetb ut DO t less tha n 16 f e el a b o ve th e Bo or ~po n \\'hic ~the firepl ace r ests.The r eQ ~liIe.9 cl ea rance to <;Q!Il bu,ub l e m at erials measured from tIi1:lruler ll ue i "cletisTT.ich-:\\,}lerer equiied;a-m'axum,m of (our-30 :a':gree- ......offselS-ITi"ayoe in stall ed,p rov ided flue sys temis n o t o H~f':t mo re tha n 30 d e grees f rom v e rti cal.A No.18g auge flue supportora unitizeda nd strappedHue section should be l ocated atth e first flo orab ove e ac h offse t.The flu e suppo rtis f a st e ned to thc f ra ming wi thf our 8 -p enny nail s,'Th e No.18 ga uge flue support mu st be a t t ached t o the chimne y w ith six shee t m etal sc rews p ro vided . J dentiIic ation :The firepl aces a rc id en tified by aU L label b ear ing the m anu fac turer 's name,model n um ber .typeo f ch imney and Ilre- p l ace p a rts r eq uir ed.The flue an d access ori es a re ide ntified w ith V L l a belsw hichb ear th e l artn umbers,p ermi tt e d cl e aran ce to co mbust ibles ;in d th e l cg en ,"Forus e \\ith Su p e rior E-Z S et a Dd Builder80 0 m o dell a bel ed fi r eplaces." III.E"id"nce Su b mitted:R eport o f tc 'ts c ouduc te din accor- d auce with V I.St an d ard 1'0.127 au d d:.wi ugs h ave b eCD su b- m itted. Recommendat io n IV .B e,-omm endation :That the Sup erio r E-Z S ct M odels 0 28 , 0 36,042,0 36Ran d I.,042R and I.an d S upe rior B uilder S OO a re It('C'(:p!:sble ~o l i d fuel -bu rnin g ,fa ct oI)'-buut fill'pl c,<.-es n nd,S UpLrlOr A ir Kool T >l'e AKIO an dS upe rior A ir S y ph on T )'pc A SSa re a e- L't:pt 3bJe r..cto I)°-built Jow h ea t applianc e ch im n<"ys ,p ro ....idl·d the u nits 3r e m ;mu fa crur("d J l ab eled an d ins t a llrd in :lC'oor dan cc with this r eport and th e m a nur:tctur er's in stnlCiions. T his re com mend ation is subject 10 rumual rC ~l·1 a mina tion. Page 1o f2 Project Application Pro ject Name : Pro ject Descr iption: S+CX",J;5(..,tLI",r (Q.)(D.,"{W.d H.cA IF) Hoi-T</\.lo 1-(tJecK Acld,.+.;ow, e.u.:»S"e.uVle(eVs 3013?l'\o(PiV\LYO\/ /)--. Zone:_ Zon ing Approved :_ DesignReviewBoard Date _ Motion by : Seconded by : APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t:'or...-.d;+;ov.qJ -f=c.<5>i 1-1 e-,I ~ S +ce f-(,4-ff-"-=-v;~o.=:.(.;-=a----:-(__~:::::.=-..:..'~.!-!.-:~~_ O f/'.A <::'I VA::e"""e.V'\~-+-'--____:(':_v-~O~l.N\=.J'____~=_!:::!.2____L_L:_.=::L..:...!::::.. D (,A/Vl ec-0 Summa ry:_ Date: Ci Zon ing Adm inistra ~,- /!lIl /1~7 -,(9If D Date : Chief Bu ilding Official -Project Application Date sf(& Itn,geec!m '/I57A ceJ AI) (), A rchitect Address andPhone:--'-.:...Jb:U--,-,,~qr--:::'2.{,.'~-=:!...l.;~A.-------...!-LJCLLd~ll----o Legal Description:Lot /:;J.--,Block ,Filing ?-,-Jafo -ra f k, Zone:_ Zon ing Approved : ~/z(~() I 7Date-L..-t'-=-'-/--.I...C.L..----- DesignReviewBoard Motion by :@ db 4~~Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL_~~__~Ia&~~-M ~.~~ Summary:L t?,;;;.-!,/1 ..Chief Building Official Date :Dat e: th e prlnl ery ",oa ll " "S ro,7 5 X I '"C5 .x _S .: ";C ~X 1S',7 5')(,S;s: sf--F--I ~1()IfJ(,.- lb)(~)-a.S-- -(c;_~A'3,~r-):: -(7,as x s-)-- -\6.s x6.~x:S'):: T~;vJ Lq v..e.J --- ~I"~Y"x I s ,';)S -=- )7,'")J )(~.""l5 ~"7:5 ~."s"x _s:»: ?,~s .x 8 »:S':::. -(b »X "3 -;-x :si ~ U~~t A Tot-~( Vi II)~+~T D -rCA.( 'S .g/,9' 4g~8 , '>,1.6 -=(~4 ) -OJ ) /7 7a l 7 70 11 /