HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 LOT 2 TEXAS TOWNHOUSE LEGAL44n . a?iEb. Wootten 20 &lzaLou -tanz €ngl..ood, 4.ohu/.o tollo 'G \r\rs5q 'q( \\.-aq Qqsq(r$ - \L).:- Kl"'.roq {r\.-- ct{ Q u=ss.:'s\qr'\ \* \ht s\*:Na-<: s\ (l.loo (ou'*\st\DL) }R o..A a 6 {* bu-''a'\ q- Attl< L---}\ rl"r-- qvs*,*A tc\5ts"*'tt.1 $-K q YWa\N\ '. -Sfkv$rcr S '\nl"*\a-q a>l' ^ \ <-)A[Jr,,lraW__ azq+in.t>z( /o, /1K) ,, /1l) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.,' ;,,mr/ l*_,_ dopartmont of community development TO AE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tr BUTLDTNG fl pluMerNc ELEcTRTcAL D rounolrroru MECHANICAL D TEGAL -PESc. LOT BLK FILING Texas T.H. #24 & 28 lOgNelrlE, Nevin Deck Rern. OWNER NAME MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Cole Const. rOWN OF VAIL REG. NO }i,r-'^Hnl FIRM TOIUN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG, NO_ OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OFIAIL EEG.][O. TELE. tha NOTE - COPY O|PEBMIT To BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE 9-15-82 0011q8 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Ner.r Dar k :::IF PERMIT NO. ---_'- z9F JJ BUILDING 3500 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 3500 BUILOING PERT'IT 44.50 3c1 n4 f,: x D PLAN CHECK 22.25 ELECTRICAT NEW ALTERATION (X ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- G.R.F.A. _BEOROOMS _ COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARKING HETcHT rN FT. - uNcovEReo pnnxirc -NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10.00 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX 100.00 INSULATION TgTAL PERMFffES $276.75 FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE fu:ffi 4 ?=,^ds-84t lNG 0t Ft(jtPL- v (/- NGADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT ING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEC; IGAS: SoLAR: lwooo, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur€ according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi OF OWNEF AND THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR FOB HIMSELF CTION REQUESTI TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPEGTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr o tr tr tr FRAMING tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr E] tr CONDUIT FfNAL tr FINAL d Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION LrttL S NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE U0l-Xlttr llttn department of oommunity dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PEAM|T TYPE OF PFRMIT !nn Etrn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL f8? &rc6tt LEGAL ^sc. LoT fL"itlt ' dtfili6 -,t:&P FILING L 7.0 +#LF Saruue, frbivr furL k^Ae OWNER r,r$re Ditk rDe0ivr unu nooness Z7 ZS.&oultrde "'n'Lil*le lou {o k rr. ??o orst ARCHITECT rrnu Or.rner * S4'Ghe-bc{, uerrmoness ,0o r 7( 3 clrY O"Ll 6lo pn. (lL.3tot GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRM 5'H.4^le Ce,A,&, row* or veu- neo. no. /b214 IELE ,/Zt"' 7Zo1 ]ct*'cor- CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR .o*-or"^'*i"aL0 ur, MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR TFI F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM A\ r,. rr f/ TELE. I.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTTON I lt nt tvv 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP A B "@orvrsror,r t z z$o GENERAL DCSC/RIPTION OF WORI( : - PERMIT NO. - - -- - zo 3 BUILDING tsri i560.,56 ELECTRICAL pood PLUMEING Nt>N€ I/|ECHAT{ICAL [Jo lo6 WPE GROUP SO. FT. VATUATION PERMIT FEES-r P*3 3se BUILDING PERTIIT %sa PLAN CHECK ]2, )s ETECTRICAT NEW( ) ALTERATTON( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REpAtR(PLUMEING owELLTNG UNTTS _ ACCOMMODATTON UNTTS_ G.R.F.A. _BEDROO S _ COMMERCIAL SYST -COVERED PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. - UNCOVERED PARKING, -NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO /a. oO CTEAN.UP DEPOSIT /aa. dc' USE TAX /od , ac; INSULATION ,TOTAL PERMIT FEES L) L, 2r Ft-ooR EXT. WATLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE IUITDING OFFICIAL AOMINISTRATOR HEAT :ONING ! BUILDING NOTES: ELEC: IGAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agreB to comply with the intormalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to bulld this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revlew approved, Unltorm Building Gode and other ordinancos of the Town appllcable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF AND TH€ OWNER. prhiartrvrl Neu;n bu.L tuu,*Jel fu" *,- -z-u;-t+ .12-A et+J)?"';^ -^),-"*, ." d zt*r;".r.A 'f- t-k d-tn-< ,-'Zt/-** fl,z- /'J,€r/rz "6-k d-tn-< ,-r/r' zt L ,Ha 4rr';-* fr*r*,^/ Zt-"/ /t4e, a-U t t . ,,/^ t t t t ,/l^"o/uJ-b *rfr( .k ni4,,"v*4 a,J a u*/(, tH tu*&*/ M * e.+ .rz"ZuL. A,./&. '-,1(' L- d*r4 4 s4' 0a44 Gr'r.u{ , Ar, ' 0 wr"tno feyaa Tts'y^lrD tA4-+ "k Di. k geu ir,t ( cr,-,* "^*) 7 n1 s . AJ"",^- C,*l- f;{ r-t ^, 6\.- ^ T-to- o rr1SotzL f utqqTa"."'nha*-L* zG iltr*uin Lnbo'k- Lffi "*J) 3s6{ cl*rrrT furh p*fl, }^-.; Datxtu, Ctlb, 7st - o?-r? oo, t. 1..It tr* Q- cJ 4,$zcv \ .V F .at A \ 3 & a{sdru -/)t -r< aLs(l$5 $ ?,!'{ rrjFU tA 6o Ei er r3,or-lI l.L) :OO I \U ('.l 2U,e \D '\g a4 l=i> iS _P( \n $F{_ T!\ { ..r $-)aJ + {saz*iux -ar or 5J\,=ed: .lt 7 \a1 F tt!,9v5f- FRAnnIL\ G PtA r'.J o--e-tk o" Qed-qd Ri'n*a-(e lA" rorncra{€ ceiqioa9 j- z'", p " ReJ*""j(:'' 3'it 'o " 2- O'xa"ri^ l/r/" = I t f) .t ?\ I lr\a' lr'At \,/ Z1 4t I AnA n .J -4or)r-,^h[ 2*4 ^t[,.,ooJ-U"'{ ''a | 6t o'o' Qol" Cnt{ 6o y 4'Q U"-il .9-z-tu 6.t+eJ Lo R;*, J1|- y-', r.tr. 5.ole I"= l' zg_r_6 l!oll rhh *og't*? 'l? fon- frv,, = olfl) = Sqat lxzae nrnzlVl t4-ft\Jh O-yrt j Neutq bu.L &ev^oJel -r*4fu d,'t^z&*i /* *" o-ru -e-{L;fr+ /z-/z- /N4t .+ rfrrr"* e-,./ovr.' t'/'* . d E*';*'"A 4** fl,z- /'"k/rz "e-k- d-la-<- -"//' b;--d t, Hz 4?1"'; fua"r-,/ e.r"/ /t*Je, alA -uafi-",^/a ,-r2/ 'h a-J;Z ,,*// t4 /J."re./ ,-rd .u 4" t r- ..Jza-LtL. Ale -J/ /-- d.r?^z 4 34' 0a44 6,'11 , O,^t-,ul'* tkn^tn""-l*.n,12- 4 L&A i, b lJetx-,',, 1r't1 g. fll€ar'J 6;*A fifl-"b, )Gln . 8otz2- 7zo-o177 /llrrvr* lJ--l\ 3gl' { (l"n"t d4 N&,A,D'*,;,U, Tuto.t Tu'"*h"^r--<-{ > g I o o igt.o?7I t*o3 5J aJ<o.cv \v I--\la A \ 8 3 & EJodi, -Dc \(ola.65 \b R',F- {Jv\ 6" tt- al*iqt}-: o t E.-.tzli i| \.1:s I er \, v\ 2 r \1r,e y)'\, al. iz1-:> rS' \. $dlr i $, q- o 7!1 F tt!9v5t- FRAnntL\ G PtA t..) f>T\tll(ar liylr uLl at I /3.a,krc', Red-*d Rl"n*a-(e ?eJ*""/ (!iu 3'y't'o" 2-a'r6"ri^ t/r/" = I ' lb" cor.cre{ f Ceiqiot9 j-t*,o', 'k,' ?'qc- (LnA w..J -4o,)r-*k( 2*L ecdrooJ'u€.+','a | /ot a'e' C'L Cnq{ 4o y 4(3 U*il 9-z-?u 6.t+eJ (o R;,n tf- y.' *,,r, , ,,5.*le l"= l' a8-z-6 l!"/l ehh /og't'"?'l? Fut,+.clJ foo-P)v,,e' >:r?.|rdJs rrl z'l x'l NflU 3e, d t-.__-- 1>tead nrnzfVl --.1--*11 r *-- IlAl lar/.ilro+ I o tVt q tqsL ery ft,+* 7+auf €€s, s,lo*uo r a,rct #[u,r, .Architects ?tWro2tiCv :l I I I ?a,ir*^ Unrf fa+b 970 476-2201 FAX 47ri-7491 SHEET NO. BYv 201 Gore Creek r.: j Vail, Coloi.ado |,657 Lql E tr ;l L ta;lr r,,ra[l + troar ocodio white ==llt*: l\ rFl (?', €E , t'-a (T1 I Darn,n4 unif 7-cr t bs {E' n''r {4.; o u.:i nl{;"-rt bone white A?H pvtl,€ 't?r+A?g + ?z Yt o ve e><rqT t-J(4 F ? 4 &AY 9Ftar- D%E'r/ +>t-. L-, \,' ^ Ll aal F-ra a (E H.l.r+t r-.lf"i l--{ ti ExrafleeP 6ev4p "'-113f 4FeTsn"n Qovr r;'-.i:: ':4>f,7ttJ (! tJ / Hev Tae3, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTIvIEMI OF COMMITNITY DEVETOPMET{T \t'r rQV A, G-^\Ut\* q* .\,-l,z-*' .-' * -lo*l-\nt'*-.o-.-'s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AL,T SFR BUILD PERMIT permit #: 898-0054 Job Address: Location. . .: Parcel No..:Project No.: 483 GORE CREEK DR 483 GoRE CREEK DR 2101-082 -35 - 002 PRt98-0040 Status. . (TEXAS Applied. Issued. . hcpires. . : ISSIJED .:20a/09/1,99t..04/L5/L998.. to/L2/L99t APPLICAI{T cor[rRAgroR OWNER Firaplace Informatsion: Restricted: MINICK CONSTRU TION P O BOX 4018, VAIL CO 81658 MINICK CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 401_8, VA.rL CO 81658 GI,ASER BARBARA M .fAY L & ,JOHN P NEVIN BETSY, 955 EI'DORA ST APT 1903, DEN\IER Description: ADD BATII,REWORK KITCHEN,ADD GAS FIREPI,ACE Occupancy: R3 Single Family ResidenceTlpe Constsructsion: V N Tl4ge V Non-Rated Valuat,ion:28, 500 Add Sq Ft: *Of Ga6 Appliancea:#of ca6 tog€: Phone:. 9708275924 Phone z 9708275924 co 80220 *of wood/Pallo!: FBE SUMMARY 'l*ttittttti**ttBuilding-----> Plan Ch.ck-- - > InvaBtigation> will Call- -- - > 222.95 .00 3.O0 .00 50 .00 .00 250 .00 458.95 . o0 46s.95 Reseuarant' Plan Rcvicn- - > DRB Fe€- ------- RecreaEion F€e----------> CIean-Up D€po6it-- -- - -- - > Togal ealculated Fee6- - - > Additional Pcc6-- ----- --> Total. Permil Fee--------> ITEM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARTT{ENI DEPE: BUII,DING DiViSiON:04/.09/.T998 .]RM ACEiON: NOTE PLANS TO iIRM.04/L4/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR aDDrovedI!e8i"05480 PIIANNTNG DEPARTMEUTT :.: Depr: PL.ANNTNG Division:04/09/1998 'JRM Act,ion: APPR N/A Iterlli-.056Q0 !'IRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FIRE Division:o4/o9/L998 JRM Acrion: APPR \N/AIleB!..855Q0 PIIBTIC W9RKSO4/09/L998 .IRIVI Act,ion: APPR N/A ;;';";;;';;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;';;;; DECI,ARATIONS t hcrcby acknowlcdgc that I have read this applieation, flllcd out in full the infomatsion rcqui.rcd, p1an, and rca!. tshats ell tsh6 informacLon provided ar roquirod ia corrccC. I agrcc to corrtply with chG tso comply !,ith all Town o].dinanc€s and state lawe, and to build uhiE Etluctur€ accordinE_jFo Che codes, d€sign rsvLc!, rlrprov€d, Unifori! Bui.ldlng cod! and oeh.r ordinanc.s of che Tosn gr!*fl i cabl e REQSESTS FOR IN9PEqTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE T'I{EIITY'FOUR HOURS IN A.DVXNCE BY sena clean-up DeposiE To: MTNICK coNsT coEpkbcd an information zoninE and accurat€ pLot end plol plan, 6ubdiwi€ion OFPICE FROM Er00 A$ 5:o0 PM OR CIMTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O9INER *************************************:?g;*?************************************* CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0054 as of O4/L'/9B StaEus___: ISSuED*****************:F*******************************************:l*****************!* lerglE T)pe: ADD/ar_,r sFR BUrLD PERMTT .A,pplied__: o4/og/tgglApplicant--: MTNTCK coNsTRUcrroN rsiued___: o4'/Ls'/Lggg9708275924 To E:qpire I tO'/L2'/Lggg Job Address: 483 GoRE CREEK DRLocaEion---: 483 coRE CREEK DR (TE)(AS TOI{NHOMES 2A)Parcel No-- : 2l-01-082-35-002 Description: ADD BATH,REWORK KITCHEN,ADD GAS FTREPI,ACE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnd.it,iOng * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2' SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS ATiID EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 I'BC. !rrt!|i+'ai.rrrataatarartr*rrrrtal.,,artl',at*rtrr,l|r TOI{II OF VAfIl, OOLORADO FC.t'.!ErEr'rt rtai!rrir*atattt fal'r*,*ritratirrrr,*tttt*trrr*rttr*i,trr.rar*t.rt, gErteunt [urrb.r! REC-038? hounB ! s6s,95 oa,/1s,/9g 123{s Prt'Dcnu tfrlhod ! cK !|orrt'ion ! 7at3 rni! ! ltAtf p.nLc No! B98_oos4 Ttt.! l-BUItD tDD,/rEr sFB BUfr.D pB Prrc.l l|o: ZlOt-Os2-3S-OO2 61,E. lddr.r.: {63 GORE CRBIK DR IocrEl,on ! 483 GORB CREE! DR (TBjlAS TOtOfiOtt|ES AA] Total E..a! g6a.9g It|ls pr:rn n! 8sg.95 1ocrl tIJIr pqt!: E6B.9s Balanca. .00 * i t * !r t rr.rt r tt* t*t i t |, tar i at ati !, tttt|,I *',t,* t t at t t,rrrr, * *rt.lrfratir r AccouDt, Cgda Dc.c'.lpEl,on ;t!ount. Bp 00l00o031llt0o BurrrDll|o pRHIr !E!g 3{3.OO DR 00100003112200 DEtlrol nEvrBf lBEg so.oo PF 00100003112300 prrAn crGcK FlEg 222.95 lD 001000ot{031OO Cr,Er[Up DEpoaITg 2so.oo tfc o0to00031t2aoo wrllti cu,t r[apac8ro![ FEE 3.OO TOIiIN OF VAIL, 75 S. FRONfAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPL'ICAIiIT CONTRA TOR OUINER DEPARTTTIENI OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLT'MBING PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: P98-0028 JOb AddTCSS: 483 GORE CREEK DR LOCAtsiON...: 483 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 210L-082-35-002 Project No. : PR,J98-0040 st,atus...: ISSIIED (TExAs Applied. . : 04/09/]-99eIssued...: 04/]-5/L998Expires..: L0/L2/L998 AST AND MCFERRIN PII]MBING & I{E PhONC Z 97O-926-5862 P.O. BOX 1303, 0210 EDWARDS VTLIAGE Br-,VD., EDWARDS, CO 81632 816 AST Ar.ID MCFERRIN PLIIMBING & HE Phone t 970-926-5862 P.O. BOX 1303, O21O EDWARDS VTLLAGE BI,VD., EDWARDS, CO 81532 815 GTASER BARBARA M JAY L & .TOHN P NEVIN BETSY, 955 EI'DORA ST APT 1803, DENVER CO 80220 Description: Pr.ruMBrNG FOR REMoDEL ADD BATH ValuaEion:14, 000. 00 FEE ST'UUARY Plurbing- - --- >210. OO Plan Chcck---> 92.90 Invc.llE.CLgn> .o0 |{ill call---->3.OO REQUBSAS FOR INSPECAIONS SHALI, BA !4ADE THE}TTY-FOI'R HOURS IN AD1NNCE BY ReBtuarant Plan Rewie*- -> TO4AIJ FEES.. -'- Total calculabed Fees_-_> Additional Fce6-- -- -- _ __> Tolat Pernit Fee-_------> PaymenEs- --- -- - .00 255.50 265.50 . oo 255.50 aATTANCE DUE---- .00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I DepE: BUILDING Division:JRM ACTiON: APPR A,PPROVED iIRM--Ffnr DEpARrrvtEtfi - --- -Dept r FrRE Division: 'tRM Action: APPR N/A r * * * r I .r I r t , r rr * I * t * * r .} r t * * * r * * r r * t t '. 'r r . t t 'r I I 'r t * CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO qgECK-EQB gODE qQUPLIAI{qE.2. Finn-oEpERTMENT-ApFnovAl-,-iS nnQurnsD BEF9RE ANY W6RK CAN BE STARTED. It,em: 05L0004/L4/L998Item:0560004/09/L9e8 DECI.,ARATIONS t hcr.by acknotrledgE thag I have read thiE apptication, filled oul in full the infonacion requileil, p1an, and 6Eat. thac all lhe infonration provided ae requited i6 corrccg. I agree !o coDPly vith thc coolrleted an inf,orrlation o zoning and accuraec PIot and PloC PIan, subdivleionco cooply eith atl tosn ordinances and staEe laB5, and Eo build chi6 strucEure a coda8, deaign rcvicr a;rprowecl, Unifotrtr Building code and oEhc:t ordinanceE of che 't 9-2\3e OUR OFFICS FROM a:00 AM 5:00 PM op -bovralcton FoR HrMsElF rllD owNER towN oF vAtt , cot oRADo 9taCcntre g!r!.onc tluDbfr ! REc-0387 rnounE ! 255,so o4lLslgg L2.17 ttt'E ne l.Ehod ! CX tloE Elon3 7{13 InlE: tlllf P.nie No! D9g-0023 qftr€ ! B-PI{B PLI BIIIC P8RIIA PBrc.l llo. 2101-092 -35-002 gtes lddle.r t {s3 ooRE CREEK DR losalion. 4s3 @Rl q,EEK DR (TE:llg lll 2A) ToEll FaeE! 269.50 Il|i. P|l'!.nt 265.50 Tocrl AEtr PEtE! 265.50 Brllnc.! .00 tccourtC Coda DcscripEion lsounE p9 001000031r.1200 PtruuErNc PERxlr lEEa 210'00 Dt 00100003112300 P!,}I[ CIIBCK PaEg s2'so wc 00100003112800 lfu,tJ CAJ'L rNg?EelIoN FEE 3.00 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiIAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 DEPART!,IEMT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EIJECTRICAL PERMTT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0052 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DRI-,ocation...: 483 GORE CREEK DR (TEXAS Parcel No. . : 21_01-082-35-002 ProjecU No. : PR,J9B-0040 Status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 04/09/L998Issued...: 04/]-5/L99e$cpires... tO/!2/L998 APPLICAI T WH]TE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1_118, AVON CO 8L620 COIiI:IRACTOR WHTTE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX t-11_8, AVON CO 81520OWNER GLASER BARBARA M iIAY L & ,JOHN P NEVIN BETSY, 955 EUDORA ST ApT 1803, DEIiIVER CO 80220 Description: ELECTRICAT FOR ADDED BATH,REDO KITCIIEN Valuat,ion:4, 500 - 00 PEE 9I'Ii,MARY Phone z 970949L403 Phone z 970949L403 ElEcLrical- - - > DRB Fee Inw€atigaCion> wilL call----> IOTAL FBES- --> Tolal CalculaEed Feea- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tolal PermiE F6a---- -- --> Payuenga-------- BAI,ANCE DUE.. -- 90 .00 . o0 3.O0 93 .00 93 ,00 . oo 93 .00 93.OO rl * * t * t * * * * * r * r r * * r * * * * r t * r r t t * , * * * * r t r * * r r a * * * i**rrtrri IIEM: ,06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMEIiilT DCPT: BUILDING DJ-ViSiON:04/09/L998 JRM Act.ion: APPR APPROVED ,JRI"rI!9Eri,glqgo FIRE DEPART!'!EI{:r DepE: FIRE Division:O4/O9/L998 JRM Act.ion: AppR N/A *Jr*rrtt*****rr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. FIRE DEPART14EMT APPROVAL_IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAN BE STARTED. tf ttttt* *ttttit'rtrrt*t*r, t***t t*t a*tiri fir.l.r*rrrtr**r*r **r*rrrrrrrrl, ri*r*r**t *irrirr*ar.r*l,trrttt t*riirri rttttt*r rrri.rrrrrtirrtallii DECLA.I<rr*TIONS I h.r6by aclsrowledge that I hav. read this aplrlication, filled out in full the inforEaclon rcquired, conplatsed an accur.lc pLoL plan, and etaCc lhaC al1 che inforbat.ion provided as r6quiled is corrects. I agree Co comply sigh th6 inforoatl,on and pl.oL p1an, co coNoply rith all Toi n ord:lnartceo and aE.te hs6, and Co build chia at'ructulc according co the Tolrn. a zoning and 6uHivi6ion cod€B, d.rign rewiew approvcd, Uniform Blrildiag cod€ and otsher orainanc€s of, t'he Torn applicrblB lhereto. FROM g:00 Al'l 5:00 PMREQUESTS POR INSPECTIONS SHATIL BE MA.DE TWEI{TY-FOUR HOI'RA IN A.DINNCE BY TELtsPHONE AT CONTRACfOR FOR HIUSELF A.!ID OWNER r tt * r rt I I rrr tr.r r r a t r * | t i t *|'i,a t I t' L r' rl rrar !rr t Jl, tt *rt tt,trrrrrt I t a, T0ror oF vlII,. ootFRlm ttrr.rlrrrr..rrr.r.*.rtt.lirrrrrrrrrrr*rr.l*r-r..r.rrr.r::::::: Staronne lfu[brt: nEC-O3g? l&ormg: 93.00 ol/Lilra LZ.agP.l&.nt L.thod: CK Not tsioa: ?{13 Inie3 !|t|| P.niC lfoi 898-OOS2 f.iE.: B_ELEC E&ECI?!CIIr pE!!|t:f Prrc€l lfo! 2101-082-35-002 sit. lddr... r 483 GORE CREEK DR LocaBlonr {s3 GORB CREtn( DR (TErAs Ts 2t) loEal p.!E: 93, OO nri6 PtltuctrE 93.00 ToEal tr1,L p."tr: 93.00 Brl-trca: .OO r tt t * t tt r t:a r r*tttrtl,l,rl,,|,|t r*r, r rrrt rt,,r a *** a,t a r r*.}t t t,rw i,I ir L lccou,nC Coda Da6criptLoo llEunc tP 00100003111t0O ELECT?ICA'J pmltrT FEES 9O.OO wc 00100003112800 t{ItJL cA!! INSPEeTION FEE 3.oo Office TOWN Or VAIL coNsTRuetroN PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE; Date Received ArK UE l$l&nurr * Owners Name: yDrc;( t1. "rzgrs v tuEt t.-- Legal Description: Lot Block_ riling Address: Address: Pn.. ?cl-cyzz 4ztArchitect. tTfur,v t}*"r and llpe of Fireplaces: Gas ,t** rt * * * ****** ** ******** ** **** ***** ceneral Description:Qa. gaary Work CLass: [ ]-Nen tC]-fii;,eration t l-Additional I J-Repair [ ]_other Nunber of Dwelllng Units:Number of Accommodation Units: PLWBTNG: $ -lillan ELECTRICAL! $___1_\570_ OTHER: !lfFr.rtitarrrarrY. a--f a^ {rJulltlrNs: I t.-.l. r6b !{ECI|AI{ICAL: $-vlIr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACIOR INFORIIIATIO,7 Eenefal Contractor: h.t^,,, t.' rtn-,. f ^^ I BUTLDING: $0 0b fff:l:,"""*"rt (,tnrc,r< eo,nef '^a,(t _ _+ Uq";6n:1,-"".r,,I3; Appll.ancesJ_ Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet vALUArroNs ************* *** ********** * * ***** Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PIJAI{ CHECK FEE: PLI'UBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECTIANTCAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: CIAAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}TIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATIIRE: i*:::::"1 contracto.' %, T:::^"S-ylil Res;.No._I!S-E.L Phone Nunber: JW-rfT il5*::? contracror: ,frs-r/--, r\c. rc<<an: fr.48. Lown of v.ait aes. No.?_pL_p ;;;;"" Phone Nurnber: 4x-'€ Address: ft1hr& ?atat'' tr.6:/. 461 g t/+/, cd E/6 cr.E{{ UP DEPOSIT REPITf,D TO: {t I DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0 -479 -21-38 APPLICAI\IT COMTRACTOR OIiINER Descript,ion: INSTALL GAS DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANIEAL PERMIT PMENT. .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0259 rSSI'ED L2/L4/L998 t2/L4/1998 06/L2/L999 Phone: 970-390-0605 Phone: 970-390-0605 'Job Address. . . : 483 GORE CREEK DRtocation- -....: 483 GOR ECRK DR (28) Parcel No..... : 2101--082-35-001Project Number: PR.t98-0293 St,aEus. . Applied. fssued. . Ercpires. Valuation: *Of Oaa lJoga r 2,250.00 *of t{ood/Pal1ec: VICKI PEARSON PO BOX 6236, VArL VICKI PEARSON PO BOX 6236, VAIL PEARSON VICKI FTREPI.ACE co co 81658 81658 FEE SI'UI.IARY Mechanlcrl---> Pfan Check- - - > InvcEEigitsion> will caII- - - -> Fireplace InforrEtion, Regtraictcd: Y Itof ca6 Appl.ianels: Resbuarant Pltn Ravies'-- > DRB Fee-------- 60 .00 15.00 .00 .00 7g .00 78.00 . o0 78.O0 78.O0 .OO TOTAI, FEE6----- 3 .00 Tobal calculated Fees- - - > Additionnl FceE-- ------ -> Tobal PeBnit Fe€--------> PayBeng!------- BAIA.NCA DUE---- .OO rLem: 05100t2/L4/L998It,em:05600t2/L4/L998 BUILDING DEPART'IvIENT DepE: BUILDING Division:iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED JRITFIRE DEPARTIIEIi|:r Deptr: FIRE Dj.vision:JRM ACI,iON: APPR N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CONDITION OF APPROVAL . FIEI.,D INSPE TIONS AFS REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE.. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 ITMC.. INSTAI,LATTON MUST COffFORM TO MANI]FACTITRES INSTRUSTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991- I'MC.. GAS APPTIANCES SIIALT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC;906 OF THE 1991 IJMC.- ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AIiID703 0F THE 1991. BOII.,ERS SIIALL BEI'NLESS LISTED FOR PERMIT, PI,AI{S .AND FLOORS OF NONN COMBUSTIBLEIS MIUST BE P NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST.IBLE FLOORING.BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-,ONYSISi6dt - Ffr i -oR-'io -iiN r llS Fs crl-oN- ns oriE 5 i . - DRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAI ROOMS EONTAININDRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAI ROOMS EONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SIIAI,L BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IrMe. ******************************************************************************** DBCLARATIONS I hercby acknowledgc thrts f hav€ read thi6 application, fi1led out in futl fhe inforrnation required, conpleled an accuratsc plots plrD, .'d .tsrts. thrt ar1 th€ infotlata$-ra-" * r.quir.d 1.. corr.ct. , *".. "ol* yitsb rh. r.nforo.rr.@ r.d plor pr.n,to ooqtly tith all lottl ordihrnc.s @d rts ba lrrr. |'td te bqllal tbLr rlllucCua. rccddLng to thc Torn, e zqring trrd 3'ubillvLlsrcodra, d.lign rcvicr approvcd, ItaifoEr Bulldtqg Codc rnd ot'hlr ordimncqr of thg tovl| applicabt c tsh.r.to. REQI E5TA FOR INaPBgrIOdg sElIiIr BB IBDE TI{E$IC-FOUR HOURA If .IDIIIITC! Br IELIPC(IB Xf {7t-2139 OR lT oIrR oFFIcts PROO| 3:o0 Al| 5!OO Ptl SISIq:IORE OI ffiER OR CO|TNACTOR FOR HI$A!I,! TID OIOtlN, TOI{N OP VAIIJ, C1CIORADO * **tr*t***.r*!**rrf rrr*,1*i'f, gt.t€Ert StrtaErt nUqbcr. REC-O4aa l[ount ! Prynot Xlchoa! cKr [otrtion I 514 78,oo 1,2lt1l9e l?.Ag hit ! IJC P.::dt t.o: H98-025t ElEr: B-tlECIl UBCSAIIICn! PIRI|IT Prscrl f,or 21O1-Ott-35-O01 aLt. Addrcra: 4e3 €ORl CnlEf, DR Locrliqr: 493 qoR lCRt< DR (2B) tl|t- Prylet loerl F...: 7A . O0 Tolel .iLL lrdts ! Brlanca: 71.o0 78.00 .00 Accoung Cod! DarcrlFt,lorl UP OO1OOOO3X113OO HECHANICAIJ PBR,UTT FEE6 Pt 00100003112300 PEtt\t CHACr PEES TC 00100003112800 TM CAIiIJ IHBPESTIOI tlA Angurl! 50.00 15.00 3.00 a TOWN OF VAIL DEPARIUEr,I:I OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0329 iIOb AddrCSS: 483 GORE CREEK DR STATUS,..: ISSUED Locat,ion. . . : 483 GORE cRK DR (28) Applied. -: t2/La/L998Parcel No.. : 2101-082-35-001 rssued. . .:, L2/1a/]-998Project No.: PRt98-0293 E:<pi-res. - : o6/L2/L999 APPIICAI{T VICKI PEARSON Phone: 970-390-0605 PO BOX 6236, VAIr., CO 81658 coNrRAgroR vlcKr PEARSON Phone: 970-390-0605 PO BOX 6236, VAIL CO 81658OWNER PEARSON VICKI Descripti-on: ELECTRTCAL FOR REMODEL,Valuation:L,500.00 Blectrical---> 50,00 . o0 .o0 3 .00 TOTAT FEAS---> 53.00 Tocal ceLculated Fees---> 53.oo DRB Fee Investigation> Will Cal1----> Addltional FeeB-------- ->-00 BAI,A.IICE DUE.---.00 ***********ir**********it*'t*******r****************!r********* *****t********* ****ra***t IICM: OSOOO ELECTRICA,L DEPARTIT'IENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:!2/L4/L998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVBD iIRIIfITb,M:.,05600 FIRE DEPA,RT'T,IENf DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:L2/L4/1,998 JRM Action: APPR N/A + t , * * * * rl * r * * * * * * * t t**!r*|}*+****** **rr*r!r*******'r***** * ***tat*tta!i*rl****'r*.r rr******tttr*rli** COIIDIT]ON OF APPROVAL ****** ***r***'r**a t*** * *****t*r*****a*r**** *** DECT,ARATIONS t hereby acknowledge t'ha! I have read hhiE applicalion, filLed out in fu1l tshe informalion r€quired, conpleted an a€currte plot plan, and slatc lhat all th€ infornlt.ion prowided aEl r.quired ie correct. I aEr.e to conply with th. inforDation and pLoC plan, to couply {itsh all Town ordinance8 and state lalrs, and t'o build this rt,ruceure according !o tha Town'B zoning and tubdiviaion code6, deaign raview approwed, Irnifolrt Building code and other ordinanceB of tshc Town applicable thereco. REQI,ESTS FOR INSPECTIONE SIIAIJ'J BE UADE TIIBNTS-POUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY TEIAPHOIIB At 479-21,38 OR AT OT,R OFFICE FROI,I 8:OO A,ITI 5:OO PM Total Pcrdit Fee--------> 53.oo Pal.ment6- - - - --- 53.00 SIGIBTURE OF OI{NER OR COIi}TRAeIOR FOR HIITSELF AIiID OIiNER I Iolllf oF utIL, CoIORADO gtrt.urt' Mdb.r: REe-Oa8l lD/cr,eE: Prlrlcnt l|.thodr Cl( tfotalion: 514 Atrtru'|t s3.oo r2lr,1f9a L2.69 InLts: !c Parrit tro. Parcel [o!gie. AddregE: Ipeatign ! ThiE ga:luen! E9g-o329 tlE'r: B-El8q aLEcIRICn& 2101-082-35-O01 433 €ORE CR,EIK DR 433 (bRA CRK DR (28) Tolrl !a.s: 53.00 Togal Att Htrte: Brhnce' PEruIT 53.00 53 .00 '00 lccount eod. Dracrl,plL€,n EP OO1OOOO3111{OO EIASTRICA! PBRIfIT FEES wc 00100003112800 tfltll cltl n|spacllor FBB Ioounb 80.00 3,00 TOI'IN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2]-39 APPLIEAI|IT CONTRAETOR OWNER Job Address: .LocaE,ion...:Parcel No..: Project, No.: PLI]MBING PERMIT 483 GORE CREEK DR 483 GORE CREEK DR (28) 2r_01_ - 082 -35 - 001 PRirg8 -0293 8r-658 81658 iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P98-0L72 StaLus. . AppIied. Issued.. &cpires. DEPARTNIEMT OF COMMIINITY DEVEI-,OPMEI.IT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ISSIJED L2 /]-4/1"998L2/L4/L998 06/L2/L999 VICKI PEARSON PO BOX 6236, VAtIr VICKI PEARSON PO BOX 6235, VArL PEARSON VICKI co co Phone: 970-390-0605 Phone: 970-390-0605 DescripEion: REPLTACING TOTLETS,VANTTTES,ADD WASValuation:E 5, 000 . 00 FEA SUUMARY PLu!.bing-----> Plan check- - - > tnweBti.gation> Will call----> Reetuarants Plan Rewiew- -> TOTAI, FBES----- Total calculaeed Fees- - - > Additional Fcca--- ------> Total Permit Fee--------> Pal.I|entss - - - - - - - BAI,ANCE DI'E- -. - 75 .00 3.O0 .00 96 -75 9 6 -'15 .00 95.?5 - oo ******* ******r:r ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{'T DCPE: BUII,DING DiViSiON:L2/L4/L998 iIRM ACTJ.ON: APPR APPROVED iIR}'Tr-am;'.05600 FrRE DErARTT{EMi Dept: FrRE Division:L2/L4/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A tt * * t t * t ** t*a J * ', ** J *t * * ir ** * * * * EONDITION OF APPROVA,L * * ** r a * * ** r * * ** * * * * * !r * !r ** r * * **f * * *t * * * t * * * * * * DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc thats r h.ve rcad thi6 applicaLion, filled out in fuIl the inforFation required, conpleted an acculatse Plot plan, and 6gate Ehat af1 lhe informa€ion p3ovidcd as r.quir€d La correct. I agr.. €o comply wlEh Ch. inforaEcion and plol p1an, t'o co$trrly wich all Town ordinancaE a.rrd etate laws, and to build tshiF structure according to the ?own'6 zoning and eubdiwieion codee, deeign review approved, Uniforn Buj.lding codc and otshcr oldLnanc€g of th. Town applicable €hc!6to. REQUESTS FoR INsPBgrIoNs SHALL BE MADE TWEII'ff-FOUR HOURS IN ADI'AIICE BY TELEPHoI{E AT 479-213e oR AT OUR OFFTCE FRoM a:oo AI'l 5:oo Pl.l SIGNATITRE OF OVIIiIER OR CONTRACIOR FOR HIMSEIJF IND OWNER * * * * * * * *? * * * ** * * * * * * * ***** ** ** ***t* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Stat.emnt*****************************************************.*********** SLatemnt Nunlcer: REC-0484 .Amount: Pa)zment, Met,hod: CK Notation: 514 96.75 L2/L4/98 L2:54IniC: LC Permit No: P98-0172 Tlpe: B-PIMB Parcel No: 2101--082-35-001 Sit,C AddTESS: 483 GORE CREEK DR Locat.ion: 483 GORE CREEK DR (28) PLI]MBING PERMIT This Payment, Total Fees:96.75 Totsal ALL Pmtss: 96.75 96 -75 Anount 75 .00 ,]-.8.75 3 .00 Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account, Code Description PP OO1OOO031112OO PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOO031123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOO031128OO WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE ei;i"ii1;;r:E:3;,S:gl,lE:i:;liii,K..er vArL coNs,ou",,"| pEp.\rr ift P^RCEL | - tc I oF z sr rn i -ii*orr Applrcr\TroH FoRr.r/' DATE: */ ApprrcArroN lrusr BE FTLLED ";r-";;; "* ,f,E{r\! ;rof.?J*., K*****r * x* * * x***r!**** *rt * *rL*)t*** /b " ';'- " . " " ^ x x x x ,' x )k * )t'* PERI{IT flIFoRlATfoN rt * :r '* * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * ,r. * * x * + .i * *[ ]-Bui'dr:]:1-rtumbing [ ]_El_ecLrical [ ]_Mechani_cat I J_orher own'ers *u^"' @Address : Legal Oescription: Lot B1ock Filing susoJvrsro:r: Arc:ritect I ceneral De scrj.pti ""t i,rork class:- [ ]-New I J-Alteration [ ]_Additiona)_ [ :i*.#ui, i ,_"#llunber of D'rel-li-ng unit<.: ....--_ l{u,ober of Accor$odation urr qr:sl clr Accor,,lmodation units: *F*... and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliancesw lq***x**x*****j'**]******ri********** vALuATroNg * rtc * :r r; * :r * * * * * * * * * * .* * * * .i * * * * * * * * * * *BUTIDING: PIU}IBING: Generrl Contraclor: Addres3: ts.,. eccrJ-cal. At:dress: ELXcTRfCAf fr I}'IECHANIcALl. $W contractor: . Plurnbing Contractor: Acici re.s s : P?r - o rz. To'"rn of Vail Phone Nunber: Towir of Vail Phone Nurober: Toi+n of Vai] Phone l.lumber: Reg. NO- Dorr lrr-..\9: . rr \, ! Reg, NO. FOR OFFICE USE xt( * :,r* * * * * * * * * * * x* * * x * *ri * * * + x, x iBUI-LDING PI,AN CiIECK FEE: 3IYIBTNG Plrrr{ cHEcK F.EE:MEC!{ANTCAL PI,AN CHECX FEE:RECRXATTON FEE:CI,IAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AL PER}IIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNAfiiF,E: ZONTNG: SIGNAT-IJRE: X;;::l'::". contractor., tlulqa_ Olfj ****xt * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * x x ,r * * * :t * * * *BUTLDjNG PERMTT FEE: PL'r}IE NG PER],IIT FEE: MEJiAN ICAL PERHIT FEE:ELICTIICAL FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF FEE: NPN FI tr. : VALUATION 'l? E;'iTr;T r^ . A[ lirdaH $or{tt Intlt b{oclrsB w'r tud.d by propm. gE wlrfi pbgtagttad. nlAits.nc. -fIraPr6a€5 o@#@ h tho hffi d csfr ptldtd ftptutrtilfi x. rElli t|.lt ltsl -ro qry'ITfi""tottl i6iri,tOcr.'grl"--ltijlbnr"*opc oo tr*euim tnrtlucrtr enil dt*t el lml *Sg.ffiff f #r*, 'lffm: 1 ea{ 'ff ' 1 4 7&1 24 76t' 1 w Iflahsnc,Hn.lsffi nmlumc,'fiI|sM? ,075 Adminl Bh/d, MkablaugF, Ont. |5f 2N T.f: is6) 6m-Tm FrL (sF) Sr0-4€78 r.800.r01-?088#46102 4.iq7 t00O Ead MErklt 8tt6at. Hutfi]{bo,lrdhutt6760 lol: 910)35&flm Fd: {2{g) 35&lUP 1.N00-ttt.ltfl #74-15.14e AI firtd8rr! lhom in tis bro.trure F|€ tudrd by pmpsF 9F whtr plEFgraphgd. lll MAIESIIC. c-sFifaplaaas O'@, # S h the InEld d coarttt product iflipfoYometft. s9 lrc€tva thc dghl b ctsEp rPrfictlbtE tvitlod noth!. grion iltslcl.rom, Cc.t r€sd Insdlatbn lrctrudidt6 and d|El all local BuffdnE Co.|G and Gs Rq{l8tbn€. CON tunr$ 1?',185'1''47fE12?I76t,1ffi Es. u.S. Pesrs: 4 03e 2&, 1 *5 an , 4'!n zE . ifl,nhsnctflnf,rscoF.f,tv ,t75 Admird thd, Mi$issauga, m. tsT 2N Tof : (96) 67O-7Tn FaI: (S06) 6to-.1676 r-800.r01-?oit*48102 1197 imlLmc 'mE]|SmrY Fu: €19) 356-1039 / 1-000.525.1890 ..' l$0EsSMl|(erSftlq, HuntlrEton, lndma 467i0 Trl: (Ag) 356-800 / wuanue''rc-}lffi-of vei!- ^-r.-l I a, t'4, - - t , FIETD CT-_ #74-15-146 .,. TERTTIINATION u'f_ fl'"" Fr llrl+#'rlll;"n-rTH-T TDVSK des (1) 90oElbow1 ill ]TH 7DVF18it4 F'i"-lT-i_l-_lSF;r l+it =T"1.-TDVSKV TDVHTgO -, l-rjj ro'llIrT vP1018 1:t1- DVTI$3 rnsrA.FLAmEo scrrca llcluxe 43"lnch lx|ed-Vlnt (Iop Outlst) Heal-Cltculatlng Gar llodel. FEATUFES:. Dlrect Thrujrhe-tAlall Vent Syetemr Aidigttt Fiebox. Trr.re ZereClearance Design o Palentsd Dual Ceramic Burner Systemr Ceramic Fibre "Split Oak" Logs. Ceramic Glass Window. Limited Libtim€ wetranty EURNER SYSTEiI: ' Fuel - Natural or Propane Gas o Capacrty - Nalural: 33OOO ErU/HR Max. 2q100 ETU/HR Min. Propane: 31500 BTU/HR Max. 23,625 BTU/HR Min'. loniuon SYBtem -- Standirig Pilot With Piezo lgnltor, A Low Voltago, Self-Gen€rating Povrer Pile Slstem (riq:. uo outside Elsctrical Porrer Ngeded. Gas Supply Une - Under'2b F6et,3f N.P.T. Blad( lron Pipe - Ovsr 25 F*el,l1r" N.PT. Black lrcn Pipe. Gas Inl6t and Manlbld Pressur€s Input Minimum Input Maximum Manibld Pressure T NilIUH FIREPLACE CLEARAiICES : Nrturrl hoplne 45" w.c. 11.Y wc. 7.0" w.c. 13.0' w.c. 3.5f w.C. 10.0' w.c. Clcarrncs Tq Combudlblc. 0' 0n 0t Fl|oplaae Back Sldes floor Top T|N|MUM FLfi)R AREA:. 4{l'W x 1gD IiIINIIIUII NON+OHBUSTIBLE HEARTTI EXTENSIOI{ AREA:. Not Boquired OPT|oilAL ACGESSORIE$: .'DVTIIIGTP' Folished Brass Upper/Lower Glass Trim Kit. 'DV43GTA Antique Brass Upper/Lovrer Gla.sE Trim Kit. 'n4gTKP 1sl3" Regular Fohshed Bras Trim Kit. 'Dvtfitft(A' 1518" Rogular Antique Bra88 Trim Kit . -.. 'DV4$fKMP'2%" Medium Folished Brass Trim Kil o 'OV/KITKMA ep6; Merlium Antique Brass Trim Kit. 'DV43TKWP'4" Wide Polished Brass Trim Kil (Cominusd) ffi#ffiffiln- nnRirsmc. Drdridld illh adt producr. oPrloNAL AcGESSORIES lCont], . ''DV4tlTl(WA 4" Wide Antique Brass Trim Kitr 'DW39CR'Ceramic Firebor Liner. 'FK24' Fan Kit. 'lTM' Thermostat Wall Control .'RM1/FM2/RM3' Wireless Remolo Conttol System. Natural Stone Sunound FacingB (Scc Srlrmund Facing Soction) o Wood MantEls, Trim Kits and Mantel Shelves (See Mantel Sedion) - Minimum Mentel Clearancss Isntel Oef4tl 10" Gbarence |-|om rcp ol cdllc To Eonom ot l*lnbl 10".t2, FLUE SYSTEM 4" IrYo-lvell'DV' System SPEGIFIGATIONS:. 7" O.D.. 4" l.D.r Minimum Clearance to Combustible Materaal - 1' Clearancs to Pipe Top, Sides and Bottom. Minamurn Wall Opening- 93/g"W x 9.?6" H for Vsrtloel Sid€ Wall Inetallation - 9sf'W x 9s6" H for Vertical Roof Installation IiIN,/[IAX. IHSTALLATION REQUIFEIIENTS: . \ibrtical Side Wall lnslallation - Maximum Horizontal \lbnt Run ls 20 Ft. Whan The Vertical \rbnt Rise ls I Ft. (Befer lb Installation Manual Side ylall Ventlng Graph For AltBrnatlve Dlmensionu)- Maximum Horizontal Vent Run With One g0o Elborl, Ott Unit ls 3 Ft. - Maximum Three 90" Elbor'rs Fer Sy5{em- Maximum Two 45o Elborvs Fer sysrem. Wrtical Roof lnstalldion - ,lO Ft. Maximum, Reduced lMth Elbovt Use - 8 Ft. Minimum- Two t15o Elbow Sets Maximutn,I Ft. Maximum Pipe B€twEen Elbotvg - Two 90o Elbow Sets Maximum, 10 Ft. Maximum Pipe Batween Elbavs HORIZONTAL TERIIINATION CLEARAHCES:r 12" Minimum Clearance Above Grade Level. 18" Minimum Clcarsnce To \bntilated Soffit. 12" Minimum Clearance To Unventilated Sottit. 18" Minimum Clearance Under Porch, Deck or Balcony| 6" Mlnlmum Clearance Adiacent or Patallel Walls (Continud) PRODUCLtsTING FIREPLAICE/OI VEMf:. American Gas Associatkx (AGA) and Canadian Gas As€ociallon {CGA)- Ustsd Under ANSI U1.44&1993 and Can 'l-2.1$M81 Gas Fircd Gravity Type Darscl \bnt Wall Furnace - Us'ted Under lR #41 Dit€ct \rerit Gas Fir€place . Ths lnstallation Must Conbrm With Local Codgs oi ln The Absence d Local Codes, With The Nalional Fuel Gqs Code. ANSI 2223,1 or GAI{/COAB14g (.1 or.2) Installation Gode tor Gas Burnlng Fileplaceo and Equipment. MINIMUM FRAMING DIMENSIONS 2t4 HEADFR ffill 'roe!" llI lJ....-l--+--r---u l.-r3'4"-J Fno T ylEw TOPVIEW MINIMUM CROSS.GORNER DIMENSIONS MINIMUM VENT TERMINATION lcortlru6d) AIU)EX K-5OO SELF.LEVEI,ING CONCRETE TOPPING http//www.ardex,cmltoppirysft 500-htm ARDEX K.sOO SELF-L#LING coNcRETE ToPPTN' ARDEX K-500 is a selFleveling, no-troweling cementitious topping for resurfacing and leveling indoor concrete, such a warehouse floorso utility areas, hallways, etc. ARDEX K-500 mixes with water only and produces a pourable or pumpable liquid cement compound that seeks its own level and creates a flat and hard surface. ARDEX K-500 installs from 1/4u to I l/2" in one operation; up to 5" with the addition of proper aggregate. ARDEX K-500 will not shrinlg.craclg or spall, and hardens fast - it can be walked on after 3 hours, coated the next day, and drivelr on after 48 hours. RANGE OF APPLICATION ARDEX K-500 can be installed indoors over standard absorbent concrete subfloors to provide a flat and smooth floor. ARDEX K-500 is not a resurfacing topprng for industrial floors or chemical environments requiring customized industrial toppings. STIBFL(X)R PRI,PARATION All concrete subfloors must be solid thoroughly cleaned, free of oil, wa:q grease, asphalg painf latex compounds, curing and sealing compounds and any contaminant which could act as a bondbreaker. Mechanically clean the surface by shot-blasting scarifring or similar. Overwatere4 frozen, or otherwise weak concrete surfaces must also be cleaned down to sound solid concrete by mechanical methods. Acid etching or the use of solvents are not acceptable means of cleaning the subsfate. Jobsite temperatures must be consistent with those recommended by the manufacturer of the concrete sealer/coating to be installed, but in no case should the surface temperature of the substate be less than 50"F. For furttrer information, please refer to the ARDEX Subshate Preparation Brochure. Note: This product is intended for interior use over dry subshates only. Do not use in areas of constant water exposure nor in areas exposed to permanent or intermittent substate moisture, as this may jeopardize the perfonnance ofthe underlaynent and the floor covering system. This product is not a vapor banier and will allow free passage of moisture. Follow the directives of the concrete sealer/coating manufacturer regarding the maximum allowable substrate moisture content and test the substrate prior to installing ARDEX K-500. Always install an adequate number of properly located test areas, which include the finish I of5 10/13/98 l l04 AM rt tt-.,'' pagc- I flCruthlnJ /r e,i,.',k, .:eJ lt*ttcq€Ll!* A,lsaL' -dotrrr.7;:e,ttr/: q*,. *;g-,r*Q-Jddlur;b a 'rk-cu-*ttmpd"zf *c*-*M{r{dfu.q.J t ttuL<i.- i t,1--=q--.+tL.-,xU-L tU!.ffittpt .*-r{*.n t:e),_ _ _ --).'t J ',^ t-y'ktgt J-t.t:tlcr,*r _ Cel t*etrffi-_, .t4Ctt<z-*-frtfrfui) *.''il"ffi"i"E-*q et-/, **E&^'- tI a-- P^f* e. e7' I l I qq '-\lJ\'f , tY t 'r l.l E,rl.'<>iJ.cJ eE .''.s |( ."h\X \)l'4.': \d d'"'* Xrr o rp:t P t ut,..: .1- -J /-\ t 9*,. I rJJ -.'' 9r, L: 1n 1): + 4,::6u'-,@, -I Cl) {i \/,4r?- r'lto;.o C- rt (gJ Fo -t__. 4rd ( \t .x . ''l- t'i:*t"<c304 re.'Qr r4E-i '€+ nz ) i it: s=t,9; c''i r6-{i :-e $5 1,3,31S *gJ,*T .0 .'grl_ -cJ- :; ]"r \ \\\\d j) r:" I I I I lT\t'I .:b' \v \ \\ to ?Eol -3'"i? 4>- T /tI +-:. t-:1 L \.9 j I I I ) { ,/ ("6ef,;f- itt' LP',, f\s,t o ue* @ F-k t ".----, m') ft'S/ FryJ;:L 't"& E DElltiqc r \ -.l*a t; '1 rIt;t - >F' oT t .rE-+7ap* iL''' -1 E.! {1 ".{*tn?-qt ' Ittt\o' ?9 'il.i 1H L(nq/l ur. t'i63- t,t a.a b3 t$ o l! --f 4a l___ U ,:_ "___.-, --'-'ll-'----'--J;' a .!. *{(DsF.'.. -+ ,.\ 7- o--,L-:r|X 1i o9''r t9-.( L -' ( I "!,. I iiilili"i -*) r I *,__ -J \ t" rr \, o <tr\ REpTr3r -,Ttj*ttrt oF UAIL, ctl-rtRf,D{.Igb/Tg/19J9 O8:€O REGUESTgI INSPECTN }trtHK SHEFTS FOR lfita-ftesg Alto/lg Typer B-ltlECH 483 GitlRE CREEK DR ',11 'i,.. 4S3 EOT{ ECRK DR (gB) ercr*fiBe-ss-oo1 INSTALL EAS FIREtrLACE UICRI trEJ{RStrN PEAHS{JN VItrKI VICRI PEF{HST,JH 1Al 1999 trA6E AREAI CD Activity: tlddress: Locat ion: l-rarce I : Description: Appl icant r Osnerr [..iontraetsrl Statusr ISSUED Occ: Constr: AAPT Usel Fhoner 970-390-0605 Fhone r Fhone: 97S-390-6665 lnspection Request Requestor: UICKI Req Tire: O6:0OIters requested ta 06399 iIECH-Final Infsrration.... Pb.ARSUN Carrent s: IJNIT be Inspected... Phone: EB TEXAS TOT.'NHt]FIES Aetion Corrent s 39$-O605 - HILL CALI.Tire Exp Inspection History.,., .Iterr O@AQ ilECH-Rouqh L?/17/94 Inspector: JRftlIterr Age4rit trLfrtB-Gas tripinglellTl9B Inspector: JRll Notes: AT FINAL CHECK FURIterr OOBIg lilEl";H-Heat ing Iterr OgBeS lEtrH-Exhaust Hoods Iterl OS33O ftlLCH-Supply flir Iterl OO34r, filEtrH-Flisc.Iter: o,o'399 lilECH-F inalt?lasfgg Inspector; JRltl 0.8/1t6/99 Inspector: JtlltlIterr e$53S FIRE-FINAL Clg Actionr APPR APPRfIVED JRttl Action: APLR GAS TtJ F/P T}AI{PER REilUVAL AND SHUT OFF Actionr DN Aetionl DN I.II]T READY CANCELEI) 6$8 -REtrT.f3r -[o]tN sF UAIL, LULORADU oa./ro./r999 lor58 REUUESTSIT II€PECTN l'l{ll{K SFIEETS FtrR 10/ 1999 PAGE AREH: 89A-0364 Ellgl19 Type; fl-llF Status: ISSTED Constr: AIF 443 GORE CREEK DR 443 G:I}RE CRR DR (EB} elal-oae-35-o01 INTERIOR REFIODEL UICKI PEARSON FEARSON VICHI VICKI PEARSON Eee:Use: U N trD f,ct i vit y: ffdress r Locat ion: Parce I r De seri pt i on l Appl icant : Ourn€r I Eontreetor: Phoner 97O-39O-&6O5 Phone: trhone: 97O-39O-O5O5 Inspeetion Requert Requestor: UICKI Req Tire: 08:OOIters requested to 9,o,6gg BLDE-FinaL Inforrat i on. . Corrents: be Inspected... Fhone: Aetion Corrents 'Tire Exp Inspeetion History.....Iterr O6gsld BLDEi-Fraring lel17/Sg Inspector: JRltl ooo4s * * Not Un File * * 6O65G BLD6-Insulation 0&060 BLDG-Sheetrock NaiI t?f 17/iA Inspector: JRltl OOOSO * * Not Un FiIe * * o.rDg7g BLDG-ltlisc, SOO9O BLDG-Fi.naI Action: APtrR !el?3/99 Inspeetor: JRltl Actionr HtrtrR PENDING ELEC AND litECH Notes: INSPEtrTIONS trRIDR TU BLDE FINAL. BLDE INEiTECTIUN APPROUED AHAITINE EEIIflINING INSPECTII]NS TD OCCUR TO FINAL OUT u4z.""i: Action: AtrFR AW{iBW*^"Iter lIterr Iterl Iter! Iter:Iterr Tetrtuffi4nna* #"F,/e! /r/COMMT'NIIY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROI{:TAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAIiIII corcrRAcToR O$INER .fOb AddrESS: 483 GORE CREEK DR Location.. -: 483 GORE CRK DR (28) Parcel No. . : 2101--082-35-001 ProjecL No. : PRJ98-0293 DEPARTI,IENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 898-0360 Status.. AppIied. Issued. . $qpires. TSSUED L2/L4/1998 L2/L4/reeg 06 / L2 /1,999 VICKI PEARSON PO BOX 6236, VArL VICKI PEARSONpo Box 6236, VArL PEARSON VICKI 81658 81658 Multi-Family T:ape V Non-Rated Phone: 970-390-0605 Phone: 970-390-0605 co co DescripEion: IMTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R1- Tlpe Construction: V N'IlDe Occupancy: Clean-up De approved amount Valuation:33, 750 Fircplace Infohnation: Regtsricted: Y #of cas *of wood/Pallet: Building-----> Plan check- - - > Inva!tigation> will call----> ,00 50 .00 .00 250.00 L,3O4.7O 1,304.70 . o0 L,3O4.7O 378.00 378. O0 3.OO RggtuaranC Plan Review--> DRB Fee-------- Rcereatsion Fee----------> Clean-ttp Dcpori!---- ----> TOTAL PEES----- Total calcuheed Fee6- - - > Additsional Fees---------> Total PenriC Fee--------> Dept: BUILDING Division: ,lRM-Dept: PITANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Deptr: PttB WORK Division: e e e e E 2t 2t 2t I 1I 1I 1I m 1_ m 1 m 1_ m 4 4 ':4 0 8 0 tJ 0I 0 1 9 4t 6 9 5 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 0 l_ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING DEPARTD{ENT.'RM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED PI,.ANNING DEPARTMEI{IJRM Action: APPR N/AFIRE DEPART'IVIENf 'JRM Acti-on:APPR N/A .A,PPR N/A TELEPHONE Pa:/Eenta - - - - - - - BAI,ANCE DUE- - -- rtbm:' 05500 PuBLrc woRKsL2/t4/L998 iIRM Action: RBQUBSAS FOR INgPEEIIONS SHAtL BE MADE TVIE}ITY-FOTJR HOURS IN AD\A{CE BY Send Cle.n-Up D.poEit Io: 1TCKI PEARSoN TOV/Comm. Dev. date Add Sq Ft: ApplianceB: *Of GaE LogB: **rrril*r*rrrr FEE SITMMARY ***r**aatrrrr** ****r*tt**.**a* See Page 2 of this DocumenL for any condiEions Ehat may apply to t,his permit. I herBby ackno*ledg€ that I havc read thie application, filled out in full the informaCion required, conplcted an accurate plot p1ah, and slrlc thac aLL the infonation provid.d aa requi.red i6 correcC. I agree to comply ?titsh the information attd PIots p1an, Co coulrly rith all Tonn ordinanceE a'rd atate lawe, and to build ghj.B structure accotding tso the Totn's zoning and Eubdivieion code€, deslgtl rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and otsher oldinanca! of the Town applicablc lhereto. efund SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OITINER **t*******************************:l***:r***************i**:************************ CONDITIONSPermit, #: 898-0360 as of L2/L4/gg status: IssttBD ******!t:t:t*********************************************************************** Permit fiIlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: L2/t4/L998ApplicanE: VICKI PEARSON Issued: L2/14/L998970-390-0505 To Erq)ire: O6/t2/L999 'Job Address: Locat,ion: 483 GORE CRK DR (2B) Parcel No: 2tOt-O82-35-001 Description: IIiTTERIOR REMODEI-, Condit,ions:1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED I{ITH AN T,PPROVED FIRE MATERIAT. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRBD IN ALL BEDROOMS Ar.rD EVERy STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. o T€,mI C VAIIJ, COLORIDO gt Erunr rr* rl*ttft *tt *t*?l****t**t* *** a* ** * il * *|l* *lt**', *t*tJ tttt*:,t*t * ttt tt tt 1,30{, ?O !2/!4lga L2.EzStatimL .tluubrr r REC-O{g4 .lttrounE: P.t!!tnt L.Chod 3 CK roEreion: 51{IriE ! LC Prfirle tro: 89A-0360 Tt'Ir.3 A-uP .ADD,/.I!T UF BIIIIJIT PEl i Prlctl fo: 21o1-ogr-3s-oo1 gLts. lddr...: {13 €OPE CRBAK DR Loclllon ! 493 GonE @X DR (28) Tht. Prytant t ,3011.70 1,304.70 .00 ToErl F..!: li 304. ?O BoBrl AIir PnE!: Brhnoaa Accolrnb Coda .. DedcripEiqn BP OO1OOOO3111IOO EI'trIDII{G FERI|IT FBES In 0!100003112300 DE6I6r REVIET{ FEEA Pr olloooo3u23oo lEAtf qrEcK FEE8 rD d-DlPog cr.E$[gP DBPoarra wc olroooorrr:roo mr,l qlr,L raspBerrof FBr Er[ obtoooo3lg3ooo rrrrrasTrcaTrtr rBB (arrrrc) lr!0uac 3t8.OO 50, o0 3a5, ?O 250,00 3,00 374,00 e rfiotz OE ud o l, EEl0 F H !. !l c 6 ET q tl o 0 oo crItal arl -2|ipdoFr(JoFIF A(oEO dnI0r| iiA l{ EH Eql E co o Iol4 d lrHH U8H!.>E ost6Aq .; oo o|.at c{ FIozo0 EIG HH Eg E: t, e EEil EAEo HFi HE 88E|{a lr I Ea E 6 El{PCtIU4QEE Eg -IE EBg t9tt E- Al.li :: :l oi .o=p .gtPE:aaalt.tEO t trE€ , , . onOriff'to"t{"BffuY'flty8RR0t'HEnD ElloD.f,arz Er 7tfuhFrelr*etRngd uelLCcltuEl697 fioa792 197pa gr&179-2 t 57 ftrnp 19, 1996 Rishrrd P, 8oes, Esqr$u RiehadP. Roffi" P.C, II?0 tircol$ tlticil, SuttE ll00 Dcnvs, CO t0203 Rs: Ardc $paceinUnit29, Tosr Tou,nhomm Dcrr Rickl Enatored yor wiU llad r copy of tlc GXiF,{, IfltrrFetadoo Ol pago 2 uder Cnwl:pdrfrierolcE tlro irtaptation re$tircs tbet pre+dfitne r,ttic aprcc. oo lortE yhlt ttre head h!frdfl srs be cotwnrd to brbltrblc rm only if tlre poJec{ or davclopnart hrr nnihblE GRFA c rpgrovrl tu . sldttiond GRFA tnder lfp 250 ordtnrncr wtm anrlwod tidlg qrrrltst GRFA reguh$ost If }ou hrve euy grefiimr or ubd roy addilionrl inftrt*ioa, pt+re fcal toe to girlr nc r edl, R I'honrr l"tooahead ToumAcousy RTIr'Uc\r' Enolonuo Bool Qffilca efth.Ihwtr,l;ffilu:l P.? Vcrytulyyorre, Pcf blt' brEnd hr t44?mlu-q!!9!ft! f,| r-=orrrc P.,FriE 623r/{gj{. g,%' sF,. -P;}' lsPM s. s. F. v. n. ARROHHEAD-^- ''"l'='o, 75 Sauthltmtlutrf.e Road ValI Coht& 61657 970-47T 2 I 07/Fu 97o,17 9-Z I 5 7 Ftbrulry 13, 1996 Oftcc af tlu TawnAtrottt4t Rosr Dnis, trr., Erquhe Attorney at Lrw Wert$trr Bank Buildirtg lOE $. FrotrUeRord, SuiteSoT vdl, co il657 Rr: Attio $paoe h UEit 28, Tcxu Tormhpmer Hendldivrtd DeqRog: Brsed upoa thc cornrpondeoae ftoa llm Cumuttc, $enior Pltnsr, dat€d APdl 7, 1995; thc contepondcnco of Ginny ftlp to Arny Dmry !!d lt&ry AE l(uon, deted F$ruu1' 8, 1996 rnd our converratim offebilsry 12, 1996 the Towa of Vril ir t*ing thc politioo tbrt Mr. Curauttc'l lettfi of April 7, 1995 will remrin ir 6tr ct ftr uy rppUrrion for r buildhg Ptrtrtit th.t if nrbnittd up to rnd includug Apdl 30, 1996. Ary epplicrtioa rubnittcd $er thrt dete for €oilremion of the exi*nng rnic will bc anfurtrd purruntt to tlu p,rua* *dpolicy' Ths ftrfropinha her chrapd ratl thr opinion nrtrd in ths April T, t995 latcr ir m long* aftctive, but I belitvc thir rorolutioa ir rquitrbh bued upon the rclioce on Mr. Ountftc'r opinion without nrbrequcmt no{ficrdou of thr drrur in tbr rtrf,intcrpetrtion. If pu brvc rny firther quectlonr or €otun$tr plcuc don't hrrit*e to setrtert !0c' Very rr,rlyyourr, rl6ykg* R. Thomar tvloorhcrd Town Attornry xs: Jim Curnutte $r-t-^rr*. t 75 South Frontqc Rod Vail, Cohrdo 81657 t03-479-2r 3t / 4n-2139 FAX 303-479-2152 AprtlT, 1995 Mary fuiaKoron $lifer Smith urd FremptonA/ail Associatss Red Estrtc P,O, Dnwer 2t20 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Attio spacc in Unit 28, Texae Townhomea Department ol Community Devcloptnc nt Derr MaryAnn: This latrr is intffidGd to followup on orrtdepbonc conv€rsstion last week rcgardiru ttrc pouibility offiniehing out thc rttic rpacc in Unit 28, Trxrs Townhomes. Ilrl Vdl plrnnittg ftaff hm dAcnnlnod thrt, cimilrr to the Thrin rcdevelopmed on the ard cnd of the buildiqg; the portion of the enctlng atuc whlch cunEotty orcoedr flvo ftot ln hoad tcigbt is concid€rud to bc prcfri$ing CIRFA on thc prop€rty and may be fnirhod out and made rpoesriblc ftom ths lorvcr le,vd. How6,Gr, er f ncntioncd drrring our phonc convueation, bccurrc tho rctbrck requirarurtr for thc Tonar Tonrnhome lotr are ro rsrtnctivq no changor mry be mrde to thc ocetior wrllr or roof liaer oftho building without fir* obtaining vuiarcc rpprovdr. It fu possiblc to add r *ylight to the roof without requiring r varirnce. Tfu rddition of a ckylifht to the roof of the bnrilding would rimply roquiro Derign Rrniav Boud (DnB) rpprornl. I hopc thc In$nnation in Lrrh letter ir of uss to 3ou, hoeerrcr, if rdditionrl idormrtion ir ncoctlcry, plcace fbl froo to contac mc rt your conrronlcnco, 'l:Jc** Jin Ornutto 9snior Planner JUN EE '95 E3:14Pf't S.S.F.V.R.I RRROI^IHEFD - lltal-t !Et--aTl - WrlAL ElTArrTf;Zf;ft-.af EACSTMII tr'. P.1. tr'AX #: 47 q" Zht? . COMPANY:DATE: FROM: f\A*{oro..-- TrME: I TOTAL # OF FAGES INCLUDING CO\{ERSHEET: 1 - If you do nol roceive all enclosed page$ or rtquire additional asslitance please call us immediatety st (970) 926-3000. Thank you. MESSAGE: ._110,4.r. Thjefrcsimi1ebansmissioncontaingdocumcnt3belongffifidentlal$d legnlly priviteged. Information ir inbndcd only for whom thir trnnsmiEsicn wa.e sint as hdic&d rbovf. lf you Ett not the intcnded rocipient any dieclosurc, copying, diytiburio[ sr action td<cn in rclirnce on conterts ie etsictly prohlblted. lf you have rcceived this tnrnemiuion in crror, ploacc notiff ur by telephone so w€ may .rriutgc to retricve this tqrem isrlon al no cort !o you, Than! you. Anrcnmfiro Ar V.r[ Orrlce . Po|r Oracl Box ilt4 v^II., col,or^Do 8165t . TETEFHONE: (970) 92fr3000 . Frn (]70) 9k6.ttt7 sitq ESTATES CLUB+vfl ffiItYlEl{trt'l^l, ll^r* ".- 4F. r 5i Project Name: t FormDesign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL Category Number qq€ ({<rq Building Name: Project Owner, Address and Phone:TZ 66Foaa 1s &e orc/ -q L(, Architecvcontacr,Addressandphone:'Taf^" RoiL{on qqq* SSq-S Legal Descripti on:Lot 7 Bbck --,* SubdivisionV ql^ {;Li t/0ra FZone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motlon by: _ Seconded by: *6*n ! Disapproval a StaffApproval Conditions: DRBFee ,*-r,o f 50* lEJStr t =='^l';FEE 2E '34 g3:41GOOSE INU. EOIID APPLICf,fff,[ ' lUilH OF .-^!- laYlrr4;L rrrt/rt{ I. y'^. DEgIf,T f,ElrIIII /8. a Eteett and boundr on a aeparat'E she6r lega1 and aLh*ch DArs EECETVED: F0v - c0[,1l$, DEy, DEPT D,ITE OF DRB I{EETIIG;f*t*r*ttrr ffEtuurr,fiq{ rsPrrcrlllgus ill'r IIoq,'8t -dcltlltfEtr,J@ ffx-.8lf,[[lu..tltt+ttatr. FrorlxF![ n|FiFl0iiI*O[ t -Netd Construetion ($?00 .00) -----l{inor llterption (*?0 ' 00 )-Kaaitio; (f50.001 - conceptua] Revttr (001 c. D. iDDnEss, tES &ang &s*L?:'F:fe d:!4F -1.-- HNtr Er D&GAL DESCRI srlbdivielor Xf property ie deucrihad bY dtea*riptlon, Plaase Provideto thi$ applicaulon. a. raE., ZONING: .,ffr. t{Al{E oF' Mail-ind AFPLICANr'S REPRESEilTATTVEI Addrese: ET Pbone iLinq Addressr aEO Fhone -- Lf|ELIfIIIOFIF ttX&f ff FS fOC8S8ED WItIEODIT ofFn'g grcMlsttBl Condorrinllrn AIDroval if appLleable. DnE FgE: DRB fees, ts shown above, ire to be peid at the tlme of submiEtal of the nnn appllcatloD. r.,aEgr' when iifivtng foi a fuiiaitis-per*ti,-nieise iaentify- the accufn'te viiuitf|" of rtre propoiai- the rown of Vall wilL ad5ust-tne tee uccordlng bo -trt"- ca-Ute b6low, Lo enFure thP correct fee ls pa*d" y'r, ,,/ l. vefitAtI0N+ 0-+ 10,000*icr,00i-+ 50,u0u $50,oo1 -f 150,000 filso,ool - s 500,000 f500,001 - $1,ooo,oooI ovcr 'il,000,000 DEgrGg![ &FvlEr aOAED AFEnOVII. EXPTAES APFR0VAL IIIIITESS l ltlll,oxl[Gl'ptmfiT IS IE 8TI8!TEIT. rEgf 20.0p -/{ 5u.up i/ 1100.00 t200 .0p Id00.00 1500.0p orE vE n f,mEB rBSuED lllfp APPITICSIII I NAME OF OVTNER(F): NAr\rE oF srro;ru;c,r. l€I.{s -&putlvvS€. # Z . IPPS- hN\hnttutui.I IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT .L B{{&< L SUBDIVTSION TEX*S IOUNTTOTES STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING !,TATERTAI,IS: Roof Siding Other wa1l Materials Fascia soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fluee Flashinqs Ch5-mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses IJIST OF MATERIAIJS required for submiLLal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF IITATERTAIJ COLOR ffiK- a4^E(6 (gtrrarc) NA PLV I€.-'ls @ /\JA NK lr)* Nfr NA lJk l,) * Nf, N&€@ ,+-Tkoes orT strffis:- Retaining wal1s Exterior Lighting other € WUC\|TS Ew frTEaefN Arr WB Designer: Phone: Ma*t WtNEds 1P FX W@D lrS B.I.,AIiIDSCAPING:Name of NE o Conmon NamePIJAITT I"IATERIAI.,S : PROPOSED TREES ATiID SHRI'BS Botanical Name ouantitv -]1 *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliperfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height forconiferoustrees. Minimum height for coniferous t,rees is 6 feet.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs.5 oalLon. Minimrm size of shrubs is T\rce SS,rare Footage GROI'TTD COVERS SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. IJAI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior ligbting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locaLions on a separatelighting plan. Ident.ify each fixture from the Lighting p1anin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe oflight proposed, lunen outpuL, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,I) OTHER LAI\IDSCAPE FBATITRES (retaining wal-].s, fences, swimmingpooLs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwaLls. Maximum height of walls wiEhin Lhe front, setback is3' . Maximun height of walIs elsewhere on the property is 6t soD D. " t 'T... .i t TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970- 479 -2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 February 13, 1996 Ofi.ce of the Town Attorney Ross Davis, Jr., Esquire Attomey at Law WestStar Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Attic Space in Unit 28, Texas Townhomes Dear Ross: Hand Delivered Based upon the correspondence from Jim Cumutte, Senior Planner, dated April 7, 1995; the correspondence of Gnny Culp to Amy Dorsey and Mary Ann Kason, dated February 8, I 996 and our conversation of February 12, 1996 the Town of Vail is taking the position that Mr. Curnutte's letter of April 7 , 1995 will remain in efect for any application for a building permit that is submitted up to and including April 30, 1996. Any application submitted after that date for conversion of the existing attic will be evaluated pursuant to the present staffpolicy. The staffopinion has changed and the opinion stated in the April 7, 1995 letter is no longer effective, but I believe this resolution is equitable based upon the reliance on Mr. Cumutte's opinion without subsequent notification of the change in the staffinterpretation. If you have any further questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, /16y/^4 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney xc: Jim Curnutte {gun uoou", t.aJRN 16':5 11:EIRHAs.F.V.F. RRROI"]HERD,^. t^ TAWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado E1657 303-479-21 3E / 479-21 39 FAX 303;.479.2452 April T, 1995 it4.ry lnn Koson Depantnent of Community Developtncnt Slifer Smith aad Framptonl/ail Associateg Real Estate --P0-Drasres.ZE20, .-. Avoq CO 81620 RE: Attic space inUnit 28, Tetras Townhomer DeerMary Ann: This letrer ie inte,flded to follow up on our telcphone conversation lart weck regarding the poseibility of finirhing out the ettic space in Unit 28, Totar Townhomeg, The Vail plsnniag st8tr irae d*ermiued that, iimitar to the Thain redevelopnent on tbe eagt end of the building, the porlion of the existing attic which curuently orceeds five feet io hcad height, is cotuidered to be preexieting GRFA on the property and may be finished out and rnade accesgible from tie lower ievel. Hon ev€r, aE I mentioned during our phonc conversation, becaugs ttre setback requiremenrs for the Texas Townhome lots sre so restrictive, no ohanges may be made to the sderior wdls 0r roof lines of the building witbout first obtaining vuiance approvrls. It is poreible to add a ekylight to ths roof widout requiring a vsdance. The addition of a rtcylight to the roof of the building would simply require Deeign Review Board @RB) approval' I hope the irfosnarion in this letter is of use ro you, however, if additioncl i&fonnstion is n€ceggary, plcaae feel free to contEct me 8t ygur oonvgnience. gf trvvr VrJ, ,/,^r ,J t/t' / 4Jh*u A^r^r@ Jim Curnutte Senior Plgnner ThePrudentnl Gore Banqe Properties,Inc- li..rha . Fgnlals . P'gpgty Mrn:rqcmcirl -.-5l I Lignrt|,.;rit &trrtl vuit. Ce 8169i 8tts. (970) 176.2482 Bus. (600) 283.2480 Far (970i 476.6499 February g, 199d Ms. Amy Darsey Ms. Mary Ann Koeon Drahrer 2820 Avon, CO 8l-620 R8: Texas Townhome 28 Dear Amy and Mary Ann, Il_*f V:: for your proqlt acrencion ro_getring rhrough rhe aEtorneyrevl-ew process and_the Jtlght of First Refusal-started on the .orrCiicton Texas Townhome 28. AfEer my meeting with tl:e. cohagen's architec-. and my subsequentconversaLion !uatl1. goi,ur rloh.Sen; he asked :hat this ietter U'" senUformarly staEing that wr: ne6d, eo know exactry *ha- the Town "i-v.iris -going to a1low f,or f :i.nished bedroom space in the att,ic of unit, zBbefore vre can proceed w:ith architecrurar review .na aiiri"s-rJ""i -- pJ-ans for the ilomeowner..s Associ-ation and town oi vair. rE is ourimpression from E.he Tor^rlr of vair comnurrr.ey oeveiJpmenc Let,ter datedAprir ?, i99s that Ehe r:ntire space thai ixceeds ii-ve feeu in EheaEtic can be finished irrto bedr6om space. r am cert,ain the cohagerrs and Mr. Dcleon feei the same aboue thisci Fl:r f i ^- . A. The leEller defini.tery scates thaE i-r is perm!_ssible.B. other Texas Townhomes have been simirarli iirrisu.a orrt..c. This is interior space and d,oes rr"t. iaa-i"-iir" "*"""ingrr and llhj-gh density" tiral has been a problem :.n utie pasc severaryears we would like a written leEEer lrom the To,,,rn of Vair actorneyverifying thar. Ehe spac€: can be finished as a u*aioom. rf finishingthe entire spacg isnlt ;trlowabLe...we wan! a definite slaEemenE ofvthat is allowable. John cohagen wirl need r.o see ehis letter before he can proceed wir:hhis reviews and drawing o! plans. Thank you for your speei:y he1p. r t,hink we are alr. working towardthe same end here. erely, Ad tnrrirrls.lt rj*qd n{ Uta, .g Mlnc1t 0tTtj p,,nrrii,t,lt!,r Lrrrjr, {t 4. .1. tr(ms ts CHrfrzf/ 'znF qujtrE'D La,::irr{J/l([t4{7 -,:. I G0t0]iltADE"sPECtFt0 MOOEL t{'M8fi: NOTES o\fiNloNsWH 100 I.AMP SUFFU rrD RNISH SUFfIX MI'ITG. EASE ctt{IER ltooEt x0.r=nilllf,f, -D-'rm ffi ilt_lIE IIt t_H W}IIIE U.V, STASILIZED POLY CARSOMTE DIFFIJSER TTUORESCSI LAMPII,IG INCBASES'O' DIMENSION 8Y 7/8' 7rl1' 16' 18,{nm 406mm +1n' I' 114fim 26mm 0w040 "20F13 -2N40 .PI VG stt{ 2E1l{ 5-1lt 10' 235mm 514{m l40nm 254mm 0w10{2 -30F13 -2N75 WHI]T U.V, STABILI&D POIY CARMMIE otfFustn TLUOBESCENI I-AMPING |ITCREASES'D' otMENslotl 8Y 7/8' 7-114', 16' l8,4rnm 4ffirm 4-1n' I' ll4mm mfln 0tll1044 -20F13 -2Ml) .PT, VG y1l4' w1A' 235rn 514flrr &18' lt 1,(}m S4fin 0M010 -30tt3 -2ili5 ffiffi fI-- n-TFIItr t Lt tlil til tlil til tllll ll ll ||l-l|.1............n ||l-ll----------.---! IH E: WHIII U.V. STABII-I4D POLY CAflSOMTE DIFTIJSER i1l4 16' +112. t 184flm 4(nnm 1lfin 2Bmm -2ffr3 -21t10 -n vG j rNcff trAsEs'D' 0|MEN$0N BY iE WHI1E U.V, STABII,IZfl) POLY C'NBONAIE DIFTUSER RUoSESCI}II t AMPIS TNCREASES'0 otM$.lsr0N 8Y 7,8' +1t4' tu1t4' n $ntrn 511mm 14q n 254mm 7-114' 16' l84mm 406mm +1/2' I' l14mm 2mmm 0wr60 -30F13 _2N75 0wt(F2 -mF13 "2N40 y1t{ 20-1A' 235mm 51{nrm $n' fi 140mm 254mm 0w F1 -30F13 .2N75 IECHI[CAr- SPECIfl CAn0[s Plt0T0t[EIR|CS RII6HES Applicalions assishnce aydilabte Pt Painhd t€rn€|ature l0r lluores€ent t prng. (Specily olor sultix hom Finishes kochuc.) V0 Verdioris (lhnd aoolied finisn sver solid cootrf. Finish will vary lrom finure b ftturej 277 V Fluorsscent lamping. Solid duminm bar slod, rll non-lenot6 comhrction. MOUNTING Mounts l0 a $ndard mtl ehdrical iundion box. VISA LICHTINC An OldenburB CrdP Co.tltany 8600 West Eradtey fid. Miliiaukee, Wt 53224 Tel: 4I{ 354-66m Far 414 354-7436 Specitier Hotline: 1 .800-788-V|SA @ 1993 visa Lighting / VIISNGPP / 011003 Prinl Code 0793 Roof Windows VELUX Roof Windows ore designed to brighten ond provide venlilotion for ony room where the unils ore to be insiolled within-reoch. ldeolly, our roof windows ore inslolled ot eyelevel in your sloped ceiling for o cleor, unob- structed view whether you're sitting or stonding. Atfics, obove-goroge bonus rooms ond loft oreos provide the perfecl environmeni ond siruclure lo creote your own light-filled hoven under ihe eoves. Models TPS'- ond GGL'" Roof Windows provide on obundonce of noi- urol lighting in oddition to opening for fresh oir circuloiion. An exclusive venii- lotion flop on both models provides yeor-round oir circulotion even when it's roining. And to eosily mointoin your cleor view of the outdoors, our roof win- dows pivot completely inword for eosy ond sofe cleoning of the outside gloss pone. Complementing sunscreening occes- VELUX Roof Windows pivol completely inword to ollow eosy ond sofu cleoning. sories such os venetion blinds, roller shodes, ownings ond new electric pleot- ed shodes, ore ovoiloble for oddilionol light ond temperoture conlrol. Model TPS* Feqtures . Exclusive scissor operolor secures bot- tom sosh ot two points ond ossures o f ight, weotherproof close. r Eosy{oremove inlegrofed insect screen is fostened wifh spring bolts. . Duol-seoled, double-pone, energy effi- cient insuloted gloss. Reodily ovoiloble in o choice of glozings. . Selecl quolity wood conslruction with mo intenonc+free exterior oluminum clodding. Copper clodding olso ovoil' oble. . Exclusive venlilotion flop ollows fresh oir to enler even when the window is closed. The eosy{o<leon filter keeps dust ond insects out. Model GGL" Feotures r Selecf quolity wood consfruction wifh moinlenonc*free exlerior oluminum clodding. Copper clodding olso ovoil- qble. r Exclusive ventilotion flop ollows fresh oir to enler even when the unit is closed. The eosyiocleon filter keeps dust ond insects out. . Speciol center-mounled hinges ond overheod conirol bor provide for o lorge, unobstructed opening lo meet minimum egress requiremenls os indi- coted by UBC, BOCA ond SBCCI model building codes. For specific egress informotion ond building code complionce, consuh your locol building officiol. o An oplionol complement fo the Model GGL is the Model GIR Round ToP Roof Window - on orched fixed unit thot insiolls obove the Model GGL. Model GGL Roof Window ond Model GIR Round Top Roof Window I ?eir ^68-) F,rcr*r#oG \u il ill;( p1zg\ji2{€D 6f'46 I i f -g56tCl*rx- DAF-K'' -", {'-"i"' nl:ttt+ ngan,e D}?'6JL,:{3 4'" A&l'g R-uDla ReKl. U83 rcRE c l:F FEoNT E X,, P{, U J (- a> r'''l "i' d'': t T{}Idts{ OF L'FIIL- t{iscellfiess Eesh E?-?7-96 15:31: 17 Eeceipt * 194?12 Rccc,unt# f,l':St351 f,TIHffEEH II.IUESTHENT\PPD DRB FEE5 Rrrrgunt tendered ) 56.68 Iteu paid hount Paid 81664S41331898 sB.EE f,hange rs tu rned ) 13. ElLl -THFIFT|< VBLJ Ysur cEshier JUDI' JUL- 1-96 nON 14t19 l, lz o /'--I I \ ?RAC? ll t UilPLiTTtED yl'f I / T/ [i#, irl *lf HIGH DENSITY MIJLTIPLE.FAMILY (HDMF) DISTRICT customarily incidental to permitted residential and lodge .uses; B. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupa- tion permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections I 8.58. I 30 through I 8.58. I 90; C. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permit' ted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (ord. 8( 1973) $ 6.400.) 18.20.050 Lot area and site dimensions The minimum lot or site area shall be ten thousand square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet. Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet on each side within its boundaries. (Ord. l2(1978) $ 3 (part).) 18.20.060 Setbacks. The minimum front setback shall be twenty feet, the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet, and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet. (Ord.50(1978) $ 2 (part)') 18.20.080 Height. For a flat roif or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty-five feet. For a sloping roof,.the-height of buildings shall not exceed forty'eighf feet. (Ord. 37(1980) $ 2 (part).) 18.20.090 Densitycontrol. Not more than sixty square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buitdable site area. Not more than sixty square feet of gross residential floor area shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area for any conditional use' liste-d ih'secticjn" I 8.20:030. Totbl' deriiity ihall irot exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. (Ord. 50(1978) $ l9 (part); Ord. l2(1977) g 2 (part).) 337 (Vail 4-7-92) o ) ZONIM€lEO orA' G. @rts to the site and stmcture have been completed as rcquired. TEie provisions of this Section are applicable only to GETFA additions to single-family dwelling units. No pwling of gross residential floor ared shall be allowed in s;**gle-family dwelling or two:family residential dweiling urrits. No application for additional GRFA shall request rrpre than trvo hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross residential floor area per single-family dwelling or two- f--rrily drvelling, nor shall any application be made for a&ritional GRFA until such time as all the allowable GR.FA has been constructed on the Property, or an appli- c-tisn is presently pending in conjunction with the appli- c=+ion for ad_ditional GRFA that utilizes all allorvable GRFA for the property. Any single-family dwelling or trvo-family dwelling rvhich tr=< previously been granted additional GRFA Pursuant to this Section and is demo/rebuild, shall be rebuilt without rEe additional GRFA as previously approved. Aay single-family drvelling or two-family drvelling rvhich is; to be demo/rebuilt shall not be eligible for additional GRFA. (Ord. 6(1995) $ 2: Ord. 36(1988) $ 1: Ord. 4€1985) $ 1) 18.71.050 Multi-Family Dwellings: Any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible-for additional GRFA not to exceed a maximun of two hundred fifty (250) square feet of GRFA in addition to the existing GRFA or tle allowable GRFA for the site. Any appli- cation .ef such additional GRFA must meet the following criteria= A.. As least five (5) years must have passed from the date the btdtding was issued a certificate of occuPancy (whether tmporary or final), or, in the event a certificate of occu- pa"."rcy was not required for use of the building at the time o€ completion, from the date of original completion and oc>cupancy of the building. I. (vail ll-gs)498-18 B. Proposals for the utilization of the additional GRFA under this provision shall comply with all Town zoning require- mats and applicable develoPment standards. If a.variance is required for a ProPosal, it shall be approved by the P-fanning and. Environmental..'Commission pursuant to Cftapter 18.62 of this Title before an application is made fua accordance with this' Chapter. The apPlicant must -oErtain a building.permit within one year of final Planning ' atd,.Environmentil Comrnission approval or the approval fe additional GR-FA shall be voided. C. 'Portions of existing enclosed parking areas may be con- 'rrsted to GRFA under this Chapter if there is no loss of eristing enclosed parking sPaces in said enclosed parking aIBE-. D. Any increase in parking requirements due to any GRFA aAeition pursuani to this Chapter shall be met by the qrplicant. E. .*tI proposals under this Section shall be reviewed for oomptiance rvith the design review guidelines as set forth ir Chapter 18.54 of the Vail Municipal Code. Existing pxoperties for rvhich additional GRFA is proposed shall be required to meet minimum Town landscaping standards as se* fortfr in Chapter 18.54 of the Vail lvlunicipal Code. General maintenance and upkeep of existing buildings and sftes, including the multi-family dwellings, landscaping or s#e improvements (i.e., trash facilities, berming to screen ssface parking, etc.) shalt be reviewed by the staff after t&e appiication is made for conformance to said design rsniew guidelines. This review shall take place at the time' of the fust application for additional GRFA in any multi- . family dwelling. This review shall not be required for any s6sequent application for a period of five (5) years from tlie daie bf the initial application and review, but shall be required for the first application filed after each subse- qltent five (5) year anniversary date of the initial review' Ncr temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for ac5r exPa.nsion of GRFA pursuant to this Chapter until all ) ADDITIONAL GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA 498-19 (vail I l-9s) F. ZONI}SG required improvements to the multi-family dwelling site asd building have been completed as required. If the proposed addition of GRFA is for a dwelling unit Iocated in a'condominium projec! a letter approving such addition from the condominium association shall be re- quiled at the time the application is submitted- No.'deck or balcony enclosures, or any exterior additions oe alterations to multi-family dwellings with the exception o€ windorvs, skylights, or.other similar modifications shall be allowed under this Chapter. Ebe provisions of this Section are applicable only to GRFA additions to individual drvelling units. No "pool- ing'l of GRFA shall be'allowed in-multi-family dwellings' No application for additional GRFA shall request more than two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross residen- cal floor area per dwelling unit nor shall any application b,e made for additional GRFA until such time as all the allowable GRFA has been constnrcted on the ProPerty. Aay buitding rvhich has previously been granted addition- aI GRFA pursuant to this Section and is demo/rebuild, shall be rebuilt without the additional GRFA as previous- ly approved. J. Any single-family dwelling or two-family dwelling which is to be demo/rebuilt shall not be eligible for additional GRFA. (ord. 6(199s) $ 3: Ord. 36(1988) $ 1: ord. 4(1e8s) $ 1) G. H. 18.71.040 Procedure: A. Application shall be made to the Community Develop- n"nt Department on forms provided by the Comnunity De.velopment Department and shall include: 1- A 'fee pursuant to the cirrent-schedule shall be re- quired with the application. 2. Information and plans as set forth and required by Section 18.54.040, subsection C of this Title. (vail t1-95)498-20 o ADDITIONAL GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA A fist of the names and addresses and stamPed enve- lopes of all the adjacent ProPerty. owners and owners ofdrvelling units on the same lot as. the applicant. A^ay other applicable information required bl 9" Ce*'"uniry..DEveloPment. Department to satisfy the cdderia outlined in this ChaPter.'8..Iltrrcn, receipt of a: completed application for- additional ,, cxre- the planning and Environmental. commission. shall ' set a'date for a':hearing in'accordance with Section L&66.97O of this Title. Notice shall'be given, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance rvith Sections t8-66.G8O and 18.66.090 of this Title. If the community Development Department staff deter- dres that the site for rvhich the application was submit- ted is in compliance with Town landscaping and site irnprowement siandards, the applicant shall proceed as ti:"":;nlcation for GRFA additions rvhich involve no "narrgt to the exterior of a stnrcnrre shall be re- viewed by the Community Development DePartment staff. Z- Applications for GRFA additions involving exterior "n'tog"t to a building shall be revierved by the staff and the Planning and Environmental Comrnission in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter' C. D. I€ the community Development Department staff deter- rrrinss that the site for tvhich additional GRFA is applied . fG pursuant to this Chapter does not comply rvith mini- 's*- Torvn landscaping or site standards as provided . herein. the applicant rvill be required to bring the site into cmpliance with such standards before any such tempo- r.ay or permanent certificate of occupancy rvill be issued for the additional GRFA added-to the site. Before any bdlding pemrit is issued, the aiplicant shall submit ap- propriate plans and materials indicating hgrv the sitd will L- bto.tght into compliance with said Town minimum 5tzndardi, which plans and materials shall be revierved by 498-21 (Vail t l-95) ZONI}rG Sections: 18.73-010 18.73-020 18.73-030 18.7e040 18.73.050 18.73.060 18.73-070 18.73-080 18.73-090 E. F. a-ed approved by the Co'nmunity Development'Depart- ment. Lftron receiving the necessary aPProvals pursuant- to this C&apter, the applicant shall proceed with the'securing of a bailding permii prior to beginning the construction of additional GRFA. llny decisions of the Community Development Depart- -ent staff pursuant to this Chapter may be appealed by a.ay applicant in accordance rvith the provisions of Section 1S.66.030 of the Vail Municipal Code. (Ord- 6(1995) $ a: .Grd.4(1985) S 1) 18.71.G50 EligibilitY: In addition to all other criteria set forth in this Chapter, any drvelling unit shall be eligible for additional GRFA Pursu: ani to this Section that is in existence as of November 30, 1995 or a cqslpleted Design Revierv Board application for the origi- nal corrstnrction of a dwelling has been accepted by the Com- munits Development Department by November 30, 19.95. (Oid. 6(199t $ 5: ord.36(1988) $ s) Chapter 18.73 YIEW CORRIDORS Purpose Definitions Limitations On Construction Adoption Of View Corridors Amendments Encroachments To Existing View Corridors Nonconformiug Structures Ileight Limitations (vail r1-95)498-22 A\-/ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970479-2452 Department of Community Development COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT FAXTRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANYNAME: FAXTELEPHONE NTJMBER: FROM: onrr: ?tz[4b nri,re: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SHEET)-- g - RESPONSE REQUIRED?tJo SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUMTYDEVELOPMENT FAA.#: (970) 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #: (970)479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: Lo+ 2, Tev43 1-ouaAomes. BosccJ--on txe [r+ d/t'+^r'b^< yov frov)&l o+ 25'x Q3' it rs eal"n^"Lc/ ;; +.. r-.+.t lot elet're /-,a+,.Tzis g)zs s1'(+' B-se4o^ W }onrl al l-lDr"tp fAiq gnflrs g,\eiE o([oweJ l'3qs 31'*(o( GRFA ' Eirh urtit oa St'lc. is eliV'ble (n, o-ddil,o',o ( GApn ,.rp\- 3Sa *'H/on,+ ,*Asgf*lpgyxr'fitc LJe, crtkrt'q' See a Ae Aflar.V,-en*€. {j *r"ouo r*", I NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ocr. 24, 1988 N\ss;-. 00368u CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d€psrtment of eommunity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EkeurlotNc n plul,tstNe I elecrRtcal ! FoUNDATtoN ! MECHANICAL I aa: E G9RE cK DRrvE JOB NAME: LUBECK RE-ROOF uue ROBERT LUBECK 3865 CHERRY CRK rrnm ACE ROOFING#GENERAL CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOiI I II III I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AAE H IR M DIVISION 722a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. ----- zIF J SUILDING 4.000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING RE-ROOF MECHANICAL TOTAL 4 ,000 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES VNX R-l 4,ooo BUILDING PERMIT 63 S,^E\-{)$ \):P $o -..S* PIAN CHECK 32 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIR OO{PLUMBII{G DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 Exr. wALLs I l- NuNr! - I USE TAX TYPE ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ l95. oo JOE NoRRTS NoV. 23, 1988 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL s' cu. I lx I IrLo-tHc-orRc-nl- - - - DATE )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: ** TO MATCH EXISTING. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoningr'and su codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ord icable thereto. CLEAN-I]P TO: ACE ROOFING P0 Box 276 GLENWOOD SPR., CO 8160 Town B FOR HIMSELF (rcpitrlnlDnt of cotntnunity rrovclot)ftrent*****f,LIASE n LL 0UR l,iltEtrE TltE ( i) i.rnnr..s nrrE rTo 8E F'LLEO OUI corrpr E r ELy FRroR To tssuANcE OF pEFMtr TYPE OF PERI,/ttr CONSTRUCTION PERMIT D pLuuourc D rouruoRloru LEG^L DESC. B NAME:'LvbecJc 8'<:ol- 33_61i €h<.rry wre,E-y&t nEc. N TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO IA!!!!_qr V^!LIEC- lNo. LoT_._ BL FrLtNc+ 1- G:'r: ARCHITECT GENEN^L CONTRACION ELECTNICAL P[Ut!,tDtNG CONINACION MEct.tANtcAt CONTRACIOR .--:- OIHER cor'tIRACTOI ? /-r, ,*i-l &rd oz- t'NorE-.copyoF.FEnMtrro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE :€fD 3 C f0 Xon e/-!- s-],.ftr THE F'LL'*n{_c_Is rErDEo rin rrl,rG pERr,rrr:l. Letter r.o'-conlo-;r;;. ii;',$riiili;J;2. _2 Sets, frf colnpleto drawings/orpi6nu'i;0, t, typE br coHsrnucttoN 2. OCCUPAttcY cnouP trrrrrl@ eoeu$u llEcltANtc^t PENI,IIT F€ES OUILDING P€NMII PIAN CIIECK E LT C INICA! NECNEAIION FEE DESrcN nEVtEW UOAnO ctcAfl.uP OEFOStt rornl eenylr rees ZONING E gUILDING NOTES: trewr ialiinnii6rui r 'rooiiroiiifi-JleF NO. Frn€PLACES lherebyacknow|edae,''o]l,!1"tlead.this.app|i",,",*, iT:3"L:.","iili:i{li'll:l,ll*;ll*lliJjli"lS,'ji::,"t"'nation provideo is,e,r,i,eo is coi,ecr i l1y,lt glo to build ttris 11su6,,,,r accordino ,., ,,," ,1."."j,Tf!_ylh all.Town or,,i'ances .-,ia i"i"li:::.:lg_1" buiro.rr,ii ;r;;;i;;;;;;:J;;:";'i:lill'Jo co,mprv with al ro*n.orr,i'anJ.;;;;';;;.'..reviewapproled. unitorr auiroing CJoi';;j;il'" lown's 2oni.g and subdivisiorr co<Jes, dcsigriAa.-.^6o{1,i, Xx ffi*"Wouruli,i'Jrol'"" 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUEJECT: ottlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TgE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !,!ARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpsters, pori,able toileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, a1ley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The ri.ght-of-way on aff Town ofvail streets and.roads is approximately s ft" 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vairPy!]ig works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewirl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified d.oes not coirnpry with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified., the puiric worksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snif.f not beapplicabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiL Building Department to obtain I copy. rlank you for yourcooperation on this mat-ter" Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Protect (i.e. contractor, owner) Date s6nt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* t -f lfE/ JoB NAME INSPECTION: rN#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILr/be-lC CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOTJNDATION / STEEu tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL -gAeeaoveo " CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ' ' rO coNsrRucrtoN PERMITn"ffiV l-',-' ' dtpertm.nt of community derrelopmcot TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL I oesc. LOT BLK FILING.TEXAS TOWNIIOIMS JOBNAME: LUBECK RE-RO9F ItNrT /i2 OWNER NAUE MARVIN LUBECK 3865 CHERRY CR. MAIL ADDRESS clrY DENVER' pH.388-0979 ARCHITECT FIRM IIAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRr ACE ROOFING C0., INC. rowN oF vArL REG. No. r27 -s 945-s366 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIFM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REO. NO. TELE. n!tr unfI NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE JUNE 26' 1989 PERMIT NO, DATE r. TYPE OF COi{STRUCTTON |[ lVV 2. OCCUPAiICY GROUP ABE H I R M OIVISION 122a34 GENERA OESCRIPTION OFWORK : REMOVE WOOD SHINGLES/ sct 1* s ( ) AODITIONAL ( ) DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 181.00 JoE NoRRTS JttNE 26, 1989 NOTES: - Siilltffi I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, complotgd an accurate plot plan, and stat6 that all the information provided as requirod is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, design review approved, Unitorm Building Code and other ordiryrnc* gtth€ Town applica[l€ thereto. ' Ace.1Z*F ' doprtment of community dwclopmont TO BEFILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PAIOR TO ISST'ANCE OF TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION R. -epf !fla h D D D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL /t )r x F TEGAL DESC. LOT-BLK FILING JOBNAME: dtrctg i. fuc* OWNER NAME r/l^ at2)rt \4-r<e.e4. urrr roonrss 3i ts cla- m <R P t- crw Pca'fzr w.7tt^61i ARCHITECT FIR.r| MAIL AODRESS CIIY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. ELECTRICAL RNM TOU/N OF VAIL REG. r'ro. _t-u tY I tt^re I vn PLUMBING FtRt/t TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.UUNI KAUIUT( MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. UIJN I K't(-It,X OTHER CONTRACTOR Ftilt 4.- e.-,fr,ta Ao, t6a {sl/rELE 725- NulE-trvrl l,r fBnMll lL, C,C ]\Crl t|.,lr. rrL'E,trll6 DATE 3gr{qPERITIT r.rYPE OF @i{STRUCTTON I l tY aoccuP NcYGRouP eaex!6H GENERAI DESCRIPITON OE WORK : PERMIT FEES NEW( I ALTERATION ( ) AOOTTTONAL ( ) REPATR DWELLING UNITS - ACCOT OOANON t,|{Jrl;- HE|G'fTINFT. - NO.FIREPIJ\CES INSULATION: TYP€ Ir{lc|(NEsS &VATLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEq Y 'NITIAL I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tutl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,8nd slale that all th6 information provided as required is correcl t agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and lo build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subtivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building CodE and other ordinances ot th€ Town applicable thereto. - TO: FROM: DATE! SUBJECT: 75 soulh frontage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 .\ - rtl of llce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYIJ REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN Or VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumruaryr -ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsterS, poriabre ioiret! ;;a---workmen vehicles. 1lpon any streetl sidewaik, altey or public P1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right-oi-"iy in aII Town ofvarr streets and.59ads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirt be strillry enforcid by the Town of vailPY!}i-c works Departrnent. pers-ons found viLraiins this ordinancewrrr be grven a 24 hour written notice to renove-said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not conpry wiln ah;---notice within the 24 hour time specified, ttre-pu[ric works - Department will- renove said mateiiat at tn" *xp.tse of personnotified. The provisions of this ord,inance ,frifi not beappLicabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tlre right-a-way, To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnanf you for yourcooperation on this uratter. Read and acknowledcred bv: ili acknowledged by: contract,or, owner) r 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 5 7 Ofice of the Town Attorney U".^( Q,('7' 19(J \ pk o7-/5 To utttkrtl't'q June 19. 1996 Richard P. Rosen, Esquire Richard P. Rosen, P.C. I120 Lincoln Sbeet, Suite I100 Denver, CO 80203 Re: Attic Space in Unit 28, Texas Townhomes Dear Rick: Enclosed you will find a copy of the GRFA Interpretation. On page 2 under Crawl and attic space the interpretation requires that pre-existing attic space, no matter what the head height, can be converted to habitable area only ifthe project or development has available GRFA or approval for additional GRIA under the 250 ordinance when analyzed using current GRFA regulations. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call. R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTlWaw Enclosure Very truly yours, TOWN OFVAIL {g*"."tuo"*o 7:2'*- To: I\{E]I{ORANDT]I\T Staff Interpretations Notebook Dominic Mauriello, Planner May 14,1996 From: Date: Re:Consolidation of policies on GRFA - Interpretation #70 Definldon: Calculation: The definition ofGRFA is auached- Interior walls are included in GRFA calculations. For duplex and primar/sccondary st cnreq common Party rvalls shall be considered extcrior rvalls. Bay windows, fireptaceq and maltels shall be included in 6RFA calculations' Greenhouse n indorvs (self-supporting rvindows) shall not bs counted as GRFA. Greenbouse windorvs are defined according to the follo*'ing critcria (see graphic): l. Distance Above Inside Floor l.evel - In order for a windorv to bc considered a grcenhouse window, a minimum disrance of 3 6'; mus be provided benveen the bottom of the window and the floor surface' as measured on rhc inside face of tirc building rvall. (Floor surface shall not include steps necessary to meet Building code egr"o rcquirements). ire 36" minimum was chosen because it locates the window too high ro * Lrfori"Uty u."a as a window seat and bccause it allows for a qpical 4' high grecnhouse window to be used in a room rvirh an 8' cciling height' 2. Projection - No greenbouse window may protrude more than 18" from the exterior surface ofthe building. This distance allorvs for adequare relicf for appcarance purposeq wirhout substantially adding to the mass and bulk of tbc building. 3. consrrr,rcdon characterisrics - All greenbouse windows sball bc sclf'supportbg and shall not rcquire special framing or constrr.,.tion meithods for support, with thc exception rbat brarkcts below thc window may bc allowed provided they die ino rbe wall oftbe builiing at a 45 degree angle' A small roof over tho winao* r.! a* U" .tlowed pmvidcd tbe overhang is limited to 4" beyond thE window plane. 4. Dimensional Requircment -No grccnbouse s'indow shall havc alotat window srrface area greater than 44 s.f. This figurc was derived on the assumption tbat thc Entdrum height of a windoq in an avcragc sized roor4 is 4. and rhe rnaxinum wi&h for a 4 high self-supporting window is between 6' and 8i(approximately 32 s.f.). Sincc thc window would protldc no ryot 9* 18"' the addition of side windorvs would bring the ovcrall window area to approximately 44 6'f' 5. Quantiry - up ro rwo (2) greenhouse windors will be allowed per dwelling rmit, however, rhe zl4 s'f' sizc limiration will apply to the combined area of tbe wo windows' 6. Greenhouse windows do not count as site coverage. Page I of3 a.'r'i i The conversion of all areas counted as "credit area" prior to J:uluary l, 191 shallbe allowcd. Rock storage areas maY bc convertcd to GRFA. Grrage credlt: ---:__._ ^.-..^ -^^-. --,.r.ra-,.h.ra ,rnir* Allowable garage arca is awarded on a'!er qpace basis," with a maximum of two sPaces per allowable unil Each garago spicc shall be designed with direct and unobstructed vchicular access. AII lloor arca included in the garage 6edit sball be contiguous !o a vehicular space' * Alcoves, storage areas, and mechanical areas which are located in the garage and which arc 25% or mor€ opeu to the garage area shall be included as garage credic r Garage space in exoess of the allowable garage credit shatl be counted as GRFA. Crawl and attlc sPace:. Crawl spaccs creatcd by a..stepped foundation," hazard mitigation, or other similar engineering requircmeot rhat has a totat heiglt in exc"ss of nve feet may be cxcluded from GRFA calculations at the discretion ofthe Direcor of CommunitY DeveloPment * pre-existing crawl space or attic areas, no matrer what the head height, can be convened to habitable area only ifthe project oi dcvelopmenr has available GRFA or approval for additional GRFA under fte 250 ordinance when analyzed using guEg$ GRFA regdationr * pre-existing crarvl space area\ unfEished wirh an earthen floor and limited access, no mancr what the head height will not be counted as GRFA u il sucb dme as conversion to habitable area is proposed and approved tkoughthenormaldesignreviervprocess.Again,conversiolscanonlybeapprovedifthgprojecthas available GRFA rvhen analyzed using cg6n! GRFA regulations' * All crawl spaces constructed must meet the follorving definition: Crawl spaces shall include ury below grade or substantially _buried area enclosed within thc foundatln walls, wirh a ceiling heighiless than or equal to 5 feet as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of rhe stnrcnrral members of thc floor/ceiling assembly above- Crawl sPaces must be accessed with an opening Dot greater than l2 square feet in area' Encloscd spaces not meeting this defrnirion will be considered to be GRFA' Enclosed spaces . counted asbRFA will be clculy noted by the planner on the redlined floor plans' True crarrl spaces shall be sho*n on floor plans and labelid with a noto indicaling: l) lhat tbe height ofthe . space will be 5 feet or less, and2) that access witl be provided via a halch or door not to cxc€ed 12 square feet in area- All crawl spaces shown on any approved floor plans sball bave such a note, or the planner will count the spacc as GRFA. r lf a roof structurc is designed rnilizing a non-truss systerq and spaces greater than fivc feet in height rezult' these aIe;a shall notbe counted as GRFA if&ofthe following criteria are met: ' l. The area carmot bc accessed directly from a hab1661. srga vrithin the same building level; z. The area shall have the minimum access required by the Building Code fiom the level below (6 s.f. opcning moiimum); 3. The anic qace shall not have a stnrctural Iloor capable of zupponing a "live.load' greater than 40 pounds per square foot, ard tle "floot'' of lhe attic spacc camot not be lmproveo Vaultcd spaces and areas 'bpen to bclod' are 4l included in GRFA calculations' storage areas, mechanical areas, $airs, landing, roid spaces, and the tike are included in GRFA calculations' o Page 2 of3 04/L7 /58 18:39 t1303 832 1900 ELROD,KATZ ET AL RICHAED ROAeN, AD'ril 17, 1996 R. Thmus Mooied, Esq. TOwn AtmrnCy Town of Vail 75 South Frorttge Road West Vail. Colorrdo 81657 \fm Facsiuile n0.4n 2157 RC:Udt 28. Tcrts Tovdmq To*l of Vail Dear Tom: This office bas bcen rcuird by Vail lugnatioml, Inc. to sssist itr &e completior of the renowtion of the above rttreoctd propeny. As discussed, the p$Derty is prescatly urder coatract lo be sold to eD idividul tbet is requesdng approval th€ right to r€Dovate the uuit, iocluding an crDan$iotr into thc attic s;me. @ooz THE LAW OFFI€ES OF E'cnvEa I I reo I f L'rtgOLN !irPLLr sutTE I to0 oENvEF COLO&.OO tlil2lrf TEL 303 B3t rtOO rar 9al:l a6l o. I it approval ptovided by Mr. Jim Curnuttp in a leder datcd April 7, 1995, he$ @plied i0 od recrived fmm ttrc Towtl of Vril prelininry egnoval for NotwitLstardirrg, as provrdtxl in your lcilff of F*arat 13. 1996 b lN lerel couucl br Veil hbrstiomt, Irs., * aliflUite fur rl applimioo fta r buildingpcmit rtqrdrd rc lrcrrhnn Aldl 30, l$16. omcr of Udit 2A, Tcras Towoh@cs, has cretred e frirly lengfiy PurfiEnt to t[e currert the remvatiol Davis. &e Unfrruneiely. tbe dclaY in finrlizing fomal al4lication ethics of the ownet Yours very nuly, RICHARD P- ROS P't sor a | !7 g^|' .:t.'L(,'.^|l(:' gt6Eg lf,r 1Ot ^'rt ta.a g1g[ 6qra61 hrs denied pe,nding paymetrt of a large surn of fioncy, as well as fl.rrerial clurges to tIIe of the building. AII of which heve yet to be settled. Although uegotiatiors continuc on r rlaily brsrs, tbFe is !o possibe way 16 finqtiz€ this negodarion process in order to Eeer dis permit deadlirc mpced b'y thc Town Consequeotly, il is with the rbovc iD ilind. rd thc hsic facr tbat al extcmd sourEe oubid8 of ttre conrol of ci&er the cutlelrt owrler Or 0a purCbaSCr haS C+uSed Siglificau delays irt finqliting |[e 4,Itroval procsss\ including the applicarion for a building peuit, that I rcspcctfuIly rcqucst an ildcfirite cxtension ufl rcrptintions txlr be conrDleBd, Tbark you for your consideratiore. I look forunrd o hearing from you. appoval process for fte rcmvation plars, as wcll as I trrther delay in tle the required buildiag pernit. Withur cornmeutilg ou ttc frincss or tDc Unit 2A, an 0rel agrecmeflt for appmval of the finel archirecnrrrl pleus by P.C. gr cour{it:r J raooo. xarz. FrrEEo. Logt\. uat!oN |r irrv[.r.MAN, P.c. I i o O, -/--, \\k , ' -\r* lrY"n'd- ---'--t-- 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 57 February 13, 1996 Ofrice of the Town Attorney .t_i. Ross Davis, Jr., Esquire Attomey at Law WestStar Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 107 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Attic Space in Unit 28, Texas Townhomes Dear Ross: Eand Delivered Based upon the correspondence from Jim Curnutte, Senior Planner, dated furil 7,1995;the correspondence of Gnny Culp to Amy Dorsey and Mary Ann Kasorq dated February 8, 1996 and our conversation ofFebruary 12, 1996 the Town of Vail is taking the position that Mr. Curnutte's letter of April 7, 1995 will remain in effect for any application for a building permit that is submitted up to and including April 30, 1996. Any application submitted after that date for conversion of the existing attic will be evaluated pursuant to the present staffpolicy. The staffopinion has changed and the opinion stated in the April 7, 1995 letter is no longer effective, but I believe this resolution is equitable based upon the reliance on Mr. Cumutte's opinion without subsequent notification of the change in the staffinterpretation. If you have any further questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, /16y/^{, R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney xc: Jim Curnutte {Su*uor o* JNN 15 '96 11:Z1RI1 S.S.F,V,R. RRROI,IHECD 75 South Frontage Road Vait, Colorado E|657 303 -479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 3A3,-47e.2452 !? April T, 1995 D eparnnent of Comtnunky D ueloptnent Mary Ann Koson Slifec Smith aad Framptonfr'sil Associateg Rsal Estate --?-O-Drawee2820, .-. Avoq CO 81620 RE: Attic space inUnit 28, Toos Townhomec DearMary Ann: This leper is intended to follow up on our telephone conversetion last week regarding tho possibility of finirhiug out thc attio rpace in Unit 28, Texss Tovnhomes. The Vail plennirtg strtr Las dstermi8ed tbat, iimitar to the Thain redevelopraent on tbe eagt end of the building; the portion of the existirg attic which curently o<cEeds five feet in luad height ia cotuidergd to be ireeristing GRFA on the property urd may be finiehed out and msde accesrible Aoru tbe lower ievel However, ae I mentionid during our phonc conversation, becEuse the setback reguirenents for the Texas Towuhone lots are so r$trictivg no changes may be madE to the srterior wrllr or roof lines of the buitding without first obtaining vuimce approvals. It il posuible to add a gkylight to the roof without requiring a variance. The addition of a slcylight to the roof of the building would sirnply requirc Deeign Review Board (DRB) approval, I hope the infcnnation !n this lcttcr is of use to you, however, if a.dditional iaformEtion is necesgary, please feel free to contact me 8t you convenience. Siqcerely, ,- .1 t!*;C*,*ffi Jim Curnutte Senior Planner TOW OF VAIL nle rfrv r, rL rjl.t ot9 ttv v.,pp rl lrqEU L ltlL - fclrl ThePrudentral Gore Flanqe Properties, inc- .qnh3 . He,llels . Prcp€rty Mina(crnail 5l t LionrfiNitrt fltitl vi.rit. CO 91657 8tts. (970) 476.?48? Bus. (8001 Z8{|.Z4B0 Far (970i d76-0499 February 8, 1996 t4l uuz Ms. Amy Dorsey i6:. ,," Ms. Mary Ann Koson Drawer' 2820 Avon, CO BL62O RE: Texas Townhorne 29 Dear Amy and Mary ltnn, :L:l!-"::^!9r Vour prompr aErenrion ro geEr,ins rhrough rhe aLrorneyrerrlew process and^the lrlghts of First Refusal-st,arrud "n cf."-.""L-il"uon Texas Townhome 28. After my meeting, *ltl, ure. cohagen's architeci and my subseguenteonversatio:r wr-th. John rlohagenl he asked that ihis iett.er d. sentformaLrv statins that wt: neEd eo know exactry *r.a- the Town of Vailis-going ro all5w for e:i.nish"a-iultoo* space in the attic of unit. zBbefore ere can proceec w:Lt.h architec.ural- review ."a ai-*irr;-d";; -" pJ-ans for the ilomeowne. s a,sso"iiiion and gorn o! varr- rb is ourimpression from Ehe Towrr of vaii Communrcy oeveiJpmenu r.eEEer datedAprir ?, 199s Ehau bhe t:ntire space thac ixceeds irve feeE. in theattic can be finished inco bedrSom space. f am cert,ain the cohagerrs and Mr. Deleon feei ehe same about t.hissit.uation I A' The leEter defini-Lery sEates E,haE iE is permisslbre.B. oehei Texas To'nhome3 ir"".-ueen-riiiriiri-iiii"r,ua o,rr.c. This ie int.erior space and does ""c aao-i"-iir" ',*"*"ing,r and. "high density" ttral has been a proure*-intc[" p""t severaryears. we vrourd' like a writcen reEEer frorq the Town of vail attorneyverifying thaE E.he space can be finished as a-u*aioom. rf finishingEhe enEire_spac9 isn;t,:rLlowab1e...we want a definite sUabement ofwhat is allowable. John Cohagen wiII need t.o see this letEer beiore he can progecd lriEhhis reviews and drawing of plans. Thank you for your.speei:y herp. r think ure are arr working towardthe same end here. sipgerely, /\AI \. tL jln'r-.rl,r-1- L,-^-tA-,tAtI {t Ot) (; &-s.,Y\* . Oftices in Vail, BeaiSr Creek and Edwards . tBAn,nrtr,trir.adt tl&M i:Btor cll t tn!\y .il thu F,,,.,n,{ rtr. !i,_rto, $r .:. t|{,,'ts 0O/Ll/gB 11:46 82113/rgYb 16: 16 c303 832 1000siB4u7 ELROD,KATZ ET ALo @oos E EouthFronagcRoad Yail Colorudo t1657 97IL4it*2 I O7/:Fax 97W 479-2 I ST Februsry 13" 1996 Qfice ol tlw Town AnorneJt Ross D8vis, Ir., Esquire Attomey atlaw Wcdtstar B arr& Builditg lOE S. FrontageRsa4 Suite307 vril CO 81657 Re: Attic Space in Unit 8, Tcrrs Tow[homes HlndFdfvcrcd DearRoss: Bascd upon the correspoadeoce ftm, ttrm Cumrrne Scqior Pbnncr, datcd Atril 7, 1995; the sorrespondeoce of Ginny Culp to Auy Dorsey ead frlary Aln Kasorl dlted Fcbruary I, 1996 eod our couversatiou ofFebnrary 12, 1996 thc Tow[ of Veil is trking the podtiotr thrt Mr- Curnrtte'! lcttcr of ASil 7, 1995 will rcorin in etrect frr eay epplirxion for a hrilding pcmrit tlra is suboincd up to urd includ'ng Apdl 30, 1996- Ary applircrtion srbodtted rter tftm.rqte for conversion of rhe odsting auis will bc evrrhated prusuaff to the pieseot naf poliey. The statropinion hff chalgcd end th€ opfon *srcd in thc April ?, 1995 l€tt€r ir no loogcr d€cdve, but I believe this ro6olutio4 io equitable based upoa the rdirase on Mr. Cumrttc's opinion without srbsequcnt rptifcatiou of tlp cbagg in the naffutcpreraior. Ifyou have ury firthu questions or conmants plc4se don't hesitEte to costact de. Very tnrly yourg ,16yk# R Tbqmas I\iloorhead Town Attorney xq Jim Curnutte {g'n'.'er"o O6/L4/SO U:46 430lJ2 r00o EI.ROD,KATZ '' AO 8002 75 hwhFronuge Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 303479-2I3E/ 479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 April T. 1995 Mary Ann Koson Sli&r Smirh and Framptorr/Vail Associates Red Estate P.O. Drawer 2820 Avoq CO 81620 RE: Attic space in Unit 28, Tecras Townhomes Dcprtnent of Communiry Developtncnt Dear Mary Ann: This letter is imended to follow up on our telephone coffi€rsalion last week regarding thc possibility of finistring out the ailic space Ll Unit 28, Tercas Towulromcs. Ttc Vril planning s1;tr has detasdned that sfunilar to the Thain rederrctopment on the east end ofthe building the ponio.n ofthe existing attic which currently exceeds frve feet in head height is considerrd to be prffNdstitrg GRFA on the propcrty and may be finished out and made arcessibte &sm the louror level- Howarer, as I mentioned during our phoae conversation, bccanse the setback requirarents for tbe Texas Townbomc lots arc so rEstrictiw. no changes rnay bc made ro theemerior walls or roof lines of the burlding without first obtaining wiurcaapprovale. It is possible to add a *JACht to the roof without requiring e rrariance. The addition of a dcyligtt to t}e roof of tbe building would simply require Design Revieur Board @RB) approval, I bopt the inf,crmation in ttris lctter is of i,$e io you, ho#evsr, iiuiriitionai iubrnadon is trec$saq/, please feel ftee to contact tne et yorrr conveniencc- *fr:t"*'r J/^ , ',r VLtttn*t+?d(/ n ftt , Iim Cumutte ,VlASeniorPlanner I *ttr, 4VV,/,W Afl.nf (0 xc: * d-/ a4/ a3/ L996 otou,t touo, "tJuort*t ^*o'T i, poeE s5roll THIRP FIaOR FU'\N, E -l5=at'.fll,N o,? 7at fr.se 'E X|€'|'rrJ6 A.f11(- t*1d: ie & |'lNl€lElt *c/.,.&lturaoAar'otJ N i7l+ 6at de*aY rNTt€rol<P&ni tAN-) ?U)MtiN4 1 Elez4a12^L.g lKYtlati-lEi @ -ft> ?ee PM-5. $ll$| si C-OHAGlHtffi eae 2. a4/ s3lLss'" 1:' 3u". uzrulril, " ^*. PAGE A3 1ll - 4t -6t11...'. . tI Tom bloorhead /(("-J J- f l- 7l Orrr-t'X * )rl"- lt'/'o 4,v^'lr T {p nrcva,wrtrm ,l TOVVNpFVA+L ' 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Perrnit #: 801-0059 Job Address.: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Applied...: 04/72/2001, Parcel No....: 210rc8n20f3 Issued ...: 04/26/2001, Project No...: p PA aO - O ALl3 Expires...: 10;/%/2001, owNER DAVID AND iIAMTE DEMIlle 04/L2/2OOL phone: 84 COVE RD. OYSTER BAY, NY rr771 License: coNrrRAcToR BAITER HOME IMPROVEMEMT oe/tZ/ZOOt phone: 970-390-2909 PO BOX 2894 VAIL CO 815s8 L,icense: L18-B APPIJICAI,,TT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT O4/L2/2OO1 phone1. 97O-39O-29O9 PO BOX 2894 \lAIIr CO 815 58 License: 118-B Desciption: 250 addition Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1HR TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $325,000.00 AddSsFt 592 Fireplace Infomration: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliarrces: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # oJ wood pelet 0*r*r****{***r:tf,'* FEE suMMARy Building-> $1, 640. 00 Restuarant Plan Review->go - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $3,323,40 s0.00 Investigation-> wjll call-> $0-00 Rgcleation Fee- -_> $414.40 Total Permi.t Fee--> S3,323.40 $3 . 00 clean-up Depa'sit-->90. 00 Paymeltr-> S3,323 .40 TCITAL FEFq---> S3,323.40 BALANCE DUE > qD.,L\.e\ ko\ 2 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TINGS -t l-X-r:-Tcrr^'JL-n Plan Check--> $1. 065. 00 DRB Fee------> S2o0. 0O Additional Fees-> $0. oo Approvals:I€dm: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI 04/t2/2OO:- JHM Action: NO PLANS TO AIITISON AND JR 04/20/200t JRI4 Action: AP PI'ANS APPROVED REDLTNED Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARTI,IEDf,I 04/25/200! ao Acrion: APCR tress in the backtannot be removed without planning approvalIICM: O5600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT It.em: 05500 PUBITIC WORKS *+**;.{"*r*****.* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state'that aII the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUEgTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNA AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSET-F AND OWNEF +l {it*rrr***o*!****!.,t ih*'rio**i****r****************ffir,***-**-ll**t:-L ***lt*t!** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 801-0069 asoIO4-26-ZOO] Stahrs: I99UED {i*rt***ldt****l***1F.ffi *:*+"|t*,|H*li*****'**'*!e!*ihHrit*iffi !!*******ffi ****ffi *-rr*** PermitType ADD/ALT MF BUILDPERMIT Applied: 04/12/2001 Applicant BAUERHOMEIMPROVEMENT Issued: M/26/2007970-390-2qJ9 To Expire: 1,0/?S/ZOO7 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Parcel No: 2101,08272003 Description: 250 addition Conditions: Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIREDTO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS.AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOI\4S AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 lIFc. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVALIS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * *** * * | f * t**t** **'** +*:* * *** {.,**** * * *t!t{':t ** trt* * a*tt*a,it*t +f * ****,t*+*****r+* * * *d.*r**!t,t,*t****at tf I , TOWryOFVAIL, COLORADO statemetlf'}+'s**t'*!*+*****!t*********,*'s*******+!i*ait+*ftf+tf+tf++ttf**++**t**rrra******irr****a*,t*+t*ff Statenent Nr:mber: R000000540 Arnor:nt: 93,323 .40 04/26/2go.L1oi3Z AIrt Palment Method: Check Iuit: RA Notation3 9 081. Permit No3 801-0069 Tl4)e: ADD/ALT i,F BUfLD pERrrrIT Parcel No: 2LO|O8272OO3 . Site Address: 483 @RE CREEK, DR \TAIIJ Locat.iorx: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Total Fees: $3,323 .40 .This Payment: $3,323.40 Total ALL pmts: 93,323.40 Balance: $0.00dt*:11.***l!t+*:*******!i****:t*t++*+******t**a*i*+**!t***tr!**'F****t**+**+*:i***++:**++***f**flt+t'al+'|{. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript'ion Current Pnts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDiNG PIRI,IIT FIES DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEII FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHTCK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES hJC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1 ,640.00 200.00 1 . 066. 00 4t4.40 3. 00 .t ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project * lFJ [\s - ttzl3 Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspecdons) Separate Permits 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 nits are required for electric CONTRACTOR INFORMI :'"BAi:""'oL6t General Contractor: \&,+{a2 fbfte tlildAofun Town ofVail Reg. No.://&-3 Contact and Phone #'s:8f-qe/Z 370-z?0? Contractor Signature: coM PTETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ e80 eOO ELECTRTcAL: $ gO OtO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ /VOryO MECHANICAL: $ ? Om rorAL: $ 325 O0O For Parcel # Conbct F:/everyon€forms/bldgperm Assessots OflTce at 97O-328-864O or visit of Construction: Parel # d/Ot OgL lZ fapplica'tion wlllnotbe accept€d Without paitel number) /NG RELIOhEL robAddress: *S eP€ ehfr&-krfcB subdtvislon: l*lL U lt4lGe Address: &4 Ote I,J. OygAAAf lt enone: QU_qZZ Ensineeri Jt 0.t/Le &uaa, Detailed description of work:7446$e.c 9 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel({) Repair( ) Demo(f) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No:- Type of Btdg.: Single-famiV ( ) Two-family ( ) Multr-family (! Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: e-No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( )0 No ( ) *****r.****tr**************rr************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************,t********* ; 'ot "q"..?fi' ruh'N ? Ilepartment of Community Development Proie€t Name:e-/aD6 Project Address: This Checklist must be omoleted before a Buildina permit apptication is acceohd, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval atbched if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without wriften aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fariily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted praor to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 a/,r/o rDate of submittal:/ tr tr o n o o o 3 o a o o n f f Applican(s Signature: F:/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME if this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecbs should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ''PUBL[C WAY PERMIT": u Is this a new residence?YES a Does demolition work being performed requ E] D Nofa ',fiJ:K" .he Risht-of-way, easements or Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES Is any drainage work.bging done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public YES --- No--;! /Ytrs--- *u n / Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO X -of-Way, egsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?*ox NO, is a pafiing, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?*ox If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached), If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. ,Em,aZ loh€ lk\kld. Company Name Job or Project Name: Date Signed: public property?YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Nox D property? Is the Right YES If answer is YES Contractor Signature F : /everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones. etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review, If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". )> NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-applicaUon each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. erstand the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 a. - TO1MN OEVAIL' DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0150 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Irccation.....: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Applied. . : 0711612001 ParcelNo...: 2lOlO8272O03 Issued. . : OTllTl2OOl- '., Project No : ( (X fi t. 'Q t-r{ > Expires . .: 0l/l3l2002 Ovfl{ER DA,VID AND ,'AMIE DEMING 07/L6/2O0L Phone: 84 COVE RD. OYSTER BAY, NY 1,L7'tt L,icense: CONTRACIOR EAGIJE VAIJIiEY ELECTRIC 07/L6/200L Phone: 970-827-5172 P O BOX 1116 VAIIT, CO 816 58 License: 156-E APPIJICSffI EAGIJE VAIiIJEY ELECTRIC O7 lLG /20Ot Phone : 910-821-5772 P O BOX L115 VAIIT, CO 81558 License: 156-E Desciption: REWIRE ENTIRE UNIT Valuation: 517,800.00 'r:**:rtllll*+atil*a****:l,t:lallltlr,rl'llrElecu.ical-> S324 .00 DRB Fee-> lnvestigation-> wi[ csll-> $0.00 s0.00 s3.00 Tolal Calculaled Fees-> 5321 .oo Additional Fees..--> S0 .00 Totol P€mit Fee----> 9327 , 00 Palm6rdr-> 9327, 00 BAI,ANCE D1JE.-->90. O0TOTALFEES-> 5327.00 Approvals:Iiim: 06000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT o7/!6/200L JRM ItsEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Action: AP CONDITTONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPIJTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required mmpleted an accurale plot plaq and stat€ that aU the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approve{ Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. APPUCATION WILL.NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIbff.?l#l"'fffIo p-ozw --Building Permit #: 801-0069 Electrical Permit #l 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 81G57 Co COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) lrtact Eagle County Assessors OffiCe at 9Z0-92g_g64O or vjsit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required Job Name:Deming Residence lnh Arirlracc. 483 Gore Creek Drivg Vail Legal Description lflor ll atock: ll riting:Subdivision: "'f5+1H'P:i"-ie *,1"" --lmtil...ovster Bav. r.ry tt7@Engineer: ll-Addres$Phone: Detailed descripUon of wor,.'Cornplete rewire of upper unit with Loft addition and seperatingelectrical Meterins lower units workclass: New( ) Addition(x) Remodel (x) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( *) Tvpe of Bldg.: single'famity ( ) Duptex ( ) Muiti-family (x) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No f v'l Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes ( ) NoGl Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X ) AMOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: t1737 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 17.800.00 CONTRACTO R INFORMATIO N * *********r***:r************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy** F :leveryone/forms/elecperm "f/ TOWN OFVAIL ' 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT 483 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Permit #: & HEATros/03 /zooL Phone:970-390-1897 M0l-0058 ISSUED 05/0312001 05/l l/2001 tuo7l200l COIflTR,ACTOR EAGI,E RIVER PLI'I{BING P.O. BOX 4981 VAII-,, CO 81658 License: 1'82-M APPIJICANT E'AGLE RI\TER PLI'UBING P.O. BOX 4981 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 182-M & HEATros/o3/200L rs REQUTRED PER sEc. ?01 oF TIrE 1997 I,MC, oR sEqrroN Phone: 970-190-L891 Descipion: RELOCATE MECH ROOM/INSTALL NEW BOILER Valuation: S8,000-00 Fireplacc Information: Restriotod: Y # ofcas Appliana€o: O # ofGas l'ogs: 0 .# ol -W.ood-Pellet: 0 ttrtttrlt*t*,t,t****:trt,i**tat*.ttttti** Mechanicat--> 9160.00 Re6tuarat Plan Revi€w-> $o'oo Total Cdculaied Fees-> 5203'00 Plan Chsck--> F40.oo DRB Fee""--------> SO'oO Additional Feee----"--> 50'00 Inv€stigation-> 5o.oo TOTAL FEES-__------> 9203-OO Tolal Permit Fee-> s203 '00 Will Call-> 53 . oo Paymenls--;' $2 03 ' 0O BALANCE DUE---*-> 90.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTME\II 05/o7 /2o0L JRtti Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : Cond: 22 FrELD TNSPECTTOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE CoMPLIAI{CE' (BLDG.) : COMBUSTIOT{ AIR ?01 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (Br,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST COIIFORM TO I4AIII'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,,DG.): GAS APPI-,IA}ICES SHAI-,IJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CMPTER 8 A}ID SHAIJL 483 Gore Creek Dr. DAVID AND JAMIE DEMING s4 covE RD. oYSTER BjAY, NY !L77]- TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLD6.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMmff MUST COMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.L017 OF THE 199? I]MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDC;.): BOILERS SHALL, BE MOITNTBD ON FLOORS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. II{LESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI'NTI}TG ON COMBUSTIBLE EI-,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): pERMIT,PLAf'fS AND CODE AITALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN II'IECIIAIIICI'IJ ROOM PRIOR TO A]iI INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): DRATNAGE OF MECHANTCAT ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUTPPED wrTH A Fr-,OOR DRAIN PER sEc. L022 oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, complet€d an accurate plot plan' and statp that all the information as required is conect. t agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved' Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQ1JESTS I1CR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIIR HOIJRS IN OR AT OIIR OFTICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM ORCONTRACTOR HMSELFANDOWNE TOWN OF VAIL t DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PETMit #: MOI-0094 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . ' : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Applied. . : 0611412001 ParcelNo...: 210108272003 Issued. ' : 06115/2001 ProjectNo ' ExPires. .: 12/12/2001 OWNER DAVID AIID JAMIE DEMING 06/1-4/2007 Phone: 84 CO\rE RD. OYSTER BAY, NY L1771- Iricense: coN:rRAcToR HEARTH EXeHANGE, rNc. TilE) 05/!4/20oa Plrone! 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8r-645 L,icense z L74-M APPLTICAIIT HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. (THE) 06/1412001 Ptrone: 970-s27-9623 P.O BOX 670 MII{TT'RN, CO 81545 License:174-M Desciption: 250 addition Valuation: $6,500.00 Fireplaoe lnformrtion: Restrict€d: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 2 # ofGas L,ogs: 0 .{of wood Pellet: 0 It*'l&ila**a*tltttl Mechanical-> S14o.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> So.oo Total Calculal€d F€es-> $178.00 Plan Check--> 935,00 DRB Fee-----*---> $o.oo Addilional Fees-----> 90'00 Invesigrtion-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES------> S17S.0O Total Permit Fee------> s178-00 Witl CaU-> 93 . oo Paymais"....-._-> S1?8 ' 00 BAI_ANCE DUE-> 90.00 aa'tltaaaaataaara,aaa It,em: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEICT 06/L4/20OI CDAVIS AcEion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled orr in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plalL and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plall to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr rwiw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicablo thereto. REeuEsrs FoR INspEcrIoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFrIcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE. ,*ffi 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 91657 Iiiffi,fiw Medranical permit #: 970-479-2t49 Permit witt n !"ru#lHl#siHH$?T,:trawn to scare b indude: : gombustion Air Ductsla and location _o fl_1u:.n*.fndGasunesize"nJGo6on ht parcet * gnesliiffi subdiv'sion: (/a / h! /4 c or uisit for Parcet # Work dass: Neul f ) adetili.r- / r A---:- t .. j--E_- -- tr( ) &teriorl ) omodstatt of No/Typeof Fireplacespr::osed::,i:+"lunouu-.-Wood Wood/Petlet (.Wood Buming (NOT AIOWED; Yes coMPtFrE vALuATroN FoR MECHANTCAL pERMrr (labor & Materiars ) 6 5@ ",tEct-tANIcAt: s ledranical offi CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON JUN 14 2001 ******* ?ild- r!-'veryone/fonns/medrpcrn a I rrlt t4 :,|JN 6J UU| Ud: dtP r.t I co ,. H!t3('c JU3-bb:r-1Cl I F.z lil6q fuP ltd 't-iovt ot.# T .:,gi*/ !*"7C nl/oa,. ol I I Hn. t-t* or &?tb ttudr" ,/ *fuo fio, _ t l-zc lt ,J lno -{ atk. tbot?, olovg. c3* f",/a/ o{ #d' Sooo /bs.', s.gad (ffie *opo?Miol bwl e rry F-ntn fut - o/zs/ot h'= f-o (r{ */. st Jul 15 OO 05:46p .aa1 , , Chr i s J"laron 303 i+itg-11?5 p.3 Tod Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.2227 Canyo_n BIvd., Sulre lSS, Boutdcr,-Co g0302 phone/Fax: (303) 449_t I75 July 15,2000 Mr. Zdenek Bauer Bauer Home Improvement P.O. Box 2894 Vail, CO 81658 SUBJECT: Asbestos Survey and Bulk Analyses Results 483 Gsre Creek Dr., Vail, Colorado W,, c' ^r -OOb9DearMr. Bauer: l--l I ly'lt-t Attached is the report for theasbestos survey and bulrr. sampring ofsuspect asbestos_containing marcriats ar 4g3 Gore Crr.[D;; vJr,6.m"uoo. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthrs report, please do not hesitate toconlact us. Sincerely, C6/ln@ Chris Maron Project Manager Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety *Final Air Testing*Health and Safety Traimng ;l|#otttesktop\compreted Jobsvnspections\483 Gore cre,ek Dr-Vail.doccreated on 07/15/00 Ju I l5 OO O5:46p Chn i s l'laron 303 4.+S-11?5 P-i+ Boulde^r Environmental Management, Inc.2227 CanyonBtvd., Suite 155, Boulder, Colorado g0302 Phone,tFax: (303) 449_ t 175 ASBESTOS SURVEY AND tsULK |SAMPLING REPORT 483 Gore Creek Dr., Vail, Colorado Introduction: on JuIy l0r 2000, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.,s building inspector, chrisMaron, conducted an asbestos-containing materi-als r;urvey. The purpose oltrr, ,urveywas to identifii asbestos li*ilii-g.T"r"i'.r.iacrtir a-s defined by the EnvironmenralProtecrion Ageacy @pA) to establish n. urlJri*l"pact of building renovarion. Sampling: flunne the sampling proce:?, :Tp*lAC1\4.was_sepai.ared into rhrce EpA catesories.Ihese caregories are thermar sysrem insularion (TSi;,,*f";;;;-;M;uno"rl',"fu,,un*r*AcM. TSI includes all materials "r"o t" p.r"riin'rlr ro* or gain or water condensationon mechanical systems. E-xamples "r lsr a.e pilr ""*rirgs,'u.ii* i.ffii"",'o*,wrap' and mud packed fi*ing cement. surfacini ACrr,{ incLies "t;cil;;s sprayed,howelled, or otherwise anptGg to . ru.ru""'rtzse ipprication. ur, -o.i.o*only uscdin fireproofing, decorafivJana urourti.J rppiffi;, Miscelraneous materiars includeall ACM not listed in the thermal ryrtr- in"'JudJo"or surracing categories, such aslinoleum, vinyl asbesros flooring, ,"a ,"ifl"g -t:fll" " Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed BrA recommended samplingguidelines for identification ofasbestos i" u"il-r"""r.,:s. A set ofthree (3), five (5), orseven (7) samples were collected for each rutoiJ qrpr and anaryzed by polarized LightMicroscopy (pLM). Each r*ptr tit *us *i"*:oiL,t, anaryzed. Upon dererminationthat a sample in a set conrain.d^b*r"r;;"t;;;;e remaining samples in rhe ser wasdiscontinued. If no asbestos was detected du.ing th" a,ratyses, the suspect materiar wasdehrmined to be negafive fo, ^U.rtos *n;;.'" "*' Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*IIeaIth and Safety Training Ju I l5 OO O5: rt6p Chn i s l"lanon 303 443-117s p.5 Bo{9g Environmental Marragement, Inc.2227 CanyonBlvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CJtoruao 80;;t--phonErFax: e}j) 449 -l1 j s The following materials were analyzed and determined to be non asbestos_containingutilizing polarized light microscopy gfU;. Discussion: Sample analyses results ar componenrs.rheEpAo"f"l',0,T"*J,J.iiiffj?c.:il*b:1,::andnon-asbestos asue-stos,.uttiizi"e pira, *u"e." ,rb.ri"-;;;;'t'#iil,f"?:H,H":ffi:ffiXt"lt.)identified as ',non detected" arc ip..inra * "ot ,*li.r"g asbestos. Conclusion: The laboratory reports sunporting the.findings above ar.c attachcd. Appricable state,federal, and local environmentaliegutationsllpuiut trrt "lI ..friable,, asbestoscontaining building marerials, 'matlriars trr"tl- b.."*bled by hand pressure,, andasbesios-containing materialuthat wouto u. t"or#ni*r. -,rit u" it['t"opril, t"renovation/demolition activities that would r.pu.i tti.,.ror"riars. By law individuarslff:*jl perform asbesros abatemenr inih. i"i. "ic'"r"ruoo ,n'Jt p"rro# ur"u.r,o, NON ASBESTOS.CONTAINIIIG MATERIALS Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing*Health and Safety Training MATERIAL drywall and texture (ceiling) LOCATION SAMPLE ID i at tront door, I at fireplace, at North wall, at dining table, at Stove, l7-10-cM-0lA lr-ro-cu-ozn I l7-10-cM_03A 7-10-cM-04A 7-1o-cM-OsA I drywall joint compo*d (ceiling) Iroil 0oor llght, stove light, counter light 7-10-cM-068 7-10-cM-078 7-r0-cM-08B Jul 15 OO O5:47p Chris l-laron 3O3 449-11?5 p.6 Borlf der Environmental Maragement, Inc.2227 CnyonBlvd., Suite ls5, Boula"; Ci,ro*ao A03,0zphonerFou (303) 4Flg-tt7 s Please contact Boutder Environmeuhl Managenrent" Inc. with any questions or concernsregarding this reporl Sincerely, C^/k^ Chris Maron (AHERA Buildirrg Inspesror 046_50-1457) Asbestos*Lead*Industrial ylgiene*Sefety*Final Alr lestlng*Health end Srfety Treining Jul 15 0O O5: i17p Chn i s l'lanon 303 44S-l l?5 p. ? Ju I 15 OO O5: 47p Chn i s I'laron 3O3 443- 117s p. I ASBESTOS CERTIFICAT'ION STATE OF COI,ORADO Colorado Department of public Ilealth has met Control certified bf IN Issued: 1.0/19/1999 Expires: 10/19/2000 t nis,"e'w* lt wa od! tvtth na potststron oI cuftenr AHE,A cerrtrtcdrton rn tt, dtscrptinc spccilied Record Numbcn 7657 and Enyironment Jul l5 OO O5: 46p Chr i s l",taron Boulder Environmental Management, Inc, 2227 CanyonBoulevard Suite 155 Boulder, CO 80302 303 4rt9- 1 1?5 p.2 BILL TO Bauer Home Improvement Mr. Zden€k tsauer P.O. Box 2894 Vail, CO 81658 DESCRIPT]ON I I travel to and from Vait I I sitc charactcrization, 4E3 Gore Geek Dr., Vait 8 | bulk samples as required per AHEM protocol for dernolition 4li3 Core Creek Dr., Vail 150.00 150.00 25.00 1J0.00 I50.00 2m.00 [[ I i l ,^e I N\4 --j Ju I 15 OO O5: i18p ;l. <?r/IrJ-: @)1- l0 Cht^ i s l'lanon 303 .+r+S- I 1?5 p.9 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suitc 155, Bouldei. CO 80302 Phone/Fax; (303) aa9-l I75, pager: (303) 206_0433 ASBESTOS BULK SA]VIPLE LOG LOCATION:Urt Rcsf DATE:_7-to-o' 3.&re\ &"cr 31o-?ffi MATERIAL SAMPLEI)QUANTITY -.-loo BUII-.DING/LOCATION r 3.TEST METHOD: PLM- ASBESTOS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: TURNAROUNO: ZK Ir \/ tDATE: t t@(qt TIME: ,un' 1y't/r,^twn' Jul 15 OO O5:48p Chnis Maron 303 i+r+g- 1 r?5 P. 10 flri _? -l.,:.s)/*l"J iim n nm nta 7100N. Broadway Ste. GS,Denver, CO. g022l Phone (303)4874533 Fax (303Y97 4s34 In CLIEFITT CLIENT PRO'ECT#: PRO.IECTNAME: AEBREVITTIONS: BOULI}ER ENVTRONMENTAL INC. 222? CANYON BLVD. #tss BOULDER" CO 8Og}2 {&l G0nE DR., VArr,, co. SA.I}IPLE TYPE VT-Vinyt Floor Tilc FS-floor Shettng AC-Acourtical Spray-Oo Cf-Cdllng Titc IIJM-Dryrvrll Joirt Mud WP-\ryrll Phcter GRAN4rrnular SEI PRO.IECT#: DATf, OFRBCEIPT: DATE OFANALYSIS: SAMPLEDBY: PAGf,# fln7-r0 o7-il-00 ffi-lt-00 CLIENT loFl ASBES OS TYPE CHRYf-Chryrotilc AMO$.Am6ite CROC"Crocidolitc TREM-Trcmolirc NAINo Asbcctc Dot cH TRACf,.<l% Asbertos MATORIALTYPE CELL-Celluloae FG.Fibrour Glacs AGG-Aggr€grtc NF-Nor Flbroui BIN-Einder SYN-Synthetic Illl-Horse Hrir MDTHODT DETECTION LIMTT: ANALYST: Authorized S[naturc: Polerized Ltht Microsoopy, EpA Mcttod 600/R-93/l 16 I'lo Asbectos l,rrs MrlDstroo tI .r:.e['!s!F#:.glu!q.lilrm&rl.s - i :: I r.r_: i .lt. . 1t., . Srndc Cocdrloo7-t|FCM4tA 4nl DNYWA.LL/Tf, XTIND.WHTTB GRAN NAI'my,cnti+Arec-GO0t)NO 7-r0tM.02A 4n2 I'RYWALUTEXTTIRE.WIITT4 GRTN NAII lSToCELL+AGG GOOD NO 7-1o4M{ti}A {?2t DRYWALI./TEXTIJ'RF-WIIITE" GRAN NAII 20%CELL+AGG cooD NO 7-IDCM{}IA {t:a DRVWAU/Tf, XTURE-WHITE, GN.AN NAI'25%CEI,I,+AGC GU)T)NO 7-tf4M{5A {tIS DRYWAU./TEXTURE-WHME, GRAN NA],25ol6cELL+ACC cooD NO 7-1o{M{xB 4226 DRYW^LIJIIIM.WIUIf, GRAN NAN,45%CELL+AGG GOOt)NO7-1o-cM{t7B 1271 DR,YWALI./DIII{.WErIE, GNAN I{AD 2O%CELL+AGC GOOt)NO7-t0-cM-0EE 42?'DRYWALL/IIJM-WHITE. GRAN NAII 20%CELL+ACC GOOT)NO *f|L Efart Fttrft {|! b tt laler t td.- Jtl rq.n {ay di t ,lDtrdwad -1|! h elt t pro^Hrr C SEl. Tli, r.?o.t €|r.rt bG r|rd by ||c .tbra to ctrh 0|pdlllffif'B#H[rfffiffi3"j1c-;;;ib'rili"E*.tt*l'r*-ms'L.rTii*i--u.t"ii"r.ri".or.,**.rD+r." rlerhi.iver.sd'crBrc rnenxsliA;,s ."J.--;frE;ilffi ffiH*Jdfilffinffitrfiffi ffi :ffi:ffi [a:*p;H,* ."ffi ;ff.lH; *o.""d oy Apr-12-Or 06:OG LINDSTROM ASSOCIATES -rl 97O 9?6-5293 r2EHlt-| U TAAQFe L. Tet$A,b Te t ${ }1 a}Jhz 1L/^+;' f-t(E.-\ iflt' *!,-/ l:'t.,...P."" .r:'f\ Y' E, !] \:_/ v/a {*^ 6lb . ..l7z- 011+ ^4q . tbb+ (,v) b bAw FftawPEP%+ t I fi,' Ei oF@\ UN &,14o?ooep@J f vA'*i-rF*.{€ p4? ' ra'6o P (+s 6 raa> LI -YE Fl e) qtt aAL,. 6+qeq ," / p.1a-s-1a. ' H tz r.-a\ ./pd'.'J/' F e\ u $ * NL Ip (- {a ,:'t ,/b II + I l4b4A ts1TL I\r Lhrt2a;h(A /r?fTQ ? t -A FJ lr- le' APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Building Permit #: Mechanical permit #: TVWNOFYATI 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Coiorado 81657 97 o- 47 9 - 2t49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the foilowing: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:,:r Mechanical Room Dimensions:: Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationi: Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationr, Heat Loss Calcs.I Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets rno l- o05g/ Lr'ontact Assessors Office at 9Z0-327-9640 or visit 'nt1/. com for Parcel IParcel# fneqrir"O t , Job Name: a r.->, -- - -6)tryzue {+z z;s_a_Job Address:4e ' 'o- Fzztl4,4sx Legal Description rot: .)-ll etoct:Filing:4 Subdivision: t/*Z //r-,n { .. r, n"r t N u^", A_{Tn, ,b Address:Yn*-t7Lqa3-4Engineer:TN Address:Phone: uetatted descriDtio|/( Z.a-ee*: )r worK:r,4ez/E4,, ) Addition( ) Alterati //-bt&zr4- tllezo &zaz+ aOl $/ork Class: New (on )Repair ( )Other ( ) 3orler Location: InteriorK) Exterior ( ) otTir ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpeof Bldg: srngre-famirv ( ) Duprex( ) Murti-famiry f c".n'"r."1 I n*urrant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 4 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: \o/Tvpe of Fireqla Appliances ( ) Gas Loos (Y wood/pellet r ) wood Brrrnrnc I i lloifype of Fireplaces prop"t"* 15 Lrrs d Lurversron rrom a wooo 0urnrng fireplace to an EpA phase II device? ves ( J tito ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOT & MAIETiAIS) iVECHANICAL: g Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Itletha nical Contractor: :* jk.i< x:1. ** * * X* **XX**** XXXXXpgg OFFICE USE NLyX*****x********x**xx***x****+ F; / everyone/forms/ mechoerm REC'DPDR3O2OO1 uy of Permits iotie o}ot-hci oldiriiiaca of dalddleieb dritt riri'bc valid. ' - -- ' - ' : The issuance of a pcnnit brrod u plor, rpccificdiong and oih.r c:11 shall Dol Frcvcnt the building oflicial from thcrtaftcr rcqriring lhe c:r::c icn of -,.}i.cr:rninsridplans,specificationsandodlcrdara.otfromprcvcr-.:l',il:iing oFir;ricrs beirg carried on lhereundcr when in violation of tl'tli ct'r .r of a.-,'ei:::r o:C.r:lrtces of this jurisdiction. l'..J 1Tx' ^,,q{uq,.-'- f*'.;,,Nu ' 8u r*- L ul r.',r,rt z,rqil\ F6'</-*oo rtY b/4r @&trc4 T,vAEr€- /:zEA k/A/z--e- 1/aez-- rtrnss Cxr oo,,.?E&ltP' l* x t1 , 1 14 h / "on ifriwr, >/ :re ror:::::;gltt r,td * ,tr0X* @ RtclAPR30Z00l I t^, rr a' <1 ta Io r'rtV Nq0lflt$t ir I 1."'r l, Effkibnry* Boilers Dimensions & Sperifirations J 9/16' r50,000 7Wr26,000 l9 rfid 15 rt46" 6 r,n6- |* o at/t F- o o t99,999 168,000 13tt/t( /9ki 19 'llf Efirl0M9 Er{200.M9 t8 250.M9 tBtl300J,l9 250,000 l0 rt{i 23) iv(210,000 n t^( 3m,m0 252,m0 t2tti'231A{3l t16- \i:le: ,\'eq als Nttturalctn: Change N'lo L lbr Llqaid prc4Mne /lir iklet donerL\t tt,' icluaLs uent dianeter Stsndord Feclures:. Bumer Fllrle Observadon Port . Fli8li lifti('icncy Srainlcss Sreel Blrmes . 'f',t() Sragc Firing (M9) . -f\\'() ,\djLlsrlrble Operaro$ (High aml Low Firr, M9) . Fixcd l{igh Linrir . I lot Srf:tce Igniuon . 'lcr.trrinxl :itlip . C:rskct-lcss Fleat Exchlnger . i0 l)Sl l)rcssLu'e Relief !ah,e . I\rrnp Relr,y . Gaivaniz-erl Ste,el Jackct. (.(nt\?nti(ntal Vent Increa.ser. Aif Inld Cover . ASNIF: Ccnifie(l ro 160 PSI Working pre.ssure . National Boad Certified . AGA Design Certified for Closet Inshllation . AGA Design Cenified for Alcove ln$.zlllation Optionol Equipment: . Verical Direct Venring-i0 equivalent feet . Horizontal Direcr Venring-5O equilalenr feet . Multi-Stack Flame (see accessories section). Low Varer Cur-Off (probe rype) . Flow Switch . Manual Reso High Linrir . l)ump Delay Swirch . Intermittent lruulp . Alann llell . Incloor/Outdoor Control U.S. and forcign Went\ Fnding Avoiloble Firing Sysfens: F9 = Hot Suface Igniturn (flSI), On/OfI operarbn M9 = 'fwo Stage Firing with HSI 8r'1150.M9 EBil2OO.M9 qil250.n9 t8il3m.il9 5' 6' Boihr desron certified by AG.A. as hor water bojl€6 lor 00m naluraloas and propane oas ' lte11l irtaulrar twlttirvd on uniN it]a\!.tllul sitq! contPklional LErtIirE €hlnctrinr"ar krhinur Corlxrration 200i Elm Hill l,ilie Na:;hville. 'lli 37210 61 5/U89-8900.i l'ax 615 / |lP'- 4403 All rnodels comply with ASME &iler P.essure Vossel Code. Section lV. 160 ps workin! prossure and le9islered wilh lhe NationalSoaftt. gilra E8{r15Mi6-97 RECD APR f"ti"zfi'0l- Printed in USA JASS 20 /xL JASS 40 /xL :y4' I 3t4' lt2" 3/4', txL I /xL /xL 1v4" I l/4" 112' i 1E' 314" u4'1g 314" a,;G - ?emperaturo caug€ tl - Preaaurc rallsl (coupl.i 3t4'3t4' JASS 8{) /xL 61t2'6112' 20 7t8'20 7t8' I x r.t. I 61/2', Borer suppry remp. = 1so" F l.less zo L llass io llJnss ao r- .rassio,lnss+o usi oo* dii so i'JAGri6 i i Borrer outpul -etrln, ' ro ooo I robooo rooooo rooooo i rooooo i 'tooooo I ra?soo , -retaoo i: : ;::iT1.i"}*'j.y'':::i.r0ri?\1|}:.t9'-!-*".e PERFORMANCE XL XL JASS 20 XL 13^. iJ,,ll|y ,- _rs3$[i ]ii ; i'i-l,fXo':::.:'rj- i!"qt*: za ;r ta i:t4 l ,,,1 :,-i,12.4 2.4 z 4 3.2 s.i i10 I to I 10 i 19 1e l ,:t:'i"::r'll:rll.lr.i:fir:ir':ll;r:rt:r:ri:1,,:,..t,,t]ir:.,TI..,:i- GiYlglPrqiquj-e-9ep_-.9pV ____l-0_ - lo --l0 10 ' !0 i .,0 * rs 1.t :ljT,!!!,i ,r,,,,,,,'l'.ll.:, .,.,rri.,,iir1-1.'.,,-llf=;..;.[.'^-, +l __= __:__ "_ T__1, I ,i Bairer suppry remp. =2oo.F ].lass zo u]uass so -prss qo I uass eoT.rasi co-1 lrc-s * r;ss aoffiss-uo ;.-;laorreroutput I Btu/hr I 130000 I 13OOO0 13OOOO zo5 '--zrs . rgs---l- err r ;a.1 -r;;- -- -;;i-- i -73--l-Tza--'l---173 -rte--f rzq f aea---1---a;.-j;,r:,:l', tr. wa,rer s.e goI g.s r 3f :in--f-eF ] .l-rj.. 257 ;-i.;t:) XL Btu/hr 1 95000 --+ -.- ---195000 i 195000 ,r0o_*[- qo.q 260 260 11 .3 11.3 20 195000 20 ILJ !)\) 433 !i3 _ 33 ' Nol6 l: !o!€d on l2O'F tonk wolsr te.np. wnh 7O"F l€rno, d6a. Notg 2: Bo6€d on I4O"F tonx woter l6mp, wth gOoF t€rno, dse DIMENSIONS Connections B - Colcl Yveter inlet C - Supply fiom bolter D - Return to boilor F - Drain Botter suppty temp. = 1go"F iJAss 20 L Boiler Supply temp. = 180"F JASS 20 L XL 30 1 XL 150000 Boiler Suppty temp. = 200.F JASS 20 L JAss 30 LIJASS 40 L 1' t" (coupl) 112 1t2' , 112. ' Notet JISS 120 is not equipped wilh a tee. dra n and rehetva ve 513 Data provided for general indication onty JASS 60 JASS 80 JASS l2o |/2" 1t2' \t2 :aj -T-- :lq' ' c o o o o Y 20 t5/16- 2213t16" 74 1l8', 55 3/4' 7 13/16. 7 13n6. TAM MANUFACTURING LTD. MANUFACTUREFI OF EOILERS, HOT WATER TANKS ANO HEAT EXCHANGERS 266 SCHOOLHOUSE STREET, COQUITLAM, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA APR 3 6l2uo83il:;3:3;3: JASS 40 L JASS 20 JASS XL SERIES JASS 40 I JASS 60 I JASS 80XL XL XL 150000 1so000 40 Li JASS 20 zcl z5I -Tf-1_-71 15 i 15 JASS 40 | JASS 60 i JASS 80XL XL XL 195oOO r SSOOO ' gzsooo *!f,t*rttl+itf ++*t***'tt***t*rf *rl**tt!trl*'r{.rtrlf '}++tf*i********rt*t***tt*+tf *t*'t*tt***'l!t'li+*t+'st***'}:tirttt*i{r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy lrprhtcd or 09ll-2001 ei l3:i0:02 Ovllrlll0l Shtement tlrttlrsf *!trl|trt**f itit'+'t*'f ti**'ttltlt l.ttta*l *tt*|ttlttt*ttt**tt+f l*+'t'tt *:t*** ***** ***** {.:1.*rt **'t,*'l'}{tlt* {.:*'lt* l.*'F* gtatenent Number: R000000737 Amount: $203.00 05/11,/200101:39 PDt Payrnent t{ethod: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK * 4423 Permit o: !,101-0058 Type: I{BCHA}|ICAIr PERIIIT Parcel No: 210108272003 Site Addrese: 483 GioRE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: 483 Ciore Creek Dr. Totaf Fees: 9203.00 Ttrl-s Payment: $203 ,00 Total ALI" kts: $203 .00 Balance: S0.00 'r'|t*:f :* l * 'l ** lr *,t * * '|:!,** +*rt * t {t*'}'}* *'t+f tt+**+llil******'l******t***t*lr*:}*rt{t'}*'}'}*r*!{.***'***:}rt*'}'trt'ttlt:t . ACCOI]NTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current hTls MP 00100003111300 MECHAI'IICAL PERI'|IT FEES 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAII CHECK FEES 40.00 rc 0()1()0()()31128()() WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.()() TOWN OFVAII- 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Job Address: 483 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location.....: 4S3GORECREEKDR#2B ParcelNo...: 210108272003 Project No : OWNER DEMING,DAVID H. & .JAMIE. -JT O5/07/2OOA 84 COVE RD. OYSTER BAY IVY, II77L--24L I-,icense: CONTRACTOR EAGLE RIVER PL,IIMBING & HEATI05/07/2OO! Phone: 970-390-1897 P.O. BOX 4981 VAII-,, CO 816s8 License:2t6-P APPLIqANI EAGI-,E RIVER PLIJMBING & HEATI05/07/2OOr Phone: 970-390-L897 P.O. BOX 4981 vArr, co 91658 License:2t6'P Desciption: ADDNEW MASTERBATH/RELOCATEFIXTURES IN GUEST BATHROOM Valuation: $17.000.00 Permit #: Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued . . : Expires . .: Ptrone : P0l-0031 ISSI.JED 05/0712001 05/l l/2001 tv07l200l Fireplace Infornation: Restrict€d: ?? # ofcas APPlianc€s: r*rirrrrrrrlr*rtttr*tarrtaaatttaaataa'r*']:taa!a't*:::lJhttaa'a'a't!hhh*aa't'htaa:!* 0sl08/2001 JRM ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIST ?2 # ofcas l,ogs: ?? # of Wood Pa[a: ?? FEE S11MMARY *:*tt**lrlltl*tlta*aalaatstiit:itrtt+:rr'**ttrrtrrirtt*t*tttt' plurnbing-> l255.oo R€stuarant Plan Rcvicw-> So.oo Total Calculated Fecs--> 5321'75 Plan Check-> 563.?5 DIIB Fee-._-._> $O'OO Addilional Fees--> S0'00 Investigttion.>go.ooToTALFEES->$321.?5TolalP€mitF€€->s321.?5 Wilt Call--> F3 . oo Payments-----> 5321 ' 75 PAr-AhtcE DU|E---> $0. o0 **rl't**t,it:l'llaaata ITCM: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMBfl| Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To c:tEcK FoR coDE COMPLIAIICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accr'rrate plot plan" and state that alt the information as r€quired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to gomply with all Tovo. ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiuctwe according to G towns zoning and subdivision codes' design review approvd Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,'R HOI,'RS TELEPHONE AT 38 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ---./. HMSELFAND OWNE **tr**'ttrt*rtt t!+****,t****la**+f +tt*+t**i'tl***'t*'tttt*tf't!t't*1tt****tt****f a+***l*'t'**lt***'f ****f *'$* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcprhted on 0$'ll-2lXll at 13141:31 05/l1n00l Stateircnt ***t*rt*****f rt****f lr*f **:}rtt*rtlt*lrt**r|f *!t+*'l**trt*'ttrt+*'lrI*r|f l**rt*tt|*tt*tltlll*tlt|*r**,lt****f l*rt**{'!t' Statement Nuriber: ROoOO00?38 enrount: S321 '?5 05/tL/2ooLOL:41 PM Payment llethod: Check rnLt: DF Notation: CIIECK + 4423 Permit, No: Po1-0031 T14re: PIiJUBING PER!{IT Parcel No: 210108272003 Site Addre6€: 483 E GTORB CREEK DR \rAIIJ Location: 483 GORE CREEK DR *28 Tota1 PeeE: $321.75 this Palment: $321. ?5 Total itLIJ EtntE ! S32L '75Balance: $0.00 I,t {r,tt tt***ttr*rl*r}'}*t*tt'}**'tr!i**+*rt'tltt**rf tt**t ****ll.rtr*rtttl*i*!t:l*rt{'lt't**t't*'t**it*******'t***+r*+**'t***:}'* ACCOI,JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 63.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 255.00 l.lc 00100003112800 hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'00 S3J1. 1T d/^t_APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #: I Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: ED mwNuFWn e7 o - 47 s 7A/ ( I nspe cri o n s ) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81057 Contact e dssessorc Office at 9 328-8640 or visit 3' for Parcel #Parcel # (Required # is provided above) Job Name: Engineer: Work Class; New ( )Repair ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-family ( ) Ouprix ( t rqrfti+.riri S Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildinE No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion trom a wooa Elffi to an EPA Phase II ? Yes( ) No PLUMBING: $ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (LAbOr & MAtcriiiIS) CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor:? :*"*':; plA Town ofVail Reg. No./>//""P Contact and Phone #b:,&g gd-/-W A /-- -() al *FOR OFFICE tlsF oNl Y,.---------riax*i*r******t*******F*T**CE USE ONLY************************************* s3 et.E Ct* F/everyone/forms/plmbperm REC'DAPR3O2OO1 Frorn Timothy M Boyle To: l)zenek Batter Date:7 /3i l7cCl Time: 1:25;46 PM Eric Johnson P.O. Dor 20EE Veil, Colorado 8165? l The following items were obscrved: The ftaming is l00yo complot€ at this time. The purposo of this inspecrion wo.s to confirm t}at this rcmodel has been framed according to the plans and specifications. : Boyie Engineering, lnc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 Timothy President I am pleased to stste lhat the framing and connoction dctails i.ave boon oomplot your office and approved by rnyself. Furth€rmore, the coup{,: of items that we visrt have now been addressed to my satisfaction. I hereby aphrov,: of this reside Please feel free !o call rne ifyor i *r*sH1"O,*'*,'#mr commcnrs on this projecr' I am pleased to stste lhat the frsrning and conneclion dctaib lave boon oomploted according to thc plans issued by your office and approved by rnyself. Furth€rmore, the coup{,: of items that we discussed during our previous site visrt have now been addressed to my satisfaction. I hereby aphrov,: of this residonce as framed. (|e'i't qf' ,8 or- 0067 f)ate: Job Number: Froject: l,ocation: Conttactor: Ownet: Werthor: Present at Site: 7- l0-2001 0123 Dcming Remodel Vail, Colorado Dzenek Bauer 'I}te Deming's Sunny, T0dog Tim Boyl€ Yage t ol I u "r*t'to\ r"'";e$itses '3 ertI*&r (f-too*ffir3 lnepecdon Request ft eponing_:.._--. " uffLcp -"T.otfiItt_oE_." Reguecbd InlFect Dab: Thur sdal', Novenrber 2S, 20SI lnsaeeit otr Arer: JRm SIbAd.INSI: I83 GCRE CREEK DR VAff- 4$g gore Creek Of. A-fuIF Tim6 Evpi T16€ lff *on on. To'*n pppqtymud b€ 6Fpro$od filor to p*arrtrng - I0CHS Canr*\t i€mrr'e [re ln bsclr wllfrout ajdfonat apgrovsftE. Request€d Tlft-"e: 08:ff) At Pho4r: .fi$39$2909 Ent€red By: LCAitFBEtf" !t +i:,i : stttu$ rS$LiFn h6F Area' Jf|tr PEge 3-fi::5f,Eci 7:44 am Ssb 7yp6: us€: Phon€l Ptnnu A[tF v 1t'{R 97CL330-2?fl9*7S3rXl2S6/lpdlcant' Oe*chpt cn, l'&{kc: Noli(,6. DAt.Ti AFJN JAS'IE DEfVTI.IG SAUER HCME IMPROVEHTE''JT EAUFR HOh{E h.IPROVEM€NT iSO additlon " AC'CH$ UNTT2 Ats lnsp€guon !.llstel!' . ltcm; 10 Bt $(;-Fuo$r!gg St€r€tttsm: t0 Blii+Foutidftrti{rni$t*l It€rn: 30 BLDG-Fmnring 't A!firoy.d " L-t?/t?Joi -ln3tectot: OFG Actio6 ApiqppRol/€D Ccmm€ft8e. ftH, atked conftdo. te 6.ftd copio$-o{rny sldtFqt_r l{lgucarol dnekr|si r.ports tor fiE.$&61itrt msb€clor: .fRM Acfhn: iIONOTFED CoflIm{nb: CPY OF E}ISII{NER FRA$H APPRCVAT LE?TER hI F[.E{t$!r: SO BlD{i-ln$ulfitlofr '* Applswd *" il8!Ol,'O't lntF*L$I: JRll Acibx: AP APFRO\JED Item. 60 BLix}'-Shcetr('fx ft.il * Aasrilred "gfr14/'Jt |n$pccton GRG .' ar.ilon: APAPPROVEOfigm: ?O FLE{i-Mr$f . Itom: 9Q ELDG,Flnal Eot * o{50 a(to ha> #*rkit-nZot aV//a/a/, t//2"/rt , ^04tt fn0 /-1aF0 ho frrtr /, 1e/oa+fs me44 ,o'try'1.r rir"rl bai/er m0/ * O07 4 no {ina ( , zgo rdrtrort rF irq I '' nu' pt*m'biy F€/n;K! rrsp-i;i5i {1, " Recucrid lorrcctllrh:' lrilgnc.lTor InrpNc0on ItF$ lnsFeslbo Arsr:SlbAdtfe*s: T$ecdry, Jufy 10, ?(Xll JHOMntGCm ilECll JRT 48$COfiF CREEKDRVfiL 4SlGo|cGruefiDr. *tm: ^tt flrryD qilorn.tlgE lbm: Rocrrsbr:Colrlne s: hrptc{$El{lerY Shff.a: GISUEDrryAra: .nft 315 PlilB.scaPldm EffiLE Rfr'ER FLLNiSE UfSA/B or {€&HAAT|FIS/hI Ptpnr: 97{Xl*1"t807Pfsn: 9D3*10O7 RecuesH Tlma; 0E!0o AI$- Pl$nr: 3tr-386g Er{lrtd S}4 tCArFSEtt l( Berc,ro d frrl|/t frrtr.earf ^"ccE[I8:nnnvo# ilsn: fixrl: firm: h|n: !!B{r: lbm: lhm: r00 310 316 340 3in 340 3S0 Rlrn Id:REpr131 756 PlDlr[prmatton fchrlty: ir01{0fl!ColdTylit:Pfrc.l: z{Otoffe?ztm Req|rc$.{, Inct ctB&: Tuecdry,.tuly 10, z{Xtl Asahtrrd To: Jl$Clttloql@fl Inrg.crdoft fypc: IIECH lnrixcdon lrbr: JRttSib AlIdnres 4IXT GORE CREEK DR VAIL 4ESGo|ecnekDr. Ty!r: B-lt€CH ClrcuF.i*lx ON||d: A0olhfiti Cr*ibrcbr: Decerbum: t{ode: m'cDAt6SJf,lffi DElffirB EACTE IITT'ER FLIJIFhF E }€ATSIG EAGTE RIlfER FLI,NM&F& Ff;ATF{C{ RELOCATU HSCI{ ROOtOtt{STAt t Fgw F0I-ER ROUTED TO"ffi. FLOREE FtrclGstrd lnsacqq€{!($l lEml 310 ilEcH+lcct|noR€q|.ctr E,TGLE RI\IER PLt.ilTEhIOCorirnil6: tinil aiB or 1,2irlgnod,To: JrQ[pj llrtoea{on{lrhY h$ lbm:lEn:kr!:isn:hm: lbm: fix! 3103t5 340:tip 340ffi &l'GAThl@[hn *1m: o'*S.lt$: FSUEDhrplru: .ro Plpm; YfO'€trl8S7Fhm: 07o-t$trr$Yt txt Tlmer 08:00 AlfPtrne: 3tl$3{168 Elercdqr LCA!#BELL l( REPTl31 zun Id: ?56 ilctuU\) t' l._l_ ea&o&flg 'J & HEAThiG Tlme Exp: r{l lafsFtct Dth: Ttrursday, tiauemLier ?9, ?001 lospecfton Area: GsG. I SfbAddIler: {E,TI@RE CFEEHDRUAL,t.n r I btu Mresr: 4Eg@RE CEEEFIDRvAL! \ f\/ ll lz- T€xm Townhom€eI lI I t\.-1Vv,l I tDl -Tr-fs?&-r- - 7:44 em fvtO t ; Fsge 24 srbrffii AMF Phone: 97S7{8"8977 'Itigtrjs InFp Arsa: TSSUHD aR$ Requeebe{ Tlmer 68:00 ^qffPh$r*: S7&I48-89? Er{rr*tl B,v: LCA}"IPBELL K Aftulf,'ffiffiq tr/+q /e lI L'/',/ t( (t,r,o CoruCTytt{:,/ Paiies. )1rt1a3!isrx6 v^- '' 390 MECH"Final tFrpettiorr l-{trt}f |!Bm' t$O lt€Cl-t-Fouoh tt'rm: 31ti MECH-r{es{l$, '- 4pfrroved '^ C7j1ir01 inip'Ei?or: GRii ACion: PdFIRTIALAFPR$/},I : CoEffsflts: Hfr:nic ['ss-*board hsat f,lping Ot sxcipt wlll ltld$, tstqE to lfiffy pr$sls. tNsr of *:rsre.r,.07i1&'Cl in!,nrctor: GRG - Arrish: APAPpfteVEDCofim€nt Rsitet h#ronic t&a $tEirn approd€d, tErt g0 p{ir 6k t06l on €ilfq *y!fir|t t{oirod bgsthor 6t !neset{)€ld un! lqcatons. 'left: li9 PL$B€rs Pipir"g *ttgm: 3?0 ME,l l-l.E r;rrult liearls iinm: S3D illECl.t$upr;iv Alrtbm: i]40 MECtI-Mitlc- - lbm: 39, tJECI+Fir:ai '-'lltt Ers /* o ,t/zz/ / ,, ,e-ut /tr?at-*7 lto '1< ( {,itq\, \ f rto ' F.1rta I " REPf131 Ftrwcfbd lnepcst Drbl A$allnel To: lnrpocdon TyDcl lnrDccilon Arer; StbAilldrEsrl t1'pt: ePLlfB *tH: * 110 t rilitlBar lf? 2t0 FLM$Uulnrsqsd 220 PLMe. B ftrgtl-tD.Wv.m0 FlfrBf,oldrrtlrsbr 241 PtMecarPinhq 25O PlMBfool/tlbtfirb 2€0 Pttu&ililrc. 2SO PLI'FFh6 Tueedry,.tr& 10, ?IX)lJtotlInAG(xtl PI-HB JRT{EI E GOffi CREEKDRVII- 'I8C GC'RE CREEK DR&I8 Sfirtr:h[pAte: eP,Sl|tlEnnd$on P01.tll31 Fcauer$d lncpec4$ddal hm: Reqn*tor; Cofiknrfr: toshncd To:- A.don: tocmcter tlEbrr Acftfry: ContTVIF: FEia€f: Oryn$: Anoffcrnt Ccx*ndor: Drt{tlP||oni BSilJED JRII Pfsr: 97S3fl),1U1Ffs€: 9n}30D,tS7 FIXTT'RES N EUEST AATIFOOM Fcqs..bd Tlme: 08;tb AGf' Fbm: 3fl!,38&t Enbrfiqf. ICATPBCLL X lhnr: n{fi:bm: hm:ll.lr:lFr:[iln: RlllrREPTl31 Id: ?56 in,n? -L4. esL-.* 7uril( trf$F€cfion Re4uesr Reponing ._. .- _.__va$- cc. _" I_o$Ju aE.. _ . /-/ Lil"q,*qt3jgp"* R*: i$[td"y, Novarnb+r 20, 2001 ldspectlon A!Ft: GilG Sltr Attcltc$: 4&t GORE CREEK DR VAL'lerlc Tsr$tthotnes d*. i.j-';1. 0S?36Cf16 A & HELEN W-. JT S HEATT\|G & IIEATI}IG nnrooal ano addtlm. & HEATING Tkil€ ErF: A, ffiof:. APAF4oROVED AEUPd: AFAPPROVED t*m: ?3o Item. 146 It tn: 25O llem: ?60 Itrm: 3S subT|ff: AHF Fbcne: 9?0.74&4977 Phcnc: 9b7.1&fi977 RdouertEd Tlrnci 0tr00 Aff- Pfionc: 97S.748-897?Eni.r.dBy: DFLORES X Slat$; l3gUED ln$p.A&ar {3RG t( FrEpTl3:, 'a 1082 ;i*,.. Hr-r:!o- *-ta-t-t- ta r.'.11116-'-- --- r-.- r- _Irl4l|, .__ _ hpU & laE.'___-_ Trr Dra, r-- flr.. -a JE€ .''76 I-I rlr ltE IXLflb, .: iiit *r d_ d cpfo,ffi: _tsd .^'Tlf ,. - LGBTEI -er{_lt t. tIDIf, .a ,olat ,aoant. ra to rD ulattrldcdt I ot.r..t rrd p/utl. D- !r',trA"D r!.t-cBEri C. art -iro, a-5 jorat renaar srs to .! uEdlrldad I lotorart(...q,aa.-t|n T,Ir,lrr, tlllllllllll, lL L L trt t dil irrr Frqlcd b--:rdl6 ol tb tud Seventy 3"".o tto{r.nd ?trr Efdrcd (977,500) l}ot.!^IsaIdtlit dt nratltl| td Fd tr -a F rtes dt .6d F r. r! Eff 't6d n!. -U d .d*( b s-{ l-r.b.d, da d .cr.r.a, .d tr .r- Fd. d. es3-, rrtra d, ..q' -a ..Gr, - L d Fr t€s d q. Ea F UhelrEr d i*r tr..4..4 ||. -q ar.dd l.. -r- J l.ta lb.., b'!a d t-3 b rbc*d:.t1.d bJoa..ra,t rG l Cd'al-l.l; U;lt qr.l.tl.g ot !.lt t, tqluEt vtth.pttort.nrnt tiftt F!-a?nr 1.r....! l. ald ro rh. rF!.f.I r-or .l...nr! ol til torxrrlrsE on tlttti{t, VAlr, Vll,tl6E, looinl PILlliC, l.erding to thc Condmints Dcclor.LjdttFr.lo. .Al UE rLp tiFr.ol flted ,or r.corat In th. Olllce ol thc Clerk .nd r.c? r.l.r of E tt. Cdnty' Colorndri IEcr.',frr ri t,lirl ri. !ol. rl9hr to ttlc ordrnary s& ol thc ltrltcal .otrlon .l€n..ts aL-.,:riL.d .! rpp{rt.n.nt to.u.h ltltt : ln luch Dcclnrrtion.nd l!.9, tCGEttttRrl, ttt. .r.!urlw rlth! tn co.rioa rittr th€ doer ol Unit I to th. lts. of .ll t.r,orr'l <r,i.n clc...t. dct€rlb.<t tn ouch D.c1.ratl.n.rd trpi iocmllrR tlTll I'll o...r'.nt l.r ltr!r... i..nd eg!.ar (r.'i thc.lr€prco tn the.tttc .bovc unit 2 .. dr\crit*.t ln lrocllon 3.!,2 ot 6och tt€clar.tion, throuqi th. ln3tde front&-r.o! Unia l, io..lnr.tr lnd rFai! t}le 9.a, hot .nd cotd *atcr, .ndIt dtlnB rt.te. lot th. htldhg, roch ia.J.Drt to.ritt tor !o lonq, and fo! .o lon{ onlt. a. .uch rtr.p.c., .nd tho .q!lFs!t tbcr.lr l@.!ed rc'rin. . !.n.r.l .s'iot, .toi.nl. lE[ dl a -a q*if. l--d.t-E-r- riba. rbqri. atst d b rd- d rrdr|, r&oarrd-,r-,r--dt.Gt Or,!.a,d {r -*, tr! rt, I.r.| -rirH!Lt-rdrLlt:? do.ir. r.i,.trtrb L, -.-.4 t d t b a.i lqjd f6.d.., rl|tlblat -dFr-.lD lrtl ^trD lO UD b dd rd.. &r. brta ra a-.rd rrt rb .F!-s..+ 6r. rr.d F.lcr -aL-trt the j.rl6 ra -b. i.ri., rd t da Frq a6.trr-r, - httJl'hf. Llt,-tqdtra|h. c.rd! tt-,'!-!.!. -.att i.rl -31!.trs lL-Frth.lrbra.t rtt-t t .l t.r. * raa.[itrt tb-., hc lt rl -d d O. ,.rt . -r. ...rt{ |r d r!.+ -., t .nd, .d. -aff r-lll.rrbb.bi.3rdb r.attt,n!F-dffi .ddr,r t:rl--, d d qr 5 - I -! Jl- -hl!d rbb - & t. d d-, - ry trr rLd! rb d t.|qf d o. 6i Fr t ! d rLAtta lfr tfiD mBD. Ea DErE!{D. Dl tltlllll tEllDt, rr dF av JE 6naF ls l-t do.a hlc Hb'id i.ibdF ni-t "t-., -, -,-<, ,.d<-r -. .,r:,! a *-!-)- - lltllt {aa Lt .(tEAt)l?rltcq.c|!o, O.rt- a.ov.'r ilrarr.&.rt td*rD|Irlrr liult ; irf hd-t-rrq.h.L,r-rr-, -ra-dI. a,i..,.r Uaor I !--11 -- c.r.i,L rcsr',* ioi. or !!.c(,:: ; -ii r ",r-Iti-f'.rec lr'r, til..l fo!-!-o!.iin ,o ori jce o! !h(. ct( ri: .r:.1 .:f J.: :.jr rr ot lrj'.. c..,,ry, co10',..io in..l ..,!,t.ct to q,:.!r.l |.Jr.r tJr !1.* r...r I ...-ll llr:e.,at, r ..,.1 :o rn) !o! snrc! or .ou!r srrvi.. to. rf-, ll y."r t.r. rrd r::. r. ' .f nnd to rJ..r.,:nr. .nd enc!:t5r,.c!, lor tL,t.!'1r.,:-. ll "1".:.,.,(:. r.rlr.r.,r.;.Jr'irrry !c(-t 5.:rvid. iri.t to h ilal.! nr.! r.:,ii j l r, r-r.r',n,{ nE,l ro.f...1 ir.i;: .r1i,..:.: !a,rs. Th. r.(r!...:.j. ,,i (l .. :- .!'|,'}|'.:l'.|Lyol.h.:.r...:i.-tt5iJl|.o:5llt'li^Jr-!rv!. ..f (,r!J.i to coi:d. :tr r.;,_, Dccli!.:t i { i:,{-Eu--itr--F-.-,.q _- -_. l- f(rat ,tt 5.a J$o$ .fib-rtbldJtrdtd, -'__.* (,*.:_+._-_l.1*-:__. r_-lii-- l'l, -rrr,b-}ac.Itir.i-'lrl|x,hf +,.'''. v^-J:* ,. ' , ,r'l .l I I l,i,l' :l rj ."1 i I T0wt{ 0t BUILElINGi l,A tt PEFIMIT I TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO, DATE OF APPLICATI CLASS OF WORK NEWII ALTERATION( } ADOITION{ } REPAIR USE OF BUI LDING SO. FT. OF ALDG.HEIGHT IN FT. MAIL ADOBESS NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATER I } FOBCEDAIR ELEC UNIT{ I LOf ., BLK FI LING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I || t|r@V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G@r J Df vf sf oN 12 3 4 SPECI FIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS TOTAL FLOOR AREA AL LOT ABEA FLOOR AFEA FATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVEREO .,^1JXo READ THIS APFLICATTON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY I HEREBY A ot o department of community developmentbox 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 July 20, 1981 Mark Dona'ldson Drawer lil Vai'l , Co'lorado 81657 , .' :. Dear Mark: At the July 15 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for a roof/balcony remode'l was given final approval w'ith the following stipulations: roof match neighboring roof material, revision to deck area must be 12" short of edge of building or carry around corner to existing chimney, enlargement of beam to column. These changes must be suhnitted to staff for approval. Peter Jamar Town Pl anner PJ:df Project Application Proj€ct Name: Proiecl Descripiion: Contact Person and Phone Legaf Descripti on: Lot / Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Deslgn Revlew Board DISAPPROVAL e <al F<= \=1 6tt\x$ s i$ -$;*g $ st' rt-a Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectNumber: Prj00-0243Project Name: Deming Residence Project Description: 250 addition (includes dormer) Owner, Address, and Phone: David and Jamie Deming 84 Cove Rd. Oyster Bay, NY ll77l-2417 5t6-922.:7305 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Eric Johnson PO Box 2088 Vail, CO 81658 92G5292 Project Street Address: 483 Gore Creek Dr. Legal Description: Lot 28, Vail Village 4th Parcel Number: 210108272003 Comments: BuildingName: TexasTownhomes Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Board/StaffAction Hands Woldrich Action: Galen Aasland 1. exterior to be re-painted to match existing 2. deck rails re-painted 3. Iighting must meet code 4. trash enclosure req'd 5. all rails on north side of building must match 6. tree protection req'd. No loss oftrees Allison Ochs Approved with conditions 8/16/00 Project Name: Deming Residence DRB Fee Paid: $50 I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 7, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PUBLICWELCOI'E PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Community Development D,epartment . Grcen Building Presentation MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Clark Brittain SITE VISITS1. Deming residence - 483 Gorc Creek Drive 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 1. Sampson residence - Final revievrr of an addition to an existing residence. Ann 1824 Alta Cirsle/Lot 36, VailVillage West Filing 1. Applicant: Pete & Linda Sampson, represenled by Richard Dominick, Architect MOTION:SECOND: PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Deming residence - Final review of proposed remodel. 483 Gore Greek Drive, Unit 2a&2blTexas Townhomes. Applicant: David & Jamie Deming, represented by Eric Johnson MorloN: I4tlrtg* SECoND: . VorE: tthirrh+bil* wA,qManiolt Hot€l - Concdptual review of proposed exterior remodel. 714 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Fiting and Lols C & D, Marcus Subdivision. 3:00 pm Allison George 2. 3. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Gwalhmey, Pratl & Schultz Architects, P.C. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: StaffAoprovals Lion's Mane Condos - Replace deck rails and wood posis. Bill 1063 Vail View Drive/Lot A-5, Lion's Mane Condo. Applicant Lionsmane Phase ll condo Association Sanalt residence - New entry. Bedroom extension, balcony addition. Window alterations. Bill 1358 VailValley Drive/Lot 21E, VailValley. Applicant: Alexander & Flora Sanatt Ford Park - Trash enclosure at northwest end of Ford Park parking lot. George 841 VailValley Drive/Vail Village Filing 7.Applicant Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 47s. 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Auq - a,flrt\ut\4 vu* rtuil {^kr, 4u ' ',hnr.5uf \' 1'tz yfln ttncutr 4'louc"A,/* .d,\nirdWqe wirdrw rlttS" @n, t/to,Awlrn* \h.rv, - A\rtu/ \Hrft' t' YlLl1t,rifto vil- tr,N{dqd''^r"tYo,,$[r'fln ,V,'Wfu, , hulhm# a '^14a'''.'. &;;1"+.t i;- - \;[Tl ffi ffi \r,I{t \ \-t'^{-%:.k, llvnot ilil,rr[rr;ur, t* rrnroh {"til fu'["'$r*r* d"''' h rB'drlg it du{h& tt' - nla' /*\w b*" lrdryN- a +o'i,e' *hanufiru'nl t' bdqryY rt f;'a,r{ e;L Wd 0lu Hclen W. Parfter t9'/u't/1"att. P,git Forhdl .d per*er i* Heten Vy. prrt:r 20S llorey trollow Rord Fonnd ttdgq Ny t0tt76 M!!ch 21, 2001 To WbomltMayCoacer!; Re : Propo*l for Dormr, comnol Ftont Entry & Lrudrcepe Addirioo to Erbdl3Dcniag R'sbcrcc, Tc*r To*aiouew unls 'n & 2B;d$ cooi.."r odo.,vru co lt65? we' 6c rbovc and rndcr*igned a8rce to-thc obove poposed odditions as dion n iu rhe drawingby Eric Johns.n Archirecr, pc artitred oerr,tDrc ntiuoDEt , da;J:l,liii, noa * &. l;ff1nw suasos on rhc Denringpro'?rty *o.r,, lo tu.,**, *rrrc iiGsc.ApE/su' llt alpport tlris applicatioa as orA/uc' cfthe adjacent p,op€frli Texas ?o'mho'c€e uer., lA &lB, ard co-rlv,mecl of the cnmrnon &ant qtry. We plaa ts add foutrdatistr plaoting in &oa af Unit tA &is yeor but wantto defer decisions oa the deails oftbis until we heve iibteiual pofeissioual atvice- lte *auld also rite to add founddon plantiog elong the n'est side oftbe buildisg, if thc Tovm of Vail r*ill pernir rbis ontotr lard- we rwulilprefr to reain rvoodenpluk consmrtion forthefuuwa\ o be coasisteot wirh the qths Texas Tolirhouses and to avoid the iss"lsraintng tendcricics of kickend oth* POveBeoE. Siocre$. +".1,1' I Q, M $rA* ro . PooJr,,,-- Foxhall A. PErtEr TDTRL P.8? oo futro! aa, zeo I ?* ,rtD*. ', { tuo,? lrv tta o1 , Sli t: r/* rct',r"A^/ s/ ,,,.tlliz "l 7r& €o*<- ef&lL dn' L/a"/,ffi' I. I o*grpon I V4" p-e"u*tJ a J {A '/n" \T /"rc'-- &rt's * #o, L{ ru,l tz. L, f{" aog-sr'*4 ,!f ^,r&1,- /A oU f"4 *4 beh,eer' uils 4 z o,-.t *6 .sicu/4 y^rln//7 'be ,gl.re-/ 4g 4 q aAWh {-^u- , 3. E Jr, -up1o*,/ ,tr/on/a t ry l, #,u ffi6t ,& ;2**{a-pz 6ox ri S..*/ d un,V#z- r,,,.J e.7- ti/l /% efr:e ,; pLr,J 6rnA.,Ad" /*Jrrr *, ^ ,'t /er. e/:^e ,i'v"*o u*"*n4 'n/l"'l' U/J' f. Ftltl9 , llt 5|"'4, n r JNd#"/4*- j", AgJ,.4l', u. '}ts o t,'-P';,/'+ fra5ft'-'+ lo*"' &q' tl t e6pr lu.lnzlr [n-nz-Ja!r, lnrocorrare linr..tsry 25,2W1 seoirtizing ta tfresewico and Forcstry @nsutttng S fui SfoHs Fur,rsiry Eric Johnson F.O. Bcrr 20{5 Vaii, CO Si65s Dear Eriq Thank you for contac*ing A Cut.Above Forestry t's address your tree care need5. At your reguest, I irlspect€d arrd evakrated the trees in question at 483 Texas Tounhomes in Vail , Colorado. During our Janu*ry 22d meeting ysu expr€sssd coricern about tuff trces on the aouih side of the unit and the tn6sF gowing around the deck in the back of the t*rit. Future plans for fie area inctu& redesignlng the front of the unit and the roofline. The scope of uaork will include remo\ring the brick facing and repacing it with a newdy designad facade that includes new siding material and glass, The redesign includes removing the existing roof and replacing it with neur malerials. Accomplishing tha rernodel will require erectirg -scaffolding, slagdng matariale, removing end hauling the existi*g siding and roof malerials. These construclion activities will irnpact the tress at the sown and soif lerrel. Tne project will direcfly effect iun tfc€s locatgd on the south side of the to,r/nhome. Both treos are Englemann spruc€ trees (ftoea englemanilslikely planted as saplings in the micl 'l96Os r,rftsn the toun tFmes\,Bre constructed. Both trees are in good heatth with no signs of insecl or disease prcblems. The trunK brancfies twigs and fotiage appear healthy and damagre free. I coutd not inspect the root system due to the snow cover and frozen ground, but I essume they are sufiering minor damage from soil compaetion resultingfom years of lalul care, construction and pedestrian trafilc. Alihough both trees are in good heatth, they ara er€mpt€s of $e right tree g1otMng in the rr"*ong plaoe. These trees ar6 loeat€d very close to tho building. The trunk of Tree #t is 3 feet from ihe foundatioR and tree f2 is 7 feet from tne foundation. The clo'se proximily (o the building wiil bs an ongoing probtem because the tre€s are young and not near fully grown. Av€ragB Englemann ss,ruco trBEs typically growto 24 in diameterand over lfl)'tall. Average life $gedancy of an Englemann spruce is 350 years but thas ago €n be eidended or shorted clep6ndiru upon growiqg conditiong, Pol Offrce8or ?t$?Breckenrldge.COSO{?{(1t76, ;flt5-9f54 F t .lr-gto-tt L It'{ |zt i.t .-v I aS(,vE F (Jt<c.s I x r !oo*oo..o* Because treo #1 is located so closc to tt€ building, I reeornmend that it be nemoved and replaed in accordance with the Torrr of vaif DevefoBrnanl standards Handbook. The repl*ment tree should be ptanted witir future grroudh in mind. Trce#2 is faranough frorn the buatding to be retained dur-ing construction. To mifigete potential negative crnstruction inrpacts trc tree #2, ttre root protecfion zone should be delineated and proteded wfth fencang. The fenca ghould be plaoed 12'from the tre6 (althowh this wilt not be possibte on tha building side, extend the fenoing as far as possible)- To maintain tree health, tha tree snouto be treated with vertical mulching to mitigate past soit compaction probfems and deep root feed the tree wfth a root stimulating fertilizer and myconhiza fungi. The root protecuon zone shsuld be eovered with trea cflips le a 6" depth to minirnize soil compaction isst-n. The tree should be prur:ed Fom the buitding to facititate constructioo. Prudng sfrould be perfoflnd by a quatified arborist and ilot by the construction cre\ r. vrle also discvesed th€ thre€ clumps of lrees located behind iire unit. Thess llees ere enothor €r€mple of the righi tree in th6 wTong place. These Englemann spruoe trees are all grovytrg in small areas-that W[ requirc traatmont to accommodat€ tuturo grordh. Group fi? consists of four Engtemann spruce treee. I recommend removing the lhro6 tr€es close$t to the building and pruning the remaining trae as nac€$gary. Tree #4 is an individual tree that should be rernoved because it is gredng very dose to the dedc and the atairs. Atthough the tree could be pnned U amomrnodate shct torm grorrrrtfr, eventually the tree will be too lergo for the space aveilabfe. l#l€n ths fse outgrornjs the gruring space it will be vory diffiarlt and hazardous to remov€. Group *5 iC composeo of itro spruce trees. These trees are crarded but propBr pruning for pedistrian traffic aho to minimize damage to the stairway, could ailofl those trees to be an asset to the landscape Figure 1 OO Prufisd portion of tree 3'from wallto tree r E.9-r3:r-14 |. > ]it l r Ft l,iJ a ttSt YE r t |r(eD 1K I I reoornrpnd 0tat rr€e #l and #4 !€ nsmo\red, Group 3 shoutd be thlnned andTree*z and Group #5 shauld bE thinned but retainei please corltact rne with any quo$tions at 970-,453-91 F4. Certified Arborist # 2195 r E5-rar.t-tar I 5lt I 7 H I.IJI F'5I.i\|.E FUKEST|<Y Tree #1 is a 13' diarneter, 45' tall tree that is within 3'of ths foundation uall (see figure 1). Mucfr of the tree has been pruned on the north $ide to ksep the branches from rubbing against tha building. Tree #1 hEs a gowr rar.io of 45%. Crown ratlo is ths amount of {he hee tftrndthat stqpports green fidiage. The amount so'*l* ratio ie important since the green foliagre is the only food producing maleriaf oft the tree. A tros wtft a lowcrowrT ratio is tess takEtyb suwir/E the strFss caused by eonstructian. Trea #2 is a l2.5" diametet 45'tal tree that is 7'from the buifding" Trea #2 has a 80% sc\,rm ratio. Both trees hav6 a cmwn diameter gf approximately 20'. Crown di*m6ter is partietlarly important because it is an indicator of feeder root concentrations and for thes€ trees it Sec{g their co-existence nith the near{y structures. reatr ree Tree#Die,.?Bter Hatght Cro*rr Ratio Cro*rt Diameler Correrns Preaervabrlity 'f II t \).tJ ,-E I9r,45t/o 29 Cfose proximity to building has required lgevere pruning of lhe north side sf the croan. This pRlnw left the tree one sided, Foor due to cfose proximilyto building. Futurg grovuth concems and potential consFuction imp*ts. Remo ?tt Brl 45'80%.4t Cfrase prox:mity to bxiiiding Fairdq€ to ctosg proximity to buildirg. Eut aonstruction impacts can be mitigated. Fencr prune cfrip, vertic muldt and feed Group 3 6.0 to 9.tr E09e 18'Fro;imity to deck and gForrith ifito gctg,\ atr tt.' 6ood Qaat tu at|L 4 7tv 35'9U-rt 12'Froximity io deck and groil,th into deck area Poor Rernc Group 5 8.0"40'8OPi6 16',Proximity to slairs Good a J.nicT. Dtmry 84 CovcRoad QrtcrBry,IIYf FTf $16)Y22:7ao5 FAX(5rO 9n-0334 Allison Ochs, Planner II Town of Vail Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 March27.?-ffit DearAllison, This letter is in connection with our application to remodel units 2a and 2b of the Texas Townhouses and alter landscaping on lot #2. We will supply two 12' evergreens on Town of Vail property on the west side of Texas Townhouses lot #1. We hereby apprcve of the location of these trees (and an alternate location as shown) according to the landscaping plan prepared by Pam Hopkins, Architect, and approved by Foxy and Helen Parker. Sincerely, /\ QA)"_.-.' David H. Deming ') ',!tif )u;n*;a Jamie T. Deming Idntl ft lAo lqoq a.\'\}" it'r !t 1:.a" , ( Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 8.2001 Eric Johnson PO Box 2088 VailCo 81658 RE: Deming remodel, located at 483 Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 28, Vail Village 4n Dear Eric: The Design Review Board has reviewed the application for the Deming remodel, located at 483 Gore Creek Dr. / Lol 28, Vail Village 4'n. The following were lheir commenls and concerns: 1. Separate the new entry feature and the bay window above. This can be done by z. 4. q b. -7 8. changing the pitch of the enlry feature roof. Please provide a detail of the balcony rails. Use divided light windows in the existing upper bay window. Please submit a color board. Do not repeat the existing color scheme. Using both shutters and the rails is loo much. Please use only one window accenl. Because you are using the "faux" decks, please change the windows to french doors. lmprove the walkway to the units. Please provide a comprehensive landscaping plan. Any landscaping on Town of Vail property must be approved by Public Works. The association must approve any landscaping on common property. To remain on the March 21 ,2001 , DRB agenda, please submit all revisions to me no later than 5 p.m. on March 15, 2001 . Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me al970-479-2369. Sir;cerely,- ,:lt"tttUL- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail tpo*uo'n"o Questions? Q,nu rrannrng Siaf ar a7g-ZL3B ICi.t\ ilr Ll APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFCRMATTON This application is for any projeci requiring Design R.eview approval. Any project requiring design re./iew must receive Desiqn Review aoproval prior io submttting for a building permit. For specific informat,on, see the submiftal requirements for the palncular approval that is requested. The application cannot be acccpted untii ail dre recutred information is submitted. Ihe project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/cr the planning anc Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started, A,DESCR,IPTION OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCANONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: ?B g166x' PHYSiCAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #' ?'loQ o b z1? ooA(Contact Eagie Co. Assessors Office at g70-32a-B64}for parcet #) zoNiNG: H!2 nF NAME OF OWNER(S): FrlrrrrG: \N F +fi-. a D. E, MAIUNG ADDRESS: F, \J. oWNER(s) SIGNATURE(S)r NAME OF APPLICANT: €?t o kez,v\(t 1>1,, -9l-tiz- TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building.-f{. Addition - $5O Includes any addition where square footage is adcjed to any r MinorArteration - $20 fi:i::::iil":'.T*T:fifili5i3o, uno site im'rcvements. such as, reroofing, paintlng, window adiitions, lanoscaprng, fences ano retain jng walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the prgect. TheTown of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project vaiuation. PLFASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. PHONE: H. MAIL]NG ADDRESS: L-a 1-<.,1 fIQl R000O00443 Anrount.: $5O.OO O2/t2IZOOLOI:59 ptr{check rniE,: irAR Notationr 18e2 permit. No: DRB010031 Type: DRB _ finor AlteretionParcel No: 21O1OB2Z2O03Site Addreee: 483 E @RE CREEK DR \rA.rr,Location: Statement Mrmber: Payment ltethod: This Payment:$so. oo Total Feeg: Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: s50.00 9s0.00 90.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescri ptlon DR 001000031i2200 DESIGN REVIEId FEES Current ffis 50 .00 Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, Dr'rid * Jn,rti,, ftrninq .ajoinrownerofproperrylocatedat (print name) J orovide this ietter as written approval of the plans dated ohn. 2odl which are submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements incr,rO" trtA &g[ laay ujitiar.)J I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. $""*"-'^o' ozt szt zwL 15: u4 L3V3 tbLe6zz i01+\s# I'E.VIN uAfih u4 Qrnstions? I;* Pbnniqs sraff at 479-2r3e APFIICATIOI{ FOR DESIGII REVIEIT APPR,OVAL GENEML INFORMATIO{ inis application is ior any project requinng Design Rcvte,f approval. Afiy ,roject requirlog deslgn €view musi recehf DesEn Revisar aoproval prior to submittidg for o builciing permrL For spe.ific informattsn, sr€ trE suDminat Equirernents for the tartcljlar a0proval that is reque*d. The aogliathn cannG be accesed ufiit aU $e requi€o irforntatio''t is submFi.e{:. The projeG rnay abo ned to b€ reviewed by tlre Town Courrcil an<i/or the Pianning and Ewironn€fttdl Cornrn|sSrOn. DcsftJn Rcricw Eoard apgroval rxgirctt o|rG ycrr aftcr flnrl rpproyal unhcs a boildi*g pcftnit is i*urd ard canrtr{(don is strrtrd, A, {-f ; r-eClnON Or PnOPOsnu rCn,f,Z P..7--a==:::r- _BLOCK- FIUNG:\A/ F 1u{,t-rB c, h E. C.u*zV:- FARCEL "r9-!.o.!:-9-?- f --co.&rntaa Eagle co. Assesors Offtce at 9z)-328-86a{i for earcef #) zcnrrg;__l) !{Ar+E Or OwruER{S}:beT+ MAIIING ADOSfSS: ar./ CO owxlf,(sls6rrATURE(s): NAIIIEOF APPUCANT: OF REYIEW AI{D FEE: Itle* Conttnetion - ltzoo Cofistructbn da new buibho. Addition -SSO Includes any addition rrher€ sguare footag€ is addcd to any rEsfiJsrtidl sr cofimer€El buildarrg.llbor Atttrcili€D - 3?0 Iflchrd€e mfuror changg ?o buibingrs and site Enp(wetn€rrts, sush as, r#'ln& pa[nting, rlindo|t add{iars, B}dscaping, feoces and re$idng waf,s, eE. DRB hes are m be Oaid ft the fte d sumihal. Llrt€r, wlen apptyhg for a htitshg p€nrtit, please ideftitu the accurate valuatjon cf $c projecr The Town of vail wil adjust tre fte according to 6E plqJs ahilbn. PIEAS- SUBFrry Tl|I5 ApptIc,ATIott, ALL gUBftITTAL REQUIREi|EI{TS tilD TFF FEE TQ T}|E DEPARTilET|T OF COilIIUTIITY OtYETJOPilENT, 75 sC,UTH FROtr? 6E ROAD, VAIL COLOnIDO 81667. Fee Pail: A'pdratiso oate: f"leeting TYP€ t_,F a Gl(#l ORB Mecarg srte: sztozt zQgL t9: q4 lSuJ/blubll I r*.vlN t-Ar* 43 To: TovrnsfYail Deeign RcviewBolrd Imrn200l As owncrs cf Vail Torldousc unit 2a, rre srpport tb 4plicabn of Devfrl ad JamieDenlng to a) creats E rtsEed bay wirdowddilioa witfr &rmr (tb dowgrin bay is cn aheration to ors nDit 24 ard tft€ upstairs is an altcrasb'n to the Danfuryr' unit 2b), b) renuve tto Spnrac trees rrxt to the fi,ont &fadc ofeurjointly oured building,d c) expand aDd tEnovrt€ ot[ common entlance (also *ad withFor*tii end Hclcn Hcr, orryss of rnit h rrd b) mnliry to phns submiltod with tbis applicalin As we tro brger use thc chimcf on tbc fion ofor unit, ws tplinquidt our rights to r€il tlnoughrhc cxi*furychftnney. We stportthb qplic*ion qonsorcdty thc Ocfiinsrmdthc &arlmgs prepard bv tlcir archih't, &ie &hcorr Siffiercly, JohnP. Ghser 6ZtA4t6VL I5:64 l3u3 T0m|J otr Dqataent ol Corwnity DcveloPnen TrSoutr Frcnngc Xmd TatI Coloado 81657 97tL179-2t3E Fp! 970-179-21s2 xnsrgcr. uad.oo. rr tbLvbtt o r.€vIN JOIN?PROPERTYOTTNER WRITTE}.I APPROVAL LETTEN, PAqE gZ ,. BefsV i/eVin - .ajoirownaorpopcrtylocsedu 4b?""__C=orc QaL- fulVz, / ZA, p,rovidcrhirtctteras (addrcsylegrl &scranion) wrirtenryproval ofthepl$s * o z I o1 /o t .rilticharesubmitt€dbtbcTo$,n of Vail Communiry Develorpcrt for dre proposod irnprovemcntr to be complacd rt rtrc addrss abore. IurdersrandhattheFopocedimproveneosinef,rO. D."f,,^-q- * !VU*J.<^,, I frrnher undersland that minor nodificstims me!,be Dad€ o tbc plans over $c courgc of tk review prosess ro crnsure complirncc wirh thc Tovar's applicablc co&s and regrhdons. 0z-lorlql (dile) S1'r,'rr-'"a vltuztzo6L lrr: zb B2l01/20&1 97:33 5 /UJbUIbzb I 13S3?81862! GI-Astt( r'€vIN tsA{*. A3 FAIiE 63 *ffi Dclizlrtr*ent ol Co;fiwtry I'ev' toPltcn' ,t'so$h Ftwttcgc Road UaiL Colordo tl6J7 970-179-ZI3E FAx 970-/79-2152 il4.Ara ci. rrall. cO lr, -##$1?*t#^iw[" r joint oxncr of ProP Y l(tcatcd [t provide thir lsrc{ a$ rtiBcn aPProtul uf thcPlrns detad o I /, , ,.rOr"O * $ubdrined lo tht Town of vail Conrmuaity B+',€logtnsnt for rhc ptoporcd inrprcvcncnts ro be conplcrcd x thc rddrcss I funhtr \rnJr1(s(Nd tlr.rr mi(tor mor t;carions neybe nrads to thc plqfts ovcr thc coursc of rhe trvierv pr{'r.,i r*! !'tl$ur. compli$tc! with tbc Town's aplrcable codts end rcgulttlolls' O - O -,.)/4-'.w t&r€) $rc"'crtr'' F€b-{-t,-gl {rt:.z?F GJa.csr .ar:d As.scc iB,t€.=t.a t . ''44 .eE{}t P-gl "=' * *nn#- "o" ApprcA?rofi QuErtnns? Gil dtp pb4rirtg Suff ar 47g"ll:g FOR DF-SIC.C FEV!sW +FFtevAi qENER I n{FOEgrAno{ Tnb apdicatton rs fur a^y groJQcr rtqui.tng Derrgn Rcvie'a apgroyat. any :roFct rcgulnng cesiEn r€vrew,r,usitec:ire D€;[rt Rs'rc!. dgg.oval grior tO iuEnifths tCr a buildirrg Oermtt, Fof s!€l|ft infonnfior. lct t}€ $rbnt$atrcqtmerneflE tur d1€ o€ricub? ;ppro\rat $at 6 €auested, Th€ apdi:ation Canrlo( De aCCeOA$ uoBt Jl the r..lureoi{tfcrnation c 5\,bfti?t€5- rtre pro*ctwy ibr n€e6 ro be;eviered ar.r*}.ri coriliirrol* me nannrng anoEnvingrrtcrtal g6ttun$5re'4- Dedgt Rctirsn,larrd rpprcsel gls*rer sra yaal r*o irral a!p.rr.l oa|lrrr bulElog D€rtlrit i. isluad a|td €s|.t?r!4ion is *irlrt 8. c. D. €. F, 6- 7 7-?- E€gh Co- Aslessors Ottice at 97S326-86{0 far wd t1 z9oor TYPE R f 20o consrruoon ar a ne|f bst$aE.U50 Indud€ iny addtirn wheie square t66tt3€ b rddcd to any r€sitentbl d coftnercia, Ouilring.t20 Inchrttag e'timr cbang€5 to buitdilrgs and slte inoorcnrenrs. srrtr6, |qrdr{, Irdffing, srindfr additi0ns, Eildsaaprnq, Jencs rnd rctirinhg wtIS, CtC. DRE fles a.e to be oa6 8t tht tithe of_s$b.!{nal. ldcr. when .}nr+hg tor a bviltng F€nnra pEar€ i{lenrfyrDc r€qrrare rarrretbn of rhe groj.rr Thc Tdrdt 0f vait *n aoun uu Fcr 4csdr€ udE pnoiecr et etn. TLE SE sulr|rr rxts_ lrFtJctttoi, llt sulffrrA|, RlQ||rtiltEr|rsAnD rrtt rcc ro rhE ocrrtTrrirof coNtilornv orrHoimt;zi souru FRorrffiE Roro, v tL qolloo irsz. OT REVIEW A}IO FEE; t$# Cenrtn cttcr . ^Oonioo.E ilhor lltcretillr - cl(#: Pre-l0pfiodon tt€€ring Dare:Pbnnen_ _ - -_ lfCArrON OF PROFO6A!: $rL tL _-gLOCit:_ Pif'5ilclf.ADDnrss, 182 (*rz C-elo errcn *:3191 luilllrc: HE}IE Or Orry*ER(S): mH(s) I|A}TEOF AP9TTCANfl: aunc_Y\l.,T! Drie U,.^* Fee P*t; - __ =^r._tra _t-tl ,-lt - trt-r9 o:t lttt Lo?tt t'o. J-: E_|rc^e -^A | 9!,5 . orl,t'z4 lcrjr rt 2 Et't'-l o D a1? -.:a/ ,t!'l!lEr A; ttta} | l IrvrflvI yilLly D4nnrcnt of Co'/eg,ity tuvcbp**at 73 So*h fiot*qe Rori i'o,'iCoiffiAi657 ri+. ,-a ^,--,tabatr-lttO hu, tttha/r-Za)Z alt'.cLrlaltl.co.*, JOINT PFOPFNTV O\T,NFXUffITEN APFN,OVAT T.ET!TB, -hF\, ? b44e {Fitrrh.)+Bz lr'ncra rDprcvri oi thc ptrls drGd oz- f o q / o t rybich rc mbnincd ro drc Torn ^a'lt.al arrca---:.-. "\"Er y::i Lc;iri-.,uii)iy l)evciuF'rr'"'. iar *r proporod impnrvcru€oB ro bc co'plgEd |t rhc rd&cr$ lbovc- I rrnrlrrc''rrt rhrt rh. -- b) :--^---._ --.E'r.r p.sl,r,.r.r rq4a u tEUtBrs utEllloe i fr|'ther rtr|@rsrind th't nimr Eodificeticnc melrbc orrdc b rbc phns ovcr rhc cor'rc of rir tr.ie; Fi'ts!' io sl.lui- s{inpiis$c yitb 6c fovar's qplictblc codc, ard rcgulations. 1{I4 frwano*sa-t g4fvzl zvvt r.r: tb at A2lo|l2BAl 17its? 138376166'J! cr rrg a5qv657' }'€VIN Ques|onsr Cail $le planning sfaff at 479'? !:8 APPIIC"ITION FOR O€3TGT{ REYTEW APPROVAT UJbUIOZb o tsa+t ttt PA€ 81 GEUEESIIIEcSJINIIpJ! ffi"n tr to, irv noJect reguiring Destgn Rerie,n -roproval. Atry )toJect teouirin0 dcsiEn cvew musi re*',i Desgn Rere' eoptouJ ptO.io t d"inA{ tcr 'i builiino Oenn|t. tor soe'fis intclrrt.(|on' s€l rhe $,lbrninal rrqunrmorf for gtls oaniqgrar appoval trat a reqrnrteo. Thc Lppkatnn aanrEt bc tccegted un(ll ill th€ r€qirrrec infornrtbn is subrnified fnC piOst oay abo need to be rsrcrt d bV me Town Coundrl Crut/or tfi€ FEnfir.€ gad inu,'tntneGrComt,ir,on. Drlirp n:vhw Sarrd rgprovrl G:ili.Gi otrc yger altrr filttl epPr*ll tttlciS r briHlrr1 Acntit i krurd rrd cur$r*ion is tttrd. I. c E 9.L99!.lZqZaconnct Eegtc &. Asrcsort Office at 970-32i's640 for parcei rr tat,?-A*ELoCK:-. *uuc:, {VF- -{'h- *mrt,-*-.-51 2- G .= > tz-- -"- g$$tn ftofi d n fterv Drrlhing. lqctudes aoy additioc wh€r? lqoa.t toomge i9 aftted to anv resircnthl o. commltttal bu*ting. Incju€ec .nanor change! to buddingg atd !trQ lnpfouernenG, sucir .r$, rcrooftrT. girting, wirdorir a&titb$. land$.9n9. frneg and €hthhg wtlb, C!s. Ofl8 fees are to br paid at tfie titm of $tyniftbl. l ar, sehen apphrig for i buitding pariltrt, 0teas€ td€tttfr the xcurate 'r*kletisn cf tfir pojcct. Tfie To\^rtt of VDi ,rJi[ ldlr$ tt€ fEe Codirtg tu tft i]tote$ YahJa$on. PtErS: SWHIT ?HrS APFLICrrlOil, rtr grEilrrTAL REQurRctEtllS At|D ?HE rtt ?o ?ril oE atrilEm of corruxna arYttoffflrr, '3 SOrl7B FnEilrtGE nOAD, VtlL GOLOR DO tleD. fte Path - CK#i- 9y; lpolicarIo Darcl.... LCCAytOil OF pRoFO$At; pH\6Kl[ADDRESS: {,,l. Z0tIl6:-..! neH€ff OttrilfF(s): I'rt tuitc AoDRcs3: oryrEf,(3) NA}IE Of AFPI ICAf{T. r4Aililrc AOORE5s: ti2 22- a ll.TYPE OF R€VIEW Ar{D FEE: E- td cdrtrcrtctton - 32OOF.* rcf*ioa - 35o . lrliaor Altcrrtioo - 3At Plenner; fieahg DRE Hrctt0g garei:-----i ottalf tsvL l.r: zb I /u:jbslgzb PA(f UI FA$E. b2 o ^'-t I o1 t aa;al 47. "q 13S376186:2 l'E'rtll.l To: To*oof Vail Design lcvicrr Boud Juunry.?001 As ovrners of vail Tovdnrsc tudt 2a xr€ sttgfon lb +Plts'lbn of Dovid and Janic Dcmin$ to a) cri'nre a $rked uv $'c":.f 'll1 :t *m"tffffil J':lt, lrft{rttitn to ow unit 2r' ond ttc upstrm rs lt hl ::tlr,,* t*$ s6ucc rrcei nctt to rhc fiortt t6atc of curjoinrty owncel ., Iffif*** outsomrr.ln ntrurie(atiocnrsd *ich Feiayetl rnd t|c|enParkcr'owrrrsofrnirIasodb}*otdingtopbnssubrni*rdwiththir aPlticaticn. A.5 we $o lonSer ulc thc chirutcy on tt* frolrt ofqtrr urd(' rrs telki$li'+bolx r'rghts trr vcnr thnrugh thn rrisiry chimncy' wc ${s)firhis applicarbn sponroled bt t}* pcfiirqs erxl lhc drrrdtgs prc1urql hy rhcb architcct" Eric fohunu SincctelY. %"Lq"^ ,ohn P. Olascr Titlc Associati6 EOMMTTMFNT FOR TTTLE INSURANCE LA$IED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY STFSIART TTTLE GUABANfY COI!{PANY, ATeras Crrporatio+ berehcalled ttcCupaoy, fo' valoable cousideration, hcreby conmits to issue its policy or policies of title imurance, as ideafified in Schedule A. in favcn of the pnryorcd Insr*ed named in $chedule A, as owrcr or no4g4gee of the esht€ or iotffest covered hcreby in thc land descrrlbed or rderred to in Schedule A. upon payment of the premiums and c.bargcs tbcrefo'r; all subjecr m tb provisions of Schcdrler A and B and to thc Corditlms md Stipuluions hereof. This Comuifincnt shall be effective og wten the idcmity of tb proposed lanued and tbe aoount of thc poticy or policies comrriucd for have becu inrertcd in Schcdulc A hereof by ihe Co'mpany, either at the time of the is$rsnce of &is Cormitment or by subscqucnt cndorsemed ;Ibis Cocrmitmen. is prelinimry to the iisuaff€ of.such policy cr policies of title iazurance ard all liability and diigadons bereunder shall ccase and termimre six rcnrls afier the effcctive dae brreof or when the polrcy or policies committcd for sball issue. wbicbervtr fust occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is Eot &e fautt of fte Compary. Sigd uder scd fcr the Ccrryay', b.d ftis Cwiue* shall aot be ralid cr bidiag rdil it bears m a$oriael Coungsigdatrir€. IN WITNESS WIIEREOS, S$e*art T*le earacfy Conp*ny har caused its corporae *aqne and seal to be he.reurto affrxet by its@y allr$oriz€d office* on tbc date So!r& iE sob€&de A. STEWA.RT TITLE GUATANTY COIIPA$Y Chdi.trnarl ol EIte ffi STEWART TITLE OF E.A6LE COIJNTY. lNC. P-O. Box 20m v. 14 Cdorrd. tt658 Fro) r++r0lt va. u.t/ avvL I, , 4t ItlA t I ut{D l att.l v Arder Nffier: oroza66! vtttrJ. DrurtlEl rrErt I.art! SCIIEDUIE.A {! vvo STATEMENTOF CHARffi Th*e durga ue ihp sra Fyele bSore a Poli4 cnbe issnd. an&(rttr OiW'a'8, S tld :2. Policy or Policies to be issaed: Attwt*tt o! Insurante (a) i[.L.TA. Owner's (scaad:rrd) .s rap ! Proliosed hwred: : (b) A.L.TA. Loan (Ecalrtt E tt $ tzo Pr@sed lrcurd: fO AE DETART1IilED lc) LeueMd $ Proposed hsured: i 3. The 'awe or interest in the land dscribed or refeneil to k this Cofianimm and uverd ,tercb ts fccl glrytc t4. Title tu the fc,a eiqrtc 6We or interest k sdid ldnd is 4 the fieeiw date hcreq v6td h: : iErxr p. cltErrE, rBgg:rEB oF maF toHl' 9. CLAsI& gEPrf,rXE PnOPERTT mUSr, tAf &. d&tS8n, SAtEr XEtiZtr ,tID *I,IIII.JA{ D. IYEI4IF (gE EICUIlsae*rS, 5. The'land referrd to in this Comnianau h describd as fotlonts: gEE er4nc@ r,Ecf,! t6uErErTolt t. $e&vedatz: t uutgy 2i, 2o0r rt 7:15 A.lt. Pu+ort.d lddrcrg; I$3i hORE CRaEtr rA. UAntr r rc ettst ua, vot awvt- J- t . cI riLal, t, vvao , tui|vtlttl .' r t frt&r!l t.BlrtrJr\ SCITfI}ALEA QrderIW: etaze66l IEGALDESCETYNON Co!@roflll vfurt VfrtT 1, TEB Tofd0/EOT'gg O'T T,oI 2, E IL !fxL'.AffE., gq,t'nnr rrr.Iro, aeco''dl'lE to tlc cood@.lrlirrl ta.P tceorl'€i, Ifesdar 23, 7966 ln Eooh !?g te P.EC 522' and r' deccri.bcd Jz flc Coadeda.lur Sechratloa rccotdcd gQcr!,!f,r 23' ,965 t! Sook 178 rg Paga 525. gotfinf Ot IAG' E SlirTE gF C?.I'OpaDO rrrrs ('€fgfrffiffi mE EESPE@ gr ''gggjABif, I' 2et2 i,* 'xtrts Ei6Bi:f:t ITEAAE sE'L-BBB# r"At&.za at t9?8'926'O230- t(Jl? stfrslffi p€:E6frofft ?r.&hsa eHz,t ttzew.r.E sEEsgEgF .x? t9?et926'9234. 6€3lES tO: c*aig .D *taa -&"tict? '&er De'tg'} IttI .ssgr€F ra.aI f'It4 tavuaoadt..l;[.ltl Dluf ga]ll lrgltlvl! sctrEDUt.EA Scain I. Mer Ilutibq: ota2g667 REOUIREMENlS The follywrng arc the rquiremcnts to be con plied wlth: ftem (a): Ptrtnatt to or lor rte anuott of the granorc or mortgagors of tlntull awtdcrwton fot the cstdc or .iltqest b be iward- hemO|Prqeri.nstrunat(s) qeatingtlp estateoranterwt tobeirarrcdrfrt$ beaecutdorrd ASfrWfor '' rrcord to wit: l. n+{deDe. ..e!.facaory eo S',.r/r',t 'jtlo Gfrt.r.,rtryt C@E.ay of gqa',!g of e.3f ovCeCafrlng Cazaa aad arrcrr[@tr ar .oargifi.d b! fui 8rgla gourlcy gtcrturar. 2. tr,:dcutloa ot .ttidrvtt as to DGDtr .lld !i-lr, .8d tt' retl'lu eo Scerf.ait *lt:e til's'.anEy €orytzay. 3. g(ir'lrlj,a,rca rlth tlr nt$bt ot |ttEE RetusEl ,e eeB forch Ja etr' eotdost}ltllr! ,etafEl,of for thc ?€*Eboeta ea b, :lba !ttlI vtJl.Ee' Ilotttfi F!7tag :4. *vtt.lgttc.Dc'et far thc .'ohD P. G.lasar .gePetete Psoltarty Tr:rrtt. folllB: fgrrccnat dlt rct !r rccotdcd' b t dus! b. ;lr.t€ated to gtetart ritle oirdraaty C@E tBy toi l.Ct tevtcu. : S. rrrrt LtCldwit for the .'ota P. otrscr gslr.trc. 'f,.,o',,,rty T1'r17'.E, lleLlag tba rana, artd .ddrc''cs ot a7l f,be tru.rt.cc e4porerd nt artd E'utC, axecut.d byr tn lut&orjrcd Ei4ar-€c. l5. cbrr.ctl.oa D.?d frld tlllir' D. Eqr'ta a',d EeC'y IstLa, veattag tee t.l,4Ple tJtl. Ji la.rbara fr- ctlta.t. ;r.y L. eTtact ' toia P. clrstr lad !.tty fft{d.a. ffqF'; rnr TTOTY OF Irc L&ilI, ANDNE 'S OF TEE ONAffigE WAT TPPATR q WE DEED Agpin r97d ltmt8s:r ro srATufE or rEqotDuE oF lrErps cEs 38-35-rog (2t. :xiire, rn rf,',v,3 Dw ts |E@ED z1t c?RErler r& ffi E'r,<rED'o EuNB 72, tg98 aa 8&Ep?Zffi nC,. 659558, '8 ffiZCE yffi EA.EARr, Ciltg8oil Z. OgE'/' rlrsABrED rrtg trlE t&l lE tcelRtfla8aogffi lft'rEt!| o? Tgg cR JeEtEg nrgtrtg r. lvtrrrsrr r.dD aa:r.'y t[REat. lFirg: EFFACTIW SEHEE{aE? 1, 1997' CRs jO-lO-*O6 R4srn$ TXAT ALI' W$@ITS AE/gE'vlD ?O&, CEf'.tDtrc On ?ILx&l ltr tl el'a,t' AXD nllCOEDEP'g OPFfeE .5Eea& canrj[rc t mp.fticrl' AT ITBAfiI @E aEF lilD a nlrf, ,lrcrf,l A|{D NTwA UIECTU O.r lr &Erar of,E-Frr.r rncH. Tax cLEnr lD EffioPDgn, Xry nEt[ gE m nFeonD oR tr&E eirr oocmz rzlr 'E/3ig mr ooilPunil. t/g.l\I it .l lrrq!,It lrElt r vllSTHAAULE g Sediaez Order llumber : ala2a66! u{cEm2Ms The policll or pollcies to be issved will corrtoitt aception to the foLlawing unless the nme arc dispotd of to the satisfar:tion of tlw Conpary: I. Rig&rr or clqirns of pani* in possasion wt sllrrwn by &e public records. 2, Ea*mats, or cbims af ee$qnaw, rct shoutn by tlre public records..- 3, Discrepancies, conflias in bowdary lines, stnrtage in are& srcroachments, aw! any f1cts w]tidt a correa suw$ and hspection of the pratlds+s wouW dhctose and wfrieh we twt slwwn by the pubtic records. 4. ArV tic4 or riglu to a iien, for senices, Iabor ot ntaerial herafore or hcr$terfwvished, imposet fu latt aild not stown by fue pbdc reords. 5. D€e 1s, ltew, mcut#rances, adverce clains or other Mers, if any, created, frrtt Weartng i* the pfulic records or attaddftg t*bte#eftt to rhe #e€ti+v dae here$, }utt pdor t_o thc date the praposed insurei acEdres af record for wlve the est&e ar intsect ar wartgage therean mvered hy thts cowaitamt. 6. Wpaeuedminingebiw; r4jenntionsaru/jeptlna inr,dd,ettls,otutad aurharizing thc issrnnceilt*eo!: vnter righ8. claims or title to uJat€r. t- iy aad aII utltrjd trr.er aad ls.seagracot€ aad any uarcdccold g.t galct. e, $L effaat ol lnc,lue:loan !a ray geaerll or speel,E:lc rEtcr contcrerrtcr t ttte pr{)c.ctloa, eoil conscnrtt.do! of otiar dttlrJct or t''ctttttoD ta aty rltar ger:rrica or ec!]te jl|ltrova8a8t area. 9. Reierrrati cra.t or exccP C!.o!Jt corrta.itcd l,a t!.5. gae.Jnra. or Ja lcts rutlofitiagl tib Jscuaasa t}.erg€.t, r.cond.d la 8@k 48 rt Pag€ 17s. i.'Qigl'ng 7, ntEbts af ;&e Froprlrg or ot I ltaJa or IodE to crgr.cc aad tc{p.va hta ot1r thatalton ufi z) !.{ihts of tay for dltcaar rad cau.Ir coartructad sadc: Ehc ruEhoriBy of Elro llai E.d gg. lcr. 70. prbtective Coveaa*-+a, *hLcb do ftot co,tzta t ta/rteitarc oi reverXer. ellugo' as ecie'forta ,ia lagcrrroC tsco&dcd eugrr3e 1.O. 2962 J. goot 27d 3t P€,gc Z?9. i!3. rE:FEeE tE, sesttictloas aad riEbes'of'waya et Pbaa aa the gJat of hl7 villaga r Fcurttr P!Lt!.g, EeedEdcd' *B RcecPEla/n eo. 9f9at. t2. TdfrE, eald;jxlo'lr, re,scrvatl.oa^e, rlstd€tlo|ia ead o&lLgratLoad aa coEtaiatd Lll Earcoaat Agrc-tert aad Doctaration of alglte teeordcd. Drerobcr 23, 7966 ,a goo& 175 at ?aEC 577 .r XGcePtJor llo. IO5t53. 13. Earcoca Es. rcstrtctiolrr end rlgfut.s-ot-7/aye at sborI oa th. Plat ta Boolc 178 at Paig6 522 ar Receptior Ao. tA5750. 71. 7fut, soDdJtlaBs, terervu!,lo',r, relr tri c ti ons ||rd ohJtgtttoaa as cootrlaad .d,a O$lrrattoa recorded DccrnDr.r 23, 7966 ,a aook 178 aE 9egG 525 €s ErecPglor| Lo. 7E57s7. 75. ,'tirhi, condj cjo|r', t"rtgtrv.tlagt, resct:lccio',c a'id obllgtcioE.E ,E coneal,Z,'cd ia i goatiaucd oD lert ;ragr. uaf rtat avt,, r,r; ao rdln uavata9ttv.l i.U . coEt.lauatte ot So&€dul'a Ard.r $tlllbcr: ttO2A66, r,Iusl a l uru|'lf ttllll lt ll I - SccttoE 2 {g r'r,, noiabeJoo .agr.cscrtg racoad.d t|bwabcr to, Tg''tl tE toot ito:- rt t ge zo9 at Aao.egrtloo r&r. 2t7*97. .16. fe{tt, eaaAS'E16'8. l,ed.Ev.eiola,s ' t.atrlctl,w aad oblJcracJaat asr noEtrt!.d Jlrar+is.Etr- slt. 5J recaecEd .i nrefit 26. 7987 .ta Eoa& ilSd et D.gra asg .r RtlosptloEgc:352692. a 17. teims, EaadJcicss, r€sertagloor, raattletlona .d abJ.tgatlas ae rt@!.ia.d iathc 4gqarnapf ssd gasdaala*e .Feslac€cran .ic=radh*ac rsno8Gd rfotrrDlgt zg, zg99a.r f.ecccatJ.oa xa - Tl.salz , o r,,4., l'ft.a, t,uit4 vtltt r .| J. urttlttr t tllttt lr DIS'CL.OSIIRES {g vuo Pursua$ lo C.R.S. lGlI-122, r|otics is hereby givcn thar: (A) TflE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE I.,OCATED TN A SPECIAL TAXTNG DISTRICT; (B) A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE lJsr-'tI{G itACH TA/tlNG JI'KISDICT'ION SHALL BE OETAINED FROM Tffi SiJNT'i- TREAS-URER, OR TTTE COUNTY 'I'RJiASURER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; (C) INF'ORITiATION REGARDT{O SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND TIIE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRIC"S MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}trIIISSIOI{ERS, THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COSNTY ASSESSOR. Nofie: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulciom 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII i€qufu€s that 'F.efy title cirtity sha[ be ruponsible for all maftrs vfiictr 4pear of record prior to thc time of recording wbcosvu thc tide eility colducts thc closing and ie csponsibte for rccording or filing of l€gal {bflnlcne resuldng frrom ttre rlasagion q,hich was closcd. u Provided rh Stewatrt Title of Vail, Itrc. coqducts the clo*fug of the iistrcd liansaction ad is csposible for recodiag thc legat docrmts ftom thc rrrlsactio[. exceptim mrmber 5 r{'ill not appcar oo tbe Osuer'g Titlc hlicy od thc ladcr's Titlc Folicy nrbco isercd. Note Atfirnadve Me&eic's Liro hobctioa for lhc orm€r nay be available (typically by dclction of Erceptiou No' 4 of $chcdule B, Section 2 of &e Conmih€nt from rhe Ourncr's Pohcy to bc issurd) upon compliaoce with tte f6[owing c@ditioas: A. The land deicribd io Schedub A of this comoirmt trDEt bc a shglc fuily rcsi&nce, rrhict iactudcs a cordomitiuu or toqehouse unit. B. NolSor ot m*sids bc bcco furnished by macharis or rudoridlm for purposes of constructio! oa tle land fucribed ia Scle&*e A gf ttis €onnifire* irfimh thc $st 6 mdfus, C. The Conpaty slrct neceiv€ an ryo,pciate effdevt itrd€staifying ec Coopany aginst uafitd ttechrnidr aod aalerlelmea's liens. D. Thc conpuy nust, receive paymrot of the 4propriae pemium. E. If there has bcetr con*tnrcdonr improvomeuto or major rtpain nndotaken on thc poperty to tc purchaood, witlir ri:r months prior to tbe Dare of tlle Commitnent, the rEqukesents to obt|in coverngc for umccordcd liw wilt induda: dirclosue of ccrtain mnstuctim idormatiml finarcial iafonmtion ag to lhe sella, the buildcr and/or the aootrac|oq paynm of ttc apprqpriffc prcmiun; firlly executcd Indc'nnity aglecotrltg ssitf*torj' to thc company; ud, my addltional requirffits as rney bc nece$ery rfr€f, ar cxanination of rhe aforttaid informatiol by thc Co,npany. No mveragc wiII be given under oy drurmstes for labor or rarcrial for which tte fusured has coilrrcEd fur or agrd to pay. N{CTKTNG lrg'RT'TN CS{TIUII{DD WTLL BE DEEMED TOrw oF TrE C(}I|ERACES RAFDRnED TO ffinErN ftTLLYSAIxSFED.l ! I $Oer lla. oto?8561 i' iqsdbemer (YSDD) Rev. 1019C i i OGLIGAIT,TEE COMPA}TY TO PROVIDE, UNI.ESS TEE TBOVE COI{nITIONS ANE Texas Townbcrsr [ssoclation o/olee U. E&va$s P.0. Boxt$9 Iocust Valley, l{Y 11660 To: Town of Vail Design Review Board 3l January,2001 As President of the Texas Townhouse Associatior4 I represent that majority of the o\4ners of Texas Townhouse units who voted in support the application of David and Jamie Deming to: a) create a stacked bay window addition with dorrner (the downstairs bay is an alteration to unit 2a, and the upstairs is an alteration to the Demings' unit 2b), b) remove two Spruce trees next to the front fagade of the 2a and 2b building, and c) expand and renovate the common entrance to units la, lb,2aand 2b including landscaping improvements and lighting according to plans submitted with this application. On behalf of the Texas Townhouse Association, I support this application sponsored by the Demings and the corresponding drawings prepared by their architect, Eric Johnson. Sincerely, .44* Lee Edwards President Texas Townhouse Association To: Townof Vail Design Review Board January,2fi)l As owners of Vail Townhouse units la and lb, we support the application of David andJamie Deming to a) create a stacked bay window addition with dormer for units 2a and2b, b) remove two Spruce trees next to the front fagade of tlreir building (units 2a and 2b) and c) expand and renovate our cornnxrn entranc€, includiug improvements in landscaping (such as the installation of Aspens or other plant material that may be appropriate or required to remediate for the removal of the Spruces), and lighthg by the stairs leading to the parking lot which we share with the owners of 2a and 2b according to plans zubmitted with this application. We zupport this application sponsored by the Demings and the drawings prepared by their architect, Eric Johnson. Sincerely, 7.rA "4Q. *hP*-** Q>, Foxhall and Helen Patker o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER 4g z Go,C. (address/legal descriptj<in) writtenapprovalofthe pwraut"d 92 / o 1 | ol whicharesubmittedtotheTown of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. I understand that the proposed improvements include_ I further undersand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of tle review process to ensure corryliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. "44e9,W* t/a+/ar 'irQo^ W.?"*',*- ,/zq/ot (signature) (date) {So*r ru, t,{ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, August 16, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Gommunity Development Department .\,,,;{€u,ay MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Galen Aasland SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Melissa Greenauer Clark Brittain 12:00 pm 2;00 pm ,l 2. 3. 4. A Driver: Chateau Tremonie - 1860 Lionsridge Loop Sandstone 70 - 903 Red Sandsione Road Deming - 483 Gore Creek Drive Vail Mountain Adventure Center - 254 Bridge Street Skaal Haus - 141 W. Meadow Drive Allison PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Deming residence - Final review of proposed dormer addition. 4E3 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 28, Vail Village 4fr Filing.Applicant: David & Jamie Deming, represented by Eric Johnson MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED TA'ITH 6 GONDITIONS; 1. That the exterior of the unit be painted to match existing.2. That all railings on the north side of the building be painted to match existing.3. That the exterior lighting must be changed to meet code.1. That a trash enclosure be required.5. That all rails on the north side be consistent.6. That tree protec,tion be rcquired during construc,tion. 2. Chateau Tremonte - Final review of proposed repaint. 1860 Lionsridge Loop/ Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3" Filing.Applicant: ChateauTremonteHomeowner,sAssociation MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WTH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the balcony rails be painted to match the trim. 3:00 pm Allison Bitl 3. Raelher residence - Final review of existing metal roll-up blinds. George 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 3m.Applicant: Paul Raether MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Galen Aastand VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 6, 2OOO 4. Vail Mountain Adventure Cenler- Final review of proposed awning. Brent 254 Bridge Street/Lot L, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t Fiting.Applicant: VMAC, represenled by Teak Simonton MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 6, 2OOO 5. Skaal Haus - Conceptual review of proposed dormer/deck addition. Bill 141 W. Meadow Drive/Lot D2, Vail Village 2"d Filing.Applicant: Philippe Courtois CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 6. Sandstone 70 - Final review of proposed removal of 4 cottonwood irees. Bill 903 Red Sandstone Road/Lot 15, Tract C, Sandstone 70.Applicant: Jim Cooper, Resident Manager MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 6, 2OOO Staff Aporovals Glacier Court and Lionsridge Loop - Bus stop shelter. Ann 1874 Glacier Court (R.O.W. adjacent tolLot 22A, Block 2, Lionsridge 3'd (R.O.W. adjacent to).Applicant; Town of Vail Raether residence - Driveway stone wall addition. George 27E Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing.Applicant: Paul & Wendy Raether Brillembourg residence - Balcony enclosure, interior remodel, sprinkling. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive, E-9/Northwoods, Building E.Applicant: Arturo Brillembourg Arosa/Garmisch Employee Housing - Removal of door and window addition. Allison 2477,24e5,2487,2497 Garmisch/Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd.Applicant Town of Vail Timber Creek Lodges - Repaint of windows and facia trim. Bill 2882 Kinnickinnick, Units A-1 to 5, B5-1O/Vail Intermountain. Applicant: McNeilPropertyManagement Thornburg residence - Deck railing. Brent 1460 B Greenhill CourULot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicani: Tom Thornburg j Uhley residence - Deck infill, 250 addition. Brent 1180 A Casolar Drive/Lot 7, Casolar l/Block l, Lions Ridge.Applicant: John Uhley Vail Mountain School - Split-rail fence. Brent 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing.Applicant: Vail Mountain School Hutiner residence - DRB approval extension for remodel. Brent 5128 Grouse Lane/Lot 8, Biock 1, Gore Creek Subdivision.Applicant: Dr. Walter Huttner Overlook at Vail - New sign. Ann 1330 Sandstone Drive/Lot G4, Lions Ridge Fiting #2.Applicant: Overlook at Vail Condominium Association Thornburg residence - Change to exisiing materials. Allison 1460 B Greenhill Ct./Lot 20 Glen Lyon. Applicant: Tom Thomburg Bemdt residence - Addition of heated brick pavers. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch.Applicant Wolfgang Bemdt Tezla residence - Replace porch roof, windows, sliders, repair stucco. Bill 2613 Cortina Lane/Lot 2, Block A, Vail Ridge Filing 2.Applicant Anthony V. Tezla Rojas residence - Exterior window changes. Bill 100 E. Meadow Drive, Vail Village Inn/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1o Filing.Applicant Carlos and Martha Rojas Kirschner residence - Window addition/elargement and repainl. Bill 1995 Chamonix LanelLot 27, Buffehr Creek. Applicant: John Kirschner Frierson residence - Redo existing decks. Allison 1517 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 12, Block 3, Vail Valley 3'd Filing.Applicant Cartter and Patty Frierson Erdahl rgsidence - Replace two retaining walls and deck expansion. Bill 4030 D Fall Line Drive/Lot 28, Pitkin Creek Meadows.Applicant Chris and Jody Erdahl Thompson residence - Paint guard rail. Allison 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Jack and Vicki Thompson Jordan residence - Revised windows. Brent 385 Gore Creek Drive #3O2A/orlaufer #3O2.Applicant Jay Jordan i. \ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 forinformation. Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. TOWN OFVNL I MMERCIAL GENERAL INFORMANON Applicants requesting the review of additions which require the utilization of an Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GMA) (250 ) request must also submit a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) application. If the addition requires an Additional GRFA request, the applicant must receive PEC approval prior to Design Review Board approval. I. SUBMITTAI REOUIREMENTS One complete set of existing floor plans or "as-built" drawings with all specifications shown A prelhdnary title report, including schedules A and B, to veriff ownership and easemenc. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). PhoOs of the existing sfuchrre. I ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR CO f, X X o a F( o tr l Specifications of all materials and colors of the addition t 4<, wJc, 4o""vP-^ o\- 4vvAt[>"-- '=:Fooeerarli9$t*€ft, staurped by a llcensed zurveyor, at a scale of l" = 20' or larger, on which the following information is provided: D tr o tr Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurcmenb are based on the same commencement point. Lot area and ifapplicable, buildable area. Legal description and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. Propertyboundariestothenearesthundredth(.01)ofafootaccuracy. Distancesand bcanngs and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. Existing Fees or groups of trees having u:unks rvith diameters of 4'' or more, as measured Ihlm a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). u O All existrng improvemens (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, at^ \"'-.,/. A Hazard areas (avalanche, rocklbll, etc.), centerline and edge of sream or creelq requiled creek or stream setback, 100-year floodplain and slopes of40% ormore, ifapplicable. tr Size and rype of drainage culvers, swales, etc. A Exact location of existing utility sources and service lines tom ttreir;ource to the sfiuctue. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Elecric tr Show all utility meter locations, including any pedesAls on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. O Indicate all easemenm identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repon List any easement restrictions. A Spot elevations at &e edge ofasphalt, along the street frontage ofthe property at twenty-five frot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of tlre lot. ' Three (3) copies of the followine: tr Site plan, at a scale of 1"=20' or larger, showing the following information: tr Existing and proposed layout ofbuildings and other stuctrres. A Location oflandscaped areas. U All new reaining walls with spot elevations for op and bottom of wall. D Locationofallrequiredparking. E Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. tr Floor Plans, at a scale of l/8" = I' or larger (l/4" = l'is pref'ened), clearly indicating the proposed addition. E| Buildins Elevations, at a scale of 1/8"= I' or larger ( l/4"= f is preferred). O If existing structure is proposed to be modified, show elevations of existing str.ucture. O Building elevations must be shorvn. clearly indicating the new addition. If building tbces, existing or proposerl are at angles not rcpresented rvell on the normal building eievations, show these fices as rvell. Shor,v ali rooltop mechanical svstems, if applicable. ll If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine that additionai materials are necessary for the review of *re application. Texas Townhouse Assoolatlon e/olrle M. Eilna,rde P.0. Bor 489 locwtValley,l{Y 11660 Monday, July 10, 2000 To Whom it May Concern: At our semi-annual meeting held on July 8'h, 2000, a majority of the owners at Texas Townhouses approved the alteration to the north facade of unit 28, which is owned by Mr. and Mrs David Deming. Yours _gincerely,ti-u Q/,--^oL Lee M. Edwards- President Texas Townhouse Association J 'aT' -i ,,, Department of Commwity Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us August 11, 2000 Eric Johnson PO Box 2088 VailCo 81658 RE: Deming dormer and skytight addition, tocated at 48g Gore Creek Dr. / Lot 28, Vait Village 4h Dear Eric: While I have received a survey for the Deming dorrner addition, I have not received a site plan showing the proposed improvements. On this site plan, please indicate the location of all proposed improvements, including the ridge elevation of the proposed dormer. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. rJll luCrl E lY. ..2 L^ ill/,. (/ )rlu- -Ft||ri'Ut I rJUt ||i Planner ll Town of Vail s CENERAL INFORMATION This application is fcr any projcct rcquiring Desigr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr.revicrv must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmorts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot bc accepted until all the required inforn:ation is submittcd. Thc projca may aiso nccd to bc rcvic.wcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Ettvircrlmental Contnrission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd, A. DESCRTPTTON OF Tr{E REQUEST: DoF H,ge A'1.'lp iTVO t,l VuL;Jl,lUrtJi \,atl LIIC fl.l,lrlrll6 Jlarr ..lr 't,')-;i4\) APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL * - ?ltw' *rtl v.^ o\'/ '*fFq I pFrySrcAL ADDRESI: + b 7 e2qre AleeL E)V'w u - PARCEL #' '1'lo I e b2-1'ztffitguet.co.Asscssorsoffice atg70-l2g-g6i!0forparcel #) ZoNrNc: _ttP n F B. C. D. E. TOWN OFVAIL NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINCADD (J {r.owNER(S) Sr - 2-411 y1gyg. 6t? - nz-z-- -17oJ c.NAME OF APPLICANT:F--TzV A io t+N:,rN A P4 MAILING ADDRESS:o .b6% H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Xoootnoo - E l\{inor Altcration - wAl,t- co &tt S (5 PHONE:1>-b C onstnrction ofa new buildine. $50 Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conuncrcial building. S20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcrncnts. such as, rcroofing. oaindng. window additions, landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Later, whcn applying for a building pennit, plerxc identifu thc accuratc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail rvill adjust thc fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBiVIIT THIS APPLTC..\TION, ALL SUBilIITTAL REQUIREMENTS AI{D THE F-EE TO THE D EPA R'IIIENT O F C 0 i\LvIUN ITY D E VELO I,tl,tEN'I, 75 SO UTH FRON]'AGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TECSIVED JUL 6?m A'opry/vu; J UF{-JI -tt t5Z' 1 st ; q:> - I I'E Utsl'l I Nt ' 5 J r- a)' %"Dnic, lle-*'3 Ao u,"euts Y^ry O( ct"'' ,o.-{ Ltnmaa.sryq lor an C, A^,tq-Fccr,zt5 ndTV$ors tn tnlr Qptu.O 6Vem ut<- P'^d^oae'oL tttta It- t ras c^ o{orhn,,*'D arn A4"A - b\4da^r^ tt teqJ {er,'n ' RrY ?^:"'-drdn'+ t^*{ 1,,;s $(;*J su{+ So h.s lelo-l tetl'..r] d*rv'rr^aff hoks in{,nrt'0"[ '""rt b*t ,f: Yt - crvr*cvrf + Si l naJrrruo y{"oJ= @A, r l; l"} ) I l".;,c ok 4 ?dY "r!! u'H{ .'rL' f<'sDd dtu'r ol{a*",u slpoaioe- urr*D *nttv' W' l'll bM La €bq;,aJs -hAoq . f|n* ^ qJr'"X"{-l 4tu 61 J"lV ' I r"r:s C{'*ge \.+l^rrs !I I , -h** Wn;"1\J- | 7 qryGll"u o f .r.o ><< cr.ro,4 r.u)L c$,10,) dnir 7*lB': Wft,M! sre-aslot{,,-3d €-C 2 h tJatte J1^-i aqa^lvat't- \n Dzr*rrb^, lW "le*^dl a1M" * o tsb I J ut{- Jo-ZUr4tal Ill. {D I He UEl. ll F{-r' 5 -lQ >24 grJO{ , .-.,,, .* Lt u: vv e fa; rg-f" " U";'* ,i ,I h .* 9' a b-O'.,r_2.__t n f h t-- ci/f e.vvt tn f e,e+ "!*_J, , _ to tl , lup ,ezt/"; /i.a - s ,*"t.: -,j ,* rr ,Ll"rtolt I I i I i I 1. '. r;-i. J UN-Jtt-Clt4lt 1..); El> IHE UEf'llNLr's w24-W 6!Wn FoH FAR<ER I Sxeer 7 or 2 FAX ilo.: 970-476-7582 }tb :tr< EL)J3| Y.UE 1.91e,4?6&37 P.Az FAX TRAllSl,lISSl0H DrrE; 8/Trt/99 FA)( T0 r Prrn rc lr Nrxor FR0ltlr FoxxrrL A. Flnrsn FAX tfo. t 914-76r-8106Pxorr llo.: 9l,tr-765 5856 SUBJECIT Trxls Tournouse #28 SrerRcAsE Dern Prrrv: ConrtRl,ttN6 ouR TELEpHoNE coNvERsATI0t{ yESTERDAy, rtEtrtLL AppRovE THE srArRcAsE DEscntBED rn youR FAX or 8l?0/99 on TUO COT{DITIONS I THAT trE ARE CIVEII A SCALE DRAYII{6 OR SKETChSIIOYIII6 THAT IT TILL LErVE AD€EUTTE HEAOROOII OVER T8E EXISTIIIGsrAtRcASE, ArD THAT Urtr lA/B BE GIvEr{ tltrtt 28's sHARE oF rHE SPACE III THE CLOSET Uf{DER THE EXISTTilG STATRS. Ue lne soRRy ro HAvE to lilposc THESE corDrrlols. EurYE F€€L THAT YE sHout-o ioT APPRoVE so',IETI{If,G THAT I'E HAVE TROUBLE VISU^LIZI116 TITHOUT AT LEAST SEEtil6 SO}TE XtiID OF A PICTURE 0F lT, Al{D rHAr A LITTLE CL0SET SPACE lS llOT TOO IIUCHy0 AgK lr{ RETURN FoR ALLonllc 2B r0 ITcREAsE srGHtFlcAltrLy ITs USABLE SOUARE FOOTAGE AT THE €XPEIISE OF THE CO}I}tOtI AREA. S t tcenEtv, J UFr-JUt-Zt t t' 1.4: zlb JE IIEII I FI-i. 5 >lb :r:tz uJ54 F.t64 David ead Jr'-'? Dcniag 84CoERd OparBry, NY rl77l (516)922-7n' Jtme 29,2000 Dear Foxy and Helen, This is to follow up our converSation regarding imProv€m€nts wc arc planning for unit 28 of the Texas Towtrhouses in vail, Cduado. Rusuaot to your letter datcd August 24, 1999, in e:cchange for your prmission for us to use the common stairtryell sFac (shaled by lA, 2A and 28) !o i6bll <rur private stair to the third flr:or, we decd O yor our sharo of ll4 of tlre closet cn thc first flmr. Many thanlss. sinccrcly, m_ David aodJarnie Dcming C)ltDffs TexasTownhouse Unit 28 TOTNL P.A4 t t Flled tor neception ot_,A.D. 19_, t WARRANTYDM . TIIIS DEED, lladc on thts day of Novcmbcf (N. 1999betgern vIcKI PEAxsoN AND cEcIuA BARBARA DE MocrlzUMC of th.county of EAGII DAYID II. DBX\,TING AND JAIVIIB T. DEMINC and State of Colorsdo , of the cr.ntor(s), and $990,000.00 ) DOLLARS .[so knonn ss 3treet nmber UMT 2, TOWNIIOUSB ON LOf 2, VAIL ULLAGE, 4TI{ FIIING TOGETIIER rith att and singulsr ard herediterrents and appurten.nces thcreto betonging, or ln Enyri se appertalnlng and the reverslon ard reverslons, tenairder ard tcmalnders, rcnts, lssues erd profits thereofi and att the estate, righttltte interest, ctalm and dernand rhatsoevrr of the crantor(s). elther In tar or equlty, of, in and to the above bargained premises, l{ith the hcrcditaments and appurtcnances; TO HAVE ANII TO HOII) the said premises above bargained ard described lith apptrtenances, unto the crantee(s),their heirs and assigns forever. The Grantor(s), for hinsetf, hls helrs and personai- representaiives, does covenant, grant bargain, and rgree to and lrlth thc crantee(s)f their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the cnseat Ing and detlveryof thesc pfesents, he ls ectl seized of the premises above convryed, his good, sure, perfect, absotute and indefeasibte estatc of inheritance, In tau, in fee sirpte, ard has good rlght, futl porer and tarfut authority to grant, bargain,scll and convey the rame in manner and form as aforesaid, ard that the iame are frce and clcar from att former and other 9!9n!!, bargalns, sales, llens, taxes, sssessnents, encunbrances ard rcstrictions of Hhataver ki]rd or nature soever, BXCEPT GBNERAL TAXBS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR TIIB IBAR 1999 AND ST'BSBQUBM YEARS . AND SUBJECf TO THOSE EXCEPTIONS REFBRRED TO IN TITLB INSI,RANCE COMI\flfl\&M No, V256I54 ISSUED BY LAND TITLE GUARAMEB COMPANY. The Grantor(3) shalt and xltt UARRAIIT AND FoREVER DEFEND the above bargained preniscs in the quiet and peaceablc possession of. the Grantee(s) r his helns and assigns, agalnst .ll- ard every p€rson or persons tanfutty ctalming the Hhole or any paft thsreof. The slngutar nu$er shatt Inctrde thc ptural, srd the pturat ths singutaf, and the usc of Eny gender shatl be appLlcabtc to alt genders. lN WITNESS WHEREOF the crantor(s) has Gxecuted this dccd on the data set fofth above. Hhose llsat address 13 : 34COVEROAD. OYSTERBAY, NY ll7?l-2417of ttre IVIINESS, That the crantor(3), for and in consideration of thc sua of ( rrr llitrc Hundrcd Ninety Thousend 8nd 00/rl00 rrf the receipt lnd Bufflclency of uhich is hcreby acknorladged, has granted, bargaincd, sold and conveyd. and by these present€ does gcsnt, bargain, sctl. convey gnd confirm unto ths crant!G(s), their helrs ard assigns forever, not in tcftmcy in cornon but in ioint tenancy. ati tha reat property, togeth$ Hith lrppovelEnts, if any, situate, tyins ard being in th! - county of BAGLE and State of cotorado, descrlbed as fotlous: cbNDorevtuMuNrrz,ffi Ef WffiusEoxrcnrwoE!@uirnFrLrNG,AccoRDiNcrorEB CONDOMINII'M MAP RF'ORDBD DBCEMBBR 23, 1966 IN BOOK I78 AT PA@ 522, AND AS DEFINED AND DBSCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINII'M DBCLARA:TION RECORDED DECE}iBEA.23, 1966 IN BOOK I?E AT PAGE 525, COI'}NY OF EACLB, STATB OF COLORADO. VICKIPBARSON CECIUABARBARADBMOCTBZUMA BY VICKI PEARSON AS HER ATTORNEY.IN.PACT SIATE O'Colorado )ss. county of EAGLE 1 Ihe foregolng Instrunent ras acknortedged before m on thls day of by ]l)goonlsslon e,(pi res H.inees my hand and offlciat 8eat. lotary Publ ic l{am. ard Addra3s. of Person cre8ting [er,ty Cceated Lagat Dcecrlptlm ( 38-35-106.5, c.R.s.) EscroH# VA266154 lthen Rccorded Retum to: DAVID H. DE mc AID JAf.lt E T. DEr,ll ]lcTitte# V266154 Forf, llo. 92lA Rev 4.94. IARRAIITY DEED (Io Jolnt Tcnantst Affl.daviE of Tenaacv The undersigned hereby acknowledges EhaE they plan Eo take Eitle to the following described propertyr COIIDOIfINIIIM ITNIT 2' TIEE TOVINIIOUSE ON L,OT Tl{O' VAMIIJLIGE, FOITRTII FIITING, ACCORDING TO TtlE COIIDOIIXNIIIM UAP RECORDED DECEMBER 23 ' L966 IN BOOK ].78 AT PAGE 522I A}ID AS DEFINED AIID DESCRIBED IN X]IIE EOIIDOI{INII'II DEEI,ARATTON RECORDED DECEMBER 23 , 1956 IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 525' COITIIIT OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COITORAIIO. 'JoinE Tenantsas hereon to the Tenants in Common and by Eheir signatures this to be their statement of tenancy asat,test and acknowledge above described property. vA266L54 Fom AFF.TEI v265L54 BILIJ OF SALE LAND TITIJE GUAR.N.!frTEE CO!.{PA}IY 3033 E. 1ST AVE., SUrrE 600 DEIWER, COLORADO 80206 KNOW ALr, MEN BY TIIESE PRESEMIS, That VICKI PEARSON AIID CECIL,IA BARBARA DE l[ fireplace grabes, heating stoves, storage sheds, all keys and (c): ALL FURNISHI}IGS, ed items usions) are Eo t,o Purchaser and sta@s of Lhe f Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration ********* Dollars to their hands paid, aE or before the ensealing or del@-6EThese oresents bv DAVID H. DEIIrNG AI,ID JAIIIE T. DEMING convey unto Ehe said parties of the second part, their executors, administrators and assigns any of the following it,ems currenEly stated in the contract. INCLUSIONS: The purchase price includes the following items (a) if attached to the Property on the date of the contracE: lighting, heating, plumbing, ventilating and air conditionj-ng fixtures,T:V..antennas, water EofEeners,-smoke/fire/burglar alarms, securily devices, inside telephone wiring and connecting blocks/jacks, plants, mirrors, floor coveiings, inte-com sysLems, built-in kitchen appliances, sprinkler systems and controls,-built-in vacuum systems (including accessories) and garage door openers including N/A remote controls;(b) if on the Property whether atEaChed or not on the daEe of Lhe contract: sEorm windows, storm doors, window and porch shades, awnings, blinds, screens, curtain rods, drapery rods, fireplace inserts, fireplace screens, by as The !,AL L Se1ler freeprovided in following and clear of all t,axes, Iiens SecEion t2 of your conbracE. and encumbrances, except from this sale:atEached fixtures are ARTIiIORK AND DECOR caEe ' TOWNHOUSE ON LOT 2, VAII' VIIJIJAGE.TH FIIJING To have and !o hold the same unto Ehe said parLies of the second parE, their executors, adminisEraE.ors and assigns forever. And the said parLies of the first part do(es), for Ehemselves, tsheir heirs, execulors and adminisLrat.ors, covenant and agree to and with bhe said parties of the second part., t.heir exeeutors, adminietraEors and assigns, to WARRANT AND DEFEND Ehe safe of said property, goods and chattels, hereby made unto t,he said parties of the second part, their executors, administrators and assigns, against all and every person or persons whomsoever. The singiulir nurnber shall include the p1ur1l , lhe-p1ural in singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to afl genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal this day of Noveober 04, L999 Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of FORM B I11.94 vA2 6 61s4 BITJL OF SAI.E of and Ten E,o preaents byDrvro s. osu parE,ies o " * 'C **"rr,*" -*oro - 3033 B. 1ST t\/8., SrrrTE 500 DEI{IIER, CI'LORADO 80206 KNOW AL& MEN BY TI{ESE PRESEMTS, ThaI,VICKI PEARSON AIID CECIIJTA BARBAITA DE M the CounEy of EAGLEsta@s or Lhe fDollars and other good and valuable consideration ********* Dollarsthelrhandspaid,atorbeforet,heensea1ingorde1@trese part,ies of, the second parE, Ehe receipE whereof is have bargained and soJ.d, and by these presents do acKnowledged, and assigns any of Ehe following items currenEly stated in t,he contract,. INCLUSIONS: The purchase price includes the following items(a) if at,tached Eo Ehe Propert| on the -itate of the contracE: lightlng,heating, plumbing, ventilating and air conditioning fixEures,T.V. antennas, waEer sofEeners, smoke/fire/burglar alarms, security devices, inside t,elephone wiring and connecting blocks/jacks, plants, mirrors, floorcoverings, inEercom sysbems, built-ln kitchen appliances, sprinkler systems and cont,rols, built,-in vacuum systems (including accessories) and g€rage door openers incLuding N/A remote controLs;(b) if on the Property whebher aE,t,ached or not on the daEe of the contracE: sEorm wind,ows, storm doors, window and porch shades, awnings, blinds, have bargained andl sold, and by these presents do hereby granE and convey unto the said parEies of Ehe second parL, their execuEors,administrators and assicns anv of Ehe followinq items currenELv st screens, curt,ain rods, drapery rods, fireplace inserts, fi.qg;r1lfireptaie grates, heating itoires, sLorage-sheds, arr ligR$Hff ace screensr(c) 'ALL FURIIT SH I }IGS ove-oescrby Seller free as provided in The following Eems cl-usions) are t.o and clear of alI taxes, li Sect,ion 1-2 of your contract. Eo Pur rances, except abtached fixtures are excl from this eale: UALL ARTI,ORK AIID DECOR srewo. *ktl-tAurE u t--I-a€//Ls Locat,ed at,I'NIT 2 TOWNIIOUSE ON IrOT 2, VAIIr VILITAGE 4TII FILING To have and to hold the same unt,o the said parties of Ehe second parE,their execut,ors, administrators and assigns forever. And the saidpart.ies of the first parE. do(es), for themselves, their heirs, execut,ors and administ.raE,ors, covenanE, and agree to and with the saidpart.ies of the second parE, their executors, administralors andassigns, to WARRAMI AND DEFEND Ehe sale of said property, goods andchat.tels, hereby made unto the said part,ies of the second part, their execut,ors, administrat,ors and assigns, against all and every personor persons whomsoever. The singrular number shall include the plural ,the plural in singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable t,o all gendere. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; The said parEies of the first part have hereunto seE their hands and seal this day of Noveuber 04, 1999 Signed, Sealed and DeLivered in Fresence of VIEKI PEARSON AS HER ATTORNEY.IN.I'ACT foi Bt LL'.94 vA266154 DISCL,AIUER KNOW AlL, MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS that the underEigned hereby confirmtheir understanding that LAMD TIILE GIIARAMTEE COMPANY hereby disclaims any and all liability for the tax consequences to the undersigmed including whether such transaction complies with Section 1031 of bheInternal Revenue Code as a result of conducting a closing for theproperty described as: COIIDOMfNIIIII ITNIT 2' TEE TOI|NHOUSE ON IJOT TWO, VAIL VILIJAGE, FOITRIII FITJING, ACCORDING TO TIIE COIIDOUINII'II UAP RECORDED DECEIIBER 23, L965 IN BOOT 178 AT PAGE 522, AIID AS DETINED A}ID DESERIBED IN TIIE col[DourNrlDt DECT,ARjMION RECORDED DECEMBER 23 , L966 rN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 525, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TIIE I'NDERSIGNED hereby further confirm and represenE Eo LAtiID TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAI{Y that, they have either (i) soughE independent legalor tax counsel concerning the I,ax ramifications of the transaction described in the above-refereneed contracE or, (ii) have waived the same and are in no way relying on LrAlilD TITIE GUARAMIEE COMPANY as Eo the tax ramificaEions of the transacE,ion. Execut,ed on Ehis dav of Noveuber 04 1999 VICKI PEARSON I{OCTEZI'ITA BY VICKI x031 12,/90 vA2661511 DISCLAIIdER, KNOW ALt MEN BY TIIESE PRESENfS EhaE Ehe undersigned hereby confirmtheir understanding that LAI{D TITLE GUARAIfTEE COMPAIVY hereby dLsclaims any and all liabiliEy for Ehe tax consequences Eo the undersignedincluding whether such transaction compJ-ies with Section 103L of Ehefnternal Revenue Code as a result of conducting a closing for theproperty described as: COI{DO!{INIIIU ITNIT 2' Tffi TOI{NIIOUSE ON IJOT TWO' VAXL, VM,AGE' FOURTII I'IITING, ACCORDXNG TO TIIE CO!{DOIIINIITU MAP RECORDED DECE!ilBER 23, L966 IN BOOK ].78 AT PAGE 522, AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRXBED TN TEE col{DoMrNrItM DECLAR:ATION RECOnDED DECEI{BER 23, 1965 rN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 525' COItNnf OF EAGLE, STATE OE COLORADO. THE IIIDERSIGNED hereby further conlirm and represent to LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAIIY thaE they have either (i) sought independent legalor Eax counsel concerning the tax ramificaEions of the t,ransact,iondescribed in the above-referenced contracE or, (ii) have waived the same and are in no way relying on LAND TITIJE GUARANIEE COMPANy as to Ehe tax ramifications of the transacEion. Execut,ed on Ehis dan of Novan'lrer 04 1999 DAVID II. DEMING 1031 12,/90 v1265154 Report Dare: 06D2199 0E:56AM ASSESSED TO: PEARSON, VICKI - DE MOCTEZTJMA, CECILIA BARBARA PO BOX 6236 VAIL, CO 81657 EAGLE COT'NTY TREASI,'RER CERTIHCATEOFTA)(ES DTIE Page: I CERT #: 25409 VENDOR NO: ?0 LAND TITLE ATTN: PO BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 SUB:TOWNHOUSE LOT 2 VAIL VILL 4TH BLK:- LOT:2 BK-0178 PG4825 MAP l2-22-668K4246 PG-0645 DEED 05-20-76 BK-0246 PG-091 WD 05-25-76 BK-0402 PG-092 SWD l2-20-8r'. PARCEL:2tot08272003 SITUS ADD:OOO483 CORE CREEK DR VAIL DUE 1998 TAX TOTALTAXES r,543.80 15.44 0.00 1,559.24 L,559.24 TAXYEAR ASSESSMENT TOTALASMT ASMT AMOTJNT INTAMOIJNT ADV,PEN,MISC TOTAL DI,JE 0.00 TAXYEAR TAXLIENSALE TOTAL STATEMENT TI,S AMOI,JNT IFTT AMOIJNT REDEMPT FEE TOTAL DTJE 0.00 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING FOR 1998 TAX DISTRICT SC1O3 - VAIL GOWT{) Authority EAGLE COTJNTY cMc Rf,sOJ SCHOOL TOWN OF VAIL, 036 MINTTJRN CEMETERY DISTRI VAILPARK & RECREATIOND EAGLE RIVER WATER AND S COLORADO RTVER WATER C VAIL WATER DISTRICT, 082 VAILWATER & SANTTATION IJPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS EAGLE COUNTY HE,ALTII SER EAGLE COI,]NTY SOIL CONSE VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATE FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE Mill Levy Amount 7.43 46.29 3.539 230.60 Values Actual Assessed Lard 93040 9060 Exempt 0 0 575930 s6100 Total 66890 zi.gl 1,670.77 Improve 4.q6 0.500 2.593 0.674 0.309 0.000 0.000 0.434 0.932 0.000 0.894 287.t0 32.58 168.96 43.92 20.13 0.00 0.00 28.28 60.73 0.00 58.25 6s160 47.385 ALL TAX LIEN SALE AMOT'NTS ARE ST'BJBCT TO CHANGE DI,'E TO ENDORSEMENT OF CT'RRENT TAXES BY THE LIENHOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WARRANT FEEs. CHANGES MAY OCCUR AND THE TREAS{JRER'S OFFICE WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED PRTOR TO REMTmANCE AFTER THE FOLLOWING DATES: PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MOBILE HOMES - SEPTEMBER I, REAL PROPERTY - SEPTEMBER 1. TAX LIEN SAI,E REDEMPTION AMOUI{TS MUST BE PAID BY CASII OR CASIIIERS CIIECK. SPECTAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOT'NDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WTTH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. This cenificate does not include lard or improvements asscssed under a separatc schedule number, persoEl property l8xes, transfer tax or misc. tax colleckd on behalf of other entities, special or local improve[red di$rict assessmcns or mobile homes, unless Epecilically mentioned. P.O. Box 479 Eagle, CO 81631-0479 (90) 328-8860 3,087.61 - TA)GS FOR 1998 10.00 I, the undersigned, do hereby cenifu that the entire amount of taxes due upon the rbove described parcelrcl]41il,i#li;t+, all oustanding sales for unpaid taxes as shown by rhe records in my office from whhh the same p]^{il*b$*i-*"ffKtslrZ arnounr required for redemption are as nocd herein. In wimess *tt.r"or, i rt""" tsj"*to ,"t .y uGgfsjit'ri* ootifiU{(arjt. TREASIJRER, EAGLE CoLTNTY, KAREN SIIEAFFER, uv L, CUEUE^&i..U,,I_., ...2?.. %, EEUElrT FOR T.trXE It it h€reby understood aad agreed bett'e€n tbe Buy€r (s) aad Scller(g) of the Progerty knorn ae: lrNlf 2, IIOI|NHOUSE ON DOT 2, VAIL \I"IL!AGE, {TE FTITING that the taxes for the curr€nt year bav€ been adJu8ued as of thiE date on th€ basis a s Geaeral taxeg in tbe arount of, $3,087.51 based on the uaxes for the calenda! y6ar imediately preceding cJ.osing, General tax€g for th€ year of cloaiug, based on th€ lost rec€nt ]'evy and the noEt recent assessaelt :lg Figures wele obtalned by telephone fron the County Asseasorr offlce and l.rand T:ltle Guarastee Coopany aBsuDes no responsibiltEy or any llabJ.ltCy In the ev6nt, the County .trEaeaaor mlsquoted the f,i$rre5. Any adJuatn€ne Bhall be nade betreen the Buyer(s) and Seller(s) lf, D€c€Bslrllr and Land Ti.tle Guarantee eoaparry' or its urderrriter rill not lake or be responsible for thie :re-adJustreDt o! aBy llablllty :la connectl.on Uheretd.th. NO ADiN'STIIENT EsCimate for taxeE of, Ln th€ o AGR, of,: (x) Taxgs bag€d on auoune of perceat of and this agreeDent shall be (x) A final settleuent. ( ) Re-adJusted between the Buyer (s) and Sel1er(s) as soon as the ta:ces have been bi1led bV the Courty Tre.,su!€r. If a re-adJustoeng ig.neceggary, IJand Tit1e Guarantee CoDpany rrill not maka or be respons{ble f,or ehl8 re-adjustmen!. fE Ls furtber undergtood and agreed b€tr€en th6 Buyer(s) and Seller(B) that ( X ) No governnental body taxJ.ng authority hag certlfLed an assegsreat IieD to the County Treagurer for speclal J.nproveoents :lnstalled pr:lor to the date of tlre Buyers executlon of lhe Agreenent f,or Purchase. ) Spacial iuproveoents aor ln and beJ.ng peld ln annual i.nstall,Dents are to be BEtu[ed by the Buyer(s), wl, th current annual arse6saenta ln the asoutrt of . w:[th the total payoff arouat ot this assessnent beC,ng in Th:ls agsessment will be fuLly paid Noter Land Tl.tl€ Guarantee CoDpaDy aad/or its underr,rriter aggunes no reglroneibility ot any llabl1ity fo8 tbe adjust[ent of special taxes otr assessaentE unless thgy are ghorrrt on the County Treagurerr g Celt:if:lcate of Taxas Due. Any adjustrent shall be nade betsween th€ Buyer (s) and Se11er (s), if necessary, and L,and Tit,Ie Guarantee Company, or lts underwr:lter will nots make or be responsible for the re-adjustnenE or llabilluy in connectlor thererlth. Thl.s Ag!€elenC Dade and execut€d Chig day of Noveober 04 1999 SETJLER (S) VICKI PE]ARSON CECII.IA BARBARJA DE UOqTEZI'UA BY VTCKT PEARSON AS EER ATTOR}IAY-IN-BAST BI'YER (S) DAVID II. DEI-IING itailr tor! Ic. Drrtr.tl} ! V1l9{ OR TAIES It lE h.!€b:7 und€rsuood and agroed between tbe Buyer (s) aad Seller(s) of, the propercy knom as: IINIT 2' TOI{IffiOUSE ON DOT 2' VAfE VII,&ACE, 41m FILINC thae the ta*ea for the currcnt year have been adJustad as of thLs date on the basis of: ( x ) General taxes Ln the aaount of $3,087.61 baged on tbe taxes foE the calendar year iuuedlately precedlng closing. General tanes for the year of cloting, based on Clre DosE receltt levlr and the lost recent agg€agme[c i3 ( ( PJ.gures wele obtained by teleghone fror the County Atsetao:rs off,;tce aad LaDd Ticle Guarant€e Corpany alrsures no responslbtltty or any ltabtlity in the event the County ArBesaor Dl.sguoted tb6 figures. Any adjustments shall be uade betreen the Buyer (s) and Saller(s) tf neces8ary, and l,and Title Guarancee CoDpany, or LtB uud€rwrlter rl11 not, Dake or be responsible for thLg re-adjustaent or any liabtltty Ln corrnec tlon theret{ich. NO ADintsrtdEltr ) Estimate for taxes of in the o AGREEI'tENT I percenC of and this agreenent ghall be (X) A fLnal Eettleuent. ( ) R€-adjusted between the Buy€! (s) and Seller(s) as soon as tba ta:.es hav€ been bllIed by thE County Treasure!. If, a re-adJustoents is necessary, Land Title Guarantee Company wl.ll not rake or be responslbls for thj.e re-adJustlaent. ft LE further undergtood and agreed belween the Buyer(s) aad Seller(8) that ( X ) No governmental body taxj.ng authority has certified an assosssent lj.en to the Coungy Ttreasuler for special irproveDents lnstalled prior to the dat€ of, the Buyer8 executLoa of tbe Agr€€neut for Pulchage. ( ) Speclal Lnprovetents norr Ln and being pald Ln annual installme[ts ale to be asaumed by Ehe Buyer(e), ulth current annual ass€ss[6nts'in the aEount of , with the total payoff, arount of this rhis asseasment wllJ' be fully paldass€sssent b€j.ngl Ln Noter Land Titls Guarantee Conpany and/or ltE r[rdErrriter agsrrmes no t€aponEibllity or any liability for the adjust[€nt of speclal tax€s or assessuents unleB6 they are ghowa on tb6 Cou[ty Treasurerr E Celtlficate o! Taxes Due. Any adJustnent shall be rade between tshe Buyer(g) and Seller(s), if, neceBBary, and Land Title Ghrarantee Company, or its underrElter will not nake or be responsible for tshe re-adJustuent or liabiJ'ity ilr coanection gherewith. Targg ba8ed on anount of lh{s Agr€€a€nt lade and executed tht8 day of EIIYER (S} DIAVID E. DEI,IING iIAIIIE I. DEUING Novosber 04, L999 SELLBR (S) DE UOCIEZttUf, BY Vr toED lfo. Dn3?.lrnl'& 1/1/91 IXIfL,IIT AGREEMEIIT At Che closLng of ITNIT 2. IOI|NEOUSE ON I,OT 2' VAIL VILLACE' 4TE FlL$le on Noveuber 04, 1999 . by Land Tiule Guarantee Corpaay, both gbe Euye! (s) and S€Iler(s) fully uDdelstand that Land Title Guarante€ CorpEray do6r trot nogif,y u.s. west co@unicatLons, Eoly crors El€ctrlc.AssocLation and,/or tbe Seller(s) gresent xnsuraEce LgEncy to cancel any p€!6ooa1 progerty Lnaurance. IT I8 TIIE SELLER(S) RESPONSIBIITITY to call Holy ClosE ElectrLc Assocl.ation for a final readl.ng and to g:lve them your forcraldlng address for the f,inal biIl, fC i3 al.so tbe Seller(s) !€sEonsibllitsy to rotify U.S. tfesu Conmunicatj.ons and to not,ify your presenc personal property Insurance Agent. IT IS IHE BITIER (S) RESPONSIBILI1T to ca].]. Ho1y Cross Electric Association giving Chea the pelsonal LqforratLon they uay requ:lre for their recordg, and the telephone cotlpany to puts gervl.ce into your naue(s) wlth the correct nalllDg addreEE, if dlff,erent Char tshe property Just purchased. TSE PIRTIES HERETO FI'RTSER }GREE TO .TEE FOI,,LOI{ING: The undersigmed Buyer (s) and Seuer(s) of the prop€rty reterenced above underatand that Land Tltle Guarantee Coopany prorated tbe flater and aevrer bllltng on the basis of a verbal quote via.a telephone converaation sLtb tbe water and s ewer coDpany. r.,and Tltle Guarantsee Conpany or its r.urderwrLte! ]""r-." no responaibtltty or any ltabtltty in t'he event, the fLgures were ulsquoted by thE clerk aC the watser and se\der coDpany. Any adJustmen! ghaIl be made between fuyer(s) and Se11er(s), if neceE6ary, and Land Tl.tle Cuarantsee Conpany or Ltg underwriter rri]']' nog toake or be responsible f,or lhis re-adjustneat or any 1iabl1ltsy in connsction ther€ttith. FuRTrIaR, Seller acknoleledg€s that th€le :ls _ is not _ currently a f,orr€1 or j.aforroal homeor,raers/landowners asEoclation rhicb may requJ.re periodic aasesaIlenta aad other fees as a regult of thLs transact:lon. ff tbere :!s an aggociatl,on heretofore not knolm to the seCtlenent agent and,/or saller!E agent, L,and Title Guarantee Conpany Ehal1 €scrow funds frou se1ler pendlng rec6ipt of a n:.it!€n status Ietster from the asEoclation. ThiE Agroemene vras [ade and executed on thLE day of, Novenber ort, 1999 ----\- DAVID II. DEMINC J BI'YER \ s ->\^,*(l'iul.t ltWnw .7AI}* T. DEUING I BUYER VICKI PEARSON SEIJIJER CECIITA BARBARA DE I{OCTEZI'UA BY VICRI PETRSON AS EER ATTORNEY.IN-FACT SELI.,ER BT'YER SELLER AUYER SEI,t,ER tora UTIIr ESCROW * vA26515{ U':TTI,ITY ACREETIE}U AC Cho closing of I,NIT 2, TOWNHOUSE ON LOT 2, VAIL VILIACE, tlTE FrLilC on Noveober 0,1 , 19 9 9 , brlr Land T:1t16 Gluarsntee Conpany, both the Buyer (s) and Sel1e!(g) f,ully ttlderEtand that Land Tltle Guarantee Conpany doea not notlf,y ] U.5. West Connunl.cationB, Noly C'loss Elsctric Agsoclatlon and/or lhe Seller(s) pa€sent InruiaRc€ Agency to cancel any De:rsonal property j.nsurance. IT fS THB SE,LER(S) RESPONSIATLfTY to call Eoly Cross Electric Aasociatl.on for a final reading and to give ther your toawaldl'ag address for th€ f,lual blll. trt ls also the Seller(s) responslb:llity to notlty U.S. wEEt Coonun:lcat{oag and to not:lf,y your p!6sent perEonal property Insuranc€ Agent, IT IS THE BIIIER (S) RESPOIISIBILITy to ca].l Holy Cross Electlic Association glving tsheD tbe personal LaformatLou they uay requLre for their records, and the t€lspbone conpany to put servl.ce lalo your name(s) with the colrect raillng address, if dif,ferent tban the property Just pulchased. THE P.IRTIES HERETO FURTHER ACREE TO fIIE FOL,LOWTNG: The undergigmed Buyer(s) and Selter(s) of, the property ref,erenced above unders tand thats tand Title GuaraDtee Coupany prorated the water and soner btlling on Ehe bagis of a verbal quote vLa.a telephone conversation with the water and tewer coEpany. Land TitI6 Guaranteo Coropany or its underwrl.ter J""r-"" no responslbluey or any liability in lhe event tbe flgrures were mlaquoted by the clerk at the waler and sewEr company. Any adJustnent shal1 be uade betwsen Buyer(g) and Sel1er(s), {f neceslrary, and Land Titla Guarantee CoDpany or lts underwrLter wLl1 not toake or be responsible for this le-adjustnenc or any ltabtltty ln connection tlrerettlth. rURTIIER, Seller acknowledges that therE Ls ig not currentLy a foruaI or infornal houeowners/landownere aggocLatl,on whJ,ch uay regudre periodic assesslents and other fees as a resul.t of this trarrsactl.on. If there :lg an association heretofore not hnonn to the settlement agent and,/or gellerrs agent' L,and Title Guatantee Company ehaI1 escrow funds frora gelIer peuding recel.pts of a rrr:ltten status letter frou the asEociation This Agreement was Dade and e.€cuted on thl.s day of Noveuber 04, 1999 DAVID E. DEIITING AUyER JAIIIIE T. DEMING BIIYER CECIIJTA BARBARA DE I{OCTEZII}IA BY VICKI PEARSON AS HER BIIYER BT'YER SEIJI,ER Fora UTIL ESCROTf # \-c t0 \(.tilu SEr,LEL) vA265154 DISCLOSTJRE The undersigned do hereby acknowledge that tlrcy understand the following qpecial provisions: 1. Laws of Escheat. All Parties are hereby advised that checks issued by Land Title and uncashed by payee after five (5) years are subject to laws ofescheat. Should Land Titlepay any zuch funds held, Land Title shall be released from all further responsibility under this Agreement and shall not be liable to any Party so long as zuch payment was made purzuant to the statutes of Colorado or regulations of the Colorado Departnent of Revenue. 2. Funds Held bv Iand fitle. Land Title shall keep all funds deposited pursuant to any closing and settlement services separate and apart from the assets ofthe company, in an account designated as an escrow account or custodial account and so recognizdby the depository institution. The undersigned also hereby acknowledge that funds held by Land Title may generate earnings which will be retained by Land Titte- 3. FDIC Limit Notice. The insurance coverage provided by the Federal Deposit lnsurance Cor"ora6;protectsT-aepositor up to a cumulitiv'e maximurir deposit of $100,000.00 for each insured financial institution. Ownership is determined by the deposit records of the financial institution and/or the records of the named custodian of any escrbw accounts. Land Title and its underwriter assume no responsibility for nor will the undersigned hold same liable for any loss'which arises from the fact that the amount of the above deposit may cause the aggregate amount of any individual depositor's accounts to exceed $100,000.00 Seller(s) VICKI PEARSON CECILIA BARBARA DE MOCTEZUMA BY VICKI PEARSON AS }IER November 04 t999 Date Buyer(s)/Borrower(s) November 04 Date DAVID H. DEMING Fonm: DtsclosuRE I , DrsclosuRE The undersigned do hereby acknowledge ttrat they understand the following special provisions: 1. Laua of Escheat. All Parties are hereby advised that checls iszued by Land Title and uncas[ed-'6y payffiter five (5) years are sirU.leci to taws of escheat. Snriut? Iana titdpay any zuch funds held. Land Title shall be released from all further responsibilitv under this Asreemenrzuch funds held, Land Title shall be released of Colorado or regulations of the Colorado Departnent of Revenue. 2. Funds Eeld bv Land fitle. Land Title shall keep dl funds deposited pursuant to any closing and settlement services separat€ and apart ftom the asseb of the company, in an account designated as an escrow account or custodial account and so recognized by the depository institution. The undersigned also hereby acknowledge that funds held by Land Tifle may generate earnings which will be retained by Land Title. zuch funds held, Land Title shall be released from all furttrer responsibility under this Agreement and shall not be liable to any Party so long as such payment was made pursuant to the statutes 3. FDIC Limit Notice. The insurance coverage provided by the Federal Deposit lnzurance Corporation protects a depositor up to a cumulativ'e ma,rimum deposit of $100,000.00 for each insured financial instihrtion. Ownership is determined by the deposit records of the financial institution and/or the records of the narired custodian of lny escrbw accounts. Land Title and its underwriter assume no responsibility for nor will the undersigned hold same liable for any loss which arises from the fact ttrat the amount of the above deposit may cause the aggregate amount of any individual depositor's accounts to exceed $100,000.00 Seller(s) VICKI PEARSON Buver(s)/Borrower(s) DAYIDH. DEMING 'AMIET, DBMING November 04 1999 Novenber (X <i'fl CECILIA BARBAM DEMOC'TEZUMA BY Forn! D T SCLOSURE PT'RCETSEB REr Co@itsent No.v26615{ State of Colorado, County of EAGLE REr Real properey and i.mproveueDts located at3 TJNIT 2, TOI{NIIOUSE ON T..OT 2, VAIIr VIIrL}GE, 4Tg FIITNG rrNer, aQoevrr o,ro lcnesuENT EEcron No. V425615{ ln the Couaty of EIAGLE Stata of Colorado, and nore part,Lcularly described as f,ollotrs: sEE EKIIIBIT |lAr lllhereaa, IJand TLgle euarantee Coupany haa eowering taid propelty, ThB und€lsl.gmed, Purchaser of the ReaI Estate.and lnprovel€nts located on the harein doscr:lbed property, being firat, duJ.y aworn on oath, for the purpose of inducing Land Title Guarantee Company to Lssue lts ALTA Pollcy of, Title Insurance, in conaectl.on with the property descrLbed in said co@LtDeDt, do hereby nake the following repreaentatLons to f.and Title Gualantee Company, with full knowledge and iotent that said company shall rely Chereon ! 1. That those certaLr persons, fLrDs and corporatlons, including the General Contracto!5, and all tubcontrastors hired by or under contrac! wl,th lhe undersl,gned who have furn:lshed gervices, labor or materLals, accordl.ng uo plans and speclf,ications or othersise. uged in connection rith tbe conatruceion of :lmprovenentsg on the real estate herein deacribed, have been paid in fulL. 2. Thae no ctairs have been uade to the underglgrred, nor ia any gult notf, pendiag on behalf, of any contracto!, gubcoDtractor, laborer or naterLalDan, nor any other suit of any kLnd, and tbat Do chattel Eortgages, couditional bills of sale, security agreesents or financing gtateuents have been uade. Further, there are no liens or encunbranceE recorded or unrecorded affectlng ehe subject property. 3. fbat thele has been no architectural servLce or other work of any kJ.nd, contracted f,or or otherwise ordeled by the underaigned, wl.thLn the last 120 days, paid or unpaid, which could establigh a priorlty -for any f,uture mechanicg I LLen claiuant. If servLceg or other work bas been contracted for within th€ preceding 120 daye, undersigned :ls required to attach a descriptJ.on of saue with the correspondirrg palzDent informatlon. 4. That the purchaeer (e)hawe or will take possessJ.on of tshe prem.J,ses on or about Noveuber 0{, 1999 5. That che f,uLl purchase price has been paid by said purchaser (s) to said Owner-SelIer. In light of the foregoing facta, tbE undelslgned, in conslderatlon of, the issuance by Land TLtle Guarantee Coapatty of a policy of Title Insurance covering said property in the Eanner dascribed by the undersJ.g'ned as set outs abovs, hereby proDiEe, covenant and ag:ee to hold baraless, protect and indeunify Land Tit1e Guarantee Conpany, and any title insurance cotDparry that has issued an ALTA Policy of, ingurance pursuant to the coDaitm€nc deEcribed above, from and against thoge liabilities, losseE, dauage expenstes and charges, includlng but not lirdted to reasonablo attorneygt feeE (lacluding attorneyt s fEeE in thE €af,orcement of this agreenent) and €xE €Dses of 1it:l.gat:lon arising out of any inaccuracies Ln the above represeneationg. Owner (s) ForwardLng Address s 84 COVE ROAI) OYSTER BAY, I{Y LL77L-24I7 Lsgued :ltss CoDEit4ent No. v255154 STATE OF New. Yor I 5"Uo",,- I'Lnstrr:oent was acknowLedged before lre on thls day of 1999 . DEUING IND '}I\TIE T. DEMINE i ' Al{D OFFICIAIJ SEAIr . El6i;a"i 9#ffivo*<:- l',lARCH 9,2000 I E&tIltT a @ttDOf,nfltllt UI(IT 2, Tf,E TOIIIWTUSE Olf IIOT r|f0, \ZlrL yILLIGS, IOUBII tIl,IllG, rccoRDrNG r0 TBE @ltDof,Illnil ur"P RBctRD@ DECEI|EER 23' 1966 rlf SOON 1?8 tl PAGE 522, AI{D Ag DEFI}IED AIID DBSCR,IBID TN TgI CTITDOIINIT'|I DECIARITIOII NSCTBDED DECIIGBER 23, 7.965 ril BOOX 1?8 tT EAff 525, Oottt|l:r OF ElGr.E, SrtrT! Ot @rOReDO. v256154 o SET,IJBR-OTIIIER REs Co@Ltuent No. V266154 U IINAIJ AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEUEIIT Escrow No. v4255154 Stat€ of RE: Real Colorado, proPerty TOWNHOUSE County of,EAGLE and iuproweaenta located at! {rII FILINGI'NIT 2 ON LOT 2, VAIL VIIT.,AGE in the County of IqGIJEparticularly described as follows r sEE EIHIBIT iAt state of Colorado, and uore Whereas, &and Ticle GuaranEee Company haE issued its Coul tEent, No. V265154 coverJ.ng' sal.d property, The UndersLgmed, O'waer-Sel1er of the Real Estate and lnproveoetrts located on the herELn described property, belng flrst duly sworn on oatlr, for th€ purpose of induc lng trand Tit].e euarantee Compaoy to issue 1ts ALTA Pollcy of Title Insurance, in connection with the property described in sald cousLtaent, do hereby Eake the following repr€sentatl.ong to Land Tl.tle Cuarantee Conpany' with f,ul.l knowledge and intent thau said coDpany shalJ. rely thereon: 1. That those certaln pelsotra, firns and corgorations, including the General Contractors, and all gubcontractors hired by or under cont:.act with tha undersigmed who have f,urnlshed services, labor or uaterLalar accordLng to plans and specLfications or otherwige, used in coanection with the construction of, loproveDents on the real estate herein described, hawe been paid in fuI1. 2. That no claimg have been nade to the undergign€d, nor is auy suit, now pending on behalf of any congractor, Bubcontractor, laborer or materialDa,rl, nor any other suit of any kind, and that no chaceel uortgages, conditional bl11s of sale, securigy agree[ents or fJ.nancing sEateDents bave been nade. Furthe!, there are no liens or encumbranceg recorded or unrecorded af,fectl.ng the subject propertsy. 3. That there has been no archit€ctural gervlce or otb6r work of any kind, contracted for or otherwise ordered by the undersigned. w:lthin the 1a9t 120 days, paid or uapaid, whLch could establish a priority-for any futule mechanics t lien claiaant. If services or other work has bEen contracled for within the preceding 120 days, undersigaed is requlred t,o attach a descliption of, saBe td.th the corresponding pa:Eent infornation. 4. That all Lmprove-ents conEtructed on ghe real e5gaes herein degcribEd werE complet,Ed on or before Noveabe! 04, 1999 5. That aII fe€s, assegEmentg and cbarges of th8 horeownerg asgociation having isdiction over the above describ€d property, if applicable, are curlent at thiE titoe. Tbere are no existJ.ng leaseg or tenancl.es affecting said ProPerty. In light of the foregoing factg, the undersigrred, Ln consideration of, the issuance by Land T{tIe Guaaantee Co[pany of, a pollcy of, Title fngurance covering said property. in the nanner described by the undersigned as aet outs above, hereby prooise, covenant and agree to hold harnless, protect and :lndeoni f,y L,and Title GuaraBtee ColqPany r and any title insurance company that, has isgued an AJ,TI Policy of iaguraace purtuant to the contnt{ tsent described above, f,ron and againgts those l,:labilLtieg, losges, dauage et<Penaeg and chargea, lncluding bu! Iiroited to reasonable aEcorneys t f,eeE (ineluding attorneyr s fees in the enforceaent of this agreeuent) and e*penBelt of Utigation arising ouE of any inaccuracies in the above repres€ntations. the above representatlous. Seller(s) Forwarding Address: 285 BRIDGE STREET VAIL eo 81657 COI'}fIY OF E}GI,E Jur E IAUP$ L HOWE Nctery h.rb{ic Siofo of Cdorqdo I ) IThe foregoing ins tru.rent was Novenber 04, 1999 acknowledged before ue on th:ls day of by__YISII_IEaE€eN IITDIVIDUAITIJY ATD AS ATTORNEY-IN.FACI FOR CECIT.I;A BARBARA DE IIIoCTEZI'UA T{ITNESS MY SAI.ID AI{D OFF ICIAL SEAL.3'e-a3My CoEmission ExpJ.res r Notaly Public BXIIIBII I C!ilDOt{MUl( tDfff 2, lg8 IOnNmUgE O}f IroA ftlO' Vfff. VIL,IAOE, FOIIRIE Ef&It|G, rc:coRDtNe to rsE coNDorirNrmr ulP BEcbnDSD DISEEER 23, L966 rlr Boor t78 lf EAGE 522, tt[D A8 DEFTND tr|D DESCstEtD t]l tBE eol|DottntlXni DEeLtRtrrOtr nECOSDED IIECSGm 23, 1955 ttr aoof,, 178 lT DtOl 525, OOUIIIT OE EiMlLE, SIAIE OF CttOReDO. u2ft1* o AFFIDAVIT (Iadlvidual TraLsferor) TO: DAVXD H. DEMING AI.ID JAI{IE T. DEUING Transferee (Buyer) real properEy interest, I Secbion L445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides Lhat(buyer) of a U.S. real property interesL must wiLhhold tax ifferor (seller) is a foreign person. To inform t.he transferee that withholding of tax is not, reguired upon the disposition a t.ransfereethe trans- (buYer)of a U.S. VICTT PEARSON ransreror 1 3. I am nob a foreigrn person (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulat,ions) for purposes of u.s. Income Eaxat,ion; My U.S. tilq)ayer idenuifying .number (Social Securit'y number) is tr c') I and and My home address is 285 BRXDGE STREET I understand that this certification may be disclosed to Ehe Inter- nal Revenue Service by the transferee and that any false sEaEemenE I have made here could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. Under penalties of perjury I declare thaE I have examined this cerE,ification and to the besE of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and comp1eLe. VArI.I , co 81657 DATE:Novenber 04 L999 STATE OF Colorado COUMIY OF EAGITE Sworn to before me on this day of NoverobEr 04 1999 ss Transferor (Se11er) by VICKI PEARSON (Se11er) My commission expires:P'r a"9 ESCROW # VA265154 FoTm FIRPTA my hand and official seal . LAI.|?;T L HG!{E Fi,i!i'rry ftlbfic Stcrte *f Cc"i:l'oclo Ihe printed por:tions 9f this fom have bccn thc Colomdo Ro.l E3tate co.trBi$im (cL8.9-95). CI.OSING INSTRUCTIONS TIITS FORII HAS II{PORTAIIT LECAL COIISEOUEIICEI AIID TIIE PARTIES SITOI,|ID COIISULT TEGAI AIID TD( OR OTIIER CdJIISEL BEFORE SIGNIIIG. DAIE: floverb€r 04, 1999 ESCRoI lto. vA255154 TITIE ll0. VZ66l54 TO:IA}ID TITTE GUARAIITEE COI{PA}IY n9 c0 raaI BUYER(s ) s) en9age Hith the Hi t: pany, llho agree3 to Gstlte In ths osr n9 n coMect I on closing of the fottoring described County of EAGTE cotorado, to colrDor,|l N r ur,r ul T 2, TBE Tor.,] tousE 0[ toT THo, vAIt vtLtAGE, Fo|JRTH FILI G, ACCoRDII{G TO lllE COI{D0l{DuU}t tirAP RECoRDED DECET'fBER 73, 1966 m BooK ,|78 Ar PACE 522, A].rD As oEFnED A D DESCRTBED ut ffiE CoNDol{l ll t Ull DECLARATIoI RECoRDED DECEI,f8ER 23, 1966 ilr 800K 178 AT PAGE 525, CoUl,tTY 0t EAGLE, SIATE 0F C0!0RAD0. atso known and numbered as: UlllT 2, TOtltlHolrSE 0t{ toT 2, V lt VILIAGE, 4TH flttilG 2. Ctosing coflpany is authorized to obtain lnformatlon, and agrcr3 to excttding pt"eparation of legat docments, n.ccssary to carry out thB terms Estate, dated flav 25, 199i , xlth any countefpropGals prcparr, obtain, detiver ard record att docunents, ard conditiom of the contract to 8uy and sell Reat and amendlents attachcd (contract), lor providing thesc ctoslng and setttsttent serviees3. Ctoslng Conpany ritl recelve a fee not to exced _!4!9:99._to be thc cxpense of SPLIT BETtlEEl.l EUYER AND SELTER 4. Closing Curpany ls authorized to rccaivc funds and to dlsburs! nhen alt funds received are either: available for ifinediate *l thdranal as a natter of rlght from the financiat Instltution in rhich the funds have been deposi ted or are avaitable for inmediate xithdraxat as a consequenc. of an agresncnt of a financiat Institution in rhlch the furds are to be deposited of a financlat institution upon uhich the futds are to be draHn lrrcood tundsr']. 5. ctosing coopany is not authorized to netea3e any documnts or thlngs of vatue prior to receipt and disbursement of Good Furds, except as provided in sections 10 and 11. 6. ctosing Conrpany shatt disburse att funds, InctudinE real estate cot[rli6signs, except those funds as nay be separatety disctosed in uriting to Buyer and Setter by Ctosing coopsny or Euyefrs tender on or before closing, Alt parties agree that no one other than the disbursef can assure that payoff of loans and othef dlsburse0Ents xill actuatly be made. 7. seller uitt receive the net proceeds of ctoslng as Indicated:-fl cashlefrs check at sellerrs expense. fl rutta" ectronically transferred (rire transfer) to an account specificd by tIe Satter, at setler's expense; or ctosing co|rtP8ny'a trust account chlck. 8. Buyer and Setter ritt furnish any additionat infonnation and docunents re$rl red by Ctoslng coryatry Hhich t{itt be necessary to cofiplete this tnansactlon. 9. Ctosing Conpany uiLl prepare and detiver an accurate, cofiplete and drtaitcd ctosing statgmnt to Suyer and Seller at time of ctosing. 10. If ctosing does not occur, Closing cofipany, except !s providd herein, is suthorized and agrees to return alt doctments, monies, ard things of value to the depositing party and Closlng Coflpany Hltl bc felieved froo any further duty, responsibi tity or tiabitity in comectlon xith these instructlons. tn addition, any prooissory note, deed of trust, or other evidence of indebt' edness signed by 8uyer, shatt be voided by Ctosing corpany, sith the originat(s) retumed to the Buyer ard a copy to Buyerr s lender. 1l- lf any confticting deflEnds are nade on the ctosing Cofpsny, at lts solc discretion, Ctosing coflpany may hotd any monies, doculents, ard things of value received from any party except Buyerrs lender. ctoslng conpany thatl retain such items untit (1) receipt of nutusl uritten instruction from Euyer erd Setteri or (2) tntit a civit action bet{een Buyer and Setler shatt have been resotved in a court of conpetent jurisdiction; or (3) in ths attern€tive, Closing ConPany may, in its sote discretion, co0n€nce a civit action to intcrplead, or, intarptead ln any exlsting civil action, any docurents, monies or other things of vatue receivd by Closing Carpany. Such depGit xith thG Court shall retleve Ctosing co{pany of att further tiabil,ity ard responsibi t i ty aid ctosing corpany shatt be entitled to atI eo$t costs and reasonabte attorneysr fees. 12. These ctosing instru€tions may be onty amended or tcrmin.ted by Hritten instructlons slgned by Buyer, Setter and closing coflpany. 13. Ihe tnternal Revenue Service and the Colorado Depaftmnt of Revenue nay require Closing ConPany substantiat portion of the proceeds of this sate xhln setter eithcr (a) is a foreign person. of.(b) Hitt_not resident aftir closing. seiter should inquire of setlerrs tax advlsor to detcrmine if Hithhotding appl'ies exefipt ion exi sts. 14. speciat I nstruct i ons 3 to Hithhotd a be a co lorado or if an 15. These Ctosing lnstructions nay be executcd by 8uyer, selter and Ctosing cofipany hss executed a coPy deemed to be a fult and corrplete contract between the APPRoVED AllD ACCEPIED on this day of SELIER( S) lloverber 04. 1999 vtcKt PEARSOII c8ch 8uyer, seller and Ctoslng ConPany viduatty and of the6e ctosing lnstructions, such together partirr. yhen each shat I be ssll# 6?lR41-7q13 CECILIA EARSARA DE I,IOCTEZUI'IA 8Y VICKI PEARSON AS IIER ATTORIIEY. III. FACT ss # tLh-ag-lut7 Thr pfint€d Dortlons of thlr fom hrv. bccn thc Cotor.do Rc.i E.trte cflfrlsilm (CtS-9-gi). CI.OSI}IC INSTRUCIIONS TSTS FORII IIAS TIOONTIIIT TEGAL OOIISEIIUEIICES AIID IIIE PARTIES SITOUID COIISULI IEGAI ATID IAX fi OTIIER CqJTSEL BEFORE SI6!TXG. TO:lAllD TTTLE GL,AR I{TEE c4lPAIY r DAIE: lovcnSsr &, 1999 EscRor lr0. vA266r54 TnLE lto. v266154 1. VrcKt PEARSoI| AllD CEC|UA BARBAR D€ XoCTEZI A €LIER(S) and PAVID ll. DElll{c AllD JAIII E I. DFIIIIG , BUYER(3) engage tAllD TITTE GU RAIIIEE oollPAlY Ctosing Coflpany. Hlro agcees to provide clocing ard settte ent services In cornection uith the ctoslng of the fottoHlng deccribed resl cstate In the Co$ty of EAGTE , cotorsdo, to Hit: milDor,l tlr t ull U T 2, TllE loullflcrrsE 0N toT M, vAtL vtLtAGE, Fc[rRIH Frtmc, lccoRDmc To TIE conDo mnH Ap RECORDED DECEIIBER E, 1956 llt B00K t?E AT P GE 5?e, AID As DEflilED AID DESCRTBED t{ TflE Col|Doflmllm DECtARATtOlt RECORDED oEcErfBER 8, 1966 m 800K 178 AT PAGE 525, CCt [Ty 0F EAGLE, STATE OF C0LORIDO. atro knorn and nt'rltered as: UlllT 2, TOlilHqrSE Ol toT 2. VAft VlLtAGE. 4Ttl flLtlc 2. Ctoeing company lr authoFized to excttding preparatim of legat docqents, obtain Infornatlon, and agfees to Estate, dated ilav 25. 1999 necessary to carry out the temg _, talth sny cor-nterproposats 3- Ctosing Coopany rltt receivr r fce not to lxcc€d t230.00 for provldlng these ctoslru ard sctttc cnt services BUYER AIID SEITERto be the cxpcnse of SPUT BETllEEll 4. ctoslng co{rpany 13 authorlred to receive funds anC to di3burse rh.n alI funds rccelved are sither: avaitabtc for lrnediate HlthdraHal as a Mtter of right.from th! financiat lnstitution in Hhich the furds have bcen deposltcd or are avaitablefor irrnediate HithdraHal as a conse(pencc of an agreenent of a financlat Instltution in rhich the funds arc to be deposited or a financial institution upon Hhlch the fwds are to be drarh [rrcood frrdsnl. 5. Ctosing coopany lr not authorlzed to release 8ny docunents or thlnEs of vatue prior to recelpt and disbursement of Good Funds, except as provided In sections 10 and 11. 6. ctoslng company shalt disb,urse atl fhds, inclding rcrl eatate cdtrissio.rs, except those funds as nay be separately disctosed in vriting to Buylr ard Setter by Ctosing corpany or Euyerts tender on or beforc closing. Atl parties Egfee that no one other than the disburser can assute that payoff of loans and other dl:bursenents nil,t actuatly be rnde. prlpare, obtaln, deliver and record atl docunents, lrd corditlom of the Contcact to Buy and Selt Real and aflFndssnts attaehed (contract). 7. Setter ritI recaive the net proceeds of closlng as indicated: fl cashier,s check at sellerrs expense. l-'l funOs cctronically transfered (xirc transfcr) to an lccount speclfled by tde Selter, at setlerts expensei or ctosing coflpanyr s trust accornt check. 8. 8rryer and Seltcr rilt furnish any additlonal lnfomatlon ard docrncnts requi rcd by Ctoslng Coopany shich trltl. be n€cessary to comptete this tfansoction. 9. Closlng Coapany xllt prepare and detiver an accurate, colrplete ard detaited ctoslng stat€ ent to Buyer and setter at time of closing. 10. lf ctosing does not occur, Ctosing Coflpany, lxcept as provided hereln, ls guthorlzed and agrccs to rstufn 6[[ docunents, nonies, and things of value to the depositing party and closlng Company vitt be relieved frorn any fufther duty, responsibility or tiabitity ln connection Hith these Instructlons. ln addition, any promissofy note, deed of trust. or othef evldcnc€ of indebt' edness signed by Buyer, shatt be voided by Ctosing Colpany, rith the orlglnat(s) rcturned to the Euyer ard a copy to Buyerrs [e]rdcr. 11. If any conftictlng demards arc made on the ctosing ccnpany, at lts sote diseretion, ctosing colpany rnay hotd any monies, docunents, and thlngs of vatue received from any party rxcept Euyepr3 leMer. CLosing Company shatt retain such i tensuntlt (l) receipt of rutuat rritten instruction from Buyer and se_tter,. or (2) untit a civlt actlon b.tHeen Euyer and Selter shatl have been resotved in a couft of coflpetent Jurisdictim; or (3) in the atternatlvc, closing Conpany nay, ln its sote discretion, cofinence a civil action to interptcad, or, interptead in any cxisting clvit actim, any docunents, monies or othcr thin$ of vatue received by Ctoslng Co0pany. Such depo3lt xith the court shalt reueve Ctoslng Company of all further tiebltity ard responslbl I I ty and Closlng Cunpany ahatI be entltled to alI court costs rtrd rcasonabte .ttomeysr fees. 12. These ctosing tnstructions may be onty anendcd or t.rnlnated by Hfltten instructims signed by Buyef, setter and closing co[pany. 13. The Internal Rcvenue servics .rd the cotorado Department of Revenue nay reguire ctoslng Co0pany substantial portion of the proceeds of thls sate Hhen selter either (a) i: a forelgn person or (b) sitt not resident aftef ctosing, Selter shoutd inquire of Setter-'rs tax advison to deternine if Hithholding appties exedpt i on exist6. 14, Spcciat I nstruct I on3: to nithhold a be I coloradoqf if an 15. Th$e closieg tnstructions nay b€ executed by each Buy.r, Setler erd cto3ing Codpany indlvlduatty ard rhen Brryer, Sel l6r and Ctoslng Coflpany has cxccutd ! copy of the3e closlng lnstructions, such copies q*en together shat I desred to be a futl and coflptete contr.ct betrean the partles. APPRoVE0 AND ACCEPIED on this day of lloverDer 04, 1999 VICKI PEARSO}I AS IIER AITORIIEY.III. FACT . each be ss]t#PURCHASER(S) REAIJ PROPERW TRAI'ISFER DECIJARATION COMPLETION GUIDE(TD-1000) Every tiro years, colofado Assessors nust apptalse atl reat estate in the 6tate. selting pnices of sotd properties, taken from deeds, Ere used extensivety in the appraisat process. Eacause of circunstances suffounding a sate (for exanple, a sale betxeen famity rnenrbers ), soNne seltlng prlces are not truty indicative of a pfoperty' s vatue. Appraisers typicatty adjust sate pnlces rhen unusuat ci rcurEtance8 exist, or disquatify (ignore) these sates attogether. The Reat Property Transfer Dectaration (TD-1000) aterts the appraiser in the Assessor's office to sales rrhich may not be an indication of a propertyr s vatue. The fottouing is a brief exptanation of the purpose of each question on the Rea[ Property Transfer Dectaration: Address or tegal description of the real property Eold: This infomation tinks the sate to the assessor's records and identifies the propertyts tocation. Iype of property purchased: This information attolrs the assessor to use one form for alt of property purchased. Date of c losing! uses of property and to identify the type The date the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer. TotaI sate pr i ce. The total sate price is the [Dst essentiat iten of information concerning the sate, and its accunacy lrust be careful [y scfutinized, The totat sale price Hi[t sonetimes differ from the recorded docurntary fee. Adjustments to the sate price, often necessary bcforc a sate can be used, are flpie accurate nhen the true pfice has been identified. tlas arry personat property inctuded in the transaction? lf personal pfopenty, as listed on the RPTD, Has inctrfu in the sa]e price, the value of the personat propefty m.rst be subtracted frdn the sale price to determine the sale ptice of the real property transferred. Refer to 39-1-103(8)(a)(l) & (f) & 39-13-109(5)(a), c.R.s. Did the total sale price inctude a trade oa exchahge? Transactions invotving trades of additionat items or property shoutd be exc tuded from the Assessorrs data bank of sates infonnation uhenever possibte, particutarty $en the vatue of the traded property ls stbstantiat or cannot be retiabty estabtished. ]louever, a trade under the tRs code section 1031 Houtd be inctuded in the anatysls and therefore needs to be identified on the RPTD. l,las 100% interest in the real prop€nty purchased? It is crucia[ to identify uhether oF not the sate is a fee sirpte transaction (100 ). If it is not, the sate price cannot be considered rlpr€sentative of the total narket vatue of the property. Is this transactiori among retated parties? tt is ilportant to knoH rhether the buyer ard setler are related individuats or corporate affitiates because such sales often do not neftect market vatue. check any of the foLlollng that appty to the condition of the irprovements at the time of purchase. llhen determining market value, the condition of the property at the time of the sate is very important. lf one or moae of the items afe checked. further analysis is necessary in order to establish the condition at the titne of sate. thfough 13. Flnance questions l 8. 9. 10. 7. Ithen flnanclng reftects prevaiting rnarket practices End interest rates, which is ordinarity the c€se Hith third-party financing, sales prices {ould not requi ne adjustnents. llorever, adJustnents or disquatifications may be considered if the type of financing is deternined etypicat or non-mrket, The rerminder of the questions are for purchases of property other than residential. Did the pufchase price inctude a franchise or ticense fee? tf a franchise fee or liceme fee is inctuded in the sate price ard the amount can be substantiated, the sale price shoutd be adjusted to reflect the sate price of the real propefty onty, lf the franchise fee or license fee that is dectared on the RPTD appears to be atypicat, further anatysis may be necessary beforc the sate is used. Did the purchase invotve an instattnent land contract? Title i3 not transferred untit the finat payment is made. oftentimes the purchase ppice is agreed upon years prior to futfitlnrent of the contract ani fiting of the deed. Therefore, the Frrchase price may not be reftective of the current date on the deed, If this xas a vacant land sate, was an on-site inspection of the property conducted by the buyer prior to purchase? If the amxer to this question is no, the possibility exists of an unknopledgeabte buyer. totlow-up Hith the grantee nay be necessary. signature3 VaI idat i on Forn RPTG 1t9t97 VA?66151 w66154 PURPOSE: The Reat Property Transfer Declaratlon provldes essential infomatlon to the county assesaor to help ensure assessoents for alI propenty for property tax putposes. Rrf.r to 39.t4.102(4), Cotorado Revisedfair and uniform Statutcs (C.R.S, ). EEgqlEEEEf,IS: Alt conveyancc docuFnts (deeds) subject to the docuFntary fee s|snittcd to the cornty clerk and tecorder for recordation mrst be accqrpani ed by e Real Property Transfer Dectaration. Thls dectaratlon mJst be colpleted and gigned by th6 grantor (setler) or grantee (fuyer). Rlfer to 39-i4-102(1)(a), C.R.S. PEIIAITY FoR llollcollPt IAIICE: lJhenever a Rrs[ Property Transfer Declaration do.s not ascorp.ny the deed, the clerk and recordef notifles thc county assessor rho rltt serd a notice to the buyer requesting that the dectaration be rcturned uithin thirty days after the notice ls nalted.lf the Reat Property Transfer Declaration is not fetumed to the county assessor Hithin th8 30 days of notice, the assessor may inpose a pcnatty of 325,00 or .025p (.00025) of the sates price, uh ichcvcr is groatop. This penatty nay be imposed for any subsequent year that the buycr faits to submit the declaratlon untiI the property is sotd. Refer to 39-14-102(1)(b), c.R.s. CotlFtDEllTtAttTY: fhe assessor is required to nake the ReaI Propcrty fransfer Dectaratlon avaitabte for inspection to the buyer. llo{cver, it is only avaitabte to the setler if the selter flted the dcctaration. lnfonlation derlved froo thc Reat Property fransfer Dectaration is avaitabte to any taxpayer or arry egent of such taxpayer subject to confidentl€l I ty requl rements as provided by tau, 39-5-121.5, c.R.S. snd 39-13-,|02(5)(c), C.R.S. 1. Addfess ardlor tegat deseriptlon of the neat property sotd: (Please do not use P.o. box nunbers )ul T 2, TOUI{8(USE 01{ toT 2. VAIL VILLAGE.4rH Ftullc 3. 4. 5.lras any perconal property i drepes, free standlng appl i 5, Did thc total sate price include 8 trade ot exchange of additionat real or personat prcperty? lf yes, give the approx-jmste vatue of the goods or scrvices as of the date of closlng. U Yes tJl llo lf yes, valuetf yes, doesThis transaciioir I nvo I ve-i-t r-iiifiiiGiTiS code sectlon 1031? E ves E tto 7' ffi" to|:, tnfi"*lotn ;?""::"1^!:H:it#H:$i t"'***t o-ntv a partiat interest is beine purchased' 8. ts thls a transactlon among relatld parties? lndicate Hhethef the buyer or selter are related. Related parties inctude pgrsone Hithi! the ssme famlty, business affitiates, or affiliated corporatlons.DYesmNo 9. tf 10, 11. 12. Check any oflhe fottoHing that appty tqtha conditionlf the i[plovenentslt the tina of g:rchase. tr tteir E excettent E cbbd' E lverage ! rair f] eoor El satvage. the property is financed, ptease complete the fottoping. Total anount financed. $ IIpe of financing: (Check al.t that appty) U l,leH Ll AsswFd U s6l len [J Thl rd Party U Conbination; Explain _ Terfls3 tr Variable; starting interest U fixedi lnterest rate _ Length of time _ 13.Ptease erptain any special terms, assessoF urderstand the tems of seI len sale. concesslons, or f I nanc ing other information that Houtd hetp the Z. flpe of property purchased: E slngte Famlty Residentiat fil toxrfiome I conacnlnltn E lgtti-unit n"" U Corrnencial Ll tndustriat Ll Asricutturat Ll ilixed Use Ll Vacant Land LJ other _ Date of closing: November 04, 1999 Total sales Price: lnctuding atl reat ard personal proparty. $990.000.00 nc luded in the transaction? Pefsonsl property Houtd inctudr, but ances, aquignent, inventory, furniture, It the personst property pgrchase price xitl be assuned to be for the reat pfoperty as per 39',|3'102, c.R.s. U Yes U llo lf yes, .approximate value Describe_ yesrs Bat toon psynent Ll Yes iloi Amo|rlt Due Date and any not timited to, carPet i ng, is not listed, the entire For propecties other than residential (Residentiat is defined as: singte famlty detached, toHnhomes, apartments, snd condominiufls) please cooptete questlbns 14-16 lf appticabte. othlrrise. skip to #17 to complete. 14. Did tha purchase price inctude a fnanchise or license feet ! Yes tr ilolf yes, tranchise or ticense fec value? 15. Did the purchase prlce invotve an instatlnent land contract? ! Yes E lo lf ycs, date of contrsct 16. tf this xas a vacqlt tard sate, ras an on-sita inspection of the property cmducted by the buyer prior to theclosins? Ete" E tto RefiErks: Pl.ease Include any additional information concernlng the sate you nay feet ls irFortant, P tease designate buyer oc sel ler. lls i Iin9 Addfess DAVID 1I. DEI4IIIG AIID JAI{IE T. DEI.II IIG Forn RPT v256154 vA266154 ::, . ' r-{- | <.r a> rg' r.c:td r of o.* t^.r..\, o r.c/ ( AGREEMENT ANII COXO OprrxIUM DECIARATTOX ^ltr,reXDMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entcred into as of October 28, 1999, by and betwccn Barbara M. Glaser, lay L. Glascr, Jobn P. Glascr and Eetsy Nevin, hereinafter combinedly referred to as thc "Unit 1 Ovmerso, and Victi Pealson, Cccilia Barbara dc Moctezuma, David H. Deming and Jaurie T. Deming hereinafter coobinedly rcfcrred to as tlc "Unit 2 Orners'; \ITINESSEJIII: WHEREAS, thc Unit I Owners own the immediatcly below describcd rcal property, which wilt hcreJnafter bc rcferred lo as "Ihit 1": Condoninium Unit 1, Tte Tou,nhouse on Int TWo, Vail Villago Fourth Filing, accordiug to the Coudomiuium M"p rccorded Decembcr 23, L966, in Book !78, at Page SX\ aud as defincd and described iu the Condominium Dcolaration recorded December 23, 1966, in Book 178, at Page 525, County of Eaglc, State of Colorado ard, The Unit 2 Owuers, ot sone of them, qwn tbe immediately below described real property, which will hereinafter be referred to as I'IJnit 2n: Condominium Unit 2, The Townhouse on Lot Two, Vail Village Fourth Filing, according to the Coadomiuium MaP recorded Deccmber 23, 7966, in Book L78, at Ptge 522, and as dcfined and dcscribed in the Condourinium Declaration recorded Decenrber 23, 1966, in Book 17E, at Page 525, County of Eagle, State of Colorado and, Botb Urit 1 aud Unit 2 are su$ect to "CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR THE TOWNHOUSE ON LOT.TWO, VAIL VILLAGE, FOURTH FILING' recordcd in Book L'l.9 af Page 5E of the Eagle County Records, hcrcinafter referrcd to as tbe "DcclaratioD"; ald, The aifspace above Unit 2 is now a General Comuon Element and is so idcntified in Sectiou 3.3.2 of the Declaration; and, The parties desire to amend Section 3-3.2 of the Dcclaration iu a ltranner that will mate thc airspace in the attic above UDit 2, as $hown on Shcct B of the Map as [G.C.E.", a Part of Unit 2, except for such portious thereof as are desirable to housc whatever gas, hot aud cold water and heatiug facilities will - ve | .-r 22 4<r..{qr-r r {I\) lJ'_tv t/,rv.\r.v(o r,;r.i at any time lcrvc Unit t or both Unit 1 and Urit 2, togethcr with firll andi AL a|ly llulli IISIYE Lrlll! l' t I trgUl rrlllf : a|rg Lr.Itll p, lrrEsrrrgr utltrl lralr .rllu uuhindcrcd acccss for the U+it f Owncrs and auyone gleirniag uadcr thcm to tbese utility facilities; and, i This is intendcd to prwide th; Unit 2 Orners adilidonal living space ihat consistg of the abovc idontificd attic airspaoc, except for the portiors tihercof I needed to housc and providc acoess to the identified utilities, appliances and i facilitiesl and, In the rec€trl past, somc of the Uuit 2 Oqrners rippeit out a corcfiete basc or surface beacath their flooring a.ld placcd lew wood flooring in Uait 2, the combined effcct of which very substantially'increased thc uoise level iu Uait I whenevcr Unit 2 is walked in or othenvise used; and, The Unit 1 Owners dssirc that ths noiee level emaaating or echoilg from Unit 2 lnto Unit I be restorcd to its formcr low or uon-existiug voluoe, ald the Unit 1 Orylers,ftrrthcr desirc that tbe Daclaratiou be ""ended to require tte Unit 2 Owners, and their successors and assigns, perpctually, to maintain the UDit 2 flooriag,.lx5e and surface in substautially the sar"e noise modulated condition whicb prbvailcd before thc boncrete basc was removed and aew flooring was put into Unit 2; al'd, : The Unit 2 Owners are williug to provide such immediate noise abatement measures, and are also willing to maintain tho sarne in perpetuity in accordance with tte below set forth requiremeuts; and, The parties have reached certain other agreomeuts aad undcrstandings between ttrcmsclvesl NOW, THERBFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and aovetrants herein sct fortl, the parties contrast aud agree as follows: .!:7. AII of thc above set fortfi recitals are ilcorporated into ald rnade a part of this Agiecment, tbe same as if they $'ete set fortb below. 1 Z. Thc ,Unit 1 Owners hercby approve the followiug ia concept and I prinoiplc, subject, however, to their. acccptauce and approval of final plans and 1 specifications: i (a). The addition of a roof dormbr to the stnrcture of the buildiug'ihat contaius Units 1 and 2; a<Jr irt ar I calr-[:t:r l)trrw t.r'\Y.\ .l J ".4/ ( (b) 'The moving of the gas, hot and cold rf,atcr aad hcating facitities Aom their presetrt locatiou in tbe attic alrspacc to another position ot location within said attic airspace which the Unit 2 Owners may select, provided, however, that tbe Unit 1 Owners will be provided with fulI and unhindered access to said utilities and utility facilitics in aaaordarce ,with the hcreiu set forth applicable amendneut to tbe Declaration; G) The addition of an exterior stainray leadilg from gtouad level. to Unit 2, at a locatiou ou the building that is aoceptablc to the Unit 1 Owners; (d) : The conversion of that part of thc airspace il the attis above Unit 2 which is uot necded for utilities and aocess to the same from General Commou Elements to an actual part of Unit 2, ia aocotdance with the hcrein set forth applicablo ancndments to thc DeclaraJion. g. No latpr tLail December 20, 1999, the Unit 2 Owncrs shall install the most sound prodf available thick wall to wall carpet padding throughout all of lJ11it Z,'ei"-ept in the bathroqms and kitchen, and they shall tlen install and place heavy, ,thig},souild abating wall to wall carpeting on top of this padding. 4. No'latir'than Decemb.rt20, 1999, thc Unit 2 Omers shall place heavy sound absorbing rugs or other more sound absorbing floor covering throughout tlre bathrooms arrd kitcheu in Unit 2, arrd' they sball perpctually kcep this type of aaterial in the said bathrooms and kitchen. The partics recognizc and acknowledge that this particular type of floor and noiee protcctiou may reguire some experimentation with differeDt sorts of covering substances in order to achieve a reasonable reductioa of noise level iu Uait 1 that is acccptable to the Unit L Owners. 5. If, ai any time lo the future, atry gas, hot aud cold water facilitics and heating systefl facilities serving both Unit 1 and Unit 2 bave to be repaired or replacid,tthen tfe Unit 1 Owne"rs and Uuit 2 Owncrs sbdl_prorate aod share the coits and expeqseS of sush repairs. or replaccrrent - on_ the basis of thO cubic footage which each such uait bcarslto the total cubic footage in both units. .i 6. 'Vicki'i""rroo aud Cecilia: Batbara de Moctezuala, who are identified aS Urit 2 Owners, are about to Sell ald coavey, oJ have rccently sold and conveycd,. theii'interest in Uuit 2 to David H. Dcming aud Jamie T. Deming, who ire ilso herein ideutified as Unit 2 Owncrs. The Uuit 1 Owncrs hereby waive their right of first refusal to buy Unit 2 in connection with_this particular sale and con'rlyance of Unit 2 to David H. Demirg and Jamie T. Demhg. f'r.\. I a-J JJ .|'cr. +r rr I r.J. ( 7. Thc Unit 2 Oryncrs shall pay the sun of $3S'(X)O'00 to tbe Unit 1 own"rr'at eitner of ine fouqwing tines, whichevcr is later: (a) 'At tte time of thc closing of the sale of Unit |, to David H. DeIin! and Jamie T' Dcming; or' if later' er all Unit 1 Ovners have signed this dosumelt' 8. The parties recoglizc and acknowlcilge that.t: "5ry this agreemcnt iuto force aud effect La to'pcrform several of tf,e activities it contenplates rDay requite the "pprooJol-fi"-to*o of Vail, colorado aad of tte Tcxas Townhomes CouAornilium Associatiol and of p4lry-"-tl-:r-ertities' The Unit ;"O;;;';;";t"k.1"'"Ut"i" "ii r'ct neclssary approvals at tbcir own cost and expcnsc- The ol'fy i.rpo"riUility of- tle Unit i Cit*"r* in connection with any such needed "pp"rJr"i.-rn"fi-!"'tU"ir written or oral cotrsent to the same ;i""-J; t tcl tonient is rcguired' g. Exccpt as to thc conlr-1V ,Pwided for-iu parJgraph 5' above'-oll-costs' cxpenses, tlisUursementrlna oblig',ations wntl wiU ir rnlgni be iucurted, directly or'iudirectly, in the performance or. attenlted .p"lf"TT-T.oi,.anv of the wotks' jobs, projcct* o, *Jr-'i".,il1;""fi;r.|f,in thii Agrcomgnt o1 contemplated by tbis Agreem"o' ,oil ;.T;;;;-;;.a p"t -ror uy tle unit 2 O*'ners- It is the intcnt of the put i"t'illt] ;;"*t i;f'!';tt1t; tuturc turnacc and hot water heater repairs or reptacem;;;;il. U"it 1 Owners shall ncither have nor incur any 'motretaryorunancialobligations,"'h^tsoever'byreasonofanythiughereinset totto' ,0, rn,iluoit 2 owners shall, and- thev. her3b1 f:j"*-o'fv th: Yoit I Owncrs against, and they agree to. t"o" *"- iatmttis from' arv and all claims' dcmands, causes oi ""tilo-o, claims foirerief which may_, at any time in the future, be made oi ats"rtod a€ailsl ^oy'oot or more of the Unit 1 Ourners as a direct oI indirect i"rut, of tie existenc" of tlit AgreemeDt, or because of any act or failure. to act oa the part of tt" ti"ii 2 d*ners wbich is, directly or indirectly, relaied to this Agrcenclt' ti.' fle Declaration shalllbe, aad the same hercby is' 'amended in the il following Partioulars: i:i -j FIRST AMENDMENT ArticleIII,Section3.S.2of'theDeclaritionshallbe,andthesamehercby is, anended to read as follows: ' .'t- | .> r> L<.. qc,.r. .*t)r-- r.f .v( :nTle airspace in the attis abo\re Unit 2 as sbovm os Sheet B of the Map ai "G,C.E.' shall hcrcaher ccasc !o b" a Gcaeral Common Elemelt, aud shall instead constitute a portion of Uait 2, EXCEPT for the followiag parts of tbis airspace which'shall continue to rdmail Gcacral Cornmon Elements: ; '(i) That part whiph is now and will, at any time I ia the future, bousc and ri:ontain gas, hot and cold water and beatiug facilities, such as, for exauple, furnaocs or water heaters, etc., which sewe Uuit 1l and, , "(ii) Such space and aiea as is or wilt at any iimi in the future beeome reasouably necessary to provide any Unit 1 Ourner, and ttosc olaiming uldcr any such owner, firll and uuhindercd aoeess to thc gas, hot and cold water and heating facilities within said attic airspaee." , ., sEcoND AMENDMENT i Article v .;f th; Declaiatioi .tdl b*"o-e and the saue hereby is, "mcuded by'ald with the addition of a Section 5.3 to the same, which reads as follows: i t. il .1' "If it an! time in tbe'fiiturc, the flooring or floor covcring iu Uait 2 is changed from souid proof, thick wall to wall carpet pailding 'laid ovlr with heavy, tlick souud abating- wall to wall iarpeting, then what was a! originalty iistdlcd, aud-lat9r tcmolrcd, concreto- subfloor ot floor base must agaiu be imbcdded below any new and different Unit 2 floor coveriug- In lieu of concretc, any otber substance providing at least thc semc dggre-c of sound proofing as cotrcrete aay be utilized. .The noise level echojng or cmanatiug into unit 1 from the use of uuit 2 must at all such {uture timcs bc liEited to'what it was before noise proof padding and carpeting was installed in lJnit 2." i I : tII LZ. The prwisions and'matters herein set forth constihlte tbe only and the entire agreehent and uaderstariailg betwccn the parties. All pltol written and or"l coimunicatiols, rePresent'ations, promises or assura.nc'es which any- of thc parties to tlis Agreement may ,havc_ piovided to aly other- party are citter writt'tro into this Agricrrent or arc'uull and void aod of no further forcc nor effect. I ocr es ,e:r t6.4s 4 ryro P-74 13. This documeat and all of the mattefs herein set forth shall be aad remain a Covenaot-Running-Wiih-The-Land for the perpefial use and benefit, and, to the extent herein provided, as a perpetual burden on Unit I and Unit 2, their owrers and firture owusrs and tleir hcirs, pcrsoual representativcs, successors and assigns. 14. Different copies of this Agreenent may be sigled by different parties to it without the signatures of all parties on eaoh copy. The sole siguature of ary one of tle parties on a copy of this dosudent shall maftc the sane fully binding upol and enforceable agaitrst such sigping party- THE PARTTES ARE SIGNING TIIIS DOCUMENT AFTER TIAVING CAREFI.TLLY RBAD THE.SAME ATI{D WITH FULL AND COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTA}.IDING OF ALL OF ITS CONTENTS AND OF THE MEAI{ING, INTENT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF TTIE SAME. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE XIV, SECTIONS 14.1 AND 74.2 OF THE DECI.,ARATION, THE PARTIES HEREBY PROVIDE WRITIEN APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMEI{TS TO THE DECI.ARATION SET FORTH IN PART II, ABOVE, AND THEY HEREBY CERTIFY.THE SAME AI{D CERTIFY THAT TTIEY HA\/B AGREED ON THE SAME AND TIIAT THEY ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. BARBARA M. GLASER VICKI PEARSON I I , JAY L. GLASER : CECILIA BARBARA DE MOCTBZUMA 'OHN P. GLASER BE"fSY NEVIN DAVTD H. DEMING IE T. DEMING 1r\- | gt 2J .l,aJ. .ti-.a I 13. This documcnt and all of the Dattcfs herein set forth shall be ard reuain a Covenaat-Ruuning-pith-The-Laud for thc perpetual use aud belefit, and, to tte extent herein provided, as a pcrpchat burden on Unit I ard Unit 2, their o$flrers and firturc ovrners and tteir heirs, personal represeutatives, succ€ssors and assigns. 14. Different copies of this Agreenent aay be sipcd by different partics to it without the signa$res of all parties on cach copy. Tte sole signaturc of atry one of the parties on a copy of this docurneut shalt na&e the sa^uc fully binding upoa and enforccable agains! such sigling party- THE PARTIES ARE SIGNING TH1S DOCUMET.TT AFIER IIAVING CAREFULLY READ THE.SAME, AND WITH FULL AND COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE A}.ID UNDERSTANDINO OF ALL OF TTS COI{TENTS AI{D OF THE MEA}IING, INTENT AND LEGAL CONSEQUEI{CES OF THE SAME. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE XIV, SECfiONS 14.1 AI.ID 14.2 OF THE DECLARATION, THE PARTIES HEREBY PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE AMENDIVIEIVTS TO THE DECI.^ARATION SET FORTH IN PART II, ABOVE, A}.ID THEY IIEREBY CBRTIFY.THE SAME AI.ID CERTIFY THAT THEY IIAVE AGREED ON THE SAME AND TIIAT TI{EY ARE TRUE AND CORRE T. BARBARA M. GLASER ,'. .: JAY L. GLASER CECILIA MOCTBZUMA JOHN P. GLASER DAVID H. DEIVIING BETSY NEVIN JAMIE T. DEMING ', t .i : ;. 1 BARBARA -F;c. s,, 13. This documeflt and all of th€ mattefs herein set forth shrll be and rt'main a Covenant-Running-with-Tbe-Land for the perpetual use and benefit' and, tc thc extert herein provided, as a perperual burdeu on Uuit I aod Unit 2. their owners and future orvtr6.1s and tbcjl heirs, personal rcprcscntatives. suc(ressots and assigns. 14. Different copies of this Agreeneot u:ay be sigued by differeri parties ir- it without the signatures of all parties ou each copy. The soJe signature ol anv one of thc parties on I copv of this document shall make tbe same fully L'iuding upon and enforceable against 'such :signint part-v. THE PARTIES ARE SIG}iII{G THIS DOCUh{ENT AFTER HAVII\JG (.AREFULI.Y READ THE SAME. AND WiTH FUI-L AND COMPLETE r,'TOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAIiDING OF ALL OF ITS CONTENTS AND()F THE MEANING. INTENT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE SAMF.. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVTSIONS OF ARTICLT, .-.iV. SECTIONS I4.I AND 14.2 OF THE DECLARATION, THE PARTIES I{EREIIY PRO';IDE WRITTEN .{PPROVAL OF THE AMEI.IDMENTS T'-\ '! HE DECLARATION SET F'ORTH IN PAF.T II, ABOVE, AND THEY HLT CERTIII',' THE SAL{E AND CERTIFY THAT THEY HAVE AGI11T''r'HE :'.;"1I-1 AND THAT T'HEY ARE'I'RUE AliD CCRI{ECT. r, ),{. C}LASER VICKI PEARSON - j.;tf, . r:'-::E-L:-- /: ,:t(:t ii :i, : CECILIA BAR BARA MOCTEZTIh{A# DE JOHN F. GLASER DAVID H. DEMINb BETSY NEVIN JAMIE T. DEMING 13, This document and all of tbe matters harein set fortb shall be and remaia a Covenant'Running-With-The.Land for tbe PcrPetual u-sc and bencfit. and, to tbe cxtetrt hcrein provided, 8s I perPetual burden on -Uait I and Unit Z, il"ir own€rs ard futurc owtrcts aad fhcir heirs, personal represcntativcs. succcssors ald assigls. 14. Different copics of this Agreement may be signed by differcut partics- ro it without tbe signaiures of atl parties on cacb copy. The solo signaturc of any oDc of the parties ort a coPy of tbis document shall make tbe samc fully binding upon and cuforccable against such signilg party. THE PARTIES ARE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT AFTER HAVINC CAREFULLY READ THE SAME, AND WITH FULL AND COMPLETI: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF ALL OF ITS CONIENTS AND OF THE MEANING, INTENT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF TH[] SAME. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE XIV' SECTIONS I4.I AND 14,2 OF THE DECIARATION, THE PARTIES HEREBY PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL OT THE AMENDMENTS TO THI] DECLARATION SET FORTH IN PART II, ABOVE, AND THEY HEREBY CERTIFY THE SAME AND CERTIFY THAT THEY HAVE AGREED ON THE SAME AND THAT THEY ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. BAREARA M. GI.ASER VICKI PEARSON JAY L. GLASER CECILIA BARBARA DE MOCTEZUMA DAVID H. DEMING BETSY NEVIN JAMIE T. DEMING L3. This document and all of the matters herein set forth shall be and remain a covenant-Running-with-The-Land for the perpetual use and benefit, ;rd" ; ihe extent herein plovided, as a perPetual. burden on Unit I and Unit i,-in"i, o*o"rt and future owners and -their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. L4. Different copies of this Agreement nay be signed by different parties to it without the signaiures of all pirties on each copy. The sole signature _of uoy oo" of the purties on a copy of this document shall make the same fully Uinding upon and enforceable against such signing Party' THE PARTIES ARE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT AFTER HAVING CAREFULLY READ THE SAME, AND WITH FULL AND COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF ALL OF ITS CONTENTS AND OF THE MEANING, INTENT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE SAME. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE, PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE XIV, SECTIONS 14.1 AND I4,2 OF THE DECLARATION, THE PARTIES HEREBY PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENTS TO THE biCranaUoN SET FORTH IN PART II, ABOvE, AND THEY HEREBY CTNTTNV THE SAME AND CERTIFY THAT THEY HAVE AGREED ON THE SAME AND THAT THEY ARE TRUE AND CORRECT' BARBARA VICKI PEARSON DEJAY L. GLASER CECILIA BARBARA MOCTEZUMA t'.- DAVID H. DEMING JAMIE T. DEMING I}IRECT DEEDING.;' F,X:C47L2 i Whcreas, Exchangor irtends to bausfer its intsrest itr'lhi Reiinquished Propcrty according to tbc tcrms of thc Real Estatc Agreumcnt and this agrcemcnt in order to qualiff thc transfer as a defemed likc-kinil orchange within thc moaning of Section 1031 qf the ftrtemaf nevcirlqiCodc of 1986, as ',.;',',' Now, thereforc, for valuable cousido,ratior; the parties bprsto agr€e * follows, l. Assirpent.o.f FeaI Estatc Agreement Exchangot has assig.c{ and dog"s $cneby. confim such assignmcnt, to LTEC all of Exchangor's rights h thc Rcal Estatc Agreemcnt Notwithstanding the foregoing at closiug Exchcrgor shall convey the title to thc Relinguished Wy directly to Purchascr pursuant to the tcrms end cotrditions of thc Rcal Estste Agreemcnf, ud thc Purchaser shall transfer to LTEC, pursuant to the assignmcnt of the Rcal Estatc Agrecmenl all the hoceeds of salo which would havc becn duc and Payablc at closiag to Exchangor, but for thc assignmcut dcscdH in fis Paragnph 1. Exchangor and LTEC acknowledge and agrcc that with rcspcct to all matters othcr than the conve5ntrce of the Rcliuquished Propemy and the payment oflthe Proceeds to LTEC, the Exchugor's rights uuder the Real Estate Agreatrent agarnst the Purclastr asd the rights 'i I''i :; .tti,F.-:tifill{[. cooo TV$n-C,I'I 6140 oze 908 rTd s0:9T gffi A6/20/lT -'-:---'---'-'--' r; '. .,1,. , '..r,.:,1 ,..,1.!,.t.,,,,,..' 4. No Riehts to Pioceeds Exchangor has no righrts, cxcep,t as tdiy bc prdviSed h the uCId in-eAiatuty fotto*it g:tu"" paragraphs of this Agreement, to rebbive, ?lcdg". bdrror#, dr otherviso obtain the benefits of lhc Prcceeds, or any intcrest or eanings thereor- It is intendcd that the rcstrictions of Treasury Regulation 1.1031 (k)-lG)(Q be incorporated hffein, ?qg tlis Agrccmmt shallbeconstruedtocomplywithsuchrestrictions. .,, . i ,,.,. *., ,. ' 5. Limitcd Rights to Procecds If Exchangor has nor identinea Replacdisi'Prdpeff by the end ofthe identification poriod, as defined in Segtion 1031, (the'Tdentification Perio<f) Exchangor may rcceive, pledge, borrow, or othernise obtaiu tho be,nefits of the Proceeds, logether with intercst and earuings thereo& at any time after the end of the Idedtification Period. ' If E(ciiiiiigc lric idcntilied Replacernent Property-in a timety manner according to Section l03l; Exdddgoi may reccive, pledge, borrow or othcrwisc obtaiu thc bcncfits of the Procccds, togcthcr with intercst'and eanings thereon, upon or after (a) ftc rcccipt by Exdrangor of all of thc Rcplaccmeut Propcrty to which Exchaagor is utitled under this Agreement or (b) thc occluronce after the cnd of ths Idrutification Period of a matcrial and substantial contingcnry tlat (l) relatcs to the defened otchange (2) is providcd for in writing, and (3) is bcyond the control of Exdrangor and any dis{iralificil person (as defined in Treasury Reguldiou l.t03l (k)-l(k)),, other thm thc person obligaled to uansfer the Rcplaerrrcnt Proptrty to Exchcrgor. 6. Fights to hterest kcept for simultaneous exchrogcs, Exchangor wilt be entitled to receive any interest earncd on the Procccds with respect to this defsrrEd axchirnge &om lhe time of transfe'r of the Rclinquishcd Propcrry and receipt by Excharrgor of the Rc,placeme,lrt Prope,rty, as provided in TreasuryRegulation 1.1031 (k)"1(CX5). , , 7. DFsignation of Replecement Property Exchangor shall have the rigbt to designate a Rcplacement Property quali&ing urder Section l03l withio 45 ilays after the date on wbjch 2 r00B 'MAT-9.1'I 0tl0 0e0 30G wd G0:9I gm 8a/20/lT 8. Direct Deeding For prrposes of this Exohange a conveyance. by.Exchmgor to LTEC, or by LTEC to Exchangor, includes, respectively, a direct conveyanic'from'fhi Exchangor to a third parfy purchascr ofthc klinquishcd Property, or from a seller of Rcplaccment Propcrty to Exchangor, aithe direction of, and in satisfaction oftf,i obligations ofLTEC iindcr thit Exchango Agreement- LTEC shall for purposes of this Exdrange.A,greerrcnt be considered to.have acquircd Uri netinquished Properry and transfencd it to the Pr.ucbaser aird to have acqiiired itib Replacenent property and transferred it to Exchaugor as proviiled by IRC Regulation Sectiot 1.1031 (k)- lGX4Xiii) and 1.1031 (k)-lGX4Xrq i : r r_,, ;; ,;11, . ,, 10. ComJliance-wigsection l.fr}1 This Agrccmcnt is intended to fiuther the purpose of the parties to ctrcct itit?tinA orchange of prcperty in compliancc with Scction 1031 and is to be constnred consistently with thst purposc. If any provision of this Agrccment is ,incousistcut or contary to that pulpose, not in compliancc with Scction 1031, or othe'rwisc rmcnforccable or invalid, lhis Agteernent shall be cornshued to excluds or to modifr said provision to the cxl6t neccssay in ordcr to satisfy the intcndcd pu4lose hereof. I L l. Reliqgse -Vpon T# Arl:,ice Exchangor acknowledges and agrees tltat it hls relied solely upon tle advicc and juagnent of its own inilcpendent tax atlvisors, tax attorneys, aod/or ccrtificd public accountants as to tal( oonscqucnccs and implications ofthe transfets, conveyairces and exchanges of the Relinquistreil Propemy underrhe Real Estate Agreemcnt atrd this Agrccrrnent. Excbangor has not relied upon any conv€rsations with or advicc from LTEC regarding such ta:( corucqucncc$ or 9. s00D 'Mf'r-lr1 6tl0 8zc sot wg ?0:gr ilLI 68/20/ll I :t, implications from any loss which Bxchangor may sustain in thc wsnt this as a qualifying l03l Exchauge 12. Indemuificatiou Notqdthstantliug anything to tlia contary contained or in any other docrmcnt executed in comectioo hererrlith, Exchangor bereby inderirnifies afd'holds LTEC survive the closing of the lransactions contemplated heieby- be withlpld 14. FIRPTA Declaration- Exchmgor hereby sn'earsr'a-{Emii aiia cettifies 'Oa{ iiia* pcoatties of pe,rjury, E:<changor is not a "fo*igrt persoir" as defined by Section 1445 of th.e htcrnal Rcvenuc-Code, that Exchangor's taxpayer iaen$fication nunber is Eo-a.'*- 524* d that Exchangor's address is Co incured by or asserted against itr auy way, whatsoertEr, arisiug out of or Bxchangor of tho Relinquished hoperty or the purchasc by Exchangor of Replacornent PtolPtoperty or harmless from and against ony and ell liabilities, ilamages, suits, actions, cxperues anil fecs (including couf,t costs and reasonaLle attorney's fees), the execution by LTEC of any documents or insktmcitts relating to thc Relinquiihed Property, the Replaceruent Property (including any att€nrpt to acquire the same), and/or any transaction contemplated hereio- Exchangor firrthcr indemnifiesimd holds LTEC harmless fmm and agains any and all demrauds, asses-smmts, liabilitiss, Ourugut, suits, 'aotions, l#afnd interest, *costs, claims, expcnse$, aud fees (irrcluding cotut :cosls arirl-reasoilcble attoiney's''f{s), foreseerr or uuforeseEn incured by the Exchangor in the evcut ths Infsrnal Revenue Service, gr any state talcing authority challcnges and/or disallows the tcafinent ofthe proposed exchango as a dcfprrrod like-kind exchangc of real pioperty under Section 1031. Notrivithstandi"g m" forcgoin!, Exiihadgor shatl not indenrnify nor hold LTEC harmlcss for any claims arising out of the grosi ocgligenie or willfil misconduct of LTEC or any other pef,son to be inderrnified. Exchangor haeby agrees, at LTEC's rcquest, to defend LTEC against any such liabitties, damages, suits, actious, penalties, costs or olaims for which Exohangor aFecs to indernnifr and hold LTEC and olhens harmlesq with connsel selected by LTEC nnd approvcd by Excbangor which approval shall not be unrcasonably wittrhcltl or delayed- It is orprcssly ruderstood and agrced by the partics rbat this indshiity,by Exchaugor shall not coostitutc a waiver by Exc,hangor of any claim it may have agaiist LTEC for LTEC's failure to progerlyperform an<l discharge its obligatious und.r this Agrcement This paragraph shall and that Exchalgor is not subjcct to bachrp withholding. 15. Counterpa€ This Agrccmcot may be o<ecuted in two or more identical counterparls, each of whioh *hall be deemed an orieinal but all of wbich together'ehall tonstitirts,onerCtid the same instrument. 16. Facsimilc Transmissions Any doctmcut reccivcd by LIBC which has. becn prcpared and/or exesuted incidental to tbe Taxpaya's ta,r defcrrcd cxc,haagc shall have the samb effect whethec said document has been delivered in its original form or via facsimile transmission ' 17. Benefits This Agree,meut inwes to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their succcssors and assigns. This Agreenocnt may bc ex€$lted in one or more counterpats, all of which togcthcr shall constitutc onc Agrecmcol htas7 'costs, alaims, pr'uoforcseen, .to lhe sale by 0008 1Y3fl-C.t'I 8tz0 8zc 80G xYd 90:9r gIU 86/Z0/ll 18. No Agcncy LTEC is noq and shall not bc decmcd to be, an agent of Exchangor by enteriug into this Agreeruent or by rcasoa of the assignnent herein or receipt by it of the Proceeds of sale. It ie the inte,ni of tbc partics lhat LTEC is a qualified intemediary t"itni" ft," *"rrliig' of Section 1 03 1 . LTEC hcrcby repr€sents aud w.urauts that it is not awce of ory circumstanccs thA would disqua$ry it from swving as a qualified int€trmediary with respect to this transactiou" fursofar as suoh status is dcfincd uader Soction I 03 l. 19. Entire Agrccmcnt This Agreement constitutes the entirc agri:cmcnt U"6,Ua Oe pirUos hcreto aud may be modified or amenilgd only by a witten instnrment orecuted by all thc parties. 20. $roi"g_taw This Agreernent shall bo govemeil by ad int€ryretsd under tbc laws of the Statc of Colorado. '.1 , t : 21. Tlges The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are for refcrcnce aud couvoni.Ence only. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agrecmcnt has becn orccuted by the Parties [er". "" of the day and year first above writton, EXCUANGOR EXCHANGOR PHOIYE# EXCHANGOR rlEXCHANGE CORPORATION. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT itt t. ro0B 'TVDfl-9T1 . : .- : 0t2,0 6zc coF rTd 90:9I gm 08/80/Tl . t. .. I,AND TITLE EXCEANGX,CONTOUNOU 3033 E.A.ST T'IRST AVEIYTIE, #700 DENVER. COLORADO 80206 (303) 3r-6289 Phonc (303) 32F0?49 Far ' Novenbcr2, 1999 Re: Contractto Buy and SellReal Estato Agreement' dated Mry 25, 1999 3;t1##1ff """""",",i'i;Lf#lfi"fl ffi coutrtvorEesre' (RolinquishedPropertyAddress) 'r ' ' The unileniped, as Exchangor, hercby ransfers, s€ts over and assigns to LTEC all of the Exc,hangor's right and intcrc$ includiug the dght to accryt ctrnest Eoney deposits, as seller, (but not the obligations) to thc net proceeds ftom thc sale ofthc above rtfcreirced Relinquishcd propcrty, which **p*y has becn o"*"d to act as iarcrmediary by Exchangor relative to a tax deferred orchange "greemmt involving tbe sale of thc property desoribcd above. Exchangor is not diacharged Aom the obligatioas in and to ihe above described Real Estate Agreemcot. This constiturcs no$ce to Puchaser, under the Real Estate Agreemcnt ofry,ch Assigronerrt- I am awars that all nct pmcccds from the above rcliuguished property arc to bo wire trmsfcrrcd directly to Ftrst Bank of Colorado, Lakewood, Colorado, ABA#107005M7 to credit Land Title Exchange Corporotion,3033 E First Ave-, #700, Denver, CO 80206 Account #759'50f-0543. should you have any Erestions, please contact Paul Holloway at (303) 331-6289- YousTmly, cHANGOR) €cl flb:+.-w\J @xcgANGoR) andApproved thisJ*-{- y,i- Nilr*^-M,Lgg/- GE COR}ORATION eooE VICE PRESIDENT 'IYgfl-CJ1 0tr0 8zc r08 rvd 00:9r gju 68/20/lT ,'", I5'8 (ncf, S.ehtnt r f985) D!Ott|n.|ll ot lnc t !5rr,|tllis||ll Ralllruc S€r$r. Givc liir lom lo Ot Prt r. lliddlc|rao. trolcr or Billcr EtclarUC |lS- bt,.t'Cr lr.rrd0.|uor r||tlLr (ttr|DD Kx!,o =rt ('i 5t t ,.ntl|Peldr Inter*t Paymrnts.-lf this form was sent to you because you arp lEcereng tme.est payments and if you are not a U.S. citiren or resl0em (or if you are a foreign cordonlionr partneBhip, cstaie or trust), sheck hile : Brokar Transactioru or Barter Erdrangca.-lt your bokei or barter erchar6e sent you this form anrl if you are an ,Uempt toreign Lisl account numbc(s) ncrE (see ilElructbr|s) Qualilicatlons lor Exemptioo-Chcck Applicable Bor(cs :' (3€e the insfructions beto , brdefinition). check here Plcase $F Erle Grdflcdoo.-UndE lh.jmanEr o, la4vrt,rt ca.ttt lh.t tloUce of Change in Status-To notify the pay*, broker; or barter orchange Lhil you nq:|gngsr qualily foreremptiori,,>fl your courrfi'hgga tar ke.ty rvlth the U nitcd $tatei that exeffipts you. transactions ftom U.S. taresl and a The tpinsfiom jourtransactions with the broker.or battet ercharBe arc not effectfu€|, connected (reHed) to any. U.S, tnde 9{ business you are engaged in or planto entate in duringlte ysar, or your cow ry has a tax haty with ihe . . {nitetl Sbtcs lhat dxempts yout transactl6ns top U,S. tiles. . Nonresirhntfiien Manid to a U.S, Citizen or R*i&nt.--11you atE manied to r U.S. citizen or rcsidc{ tnd havc tntde an election under section 6013(d ot (h). you are tfeatcd as a U.S. csident and may not file Fom W'8.' corpordtiont, Frftt e's,h//Fs, Hates aml .trusb'.-. .. . t You are not a lJ.S. corporation, partnership, €siate or trust; and a The galns from your transactions rvith the broker ot barter ercharEe are not cffectivcly connected (rehteo to any U.S. tr€& or business you are engagcd in or plan to anglgc in durirEthe year. or' you r country has a tax treaty nith the United States that crempts your' transactior from U-S. tans. Whcn to File--File tiis ceilificate with tle payar (or brokcr or ba.ter erchar€e) in the ca len dar 1n4 r ln whiqh the payment'ls made or collectEd.(or for brckerage sales or barter erdEnges, tfie year the transaction tsk glace), unless you haye alread, done this In either of the two preceding calendaryear. tl III K lnstructions t$etfon rcfercnce are to the lntenz! Revenue @de, unless olhenrnbe stated) Purporc of Fona--Use this {orm to tetl the Payer. middlernan. brokcr or bsrter crchang€ that you are a nonresiderd alien of loreign entity thet is not subiect to certain U.S. in{ormation returi reportirg or to backup withholdine rules. fuy€rs ol - interest (including orFnal issui di5cotlfit), Dr.ofters. and barter exchanges rny have to withhold 20% of each payri'ent or transaction if. among other reasom. payees do nqt give the payei or broker their conecl tErpayer iderTtitication number. This brefened to as "backup withhotrt ing. " OhetrxpElys identifi=tion numdbr is 5 nuinber Esigned by the Sociat Security ffmlnlstration or the lRS, for individuag or an Nrnp. loy?r identitication numb€r assi$ed tryrl$S:for other entities-) Also, the law - rfiuri.es that:t| ifFtents of ir eresl:t| dFdscurhics, cgmmodities, ttEEI€E4 fl&,trrs contracts and loryuardttfitr$t! trar+|r a broker; andrl ucltar€es of psirbt or sewiccstluq|th e Darler whrnge mUst gencralty be rE-oortrd lo the lnternal Revenue Sem'ce- Nonrusldent atiens (inrtMduals whoare neither citizcns nor resiatents qt ttn UnitedSbtes) ard {oreBn partnelsh'rps, coryoralions, estates and trusts arc not generally requirett to harle 1 g,g. 6r*rat lrlentitiCatbn number, nor are ttrey Sirb'ieCt to any backup withholdint becausb thei dont'trurn(th SUCh a nurnber 16 3 p6y,6161 brcker. llso, subjec-t to subcaritijton ofloreitn slat6, payrnents to th€se acEDunt noEers ar€ BEnera y not subjectto US. teponint letnilrements, Intcrcrt Fatmcnb.-Bankintercst paid to you b not suttecl to the rdthhoHim or ' reporting rcquhemeflts it you are .pt a U.S. citizgn or resident or if you are a {oreign corpofrtion. parhcrship, esbie ortrust. Uscthb form to notdy the payer of your foreign 3tal6. Rcpeal ol30* Wlthholding on Portlolio Intcrcr|.- Genenlly. for publbly offtred long-term comrnercial obligations ('porttolio dem inrustmenb') issued afbiJuly 18, 198{. no wittrhdding is required on intercst Fid lo rotrlsident alians or to forc@. partner5higs or Corporetions j' For intered on rcEldcrcd obtigaUom not tarlEtcd lD toraigt| mtrlcls to qualify as gortfolb inE est and nat be sbject to 30% HIH;1 to, .ust ei'n the u-S-' Paler a For Snterrrt dr rcgirtorcd o6tigrrion3 targetcd to brcign marlets to qualify as portfolio inErert and not be iubject to 3096 withhoffmg you must glm the U5- payer a Fotm W-E in 3dns cases. Therefore, give the payera Frrm W-8 if onc is rcquesEd. 'Fot bear.r obfigrtlom target d to forcign ffitfty.ou ne"c itotBivethe payera 8ro*er Traisrctiort! .nd BartfiErchanles.-You are aempt trorn U.S.' withhoHingand repoiing requiremerb aod mry use form W{ to notrify the boker or barter cxchange it you meet the following deflnitim ol an "eiempt forclgn person't tor lhe calenda r yea r in which tte transaction occsF: Ittdividuzls.- a You ar" not a cilizen or resident st lhe United Strtes; o You haw not been Dresent in the Unitd StatE lor l&l days or more during the calendar y?ar. and don't plan to be (or Goftinucd an bacl(,t ronr WSGev,gssl 0tl0 828 t00 xvd 00:sI g0I. 0t/20/ll600E'IY9ll'I;C,l'I .i ExcHANcE lcrinnnmrvr ! 1 DIRECT DEEDING 1 i EXC4713 NOTE: EXCIIANGOR, AS DEIINED IN IEIS AGREEMENT, MUST SEEK ADYICE IrROM E-TS. ITER OR ITS ACCOUNTANT, ATTORNEY OR 0TEER QUALInED TAX ADVISOR AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THrS EXCEANGE AGREEMET{T, EXCEANGOR'S PURCHASE AI{D SALE AGREEMENTS At{D ACTIONS tr'OR QUALTHCATTON I,NDER SECTTON 1031 OF THE INTERNAL REYEI\ITIE CODE Otr' 1986, AS A}{ENDED. This Agrecrrent is nade and enreccd into this 2nd day of Novenber, 1999, by and between Vicki ?eerson as to au undivided 50% interest fExchurgor') and Land Titlc Exchagc Corporation, a Colorado corporation ("LTEC). Whereas, Exchangof has cntered into a Real Estatc Purchase and Sate Agrccnent ('Rcal Estde fureencafJ dated Maj'z{ 1999, wherein E:rchaiigor agreea to sell cedain real property locatod at Unit 2, Towohouse ori Lot 2, Vail Villagg 46 Filing, County of Eaglg State of Colorado (tha 'Relinquished Propetty') to Deviit f. [sming and Jarnie T. Deming (the'?urchased); and Whereas, Exchangor iutends to tansfe,r its intcrcst in the Relinquishod hope,rty according to the terms of the Real Estato Agrcement aud this agraernent in order to qualify the bansfer as a deferred like-kind exchtmge witbin the meaning of Scction 1031 of the Intemal Rwemie Codc of 1986, as ancnde{, and Whereas, Exchaogor wishcs to close the sale according to the tcrms of the Real Estaie Agrecmcnt and this Agraement and LTEC agrecs to act as a Qualificd Intermediary within the meaning of Section 1031, and iu connection therewith LTEC is willing to accept and hold the proceeds (the *Procecds') of the sale pursuant to this Agreonent, Treasury Regularion t.t0ftft)-t(g), and the assiemrett to LTEC by Exchangor of Exohangor's intercst in the Real Estate Agrccmeut as hereinafter sst forth and to utilize the hocceds to complete the purohase by Exchangor hereaftcr of desigrrated rqrlacemcnt propcrty (the 'S.cplaccmcnt nryuny') to be subsequantly identified by Exchangor in orde;r to complcte ihe deferred lika-kind gxchage conte,urplaled hcrein, accorrrling to .the tsrms and conditions of this Agreemeng Now, &erefore, forvatueble considcration, thepartie5 hercto agree as follows; l - Assignmeut of Real Estale Agrccment Exchangor has assigned, and does hereby confiro such assigrrmc,nt to LTEC all of Exchangor's rights in the Reat Estate Agrcenent Notwithstaading the forcgoing, at closing Excbangor shall convey the title to the Relinquished Property directly to Purchaser pumuant to the terms and conditions of the Rcal Estste Agrccmeut, and the Purchaser shall tansfer to LTBC, pursrant to lhc assigFm€Nrt of thc Rcal Estatc Agrccurcnt all the Pncceeds of sale which would have been ilue urd Payablc at closing to Exchangor, but,for the assigurcnt dcscribed in this Paragraph f . E:rchangor and LTEC acknowledge and agree that with respect !o dl maticrs other than the conveyance of the Relinquished Properf and the payment of the hoceeds to LTEC, the Exchangor's rigbts underthe Real Estate Agreeracnt against the Purchaser md the rigbts TV9fl-rr1sooE 0rt0 0u8 80c xvd tg:'r illr 88/zo/ll tl rl ofPruchaser against Exchaugor as Seller shall sunrivc the assignment of the Reirl EstitcAgreement justasiftheassignrnentthereofhadnotbu*.*.: "' .,', i2- Noticc to Purchaser Pursuant to Trcasury Rcgulation l.l03l (k)-l(gX4)(v), Exchangor must givc notice to the Purchaser under the Red Estatc Agrcvrncrr! and to all othci ilarties to thc Real Eslate Agreemen! of thc fact of thc assiguent of thc Real Estatc Agrcemenf oa or bcforc thc datc of thc transfer of thc Relinquishcil hoperty and brchangor hcrcby agrecs to timcly givc such notices. 3. Receipt and Deposit of Proceeds Except for simultaneous exchanges, LTEC shall deposit and invest all the Proce€ds of sale received by it in a federally irsured financixl institution. If Proccells exceed $100,000.00, LTEC may invost the procecds in Govsnncnt Repurchasc Agrccrne,lrts for U.S. Treasury obligations. Exchangor's fimds shall be scgregated and held separate from firnds of another prty or persott. LTEC shall not bc respousible for maximizing the yield onthe Proceeds. LTEC shatl iuvest tbe hoceeds at its sole disqetio!- Exchaqgor shall havc no right to direct the investment of the Proceeds while they are in the possessiou of LTEC. Ariy'end all interest and eamings on the proceeds after thc tleposit shall be added to the Proceeds and ![all becomc a part thcroof. LTEC shall thereafter hold, maintain and irtilizo the hocecds pur5uant to thc tcrms and conditions of this Agreement. Exchangor shall execuic and deliver to LTEC all rcquired Fed€ral and State fonns relative to taxation rnatters and LTECiwill file appmpriate 1099 or other required 4. No Rights to Proceeds Excbangor has no rights, cxccpt as may be, piovided in the next immcdiarcly following thrcc paragraphs of this Agocme,ul to receivc, pledgc, bonow, or olherwise obtain the benefits of thc Proceeds, or any interest or earnings thoreon- It is intended that the reskictious of Treasury Regulation I.1031 (k)-tG)(Q be iacorporated herein' and this Agrcment forms prrrsuant to Fcdcral and Colorado laws. ' shall be construed to comply with zuch restrictions. .l"',1 : 5. Linited Rights to Procceds If Exchangu has not identified Replawmant koperty by the end ofthe iilentification period as defined in Scction 1031, (lhe "Idenfrfication Pedod) Excbangor may receive, pledg€, borrow, or othernrisc obtain rhe benefits of the Procceds, together with intc.rcst and edninqs thereon, at any time after the cnd of the ldentificatiou Period. If Exchangor has identified Rcplacement P.operty in a timoly menneraccording to Scction 1031, Exchaugor:may reccivc, pledge, borrow or olherwise obtain the bcnefts of lhe Prroceetls, together with interest and earnings thercoD, upon or a"fter (a) the receipt by Exohangor of all of the Replaceorent Prcperty to which Exchangor is entitled under this Agree,ment or (b) the ocsur€xrce afte,r the end of the Identification Pcrioil of a material and substrotial contingeucy that (1) relatcs to the defccd cxchange, (2) is proviiled for in writing aud (3) is beyond the coukol of Exch4gor and any disqualified pcrson (as defined in Ttoasury Rcgulation 1.1031 (k}l(k)), othcr then thc pcrson obligatcd to transfer the Rcplaccment Property to Exchangor- 6. Rigib !p- Interest Except for simultaucous cxchanges, Erchangor will be entitlad to reoeive any interest eamed ou the Proceeds with respcct to this deferrcd exc,hange from tle tiure of transfer of the Reliuquished Froperty and receipt by E:rchangor of the Rcplace,ment Propgrty, as providcd in Treasury Rcgulation l.l03l (k)-l (d(5). 7. Dcsiglation of Replacement Proper9 Exchangor shall have the right to desigutc a Replacement Prcperty quali$ing undcr Section 1031 within 45 days aftsr the date ou which 0?8 808 Wdr00 tr 'IYEtf-I-CtI 0tt0 l0:tr sflr Ea/?0/ll Exchangor transfers the Relinquishcd Property described in this Agrcccncnt, to hiichaser. Such designation shall be in a written document signed pf Bxchangor and hand deliVera[ mailed telecopic{ or otherwise sent beforc the end of the ldalifieation Paiod to either (l) the pcnon obligatcd to tansfer the Replacement Pmperty to Exchangor, or (2) LTEC. LTEC agrees to use so uuch ofthe Proceeds, togcther with intercst thereoq as is necessary to enable Exchangor to acquire aud receive the Replaceureni Property beforc the e,nd of ths exchange psrio4 as defirred m Section I 031 . lf Exchangor docs not dcsignatc a Replaceoreirt Property withio 45 dals after thc transfer datc or if LTEC holds ary portion of thc Procccds under the provisions of this Agrccmeirt on tha day which is.l8l days after the talsfcr date, LTEC stel'l distrilu1e the Proceeds, arid any interest lhcrcm, to Excha[gor, or such other pcrson or cntity as Exchangor may designate. Upon identification of Replacenent Propcrty and the enecution by Drchangor of a Conract to purchase (the'Replacement Property Contact') Exc.hangor sffi assign the Rcplacemeirt Property Contract to LTBC for tho pruposc of payment of the Procceds as thc purchase pricc by LTEC lhchangor is aware that LTEC will need a minimum of 48 bours trodcc ln order to transfcr tte proceeds being held to the reptacement property closiug.i'ff sullicient notice is notrgiicu by the Erchangor to LTEC, the fruds may be delayed ia reaching the closing iin,Ume- tf fimds in addition to the Proce€ds and intcrcst are required to,compl*e the purcbase bf ile Replacernent hoperty, Exchangor shall tansfer or cause the transfc,r of zuch additional lilnds to"LTEC as and whcn requircd. 8. Dlrect Deeding For purposes of tlis Exe,hangc Agrconcot, a conveyatroe by Exchangor to LTEC, or by LTEC to Exchangor, includes, respectively, a direst conveyance from the Exchangor to a third party purchascr of thc Rclinquished Property; or from a scller of Re,piirccme'nt?ropcnty to Exchangor, at the direction of, and in satisfaction of tbe obligations of LTEC rmder this Exchtrgo Agrecmcnt. l-ff,f, shall for purposcs of this Exchanga Agreement be considered to have acquired thc Rclinquished Property and tansferred it to the Pmchaser and to have acquiiad the Replacement property and transfened it to Exchmgor as pmvided by IRC Regulation Section 1.1031 (k)- lGX4Xiii) aud Ll031 (k)-1(g)(4Xw) 9. No Implied Duties of LTtsC The duties and obligations of LTEC are limitcd to thosc cxprressly sct forth he"eitr aod t o implied duties or obligations shall be read into this Afreipoit. LTEC shall not be liable for any action or omission by it made in good. faith so loug as Exdharigor has consentcd to or directed nrch action or omission or fdiled to regiond wihin a reasouable liericid of time to a request for couscnt or dircction made by LTEC to Exchangor. LTEC shall nol be rcsponsible for determining ths amouut of theProcceds dcpositedwilh itpuauaut to this Agrecncnt. 10. Compliance with Sectiou 1031 This Agreement is intended to ftfiher the purpose of the parties to offect a like-kind exchaugc of propcrty in bompliance with Section 1031 and is to be conshued consistently with that purpose. If any provision of this Agreernent is inconsistent or contrary to that puposg not in compliance with Scction 1031, or otherwise unenforceable or iavalid, this Agreecrent shall be construed to eiccludc or to modi$ said provision to the exlent necessary in order to satisS the intended purpose hereof, 11. Reliance Upon Tax Advice Exchangor acknowledges and agrees that it has relied solely upon tle advice arrdjudgmcnt ofits owu indcpcndent tax advisors, tax attorneys, and/or certifted public accouutants as to tar consequcnces md irrplications of the ttansfeG, coDveyanc€s aud crchanges of the Relinquished Property under the Real Estate Agrecment aud this Ageement. Exchangor has not relied rryon any conversations with or adyioe from L{EC regarding such tax consequencss or 3 . ,l 6tr0 ozc 800 wd lg:tr llflJ E6/70/ll900 E lYoEn-0,11 implications fiom any loss which Exchangor rnay sustiin ,in the event this transdctioq is disallowcd as a qualifying l03l Ercchange. 12. Indemnification Notwithstanding anything to the contary contained feieiu o1 in any othcr docum€nt executed in connection herewittr, Exchangor haeby indemni-fics and'bolds LTEC harmless Aom and. against any aad all liabilities, damagcs, suits, actions, peualties, costs, claims, exp€nses and fees (including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees), forcscqr br uoforesccn, incurrcd by or assertcd against in any way, whatsocicr, arising out of or ielating l,o the sale by E:rchangor of the Relinquished Prqlerty ot the pur.chasc by Exchangor of Rcplaccment hoperty or tle orecution by LTEC of ary documeirts or isstnments rdating to the Relinquished Propaty, lhe Replacemelt hoperty (including ary att€mpt to dcquire the sarne), and/or any transaction oonterplated herein- E:<chrogor firrther inderunifies and holds LTEC harnless from aud against any and all demands, assessments, liabilities, damages,'zuits, actions, penaltibs, interest, cosB, claims, cIp€'oses, and fces (including court costs and-reasonablo attomcy's'fEcs), foreseen or unforeseen, incurrd by the Exchangor in thc event the Intemal Rever:ue Qerv;cc,,o1 an.14 state taxing authority challc,rycs and/or disallows the treatm€nt of thc proposcd ercchange as a defsncd likekind exc;hangc ofrcal property under Section 1031. Notwjths'tanding the foiegoing Bxbhangor shall not indemn$ uor hold LTEC harmless for any claims arising out of the gross n'6gtigence or willful misconduct of LTEC or any otherpef,so!. to be indemirified- Exchangor here,by aff, at LTEC's requcst, to defcnd LTBC aginst any such liabilities; damages, suits, actions; penalties. costs or clainrs for which Exchaugor agrees to indemnifr and hold LTEC and othere hrmlees, with couusel selected by LTEC and approved by F;<changor which approval shall uot be u:rreasonably witlhdcl or delaycd. lt is expressly urderstood and agreed by the parties that this inttemnity by Exchangor shall not constituto a waiver by Exchangor of any claim it may have against LTEC for LTEC's failurc to propedy perfomr and discbarge its obligations undcr this Agreornenl This paraggaph shall snurrive the closing of the transactions confcmplatcd hTfl 13. Fee of LIEC The fee of LTEC for services to be perfomed uude,r this Agrecment is $500.00. Exchangor hereby agreec to pay thc fee to LTEC either scparately or the $ane may be withheld fiom the kocccds. 14. FIRPTA Declaratlon_ Exchargor hereby "r*r""r.,iuffi*, and certifies thal rmder pcnaltics of perjury, Exchangor is not a "fo.eigr P€rsoil" as defined by Section L445 of tql4%"4 Rwenue Code, that Exchangor's taxpayer identilication number ie and that Exchangor's address is c/o Ron Byrne & Assoc.r 285 Bridge SL, Voil' CO 8f657 and that Exchangor is not subjcct to backup withholding- 15. Counterparts Tbis Agreement may bc cxecutcd in two or more identical counterpirts, oach of which shall bo deemed moriginal but all of rvtich together shall constitute .oncislld the sane inskument- 16. Facsimilc Transmissio4s Any document reccived by LTEC which has bcsn prcparcd aud/or executed incidmtal to the Taxpaycr's tax defened exchange shall have the sarne effect whether said document has been delivered in its original form or via frcsimile transmissoq. . 17. Bmefits This Agrcement inrues to tho benefit of and binds all parties hcrcto, thcir succ€ssors and assigns- This Agrcement may bo sxeouted in onc or more counte{tarts, all of which togother shall coostitute oue Agrcemeff. l ooo lD TVCtn-0,r'I 0tl0 828 808 XVd 89:tr llfl.l 8A/20/ll o ', 18. No Ageucy LTEC is not, ad shall not be decmcd to bc, an agent of Exc,haugor by entering into this Agreernent or by reason of the assignment herein or receipt by it of tht Procccds of salc. It is thc intcnt of thc partics that LTEC is a qualified intermcdiary within thc mcaning of Section 103 I . LTEC hercby regresents and warrants that it is not aware of any circumstanccs that u'ould dis.lualiff it from sering as a qualificd intermediary with reqpect to this kansaction, insofr as such status is defined rrnrler Section 1031. 19. Entire Agrcemcut This Agreernernt constitute$ the entire agrceocnt betwben theparties hcreto and may be modified or amended only by a wrinen instnrmcff cxecuted by alt the paties. 20. Govcruing Law This Agrcc,ment shall be gwemed by antl inte.rpreted under lho laws of the StateofColorado. i 21. fitles The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are forrsforr,nce and convenience only. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agrecnnent has bem exccutcd by the Parties hereto as of the day and year first above writtea EXCHANGOR ! EXCHANGORVicki EXCHANGOR PHODIET EXCEANGOR ro0E 1Ytfl-gl',I 8140 0a8 80c rYd 09:'I IIIIJ 68/20/lT :' I"AI{DTITLEEXCHANGECORPORATION' . . 3033 EAST FIRST A\TENIJE, #7OO DEI{\18&COLORADO80206,, : : : (303) 3315289 Phone (30311294749 Fcx .: ,:, ASSIGNIilENT OF CONT\IACT . November 2, 1999 Re: Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estale Agreement ' ' datedlf{aY25r1999 : r'I:i ''l Unit 2, Townhouse on Lot 2, VaiI Vllage, 40 tr'ilingr'County of Eaglg State ofColorado as to an undivided 50% interest (RelinquishedPropertyAddress) ' 'it "; ) The undersigned, as Excbangor, hereby hansfers, ssts over urd assigns to L13C all of lhe Exchangu's rigbt ad interest, iucluding the right to accept earnest money dcposits, as scllcr, (but not the obligations) to the net prooeeds Aom thc sale ofthe above referenced Relinquishcd propcr$r, whidr conpany has bcen named to act as inteilmediary by Exchangor relativc to a tax deferrcd cnchange agr6ement involving the sale ofthc property d€scribed above- Exchaogor is not disc\arged from thc obligations in and to thc abovc describcd Roal Bstate Agrceursnt- This constitutes notice to Puchaser, under the Real Estate Agreement of zuoh Assigment. I au aware that all net proceeds from the above relinquished property are to be wire transfened dircotty to First Dank of Colorado, Lakervootl, Colorado, 48A#107005047 to crcdit Lsnd Tifle Erchange Cor1oration,3033 F- tr'irrt Avc, #700, Deuver, CO 30204 Account #759-501-0543. Should you have any questions, plcasc contact Paul Holloway at (303) 331-6289- Yorns Truly, (EXCHANC'0R) (EXCtsANGOR) AcceptedaudAppmveotnis I'hA-oay at I{uufuz .-..,1gg2 CORPORATION 8008 TVEtrI-OT'I oito oas 808 rl'd og:tr lljlr a8/20/ll o CL.1L t Substitute Form'W-9 Port I - Taxpayer IdentiEcation Numberl Social Securit5r Number:q73 --772 Verify thc taxpaya idcotification nrunber in the appropiate bor Por most inilividual taxpayen lhis is the social security numba. If this is NOT yow tax I.D. nurrber, please providc it below. Perdtics: :. I'aihrre to ftnish 11N. - If you fail to firnish yotn corhct TIN to a payee, you arE subject to a peaalty of$f0-p0 for cach such lhilure unless yoru frilure is duc to rcasonsble causc and not to willful neglccr Land Title Exchangc Corporation Escnrw Trust For: Escrow#IEKC Namc and lvfailing address as shown on accormt Correct the addrcgs jfaecessary Accouot No-: How to Obtein a TIN: Ifyorr do not have a Tnv, you siiould apply for one inmediately. To apply forthenumber, obtain Fsrt SS-5, Application for a Social Sccurity Nrmrbcr Ccd (farindMduals), or Fonn SS-4, Application for Euploycr Idartilication Number (for business and all other eutities), at your local of[cc ofthc Social Sccurity Adminishation or Intqnal Rwenue Scrvicc. Complete and filc thc appropriate fotm according to its inshuctions. Uyou do not havc a TIN, writc - Applied For- in ttre spacc for tbc TIN in Part I sign and date tlre form, ad give itto thc paycaML Certification. - Under the penalties ofperjury, I certify that the ioformation providcd on tbls fom is truar correct, and complete. 00oE 'IY9IT-I-CJ'I 6tt0 ozs Goc IYd 8g:'I ill.l 88/20/ll l. -* - ^--\cEs m rt*nrres sHorJLD coNsuLTTHIS FORrU IL,{S IMPGIAT{T LEGAL CONSEQITEI LEGAL AND TA)( OR OTEER COIJNSEL AEFORE SIGNING. EXCHANGE ADDEI\DT]M TO CONTRACT TO BIIY AND SELL REAL ESTATE 1. AMENDMENT TO A CONTRACT TO BIIY AND SELL REAL ESTATE. This Exchange Addendum ("Addendum') is made a part of a contact to Buy and Sell Real Estate for the purchase and sale ofthe Propedy: known as No. which is dated t4ay 25, t999 PARTIES.a'Tl 1 .19 (1'Contracf'). This Addendum shall control in the event to which it is attached. In this Addendum: Buyer is the Exchanging Paffy between the Buyer and Seller of any conflict with the Contract btXl --- Buyer is the Cooperating Party 3. DECLARATIONOFINTENT. - Seller is the Cooperating Party Exchanging Party has declared its intention that the purchase or sale of the Property be structured as an exchange of real estate under the terms and requirements of Section 1031 ofthe Internal Revenue Code ("Exchange"). LIMITED ASSIGNABILITY CO OPERATION. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, the parties agree that the Exchanging Party's rights under this Contract are assignable prior to closing to structure an exchange of the property under Section l03l and the Cooperating Party agrecs lo reasonably cooperate in such exchange with the Exchanging Party at no additional cost or liability to the Cooperating Party. This addendum shall not alter any date in the Contract. LEGAL/TAX ADVICE: OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENTS. Broker recommends legal and tax advice be obtained. Exchanging Party understands that other legal documents may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 1031. T"XCHANGE NOT A CONDITION. Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve the parties from their respective obligations under the Contract, whether or not the intended Exchange occurs. Seller is the Exchanging Party Date of Buyer's sigaature SeIIeT CECILIA BARBAXA DE I',IOCTEZIJMA 4. 6. rJtlJgI DAVID H. DEMING I IDate of Buyer's signature f/lti/?? Seller vtcru PEARSoN Date of Seller's signature EXCHANGE ADDENDTM (LTG-EX 32-1-97) Date of Seller's signature -.TEIIi Fonu Ees ^*il* ocAL coNsEeItENcEs A.FID te,*tlEs sEorrrJ, coNsrrlT T,EGAL Ar{D Tll( on ormri cot NsEL BEFoRE srcNING. 1. EXCHANGE ADDENDI]M TO CONTRACT TO BITY AND SELL REAL ESTATE AMT"NDMENT TO A CONTRACT TO BIIY AITID SELL REAL ESTATE. ThiS Exchange Addendum f'Addendum') is made a part of a contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate for the purchasc asd salc ofthe Property: known as No. " ' , which is dated , 19_ between the Buyer and Seller ('.'Contact'). This Addendum shall control in the event of any conflict with the Conbact to which it is attached. In this Addendum: Buyer is the Exchanging Party bF Buyer is the Cooperating Parly Cooperating Party fficlared its inteniion that the purchase or sale of the Property be structured as an exchange of real estate under the terms and requirements of Section 1031 of the lntemal Revenue Code ("Exchange'). LIMITED ASSIGNABILITY COOPERATION.' Notwithstanding any other provision of thc Contract, the parties agree that the Exchanging Party's rights under this Contract are assignable prior to closing to structure an exchange of the property under Section 1031 and the Cooperating Party agrees to reasonably cooperate in such exchange with the Exchanging Paay at no additional cost or Iiability to the Cooperating Party. This addendum shall not alter any date in the Contract. LEGAL/TAX ADVICE: OTIIER LEGAL bOCUMENTS. Broker recommends lcgal and tax advice be obtained, Exchanging Party understands lhat other legal documents may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 1031. EXCIIANGE NOT A CONDITION. Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve the parties from their respective obligations under the Contract, whether or not the intended Exchange occurs. PARTIES. a'[_l 1 K Seller is the Exchanging Party n Seller is the 3. 4. 6. Buyer 94r/1p H. DEMTNG Date of Buyer's signature Seller VrCrr PEARSON Date of Seller's signature EXCHANGE ADDENDTJM (LTG.EX 32-1-97) Buyer JAMIE T. DEMINC Date of Buyer's signaturc Date of Seller's signature I ,"- lfll'8 (Farr. Nordnbr 1994 Dap-tnr{|t ot lha Tnaarry Certificate of Forelgn Status ooa o E,8 o6oo4 U.8. tu!6y.r ldcntficdon nu[b.. 0f anyl P€.tnanont addrc.! (S6e Sp€cfltc Inatrucdond 0ncltrd. .pL or sdtE no) City, prpvincr or rtste, po3lal cods, and counlry Cuir.nt mdllng .ddr.!t, il dilf6Ent trom p€msnort sddr$s (lnaftdo apL or 6ultr no., or P.O, bot It mrll b not dolh8€d !o rfsot addFsr) City, lown or pct ofnca, slai€, and ZP cod6 0t fo.6lgn addr$s, €nl8r city, Fovlncs of stato, postd cod., !|td cotrtiy.) Account numbar Alcoum Vpc €statE, or fust). E For DMDENDS, I am not a U.S. citiz€n or r€sid€nt (or I am {iling for a forelgn corporation, parfrershlp, estate, or trust). Certification,{Check applicable bo{es). Under penalties of pedury, I certlfy that: I For INTEREST PAYMENTS, I am not a U.S. cithen or resident (or I am filing for a foreign coporatlon, partn€rship, Please Sign Here N FoTBBOKERTRANSACTIONSoT b€lo{. Signaturs Generat lnstructiorfiP (secfon refamnces ae to the lntema! Revenue C,ode un ess othevise noted.) Purpose Use Fprm W-8 or a substitute form containing a substantially similar stat€ment to tell the payer, mortgage interest r€cipi€nt, middleman, broker, or bartor exchange that you are a nonresident allen individual, for€ign €ntity, or exempt torelgn person not subiecl to certain U.S. information retum reporting or backup withholding rules. Caution: Form W-A does not a@mpt the payee from the 30% (or lowet trcav nonrcsident withholdlng ntes. Nonresident Alien lndividuat For incom€ lax pulposes, "nonresidenl alien indMdual' m6ans an individual who ls neither a U.S. citizen nor resident Generally, an ali€n is considered to b€ a U.S. resident lf: r The individual was a lawful permanent resident ol the United States at any time during the calendar year, that is, the allen held an immigrant visa (a "green card"), or o The individual was physically present In the United Stat€s on: . ('l) at least 31 days during the cal€ndar year, and (2) 183 days or more during th6 cunent year and th€ 2 prec€ding calendar years (counting all thg days of physical pr€s€nce ln the cunent year, one-third the numbor of days of presence in the first preceding year, and only one-slxth of the number of Tax Gulde for Aliens, for more informition on resident'and - nonr€sident alien status,. Note: /f 1ou are a nonrasldant allen Individual manied to a U,S, citizen or' resident and hava made ut alection under section ffi1gb) or h), Wu arp ftated as a U.S. resident and mty not us Form W-8. Exempt Forcign Petson For purposes of this form, you ars an "elcmpt foreign pgr6on" for a calendat year in which: 1. You are a nonresident alien individual or a forelgn corporation, partnership, .. estate, or trust, 2. You are an lndividual who has not been, and plans not to bs, present in tho United States for a total of 183 days or more during the calendar year, and 3. You arE neither engaged, nor plan to be engaged during ihe year, In a U.S. trade or business that has eff€ctively connected gains trom transic-tions with a broker or barter ochange. lf you do not meet the fequir€m€nts of 2 or 3 above, you may instead c€rtiry on Form 1001, Ownership, Exemption, or Reduced Rat6 C€rtificate, that your c-ountry has a ta)( treaty with the Unitod States ihat e,(empts your tansaoiions frcm U.S, tax. Filing Instnrctions When To File,-File Fotm W-8 or substitute form before a payment b mad€. Oherwise, the payer may have to withhold and ssnd part of ih6 paymenl to the Intemal Fevenu€ Servlce (s€€ Backup Withholding b€low). This certificat€ pelson as delin€djn the' rr/4/99 g€nerally remains in efiect for thrca calondar yeaF. Howe\rer, lhe payer may require you to filE a ne{, certlficate eac*r lime a payment is made to you. UVhere To File.-File thb form with thE payer of the qualifying income who is the wlthholding agent (sae Wlthholding Agont on page 2). Keep a copy for your own records. Backup Withholding 'A U.S. taxpayer idgntification numb€r or Form W-8 or substitut€ torm must be given to th€ payers of certain Incom6. lf a to(payer identific€tion numbet or Form W-8 or substituta form ls not povided or the wrong taxpayer identiticatlon number is provided,.these payers may have to withhold 20% of €ech paym€nt or trarcaction. Jhis is called backup withholding. Nots: On Jaruary I, 1993, the Mckrp witht olding lE/e inctws ftotn 2O% to 31%. Reportable payments subj€ct to backup withholding rules are: . lnt€r€st payments und6r soction 6049(a). . Dlvld€nd paymer s under s€ctions 6042(a) and 60'14. . Other payments 0.e., royahies and paytnenG from brokeE and barter sxphang€s) under s€clions 6041, 6041A(a), 6045, 6050A" and 6050N. lf backup withholdlng occurs, an o(empt foreign person who is a nonresidenl alien individual may gst a refund by tiling Form lO4ONF, U.S. Nonresldent Alien Income Tax Retum, with th€ Inl€mal Revenus . Nam. ot orn r (ll loht &cout, lbo giw finl own€/3 narn6.l Foo Spodic Inroucton&) Cecilia Barbara de lbetdzuna on Mck)in the second preceding year). CaL No. 1m30M rorm W-8 Fsv. t 1-92) Fotm W€ (R€v. 1l-92)eqo 2 '' SeMce Cent6r, Philadolphia" PA 19255, ev€n if filing the relum is not otherwlse r€quk€d. U.S. Taxpayer ldentificatlon Number The lntsmal Re\renue law rcquires that c€rtain income be reported to th6 Inl€mal Revenue Service using a U.S, taxpa)€r identification number (TlN). This number can be a social security number assigned to individuals by the Social Security Administration or an employer identification numbor assigned to busine$es and other entiti$ by the Intemal Borsnue Service. Payments to account holders who are foreign persons (nonresident alien indMduals, forsign corporations, partnechips, estates, or trusts) generally are not subiect to U.S. reporting requirements. Also, for€ign persons are not generally required to have a TlN, nor are thay subiect to any backup withholding because they do not fumish a TIN to a payer or broker. Howev6r, forelgn persons with income effectively connected wlth a trade or business In the United States (ncome subiect to regular Graduated) income tax),' must have a TlN. To apply for a llN, use Form SS-4, Application for Employer ldentification Number, available from local Intemal Revenue Service offices, or Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card, available from local Social Security Administration offices. Special Rules Mortgage lntgrest-For purposes ol the reporting rules, mortgagE interest is interest paid on a mortgag€ lo a pefiion engaged In a trade or business originating mortgages ln the coulse of that trade or business. A mortgage interest reciplent ls one who receiv€s inlergst on a mortgag€ ihat was acquired in the course of a trade or business. Mortgags int€r€st is not subiect to backup withholding ru16s, but is subiect to reporting rgquirements under section 6050H. G€nsrally, however, the reporting requirom€nts do not apply if lhe payer of record is a nonresident alien Individual who pays interest on a mortgage not secured by real property in the United States. Uso Form W-8 or Eubstitute form to notify the mortgage interest recipieni that ths pay€r is a nonresident alien individual. Portfolio lnterest.-Gen€rally, portfolio . interest paid to a nonr€sident alien individual or foreign partnership, estate, or trust is not subieot to backup withholding rules. However, if interest is paid on portfolio lnvestments to a beneficial owner . that is neither a financial institution nor a member ot a clearing organization, Form W-8 or substitute form is required. Bogist€r€d obligatlons not target€d to tor€ign markets qualify as portfolio interest not subject to 30% withholding, but r€qulre the filing of Form W-8 or substitute form. See lnstructions to Wthholdlng Agents on this page for reportlng rules. S€6 Pub. 515, Withholding of Tar on Nonr€sldent Aliens and Foreign Corporatlons, for raglstared obllgailona targsted to forElgn mark€ts and when Form W-8 or substitute form is not required on these paymenb. Bearcr obligstlons.-The int€r€st from bearer obligations targ€t€d to for€ign ma*ets ls tr€at€d as portfolio interesl and is not subiect to 30% withholding. Form W-8 or substiluta form is not requked. Dividends.-Any distrlbutlon or payment of dMdends by a U.S. corporation ssnt to a for€ign address ls sublEct to thB 30% (or lowar treaty) withholdlng rat€, but b not subjecl to backup wlthholding. Also, there is no backup wilhholdlng'on dividend payments made to a foreign person by a for€ign corporation. Howwer, th6 30% withholdlng (or lower treaty) rate appll€s to divldend payments made to a foreign person by a forelgn corporation ift. 2596 or more of the torsign corporation's gross Income for the three preceding taxabl6 years was eff€ctively connecled with a U.S. trade or business, and. The corporation was not gubject to the branch profits tax because ot an Income tax treaty (see section 884(e). lf a foreign coporation makes payments to another foreign corporatlon, th€ recipiEnt must be a qualifi€d resident of its country of residencE to benefit trom that counlry's ta,( treaty. Brokar or Barter Exchanges.-lncome from transactions with a broker or bart€r exchanges is subiect to reporting rul€s and backup wiihholding unless Form W-8 or substitute form is filed to notiry the broker or barter exchange that you ars an Exempt foreign person as dofined on page 1. Specific Instructions Name ot Own6r.-lt Form W-8 is being {iled fol portfolio Interest,'enter thB name of the beneficial owner. U.S. Taxpayer ldentfication Number.-lf you have a U.S. taxpayer identiflcatlon number, enter your number in thig space (se€ the discussion earlier). Permanent Address.-Enter your compl€te address in lhe country where you reside permanenlly for income ta.\ purposEs. lf you era: An individual Show tha addtess of: Your permanent residence A partneFhip Principal offioe or corporation subotitute fom unless your payef raquir€s you io file a s€parate certificate for each account, lf you hava more than on€ payer, file a soparat€ Form W-8 with each payer. Slgnatur,e.-lf only one foreign person owns the accoun(e) listed on this iom, that for€ign p66on should sign th€ Form w-8. lf each owner of a joint account ls d forelgn person, cach should sign a soparate Form W-8. Notlce ot Ch3nge ln Status.-lf you becom€ a U.S. citlzen or resident att€r you havo flled Form W-8 or substitute fom, or you cease to b6 ai €xempt lorslgn person, you must notity th€ payer in writing within 30 days of your chang€ in stahrs. To notify th6 payer, you may check the ' box ln the spac€ prcvid8d on this form or use th6 method pr$cribed by the payer. Reporting will thon b€gin on the account(s) listed and backup wlthholding may also begin unless you c€rury to the pay€r thac (1) The U.S. taxpay€r identification number you hav€ given is conect, and (2) The lntemal Revenue SeMce has not ,notified you that you are subiect lo backup withholding because you tailed to r€port cgrtaln in@me, You may use Form w-9, Roquest tor Taxpayer ld€ntification Number and Certification, to make thesE certif,cations, ll an account is no longer active, you do not have to notify a payer of your changE In status unless you also havE another account with the same payer that is still actlv€. False Certificals.-lf you file a false certificate wh€n you are not entitled to th6 exemption trom wlthholding or reporting, you may be sublec't to fines and/or imprisonment under U.S. perjury laws. Instructions to Withholding Agents liyrthholding Ag€nt,-Gen€rally, the person responsibl€ for paymgnt of the it€ms discussed above to a nonresident alisn individual or tor€ign entity ls the withholding agsnt (s€6 Pub. 51O. R€tantion of Statoment.-Ke€p Form W-8 or substltute torm in your records for at least four yEaF lollowing the end of the last calendar year during which th6 payment is paid or collected. Portfolio lntarcst -Although registered obligations not targeted to foreign markets are not subiect to 30% withholding, you must file Form '1042S, Forgign Person's U.S. Source lncome Subject to wthholding, lo report th6 int€r€st paym€nt. Botn Form 1042S and a copy of Form W-8 or substitute form must be . attach€d to Fotm 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Retum for U.S. Source lncome of Foreign Persons, 'u.S. Governm.nt Prinlbe Ofiice: 1997 - 417-0z16@25 An estalo or trusl Permanent resid€nco or principal off,ce ot any ftduciary Also show your cunent mailing address if it difrers trom your permanent address. Account lnformatlon (optionaD.-lf you have more than one account (savings, certilicate of deposit, pension, lBA, etc.) with the same payer, list all account numbers and typ€s on one Form W-8 or ,"- 8288 (Frv. Algust 1998) D@artnant ot 66 Trorsury lntmal Rav€nuo Sdric€ U.S. Wlthholdlng Tax Retum for Dispositlons by Forelgn Persons of U.S. Real Property lnterests Complete Part I or Paft ll. Also complete and attach Coples A and B of Form(s) 8288-A. (Attach additional sheets if you need more space,) OMB tlo. 154$09@ To Be Gompleted by the Buyer or Other Transferee Required To Wthhold I Name ot withholding ageni (buyer or othEr transferee) David H.and Janie T. Street addr€ss (apL or suite no., or rural route. Do no! usE a P,O. box)84 6ve bad ldontification numb€r City or town, state, and ZIP code Qrster Bay, l[Y LL77L-24L7 2 Description and location ol property acquhed ...--........-...--........'..'-...... 3 Date of transfer LLl4/99 Check appllcabl€ box. . Wthhotding lsat 10% . . . , . tra b is of a reducad amount . . I Section 1 1 Name of withholding agant (corporation, partnership, or fiduciary) 5 Amount realized on the lranster 7 Amount withheld ldsntitication numbsr 4 Numbar ot Forms 8i188-A attached To Be Completed by a Gorporation, Partnership, Trust, or Estate Subiect to the Provisions of Street address (apt. or suite no., or rural routa. Do not use a P.O. box) City or town, stato, and ZIP cocle Descriptlon of U.S. real proporty interest transferred of distributed 3 Oale of transler 4 Number of Forms 8288-4 attached a b c Sign Here Pald Preparer's Use only For Paporwork R€duction Act Notlco, see Instructiom. Chock all applicable box$. Wlhholding is at 10% or 35% WthnoHing ls of a reduced amount . trust €l€ction to withhold at distribution . 6 Total amount wlthheld ZIP code > Prspare/s social 8€qJrity numb€f Undsr and b( rlties ot p64ury, I declara lhat I havs examin€d this rslum, including accompanying schodulas and siatom€nb, and to lha b€st ol rry knowl€dgo it 16lru€, conect, arlJt*o{nplets. DeclsrBtion of pGparsr (oth.r lhan tarpayerl b basod on alt informalion of which propatsf has any knowl€dg€. Cat. No. 622604 Firm's nam6 (or yours il solt-employ€d) or cotporate olfical Pom 8288 (R€v. 8-98) Fo(m 8288 When To File HH:qrtffi ff n3ff :f "?8ol"o:ilil, ....You must withhold €vg| if sn appllcation ,or a $$jiHiiruqi,:r#, jffi s:tr; usfffulfsiffj*ffim,sil:"::T-1? or-10dc9 0[ denla,. But Ir th;pdnctpal | .u^tp€so..tor flhg the applicatiod for e ifr $aTry":ff ,ff iljx:"[:3fl "ro;"Txill ffiJr"f"Rfj"d aft er rla eon day arii-9:i:11'V, you must withhotd io% o, $B amount ffifi r.qoi: H ffTil5n uY ni t'"n'r'.' i.""' Fgfif;?i91ffi#ffi"d":;rul;' pffiffi$l*;HiH#l*li;{ffi* ,g"*-*".;iltilii*,'.mm- General lnstructions *fl?ff"ffiH to ttp .tntanat Feverue - Purpose of Form ffii,ffi FF-F#tri*fr#dil,.sn';l:* i^;'z:J;ffi :?:#"##"nffi ,,-o, Amount To Withhold ,ffi#ffJi,ffiffi9;,95., Transt_€ror. For purpos6 ot thb withholdlng, n,: T-"_:r: Ty f*:tgn p€rsm rher disposd'of ay;D.f1_0ro9eny pter63t by s8te, o<cirang", " - grn, or any other dieposltion. flSffffitffitrffi":iffi'$. l::,j:n_?Tol, ^ nonreEidenr atien indMduat, aylSJr_oo.qor80ol.that do€s not havo a vatid effi"#ffi,"T:$i*ffi#n1". H'*;.q"?;Hg,lf"?:'"*nl;"ff i"n' *hlfff,ffilocated in the unjted stat€s *1,3i?iJH,3*:*rtY a3socratod with *:i6'iffi-':ro'1,"*"'fl Sl*ii,l[?:t f :*"$!iffi;,;tr1J*fl ,n"*m:i"*,*" A U.S. feal prcporv interost doss not include: . --1..4n Intorost In a dome3fcalty conro sd ,eatestat€ inv€3tnent tust (REIT). ' _,-1ll lntg.e_i! in 6 cofporation ther has .orspos€d of ell ils U.S. r.el prcperty interasts innlnsacdons in which the fual a;ou Iff.J,rEi'" """J'"T'l#"fl l#sno' *""n - 3. An.intorest In certajn publlcly badedcorporations, partnersnips, ana fusts. __S€e R€gutalions sections l.gg7-l and -Z ,ormo-ro ln-iormation. Also see TranrronEd l_i?9pta Lr Nor a u.s. Rttt propcrrym@}lst und€f Exc.ptons on page 3.. Arnount.r.alized. The sum of Ue.cash paid o. l?-:? ?:ld.{nol iftudins inter6st o, ortgihal issue lsc_ollng, the fair ma*er vatue of ourJ propl-rii LT:lef9q..or to b€ bansf*red, and the-smounior anyliability assumed by the't"ansferee or to .wn|chlh€ U.S. ,€al propeitT interest is suOleammedlately before and after the bansfar. ' :p:Tl,y. , rh€ arnount ,€alized.for purposee ofln|s rvrthholding is thg sal€s or cm.trait pAce.' D-at! ot transtcr, The filsr date on whtchconsidera.tjon b paid or a llability is assumaO Uylhe.t"nstE E€. However, lo, pu;oses of :TgT" 14.flgx2_1, (3), and (i), Lnd Relularions ::T"_1"-1.114sf("Xr16i1 ani'i.r44s-s[q1s1, treoare. or transfer iE the dd6 o, distributio.n ifiir-'-cr€af€s-_th.6 obtigation to wihhold. eaynent ofcon-soeraton does. not include the paymentDarore.passags of legat or equitabti tiile ofeamest mon€y (oth€r than puBuanl to an initialpurchas€ contrac0, a good_hith Oeposit, or arrysrmtrar snount primarily intend€d to bind tha , pT.". !" llg 99"r."ct and subject to ,orfdture.A_payment that is not tort€iiabl; may abo be ffiXfil,"j ffi:, monen a eooo-raitr oel-osis Exceptions Y^otr.aro-not r€qulrsd to withhold i, 8ny of th6ro owhg applies: -- -l,..You acquire th€ propErty for uso as arB$dence and ths. amount reilizeO lsates prtce;ts not mone lhan $300.000. _ a^lh€ transfemr (seller, b not a for€ignpgrson. in8''I?., O,O nor acquirs a U.S. reat property l ,.T:1,- ltocaro .the €mount ,eatizod from tho 111:ll "19.19 the rran6remrs based on theircapnat contributlon ro ttre proparty. For irrii.'p:.rlo_s?, a.l:/sband and wirs;e reated asnaung @nbibuled 50% sach. *lHxtt"l$:;'l onnth e torar smount .^_Third, crodit the amount withheld among theroretgn_|'ansr€rors as they mutuaty agrge. The :1TJ"Ti8 must r€quest ihal ttre riirhiotding 6a l#fft1fiil'd;l;, j'S--lli,,,"$k Who Must File A_buyeJ or.other transteree o, a U.S. realpropJrty interest, and a corponrtn, pannership, tri.ift1l#i'#'#J""l,l1ll,$n*Hlg:1sJer€$.., each. is ob gated ro withirotj. . n_owaver, the obligEtion ot each will be met i,g_ne ojlhejolnt alanstere€s withholds and .nansmits lhe requifsd amount to thB lFS. ff :[:'vJf fl?if":rhersLrips'Pubricrvtra&a ffi il;ttrtrl,'lflil1*g,T"',fl J"#' 1e_l_o: :ubjT! to_ the withhotdins ,equtu€msnts 3';:393:Jl1'6,',ff"$H':hi?i3hiii;i, j; :gylny rTd-sd on 8n established securitiesmarKet and.dist ibulions from a reat estata l!!8"{,1$"1Jff1}"1ffi:'"?[,;ff :f " !1g:r:n'p" "nO trsrs, gene.s y ine m€rhod o, B"J'ls_o^y:jjl9,"porfi nstnewiirrhotonstof h;:::.p.gor".q gy s€dion i461 and its - frtr-i1gi6i;;f:*:t*tl-; lnustallmsnt paym€nta you inust withhold therut €mount at lhe tim6 of &e fi'st instal|me;tpayrnsnt.,tf you cannot U"""u.e t i p"ffinio-oes not Involt/€ sufficiant cash or othei tiquiO rffiHtffifr Where To File l:d_l*l qp y|th rha amouni wilhh€ld, and fiffi 1ll"*ilffi H;illr!ilr:Y Forms 82g8-A Must Be Attachei-d $l**l-'ffi9*i;** ..tf i,',"ff H".'J,ru:,ffi'3#5?lT:,- odnE-A lo show recsipt of the iithholding andwtx roruar.d the 6tarnp6d copy to the fo;;"ig;p€rson subiect to withholdingiat the addr&8nown on Form'8288-A ,rl8""if#ilT,ffirtH:,il*""ffi1+"'*' roceive cr€dit for the tithheld amounr, fie Eilfi"ffirdtf.:Til.l:, jfffl flilJl.0.,form i040NR or i120F) orappication for €ady refund llsd Wlh the lRS. Penatties fi 'd,yt*,ffi ffi:r, jf!:'* jl,liliri: #?y^r9-b"l d? npt wirhhotd rax undei secron ll"*l:.1_r14, Incuding Int€fsst, may bs :"1:Tr:o q?m v99' Under section zLv2, you ffffi"L'j;::*H,#}itJ;*:f l'*::: $h"ie"i'':,*,iffi fiTilH""#il#t:1"*wrnndd and paid ov6r to the lgs. Definitions ilnTfi f,,"J#',1,T:1,ffi g!%l"HiH, purchas€, schange, gift,' or any'oth€r Form 8288 (R6v. 8-98) PaSg q .|. You receivs a notice of nonrooognltlon of gain or loss from thE trensfsror and you file e copy ot ths nolice with th8 lRs. 5. You receive a withholding csriificale ftom ths IRS that exdrs€s withholding. 6. The amount realized by the tansferor is zero (e.g., the property is transfered as a gifl and the recipient doo8 not assums any liabilili€s or tumish any othEr oonsidsration to thc transferor). 7. An smount is realized by the grantor on ths - grant or lapse ot an option to acquke a U.S. rsal property interest. However, withholding is rcguired on th6 sale, exohange, or exercisa ot an option. 8. :fh6 prop€rty is acquir€d by the Unlted Statas, a U.S. slate or possEgsion of political subdivision, or ths oistrict of Columbia. For rut€s that apply lo for€closures, ses Regulations section 1.1t|45-2(d)(3). 1. Purchase of resldsnc6 tot $300,000 or les& No withholding is required if one or more individuals acquire U.S. real ptoporty for use as a residence and tho amount rcalizad is not mor€ than $300,000. A U.S. real propsrty intgrast is acquired for use as a residence lf you or a member of your family has dsfnite plans to resldo in lh6 property for at least 50% of thg number of days th8 property is used by sny person dudng each of tho frsl two lz-month pedods following the dato ot transf€r, Do not tak6 inlo account the number of days lhe property will be vacant in maklng thls delermination. No form or olher documont is / rcquired to b€ fil€d with the IRS lor this exceptiont how6ver, if you do not in fact use thB property a3 a residenc6, th€ withholding tax may bs colleclBd trom you. This exception applies whgth8r or not the transteror is an individual, partnership, trust, cotporauon, or other iransferor. How€vsr, lhis sxception do€s not apply lf th€ actual iranstcr€e is not an individual, evsn lf the property is acquired for an individual. 2. Transferor not a tor€ign porson. You ars not required to withhold il you receive a certification of nontoreign statw from thB transferor, signed under penalties ot periury Btating that tha transferor is nol a forelgn psrson and iontaining the transferor's nams, address, and idantilicstion number (social securiv numb€r (SSto or omployer identification number (ElN). lf you receive a cartilication, the withholdfttg tax cannot be collected trom you unless you knew lhat the certification was false or you received a notice Irom your agent or th6 transferot's agent that it was tals€. The certitication must be signed by ths individual, a responsible omcer ol a corporation, a gen€ral partnd of a pfinership, or the fustee, executor, or fiduciary ol a trust or estate- . A foreign corporation electing to bs treated as a domestic corporalion undet section 897(i) must attach to th6 certificdtion a copy of tha acknowledgment of the election receiv€d trom the lRS. Th6 acknowledgment musl staie that lhe information required by Regulalions sectlon 1.897-3 has been determined to be complete. lf the acknowledgment is not attached, you may not rely on the cartitication. KBep any certification ot nonforeign status you r€ceivs in your records for 5 y€als aft€r the year of transfer. You may also us6 other mesns to determin€ that the transfaror is not a toreign p€rson. But if you do, and lt is lat€r dstermined lhat the transferor is a tor6ign p6r8on, thE withholding tsx may ba collectod from you. |€te not:,a ot t,,lse cadtiution. ll, aftet ths date of transtar, you rocsive a notic€ fom your ag€nl or thE transfao/8 agoni thal ths cedification of nonfor6lgn status 16 falsq you do not have to wjthhold on considEration paid bafore you receiv€d ths notice. Howev€r, you must Wthhold the tull 10% ol the amount rsalizsd from any conslderation thal r€mains to be paid, if possible, You must do thls by withholding and paying oi'€r lho entine amount of each succes3iw psymsnt of consid*ation until the tull 10% has bE6n wllhhsld and paid to tha lRS. These arnounts must bo rcpoded and iransmitted to the IFS by lho 20th day following ths date of each paymenl 3. Transfor€d proFrty ihst ls not a U.S. t€al propedy Inl€r€st No withholding ls raquired if you acqulre an intsrsst in propsrty lhat i8 not s U.S. real proporv interest A U.S. real property intsrest includes certaln lnier6sts in U.S. corporalions, as well as direot Interosts in real prop€rty and cerlain associat€d personal prop€rty (s66 Drfinition: on page 2). No withholding is required on the acquisition of an lnterest in a domestc oorporalion lt {ll arry class ol stock ot the corporatlon ls rcgularly traded on an establishsd secutities mar*et, or (2) th6 transfere€ receiv$ a stat€ment by the corporation that th€ intsrcst ls not a U.S. real property intor€st, unless you know that th6 stateinsnt is lalse or you receiv€ a notice from your agent or thg transf€rorE agsnt that th6 stalement is lalse, A corporaton's gtatement. may be relied on only if it is dated not mora than 30 days bstor€ lh8 dat€ ot transfer. Late nittce' ot fatrp strloment It after the date ot transfer you receive a notc6 ihat a slatement that an intor€st in a corporation is not a U.S. rsal property intorest is falsg, follow ths instructions under Lalr rot c€ of tslso certl'tlcation abovo. Generally, no withholding ls required on lhe acquisition of an intsresl in a forgign corporation, However, withholding may be requircd if the for€ign corporalion has made lhe eloction under section 8970 to bs ttsated as a domestic corporation. 4. Transferor's nonrocognllion of galn or lo€s. You may racgivg a notlco sign€d undEr penalties of pedury slating that thE transferor is not required to r€cognize gain or loss on ths tansfer because of a nonrecognilion provision of the Internal Rarenu€ Code (s€€ Temporar Begulatione ssction 1.897-6T(a)(2)). You may rely on th€ transf€ror's nolios unless (11 only part of the gain qualifies tor nonreoognltion, or (2) you know or havs fsason lo know that the tansferor is nol €ntitled to the claimed nonrecognition trgalment. No parliculat torm ls requirsd for lhis nolic€. By the 20th day aft6r the datg of transter, you must s6nd a copy ot the notico of nonrecognition with a cover letter glving your name. identlication number, and address to tho addr€ss listsd undsr Wh€ra To Fil€ on page 2. S€s Temporary Regulations s€ction 1,144$9T(b) for more information on the trcnsfgror's notico of nonrecognition. 5. Wilhholdlng certlflcsts lssued by the IRS- A withholding c€rtilicat6 may be issued by the IRS to €duce or eliminate withholdlng on dispositions of U.S. real pfop€rly interestrs by foreign persons.'Eithar a lransferao ot tansfetor may apply for the certificats, The certificats may b6 lssued lt: 1, Reduced wlthholding is appropdate because lho t0% or 35% amount sxcs€ds the transfero/s morimum tax liablllty, a Tho transt6or 18 excmpt from U.S. tax ot nonrscognition pro/lslone apply, or A Ths trsnsfsrEe or bansfdor entor6 into an agreglftrnt wih the lFs tor the paymont of tho ta)c An appliation for a withholding cerlificate must comdy with the govidons ot Regulations ssctioG 1.1445-3 6nd 1.1'145-6 and Rev. Proc. 88-23, 1986-1 C.B. 787. ln certain cases, you may uso Form 828&8 to aPply for a withholding c€riificalo. Tho IRS Mll normally act on an application by the 90th day aftsr a complete application is rsc€ived, lf you r6c6iv€ a wilhholding certificals from the IRS that oxcus€s withholding, you are not requird to fila Form 8288. How8ver, if you fecsive a wllhholdlng cerliflcate that reduc€s (rath€r than glimlnates) withholdlng, thsre is no exceptlon lo withholding, and you ar€ r€quired to file Form 8288. Attsch a copy ol thg wiihholding cortificate lo Form 8288. Se€ When To Flb on pag€ 2 for more information. Liability of Agents lf th6 transferae of otisr withholding agent has received (1) a transfeio/s certlfication of nontoreign status, or (a a corporation's statem6nt lhat an lntetest is not a U,S. real prop€rty intsrost, and tha transferee's or lransforodS agent knows that the document is fals€, tho agent must provide notica to the lransferee or other withholding agent. lf the noticE F not provided, ihe ag€nt will be liabla for the tax that should have been withheld, but only to the €xtsnt of tha sgent's compsnsalion lrom lhe transaction. It you arE lho transferee or wiihholding agent and you receive a notio€ of fals6 oertification or Btat€m6nl fom your ag6nt or lhe |tansleror's ag€nt, you must.withhold tax as if you had not receivsd a certiflcauon or statement. Bul see l-,ta nottco of false cadltlc€tlon a6ove. Ths lerms "fansfgrods agent' and "lnnsferee's agent' mgan any person who r€pr€senls lhe transt€rof oi transferee in any negotiation with another person (or another ps6on's ag€nt) rclatjng to ths transaction, or In settling th6 tansaction. For purposes of section 1,145(6), a tran6fero/a or lranster€s's sgent is any pe6on who rgPrss€nts or advis€s 8n entity, a holdsr ol an ini€rest in an entityi or a fduciary with respect to ths plannlng, anangement, or comoletioh of a transsctbn d€sdibed in sections 144i(e)(1) through (4). A person i8 not treatsd 9s an agent it the person only performs ong or mors o, the tollowing acts in conn€ctlon wilh ths transaclion: l. Rscalving and disbursing 8ny pfi ot the consideration. 2. Recofding any docum€nl 3. Typing, copylng, 6nd other d€rical lasks. ! 4. Obtaining title insurance repods and r€ports concsming the condition of ths property. 5, Transmitting documsnG between the parties. 6, Funolloning oxclusively ln his or her capacity a3 a reprssentativo of a condominium association or coopoftttive housing corporation. This ex€mplion includos thg bgard of dirsctors, ihe committ€€, or olher govorning body. Corporations, Partnerships, Trusts, and Estates Subiect to Seetion 1,|4s(el Wthholding is required dn certain disttibutions and other transactions by domestic or tor€ign corporations, padnerships, tusts, and estat€s. A domestic trust or estato must withhold 35% ol ths amount distdbuted to a for€ign beneficiary trom a 'U.S, rsal propeo lnter€st accounf thal it ls l€quired to establish under R€gulations ssctlon 1.1445-5(c)(1xiii). A foreign corporation that has not made the elaclion under section 8970) must withhold 35% of the gain it recognizes on the distribulion of a U.S. real propErty interest to its shareholdeB. Csrtain domsstic corporations aro requirad to withhold tax on distdbutions to lotelgn shateholders. No withholding is required on the transfer of an Intorest in a domastic corporation lf any class of stock of lha corporation is regulady traded on an oglablished securities marksL Also, ho withholding is r€quired on lhe transf€r ot an intsrest in a publlcly.Eadsd pannsrshlp or tru6t. No withholding will ba rsquired with respect to an interest holder if ths entty or fiduciary receives a c€rtification of nonforeign status trom tho Interest holdgr. An entity or liduclary may also use other m6ans to determine that an interest holder is not a forsign person, but il lt does so and il is later determin€d lhat th6 inlersst holder is a foreign person, the withholding may be collected from the enllty or fiduclary. Seation 1 /+45(€Xll Transactions Partnarships. A domestic partnership thal ls not publicly traded must withhold tax undff seclion 1446 on effectively connected incom8 of its lorelgn partn€rs and must til6 Form 8804, Annual Fleturn for Pattnsrship Withholding T6x (Section 1,146), and Fom 88O5, Foraign . Parlnet's Inlomation Statement of Section 1446 Wthholding Tax. A publicly traded padnsrship' generally mu6t withhold tax undsr €ection 1446 on distdbutions !o its foroign pann€rs and mu6t fla Forms 1042 and 1042-5. BEceuse a dom€stic parlnership that disposes of a U.8. feal property int€r€st is required to withhold unde. section 1446, it is not tequired to withhold under section 1445(eX1). Trugt3 and €states, tf a domestic trust or sstalg disposes of a U,S. r6al property interest, the amount of gain realizod mu6l b€ paid into a separate "U.S. real property intarest account." . Fof these purposes, a domestio trust is one that does not make lhs "largs trust eleclion" (eiptained below), is not a REIT, and is not publicly traded, The fiduciary must withhold 35% of ths amount distributed to a for€ign person from th€ account during the tax y€ar ot.ths trust or estate in which lhe disposition occuned. Tho $dthholding must b€ paid over to lh€ IRS within 20 days of th6 date ol distribution. Special rules apply to grantor lrusts. See Flegulations soction 1.14,15-5 lor more information and how lo compute the amount sublect to withholding. . L ge trutt eleclion, Trusts with more than 100 bensficiaries may mak6 an el6ction to wl$hold upon distribution tather than at the lime of transfer. The amount to be wilhheld from each ilistribution is 35% of thE amount attributable to tha foreign ben€liciary's proportionale sharo ot tha cunent balance of the uusl's section 1445(oX1) account. This eleciion does not apply to any REIT or to any publicly tradad aust. . Special rul€s apply to latge trusis that ilake rscurfing sales ot growing crops and timbor. . 'U.S. Go,ernment P.intirE Ofbs: 1998 - 432-19O8m97 A trust's soctlon 1445(eX1) sccount is thB tolal net gain realized by tiE ttust on all seciion 14/{i(EX1) taffiactions aftEr the data of the €l6otlon, mlnur lhs lotal of all distributions mad6 by the trust aft6r the dat6 of the oleodon fom sudr total n6t gain. Se3 Regulations section 1.I445-5(cX3l lor moro information. S€cfl on 1,/t45(el(2t Trenaaetions A for€ign corporation that disbibutas a U.S. teal proporty intsr8st must ggnerally withhold 35% ot ths galn rscogniz€d by the corporalion. No wlthholding or r8ducsd withholding 18 r€quirad il the cofporation recaiv€e a wilhholdlng certificate ftom the lRS. Sectlon 1445lel(31 Traruaction. Gsn€rally, a dom€stic cotporaIon that distfibutes any property lo a torelgn P€rson thal holds an interest in the corporation must withhold 10% ot ihs lair markst value ol t|B Properly distrlbuted if L The foreign person's Interast In ths corporation is a U.S. real property Inl€r€Et undar seclion 897, and Z Ths propelty ls distributod €ithEr in rodsmption of stock undor section 3(r2 or in liqutdation of th€ corporation undsr ssctions 331 through 341. Similar ru16 apply iri the cas€ of any distribution to which o€ction 301 applies and that ls not mado out of the esmlngs and profis 9t th€ corporation. No withholding or reducod wlthholding is requlred if ths corporation r6ceive8 a withholding certificate from the lRS. S€cfi on 1 4451€X4l Tranaaction3 No withholding is requlred under soction 1445(eX4), rolating to certain taxable distdbutions by domestic or toreign partnerships, ttusts, and estatss, until the effectlve date of a Treasury Decislon undar 'section 892(eX4(B)(i0 and (gD. S€ction 1.145(q(51 Transactions ThE transf€ree of a partnarship intsrost must withhold 10% of the amount rsalized on the dlsposilion by a foreign parlnsr of an inlsrsst in a domestic or for€ign partne6hip in which at least 50% of the valu€ of the gross asseE. consists ol U.S, real prop8rty lnter€8ts and at least 90% ot th€ valuE of thg gro6s assets consists ol U.S. rsal property intet€sts Plus any cash or cash equivalonts. HowEVer, no withholding is requir€d under section 1445(6X5) tor dispositions of interesis in other partnershlps, trusts, or sstatss until the elfective date of a TreastJry Oecision under seclion 89(g). No withholding is required lf, no sadler ihan 30 days bofore the transter, the transter€e r6celves a statsment signed by a gen€ral patlner undef penalti€s ot p€tiury that at least 50% of ths value of lho gross assEls of tho parlnership does flot conslst of U.S. real prop€rty Interssts or that at least 90% of the valus of tho gross assete do6s iot conslst of U.S. real properv inter€Gts plus cash or cash €quivalsnts. The transtet€€ may rely on ths statem€nt unl€ss lhe tramterso knows it is false or tho transter€€ r€ceives a talsa stat€ment notice pursuant lo Regulations section 1.1445-4. Specific lhstructions Lin€ l. It you are a fiduciary, list t|our name and the name of tha trust or estate. Enter the home address ol an Individual or the offica address of an entity, A.nwng Numt€fl Tha buyor or other withholding agent musl provrue itr U.S, laxpsys ldentillcation number. For a [J.S. indMdual, this is a social security number (SSNI. For arry enlity other than an Individual (6.9., corpofation, eslata, or 1rus0, lhis is In employ€r identification number (Eltl). ll you arE a nonresidant alien individual who i3 not eligiblg {or a social Gecurity numbet and you harre alrsady obtained an IFS Individual Taeaysr ldentifcafon Numb€r (mN), you must ffovide it on Fom 82E8. lf you do not already hav€ an lTlN, you musl apply for one befora filing Fom 8288. lt l'ou hav€ applied tor an mN' but you haw not yet recaived it when llou lilg Fom 8288, writB "Appliod Fof in ths' ldgntification Numbor box. You must providb l,our lTlN to tha IRS as soon as you rscgive it. S€6 Form W-7, Apdication for IBS Individual Taxpayer ldentitication Number, lor mom information. Lingt z Ent€r the looatlon and a de3cription of the propdrty, including any substantial improvements (e.9.,'12-unit apartment building"), In lha cass of int€rssts ln a corporation lhat constitut a U.S. real prop€rty intsrsst, ent€r the cla$ or tlpe and smount of the inlsrest (e.9., '10,000 shares Clars A Prefened Stock XYz Co.poration'), Un€ 4. Coplss A and B of oach Form 828&A should be counted as one form. i Parl ll, lina 3, lf you afe a dom€slic trust or ' estate ol you make tho large vust election, enter thg date of dbtribution. Pap€rwo* Reductlon Act Noucs. We ask for th€ intormation on lhis lom lo catry out the lnt8mal Revanu€ laws of the Unitsd Stales. You are required to give us the Information. W6 need it lo ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the dghl amount of tax. You are not rdquired to provlde the inlormation requested on a fom that is Gubjscl to the Paperwo* Bsduction Acl unl6s tho torm displays a valld OMB control number. Books or rscords relaling to a fdrm or its instructions must b6 r€tained ss long as thelr contenls may b€come nEterial ln the administration of any Int€mal Rer€nus law. Gen€rally, tax retums and return inlorriation arE confidential, as r€quirBd by section e103. The tim6 noided to completa and lila thess toms will v"ty Uepending on individual circumstances, ThE estimated average times arc: 1. \ Form 8288 Form 828&A Recordkeeplng .'15 hr.,30 min, 2 hr,,52 min. t€arnlng about the law or ths form . . . . 4 hr.,40 min. 12 min. Preparing and ssnding lhe torm to th! IRS . 4 hr.. 58 min.15 min. lf l,ou have comm€nts conceming th6 accuracy of th8se lime estimat$ or sugg6stions for making th€ls forms simpler, we would b€ happy to hear tom you. You can write to the T8x Fonns Conmitt6e. Western Area DisMbuuon Center, Flancho Cordova, CA s5743-0001. DO NOT send lhs loms lo this addr€ss. Instead. se€ Whete To Fih on page 2. I @ alna*,wur* Jamie T. Deming 84 Cove Road Oyster Bay, NY ll77 I-2417 November 2, L999 Assistant Commissioner International Director, Philadelphia Service Center I 1601 Roosevelt Boulevard ATTN: Drop Point 543X. Philadelphia,PA 19255 Assistant Commissioner: Pursuant to Treasury Regulation $1.1445-2(d)(2), enclosed is a copy of the notice provided to me, the Transferee, that by reason of the operation of a nonrecognition provision of the Internal Revenue Code (Section 1031, in this case), the Transferor, Cecilia Barbara de Moctezuma is not required to recognize any gain or loss with respect to the transfer. As the Transferee, I also submit my name, identiffing number and home/business address as required under the regulation: Jamie T. Deming SS# rpo -38 - l.t3v 84 Cove Road Oyster Bay, NY 1,1771-2417 Sincerely, David H. Deming 84 Cove Road Oyster Bay, NY ll77l-2417 November 2,1999 Assistant Commissioner International Director, Philadelphia Service Center 1 I 601 Roosevelt Boulevard ATTN: Drop Point 543X. Philadelphia, PA 19255 Assistant Commissioner: Pursuant to Treasury Regulation $1.1445-2(d)(2), enclosed is a copy ofthe notice provided to me, the Transferee, that by reason of the operation of a nonrecognitionprovision of the Internal Revenue Code (Section 1031, in this case), the Transferor, Cecilia Barbara de Moctezuma is not required to recognize any gain or loss with respect to the transfer. As the Transferee, I also submit my name, identifring number and home/business address as required under the regulation: David H. Deming ss# 0?g - Llb -'+q\3 84 Cove Road Oyster Bay, NY 11'771-2417 Sincerely, INFORIUA*TION LETTER CONCERNING NOTICE OF NONRECOGMTION TRANSFER Section g1445 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, requires a buyer of a real property interest from a non-resident to withhold from the sales proceeds an amount equal to 10% ofthe tansfer price of that real property interest. One ofseveral exceptions to that general rule is if the Transferor (seller) provides the Transferee (buyer) notice pursuant to Treasury Regulation $ 1.1445 -2(d)(2) by the date oftransfer that the Transferor intends to utilize a nonrecognition provision of the Intemal Revenue Code. The buyer must then provide a copy of that notice to tho Assistant Commissioner (nternational) of the IRS of the 20'n day following the transfer together with a cover letter setting forth the name, identification number and address of the Transferee providing the information to the Service. The Transferee may rely on the notice unless either: (A) the transferor qualifies for nonrecognition heatrnent with respect to part, but not all, ofthe gain realized by the Transferor upon the transfer; or the Transferee knows or has reason to know that the Transferor is not entitled to nonrecognition treatment claimed by the Transferor The undersigned, as Transferees, request that Land Title Guarantee Company prepare a cover letter setting forth our names, identification number and address, which is to be attached to the Statement ofNonrecognition for our signatures. We will verify all infomration disclosed in the cover leffer for accuracy and correcbress, sigt and retum the same, immediately, to Land Title Guaranteo Company. We are aware of the IRS requirement that the cover letter and the Statement of Nonrecogrrition be postmarked within 20 days from the date of closing. We direct Land Title Guarantee Company to place in the U.S. Mail , via certified mailing, the cover letter and a copy of the Statement of Nonrecognition addressed as follows: Assistant Commissioner International Director, Philadelphia Senrice Center 1 1601 Roosevelt Boulevard ATTN: Drop Point 543X. Philadelphia, PA 19255 We acknowledge that the filing of the Staternent ofNonrecognition and the cover letter are our responsibility as Transferees, and we understand that Land Title Guarantee Company is acting for us in the filing at our request and in a clerical capacity only. (B) #"- rllr'''t t.,\ -\, I ,,i 'l .': ". '' , Nottnbcr 2' t999 DsYid ft' 'taflt'lc l)cmltrg Tl,;filfi;.' {fi*,:uun****l''l*t$*t'nilmffi:irti*'. Dnvid & Jamie ocrni'rg 84 Covo Rd' ilr'l}jru i.ir. fll163sl4l? Trtnsf,ef$e1 i Unit 2, Townhous'a on ['ot 2' Vail Vtlta$c' 4'r' llilhg lrj{'**HMfrtrinrutrji*iilfiii:lry Iflu;*hTffi lri:'.uiiJfr Fffi 'il:tll*Iil:'ffrll'"*'''lqui'*'nun* ': :. lorr t r#Jfa irtF 6€t:'!: ?:E '^tr'i : ir,l -?{fU our Ordcn: A(c&/5"/ Buyer: ? 'e*r'\ Closqr: 4 u o^r", 9/4 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ro: -r-eva- t,T^pfur{*5a{ ' iffi*5;G. - s*o Fas rft) 757'b47 We are anticipating a closing o, ----9.L.-tor the property referenced below. Please provide folloning information to complete the transaction for the below referenced property. Please return via fax as soon as possible to g4g-4ggz. LegalDescriptio^t &n;l J , Tnrn/,.cr"-r- ^,- Lf : Dar:-1)a. E!-t"*-&l Present Osmer(s): as soon as possible to !1{ fiUe Guarantee Company La*^-,,!Jr4^l, PO Box 3480,0030 BenchmarkRoad, Suite 216, Avon CO g1620; phone: 970_949_5099 Fax: g70_g4g-4|g2 AnyworkingcapitaltobetraruferedfromsellertoBu.rer?: tXwo ( )yes Amount$ Additional amounr to be collected from Bu1'er to bring current: d ' - Common Association fees: Due( )raid(rd Quarterly $From: Monthly $Forthe Month of: ottrer:s 3i o-,,^-.,.-,--^-^-j-!,-,. 73f'- prr 1) Delinquent Charges ( )Yes ( )No If yes, Erplain: _ Are there any current special assessments?iltNo Insurance Agent: Special Assessme,nt $ Date assessed : Water/Ses'er on Individual Property Insurance legal name of your association is: To - 1b dt N ,v{( )Yes for:@ ( )Included in dues $ftncluded in dues ( )$Not included in dues( )Not included in dues Phone: Certificate for Right of First Retusal: (p!ot applicable ( ) Initiated Fee: $ Special Notes: This form tvas completed by: Date:I lue: NOTE: IT IS VERY IMPORTA}IT TI{AT T}IE ASOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. IT MUST BE CoMPLETED BY All INDTVIDUAL AUTHORIZED By rIIE ASSOCT.AITON AS LAND TmE GUARA]{TEE COMPA}TY OR ITS I.JNDERWRITERS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY ORAl.{'YLI.ABILITY IN TI{E EVENT THE INFORMANON GTVEN BY THE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION AS EVIDENCED BY TTIE SIGNATTJRE ABOVE IS ERRONEOUS. AlrY ADJUSTMENT SITALL BE MADE BETWEEN THE BnyER(S) AlrD SELLER(S), IF NECESSARY, AllD LAND TITLE GUAMIITEE COMPAI.TY OR ITS UNDERWRITERS WILL NOT MAKE OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS READJUSTMENT OR AI.ry LhBILITY IN CONNECTION T.FIEREWTTII.p 5EP-e4-1999 15:31 FROI:ERI€L 5EP-2{-99 !.r r eCi FRrrr ttAx grru- Pr>r v 297g9494ge. lDt FLr'.{l REIDDTTE EAGLE Rr\ER \I'-{TER tu\D S&\Tr^TION- DtllTRlcT TR.I\sFER OF SERT'ICE REQUEST FN(TO (970)4?S83517 k7a iJ; asu't.ER FL\'-qLREeuEsfED "Y:,-T,n{o e*--D,|re-?y'y' ?qgyi91y1#- tr FORTI/.ABDr\.G ADDRFSS 1)ou'J:armLEco. FIr-Er-]4 IATD qIEE @RDTVIfE P.o- Boc 3480 Arrqr. CO, 81620 , , .-. ._. A}toulirEscRo\r-ED s /50 ?, ATU&\GF flLOGnrg:\iOF uilitu\G\i ElLOGNP}IG\ O FTATCTIARGE tr (I[{NGE S:eJO SE99 OI.I)AEETT -{CCT D N{SERTRE.{D RECORD tr CHANCE SE99 ON li-EEr.{CCTTO SE- El MII\TUBI\ -q.CC:rS GL+NGE Sr-+Ttr5 TO OfFA OROFFP E|TTREDBY:VERFISDBY: FoRrTrJpusE RESTOTE@PREV-RE1D PREV.READD'{T5 F!\.^LRE{D l4sact'tti= n?!iir-*:rd SP-a4-1999 @!AFU TEL)ID)ER,ISD P.@L/@t PAGE I/I -rccoLlr; 86Moo i SER\rICE .+DDRES9lrXf T #r ctfiREsT tccoL\T N.{:vs SE:DFN.{IBILLT> Ni.\t=- ADoR.SS_ FtLg ls(tsutEe tll]rlFlE O CURT.FTT ADDRESS OIf SYSTEIVT 979476ffi7 liE-lv ACCOUNT 1NFOR.VATION: :{{lrE, lr rL6a€i i$DRE5S. Ta!.a"ha\= )OdBU.IGR CIRBTTEE Dov,}.ER L-/ PG:@1 R:lgax_ 6f. PLEASE PRINT rvA_-__lu/B Ilvc IlV:D TsElTRI SFE ot Fi ted for record the d8y of_,A.D.19 . it orctock ll. RECoR0ER -Ei ---o-Erurv. WARRANTY DEED Novcmbcr 04. 1999 : 8a covEROAD. OYSTERBAY. NY lIfu _ county of - lnd State of Ncw York , of the Grantee(s): WTINESS, That the crantor(s), for and in considetatlon of the sm of ( rr* Nine Hundrcd Nincty Thousaod and 00/100 * $990.000.00 , thc receipt ard sufficiency of uhich is hereby acknoltedged, has granted, bargalned. sotd and conveyed. and by these ptesents does grant, bargain, sett, convey ard confirrn unto thc Grantce(s), their hairs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in comnon hrt in joint tenancy, atl the reat property, together rith inprovanents, lf any, situate, tying ard being in the - county of EAGLB atd stEtc o! cot911dg. _d9ry1i !9{ as foltows: cbnboutxtut'i'urutz, iFETdWNHd0SftNI,orrwo:JflmuRrgFILINc, AccoRDiNcrorHE CONDOMIMUM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 23, T956 IN BOOK I?E AT PAGB 522, AND AS DBflNBD AND DESCRIBED IN TIIE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATIONRECORDED DECEX\,!BER23, 1966INBOOK 178 AT PAGB 525, COIJNTY oF EAGLE, STATts OF COIJORADO. also knoHn as street nurber UNII2, TOWNHOUSE ON LOT 2, VAIL VILLAGE, 4TII PILING TOGEII{ER rith att and singular and heredi tanrcnts lnd aFpurtrn$ces thereto belonging, or in anyrise appertaining and the revefsi on and reveFions, remairder and relainders, tents, lssues ard proflts thereof; and att the estate, righttitte intenest, ctain and demand rhatsoever of the Grantor(s), either in taH or equi ty, of, in and to the above bargained premises, rith the hereditanents ard appurtensnces; TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the said premises above bargalned ard descrlbed xith appurtenances, unto the Grantee(s), their helrs ard assigns forever. The crantor(s), for hiarsctf, hie heirc ard personat representatives, does covenant, grant bargain, ard agree to ard Hith the crantee(e), their helrs ard asslgns, that at the time of the enseat ing ard detivery of these presents, he is yett seized of the pre ises above conveyad, has good, sure, perfect, absolute ard irdefeaslble estate of inlrenitarrce. in tar, In fee sftple, and has good rlght, futt porcn and laHfut authority to grant, bargain, sett and convey the same in mamer ard fom as aforesaid, ard thst thc same are free and clear fron atl fonner and other grants, bargains, sales, tiens, taxes, assessnents, encutbrances atd rcatrictlons of whatevcr kind or nature soever, H(CEPT OENERAL TAXES AND ASSESSMEMS FOR TIIE YEAR 1999 AND SUBSEQI'EM YBARS , AND SUBIBCT TO THOSE EXCBPIIONS REFERRED TO IN TIN,B INSI]RANCB COM}TITMBNT NO. V266I54 ISSUED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. The Grantor(E) shatt ard uitl UARRA].II Al{D FOREVER DEFEID th. rbove bargained premises in the quiet and peaceabte possession of the Grantee(s), his heirs and assign3, ggsinst att ard evefy percon or Pefsons lawfutty ctaiming the rhote or any part thereof. The singutaF nurber shatt inctude the piurat, rrd the pturat the slngulaf, ard the use of any gender shatt bc appticabte to att genders. IN \ilITNESS WHEREOF the crantor(s) has executed thi€ deed on the dats sct forth 8bove. THIS DEED, llade m this day ofbctlccn vIcKI PEARSoN AND cEcIuA BARBARA DE M(TTEZIJMA of thc cornty of EAGLE DAVID H. DEI\,{INGAND 'AMIBT. DEMING rhose legal address ls of thc STATE Of C-olorado ) )ss' nc on thls day of and Statc of _@--, of the crantor(s), and DOLLA,RS ,p c lty coonission u"pi.." &- /) -d3 Ul tness ny hand and offlcial seat. IAURA L HOWE Nofuuy R-bfc Sfrote of CofqEdo Thc foregoinE instrrrEnt uas acknou Escror# V 266154 lJhen Recorded Return to! DAVTD ll. DEfllllc AND JAtllE L DElllllc Tftle# v266154 Fofln llo. 9ZlA Rev 4-94. IIARRAI{IY DEE0 (To Joint Tenants) tI Fited for RecePt im record llo. of_,A.D. l9_, at orclock ll. lnd state of Colorado , of the Grantor(s), and WARRANTY DEED THIII DEED, llad6 on thls day of Novcrnber (X. 1999 betreen vIcKI pEARsoN AND CECIIJA BARBARA DE MocTEzIJMA of the county of EAGLB DAVID H. DEMINo AND JAMIE T. DEIVIING rrhose legal address ls: of the WTINESS, That the cpantor(s), for ard in conslderation of the run of ( +rt Mne Hundred Ninety Thousand and 00/100 t'" the receipt and sufficiency of lrhich ls hereby acknontedged, h6s gfant.d, bangained, sold and conveyed, and by these pfesents docs grant, bargain, sett, convey and conflrm unto the Grantee(s), their heirs ard assigns forever, not in tenancy in coolon but in joint tenancy, att the real property, togethar rith i nrprovements, if any, situate, tying and being in the - county of -ESOLB and state of Cotorado, 9":qtt!q{ as fottons: cbNoorvmuuM uNn 2. mmwffi-ousB oN Irr rwo;lmifviiiftiE-OuRlul FILINC}, AccoRDiNc ro rIIE CONDOMIMUM MAP RECORDED DECBMBER ZI. 1965 IN BOOK I78 AT PAGB 522, AND AS DBFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINITJM DECI^ARATION RECORDBD DECBX\.IBER. U}. 1966 IN BOOK I78 AT PAOE 525, COUNTY OF BAGLB, STATE OF COLORADO. also knorn as street ntrrbel tiNIT2, TOWNIIOUSBONLOT2. VAILVILLAGE,4THFILINC TOGETIIER rlth att and singutar and heredi taments and appurtenances thereto belmging, or in anyuise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remai nder and ranalnders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and alt the estate, righttitte interest, ctaln and dernand rhatsoeven of the Grantor(s), either ln taH or equi ty, of, in and to the above bargained prenises, rith the hereditaltnts and apptrtenancesl TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the said premises above bargained and described uith apFrrtenances, unto the Grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever. Thc Grantor(s), for himsetf, his heirg and personat representat i ves, does covenant, grant bargain, and agree to ard xith the crantee(s), their heirs and asslgns, that at th. time of the emeating and detivery of these presents, he is rett seized of the prenises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absotute and indefeasibte estate of Inheritance, in tar, in fee sinpte, and has good right, futt porer and taxful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in namer and form as aforesald, €rd that tha same are free and ctear from att fomer and other grants, bafgalns, sates. Iiens, taxes, assessments, encurbrances and restrictions of Hhatevet kind or nature soever, BXCEFT OENERAL TA)(ES AND ASSBSSMENTS FOR TIIB YBAR 1999 AND SUBSEQTJBNT YBARS , AND SUBJECT TO THOSE EXCBPTIONS RBPERRED TO IN TITLB INSURANCE COMIVIITMENT NO. V255154 ISSUED BY LAND TITLB oUARANTEB COMPANY. The Grsntor(s) shatl and }litt ]IARRA]{T A}lD FoREVER DEFEND th! above bargained preniscs in the quiet and peaceable possession of the crantee(s), his helfs and assigns, agEinst atl and cv$y pErson or persons taHfutty cleiming the Hhole or any part thereof. The singutar ntn$en shalt lnctude the pturat, and the pturat thc singutar, and the use o{ any gender shglI be appticabte to atI genders. INWITNESS WHEREOF the 6fantor(s) has executed this deed on the date set forth above. STATE OF Colorado $990,000.00 ) DOLLARS ) )ss. ) fhe foregoing I nstriment ras nr on this day of l{y connlssion "*pi"." &-/)'dJ Uitness rry hEnd snd officiat scat.p IAURA L HOWE-#P.ffi ilalp ard Address of Person creating NcHty created Legal Dessription ( 38-35'106.5, c.R.s.) EscroH# vA266154Titte# v266154 tlhen Recorded Return to: DAVID ll. Dllllllc AllD JAf,llE T. DElllllc Form ]lo. 921A Rev 4-94. IIARRAIITY DEED (To Joint Tenants) \ .'-t t o"*nt"*or'ffflloJ ?5E Frontagc Road Vall, CO 81657 ffi /,r//"1 Fo*"Jl-Q.:p0- Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Uniform Buildins code - 1997 - Vdume 1&2314 1112 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 314 1 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1314 1112 0000 314 1112 314 1112 3141112 314 1112 0000 314 1'l12 314 1111 314',!111 001 0000 314 1 001 0000 31s 001 0000 312 001 0000 311 001 0000 315 3000 0000 312 1 Assess.-ReEtaurant Fee to Co. .001 0000 310 1 1 0000 311 319 31 00 n v F:/Evoryone/Forms/8tl€s.li.exe 0a06f2000 ' "-l' RECEIPT- The Town of Vail 5152? ADDRESS- I I ll llt' ii How PdD-c€sh-.bcr iTti mn, frz#f ufrfi,,fi,,,,, *effi#" T ffilB, fi tr*, lftffo ,50.m fse.0 llfl( Ytu Fm Ynn mYH|{r! rF0€n DErnrL h#il; TO:MIKE McGEE ODD turn to OPPENHEIMER , JII,I ClI .RNI'TTE Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: A \ ./ -fear- )'*^ ryt;;A-;{ '^reu,a}/ ^{ Ef t, / oc,t;n lreneS ,a COMMENTS NEEDED BY: \/==s" '-r / e\ ( Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Commenls: jil...r'ri'-.,.:',-i.ra K - C i\'\l{-. (1\ r:r\-r:'r, i .1q1y €\\, c(. c\'-\\ \rt'J lF\ta \ \'L^ 91\? -'\\\\ "tt\:ct-E :\drci' \:r',.'\i\\( \f., i-{ \'\\\ ')i\'>\\(: P\d\f .\\\.-;N '- \\il\\ \-\\ir.\i'.r. f- L:\r::t( 1r r:i:l $ vr:r\\ \--"s Ce r\. i-VeCl C'" l't o' t-. 1 .:. is u-,..: Lk. ir. J /L.c?qg -l' t1""--- 't'\ eo".'( t"'J. I Fire Dept: Fleviewed by: Comments: Date: .'. / Distributed to the Fire Department, public works, and Landscaping on : MIKE McGEE REG HALL TODD Return to OPPENHEIMER , JIU CURXUTTE Town Planner DATE SUBMITTED: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL BEVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOPOSAL: / / ..-- fear olt*r, ryi'.-,ir'{ e{ 8t'& uprl aY /:yot, 1 oc*trtr he*re S Engineering: Reviewed by: Gomments: ./ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ..\/=Z Date: Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Commcnts: Fire Dept.: A.ttl Reviewed oy [4ltncio oarc: Comments:A!) f,,lru4 5 Distributed to the Fire Dcpartment, Public Works, and Landscaping on . DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING fcrdrad 2/2lrl3 [,,APF: T0r-iUivr,ir, lU rJU{ ,!V, DEPI Date of Appllaation Date of DRB M.silr€DateotPECrileefniffi I. TYPTOF REOUEST.@o- Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 _ Type V EHU 250 II. PHE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE j A preapplication conference with a member of the planning staff is strorply encouraged to discuss the provlsions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. tt shoutd be understood that thls ordinance does not assure each property an additlonal 250 square feet of $RFA. Rather, the ordinance allows lor uo to 250 souare fe-et if the conditions sei forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of tne Town of Vail code are met. Applications lor additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. Thls Includes all lnformation required on this form as well ai Design Review Board sdbmittal requirements III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESC a B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Descrlption:uttlLBrock- Fitins t/Hbt),t-ruqE 4w Fun6 . Zone NAME OF APPLICANT Address D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address NAME OF OWNEH(S) ->V Slgn"tut"(s) Address to5+1 requirei dt iime of submittat of a standard 2S0. .o2tn The foltowing information, in addition to DRB subml[al requirements, shallbe required with this submittal: 1. VerificaUon that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stiamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the' Eagle County Assessor's office. - 3. Condorninlum Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf lhis applicatiorlrequires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency, other than the T.own of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of quch review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicanl shall be responsible for paylng any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town statf. Should a determination be made by the town statf that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonararded to the Town by the applicant at the time he liles his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds fonrtrarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant stiall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount lonrarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. b a I 'l1J;;;'-r-n;flf a4-86-94 l3r86l&B Receipr * 146EBP HccDUnt * nn , Sliizilenl* rr*El*l rffi u*ol.hount terdered ) M.gO Iten peid hnr51 p.14 ata8B94135Fga6 286.06 Change returned > e.@ THF|HI< 1|gU ystrr cehier R€RTFF-_--.:: mnR w 'Y tt:tt ub , s@-e4s a31e. eIJtA CAUlt.f SCHEDULE A TI.TENT Or Our Order No. V2358O - chatEes _ AITA Owner FollcvTax Report --TOIAIJ__ . For Inf,ornatlon Only- 92, 535, OO 920. 00 92,555. OO ****9'tTH YOT'R REIITTTANCE PIJEASB REFER TO OUR oRDER No, v23580.**** $1, 250, o0o. oo referred to hl Ie at the 8 1 2, Effastlve Date:February zi, 1994 at I8100 A.!1.Pollcy to be lssued, and proposed trneuredl ttALTArr Ownerrs pollcy lO-17-92 Proposed fnsured: JOHN A, THATN and CAR}IEN I.I. THAIN 3. Tha eatat. o=_-ln!_"rest ln the land descrlbed orthls coual.tuent ana covlr"i i"r"rn t", A Fee Sinple L Title to the T$!:^:r__interesr oovered herelneffective date hereog vdiJi-inr GPO ASSOCfAIES. A ,trrirrrac rrrb,h*..r "r rHordG_; ;_iln_i{ul, no?f;o"il$'prrrp, As ro LoB 3:ir*l? ref,erred to in thtB cohnrltnent is deeorlbed as iB[3-3'3'B,.i+ Ifi $i,3ilt8fi"fffiffi li]';,ifiE"Ei'ilE,Bfi^B': {,* ro 5:7 5p.ae- @ hoaa Vluc*f bNa, lr44i- ?qo+ I L'/.t *l3EFeout fi nzc-e,,t :.y'V .* w 's4 ls'se vAb 3m-e4e as1s Ji, ALTA CO!{tttrT}rENT SCHEDUI.,E B-1 (Requlreuents) our order No. v23580 P.3/6 O'DWYER VAII] rO 458 AT P The f,ollo|lng are the requirenents to be conplieCt with:1' Payhent to oT,for lire account of, the grantors or nortgagors ofi*"::l: consioeraii-;n-;;;-tie estate.Ji..iiiJr.*t to be 2- l::P:I-instrul3n!(s) crearing,rlre eetare or interesr to bernaured nust be e:ieiutea-"na-"auri fiild-rJi i!'"o"a, ro_wr.r: 3. R_ILtasE oF DEED oI TlugT o^n"l,j,:lulrJ ?,9r t|a7. FRorrt rHoMAs A.THE PUBLIC URIJ:T-EE^OF-UAC;G';6SITY rOi rii frli'OE FIR'TBANK OF8l;:*t rHB sItM'oe-si3g3Eilo6'nnconoiii rii.i"ic, rcei,-iii-'iio6i ;ll:"3f: ll"T:"i$ 933,.'li3"ifi ;i3g.?3.:N .assrcN!',EN? oF RENrs RE.'RDED EXTENSION AGREEXTTENT JI 9ONNECTION-W_ITH SATD DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDEDseptember 15, reql iH ioiiii-i;; \-L^fp-i6g,-a-fr6ulT ro, 1e88 rN BooK 4eo;lsf ilf 'oi'ilE$'flr:i,-igjo-ii iior siz-a,i'padiii3. AND rANuARy 6, ree3 RELEASE OF DEED C lyry-ryoi'"io*"'iI_ilHi.ie'tlf i,ffi :iliiGllireilfi ?",Si.#'88il"3,",i,f; ,f, Sglr"iir"l8rrrr88Tr ris-id ,ii"iiiizro.oii-i.s.ioiiiil.iu".h 13, re'e, rN BooR .SATD. DEED OF TRUSI WAS FURTHERuarch 1,3, 1999, fN BooK-;;ffiT TIlg_E NN.!E AFFrDAvrr oR oENERAL ;*gHX+3. pARrNERsHrp, oisciiiiifiE :FggRED rN AEsrcNuENT oF RENrs RECoRDEDPAGE 869..t PARTNERSHTP AGRE&.IENtr-OF GPO ASSOCTATES,rHE NAlrEs AND ADDREssss- oi- inii-iirRrrEns CONDIIXONS AND SATTSFTED. SVTDENCE SATTSFACpnov is iorvil;'ffi;ril;"'3r'$iri'Hif$lrff$^I%$f.HB* IIIARRANTY DEED FROl.t cpoA. O'DWYER TO,.IOHN A.,*ii$":ffi ?-*,$'f "iif$"ffi#l i, ilo,$g3#; "*" ==i3 TII|_ couNry CLERK AND RECORDERSADDRESSES oN Docuuguri;inirE-i6n 2 oI'IICE REOUTRES RErrrRN RECORDTNGI I rD @ ,94 rs:ra rinQ.l4l-€49 4319. AIJTA colturT!dENt SCIIEDUIJE B-l (.RequlreaintB) 'orrf Otder No. V?3S8O o P.4/6 ;E @8'94 15:1A VAI The policy Or policles to be issued witl qontain exce,pliol? to tlte ioifbwinq'unlels tfre s"tne are dispoged of to the satlsfaotlon of the Company: 1. Stand,ard Exceptlons 1 through 5 prlnted on the cover Eheet' 6, Taxes ancl aEaessments not yet clue or payabte and epecial aEsessrnentE noi yet certlt-lea to the frbasurertd office. 7. Any unpald t'axes or aEsassnentg against eaid lsnd' 8. Llens for unpaid water and eeltel chargea, if any' 9. RIGTIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE llo EXTRACf AND RE}'IOVE THEREFROM SSOUIJD tgg SeUr BE FOUND TO PENETBATE oR INTERSEcT AS RESERVSD IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 13., 1899' PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DXTCIIES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTV OT'fHE uNITED slFATEs As REsERvED IN usifnn sTATEs PATENI' RECORDED rluly 13, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 11, RESTRICTIVE COVENATITS T{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN BUT OMTTTTNC RESTRTCTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON NATIONAL ORIGXN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI'MENT BOOK 174 AT PACE 1.79. 12. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND P.ROVISIONS OF AGRES{ENr FOR THE FORI{ATION OF THE TExAs rot{NHousi-nssocratloN REcoRDED Novenber 30, 1984 rN BooK 401 AT PAG 2os.- -- 't rgKrER$s, coNDrrroNs AND pRoy.r,sroNs oF 6RDTNANSE No. 31 RECoRDED JanuarY 26, y'987 rN BOOK 456 AT PAGE :459.--..,/M. runus, coNDrrroNs AND pRovrsroNs oF EAsEIIENT REcoRDED June 01, 1993 rN 510 AE P.AGE 269 15. RESTRIeTION AS CONTATNED IN DEED RECORDED JN{UARY 23, L984 IN BOOK 377 At 3@3-9,49 23t9 AI,f A COMMIT SCHEDUIJE B-2 (ELo€Ptlons) MENT No. V33580 P.3/6 HIS ORE TIIE PREI'1I988 rN BOOK 48 Alf OPEN SPACE SPACE, fIIEtr CORPORAII our Order A DORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.,AU8 RACE, COIJOR, RELIGION, OR RECORDED Auguet 10, 196?, IN PAGE 204 ! UPON THE EXPRESS CONDIIT'ION TEAtr TIIE PROPERTY BE USED SOLEI.'Y AS BUT IF THB PROPERTY SHAIJJ EVEH BE USED FOR OTHER TIIAN AS OPEN TH8 pARtrY OF THE FIRST PART (VAIL ASSOCTATES, rNc., A COLORADO AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS M}V RE-ENTER AND REPOS8BSS RRE OF THEIR I'ORMER ESTATE. 18? ?r\4' 3sz PAGE Ee? PROPERTY AE MFR @ 'v 1s:11 Vo_ . 3gj.-s!ts ?FLe o AIJTA COI'T!,IITMENT SCHEDI'LE B-2 (Exceptlons) our ord€r No. P.6/6 v23580 (APFEqIS IJOT e) 't PAGE 5 t 'oB.02.'3> ?D\ orDt YEt-vAtltl^! COXPAII A/VA O'D$lEr-l|ArEr lN COilpAilt f,Lox.dalr.r b P.O. ',o, 27t52, P03 -0. : Drll.r, TI 76265 CoEltt ol D.ll.r , eart gletc ol Trrer ., for tf,r rouldarr or at lrn Dollrrr radoch.! lood .]ra vtluablr GoorldaraGlon Dollrp, lo Lul prid, herby rcll(r) rltd qult ctdn(.) rc r:gofnat A. orDtffrl tlor. aildrtr i! ltot !. Cood L.!h.r. !.O. tor 2660tDrll.r, TI 79216 Coua! ol Drllrr , rll Bhlr ot farrr DtoDr4', In &.Ooualy ol hgh , rld 8t . cl Oolorrlo, to tir: Gor9ttrgRlTlr* Llrs tEA|| |5OO.0O 4e35e4 E-Se7 9-36e DOC o,QoJOI,INNETTE PHILLTPS generel partner of Lot 9r V.(l vll1.8. tourch !lltn!, aceord{nt tc lha rrcorard pl.G ![.root lFon !h. .xpEar. condlclon rhr!- thG ?r-opc3ty bc urrd ,olal, ar'prn rprce.bot tf- rhr Drota?tt rhrlt rvrr ba uril ior ittor lhln r. cprr .pror,thln the Prrty of chr ftr.t part .rt.l .ltr rucccrtoir tna rritgno'ncyl.1|!l.r rnd r.poaarrt lhr prcprrty a! ot ahatr fotiar rrta3a. .r.l .! :i.. ill _l lj., '.i. .:.':li N' J.':! i: l.::i.! 'fl a" )' .1 'l '.1;' :;.. t. r{ REC 3.00 f:' :f '.:' .;J .!' .Ji t.' .i- !: .1{'l ' tb lcllcrbj rcrl o*teyge Le.29 p6 t OF I EROLE c(x.o{TY cLERt(, COLOaADO .. dro laon rr rlrcct rrra nlrlb€r dtl oll io cppurtclolctr Si8a.d rhi| 20rh d1y o! ll:rch O' Drqror-lf rtcnrn Coiprny sTrT! OF CO!I)BTDq Coutt of Eatk l- Thc lorcgoiog l.o ruhcDt ret rctaortcd6cd bcton ar 6ir Aothday ol llrrch , 19 90 . by Thoras A. O,Drycrl Ot Dr,rycr rrn to*ln Cgnprnlr r/k/a Or Dryer-frt.rnan ;;;;", si#:#'iffiHffift( ?, trrs, ! I .l I i i l{q !t!. qvrt CL..II DtiD-rl..l t r -l..{b.a ft.rtm.,lr-, trra.t lrrrt tr,r! D.r,.r. G.trrt .J', ' '03. oz. 94 nocorddd r xo Rrcaption 'TxrsDEED. Mrdrrhir dryof: '.''. - '. i. . b.trc.rr . VAIL ASSOCIATEII I INC.| a Colorado ofthr Ccunty ol Colerrdo. of thr llnt prrt, rnd O' DUIER.T{ATEI{AN CO}@AT{Y rho* lcart rddror lr 4521 Ednonson, lsf tes, Il( 7 5205 o!!h t.xaE Countyof end rtrtc cf (b/otlld. of tt'r rrcond Drrt, of *4" toc 9, val.1 thereof iatant rld rcd..,..,r.,. tbc drt rnd ycat firrt lbovc ?rittrtt, +l,Ftli1*-ivrrcd tn rho prrrcncc or No.913. ar{t Cr.^rr DrcD. >K SL I FER Ir . - o'cteclc.J-X.-n735"1 b"w,-ilI-nfr'2d- ,,ll'#El*frl'r,fr l'rt- hx ?3 l0 al ltH'0tl Sagle County WITNESSET!|,Thrt thc rold pr*y of !h. lint D.rt" lor rad In ccnrld.rrtlotr of th. rurt| of Flve Hundred.and no/10(F to lhe raid parry ofrh. fir|t plrt tn hrnd Drtd by tbc 'lid p.tty ofthr &cond ptrt, th.l.(.lDt uhcteof b hercby conteircd rnd rcknorledtcd, hr 5 rcrnircd. rclcmrdi pld, convryrd end QUIT CLAIMED, rnd by therr prcrentr do e5'r.hitc, rele$c,lcll. convetr rnd (lUlT CLAII| unr,o th. r.ld Dr;!' ofih...cond patt, 13g hrirr, rucccrrorl tnd r5rl6aa, forevcr, alt thc rltht, tl ., intcrcrt, clrfun rnd drnrad rhlch thc raid pfly ot th€ nt.G Dltt hr g ln enil to thc loltowlng d$cribcd lot orp.rccl ot hnd atlurtc, tyin3 rnd bdnr In thr - Couhty lnd Strrc o(Colorrdo, to rlt: Village Fourth Fl.Ilng, accotdl.ng Eo the recorded plat upon the express condiELon thag the properEy be used solely as open Epace, but lf the property shall errer be used for ocher Ehrn as oPeD.sPacet then the party of Ehe flrst parg and 1E6 successorg and assLgns uay perenE er and repossess the property as of thelr former esgaEe. H*hhl* t A{ t*l{q"hqffiH*t TO HAVE AND m HOLD the rrmo, toSelhcr rith rll rnil ringuhr.tbG rt Durttnrnccr rnd Drivttcict thct unto . belonging or ia rnyricc thcreunto rppcrteinln8, rnd lll thr rrg|tc. tigbt, ttrlr, intGt |t rnd clrlB whrt oev.E, ol thc idD1;ly ofthe 6ret pert, cilhcr in lev or Gqulty, !o tha only proper ure. bcnallt rnd bchoof ofthc ld prrtj ol the aecond part' lcs hrirr rnd rrri3nr forevc; IN WITNESS WIIEBEOF,Tho raid pert, y o( th. firsc p.rt hrs hcrounto rci Ltshand dry ol Januery ae AB3ts C,ancn84.trr. Roberc ll. Earker ss Vice Prerideog end Chrls llrlgbt Secretat)r of VaLl Associatee, lnc-,- a Colorado corporatl.on. Ift comrnirrlor r tnitcr. b ' 3,4 , rg 3/. g;lnstr ul, hrnd rnd olflcirl lcrl ANUo Itt coaPora Eaglc rad rtrtr ol Addrese ol Nocary Publlc: P.O. Box 7, Val.I' o0 81658 P02 I'rifi r, t'.Nirli$. !l!r W. Cttr Ar... | ,l.r|rqt. CO l0:ta - tlorl:tr.do Recorded '.-f--"'.*.-J *,..--f' "Rece 'i#' ^tJ THIsDnnD, Madethis day of .VAIL ASSoCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporatio 75205 and state of and State ofColorado, to wit: ,19 d,$tir;if#illftffi irx 23 l0 zl lF't{ County of Eagle and state of Colorado. of the first part. and O I DI,{YER-T^IATEMAN COMPANT whose legal address is 4521 Edmonson, Dallas, TX of the 1"*r. County of doldr[{{, of *e second part, WTTNESSETH, That the said part y of the first pert, for and in consideration of the su m of Five Hundred and no/100---------- -----($500'00)----DoLLARS' tothe said party ofthe first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha g remised, released, sold, conveyed end QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do es remise, release, sell, convey andQUITCLAIM untothesaid parSr ofthe second part' 1g= heirs. succeasors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the seid gaqtg of the first part ha g in end to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle Lot 9, Vail Village Fourth Filing, according to the recorded plat thereof upon the express condit,ion that the property be used solely as open space, but if the property shall ever be used for other chan as open space, then the party of the first part and its successors and asslgns may tsgrenter and repossess the property as of their former estate. hl#Ml* t bI ltt I{Ll"l,A Mt t tf TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto . belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining. and all the estete, right. title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part 1l ofthe first part,eitherin law orequity, tothe only proper use. benefit and behoofoftbe said party of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The aaid part y of the first part has hereuntoset itshand SEALI istant Sec Dste: s t- +L day of 1984.by. Robert If. Parker as Vice Pr€sident and Chris WrighE January as Assistant Eagle County andseal .,..,.., the day and year first above written.. iD,,tr...,.. Si8ncd,'Sdi trfo:iudb-elivered in the Presence of .t Secretary of Vail Associates, Lnc. r, a Colorado corporaclon. Irty commission e xgires b - ),4 .lg 37. Witness my hand and official seat.I rlrt l.ux.xrrrrrv'. E^r,,. !- I | 'rllltl|""""i ,..'::i,J Lt:,:', . 1."'\1.'#;Ti'1t' {"*-*S"*. lS ..iiisJAn t'., . , \) rior' E i;:-qqgr : Address of Notary Publlc: P.O. Box 7, Vail, CO 8f658 Fiiil1*., '.. \ .-_ i. I Lrlii--.- : -: _-_ --- No, 9t3. qUlT Cllit tf,EO. ardtufd fohLthnr. !r]! n 'niAr..lrl.ro{J.c(}r0:1.-rlorr:lr'6r,00 -at t a\,/.\),/ t)',(v I rr"n"r"opo" statc Bar of rcxn, fo, ur" uy r"*y"" onlyl*."i"*"a l-l-76. Rcviscd lo iocludc graclcc.s address (art. 6626, RCS) l-t-g2. 27 47 67-#'313- "^c=3,5U. dfl'#ETf"'t'lki?l ise lq I qr Pl{ 'B'l TIIE STATE OF XEX^H COUNTY OF Eagle COLORADO QUITCT.A.IM DEED l KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Manor Vail Corporation, a Colorado Corporation Colorado, That portion of Lot A, Block l, Vail Village 7th filing belonging to Manor Vail Corporation, which is immediately east of and equal to Lot 9, Vail Village 4th filing. (Lot 9, Vail Village 4th filing is aTffi'ngle measuring 17.52r on Gore Creek Drive by 93.00r on west side and bordering Manor Vail Lot A, Vail Village 7th filing on the hypotenuseof the triangle, measuring 9tl:6411. (The result of this acquisition shall give party of the second part a 17.52rwide rectangle 93.00tlong between Gore Creek Drive and Gore Creek - sketch enclosed). The acquisition is further made with the express condition that the property be used solely as open space, but if the property shall ever be used for other than as open space, then the party of the first part and its successors and assigns may reenter and repossess the property as of their former estate. TO HAVE AND m HOLD all of....the...........right, title and interest in and to the above described property end prernises unto the said grantce s., .. their.......heir:s and assig:trls forever, so that neither htficr..Vail ..nor ....i.lf ......-. .. heirs, legal representatives or assigns shatl have, claim or demand any right or ti$e to the aforesaiil property, premises or appurtenances or any part thereof- EXECUTED this... ?.I1h.............. dav of. EaFJo CountY sti'lc Dco. Fce By Dick Elias .. , A. D. re 9s..... <.=-) <'1:f czt or- ?z.D toos € ,> -PEa /a^ uts / r.a^2 Fe.err? r'./.lrvorc V,gr. Gee 6y A'>w'ye<,- tzr,/,+ TEe^?ar'./ G*u*.c a p lN/.oT 7 /er. V./h6o 4r/t E t-tNG 'z;4s;'Qi " flPpeoy,3s'r/t/ i\,/' q\" N\ t \ \I 4nrr I 4rooC"*' %*,v'O^se S ,/\@rntE*'-')/1/OUSES : I !I i I I t-l\ lqt\ !o;tirIUIt l^r I I 1 tt II I \ \ o \ v \)' $ \a\t\0 {t I\\ir {o r{ it I Ir $tuO{r s$ \noo'. /TV4,-' \ "- 42.lJa2 fr,r- Vssr \'V...-,rt) r \. /. r^t,: Z"oo C?.ao D'a"zc B.>6,F 4t ro. l/a," fuls7,eopes ry ,4-. ?.-a TrEt> 4s'lo-t A- E-C aF Vnr^ VazA6 e 74 Frrac4 B.o-a / pcr.sar. *___ 3 t, ./ " -- .., r)' T n c)mr I "?Pr'(,tl o| "+ \ .mJ/ o N tu.o o_ m r>u ll lt ItsN=o'+9' 8_8_ 8_oo- {-.tri'> -C)-t,?o,Itl -lIoo r tro oo @- l\)ro r rl P Cr| .,ff w .3I xo' :,X: I gre ."' t"'l ? i'./ ,' I 'f lEl, *a- ./-':iiii--'--r/1.$liK A{ ,_ #t t?lg. N l$ o"i /$[ ru ,l irRoAD lelti I3 | i.ie:u1,;?"1 ,'Ji+- -:---l li* e'l', flglll ,,* Nooooa'oo"w I I I f I ? i l*ffili-lFlle a t,,t:rir ii,\/ d 3i*'- tf- :$gg'ffifl Itii ii ff s/g il J liir ,.pG,! ,t i/$ ai 1,,, l''i?/.sS/ $L-+:-- i ,,r li",!'. tj/ #;-/ f ,-HI li:i'i,l: *il P'l Ii,st Rr F:li.: "t/ " 8/ F /qF \ - hjiii' / -l f LJ. ru:"t,.,,| l F f-R, : 1i-i1,, / iEJ/ il 1""1,/ "f iF.- -- ( r 35.34'N oo"oz'oo"w trf,ltrl I' to Agreencttt fot thg Formali?T-- oC-irrt't.xas Townhouse Asgociation dated APril 13' 1984 PERCENTAGE OF OWNERSHIP IN COMMON ELEMENTS Percentage Interest 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 5A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B I 5 .25t 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 5.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.2s 100t 15 Units r"'r{ \1|.r ) + ; .;?1 ... i..t'ff i'i D.AT8 APPIJICAIION FIECEIVED : DATE OE'DRB MEETING: ********** ISIS AFPLICAEION WIEIr NOE BE UNTIL AljrJ REQUIRID r$fOBtdABrON*'********* a.ggl5cr'li4, I pp rrs ssBr'IIt1ED "'" " IOV. C0llii, i, tti., titr.gRo.rEcT . rNFQR!4ATJON : A. DESCRIPTTON: p*s;porea'ro* - row* o*arr,Qoroil'o"o"o t',"' " * B. TYBE OF REV.IEII.I u{ W*" Construcbion ($200.00) Addltlon (950.00) Minor AlCeratj.on ($2o. oo) conceptual Revlew ($0) I i .c. D. E. E. G. A.DDRESS: LEcAL DEscRrPTroN: Lor 841-: Block Subdlvlsion If, properly Is described bY desqrlption, please provLde sttach to thls applicalion. a neets and bounds legal on a deparate gheet'and It. I. NAME J. !t AF OWNERS: fSIGHtrEI'RE (S} :Malling Addre Condomlnlum Approval if appllcable. DRB I'AEI Dlt$-fees, as shown aboveT are to be patd atthe tlme of submittal of DF.E appllcallon. IraLerl when applylng for a bulldlng permlt, please ldentif,y theaccurate valuatLon irf the propooal" lhe ?own of, ValIwtll adJust the fee accordtng to the table below, ro ensu!€ bhe corroct fee le pa{d. I'EE PI.ID: 9 - E'EE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 61.00 . 00 $a00. oo 9400. 00 $500.00 oNE yEAn tmER rllut;! X8SUED AI{D CONSTRTTSETON IS .. ,qE!i. s@EQUrp!. Verurrrou$ '0-$ lo,ooo $ 10,00x - $ 50,000 $ 50r 001 - $ 1501 000 $150100r - $ 5001000 $500r 001 * $1r 000r 000 . $ over $1r 0001 000 * DSSTGN NEVTEI{ BOARD APPROIIAT EXPIRES TPPRO\IEI, UNI,ESS T,.BUIIDtrNG PEBt{trT 18 SEARIED. **NO APPI]TCtrErO$ tfrl/TJ BE PROCESSED 1 wrTBour zoNINGt "lt(rf wldsr'{ NfinE f*r*,h\-fW -- .. -'- LoT AREA: ff requlredl appllcant nust Provlde a current starnped survey ahowing lot area , - ztAzd, 4 FA NAI,IE OF Malllng APPLTCANI' S REPRESENTATITffi: Addrese: ottbtER's srGNAruRs NAI'IE OF APPL,ICANT: Malllng AddrEss: ^trorronFOR PROPERTIE5 IN FoR ADortoNAL GRFA O EXCESS OF AILO}IABLE GRFA \ ' Date of APpl lcatlonggglg-141117 .?50-!ig.* i"ei-lr dertain condltlons lre met' Appllcatlons for addltlons under this sectlon wJll not be ;ffi'ffi;i;Ii. -rnis'iiiiiioal iil lnrormatlon requlred on 0esign hevlew Board submitta'l requlrsflents' Date of oRB Meetins m*'f -tg+{1f A pre-applreati.en c9!ftlln!:-ylll-:"':,T!::31-:l'.tlllllH"tftfl l:-'il'lllil I il':' !il::'! r:l ifi i i ii',fi ltiJ iilii-ttiil-ini i'di:aininii; does GRFA can be added : n PIE-qvvr r\'t'Y'vr' ler whlch addltlonal oRFA can be aoded eniourased t9-d1:::i: llt,,lH[i:llt*illl rh{s ordrnan.e'do.s*not ;;;uE iiin-probert ll loiili.^.i'eiii"iiiril ;;;;'ii'e[m.--ni&'.r, trre ordinance allows for gg to accepted unless theY this ionn as we'll as I B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address ot'r- 84 4 #Fb .. .-*--.i- Legal gescrtp6on: LotJr+7 il ock--F 111ns \l&!l--VtuAQr 4 gl,Un| L- zone 0istri ct^hteLJfJbEl nutnPLE frmtt't1 C. NAI'IE OF APPLTCANT: Address D. NAI'IE 0F APPLICA$T'5 REPRESENTA\IvE: nadress_ (,0. 8o _. . 57 ,. tJ,.tt -, to. ., .&' tura18-}none3ft- blA?- E. NAr'rE 0F o|lNER(s) 'r* Slgnature(s) Address wSLo t $100;00 The fol'lowlng lnfonnat{on' ln rddlti0n t0 requlred ulith thls submittsl: I l' Vertficatlon that the unlt has 'recelved 2, Names and maillng addresses 'o{:qdJacentilit; ;n ttie sanl tot, This lrrformation Assessor's offlce. Condominlum assoc{ation approvai Existing floor Plan of structure. G. Your proposal wll1 be revlewed for compliance ne 1t4'6 oo -Lssq N ts F{f.F. Fillng Fee of d to511requlred at tinre of submlttal liRB submittal requlrembnts' shal'l a f'tnal certJficate of occupancy. propertY-owners and. 9f 911:lt^:l-I vysr vrrl ls'available from the Eagle County (jf applicable). wlth Val l's ComPrehensive P'l be 3. 4, i i I 3n. ' .4.-IV. NEW CONSTRITT-,./r\o --}e' -r *":-'-*_-'\ A. iTn::" copieilf a recent topographic survev, st.amped bv ry at a scale of 1r' = 20t or larger,on which the folLowing lnformation is provided:,/tA. Lot area. ,2.Two foot, cont.our intervaLs unless the parcelconsist,s of 6 acres or more, in which tase, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4,, or more, as rneasurid from apoint one foot above grade Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, inteirnlttent streams,etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, reguired creek orstream setback, 100-year ftood pljin and slopes of40t or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS tandnarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stat,ed on the survey so that, allmeasurements are based on the same startlng point.This is part,lcularly important for height.measurements. See poLlcy 0n Survey Inforrnat,ion,for more information regirding surveys. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, si,ra1es,et.c. must, be shown. 4 ( 7. -->b.Exact location of existing utility sourcesand proposed service linei from tlreir sourceto the structure. Utilities to include:CabLe TV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric ,/.. ( (". Show all utitity meter locations, includingany pedestals to be located on site or in fheright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepernlts from the Town of Vail are requiredfor improvenents in the right-of-way. Property lines - dlst,ances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. ALL g+sements (TitLe report. must also includeexrsErng easement locations) Existing and, finished girades. Provide spot elevations of the street, and aminimum of one spot elevation on-either Jiae oftne .l.ot, 25 feet out from the side property llnes. --)e.*-;)r. Site PlanB. 1.Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface driainage on and. off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent, slope and spotelevations must be shown. lll-:li:lins J-mprovemenrs including srruct,ures, -111::"uq"c1 areas, service areas, storage areas,warKs, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom 5fwarr spot elevations), and other existing siteinprovenents. 2. 3. and proposed grades shovrn underneath). Theseelevations and grades nust be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. A]Lridge lines should be indicated on the siue plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site pLan with correspondingr finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 88 unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape PIan (Ltr = 20r or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the Iandscape pIan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and type (comrnon and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material. All treesto be saved and to be removed nust also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate betrdeen existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape maUerials fist. 3. The locaLj-on and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be ernployed in caring forplant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of t.he various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above infornation as possibLe ont.o the sitep1an. Siqn off from each utility companv verifying theIocation of utility servJ-ce and availability (see attached) . A preliminarv tit,Le report. nust acconpany allsubnittals, to insure property ownership and Locationof all easements on property. Architectural Plans (1./8,' = 1, or larger, L/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bot,h. existj.ng and flnlshed grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be Ired-lined,, to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was caJ.culat ed. 3. Reductions of all eLevations and the site plan (B-L/2" x 1"!") for inclusion in pEC and,/or townCouncil memos may be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list,.This materiaLs IisL rnust be completed andsubmitted as a part, of DRB apptication. Co1orchlps, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. ?onq chec\ Iist (at,tached) must be conpleted. if projectis located within the Single-Family, prirnary/Secbnairyor Duplex zone dlstricts. Photos of the existing sit,e and where applicable, ofadjacent struct,ures. NOTE: D. F. H. )r and/or or..||nu, require theI. The ZofJ,t Adminlstrat<submission of additlonal plans, drawings,specificallonsr samples and other rnateilals (includinga model-) if deemed necessary t,o determine whether aproject wlII comply with oeiign Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Phot'os or sketches which clearly convey the redeveropmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopnentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalreguirements set forth above, provided all ihportantspecifications for the proposal includlng colors andmaterials to be used are submitt.ed VI - ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specif,icat.j_ons shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/9" = !' or larger(l/4,1 = tt J_s preferred) C. Three copies of a slte plan showing existing andproposed construction. rndicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown und.erneath. D. Elevat,ions of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all mat,erials and color samples onnaterials list (attacfied) At tle reguest of the zonlng Adninistrator you rnay arso berequired to submit: G. A staLement from each utiLity verifying location ofservice and availabtlity. See attaahea utilityIocation verification forrn. H. A sit,e improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary tltle repor!, to verify ownership ofproperty, which 1ists alL easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN once a building permit has been issued, and. construction isunderway, and before the Buildlng Department wilr schedule a {ram}19 inspection, two copJ_es oi an- Improvement LocationCertificaLe survey (ILC) slamped by a rLgisteredprofessional englneer must be- submitted. The followinginformation must be provlded on the fLC: Building location (s) with ties to propert,y corners,i.e. distances and angles. Bui.lding dimensions t,o the nearest. tenth of _a foot. AIl utility service line as-bui1ts, showing type ofmatertal used, and size and exact locat,ion-of-iines. DraJ-nage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. ALl property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement, survey. A11 easements. Building floor er.evations and arr roof ridge elevationswith existlng and proposed grades shown unier the ridgeLines. B. c. D. r|. H, VIII . CONCEPTUAL DESC REVIE!'I A.Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agenLof any project reguirinq design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptua] review by the Design Review Board to the Department. of Corununity Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of t,he compat.ibilit.y of their proposal wit,h t,he Town's Design Guidellnes. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more compLex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof slngJ-e-famlJ-y and two-famlly proJects shall not be excluded fr:om the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must. be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meet,ing. The followir,g information shall be submit.ted for a conceptual review: L. A concep,tual sit,e and landscape plan at a mlnimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations sholving exLerior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi 3. Sufficieat information to show the proposal complier r,'.ith the development standards of Lhe zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.)i 4. Completed DIrB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Cornrnunit.y Development shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basicconpliance with the zoning code requirenents, theproject, shal-I be forwarded to t,he DRB for conceptualreview. If tbe application is"not generally in complj.ance with zoning code requirements, ttreapplication and submittal mat,erials shall be returnedLo the applicant h'ith a written explanation as Lo why t.he Comnunit,y Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirenents. Once a complete application has beenreceJ.ved, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting mat,erial in order todetermine whether or not Lhe project generally cornplieswith the design guidelj-nes. The DRB does not-vote onconceptuaL reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing- B. LTST OF MATERIALS O NAI4E oF PRorEcrt Ttrtry ?fbtnfwi , LEGAL DEscRrPrrovr Lor?{l BLocK - suBDrvrsrsN du iil^rrt 4frFluNh s?REEr ADDRESS | {N )f I A ItA TW+. Ttu,\ryht7'Fa DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The folLowing information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING T'IATERIAT,S: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Eascia Sofflts Windows tfindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl-osures Greenhouses Ot.her B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Bot,anical Name PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to t,he Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Conmon Name Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate t,rees. caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fortrees is.2. inches. rndlcat,e he@ YIe vJkt-. ?e%inL oL. frn*ct- ) +r+t-o> rrl tflf 6rtr*f- oL #t48 , Au-' e{tdl$q 1(EEV'*9 PROPOSED SHRITBS Ltrca T., &-w-, ^? nt"e 7_ PLAIIT MATERTATJ Botanlcat Name co.*on l,* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. Ouantit.v Size* (rftL ,fb f-te,nt re ?ntf ?. of proposed sbrubs. Mininum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaqe €l r+ru e 6ap,e,. ae eAcf 7.GROUND CO\IERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.LANDSCAFE LfGHTfNG: ff ext,erior llghting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and ro5atiois on'a i-farateltghtlng pran. rdentify each fixture from the riintJ-ng pranon the list belor gld piovide the wat.tage, height-above - grade and type of light proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warrs, fences, swimmingpoorsT etc.) prease- specify. rndl6are ttiighiJ-oi'retaininiwalls. Maxlmum height-of wirrs wlrhin tG-i;;ni serback is3 feet. Maximum helght ot waiis ersewhere on-ine-proper.yls 6 f,eet. D. suBDrvrsr ou i{x , thu Mt 4rt , Fttttrl JOB NAr\,rE Tlturt rZrrrn,rrvg w 0 41 BLocK FTLTNG 4r* ADDRES.S {ntF FA 4 88 7?v+2, v-owttuttrx The rocation and avalLabirtty of utilities, whether they be main !f""! lln"g or plgpgged tines, must, be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan, Authorlzed Siqnature Date U.S. West Communicat.ions 1-8 0 0-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servlce Cornpany 94 9-57 81 Gary Hall HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage CabLevision T.V. 94 9-5530 St,eve Hlatt Upper Eag1e Valley V{atere Sanitation Distri.ct x 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee v.t ?uce . This form is to verifylocat,ion. This shouldpreparing your utilityinst,al-Iatlons . tu For any nesr construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a conpleted utiltty verlficllionform. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshould not directly on the utillti verificatj.onforn that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelJ_ed out indetail in an attached letter to the Tbwn of Vail.However, please keep ln mind that it is the Tqspgls_lbility of the utiltty company to resolveident,ifled problems. If the utility verlfication form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and-nocomments are made directly on the form, the TownwJ.II presume that there aie no problens and thatthe developnent. can proceed. These verificat,ions do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a st,reet cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public t. NOTE:a service availability andbe used in conJunct.ion wit,hplan and schedulJ.ng 2. 3. 4. 5. Works and to obtain utilitv iocalions beforediqq$nq in an@ or easement lnthe Town of VaiI . A buildinq permit is not astFegt cut permit. A street cuE permlt lnust beobtained separately. *. Please brlng a site plan, flobr plan, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagle Valley wat,er c sinitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressel. DATE: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: o R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Lot.-Block-Fillng o SFR, ADDRESS: O[tINER ARCIIITECT PHONE PIIONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **toT sIzE Existinq Proposed Total Envlronmental/Hazards: 1) 2') 3)Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) WetLands PtevLous conditions of approval (check property file) Does tbls request involve a 250 Addit,ion? Hosr much of the alrowed 2s0 Addlt,ion is useffiTFis request? **Note: Under Sections Lg,LZ.090(B) and of the MunicipalCode, Iots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less t'han15r000.sq. ft,. in area may not construat a second dwelring unit. -The community Development, Department may grant an exception t5 tnisrestriction provided the applicant meets the critelia set forth undersecrlons 19.12.090(B) and 18.13.0g0(B) of the Municipal Code inciuaf"gp?rmanently rest,ricllng the unit as a long-term rent-al unit for f,ull_E,rme employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Allowed (30) (33)Height ToIal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks + 425 + 425- =, Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping RetainJ-ng wall_ Heights Parking Garage Credit. Drive: Vlew Corridor Encroachment: Date approved by Town Yes_ No Flood Flaln Percent Slope 20t 15, :1.5, (30) (s0) ;; negrd (300) (600) Permitted (90o) (1200) Slope ;Q!Actual SLope Engineer: '),), 10 .tF a IRELAND, SrApLETol'r, PnvoR & Pnscoe, P. C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW sutTE 260 0 I675 BROADWAY FOST OFFIC E BOX t4IO DENVER, COLORAOO AO2OI MTcHA,EL A. SMrrH Dr R ECT 303 6?8-3642 TELEPHONE 3c)3 623-a70O IELECOPT ER 303 623-2062 March 29, L994 Town of Vail Attn: Mike Mollica Department of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81658 Re: John and Carmen Thain Dear Mr. Mollica: MICHAEL A. SIT,IITH AITORNEY AT LAW IFELAND, SIAPLETON. PBYOR & PASCOE, P,C. sutTE 2400 1A75 BROAOY'AY DlRr gxt t20€642 DENVER, COLORADo 80202 FA(: fr)3 62$Z{}62 303 523-2700 I, I represent John and Carmen Thain wlro are purchasing Townhouse Unit I in the Texas Townhouses. They are planning to make certain changes and renovations to that unit. I have reviewed the documents which affect title to that property and which may have an effect on those planned changes and renovations. only one of the documents which f reviewed relates to the Texas Townhouses. That document is the Agreement for the Formation of the Texas Townhouse Association. That Agreement is dated April 13, L984, and was prepared long after the Texas Townhouses were constructed. There is no party wa11 agreement in existence for the Texas Townhouses. Each townhouse unit owner owns in fee both the lot upon which the townhouse is constructed and the townhouse improvements located upon that lot- (Certain owners have condorniniunized their Texas Townhouse units, but Unit 8 is not one of those units. ) The Agreement for the Formation of the Texas Townhouse Association was prepared to provide a vehicle for the performance of certain maintenance services and to acquire certain real property for parking purposes. That Agreement does not require that the Thains obtain any approvals from the Texas Townhouse Association for the renovation of Texas Townhouse Unit 8. The /i l a.j .i ,- rl Agreement makes no provision for any architectural reviehr or afproval. There is no common property owned by the Association or property which has beeadeclared a linited conmon element or :::::,:,::imon elemen'[ jpo^*qv,EE IRELAND, STAPLETON. PRYOR A PASCOE, P,C. Tovrn of Vail March 29, L994 Page 2 I enclose a copy of the you have any questions, please do Agreement for your records.not hesitate to contact ue. If t{As/pgp enclosure snith rIn.G[M3Str|'i| t\7846.0200 tr .. i" .1. J- /<l (t-./e * _: r, q '? t.) -tr ( o/d..u-- o '?8q {, }e<) f 6'*,, .-^' 7',, LI..N " AGREEMENT FoR}THORHATION OF THE+ TD(AS TOHUHOUSE ASSOCIATION .,: ?'a7497 t lnt*3;ri4a ?^r.--E-+ #,JJ5Ii:,?,t',1F1,1: \ov 30 2 oz P[{'0{ Q, oct.i TI|IS ACREEHEIII 1s execured effecclve thla l3th day of - \9ri'l , 198466, uy and aoong che underslgned. the Texas Tounhouses acqulsltton of co be used for A. Ttre underslgned are aII of the Oenerg ln fee elople of Eovnhouse unlrs located ln the Texas Tovnhouaeg, 8ltu8Eed on real ProPerty located ln rhe Toen of ValI, Eagle Counryr Colorado, vtrlch ProPerty le nore fully descrlbed on Exhlbtr A sttached hereto (herelnafter 'Texaa Tormhouaes"). Ihe Ovners deslre to provlde for cerEaln connon-s4lnlSnancggg servtces and for che certaln real property sutotroblle parklng for located ad JacenE to the Olrners (Ehe c. In conJunctlon thereulth' the ovners, thlle dedlcaged ro che splrlr of lndlvldual ourershlp and lndependence respectlng Ehelr or.rn unlls lthlch has been a tradltlon of the Texas Tognhouges gtnce chelr lncePclon, rdsh !o encer lnto Ehis AgreellenC for Ehe express and llnlted PurPose of oanaglng cerlaln closely deflned funcrlons for the Assoelatlon rrlth !'htch co beneflt ell oeners on a unlfort and outual baeLe. TIIEREFoRE, Ehe Oerrerg agEee aa foJlose: I . De flnl r lons . A. -Arclclee of Incorpors!lon" treans the srtliles of lncorpora- clon of lhe AssoclaElon. B. 'Assoctatlon' ueans the Texag Tounhouee Aeeoctatlonr a Colorado corporatlon, not for proflt, llg suCCessore 8nd aeslgne, Ehe oerobers of r.rhtch shall be all the ot'ner8 of the Tex86 Tovnhou8€8. C. 'Board of Hirnogere- or '8oard" oeang lhe govern1n8 body of the " Coouon Real Property"). Assoclatlon, U. Ehe O-rners by folloss: (l) "Bylar.rs' oeane the bylavs of the Assoclatlon. "Conroon Expenees" oeane and lncludee all suns assessed agalnsE che Assoclallon for expensee authorlzed by thls Agreenent a6 expenscs of edolnlecrsllon, (?) certaln oatnlenance and repalr -1- E autoEatlcslly paas ulEh fee sluple tltle Eo ehe unlt. If the fee elnple rlrle Eo the unl! te held by oore than one Person, each erten8nt of a unlt ghall be a oeober of the Assoclatlonr excePt that esch UnlC shall have one voce as deecrlbed ln paragraph 3D belou' c. Board of Managerg. Ttre alfatrs of rhe AsEoclatlon ghall be oanaged by a Board of Hanagers r.rhlch nay, by resolutlon, delegate any Portlon of tEs aurhorlEy !o a Manager or Hanagtng AgenE for lhe Aesoclatlon' There shall not be leas ghan three nor Eore than glx nembere of the Board of Hanagers and the teroe of at least one-third of such Bosrd ehall explre annu- ally . D. Votlng of Ouners. Each Unlc shal1 be entlCled to one vore ln sald Assoclarlon vhlch sha1l be cast by the Owner, or 1n proporElon of the ovnershlp of a Unlt lf more than one p€rson owlls sald Unlt. A vote nay be casE ln person or by proxy. Such proxy t0ay be granted by an owner ln favor of only anoEher Oerer, a nenber of the Board of Managere or by eald Qvnerr a aCrorney or oanagetrent agentr A proxy ehall be fu1ly executed 1n urlflngt gha11 be sltneesed, ahal1 be valld only for the Psrtlcular oeetlng deslgnated rhereln and oust be flled rlllh the Secretary of the Aeaoclatlon before the appolnted tl6e of the oeellng. The Board of Managers uay declde thst votlng of the 0r.rners shall be by oa1l slth respect to any Eatter or to any par' tlcular electlon of roeobera of the Board of llanagere or rdth re6Pect to adoptlon of any proposed arendBent to th18 Agreeoent or the Artlclea of Incorporacton or Bylar.rs of the Assoclatlon, provlded that 30 daye prlor srltten notlce of such declslon hag been dellvered to 811 Onners. E. -ByJaus .and Artlclea. lte purPoses and powera of the Aesocla- tlon and Ehe r1ghc6 and obllgatlone nlth reapect ro Orfirers eet forth wlthln thls Agreeoent shal1 be fonoallzed by provlslons of the Artlcles and Bylavs of the Assoclatlon, however, euch Arclcles and Bylawe ehall ln no event be lnconsLstent stth che provlslons of thlB Agreeloent. F. Heetlngs. The annual ueetlnge of the Assoclatlon ehall be held rrlthln 120 days folloulng the end of each calendar yeer. At each annual treeElng, oerobers of the Doard of Hanagere ehall be elected by ballot of the Osners ln accordance rrlth the requlreuente of paragralh 3D hereof. T\e oulers oay also transact auch other buatnesg of the Aegoclatlon aB uay properly cooe before theo. The Board of Managers uay call a speclal Eeetlng -3- expenses 8s hereinafter deflned; and (3) exPenses lncurred ln acqulrlng' r0alnBaln1ng and lneurlng rhe Coonon Re81 Pioperty. F. -Gueet" Deanlt any agent, eoployee r cenantr guesc, Ilcengee or lnvl tee o f an Ormer. G. 'Hanaglng Agent' EeanB the Personr lf any, employed by the Board to perforo Ehe functlons provlded for hereln. H. "Owner" uceane the perBon or Peraons, ae heretnafter deflned ' ormlng a tomhouse ln the Texae Tounhouses, or a condomtnlto Located Lhereln t ln fee slople, along r'lth che helre, euecessors, aaelgne and representaflves of Eald petson or persons I. "Pergon" oeans any lndlvldual , corporatton, partnershlp, coro- blnat1on, aseoclatlon, trustee or any other 1€gal entlty, / -.\ ,_-*---... \ J. "Rea1 Property" Eeans Bhat real proper!y descrlbed ori\ Exhlblrl ,'- -\ -\ \-*J| \ '.i A, a E tachecl hereto.\,: K. "Unlc" or "Tounhouee Unltl' neans Ehe fee sluple lnEeresc and ,'' \rlr1e 1n and Eo one or uore of the 16 toFnhouee unlts locaEed t.llrhln lhe \ -,'Texas Tormhouses, lncludlng fee eldFf/ ownershlp of the real property rhere- under. 2. Certaln Rlghtg and ObLlBatlons of the Aesoclatlon. A. The Assoclaclon 1s hereby appolnted attorney ln facE for the O\,Tlers, and each of cheo, Eo carry ouc Ehe lltrlted purpoees of chts AgreetrenE 60 ao t'o perult the Assoclatlon to fu1flI1 all of lts dutles and obllgaclons hereunder. B. tsln and repalr of lt. lhe Aegoelatlon ahall be granted all ppvere necesssry co roal.n- Property, and perforro all the dutleg requlred 3. Ihe Agsoclatlon. A. Dutleg. fhe Aeeoclatlon, through the Boerd or a Managlng Agent, shall perforo functlong and hold or tranEge property ae provlded ln Ehls Agreeoent so as to fulther the collectlve lnterest of all of the 0sners ln the proJecc. It shall have uhe authorlly necessary or deslrable co achleve such purposes. B. Heoberehlp. The Onner of a Un1! sha1l autonatlcally be a oeo- ber of the Assoclatloo. sald nenbershlp ls appurtenan! to the untr of said oener entltled co the ownershlp of che neubershlp for that unlt and shaJ.l of Bhe Omer8 upon thelr oulr l0otlon or upon Presencatton to Chen of a pegl- gton slgned by a oaJorlty of the Owners. No buslnese shall be EransacEed a! a epeclal reeClng except ag staEed ln the notlce, trnless by conseng of t00Z of the oltnershlp lnrerests ellher ln Person or by Proxy. Notlces of annual and special oeerlngs shall be glven by the Board of Mansgero addregsed to Ehe regtsteled addreseee of the Osners at lesst 30 daye Prlor to lhe date 8et for such oeetlng, Any such notlce shall gtale Che date, tlme and place of Ehe oee!1ngr and lf the oeetlng !.s a speclal oeetlng, the purposes thereof. Waiver of nocicer elther ln person or by proxy, and sl.gned elcher before r at or after any roeetlng, shall be a val1d substlcuEe for servlce. 4. AsEoclatlon Func!lons. The Assoctatlon's func!1ona arei A. To provlde snolt reoovSl from the walkways r Parklng areas and ,z -- *-.*--=r- ( comoon Real)Property.\*-..---.*-"' B. To provide trash rel0oval froo a central locarlon chosen by the Assoclatlon. C. To provlde oalntenance of the psrklnt area and eal Pro per Ey . /-\D. To allocate parklng sPaces ln che(Coonon)Real Property ln such a tranner aa Eo lnsure parlty and equal treaEtrent of all 0vners' 5. ProperEy of Ehe Assoclatlon. The AaeoclaElon lnay pay for, acqulre z- --.\' and hold Ehe( Co@on Rea\Property. SubJect to Ehe rules and regulatlons of che Aseoclatlhl-eaeh Or.rner and esch 0enerte faully and guests oay use euch ( Counon Real Property. Upon dlsaolutlon of Ehe Assoclatlon, lf ever, eaeh: l "-=--...pl7ri{ { Ormer shall be deeoed Eo our an undivlde{ one-slxteenti);lnterest ln any suchri-i",'l) \ f , y ( corlron Rear properry as tenancs 1n co@o"\-----l 1 a1l v '.|..n i riJ''n"fi E, To eoployr lf neceeaary, a Hanaglng Agent to carry out Assoclatlon fune tlong /''-"'.--'-;\' F. To negotlate and purchase thd.. Comon)rReal Property (subjecc to \--l the lltrltatlons descrlbed ln paragraph 15 hereof). G. To aesess rhe Ollrrers for ch'e costs of all funcclons of the Assoclatlon, provlded that such co6ts are kept_to an ab-s_olu!.: qtnllY3.consld- erlng Ehe resonable regulreoents of t.he Aesociaclon. H. To furnish to each ollrrer, aE 1ea.8E 30 days prlor ro each an- nual oeetlng of the Associatlon, a copy of the proposed annual budgeu for the next enaul.ng flscal p€rlod. -4- o o IN mTNESS lnlEREoF, rhle Agreenenl and date flrsc abgve rtrltten' Vail fnternational Inc. Vail International Inc. Barbara M. Glaser Marvin J. Lubeck Paul D. Balstad c & Sue Greta Rike D. Wootten & Barbara S, Wootten Rike D. Wootten &Barbara S. Wootten Delores B. Coghill H. Thomas CoghiIl Charles Thomas Parker June C. Parker Walter A. Forbes Caren S. Forbes ' Peyton F. Perry Randall Bell Milhoan Susan Brown Milhoan John L. Donovan Helen H. ChatfieLd O I Dwyer-Waternran Company O' Dwyer-Waterman Company t-/*---- B. Lubeck C. Balst 't a-ffl'( 8 i? effecttve: Orrnei(e) of Untt 2A -9- a of UnlEs representlng 8n sggregete oltnershlP lnreres! of at leasr 752. C. fhe provlslons of thle Agreeroent shall be 1n addltlon to all other provlslon8 of lau of the SEEte of Colorado and lhe roaster Declaratlon of Prorectlve Covenants recorded for Vall V11lage Flrac Ft11ng. D. Whenever used herein, unless the context shall ocherstse pro-' vlde, the slngular n"'."ber shall. tnclude the plura!, the plural Che slngular, and che use of any gender shal1 tnclude all genders. E. Each gsner eha11 reglster hts ualllng address ttlch the Assocl- atlon. Except for nonthly stateoen! and ocher roullne noulces, wtrlch shall be personalty dellvered or senu by regular uall,, aII orher noclces or derland lncended to be served upon an Owner shall be dellvered personally or sent either by reglatered or certtfled oail, poEtage prepald, addressed ln the name of the 0sner at such reglstered nall1ng addrees. Alf notlces, denands or ocher notlces lntended co be serived upon the Eoard of Uanagers of uhe AcsoclaElon or the Aesoclallon ehall be aent by cerElfled nalI, postag€ Pre- 650 South Cherry Street, #1000pald, to Denver, Coforado 80222 , untll euch address 1s changed by notlce of address duly recorded r.l.lth the offlce of che Secrecary of Srate of Colorado. F. Thls Agreement shall be blndlng upon and shall lnure to the beneflt of che AseoclaElon, each Osner and the helrs, personal rePresen!a- llves, .successors and asslgns of each of theo. G. The lnvalldlty and enforceablllcy of any provlslon of thls AgreemenE, 1n r.rtrole or ln part, shall noc affecc the valldlty or enforce- abtllcy of any other provlslon or any valld and enforceable part of 8 pro- vls1on of thls Agreeroen!. H. The cap!1ons and headlngs hereln are for convenlence only and shall not be consldered 1n conscrulng any provlslon of lhls Agreenenc. I. Fallure to enforce any provlslon of Ehls Agreement shal1 not operale 8s a salver of any such provlslon or of any other provlslon of lh18 AgreerDenE. J. Thls Agreemenc nay be execuled ln several counterparEs, each of r.rhlch shall be deened an orlglnal for purposes of enforcenent. -8- o o The grancee of a Unll shall be Jointly and severally 1lable wich the Srantor for aII unpald assess- oenEs agalnsr lhe latter for 1!s proporllonal share of the Corooon Expenses up fo the flne of Che granE oE conveyance, ulihout preJudtCe to the Sranteers rlght ro recover fros the Srantor the aEounts pald by Ehe grantee Ehereforel provlded, however, that uPon paFoent of a reasonable fee, and upon r.trtcten requesC, any suqh proepecclve grentee sha]l be entltled !o a sEaEe6enC fron the Managlng Agent or Board of Manegers settlng forfh rhe aroount of lhe un- paid assessoents, !f any, ulth respect Eo the subJect Unlt, the snount of the current oonlhly as6essrEent, the daEe Ehat such assegsEent becooes due and any credlts for advance pa]4lents or for prepald ltens. 11. Eaeesents. For purpo6es of csrrylnS out 6ny slone of lhls Agreeoent, Ehe Bylaws and Artlcleor lhe guch easenenEs acroeg che Cooraon ReaI Property aB tray deslrable, provlded they are beneflclal co all Ownero. 10. Liabl11t snd all of che provl' Assoclatlon tlay Sran t be deeroed necessary or L2. Acquleltlon of Cornn'on Real Proper The Aesoclaclon sha11 be etapowered !o negotlate for and purchaee t aI Property located ad- Jacent. to the Unlte, uote fully described o atcached hereto and lncorporated hereln by thle reference. No purc-FEE€- contrsct executed by the Assoclaclon for such purpoee shall provlde for a prlce ln excess of $5'000 unless 1002 of aIl Osnera shall coneenE thereto. Addltlonally, once sald property ls purchased and owned by the Aseoclatlon, or a corporacton actlng on behalf of the Assoclatlon, the Assoclatlon oay lake sceps Eo luprove sald real property a6 are reasonably neces6ary to facllltace the locacion of ooror vehlcle parklng lhereon and oay take scepe necessary co malntaln sald property, all !n a oanner benefltlng each of Ehe 0wners on a falr and equlr- able bssls. 13 . Mls cellaneous . A. All the provlslons contalned ln or remaln ln full force unt1l chls Agreeroenr ls anended as herelnafter provlded. B. Thls Agreeoent tray be aoended, thls Agreeoenr shall conElnue cerolneted, revoked or EerElnaced or revoked bY the recordlng of a wltten lnstrr:.uent speclfylng the aendtrent or ef fectlve ter- olnatlon or revocatlon, execuced by the Onners, ae shor.rn by the records of che offlce of clerk and Recorder of the county of Eag1e, state of colorado, Exhlblt o : 6. Assessuent for Connon Expenses. All Owners shall be obllgated co pay the aaseastrents lnposed by the Board of Hanagere of the AssoclaBlon to oeet the Cotoon Expeneee. lhe asgeaanenla ehall be oade pro rata accordlng to lhe 1istlng of each Ounerrs percenta8e lnterest as contalned on Exhlblt B, aBEached hereco. AgeessoenEs for Ehe Co@on Expensee shaLl be due quarferly, 1n advanee, on lhe flrst day of the Bonth beglnnlng each quarter. The Manag- lng Agenc or Board of Managere shaIl prepare and deliver or oall to each o Osner an exPenses for I t enl zid 'annual 6tateoenC sholrlng the vartoua estlBated or actual e assesstrenls are oade. Contrlbutlons shall be prorated tf the ownershlp of the unlc couencea on a day other than the flrsc day of a quarterly perlod. The assesstrents nade for Coonon Expenses shal1 be based upon Che cash requlreEents deened to be the aggregate as the Board of Managers shall froo tlne to tltre pay to provlde for rhe p8)'oent of all estlm- ated expenses growlng out of or connected ulch che carrylng out of lts func- Elons under thla Agreeoent, to rrlt: expenseg of Manageoent, tnsuranee premluue appllcable fo th Rgal Property (lf any), trash collecEions,.- ;__:_ - snov renoval , purchase of th Real Property and capltal. expendlEures appllcable to chi Coumo{\Rea1 properry (e.g., resurfaclng) noc exceedtng $8r0oo per year. Further, the ldanaglng Agent or Board roay escabrlsh, out of such assessoengs, a oodee! conElngency End reserye fund for che repalr, re- placeoenc and nalntenance of those porrlone of at{;bReal properEy chsr..----/ ousc be replaced or repalred perlodlcatly, Any ouner uay lnspect the Assocl- ali'oot s records of recetpts and expendlturea ag convenlent weekday or weekend buslnese hours, and upon 10 dayet nollce !o the Board of Managers or Managrng Agent r lf any, and any osner tray, upon reguest, be furnlshed a slaleroent of h1s accounc, settlng forth the anount of any unpald essegaoents or other chargee due and owlng fron such owner. At the end of any calendar year, lhe Board of ldanagers or the Hanaglng Agent shal1 credlt or refund to each Owrer Ehe proportlonate ahare of funda then held by the Aseoclatlon noc deened !o be necessary to Eeet Ehe Conrlon Expenses for the folloolng year. 'l The Assoclatlon tray suspend any 0r.ners' voting rlghcs ln the Asaoclalton durlng any pertod or pertods durlng t'rhlch the Onner falls to Eeet the Ormerr e flnanclal obllgatlons rmder. thls Agr eeoen t . -5- t o g. Llen for Nonpalment of coooon Expense. Arl 3um6 assessed by the AeeoclaClon buC unpald for the ehare of Coonon Expeneee chargeable !o 8ny unl! ehall, r,ten properly recorded, consllluce 8llen on sueh unlt Prlor Eo all other llens and eneubrances, excepc only: (a) tax and epeclal aasess- oenE lieng on the Unlt ln favor of aoy governmental authorlty and (b) 811 euns unpald on 8 flrst Eortgage of record, lncludlng all unpald obllgatory suos as may be provlded by such encuobrance. If any assegsmenc shall reoaln unpald after 50 days from the due date thereof, Che Board of Managere or |{anagtng Agent ney lupose a Penalty on such defaulclng Owner equal to 51 of each such asgessment, whlch penafly shall be added co each succeedlng aseessnent. To evldence such llen, the Board of Managers or t{8n881n9 Agent shall prepare a wrlEten notlce Bettlng forth Che sooun! of such unpald 1n- debEednese, the name of the Osner of the Untt 8nd 8 deecllpClon of lhe Unlt. Such notlce ehal1 be eigned by one of lhe Eoard of Managers or Che lianaglng AgenE. and nay be recorded ln the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the Coungy of Eagle, Slate of Colorado. Sueh l1en for Q6nm6n Expenses shall ellach froo the date of ghe fallure of pa)'oenE of the asseasoent' Such l1en oay be enforced by foreclosure of the defaultlng 0wnerr e Unlt by the Assocla- clon ln llke oanner ae a Eorlgage on real ProPerty uPon Ehe recordlng of a notlce or clalo thereof. In any such forecloeure, the Ormer ttlll be requlred to pay the co6ts and expensee of such proceedlngs, and coaCs and expenses for f1I1ng lhe notlce or clalo of llen and all reaeonable attorneys t fees. The Managtng Agent or Board of Managers shal1, on behalf of the Aseoclatlon, have the porrer ro btd on the Unlt at foreclosure sale and to acqutre and holdt 1ease, Eortgage and convey Ehe eame. 9. Orrnersr Obllgatlon for Payuent of AEseseroents. The @ount of che Coomon Expenses assegsed agalnst each Unlt shall be the lndlvldual debc of. the Owner Ehereof at the tlae the aasessioent !s uade. Sult to recelve a noney JudgoenE for unpald Coonon Expenses, and costs of ault gnd atcorneysl fees, shall be nalntalnable vlthouc forecloslng or rlalvlng the l1en securlng rhe sare. No Orner oay exeopt hloself froo Ilabtllty for hls concrlbutton Eor.rard the Comon Expenses by rlalver of Ehe use or enJo)'aen! of any of the Cocaoon El,eoents or by abandonment of hls or her Un1E. -6- STATE OF COU}ITY OF Flns )) se: ) I No t ary Addreee 2323 N. Pantene Road The foregolng lnetrtuen! Iras aeknouledged before loe thls 13,:h day of lprl 1, 198/r , 1983r by ae Owrter(e) of UnlE lA of Texas TIITNESS oy hand and offlclal eeal' lly conolsslon explres z lll hmml*lon Expiree3'6'88 ....,. ...., :: |: .. L;:'1". 1;.-.,. .'r'.i"" " """1.'.", ':. . v.t- ' :"...i1,i,?Z i..':.::! i'i !';rae),u"-''r: ;';:...,,,,.,..r1, ;':.. . i ! -,'1'\ "l.'., .-.. , .,/ r'. .i.'iil':i:tii" STATE OF COMITY OF T'c s nn !7. Pi-p )) ss: ) The foregolng lnstrumenE rra 3 acknouledg ed l1ri1, !oR/: , 1983, hand and offlclal seal . before De thl s lrcna f f .rrl far I ? ir. day of rr- { I explres z llr Cammisslon Expircs 3'6'88 ( SEAL) STATE OF COIJNTY OT The 1l'e:rn !-'l 3a: aeknowledged before Re Ehls 3 day of by ?333 N. P8nt3''' o^''l as Ouner(s) of Unlt 2A of Texas UFzrdo O''t*7o,1'v'-<- ) foregolng lnstruDen! wag , 198{l., Tomhouge As soc18 tl.on. I{ITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal . My coonlsslon explres: - 10. fnternct{oncl. fne Toenhouse Aaeoclatlon. Ir' Ferna r i.ng l , Ine . /)'a-''* Notary Pub1lc Add f e S e librnbsion croires .trnurrv 26. l9[ll' 850 So. Chcrry Suiir 1000 |'[IYCT. UU 6UIII o STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ) ) r.l8 9a: acknor.rledged before ue EhlThe foregolng lnetrruenE t.ra8 act,_...* , lggg, by t Townhouee Asaoc la tlo n I{ITNESS oy hand and offlclal eeal . My couolsslon explres: Notary Publtc Addrese :iE ) ss: ) The /'lJSEAL) ii' STATE OF COI'NTY OF foregolng lnstruoeng was acknog edged before qe chls J 3':4 day of r 198f, by use Aseocla tlon, WITNESS oy hand and officlal seal . My coanlssJ.on explres l l,'ly Ci:"i':,::::: :xiir:: 0cicber 2Z lg84 ) ) Ira I C.A='Jy foregolng tnstrunent 88 i ackno wl ged before r0eThe , 198f, by WITNESS oy hand and offlcial seal . Hy comnlsslon explres: My Commissl:: *pircs Cctober 27,l9B4 1.=.day"oft.r'3lrt,/'-Ji\ No ta Address AddreEe +ltj srArE oF aol5 RA0O cotNrY oF 0EJVV€'R ) ) ee: ) ,I The ,foregolng lnatrr:uenc ea€ acknouledged before ge r,hl,1 lLl" dey of lWhQr , 198y, by De.lores t5. !iJ\:tt STATE OF C6<ORAOO couNrY oF &tuvtR, Townhouse A8soclar1on.' WITNESS oy hand and offlctal seal . My corn'nleslon explres' My Cogltrr..v,i ,:r.pires June 20, lgg4 aa Owner( s) of Unlr 4A of Texas ne thls 2J6e,1 iz^..-t - i .E), r-? 3 '7.7e'72 JAMES W. TRIMBLE1-3o-8r ) ) ae: ) The Joregolng lnetrunent ea8 acC[ne. , le8f, bv Townhouse AssoclaElon. WITNESS roy hand and offlelal aeal. Hy counlasl.on explree, My Commlssion Expires June 20. lgg4 STATE OF colrlr"IY 0F 83: ) ) uia 4T\e fo-regolng lngtrunent uiaa ac , 198f, by ackn-owlerlged I{ITNESS oy hand and offlclal eeal . My couolsslon explres: No Tounhouee Ae socla El.on. fl Publtc (> ess / .? go a Ye'A .r ^/ C,4 (.7 +- ( SEAL) - | t- a fore ue STA1E OF Cop,t. coltNTY oF f4/trF/EcA ) ) l'AThe foregoln8 ln8truDent t'a8 sc 4ulrrsT , 198?' bY I{LTNESS ny hand and offlclal seel . *@4'v or Hy conoisslon explres , c/stf t I STATE cottllTY F OF o ne ) ) 89: acknsr 'rj. & ba', la eY* foregolng lnstruoent was l^/--'f -' l9EYt WITNESS oy hand and offlclal seal . My coonlsslon explres: &4e-^adu ) ) ) by IIITNESS oy hand and offlclal aeal . Hy conolsslon explres: nrcaarsrc*rrJrtzTlgt G50 sa orcrry s,rlr !@*6t*'o srzz ss I JT4 fr;d'<J) \Ata-",.-r- (llb<>r v' Notary Publlc / e,ai,"', "' - --.- r?!?H$f lTyl# tet, Ornvcr. C0 80222 s8: acknotrledeed before roe thls 6 rl day of vy PL.,to'- 1- P.c.-r-' - --as o{,nar0d of Unft 5A of Texas Towrhouse As s oc1at1on. The foregoigg lnetruoen! rrs I_it ,.r ,I98fl, I \l<)l gl gr',t - Notary PubIlc Addres s li '..-1+-* EXHIBIT Ato Agreement for the Formationof the Texas Townhouse Association dated April 13, 1984 LOTS ONE, THREE, FOUR, FIV8, SEVEN AIID EIGHT, VAIL VILLAGE FOURTII FILING, according to the recorded plat thereof. Countyof Eagle, statq of Colorado. The Townhouse on LOT SIX, VAIL VILLAGE FOURTH FILING, according to the recorded plat thereof. County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The Townhouse on LOT TWO, VAIL VILL,AGE FOURTII FILING, accordingto the recorded plat thereof. County of Eagle, State of Colorado. ;' of the Texas Townhouse Association dated April 13, 1984 .9 d av u,z o?N.. '-y iiq ta tsb lrJt Fztrj UJ UI lrJJ(9a<>J J =>UZJ:s 4,,00,?OoO0 N l-'- ---\ t,rc 5s I tt:-CC - t == t'.g- GC z93t laa. za i-:i .. .a>. aaaEa ..-= ) ll. -_, : ',; . -- i:.-.li j '...3 i'--'-'- ==4 . .: a = - - -:, 6rOH r3'lVHl O.: tc r";3:)x ta\ ,/I 0/i/1i??-----. ----;,-,;T-.-____-i::.> "..oa,eE ---i-///-t''' //t/' / '.,',T--]l--*T ,Y, Id.F ,\,. ?'FE ", 9[3-'** l'l : +89? aal JT2 'n dc,5 O'-5i. -FO! f:4J ,, / i.sftal wtl 8s ?fiTJ ".."1u *-il::";:":.|::':n! "t".ruof the Texas Townhouse Associationdated April 13, 1984 i dN lr,2 orN,. ll, lr, < <Ir! lt60 lrJFt zirj UJV, Lu a<.>J =>ZJ => ,'C ftl a,,OO3OoOOl,l l\ 2>'.-C g ir.3a ls l|C '-a3t IBla'-a i-:i \ .e, r.aaca ,. . z ; il. -', :'; .-.fr! :'--'-: .i..'-... . :. ,'; : i- J; ri riE ----- 3r--r-- -__j:::..7 "...oo,CG l4a\ 0iit ,4::\ ta\ l!'tol.o o| t (,,,." 'o- e'Ft,., 9[g :i8i& r': : ---i--/r-'.1 ,./ €rou r3'1vHf, <l 'tr'8'g-- oi -roa cQ J ,na/ht'I fi 8s 5?R EJ t{ t.r"'tm r-, EXHIBIT Cto Agreement for the Formatl-onof the Texag Townhouse Associatl'on dated April 13, 1984 Conmon Real PropertY Parcels of land situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado consisting of; (a) that portion of the Gore Creek Drive public right-of-way located in VaiI Village Fourth Filing which is inmediately aPPurtenant to the real property described in Exhibl-t A to the within Agreementi (b) that Portion of Tract F-2, Vail Village fifth FiLing . identified by referenee to the shaded area shovln on the attached' Rider to Exhibit c. {c) that Portion of the Chalet Road right'of-way which is ilnmediately appurtenant to the parcels described in (b) ancl (c) above.