HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING 1 LOT 17 LEGALTOWN OF VArL 75'S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: Job Address: 1799 SIERRA TR VAIL Location.....: 1799 SIERRA TRAIL ParcelNo...: 210312312012 ProjectNo : e6161-CS,A6 OWNER MITCHEI,I-,,, GI-,ORIA iT. PO BOX 775 VAIIJ CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR BAITER HOME IMPROVEMEI.IT PO BOX 2894 VAIIT, CO 81658 License: 118-B APPI,ICAIIT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894 vArrJ, co 816s8 License: oil*r*rr oF coMMr.rMrv oevelokr Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/27/2002 Issued. . : 10/09/2002 Expires . .: 04/07/2003 09/27 /2oo2 Phone: 09/27/2002 Phone: 97O-39O-2909 09/21 /2002 Phone: 970-39o-2909 Factor Sq Feet valuation $2, soo.00* \ )c.--.\ O.L(t)*+ $2,500.00 # of Wood Pallct: 0 $125.7s $0 .00 9L26.7s s0. 00 Desciption: Add deck on n. Occupancy Number of Dwelling Units: Fireplacelnformation: Restricted:Y -4^q THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \"CT PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0325 side ofexisting hot tub Type Totals. . . 0 Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: # ofcas Logs: 0# ofGas Appliances: 0 S75. 00 Restuarant Plan ReYiew--> DRB Fe€-...----> Recreation Fee------> Clean-up Deposit-> TOTAT FEES---> Total Cslculated Fees-> Additional Fees-------> Total Permit Fe€------> Pa!'rnents---_.-.> BALANCE DUE--_..> Building-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> will call-> $48. ?5 $0. 00 $3.00 $0 .00 s0. oo 90.00 $0. 00 $126 . ?s ***,i*'tl +l l +* t itt l Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEM| aO/08/2002 JHNI Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMEMT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM| Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS {*'la at +tt:|,aatl* a:l 'l *t,ll:l l al See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, o and stafe that all the information as requireil is conect. I agree to comply with the ToVm ordinances and stale laun, and to build this stucture according to the tovms approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE information and plot plan, to comply with all zoning and subdivision codes, design review 479-2 149 0R AT OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET PAGE2 * **,1* tl** **:'i 'i,|*:tl * * * ** * *:1.:i'* '|* '* * * ** * * * *{r,t * * *{. ***:}* !N *rt *l* !t I'f :** * ** * t {. *{. * * !t '}:t **:t'** 'i * * ** * * * ** * t,tl '} ** * + * ** **'ll CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BO2-0325 as of 10-09-2002 Status: ISSUED '|'|*'|*'t**'|'|**l',|.|+t!i*'}'}***{.***|,|**:t+*:*'}*'|'|t*'}***,*l'**{.,}'t'|'}*'|'|.**!|!**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: 09n712002 Applicant BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT Issued: 10/0912002 Job Ad&ess: 1799 SIERRA TR VAIL location: 1799 SIERRA TRAIL ParcelNo: 210312312012 *{t*|***t|l'**:t*{t**'t't!**{.*l****l't*:t:[*:t*:t'}{t't*'}'}l'!t,}*{.**,}'|*'}{t't*:t'|t**'}{t'}****,*|'******** CONDITIONS '|t*'t*'fi't*******,|'|*****:**!t*'i**,tt|.!t**,t!t,*'}'t**:t}******:t*!t*|'t'}{.**'|.:t'l:|.'lt*,|*'||t*:t't,|t**** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.JIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.3l0.9.l oF THE 1997 LIBC. * * * * * * t + * * + 'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,1' * * 't * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * +,1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * + * * * * * + * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +*** * * *** * *t + + + +* +*** * * *** * * * t+ * * **+t * * * ++ + + + + t++* * + ++ t ***** *{. *****+ ++****** * ***+ + ** f + '}+*+** Statement Number: ROOOO03236 AmounE,: $L26.75 IO/09/2OO2O2z4O PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notsation: Bauer Home Impr. 9939 Permit No: 802-0325 q4)e: ADD,/AJ-.T SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L23L2OL2 Site Address: 1799 S IERRiA TR VAfL Toeal Fees: $L26.75 Loeation: 1799 SfERRA TRAIL This Payment: $126.75 Total ALL PmtE: $L26,75 Balance: $0.00 'f** ** * * ** * * * +* i ** *+* + *t* * + ++ * 'i * *t *** *** *+* *+ !t** + t+** * * f* * * * ** !t + + ** * * * ** * * + *+ + * * ****** * * * ** ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 75.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 48.75 liO OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICA o TION WILL "-te!P mwNuFYtnl! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 47 I :21 49 { | is p'ccti [$#?fcnal /' 'cI ILDING onq) '--.r.a General Contractor: "8fr{4. lfoke /k p,Town of Vail Reg. No.://t.-E Contact and Phone #'s:2,hnuql 3?O ^z?o? Email address::-.."-""_ "_.-", -!,2 COMPLETE VALUAT]ONS FOR BUILDIN G PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILpING: $ A,gOO ,OO ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ A,5OO.0O tact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel #eDstEztzotz Job Name: ktaruc d JobAddress: lm €t4R4 7Pr1/L Legal Description Lot:/7 llet""x,Filing:/Subdivision: l/ilL UfL, IWST owners Name: krgreu<-!o':*//Ev glaz* lPr/t-Phone:q{ _26ft3 ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: HE 2@nnn) JK. €rbE op ffisn/Vc ttoTnlg <- P/fT/o WorkClass: New() Addition(t') Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior S/) Both ( )'f'Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famity fi) f*o-t"rity 1 1 t'rtrtri+"rrty ( ) Commercirt 1 ; n"rr"*rnt 1] No, of Existing Dwetting Units in this buildinq: I-f No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino:/ !9[ypeof FireplacesE Appliances( ) GasLogs( ) wood/pellet( )woodBurninq( NoiTv,Pe of Fireplac Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) tto !() For Parcel # Con ******************rr******:**!rt*********FoR oFFlcE USE ON Ly"********t************:**************** Other D Planner Sion-off: \VAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM,DOC 07 t26t2002 ,rrrffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Con'munity Development 75 South Frontage Roed, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co'us Project Name: deck additlon DRB Number? DRBO20308 Project DescripUon: Add deck on n. side of existing hot tub Participants: OWNER MITCHELL, GLORTA J. 09/05/2001: Phone: PO BOX 776 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 09/0512002 Phone: 970-390-2909 PO BOX 2894 VAIL, CO 81658 License: ProJectAddress: 1799 SIERMTRVAIL Location: Legal Descrlption: Lot: 17 Blockr SuMivislon: VAIL VILLA(;E WEST FIL 1 Parcel ilumber: 210312312012 Comments: See conditions, Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval O9l23l7O02 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review corrmittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to corrstruction activities. EnWl. A912312002 By: Matt Gen Action: AP ILC required upon final inspection by building. Pfanner: /J, ,/i , ,I ,/1 ,'{fi;f4 ('e'tt:{ { DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 tt s v f;r t\ c\ =\\,}:\ \*5-3=\ ..J \l $ $I \\ \{ N -.1 {{l{ a i\l \. (\ * \*<. xvl ts H w" il CJIILlJ-ct $E f,$ x '.J [, {& ,\{ -lilf .\\n tu,\ hRt+ o t- * $tn cAo I6 d-' \ Hu* Pagp 19 t!EEggl[:0n l"lls]blry BLDG-Foet|norJstrel BlDf'-Founf,cfffftst €l BLDG-Framim BLD(;rnsuH6n BLD(i$h€efrock Nall BLDG-Mhc- BLDG-Final PIAN.|LC Foundnilofi P]Nn 1 1 r04O2 lrrspiclor: &o Begussi,ed Tlme: 0Ei00 Aff' Ph{rne: 97G3NX}.2S Entersd By: Di3OLDEN K AP APPROVET) !l€ih:1[, li€m: ;O ilsm: 30 ilem: 50tbm: 60 Item: ?0 tlam: !0Itun: 2{ Best copy Available u'tll crll l$tr?Sm CDAVIS REPT:-3I. o ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 f ax:. 97 O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: deck addition DRB Number: DRB020308 Project Descripuon: Add deck on n. side of existing hot tub Palticipants: OWNER MITCHELL, GLORIAJ. 09/05/2002 Phone: PO BOX 776 VAIL CO 816s8 License: APPLICANT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 0910512002 Phone: 970-390-2909 PO BOX 2894 VAIL, CO 816s8 Licenser ProjectAddress: 1799 SIERRATRVAIL Location: Legal Description: lot: 17 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE WEST RL 1 Parcef Number. 2IO3I23L2OL2 Comments: Seecondltions. Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/SIAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0912312002 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Entry: Q912312002 By: Matt Gen Action: AP ILC required upon final inspection by building. DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 Locationof theproposalt Lot: /Vgock:- suuivision: ilt{C UtcLr'*G? il)47 Pft Physlcal Address: Parcef No.: ZJo g tZ3 I ZOl L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s)ofowner(s): €zokrk ktrerat Mailing Address: Phone! Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:e/07- Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs [] Conceotual ReMew tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sing le-fam ilylduplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr 2X commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). (lfr,2ilAoFor ninor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, 4r<1J reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and Site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls, etc. For rev-isions io plans already approved by Planning SEQ'B|AIEBDesign Review Board. sEP 0 5 ?t02 @ $20 No Fee For O,ffice Use Onlv: Fee Paid: ,9.n 'By:- DRBApplication Date: Planner: No.: TOI44V General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit appliotion, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular apprcval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C-ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Cimmission. Design review approval lapses unless a bullding permit is issued and construction commenoes within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.179.2t39 faxi 970.479.2152 web: www.ci.vail.co,us $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.u Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of L2/02107102 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting other AT4<ldqteol 4x6 it -12/2-^L Notes: Please specifl the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of LzlOZllTlgz lr:- aa:lftt*f*++*l+taftll'lf+t**l+l*fflf*t+f11*aflalata*+*'i'aa*{*'}*f+*++tllt*lfl**r*++*lf*t'ttltafal TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * *'t | * {' '}* * + * ** * **** +t}|} 'i * *'}'ttt **'1.** ** * 'i +l' tt'} 't* * t *'ftt + + 't*** * ** ** * *t}'t ** * {' * t t * * + * | * *r*'} * * | | '} * a*'} * Statement Number: R0OOOO3o28 Anount: $20.00 09/05/200202:05 PM Payment Method: check InLt: iIAR Notation: 9893 Bauer Ilome Irq)rovenrent Permi.t No: DR8020308 T14>e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/D['P Parcel No: 2LO3L23L2OL2 Site Address: 1799 SIERRA TR vAIIr Location: Total Feegs $20.00 Thle Fayment: $20.00 Total A;L,L Pmts: $20.00 Balance3 90.00 lflf*fl*l*f*l*tf+aaall'l*al+**t**t**l*{'*la*latffttl+fft{r*l*'}*{'aaataa+lftt*a***'}*a+fft*l***+ll ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 /d/ fI U, Vt//agtt V' Vt//nf,e coMMrNrrY DEVET.PMENT w.)g#-*/TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. )lean-up Depq Refund tpproved amount date APPLICANT BAI]ER HOME PO BOX 2894 COT.TTRACTOR BAUER HOME PO BOX 2894OWNER MITCIIELL P. DEPARTMENT OF THIS PERMIT MUST PRO,JECT TITLE: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD BE POSTED PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #: 899-0024 ON Parc Address: 1-799 STERRA TRTION...: 1799 SIERRA TR.,AIL el No. .: 2L03-L23-L2-OL2ect No.: IMPROVEMENT , VAIL CO 81558 IMPROVEMENT , VAIL CO 8r-658 STAEuS...: ISSI,ED Applied. . : 03/1,5/t999 Issued- - . : 03/1-6/1999 Expires- . : 09/1,2/L999 Phone z 970-949-4244 Phone z 970-949-4244 Phone: 476-2063 Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Adjust.ed Valuat,ion: 1,500 Building-----> Plan check-- - > Invsscigation> Vlill, Ca11----> l Restuarant Plan Revielr- - > DRB Fe€-------- R€ereaEion Fee--- -------> Claan-ID Dclro.it- - -- - - - -> TOTAL FEES-... - Total caLculaLed Fce6- - - > Additional Fees-*----- --> Total Plrmit Fce--------> PayoentE------- Description:NEW EXTERIOR STAIR WAY Town of Vail FiroDlac€ InforFation: ReElriceed:#of Gas Appliancee:#of Ga6 Loge I *of wood/Pallet: FEE SI,'Itr.IARY s0 .00 - oo 3 .00 .00 20.00 :0o .00 105 .50 -20.00 a5.50 BAIA.TiICE DUB." .OO ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART'IMNT o3/L6/L999 iIRM Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI,IEI{T o3/L5/1-999 iIRM AcLlon: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT 03/1-6/1999 JRM Act.ion: APPR IICM: O55OO PTJBLIC WORKS o3/L6/'J.999 irRM Acr.ion: APPR APPROVED APPR PER N/A N/A Depts: .]RM Dept: BR.EI{:T DepE: Dept: BUILDING Division: PI.ANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: rrri*rtaaf*r**r **t***rii*ttiti See Page 2 of this Document for any condiLions that may apply tro this permit. DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge thats I havc rcad this application, filLed out in ful] the inforuation required. cotopleted an accuraee plot plan, and Eeate thaL alL che info4[ation provided as roquired iE correct. I agree Eo coltrply with ghe infonation and plot p].an, to codply erifh afl Tovn ordiltancee and etate 1a!.6, and ho build thiB ;trucculc according to the Tosn's zoning and eubdiwieion code6, deEigrr rewiev approved, uniforrr Bui.l-ding code and other ordinanceg of the ro*n applit6lc REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS SI{AIL BE IIADE TWENTY- FOUR HOURS IN AD'VA.}ICE BY TELEPHOM g :0O AJ'l gqrd Cl..n-UE, D.to6it To: gAIrER. HOIIB IIIPR OWNER OR CONTRAMOR FOR AND OIVINER PAGE 2 ********:t*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit, #: 899-0024 as of O3/L6/99 Status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03/L5/L999Applicant: BAIJER HOME TMPROVEMENT rssued: o3/L6/L999 .Iob Address: L799 SIERRA TR LOCAt,iON: 1799 SIERRA TRAIL Parcel No: 2]-03-1-,23-1,2-012 *****:r**:l******************************:t**************************************** colDrTroNs******************************************************************************** ]-. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARB REQUIRED IN AI.,I, BEDROOMS AI\TD EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF TIIB 1997 UBC. 3. STAIR RISB AND RI'N MUST MEET CODE .'*r.r.t**...*,r**tr*r*.i.rr..tr.t.r.l'',rrtr*,r*ru.r,rr''. Tolit Ol VAI&, otaRllxt gtrtctdrr rrttataaraitrrtrttrrtfi rrrrrltt'nrrrtattttrttitrtrrtrttrr't rttrartt scrt.DE tlrrb.r: EEc-oa95 lDunt,: t5.50 o3//15/r9 1a:13 Pryurc l|rEhod,! (tr( Nor|lion r 8137 Inlb! itN PrrriC llo r Ert-ooza ryp.: l-BOttrD rqtA&r gpR EgttrD pB Patcal No! -2103 -123 - 12-012 gl,c. lddtrar: 1?9t SIEnnA 1? Loc.elon: 17t9 glEnnt I?AIXI AoE I taar3 35.50 eir P.!-qc 45.50 Totrt t&L hgr: 35.go Brlrnc.: ..00 ttt'rofi !rl,'rital'f rrJl}ttttirtritrrt lccounB Codr DclcrlptLo! lDlmt EP 00100003111100 ButLDInc pl|utrr FBEa t0.00 PF 00100003112300 PIff CEACR FIAS 32.50 ', raE 00100003t12so0 lft'|t ct!& IllaPlcrldf taE 3.00 U rfl:";;;:,*:l;,3ir'_#1";l'Tgil":; Xill,;iil;A*"ruF pEp+\,,r ,fr,rncer l.2O3-t aH,r_ r DATE:3/B/ry----7---7--?- { APPLTCATToN }rusr BE FrLl'loD our "o"nt"TELY oR rT uAy }ror BE AccEprED{ tltl-l-.1::------rt************ PERl{rr rNFotuMATroN )',**.i*****,r***********.**x****, tJJ-Building I J-pi-umbing [ ]-ELectrical [ ]-r,leehani-ca' I J-otherJob Nane , kf-Cf/Ai <: -^ Job Address: Block Fi't i n- Address: ,/ Address: GeneraL Ds scrj.ption: XIJCTP.TCAL: $DT TTI{AT\I/.. . +-T -4vr4r4L.rrj. Y y "-^"-.'". :___=__ MECHANTcAL: $-- .- fi ; : : I i . : ; ; i : : : il :: " : y:.y : c.etrrl c r.o R ^r N Fo R .tAr r o TOTAL: $ Contractor:"yryaTLTrTF,o3rygION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. *,r * * * * * * * * * Phone llumbe r: Z"a. .- -:ffi At.dress: Phone Number: Legal. Description: Lot Owners Name: Arclritect: ;ffi - N]rnber and TvDe of Fifeplaces.. Gas Applianc"s / Gas Logs_ I{oodlpelletY"" !JY:)- ril fi********'t************:t**?t*:t****.t* vALUATToNg :rJ<:r*r::r:r*****:r********************/ Eurr,orNc, $ fgAn rii,r^mh?^,- - .P1unbing Contractor: Addresi:Town of Vail Reg. No.rrrone Number: Tor+n of Vail Reg. No.ynone l,iumber: . f'OR OFFf CE USE ******** ***x*r<**** *****,,* * :i** :ri Mecha:ricaL Contractor.: Addres d: PL'I}IE NG PERMIT FEE: HE]}IAI TCAL PXRMIT FEE:EL]CTI ICAL FEE: OTJ{ER IYPE OF FEE: : :yIlDrNG Prr\N cHEcK FEE:3IYI NG Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:MECHANTCAL pr,AN cHnck rrn:RECREATTON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: valuetroN BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURX: ) -.ri.,tia ,Frfa,zZ /re;u€&etr zry*ltfrrL_' Cd /k#I'i_nE$r] $Ig,tp._Ig: 3/6SK ilrign Review ^t.tf,r, Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Mitchell Residence Project Description: Addition of exterior stairs Owner, Address and Phone: Mr. Mitchell, 1799 Sierra Trail, Vail81657 fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Address: 1799 Sierra Trail Legal Description: Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing I Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: StaffApProved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3116199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\I,IITCHELL.WPD iII!CH8I,& GIAIfCE Outdoor Strlr Sirccrflcatlonr $trlngtre - 2 tthrcrds - 2 tErlLusterg- 2 rlrlllng - 2 xEandrall - PlneIrnillng eupports - 4 r 4 Flr Staln to natch exlstlng houee colore whentcnpcnturc permlte. J0 lncltcl 8i 9'* 1,2 10 z 6 Flr, cedar trln Rodrood Ccdar Ccdar ..ftffi-ofttall\.t OFF'CE COPY hlq' N>'( 11, GtFnoa },artrf,' &h, l I o?t?ttt'lccaorr t Rlt/, _DEtcnffloN.DATI.nvt.cro. NTT E*RA@ ilnffi[[lililil[l ilffilI [[fl huE*- W Etcvotlon fron thc North G,uaor@.Z Bouer alr.qi*r. P f,lltchel( lW? sE#/F Trrrtt-U*tc- &nL ctcx@. lttrrp. 3/8 mro. ffiilj;l"' o7:86 R'auEsrd?H[-E[',1-,lbi--3h3E?3oooo]'*r,un, o[3HT,o" Artiviby:899-OOE4 4/t3/19 1-yper A*.BUILD Statr-rsr I9SUED Constr: ASFR Oc'c r Use; U N f.ir..ldi-e s $ .' 1799 Ei I ERRA TR L-ccat ion: J.799 SiIERRA TRAIL F,ance.t I EIOI-.lEg_le_tz,1e Delit:l i pb i arr : NEl,l EXTERIOR STAI R liAY Hpplrcant : BAUER HCllYlE IMFROVEMENT Llwn er. r MITCI-IELL F. Usrrtr'aet or': B$IUER HOME IMI-IRBVEMFhll Frlrone: 97O-949-4t44 [:'l-rone: 47€.*3tI63 lrhcrne t 97b'-949-4-L44 InspecL i on Reqt-test Information. ". " " Req,-1E st crr': ZEDNEAK EAUER lteq Time: tZtBrOO Comnent s: tlRI: \'OtJ Itens reqr-rested to be Inspeeted.. " Urlztrzlrj r;ii lltLDG--F i na I /F [-,hon' Li-{ECH I NG st4rlr(E l39O-';:.:clOl D[: i E{:l ORS?"fime Exp Insper-'tion Histor"y.,, . . tZr€t318 driveway grarle f i ria.t relurolret HLDE*Foot ings/9itee I tunoetA FLII6-F onndat i onlSii ee.t raEEeO Ft-flN-IL-C $ite F,lair EATASO BLDE*Fran ing ErZrOl+O * * No t; On Fi I e *. * rAtZtOS€r BLD6-InEulat i on EOrZ|FO BLll6*Sheetrock Nai I ATaOAA * * Not On File .* .* $4W7fi BLDG-ltli sc. AAA9A BLDG-Final OO53A BLDG-Ternp, tr/E 2"4540 BLDG-F;inaL t.:/O Best copy Available Item: Item: .[tem: Iten: Lt{im: L b em: Item: Ibem: Iteml ILem; Iteml Ibeml J Lem; hlt*r Fd'4fr.rt ilc'b i on Conrmenb s Lft ta [ $JYittalnet'Oe<l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0- 47 9-2138 Invest i gation> tli tL ca L l.----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: ASPENVIEW NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #897-0021 Job Address Location...Parcel No..Project No. 1799 SIERRA TR 1799 SIERRA TRAIL 2LO3-723-I2-O!2 PRJg 7 -0 010 Status. . . App1ied.. fssued... Expires. . ISSUED 02/28 /tse7 o4 /03 / LeeT os /30 /Lee7j APPLICANT RENAISANCE BUILDING&DESIGN INC PO BOX 576, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR RENAISANCE BUILDINGs.DESIGN INC PO BOX 576, EDWARDS CO 8J.632 OWNER WATKINS JULIA PO BOX 1634t EDWARDS CO 81632 Description:NEw sFR (ASPENVTEW) Number of Dwelling units: 001-Occupancy Type Factor Sq, Feet ValuationDwellings Zone 1 V-N 58.70 2 t9B6 t7S t27B.2OPrivate Garages Zone 1 V-N 21.30 392 8,349.60Subtotal: 3,378 I83t627.80Table Date: o5/17/L996 Total Valuation: LB3,627,AO Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 400,000.000 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y fof Gas Appt iances:flof cas Logs: 1 #Of Uood/Pa t Let: *****f***************************************t*i-t********** FEE SUl,ll,lARy ***************************t********t****t********f,******* Bui (ding-----> 1,940.00 Restuarant plan RevielF-> P[an Check---> 1,261 ,00 DRB teF------- Phone : 97 O-926-560O Phone: 970-926-56OO .00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 4,241.80 200.00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 337.80 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,241 .80 4,?41 .8O .00 .00 Recreation Fee----------> 5,00 Ctean-Up oeposi t-------->500.00 Payments------- TOTAL fEES----- *************t*******ff**********ff****i***Jr*ffi*rt******t***********fft*******ff******ff********t******ff****i**********irt***ff** IIEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:02/28/1997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DANo2/28/t997 CHARTJIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHUCKA3/24/L997 cHUcK Acrion! AppRrtem: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:02/28/1997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO GEORGE04/0I/1997 GEORGE Action: AppRrlem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE Division:02/28/1997 CHARI_,IE Action: AppR N/AItem: O55OO PUBLIC woRKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:02/28/7997 CHARLIE Acrion: NorE pLANs TO p.w. 03/24/1997 LARRY p Act,ion: AppR LpII,EM: 05550 ENGINEERING DEPI: ENGINEER DiViSiON:02/28/t997 CHARLIE Action: NOTEO4/02/L997 TERRI Action! AppR APPROVED. SEE FILE \ *****ft*fi*****ffi**fi***********ff*ff***ft***fi********t******l***ff*****************iff**tft***t.t******ti**r*******i******** \I See Page 2 of this Docum oenc I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fi ,ed out in ful,l, the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith the information and pl,ot ptan, to compty with al,L Town ordinances and state taus, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approvcd, Uniform EuiLding Code and other ordinances of the T Ii cabte thereto. f or any conditions th"t ;y appty to this permiL. DECLARATIONS RESUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: RENAISSANCE BUILDING AND DESIGN Permit Type: NEw (SFR,P/S,DUp) PERMITApplicant: RENAISANCE BUILDING&DESIGN INC Job Address: 1799 SIERRA TRLocationl. L799 SIERRA TRAILParcel No: 2L03-123-12-0L2 OIINER OR CE FRol4 E:00 At't CTOR FOR HII"ISELF AND OIINER Applied I 02/28/tge? Issued t oa/03/1-997 PAGE 2****************************************************************************rr*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 897-0021 as of 04/03/97 Stat.us: ISSUED*******************************************d.***r,******************************** ********************Jr**********tr************************************************ CONDITIONS ****************************r.********************************************ik****** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF'5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. A construction fence must be instaLl-ed and remain on the property for the duration of the construction activity. ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO oo ****************************** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0255 Anount:3 t241.80 O4/03/97 t5232 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: ACCT * 90124 Init: CD ******** Statemnt 897-002I Type: B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE 2to3-123-12-OL2 1799 SIERRA TR 1799 SIERRA TRAIL Total Fees:3,24t.80 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4133u 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 4,24r.80 4 ,241.80 .00 Deecription BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK TEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 1.,940.00 200.00 261.00 500.00 337.80 3.00 a rr::Ti;:,h:;;.,;"ii.;r:::iill., ,glL?[Xlll,:lX:*SIXF f$erncer #t 2to3- r*g- t&- otdL -;-' o*x:?_lg-x7 PER}IIT /I , APPLfCATIaN MUST BE FfLLED oUT CoI.{PI-,ETELY oR IT MAy NoT BE AccEptED $n**************************** pERMrr TNF.RMATJ.N *****************************ttl-J{1-euiraing [ ]-plunrbing I J-Erectrical g 1-l,rechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane: F:PO4I ri"t',: rob Address: tTff Steodf,i owners Name: Ui* U\o*kl,ti Add.ress: etf ffi_Architect' r lr\*h-ns Address: UU{-^M 3fr:l""$"ffi:I:lzww of VaiI Towii of Vail Req. NO. Phc'rre Number: q7oq2f Aorl-af -- _ BUTTDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'fBING PI,AN cHEcK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI..AN CHECK FEE: Nprnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances _ Gas f,ocJs_ I Wood/pel1et_v ,(*******...1,.].tiit-:51t11******** v;iaglrrbxf l***********{******************** t.4Legal oescription: Lot | / Block_ Filing *******tq7-oo2--l --- INFORMATICIN ***it l********************** Ph. Address: Electrical ContractoAddress: N Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor; Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nirmber: Iown of vail Reg. No. /'7/-T Phone Number: q7A?4 s^G-:- /q/-P Address: ******tl*************************FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MEC}IANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: .RXCREATION FEE.i I.i.CLEAN-UP DEPgSgttf.rorAL PERMTT lf,ts5, BUTLDING: (lll SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: P:n.q7dlat{6/ General Description: Work Class: [[[-Hew [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwetling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Er,EcrRrcAL: $_-]LId6a OltlER: $---- ' ------- \v- vMEcI'.ANfcAar 9 7 frZ--TOTAL: $'frffi-, CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RENNTD EN ftilof Hit OFFICECOPY 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e p artn ent of C omrnunity Developme nt Town of VaiT 75 South FronEage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303 ) 4?9 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Proj ect Number: PRJg7 -001"0 Address t L799 SIERRA TMIL Pfanner: G. Ruthcr occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Constr V-N DIRECTION BOUNDARY NORTH PropertY I ine EAST ProPerLY I ine SOUTH PubIic waY WEST ProPertY l ine FL NAME Name I ASPENVfEW Dat.e: March 24 ' L997 contractor : RENAISSANCE Designerr RENAISSENCE Engineer; K. MCCEE Plans Examiner: c.R' FELDMANN NOTE:The code iLens lisLed in rhis reporE are not intended Lo be a complete tistingofallpossiblecoderequiremenEsinthelgglUBc'rtisaguideto selected sections of Lhe code. SEPARATION AREA INCREASE 21.0 FeeL 48.0 FeeL 37.0 Feeh 25.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 21.0 Feet 48 ' 0 Fee t 20.5 Feet 25.0 Feet AREA MIN.LTGHT MIN. VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Garage 2 Laundry room . nl -.i.Z lJrrrrDY rvvr'l 2 Ki tchen 2 Living roorn 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FI,OOR 1 Bedroon #1 l- Bedroom #2 1 Master bedroom 1 Hal1s, closet s, etc. TOTAL FOR Fi,OOR B Family room B Bedroom #3 B Beclroom *4 B Halls, closets, etc ' TOTAIT FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 5Y Z '1'.| rz) L34 302 333 .LJbJ 155 I J:' 1_8 0 155 929 131 203 46t 1-085 zzaz 0.00 0.00 12.50 13.40 30.20 0.00 1q qo 1'l on 18.00 0.00 29.70 13.10 20.30 0.00 0.00 3.85 6.25 15.10 0.00 '7 1q ( qq 9.00 0.00 1' Rq 10. 15 0.00 lNo 1No 1No 1No lNo 1No L 1 l/6q 1 Yes I Yes 1No 1 1 l.lo 1 Yes 1 Yes 1No 1 Yes 1 {g *""nuo'u"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparhnent of Connnunity Development FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or d.oor Ehat opens direcLly to the exterlor is requl-red from this room, The minimum clear openable area must meeL the following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum cl-ear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The number of exihs is based on Table 33-A (Dwellinqs) 4) A mechanical venLilation system may be used in in lieu openings for venLilation. -- sec. l-205. (c) The requirement for an egress window in the basemenh is Sec . L204. of exterior based on P,OOI,T DIMENS IONS : Habitable space sha1l have a ceiling heiqhL of nob lcss than 7 teet- 5 inches. Kitchens, ha11s, bath, ooms and Eoilet comparbments may have a ceiling height of ? feeL measured to hhe lowest projecLion. If the ceiling is sfoping. then the minimum heighb is required in only I/2 oE the area' - -Sec. 1207. (a) Every dr^relling unit shall have at leash one room which has not Iess than l-20 "qo"r. feeL of floor area. other habibable rooms except kiLchens shall have an area of noL less bhan 70 square feet. '- sec. l-207' (b) Habibable r:ooms other than a kiLchen shall not be less Ehan 7 fcet in any Sec. 1-207. (c)dimension. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locaLions is reguired to be of safeLy glazing maleria1 . -- sec. 5405. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) clazinq in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) ctazinq in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, stean rooms, babhtubs and showers, Glazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing these compartments where the bobtom exposed edge of the cr1 azinn is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) elazing in fixed or operable panel-s adjacent to a door where che nearesL exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bobtom exposed edge of the glazing is less lhan 60 inches above the walking surface' {g rr"rrrror*rr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed boLtom edge less than c. Exposed top edge greater Lhan D. One or more wal-king surfaces plane of the gl azing. D e pa rt ne nt of C onnnunity D eve lop ne n t fixed or operable panel. oEher than those iLems 5 and 5 above, than meeLs all of Lhe pane greater than 9 square feeh. 18 inches above the floor. 35 inches above the floor. wiLhin 36 inches horizonbally of ttre ?l Glazing j.n an individual locaLions descri-bed in following conditions: 8) Glazing in railings regardless of heighL Included are sLructural baluster panels paneL s . see exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS I A smoke detector is required on bhe ceiling or wall Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke deCector is required on the ceiting or wa1l area. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. above a walking surf ace . and nonstrucEural in-f i11 A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- sec' 121'0' (a) 4' A smoke detector is r:equired on a1l stories. -- Sec' l'210' (a) 4' If the upper lewel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke deLector is required in Ehe ceilinq of the upper level close to Lhe stairway' -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4 smoke detectors arc required Lo be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a batLery backup' -- sec' 1210' (a) 3' Detecbors shall. sound an alarrn audible in all sleeping area oE the dwelling in which they are locabed. -- sec. 121'0. (a) 4' at a poinL cen Era I lY each sleeping area. in each sl eeping approval. ancl Table 37 -B FIREPI,ACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit. musb be an approved. uniL- -- sec. 3705' (a) 2) Clearances and hearLh size rnust be per manufacLures -- Sec. 3705. (a) P (b) 3) Chimney heiqht must be per manuFacLurer's approval OCCUPANCY SEPAMTION: Between the garage and the residence. materials approved for thr fire consLruction a::e required on the garage side only and any doors between bhe garage and the iesidence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solid core door or a 2O minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & sec' 503'(d) exc' #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A sEairway in a dwelling rnusL The maximum rise of a step is -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 be at least 36 inches wid'e. -- Sec. 3305' (b) 8 inches and the rninimum run is 9 inches' Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. 38 inches above the nosing if than 30 inches. Minirnum heiqhL -- Sec. I7L2. (a) exc. #1 {P *n""o'u" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 The mininum headroom is 5 fb.- 8 inches. -- Sec' 3306 Enclosed usable space under LLre stairs is required to for Lhr fire-resisL.ive construcLion' - - Sec. 3306' (I) Depart,nent of Cownunity Development (o) be proLected as requi re<l SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1) Chutes and durnbwaiLer shafLs with a cross-secLional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gaqe galvanized sheet metal wihh all joints locklapped. The outside must be i hr construcEion. Al1 open j-ngs into any such enclosure shalt be probected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1705' (f) 2) Gas venbs and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in l- hour shafts. -- sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas venLs. facLory-built chirnneys, piping, or ducts that- do not extend through noL more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafLs. - - Sec. 1705. (c) 4) AtI oLher shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project wilI require a site improvemenb survey. shall be submiLted and approved prior to request for inspecLion. All crawl spaces wit.hin Lhe Town Of Vail are limiLed strucLural floor ceiling height of 5', be earLh floor ventilaLed as pet: UBC 2515(C)5 with minimum access as 25L5(C)2 and maximllm access of 9 sq. ft. a slope of 30 degrees or more design shall address drainage, such survey f rame to a eart.h bo onIy, be per UBC shall require an soil reLainageAny building site wi th engineer design. Such and sErucLural design. Excavation below slabs approval . Address numbers shal l street. on grade shall not be permitted withouE prior be posted plainly visible and legible from the For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor Eo allow for drainage to oulside to provide a floor drain wibh sand and oil interceptor !o dry well or Lo sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer musb be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. fn garages with I iving bearingr the area above resisLive construction. area above, the walls of Lhe garage wiich are sha11 be proLected with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . {P o""'""o'u" AIR POLLUTION CONTROL B. To reverse the continuing trend toward increased air degradation in the Town of Vail; C, To,provide heat sources that arc efficient and have a reduced polluting effecc D. And to generally protect the air for the purpose of the public,s overall health, safety and welfare. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all arcas of the Town of Vail. (ord.2l(1991) g l.) 8.28.020 Definitions. A. "Solid fuel buming device" shall mean any fireplace, stove, firebox or device intended and/or used for the purpose of buming wood, pulp, paper or other non-liquid or non-gaseous tuel. B. "Certified solid fuel buming device" shall mean a solid fuel buming device which is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency and by the Air Pollution Conuol Division of the Colorado Depannrent of Health to produce 7.5 grams of paniculates perhourorless. This shall include both catalytic and non-catalyticPhase II stoves as well as pellet burners and any other technology which can be shown to meet these emission criteria. C. "Wood buming fireplace" shall mean an open hearth or fire chamber or similar prcpared place in which a fire may be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney. D. "Gas appliance" shall mean a fully self-contained, Underwriter's Laboratories (U.L.) listed and American Gas Association (A.G.A.) "fireplace" unit which does not require venting ttuough a chimney and which does not permit the use of solid tuel. E. "Gas log fireplace" strall mean a fireplace as prcviously defined equipped with an A.G.A. and U.L.listed artificial log unit which is approved forthe buming of natunl gas. F. "Dwelling unit" shall mean any room or group of rooms in a single family, two-family or multiple-family dwelling with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an independent housekeeping unir 128-3 (vsil 4-7-92) AIR POLLUTIONCONTROL B. To reverse the continuing trend toward increased air degradation in the Town of Vail; C. To.provide heat sources that are efficient and have a reduced polluting effecg D. And tJo generally protect the air for the purpose of the public's overall health safety and welfare. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all arcas of the Town of Vail. (Ord.2l(1991) $ 1.) 8.28.020 Definitions. A. "Solid fuel buming device" shall mean any fireplace, stove, firebox or device intended and/or used for the purpose of buming wood, pulp, paper or other non-liquid or non-gaseous tuel. B. "Cenified solid fuel buming device" shall mean a solid fuel buming device which is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency and by ttre Air Pollution Conu,ol Division of the Colorado Departrnent of Health to produce 2.5 grams of particulates per hour or less. This shall include bottr catalytic and non-catalytic Phase II stoves as well as pellet bumers and any other technology which can be shown to meet these emission criteria. C. "Wood buming fireplace" shall mean an open hearth or firc chambcr or simitar preparcd place in which a fire may be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney. D. "Gas appliance" shall mean a fully self-contained, Underwriter's Laboratories (U.L.) listed and American Gas Association (A.G,A.) "fireplace" unit which does not require vendng through a chimney and which does not permit the use of solid tuel. E. "Gas log fireplace" shall mean a fireplace as previously defined equipped with an A.G.A. and U.L.listed artificial log unit which is approved forthe buming of natural gas. F. "Dwelling unit" shall mean any room or group of rooms in a single family, two-family or multiple-family dwelling with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an independent housekeeping unit. t28-3 (vrit 4.7-92) o r)FFICF nnp\ Town of Vril Town ot VaiT ?5 South Erontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557(303) 479-21-38 Plan review based on the 1"991 Uniform Building code Project Number: PR,J97-0010 Name: ASPEIWIEW Ad.dress: 1?99 SIERRA TRAIL DaEe: March 24, ]-997 Plannerr G. Ruther Contractor: RENAISSANCE Occupancy: R3,M1 Designer; RENAISSENCE Type of Consb: V-N Engineer: K. MCGEE P1ans Examinerr c. R. FELDMANN All elecbrical work i-s to be complete to the requirements of Lhe labest National ElecLrical Code, aII Town of Vail Ordinances. and Holy Cross Requirements. This project wilI require a gite improvemenb survey. This survey shalL be submitced and sLaff approved prior to a reguest for a frame inspecLion. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done withoub an approved site improvement survey. AII areas del.ineated as crawl spaces or nonhabib. basemenE shall have less than 5'ht. from earth Eo structural floor/ceiling above, be venLilated as per UBC 2515, with minimum access as per UBC 2515 and max. access of 9 sq. ft. ExLerior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exherior mebal laLh as per UBc 4706 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequalely flashed(noL with jusb screed metal-) . A lath inspection is required prior sbucco appl ication . It is recomrneniied that projects within the Town of Vail which are owner,/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a Iicensed surveyor to avoid possible errors in the Location of bhe strucLure. AL1 new construction within the Town of Vail" will- be required to have a Public Way permiE plus an initial inspection by the T.O.V. PubIic Works Department to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior Lo any Building Dept. inspecLions. This projecE is restricted from Ehe burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot is a restricted I'ob in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit alIowed. Gas log chimneys encLosures shal1 be one hr. protected. 13 L4 t-0 II 15 tb 77 18 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical vent.ilaEi-on systen connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water close! or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per ItMc 1104 and 1903. Flexible duce connectors may noE exceed 5' in lengLh and shall not be concealed within construction. DucLs sha1l terminaLe oubside the buitding and not exceed 141 length. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connecbed to a drainage system wibhouh Ehe use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross connection conlro1 devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Donestic ranges shaLl" have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of noE less than 30" to unprotected combusLible material . UMC 1901. Factory-buil"t. chinneys for fireplaces shalI terminate a minimun of 2' above any point wibhin 10' horizontally away. UMC 91-2. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning f i"replace flue shal-I be protected by a one-hour fire resishive construction. UBc 1?06. This involves Iininq Ehe inside of such chase with 5/8" fype X sheeLrock and fire - taping j oints . Approved gas logs nay be insLaIled in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided che installation is according to the listing inslructions' any damper shalt be removed or permanen!1y blocked. and a saf eEy shutof f val-ve is provided- IJMC 803 - SuppIy a rnechanical drawing' indicahing design of system, size (BTU and voLume) of equipmenL, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior bo any installaLion- At eaves and valleys an ailequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a struct'ure from j.ce buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped t.o sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. Any building site with a slope greater than 30 deqrees shalJ. require engineer designed drawings. AvaLanche areas sha1l require such engineered drawings a1so, Drainage and strucbural integrity shall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofeil to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). 19 .- t a 20 The struct.ure is required to be anchored to the foundalaion vtiEtl L/2 inch anchor bolLs. The bolEs musL be into che concrete or masonry ? inches and spaced a rnaxirnum of 5 feet aparL. See code for additional requirements. - - sec. 2907 ' (Et Include a copy of the soils reporb for the site ho be built on. -- Sec. 2905' Provide truss dehail's by the Lruss manufacturer's engineer. (reg in this sEate)22 -..r;.;-+!tr;ii.: frue Asfrgtrur€*"***", KHM co{srLron'Ts lNc POE ( 4!7e vaL cqIRA4t S'1s58 HEU' HEPORT 1lD^rt llzAll(ro'?ott J-1rrorvrr-ARRTVE: cltoo Afl y'^,. CP ttLs+ ATTENTION: This was the fnal framhg review fur this Fojeci. Rough fiamhg is complete ercept for the aderior decks, and topplng slabs hadjust been poured. The general framing, field changes and modaficatbns, whiclt haw been apPrc\,Bd and lnPlemented accofong 19 KRM donsuttants,lnc. epp€arto be in conformance wlh lhe stnrctural Plans and specifnations. Specilielly the followhg: i. Holes that haw been ddlled through the lamhated wneer lumber beem-c for eledri:al and plumbhg lines appear to meet the specifrcatbns set forlh by lhe manufacturer. 2. fne sno-p Orawings forthe prefabrbited mof trusses harrs been reviewed by KRM Consultants' Inc. and eppear tb reflect what the truss manufacilurer has provued. 3. The East iiird suppoil of the cantiler€red \M4)60 sleel beam in the mah floorframing has been changed tom (SF26's to (3)'a4's and (2)-1 lt x5 W Lv/.'s. 4. The d'ecoratiye wooO Ueanis in the kitchen appear to be attractred sufficiently to suPPort thef ovin weight.S. The-grade and species of the logs supponing the e{erior decks appsar to be in conformance with the struclural drawings and specifEations. JOB NUMBER: COPYTO: REVIEWED: ^.$\onruo lJrxPrr0'sr _l ct A L @ IFI F+ T-----------ldodAH dlou ro I r, -t !D o ll aloa rro co €o tc 5e9o E O!.FA' ' CN I gYrlsnf,,l -c,hd8 Ereooo3.. A.93cctaj z+O 5Juoal!rr aJ c, JLFOL I| . .-cl 59o o dp e6.,IOil!J L> a,rcJ I ctctoI i c;d.illrt 4FZ I - 9: lSSt 2 ., I aitotlo> | | arl I e tDc IttL a ct T I I I I It- 1El- llIE I lrl Io l?l<ttd lN I I I iI ? oIoI 11 I "-g ieee c C., rrz I d |'tullllr-a Io-cl Il,') | IItr v? lq I Ill \ alil I Q I n| 3 €38tt I ll !! EFF -c tlt a,al Ittt Fo aodlo @ ctot! @oooDtt 3t| all ol E---t es ',ll ro!r6ct;,if\NEr+h5-n t: c; o ot IJ B* qFH ;F;l g ;fig rt :,: EH;EE Ei E!fi it E;:: , lFTiE Hsffiti =!i:i+rHIaFE:;gF:i i; Efr;: i.-EEi"# Ei s(xYN(Ig .-.-.- at I9, -6ei;::; $: € E.ei -r 5d ; eslqqq' :: $ E; i'To' i? g -g=iou*, iaru5i i'o?; fi:g fiai-"-' iEt Eo Z HG o5!i99tt"' Hi!ilgIrtlJ < tro5ff/.i z,rrl.aEz HHfii ato J<r ur#dE an alo|a 4*rEQ.- tE HcllrtH-a cErt rn uJ lc" - 3!ses ..E-.tEoEr!Fgggf,ft v lr, odooF l!(t ttze-., 8", ]Hg'OE: P"rlqt inn - !l tr al Ite* €oEi i6d :Edo9 c lt.Ld dnl h. th E EEg --.q $$t i; E[ g[: ti F6 lllti c. o3E esa ;.!!r aar rv $lo rD'.r 3r 6F*F6ft *u qtt 9i :;F9 t* iE o oI I a c a at z, $)) t!lrt a o I tsilI $.c) I tu t .FF , I' B tFt a o|,ttat o C t.oo E Gra!rIcl | |oaaa 3--t 't -_J.Ct G'*.t ---{-61?d-HH OB I qf -5 T--; 6? "ttrE| EIJzo tD- I t a- do ult9E .3 89 ,: r,lta r.l ccaDF. o o.D'D A '5.4 a utEo €89 ott! ' 'J'gT8 E3; '3NI Svdsnf,.l Eq.r{ I t! :!,, ;aZ oa -.4 fLq3n i. g: l-.Fft q o t I ol o!tJ rt tt atoF |'.RB 016€1 80 t? | L6/60/9Oo 1868(UVXOSsooD tlt t .l> > >>>>ooooooo E ooocloo -rf ciduici-'Nnr qr-- 8".-ocoocoDaoateoo9ttfi; o o iai.l ao)loooon- .rFgeedga D cr ro099 ---iddddq'i E.r n or crF f, 5 :a;g:a CgHHHH c o) l|, o at nJ EE} a |!ot =G atC! +*f IItltnlltilITItto J!\tt+ltl ,ll,ll 11 ItttIt\t?lfTIl' Itt l1 E c( I C( /6\\\t OEEg eE. r. 3.oo a! d|o E d! |r1@al | | .!t d'o '_,'F F Fo o al.rl q ot c crl o!)o ot a U')LF q o o o n|J IJJctt r-ls '!PE;gF S'bE6 -- oUzo oD and lJ a>r B-fiIE "EZIr, EE9S 3-ot Da,uJc!a-rz oa aat - c aJ cg ltst .rC. E' 3rSoui .3c T8 F3; E*sFggEa 6 lZlee eG,to= El. 3E o F:;H Ha'15 E :i$l, Ei$: ;! #s*l ei EE*;f, llu. qddd al.q q. ccqraro - Hsg sui- i2r r! | i:fitB B<@dF lDud.lltt n E.rr rioo-. Hrrr.a oooos 5658d 'oroaeti9 6aotDtmrl qct O 186 J ?lrol I I IRlo l" I I ?l9l I oI J z 'rtr ar,gie9 ;!E': e !-..o8na <tJ EB::JEiE .o E !1'. rE '5839-tot9 (J'JCJ .D@F. J:If-:ruJfl Iv?.o:tr Eg;- aa gEss26-,E-' H,,r E.,}<C Eroo D\'I'" 3 <rn,ri c t!z c rdDEo 80:e I L6/80/90oL6i5,c8g8' 3N I SYCSnU,LsooE eIt JL o o * a8 * o) F |'l clet-i o c- g Eei- * ; i=lo i: g E''' i; g ; 5.,E.6_. -83i-_C i ! r-FCll! Ea tcl 9..;Bi'i* fi:s -g! | '5- f;Ei- dsi ftI F-tn 'q dt U $a € rtl'lrF :Er t ! !ctcu e an !t r<o cc BB a,l ct ct lFrt Ei-t{ r' {t c^(l)taf tto a:(sUmd.fFE m .l 0 E| at o) o- Elg HstulqtODT- 'ndooE**: Eu:: ssEE Eur' r. I E.g5 Effi; !--*:l+ f;,EEfr "*E-, "r, - 339 1466 i!o t86 60: e I L6/80/90oL6g,ssgS'rNr avdsnu.lS0IVA(III 1-F*/ooB .l g$ J\ lorrl | 'Jtool,21 , -locr(t 2.. t art l- croru6 | Ctt- I - d.' J oztd o-ct I E-eqtsi ial*gft ^'$r. gGREdasr, EE";'iF SERE EH3*3H;"- [ait$ ;ff tuq **E*t fiE '= iHiE: fi;u 3;a f€HFr o-o-JJvr.'r c! 5a.oa> a lqqeqqq g -|'|o@E.DtorD ) BEeeeneu audcicici icini e Ero.,"o-o H ;E;s*i*e E ?=="=="=EH !;oFo9o9. og" E3 .a dlddHdcE sa "s+ alIg {dy z 4 JJ dtr, o sIfr\n oN) gq *['u q R + € t , ,ar oIal e ED o !,G.J as- Eq-r-l rt3iat E; G-toaJFi q CI ctE 0 ot -t- 62 EEItu|gl-.8 rTJ !,C'6tta -iJ '.!r Itctl!l!rOOCIFOltt SoorulSFF6 E9a3ulL(uooo! =6EdJ ouo.,QoF@! sooB scf,vx(Iil .-+-f ' tN I gvdsou,l 60izl Lt/gg/soc89c 'e6 026€D ct Io a oti?6E3Egd; Eg >>> o5" .Egeg t {; l!"** ! Sd IoooooFEg E Ssi.;dtd9.. ?oggP.itl5C J ro,It crocrq _<rrA C|t. ltEr t:"o":li J L>d ,r,r,.r B!F EOOH I m0rl9 5 i n;ciddIt I a\16n|i-2 | !at o? ! osroro2'- | O-rDo =: I .i'.idd;o> | , F oI c I lt 6anctur{ | Oc|gro5: i ,i.i,id o. ]-'2 | -ClfllDo.o Ian1 | ogF I a!, sE8 ll t! OFF uotoroEE Ct aE6tO ltEEINt3 3('nl ll orat!!F ngtF.Br I I IIJ o Ea a !F\ o a q El o-o6clg oiJ:At*hU)J-r alfaF;t\-tt<.8 t\r q I L; a clo au CI lald, I I ItI F +' Fno$ (t t<tI -Jo o I I !r---__-----19-3 3".'?.AaroFHilE;aEeE'hi€ HF::. r, bf J F ts r\ur. Fo, >EE ln ! taCH :' 1,? tH-:t Po EB- .all| r uJ r{lt .r.d zut<art !o- o E}. ||tgl Hr< 5 | lrig H.$& eF :EI .a-.(-lt |!to. araE ;-';gH El B;< gA=<; o= 3=L GF61IIH I''! EB *-d=t *o .Er . EgEo.; frd 2E . gE E3F6: B6 g:E EE eSdEX pu :EsHe c:E8R =8 :3: st ctttll EE'1"! tulG lrt clat c c o c-oo 9oo ts|jt!lt DFF3<.id g ' 'GO.I Ut aItuizEr..E-- l-,tr|@lo -D@o5 GCGddd oEcnl, gl II! d.EEB Eor|Jrrro lr,q9t I zt tr IdLL. LHooo oFitE t Jr aJ tog i l! 8.--.n - CuUa.ooooa565iA?o.roo o o a lr,Flttt gEE ul o lc6 o s0uvx(trl .-+ 'JNI SYdSnEl600E E qJ fi Is @ or,7t L6/80/90ors{}cs9t gr I I -ctcr3 ... l.lt'lt':ul.!.! E9 tt.!i*eiq't;., : ='' :6 -.' !-F6.8 sEisarqqq ia; *is.e.e. fr!" io,1-,",on E3 q!'99 6- .:- -. r{r- E' -E :E leqccaE Isieeqeee E:. EsE'dg:E ;;. iNoTToo 5! !*"-=i,B: ^f Siooo[:irl I I o,..r EE i-<o.vloF.o I bz HE i P cssg-, I g ac Jc cl F*-} II t{ Irl I'l lttl i{filli El lsllFirtl 1l islli \11I "i+ 0I r|. H T 6t € It nt! -t !rau9n,366 ll!r t-t EEgE Ei:trt. oo =F$fFFir*sla ,-t,-r-a-* gt lt .LGdd bs oro al n C' q ^| 5E aa3orEor:Eti a u,:t ;'r{t(LhOE2!-: aoA -Jfa,tv)|lg r-1;1?lal^H3 oE+ TT9i6E o Iar 38 _g' 3fiB "E2A CO4t tL 3ir-tl a &lct tctz, oa '|!.ca.: ccct.r rt.| Eo !"S T8 FI' 6ttro6@O(tol a? S'h F3oiZ!a2 'j't E eFs3, E :F[;I f, iE:;*; P 4EE€$ E+f 5 H?HE i"f;EtE[H; flE Es E H;;iliqqst ,Eii ii t *gg?? IE: EE E EgE;; -; . EEsiuaolo D rar! r *-oo HFl-sE'n Ee** laii gl fi*. =ffiiE fio' cE98 136 0r8[l or:7r L6/8O/9o'f,Nr gvdsntls(Itrvl(Ill {-r-.-oroE oltF Io. r l'ntlrort|nr 5 i .Ja;.'idt;aicl r irr- illu tE!! ' ' I(, fll*i*::*:r L ->>>> >tcl0 0 ct (t clctlcooc, E Ec.r.-!rr|.r|ooo0 ra tnUaV (Uq - 8b888888Ct., . . . . .lactcl ct i oo ao io0a9 6-c..h-OoO-rOlFJl.arn|ttia!all5 D G a9gOgd- .rOatOatdF.EdEatrllr(ua!ttl = idJlJd<.'a.'Ct(, (,('F F lDE t! .t ? ?t oEDc a E !t ltd ct o avt(ttoo $rr tn ,q z g J G.ul a CI + (!l skl I t t tl ,t 90ntn tl !- !@.oDtlt to Dlll't|'n a,atEr!ll o o@@oo(D 9SEg t t||Iallt o \ ilCI I /ag ol g| at Curc'rn.Avrc!) .:ctr ort I|\J6 (LHuPaL..FB F -at<\8 (| a oa o o (Jof, d Eii ; &--:---.r9Z€ PB E .f E9 T- E--- g$86 E 3+ o-- E -EE? irE* a :: :5IN .DllEO|! . Or iEF tr .' LeE d-:HE- EhBg g -C - Be HEeii rlsq E 3s EBg GH<Efi a'i!E E ET CIe HEB*t -i-; b oo '.,of serff li3:;; HH *? I 8rE8{ E9El8 .,r tP .: ;il s g:a;t ll:E ;: :i ;;f -- 1.2o-r {-38 €: A3 €:d:-, Eg "EiE= lHlp -,* oui ,3cda3 <> A3tc,)t H(,,- < Jl Fcl rr.r9 TE gEPAR 3Ptsd iE EE F:T .oo d!Jct ct qrt{" ra doo E U"l.l C lrt ts6;ig*- FOa>9?.!1H OatEi9OrIE *8d o.o. B.JJ Jalt u, rr lL tr$$$ rc GlrtD.,l ar'r9 l' !r.r, E u,rrt t a7 !t-- ;zr l! |.]|!L |!HOCtCt ClF na) ,o<utalF 5 f,rrr r (JaDtt! o r Harn-n ggDao|rlc!ag@ooaa55688Jo.d D@o o alrl)-@-t ot!fTi 6ar6 Eoo El Bto.o. 65i-g SoocoSoa . .oJg -F F C) lrl?olt.:B3 .d .'>..acl'i33lJe'. !H+ ,r.r E36@o>r I ? 4-lt clitrr- | gt 14 {r, a)a I d tssl a. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 E Iectri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation> I)iLL caLt----) TOTAL FEES-.-> Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 145.00 .00 .00 3.00 198.00 ISSUED o6 /26 / LeeT 06 /26 / 1ee7 12 /23 / \e e't DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0128ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1799 SIERRA TR ],799 SIERRA TRAIL 2to3-123-12-OL2 PRJ97-0010 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CONTROLS PO BOX \624, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL CONTROLS PO BOX 1624, EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER WATKINS JULIA PO BOX 1634, EDWARDS CO 81632 Description: ELECTRICAL AND TEMP POWER FOR NEW SFR Valuation:15, 000.00 ************t**f**********************ti******t*******i**** FEE SUf'11'lARy *****************it******************************t******** Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Pernit fee--------> Payments------- BALATICE DUE---- Phone:. 8OO-823-7484 Phone:. 8OO-823-7484 '198.00 .00 198.00 198. 00 .00 **************************t***********************************************,***************ff*********************ff************ I9gni,9FQ90_ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept,: BUTLDTNG Division:06/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ******t**************************************t*it*************************#*******fi**************t****************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ?- DECLARATIONS r hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, fitted out in ful.t the information required, compl,eted anptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with tire informationto comply rrith 8l'l' To]rn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io the town,s zoning andcodes, design review approved, llniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afplicabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T!'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A'I 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ accurate p lot and ptot p tan, subdivision 8:00 A[ 5:0O PH UV **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr * Statemnt Number: REC-0293 Amount: Palrment Method: CHECK Notationz *L257 r.98.00 o6/27 /97 09:59Init! CD 198.00 ***************rr************************************************ Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: I-,ocation: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4131-3 01 0000 41336 F97-0L28 Type: B-ELEC 210 3-123-12-Ot2 1799 SIERRA TR 1799 SIERRA TRAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: Total- ALL Pmts: BaLance: Description ELECTR]CAL PERMIT FEES TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE I-98.00 198.00 .00 Amount 14s . 00 s0.00 3.00 t un fo e 6 gl -8o: Ea 2B $d;d' Asse Parc e PERMTT Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF !'EE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: $ _ zETECTRTCALT$Jg-QAp-_ PLUMBTNG:v 5379 ilF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * CONTdFCdOn tpf-nOnUaf,f OUEeneral Contractor: "orf rr"u It. TOWN OF o N PERI.IIT /IVATL CONSTRUCTTO APPLICATION FORM ,Jfinlr.h Town of VaiI Reg. no. d61-EPhone Nunber: trp ?S3 ltt prt Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLITMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: DATE: (o-Mo'Q7 , APPLICATIoN MUST BE TTLLED OUT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE ASSEPTED r****************************** PERMTT INFORMATTON *****************************r! I J-Building [ ]-p]unbing {l-nlectricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: Legal Description: not 11 Block Filing ot.lners Name: Aerrr.lssrr*.,^ R+Cr,frr,r Address: P0,S,.* *STGrE.{r., ,r{s ph.3?O rS(3" Architect, S.,u e Address:Ph. ceneral oescripti"", i:i-eoercrrc foe pigrZ lltuO Gtne Prs.rJtoL r, work class: !fl-N"w [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair I J-other Number of Dwellinq Units /Number of Accomrnodation Units: Nlrnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appriances__ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vIt********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************'t OTHER: $ TOTAL: S *************************** Town of Vail neg. WO. Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT N.EFT'IID TOIiIN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8r6s7 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M97-0024 ,Job Address... : L799 SIERRA TR Status...: APPROVEDtocat.ion......: 1-799 SIERRA TRArL Applied..: 02/28/1997 Parcel No.....: 21,03-1,23-1,2-01,2 Issued...: 04/27/L998 ProjecL Number: PR,f97-0010 $cpires. .: Lo/24/L998 O$INER WATKINS .JI}LIA PO BOX L634, EDWARDS CO 81-632 CONTRACTOR BLI]E SKY MECHANICAL, INC. PhONE: 328-1545 P.O. BOX 37L8, EAGLE, CO 81531 Description: ValuaLion: 2O,000.00 MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR (ASPENVIEW) Fir:eplace Information: RestricLed: Y #Of cas Appliances: *Of cas Logs: *of wood/Pallet: FEE ST'I.'MARY Mechanical---> 4o0.o0 Re6tualant PIan Review--> .00 TotaL calculaEed Feea---> 5o3.oo Plan check---> loo-oo DRB Fee-------- .00 Additional Fees---------> -oo InvestsigaLion> -o0 TOTAL FEES----- 5o3.oo ToLal Permit Fee--------> 5ol .oo wirr call----> 3'oo fiilK::';;;-------------] '"'.il ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:o4/2',7/L998 JRIIT Action: APPR APPROVED .lRM-rti?m:'.05500 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:04/27/L998 JHNI Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS RBOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TIIE 1991- I'MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJMC.4. GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE ].991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEIfT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC. 6 . BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E CONST. T'NLESS LISTED FOR MOINfrTTNG ON COMBUSTIBI.E FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MBCHANICAI" ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHAN] CAL ROOMS COIiITAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2tL9 0F THE l-991- UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS f hereby acknosledge that I have read this application, filled ouE in full the inforrnation required, completed an accur:aLe plot p1an, and stat.e t.hat a1l" the information provided ae required is corriecl. I agree to comply with the info!_nation and ploc plan, to comply with all Toen oldinances and Et.ate laws, and to build !hi6 BtrucLule according to the Town,s zoning and eubdiviBion codea, design r€vielv approved, Unifo.m Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWSNTY- FOTIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY IELEPHONE A'I 419-2L3e OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:oo PM SIGNATTIRE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *-*Con Eac cf ar 970-3 IPARCEL #:. Eagle Councy A"""""otf f i". 28-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON ,r$,3?z / PERMIT APPLICATTON FORMomr'tf zs/QJ , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED X***************************** PERMIT INFORI'|ATfON *****************************/l'[ ]-Building $d-rr,r.ritt9 [ ]-Erecrricar 1ft-uechanibal I J-other,r /\ - Z-\ Job Narne: AsPeru vte a) Job Address: t 8ZZ <tc,eeA TBat< Number lttu"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances ,T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDTNG: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ 'LUMBTNG: TTcoVF- lrec'aNiiail i=,o"a:-v t* * * * * * * * * *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMAI,IONEeneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing C Address: Mechanical Address: Contractor: Ph. Ph. of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pel1et ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: f ***.******* *********!t******* Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: M,Town of VaiI neg. No.)Q)-P Owners Nane: Architect:AIsSAN cE Address: Address: ceneral Description: Work class: f1.-N"w [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Unitsl. I ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEEs PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Number: 3A-E+S31o- ?8.= .Town of Vail Reg. No. a12-PPhone Nunber: 328-15{S390-? 83C FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE3 ZONTNG: SIGNAI'T'RE: tractor: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND !O: VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT OWNER WATKINS JULIA PO BOX 1634, EDWARDS CO 81632 coNTRAcToR BLUE SKy MECHANICAL, INC. P.O. BOX 3718, EAGLE, CO 81631 APPLICANT BLUE SKY MECHANICAL PO BOX 3718, EAGLE CO 81631 Job Address Location... Parce] No. .Project No. 1799 SIERRA TR ].799 SIERRA TRAIL 2lo3-123-12-O12 PRJ9 7 -0 010 AT ALL TIMES P97-0013 Phone: 328-1545 Phone:390-7836 Status...: ISSUEDepplied..: 02/28/I9e7rssued...: 03/24/7997 Expires. . : 09/20/L997 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR (ASPENVIEW) Valuation:8,000.00 *t*******t************t*******t*************t************i* FEE SUilfiARy P tumbi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> tli l, L cat t----> Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> TOTAL fEES----- 120.00 30-00 .00 3.00 .0O TotaI Catculated tees---> Addi t ional. f ees---------> Totat Permrt tee--------> Payment s------- 153 .00 .00 155. O0 155.00 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision 153.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: haht. E'TDF Division: ***t*******************************i*********************************************t***i**t**********************i****************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********tt*****************************************t*t*******************i*t*************************************************** ITem: O5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT03/24/1997 CHUCK Action: APPRItbm:' O560O FIRE DEPARTMENT03/24/L997 CHUCK Action: APPR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, f itl.ed out in futl the information required, compteted anptan, and stat. that atl thc intormation provided as rcquired is correct. I agree to compt,y riith tire infornationto compty t{ith att Toen ordin€nces and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning andcodes, design review approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances Town appti cabte thereto. REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY | 479-21 fOR HIIIISELF AND OI,INER OO **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0305 Amount: Payment Method: CHECFK Notation; #5118 1s3 .00 07 /28/9? 16:45Init: cD 153.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No: Parce] No:Site Address: Location: This Payment, Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES Ii,ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P97-001,3 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2IO3-L23-L2-OL2 1799 SIERRA TR 1799 SIERRA TRAIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 153.00 l-s3.00 .00 Amount 120.00 30 .00 3.00 o m d AMERICA'S MOST COMPTETE LIl{E OF CAST IRON BOITERS RESIDEI{TIAL -.. COTIUIERCIAL... II{D'USTRIAt ... INSTITUTIOI{AI o tuEll-rlAl 1l nFarru SERIES 6 GAS BOILER NET LOAD RANGE HOTWATER: 173,O(Xl to 3O1,OOO BIU/HI. Design certified by American Gas Association Net ratings are approved by The Hydronics Institute DOE Heating capacities based on standard test procedures prescribed by the United States Department of Energy. Built in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code PFO The Weil-Mclain PFG is a medium- capacity, cast iron package boiler desigrred for forced hot water heating systems in apartments, large resi- dences. and commercial and institu- tional buildines. The unit is available in four sizes frth net I-B-R wat€r rat- ings from 173,000 to 301,000 BTU/Hr. An outstandins feature of the PFG is the compact design. The low height of the unit-onlv 30%"-reduces head- room requirenients. Other features include c-ast iron sectional construc- tion, convenient servicing, high oper- ating efficiency and long Me. Most important, the PFG is made by Weil-Mclain, the leading name in cast iron boilers for over a century. T\,r'o or more PFG boilers can be used in place of one large-capacity boiler to meet the space heating rcquir€ments of larger buildings. With multiple PFG boilers, system operating efficiency is increased since the boilers can be sequenoed so only those required to meet the heating load ar€ fir€d. In addition, individual boil- ers may be isolated from the svst€m if service is ever required, and additional boilers may be added to the systern if heating requirements increase. Weil-McLain also has special Easy-Fito manifolds to simplify pip- ing, plus a number of Energy Manage- ment Control Systems (EMCS I for multiple boiler applications. R€fer to Weil-Mclain MBS product literatur€. Boiler sections are made of durable cast iron for strength and long life. It's not uncommorifor Weil-Milain cast iron boilers to last 35 vears or morc. The vertical flue passiees ale stud-dd with tips tlrat ciuse ihe hot gases to swirl ab-out, scrubbins the ;tire surface of each section foi maximum heai transfer. Radiation plates further increase heat transfer for maximum efficiency. A special hish-temDeratue sealant is useil betwee-n sectibns to assurc a sastieht assemblv and consistcntly Ngh efficiency. The sedan:t is flexible to all6w for expansion and contraction, is impervious to heat and moisture, and will last the lile of the boilei. Sections are hydrostatically tested twice-before and after assembly *to assure reliability. By removing the top jacket panel and collector hood, PFG flueways are exlrcsed for straight-through cleaning. All heat- ing surfaces in this boiler can be cleaned lor continued higb efficiency. Removing the fmnt iacket door and the burner-access panel permits access to the burners, which can be removed individu- ally. The front and back steel base panels are lined with high- ternperature insulating material; end sections rest m the lloor. PFG-5 and 8 boilers are furnished with an intermitbent elec- tronic isnition svstem. PFG-6 and 7 boilers mav be furnished with eit'her an iritermittent ignition system or a standing pilot svstem. NOTE: When an automatic vent damper is used with tle pf'G-e and 7, an intennittent ignition systein must be used. Both PFG control systems are design certified by A.G.A. and all comoonents are Ul-listed. PFO b ^Add' SPNj for standing pilotor'PlN' forintermittent ignition. . DOE heating capacity in BIH/ Hr. bas€d oo standard test procedures pfescribed bt th€ united states Departrnent ot Energy. PFG5 AFUE-81%...Net t-B{ rtttngs are based on net inslalled radiation of sufficient quantig for the requiements ol the brilding and nothing need be added for nomal piping and pickup. Ratings are based on a piping and pickr.rp allowance of 1.15. An addjtional allowance shoukl be made ior unusual piping and prckup toads. RatinEs shown are for elevations up to 2,OOO teet. For elevations above 2.0OO teet, Etings should b€ reduced at the rate ot 4 Dercent for each 1,000 feet above sea level. t{OlE 8.llcn taatad iot 50 P.s.l. wo*lna p....||r., 1.0.4, daal$ catttlad for |||ldb0on or ronao'lurdtfr llooint ont har 8oll.. f,!nDar Dln.n.bnr ln hchcr A 3 D w PF&5 23X 7 77tt/16 PFE.€L7v 21Va 2OttAs PFE?L9h 30lr 9 231tha PFC{25 35I1 2611he RIGI{T END Supply and retum sizes refer to minimum size of pipe connected to the boiler for 20oF or higher temperature drop between supply and return. Factory Tested Insulated Extended Jacket Builtln Air SeDarator Vertical Draft Hood (packed separately) Automatic Vent Damper (PFG-s only) Radiation Plates Combination Gas Valve for 24 Voft Constant Burning, Thermally Supeoised Pilot System and Thermocouple (PFG-6 and 7 only) Intermittent Electronic lgnition System (PFG-s and 8 onty) Non-Linting Pilot Burner Aluminized Steel Burners Combination Relay Receptacle and 40 VA Transformer Electrical Junction Box Plug-in Circulator Relay Spill Switch (PFG-s only) RolloutThermal Fuse Element (PFG-s only) Hlgh{imit Temperature Control 30 PSI ASME Relief Valve (boiler sections tested for 50 psl working pressure) packed sepaaately Combination Pressur€-.Temperature Gauge (packed separately) Drain Valve (packed separately) ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Intermiftent Electronic lgnition Pilot System for PFG€ and 7 (Standard for PFes and 8) Automatic Vent Damperfo. PFG€ through A (Standard for PFes) Gas ConveJsion Kits ln the Inte.est of contlnual improvement In products and perfo.mance, tflell-lrlcLain l€sencs the right to change speclflcatlons without notlce, llfEll'llklAlll WeiFMcLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360-2388A UniEd Dominion Company lvrtaa Ao||.ri|lrrtar ao-tlmn Cnt/H..^.oLG.o.. (Mrut snt/tt llct l-FR R.tlntt 8ru/x..+' lolbt H.P. Ctrlnl|.t StsG PfGSlOl{244pOO 199.OO0.173,000 59 7'LD. r 20' -JE!4:^"--305,000 247,OOO 215,000 7.4 8" 1.D. x 20' PFE7.A 366,000 296,000 257,000 8a 9' l.D. x 20'_Mltr 427,OOO 346,000 301.000 10.3 9" l.D. r 20' Watcl Eollcr llumlrct io. I Slr. of Ot Connactlon 3L. lld||.al and ftoDana D.aft Hood Ornbt Su. Dtr.dloia ot Cratt (Out ld. Dlm.t'.lon.) Apr.od|naia Shlpplng wclgtrt(lhr)Florr Ratur!|. ngth wtdth Hdtm PFGs.PIDN t-2 7"38t6"25'33h'500 PFG€.^L-2 1"3al0"33}," PfG.?- r.2 9'38%"31"33h"635 PfeS+t t{1 9 3436'31"695 LEFT END FRONT lollot Slr€ [ln, Plp. Slzc suppt(^l Ral!rn (B) Pfc.5 7U"7h" PF&G 2',2' PFG.7 PFEA z', Form No. C-513R17(69n @1997 Weil-McLain Litho in u.sA. Blue Sky Mechanical, fnc. P. O. Box 3718 EagleCO 81531 32&1545 Quality Plunbing & Hating furuices June 1, 1998 Town of Vail ATTN: Charlie Davb 75 S. Frontage Road Vail@ 81657 RE: 1799 Sierra Trail Chadie, Blue Sky Mechanical, Inc. has installed all "Wirsbo" bnnd piping in compliance with the manufacture's recommendation's for Infloor heating. Dahl Inc. in Glenwood Springs bases all spacing ofthe piping on the heafloss calculations. The Power venting system is also installed per Wejl Mclain specifications. We installed a Tjernuland HSUL-2, 6' power ventor lf you have any questions, please give us a call David M' Zirar re:tlr.,rru' Prease "t'^ ^ -- ^o?t(BlueslryMechanicar,rnc. |f,q1 , lr '@ I frtr f lr I t2 lln| $IS?U Fr S?Sl lO Ch.,lcDi,b Hrr SvclftOuon h e|04?t5 !h gfmtu I TGRlfilDbr\fir *.h,| Riclr o Drn ornrnod d..t lhl r Fa ynr tlbrhnrilron d t L rf,Ud. mn r.l l||| b mr nr r ycr rm flilrollrfri. Hr{ 1-M?'/ wto'd s3rvt3ossv Hf}l cgtt?F,tsqE to?ol ffi61-Ll-Lo P.@/Uru,!1 ASS(rI ATESo't-L1-LftF,fJ LO3 @.fig7gf,tL33 tto 6 t-,-I-l'f+l 3 F HlHH fisili EFIEI lrE!fo- I 3 oc{ t t,iil"lli*'illl,ll .J47 /i T /I /t /#:( b rdco IEx< o r ulIa I o a I 'o (Jz c E ! 0 =lro ctclEcrctqqq!q * Itl5 B E I dv,tE,$ F tl a 4 sB JoE EETT il h ttt t b bbbhoc'oN b Bbbh a. SEFZ6- tt88ool'o d '.ict rl.'T\c'N Ft-d 1r JE ElECltIf- Itsrlt F= Euuo U*rfu!t 1,,0,*! I II T!l ru 99 EFI Ei,!riE,iir ilii'li T1JT,l AS5OC IATES P.@3/O4o7-L7-L99fJ LOt @.303?90115J l,iil"ill*'ilfi,lL G)lo o .J 4,7 I T /I r/ =[, :I artb t5 utoq g aiq I b.E E 6 or -g o I 3 'a tJz c o -u croqEq llt ozulI 8 HlHH HgiHi EHEEI lrE!)oI EclI 1do'Aco EHn6 r_s-l-s .i -{ | 'J-f--l ts E sE J6E EI xE:iI b E bbb, E bbb* II Bbbh ir =2 EETE B'Rdd FHT 'r gE 9I2 !tl- Ffiti t^ tA ,*rlr! II' IITTTI T I! rlEi,lriiiiit $t l5 H[I t lllil*lr P.Q4/O4NJH ASS}OC I ATESo?-L?-LggfJ LA. g3 303?991135 oq C' i I i,iil*Jli*'ilfi,ll E e o I /4 r ./,fi ,r / / /tl *l'|b 3 Etr .l,lH IiTE iilE lHT Efl!ilif siEI F EEE; ssli! g IEi JDoE t5o-r+o !ta alt.J C'Oqq *E FE .H E E, E,6 ft ; ii ! Io Btr eE EE Ea IIt H lrA ' rrtn| ' 'EBtt F o|\a! rtcft-'3bs, H bt-blo3?BEEH 3E EEg.E ERFf; E3.g.E CIC'OC' PRRf, bHj BEO 'r lD a^ dHot!5 2 t-c|l -JloooEIE ,erhEl 8,,0,*l ! II rl Ei,lriistEr rru 3! 8I g I lllil'lr 7 o o flUf SK/ ,,rnrztllwica,L nrctt, bY,/5 t'paA Tvq'L u A'L c o, ,7,7+ -Fo3l-b-.lZ-$pii ..J '.- <- S 3X& $E N. \J \r{ *Jr Hll \ull ;I Blr 3\ { o $"r -j8 c ill i* I\I il lil [J \No '1 S-ob)e fP{ gE -.l osQricE " 525- 151{ D Ave - 31a - ?836 l-euy ' }qo )83f '\I .\,\S\-^P < *.*5 { $$' x I *.e.e- 6 Y-= Irifi' E;EE IE;.ilglE€ E;.,.gEgf € $!€$E i.E!EiB ;iiiE€QX,IgSiZ Y o'J't., I I I I I I I I I I Iz "l I I 6 (.) tr (tt./ U G rr tltl l_lEl 8l HXI-t-ltlol =0).83 H2E.Er"i trYliA ^o tt) )1 3r! L o.. 'tr Ivt 0,1 (s E z E.,e3: 'r3 >,E !a 0.x9UH.E 6b n l.Fo? 5EE:v s€ P-B 9 =n-::1 X:5:?sg EE a 8SH :99 s€ESFroE-trtr 991 do 0., q.= ! tisEAE: P ;H55't I -Y v Xre: !$.rico6.}@'r6(u.e€ H0J a^(qH E.E,9'i,FEE6qE3 (, r.= ES! F C)z g g O Oe Eo Fdf-ts.- C)F+E F=< F"d F{U Fsr-l SSt F.\ FSEP.HrJF<e sESil *titirHsr s-F ^H_S .F {!r:- !:) Fq SE.$*S.h |-l s-QE*EY ssRs 60S.s -gs \-/.S z, =p F{ tl i 421-Lte : ' iti_' +! "r."1-r.rr*;** '.i 'i Best Copyc$ t'i, Available ' j tAG 1-OALYrt -l ? r. .:, ;||. -r'.. . -trl i r-rt t.r-: .-l:1,.i,-' j.n: l ': BEL,F.rl'-)i,1 Cii.l-1.,i.)JG ,i- i -;: : i.. F X;-/.c,f i\ .. { a..- - F L') rR .r,I't,.r .,il I i l!.ja,c[:-ii: ::'.::] ::. Fi-l)lr: l': ; .- -:; - - ,.j': . J :l-: ', 1: '.-":.rE , 1-{l'. ., .r..,".-:. : :: --r::i!' i i: !,E'r FEET F fi !l : i'E i 1.; rr i:T I i; : l.l:ii.;s :_. _ !.,' -_, F. i0 ::"ii ) -. .'.": i 1"i-i.l "r. : ., {-;- : i! ***{**f,**e*, -' **'x. i | { r}_l . -',;' >:] > :' > > >: ' EXPOSED OPE}]:I.I ]S , l'J'T.{i,J NG EXpCSED WAL*1S,.rLr,-.\r_ sr.ade :.(,:- I ;il li-1:l- l':a'l ;',r: -.1 ..,: ; lffi{.r$rf,, rrflmtf;FF;I r ,f ir'. -- i'i ;. ,l.l -ha r r ; Thr, on'- r T!{i, 1,:jTAI- Rel, : I i'.d Best copy Available i t'i n t)rd ,,. t ce:: I t,:.1 T'i :'r F:l-a - 1.-'F - rji; ^' i cr - rt Ti':o' i't-al" 3 'l'> -'. - -r , ' / :' j1 ,.1 1,r-, .. l.-)- | ?. 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Best copy T!':;: ,--'i:J: ri H i j .r; !,,.*. -. ;,.:",t - ,1::i.. e t-:= The T.i.r j B:tlii .'.: r lle '.';' - I r.r betlu ,tt'.r"- ..-'t The ?otal FT!-r:J Ior ihe Exr:,:,,qed -jr,e:-r:11s e-:ia Available :1 , ':._-l , ia:. ""' . ' ' r.' ir'tr' i.,l 1 .: -... lr :- :; r:Pr_ _;- I r- I ::, ri 'ihe ;;:at .. |'- The. t, ::. -; :: in: -.: ", .-- |i!li_' - . - t :r_ Besf copy Avaitabte -';'- -: J- : - , .. ;' :r; j al -- ' i .-r1:.,' .- -...- ,.,' r, l lfi; rr': E:i: " :. ::., l!A:.1 i ,.'-; ...,., rrar.l,z -:,t. ,. i.;1, .-:l | . Fi.,, a!-' I^llil . -;. 'r. n€ Tn,r t(e i l . ..t -: l. ..t .. :',: Fr.r.i-.1 -l- I J-1? 1-: i : EEijl.rllli4 Ci:i.I l,i IJG ,-'.: ..': . -:.:I i\F-r.j-:, .'i,:.^i; ..':..T',I i;: r !-lX!l.,S,t:: r,;.-.-..:: , aa... 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IA qlr|28i{EllAI IEtIrrarerx IE iE i i6rt{FIHrrrra o rE uc, II U.r t1 (a(h rZ EIA '4r rE@ rtr tsor I o ul|\ ' H ECIOP IE 5Ri:i iE E- Clt ro A IH!1 trE( I H<Ec| | (,Acl- ' Itdot{ | (, dCE I AA|l I oc' o o C)o o oo o o o oo oC' oo oo oc lr3Bi8 o|lT a IUE o t: AH c lD o o ood6lo 'ii & aE E! 6EU fi E6 .l c' J5fi8F!. EEoo cbt Ia CI btco. Et o .,t o &UrtsOO O.uo rta Ha.Eao Eit u4E Haa o&B |ntlgE i F / p REpT131 T0WN 0F VAIL, COLORADOq7/?fi/98 07:19 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FORt 7/?A/98 PAGE 14 FIREA: CF Activity: Addr.ess: Locat i on ; F'at"ce I : Descr ipt ion:' Appl icant: 0wn er': Contract or: F97-lzf613 7 /?A/99 Type: B-F'LMB 1799 SIERRA TR 1799 SIERRA TRAIL e I a3- 1e3- 1e-01e F LUMB I NG FOR NEl,l SFR ( ASF ENV I Et'l ) BLUE sKY MECHANICAL I,IATKINS JULIR BLUE SKY MECHANICAL. INC. Statr-rs: I$$iUED Occ: F,hone: 39O-7836 Fhone: Fhone: 338-1545 Constr: NSFR Use: Inspeet i on Request Requeston: LEROY Req Tiner OOrtZtO Items requested to OOegrZt trLMB-Final Inf ormat i on. . . . Comments: WILL be Inspected... Fhone:3EB-1545 CALL LEROY 39A_76$E)AFTER trZr:IF FOS Aet i on Comments Time Exp Inspection History,. .. . It em r OetglA F,LMB-Underqround ft7 /'e9/97 Irrspector": trD A7/e9/97 Inspector: LFU A7 /3f|/97 Inspect or: LF U Act i on: DN Action: DN Act i on: DN NOT HOLDING F,REsSURE NB GRUGES. DENTED Notes: NOT HOLDING FRESSURE l '" [E;i!"!E?'ln-r[EfiH'1F3" NEED* ro BE ourER ,ALL. fl4/ee/98 Inspectorr CD Action: AFFR AFFROUED Notes: aintest per^f orned with rest of systemItem: OOEEB FLMB-Rough/D, W. V.qL/1,4/9A Inspector.; CD Action: F,A pENDING AIRTEST INSF,ECT. Notes; DWV AND UNDERGROUND HAS BEEN VISUAL-LY INSFECTED. AN AIRTE IS REO' D RDD NAIL F,LATES UE/o3/98 Inspector': CD Aetion: AFFR 7 FSI AIRTEST It em ; Otag30 FLMB-Rough/l,Jat er \ s-AL/L4/9A Inspectorr CD Action: AFF'R 60 FSI AIRTEST Notesr ADD ISOLATORS ON I 1/4" WATER LINE ADD NNIL F.LATES Item: Oere4@ trLMB-Eas Piping Action: AtrtrR 16 FSI AIRTEST FOR 15 MI I Act ion r DN DENIED Notes: car.rlk kitchen sink base End Ievel bath not u'omplete master bath not comnl et egrolrt al l f ixtr-tr.es in showers wet bar' not complete seal toi let base in Iower batht'oottt ONE FULLY FUNCTIONAL BNTHRI]T]M IS REN' D FRIT]R TT] TCO RtrF'RO A4/77 /98 Inspeetor.: CD Action: trA trARTIAL AFF'ROVAL Notes: KITCHEN AND ONE COMFLETE BATHROOM AFpRtrVED AND SATISFIES --TFiF-sFtfi-TF-riffi_IYIASTER BATH NOT COMF'LETE t^,ET BAR NOT CBMF'LETE \ @l/14/98 Inspector.: CD I t dh*...^-ooP60 trLtrtB-Mi se,Item: A8egra trLMB-Final O4/'re.798 Inspector: CD REPT 131 TottN 0F vAILr COLORADo A7/e@/98 QTt[9r} REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION TJORK SHEETS FOR: 7/eA/99 ================ ======== === ===- = == ==- = = ====== = == == = = == == == == == = === ============== LOWERBRTH NOT CDfY'IF'L-ETE i ALL WASTE LINES ARE EITHER CAF.F.ED OR TRAF.F,ED A7/A7/98 Inspector: ART Action: AtrFR Except as noted: -Notes: DISHWATiHER DISCHARGE H05E TERMINATION IS LOtdER THANr/ STflNDF.IF.E FLOOD RIM - trLAMP TO HOLD ABT]VE FLOOD RIM. ON MID-LEVEL IN N.W. BATH TWO HOSES INTO STnNDplF'E WITHt/ NO AlR 64tr * SOURCE OF HO5E5? CRT]SS CT]NNECTIT]N?f COMF'LETE INSTALLNTION OF HDWE IN 5Hf]WER OF LOI'ER LEVEL. REINSF.ECTION T]F 1TEMS ABOVE TB BE REGUESTED. A7 / L3/94 Inspector: JRI{Action; DN I^IAITED AT SITE-NCI SHOW " \Jto*"".'t) a.l F,n6E l* AREA: CF rr,c\-a\) ".1\'"td-Dt .-)U ., I TOI^,N 0F uAIL., COLoRADO F,AGE L7 AREA: trF Status: i55UED Constr: NSFR Occ r F'hone: F,hone: F,h on e : 3lB- 1545 [Jse: REF.T 131 n7/t7/9A A7tfr1 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION [^,ORK SHEETS FOR= 7/17/98 Activity: M97-OO34 7/L7/94 Type: B-MEEH flddr"ess: 1799 SIERRA TR Location: 1799 SIERRA TRAIL Fareel : E1O3-1?3-1e-O1t Descniption: MECHtrNICAL FOR NEI^I SFR (ASFENUIEW) Appl icant: Owner: hIATHINS JULIA Contnactor: FLUE SHY IYIECHRNICAL, INC, InspecItItIt T+ ll,ItIt tion em ! em: em: em: em ! em: em: lnspect i on Reqrrest Information.... Reqr-rest or: LEROY,/BLUE SKY Req Time: 0tB:lZlO Eomments: l^IILL Items requested to be Inspected,.. 00394 MECH-Final - -'F.h'orie: bsa-ts+s CALL LErytr? 39|A-7835*.LA1E A. Fl. IF FOS Au-t iori.-Comments , -''- Tirne Exp (r VEN TO History.,... AgreAA MECH-Rough rZrAS4O F,l-MB-Gas F,iping OC'314 MECH-Heat ing OO33IA MECH-Exhaust Hoods UIO33A MECH-Sr.rpply Air rAgJS4ra MEtrH-Mi Ec. OOJgrzr MECH-Final A4/'e4/9A lnspectot': CD Act iorr: DN contracton eancel led lo4/310/9A Inspecton,. CD Act ion: AF,CR AF,FROVED/qORRECTIUN READ Notes: mech contraetor mr-rst submit a lettet' stating *'hat the inf heat I ine have been instal led per" manr"rf actur'errf s reqr-tir-em BBILER MANUNL MUST BE ON SITE \FROUIDE SFECS AND ApFROVAL FRtrM l,rlEIL/McLffIN FOR FOI^JER VEN' BEING INSTALLED ON GRAVITY VENT THFIT HAsi NON BECUME 5IDE ',) VENTED INSTALL F'OWER VENTER MUST BE IN F.LACE AND REINSF'ECTED I^'IT SEVEN DAY5 RELOCATE HEAT LINE.S A MINIMUM OF 6,' FRTJ|YI IIBII VENT INSTRLL UL APF.ROVED VENT EAF.S ON F/F' AND KITCHEN HOOD Q6/1,7/99 Inspec:tor^: CD Actionr NO SEE NOTES Notes: RE INSF.ECTION UF F,[]I"JER VENTER FOR BOILER AND T/P PIF.ED THE EXTERIOR tl ----A-e---*-.--:_J/_{_x*!:-_ LtTG-JGJ8*e, REF-r1J1 'TOUJN OF VAIL, COLnRADO -.- FAGE lE O8/3I /gg @7!4J REEUESTS FOhINSF.EC'I-ION L.IORK sHEETS FO..B /3Iigl AREA: CF =================]===========r:============tflctivity: 897-{tOE1 g/3I/9A Type: B-BUILD Statr-ts: I55UED Qonstr': NSFR Acldress: 1799 SIERRA TR L-ocation: 1799 SIERRA TRAIL FarceI : 31O3-183-1e-01e Descript ion: NEtJ SFR (ASFENVIEW) Appl icant : RENAISANCF BUILDINB&DE Owner': tIflTKINS JULIA Contr"actor': RENAISONCE BUILDIN ,5E: V N Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: ileand Not ices. . Fr'aming I. L. C. Inspect i on Request Requestor': JULIfl Res Time: tZtl:OtD Itens Feqrrest ed to Inf or.mat i Comment E ! WILL be Inspected.. of plan Fhone: 9i:6-56OtZl DALL JUI. IA 39'ZI*5589 Act i on f,omment s Tirne Exp INC Fhone -"6$ffi ao&l'oveo with r' ?t6-56 Inspect i on Hi st ory, , , . . OlZtFqt 1 F,t"l-Te m p. acce E s /dr.a i nag e tZtAStAg F,ld-Ror-rnh gi*ade AqtSOJ Ftl-Final driveway gr'ade 8fi5 lrzt dr.iveway grade final fiAAIO BLD6:Foot ingp/Stee I n6/fi4/97 Inspector: EG It em: AOOEA BLD6-Fo undat i on /St e e I tA6/l3/97 InEppctor : HG U6/eA/97 Inspectorr EG A7 /lfl3/97 Insoeetor': LF'U Item: AASerA FLAN-ILC Site Flan U7/3U/97 Inspector-r CD AA/$\/97 Inspector.: GEORGE nI / lVi/SA Inspector': 6EORGE fr't /$'e/9g Inspector': EEOREF- Item: OOOf,O BLDG-Framinq At/$t/98 Inspector: CD OP,/43/99 Inspector: EI) "",1?l!l;##i,,r:t; Action i nr,r,nalFenrylen e^ Action: AFF,R ftft&ou.o #+ Act i on : uF,FrR AF F RovED -'t C.u Action: DN NO AFFROVED FLA Item: Item: ltem: Iten: Item: Notes: -FIRE BLO0KING REB' Ii 13 STAIR STRINGERS' SOFFITSt DROP CEIL_ F,ROVlDE LETTER FROI'I STRUCTURRL ENGINFER CI]NI-ERNING:* MICRO LRMS I'ITH I]OLEs DRII'LED THRU THEN - AT WI4XSA BEAIYI, I-.LNNs CALL FER AN 8 F.ACK SUF,F.ORT COLUM ONLY 5 F.ACR F,ROVIDED* HEAVY TIMBERS LOCflTED IN DINING ROT]IJI HAUE NO sUF.F'ORT COLU14NS PROV I DE LOE 6RAD I I'IS REF'ORT - F.ROV I DE ATT I T] AITESS - FFOVIDE TRUSS REF'ORT REINSF.ECTION REG!' D FOR ROtrF ELE:UATION f,HANGE THAT t^JILL. OC ] DUE TO FACT ILT 15 CONDITIONAL NF'F'ROVFD INCL-UDL: REUISED I) Action: Nfl FOUND. ILC ROUTED GEORGE Act i on : AFF tI For-rndat i on On 1y Art i on : DIJ DEN I En Arb i on : AFF R AFF RtiVED Act i on : DN ILC NOT AF'F'RDVED Ac:t i on : FIFF'R SEE fiOTES: : ltem : orzraSa BLDG-Insulat i on 6e/ ifr/94 I n E pect or: Cf)Aetion: AFFR AF'FROVED FgD TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 3, 1998 JeffAuxier Attorney and Counselor at Law 1000 North Lionsridge Loop, Suite 5C Vail, Colorado 81657 FAX970/476-2553 Re; 1799 Siena Trail - Need for Desisn Review Gr l-,l, lrtil rliltrq€e \d€5r + l . Dear Jefl Unfortunately, I did not receive your earlier letter of May I l, 1998, regarding the need for Design Review for the electrical service for the house located at 1799 Sierra Trail. In response to your current concern, however, due to the fact that the electrical service was not constructed in accordance with the approved Design Review Board plans, and due to the significant negative effect the change has on the overall project, review ofthe change to the approved plans is required. With regard to the construction of the electrical service, the Town's greatest concern is the awkward approach that was used in installing the electrical service and the negative effects it has on the overall design. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of the Design Review Board application. Please complete the application and submit the necessary information, so the Design Review Board may review and make a final determination of the altered electrical service construction. Once a completed application and all of the pertinent information is received by our offices, I will schedule the review by the Design Review Board. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, r;Q,*a-.r George Rr.ither, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure {g *t"'n'o' o' MAI LING ADOR ESS i PQST OF F|CE EIOX t39l varL. coLoRADo 8r65e Jnrrnnv S. Auxrsn ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW rooo N, LtoNsFtoGE LooP. surlE 5-c vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Date Heceived JUN 0 2 1998 May 28,1998 Town of Vail Community Development Attn.: Mr. George Ruther 111 S, Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 RE: 1799 Sierra Trail - purported need for design review; any present concerns you may have Dear George: This letter follows my earlier letter of May l l, 1998, wherein Julia Watkins had directed me to ask why she needed design review for the electrical service for the house ar 1799 Sierra Trail. I have not heard back from you, and we are assuming that no further design review is necessary. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if we are mistaken. Will you kindly also call me if you have any present concems concerning anything about the house at 1799 Sierra Trail? We would like to know of your concerns, if any, sooner rather than later. As always, I look forward to speaking with you on any matter. Very truly yours, JSA/jsa cc: Ms. Julia Watkins TELEFHON E 970.476,2155 FACSIMILE 970.47e.2553 o APP Quc.stiofallrhc LICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIR COMMISSION APPROVAL lf,Y.m,,CENERAL INFORMATION information, sce thc submittal requirements for thc accepted until all required information is submi and/or thc Dcsign Revicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) tl Bcd and Breakfast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tl Rezoning tr Sign Variancc F Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amendmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Employce Housing Unit (Typc: ) Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration "(VailVillage) ' i ; u tr B tr tr tr Major or E Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Spccial Devclopmcnt District Major or E Minor Amendmcnt to an SDD MVIN OFVAIL lsR 18 898 mlHffi'" Com m i si i iih. Fd'r-3ir-cbilic Thc application can not bc LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT--.[L-BLOCK- FILINC BUILDINGNAME: c. D, E,NAME OF OWNER(S): ADDRESS: /? ZONING: MAILINC ADDRESS: oNE: lJA -|!t-hl F. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): G. NAMEOFREPRESENTA PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THEF'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, ,H. Rovi.*d 6D5 MAILING ADDRESS: Fec Paid:- Ck#:- By: Application Date:- PEC Mceting Datc:- coLoRADO 81657. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April13, 1998 rr|io {lrslqt A request for a building height variance from Section 12-6D-7 of the Municipal Code, lo allow for a residence, cunenlly under construclion, to exceed the 33' height limitation, located at 1799 Siena Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West Filing #1 . Applicant: Julia Watkins Planner: George Ruther l. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST ir;rr,1-t .,.; . r . :. The applicant is in the process of constructing a residence on Lot 17, in the VAlf$lflrge W.est Filing #1 Subdivision. The lmprovement Location Certificate (l.L.C.) submitted by the appllcant indicates that the center section of the main roof was constructed at a height exceeding the 33- foot height limitation, for structures constructed in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. The roof section in question is labeled 'A'on the attached drawings. According to lhe interpolated existing grades provided by Intermountain Engineering (based on the original topographic survey), and ihe ridge height figures provided on the l.L.C., ridge A was constructed one-foot over (34 fl.) the 33-foot height limitation. The applicant is requesting a building height variance from Section 12-6D-7 of the Municiapl Gode, to allow the center section of the main roof to remain at the existing, constructed height (34 ft.). Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance of one foot (1 ft.) from the 33-foot building height limitation. II. BACKGROUND The following is a chronology of the development on Lot 17: * May 1 , 1996 - Design Review Board approved ihe project with one minor condition. " April 3, 1997 - Building Permit issued * January 29, 1998 - l.L.C. denied by staff, due to building height overage. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings for variances, contained in Section 12-17-6 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested height variance based on the following factors: of the requested variance to other existing or uses and structures in the vicinity. 8FIH!requested variance will have little or no impact on adjacent properties and structures in the vicinity. The portion of the main roof that exceeds 33 feet is very small. lt does not appear as though the increased roof height will block views from adjacent properties. 2. The degree to which rclief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege The applicant is requesting the minimum amount of deviation from the building height limitation as necessary to achieve the desired outcome of 2 completing the construction. The applicant has indicated that the building t, 4^WP height overage was a result of a change in foundation footer elevation toI r -- ..rbrl. avoid groundwater. The increase in the foundation footer elevation was to irt V-: be compensated by slight changes in the framing of the building. lt ,_----'- appears thai the slight changes in framing never occured and therefore, "- the building is one foot over on allowable building height. Staff believes that an approval of the building heighl variance would be a grant of special privilege. According to the applicant, lhe structure could have been constructed within the 3&foot height limitation and the applicant had intended to do so. However, the change in the foundation footer elevation was never compensated for. Staff believes it is important to strictly enforce the 33-foot height limitation in order to maintain the integrity of the height regulation. Given the Cunent state of the pQect, staff is not aware of any physical hardship or site constraints which would wanant support and approval of the height variance. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safetY' The requested variance will have no effect on this criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistenl with lhe limitations on other properlies classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. B. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the oSectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance thal do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The slrict interprelation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive lhe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of olher properties in the same districl. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Upon review of the proposed building height variance request, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission deny the applicant's request. Staff believes that granting the height variance would not be materially injurious to olher properties in the vicinity or to the public health, safety and welfare. However, staff believes thal the variance would be a grant of special privilege, since there does nol appear to be any unusual circumstances unique to the properly, or lhe construclion process, thal would justify the requesl. Staff believes that the strict and literal interpretation of the height limitation is necessary to ensure thal all residential construction in lhis zone district is subject to the same height restriction. The recommendation for denial is based upon the staffs review of the variance criteria and lindings outlined in Section lll of this memorandum. The staff believes the building height variance is not warranted for the following reasons: 1. The granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified in lhe Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. The strici and literal interpretation of the building height regulation does not resull in a practical difficulty and unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Code. 3. There are no exceptions or extraordinary conditions applicable to the applicant's site thai do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. V tl*- g.s't bo Hqt,. &ne.r: r?lane. +r e1 Itr8.S 31' Dia'rre..6-o s'FI.D 5 tP /ui s /!' .8 ,9 JIx NN 5 :l \t:t ii 3s); iE * is s .\ i$ ,6rx,a.\ ds \ 3Ff, i$$$ ;t33 i$ii ii$$ iit$'all iFr$ i$ii *9 ffi, ,\ \* \ \ \ 1a \,\\. \ -'-<-..,,ilj- +:4--.;1 : tojE .- -- - -;;,' ,rn$'- - - r\o-J \ F-riD llllfltl {r{g c,:aE.la--fr' I fi\:'HI scLL-$ TL-r s$ R$ $ Rq t- e * t s Bi J .8 Bi \ J f\ Ft6 ffi "jJ;r'l' , I'o REQI'EST FOR A BUILDING HEIGHT VARIANCE AT 1799 SIERRA TRAIL, LOT 17, VAIL VLLAGE WEST, FILING No. Applicanu lulia Watkins and Renaissance Building and Design, Inc., owners of the land and improvements at 1799 Sierra Trail c/o Renaissance Building and Design, Inc. PO Box 576 Edwards, CO 81632 970.926sffi Julia Wa*ins and Renaissance Building and Design, Inc., respecfully request a vadanoe to the 33' height over existing grade restrictions imposed by the Zoning Title, Town of Vail. The height of a very small portion of the improvements constmcted at 1799 Sierra Trail is too high by no more than approximately six inches on the visible exterior cold roof peak and no more ttran approximately ten inches to one foot on the non-visible top ridge of sheathing. This variance request is necessary due to the discovery of ground water at the time of excavation. The ground water was not revealed by the original soils report When ground water was discovered during excavation, soils engineer Hepworth Pawlack recommended rcducing the cut depth oudined on the original foundation plan as much as possible - the dccper the cut, the more unstable the soil would become. Pursuant to the soils engineer's rccommendation, the cut was lesscned by onc foot, the foundation designed was altered at grcat expense to the applicant, and the foundation of the house was raised one foot. The foregoing changes were made to prcmote occupant safety and to diminish the likelihood of subsidence or slippage. At the time the foundation was raised one foot, no height problems were anticipated as there was at least one foot of surplus in the original plan. The one foot surplus in the original plan was designed.to accommodate any possible survey, fiaming, foundation or other building indccuracies. As a resuit of the grorrnd water discovery, however, the final plan allowed absolutely no margin for error. . Al*rough the applicant has taken the ugnost iare to insure no error in height, the final survey has disclosed ttre ridgc of sheathing may be up to one foot over the allowable RequestforHeightVurl PrgeZ height, and a very small portion of the peak of the visible cold roof may be up to six inches over the allowable height. The applicant respecfully notes that only a srict interpretation of the Zoning Title leads to the present problem. A liberal, less sringent intelpretation would show no problem, if the recognized topographical srwey erroni were interpreted in the applicant's favor. The effect of inherent opographical erron was discussed in a February 26, 196 Departrnent of Community Develqment IVlemorandum, which is anaclrcd- The applicant also notes that the original topographical survey was done while there were 3(}'(nvo and one-half feet) of snow on the ground- Changing the rmf to meet the strict application of the Zoning Tide would result in a less aesttretically pleasing roof-line. In addition, it would entail a great amount of pointless e)ipense, especially when considering the cost that the applicant has already incur€d in altering the foundation in the interest of safety and sound construction. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity: The single family residence at issue is sunounded by one home under construction to the east, a completed single family residence to the west, two building sites to the north (down hill), and a single family residence across the street to the south (up hill). Ttn single family residence at issue sits below Sierra Trail. Visually, the roof peak does not appear at all high from adjacent areas- The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of itris title without grant or special privilege: Because the building had already been built before the discovery of the height problem, the only solution to the nonconformity outside of a variance would be to remove the roof or creae a design solution such as a cupola over the peak of the building. The roof is constructed from a complicated timber russ system and skylighr Removing it would be very difficult and could result in structural problems in the resulting structurc. While a FffJTt rorHeightvafe design solution could be considere4 it would result in an architectural product which is substandard. No special privilege will be granted by allowing the requested variance. In fact, the applicant already incurrcd substantial excess cost in altering the foundation from its original desigr. The foundation alterations were made to promote safety and to lessen the possibility of slippage or subsidence. The requesed variance will promotc at least four interests deemed worthy by the Zoning Title: 1. safety from dangerous conditions; 2. to conserve and maintain economic values; 3. to safeguard the appearance ofthe Town, and; 4. to conserve and protect woods, hillsides, and wildlife. The need for the variance arises from the groundwater problems, and the subsequent necessary mitigation effors that the applicant undertook to prevent slippage or subsidence in the neighborhood" The mitigation efforts promote the foregoing objectives. The effect of the variance on the tight and air, distribution of population' transportation, traffic facilities, utilities' and public safety: There is no adverse effect on any of these areas. As earlier pointed out, public safety is increased by ttre applicant's mitigation efforts. How the request complies with Yail's comprehensive plan: Because the building has been filled on the south side (street side) ofthe property, thc home is well under the height requirements for final gnde. In fact, it is a one story building nestled in the hillside and does not in any way appear too high. It is over the requirement fm existing grade, not final grade. Due to the hardship of unexpected ground water at 1799 Sierra Trail, a height variance is requested in order to avoid a substandard home, to maintain the standards set forth by the Zoning Tide and by Design Review Guidelines. EXHIBII 'l' - Octob€r 6, 1993 Soils Report, Enghecring Dcsigtwula, hc.; HfiIIBIT "2" - April23,l997 Leter ftom Hepwonh-Pawlac,t Gotcclurical, Inc.; EXIIIBIT "3" -- March 16, 1998 photographs of impnvements at 179 Sierra Trail, utd; DGIIBIT %" -Fehwy %,l9ti Deputment of Oommunity Dorcloprncnt Memqandun. - .t ', _ i -. ENGINEERING oe*r.rwoRKs, tNc. 30965 Molfal Avenue P.O. Bot 7it7?9 Sleamboat Springs, Coioradc 9C377 (303) 879-4890 (303) 949.4823 FAx (303) 87'j'r9ci 0r1inr at Soi ls roPor L I October 6, 1993 Job #932151s Subsoil Investigation/Foundation Recornmendations {o-r. p5opobed home at' Lot 17, Filing 1, west vail village Subdivisioo Vail , Colorado John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Co 8L620 .€ Prepared for: GENE&AI This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation conducted on the site of the proposed home at Lot 17, Filing 1, westvail village Subdivision, vail , Colorado. The investj-gation was perfomed to provide sufficient information aboutthe supporting soil nantle to euable a suitable foundation desigm forthe proposed home. Our investigation specificalty did not address any slope stability considerations. The conclusions and recomtnendations presented herein are based on the data gathered during our site and }aboratory investigations and our erperience with sirnilar soil conditions. This investigatiou was conducted in accordance with presently accepted soils engineering procedures consistent with tbe proposed develoPment and no srarrenty is expressed or inplied. FIELD INVESTIGATION The subsur"ce soil conditions were erplored on Septenber 22, 1993, by three open test pits dug with a cAT 8708 backhoe. See Figure 1 for the test pit locations. The below footing soils exposed on site areprofiled in Figure 2. Laboratory soil samples were obtained with a Hand Drive Sarnpler. Unconfined penetrometer and shear vane tests r.tere performed duriug the digging operations. See Figure 2 for unconfj.ned values. I,ABORATORY TESTING Laboratory test-tg and analysis included swell consolidation testing performed at the Engineering Desigmworks laboratory in Stearnboat Springs, Co. See Figure 3 for details. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Conventionally frarned three level duplex over crawl space on a steep sloping site. RECOMMENDATIONS Laboratory tests indicate that she tan and brown clays with gravels and small rocks located in the normal bearing strata approximately 4' below existing grade in test pits #2 and #3 are sl5'ght1y erpansive. Any conventional foundation bearing on these soils should be designed for 3{oo psf naxi.uum, 1oo Psf niuinun soils bearing pressures. Suggested design at-rest equivalent fluid Pressure for backfill: imported grav5lr = 50 pcf, on-site silts and sands = 70 pcf, on-site clays = 80 Page 2 Job #93215Ls LA/6/93 Any foundation at this site must be desigmed and constructed in strict confo::anance with the following precautions: 1. Foundation grade bearns should be designed and reinforced to span an unsupported distance of at least 10 feet. 2. Inspect excavation for soil unifornity and to confirrn tlT)es priorto any foundation construction. All loose or soft pockets of soilwithin the loaded depth of the footings should be removed and replaced with a well conpacted gravel; or the footings extended to lowerrmore competent soils. 3. Conpacted fills to be conpacted in 8rr li-fts to a nininurn of 95? Modified Proctor Density with gravels at a noisture content within 2? of optinun. Properly placed and confined washed rock may be used in lieu of compacted fills when properly vibrated in 24r' marimum lifts. 4. Any fill containing rock should be carefully nixed to avoid nesting and creation of voids. No concrete or fill shall be placed on nuddy or frozen ground. 5. SIab construction is not recorunended, but if it is to be ilrplemented, it should be constructed over fills, as described above. The risk of slab movement decreases with increased fill depth. l2tt-24t1 of fill is recomrnended. Remove all topsoil, organics, and other objectionable naterials pri.or to placing fills.Slipjoint all floor slabs at all interfaces and provide forpossible slab novenent under p.artition walls. Slabs should not be used for bearing of structural conponents. 6. Maintain frost depth for footings subject to frost, uuless aninsulated or other engineered shallow foundation is ernployed. 7. Maintain the in-situ noisture content and avoid weathering of the bearing soils at aJ.I tirnes before, during and after construction. 8. Provide an adequate daylighting underdrain system from the low areas of the excavation. Test before and after backfiLl. Contourthe finish grading to divert all surface drainage at least 10' away frorn aL1 sides of the stnrcture. 9. Do not backfill untj-I supporting floor systerns or adequate bracingis in place. All exterior backfill to be granular free draining material , capped vrith 12n of water j-rnpermeable (eg. clay; materialto divert surface flow. Geotertile fabri: is recornmended beLow theclay layer. 10. Slope stability should be addressed by others in the design Drocess. Page 3 Job #93T.57s LO/6/93 Sigmlficant changes in the propoeed etructure or subsoildifferent than thoee logged in FLgure 2 nay alter these and should be brougbt to the attention of tbl,s office. coaditions feconmendations Job #932L57s tO/6/93 Slncerely, Engiue-9ging Desiglrro5ks, Inc. ffi=t:t/V' by: Peter WiegaDd, Geologist. reviewed: Jeff Sbarlre, P.E. Page 4 .': :< '! .t: .:' :j .:i .i '.I 4t i, .r. ; ii: ;,1. :c '..t *,$,i ll r;,1J*,,.Jr,-,ror-lor-#;,P .02 ,.... HepurorthPatrl I ak Geotech I{rrwonru-Peulx Georecr l:{rcAl, lNc. April23, 1997 Ren&issancc Building & Design, Ittc, Attn: Julia Watkins P.O. Box 578 Edwards, Colorado 8l 632 5020 l(ord 15{ Glcnwuod Spring+ (:O 8ltifit Srx 970 !Ui$l5l I'honc 9?0 9.15-?968 Job No. 196 459 Subject: Observa(ion of Excavation, Proposed Re.sidence, Lot 17, Vail Village West, l:iling l, Sicna Trail, Vail, Colorado. f)ear Ms. Watkins: As requested, we obsen ed the cxcavation at the subject site on April 17. 18, and 22,1997 to cvuluate the soils exposed for foundation supPorl We previously rcvicu'cd the geologic conditions at the site and presentcd our findings in letters dated Septcmbcr 13. 1996 ancl March 17,1997, Job No. 196 459. The in progress cxcavation was obsert'al on April 17, and l8 which wus initiated'in thc southwest corner and progressed dowrihill to the north and east. In the southwcst part of the excavation the cut rlepths are bet*'cen about 5 to I I fcct. ln the main building area the cxcaval,ion stcps down about 6 l'eet uncl was cut iuto flowing groundwater trhen obscrvcd on April 18 and 22. As a resutt, the excavation bottom was relutively soft and thc excavation coutd not be conrpleted to design cut dcpths and limits. A shallow trcnch u'as cut through thc wet arca for tlruinage to the downhill. north side of the excavation. 'l'hc soils exposed in thc cxcavation are clay, sand und rock rnixcd and are similar to those dcscribed in thc previous cxploratory pit report by others. 'ltre groundrvater s€epagc needs to be collecded and drained frorn within and around lhe excavation, This appcars impractical duc to thc potentially unstable uphill cut slopc. As an alternative, it was discusscd !o redesign thc foundation and raisc thc bearing level as rnuch as possible so that the fouuthtion can essentially bcar at cxisdng cut depths. The foundation redesign would include a mat foundation rathcr thau isolatcd footings ut the lou'cr lcvcl and elimination of the uphilt counterforts to limit excavation into the hillside. Excavation dewatering would consist of an uphill perimeter foundation drain and interior laternl drains that conncct to thc undcrslab gravcl. In addition, lhe excavation should be allowed -) HeprrrorthParrr I ak Geotech TEL :303-945-8454 Apr 24 97 8:48 N0.003 P.03' '::!!'a : :.- --i '; :f '.4 :'; J r,i 4 :i:. l-i : l;- !e ..= :' _.5 :*. :r.: 'lc t -7 '.r-' Renaissance Building & Dcsign, lnc. April23,1997 Page 2 to drain und thc groundu'ater level to lower, 'Ihis could bc scveral wcckr considering thc tendcncy for the groundwater level to rise during spring runoff. We should revicw the foundation design rnodilications and thc groundwatcr conditions in thc cxcavation prior to rcsurning thc constructi on. Wc will be available for additional analysis and revierv at your request. If you havc any questions or if wc can be of lirther assistuncc, please call gur oflice. Sincercly. I{EPWORTIT.P.A,WT.AK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. SLP/ro coi KRM Consultants - Attn: Kim McGhee ,:3N{ 1q222 ,i' !lanpl H-P GEoTECH MEMORANDUM Planning and En,rironmental Gommission Departmenl of Community Developntent February26,1996 A worksession to discuss possible change's to the existing Town of Vail Survey Policy regarding the calculation of building heighl. o I. INTRODUCTION According to the exisring Town of Vail Survey Policy, an lmprovement Location Certiftcate (lLC) indicating the elevations of all building roof ridges must be submitted to, and approved by, the Town of Vail prior to a framing inspection. Building height ls calculated using the elevation of the ridge and the elevation of the existing grade below the rldge and the difference between these two cannot exceed the maximum building height allowance. The elevation of roof ridges can be accuratety measured by a registered surveyor. However, the determination of the existing grade is based on a topographic survey,-which has limitalions to its accuracy. Federalmapping agencies have adopted standaids to controlmap accuracy by speci$ng the maximum error permitted in elevaUons shown on a map. These standarG state that no more than 10% oi the elevations tested wlll be In error more than one-hatf fte contour interval.. The Town of Vail requires that topogiaphic surveys have two foot contour intervals, therefore, 10A" of the elevations on a survey may be in error of up to one foot. Due lo recent discussions regarding the accuracy of calculatlng building height, statf felt it timety to revisit the Survey Policy regarding height. The PEC recently amended the policy (in January 1996) to add a r'equirement of an ILC at the time the foundation is poured lor certain projects. That amendment did not atfect the measuring of ridge elevations. The section of the policy regarding the calculation of height was last amended in April 1991. Before 1991, a grace of up to one foot was allowed for all ridges. For example, a ridge that was over the building height by six inches, was approved because it was within the one l::t allowance. In 1 991 , it was determined that there was no i a need f or a one foot grace because surveyors could accurately measure ridge elevations. The discrepancy in the topographic survey was not discussed. Because there are recognized errors in the topographic surveys, compensating for these errors by amending the Survey Policy may be appropriate. Slaff has identified.four options that the PEC may wish to consider. lf the PEC determines that statf should pursue any of the options, the Survey Policy will be amended and brought back for review and approval by the PEC. TO: F|IOM: DATE: SUBJECT: ..4 II. DISCUSSION Staff has identified four options that the PEC mi.; .,i;i: -- :onsider: oPiroN #1: The Survey Policy remains as it is currently written regarding the measurement of building height. A stiatement would be added to the policy that informs developers, contractors and architects that federal mapping standards permit up to 10% of the elevations tested on a topographic sur,rey to be in error of up to one-half lhe contour interval. !l someone. chooses to build up to the maximum helght allowance, it.is at their own risk. 3PTlOirl#2: This option is similar to he policy prior to 1991. Building height requirements remain unchanged. When the project planner reMews an lLC, and a ridge is over the maximum height by less than one foot, the planner would approve the ILC and authorize the scheduling of the framing inspection. For example, if the planner determines that a building was 33'-9", the planner would approve the ILC because it is within the one-ioot deviation allowance. oPTtoN #3: When the originaltopographic survey is done lor a property, the surveyor will be required to increase the number of spot elevations within ine "building envelope', thereby increasing the accuracy of the survey. The archilect, owner and/or the surveyor would determine the building envelope, based upon the most appropriate and desirable place to build. Increasing the number of spot elevations will reduce the 10% error factor ihat exists in topographic surveys. Staff acknowledges that some buiicii,-,gs may still be over the building height and this option may need to be combined with option #1. oPTtoN #4: lf a building has any proposed ridge within one loot of the maximum building height, a spot elevation will be required directly below that ddge to ensure ac€urate measurement of the ridge height. This additional spot elevation would need to be done when the building tootprint and ridge elevations are identified and prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.. This will require the surveyor to survey lhe prcpe::7 t'.vice: once for gene:'al topographic and lot information, and later to measure specific points on the property to be added to the original survey. There are pros and cons associated with each of these options. Staff recommends that the PEC discuss each option and direct staff to amend the Survey Policy as necessary. We have invited several surveyors to atend the meeting, in order to help provide the PEC additional information and advice. The PEC should also consider lhe timing of any change to this policy; when should it go into affect, and how (if at all) will it affect existing Building Permits? Neighbors Adjacent to 1799 Sierra Trail William & Patricia Peterson 175 Valley Veiw Estate Athens, Ohio 45701 Gordon Mckeeta & Kathleen Kramer 1344;2 E. Asbury Dr. Aurora, Co.80014 Peter & Susanne Apostol P.O. Box 3817 Vail, Co. 81658 Sid Blanford P.O. Box 1271 Vail, Co.81658 Bob Zeltman P.O. Box 3tl7 Vail, Co. 81658 Klmberly L. Milner 1800 Sierra Trail Vail, Co.81657 Marc D. Lashovitz P.O. Box2523 Vail, Co.81658 o THtS t OPERTYITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PR PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance witn Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 13, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 4 r.eg.uglt for a minor subdivision, located at 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant Eric Johnson, representing Leroy SchmidtPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a side yard setback variance and a conditional use permit, to allow for the addition of a car wash, located a12154 Soulh Frontage Road/unplatted. Applicant: Sonny Caster, GTS, Inc., d.b.a. Vail Conoco ServicePlanner: George Ruther A request for a building height variance, to allow for an increase of one-foot in building height, .lpcated at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West First Filing. ,IFlicant: Julia Watkins -flanner: George Ruther A request for a site coverage variance, to allow for a residential addition, located at Unit #602, Vail 21 Gondominiums, 511 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: BillWalkerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a site coverage variance and additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1230 Westhaven CircleiLot 32, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Marilyn Quayle, represented by Eric HillPlanner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan lor the Timber Falls Development, located at 21469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant:RAD Five L.L.C. Dominc MaurielloPlanner: A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a temporary garden center, located at2107 North Frontage RoacUunplatted, Vail das Schone. Applicant: City Market, Inc.Planner: Christie Barton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prdect planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March 27,1998 in the Vail Trail. Please call ALTA OWNER'S POLICY .'10-17 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Sctredule A, against loss or damage not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l, Title to the estate or interest described in Schedutc A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance otr the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. kck of a rigbt of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attomeys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Chaiman of the Counters igned: STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY. INC. Agent ID #060058 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matteF arc expressly cxcluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss ordamage, cosls, attomeys' fees or expenses which arise by rcason of: 1. (a)Any law, ordinance or govemmeital regulation (including but not limited io building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restriitingf, rcguladng, prohibiiing or relatiog to (t) the occupancy, us€, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions-or location of any improvemenr -nori, or hereaher erectd on th'e land; (iii) a slparation inbwnership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcei of which thc land is or was a pan; or (iv) environmentil protection, or the effect ofany violation of these laws, ordinances or govdmmental regulations, exccpt to the eitpnt thar a notice of the enforcement thereof or a nodce of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation afftcting the land has been rccorded in the public records at Date of Policy O) Any governmentil police powcr not ;xcluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defecr, lien or encumbranie resuiting from a violationbr aileged violatidn affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Daie of Policy. 2. Righis of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date ofPolicy, butnot excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on thc rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other rnatters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed !o by the insured claimanq O) not known to the Company, noirecorded'in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insurcd claimant prior m the date the insured claimant b€cane an insund under this Policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage o thc insured claimant; (d) attaching or creaed subsequcnt to Datc of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Anyctaim, which arises out of thc transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interesa insured by this policy, by r€ason ofthe oPeration value or a or lien creditor. of federal bankruptcy, statc insolvency, or similar creditors' rights lawsi that is based on; (a) the transaciioir crcating the esiate or interest insured bt ftis policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent tnnsfer; or. G) the transaction creating the cstate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer excepl where the preferential transfer results from the failuie: (i) to timely record the instruhent of transfer; or (ii) of such recordation 1o impart notice to a purchaser for Serial No. O-n014444 O ry.IoNs AND srIPIrLArIqNs O O r. DEFINITIONOFTERMS. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured': the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to any righb or defenses the Company would have had against the named insured, those who succeed to the interest of the named insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) 'insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage. (c) "knowledge' or "known': actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of the public records as defined in this policy or any other records which impan constructive notice of masers affecting the land. (d) "land': the land described or referred to in Schedule A, and improvemens afxed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land' does nor include any property beyond the lines of &e area described or referred to in Schedule A, nor any right' title' interest, estate or easement in abuning streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modifr or limit he extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (0 "public records": records esrablished under state statutes at Date ofPolicy for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of maners relating to real properry to purchasers for value and without knowledge. With respect to Section I (a) (iv) of the Exclusions From Coverage, "public records" shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records of the clerk of the United States district coun for the district in which the land is located. (g) 'unmarkeubiliry of the title": an alleged or apparent matter affecting the title to the land, not excluded or excepted from coverage, which would entirle a purchaser of the estate or interest described in Schedule A to be released from the obligation to purchase by vim:e of a contractual condition requiring the delivery of markeuble title. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSTJRANCE AFTER COIWEYANCE OFTITLE. The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured only so long as the insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from the insured' or only so long as the insured shall have liability by reason of covenanB of warranty made by the insured in any transfer or conveyance of the esute or interest. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the insured of either (i) an estate or interest in ttre land, or (ii) an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to the insured. 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSIJR.ED CLAIMANT. The insured shall notifi rhe Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 4(a) below' (ii) in case knowledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim oftitle or interest which is adverse othe title to the estate or interest' as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if title to the estate or inreresr, as insured, is rejected as unmarketable. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to the insured all liability of r6e Company shall terminate wirh regard to the metter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however' that failure to noriry the Company shall in no case prejudice the righu of any insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. 4. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS; DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE. (a) Upon written request by the insured and subjecl to the options contained in Section 6 of these Conditions and Stipulations' the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim adverse ro the tille or interest as insured, but only as to those stated causes of action alleging a defect, lien or encumbrance or other matter insured against by this policy. The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the rigbt of rhe insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the insured as to those staled causes of action and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by the insured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not insured against by this policy. (b) The Company shall have the right, aa its own cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest, as insured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to rhe insured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not il shall be liable hereunder' and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of tlris policy. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph' it shall do so diligently. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as required or permitted by the provisions of this policy, the Company may pursue any litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceed- ing, rhe insured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecule or provide defense in the action or proceeding, and all appeals rherein, and permit the Company to use, at is option, the name of the insured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company' the insured, at the Company's expense, shall give rhe Company all reasonable aid (i) in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining wimesses, prosecuting or defending the action or proceeding, or effecting settlement, and (ii) in any olher lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the eslate or inlerest as insured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liabitity or obtigation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or maners requiring such cooperation. ALTA OWNER'S POI.ICT oo SCHEDULE A Order Nmber: 95072040-c2 Dateof Policy: occobcr 05, 7995 at i:79 P.t{. Amowt of huurance: $ az , ooo. oo L Nane of lwured: ,fuLIA wl.lKlt g 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this poliq is: PBE SIMPT'E 3. Title to the estate or irxerest in the land is vested in: ;N|I'TA WATXZNS 4. The hnd refened to in this policy is desqibed as follows: SEB ATTACEED IJEGIAIT DESCRZ PEIOTI Oj Policy No.: o-9707'4444 O O scEBDInEA Oa Order I,Mcr: 950720a0-ct2 I"EGALDESCNMON rfiu 27, U IIr WtrtM n gl' ,IlrtffGt XCr. 7 tlcaordtag to t&r t.aotd.d PLtt Eh.r.oC, tt Roccption llo. 98785, eowrt or r ara gT TE O' COrcntDO oo oo contl!'urtlon of Scbcdula a - llft O'' 7o'.r'a Polley PoTtcy lttueb.r.' O-9707-4141 tDcro.c&.Etctnt agrae8aDt bctycaa ValT Clty Corpottttoa' VrtI vtlTege West' Inc. .ad sr3ordarr S8,ltb rccordrd ItloeaEbct 74' 7986 ,n Eook 452 aE PegQ 243 aa Rcccpeton No. 348480. 73. AZI aaaceaats ud ,roEcs contalncd la Suttay, !.c,cotded Februaty 7' 7990 !'D Book 522 at Pagc 705 ts rcccptloa No. 478872. 24. Ta,rE.a, coadlElons, rcattlcEloas, .nd tcgiuT.tlon' cozEalnc,d la ,rolnE Rcaolutto'l aad ltoeJca of Eacuabraa cc oE Wpci Ergl. V.IIcy ConsoltdaEed Sea,tftblol: DlaCrlct tzd Val.7 VeLLcy Coa,.olldrtad g|abc:. DtEHrtct' rccordcd APrlT 30' 7997 lD Book 552 at Pagc 977 aE R.c.PEton No. 449174, 75. A Daad of Truat datcd Scptcnbcr 29, 7995, cxccuEad by !lul!.a Watkt'ns ' to Eh. PubTlc Truataa of Eaglc Couaty ' to s.cur. aa ladcbtadacss of $30'000,00' la frvor of Fl.tstBr''tc of VatI rccordad ocEobcr 5, 7995 ta Book 677 at Page 690 .a Raccpcloz No. 573702. to Oa 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) tf the Company csablishcs thc titlc, or rcmovcs drc allcgcd dcfect, lien or cncumbrrncc, or cures the lack of a riSht of acccss !o or from the land, or cures &e claim of unmarkctability of tirle, all as insured, in a nasonrbly diligrnt nanner by 8ny mehod, including litiSrtion and thc complction of any appeals thercftom, it shall have fully performcd is obligations wifi rcspcct o thlt mrnrr erd strall not bc liablc for any loss or danrage caused thcreby. (b) ln the cvent of any litigarion, including litigation by rhc Company or with thc Company's consent, thc Company shall bave no liability for loss or daDrge until hcrc has b€.€n I fmd dctenninatiol by I coun of compctcna jurisdiction, urd disposition of all appcals thcrcfrom, advcnc to thc tidc as insurcd. (c) Thc Compsny sha.ll nor bc liablc for loss or damagc o any insured for lirbility voluntarily assumcd by thc insurcd in s€ttling any claim or suit without the prior wrinen consent of 0re Company. 10. REDUCTION OF INSURANCE; REDUCIION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY. All paymcnts undcr this policy, exccpt p&yrne s nlrdc for costs, ecorncys' fces ard cxpcnscs, drall Gduce &c amount of thc insuratrce pro En!o. 1I. LIABILITY NONCI'MI,'LATIVE. It is exprcssly understood thst the amount of insurancc urdcr dtis policy shdl bc rEducad by sny rmount thc Company nray pay undcr any policy insuring 8 mortgage to which cxceptio! is akcn in Sch€dulc B or to whicb thc insurd has agrecd, assumcd, or Etcn subject, or whicb is hcrcafter cxccuted by &n insurtd rld which is a charge or licn on thc estatc or intercst dcscribcd or refcrred !o in Schcdulc A, and thc 8rmu so pekl shall bc decmcd a payrrnt under this policy to the insurEd owncr. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS. (a) No payment shall bc made without producing tris policy for cndorscment of tllc paymcnt unlcss ttle policy has b€co lo$ or destroyed, in which casc pmof of loss or dcsruction shall bc fumishcd !o the satisfaction of &c Coupany. (b) Wb?n lirbiliry ard rhc extcnt of loss or damagc hrs bccn dcfinitlly fixcd in eccodaacc with thssc Conditions and Stipulrdons, the loss or damagc slnll bc payable within 30 days hcrcaftcr. 13. SUBROGATION I.]FON PAYMENT OR SETN,EMENT. (a) Tbc Compony's Right of Subrogetion. whencver rhc Company shall havc settled and palt e cleim undcr rhis policy, all righr of subrogation shall vcst in lbc Company unaffccted by any rca of ole insurrd claimant, The Comprny shall bc subroSrted io and bc cntitlcd !o rtl rights end rcncdi€s which thc irsur€d claimant would havc had against eny person or prcp€rty in respecr ro thc cleim hed rhis policy not bcen issucd. lf requcstcd by thc Company, the irsurcd claimant shrll mnsfer to thc Company dl riSh6 ard remcdies rgainst any p€non or prcpcrty necessary in oder to perfcct his right of subrcgrtion. Thc insured claimr shall permit thc Company to suc, compmmisc or s€ttle in thc name of the insured claimant and o use the name of the insured clairnant in any ransaction or litigation involving thcse rights or remedies' lfa payment on account of 8 claim does not fully cover the loss of thc insured claiment, dre Company shall be subrogatfd !o thes€ righ6 and rEmedies in the proponion which thc Company's peyrnent bcars to thc whob rrmunt of tbc loss. If loss should rcsuh fiom any act of the insurcd clafunant, rs strted above, that act shall mt void this policy, bul fte Comprny, in that event, shall b€ requircd !0 pay only that pan of rny losses insur€d rgainst by rhis policy which shall cxcccd the anount, if any, lost to the Company by reeson of the impairment by the insurcd claimant of thc Company's righr of subrogstion. O) The Coopotry's Riglr.s AgsiDst Norlnsurcd Obllgors. Thc Company's right of subrogetion agrinsl mn-insur€d obligors sh.lt exist aDd shrll includc, wifiout limiotion, the rigbB of the insuBd to indemnities, guaranties, othcr policics of insurrnce or bonds, notwithstanding any rcrms or conditions conoincd in thosc insmrments which provide for subrogation dghts by reason of this policy. 14, ARBITRATION Untess prohibirrd by spplicrblc hw, cirher rhc Comprny or thc insurcd nuy dcmand arbiruion pun lnt io ole Title Insurance Arbitratiotr Rules of the American Arbiu-.tion Associadon. Arbitreblc mascrs may includc, but arc not limiacd to, any controversy or claim bctwecn thc Company and the insured arising oul of or reladnS ro rhis policy, any service of the Company in corncction with its issuance or tre breach of a policy provision or other obligadon. All aftitrablc maccrs when thc Amount of Insurance is $1,000,000 or less shall bc arbitrated rt thc option of either the Compeny or thc insurcd. Atl atbiinble nBttcrs whcn the Arnount of lnsurrnce is in excess of gl,000:000 shall b€ arbinaEd only when agreed !o by borh lhc Compeny ard thc innrred. Adiration FrBuant to this policy and under de Rules in effcc. on lhe dale hc demand for arbitration is madc or, at thc option of thc insured, thc Rulcs in cffcct aa Dal,s of Policy shaU be bindi4 upon the panies. Tbe awrrd may include anomeys' fecs only if the laws of the strE in which thc lend is tocated pcrmit a coun to awerd rtlorncys' feca !o a prcvailing party. Judgment upon $e sward rendered by thc ArbiFao(9 may bc cnt' ed in any court haying jurMiction thercof, The law of tbc si0rs of thc laDd shell .pply to En rrbiEedon urdcr thc Tiale Insur8[cc Arbitntion Rules. A copy of d|e Rules may bc obBincd fmm rhc Company upon rcqucst, 15. LhAILITY LII\{ITED TO THIS POLICY; POLICY EI{TIXE CONTRACT. (a) This poticy ogerhcr with all cndorsemenB, if any, enacbcd hercto by thc Company is tbe cntire policy atd conuact between thc insurcd and drc Company. ln inrcrpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shdl bc coutnrcd as s wbolc. O) Any claim of loss or damrge, whclhcr or not bascd on negligcncc, ard which rriscs out of the stails of lhe title to le estate or intcrest coYcrcd hcr€by or by any action assening such claim, shall be restrictcd to this policy. (c) No afirendnena ofor cndorsemcut !o this policy c8s bc madc cxccpt by a writing cndorsed hcreon or rnrched hcreto signed by either thc President, a Vice President, tbe Secrctrry, an Assistant S€crctary, or validrting officcr or authorized signstory of th. Company. 16. SEVERABILITY. ln the cvcnt any provision of the policy is hcld invglid or unenforccable undcr epplicsble law, 6c policy shall be dccmed not to include that provision and all other provisions shrll rrmain in full forcc ard cffcct. 17. NOTICES. WHERE SENT. All noticcs required to be given thc Company atrd sny slatemcnt in writing rquircd to bc fumished be addressed !o thc Company rt P.O. Bor 2029, Houston, Tcxas 77252-2029. thc Company shall include the numbcr of this policy and shall STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY oa coNDmoNs ANDSTIPUA-TIONSCONTINUCd la 5. PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE, In addition o and aftcr 6c noticcs rcquicd undcr Section 3 of thcsc Conditions and Stipulrtions havc bccn providcd thc Company, r pruof of loss or damagc signed and swom to by thc insured claimant shall bc fumishcd to thc Comprny within 90 days rftcr thc insurrd claimrnt shall rlccrtein thc facts giving risc to thc loss or damagc. The pmof of loss or damrgc shall describc thc dcfect in, or licn or crrcumbrancc on thc titlc, or olhcr mrtEr insurcd against by this policy which coostilrtcs ths basis of loss or damagc and shall stete, to thc extent possiblc, the basis of cdculrting thc amount of thc loss or damagc. If thc Compeny is prcjudiccd by thc failurc of thc insurcd claimant to providc thc rcquircd proof of loss or damagc, thc Company's obligrtions b thc insurcd undcr thc policy shall tcrminatc, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecutc, or continuc any litigation, with rcgard to the rnatEr or mancrs rcquiring och proof of loss or damagc. In addition, thc insurcd claimant may rcesonably bc rcquircd to submit to crr.mination undcr oath by rny authoriz.d rcprcscntrtivc of thc Company and shall producc for examination, inspcction and copying, rt such Frsonablc timcs rrd phces es may bc dcsignrEd by any euthorizcd reprcscntativc of thc Company, all rccords, books, ledgers, chccks, corrcspondcnce and mcmorrnda, whether bcaring a drte bcforr or rftcr Datc of Policy, which rcesonably pcnain to thc loss or damagc. Furthcr, if rcqucstcd by any authorizcd rcprcscnEtivc of thc Comprny, thc insured cleimant shdl gnnt its pcrmission, in writing, for any aulhorized rcpr"sentrtivc of thc Company to cxaminc, inspcct and copy all rccords, books, lcdgcrs; chccks, con€spondcnc€ and memorsrdl in lhc custody or control of e third party, which rcasonably pcrtain to thc loss or damagc. AII information dcsignated as confidcntial by thc insurcd claimant providcd !o thc Company pursuent !o this Scction dull not bc disclosed to othcrs unlcss, in dre rcasonable judgmcnt of thc Company, it is ncccsary in thc administration of thc claim. FailuE of thc insurcd cleimant to submit for cxrmination undcr oath, producc o6er rcasonably requcst€d informatioD or grant pcrmission to sccrrrc rr$onrbly ncccssary informetion fmm thid panics rs rcquired in this paragraph shall terminate any liability of thc Company undcr this policy as b that cLim, 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTIIERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS: TERMINATION Or LIABILITY. ln case of a claim under this policy, thc Company shrll hrve thc following additional options: (8) To Pey or T.nder Prymcnt of ihc Amo|mt ol Insursne. To pay or tender payment of thc dmount of insurancc uldcr this policy togcdrcr with rny cosl3, attomeys' fccs and cxpcnscs incurrcd by thc insured cleimant, which werc authorized by the Company, up to thc timc of paymcnt or tctrdcr of payrrent and which lhc company is obligaed O pay. Upon thc cxcrcise by thc Company of this option, rll liebility snd oblig ions to lhc insuEd undcr this policy, othcr than to makc thc paymcnt Equind, shall rerminatc, including any liability or obligrtion m defend, prcs€cutc, or contirnrc rny litigation, rtrd thc policy shdl bc surrcndcred to dre Company for carccllation. O) To Pay or Othert{isc Settle Wlah Psrtlc3 Other thatr the Insured or Wlth thc Insurtd Clalmant. (i) to pay or othcrwisc scttlc with odlcr panics for or in thc namc of rn imurrd clairnant any clsim insurcd egainst undcr this policy, logcthcr wilh any coss, anorncys' fees rnd cxpenses incurrcd by thc insuEd cbimant wbich wcrc authorizcd by the Company up o the tirnc of psyrncnt and which thc Company is obligatcd to pay: or (ii) to pay or otherwisc senlc with drc insurcd claiment thc loss or damegc providcd for under this policy, togcthcr with any costs, attomcys' fccs and cxpcnses incuntd by $e insured claimana which wcrr aurhorized by thc Company up to the timc of paymcnt ard which thc Company is obligrtcd to p|y. Upon thc excrcise by thc Company of cithcr of the options providcd for in porrgnphs O)(i) or (ii), ttc Comprny's obligations to thc insured undcr this policy for the claimed loss or damage, othcr than thc paymcnts rrquircd to bc madc, shall icrminatc, including rny liability or obligation to dcfcnd, prosccutc or continuc any litigation. 7. DETERMINATION, EXIENT OF LIABILITY AND COINSUNANCB. This policy is a contracl of indcmnity against achral moncary loss or damagc sustrincd or hcurcd by lhc in$rrd cleimant wbo has suffcrcd loss or damagc by r€ason of mattcrs insurcd against by this policy and only to thc cxtcnt hcrcin dcscriH. (a) The liability of thc Company urdcr t|is policy shall not crcccd thc lcast of: (i) tbc Amount of Insurancc stratcd in Schcdulc A: or, (ii) the diffcrencc bctwccn thc valuc of thc insurcd cstltc or intcrcsa es insrrcd ard thc valuc of thc insrrcd cst|tc or intcrrst srbjcct !o lhc dcfcct, licn or cncum- brance insurcd against by this policy. (b) tn thc cvcnt the Amount of Insumncc statcd in Schcduli A at thc Det! of Policy is lcss than 80 pcrccnt of thc vrluc of thc iruurcd cstatc dr incrcst or thc full consideration paid for the land, whichcvcr is lcss, or if subscquent to thc Datc of Policy an impmvcmcni i! ctlctcd on thc lrrd which incrcascs thc vrlue of the insurtd esrate or inEresr by at lcast 20 pcrccnt ovcr thc Arnount of Insurancc saEd in Schcdulc A, thcn this Policy is srbjcst to thc following: (i) when no subsequcnt improvcmcnt has bccn madc, as to rny panial losb, thc Company shal only pry thc loss prc rata in thc proportion that thc amount of insurancc al Date of Policy bcars to the total vsluc of lhc insured estatc or intcrtst et DaE of Policy; or (ii) wbere a subsequcnt improvcmcnt has becn madc, rs to any panial loss, thc Company shall only pay tlrc loss pro tata in thc prcportion thrt 120 pcrccnt of the Amount of Insurancc staEd in Schcdulc A bcars to the sum of thc Amount of Insurancc statcd in Schcdulc A rnd thc amount cxpcrdcd for ahc imptovcmcnt, The provisions of this paragraph shall not rpply to costs, anomcys' fees and cxpcnscs for which thc Company is liablc under this policy, and shall only apply to that ponion of eny loss which excceds, in thc rggrcgrtc, 10 pcrccnt of thc Amount of Insurancc staad in Schcdulc A. (c) The Company will pay onty thosc costs, attomcys' fccs and crpcnses ircuned in accordancc with Scction 4 of thcsc Colditions and Stipulations. t. APPORTIONMENT. If thc land dcscribed in Schcdulc A consisis of two or morc parccls which ar€ not uscd as r singlc sic, and a loss i8 csteblishcd affccting one or morc of thc parccls but nol all, the loss shall bc computcd ard scttlcd on a pro rrt basis 8s if thc amount of insunnce urdcr this policy wes dividcd pm retr rs to ahc vsluc on DaE of Policy of cach scpante parccl to d|c wholc, cxclusivc of rny improvcmcnts madc subscqucnt to Drrc of Policy, unlcss a liability or valuc hes odrerwise bccn egrced upon as to each parcel by thc Company and thc insurcd at the drnc of thc issuancc of this policy and shown by an cxprcss staEmcnt or by an cndorscmcnt attached to this policy. (contlnucd rnd conchded on hst pegc ol th& pollcy) (ALTA Owncr's Policy) o WLAKHprwonrH-Pa April 1, 1997 GnorecHNrcar, [Nc.5020 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Fax 97O 945-8454 Phone 970 94t7988 Renaissance Building & Design, Inc. Artn: Julie Watkins P.O. Box 576 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Job No. 196 459 Subject:Review of Lincoln DeVore 1982 Geologic Hazards Investigation Report, West Vail, Colorado Dear Ms. Watkins: As requested, we have considered the geologic information presented in the Lincoln DeVore report dated August 16, 1982, Job No. 44708-GS, with respect to our previous geologic hazards assessment report dated March 17, 1997' potentially unstable natural and man-made slopes are a concern to the site development which we have previously addressed. Lincoln DeVore suggests there could be a potential debris flow hazard but our map of the 1984 Mears report does not appear to identify the hazard. In our opinion debris flow mitigation for the proposed residence is not warranted. Based on our review, development of Lot 17, Vail Village West, Filing 1 should be feasible based ou the geologic conditions. Other conclusions and recommendations presented in our previous report remain applicable. If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. (*- -/ > v,v.,-...__,/'-'\ Steven L. Pawlak, P SLP/kw '.'. :..-,l- 1?1r'. 5 | 4Jl APt tili$? "J .. ,.,..; l ,i .l "i '' ,!rri'r.ui'Jiiii. ijs,j'lu'rt ffi*iltsiZft-, -'%:.i" r; 15222 i*2..7!,/tz,g! e;--tbr*:t"iqQ;iti,'si HnrwoHrlr-l'a{cnorccrnrrcl),, INc. March 17, 1997 Renaissarrce Building & Dcsign, Inc. Attn: Julia Watkins P.O. Box 578 Edwards. Colorado 81632 Job No. t96 459 lot 17, VailSubject:Geologic I'Iaz:rds Asscssrnent, Proposed Residence. Village West, Filirrg l, Vail, Colondo I)ear Ms. Watkins: As requestcd, wc have performed a geologic hazards assesstncut lbr the proposed der,elopnrcnt rt the subject site. Slope stability is a concern with development of the pI()perty. We madc a recomaissance of tbe sjte on September 10 and 11, 1995 to evaluate the currcnt site conditions. The proposed building site was rough srakcd in the tjeld and located bclow the Sierra Trail rcradway embankmcnt fill on thc westent part of the lcrt. Vegetation on tlte lotconsisrcd of a medium densc aspen fbrcst with a ground coter of grasses and weeds. Scattered granitic houldcrs up to fbur teet in diametel were observed on the ground surface. Previorrs Subsoil Infornration: We have been provided a copy of a subsoil study report by l3ngineering Designwtrrks, Irrc. Dated October 6, 1993, Job No. 9321515 conducted at thc subjcct site. We have also been provided progress site grading and foundation design drawings fcrr the current proposed residence prepared by Julia Watkins. 'l'he design drawings indicate that the foundatitrn and t'loor levels will stepped to keep cut depths less than atlout 10 to 12 fbet. The uphill side of the lesidence u,ill have fill depths up to abont 13 feet ar the driveway access to the garage. The test pits dug between about 5% to 8 t'eet Lrelow the ground surface shol firm silty sand with sravcl and clay witb gravel below about 2tA feet of topsoil. Spread tbotiugs were recommended for support ol'thc building. Slope stability is not addresseci by the cuiginal subsoil study and it was rccomrncnded that thc slopc srability be addrcssed by others in thc dcsign (ircm 10, page 3). The proposed foundation and grading designs provided ro us appear approprirtc for rhc site devetopnrent. Cut and fill depths up to abour 12 to l3 leer arc typical of development in this arca. Thc uphill till will mostly be rctained by the fbundation walls and the building should bc dcsigned for latcral carth loading. l'he tbundations should bc deepcncd as necdcd to bear cntirely on the firrn natural subsoils bclorv any cxisting fill and topsoil. The foundation bearing and cut slope conditions should be evaluated at the titne of excavation. Generally, rve expect potential for construclion induced slope instability will be low provided that sat'e construction practices are Io taoid ts4 Vlcnwo{xl Springr, CO 81601 I;rr 970 945'8{54 I'hnnr 970 9{5.?988 Renaissance Buikling & Design, Inc. March 17, 1997 Page 2 followcd and excavation side slopes are properly graded or shored. I)eep cuts (greater tlmn 5 fcct) in the road fill soils may need ro be shored. Geologic Conditions: The sje is not mapped as being impacted by rockfall or debris flow (schmueser and Associarcs, 1984 ancr Mears, l9g4), Basecl Ln out revierv, r1c proposed developrnent will not ittcrease the risk of geologic hazar<.ls ro other propefiy or structurcs including public buildings, roads. utilities ancl riglrr-of-rvays. The conclusions submitted in thi.s letter are based on our review of the gcologic conditions and the design inforrnation provided and do not include cleep suirsurtace exploration. This study i.s bascd on the flssurnption rhat the subsoils with clepth have cquai or better support than those described in the Engineering Designlorks reporr. Varialions in the subsurtacc conditions could increase the ri.sk of movenrent. In r..rrcler to rcvcal the nature and extcnt of variations in thc subsurfhce conditions below thc excavatittns. clrilling would bc rcquired. Ir is possible the clata obtainerl by 4eep subsut'facc exploration could change the rcsommendations contaiued in rhis lettcr. If there are any guc.stion or if we can bc of further assistancc, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWOR'IH . PAWI,AK GEOI.ECHNICAL. INC, .Steven L. Pawlak, P.F.. Rcv. By. L)LH SLP/kw Mears, A,.I., 1984, Debris-Flow and Debri.r-Avalanche Halards in thePrepared for tlre Town of Vail. sclunucser and Associatcs. 1984. Rockfalt study.for the Town of vtit. the Totvn of Vail. Town of'Vail. Prepared for ffihilr*\*i 1szzz i: \w#$e lleprrrorthParrr I ak Gro.r.ech IEL ,OgOS-.r-rS, Hent'oRrx-PnwLAK Grort(.HNlcrL, lNc. Soptcmber tl. 1996 Insbrook Mendow Drvelopmcnt Cor?ontion Attn: Sturn Bomc P.O. Box 1526 Vail, Colorado 8165t subject: conrmonrsRegarding sropc stobiliry conccms. proposed Residence, I.or 17, Veil Village Wert, Fiting t. Vait, Colondo. DeuMr. Borac: As requested. rw uru providing commcnts rcgarding slope stabihry conccrns for thc proposrd dcvelopment at the subjcct sitc. we rnc& a reconuirsance ofthe sitc ou Septcmbcr t0 and I I, 1996. we hrve boen providcd acopy of a subeoit rtudy rcporr by &rgineering Designworks. Inc. dated octobcr 6, 1993, Job No. g3zlils conducrcdat rtresubiect cire.-we ha'vc olso becnproyidcd progrcrsritc grdi$ urd foundotion design drawings for rhe cunsr proposed rcsidcncc provided by Julio Wurkins. wc visitcd rhc site on SepEmbcr | | , 1996 ro rvuluate thc current site conditions, The pmposed buildlng sitc rrar rough stated in thc ficld and located below thc sicng Tnil Roadway embankrnent fill on the wctlrrn part of the lot. Vegcrntion on thc lot consistcd of a mcdiun densc ospcn forpsr wllh o gmund covcr of grosst and weeds. scurlereclgnnitic bouldcn up to four foor in diameter wsrc observ€d on thc ground surfacc. Thc dcsign drawiugs indicotc thlt rhe foundation und floor levcls rvill be srepped ro kccp cut dspths lcss than abour l0 ro l? feet. Thc uphill sidc of the residencc wili 'have titt dcptho up to rbout l3 fcet at the drivawoy Bcclsr to the garagc. The tcst pia dug b?twccn obout 5% ro E fcsr balow rhe ground surfrce show firm tlltyiar,o with gravcl ani ctay with grnwl below obost 2 h t'ect of topsoit. sprcad t'oorings srr roomrn.rdod for lupport of thc buitdlng. Slopc stability is not addrcsscd blthe originat subsoil sturly anrl it wal rccommcndcd rhar rhe slope srabiliry be addrcsscd by othcrs in the dasign (ircm t0. page 3.) Thc proposcd foundetion ard grading desig's pmvided ro us appear appropriatc for the sitc devclopmcnt. cut urd fill dsprhs up ro abour l 2 ro 13 feer ars ryplial ofdevctopmcnt in this arcr. The uphill fill will mostry be retoined hy thc foundation ualb und rhe building ghould bo designed forlar?ral crnh loading Thc foundations should bc dcepencd us necdcd to bcar entirtly on the flrm natural subsoils below any existing litt and topsoil' The foundation bcuing and cut slope conditions should bc evatuatcd ct rhc time of ccrcavation. Oensrally. rt! expcsr poteniiat for constnrction inducctl sfopc inrtobitity will be low providcd thet safc conrtruction prnc{iccs are followed and e.xcrv_aron sid! rtopes arapropcrly gradGd or shoru<|. lt is tlkrly that deep curs (grcaror lhun 5 fuct) in tho mad fill soits will nccd ro bc shorcd. :.Pp ILL r:45 Nr.t.oDs p.oz 9t20 '(o.d | 5'aql.nrrcrd Spriritr, Cr, itgll f.rr, c?g Y451151 Phnri(' t?0 ttr.79tf Job No. 196 45c, nC.,ttUUi Itif Qt.J/ rjl1 viivic,-/i riL:o ; eP i,., I r,)Il.\t 1l:46 Insbrook Madow Dcvclopmcnt Corportriolr Scptembcr l3' 1995 Pagc 2 Tbc recomrnendations submitted in thls le$cr rrc bssed on our obscrvltion of the soils ;;;;;;iilitrG foundrr'ion crcrvssion rnd do nor includc <!eep subrurfrcc explorrtion(osvr|urtcthegubsurfacccond|tioruwithintheloadcddepthoffoundntion i"fi"""*. n r8 erudy ls urroi on,r," rusumFlon thar soits belleath thc fmtinge have il;;;il t"pp"t, thrn rtrosc dercrlbcdln the Enginecrin' DesiSnworks.rcport' The risk of foundetion mo".*nt may Uc grcltcrrhrriirtdicated in thir rcporl bcuaucc of p"*iii. r"Ai ions in ttrc suJwrfacc coruliiions. In ordcr to rcvc4 tbe nrturc and crtcnt of vrriarisns in the subrurficc conCirionr below thc erciv'tioo, drilling would bc ;;o;i,}:-1| is possible th" C.r. obtaincd by sub,surfrce crptotarion curld chanS'e the recommerrdatiot'ts comlned in this letar' If thclc rre |try qug3tlons os if wc nlly bc of turther $sigbnce' ploarc lct us know' Sirccrcly, HEPWORT}I . PAWI^AK OEOTECT{NICAL' INC' A[n: Julir Wrtkins 5:**d-{|u.u Stevcn L. Pawlrk' P.E. Reviewed BY: SI.P/ro Att|chffin( cc: Rcoaisssncc Buildlng rnd Da:ign' z{443 {rth6 ENGINEERING DESIG o f.IWO RKS, lNC. 30965 Mottd tumt . P.O. Bq 775729 Stxmbod SPnrIt. Colo..do 80a77 (303) E79rt90 (3o3) 94e{a2E F^t (3O3) 879-aS3 Subeoil Investigation,/Foundation Recomendations for progoeed houe at, IJot 1?. FJ.J.ing l, Ilest Vail Vlllage Sttbdlvlaionvail, colorado Oqtobcr 6. 1993 Job 1932151g Preparcd !or:Joha PerkiaaP.o. Bor 2007 AvoB. CO 81520 GENERAL tbis report Pr€a€nts the results of our geotoehtric?l ilY?s-tigttion conAuctLa on-the site of the proposed bone at Lot l?' Flling 1, lleet vail v1l,lage subdtvision, v411. colorado. Tbe iuv6stiqation yae prrformed to provtde gufliclent I'nforaatloa about i[e supp"rting soil naitte to enabti a aultcbls foundatl'on dretg21 for ile pi6iroged 6oue. Our lnveatlgatlon apecillcally did uot addreso atry slope stabfity coneideratlone- The qgnqlgeioas and recorus€ndatlons preaented herela are baccd on the data qatbered durinq our slte and laboratory lnveetlgatione aad our eXp€rieDce with EiDilar coil condltione. Thia inveetlgrtion wag cJiductea in aceordance with PreaeDtly aceeptcd eo|Ie englneering. proceduree eoarietent wltb thi propoa-d dcw-Iopueut aad ao rarrantlz ia etpreaasd or lntrrlied, FIEI,D ITWESEIGEIIO]r tbe Eubaurface Eoil condltlone wers €rl,lored on 9eptenber zzt L993t W abree op€n teat pits dug wlth a CAE 8708 backboe. 9ee llgrure 1 for tbe te6t Dii locatiois. tbi below footlng Eolls elPoaed on slt€ ar6 prottiea is tr'Lqrure a- LaboratorY eoil ranples war. obtalnsd wltb a iaad Orlve Sauiler. Ilueonflaed Sleuetroreter and ebear vlne teata r€re pertorueC AuriiE tbe dtgglog oSniatloue. se€ rtguEo 2 tor uncoslLued vrlueg. I.llontToRl IE9tIlrG Lalorator? t6Etlng aad aaalyale lneluded swell coagolldatlon teetlug pertorrnea'at tbe inglneerlni OeslgnworkE laboratory ln Steasboat sprJ.ngrs, co. 9ee Figrure 3 for drtal.la. PROPOgED Col{slRltqlrotf Convcntlonally frened tbree level dupler over crawl EPrci on a stesP elopiag elte. RECO!.IITIEI{DATIONS Laboratory tests indLcate tbat ;ho tan and browu claye wlth grravaf: Pasnall rocft,s located Ln tbe sornal bearlug atrata apBrortnately tl' bofow erieting grradB ln tagt pltt ,? and 13 are allghtly e4ranllve. Any- cOaveutioial fouudatloa-bearlng on theae dotls abould be deelgned for 3foo Drf r.rllttt, 1oo Itt rlltrrr eolle bearlag Breaaurea- Suggest€d OeelsD at-rsst equLvalcnt llul,d PreaEure for backllll : luported grravila - 60 Pcf,- on-eite ellta and aande - 7o pet, on-cite claya - 80 Pct. Page 2 Job f93215Ls t0/6193 Any^touBdatl'on at this eite nuBt b€ dealgmed aod cqnatructed iB Etrietconfonnanse wLth the following precautloiec 1. Foundatiou,grrade beans should be derlgmed and rernforced to apan a!uaaupported diatanee of at lecet IO feet. 2- fnapest_cxcarration for goil unitornlty atd to conflr:ar ty-pee priorto raf/ foundatlon coDatruetio', tll rooae or aoft poct3ie oi ioirwithin thc locded 9gptu of the footlnga sboutd ba riuoved aad Tsplac€d witb a well-eoupacted graveli or tbe footlngs stJndea toIorerrnore coupetent eoite. 3. coupacted fllle to be conpactad iu 8tr lllts to a uinisua of 95tuodifietr Ploctor Denalty iitb gravcle at a uoLsture coBtent wlth{n2t of-optilua. properlt plaeed and coufLned waghsd rock mrv ue-uged ia rieu ot eoutrlactea-fllra ube! properly vibreted ia ii"--nari.Euu Ufta. {. eny lll.l coutainJ.ng_roek-_should b€ earrfurry n1:ed to avoid nestlng'rd cr€atlon of voids. No eoacretc or flll-ohall be pleced oD- --uuddy or trogea gnound. 5. 9lab eonetnrctlon 1g not recomendgd, but if It ls ts belnpreueuted, it ghould bs coaatnreteil over flllg. aa describedo.bove. ths risk of Elab nover€nt dcercaceg wttb iuereaeed ftudeptb. L2r-24n of fill tg rscomeadod. Ra'rovs all topeoll .organlcll arld otber objectj"oaable uaterlale prJ,or to btaciirs flllg.sllpJoint arl froor erabs at arl lnterlacea ino provtie foi- ----- poaaibre erab.Eorrmeot under part,ltlon va]ls. siebg sbould uot beuced for bearing of, atructurc-l coupon€utg. 6' l{alntaln froct <lepth for footlaga aubJect to frost, unles! anlnsurated or qther englneered siauor-forradatloa is enployed. 7. ualutain the iu-gitu noigture content rud avold w€atborlng of thebearing eoilg at alr tinee before, durJ.ng and after eonstiustion. 8- Provi.d€ an adOquate dayrlghtlng uuclerdra{u ayetan fron tbe loPlreag of the ercavctLou. T€Bt belore and afier backfrrr. coBtourthe frBirh oradiag to dlv€rt alr eurfaee drainage ai iiaat io;-i".vfrom aII siiiee of -th€ Etnic["ra. 9. Do not backflll ''rntlr auppor:tlng fl.oor systens or rdoquate bracincls. in.prace- N.r r-teri6i ucctsil,lr to bi graaular tr.'e Gaiurnl-'Brterlar, caplnd rLth t2i of rrt€r lnperueilte (€9,-iriyi-uateriorto dlvert gurtace frow. ceoterttr€ tlbrlc ir rie6ruendae t;i;;Tbgelay laycr. lo' srotrn etabirity should be addresg€d ry otbera ic tbe deaigrnBroc€Eg. Page 3 Job '9321SLB LO/6/s3 sigotfrcaat_ changee iu the propoeed atnrctur€ or eubeoll conditionsqlEEereBt thaD tltose logged in FlErure 2 nay alter thca€ recsr@endationsaad should be brought to-tbe atteition of lnts offlce. Sincerely, Enginegy!,ng DeslgrDwoEt(e, Inc. Peter lflegand, c€ologist reviewed: Jeff Sbar?ar p.E. Paga 4 Job J93zlsl'a l.0/6/9z oo F IGURI 1 Dr jve A lp rne S ite ,.1 | slopes down' in 7' Vegetot ion: gross & ospen Iest P it #Z a7 Site slopes -2'in 5' Test pit #1 down S ierro Tro i I Iii'*, Ho?:i1, (t'tot to sco le) Prge s Job t9321sl8 L0l6le3 -o (-:I -0 II -:--..- T IGURT 2 PIT 1 Top of existing grode lopsoil rith roots Tm silts t smds rith sporse roots crtd 10r snll rocks (€" 0) +-3.0 tsf Penetrqieter Iopsoil rith roots PIT 2 Top of existing gro& Tcn silts & sc$ rith sporse roots cd 4A srnll rocks (d" 0) Fnolc ISS-Jt.t tsf Peneironeter [..0 sl $rcor vgls 0w e* tm clcy rith ilr orwcls isrll ro*s (.1" 0) httm of excwotion Itlota: Soil clsssificotion by tectnicim judqcnent mly. ilo grodotions or other clossificotion testirqs'were perfonned. Slightly dcp densc to silts t sa$ rith 1& motl ro*s ({" t)r -Fople lBp [+ tsf Paretrmeter httcm of excorction Pugs b JOb #932151a t0/6/e3 F IGURI TFq? OtT T (cont'd L I Iop of existirq grode Topsoil rih roots Iqr silts t sg1ds rith Ztr qrqwls ad smll ro*s (<{" 6) Slidrtlv dop brmn clor rittr & ororcl sni t rocks (.J" ,) .-iqte lstt [5 tsf Pcrutrqntcr bttm of excomtion ilote: Soil clossifiation I tedniqlqr judgncnt mry.ib groetiors or otfbr clossificolim tcstirps'rcre gerforncd. Pags 7 Job f9321s7e 1O/6/s3 GURi E: dnltll t.€ O-r t 1! 5.13 0.1932151. a '|llrtl (rt;, 't o.'9 0.t , o-sl E 0.* - Dl o.r 0.ta o.qt 0.tl le plga 8 Job t9321SLs 10/6/9? It Cign Review Action Flm TOWN OF VAIL trtDate 5it //iA Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: LegalDescription: Lot /J Block - SubdivisionV+ I V;/ld<;t \(rt:r #/ zone District P/^ Project Street Address: Comments: Staff Action Vote: €-l)Motion by: Seconded ov: I*'lt, rcj'f fifApproval (ortSa-r ! Disapproval fl StatfApproval DRB Fee Pre-paid F]6t\ilr-arr , AsBtfFvV lNr4r.4trpirl-'- FLocNtNq ealhrNUOUS 3,Lr,4Nq -) ll rr t Lh x lal' ------+ 2",417q, V tNxcr SC"REEN :TSor $rst TaG ScFFt-r I V =Y+Bt cklNql*r, a t.aLr.i', alLTlga DESIGN REVIBT| BOARD APPIJTCATION ' $OTW OF VAI DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:***r*****r I. PROIIECT II{FORMAtrIOII: A. DESCRIPTION: at***tt*** B.TYPE OF REVIEW: -V1New construction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) Minor AlLeraEion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.IJEGAL DESCRf Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this appLicaLion. Block 1 a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1egal and aEt,actr E. F. ZONING: NAI,IE OF Mailing APPIJICA}TT Address: Phone G. NAME OF APPIJICAIiIT'S REPRESENIATIYET .3Al'16 Mailinq Address: H. NAI'{E OF OTINER(S): OJINER(SI SI(ITA?TTTRB:Mailing Address: Phone APPIJICAIIIONS WIIJ NOr BE PROCESSED IIITHOW OflNER?S SrGInfltR.E Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as sho\rn above, are to be paid at the time of subnitLal of the DRB application. rJaLer, when applying for a building permiL, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according to t,he table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. 'Aut tq4a€1,(r I. J. FEE SCHEDUI.,E: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DBSIGI{ REVTEW BOARD APPROVAIJ B)(PIRES APPROVAIJ I'NI.|BSS A BUIIJDING PBRITIE ISIS STARTBD. Pirone FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER, FTNAIJ TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCTTON LIST OF IIATBRIAJ,S NAI.|E OF PRO,f,ECT: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,OTJZ 4 suBDrvrsroN /AtLytu-AqE UlreT STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING MATERIAI.TS: Roof Siding OEher waII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wal1s Exterior Light,ing Other required for submit,taL to the Design approval can be given: TIPE OF I.{ATERIAIJ cor.oR ('v wft,r* N/A Designer: Phone: B.LAIiIDSCAPING: Nane of PLAIvt !,IArERIil: Botanical NErme ".,r*nnQar. ouanrir,v Size*- PROPOSED TREES AND SHRI'BS 't/tE-fMr,rJtLuE-7-K['fr,( /1 z-+. ]-/ryqlf,r%J&_-JIINIM 7c{4 /a . #1,lf .,'4,L, soD *Indicate caliper for deciduous Lrees. t'linimum caLiDer f or d.ecid.uous trees is 2 inches. hdicate heighE f orconiferoustrees. Minimum heioht for coniferoustrees is 6 feet..**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qa1lon.Minimum size of shrubs is T\DE GROUND COVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, LAI{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior light,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatef.ightinq p1an. rdentify each fixture from the lighting pLanin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe off.ight proposed, lunen output, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 .t) OTHER LAI.IDSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within Ehe front setback is 3 ' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6' . c. D. Square Footage IJZ. Zg. gE it,i ,t? r'rru rfvrrrd | /11/ta .'OB NAI|T ST,BDIVISI IrOT rDDRlgg U.8. West Conrrunicatione 468.6850 or 9{9-ts30 - l$.aa 9zz.lqqtru.orrc servrce conpg5.., 9at - 613s Gary Hell/Ricn cooley tloly CrOrr ElBotrlc Aasoc. +iAVON. COLOR o AD E he F,., l: "'..:- e s, \/ b Dc\r o$qsled- - 'd*'r* taol F' L,t 1' v -/$tL J; ta-9'6 z. - z-a -96 3')t'./6 reparatel,y. che exDenae and o. llOtrl Or y\rr, uTr+v'rry rrrnrmtgt .tntf rrcrrrr:Otr.,rnnX FILING TFt lgrn k ured to verify servlee avallabiltty and 1ocaLion. Thfurhoutd bc uaed tn_eonjuncriot *rrrr prJpiiing-ybui- urliliv-;i;" fie' 1c!r1f1tt1g lnrcaltrrlons. ror any iradconriruecton ;rroposar, rtreePPllcrnt nurt grovlde a conplrtrd uttrity veriflceglon- torrn. The loeetlon rnd evalltbllity of uEilirlec, wheElrrr they bc rneln!rylk riner g!.pf,oporr.t lr,nei, nur! br appiovJa ino "iiittio uy--rrre!ollowing utllltler for thc eeeonDanytr,g-itte p1an, All euthorlrlng sig ,. r.r t,,r orlqlnals. lutlilor:lrrd.Q{gn:rure Da|g NO?P: 9{9'5892 Englneerlnc Depr.Ted Hu sky /fl{chac+-*arc*+r .rTCI Cablovielon of 949 - 123{ Merlt Graver rrUgDrr Ergle valle..- i.r1 :?.I ganlgrElon Die,_,-.{?6 -?{80 Fred Has1ee rtA rlts plea ir raquttad. rrlryrlcat tocrtlon of knorrr utllltluDust b€ sbora on gpc rlte gran.. utJ"lrty locatlone Eay cr fisy aoto_rr9J ecnrLce to the .Dropelry_rlge. rai *rttlty &reirioJiic,rli"afball be thG rcrlrcurlllflty of tUc proDerty ornGr. 1. ff a utiliEy eompanl, har concerng wlth the proposedconstruct,ion, rhe utiilty rgpr€senLitlve grr6uld notdireeulv on the utiricy verlllcacron form thit therels a problem which neeilc to be rcrolvEil, The leeueshould then be spelled out in detill ln an ar.rachedletter to che Town of vall. Sowgver, pleaee keep innind rhar ir ie rhe reBponelblllty "i ltri "iiiiriOOntpany to resolve identifled probleme. 2, rt t'ha utllltv verlticatlon form hae signaturea fromeach of tha uriltty conpanieg, and n" "6nmintr lrenadr dlreccly on rhe forrr,, rhe Towr wf rf'piciurneLhte th3rc are no probi€rne and char the'd;;;fopmenrctn procoed. lheta veriflcationa do not rellevo bhe contrecror ofhla re-spOnslbi lity ro obcain t-sf reeE, eut permittrom bhe Town of Vai1, Departnent of publii workgand to_ gEl.riq-l&ff{ly__laelr t nii_ xpe,-,-. ql"o*.(r- 1r, l_ny-public rj,ght-of -way or eesern-eniin ClrE-6ia otVai1,. A streec eug permlr fiuac b€ o-btelned Inttallation of tervice lines are atrarponrlbilj.ty of the Froperty owner. 3. {. E- SingIe DATE: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION; ADDRESS: OWNER ZONE DiSTRICT PROPOSED USE L'OT SfZE r Height. TOT,AI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Sebbacks ZONE CHECK FORy Residence, Duplex, Pri ZONE DISTRICTS Allowed (-TxuSsr) (30) (33) I Famil l mary t r ivision /,n " \/l ,' A'Gt Ut/xf UILDABLE tor AREA &up _----' <-thr 3z/bt/ 'ZllzL VzqL v-q-T*ff; s-N#,tre l(, //? 0 6ataffiiry -4 tzaot /a 0Q * enct Drive: Complies with T.O.v. Light.ing Ordinance water course SeEback (30) (50) Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) EnvironmenLal,/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain permitt.ed slope B * Proposed slope A* Yes Not/ s/+ 2') Percene slope t. , nU 2307 3) Geol.ogic llazards a) Snow lWalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow I^twettand,s A/ A z f, u ,roul c.L ort t Addition is used with Ehis reguesL? Previous condiE.ions of approval (check property file) , illO 4) YesView Corridor EncroachmenL: Does Lhis requesL invoive d How much of Lhe allowed 250 7c7 + 42s ='L4 h7 %+ 425 = FronL Sides Rear SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wall HeighLs 20' 15', 15' 3, /6, trfo2 3 yeara (300) (600) (900) /Secondary Existinq ProDosed roLal 10 -l tDATE: 4/3bla4 . IJEGAIJ DESCRTPTTON:LOE lZ BLock Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS Primary/Secondary PHONE 81632 PHONE Allowed (30)l(33)l 5,381fr Exi s Einq Proposed ToUaI 3Z oL Ztizl otL +425= +425= FronL Sides Rear 20, 15' 15' t,52. 6t'cFfl- 3,/6, 5 neqra bU' -w l51o Helghtg tt485& ot-, ,./b/q . Q,5|,Q,-8Ye.-^ef-,,, /,r' ov- AS Z r;nct (3oo)/l@J(eoo) (1200, S6t11'.-' Complies wirh T.O.v. Lishr.ins Ordinance yes "il\) No water course serback (30) (50) ulu Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1. (5Ot) Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood plain Permitr,ed Slope 8t proposed Slope t YES_ NO OL , t.tNIAT 2l Percent Slope (< > 30t)Ltz 3) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalanche_,_oL_b) Rockfall;i ijlilil^irffi l______!---/ 4 ) wet,lands e;v view Corridor Encroaclunent: yes . No__g.E__ Does Lhis reguesL irrvuive a Z5A A<idition?Howmuchofthea]'1owed250Addit,ionisuseffiisreguesE?NfA Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file) : _ oL ARCHITECT 7o&f Slb 6vt*zvtCo. zoNE Drsrnrcr p/5 PROPOSED U"' 3F4. Lor srzE /O, tu1 * BuTTJDABTJE rJoT AREA Height TOEAl GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA . Setbacks Site Coverage Landscaping Rq[ainlng Wall Parking Garage Credit Drive: lo Comm t unity Development Plan *ourifro.- Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Departnent Return To:RANDY STA UD E R, Community Development Date Routed:3/13/96 Retum Bv:3/20/96 DRT Meeting Project Name:Watkins Parking Variance Project Address:1799 Siena Trail Project Legal:Lot 17, Vail Village West #l Project Description:New single family residence on slopes >30% with garage in front setback. Parking variance requested for location of 3rd required parking space in the ROW' .,,Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) 't Approved with conditions 4.n;776,..t, O 2 z,,J-,l,Q zs>/t ./,oo- ,//+ 'i/'1-"'-7J Date received, .i- z -l f/ Rcvicwed ron. ...%24'*-Date reviewed: .} '' I J')', f:\everyoneUom\routform t- Comm ounity Development Plan Rou ormtting F Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Department RANDY STOUDER, Community Devclopment 3/13/96 3/20/96 DRT Meeting Watkins Parking Vari ance 1799 Sierra Trail Lot 17, Vail Village West #l New single family residence on slopes >30% with garage in front setback. I variance requested for location of 3rd required parking space in the ROW' flEC'DMARtJt996 Project Description: Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions (nthPi}lucl1)\j1\o6.dVti1}}'.\\^\'4.ND.JilPP1l-Lct'.@ rs ,-r .r-rval 69 g "1 rg1 e 11.: anJ r{ . ((utli€tlW't frxa 3'\xtt-nWYwetn ]re'r.lY,. (t:rtn tAr^tl>a TaW rar!\^Jct\\5 4rt ct | : | \4.1 bt\cr'-' ,atq Oie at \c\-{X} ya VIO ? huqhzr Ynr,rn 2)t ttl' \ I\P- tp'-'t r,qUr c'e Qry allr,ut flr 7Q' tt l1s1'tt 1,,{ tl.tc If rS a 4c\./ h()-,r; C - W l'r(.\r' l4 r €cre', €Ll A3 15 q'o fev, qve.d o') . rl .c{\O f:\everyoneuornvoutrorm I.I . FLANNING AND E}WIRONMENTALCOMMISSION April 8, 1996 AGENDA Proiect Orieniation / Lunch Site Visits 1. Orrison - 1464 Aspen Grove Lane2. Innsbruck Meadows - 2772 - 2892 Kinnickinnick Road 3. Watkins -'1799 Siena Trail4. Vail Associates - Gondola 11:30 pm 12:30 pm 1. A request to modity PEC conditions of approval to allow for driveway grades uP t9l_?: and ihanges to th6 approved employee'fiousing phasing requirements located at2772' 2892 Kinnickinnick Road/ Lots'l-14, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Driver:George Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. Applicant: Bob BornePlanner: George Ruther A request for a parking variance to allow for the conslruction of a new single family. residbnce with i garage in the tront setback located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 1 7, Vail Village West Filang #1fto Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: Randy Stouder 3. A request for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in the CCll Zone District and a conditional use permit lor the replacement of the gondola located at Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing; a portion of Tract B, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing;Tract A,,Block 't, Vail Village 6rh Filing, Tiact b, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing, Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead ist Filing, a portion of Tract B, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing, and an unplatted parcel ol land tocat6d iri the north 1/2 of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of ine etn Principal Meridian. (A more detailed description of the above referenced properties mdy be lound in the Office ol the Department of Community Development). Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request lor a front setback variance and a request to utilize the 250 Ordinance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 10, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4. Applicant: Carrol Orrison, represented by Tom Braun Planner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for an interior residential addi!01, utilizing the 2aOrdinance' to allow for an addition to tne tiving iie", located at 295 Forest Roadltot 20, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Pat Welsh Planner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 6. A request for a Minor SDD amendment to allow lor streetscape improvements to the Cascade Village SuUOiuision entrance located at 13OO Westhaven Drive/lntersection of Westhaven Dr. and South Frontage Road' Applicant: L-O Westhaven Inc.' represented by Skip Behrhorst Planner: RandY Stouder TABLED UNTIL MAY 13' 1996 7. A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 ord.inance,_to_allow for an exqansion to an existing t"siOrnc" to""ted at 802 Poiato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Potalo Patch' Applicantr Padraic Deighan, represented by Steve Riden Planner: RandY Stouder TABLED UNTIL MAY 13,1995 8. A request for site coverage, Front setback, side setback and Density_v{!qn99l.!o allow for an addition to me OuitCing-located at 1845 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent Alm Planner: Jim Curnutte *ITHDRAWN ttttttttttl 9. Information UPdate 10. Approval of March 25, 1996 PEC minutes' 11. community stratesic Prannins Process XilJr"3fi';.JliJ?1il#lTLitverthorne. Sign language interpretaiion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voica or 479'2356 TDD for information. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department AprilS, 1996 A request for a parking variance to allow for he construction of a new sinol6 family reiiOence w1h a garage in the front setback, tocated at 1799 Sieira TraiVLot 17, VailVillage West Filing #1 Applicant: Julia Watkins Planner: RandyStoudel t. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is proposing to construct a new single family residence on asteep lot off of.sierra Trail, 'th accordancd withlsection 1 8.69.050 ol th6 Town 6f Vail Municipal Code, the applicant is proposing to locate a2-car garage in the front setback, with the face of the gatage qt lhe . broberty iine. The Code sta-ies frat development on lots where the average slope of the site berieatn the existing or proposed structure and parking area isjn excels ol 302"' m?y !e allowed to place a garage iritne toht setback subject to review by theDesign Review Board' Paragraph X 6t Sectioi 18:69.050, states that there ahail be no required front setback for garages' except as may be required by the Design Review Board. The intent of this section of the code is to allow f'or consiruction'of a garagi at or near street level (close to the road), in order lo reduce the amount of site disturbance necessary to construct a home. Since the applicant's lot has an average slope greater than 30%, thsmaximum allowed site coverage is reduced from the standard 20%, down to 15%. An issue with this section of the Code is that many people build a 2-car garage with a single family home. When there is a steep lot involved, and Section 18.69.050 ol the Code.b applied' the garage is placed in the front setback with the face of the garage on or Yery near the plgp9rty tine.- fnE results in the third required parking space to be located in lhe driveway. This third space is then technically otf-site, and the development does not meet the Town's otl-street parking requirement of three spaces (Section 18.52.060). This is the case with the current application. Thus, the applicant is requesting reliel from Section 18.52.060 of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code, whlch states that all requlred parking be located on the same slte as the use foi which it is required. The requested variance would allow the applicant to Place the thlrd required parking space off-slte, adlacent to the property in the driveway off of Siera Trall. II. ZONING STANSTICS Lot Siz€: Zoning: GRFA: Sgtbad(s: Front: SUes: Rear: 'She Coveruge: Landscaping: 10,149 square fe€t (tho lot is vacant) P drnary/Second ary Residential Albirve{t 3,3F/ sq. tt. 20' 15n5' 1$ Proposed 2,829 sq.ft. 0' (garage) 20' (house) 23" 45' 20' *Q4't'2)15es or l,5z sq. tt. 15.5% or 1,570 3g.fi. ilel 6096 or 8,089 sq. ft. 857" or 8,590 sq.tt. Retaining Wall Heights: 6 teet (max.)3'.4' feet "Partlng:3 lpacer requlred 2 sPace! on 3lte The applicani is not requesling a site corerage variance. The site coverage must be reduced to no morE than 15% or 1,522 sq.ft..itn" riUjrr ot this application is a requ€st to place thE third required parking space off-site, in the driv€way adiacent to Siena Trail. III. CBITERN AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings lor variances, contained in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Conrnunity Development Department reoommends approval of the requested parking variance based on the following factors: A. Consideralion of Faclors: 1. The retationship of the requested variance to other existing or Potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant is proposing to locate he face of the garage on the front property line as allowed by Section 18.69.050 of the Code' subject to review ind approval of the Design Review Board. This allows the applicant to r'educe site distr.rrlcance on the property, but it also results in tlid tocation of the third required parking space off-site. The placement of the garage in the front setback should have lifle or no impact on sunounding uses and struclures. The face of the garage' when constructed, will be located 24 teelfrom the edge of asphalt. The location of fte third required parking space in the driveway, otf-site, should also have litde or no impact on adjacent uses or slructures. lf the variance request is not granted, the applicant would have t0 either propose an additional garagebay or parking decUplatlorm, or movethe barbge out of the front seback, turther down the hill onto the site. Moving ine garage out ol the setback, or enlarging the garage, would incur additional site coverage and site disturbance, and could have an impact on surrounding structures and uses. B. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and erdbrcement of a speclfied regulation is necessary to achieve- cwlpatibility and unitormity ot treatment among sites in the vicinity or to atiain thsobjectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The greatest factor limiting the development of homes in this neigq[Uorhood is the smalilot sizes and the steep slopes' Most of.lhe stSes in the area exceed 30% and thus, site coverage is reduced to 15% of *re lot area. Trying to construct a primary/secondary_.residence on a smeil lot with a tiniiteO amount of site coverage, generally requires garages to be constructed over another portion of the house. Since the applicant is' oniy buitding a single family residence, the garage can be pulled out of the fofrrint ot [tre house, closer to the toad. Placing the garage closer to the rmj, anO in the front setbac*, reduces the mass and bulk of the main sEajcture (house) and reduces site disturbance. slrce the parking requirement for a single family residence.(greater than 41100 squhre teel ot GnFn) is three spaces, the Code section that allows uie garage to be located in the lront setback on a steep lot has an.inherent t*ar,. Wnen the garage is placed in the lront setback, the third parking sFce, if required, is off-site. Stafl recognizes this as a problem with the rigulation ahd teels that the strict and literal interpretation of the on-site parfing requirement will limit the ability of the applicant to develop the site, bnd hinOer tne intent of the steep slope regulations that seek to reduce * disturbance. TIre applicant has a wide enough driveway outside the garage to Gommodate two cars, thus, the applicant has provided four parking wces, one more than required. staff feels that lour parking spaces will & adequate to serve the single family residence and thus, feels that relief frorn the strict and literal interpretation of the off-site parking requirement is necessary in this specific case. 3. Tl|e effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribulion of poputation, transPortation and tratfic laclllties' public facilities and u8ilies, and public safety. Sfiafl does not believe that there will be any negative impacts associated wilh this proposal regarding this criteria. ,The Plarning and EnvironmentalCommission shall make fie following lindinos before oranting a variance: 1. Tht the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properlies classified in the same district. 2. Ttnt the granting of the variance will not be detrimentalto the public health, safety or welfare, oi materially injurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. . 3. That the yariance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a- The strict literal interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulation would result in pracfical dl.tficuJly or unnecessary ptrlsicat hardship inconsiitent with the objectives of this title' b- There are exceptions or exfaordinary circumstances or conditions apptiiaUte to th'e same site ot the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone' c- The strict interpretation or enlorcement of the specilied regulation would deprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of dter properties in the same districl. IV. STAFF RECOMIIENDATION Statf recommends that the PEG approve the variance request to allow for the third required . . farfing space to be located ott*it'e. Staff feels that granting the off-site parking v.ariance would [oi 6"-r:it'"iiltii injurious to properties in the vicinity, in fact the variance.would allow the lpiilclnt to Oeueto'p ttre site i'vifi |ess site disturbanbe and impact to existing vegetation and JliornOing uses. 'Staff teels that there is an inherent flaw in the regulations hat allow a garage iJUeFf"cel in the front setback, which therefore necessitates an off-site parking variance'.. - Thus,'staff feels that granting the variance is not a grant of special privilege and that the relief associated with the viriance is necessary for reasonable development on the property. **/- t {'-*( f/)^-,"*-t?tr'. ^^'44 "tf9u F:\sveryoneDocvn€mG\watkins.408 @ -l^"n 7(' L' tt Itt I("i.,-- trlf; ii n'*_J^oe ,*ry*^Jh?--, NIlo*' d/N '4 o o , Statf recommends approval with the followinp conditions: I?,1. That the applicant shift the garagerturther onto the site, allowing for a full 24' betweeq th. garage ano r'L-;s;'or;;pfiJion Sieirariail. The 24'lenstf,_of drif,ffi-iF- n'ecessary toEccorfrffiate a t 9' parking space and still allow for.s' of snow storage area for plows clearing the street. The'24'length request is astandard requirement placed on all ipplicants constructing on steep lots with garages in the front setback. That the development modified lo with tre site coverage requirements. The site coverage proposed The applicant must site coverage d/L *zLt f 5;'28 48 sq. ft. more than is currently allowed. sq. ft. in order to meet the 157" maximum M,MYW[**WIU I I I I dlO rt) lit i; 1,. '/ I I r Il^,i" h 7).t6t?-. Itrt\ i I I I\ | l J-i '\i1" \\\ ,, i'j i* i,,i\j " lit ''r'' 1' \ lr : :lt'\l * rtq -\ / Ii. I I I F' -l*\+. \_ -- -t '\ I {r, \t{>\ ;b ?]RI tY : ,i.!" ,ll '^t, q. '4ai ij .l fl v) $ ) lo"' .\ \\ \'\ i "{) '&q r\i-, -\ r\ \),- .9 i\ 'i \ t\l lt,\ ,\ r"il\/ \1 qt / \:l i\ 'il'l\ iriitr\ ,\ T1 \ t.,. ;TllJL.. r I I I I I I II I I I --l l=I 5t !,l.1Itt \ul r -il ll\rl ,fl r' =t\, ll-', /-1-\('l*) \t_., /'a:_^ '.,11-"<F =vt:j .r);>-- -r!,.,i fn -.-t\L:<- !l Ll \ <--l 11\ <.1 4l EI FI 14l ,4i:l l_, t! o ( ifir I I I tl5l flit - --Il '-Jl ri Hl - ils Irh\ ,l<) )aI updated 4ll7l95 GENERALINFORMATION This procedrre is rcquired fm any Foject roqucsing a variance. information is submitted epptcationDate----"'xli- MAR u 5 1996 ''',;;;;;ffiEPT App rcArroN x'oR A vARrAr{cE '\ pftt # , finr, Ws lY' ns The application will not be accepted until all Oe ADDRESS crry, srArE, ap E dtillo,r{< t CO. 81b37- BREIF DESCRJPTION OF PRO NAME OF APPLICANT (ttpe or print c. NAMEoFAppLIcANT'sREIREsnrrArrvE €a lry\e ADDRESS PHOI.IE- CITY. STATE. NP owNER(S) STGNAT'rJRE( ADDRESS PHONE- CITY, STATE, ZIP E. LOCATIONOFPROFOSAL: Lor --l-7-lLocK-FrLNc 1- STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP FEE The fee gg! bc paid bofore the Community Development Department will acc€pt your proposal. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Staryo4 addresscd envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjac€nt to the zubject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. TTIE APPLICANT WILL BE PSSPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning saff member is stongly rccommended to determine if any additional information is necdcd- No apolication will be accepted unless it is complete fmust includc all items rccuired by the zoning adminisrator). It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to rnake an 4pointncnt with the staffto find out about additional submittal requirements. SUBMITTAL INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE TIIAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOI,JRPROJECT BY DECREASING TIIE NTJMBEROF CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL TIIAT TIIE PLANNING AND EI'IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AII4CONDMONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WTTTI BEFORE A BTJILDING PERMT IS ISSUED. Itr. ry. v. I FOTJR (4) COPES OF TIIE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A written statemeirt ofthe precis natwe ofthe variaace reque$ed and the reguldion involoved The statement must also address: 1. The rolationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and strucures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpr€tation and €nforc€m€nt ofa specified . regulation is n€cessary to achieve cornpatibility and uniformity oftrefrnent arnong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives ofthis title without grant or special privilegc. 3. The eflect ofthe variance on light and air, distibution ofpopulatio4 tansportatioq traflic facilities, utilitieg and public safety. 4. How your rcquc* oorplies with Vail's Corryrehc,nsivc Plan. A topographic and/or ipprovement survey at a scale of at least I " = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed survcyor including locations of all existing improvcmcnB, including grades and elevations. Othct elemcnts which must be shown re parking and loading areas, ingress and egrresg landscaped aeas and utility and drainage featurcs. A site plan at a scale of at least l' = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. All prcliminary building elevations and floor plans zufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and uee of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary title rsport to veriry ownership and eascments. If the proposal is locded in a multi-family development which has a homeonmers' associatioq then wrinen approval frorn the association in support ofthc project must be rcccived by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional maferial necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improve:nent survey and site plan may be waived by the zlning adr.rinist*or. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Plarming and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4ttr Mondays of each rnonth. A cornplete application form and all accompanying material (as described abovo) must be zubmittcd a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by Oe zoning adminiraror) will be accepted by the planning stalf before or after the desigped srbmiual date. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if consftuction is not commcnced within wo years of lhe datc of approval and diligently pursued to completion. OTIIER Ifthis application rcquircs a scparate rcview by any local, State or Fcdcral agutcy othcr thm the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, rnay include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparftrent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, erc. Tho applicmt shall be rcsponsiblo for paying any publishing fees which arc in exc€ss of 50% oftho ap'plication fec. If, at thc applicant's r€qu€st, any mater is postponed for hearing causing the maficr to be re-publishod then, the entire fee for nrch re-publication shall be paid by tbe applicant. Applications deemed by the Comrmmity Development Depaffnent to have signilicant dceig& lard uce or othcr issucs whioh may have a significant impact on thc mmmunity may requirc rcview by comultants othcr than town staff Should a detennination be made by tbe town staff that an outside consultant is neoded to raviow any appiicaiiora Cornmuniiy Deveioprne,nl may hire an omode consuite , it shall €somate tie armtmt of mon€y nec€ssary to pay him or her and this amormt ehall bc forwaded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his ryplication with th6 Community Dovelopmcnt Dcparfirclt. Upon corrylction of the rcvicw of the application by Oc consultant any ofthe funds forwrdcd by thc applicart for payment ofthe consultant which have not becn paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicalrt. E;rpenses incurred by the Town in excess ofthe arnount fonwarded by the aprplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bv the Town. c. D. E. F. G. VIL B. c. f:\everyone\formsVariance.4 I 7 Nature of Variance Request The project at 1799 Sierra Trail is a single family home cunently going through the design review process. The request for variance involves the otf-street parking code 18.52.100 which requires that a third parking place be on the property. The home is on a steep site and the proposed two car garage is in the front setback. The requested variance calls for the third parking place to be located in the right of way in front of the garage. ll the request is granted it will reduce disturbance to the site. Reducing concrete and unsightly retaining walls and increasing potable soil area. Since there is ample space for parking in the proposed driveway, public safety should not be affected. Nor should the variance adversely atfect light, air, distribution of population, fansportation, or utilities. Neighbors Adjacent to 1799 Sierra Trail Williar & Paticia Peterson 175 ValleyVeiw Estate Ailrens, Ohio 45701 Gordon Mckesta & Kahleen Kamer 13/d;2 E. Asbury Dr. Aurora, Go.80014 Peter & Susanne Apostol P.O. Box3817 Vail, @.81658 Ed Gund 3100 Booft Fdls Gt. Vail, Co.81657 Kimberly L Milner 1800 Sierra Trail Vail, Co.81657 Marc D. l-asho,iE P.O. Box2523 Vail, Co.81658 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail w11l irofJa puOfic neiring-in iicoiOince witn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code.of the Town of Vail on nprit A, igge;at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a parking variance to allow_for the construction of a new.single{amily..residence with a I oarade in the fr6nt set-back located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West Filing #1 -y!\Applicant: Julia Watkins7 Pianner: Randy Stouder A request to modify PEC conditions of approval lo allow for driveway 9^t-"d?-t-r_Pl9-:.T/,:^y1... chanies to the apiroved employee housing phasing requirements for the Innsbruck Meadows SuMivision. Applicant: Bob BornePlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a major.exterior alteration, conditional use permit and a streain setback viiiince in tne CCti Zone Oistrict to allow for replacement of the _gondola located at Tract D, Vail-Lionshead 1st Filing; Tract B Vail-Lionshead 2nd Filing; Tract A, Vail Village 6th Filing. ' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for an interior residential addition,-utilizing the.250.Ordinance, to allow for an addition to the living area, located ai 295 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicanl; Pat WelshPlanner: Lauren waterton ,**rl Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479'2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD tor information. Community Development Department Published March 22,1996 in the Vail Trail. W' oI ..t i'(- a \u/\$ , /v-' nrNt\ II I TOIJ1-{ __-*__"::=:-a:,::._=, OF UFIL 1""*"t N^r,rr- t'liscel lareotrs Castl rjrf,_r3l_3E Ei+: 58,: 1lADIESA_ rRotrcf_ Flec*ipl. # lir4ggg:--4S999 Fccc,unt # fl,i # lrirf,'-oTm- ,TE:t|r15:cll'tcE FLtli f; nisieH...pe,sF,ffrr, r)Ei F;ETim. u Lrh:D FEE_oTmm t{rrlRun t tend*red i rqr, r"nT'IM' ffi lr'em paid ftrot't paid ru fi1r-l€rri6r413g1616s61 m urrrssucrr:esae ?8E.BE 0l .'m ____ r:sr^,rJ,E<, 258.96ffi JIIAN 'AYA.BLA TO TOWN OF VAN. 'i-!:n TtX+.:.j cGf lJgir.r- tcrfAlrjl 0l NN 424t2 TOVFEESCO $5.000l 0000 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS0l oo00 4t332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE IMO PERTR.] 0t oo00 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000414tt CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0t oo004l4l3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.000t 0000 4t4rt A.L'I]ITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 4ffi VTC ART PROJECT DONATION )PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOAP"DJEE 2ro r\D0r 0000 423'7l I}.IVESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDINCJ 31000045110 TOV PARKINGFUND 0r 00M22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2l I 12 TAXABLEreZ.5ffi* 0l 0000 41010 'r'AXABLE @4.q4owN)0l 0()0042371 BUILDING INVESTIGATIOTI () | lthR PECAPPLICATIONI-FES 0l uruo 4t330 ADDITIONALCRFA "'50 5200.000l fi)00 41330 c.()NDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.000l 00,00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO-sq.F11 s200.000l fi)00 4t330 EXTERIORALTERATION TMORE TITAN IOO SOFTT s500.000l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENW s I,J(ru.000l 000041330 SPECIALDEYELW sl.o(ru.u00l 00004t330 sPbclAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FvIINOR AMENDI s200.o00l un0.41330 SUBDIVISION 0l m00 41330 YARIANCE s250.00 L=C,DO--{r+{Irutr4f550 ZONING CODE s250.00 01 uroo 41330 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER QISE I I cK.* L--J M. O Ll *""."", l.hl A ALTA OWNER'S POLICY . IO-17-92 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other thafl as stated thereir; 2. Any defect in or lien or encunbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewan Title Guaranry Company has caused rhis policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the Date of Poliry shown in Schedule A. STEWART TIT GUARANTY COMPANY LE Chairman of the Counters i gned: value or a or lien creditor. STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY. INC. Agent ID #060058 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following mafters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not Pay loss ordamage, costs' attomeys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of:l. (a) Any law, ordlnance or govemmenol rcgulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricdng, regulating, prohibiiing or relating td 1i; the occupanci, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions-or location of any improvlment nori' or herea-fter erectei on dre hnd; (iii) a ieparation in-ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcei of which the land is or was a pan; or (iv) envimnmentil prorccrion, or rhi effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the exrcnt that a notice of the enfbrcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in rhe public records at Date of Policy. O) Any governmenril police power not Jxcluded by (a) above, except ro the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, liin or encumbrande resuiting ftom a violationbr aileged violation affecring the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Righb of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date ofPolicy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Dare of Policy which would be binding on dre rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse elaims or other ma$ers: (a) crcated, suffered, assumed or agreed to by rhe insured claimant; (b) not known rc the Company, not-recorded'in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the dare the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) rcsulting in no loss or damage to the insur€d claimant; (d) attaching or creaEd subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) rcsulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or intercst insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insur€d the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws; thar is based on: (a) lhe transaction creating the estate or interest insured bf this policy being deemed a ftaudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or. @) the transaction creatin! the estate or interest insured Uy rhis boticy bein! deemed a preferential ransfer cxccpt where the preferential transfer results from rhe failuie: (i) to timely rccord the instruinenr 6f trinstbr; or (ii) of such recordadon to impart notice to a purchaser for Serial No. 0-97014444 1. DEFINTTIONOFTERMS., "o*t"oNsANDsrIPLrLArIoNs o The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "rnsured': the insured named in Schedule A, and. subject to any rights or defenses the Company would have had against the named insured, those who succeed to the inrcrest of the named insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited lo, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporaie or fiduciary successors. @) 'insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage. (c) "knowledge' or 'known' : actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of rhe public records as defined in this policy or any other records which impan consmrctive notice of matters affecting the land. (d) "land': the land described or referred to in Schedule A, and improvements alfixed thereto which by law constitute real propeny, The rcrm 'land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abuning streets, roads, avenues. alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modi! or limit the extenl to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mongage, deed oftrust, trust deed, or other security insrument. (f) "public records': records established under state sranrEs at Date of Policy for the purpose of impaning construclive notice of maners reladng to real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. With respect to Section l(a) (iv) of the Exclusions From Coverage, "public records' shall also include environmenlal protection liens filed in the records of the clerk ofthe United Shtes district coun for the district in which the land is located. G) "unmarketability of fte title': an alleged or apparent matter affecting 3he iide to the land, not excluded or excepted from coverage, which would entitle a purchaser of the estate or interest described in Schedule A to be released from the obligation to purchase by virtue of a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable tirle. 2. CONTII{UATION OF INSI,]RANCE AFTER CONI'EYA}ICE OF TITLE. The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured only so long as $e insured retains an esBte or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from the insured, or only so long as the insured shall have liability by reason of covenants of warranty made by the insured in any transfer or conveyance of lhe esate or interest. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the insured of either (i) an estale or interest in the land, or (ii) an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to the insured. 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIYEN BY INSTJRED CLAIMANT. The insured shall notiry the Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 4(a) below, (ii) incase knowledge shall come lo an insured hereunder of any claim of tide or interest which is adverse to the ritle m fte estate or inlerest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iiD if title to lhe estate or interesr, as insured, is rejected as unmarketable. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to the insured all liability of the Company shatl terminate with regard to the mater or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure ro nodry g1e Company shall in no case prejudice lhe rights of any insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the fallure and then only to lhe extent of the prejudice. 4. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS; DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE. (a) Upon wrinen request by the insured and subject to the options contained in Section 6 of lhese Conditions and Stipulations, the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim adverse !o the title or interest as insured, but only as lo those stated causes of action alleging a defect, lien or encumbrance or other matter insured against by this policy, The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to tre right of the insured !o object for reasonable cause) to represent the insured as io those starcd causes of action and shall not be liable for end will not pay tlre fees of any other counsel. The Conpany will not pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by the insured in the defense of those causes of action which allege lutters not insured against by dtis policy. (b) The Company shall have the right, at its own cost, to instiutte and prose.ute any action or proceeding or to do any other act which in is opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title !o fie estate or interest, as insured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the insured. The Company may take eny appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligendy. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as required or permised by the provisions ofthis policy, the Company nuy pursue any litigation to final dercrmination by a coun of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide for lhe defense of any action or proceed- ing, rhe insured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in the action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, snd permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of the insured for this purpose. Whenever requesled by the Company, the insured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid (i) in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining wimesses, prosecuring or defending the action or proceeding, or effecting setdement, and (ii) in any other lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to esrablish the title to rhe estate or interest as insured. If fte Company is prejudiced by the failure ofthe insured to frrrnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to lhe insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liabiliry or obligation to defend, prosecute, or conlinue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation, t ALTAOWNER'S POUCY SCHEDALE A Order Number: gsotzo4o-c2 Daeof Policy: ocaobcr os, r99s at 3tt9 p.M. Amount oflnsurance: $ es,ooo.oo 1. Nane of Insured: iTWIA WATKTNS 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FTg STMPZE 3. Title to the estote or interest in the land is vested in: JT'I.TA WATXZNS 4. The land referred to in thk policy is described as follows: SEB ATTAC'T@ IJECAL DESCRTPfiON Poliq No.: o-9707-4444 SCHEDWEA Order Nwber : 9 sot201o -e2 IEGAL DESCNMON tpt 77, U Z,L Vfirl/lrtB WEgf, EIITIil/GI rc. 7 rccordt''g Eo Eha rceordad l,lrt t&.r.oc. .t Recaptlon !to' 98785. coarwr oF zlobg g'jATE OF gOI'OEAD'O ALTAOWNER'S POUCY SCHEDALE B Order Number: 9 sor2o4o -c2 Policy No. : o - 97 07 - 4444 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys'fees or experces) which arise by reason of: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancia, conflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct sumey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafrer furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservartons or exceptions in patents, or an act auhortzing the issuance thereofi water ights, claims or title to water. 6. Any end aII uapeid Eaxeg aad asacsaments a.ad unrcdeemed Eax salea. 7. Thc effect of laclueioas la aay genetal or epecif,ic *rter codg.waacy ' tire Probccbloa, soll coaser:fatlon or other dlaErlct ot i',clusloa ia aay vaae? ecrvlce or atreeE iD,provasrcnt aF€a. 8. Rlght ot way for ditchee or canale consE?uc:'ed by thc authority of Ehe UD,lCcd SErtea, as raaarlr'cd, by Patca,ta of record. 9. Tea (70) petceaE aoa-parElcLpatiag royalEy ja aad Co procccds derlved from ehd eale of aay miaatala of vlr.eaoaver kLnd and aature ptodueed aad stned from aald premlees, and any aad aII aa a I ginaenEa thareof or intatclts theraLa, ae ia deed racorded Septcnbcr 30, L962 tn Book 766 at Page 407. 70. BaeameaEs 5 Ecct in vidLh aToag rear and eide eite llnae as reeerved by Ehe racordcd pIeE of eaid eubdlwtsl.on. lf(rft: Part of eatd easeDcacs nay be vacated by the d,ocvmanta recordad ae followe: Thc rceording iafonation rceorded ,fuly 7, 7990 in Book 533 at Prgc 592; as rcccpqion No. 429748; Decefrbci 72, 7989 la Book 579 at Page 494 aa rcccptio/n No. 475654; Dccc[.bcr 77, 7989 ia Book 579 at Page 476 aa recepEioa No. 475646; Aprll 9' 7990 ln Book 526 eE Pagc 394 aa tccc,Ption No. 422557; Dccclabcr lt, 7989 Ln Book 579 ae P.gc 475 ra r.ccptl.oa No' 475645; APtll 77, 7990 io Book 526 rt Page 617 as reccption No, 422780. 77. Rcsttictiona, whlch do not coataiB a forfeltare ot tcva?ter eTause, as eoataiaed ia lnatnneat rccotdcd October 25, 7963 ia Book I78 at Page 749, as aoandcd by ineErumaat recordcd Dcc.J5b.'r 6, 7963 in Book 778 at Page 345. 72. Terms, eonditlons, teeer.yaElota, teaEriccions and obligaEloas ae coaEained in Coatinued on nc.2ct Page ConEj'.uatjon of Sc&edute B - AIJTA Ow/net, s Poliey Pollcy .llurnberr O- 970X.-4444 b,croach!,GnB agteee,an.L bctyccn vatl Clcy CorporatioB, Vatl ViTTagc Nlcst, Iec. aad snot'dca Smlth recordad .l\tovsnber 74, 7986 in Book 452 at Page 243 ae Raccption No. 348480. 73. A77 ea.Eemencs lrrd notcs concaiaed Ln sucvey, recorded February 7, 7990 in Book 522 at eagc 705 aa recapBlon No. 478872. 74. Talml, coadlELots, reatrtcelons, al,d ragulatl.oas cottalned la Jo!'nt Reeoluttoa aad oticc of Eacn rbru cc of Apper EagTe VtLLey CozsoTldabed Sarlitrtjo'! Dtaetlct atd ValI VaIIcy Coagolldated Watcr DlatrlcF, rccorded APr:Ll 30, 7997 ta Book 552 aE Pagc 977 at n€,c€pgloa No. 449274. 75. A Dccd of Tr'ra| detcd ScptaE,ber 29, 7995, cxacuted by Julla watkl',,s ' to thc Publie Trust.a of Eagle Couacy, to accurc ,n LndcbBedacaa oE $30'000.00, iz tavos of FtrscB.aJc of val! rccordcd occobai 5, 1995 ia Book 677 ac Page 69o ae R.ceIrejo No.573702. CONDruONS AND STIPULATIONS Continued 5. PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. In addition to ard after thc notices rcquired under Section 3 of thesc Conditions and Stipulations have becn provided ftc Company, a pmof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by thc insured claimant shall bc fumished ro the Company within 90 days after thc insurcd claimant shall asccrEin fie facts giving rise to olc loss or damage. Thc proof of loss or damage shrll describc thc defect in, or lien or encumbrancc on thc tidc, or other matter insurcd against by this policy which constidrtcs ahe basis of loss or damage and shall state, to rhc extcnt possible, the basis of calculating the amount of rhc los or damage. If the Company is prcjudiced by the frilurc of the i$ured claimant !o pmvidc the required proof of loss or damage, the Comprny's obligations !o tlc itrs!rd under he policy shall tcrminatc, including eny liability or obligation to defend, prcsccutr, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or mattcrs rquiring such pmof of loss or darrage. In addition, the insured clairnant may reasonably bc required to submitto cxaninetion under oath by any authorizcd repr€sentativ€ of the ComPany and shall pmducc for cxamination, inspcction rnd copying, at such reasonable tirnes and phccs rs mey bc designated by any authorizcd rePr€senbtive of thc Comprny, all r€cords, books, ledgers, checks, correspondcnc€ and mcmonnda, whethcr bearing a datc beforc or aft€r Date of Policy, which Gasonably perain to thc loss or damaSc. Further, if rrqucstld by any authoriz€d rcpEscntativc of ttc Company, the insured claimant shall grant its pemission, in writing, for any auhorized rEprrssnBtivc of the Company to cramine, inspect and copy all rccords, books, ledgcrs; chccks, corrcspordenc€ and mcrmranda in tbe cusaody or contml of a thid party, which reasonrbly pcnain to thc loss or damagc. All information dcsignetcd as confidcntirl by thc insurcd clafuEnr pmvidcd b rhe Company pu6uaDr @ ftis Sccaion shall not bc discloscd to others unlcss, in thc eesomble judgment of thc Conrpany, it is lEc.,ssary in the administntion of ttc claim. Failurr of thc insurpd claimant o submft for cramimtion undcr oath, produce othsr rcasonably rcqucstcd infornition or grant pcmission to se{ur" rrasonebly neccssary information from third partics es rcquirrd in this paragraph shall tclminrrc any liability of the Comprny urdcr this policy as to drat claim. 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIII$; TERMINATION Or LIABILITY. In case of a claim under this policy, the Company shall have dre following additionrl options: (e) To Pay or Tender Payment of thc Amount of Insurance. To pay or tender payment of drc amount of insurance under this policy togethcr wilh any msts, acomeys' fees and cxpcnses incurrcd by thc insurcd claimant, which werr authorized by lhe Company, up to the timc of payment or tender of payment and which the company is obliBaEd to Pay. Upon thc erercise by thc Company of this option, all liability and obligrtioE !o thc insred under this policy, odcrlhen !o mate thc Paymc rcquir€d, shall temfnete, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecuF, or continuc any litigation, ard the policy shall bc surrcldcred to the Company for canccllation (b) To Pey or Otberrisc Settlc Wlih Prrdes Othrr thrr the Insurcd or Wltb ihc hsured Clrl'rroni. (i) to pey or otherurisc sculc with othcr parties for or in thc nanre of en insured cldrDmt atry claim insurcd agrinst urder ltis policy, iogctbcr with my costs. atbmcys' fees r'd expcnses incurred by thc insurcd claimanr which wen auftorizcd by thc Company up o the timc of paymcnt and wNch ltc Company is obligatcd to p.y; or (ii) o pay or otherwise setdc with the insur€d claimant the loss or damsgc providcd for ulder this policy, logethcr wilh eny costs, aromcys' fccs rnd cxpenses incuncd by thc insured ctaimrnr which wer! authorized by the Company up to thc timc of payment and which fte Company is obliSated to Pay' Upon thc erercise by thc Company of eithcr of the options pmvided for in paragraphs O)(i) or (ii), the Comprny's obligations !o the insul€d urdcr this policy for the clairncd loss or damag€, other than thc paymcnb required to be made, shall terminatc, including any liabifity or obligation o defend, pmsecutc ot contimic any litigation. 7. I}ETERMINATION, EXIENT OF LIABILITY AND COINSURANCT. This poticy is a contract of indcmnity against actual moneary loss or dangge susatred or incurred by the insurtd claimrnt who has suffcred loss or damage by reason of rmncrs insured against by this policy ard or y !o dle extent hercin described. (a) The liability of the Company under this policy shall not exceed fte least of: (i) dlc Amount of Insuranc€ statcd in Schedule A: or, (ii) fic differcnce betwccn thc vetue of the insurcd esiate or intercst as insur€d aDd dtc value of dre insured e$eE or in&Est subFct to thc defccl, lien or encum brancc insuFd against by this policy. (b) In the event the Amount of Insurancc strted in Schcdule A at the Datr of Policy is less than 80 percent of ore value of the insured estatc or inrcrcst or he full congidcradon paid for the land, whichevcr is lcss, or if subsequcnt to the Date of Policy an improvemcnt is crcctcd on thc land which increascs the value of the insurcd estatr or interEst by at least 20 perccnt over dle Amount of Insurance stated in Schcdule A, then this Policy is subje€t to thc following: (i) wherc no subsequent improvemcnt has b€en mad€, as !o any panial loss, the Company shall only pay thc loss pro rata in thc proportion that the amount ol insurance at Drt€ of Policy bean to thc toial value of thc insured estate or interrst at Da& of Policy; or (ii) wherc a subsequcnt imprcvcmcnt has bccn madc, as o any panial loss, thc Company shall onty pay rhe loss pro rat:r in thc proponion that 120 pcrccnt of the Amount of Insurancc stated in Schedule A bcars to thc sum of thc Amount of Insurancc stard in Schcdule A and thc amou cxPcrdcd for the impmvemc . Tbc provisions of this paragraph shrll not apply ro costs, a6omcys' fees rrd cxpcnscs for which the Company is liablc undcr this policy, and shrll only apply to that portion of any loss which erceeds, in thc aggrcgatc, l0 percent of tre Amount of lnsurance satcd in Schcdule A. (c) The Company will pay only thosc cosB, anomcys' fees rnd expcnses incurred in accordance with Section 4 of thcsc Corditions rrd Stipuletions. E. APPIORTIOI{MENT. lf hc land described in Schcdule A consists of two or more parcels which arc not used as a single site, and a loss is csnblished afrccting onc or more of thc parcels but not all, the loss shall be computcd and scttled on a pro rala basis as if the amount of insurance under d|is pohcy was divided pm rata as to dre value on Dete of Policy of each scparatc parcel to the whole, cxclusivc ofany improvements made subs€quent to Date ofPolicy, ur ess a liability or value has otherwise been agrced upon as to each parcel by llle Company and 0rc insurcd at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an erpEss staEmcnt ot by ln cndorsemcnt attach€d to fiis policy. (continued and concluded on last Fge of this policy) (ALTA Owncr's Policy) 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) lf the Company establishes thc titlc, or removes rhe alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or curcs the lack of a right of access m or from the land, or curcs the claim of unnarke6bility of tide, all as insurcd, in a reasonably diligcnr manncr by any mcftod, including lirigadon and thc complerion of any appcals thercfrom, il shall havc fully p€rformed its obligations wid| rrsped to rhat rnatrcr and shall nor b€ liablc for any loss or dsmage caus€d rhcrEby. O) In the event of any litigation, including litigation by the Company or widr thc Company's conscnt, fie Company shall have no liability for loss or damage unril therc has bccn a final determination by a couft of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals dlcrefrom, adversc b drc tide as insured. (c) Thc Company shall not bc liablc for loss or danage !o any insured for liability volunarily assumed by dlc insurrd in setrling any claim or suit without thc prior writtln conse of the Company. rO. REDUCTION OF INSUMNC& REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY. All Payments under ftis policy, except paymc s made for costs, aBomcys' fees and cxpenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance Pm ta o. 1I. LIABILITY NONCUMULATTYE. It is expressly undentood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amounl fte Company may pay urder any policy insuring a mongage o which exccption is takeo in Schedulc B or !o which the insurcd has agrecd, assumcd, or taken subject, or which is hereafter cxecutcd by an insured ard which is a charge or lien on the estetc or intcrcst dcscribed or r€fcrcd to in Schedule A, and thc amount so paid shall bc dcemed a payment undcr this policy o thc insured owner. 12. PAYMENT OF LOSS. (a) No paymcnt shal bc made without producing rhis policy for crdorscment of rhc payrncnt unless tbe poticy has becn lost or dcsmoyed, in which case proof of loss or dcsructiotr shall be fumished ro thc satisfaction of thc Company. (b) When liability ard dre extcnt of loss or damagc hrs b€en definitlly fircd in accordarrce with ttese Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damagc shall b€ payablc within 30 days thcrcafter. 13. SIJBROGATION IJFON PAYMENT OR SETTI.EMENT. (s) The Compotry's Rlght of Subrogation. Whencver the Company shall havc settlcd and paid a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall ye$ in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant, Thc Company shall be subrogated !o and bc entitled to atl rights atd rcmcdics which the insured clairnant would have had against any Person or property in rcspcct to the claim had this policy not b€en issued. If rc4uesad by the Company, thc insurcd claimant shall mnsfer to thc Company all ri8bts end r"mrdics against any p€rson or pmpeny necessary in ordcr to perfcct this right of submgaaion. Thc insrrcd claimant shall pemir dle Company !o suc, compmmise or s€ttlc in rhe namc of dle insuEd cleimrnt ard m use rhe namc of 0rc insured clairunt in any transection or litigation involving these righb or r€medies. Ifa payment on ac.ount of e claimdocs not fully cover thc loss of the insrcd claimanl the Company shall bc slrbrcgatcd to drcse riShts and rEmedies in dre pmportion which the Company's prymcnt bcars to thc wholc arnount of thc loss. If loss should re$lt fiom any acr ofttc insured claina , as srarcd above, thtt act shall not void dfs policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be Fquired to Pay only that part of any losses insurcd against by this policy which shall excccd the amount, if any, lost to the Company by rrason of dtc impairment by the insured claimant of tbc Company's right of submgation. (b) The Conpany's Righls Agalnst Non iDsured ObligoF. Thc Company's right of submgation against non-insured obligors shall exist and shall include, without limitation, the righb of the insur€d to indemnities, Suarandes, othcr policies of insurance or bonds, notwithsianding any rerms or conditions conaincd in thoss insmtmenb which provide for subrogation rights by r€ason of this policy. 14. ARBITRATION Unless prohibited by applicable law, either thc Company or the insured may dcmand arbiEation pursruant to the Tidc Insurance Arbitraaion Rules of lhe American Arbifation Association. Arbio?ble mencn may include, but are not limiled to, any condoversy or claim between the Company ard thc insltEd arising oul of or reladng to this policy, any servicc of the Company in conncction with its issuance or thc brcach of a policy provision or othcr obligation. All artitrrble mauen whcn the Amount of Insurancc is $1,000,000 or less shall bc aftitrated al the opdon of eithcr thc Company or the insured. AU arbitrable rnacrrs when dre Amount of lnsurancc is in cxccss of $1,000;m0 sha.lt be erbitrated only whcn agreed !o by borh rhe Company ard rhc insured. Arbitration puNuanr to this policy and under the Rules in effect on the date the dcmand for arbitration is made or, at thc option of thc insured, the Rulcs in cffcct at Date ofPolicy shall be binding upon drc parties. The award may include anomeys' fees only if the laws of the state in which the land is locaEd permit a coun to award atiom€ys' fees to a prevailing pafty. Judgment upon the award rendered by thc Arbimto(s) may be enler€d in any coun htving jurisdiction thereof. Thc law of he situs of thc land shall apply to an a.rbitration under the Title Insurance Aftitration Rules. A copy of thc Rules may be obaincd from the Company upon rcquest. 15. LTABILITY LIMITED TO TIIIS POLICY; FOLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT. (a) This policy togeter with all sndors€menb, if any, auacbed hereo by rhc Company is rhe entire policy and contract betwccn the insurcd and thc Company' In intcrprcting any pmvision of this policy, dris policy shall bc construed as a wholc. (b) Any claim of loss or darnrgc, whcthcr or not bascd on negligencc, and which arises out of the status of the title io fie estatc or inter€st covercd hercby or by any action assening such claim, shall be rrsdctcd to rhis policy- (c) No emerdmcnt ofor cndorsement to this policy can be made exceptby a wriring crdorsed hereon or attachcd hcreo signcd by eitbcr the Presidenq a Vice Prcsilcnt, the Sccrctary, an Assistrnt SecrcEry, or validadng offrcer or authorized signabry of thc Company. 16, SEVERABILITY. In the ev€nt any provision of the poticy is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the policy shall be deemed not to include thrt Provision and all other provisions shall rcmain in full force and effect. 17. NOTICES, WIIERE SENT. All notices required to be given thc Company and any sbt€ment in writing requir€d !o b€ fumished the Company shall include fic number of this policy and shall be addrcsscd !o the Company at P.O. Box 2029, Housan, "feyas 77252-2029. STEWART TITLE GUARANTYCOMPANY C"+e, t A\Dv\ k ttUe- 7e 9- Pne*Farn DEq1} 9q+ "* Uat I Co*-*-d* De,.rtoo,nnut L,tt"\,ca | \ F.rr^,+Ua Ra - O,... bqhat4 o+ Pe1u"$ {o- ftna,r k 1o.,,- . t' F\r(1eoc*t_ K\atrr€C-u-/ a, \,tr'\f t^./tc€ \-) e t^: tdql ""'- o r'c {- Fc'..t N, ( L4ou.$ril- 3 rnre'. t7 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant Ron Byrne Planner: Jim Curnutle TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the May 23,1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to May 23, 1994. 7. A request for a worksessaon to discuss revisions to the Zoning Code to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay PetersonPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MAY 23,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the May 23, 1994 PEG meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to May 23' 1994. A request for variances for locating GBFA in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant Peter and Susanne Apostol/Michael Sanner Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO JUNE 27,1994 Jetf Bowen made a motion to table this item to the June 27, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalion Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this iiem to June 27, 1994' A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback and a wall height variance to allow for a Primary residence with a Type I Emp|oyeeHousingUnittobEconstructedattmffipt17,Vai|Vi||ageWest 1st Filing. Applicant George Plavec, represented by Erich Hill Planner: MiKe MOIIICA TABLED INDEFINITELY Jetf Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. A request for a worksesslon for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Phnning rnd Environrnent lCommbslm Minutss M8Y 9, 199,1 9. 10. 4. [: $[" H $fiP'f A request for a worksesslon for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback, a site coverage variance and a wall height variance to a||owforanewPrimary/Secondaryresidence|ocatedatffi\flffi Applicant George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica It should be noted that Kristan Pritz stepped out of the room tor this item' Mike Mollica stated that he would not be making a presentation as he had done this earlier at the project orientation. He said he wanted to make sure that lhe PEC understood the changes which had been made to this project since the previous worksession. He exfhined how the staff had determined the average slope of 33.7% to the PEC. He stated that because the slope of the site is in excess of 30"/o that trers were additional restrictions on the property. Erich Hill, the architect for this proposal, stated that he had met with Greg Hall' Town Engineer, and explained to the PEC what they discussed at that meeting' Mike Mollica stated he spoke with Greg Hall this moming and that Greg would like to see the turning radius into the surface parking area enlarged' Erich Hill stated that his client had requested a design with two separated structures and this would require the removal ol between fifteen and twenty trees. He stated that the reason the units were being separated was to allow for "reasonable architectural spaces". He stated that this separation would discourage the mirror image of the two. siructures. He stated that there were hardships on this site which warranted approval ol the three r€quested variances. Bill Anderson stated that he did not have a problem with the requested wall height variance, or the GRFA in the front seback. He felt the proposed overage in site covsrage was still a concem. Mike Mollica stiated that decki do not count as site coverage no matter where they are located. He added that the bridge and parking spaces did not count as site coverage either. Greg Amsden stated that he agreed with Bill's comments. He fell the hardship was design related rather than site related and that the site coverage should be decreased. Jeff Bowen stated that he liked what had been done with the architectural design since the last worksession;buttte still had concerns-about the overage in site coverage. He was concerned about the size of the parking area' Phnnlng md Envkonmontrl Commbdon Aprll 2!t, l9}| 5. Allison Lassoe stated that she also was concerned about the site coverage variance. She felt that the proposed design was at odds with the topography of the site. Dalton Williams stated that he was not concerned with the wall height variance or the GRFA in the front setback but that the proposed site coverage overage was a concern to him. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the applicant needed to show that there was a hardship on the site. Erich Hill stated that having a footprint ol 1,122 square feet is a hardship and that it was impossible to get the site coverage down to 15% for a primary/secondary building. Mike Mollica stated that he could not see how the site design could be reworked to come wilhin the 30% average slope requirement. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she did not see any reason for a hardship on this prop6rty eicept that the applicant wishes to have two structures on the site. She said inai tnii was not the same as a physical hardship. She felt that a hardship did exist w1h regard io access to the site and the wall height variance, but that she did not feel that a physical hardship was presenl for site coverage. Erich Hill inquired how this site differed from Ross Perot's site which was granted a site coverage variance in 1990. Kathy Langenwalter stated that comparing the Perot house to this site was not comparing apples to apples. Erich Hill thanked the PEC for their time. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, lb and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Galeway Development Planner: Jim Curnufte TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. A requesi for variances for locating GRFA and a garage in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow lor a Primary/Secondary residence to be constructed at 1828-Alpine-Drive/Lot-16; Vail Village West lst Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne Apostol Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO MAY 9, 1994 Plmnh9 md EnvironmJ|bl comtnl..lon . ADrll25' te9a 6. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmential Commission Community Development Depaftment April25, 1994 A request for a worksasslon lor a front setback variance, a wall height variance and a site coverage variance, to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence, located at 1799 Sierra Trailll-ot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. FFI-T COPY \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: George Plavec, represented by Erich Hill Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCES REOUESTED The applicant, George Plavec, is requesting a front seback variance, a wall height variance and a site coverage variance, to provide for the construction of a new Primary/Secondary residence, to be located at 1799 Siena Trail. The applicant proposes to construct one free market primary unit and a permanently restricted Type I Employee Housing Unit (EHU). The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential and is currently a vacant lot. According to the Town's hazud maps, tris lot is not located in any geologic hazard zone (rockfall, debris flow, or snow avalanche). The property is located on the downhill side ol Siena Trail and the site contains many mature aspen trees. The southem property line lor Lot 17, in the area from which access would be taken, is located approximately 20 leet horizontally from the edge of the existing asphalt, and 12 feet vertically. The average slope in the area between the edge of asphalt and the applicant's property line exceeds 60%. Due to the steep slopes on this site, the applicant is proposing a design which would provide a bridge over the area from the existing edge of asphalt to the face of he garage. The two-car garage would be located almost entirely within he front setback. The total parking requirement for this project is four parking spaces. The Town of Vail Engineer has requested that the face ol the garage be located a minimum distance ot 24leet from the edge ol asphalt. This requesl is based upon the Town's needs for snow plowing and snow storage. The applicant's design meets the 24 tool requirement. Since he initial PEC worksession, and at the request of he PEG, the applicant has redesigned the parking layout to provide all the required parking on-site. Two parking spaces are proposed to be located within the garage, and two parking spaces would be located to the east and west sides of the garage, on the bridge deck. In order to provide all the required parking on-site, the applicant has widened the bridge deck (please see the attached site plan). According to the project architect, the widening of he bridge deck has created the need for a retaining wall to be located beneath the deck to support the road base (Sierra Trail). The 7 maximum retaining wall height would be 6'-9". The exposed portions of the retaining wall would range in height from 2'-9" to 6'-9". The maximum wall height allowed in the front setback is 3'. In summary, he following are the requested variances: A. A setback variance to allow GRFA to be located in the front setback. The GRFA would be located beneath the garage, and the area of the variance would consist of approximately 240 square feet. B. A wall height variance to allow a retaining wall, with a maximum height of 6'-9', to be located in the lront setback. The maximum wall height allowed in the front setback is 3'. C. A site coverage variance to allow 19.5% site coverage. Due to the lot slope restrictions, only 15% site coverage is allowed on this lot. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this request: A. Zone Distsict: Primary/Secondary Residential B. Lot Area: 0.233 acres/10,149.5 square feet C. Density: One free market dwelling unit and one Type I EHU (requires DRB approval) D. GRFA: Allowable: 3,387 square leet Proposed: 3,345 square leet E. Site Goverage: Allowable: 1,522 square feet (15olo)* Proposed: 1,983 square leet (19.5%) F. Parking: 4 spaces are required 'The staff has calculated the average slope beneath the building and the parking areas to be 33.7o/o. Because this average slope is greater than 30%, the property is restricted to a maximum site coverage ol 15/o. lf the average slope had been less than 30o/o, the maximum sile coverage would be 20%. fff. BAcKGRouNp ANp HrsroBY q The staff has researched the Town files with regard to previous reviews of projects of a similar nature. The following is intended to give the PEC an understanding of the review of previous actions: A. On February 28, 1994, the PEC reviewed a request for a variance to allow parking in the public right-of-way located aI2642 Gortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. The applicant, Hans Weimann, was requesting that the third required parking space be located in front of the garage, and would subsequently overhang onto the right-of-way ol Cortina Lane by 11 feet. During frre PEC's review of this application, it became apparent that the PEC was not going to approve the application and the applicant subsequently withdrew the request. lt should be noted that the size ol this lot is 12,759 square feet and further, that the site is restricted to a maximum ol 157o site coverage. Although the applicant was only proposing to construct a single family residence on the property, the design ot the structure did meet the 15% site coverage limitation. B. On August 23, 1993, the PEC denied (by a unanimous vote of 7-0) a site coverage variance request for the Rembert residence, located at 1547-A Springhill Lane/Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 2nd Filing. The request for the additional site coverage was lo allow for the construction of an addition to an existing duplex. The existing site coverage on lhe property was 21.0%. The maximum allowable site coverage for the site was 20.0%. The applicant's request was to add an additional 175 square feet of site coverage, for a total of 22.0/, The staff recommendation was for denial with the specific finding that the statf was unable to identity a physical hardship to support the site coverage variance request. The PEC's denial of the request was per the statf memo. C. On May 24, 1993, the PEC approved a site coverage and setback variance for the Anneliese Taylor residence located at 2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 9, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. The proposal included a"*wo"car garage and a connection from the garage to the existing residencef ,( The existing site' coverage for the property was 207o. With the garag{-aM the connection, the proposed site coverage was 21.3%. Staff recommended approval of the requested variance after working with the applicant to reduce the proposal to the minimum area needed. The staff believed that a two-car garage and connection was reasonable; however, we required that the applicant make the entry to the home as small as possible. The applicant ultimately eliminated a storage closet which was nol considered a critical part ol the addition. In general, stiaff supported the site coverage variance based on the rationale that the garage and connection were acceptable, but that only the minimum square footage needed for both the garage and connection would be allowed. D. On September 28, 1992, the PEC reviewed a site coverage variance reguest to allow for an addition to an existing residence located at 3025 Booth Falls Road/Lot '14, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. The applicants, William and Julie Esrey, were requesting a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of v an addition consisting of approximalely 290 square feet. The allowable site coverage for the property was 20.0/q and the existing site coverage at the time of the request was 20.9%. The additional site coverage requested would have increased he site coverage lo 22.5/o. The stafi was recommending denial of the request with the findings that the staff had been unable to identify a physical hardship to support lhe request, and additionally, that he variance criteria could not be met. After revievtr of the item, the PEC agreed to table the request at the applicant's behalf. The PEG comments during the revieu, indicated a possible vote for denial. The applicant subsequently withdrew the application and there was no final action required by the PEC. E. On July 23, 1990, the PEC voted unanimously (7-0) to approve a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of a new single family home, with an attached thre+car garage, at 64 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 31, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. The applicant, H. Ross Perot, was requesting a site coverage variance in order to allow for a maximum ol 20.0/o site coverage. Due to the steepness of the lol, the maximum allowable site coverage was restricted to 15.01o. The statf's recommendation was for approval, with the findings that the property was encumbered with a physical hardship, due to the eltreme slopes on the site. The staffs memorandum to the PEC states that: "The applicant could rsmove a portion of the garage which would decrease site coverage. However, the statf's opinion is that it is preferable to have all of he required parking enclosed to avoid a view of parked cars and retaining walls." The PEC's motion for approval was per the lindings listed in the staff memorandum with three conditions of approval. The conditions of approval dealt with the landscaping and revegetation proposed for the property. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Because this is a worksession, the staff will not address each of the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Gode. The staff has provided the variance review criteria below for the PEC's evaluation: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance lo other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of firis title without grant of special privilege. 3. The etfect ol the requested vadance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and Y utilities, and public safety. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimential to the public health, safe$ or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tite. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to oher properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. v. DrscussroN The staff has identified the following issues and/or concerns which we believe should be a basis for discussion at the worksession: A. WallHeioht Does the PEC believe that there is a physical hardship on this property, and that there are special circumstances on this site that are unique to this property, such that support for the three variances can be granted? Stafl feels that consideration should be given to the steep slopes on the site, and the distances (both horizontally and vertically) between the existing edge of asphalt and the applicanfs southernmost property line. The staff does acknowledge that cutting a driveway onto this site would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, and that wall height variances and perhaps a driveway grade variance would be necessary in order to accomplish any type of reasonable grade for a driveway. D.t B. GRFA in Front Setback The applicant is proposing to locate approximately 240 square feet of GRFA under the garage, within the front setback. The staff believes that there may be a benefit in considering a front setback variance, in order to minimize disturbance on this steep site. One issue that stafl would raise, is should the applicant be requested to further consolidate the overall site planning of he project (i.e. further consolidation of the primary and the secondary unit). C. 9ite Coverage Does the PEC believe that the site coverage variance request meets the criteria? D. General Desiqn A total of 15 mature aspens (4" circumlerence or larger) will be removed as a result of this project. Should the applicant be requested to eliminate the secondary unit in order to minimize site disturbance? This would reduce the total parking requirement down to two or three spaces, depending on he size of the drrrelling unit. This would also, eliminate the need for an expanded parking deck. There is a natural bench on this site, upon which the applicant propos€s to locate the stucture. Staff believes that the structure and site planning should be designed to preserve as many aspens as possible, and to keep the structure on the natural bench of the site. ls the overall site planning of the property acceptable to the PEC? The statf will not schedule this item for a final review before the PEC until the following items are submitted in order to complete the application: 1. A revised site plan, which shall indicate all ridge lines for the roof, with associated elevations. to ensure that the structure meets the maximum allowable height of 33 feet. 2. A landscape and revegetation plart shall need to be submitted. 3. The properg setbacks shall need to be indicated on he floor plans in order to determine the extent of the encroachment (GRFA) into the front setback. 4. A revised floor plan which indicates that there will be no internal connection between the primary and the secondary unit. This is a requirement of the Type I EHU. c:\p€cwFmos\plavsc.425 I e Bi\-. u 0 a I ll f I Itl i I r("t Iri I lii\r ll t t \ir rl 1l 1l 1l ll rl ti lrit itu ) I $ tn uI F d:li o 6 ta a I d t E f $ I .l I.l I nt 0 ! e |rI(, i|F ilf t I o ta I 8 cI t fi \ + ^l s -" --.- o IrI I \rt $ T $ fl EI F r.l t .// q.g ;T) hv t { D d.illIf\ o E I t$ft rnF $fr8 q$, T'l I 1-t\ f.o Iv f-t 1r'( *9 pF 7E n >;p ,:o6o v'E 7IF ! {- tfl {. Fn t lll L fi iI i ( t 3l i !I( a rt -= 9.il I I;l:l I oM+ h.'z/,^ {t\4' 2r. 7q Et -h/z/ ".U ^'Q*tt( 22-'29 ."4.t/v ym i /0 + ,r-//P^/"-- ), cM4-^*-A. jir x. */ R 6.V ; ar4ror- */ UZ( -------- tt,t.rt/- fu ,& 4 .t4 r-^,b, /4 w+,-a. /A .///: ff 3o' a-./ "t.Y. MZ;^ :- Iaa*z /> .>te aav+-a72., 74 /et-;^ lr-'-/*/a >"-e^ u- b-4 9r/< ur i4 .& ,c2ri4. F 2 /a:b ,'- .E4i' 'ie / /57a ;n a,-. !K,fl,v -'' / )4 b ,{-JJ% -/'^<.: 1../4.-2 t4 € tZa^+tol ,*v* €/4 D lt '& /'&4'/// , l : Fleturn to frollirn Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1.2s. COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: X 774.e d,.\t ^-A-/ KS, 6"oo Hr4 / rl IfrAlu,*{',,tg Oae 4 lfi lq4 ^vu.\ , - w l)lrl,OCJS Sf"a Ehrclr'o^ S / :q.,r e\c\.i\c\-r', ti '\.'!\r tg:];:r'ec\ : ) Lcccaua cuY.\ &- u]ct€i \aN) - ,r\L\v\ L\\ \>\c\$ '") ec\d\uS' (J x\\(\\\\\\ \\\i ) f,x\((\'\ ''\'r)(e" c\c\ \\ \|r'f e 4.) &to.rr'rr5 ea(c({\1 a' \ 9 ) lw-\! -toe P et'ttn-'\,ti< ii)6\ e Y:\(\--\c\ ') \, ) .'\c$.j t ct'c\sdtq$r'd & rrtc .."t rtr(-tty - 1.25. 71 % f^ .* t,,/ ll,// A -1'^ % UBLIC WORKS rd..d 'ltr:yfl GRAND cry tNV. coRp. wtLLtAM & pATRrcrA pETERSoN PETER & suzANNE APosrill P.O. BOX 458 175 VALLEY VIEW ESTATES P.O. BOX 3817 vAlL. co 81658 ATHENS, OH 45701 vAlL, co 81658 o; ?oplort o AcEaclff.S KIMBERLY MILNER MARC LASHOVITZ GORDON & CATHLENN 1800 SIERRA TRA|L P.O. BOX 2523 MCKEETA vAlL, co 81657 vAlL, co 81658 r- ..-sN ^ 1?!?E:A!IUI,Y DRIVE +l^l la+-oarpcurf.s SL)'f c\-t-J-()\l AURoRA'co 80014 O3 oo :) '' ,-'"{ tttts trEM MAy EFFECT youR pRopEBTy PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 9, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a Primary/Secondary residence to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne ApostolPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a worksession for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow lor a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesUArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg and AssociatesPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request tor front setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a worksession to discuss revisions to the Zoning Code to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen L.\-;r 6. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front4' setback, a site coverage variance and a wall height variance to allow for a new.' Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George PlavecPlanner: Mike Mollica oo oo 7. A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest RoadAot 5, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Bym€ Planner: Jim Cumutte 8. A request for a conditional use psrmit to allow for an outdoor dining deck to be located at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Randy Stouder 9. A request for a wall height variance to allow lor a single lamily residence to be constructed at 2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, Block g, lntermountain Subdivision. Applicant Dan Frederick Planner: Andy Knudtsen 'And all items tabled from previous meetings. The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. Published in the Vail Trail on AprilFd, 1994. aa I O., r' r."r'rrr Jetf Bowen seconded the motion and a 4-0-1 vote approved this item with Allison Lassoe abstaining from this item as she is an employee of Vail Associates. 7. A request for a minor subdivision for two Primary/Secondary lots located at 2682 and 2692 Cortina Lane/Lots 9 and 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Hans Wiemann and Helmut Reiss Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy made a presentation per the staff memo. Jeff Bowen said that he would be voting against this item because of his original vote in opposition to the project because of concerns about the excessive mass and bulk of the new slructures and concerns about the retaining walls associated with Cortina Chalets. Andy Knudtsen stated that the request pertains more to the older residence rather than the lhree recently constructed "Gortina Chalets". Jeff Bowen stated his philosophical reasons. Kristan Pritz stated she understood staff could not change Jeff's position. Bob Armour stated that lhey were not making any nonconformity any worse. Allison Lassoe made a motion to approve the minor subdivision per the staff memo with Bob Armour seconding the motion. A 4-1 approved this request with Jeff Bowen voting against this item per his reasons stated above. 8, A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Developrnent Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO APRIL 25, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion that this request be tabled to the April 25, 1994 PEC meeting with Allison Lassoe seconding this motion. A 5-0 vote tabled this request until furil25, 1994. 9. A request lor variances to allow for olf-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located aUn Applicant: George PlavecPlanner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO APRIL 25, 1994 Planning .nd Environmanlrl Commission Aprll ll ! le94 eov L.t' Ao4cunU GRAND CTY INV. CORP. WILLIAM & PATRICIA PETERSON PETER & SUZANNE APOSTOL P.O. BOX 458 175 VALLEY VIEW ESTATES P.O. BOX 3817 VAIL, CO 81658 ATHENS, OH rts7Ol VAIL' CO 81658 KIMBERLY MILNER MARC LASHOVITZ GORDON & CATHLENN 18OO SIERRA TRAIL P.O. BOX 2523 MCKEETA VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81658 13442E' ASBURY DRIVE ttt^te4- odfrcurrs $rt- "t+t$i1i"o 80014 1lus1-' ' --1J *' THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPEFTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of theTownofVail onApril 25, 1994,at1:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. Discussion with the Fire Department and Public Works Department. A request for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17,Yail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request lor preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for variances for locating required parking off-site, for wall height and for an uncovered parking space on a lot greater than 30% slope to allow for a single family residence to be constructed at 2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, Block 9, Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Dan FrederickPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for variances for locating required parking off-site, locating GRFA and a garage in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a Primary/Secondary residence to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne ApostolPlanner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck located at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Randy Stouder . 7. A request for a minor subdivision to relocate a building envelope for Lot 10, Casolar Vail/1150 Casolar Del Norte Drive. Applicant RussellScotUTerrySchmidtPlanner: Andy Knudlsen o F lL[ *. [3V Bill Hein stated that the tree would need to be trimmed up maybe 5 to 6 feet above the deck level. He said the applicant wanted to have a deck that would allow her to take advantage of the sun. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she was comfortable with the proposal and that she lelt that ihere was a hardship on the site. She said that she was concerned about the proposed roof materials, but that was a Design Review Board issue. She said that she felt it was important to keep the encroachment to 5 feet. Kristan Pritz stated that any privacy screen more than 3 feet in height would require a variance. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she would like to see the mass and bulk lor this addition minimized. and for that reason, she would like to see the privacy screen eliminated. Kathy said that a guardrail would be acceptable not to exceed 3 feet in height. Bill Hine stated that he would work with the issue of trimming the tree and the issue of the guardrail for the deck. 6. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Genter Building to attow for the expansion of the Vail Associates olfices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block'1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO APRIL 11' 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until April 11, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to April 1 1' 1994. 7. A request lor a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 1O.Z located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H' Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Pianner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO APRIL 11' 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request until April 11, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to April 1 1, 1994. 8. A request for variances to allow for otf-site parking, GRFA in the front sehack, and site coveiage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at ilI- Applicant: George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED TO APRIL 11, 1994 Pbnnlog lrd Envbo .l Comnltdm lllrch 28' 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request untilApril 11, 1994 with Greg Amsden seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to April 1 1' 1994' 9. Approve minutes from March 14, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting with Bob Armour seconding the motion. A 5-0 vote approved the minutes from the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting. 10. CouncilUpdate: .Schedule discussion of Alpine Design with PEC, TC, and DRB - possible dates - April 12th, 1gth or 25th. .Trappers Run update. .Covered Bridge update - Approved by Council and DRB' .Shonkwiler lence. 11. Kathy Langenwalter stepped down from the PEC to discuss proposed changes to the approved development plan for Timber Creek. The PEC did not have any problems with the proposed changes to the building footprints and said slatf could handle the adjustments to the site plan. Pbnnlng and Envltonm.nltl Commlrtlon llt?ch 26,1e94 A request for a worksession for variances to allow for off-site parking and GRFA and a garage in the front setback to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence locatedatffiilffit#ttgt Applicant: Planner: George Plavec Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the staff memo. Erich Hill, the architect for the project, stated lhe reason they are proposing the parking on the Town of Vail right-oFway is that the hill slopes approximalely 16 feet vertically and 20 feet horizontally before it meets the property line. He said that they were proposing to step the building down the hillside. He said the reason they were proposing to locate GRFA under the garage was to minimize lhe mass ol the building and disturbance to the site. George Plavec, the applicant, stated that the more the building is moved down the hillside, the more aspen trees would need to be removed' Erich Hill said he attempted to "twist the primary and secondary buildings around the existing trees in order to minimize the number of trees to be removed as a result of this proposal." Bob Armour inquired whether the utilities would be located downhill. Erich Hill responded that this was correct and that a few more trees would be lost as a result of this. Dick Gustafson, owner of Lot 41, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, stated that a hazard study done by Lincoln and Devoe found that lhe lots in Highland Meadows and Vail Village West Filings No. 1 and No. 2 are located on unstable ground. He added that in 1982 the Town had a drainage and slope analysis performed for this area. This study recommended that this area be left as open space or that serious considefation be given to any development on lots in these subdivisions. Dick was concerned lhat any construction on this site could be hazardous. He said that he was forewarning the Town about future hazards to this area should a slide occur' Marc Lashovitz, a homeowner in this neighborhood, stated he was concerned about the proposed parking in the setback. He said that the current parking situation in the area is already ditficult and he is concerned that this proposal will increase congestion to the area. He was concerned about fire truck and snow plow access in this area. Dave Austin, a neighbor, stated that there is an existing on-street parking problem and that he is concerned that this project could increase the on-street parking issue. He would like to see the parking pulled off ot the right-of-way. Plsnnlng lnd Envlronnenttl Commb3lon March t4,1994 t" tf i,: Erich Hill stated that a slope stability analysis would be performed during the construction process if the building official deems it necessary. He said that he had spoken with Gary Munain about this project and that Gary did not feel a preconstruction analysis would be necessary. George Plavec purchased this lot from John Perkins who had a soils analysis conducted in October of 1993. The analysis recommended a 4-inch perimeter foundation drain and catch basins may also be needed. Bill Anderson stated that traditionally he has been opposed to variances for off-site parking because it does not seem to work because guests inevitably will come to the homes and park out on the road. He said that he would like to see the parking placed on the site. He said that he was in favor of the 24 feet rule that Greg Hall has recommended. He said that the impact of this proposal could be reduced by utilizing the crawl space as GRFA, He felt that the minimum amount ot site coverage would be the best way to build on this site. Erich Hill stated that they were attempting to do this via the three stories proposed for each structure. Bill Anderson stated that he could go along with the front setback variance but not the ofl-site parking variance. Bob Armour stated that the garage unit should be moved back further so that an off' street parking variance would not be necessary. He wondered whether a single family residence on this property would help reduce the impacts on this site. Mike Mollica stated that due to the small lot size, the DRB has criteria which determine whether a primary/secondary building is appropriate tor the site' Erich Hill stated that another reason primary/secondary units are encouraged is in order lo provide employee housing units for the Town. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see the structures consolidated. He said he would prefer to see a third garage unit and to get more ol the appearance of a single family structure. He said he would like to see the parking on their property. He said he was not as concerned about the soils analysis because he felt that the hazards were manageable il properly dealt with. He said that cuts should be minimized. He said the secondary unit was a concern to him due to the parking issues in the area' Jeff Bowen was concerned that parking on Town property was a special privilege that was not appropriate to grant. He felt that this property may be better suited for a single family unit which would reduce the parking requirement. He said that he was in favor of employee housing and that if a secondary unit was desired, that the two structures would need to be consolidated. Erich Hill stated that consolidating the two structures would not decrease site coverage and that the building footprint would still be approximately 2,000 square feet' Pltnning and Enviton|I|cnltl Commlldon lrarch 14.1994 Kathy Langenwalter lelt that the parking requirements should be mel on the property. She said that she was opposed to an off-site parking variance. She felt that a hardship did exist on the property and that she could see reason to grant a front setback variance. She said she would like to see the buildings consolidated and she would like lo see the impact of the buildings minimized. She agreed that this was a difficult site. Regarding parking, she was concerned about additional parking being located on the street. Dick Gustafson said he was concerned that the soils test performed lor this site was not detailed enough to address the bedrock and geologic hazards. He was most concerned that the Town's own 1982 study recommending that mitigation occur on this site prior to any construction. He lelt "the Town should purchase such dangerous lots its open space to protect the community." Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC was considering the off-site parking and the front setback issues only. 7. A request for a worksession for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for lhe construction ol buildings, on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that the purpose of this worksession is to familiarize the PEC with the issues and the applicant will be requesting a variance at the next meeting. He said that staff feels that a hardship does exist on the site. Jim stated that stafi is concerned with the preservation ol as many trees as possible on the west side ol the site. Mike Lauterbach stated that he would like lo save as many trees as possible but that he is not sure it is possible. He thinks that two trees will have to be removed no matter what he does. Jeff Bowen stated he would like to see the building pulled back. Jim Curnutte inquired whether the PEC would like lo see a landscape plan at the next meeting to see how the applicant proposes to replace trees that are lost. Mike Lauterbach stated that the building could conceivably move back, He said he would commit to saving two clumps of lrees and try to work with two olhers. Greg Amsden inquired whether the applicant has considered detached garages. Mike responded that this would not work with the conliguration of the buildings. Bilt Anderson inquired whether there would be off-site parking concerns. Pbnnlng and Env|to nonttl Commisslon ttch 14.1e04 1 0 oo t,/\ 3. tq.u TA,E- \ ?re >r/ E-d/. H-zZ bo-'-r* PZ-r-. Hr-q 7,'7--L' - a,^;.4\ I/ /'A-e,^^La"---( a/lfl ,k r?"f4 7 l* r-r< * /** -& &'4 n'J, - - -A-h- 4"& A/lra )r;^< - "/"'* ,rrlN;7*/ ^"/-,.t (t.*^ -b-,*\ ) ,,-'*'14 "/1r- -f1v 4 *: ,rr., nU^f.,*O ebl' - /.( i2 /J ,m-a ,// ,t"^*/.4 t&.; fla a^"". €tttr^A.{ --. lltz.- la^r<- 4\ T',il A,.'- dff-"4 b Af'>* "-,4 6/- "/,-4 7d f-J4 7\ t/ '- 24t /i'6^-*- .*. oK tf ^ *: ?,* /.2* * .ry, o.- GKF+. fuJ/"< 3" re* ' oo "-/ ^n'''h'4 t//t-hw< / / &"-, ff.{,.&, V- V -4.-t ^+ 2, 7/.' b^'/ ^ ". /s T b/+ n -t n s.s 7 b ii// ,1,7 Q-zo+-- / /4 -(; Rotv. ^ /'iQ)c .h4,, :,, a.h+. b /,o.,1 t fr2*4I.6 B.: f",4 ,--n Tov 7.y'/n L d . K,*yt+ Wfu dn _f/r*; ^-/.Ja+ :, (".L, ..*' Tov /.7'* .r. d T*/r".-.t(. ; /n* .d,; .-, *' 5.h -4+ 7 rz ^'Ja4z f4% MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department rtL"t f;rn'TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: March 14, 1994 A request for a worksession lor a variance to allow for ofFsite parking, and a front setback variance to allow lor GRFA and a garage in the setback, for a new PrimaryiSecondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17,Yail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: George Plavec Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE BEOUESTED The applicant, George Plavec, is requesting a variance to allow for olf-site parking, an! a variance to allow fora garage and GRFA to be located in the front setback to provide for the construction of a new Plimary/Secondary residence, to be located al1799 Sierra Trail. The applicant proposes to construct one free market primary unit and a permanently restricted Type I Emptoyee Housing Unit (EHU). The property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential and is currently a vacant lot. The property is located on the downhill side of Sierra Trail and the site contains many mature aspen tiees. The southern property line lor Lot 17, in the area from which access would be taken, is located approximately 20 feet horizontally from the edge of the existing asphalt, and 12 teel vertically. The average slope in the area between the edge of asphalt and the applicant's property line exceeds 60o/o. Due to the steep slopes on this site, the applicant is pi6posing a design which would provide a bridge over the area from the existing edge of bspnatt to tne tace of the garage. The two-car garage would be located almost entilely within the front setback. The total parking requirement for this project is four parking spaces. Two parking spaces are proposed to be located on-site (within the garage), and the remaining two parking spaces would be located to the south of the garage doors, on the bridge located on Town of Vail right-of-way. The staff has determined that this lot is not located in any geologic hazard zone (rockfall, debris flow, or snow avalanche). II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this request: A. Zone District:Primary/Secondary Residential B. Lot Area: 0.233 acres/10,149.5 square feet C. Density: One free market dwelling unit and one Type I EHU D. GRFA: Allowable: 3,387 square feet Proposed: 3,387 square feet E. Site Coverage': Allowable: 2,030 square teel (20%) Proposed: 2,022 sguare feet (19.9%) F. Parking: 4 spaces are required 'The staff has calculated the average slope beneath the building and the parking areas to be 28.25/d Because this average slope is less than 30%, the applicant is allowed to construcl up lo 20o/o site coverage. tII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Because this is a worksession. the stalf will not address each of the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code. The stalf has provided the variance review criteria below for the PEC's evaluation: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicini$. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation.is necessary lo achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tralfic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or malerially injurious to properties 0r improvements in lhe vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance lhat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict inlerpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. rv. prscussroN The staff has identified the following issues and/or concerns which we believe should be a basis for discussion: A. Does the PEC believe that there is a physical hardship on this property, and that there are special circumstances on this site that are unique to this property, such that support for the variances can be granted? Staff feels that consideration should be given to the steep slopes on lhe site, and the dislances (both horizontally and vertically) between the existing edge of asphalt and the applicant's southernmost property line. The staff does acknowledge that cutting a'driveway onto this site would be extremely ditficult, if not impossible, and that wall height variances and perhaps a driveway grade variance would be necessary in order to accomplish any type of reasonable grade for a driveway. B. The applicant is proposing to locate approximately 320 square feet of GRFA under the garage, within the lront setback. The staff believes that there may be a benefit in granting the applicant a front setback variance, to construct GRFA in the front setback area below the garage, to minimize disturbance on this steep site. One issue that statf would raise, is should the applicant be requested to further consolidate the overall site planning of the project (i.e. further consolidation of the primary and the secondary unit). C. Should the applicant be requested to eliminate the secondary unit in order to minimize site disturbance and reduce the lotal parking requirement (to two spaces)? This would eliminate the need for an off-site parking variance- D. There are six mature aspens located within the building footprint, which are proposed to be removed as a part of this development' Additionally, seven to eight mature aspens, located very close to the buibing footprint, may also need to be removed due to the construction. There is a natural bench on this site, upon which the applicant proposes to locate the structure. Staff believes that the structure and site planning should be designed to preserve as many aspens as possible, and to keep the structure' on the natural bench of the site. ls the overall site planning of the property acceptable 1o the PEC? E. The Town of Vail Engineer has requested that should the PEC consider approval of the applicant's request to locate parking within the Town of Vail right-otway, that the garage be located a minimum distance of 24leel from the edge of asphalt. This request is based upon the Town's needs for snow plowing and snow storage. The current design proposes a distance of approximately 20 feet. The staff will not schedule this item for a linal review before the PEC until the following items are submitted in order to complete the application: 1. An updated survey, which shall be stamped by a registered surveyor within the State of Colorado. The survey shall indicate all vegetation with a 4-inch or larger diameter. Z. Hard-lined floor plans and site plan. The floor plans shall be modified to reflect a design which does not exceed lhe maximum allowable GRFA lor the site' 3. The site plan shall indicate all ridge lines for the roof, with associated elevations. to ensure that the structure meets the maximum allowable height of 33 feet. 4. A landscape plan shall be submitted. 5. A grading plan shall be submitted. 6. The setbacks shall be indicated on the updated floor plans in order to determine the extent of encroachmenl of the GRFA into the lront selback. c:lpsc\Temos\plavec. 31,1 qe N, I 3ol -l + 1F3f J ti I I I I I I = :- I I I I I I I i I ) I I I I I I t- \"\rr 1! .t llt' t'\l I I I \\ \ I)\ lr l,rll g \ \ I tl lt \ t\ t\ l I I I Is ll i\\ \', \ \r \ I 1) I I t t # $lj 3li :!,a lJtf :t;r P s: c-: :N f$ c \1",.r : ,s. l( :rl IJ l' I .r+'J- I .!, rl rq l* p*, F3 Ft t{ t- t{ I -"? tt .l + I Tfi ul irt i rG'r ''lxxl , :'..:t -qrl a!rgt s. it-2e lx dl d $e$ {31 rt'ili{ rl Sa t '- ta ! t ,csd-Ir.1 rs Ihl^ ^,^,- ^l',- I rl'JIJ||n 15 -l: ':\'ooo\;., Sl -r ni,\" t' 9l ol Q €l .-'",Jrl +.t J$J'lt. f ol !-t ;.ii3 ,IrJJ <- {J3: j{ o t4 ;ixx: 1 t*$: 31si $il1 {ill .0 trt 7. a d k l-t l-1td' J Jti t- bJ o l0l$ItIt t k ti I rl .1 J.( itJ ftt.fl 5 7uA R rd .d, J' ul zJo- iit . ila AIlr I I I + '1T- OK - L. +t;. ow ,&4ll, { li' i*2."*^'2( t.fu ' 4a'7"4/ -4*4 "k ;-4;fr1 ,-A.-Ltr;r7,c(.h " 4 lli ;*r-*".( oK - lf wr4.* .1^,4 fu'ur/r.. .ti/* fu ur'u. ef " ,t*-uzcar'o**h. -ALZ 584 Ee - + f/^ /s ,Vt-t^*^*/+ a7 ./,**^'cA ltu 1 \'-" eo?" r 4,r*/A* 1,*j4 /",t fu- tr/o c^*--*#4 lrl^e4 & V'/z L ll .-//'."1 4/ Retum lo h;K< hall;cs Town Planner PROJECT:P/,qu.o v DATE SUBMIfiED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING J./.1. ?.1 PF c , . COMMENTS NEEDED BY:A(Ar4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: (r^/,,^t (,ern tr er) Reviewed by: oo , {..l,{ Return to t?;Ke Town Planner INTER-DEPARTM ENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:?lnucc- DATE SUBMITTED: 2,/b DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: j, 2,?,1 BHIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 5"8&-/ n o*t"^--t 4) Q*^tr D,rr shoulJ b- *+ b.nl 24' d,o,-- EJf "f A7N* landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: O K,.r("I( - No Q \e6*ts - \{o O Sro- A"s[nuJ* - - No ARADICM DESICN February 14, L994 Conmunity Development DepartnentJin Curnutte Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557 Dear Jim: This letter will acconpany the application for variances for lot 17,Vail Village West, (L799 Sierra Trail), Vail, Colorado. we are asking for variances to place a gara€te in the front set back and to have GRFA space, which is below the garage to be in the frontsetback. There is no possibility to gain access to the site with adriveway because of the nature of the steep topography in the roadright of way and the front setback of 20 feet. This front setbackvariance has been granted on several lots in this area with similar topographic problems. The idea behind this request is to have arninimal inpact on the site with respect to slope stability, buildingheight and site coverage of the driveway and building. As part ofthis variance we will be asking to al-low that two required parking spaces be placed in the road right of way. As the project is designed now, the site coverage is just below 20percent. In the area below the prirnary unit, the secondary ernployeeunit and the garage, the sJ-ope is less than 3O percent. However, ifyou averaqe the slope of the road right of udy, where two of therequired parking spaces are, the average slope is above 30 percent. The slope in the road right of way is a average of 60 percent. We would like the Town of Vail Attorneyts ruling on whether the sJ.ope inthe road right of way, which is off the property can count j-n the averagte slope of the parking and buil-dings. with respect to light and air, distribution of population,transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety, ttre requested variances have no effect or irnprove the existing situation.The design has tried to minimize the impact on the site, have thebuilding conform to the existing topography and have the units fitinto tbe scaLe of the neighborhood. The reguested variances conply with Vailrs Comprehensive Plan. We are askinq that our first PEC neetinq be a work session. If youany quelt-io you ioryour consideration and effort. ARCHITECTURE PLANNINC INTERIORS Sincerely, P.O. BOX 73I VAIL, COLORADO 81658 303-476-6397 fi-n vcC: ADilFcloNrr-I GRAND CTY INV. CORP. WILLIAM & PATRICIA PETERSON PETER & SUZANNE APOSTOL P.O. BOX 458 175 VALLEY VIEW ESTATES P.O. BOX 3817 vAlL, co 81658 ATHENS, OH 45701 VAIL, CO 81658 KIMBERLY MILNER 18OO SIERRA TRAIL vAlL, co 81657 MARC LASHOVITZ P.O. BOX 2523 vArL, co 81658 GORDON & CATHLENN MCKEETA 13442E. ASBURY DRIVE ,7\ctlct4 - aapcri'r: Sl-ff @r d(t-'BA'co 80014 -l .( \l THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope located at 1314 Spraddle Creek Drive/ Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: William and Julie Esrey Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A report to the PEC regarding the February exterior alteration submittals: A request for a variance to the Gore Creek stream setback, common area variance and a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for an expansion to the Gasthof Gramshammer Building located at 231 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot H, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi GramshammerPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margaret GrossPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209, 308 and.309iLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investmenls, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen - 6. A request for a variance from Seston 18.69.0/O (Developrnent Restricted) oJ he Vail Munlcipal Gode to allow for the construction of fulldings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighom RoadiBlock 3' Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant Mlchael LauterbactvBAB Partnership Planner: Jim Cumutte 7. A request for varlances fo ailow for off-slte parking, GRFA ln the front seback, and slte coveiage to allow lor a nerrtr Prlmary/Secondary residence locatEd at 1799 SlEna TraiULot 17, Vail Village West lst Flllrg. Applicant George PlavecPlanner: Mlke Molllca 8. A request for a wall height variance and drlvelay slope varhnce to allow for a driveway to exceed 1O7o located al2445 Garmlsch DrhdLots 10 and 1'1, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Shedclan and Adam Szploc*l Planner: AndY KnudFen rcwLrcd Lolsrcz a This procedurevariance. The information is I. IPPLICATTON is required application submitted. Application Datq z- t+4 + pEc MEETrne oarn 3-l*-?n rOR A \TAIUIANCE Rtc'oFtB | 4lggt for any project reguesting awill not be accepted until all A. NAME OF APPIICAIiIT 6eao- Plarr-z- ._l ADDRESS B. NAI-IE OF APPLICANT,S REpRESENrarrve@.i,, l,+itt) ADDRESS P.O g,- -l=l PHoNE {lU, -bg1 C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (type OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) aoonsss lbTO 3, ^\c.^ry+ Dn; * a A PHoNE +1,to -zab1 D, LOCATION OF PROPOSAI: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-.fl- BLOCK- FrrrNG uar( vrll,^3 t'r .f Ft* it l rtt ,trla. ADDRESS FEE $2so. oo parpl--?ODc x *-/0K 'ev THE FEE UT'ST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY D DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a fist of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRSSSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff menber isstrongly suggdsted to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application wil-l be acceptedunless it is complete (must include all itens required bythe zoning administrator). It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. II]. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COIPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAI{LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NT'MBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI THAT THE PI,ANNING AIiID ENVIRONI4ENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) !{AY STIPULATE. ILL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I,IUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF TITE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST AI,SO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the reguested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. E. .lupcTrdde aql ^q pTpd eq TTpqs uoTl€cTTqnd -er qcns :oJ eef erTlua aql ,uardl ,paqsllqnd-ar aq01 :a11plu aql bulsnec ,6u1reaq :og: pauodlsod s1 rellrurAue ,lsanbar srlueclldde aq1 ?p ,JI .eeJ uoT1ecllddeeql Jo t09 Jo ssacxe uT are r{cTqa seeg 6u1qs11qnd r{ue 6ulIed :ogl alqlsuodsar eq TTprIs 1uecl1dde aq6 '31a ,tgt s:eeu16ug go sd:o3 trur:g ,s11u:a6 ssaccv trenq61g Jo luaugedaq opB:oToC :oA pe?TurTt louaxp lnq ,apn1cu1 r(eu ,talaar qcns 3o seldurexE .OO.O0Z$ r{q pasearcuT eq TTeqs eal uoTlpcgldde eq1 ,TTEA Jo uootr eq? upql raqlo dcue6e Terepad :o a?pls ,Tecof .{ue Aq ataTrrar aleredas e se:1nber uoTlrcTldde s1q1 ;1 'uo11a1duoc 01 pens:nd r{11ua6ltlp pue leaordde JO elep aql Jo rpar{ euo uTq?Ter pscuauuros ?ou sTuoTlcnrlsuoc JT asdel TTpqs secuETrEA paao:dde CSd TTV .€I 'alep Tp?lTurqns pa1eu6;sap eq1 relJe ro eroJeq JJels 6u1uue1d aq1 ,{q peldacce aq fTT&t (:olerlsTuTurpE 6u1uoz aql trq pauTurelep sp) suoT1ecTTdde alalduocuT oN'6u1:eaq c11qnd CsaI aq1 Io alpp eq1 01 :o;rd 6IeeA (t)rnoJ Jo urnuTuTru e pellTuqns eq lsnu (e^oqe peqTrcsepsp) fpTralpu 6ulfrueduocoe TTp pup utiroJ uo11ec11dde alaTduroc V 'rdluout qcpe Jo s.{epuo91 ql? pup puzeql uo sleeur uoTssTututoJ TelueuuorTlug pue 6uluupTal aq;, .V srNsns8roosu $ue 'Ar 'rolerlsTulupe 6u1uoz eql trq pealen aq treru ueld a1lspue trearns luaueAo.rdul ue ,suo;leclgTporu JoTraluT ro.I 'rolErfsTupupe 6u1uoz eq1 trq paulur:alap se uo11ec11ddeeql Jo rraT,rar eql roJ ^f,:esseeau TeTrelpu TeuoTlTppp IUV 'uoTleTcossE pTPs JoJ lua6e pezTJoqlne tr1np e ,{q paalaoer aqe lsnur 1ce[o:deq1 Jo lroddns uT uoTlpTcosse aq1 uro:J leao:dde uallTrouaqf ,uoTlpTcossp ,srauAoauoq e seq qcTqr luaudolaaap dTTurEJ-T1fnu e uT palpcoT sT Tpsodoed aq1 gr1 'sluauesPepue dlqs:euoo I;1reA o A:oda: aT1T1 dreu1u11a:d g ' 'a1Ts aq1 uo pasodo.rd pue 6u11s1xa saceds pue s6ulpTTnq TTe Jo asn puE aTecs ,acuereadde 1e:aua6 ,suoTsuaurTp aq1 elecTpuT 01. XuaTcTJJnssueld rooTJ pue suoTlElaTa 6u1p11nq tr:eu;u11ard Tfv 's6u1p11nq pasodo:d pue 6u11s1xa 6ulnoqs toz = rT lseaT 1E JO eTPcs e 1e ueld a?Ts v 'seJnleeJ a6eu;e.rp pueffTtTan pur seare padecspuel 'sse.r6e pue ssa:6uT ,spaJp 6u1peo1 pue 6u1>1:ed are uAoqs aq ?snu qcTqa s1'uaureTerer{ao 'suoTle^aTe pue sape:6 6u1pn1cu1 ,sluauraaoldrul 6u11s1xa TTe Jo suoTlEcoT 6u1pn1cu1 eotrea:nE pasuacTT operoToc e ,{q peduels r0z = $I lseeT lP Jo eTecs p 1e r(aa:ns lueursno:dru1 .rolpue c1qde.r6odo1 \t 'upTd aalsuaqe:duo3 s rTTeA q?Tr{ seTTduoc lsanbe: :noA r'rog 'V '.{leJes c11qnd pue ,seTlTTTln 'se11;1;ceJ cTJJerl,uoTlel:odsuerl ruollelndod Jo uoTlnqT:asTp,rTe pue lq6TT uo eoueTre^ eq1 Jo lceJfa aq;, 'S 'a6a11a1rd lelcads Eo 1ue:6 xnoqlTn aIlT1 sTql Josaallca[qo eql uTellp 01 ro tr11u1c1a aqt uT salTs 6uoue lueuleerl ;io Ilpu:oJTun pue fi1111q11eduoc a^aTr{cp o1 r(:essacau sT uo11e1n6ar pelElcadsp Jo luauracroJua pue uoTlelardealul Tera?TTro ?cTJls aq? uro:J JeTTaJ qoTr{l o1 ear6ap aqg, 'Z 's .A'v '9 '.{ 's 'q 'c 'g c.Applications deemed by the Communifg Developmentoliaruft. to have siinif icant desJr, lTl use. orother iSsues which may have a signiEicant inpact on the conrnunity nay require review by consulLants other that town staff. Should a determinatlon be made by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Conmunity Development may hire anoutside consultant., it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and tbis amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tinehe files his application with the Comrnunity DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of theconsultant which have not been paid to the consultant shal-L be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notlfication by the Town. ^Ur fttrF'(rI: L_I-YV\J\J WILLIAM & PATRICIA PETERSON 175 VALLEY VIEW ESTATES ATHENS. OH 45701 MARC LASHOVITZ P.O. BOX 2523 vArL, co 81658 PETER & SUZANNE APOSTOL P.O. BOX 3817 vAtL. co 81658 GORDON & CATHLENN MCKEETA 1342E. ASBURY DRIVE AURORA, CO 80014 GRAND CTY INV. CORP. P.O. BOX 458 vAtL, co 81658 KIMBERLY MILNER 18OO SIERRA TRAIL vAtL. co 81657 rt<-rtl afh t:- $rlv rob: V Nrc Co q(ts\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on March 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicanl John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development PIANNET: JiM CUTNUtIE TABLED INDEFINITELY 2." A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rod and Beth SlilerPlanner: Kristan Pritz 3. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow lor the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/BAB PartnershipPlanner: Jim Curnutte | 4. A request for a worksession for variances to allow for otf-site parking, GRFA in the !: front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence tl located at 1799 Siena Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West lst Filing. Applicant: George PlavecPlanner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch RoacUPart ol Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder 7. A request for a major exterior alteration, slb coverage and sebadlt vadanes lor the Lifthouse Lodge commercial area, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Llonshead 1st Filing6/tg West Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Bob LazierPlanner: Jim Gumutte troo t{o(,ltJ c)olJAql +, Flfit oo 'Fl id F(, rr1.J B.+HO +J .r{ql> otr{ 'r{h.cirl, OOFlEF{nt(i,(l2.rl > gr{O F{ u'f E.,{ t\ {JFF{< c.) t{. +Jo F] o At{o() +, o E ,+Jtt,o>€trrnH\O H(r€ FIOhotrl 'ql .+ Olrl g)xrtotrmr-{6 .t{ l4O ll,('A> € F{ +Jo F1 dIJoo Ja(,t.H tr A.+fl) Flohor{ HOEa@+J€ql (,qr.{ o,ct d. rl1tr(tlo.{ H.0.,+ ok.+ Hocf) 5(9-r < . .it +Jo Fl o oN u't+J 'O .i{ F{ >ao € OC\ErnglNOql tJ FfXoOEIFIH ;t{ q, o .rtttr{> .rfN uoFl F{o +J(a oA o,d6trlnql \oNFr-rp '-r oout@('rorl,(JxhoOFr{+J .Aoo ql to Pi'> \o Fl +Jo F] o F{.r{,{ qt r\o l{rntrE.\oF{ r-{.r{ Ct@>tlt{hooFl .r{ C)hraoFot-{ F o.rl.r{O.d14-t> rn(\ +JoFl COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY. A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A. in favor of the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subjectto the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipu lations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By- Laws This Comm itment is effective as of the date shown in Schedu le A as "Eff ective Date.".STE1VART TITLE STIE.WAFIT TITLE GUARANTI COMPA NY -*#."ff;q'i+:l*-i, 19gg ..'.3S "--- .t.. . t' ...i n$=*--_r;i),.h,t, .\.t1^ !!1'. ' ( iJ;i :i, i rman o Countersigned by: seriar No C-1601. 3B6535 1. 2. SCHEDULE A ORDER NUMBER: 93009928-c2 EFFECTM DATE: November 23, 1993 at 8:00 A.M: POLfCY OR POLICTES To BE ISSUED: AMoI'NT oF INSI'RANCE A. ALTA OWNER'S POLICY $ 48,5OO.OO PROPOSED fNSIIRED: GEORGE PLAVEC, IfI B. ALTA I,oAN POLICY 9 PROPOSED INSIIRED: C. AIJIA LOAN POLICY $ PROPOSED INSURED: 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRTBED OR REFERRED TO TN TETS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETO IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOT VESTED TN: E. E. PERKTNS 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: r,oT L7, VAIL VILLAGE I{EST, FTLING NO. 1According to the recorded plat thereof, as Reception No.98185. COI'NTY OF EAGIJE STATE OF COLORADO THIS C2 COMMITMENT. WAS PREPARED ON DECEMBER 3, 1993. FOR QUESTTONS PLEASE CALL KAMMY HOULIHAN AT (303)949-1011. PREMII'M:OWNERS: 427.OO TAX CERT. : 10.00 copies to:coerge Plavec, IIfE. E. PerkinsFred Otto Nancy Rondeau Dave Hilb STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COI'NTY, INC.P.O. BOX 2000vArL, co. 81658(303) e4e-1011 COTJNTERSIGNATURE SCHEDI'LEB-SECTTONl ORDER NI,MBER: 93O09928-C2 REQUIRN,IENTS THE FOLLOWING ARE THE REQUIREI'IENTS TO BE COMPLTED WITH: ITEI'T (A) PAYMENT TO OR FOR THE ACCOI'NT OF THE GRANTORS OR MORTGAGORS OF THE FI'LL CONSTDERATION FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSTJRED. rTEt,l (B) PROPER INSTRTIMENT (S) CREATTNG THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE INSURED MUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FILED FOR RECORD, TO WIT: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return toStewart Title Guaranty Conpany. 2. Evidence satisfactory to Stewart Title cuaranty conpany ofpalanent of all outstanding taxes and assessments as certifiedby The Eagle County Treasurer. 3. Evid,ence satisfactory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company that thereaL estate trarisfer tax assessed bv the Town of Vail has beenpaid or that the transaction is exeirpt from said tax. 4. Payment of any and all Honeowners assessments and expenses asrequired in the Declaration of Vail Village West, Filing No. 1 and Certificate fron Vail Villaqe West Homeowners Associationverifying that such payanent has-been received. 5. Deed frorn E. E. Perkins, vesting fee sinrple title in GeorgePlavec, III. NOTE: NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AI'{ENDMENT TO STATIITE ON RECORDING OFDEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). 6. NOTE: In the event a Pohrer of Attorney is used in connectionwith this transaction, please note the-following reguirements:Said Power of Attorney must be dated no more than six months before date of said transaction.Polter of Attorney must meet approval of Stewart Title GuarantyConpany, and should be presented to Stewart Title Guaranty Conpany prior to closing by at Least one week. NOTE: For an additional charge, Stewart Title of Eagle Countywill.provide any copies of exceptions as shown on Schedule B -Section 2. SCHEDULE B - SECTION EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 93oO9929-C2 THE.POLICY OR POLTCIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLI,OWTNG I'NLESS THE SAI,IE ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CI,AIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEI'IENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEIIENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.3. DTSCREPANCTES, CONFLTCTS rN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACIffENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICfl A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF lgHE PREMISES T{OULD DTSCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVTCES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNTSHED, IMPOSED By LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCWBRANCES, ADVERSE CLATMS OR OTHER MATTERS,IN A].lY, CREATED, FIRST APPEARINC IN THE:PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACHING SUBSEQUENT TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED INSURED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR VALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMMTTMENT..6. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIoNS oR EXCEPTIoNSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAI}'S OR TITLE TO WATER. NOTE! 'TMECHANICTS LIENTT AND/OR ilcApr PROTECTION (EXCEPTTONS 4 AND 5 ABOVE) t{ay An AVATLABLE WITH AN OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ON RESTDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COI{PLIANCE WITH STEWART TITLE GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL TOR FI'RTHER INFORMATIONAS TO THOSE SPECIFTC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY To OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7. The effect of inclusions in any seneral or specific waterconservancy, fire protection, -soil conservatLon or otherdistrict or inclusion in any water service or street inprovementarea. s.'RlSht o_f_ ivfy_for ditches or canals constructed by the authorityof the United States, as reserved by patents of-record. 9. Ten.(10) percent non-participating royatty in and to proceedsderived fiorn the sale-of any-nineiaLs-of ihatsoever kind andnature produced and nined fion said premises, and any and aLlassignnents thereof or interests theiein, as-in deed-recordedContinued on next page CONTINUATTON SHEET SCHEDIII,EB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NIrI,!BER: 93OO9928-C2 11. t2. Septenber 30, 1962 in Book 166 at Page 407. Easenents 5 feet in width along rear and side site lines asreservedbytherecordedplatofsaidsubdivision. NOTE: Part of said easements roay be vacated by the docunents recorded as follows: The recording infornation recorded July 7, 1990 in Book 533at Page 592i as reception No. 42974A; December 12, 1989 in Book 519 at Page 494 as reception No. 4L5664; December 11, 1989 in Book 519 at Page 476 as reception No. 4L5646i April 9, 1990 in Book 526 at Page 394 as reception No. 422557 i Decenber 11, 1989in Book 519 at Page 475 as reception No, 415645; April 1L, 1990in Book 526 at Page 617 as reception No, 422780. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverterclause, as contained in instrument recorded October 25, 1953 inBook 17g at Page 149, as amended by instrument recorded December6, 1963 in Book 178 at Page 345. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in Encroachment agreement between Vail CityCorporation, VaiI Village W5st, Inc. and snowden snith recorded November 14, 1986 in Book 452 at Page 243 as Reception No. 348480. 13. All easements and notes contained in Survey, recorded February'7, L99O in Book 522 at Page 705 as recepti6i llo. 4L8872. 14. Terns, conditions, restrictions, and regulations contained inJoint Resolution and Notice of Encunbrance of Upper Eagle ValleyConsolidated Sanitation District and VaiI valleir- consoiidatedWater District, recorded April 30, 1991 in Book-552 at Page 977as Reception No. 449LL4. Pursuant to Senate Bilt 91-14 (C.R.S. 10-11-12?) Notice is herebygiverl that: 10. a) The subject realtaxing district; b) A certificate ofjurisdiction may property rnay be located in a special taxes due listing each taxingbe obtained from-the county ireasurer Continued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDT'LEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUUBER: 93O09928-C2 c) or the County Treasurer,s authorized agentl Information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such distiicts rnay be obtained from theboard of county Cornmissj.oners, the county Clerk andRecorder, or the County Assessor. Pursuant to Senate Bill 92-143given that:(C.R.S. 10-11-122) Notice is hereby A certificate -of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from the County-Treasurer or the countyTreasurer,s authorized agent WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, Made this 10TH day of JANUARY, L994' between M. B. s. DEVEI-,OPMENT CORPORATION of the County of EAGLE and State of COLORADO' grantor, and GEORGE PITAVEC, III whose legal address ls 167O sunburst Drive, #c-9, Vail, Colorado 81657 of the County of EAGL,E and State of CoLoRADo, grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the surn of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABIJE CONSIDERATION, thE TCCEiPt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted' bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, aII the real property together with improvements, if dtry, situate, lying and being in County of EAGLE and State of CoLorado described as follows: LOT 17, VAIL VIIJIJAGE WEST, FILING NO. 1 According to the recorded plat thereof, as Reception No. 98185. (SCHEDULE # 0013120) as known by street and nurnber as: L799 SIERRA TRAIL, VAIL' CO 8L657 fOenfgnn with aII and singular the hereditanents and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, rl-ght, title, interest, claim and denand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND To HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs, and personal representatives, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the tirne of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is welL seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee sinple, and has good right, fu11 power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell 'and convey the same in manner and forrn as afopesaid, and that the same are free and clear from alL former and other grants, bar{ains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encunbrances and restrictions of lrhatever kind or nature soever, except Those matters set forth in Exhibit a part hereof. attached hereto and made The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FoREVER DEFEND the above-bargained prenises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, hls heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons J.awfully clairning the whole or any part thereof. The singular number shaLl include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicablq to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. M. B. S. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION s O"''ilState of COLoRADO ) county of EAGLE i tt' The foregoLng instrunent was acknowLedged before me thlsrfEn day of ,IANUARY, t994, by CRATGSIIIN AS PRESIDENT OFltth My connissl.on expiresofflcial seal. ..-: 'iT ' -,.a' ,.ar r' "t. ,1,' '', \ ' : 11/20 r 19 95 , WJ_tness my hand and FORIU TD1000-02/90 ^'ROPER'I'Y TRANSFER nBcr,rQ-jroN GENEIIAL INFORMATION PurPorc: Tha rcrl prop€.ty tt| fcr d..leotioa ir urcd by counly rr.crrcr. lo cll.blirh thc vduo of rc-|l propartt' for propc.ry bx purporc rnd to propgrly rdjurl ralcr for nlcr ratio rnrlyrir. Rcfcr to 39-14-102(4), C.R.S. Rcquircmcntr: All convcyancc documcnlr rubjcct to thc documcntary fco lubmiuql to thc countt clcrk rnd rtrodcr for rccontrtion murl bc rccompanicd by r rc.l ProPcdy tr|trtfcr dcclrnlior. Thir dcclrrrtion mu* bo complaod rnd rigncd by tbo grrntor (rcllcr) or gnntcc (buycr), Refcr to 39-14-tO20Xr), C.R.S, Pcnrlty for Nonconrplicrncc: Whcncvcr r convcl'rnco documcot ir prcrcntcd for rccordrtion witlrout tlc dc.cle(.tion, thc clcrk rnd rcconJcr notincr tho county $rcttor r{ro *ill rcrd ! r,rittcn noticc to fic grrntco rcquolint thrt drc dcclaretion bc rcluraal within tlrirry dryr. Frilu(o by tho 8.utcc lo tubmit tfio d€ehrrtion may rqlult io tho errcrror i0poring e pcnrlty of$25.00 or .25%(.00O25) of rhc 'rtc pricc, vrhichcvcr ir grcrtcr. Thir pcaohy may bc imporcd for rny rubtcqucnt yclr thrt thc Bnotcc f.ilt to rubmit thc dcclrration, until thc propcrty ir convcycd rgain. All unprid pcnaltio rrc ccrti6.d to thc courty trclrurqr fo( collcction. Rcfcr to 39-14-l02(l)G),C,R.S. Confidcntielity: Any informrtion urd by thc rucuor to dctcrnrinc lhc lclurl vltuc of rcal propcriy, includiag informrtioa dcrivcd from thc rcrl propcrly t11orfcr dcchrrtion ir rvrilablc to !n)' tlxprycr or lny rgcnt of ruch lrxpaycr, rubjcca lo corfidcntiality rcquircmcntr u providcd by lrw. Tho ructror ir rcquircd ro mrkc thc dcclrrrtion ayaihblc for iorpcction by rhc buycr or thc rcllcr if thc .cltcr filcd thc dcclrrrtion. l. Address or legnl,description ofretll property. Entcr thc co.rcct tt.c.t rddrcrr or lcgd d$cription or rhc rc|l propcrtt. Do t|or ulo nuiliru ddrcgcr or P.O. box nuorbcrr: Lot 17, Vall Vlllage Weet, Fillng No. 1 2. Is this n lrlnslclion elnong relaled plrties? Indicrtc whcrhcr thc hrycr or lho rcllcr wcrc rclotcd. Rclrtcrl prticr inclurto p*ronr wifiin tho mmc frdrily, burircrr allilirtcr, or affilirtcd corporationr. Y€s No-x,- Totll sale price: lndicltc thc total colridcrotion pairt lor (ho propcrty includirg rcat crtatc, pcnonol propcrty (crrpcting, drrpo, opptirnccr, invcntory, cquipnrnt, furnilurd mobilc homcr, rhatr, goo<twill, wrlcr righr., mincral rightr, erd rny othc. lppurtcn.ncct. $ 48,500.00 }vllat wss lhe cash doutr pflym€nt: Ertor thc rdount of |hc carh down paymcni, if my, lf it ir r crrh ralc, ctrtcr thc tot.l t|tcr pricc.s 48,500.00 5. Did tolal sele price include r trade or €xchange? lndicatc whcthcr rny othcr rcat or pcruooll propcdt wu tradcd or crhrngcd ar prrr of rho lrlnlactiorr. For cramplc, rnark "Ycr" if. vrctrnt lol wrt trsdcd ar tho down prymcnt or if tho ralc iacludcd rn lmount for rcprir of thc roof. Yes X No 6' Did the bttyer receive any personnl properly in the arnnsaclion? lndicato if any perronal p(oporiy as dcrcribcd in f3 w|t includcrt in thc tot.l rolcr pricc. Ifycr, givc thc rpproxinatc valuc ar of thc drtc of llc mlc. Yes No X It yes, lhe npprorimnte ynhte: t Were mineral rights Inchlded In the sele? lndicrto if rny portion of thc mincrd right! w.rc trlmfcrrcd to thc tnllcc. Minenl right it dcfinod u rn intcrcrt in mincnlt in rnd undcr tho lud rnd rll rccomprnying rightr md privilcgcr. Yes N"__ x_ lvere wlter rights included in the ssle? trdicrtc if lny wrtcr righb wcro tnnrfcrrod ro thc gr.rrtc!, Wrrcr right ir dcfinod er $o ritht 10 u.c thc wrtcr of. n.lur.l ltream ot wrtcr furoirhcd th.ough r ditch or clnal, for ruch purporcr ar irrigrtion, mining, powcr, or domc ic u!c. Wltcr rightr rlc rcll p.opcrty which may bc rold and trrnrfcrrcd rcpararcly frorn thc land. Yes No----E- ll npplicnble' yort tnay include Soodwill for B going busincss. lf tfio ralc pricc includcd rn rmounr for goodwill of an on.going burinerr, irxlicato tho lpproximlls contidcration paid. Good*ill ir dcfincr! rt thc b.ncfit or !.lvrntego of h.ving ln ctrrblirhcd burincrt occrpying tlc propcny. Goodwill rcprcscnr iho differcnco bctwccn thc purchorc prico and thc valuc of thc nct rtrct.. Approxirnale vrlue of goorlrvill? N/A lV$s less (h0n 100% interest in the real property conveyed? Mrrt "Ycr' if orly r p.rrill inlcror ir bci,rg co.rvcycrt. Mrr& 'No" if rhc Sr.rtcc ir to h.vc tha bcncfit of 100% intcrqrt in th€ lropcrly, Yes NoX 3. 4. 7. 8. 9, 10. ll.Date of Closing: Entcr thc d.to upon wfiich thc kenrfcr ofthc propcrty war comglctcd./--jl-/__11_. 14. 15. llronth day year IFTIID I'ROPERTY IS FINANCED, PLDASD COMPLDTD 'T2.'T5 N/A 12, lVns the lonn new or msunred ? Indicotc if thc grantcc obtrincd ! rcw loon or rtwncd rn cxilliot loltl on tho propcdy, 13. lYtrnt wns lhe interest rnte oo ttra tonn? Entcr thc mortgrgc intcrclt ratc to bc rppliod to thc'loan rr rratcd in thc linrncing lSrccnrcnt, % lvh0t w8s the lenn of the lo0n? Entcr thc lcngth of timc that will cxpirc bcforc tho loan ir fully prid I tatcd in rhc finrncing rgrccnrcnr. (10 y4n, 20 yclrt, dc.) y€nrs lvere nny points pnid? For tho purporc of thir documcnt, r point ir dcfincd u a fcc or chrrgc cqurl ro ono pcrccot of lhc principrl rmornt ofrho lora which ir collcctal by the lcrxlcr d lhc tinc thc loan ir nudc, tfrny pointr wcrc prid in rccuring thir lorn, indicatc how mey wcrr paid rnd ifrhc pointr wcrc poid by thc buycr, rcllcr, or both, Yes No lf yes, horv nrnny? _ nnd by whonr? (Grnntor)(Grnntee) (Grnntor)(Grontee) 16. George Plivec, III \iqlT"tt *c pcrlincnt idcnrificlrion of cach' o o) of Warranty Deed from M. B. S. OUVnLOpMSfut cEoRGE PLAvEc, III , Grantee(s). EXHIBIT A Attached to CORPOR,ATION and made a part , Grantor(s), to Taxes for the year 1994. not yet a lien due and payable. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved by Patents of record. Ten (10) percent non-participating royalty in and to proceeds derived'fiorn the sale of any minerals of whatsoever kind and nature produced and rnined fron said prenisesr.and any and aII assignments thereof or interests therein, as in deed recorded September 30, 1962 in Book 166 at Page 407. Easements 5 feet in width along rear and side site lines as reserved by the recorded plat of said subdivision- NOTE: Part of said easements may be vacated by the documents, recorded as follows: The recording information recorded July 7, 1990 in Book 533 at Page 592i as reception No. 429748 I Decembet L2t L989 in Book 519 af Page 494 as rbception No. 415664; December.l1, 1989 in Book 519 it fage 476 as reception No. 415646; April 9' 1990 in Book 526 at Page 394 as reception No. 4225571 Decenber 11, 1989 in Book 519 at Page 475 as reception No, 415645; April 11' 1990 in Book 526 at Page 617 as reception No, 422780. Restrictions, hthich do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrunent recorded october 25, 1963 in Book 178 at Page 149, as amended by instrurnent recorded December 6, 1963 in Book 178 at Page 345. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in Encroachnent agreernent between VaiI city Corporation, Vail ViIlage West, Inc. and snowden Snith recorded Novenber 14, 1985 in Book 452 at Paqe 243 as Reception No. 348480. AII easements and notes contained in Survey, recorded February'lr 1990 in Book 522 at Page 7o5 as reception No. 418872. Terms, conditions, restrictions, and regulations contained in Joint Resolution and Notice of Encumbrance of Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, recorded April 30, 1-991 in Book 552 at Page 977 as Reception No. 449LL4. lill\/\L r\l'lluA vrl AND AG Re Commitment No. :93009928-c2 STATE OF COLORADO, COUNTY OF EAGLERE: ReaI property and Improvementg located ln the county of Eagle, Stateof Colorado, and more partLcularly deacrlbed as followe, to wl-t: Lot 17, ValI Village l{est, FllLng No. 1 PURCHASER'S AFFIDAVIT: The underslgned, Purchaser(s) of the hereln descrl-bed property, to l-nduceSterrart TLtle Guaranty Company to is6ue lts ALTA LOAN or ALTA O!{NERS PoIicl€Eof Title InEurance, wlthout lncludlng therein an exception ag to mechanlco,lleng or other atatutory lJ.ene, ln connectlon wlth the property deacrlbedIn gald commitment, or any rights thereto, r,,rhere no notLce of such lLeng'orrlghte appear of record, do hereby make the following representatlons toStewart Tltle cuaranty company wlth full knowledge and intent that sald. company shall rely thereon! 1. That the improvementa on the real eetate herel-n descrlbed have been fullycompleted and have been accepted by the underslgned as completed and aesatLEfactory.2. That full purchaee prlce has been paLd by eald purchaBer(s) to sald owner-se I ler .3. That said premises (were) (wlt1 be) occupied by sald purchaser(s) on or about 4. That the undereigned are not aware of any bille for eervLces, labor ormaterlals uged in connection with the construct,lon of the improvements locatedon EaId property whLch have not been pald.5. That the underslgned have not cauged any naterlals to be furnlshed or workto be done on the Lmprovements located on eald property or eald property lteelf,which could glve rlse to any mechanlce' or other oLatutory lleng, claLme and/orILens for such material or work, and have not executed any securlty agreementgor flnancing Etatements for materlals, appllanceE, fixtureg or furnlshings,placed upon the property herein descrlbed or installed ln the improvementalocated on eald property. 6. In the light of the foregoing facts, the undersigned. Ln conslderatLon ofthe Lssuance by stewart rltre cuaranty company of a porlcy of Tl-tre rnEurance coverJ.ng eald property in the manner dee.Lred by the unders!.gned as set outabove. hereby promlee, covenant and agree to hold ,harmleae, protect and Indemnlfy Stewart Tltle Guaranty company, the Mortgagee and thelr gucceggore l-nIntereat from and agalnst those llabLlltlee, lossee, damage, expenses and ...charges, lncludlng but not limlted to attornies, iees and expenses of ,l lltlgation by reason of any mechanics, or other statutory lLens clalms and/or LLeng for eervices, Iabor or materLale ueed Ln connectl,on l.rlth thecongtructlon of J"mprovementg rocated on saLd property Lnsofar as they pertaln t.o Paragraphs 1 to 5 above. rtLlltvlEl\o I' inetrument /d*'. aay acknor.rledged, S,tdFtw subscr lbed and sworn BY: wag of III r 1994 bY PIAVEtr, official seal. STEI,IART TITLE OI EAGLE COUIITY, I[C..SUYERS ATFIDAVIT t"", \ \- Io - \: o' TO BE FILLED IN PBRSONALLY BY SELLER OR BORIIOWER IN HIS OWN IIANDWRITING INDEMNITY AND ATFIDAVIT AS TO DEBTS, LMNS, AND POSSESSION USE SEPARATE FORM FOREACH PARTY GF# 93009928-c2 SUUECIPROPERTYT tot 1?, Vall Vlllage Weet, FlIIns No. 1 STATEOF coLoRADo COU}.ITY OF EAGLE Beforc mc, tha undersigned authority on thie day personally appcared M. B. S. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Scllcr or Owncr-Botrowcr. Contrnctor (if ncw construction) pcrsonslly known to mc to bo thc person whorc namo is subscribed hcrcto and upon his oath dcposcs and rays that no procccdingr in bonkruptcy or reccivcrship havc bcen instituted by or against him and that thc martial statur of affiant has not changed cinco the day of acqu irition of raid proPcrty lnd r€Prcscnts to thc pu(chsscr and/or Lcnder in thb tranFaction thst lo my knowledgc thcrc arc: l. No unpaid debts for plumbing fixturcrr water hc{.tcrs, {loor furnaccs, air conditioners, radio or telcvision antcnnlc, carpcting, rug!, lawn sprinkling rystcms, vcnetian blinds, window shades, drnpcrics, olcctric appliancc, fcnces, strcrt psving, or appliancc, fcnccs, or any Pcrsonal Propcrty or fixtur$ that arc locatcd on tho rubject propcrty dcccribcd abovc, and that no such itcms havc bccn purcharcd on timo paymcnt contracts' and thcre arc no rccurity intcrcst on sucl propcrty sccurcd by fintrncing ststcmcnt, sccurity agrccmcnt or othcrwiso except thc following: Secured Party Approxi ste Arnount 2. No loans or liens (including Fcdcral or Statc Liens and Judgcmcnt Licns) and no unpaid of any kind on such propcrty excepa the following: O 'c.eairo" governmentd or association ttrxes or assesgmcnts Approxinr:rte Arnounl 3' All labor and matcrial usrd in thc construction of improvemcnts on thc abovc dcscribed propcrty ha.vc becn paid for and therc arc now no unpaid labor or matcrial claims against lho improvcments or tlro propcrty upon which same arc situatcd, and I hereby declare that dl rumr of money duc for the crection of improvcmcnts havc bccn fully,4r(d and satisfied. 4.Noparticsinpoosessionotherthanaffiantcxceptas[ollowe: (If NONE writc NONE on blank line) 15. To be lilled in if e sale - 'The Seller is not a non-rcsidcnt alicn, foroign corporation, forcign partnership, foreign trust, forcign cstete or other forcign cntity (as defincd in fiternal Revenuc Codo and Incomo Tax Regulations). Scller's U.S cmployer idcntification numbcr(orsocialsccuritynumbcr)i"L,Seller'saddress(officcoddrcss,ifse|lerisancntity; homs addrcss if scller is an iodividual) is: P.O. BOX 458 VAIL, CO 81558 Thir affidavit may bo disclosed to lhc lnternal Revenue Scrvicc and is furnishcd to Buycr io inform Buycr thet withholding of tax io not rcquircd undcr Scction 14,15 of thc lnternal Revenuc Code. NDEMNITYI I AOREE TO PAY ON DEMAND TO STE]WART T]TLE GUAR NTY COMPANY, TTIEII, SUCCESSORS AIiID ASSICNS, ALL AMoUNTS SECT'RED BY ANY AND ALL LIENS NOT SIIOWN ABOVE. TOGE'NI''R WINI ALL CDSTS, LOSS AND ATTORNEY'S FETS TIIAT SAID PANTTEI' MAY INCUR IN CONNECTION WIIH SUCH UNMENTIONED LIENS, PROVIDED SAID UE{S EITITER CIJT.RE}ITLY APPLY TO SUCH PROPERTY, OR A PART T}IEREOF, ON, ARE SUESEQUENTLY ESTAEUSHED AGAINST SAID PR,OPERTY AND ARE CR&\TED 8Y ME *T{O.WN BY ME. OR, HAVE AN INCEPNON DATB TruOR, TO TIIB C1]NSUMMATION O! THTS TNANSAC'TION, I realize that thc purchascr and/or l:ndcr in this transaction are relying on thc rcprcsg4tations contained hcrcin in purchasing rrmc ot lending moncy thcrcon and would not purchasc sa.mc or lcnd monay thercon unless said rcprescntations wero made. lf Scller or Borrowcr c ar{ority to Eign on irE bchalf, M. B. S. DE\rEIOEI4WI GpCRArICN \)ul,u:1t InJ,ll dayof JANUARY . 1994 . . i! t ,. l tNoTE: This ibrm is bc lillcd in and rignid by rcller in case of snl". If no "o[TllilIFtE-in ond signed by tho owncr-borrowcr. If thcro h.any new construction, lhc contractor must dso join in this form or fill in and sign a scparato onc, rIf sellcr i; a.non-r*iieiri'atic;,'rn-rcsideni alicri, foreign corporation, etc., call )'our managcr or Houston Lcgal Dcpartmcnt. NOTE TO BUYER: Buyer must retain until end of fifth tox$le yctrr following taxoblc year of trnnsfer and must filc with thc lntcrnol Rcvcnuo Scrvicc if required by rcgulation or otherwisc. A&D&I-ALTA R!r. t{5 o STEVART TITLE o,., l'.O. Bor 2000 Vail. CO 81658 (303) 949-10il r:AX pql) 949-7?l'oF EAGLE COUNTT, rNC. CrosrNc AND SETTLEMENT AcnnuvrnNr 1/10/94Trns AcRrEMEI.n, daled a is among ('Scllcr"),M. B. D. DEVEUA4ENI' OJ{{P George Plavec,III ('Purchascr'), PranilFss=Cadmus Real E s t a t e, I n c ('Brokcr'), and STEWART TITLE OF EACLE COUNTY, lNC., a Colorado corporation ("Closing Agcnt'). L Srn I rR AND PuncrrrrsER havc cnl.crcd into thaL ccrlain Contract To Buy And Se11 ReaI Estate C'tlrc Contract'), datcd covcring thc sale md purchasc of that ccrtain propcrty (the "Propcrty") in Eagle County, Colorado, and morc particularly describcd as follows: T.ol- 17. Vail Village West, Fi I ing No- 1 2. Sulrn rulo PuRcttAsER dcsire that Closing Agent closc the transaction contcmplatcd undcr the Contract pursuan! to Urc tcrms and provisions of lhc Contracl, which terms and provisions are incrrrporatcd hcrcin by rcfercncc thcreto. Acnnnrvrnnr Ix Cottstoc*moN of thc rccitals and thc mutual covcnanl.s and obligations hcrcinaftcr sct forth, thc partics hcrcto hcrcby agrcc as follows: Rncrrals Vacant Land/Farn And Ranch l. SERvrcEs To Bs PnnnonMnu By CLosrNG AcENT. Wirh rcspect lo thc closing of tide (the "Closing') to the Propcrty and pulsuant lo lhe agrecmcnr of Scllcr and Purchascr sct forth in thc Contact, which agreements shall bc dcemcd ro be instructions to Closing Agent hercunder, Closing Agent shall do the following: A, Ixronu^rlon GArlrERrNc. Oosing Agcnt shall rcview lhc Contract, make telephone notifications and inquiries and obiain verification (in written fornr' time and third parties permfuting) of existing loan pyoffs, homeowncr association dues, insurancc premiums and ad valuem real and personal property taxes. B. Pnrnrnlnox oF DocuMf,NTs. Clocing Agent shall provide scrivener's assistance to Boker in thc peparation of closing documenls required puEuant to thc Contract, with such assistnnce bcing limited to fiat allowcd under Colorado law, C. PREIAnATToN on SurrI-nMsNr Srrcnrs. Closing Agcnt shall analyze the information gathcrcd, determine calculations and prorations and prcpare final scl emcnt sheels, D. CLoslNc, Closing Agent shall cmrdinate rhc Closing, prescnt closing docunrnts for execution, explain closing documentation prepared by Oosing Agent, rcccive and dcposit funds, reccrd documenls, dispcne closing documcnls and pcpare and dispcrse checks. E Lorx Tnens,rcnot If a loan assumption closing or a new loan closing is rcquircd pursuant to the terms of the Conu'act (as it exists on lhc date hcreoQ, Oosing Agcnl shall prcparc HUD Set emenr Shects, ifrequired, record loan documenls, dispersc loan closing documents 8nd preparc and disperse checks. In thc cvent that e loan assumption or a ncw loan is madc part of the Oosing but was not disclosed as arequirement in thc Conracl Oosing Agent shall luve the right to chargc the Purchaser, in addition to all othcr fecs payable to Closing Agenl hcrcundcr, such arnount for such loan serviccs as is set fmth in Closing Agenfs Schedule of Fecs And Chargcs in effect on fie date hcrcof and on file with rhe Colorado Commissioner of Insurance. F. Escnows exo llolottc Fulos. Thc crcation of any cscrow for the holding and dispcrsing of any docunrcnrs or funds by Closing Agent after the Cilosing shall only.be rcquired of Closing Agent in the event that Scllcr, Purchascr and Oosing Agcnt entcr into e scpamte wdttcn escrcw agrccmenl wherein escrow instructions and escrow fccs pertaining to such esqow arc spccifically sct forth, Z SERvrcEs Nor PERFonMDD By CLoslNc AcENT. Thc following is a non-cxclusivc list of mattcrs rhat Closing Agcnt docs not ancmpt to ilrvestigate or dctermine and for which Closing Agent is not liable: A. Unreccrdcd mcchanic's and materialmen's liens. Il, Cuncnt pcrsonal property taxcs. C. Utility charges such as electric, gas, watcr and scwcr including, wifiout limitalion, tap fees, D. Boundary lines, location of improvemcnts and porscssion of the Propety. & Compliancc with limitations on use of thc Propcrty such as zoning and building otdinanccs and restrictions. F. koposed improvement assessmcnts, nol yet liens of rccord. G. Existencc and premiums of firc and casualty insurancc. Pcrraining 1o information gathercd by Closing Agcnt from sources othcr than Closing Agcnt, Clocing Agcnr docs nol guaranlce lhe accuracy ofany such infonnrlion rnd shall not bc liablc as a rcsult of any inaccuracy in srrch infornrotion. 3. lirrs ro uu PalD To Cr,osINc A<;til r. In consirlcration of thc abovc dclincd scrviccs to bc lrcrfornrcd by Closing Agcnt, thc followint lccs and rcimburscmcnts shall bc paid to Closing Agcnt nt thc Closing: A. A "Closing Fcc" in the anrount of $ 100 - 00 55n11 69 paid by tlre Seller en6 3 1 0 0 ' 0 0 shall bcpaidby thc Purchascr. D. Nolwilhstanding anything containcd hcrcinabovc to thc conrary, in the cvcnt Closing Agcnt pcrforns any scrviccs ouuidc of normal closing services (callcd herein "Special Serviccs'), a "Special Closing Fec," in addition to thc Closing Fce, in an arnunt equal to the product of$5O.ffi pr hour multiflied by the numbcr of hours spcnt by Oosing Agent in performing such Spccial Serviccs shall be paid by thc pafly (Scller or Purchaser) rcqucsting such Spccial Scniccs, Spccial Scrviccs shall includc, without limitation, multiplc rcvisions of documents or scltlerrrnt statcments, emergency or spcial dclivery rcqucsts, travcl lo outside officcs or locations, duplication arrd asscmbly of multiplc closing packdgcs, documents or cdrcspondcncc, counseling and cducation on terminology, practicc,s or procedures gencrally known and acc4pted in the Colorado real estatc,legol and /or lcnding community and timc rcquircd lo pursuc on bchalf ofa party the rcmcdies to satisfy the requirenrcnts, provisions and/or contingencies of any title commitrEnt,lorn commitnrnt orof thc Contracl C. ln addition to thc Closing Fcc and thc SJrccial Oosing Fce, if any. direct out of pocket cxlnnscs incuncd by Closing Agcnt including, without limitation, spccial postagc or frcight, long dislancc calls, recording fecs, tar ccrtifictrtcs, status rcpo s, bank fces for wire tsansfcrs and for ccrtilied and cashicr's chccks and attomeys' fccs shall bc paid by lhc party (Scllcr or Purchascr) for whom such erpcnse was incurrcd. D. Notwithstanding anything containcd hcrcin to thc contrary, in thc cvcnt lhat Closing A8cni incurs any attomeys' fccs or olher lcgal costs in thc Fcparation of any closing daumcnts as a rcsult of Closing Agcnt bcing rcqucslcd to obtain or prcFrc such daumcnt and Colorado law prohibits Closing Agcnt from preparing such documcnt, such fccs or costs shall be p6id by thc party (Scllcr, Purchaser or Broker) requesting that such documcnt bc preparcd. 4. RernrsetmnoNs AND IVARRAIIrTES oF SEI,LER AND Puncn,rsrn. Scllcr and Purchascr hercby reprcscnt, waranl and covcnant to Closing Agcnt as follows: A. Seller and Purchascr will delivcr to Closing Agcnt all docutncnts, pay to Closing Agcnt all sums and do or causc to be donc all other things ncccssary to causc thc Closing to occur as rcquircd pursBant to the tcrms of thc Con$act. B. Scller and Purchaser will cach pay to Clming Agent, on or bcforc the Closing, all chargcs payablc by lhcm as spccificd herein, C. Closing Agcnt shall not bc liablc for any act it nray do or omit to do hcrcundcr while acling in good faift and in thc cxcrcisc of its own bcst judgrrnnt. and any act donc or omittcd by il pursuanl lo the advicc of is own allomcy shall bc conclusivc svidcncc of such gmd faith. D. Scll( r arxl Purchascr ugrcc,jointly and scvcrally, for thcmsclvcs, thcir hcirs, pcnonal rclxcscnt tivcs, succcssors and assigns to indcmnify, dcfond and hold Closing Agcnt ha ess ss to any liability by it incuncd to any olhcr pnon or entity by rcason of its having acccptd and entcred into this Agreemcnt, or in conncction hcrcwith, and to rcinrbursc Closing Agcnt for sll ils cxlrcnscs including, withour ti-i,urion., ",r-np;ees and courl cosrs incurred in conncction herewith and that Closing Agent shatl have a first and prior licn upon all dcposits madc hercundcr to sccure 6e pcrformance ofsaid Agreenrnt ofindemnity and the paymcnt of Closing Agcnt's fccs, charges and exJrcnscs. 5. AuruonzerroN aND DrRarcrtoN m Clostc Acrxr. Scllcr rnd Purchaser hcrcby sJncifically authorizc and dircct Oosing Agcnt as lollows: A. Cilosing Agcnt shall py, from any funds hcld by it for Scltcr and Purchascr's rcspcctivc crcdit hcrcundcr, atl chargcs and obligations payablc by Scllcr and Purchascr rcspccrivcly, ar spccilicd hcrcin. B, Oosing Agcnt may act upon any statcmcnt furnishcd by thc holdcr or payec (or collection agcnt thercol) of any lien on or charge or assessmcnt in conncction with the Propcrry, conccrning the amount ofsuch licn, charge or assessment without liability or rcsponsibility for thc accuracy ofsuch stratcment. C. All funds payable under thc Conuzcl shall be prid to Closing Agenr Disbuncment of any funds hereunder nuy be madc by check of Closing Agent, but Oosing Agent shall be under no obligation whatsocvcr to disbune any funds represcntcd by check, draft or othcr instrurpnt delivcrcd to Closing Agcnt and no chcck, draft ofolhcr instrunrnt shall be dccmcd paynrcnt to Closilrg Agcnt in compliance with any rcquirenrcnt hercof until Oosing Agcnt has bcan adviscd by thc bank in which dcposited thar such check, draft q other instrument has bcen unconditionallv honorcd in immcdiatcty available funds by such bank. D. Oosirrg Agcnt may rcimbursc itsclf for all [ccs, charycs and expcnses and for damrgcs or exltnses it may incur in conncction hcrc*ith from all of the righr, tirle and inrerest of Scller an(l Purchascr in and to the documents and rmnies dcJnsited with Oosing Agent hcrcundcr. F- lfat any timc in rhe Jnrformancc of its duries undcr rhis Agrccnrnt it is neccssary for Closing Agent lo rcccivc, scccpt or act upon rny noticc or writing purported to have becn execuled or issued by or on behalfofany of the parties hercto, it shall not be necessary for Oosing Agent to ascertain whether or not thc prson or penons who have cxccuted, signed or otherwisc issued ff authenticaled the writing had thc authority to so execute, sign or otherwise issue or authenticate said writing, or that thcy arc the siune persons narrcd thercin or otherwise to pass upolr any rcquirerncnts of such instruments that nray bc esscntial for their validity. F. Oosing Agcnt is hercby cxprcssly authorized and dbecled to disregard any and all notices or wamings given by any ofthc parties hcrcto or by any othcr pcrson or entily, exceptinB only orders or process ofcourt, and is hereby cxpressly authorizcd to comply with and obcy any and all orders, judgnrents or decrcc of any courl Closing Agcnt shall not be liable to any ofthe parties hereto or to any other pcrson or entity by rcason of s0ch compliance, notwithstanding any such order, judgrrcnt or dccree bc subscquendy revcrsed, motlificd, annulled, sct aside or vscaled. or found to havc bccn cntercd wirlout juris<tiction. G. lf ar any timc a dispure shall cxist as to the duty ofClosing Agent under thc tcrru hercof, the right to posscssion, title or procccds of any itcm hcld by Clrxing Agcnt, rr as to any disputc rising betwccn thc partics as to any maucr undcr this Agrcemcna, Oosing Agcnt may dcJrosit this Agrccmcnt and itcrns hcld hy Oosing Agcnt with the Clcrk of rhc Disrict Court of the County of Eaglc, Stntc of Colorado, and nray inrcrplcal lhc partics hcrcto. Upon so depositing rhis Agrcenrnt and irems hetd by Closing Agent and filing ic complaint in inrerplcader, Oosing Agcnt shall bc rcleascd from all liability undcr thc rerms hereof. f rhi Court does not provide lor reimburscment to Oosing Agent for attomeys' fees, cosls and expcnscs rclated to he inlcrplcadcr u"uon oo, oili|rerplcad funds, rhcn closirg Agent shall havc a claim enforccable by sepamte action in Court against the_partics, jointly and severally, for sall tomeys' fces, costs and l*pnsc.s. Or, if at any tinn in the opinion ofClosing Agent such a dfuggrte exists, Oosing Agent may at its option and without liabilily 19 rny party hereto or any olhcr Jrcrson or entity, refuse ro Jrrform any further acts hereunder and rcfuse to deliver rny docurrnts or nnnics hcld hcrcundcr until dircctcd to do so by ordcr ofCourL 6. TenMrN,rnoN. If $e Closing has not occu[cd wiftin 30 days of ia original schcdulcd date, as sct fordr in thc Conu'acg Closing Agcnl, at its option any timc thcrcaftcr, rnay lcrminatc this Agrccnnnt. Upon such termination, (i) Closing Agcnt (subject tb is lien rights sct forth hcrcinabovc) shall rctum dl docunrcnu dclnsitcd hcreundcr to thc party who dclivercd the same cxcepl docurncnts cxecutcd by both Scllcr snd Purchaser, which shall be marked cancclled and rctaincd in the files of Oosing Agent; (ii) Oosing Agent after rcimburscmcnt for all fecs. charges rnd expcnses thcrefrorn to which Oosing Agent would have been entitled hereunder as if thc Cloaing had occurrcd, shall rcturn all monies depcied hcreunder to the parry who delivcred fie same; and (iii) clcing Agent shall be relieved from all further obligations and liabilitics hereunder. 7 AssrcNMEN[ No assignmcnq ransfcr, convcyancc or hyJrothccation ofany right, tidc or.intcrcst in and o the subject mattcr of this Agreenrcnt sholl be binding upon Closing Agcnt unless written notice thcreof shall be served upon Closing Agent and all fccs, cosls and erFnses incident to such tansfcr ofintcrcst, as dctcrmined by Closing Agent, shall have bccn pid to Oosing Agcnt. & Noncx. All noticcs or dclivcrics rcquircd under this Agrccmcnt shall bc pcrsonally scrvcd or givcn by ccrtificd mdl dircctcd to the respcctive addrcss of the parry sct fonh at thc cnd of this Agrecment. Any noticcs so given shall be dcemcd effcctivc wlrn ectually reccived or thrce working days after depsit in thc Unitcd Sntes Mail, pstage prcpaid, whichcvcr fint occus. Any party, by notice so given, may change the addrcss to which futr:re notices shall be scnl 9. Couurenrerrs. This Agrcement may bc executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same original insfumenL 10, Cnorcn or Law. The lerms and conditions of this Agreement shall be constued, interpreted and enforccd in accordance with the applicable lawr ofthe Slate ofColorado. ll. Grnunrr, ProvrsloNs. (a) fiis Agreemcnt constitutcs the solc and entire agreenrnt bctween thc paflies and supcrscde any uld all prior oral rcprescntations, promiscs, covenanls, undcrstanding or olhcr agrecments, if any, botween the parties and thcir agents and may not be modified in any manner except by an insrumenr in writing exeruted by all of the panies hereto. (b) No failure by any party to excrcisc any right it rmy havc shall be deemed to be a waiver of that riBht or of the right to demand exact compliancc with the terms of this Agrecmcnt (c) The Paragraph hcadings utilized in this Agrcemcnt are in no way intendcd to interprct or definc the tcrms and conditions, but iristead ore intended for ready refercnce purposcs only. (d) All terms and conditions of this Agrecment shall be decmcd scvcrable. Thereforc, should any one of morc of fic sanr be deemed void and unenfoceable. thc remaining provisions shall havc full forcc and effect. (e) This Agrcemenr shall inurc to lhc bcrrcfit of and shall be binding ugn and enlorceablc against thc parlics and thcir reslEctive hcirs, personal repesenlatives, successon and assigns. (f) The tcrm Scller, Purchaser, Broker m Closing Agen! herern. or any promun used in place thereof, shall include thc nusculine, femininc, singular, plural, individuals, partncrships or corporations where appl icablc, IN WINESS WIIEREOF ttre undersigned have executcd fris closing and Settlcment Agreemcnt cffcctive as of the ddre first writlcn abovd. SELLER:PURCHASER: EIY:."",n" n&.2",2? ,a 607 Slaydon _ ADDRESSHenclerson, Tx. 7 5652 (_) DDR T.IS (_) TET"EPIIONE CTOSING AGENT: STEWART TITLE OF EAGLD COUNTY, INC., a Colorado corporarion BY. Kammy Houlihan TSIENIONB Address: P.O. Box 2000, Vail, Colorado 8 1658 . Tclephone: (303) 949-lOt I ,Hu,l r, f-?,"-ryffi 0,,,,, h,, n oo EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMr55roNER5 Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Exl 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO RDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGTNEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENS ION AGENT Exl247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNINGE\t 226 or 229 PURCHAsING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Batalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 May 18,r979 a E. E. Perkins 121 N. Van Buren St. Henderson, Texas 95652 RE: File No. Zs-84-79 At their meeting on 14 }lay 1979, the Board Commissioners approved your request for a permi t. If you have any questions on this matter' this. office. of County specjal use please contact JW/j k cc: Board of County Conunissioners Wfud* im l,Jilliams Zoning Inspector / raerr co[n\rry oo oo ! April 19, 1979 DEPT. OF PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE s03/328-73 t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMtiltSstoNERS Ext 24 | AEMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDE RExl 217 E. E. Perkins 121 N. Van Buren St. Henderson, Texas 95652 RE: File No. 7s-84-79 COUNTY, ATTORNEYExl242 ENG INEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL. Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baszll927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASU RER Ext 20 | At their meeting on 18 April 1979, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your request for a special use permit to build a single fam'i ly residence on a slope in excess of 30%. of County Commissioners at their meeting on 1979, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Cou;ty This recommendation will be presented to the Boa rd i4 May Commi ss ioners Meeting Room, 550 Broadlay, Eag1e, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. .--J - ,Qtn '/\4<zzAtu CZaz<Z'Zr-z,tJ Susan Vaughn O Pl anner sv/j kcc: Board of County Corrnissioners John Perk'ins c .- 6{- -Er, 0r|go .6o.O qra- Oo, \JUOi . C L.F.-d oln o >r dlc rF u o 0,o.o= vroor=,Fod F > {r .->F ll, i,/) O . .-F O 4 FL.rprDll' _c L(u c<rLo! rsr!-> Foru! 5>o-- 1-o-o.o\ (| \o 10, Eoo >oOrE r.- o, Od'o 5 cDo.F(\/ccn -0 c.6 GtF :-crc . o d !r<t 'F aJ (,'- c oJ o, !, N c!+c\t E! . = ''F oJ t'ro t-6 L,-(\| , r61J C-OsJ+JE'F|!'8.-.p oo 0r 9- c 6J! !> l! r, L L o>q- ob- o EF-o a, -r-udo-c| c o o {J E,Fo (Jd'l, O F >r O:tdo .rolp>r o (J6.o oO 5- f i-P (l)t'|,Opv o E x o o c o.- ar.'l .rJ :t ll,-o c or c o c -cE !O' LOPqC.a)'d! Lq- sf >r E< (u.|) C, 5lD 6 c 0,r - |,q- Rt.OE l, O!{J:-.F c c 6"EE€3.= e",9bg- EEg-B-> o,, <r '- o ^r !r E <t> E{rE.6L>dN(u OO O FOOrOF ro!Jc F ..JL ,- 'o(u ca.p t-4 A.' L L rs.s dO u o o c! c-E L c o.d (D.r-.6 d o.rJ o-rH o.\AE !9p o .r.--'o o d L .u cE Y9- .'tF s'Flclc ?1-'E 'c >r<u'o o,F <, c or o s E.- '6 cqJ Eo c\, .- .- J> ojE oa E -@crE.!o-E !F L o,).e EEo.(|Jo L' E olE|E.ccoEoco(JF'o o >cJ.Jc.Jou (|o '!.- c > (D+i.- c (J o t o< .-OF.o-€() E-O ,s.r (l) OL {-}z..r (1,cZ O-ro tr 3 (J (U C O!- O,, cE lC O-.r O Cd.co o o-Y ooF E'E,rr o ac'srJ!Ll" = Flocrs"tr | .tr:l!V tr rJ F'Fvteo lFF.lr c 0r o | €q,o, Eo.e ua o ,F.- !,.F ora-.rF o ar.E or =-F '-aJo F doFr!.0 tso<oLE! rF.pco-!t.FFrO.o C CO.!<- () 6 CO \O> (|J G\€ ..- ts> C,E 3P.. E iir.. EotttEo(/)!ouc()cuq, .,.= 0J ...t (1,E O.p O d c'€ O ez6t- zatl- Or gr (F (|,6t l-rF o,r t -r. ra- o -l rF|l' F c'0 16 F ct|J 16.P .F(|l.g ar .F(U .l| +,vl 4d,6 t7) u-dd u, .EL EF ol dto j =u a, cL. c : EC co = o c E.j g 0u .t7EC.- or < oil.c! o E<\, <c Ft! L ! 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Z,a.Ct (I.|9, {|,E a, a-!z ra- o, =O FqiJ rF -OE .F a) rE .! .-(uE tlEca ! lldoa (FE P .rd r.r'ul- o t = .t) UF" -" 3 e F q E+ .ppcrlr('. aJ a, oF d orHr'-= o-E co.-o .-(JadtLOr0')>r1roopoorc(Jp4tN-O €F d.Fs o 'PE . i5-o--cF !! 5 L(J ol!cdoc o,o q, r{- Eio-.F orJ ao l, c,>r ts Oe -F .JF O OJ L !-o(U>) f>o!cnl-=(t>rL'l' O-O Eo-F(n-cq- cd.tt ' E Ht-oo!o- o 0,, O, rF c o, f cF O, !(, L-o.-o ilJ -E o.oFoE .->€-c.E u = >rJ(l) 'so- > r c (U !'E cOO FE>t'-o|oroEdcro 16!cl - o-c aJ >rF orJ q) >cPN(J(o.rr=€|! d +r o, o dl;>orF(J+r(rocE-co-.-c m o oc,F -'JPG'!OL>o.E or L o-o-!-(^-c !r.r)6 rE O O- rg CJ CO- c F -C -C qro or E.F > €? lE !. I FF6.F d 3 O r.- (l)L .u (?r .rJ ol . 3!c .F - €@ e33; oi o."-3 - i --g O L O ,) Cad ! (lJ.€-c a, rF d o '- 3E Os o o, t- .F |! 5P -o .F O CYfsr9 lvo .)d6 F c.,!t!-l- +q, o ,F.J o3"€' -o? g-€- -E 5 E: ?LrEt (u -! o <J r€ c E9@t). l!E.P lsrroo c -E | 0,<c9rr. >.oo oN! o .J at|/PvO '-.rJ !t I C ?tE rF .F NCICP O.rJ c) r' .p I c'r F-.;>.g: -63t i5'-E E ., ,!P-FFoo ergoo ocF L rJo.r.- L! ot!(J >r q, o o-o o oo c!.F 0,' F (!r E<- (' rF enF tl)-E 'no9-f N .o> .- .rJ.lr@oE(J.F O-roL >q- 4 .- ..JO !5.pqatc!n I f5 .-ooo o> u-o I'E'Lx!L PJoo E r,tt.t i.-o uL -o -dt-E a,, '! ('f'o o o(J o. tao o c 6 @.-P(u o r E! . a, o < o*.-oJ!oL oPq, Fc ,F Ov Oo P.-2, (D rc l't4t o(F . p c-rt,F ENO *C -O-3-j=. ';-gS 5-:.I;J] =E -3.9 3 - r ro o o (t)>.r L o .F . -c 6 . ar u|... CF.F 1-.F iY) | OOL oHorFc.-C, FL oa-o,rF o o .F -c oc.d >+F o <tr.F *o !(Jd!o,r.c8.! o o ch4!< .F o ^-o clluF c L J 'o C= ls rD (J aJ L OJt D c u rd L !, -o . - o!.o o- L, oJorc 540E€cojor t c q, -c cj.roo,rE!< E.-cpE !Lo Ep o c E E,Eo,- o o E <o)'eLcE.- +J6ocio+JSSgE'. Td"t3 HH-3.?35 P"iF.96.:.d cJ x o (u _o o! 6e(-) c.->'Be ors o c!oEd I ocN l!d !t of oor .o c''vE o (Jo|!!rIr c.Fp do<F>.. .P O.16.. CO d {DF O.' =-cl.-F C 6-o, c r,D d o: c (l)- llq c.-oo Llo cr | >E|c! .ri cD >.P .-4o! OrO')Ls .J O\'O 0, +rdr.-d NLJOI('oJ! a\ o. -c o! | oE oJE o\ 4 cr.c L L do rrl o HFo6 o| a .oFi.- daE ie.. E if=p€E i€"..ovllou)oth .t ,\, zautL z3 _ z, t^ !s o,0! !- o l- (u ur$ 0r fra l- o, L rr- or:l r 'o Fo) rr F(' oo, .n .|J ,F -r a, .F (,r, rdo) (./, L (J ./t rld to o tr- | )g- t=l | -10) l15| 601In=l^| \:7t(= I /;R\ tvtlqI t_= | 6t$| \r'tre| g= ZA >---t t:= - /;T\ U C-) az- t-=;- EE=-----) Ic:=J /\v/ trl --l 11ur1 P=j tull c, CF\ E< oq-] .:r !L ! ;(. 6 z F 6 t- -"cigLO O' .16 !Cr (lr -c L aJ O\:. c..J cn aJ o (' rt.r o !o o c !r vr 0,, 'o 4,L . O,, €.J (.'| .F.O q' .c'O (J - t (J F a e6 aO c!lr.o c f u|tt o.crdoJ c 0,,C .F rE C O (t d.- c roEO Eu|, F 't, cO |D (, '! .E AJ '! .F .l) 0r 4l .rJ -c Ec, o-ot L(u . - o,r.rJ -E corr4(' iJ oJ o |!-o o l, EE.Fc !c .- I .|.o Lplcd F 'u.Fcf _oro E tA vr ,- ,u € o. oE .P +r,F = | .u c, E ! O..rr.o 0, P 4.F C O,.rr .|J F O.cOf 5l|,(a! E', ro!. 5 iu,o o!.r-.- c-c.rg' O (J u E: !.*J ln o C 6 .-*-L o(J,- rt i! rs > -'!c -E 5o- - (F ool| L 6-c -oJu>r o, o 'F o L.F- Fp crF (, .F L.-' F -E(l,O" O r =9-.F F-O nr 6 - F O' O.cl .-Ort O' -Ooq-E o1 u Eo.)rc ..8./| lD < .J.o o gt- ocrttI tt-.- > .FO,. tl, O.|).ri|, Oc, fc .F 4 c-, o, o o r. rr- .F o o,(l .r O.r O O LF.- - !u u>' oJ N+l or-c a) E- Lo u .Jo, .|J-c.J c| q, >o- or orcc €ic|g Lo LE.-]l o c >1r.r ro Loc - 5c| - -crlr E EL OOqrE L .-Oo € .Pc(.c)iz orr.P o rr:' 5 c 3 0 .J o.c c c cn P ('!,e (1, lnf (t .PcrGrop !ro,do; Eoocc(J.- or(u or! 4F 5.EL-o! E'rl-.rr3c' or.F c"o :r c Fc! l- o,o.c |! co,6 '- c or -c rE a e| .F(Frce -o o. o,4= o.l'! ,- - d.F6+ .o.F Ec}{ -c L-o ool!€ lg Ecc<o oo+r rD6 (Je 4 (' .rr ttro,J eal 0 crat o >rcP .r:',| coo < - u 'o o, N E ! o F.P.F 6r ! -o.F (J+rcco.c !oc o).F! r€cEa,rJo c!.9>P(U 'o{tr>{4c rJaJLt6q- ooo cl! r Eo. l!{J.rr.-.c.rJ c, F r\.P.r d r6.F F cr -tJ a.J., oJ F c-o.|5B oo c.F -c EE Ec ,o o.P O.-.bE*oE oEL oEo cqrol-cao OErcLc 0r.rr o 4 ! o, o > o (, o e 6p c 0,, c (tOr(.('r.- (l,r.|J ar |!(J (1, l- i9:, It do(J.o- o Fo- r!.F-s ca .FI C-O-, - - dr -O > >CFiD6 -OCo ci op s.JE .. cr u (u !- :'.o.rr c ,!,6 c or . .. s €L OrCrU C rlFE-t-O> r= (^o5C rF(Ji,c-(JOo ! r.tt.F (u o oo I oor--tl6Fu'{i, dr- tF o cr o.rJ ! orF o-o o-(J.- o. -y 6-o.JF atl 'c qr'F.rr C, Or |! NrsCFO, .rr Ortl'('t3aJ6.F.p.FeoorL'oo rFF.Fa,qr(' Fo, 6€oor!oFo \D (. or.a! o,ce F-() 4 o.p-EEt r.F<!.o, osyro@cio o @o (roFr F\| | c.L E I o-c O I o, Etl t/| dr.- E qv) o E .rd, ., E!OEFJ!O otoc(, ... C (J tl,,rJ O.r O d. c'.P t tl, O.ucr 426 o 4 =6tEn rF o, !- (,, dr rFc qJ= .s rF c,= E q_ {Fo, F <- {J 6 F O- ra (F F Crct E ;:S .q ii ::.oJ (, .6 'Fo6 6 *- .D v' "- g .r, r.! !. co g- ; L ;€(tF c) lD o{rF C g .J C LF CI/td .t + o .F!' oo o r! c .6 (D 0'uc.|-) lli O (, 'O .F{l,. o o qr o .PP o L c .- E E P odr .E F= N3 C F.r oq- o cD .rr - -colE |!a 'o .r, l! o o F tlJ ! Q, c$-tF d F Eta .FP !, 14 F> Oot tc € O.F.lt O ! te > LCur- r.- .F €o '!n rs.s !|a+r E o. c o ! o ct'L.ro4, t, (, -L jr tf E o L rs./., o o = .r) .Pf rF.F o @c{r coo C.rr 'EO lE P !O !0, O L tF r\(|,u .F(|, >'0 c| ?F c, ct (J n e ^y,{r . c' orE .Et OF>5 ., F c E 5! ! r,o>t -c c . ,1 tlJt/| (u F u+r6 (1, rE (IJ E r, . L o a 6 E.''-F a o . o o.C|tdL(,, 4. L (|) 6?|, .F 9-o5 'O.P 6 t-.6'F OC. !oo+t L t ' rJ .rr o,, -o 16 .l'o rlJ o, 'lr o <lr-o o FFor9- o |, tr.o c! F |! !4c rJ >r o -o tA tAt> (D ?F F OJ (lr a, OO, ,r (JC'O tl, C .-6 l< E'O Lor., o l 3 -o . c, f - !- ? rs rt o, rl, il, o a, o< F dEoE at FE(n u <tr|- q O O (o ! ult 9< iEd = Or.9 OJ '.Fc <u OO E ^OJd .F |lr(' E ato! .PO Cd, C.4PO> L ' O? ' OO -O,.O > C O) .rj c 0,, L .FL 'l: ,-'.2 O r. EC ?.OFo qr qro <t -c o:'o OO 6O v--(o I t- c.F o c+. 9(uP !- -cl) g--ON cD NF- C c)'E .oF-Ll, (u Cl Fr.- I .F 6,4 0.x c o o .- ao ir o (u F o > q, e o cc E o, =.F (U l! P.rr +, llr oa N (a r.C (u E (Jd OE F -O C F rt :' o '('pEOO - C+r., t H - o)E.rr r€ clcl =EO- (u l!-c FO OC -Ott >t C E OJ FCq,Cr.F O r, O .F E .p .n,a .(t Or.F i |! r€.F € > ! F C tO l- (D beECoTLO F! LEL.C(u !q.| C >rP - = -b r'r- ,!.6 O O.r ln >@O OFp C F tl, :! OJ 5 o it c t O ! O rn O C d c c rE '1, t .F.r'tL O.>'3e O E.FC:O(, CO'9ro cF Nco-o o-o o.F ooca N (,, ol.5\oou ovF o o6!.u6(u 0, rE F\ 4" 3 |! 0,, E o.F< ! (5 | L E .F !F o d . - is .FE o =F,p4 o)Lor.! ! d'-.e 6 Jp qro >rJ! .pallljF o- =rlJoaJr-o(|) o = (u l!d (|J o,.F J=.-q(-)E >o .o c.-o! : !or+,rE E o.e'-eooL l- oJ .F >r .F {J OF E.- 's.p o l! EF E c! L cr oroF 0,, >r o,.- oi,- = r€ ,s qJ F +, o EF aJ -c q- o.E cO-o I .- r.F O C l. F 3 (r -c L L O|F.F lE o o|r1. L-c o (J .F (u d (J .rr O 4 CtOC O O o-) O i^ 5 >.1r 16 (|') O:E >-c.- X C Or.! (J > J p L >ooc! ct 61.-(/)0c'6 Ec o o-c (r o L i!.F o l- '-cqr6.-.J<ccL(u crQr- tsd0JcL.-6 6p6-Q L .r '03L ! o,EU F|tt(J E.r f .FE.J LE.-oO,oo - PoJaE! -C 4 rr- isc-oF6aQ.- Ed4r (JE.EOro 6 0rO.30' \J!.F !<.JdL .roo ru .!o '-o|'/|rl, .-{r!o < .6'0 x io '!r o oL€ o coU'crar(Jri '.-'OrJo,N! L (U (JCto ?l: |! y)! cr! -o i, Aj.r -c (J OJ(F () OE O F@ = oJ o,, F c (J cnd c<! i, rlj ! c o c F .aJ rJ i, < >r.(, 'F o o' 'o .os! cr-oc.- cro<rE! . c o o'o'cl c o rroc.l,rcuurooLt(rr. € .o.c-oor!.- o'oo -rriL (J'o c, .-4Nslo,r 'orJ |lr L.- > (1,,.5'!C.| rEF>5F Lrl)|t'l--rto o q.roEf- F o,c{, E r ,5! E F o-Or|EEa,o >c oLt (5 F\ 0.oE?or o.r: .DEoL 6.r oro- d 3 a !.P= oE N.p .-arL-sEo-HFLTEOLo C.- O<.r,| c).-C LO O (u.Foo O Or.- F-Oo Oc)>r - o o c't, - F ,E F o o - (J E c',oF o >r L'F (t E (, o- Eci o, o (J F E o. o.c (,- .eLE!c'osO'l: oroi LcL oJlO >!L>4oro q' r .-.i r!' d (utr+iL O O E C c] O <U : O!.F!Oj L at >\OJ.-r.-Fd OF r (U d:) C O,: ' O' C -Er rDd .A O-d C.r(tso6>.Fo uc EGc o cLL -D-6 a - Lrrcr. d f d' >o- (,:0- !o> LUO,|o- OO r! Ordd O 5Eo FE '! F.pO ' pE . LIF OE.ForE.F-cEe..oN ..l!t -OOilrL..'!q, =0l!'nd.F . trr(1,tro . <o, 'oo .'..9t(, or(lrFF oJ c c\\ E'r.F !! c 6L |o O >rL I s 4 <t c OP (J l! OO Or | = c !) x (, O | > o o'O r:) .- {, ..- O E O(J.- r= r! OJ (t.- O O O .-.rr-c <t CJ (u Cr .- i.- -.- O, E -c|.- - l.-cN '! ..D.F.rJ r!s 01-cdo .rico o\F|l)Ft,PF+) orFLo o..! cnFo.- o.rJ o\F c.- c oFar.li cto\(Ja ot6-ar; N.J '-:rlg c F.d\ .-,\r 6(Uqtlo f\ 16.?, o oJ d tsdo-.!t,.-|i't,E5 o!.- O, ..F-P = c O'o r/rE r, r.F N F - 5IrrlJ.Ft o<crdoo.ct-.c F\ollFd u-orFc!.- .roo<{pFrf c q'r o .( ao-oc|E l,.c '! q, o..r 61 cL o, Hqrar! (!' coaro {J @(|).6 o oo orE oJ,!.9.. E J€;.. F ;--S:..F ;--3.. E ;35.. E J*p.. E'o 6 ii- - --ob ru' s 6 F! 'o 6 F{ E 6cus(Jc(J o, ... 5 0, 3rD r o f d,,o+,9 d o.r od o.r od oP o d o.r od o.p o d =6 ! Zo L =o t 2.6 Lo, gr |.- o e q- (u olrF (u Er 9- (u o sr t-o lv rr- 0r: r 9- oJ f .t r.- {1, t J ,+- o 3 J r+- ., I -r t- - ltu r€ .. C. iJ 0 rr l! .o F q U 6:- !.f € a) .- rl, nt .r |tt.J <r .p .F c, .! .r .F (u d .u L^- EcO .t tL& co rn ao u1 rld co el |!d a0 \r1 tLd dt .^ i'o*i EFG' O.FC >E (D .,FF tI, F .!d rF!JO CriD !|o uOO 'F >5 !- .1,FaJ !'=€ -q q_ (9 0 o,E t^@'', r! uor 3IJHO .ro c.p r! c./ >o oLo-a) 6 6(l)Lc =!roL(r r.- (D .'o c.c u^(u o,o-- sc.) > E€o oEx > 9.l. L O.- O o O.rJ(, L! O dO'O,oF r!dL O,(|JaCd|5=o. 0 -4r...J (U 'Y' B C o co o- 4.r .o +jc'r F. .Fo- 'ol!l orc Ecrlr"oo {J O.P O C .o oi' 9- c, F s()E .-o|!E . r!rt(! |+-E vt- E 6- O= EAGLE COUNTY lDDepartment of Planning and Development ao TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMlSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ea8ie9tStb*ieoo erosr BUILDING 1N INSPECTIO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R E,ct 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 V8il 476.5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 RuRcHRsrheT PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baralt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 soclAL sERvrcEs 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 19 April 1979 The Eagle Va1ley Eagle, Colorado Enterpri se 81631 ASSESSOR Ext 202 Re: Notice of Pub'l ic Hearing Board of County Corunissioners 14 May 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 26 April 1979 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you therine Peterson Off i ce Manager/Secreta ry (r) t; v\-l.r ttlc (t).Fc !'r.dc(uo - Nl (J>) .-=-o> o- (J (€(u 'O OlFGIO LrJ @ r-P =(tso UIL^ Cvo(\l.FO U) F{.rOE.. o(Jg o PP =(uo ./)(J l.l- +:' . . =c!!o=.doo O Ct-@ td ;-!o>!-q-{JOco(u:t ()-co (d+, c(uO'-'u =trD t.-.6= (Jul 'c c, +:Ot- .|.' Or =a€ -c {J q,+).oc E U,9ocrlt>.r O.- c-c5c.F <,h ot'r.oc,.rt Q) .A U)l- -ol . 1.. Cv, or o Pc, >rJ(J.Ur- 'r- E o o <J' c)Z, 11 d' L(t' J TJ +,LItlo (U FO ec, .o(o(to^>s- .uFOJS.- >-c .O .r- Cfl) a)'r..\ (J _<oJcc rr q-avo 'doo c-('g g 't-F-< Q' i/l+).c-cm<pc9-oso.r OZ.'P 'r.d l/l C(J'F O c o, I3- LE(J.oE;F E: (J!-()oc. c)(t- (I,..co u)_o +-r 3(o.F q- Oo E o'- l- F-r- O+r Oo- l./)(Fru c.,> cJ= (,r^ aol=(, 0r r- r- €Jt-. rI, .F -()l'r E'rFI L) Lo-so I O- Fl qr tn u't 0)t{ -o ...co+J oz. rn .r-qj .pc, :l 16r- o- (J.r0)OLL&J ctco. tJ)N).i:r.,ll_),rl t:(j ql 'OBioq '.til P'd ftt ,-l +)o() u') ;,\ :5c.i i{ ta)p1l.r C.rr o i)J.:IO(t.lr o,.-l ,na" H )- ::H-i i !-i "-i -I1) {) i')o.(: | :i 'el -!i .i) Qlr (r Jl r-l(J i) -1: -'{c):a '-t oCt it \-t!j \l{ t-t _i,. ri L' r-, (, lu>i).a!r --i '.- i ! 7;-.4 '{!FC r:J -rll: r'.i !.r;.:..-' 'r (-) 6) ,. r t:) tr (. L^'al l.'i ! r tl Li ,) ,,-l (.j .l ) ',:.'.rr ..\ -t :-l t) ...i (:] f ; lJ () i,,l r -'i ! ,.r ,:': t:.t +, t.! l; (l .. 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OU) ^ ^ - .+J{J q ctLrJt!== C.tt c) !-- o-o QJNr')rntr)r- (J<t, c<-oc)o(\tC+, l-o o o o O F-'r- C O-Gr@OrO OC.r (J O <f r-. <J- CO () = 9 ZZ.v)<,/1 z, '(6CD q) LrJ Lrl LJ t! t! O-cJ -c +r (J (-) C) CJ (J .- .6 Ld LJ uJ llJ uJ.F 3 ('FFFFF(' o) o :'.E C O., F\ q- .oto.oO.r'CLO,|b6c.ro)C)+,C rd -C I c: t -O .6 C. C{J L tr_.: 9- =c, oir 3- = , .6 J- >} (l) b.!a .:< C - J.l-, () .]C O r-r O rd Cq€ qp -o .d (/r (J q_ q) O ca i ; - ct/) +) rJ _o o = o ovX t- f-- +J -o .l- .q +, -o OJ o,(.,j| .=orcJ I t/, g u +., s tnEU> CP r-< G, .Oc C! O) .6 rd+r :c+) Lq, rF (, = F{ El C c) A OaJ q cJ.F1i4 Oqr .J CJ ()..5..c rJ t ;-r O q=X.l-) CJ =-C .g = rlS.O- rn L .6 ,= .|-)Ct- -c4r l-O C! O L+J =+, .dr/)(F '- o cD p.r-L \o ,p x c .tr c = =_ O9'.: € tr E {J O-O c,, 0J q- c) FE roJ =O !.J C>)o., C' -c'O OaO --- e a- . L .r.r !- ,o .J'q- C _c .; O_ (rl.r-. L.r O .(F .! () CJ = l-g +, .6 C, O, -iJ= o 9- L u> r, o cto=rt) a.6 c_c .;(J -O) .+) ot cr)cr) O O .;p t_tC)F O (n C,.t = CJ ,+t q O >r.- .+) +, q- c') i1Y, C3 (J O rr- CJ O< (J.C=sf C C O) O)-if q'; q_ (F - = cO +) +r >e -+: 'q- J o >U.{J= . oJ qJ >ra.) 6'.= ic) c< c' ', clr L .e cn rrr qr1 9- CJ O L'-O i C.l [jcjrn .dL9.F.o+- q- lE TOc|s(-) c . -rJ P === -o +r q_ 1q..J P F 'FGo trg€ cJO O c(J O - = ta.:v+J F(+ =.,f .q-.,O - 5.6 Tsr .^ZA4) 9- (c| Or5-e4og-. . OL n- .n-r'= (/) I > - -O uJ O_. - ig CO c\.t -O.+r -C,; aj..€^.j- - c= OJ{JO ro u) c ;!q-^!4o = +) cr c. q.- >! .;-q F >3ca = r (- (4P cJ (F.r.r IiOPO Oq-O C.i =-= OF-O r+- r+- L.o cr) ajI t CF >).F C = | +r O O O) qr -c (L6 >r=e-a.ir.t aj _ O CJ >.r.ct .iJ {J !l OJ =:-, O.O r:r+) c| oj-COE.o CJ c) t,q- L- -f= CJ q---.F.-q = E rcrJ.Fip() (J .sO Oq_ O_f. G) _ ,-\ 0() c't '-5 P! .- t v1 = C, Or .-EO E9.- Aq OrO.r+r O.P (F iJ ro ro LOC !-J r- ro r- \,/1 L st g)r q >OLJ1r +) CJO-o)JJO Ct tn qoc).u I L1 (n .c c t-cc th.9, r99 c<<="!, Oc)\- =+r: '- {J a,--< r.).= -(; , Cl trJ CJ .- +., V1 = .o L' l-rt| rO cloq- C)O c|)O>o"ta Up rJ c'1 cJ'- 6 .:s o.-- .6 td - -.u'- - ;jd..- L -c' l- c+) -.r . | !- ro O+, j O.CrE 0() .J r-.l (r -^ P +)(\ +, Sf +J +) _ a _?._ _C <ttt=O.J t=\2 O4-=>)o tr4 (.,/} .5 ro cr).6t d)5-^^ qJ CJ = UJ F _O.- Cv (fr - O r5 .n cJ.F - 6 ..O . .-c >'e;--r 71-.-l-cOttl r.! {_r=- r_, C) -.aZ,U>Z Ot! : . CJ q- L 0.,: a +)- tnF O t 9 6 a-.c- L cJ Oe GJ rJ) cJ >riJ {r !') o j ocni+.J or=-= _ L =:tJ - v, c')= cJ-:r =(Y) O - 0 ;- U ---.|J..-s rg (4=+c., : ! 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F.C F t,rt F C! -'c F,- -(f crr a<.F=ca=>cc-l- Q rJc- X cr, cD' -O.;-'a 7'- I L 'e d. -c +r CJ .e q- q-.; - rs A-O! L:t O= +r l/,,q C 3- O OL 6 t;- ;iFO- q- i/| o_ci ]J 5 (l,rd qt'o(dqJ uJ -o.t_L(J QJ t/l !-o . d, to 'E t-\ .o sr iZ C,L (i) -A(J .iJ (\ =(\o -:z cJac \- z ro l-t-o (JOJ t- cJ@ PO|'\Er cJo oJ >t +, ao I o o{J|-\ r,4rc, H= 5q).I' -C ={J 'r- o q- (F -o l-r-O0J- c- (F ..o(/) Pr-da+ro(, i+- oo JepJoJaU puu IJaLO f1uno3 sd ! I t.rqd allauqoe :/tq . .ar6e3 .re,apeors sss .1uaudo.liJt6;BtB,riffil: ,'uil'il1:';30'*J":3':iA:l aq1 6ug1re1uoc,tq pall!uqns sluauxxo3 pup pau.rsXqo aq feu uolleuJoJu! Jaqpnl '1uau1reda6 6u1uue14 aql nJq? 11eu fq .ro suosradu! sluauuoJ uelllril 6u.r111uqns,fq ro'6u1.rpaH aql 1e 6ul.readde fq p;eog aql ol sluauruor al€ru 01 pal!^u! a.re lsanba.r sllll uo uolslrap E lfq palJaJle 6ugaq suosJad pr.puo0or^r .r0r# rxoou 6u11ea6 ,r"ro,ri![,illt3ir'ilo;i";^:fliilfl"ffir:::itlill abplX 11e1 'V lloLg 'Z to1 :uollerol %0t, Jo ssasxa u1 adols uo xaldnp ?JnJlsuoo o? lluuad asp 1e1oad5 :1sanba6 Blzal 'A'V - 6/-98-sZ 'oN a[!J I# 6u!ttJ '1sajl a6eIt!n [le1 '/I 1ol .:uolXeoo] %0€ uprll lalear6 adols uo af,uap!sal f11ure1 a16u1s llnJlsuo3 01 1luuad asp 1e1rad5 :lsanbag sullrad 'l'l - 6l-b8-sz'oN a[!J aql Jo I'I9BU 'S8L '6 pue t uolllas ul Ig rt1;e 1nr tlled alour '1 leseg uoJJ JaA rU su!qpf, [Puo.r1!ppe x.rs q1.r.r'r r.lJupu lseng p ']^l'd q19 l3eJI :sArO[[oJ sP paqlJ]saP ue4 6u1f.rj aq1 dn sallu or,U :uolXpool a1e;ado 01 ?tuJad asg 1e1red5 :lsenbaX qopquaItp0 fItpt'l - 6/-tB-sZ'0N a[!J ol APPLICAAON FOR SPECiNL UStr PT:RMIT sectionlDl of the Zoning Resotution.t Eagle County, Colorado ercr.to.2,5-t47? Foo Poid SAa-.P a (mlnlmum 5 coplos fequi rect;prlnt or typo, excepl elgnatures)oatoRecd.:%t-- ^eer.d 8.1, Pt4fpt /txt4/tg), Brlef Purposs 7eOT J46wE & 7. A comploto list of alt owners tncludlng addrcsses, of the property proSosod for. .Special Use end of allowners of al qryO/V3 rc& &f H&trctvlE F*rpeElEuc7ltpp w €p*t A&3{/H** I adlacent propertles is attached hereto; this.z makerappl icat io., rs st"t.o'i"r=;.:'''"' "' 7e )ls properly authorized Epplicant; ownor? Appllcation accepted as corrplete for Publ ic Hearing on Appllcation reiected as lncomplete for Publlc Hearlng because: b. rnotes and bounds (may be attsched) : 5. 6. F ll..E /'p 2'5-=- 8--t:-' ': r -iL..l ili. Fl.Ai'.I. rf=;i',i*'iiirr7,zs. CO},IM, Pl€|rlninO Adrnirristrator 346- 7e vn/LJlvzz&* ge, 5 tg -,Anari.ttll.i E0s[qlhi^ 15(rtr l^1. o?LY$?r gLUe bcvcrl tlit\6 cA, qozll lpr /O LiruoJer,J*" il'l tanlra E' 2b7Z Purilan Tc.rvqc€ 6acqto[. FL. 3f811 lor /, Linculaucc,lo\n m. { 6"nArq ( ' zb3l? Puri*an Terrecc 6anatolq, FL. EqBlq lor /4 €{ein, Ben .e* F{. + Darccs E 'lb Tarrraraet( tr,P t'{cqlon FlA. o2,laa ?^!n'ro( o.r.oll c' .'l Kirkgalrick ' ForrSlct $' 4721 tdulh A\ron En$cutood 4o. torto F'toOnC, Thornat 11 Box g1o FI.4o\\int co,Ao6lr I tz? .-.lJ Fhlre7 4br t,{ a EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RECEIVED AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoninq) (Subdivision Total Received All itemS are received for collection no-payment of any item. r.*i 47 t1 Bv cancelled for EAGLE COUNTY ODipartment "of Pl anning and DeveYopmenP.0. Box 179 EAGL€. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | t BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSSroNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL sHELTER 949-4292 ASSEsS0 R Ext 2Oz BUILOING IN I NSPECT I ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRA R Y Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PU RC HASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF EaEle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-5328 TREASU R ER Ext 201 o + 26 l'1arch 1979 Edi tor Eagle Valley Enterprise Eagl e, Colorado 81631 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Eagle County Planning Commission 18 April i979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 29 March 1979 pub'l'ication of your paper. P'lease bil'l and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you erine Petefice Manager/Secretary Q,tflTfi,oh8l?f ",Bitfiii3 Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Pianning Commissjon will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 7:00 P.M. on ie npril 1979, in accordance with Section 6.01.02(b) and Sectjon 10.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing wil'l include the following: File No. 7s-I2-79 - Holy Cross Electrjc Request: Special Use Permit to build an office-warehouse facility on land leased from State of Colorado and construction of two employee housing units Location: First property east of and adjacent to Rio Grande Motorway, lying on south side of U.S. Hwy 6 and 24 and north of I-70, more particularly described as follows: A parcel of'land described in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, State of Colorado, entry number .l15544, recorded in Book 219, Page 904 and described as fo'l 'lows: A tract of land in the Northwest 0ne-quarter (N!J*) of Section Sixteen (Sec. l6), Township Five South (T. 5 S.), Range Eighty-one West (R. 8l W.) of the Sixth Principal Meridian (6th P.M.), in Eagle County, State of Colorado. Said tract being more particularly described as follows: (This description being taken from an on-the-ground survey made in .|970 by Robert C. LeFevre, a registered land surveyor for Colorado-Ute Electric Association.) Beginning at the southwest corner of said tract, whjch is a point on the north right-of-way'line of U.S. Highway I-70 and which po'int bears North 10o27'48" East a distance of 1,602.06 feet from the west one-quarter corner of said Sec. t6; Thence North 09'34'.|7" East a distance of 159.'l 2 feet to the northwest cornerof-said tract, being a point on the south right-of-way line of u.s. Highway No. 6 and No. 24; Thence South 80"36'00" East along said south right-of-way'l ine a distance of' 487.28 feet to the northeast corner of said tract; Thence South 0] "47'35" East a distance of 212.40 feet to the southeast cornerof said tract, be'ing a point on the north right-of-way Jine of u.s. Highway I-70; Thence North 80'21'00" West along said north right-of-way line a diitance of ]l ?irll3t.fftirl?;;t;rons said north right-or-way'rjne on a bearins or North 75o06'30" l{est a distance of 5.|4.38 feet to the point of beginning,-being the south-west corner of said tract; Said tract containing 2..|45 acres, more or less. AND A parcel of 'l and described in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder, Eag'le County,State of Colorado, entry number ll709B, recorded in Book 227, Page 417 and described asfol I ows: A tract of land in the Northwest 0ne-quarter (Nl^l*) of Section Sixteen (Sec. l6),Township Five South (T. 5 S.), Range Eighty-one west (R. Bl l.l.) of the siithPrincipal Meridian (6th P.M. ), in Eagie County, State of Colorado; - 8eing more particularly descrjbed as folJows: (This description being takenfrom an on-the-ground survey made in l97l by Robert C. LeFevre, a registired landsurveyor for Colorado-Ute Electric Association.) .Begt'nning..at a P9!1t gn the north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway I-70, whichpoint bears North 29"13'.|0" East a distance of .|,648.59 feet from-the-west one-quarter corner of said Sec. l6; Public Notice - page 2 Thence North 01 "17'.?5'west, along the west boundary of said tract and alongthe.east boundary of the existing coiorado-ute Electrii nssoiiition,-rrl. iru-stat'ion site a distance of 212.46 feet to the northwest corner of said tract beinga point on the southerly.right-of-way rjne of U.S. Highway 6 and 24;Thence along the southerly-right-of-way line of u.5. Highwav o ana 24 (for thenext. three,courses) south 90645'60" East i distance of 3q.3s flet;Thence South 73'59'35" East a distance of .|08.00 feet to an existing highwayri ght-of-way monument ; Thence South 78'05'00" East a distance of 152.00 feet to the northeast cornerof said tract; Thence South 49o05'West along the easterly boundary of said iract a distanceof 246.50 feet to the southeast iorner of sai'd truit oiing a point on the northright-of-way line of U.S. Highway I-70; Thence North 80021'{":t iton-g tne north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway l-70a distance of 94.80 feet to the foint of beginiins, uei".,g ihe southwest-corner ofsaid tract. Said tract containing 0'894 acres, more or'l ess. Excepting that portion of saidparcel described as foliows: ..Beg'inning at a point on the north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway l_70,which point bears il29"l3''l 0" East a disiance or i,oqg.sg feet from the west one-quarter corner of said Section l6;jIEIqE N0lo47'35"l,l, 34.6 feet; THENCE N49'05'E, 209.0 feet; THENCE 578"05'E, 125.5 feet; THENCE 549"05'W, 246.5 feet; THENCE N80"21'W, 94.8-feet to the po.int of beginning.Said parcel contains 0.57 acres, more or lessl File No.Zs-83-79 - l.lally Dallenbach Request: Special Use Permit to operate a Guest Ranch with six additional cabins Location: Two m'i ies up the Frying Pan River from Basalt, more particularly described as follows: Tract 51 in Section 4 and 9, T8S, R86l^l of the 6th P.M. Fi'le No.Zs-84-79 - E.E. Perkins Request: Special Use Permit to construct single family resjdence on slope greater than 30% Location: Lot 17, Vail Village tfest, Fil'ing #1 File No. Zs-85-79 - A.V. Tezla Request: Special Use Permit to construct duplex on s'lppe in excess of 30% Location: Lot 2, Block A, Vajl Ridge File No. Zs-86-79 Request: Special than 30% Location: Lot 22, - Doug Bitetto Use Permit to construct single fami'ly residence on slope greater Vail Village West Filing #1 Public Notice - page 3 File No. Request: Loca ti on Fi'le No. Request: Locat i on 7s-87-79 - Ellison /Fitz Special Use Permit to construct singie famiiy residence on than 30%: Lots 10,11,12, Vail Village West Filing #1 Zc-7-79 - John Siverly Zone Change from Residential Suburban I'tedium to Residential: Matterhorn Area of t^lest Vail, more particularly described s'l ope greater Multi Family as fol lows: A parceJ. of land 1n the Sourhwest Quarrcr (SW1/4) of Secrlon 12,Township 5 south, Ra'ge 81 west of the sixtlr princlpai lreridi.n, Eagrecounty' colorado accordirrg to the DepenclenE Resur.,ey .f said rownshipand Range approved by_th9 u,s. surveyor General in benver, colorado onsepLember r3' 1943- said parcel of iand being more parricutarry des*crlbed as follows, to wlt: Beginning at a point on the Sourlreasterly Right_of_I.Iay boundaryof l{atterhorn circle from which the center of said section 12 bears'N-44'32'09"E.. 637.58 feer disranr; Lhence 12r,50 feet along saidRlght-of -&'ay boundary on a curve to rhe right having a radlus of431.48 feer' the chord of which bears s.3r;0z t z4"r,r. LzL. 10 feet;thence leaving said Right-of-l.Iay boundary s.49"40'48"E. 230.78 feet;.thence l{.05"53'46ttE. rB7.1B feet; thence N.76"30'00,'sI. 73.362 feetithence N.50'58|24"tI. 79.04 feet to a point on llatterhorn Circle, theplace of beg inning. said parcel of land contains 2s,rg7,112 square feet or o.57g4of an acre, more or less. File No. 7c-97-79 - Samuel Granqe Request: Zone Change from Resoilrce to Ag'ircultural Residential , Rural Residentjal ,and Corunercial LimitedLocation: 0n Missouri Heights, located southwest of Spring Park Reservoir, betweenthe Kings Row and the Red Table Acres Development, more particularly descri bed as fol'l ows : Area Eo be Zoned.Rl( A11 of Ehe South One-l{alf !'lorEhwest One-Quarter, NorEh Onc-Ha1f SouthwesE One-QuarEer' SouthltesE One-Quarter SouEhwesc One-Quarrer, Northwest One-QuarferSoutheast one-Quarler of Secllon 22- and the SoucheasE One-Quarter SoucheasE One- Quarter of SecLlon 2l; and the }{orthwesE One-Quarter North!,resE One:-Quarger ofsectlon 27; and rhe North one-llalf ilorlheas! one-Quarter of seccion 28; all ln Township 7 south, I{ange 87 I'resr of che sixch princlpal I'lerldian, Eagre county,Colorado, EXCEPTINC therefrom: A 4.01 acre parcel located ln tlre llorEheasc Corner of rhe Southeas! 0ne-QuarEer NorEhurcsE One-Quarter of sald Secclon 22, as describedin chac certaln dccd recorded in Book 218 at page 504 of rhe. Eagle County Clcrk and llecorderrs 0fflce. 1) Publjc Notjce - page 4 2)A 20.O o".o?o..ot as follows: o to be Zoncd All antl ls mo o pirr Clcularly descrlbed tseg{trLrlng ar rlle Nrlrtltwust Cornrrr of Elre Soutlrwtrst 0pe-QuarEer Nort.lx+esL onc-Qrrurtcr of said siecEion 22; tlrcncc along the l{orthll'e of the soutlrwest one-Quartcr Northv.,est o.c-Qr:arEer, Iiast 95ofeer; thence soutll r250 f eet; !lrerrce rrr.st 1r50 f eet; t.hcncc soutrr200 feet; rhence jrasr 150 feec; thence South 750 feec; thence r.Iest250 feet; thence south 350 feec; the'ce !,lest 150 feet; thence south500 feet; thence west 250 fcet; cl.rence along Erre r,rcsE line of EheNorthwesc One-Quarter of said sectlon 22, Nort.h 1450 fcec to thepoinE of bcginning. 3) A 149.Q acre parcel to be Zoned AR and is more particularly des-cribed as follows: ' Beginning aE thc inrersection of. Lha l.lo rth line of the North_west one-Quarter of sai.d section 27 wl th che l,lescerry boundary llneof Red Table Acres SubdivlsloLt; thencc alorrg s;rlcl L'eslcrly.bound:rry1lne on Ehe following four courses: 1) s.23"4s,37"ti. l60.0o fcer2) s.00o05'40"1I. 769. 2 feec3) S. 31o 58' 01,'E . 13. g f ee c4) s.12059'40"w. 352.5 feec. thence along the_Norcherly Right-of-l,,ay llne oi Eagle C"r";;'R;;-S-13A N.87"27147"i''. S00 feer; rhernce N,02"32'13,,8. 275 feer; thence]I.87o27r 47"W. 460 feer. l Ehcncer S.02"32'13"1\r. 275 f eet.; tlrence con_cinuing along said l.rorEherly RighE-of-riray line N.g7"2i,47',n. 2oeofeet; thence N.21o58'37"E. 901 .39 feet; trrence East 559.91 feet;thence N.5;; feet; thence N.52.55r 23t,W. 220.7 feet; thence alongthe East line of Kingrs Row subdivision N.00"44'40"8. l04l.98 feet;thence along Ehe No r tr-r 1i.e of the souEheasL one-QuarEer southeastone-Quarter of said section 21 , East 300 feer: thence south 300 feet;thence Easc 1180 feet; thence Norch 211 feec; Ehence EasE 1060.59 feet;thence along the wesc line of che southcasE one-QuarEer southeast one- Quarcer of said section 2l ,s.00"54'39',I,1. 654.94 feet; lhence s.65o33r29,'E.55.95 feec to tlre Norchwest corrrer of Red Table Acres, Flllng No. 2;thence along the westerly bou'dary lrne of Red rable Acres, Filrng No.2 on the following four courses: 1) S.09o53'49"11. 328.41 feet 2> S,00"54'39"W. ?55.78 feer 3) S.04o13'52"E. 23.38 feet 4) s.23"45137"E. 21.20 feer Lo the point of beglnnlng. is rnore partlcularlY described4) A 2.90 acre parcel ro be Zoned CL and as follows: Beginnlng a! a Polnt on Ehe East llne of sald Secclon 28 from whl-ch ttre NorcheasE corner clrereof bears liorth 2329.5l feet dlstant; thence N.87"27'47"tl. 4.49 feet.; thence s,02o32'13"1'1. 275 feet; Chence along the North Rlghr-of-Ltay llne of Eagle County Road S-13A 5.87o27t 47"8. 460 fectt Elrence N.02o32r L3"D. 275 feeE; thence N.87o27'47"1,1. 55.51 feer to the polnt of beglnnlng' The remainder to be Zoned RR, contalns 199.8 acres' more or less. 'Pirblic Notice - page 5 File No. Mp-1-79-P Malpais Mobile Hone Park - Georqe Morrison Request: Preliminary NbOite Home Park Application under PUD section of the Eagle . County Zoning Resolution Location: Approxjmately 4!." miles west of Gypsum, Colorado conta'ining 14.9 acres + more oarticularlv described as follows: PARCEL I . A parcel of land situated in Section 4, Townsirip Sor.rth, Range 86 l^Iesi of tha 6tir principal l"leririian, EagleCounty, Colorado, being pari of Ehe Lava pl:rcer arrd of tireVesuvius Placer, according to the Independeni ll.esurvey ofsaid Tolvnshrlp and Range approveC by tne Surveyo: Gene:alt sofflce on J-one 20, L922, and accepLed by tlle Ge.ileral- lanclOffice on June 6, L923, described as follo'.ss: Beginning aE a nonument rnarkecl I'U.S.L.II. i.O."which is Coz'ner No. 1of s:rid Lava plilcer ar:d is idenr':i.calr,rith Corner No. 1 of said Vesuvius plecer, '..rhence 1,.11a1,:Point l.lo. I of tract 55, slid section /r, bea::s i{ 5i":i7' i,T,2262.t;B feet; thence S. Blul5' E. 974.5L -eeer; rhence S.02"55r W. 335.13 feet to a poj-nt on thL,-: idoriire::ly lin: ofU.S. Highuray No. 6 & 24; Ehenee N. 7t+o55, W. 1-,'1:l;g.18 feetalong the Northerly Line oE .said highway; thence I.i, llo25tE. L73,87 feetl thence S. E1"15' E. 422.57 feet- .to the monument marked 'rU.S.L.lvI, L.O" rrt C.he poinL of beginn;ng. The aborze-described pa-rcel of land contains 8.23acres, more or 1ess. PARCEL II Aparcel of land situated in Section /r: Torvnship 5South, Range 85 i^Iest of the 6th Principal Mericl:i_an being apart of the l,ava Placer according to the Indepencient Resurveyof said torvnship and range approved by tire Srtrveyor Gener-alrsoffice June 20, T922, and accepted by the General L:en<l OfficeJune 6, L923, described as follows: .. Begirlning, at Corner No. 4 of said lava placer; thenceS. 17"0Cr00rr W, 4L3.42 feet to a poinE on the iioJrherly righC-of-way line of U.S. Highway 6 & 241 thence N. 14"55'00r' bI. 685. f2 f eet along the Northerly line of serid higltvayl thenceN. O2"55r00I tr. 335.13 feet to a poinr rvhence "!l.S.L.M, L.O.?rbears N. Blol5r0c"'r,J. 974.6L feecj Ehence s. sroisrnOrr E. 775.39 feet Eo Corner No 4 oE said Lava placer, the point ofbeginningr. cout.aining 6.ZZ acrcs, more or less Tttit H*ti!9 shall be held in the HcDonald Building, County Comissioners trteeting Room : #103, 550 Eroadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons.being affected by.a decision on this request are invited to make cgmmeftts to theCormission by appearing at the Hearing, or by sribmitting statements in perion or by mailthru the Secretary. Further information-may be obtained and corments suhnitted, by contacting the Eagle CountyDepartment of Planning and Development, 550 Broadway, Eagle, tolorado - Fhone 328-7311.. - by: Terril'l Knight . Seeretary, Eagle County planning Commission 4, i/:/qttrt t'l.l/' 7 V i o ii;'t,timothy rnichoel boyle / structurol engineqr:, qtq 5A2C, / pc:st otfrce dro^/er t-1Cf0i' . , ,n-, aoetq tC,O(t / qvgn. COIOIOdO 81620' Fae,yc.*lvolr'oSsw .--}|.. F I I ': I I t ) \l I-*:r i -lr--l$l lll-A_frf tlie) l-rir I * \ t+g ve&l i;/\gS *tl ;J t,#: I I I ---*.- l$irc,rgi vl :illUl t*:ti '-{ +_\3j.>i*;ltEr a?gtt''€ 4 eoue 84, ee.W FrLE #.-.-......-....-...--- EAGL.E CC. F!:I:.Id. CC:1I'4. Fir:cC'2i'r r; :P{ MEE-i i i'lU L;F .------'-------"'-"-"" (.''9 " \ +t- r;r.at' (.' f:t.{(t. t{e'tri'i17 *g ftc* ",' Olb'w3 i etr\rA;r-t.}e/ P/EeTtoi D &tg UncolnDeVorc 1000 West Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 (303) 632€593 Home Oflic€ llr. John Pcrklor P.O. Box 266 Vatl, Colorado 81657 Rr: Flle lfo. cS-861 Vlsual loapectlon Lot 17, lrt lll|"trg Vall Vtllage Val.l, Colorado Dcar l{r. Pcrklor: Scptedcr 28, t978 Pcraooocl of tbla Laboratory have lnrpect.d thG fouadat too cncavat loa at thc Sove-rcfcrcaccd rltr to dGt€rd,oc rubrurface rotl coodltloar. Reconcndatl,onrfor tbls rlCe are aboryl beloy. Sotl Clarrlfl.cattoo: 8ol1r on tbtr rlto rcro tound to c@rtrt of lcao clayl. Ttege uaterlab rerc ln a noderetc deartty coodltlon. l{an..oade ftllr f,ooe--411 gollr arG satl,vc to tbG sttc. llolsturc coodltl,@s at tLtlc of tnlpcctlont llodcratc to blgb. Foundatton tvpc recmndcd: A foundattoo systcfr conlt3tlng of coottnuoue fouodatloaa beocath bearlng sallr aod fuolatcd rpread foottng. bcocath colunrle recmaded for tblr structurc. Tbtr foundatton ryatcn ghosld be propor- tlooed oo the basle of a narl.nn allorablc bearlng cepaclty ofJQgQ p_rf, slth a ntnlqrn deadload prorauro of 900 prf bclog ralotalncd at all ttlcl. A oo- foottng, gteEpall-oo-gradc formdatloe rould be rultrblc for soll coodltlolg on thte atte uader rcst rcaldentlrl load coaditloocr A bstt.r pcrfolutng foua- dation could be achl.eved by plactlg voida at ltrrtoglc locatloo. belestb llgbtly loaded ralk, to enrure attel@Got of d,llnn dcadload lrrerrurcr. Io roy care, the bottoo of foundatloas ahould bc placed at lcalt 3.5 fcct bcl,on flntrbed grade, or grestar tf dlctatcd by loerl bulldtng codol, for frort protoctlqn. Rchforclns: Foundatloo valb ahould bc reLnforccd 1o cuch a laoaor tbat they arc capablc of carrylog thclr loadr o\7.r r clerr epau of et lcast 12 fcct. Rcloforcl,og ebould be contlauour arouqd thc structurc wlthout grpr or breaks. I{bere forndatlo! palk rlll r6tah ro11 1o exccsr of 4 feet tn bclght, vertlcal rel.nforclng rbould bc dcrlgned, bcred oa an equlvelcnt fluld pre.suro of 45 pcf. Thts fluld prcsluae valur arruocr tbrt tho sell docs oot rctaln e rlope or aurcharge, ald adJuetlcot rl11 bc requlred for otber coadltl.one. oo,f ,,Vt4i 2700 Highway 50 west Pueblo, Colo 81003 (303) 54& 1 150 P.O. Box 1427 Glenwood Springs, Colo 81601 (303) 94s-6020 1m Rosefibnl Plaza Monlrose, Colo 81€1 (303) 249-7838 P.O. 8ox 1882 Grand Junction, Colo 81501 (303) 242-8968 P.O. Box 16,43 Rock Springs, WYo 82901 (307) 382-2649 to llr. John Parklnc Sept€der 28, 1978 Page .2- Floor alabr on grade ghould bc poeltLvely eeparated froo all atructural por- tloaa of the butldlng eod allowed to float frcely. Non bearlng PartltloEs restl,ng on elsbg on gred. ehould be conrtructed rith e vold aDac6, at the bottm preferably, to allow fot f,reedm of rveoeot wl.tbout affectl.ng the roof or floor ebove. Bcarlng partltlotrr rhould havc thelr owo foundatLoo.r If bascent typs constructl.o!, or nrltl.-level structure' stal.rray bet$eeo flooro ghould not bc conEtructed aa a rlgld conncctlonr but cbould allott for verttcel mvcoeot tu the floor rlab. Dratoage aod Grading: Surfecs gradlng ehould be conatructed la luch a Daooer thaf alf nrnoff mllture la rmvcd frou the vlclnl.ty of tbe stnrcture as qutckly ae poeotble. Rolf dratur, lf rny, chould be cerrted ecroaa backftllcd areas and allowed to dlacharge well awcy fton the buLldlng. Idater ehould Dot bc allosed to ttaDd or poad Ll arcar of backfl,ll. To ald ln keeplng rater frm teachLog thc gotl bcncetb thc bulldlogr tbe follonlng otepo sbould bc takcn. 1. Backflll arouod tbc butldlug or ln uttllty trcnchce leadlng to the butldtog ahould bs uecbrnlcally coupacted at tbe optluro notsture cqoteot of thc aoll to e denrlty of 9tl of narlurn Proctor denelty, AsT}l D-698. Ultb thlc netbodt no beckfl.ll nay be Jetted, pooded, or puddled. 2. The grouad aurfece rltbtn 10 feet of thc structurr obould be aloped arey froo tbc butldtng, rrlth a nl'atnrn gradlent of 51. Thla le equlvalent to 6 lacbea of fall over tbl.r 10 foot regtoo. 3. A subaurfacc pcriPberal draln ahould be inetalled atound tbc pcrloetor of ths structurc at foutrdstlon lcvel. $plcel drato sectlons ars lucluded t ttb thl,s rePort for your lnforastloo. 9g,!g: A11 coocrete lD contact rlth aolle ahould be uade ualng Type II lttdifled CeDeBt. Uoder oo ctrcrn.taqcer ahould calctun cblorlde ever be added to a Type II Cemnt. Reapectfully oubll,ttcd, LItrCOUI-DgVOBE TESITNC LAB0RIf,ORY Z*z*tj /.&oaa Robert L. Baaa Clvll Bngl.necr RIJ/ako Enclolure 7in 7;':ti l'?t 7'. /i..r"tri)i 2)/i7.>) Coetclr. ':22i8: t,'zllz,1/ 1;/z;2 7?i:ililii?i;722i,272'z/z2Z C.neac73)';1 v{ II I I F tl Ar| I I I I N 2't 15% filter < 4 85% base Parltt:rxr/, SaNtoxtrl "oorlx tl tai, ,F 'sPl'.c,. :3A^, o},LTAC Gasv-c 3) 50% filter = 12 to 58 50Pl base c^arr y SHo,oN.tl i3 E! t; 63Mttt.4!lc gl.ces Aw ay TeoA coN ctaa'E Faartxq TYPE SA||D,!7G|a 4t'og 6t' PrcE Gcavea c-oL!-Ee7az,c?rrc'c:rra rolul €geor EaAt-l TYz-No Fa4HDAttoN - D z\tN NOTES: .Size of perforated pipe sand filter varies with amount of seePage expected. 4" diameter is most common. .GraveI size depends on size of pipe perforations: 85% gravel > 2 x .diameter of perforation. .Sand filter must depend on native soil and must follow the Terzaghi- Vicksburg Criteria: 1) 15% filter = 4+ 15% base This is required for stability and length of filter life. .A11 pipe to be perforated VCP, PVC or Orangeburg. .Flexib1e pipe may be used to depth of 4-I/2 feet, but must be carefullyqraded. - .nigid pipe only to be used below a depth of 4-L/2 feet below ground surfae .Al1 pipe to be laid at a minimum grade of 1.4% around building foundationg .Outfall to be free, gravity outfall if at all possible. Use sump and pump only if no gravity outfall exists. .IN SOME CASES - ONLY MINOR AMOI'NTS OF WATER - TIIE PIPE T"IAY BE ELIMINATED ENTIRELY. ,Where pipe is not used, gravel dimension should be computed as if a 4" pipe were used. .Conditions can vary considerably, and each site may be variabl-e as to quality of sand or gravel required. All sites should be inspected to determine the amount and guality of sand filter reguired. ,tr:,,4 ?i/i iti 7li:, t.. c -..\=='.::-:a ae-a -6 ------ -It THE LINCOLN-DeVoRE TESTING LAEORATORY Colorodo Springs, R.reblo, Glenwood IVYOMING: Rocl TYPICAL SECTIONS PERIMETER DRAIN & PRENCH DRAIN