HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 5 LOT 5 PRE 2000 REPLAT LEGALiIill Request or r JUDY Req Time: O8:6O Itens requested to raArBgA BLDG*Final t\Cz T' Ft' t>t_frT-tN rt6 ^)' -'ftlf3atorz LC T0hN oF VAIL, CoLORADO #4 REPT 131 A6/?9/9g O7:56 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^JORK SHEETS FaR:6/e9/98 Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Occ: Use: V N Fhone: 97O8455656 Fhone: F,hone: 978t8455656 AREA: trD, Time Exl Act ivity: 898-OrD46 6/?9/98 Type I A-BUILD Address = 7Q67 PTARMIEAN RDLocationr 1067 PTARMIGAN ROAD Flar.re I : 31O1_Oga_Og_AtZ'e Deser iptionr ALTER EXISTING HOUSETADD FENCE Appl icant : SHAEFFER CONSTRUIiTION OwneT: MAY REY & F.AULA Contractor: SHAHFFER CONSTRUCTIUN .- Ins.pection Request Information..... Eomments: t^,ILL CAI-L JUDY be Inspeet ed, . . Act i on F,hone: 845-5656 - 845-5656 u Comnen|.qffi._..__ Inspection History..... OOraler BLDG-Foot ings/5t ee I ta00e0 BLDG-Forrndat i onl.€t ee I OTAA3O BLDG-Fram inq 0tztraSla BLDIS-I nsr-rlat i on AAO6ra BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I Ut0r{Zl7gt BLDG-Mi sc. oet0rgut BLD6-Final Iten: Item; Item: ItemrIt em: Item: Iten: TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICA}IT CONTRACTOR' OIINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUITD Job Address: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD LOCAEiON...: 1067 PTARMIGAN ROAD Parcel No.. : 2IOt-092-09-002 Projects No. : PRJ95-0095 POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL, TIMES PERMIT PermiE #: 898-0045 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArl, CO 81558 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O-BOX 373, VArL CO 81-658 MAY ROY & PAIII,A 4508 W MOI{TROSE, CHTCAGO rr-, 6054L SEatus. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: 9708455655 Phone : 9708455655 Description: ALTER EXISTING HOUSE,ADD FENCE Occupancy: R3 Sing].e Tlpe Construction: V N TYPe V Valuation: 200,000 Add Sq Fireplace fnformaEion: ReaEricted:#of Gas Appliances: Buildi.ng-----> 1,14o.oo ResEuarants Plan Revic,r--> Ptan chack---> 741.00 DRB Fee-------- .o0 200.00 J/ea/-/ #of wood/Pal1et: Tolal calculaEtd Fces- - -> 2,584.00 Addi,cional- F.€s---------> 'oo ToLal PenniE Fe€--------> 2,584'00 Pal.mcnEs-----___ 2,5s4.00 BA!,ANCE DUE- - -. .CO Inve stsigation> Hi.II call-- - -> -Oo Recleatsion Fee-------_-_> .00 3.oo cLcan-up Depoeits--------> 50o'o0 TOTAI, FEES----- TOV/Co Clean-up approved Family ResidenceamoUnt Non-RaLed date *Of cae !,ogs: FEE SUI'IMARY TSSUED 04/03/:-998 o4/2L/!998 L0 /1-B /L998 Item: 051-00 BUII-,DTNG DEPART}4ENI !9p!i_BUILDING Division: o4lciztlgg6 .rnt'r $ction: NorE PLAN$-To-gllARLrE647r17799e CHARLTS Act,ign: APPR CIARLIE DAVrS -,-- -,iiam,' 0saOO-blliulriNe--oepa.iinasN"r - -Depqi PLANNING Division:647'dilis96-'JRM Action: NorE PLANS ro GEoRGE o4'/06'/L998 GEORGE ActiQn: APPR i€ai1;'os6do-FiflE-DEPAR.rI"lElri ------ Dept: FIRE Division: 04/20/L998 CIIARLIE 4q!1on: APPR N/Arrem: 0ssdo"iiiib'l,iC w-<jnxS Deptr PUB WORK Division: A4l20/L998 CIIARI-,IE Action: APPR N/A rr.rarrrrr.r.rti irri.lii*.r*rrr See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply to Lhis permit ' DECI,ARATIONS r hercby acknoelcdgc chaE I have read lhiE applicaEion, fi.lled ouE ln fu1l lhe lnformatslon reqrilcd, cotnPletsed an accuraEc Plo: plen, and ltrEc thaE all tshc inforEatsion providcd ae req'.rired j.6 co-rcc!. r aglcc to collPly tj.rh gh€ informatsion an'l plots Plan' to comply ritsh atl Torn oldinancc! and statc La\r6, .nd t.o build chi3 rtlucculc rccording !o thc Town'E zoning and EubdiviBion codee, deelgn revi.ew approved, unifot.n Building codc and oEhe! ordinanc€s of Ehc To!,n aPPlicabIe !he!€!o' REOUESTS FOR INSPtsCTIONS SHAI,T, BE IIADE TYIENIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA.I{CE Send Claan-Up DePosi! Toi GEORee SHAEFF8R CONST ,-s tcnetuee oF ottNER oR mNTRAcroR FoR Foz 'ts|o7..oOE FI,'z dotr c)9, zo OA o o (.)tl FI U oF (, F Eo D o F FI zoo UH oo (0&l i0 oFlzz3Cl&O14E E FI z? :otE ez 'oFE o FFH2 ooo.E ti F F zo F :U z9J !) (oD TL)UU F Do FT F o 7 FI o ;: -. E ETE t'l O tsl 'r rttr ar ar* r rrr t TOWN OF VrIl,, COrOR.IDO StatamttC gEaEeEnc Nu!br!: REc-0349 ArounE: 2,554.00 o1/2Ll9s 14.39 PayrcnB Itclhod ! CHECK NoE.cion. *172a', Init: PBlt PeflniE No: 898-0046 Tl.!t.: A-BUILD rDD/ALf EFR BUIITD PE ParclrL Nor 2101.- 092 - 09 - 002 Site Lddr..a: 1067 PTARMIGIN RD Lo€aEion ! 1067 PTIRMIGII{ RON) 'fhl6 Pal|ttr.nC Tot-al F.433 2,584. OO 2,56{.oo Togal ALL PurB: 2,584.00 Balanc€: . 00 +ai*irir*r+itt'rttatti.rt*tt*tt * t * i 'r t r i t t t * I t r t + | t Accounc Coda Do6crlpCion BP OO1OOOO3111IOO BUIIJDING P8RIIT FEBS DR OO1oOO03l12200 DESr($l REITIEW FEES pF 00100003112300 PLAN CIIECK FEES AD00100002,103100 CLEANUPDEPOSITS wc oor.oooo3!.12900 wrl,! CA.LL TNSPECTTON FES I'tdounC 1, 140 - 0O 180.00 741.OO 500.00 3.00 - fConcacc Eagie County efsors Office t )d "r 97c-328:8640 lo^r prrr-El #. rotlN oF vArrJ coNsou?ro" WW pERlrrr # EPARCEL ttt. epu6g2dToox -iinurr Apprr.cAiior-rorur,v DArE: fp/sa ?pdqb- o&ts ^ t APPLfCATToN uusT BE FTILED oul coltPLETELy oR It ltAy NoT BE AccEp"ED ff********t*****t* .."8-18;?!?1"* pERMrr rNFoRrdATroN r*,r*************i***********rl-t l-Buildins 1 l-plunbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-r,rechani-car x-orn"f%/b rob Nane: t v Fe,'rle- n. rob Addre"", IH^WE%#F*J- Work CLass: Legal Description:Vz owners Nane: lfar t 6/e-r -ra$ Add.ress: rilq&n ir^n, RJ ph.g76-ffit7 Architect, 8.lt Qenon- Address: * - l\ ,/ ftllq| f,- pn.IzdoZtz ceneral Description: [ ]:New t]-ert"t.tion f!-Additional t l-Repair [ ]-other_.. Number of AccoDnodation Units: Appliances_ cas Logs Wood,/pe11et vALUArroNs *********** * ******* ***** ********* ;tri:: 'J@,"- fi"3;H""f"ffi:i:E rh* Tolrn of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: #*." and gpe of Fireplaces: Gas {*** **** * * *** * **********rt** * **!r *** Nunber of Drrelling Unj.ts: BUTLDING: $ P^LUMBTNG: T-EI,ECTRTCAL: $ ITTECHANICAL: $- OFFTCE USE BUTLDTNG PLUMBING Address: Electric Address: tractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanicbl Contra Address: ******** ***********!t* *** *:l ******FOR oN * **** ** ************** ** * * ** Town of Vail Phone Nurnher: Town of Vail PhOne |frrnhg1'3 Reg. NO. Reg. NO. * * * ** * * * *** * *.t ********** ***** ** PI,A}I CIIECK FEE: PIAN CHECK FEE: BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLIJUBING PERUTT FEE: MECIIANTCAL PERMTT EEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FgE: DRB FEE: ITIECHANT RECREATI CI.,EAN-UP IOTAI, BUTI"DTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONTNG: sr cLEAry t P ITEPOSIT nEFIlltD TO:&*r*'Slne{4t bslru, &'art & TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII,, CO 81657 97 o-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT \---- ALL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zi"rZu<# 7Lt s' ,/ir/ o <, TOV/I an-up IS PERMIT MIIST BE POSTED ON ROJECT TITLE: MAY RESIDENCE sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT JOBSlTE AT II Permi-t TIMES 89 6-018 3 )le rpproved amount date Parcel No.. Project No. 1067 PTARMIGAN RD 1067 PTARM]GAN RD 2101-092-09-002 PRJ96-0095 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3038455656 Phone: 3038455656 ISSUED ot /oa /tss a o7 /26/tee6 07/22 /tse7 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P o Box 373, VArL CO 81658 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P o Box 373, VArr.., co 81658 MAY ROY & PAULA 4508 W MONTROSE, CHTCAGO.TL 60641 Description:NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OccupancY TYPe owetiings zone 3 V-N Private Garages Zone 3 V-N Restuarant Ptan Rcvi ev--> DRB Recreat ion Fee----------> c Lean-Up 0eposit--------> TOTAL IEES------ Nunber of DwellingFactor Sq. Feet t3'l .02 4,'l3r36.2L L,413 AdditionaL tees--------> Tota t Pernit Fer-------> Payilents BALANc€DUE----------> Tota! catcutated Fees---) 1?,555 '60 Units: 001 Valuation 648 t24r.62 51 t]-64.73 699,406.35 699 ,406 .35 1r600,000.000 .00 12,555.60 17.,555 .60 .00 TabIe Date: 05/l't /1996 Fireptsce Information: Restricted: Y fof 6as Apptiances: *tri#c,rt#trffitrr#rrffi inffi*rrtr*:t*tr*rrtffiir*** FEE SUHHARY Subtota]:6 ,144 Total Valuati-on: Town of vail Adjusted Valuatlonl fot Gas Logs: #of uood/Pattet: trtrlr*Jr* J.* Jrt*ff *ffi ti*rr*tr*t i****i#**t#(*iif*r#Hdrffi aui tding-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> Pi tl ca t l'----> 6,1/.0.0o 3 /991 .OO .00 3.00 .00 500.00 921 .60 1,000.00 't2,555 .60 Job Address /.-_. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/08/T996 CHARLIE ACtiON: NOTE 0'7'/09'/]996 DAN Action: APPR rt'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/08/1996 CHARITE Action: NorE o7'/23'/1996 GEORGE Action: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT o7 /08/1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR rt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS o'1/08/1996 CHARLTE Action: NOTE oi'/og'/tgg6 LARRY-P Action: APPR Item: 05550 ENGINEERING o7/08/1996 CHARLTE Action: NoTE o7'/10'/1996 TERRI_M Action: APPR f\6h+. PLANS TO DAN DePt: PLANS TO LAUREN I.',EPL. N,/A DePt: PLANS TO LARRY LARRY PARDEE f\anl-. PLANS TO TERRI SEE CONDITIONS BUILDING Division: PLANNING DiViSiON: n: --.i - .1 ^-'i t Kf, IJMDr\Jrr ' PUB WORK Division: ENGINEER DiViSiON: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS accurate Plot and Ptot Ptan, subdivision 5:00 Pt'l OIINER IherebyacknoHtedgethatlhavereadthisspPtication,li|'tedoutinfU(l'theinformat.ionnequired,comPtetedan Ptan,andstatethata|'|theinformationProvidedasrequirediscorrect.Iagreetocomptywiththeinfornation tocomPlyHithat|'Toynordinancesandstatetavs,andtobui|'dthisstructureaccordingtotheToyn'szoningand codes,designrevieHaPproved,UnifornBUi|'dingcodeandothe|ofd.jnancesoftheTovnapPt,icabIethe|eto. REoUEsTs FoR rNsPEcTloNs SHALL BE IIADE TiIENTY-FoUR HouRs I}l ADVANCE BY |ELE?H\N7.179-:,'''Y::8".:: send CLean-UP Deposit To: GOERGE SHAETFER coNTRUCTION PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL permit #: Be6-0183 ';;";; otiislsl ' ' status: rssuED *******************************************i************************************ Permit Type: NEw ( SFR, P/S ' DU-P-I-IIIMIT- -eppficiirt: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIoN tob^lddress: 1067 PTARMTGAN RD Location: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Parcel No; 2101-092-09-002 ****Jr*****************************************************'<********************* CONDITIONS **'.***************************************************************************** 1'THISPROJECTWILLREQUIREDASITEIMPRoVEMENTSURVEY.SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTEO ANP APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME lNsPEcrroN i r.F^'rnr1r.-^r DEpMrr 2. NO MECHANICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED UNTIL A MECHANICAL PERMIT HAsBEENoBTAINEDFRoTowNoFVAILBUILD]NGDEPARTMENT 3. NO ASPHALT CUTS WILL BE ALI.'OWED 4. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE Rd.FONiIBLE FOR ALL ROADWAY ASPHALT D AMAGE, noeowev }}AS RECONSTRUCTED rN 1995 5. Construction fence to t"^li.-up until construction is complt eted. Applied I 07 /08/1996iisued: 07 /26/L996 rliozOD.ootr j FIo2 !oo(J rf GI o FIcl2 U g 40.Et ..r !to oaoor !l ET O. A9loot< oo :Er& oro Et H.\A CO U Iro ET li o oo (, o o F E !r F, FI U .J FI E (, il':e 40t{(J tr EiHoo20 aFrzzpp Ettc1 EF liFz2ElIEOKI F,H42,d0 A8 a\o Fr FrHZo9ooAtr ::a E !l:1 A tr zo F' gttrto4 rl\zEl a BItr!ao C'rrFr doo <o ql E ,l D FI o f'l AzD Ir o trl "; o;t 5 r'l =&4|{ECIao-IdOii .l ;' Jo -) ;. l) .( a. t- o *:.65; E : E::_QCOtOYi=;E irE$1 i€;EE 3 gEEiiE if g€ EiE:d-'o E !;.: s.. € i a;;;FH:.,!I ; it+ e,r -J .? 2 o a o. l_ $ N _!U r! Q t,l :- ozv - ',r-(\ F ?, .r:-r F a45 i- r4z U 1 LJ J z .-.: t\ .rJ 7 oF lrJ-'..Ft-- IL v)l{t\ z z r\ a4 a') t!.r i\F. "'t- F 2u>z IUnht< a\ lrl 1\)LTJ \ 2C<rrJ Fc< t4 rr.t F- *9i- .-f-< v?)F(/) f- ,,>.\ ;v h> QF- 7)F?{-{FF<,\ i- FZc< :-.-r.,: i^t! s- !.', F- =F<.L LU!--() t{ (J A. f-t +4' *A.R rTf .A H -a.lJdF tF{ fF\sv F.+{FI -i{ 11 re l+\Flat{ f.JH rd *l-tiJt{l{G 1F{ F1r-+ A.lFl +..+.<,t{ rlJt+{ .fJtFt t-rA € a 0tc To F rN*L Pt*uNtlrtu^rn ,? REPT131 ;'Y TOI,JN OF UAIL, COLORNDO PA6E I AREA: CDA6/?9/9A tl7:56 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTIBN I^JORK SHEETS FOR: 6/i.g9/98 ===== =================================;==================== ======= =============:Activity: 896-0143 6/?9/9A Type: B-BUILD StatuE: ISSUED Constr": Address: 10t67 PTARIYIIGAN RD Location: 1467 PTARMIEiAN RD F'aree I : 31O1-O9l-lag-Afia Desct'ipt ion: NE!"l SINGLE FAFIILY RESIDENCE Applicant : SHAEFFER CIINSTRUC'|ION OwnenI MAY REY & F.AULA Contractor': SHAEFFER CUNSTRUCTIUN Occ: O€tE7 Use: V H' Fhone r 3tZtJB45S656 Fhone: Fhone: 3er38455656 Locks, Ho1ds, RCTIVITY Not ice; and Not ices. . . . No T.C.0. w/o D. I.A. approved by trlanning Inspection Req r-re st Requestor: JUDY 'Req Time: IZS:O[r Items r^eqr-rested to Information...". Conments: hIILL CALL JUDY - trhone r 045-5656 945-5656 be Inspected. 00890 BLDG-FinaI 0ra540 BLD6-Final tr/u InspecFioi Hidtory...., AA=41 FLJ-Temp. aceesg/dt'ai.nage AASO8 Ft^l-Rottgh grade 4050J F,t^f-Final dr.i veway grade Le/L9/97 Inspectorr LF' flctionr OUIOlO BLDG-Foot ings/$t eel fi$/L4/96 Inspector: CF Action; AA/AA/97 Inspector.: LFU Aetion: AB/A6/97 Inspector: LFV i,,.. Action; $g/At1/97 Inspector.: LFIV Action: AF'F.R AF'PROVED AF,F.R AF.PROUED DN CANCELLED. AF.F.R CANCELL.ED T. AF.F'R PflRTIAL E L'NLLs E. W. Time Exl Itemi Itemr Item: I"t em : Itern l ctclctgo BLD{:-Foundat ion/steel ae,/ 19,/96 Inspect or: CF Aet i on: ffFtrR GARffGE NoT INCLUDED Notes: TIE MAT TO F'ROFER CLEARRNCE AND FINISH CORNER STEEL bS/23/96 Inspector": DS Aetion: trA t EST l/e ONLY 44/e9/97 Inspector"r CF Act ion: F'A LttER LVL REVISIONS AA/t4/97 Inspector': LFV Aetion: Atrl''R REIYIDVE SUFF'ORT WIRE. Item: OfiSerZr trLAN-ILC Site Flan A6/18/97 Inspeetot': CD Action: NO ILC RECEIUED AND RI1UTED A6/e6/97 Inspector: GEORGE Action; AFFR AFFROVED Item ; rZrtaraS6 BLI)6-Fr.aming U6/eA/97 Insoector": DS Action: AFFR RpFROVED A9/@4/97 Inspector: ED Aetion: AtrFR FLOOR ADDITION Item : EIEIOSO BLDG-Insulat ionA7/fr7/57 Inspector.: LF,V Action: AFF'R flFFROUED Notes: Utility roorn needs inst-tlated, check on tr ansformeri fora venti lation. Iten: raAA6A BLDG*Sheetr.ock Nai I fr7 /A3,/97 Inspector.! [-.FV Item: {A0E7O BLDE-Misc, tAg/ lA/97 Inspeetor': LF'U ll/e3/97 Inspector; f,D Notes: HOUSE i{S RER' D Actionr AtrFR N/A GARAGE UFTFER SECTION Act i on : AtrF.R APF'ROVED Act ion: NO ,, .. . l'fO CARETAKER UNIT i;.:.:.. :.. Comm ent s L oo oo RFT:T 13I TOTJN nF UAILr CUt-0RADtj PAGE QREA: FGlEIIE/97 [48:IZI3 REOUESTS FOR INSF'ETTION HORK SFTEET$ FfiRIIi?.:/I';:/97 =:: =:i:=*== 5= = = =::= i:==== =====-::= =- == = = ===:: i: =====*::===:;== _.i: =:r:;=:::.: =* == =-= E======-== === = Aet ivrtV illffilt{gt|fi*I;, 'i 1tl Ie/9'7 -lype: B*ELEC Status: LiiSUED Constr: NSFR Addr-flsE I 11467 trTARlilI6AN IlD Locat j t-rn: 1867 PTARMIGAN RI) FaFc:e 1 : 31tr1*O9e-fi9-r2lrzlf;: Descniption: ELEUTRICnL FOR NF[^l SFR Appl icant: Owner': MAY ROY & PAULA f,orrtt'actor: t^lA(iNER Et-EtrTRIC INC Occ; Use: Fih on e '; Fhone: F,hcrie: 970{r4961t'1 Inspection Reqt-rest Request or': KIlvl- Req Tinre: O8:O0 It ems r\eqr-reE,t ed t o UrLl l9Ar EL-H{j-F i na I Irrf or.nat i orr. . I^'RGNER ELEC. Comments: be Ins.pect ed. F,hone: 9r+9"6161 Act i on f,onmerit s Time Exp '_://: Inspect i It em Itenr ltem Item Iten orr History..... : [tOl ltZt ELEC-Temp, F-'ower' I 0rzrl€rzr FLEC-R0'_rgh il6leA/q7 Irispeetor.: E[i n9/A4/9"/ Inspectr:r: LPV : [ttDLSO EI.-EC-Conduit r Ofr|4fr E|-E.f,-ltl i. sc. '48/ r4/97 lnspector'; LI::'U Ifi/ Iq/57 Inspector': E[ii : OtZrl9O EL.Etr*Fi,nal It/!a/97 Inspector: EG lA/lL/97 InEoector; EG 27f@--t././-r// - Ant i orr : ffF'F R Rct i on ! A[-'F R Aeticn: AFFF flrtiorr: AfrF'R ftctionr AFF-R Flct i orr : ftF'F R AF'F'FII]VED COMF'I.,ITE 5I'ITCHE$. AF.F.ftNVF"D b oncJ rt-meterean AFF'RfiUED part ral finish pooLbondi oo \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0107PLIIMBING PERMIT Job Address: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD LOCAIiON...: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Parcel No. . : 2J.0L-092-09-002 Project No. : PRJ96-0095 APPLICANT BLACK DTAMOND MECH, lNC P o Box 581, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BTACK DIAMOND MECH' INC P O BOX 581, AVON CO 81620 OIlTNER MAY ROY & PAULA 4508 W MONTROSE' CHTCAGO rL 60641 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEw sFR Valuation:20,000.00 ff *#r*rfr*t#otffit rt*ffi tHtt*rnhH**/rtt**t*ffi **ffi F EE SUill4ARY *#r*rrttff **i**#**lrtr**tt#**!tffi **t**rt**ffi'**#***** DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Status...: APPROVED Appfied..: o7/08/1996 riiued...: o7/09/L996 Expires..: o!/05/L997 Phone:. 3038459777 Phonez 30384597L7 Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 376. 00 Total, catcul,ated Fees---> 37E.mPl.unbing----> 300.00 PLan check---> 75.00 Invest igation> 'm Ui t L cal,l,----> 3. m Addi tional, Fees---------> Total Permit Fee-------> Pavments------- elllNce oug---- .m 578.00 .00 37E.00 *|,**"***,t******ffi*t******l************ffr***ffirt**********t******t**#******ffi#r***ttt****,rtt******ttt*'r****i***ffit!t**tt Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ffir***trf,**,,rrt r****ffir*tr*tr*fr*********l***tffi**t*f***f,f**itti*itrrr**t**r******t******f,rrff*tt*r*i*rt*1****ffi*********'rtt*Jr* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t**,*rt*********ffit*i*ffi****ff***ffi*rnt*iffi*ffi******iftrrr*******ffi**tb*#rJr**ttr*rntffi'*i**fffitffi***rt**ff**i**** DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknwledge that I havc resd this appl,ication, f i l,l,ed o.rt in futt the inforration required, conPteted an accurate ptot pt,an, aird statc th;t ag, thc infornation pro;ided as rcquircd. i.s correct. .r agree to comPLy r.ith the informrtion and ptot pl'an, to corp !y uith al,t Toun ordinances and statc Laus, and io buiLd this structure according io the Tonn's zoning and suMivision codes, dlsign review approved, uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn apPtiGabte thereto' REoUEsTs FoR INsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE IIADE T!IENTY-FouR HoURs I1{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE AI 479-2136 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII E:OO A1{ 5:OO P}I ITem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT61/69/7996 DAN Action: APPRIt6m:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT61/6s1tssa ox Action: APPR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 g7 0-4'1 9-2t34 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451' AVON CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BoX 1451, AVON OV{NER MAY ROY R & PAULA L 1119 PTARMIGAN RD, Description: TEMP POWER Etectrical'---> /,2.00 DRB Fee DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT 106? PTARMIGAN RD 2L0L-092-0 9 -0 01 PRJg 6-0095 co 81620 co 81520 vArL CO 816575165 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: 896-0143 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: o7/0s/L996 riiued. . ., o7 /oe/Lee6 Expires. . : ot/05/L997 Ptorr.: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 Valuation:300.00 *M*****irt**rrffiffir**t f EE SUtt ARY t#*ft-****r********f*i**@ Investig!tion> lli tt calt--> .00 1.00 Tota L Cal,cutatcd Fces---> AdditionrI f ecs-----> Totrl Permit tcr-------> Pavnents-------- gl-uNcg ouE----- 95 ,00 .00 95.O0 .00 TOTAL FEES---> 95.00 Item:06000o'1/05/tge6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,rrrJr*rnh*tir*****rff**r****ffiffi *ffi t*rff ffi*,t*****t r**f***ft*t**t***Hrffi ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that t have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful'L the information requi red, comPleted an ptan, and stste that at,t the iniornat ion provided as required is correct. t agree to compl'y vith thc infornation to comply uith al,t Tosn ordinances and stite [eus, and to buil'd this structure eccording to the Tounrs.zoning and codcs, d.sign reviev rpproved; Uniforra auiLding Codc and othcr ordinanccs of thc Torn appl'icabte thereto' accurate Ptot and plot p [an, subdi vi si on o o ******************************************!t********************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO !,!.,.&&*r, Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0165 Anount: 45'oo 07/09/9.6 L6-:?-7 -ri[:li T:T1 :ry:--Y:::::1-193: -----:i*:-ir- Permit No: 895-0143 fyPe: B-ELEC ELEcTRIcAt PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-09-001 Site Address: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Total Fees: 95'00 This Payment 45 ' 00 Tota1 AL'IJ Pmts: 95 ' 00 Balance: '00 **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtio llmount 01 oooo 41313 EtEcrRrcAL PERMTT FEES 42'00 01 0000 41336 wrtL cAtL TNSPECTToN FEE 3'00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCTMiI #: 896-0144 Job Address 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Status. . . Location...: 1067 PIARMIGAN RD Applied. '2L0l-092-09-002 PRJ9 6-0095 Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 07 /08/Lee6 07 /0e /Lee6 ot /05 /ree7 Valuation: 35,000.00 FEE SUIII.IARY APPLICANT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 81620 OWNER MAY ROY & PAULA 4508 W MONTROSE, CHTCAGO rL 60641 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR E[cctricst---> 257.00 DRB teelnvestigation> .00 tli Lt cr l.l.----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 260.00 Parcel No.. Project No. Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPART'I',1ENT 07 / 09 / 19 9 6 DAI{ Act ion : APPR Phone: 3039263353 Phone: 3039263353 Total calculatcd Feca--> 260.00 Additionat Fecs---------> .00 Tota[ Pefmit Fee--------> 2@.00 Paynents----- BALANCE DUE----- Dept: BUILDING Divi.sion: * CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedga that I have rcld this apptication, fil,l,ed out in futl thc informtion rcquired, cooplet.d an accu.ltc ptot plan, and stlta that atl the infornrtion provided as rcqui red is corrcct. I lgrec to corlpLy r]ith th! intornltion and p[ot p[an, - to compty v'ith atl, Tovn ordintnces and strt. tavs, and to buil,d this structurc accofding to the Tornrs zoning and subdivision codcs, dcsign reviev approved, Unitorm Buil,ding code and othcr ordinancca of the Tovn applicabtc therlto. REOUESTS TOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I 8:OO AIT 5:OO P//', '/ '/)'.i/4e ha/,QL- SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELT AND OIINER *tr************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *********'*************************,.*******************,.********* Sratemnr Nurnber: REC-017? Anount: 260.00 07/29/?6 L6242 -iiry:ti y:*::,,:l-----y:::::i:-1131 2'---- - - - - ------1i::-:l-- PermitNo:896-0144Type:B-ELECELECTRICALPERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-09-002 Site Address: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Location: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD This Payment 260.00 Total Fees: Total ALL,, Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** 260.00 260.00 .00 Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 257 .00 3.00 PAE ZLSHAEFFER CT}Eo57Alo6E/L31L997 lE:85 976a4 GEORG ATTFER P,O. 8or 373 Vail, Colorado g1658 (970) 84r56s5 970) 84s-7013 FN( August 13,19.7 Tovm ofVril ?5 S. FroategsRoad Vril, CO 8165? Mr: Frx at 479-2452 RE: ItdeyResidcncr Chrect Howc 1067ftrrndgnRoed vEil, CO 8165? Dcarl-arrdi; ThG dectdcd contrador t1$t{ on rhc buihing pemrit for the above rcfaenced project hasbear rwitchod from ShewEloctric to lfrgncr Uttric. Plcase ca[ with aqr qucrtionr or sommants. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Conrtnrction Senices /nv cc: fudy Sanford GEORGE SHAEFFER co N sT R u crlo N_ _c^o rur N Y P.O. Box 373 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 LtrTTT)@F TRANSNflITTAL the Jollowing items: C Plans ! Samples D Specifications (970) 845.5656 Ta L ,^ -,'" foasp or lh.i/ WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached E Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings tr Prints tr Copy of letter E Change order tr oere a/a/zz lroBNo' AITENTION "'' '//t /fL,' A,ro-/ /t, ,*", a-;;^r^.) coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 z/aq lz .t ?at @-"-,/;AIz.s.'/ I r)v THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval - For your use D As requested E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted tr Resubmit -copies for approval Aporoved as noted tr Submit - copies {or distribution Returned for corrections E Return - corrected prints 19 - tr PRINTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS I - ! REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO Il ancloauras ate noa a8 noted, kindty notlfy ua at once. Assess Parce I 0ffice TOIIN OF VATL CONSTRUCTI;PERIIIT # P}r. 'z/7(2-A4ry P}...fZ-{t7la PERMTT APPLTp+TrON FORM DNTE:. Ahllb Owners Naroe: Architect: General Description: I{ork Class, ffi-New I7\' Lot y4 yANre ].A1teration[].-Additiona1[]-RePair[].other- , APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COI.IPLETELY OR IT !,IAY NoT BE AccEpTED x* ** **************** ********** PERllrT rNFoRuATroN ** *************** ******!r**** *,l .,..r^r-Bui1dingJ3.P1r'rrbing[].E1ectricaJ.[]-uechaniba1[J-other Job Narne:Job Address: Legal Description:Block 6 FiIing Address: Address: Electrical Contract"rr -{rn r:l Elea.lo,.Address: _Town of Vail Reg. No. /06- E Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. //6-F Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanic-al Contra Address: *****************************it**FOR BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUI,TBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI TEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DR8 FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE * * ********** * * **** ************* BUTTDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU!!aING PIAN CHECK IEE: MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RICREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REPTTITD TO:C*rT aL..'*{"p G^-+,u . U.peaq6-- ot16 -t Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road VaiL, Col"orado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Pl-an analYsis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PR,l95- 0095 Address: 1067 PTARMIGAN RD Contractor: GEORGE SHAEFFER Architect: BILL PIERCE Enqineer: KIMBERL,Y MCGHEE 2 caretaker unit 2 Exercise room 2 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Garage 1 Kitchen 1 Cabana 1 Bath roorn 1 Hal"1s. closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FL,OOR B Equipment room B Family room B Powder room B HaIIs, closeCs, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDINC TOTAL Name: MAY RESIDENCE 11 Date: JulY 9, L996 Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of Constr V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE: The code iEems l-isted in this report are not intended lo be a compleEe list.ing of aII possible code requirements in the 1991 UBc' rt is a guide bo selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property Line 15.0 Feet 15'0 Feet EAST Building 43-0 Feet 0'0 Feet souTH Property line 20-0 Feet 20'0 Feet stEsT Property line 31.0 Feet 31'0 Feet EXTERIOR WAI,I, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & TabLe 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG WALL WALL PROT WAITL WAIJL PROT WAIJL WAL'Ir R3 Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NOP ohr Ohr u1 Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* NoP Ohr Ohr WEST OPNG BRG NON.BRC OPNG PROT I/IAI,I, WAI,I, PROT None Ohr Ohr None None ohr ohr None FL NAME AREA MIN'LIGHT MIN'VENT NO'EXfTS EGRESS 740 787 199 rtzo 1413 132 44L zzt z> J 2508 522 843 ol 384 1910 4234 74.00 't8.70 0.00 0.00 L3.20 44.10 0. 00 0.00 0.00 84.30 0.00 0.00 37. 00 JY. J) 0.00 0.00 5.50 22.05 11 Aq 0.00 0.00 42.15 ? nq 0.00 Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes l- 1 I t- t 1 I t- l- 1 1 L l_ I 1 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An oPerable window is required from this room- the following. -- Sec. 1204. or door that opens directly Lo the exterr-or Ttre minimurn clear openable area must meeL 1) The minimun clear height ts 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum siII height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanlcal ventllation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec' 1205' (c) a) tire requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space sha1l have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feeE 6 inches. Kitchens. ha1Ls, bathrooms and toitet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured Lo the lowest projection' If the ceiling is slopinqf. then bhe minimum heiqht is required in only L/2 of the area' - - Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit sha11 have at least one room which has not less than 120 "q-,r"." feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shal1 have an area of not less than 70 square feet' -- Sec- 1'201 ' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kibchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet in any dinension. '- Sec. 1207.(c', GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5405- (d) 1) clazinq in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) G]azing in fixed and sliaing panels of sliding door assemblies and . panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) clazinq in storm doors. 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors' 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools' saunas, steam rooms'bathlubsandshov'ers.Glazinginanyporlionofabuildingwall enclosing these compartments where the boEtom exposed edge of the gLazLng is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) Crazinq in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where bhe nearest a*po."d edge of the grlazxing is within a 24-Lnctr arc of eittrer vertical edqe of the d.oor in i closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazi-ng is less than 60 inches above the walking surface' 7) Glazinqr in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed alcea of an individual pane greaber than 9 square feet' B. Exposed bothom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed Eop edqe greater than 35 inches above the floor' D.oneormorewalkingsurfaceswilhin35incheshorizontallyoftheplane of the glazing. 8) clazinq in raitinqs regardless of height above a watking surface. Inctuded are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panel s . See exceptions. S}{OKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or located in the corrid-or or area givi-ng access - - Sec. L2IO. (a) 4.the ceiling or wall at a Point central-lY to each sleePing area - wall in each sleePingA smoke detector is required on area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the A smoke detector is required on all If the upper Ievel contains sleeping in the ceiling of bhe upper level basernent. -- Sec. I2LO. (a) 4' stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4' room(s), a smoke detector is required close to the starrrtay. at least 35 inches wide. -- Sec' 3305' (b) inches and. the minimum run is 9 inctres' - - sec. 7210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped wifn a battery backup' -- sec' 1210'(a) 3' Detectors shal-l sound-"., if"tt ".tdiut" in atl sleeping area of Ehe dwelling in which they are located- -- Sec. L210 ' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Beblreen the g'arag:e and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between bhe g'arage and the iesidence are to be a self-closing l- 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503' (d) exc' f3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be The maximum rise of a steP is 8 -- sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiq'hL = 35 inches. maxrmum opening size = 4 inches' -- sec' l7r2 ' (a) exc' f1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches- -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable space under the stai-rs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross- sectional area of not more bhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 25 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction- Al1 openings into any such enclosure shalI be probecLed by not less than a self-closing solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or pipi-ng installed in wal1s passing through to be in t hour shafts. equivalent. -- sec. 1706' (f) 2) cas vents and noncombustible 3 floors or less do not need -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, faetory-built chimneys. piping. noL exlend through not more than 2 floors need' not be or ducts that do i.n t hour shaf Es . - - Sec. l-705. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' -- sec. 1705. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exEerior walls. Opening' shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square teet of area in crawl space' openings sha1l be distributed on two opposlEe sides and be located as close to corners as practical ' -- Sec. 25!6' (c) 5. NoEe: Vent openings may be reduced to. 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered witi an -approved vapor barrier and the buildinq official approves. For a 155.0 sq.ft- crawlspace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent 1t1qo 1-03 zl pt""iil'18- inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawr. space area' Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space- -- Sec. 251'6 ' (c) 2' 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance Eo decay or treated wood. the mi-nimum clearance bebween exposed earEh and floor joisL is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and qTirders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 251'6. (cl 2. ADDITIONAI, REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This projLct r'rti 11 require a siLe improvement survey' Such survey shal1 be submitted "rrd .ppto.r"d prior to requesb for frame inspection. A11 crah't spaces within che Town of vail are limited to a earth to sLructulal floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only. be ventilateat as per UBC 251"5 (c) 5 with minimum access as per UBc 2515(c)2 and maxirnum access of 9 sq' ft' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an ".rlit""t design. Such desiqn sha1l address drainage' soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be pernitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the sLreet. For Ml occupancy Slope gariqe floor to allow for drainagre to outside to provide a floor drain wj-th sand and oi1 inberceptor to dry well or to sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by upper EaqIe Valley Water & sanitation District' In garages with living area above. the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protecled with one hour fire resistive const.ruction. UBC 503 (B). Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail , Col-orado 8l-6 57 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PRJ95 - 009 5 Address: 1057 PTARMIqAN RD Contractor: GEORGE SHAEFFER Archibect: BIL,L PIERCE Engineer: KIMBERLY MCGHEE Name: MAY RESIDENCE 11 Dabe: JulY 9, L995 OccupancY! R3.Ml Type of Constr V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTTFTCATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical veniilation system' -- sec' 1205' (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecbed directly to the outside shalI be provided' Bathrms which contain only a vrater closet or 1av' may be ventilated with a recirculating fan' UBC 1205(c) ' Domestic cl-othes dryer exhaust ducts shalL be installed as per llMC 1104 and 1903' Ftexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and shall not be concealed within construction' Ducts shaIl terminate outside the buitding and not exceed l-4' length. crawl spaces are required to be venbilated by mechanical means or by openings. such openings shall have a neL area of not less than 1 sq' ft' for each 150 sq. ft. of under-f1oor area' UBc 2515(c)5' Provide a minimum !8x24tt underfloor access ' UBC 25L6 (c) 2 . Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of sysLem. size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and conbustion air to be supplied prior to any installation- The qfarage must be separabed from the dwelling by thr fire-resist.ive construction on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door betr.reen the garaqe and the dwelling is required to be a 1 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door- -- sec- 503. (d) exc'#3 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281-' fnclude a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 10 FritzlenPierceBriner architects 1650 E. Yail Valley Drive, Suite C-1, VaiL Co. 81658 (97 0)4 7 66 3 1 2, fax 4 7 64 90 l Proiqt,4/ Nunuer: /$/f Participants: Date: 8 JAr/ ?Q CONF TELE T{FO/ p: Da,u Jkttirz /ro/fEbn: OaE ,-rrnrfT+ /,c/b %: mq/ /26&aFtda/:- Pa/LP/N f //: Rrtttf 6u6rr/r7/'ztL OA/J, Affi4cl/€2 4PE Z*EC /"Eu/t6t ;EfJ + ,tZuEL/Ms ftfa 77/E Zry ,eci'/Paar<.tc/J ./ ,(dFE .Uf/eZ 4PE .<)o fun76A ,28{fu/9"75 /r'/2/ 7y/5 AapzzVaL. 4tta Arfucy'ED /J 7u{ ,4ze,4rcz EUa4///"v4-1/ rerftq ftqrru FurTteA- ,4za PtiQd€)fu. /'& cq2r cf+274: /J/ N/t ofrr,% t,noroved n I 4/<// QuEtl4ut %. of Vall Clrnmunlu lhwlooment Butld Hsalth n Validit'/ ol Permii Sec. 3ii3 iii i9 ti.ti Ll. '', :.ii9 0r erarliir;g cf a pltriii gi i::'rriri:i ni ,.:t; :, ':t:: iinll ;lrl b*,;olrsirr;eC Io ijq n ;rir-ii:i ,,)t. tt| i'.t' :: "i, 11'ry virii..iicn Ol ir;tV ril the prgyl"i"'1' r.,1 i;li3 t0,l{ .1 ,: ,:rei iid;irance 0t ihtr jrrisdicaiicn, The irr3u0flce 01 ; ' ii.:1'.:]cj upcn fJia0s. specif iialici'ts and oihei ditd slT ai ii.:t thr buiitiing olticial lrom tfterea{ter rfrquiring thr .:ii0n 0f srrors in said plans, sp$ilioation: and other DATE: Flre !J i-. n Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O BOX 2 SILT, COLORADO 81652 Phone / Fax (970) 876-5400 (24 HOUFS) Jr-tIy 3, Lqgb Dale Smith FritzlenFierceBriner t65O E. Vail Valley Drive Suite C-l Vail C0 81657 REI Hazard Evaluation, 1O67 Ptarmigan Road, Hay Regidence Dear Hr. Smith: I visited the above referenced home in Vail recentl y lor pLlrposes of a geologic hazard evaluation, especial ly as it pertains torock {all potential. As you l<now this haeard ig noted on theTown of Vail's rnaps aE encroachi ng onto the property, withrrl"lediutmI de=ignation. In addition, debris {low and aval anchehazard are mapped a6 extending to the south side o{ the road. The expansion n as ghown on your map6 (where the western home willbe razed), is on the north side o{ the road, {urther {rorn the sourcp o+ rocks, and out of the other two zones. The topography is such that rockg witt tend to stop in the heavy aspen growth on the gouth gide of the road. The ourtcropping ofrochs above the lot ig minor and quite a distance from thishouse. I saw no large rocks near this home. Hven though it isnot likely that mud or snow can reach the proposed expansion, it would be prudent to landEcape and grade the {ront (Eouth) side ofthe property to preclude material +rom approaching areas ofvulnerability. In addition to the wallg ehown, perhaps the entrydrive could have a high point in it at about the property }ine toprevent materi al from entering very far. Th€ near eide of the home ({ront) should be planned accordingly. The property doe* lie in a geol ogi cal l y gensitive area, butdevelopment, or mitigation in {ront o{ the home, will notincreaEe the hazard to other propertyr or strurctures, or topublic righte-of*way, roads I streets, easernents, utilities orfacilities or otfrer properties of any kind. If there are {rrrtherquEeti ons, pleaEe contact me. 5i ncerel y n 11 rttL;l t-4 ,'lvL\ Ni chol as llamp i ri s Consul ti ng Geol ogi st From.: SHAf ELECTRIC PH0NE No. : 8495 ' ir:, r, lul.02 1996 siAZPY. PE1 TOI{N Or VAIL UONSTRUC'I,J"Ij,.IPIRIIT APDI,JI]ATTCJ}I I.'()I{I,TD^rE,! Tal.4b - 9UI COHIJi:h.lTRr,v OR IT l,tAY I,lt)l' DItr ;i6eEg'lltD | ryfoKltr t r N ForilgA,I' J.ol{ ********.}{.***************i*r*I VJ-!'reour.ical [ ]-Mectrunical, I J-Ouhst _ iencral Dercrl,glBlonl -igrlft,,ar.1-;Pc*arer.- rft. fufur+;av-t - toaE CIB!!s gy'l-fr" [,]-rlteraflon t ]-Addiricrrai. [ ,tlRerrn.t,, I j-cther-_-._, Nttnibex of Accorrnoriation unltrc I o!' IiIl: IOTAI,: ,O!, ftfepfaceii Gas Appllances_ Gas i.,cxts__.--.- r{ood/pellct_ ** *** ****** x *.1*********l********* I NIToRI{^1':|oJ,l * * * * * r * ^ * * * * ** ********** r*i Town ol: V;-ril Reg. lf0. Phr-)ne Nrrrrl'.er: frl(" g.t.St; 'Ior.rn o!' v;ri.'l ttog. Nb. 6-10 Dhono NuNhFr: Towll of \rai). Reg. NO. Pll ono Nirrrrlrcrtr: ['own of \rir.il Rcg. NO.IJholle ilrttrr):er t oFFrcE usn *********{,r"{ r'}****************i BT.III,DINC PI,}N CIILICX ):'T.:E I PLUMBII'lQ PLAN CItllCK )r'lli,lr sllaellnl{!Cg.1rr t,l.$N UHFjt.'t,, r.'t.ipi !RNENEAf:ON FEE: (: r ,E A lY rll J./ Lt E tr(.' tj _t '1, : TOTAI, PIJII.!4IT FEES: BUILDINC: SXGNATURh: ?ONINC I SIdNATURE: E.Lns,tluubtng FoAtfdiitiir!'lldr.rrr' FOR ,8 tr DP DI4OtIf llm0 !0rffi From ..o FI{ONE @495No. :Jul.62 1996 4:59PM P@t ,,,, . .,...,.,t..,,.,f:.,,,",., TOI{I{ oF vArD coN$'r'lrucTloN EEil.ET tiPPL] CATTON IrORlfDArw'u^ldb_ l|'l nnlr Jol, Ildclress: El 1 i,... o odeAug- L9-9.7 l1 : laA Y I I I L r Eng i neeri ng uA.rcf? fr2@7 LraHT FrxFlEE 970-9219- r959 t) t vtt. fHE NAY ACV,O4, a: 1 tI+- Bgr- o tvb PYOFFIC rnny o 1- 'r,llJOT OPEFJIH4I -7lgLP CUTDY CJaFJTBACTAV- ( CoH11?a,cTOV- _TA.\rrutF-( 6{UaHTlFr t 6l7E I- Q LocatraH ) 'Fl r --1| ->*1 |r<---lu t Cctl VxfbrL_VfrooF d,h, t-ttLerL LlaH T ( +ee.) ht E q?scz 6htl -t'-Yp (rA. lz$Cf 42x | .(PY aTHEEc)"- Town P. O1 NEVIOVAaLE GWAqe 7t f?rL(2ot't aot) N,f.q. ztt apAaew Vail oo e//Arrtlc' Tlk /4/r f 6tr rt Orlfu r fAtZ /:21'/L fr/r'- rlny' /4t4(4 ', ./ f'n tlnre f/r'z--Ftart (ru-tt rz6) y'arc Tlir a rr4rttr'za/fV t.dt ]i tJ \ t-t$Tf, I t-970-949_ 1959 o P. 02 ;i--J @rF2) sl r$t r---Ttlrltl'lt-ltbt;{jrl tlllJt i!{j !r-ex a.q,Ftt-lEV.- FXHAUbT nop?._."_____ fl.T,4, NoIF I gLL h:?. .fluleryt Io W au?ftreog, rA+-, xss_v 6(' Tcizu r*,ridiaFscu. -.- aDtffftLCtou- v l \) \ \', e vtN \t\ N h tr. ht|. \* \\ \J ilr *$r \'i N;I \ fi=? J; H:Nq, Ii 1 d rat :l j 3J $ lt. l- T 1 p I vl h F \/l \tl t-:r ts:: v\ tit$-hll,: t ts,:Yi('{\.!<o [i 'i $'ls i i ? Gt \L?loin {l.tltl1r [- s I I ir- n{ ,o.*\ ?l$ $$t\t.-\t b t tl o t{ wvl ?a F sYl EJx\) s I Oe J* $pns>$ , o !^ T II I I-r I I-t o -la I I I+ I i o \l tei tii a uto f0 .5 ? I .,J (D\ € \);'t \ oFf,\ ?D '+f k\t, \,.;a "'\\ t\ |.. h4 l. Lt .] If, vl A 6 -ll{t- nd lu ,t:q- l.! i M t.i tr\) t:rOr-r''r) I I I I I , ! I I I I ,ort0 I I I I I I I I I\r I I Ij s I I I I + I I :ot lls tllJ -!\.,n ) fr, ; 2 {,J tL JoI o ) trK .\ ^9t- tY ${ s \!{tt , $$ !Jt4 NI 'e F,rF (,q l{t{I) ^O.$*: SN(' { t\ \LAo$/ o l. 2., 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. ;::t?Y.frIJ-rc- Surfacc Atct./49-S{. Ft. tencar g1. lt6 Tile Copln s- h Decking Gallons Flletr Area ln Sq. ft.Qn'' !a- - Iife Llae - Ft.Long 25. Turbo-Clean SYstcm *t/* ,tst AZ€25 FduF 4 k/zzszz/../€ 2r 27@------- ' g^*"1t, ?, r'(a Gt:,: - ,,^r^r(-,o)^ ltr;F8q Filter Model No.:7o 7,1pp./rez &ra 1 'o . R. p. u. 7/ro phase / Yu.rs z3o D i s ch, j-. sr'. c, ]:-- G, P. M? o g 6 o r' a* Pump Straioer Size I Inch 13. Flow Meley .' Size 14. Chlorioator Teut&u ?'/ a/o' 15. Tirne Glos y Jatto./ ?pp op'+qA ats 4zzpt's 16, Rails Ladder--Grab! 1?. Uoderwate r Ligrr. O ys14 /Z) ' watts]/4a 18. Deck lio* I Conduit atta Seal--4- 19, Diving Board - A , Twe 6l*5s''4fg 20. Diviag 52rn6 LOE Spt"l('' Tvr,e 1E'#/TV' r(.vo Lrrl.g6 ,/ zl. s61;n5r." / Eqrr.alizer ll.s.J- rK,luEcE ErlxrNo Poola, INC.!ugIllDtNsr.Btvtll,oo EnJ'JTry,I'4ft{lr!llil Narnc Addreaa crtv 6z'. /.{. 26 geater hqPStll UOHdYenlea' A rrAsTER PQg! FO za/.kDsztag l/4t c / b. hare^g tlt€FF& Pa. Box 373 YArt . b. el bS? PboaL 4za,,tt7&,rcrtod , 6 EXtSTt$6 sra 2. . Slzc-X-X-DcPth-lo 3. Surfacc Arca--Sq. Fl. bncar Ft.-- 4. @ptng 5. Tile - -6 Decklng 7. Capaclty 7rc =,= Gallons-.----3rA -711€ 8. Filter Model go. 4pra-bo T'17'e H'6tl Fan Sep> 9. Fllelr Area la Sg. Ft. |'q t/z-lO. Elov Rate ln G.P;M- z> Hrg. lursovett ?zt . R. P. u. 7/So Phase vo]rs tfu rU. fu.srez fti'ne : (z) SA. Z rre 2t/'4f- € ht i A- t lr4t lt/z- lt.?. , /cl 12H r'1 Z-*c'.ren ' ,' CA+n'*tzz 1*?ert 4S't/aP O?oeE 6eu€z4rrz. xtru8cE ttilxllto Foola, Eirc.rfllt IIm{sT.E|YETCD UrJ4?'ry,Iatt{.l!|E 13. Ftorp Mcler .. Size 14. (trtlorioalor Taati9t*t 3az G. P.D Rails F<t s7r^)l' Froe-a ofre- Uaderwaier Ligh!-Volts Vlatls- Deck Box Conduit and Seall Diviog Board T}?e Diviog Sland Ty?e Zl. Skimmet I Egrralizer Ftg.t_ 27-. Gup Auchorg - Life Li,ne - f'Long 23. rale! Fltlingj-Fill Llae ldaio Draio 7 TYPI 4a"rt'roed 15. Time Cloc| {aatut ?po(naacar AarzBoca ' Ladder Grab-16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 24,' ?5. 26 Name Addresa crly taz Turbo -Clean SYatem P/a 1q"r2", /hzl/tt) 5- o /az/ *e/za'az'- A IVIASTER POOL FO Z// (saaa' *?1. 4. hcozr.e Siag,=Fez 70. Box 37> y'tttz, &' albs8 PhooL diSrtccefl0!, 6 /.a ois ch.-/--ssc. Lc. P. M, Z@ I o t l* Pump Seraioer C Size -O- Inch I -"t- .-?? 3$ri5 tr;Fn:i Eolzt= -!iuliR HIEg ig HIH FE !E=E:ae oEER ]E ilFF3 EE -:EEq-- E6gE.. -lt5. i fg ;sJlu !r, II,a.(, . =i :gli l;ig iiiii EiESA Ill o: st u! T6 3d gH Bg €; s= alt gi Bg F;:i2()iH l 1i,'= ilg* lo()z IE iE : 3i:l :E IE Jfi IEIt 1!ct Eil EAgt5j |ro 6I cLJcto , J Ez a (9z F 8 TEo oZ!,t 986ui 8F r'l rr5o<'! E= UTtt oE E5 f;E fiE IEolrg,z IE Eoxoo-I ()aa o0E(,2 IIiu,o ar,ts2 z oo I.l, UJo2|lJlrIIco ] E UJ FE HE dg HF 4H Efi $R (, =-cr - =oGa.t .5z.-cr =oo J I E,Fo UIJul Jooc(t =- -.I =C" i.. ' n tut\5fr'a---- EE t IDI .,-Eaoalt,a 3ra,a o:I oI- EII all,*o2 I --ovii, ;E . -at '1€ffiFl sgsEs g:EEg !i;r:sit -;:' ggF - .lEqib$i ;,E E\tEl (,z o.I oor .U' .Eoarr(J-a =<<J u,<I} (9 =F =OEfIJ:I<f!:() =<a> 12 I imlil -rta ,r-fzl-- U\ 33a eIe<<: noZ*g h ^tF3 I t I t.l I I I I I I -ot 3Pl Fturgt- F"ou f tut€tL Po ou Ft uf€IL ftot/sce bpteDL 3?eo&P€ P-"L ovpe ?ooL i Srt fauPzarr jceu: t/2""/!o" o Koechlein Consull Consulting Geotech 12364 W. Alameda Plary'Suite 135 MAIN OFFICE (303) 989.1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (s70) (e7o) s49-9223 August 5,1997 Gcorge Shacffer Construoion Comoany P.O. Box 371 Vail. CO E l65E-0173 Subject: Excavarion lnspcction for proposed Pool Lot a ( 1067 Ptarmigan Road) Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-209 As requested, a rcpresentative from our ofiicc inspectcd the .soil at the subject site on July 28,?9 and Augusr 4. 1997. 'I'he purpose the exposed rnatcrials would safely suppon the proposed pool. The depth of the excavation varied from 2.0 ro 9.0 fect. Thc excavatiou consisted of 1.5 ro 5.0 feet ofcnrshed rock. malerials consisted of a moist to wcL dcnsc, gravclly, sandy, silr and crushed rock within the gxcavation uerc compactcd in our opinion, the natural soils and thc crushcd rock will safely bascd on the narur.l soils remaining unssturared. We appreciate the opponuniry to provide this scrvice. lf we can be Sincerely, KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4,){[*il. William H. Kocchlcin. P.E. Prcsrdent sBM/jr (2 copies sent) cc: Town of Vail -!r r.$ AVON ng Engineers ical Engineers Lakewoo4 CO 80228 SILVERTHORNE (970)468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX in the proposed pool excavation our inspcction was to verify lhat cxposcd in thc bottom of thc the crushed rock. the subsurface somc cobbles. Thc cxposcd soils with our recommcndations. In thc proposcd pool. Our opiniou rs funher servicc, pleasc contact us.