HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 7 LOT 1 LEGALZONE CHECK Date:-Ta,,r,i1 ltooo Legal description: Lot I Block ? Filing Address Owner Architect Phone Zone disuict Proposed use Lot size Buildable area Allowed Existine Pronosed Total Remaining rotarcRFA 4451 + fr9x =-3!!-b- {QS +613 fr B(r.*Fri*ury cRF^ pqba-+@t$7s\- 338V J84 * A[czr+)seconoary GRFA J{fl* @2s) (67 s*) =-A393-- + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involvs a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? 4o?o\7b2 sl3f).Sitecoverage s'itii-e1. stg) 34o?,- Height (30x33) Setbacks Front 20' Sides 15' Rear 15' Landscaping Minimum /blan Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6' Parking Required Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2: I (50%) EnvironmentalAlazards Previous conditions ofapproval (check property file) Enclosed (300) (600) (e00) (r200) Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slope -% Yes No Yes_ Nq l) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall cfi (t{7') iqu b,o't.) 23qqi * _ = I tna \11t4, ht4v tglue/goh) Is the property non-conforming? Describe: c) Debris Flow o Project: O SURVEY Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Eas€menB Tooosraohv 100 yr. floodplain utility locations Spot elerrations fI SITE PLAN Scale BuildingHeight Encroacbmenb Setbacla Site Coverage Eaves/Overhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access WaErCourse Setback Roof Pitch Environmenal Hazards Trees DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST tr FLOoRPLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Slace EHU EI BUILDTNGELEVATIoNS Scale Color\Marcrials O LA}.IDSCAPEPLAN Existine trees Proposed nees Lesend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verification form Photos ofsite Building material samples Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) ViewConidors Variances Plat restrictions .6168 a./ 26 867 sq.ft. Two-Family Primary / Secondary Resrdential FILE fiiy f,xisting /lIt TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-21i8 MX 970-479-2452 Lot Size: Zoning: Ianuary 19, 2000 Mr. Ionathan Pe&e The Planning Associates 315 I Airway Avenue. Suite R-l Costa Mesa CA 92626 Re: Development Potential for Lot I, Block 7, Vail Wlage l't Filing Dear Mr. Petke: The intention of this letter ib to inform you of the development potential for Lot l, Block 7, Vail Village l"t Filing / 16 Forest Road in Vail Colorado. A-ff.er a review of existing plans, staff has detennined the following: Standard Allorvance (total)Remaining GRFA: Primary (B - west) Secondary (A - east) Site Coverage: Setbacks: Landscaping: 5786 sq.ft. (incl. 2 x 425 credits) 5213 sq.ft. 3387 sq.ft. (incl. I x 425) 2814 sq.ft. 2399 sq.ft. (incl. I x 425) 2399 sq.ft.* 5373 sq.ft. (20% if slope < 307o) 3402 sq.ft. 4030 sq.ft. (15% if site < 30%o) 3402 sq.ft. 20 ft. (front) / 15 ft. (sides and rear) 16120 sq.ft. (607o) 573 sq.ft. 573 sq.fi. 0 sq.ft. l97l sq.ft. 628 sq.ft. *Our records indicate that the B5tne residence (A) lvas orignally constructed with 2225 sq.ft. and that arl interior conversion was completed in i997 adding an additional 362 sq.ft. bringing the total GRFA for this unit to 2587 sq.ft. This exceeds the total allowable GRFA of 2399 sq.ft. meaning thcoretically that no GRFA should be remaining. However, because the addition was considered an interior conversiorq it rnay be possible to add up to 250 sq.ft. of GRFA under the 250 ordinance. The primary residence (B) may also qualifu for a 250 addition once all available GRFA has been utilized. The information shown here is subject to verification by revierving current and complete sets of plans for both the primary and secondary units on the prope4v. If you require clarification on anyhing that has been discussed here. please contact me at 479-2128 or akjemlfr@ci.vai1.co.us. Sincerelv. ArmKjerulf Planner 4 €gt"*uo'^"o .ti-o I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARI'I4ENT ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON 'JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES Permit #: 897-0406 Job Address: L,ocaEion. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: 16 FOREST RD 16 FOREST RD 2L0L-082-L8-009 PR,J97-0239 SEatus. . Applied. Issued. . Erqlires. ISST'ED LL/04/t997 LL/05/L997 05 / os /L998 APPLICA}iIT BYRNE RONALD J 16 FOREST RD, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER BYRNE RONAI,D J 16 FOREST RD, VAIL CO 81557 CONTRACTOR PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRfDGE ST, VAIIJ CO, RON BYRNE & Description: ADD IJIVING SPACE AT GROUND LEVEL Occupancy: T)G)e Const,rucEion: ASSOCIATES TOViC Val-uation: Cf ean-uP approved am0unt date Fl,r.!rl.cc fnforlacl,oa: R.slrl,cl.d:*of c.s Appli.ncr.:#of €.. togs|*Of wood/Prll€t ! FEE SU}IMARY Rcotuurnt Plan Ravlair- - >.00 ToEtI calculal€d F6€9---> 951 .25 20,000 Add Sq FE: Euilding-----> Pl,rn ctrcck- - -> tnvc6!ig.Er,on> wlll call----> 2{5 .00 .00 3.O0 Addlrion.l F€..---------> conploEcd Lnforll.Ei . oo 357 .25 plo! Plan, vl, eion RccrcaEion Fcc-- - -- -- -- -t clcan-U! Dapo.lE--- -----> TOTAII FEES' - -.. Tocrl PcnriE F..--------> 59?.2s.00 100.00 Pa)dranls------- EAI,ANCE DUE- -. - Division: Division:Division:Division: Item: 05100Lt/04/L997Item: 05400Item:05600Itsem: 05500 BUILDING DEPARTMEI'ff DepE: BUILDINGJRM Actsion: APPR APPROVED ,fRIvI- AIID DM-DRB PI,ANNING DEPARTT4ENT DCPE: PI,ANNING FIRE DEPARTI4ENT DebE: FfRE PIJBIJIC WORKS DePE: PUB WORK :""""""" See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditj.ons t.hag may appfy to trhis permit- DECI,ARATIONS accuilti ploe- i ho;"by rcknor:,cdgc lhrt I hav. rcad thl. epplicablon, flll.d oul ln full th! infolBttsien rcquircd, plen, end alaEG Cha! alL Ehe Lnfomatlon provlded ae r.qur.r.d 1! corrGsE. I rgr.. to coEply tl,lh lhc t'o couply rllh all Torn ordi.nanca! rnd !Erg. l{ra, end tso bqlld chL. 6!!uctu!G accord-lng to Eho Torrn't cod.s, d€rlEn rcvica rpprovcd, UnlforE BultdtnE codc rnd otsh.E ofalinrncc! gf Ehc ToIt.PPl-jalbl. RSQUEST9 fOR INSPESTTONS SHALL BE I'IN)E fWEtitTr-POttR HoURg IN ADrnxcE BY s.nd Clcrn-Up DcpoaLt To: Phone z 9'lO-476-L987 zonlng Alt 5: OO PM TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: 897-0406 APPLICAIiIT OWNER CONTRACTOR ilob Address:Location.,.: Parcel No..:Project No.: BYRNE RONALD .J ].6 FOREST RD, VAIL BYRNE RONATD J ]-5 FOREST RD, VAIL PE.AK PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE ST, VAIL 16 FOREST RD 16 FOREST RD 2LOt-082-L8-009 PRiI97-0239 co 8r-557 co 81557 CO, RON BYRNE & status...: rssItED Applied..: tt/o4/L997Issued...: LL/06/1997 Erqrires. . : 05/05/1998 Phone: 970-475-1987 ASSOCTATES 81657 Description: ADD LIVING SPACE AT GROI]ND LEVEL Occupancy: Tlpe ConstrucE,ion: Valuation:20 , OOO Add Sq FE.: #of ga6 ApplisnceB: .00 50 .00 RccrGalion Fce----- -----> .00 CLcrn-lrp DrpoEit--------> 1o0.00 FirgDlacc Informallon: Roscrlctcd:*of Gaa Logs I *Of wood/PrllcE: Building-----> Plan chcck- - - > Invcstsiga!ion> will call----> RestuaranE PIan Rcvioir- - > DRB Fcs-------- itoEal calcul.atsGd FGc6---> Additional Fr.!-- --- --- -> 24S .00 .00 3 .00 ssl .2s . oo Total PcrEil F6c- - -- - -- -> s57.25 P.yrncnt6------- SS7.2S TOTAL FEES-.--- SSl .25 BAI,ANCE DUS.-.- 'OO BUI LDING DEPARTIVIEI{T Division: Division:Division:Division: IEem:051-001"t/ 04/L997Itbm:' 05400Item: 05600Item:05500 .JRM Actsion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTFIRE DEPARI'I'iIENTPIJBTIC WORKS DepE,: BUILDING APPROVED ,JRI,f AND DM-DRBDEPtr: PI,ANNING DE-PT: FIREDePts: PltB WORK t t t t t, r 'r r t . +. t t t i r i t i i r r r t i r t * *r*at*aartttrri See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions thats may apply Eo tshis permit. DECI-,ARATIONS f trlr"ly acknorledge tha! I havc rcad EhiE application, fillcd out in full thc inforEatslon rcqulrcd, couPlctscd p1an, and €taC6 that all the informallon provided as rcquiled i6 colrect. I agEeF !o cottlply $ith Cb€ informatl co conply niEh aII Toen oldinance6 and.tatc lae6, and bo build this scruclur. aceordinE Eo lhc Toen'6 code6, dc6iEn review apploved, Unifom aqilding code and othe! ordinanccs of tsh€ T REQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS 9IIAI,I, BE }IADB TI{EITTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY scnd clcrn-Up Dcpo6ic Tol accuratc PloCplob plan zontng vr. a10n ************rr************************l??i*?*****************!r******************* CONDITIONSpermit, #: 897-0406 as of LL/06/97 st,aEus---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit T]4pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: LL/04/L997 Applicanll-: ByRNE R9NALD J Issued---z LL/06/1997 To Er<pire: o5/o5/L998 ilob Address: 16 FOREST RD Locat,ion---: 15 FOREST RD Parcel No-- : 2101-082-1-8-009 DescripEion: ADD LIVING SPACE AT GROI'ND I-,EVEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPESrIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. 3. SMOKE DETEETORS NEEDED PER 1991 UBC 1210 4. BATHROOM VENITNG REQ',D UBC 1205 5. GAS FIRE PLACE VENTING (DIRECT) VEIiITING OF APPI.,IAI{CES I'MC CIIAPTER 9 L99L .r r r a r t t t r t t a . t a a t a rr atr.f rt at rrr To|OI O? V lt. C@ORTDO gE.t.nns 'rtrtttartatttrliitartaattt ta tJ tti.rat IrlltltiotJtl rt tttitittttl al|rlti StrBarrc ltuubarr RBC-0351 lDounl ! PayD.ng l|.chod: cK l{og.clonr 1029 6s7.25 11106197 lstrT lnlE! u w P.nl! llor Bt7-o,lOC Ttp.: l-BgllD ADD/AIJT stR BUIID Pt ?Gc.l Bot 2101-0al -19 -OO9 gLE. lddr... ! 16 lon'lsT RD trocrlLon t 15 FORIST RD ToErl t.ca: P.y$.nt 557.25 log.l l',L 90t.; Balrnc.: lcqoung Cod.D..cripclon 557.25 557. 25 .00 BP 00100003111100 BUIIDMO PERMIT raEs oR 00100003112200 DEglql nErrrEr lEBt PP 00100003112300 PTJAN CI|ECK lll3 Dl0010000ra03100 cLEllfuPDlPoslra ltc 00100003112800 wt&! cAltJ lNgPEsllo!, FEE llounl ,tB, o0 50. o0 159.25 100.00 3.00 . :?. ::lii;:,fi:l;, Si::',f :: ir: et'i,K oF vArL coNsrRuc*oJ[r4ncn /i: ?-lotoBz-l F.o.--'q pERMIT AppLIcATfON F9RMtv DATE: to-Z']-lfl , AppLIcATroN uusT BE FILLED OUT COI{PLETELY OR IT l****** * *** * * * ** * ***** * * ******* PERMIT TNFORMATION **A,/ PERI'IIT /} V(r?7- aL31 MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * $zf-euifaing J 1-ntunbinq [ ]-Etectrical t Job Name: BYP"IS R* - Job Ad.dress: Legal Description: Lot I B P'Lock I Filing Or.rners Name:llor.v Bvrs/g l-Mechanibal I J-Other Address: Address: __pn.4?9-l\9 | Architect: General Description: Ph. Nurnber of Dwelling Units, I Nunber of Accommodation Units: ^ Ipru"r and Type of FirepJ.aces: Gas Appriances_!_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_ Y ft******************'l************** VALUATIONS ************tl******************** t!- BUILDINc: $ZO ELECTRICAL: $- Or}tER: $PLUI'TBING: $ ' : Phone Number: {f!.-{:_Ar1_ iffi::::"r contractort (4-11- g'l}b rown or vail Res. No.---- I,fork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration gr.1*Eaaitionat [ ]_Repair [ ]_other phone Nrrrnber: Plunbing Contractor:Address: ,i.......-- Town of Va'i] Reg. No._-.._....-phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor; .rrat_rt. ^.F r,^:.r -,^_ Phone Number: *************-****.ffdi|*ii;iii*i*i'soB oFFrcE usE *******************************BUfLDING PERMIT FFffii'' rrr_ol .r rl iqri/ f.,"" BUILDING pT.AN nrrFr^r lrFFrpLUMBTNG pERMrr Fffi$ l$$'fiJ{-l$'il- {'""r" BUTLDTNG Pr-^AN cHEcK FEE! MEcHANIcA',psRMrr-#;i:ifrrmi.r,f,iilJ:i'''iif:Hi*i:^:"3I^s"::5j"3:-r,L,vr-rrrrrr\r .E-&rs'u I f E:El r;: ;.,::l-il PLUMBfNG PIAN CHECK fEE:I'{EcHANIcAL PERMIT qpnn : , fiTtliF1 ),;. ';r \ ;;;;;il;" ; ?',:':::^*"::-EtEcrRrcAL FEE: li.lg "r;ffi-r-;; ; i' l{EcHANIgll PI,AN cHEcK rEE: 'qri ---- RECREATION FEE:orHER TypE oF FEE: F_,,r cLEAN_up pfpoiff: DRB FEE: ---f' L.'J-bJ-$!f TorAL eERMTT FEES:( ++/€---'nn 5,L.I\r-.41 IL&Da l 1"nurr,nru,;,l-t_l_l_l srcNAluRnl. - 1;-t------l-:l-|-|= | stXixfr*:wCornments: CLEAII IP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0 -479 -2t38 APPLICA}ilT CODITRACTOR OWNER EIecElica1- - - > DRB Fee InveBiigation> wi.Il call----> TOTAI, FAES... > .fOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E97-0320ELEETRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 16 FOREST RDtocation...: 15 FOREST RD Parcel No. . : 2L0L-082-l_8-009Project No. : PR.I97-0239 8L657 Br-5 5 7 DEPARTME}IT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON LECTRIC I]MLIMITED INC 1768 ALPINE DRTVE 1, VAIL CO LECTRIC IJMLTMTTED INC 1768 ALPINE DRM l-, VAIL CO BYRNE RONALD 'J1_0 FOREST RD, VArL CO 81657 Phone z 9704765424 Phone z 9704765424 SEaEus. . AppIied. fssued.. E)q)ires. ISSI]ED L2/L2/L997 L2/L5 /L99706/L3/L998 3, 500 .00Description: WIRE MEDIA ROOM AND BATH FEE SUMMARY Valuation: 75 .00 PaymenCB------- 75.oO BAIANCE DUA-. - - To!a1 calculatsed P€es_-_> ?5. oo Addlt.lonal F!6a---------> .oo ToEal Permit Fco---_----) 12.00 .00 3.OO 75. OO IECM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:L2/1,2/1997 ,JRM Action: AppR AppRovED .IRIvfrtbm:'05600 FrRE DEPARTMEIfT Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. !'IRE DEPARTT,IEI{I APPROVAIJ-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANv WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I h€r€by aeknowledge that I have read thiE applicaEion, filled oue in full bhe infonnation required, complet€d an accurate plot plan, and 6!aLe that all the inforroation provided ae required is correct, I aglee to comply wibh the inforrnaLion and ploE plan, tso comply wilh atl Toen oldinahces and staEc lawe, and to bui.ld lhis 6tructure aceording tso the Torn's zoning and eubdivieion codes, design review approvsd, Uniforrn BuiLding cod6 and olher ordinances of thc To$n appLieabl. theretso. REOUESTA FOR INSPECTIONS SHAT,I, BE MADE Tl.I8NTY. FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE NT 479-2L35 OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM 6;00 414 5:OO PI'I TOgIN OF VAIL, COI,ORIDO St.a CennE S!aUemnE Nulnbe!: REC- 03 67 AmounE: PaymenE Met.hod: cK NocaEion: 2l{o 75. OO 72/LS/97 16 tlO IniE: MAw per.miE No: 897-o32o Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-042-18-oo9 Slce Aadresa: 15 FoREST RD LocaEion: 15 FOREST RD Thia PaymenE Tocal PeeB: ?5. OO TOEAI ]\LIJ PM!A: Balance: 75. 00 75. 00 . oo AccounL Code DescripE ion EP OO1OOOO3I114OO EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES wc 00100003112s00 wrLL cAtL rNsPEcrroN FEE Amoun! 72.OO 3,00 .,ntact Eaglc County Assessors Offlce'-970-328-8640 f.ot Parcet /l . TOWN OF VA.rL CONSTRUC1fgNJl.L It I"f ., -";;:ffi;q *Til3:jt-cArrox F.RM 97 - o116 6PER}IIT /1 APPLTCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't PERMIT INFORJ,'ATfON ***************************** l-Building [ ]-Plunbing gd-Electricar I J-Mechanibal I J-other b Narne: G.r.Job Address: Jra). Description: Lot_ Block_ fifing susprvlsloN, 6ners Name: <,-orr \6<rC^\ Address: nh. chi.tect:Address:Ph. reral Descripti""t '-k class: [ ]-New t!-Alteration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other ::rber of ttwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation UnLts: :rber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs-_ Wood/pellet r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ************q******************** ILDTNG: $rJtH'ER: $JI.IBING: $TOTAL: $ :'************************* CoNTRACTOR TNFORMAaToN *** ****.,t ************* ** * * * *'reral Contractor: -?a\ tress:Town of Vait Req. NO.Phone Number: rctrical iress:I Contractor: Ueg\a-,"e Er,ECTRrCAI,: $ 3sao- I.IECP;ANfCAL: $---_- rmbing Contractor: :ress:E9'/ - OJzo Town of VaiI Phone i'lrrmber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Towrr of Vail Phcrlte Nurnber: Reg. No. ZooEter Sq-r;- Reg. NO. hanical Contractor: r f€SS i Reg. NO. **********-**************L'**** FoR oFFrcE usE ****************************rr**LDING PBRMIT FEE: MBING PERMIT FEE: r{ANfCAL PERI,1IT FEE: - PLWBfNG PLAN CHECK FEEt :l--- -rFElr/^rrr. FFE,. -- MECHANTCAL PraN cHEck FEE: - v^.\-s/f.s rr,!,. .RECREATTON FEE:aD .Trvl)F l.\F FDE .! v^ r IrI:,. FEE: BUTLDINI;S STGNA'IUR$: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP rnents: \}I UP DEP,OSII REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIfTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO B-J"657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OI,VNER DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT Permit #': N197-0264 Job Address. . . : 16 FOREST RDLocation......: 16 forest rdParcel No..... : 2L0L-082-18-009 ProjecL Nurrber: PRrf97-0239 PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRTDGE ST, VArI_, CO, PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE ST, VAIr-, CO, BYRNE RONALD iI Status...: ISSUED Applied. .: L2/23/L997 Issued. ..: L2/23/t997 E>cpires. . : 05/2L/L998 Phone: 970-476-L987 & ASSOCTATES 81_557phone t 970-4'76-L987 & ASSOCTATES 81657 RON BYRNE RON BYRNE ].0 FOREST RD, VAIL CO 81-557 Description: insE,all gas fireplace Pi.lcplace InformaLion: R€sLricted:#Of eas Appl ianceB: Valuation: #Of GaB Lo96: 900.00 +of t{ood/Pa1l6t: FEE SUI'IMARY ltechanical---> Pl.an check- - - > InvcsligaLion> wi 1I call----> ResltraranL Plan R6view- - > TOTAI, FEES. -. -. Total Calc\rlated Feas-- -> AddiEional Fees- --- -'-- -> Totsal. PerniE Fcc--------> Paymentss-------- BAIANCE DUE-. - - 20.o0 5.O0 . oo 3 .00 .00 .00 29.00 2A .00 .00 2S,00 2a-oo .oo Ilqqi .051q0 BUII-,DING DEP.ARTMENI Dept: BUII-,DING Division:1,2/23/1,997 JPJ|I Action: APPR aDproved 'irm- rEbm:'05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT -Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL J-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE,2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQU]RED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CIIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 T'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH SEC,5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991- IJMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUT{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOT,TEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIfrTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALT BE EOUIPPED WITH A FTOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2r-r-9 0F THE r-99r- {JMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknowladge lhat I havG read thi6 appli.cacion, filLea out in full bhe information requircd, complctGd an .ccurate PloE o r9r.. to conply rllh th. lnforr.l'i.on cg Eh. Tor4,. "onlng .nd plrt, .nd .hE. ChrC all Ch. lnfornallon prcvl,d.d r. r.qul,r.d 1,. corr.cE, Eo codply rlgh rll Torn ordlnrnc.. rnd .Crlr l|I.. rnd to build thl! cod.l, d..19n rcvL.r rpprov.d, tnlfo!! EulldlnE Codc rnd orh.r RBQgltta IOR tngPEeIIONg AHAII, BE llAI)E llllltfr-lOtn HOUR9 ll{ gtoNnloRl oP olofER oR @!*TnAcroR FoR Hrl|sBt t AlrD oflt{ER otPtct tno0l .t|d plot phn, lrbdivL.lon ar00 lll 5r0o PU trt raat!rtt atttrtt rtt oi rata raa.rat tlr ttt*rtf| Ir r t t t r a r r i t t t t t ,r r rtJa Totr*l Cf! VAltr, COI,OR DO g!r!.bnB rarataalrttatt..ti{ttattttt*tattrtf rriitaaatrrt*i*rititrJartarltttt 8t.B.[rrg t{uEb.r r nBc-036t ADoultc: ze.oo t2/21197 L6rz6 P.y[.ng ll.thod ! (tr< Nohclon: tofs Inlc! HA|f P.nlE l|o3 llt?-026a ntp. ! B-l|BCfi rEcfitl|tcttr pBRrI? P.!c.l lfo t 2101-042-la-o09 slE. lddr..r ! 16 loRaaa RD tocrllonr 16 for.rC !d totrl Fr.ri 2a.0o Thl. P.lr!.ac 24.00 lot.rt I.L! Pnca t 2a.OO Brl|ncc ! .0O tttttaata!atttrrttrttt atItttt.r r ttttattt i,a ti tt*rtt tt r r r'triitrrr rt a t lscounc Cod. D.rcrl,pElon lnoune uP 00100003111300 titEcrlllllctt PaR[It aEEg 20.00 PF 00100003112300 PLNI CHECK FEEA 5.OO lfc 00100003112800 nlLtr cLrJl lNgPaqllom FaE 3.00 ,./ fARcEL #: )*Cont'ac. t Eagl.e Couirty 'l at 970-328-8640 for^rol-or,z - /(-a)7Parcel #. -- /( -(j)"/ Assessors lt"" TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PER}IIT /i / APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED $n** ********** * *** *** * * ***** * *rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbinq t Address: Address: Ph. Ph. O fR{qJ -<:237 OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal I J-other Job Narne: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filinq srrRnrvrqrnx. Job Addre"". /b ,Qr.,L F=.L- Owners Name: Architect: General Description: tr.lSfall work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber Number and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances { {* * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUTLDING: $EIJOCTRICAL: $PLUMBING: $ of Accomnodation Uni-ts: cas Loss-_ Wood/pellet ***********i* ******************** oTHER: + q)l -TOTAL:$.-.--...-P!UI,lB1NG: :T MECP^ANICAL: $u t*************************** CONTRACTOREeneral Contractor:INFORMATfON **** r tr***************** **** Address:Town of Vai'l_ Rgg. 1,I9.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone l,fttmber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Numbe.r: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Towir of VaiI Reg. No.5',fdE Phorre Nurnber: 7Aa ,Ca>{'- FOR oFFrcE usE *****************************.** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:}'IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDINIJ: STGNATURN; ZONING: SIGNATURE: Mechanical conrracror QnJ (*{- Mq1 -f'/," Address: * * * * **** * rt * * *_*** * * * * * ** * * * * L. * * * * BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MBCHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CLEAil UP DEP,OSIT REFIIND ?rtt* - MODEI. GDl7 DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE AtlD H0ME0UI]{ER'S DREAII - A tull slzed' 00SI EFFEGTIVE AIID gas flnplace for mw hom consfruofron and nnovatons. A BTIILDER'S DECORAT]VE AN ECONOi,ilCAt, QUAUTY AND DlSTlNCrlVt IOOKING FIREPI.ACE TOT YOUR COMFORT o Available in clean buming convenient and environmentally-friendly, natural gas or propane - uses only pennies per hour. . No electricity rcquir€d to light or operate - reliable use wen during power failures. . A clear unobsaucted view of the fire. . "Yellow Dancin8 Flame"rM bumer system. o Wall or unit mound switch to tum the firc on or off. . Folished bnss louvres for a sophisticated, elegant look. . No chimne'y required - vents through the wall or roof. . Napoleon's light weiSht, exclusive PHMERTM log set offers a magnificent all-natural, wood burning look. o Heat and flame adjusable. . 100o/. safety shut-off feature for lour piece of mind. o Concealed easy to use controls for trouble'free performance. . Overall depth of l3 3/4" makes installation Possible with a minimum of space . No hearth extension required, saving you space in smaller rooms. . Zero clearance means framing riSht uP to combustibles. . Dependable President's Limid Lifetime Warnnty' 807o STEADY SIATE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY CERTIFITD UNDER CANADIAN AND AMERICAN STANDARDS, CG42.22.M96 ANO ANSI AND 221.50-I996 RESPECTIVEI.Y FOR VENTED GAS FIREPIACTS, CGA IR55 IR4I AND WH GPN.OOI, $8(Irnlt tu[mto.!o flexible aluminum ventinS (no chimne,,. . Venb horizontally up to 20 ft. or v€rtically uP to 30 ft. . Ground level and above. . Basement, even belovv Erade using aEi6€oPst CE l0l)' \: Ap,Proyd-iaLIq[4i6ni6baqE9ltt bedrooms and H€i'tln8 'oorns : .l-J-itable fo. mobile home installalion . Also approved wid| SimPson Dun-Vent Ditect v€nt PiPe. n5 |!rnB \-EOttoB l:||E fln rr ----> udrfl lclr + at|ln roc rcrr rttmtrrm 0[,mrtt tEllo G[lnoiottE |pflru|trcrdrAtnn lrtt @Ht With less than l4' in d€Fh, the GDlT infills almost anywlEre in )our home using o RectanSular dor facia in pollsh€d brass. e Arched door facia kit in black, polished bta55, antique brass and chrome. . D€coratiw trim in antique brasr, polished b|ass and chrome (2", 3' & 6') o Three-dimensional tim in pollshed and anthue bra3s (4"). r Blo,ver kit includes variable ryeed contol and themostatic heat sensor (Cz550 KD. . Hand held cordless, remote conlrol. . Wall mounted thermostatic conttol. . through the r@f venting kit5. . Oak rurround mantel bY NaPol€on', Model-CS-OS-l C (as illustrated on fiont cover). 14Lb4 AUTHOIIZTD DEATERContolt Fu 0*rj61 m:rir.l ld coritLa l|n..ll.Ilo. In.tucdq! ||rd trop.l cl..r.|!.6 !o comhlnlbh net.ri'L' Gi "itl*.t .'u "alon t lulldlns;fr.nd !. rltuhlc,tr. ^llrFlic|tlqlr.t! rubiod ro dt n8. rvitltod prkr rloti'! !'" !1'eT8.Py11.ilF**o N.poL..a b. rfkqd rd.lr.rt oat\ioll S...1 U{ ftrr U.5. 5.3o7.l()t, 5.1O3.59t 7!05a - C.o lO73 {l |. 2Il82 915. 7/tt!9 c worl 5E r ud tvu.r srEEIs 9 Napol€on Road, R.R. ,l Ba.ria. Ont rlo Camda L4M 4YE Pho.E 705 72 I -1 2 | 2 Fax 7O5 722403 1 qavw.napoleon.on,ca em.ll i igkon.polaon.on.ca rtl'ucrt offiH TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4'19-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMEN'I' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M9?:-{).?''''.oe€3 Job Address. . . : 16 FOREST RD Location : 16 FOREST RD Parcel No.... .: 2101-082-18-009 Project Number: PRJ97-0239 APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, OWNER BYRNE RONALD J LLC co 81658 LLC CO 81658 816s7 Status. . . AppJ.ied. . Issued, . . Expires. . Valuation: ,ot Gas Logs: I SSUED 12/12/teq7 Phone : 97 0- 7 6-23?,' Phone t 97O-476-2?7. 1,000.00 ,rof tlood/Pa' 10 FOREST RD, VAIL CO Description: ADD BASE BOARD HEAT USE EXISTING BOILER ,rof Gas AppI i ances:F i reotace Inlormation: Restricted: *************tr***********************************t********* FEE SU fiARY *********** ********l** **l********** **** ******rt**i**'t* * Jt *,( * ltechani ca (---> PLan Check---> Investigation> t,i tL cal. t----> 20.00 5 .00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e\.r-->.00 Total Catcuta(ed Fees' ' > 28.OU .OO Addi tiona I Fees---------> .00 28.00 Total Permit tee--------> 28.oo.00 ToTAL FEES------ 3. OO 28. OO .oo Payments------- BALANCE DUE---. **************************t************t*t*******************************t*********************lt****************i******t*rt/r**r(***Jr Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT12/1211997 JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVEDTt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: RM-Deot: FIRE DrvLs.ron: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F'OR CODE qOMPLIANCE.2. e6MsusrroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER sEc. 607 oF THE 1991 uMc.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 199]. UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALI, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE ].991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE L991 UMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.?. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. *******************************************************************************t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in lutt the inlormation requined, compteted an accurate PLot pt-, ana atatc th.t .tt thc lntormtlon providcd aJ rcqul rcd lt corrcct. t lgrce to coipty rrtth thc lntorl rtiolt r r, I l.tr pt? to corpty vlth .tt Totm ordinancat and rtat. tart, and to buitd thl3 ltructur. according to thc fosn'J zml. j ar.l rtlxllvirlot codc., d.Jlgn nevlav approvcd, llnl fom Eultdltrg Codr md othar ordlnlnccs of tha Torn apptlcabtc tharcto. REOUEST3 FOR INSPECTIONS SITALL 8E IIADE TIIEI{TY-'OUR KX.IRS tN ADVAIICE AY TELEPHO E AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OIFICE FNOI 8:U) sI6I^rUREoFot|}|ERof,GoilTRAGronIonHI|sELFAxoo9NEn * * * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * !t** * * * * * *** * * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * r.' * TOWN OF VArr,, COLORADO Statenrnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-O3?O Amount:28.00 L2/2e/e7 10:21Init! JRMPayment Method: CK Notation z *2057 Permit No: M97-0253 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-082-18-009 Site Address: 16 FOREST RDLocation: 16 FOREST RD Total Fees:28.00 Tot,a1 ALL Pmts: Balance: 28.00 28.00 .00**************************************************************** This Payment Account Code MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WIIL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 20. 00 5. 00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL/5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIL, CO 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 .1o CO},IMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT OF Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> TOTAL fEES----- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 16 FOREST RDLocation...: 16 FOREST RDParceI No., : 2101-082-lB-009Project No. r PRJ97-0239 APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUTLDERS, LLC P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, CO 91658 CoNTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUTLDERS, LLC ) P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, CO BL65B OWNER BYRNE RONALD J 10 FOREST RD, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ADD BASE BOARD HEAT USE EXISTING BValuation:6,00(:., . t**********i**1*i*****************************t************ FEE SUtitlARY *****i****t****t(*)t**rt'tr(rt***)t*' . -, i*)tr(**rt*f S*i:harryrt I ' Ptumbing-----) P tan check---> 90. oo 22.50 .o0 115.50 Totat catcutate lees- '-> Addi t ionaL tee.. Item: O5],OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT12/72/1997 JRI4 Action: APPRIT,em:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Oivision: APPROVED JRM_ I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futl the information required, compteted an ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty r.iith the informationto compty vith al,t Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 179-21T8 OR AT OUR OFfICE FROII -\ Pernr f- *: vll-674'( status. .1.;: 'L:isu. AppI led . . . .'I2 /i'.t 'Issued.... 1.2i- , Expires . . |'06/).r.''t Phone.. 97Q-47 6-233F] Phone z 91 0--41,- .1 , ' Dept: FIRE Division: t**************t* *************1*****t****i* *t*** t* ************ ***** ******** ********* *** ********t*t*t*** *1************t******* * * * * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***********i****t*****|t**********t***********************************t**************************i******************t**i*********** DECLARATIONS accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision 8:00 Alt 5 : 00 Pt4 IO**t*******************************.****************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedt 12/29/97 10:40 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-03?0 Amount: Palzment Method: CK Notation z *2057 11s.s0 L2/29/97 10:20INiT: JRM Permit No: p97-0188 rl4)e: B-PLMBParcel No: 2101-082-18-009Site Addresa: 16 FOREST RDLocation: 16 FOR.EST RD PLI'MBING PERMIT Thie Payment **********************************************************t***** Amount 90.00 22,s0 3 .00 Total FeeB: 115 .50 Tot,al ALL PntB: Balance: 115 . 50 115.50 .00 Account Code Description PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLI'MBING PERMIT FEESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEESt{c 00100003112800 wILt CALL INSPECTTON FEE ruGt ot vll'., ctroRtrro gtaccEtt 8ts t.!nt N\!b.r: n8c-0370 tuount. P.ld.nt lirChod: CtC NotrElon. *2057 ll5.5O 72/29/97 Lotzo InLt: .tRta 9.arie fo! p97-0180 t}p. ! E-PI,XE Plrt llBIttO PEn$IT Prac.I lfo ! 21OX-O32-14-00, 8it. ldda..r i 16 FORESI RD locrtlon ! 16 FORESI RD fhir Prl .nE totrl faaa 3 115,50 ToErl ltrIJ PEE.3 Balanca: 115.50 .00 Accolnc Coda D..crlPE.Lon PP 00100003111200 PLElIllllO PERIIII FBBS pF 00100003112300 PLllf cHlcK rlBs nC 00!.00003111800 I|IIJIJ CAITIJ IN9PECIION fEB l@unC 90.00 22.50 3,00 I il Eq.sq-l -oa*g1 PERI'IIT f / APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORM.ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( *TI'[ ]-s,ritaittg 1,/-nrumuing 1 l-Erectrical g.,,1--u""r,.nibal [ ]-other Job Narne: R*o,r-F Hi F.€ Job Addre*", \Sg_ Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing susprvrsroN' owners Name: R+.-,*\**..,* Addresst tCo Fosor.* R.f, en. Architect:Address:Ph. t' /tconcacE Eaglc Councy Assessors 0fftce ac 970-328-8640 for parcel f. ToUrN oF VAfL CONSTRUCTIONqlIfEL /,:@opBRMrr AppLrcATfoN FoRMrY,r\ DATE:_\L[\\<.) GeneraL Descripti"n: alt haa-bor.-Q LJ -z+-<r/n bJtu workc1ass:[]-New[]-A].teration141f,dditiona]- BUILDING: t- EI,ECTRICAL3 $ OTHER: $PLUMBTNG: $ (od. MEcHANrcAr,, $]G..HI_ rorer,: {i-tf f******************'*********-CoNTRACTQR INFORMA.IION ***.&*********************** Eeneral- contractor: N_ Town of vair Reg. No.--Address: ' - phoneNumber: ElectricaL contractor: -_A.*.----- Town of vair Reg. No.- Nurnber of Dwelling Units: \Number of Accommodation Units: \ |;rnber and Type of Fi-replaces: cas Appriances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/peIlet /B * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t ********************************* ***************rr OFFfCE USE *******rr*****************tr***** Address . --A|IT-\RT phone Number: P 1 umb i n g Co n t ra c t o r : Se,+*Jc=:-e.-r*_\ \.';\- *.^-Address: \^-r Fs . R-^--*=^"- a E-----------S rrumprng uonEracEor::la*$i..:r.e.rlJ* Town of Vair Reg. No. s\sFAddress: >,_^>r ss . S"-^_*==- E-------f phone Number: \) c _ >,_*g Mechanical contractor: MI'I- P'<l Town of VaiJ- Reg. No._Address:_ : phoneNumber: BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL P ELECTRICAIJ FEE: BUILDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT; TOTAL PERMIT FEES: oTHER TYPE oF FEF{-ay h DRB FEE: IUl/ '\, SQ. FT.BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Connents: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RENINI) VALUATION JOB ? SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY SOUTHWEST PLUMBING 2077 N. Frontage Road West vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (970) 476-2338 CHECKEO BY PnmrTrx.l (liio* Sh6q 45r (hdd) , iesign Review .lctn Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: Ron Byrne Residence Project Description: Interior conversion new bedroom - plus windows Owner. Address and Phone:Ron Byrne, 16 Forest Road ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Steve Riden Project Street Address: 16 Forest Road Legal Description: Lot I, Bllc 7, Vail Village lst ParcelNumber: 2101-082-18-009 Comments: BuildingName: 5t t fr 4BrA A4d.d /" U) ;tb€ Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved Space may not be a seperate dwelling unit. Full kitchen not permitted. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 111,30-97 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9T\BYRNE.O30 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: add to BP Qucstionsfll thc Plai:i,ing Staflat 479-2 I 28 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigr review must rcccivc Dcsign Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd unfil all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission. Dcsign Revicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TvwNnvvut LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: I BLOCK: ) FILINCB, g D. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #i 2-lota ezJ goo\ (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) F. c. n r-ZoNING: Yl< NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: L/ait , c > . pHoNE: ryPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: tr lcw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. E l,ddition - $50 Includcs any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comlncrcial building. $20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvemcnts, such .ts, rcroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fences and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust the fcc according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL R.EQUIR.EMENTS AT{D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 8r6s7. iltt47€-t9 A? H, E Minor Altcration - l2'-ll l/tl. _r=s t---__ e grE^tt OOAF F bEfrcrt ttARbt-E KOLHEF KlTCttEl tJl€ERC( oINK, I CAbltXl' CCTJNTEI l.lOTE: gLAb o oN gLEl gug{'ENt ctfAN${3rgol D, HO|-OtNC VEI1IFY ALAR'| € FIIONE. &e.rl Spoc-> Lr*f rra.huv4 L \ l" \! r\i t\r 4 ca ', 'i\(-- -o.\.. ''\ \ UI $ $I s I I\\ ? \t- I ' i -'-;;" ,, o:6 \f trt\-l J-$ a\!Il+l Jr ts I I i o L-_ l,ql t,?to 4.k Var./ tli\lragp \+ 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 9XhffiIgY6AN D U.S. MAI L Dcccmbcr 23,1996 Mr. Ron Bymc Ron Bymc and Associatcs 285 Bridgc Strcct Vail, CO lll6-57 RE,: Parking at l6 Forcst Road Department of Conrnunity Development Dcar Ron: Thank you for your lcttcr to Bob Mct-aurin on Novcmbcr 25, 1996. Wc undcrstand your nccd to havc adclitional hclp at this timc ancl thc nccd to havc your crnployccs park ncarby. It is ncccssnry, horvcvcr, that wc hnvc all ofour strccts clcar of parkcd cars so that thc snolv can bc clcarc{ away. Whcn cars itrc plrkcrl on thc strcct, this tnsk bccotncs irnpossiblc and traffic flow is irnpcdcd, causing lt dangcrous situation fbr thc rrcighbollrood. Chaptcr 10.0t3.010 (Vchiclcs and Tratllc - Parking to Obstruct tratllc) of thc Vail Municipal Coclc- statcs: "No pcrson shall park any vclriclc upon a strcct or at any otlrcr placc withirr this rnunicipality in such a mlnncr or undcr suclr conditions as to intcrfcrc with thc frcc rnovcmcnt of vchicular trallic or propcr strcct or highway ntaintcttancc." As of this timc, wc must ask that you no longcr park an)' vchiclcs on Forcst Road' Plcasc park all vchiclcs in your drivcway or garagc. Bcginning Monday, Dcccmbcr 30, 1996, thc Vail Police Dcpartmcnt will tickct any vchiclcs parkcd along Forest Road. lfyou havc any qucstions, pleasc do not hcsitatc to call nc at479-2128, Sinccrcly., /o"^t^Wrffi,,/tu Laurcn Waterton I Planning Liaison Offrccr c.c. Bob Mclaurin Larry Grafcl Grcg Morrison Susan Conncllv {g *"n"r"o ru"r xo TOWN OFVAIT /n. &rput/ArquiryR€sponseRecorl The attadred com-ments were recentlyreceived bythe Town of VaiL We mcourage Vail It:tJ:$ jai-fl ls!!?*.-ry-*o-inputanawestivefortinrelyresporses.riEasgADDRESS TriEsE CONCER}IS hrrlt6l FrVE WORKING D''S'AI.ID REN'RN TIiIs COMPLETED FORM TO PAI4 BRA}IDMEYEN. D EPARTlylEllT TO HAr\DLE INQUIRY ivonrpur L To Htu\DLE lNerriRy DATE TOV RECEMD INPUT/INQUIRY T]PE OF hIPLT/NiO[irRY PfiONE CALL (indicate date) PHONE CALL (indicate date) BRFF STII\,IT/fARY OF RESPONSE OR ANISI,|/ER TO TNOUTRT DATE oF RESPONSE FORVI€I'URNED By DEPARTMBTT To pAI4 BRar\DMEtE{ A cop]' of thir in$ir rnd fonn wirt remin on 6rc rt tac ToV conrrnunity Raletiolu dEce- Ar ror rr tf,b forc| it lrtuFcd b ?gnEnndrncvcr, thir inquirywilt bc considccd Coscd. € tJ4r4; bwkill (-' L'1(" 7* ?{\\K '/CU rcR lCL? IN,GLY !{A"\D(AGOFTHIS StjE tr1ICU HAI'E A.IVY QUESNOI{S, PI.,]SA5E FEEL FRE T,I] CCNT.{CD^\rotr\Fr\/c' -r- o P.O. Box 567 Vail, Colorado 81658 970479-2200 Decenber 3, L995 Department of Police Susan Connelly Corrnunity Development Of f ice 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81557 Dear Susan; ,tust a short letter to update you and to find out any informat.ion on the Ron Byrne situation on Forest Rd. I also received a copy ofthe letter Mr. Byrne sent Bob Mclaurin. I talked to Lauren Waterton yesterday and she stated your staffcould not find any documents grantinq Mr. Byrne permission to park on the street in front of his home. Lauren also said Kristen Pritz may have verbally given him pennission years ago and would try to contact. her very soon to confirm. Yesterday, I did some research on this situabion. I talked toTerry Martinez about how wide the road in question should be. Shethought it should be between 20 - 22 feet. f then measured the road from the snow bank on the south side to the edge of the road on the north side. The distance was 20 feet. I also took pictureswith one vehicle parked on the street. This picture shows thevehicle is impeding traffic. AfEer inspecting Mr. Byrne'sdriveway, it appears to have room for at least four vehicles with an additional two in the garage. I just wanted to pass this information along to you and your staff.If any decision is made, please advise me and the police department so we can enforce accordingly. Sincerely, /UyJ,*.zso Dick Gericke cc! Greg Morrison,Jeff Layman Pam Brandrneyer *..rG or, z as BIHRU &AsS0frATES REAL ESTATE 2A5 BF|IC,GE STF|EET varL, coLoFAoo E}1657.970'/476.1947 November 25,1996 Mr. Bob Mclaurin TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bob: I apologize in advance for contacting you on such a small problem, but quite honestly, I did not know who was the best person to contract regarding my concern. Recently, I had to spend a considerable amount of time and money on a fence issue for the rear of my house and now I am faced with trying to solve a parking problem on the front side ofthe house. Last week, two of my employees were issued warnings due to the fact that they were parked in front of my house at 16 Forest Road. When we got the warnings I made sure to respond quickly and talked to the traffic enforcement officers, as the space has been approved parking for the past five and one-halfyears. I spoke to J.R. and several ofthe officers who had great attitudes and assured me that there would be no problem in the future. Years ago, when working with Kristin Pritz and other planners, it was worked out for there to be four parking places in front of my home in an area where we cut out the landscaping and pushed the rocks back to allow for it. This was done due to the fact that they did not want to give me additional site coverage for enough driveway because of code requirements and site coverage restrictions. I would have liked to put in the additional parking as a driveway, but since they would not allow for me to do this, we agreed to cut out the area ofour yard and have parking on Forest Road for a limited number ofcars. The Town planners approved ofthe arrangement. Over the years, I have not had much of a problem with this. In fact, I am very thankful that the police do enforce parking on Forest Road, as there are many skier parking violations. My immediate neighbor's property, the Hobart House, is a rental home and from time to time has eight to ten vehicles parked along side of the brick wall, protruding out into the street and presenting much more ofa problem than the four spaces in front of my home. Be that as it may, I find myself in a situation that makes it extremely necessary to have at least two cars in front of my home. As you may know, my wife was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and I do need to have additional help, I have someone who helps to clean Mr. Bob Mclaurin November 26,1996 Page Two as well as a nanny to come and help with my children. As my family has three vehicles, these two additional cars need to park in the approved spaces next to the street. Today, my two employees, both of who had cards in their windows stating that they worked for Ron Byrne, received tickets for parking in front of my home. I met with the Code Enforcement Officer Dick Gericke, who told me that he was aware of my concerns, however had talked to Larry Pardee and Larry had told him that it was not supposed to be parking. I understand that there are many homes which require parking that protrudes into the road. In my case, I am definitely not speaking of any construction parking or a large number of cars. As I mentioned, when working with Kristin Pritz and other planners it was worked out to be legal parking. Therefore, I am asking for your assistance and/or direction of to whom I should speak, to solve this problem. I cannot afford daily tickets for two cars of employees who are helping my family. I have always found your officers to be kind and have good attitudes. Unfortunately, this is just another one of those catch twenty-twos, where it seems we may have too much government. Please direct me to the right area so that I will not bother your office with such a menial problem. from you. cc: LarryPardee Greg Monison Bob Armour Dick Gericke FILE COPY Department ol Community Development T0.WN OFVAIL 75 South Fronnge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-U3q/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 October 3, 1996 Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Roa Byrne's fence at l6 Forest Road, Vail, CO/Lot l, Block 7, Vail Village lsr Filing Dear Jay: The Community Development Departnent, following a site inspection, has approved the wood fence with wire mesh on the above referenced property. The Design Review Board reviewed and approved the concept in June ofthis year. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 479-2148. s/fl"S , , ljI l/tl'tlll ,lltk/:C'W'\a'[V0- E'-L/_ . r - \rvv\_/v{, Dominic F. Mauriellq AICP Town Planner fla'ayom\donkd![tty|lc.l01 {gu"r"uoruo @rn\o ()rn6 v)ov)tn0 X€o . EFI EO<(JA> H A z t4 Ff ---(l)c6*6.9 e;E:E F.9 R€i EE r;E € gEEE =IFilI it Feii€c; !Ea:e E;;E: '.; s"e IcL= - o v(!PO-E f E ='gi :EEH;, E6Eg=:3E3d t=o(,tr sfi;iE * Ei:? fi;F:a EFg;i oz ==E uJo- E (r ut(L : ^IJJEZE<clf6<tneB9=ri Ed => =Ul--E h=(, ddE =9E 66E 5*t x>t q- o -'i!ri UJ F -] - I.d Lc)23 Ht -:fqOi;cf z zH zH Fz Fl uJFooo z Foluv UJo oF E ul tt TLoo I uJFoz utF o z?,,_o( ,- ar =2. n(Do ;>26I I f'..d8: 8trtr -J.-*-5 =E=-r-lrl6il> E =E lrJ o-zoFofEFozoo fr tr{ aJH Htrl F-l H H U) z tsHE& O.{ .AH H E-tHB rJ) <n F z f.rHE rd I I &lrI1t-04t J1 r< <: t(,Y'> ,r lE ii. <rl9 tuJIF lo I ; I l- to rtr I lJ- tot(, .2.l6ri o\o\ El2 F-)U' uJulu- = =E U-lc Lr .l c'\\a C\ .f + F =E UJc z oIf oz (l) Jq o 3l,u UJ(l z 6 UJ U' uJ uJl! = = uJ(L) FoF I EH tll t-' E t{H tr] tt) u) H !E H 3 FH7 H z 14.A ts{ z H U)z >9. -Io =oN Y(r Bzzv- i o- 4=X r >:l F 9 6E66 EZr-()R9 fl r! <(oq d.r! :'i$xtrlXz iNO z tr :f Il! cr tl- E o ..f z E z EElu { <- B uJz .. >lo UJoululzoL lll J z Eoo ullJJ z - F z F .J laz aL4.9=:Fd6B6OI I&I N I I X "l Ilool96t; du-<-og \o HFi HH HF{< 3 F UJ cr X X N X Fl F z d) =r UJo t-r Ir/)l-l rrr I(9l<l f;l>l t-lt{ (, =) tJ- I J .D I I I I*l F ) - $ FiHv) ElE FIzx,1cl UJ =z d] -t rqz&ts z & uJ z F ti rn N UJ o = F\ o\ I Fll-{ F() x E H B z H& =tr € cr) rus:tlFr( = = \or\(n I\oc{o\ FfH . 7 2<H a U) .A E =g I @ N oz ';uJ cc J oz3oF @ .(r I\o F\\T u E H ts trl Fl Fl z H ts t In oz o IJJ ar J z =oF @@.if I\oF.f, ]u ulF z E!'-J rrl B €-.iH B =E I$ z ou,6 J z3 @ F(n I\oNo\ uiJ uJF zE E Ff l1 B lrlHH B =g. tr I.it oz ogJ = (! z B 01F I I I I cil =.1ol HI il r!Iol ==l Iol uFI Ftr t UJz = F tu F f E E <F r,! <zEIIJ Farzo )E<oOF trsfi; ==lo ('z cD = J t ; z dx!lF?<)-<+E Yz =g Ei =A! c <O<tnIII H^Ja: EEE -t I ilF Hl I ll= Elfil lr* to IrrIG It IE l6 loIE lo TElr,z3oC EUI:lEo D tri EIioYZl,l< u, o \l 0\l{l {l l\r\vtr! I I I .\l - tI\ -91 tl N, CTF == = o E .o ou,Fo o =o J 5 .(t o =zoN F = uJ c)-3 tg, z(J61!o trt zI (J UJ r I I I--t- vl UJ(JIq, l(!l ul ^l () z uJ = I I-I9'Fz 2 l-- J IE o tJu, r oz F U ozo ,o; ^.^--r(\l tu J l: z ;6lol ^l 9 c. J v o3tto.z NOIvn'lvA ,A 3r ^FIt1 iF !rg x o|- F E UJ o. t!o-S5-o I u, Foz ulJ @ >Jtso< .. >l lUtrjz ta! tu J I do FrU :o z L|J ()z (,(Jo z F D z () p au F F oz an E 9z UJO3E JLfit €',k la)fl,-fl2 .lzl dluJl cElJ<l>l l!tol zl BtofH N5L z oP =< =,2.3t> FF NN a/,\4 E =x =F lr, td F O{l FI I14, It/, I 14, q C'' o o, o t ou I C| c, \ \2 ?- u, =z (,z Jtt F C) Fzoo IU'r-El.o F(J q Fzo() z C)tlJ = -, cc:g;()5fDtr!z,.r o() -.r O<FE(Jr!<ze.UJF(rZoo s- -q- l-(J LT'F -(J uJz3o J<c)o9llj tl, JO l- J ."id =F= s$s {t otl, o 3; llJ Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657(303) 4'19-2138 Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 51391 Address: 16 FOREST RD. Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. PorLions of the material contained in this Uniforn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with Conference of Building Officials Name: BYRNE RES. Date: May 13, 1991 Contractor: GMA & ASSOC.Architect: RIDEN/GWATHMEY Engineer: Pfans ExAmiNEr: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a completein the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to program are reproduced from the permission of International FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOORL Living roomL Dining room1 Kitchen1 Powder room1 Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Bedroom #21 Bath room #21 Bedroom #3L BaCh roon f31 Halls, cfosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR B GarageB Air lockB HalLs, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL L49 zJ I 1155 544 1.55 zov 261n? r092 2r2 45 J-U5 52 3 41_ L092 585 29 339 953 3349 0.00 23.70 0.00 54.401q trn 26.00 0.00 0.00 2t.20 0.00 18 . s0 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 -t .45 11.85 0 .00 27 .20't .75 r.3 .00 1 .50 0 .00 10.60 z.zJ 9.2s 2.60 0 .00 0 .00 1 .50 0 .00 No Yes No No No NO No No YeS No Yes No No No No No Yes 1 1 1 L I 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 L L 1 L 1 1 1I 1 z -l Page 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operabLe windord or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4l The maximum silL height is 44 inches2l The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterj.or openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205.(c)4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204.5) The requirements for 2 exits fron the 3rd floor is based on Sec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bat,hrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelting unit shall- have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 sguare feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L207.(c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: 1) All glazing in hazardous Locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406.(d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safet.y glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The smoke detector is reguired to be wired to the buildingt s power source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A snoke detector is required on aII stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. 1,210. (a) 4 Page 3 FTREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707.(c)3) The rnininum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa1ls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth nust be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least: If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 5 sq.fL.16 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) e (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between t.he garage and the resi.dence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling nust The maximum rise of a step is -- sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1- Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =35 inches, maximum opening si-ze = 6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or tnore clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2l Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot. for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be l-l300 if at least 50t of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ? be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. { ',' Page 4 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior waLls. Opening shalL provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 1.50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec.25L6.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 108 of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. 2) Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 251-5. (c) 2.3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is. is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADD ITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A STTE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5" BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 25].6 (C) 5 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. . ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALI, REQUIRE AN: ENG]NEER DESIGN. SUCE DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESTGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMIT?ED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINTY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRATN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY TqELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SE?{ER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SAN]TATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WTTH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503(B) . Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from t.he Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of fnternational Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 1 **** **** l. ' r t 3. Project Number: 51391 Address: 16 FOREST RD. Occupancy: R3rML Type of Const: V-N 2 **** *rk*rt 3 **** **** 4 **** **** 5 **** **** 5 **** **** Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Front.age Road VaJ-1, Colorado 81,657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1988 Uniform Buildinq Code Name: BYRNE RES. Date: May 13, 1991 Contractor: GMA & ASSOC. Architect: RIDEN/GWATHMEY Fnrri naar. Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK A11 sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engineer registered in this state. -- Sec. 302 . (b) All areas del-ineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have less than 5'ht. from earth to structural floor,/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 251-6, with ninimum access as per UBC 2516 and max. access of 9 sq. ft. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) Crawl spaces are required to be ventifated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings sha1l have a net area of not less than 1- sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-fLoor area. UBC 251-6(c)6. Provide a minimum 1-8x24" underfloor access. UBC 2516 (c) 2 . Cross connection controf devices sha11 be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC L003. fn buildings of unusually tight. construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shalt be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings sha11 be as per UMC Ch. 6. 7 **t r. *rt** ****t(*** ******** 10 ****,(*** 11 ******** 12 *******t( 13 ******** 14 ******** 15 ******** 16 ******** Page 2 Furnaces not listed for cl-oset or alcove installat.ion shall be installed in a roon or space having a volurne at least L2 tj-mes the volume of thefurnace. A boiler unit will reguire a space 16 tines larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volurne) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes' all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restriction devices. Afso, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. The garage must be separated from the dwelling by lhr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling is required to be a I 3/8 inch thick solid core self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under t.he stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resistj-veconstruction. -- 3306. (m) Elevator shafts which extend through two or more floors shall be enclosed in a shaft of one hr. fire resistive construction. Openings (doors) shall beprotected by a self-cJ-osing assembly with a one hr.rating. (Except doors to outside.) UBC 1706 (a) (b) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of fe1t. solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial vrater & ice shield may be used as per Table 328t. Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shall require engineer designed drawings. Avalanche areas shall require such englneered drawings a1so. Drainage and structural integrity shal1 be addressed by such drawings. Because of this projectts location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finj-shed qrade. UBC l-707(d). 17 ******** 18 **** **** 1O **** ***:t 20 ******** 21 ******** Tbe crawl space area Ls reguired toeither an approved mechanical means the exerLor walls. -- Sec. 2516. (c) Page 3 ventilated by opening The structure is required to be anchored to the foundatalon with L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be lnto the concrete or mastonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See code for addltional requirements. -- Sec. 2907. (f) Provlde a complete foundation design for this building based on the soll for this site. -- 2907. (e) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) e (c) be or 6. byln i_' ul J an o (J Aoz o 2 Fa c v #iiit9.2.;r4.7;€;!; i'e r=i;.2 ? 3 z =-?z;a:Ee>..:''w= E 'Ei 5-':.: b i.: E ->, i.--;= E E; J;:iiizi: = t - '.= JE'i.e€ei E i i=cii:. == 7 L:.E.!EsE: iz iV z2 3: i;;?: ,:{(, c\,1o\o\ (') Eqo C{()o zH Hk F FlH |JH F\ A o F(h F{ \o z zq ] z I U F lnoo\.af J, Fl Htsz t{u) (J z 1.1 H V)t{& trtz t-r z AF-x .,i:TExlxQ ,., ll >zzRS< 3dz ,Y r- ;-z"v)=d ErEr->^q--V ^ kJ \./-<.^ f- L- z.a!n<F<=LIJ F \,,€(4co crr z3F-F*QJ<H:i-sEod<lcz>F><-p El-'B=HUFFFQl-tJ il*o>f,;nO€tue 5Ex: !{rrcZi F-.2U.-ff;<uosx-,.1.^FY* EEsE F\ -at-lts -d * r_l =lE{=i'.PAat trtE E F+E tH tA tsea a. EgI F?.F -,-Ptl =E|e€ ffJrfrl |{A. €ttr{o MEIVIORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT:Follow-rlp to Town Coundl nvlew of ofi-eite developrnent djacont to Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Vlllage Flrt Flllng/l Forest Road Apgllcant: Ron Byme On September 15, 1992 the Town Coundl rovleurod a Deslgn Bovlew Board (DRB) approval for I Forest Road. The DRB approval was br a changa b ths tandscape plan. Dbasslon was hets relating to th€ lmprovoments cornpletod by th€ property os,nor on U.S. Forest SeMce (U.S.F.S.) land. The lmprovemenb Included a wabr dlversion structiro, rogrding, the addltion of lanGcaplng and slte walls. Rob lsVine motoned b uphold |hs DRB decblon and Jim Gibson seconded the motion. The vote passed unanimously. Tom Sblnboq mde a second motion regarding the technical studies to be comdetEd lor he encroachments on U.S. F.S. land. This motion failed 1-6. A third motion by Rob LeVine was made rclatlng to concems about the U.S.F.S. encroachments wi$ these corditions: 1. The staft not issus a linal Certificate ol Occupancy (C.O.) until sucfi tim€ as stiaff determined wheher or not additional studies wEre necessary and appropriate;and 2. There was evidence of an agreement between the U.S. Forest Seruice and the property owner regarding the encroachments on U.S.F.S. land. This motion was seconded by Merv Lapin and passed 7-0. The stiatf was further directed to return to Council regarding the watsr diversion on the prop€rty. Atter revleur ol the Unlform Building Code and Town policies, the staff has determined hat in proiects of this nature, detailed engineering studies have q! been required. lt may be pMenl to requlre these sludies in the future depending on he complexity ol he project. The DRB guUelines allow the statt to request further drainage study. Further, the Council requested lhal we review the slope stability for the endre Forest Boad area. Because lhis expsrtise ls not available ln house, a consultant would need b be hlrgd to complete this task. Attached is conespondence botrveen the U.S.F.S. and Mr. Byme. These letters detailwhat will be required of Mr. Byme in order to rcsolve lhe encroachment lssue. The U.S.F.S. has required that an envlronmential analysis be completed to ktentfi any oonsequ€nces of lhe oonstruction ol the dlversion structures completed by Mr. Byrne. This will need to be completed prior to the permitting of any diversions. Mr. Byme has agreed lo compleb all of the U.S.F.S. requirements as specified. At tris time the statf would recommend that a tinal C.O. be released lor the projecl. Town Coundl Shelly ilello October 13, 1992 aq,nffi t-l^ KON HYRNE' &ASsOCIATEs' REAL EsTATE EE'{5 EftfGE STF|EET \IA\L CCILCFAtrO B1€F-/!4-rr,'47eJ1gE7 September24, 1992 N{r, Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road lMcs! Vail,CO 81657 Dcar Jsy: Anachol is the lencr we received frlom Williasr Wood, the Dstrict Range& Egarding the conditions specified by thc Forest Service for my propclr.v located on Forest Road. I agrce to all of the condidons set fonh in the lctter and I am pleased *rat everything has come to a satisfactory resolution. Pleasc give me a calt if ;,ou should havc any guestions. I am hopeful that this will allow us to obnin our penificate of Occupanry, regards, Ron Byrne RBrdjs @ United States Departnent of Ag ricui- tu re Fores t Serv ic e white River Nat ional Fo res t Holy Cross Ranger District P.0. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 303-827 -5715 8L645 Reply to: 5450 Date: Septenber 2!, 1992 Ron Byrne Ron Byrne and Associates Real Estate 285 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Byrne: on April L0, t992 you nere proviiled with a letter fron the Forest sewicedesctibing the desired outcone of the title clain case resulting fron the improvenente which nere constructed on National Foreat Systen liods directly behiad your resideace oa Forest Road. on septenber L5, !992, Tin Granthen of ny staff, reviewed the work which has beea conpleted vitb you aad Jay Petersoa. I appreciate ttte effort you bave made thus far in reeolving this case and hope that ne may coDtinue to $ork towards a Eati6factory solution. Below is a 1i6t of work renaiaing to be done and the procedute you should fo11ow to get the diversion atructure uuder a Special Use Pernit. Tbe area oa the weet eDd of your 1ot bae been reclai-ueil to the Forest Sewicers satisfaction. Tbe najority of the retaiaing wa1l has been renoved and recontoured aud aative vegetatio! planteit. The boulders shich are about 3tiers high aloag tbe basd of the slope are on the propelty litre aad should beleft for slope stabilization. The aou-aative treea and eod that were eouth oftbie area bave beea renoved aod no additiooal work ie required. The sodded area ab ove tbe divereion ilitcb pluage pool sti11 treeds to be reooned dowa to the Forest Bouodary aoil tbis area rerregEtateal with Detive plaat aad grase species. lhe crab tree which was plaoted in thie area is on the property liae aad can renaia ia p1ace. I an allowinB you utrti1 the uiddle of October to begin tbe revegetation work 60 a6 to take edvaotage of lete fa11 ooieture. 4L1_ work--e!est4_b_e- corpleted by_[ovenber 15! 19.9?r At the tioe tbe work has been conpreteo,J'".s.ootrfyu@EaD].asPectroaofEoewort. K0ace this work has beea corpleted, ny goal is to tben get the water diversioo structure uader permit, for whicb an annual fee will be aesessed. Tbe first Etep to pernitting the atructure i8 to fill out a Special-Use Application and Report and subnit it to tbi6 office for processing. I bave erclosed a blarik applicstioa for your use. f si11 follow the EaDe process that would aotnally F96200.2E(7-621 @ occur before a structure of this type would be allowed to be constructed oDNational Forest Systen l-ands. tfbis wiJ-1 require an environroental analysiswhich will display the consequeaces of consfructing the structure. Before rcan recotIlJtrend to the Forest Supervisor that the diversion structure should beperroitted, r !'il1 need to kaow how thie feature has affected glple _slebilityand $r{ rl.ogicel charq-clgqgqigC_of _tbe ellegg4'q!ea. Ehs;ep_o_rt _"19o1,1-"1"oadd re,E s the 6af ery and iategritJ_ of lhe _s,tructure. This study vii:.- aEea to ueconducted by a certified engiaeer at ybui-cost.--i any otber reportE or dataare neceEaary to issue a decision to al1ow this sttuctule, you will also beresponsible for providing tho6e to.tbe Forest Service. Thank you for your continued cooperation in resolviag this situation. Once youhave returneil the enclosed application, the analysis process will begin. W* District Ranger Enc l osure TJG F9.6200.28(7.62) USDA-Forest Service SPECIAL.USE APPLT.CATION AND REPORT (Ref .: FSM 27 L2, 36 CFR ZSt.S4) FOREST SERVICE USE ONLY Date Received Gnold.y /y.) - -/- -/- - Region Number State Code County Code INSTRUCTIONS Applicant should request a meeting with the Forest Service reprGentative responsible for processing the application, prior to complrtlng this torm. This meeting' will allow a discussion of the form's requirements and identify those items to be omitted. Congressional Dist. Number Forest Code (Admin, Unit No.) Unit lD Symbol (NFFID No.) Ranger Dist, No. (R.3p. Dist.) User Number Kind of Use Cods )PART I-APPLICATION (Applicant Completes) l. Applicant Name and Address (include Zip Code) 2. Authorized clude Zip C \gent Name, Title and Address (in. rde) it difterent from ltem l.3. Area C Numbel !. Applical b. A"th*i, ode and Tclepho rt's "d Ag"r.t! a 4. As applicant are you? (iiafk or)r box with ..X") a, E Individuat b. E Corporation. c. n Partnership/Associationt d. ! State Government/State Agency o. E Local Government t E Fcderat Agency . It m.rk.d ..X', com9tst. PART lt. 5. Specify what application ls lon (Mark one box with 'X') q. E New authorization. b. fl Renery €xistlng authorization c. E Amend edsting authorization. {. ,f} Other' . It mrrkld "X', provldr drtrllE undcr ltlm 7. 6. It you are an individual or partnership. are you also a citizon(s) of the Unitcd Statcs? E Yes E No. :' 7. Describe In detail ttt" t.nO fications (length, width, acres, .tc.); (d) teim of yearc needed; (6) time of yea-r'of us! or operation; (f) duration dnd timing of cc struclion; (8) tellAgf?ry work arsas needed for cohstructlon; and-(h) anticipaied nced for future cxpaniibn. (lt extra space iincede usc Page 3, REMARKS). 8, Attach map covoring arca and show locatlon of propos€d usc and/or fumbh lcgal d$crlption ot tha land, 9. Give statemcnt of your technical and financial capabitity to construct, operatc, and terminatr the usc for whlch authorl2ation |3 rcqu.3ta including the protection and ra€toration of Fcderal lands. (ll .rtr& spec€ is needed, usG pagc 3, REMARKS). OM9 No. 059:grplres 8/31/l Pr.vlour adltlon 13 obrolrt..(ovEn)F92'OG3 (' 10a, Describe other reasonable alternative pro.-iosals consicjered. 10b. Give explanation of why it is necessary to , 1l.Providestatementofneedforproposed,'",in.|,oine.l !3Eliifit"f-?Sjntenance); (b) estimated cost or nex--t uest arieffie;-""d i;i ;;;";#il-bril b;;:;ir:i"d &1j1p... ii neeJe+-ulj I f-.'i : .. ' ... .. 1_..i. , ..; 1r t2.Describeprobableef'ectsontheareapoPulation,inc|uding3ocia|"nd""onom@ '_i I:' ,ssLr rus rr,rerv envrronmenral enecrs tnal tne proposed use-lill- have on: (a) air qu-ality; (b),visua.l impacl; (c) surface and giound waterquality and quantitv; (d) controt or.structural chanle on any.stream or othir 'body bi wiiei;..(e) eristingrois€ levets; (f) land surrace, in.cludins vesetation. permafrost, soit and soil. st€biti!; and (-s)_o_oo utations ot tijtr,'pli rii, wiiirir6 ina -nil?i'iii'ii"lii*ijoi,ig tnr"atened andendangered species. (lf extra space is needed, usj'page 3l'n-etiairXSj.- -' :'-"'.!'.i:".' "" l/1.Describe what actlons will bc taken to protec-t thc cnvlrcnmcnt from the cffccti of thr propo3cd usc. 15' Nane-all .-Fed:1"1: -Sl3!^", County.or other department(?)/agency (ies) where.an application for thls is being fited. Attach approprlatelicense, building permit, certificate or other approval document. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that I am of.legal age and authorized to do business in the State and that I have personally examined th6 Information.^?tl'It.tA.linthAA^h|;^.+i^^.n,{.k...hi.i^t^,F6}i^^i.^^-^^'.^ the best of my knowledge,l6a, Applicant's Signature (Slgn in ink)15b. Dato Title-l8, U.S.C_Section -1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and wiltfullyto make to any department or agency of the United Stat6any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its iurisdi;tio;. -2- I I 7 PART ll-SUPPLEtuiENTAL INFORMATION (Appticant Gompretes)( MARK "X" IN APPRO- PRIATE BOX BELOW ATTACH ED FILED' a. Articles of Incorporatlon tr tr b. Corporation Bylaws tr tr trc.from the State showing the corporation is in good standing and is entitled to op€rate within the tr tr tr e' The name and address of each shareholder owning 3 percent or more of the shares, together with the numberand percentage of any class ot voting shares of the eniity which such Ehareholder is'aui-horized to votl ina ttrename and address of each affiliate of the entity together with, in the case ot an affiliate controtled by the entity.the number of shares and the p€rcentage_ of any class o{ voting stock of that affitiate ownedi Oirectty 6iindirectly, by that entity, and ,in the case of an affiliate which conirols that €ntity, the number of shares-andthe percentage of any class of voting stock of that entity owned, direc"tly or inoir6ttty, by the rfiitiate: tr tr t. lf application is-for an oil or gas pip€line, describe.any related riSht'of.way or temporary qsG p.rmit applica- tions, and identify previous applications.tr tr g. lf proposed land use involves other Federal lands identify each agency impacted by proposal.tr tr II-PUBLIC CORPORATIONS a, Copy of law forming corporation D E b. Proot of organization r tr c. Copy of Bylaws tr tr d. Copy of resolution authorizing filing tr tr e. lf ipplication is foiin oil oi gas pipeline, proviae inioimation requircd:by ltem "l-f" and "l-g" above,tr tr III-PARTNERSHIP'OR OTHER UNINCORPORATED ENTITY a. Articles of association, if any tr tr b. lf one partner is authorized to sign, r€solution authorizing astion is tr tr c. Name and address of each particlpant, partner, association, or other tr tr d. lf application ls for an oit;;'dis ;ipellne, pioviae'iriroimatlon Gquired by item "t.f" !nd "1.g" abovi'tr I] . lf the required information ls already fllcct wlth the Forcst S€rvlcc rnd ls currcnt, chcck box titled "Fitcd." Pro\ridc thG fi13 ldantitication information (e.g., number, date, code, nam. and oftics at which tited). It nst on filo or curt.dt, attrch rcqu.sted Intormation. REMARKS: Cfhis space is provided for morc detailed rcapon3$ to PART l.) apply, Attac[ shelts, if additional space i3 needed. ...: : .... Please indicatc tha ilam number! to which thcsc. rcsponses ' Delete one by lining it out.I u.5 Gor.rnF.ni trtn$nt o'lt..r tttr-tt2.atal5t5ta I Cee,"F 1q/r,,-w)11 t, Ytrmut-lr , ll,U V\aV- fu.J.ul- frL'4Lre,.0 l..ll 'r', ), ll1lr{.1 - lA/Wrl l ':l W dat a..--iIwn -- :s$ +)a .,.,-,iu1-'ES VAIL1OWN COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 7:30 PM. A regular meeting of the v_ailTown council was held on r\resdal, september rE, rg92, in thefffft chamberg of the vail uuniapar CJriine. TLe neetine r.I "ar"a to 6"a"" lizieo MEMBERSI PR,ESENT:Peggy Oeterfoes, Mayor Mew Lapin, Mayor Prp-Tem Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg Rob IeVine Bob Buckley TostN .FFI.IAIS pRESEN': IGn Hughev, Assistant Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorneypam Braadneyer, Assistant tothe Town ManagerMartha Raecker, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation of which there was none. Second on the agenda was a Consent Agenda consisting of two itemg: A' Ordinance No. 22, Series of lgg2, second rcading, an ordinanoe authorizingaad directing acquisition of ootain p"op"tty .oi p"tti"or""ry descrig inExhibit A, attached hereto and inorporated mr.i"i;tl"p_p"rt ;l i* p*tand recreatioD purposes' and authorizing *a O*.ii"g the acquisition of acertain pemanent easement -o"" pirti"ura"ly rresc"ibed fi Erhibi-Battached heyto and incorporated herein f"tne ealorent") to Ue ,cq"ireJ Uynegotiation if possible, arrd, if negotiation is not succ€8sfuI, by enio"oi-Ao-aliproeedings. B' Ordinance No. 23, Seriee of 1992, second reading an ordinance auth.orizinga,'d dirccting acquisition of a peruanent easement more particurarrydegcribed..in Exhibit-A, attachei hereto ;J;;;*ted herein, (,,theeasement")forlublic drai^rys.e puryoses by *goti"iio", *E ir""goii"lio roiacquisition is not successful, by eminent;";;;;;;diri". Mayor osterfoss read the titles in fur. Larry Eskwith noted correctiou of a t52o in ordinanceNo' 22, and stated the word "pemanent; *i"-t"t* added beforgtl" -oa,,easement,,i,, thetitles of both of these ordinances before neJplbfication -NA;il" addition is showD inbold above') Jim Gibson movg{ t" "pp*"" the consent Agenda with the conection andadditions as noted by Larry, with a r"d"a oo- Tom steinberg. A vote was taken and themotion passed unanirn6usty, f-e. Item No' 3 was ordin'nf:e No. 24, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance authorizing theiseuanoe of the Town ofvail, coiorado, G.";""I obri;d";ilfllni;ig Bonds, series r992Ain the total acgnecate principal "pggr; oio-z,ooo,ooo-ro" tne pu"pore'orrrn oding a portiouof the Town'e outetandinq Genera- ourigaiion i"rulrai"g so"a!,s:i"" 1988; preecribing theform of gaid bonds; providing for the d;;;i;"oal aa iabren t"r*'t" pay the principal ofand the interest on the Bonds; provi iog o*-["? **n'n+"e snd dstails i:x conaection there*it]r,and repealing all ordinance G conllici tn"""ritn. Mayor osterfoss read the title in full.steve Thonpson explained the purpoee "f tht" orainance anJ or-cxaio"o." No. 25, seriee of1992' Iarry Aubrecht, represendng Hanifen Inlo_tr, Jack wari*n""senting Kempersecurities, and steve JeffeG, repre"itioffi"g K. p;;, diEc"..,ia ru bond details, andthe rationale of splitting into tw; boDd id;: general obligation refundirog bonds and Balestax revenue refunding bonds. After diecussion concernilg repo nnouDts, ratings, and callperiods, Men Lapin noted these *di";;; ;re not finalirnifi ane"-eecona reading. Therewas disorssion concerning potential "o"seq"e*es should the"" ooaio.i*, not pass on seoond readiog. Menr then_ Tored to approve orq1nce No. 24, series of r9g2, on first reading,with a second from Rob Levine. Avote ",* t"t"" *d,il;;;; paseed ulnni'susly, f-Q. Item No' 4 was ordinance No. 25, series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance authorizing theigsua"c€ of rown of vail, colorado sales iax n r,"o,r" n ni"iiilLo ,*p_o"ment Bonds,serieg 19928; pncviding th.e rorm, terms-ana *"aiuo* J;t;;i;, the manner and terasof issuance, the manner of execution, G3 "B.a;a;*;";; tbe sec'rity therefore;plefuing sales rax and parking reve""!""itil-i"rr"-Oilti"*p.ll_?t of the bonds; pnrvidiugcertain covenentg and other aetaits and maki'g other provisions oncening the Bonds andthe sales tax and oarking trr'"oo""; Ltisos- "ti*-p.rJo.riy-t"t". and appertainingthereto; and repearine "u i"air*."" i;;;il;h"*;rf,. "i,I;#o"terross read the title infult' Noting thi purpose lod pa*icurars;f tbt"-";;;; f"Ti["" a"rr"*d in conjunctionwith ordinance No. 24, seriee of rsga M"- r,apin moveJ ti-Jipo.," ordinance No. 2b,Series of 1992, on first reading, *ith;;;;d-f;; fi;i#:"d vote waa taken and themotion passed ungniYneusly, ?-0. seco;d reaaings "l-6"di;; ll". zr and ordinance No.i*"H:'r:ilTft JrT,#:ut"droiav"il-;;-c;;-!#'rE;d;dil;;; Item No' s ,^Tss ordinance No. 26, series -of 1992, first reading, an ordinqnee repearinpsection 11 of ordinance No. 14, s"rl"r riisst, s"ur""ti"" ;;ff;d"g rhe vail villig loispecial Development District regarding a usl restrictio" o " J-"uiogrui! and setting forthdetaits in regard thgrejo. fhe appriEani*p_ g9c "f t"itb;;do, L.p.Frank ciem.Mavor osterfoss read th.e title in iitt. uit" Mollica *p1"ilffi;applicants r€quest xrasfor a mqior nrnendment to Special Development District (SOOI No. 6 (Vail Villagp Inn) irlorder to r€move a renfgt restriction "d" Urit No. S0 of-th"-Vail Vilage Tnn plazacondominiums' Mike briefly outtinea inritmation cuvered in-h" dopt memo dated August24' 1992' rregarding the background and history of the el,anning ptrocess which occurred i:r1989' allowing unit No' 30 to be "oo*"t"d fro- comme"&.al use t?gidential use. He notedf,[s p]enning and Environmental Clnnission (pEC), at E;; A"g,r.t 24, 19g2, publichearing' had unani6susly voted tz-ot t" t---m-end deniJ ortni".ipri"ant,s request. r<"nwilson, Branch Broker for vail as'socials Real -ilate frrir"otiog the appricant,distributed a retter dated seplemu"r ri,-isgi, *ht; q";;"i"if"*", or not unit No. B0should have ever been placed uoa"" the c;;d"-i"idC""t"*-ii"*""ainance, and whetheror not the ordinance had been consjstently applied over;h;.;; i,his point, Bob Bucklevstepped down from discussion-of -this agenia ii,t- a"" t "-*""?ii conrlict of interest. Alengthv exchange followed with Mr. wir-.""ta "ppu"*I, rilol-di"ro, artemately voicingopinions about lack ofconsistency io "oroi""-eot 6ftn"Coirao-i"iir- conversion ordinance-.refering to the Gatewav.and .v4 vilaee Inn "" "dj";;;;;;;;"s without the rentairestrictions, and questionilc th.e legalid of th.;"dil;;;. "c"fiir and staff repeatedlvemphasized each sDD stoodln its oin -""i1, -u,,3 """h=tb h-aJikerent restrictions anidevelopment staadards. Tom.steinbe;;_d_*o r"vio" poiot"l*J"iloo""ssions other sDDshad made as part of the *eation of th-eir sDDs. when;iltf;;ourd consider puttinsin employee housing u+ts- as pqt of nir tquert, lvlr. ciaem ,aa u would, but had nolpreviouslv contemplated tF igf". Rob suggest€d M"- ai;;;;tu:n to Council with acomprehensive plan for firrther discussion ueriL ashng ro" a G* soo anendment agaia.Allter discussion about t\-ontigngro"offig negotiation di";rio* r,ith the pEc, llr.cicerp asked ordinance No. zo, series-of 1992, ry t"ri"a *-n" ""ra explore alternateproposals. At rhis point, Jim Gibson moved t d€;y O"di";; N;iOlS""io of 1992, on firstreading, with a second from T9m steinberg. s"oo " "ot" *,;; irlfr'u"yo" osterfoss notedat the time the rentar restrictions *e"" pli"J oo Mr c"gry{""din" ro". on the pEC andshe felt the cur:rent request did not -iJ oit"ri" B and D;f th; lte sDD criteria. I\[r.cioero again asked for a motion to table the orrlinanc" *I"-ai-i fi*,lor to gtart the prrcessfor this emsadrnsaf request from scratcb- Jim Gib;;thd*; his motion to denvordinance No. 26, seriej of 1992, ""a co- st"i"u""g *tua*, ilii L*oa of that motionJim Gibson then moved t"^1"."{ t"bri;g;;rtpooiog of ordinance No. 26, series of 1992,qdth a secbnd from Tom steinberg. .i "oti-** tafen and tn.t--nr;oo pessec, 4-2, p.obLevine and Merw Laoin- opposea fu*e lloili". indicated an .aaltr"r gr,000 applicationfee woutd be required orM". ci"""o;,;;;;d ro" "o Sdo *"Jit"""r, and there wourd bea time delav of approximately fi*," *eekel-ii-_ Gibroo;;;-;;;y Ordinance No. 26,series of 1992, on first reading, as it did "ot -oror- *ith sDD-Jt"ria and the vail villageMaster plan. Tom ste!'berg se*"d"d thi; iottg". A ;;;; t"t"n, and the motion todenv ordinance No. 26, series of r99i, o" n".t "*rdi"g p;.r"d, 6'-6-rlfou n,r"uey abstaining. Bob Buckley then rejoined Council. 2 Item No' 6 wag review of proposed Torr'n o:. ;r,' contract wirh_AlpiDe &rtenrational, Inc. todesign the master plan ior th" T;;; 'r air cemetery- and pt,ovide the accompanyingpanngemsal rcport' Aldy l{nudtsen aoted the pmpoerd agot l"t war Ltrfiire Co.ncil forapproval becauee it iuvolved a ree geateit+g" $5-o;0i6: i" uJ"ii reviewed. a ConmunityDwelopment nepartmenr (cDD);";;L d;;';d fi;"pil:iip. datr.J May Lz, rssz,which included iiro-auo alolit pffis ou the cemetery projeet. He ,-rlso re'iewed. thedetails of the Rtr'P lry3ls-q3d t""6, L;;; and egtimatcd i.*i, il," tn. prujecr. rhe budget6gure arrivea at wae-S60,000, *ith ;;;i"g".y of g5,400 to orrer possible cost orrerruns.I(rietn" Prirz advieed td b"ei"t;;Ji-p: ry- salarysavings in cDDs budg€t. JimGibsou pointed out the_enetery area was originaly inteuala to u"?p"o ,puo, and, althoushsherryDorward' vice-Prcsideu;JAlpi"" tternational,Inc., advised no definitive guidel6shad yet been set, she -indicat€a Lt" -#"t"ty was being planned to be natural andunobtnrsive' Th"*:T-!"ef dis.u'Bior;c*dt"c r gr"r"ei"itildlplanned for the oemeterysite' Tom st€iDbers sugested the ceneteE m'nagernent be co'solidated with the Mi.tunxc,emetery oistrict,-anaT,he_ il"rr";ff;i"e at tte;o;t"t" ""d NotringhaD. It waBnoted t'hat Larry sloane, tr" p*j""t -ri!g"**t consultant, wourd be at tbe october 6,1992' council work se-ssion,-"ia i"av ,Ga council to provide direction to Mr. sloane atthat meeting' Jim Gibgo.n-ihen -o#al-ipp*.'" the Town orvaiycontractor Agreementwit'h Alpine Interaational, Inc lLdesiea iieloaster plan for the TOV cenetery, with a secondfrom Bob BucHey' Before a vote was taken, I(ristan enphasized this sgr€€Eent was for }ff'* plus the $o,aoo contingency. E *t;r* taken anti tne -ouoo passed uaaninously, Item No. 7 was an aopeel oj-the Design Review Boaril (DRB) decision to apprcve landscaDechan.ges fr" thg s]'rni Relge"*;ffl,;io,* z, vail viuage rst Filing/l Forest Rd- Theap.nli.cant yas Ron-Bane'.sneuy iaJ[ u*i-y er.prai""d council had expressed concern withexisting site develoomc-nt encroachne"trtto-u.s. Foreet s"*ice r*a. Jay peterson $*":rya t\e historv old"r"l"p;;;;;;;""Bvt re property, including discussions with vailAssociates, Inc. regarding devbbpment giq pl"" tiai"J"*"t"i-"-"d the pnoperty. JoeMacv, of vail Associates, Inc. ffA), "ou"a dt**;t*;ii"ii"pfr""t of thie lot with stafrand Ned Gwathmey, the architect t6" * *"i*t_at the time, had-taken place approximatelytwo years ago' The elan resulted in thi installation or r *"L" aversion eystem whichencroached on Forest s:*j"" propertv. .l"v *l,,o*r"d;"d ;;;;al had been reoeivedfrom the Forest servioe before'thswaie" iiiq""ioo pran qa1 implemented. fim Grantham,Lands Folester wit'h the Forest s"*i*-i" mlltut-, noted there had been a eite vigit to theByme propertv, and rnoet of what ther"*rt s"rvi; had a;kJ toT" aoo" at that propentyto correct the encroachment situation had been d"*. -ddi;;"xy,-iu". c"rotln,, gaid theForest senrice recognized the"e *as a;;L; doi""g" p-il"--i" iiut "or, and had agreedto a special use Pemit arrangement;th M". gy--" u"a"" a" t"aitio" the Forest servicewas not liable for anv d"-agl due to tle cnan-ge in the draiaage pattern caused by r[r.Byrne's water divensiou system. There was technigal discussion-about the water llow andrunofr, and further olanslor re-rcuting the water. At this point, Larry Eskwith indicatedthis agenda item conLmed * .pp""r "i. onb approval of landscape changes, not the water frairycg -isTe'-Larrv sa1{ two siiarat" ;ofio"r would be required. Rob LeVine then movedto uphold the DRB decision to approve tne hrd"*p.;l;;;r, Jrn a secud from JimGibson' A vote was taken ana tlat -oti* p.r""d unerrimously, ?-0. r,arry suggested asecond motion regarding a written "g""-d between tne roreJt senrice, Ron Byrne, andTov about Mr' Bylroe's wate" ai""*ioi .tr".t*g and other eIrc"oa"lmeots be required priorto the issuance of the final Certificatc oi Occupancy (C.O.) After additional technicaldiscussion about the undergmund a""li"" plp*'i"rau;d;; ro"""t senice land by I\[r.Byme, ground water movem=e"t te"ae"a"e, "rllil u""i"r.;d th" ;io*rts vA had the rightto open or close, Tom sFinberg-suggested the Forest s"*G h;";li'"i" uya-ugi. engineerlook at the whole situation o tn irrG.-rot "r* "tpr"rr"a-otiaro"-at }Ir. Bynne,e havingput in structures on Forest Servioe dna witlout pemission, and :r. ;hout having advisedTov, therebv placing Tov a! uabiritt i;r.;Lt d;G-;i;ItE,,' . Tom steinberg thenmoved that staffbe inetnrcted not to Lsue " p.".*"ot c.oluntil such time as satisfactoryresulte were neceived on a.hydrologtc-st"dyiy a hydmlogic engiaeer as to the effects andsafetv of the engineering structureJ that h;d ir"" ilh;tM".'BJ,*;, and until (l) a planfor revegetation of the cut slope "rJ otl"i ,r"as of ;r-r,pact *""1"""i""a, (2) satiefactoryresults of a mechanical engineering study ao"" ar"iog th" next ma"jrn rrn nrn-offin the a'eawas received, and (3) a written agreement with the Firest S";;; *orked out about Mr.B;rrne's water diversion system. Jin Gibeon seonded that motion, Larry suggested theuniform Building code bschecked to agoertain if th;"di;; "-q"""t"a in this motion wer.eappropriate requi-rements. Jay stated the applicant ",o"fa gi;T6; " btter holding TOV regarding the water diversion issue on this pmperty. Item Noe. 8,9, nnd l0 were Infonation Update, Council Reports, and Other. lbe following issuee were raised: * Jin Gibson andJim Shearerhadvisited the hrblicWorks Departnent(P\ill) on Septenber 15, 1992. Jim Gibson noted Larry Grafel and Pete Bur:nett had asked to be incl-uded in original plan revicws of DRB and PEC decieions atrecting eoow plowing and enow storage. Jim Gibeon noted PW requested aesistaDce with development of a Pw pR campaign. * Merv Lapin asked l&istan hitz for a list of restricted rental pmperties. * Tom Steinberg advised Colorado Public Radio had installed some of their trenslator equipment, and noted the FCC had turned down their request for a $40,0fi) federal grant. He anticipated Colorado Public Radio would !s naldng a contribution request to TOV. * Merry Lapin inquired about paved parking at the soocer field. Joe Macy stated that area was VA property, and thought there was an agreement between TOV and VA regarding the usage of that lot. Staff was directed to research existing ar:rangements. * Menr Iapin asked what becarne of the flng pole planned to be erect€d outside VRA offices in honor ofPaul Johnston. * Jim Shearer felt appointed TOV board member terus should be limited to 8 consecutive years. Larry Eskwith was directed to draft an ordinance for Council review. Before adjoumment, Larry Grafel spoke briefly about results of bids received for deyelopment of the Ski Museum Park. He noted the two bids received exceeded es '-ated costs by ZO to 100%, and were rejected. He said bitls for the project would be resolicited iD January, 19g3. There being no further business, a motion to adjourm the meeting was made and passed unanimeusly. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfirlly submitted, Margaret A. Oster{oss, Mayor ATIEST: Martha S. Raecker, Town Clerk Minutss hk6n by Dodanne S. Deto C:\MlNSEP15.92 ':-"- ;,,'::! ii r rr' r1's ;ilt* . 1''-?lltdirffiFlltfiFTrt Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Opntact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: atock 1 , nlins Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL 0 Statt Approval qissE;d,=''ss5g .., trI E dEulg L llt tnt! ,J a o\ {.f.| rfttt F g & ln 5o # IJ IHIl lt 0 z 3 0 F !!-9r '\ { $*g$E $F;IAE E F a-*5"8 Fr 'fi s#$Hg H # $ffi I{t(i| I @s 4-/ ,l a7f-'u-eIa-at-'rJ \ T0Wtl0FUAhL 7 5 Sottb Frostagc Road Vail, Colorado 8I6JT t0t -47 9-21 1 I / 47 9 -21 19 D cp artmc nt of Commtnity D co c lopm c nt July 20, 1992 lilr. Jay Peterson Atbmoy at Law Vail National Bank Bullding 108 S. Frontage Road, Sutte 307 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Byme Resldence, lot 1, Block 7' Vall Vlllage Flrst Flllng Dear Jay: I am writing this letter in response to your Inqulry regading any outstanding lt€ms which need to be completed prior to Town lssuance of a Certificate ol Oocupancy for the Byrns Residencs. To the best to my knodedge, the only oubtanding items which need to be completed, are the ltems whlclr were discussed at the May 6, 1992 Deslgn Revlew Board meeiing and the items discussed ln Charlle Davis' May 29,1992 memorandum to the Town of Vail Buitding Department. Please find attached a copy of fre Proiect Applicatlon approval sheet lor the May 6, 1992 DRB meeting and Charlie Davis' memo. t believe all of the ltems discgssed In this memo have been completed. Horever' the Community Development Department stafl will confer with Charlie to insure all of ths ltems discussed in his memo have been completed to fire satisfaction of the Public Works Department prlor to the issuance of a final C.O. As you know, my final day with thE Town of Vall ls today. Further irquiries regarding this matter should be directed to Kistan Pritr at 479-2138. Sincerely, -<iAe {q"-4'n4/\L\)I) .tulxannercr/ nlor Planner rafitFFi;i*s--f'rTE-::'--r'rzDF s.--1Ffirl'?' t Project Application /bkr( 7fes4/er)cz)- 17y'rs/ fi-""'a'7-7 fes) o"' 4g b" /l/2 Va-r/ Srazr/rrr \-zr/rr;caProiect Name: Proiect Descriptron: Contact Person and Phone flm Urne,285 t^ &, ,f/. l4.u/,rb. 8td5'/ lttour 4za'//a7 Owner, Address and Phone:rl. /1n Er:.l/g/05 Architect, Address and Phone: P/ut,n 2q7- ///4 Block 7 '/7(1 tmk/t Co/n 'frk leJ Stbtr h & uaTpr/fr Sorr ')( 0-, Design Motion by: Seconded by: ,7a aTTtrul/( APPROVAL ,u,^s lh/h/4u, /{ )fu ,b ri8d fu nn /, r/, , Zone ,u '4 r/cztr- tp/ r 6.//4.7€ Re"view /"d.7/. Board ltJ 77( l<fr // Tt raJ DISAPPROVAL tJt+tt*t t,4,/Su m mary: '/ lrtn kn,/rb (lrr *r'mil Zu/t //az'aJ(c, li' 'zayzro,/" 6 6.74-. ea*' {70,s/a, Za72S -ai,or€ 5/a 2 -sfunc 4,61 y'ny'/a7;- h /tTfrzx ,fe: rb rru /r/t rra e' a' 3/,'fififo r/ lfra- -So At ,o/,&,&.l'(/fdo 4sarv 4/i '2ue kk/,€"/&7(z -,aza ,/rss , "/A " Vco,Lirai nerbrntia ahll, *ou lz/'tit',-- a-n //s-a&,Eh- /,(fl//')/nq 4a-^ rffT4- aVfat/Q7\J 4 rb h 7:ra-,*"/; "(Sf://::' { ? "/ ru(/t'- f-l cr" -rb tz -zz,sh//erf >lL|*Wi ede A,"?t /oA" -zz"-rh//ef >iL;pp'&'%u'- ln/1 azt/ t*";::i#FAEii/11,2.%.1%7aFt-*,.,//fi**{i"-t las k.,fuoz?7 a z>, hzlt o^rc z/au L' //72 'J \'^Lo_AfrWW a_KCa: Ut^_.t) fufr.r*, b_.^-{_ ttkOu*atdIldJ '. G4 .w" W' -- J .$,-Lt I^-"-,,.- -...-J,.f''* August 4, 1992 HAND DELMERED Mr. Jay Peterson Vail National Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Byrne Resldence, Lot 1, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Flrst Flllng Dear Jay: We have completed research on what final issues need to be completed before he Town will be able to release a final certificate of occupance for the Byme Residence. Below is a list of the items that need to be addressed: 1. The Hobart window frames are to be painted white to match the Byrne Residence window frames. 2. The Hobart brick building facade is to be painted to match the color of the Byrne Residence's stone siding color. 3. The Hobart concrete retaining wall adjacent to Forest Road is to be painted to match the color of the Byme Residence's stone siding. 4. The Hobart concrete retaining wall is to be capped with the same stone as the Byme Residence stone siding. 5. The boulder landscapingArvalls are to be installed between the two residences to tie them together. The wall heights shall not exceed the ma(imum allowable of 6 feet and 3 feet in the front setback. 6. The drainage/waterfall is to be reworked to better channelize the waterflow. 7. The dry stack wall at the end of the driveway (west end) is to be redone with more slope so as not to be so vertical. As an alternative, the applicant may conslruct a Mr. Jay Peterson August 4,1992 Pqe2 vertical stone face wall in ths setback that is no more than 18 inches from the lower retiaining wall. The area between the walls is to be planted. Regardless of the type of wall to be installed, the area between th€ walls shall be a minimum of 18 inches and will be landscaped. trim and facia color on the Byrne Residence has been painted to match facia of Hobart Residence. 8. A final landscape deck must be completed. 9. Public Works must be paid for the drainage work which fiey did several years ago. I did check witt Charlie in Public Works, and they have signed off on the Byme Residencs. lf you have any additional questions about these items, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kristan Pritz Gommunity Development Direc'tor KP4h FILE COPY 7J Soatb Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 01 -47 9-2 1 t I / 47 I -2 1 19 Department of Community Deoclopment July 20, 1992 Mr. Jay Peterson Attomey at taw Vail National Bank Building 108 S. Frontrage Road, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Byme Resldence, Lot 1, Block 7, Vall Vlllage Flrst Flllng Dear Jay: I am writing this letter in response to your lnquiry regarding any outstanding items whidt need to be completed prior to Town issuance ol a Certificate of Occupancy for the Byrne Residencd. To the best to my knowledge, the only oubtanding items which ne€d to bo qompleted, are the ltems which were discussed at the May 6, 1992 Design Review.Board meeiing and the ltems discussed in Charlie Davis' May 29, 1992 memorandum to he Town of Vail Building Department. Please find attached a copy of fie Project Application approval sheet for the trlay 6, 1992 DRB meeting and Charlie Davis' memo. I believe all of the items discussed In this memo have been completed. However, the Community Development Department statf will conler with Charlie to insure all of the items discussed in his memo have besn completed to the satistaction of the Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a final C.O. As you know, my linal day with the Town of Vail ls today. Further inquiries regarding this matter should be directed to Kristan PriE at 479-2138. I TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX 30t -47 9 -2 r 66 lFat. FROM: DATE: RE: D cp artm ent of P ub lic ll/ork s /Tr angoltation METNoRArTDI'M Building Department n ACharf ie Davis, Pub1ic Works g.W. I'rray 29, L992 Requirements for Final Byrne Residence 15 Forest Road The following items will need to be addressed: 1. The fower catch basin may be converted into a junction box, with an access provided. P1ease have contractor contact me for details. The inlet wilf need to be cleaned out. 2. 5' of clearance from the asphalt must be provided for the ditch and shoulder. 3. Re-establish shoulder with 6" of 3/4't road base. 4. Any rocks in ditch or used for retaininq by flared end sections need to be a minimum of L/2' below grade of asphalt. I will also field verify this. 5. The downstream end of the culvert crossing the driveway needs to be extended. 6. Provide a field verificatj-on to Public Works of the drainage of driveway to be sure it flows into ditch and not into road. '7. Road needs to be swept and inspected for damage. 8. Driveway tie-in needs A. Saw cut edge to be patched. B. Bad material taken out and base then compacted 958. C. Provide a 4" hot bituminous replaced wiErl 6" 3/4" road asphalt patch. -.f Requirements for Final Byrne Resldence May 29, 1992 Page 2 9. Revocable rJ-ght-of-way permit needs to be in order. 10. Address water problem concerning webster residence. Caretakeris complaining about less water then before. Also concernedwith nud and gravel washing into their rock ditch. Ll". The east water run down needs to be checked after its operational . L2. Need valid street cut permit for g2'. I witl Let work continue while permit is processed. CDldsr trfoMAY26Be20 UL v'iJ.A',-tJ'* -rt J 1,.-l =STATEMENT REQUEST ROUTE TO .'UDY POPECK 5_ men on 4/13/92 - 6 hrs G925.00/hr ea. =5 nen on 4/14/92 - 4 hrs G$25.00/hr ea. = Equipnent I backhoe on 4/13/92 - 4 hrs @$55.00/hr =1 loader on 4/L3/92 - 4 hrs @g65.00/hr =I dump truck on 47L3/92 - 4 hrs @$30.00/hr =I Harben 1lne cleaner - l0 hrs @$75.00/hr =Total amount to blll: |,..:'l'.. \ '(€') $750.00 $500.00 $220.00 $260.00 $ r20.00 $ 750.00 $2,600.00 Account nurnber to be credlted:0l-4200-50100 $1250.00 01-4200-54100 $ 675.00 01-4200-54500 $ 675.00 llrlI.-t,t L , Date:4/23/92 FrOn: Pete Burnett - Publlc Works B11I to: GMA & Assoclates Address: P.0. Box 5055 City, State, ZLp: val1, co 81658 Describe below what we are billJ.ng. please lnclude dates, Townequipment, and personnel lnvolved. - Copies 6f any backup you havesouLd be helpful ln coll.ection of thls debt.Labor and equlpnent used to clean culverts at l6 Forest Road, pluggedby constructLon work. GltA & Associates stated they would take careof Ehls problem, but as of thls date, no work has been done. Thlsproblen had to be allevlated before runoff, therefore the pw crewcleaned and flushed the culverts. Labor I !ho\h{r ru Proiect Appricatio" hm I 76p"/ tfe,,rd,- 0t/4/,hr.,1cs) o^t" Projecl Name:-l ?ar*.-9, Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: kJt ca/tt ryM &nle APPFOVAL 7 6.qvfr 74'.. Re-view Board lid 4 az,aokg,l as Design 7a TVralC DISAPPROVAL Yl ZL *o na&',u) r4r>+*,p . '4,b4=yJ4 s,xcrd-zztaz a,t/az.zkz\\ urat ./ji ,-,ta 4': 34 cue .6 ifW' a'n,oprre4-+ a*. fr )rDl4l ..zrtod.S/aze--so at ,ao/'Zz E narhUet zts'?r) a/2a-rzhtefua* ,il!,' '1" t aa// *faL rcfftc;leShvc/dc.d t/a// *fzfu(Z -zta /8 /8"z'ii "JE iiqarz( rrc4-'lz*/i*- iztts h b p,bnYa5{t frar//rss { (l* a/ at// ftlz -i",r&//ee/ ilil:*'Hh"-- iat/c ot'//\ / / ftlz -nn,:-h//ef, Z'iU;',3;"1,u2- /tA,///( e/,// "J 4g {E?z *-;:/;p)b 5 27",trJ, t " /adsryzt' tbt y'zn//a/n h /qh{irs las kc.zpz.z/@nb I y'zn/Ja7i" h 6qfne,?es zS n t ft. 4 5n u a.,, 3/ "Va r/ lfca. rNL ylr- |+ EC!MAYeOpg2 STATEMENT REQUEST ROUTE TO JI'DY POPECK Dates 4/23/92 fron: Pete Burnett - Publl-c llorks City, State, Zip: Vail, Co 81658 Descrlbe below what we are bllllng. please lnclude dates, Tosnegulpment, and pereonnel lnvolved. Coples of any backup you havewould be helpful ln collectlon of this debt. Labor and equipment used to clean cul-verts at 16 Forest Road, pluggedby constructlon work. GMA & Assoclates stated they would take careof this problem, but as of thls date, no work has been done. Thlsproblen had to be all"eviated before runoff, therefore the pI{ crewcleaned and fl_ushed the culverts. Labor (-atv- FqT J*r 2 ^ \J,",*'.ft-e (e) un^A'J ,iLl = A,'T t)t- 8111 to: Address: GI"IA & Associates P.0. Box 5055 5_ men on 4/13/92 - 6 hrs G$25.00/hr ea. =5 nen on 4/L4/92 - 4 hrs €925.00/hr ea. = Equipnent I backhoe on 4/13/92 - 4 hrs @$55.00/hr =I loader ot 4/L3/92 - 4 hrs @$65.00/hr =I durnp truck on 4lB/92 - 4 hrs G$30.00/hr =I Harben 1lne cleaner - l0 hrs @g75.00/hr =Total amount to blll: Account nurnber to be credlted: $750.00 $500.00 $220. 00 $260.00 $120.00 $750.00 $2,600. 00 01-4200-50r00 $1250.00 01-4200-54r00 $ 675.00 0l-4200-54500 $ 675.00 abl (&,* 7 tu/tr//af e SITE VISITS 1 :00 p.n. DESICN RE\EET9 BOARD AGENDA .tPRrL 15, Lggz 3:00 P.M. llindlln Residence - 800 Potato Patcb Drive. Lionsbead ltall - Sundial Plaza.Bailcy Residence - 193 Beaver Daa Road.Ski lhrgeun pocket park - Located at tbe aortbrestintergection of Vail Road and tlest Meador Drive.Vail Gateray Plaza - 12 Soutb lroDtage Road.Vail VLllage Inn Plaza - 100 Soutb lrontage Road.Snitb Residence - 950 Fainay Drlve.Boaaor./Acuff Residence - 3235 Xetsos Rancb Road. Ral.gerlgal1 RegldeDc€ - {916 {Iunip€r Lane. 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 8 9 AGENDA 1 z- ? Ski Museum pocket park - Conceptual reviewr' located MMat the northwest intersecti.on of Vail- Road and West Meadow Drive.MOTTON: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote taken. Lionshead MaII - SundiaL Plaza.Located west of the Lifthouse Lodge. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Diana DonovanVOTE: 3-0 JKlKP Approved. applicant agreed to investigate grouting flagstone. The CIub - New front entry door. MM 304 Bridge Street/Red Lion Building. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. Mindlin Residence - Addition to primary unit of JK/AKexisting primary./secondary residence. 800 Pot.ato Pat.ch Drive,/Lot 7A, Block 1, Vail Pot.ato Patch. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Ned GwathmeyVOTE: 3-1 Approved with conditions. Diana Donovan Opposed. 5. Grubbs Residence - 250 Addition and exterior JK/AK r nodifications to existing single family residence. 1031 Eagle's Nest Circle,/Lot I, Block 1, Vail VillageLst. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: IABLED TO llAY 6TE IIIEETING. 6. Bailey Residence - New Single Family. JK/AK 193 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamlc SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. '1 . Smith Residence - New Duplex. AK 950 Fairway Drive,/Lot 6, Vail Village LOth Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual Revier - no vote taken. 8. Hutchinson - New primary with restricted 2nd unit. SM 2995 Basingdale Road/Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. MOTION: George Lanib SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved with condiLions. 9. Bossow/Acuff Residence - Bedroom/Bathroom JKISMAddition. 3235 Katsos Ranch Road,/Lot 5, Block 1,Vail Village 12th. MOTfON: George tamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. L0. Kaiser/Hall Residence - Carport addition to existing SMprimary/secondary residence. 491-6 Juniper Lane/Lot 5,Block B, Bighorn sth Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED TO !{AY 6TE }IEETING. 11. Frein Residence - Revision to driveway configurat.ion, SMlandscaping and elevation changes. '798 Potato patch Drive/Lot 8, Vait Potato Patch MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted. I a t2 r.3 VaiI Gateway Plaza - Seasonal Christmas Tree lo,I(60' tall) at the southeast corner of the 4-way stop.Lots N & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village IsL/L2 SoulnFrontage Road.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED IO IIAY 6TE }IEETING. Byrne Residence - Change to approved plans to ,JKal1ow different architecturaf lreatments forseparated primary & secondary units. 16 Forest Road/ !9! 1, Block 7, Vail Village 1sr Fiting.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI..ED TO }IAY 6IE I.IEETT}IG. Vail Village Inn plaza - Changes to approved plansfor Phase 4-A. 100 South Frontage noiaTlot O,BLock 5-D, Vail village 1st FilingMO?ION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherrv DorwardVOTE: 3-1 Approved as presented. Diana Donovan opposed. t4 MM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ned Gwathmey Sherry Dorward George Larnb Diana Donovan (PEC) MEMBERS ABSENT: Pat Herrington Gena Whitten (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS: Slifer.Building - Modifications, 3 skylights.230 Bridge street,/Lot B & a part of iot c, Block 5, vair village1st Filing. Herdrich Residence - Landscaping.Lot 18, Vail Valley 3rd. Lodge at Vail - Temporary Tent for Taste of Vail.174 Vail- Road. Thoma Residence - Modifications. LoE 2, Block 8, Vail Village ?th. vail Gorf course Townhomes, phase r - Add 4 decks to rear of eachtownhouse in Building #A. 1660 Sunburst Drive. creekside Building - Modify interior and one window on southelevation. 223 Gore Creek Drive. t IJohns Residence - fnterior remodel-, finish off area in basenent behj-nd garage. Vail GoIf Course Townhomes, Building A, Unit #2. Vorlaufer Condominiums - Landscaping improvements. 385 Gore Creek Drive. Arthur Duplex - Add 114 square feet to Unit #2.Lot 4, Block 2, Bighorn 1st. Trope Residence - Changes to site development/elevations. Lot. 5, Block 1, Vail village 8th. One Vail Place - Exterior window changes to Unit *3. Resub. Lot C, Block 5-C, VaiI ViIIage lst. Eaglewood Restaurant - New sign.Vail Athletic Club/352 vaiJ- valley Drive. |fu,A(' f>88 Jr"uaL O futr1'Wt"ubdr/tt/ 0L hructtryt/f latt'tamcu fffM L.A re? 12 '/" atloid "t' / /du',-u7 */rfr;*/- gd,?u,?+e. w No,z 1tnrc DPbaTy,wa W f!* Octtllll?qo DPf a1q?,6w1 a,r-04. lo a!,htr lh u,rtohad,e-,.,, o. i fl,a. #tu?t;re fto*-Jhyfu NovC,tll t pe6 oTgtnxl nd'zbaVM /. s. .: p*- f/* u4ler' fbl " -onieqt4 ,er/ : rcloe. azh b/4A ;lo.) I /!o v /3, mO ^T-d 'ea^/-Oz/.y &6 e//vduv-l fl //, :, ' A-.-a - Af?/,'L''4"2- ,\r ^^lno- u / lt lNou.20 T.C. reul€Wd Vla,nat.:.-t,-t.lJ - -ol 'n ..1-r--/ iuaAn/'l/^' t>ilattrzttran A il/t /?d i,ru tr/r'q/1V,uu*. O ',/O7 t- i l ! 6ea 4///r L.f ,aat aVzdtezl . 76 e. f a*l/ *e ,. /trtca>>e€- .ml(ry Y d&zsot- # ilay qa a// ,/J l"/,"q ,,zrfl.U@Y.? at/ ae/n -_ mgMalrb r1+r" n t fuVt rh6 ,#%i"ffffit%'*"2*'7r9, Ka- n*. I Jal - fu - dn'/ >Une ptanfr a4Vlary*y*turcz ;ftoc/'^4/ezd ' /.t y' naft *{tn'7/a.,2* 16 & a4e{26'7e " #en o/k 2tt /oJ* tT -r,taz,./d /e, ht*, tygtb" - 7l,ne Vl.*/r,t '>v a,ta// ,, *( +tez*'eat- %? rerhc4--vlg ora 4z* | +,/)'"-;7#;k 41h0'WUt 4fl .o*", Yr* fr *ttcz- ":ry n/az.ttto y arzJ,ftcftau) ,,a/o4 e a fEr! or 4q/ ,zt a/ ailz,c fi 2z4i " - tb /. d/.ezazzzz.v a,a//-r t-a /e ..ga*.zl /azr-r- 4< a?ne.'rl\, *r7uta- s4q.4X fu/6 '' etTna k+ /-^m a>to-eAp,(ea^/-'W;-^7p'rcd- fa/b fr 3 //rt24) 3).g!'iilXl."tt'oiJ?t;"'ir=tr"#=a:",;:'si i'"Ia-"5irt to 3r-o't town Engineer Greg Eall must -t":]-"I and approve nroposed uater tai"'-t-t=i"" needed to allow h-.tiroPt.nt to occul' r,or . 1, g.o9l'-:l:= t*fl',=t'ffi -r": Si,lfii".t'- tt knik$Sil*',Xd"'# nt,;"*;, c. Knisht VOTE:3-0-1 Conditions: GRFA nust neet zoning'requirements DRB d irected app r' i s"ttg'"ii !t"" igt deta lred comPrehens Lve landscape p'"" -"tli'-""tt:t 'p-roject with ne:rc subrnittal . X"o ettutntey abstained' any the 7.t-rlE 24, Dauphinais Subdivislo3 -:-{ew H::li,wu:i'" I!"it,"'o'*''ltoTIoN: SECoND: WITBDRAWN Single SM Dauphinais- VOTE: su -'15 r 8-Red Lion - Roof Vent 3O4 Bridge StreeE ioiroNi P' Herrington voTE: 3-0 Board deteroined that tlre "i'"-1:.f-lhe enclosure for proposed-vent ty=lJi wis niniroized' George ranb abstaineq. SECOND: C. Xnight .. SENT 8YI Q-rr-r, is:lop' i rr+ttos-, JOHT H. HOEANT 15 Forut RoadValI, Colorrdo 81657 13034?00?4?;f 1 TO}IN OF VIIL DESIG}I REVIE}I BOARDVall, Colorado 81657 Re:DeElgn Rcvlew Board Agenclar Wedncsdayr Aprll 1t 1992 To l{hou It May Concern: As the owncr of the Hobart fanlly rasldcnoe at' 16 Forect Road fon alnosb thtrty (30) yearsl I an urlttngto you regrrding the epparcnt requlrcacnt bo epply I stone faaade to the Hobert residence ag a oondltlon of approval rcgulrcd of lhe Byrne residcnoe adJacent to the ea6t. l{e have e hlgh regard for tha Dceign 8evlau Boardr andyour effort to oreatc and perpetuate hl,gh qualtby destgn 1r epprecieted. You wlIl recall that fhe Hobart resldanoe 1g a Fltzhugh Soobt ori6lnnl clcsl,gn whloh uses brtok rnd wood elenentr to creatr I hone rhlohrerts in thq htllEtde anong thc natlvc svcrS,reen rnd arpen Isndtoapc. l{e harc no dcrlre to chrnge the ortglnal declgn and tfe hope you wtIl reoonalder tho raqulrcncnt to atbach. e atone fscade to the Hobarb realdance and allotr the two reFtdenocs fo oo-exlat aonprtlbly but scparrtely wtththc nattve and enhanoed lrndaoape geparatlon. Please fonuerd a aopy of your decislon on thls uabber Cogefher rlth e copy of thc alte plenr erehlteoturct clevatlons and oondltlorrs of epproval aq you ftnrlly endorge the[. Slncerely, *^*Y{aH2' oc! Ron Byrne r€vised glllgL DRB APPLICATTON . TO9IN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *******tt* COIORADO ?.'% f l. t trt I ' l? I. TBTS APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTEDITNTIL ALL REQUTRED rNroRraTroN IS SUBMTITED********** PROJECT INFORMAT]ON: A.DESCRIPTTON: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) - Minor ALteration ConceptuaL Review ($20.00) ($0) n ADDRESS:/a LEGAL DESCRTpTION: r,ot I . Block 1,subdivisio" t/ht lttllaUl /6/, ff property is described bydescription, please provideattach to t.his application. ZONTNG: LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentStamped survey showing Iot area. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and F NAME OF APPL]CANT' S REPRESENTATIVE:Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addresd: .1 . K Condominium Approval- if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submirrql of DRB applicarion. -L;i;;, whenapplying for a building permitl please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town 6f vailwill adjust the fee_according'to the table U"forr-coensure the correct fee is paid. 2a.-''-FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 1o,oo0I 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - 91,000,000$ Over SL, C00, O0O I r1t1 $ 20.00s 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 't DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPTRES ONE YBAR AFTER TINAIAPPRovAr. tNtEss A BUTLDTNG pERMrr rs rssuED ArfD coNsrRucrroN rsSTARTED. **NO EPPLTCATTON WrLL BE PROCESSED T|ITEOUT OV|NER'S SIGNATURE 1 NAME OF APPLICANT: e516c,l e -l C F e-lrrlc, o € :E ; rrl 4 e N t-:,ts : o Bnc,mt- c) JR:D)8: I r-,t:TIrtr ;.; l(?I1{ t rl : 7Iil i $+ rJ_ I ) Ct, /:' '|l @,l I " a'i v DRB IPPLICATION - TO}TN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS .E.PPLTCTTION WrI..L NOT BEI'NTIL ALL REQUIRED TNFORTdATION 1992 r. O ".lrt"ad 9/4/9L COIORADO ACCEPTEDIS SI'BMTTTED********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision attach to this application. ZONING: y'l'Ilnot Alteration ($20.00) D. Conceptual Review ($0) a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. F.LOT AREA: ff required, Stamped survey showing H. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application.Lrrs Lr re e! suDmLr.E.al- or DRts appjl-cation. Later, whenapplyi-ng for a building permit, please identify -ire accurate vaLuation of the proposal . The fown 6f Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the table below, t9 FEE SCHEDULE: ensure ihe correct fee is palo -:"^;i, "' ) t FEESCHPD'T,E. ,trlsemo's1P f ?fuf41/ '-, VALUATIONI 0 - s l_0,000I 10,001 * $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000, oo0$ Over S1,000,000 * DESTGN RE|VTE}' BOARD APPROVAI. EXPTRES AFPROVA! UNLESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS FEEs 20.00s 50.00 s100.00 s200.00 9400.00 $s00.00 ONE YBAR AFTER FTNAL ISSI'ED AITD CONSTRUCTTON ISSIARTED. **NO EPPIICATTON WrLL BE PROCESSED I{ITEOUT O9INER' S SIG}rATI'RE 1 Lor | .Brock 1lailz%l /6/, ff property is described bvdescription, please provid6 applicant must provide a current1ot area. NAME OF Mai lzt ng TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES01000041330 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS01000041540 TJNIFORM BIJILDING CODE0l 0000 4?A 15 01000042415 0l 0000 42415 01000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS0r 000042415 0l 0000 41548 )GROX COPIES /STTJDIES0r 0000 42412 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS01000042371 OFF HOIJRS INSPECTION FEES CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES0l 0000 41412 01000041330 SIGN APPLICATION FEE01000041413 -l I ",:,i; i. :.' ['li=cei f .iner-'us u.l;-il:-::';i f,;=h I ,:'i i:l-I: :1 , f,'r,;q-r;, r rr 1. tr, t:i':]t. 1 :jL.i Ll,:i:i'r- rii t H L:,f.,:Er t EE.:,..i-.t-.ll i [:;';' i.1r li r "l]l-lf'r iliii:"ji ji: Hr',-lt-,ri t. ,.,i,1,,., *, i ' ' L I terrt Paid !:r I iiril:rF-l I :;, 1.,iljfil Htl!-1unl prl'l ,..1 f. irl . r GMA&LASSOCIATES 153s8 DATE: Ot/t5/12 CHECK s: 15358 DISCOUNT RETENTION AMOUNT VENDOR S: INV * TOTALS: 53 TOL'N OF VAIL OISCOUNT RETENTION 0.08 0. BB0.00 0.00 AMOUNT INV 831 . 00 n ggto/* flRSt IANK OF VA[, 1303) 476-5686 I7 VAIL ROAO vAt- coloRAoo 81657 15358 EXACTLY EiGHT HUNDRED THIRTY_ONE DOLLARS FB L5:158il. ri lO ? LO L5 Lqr:55 5t EOil f t{f r- TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soatb Frontage Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 t0 t -47 9 -2 1 t 8/ FAX t0 ) -47 9 -2 1 66 D e p artment of Pab lic l{orhs lTr an qortation January 15, L992 IMIOICE: PTUGGING OF CULVERT FROM CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AT 16 FOREST ROAD CAUSED WATER TO RUN OUT ON ROAD I4AKING TT IAZARDOUS TO TRAFFIC. Public Workrs Crew conpleted the following: ,..- steam cleaned the cuLvert and dug the mud and debris from theinvert so that the nrater would flow in the ditch. COST: l- Loader Cutting Ice pack Off of the Road3 Hours at $65.00 an Hour for Load.erand Operator 1- High Pressure Steamer, 5 Hours at $50.00 3 Laborers at 515.00 an Hour, 5 Hours Each Street Superintendent at $25.00 an Hour,5 Hours 2 Bags of Calcium Chloride at $18.00 per Bag TOTAI. COST s 19s.00 s 2s0.00 s 22s.00 $ 12s.00 s 35. 00 gl:ll-a9._ **The General contractor needs to pay the above TorAl cosr for notconsldering this active ditch. ail Street Superintendent ril-E r'r/PY O extraordinary circumstances or strict interpretation depriving the applicant of privileges enjoyed by other owners of other properties in the same area. Jay added that in previous years, stone veneer had not been counted when measuring setbacks, thus many homes now would be considered to be in the sehack because their stone veneer had not been counted. Jay also explained that an overhang extended beyond this wall and made the impact of the stone on surrounding properties negligible. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the rcquest for a slde setback varlance, followed by a second by Connle Knlght. The vote was 7-0 in favor. 4. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot'1, Block 7, Vall Vlllage 6th Filing. Appllcant: Ron Byrne/Jay Peterson staff :Greg Hall/Jlll Kammercr Kristan Pritz explained the requested variance. The staff memo explained the history of the construction of the home and driveway. Greg Hall, Town Engineer, was available for questioning. The heated driveway was constructed at a 19.7 percent slope. The variance being requested was for a slope ol 7.7 percent above the allowable grade of 12 percent. Approved DRB plans showed a slope of 8 percent. lt was then discovered that there was a discrepancy in the written scale on the site plan and the scale at which the site plan was drawn. Because of this error, the house was shifted to the west to ensure the house would fit within the site setbacks. Shifting the house resulted in a change of grade of the driveway lrom 8 percent t0 13.3 percent, reflected on the drawings submitted for a building permit on June, 1991 . The Town Engineer said he would approve this change. On November 6, 1991, the DRB apploved modifications to the approved site plan which called for relocating the driveway. The slope of the proposed driveway was 19.7 percent. The DRB ' consent approved the modifications subject to the condition the Town Engineer approve the driveway and pond modifications. The applicant's representative received notice of the approval and the conditions of approval later that same day. Subsequent to the DRB's approval, the applicant proceeded to grade the new driveway location and install the heating coils and ccncrete base for the new drive. This work occurred without the Town Engineer's approval. Following the December 10, 1991 notifications by the Town that the applicant must obtain a variance for the driveway, the applicant installed the brick pavers, thereby completing construction of the driveway. The resulting driveway grade of 19.7 percent was due, in part, to the fact that the applicant desired to have a level area immediately in front of the garage doors on which to back and park autos. The staff was recommending denial of the request based on special privilege and safety. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that he must take some of the blame for the construction of the driveway at 19.7 percent grade. He was aware that the DFIB approval had to be approved by staff, but did not go to the site in time to tell Ron Byrne before he finished the driveway. However, he felt the 19.7 percent slope made sense. Jay recalled many sites which, when built, were steeper than the plans in some are€F and flatter than the proposed plans in other areas. Jay described the problems of building on a steep and narrow lot. He also mentioned the Hobart home was right on the property line. He showed cross sections and discussed percentages of the driveway. Jay declared ihat even with several major snow storms, the driveway was dry and sale and there was no danger of cars sliding out onto Forest Road. Jay then displayed a plat which indicated many other steep driveways (12, 14, 16, 18 and 21 percent slope) in the neighborhood. He felt driveways could be much steeper than 12 percent with heating. Jay felt it was better to have a steep part and a flatter area at the top of the drive. He felt this request would not result in special privilege. Ron Byrne did not claim hardship, but better design. Connie felt the solution was best. Kristan Pritz felt this was a PEC decision, but the error in the survey did not contribute to the decision to change the driveway. Greg Hall explained that he discovered the error when he put the two site plans together. Kristan added the staff stood by the approval of a driveway of 14.2 percent, but could not staff approve a 19.7 percent grade. Dallon Williams asked Greg Hall how the Town had arrived at 12 percent as a top driveway grade, and Greg replied that 12 percent was a standard used across the United States. The Fire Department can get their trucks up a grade of 12 percent. Kristan added that she believed the driveways mentioned by Jay as being above 12 percent were probably not built at the grade approved on the building plans. Kathy l-angenwalter felt she could support the request, but felt the limit had been reached. She felt a better solution could have been found. She did feel criteria needed to be estabiished. Dalton felt he could support the request because it was not a special privilege, given the number of homes in the area that had driveways thata exceeded 12 percent, and also there was a hardship. Chuck Crist felt he could support the variance because it created a better solution. Gena Whitten agreed with Chuck. Ludi said there was a problem with the procedures used to anive at this juncture. He felt everyone had been guessing, rather than dealing with facts. He agreed with the Town Engineer that it was safer to have a flat area when entering from Forest Road. Although he supported the request, the whole process did not feel right. Diana supported the request because the result had more positives than negatives and she felt the need for a flat area at the top of the driveway. Diana added the Town needed to come up with some criteria so lhey will know they are getting a workable driveway. Kathy moved to approve the request wlth the flndlng 1,2, and 3b. Chuck seconded the 6 I motlon and the vote was 7-0 In lavor. 5. A request to amend the Town of Vall zonlng code regardlng mlnor exterlor alteration procedurcs In Commerclal Core I and Commerclal Core ll, Sectlon 18.24.065 Exterlor Alteratlons or Modlflcations - Procedure, and Sectlon 18.26.045 Exterlor Alteratlons or Modlflcatlons - Procedure. Applicant: Town of VallPlanner: Jlll Kammerer TABLED TO JANUARY 27,1992 This item was tabled with items I and 9. 6. A rcquest for a malor amendment to Phase lV-A of Speclal Development Dlstrlct No.6, Vail Vlllage lnn, 100 East Meadow Drlve/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vall Vlllage 1st Flllng. Appllcant: JoselStauferPlanner: Mlke Molllca Mike Mollica showed floor plans and elevations and listed changes made from the previously approved SDD Amendment (1991). The changes were as follows: l. Conversion of the 4th floor of the Lobby Building to a single, free-market DU of approximately 2,900 sq ft. 2. Conversion of the new 3rd floor of the Pancake House Building from 2 AUs and one employee-restricted DU to 8 AUs. 3. Conversion of one existing 250 sq ft AU in the Food and Deli Building and one exisling 250 sq ft AU on 2nd floor of Pancake House Building to "permanently restricted' employee DUs. 4. Permanent restriction of a Pitkin Creek Park DU of 800 sq ft for an employee unit. Mike explained the only exterior changes were window modifications. The net result was 14 AUs, comprising approximately 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. He then showed the site plan in the area of the sidewalk in front of the Vail Gateway Buiiding. The staff felt a connection to firis walkway was necessary. This could be a ramp or stainaray. Kathy wondered about requiring a sidewalk all along the Frontage Road. Mike responded the staff did propose the Wl construct a sidewalk the entire length of the VVI propery (in 1991), at which time the Town Council and the PEC did not feel the timing was appropriate. Mike pointed out ltem H of the SDD Criteria addressed landscaping. Mike stated the staff would like to see additional landscaping added along the entire northern property line of the Vail Village lnn, with 3 to 4 clusters of large aspen and spruce. I The conditions of the staff recommendation for approval were: 1. The proposed DU to be located on the 4th floor of the Lobby Building be restricted in use per Section 17.26.075 of he zoning code. 2. All 3 employee DUs be provided with full kitchens and permanently restricted as employee units. 3. A pedestrian connection be provided adjacent to the South Frontage Road to the Vail Gateway Plaza Building sidewalk, design subject to approval of DRB. 4. Applicant provide additional landscaping along the north property line of the Vail Village lnn per Section lV (H) of the staff memo 5. The applicant provide screening of the existing fash compactor immediately to the north of the Pancake House Building, design subject to DRB approval. Kristan listed the basis for the staff recommending approval as follows. 1. The board felt the free-market dwelling unit must be restricted. This could be used as a short term rental unit when the owner was not using the unit, and the mass and bulk of Phase lV-A did not change. 2. The Town was getting one additionalAU. 3. The Town was getting 3 employee units. 4. The property was being upgraded. 5. The property was getting landscaping. 6. Pedestrian connection would be completed to the Gateway sidewalk. 7. Underground parking was being opened to the public. 8. The compactor was being screened. Bill Pierce, project architect, listed the improvements being made and stated that without the free-market unit, the projeqt was not feasible financially. Jonahan Staufer, representing Josef Staufer, explained that with the July proposal, $800,000 in improvements were planned. With the present proposal, the improvements would add up to $2 million. Diana said one negative is that all the available GHFA for DUs had been used. She did feel the DU should be restricted per the staff's suggestion, to be consistent. Diana listed as negatives the employee unit moved off-site and the surface parking at the entrance to the / TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDI.JM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 13,1992 A request for a variance from Ordinance 2, Series 1983, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING TTTLE 17 OF TIIE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE SETTING FORTH NEW SUBDTVISION REGTiLATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANIDARDS FOR TTIE TOWN AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN RELATION TIIERETO which sets forth the maximum allowable heated driveway grade at 12 percent if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained; for the Byme Residence, 16 Forest Roa4 Lot 1, Block 7,Yell Village First Filing. Applicant Ron Byme Presenters: Greg HalVJill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting approval of a variance from Ordinance 2, Series of 1983 relating to heated driveways with a slope in excess of 12 percent. Under this ordinance, the maximum allowable slope of a heated driveway may be 12 percent, provided the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. However, minor deviations to this 12 percent maximum may be allowed subject to Section 17.28.L60 of the Subdivision Regulations. The applicant's heated driveway was constructed at a 19.7 percent slope. The applicant did not obtain the Town Engineer's approval prior to constructing the driveway. Therefore. a variance to allow the maximum allowable grade of 12 percent to be exceeded by 7.7 oercent is resuted. II. BACKGROUND a) On October 17 , 1990, the De sign Review Board received a request by the applicant to construct a secondary unit, separated from the primary unit, on a lot which is zoned Primary/Secondary. By a vote of 4-0, the DRB determined there were site constraints associated with the subject property which warranted allowing the separation of the primary and secondary units. b) On November 7, 1990, the DRB approved the Byrne residence secondary unit demolition/rebuild with a 250 square foot addition. The DRB's approval was subiect to four conditions. / c) d) On November 13, 1990, the Town Council called up the DRB's approval of the Byme residence secondary unit demo/rebuild which incorporated an addition of 250 square feet. This item was reviewed by Town Council on November 20, 1990. By a vote of 6-0, the Town Council voted unanimously to uphold the DRB approval of November 7, 1990. In October of 1990, during the Town's review of the Design Review Board application for the demolition of the existing secondary unit and the construction of a separated secondary unit with a 250 square foot addition, the Town staff forwarded comments to the applicant indicating the slope of the driveway, to the proposed secondary unit, must be 8 percent rather than the 9 percent represented on the submitted plans. The applicant revised his plans, and the driveway grade on the November 17, 1990 DRB approved plans was 8 percent. On the approved plans, the driveway alignment was more or less at a right angle to Forest Road (see attached plans). Subsequent to that time, it was discovered there was a discrepancy in the written scale on the site plan and the scale at which the site plan was drawn. Because of this error, the location of the house was shifted to the west to ensure the house would fit within the required lot setbacks. In shifting the house to the west, additional excavation of the site would have been required in order to maintain the approved driveway giade of 8 percent. In order to avoid the necessary additional excavation, the base elevation of the garage was raised 2.5 feet. In raising the garage, the grade of the driveway increased from 8 percent to 13.3 percenl The plans submitted to the Town at the time of building permit (June of 1991) reflected these changes and the resulting 13.3 percent grade. In subsequent review of the driveway grade, the Town Engineer has indicated he would approve the grade at 13.3 percent. The Town Engineer would have the authority to approve a heated driveway grade which exceeded 12 percent based on Section 17.28.160 - Plan Revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance which states: "Should circumstances warrant changes to the approved plans or specifications, the proposed revision must be submitted and written approval must be obtained from the Town Engineer. No work shall proceed on that portion of the project being revised until said revisions are submitted, approved, and distributed. Minor deviations from the plans or specifications may be (approved sic) by written permission from the Town Engineer or his representative on the job. It shall be thc responsibility of the developer to have his engineer provide the Town Engineer with a set of "as-built" plans at the completion of the project verifying all elevations, utility locations, and any other change that has taken place. (Ord. 2 [1983], fl I [panl) I In other words, the Town Engineer has interpreted the 13.3 percent grade, as shown on the approved permit plans, to be a minor deviation from ttre maximum heated driveway slope design criteria specification of 12 percent (see attached letter of December 10, 1991 from Greg Hall to Ron Byrne). e) On November 6, 1991, the DRB approved modifications to the approved landscaping and site plans which called for relocating the driveway, enlarging the pond, and relocating the entrance stair. Under this modification, new entrance pillars and entrance lights for the residence were also proposcd. The revised driveway location corrcsponded with the location of the construction access to the site. The revised driveway enters the site at a point off of Forest Road which is further to the east, and further downhill. The slope of the proposed driveway was 19.7 percent. The DRB consent approved the modifications subject to the condition the Town Engineer approve the driveway and pond modifications. The staff also noted on the DRB approval sheeg which was mailed to the applicant, that the height of the enfiance pillars could not exceed 6'-0". The applicant's representative received notification of the approval and the conditions of approval later that same day. Subsequent to the DRB's approval, the applicant proceeded to gnde the new driveway location and install the heating coils and concrete base for the new drive. This work occurred without the Town Engineer's approval. Following the December 10, 1991 notification by the Town that the applicant must obtain a variance for the driveway, the applicant installed the brick pavers, thereby completing construction of ttre driveway. The resulting driveway grade of 19.7 percent is due, in part, to the fact that the applicant desired to have a level area immediately in front of the garage doors on which to back and park autos. Had the applicant graded the driveway continuously from the roadway to the entrance of the garage, the resulting grade would have been 14.4 percent. The Town Engineer believes a grade of 14.4 percent would still be within reason of the minor deviations from thc required driveway specifications, and no variance would be required. However, the Town Engineer and Town Attorney believe a drive of I9.7 percent falls outside the flexibility of Town of Vail ordinances, and a variance must bc obtained. M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS * Maximum allowable heated driveway slope: l27o Constructed driveway slope: l9.7vo Amount driveway slope exceeds allowable: 7.7V0 * NOTE: lltis l27o maximum slope may be exceeded subject to the provisions of Section 17.28jffi - Plan Revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. ry.CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the C-ommunity Development Department recommends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes there is a grcater likelihood that autos exiting and entering a heated driveway with a slope of 19.7 percent will lose control than on a heated driveway of 13.3 percent or 14.4 percent, and therefore, a slope of 19.7% poses a greater hazard to traffic and pedestrians Forest Road, than does a heated driveway with a grade of 13.3 percent or 14.4 percent. The design and appearance of the driveway will not have any major negative impacts on adjacent properties. . 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes allowing the grade of 19.7 percent will be a grant of special privilege. The applicant has the ability to regrade the driveway in the present location so that the maximum grade will be 14.4 percent. In order to meet this 14.4 percent grade, the driveway would have to be at a continuous slope from the edge of Forest Road to the entrance to the garage, (i.e., the level area in front of the garage would have to be eliminated). Further, the applicant has the ability to install a driveway at a grade of 13.3 percent if the driveway wer€ to be installed in the approved location at the western edge of the site. The reason a driveway in this location would be less steep than a driveway at the existing location, is, the driveway would intersect with Forest Road at a point further uphill. Consequently, the elevation change between the point at the entrance to the garage and the point where the drive intersects with Forest Road is less than in the as-built situation. Ordinance 2 of 1983, which addresses the maximum slopes permitted for driveways, has been in effect since 1983. The current Town Engineer has been reviewing driveways for compliance with this ordinance since 1989. The Town Engineer is aware of seven driveways which were either approved or built at grades which exceed the 12 percent maximum grade specification. Two of these driveways were associated with existing houses in which modifications to the houses uiggered the Design Review Board guideline requirement that the driveways be paved- kr both of these instances, there were existing garagcs, and neither the elevations or grades associated with the driveway or the existing gamges were changed. The threc driveways associated with new construction, which were approved by the Town Engineer, which exceedcd the 12 percent grade are: this residence at 16 Forest Road, where the grade was approved at 13.3 percent; the Garden of the Gods project where the driveway was approved at 13 percent; and a new residence, also constnrcted by the applicant, at 186 Forest Road where the driveway was approved at 14 percent In the case of the final two projects where the grades exceed 12 percent, the plans which were submitted and approved showed the grades to be 8.9 percent and 10 percent. However, when constructed, the driveways associated with these projects were constructed at grades of 14.4 percent and 13.8 percent respectively. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and tilities, and public safety. As previously stated, staff believes appmval of the driveway as constnrct€4 poses a greater threat of an accident occurring berween the users of the drive and traffic on Forcst Road. The applicant believes providing a level spot in front of the garage with a driveway slope of 19.7 percent, is a safer situation than the driveway solutions supported by the Town Engineer. B. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a gxant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the glandng of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following rcasons: & The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. t 3. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the requested variance from Ordinance 2 of 1983 to allow the maximum allowable driveway slope to be exceeded. Staff believes to approve such a variance would be a grant of special privilege and that none of the variance findings or criteria are applicable. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Znning Code, if this application is approved, this approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within nro yean of the date of issuance and diligently punued to completion. clpcdmemc\&yma I 13 ot/g?/j2 23. to ?l Sortl Fretttgc Rotd Ytil, Cclortlo tl617 tot -479-2 t t 8 I FAX t0t -47 9 -2 r 66 D rldrtla,cat of Pfi lic Wofi ilTrngortttioa Dec€mber 10, 1991 Mr. Ron Byrne Ron Byrne & Aaeociates 285 Eridse 8tVail, Co 81557 RE: RESIDENTIAL DRIVE}TAY Dear Ur. Byrne Followlng review of the circunstances concerning your requesL for a driveway grade of 19.?t, the Town Staff hae deLermined a varlancefrom of Town Ordinance 2 (83) - Heated Driveways In Excego 0f tztGrade, must be obtained. The varianse Frocess will regr:lre theapproval of the Plannlng and Envlrofinental Conrnission and townGounsil. The earl,iest planning commiEsion rneeting your request naybe able Lo be scheduled for Is the January 13r 1992 Plannlng ConnlssLon meetlng. Please subnrlt a varlance reguest and aII therequlred subnlsslon materlal to the Communiry Developnenr Department by Decenber L6, f991 in order to neeE the fillngdeadltne for the January 13th Plannlng and Envj.ronmental Corunieelonmeetlng. The foll-owlng ls a discusslon of staff findlngs: Durlng the Townrs review of your project for DeeJ.gn Review Boardapproval, cotnments were forwarded to your architect to have adriveway grade of 8 percent rather than the 9 percent gfacle submitted. The driveway grade on the DRB approved plins ras 8+. Insubsequent dlecussions Jay Peteraon, inalcatea an error was foundin Lhe architect,s site plan versus'the site survey, resulting lnthe need to shift the houee to the west to ensure that the houseflt wlthtn the reguired setbacks. Shifting the houseto tbe rost required further excavation as the elevation to the wesE ia higher than Uhe elevaLion to the east. Elimlnat,lng the need, for addltlonal excavation, requlred ralslngthe base elevatlon of the garage 2 7/2 feeL. By raising the garage,the grade of the driveway increased fron 8t to 13.3t. The plans I Tou 8u5 8nnfi gl/99/92 2J.JO P. 05 Letter tq Mr. Ron ByrneDecerdber L0, 1991 Page 2 subnltted to the Town for building permit applicatlon reflectedthese changes and che resulring iS.-Sd d;de.---- The lndivlduar who reviewed the pernit plane was not the sanelndividual who h_ad- revleweo--ihe' DRB ippidveo-pian". Thlsindlvldual assumed.rhe r3._rt grldi on ttre'irernii p'1ins bad b€enpreviously approved.. Therefore] tiii proposed 13.3t drrveray gradewas not qu€stloned during our review-of'the uuiiaing-perrnii.-rtriswas aD error On the Townt S part. The guestion then cones up dld the To-wn Englneer bave authority toexceed the lat orade at tirat tine-and'JtlG-eidrr,;-wtv oo you haveto obtain a uariance nowr as the approvect gracre exceeded the 12!tmaximun allowed grade. section 17' 29.160 pran Revlsions of tbe subdlvision ordinance,gtates rrFlinor deviations fron EhJ plans -or-spe"iiication" -rii-ai, "gtranted" by written perniiiron-t'rom *re rbwn inglneer or hierepresentatlve.r --"-- --'--. Tli^_13_:11 . gra$ aE shorrn on rhe approved pennir plene iernter?reted to be a nlnor devlation. Il_^voo stralght gr_a-oeg your drive from the proposed pa$ ro thegarase. a grade of 14.4t would reBurt, ?his ra stiu-*iiliin;a;;of nlnor devlarions fron rh€ splcrllc.ti;"J,;;;J-rr".i^nc. would!S regulred. However., a d;j.vt;t fg.?$ falls outsicte tleflexlblrity of our orainancJJ-ina' a variance wrlr need ro beobtal-ned. If you should have,any_^que_s^+on, please contacE nyself at 4?9_2180or JilI Kanneser at 4?9:2Lgg, SJ.ncereLy, Greg Hall Town Engineer Afl/lw CC; Larry Eskwlthilill Kammerer Mike Brake tren Hughey I I I-- p F ; ii:F; i i iiE;:: gd; ii iil : II :3t S is *l! s riilis lil !t :it ii FslI "r-;i i:"[i :;:: E ii;;'I 3333 ??'.'!?lRtriiF9ii!ite:ll iBt I3: I<(tt F o, FI{ |'It oFI :l t,' t L Cr. f It rt It.1 a;f. -!sf{Tti I t r,.ti ; rl,l ;qi: n, dl t \ l$x $u F.\;+ $ q,$ $$ $ -.'r_-) :.-,' I o tVhN POS TO VAI AM ICE Bco.8 E OX 165 S 8 FF L, IDE (30 ttx 949-4121 January 8 r1992 Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge SteetVaiI,CO. 81657 RE: 15 Forest Road, Dear Mr. Byrne, By your reguest I have researched my records to compilea brief history of a portion of the constuction of yourresidence last year as it pertaj-ns to the dri_veway.On or about the flrst of ltay.l 991 f was requested toproduce a set of construction documents to be submitedto the Town of VaiI Building Department for the purposeof obtaining a building permit.These documencs werecreated from an approved Design Revei.w Board applicationdocuments supplied by yourseLf and ArnoldrewathmeyrprattArchltects dated 11-21 -90.Prior to submitting the construction documents for theperrnit reveiw it was reguired to obtain final Design ReveiwBoard approval of the site Development.Again utiri.iing theinfornation providedrthe cornpleted slte Developrnent plan was submitted and the site was staked to indicate thelocati-on of the structure. This document was subseguentlyapproved. Duri.ng the time the documents were being reveiwed bythe buiLding department. an excavation permit was soughtand given-Upon the coordination of the layout of thestructure by the surveyi.ng team and ourselves it wasdiscovered that the location of the structure wasinaccurate due the fact that the scale indicated on thedocument was 1"=10'-0" and in fact the true scale of thedocument 1/8"=1 '-0" there by the approvals of the designwere flawed and the location of the structure had to bemoved 1'l ' to the west. AIso no consj.deration was given tothe fact that the bay windows had to be placed wiitrinthe reguired setbacks (note that the bay windows were alsopreviously approved). By moving the structure to the west to allow for thespace between the converglng property linesrit becameapparent that due to the variation of the indicated gradesand the actual grades dlscovered that the top of thesouth waII of the garage rras now going to be below thesurface and dangerously cLose to the existing large treeat the southwest corner. As you might recall the decisionwas made at that tirire to elevate the entire portion ofthe garage structure 2' -6" and the angle between the garage and the main building was increased to eliminate anypotenti.al problemd. .MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS 't |8le2 15 Forest Road After discussion with the Town of Vail staff' the revised document showing the new location of the structure and the corttt.rr.e to miintain a maximum 3'height 9{ -!ht retaining walis lras re-subnittedrreveiwed and the building pernit was issued. Since the area in front of the garage is to utilized for parking and tu;:naroundrthat portion needed to be at a uriirimurn icceptabie slopei<8t). rt was then discovered that the portion of the drive between the parking area and the edge of pavenent was of a distance less than would allow for iafe movenent of vehicles and pedestrians. Thus the decision was made to re-work the drlve between the parking/turnaround area and the road to better accoirodate-a1l of the circumstances presented so far' The solution providedrand since constructedrnow solves all the prceeding difficulties and situations that previuosiy approied solutions failed to recognise'The present ai:.veway offers a safer way to enter. tle property ind also al1ows for a substantial landscape buffer along the entire length of the property between the adjacent residence.It i; in my opinion that this is the best po""iUf. solution to-a multitude of unforseen circunstances Lhat r"r" Iess than evident at the beginning Please do not hesitate me should you have any other questions Io ,t"u^8s +D *afu1"^v\-a- q+1^ja G ,tLa-H.a& W*,n'ffi V**- { / t, 1VtffiD]----.- lwo,rf +" Ceu/vuai' I rvnolvrfrTr---- ( IA6A^hW U't- AME ICEco. xlx 9 49 -41 21 January 8r1992 Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge SteetVaiI,CO. 81657 RE: 'l 5 Forest Road, Dear Mr. Byrne, By your reguest f have researched my records to compilea brief history of a portion of the constuction of yourresidence last year as it pertains to the driveway.On or about the f irst of Irlay 1991 f was reguested toproduce a set of construction docunents to be submitedto the Town of Vail Building Department for the purposeof obtaining a building permit.These documents werecreated from an approve<i Design Reveiw Board applicationdocuments supplied by yourself and ArnoldrG$rathmeyrprattArchitects dated 11 -21-90.Prior to subnitting the construction documents for thepermit reveiw it was required to obtain final Design ReveiwBoard approval of the Site Development.Again utilizing theinformation providedrthe completed Site Developnent plan was submitted and the site was staked to indicate theLocation of the structure. This document was subsequentlyapproved. Durlng the time the documents were beJ.ng revej_wed bythe building department an excavation permj.t was soughtand given.Upon the coordination of the layout of thestructure by the surveying team and ourselves it wasdiscovered that the location of the structure wasinaccurate due the fact that the scale indicated on thedocument was 1"=10'-0" and in fact the true scale of thedocument 1/8"=1 '-0" there by the approvals of the designwere flawed and the location of the structure had to bemoved 11 ' to the west. Also no consideration was given tothe fact that the bay windows had to be placed withinthe required setbacks (note that the bay windows were alsoprevlously approved). By moving the structure to the west to allow for thespace between the converging property linesrit becameapparent that due to the variation of the indicated gradesand the actual grades discovered that the top of thesouth wall of the garage \^ras now going to be below thesurface and dangerously close to the existing large treeat the southwest corner. As you miqht recall the decisionwas made at that tlrne to elevate the entire portion ofthe garage structure 2' -6" and the angle between the garage and the main building was increased to eliminate anypotential problems. . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS DES I 'l OF AIL (303) T N os BOX 8165 1lele2 15 Forest Road After discussion with the Town of VaiI staff, the revlsed document showing ih" t"* location of the structure and the compliance to miintain a maximum 3'height 9I-!h" retaininq walis was re-submittedrreveiwed and the buildlng permit was issued. Since the area in front of the garage ls to utilized for parking and turnaroundrthat portlon needed to be at a minimun icceptable slopei<8t). rt was then discovered that the portion of the drive between the parking area ""a-tt. edge of pavement was of a distance less than would allow for safe novement of vehicles and pedestrlans. Thus the decision was made to re-work the drive between the parking/turnaround area and the road to better accoirodate all of the circumstances presented so far' Thesolutlonprovlded,andsinceconstructed'nowsolvesall the prceedlng dlfficulties and situations that previuosiy apptoied solutions failed to recognise'The iresent d;iva;ay offers a safer way to enter. the property ind also allows- for a substantial landscape buffer along the entire length of the property between the adjacent residence.It i; in my opinion that this is the best poisible solution to-a multitude of unforseen clrcumstances Lh"t were less than evident at the beqinning' Please do not hesitate me shouLd you have any other guestions. ^b taY's'D \n'J/\ [Jdl r "r n /) $t)' "F 1. ADDENDI'U TO APPLICATION ALTACENT PROPERTY OWNERS U.S. Forest Service 401 lrlain StreetDlinturn, CO 81545 Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail , CO 81658 Ipt 2, Block 7, VaiI Village lst Filing Intrafj.rst Bank Dallas, Trustee for Mary NoeIc/o Industry Consulting GroupP.O. Box 8LL234Dallas, TX 75381 I.ot 34, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing Francis H. Blllups, Trustee 438 West lrlaplewood SanAntonio, TX 7A2L6 2. 3. 7. l,lurchinson lal{ont 4. 5. Lot 35, Block 7, VaiI Village lst Filing Elizabeth t{ebsterc/o Boston Harbor Trust Co. 40 Rones Wharf, Suite 500 Boston, UA O2LLO 5. The Willows Condominiun Association 74 Willon Road P.O. Box 759Vail, CO 81658 Riva Ridge Southc/o The Willows P.O. Box 759 Vail, Co 81558 The Lodge Tower 200 VaiL RoadVail, CO 81657 8. Condominiun Association t- -ffi Ltu" lf,,a beLo* -o1'#"t Y{.,r,ft. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and EnvironmentialCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bullding. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance in Commercial Core I for the Sllfer Building, 230 Bridge StreeUPart ol Lots B and G, lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Rod SliferPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor exlerior alteration procedures in Commercial Core land Commercial Core ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure. Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a variance lrom the maximum allo,rrabb driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Bon Byrne/Jay PetersonStaff: JillKammerer/Greg Hall A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non- conforming structure at 864 Spruce CourUa part of Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve ShanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer A request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Josef SlauferPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a conditional use permit for a modular otfice trailer al 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Shelly Mello A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracb A and B, a parl of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, commonly refened to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, Inc./Steve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPritz A request for a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William SheppardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen x' 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which will transport people and supplies from the garage to the house at 2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Brian and Sonja Craythorne Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUARY 27,1992 MEETING. Information on the listed items is available at the Community Development office in ihe Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on December 27, 1991. ADDENDI'I,T TO APPLICATION 1. THE VARIANCE REoUESTED. The variance requested is for a drivewayto exceed the naximum percent of grade of L2*. The driveway reguested varies in grade from 58 to 19.7*. 2. CRITERIA. A. There is no negative relationship of the requested varianceto other existing or potential uses in structures in thevicinity. B. Because the site is very steep the variance is necessary to achieve conpatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity. There are numerous other drivewaysin the area that are both heated and unheated that have the sane or approxinately the same degree of slope as thesubject driveway. There will be no grant of specialprivilege as other sites in the vicinity have the receivedthe same treatrnent. C. There is no effect of the requested variance on light andair, distribution of population, transportation and trafficfacilities, public facilities and utilities. There could bea guestion regarding public safety, holrever, the driveway inquestion would be totally treated fron the entrance to the garage to within four feet of the paved surface of theright-of-way. There will be no ice accurnulation of snow accurnulation on the driveway and all cars or pedestrians going down the driveway will be able to safely stop prior toentering Forest Road. revised 9/4/9L A,PPLICATION This procedure is reguired variance. The aPPlication information is submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS FOR A \TARIATICE for any project requesting a -will not be accePted until all Application PEC MEETING PHONE Date DATE APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVEB.NAME OF ADDRESS n NAME oF owNER(s) (type or erintl 0-+^.4 T. BY^'-^l owNER (s) srcNAruRE (s) S-{o &h,Al ADDRESs /6 +-'tl^JJ 6P,'${'.J sHonn 7? L -S,?f) LOCATION OF f)BLOCK I ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII : lor-l-PROPOSAL: FILING E. FEE $25O. OO PAID cK#BY THEFEEMt'sTBEPAIDBEFoRETHECoMMUNITYDEVELoPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS'- and their mailing addresses' TH! APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. F. II. A pre-applj-cation conference wiLh a planning staff member is stiongly- suggested to determine if any additional intormalion is needed. No application wi]1 be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . IL is the applicant's responsibifity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements ' III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI''L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILD]NG PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The reLationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentiai uses and structures in the vicinity. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.'NITY DEVELOPMENT COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES0l 0000 41330 0l 0000 41540 UNIFORM BI.'ILDING CODE0l 0000 42415 0l 0m0 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 01000042415 010004r54t 1. t- L i,-.'-;r t i;lB,:,lr F t. {i, ijiiii; i f Rc,::nr-!rrt. + L:fi # -it:t;:l;t JlrI s'El"F_Fl:;irt.1'..r::i!1,11'l [rF rr FiFF Flnr-rlrrr i. t i: 'l|:. r*,i .:, .i5i1 , r:iirl I tem pa i d ffrrroun t pa i d rjlrirE-r.'1ff41f,iF[r]JtJ l::;ti. uij [:h$rr,!{. r-E t u r-nad .i tll" [lrl -rHF|h.ll< Vrll-l I c-n ,.-. RoN tr,YRNE &Assttr|ATEsREAL ESTATE EEB ts,lrcE gTF|EC? \Ar., c(a-otAoo €l,Gtct7. FF,,I47B.,1FEI7 Doocmbcc 16 l99t To: Ilrc Tolm of Vail Ptanning Deparrnem To Whm lt May Conccru: I hecby autbcizc Jay K. Peerson to exccutc an application for raiance on Lm 1, Bbck Z. Vall Village, Fiar Filhg. Ronaldl B r. EJJ T laUI'I Ownere Form 2312 File No. v15648 SCHEDULE A poricyQJa zs43t36 .' Amount $650r 000.00 Addreas vArL VIIJIAGE . Folicy Dater Septernber 05, 1990 at 8!00 A.M. . Nane of, InBureds RONALD J. BYRNE 3. fbe sEtate or interest in the Land described in thls Schedule and which ia covEred by this poIlcy is: A Fee Slnple 4. llitle to the estate or interest covered i; date hereof ig vastad in: rl',:l RONALD J. EYRNE '5. llre land rcfeffed to ln this pollcy ts Colorado, and is deecribed ae followe: PARCEL A, A RESUBDIVISION OF I,OT 1, BIJoCK 7, VATL VILIAGE, FIRSI FILrN6, ACCORDTNC TO THE prAr RECORDED ltAY 13, 1986, IN BOOR 441 Ai! PAGE 820, COUMtv Or EAGLE, STATE OF COIpSADO. by this policy at the sLtuated in EAGLE County, Page This Poli€y valld only if, schedule B is attached. Oilner Forlo 2313 This policY doee foIlowlnE: 1. Rights or claino of publlc records. Eaaements, or claims records. ld,; v15648 Potlcy No. A2943136 not lnsure againet logs or darnage by reason of the partles in poeseasion not ghown by the of eaEements, not etrown by th€ publlc Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmente, and any faqts $rhJ-ch a correct survey and i""pectfon of the preinises would disclose and which are not 6hown by tbe puJclic records. labor, or naterlal by 1aw and notAny l.Ien, or right to a lien, for services, theretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed shoffn by the Public records. 1990 TAXES NOT YET DVE oR PAYABLE Allb ASSESSIVTENTS NCT YET CERTIFIED TO fHE TREASTJRTRS OFFICE. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OP A VEIN THEREFROI'I SHOULD THE SA}TE BE AS RESERirED IN UNITED STATES PAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES UNITED STATAS AS RESERVED IN BOOK 48 AT PACE 475. RTSIRICIIVE COVENAN?S WHICH DO BUr OMITTING RE9TRTCTIONg, rr' NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED BOOI( 174 AT PAGE 179. UTILIAY EA.SEI,IENT ].O FEET PROPERTY AS SHOI{N ON TII€ RESUBDIVISION THERETO. OR LODE 10 EXIP.ACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INIERSECf THE PREMISES PATENT RECORDED JUIY 12 I L899 ' IN BOOK 48 AT OR CANAI.S COT{STRUCTED BY 1''HE AUTHORIIT OT THE IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JU1Y 12, 1899, NOT CONTAIN A FORFEIruRE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE' ANY, BASED ON RACE, COI.OR, RELIGION, OR fN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Augiugt 10, 1962' IN IN IfIDIH AISNG THE SCUTHERLY I'T LINE OF SUBTECI RECC}RDED PI.A? OF VAIL VTLI,AGE, FIRST FTLING AND TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RECORDED litay 13, 1-986 PROVISIONS OF SUPPLEMEI{T.ET, PROqECTIVE COVENANTS IN BOOR 441 AT PAGE 819. rll4 Orner Forn 23L3 lF*,. SC1IEDULE v15648 R olicy nI 'I ti F Iir2. t ltr. i I tt I I RESTRTCTTON AS CONTAINED ON THE PLAT RECORDED MAy 13, t986 rN BOOK 44t ArPAGE 820: FOR ZONING PUR,POSES, THT TWO FARCEIS CREASED BY THIS SUBDIVISION ARE TO BEERAATED AS ONE lOT WITH NO I1ORE THAN ONE PRIMARY AND ONE SECONDARYRESIDFNCE ALLOI{ED ON THT CO}IBINED ARIA OF THE THO PARCEI,S. AIJPWABLE GROSSMSIDENtrIAL FLOOR AREA FOR THE IWO RESIDENCES WTIJIJ BE CAI,CUI.,ASED BASED ONTE8 COMBINED AREA OF fHE TWO PARCEIJS. EXISITNG TEASES AND TENAIICIES. DEED oF TRUsr DATEn August 30, 1990, FRoM RoNAJ"D J. BYRNE To TrtE puBl.rc 1IRUSTEE oF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FTRSTEANI{ oF VAIL TO SECTIRE EHE SUIrfoF $490,oo0.00 RICORDED septenber 04, 1990, rN BooK 536 AE pAcE 9g5. ASSIGN},TENI OF RENTS A!{D OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED g€ptember 04, 1990 IF BOOK536 Af PAGE 956. ITE},IS 1 THROUGH 4 OF SCHEDUI,T B ARE HER,EsY DELETED. I tv o Pro.iect Namei Project Description: Contact PeFon and Project Applicalion h ,Qr"rs, h /ra aVgarc/ 3/ Dale /t6 // .d//a.s t *t7 -prtftazz(e- Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecr, Address and Phone: t (&, ' f' ') Legal Description: Lot .{/,,t24" arocx 7 , rittns Yt-ftrtr;ffi# 'z/)eL,' -thhs mq/y'r€d - e1vle6 Eo drT' s<t4- - "'''''P''" v/'"4/' N' -''i1d _{ii'7) ni WJ ; 7/d'rt /ot t"f /yo-f tgn/azd 'Ktr"#",fr&{*q*(-#g -htfr,,-*/j4/;*/;;2;i;rye/' on. //'6 7/ C ' '^ " 7'o ktarzz "7l.a/unrc brf4mnagd . {_/ fie mau>lftt4 DISAPPROVAL /tzcr,rzq bnAofra>u : E statt Approval fil* : A'""u.., ',:!n' flii'is) t't SITE VISITS 1:00 p.n. DESIGN RET'IEI{ BOARD AGENDA NO\'EMBER 6, 1991 3:00 P.u. Municipal Annex - 111 Soutb Frontege t{oad Westpaul lGdergon Collactlon - ?LLL lt. trroatagc Road Briakman - 2613 Cortina Laae Spruce Creek, Pbaae III - 1850 S. troDtage Roa-d tlcgt uittrace W/dosgriff Parcel - trcc.t.d ln Caccade villaga betreen tbe weslia t Millrace elong Gore Creek. Liquora to Go/Gour:net to Go - 1031 S. Trontegc Road vail ski lech - 555 Liongbead Circle Liftbouee Lodg€ - 555 East Liongbead Circle Sbeppard - 596 For€st Road I.ot 3 Develolnent - 416 Forest Road Byrne -16 Forest Road r6uin satellite Disb - 100 Soutb trrontag€ Road 9lest Village Center - 2OL Gore Creek Drive Sbogun - 292 East Meador Drive Rigbtfit Sports - 225 lfall Street Red Lion - 30{ Eridge Street Garden of tbe Gods : 365 vail valley Drive PiDos Del Norte - 500 Vail Valley Drive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 AGENDA t_Pinos Del Norte - Expansj-on of ground Building C of Northwoods Condominiums Drive. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. floor of AK . 500 Vail ValleY Herrington - New Single FamilY Home AK west #A/SPruce Creek Townhomes, SECOND: Pat Herrington Spruce Creek, Phase III 1850 S. Frontage Road Phase III. MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 Approved. Hutchinson - Landscaping and Entry Gate AK 2049 Sunburst Drive/l,ot 1' vail Valley 4th Filing MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved with t.he following recommendations: 1. Recommend clustering bushes on either side of gate to bfend end of wall into site. 2. Size of asPens to be installed be increased from 1" caliper Lo 2" caliPer. 4.Municipal Annex (old Post Airlock Entry and Window Road west. MOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 4-0 Consent aPProved. Office Building) - New MM Changes. 111 South Frontage SECOND: Pat Herrington 6. Rightfit Sports - New Awning & Sign & facade JK 225 watt Street/Wa1l Street Building/A part of r,ots B & C, Block 5-C, Vail Village lst MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved: subject to approval of colors prior to TCO' Lifthouse Lodge - Modification to approved facade JK for Hughes Precious Meta1 Design and clarification of roof miterial to be used over Lhe Vail Ski Tech/Pedal Power, Hughes Jewelry and Lifthouse Lodge Condominium Entrance spaces. 555 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3' Block 1, Vail Lionshead Lst Filing ubfron: George Lamb sEcoND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Regarding Hughes Precious Metal Design - Material around 6"-proje6ting Uay windows approved to be greenish/black polisneO granite or dark qray slate or stucco to match Lxisting stucco color; Light in copPer awning. okayi striations in copper "awning" won't match striations of copper roof. Regarding cfarification of roof material - Board re6ontirmed,8/'?/9! DRB decision that roof material over entire Lifthouse Lodge addition to be coPper. Using different roofing materials over the different sPaces associated with the addition is not acceptable. 7. Byrne Resldence - Modification to approved JK l.-andscaping, driveway plan , pond and entrance stair location ana approval bf r(ew entrance ttpilldrstr and entrance pillar 1igtrts. 15 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, vail viLlage 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved with the condition the Town Engineer must approve driveway and pond modifications' Note: EntranCe pillars not to exceed 6 feet in height ' 8. Brinkman Residence - Modification to aPProved fi landqcaping p1an. 2543 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, VaiI Ridge MOTiON: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 - 5-- Consent approved. 9. Sheppard Duplex - Portable Hot Tub 596-Forest Road/r,ot 3, Block 1, Vail village 5th MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 10. Miltrace lVlCosgriff Parcel - ConcePtual Revicr SM of 6 dwelling rinits and site plan, Iocated in Cascade Village between the westin and Millrace along Gore Creek. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual Review. 11. Red 'Lion - LandscaPe Plan SM 304 Bridge Street/iots ErFrG & H' Block 5-A, vail Village 1stMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: EIBI.ED TO NOVEIIBER 2OTE MEErING ![D 12. Precourt - Revision to Landscape Plan SM 328 MiII Creek cj.rcle,/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions : 1. (6) Aspens 3-5" caliper and (6) Aspens 2-3" caliPer. 2. Prior to pruning of cottonwoods on west side of property' Lf1 timls to be renoved must be flagged ind site inspection compleLed by staff. 13. Garden of the Gods - Landscape Plan SM 365 vail Valley Drive/Lot K, Block 5-A, Vail village 5th MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent with conditions: 1. Existing trees that were removed due to const.ruction must be replaced with trees of equal qualitY and height. 2. Concrete unit pavers will be used on sidewalks in public right-of-way except on east side of Vail Va1ley Drive. 14. Stone - Amendment to approved plans SM 1241- westhaven Circle/Lot 44, Glen Lyon Subdivision MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 Approved with condition as noted on p1ans. 15. Village Center - New Building Signs 201 Gore Creek Drive/Village Center Plaza MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 BR Consent 15. Paul Anderson Collection - New Sign BR 2L11 North Frontage Road/Vail Das schone shopping center MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent 17. Liquors to Go/Gourmet to Go - New Sign tOit South Frontage Road/Cascade Crossing MOTION: George Larnb SECOND: Pat HerringUon VOTE: 4-0 Consent 18. Shogun - New Sign 292 East Meadow Drive/Mountain llaus MOTION: George Lamb SECoND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved. Sign will be attached to menu board' 19. vail Ski Tech Awning e Sign BR 555 Lionshead Circle/LoL 3, Bl-ock L' Lionshead 1st Filing, Lifthouse Lodge MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: ETBI.ED TO IIOVII'BER 2OTE UEEEING. 20. Lot 3 Devefopment - Change to approved plan 416 Forest Rbad/Lot 3, BLock 1, Vail Village 6th MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent BR BR 2L. Tobin Satellite Dish SM 100 S Frontage Road West l:,,olu O, Block 5-D' Vail Village 1st, Vail ViIIage Inn Plaza MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions: 1. Color of dish to be evergreen- 2. 6 large (4' height min) redtwig dogwood to be placed to the south of satel'lite dish. DRB finds that landscape screen would be more appropriate then 6' cedar fence. a 22. Rimski Residence - Landscape Revision JK 394 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 7, Block 2' Vail Village 3rd MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Consent with revocable right-of-way permit' MEMBERS PRESENT: @: George Lamb Connie Knight (PEC) Sherry Dorvtard Ned GwathemY Pat Herrington STAFF APPROVALS: Sweet BasiI Remodel - Interior/Change existing front door and instaf:. ventilation system on exterior. Gore Creek Plaza Building. Teuscher/Castro - New ground Level deck. Lot 1, VaiI village 10th Lockton Resid. - Expand driveway approximately 3-5', in width. Lot 2' Gore Creek Park Glenn Deck and Hot Tub - Extension of deck & new portable spa. Potato Patch CIub Unit #18 Crossroads of vail - Elevator vent. 141 East Meadow Drive Sonnenalp Landscape PIan - Transplanting trees this faLl to allow for conslruction in the spring. 20 Vail Road Russell Residence - Revised J-andscape plan' Lot 15, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2 AspecLs of Vail- - Awning wit'h sign' f-,o-dge Promenade/162 nast Gore Creek Drive United Colors of Benetton - Green Awning over doort no lettering. Bridge Street Building/250 Gore Creek Drive Hughes Precious Metal Design - New Sign' l,iithouse Lodge/555 East Lionshead Circ1e Nicks Entrance Doors - Change location of doors 'Gallery Building/228 Bridge Street Vail Gateway Plaza #5 - Change out existing windows with larger windows and add door to deck ' 1'2 vail Road o Ronning Windows - Add additional windows and relocate door. Lot 5, vail ueadows #1 Kaye Residence - Interior Ioft remodel, using 250 ord' Calcade village/Millrace Condo. Unit #2-E Carol Dick Landscaping - Foflow up to condition of app-rov"I--9l g/4/gl deck enclosute ipproval. Aighorn Townhomes Unit #2-A, 4?08 Meadow Drive Ransburg Residence - ChrisLmas Tree lighting place 2200 lights on one tree. Lot 5, Block 4, VaiI village 3rd Buffehr creek Townhomes - change window location/fireplace location. The ValIeY Phase II Vail Realty - New Rental Management sign. MilI Creek Court Building Banner Sports - Signs on doors. Lifthouse Lodge/555 East Lionshead Circle valentine skylight.s - Addition of 2 skylights and 3 windows. Lot 30, Block 2, VaiI Village L3th Kilpatrick Hot Tub - Add portable hot tub to existing deck. Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition @vail-@ Vail Associates, Inc. Crcit('rs anl L)p6rxtors ,:f Vril anJ be:lver Cree ln Resotts Mr, Ron Byrne 285 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81658 Dear Ron' thank You for meeting the i.nterface of mountain Road. P. 01 Fprlfl J',-1Bg a with Marvin GraY and me to discuss runoff with 1'our lot at 16 Forest october 29, I99l SincereIY ' ,4Wn*rzJoe I'lacy I Manager Mountain Planning Duting our meetlng we looked at a culvert which drains Gitalong Road r.'irh-an 6ut1et dj.rectll, above and south of your house. You agreed tc construct a syst"m to divert any water around Your hcuse to the east ' once your system is installed' we wj'll begin diverting rrater through Ehe above culj/ert' Please let me know when your system is ready. ;;-;i";-1"-iJgi" diverting water into the ;i,;;; culvert i.'ithin the next week' It is inporcant that the diversion system ycu install be ptop"iiy-ae=ii"uA, installecl and maintained to protect your property. Please call me immediately if your understanding differs from what I have stated above' JM,/km cc! Nola DYaI I'tarvin GraY Larry Lichliter Jitn Roberts Paul Testwuide Tamra Nottingham \.t ) a ORDINANCE 2 Series of .|983 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING TITLE'I7 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE SETTING FORTH NEl../ SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THE TOI.JN AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, the existing Town of Vail subdivision regulations and construction design standards are very outdated and not in keeping with today's development types and technologies, and WHEREAS, an exhaustive amount of research and study has been expended by staff, the subdivision regulations review committee and the Planning and Environ- mental Commission to arrive at the ordinance contained herein, and ['lHEREAS, the Pianning and Environmenta'l Commission has recommended approval of the contents of thjs ordjnance to the Council , and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail is of the opinion that it would benefit the health, safety and welfare of the inhabjtants of the Town of Vail; NOI,I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOl.lN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section l. Title'17 Subdivisions of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: .l7.28. 300 .,/ STREETS 17 .28.3I0 GENERAL:to existing or plan. GENEML; CLASSIFICATION; DESIGN CRITERIA; CONSTR.UCTION MATERIALS, AND CONSTR.UCTION METHODS Road layout shal1 bear a logical relationshipplatted roads in adjacent properties and thoroughfare 17 . 28.320 CLASSIFTCATIOI,T : A. Arterial streets (Frontage Roads) - are those r"rhich permitthe relatively rapid and unimpeded movement or large volumes of traffic from one part of the cormrunity io another. B. Collector streets-are Ehose which collect traffic frorn minoror1oca1@ittoarteria1Streetsorto1oca1trafficgenerators. Collector streets include the principalentrance streets to a residential development, those linking such adjacent developments, and those streets providingcirculaLion rvithin such developments. Local streets-are those used orinarily for direct access toprofrtles-E6utting the right-of-way.- Local sEreers carrytraffic having an origin or destination r,,,rithin the development and do not carry through traffic. D. j[inor str6af c- /inn l rrrlac --ivate) are those uSed primarily forffi;;..;;;;;;.Ilsabuttingtheright-of_way.}1inorstreets carry fer.rer vehicles than local streets. They do notrL,-^'.^L r--^ €€.: ^!.cll- I- J Lrrr\.,,lri;t! L!o.l.!I!-. . E. Driveways - Any private access for trvo or ferier dr.rel l ing units..I7.28.330 DESIGN CRITERIA 4. Major Points: Local and minor-Local and minor streets shall be ciesigned in such a manner thar through traffic rvithin the subdivision will be discouraged. 2. rntersections - streets shall be laid ouE so as Eo intersect asn-aTI)' as possible ar righr angles 3'streit Names - street names shal-l not duplicare an existing streetname, unfess t,he said streeE is an exteniion of the existiis streec.tstreeE names shall be subject to the approval of the Tor.rn ciut:cil. 4. Curves -.The minimum curve radius shall be as designated inparagraph I belorv. Alleys - Alleys shall be provided if required by che Planning Com-mission. The minimum width of che a1ley shall be 20 feec. Dead-endalleys shall noc be permiEred. Alt alllys shall be paved. Easements - Easements shalr be provided for all ucilities, drainageways, channels, or streams which t.raverse acloss che subdivision. 6. :)+ J-qg$s!gU: |length, widtr,, and shapes oan, shait be determinedby the lype ot use. zoning requirements, needs for convenient access, circula-tion.and safety of street traffic, z{nd lirn.itations and opportunities'oi tJfo_graphy. For repairs, a block rviil be defined as the d'i stance between anvtwo consecutive intersections of public streets. cYl:de-sgcs - cul-de-sac streets, however, shall be designed as minor or localw'ith a right-of-way bu of 50 foot radius and pavemenr iadius of 40 feet. q $lrqet l^lidth - Street width shall conform to the followinq: CLASS t,lIDTH WIDTH SHOULDER SiGN SPEED GRADE%RAD I US FUTURE ADT rteria ( Frontage)70 12' per lane 40 JU 30 EN 40 I ocu 250 60 50 1U 750 and over 300-750 .l50-300 0-r 50 Col I ector Local M inor ( Pri vate) Dri veway 24 ll 22 12 8* D.Hori zontal Al 'ignment: The major considerations in horizontal alignment design are: safety, grade profile,road type,.design speed, sight distance, and topograpFy. All these iaitors mustbe balanced to produce an alignrnent that is safbsi, moit economical , and aaequiiefor the type of road proposed. Horizontal alignment must provide at least the minimum stopping sight d.istance forthe design speed at a] 1 points. This includes visibility at iiteriections, as wellas arounct curves and roadside encroachments. Vertical Al iqnment The grade'l ine is the reference line by which the elevatjon of the pavement and otherfeatures of the road are established. It is control 1ed mainly by tbpography, thefactors of horizontal a1 ignment, safety, sight distance, design ipe.i,"arii"n6ge, and construction costs. The configuralion of heavy duty vehicles must also be cons idered. l. Grade Line - The grade line should be positioned rvith relation to the cross-3-ictlon as follows: a. It should coincide with the road centerline on trvo-lane ano rnui ti-lane undividedroaos. b. Separate grade lines may be required on divideo lnul ti-lane roads. *Maximum.grade for driveways.may be up to i0.r if the ior.rn Enc.ineer,s approval isobtained. If the driveway is proposed to be heated, the gride may be up to i2.,if the Town Engineer,s approvaj is obtained. SECTION ? If any part, Section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thiS ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decjsion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and eacfpart, sectjon, subsection, Sentence, clause or phrase thereto regardless of the fact'that any one or more Parts, sections, subsections sentences, clauses or phrases may be declared inval id. SECTION 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON a public hearing shall be held 1983 at 7:30 pm in the Council Col orado. FIRST READING THIS 4th day of JanuarY .l983 on this ordinance on Chambers of the Vail the I st daY of February Municipal Building, Vail, Ordered publ ished in full this4th 66, o1 JanuarY ATTEST: I v6J. t, ; 1Vfi -ii7 llr"L o )LLU2%L-'' ,j INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED thi s day of -------------= --i iiODo n [Y -EITLTFERI- r,EY oR ttl . 4,lt w lrut(,Q,rut t-t,l -l , l Q !,- "1" :L t (,r fi{,4, iJ tr--/ ti RODNEY E. SLIFER, ATTEST: 'l qR? ctz ts-t uJo- ooo o F{ U' UJ uJtr ==luo- /b/8/r t' 'ds tlroz+?3 o\ o\ F,I;rlu) M z HU' z o !! Js l! (,z J ao IJJF q> z =o zz It.v) H F H €& * crn4 3A@a F4 # lr llJo = = l! oFo GFzoo cEo tr lrJz =od LUI6z.:.3GvfulFI<FZe'9=ch< j-oc6*;.e B E€:E Eg EEI EEiEE :EFg€ g"; Eg iSEieioiE-orE ;:€Es:-'E 3d(u0'-:-E; O /, tr gH:;; sEiEI !n * E =Gulq- oz a 5.o Yout Qz Jo- uJ UJ z E JIL oz o uJ = UJql z9 F UJ G, C' uJE o ao =g! uJe.zo u,lo o ur z u,Jo x F uJtt) U' UJ UJ t.|- E =E UJIL FoF z o @ () aF uJJ u,J (Jz6 = c J Iz Iou,E NO|lVnlVA =l>El (nl =isl=(o<rrl r99tZztt-o ooEF. o- A=2i E EEEZz sB?.e 6E3i 3f;iH gH;T UE 2o F lt uJ Ei(L ulg z E o a tg. ,AI UJ ;ul2 l1a trz 2 <oo< =Hxr!Uo<z E2, 9z fio3EOI llJl) E a uJzYo I zIF az 3 F UJ B ll,N Fa Jl<lt-l zl zl .. >lo UJ uJqJzo = uJ ) zo E z Fa .o I& tr-BcoHC)IurEO<O u) zHzES&. o\o\ FI |n AIrlctt zo aH uJ ts U'glo.? zo Fo- uJv ul c0 oFt Etuo lto o-oo I IJJt-oz urF o ozfi .nQ r, -F (/) =< lrldro 04 =3 I dP s EEi ;H= !n! =GulLt!oEq5.3€8E9rrLB95gE dLE h=E ;ffE =*-e 659 itnt xo-E 6raut €= ul co F I -- E =Elrl o-zIF C)fEFozo C) @ r\(n I\o GI O'i A I.ifo oz d uJ IE J rLoz 3 |. rl(.'la Iztt IHts I€to I>1.'{ |3t IAl I*l dl 3l ;llEl Fl | -rlEl 3lEl bltzl Eil oz ,i u,G J t! z3 F H ?t) Irl d H H Hz frl AH.t) 14M Zr >ltrl i; =z c) -) o @ @.it I\o FlH rnlnorn }<o p{ at1 at1 uJ e.o = frlz >l zo& UJ z +oe, Flleg J t! z3 F .t) rElH H C) rh u) q E() I\oN .iz ti IIJ J u.oz =o F H& t-t z H& = tr F\(o I\0(\ o\ i |lH o (,z 6 = -J gL) =+EFr-Oz t -rO<Faro IJJ <zE.rrr F(rz!nH --- 'I /O" BOILER. FU UP TD RCn|F LAP DDf1.l-l01- l^lTK. EOILER 5q+Y\BH INPUT o CGb-q c.A. ll"r31" COMEIjSTION A\K DUCIS. TI,.JO 5EreRATE. DLICTS l8"x\O" TO BO\LETC KOD}4 FROt.'/t OLITSIDE A-REAUAY, DNE DUS TZ) TEI.\4INATE LJTTHIN 12\ A.F.E TI{E OTHEE- Tc) TLRS,IINAII-E |Z*BELOU eE\U\t6 STRLICTUKE^ -mM, ur?-hriTcs, \NPLJT.z e scf MBHg4,cH t\-iT. , SOFTENIIJC.T TA\I\<-S BR\\IE- .rAS\\C I$'0 s[P 051991 E\R\\E TEE=, l[o F()ffiI- tS. vA\Lr CO q-3-'\l &:Fi I'(ECHANI\CAL KOOIl LA'rour SCALE ll/1lt-6't NOTE,, KEQU'RED @}4 \,/OLUI1E. re.K C.C'DE l= 31q CU,FT; ACTI-IAL EAO}{ VOTJIMEl= 3qz nt \.F\i<\ G\ oz ts-e. UJo- o o U' UJ UJlr tr =Elr' o- d/{)/61e49 l&,tn *l) N rn u z t.r.I) z o tg '--<olo e.l l,O & EE -tv 6rflt t{ *H oz = llJF z = zz oulFoz ozo =lo .6 o =z tr.o at)zoHH z C) trro L4-u) H : Ir]E C)<lLl <l Erl I'rl-l r\ '-{rn \o F\c{ e E = UJ (,z = ao Y ul- z o- ; FI4lJ llJ (,z ao Jo- ) = ur = ul uJltz tr uJ = uJ z uJ E ocut c z ul o x ltlat an[! UJu- E G llJo- J FoF (9zo = J 9c, Fo u,l t! oz : J J =Io uJ- Hots NOt.tVnlVA frt z H .A FI ;to< =tz z !-(Ao ootr ^ 624:a eFe v, 0 G-6d fr6(JzXn tr <(oq *F1Eg gE rAt(,o (\l =>c =uJ =lD zIF l! o o oEo u,lC F e TIJE z Eoo zo UJ J =uJz tttltltl U>Fzlz FUJ<oo< =Fx(!Uo<z Lz 2= do3EOI llt] tllI toltoltdl JJ (t,(t, u,zY iF ut o- F zo F oz I z z I f F uJ 3 tt) o Jl<l F-l zl zl .. >l UJ UJ uJz U'F 0rlu z Eoo o7 dl II l"lol{ttld l;,l>oH 1-- CO @ OO o\o\ \o >t z zt{ utF o au,azt<lFft:lz Ilrr o @o \:Zo Fo-ujY uto oF tr G UJ o- t!o o-oo UJFoz =E:i t(oO Ff =29dPE!!Ei ts o-'lt afuJ<E 99E 5r,* a3n e6L6FrrF P- = E-F'tl- =uJ:-E FE: >ci 8a9 EurE XO-E ;'5. u.l €; UJ @ F rs vr= = E =E UJo-zo F(Jf E,Fozo(J ifi 6E= a;3 ol HIJ <l>l bl 2l 3lolH oz o UJG o z3 F =.1ol oz o uJc -J o z =cF ;l ilH o = Jto I FoJ ErllA H.t) CA f:lz >t ii =zo .-) lallcl Ftttol:l o'!<l -itat Ill\Otc,l IEI E tHlr4t IZl .$lCl rnlxl Nlcet I 3l gd*l 80tl ieiEaEo .s I\or\.it I<l "bl'-{ |Nl I .l ?l otutl 5l al>l t!lol zl FI .J) rn € E _eeozt- E? =E d6 E -rO<FEQL!<2turFtqZ-oo m!tr I Plan Review Baged on the 1988 Uniform Codeg PROJECT NUMBER: 52I9I NAME: BYRNES DEMO ADDRESS: 16 FOREST RD. DATE: 5-21-91- occupANcy: R-3 "?t&1H%1t'.tfffit & Assoc' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ENGINEER: DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED lhe itens listed below are not intended to be a complete liating of all possible code reguirenents in tbe adopted codeg. It is a guide to selected sections of ttre codes. Th€ following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Torn of Vall. 1. DEMOLITION PERM]T WILL EXPIRE 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUAIICE. 2. SITE MUST BE REVEGITATED PER RE-VEGETATION PLAN IF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW RESIDENCE IS NOT SUBSTANTIALLY UNDERWAY WITHIN 6O DAYS OF DATE OF ISSUANCE OF PERMTT. 3. SITE IS HEAVILY I,ANDSCAPED. CONTRACTOR WILL FENCE TR.EES TO BE SAVED AT DRIP LTNE. (*bw.--- >.-.*__\- \\ \\ *r----.', \ - "'.--=-'\- m- lbt*t'r* t} +5---l'\ = i }.. \-- -- \_ -,\ =-\ \ \ g\ ,r' \-'. *-,i --rj - \ \t \ \ o I EEAUE coaiultiac A MO SEP 1 61991 hohta,lcot-tI 5e ui ernoer. ! 3. 729.- Yr. Steve'n.]. Rieerr 3.,,-1. Bo.': 3E38 Va: -.. ;U lt:b:rt, ,1€: 3v:'ng RegiiJe'ree Fr ne Rev:.evt Dur.. Fr.c.; ec.t hi$r,nbeF r 4O.3 Dear 5ieve. Per voni recliesl . i na*e -g/:e#etr Tile ras ve,;; .svstern rngtal ieci gt i.he home. Dt'{nlrrc [1\, gliF .foEF.-va::i]ri. -. oose"vet- an exciegtlve'number of aib':rig :n ;ne cas r.eIrt ,lf r-Get si i:te ro5 r-ioo--, The c'iheP oeg rzerri a:--fgets ;tt lhF ;c,sle* r-,,;'r-11"= 6.:roE'af- r,r., c.Jrf 9iv r{l=|: the Liril- forrn fllechan:.ca1 Code rL;ltl[].r - 'i ne ,-ti-. f,€,r'1rlt* oF jse1g r.li'r rcn are 45 gFGFe€€ c,r i.esS frqrir ver.r rcaL. *npgrt crf fge:g ar-E ccr,Bitjerefl ver! rcai runs in term€ ni- tee ':BtrE ;nc :incl(sc?-y gtanaard tras vent degisn. F ieaEe ref*t' to lrrg *:f'rcrc's€t cc,cie Ekc'E:p.f,r.. T,ie trr* f io,rr ,1f'1-5gle c.rn il{l crf,r',i.€et€u! ipi. *ur E1t€ ileet!.vis, at:ch trlat ' the-. glas ver{t dr\:€=ei,--.- .:tr * {.5 eeF} g.e an=n ie, The exirs .' ,e I bl:}wg can Bg re'll,f,vgc e,nC t.r= ir^arn.'.ne ao I List€d tcr ac.cEr':lftlEdate thg Ed.cie *.ccep:abie 45 aecree cia{ge:. -ire u{''lf LlFrrl::g tt:''re o:-fget oreater t narr 5O ieerees a rl,i c'ccLtrs $r;]sr-e t r1B !:aE /eFi en1--.eFs the Dc.i;ei' F!3on. i-tr:on ctrintri et iorr c,f !.g,rirc../:.r,!.i.!e eytra ei bc,wg ano F*gc: fwrng f ralatno, Ehe gas vent gvslern r.r i -: I *,:r,iFi.r ur:.-*h :fiF lJivri and aCeor.tate cir:ar-t for ihs s':,i,.er a r:.1 i"raier :re.-,ter.9. if vou hayF anyl cuegl iong. Dlease ea.i:. - S i ncere 1v, Fl, Beauc ! n. rnc irrg'.rre SiriB I e i.; ih!i DFovide Goldcn otlicc70I l9tb Stncct GoJdca. Colorado SOtNl Iclcphoac: (30il 278-8820 fatc6opicr: (SOg) 378-9/8,|ft rNsttoN REQUESTvAlL ( {3,",-o_,.,OWN OFPERM DATE L t1znl_ CALLER TUES )'-,1a^-. ----6D eu L {} JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: B E BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE K' trF EIC o- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr E tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED Vo,sorr*ou.o \E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo-.6-,zs^ - ?/INSPECTOR nffisrop rNsttoN REouESr TOWN /OF VAIL' '/ '//n( Kvs.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI MBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION I] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL @leppouto CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNs#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ \t. C\\ oor. \St:-,'\\\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: M BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr n tr tr tr FRAMING UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL lrheenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED "or. b- A l'7/ rNSpEcroR nfiisrop .I..Ffl PROJECT tNs WED THUR FRI a CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ECTI CALLER TUES AM@READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:/) N1 RLUMBING:II OOTINGS / STEEL h UNDERGRoUND d*z sredt ' i t' 'tr ROUGH i D.W.V. D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL )(leenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r' oore b-z tl -? / rNSPEcroR t /4rt <-Y /u -N REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME F VAILbl/t,,(/4)oo,. l/ra /q r l'tt 4- -4,,e'a READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '1 t ; oote 1; "Jb - .''/ rNSPEcroR 41oi F PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON J INSPEI TION REQUEST VAILWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI CATLER BUILDING: tr^FoorNGS'J-JE FRAMING, -RooF & siileen PLYWOOD NAILI INSUTATION -tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED o DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED :- CORRECTI ni$sroe INS CTION OWN OF REQUEST VAIL IJA L LtrI-{ 'nL-( THUR FRIREADY FOR .LOCATION: TUESt -----@eu (o JOB NAME INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr tr o tr tr tr FRAMING PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH \ D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o o tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL f.Aeenoveot coRREcrroNS' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorr T-t* Q/ rNSpEcroR t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON y'zt READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NU q.-..- WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL NDERGROUND ON / STEEL D tr D D tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRlCAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL k appnoveo coRRECfroNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, ?- tl - il rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR NUMBER OF PROJECT.; 7r CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr tr tr ! UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr T] FINAL O FINAL LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:ELI o V' TEMP. POWER tr HEATING v tr tr ROUGH D D D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL U FINAL APPROVED I D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: F,tr I t ./ - .i. - ,l rNSpEcroR -1Yo t 0"NSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE I ).t) TOWN OF (//JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MOI/b\fi)ht 0d. 4., )Qretnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING:- r / STEEL ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING ! llt'**tt'oN -D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH DEXHAUST HOODS _ tr SUPPLY AIR' -tr-.'- 'j'if, - tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR 4qc;: PERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT 1l JoB NAME INSPECTION: DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION REQUEST TPWN OF VAIL THUR FRID O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING ilo;; t i"ee*tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL -tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr o ROUGH ".- CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E.APPROVED VEO EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ./lU-r/) -4/OATE / lv // |NSPECTOR rus= I PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT oo,,\\S\ JoB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM tr REIN1SPECTION BEQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: INSPE fr*".o.CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUfLDING: .1. ,..PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V, tr FOOTINGS / STEEL fl FOUNDATON / SrEE- qy'lRAMING I, ROOF & SHEERu ^, ./,.,^^^ tr ROUGH / WATER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !._ E FIN,AL D FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL o^t. Q- J-o4l rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMB DATE OWN OF VAIL ra. .'JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES )rr WED THUR /nb', READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER ".PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR $qeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ooru Q'- Ap *ol I rNSPEcroR '- -'t '-'.v'1,.___-_.|'I '4 /L; ; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUEST WN OF VAIL42.-.f/ /4 12 soc tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED q I JoB NAME '1,-4-4 CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N HOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING SULATION POOL / H- TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTORG* 3tn ^'7 / -4-Tqi.a :\-. 4q o(il INSPECTION REQUEST PEBMIT NUM DATE lo READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED F PROJECql T JOB OWN OE VAIL''4, / >*, /-61 / <fiG) ,*, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB HEETROCK NAIL D !tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING o o o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL !+tt*oueo o coIRECrroNS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE \\\S I INSPECTIONTOWN OF \t. REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BER -\ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o o tr tr tr ! UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANlCAL: {r."'d FOUG tr HEATING OUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED-''/.?- :O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: omt ,/t - r/6 ?INSPECTOR 1, ''-- I PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcT - INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION;; JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL \4UNDERGRoUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E] GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Bfiis,rop r-----" -.---- . ;.4-r1 . t:I Y YO ^PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oot. I -Lo- ?.1 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTIO MON LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST/1 TOWN OF VAIL UALLtrN ,1, THUR BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr APPFIOVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\_\s\DATE \- \ -\.{ JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECT ON CALLER TUES //.^//WED THUR ( FRI ) /AI \\_READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr D tr tr tr UMBING: tr o D tr tr D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W,V. ROUGH i WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D tr tr tr tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ffi*o,FINAL {orr^ou.r.zfi CORRECTIONS: /- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ltat INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE B NAME CALLER TLJES WE 6tl FRIFIEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO cLt^lh'tildt zt k 4"" BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION O POOL i H. TUB ELECTRICAL: c/MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR L' $ rorrrcrroN's .'MPLETED b The Lteus belov ueed to be couplete before givlng a germlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLU}AING DATE:tl FINAI UECHANICAL DATE: t-i IMPROVEI'{ENT SURVEY RESID. NA}18: DATE: FINAI. ELECTRICAL FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TTUPORARY C OF O I I t_______ DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY t;lr -2tf /-a/,, /'- ,a)DArE: try;/4:/:ry (: I.ANDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAI.TE: TCO SIIALL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ATTACHED CONDITIONS ITAVE BEEN MET. SEE APPROVED BUILDING PLANS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ lo ru, 1o1ser Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Qorrf omhor O 1OO1 Mr. Steve Riden, Architect PO Box 3238Vail, CO 81658 Re: Burns Res-icience, 1 Forest Road, Vaii, Colorado (t{&N #i148) Dear Mr. Riden: As requested, Monroe & Newe1l Engineers, Inc. recently conductedan observation of the residence. The purpose of the observationwas to review the framing of the residence, The framing isessentially complete. The following were observed: 1. The steel beam near the entry is supported on two 2x6expansion anchored to the concrete wall. These 2x6tsshould be blocked sofid to slab below.2. The stee.l- beam on the east slde of the second levelcan be cut to 10 inches deep at the cantifewer sectionso that it is flush with adjacent framing. The bottom fJ_ange needs to be repiaced.3. The plywood diaphragm at the garage ceiling may haveholes cut in it. The holes shoutd be 2, -0x1,-0 maximum cut into alternate joists spacing andalternate plywood pieces. Baseci on our cursory observation, it is our opinion the framingof the residence is in general- compliance with standard construc-tion practices. Monroe & Newel-f Engineers, Inc. did not providestructural design services on the residence and we cannot beresponsib1e for member sizes. It is our understanding the pre-fabricated joists supplier designed the floor joists system andthe correct sizes and spacing' are his sole responsibility. If you have any questions or comments, please cal1. .g.ii$i,r'i'L ff ,;.7.,, ..;\t)i;;'v.4j;3j2,j":... ' -".ii,-, i"i* 1 2osz i"iztqt:h. '{j ' ..-' za',*:*t"; Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 r (3O3) 949-7768. FAX (303) 949-1959 Vail, C,olorado Denver, Colorudo \/orrz f rrrlrr rrltrrrc Principal 0048 E. Beaver Creek lllvd. . Suite 307. P. O. BYRNE RESIDENCE PInltS EXIIIINATION FOR BUII.DING PERMIT 16 TOREST ROID IOE 1, BIOCX 7, \TAIL VILIAGE lST Any water diversion required to allow the development to occur rnust be approved by the Town Engineer. To soften inpact or retaining wa11s located west of thegarage, the property owner will plant taII shrub or trees inthe planting area betvreen the wall sections. Property owner wiII make every effort to save/protect existingtrees to remain during construction. Prior to issuance of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy,exterior paint colors must be approved by Design Review Board. Walls in front setback may not exceed 3'-0" in height. Walls on balance of site shall noL exceed 5'-0" in height. Maximum height of any point on the roof shall not exceed 33t-0" in height from existing grade or finished grade which everis more restrictive. In order protect the existing roadway located below theproposed pond, prior to j.ssuance of temporary occupancypermit, property owner must submit to community development department an agreement stating property orrrner will assume aI1liability and take full responsibility for repairs to theexisting road in the event the pond should fail. Said agreement must be in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney,signed, executed and recorded in Eagle, Colorado recordersoffice. P.6 FRtI,l 988 ttR. JOIIT H. HOBART szg 0. oHIO cxtcAco, ILLIXOIS 60610 Junr 3. 199tr Ie' Roa Byt'nt Ror BYrne A A||ocirt.l 2BS Brtdgrc gttort urllr coloredo t15!? R5t A'Flr.=rttsn foz. Burtdlnt Pcrrtt -- 16 t'orftt lt.td, Frigrl tr Blsctt ?r Vrll Urllrgr Frrrng tl Da6r Ron, !y thlr lrttGr t agrra to thc fslloelngt r. ADDlic.tlsr o€ tlon€ lrdlDg av'a ttrl rrlrtlng t.rrc.$Gd'. Frlsk rtdln8 by th' lPPItGrnt' b- Al'pllcsnt'. PtAat'lag of htr rrlldrLcr cotoil rppravlrt by ths D8B. c- lppltcrnt Potnttng arkeing ctsncsFrt' r'trtntnt . wall. d. Appllccnt cdptag rtt'Bldg rcttrn*Rt YrIl ln rtsn' to rrtch .taD. aldlnE. t- Ertrtltlg cottcrlt't D'telnlng u'll ln {8sEt- dt ry roildrlncr b. Pr{DL.rl end crp3nd etth 'tlr stsne r' tl ts br uarC lD rldlr|g' Ig l. rY und.r.t ndf'ng thrt rf th€ ebeYr f' rsqPlfrd by :!:Tcvn cf Vallz !h€ rnit*n al lncurrrd ntl Dr p'ld bt Y|'U' .Ron DYrnc. Youri vsry cruly | - RBFlo lrr W /1414* J P.@, FRtt4 Junc 5, 1991 Mrnlll(rqtr Tb*rdVdl$mldtY i PanlryotOecmt i TSS.IffitpRmd ; YII,CO 816ft i : VIAFAXMJMBESu {l*zltl IIESII Atrc,haal lr so be, mr lEquc.Dat to|f Itlr. Idd fbbut regrrding fu qproval of $c rlquocE t imrtuDRB Pkar lcn rc tnor lf 6rrt fu rpy&|ry cbc thrt yu ttctt RB:rprAsrtu RERlffiSo P. 01 FRO'I Df,IE: TIME: tb.6,ql 9"10 Fsr#: *'tot:u61 ---,, Pll0NE#:' FROM; Fe$#: 'ft NU}'IBEN OF PREE$' INCTUDINE COUEB: _{_ PTERSESNLL(50trI4?6*198?IFNOTPROPERLTSEGEII'ED' :;;@p4,94.--'. \- -- \Ct*E I-\-. /V/< Qr,4 /,.t.1 ./a/ / 6/a+7- l')ty' yr/7r2,-*- 7 v \ \i ) \ rmiiilA\ 'ttz .l *J4 F x_E\ \€i\xe\ ) \ : : =:.: \ ,-.11,.,:-1j, ::\ \t\ , \r-...."ii.:.,,,'r .\\ . ,-:t'+;, \ .t _-Ttp-s[-';P't ',w \ ''''':-t' 1: i \.'--...>,' ,r;.i:uo it .i,... . -Jr;::.:.: \\,\ \\: XS.r r1cs" *r" + 'f f have read the memo dated April Legal Descriptlon: Lot c ! \Irl.tan\!aot\rurvay.pol aurvey pollcies stlpufated in the3t 1991 and commlt to adhering to Town of Vail them. k-signature 4r*,Fo.rgow Pri.nt Name ,2rl -, rT7U ) Permit Nunber B,,rn, lnTrnr l+.'7;:::,f;!fr"- Y;;:l''' 3 't/142'i/ C MI NUTES VAIL TO},IN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1990 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, November 20, 1990,at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Buildjng. MEMBERS PRESENT:Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro-Tem Lynn Fritzlen Jim Gibson Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy 0sterfoss Kent Rose, Mayor Ron Phjl'l ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOI,|N OFFICIALS PRESENT: First on the agenda was a ten year emp'l oyment award for Larry Pardee. Ron Phi11ips gave brief background information on Larry, a Heavy Equipment Operator, and congratulated him on ten years with the Town of Vai'l . Pete Burnett congratulated Larry, noting he was a hard worker and a dedicated employee. Under Citizen Participation, Rod Slifer stated he could not stay, but wanted to say he supported the Vail Resort Association, and felt the best location for their offices would be in the remodeled Vail Transportation Center. Next was a Housing Task Force presentation of the Town of VaiI affordable housingstudy. Kristan Pritz introduced Nolan Rosall, a consultant to the Task Force, stating the purpose of the presentation was to ask Council's approval of the report and authorizing staff to implement the first phase of the report. She then gave general background information on the study and reviewed the recommendations- Nolan gave furthen details of the report explaining how it could be implemented. Larry Eskwith remarked staff had taken the initial steps to start the process - a petition for Town of Vail residents has been distributed to initiate a housing authority and a public notice in Friday's paper will announce a public hearing scheduled for December 4, 1990 to discuss the need for a housing authority. He then explained details of an authori ty and a non-profit corporation and answered questions of Council. Kristan Pri tz commented the last issue of concern was using Town of VaiI land for affordable housing. There was some discussion regarding locations of all Town of Vail parcels and where they were located as it pertained to their appropriateness. Joan Carnje stated she hoped there would be some open space left and was concerned about building on open space land; she felt building down va11ey would not cause as much impact 1ocal 1y. Krjstan addressed the Town's responsibility to provide some housing within the Town of Vai1 boundary. Paul Johnston brought up using the north part of Donovan Park or the Edwards parcel, feeling these were acceptable with bus service to the housing area. He also had no problem using real estate transfer tax (RETT) land for housing. Bob Fritch reminded CounciI of the RETT vote and subsequent passage by Council, and asked questions regarding reimbursing the RETT fund if RETT Iand was used for employee housing, to which Peggy Osterfoss asked if it was appropriate to use taxpayer dollars for land for affordabje housing. Don K'l inger commented the average employee in Oenver drove 45 minutes to get to work so having employee housing down valley wouid be appropriate. Jeannie Duvall, a down va1 1ey resident, discussed a survey she had made comparing rental rates to job listings. She remarked costs were simjlar up and down valIey and it was a myth about cheap rents down valley; there was no affordable housing. Jim Gibson asked if affordable housing should be defined as to rental rates? Nolan Rosall commented rates should be set by bedroom size; usual 1y a housing authori ty would recommend rates based on employee wages. Tom Steinber"g noted construction workers were now here year'round and have impacted the housing situation; he feltit would be desirable to know the number or percentage of construction workers. Nolan added there were no disadvantages to having a housing authority; it would give new alternatives. Peggy Osterfoss made a motion to approve the Task Force's recommendation for affordable housing and to immediately proceed wjth the appointment of a housing authority. Merv Lapin seconded the motjon. Lynn Fri tzlen questioned density incentives and had a question regarding the difference between a affordable housing unit and a condominium. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. { { NAI{E OF PRO.TECT: LIST OF !,IATERIAI,S BI,OCK -l- SUBDfVfSION Vail VillaqeLEGAI, DESCR PTION: STREET ADDRESS: 16 Forest Road, Vail, OO 816s7 DESCRIPTION OF PRO.TECT: A. The following infornatlon ls Review Board before a final reguired for submlttal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIOR cedar shake Bro\dn Cedar Stone walls lVood Gneen Cedar Brvtn/Gre€n lRV diyided CIad Greett I,iood Brcnrt clad freert Vilood Ivletal- stone qrey stone Grev Ron B\Ene BUII-,DING UATERIAI.,S : Roof siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows ttindow Trim Doors Door TrLm Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I-,ANDSCAPfNG: Nane of Designer: Phone: B. 476-19A7 PI,ANT I.[,ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comnon Name Aspen BIue Spruce ouantitv Size* t0 2" -4" 10 6r-8t EXISTING IREES TO BE REMOVED Enqel-nan Various Pine 30 Feet Aspen 7-L0 2t-4' *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. trees. fndicate ilinimum caliper for helght for coniferous PI.AIflI }TATERIAIS: PROPOSED STIRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REUOVED *Indicate sLze 5 qallon. Botanlcal Nane o Connon Narne Potenti',lla -[fari.o$-Ease- Ouantitv Size* 20 5 caL 30 Scel . None of proposed shrubs.Ml-nimum size of shrubs is GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Type lfatrrra] to raqfnre qi fo Scruare Footaoe Sod 2000 square feet Natural ard, wil-d fllcrer mi- Spririk-Ler wstem c. TYPE OR I,IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Soil b] anket Develope store ponds OTHER LAI{DSCAPE FEATIIRES (retaining lralls, fences, swinning pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate helghts of retaining walls. Maxinum height of walls wlthin the front setback is 3 feet. Maxirnum helght of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. Variqrs stone retaininq ual-ls rmder 3 t end dry lct:nk s{'.'no I APPL I cA{ ION FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR AOOITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOI{ABLE GRFA Date of Date of Appl ication-Septenber 17, t990 e8s@ A pre-application conference tvith a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions una." which additionai GRFA can be addedto a site' It should be uhderstooJ-il'rii this ordinance does not assure each propertyan additjonal 250 square feet of enfn.- Rather, ttre orJinince allows for-gg t6250 square feet if iertain conditiJns are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare.complete' This includes att inrormition requir"a-on-ti,is form as r.rell asDesign Review Board submittat requirarantr. 'J 'v'r' cr) r?cr I o> DRB Meeting A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: FSf""i :L_a'ock___,_Fil ins v"i1 v"ilr"g., t.r F,il Zone District p/S C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: non enrrre ooorrss D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: non sl-rn Address 285 eridqqsrree+, vail, ao 81657 phone__426=t982_ E. NAl.lE 0F oWNER(S ** Signature(s) Address 28 R non"*4/.?82_. F. Fili'ng Fee of 9100.00 is required at tinre of submittal The fol'l.ow!n9 f nformation, in aoci.f tion to oRB submittal requirements. shal I bprequired with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Names and mai'l ing addresses of adjacent property or.rriers and of or.rners ofunits on the same lot. This information is'ava-ilable irom-tne Eigi.-corrtvAssessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (if appiicabje). lbne 4. Existjng f'l oor plan of structure. Renrcved? IIIILIIY IOCA1TION \IERIFICATION SUBDTVTSION JOB NAI'|E BDane Residence IPT 1, Parcel A BIOCK 7 FILING One ADDRESS One Forest Road, Vail, @ 81657 The locatlon ol utllltlcr' whcth.r thcy bc Daln trunk llncs or proposed ll.nes, Duat be approved and verlfled by the following utilltles for the accompanying slte plan. Authorl-zed SLqnature Date U.S. lfest Conmunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Itubllc Ser:rrl.ce coDpany 949-5781 Gary Hall 'Holy cross Electrlc ABsoc. 949-5892 Ted tlusky/Michael IavertY HerLtage Cablevislon T.v. 949-5539 Gary tohnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltation Dlstrict * 476-?480 Fred llaslee ?^17 *Q0 NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responslbillty to obtain a atreet cut perrni! fronthe Town of Val.Ir-Departnent of Publl'c tlorks and to obtain utLlltv l6cat-lons before dlgcrlng in-any publlc rlqht-of-ltav or eaaenent ln the Town of VaiI. A buitdlnq pelnlt ls not a street cut DernLt- A street cut perrnit nuEt be obtaLned separately. Thls forn Ls to verLf,y sernrl'ce avallabillty and locatl.on. This ehouta Ue used in conJunction with preparlng your utiLlty plan and schedulLng Lnstallations. r Please bring a site plan when obtalning UPper EagJ.e Valley tlater & sanitation signatures. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DAIE suBMrrrED3 /O.//. P DATE OF PUBLIC HF,AF,TNG ./4 coMMENTs NEEDED BY: /0'/5'70 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL!D;,;-;;iili.q# 6q lQtl a1cfuic'%{' "/ pust,rg woRKs Reviewed by: Cornments: I I I I\r FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Connents: Reviewed by: Comrnents: ds 4rckfrcl t*fra/ cl neo,t /"-'A -'/26a Date: Date! Date: Date: owncrs ForD 23L2 Fila No. V15648 ACI{EDUI,8 tr Auount AddreEa Polloy Datol Nane of hgured: RONAI.,D iT, BYRNE The egtate or intereet in and which is covercd bY A Fee slnPle 'TLtle to the .statc or Lntoreet covered by thia pollcy at the date hereof le veeted lnl RONAI.,D iI. bVRNE trh. land referred to ln tlrie polloy i3 tltuated h nloro county' -olorado, and ls drscrlbcd aa f,ollons: PAa,CErJ A, A REETUBDrVI6ION OP IOT 1, Blqg{^L -v-lIL VILIAGE' fIRsT FTIJING, eiEonUillC To 11ff PIA! REcoRDEi I'IAY 13, le85' IN iOOX alr At itAcg eio, COIINTI oF ElcLE, smTE OF CoIPRLDO. Thla gollaY valld only ll schsdule VAIIJ VIIJHGE t 1r attachcd.. rr r+rd?g t T O OF'f., f '-jg'6' Policy forrottrt srptetber 06, 1990 at 9t0o l.U' the land described ln thit schedule thls policy tsr Page T -t.J oc .a t YJ\...'3 -I .LlJ. clNv'I f rorn 23L3 Frt}. vt5d4e SCHEDULE B U"" No. Aze43I36 .'" i:*|l!. 4.- rls policy doeE not insure againet IoaE or darnage by reason of thc rllowlng: niqbte or clallrs of partlee in poeseqsion not cho$:l by the pu6rlc recorde. , EaEe[entB, or olaiu of easerents, not sho]tn by the pubfic recordE. . olscrepancieg, confll'cte ln boundary llnegr shortage ln area' ;;;;iarrnents, and any.fectg which i correct sulii'ey and iil;;;tGn "or'tne-preiigls would di.eclose and whlch are not shohtn by the Publlc records. . Any lien, or right to a lienr.for se:srices, labor, or-raaterial thiretofore or f,ereafter furnlshed, inFosed by law and not shown by the publlc recordls. I . 1990 TAXBS NOT YEtr DUE ON, PAYABI,,E I}TD ASSESSMENtrS NOf YET CERtrIFIED [O TIIE TREASURERS OFFICE. . RIGHT OF PROPRIETO , OF A VSIN OR IJoDE TO EXTRAC|I A}ID REMO\IE HI8 ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TITE SN'TE BE FOIIND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECS TTTE PRANISES As RESERVED rN uNTTED srAt8s PATENT RECoRDED JuIy 12, x899' IN BooK 48 AT PAGE {75. . N.IGHII Or WAV FOR DITCHES OR CANAI.9 CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORIAY OT TEE uNrrED srATEs As REsERVED rN uNrrED srAtBs PATENT RECORDED Juty 12 ' L899, IN BooK 48 AT P.AGE 't75. . FESTRICTI\TE COVENIrITS WHICil DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTEIjIURE OR RSVARTEN' CIAUSE' BUT Ol{ITuNc REaTRIcTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RAcE, C9t9n, RELIGION, oR . NATToNATJ onrciu, Ag coNtAiNED rN iHsrntugur REcoRDED August 10, 1962' rN BOOK 17{ AT PAGE 179. }IPNG THE SOUfHERIJI I'T I,II{E OF SUh'ECT Frat or vrrr., vtLraGE ' FrRsT FrLrNc elID OF SUPPI/EUENTAL PROTECAIVE COVENA}TTS AT PAGE 819..0. UTII,ITV EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WTDEII PROPERTY AS SITOWN O}I 8HE RSCORDED RESUEDIVISION trHERETO. TERMS| CoNDITIONS A$D PROVTSIONS RECORDED May 13, L986 IN BOOK 4't1 ., r 'rA r.i' )age aod o5 .1 M//3t1& I & CINV-t !k I/{€?g: I rtlo. v156{8 f.f"y No. A2e43136,rar Foru 2313 SCIIEDULE B .. RESTRICTIoN AS coNTAIt{ED ON.THE PLAT RECORDED UrY 13' 1986 IN BOOK {41 AT PAGE g2O! FOR ZONING pnRpOStS, TrrE TWO pAnCEr,g CRBnTED Bl THtrS SUBDTVISIOI| LRE 8O BE IIREATED As oNE I..o$ iIITH NO ITORE TIIAII ONE PRIUARY AIID ONE IIECONDARY RXEIDEIIcE AIJIpWED ON TIIE COMEINED AREA OF THE rHO PARCELS. AI.LOWABLE GRogS RESIDENTIAL I'I3OR AREA FOR fllE TWo RESIDENCES WILL BE CAIJCUIATED BASED ON TllE COllBIl{ED AREA oF lltt8 Tl{o PARCEL'S. l. EXISSING LE.rsEs AllD TEIIAIICIEE. I. DEED OT !RUS! DATED AUgUgt 30, I,990, FRO!,T RONEIJD J. BYR}IE f,O THE PUBT,TC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIINTi FOR TiTE USE OF FIRSIBN{K OF VAIL TO SECI'RE fTIE SIJU OF 949O,oO0.OO RECORDED geptenber 04, X990, IN BOOX 536 AT PACE 955. {. ISSICNI-|E}[! OF RENTE A}ID OTHER, RIGTTTS RECORDED SCPIENbAT 04, T99O IN EOOE 536 AT PAGE 955. rTEMS 1 TIIROUGH 4 OF SCITEDUI.,E B ARE HENSBY DEIJETED' gOd c'D 5-tlVA/t1.Ll& CINI'.It{. !td?g: T O O6 .Ll .6O AIJT' COIt{I{ITMENT Or""rourr A a application No. V15648-5 For Information OnIy VAIL VILI,AGE - charges - ALTA O$rner Policy $752.00Alta Lender Policy $50.00 920. 00Taxcertitl-roroo-- s'22.oo With your renittance please refer,.to V15648-5. 1. Effective Date: August 15, 1990,at 8:OO A.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: I|ALTATT Oerners t s policy i g550, OOO . OOForn 8-1970 (Arnended 1o-12-zo) Proposed Insured: RONALD J. BYRNE rrALTArr Loan PoIiey(197O Revision) Proposed fnsured: FIRSTBN{K OF VATI., s490, 0o0. 00 3. The estate or Lnterest Ln the rand described or referred. to l_nthis ConnLtnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: GEORGE N. GILLETT, JR. 5. The land referred to in thls Corunitnent is described asfollows: PARCEI, A, A RESUBDTVTSTON OF LOT 1, BIOCK 7, VATL VILI,AGE, FTRST FILING, ACCORDTNG TO THE PI,AT RECORDED MAY ].3, 1986, TN PAGE 1 ALT' CO}IMITMENT |b"n"ou"" A o Application No. V15648-5 BOOK 441 AT PAGE 819, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COITRADO. PAGE 2 ALT' COMMTTMENT O""""ourr B-1 (Requirernents) Application No. V1564g-5 The forlowing are the reguirements to be cornplied with: 1. PalnBent to or.for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe fulr consideration for the estate-or interest to ie-insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creatlng the estate or interest to beinsured rnust be executed and-duly fiiea-f"i lecora, to-wit: 3. EVTDENCE sATrsFAcToRY To THE coMPAtty rrnt rHE TERMs, coNDrTroNs ANDPROVISIONS OF THE TOWN,"OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROI.I GEORGE N. GILLETT, JR. TO RONALD J. BYRNE CONVEYINGSU&'ECT PROPERTY. 5' DEED oF TRUST FROI'I RONALD J.,BYRNE To THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE oF EAGIJE COUNTyFOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE tiN SUI,[ OF $49O,OOO.OO. THE COUNTY CI,ERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURNADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECOROTHCI I ==E -, - PAGE 3 o"'4,.:;:,":_; "ENr o (Exceptlons) Application No. V15G48-5 The-policy or poricies to be issued wirr contain exceptions to t.hefolJ.owing unress the saroe are disposed of t.o the satiifaction ofthe Conpany: 1. standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs oifice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said Land. 8. Liens for unpaid water.,and sewer charges, if any. 9. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND RBMOVE HTS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATE$ PATENT RECoRDED JuIy 12, 1.899, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED tufy fZ, 1999,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS }THICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT oMrrrrNc REsrRrcrroNs, rF ANy, BASED oN RACE, cor-oR, RELrcroN, oRNATfONAL ORIGfN, AS CONTAfNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 10, Lg62, INBOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT 10 FEET IN T{TDTH AIFNG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECTPROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VArL VTLLAGE, FrRST FTLTNG ANDRESUBDIVISION THERETO. 13' TERMS' CONDITfONS AND PROVfSIONS OF SUPPLEMENTAL pROTECTM COVENANTSRECORDED May 13, 1986 IN BOOK 441 AT PAGE 819. 14. RESTRTCTTON AS CONTATNED ON THE Pr.AT RECORDED MAy 13, 1986 rN BooK 441 ATPAGE 8]-9: FOR ZONING PURPOSES, THE TWO PARCELS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION ARE TO BETREATED AS ONE LOT WITH NO MORE THAN ONE PRIMARY AND ONE SECONDARYRESIDENCE ALIOWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. ALLOWABLE GROSSRESIDENTIAL FIOOR AREA FOR TH8 TWO RESTDENCES WILL BE CALCUI,ATED BASED ONTHE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. PAGE 4 -t-t (Exceptlons) Appllcation No. V15648-5 ITEI,IS 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTTONS ARE HEREBY DELETED FR,OU THE OI.|NERS POITXCY YlllBN ISSUED. ITEM 4 WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFAqXORY LIEN AFFIDAVIT. ITEM 5 WILL BE DEIJETED IF THE COMPAIIy RECORDS THE ITEI.IS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDUI,E B-1 HERE-IN. ITEMS 6 AND ? WILIJ BE A!'IENDED TO REFLECT THE rAX STATUS AT THE TIME oF POLICY. IIEM il8 WILL, BE DEI.,ETED UPON RECEIPT OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT NO I{ATER AND SEI.'ER C}IARGES ARE OWING. AIJII C OUI'tIT!IENT |"*ou* B-z PACE 5 \Y-J' WE ARE SENDING YOU U/O*"N"d ! under seoarale cover via LETTEftF TRANSMIT]TAL D^IE Z L/A/ 7A I JoB No. ro: b63//t4 EV//EA) Eo r+777-/ ,t Jl LL RE EYzttc PE<.tbgG the following items: tr Shop Drawings I Copy of letter D Change order E Plans tr fl Samples D Soecifications coPtEs OATE NO.OESCRIPTION l 6 utt/9o Zg-tltez-rt <tarr F-iEv?rf,Ptt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED I Fqr approval d(* ro* u"" E As requested as checked below: tr n ! T-l Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections D Resubmit - copies for approval tr Submit - copies for distrubution ! Return - corrected prints E For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE 19- f] PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOAN TO US sEllnsas MD FD tD D,aZ.rtez- eu,st2- f+.+*ft- COPY TO I it *",*rr"" "r. nd as noted, Nndly notily us at once. E td F_ - = ,ci Qr?t!iJTO @. 62 J,JJitr 3i! t(9lziftr !t-cJGI ()F{2 el= Elr. Hl3 Jlc) <rIlrJ=l' T() F o FI J btg- 2Gl 8u>q o(D9sv5v H9 {F :;:: ::l::;:! :l ::i::i, l.:.ri ::i t:t ::ii,\ Jtti l: I |.i: l\ Eyrrze, /o/l &<7 ,6/ //t//rz,y, ,/s-r-rJe(ra ho - .{ 2erlfur cy 4/n, f' (/ \-/ DESIGN REVIEW OgIOBER 2:00 BOARD AGENDAL7, L99O P.M. SITE VISITS 12: OO SM1.LO Caulkins Residence - New Dup1ex 3O1O Booth Creek Dr./Lot 4, Block 3,village llth MOTION: ceorge L. Wildflower fnn sign 174 East core creek DriveIfOTION: SECOND: 2. Approved with conditions: 1). Any willows on the north edge of the paved areathat are destroyed in the construction process must be replaced with evergreens trees if allowed by Arily Corps of Engineers 21 . Willows located between Booth.Creek Drive andhouse must be solid except the area directly adjacent to the driveway - any dead willows must be replaced. Garden of the cods IfI - Redeveloprnent S!,t 365 Gore Creek Dr./I-€t K, Block 5A, VaiI-village5th (sDD 19) MOTION: George L. SECOND: Jiro S. VOTE: 4-0 Approved with condition: 1). Town Engineer must approve plan. SECOND: Ji-n S. vail VOTE: 4-O VOTE: SM3. TABLED TO OEIOBER 31ST I,TEETTNG 4.sadler - 25o Addition eoz Potato Patch Dr-/I-at 4, Block 1, MOTION: SECOND: TABLED TO OCTOBER 31ST MEETING village Lst MOTION: Sherry D. SM Potato Patclr VOTE: SECOND: George L.VOTE:4-0 5. Bvrne - Determination of si e constraints for JK I'"pii"ti"n oi prinary/secondary unit-s- 16 Forest R;.t;;41 A, r.,of L' Block 7 ' vail Approved as subnitted. The Board felt this property net all of the "ti.-t"ti" for alloving separatign 9fitr" piit.w and lecondary unl!' The naturar i"it"t." which read the Boar:d to the conclusion tbat there are site "orotiiittts to warrant a separation are: stands ot nilure t."t., a stream course which runs vear round ttiougn the iot and the location of the e-xisting prirnary unit structure' 5.Rinski - Remodel 394 Beaver Dan Road/Lot 7, Block 2' Vail f'lOffoUt George L. SECoND: Sherry D' JKvillage trd VOTE: 4-0 to come back for GRFA allowanceApproved with the following: Needs G'nascaping, color, cricket, drivewaY sloPe and height' I 11. Szechwan Lion Restaurant - New Al-rlock JKConceptual f.. 304 Bridge StreetMOTTON3 SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual, consent approved. L2. Parking Stmcture Signage Public Works Developnent Sign !!OTfON: ilin S. SECOND: ceorge L. VOTE: 4-0 Approved with nodifications. I.IEMBERS PRESENT: Ned Gwathney Jim Shearer (PEC) Pat Herrington Sherry Dorvard ceorge lanb STAFF APPROVAI,S: Colorado Insight Awningr/SilnageVaiI Village Inn Phase II LeRoy RePaint Lot 21, Block 1, VaiI lteadorrs The Valley Condos - Retalning l{alls The Valley Phase I Stott - Adld windows and extend deckLot 11, Block A, VaiI Das Schone *1 MEMBERS ABSENT: Connie Knight 7/a/,trl 4tC';tts /f cr';+ "-'i ' /' STTE VISITS 12: O0 P.U. 1.11 Vail Athletic Club - New Entry ,tK 352 East l{eadow Dr./Tract B, Vail Village lst IIOTION: P. Herrington SECOND: G. Ianb VOTE: 3-0 Approved with the following condltions:1). Installation of snow qtuard on roof of entire building.2r. Relocations of existing aspen which nust be rernoved. MountaLn Bell Multi-Fanily Housing .JK Uetes & bounds legal . Property is generally located north of I-70 and east and west of the Mountain BeIl 2.1 U facility. }TOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 3. TABLED TO NOVEMBER 21ST !4EETING. vail Heights Multi-Farnily Housing I,ot 5-13, Vail Heightsr/2199 to 2L79 and 2187 to 2207 St. Mortiz WaY. UOTfON: SECOND: TABLED TO NOVEI.IBER 21ST UEETING. JK Chanonix Iane VOTE: C . 18'4.Rinskl Remodel 394 Beaver Dam UOEION: JK 2, vail Vlllage 3rd VOTE:\ ,,.:i .i r 5.16 JK of Lot 1, v,v' Rdt/Ipt ?, Block SECOND: TABI,ED rO NOVEMBSR 21ST I'TEETING' I A, a resubdivision Block 7,viif vilrase 'Firins *1 UOTION: G. Lanb VOTE: 3-o-1 SECOND:c. Knigbt Approved with the following conditions: 1). Applicant shall subnit a-, letter from ther'' #i*:ti;g*iii:g -."r.""? f'..i1??1' :..::':::a). eppricaEi;;- ;i st-ong sidins over tne existi;;-;;tid""J'= brick sidinq by the aPPIicant' b). appriciiii"'= p-aintilg of his residence cotors -PProvea bY the DRB' c). apprictifo--n-"]i"tf"r existing concrete rilaining waII' d). eppri"iii "lpiitg existing'retaining walr in ttoi"-t"-iit"tt stone siding' 21 . Existing concrete retaining walI in front of ' the Hobart t"*"il!-""-"-u" nailt3d and capped with same ston" "lt--i" -t" ie -usea in siding' '-- 3).Q'*t*r."tt'.,ij'3't3'L'ti;T1*"':::liiia rirr" to 3r-orr' Town Englneer Greg HaI1 uust -t-":l:.e;,l and approve oroposed water ei;;G" needed to arlow -aevLloPnent to occur' 6 . rot . 1, pl:El'.::'.: tBf".1=Tff- "r": S.t"'iii""r=- "" FanilY Res16i;;iav s"uaiJt=iott' sDD #2 sEcoND: c. Knishtiiotioxi P' Herrlngton i VOTE: 3-0-1 conditions: GRFA nust t:::^"oting reguirene'nts DRB directed appricant to nrovice leiiir"a t"tprehensive landscape nf#";;1- ent-tre--ir"J"tt wiur next Eubrnittal' ti]d eotitrt^"y abstained' any the 7.I-r)t 24, Dauphinais subdivi=i-o-1 --,- N"t fanilY Residence ' t'ot Za' Block 2' iliiiiv-lulai"i=ion' soo-*2 }TOTION: SECOND: WITHDR,AIIN Red Lion - Roof Vent 304 Bridge Street ioirout P. Herrington VOTE: 3-0 Single Sr'l DauPhinais- VOTE: su 8.15 SECOND:c. I{nlght Board detetoined that piop"sea-vent system abstaineq. the size o! tle was ninimizec' enclosure for George l.anb o It'.l.{ t t-- I SM16 2L. I{ildflower fnn - New Sign 174 East Gore creek DriveMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABI.ED 19 22. Hedrich - New Prinary/Secondary 2oog sunburst DrlLot 18, Vail Valley 3rd a' Resubdivision of a Part of Sunburst }!OTTON: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL. UEMBERS PRESENT:EIIBEBS-.AEE$: Sherry DorwardConnie Knight (PEc) Ned GwathneY Pat Herrington George Lamb STAFF APPROVALS: Dauphinais - Staircase enlarg"d !9 generate-eT9gSh GRFA to expand baslnent. L.ot L, Lionsridge-subdivision SDD *22 Witteneyer,/StoLzer - Site plan -change, move house 18rr to the south and parlltLt to the west Iot line. I€t 1, Block 1, VaJ'I Vlllage 3rd PROJECT: INTER _ DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW B'IFNE RESIDENCE DA'IE SUBMITTED: CI]MMENTS NEEDEI) BRIEF DESCRIPTION THE PROPOST.L: NEW BUILDING PIJBLIC \'t'ORX:S MIKE BRAKEReviewed b;r Dote:JUNE 6. lSgI Cornments: 1) V{r+ REaURE A + FOOT t\tDE CONCRE]E. HOT HEA.]ED, pAN AT- BEGINHINC Of DRI\IE \THERE IT MEETS lHE EXISNNC EDGE OF ASPF|rdLT.2) ro pRorECr THE EXtsTtNG RoADwAy ]HAT ts LODATED BELowIHE PROPOSID POI'ID \t'E WOULD LIKE AN AGREEMENT UIIH THE 4U PEOPEF:TT OInIERS THAT THEY r{ILL ASSUME ALL UABIUTY AND IO' IHAT IHEY 'N4LL TAXE FUTL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS TO Jf]HE EHSNNG ROAD IN THE E\€IIT IHAT THE PI]I.ID SHOULD FAIL. T rr Kirf' RRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed b.tt ccnrments:Dote: .Br: OF jlt PROPF'RTIES AD.IACENT TO PARCF'I A. I OT 1. BLK 7. VAIL VILLAGE. FIRST FII ING OWNF'RIS NAMES ANN ADNRFSSES: 1. LOT 35, BLK 7, VAIL VIIIAGE, FtrII.IG 1 YI Ms. ElizabethWebster c/o Boston Harbon Tnrst Company, N.A. 40 Rowes Wharf, Suile 500 Boston, MA 02110 2. LOT I, BLK 7, VAIL VILLAGE, FtrI].{G 1 / Mr. John Hobart 325 Wqst Ohio Street Chicago,Il 60610 3. IOT34,BLKT,VAILVILLAGR, Ftr,hIG I / Ms. Frances H. Billups, Trustee L2522MaLtzbergerLarc San Anonio, TX 78216 4. LcfI33, BIJ( 7, VAIL VILLAGE, FILING 1 /T Mr. George Gillen 1000 S. Frontage Road West" #3100 Vail, CO 81657 5. LOT2, BLK7, VAILVILLAGE, Ftr-U.IC 1 Yt The herfint Bank of Dallas & Trustees c/o Ms. Mercdi0r Cochran & Parks P.O. Box 35688 Dallas, TX 75235 r \ \. .,-\ERr.\ \s \\,-r. \tsd $aN \tsrrqr: \\u\\t\uN\*,.sF\D.\\I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS EEREBY GMN that the Deslgn Review Board of the Town of vall will hold a public hearJ.ng on october 31, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. Ln the Town of vall uunLcLpal Bulldlng. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for Iot Seperatlon, D,enolltlon of existing structure and constructlon of lfew Resl.dence (with 250 addltion) for the Byrne Residence located at 16 vail Road. Parcel A, a resubdivlsion of Lot 1, Block ?, VaJ.l Vl-Ilage Filing *1. appllcant: Ron Byrne The applications and infornation about the proposals are available ln the zoning adroinistratorre office during regplar office hours for publlc inspection. TOWN OT VAII., COUMI NITY DEVEI,OPI.IENT Publlshed in the vail Trail on october 5, 1990. 'q o' DtrFMRTMENTT @F ,EE)MMUNNTV DtrVtrL@FMENTT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM xxxxxxx COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEAS ZONINC At\tD ADDRESS lrAps 1988 UNTFORU ButrgtNc coDE 1988 UNtFoRLt PLUilBtNO CODE0000 42415 10000 424.13 1988 UNIFORI/ UECHANTCAL CODE t 0000 42413 T98E UNIFORM RRE CODE I 0000 42415 1987 NATIONAL FIECTRICAL CODE | 0000 42415 OTI{ER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (MXJRS) 0t.0000 42412 ox coptEs ./ sruoEs I oooo lztzt rY FEES / ne-nspEcnon ]touRs uuspecnon rE CONIRA TORS UCE{SES'EES 0t 0000 414t3 .SIGN APPLICASIOII oa la ry D/"8 '4s 't'i#!o'o' ts /ol- fzzl€t7 the zoning adnLnlstrator). It ls the appllcantrsresponslbillty to nake an appointment with the staff to findout about addltional subrnlttal regul-rements. Please notethat a coITtPIJTE applicatlon wlll streamlLne the approval proceEs for your proJect by decreasing the nunber of conditions of approval that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALLconditions of approval nust be resolved before a buJ.ldingpernit ls issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DeveloFlEnt of a secondala/ hcrE on Forest Road, Vail, @. B. I'CATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 16 Forest Road, VaiI, C0 81657 r,egal Description n"%tffl-t- Block 7 Subdivision @t399- Zoning Prirary/Secondarv C. NN,TE OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: Phone 476-L987 D.APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE :Ron Byme Address: 285 Bridge streetr Vallr co 81657 Phone 476-1987 E"N.A}{E OF OVINERS: SIGNATURE(8) 3 Mailing Address:-@S @ 81657 6ne 476-L987 F. Condorninium Approval lf applicabte. None c. DRB FEE: The fEe will be pald at the tine a buildLncrpernrit ls paid for. NN,IE OF r{ailing VALUATION $ o- $ 10,c01 .- I 50,001 - -9150,ool - $500,001 -$ over $ 10, OOO $ 50. o^'1 $ 150,000 $ 5O0,O0O sl, 000, 000 $1, ooo, ooo FEE $ r.o. ooq ?q.0{'I so.oo $100. o0 $200.00 s300.00 ltsu r' ./."t4$ fu<- 3f"'2ftA'"6 'z DRE IPPI.ICAIION DATE APPIJICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: Septernber L7, L99O *****IIIIS APPIJICATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED T NTIL ALL INFORI'iAIIONIS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING: A pre-appllcation neetlng with a planning staff member iestrongly suggested to determlne Lf any addltionalinfornation Ls needed. No appllcatl-on will be accepted (ovER) oz ts =G uJc oo oolr) (?)sf o rl)cc (\ o ooo <t U'ululu-F =E uJo *r"uJffffi IF\t @olorl o .t.,-t, cO({l Fl .rJ ltlJ J-)ati a516 =o) ct) \ 51zl -lJ Z, *tF I =15 r ai?t{ l''i r-<.gli d UJ E E F E a 2 = =2 o UJ F z o =o o.t azzo E UJz3 tr.lT Foz \a. ) I q,\,1 iv i.'.sis\i* I I c; Eq) Eg .o(! .9 o-o. N$'-r \F\N=\} ha 8:onEs\;\\!\' E) 5 (E €J.q9Y-tet EUdl F-oE0r-o E9..1 3elo. l641 ==l.9. =.10gl oti G.Y, a H{: :.e sl €'HrEa F.! (! a E =..s 6 E 6P:Ec-o> I iEEi';=9c966IoSo 3 6 t.=_'t >, x EE=';,-OOc itt;E g-; ge sEieo!-o-or;*e€ EU:F EEEg - o..!a (, -+. c Pat O'-.:E;Og)e-.c,^ E€;E i s;E Bg;; EEg: - o dt: f N +(\ r.c)sf (\ Oo lr)qo ro CJ Oro(\I lr)(\l O (o (\l = UJ z = Y uJ (J z J tF u,Jlu z =J ) 9z l].l 1r(\ UJ uJ z tr IJJe. tu 'll,t UJ z(J6u, t-6o uJ z LIJJ x F ulo (t uJ uJll- E =E lr.JLJ FoF z J TD J () Fo UJ tr z t) z IJJt d NO[Vn'lVA L l L Y*t6' =.bfz'9t EtG<() Q! JL EClul az =>e, --m = llJ cn =loN zz Fo- Ax>-89, o anC'z>. <)2rr- <ogf,e FO I I {l =l 1oldl =l I "lrl tl il tJl UJ I u') "l- z trkfJ IL tr o oE UJ -:>cl @st a uJ ><e. rs z E o zotr IJJ J =uJz =zlzOa <oo< =H8o<z (t)Fz .. 9z fio3trOI JJ a uJz 9IF ulo- F zI 5oz 'l,lllll ;*;ll l I-l: Fl Fo) <l trt zl zl .. >lo uJ llJ uJz o tr E UJ(L -J z E o orO(\I (f) I tf lltl .l q t$:< .dJ-1co-lti | '-ll.FlGtl=-tl(.'tzF-.i J IJ- U1 FE. dtO ii =z -) l! 2 q) uJ E(J ul o J @()t o t15 cr, (f,sf I(o. ro 7 Hvlz J:Z lrJz L!G IElrlo=d =tr Ix r-l I (o r-l z o uJ IE = r|-loz3o l- F(J IJJ LTJ d. UJ & LdF -- = = tr -l';lsil-l I o oulEi t!oz eF (Y Io o ) I I I = tr t E FTt I IlolzloluJt1 t<lilolzt=tvIF *.1rJ)oN IOlsfol u u F ooCL P!oFEoJ Ef E = tr !J EC = b z3oF ulJ uJF =tr IJJ T <l bz =oF ul lut- E uJz = F lu F o E-:o<Fcouj <ZtUJFtt'l zoo <o(JF -< ^e.XF--ztrOro ,,. X>Y;C) =f=F-d zo C) i5 13 EE l-EirYi+E |--Oz<oe9.t t\ Itt'1/l- - .,/.29/t =V fzo Fo-l!Y uJ c0 IuF o oFFr\ =a =Ol UJ(L. be >+,o- !3 8+ l< u,Foz j -,z-_o +,(J :- U) =E g =Z tLjd "q "dg =83=(Ji=u.l U6d= fitrttr tr =E uJct!oEqE<cl€frE9Ek 5gE dEE h=E ;ffE =*E UbE :HE ;tEu{€i H F I-- E =E,lrlo-z9F(J :)E*a zo(J 6 - fttRtftt$t5a L)< Planning and EnvironmentalJuIy L3, L987 oo Conmission STAFF PRESENT FeEer PAtEenRick {t}1nanBetsy Rosolack \ Qr' t-\ \,/ ( V ,-.["' { PRESENTJ.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pan Hopkins Peggy Osterfosssid schultz Jirn Viele The meeting was called toViele.order at 3:OO PU by the chairman, Jinr (The applicants for the first scheduled item had not yetarrived. Item 2, exterior alteration and a density variancefor Gasthof Grammshamner and iten 3, exterior alteiation andvariances for the Plaza Lodge were tabled by the applicants.) 4. A fequest for a soecia] dcrrcl onrncnt di s,f ri r:l- in nrdor- l-r Peter Patten explained the reguest, indicating zoningstatistics, site plans and floor plans. He then evaluated theproposal using Special Development District criteria. fndiscussing the possible irnpacl of the views of surroundingproperties, Peter stated that the Tivoli was the nrost inpictedand this had been discussed with Bob Lazier, owner of theTivori and that he had no objections. peter then discussed theproject with respect to zoning considerations with respect tomix of uses, density, setbacks, etc. In discussion of theparking aspect, Peter pointed out that al_though in the totalpicture-the project would be two parking spaces short, thestaff did feel comfortabte with the proposal . Staffrecommendation was for approval with three conditions. Jay Peterson, representing the applicants, pointed out thatmany nearby conplexes t/ere higher than the proposed height (42feet) of the Rarnshorn. Jj_n Morter, architect, discussea tndviews. Barbara Fey, representing Vail Trails, stated thatsome owners in vail Trails felt their views were impacted,especially frorn the 2nd level . Tirn Garton, one of theapplicants, felt that the three story Ramshorn build.ing alreadyblocked the view from the Vail Trails East and felt thit there-would onry be a very rnininal impact upon views from vair TrailsWest. Ray Cote, manager of All Seasons, protested the addition withthe concern that more cars courd not be praced on the Ramshornproperty. Peter denonstrated the parking plan. Cote thenmentioned the impact of views to the west for the Arl seasons,particularly for unit g-6. He felt that there would be a A_Eequg_st {or_a special development district in order toadct a thrrd floor to the Ramshorn Lodqe.Applicant: Rarnshorn paitnEiEhIF rrtransfer of values, with the Ramshorn units beconing norevaluabre and the Al1 seasons becorning less varuabre. ri Davecarton, one of the applicants, responded that the windows onthe side of 8-6 which faced the Rarnshorn rtrere very smarrbedroom windows and that usually the brinds were iulled inthese windows. Barbara Fey then mentioned that she felt a concrete sidewalk asproposed would not be attractive. Jin Viele responded that inprevious negotiations with the neighborhood on tire colden peakski-.Base_comprex, the neighborhood had expressed the d.esire fora sidewalk. Pan Hopkins felt that if the staff was cornfortable with thenumber.of units, the restrictions placed upon them, therncruslon of Lot F-1, and the parking solution, she could notfind- anything of substance to buject-to (excefi ttt" appearanceof the trash dumpster). sid agreed with pam. He adalh ttratthere sras no doubt that some views would be inpacted, but theproject was well within its height lirnitations-. Diana would.have preferred to not see the addition, but felt it was abetter solution than would courd have been proposed by rezoningTract F-l to p.A. She was strongty against- an| overflowpar-k1ng going into the-parking siructure ana f6tt all parkingproblems must be solved on the site. peter explained theparking reguirements for accommoda-tion units.' He added thatthe appticants had agreed that the neeting room would be onlyfor in-house use, and thus would not geneiate additionalparking. He admitted that if every k6y were utiriz-ar-ih"r"could be a parking problern if no p-rkin!, was added. Diana suggested a restriction for valet parking rather thanusing the parking structure. Jay agreed that fhis courd beanother condition of approval . -oave Garton mentioned thatthey had_done a parking study and found they had an ,enonrous arnount of unused parking space.rr He agreed to the condition ofvalet parking rather than the use of tie parking structure,however. Diana fert the proposed sidewalk-"ouid-ur" roro"creative sorutions. she wa-s not certain trrai-feaestrians wouldgo around the corner and suggested instead tnal tne sidewark uelinked to one across the sti6et between the Tivoli and HansonRanch Road, that it night be safer. Peter.replied that the Town had envisioned. corored concrete forthe sidewark. He did not agree with Diana about-having th; --- walk connect to one across the street behind trre rivori. Hestated that it was difficurt to get people to rook across thestreet' and since people now waliea nexl to the Ramshorn, thestaff-wanted-to place the sidewalk where the pedestrians'werealready.walking. He added that perhaps the T-own could rook atthe additional walk through the ifaster plan. Jirn Viele asked Jay.if the cond.itions hrere agreed with, and Jayreplied that they did. viere fett sympathetic tJ tne neignloi's oo but stated that on balance, he agreed with the staff about theproject. Peggy Osterfoss felt the project was a positive onein terms of going along with the Master plan. Sha feltIandscaping was needed between parcet F-l and the A11 Seasonsbuilding and berming and landsclping was needed between F-r andthe roadway. J.J. Collins concurred with the other boardmembers, adding that the photos seerned to indicate that viewswere not impacted greatly. He rnentioned that the greenhouseadded on a west ground level unit looked like an ilidd-onrr andlandscaping was badly needed on the west. Diana Donovan moved and J.J. Collins seconded to recommendapproval to e Tohrn Council r theL987 with the ee sta tions as r,fe AS two o meno dated Julv 13 4. 5. The ?pplicant.strall sotve anv future parkinq problemson-srte by utilizinq valet parking. The desi of sidewalk, landsca andthestreettbe discussed a DesBoard leve The vote was 7-o in favor of the proposal. est for a setback variance in order to add anenclosure for a ot tub area on Lot ock VaVilLaqe lst FiI sible Revi-ew 1. Applicants: John and Marv Hobart Rick Pyluran-explained the request and showed a site plan. Hereviewed criteria for variances and stated that the staffrecomrnended approval with the stipulation that there be noencroachment over the property line. Ray story, representing the applicant, stated that the locationof the addition was dictated by the location of the existingstructure. He fert that since the deck wourd be 20 feet ab6vethe right of way, the impact would be rninimal . Peggy osterfoss agreed with the staff recommendation as long asthere was no further encroachment. Bryan Hobbs agreed with thestaff. Diana did not support the staffrs recommendation ofapprovar. she stated that when a structure is nonconforming,the impact should not be increased, especially when there ii-another place on the lot to prace the addition. she felt thecriteria for a variance was not met. sid urentioned that a week ago the Town Attorney had reviewedvariance criteria with the board. He agreed with oiana. parn Hopkins also agreed with Diana. Jim Viele agreed with thestaff and felt the hardship was the siting oi the existingstructure. oo Bryan Hobbs rnoved and peqgy Osterfoss seconded toreguest with the stipulation that there not be anyinto the right-of-way. The vote was 4-3 in favor-with Pam, Sid and Diana voting against the notion. approve the encroachrnentof the motion 5.est for an amendment to hous restrictions for theCornice Buil ocated at 362 Va I Vallev Drive.Applicant: Walter A. ftuttner This proposal was tabled by the applicant. est to reapplv zon recently annexed rtions Va known as o ns CI e Fili-nq #2 n dqe at Vail a side A o F 6. 7. A_rg_qggst to rgapptv zoning gn recentlv annexed portionsof vail con well as unplatted portlons. Rick Pylnan explained that the Town was reapplying the samezoning that had been in prace before these two-ar6as had beende-annexed. J.J. asked if the board would have an opportunityto change the zoning, and peter replied they coula, Lut thatthe staff had not looked at re-exarnining aII of the zoning.Rick added that the Land Use plan had h;d a few suggested-changes, and the staff decided that changes should-be made on aprivate sector basis. pam asked how the zoning related to thezoning the County had irnposed, and was told the County hadmatched as closely as possible the Town zoning before theproperty had been de-annexed. Diana moved and Bryan seconded to approve the application ofz91ing-to LionsRidge Filing #2 ana Fiting #4, nihge at VaiI andcliffside. The vote was 7:o in favor. Diana moved and Bryan seconded to approve the apprication ofzoning to Internountain Subdivisionl-nlocks L,2',i,4,5,6r8 and 9and stephens subdivision as well as certain unpiai,tea'portions.The vote !'ras 7-O in favor. Discussion Department. Parking andto the Task followed concerning conmunication with the HighwayIt was suggested that a pEC menber be namea-to theTransportation Task Force. sid schultz was namedForce. O ,jler:roJ: Scl"JD: Planning and Environmental comrnission \br{ r{$b5?*.{ Y-3, o. Tn. FROM: DATE: Community Development Departrnent July 13, !987 SUBJECT: A request for front and sideParce1 B, a resubdivision of I. II. Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l_8.62.060 ofthe rnunicipal code, the Department of Community Developmentreconmends.approval of the requested variances based uponthe following factors: Consideration of Factors: The request entails an addition to an existing residentialunit which poses no harrnful relationship to other existing orpotential uses in the vicinity. The relationshi of the requested variances to other existinential uses and structures ee to which relief from the strict d literalretation and enforcetnent of a specif ation isnecessary to achieve co and untreatment amonq sites the vic tv or to eobjectives of this title without ant of s vil an ed or ,a The existing Hobart house is located well within the frontsetback- rn fact, the house at one point is located rigtrt onth* property line. The addition as proposed is a naturilextension of the architecture of the house, and because thisarea of the house is completely within the setback, theaddition afeo lies completely within the setback. Stafffeels that due to the hardship of the location of the lfra*c P,{ {u+?P rncYvlo - >)> c\xta.tut*Nf setback variances forLot I, Block 7, VailVillage First Filing.Applicants: John and Mary Hobart DESCRTPTION OF VARIANCES REQUESTED The applicants are requesting a $€ix foot encroachment intothe side setback and a 20 foot encroachment into the frontsetback. ApproximateLy 3/4 of the existing unit lies withinthe front setback. The applicant is requesting a L2 r x 14'enclosure to include a hot tub area off of the masterbedroorn. The proposal includes a three foot wide deck aroundthe enclosure which further increases the encroachment intothe side setback and actually overhangs the Forest Roadright-of-way by three feet at one point. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS existing-house r^rithin the setbacks, that the granting ofthis variance would not be a speciar privireg6. - wtrii" we donot object to encroachment into tne sltback, we do object tothe deck overhanging onto public right-of-way. While theapplicant does have sorne hlrdship drle to exi-sting unitlocation, he should be able to rnlintain his deveioprnent onhis own property. The effect of the reguested variances on liqht and airstributionationtransportation and trafficacj-lities Iic facilit es and utilitiessafetv. Such.other factors and criteria as the commission III. FINDINGS The Plann and Environmental Commission shall make theoL]-owinq f s before qran a varlance : There is no inpact upon light and. air and distribution ofpopuJ.atior with this propolal . we do, however, take issue il:':":l' J[i"in f 3"1, ii"f J:":"3"1fl :*fl "i"::r:H":'g:*i r:l;effect on transportation and traffic taciiities.' we feelthat the deck courd be removed from the proposar or theentire addition could be shifted three feet to the south inorder to keep the deck entirely within the applicantrsproperty. That the granting of the variance wir-r not constitute a grantof_ special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitation" oiother properties classified in the same district. That the.granting of the variance will not be d.etrirnental tothe public health, safety or werfare, or naterialry injuriousto properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literar interpretation or enforcement oflfe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficultly or unnecessary physical hardsiriprnconsi.stent with the objectives of this titfe. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same sile of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges.enjoyed by the owners of othei-properties inthe same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDAIION The staff recommends approval of the front and side setbackvariances with the stipulation that there witl be noencroachment over_the property line into the right-of-way.we feel the addition should either be moved three feet to thesouth, or the proposal should be redesigned so that there isno encroachment into the Forest Road right-of-way. Assuningthis stipulation can be met, staff recommendation is forapproval . 1323.30 (r3N@o 23' W ROAD (40' BASIS O F /AIL N oo' 23'W 3 000 16'00"E - _tl22('ir!zT, 5", -EDtI 6 -t o 2fll, vl tsJo- 6 IJ' tn-{ ! 2 I o !. 7o Nt, r --f-\ ( \,, /', <T- n $, R {D -1 6 7( E5 8P !-l6 /I-=..-=--!!m, f|lI r C, anoI ( ) Lt/\ffr\, .T\ -N \-) u. f)om UI|t, FI u 3tq-{ tturO oo a, -aD5 '$ t 3rtrt ca-t 9B!tr 6C)!tn>ro 62'9.to I fq o=c.a-l{ c, i3zt -l-to_6Dl'l D PUBLIC NOETCE NorrcE rs ITEREBY crvEN that the planning and Environmental cornmission of the Town of vair wirr hold a pubric hearing in accordance with section lg.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of vail on July 13, Lg87 at 3:oo pM in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a density contror variance, a height variance, a conditional use permit to remove accommodation units from the second floorr'' and an exterior alteration in order to add a fourth floor, additional decks and architecturar projections to the plaza Lodge located on lots G, H, I, J, K and part of F, Block 5C, VaiI Village First Filing. Applicants: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tang 2. A request for an exterior alteration of the castof Gramsharnmer located on Lots E,F,G, H and f, Block 58, Vail Village First FiJ.ing. Applicant: pepi Grarnshammer 3' A request for a speciar deveropnent district in order to add a third floor to the Ramshorn Lodge rocated on Lot , Bl.ck 3, Vail viltage 5th Filing and Tract F_I and parcel RH. Applicant: Rarnshorn partnership 4' A request for an arnend.ment to housing restrictions for the Cornice Building located at 362 VaiI Valley Drive. Applicant: Walter A. Huttner 5. A request for a setback variance in order to acld. an encrosure for a hot tub area on Lot l, Block 7, Vail ViIIage first Filing. Applicants: ilohn and Mary Hobart h-":e"/ u f,,f r-t 6.A request to reapply zoning on recently annexed portions of Vail known as all of Lots 20 and 21, Section 1, and part of the North L/2 sec:-ion 12. Township 5 south, Range 8l- west of the sixttr Principal Meridian, Eagle county, commonly known as Lionts Ridge Filing No. 2 and Filing No. 4, Ridge at vail , and cliffside. Applicant: Toltn of VaiI A request to reapply zoning on recently annexed portions of Vail known as a portion of the west I/2 of Section l-4 and a portion of the Southeast L/4 of Section l-5 Township 5 South' Range 81 Vlest of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, commonly known as Vail Intermountain Subdivision, Blocks Lr2,314,516,8 and 9, and Stephens Subdivision as well as unplatted portions. Appticant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adurinistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Adninistrator Published in the Vail Trail on June 26, L987. 7. one{ lL'ltL, APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEI{ A.NAME OF APPLICAIIT I,IAILINC ADDRESS B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE c.NAI4E oF PR0pERTY ol,lNER (print or typel TS{-d K SKSqO O}INERIS SIGI{A - PHoNE Y ?(.- ( dt+ MAILING ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL lor_l_elock q suBDIVrsroN E. FEE $100.00 PArD NTERIAL TO BE SUBIIIITTED lrx ruMlvlrlon plat follorl Thgr crn bt found ln H.FILING AND RECORDING The Departnent of Comunity Development will recording the plat and accompanying documents and Recorder upon Town of Vai I approval . be responsible with the Eagle for promptly County C'lerk PH0NE_j1.2_a_a-LZl PHONE 9? (S-O t\9+ o A. John Hobart, hereinafter ',Declarant', ls the Ovrner in fee simple of the following described real eetate,hereinafter "subject Property", situate in the County ofEagle and State of Colorado, to-wit: Lot I, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing,' Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado. B. Declarant has construcr.ed two single-familyresidential units (Parcel A and parcel B as ahohrn on the - plat entitled "A Resubdivision of Lot l, Block 7, VaJ.IVillage First Filing, Town of Vail , Eag1e County, Colorado,'attached hereto as Exhiblt A and incorporated hereLn by thisreference Ithe "plat"] ) . C. Declarant wishes to provide for separateownership of such resj.dential units. SUPPLEMENTAL PROTECTIVE COVENANTS roRA RESUBDIVISION OT LOT 1, BLOCK 7, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOR,ADO Recitals Declaration l. Division of Real propertv into Two Fee SirnpteEstates. The Sseparfre estates as folLows: - Parcel A consists of the land described asrrparcel A" on Exhibit A together wl,th al_limprovements thereon, all easements andrights-of-\ray appurtenant thereto as provided herein. Parcel B consistg of land deEcrLbed as"parcel B" on Exhlbit A together with allimprovements theregn, aIl easemente andrights-of-way appuitenant thereto as provLdedherein. trust, Parcel and by parcel taxed. t 2. Title Matters, (+) Tltl.e to Parcel A and parcel B nay be heldindividually or in any other forn of ownership recognized incolorado. rn caEe of concurrent ownership, elch co- oirner shallbe Joiritly and,severalry llablE for perfohance and observanceof arr the duties and responsibtlttlis of an rownerr wlth re-spect to the Parcel ln whlch he owns an lnterest. For all pur-poses hereln, trownertr ehall nean the pergon or p€rsons, entityor entltles who oln of record, accord-ing to the-reat pioperty'records of Eagle county, cororado, fee iinple tltle to pircer aor Parcel B. The term owner shall lnclude- Decrarant to the ex-tent he ls the owner of fee slnple title to either parcel A orParcel B. . (b)._4ny contract of sale, deed, leaee, deed ofnortgage, wlI1 or other instrunent affeatlng pircel A orB !.y descrlbe ft !y parcel letter (parcel i or parcel B)reference to the ptat. (c) Each Parcel ehall be consldered a separateof real property and ehall be separately asseseed and 3. Utillty Senrlces. - (a) D€clarant hereby createa perpetual non-exclugive^reclprocal easenenta over-the subJe-ct -eroperty for thebeneflt of current or subsaguant orrners o! parcel e and-parcelB, frve feet on elther Elde-of any water lrne, sew€r rrne,-eiec-trical lll:r telephone llne, gas ilne, cable €efevtston fine-Jiother utillty lLne or eetrriie-factlttf presentry ln exl.etenceand_servlng Parcel A andr/or parcel B.- -Such eaeluente nay Ueused for the contLnued exLetence o! euch linee and facliitie,and the maLntenance, repalr, ronovatlon and e:qlanelon th;;-,and shall lncrude the rlght ol lngrces and egrisa for guchpurposes-as- Day be.reasonably necesBary or approprlate there- "1:n. . +5.1t any ttn€ any_euch easenent 1g no longer used to pro_vide-utlrlty eenrlce to elther parcel A or parcel-B (the rrBeni-flted Parcel,rr) fo!.? contl.nuoue perlod of at leaet orie year, theouner of the BEnefrted parcel Bhirl withln a r€agonable-tlni af-ter -recelpt of wrltten pequest fron the onner of the parcer uponwhich said easenent rg loCated (the rEncunbered parcelr), exe--cute and deliver to the onn€r of the Encurobered parcel iir orthe owner of the Beneflted parcerrs rlght, tltle and interest inand unto euch dlEcontlnued easenent. -2- (b) Ths Orn€r of thc Beneflted parcel shall befully responalble for all coetr and expenseg of uaintalnlng, re-pairl.ngr.replaclng, expanding and hprovlng alt uttltty lliiEand eervlcee facl,lltlcg eewlng thr Benelltad parcel only, un-lees euch coat or expenre lr due to the negllgence or lntin-tlonal.act of thc Owner of thc Encunb€rea larcel, hle gueate,per-nltteea, enployocs or agent:, ln whlch event iuch c6rt ani€xpenBo shall bc pald rolcly by tJrr Owner of the EncunberedParcel . (c) AII costg and ocpenseg of ralntalnlngl t€-palrlng, _replaclng-,.cxpandinE and lrproving any utll!.ty iine orserrrlce laclllty whlch arrvc. both plrcet i and parcel-B ehallbe_pald 60t by the oyn.r ot parccr B and {ot by the onncr of par-cel A,.un1aar ruch cort or €xpensr l,r due to the negllgance orintentlonal act of the Owncr of parcel A or parcet 6, tileguests, _perulttcea, etployeo. or agGnts, ln vhlch evint cuch ., cost and. $q)6nrs rhall be pald rol-ly by the ouner who caueedeuch cost or exp€nce. (d) To the extrnt that utlllty eewlcea provldedto Parcel A or Parcel B arc erparatcly uetered and chargid, theowner of thr parca-l recelvlng iuch rervicaa rhall bc reipoirrtblefcr paylng arl ruch utlrlty -harg_ee. To the extent that'uttrliyservicee p_rovlded to parcol A and parcer B ar3 not reparatelymetered, thr ovncr of parcrr B rhall be rerponglblc f6r receiv-ing and paying for all guch utllltlu on or-betorc the date ontth+ch they are duc. 1['be ovner of parcel B Bhall bo entltred torelnbursencnt tron thc orn.r of parcrr A of {0t o! all ructrcharges, ruch rcl.nburselent to br ladc pronptry altcr recclpt bythe ownqr of Parcsl A of a copy of tho ltateueit for vhlch ieln--bursenent_lr eought,_lng_ evld-nca that lt has been pald by theowner ot Parcel B. rf the ovnor of parcer I doer n6t pay-anyutillty 9harg9 pronptly, tho ovner o! parcel A nay pay- rircfr - charge, ln whlch cage he rhall be cntrtled to relilurlclent fronthe owncr of Parcel B for 60t of ruch charge. gush relnburre-nent shall be nadc pronptly after rocotpt by the ovner of parcel B of a.gopy of the staterent for vhich iehLuraenent Lc eought,and evldence that Lt hae bcen paid by the oryner of parcel AI (c) Th€ Oyner of parctl A shall be cntltl,od tonake appropriate arrang€!.ntg to havc all utllrtier provldcd toParcer.A aeparately nctered. The @ner of parcel B ;hau coop-erate ln all reaeonable rrrpcctc ln connectLon therewl,th. rfthe Owner of elthar parcel I or paracl B undertaker anysubstantlar relodelLng or rrnovatton of thc hprorrencntr locatedon sald Ownerr. Parcel (tho rRorodthd parcclni, ruch Ovnrr -3- shall usc roaBonable cffortg to cauee any addJ,tloser:vlces requlred as a r€Bult of Buch renodellng 31"*:+:tI.,,of. the_ Llproveuentg on thc Rerodercd parccl io 5e locatcdentlrely_wlthln the Renodeled parcsl. However, -irre ornsr of theRenodeled parcer ehall not be rcqulrcd to undeitake euch utlrl[vrerocatlon lf lt woutd requrre ariy uaterrar rnciJli"-r" -c";;;-- rf ln connection ltth any-rcnodeting or icnoviiron otlnproveuentr on cLther plrccl A or Farcel B, ttri orner of raldParcel.regulree any addltlonar utlllty eaeeienCi over the parcernot belng reuodeled or renovated _(the-rReralning parcerul, trri--owner of thc Renainrng parcsl strail wlthln reae6nable tli6 aiterrecelvlng wrltten_request thercfor, grant euch easalente to theowner of thc Renodeled parcel ar r6ni ae such eieercnte do not*l!:ll::_11 :l{.r.y wtth tha tnprovcienta trren ixlrtifi ;; ;;;:?Htllls_*T:?1, and would not tntrrfere tn.any nateriat vaywlrh any aatalltlonal l,nproverentg on the Renalnlirg larccr wrrlShare then contenpl:ted. lny auch eaecnent ahall ie tn rorn ina.eubetance rcaronably ratralactory to the ownii-oi parcel A andthe Ownsr of parcel B. - (f) If elther the Onncr of parcel A or parcel Bundertaker lny eubstantlar renoderlng or renovitron or the lu-provements rocatod on rald ormorrs pircel and ruch renodcrtnf orrenovatlon affecte, an exletrng utllt€t-ii''e--;t-;;i""-i..iiiti-s-erylng the Reualnlng parcel, -tho onncr of the Reuodered parcelshall have the rlght-to reloiate andr/or uperade,--at hlruoil---cost.and expense, the.exlstrng uttrlty r1;; a; ienrlce facrrrtvprovided euch relocatlon _andrz5r rrpgraifrrg d";; ;;t';;;";l;ii;-affect tho renrtcc provldi<l by ru-cfr rrnl-oi-iic-iirty to-€rrr-'Renalnrng parcer. ll ruch rciocated anazoi .'p;".ila utri-{Ivllne or sernricE faclrlty llec ln whoro or-l"-iirt on thoRenodered Parcer, gn91 -ny ruch rerocatt-n, t[J-or.r of thrRenalnlng parcer shau thiroafter travc ;-ilrp;auii non-eruerurlve :?::l:n!,?y6r-a portJ.on of the nenodeled Fai-cii,-ifvi -roji-;;--- elEner alde of euch rclocatcd andr/or upgraded uitftty llne oiEerrrlce taclllty eerrrlng ths Rouainlng-iiic;i. ---' 4. Acceas Eargnent. (a) Declarant hereby createg a perpetual non_exclusLve eaEenent -ov6r. tha portion-o! parcer B d6;1gn;[.d-"nExhlblt A attached hereto ar'i5r AccsBs Eagerentn for the bene-flt of the owner of parcel A. such Ea-cil;a;;t be used onlyfor lngrese to and egrcas lrol parcll A. (P) If ln tho oplnlon of the orncr of parcclor the o,nner of parcer B, the eialnay curitniiv-i*i"ting-""AcceEE Easerant needc to bo ropglrc4r' reptaccd-6r- rcnova€cd, A the -4- -auch onner.n-ay_cause ruch reparr, replacenent or r€novatlon tobe acconplished. The orrn€r unaeitatring such repalr, ren"vitronor replacenent "l:lr _pay arr gxpenr€s f,heraof ai ani whcn due,but ehall be entitled to rolrbuigcrrnt fron the othcr onncr oirthe baele of 60t lf the owncr not undcrtaklng ttri ietairl-i"nov.-tl.on ot' replacenent ie the onner of parcel sl oi-lot', Lt'tti--o,rn-er not undertaking_the repal.r, renorratlon or reptaceirent ir noithe ouner of Parccl A. guch irlrbunencnt ahali be nadc prorot-ly after vrltten reguret thercfor contalnl.ng approlri-ta e;ui;n-tation ae to thc coit for rhrch rcl.rbureelcit ii-g6ught, ana lvi-dence that ruch cost har been pald. . (q) The Otrner or any aubsequent Orrner of parcelA sball be entLtled to congtruct an acc€sa-road, drl,vevay ana,torstairuay over a portlon of parcet A lor the benifrt-;i-a[e-il;;;of said Parcrl wlrlch rcrultc ln thc onner or piicel A hwlnqadequat..and convenlent accer. to lorest Road- itrri-riaic;ffi . .Accegsrr). Thc corpletlon of any ruch parcer A'Acccm ehall bcdeened to ellnlnate tho necerell,y of the usr iccem Eaeolontig-ranted.pursuant to goction {(a) qL.rve and the orner of parcgr Ashart wtthln a rearonablc thi irtcr re--rp€-or-iliiltin ;ac,i;i'from the own6r of parc€l B, .xecutc and aeitvei io ttre otnrdr ofParcel B a Rcrcaaa of Earcilcnt rrlraring iir-or-tnc ownci or--Parcel A-rr_rlght, tltrc and lntcrcrt ln ina io-iuctr r5r AcccirEaeenentr. (the nRereage of Earorontn) . ell coriJ and cxllcnre-of 4-eelgnlng and constructlng the parccl A AccGra rhall bc paldfor by the osn.r of parcar Al Fror and after acuvcrv-oi-"[i--Release of Eaaenent, in accordancc vl.th itre provf;i;; ;; ;ili,sectio-n,[(c),_scctl6n a(b) shair crar to oxlrt and tho oun--?ll.1l_* ?gtlll reaponribic for and bsar arr-coe€r ana o:cp-n--elncurr€Cl ln connectlon vlth the ralntonance, replacenent inarepal'r of accege roads, drlvewaya ana/oi .iir*ii, rocated onthelr respectlve parccie S. Skl Acccre. . (?l - Tlre Owner of parcel A and the Oyner of par_cel B' thelr fanllles and lnvltces, ehalr rrive-trre irght-auirngdayright houre to croar the unlnpr6yeg porttone-oc trri eubt;A- l::!:I!y^1"^I:.!gTably necessary- eorery' for rhe lurpoae of-ektrngress Eo ancl aki 3gr.rg fror thc parcele to gk-l lirts anatrallg at Vail ttountiln. such rlght etrait ue ilnrtea to-untn-proved portions of tho subJect rr6pcrty whlch iii rcre than flvefeet froq_-any l-nprovenent lror thi to-ttui rociiea on olttroi- - 3?r::r: ,The rlght creatag by thle paragrraph 5 n't at alr tr.resDe exercla€d ''n a rearonable ranncr. . (b) Thr rlght.cgeated by thlr paragraph 5 ihallnot llnrt In any lanner trri rlgit of an! ovncr-to aonetnrct -5- addltlonal lnproveuentc on hlr Parcel aa long ae the othcr O{rnerhas reaeonable lngresa to and egrerB lron hli parcel for thcpurpoEa aet forth above. acroag -ana trrro{;t d: 3li:3lt'l*3":[i.?: :.T:":f :ffi:"t*:gshall havo the rlght to buLtd a br-ldge-over the crick on unln-pTgv€i portiona o! trt? gufject rropoity. Any such ncw-lrrale(ft ghall bo constrrrctod ln a rannir wilctr d6ee not unreaeoiablyinterfere wlth the enJolnent and ude by the orrner of the parcelon whogc land the brldgc lg conetructed, (1i) ghall be deslgnedin a nanner to blend into thc natural tia€uris and terratn 5rthe.subject.propsrty, and (ril) nay be uced ly etttrei-o"rnerr-rrr"fanlly and lnvlteee. 6. _Exlgglng Deckg. Tho Otrner of parcel A and theorrner of parcel B ghall each be entltled to renove arl or a;i'-part of the deckg proeently exicting on auch ownerra parc.l .-However, ln connectlon wlth any aucf, renolal , the ftrner rclovlngeuch deck shatl repalr any daulge occurrlng io the dack oc ttriother Owner. 7. AlteratLonr and fnprovenentr. at any trne exci:l ":H'8il:l'l8i li"ii:t :ltfti"llrL:fi:t"H:"resldentlal ftoor,area (trGRFAi) pcrnldtea-on-tne;,rbj;;t-piiilr-ty frou trnc to ti9e, aria tno irlrovcncnta iocatea oi parcei-tsharl not at any tlne rxcced rori than 60t of thc laxlnuu arror-' able-GRFA pernltted on the SubJrct prolrorty iron tlle Co tini.The owner of parccr l ray, at iny trgcl wlihout trrc appiovir-itthe owner of parccl B, conrtmct-addltional hproveneirLg on par- 9?l A-ai- long ar ruch addltlonar lnprovenents io not cxccea rucrr40t of thc naxl.uun allowable cnre pirnltted on thc SubJect prop-erty, and the ornor of parael g t.ir, at any tlne, wl€rr6u[-trrl-"p-proval of the Onrner of parccl l, c6iatnrct'irprovenentc on par-cel B as long aa auch lrprovcneita ao not exclea such 60t ot ttremaxlmum arloiabrc cnra'-pEniit"a on th€ subJect proporty. rfthe Town of vair or any olher gov€rrrcntal iutrroriii-i"ilt",the consent or approval of the-owncrg of both parcei t a-nd par-cer B ln order to leeue a bulldlng or rhila; p€;ia ior- trrl-con-etructlon of inprovencntE on thr SulJcct propeity, ths (hnrcr3 ofParcet A and parcer B rhalr (gl sranf,_guch c6nreii or appior-ras long aa guch. lnprovenente-d6 not vlolate tha provlrrbie-oi-tlrese suppl€mentar protcctlvr covonante, and tut-coopi;i;a i;all reaeonablc reapecta r.n connectlon vittr gudn'coneint or i-pproval. Each such olrner ehall not unreasonably vrthrrora-hrscgnsent_ or approval for thr conrtnrctlon o! any- aucn rryiorrt:nent. Any cost or expcnse, hovcver, assocLatei wlth th-c -6- obtalnrnE of a bulldlng or slnirar ponlt for the conetructlonof lnprovencnte upon tho.subJect rr6pcrty eharl be the expcna-of the @ner deelrlng aald p-r:ntt and chlft not be a JohLexpensc of thr Oynerr o! both parcclt. (b) The Orrn€r o! parccl A ehall not, vlthout theprlor wrlttsn cons.nt of the qrnsr of parcel B, conetruct any ln-provement on Parcel A whlch lr clonr to the rirtcrly proprrtyllne of Parcer A than the exlrt!,ng irproveionir iexclualve ofdecks) . (c) Tha Owner of parcel B shall not, without theprior wrltten conEcnt of the owncr of parcel e, conitruct any In-provenent on Parc€r B whlch 1r croger to the eieterly properlvllne of parcer B than the oxtatlng lnproveienti- aai;io-"l;e-;;'decks) (q) Notvlthrtandlng the prorrlalona of Srrbpara-graph 7 (b) and z (c) , a{ry owner lay-conrt-ruct undergrouna-iirirtyllnec pursuant to sectl6n 3 hereo?, ana rnii-c"iiJit,ct aCcis,--fi,-llar- ground lcver Llprovelontg and balconr'ea-witrrout vlorition-of the foregolng provlrlonr of Eubparagraphc iiUi ana z(c). 8. Mechanl.crs Ll_ens. Indennlfl.catlon. (a) If an Ovnsr of clther parcel shall cauaeany materlar to be furnlehcd to euch ohrnerrr parcer or any laborto be- perforned thcrel,n or theroon, thc owner of ttrc othci pai:-cel . shalr not, under any cl,rculrtancec, except ae othetrlgc retforth In sectlons 3-and-4-hcreof, bc liabte ?or-trre payn nt ofany expenec Lncurrod for thc valuo of any work dona 6r-uatcrlitfurniEhedr all Euch work chall be at the-€rcp€nei ot thc ffinercauslng_euch work to.bc done-, and ruch ownei enari-re---oiirry-re-eponsible to contractorr, laborerr, ilteiriinin-ana oth€r p3r- :?1'1_ rurnlghlng. :ry. ruch rabor or iaterraie. --f"€iir"g-ii"i"ii-"or,- ralnecl thall authorlzc the or'ner of rlther parcel 0r any peraondeallng^through, wlth or under slther otrn.rr-io-ctrargo tni par-ce1 of the other oryner rrth any lechanic,B ile; or o€trer llon-orencunbrance whatso-everi ,and, on ttrc contrary (-nd notlce fe-neie-by slven), ,the lrslt. and poirar to charge i''i iG; or encunbrance9f any klnd againit the orner ot the o€her iaicer or ruch parcelfor work done or naterl,alo turntehod at the-ieErict of owncrcausing euch sork to be done Ls hcreby o<praiiii denled. _ (b) Exc.pt aa provlded for ln gectlon 9 bcIo,lr DecauBe.or any act or olterl,on of thc oryn3r of olthcr parcitany nechanlcrr or othcr llon or otdrr for thc palncnt of noneyshall ehall be flted agalnct Urc ornor ot thr btf,er pareel or -7- any LmprovementE thereln or thereon, or agalnet the other ohrn€r(whether or not such lLen or order ig valid or enforceable aesuch), the owner whoee act or onleclon forms the baeLa for EuchlIen or order shall, at hlc own colt and expenas, cause the saueto be cancelled and diecharrged of record oJuonaia by a euretyconpany reagonably acceptable to thr other owr€r, wlthln zo dlyeafter the date of flring thereo!, and further shitl lndeurlly'and gave the othar Onrner harnlera fron and agalnst any and ailcostE, exp€nBea, clal.us, loEreg or darages, Lncrudlng-reasonableattorneyra fecs, rarultlng thercfrou. 9. Enforcerlent. - (a) If an Owner of a parcel , at any tlne, ehallneglect or refuge to. perfor:n or pay hle ehaie of airy obligatlonrequlred hereunder, the oryner of-tf,e other parcer niy, lu€ ehatrnot. be obllgated to, after 20 dayr vrltten notlce to-ihe neqli-gent owner, unlcss the clrcunrtanccg regulre lnedlate actl6n,make such p-aynent, or on behalf o! auch-other onner, expcnd euchaun-as nay ba n€se.5ary to pcrfon euch obrlgatlon. Ari aura aopald or expended by an-onncl, vlth lnterert €ncicon at the rateol l9t per annur frol ilre datc of ruch paynent or expenariuiir-ehall be payablc by the defaultlng ornci irpon derard-of thcother Oun€r. r_-_--rrr_ ^ (b) All runr ro dcranded frol but unpald by thcclefaurtlng owner ahall conrtltutc a llcn on the parc61 of fhc de-faulting own€r ln favor o! the oth.r orner. Ttrc lLen-ebiri-it--tach frou the data shcn thc urynld lrn rhall flrgt uocoi cui-and uay be forEcloacd ln llkc rann.r aB a tortEaEo on real DroD_erty. To evldcnce euch a llcn, vrlttcn notlcc-oi thc ucn itriirbe prepared, retting lorth tho-anount of thr unpald rnacr[ea----neEB, the naue of- th9.drfaultlng ovnrr, and a dircrlptton-oi ttreParccl to whlch the llon rhatl ittactr. - such notl,ce inarr uc:lsn?g uy th! owner rn vhon tavor the rlon rtriir ue illicl-anathe lren aharr ba recordcd ln the ottlce or trri ctcrr and irccord-ir 9f Eagl6 county, colorado. rn rny forecloeurs or otlrcr col-lectlon proceedlngs, the defaurtlng orner ehall le-roquii€a-iopay the cogts and expenree ot Buch-proceedlngr, hcruiilng-ioi:sonable attorneyts feas. (c) Thc llen provldcd for hereln shall be nrb-gTg:n?:e to (1) _llene for taxer and special aeleeerentE, and(r1) the tten of any f,lrrt nortgagr oi deed of tnrtt. 8a1c ortransfer of elther parccr ac thi irult ot court foreclorurr ofa nortgag., forcclorurc througb tlro_pnbltc tnr8taa, or rny pro_ceedlng in lleu of forrclorur-, holirdlns the trinitcr o!-a-dcedin lleu of forectosuro, rhall i;tlngrutrh-tho rrin ai ao payDda; -8- thereof whlch becoue due prlor to guch aale and whlch are notpaid out of auch proceedlnga of forecrosure or transfer, butshalr not rell.eve- any foner ouner of pereonar riabl.lltjr ttrere-for: The party-who acqulrcs tltls by iay of forecrosur6 or thetakhg of a deed ln lleu thercof, rtratt not, however, be rlablefor-any paet due anounte and,/or obllgatlona due hereunder andshalr only becore rlablc for future inounts and,/or olug-tl;nefrou the date lt becones the oml€r of such Barc'el. No ials ortransfcr eharl rellevc the new own€r of euch parcel frou llablll-!v ror- any^anounte and/or obllgatlong thereafter beconhg aue oifron the llen thereof. rn the-event of the eale or tranifer ofa Parcel with rerpect to whleh sune ehall be unpaid by a aerauit-J-ng.owner, except tranefers in connrctron wlth i toreitogure oia firgt.uortgageers rlen or a dced ln lleu thereof, ttre puicrrie-er or other trangteree of an lnterest ln euch parcil chail ueJolntly and cevarally rlable rlth the geller or transferor there-of for any euch unpald ruts. (dl U-pon wrltten requeet of any Onrer, lortga-gee, holder of a doed-of -tnrrt, proepectlve noltgag€a or lrro_spective hordcr of a dced or tirrit, iurchaeer or-o€her pr6-lec-tlve tranaferee of a pucel, thr omcr o! the other paricr inarrlsEue a wrlttcn atatenent rittlng f,orth tha anount rri tr orod -- under thls sectlon 9, lf any. Sich ctatenent rnarr-le-lrndingupon thc executlng.orncr ln-favor of any p6r.on rho nay riry'tlelgol ln good faith. unroer a rrgucri ior ructr rtateurntshall_be coupllrd wlth nlthln t5 dafa aftsr recelpt therioi, auunpaJ.d suni shl.ch.becone duc prlor io the aate or-n.iing-i""h---requeet ghall uc ({) rubordlnltrd to thc ltcn of any uoitgagoe,horder of a dced of truet, procpcctLvc lortgaEcc or'piogplc€rvlhorder of a dced of.trurt, lrq'irtrng ruch ititrncntl o'-aiii - extlngrulshed ag of thc aaic of convofanci rr Juc[ rtatannt lsrequeeted by a purcharr or otlrcr pr6tpcctlvr tranet.r.a. _ !e) - {9h provlslon of theec gutpldcntal pro-tecttv€ covenanta ghall bc entorccablc !v any onner by a pro-ceedrng for a prohtbttlvo or nandat^ry iirtunltr6n-or 6y a-iurtor actl0n to recorrer danagee. rf couit pioceeatngs ari rniir:tuted in connectlon ulth the rtghtr of eirforcenen€ and renedlesprovlded in there supplenentar irotcctlve cotrininig, thc pr--vaiJ'ing.party ehall be entitred to r€co\rer ttg soste and ex-penses in connection thercwlth, rncludlng riasonibre at€orneyrsfees. (f) The Owner of €rclr parcel hereby agraee thatany and arl actlonc ln cqulty or at tan nhleh are inJ€liuiea ioenforce any provlelon horcundcr rlall bc brought ln ana onri inthe courtg of the State of Colorado. -9- (g) Fallure to cnforco any provlelon of theee.supplenentar protectj,ve covenanta charr n6t-opeiate ae a walvero!.any euch_provlel-on, thc rrg-ht to snforce girch provleion trriie-aft€r, or of_ any other provlelon of theEe suppr-nentar protec-tlve Covenanta. -(h)- Any,ox.rclre of any rlght granted hercunderby-the orner of a parcet vtttr reapect io ttiC-o€trer ovnerre par- ::11-lryludlng.but not rtrttad to'the uee-oi ini-eas.Dent grant-ed h€rern, ahall.bc exercleed ln a nanner whlch-rhall not riniCa-eonable hlnder, lrprdr or lrylorc upon euch other osnarrs ure ofhig Parcel . 10. Riaht of Flrst Rsfusal. (a) lllre Owner of parcel A and thc Onner of par_cel B' for thcneelvre and thelr aucc.aEore in owncrarrip ;i i;-cel A and parccr_8, agree that prlor to-iirrrne-;r conieiing--either euch parcel or any part itrereof to any other party exceptfol I conveyancc to a cticct dccendeni, ranriv-nenuer or xArflr-ieted_Entlty" or perion (ae horclnaftci a;ii;adt-of thc orncr ofParcel A or parccr B, cuih onncr (thr ;sJiiils-oun"i"f uiirflt:9 srve tbo owncr o! rho otrrir -parccr vri€€en ri"fui.-it["I'Notrceil) of hlr. intentlon to rclt or aonvii-fi;h parcrl'arongwilh a copy of thc contract or-piopoeed contract under shlch thesare or_conv€yanco urll bo radr'of ii-€rrerl-tr-i" contract orpropoeed contract, a atatenont of arl of tnerier:nr or tne-pio-posed eal.r or conv-oyrnce (thc icontract"l. su"t-otrrer onnai--ahall havr thc rlefrt.to adqulro trrr-giirinE-ovnei,r parcel orsuch part theroor u?lttg rolld or convrycd neon trh, and condr-tione aet forth in thc-contiaci,-oxcelt ae-ret rortrr--in ""6pir.-graph.ro(b) belou, !V elvtng ttri Seffing oornii ,"itt.r, notfEe-"rexerclge wlthtn ?9 arvi attir thr-ricirpt-6i-lrre-iotrcr. Ttroglvlng of tho noticc 6t rxrrctii-rhau irearo i-uinarne-coifiactbetween the onnErs on thr tonr ect torth ln-ttre-rotloi.--i;;;---purpoEeB of thls sectlon.tO, iAffl-llatea snCf€i; lfrifi-ie"n-irrycorporatron 9r partnerahtp itrtctr thr ownei oi-barcer e or iaicirB owna moro than Eot of tle benorlclal ownciirrtpl'or any tnrstof whlch iuch oyner or hk atreci decendentr aii'trre rore bene-ficlariee. (b) It th. othor Orn.r elcctr to acqulro thcserling osnerrr parcol undrr thlr gcctron io, trrc- cforrng--harrbe held on the rtlat-wg5krng.day rhlch-i; ;a'rcagt 30 dafr aiierthe effactlve date ot thr n6ttci of, rxerclJe.---- _ (c) If no oonrlderatlon ir to bt pald tor thtconveyance of thc scl-llnE onncr,rl parcel, trrc purErriir-pircc-sball be the falr larkot-valuc 6t ructr pircif.---- -10- L! _- _.- lal If the other ormer does not glve tluely no-crce or exerclg€' the golllng ownsr ehatr be free to gell f,lsParcer for a_perlod of slx lonths to any other party on ienc nolege favorable to the serllng orncr ttrair ttroee iit ?orth ln thl-contract and lf no!-ro eoldr-thc scrllng owner ahall not atteupt:?_::1I-:r convoy hl.g parcel or any par€ thereor igif;-rftfr""t--rlrEE oft€rlng to gclr or conysy such parcel to th6 0ther ovnsrac provlded ln thlr Soctlon to.- - lr. Arbltratron: rn the event of any dlepute arrelngbetween thE oryners concernlng any provlslon oi-irr.ec-supplercntlar Protectlve covenantr, the-sari itratt be deter:nlned ii-irlilra_tfon, whlch arbitratlon-ahall be conducted ln accordance wlththe procedural rurcc then obtalnlng o! the ereiican eruttii€ionlssoclatlon, and the unlfon Arbltiatlon ect ir-set forth lnc.R.S. (f973) Sectlon 13-22-201, et aeg., and tuagnenil . 9po4 the ayarril r€ndsr.d uay be-entered ln any courtn_av!1s Jurledlctron thrreof. The rciectlon oi-in-arutiratoi-Ehall be uade bv the Alerr,can Arbltratlon iriocrition, -upon-trre appllcation theieto oiini-d;";;. 12. General provlcLone. (a) - Notlclr Each Onner of a parcel ghall rcgls_ter-lts nalllng addresr r:[th tho orrncr of tho othar pr?dal - lrrtho Onncr ot tho other parcel . -Att :1^::_eiy:-l:, !!3. otrrgr onncr gniri ui-rn-irrtrni-;a ;;.ii';: :::1.i..':::l?l?l!rl_sly:t_?r rlng-1ec-ri biii.i"'rla-ii"Liiiri=o" ::?: by " :.:':.1:l"l^:l_:"ql *:rca unliic-stiie. - D; ri, -;;il;;-ir:: F.aldr Anv Buch notlce inarr-uc ittcctrve wrron rec&ili-ll-"ithe fourth day afrrr- depoeltlng h tai-niril-iinicircver le-eoon_er. An owner rharr havl ths llght to deeifraie-rn yrrtrngl----senred aa provt'ded abovg, a dlficrrnt addrice to shrcrh rn' (b) _ Drratlon. -Eac|r provl.elon in theee Supple-mental protectlve covinantr vtrlch ic-iubieci-io-'ttre rawa orrures sonetiues referred to ag the nrri igiin"i p.tp"€"Itt"" orthe. rut€ prohlbltlng.unr€a.onable rrgtralite on irriniiron-shiircontlnue and reroaLn-rn full rorci and effect for irre eirioa;i--2l years folrowlng thc deaths of pr.slaen[-nonira'neaian ana-rrtshelrl ln.belng, oi untll ttreeo--upplauenCar- iiJiJctrve covenantBare ter:ulnated ag herelnafter proiri-ea vtrictrc.ror-iiigi ;;;;--Arl other provJ.elons contalncd'ln ttriie Cnill;;nial protectlvecovenants ehall continuc and relaln ln tuli-iorci and cffectunlll i?.o35y I ln thc ycar 2016 A.D., and thcreittcr rhall beautomaticatly extendcd ior eucccgclvc'pe;iod--;i-i"r, yoari eachi :::y:1 .:^!::yr*d_*9y" I a. dtf i*rnt iaaiiil -Io-irriifr -iiii notica, demand or cotrunicatton ia to be rualled. -ll- unleag- thesa supplelental protectlve covenants are auended or re-voked by.a recordEd lngtrunent rlgncd by all ownlre and arr lten-ors holdlng a llret nortgage or tirrt dled of truet of record onany portion of the SubJect-eropcrty. (c). AnendFent or.Rlvocatlon. These gupplonentalProtectlve cov.nantr n@ec it .niE"i oiiii-(rl by Declarant ro lon!.ar oeclirant owno both parcer A and par-cel B,-or--(11) upon unanlnoua vrltton apprcnii in recordableform of arl owners and arl rlenors hor.diirg " iriJt nortgage orfrrEt deed of trugt o! rccord on any portion oi-Ii. a"bi"Ea iiop-grty: The covonanta and rertrlctloirr'oi itr""i-suppreleitar iio--tectlve covcnantr.sharl be ancndea or iivok-e-;iiluy an-rnriru-nent which apeclfigally rolcrr to thcri snpeio;;tal-protectivJcovenanrc and whlch ir rtgned by_each or tii-irriri iitlii"g-ffi:ers and flrct ll.enorc. ^ AI,y areidlent lade rurt be propcrry rc-corded at thc otftce of thl clrrk and R€cordei oi-tf,i Eouniv-orEagle, State of Colorado. to conptv wrth each-prov!.rr6n- or thric-s"ppiiii."Iir piJiG;i;:covenantE, and any r.r-ge'ary cxenptlon ofi"r.nitf";-;;-;;;iof tltle,_eetate,-rlght or intcrlet to effcctuit- any proilirJnof theee fugntclcntar protcctlve covenantes (t) rnait-bc aeenlaincorporat.d ln each dced or other lnatruuent'ri wrrich ily---.--right' tltle or intereet rn anv portr;-"r;;r;it'e o, parcer B!e granted, devired or convciii,-uhrincr or-noi-ret torth or re-ferred to ln ruch dred or otier'tnetnrnenti liil-rhalr, uv-"ri:tue_of acceptance of-any- rlght, tttri or rirtiiclt-in-iiry_i-rtionof Parcet A or prrcar_B-by in 6rner, bo deenec-iccepteal iaii:-fled, adopted and-declarei ic i'ferronal covcnant ot ruch orrner 3Td,. a? a p3rsonar-covrnant, rhail uc rrnarng--;-euch ownar andhrs helre, p.rionar _repreroirtatlvecr ruccoasors and-is'iin";--'-and, shall be deeued a perronal covinint-i"j-ritfi-and ror thgbeneflt or each 9l':t oi-any portlon oi-piiiei-i-o, parcer B,and-(tti) ehall be deeued a-riat covcnant ly oecrirant, lor hln-self,, hlg helrs, aucc€Bsorr and arrrgni, -a"i ii""-an eiuriirri-servltude, runnLng,_-f1 each. ciJc, as-a iurden slth and upon thetitle to each and-ivery portron-6f tha suuiedt irop"rty. (d) . Effect of prqvltlong of Supplenental prote-,:ve Covenan--. Each pr -tal prot3ctlv ::"::::1.:,_.?31 :1-:s::Tf!!1 nr9rl.er, cov-;ili;;i una-rt-iG; !-- ^^ , (?) slv?fabttlty. Invalldlty or unenforceablll_!y or any provlglon ol theae gupplencntal protrctlve covcnantein whote or ln oart ghall not i??ect trre-viiicrii-o" uncnforce-abilltv of ?rv i,1tr9-r provrJiJn-ii. "ty_"arld and inrorccabrc partof t provlelon of theso Supphnrntal'protictrvi conenantr ytrictr-Ehall renaln In full torc. lnd cffect. -12- (f) Captions. The captions and headings in this instrument are EffiTenience onl-y and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of these Supple- mental- Protective Covenants. . (S) Construction.construction, the maffiTfiE-tFiny Supplemental Protective Covenantaor neuter gender, and the singular versa. when necessary for proper word used in theseshall include the femininethe plural , and vice (h) Governin Law. These Supplemental Pro-tective Covenants are made and executed ln the State of Col-orado and shal.l be governed and construed by the laws ofthe State of Colorado where the property is situated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being thq, leclarantherein, has hereunder set his hand and seal this (O* day of7A , 1985. "DECLARANT'' STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged(oVA day of ' 1986 by Jayas Attorney-in-F Witness my hand and seal . My commission expi.est -)-t\crrt -l. lgf L - II\-,, befoie K.me this Peterson as Attorney-in- John Hobart + -13- 'il1 {il[i i;i I l'r L iiii I I I lrt-:r ii lr ll!itt Irl tii iti iir il!!!l I I I IL !il f{ _llr Irtt r:r | .lI I t- ft!i -!- !ifi$ffiil I tt..rlt.'il ll ili N jz ov.rl Prl t.lo,|-] I ! ii!iii rlii:i iiilti fililil e< I t;ii rrrl I I I I:tI I I I ! i tl f;F* l$ I$s diti F'x C) 9d) Fo J l!(J zo v, -o .D =(t trlr 0i {JOU lr'o i-r (d- q-r 'riou).r{tr>O 'rr.rl rJaJF l-. (,(! oq)oo f-ll-ti lrl! qJ'tr >,o ([ EO OJ CQ r_'lp.b0 A r-1.rl 'r-r t! ,I I t J 1 +) a)lrH It c.0 [ +.r q-r O (!C) od .O 4r('l q.r UFr p9 +J+ .J O0 'r'{ .Fl .JkI I I I !iiii ITI:tlii tca I ET #8 F5 gH -)-JJtt -.1 b 9= P I I .l $ IrL.orl LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: 5 { D€Lr,€ - ^-1 DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approva'l can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wa'l I Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts l.|indows I'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther f5,A , o crtl B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Botanical Name k\ol.r Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over ) To N6$€ ' lu,l,E ' (rloo,Dr [:\€our t) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. . ' FuANT Iv'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retain'ing wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. -.a-t-vv JOHN H, HOBART 325 IATEST OH|O SiFE eT cHtcaco eo6to Jtr"e (7 / 1167 ldtA,^ "t la, l hrrl;fri-r.,( &"tn.'l 6afl"h&a', tr lercl7 re7lc+ -LJo,e. t/<rienz4 o il hec<lrarn la c"ntfrvcf q :rn" l( *rol;rl7',/ lYt nl e^ t'-L,c. )""V "f fesJuu o!' // ftrvf /1"-1. ry fxV),|t"n ,/ f/,'t e/ftwal 's -y6er,*fu{ f^,u.(She/&,tr DATE OF DRB I4EETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determ'ine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a build'ing permit js issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICATION *" B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Zoning C. NAME OF Addres s D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF S i gnature Legal Description Lot APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : erock 7 Filins \/. V, l== f,ficceL(b' ;tel ephone bbl6 FF. Address a2-5 l,t =f /)HroSn Cr[rcn cr r lr, Anr-tO telephone be paid at the time a building FEE permit is requested.DRB FEE: The fee wi'l I VALUATION $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 100 .00 $200.00 $300 .00 TO THE DRB: $0 $ 10,001 $ 50,001 $ 150,001 $5oo,001$ Over - $ lo,ooo- $ 5o,ooo- $ 15o,ooo- $ ,500,000- $1,000,000 $1,ooo,ooo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In add'ition to meeting submjtta'l requirements, the applicant must stake the sitetoindicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the s'i te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. APPLI CANT: OWNERS: te1 ephone 4. The following items no'l onger have.to be presented-to-the Design Review Board. iiiJy, trowevei, have to be fresented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Wjndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b. Build'ing additions that are not viewed IfoT 9ny other lot or public space, which hive had 'letters submitted from adjojning property owners approving the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomin'ium association. 5. You may be requ'ired to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. DATE: /- - It--81 , leeAlDESeR-iFTi0ffiE-- t '1 ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block I -t ,\s(," i/ r . l'{l ' INJ"rL@ o QS Ol.lNER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l'later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining t,{a'll Parki ng Credits: Garage ,Cllx c-v =Lc, Filing \/.\/ , l!'pp6r... 'b' PhonetrlFZiZi-F -> -l r-!J /) I t | ,,- ,. /i 4 bY1 ProposedAl I owed (30)(33) tqll N,A. ---..-'-....--,1 f 3L 20' t' 15' 15' (30)(so) r1.- ' a ', =EE* o o Rs sYtgttr-x. $Joro -aOxFo&r^r*q Heights Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corments: (3oo) (600) (e00) ( 1200) ( 50) ( 1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope }letl ands Geologic Hazards 4n,f@ Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature 2z0 gI Io 5o 3E.D, 4, 6 2t ox ht t ts-t62 t 0 CI P NI -1 P g J r EAS|S OF E VAIL N oo' 23'w SOOc 16'00"8 | xoo zJ w ROAD (40' rl23.so (t 326.11' HEAS. E5 3F olp C!!ttlt rn| Itf 0 'lto, |l h.Ft[ l. N l'. Bclntou, 'TD n3 FI2-l t--, -It iii- 66 I ttttl1 I 3at? ca-l I I6tYt1lo ^q trf 9Bft Tf,>ro D /\=) C { t d €z FI e;{{--ieZ^--{o Srre PLn* Irr F1 6'(-l-61 ' This wil l A. not be accepted unti I.procedure is required F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property iNCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS btRlEtS-, and their mailing aiaresses.-THE APPLICANT I,'|ILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGE5TED TO )DETIRMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED._NO APPLICATION t.lILL BE ACCEPTED uNLEss IT_IS C0MPLETE (MUST INcLUDE nlf irErqs REQUTRED By THE ZoNTNG flPlLNiIIR4IgE). IT IS rHE APPLicANls,RESpoNSrBrLrTy r0 I'iRrr Rn AppoTNTMENTl,'llTH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiTTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0uR PR0JEcr gv-oEcREESING rHE NUMBER 0F coNDrrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. AL. cONDITIONs OF APPROVAL MUsT BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSM-. IlI. F0UR (4) C0PIES 0F THE FOLL0WING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A I.IRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.?l 1.tP:!jfied reguiation is.necessary to achieie compatibil.ityand uniformity of treatment airong sites in the viiinitv-or-io i[i5in tn"objectives of this tiile without grant of speciar privirege. App) ication Da => PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE for aIl any project i nformati on requesting a variance.The appl icationis submitted. B. NAME OF APPLICANT rlt)t ADDRESS (C GO NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATI VE ADDRESS R;f PH0NE{fa_(413 D.PROPOSAL \(. LEGAL DESCRIPTION L E. FEE $IOO PAID cK#FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT !{ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. orlar-ocr_furLt*n Vn,i, Urrr n.* \s c. NAME oF ol,tNER(s) (type or printl JoX,u * Meo.1 [c[S*Ot LOCATION OF ADDRESS OVER Vari ance fz- 3. The effect of the variance on light and ajr, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographjc and/orimprovement survey at a scale of at'least l" - 20, stamped by a Colorado Iicensed surveyor including locations of all existinq imDrove- ments, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must-be bhown are parking and loading areas,'ingress and egress, landscBped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at'l east l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. and floor p1 ans sufficient to indicate scale and use of all bui]dings and spaces D. A11 preliminary building the dimensions, gsngp3l existing and proposed on el evati ons appearance, the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt rnust be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning adminjstrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requirments The P'l anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- A I tsi#$#, .H'*trtd$* q*'' Vo'r TLo .^,.,",,.11'm *"ji i "+ P4i:"1 A l"t-,.*'f '.*$' m** tlh: :l'*"r+H,-:FT' iil::* z,*fL" "i;:*{"* A* {. {-* a\"ob<\o-rpe i's a'h f\-c'y.t\ .i-:L 4o-'-'' . C/-^ Yc'.''.*..--t (-nndtff rP ,,1d,,.,.J { 1."76,I.'-0 'c-Ko"lt"'^ * Gu'U;A 4'xr.*v'.-^'^'-'\s +-f U c-U; p$":c\", L'o.-lni J,t^.^Z P"4? cov.,,,.p:i;$ {; \u w^oite^ ktl^oo"^^-' fl\t^n^ *['ffiJ'kkl:ffiffffi,Mh X# K tl';*; +.,,- .,lo\r .,Ia'.tt=^, -, )*"1 ^^ +tii" :.il;sfi.k-? r-* ra ., ;;;+ t* 40"{L's:i)::t, r,?3\l f;1 5 iw U- :,:ffi - c^*tth ^.,. .-li-.:\"do tt€ a"'r'Ji'yi"'h $*-. *t,.o 5'f Ca'-^o \ *Lztntr'E o e 6a naSIR€rT G*o, oll Yst$I L\&-:ss _f\)\xtN€fr,co'62bz bLoh7, [b,:Ro p, Mrn* 6. ,rr\ - ll \,sPe"1 r \peroEL A 'C,(.[-r1, <;t JFpi/\CB: R"&q, k*xrNAr,D P,2\B\ Hq*ntaeo FLn.* {3s[uvsR,&, fi52ob Grtlerr ,Cn*- \lnr.e u[s:cl.1prs= Vw'u, Co. t\6ta 12, f,5r:xsp, AoT+u F G.^ 5)B tTsSrPger P"*1[*c [-]uvez, Ct-r^o bur Lor u(r, Ds*v**,Co . fuzoz-- )-\/)\> ) b PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTIONI - TOWN oF ,-t ,r' '', . ' REOUEST VAIL , WEP l ,' ,ii THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATTON / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION fqsneernocr D- tr POOL / H. TUB NA|L d tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n q F/flAL tr FINAL /"'E:t (PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR... -,I ir.. \"i r . \-,.r -:_\. \. ! PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= \ ) )\,3)! JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,,,"^'' ?Y%67f0 ... \ .\. CALLER TUES .WED THUR FFI nh- PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL U FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGI'I _tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED . b' RerruspecroN REeUtRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr,FINAL tr FINAL -{] APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i DATE , ^..' ,' INSPECTOR 'Jo-u T NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r "-PERMI LJAIE t ,6 ,:, INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WEoREADY FOR LOCATION: VAIL r r, * Lt{d BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL (rnenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR hfrisnop t.?n l6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /'/ 7- oJ INSPECTION: lb JOB NAME CATLER MON TUES 7i,." / r,rt WED THUR FRI rN#ftoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL ' .. a onfe READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E'APPRovED "'t.-/ ,',. CORRECTIONS: : - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Riiiorop FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below itens giving a perm'it Please check off need to be compl ete before a final C of 0. in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE / '24'= FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY /TEMPORARY C Of O DATE: 7 ri) :-{d., a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON l; TUES WED THUR '( ' ',Y L",l' ) 4t pMFRI .') | r '.---./ l BUILDING: q FOOTTNGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr B tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o /r.rnr-tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECTOF I1 f .' \INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . .. *PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT NAME CALLER \,..- \'...* READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES . WED . THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: q FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ffifllappaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPEC I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTvAlL | ".!b PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: \,\.'. \1,- TUES (*ql rHUR FRI BUILDING: tI sFoorNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL tr FINAL {$eeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o DArE ?-g-€? rNspEcro ,:r,[:1 I JOB NAME 1 MON / ,TUES .WED THUR FRI ,{i!-/ t INSPECTIONTOWN OF rF ' ::- REOUESTvAlL r .. .$PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK r'l POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: (1eue. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING /*oru"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL ?PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Y j\.\\ o .-)\,,O].'\! pERMtr NUMBEF or pRb.lecr DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL {xryy tr ROUGH / WATER ; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D-PooL / H. ruB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o o F^AL tr FINAL /,tu,IOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GTIONS: o>-, BEq OF PROJECT,lKll) ,o" INSPECTION REQUEST--; TOWN oF VAILr\ord uF vArL " t NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: N or€ CALLER TUES s-r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING -C] GAS PIPING 9(r'rsur-arroru tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr U ETNAL tr FINAL /, 2 (PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /b ^ R- tft TNSPECTOR oz E =G, UJA oo oo (f) saxtilc{xa oo ooro oo oo6l rf (tlu UJ LL E =tluo- u+%ll(ol Iti I|\ll- !H IEiltlrl!rt, 2t =iFEl* *ir *iH qi U' u,lFo2 o2 6J o .6 oz l!J u,lgt = =Eot! toFo Fzoo Eo o -o!rt' -- (F.-gtl<r1€ CIrJ .t-Gt cr'r€tsf! Q.D< -ED<.r- -l fudlt > o,F A = = l4JJ(J o-o(r\c ao .Etti: o.c- ooc6 oEoooco ==El E o =g l do o CL CL G =.g o -:- o c d * 8.9) e H€: EEgE. € [Eg' :gEEc 9 6 E. EiEg' EEFg .E* t g, $Eie. fEig EEts; ;9E 9r60'-E.c= o o : iiE, sfi s; iE$e G uJz-o ulIF z u.lz3 tto IIJ zo U' IJ(( oO (\I (Y' =<fC 3t! oo g) O o F{ Oo oo oI(\lro(o E =GIuo. z @ -() uJ oz o. J E F C} uJ ul oz = o. J Iz o uJ: rct.{xO(O uJ uJltzoF uJEouJe E o @ E llJ z 6 UJo E(rt uro z utJ() x F ulo (n IJJ uJII tr =G, UJo. FoF oz oJ .0 J IGFo uJJul ('z @ = o- J oz utI NOr.[Vn]Y tz -'+c.-YF b:z zt,l-, F>qF EOFaDi , He EOuJoF zz pa= {,o66a)zr!<oq o- !{i6jni >E z tr l { q UJo- F e o- uJe J z9Eoo >< z9F g UJFJ 3gJz tltttloF =z9oF Ll,koo<9d =Hxrr6o<z !t> 7.. 2=-:Fd6}EOI IJJf -.)J G Eq,zY = zo FI oz o J =F UJ I IJ><l i5l9 F F ii FI =l zl .. >lot!oul u.lzot =ul o- z E zx 6- 'o f-ll"lol{tildl" lE'E ,N c/) Lr) C!cfO IJJF @oo 6s F\,o_ t\Er IIJ Fo=ooFUJrk =6G UJc Edid !1 \lvigrlgurbkzo z o9zQoo =zdP 5fii = s o-tt-oEHE5€sIP!95E E HEr 6tE 9oE iH E fiF €= ul @oF E =E lrJ o-zIF(J -E, 6zo() f trnt] ffi\i/J= __EttAt Fl FoJ FFUJJJ (5 riri =z coo J I 3q d Ea: ul- 4 <f xoco Aul qdI = o- F C (lJF v,(o z, =tr aItt!eoo J = c F lrJ lrlz. lrl&, r |.rl oz 6 uJtr Itoz =I @ol\ro I(Ot\<f |l u F :g oz oul cE Itoz3oF u E F l=| (\l l<fJr{ q F2 ilqaolll!tJ| lE 4J431qtz HE ul ulF =g u. oz outG J a lro2 =oF Ectr oz d uJ .E J lroz3oF dJut F E IJJz =o ,-o UJF IoE E -.r O<FG(J r.u <ztUJFa6 o ) () EF() IJJ -.I x ? J(I ) z 6 =J t ?)( zf) dE =3gE Go9-ir =+Eo2 o C) <Qs9.1iItrD O='E =om FC)Tl= rrr = --{ zrmr>< -o F-Ugr|-nrrlrr|CJ OL,r1 _n = --t--{ m.-\F 2o@ o Fmc,-Tlc OU1 +;'< oF,bEwilT ,J\)ct -D- Ir--r -'r ")(r-.? E g j.7 'tt\ | .,'a a \ '., UJ '.,' l- \t4to lttt- Fl-, r$t _--{ 1l.lri '' tr-- r], | . Iiil'tl.-.:I'tl v D AFql -$ a hq.S $$ ii. K"t i,\,\\J \a!t ^6\ z*,.a- \l \? \r?\$+fd,\. t'oJfav -_ /At -. aa\., \, $ A \ al..f , 0 N t* $ R. \a ) tr{l =s a hq \t \trs lt Y h\ l\'N L- tqs \ : .tir(s I ",/t\;\ Li .r I 4 F Ip ro\tr G fr.r I{,,$\\ 'th' \ti ; I I s; . _. I :rt\'r$ .1SR.:.\a,\ v N '11 FJ s!.*h(es ft'-$ .l hq .l Pgv'r,vc fro JotArTt TldscF' E*rrwa 6n<> dSl ur*rr- 7*4 /b" A,c 2'^ z*6 {ot>rS ll 6L 'rou, I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre -1-'6-tb .loe READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -_J]-J@-6D PM LOCATION: t(", P..r*.* EA tNs#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /^ t\ runrure -!-Z-< CALLER Q.(laeeaoveo/ coRRecttoNs, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr d E tr tr tr D tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ''l - tk - '{t-INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAILT NUMBER OF PROJECTPERMI DATE JOB NAME AM PM CALLER READY FOB INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL - O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , i i-- [ . a. DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL-.-, t .Aoorg \- - \ \r_ JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES 'JIqD THUR FRI AM@ 't-r.,\ \\.)'. \'..i\, '', - BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trlFlNAL tr FINAL flAtt.ou.o :6Rnecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: /') BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION R SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED _-t 1l Q{.-- iDATE I./I_ Q\.1 TNSPECTOB I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, 1:'ft--*1,o- JoB NAME --- .i*'.CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: P c.\\S(toN:ECJ ON TU WED-. .:.ES THUR FRI ________i-Ag,PM \': BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {^ore"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS:J'. DATE INSPECTOR rNsttoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT PM-AM DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNOATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr b rrrunr-tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT WED THUR FRI i PM ,,' onre 'i I' JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ) /t'-, MON!- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECT I PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER I tr FOUNDATION / STEEU O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ,qPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Perrnit r"t" -9eotf 4 n-7O- Perrnissionis hereby gt^fi"d 6y'er. E 4ao as c.-tofcr to C. atfr*ef a rfrr'-.'1r3to7ry2*? - J cdress fi.-2r/ foa/ In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail .A'rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail ViILage Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the lg6f Unlform Building Code. Type of C onstruction Group r Contractor t7.o o A pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) INSPECTION ,\ PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN.ATURE FOUNDATIONS FRAMING boc a FINAL ROUGH FINT L ROUGH I 0) 14 oo 0,FIN}\ L ROUGH bo;, (o tU E o : FIN} L 5 Fcbnuany 5, 1971 Bunn Constructl.onP. 0. Box 158 Haydenl Colonado $ubject: centificatc of occupancy Refenenee pennit No. 3z0s1Afor Hobdrt Reeidence Daan Chuck: rn confonnation of ny last inspectl.on of the above eubJectneeideneer thle letter will eei've aB a Centifioate of - Oceupancy upon the conpletl.on of the following ttenat:a,he)ir-""-- I) Ralling at open eidc of staLnway in fivinddlill) 2, Conpletion of fire code gyp boand and tapLn1 .l,n boilen room. f!"$ you fon youn cooperation on this pnojcct and lf;f can bcof furthen assietance, pl.ease don't haeitaie to caLl. " Raepcetfully, TO}IN OF VAIL Ed Struble ES: pncc: Mn. rlohn Hobant / )-'I THE A.Et.FI PAFITNEFISHIP ARCHITECTS I ffifli*ritlq 1200 walnul slreel denver, colorado 80204 303/825-8123 3 May l97l f o re: Bauer/l,lershon-Gimeno Residence ProJect No. 6920 Plannlng and Arch'ltectural Control Commlttee Vai I, Colorado Gent lemen : On Saturday, I May 1971, I personally Inspected the new residence deslgned by this oflice on Lot 6, Block 6, Seventh Filing, Village of Vail, County o? fagle, State of Colorado and found fhe improvements completed and .,....accepiable in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved by the Vail Planning and Architectural Control Committee. JDA/I Ib cc: Val I Associates l4ershon-Gi meno Construct i on Company fl Jtrt 7at- I APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMI1 THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in tlhie eection only) Building addresa Date of Application Name J.t la ,ft*r/ Address g2O- A,s/ O5.. t Tel. No.rfZ,7--1loDA Addrees l<.Tel, No. t'r C' E Bo BUILDING INI'ORMATION (Materiale & New -Addition---- --- Alteration-FsPaira-/? - Type of o c cuP ancY4fl2ta1lr'.ftoJ-. (All parte of building) BUILDING DI\4EI'[SIL ND No of storiet-4--Ht'+ No. of roome--5-l-No' bathsg No. of water cloeets J ---._No. of Families ESTIMATED CoST 6r oF coNsrRucTrolvr E(, l.l{ Udtr tlou t|t u0 !) Name Addreeg City Lot Block Subdiviaion TeI. No. (Girele correct claasification) ^,'-1,. Typ" of constructioa I. U. m. f Ug) . Occupancy group A.B.C.D.E.F.C.ffOf. /, /) ? ,/)-v Sign"d I An'l' { ,/d-"'"-. (' (Permittee; Date Approval by planning and architectural control commiffee topbtain tuilding permit. 5 sqs -'r'r" .,r.- n-.4 S %'-"i 3/21l ?o Signature tfi.! =e,)tao | ,br?gft'*it INSPECTIQN 'ryr. Rcceipt of Plans (2 sets required) Amount of Permit F'ee Amount of Glean up Ft Date permit iagued 3 Fina1 inapection of Plane Date Ffo/I zrc.2 Paid: Cash $-Check $ JUE-^ Paid: Caeh $]ct'ect $ i re*r*a Tap fee paid Amount our,tEnsrcNq Certl{icate of occupancy & cornpliance Conetruction clean- uP NCVVN OF VAI I' DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT T-'go-I Biulding: fiaa{Rill R?t. Pennit No: tlOEiA Contr.acto:r: EUttU CO*ISf, C.0. lssued: 24 0 er.5/a p* r21t 7^ o Date Issued:669. Z1r7O Sry+ to t1o (,.egl. r>,F t*rsL o-,--L, C,^J^- ,^^*"j "** IJ^* Permit BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado D.t" MAFcr$ J? l9--1g Permisgion ie hereby granted tcr-Cg.ru$crc-'f- DevJcE In accordance with the provisions get forth by the Vail Architectural Control committee, eubject to the rules and regulations ae set forth in the vail village P;otective Covenanta, and in cornpliance with the L964 rJnif.orrn Building Code. i. Type of Conatruction E Group T storli Contractor r'pproved C INSPECTION RECORD Vail Buildin (for Departrnental use only) INSPECTION OUNDS,TIONS APPROVAL COMMENTS DSTE & SIG ATURE RAMING ROUGHE ri loD l! ft eo E r!0,n ROUGH APPLICATION r.OR BUILDING PERMIT TI{E TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in thia scction only) Datc of Applicatio-a Addre66 ?2 i.1t.' r^, A: Gity ( '[.oj..-.,u _Tel. No.-fu7. Address Addreeg City _fua1,, .(3A,.Tot. No. e 7/ J 7/ BUILDING INFCRMATION New Addition Alteration Repaire... Type of occupaacy (Autr{, E Bo su t,l (, (tk EIou EffitwcEltraewstc,l=vs fotal noor area (aq ft).- No of stofiee 'Flt'--- No. of rooms l\lo' bathr- No. of weter closets No. of Familiee-, _'-,- ESTIMATED COST 6/ Ao oF coNsrRucrroN:-7d[:U l,e L Ll) l1 t c'tc,' -(Matcriala & Labor)(l b/0orJ' ( Circlc cotrect clae eificatlon) l. Type of eonstructlon I. II. III. M. . Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. C.*JO Signed Approval by planaing aad architectural control commlttee to obtaln building pcrmit. Dats .Signature BUILDING INSPTCTION Recelpt of Plang Approval of Plans (2 aets reouired)Datc Date Paid: Cash Paid: Cash Check $ Check $ Tap fee paid Ar|1ount Flnal iaspectlon Amouat of Permit Fee $ 2 4 Amouat of Cloan up Fee g Date permit iesued _: E $ Certificate of occupancy & compliance Gonatruction clean-uP t' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in tjhis scction onlyl BUILDING INTORMATIOU New Addition )/- Repairs. -Altcration ko E Bo &(,l. (,(lk sloo (All parts of buildtng) No. of water cloeets (tuo, "l' (Circlc correct clas eificationl l. Type of conatruction I.II. IIt.I V @ . Occupancy group A. B.C.D.E. !'.G.HCI,J, BUILDING INSPECTION Signed Tet //tp.zt Rcceipt ot eUo"_ roval of 2 eets reouired)Date obtain building Pr.n"-fui/- Date Amount of Permit re: Veure t ro.zt Paid: caah !-!|""| s-eAla€4fu/r1 Amount of Clcaa up Fce $ ,f.-c Paid:Caah $i Ghcck ${Amount of Glcan up Fce S ,f.rc Paid: Carh $_GnccX $_a+r"5t5, Datc-Ferrnit i-rauci J,ffi Tap fce peu_]anooaf-- l.lr"t _0 _ Conetruction clcan-uP--Final inapection _ Addrcsa Citv 1Lt*V46o Tel. No. city Vb:IL_TeI. No. by planning and architectural co q/z lusr Typc of occupeacy.. sUII.,otNc DrMtNSrcXq Total floor area (eo ftr--pg)- ANo of storieg lt IIt- No. of roome-!-No.. batbeJ No. of Families ESTIMATED COST.dl OF CONSTRUGTIOIi# (Matcrielc & Laborl Gertificate of occupancy & cornpliancc STATE OF'COIPRADO COUN?Y OF. EAGLE DTCLARATION CF'LAND.ALLCCATION )) ss. ) r, JaF\d U. t\6|gf , bEfirg firet duly Bworn uPon oath, depoee and say that the following statements are true and correct accorCing to my beet knowledge, information and belief' to wit: t. That thie statement ie made ln conjunction with the filing of an application for a building perrnit to tho Town of .lVait and to comply with the requircmenta of Articte VII, Section 3, Ordinance Number 7 (Seriee of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Towo of Yall. 2. The deecription of the building site for the propoeed building ia ae follows: (Deacription may be a cription. ) yorra map rnay be )-L 1t"t uaed to show des-ched or 3. The propoeed building oite contain" 'tfu sguare fect, and the proposed buitding containe ffire feet of area as defined in the aforesaid Z.oning Ordinance. 4. Thc propoeed building, ae it relateg to the building eite area, conrpliea to the Floor Area RXtio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, aa defined in the aforeeaid T.oning Ordina-nce. The foregoing affidavit and declaratio sworn to before me, a +otary publlc, by -9 1a! of , 1969. wag dul cribed and thie TARY PU O B is hereby granted E- / frZ//e. aa to Con:/.tcf I ddress In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Committee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Type of Construction _E Group Contractor -l.pproved Vail Building Inspecto UILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Perrnit Permission Da'- lf/, z) ts!!. a__3f_ story .l' rchitectural C ontrol forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. J- INSPTCTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN.^TURE 5.OUND.\TIONS FRA MING b0c .d trl FINA L ROUGH FINI L ROUGH ho F 0,FINi L ROUCH dt! -+, rS!) I I o a, rINA L twnt oF vAt Lo DAILY BU]LDING INSPECTION REPORT C-J HotAcT aes.tsIuJolng, CAn IJA4. Penmit No: 8?O15M Contnactor:auvp 4N3a, Nou, tfr?o PaAz t*t-ct B^ o1 "uL/r<P.l4{6J taa tue- c xk<.-c{ [0, 1o W"A L/;v- l)O btlfre <"p[ /s,:.'S,'"&- o Date Issued: lU1. ?t, ?o