HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLIFFSIDE LOT 2 LEGALq N rl l{ -lq()(,, $-e*\,n T,t l = $$$t .rrr at- F a\\+-\J(Ja b, _ooc\lo ll ?It I bslNto o\t\t tls *'Y. s F{!{ql(t g" ---o $N f\.-o ll J d s,y, sa\t\l c;- q *J lrJF- H 'se(J q s H i(/) trf -'fE,o o ^| il H -bp IRFtg ffiIf,o ! r)Ioso(o(o v) N\t\t tlT(J o$ NJ o)p tlt -l:-t\l$ls Itl IJ -lo !o\f ro otr) tlt< -8i-* eH8 &*p (\t e -ro _(\lo-oolhx Y6s|lJ 4)-? v\ t z \r)'i", $ oo rls \$ z 0co- t:t. cc : ..-t cj c O o c r-J,O rJ l-C' l -l C C !o-lJc,r'r(JCO€ -C-'..^'..c,ccFlifo>oo-i.,1 i !)-OL l\t)aj!JvL!!0!:- c(3..rrc cJ)' '-t O, ) -a C +-a>!a]ir.rE(,J] rr i; O F.i C) + Lr _J1,.)_U.\/c" c d..J.3 C.i trt O r.-ir>.(]1FJC0., ar -_i r' a ;- '>+r ci. of o 5oc ccc('f'!r .crl- ; c d J': c - :C {n C O r O C.J O-r E3 !!3'-r '-i t.t-l - -3'-'o a d (^ a.1: a o aE O CCOCI'|.I.: L \t,.'-r ;.o r, rc c o I,u. cr (,]co >11 (r)tf0 troc oo.1ritrdfi :t cl rc.-t d !..lci aNu.cEu! c.r a:-]- 3l.p!.-r O EOO-r 2>O( C'>.1 ..1 Ut,..A CO.CLC..r o l]co0f0x00tlu ca tr. I ol-q- cc !'o.cJo+- c. I'j. ! O-i'rJ O - tr)a> O . ,-r tll O!.iJ'+.l ! >,O C Lc C C--l C t O oc (d!L-CCc'O i+-1n a Jl ..r i3 t rN.-r l. O.-l O !-l C- ..r O r0 -Pt t- l! O() ..1 a.E O,rl C!' Or !tlr >!C)CO! U.-rf (4qr o ,r t .a c l.r o c .-l .-.1 ..1-r fl..J -l .Fl | :i Q, '.r tr! (, O '.1 "-r D. .lJ +J fJ nl .-1 !r O .d lr 2' q-r In 5, O lr -lJ ! ! Fl C\OOlraC !CrOO\ U U s.d Oq- fJ.q C(\i \ XO(rC(iOU -r !1 (J O i.-..-t O o (.) ! 'Fl () '-1 .c: O>!CrJiilrOd -a.lrO.-O!O gC) 'l> !-l i-d OC tl ..r !."1 i! orJ c d o o,! o(jJ O C lr C cJ C-r Ul+r lr t O > >O 'n a6ACCuCOor'-1Ha.COrc'.rt!Fl"r.Ci.- \t +r !.i c0l ..4 +r +l H H() <E $\ Hg $3 :- $ ot =orf)-(o so(o .(4 tU aslaro ooro = HEH,t r, .fl-rq6 co'cc--lJ rJO31 Qj -r +-i o o" .c c .. E rJ <l rHicg cO O.+-l-r '.-l -i r-t -C.6_r O .lJ Cr) i.! UA ..i-' O .-j U.0 -e -C (i >,.; o .q+, (.) .-i.--a()!! .+o!-rCOoooo(j .tJ rc > tU '-l >.Qo>lroOdlr OQ,.cc)!o-cO!rH .P r-t-r Or z, Hi Frl .il F;i F-";-i .^\ (4 too 6 s s oa Eq E ,:F* H3$40S()\ trrJJ()('-sNIUs*3s b s P FsoJ l- =s s R = FnO ur i, [) ","t'|,t60UIJ;Z.iii{5;>5r.'i :< !EI Eb0.;-ll.I =L=0)?6)_eE =.rl5U Ea-I- E \ oo^,ool, ,.in(JY, xu$ i6n">x0- < !.i PETITION FORM a FOR eetitiorfte A}4ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR 6/4/84 the zonj-ng ordinance REQUEST FORA CIIANGE IN DISTRICT BOTJNDARIES I. This procedure is required, for any amendment toor for a request for a district boundary change A. NAME OF PETITIONER DARYL R. BURNS, D. D. S. ADDRESS 649 SO. MoNRoE wAY, Denver, CO 80209 NAME OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS c.NAME 0F OWNER (print or type) SIGNATURE ,oz<- -1/t ADDRESS D. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS VAIL, co, CLIFFSIDE SUB. #2 DA" ,t ("L--- fl IZZ-tatu PHONE w 757-0A67 B.SAME PHONE PHONE BK BK BK o2a2 0334 0334 PG.0707 o232 0230 r.ts 2-, LEGAI DESCRIPTION Gt +: block $100.00 PAID "/"/rt 4t{z' F. A list of the names of owners of arl property adjacent to thesubject property , and their mailj.ng a,pd.pis L^r u ;;:'BJB#,,. !'re'**rr"-S{"t' /rii/:< vArL, co 8rs57 7 . A .y \/ RT.HARD N. BRowN L* 4' I /"t € A) ""\ ' Ln | | l-780 SOUTH BELAIRE ST. #106 _ I- ! ou*rr"*, co 80222 ( s' /3c"'nt ) ../^Dt L^ r ;A,- t= ki *n t" r t r-r , )^' l!-2t., 6 c( ,-$,r, lr'l t*u) tL"'"<-&^ G u&r,l-io(,,,, U?:"' ,?*,it ^'? ''( tl 'i)' so*'(ili' l3x : "/'/,.ts-= U'll ,/ r/c--. U t,-.,( A L'- n ) t7 r c/a*/ (o',ER) .4\ /4 " W '1'-,ro s ("1'(o')."-- f r Yoz-2 (- b.;JL./ 6/'., Petition form for At,"ra zonins ord or Request ,ln.rrn" ir, uo[i!i"i"" II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A- The petition shall include a sunnary of the proposed revisionof the regurations, or a_comprete d-scription oi the proposedchanges in district boundaries and a map indicating tir--lxistingand proposed district boundaries. Applicant mrst subnit written and/o}graphic naterials stating the reasons for iiquest. ,III. . Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental Comnrission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. A petition wittr the necess€rry accompanyingmaterial must be su:bmitted four weeks prior to the date of-the meet-ing. Forlowing the Planning and enviiofunenial cormission meeting,all amendments to the zoning ordinance or district b"""a;d-cfraniimust go to the Town Council for final action. DA_ByL R. BURNS. D.D.S. v. r{ett Bonk prof essionol Building 5055 Eost Kentucku Avenue De^ver, Cotorddo 80222 T€lephone 757 -0867 D;plomote Americon Bo,lrd of Orthodontic5 June 6, 1984 Planning and Environmental ConmissionVail, CO 81657 Mr. David CoIe would also like to have his lot zoned SFR. Please see enclosed Exhibit A. o*b DARYI BURN'. D.D.s. l€ft Bonk Profestionol Building 5055 Eost K€ntuckrl Ave^ue Denver. Colorado 80222 t€l€phone 757 -0,857 Diptomdt€ Americon Bodrd of Orthodontlca June 6,1984 Planning and Environmental CommissionVail, Co 8165 7 Dear Sirs: I wonder if you could help me with a problem. f am the owner of Lot +3 in the Cli-ffside Subdivision f2 in Vail, Co. It was annexed into the town of Vail on December 21, 1980 and was zoned Residential Cluster (RC) on December 14, 79a2. Since then, the Planning and Environnental Com- mission has recommended unanimously to the Town Council for rezoning to Single Famity Residential (SFR). Without an SFR status, I feel my Iot is reduced to an unbuj- ldable site. For the past two years I have been trying to get the necessary zone change. In addition to obtaining a SFR zone change, I would also apprecia te en- tering the 1ot from the existing access road positioned directly above my building site. I fu11y realize the concerns of the Ridge at Vail property owners; and, during a mid-February trip to Vail I talked in person with Mr. Craig Snowden (architect for the Ridge at Vail Devel- opment and for Mr, David Cofe's house on IoL #2 adjacent to mine) and Mr. Jim Flaum (real estate representative for Ridge at Vail), Mr. Snow- den was not particularly concerned with the position of my lot (#3) in relation to the Ridge at Vail condominiums. He felt that since Mr. Cole's house was already in p1ace, in my direction' that my position would not impact the Ridge at VaiI units. I asked hj-m if he were to design a house for my lot, which road access would he prefer. His answer was that ei* ther entry would. work, but that he would prefer the entry from above. Mr. Flaum was not against my obtaining an SFR zoning, but questioned the entry to my lot from the road. above. I have encLosed some pictures of various vj-ews from the southeast cor- ner unit of the Ridge at Vail. I have also included a schematic draw- ing of the area to ilfustrate the cannera positions from which the pic- tures were taken. Per my pictures and drawings I feel that the Ridqe at Vail views of the Gore Range and the Vail Ski Area are not impacted by my 1ot. In the direction of the already standing Cole house there would be my entry way and the upper portion of a structure. In srunrnary I would appreciate being considered for a zoning change from RC to SFR. I rrould also appreciate being allowed to enter my lot from the access road above. Sincerely yours, Daryl R. Burns, D. D. S. DRB: em oo*rluuRNs. D.D.s. Left Bdnk Protessionol Building 5055 Eost Kerrtuckq Avenu€ Denver. colorodo 8O222 t€lephone 75? -0867 Diplomot€ Americdn Boord ot Orthodontica June 6, 1984 Planning and Environmental Commission Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: r wonder if you could help me with a problem, I a:n the owner of Lot #3 in the Cliffside Subdivision #2 in Vai1, CO. It was annexed into the town of Vail on December 21, 1980 and was zoned Residential Cluster (RC) on December L4, 79A2. Since then, the Planning and Envirorunental Com- missj-on has recommended unanimously to the Town Council for rezoning to Single Family Residential (SFR) . Without an SFR status, I feel my lot is reduced to an unbuildable site. For the past two vears r have been trying to get the nccessary zone chanqe, In addition to obtaining a SFR zone change, I would also appreciate en- tering the 1ot from the existing access road positioned directly above ny building site. I fully realize the concerns of the Ridge at Vail property ownersi and, during a mid-February trip to VaiI I talked in person with Mr. Craig Snowden (architect for the Ridge at Vail Devel- opment and for Mr, David Colers house on l.ot #2 adjacent to mine) and Mr. Jim Flaum (rea1 estate representative for Ridge at Vail). Mr. Snow- den was not particularly concerned with the position of my 1ot (#3) in relation to the Ridge at Vail- Condominiums. He felt that since Mr. Cole's house was already in place, .in my direction, that rny position would not impact the Ridge at Vail units. f asked him if he were to design a house for my lot, which road access would he prefer. His answer was that ei- ther entry would work, but that he would prefer the entry from above. Mr. Flaum was not against my obtainingt an SFR zoning, but questioned the entry to my lot from the road above. I have enclosed some pictures of various views from the southeast cor- ner unit of the Ridge at VaiI. I have also included a schematic draw- ing of the area to ilLustrate the camera positions from which the pic- tures were taken. Per my pictures and drawi-ngs I feel- that the Ridge at Vail views of the Gore Range and the Vail Ski Area are not impacted by my lot. In the direction of the already standinq Cole house there would be my entry way and the upper portion of a structure. In surunary I would appreciate being considered for a zoning change from RC to SFR. I would also appreciate being aIlowed to enter my loL from the access road above. Sincerely yours, Daryl R. Burns, D. D. S. DRB: em oo*rluuRNs. D.D.s. L€ft Bdnk Protessionol Building 5055 Eost Kentuckq Avenu€ Denver. colorodo 80222 t€lephone 757 -0867 Diplomote Americdn BoortJ of Orthodontica June 6, 1984 Planning and Envirorunental Commission Vai1, CO 41657 Dear Sirs: I wonder if you could help me with a problem. I arn the owner of Lot #3 in the Cliffside Subdivision #2 in Vai1, CO. It was annexed into the town of Vail- on December 21, 1980 and was zoned Residential cluster (RC) on December 14, 1982. Since then, the Planning and Environmental Com- mission has recommended unanimously to the Town Council for rezoning to Single Family Residentlaf (SFR) . Without an SFR status, I feel my lot is reduced to an unbuildable site. For the past two years I have been trying to get the necessary zone change. In addition to obtaining a SFR zone change, I would also appreciate en- tering the 1ot from the existing access road positioned directly above my building site. I fully realize the concerns of the Ridge at Vail property ownersi and, during a mid-February trj.p to Vail I talked in person with Mr. Craig Snowden (architect for the Ridge at Vail, Devel- opment and for Mr. David Cole's house on lot #2 adjacent to mine) and Mr. Jim Flaum (rea1 estate representative for Ridge at Vail). Mr. Snow- den was not particularly concerned with the position of my 1ot (#3) in relation to the Ridge at Vail Condominiums. He felt that since Mr. Cole's house was already in place, in my direction, that my position would not impact the Ridge at Vail units. I asked him if he were to design a house for my lot, which road access would he prefer. His answer was that ei- ther entry would work, but that he would prefer the entry from above. Mr. Flaum \^/as not against my obtaining an SFR zoning, but questioned the entry to ny lot from the road above- I have enclosed some pictures of various views from the southeast cor- ner unit of the Ridge at Vail, I have also included a schematic draw- ing of the area to illustrate the camera positions from which the pic- tures were taken. Per my pictures and drawings I feel that the Ridge at Vail views of the Gore Range and the Vail Ski Area are not impacted by my lot. In the direction of the already standing Cole house there would be my entry way and the upper portion of a stz:ucture. In surnmary I would appreciate being considered for a zoning change from RC to SFR. I would also appreciate being allowed to enter my lot from the access road above. SincereLy yours, Dary] R. Burns, D. D. S. DRB: em .A_i.g?e& Department of Community Development 75 Souh Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 8|657 970-479-2138 nlx 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us July 21, 2000 David L. Cole, Associate Broker Re/Max Vail, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 34S Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 2, Ctiffside Subdivision Dear Dave: Pursuant lo.your reque,sj:Jfg loilo'vrring is a synopsis of the Town's records of grossresidential floor area (GRFA) tor ttre aiove_i6ferbnceO property: Zone District: Single{amily Residential Lot Size: p,977 square fe"i- -- Density Allowed: One Owetiing unii- Aflowable GRFA: g,Sg7J square feel. Existing GRFA: 9,099.0 s{uare teei.. ' this figure does not incrude the potentiat 2s0 square foot bonus credit. 'l* based on digitized, froor nlan2 daAq Ma! 29, 1980 on fite in the Department ofComyulity Devetopment. llp to date iioor plans for the entire iiidence wiil bepquired with any design review submittat iiwlving tne aaiiiion ot GRFA. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contactme at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, (z-*+- ( Brent Wilson, AlCp Planner ll $*r*, ilrru'tr ^/,'io /"renN t lrr lulM WHEREAS, the owners of Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, have petitioned the Town of Vail to rezone Lots 2 and 3 from Residential Cluster to Single Family Residential; and WHEREAS' Single Family Residentja'l is a more appropriate zone district for the development of these lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recomnended such rezoning: NOl'l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOI,JN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section I In accordance with Section .|8.66.160 of the Town of Vail Municipal'Code, the Town Council hereby amends the zoning of Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision, County of Eagle' State of Colorado from Residentia'l Cluster to 5ingle Family Residential Section 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2I Series of 1984 AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 2 AND 3, CLIFFSIDE SUBDIVISION FROM RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL In accordance with Section '18.08.030 zoning administrator is directed to zone district amendment. of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the amend the official zoning map to reflect such Secti on 3'.: If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason he'ld to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it wou]d have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or nore parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The Town Counci'l hereby finds, determines and dec'tares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repear and reenactment of any provisions of the vail Municipar code as provided in this ordinance shail not affect any right wh.ich has accrued, any duty imposed, any violatiion that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced underor by virtue of the provision repealed or repea.red and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shail not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING 1984, and a public hearing shal.l be he.ld on THiS day of A,F , 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. 0rdered published in full this day of ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk this ordinance on the day in the Council Chambers of the Vail , 1984. Rodney E.Slifer, Mayor INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED this ON SECOND day READING AND ORDERED of' PUBL ISHED ATTEST:Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town C.lerk or (\TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commissjon FR0M: Community Development Departmenr DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJECT: Rezoning request for Lots l-6, cliffside subdivision fromResidential Cluster (RC) to Single Family Residentiat (SFR). fpplicants: Richard Brown, Chailes and fuargaret Rosenquist., David Co'le, Daryl Burns BACKGROUND As.some_of you know, this 'i s not the first time this item has come up. In fact,this will be the third time the-rezoning has come before the ptannlnb unJ enui"6n-mental Conrniss'ion. The only thj ng diff6rent this time around is thai Lot O is - now included' which means we're talking about the entire subdivision of six lots. Basically,_the rezoning means Lots l-5 receive the same number of units (l).but slightly more GRFA. Lot 6 would receive two tess uniii (stop.-liicuiiiio on.a ve-ry approximate basis) and less GRFA under the rezoninj prbposal. Themain advantage to the_propeity owners is the lifting or ine iibpe'restrictiJnsby going from RC to SFR. - The bottom line is that cliffside was a very poorly planned subdivision. Thelots are, for the most part, very small and'v!"v sielpl ine accesses to severallots are unworkable, and constrult'ion on the toi, pirt'6f tots 4 and 5 will intrudeupon the.ridgeline. The appiicants wish to rezbnb the subdivision to Sfn wiirroutrestriction, and this is whbre the controversy comes is. The iiinning-ina"iiuiron-mental Conrnission and staff, as you can see from the previous memos ind minutes,wish to inpose restrictions upon ini aeveiopr"ni on-lo[s-3,-+ and 5, It is important that you read all of the attached information carefully so you're :l:.f_g!.the.past occumences. Since nothing has really changed in teims oif,ne appllcants demonstrating that constructi6n can sensitively take place onlots 3,4, and 5, our staff-position remains bas.ically the same. CRITERIA EVALUATION The criteria for evaluating rezonings are found in the purpose section ofChapter .l8.02 General provisions. Jh9 Rc zone was devised for a townhouse-type development and was neverintended to serve as the zone foi inJiviai.,ii rot deveiopmeni. The reasonRC-was-designated for cliffside-wai in"'original zoning'oi west Vail uponannexation didn't allow for thorough study 5r each pariel, ina ctiffsiiewas surrounded by RC zoning. The slope restrictions of the RC zone basically make several lots in Cliffsideunbuildable--and this is not our intention. Tie existing ioning is notreally suited to the property. l.Su i tab i'l ( ( lOrrr,de -2- 1z/s/sa 2' t/ Ili,f;lllffir: 'fi:'lffillr;ff,J1.ff";:l:o !l,s ..'e, as it. is a unirieddue-to-proii'i,ttv'and simi'tar-rbna'ur.ti; illt.n"]njured uv t[e-i"idiins 3. Orderl and Viable Community? The rezoning, with thesensible and sensitive The elimination of two condition recorrnended by staff,development of the remainCer oiuntEs on Lot 6 is a p.lus for the will provide forthe subdivision, community. RECOMMENDATION Iii'!3T[:']lil,?;l:lSirli'ofiE'ii'sifi,'"ffrHit',,i!f,'r*'rrl,:lid.:'il*,31, No structure, imnrovement or increase grade whall occur at a height greaterthan the existint :tty:!ili^li"irv^iii;t 9r..it9 u.;i;;";;rty rine which isthe conrnon propeity rine with il,t"nijg" at vair subdivision. ( ( --- -T t b e PETITIONERS/?ROPERTT OWNER S The undersigned are petitioners of tfie record qnrers of the real property whichis the subject of, ttre witlrin petition. EIIIIBII A DAVID COI.E Bridge street val-I, CO 81657 FROM THE DESK OF DARYL R. EURNS, D. D. S. .TELEPHONE 75A-QA6-' DENVER, COLORADO 80222 5OT5 EAST KENTUCKY AVENUE hn-. rt- /.-.lL---(y't7sa >-{-E i --'t-L/ ( f, -,- t/s/84 DRAFT ONLY 3. RequeSt to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision, from Residential Burns. Peter Patten stated that since .|98.| ,4 or 5 simi'l ar proposa'l s had been proposed concerning this property, but for the entire subdjvision. Lots 3, 4, and 5 wereall restricted to access from the bottom. Patten showed a site plan and explained that lot 3 didn't have the site conditions that 4 and 5 did, and lot 2 was a moot point because it was a1 ready built upon. The staff recormended approva'l of rezoning lots 2 and 3. Dr. Burns, owner of lot 3, showed slides with three main views and explainedthat hjs home would not impact the view corridors from the units on Vail Ridge. He added that there were two problems: l) the zone RC made the lot unbui'ldable'because of the slope restrictions, and also cut down the GRFA, and 2) the use of the upper entry was important to Dr. Burns. Bi'l I Post, representing the Ridge at Vail, read from previous'Town of Vail corres-pondence to Eagle County that the structures must be kept back so they "peek over theridge." He stated that the Ridge owners did not mind the use of the upper access to the'lot if the same restrjctions concerning the height of the structure remained the same as recommended previously by the pEC. Post also wanted to have a restriction that there would be no parking in thecul de sac. Jim Flaum, president of the Ridge Town House Association, wanted to be sure the same access wou'ld not be g'iven to lots 4 and 5. Dave Cole, owner of 1ot 2, stated that at first it appeared that his home would impact Burns', but found that Burns' view was over Co1e's chimney. Cole felt that if Burns wou1 d have to access from below, it would be a tremendous infringement upon Burns'rights. Post reminded the board that this was a zone change request. Eskwith stated that since this was a request for a zone change, the PEC could place conditions upon its approval . He added that although the Town could not deprive the applicant the use of his property, the owner of that property was not entitledto the best use of the property as Dave Cole presented. Rapson was stil'l concerned with the view conidor impact, Donovan was concerned about the narrowness of the road. Patten stated that this was a private drive and was totally contro'l 1ed by 6 owners, but that the fire access would need to be looked at. Edwards stated that he wou'l d Iike to see some sort of reasonable limitation of height because of the restrictions that had been placed on the Ridgeunits. Pierce had no problems with the request, but was concerned about lots 4 and 5 using the drive to reach thejr homes. Patten reminded him that the ownersof lots 4 and 5 must come in to the PEC for a zone chanqe. Pgnovgnloved and_Fapson secon{e{!o lecommend approval to the Town Council per f,ne straTT memo. Ine vote was 5-0 ln favor. 5.uest for ex lior alteration to the Vail 2l Buildin in order to remodel ent Gore erti es.nge ropert Kristan Pritz presented theProperties, stated that he needed in protection of the glass met the paving, such request. John Wheeler, would like to have Duaneg'lass. Pierce suggested as stone. representing Gore Range Piper work out the detai'ling other details where the .. t. TO: FROM: DATE: Planning and Environmental Commission Comnunity Devel opment Department July 2, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for a rezoning from Residential Residential for Lots 2 and 3, CliffsideApplicants: Daryl Burns and David Cole C'luster to Si ngl e Fami ly Subdivision. ( I. BACKGROUND 0n December .|2, 1983 the P'l anning and Env'ironmental Commission heard thethird request from the property owners of this subdivision to rezone theirsix lots from Residential Cluster to Single Fami'ly Residential. As you'llrecall, the dispute in this matter has been over'lots 4 and 5 as far astheir ability under SFR to impact the ridge line existing at the top of these lots. After the Planning and Environmental Conrnission approved the rezoning but with staff recorrnended restrictions on access for lots 4 and 5,the app'l ication was withdrawn by the app'l icant before Town Council appearance. Although the enclosed minutes show that the Planning and Environmental Commission restricted the access to lots 3,4, and 5 in the December 12decision, it appears that1ot 3 does not possess the same site pl anning problems related to visual intrusion on the ridgeline as do lots 4 and-5. Evidence to support this wil1 be presented to you at the hearing on Monday. The staff'will proceed to woi.k with the oiners of lots + aia Sto explore alternative site planning options for those parcels. At this time, an access or design solution has not been found and the owners of2 and 3 wish to proceed. Lot Z-is owned by Dave Cole with an existing residence on it. Under the rezoning, as you can see by the attached statistics,this lot can have an additional 325 square feet under Sing'le Fam'ily Residential. Lot 3 is a steep vacant lot whjch, as expla'ined in the attached memorandum dated December 8, 1983, is more suited to Single Family Residential zoning than to Residential Cluster. CRITERIA EVALUATIONII. Please refer to the December 8, 'l 983 memo regarding evaluation of the threecriteria used for rezonings. These findings remain the same for the requestin front of us today. Basically, Res'idential C'l uster is not the most suitable zoning for these lots, and Single Family Residential allows opportunityfor the sensitive site planning of lot 3. I II. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department reconmends approva'l of the rezoningof the lots 2 and 3, Cl'iffsiite Subdivision from Rc'to SfR. It appears - that the site conditions on lots 4 and 5 which make access from above undesirable are_not present on lot 3 (and lot 2 is already deve'l oped). The rezoningof lot 3 relieves the slope restrictions imposed by Residential Cluster and this makes sense for the placement of a structure on this difficult parcel .. Thus, we feel comfortable in a1 lowing the rezoning on these twoproperties and find that the rezoning criteria have been met. 1k- S-O :';r^ff KvcoMM€ilD&.ne( -nfty l h' f!' ')u - PEc 12l124t- McCall stated that except during Christmas week, there was no parking problem.l,r,- Paltgl reminded the commissioneis-that tfiey w;;; ;;;.iy ir.iiaE"irg"l "eronins,r not the approval of the removal of parking. He added inii irl...'.iuio not be\,^.-/ any reduction of parking unless theie werd'"ri"ti spaces availab1e on site. - 1l- a "-) Viele moved and Pierce seconded to a rove ththe Town ncl e vote was to recommend .rezoni 4.Request to ries Rosenquist, Margaret rezone Lots I throu Rosenqur- st, Davi d 6{ C'liffside Subdt ts: Col e on h'ar Da from Residential Burns. uster to nqte Fam entt a rown, ryl ( stated that.devetopment on lot 't woutd not intruJe-on"it"'"iig""riil:"" 'r!'P the staff memo. The motionurcu rur. rdcK or a second. After more discussion-,-T6u-T-fr6!E?l'id Donovan 1999999,t9 a?prove Fhe, request vyiln the sigii'ioioTirffiitiontla! lgts:. q, ano s uE-aZceslEd-Tiom ttre lowEr-roao. ThEvote was 5.in favor eo ror tack 0f a second. I /.vlsl -Rl c and tz!rzlt3 lq,rynN+ Peter Patten presented the proposal ^explainins. lfa! the staff felt that sing.lefamilv zoning was more apprbpriate toi'ttrti iiilirisiJr uui onty with site restrictions.single Family zoning wouid airow more GRFA, tnd td.;.;;i; not be any sloperestrictions. He showed g l.itg ptan and elptainlo-in.i-ii,; road from tot 4to lot 5 was a 16% grade (ttre town allows q2l; irJ r,l-it"eiseo the concern thatthere not be any Uui)ding-a1ong the r.idge li;e.- - George Rosenberg, representing the applicants, read the staff's recommendationin the December r98r memo, and added'lhat no igsiriciioni-i.r. praced at thattime' He. pointed out.that..the adjacent owners knew development could take placeon !h9 subject property. He mainlained that io'ieioni,-in'appitiint-aio'no['--need to bring in plans of how he might develop tfre-proieriv. Bi'l I Post, representing the_Ridge at vail property owners stated that it wastrue that the staff originally ieconrnenaea'reioni"nsl'bri'thut at that time nonotice.was given to adiicent -property owners. He iiated that his clients didnot obiect to the rezoning as'1ohg ai t ) tne toii wouiJ-noi u" accessed fromthe top, and 2) as long ai there ias no'buiioing-viiibi""in tn. ridge line (sincethey themsetves had noi buirt on itre iiagetine,"as ieqri""i by the Town. He:13t9 ttt iI the property is zoned singie Firiiit ih;i "iir-"nuu.-..rilin rights,and now was the time to place restrictions that wLre nleaea. He felt ttrat UEiiAesthe restriction that the'staff rria reidr*nended, that oi-ili having any structure,improvement or increase grade occur.lng a! the ridge line, that the lots shouldnot be attowed access fr5m the iop ( it-i"iii iiii-s, ql'.iir sl. - '- craig snowdon, architect for The Ridge, showed some studies that had beendone to see what the impact trorla'6"'li tniie were-iin6iu-iiorv buirdingsconstructed' including itre build-up of the road to travi iciess to lots 4 and5. Pierce agreed with the opposition, that if the rezoning were approved, thatthere be restrictions. Larry Eskwitn iaaea irr.t-il'"r.".oiio be restrictionsto protect adjacent property owners as tong..ii-iniv-niri-.iisona6ie.' il;;;;felt the restrictions shoula be speciiic. -viete;;n;;";.d; adding that withoutthe restrictions, this could be gi-ossty unrair to-[r,.-iljii"nt property owners.He felt that to restrict access io thai it came t"6m-ueii"-was entirely consistent. ::T::'_l:1.9^:!:l!_l!: ry.g to.Lot lr .n9 ,,ii-t.ia"'*,li"it ,,rt remain. Rapson with Piper and Morqan-5sTaln.ina; frt /VAP '.jt,.7249' ?'ffiN t 00 /tlJ| S:a/e :,/"= 50' A!:.9, sat'*- \ <\Y/ 0''646 'lcrcs d... .^, u4ffiffi* -/{nu-t ,5 I$ f' th'\ q \\ ,t -./ ./ Vtcttul /zcc sc Fr' ;.26162 lcrcs lA l?t Gze.ens sa'Fr' I 7.-z+z 7,4cres *#d,-f,') ,\,] $Y s)'''ql tl I i 0 h/ U/, J //.-ai:' / 'r I itVnr;,;;iG.ii)o,t"r':' ,' ,,;;fir"9fr -'-\ I MEI'lORAf.lDt M TO: Planning and Environrnental Cornnission FRoM: Department of Comnunity Development,/Peter Patten DATE: Novenber 3, 1981 RE: Resubdivision of lots 2 ar.d 3, Cliffside Subdivision Applicant: David Cole BACKGROUND On Septernber 28, 1981 the PEC voted 3-2 to deny a variance request for this property. The building encroaches into setbacks on two sides. The current application is to resubdivide the property to elininate these setback violations. The proposal is to create a new northern proPerty line so that the house is 16.8r away fron the new property line (formerly 12.5') while naintaining approxinately the same lot sizes. The other part of the application is to expand the westerly ProPettyline in order to eliminate the 9' current setback problen in that area. This entails encroaching into the private road easement and giving back :rn access easenent over that new section of the lot. The new lot configuation would allow a nininum setback of 15 feet, neeting Town requirements. The pertinent statistics on lot sizes are as follows: Lot O-ld SS Ft New Sq Ft 2 |?,SOO L2,9773 L0,267 l0,27l RECOI{MENDATION The Departrnent of Corununity Development reconunends approval of the resub- division request, Although we are not enthusiastic about the concept of elininating setback violations via a resubdi.vision, we have no najor probl.erns with this case. With the road being private, no objections fron the surrounding property owners and no negative inPacts created by the setback violation, we find no reason to reco mend denial. .fu'E"A PLANNINC AND ENVIRONII|N]AL COMIVIISSION Monday, October 26, 1981 3:00 p.m. l. Approval of ninutes of October LZd,798l . 2. Request for a variance from side and front setbacks for a resi.dence at. L763 Shasta, Lot 12, Vail Village West Fil ing #2. Applicant: Gottfried Angleitner. 3. Request for a conditional use permit to have a real estate office in space #7 of the Vail Village Inn, Phase III. Applicant: P. Van Ewing III. 4, Request for a minor subdivision to vacate and resubdivide tots 2 and3 of Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant: David Cole,r 5. Request to amend the official zoning rnap of the Town of Vail in accordancewith Section 18 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to change the Ski Museun, Tract B, Vail Village 2nd Filing frorn Public Acconnodation (PA) to Public Use District (PUD) and change Tract C and D, Bighorn Townhouse Subdivision from Residential (R) to Agricultural and 0pen -,, Space (A) District, Applicant: Town of Vail . 6. Request for a conditional use pernit for a restaurant snack bar, trans-portation and tourist related office space, town offices, rental caroffice and ticket sales at the auxilliary buiding and space in theVail Lionshead Transportation Center. Applicant: Town of Vail 7. Request to review theview corridor map and design considerations for Vail Village. Applicant: Town of Vail . Published in the Vail Trail 0ctobcr 23, l98l . o ,o/cr&, (rzur'c€at€<t: TnequesT F'r 7/# 7ff/*"c v Zr / %-o Qz,rc'Z a 77'3 n'*^l+= @aLfa- bl 1 ccrffiz'ot '8, ffica 6 rt'o atEelr, l. Reguest Cl uster Burns. Request to rezone Cluster to Single The applications and information rel ating to zoning administrator,s office during regu.lar inspect'ion by the public. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR. ACTING DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT rezone Lots Z and 3, Ciiffside Subdivision, from Residentjal Sinqle Fami'lv Rpcirlanr-irl ,!--1-. -- ,r.r_||Lirii. ^ppi_i calLs: Davtd Liole and Dary.l PUBLIC NOTICE N'TI'E Is HEREB' GIVEN that the pranning and Environmental Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on July 9, l9g4 in the Council chambers in the Vail municipal building. Public hearing and consideration of: Commission of the Section 18.66.060 at 3:00 pm the proposals are available in the business hours for revievl or to to 2. 3. Lots l, 6, 4,5, Cliffside Subdivision, from Residential Fami ly Residential . Appl icant: Town of Vai l 4. Request for revision to the Bonne vue earth-shertered housing project onlots Al, A2,43 Lionsridge Filing 2 and on Lot 6, Block.l, Lionsridge Filing4' to redesign the housing unit. Remainder of project was approved at the Planning and Environmentar commission on June t, 1gg4. Applicant: Reinforced Earth Company. Revisions to the zoning code regarding outside vending which would allow outside vending only under a special events permit with specific criteriafor its location. Applicant: Town of Vail PublishedPublished in the Vait Trail June 22, 'l 984 ftry'tty3TN( --:FFs ioHe -=€ (oo + F(n t! z, <. =JorlJNd dt rJ)dt r.o z.t-@ d, r,r1 <J c)@Hts r\- <E '-- > E c, ElL -9o oEE}9r..E $sE EsF ;E;g:g psE ')-) ..L i.--\\\ .-s \\\ \-\rl i. \__/ ,r(---\/rx:e\k.-; Il=\v) I t=-<-n- :-o= box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development October 20, 1981 Dave Cole Timber"l 'ine Properti es 286 Bridge St. Vai l, Co lorado 81657 Dear Dave: This letter is to clarify my letter to yotl dated September 22' 1981. In that letter t stateO that the concrete retaining wal 1 located on your property was to be reduced in height a distance of 8' back ?rom ihe'corner. The genera'l intent was to reduce the height of the wall back to the existing timber retaining. wa'l'l which is 6etween 7-10 feet back frcrn the corner. Therefore, the distance of exactly 8' is not irnportant as lr'lng as the wall is cut back to the timber wa]l. PJ:df ) Jamar P'lanner o P lann ing and Environmcntal Commi ss i on Septenber 28, 1981 STAFFMEMBERS PRESENT Gerry White Scott Edwards Will Trout Dan Corcoran Jim Morgan I ater; Roger Tilkeneier Peter Patten Peter Janar Betsy Rosolack Larry Eskwith Dick Ryan COUNCIL REP Ron Todd Gerry ltthite, chairnan, called the neeting to order at 3:00 p.m. He asked for approval of the njnutes of the rneeting of September 14. Dan noved and Jin seconded to appmve the ninutes. The vote was 4-0 in favor with Scott abstaining. 1. Request to vacate a lot line between parcels 4 and 5,-.Stmdial-Pha-se I-, part. of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Benchnarlc Hones of Colorado. Peter Patten explained that this lot was very flat with no vegetation to be concerned about, that it was surrotrnded by nulti-farnily units. Without the vacation, the owner could built two separate duplexes. The concensus of feeling was that the owner was attemPting to fit the aPPearance of the structures w'ith the rnulti-family units farther east. Dan noved and Will seconded to aPprove the vacation of the lot line between parcels 4 and 5, Sundial Phase I Per the staff memo dated September 28, 1981. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approval . 2. Request for a side and rear setback variance for lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision, part of Lionsr Ridge Filing No. 2. Applicant: David L. Cole. Peter Janar explained the nemo. Craig Snowdon, architect folr the applicant, showed 3 site plans and described the process that had transpired with Eagle County. He stated that after subnitting the original site plan, the County sent hirn a letter asking for rnodifications. These were nade, and the drawings reissued. In the meantime, the suweyor had staked out the building accordi.ng to the old drawings. The owner selected a new contractor and construction was begun, but the building staking laid out by the surveyor v/as never rechecked or changed, leaving the existing situation. He said that this was an unintentional erroT on the part of the applicant. The applicant has received letters fron the owners of the neighboring lots with favorable responses in every case. Craig showed photos showing the areas where the setback variances were requested. He added that if the building were to be moved forward, it would be nore proni- nent. He stated that the hardship was the fact that the building was in Place. ,r- PEc a/fft' -2- Gerry Ithite had the copies of the letters fron the ncighbors (the originals were in the Conmunity Development files. Scott felt that there didntt seem to be an impact on the adjoining ProPerty owners, but if the road were publi-c, he would feel differently. (The road is a private road.) Wifl suppported Scott, and disagrecd with the County as fai as the placing of the house. He favored the variance. Gerry stated that while the present adjacent property owners do not object, future owners nay. Jim agreed with Gerry in that a financial hardship oI self inflicted hardship were not grounds for a variance. Craig admitted the hardship was financial, but stated that as a mernber of other boards in Town, he looks at each iten individually, and also ask whether or not it is good for the Town. Scott moved and lVil1 seconded to appr:ove the variance based on the following findings: That the grant ing of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other ProPerties classi- fied in the same district and that the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or i.mprovenents in the vi.cinity, and that the variance is warranted because the strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title, that there are exceptj.ons or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicalbe to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the satne zone- Craig added that the 19t was 32-33% slope and was also an odd shape, and that the design tried to solve some of these problens. The vote was 2 in favor (Scott and Will) and 3 against (Jin, Dan and Gerry). The rnotion for approval of the variance was denied. Reasons for voting for denial were given: Jin did not feel that there were extraordinary circunstances, Dan stated that being a licensed surveyor, the first thing the surveyor should have done was to check to see if the project will fit within the setbacks and easements. Gerry stated that without question, there was a nix-up in plans, and a change in contractors, but he couldnrt accept this as reason for a variance. Dave Cole stated that the lot isn't like the other lots in the vicinity, in that is has a curve the others donrt have. Gerry reninded Dave that he had 10 days in which to appeal the decision to the Town Council. , PEc nf t -3- 3. Reques! fot S"gqiqr_4teration and rnodification t-o thc Casino @ar-ea to ieCCi'minc the amount of office space on deck. Applicants: Carlos Agostoni and Janes J. Sprowls Gerry read a letter fron the applicant requesting that this item be tabled. Dan moved and Jim seconded to accept the applicant's request to be tabled to the meeting of October 12. The vote was 5-0 in favor of tabling. 4. Request to arncnd the Parking (P) District to permit by conditional relatcd and accessorY type uses, In addition, to anend the Public Use District (PUD) to permj,t by conditlonal use, public uses, office and connercial uses that are transportation and tourist related and dwelling or dornitory type units for enployees of the Town or special distrj.ct. Dick Ryan explained the rneno. Dan suggested that one iten be considered at a tine. Dan noved and Siott seconded to reconnend the anendrnent of the Parking (P) Distri.ct to permit by conditional use public uses that are transportation, tourist or Town related accessory type uses. The vote was 5-0 in favor. The second part of the request, arnending the Public Use District (PUD) to perrnit by conditional use, office and comrnercial uses that are'tourist related and dwelling or dormitory tyPe units for ernployees of the Toun or special districts. Gerry felt that the words, "1ong term" should be stated. Dick said that the Town nay want employee housing at the Toun shops because of recent vandal isrn occuring there. In each case, the conditional use teview will have to cone before the PEC. Dan stated that the problern that he had with this was that later on the agenda, nuch property was suggested to be rezoned to PUD, and he didntt feel that some of those pieces of property shoul.d have housing on then. He didn't feel that he could back this and then proceed with the other parcels. Dick stressed that the housing was to be used as an accesso v to a building that is already there. Scott expressed concern abouE-EaVliflhousing in the sarne zone as buses, Jirn suggested that when the other parcels were considered, it would be possible to change the suggested zone to Agriculture and Open Space (A) rather than to PUD. Menbers of the audience who spoke were: Alice Parsons who said that she agreed with Dan and Scott and would like to see a nore reitrictive zoning such as Agricultural and Open Space. Susan Hertzog stated that the definition of PUD was scary. It doesnrt specify that the dwellings have to be in another structure. PEC s/28/sr e Florence Habenicht said that she saw this as a blank clreck--that it was too all enconpass i-ng- - and that she felt a need for a more spccific zone. Ann Charles was concerned with putting parks i-n the sane zone as parking structure. She felt it could. be Agriculture and Open Space. Jim reminded them that dwellings would be an accessory to the principal use. Susan said that the possibility of having a zoning especially for parks seemed good. She questioned the reason for the PUD zone. Peter Patten suggested that when they get to specific properties in the meeting, the zoning could be discussed individually, Property that is zoned PUD at present are Ford Park, the parking structure, the ice area, post office and municipal buildings, future library property. Peter reninded the cornmission that as a conditional use, each request would have to go through the PEC with a public hearing process, and would be looked at individually with citizen input considered. Jim rnoved and Will seconded to reconmend the arnendment of the Public Use (PUD) District to pernit by conditional use, office and corrunercial uses that are tourist related and dwelling or dornitory type units for enployees of the Town or special districts as accessory uses to prinary structures. the vote was 3 for and 2 against (Dan and Scott said that he didnrt was against the Ford Park was zoned PUD. Roger Tilkemeier arrived. Scott). The motion passed. motion when he found out that 5. Rgq}est to a,rnen d the non-conforqing section of the zoning code ,to pernit restoration of legal non-conforming structures that are destroyed by fire or other calarnity or by an act of God. Appliant: Town of Vail Dick Ryan explained the memo. Dan wondered if people would draw their own plans. Dick explai.ned that unless people got their buildings registered, the Town could run into rnajor problems. Photos as part of the registration was discussed, as was the problem with concern with GRFA. Dan felt that the building bulk was more inportant than GRFA. Dick emphasized that the same number of units nust be al lowed to be built, even though they were non conforming when brought into the Town, but the new constructi.on would have to follow the most cu.rrent building codes. Scott noved and Roger seconded to amend the non- conforrning section as stated in the nemo, .and the anended restoration section should read as follows: 18,64.090 Restoration A, Whenever a nonconforning use which does not confonn with the regulations for the district in which it is located, or a nonconforning structure or site irnprovenent which does not conform with requirenents for' setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control, or site coverage, is destroyed by fire or other calanity, by act of God or PEc n,e -s- by the public enemy, the use may be resuned or the structure may be restored, provided that restoration is cornmenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion. B. Registration of nonconforming uses, structures or sites is required to be subnitted to the Connnunity Development Department. The owner or representative nust submit sufficient information to insure if the use, stTucture or site can be reconstructed to the original plan. Mininum infornation submitted should be a site plan, floor plans, use of structure, parking layout and landscaping. The vote was 6-0, unanimous ly in favor. 6,. Request to anend the official zoning nap of the Town of Vall in accordance t';ith Scction 18 of the Town of Vail I'tunicipal Code as follows: At this Point, Peter Patten noted that the Ski Museum had been published with the wrong lot number, so that iten was postponed until it could be published correctly. b, Change lot 10, Bighorn Subdivision from Two Farnily Residentiat (R) to Green Belt and Natural Open Space (GNOS) District. Dan moved and Roger seconded to change this zoning as listed. The vote was 6-0, unanimously in favor. c. Change Tract H, Vail Village lst Filing fron HDlt{F to Public UseDistrict (PUD). After discussion it was decided to change this tract from HDMF to Greenbelt and Natural Open Space ( (GNOS) . Jim moved and Scott seconded to change Willow Circle Island, Tract H, Block 6, Vail Village lst from HDMF to Greenbelt and Natural Open' Space (GNOS). The vote was 6-0 unanirnously in favor. d. Change lot 28, Lionsridge Filing 3 frorn Prinary/Secondary (P/S) to Public Use (PUD) District. After discussion, it was decided to change this. Dan noved and Roger seconded to change lot 28, Lionsridge Filing 3 from Prinary/Secondary (P/S) to Greenbelt aad Natural Open Space (GNOS) District. The vote was 6-0, unaninously in favor. e. Change lot 40, Buffer Creek Subdivision from Comnercial Core III (CCIII) to Public Use (PUD) District. After discussion, it was decided to change this as listed. Dan noved and Scott seconded to change 1ot 40, Buffer Creek Subdivision' from Conmercial Core III (CCIII) to Agriculture and Open Space (A) District. The vote was 6-0 unanirnously in favor. Pnc e8/81 -6- f. Change lot 10, Vail Village 2nd Filing from Two Family Residential (R) to Public Use (PUD) District. Dick Ryan stated that the PUD zoni-ng was suggested because it was possible to some day build a youth ccnt.er in thls area. Roger rnoved and Dan seconded to change the zoning as indj.cated. The vote was 6-0, unanimously in favor. C. Change lot 3, Resub of lot 1, block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing frorn High Density l'lulti-Family (l{DIi{F) to Public Use (PUD) District. (This is the parking structure.) The staff suggested that this be changed to Parking instead, Dan moved and Scott seconded to change 1ot 3, Resub of lot 1, block1, Vail Lionslhead 2nd Filing fron High Density Multi-Family (HDIrf) to Parking (P) District. The vote was 6-0, unanirnously in favor. h. Change Tract E, Vail Lionshead lst Filing frorn Commercial Core II (CCII) to Public Use District (PUD). This was changeJto Parking. Scott moved and Roger seconded to change Tract E, Vail Lionslhead lst Filing fron Conmercial Core II to Parking (P) District. The vote was 6-0.unaninously in favor. i. Change Donovan Park, a parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 of the $f f/4, and the NllI 1/4 of the SW I/4, Section 12 Townshi-p 5 South, Rangc 8l West of the 6th P.M,, Town of Vail , State of Colorado, frorn Resident j.al Cluster (RC) and Prinary,/Secondary (P/S) to Public Use (PUD) District. Dick Ryan suggested having.a different zoning for the upper parcel than the zoning for the lower parcel. The upper parcel would probab'ly never have a structure upon it, and could be zoned Agricultural and Open Space (A). The lower parcel could be zoned Public Use District (PUD) which would a11ow a swiruning pool and structure. He answered a question fron the audience clarifying that no structure would be placed on the upper parcel of the park, In aiEwer, part of the conditonal uses was read aloud explai,ning that a pool would have . to go through public hearing, since it could involve nore than 200 people in assembly. Susan Hertzog was concerned that employee housing might be built on the lower parcel . Dick explained that the employee housing would have to be an accessory use to another structure. Ki.rsch Sanders comrnented that they didntt want another Fal1 Line, but could accept custodial units. Dan reminded the audience that PUD was Publ.ic Use Di.strict, not planned unit developnent. Ann Charles felt that a future PEC could nisinterpret the code. The definition was discussed and Peter reninded then that thc property was purchased with the' Teal estate transfer tax which linited the use of the property to recreation and open space. PEc e/st -7- Ella Knox spoke against thc custodial unit rnentioning that it hadnrt worked at the church or at the Lodge. Roger moved and Dan seconded to recomnend thc change of the upper parcel from Prj.mary/Secondary (P/S) to Agricultural and Open Space (A) and to change thc lower parcel from RC to Public Use Dj.strict (PUD), The vote was 6-0, unanimously in favor. j. Change King Arthurrs Court, a parcel of land situated in the SW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 S., Range 80 West of the 6th P.M,, Town of Vail, State of Colorado from Low Density I'tulti-Fanily (LDMF) to Agblcultural and Open Space (A) District. Scott noved and Roger seconded to change the zoning as listed. The vote was 6-0 unaninously in favor. k. Change Parcel B of the Annexation Plat of Forest Service Property, annexed by Ordinance #7, 1980 as recorded in Book 302, page 852 Eagle County records frorn Natural Greenbelt and Open Space (NGOS) to Agrucultural and Open Space (A) District. Dan noved and Will seconded to change the zoning as listed. The vote was 6-.0 unanimously in favor. l. Change Glen Lyon Strearn Tract, a parcel of land fo"ut"d in a portion of the N I/2, NW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 Westof the 6th P,l\t., Town of Vail , County of Eagle, .State of Colorado fron Special Developurent District (SDD) to Public Use (PUD) District. Roger moved and Scott seconded to change this zoning from SDD to Greenbelt and Natural Open Space (GNOS). ltre vote was 6-0 in favor. n. Change Pitkin Creek Tract, a parcel of land lying within Section11, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Eagl.e County, containing 19,566.40 square feet of 0.449 acres rnore or less fron Special Development District (SDD) to Public Use District (PuD). Roger noved and Scott seconded to change the zoning as listed. The vote was 6-0 unaniurously in favor. 7. Request for a rear setback vari-ance and for a variance for a setback fron Applicant: Heritage Cornpany. Peter Patten explained that the commissioners had visited this site before the neeting, He added that the staff felt the design was indeed better than the last one, but that it was still not the best design in the staffts opinion. Dick said that the site visit showed that the house could be moved further. Prc o8/8r -8- Will Trout, archiect for the project, exPlained that hc felt that the design worked best with the sitc. lle adclcd that ,the code did not nention rnaximun or miniurn cuts. Cerry felt that the part of the lot that was being left open was the part that should be built upon and that the buildings could also be smaller on that |ot. He added that sone fill would have to be given for the drivelay, but that was better than cutting into the hillside. Jim asked if it was in the best interests of the Town not to cut into the hillside. Jin added that people nake cuts and fills and if they don't need a variance, the Town does not deal with the situation, Itrill added that there was nothing in the code that said one had to build on the flat portion. Jirn: As I see it, the site fal1s into a hardship--the lot is unbuildable. It is not necessarilv undesirable to the Town. Dan: I am concerned with the proximity to the strean. The buildings could be pulled alray fron the stream. Scott: Is this hardship self afflicted? I am against stream setback encroachnents. Roger: I havenrt seen the lot. If the only encroachnent is toward the highway there are no serious problerns with the setback on the rear' Gerry: I continue.to have problens because it looks as though the site is being adapted to design rather than the reverse. They donrt have to cut into the hillside so nuch. The inside courtyard is unnecessary. John Nilsson, realtor, stated that the reason for the piazza was safety so that the cars can turn around before driving out, Jim noved and Roger seconded to approve the request based on the findings that the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district, that the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to ProPerties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the variance is warranted because the strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the title. The vote was 3 for and 2 against (Gerry and Dan). The ureeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Conmission of the Town of Vail wilt hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Zoning code of the Town of Vail on october 26, l98l at 3:00 p.n.. in the Town of Vail Council Chanbers' Public hearing and consideration of: 1. Request to amend the official zoning nap of the Town of Vail in accordance with Section 18 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to change the ski Museum, Tract B, Vail Village 2nd Fj.ling from Public Accornrnodation (PA)toPublicUseDistrict(PUD)andchangeTractCandD,Bighorn TownHouse Subdivision fron Residential (R) to Agricultural and open Space (A) District. Applicant: Town of VaiI' Request for a conditional use'permit for a restaurant snack bar, transportation and tourist related office sPace, town offices, rental car office and licket sales at the auxilliary building and space j'n the Vail Lionshead Transportation Center. Applicant: Town of Vail ' Request for a minor subdi-vision to vacate and ':esubdivide lots 2 and 3 of Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant: David Cole' Rbquest to review for Vail Vil1age. the-,view corridor rnap and design consideratiolrs Applicant: Town of Vail. The applications and inforrnatj.on relating to the proposed changes are available in the Zoning Administratorrs office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR Zoning Administrator aN ll t{J -Jo(4 :ro _(\lo-oo) 9^qixl();asrlJ 4 (9Itv b _\r c\l F's\}N*t{;o)s.I V" --ot-e$\* i",t U sn a t$ -G,o -bs rRFIE = $H$$-q\o()= :osoNo tl ! tI H H <3 H\H: Ff,o > io .9o)rf o(o(o v) (\l $$ tl\() o$tsoe rlt t\C\\t\t tl J -lo 3)$lf) oro tl -ql ;to (/)tr trJlt)- ,ot'$ co^ I H (/) 8is e H-setH N = Qe ? N rl tU q tn \r)-t) \t oo rls uI .<. cco- ! 0l o a L tc C c Li 0 a f'-._i c: .L cJ: oc f i'f o c c o cl r-r (J rr ! 4. i_ - rr L :-'lo.lJor.()cc) fd.cfalr-nlfrr-c c o c !.8 o >, o oOr C.-1 O, tr >-rL)! |^\..d.\..1r o +J I C' l!-q ! o o>-- C'. f. C (l- UiJU.{_FEU,O a ]- !- OF Qlt+ (tu > 3,c tt o ..r_rr F-rr-ECCcO C,4 O C rJ .- .0. C ..r. C.lr c.d.r, > '_ t_c- l--t+, > -rnF!Al C)--r +) CE !n C E >U, ._ (_ \ a at ._ al.r-r O CCCI,.!t-.tr(tio j c rd oc 6.- Qa tr u] 0i O r O O O --r Eo 3 ! ! -C .-l -"" +r .P -l -Q.-lr o crd(^f cco c E -ui !, -l E O(]1Cq- o o r0 0 C) (-/) 'r- ci cJ oE oo!!flJrf !cr o) .-l rd !r.'r C 0) CJ! CJ-C EnJ.. Ul l.r C,! O-C.! Q.!.{r I'a a -4 o E o o'-l o > c, o cl3 >4 .-t 0J X ! o C O'O l- Q_-co..ro cooordxoo!-l CO O( tt: X O l-r +r (]<-i.q ,co -o of] o. I r--r O ,. !O-l(j C - C=r+r (r> O . Fl t, O]-ro '! ! > (J c\ (I] c 0r ..i Q.t-.4 A Ci C rd +,) lr! () 5,O : tr- -cd.lJ .,1 O -|J-r (I ..1 Od+rC!c o(l ..t c,E or0 o oc o q-r >,.{r o) o o tr u..rrC .C (r C tr- ! -C C lr O':'-l -- -1'J.t ..4.), -.1 | = e- ..r q-r O OCj li -l cn .P +J C r0 .-i lr.-r O Ord !C'+'(nc: OO+r !ou tul croo!ac trc\c(- O r O U c'.1 C 1-r aJ.cr N \ X O O] CE OUE r-a !r O ql g'-l .-l C :C..1 > lr..t cJ .-1 .c o > r-r c .lr o>Jr OrC t.l;O..-.rO!O Clc lr j> +,- (c d.d (d -"-j .+r.-lQ cj t.r q.) c o d o Qr+r oroQ, I O C l.r C rd C-i!r O t+-r l.r i O >1 XO .-lorr Gorcoco(')t!.lr Oi ts Cr.q AJ d.-l rd d.-t .C \(j oc).+J lr c0 rdt) a tl-r l-.1'-r Q, _Lt o{g ord .+J Od()L, C', -: I H H$ \f oi \ o!o(o so(o (4 <E $e H: F: t{ a -s\laro ooto a fr$$ttr,*-rt6 !t_i tJO(- C, l-r CJ -l.. >A r.,r i OF; tr cJ ul = 1) H] H a-i a' !.^a\ ; I di1 ^tl, lr CJIOi Of . f' rd -z, (d -e -(Ji "C. Hi ! 5' k i >,..r(JL q-r C)Oi '-i.C Hl Far AL \J r.1 Ed i -{r:r >(gul !o o; tr r__rE;OAri .q ()(. Hi l'-l -]J at, |r)o z F o 6 N a a o H 3 ooN rl n{u \o sqj ;o o 1 t- o a '5 o at .J T .irl|r)l "l $ 8l*l H t{Jl- 3trtr fr() F Eo -J t.- E so s oaI Bx $5rilJJ(J(l.sNt{ b =P F- -J3s * 12 f, s (5 z s l{t oaq I E ! c Fno ut ;, rn oqii uOru0{J;Zn.i<F;>F'J a: :<) !rlEU E.E ig4'$ .{ o ^$o9 6',o'.intl rr ,fro AU;dz; ">x0. < :..i l{/ Rwter;o"r**_h q d "rfr I t;, i,d J .f .rp' ,t .,1, N ,q € ,5oog'25" :29' )o''?o'1.il-l' "] --'.. .{ UTIL '' R = tgOOO' .'; CH = 37.53' N O"07'22"E c\ l--(t/ $- A = !1"2O'O9" L = 3759' v/ REqA,I? IN t'lo. 12488 co|;cn[.Tt:. Jf:!,i.\:D 8Y, B.Mc. TV Itr /,rg 1O t -S.-R = 124.16,' CH= 94.77' -'2607' g 61;51'ts" Y1 (70 ) CREEK -.---C-.#- I t u p nov t,,, I NT-L9Y!2;: --- nT 2' cLtt ' c^Gi twLyL-- DRIVE CERTIFICATE IDE, .,IJNTY, COLORADO t{C XLo B r, b ' A = 44"52'20" L = 97.24' s 41" 25'25" w PRoJ€ct ro v- llgs s o a/tz/BI SCALE I":2C' 6*) SPLIT - LEVEL cTt r/-af1 - WOOO FRAME., lr3{rn-->--- iOw / eavp*4 r--------'-=--'z/ J,--.\-z'/' .) -/ €A5€$€\::: J.L.W. loFl Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado 81657 Qanf omhor.' 1 fi 1 OR 1'vt Mr. Peter Palten Town of VaiI Planning Administrator 75 S. Fronlage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: TheapplicantDavidL.Coleisrequestingasideandrearsetback variance for his residence located on Lob 2, Ctiffside subdivision' .. vail , colorado. As the applicant's representatj-ve and Arclritect for the project we are requesting as folfows: 1. A side setback variance from 15r (as required by the Tovrn of Vail Zoning Ordinance Section 1E.10.060) to 12'5r along the northeast building line for approximately 7' ' 2. A rear setback variance frorn 15' (as required by the Town of VaiI Zoning Ordinance Section 18.10.060) to 8'9r along the wesLern building line for 32.7'- ' The reason for tlre vari.alrce,request is due lo misplacement of the UuifOingrcp @tlon. As far as can be deter- mined aL thls stage, the reason for the error is as follows' l.AnoriginalsiLeplanwassubrnittedtoEagleCoun|yBuilding Department and the intended contractor at the lime of construc- tion(acopywasalsosubmittedbobheSurveyorforstakingof the building on the Property) . 2. Eagle County requested modifications to the site plan be made. 3. Modifications to the site plan were made and the drawings rej'ssued. 4. The Oi,mer selecbed a new contraclor and consfruction was begun.' 5. Apparenfly in the process of changing contracbor and site plan tirl UuifOlng sLaki.ng laid out by the surveyor was never rechecked or cbanged, leaving the existing situation -r lt4r. Peter Patton September 10, 1981 Page 2 CNS: rmg Ehcl. This matter is being reviewed by.the Town of Vail PbC, because part vray through conslruction this properfy was annexed from Eagle CounLy into fhe Town or v^i-t. It. is our hope the Town of Vail and the PEC vi.ew.this as an unintentional error on the part of the applicanL and would cause un-' due hardship on the part of the applicanL to try and relocate the buildi"ng acCording to town stindards. The rear setback variance requested is bor- dered by a prj-vate drive or,rned in common by the applicant and adjacent property owners and would, lre feel not cause any bardships on adjacent properties. The side setback variance is of minimal impact due to the tuitaing being p1.aced non-para1le1 with the property and setback li-ne' causing only Lhe corner of the buildlng to be within Lhe sebback. At preseni there is no buiJ.ding on Lot 3 (the property adjacent to the apPli- ianL being affected by the varlance), a single family residence zoned property. Enclosed you will find four (4) copies of an improvement survey showing the existing "ituLatiotr. (This was when the error was dlscovered ) as you reguire. ti you need further inforrnation or I can be of any he1p, please Iet rne know. o Applicati"" O I. APPLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. A.NAIIIE OF APPLICAIIT David Cole ADDRESS 286 B"ide" Str..t, HONS 476-2113 NAUE OF ADDFCSS B.APPIICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Snowdon & Hopkins Architects pHONE 476-2201 0, 1l'' 201 Gore Creek Drive c.r'AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY SIGNATURE / ADDRESS 286 Bridge Street, Vail , Colorado 81657 PHONE 476-2113 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRES S Buffer Creek Road. VaiI . Colorado LEGAf, DESCRIPTION lot___-"_plockn,za Filing_cl:ff"19" vjlltgg FEE. $r00.00 plus 18+ for each property owner to be notified. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. Lot G - Onfari-o West c,/o Jack Bishop, Drawer P, Edwards, co]orado f tL 5 "- Lot 3 Dr. Daryl Burns, 649 S, Monroe Way, Denver, Colorado 80209 Lot 4 & 5 Mr. Charles Rosenquest, 1451 Buffer Creek Road, Vail , Co, 81657 Mr. Brown - 1780 S. Bellair Street, Suite 106, Denver, Cb. 80222 Lofs i - 7l4r. Charles Rosenquesf, 1451 Buffer Creek Drive, VaiI , Colorado 81657 E. a. 7; \ 4-\r:: I \ \ t\ \\ \,\ \ \ \\.\\ \ \\,-\s _ ta -- a\ (4 lo o) dz o s (\ o o ci\l ll \o t sa;o 6 fr, H l- i6 z e 5 =Jj o xa T .lrlt0l "l !{; I (olol*l 5o hJl.- E tL l-- $ F EoJ t-a lr.t F R oaIq E.x H5f40$o\ l.u -JJ()('.sN t{J F-!3s b =P 49"19 oslN rc) o\s $ tls V" $-v i tr) sr lc)N o\t (4 -o trt\\t O) rlt.o S-e hs tt- Jll tt... I a o ^l H s-a (J <3 $NH: \ \ $E$$-t\ooa b, -9oNo lls \\ en trl -E,o vl -J ,ot?j tI"W* ,T E H = bp ,RFIElo t: Il-f, FOOulF,o Fq;,oqii ulO(u ?gH> x '-.., ar!ii uJ!I) ,d rl Eb0./-.tE{EIe)?c).eE =.15b0L- r2 --aI-E.-EI\ oo^, X:N '.in H:I;OX;?E 8is RHB ch rrta tl 'i,o -$loooro(o ll <t t't,v% o0)!!rorg '-i O '+-l ti C) !1) Ci r0 q-r \ z Ht 5o =E;$;-N HS hq{4 -J > o Jt)(os-:1 -Y.l \t:oj . v). rU _c\b ll^) oorc) a Ff,a = .9o\t o(o(o v) ql\t \h ll\(J o\rNoe tl 0( NN\t $ tl J -to 1r)\tlo olf) ltll< o^ ? oN ll KJ -Jq(J(/) Nl') ro\t oo tls \$ .<. cco- i. a,' qJ i:,t-ll(-) .J Ff fi[)a .Ft fr ddf; @!rIt l|{ o .lf cl+) iloo ': d o F{r{ rU JJ .Ft p o () o o .Fl E a. /\ r. rn..r o c o o cpE rr O+rOmOC0)r0.CJa rrt..0E oC.oc(dc+roo>, ooC.-l () l.t >.+ O lrE@Eraocc,o 0J .l-l l: (J d-e l.| O(J).-t 0J ).c 4. q-r O}'J,.O.lJtrEo.Q. .lJ ! OH 0J rL: or0> oc t')0lr-r+.Etrouo c 0J o fJ ..r r0 tr.'r a! c).C lrsl '.1 .CtrCErr.'{ {J >i.OE-i I O 0))) -Q.r5 o O, E >Ctr. oO ,qOC0iCtr!lr.got{. ! 0j (! u€ rd,.t oo O O o O (, OFr.E.lJ lr .cl .i -'r .lJ tJ F-{ -Q '.1c f0 o Ero 6 o .60J o c o q ! +r.trE.otr'-l E OoqO O ld Q, O O'r{ 0J O>c o(^fo qoo+ro(6r0'oorug..l c', 0J o+r o.c E 9.. ! O.Q ! Q.. h {J lrE O O'.1 QrlrO 6 q,).-l 0) X lr 0) C () O'lt 9lcooodxooq, q c X O tr q{ O.C O ..O O tt-t o] l{+r O'-rO O r CAO - Fr O O]r.lr )r() 0J O C O.'l O'5rd +J tr -C O U'Q tq{-q'Fl t! ! o.d ! q) +J ,-l or .d U! {U ]J 'lJ tl'A trE Q{.d O O)r+J 0 O Q l.t O''-1 5tt-l 5.C c{g O 'o..lFl +J..r ..rJ t A ...t r...t O O+J tJ 0J rd .,{ !!orrfll')r''(-)t4, t{ 0J O O.lr Ci C trOOO O C.-l O tl.{ (J -Cx o 0) tro ou! O cJ E.d.'r O o(l) ..1 -co>+rtr!o.c.lrO.rr{)kO tru Ft td {! 11 rd ..t +J .-tH O '(J O 6 0 A,.lr O €t U C lr C rd q,-lqr H t u > >o idta,\.!.rr^rrl..\rl1n H Or.q 0) O ''r fg Fl .rl .Q $E$ "t'*Jq6 q-r 3o o.o.-t dol1..1 0> r-l.-t O (/) > 1J ..r OOU t{-rqrO .r-t Ft U(! C{r 11 rJ .-lo(!Fl> U) 3 -.1 It-.] It rd '71o t{ t<. fto or tr t&. C.. .-t ! co -rJ O c-.(o ().ioo }fo !oo, c,!<a: ru O-.lr|-]>A O lrc)> F !.r1 H .A ]J Q)no]J .d ..1 4Ju|. 11 G>..r oq-t o--t n OtJ r{!cooou (-) ..{ >|u'.r'!u>oor!- 1r -{ A.o'g o rr,' .co i4t .+J tl-.| .U D^KTL.& BURNS, D.D.' Left g.nt ftrcfesrtonol Bulldhg I sOSs Eo.L K€rrtuckq Avenue IDenvet Cotorddo eO222 | Tetephone 7s7 -0s67 | Septenber 25, 1981 Planning and EnvLrorxoentaL Comission Town of Vail VaLl, Co].orado A1657 Dear Sirs: I see no problem with.the request for a side and rear setback variance in accordance wl-th Section 18.14.060 for lot 2, Cl.tffslile subdivision, p:rrt of Ll.onsridge Filing #2 by Appticant, David L. Cole. Sincerely your6, bF4-<&,'q Daryl R, Burns, D.D. S, Owner of adj acent 1ot 3 to the north. DRB:en Prqctice Limited to Orthodontics Dtplornote Amerlcatr Boord ot Orthgdohtlcs I oo oo TIMBERTINE PROPERTIES GAIIERY OF HOMES 286 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657 ln Vail Village: Corner of Bridge Street I Gore Creek Drive, above the "Deli" .476-2113 110 East Beaver Creek Boulevard. Avon. Colorado 81620 . 949-6686 Beneath the Liouor Store 230 Ten Mile Circle, P.O. Box 3357, Copper Mountain, Colorado 80443 .668-2114 Coooer Junction Buildino at the base of "F" Lift September ll, l98l Mr. Dick Brown.|780 So. BE] 'lai re St. Suite .|06 Denver, C0 80222 Dear Dick: I find myself in an embarrassing predicament at the moment as my home nears completion. Through some miscoord'ination between my architect, surveyor and builder, the north side of the house (Lot 3) and the west side of the house, (toward our private road) did not get located as I and the Town of Vai'l in- tended which would have been with'in the setbacks of 15 feet on both sides. An improvement survey of my home, completed for the purposes of a permanent loan, has disclosed that the home has encroached 2% feet'into the sjde set- back and 6 feet into the rear setback. I cannot see that the setbacks will provide any damag'ing consequences to the neighboring property owners and they have applied to the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission for a hearing on September 28th at 3:00 PM for the purpose of obtaining a variance in this matter. I be'lieve that your favorable opinions v{ould weigh heavily'in favor of my request. If you will support me in this matter, I would very much appreciateit and would ask you to s'i gn be'low on the line above your name ind'icating that you favor the approval of this variance and return 'it to me at once. I hope to have you over for a drink and tour in the very near future. Cole, C.R.B. lY' tB neALtono f3t oo oo TIMBERTINE PROPERTIES GAII.ERY OF HOMES 286 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657 ln Vail Village: Corner of Bridge Street I Gore Creek Drive, above the "Deli" o 476-2113 110 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Avon, Colorado 81620 o 949-6686 Beneath the Liquor Store 230 Ten Mile Circle, P.O. Box 3357, Copper Mountain, Colorado 80443. 668-2114 Coooer Junction Buildino at the base of "F" Lift September l1 , .|98'l Mr. Jack Bishop 0ntario West Drawer P Edwards, C0 81632 Dear Jack: I find myself in an embarrassing predicament at the moment as my home nears completion. Through some mi scoordination between my architect, surveyor and builder, the north side of the house (Lot 3) and the west side of the house, (toward our private road) did not get located as I and the Town of Vail in- tended wh'ich would have been within the setbacks of 15 feet on both sides. An improverent survey of my home completed for the purposes of a permanent loan has disclosed that the honre has encroached24 feet into the side setback and 6 feet into the rear setback. I cannot see that the setbacks will provide any damaging consequences to the neighboring property owners and they have applied to the Vail Planning and Environnental Conrnission for a hearing on September 28th at 3:00 PM for the purpose of obtaining a variance in this matter. I believe that your favorab'le opinions would weigh heavily in favor of my request. If you wilI support me in this matter, I wou'ld very much apprec'iateit and would ask you to sign below on the'l ine above your name'indicating that you favor the approva'l of this variance and return it to rne at once. I hope to have you over for a drink and tour in the very near future. vl nEALtoRo oo .o TIMBERLINE PROPERTIES GALTERY OF HOMES 286 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657 fn Vail Village: Corner of Bridge Street S Gore Creek Drive, above the "Deli" .476-2113 110 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Avon, Colorado 81620.949-6686 Beneath the Liquor Store 230 Ten Mile Circle, P.O. Box 3357, Copper Mountain, Colorado $Q{{f, o 668-2114 Copper Junction Building at the base of "F" Lift September ll,'198.| Mr. Chuck Rosenquist.|93 East Gore Creek Dr. Vai'l , C0. 8.l657 Dear Chuck: I find myself in an embarrassing predicarent at the moment as my home nears completion. Through some miscoordination between my architect, surveyor and builder, the north side of the house (Lot 3) and the b,est side of the house, (toward our private road) did not get located as I and the Town of Vail in- tended which would have been within the setbacks of 15 feet on both sides. An improverent survey of my home, completed for the purposes of a permanent loan, has disclosed that the home has encroached 2% feet into the side set- back and 6 feet into the rear setback. I cannot see that the setbacks will provide any damaging consequences to the neighboring property owners and they have app'lied to the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission for a hearing on September 28th at 3:00 PM for the purpose of obtain'ing a variance in this matter. I believe that your favorable opin'ions would weigh heavily in favor of my request. If you wi'l'l support me in th'is matter, I would very much appneciatejt and would ask you to sign below on the line above your name indicating that you favor the approval of this variance and return jt to me at once. I hope to have you over for a drink and tour in the very near future. IB nEaLTono T1 ( David L. Cole, C.R.B. 3 PUBLIC NOI'ICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Comnission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Vail on September 28, 1981 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town Council Chambers in the Vai-1 l{uni-cipal Buil ding. Public Hearing and consideration of: 1. Request for a rninor subdivision of parcels 4 and 5, Sundial , Phase I., i part of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn subdivision. The request is to vacate a lot line betu/een parcels 4 and 5, in accordance with Section 18.16.060' Appli.cant: Benchnark Homes of Colorado' Z. Request for a side and rear setback variance in accordance with Section i8.14.060 for Lot 2. Cliffside subdivision, part of Lionsridge Filing #2. Applicant: David L. Cole. , Request to amend the Parking (P) District to pernit by conditional use publ ic uses, private office and cornrnercial uses that are transpor-tation, tourist or town related and accessory type uses. rn addition,to arnend the Public Use (PUD) District to pernit by conditional usepublic uses, office and conrnercial uses that are transportation andtourist related and dwell ing or dormitory type units fbr ernployeesof the Town or special district. Applicant: Town of Vail . Request to anend the non-conforrning section of the zoning code topernit restoration of legal non-conforming structures that are destroyedby fire or other calamity or by an act of God. Applicant: Townof Vail. 5' Request to arnend the official zoning map of the Town of Vail in accordancewith Section l8 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code as follows: Change the Ski Museurn, lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Fiiin! frorn public Acconmodation (PA) to Public Use (pUD) Dj.strict, Change tot 10, Bighorn Subdivision from Two Farnily Residential (R)to Green Belt and Open Space (GBOS) District, Change Tract H, Vail Village First Fiting from High Densj-ty MultipleFamily (HDMF) to Public Use (pUD) District, change 7ot 28, Lionsridge Filing i fron Primary/secondary Residential(P/S) to Public Use (pUD) District, Change lot 40, Buffer Creek Subdivision from Corurercial Core III(CCIII) to Public Use (pUD). Ch;tngc lot 10, Vail villagc Sccond Firing from Two Family Rcsidential (R)1o I'ubl ic t.tse (l'tJDJ Disrrict, .+. :ff1';,1i"3fi'ff lll:;:l,ii lfil#;::TLifr: t;33i'i:::"i::,"""' Chinge Tract E, Vail Lionshead Ist Filing fron Cornmercial Core II (CCII)to Public Use District (PUD), Change Donovan Park, a parcel of land located in the NE l/4 of the Swl/4, and the NW f/4 of the SW I/4, Section 12 T.SS., R 81 W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, State of Colorado, from Residential Cluster (RC) and Prinary Secondary Residential (P/S) to Public Use (PUD) District, Change King Arthurrs Court, a parcel Section 12, T. 55, R. 80ll of the 6th frorn Low Density l{ulti-Fanily (LDMF) of land situated in the SE 1/4 of P,M., Town of Vail, State of Coloradoto Public Use (PUD) District, f. Parcel B of the Annexation Plat of Forest Service Property, annexed by Ordinance #7, 1980 as recorded in Book 302, page 852, Eagle County recordsfron Green Belt and 0pen Space (GB0S) to Agriculture and Open Space (A)District, change Pitkin creek rract , a parcel of land lying within section tI, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, containing 19,566.40 square feet of 0,449 acres more or less from Special Developrnent District (SDD) to Public Use (PUD) District. Change Glen Lyon Strean Tract, a parcel of land located in a portion ofthe N 1/2 NW l/4 of Section 12, T.55, R, 8iW of the 6th P.M., Town ofvail, county of Eagle, state of colorado from special Developrnent Dj.strict (SDD) to Public Use District (PUD). The applications and infornation relating to the proposed changes are available in the Zoning Administrator's office during regular business hours for review or insp^ction by the public. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR. Zoning Adnin istrator Published in the Vail Trail September 1I, 1981 Tn.I'lanning and FP.0I1: l)cPartncnt of DATE: SePtember 22' llE : Rcque st f or a Subdivi s ion 1,,1L|'10ltANI)Ui''1 linvi rc,lrncntu I Conutiss iort Conr:rrrrnity Dcvei opmcitt 1 981 side and rear setback variance on 1ot 2, Cliffside APPLIC,\NT: David L. Cole DESCRI P',f IoN or vABr4Igr I'Eq!!sfE-D- The applicant is requesting a side and rear: setback variance for his r:esidence located on Lot 2, Cliffsid. srbdiuirion. A side setback variance frour the Ie- quired 15'to 12.3' along t:he northeast builCi'ng line is requested and a rear setback variance fron the requi.red lst to a minimurn of 8.9' is requested for the western edge of -.-he structure (see attached j-npl.ovement survey). ,lhe str:ucture was approved by Eagle county and designed.under Eagle county regulations. The colnty's side ind::ear letbacks ale sinilar to the Totvnrs' The county requires settacks in the rear and on the sides of a structurc to be 12.5 feet or half the height of the building on the 1ot' In this case' half of the height of the UuifAing or L5' t{as used as a rear and side setback requircncnt.TheplanapprovedbyEagrecountyforthebui.ldingshowstlrese 15' setbacks and the tocaiion of the building as being within these setbacks' Apparently, the building was misplaced on the property during construction' How this misplacenent occurred i-s explained by the apPlicantrs represeutative in the attached l etter ' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors T-he rctqtionship of lhe Jcqugs!e4-variance to other existinS or potential ises and structures in thc vicjnity. ;r""t *a*.- *t*"." r*r**a is bor<lered by a private drive ownccl in connon by thc applicant and adlacent propcI.ty ownels and would not negatively affect any existing or potential uses ur,i ttir"t,rles in the vi.cinity. 'Il]" side sctback variance lcquested, vcry slightly inpacts the adjacent lot 3' one corncr of the structure sits 2.7r into the required side setback adjaccnt to this lot which is currcntly vacant. Thc lot is zoned for a single t' tuily residencc, (loJc -2- 9/2?./tt,l 'Ihc dc11t't:t-' tr-, rr'lriclt rcl ic.f' l'r'r:rn the st I'ict or litcr..rl iirLcr.rrr.ct;rtion llttl-.^''--.'''cnfor:co;rrcrrt of ''i-.J,,:i:'l t'i'';i-';; ,,,;l;;;Tii,''-"ii-i-'i.,'.,.-.-".i-t-,-;.,,.:1,-i; !111_-t;-1 .lgrllJll!. !_i_:,-_ltltl. i[.it:tl rr,r,rr]atiorr is rr1-:q JJtlt!llill,l_olL -i :- ll-g_( (::):r__r)_ t_\,__-r,-!_1,_i-!,!'!t_ qgilp-i*lqll LrIar_d urrifo_r'ruity_rr_f _1_t-!i,_t_r,l!',rlt ;rr,rong sir.s in tlrc rrrJl.nia.t i;i to-rir;in thc- -:- , ...:.'l.ly- rI ll _!l_1.|'li_"r_y__gf -_l:r--r_,:l_r _l lL'n L itlirong sltcs 1I1 rnc vlcl.ltlty !)t'oilljclj!,.iJlllj_l',.:_1 ,_i_t::y_i_il,t,,L,__Sr"'ilj,_i f_idfltLprivit,.1,,,)l SI)CC I il I l)l tVLl(')'.(:. 'fltc zoning codc st.tt() s that in order to prcvcltt or to lcsscn such pr:acti"culdiff icult.ic:; and ttntreccs.sul'y physical. hardships incorrsistcnt t;ith the objcctivcsof the zonitrg codt: :rs wotllrl lcsult frotrr strict or litcrirl intcrpretation irnt]cnl'ofcerncnt, vari.anccs fron certain regulations., such as -setback requirenrents, may be gt.anted. Thc zoning code states that a practical. ciifficutty or unlleccssary physicalhalclship may result from the sizc, shapc, or <linensions of a site or the locationof existing structures theleon; from t.opographic or physi-cal conditions opthc site or in the irunedizrtc vicinity. Cost br inconviencc to the applicantof -strict or- literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason forg.ranting a variancc, Thcre is no unnecessary physical hardship evident. in thi-s case which warrantsthc granting of a variancc. lt9_"lE*-.!3Lc-g.quel--=-t"dr"@tributionof popg- -€t-r9fLj3fi-:!g!e!ion and traffic fr"iliti"u, p,rbli. .,r,and public sa6tv.- No inpact. Srrch other factors and cri-teria as the conmission deens a licable to the llgpegs9 vadilrg: FINDlNGS The Llannirlg and Elvironrrental commission shall nrake the followin findinssbefore granting a vai i a rrce. That the grantillg of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privi.-lege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in thesane district. That the granting of safety, or rr'elf are, the vicinity. ]'hat the variance is warranted for one or more of the followitrg reasons: The strj-ct or literal interprctation and enforcement of the specified regulation wortf d -result in practical difficr.rlty or unnecessary physical irardship inJonsistentwith the objcctives of this title. the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,or materj-ally injurious to properties or irnprovenents in tr* Cole -3- 9/2)./E) Therc are cxccPtions or cxtraordi-nary circurnstances or conditions apPlicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other Properticsin the same zone. Tile strict or literal inte-rprctation and enforcement of thc spccified rcgu- lation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of othcr properties in the sarne district, STAFF REC0III|ENDATI0NS r The Departrnent of Connunity Development Staff recornmends deni-al of the reqtrested variance. Although apparently the rnisplacement of the building was an uninten- tional error and undoubtedly requiring the applicant to abi-de by the setback r'eguhtions will cause the applicant financial hardship, the variance requested is not supported by any unneccessary physical hardship as outlined by the zoning ordinance. Oa Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive g0g 476-2201 P. O. Box'1998 Vail, Colorado 81657 Septennber 10, i9B1 1,1r. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Administrator 75 S. Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant David L. Cole is requesting a side and rear setback varj.ance for hi-s residence located on Lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision, Vai-1 , Colorado. As the applicant's representative and Architect for the project we are requeslj-ng as follows: '1 . A side setback vari-ance from 15f (as required by Lhe Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance Section 18.10,060) Eo 12.5t along the northeasl buildlng line for approximateLy 7' . 2. A rear setback variance from 15' (as required by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance Section 18.10.060) to 8.9' along the western building line for 32.7'. The reason for fhe variance requesl is due lo misplacement of lhe building on the property during construclion. As far as can be deter- mined at this stage, fhe reason for the error is as follows, 1. An original site plan was submitted to Eagle County Building Departrnent and the intended contractor at the time of construc- tion (a copy was also submitted to the surveyor for staking of the building on the property). 2. Eagle County requesfed modificafions lo fhe sife plan be made. 3. Modi-fications to the site plan were made and the drawings reissued. 4. The Owner selected a new contractor and construction was begun. 5. Apparently in the process of changing contractor and site plan the building staking laid out by the surveyor was never rechecked or changed, leaving the existlng situation. Mr. Peter Palton September 10, 1981 Page 2 Thls matter is being reviewed by the Town of Vail PEC, because part way through construction this property was annexed from Eagle CounLy into the Town of Vail. Il i-s our hope the Town of Vail and lhe PEC view this as an unintentional error on the part of the applicant and would cause un+ due hardship on the part of the applicant to try and relocate the building according fo tol'rn standards. The rear setback variance requested is bor- dered by a private drive owned in common by the applicant and adjacenL property owners and would, we feel not cause any hardships on adjacent properties. The side setback variance i-s of minj.mal impact due to the building being placed non-parallel with the property and setback 1ine, causing only the corner of fhe building to be within the setback. At present there is no building on Lot 3 (the property adjacent to the appli- cant being affected by the variance), a single family residence zoned property. Enclosed you will find four (4) copies of an improvement survey showing the existing situtation. (This was when the error was discovered) as you require. If you need further information or I can be of any he1p, please 1et me know. CNS:rmg Encl . ",TrW, Snowdon O p1s;t iir l'imited to Orthod.:;1tics Diploirr',ii;,- ;ri1€ricqn Boord of C}l ;r;.d.)lltics Septernber 25, 1981 Planhing and Environmental Conunission Torvn of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: I see no problem with the request for a si.le a.nC. rear setback variance in accorclance with Section 18-1.4.O60 for Lot 2, Cliffside subCivisionr pcitit of Lionsridge Filing #2 by Applicant, David L.. Cole. Sincerely yolrrs, naF\r] Er Prrrhc rr n q Owner of adjacent lot. 3 to the north. DRB: em Best copy Available DARYL R- l;Uiii.l5, D.D.5- Left Bdnk Profcss:oncl Euildi^g 5Qi5 eott Kc!'.iirl(q Aveiu2 Denver, q..,q,1, ;clqr FO22l Tele rri rone 757 '0657 r\.(2'4*4(--.-r / .'|!4? :'I '$ [ES GAi't.::. ;Y C.iF frl0i,';E$ 286 Briri'y: Slreet, Vail, ColoraCo 81657 ln Vail Village; Corner of Lirirjqc Strcct I Gore Crrxrk Drivr;, above thc "t)r:li" .476-2113 110 East Bcaver Crcek Boulevard, Avon, Coloraclo 81620 r 949 6686 Benealh tlre l-irlrror Slore 230 September 11 Ten lViile Circle, P.O. Box 3357, Coppcr Mountairr, Colorado 80443. 668-2114 Copper Junction fJuilcJing at the base of "F'i Lift , l9Bl Mr. Dick Brovrn l7B0 So. BEllaire St. Sui te 105 Denver, C0 80222 Dear Dick: I fjncl myself in an embarrassing predicament at the moment as nU home nears completjon. Through some miscoordination between my architect, surveyor and builder, the north side of the house (Lot 3) and the uJest sjde of the house, (toward our private road) did not get located as I and the Town of Vail in- tended wltich would have been within the setbacks of 15 feet on both sides. An improvement survey of my home, completed for the purposes of a permanent loan, has d'isclosed that the home has encroached 2r2 feel into the side set- back and 6 feet into the rear setback. I cannot see that the setbacks will provide any damaging consequences to the neighboring property owners and they have applied to the Vail Planning and Environnrcntal Cornmission for a hearing on September 28th at 3:00 PM for the purpose of obtaining a variance in this matter. I beljeve that your favorable opinions would vJeigh heav'i 1y in favor of my request. If you will support me in this matter, I urould very much appreciateit and urould ask you'to sign below on the l'ine above your name indicating thatyou favor thc approva'l of this varjance and return it to me at cnce. I hope to have you over for a drink and tour in the very near future. Since.l€1y, 1-..t' ----f /*.4 i. DaVid L. Co1e, C.R.B. DLC: mb REAt.'t off'' fPt I) t, t , ... , ttt,-> :, i, .. i i ; ,,".,(i -' i -.-,,llt -, J i'1-'.: J ! i.:r;i {l'1,'.j,., " .'il ffi.:, ( 28rj Ur,d,.t,., I'lrur;t, Varl, C,r titt ark.i {j1i'jltJ ln V;rl Vril;rrlo; Corncr ol Errdi;r; Slrr;rt O O^'a 6rcok l)rrvi:, .rirr,ive thr-' "l)clr" . 47a ?.11',)' 'l 1() [:ast []eavc; (irr:ck Eoulcvarrl, Avlir, Colc,rado i.i1(i:10. li1f] tlC:i(i Ll enca lh llrr: I ir;rror Stcrc 2lJ0 lort Mile Circl,-:, P.O. Ucx l3llli7. Coppcr Mourrt;rin, ColorarJo 804,13 . 60t\ 2114 Copper Junctrt.rn L'lrriiciinQ al the l)atje of "F" litt September ll, l9Bl Itir. Chuck Roscnqui st.l93 East Gore Creek Dr. Vail, C0. B.l657 Dear Chuck: I find myself in an embamassing predicament at the mornent as my hone nears colnpletion. Through some miscoordination bet\^reen my arch'i tect, surveyor and builder, thc north side of the house (Lot 3) and the west side of the house, (tcl"rard oui'private road) did nct get located as i and the -Iovrn of \taii in- l.ended whiclr would have been wi[hin the setbacks of 15 feet on both sides. An'inrprovenrent survey of my hoine, compieted for the purposes of a permanent 1oan, has djsclosed that the home has encroached zr' feet'into the side set- back and 6 feet into the rear setback. I cannot see that the setbacks rvill provide any damaging consequences to the neighbori ng property ov{ners and they have applied to the Vail Pianning and Envjronment.rl Comnission for a hearing on September z8th at 3:00 PM for the purpose of obtaininE a variance in this matter. I believe that your favorable opinions would weigh heavi1y in favor of my request. If you vri11 support rne in this matter, I wou'ld very much appreciateit and vrould ask you to sign belolv on the line above your name 'indicating that you favor lhc approval of this variance and return'it to nrc at once. I hope to have you over for a drjnk and tour in the very near future. Si nceyt 1y, .- ' t/. ,r- ''tdd'i David L. Cole, C.R.B. RLALl0ltr) DLC: ntb 0sen(lu "ri-(- ')t)t:) i) | tr; t)t, ii 1 rcnt, Va i l, C ola r t' r )' t'4 i l.''l-t / lrr Vltil Vrll;r11t;: Corncr of Brid'le Sirccl I Gorr: Crr:ck Driv(i, ;rir.j\/il ilte "Dir t'' c 4la ?113 110 Ea:;t Bca,.,cr' Cteek Bottlcyi:rrj, Avt:tr, Cr:lcrad6 8162t'J ' 94il'{jl'jil6 Llgrreatlr ther L.rclur.lr S1<irt: 230 l-cn Mile Cirr:le, P.O. Box 11357, Coppet l"'lountiritt, Coloracio B044li c 66i','?114 Coppcr .Jurrction [1u lrjrn(i at lfre blsc ol ''F" Li{t September 1.l, l9Bl Mr. Jack Bishop 0ntario West Drawer P Edlards, C0 8.l632 Dear Jack: I find nryself in an embarrassing predjcament at the monent as my honle nears completion. Through sorne miscoordination betvreen r;y architect, surveyor and builcler, the north side of the house (Lot 3) and the west side of the house, (toward our private road) did not get located as I and the Town of Vai'l in- tended vrh'i ch r^rould have been r,rithin the setbacks of l5 feet on both sides. An improvement survey of my home completed for the purposes of a pennanent loan has disclosed that the lrome has encroached 2r, feet into the sjcie setback and 6 feet into the rear setback. Cole, /{}. ir-tii. u" I cannot see that the setbacks vrill provjde any damaqinE cnirequences to the r'oiqhboring property owners and they have appfied t.'"ire Vail Planning and LnvironnxJntal Commission for a hearing on Seprcnrirer Z8th at 3:00 PM for the purpoSe 0t obtaining a Variance i,, tlr lS illi:tter. I believe that your fovorable opinions would vteigh heavily in favor of myrequest. Ir 1'er..l will support nrc in this nratter, I would very nuch appreciateir- -''1 wttuld ask you to sign be'l ow on the line above your nante indicating thatyou favor the approva'l of this variance and return it to me ar once. I hope to irave you over for a drink and tour in the ver,y near future. f Si ncirely, "1.1, "- ..t ----;t ,,: /,..' <1 REALI OR! 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 0t -479-21 3 I / 479-21 19 Department of Commanity Det elopmcnt March 15, 1993 David Cole P.O. Box 5555 Vail, CO 81658 RE: A request for a conditional use to allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Buffer Creek Road/Lot 2, Cliffside. Dear Mr. Cole: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the November 9, 1992 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or il the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (November 9, 1992). lf approval of this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted lor reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely,/---A ' . ,(Yrt$lpW\..\_l-/,(\Jtl-r-,.'---- Leslie Hagerman v Planning Assistant Enclosure FILE COPV PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 9, 1992 Present Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Dalton Williams Greg Amsden Chuck Crist Kathy Langenwalter Staff Present Tim Devlin Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Jim Curnutle Russ Forrest Susan Scanlan 1. At approximately 2:10 P.M., the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting was held to discuss a request for a conditional use to allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Buffer Creek Roacl/Lot 2, Cliffside. Applicant: David ColePlanner: Shelly Mello The general consensus of the Planning and Environmental Commission was that there were no issues and a motion by Jeff Bowen to approve the request was made and seconded by Chuck Crist with a unanimous vote 5-0 approving the request per the staff memo. Dalton Williams abstained from this item as he was not present for the beginning of the meeting. 2. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.32 lo allow two satellite dishes that exceed the number and the height limits to be located at the Sonnenalp/Swiss Haus/82 E. Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jlm Curnutte reviewed the request with the PEC. In attendance was Greg Stutz, an attorney who represented the Talisman, Edelweiss, and Summers Lodges. Greg pointed out that the Edelweiss, Summers Lodge, and Crossroads were not notified about the request. Further, the representatives from these areas would like the request denled. After PEC discussion, Diana Donovan suggested that the request be tabled until actuat size mock ups of the satellite dish antennas were placed on site. PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING 11.9.92 1 FILE COPY Present Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Dalton Williams Greg Amsden Chuck Crist Kathy Langenwalter Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMISSION November9, 1992 David Cole Shelly Mello Johannes Faessler Jim Curnutte Staff Present Tim Devlin Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Russ Forrest Susan Scanlan 1.At approximately 2:10 P.M., the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting was held to discuss a request for a conditional use to allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Buffer Creek Road/Lot 2, Cliffside. 2. The general consensus of the Planning and Environmental Commission was that there were no issues and a motion by Jeff Bowen to approve the request was made and seconded by Chuck Crist with a unanimous vote 5-0 approving the request per the staff memo. Dalton Williams abstained from this item as he was not present for the beginning of the meeting. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.32 to allow two satellite dishes that exceed the number and the height limits to be located at the Sonnenalp/Swiss Haus/82 E. Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. Jim Curnutte reviewed the request with the PEC. ln attendance was Greg Stutz, an attorney who represented the Talisman, Edelweiss, and Summers Lodges. Greg pointed out that the Edelweiss, Summers Lodge, and Crossroads were not notified about the request. Further, the representatives from these areas would like the request denied. After PEC discussion, Diana Donovan suggested that the request be tabled until actual size mock ups of the satellite dish antennas were placed on sile. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING 11.9.92 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 9, 1992 A request for a conditional use lo allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Buffer Creek Road/Lot 2, Clitfside. Applicant: Planner: David Cole Shelly Mello il. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE In December of 1989, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 31, Series of 1989 to allow bed and breakfasts in the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance states: "A bed and breakfast means a business which accommodates guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the premises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use.* Mr. Cole has applied for a condilional use permit to allow him to use 2 bedrooms in his home, which is located in the Single Family Residential zone district, for a bed and breakfast rental. The area to be used for a bed and breakfast contains a total of 300 square feet. Two guests could stay in each bedroom for a total of 4 guests. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review ol Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the folloring tactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationshio and impact of the use on the develooment obiectives of the Town. The Town Council encourages bed and breakfasb in the Town of Vail 2. as a favorable type ot lodging for tourists. The effect of the use on lioht and air. distribution of pooulation, transoortation facilities. utilities. schools. parks and recreation facilities. and other oublic facilities needs. 4 guests can be accommodated at one time, and it is unlikely that there would be more than 2 guest vehicles. There is no Town of Vail bus stop in the vicinity. lt is felt that the impact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facilities would be minimal. Effect uoon traffic with oarticular reference to conoestion. automotive and oedestrian safetv and convenience. traffic llow and control. access. maneuverabilitv, and removal of snow from the street and oarkino areas. It is likely that there would be 2 additional vehicles driving to the Cole residence. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant impact upon traffic. Etfect upon the character ol the area in which the proposed use is to be located, includino the scale and bulk of the orooosed use in relation to surroundino uses. The stafl feels that the character of the area will not be negatively impac'ted by the addition of a bed and breakfast in this area. No exterior changes to the residence are proposed to accommodate the bed and breakfast. Bed and breaklast operations mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as soecilied in Title 18 of the Vail Municioal Code for Ordinance No. 31. Series of 1989. Bed and Breakfast Ooerations shall be subiect to the followino requirements: a. Offstreet desionated parkinq shall be required as follows: One soace lor the owner/proprietor plus one soace for the first bedroom rented olus 1/2 space for each additional bedroom rented. The Cole propery contains 2 enclosed and 34 exterior parking spaoes. lt is a single-family residence with a parking requirement of 3 spaces. With the B & B, a total of 5 spaces will be required. The parking requirement can be handled on site. b. Enclosed trash facililies and reoular oarbaoe removal service shall be orovided. The trash containers will be housed in the garage with regular trash pick-up. 3. 4. 5. c. Removal of landscaoino for the provision of additional oarkinq is There willbe no removal of landscaping. d. Each bed and breakfast shall be allowed one residendalllarnq oiltg ; Code. A name plate has not been applied for at this time. e. lf a bed and breakfast operation shall use prooertv or facilities oarkino soaces or a drivewav in duplex suMivisions bv wav of example and not limitation. the written approval of the other oroDertv owner. owners. or apolicable owners' association shall be reouired to be submitted with the aoolication for a conditional use oermit. Approval from the neighbors has been received lor the use of the common driveway. IV. FINDINGS The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before oranting a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast ooeration: A. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the districi in which he site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of this application for a bed and breakfast operation. Staft finds that all applicable review criteria and findings have been satisfactorily met. revisqd 9/4/9L I Date of Applicdtion Date of PEC Meeting CONDUIONAI. T'SE PERMIT October 7 ,1992 TPPLICATIOTI 'OR 7 r92 I. B. ADDRESS Po Box 55 Vail, CO PHONE-fr6'T0'Tr NAI.{E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI\IE SAME As ABovE tffiuocl This procedure is required for any project required to obtainconditional use permit. The application wirl not be accepted until all information issubnitted. A. NAME OF AppLICANT DAVID L. coLE HONE- c.NAI'{E OF olrNER(s, ADDRESS owNER (S)(print SI ) ) pAVrp L. coLE co 816 HONE IOCATION OF PROPOSAL : LEGAL : LOT_I_BLOCK_FILING_C1ffi ADDRES S---1 4-5 O-E:r ffc-r-.1]ree k Road,-V" i 1 rEE $200.00 PA]D cK# THE FEE MUSI BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of arr property adjacent toThE SUbJECT PTOPETIY INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSSsrREETs' and their mailing addresses. THr AppLrcANT t{rLL BERESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. I1. PRE-APPLICATION CONFEF€NCE: A pre-apprication conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any addiiionaL information isneeded. No application will be accepled unless it complete (mustinclude a].I items required by the zoning administrator). rt i.sthe_applicant's responsibility to make in appointment with thestaff to fi.nd out about additional submittal- requirements. II]. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WI],L STREAMLINE THEAPPROVAL PROCESS TOFT]JRTNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OFCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUSTBE COMPI]ED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must besubmitted I BY 1. A description of the precise nature ofand its operating characteristics andto make the use cornpatible with othervicinity. the proposed usemeasures proposedproperties in the The description must. al.so address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. H"Davtd L. Cole,oR@ o REALT October 7 r J-992 ADDENDUI\,I TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BY DAVID L. COLE Dauld.L Cole, CRS, CRB, CCIM P.O. Box 5555, Vall, CO 81658 Offlcc (303) 949'4252 Home (3O3) 949-1469 FAX (3031 949-9303 1. Neighbors: Chuck and Peg Rosenquist PO Box 686 Vail, CO 8f658 Arch and Jeanne McGiIl 1425 Buffer Creek Rd. Vai1, CO 8I657 2. Proposed use:bed and breakfast lodging a. Relationship and i'mpact on devel-opment objectives of the Town-none. b. Effect on light and air...-possible addition of up to 2 automobiles in the parking structure on certain days and up to 4 additional skiers on Vail/Beaver creek mountains on certain days. c. Effect on traffic. . . . etc. -negligibte. d. Effect upon the character of the area-ne9fIigib1e. 3. Site plan-since this property has been constructed and in place since 1980, the applicant believes that this paragraph is not applicable. No additional improvements are planned. The Town has a survey of this property in its files. 4. Preliminary building elevations- not applicable. See #3 above. 5. Not applicable-see *3 above. The applicant has been the sole owner of this property since 1978. 6. Condominiumization-not appLicable. 7. The neighborsr approval for use of our common driveway is attached. The application requires 2.5 parkinq spaces. To satisfy this requirement there is a 2 car garage, room for at least 2 additional cars in the driveway which can not be seen from the street and room for many additional cars in the paved cul-de-sac west o,f, the subject property. The dri-veway and the cu1-de-sac are private roads maintained by the Rosenquists and the applicant. Davld L. Cole,oR@ o REALT H. September 2L,1992 Chuck and Peg Rosenquist 37?7 Mount Veeder Napa, CA 94558 Dear Chuck and Peg: I was disappointed that I yesterday. From the looks you were home or not. Dautd.L Cole, CRS, CRB, CCM P.O. Box5555, vdl, CO 81658 e$ee{e€S}9{#25'} rlene{€e3}9+g-1.rce"ffor€o8fcaffi3or didnrt get to see of your d r iveway you during your I had been unable hasty exit to te11 if In order to make my bigger necessary home a to offer my 2 downstairs bedrooms as bed and This requires a conditional use permit from formality and your written approvaL since we 1ittle Iess 1one1y I would l ike breakf ast lodging. the Town of Vail which is a share a common d.riveway. .i ^i"^^+^ r-l^-r-r .rru4ery . this activity would generate I Eo 2 cars to park from time to time. The parking would be in my driveway and/or the little paved spur that goes to the cul-de-sac. If this nieets with your approval, would you please sign in the space indicated below and return an original to me as soon as possible. If you would li.ke to discuss the matter further, my phone number is 476-3OO0. BES$ REGARDS, APPROVED BY: ril^.2'/7t //4-< Rosenquist =fu- THts trEM MAy AFFEcT youn pRopERw 'fq PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 9, 1992, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.32 to allow two satellite dishes to be located at the Sonnenalp/Swiss Haus/82 E. Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. 2. A request for a setback variance to allow a residence and a garage to be constructed in the front setback located at Lot 2, Block 3, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing Number Three/1873 Lions Ridge Loop. 3. ${ 4. A request for variances for wall height and site coverage to allow the development of three single lamily residences located on Lotrs 7,8, and 9, Block B, Vail Ridge12662, 2672, 2082 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Johannes Faessler Jim Curnutte Ned Harley Andy Knudtsen David Cole Shelly Mello Hans Weimann Tim Devlin A request for a conditional use to allow a bed and breakfast to be conducted at 1450 Bufler Creek RoacULot 2, Gliffside. H,fu *$t iF$*Rt ao i$F $!i *€EslsiiGq <ts>ar 5rlF. leoF(J|t ttF oF|o ocr@4 |D D IrH F{o oo,r<n,dcloP. F <rdc) P.FPt!oe o7fxct FrOortcoa@o\|'!o\otJr 0q@ o € P. ri l:00 p.n. Continuation of review of the view corridor nap and design considerations for Vail Village. Applicant: Town of Vail . 3:00 .p_.-lt. l. Approval of minutes of October 26 nee_ting. 2. Request for a ninor subdivision to vacate and resubdivide lots 2 and 3 of Cliffside Subdivision' Applicant: David CoIe' 3, Request for conditional use permit to oPerate a Pet-shop on the "o.tf, tia" of the Vail das Sihone shopping center, lot 3, Block 1' Filing 3, Vail das Schone . Applicant: Catherine G' Street' 1. Request for a variance from side and rear setbacks to allow the construction of a duplex on part of the Pulis Ranch, an unplatted parcel. located between lot 3, Sunburst Drive. APPlicant: Shapiro Construction Co. (Requested to be tabled') S. Request to amend the zoning code so that it includes definitions Of AmUsenent Arcaderr, "A,nusenent Centerrr and A.rnuS enent Device". Also a request for new ordinance to regulate Anusenent Arcades and Anusement Center. Applicant: Tovrn of Vail . PIAI'INING AI,ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 9, 1981 ... Published in the Vail Trail Novenber 6' 1981. ail* r*," AN, lNVrRoNi\'riNr'Ar, c'r,{Mtt November: 9, 1981 STAFF PRISENT Peter Patten Peter Janar Jin Sayrc Bet-sy }iosc,lack COUIICILIL\N the viel collidors and of the focal points the pictures defined the lirnits of thethc photos wele taken .flon a pedestrian cornntcnts were as follows: t, Bob Ruder Jin Morgan Gerry llhite, cliai.rrnan, ca1led the neeting to order at i:15. Contirrrration of review of the vicw cor-riclor na and <iesign corr s idelzrt iolr s1i,i age . PNESENT Roger Tilkemeier Scott lldvrards Will Trout Gerry ltll:ite Duane Piper Dan Corcoran ABSENT Peter: P. sho"'ed the pictures of and explai:red that the lines on vicw corr:idors, and added thatpoint of view. The photos anci Pete:: I)atten went over: tire format of the presentation, explaining thatthe staff wanted to first review the proposcd wording and get approvalof that, show photos of the view corridor-s, existing arrd new, go tlrroughthe existing vicw corridor map, showing whj.ch views wer.e Irroposed to be rernoved, and then consi<iering wliat, reconirrrendat ion to nake to'the Council . scott wanted to knorv the number of people involved in the original studyand why it was being revier,.'ed. pete:: itated that this was part of theoriginal Urban Dcsign Guide Plan nhcn many people werc invoivccl, and tha.tthe staff and Jeff winston of the Gage Davii firm had been reviewing theview corridors and became aware of the importance of the corridors ind thepossibl e need for changes. There were very few people in the aucli-ence, and it was suggested that thcneeting be advertised more fu1ly so that nore people coulcl becorne ar{areof the issue. Gerry explained that it was advertisecl in the Vail Trail ,and people were encoutraged to cone in and give their input. Peter asked if thc board had any problen with the 2 1cvel systen--najor and minor corridors. Jack Curtin stated that he felt a1l of the viewcorridors should be major, and the board rt'oul <i have lror.e clout. Ed Dragerstated that he understood .iack Cur.tirr rrrecipitated the reassessnrent <;fthe view corriclors. Jack stated that ic ,u"s .on.etncd about the Red Lion ma),be adding another story. llglo_1, #7 - concern about irrher:e linc was, ,lB, sky space on left importantto vieir's, lll0, should include focal point fol Clocktoh'er-, #I2 shoulci be ninor. Mlt, fi1, sonre objection of change fr-onr trlajor, #2.1 Probably should be naioraftcr thc lled Lion expansion:-takcs placc, Ii2,2 movc l j-nc orr ::ight to -incluclcTivo-li Loclgc'., i/3 (;crry fclt shotrl<l lrc rrr;r jor, /15 Ccr-r)' rrnrl liogt-.r' fclt shoulrl br. r:i:r.ior,fo Ro!,r:r, Dan, [)uanc cnd Cer.'ry fcLL sfroirld'be nruj<.rr., 'i 7 l',rtiy"waslit photo tlrf,en from thc uriddlc of the strect?, lllt) and {i 21 , Gerry fclt shoulcl be major. Iu. .z- Lr/n/sr Discussion followed concerning neeting with the council for final dccision about the view corridors. Dan moved and Roger seconded to table the discussion r-rntil the next rcgular neeting, at which tine they could decidc whether or not to nect with the council The vote was 6-0 in favor. Dan moved and Duane seconded to approve thc mintes. and the vote was 5.0, Roger abstained from voti-ng a rninor subdivision to vacate and resubdivide lots 2 and' 3 Su6division- Appricant: David Co1e. Peter Patten explained the change in this request which would climinate setback violations. Craig Snorvdon, representing lr1r, Cole explained that they had obtained approval fron the adjacent property owners, they had obtained a right-of-way deed, and had investigated other possibilities. Dan stated that if this had been a nornal 1y platted road, he would be opposed., but that si-nce it was a private road he was not, but the road would not rneet the Tolrmts specifications. He felt that the developnent was rnore like a PUD. He added that there seened to be a technical problem with the title. Gerry felt that it was a paper solution to a real problem, that it flies in the face of everything to do with zoning, He added that the subdivision was approved with the road at a certain width, After rnore discussion, Roger rnoved and t{il1 and Dan seconded to approve the request. The vote was 4 to 2 in favor, Gcrry and Duane voting against. Duane stated that he felt sinilar to Gerry, and th.et the intent of the setbacks is to create dj-stance between buildings, and he felt that the true intention of the setbacks yasntt, served. Dan wanted the ownership of the road cleared up before the Town signed the p1at.' Request for a conditional use perrnit to oper-ate a pct shop on the north sidc of the Vail das Schone shopping center, lot 3o Block 1, Filing 3, Vail das Schone. Applicant: Catherine G, Street. Peter Jamar presented the information. NIs Street ersked if she could itrclude other aquatic animal s. She was told she could, but would have to cone back again to get permission to have bi::ds or aninals, ar-r d would have to have airproval of the shopping center olner and tl're shops on all sidcs and condo owtrcrs above. Dan moved and Scott seconded to applove the request including other aquatic aninals based upon the findings, The rrote was 6-0 j.n favor. Requcst for a variance frorn side and rear setbacks to al1ow the constrttction --F-_i.-+-:-of a duplex on part of the Pulis Ranch, an unplatted parcel located betlrcen lot 3, Sttnburst Drive. Applicant: Shapiro Constnrction Co. Gerry stated that the applicant had asked to have thc issue tabled until Dccembcr 14. Darr noved and Will and liogcrr secondcd to approve tl)c lcqucst for tabl i.ng. Request for of Cliffside TL/ LOJsL Request to anend the zoning code so that it includes dclinitions of I'Arnuserlent Arcadert, ttAnusenent Center" and "Atnusement Device". Also a request for ncw ordinance to regulate Anrusencnt Arcadcs and Anusenent Center, Applicant: Town of Vai1. Jin Part the etc . Sayre stated that although there were two parts to arcade regulation, this was pri-narily concerned with anendments to the zoning code. He explained potential problens concerni-ng nixed uses, nixed ages, noise, vandalism, i The discussion that followed concerned the problem of liquor with arcades. Will added a concern about some electronic games being violent. Scott was concerned that the arcades did not open onto a streat, Roger was concerned lrith the people who would be handling the arcades. Roger rnoved and Will seconded to table the issue to another neeting when the owners of known establishrnents could be invited specifically. The vote was 6-0. to table. Peter asked which rnenbers were going to attend the NWCOG on Saturday, Nov 14, and stated that the Town would pay fee. Scott and Will were to attend. Peter stated that there would be a meeting on Dccenber 8 on view corri-dors, probably at 1:30. The rneeti-ng adjourned at 4:56. planning session the $18.00 registration wibh the Council oo ol TIMBERTINE PROPERTIES GALTERY OF HOMES 286 Bridse street, vair, cororado ttuF:.:13331 |oi|1?l,ir1 DAVID L. COtE, C.R.B. Presidenl November 6, .|98] Mr. Peter Patten Mr. Peter Jamar Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Va'il , C0 8.|657 Gentl emen: Attached are signed copies of the revised surveys as requested by the Town Counci'l to affect a minor subdivision in C'l iffside which will make my home on Lot 2 conform with current pianning and zoning regulations pertaining to setbacks. I have also attached the latest revised survey indicating the additional jnformation that you requested of Craig Snowdon at our last meeting. To finalize this saga, we would suggest the fo1'lowing: i. That all of the owners sign one copy of the survey as attached so that a1'l signatures are on one copyfor 1ega1 and recording purposes. 2. That the fo'l1owing Deeds be executed: a) the Deed from Lot 3 to Lot 2 conveying the property that Dr. Burns is g'iving to me; b) a Deed from Lot 2 to Lot 3 convey'ing to Dr. Burns the property thatI am giving him; -c) a Deed from Rosenqu'ist, Brown, and Burns to me conveying the property jn the road pathway; d) an easement Deed from me to the other owners providing a prepetual access easement over the back edge of my 1ot which would majntain the roadbed 'i n i t's current 'l ocati on. Mr.Peter Patten Mr. Peter Jamar November 6, l98l Page 2 0n Monday, November 9th, we will ask the PEC to approve this minor subdivision as submitted. Assuming this is approved, I would then like the Building De- partment to be given the okay to issue a temporary certificateof occupancy for the property as it relates to this specific problem which can be changed to a permanent certificate of occupancy when the Deeds have been effected. I will also ask for a temporary certificate of occupancy from the Bujlding Department which wjll become a permanent certificateof occupancy when we are able to modify the front retainjng walI which probably will not be until the Spring of1982 and the same process to take place concerning the few remain'i ng details we haveto clean up with the Building Inspector concerning the final in- spection of the property. I appreciate your he'l p and patience in thjs matter and hope that we can satisfy all parties concerned on Monday. i ncerely, L. Col e \i ".\''tti ;' ';\\ r{'!1\t! - '.\'r\ ^i ( shs xAfittrs\+ m crl \J V J [$ $$r( \\-l t\a \\4N N} \5shrb $c)\L \s 0\ -I itvlroltr\ il', I I 5"sT $N{$ ss N O'^o\\$S?ta$\QL o $o N SB'*s NN c Rbo \ o c \,) \$ $\ ) I<\i\ **$ s a,* NI'N{q'; \o s \.... VN \S \ r\S N\0 r.0 .N R \oN ...S $. s\ R$ o o 0 o Nt \ ,q'-{\J \4 -r\+ $ op nt N$N s- p Vls\s-t) \r Nv) k 9-:l \\.o IY\ \-l l'\n. ' t.- J $rsNs$i h\ httr ".-ii. -\J I ttfu. $. -r- t/s/s4 from Residential3.uest to rezo uster to S Fam Res ent Peter Patten stated cants:e and DarY Burns. concerning this propeity, buf t9r thf.entjre subdivjsion. Lots 3, 4, and 5 were all restricted tb atieii from the bottom. Patten showed a site plan.and explained that]ot:-JiAn;t have the site conditions that 4 and 5 did, and l.ot 2 ilas a moot point Ueiiuie it was already built upon. The staff recommended approval of rezoning lots 2 and 3. Dr. Burns, owner of'lot 3, showed slides with three majn views and explained ttrat nii home would not impact the view corridors from the units on Vail Ridge' He added that there *"i" tiro problems:. ]) ttre zone RC.made_the lot unbui1dab1e Uecause of the slope restrictions, and a1 io cut down the GRFA, and 2) the use of the upper entry was 'important to Dr. Burns' Bill Post, representing the Ridge at Va'il, read from Ridge at Vail covenants that stated tirat the siructures-must be kept back so that they "peek over the ijdie:'i He stated that the Ridge owners did not mind the use of the upper u.c6is to the lot if the same r6strjct'ions concerning the he'ight of the structure remained the same as those for the Ridge units. post also wanted to have a restriction that there wou'l d be no parking in the. cui-A. iic. Jim Flaum, president of the Ridge Town House Association, wanted to be sure the same u.."ii would not be given t5 tots 4 and 5. Dave Cole, owner of 1ot i, stated that at first it appeared that his home would.itPugl Burns', but found that Burns' view was over Cole's chimney. Cole felt that if Burns would have to access from below, it would be a tremendous infringement upon Burns'.. "iglti. Fosi rerinded the board that this was a zone change request.. Eskwith stitea that since this was a request for a zone change, the PEC'cou'l d place conditions upon its approval . lie added that although the Town cou'l d not deprive itr..ppiicani the use of h'is property, the owner of that property was not entitled to the best use of the ProPertY. Rapson was still concerned with the view corridor jtPugl: Donovan was concerned about the narrowness of the road. Patten stated that thjs was a private drive and was totally controlled by 6 owners, but that the fire access wou'ld need to Ue-fool.ea at. -Edwards statei that he would'l ike to see some sort of reasonab'le limjtation of height because of the restrictions that had been p1 aced on the Ridge unjts. Pierce hai no p"oOt"tt wjth the request, but was concerned about'lots 4 ;il-5 using ihe drive to reach their homes. Patten reminded hjm that the owners of 'l ots 4 and 5 must come in for rev'i ew. Donovan moved and Rqpspn seconded to recommend approval to the Town Courrcil per or. 5. Request for exterior alteration to the Vall-!l-!-Uj-l!jng-in order to remodel iffi-Entry of-Gore Range Propertjes. Kristan Pritz presented the request. John Whee'l er' representing Gore Range.-. i;.op.iii.t, itit"a that he wouid like to have Duane Piper work out the detailjng needed in irotection of the 91ass. Pjerce suggested other detai'ls where the glass met the paving, such as stone. n statedlraU.sinqe l98l-r I -o$--si+ridproposals had been proposed ir.lii-p'"p"ity, bui f9r thi,gltjre subdivi:.t91' -Lgl: 1;-1'-and 5 wer 6ts 2 and 3, cliffsjae subdiv i and En I Tb: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: Pl anni ng vironmental Commission Conmunity Development Department July 2, 1984 Request for a rezoning from Residentia'l Residential for Lots 2 and 3, CliffsideApplicants: Daryl Burns and David Cole Cluster to Single Family Subdivision. I.BACKGROUND 0n December .|2, .|983 the Planning and Environmental Commission heard thethird request from the property owners of this subdivision to rezone theirsix lots from Residential Cluster to Single Family Residential. As you'11recall, the dispute in this matter has been over lots 4 and 5 as far astheir ability under SFR to impact the ridge line existing at the top of these Iots. After the Planning and Environmental Commission approved the rezoning but with staff recommended restrjctions on access for lots 4 and 5,the application was withdrawn by the applicant before Town Council appearance. A'lthough the enc1 osed minutes show that the P'lanning and Environmental Commission restricted the access to lots 3,4, and 5 in the December 12 decision, it appears that lot 3 does not possess the same site p'lanning problems related to visual intrusion on the ridgeline as do lots 4 and l. .Evidence to support this wi'l 1 be presented to you at the hearing on Monday. The staff will proceed to work with the owners of lots 4 and 5to explore alternative s'ite !,1 anning options for those parcels. At this time, an access or desiqn solution has not been found and the owners of2 and 3 wish to proceed. Lot 2- is owned by Dave Cole with an existing residence on it. Under the rezoning, as you can see by the attached statjstics,this lot can have an additional 325 square feet under Single Family Residential. Lot 3 is a steep vacant lot which, as explained in the attached memorandum dated December 8, .|983, is more suited to single Family Residential zoning than to Residential Cluster. CRITERIA EVALUATION Please refer to the December 8, 'l 983 memo regarding evaluation of the threecriteria used for rezonings. These findings remain the same for the requestin front of us today. Basica'l 1y, Res'idential Cluster is not the most suitable zoning for these lots, and Single Family Residential allows opportunityfor the sensitive site planning of lot 3. I II. RECOMMENDATION II. The Community Development Department recommends approval of the rezoningof the lots 2 and 3, Cliffside Subdivision from RC to SFR. It appears - that the site conditions on lots 4 and 5 which make access from above undesirableare not present on lot 3 (and lot 2 is a1 ready developed). The rezoningof lot 3 relieves the slope restrictions imposed by Residential Cluster and this makes sense for the placement of a structure on th'i s difficultparcel. Thus, we feel comfortable in allowing the rezonjng on these twoproperties and find that the rezoning criteriJ have been met. ' ^ f zvz -a\rt | | , rl. rrLll I'r PEc 12/12/81 ' ,"5 '--- -,(i ll (./{ - \a- a\- :, Mccall stated that except during christmas week, there was no parking problem.Patten reminded the commissioneis that they weie meieiy ionsiat"lng;;;;;;;;;,not the approval of the rem_oval of parking. He added ihat tt""u c6uta not ue"'any reduction of parking unless theie were excess spaces available on slie.-- Viele moved and Pierce seconded to a rove thee Town Counc e vote was vor. 4.Request to rezone Lots I through 6{ Cljffside Subd iuster to Sinole amr l.y Res'ldentiarles Rosenquist,Margaret RosenquTElllav i d (. to \I V1 K a s: ole l:::i.,P:l::l^p:::.!!ud the proposal ^explainins t!a! the staff fett that sinsler'rml ly zonlng was more appropriate for this subdiv'ision but on'ly with site iestrictions. _singlq Family zoning wou'id ajrow more GRFA, and th";";o;T; not be any s.roperestrictions. He showed a site pian and explained ttrat-lne road from- lot'4to lot 5 was a i6?6 grade (ttre town al'lows aL), una r'"-itr"iseo the concern thatthere not be any tuitains';t;n;-;h.-riiie une. !eo19e Rosenberg,,representing the applicants, read the staff's recommendationln the December l98l memo, and added that no restrjctions were placed ut itaitimgt He. po'inted out.that..the adjacent owners knew deve'lopment could take placegl-ih: tybject.property. He mainiained that to rezone, an'ippHiant aio'no['---neeo !0 brtng in pJans of how he might develop the property. Bill Post, representing the Ridge at vail property owners stated that it wastrue that the staff originally iecorrnended'reloniirg, uut thit at that time nonotice.was given to adjacent irroperty owners. He itated that his clients didnot object to the rezoning as'1ohg ai t ) tne lots would not be ..c.rr.d-iror-!l'" tgP'and 2) as long ai there ias no'building visibte on tire ridge line-('sincethey themselves had noi buirt on the ridgeline,"as r"quireJ by the iown. -Hi-' - stated that if the property is zoned Sinlle Fariiy tney wiu "have certain riohtsand now was the time to p'llce restrictiois that wire nieded. ue-reit ihut uitiiitthe restriction that the'staif rria reiommended, that of not traving-any-;t;r;i;;;,improvement or increase grade occuring at the iidge line, that the'lots shouldnot be allowed access fr6m the top ( it least loti S,4,-and 5). - --- craig snowdon, architect for The Ridge, showed some studies that had beendone to see what the impact woria le'l?' there were singie siory builJings-"constructed' including the build-up of the road to hav6 access to lots 4 and5. Pierce agreed with the opposition, that if the rezoning were approved, thatthere be restrictions. Lirry Eskwith added that there couto Oe restrictionsto_protect adjacent propertyowners as long..as they were ieasonable. fira;;felt the restrictions s'trouli be specific. -Viele iiniu""ea, adding that without'the-restrictions, this could be gi^ossly unfair to it'.-iajii.nt prop""ty owners.He felt that to restrict access io thai it came rrom uet6w-was bntirel! consistent.Donovan asked about the road to Lot l, and was toia tiJi-it must remai'n. iapson :.1i:9 that,development on tot I woutd not intrude on if,. rtage tine. I?Ps-01 moYed to approve the request to rezone per the staff m6mo. The motiondlect tor lack of a secon d Donovan!vr., rl iE;t9n999 tg a?p'gug lhg ""qrertnriln tne ttgri ionaffiitionr ioaF. ttri vote wasS-'jn favorwrtn Ptper and Morgan abst lur O3 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: December 8, '1983 SUBJECT: Rezoning request for Lots l-6, cliffside Subdivis.ion fromResidential cluster.(RC) to single Famity Res'identiar (sFR). {pplicants: _Richard Brown, Chailes and fuargaret Rosen{uisi,David Cole, Daryl Burns BACKGROUND CRITERIA EVALUATION The criteria for evaruating rezonings are found in the purpose section ofChapter .|8.02 General provisions. As.some-of you know, this is not the first time this item has come up. In fact,this wjll be the third time the rezoning has come before tne ptanninb ana rnviirin-mental Conrnission. The only thing different this time arouna is thai Lot O is - now included, which means we're tilking about the entire subdivision of six lots. Basically,-the rezoning means Lots l-5 receive the same number of units (l).but slightly more GRFA. Lot 6 woutd receive two tesi ,niil-1irop.-liiiriitio0n.a very approximate basis) and less GRFA under the rezoning prbposal . Themain advantage to the_propeity owners is the lifti;a oi-ine iibpe'reitrictionsby going from RC to SFR. - The bottom line is that cliffside was a very poorly planned subdivision. Thelots are, for the most part, very small and'vb"y sieip, ine uc..sses to severallots are unworkable, ani construition on the to'p' pait'6t tots 4 and 5 will intrudeupon the.ridgefine. The appijcants wish to rezonb the subdivision to Sfn wiifroutrestriction, and this is whbre the controversy comes is. irre piinning-u;a"in;i"on- mental Comnission and.staff, as you can see from the previous memos and minutes,wish to impose restrictions upon ihe developmeni on iois-s,-+ and 5. It is important that you read all of the attached information careful'ly so you'reclear on.the past occurrences. since nothing has really changed in te-rms o? - the applicants demonstrati!9 that consiructi6n can sensitiveti tat<e pi.l. onlots 3,4, and 5, our start-poiition remains basical 1y the same. l.Suitabit it of Existin Zonin lh9 nc zone was devised for a townhouse-type development and was neverintended to serve as the zone for inJiviouai lot development. The reasonRC_was.designated ror cr ifrside-wai in. ..isirii ;;;;;;ff"r;est vail uponannexation didn't allow for thorough study 6f eacn pariei, and cliffsiiewas surrounded by RC zoning. The slope restrictions of the RC zone basically make several lots jn Cliffsideunbuildable--and this is not our inlenlron. r-ne eiisiing'ioning is notreally suited to the property. dI-__=._-_ _ 2. The cliffside subdivision.shourd be zoned the same, as it is a unifiedneighborhood. No surrounding-p"op.rties wiii u""i,lir".i by the rezoningdue to proximity and similu""flni'ur" in the area. 3.an Orderl and Viable Communit The rezoning, with thesensible.and sensitiveIne eIlmination of two condition recommended by staff,oevetopment of the remainder oiunits on Lot 6 is a plus tor ihe will provide forthe subdivision. community. RECOMMENDAT ION Ili'i3T[:']lil,?;y:l8i';lj,',ofig"ij'3i1, .ff i'3;1,.'',i1f, .!x:' 13f, lli,i.::il ii, 31, No structure, imorovement or increase grade whail occur at a height greaterthan the existinb eievulioi'.i'i"v"pJirt 9n..tl9 back property rine which isthe common propeity tin. "i'*,-'r.'nTid. at vair subdivision. l,r . \. t I ii : ' i Nlq: l"t t\"i lci0l\4ts x r.]. loQt"5t$ p s\+ r'1 ('q Nvl f, Iv) I $$ $r \--\ t\r\ VN N} \)shfb $c)\L ..S 0\ :-.-(\.r to \) 5.sY $N{$ ss \{ xY- Q\\$s?$a$-'-S o $o N $g'Q$ $R$ c R Oo \ o o c \ \$ $\ )l<\R ,d$ N\r{S'; \D *q.-r \^N \) \ f..\S Nt0 rT) ,Ng \oNs$. s\ ft$ o o 0 c Nt \Q, \nr\+ $ op h $ \.t$N s- r.n f.{ \ns\ \r Nv) s- kIrl do N\:J..-'\^ VJR.-** h *s R$t $w ,.N j r1 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 't. 2. e; Planning and Environmental Commission JuIy 9, 1984 Site Inspections Pub'lic Hearing Approval of minutes of meeting of June 25, .|994. Request for revision to the Bonne vue earth-sheltered housing projecton_Lots Al' A2, A3 Lionsridge.Filing 2 and on Lot 6, B]ock tl LionsiiogeFiling 4 to redesign the housing unit. Applicant: -Reinforced Earth c6. lgeuest to rezone Lots 2 and 3, cliffside Subdivision, from Residentia'lcluster-to single Family Residential. Applicants: oivid-cole andDaryl Burns. Request to_rezone Lots .|,4,5, and 6, Cliffside Subdivision, fromResident'ial cluster to single Family Residential. Appllcanti Town of vail Request for exterior alteration to the vail zl building in order to remodelthe entry of Gore Range properties. Applicant: eore f,ange-properties. Request for revisions to.the zoning code regarding outside vending whichwould allow outside vending only inder a siecial events permit withspecific criteria for its l-ocation. Applicbnt: Town of Vail J. WITHDRAWN 4. TABLED 6. ry s C2;#t--^e tl--L , a 0,'( r,/tf ,/r*,', ,^t, , - t& 1"*' ,-! ,,3 c/' F'+ tr'')-'"- -_rf ' I't ' I l= eC, tt;'fv ' '*' d^ , / (----*-*-.,./, "f il' ,, a^et- .' e/a-e--'2/vo%tQ/'-' I tc"I-"1 r-t'< 2 s-'tu '/ /',,;C{49 | 4 261 - / ? /6 \rl f , o"o // =..---- - Str ,'tu"'t'--)/ : ( tr , /*" L -i64 . r y( to',211 .,2h / 4" l-J /; '/ ' zu / tu? / u't,t^K 6'"-x-4. a s^ L- 6 1 box l(X) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 22, L98l David L. Cole % Timber'l ine Properties 286 Bridge St. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dave: At the September 16 meeting addition of a retaining wal'l height 8' back from corner - wa]'l to be bush-hammered. department of community development RE: Lot 2, Cliffside of the Design was approved evergreen to Review Board, your as modiified:- reduce screen corner of wal I -t. d^^^ Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df Prolect Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and owner, Address and Phone: D+le cuz Archirecr, Addressand phone: (znt^ tsNuny O(&.trPstELegal Description: L Comments: Lr'/N+ '/l/6 fuE eaou-w ,4//e76 /414 8*aus T*2. b),+/+ seconded ,r, /htWrQ'a)S Design Review Board fitu< orJ^ouo. ./b -o Date Motion by: DISAPPROVAL / reSE/vnaN ( ' [?f lhootr/ft k &*J?/tnCI -Summary: Staff ApprovEl o 201 Gore Creek Driw P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado Septenber 10, 1981 303 47&2201 81657 ltlr . PeLer Patten Town of Vail Planning Administrafor 75 S. Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant David L. Cole is requesting a side and rear setback variance for his residence located on Lot 2, Cliffside Subdlvision, Vai.l , Colorado. As the applicant's representative and Architecl for the project we are requesting as follows: 1. A side setback variance from 15' (as required by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance Section 18.10.060) Lo 12.5' along the northeast bui.tding line for approximately ?' . 2. A rear setback variance from 15' (as required by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordj.nance Section 18.10.060) to 8.9' along the western building line for 32.7' . The reason for the variance request is due to misplacement of the building on the property during construction. As far as can be deLer- mined af this stage, the reason for the error is as follows. 1. An original site plan was subnibted to Eagle County Building Department and the intended contractor at the tj.me of construc- tion (a copy was also submitted to the surveyor for sLaking of the building on the property). 2. Eagle County requested modifications to the site plan be made. 3. Modifications to the site plan were made and the drawings reissued. 4. The Owner selected a new confractor and construcbion was begun.' 5. Apparently in the process of changing contractor and site plan the building staking laid out by the surveyor was never rechecked or changed, leaving the existing situation l.) !lr. Peter Patton September 10, 198'l Page 2 This matter is being reviewed by.the Town of Valt fbC, because part way through construction this properby was annexed from Eagle County into the Town of Vail . It is our hope the Town of Vail and the PEC view.this as an unintentional error on the part of the applicant and would cause un+' due hardship on the part of the applicant Lo try and relocate the buildlng according to town standards. The rear setback variance requested is bor- dered by a private drive owned in common by the applicant and adjacent . property owners and would, we feel not cause any hardships on.adjacent properti.es. The side setback variance is of minimal impact due to the building being placed non-paralLel with the property and setback 1i.ne, causi.ng only the corner of the building to be within the setback. At present there is no building on Lot 3 (the property adjacent to the appli- cant being affected by the variance), a single family residence zoned property. Enclosed the existing require. If let me know. CNS:rmg Enc1. you wi.ll find four (4) copies of an improvement survey showing situtation. (This was when the eror was discovered ) as you you need further information or f can be of any he1p, please a(\l rl nJ{() (r) -to sro-ooP^\ixlf);asI -J ? Rr lf) s\ltl)N o\t (/) bsrNp\ SN;o .=lo e-N NT;o F+ i; )' Pr --o Fv d 8no ^l H $ E() RS H\ Hg t$ -tro (') .J F- Ej:r > $Fil$ -qroua b,poc\lo tls bF IEFIE 'ot'd co^ il H Ff,a > ro _oo\t o(o (o u) N $\t tlI(J osf Fi c')e rlq t\N\t $ rl J -lo _nrt ro orf) |ll< s\ tolo 8is RHB &*t N = Q^? c\l ll rrlJ co Nrq ro\f oo lls ul .<. 0cs- 'c CT CC U', :..rocooft !-c -rr!-C L'- c C(_)-lr0ro(,ccJ(i.c rL._l.C"Ivioc|-0tr+r.ic,>cloo 1j..r c I >-r u l- E .C(c-.lJ:OCCa! o.p ! c rcl tr c c)).-r (. > "c Q q \-r'A\-,+*LU'O -C l- l-. O F--r CJa (n rc > Q.c {| o f\r rir-IC:aC :-{ c] C rt .-r (5 C..-l I r-r 3 A. ! .! .-r -:. ! ri c_c 1r.- ! > -tnF 5 AJ ClF-r .lr .Qtj o O E >a- a- \ ar a\.t-J C C C C L,I -rtr l . C o: !i a ; C 6 O= rd -i l-a c o c- o cn o o o-r =Un 3 .lr L -al .-r ..i -|r !.--r a..r-la-:(-(1.rh--('l c\u,_._rr_9Utt_t+r (-) o .0 a o o '.r r c c)o co >c orrd tro.o o o.r-r'3 fd d ccrG r0 .. r, tr C, lJ C_): .lJ 3. l-.p I13 (n ..r O E O 0.-r O > C o Cr3 >.+ .-r QJX!OCO.Cl-C-<O '-1 O COOOTdXc) O +J -l rciO Or C c X 0, Ltr Q)<,_t .le -CO -0O+r C tr '-l O 5..r.lO-rrf O r t:=.r+-.r (J)> C) . .-.t n O !,iio '.+J +r >, (J Cj o C c.d O 5 AJ.-t 14 oq 16{rlr_ccEj.U 5 q,] -.1-q rd .U A E'.1 r0 ! O '.1 ! 0J --rlJ ..1 O +J -r O, ..-l O tl !J (3 tr (d 'U tnU '-i C,E Q-TdCJO!CQJ q >!clOCJ! O'-l -a {nO.c q.rCj qr 5-c C l..r OC..r-l .rr C-.1 -.1 -l '-l .P :: q .-1 rr-r () O.-lo) l{ .-l fn +J +J c_) r! ..r !--J O O fd l.t C. ,r (, O O rrD .1-r tr |]Oo Fl OOCTJt'E lrC\OOo c \ o o c.-t o '+-r o-c e rJ -r L CJ O E.-l .-l O o AJ..1 > +J ',t o) .;.qo >+J a+r o.rr>! OrC J'\trO.r-iO!O (CrC lr Fl> f- O drj 16.-r 1r --r iO Ai ir 0,r C O d O 4,.! O"Jo 5 u c tr c .d c_ r0lrO qrrrSO>, >O .Ac c I |! o c c a c a a =..4q-r o H 9..q o rd.f .d Ff '-l c a- .rC o\ q) +J t-.1(|6 OC'.1 0,+ l-.1,_t c I,t(JcdI O}U H H() =E$\ Hg i:o ]f,(os-:- i'.i $ s;.o' F: tU o s\talr) oolo = HB$Ur,*-rq6 a\o!-.1 !+JO(dL) L\ O't a' ' ,1 q] .+J C !- !) -lr EIU OFr .t .2 lL, r.': i o c: 'l H l. (' *1 i O O a;i -c crli lJ 0)l"l *,H -Zi rO -ea_\ - (' . Frl .lJ o.lL=(< t >r'-lUi q'r C)Oi '.1 -Q Ff t 'lJ trr ! \r/ \J AL Fl I -lJ>l >rdcrl Q o O. ! -r&;Oa, .c c.J F- H: H.! q to o) I dz F oE 6 RI a o tt o ct(\ ll n{ l{o 2 F * sa;o 7 t t- ; |D zII 6 l!x|J T .l 8l H -l *l g trl t.- $tr E F EoJ l- = E R = oa Eo dx a'5 Eg*JJ()(D-sNr{ I =P l-{3s ti lslo t=ts ol Sll L( "al l' ',l d Etx E+l Eb0.rl -lfl.=EiLIO 5g+'$ .u fi- .[{ FtnouJr,n :iit! tr'" <i5;>h-i .'I <'- Ya<tJ ^SoXE^YOO'.inOY, AU$6zenOX ;?U Projecl Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block i itui:('if)f-Filino L=t tt t 'tt- t'' t.n" Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval -t :l , Project Appllcation Proiect Name: proiect Descrip,'"", RE Ul5\oN9 lN P€Jlr \,:&t-c- I Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board I ,^" 1< I 11 I OISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL E statt Approval Oate: Town Planner .i'p, f,l liJ I.fijt 'ri ,'.>t r1wf, L l,i, ,7. llo2O', L = 3759' i't - , -' )L'U ' ' : 4757' it o"07'22'€ SET REEAR II:",'tcREiE y.g 11o. tZa9) , \\fr\--.\.,_ t, --IV\ ,r/ \t rj/ I I I -1 "5541',. 35.2--' 75.OC' ei.77' I l!I .-.-.-... /!!/ fl.,.,, / i I'-: / il7>-r{-'/6q' i:T iL,'i i o' ,-. r... It f '1 Li'::-l, [. '. ---.i , t.r! .'E' ./".i:I l'. r:'r u' i'-t DftMg LOC,NTTiI CERTiF|CATE 2, Ci-IFFSIDE, EAGL€ CQIJ |ITY, COLORADO a'-- | ,'\r /,i/...//// A = 44o52'2c" i.. 9724''..,' 3'!,:'t i6' 7H= g4.77' s 41" 25'25" Vl t7 ;qoJ€tr sd v- ll95 S**t/rr/s, l" = 2o.o' toFl Project Name: J Project Application Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot A , etoct Comments: Zone - Design Review Board "^" /o\f'Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL 2-- 'al--'' Date: 1 ,,! lnwn l|al.0 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development July 10, 1981 David L. Cole % Timerline Propert ies 286 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 2, Dear Mr. Cole, This letter is to inform you that the changes nlade to your residence under construction on lot 2, Cl iffside are in violation of the Town of Vail l'tunicipal Code, specifically Section 18.58'o20, paragraph C- (See attachment, ) The retaining walls which have been constructed are not as shown on the specifications and plans approved by Eagle County on August 13, 1980 (Building Permit #1775). Specifically, the two retaining wal1s which have been constructed to the north of the structure were not shown on the approved plans. These walls will need the approval of our depart- nent. The wall which was constructed to the east of the building differs quite substantially from the r^ral1 which was approved by the County. The plan for which the County issued a building perrnit designates a tinber retaining wall 34' in length.-4'*6' in height and 4raway fron the building. Upon investigating the wall which has been bui^lt, I have found a concrete wa1 1 of approxinately 42t in length, from 6r to 13r high and located I2t away frorn the building. The location and height of this wall are in violation of both Eagle County and Town of Vail Zon ing regulations. Our attorneys state that any inprovements to the property beyond what was approved by the County must conply with Toun of Vail regulations, Thus, the construction of this wall violates Section 18.58.020 of the Zoning Regulations. I think you would agree that this wall is highly visible from most of the Gore Valley and is not acsthetical ly appealing. As a person involved in the real estate business, I'n sure you rcalize what Lffect the unattract iv ene s s of such construction has on thc value of surrounding property , ta', Cole -2- ,trLtr, ) I certainly hope that re can arrive at a solution to this problen which would be mucfr more agteeable than the renoval of the walls and/or a fine. Zoning violations can be punishable by a jail sentence of up to 90 days and/or $300.00 per day of violation. I urge your PromPt resPonse regarding this natter and look forward to working with you on a solution to correct this problen. a,.,6wrrt orVA5nnuNt ct?re *W).ri -il- 18.s8.270 r 8.58.2S0 r s.58.290 18.s8.300 Ilolse-gra z-itrg perrlli{ - Revocr: i ioll or discon- (irrttlrttce. Horsc-grazirrg Pern;it-APPcal' P, ollc ri 1' orvlrcr rl;ti;ltcna nce respcnsibili f 1'' Sgt lr:rcll fLotu u'l l ercort rse' SUI'I'LI]Nl ENTA L I{ECULNI'IONS 463 18.5S.010 APliiic:li>ilitY''"":n;i .".,,",'iii"i .r.tliis chapt'"r slrall be effeclive in all disiricts trr, rvltcrc t;tt"'tA, in pcrticrr!ar-distric'ts' and shell be it"r,i,iirio't lo tlre rcgrilaiions pittttit'ed for caclr district' (Ord' 8( l9?3) Art. I ? (Part)') | 8.5S.020 Fctrces' lred'':es' rvatls :rnd scr(-crlixg' - A. All rccessor)r lts3s uiJ *tt"ttrrts except fctrces' hcdgcs' s'al!s :ttrd l:rndscaptng, or grot:trd lcvcl -silc dci'ctoirrnenl such as s':tll.'s, dri"c'tt'ays' a'id itt'raccs shall b-c located rvithin the ;;,1,,;;.i' ;ninirr'rrrn. i''-quirctt s!'{blck litres on caclt sile' Recl.'a|ional alr'.n,tics. trta1, lre cxert:ptcd' by llrc ricsign rclicrv lroard if il tlrlclnrlncs that 1hcir. locatiorl is not dctrinrcnt:rletlvirt-ltttrt';ttlrlly:tnd/oracstlretically' B. i;";;;;;i,. r'nrni-.ita''a'<ls at strcet ' inrelseclions bv "' i,;p,;,;;;; visibitit-r' for drivcrs of corn'erging vehiclcs in atrv distlicl rvltcre scttracks are t'cquirctl' no fctlce or slrtlclute ovcr tlttce fccl in -ir'-ight slralt L'" pelnrilled r"'ilhin llte triarigrtrllrt' l'ortiotl oi'e iorncr lot tnc:rsrrrcd frorn thc point of intcrscction of tlre iot linc's abrrtlirlg llte streets a disl airct' of thirtl' fcct ato;rg cach lol linc' c. ;:.#; h;;;;' f i'|nd rindscalii: ::l'...-'.':':,":l::i, ::l )'"1i'li * " I u','i'' i;;;;;i'uh ". . n """i1)', ::. -:::::: "ll::::];l;:;iili ;il;." t.' il. r"it''o .*i',' o' cl cctric;rllv clr :rrgc d i."." trttir lic crt:t:lctl <'rr mainl aincd' (Or<1. 8( 1973) S I ?' l0C') = = = -=:l :i .:' a c>: =5 = 4,;;. :.:-> ;=.G3 :! 9 =:4, ' c ^-9c=':==-i5of-i aoc=x -=-:.'.:.^n.- -> _=' =:;:i-g c:'ln'-- = >L = -;:z:. 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IU J FoFNOrrvntvA z) llJ F FIo 2 (ts ulF = g] f ?g.zz F=:<s;not/roo- ,rr2-.g?=s;6E9i F6R|lFIFX33EoZ ,^ rl, zYd<!rz = i EUffo0()24^ J<=+GG*r6g5Eooorz<) Fz:z tr o =o z tr) az -l ao- uJ n_ : z Eoo : 2 tr g F =uJz zz io- 4Xfd.9 0 <hoz>- ()zrL< o-y i(\i :< => -.u ;(F $or 6E' HE 4v, z LU zo F lJ F l uJzY - F I r.-,1 t(c c: oz ==E uJ t/l#/ ").. q> oz. .Jz z zz coo>z JO .-i5 = Et< 6d> oE c!o {t oE .E 9-:> =.vo;i(); ou- tr r'ro;E>rF ts =E, UJ o-zo F() E,Fazo(J t_lLr! too a = tltllltl III tll3ltcltoltoll<lailEl <ltrl =l rltltltllltttllll,iI ua,I Url 1<l =lJldt <ltrl =l lrqlql'tlql =lrJlqlt4 lctldt(.ll tltrlqt =lJfl.r-l ElqRlt< =l --,1El <ltrl =l v,oe c) oL' q) (do ui z --) I I I Il+ I I I I al utl <l 4=E(J I I(\tl aolqlsl g-lg olI z =Il- d) F- FtI t-FOZ Iz I Lr.l E FO Fz O Fo z .J tr (J )ul <FEQt!<zEurF O tlJF_r O tulz = J<c)an:o 6 I NET , =: -.: = E / Fi- -<:- -r-il.:i < - /-F '2- ?; i,-Filnil .^3: i--l<.::-., <: 2-, i.;=i.?<e: ?.alz: ":i1;:t3;;;<i/ :i-<d3>*c< a:-.-'3 g<c<-..: uJF z zz g. F e Iz =o = LU LUu- L =E, TU o-tl, l 2 uJ U) uJ tl.lIL : uJ F F. (J z (_) EF(J co ) o- (J = riJ z tr Li,lc() E o cc B t L]J -v, o tr5(r o-o o =l @ (Jza =fJ 9z x(J = (J o r(D NO[VntVA F FI I Eul 3 r/t t- z (J zz F=tr; *qtod ^2-.eP=E;EEE S = 963SE"9Co(r@z) 6la-: uJ! r?3zdE iE =gLLO!!Oorz Ez f,z F o (J() F-z oz : zo f U)z. ao- UJt z E o z tr E t z =;$>=@(\ :<c =Zzu- f,. 9=Yl>Yd a oh- ut(5czt>Ooo9.ozXt!<oq iul-!-xuJ-Xz uJd<\to zo F l ro- = tltltltllltltltqltalI urllEltoltoll<l>{ -J,dalu--l >l alujlclolol :l al>l u"l !{(rI L-I C]<l Ial >l z J U- ]JF ?l+l' ^lFo UJ z -.rfvsr\ I =(_) I I I I I I I I )@lrqEI <lJag r\) I ..9vI F6 u)l*l:l:t Jal >] F cFz o z Io LU E i'\gx t-Oz E.('Oz*!;O=<zu:]F.JZo-O <o(JF t< XF;o --.r O<F t!<ZE,t! l'- uJz E F(J uJtToe. )<O E3 I c..l tn.cl r- |,..1 - I I I ..2 L E LU J z I LU -z FZE ,n9E =Fo. =<o cooE =<3..- --,; -\aE!- -- r'r: ) 9 F(J [!J uJ z oJ :) =t-F= oi'i; orL.,obtrl c>-t-F ilail" z. Fottl--') (L UJF o F EE ttJo-zotro EFozoo BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. SOXI79 couRTHoUSE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303)328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT DEPT. FIIE COPY >0" AppLrcANr Craig Snowden DArE 13 August rs 80 ^""-.* z0T Go-re O'eek {NO.'I coNTR'S LTCENSE) IpERMrr ro Construct Sinqle Fami tf_Dwgl&lU 9ryELLTNG uNrrs (TYPE OF IMPROVEMEIiIT}(PROPOSfD US€)NO. Cl iffside #2, Eaq]e County ZON I NG AT ( LOCAT ION ) lNo.)(STREET) SETIVEEN AND(cRoss STREET)(CROSS STREET)3 IL !l oz tlot- suaolvtstoN BUILDING IS C'liffside #2 TO BE - FT. I\IIDE BY - FT.LONG BY USE GROUP (CUBIC/SOUARE FE ET' Lor ---2- BLo.* - 5lJ. FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN COTISTRUCTION TO TYPE BASE MENT VYALLS OR FOUNOATION REMARKS: AREA OR VOLUME to be infiltrabduith'in gravel beds adjacent to structure. - Erik Edeen Environmental Hea'l th EsrrMArEo cosr $ 225.000.00 FEE"'' $ 745.55 Plan Check - $37 asees55 2R6 Rridge Sfreef, Vail, CO 81667 Ey 51 (Affidovif on reveisc ride of opplicotion to be compleied by oulhorized ogent of ovner) ipt FIEL; COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNIY, P. O. BOXI79 couRTHousE, EAGTE CO. - PH. (3O3)328-6339 BUILDING I OATE PERMIT 13 August rq 80------;;;70f GdFC-T-reek PERM IT NO. -Drive, VaAPPL I CATIT Cralq Snor*den ( NO.){STR EET)LICENSE) (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)(PROPOSED USE) Cllffslde #2, Easle County ZON I NG AT (LOCATION)- o tsTR tcT ( NO.) B ET W EEI{ANO(cRoss StREET)(CRO5S ST REET) ILo oo dz co suBD rv rs toN Cliffslde #2 4 Lor LOT __-_--4.- ALOCK - S I ZE AUILOII{G IS TO 8E - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LO}IG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN COI{STRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IO} REMARKs: Approved,based on conversatlon rith architect 8-8-80. All roof dralnage to be InftltlaGdfthln gravel beds adjacent to Structure. - Erlk Edeen Envlronmental Health AREA OR VOLUME ESTTMATED cost $ 2251000.00 FEE"'t $ 745.55 {CUBIC/sOUARE 'EET)Plan Check - $37 aesqs55 286 Rnldge Straei, Vall, C0 8165? sy lpt 51 I roN o CAT a . BUILDING PERMIT APPLI Jurisdiction . Awlicant to complete numbered spaces only. /r.-ffrno a4 eePe C-Q4,v-'1 4/1 7'Pr4iz72c-=1f]s:t rrrrcxto sx::v1 .22 l. MArL ^O9l E3S ZAz: bz //?4{G.l'*L <Z-zBa ffit -Pu,"H'ia*f thllP AttTan At 4u -h14 W 2))"V*AsdJr;;flni!E"lll4 EI'GIN€ER t4{u50, /illnqap fu4 sar il.ra 47a:"ai7o 6 & rrert vatt aoorE 5 s ./I,4 ae k€?tz t ?a4 fi/y'zpa+.4". ILDING 8 Ctassotwork: X rueW O AgOlTl6N O ALTE6ATION D REPAIR D MOyE fl REMgVE I 06cribe work:-St r w*e f-A n vt-7 F/61a6nae l0 Chrnge ol use from N/r+ PERMTT FE€ 715.5XPLAN CHECK FEEll Valuation of work: $,@ Type of Conrt. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. lTotal) Sq. Ft. Firo Spfinkler5 Required DV.! ENoAPFIICATIOI{ ACCEPTEO BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTFICAL, PLUMA. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFIK OR CONSTFIUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTBUCTION.OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCEO. FIRE OEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK -Al\<ceLF,ll Form 10O.1 1.77 VALIDATION CX. nol5l M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR ,t Ns " 0es8 CONSIfuCT|oN PERMIT APfiCATION 'lof3,t RM WHEN APPLYIN Jurisdistion of EAGLE COUNTY gl Plu tcl L OF THE FOLLOWIN PE RMITS:USE THIS F crRcLE THosE rnlr rppr-v - [A] t E 1 Road Cut/Right of Way Build tF1 nd Electrical t System t G 1 D I Mechanical Grading IH] SignDisposal SITE PLANIVUST BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION: exceptions are listed in Eagle CountyEagle County Building Resolution. For site plan preparation instructions refer to publication "Graphic & Submittal Requirements for Site Plans" Q.;,nt#rerc PLANS CHECKEO SV -d""O;k White Coov-INSPECTOR Blue Coov-APPLICANT Green Coov- ENVI RONMENTA L HEAfTHCopy-INSPECTOR Blue Canary Copy -ASSESSOR Copy-APPLICANT Green Copy- ENVI RONMENTA L H Pink Copy-ENGINEERI NG Goldenrod CoDy-EXTFIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. JOA AOOF€SS 6toa /u,*,f 4 t?7 f . t-EGALI oEscff.ct,lF sde 4z BLK ( ISEE ATTACH€O SHEET ) OWNER MAIL ADDFESS ZIP 2 6PlF, f,ur'ut/uU 4L Gop-e (Eeer eE. (/l,L C,-t".., PHONE 3 Ile /aurnE,y.6o, s{4 tvc*t,iltYle C oto PHONE Qxl-z6gs- LICENS€ NO otz32 AFCHITECT OR DESIGN€F fiAIL AOORESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER PHON€LICENSE NO 5 6 I I Classof work: pnew ! ADDIT|0N E ALTERATTON tr REPATR tr MoVE tr REMOVE 9 oescribe uork: IfuS /ld 4eo ftu^,p,u,t lle,+r l0 Change of use from Change of use to ll Valuation of work: $ 7?t0Oe 14 Totallloor area of structure: l2 Acreage or sq. footage of lot:15 Hsight of structure above finish grade: 13 Sq. lootage of lot coverage: 16 Special conditions and Additional Information: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORM,ANCE OF CONSTRUCTION.SIGNATLJfTE OF OVI/NEF ( F OWNER AUILOERI F' - _-i ^-rY?TONSTbCTON PERMIT AilCATION s Dof 3c. Jurisdiction of EAGLE COUNTY USE THIS FORM WHEN APPLYING FOR F THE FOLLOWIN PERMITS: q RcLE rHosE rHAr AppLy - [A ] Building IB] t E1 RoadCut/RightofWay I F] Individual Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Plumbi lCl Electrical ID] Mechanical SewageDisposal System IGl Grading IH] SiSn SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION: exceptions are listed in Eagle County .iI Eagle Cou nty Building Resolution. publication "Graphic & Submittal For site plan preparation instructions refer to Requ irements f or Site Plans". JOB ADOBESS r 5Eti"' LOT NO ALK { !SEE ATTACHED SsEET I OWNER MAIL ADORESS ZlP ,, '. .,} PHONE CONTFACTON 3 41 PHONE LICENSE NO. k AFCHITEC] OF OESIGNER fua L AoDREss PHONE LI CENSE NO 4 ENG NE EFI MAI! ADORESS L CENS€ NO. 5 I.ENOEF MAIT ADDFESS b 7 8 Classofwork: E NEW tr AOD|T|0N D ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REM0VE 9 Oescribe uork: 10 Change of use from Change of use to 1l Valuation of work: $14 Total floor area of structure: l2 Acreage or sq. footage of lot:15 Height of structure above finish grade: l3 Sq. footage of lot coverage: 16 Special conditions and Additional Information: 17 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. src(jAtuRE oF coNrRAcToF oR aurHoRrzEo aGENT OATE S]GNATUR6 OF OWNE6 (IF OWNER BUILDERI APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY PLANS CHCCKEO AY APPAOVEOFOF ISSUANCE BY -..4'r' t /-/-/' /-J" .' Y'- White Copy-INSPECTOR Blue Copy-APPLICANT Green Copy- ENVIRON MENTA L HEALTH Canary Copy-ASSESSOR Pink Copy -ENGIN EERING Goldenrod Copy-EXTRA ts' - '0 3of ioe t CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FEES Permit Fee Buildinq Total Fee Permit FeeETECTRICAT Electrical Total Fee Permit FeeSEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ROAD CUT/RIGHT OF WAY Roadcut Total Fee Fuel: Olt E Nat. Gas E LPG E of Fixturr or ltm WATER CLOSET (TOILET} Air Gond. Units - H.P. Ea. LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} G8s FirBd A.C. Units - TKITCHEN SINK & DISP. Forced Air Systems - B.T.U. M. Ea. Gra/itv Svstems - B.T.U. M. Ea. Floor Furnacss - B.T.U. Wall l.leaters - B.T.U.WATER HEATER Unit l-lesters - B.T.U. DBINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR - SINK OR DRAIN GAS SYSTEMS| NO. OUTLETS WATEF PIPING & TREATING EOUIP.Air Handlinc Unit- C.F.M. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLUMBING MECHANICAT l,lhite Copy-INSPECTOR Blue Copy-APPLICANT Green Copy-€NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Canary Copy-ASSESSOR Pink Copy-ENGINEERING Goldenrod Copy-EXTRA E AGLE COUNTY BUI rr.rr.: FINAL: C/O lNSPEOllON, Review Roprting Form ( ) ",-ffi'J#='',iA'J 3 |r o^o *, Primary Routing lgf Rerouting l'7't { ate Ref erred Clr;.fr Location Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the county Building official within 6 working days Permit No, P lanning: Complies with: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations Comments: No Hn n Yes trntr ts Reviewed by: Site Plan (Landscaping) Recommend Approval : County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend ApProval : nnn D n D!n Dntr tr Comments: trn E,mmendfpprova o.ro/' I Final I nspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co;rements: Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approvar Commerrts: ng!n C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date F'tXi:?r"Jll#til:.'-1T,TJffJ='"i,:'JEL,o,e*' Review Rogting form (!4 Prirnary Routing ( ) Rerouting Locat io return to the County Building Official within 6 working days Permit No. Review and ApplicantDate Ref erred P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Cornmerrts: Reviewed Recommend APP:'o'ral : No w ts Yes trnn n County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage nnn n ntrn tr Recom:'nend Approval : Comments: County Healthl Water S an itat ion Perc . test Comments:^";tY- d?/4Final Inspection: C/O Recom,.nend Approva Corrments: nn ntrnn trtrntr rurr" * rrd Approyal : '0 -7 Firral lnspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngntr C/O lssued F inal Fi I ing Date by Date EAGI.E COI'NTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I 'oi5'IF,l8l?53)' Basalt - 927-3823 31 July 1980 BOARO OF COUNTY coMMl5sloNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 45SE55O R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext ?l 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVI RONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENTe*247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANN ING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSON NEL Exl245 ROAO & BR IDG E Exl 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l'l Ba;all 927 -3244 Gilman 827'575 | SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 -0r".,1 ?4"*-v1,r\, - '{-}t{ - Zz6tr '' {-tb - )ttzI RE: Apnlication for Bui lding Permit in Eagle County Lbt 2, cliffside #2 - Denied. The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that applications for Building permiii in Eagli Couniy 6e-rbuted do the Eagle County Planning, Engineering' and Envjronmeital Healih Departments for their c9ry[9n!l prior to issuance oi ttre permits. Your applibation was routed on7/22/80 L.i sted below are the comments and recommendatjons whjch were made by the ibove departments auring the routing procedure. If you have any quest'ions oi wist' to get further 6xplanation,"pi ease contact the appropriate dept. David L. Cole 286 Bridge Street Va'i I , Col orado 81657 Envi ronmenta I Plann'ing Department - Not Does 1) 2) 3) Approved. not meet Setbacks Building Curb cut zoninq requirements for: -Tar*..Hpl . height e t<1) Health - storage 4 Not Approved. Drainage plan to include roof and site drainage with erosjon control:---,l'later should It would be to Your requirements as soon building permit anY advantage if You begin as possible so as not longer than necessarY. resolve anY Problems and/or del ay the issuance of Your to to Building Inspector r1 K Eoeen Environmental Health 0fficer LD/adj Eagle CountY Building 0fficial 286 BEIOGE S]REET vArL. co 8r657 BUS (303) 476-2113 TIMBERLINE PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE. INC. March 20, 1984 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Attn : Gary Mumai n Dear Gary: Dick Ryan agreed that on the concrete deck. summer of 1984. I will get this done the only item leftI agreed that we and report back to Building Permit Cole Residence Lionsridge #2 outstanding is can handle this you. #0647 Lot 2, Cliffside the railing during the Re: mg S'inc,ere1y, /z avid L. Co'l e, CRB,CRS Presi dent An Independently 0wned and Operated Member 0f Coldwell Banker Residentral Alliliates. Inc 75 south lronlage road uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot qommunlty doYclopmenl March 7, .|984 Dave Cole 286 Bridgq StreetVail, Color.ado, 81.657 RE: Building Permit #0647 Cole Residence - Lot 2 - Cliffside Lionsridge #2 Dear Mr. Cole, we have checked our bui'l ding permits and we find that your temporarycertificate.of occupancy is expired. tJe have enclosed-a copy bfthe inspection request listing the items that needed to be i6mpleted. Please contact thts office immediately to have these items inspected. Failure to comply with this request will result in further action. Si ncerely, GM/rme (4/'14, Gary I'luma'in Building Inspector BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPLI I CAT I rol Best coPY AvailableJurisdiction. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 7 {!s:t rrrec*eo sneerl iCHITECT OI D ES IGN Ei ltcEIsE No. usE ol llJrlolnc 8 CIAS OI WOrK: D NEU/ O.AODITIOI'I D ALTERATION tr REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE I Describe work: l0 Change of use lrom Change ol uie to PER M IT FEEPLAN CHECK FEE11 Valuation of work: $ Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No, of stor ie9 Saze of Bldg. lTotal) 5q. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Required D\.,es flNoAPPROV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8YAPPLICAf ION ACC€PT€O 8Y P!ANS CHECKEO AY OFFST REET PARKING SPACES:No. ol Owelling Unit! NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUME- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW TH€ SAME TO BE TRUE AND COR RECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. TH€ GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. stcN^.rriE or coN-i^c-oi oaLurHoirzEo ^6eNr 'rDAtEl ZON I NG HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOI L R€PORT OTHER (Spoclly) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT Form 100.1 1-77 ofinA PERMIT VALIDATION M.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH