HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK BASE SIDEWALKS LEGALll 'f if I+t llit' it t;r ll t)'r il I/ili'lt t, lI ;i^ r ' / )+l -'-=''-:=-'--_(+i 1 * i- Y.-.-.--.--*-/ fiL' I i ui: : :[ "a,l $ i' \ \ ;:or) s ...: d$ ) \, ----b? \r :' Zl -. =------> a'{ o\) Ij I ii :..'v ; h€Ar * il--:i. AA v .ri-Ea\d,vtY ) 'i4 \ !rl. t,q. I I I I I I I I l l I I !,-+.s' I>. 1 ').\ \1,, \!\,v <f,, \\ )).., . V rl ? .J t- f)I\I --1 \(t/,\t ).;".=if | -:i Il-iil, '4 1l.r1 j Ass- !l Q .J. ^-* JI 41 3 rD-) - ----.-----'- \ \-- b.g I=BECKI I al{D assoctarEs. lavc.III This price is based on slightly lowered the bid Bid as outlined ,lune 9, 1988 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 Attn: Peter Patten Peter, Fol'lowing is our bid to complete the sidewalk between the Ramshorn Lodge and l,lanor Vail. This bid price includes utility extension, e'lectrical vault, moving the light pole, crib work at the trees as necessary, rip rap wall at the creek, landscaping' and sidewalks. The price also includes a $750.00 allowance for a fence at the creek where the new sidewalk crosses. new bids by loca'l subcontractors which have from our previous letter. above: $19,600.00 Please let me know if you would like us to proceed with this work. Thanks for allowing us to provide you with a bid on the project. Yours truly, Dick Cleveland Project l,lanager Beck and Associates, Inc. DClda GE'YEBtL GOt TFiCrOnS P,O, AOX r413 varl, cotonArx, at65a (303) 427.5711 lmn 75 routh f.onlre. toad v!ll, colo..do E1657 (303) 476-700 dcpartmcnt of publlc workr/trlntpoilrtlon VAILT989 IIEMOMNDUM T0: Stan BerrYman FR0M: Jim Hervert DATE: June 28, 1988RE: Concrete Bid for Ramshorn Sidewalk The following is the bid for concrete sidewalk and curb and gutter from Ramshorn to Manor Vail: 1. Curb and gutter - $10.00/'lineal foot - 260 linea'l feet. $2,ooo to[al labor - 7 yirds concrete (4000PsI with fibers). $73.50/vard = $514.50 2, Sidewalk - $2.00/linea] foot - 260 lineal feet.- $szo.oo tod'l labor - 13 yards concrete (4000PSI with fibers). $73'50/Yard = $955'50 3. Street Pan - $2.00/'linea'l .foot - 90 lineal feet. $180.00 tota'l"labor - 9 yards concrete (4000PSI with fibers)' $73.So/vard = $661.50 Material Costs Grand Total JH/sl h 2x4's 2x6t s 2xl2's Rebar Misc. $ 66.47 $105.91 $289.51 $ 8s.28$ 8.50 Concrete Cost $2132.00 Labor Cost $3300.00 Total $555.67 $5 ,987 . 67 ?I TO!{N Or vnrl, c DEPARTMENTAL ESTIT,INTES FOR 5' YDnR cnprrAt, rMpnovEMENTs PRoGRJ\M l9B5 to 1989 ,ur,r.Ca.r.d Det/ suBMrrrED * %ra/ ,orr// / ' Dept. Priority Rating 2.Description ofDept. troj.Project: No. Estimated Date Project will beginr5azzrlfZ- /%-f Other description,/comments : ,-/k rnt4 n, <'ezuLl . A. B. c. 3 Project N Physical Descriptio Locatio lffiz -/llew L..' Addition Rep I a c emen t__-._Othe r_ lroject priority from last year.s CIP Project in progress (contract signed, .qonstruction started ,:'g//"/L'/, ,r.?t/ l. 6uL Proposed method of financing beyond January 1,.l9g5. @ open spac e/c.t. vuna/7fi Rec Amenities Fund. General Fund B. c. D. General Obligation Bonds P- Federal Funds q. Special Assessment District.x/@ oir,er -.-- J / ( speci f y ) y't*t-,y'g"an6 : 6aTa( 33 27. 4. Estimatcd project Cost: *""* *be ,Lopl/ p6nE .V€Ze/@e,t fuT r/Xea .- 7 funded by year --- - Funding Source Prior to 1985 1986 |1987 .'1988 '1989 Totall. 7vaV4 /$a,to /g.t?a r/s74?hvful /tfm Total 4{aza Phase Prior tol98s 1985 1986 1987 .1988 r 989 Total* Plann lng Dc s j. gn'll4-ftV -,and/Rort -r3l/ 4raP,fdv 4d.u.gngfiruc. I ;.*' _] ;--:i------1 _tu-4t"oo _zt+,a_lirra €szz,n,+tg FoA G. o Perc* Sr,a^ra.* 6c.l6lnc lvtFoctr,qrtoc-,t 4ooe'o AAr€ <.c, <-6aEo a-z,4e^a..*w S/42r4 c l< . .' 6' <,ualL S;ePtq4r'lbd Ezc..*e>- (.a,+o .*'ra Lt$ck /,.1:.4ta- 4 "<rtn Lrr4r3 o Soo .t7cu O,.S?lee& tk€ds 4oo /O - G' Ptzv€ az S9asce ?e€€S olou€. ,. o'\t€ Sz<.€€z t-tc47 Rser+<e |zu ,7tqFfle 3/6^) t A€toeer€ SFz,-,n*t B? e.hns4ac^' (ovQa6 Qat. o.e <uaut&,7 No Fcsirc€ Re>tov481€ lW C-vLv&7 €x7c-tySto;t €TzCttO <uLusr,z Q ,?*- F,+u 1-vet<t1L FoQ /t@<4. 2,o ^ 5 ^l2q ,, Zoo €t'. /to, €o <t >tfu,ba 7qo' 'y.t 67oo 6rotte /tza6 2.4qQ 3co - ,,- Z()Q /ooc 80,o- () 6t: 1 e7 -si2<) 4 .4/.a er?t'F4 &.tvEr.tAa 4 ca,,t l+ 2>6, er o's 8n se/ e^', aaraao 3e'' ao o /r4f Aad *) <5ro{o /4 /o u"o Bnt. ilczere * /2-2t Xerr'aP F f.c, ri/, A, ea ?.orry.: <iao a J eao /€a e /aaa /Sea /€ad 3.aa / _s-aad 3o eeef te^) s'/ '/F aoa F i'P, aaa %l ak, 'ac.oef u)k De^a dk 07, l//e7n/ o a, ooo Y'rt oooooooooooo ooooooooooooNo.c'(fc'o. - iri i .lri FO-rOO. (t) It d at tt' oFz4 IJ Elqrn)tmJOp\,JFOttt 4 U lrl FUltttttZil&t{) tl 4FlJF.tqtrZ.J&EOr{1r{uud9rtrrF@ut 4,t'!:E:EEt,lE J1,. rt r.. llll ('t Ct F(t(tO.F(r(ro rrttS!t!ftltF / (too lf, ar oo o\ ooo CO ooo o. V'rt o J' CO ll (to o\ ooo o\ d4 toF ott c.l N (t t N N rJzz '.{ o GtsI9ro lrl Flz>.-. G !J lrlzhl,l Pt! |rlrn cl)Lrol{IHIL.z oco @ o Tf c\ N\t oo o' o 0o o. e wl(, zo FU EF UIzo t-, oo \o 4., oo o' (t eo 0\ |J Fo F U irl E UI LJ E a!F E cF LJ4 16Fzo .L, ql rt \.>otst{F,|z E9l<A|lE4<ou \Ftnz!r3{EHEOdtuE {>.,( LI>LI4Otn rrr t,Id l.'.nz)<hu .c lr|ql.:)trrI Fz>t>lrt<>EF1 0.2hl |. trlI>Eo9l r,IzF.o4tsEFr.. Ll ,(JOo.r4EO.OtuiJ4t{.do Errt{FI{<>.o o :oo rt I I I 'r- Jtt L'o gt zo h.IJz lrr \\ . "\J \t \\ lt\ \\N \ \,\) g rJ 3bla UT ta4 ]d O. a FlouF. l Bl Ll().JOFD!qF FFUlJ3l| 3rlbbooEE&9. az l^. 1. 2. 3. Ramshorn to Manor Vail SLdewalk Cost Estimate 350 Lineal Feet Total Concrete Curb and cutter, Sidewalk and Street Pans (2)Labor $7roooMaterials $5,200 Relocate Street LlghtLabor $1,200Materials $ 500 Total Labor Total- Material Total CoEt Construct Srnall Labor Materials Retainlng Wall-Guardrail. $ 600I eoo $8,800 s6.100 $14 r 900