HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE TOWER 1983-1987 LEGALt /N' LODGE TO\TER IN VAIL\{LLAGE nrgo Auo o 3 August 4, 1987 Dear Editor, Last week, a letter was published criticizing the new sign on the Lodge Tower. since this was the only notice of concern that we have recieved, I would like to respond in kind. The Lodge Tower sign was approveo by the plannrng staff ano the Design and Review Conmission of the Town of Vail, and also meets all specifications and guidelines of the Signage Ordinance. Ajthough tne sign uses neon tubes, they are set in a reverse pan-channet so that the neon light is not directLy illuminated to the pu'blic. The construction of a sign of this design is complicated anci many tines needs to be fine tuned after the i.nitial installation. To add to the comg:lexity, the illurninative brii.lance of neon is temperature sensitive. To be certaln that the sj.gn wouid not faoe to unsightly flickering in the coi.d of January, heavy duty transformers were instal.iec. This caused the gign to be brighter than antrcipatec :n the vrarn weather. To correct this probLem we have instal.ieci a dimrner to reduce the brightnes€ during tiie warmer tnonths. The above step was taken even though we did not recieve any criticism or notification fron the Town or inqividuals in Vail. we recog'nize our responsibilities to naintain the village atmosphere of Vail. S incere ly , , - 1/ /_,//_4d- 94=_Stan Cdpe Managing Agent cc: Ron Phillips 2OO VAIL ROAD VAIL COLORADO 81658 PHONE J03 476 9530 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of the town manager July 27, 1987 Ms. Alice Ferguson 3 Vista Road Englewood, Colorado 80110 Dear Ms. Ferguson: Thank you for your letter of July 20,7987 concerning the new sign at the Lodge Tower. The sign was approved by the Design Review Board on 0ctober 24, 7986, and the present insta'l lation js consistent with that approval . It is a back-lighted sign which js allowable under the Town's sign ondinance. The Department of Commun'i ty Development has contacted the management ofthe Lodge South, and they inform me that a dinrner switch has been ordered for the sign. It is the jntention of the Lodge South to reduce the illuminatjon of the sign. Thank you again for your'l etter. I will pass your cofments on to the Design Review Board. Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager RVP/bsc 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftice of the town manager July 27, 1987 Mr. Pepj Gramshammer 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vai I , Col orado 81657 Dear Pepi: Thank you for your letter of July 20, tgAT concerning the new sign atthe Lodge Tower. The sign was approved by the Design Review Boaid onOctober 24, 1986, and the present installation is consistent with that approval . It is a back-lighted sign which is al'l owable under theTown's sign ordinance. The Department of community Development has contacted the management ofthe Lodge South, and they inform me that a dinmer swjtch has beenordered for the sign. It is the intention of the Lodge south to reducethe iIIumination of the sign. Thank you again for your letter. I will pass your comments on to the Design Review Board. Town Manager RVP/bsc $ra ammer, nnc. o frtof msh $u \ Telephone: 303/476-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer July 20, 1987 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 RtC'JUL23SSI Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Co. 81657 Attn.: Ron Phllllps, t owrl Eanager and slgn revlew board Dear Ron, I cannot belleve that rhe Town of Vall has allowed a neon slgnto be uounted on the Lodge Tower. Durlng the past 25 years weaII have worked very hard to make Vail what lt ls todayp certainlynot a 8ua11 clty wlth street llghts and neon slgns. We wlll have to contlnue to be very strlct in enforclng all sign codes, lf ne nant to keep Vall the way lt ls and what it is: a world classresort wlth an atnosphere, charn and look very few pJ.aces have beenable to achleve. _-EJ-uceqely<- e.-'t4 Pepl Granshanner \'\\.\-\ \.- _, -..\. i\ \. I \ \!\--\ \!) \. ..- \ "- Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Wes! Vall, Colorado 8165 7 fi[go,lu,t 231gB7 AtEentlon: Ron Phllllpsr Tom Manager Accentlon: Slgn Revlew Board July 20, 19B7 Genc lenen : A gleaE deal has been sald about Lhe Eraffic l1ght probleu faclng Val1 and I too would hate to see Ehe "blg clty" look and lnconvenlence that lt would brlng wlch lt. However, there ls sonethlng else thar I thlnk is equally disturblng and deserves sooe fuomediate aEEen!lon. I am referrlng to the relallvely new slgn on the Lodge Tower whichf saw for the flrst tlme upon roy arrlval ln Vall thls weekend, I cannoE belleve t.hat. lt conforros wlth the slgn code as I remember it. It 1s ny understandlng that Neon type sl-gns are very wisely prohiblted by the code 1n Vall and certalnly thls one has that appearance. Many years ago the Hollday Inn was refused the use of their sEandard traderoark slgn.I aro sure everyone agrees how much nlcer Vall is wlthouL lt and aregrateful that they coroplled wlth the rullng. Many other couuerclal type signs have been turned dor,m. Unfortunately, the Tower ls already there, but does lt have to llght up the nlght too? I feel that 1t sers a very bad preceden! that could have unfortunace results down the lLne. Plcture whaE Gore Creek Drlve would look Ilke tf ot.her shops and lodges followed sult. The 01d lJorld charn of the V1l1age that brlngs so many people to Vall and that Eost who l1ve here love would certainly be gone. Please letts noc lec that happen. If I an lncorrecc that lE does not already exlst, t.here should be a code against Ehat type of slgn and soroethlng should be done before icis too late. Hopefully, the Lodge w111 agree to renove thls one co stayln keeplng wich the atnosphele already prevalenE in the Vlllage. Very Slncerely, X \l=\--\"JThe Vall Trail E.*N.-""J \\..,^\-.| as\\o o Duane Piper expressed appreciation for Leslie's help as welI as the Task Fonce and staff. He stated that he st'i ll had a concern that the plan seemed tofollow existing land uses but realized that we were, to a large extent, built out. Peter told the board that there were at present at least 80 single family lots over 30,000 sq ft within the Town which had not yet been bui1t upon. He statedthat the staff did recognize that the hillsides were really a potential for development, but that open space was a very valuable land use for the community as well. Viele moved and Hobbs seconded to recommend to the Town Council that the Land Use Plan and Map as resen!e e adopted with the anqe that on oaqe 7 and 3.2 be combined.i]----------------Her reason Tor votr n e vote was 5-1 w tinq the dissentin vote. aqai nst t e mol l0n was that the motion did not ince recommendat on of the sta con ce rn l n 0pen s oace etween andstone an Booth Creek. Publ ic Hearing: of mi nutes .l986 Donovan moved and Hobbs was 6-0.seconded to approve the minutes as submi tted. Vote z.Request for exteri or altera and for a site covera e varlance ln order to conslruct a smal I ad ontot eLo e South conoom r n I i cant: Lodqe South Con um Assoc Tom Braun presented the proposal beginning with the request for exterioralteration. He pointed out that although any proposal that adds or removes square footage to a building in CCI requires review with respect to the Urban Design Guide Plan sub-area concepts, there were no sub-area concepts rel at'i veto this proposal . There also were no direct impacts on any of the Urban Design Considerations resulting from the development due to the relatively m.i nor nature of the improvement as well as the location of proposal . Zoning considerations include parking and site coverage. Two parking spaces would be removed as a result of the development, and cash payment to theparking fund would be made to compensate for this loss. The property is developed over its allowable sjte coverage at thjs time. Thesjte coverage would jncrease .6%. At one time the Lodge South Condominiums were a portion of the Lodge Propertjes. A subsequent subdivisjon of thisproperty followed the development of the Lodge South Condomjniums resulting inthe nonconforming situation. It js felt that this subsequent subdivision has created a physical hardship that justifies the granting of the vari ance. Thestaff recommended approval of the site coverage variance and the exteri or al terati on. The architect of the project answered questions. Hobbs moved and Vjele seconded to approve both requests due to the physical hardship. The vote was 6-0 in favor of approval . uqe -3- PEC 10/13/86 o 5-Request for an amendment to the zoning code in order to add commercialstorage under condl Commerc ial Core III.licant: Vail Mall Joint Ventures Kristan Pritz explained that the code for commercial storage would include aphrase, "as long as it does not have any existing exteri or window displayfrontage on any public way, street, or mall area and no existing exterioi window display frontage on any public way, street or mall area is removed jn order to provide commercia1 storage, and the commercial storage shalI belimited to l0% of the gross commercial square footage of the building." The staff felt that both the health club and commercial storage uses were verycompatible with the intent of commercial core III, as long as the commercjal storage does not have exterior window display frontage and is limited to l0% ofthe gross commercial square footage of the building. The easy vehjcular accessfound in this zone district makes it particular'ly well sujted for commercialstorage use. Diana Donovan wanted to make sure that a space like the Menucould not be turned into a commercial storage area. Dave Tyrell assured herthat that was not the intent of the zoning amendment. He intended to utilize space that was not suitable for retail or other service uses such as basement and perhaps space on the north side of the West Vail MalI. Dave Tyrrel 1 , appl i cant, answered questj ons. 4. Bequeqt f9r an.amendment to. Special Development Distrjct #5. Vail Run,jn gfder.to edd_sgrfa.ce parkinq on the s Appl icant: Vail Run Resort Community Rick Pylman explained that the applicant wanted to add 1l surface parking spaces on the south side of the existing Vail Run Building. He showed a s.i tep1an. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, presented four letters insupport of the parking. The board asked about the landscaping on Highwayright-of-way and were told the approval would have to be contingent upon Highway Department acceptance of the landscaped berm. Jay Peterson stated that 'i t was the intention to keep these spaces for the commercial tenants. Dianafelt the Iot should definitely be total 1y screened. Schullz movqd and 0stg!"foss,secondgd_tg aqprove the requested amendment to SDD5per the staff memo. The vote was 6-0 jn favor. Jjm viele movgd and Pryan Hobbs_seconded to approve the request for the amendment to the zoning code. The vote was 6-0 .i n favor. -4- PEC r0/13/86 ?^rl,^afu-dl^^ 5;d-L- \s\.\N, \sNsr 3 Prolect ApplicationI Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - Legal Description: Lot Filing Com ments: Design Review Board Date ii'Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Date: E statt Approval o o Date Prolect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block 4' ,( Comments: Deslgn Revlew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval ,., .l . r.. , -,rr \,/ ('' ' 11)<\Llt"'I tu ,a \^v,zt ,,. it',.f t- \1,. r.,, t l L;t', :, ;ra!/ Qt0"t/tt fi,Y l''t-l(5 qT'til,l ht'F- t' 1a -IN\AILVTLLAGE I ?lirotEo t3lc',--- \'. 'rl (Do q, o lrt c)z. -t'tt]- --t 2, =9' (D o-n .' (Do c+ !\\.\\\ \,s\ \\t\ N =q, (D o-n o-t v,.o a cl c+ |lI 1-o c) OJ(T o =o_rt -tt.' o C-r. |Doci \) \.\\\-- oo o -5 E c? o o-n !-to(-r. (Do an r r^;r- -- c)o,cr o zc3 o- E9'cio \ l, \ \ '$t' A 'u =o5 rD $ { (D o cf o =o-n at at1 <+ 1 -r. o =(oo ict - -tl(,(DOcr OF9-J3(D0t.o L .+ (O 5 0., = (o P 2 5 =o, c+(D-t o, t- N \It\ t^\ l\-II Ir t\ ts l' I I I I t 9. No o\ -h 9.(o5 I N t\t\ N I I I I I I I I I I |- .D (4lrrJ lttl'Tt lci l.|. loJ I'r-. lcfr c)o lD c? U7 rnO )o J'{r(D to<-{ro J.o|D1 J.= =ut 'lt(tr, cf@O J.t\)o oo-t 5.o-oott(,.(D -+l -too--o(Dc P, -to. -+r O = -lrrr,c}J-t at ttroc-oq-i= oJ.<cio, c+.--r 9r oq, tt=<qrf .D(cI J! 0'<E(D! =J o F, cr . .-; ....4'tA, -- ={m r-vl ttcG' =-l--{m =I -o r c) -l oz, (, t\) lJ !o(, =-t J. OQ,cfct{ (D oJ. -(o -,0r(,9, Jvr(n=lolo €l 5=l€ rol I5(Dtro xlqr'Er.l-l (-fo-o -looUlr)(DA,ocf -lOo:: :"i -)>oc: -J C+ -to(D-Jo- IA al (oo= (Dl I +l =l.J4 3l I O! T' ocfo(o- OJ :' o'{r tJl (o 0>.J.1C(,Elo,T!o-u<-:(DocL (D-hoo "5_tlo(f-F nu7 att =c .J.O.t3cl -rr l|J(+J ct9rl -l,Itllltttlll I I e'lctlJ.l =l\ I @lJ,l(ol =l RI J.l:JIJ.l0lctl otlcilol-:l I I I I I I I .J' (o -1>l =.1 =. cf-q, a+o- , t" , Prolect Appllcatlon ,/'/ Proiect Name: , L (-il;Lir-;1'r'i1. i lif i-, l.rll B) Date \__ - Project Description: -Contact Person and Phone lii ,,:,r. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval rnr I hr hfi -l_-rr"-!!-L ' .':j t.- a 't! d o zD ao 1J -d.oo oo @o E =o = !ao oo Eu =oD ol ..1 O oo: E ! @ oo3 o CL 1' o -' (D u1 ct c) t) I !(n.! F o =o CLct ou,v, o3o. TJ o ot o o ooo D to3o t-o(o !1 oo aoo =-tt--o ;o (D oo- -n Nolo oo 3 3o3a 3o ooo =o CL ct C,oo rcl =uo o € Eoo o. D o l>IT l.ItlI,lol<l>tr- l0 16t>ttljlo IF <-) (tl ) |.' + ! .: U' 3 3 A'a o 1 €J \.! ,o a) !) !E !t ,-t t ,l- e' E -l T,m= oc)Tl -tIFO@2. =(tmm{J:T PI tr E IFfl I E DO F I I I I I I I II.. loJ'. : oF@ T't- c) -t o = .::'f ** . lD ir-r.C (+5 (D F -lO ci -r.+!t rrt -'t o = -,. (D .D -t r >..1\t oo 0t u, vr..t (D > ttlF Vr5€U t,= t !O O o--r.O .'+ -r. g, T,C- C 5-l5E l- 'ttm < d-rcto.,f .DE 'Da) .D -r. c) t--{ o_o u! o t) J._r.J.:t ct o-E Vl -tt () --{ ()Ct tt (n -t O-.o o, r-.rrl (D (D -r.-J(1 o, ct O {ul -troo,ci-r.o=-r. z,() o -h3 J.o =(< o on -t Jo9rE 5 = zo 'l, J.= 5 ..J 0, rn-O 'ct = O cf (D O-3 m =1 A,'ct (D -r -cf O(D -{-t (,(D -r.(D t-O ItO (+|, c+ (+ =, l- = C < =-C -t ^,_r. _r. C)A,(DU(D=O= .. Z = ut c 5(o oI o- a, -r.E l, o, -lH J.c+E c+ O cr-J{F ==E c+= -'. @lD (o O -t gt tt -r. -r. c+ mI cto -J -...5 5 =lJEf5 (D.io, J -,.-rO o, C)p -t:rJo Jc J c)$.. =(D -o J.o-3E mfD J. E c .f (D o, J Ttn .t (J -t -r.< c+A, {ts FO -t O' -r'5 rrlI r.(Itc) O chJO 5 gn l, (D = o -r= -r.P 3(,(D 5 c15 J,q, ur 5 = -r. J.(O Zlt tJr'< ct A, r+ l, 1F' U, {rv| r.D |,]n E uro. (D=5ci t-F rD c+ -t t .D g, l, o- -" o (D-h | . E< 1r5 -t dJr l-p coJ .D(D r-F+| Jc (D o-o c!=I o,1oEc. (Dts.+tEJ.3Z.F (D€.Do- q -Tl fD . -r J.@ =a oI o==clo-t FF. cJ.O rt =P >.D cf 39o,a.rt rc)O.D<EU! {F' l- cf 5 EH .l c+ ai J(rr Ots r) (t =r =r J.c+ =I O< o € 'D o -lO 5 (+ r. o,Ot'+t o-O- elN cf = aI r. (D O, :t () J.(Op if .1 5 O _r aJ.,I J. -t a)c+J.=< clo o'Do5= G,P = g, =1ptrl € (/a =15 q V1 'O J.C,lc+ -r.r u o, rto {li' o = m.+ o- Jto -{lo +(cr {0, = (D m15 m {rJ.tt(./| uI A,c+ -i= (D(+ t+| 'ct =q, (D )tI E .DE .'+ (/| o, O- *| -t 'tt O c+() ,tI O=-, -5 (lc+ ,+| < C J. -'lr 0r (D OI gr 3 o -r.c+E| -rd!,=Or+I .D I o-- (D| 3 J \-,o-lc -ct @ t-o<) -l o =.o.Tl 'E o ov) - a)c, Ro-.' .Dvl I l-r tf F t .r. trH. E ln I F H t F F I I I I I I I I I I ro(4 A' o(D ttlo-t ct o ro c+ @ ootl Tl =(cI tt'o = =(a -gk!o'9 bJ 'rtr L,. l- IJc)lo 1b=ipr ;, E i nrF =t HFIF 3lFslr8ll tlr-l €slsl |;l lEl tH fo t\l E Er tr- I PF,tE I F I I I I I I I I I I I I I clg .DE f.o =.D ls E F rrl z, 3m orl o =z rr1 a./l v, (o =o,cfE-(D rc-i (D tl, IIFpop F Fp Fg H PlPpr I'[JpHH F l-{ EmtrtP F F lt-rl(tl H ('tg a o (D Tl ot@ 'Tlm r|-t -l5 (D -n(D (D = o- (D E A, 4 o,ct c? o ct =(D o ttc o 5(o !t(t}.: c+ t/, 5 .D c (DIt t-+(De t-c. { Oz &t,r{'r{'+{4v, l'Tlq, N) rJ lmooo(rN)H lmoo o oulo I oooooo Ioooooo l-a.=T'oVl Ul (+ l-. FJ.50 = -{ c+O aD c J.o, z,. J5e -{o- o- o-zAl()ct OJor J. -{(n c+Oo(D5 ()mO-E cf(D-JO Forn =E = C)oo(D-5-t.D p -c+ cf I(D< r. r-rcl==. -J (Ct C) =tt-{(D c t-5('/|q l- =tn 9t J. </l =ct C€ CL cr @OgrS-J q-l -E anJ. -t a-tr = -,(Dc cL5 0t J.c zcf = -r. (J,(ct -ts(D-l(Do= oooo-t j -.1OJr+ -=(D(, m-(J -l .r utl g(D. .+ Uct=@(D(D.. o- -t1o,u o 'ct(D (D15-t U) '-Jo-t clC)(D=og'= c+ ct c+5(D=3 -r. co..J on-)<+ CD :, :" -t ='u o-l(D (D (D -+r J'o(Do oC .-+E cicr J.J =-J= (D (D (DJ.(Ota € OJ. =9r 5 (D .D(D=o u)€o-o. -b (ot' €9, =-t=-r' oo -r Fo.D(D5ct < tnq, o -J, ttr<(D(Do, € -it-EO :'E @-:o(D ocfo, O=': '! rilq, o- =UI CF -(D (p(D-t (nc OO O F{ -l--i(D E oo-cf oZ, =- =c;Jo(D uloE(J 5=o(D -r,rtA o, -.r(+ J. cf -J o 5 -l== (Doan or-3(D vt=(D < r+o, =J.c+(D C+ -l€ =<€oJ. cctrO = =ro (D <- (Doq O- c+ --r(D J.<o, J(D-.i (O(D ut.+..oc+ €C = '+! OJ,lD o_t J. _tt(DJ (DO c+E,t =Q,c+() (D -to = -r.o,(D -ciEro o.Dc a,!=(D !.Do -t(DOc+< -r.9r5JtO.tn o-a=o=Tm-'m(D(D |/'(:)|/lC'tt -rt (, '1'I &{,r{4{4{'t,+(trHt' o (tl (tr lJooooo(r o o rlD oooo-t ooooF.uFruO ltrtl ,grgr4&94 OO(trrJooo(Jt(trPoooooo ooooooooooooOCIOOOO c'(,<(Dct0,t -t 7s -r. .D (Dr+3uroc+<5cl(D .D =oot^ c+o j- i.' . ',1. ' E.=o:,..s,an to +,L(ucloL CL I5o Eo tnq, ! =+) ar1 !t Gt olNE ag .F -€(t,r- q, Gt(JLO5L.IJ CL IE =o)L.uo C, lf-,to,!tllEol(rq,.EOEPG' !o-c,t-E.e!50. Crl-c,L.d q,t!'P >r3 IUE..v(J =(uo4>o Eo .t,|! (,ovlt|g 6 o !o't,)t5E 'EE go IorF +,cc,olct o +, Eo!tF (u oLAA .U Lo !,E(t go {J !,T' a6 ot.p E:' ctD.rEE.Fo>!OELc,a(,e.U|U UI TFto(uE! =oo.rtt5>)EtE'oo.tooLcL.IcDoEIF E .1,.rEoc,.|?olEct G, 6LrF E @.|J+t E-o =vl ti3.(u.tJ+to, E(tt o (t .E s(, .E- o(, .Eeo (, €aa Lo .F'0 to€+,o E |U =o!rF T'c, =g, .|Joc c,g(t +,Itts+t IAco .p .E' ! C' OrE 'l' =o a !o+, |lt .Poc o! +t.!.E+t v,octtE|5.E(, to Lo'E.ucxcto, L E!ctc .FttE- (,5aEEc,|r'.8+,vl.IJ IF-cocD.r- (U Fg>t Gt UI CL 'trr.ic!-ro.P.out C.F.rX =o C' E"3- f-|tt cto>dro! =cL(uEL .F C' c,tEOrFcg)L.eO vt +,(u .ttOL.+,(ur^ -C .F+rc_.p OE+r .c, E, (l, ct)+lc C'F'(l,Etno(uNLo-o.C(l,P -o oo+'.u !(uo>+,IUEto UI!(u(u!or clEoo -ttoo,E+' vr o,E>(uctP.G E) !-E(u.r- )-oo-FO F-ColF.' o(u I FF c,€.P al = -lmn t- -to EE'rrl anC(I' =i-{mo .:' P Prt€ q> -o {o P ,. } 3 :" i :" :.r :- .r 3(D. vlt/r (t - O L/> - i! cLm o ur :F r't (D o. o q 0, l- -{Uc+ (Di -J(DJ >< a- a . O < =O =X OO -t 4 = id Fo nj i - .o (D a' (-lo (D J. :t = o Fr c =.= id< in< vr 9t tt o- tn (Dcf rD E ac+6 ;d @;.a a;+5 iV . o* J. - -: -t ro'ol tox c:t i. c+ = 3o oJ. c. tn iDF =, J. ii J. 3 o <t -t s' ='o, Jd o O o -,.c o= J.-t o o I;" = O - v, (o n ! (D -J < c) <:g 5 = cf c+ c+ ('o = O _ Z - -ir (D- ni oct (D o o so i,i+ (D6 . Q o cro 3 = -i' -- ut a5 J. o o tt a 5 o -t t, - X (D 1 9, ct € = vr gt =.ci = b ni = = tn ro F o -l o -'J .-l ro o -r' ql = o qa :t cr c E.+i 6 o -.it@ o ro o =- J.+ 5 ul = - - (D ."J A e ci (D ! < (! c)'5 < ot(D (O -.r'. o, -|r O O- 'J'o, Ur c+ I tt' J' (D ul =< -(D =uf ii =c+ i 5 -ti = - = cl t4= lr .f t, cf f o s: Of.6 ita5 ro o o- = ct J. 5 ro :,. € - ru tcl e -t (o (o o o cf J E cf =, urid - o - € 6! tn tu tn = -'ol -t q P e) tn- c -rr o d - - = = +ra A a o .D o = o +q (D o ur .+.oe '+ -,qi ci (D _d o 1 6a = o 03 .D_.' e + (D .=:j. 9r J16€ oA, -J --r rnoo ti O zt =+ o- Q =5 -rr -J.o ur (o i d O (D -t € = .D (D O -o -o o, J I ct -.J 6 ao (D - € =. ;= .n st ;o., J. O O c+ c| In .'+ = q' (< o-+ { - ii et f. r iD iD o -r o -r. = -t - o 5 o - E =- r, j,rD O- cr (o .- C-. . = (Il r . fD c| c)=< 51 c+ o, .-r. (D = - P 'n v-: -ir 50 Od (E i. =A = .h - o- o c (.o -i . .+ -t -+| i ;O- -€ . El (Dcf (D (D O l, c| 9(Di, (il vr - (D 6 |,-. O Jr -t C .t -+r (D E€6 -t r-t o in o- (o (D ': cr i. c+.-O (D = O cr (D E tn -'. o (D 5 ,^ " F= 5 - o(o ). o ': -i) = 5 6 € (D i/i 6 - (D -o c+o = - o -r. = ct c) a. :o 5 -- t (D(, =vt o c r) o (D l\) o cf(Dcttnobl4=qto =. < o- i/'o q, 't o 5 - vtb -b u, o, c+ ? oc rDii tD ci i.-.. € A i. .t -t t (o r= r+ X -.< = (D (.) -t r' =a O = tn a =l. -j. onjo '- (t c:f t q, o (+ -(D J. o o 3i'J o (D o- = 6 ci a €(, =5 c+ rndc 5 o .+ -J c+ g .-1 c c .r.. tA (cl - J. a-k a o- -t cc (D = o -t =O = . t '. 'l O. qJ '(' q, i'S J.+ cr+ (o e = t = .D(D t, -t (D vt J =A, @ E rO . = - t , U(D .Dur (O =O- O t (D Q :+t € (D ro - o+tn cl x = o 5 ru -r' ! ft = oi -{ cr - !, CJ. J, -t o o !-t I' g', oi - o r''t o :t crtn 5 bq c+ = Q 1i. aD <+o co =+- (D .-J- t! o 1 o. (D (D ab rn (D - ci = 9, J.= tn € -i .D i' E "-' €._ = _JtD_ O cr ro (D _ (n e c+o, 6 -i5- cf o- :J. N -r = = Gro = = = rn i*ni -r. o ro qt ro o ^ rl o-o (o a i It o (, trocfE - = -r. c P, 5 (D o, (D ap, c aD O vt v, r+ -t =< = -J --.' oo c! .D (Ct ur ao a J.r+ o o (D -t J' (D cr a =. 6- = -.= -b J. v, -.'i cf -rr e |, Oi €=o -o, j -ro t, cr o o P o o o J' ? (D cit o (D J= (D !t c 5 -h (D =, it < A, o, co- E :J = ac+ (D -rrr -t O O O Or = 5oo oE n to ocf J 6Arb_ :' .. fr O -l -t o,(< =ii- @ O gr tt - ().- c+ cr=o .q c' . = aaf i^ = -.t o o (D- . (0(D (n (D -t Ur {at(D..Do'.AoO -t zo--llT P ;3 ; qc+= (, c+> (, l\) P l- q| T,(D 5gr (D 5(, . o, = -t -|r9,EE (D 5 A(DO c-f. o = C - -t J.c O C) c+q, (, |, Ar :|'rD € c, = o (D o =5 = o J=J.-{.+ (-+ = a = (D(DO 0 r-J. cr.JflO(D -c' € E J5.J(D. - O (O < o O (D 9'(D | -+r 5 (D o,Scr o', --tCto, - Al ct -t = -O lr<(J.DE --l.D c+ cf (D -,..+ O (D F E JJ:' (D (D = q, = c+@JJ(D0r(D cttD -J = (D -r.OJ. .+ r+ A, O =ctt/t Ut t:,) (D.J.O, -5 :t $VrO (+JJ.ctO, X O Ct (D O- (, -.. P, v)(D ct- = -.r. = O A 6 cf cn = _(DOclU) < v, r) o,(DJ' O-tc cf O(D ar = O ll =(D< -: = -r. -n c+ E o- or 5 EJ.J.c 5 0 .D = N) !o(/| 5 u)(O c+= g, O-O O - -t-J.(O c+ 5 -+r c' = '(f -fr - O c+.+ c+(D O (D o, E ct E. () Ur O -J c+ -5 55 O (D .'io.-f'o < = tn (D oo = -t To =proa,o 9, - x _r+Ut 2(-(O -t c+ < -J. J.JC! < o,cf (D 1J.J. (D oJ 3 O -. q, . () 5 A,OO O- A,rto, 5 C)c i+E c 5 Ur cl Or 3 (O O C) ==(, 9, O.+O (D =cf (D J. o, 5 -r. c+ 1 €oc)l, o- (,o(D q, o t, o l, -r.= 1 .t5 J.O, =! (-i cf N I.f JEO 5 . (D grO' =(Do-ot, o (,5-5' t9 p, c =vr (^ O-t .t'< (D J. O O J () -J.f O(DJ9 '+r O-9r O(O c+r ct (D-t ! tcr{,.Drn(D o 'E tn (o g (D =- ct .J.J.(D O Cfo o, -J. r, q o,ro 5 (/r =cr=ct(,= O 5=..,'F, -J, O cn ct cr(OJO.)C O"l cl(.o O 5 J-r O = -hfD g, O clo (D O- ur o, fDo -Jo, c+ cf=t(n ul-J O . (D -te'J.o. () -l o,:J= = () J.'Ct o (:+J.(D A, c o, Oct O(D (n -l -{ "t -r(r:to 5 (n (D (D €o,ooo a5 =O=c+ 5 c+ . vr - O-(D -J O -'tt Cx- -t o, c+ A,:t 1qJ.= 5 6=* (D vr c, ur o- (D (D og..JJ.c+ U, Ur@, Eo JJ.r) (, 'o o(4 -tc o-o a, -r. JA, l o.J J. (//, -(, c* A., -t:, q'' EcL= (D (D 5 (D 5i (D(O 3 cf O.' -tcr '|r'cl ! (D O, , -r+(D c)< J-J O-t=:O o|O, . rD Pr:c) -t cr-5 = 9l ci, ao j(D - 7 ti-. € =rD ur <:. 5€ -i g, J-u) €(D (DJUl 0 0 't.D. u'tr: rt-E tt.t (D Jc+ ='.:J 5o € o-= n, -t.o-{o, o :' 'O-J -t tt(+ ct(Do,o o(Dc+ur,o S '.- r. - cttfo'ocCL.F Co> vtE c .g P =-'-(u cq, .g ut nt +' 0., t4 6 t21 'E L'0Jd E E F Gt ul ,- 'r oJ +t - C o' b;- ;at o--a cl E v, E tnlt'oc 'o6; .o 5 A ^O'o ='o('! E OCr; -o 5 E 'l- -.O ,- ,,- . FtO rd utt . (U .n ii >i, ct.F rn .- b a+l jJ'a, E.; q, oA o .P A sEo -jr.;6 o|' - \-, rd Ot fi, +, (u +' <'r !' .FE .F,^..F E t .- (lJ C d' E5o .ir -; cc.- Gt € '- ! '.c .E +t 5E= .ioo oo'tr t^ o -o o >+' rU -3EF 1r€- {-) 5 o +t - .d L - (!- 'q E-.6' 'o 6; +r.;; o. tA 'F r- I Yl =E E-'<5 +r EE= nlcno o 'F 5 'F.Gt tu er c, c .F, - .d Ci th A.'I O o CtF rF Ct O Ur.r oJ t .rr o.cr o s ;+, tn .^ - d L .' <u !U Eq, ED g) E! a,.ctP'P G E.r' ooa,qrE g o.F tn EE6 cL 5 - - |,'.- 'd +) o.;66 .Ioo Fdct o L .6 .u 'P +r +)rF E ur ur =E f 6- - o o - q - l.r vt ' =t.F +, U, Ur- Er.F g +, 6 At -(Jr-L .F (J.E -=- <\' q - - 6 { oa ! (l, Pd6a ts-F ruos - E o '- '- ! ota E ct EL Cr -A.-.- Ol | > v, E ")C P6''do E{-i Ttl-ru c- 65 t^ - 6- = c o !E tu -<u 9 L 'or--.o q,.Et ot 19- 6'o' c 'F q o o- E O c c .c,- -c.F EL dii r- = +, o = (F t (t,'-" ' ct o ,-F'= FLF oIo 6 o .= o o cL q €Egl t!'' d' o q, c, Loq- -s - 4 tt : - b Ftnc L N +' +''.d E= qrF6 ob q 7 e c ! ''- lu <u ct .covt Lcr tA F 6 L 6 O cL EtF= F -: ut tn .nL .F E- .not e tn tn o O '. ' ! 'l O 6 L {:! . tr{- a 5 r- .et- o c c F +rF 9t € s.d< o I C'r ! F tA . cri-.r- ttt a.'- o 5 ! 1d dE q '.l', E -o o ,9 c ' O (l, Lo,(, OO.r= alt +, EiJ .; (J O L (JO v' L - '^ rF L o,- +, L.c z ru .o +, F oG .- q Egr>;:o ir, - +r+r F. .Eo i5 ro ! o ln ; ol !: E>0,} !' E. o F E cD'oi; - >biJ o =€:- (, al O '; c A = rd'r- ) L o -c L = E oF tn fit q) J +, tF tA c t'ro a 6 (lJ L (u tn O O.e cr Ear'r? o. .F 9- o E '- c'- - 'o 5 o ^'c (, r'- !.Ed; -.o = FtF u .; e. c+, E 'r- riE>o .n.o 3- oo .ooq, e ul o r6i € ->ct a' E oa ! E +t E L q-EAE E--A16 cr t^ rr .7=6 4, d '; a vtf, - 'F:- !6+r; -ijo 6 .g(u vt it ;6. = !+ O +' v|co q - r 'rr P L ;t^-' !; - E.i +r L) 6- E , ,!o O o'- g '. '-'- E .|J +f .o(/) !l 'i'o.l sr 5'or d .FF E 4 O c ' '-= '; 5f tr ! !O q. I o' (,' o' o E.e-'c \,E q, g q ul t- - E g, !'oL .F E tg.E F4 >ciJ = ct (\l '- - A> E >t 1i t- o'- 9 o ! tE cL '- a, 16 ornr E.riF d ;',F, = ol = +ro d' +,- - .n $ c,f L T q o o' a 'o{Jr-.e 16 c, u.t -r'6 6 s | -' F Ao .;= -' .3j .o.og +l E utt.r o 'tr tt E'ob '-.E tr .uE q ct +r .= iJ trl c ,-o ' €r= - e - c d' <.l o c E.F !(n- ?< qrqE 'r c, jt -- L . o E - trJ ;5.= d. = o .n E L '- iJ' .; +,+) ol o: .6 s +' C (\l oro ur 'p o q, o.|J o .- '- 6 ir -'t- u, J;dc{JcL d.'- E lrr v, .ir' x .- 1^ ctE ij -ii L SR --.O = L at.= E.= E +r-F = +rEF J c 'l O 'ir -= d s6 = a.l P@'r - v' alvt ' o t! > irEi FiqE F ct-o ctrU !,. vt|o, -ct . F{ <' ql <t g -c'E (t, ,!q -- c, EO'- E O 'r- O +J t^ 9(u or .F.F q, o +ruto! F cL ; -' i '; G6 = o> +l .-. c'F+', o 'e )'e ('r c o LEgE E(FF tr -'€6 2 - .= 6 +, ci F - ir' F .|J- oo3. 'F c, L+' c, '.--:JPo.F .F.F c, (,ro.F ur lr.I L ! = tA q- E'; q 'r' o.! o +' E (ulr' 5 'a o' L tA '- +, E o.O ./1 111.0 > = O O .6 6 q .- E! tts 6'- E .p 1.; ct <y vl (.'j| .ct , o o- Eobr €O- = = o c, € = b x 06 b _s-;r g - g)p - (J E o | |u > {? ct L666 {oo 6 E>Io .n ; o - .ct '?' - G+r t h:Z c 9'< o '; \- tt ot 'p E '-O E tn +, F +r q o-It Lr.t tF E .i +lq +' = 9 L-i'' < '-L - ; E +'- tr' ll L c, tr- .e= ED F iuE -- d' E c - E. t6F ,^ 'lr - - A\ j €"- 'e *r (u E! (u .E c .:\qr.F{J L .'- ur r- d. ur.-. o +, I Gt 'cL ; ; - FE = Od E 'i1 .. '!- q:: E c 'r Gl ol o I t^ c +r>Ect Ec'|.E r-|J .d -c C - o- .rt tn tFF + E€ '= E- !!l =O+' "- "- +'X t6 L Oxar6 o -'th F Lo+tv, ./, .F L - i! c; .;L i! 6o .-:F baE E;E 5 c.t c tt cL O !t fi-Ed fi.;6 J bo z, or o tu > + !2 ql L +'<l tu Fi H <u r- 'r'-=ai <uiue o 6-t'F ;= ! ; ; ; E o- qr <u {iP :1' F} -oF = = Fc L nt =. .s1-1p d, 6i'-r- F o i! .n ir, E vrd E vt (6 tr-, a.l. J L L cct co <to o loC\r F'o- ci FEtro ;-. 'r, = b-.'F o z' f ,-9F. -c rF o ru o € ..:\ f\ , : - rF'F (l, ! '. E Eb;Elr- 2-:\ ' .{ = \.\ -, -,- ' ,\t-. co P(l, ELFo(, Eo L .Uc,e CLnt :l(UT'>! Gtot--c o)+,.E 6act -Gan ccO.F.r- lF +,rOg>g(uru o, o)c r-Pct l, EXc(u G'EV'PcoG,O OBo!<Outo -PlFt, =(uE ! =uteE(JoE.r.F.P C'+t>vr.U5r- = lrl tno oo(, (\l !(u o)L 'U Lo oi' @ F{ v, =G, CL :'-.g! +Juo..p .c,c,L trl o --=-l Fl>F6'=m>mml--toe?l>mo('(,(t c) 7tFFOrr| HCJ(, Em(,-to .. F. {o..z oFIvlc)F '9-{o =o.n 'tt o 6, d .)'n rr - I I = = .4 :! I .n 4;' - -t' = J o d 6- = t-. O 9, cr J. o:i d; gi -r. q, E r,5 o 6 5 t n vt T o o 6 6 t^ = tn ro-o- - -t QL o {r o A I t ;3=5=rnutqaJ'J'-t5-=.D-r.o-l€€r+q'-lcl5m-='.tr@'J.-{o'to.o o3 1oJaDito63vtr =o, -SFcr(D,t.DVl -t' _t J.ttE ai -t Tt r :Fl-o.o2,0o{vrtt1 c)m=o {-{ rfl Z.FV6>mmurr a-/r z,.. o,3(D r Clfo,o.' (P O- {lco(rr _r - .D-lct +oo€ = 5 -r.c) |D=(o =9, -l {r5m -,. 'irF =Oa, -l t-q|ln g, c+.. EJ.!o-t5o{ <J. !-rm-t r|(Do 0r -o-rl =c3 Crt {errl -flF J. -lr<o r= c(, =cf,d A, cr c+5 .D 0,!1J og, =at cio oc+o= -|Doio'o .Dln t4t5 uo .D€ tE r ,J'{ o.Tl = -lmv ratl @ooci +lp,59{.(Dourq| ! -r.r =tOo=z, =(Do, .D-t (D c)o3 =o =z0, =.D tolclol5 t- @mrnx n atrm-{ =F{oz.<6)m(fl Fmm a./, -{o tf =o- c)o,ct {D oo, -o (D- -no-' o(Do o o C+1(D (D ? = (: o,ct .D =(D (o =ci -fro5 r)o5 =oPvi--:v, Nort N\> q,oeatl c,oIU(l, A (.,.}' at ta ooCL o)E =tn UIo(J Eo,lF o (t:l C'Ic c ,6.Pot U'lrlE =F lrllr- lrlA (Jutct =J d\lrl Fo lJ-o Jooo&, -FF=Z, lrJOo =L'lr.- F d, z,o< oo(!t r-.frf F. alJ V,Ad o.O>E >EFrr F lrJ ct Lrtlrltt oovt (J HI 6l !l 3l IJ+,l.Fl EIJIql and,lrl o(J oz, =oE(.9 g vt tE! =odr!.->.no =(9 lrj =e.F lJ.J ar', ca ><olr, F .IJ VI-d!C=od(J:E (u Etl' = G'(, c G'.tJoE vtJ d, !.1F >- .F =J CL o q,oai0rJ oo, |3 - or-F ()> G, -{.ur Ft\/3 -tmF rIJ' dmo:< @ctm{ FZ,m6) =o a^rt<-|T|:t,crc(pvt 6'FoczI c,o mFat h- 2o =o v, N .D lltt!O t;lrr lo | {-t .lE l(D aoE'la anmmo ct m{ Fr -{F< n-<o! F!vrm G'oo >ozF { -rl cr= oorr| Z,21{-pooc,r (> TI o{ mv t-'=o1.,o Em .n m {cnrrlU' 5o'c+ 0, 5 =to €o t .+o.5 rl .Dta t€ :t =5tO EIoo l o'c+o ! oo, ur |D v,It(D'o -{t-s a, ttit t-{ Vt oz >t l.l-{J-{ ro { oz, m H a) FJ l-toz, e.otrt z =nt FI rt: ti z6t (J trt trlau, D: H -ilo P. ito!'ooo5(^H 'Et r o0rotE!,Ytr.tP.u| P'I cf o0qp tt,E.i a'",o ;d ts ,t- corE'o,oEool:t5-o 6) -,. d-' 6t (t -6 1c0, O_O o,-, (D< OJ n, c| t 5< -t --t O^ -qt -,. -t (D Or ct-'. t/t, < C, L, < o -t J qro,OA,m O, --l <= aF -r. = o, cJ cr c x - u., I = ^ _f. (o o _, vt i: a, .D = 3/, (.^)-t cf J 5,D -r5 O -r !EE'.Do(D 5 <m -r< <o !(I):t c| tt I \.-r .DE @-Jo -r,< o. =o o (Joo -J-O O, 5 < J.r) .D =J . r)c+ 6, =5 (.) o, <r.D o J. o t lt :O ct-t= I-(, 5J.O o, t^c)c| <Oclo .D o-t -t. 'i lq IH trlo,ls t; Foo Fn c,Etrlct rtBF.OFJ< l.r.OrrA l-r.ofir o9.E {<!oo4rrF. itFtr OP, r-,oOt+ =fc,' oY< cl Ctiroo =trr, Fou.r-5 Or+dF,F.g oc,f 9tJ.t P.ts. IPO|J'l,ciF.OoBo}.d Fb FIoot, !d ortO!toOA IF II zoFl ]T 911'o6-1 rt-lq(,tFhr+OO:tS p irg'gEts'98rP.OOa.tY.+o3lDYFhulgCtOr,.O|.tu<CrCqtnoFrF.P..A 4 o o P. Fr Fn!BFtnr-p.lJ.g)OUctr.iO 11qoF.Y9rslclEotrti+qroSor+P.ooJo>doo-rtrrt0rtxci(tFo(/D|J.OdrE5f+,E+oo 0-6 iD o5r+.Ftll''gP!rodebts.ofiff.O$t-.rlp.f+rFooa(no-toattrt 5doouloocFoIrFbts.ctoFIF.OO<lOilQ0r=F!rrP.erOrtOF5Ha \ x'd o 1Ftnoorr.^)dH5v:SgE.StDqtsa.tcj!1 EF.oFF.Ocr|+rctH'tsOr-loirSLHoF H.|J.arEEFdqF-oF oa :t rt .t f+l(/|rrpltcr!tF.Ol.o5F.(tHt,OE ts.lr C*lFlr-l ;t !tFJ. P. P,ab H.ct(nHtY:to-OBuc:l H0ro.ts.p(n dFrOe+:'o o<|,oor)AH =P.oF'lna;'xEtsO(2P.OO =FH0c r-r.g}]. -P.;ro ;Jo(Dtnc+dP'ot!lo :' F'P. flJ{F.t ts' 0,P' .r (toltP:'F'(nlctd.HY o>d 0t r.t al.r :'PFO oY0!O.tt, P.Flo :t D' <t !t(+ -Jd.D rloFror'(,5:t.D.D5otcD_r. €OJ' t-rOoo(Do5 rtC l, 596' -l>m EIpl EI FI 5l o> =oz,attFFMtJ1vr G' -loo - TI =(cI l- atOF{O !U'O>r v,Fl r4rno cUIrfl c) .t -l t- U, = llr U, ! { -J o,(Dlr, J. g, (D (D -t O .D.D J== ci cf d c, :i' c|o- ,i.o o_ b aD (t o = oJ (o r-+ 5 \() a) o o- --t c"it, (O tq, O c) - o, < C,.. .Dtt < c) t _-t F.t J. -.D C .. < c") Tl9r5 -5 -t uvr ltTO cr --t. i6- q, = (o .D 4 tt't T no5(.)-tJ.(D(DJr:!:ngr-i5a.,-=aro-()>-tq,oo (o (cl 1(D=(Oc)=.D__Ulr+ -(DF--o()0,oo,.t -(D (cI5cltn (t.' o (t o.Eo 'to =.= c+c|(D cL FI5 5o =.D5c+o, o,Np,-to-vr 0, q, 5o5 .D c)o =(D =civl FTo EJo rD vl A,E -t (Dq TI ooo- T' 0, = tt, oEo 6)€(I,.Dod o9,(o=o()Ur anTIF F F FI!o z,(, -n rrlot\t F cto- =mFt c) ^g t/,{v c){tJ1 ...f rOrN t>., IJotJtol€(, l(D(r) lo- l5rololt l(Dlo- PtsI!(-.t (tl (tl Oo (Jlo N N' (tr l.o (,o (Jr o ooo oo ('l r-r5 0 0 Holo o 1\) oo (f oov U1 oT'(D c)crE o, o =(D CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lm department of commuriity dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT u!! D Dtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC.FILING JOBNAME:lsdge South Locker Rdoms ,,ru Ruoff Arch. MAIL AODRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u Sullivan & Wood Const rowrl or vnrL neq. No. 169-8 LECTRICAL NTRACTOR rrnu Ross Elec ,o*" o, uo,,- rau. "o. 104-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHAN FIAM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE UU !)(./*: 1. TYPE oF coNsrRucnoN r rr rrr rv@ 2. occuPANcY GRoup a ee x r n@) DrvrsroN tfr\, z t GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - frame and sf.rrcco 22 storaop rrni ts r PERM|T NO. --^-- z tr l BUILOING z0,000.00 ELECTRICAL 3 ,000 . 00 PLUMBING 'rn exlsErng unoergrouno parKlng area MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V M-2 20,000.00 BUILOING PERMIT 140 . s0 \sfi) Rq gS PLAN CHECK 70.25 ELECTRICAL 36.00 NEW ALTERATION (Y) AODITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS N.VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 USE TAX 150 . 00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4e6.7s INING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES: ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is coirect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina of the Town applicable thereto. send clean up to Sullivan/Wood P. 0. Box 1535 Vail, Co.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOB HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. P! L'ltr hm 1.* dopartment of commufity dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Dtrn ETLTNG Loe Net\reLodge South Locker Roorrs MAIL ADDRESS FIRM MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM JUr rtvan d r{ooo Lonsx, 169-Browru or verl ReG. Ho. ' Ross Elec PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. . OTHER torurRecro TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. NOTE DATE _ COPY OF 11/1/33 PERMIT TO BE KEPT.ON JOBSITE r'':5Blr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II tII tV V,J 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB :'\. :,, 2 M DIVISION ffi['#'- 8Ff, '{:f,!"itff Y9- t'mr.age-nrrs- , '- PERMIT No. - '' " ' z tr a BUILDING (UttrUU.lJU ELECTRICAL 3 , 000 .00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G-R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V i'i-2 20 ,000 . orj BUILDING PERMIT 14C .50 l) :ri -.\ ) \ --r._ ht- l.\l-v,\|\\. 1-) | I.l PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 36.00 NEw( ) ALTERAnoN( ) ADDtnoNAL( ) REpAtR(J PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS B.VALLUE TYPE OF ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. INSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS ST- CUT ALASTING PABKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ICo.00 USE TAX i50.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 496.75 )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that l.have read this application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation provided as required is coirect. iagree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinances and statelaws, and to build lhis structure according to the Town's zdning and subdivision cooes, Oeiijnreview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord iDan€s$ oithe Town applicable thereto. - '3li,il:lhffo'or. 0. irox 1535 8' 4"e/ U"J -- . , Vail, Co. iirtJ+IElt*R[":wNER oF coNrRAcroR FoR HTMSELF a'n -uu? P,3/zo c /2 K)6p bJo.K S)^,ee-T-27LT Ks , '{ft # dopartment of community development ro ee rtLLeo oui cOMpLETELy pRroR To tssuANcE oF pEFMtr TYPE OF PERMIT tr,eD BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMEING FOUNDATION !! D r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I||nt tVA 2. OCCUPANCV GROUP ABE H IR GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION Jo -oe rzLEGAL DESC. B NAME:Jn.s ",^/d rg ALTERATTON( ) ADOTTTONAL (NEW ALTERATION ADOITTONAL REPAIR( } ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES ARCHITECT /oo-oO GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING & BUILDING NOTES: LECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMEING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. DATE / JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATTON: INSPECTION:MON TUES / WED-.' i'/I Ii -.. lnslEcnoN REeuEsr..1 i ilr ;: jlrf.,r ! TOWN OF VA|L lo..l . 1 ir) ,, .- I rCALLER THUR FRI RU'1 PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBII{G: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr* tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F.ryAL tr FINAL .- TIET1APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RE]NSPECT]ON REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE illKlr+JOB NAME rNs CTION TOWN OF -;a(" REQUEST VAIL TNSPECT.N: 4@ #rttt hsr"a d THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BU nl ol il Flbl EI trl n LDING: ooTrNc OUNDA RAMINC ooF&l LYWOO {SULAT PLUMBING:ilLl FO FO FR RC PL tNr SH OTINGS UNDATI AMING OF&SF rWOOD iULATIC EETROC ST N/ EEL STE .ING tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER roor .OUN rRAM tooF )LYW NSUT ;HEE' >t tol HE IN fN CK ER AI tr GAS PIPING)D Tto oc g POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n O FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o rs#tt tr FINAL //fuiftssvEo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB T#rrFlrrur-': STONE SHEET METAI.MECHANICAL, INC.llll South 9th Street GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501 Phone 242.5014 PROPOSAI SUEMIITED 'OThe Lodqe at Vail PHONE 476-501I lo^"on"r, *- roo. 5T ltEt I I74 E. Gore Creek Dr Kitchen Exhaust- Mndi fi nat i nncrTY, sTlTt ANO ZIP COOE Vail. colorado 91657 JO8 LOCAI|ON Vail. Colorado ARCHITTCT DAIE Of PIANS Attn: Michael Montao JO8 PHONT We hereby submit sp€cilications and eslimales lor: Modification of M.U. A. and exhaust system in the main kitchen per ol-an ano soec. stone sheetmetar-Mechanicalrlnc. would be wilring to perform all- worx required on plans on a time and material basis with costs not to exceeo the bid amount shown be1ow. 7_.-.-- Sf ffAyUlf hereby to lurnish material and labor - comptete in Thirty-four Thousand Two Hundred sixteen & accordance with above specifications. for the sum of: 00/r00----?otbrs ($34216.OO ). All rnalcri.l ia luaTantcad to b. ar a!.citi.d. Alt ro.l io ba corngbiad ia a rortmanlil.hrnncr accortlaa to rtrndaid 9ra(ticar. Any alttralion or davbtion t.orn .borra $racilica,liont involvini anra coati dlt b! aracli.d ontt upon writt.n ordc6. .nd wilt bccom. .n arlra charga orra. ard rbova lha .3timata. Att agraamcnb aontintant |,9o|r slriLs. aacl('ert!,ot dcLF bcyond our control. OrrE. to carry firc, lo.nado and olb.r n cars.Of inru.anc!. Ou. rort rt ara futt aovrrtd Dy tvortman'r CofiFnaatioo Inrur.rc.. 1ltixt! ?; -/6 Nole: This proposal may b€ wilhdrawn by u3 it not accepted within 5 days. Date ot Acceptlnce: 8[Itage No. I of I pages 70aa rra o.'ta-,|t raaa - rar .lrot^ro lulttta tarrEa, rc- taaoroi. tara. ar.tc JuIy 20, I9B4 Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Attention: Dick Duran Dear Sir; Encl-osed is the signed proposal for the modification of M.U.A. and exhaust system in the main kitchen. We will be in contact as things progress. MichaeL A. Montag Chief Enoineer 174 East Crore Creek f)rtre Vail, Colorado 8f657 3O3-476-5Of f Telex45-0375 LoO6c CQ y'atc U'3 (o Be 4a 1)^F.A4 G D 7,y'ae Af rc'q<' /" Oa.va aa SlQoe7otl*'t 7/ 7o Z/e '%rs7s. Dcep oa S/€€4 HeTec Be.o"< s - ?. 7t/e s;oFFlr dtar4 7y'€ *'aaatc1/ FrFrl Ft-'.,r floot'o ,?,f,, T':'fr3:?i'4:' 6aac'l'i74 t 3. 7/E 'c;;;;;-- tt rrte Coc€ A€ea oF Ttl€ TN t?o Fuao( 5{roLo T5 g frlAc c 7/ ReP.aeca ' 4. de Cetll'vl "" il€ c-.. e€ Aeqa o|.n::t sstouco -- S ceo'va fi{os€ fta'oca 8a rtv 4z aos ---/" 4'( e a/€7' f rle4ct'fuP *.' APP€< -/o E=; ift ^oy"!.7' z'y't 6aaco;". atzt/€4' sre € G rr/c o*4'€ 4era. Project Application projectName: f OD6l3 VA\L S\iv"r+' s": c-fr'4 t.'r ProiectDescriptton: 1 *c t{{2(. Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: /ct- t3- sJ Staff Approval Project Application f.o't3-.83 proiect Name: r"f^r f Tri 4 *. lJ .P '"i', S' j: fl I /Y{ i; 'i.L; T' iittrs ,I "Pro,ect Description: F\ . I contact person and rnon" l....t ir-t ,, Afi.i -,,-.^.-i os ti Cr.,,,tsi- i 1-, *r 5'J L,-r vr*; Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesar Description' r-o1 * e pO,* i't6fif Comments: Filing Zone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,/t s ./ v-Y-Approval lr - , Prolect Application t ' oate i; -/J- ^'''' Proiect Name: Proiect Description: ---i Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Filing , Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: taff Approval CONSTRUCTION PERMIT lmillriillZ j, department of conmlinity development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO June .|4, 1983 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE if..,, ltfiJ Enn E E E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION '"III 'U@ z. occuPANcY GRouP nee u rn@ DfvfsfoN Qzz"zt GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. zIt- f BUILOING 4,000 ELECTRICAL ,000 PLUMBING I ,000 New hot tub MECHANICAL 6,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES v M .| 2 ,000. 00 BUILDING PERMIT J1.5V 5Ri\n I $$ .\\s\ 5s PLAN CHECK tb. z5 ELECTRICAL 25 .00 NEW( ^) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REPATR(PLUMBING 10.00 DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL 60.00 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION F€E INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS B.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO .|0.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT wALLS I I I USE TAX 100_00 ROOF TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES AA? 7C M,^(@---k;/A€L-ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur IING ADMINISTRATOR DATE NING & BUILDING NOTES:SLASTING "o"*'*o I J I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to ths Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceIe.*?) 4t)s+un rt,<"r!:r;",*,t"{t!i.*;' g - fu d i'r.r-rj'ii e owNen. LEGAL DESC. JoBNAME: Lodge South Hot Tub ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Sullivan-Wood TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL ,,*u Ross Electric TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR r'ru Carl Gray-Victor Kin TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. Ur. prlni.rylv.il CONSTRUCTION PERMIT hrn'illiill!1 -(* department of comm\nity development' hm ntril TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ntr! nF E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r;::::LOT BLK FILING JoBNAME: Lodge South llot Tub OWNER MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,^u Srllivan-Wood TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO rELE 949-4143 Ft,-r.r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Lart {irav-vlcEor KlnneoFIRM - TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. ft.pnr||ry/varl .=Ja .l NOTE _ COPY OF ,lune l4 . DATE PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE I i;''.,r-'i q18 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv.v' 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP OE C ' '* M DIVISION .l 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. - z tr BUILDING I , rJu{/ ELECTRICAL PLUMBING I ,00c MECHANICAL 6,C00 TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES I ii-t l2,cOn.c0 BUILDING PERMIT * \..\ . '- ':! ,,! --\ t+- -\ \'.- PLAN CHECX ELECTRICAL 25.00 NEW(..) ALTERATION AODITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING 10.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL ii0.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS B.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD 10.0c CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT l Url .UU EXr. WALLS | |USE TAX I 00 .00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 443.75 . - r, ..rr3 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT JILDTNG oFFICIAL DATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ALASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: ,**. | | I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, io comply tirith all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design iY\*og'l*t'3' :'' ::t code and other ordinanoeslilhe Town appticable theteto. - -S Krw 1r lU*J(ea d srz'\) nl u;.?{SIGNATURE OF OWNEF OR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. /.7us sd--t;j,!J {trs, n DI\, 11 - t^ N) O -/41 (n s24e o.n CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanmsnt of community development TO 8E Ft LL EO OUT COMPLETELTII PNION TO TSSUET{C€OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D eurlor.tc n plul.latNc I erectRtcnL D FoUNDATtoNf r,recunrurcRl tl LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING ]a runue:ril OWNER NAME MAIL ADORESS CIIY PH ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRESS CITY PH. GET'iERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u j.u--'/rn l-- -e):''' ( TOtvN OF VArL REG. NO. rE-1?'^i?3h FtnM \ 'r '- - e,:-i TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PI,UI,,IBING CONTRACTOR TOV.,N OF VAIL REG NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F IRM Totryru or vat nEc. r.rdf' OTHE R CONTRACTOR FIRNI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO I ELE, OATE GENERAL OE I. TYPE OF CONSIR UCTTON I II III 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E :re 34 PERMIT NO. z F l EUItDING 6 '' *:l) E LECTRICAT 1 .i 1-\a-\ PLUMgING i L) -''' MECIIANICAL TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES/L rh/EUItOING PERMIT d'tol .5c2 PLAN CHECK 4f,. s-s ELECTRICAL J-<, DO NEW() ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAL() REPAIR()PLUMEING /O.ao OWELLTNG UNITS - ACCOMMODATTON UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECI-iANICAL /-o.od RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARO /O. e O rr-oon l-l--CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT /go. oo Exr.wALLS | | I - USE TAX /ea. o rt ADO IONAL PERMITS NEEDED: BLASTING TOTAL PERMIT FEES / q 3,>'-r :,:Y"','",k"{o OI'IING & BUTLDING NOTES -dri9-7-H _ 6/rbl_?z_ D^IE / t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the inlormalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation providod as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision ccldes, design review approved, Uniform Euilding Code and other ordinances of the Town appltcable tl)efeto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OTI CONTRACTO'] FOH 11ItitSELF ANIJ THE OWNER. ur..r.:rlU i d r lrl tl L-J CALLER TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL al ,--h lr .l tt4(- cr-1*- < DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME M9N z-., THUR . FRI r PMAM ./',. 4:,.n '--. /t / a l/' CORRECTIONS: LOCATION:-..J---a:r l -n ,:1 .: _f- ,...-,.,,-\ q/i- '/3 v j BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n K r,^o,tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR D ',.'. ) tr F|N/L tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , ti't' / 9'r( /DATE INSPECTOR rs/ty'z /* "k-,,7o o - 4*J , rov d..\' TRCA'i€A /et rtteo dttt?L t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAiL ,, /f.;r ,iDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR-FRI (- AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR * ^ a-.galg ( q' ,1"'l JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: rN#inoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL IUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr g ,tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL g$oucH / D.w.v. .q ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING d cns PTPTNG INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,.;,Ft APPROVED ',, GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO Lr.hrtlrdl 7 ''r' lll *iS"lt*d Weingardt Gonsultants ,,'. 4 August .l983 Warren Platner and Associates 18 Mitchell Drive New Haven, Conn. 06511 Attention: Mr. Ron Grantham Re: Lodge @ Vail Rr,rc #1906 Gentlemen: This is to summarize nreetjngs held with Mr. Mjchael McGee, Fire Marshall, and Mr. Steve Patterson, Building Official , of Vail on 29 July 1983 concerning the Wildflower restaurant addition. The purpose of both meetings was to establish fireproofing requirements of the structural members. The tone of the meeting with Mr. McGee was established by the fact that the Fire Department is very concerned about the fire safety of the building and also about the diffjculty of effectively fighting a fjre should one occur. They would like to see some reasonable effort taken during the remodeljng to improve the fire safety of the existing building. Specific items on the Wildflower addition pointed out by Mr. McGee during the meeting are as follows: 1. If the diagonal distance for exit requirements is measured to the east bay addition; the distance between exits may not meet code. 2. If exiting from the bar is revised, the allowable occupancy of this are will need review. Richard \lbinSa.dt Peter 0 Monroe oonald l-. 8erry William Ne{€ll James E. Rool 4OO Alamo Plats, l4ol Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 USA, {3O31 292-5722 I l^larren Platner and AsSociates Re: Lodge 0 Vail Page Two 4 August 1983 lll There is a general concern that the new area below the restaurant could be a storage area and poise afire hazard prior to finishing as rooms. The fire department will require rated doors and fire resistant temporary walls into this area to keep it secure. The roof construction on the add'ition must be C'l ass A. The steel colurnns must be protected. The fire department would like a lock box for the restaurant area on the east s.i de of the addition. 7. The fire departnent would like the existing dunrbwaiter shaft to be closed at the upper floor leve1 . In the meeting with Mr. Patterson a copy of the City of Vail roof ordinance was rece.i ved. Mr. Patterson stated the roof construction ordinance could be satisfied wjth fire resjstant drywa11, asbestosfelts, or fire resistant shakes. In both of the meetings it did not appear that the city officials were aware that the lodge is proceed'ing with plans to install a fire protection systenr. If they are complete enough to present to the City at this time, they would improve the cities attitude in review of the plans for the Wildflower addition. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, RICHARD l.lE I NC. Peter D. Monroe, P.E. Vice President PDM/ej cc:Thor Loberg (Lodge @ Vail) Mike McGee (Town of Va.i1) Steve Patterson (Town of Vail) 't. q Mr. Mr. Mr. CONSULTANTS, 5uLL\VAt{- +* #e ,n.r).1$"* -r"S,"L't= ^*O: \rJOoD C oNS-r/ 3s Co. 8lb5 7 z* b- RgD\"r66D ex6 YBaAT€D -s6lsT5 , -, - . ot{ Z, gG;OlCcS trlvo uvaS ReM0v Ar- otr o LD DecK- Ri-"iu*ce bacK- tv\ 5-rnur- GAS F \Re-'D 'F\or *fU e>/ F EtO cL lr{ Ar-.eq TA =r,,o*t';*'d'<vo A*"a Jov TH [$$" .+A Srt,f Q-\E N 0 c ook l97,pogt firsl c oursc ong lhc w.Et plol os Notlh 46? reods llnr Sgl"t)'v''r.'ro't q'tt'6 .i 20' f*==..: ; ,4trrf,Farting L7 Vett Ho"t1 ErtCt'tCct , Qu;l Claiae e lt ted{c Prof' z{'s?'r!aor{'E 2t.o o'> {prl O:v $'n 0 0 '{2lo'o9 11. ip o\t \JI \*\I [\I 8, r,$ N ,9' u2' r' c.oo' tt.ro t//i/i/r r?-:E/: //anlcr i -\t/ 'ls I oo I r' !o'€-y''\,/ gs.tf '.fOZ [ 4 o.O O' '/ / '5'd N c7.lt'6 ,s97" 4, // /. I( ^t t t t ^\Y/ h// | :r'r''1 *flo pup suollecs;aads .u^An ,, {orl ,o rori;u'," 1 eq1 bulrlnber Jsgpalaql uoJl lplclllo Ouipilnq eqi tuaaslrl .,...r lletls 4pp Jsrllo pug suogeollpeds 'sue1d uodn peseq llur-i::- l0 souensst sq1 'uollsolpsun! aq1 1o erueurpto leqlo Iur r.- r 0p03 sltll l0 suolsl^oJd aqr 1o r(ue J0 uouelot^ Aue ,10 |ertr' .) up J0 'Jol iluied e 0q ol pgnjlsuoc eq lou llprls suollp3!.ri-.:.:; pup supld 1o lenodd: .ro lluted e 1o 0urluer0 l0 ocupns$r e,il 'c'8.n z86r (c) 00e .gss llu.uad lo ^ltplle^ o n T'r T] r-rIJ A{J UEEH & u?ld D A sF8 palue! Pe oiddv . patudopmg .^llunuuoC llB lo u'rol t,t, t-' 467 rt0dl llnc //a'tfc,' recotdrd booh 197, Po9! ecord3 Th! f irtl coursl €Bl ll7.?O'olong lhr Wf rl . Shoun on Plol or Norlh ,4tr/.Parting '2'vl /t6.to eortngs shonn lor Lodgc South C Oo2't O" I romc ounl er- clocl ils t o\ \;si\,1 \\o ":,2J 6ndonvtuia oro rololed 6ur booring ooto. \ \F. b $' 11. \P ott. \) o \\ L utt (fer /4as/er Lca'e)CO '.tOOtvt5ou : ;- [2"J llue-, .l '' . Aea'a4- fre^'iQ'e " oFb^u*&-7 ,. -l-C c* rre* rC' ,t.loNt7.yt',6 i -\r/,? s to.t r'lo"€-,r''V J o.,t1r7z t a o,oo' .T €y2.ff,'. ./,/ '.rct" € f t--l-.-*.,.-' t'2' ll .----..r,',/ ,l 10 /,,,'iio o 'Pat rtrA u)AftL r-XtbTl}k ,.4*J \w tf ft1QH ^JY- 2!'*r+ -rr? R\L- {at' +*g stDrt{o 4{4 ?osrs 4'o'e- , --',ac(\{6 - 7-'.V '''t.E:t:'* TREAA€D, lot',5oPA TltBe Approvsd lenied Hsalth E B Flre tr tr Town of Vall Communfty Development Plan F tr Buildrn Validity of psrmit Sec.303 (c) 1982 U.t C. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT rrtment of communaty development TYPE OF PERMIT E eurLor.rc ExrlecrnrcRr-fI MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ]E trn LEGAL DESC. LOT TTnit 577 BLK_to-581- FILING Iodge @ Vail South 1JNAME: McCallan Renpdel OWNER runue Ber.nr llifcCa-ll,an MA.LADDRE'' 1100 W. Oolfax CITY TakF rood PH232-23{'|O ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 118-B plpy Ron Dney MAIL ADDRESS "ffiH?6i/3f -t- FIRM -R'€.-ffit*. MAILADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIt ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, DATE 4-L6-79 PROJECT NO.N--214 N9 211. T.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTTON (f rrr rV v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP eee Fr tG il DrvrsroN ( L)2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : lilove Interior l{alls PERMIT NO. z E - BUILDING q rrr| ELECTRICAT 800 PLUMBING 2,W MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 2 R-1 9.mo BUILDING PERMIT 57.@ PtAN CHECK ETECTRICAT 18.00 PLUM BING 15.OO MECHANICALNEW ALTERATION OT ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR () DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING .l RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.m TOTAL PERMIT FEES 190.@ '",/ZU/A IUDING OFFICIAL INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALTS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE NING AUMINI5I XAIUK UAIE NING NOTES: HEAT I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE ]'HAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY ID CONSTRUCTION, NANCES AND STATE ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR; IWOOD: VAIL WATER 8 SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERM IT tr T D nIn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT- BLK FILING J NAME: OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MA!LADDRESL CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F IRM MAIL ADDRESS .I?'^i?8h FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM i[AI L ADIIIESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH, DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BU ILD ING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BU ILDING PERM IT PLUMBING NFW() ALTERATION I ADDITIONALO REPAIRO RECREATION FEEACCOMMODATION UNITS -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN,UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR ONING NOTES: INSULATION R-VALUE FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPl,ICATION AND STATE THAT TIIE ABOVE TS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPT,Y WITII AI,L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS RECARDING BUILDINC CONSTR UCTIO!'i. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES; 1,' ,', ' r.rNsftnoN REouEsf TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,: I t i1:JOB NAME MON .'..:.-.'\TUES weo ( THUR., FRI---'.,, \-. .( i. r- i u._- READY FOR LOCATION: -.€T REINSPECTION REQUI RED CALLER ' - , r'..-1 l ,'I 'ir' - i., '- l, .,r-' .E"APPREYEO CORRECTIONS: BULDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR r! t,t { I i I I + SUulfVArJ- urJ6(.|r-' q; crrj'-]'' -EO-p'lS35 V Ar- Co, ttl{''5 7 lil!oLJeS -{) Li'r- \ {l rV-'F'i-, \: t..) cI'- o/n L+'o Reil0V Au' oF r " 1l,i'f ;Li\C|. \.;'c:.' lY\ 3TA\-t- C'rrt"' l-\clT -\"rJ (,., \ If."l A,C"r:Vl Lo I f,or^z 3 DEC\<- zt,b ftg5rrrooa LA TRerqrgl>'!t:t9f5. zxa :'i-;1 ilai"'* , DECI<. -fo Be- S'\vn'g aXTeRtoF'., tl€"rqeilg'rnlr A 5 €.ltfer'l''6 . dr- - .tf 7 Lb 5*$l lb I IrT 4 .. -+ I rrus*irfitrf;frffG" DATE TOWN OF VAIL <./ / INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR 0_ tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'I I I INSPECTOR nrr.hlltrv.I ,.,4-,rrfE"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. U ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION O GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B-ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ."-INSPECTOR o the rrusilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: OB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THU Ll# o" ( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSl.JLATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL I POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: lNsPEcroR .-f,'i:' **'* {'.J DATE READY FOR LOCATION: o NAME CALLER INSPECTION: La TUES FRI -,_'2-*i/,toa INSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION i i ,' t'- l\ g.".rri;",tr GAS PIPING tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;r'.< . :-" :,;:rd(: -.:r:rg!1,rr * r?'tl'il \..:-F:1* aaf { INS*TION REQUEST L.] ;l " ..4 iJ {..;TOWN OF VAIL oarc{-L-/ $- Jo8 NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(ruEs REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4S^ ,\ u# BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL GH / D,W.V. GH / WATERD FRAMING :: t"i tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o D FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .,.tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ., .. -.- '. ':DATE INSPECTOR