HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 PART OF TRACT B CORNICE BUILDING AKA DAVID SMITH BUILDING PERMITS LEGALo De sign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAII TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Cornice Building Project Description: ttj:ilJrffA::rlll$;;ry#Jf*ow (east elevation) and new pedestrian door with Ounrer, Address and Phone: Daniel Heard, dba the John H. Carter Company Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, CO 81657 467-0092 Project Street Address: 362 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: ,A Part of Tract B, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: 2101-08-227-003 BuildingName: Cornice Comments: Interior Conversion - approx. 210 square feet Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Staff Approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved as requested TownPlanner: MikeMollica Date: l0l2l97 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 F TEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAI,\g7\CORNICE.OO2 GENERAL INFORMATION -l-his irpplication is for any projcct rcqrriring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw ntust rcccivc Dcsign l{cvrcrv approval prior to subrrritting for a buiiriing pcrruit. I;or spccific infonrtation' scc thc submittal rcquircnrc.ts lor thc particular approval th:rt is rcquc.stcd. 'l'hc applicatiotl cannot bc acccptcd tlntil all thc rcquircd infornration is sLrbnrittcd. 'l'hc piojcct rrray also nccd ro bc rcvi$vcd by thc'folvn Council and/or thc Plannrng and Environrncnt:rl Conrrlrssror.r. Dcsign l{cvicrv Boarcl approval cxpircs onc )'car al'tcr llnal aJrprcl'al unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is $tar'tcd' Qucstions? C,l" I'lanning Staf-i at 'i79-212lj APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAI, for Single Family Res idence in a S.D.D. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQUIIS-| : construcLion of interior GRFA pursuant to Ordinance /J TOWNOFVAIL D. t-. Ir. C. u.LOCA'fION OF PI{OPOSAL: LOT:- IILOCK:FILINC:See attached Deed PHYSICAL ADDRESS: pApCEL g' 2l}l O8227 0O3 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWn-ER(S): John H. CarEer compnav' Inc., a Louisiana corporation MAII-TNGADDRESS: IqOSA Old p"tti"u no"a' PfroltlE: o\\'N ER(S) S I GN A'l'U RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT. Jay K. Peterson MAILINC ADDRIISS: l0B S. Frontase Road West Suite 204 Vail, Colorado B1657 pHONE: 070) 476-0092 I I. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O n- ov Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw buildittg. El Addition -$50 Inclutlcs afiy addition whcrc squarc fbotagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building. E Minor Altcration - $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcmcnts' such as' rcrooting. painting. windorv additions. lands<;aping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRII fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcnl1it, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvitl adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT TI{IS APPLICATION, ALL SUBNiTT.TAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COM]\,IUNITY DDVNI,OPMENTi75 SOUTH FRON'I'AGE ROAD' vAIL, cOl,oRADo 81657, MO I]UILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:r Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck ltails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enolosurcs Grccnhottscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting+ * Othcr + Plea.se specify the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting nrust mect thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54'050(J)' If extcrior lighting is proposed, plcasc intlicate th. nurnb., offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. facyifV each fixturc type and provide it'" h"ight uboue grade, lunrcns output, lurninous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures' tl Updatcd 5/97 f '**5lilW* o*{p,\b'y, -cr,mtr of lr',C : ,.'.? ot !otor:do. I tJ It O9q..'rllJ::t2 PAGE 9/ 16 i ii !; n of lha A r.culsllla lxirrihE u'dcr..d by vi.ru. of the r.sr or ihr !..a!e.rrt ffil lil;"u'";.*t u",l grant.... ,hotl tegrL .dlres, i!*iffi ffi. ff"'8,h0UIt)lEst€ltl, Th.t the 9rlntor, for and in...:id??.rriqh f, th, isi of rllo r,rl!tt0{ tEWu HUftoRE! I|tdJsAflD D0l.L R5 r.!tD ,]!/t00T.{s ts2, 700, c00 . 00 p.oprrt/, tog.th"r *irh ilrp.or.rirn13. if rry, .rrur:e, t"i.g "'"'","i ii-,i".rd st.ta ot Cotor.do, dcs(ribrd .r tottcHs: rs rorcvtr, rtl Otcariy ct EIG1E SES EqIBIT Afl:to+-o HEREIJ .i,\t-r n::! )E i{ Lr-c | :"lR!oF: .l3o loro'- t .!r.!r $d nurxr *: 'fp. B a )!ILL (ptr{ If \D, VAIIJ irlin. fl:L prgni:!t, lllth lho heredirei nii rfft r--,.rr.r,,:.,1 llcctagc.r :-J ,i!rg-3 i.-,r.:v rr. ,.,rrrr?-3 i!-,r.:v lr_ i , l,ii." t.gradt. brrg!iJl and rgre€ to InJ !iih tne girnrnr, ri, s/aa,?ir)r, 1!!iv.ry of tfiB! prrr.nr!, :rq i5 vptt :.i:ed ,r':rn -,.i.". "i ::ii;:#:l"llj:'"::::,:' :lo,:'j: l':-?::u,::,.j:' !;!*';;.i " ".i'i*.',n.i ", ,n; ,ili'ii ,ni'";;j,;;;';il 1 :ll?1-l':'ar.c : :on"qy!,r; r,r, s.i.l, .,J"r,'pe.ri:;.',;,.i;,:;; ,.J.i.iii6ti'.",i. ;iiil;i,;:.:: i:'l "''* 'r :hc D'?hiles At'( : :ons.v!'rr.h.r e'rd. r'ree, p';c:r. ,u'cruti a'6 i. D.rs.rn, reu .rd convsv rh. "*" ," "illj".ji',:::::'-:l:-l::- .'].'ieht t"rtt .*rt: .nr i,liur'",ir'iii,v-io i.n',,brrs.in, rett .hd convgy rh? sEn: in "orrlcr ""a-i,.,'".'0L,.,":c ; i;:; .i;':#":."'fJr;:'.i:::.;;:l:i,ti::lro\!!mr 9rtnt3, b:.g.ins, r.(ct, lier€. :.!es, r?reainlnt., on:, a:r:rncci-axi r€lii;:i.ih! of ,',hgievcr k1.J ({ n.iur. :fl: '1.:::.:.::1 irrn_as .Io'.!.:c. .,..,i (h.r the ,".. ..u ,;.;;r'.i;;;;;;:i,'i:'*. 1H0SE ITA4S SSr tu-!ilg EJffi 'ffi *iffi "T hTHPf g',j.$ &#',J,r*.'l^nl;? THE Y:i.iA i997,.}@ tiElglf, ;'l.D i'!JD ij3t,-trllJEr ll/ L{, F.rAD JAD Iht g!r"to' thr(l and urll !'/lPlrll ArlD FoirElEi ltrlr0 trra_lbi/r rr :,arneJ pr€rrr8.. :a !f? qJr.t a.J F.a.arble aoa6ec..ll.i.l lli,'lilllji 't3 iucc':t3o's 'rd r'.'i!ns. €esinit !ra "'; ".,1r' *i'L or per:.nr r.urur.ry crainir! !h. !,horrIh. iintltr. 'u'6er ihrt tto.tl, gcrd.r..ih? ptu..i, rh. ttlural th^ :t.:!(rla-. .nd th? ,rs. .f .ny g:njc, 3hrtt t. !pstico5tc lll ullll!Sl VNERE9T, The grrntor hai r).cur:. inrs,t!!d oI !fr .s!. srr to.t\ !b.v.- srarE oF cotcrlDo I il robry or i t'' I i!Th. lcrrgoing in3trn€n! ll!! rikno..Jtc.dged t:pi.rr n/- ?6 il is cj y -t .AUgUSt 2A, 199? ij,tr tFJt-*lS: !...:."I: : ii r': I i:i tly coirniation .xpi.?s: t!Uitn rs my h&d ;.d otttii.t i..t. i; 'I i'.i ti -[.i.r.., Fu6,:i--- rlf in O.ny.r, in:e.t ,,Ci!y $d, li ir! todn lo. IOIOCORP Ui.rrnry olod to . Cerpornrich ,hoiorr€A\ Rac...J F \fA?<Q4aq )<cr.ro IG€lX€R xirh alt :hd i;nwrEr rh:_l:i!l:i,rrir: z.d eDiJfi...:,:.?5 thc.,"uAro_t' t,rn_iin?, or in €..A:re aplert.rning, I'nc th' tc'/crsion "n<' rcv'fsi'tr3- r"t* irtjer sn. ir.''ir'ritr5. .!n,r riru.3 :nd prcfr:i trrr.eot; rn,l i1i ,i..,1"i., ,iot. 11. ti(t!, ifilt..Et, ct6in.nd d lri lhrlrc€.rer 01 :hn ?r€rtcr, erlir.r ,n i:, or eqrJil), cf, in arg !o rbc tboyo brrgrrnod. Elprgnr:lt, lltth lho heredirei nii lff1 i--.r.,...,,_., ' orv !o (.. ro4ro orrl l0 t-{lt j.fi T! !a ! .!i- -,1 :;::-:-::--:-=:=:::-:= -:= 1----..__-1 1?195T58?6? F,01 5EP-25-97 S3:S6 FH sEF,-r4-r99? 16:gE FRt}l GAFY EESSFIT D81,. CO.TE IJI F \it l.tfis ls iEIElLIt iii r{l il ii el [l il trOC r- +ii q LL*^ 7rt'c + f++ *2d I I s E TE H F E rdf,lF sErP-25-9? B5: ET Pr4 P. E5 sEP-?5-97 4, r-* csAJLaqF t rl TF {E FlEd 36 FEitrdW-. {t haa fi $7 Fxu s i'l|-| '-a / tr- l-\ E;.*rq. ot1t+St *^) T.' tnl$T "J';&{* $ troa' Frtfit*ca t{6.+{ F= { ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS : needed to develop the technical data for an environmental impact report includes the following natural systems and "; other studies: re\ Hydrologic conditions, zuch as surface drainage and ,'".-lwatershed characteristics, groundwater and soil permeability characteristics, natural water features and characteristics, and any potential changes or impacts; 2. Atmospheric conditions, such as ainhed characteristics, I )..' 3. potential emissions, and any ,impacts; Geologic conditions, zuch as lan-d characteristics, potentid hazards, changes or impacts; potential ctranges or forms, slope, soil and any potential fii$0d"fr,&q* @ Biotic conditions, such as vegetative characteristics, wildlife habitats, and any potential changes or impacts; Other envipnmental conditions, such as noise levels and odor characteristics, and any potential changes or impacts; Visual co.nditions, such as views and scenic vdues, and any potential changes, impacts, or marked contmsts; 7. Land use conditions, such as characteristics of uses,:' compatibility with officially approved land use and:' open space policies and objectives, and potentid r A. changes or impacts;,V' [8.\Circulation and transportation mnditions, nrch as' \-"rvolumes and traffic flow pattems, transit sewice needs, alternative transit systems, .and potential changes or impacts; 9- Population characteristics,' neighborhood patterns, residents or businesses, irnpacts. B. The environmental impact report shall summarize the findings and recommendations of the technical and other supporting studies in terms that can be assessed and evaluated by town officials and the generd public. Technicd data sha[ be submitted tts supporting' documentation. Technical data prepared as a part of any other procedure or requirement of this chapter, or of any ' other ordinance or federal, state or town regulation, also ). such as residential densities, potential displacement of and potential dtanges or ( \...-.457 (vril l0-t l) TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIIr, CO 8l.657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAN:T CONTRACTOR O$INER Occupancy: R1 T)pe Const,ruction: V ]--HR Type Occupdncf: (,.: /tc DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMI]N]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ar.,t MF BUrLD PERMIT permit, #: 800-0254 ,fob Address: 500 s FRONTAGE RD EAST Status..tocarion...: 500 s FRoNTAGE RD EAST (T.i\pplied. Parcel No..: 2101-081_-t-7-000 fssued.. Pro j ecL No. : PRJ 00 -0246 Ex;lires . ISSt]ED 09/27 /20Oo 09 /29 /20oO 03 /28 /2003. CLEARWATER SPA & PATIO P.O. BOX 571, EDWARDS, CO 8A632 CLEARWATER SPA & PATIO P_O- BOX 67L. EDWARDS, CO 81632 ITIREE A}TGLERS LTD 5OO S FRONTAGE RD EAST, VAIL, CO 81657 Description: I vv,f \'vl|ll|l. lJtslv. INSTAIL 2 HoT Tr,lBs AND EQUrp SHED(L SpA H/C AccEglean-up Deposit Refund TOV/Comm.Dev. Phone: 970-376-2563 Phone t 97Q-3'16-2563 Phone: 303 -476-86L0 Multi-Family Type V l--Hour approved amount date Add Sq Ft: *of cas Appliances:#Of Gas 11096:itof tiood/Pe11et: **r**rt!r******* FEE SIJMMARY *+*rr*r*rrr*r** Valuat,ion: Fireplaec Infoinati-on! Restriceed: I 41_, 000 R€sluaran! Plan R€wien- -> DRB Fee-------- R€cr€ation Fee----------> cl.ean-Up Depoait- -- -----> Bui.Idiog-----> Plan Check- -- > InveBtigaEion> will call----> Total calculaied Fee6- - - > Addicional Fees---------> Total Pefinits Fee--------> Palmenes------- 42't , OO 211 .58 .0{l 3.00 50 .00 .00 1r 007 .55 .00 1, O07 .55 TOTA! FEES----- ttr *J tt ** DepE: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO ,JRM- APPROVED DEPts : PLANNING DiViSi-ON: PLANS TO BILL G Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIIEMT 09 /.2'l /.2000 JRltl Actsion: NoTE09/29/2000 JP.IMI Action: APPRIIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEP.A,RI'I\{ENTO9/.27/2OOO JEM Action: NOTE09/27/2000 BGIBSON Action: APPRIt,CM: 0560O FIRE DEPARIT'iIENT 99/27/298Q JryL Action: APPR N/AlEem: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS09/27/2000 JRI4 Action: APPR N/A Deptr: FIRE Division: Dept, : PIIB WORK Division: ***J**ir***tr*!r* rrtrr rr. rr** r:| * ** t+**i*i.*irii J*rrtaatrl See Page 2 of t.his DocumenL for any conditions thats may apply to this permiE. I heleby acknotfedge Ehat I hawe read this application, filled out in full thc Lnfordacion required, coBpleced an accurate ploc plan, and stato lhac all the infontration providad as required i! correct- I agree !o colnply nith the iniotartion and plot plan, Eo cgrlltly itith al,l foitD ordinances and stsate lars, aad to build bhis sLructure according ro lhr Tonn's zoning and Bubdivision codes, design revier approwed, Uniform Building coda and other ordinancea of the lown applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHAI]L BE MA.DE TWENTY-FOIJ? HOIJRS IN ADI/ANCE BY senj clean-up Delrosir To: CLEAR !{ATER 'T.NATURE t"" oR coNTRAcroR FoR lrrMsELF A,.,D owNER ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS PermiE, #: 800-0264 as of 09/29/00 SEatus: ISSITED **************************************************************************:l***** Permit, Tyige: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Apptied: 09/2.1 /2oooApplicanE: CITEARWATER SPA & PATIO fssued: 09/29/2000970-376-2563 To ElEpj_re: 03/28/2OOL Job Address:Location: 500 S FROMfAGE RD EAST (rHE WREN)Parcel No: 2101--081-t-7-000 Descript,ion: INSTALL 2 HOT TT]BS AND EQUIP SHED(I SPA H/C ACCES) Conditions:]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO (5IECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.2. A]-,I, PENETRATIONS IN I'IAJ,I.,,S,CEIIJINGS,AIiTD FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FTRE MATERIAL.3. SMOI(E DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN Al-,L BEDROOMS AIID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF THE 1-997 IIBC.4. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUTRED BEFORE AI\TY WORK CAN BE STARTED. AppLrcATrolrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLSR ,N'TGNED Project #: Build'rng Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are for elec mrf0pvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Itljgbint, mechanical, etc..,k,gHContactAssssorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit-www.for PaFcel # Parcel #'-)-lDI-o& l- /-7-ooo rob Name: -t #€ il at 'l Job Address:For, 5. fi-ahee Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fiting:Subdivision: owners Name:o1gun) #ss J,Address:Phone: 4l l"-aa.f -r- ArchitecflDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Qetailed description of work:\- T,rtCla t (tr/e + At%*utt €au,/ + Ae-<-A- WorkCfass: New6-.{ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exteriorlr)f Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (y' Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Woodi Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) tNG:$ /$7 sd) TOTAL: S 4/. ooo REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. Ng.:Contact and Phone #'s: 3z g -z16 ******+******-!************+********i-***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********.*******^s**************r.*+** F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Cheklist must be nmpleted beforc a Building Permit aoolication is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or materaal storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Struitural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown L] a tr r_t tr o LI tr tr D IJ o D I fl a Applicant's Date of submittal: F:/everyone/Forms/bldpermz Received By: TOtrIVOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possibie. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Project Name: Date: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Signature &t4' lLJoo- oz*{t Town of Vail OFFICE COPY VDo rezby I t SPA PLAN 3/16n - 1f_0il @,w CLEAR WATER SPA & PATIO PoB 671 -IDwARDS, coLoRADo s70-376-2s63 - th€ hetght of th€ obstruc,tlon from the floor or ground is 34 in (865 mm) maximum, and - the depth of the obstruction is 24 in (610 mm) maximum. SeeFig, V.2.6.2. 4.3 Acctaslble Routo 4.3.1r General. Acces6ible routes shall comply with 4.3. 4.3.2 Components 4.3.2,1 Acceseible routes shall consist ol one or more of the following components: Walking sur- faces with a slops not steeper than 1:20, mafted croesings at vehicular ways, clear floor space at acceEsible €lements, access aisl€o, ramps, curb rampS end elevators. All components of an accessible route shall comply wlth the applicable portions ol this stan- dard. 4.3.3* Wldth. Clear width of an accessible route shall be 36 in (915 mm) minimum, except at doore (see 4.13.5). See Fig. B+.3.3(a). Clear width of the accesslble route with tums around an obstruction leEe than 48 in (1220 mm) wide shall have a clear space ot 42inby 48 in (1065 mm by 1220 mm) mlnimum. See Fig 4.3.3(b). 4.9,4'Passlng Space. An accessible route with a clear width less than 60 in (1525 mm) shail provide passing spgceo at intervals of 200 ft (61 m) maxi- mum. These passing spaces shall be eith€r a 60 in by 60 in ('1525 mm by 1525 mm) mtnimum space, or an int€rs€ction of two conldors or walks which provlde a T-shaped tuming space complying with 4.2,5. 4.3.5 Surlace Texture. Surfac€ textures of an ac. cessible route shall comply with 4.5. 4.9.6 Slope. Portions of an accessibls route with runnlng slopes steeper than 1;20 are remps and shall complywlth 4.8. The cross slope olan acces. siblo route shall not be steep€r than 1 :49. 4.3.7 Changec In Lsvel. Changes in tev€l along an accessible route shall comply with 4.S.2. 4.3.8 DooE. Doors thal are part of an accesslble route shall crmply with 4.13. 4.3.9'Egreas. AcceEeible routes seruing any ac- cessible space or elam€nl shall also serve as a means of egress for emergencies or connect to an acce8sible area of refuge. oABO/ANSI A1't7.1 -1992 for stairs and ramps 4.3,10.1 Handrails shall be provided on both sldee of stalrs and ramps. Excoption: Aisle stairs end aisls ramps provlded with a handrail oithsr at the Eide or within the aisle widlh. Handrails ehall be continuous withln the full length ol eaci etrair tlight or ramp run. Exception: Handrails in aisles E6ruing seating. hside or dogleg- stairs or ramps shall be between flights or runs. Se6 Fig. 84.3.1 comply with 4.3.11 and 4 Exception: Handrails ln seating. Top of gdpflng shall be 34 in (865 mm) minlmum (965 mm) maximum vertically above ramp surfaces. Handralls ehall be at height abovo stair nosings and ramp Clear space b€tween and wall shqll be 1 1i2 in (38 mm) minlmum. 4.3.10,6 Gripping surfaces shall be continuous, without interruption by newEl po6t6, oth€r con- struction olemenls, or obslrucitlons. Handrails shall have a circular crcas sec- tion with an outside diamater ol 1 114 in (32 mm) minimum and 2 in (51 mm) maxlmum, or shall pro- vide equivalent graspabllity In accordance wilh the following r6quirement. Handralls with othershapes shall be permitted provided thsy havs a perimeler dimension of 4 in (100 mm) minimum and 61/4 in (160 mm) maximum, and provided their largest cross-s€ction dimenslon is 2 114 in (57 mm) maxl- mum. 4.3,10.8 Handrails, and any wall or othor surfaceg adfacent to them, shall be free of any sharp or abrasive elements. Edges ehall have 1/8 in (3.2 mm) minimum radius. Handrails shall not rotate within their fit- tingB. 4.3.11' Handrall Exlenclonr. Handrails for stairs and ramps shall have extensions complylng with 4.3.11. Exception: Continuous handraile at the inside turn ol stairs and ramps. ehall oABO/ANS| A117.1-1992 mm) long minimum located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing. See Fig. 84.7.9(c). 4.7.11 lalends. Raised istands in crossings shall bo cut through level with the street or have curb ramps at both sides, and a level area 48 in (1220 mm) long mlnimum by 36 in (915 mm) wide mini. mum, in the part of the island intersected by the 8g. 84.7.9(a) and (b). La.s xlnorari"rtrp. wlth a rise greater than 6 in (150 mmlor h run greater than 72 in (1830 mm) Ehall have handrails complying with 4.3.10 and 4.3.11. 4.8.6* Croes Slope and Surfacer. Cross slope of ramp surfaces shall not be steeper than 1:48. Ramp surfaces shall comply with 4.5. 4.8.7 Edg€ Protecllon. Ramps and landings shalt have curbs, wsll8, or railings from traveling off the ramp or people or shall pro- trude 12 in (905 mm)the inside face of the railing. Curbs or (100 mm) high minimum. See 4.8.8 Outdoor Condltlone. approaches to them shall be water will not accumulate on 4.9 Stalrs 4.8.1'Gonelel. A slope steeper than .l :20 shEll be considered a ramp and shall comply with 4.g. 4.8.2* Slopc and Rlse. Ramps in new construc- tlon shall have a slope not steeper than .l:12. The rise for any ramp run shall be B0 In (Z60 mm) msxi- mum, See Fig. 84.8.2. Curb ramps and ramps constructed on existing sites or existing buildings or facllltles shall be permitted to have slopes and risas as Bhown in Table 4.8.2 provided space limi. tatlons prohibit use ot a 1:12 slope or less. 4.8.3 Clear Wlrlth. The clear width of a ramp shall ba36 in (915 mm) minimum. See Fig.84.8.6. 4.8.4 Landlngs. Ramps shail have levet lendings at bottom end top of each run^ Landings shall haie the followlng features: - landing width ehall be at least as wide as the Wdest ramp run leading to it. - landing length shail be 60 in (1S2S mm) minlmum cl€ar. -. remps that change direction at landings shall heve a 60 in by 60 in (1825 mm by iS2E mm) mlnlmum landing. - doorways located at a landing shall have an area in front of the doonray which shall com- plywlth 4.13.6. 4.9.1 General. Accessible stairs T'omnlV wlth 4,9. 4.5.2 Trcads and Rlsere ltlmcnslons. All stsps on a fllght ol steir€ shall hav6 uniform ris€r heights and uniform tread depth. Risere shall be 7 in (180 mm) maximum and 4 in (100 mm) high minimum. Treads shall be 11 in (280 mm) deep minimum, measured from riser ta riser. Soe Fig. 84.9,2.1, Open Rlserc. Open risers are not permitted. 4.9.3 Noslngs. Undercides of nosings shall not be ebrupt. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of tread shall be 1/2 in (13 mm) maximum, Fllsers shall be sloped or the underside of tho nosing shall have an angle of 80 degreas minimum from the horizonial, Nosings shall protrude 1 1/2 in (38 mm) maximum. See Fig. 84.5.2j. 4.9.4 Handralls. Stairs shall have handrails com- plying with 4.3.10 and 4.3.11. Table 4.8.2 - Allowable ?amp dlmenslons for constructlon In existlng BlteB, bulldlngs and facllltles Slopett llaxlmum Rlss Steoperthan 1:10 but notsteeperthan l:g Stoapsr than 1 :12 but not steeper than 1 ;10 3in 75mm 6 in 150 mm r) A elopg sleep6r than 1:8 shall not be p€rmitted. \a thefrynen ssociation A Resort Condominium Comrnunity August 17,2000 The Town of Vail To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to notify you that a unanimous decision was made by the Board of Directors of rhe wren Association, to have two hot tubs installed on the deck area near the swimming pool. should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you for your consideration ofthis project. Regards, General Manager The Wren Association oFiiitri'ftlpv tsot' oLbu l]6 . Voil, Colorodo 8i657 Fax:974 I 476-4103 5O0 Soufh Frontroge Rd., Suite Phone 97O I 476-@52 . is Miller, Attorney in Fact TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 #o*rrr*T oF coMMLrN,r" orurro|}*, FED SUMMARY +**t*.r*lal{at*t**'*'}'}'}*r.rtrlrr*.t.t*t'}**'r****.:rl.t...ta***r*:t Total Calculated Fees-> S57. oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCMrit #: EOO-0209 Job Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED L,ocation.....: 500 S FRONTAGE RD Applied. . : l0lt3l}00} ParcelNo...: 210108117000 Issued. .: l0il8l2000 ProjectNo : -lRdctO- 02y'/ Expires. .: 04116/200r OlilNER TIIREE ANGLERS LTD i.0/a3/2000 phone: 303-4?6-8610 5OO S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIIJ, CO 816s7 coD[tRAcToR BIG BEAR ELECTRTC, INC. l.0/t3/2000 phone: 970-190-922L P. O. BOX 4?4 IJEADVILLE, CO 80461- License:29I-E APPLICAIiflT BIG BEAR ELBCTRIC, INC. tO/L3/2OOA PhONC: 970^39O-922L P. O. BOX 4?4 IJEADVILLE, CO ,8 046r_ Desciption: install a 125 amp sub panel, wiring for 2 new hot hrbs Valuation: $2.500.00 Elecldcrl_> SS4.00 $0.00 10.00 s3.00 TOTALFEES-> S5?. OO Approvals:I€em: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPAXTMENf LO/1,7 /2OOO cd.avi s Action; AP Ilem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMI cond; 12 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA.IVCE. +:ittla+ttttti+r**r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required" completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarg to comply with all Towu ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip rwiew approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR 1NSPECTION SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTY"FOUR IIOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFF]CE FROM 8:OO AM . 5 PM. DRB Fee**-> Invesligation--.> Will Call---> Additiooal lces-> Total P€@it Fe6*--> Pal,merds- \ 557.00 BALANCE DUE_> S0 - 00 ApplrcAnl,rrl Nor BE AccEprED rF r'coMplioR uNsr mwvupyAn 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Project #:00 '641, *. Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2!49 ( Inspections) REC'D OCT 13 2000 Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above)llo I n(41 J-,/nt> ^'Y^,4rt/- r..tJre,r,:obAddres!,a 0 s- hJrrq n/ Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riling:SuMivision: owners nane;z7fr*)Noloxx li eddress:*O, =)r,,/rzal ll Phone: Engineer: - ll Address:Phone:? ttrff'il'jiT;u<lt powl t,/;r;n4^ r ru^t ut rill Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (/) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No @) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commerciat (p Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (Vl No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) wo ( 0)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) tlo (f,|) COMPLETE SQ, FEET FOR NEw BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town ofVail Reg. No.:and Phone #'s: *****************************-r*****FO R OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {.'r * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * !r r. :! * * Date Reeivd: I BF.ees:,' : : :AcceDted BY: F :/everyone/forms/elecperm 0 ft Tl TOWNOF tl Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spat require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required <7ry Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. HOW DID UUE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Forrest, Director, (970)47s.2139 Cfteck allthat appfies. 1. Which 0eparhrent(s)did you contact? Building _ Environmend _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB PEC Was your iniiial contact with our stafi imrnediate sl0w 0r no one avaiiable ? 4. .t Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_.-._......- lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirsttime to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ I'UA Please rate he performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabilig) Overall effectiveness of $e Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best lime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime b compleie this survey, We are commitbd b irproving our service- 7. 8. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 TMENT OF COMMI.JNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0130 Job Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 500 S FRONTAGE RD Applied. . : 10127/2000 Parcel No...: 210108117000 Issued . . : 1013112000 ProjectNo : pQ-TOO'OL'lt? Expires. .: 0412912001 OWNER THREE ANGLERS LTD L0/27/2000 Phone: 303-475-8610 5OO S FROI!'IAGE RD EAST vA,rL, co 6l-b f, / CONTRACTOR CI-,EARWATER SPA & PATIO LO/27/2000 Phone: 970-376-2563 P.O. BOX 671 mwARDS, CO 8163 2 License: l-48-M APPL,ICAI\fl| CLEjARWATER SP.a, & PATIO 10/21 /2000 Phone: 970-376-2563 P.O. BOX 571- EDWARDS, CO 8L632 o DEPAR o DEVELOPMENT Desciption: install spa equipment Valuation: $5,500.00 lireplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 go. oo Addirional Fees------> s3.00 BALANCE DL,IE-----> IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTME}IT L0l30/2000 JRM Action: AP It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 FIEI-,,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 coMBusrroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER sEc. 701 oF TrrE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701- OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 ITISTAI,IATTON MUST CONFORM TO II{ANTIFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 1-O OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 GAS APPLIA}ICES SHAI,IJ BE VEiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.806 OF THE 199? UMC, OR CIIAPTER I OF THE 1997 rMC. Mechanical-> 9120.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> Plan Check-> Invcstigation-> Will Call-> S3o. oo DRB Fee----------> 50 . oo TOTAL FEES-*-*----> $153 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $1s3 . 00 Paymotts----------> 9153.00 # ofcas Logsr 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *'i'i*:**t:!t:r*'!!i***********:*:*:*j*j*******'l'l***:*:******'*'**'r'****t*r** So.oo Total Calculaled l'ees--> S153.00 90.00 90.00 Cond: 29 ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CMPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE 199? I]II,IC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 BOILERS SHALL,, BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOUIi|:TTNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 PERMIT'PLANS AIID CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IIT MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond:30 DRAINAGE OF MECXIAIIICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATIIIG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED }IITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TIfr 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION r"004.6 0F TI|E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this structwe according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADU TWENTY.FOL]R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNETTJRE APPLrcArrtrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpr* oR UNsrG TotrN0Fwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Project #:6D -O LLI Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (lnspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:n Mechanical Room Dimensionsc Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationr Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationn Heat Loss Calcs,o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Contad Eagle County Assssorc Office at 97O-32g-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bfdg. permit # is Vr ll"':'(ilwN Job Address: f,oo E, FruJl' Lp Legal Description ll r_ot: ll abck: ll riting:SuMivision: ow ners r'tane: /F#, A il u I n dkt\ aaalffiW Engineer: ll nAaress:Phone: Detailed description of work:Jnt, JlA. e&qtP, Work Class: New ( ) nddition (t/) Rtterationl ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( r') Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances { ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) IsthisaconVerSionfromawoodburningfirep|acetoanE COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) MECHANICAL:$ [{oo I RE0D ocT 27i nical Contractor: fu n/**;r,-.,Pt Town of Vail Contact and Phone #'s: 6{CONTRACTOR **** * ******************* FOR OFFICE USE ONLy* x* *x* F: /everyone/form3/ mechperm *********+*t( r.., + rQ$Ie3 *\t $ ! +i i-F=r a.!it i== $+ i,-- n \lJ -J.\Ats 11" t g4' -+ I t.te l-'rt I--lr n. *. *-\ ^,,$3, t'J:\n L{[ \t":-l ^ l- r'$1\n ^ .,r{6 \-/ EIECT.I '$ffiry! i'rt'k) '...{n\l'iLry *(? 3n6" CLEAR WATER SPH-& PATIO POB 671 - EDWARDS. COLORADO 970-376-2563 tnstattation (contd.) a I t9 NOTE The heater reguires two uninterrupted air supply openings; one lor ventilalion and one to supply orygen for proper gas combustion.The air supply openings should be sized according to Tables 10. and 11. All All From lnslde Model Alr for Combuslton Sq. In. Air Ventllallon Sq. In, 150 150 150 195/200 2oo 200 2so 250 250 30()300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 Table 1O. All Alr From Outslde Mod€l Ar lor Coinlruston -'rEh. Ar \randldon Sg, In. 150 K"r)37 1951200 50 50 250 63 6€t 300 77 350 90 90 400 100 1()() Table 11. b) Construct a non-combustible base from masonry blocks as illustrated, see Figure 23. BASE FOR t,6€ Ot{ Co|€t EIlg..E FL@RS llOlIOW M S(t{ BY lfoo(s. NOT r-EgS T|l^ll,l'Tl.lcl( t! D wTB EI{OS I,{SEAEO IND JONIa MAICI€D cncu-AnoM. @\rEa Eloc|(s wlIH GA" {T'IJ GALVAI{EED STCET IEIAL Figure 23. ACAUTION Chemicals should not be stored near the heater installation. Combustion air can be contaminated by corrosive chemicalfumes which can void the wananty. STACKTYPE INDOOR DRAFT HOOD KIT The proper draft hood and adapter must be installed on the heater as shown below and on page 20: INSTALUTION ON FLOORS CONSTRUCTED OF COMBUSNBLE MATEHALS The heater may be placed on a "combustible floor" using either of the two methods listed below: a) Use Listed Factory Non-combustible Base Kit for use on combustible floors. Model Non-Combustible Base Kit 150 471389 195/200 471390 250 471391 300 471392 350 471393 ilo0 471394 Model Draft Hood Product No.Vent Dia. 150 DH15 ffin7 6 in. 195200 DH2O 46/}228 7 in. 250 DH25 ffi230 7 in. 300 DH30 460Z31 I in. 350 DH36 46@33 I in. 400 DH4O 4€p,234 10 in. TaHe 13.Table 12. Rev. D &10-99 Air supply reqairements below apnl! to all MiniMax heaters. includine PowerMax versi P/N 471048 Draft Hood Top Cor€r Adaptol INDOOR DRAFT HOOD INSTALIATION L Take out the louvered outer top piece after first removing the sheet metal screws, attaching it to the cabinet. 2. Install the adaptor (vent kit). 3. Install the top cover (vent kit). 4. Install the draft hood (vent kit). Use the provided screws to secure the vent assembly. Screw (2 PLc's) Frgure 24. ELECTRICAL, IID ELECTRONIC UNITS Tiansformer Wiring lnstructlon Electrical Rating 60Hz 50lffiHz l15 V.A.C. or 230 V.A.C. 208 V.A.C. or 240 V.A.C. NOTE lf any of the original wiring supplied with this heater must be replaced, installer must supply (No.18 AWG 105'C. U.L. approved AWM low energy stra4deQ copper wire or it's equivalent. In Canada: wires must be CSA approved. AWARNING The healer must be electrically grounded and bonded in accordance with localcodes or, in he absence of localcodes, with he latest national electrircal codes ANSINFPA No. 70. In Canada: CSA standard C22.1 CanadaElectrical Code Part I and./or local codes. Always use crimp type connectors when connecting two wires. This heater is equipped with a reversible junction box to allow line voltage to be wired from either side. 50160 llz mi lld ( Figure 26. It15V.,t fttAsE I I I I I b I I /7777 GND I II' I I I/7m GND Figure 25. P/N 471@8 Rev. D &1G99 l3 SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT NOTICE: These installation instructions are designed for use by qualified personnel only, trained especially for installation of this type of heating equipment and related components. Some states require installation and repair by licensed personnel. If this applies in your state, be sure your contractor bears the appropriate license. Outdoor installation - stackless Model "A" flim "B" f)im 150 17 7l8in.6/4in. 195/200 2o7l8in.9t/2 in. 250 23718in.121/zin. 300 26718in.15!kin. 350 29 7E in.18Vzin. 400 3i136 in.223l8in Table 3. Indoor installation - stack (USA only) Outdoor shelter installation (Canada) t-t-t- stoEvtEwFH)I|TYIEW DH. Outdoor installation - with vent kit Modd "A'Dlm "B'Dim uGu Dim "D'Dtm 150 17 718 in.61/t in.7Vain.39% in. 19t200 207l8in.91/z in,10 in.42Vrin, 250 23718in.121/z in.10 in.42%in. 300 ?s,7l8ln.151hin.1O1A in.43%in. 350 297iain.18!hin-13 in.4min. 400 33 3/8 in.2.318in.'t7 in.51% in. Table 4. Model 'A'Din 'B'Dim 'C' Dim ,D'DiM 'E. Dim 150 '177tsin.619 in.13 in.523Ain.{ein. ) 195200 20716in.7kin.13 in.53 7/B in.''76. n zJ7l8in.T,tln 13 h.537/8 in.7 in. 300 26 7iB in.8!6 in.13 in.55 in.8 in. 350 297l8in.th in.13 in.56 in.th. ,100 33 gg in.1ffiin.17 in.60# in.10 in. Tabl6 5. Fev- D &1G99 PtN 471048 L 2. 3. 4. lnstallation (contd.) WATER CONNECTI Reversible lnleUOutlet Connection The Minilvlax Plus heater is factory assembled with right side inlet/outlet water connections. The inlet/ outlet headercan be reversed for left side water connections without removing the heat exchanger. Reversing lVater Connections Disassembly Tools needed: l/4 in Nut Driver 9/16 in. Socket and V/rench ln n. &. 9116 in. Open Wrench Remove the inspection plates. Disconnect all wires from the high-limit switches except the short jumper wire. The exact order of the disconnection is not impor- tant. Disconnect the pressure switch wiring. Remove the temperature sensing bulb from the in/out header. Note: You may cut the wire bundle ties. Exchange the in/out header with the retum header. Replace the heat exchanger tube seals with new seals provided in the Quick-Flange AccessoryBag. 6. Install the temperature sensing bulb by passing the wires through the hole provided on the left side of the brace panel. Route wires through the support bracket. 7. Reconnect all the high limit wires. Reconnect the pressure switch wiring. Route the wires through the sarne hole as the thermostat sensor wires. 8. Reinstall the inspection plates. PLUMBING VALVES When any equipment is located below the surface of the pool or sp4 valves should be placed in the circulation piping system to isolate the equipment fromthe pool or spa. PLUMBING CONNECTIONS The MiniMa>< Plus hearer has the unique capability of direct schedule.l0 PVC plumbing connections. A Quick-Ftange has been included with the MiniMa:r Plus to insurc conformity with PurexTriton's recom- mended PVC plumbing procedure. Other plumbing connections can be used- The instnrctions on page 13 show methods for successfrrlly connecting plumbing to the inlet/outlet header, with the Quick-Flange. ACAUTION Before operating the heater on a new installation, turn on the circulation pump and bleed allthe air from the filter using the air rellef valve on lop of the filter. Water should flow freely through the heater. Do not operate the heater unless water in the pooV spa is at the proper level. MANUAL BY-PASS Where the flow rate exceeds the maximum 120 GPM, a manual bypass should be installed and adjusted. After adjustments are made, tlte valve handle should be removed to avoid tampering. tlodd illn.llar ' 150 n 120 195/mo N 1n 2fi 30 1N 3@ s0 1N 350 /|()1N 4(n /O 120 ' Do noa @ad lha rrdtun l.cdrli:r4drr rrb to. tr corrrdti! ptslE! Table 6. BELOW POOL INSTALLATION If the heater is below water level, the pressure switch must be adjusted. This adjustment must be done by a qualified service technician. 5. Check vahes are recornmended to prevent back ACAUTION Exercise care when installing chemicalfeeders so as to not allow back siphoning of chemical into the heater, filters or pump. P/N 471048 Rev. D &1G99 tpstattation (contd.) I I l5 WATER CONNECTIONS FOR1V2 & 2 in. SCHEDULE 40 PvC PIPE Plastic Bushing Figure 13.Gaskayslee\re Slip the 2 in. rubber gaskets over the plastic | ,",,, ..nr1 Nnp, naar{ rha nracrir. h'ehinnc* 3. Bolt the .,euick-Flange', to the header. I l. Insert pipe into the inleuoutlet openings of the | *Quick-Flange" 4. Use plumbers roll or medium grit sand paper and | * I:.Yjn. rulbel gasket (not.suPPli:d' Flange". Use the same method to clean tlre 2 in. I ptp". PVC pipe. The sand paper will break up any | 3. Bolt the "Quick-Flange" to the header. grcase or contaminant that may not be cleaned away with a primer. 5. Use 7ll PVC glue (or equivalent) and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Apply to the inlet opening of the "Quick-Flange". Do the same to the PVC pipe and quickly insert the prpe into the "Quick-Flange" and twist the pipe a l/4 turn. Do the same to the other opening of the "Quick-Flange". 6. For lYzin.PYC pipe installations, first ghrc a lVz in. X 2 in. sch 40 PVC bushing (not supplied or shoryr) !o the end of the pipe prior to giolng to I T"ilf,he"Quick-Fr-*" @ ;t ffi."(* Fioure 14. HEADER GASKEI/ F|-ANGE- stEEvE ReY. D &1G99 P/N 4710118 l. lnsertplastic sleeves into the "Quick-Flange" I inlet/outlet openings. I r,^-r-ENOTE :;:r^_::: r,r!,r ur\, t,r<u>uv I you "DO NOT"' need the pla$c bushiSleeVeS. r - NOTE I z. srip the rubber gaskets over the pipe, using the Tighten the bolts evenlyl Do not over tightenl I supplied 2 in. ruUUer gasket for 2 in. coppir pipe clean the inlet/outlet openingJof tne ..quick- | available from the factory) for the 1% in. copper QUICK-FLANGE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Each MiniMax Plus Quick-Flange Accessory Kit contains the following items: One (1) Quick-Flange unit Two (2) 2 in. Rubber gaskets Four (4) 3/8 Bolts Four (4) 3E in.Washers Two (2) Plastic sleeves Figure 15. E PVC PIPE FOR 1% & 2 in. COPPER PIPE lnstallation (contd.) GAS CONNECTIONS GAS LI N E I NSTALLAT'OA'S Before installing the gas line, be sure to check which gas the heater has been designed to burn. This is important because different types of gas require different gas pipe sizes. The rating plate on the heater will indicate which gas the heater is designed to burn. Table 7, shows which size pipe is required for the 'distance from the gas meter to the heater. The table is for natural gas at a specific gravity of.65 and propane at specific gravity of 1.5. When sizing gas lines, calculate three (3) additional feet ofstraight pipe for every elbow used. When installing the gas line, avoid getting dirt, grease or other foreign material in the pipe as this may cause damage to the gas valve, which may result in heater failure. The gas meter should be checked to make sure that it will supply enough gas to the heater and any other appliances that may be used on the same meler. The gas line from the meter will usually be of a larger size than the gas valve supplied with the heater. Therefore a reduction ofthe connecting gas pipe will be nec€ssary. Make this reduction as close to the heater as possible. The heater and any other gas appliances must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing on that system, (greater that % PSIG). The heater and its gas connection must be leak tested before placing the heater in operation. Do not use flame to test the gas line. Use soapy water or another nonflammable method. A manual maiu shut-offvalve must be installed externally to the heater. AWARNING Do not installthe gas line union inside the heater cablnet This will void your waranty. l. 2. 3. 4. ). 6. 7. R EG ULATED M ANI F O LD PFESSUFE TEST Attach the manometer to the heater jacket. Shut off the main gas valve. Remove l/8 in. NPT plug on the outlet side of the valve and screw in the fitting from the manonpter kit. Connect the manometer hose to the fitting. Fire the heater. The manometer must read 4 in. WC for natural gas, ll in- WC for propane gas, while the heater is operating. For adjustment, remove the Regulator Adjustment Cap and using a screwdriver tum the screw clock- wise to increase - counterclockwise to decrcase gas pressurc. Figure 16. Figure 17. ACAUTION The use of Flexible Connectors (FLEX) ls NOT Bcommended as they cause high gas pressure drcps. MINIM AX PLUS GAS PBESSUBE REQUIBEMENIS- Maximum inlet gas pressure Minimum inlet gas pressure Normal manifold pressLrre " 6 WC for 400 model Natural Propane 10 in. WC-'5 in. WC 4 in. WC 14 in. WC 12 in. WC 11 in. WC 'Al Readngs re talcn wih the hcdr fircd. Any adiustmrts n* wlth |te# ofl will gitre incorar rcadngs Table L Pipe Sized For Length Of Run ln Equivalent Feet rable 7. Model 150 195/2(x) 250 300 350 r+{ro 1E ln.3/4 ln I ln.1Vt in.l1rttn.2ln. Nat LP Nat LP Nat LP Nat LP Nat LP Net LP 1()'$',5()'150'150'600' &'30'80'125'2',450'600' '| o'20'50'70'l so'25()'50()'600' 10'30'5()'I OO',200'35()'rld)'6(x)' to 20'30'?o'125'25o.250'500'500' 10'20 @'100'150'2010'450'400' P/N 471048 Rev. D &1G99 Instattation (contd) e O L7 VENTILATION OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ONLY (See additional instructions for outdoor Power- Max unils in PowerMax Appendix) For outdoor installation with built in vent top, the heater must be placed in a suitable area on a level, noncombus- tible surface. Do not install the heater under an overhang with clearances less than 3 feet from the top of the heater. The area under an overhang must be open on three sides. IMPORTANT! In an outdoor Installation it is important to protect your heater fiom water damage. Ensure waler is diyerled lrom overhanging eves with a proper gufter/ drainage system.The heater must be set on a level toundation for proper rain dralnage. Maintain minimum clearances as indicated below. Install a minimum of 5 feet below and 4 feet horizontallv from any opening to a building. The heater should not be installed closer than 6 inches to any fences, walls or shrubs at any side or back, nor closer than 18 inches at the plumbing side. A minimum clearance of 24 inches must be maintained at the front of the heater. Figure 18. When locating the heater, conslder that high winds can roll over or deflect off adiacent buildings and walls. Normally, placing the heater at least three feet from any wall will minimlze downdraft. Unusually high prevailing wind condilions and downdmfis nay reqube the use of a stuck type oatdoor vent kil (available at additional cost). NOTE This unit shall not be operated outdoors at temperatures below 0o E for propane and -ztr F. for natural gas. STACKWPE OUTDOOR VENT KIT tlo{hl Vbnt Cap Pmducl ltlo.Vont Dia 150 o/15 4ffi2I7 6h. 195/200 o/20 M 7in m @5 tffim 7 in. 300 w30 4W?24 I in. 350 cv35 4W225 9in 400 o/40 4M 10 in. ?o*""* Table 9. grnnsrPanel <|!$;;; ru€corredora Figure | 9. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. €tr: OUTDOOR VENT CAP INSTALIATION The MiniMax Plus heater is shipped standard as an outdoor stackless unit. To install the outdoor vent kit: l. Take out the louvered outer top after first removing all l/4 in. sheet metal screws attaching it along its perimeter to the cabinet. Set it aside. Place the flue adaptor over the flue collector opening. Temporarily, put the top cover, from the kit, on with the label to the front of the heater. Center the flue adaptor evenly inside the top cover flue stack opening. Remove the top cover and secure the centered flue adaptor to the inner panel with the provided #8 x ll2 in. drill qwik screws. Place the top cover, with the hole for the stack, on the heater cabinet. Install the vent stack through the hole in the top cover, over the flue adaptor top ring- Using a 3132in. drill bit, position the 'L'bracket to hold the top cover and outdoor stack. Drill the pilot holes through the "L'bracket holes to accept the screws. Secure the vent stack and the inner top with the #8 x ll4 in. sheet metal screws through the "L' brackets. Figure 20. Rev. D &1G99 P/N 471048 lnstallation (contd.) ,NDOOR TNSTAUAnON USA ONLV 0IIIDOOR SHELTER TNSTAILAilON pAN ADA) (See additional instructions for outdoor PowerMax units in PowerMur Appendix) All products of combustion and vent gases must be completely removed to the outside atmosphere through a vent pipe which is connected to the draft hood. A vent pipe extension of the same size must be connected to the draft hood and extended at least 2 feet higher than highest point of the roof within a 10 foot horizontal radius, and at least 3 ft. higher than the point at which it passes through the roof, or as permitted by local code; see Figures 2l and,22.The vent should terminate with an approved vent cap (weather cap) for protection against rain or blockage by snow. Double-wall vent pipe and an approved roofjack shall be employed through the roof penetration. The use of double-walled type B vent pipe is recommended. The draft hood must be installed so as to be in the same atmospheric pressure zone as the combustion air inlet to the pool heater. The certified (factory) draft hood must not be modified in any way and must be employed in every indoor installation (with the exception of the PowerMax units). The heater must be located as close as practical to a chimney or gas vent. The heater should be installed at least 5 feet away from the pool or spa. The heater must be placed in a suitable room on a non-combustible floor or on a non-combustible base and in an area where leakage from heat exchanger or water connections will not result in damage to the are adjacent to the heater or the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain pan with adequate drainage, be installed under the heater. The pan must not restrict air flow. P/N 471(}48 Installations in basements, garages, or underground structures where flammable liquids may be stored must have the heater elevated l8 inches from the floor using a non-combustible base. The following minimum clearances from combustible materials must be provided. Water Connection 18 in. 24in. Remaining Ceiling Cleararrce 36 in.' 'To cefling or roof. Verl brmimled at leasl 24 in. abov6 any obiect wilhin 1 0 ft Figure 21. Frgute2.. ToP 6 in. R€v. D &1G99 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMT Pemrit #: P00-0129 Job Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 500 S FRONTAGE RD (WREN) Applied . . : 10/30/2000 Parcel No...: 210108117000 Issued. . : 11107/2000 ProjectNo ' ?(SOD -QttA Expires. .: o5/o5l2oor OIINER TIIREE ANGLERS LTD L0/30/2000 Phone: 303-476-8510 5OO S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIIJ. CO 8L657 COIiTTRA TOR PEAK I PI-,I]MBTNG & HE,ATING LLLO/3O/2OOO P}rone: 970-926-8137 P.O.BOX 963 EDWARDS, CO 0026 MII,I-,ERS LOOP 8L632 License z 265-P APPLICAIflI PEAK I PI-,IIMBING & HEATING LT'L0/30/2000 Phone: 970-926-8L31 P.O.BOX 963 ED}IARDS, CO 0026 Mrr-,r.,ERs r-,ooP 8L632 Desciption: INSTALL DRAINS FOR SPAS Valuation: $3.200.00 Firoplaoe lnformation: R€slrioted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ??# of cas lnss: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE ST'MMARYPlumbing-> S50 . 00 Restuaf,ant Plan Revi€w-> Plan Chec*-> S1S . 00 DRB Fee----------> o DEVELOPMENT $0. 00 Total Calculaled Fees--> S78 .00 50.00 AdditianalF€€s-->90 .00 lnvGtigdion-> will ca[->$3.00 978.00 90.00BALA}ICE DttE.__> Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/30,/2000 .tRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIEIJD I}ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'TANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan" and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plalL to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and otho ordinancas of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIIR HOT]RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 PM. So.oo TOTAL FEES--> S?E.oo Total Permit Fee-> 578.00 AppucAnlwrll Nor BE AccEprED ,r r*.on "t o* NVNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) ConAct Aswsrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel S Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # Job l,larne: !r.r(fF,JobAddress: 5oo S, Fro.,hq. (ZJ, Lesal Description ll r-ot: ll nncr: ll ritins'Subdivision: Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: ^ A^o"o""oHlTt$r*"'1il.",*., 4 ;o * s(ftg T WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) Atterarion( ) Repair( ) other( ) lI' TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y()DUp|ex()uutti-ra'itv No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Rclbil lft* in this buitdins: Is this a conversion from a wood burning Rreplac- COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMITTbbOT & MAtCTIAIS PLUMBINGI $ZDo *.********** * * * *** *** * * *** ** *** *** ***** *FOR OFFICE USE ONL F/everyonefforms/pl mbperm REPT131 F,un Id: 275 12-14-2OAO Inspection Request Reporting Page 38'11am Vait Co'-Cify0f - A/P/D htfrrrttdion Status: lS'SUEO InsD Area: JRM 97t 37e2583 JUJ-+ t O-OO tU67n',l7c':tcl Roquestod trrsp€ctlonlsl [am: 30 g!-Oc-Flnal Reetrerlrx: JOE Corfinents: WILL CALL Assigned To: CDAVIS Aatron: lnsot{lon lllstorv 510 drive$av orsde final 520 PLAN-|IC Sile Plan Comments: Item: Itcm: hem: Itrai t. Recuesled Tlma: 08:lXl lrll' Phone: 37e2563 Ertcrcd By: JMONDRAGON K ft a ll'l Itam: Item: Item: llam:Jw llem: Ittxi r. Item: Item: ItsYl: Item: Item: |lEt[. 50 OU 7rt 90 BLOCKJ}IG AS hnnk r tn ons hicai trri5r.-tiibu o^rfiT , Af/(nfri| { g Requested lnspoct Dato: Thursday, DocanD€r 14, 2uxl' Assliurpd Tu: CDAJIS -- lnsooctlin Tvoe: ELDG lnr'pection ll.-ea: JRS Sla Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD EAST vflL 5OO S FRONTAGE RD EAST {THE V{RENI AMF V 1.HR Time Exp: Item Conn-leliti': ffiITE{!ffiF2-3ets of tpnirails, r,jeatFEiirr ros-'l-where DWV verrt t'iDe perrctr€ spjl h_e{tgr & tinalize, stqrt !p both heaters, etc. Wif, also need mechdnicslfinal, t{.Jd retuirrs ts 2 gets of handrails. weathei irr rool wtEre DWV ver[ pipe perEtrales, hook ier gras pipiru to ot-e gjcq healgr I fineli?e, start up both heaters, etc. Wi$ also need mechanicalfinal, t 00 0130 S Pfumtiing final, F0[L0129. mcchanrcal TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev, amount Clean-up Depgsit Refund aPProved )<11- arnn'nf P.L<A, Job Address: DEPART14ENT OF THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO'JECT TITITE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 362 VAIL VALLEY DR 362 VAIL VALLEY DR 2L01,-082-27-003 ---rocaE,ion...: *I?-\O c earce1 No..:- Pro-i ect No. :: Bqilding-----> Plan (treck--- > InverLigation> will caII- - -- > RestuaranL Plan Revieia-- > Recreat,i.on Fce--- -- -- -- -> Clcan-Ulr Dcposi.g- - - - - -- - > Total calculabed Fees-- - > Additional. Fees---------> Total Perrrit Fee-- - - Pa).mengs - - - _ - _ - 371.00 .o0 3 .00 915.15 . oo 915.15 945.15 .00 50.00 .00 250 .00 TOTAIJ FEES----- 915. Ls ;IAN.B DrrE--------- > .oo rrrr*rrirtt***, *tr*rrrrrrrtr*, ****t********** *********** * * * ** * * * ** t** titt i*r1* * * *,rtt*t*r t*r* See Page 2 of this Document for any condj-tions that may apply to this per,mit,. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby aeknonl,cdge that I have read this applicaeloh, fl116d outs tn full fhe infonnacion required, coBlpleted atr accurate plot Fl.an, and state that all the informagi.on provLd€d ae required iE correct. r aEre6 Lo comply iritsh the infoanation and plot plan, to conply with all To!.n ordinances and sta!6 laue, and Eo build thiE etruct'ur€ according Uo lhe Town's zoning aid aubdiviaion codes, design reviett apptoved, Uniforn Building code and ouher ordioanceB of the ?own applicablc Ehereto. REQUESTS FOR ]NSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE T9IEN'TY-FOUR HOIJT,S IN AD\ANCE 3Y TEIJEPHONE IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/27/2ooo KATlry AcEion: AppR ITCM: O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTTqEI{T 04/27/2OOO KATHY AcEion: APPR ]IEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/27/2000 KATIIY AcEion: APPR Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/27/2000 KATHY AcLion: AppR Dept: BUILDING APPR-VERBAL PER GIARIIE DEBT: PLANNING PI,ANNER SIGN OFF BY ANN Dept: FIRE N/A DepL: PUB WORK N/A Diwision: Diwisi.on: Diwision: Di-vision: OtR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM €end Clean-Up Deposit To: GoLD sTAl ROOFING date APPLICAI\ff GOLDSTAR ROOFING Phone: 970-328-7224 PO Box 427-0, E.AGLE,CO 81_631 coIvrRAeToR GoLDSTAR ROOFING phonez 970-328-7224 PO Box 42L0, EAGLE,CO 81631OWNER CAGAN DENNIS & ANGETIA Phone: 805-696-66'77 4444 VIA ALEGRE, SA}ITA BARBARA, CA 93]-102304 Description:REPT,ACE COMPOSTTE SIJATE To REAL SlNumberTofODwelling units: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted Val-uation: 33,000 Fi.repl.ace InforEation: Restricted: YES *Of Ga6 Appliance6:*of Gas r.ogs:*of wood/Patlet: FEB 9g!44ARY ltrc c.t ,t^t-- iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permj-t #: 800-0071 SLatus...: ISSITED App1ied..: 04/27/2000Issued...: 05/oL/2ooo Expi-res . . I L0/28/2ooo OIJNER OR CoNTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWI{CR .'o PAGE 2 ************************Jr*********************f********************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PermiE #: 800-0071 as of 05/OL/00 SLatus: ISSIIED * * * f * * * * * ***** * ***** ** ** * * t * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** **** * ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * PermiE, Tlpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/27/2OOOApplicant: GoLDSTAR ROOFING Issued: 05/0L/2000 Job Address: 362 VAfL VALLEY DR I.,,ocaLion: 352 VAIL VALLEY DRParcel No: 2101-082-27-003 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. TIIERE 15 NO PARKING OR STAGING OF T,JIATERIALS ALLOWED IN THE RIGITT OF WAY. Ootor"orroN wrLL Nor BE o"arrrOrr rNcoMpLETE oR 'NSTGNED Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (I nspecti ons) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mecha4ic.Al,, etc.!- 'wino NWN0FVtn 75 S..Frontage Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 ConbLt Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or vbit for Parcel # Parcel #2rol- DBZ.D-'l- oo3 rob Address: ?vLrl*, | 'u*t L Jr Lesal Description ll rot, ll arJ.r., .ll nrnn,Subdivision: owners Name: be'rnis oa-tan Address: g6L Jq-r.O*hu Ju ll ehone:8os- td*-uu77 Architect/Designer:oootutt'c14ug t/.. A\.hra Phone: Engineer:Address: Sq,"*t B""rur.r"^ ecr.lhene: zrqgilg -z_Sorl Detailed description of work: {t pfa.,q.n.ttKb&-tr f,hrntto J-o QurrrE WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repairlf Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ([f Borh ( .1 Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlefamiiy fQ two-family ( ) Multi-Pamity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances 6?) cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes fp1 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) \6 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (Labor & Materials) q\6 BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: s,33^ 6?110- da PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ REFUNDCLEANUPDEPoSITTo: Qp.O SFArz. 2Ulpr*rc- General Contracton sre€, eaocrt\>q Contractor Signature: ***tr**+*******************'t**********^-*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****'r****r.*************************-r F :/everyone/forms/bld gperm APR e 1 2000 ffdffi#t *ryl,Ht*Hpo*t t*"0 *$**ffi*: Hfl6v'*y08,200tln|D.cfrhTlro! EIDGInsi,|odonl[i.: CDSlLrvfitrr.r: S2VALVALTST DR vAn-tfilvll|.vAL[-eYDn AFDlnfonnrlbn &f!rfy: BqXnTt Cot?rLTypa: ShiDd: ADorc.ntcdlndcOilrt:Dr*'|fon: nrctrrfilmffirl Snblloe: ASFRtftr vN SIIO* FSITED[l|p^rr: CD tlnr: e0 8to€+|ndr*n OOI"OSTARRC xlTo: CDAW} RoqmtdTlmr: 6:fi)lt- Pfur: 9'lO.gE1ZHEnhrd* LCAFAEI.I KTlil$qr lnr!.G{ont{.bil hm: O ll'-Hlfrurhobm: 50 Eu)ehuhffinhr 00 EtrF.shffic*tt|rhtu ?O ELIIO-l{rc.lar $ A,DO.Fhd TyDe: &g.il.D occrpd*]y Ftom: 9?D&18.7414 Plmnr: sl&fi&72?4Flm: GS€677 TOREAT SLAIE+{AT.@LOR RoOfiloflonr J--w\,l?Iuf\; TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGEVAIL, CO 81657970-479-2L38 ALL TIMES 897-038 7 DR DR Status. . .Applied.. fssued. . .Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OVINER TOV/Com Dev.D-escriprion: clean-up DrNrERroR cowERsroN (210SF) approved naar.--- --- {3:::p:::I:_.._-.^_ -13-_ sinsle Family Residenc-eamount* --zs/,1 Phone z 926-4026 Phone:926-4026 Valuation: B0r0O0 Add Sq Ft: 195 Flrcptacc Inforlation: Restricted: Y fof Gas Apptiancca: r flof Gaa Logs: #of t{ood/pa t r,.t: t DEPART!{ENT OF COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMEN?ROAD NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ADD/ALT SrR surlo PERMTT Perrnit #: .- .Tob Addreee: 362 VAIL VAILETLocari.on. ..t 362 vaff, VaiievParcel No. . : 2IOL_OB2_22_Oo3Project No. : pR,J97_O2L6 GARY BOSSOW DEVELOPMENTP_O BOx 5055, VAIL CO 81658GARY BOSSOW DEVELOPMENTP O BOX 5055, VAIL CO 81658SMITH CHARLES DAVIDPO BOX 8227 t ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 YYYsrstt\,r. Ks Single Family Residenc-elmount JSo, "-',rype conetruction: v N rilE-; Non_nlred - d;; ' ,/ /4. ****r*ffi**t**f*t****il**r**r********t****t****r***r*****f,* FEE SUllllARy *fi*t**t***ff,f,r*i******ft**r****r*f,******i*r****t*****ti**Eui tding---> 619.99 n*.""."ii"pi." Rcvi.rF_> .(tr Totat catcutated Fees__> 1.4@.10P(on chcck-> 416.c[r ;ia-;;;_:_::-:rnv.stlgrtiorD _.gg i"."""ii* Fc*_____) .oo Totat pepnit Fee________> 1r4o9,1ot,tttcatt-->s.ooiii?Fii]F;.--_'25o.ooPaynents_--------_-_-> kr***r****r******rh***r*********r**Illfl!-lt:l*;;;;:?.*^-Ll*19. .. .. . .94!nncr DuE--------> .oo : lSSUEDz I0/2L/tee',: Ll/za/:.9s:r 04/22/t99t Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE Dept,: pUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Divisi.on: E*iilflrfrooi$$:' : BUTLDTNG I%ftlriiffi$i;+lt+nmi*N/A N/A 2 of thie Document forSee Page l ' hcreby acknovl'cdge th"t l-h?y: rcad.this application, fitted out in fuLt the intormation nequired, corpt eted anprtn' and statc th't "tt tl.t-illg|ryti""-p"iliiJ-Ji-riqri..a.ii.o;;.;;:'i".gr;".. corp(y vith the inrornationto cmPl'y,ith at'l' ror'n ordinances -and stltc tir", ini do uiro trris siructur]"iiiorctng to thr Tom,s zonino andcodes' dcsign rcvicv appfovad, unitori iliiiiiJ"iiol'ind other ordrnances of the Torrn appr.icab[e thereto. REAUESTg FOR TiISPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIE}ITY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AI L7g-)11A^i, .? ^IID any ,conditj.ons that may apply to thiE perrnit. DECLARATIONS accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR Send Ctcan-lh oeposlt To: BOsSOt, DEV 'r REtrT131 o AElLTl9€ tZIB:I5 REAUHSTS FNR INSPECTIT]N I{T]RK SHEETS FOR: 3/11/9S F,AGE AREA: {";t) Activityl 897*ff3€7 3/11/94 Typel A-BUILD Status: IS.$UED f,orrstr: ASFR Addt.EES! 36;: VAIL VALLEY DRLocation: 36t VAII- URLLEY DR Pareel I Et€r1-rZr$fl*e7-.fi43Descriptionr INTERIOR CONUERSION tElOSF)Hpplieantr Ef,FY EUSSOhf DEVELOF,MENT Owner: SHITH CHARLES DAUID Contracto|.! 6ARY BOSSO[^| IIEUELOFMENT TB[^'N 0F VAILf COL0RADO Oce l Fhone:916-4O36 F,hone: Fhone:916-4O16 [.lse: V N lnspeet ion Request Inf or-mat ion. . . . .'Requertor! KEVIN BOSS0[,J F,honer 545-9759 Req Tinet EB:OO Conrmerrts: KEVIN./748-85001 / LA-TE Atvl IN$FECTIONItens requested to be Inspected... Aetien Comments T i me Ex oo5,46 BLDE-FinaI C/u Inepeetion Histol.y. . . . . Item: AOtaSra HLDG-Fr.arr ing Ae/Pt4/$& Inspector: CD Notes: ACUE$S T0 BOILER RtltlM 1991 UMC SEtr 7UI4_ITEM Aetionr AtrCR SEE NOTEST NOT RLLOHED THRU A BEDROtrM trER 5 RECTIFY BY TIME OF BCCUPANCY Iten : 06OFE BLDG-Insr-rlat ion @E/U4/98 InEpector: CD Actionl AFtrR flF,FROUED Item r OAC|6tA BLDB*S}reetrock Nai I @E/@9/99 Insnectov.r CD Action: FtrtrR APF,ROUED,/CORRECTTON READNotes: REFTUVE GREEN BOARD FROM trEILINC. NOT ALLOI^IED F,ER 1991 UBf, sEC. 4719.'3Item: la0080 * * Not On File * * It em; O0laTta BLD6-Mi sc.' ile/V9/98 Inspector: CD Action: NO $EE NOTE$: Notesr Ft LETTER HAS BEEN trROVIDED FROM THE nilNER'5 AFENT STATING THAT flDDITIONAL SF.ffCE BEIN6 CONSTRUCTED WILL NOT BE USED R BEDROOM AND THE INTENT ilAs TO NEVER UsE A5 A BEDRtrT]M., THE ACCESS POINT TO THE MECHANICAL RNOH WILL, NOT HRVE TB MT]DIFIED BASED ON THIB INFORMEITIONIten: O0O90 BLDG-FinalItem: AlASSra BLDG-Temp, C/AItem: ECI54rzr BLD6*Final C/0 '4f: REFT131ra3/tr/98 0rBr 15 REGUESTS Bctivity: F,97-ElS9 TnulN uF UAIL, C0LURADO FUR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FtlRr 3/11/98 F.AGE AREA: CD 3/11/99 Type: B-FLMB Statr-rEr I$SUED Eonstr-r ASFR Address: 36? VAIL UALLEY DRLocation: 368 UAIL VALLEY DR CORNICE BLDG Farce I : E1€t1-grSe-g7-EE3 Descript ion: trl*utilBING FOR ADDITIONApplicantr MOUNT MASSIVE trLUIYlBING Owner: SMITH CHARLES DRVIDContraetorr MOUNT MASSM FLUMBING HERTI HEATI Oec l Use: Fhorre: 719486 lOlt Fhone: Fhone: 719486 1O1? Inspection Reqr"rest Requestor! KEVIN Req Tinel 0&rOOItens requested to Inf or-mat i on. . . . BOSSOI^, Comment s: KEVIN be Insoected,.. F,h on e l 845-9759 / LATE lN flct i on Comment e 845-9759 THE AI{ F,ERFNRM FLOWTEST 5TREET PRESSURE Time Ex 60PTO "FLMB-F i na I Instrection Histor"y., . ., Item I AAelrzt F,LME-lJnder.qround IterE r qhgefi F'LMB-Ro'rBh,/D. W. V. @2/to4/98 Inspectorr CDItenr AAESE F,LMB-Rough,/tJater AelA4/9A Inspector : CDItemr A@e4A trLFlB-Gas tripingItenl EOESS trLMB-troo1/Hot TubItem: OOP6O trLMB-ltlisc.Itenr A0e9A F,LMB-Final ffction; AtrPR Act i on: AtrtrR o T0I^JN UF VArLr COLORADO REGUESTS FOR INSF,ECTIUN IIORK SHEETS FBR: 3/11/99 t{97-8e17 3/f1l99 Typer B-I{ECH Statr.rs: ISSUED Constr: ASFR 368 VAIL VRLLEY DR 36i? VAIL VALLEY DR CORNICE BLDG elEl-EAe-e7-SrE3 MECH FT]R ADDITItrN sToNE MECHffNItrAL, INC. SMITH CHflRLES DAUID STONE I4ECHANICAL, 1NC. Infornation..... B0SSCIt^l Phone: S45-979q Comment e: KEV IN 845-9759 / LATH IN THE AlYl be Inspected... Action Comments Time Ex Occ:Use: Fhone: 97|a*848-5tZt14 F,hone: Fhone z 97fr-84?-3hI4 o BEtrT13I A3/11/94 0B: l5 Activityr Address r Locat I on l F6rce I : Deecription: Appl ieant : Ewner: Eontract or r Inspection History..,,.Iten; OA8AB HECH-Rouqh o,e.lq4/9& Inspeetor.: CDIten; AQe4g| trLFtB*Gas F,ipingItem: OE31rA HECH-HeatingIten; 663eet MEtrH-Exhaust HoodsIten: 4433fi tvtECH-Supply AirItem: 8434ft lvlECH-Misc. , Item: OES9EI MECH-Fina1 Item: AtES3g FIRE-FINAL C/u Action: AFF'R ENUIRN. DUtrTS trAGE AREAI CD o REpT131 Tfl^rN 0F VAII-! CtrLtrRADBallIe/g8 OBrft5 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTITN bIURK SHEETS FOR! 3/L'c198 Eg7-fleGB 3/1P/98 Type: B-ELEC Statug: I$SUED Constr: ASFR 368 VAIL- VALLEY DR CBRNICE BLDG 368 VAIL VALLEY DR elal-EsE-97-oo3 ELEC FOR ADDITION Occ: HUNT ELECTRIC SI4ITH CHARLE$ DffUID HUNT ELECTRIC Activity: Sddrer s r Loeat i on : Fareel: Descri pt i on r Appl icant : i Ownar r Contract or: FAGE E AREA: EG ' Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: Use: 97tzr-g49-446 1 97fi-g45-4461 Inspect i on Request Requestor: KEUIN Req Tiae: tl8:PtO Iteng neque6ted to O0190 €LEC-Final Information..... BOSStrtd Comnents r KEVIN be Inspected... Fhone: 84S*97S9 / 845-9759 Ar--t i on Comnen Time Ex --_----*- _-t---lnInspection HiEtofy,,.". UIJItenl Aollat ELED-Tenp, Fower f ( l: Iten; OOlPti ELEC-Ror-rgh'*' o r.Og/6$/98 Inspector.: EG flction: AFFR AF,FROUED Item: 06130 ELEC-Condnit .. Item ::rEtfr l4tZt ELHC*lvli sc., It em I rzr0lgri ELEC-Fina1Iten: OAeg4 FIRE-ALARM RtrUGH Itemr 08538 FIRE-FINAL C/O 3 IL-?B TO!{N OF VAII75 F. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165?970-479-2L38 Etectricat--> DRB Fe€ lnvestigation> tli l, L Cr L t---> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EIJECTRICAL PERMIT ;IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9Z-0268 Phone: 970-949-4061 Phone: 97 0-9 49-406L .7ob Addrees: 362 VAIL VALLEY DR statu6...i fSSUEDLocation...: coRNrcE BLDG 362 VArL VAlApplied..: tO/ii/:relParcel No..: ZL0L-OAZ-2?-OO3 rsiued...: IO'/24'/lr;;Project No.: pRJg?-0216 nxpires..: oiTriTLr;; APPI.TCANg UI'N" ELECTRIC P O BOX L984, vArt co 81658CONTRACTOR HUNT ELECTRIEP O BOX 1984, VAIL CO 81658owNER sMrrH cHARLEs DAviD-- PO BOX 8227 t ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 Description: ELEC FOR ADDITION Valuation: 5,000.00 ** ***r*****t*f FEE sulil^Ry ******t*****fi*rtt***fr:hr***rr*t*rt*****ri***f,ri***tr*t**** 90.00 .m .00 3.00qt.00 TotaL Cal,cuLated Fecs-->Mdition![ Fe€s------> Totr L Pcrrlt fcc------>P.ymnts--------> BAL I|CE DUE____-__> 93.00 .m 93.00 93. qt .m +EW{i1li:l:nifi ilg:+Edr*ifi ll'.,^ Dept: BUIIJDING Dept: FIRE Divieion: Division: CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANEE. DECLAR.ATIONS I- hefeby acknortedgc that I hav. read.this apptication, f il,l,Gd out ln futt thc inforration. requircd_, conpLeted an accurate pLotptan' and state that al'L the inforn€tton proiiiJii-rlqulrca. t" "o.L.i.' i"igr;.-t" compr.y Hith the iniormation and pr.ot pr.an,to corpl'y vith atl' Torn ofdinances i"o "tli.- il*l,-lni'ao o,ri ta this st ructu rc'a cioro i ng to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes' deslgn reviee approved, rinir.rr i ]i iir ii"ifol"lnd oth* ordinrnccs of the rovn app(icabte thereto. REqUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IAOE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHO E AI 4?9-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROII E:OO AI.I 5:OO PI,I r'hlrrby rcknovt'dg' th* l-Ey! f'd.this lppticltion, fittcd-out in fuu. thc infomltion. rrquired, co.pr.etrd an accu.tc ptotPrrn' trd 3tEte that ttt tl!-1ll:f*tior'-p.iiiiJ-iJ"Jhui"*.i"-"o.."ii.- i'lsi;;to..*pry xith thc in?ornatim and pr.ot pr.en,to 'conpty rith 'tt ToIn ordinances-and stitc tani, inc'to buitd thia rt.uoturc';."o.ding to the Tovn's zoni ng and euMivisioncodes' d'rign revlaf lPpPovcd, unitori ;,iiiiiig"ifol'ind othlr ordinanc$ of th. Tovn appr.icabtc thcreto. RETT'ESTS FON If,SPECTIOI{S SHALL 8E I{ADE TUE}IW.Fd,R HOIIRS II{ ADYAIICE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 4'?9-213gOR AT OI'R OFFICE IROII 6:IX} III 5:OO PII SIGIIAIURE OF OIII{ER OR COIITRACTOR FON HIIISELF ANO OI{IIER TOVIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81.6579?0-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT Job AddreeE: 362 VAIL VALLEYLocation., ,: 362 VAIL VALLEYParcel No.. : ZIOL-O|2-2?-003Project No. : pRJ97-0216 APPLICANT MOUNT MASSIVE PLWBING & HEATTP.O BOX 702, MINTURN CO 81645CONTRACTOR MOUNT MASSIVE PiUIAriiUd & HEATIP.O BOX 702, MTNTURN CO 81645OI'NER SMITH CHARI,ES DAViD PO BOX 8227, ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 .'OBSITE Permit Status. . . coRNICApplied.. Issued. . .Expires. . Tota L Crtculated Feca---> Additiona( fees------; Tota I Pcrmit Fce-------> PayrEnt!------- BALAI{CE DUE---- ALL TIMES P97-015 9 AT #: DR DR ISSUED LO /24 /7ee7 L0 /24 /lee7o4/22/tee8 Description: PLUMBTNG FoR ADDTTToN *t*tt***tf,tttt***********i***frt**h*fr****r*fi****rr****tf,ffi FEE SUllltARy Phone t 7L94B6LOLZ Phone: 719 486LOI? Valuation:7, 000. 00 **t*t********ffi **t*f,ft**t*fffr*r**f, *******t****i**tt**ffiP Lurbi ng----> Ptan Ch.ck->105.m 26.25 Restuarant ptan Revi eF->.m 1t4.25hv.stlgltion> .OOuitl. C!Lt----> 3.m 134.25 .00 1t4.2' 134.25 .m ilhitigii:;:rl*ilgx"iglffiffi -*:)l*"DeDI: DAVISDept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Divieion: CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I. hcreby rcknoetldgc thtt t,h:::^::{.this appl"i cltion, fiLted out in futt thr inforration. requirad_, corpteted .n accurate ptotpttn' urd st€te that att the inforn tim proirided as riquirea-is-;.;";;. - i';g;:;;ro..",?ty vith the information and pr.ot ptan,to cotrPty vith 'L( ToHn ordinances-and state taws, and-io buil,d this structurc-accordi n9 to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodcE, design reviev epproved, uniform ari idi ii-ifo.".'nd other ordinances of thr Toun appt icabl.c thereto. FEQUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE t.tADE TI,'E}ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPI{oilE AT 479-21fi FICE FROI{ TOVIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiI]T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT 'JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES PermiE #z ltl97-02L7 ilob Address...:Location......: Parcel No... -.:Project Number: 352 VAIL VALLEY DR 362 VAIL VALLEY DR CORNICE ?LOL-OS2-27-003 PRiI97-0216 StaLus...: FfNAl, BtDApplied. . : L0 /24/L997Issued...: L0/24/L997 E:<trrires , ,: 0a/22/L998 APPLICAT.IT CONTRA TOR O}INER DescripEion: MECH FOR ADDITION Fir.place Inforeation: Restricted: Y STONE MECHANICAL, INC. 1111- SOUTH 9TH, GRAND .]I'NETION CO STONE MECHANICAI-,, INC. 111-1 SOUTH 9TH, GRAIID iIT'NCTION CO SMITH CIIARLES DAVID PO BOX 822'7, ROCKY MOUNT NC 27804 Phone: 81501 Phone: 81501 970-242-50L4 970-242-50L4 *of Ga6 Aplrlianc66: VaIuaEion: *of ca6 Logs: 2,000 .00 *of wood/Dallet: td6chanical-- - > PIan check- - - > Inw.Bbigalion> liill call----> {0 ,00 1o ,00 .00 . oo 53 .00 53 .00 .00 53. OO 53 .00 .00 R€6tuarant Plan Rewiere- -> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL PEES-.... Total ealculre.d Fees---> AadiEional F66s---------> Total Pernit Pee--------> PalrBents- - - - -- - BAIJANCE I'I'E'- - - '.""-"-';;';;;;r BurLDrNc DE'AR;;; ""o"or: BUTLDTNG Division:LO/24/L997 CIIARLIE ACIiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISr!q[r:'.055q0 EIRE_DEPARTIIIENT DepE: FIRE Division:t0/24/L997 CHARLIE Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIEIJD INSPECIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. COi{BUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF I:IE 1991 T'MC.3. INSTAL,LATION MUST COfrFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AI'ID TO APPEIIDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF IITE 1991 I'MC.4. E"AS APPLIA}ICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 A}ID SHALL TERIT{INATB AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF TTIE ]-991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 I,MC.6. BOIIJERS SIIALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OP NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IIIILESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FLOORTNG.7. PBR}IIT,PLANS AT.ID CODE AI\IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED TN MECIIAIiIICAL ROOIT{ PRIOR TO AI{ INSPESTION REOI'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MBCHANICAI, ROOMS COT.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FTOOR DRAIN PBR SBC.2119 0F THE L991 IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARJATIONS I brcbtr .ck$ovl.dg. tha! r havr rcad thie applicrllon, filled out in f,uLl uha inforrrtion r.qulred, coqrl€t.d rtt rccur.te platpltr' .nd atala thrb all thG iaforo.uion pBovldad a6 rGquircd L. corrcct, I rgrcc !o coqtly rlth the it|foi[ tl!!r end ptot plen,to cslrly tiEh rll Toxn ordinancat and eEats lr}|!, end co"build !hi. rtsructsure aocording co t'h. Tolrnr s Eoning .nd au.bdLvioioncg&r' daalga rrvlt'r r;tprovcd, Irniforu Bullding cod. rd other ordinenscg of th. fo,yn -pplicabl. th.r.co, REQI|BCHI FOB ISgPlgf,IoMt aHAL! BB lnDB II|EI$TY-FOUR. tlOIrRIt llt ASTANCB EY TELEPHOdE AT,{79-2134 oR AT OIn OtlrcB FROtt aloo tt't 5:OO Ptl alcnEont ol o||trtR oR cottTRAcroR FoR HrusStr! atD omER ottzo -L6gLl*rjl t il n =OSC)!r r3i i.o-Ft &--. .,C) (J *, c:i @L (t) =-E<') a5 tD (D <tt G E& " ,EE F I I ; I.l t I I I II I I I I { I ! t {:Edf -.-''_.-II ! frf fr ff 1f E[€trf,t sFtrfl .'ftnL Ld \-, 't, E a co, .) o Ega eoa 'Er a)otfitrt =E <lt {_r. tlFlr' ii oli iir:tt a tdl ' :{{r t T o* +itti .j# rsi l,jji I l. roo{ Pz UJ.b 1rtJ Eo2EE(De.ccr qj r.;\ 4I {..b 1t t'rl,:Jj B$!gT J.66I-Fd-.+lS !1..1 Jttl:tan .'r' -iiz .l-15 'u:, '.\39 f10sS0E ,\'iu!ltrIIB'd L?.Lqs/JEi.,ll,l SLP-25-9" O3 : lt-r PFI f s . Grfi'&q{iwt b-L aI $? 5t($ L ' bl 1i rl dl rl 1i$l E T I a"H GtAfi'd\qP o t?ffi -Ih.tnZ Ar*PM rbt't$arl F&drue-*rri tEe4llf,rr*.{rh* *F I t[\ '*o ( *,'. qg,ttt-=pr+l*t i-n-l+ +ilrFu \ #-tutnlq tl*.+L lt ?tl, o !i E t' - I5-'t r' tr,3 : Ll u lrl'l r' f;ll LarqEnR*lflf 4 idd&... E#tt**I Joih?Frr#T;ll LE[qlt. fffd'(fJj,.c-P efi]ufFedDfiArr+l aptur.lrl FuTq.*|rJ Tr FqrTilGr I t--+ -a*qror,t rrte.l h|*t-L , "r+ qrcrri!-<-sa!.ttt- k I }*ContacrTagle County f_a-t^9?0-328;8640. f or . Assessors fr.uParcel. ll . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION PERFIIT fpARcEL tt: s lqt-qf-Jp1-oo3-piiir.rir ApplrcArroN F.RM DATE: L0-I6-97 - t APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT ttAy NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PEIU'{IT fNFORMATJON **r}**************************tlh l[-Building [ ]-plumbing [ ]-ELectrical [ ]-Mechanl-ca1 [ ]-other Job Name ! Cornice Building Job Address3 362 Vail Val1ey Drive Legal- Description: Lot ,Parc XftTrtrct B Daniel ttead-T76/ a .. FiIinS l"t SUBDTvISIoN, v work crass: [ ]-New [x ]-Al-teration t l-Actditionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of twelLing Units: I Number of Accomnodation Units: $. :. . . : : : " I :: :. : :. : : ::: : : : : : : . : : : ;:PHffi wk". .:: .:: : :;. :: : :f : : : : :; ElecLrical Contractor: HunE E lec Er ical '-o-b$Town of Vail Reg. No.l2f-€Phone lVumber: 949-8726 -- -. Address. 20 Eag1e Road, Av<ifrl Plumbing Contractor: Address 3 Leadvil le Towrr of Vail Reg. No. 1L4:_H Phcrrre Nurnber: 827 -5724--"""' *_* * * ******* * * * * * **** BUII/DINI;: STGNAI.UTiN: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Town rrf VaiL Req. No. t-?'7-MPhone Number : t_t2_+80 - tffi-E[_Ot+ Mount l,la s s ive * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * rt Jr rt * rt rfi * * * * FOR OFFBUILDTNG PERMIT F8E: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAIJ FEE: sTITER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE;-E@--*",1 VALUATION Irp DEpOSIT REFIIND T0: Bosso!,r Developmenr Co. 75 soulh tronlage rodd Yrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlco of communlty devclopm6[l BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI.IE If this permit ""qu1l::-i Town of Vail Fire Deparbnent Approval,Engineer''s (publi. HgIl:l review ana'ipproval, a planning.Depart untreview or Health Department review, .ni'u-".ui.; ;i'ii.,;"driiaing SirtilSE',1;.ll: ""truted tima tor'a-iotar ".ui"rl-iluy"iui.'u, i6ns All commercia'l (rarqe or smail ) and a|r mur ti-family perm.its wi.Hhave to follow the ibove menti6neJ-mi*i*ur requirements. Residentia.land sma'l I projects shourd tut" u-i"fier"amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or sma|r er,projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessirv-ruui.n, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wjll be Tgge bV this departnrent to expedite thispermit as s.e0n as possi bl e. - Lv r'\P'.\J ' LE Lrl i;r*!l undersisned, understand the Communi ty Deve'l ooment Departrnent. plan check procedure and time o 75 3oulh lronlage road r.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; otllce ol communlly deyelopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL pUBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRI]CTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to titter, track or deposii ;;t-=;iri-tl"i, sand, debrisor nateriar, including trash hunrpsters, port,able toilets andworknen vehicr-es. .tpor--ny "i"""f, ria""uiil -;ii;v or pubricprace or any porti-on ttreieoi.--*1" right-of-way on atr. Town ofvail streets and.Igug. is afproxir"t"iv-s-it.-iri pavemenr.This ordinance wilr be "t"il[iv'-enforced by the Town of vairPubric works DeDartment. --p"r=lns found viorating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written-notice-to-;;;;;;="uid naterial.rn the event the person so notiriea-ooes-";;^;;;pry with thenotice within .n:_-r1 hour,tir.-"p""i;i;;,"irr"*iiliric worksDepartrnent wirr remove said mateti.t -"t the expense of personnotified. The nrovisions-of-'[trl" "rainance shall not beapplicable to c^onstruction, o..iri"'urrce or repair projeets ofany street or ar'ey or any "aii-iai;;--r; ;;"-;i;;i_._ruy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur-l , prease stop by the Town of::li.::il:i"3"Tf,i**:lt"::-'"uiii" a copv. r;ani< vou ror your Read and acknowledged onlRe (i.e. contractor, owner) o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Namc: Cornice lluilding Project Description: Owner, Addrcss and Phonc: Daniel Heard, dba the John II. Carter Company Architcct/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc:Jay Peterson, 108 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, CO 81657 467-0092 Project Strcet Addrcss: 362 Vail Valley Drive Legal Dcscription: A Part of Tract B' Vail Village lst Parccl Nurnbcr: 2l0l-08-227-003 Building Namc: Cornice Commcnts: Interior Conversion - approx. 210 square feet lntcrior Conversion, new window (cast clevation) and new pcdestrian door with sidc lights (south elevation). Motion by; Sccondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Approved as requested Board / Staff Action Action: Staff ApProved Town Planner: ,Mike Mollica ,\- Date: l0l2l97 FTEVERYONNDRBV\PPROVAL\9?\CORNICE.OO2 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 FlgG: Srurll ges BTI-oI,t? Berr,nv, I{annngc & hrrnson A KoFESSIONAL CoRPOR.Af ION .AmonxsvsATLAw WESTSTAB BANK BLDG. rOE SOI,ITH TRONTAGE BOAD WEST, SUITE VAIL, COLORADO tr657 TELEPHONE (970) 476.0092 FACSTMTLE (970) 479.0467 LINCOLN CENTER 1680 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 3175 DENITR, COLORAIX) M264 TELEPHONE (303) $7.1660 FACSIMTLE (303) 83?.0097 To3 trROl.t! DATBs RE3 ItEltoRlltDult CHARLTE DAVIS/TOWN OF VAIL BUILDTNG INSPECTOR JAY K. PETERSON FEBRUARY 6, l-998 362 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE (THE CORNTCE BUILDING) Dear Charlie: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of todayrs date, it is,ny understanding that tire Unitorm Building Code does not allow for access to a rnechanical room through i bedroom. The interior expansion of The Cornice Building is not a-bedroom nor are the ptins that we subnitted marked aL such. This rnemorandun is to Lontirn to you that the internal expansion is not a bedroom, and therefore we conform to the Uniform Building Code. If you have any guestions or further explanation is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me at ny office- I I oz E =Euto- oo ooo N oq Oocr, oq ooco CN uJutu- E = uJ o- -b48/{*5 I I \\l \\\l \r E\\tg ,-.\ra -rtl |r' 4lF o E Fa = = o uJ z z oJ f € o 4.z E UJz3 UJ t- oz l, @rct(o !-{ o.Fc, a5::> P <v i'- ^(o (6 =(f) > .Ug(Uo FEOa..d I =0J+) ll Q) '-!= L o (o o) s ooa (g =Yo Q) Bo (0 ovoo o,c! o E =cl o) o (! =.9 o CD ; ()()(5 o o at (r, l) o o o 6 gi =|! '6 o att (D oo .9o .=E at, E (lt gr .EcoN -o = l. Q).c, ct) ; ()()(5 o o at (r, 1) -o o o 6 E:,8oti (g '=o(D gsE E:g EgE I6Pc-o e:5i€e€'5 =c96 :EE E E-eeoo.:E o E;E!s! c.Y- d 0.(o ctsEt(,- o.E*: E6:EE Eoo* EE E - o..li rg C(60- "c= o+, E-c $€;oi; =6>,O G= :;E8ii sB;99Eo eEg -o(! l ,1 j tJ .^ \ \ Oa @(Y) o rJ)(\J oO l<,(\l o O c cc oo oo n )\5 \ F E UJo z Y C) UJI z o- J 9 G,F llJ E z ao J .J =Io IJJ = UJ uJltz tr tu uJ =uJ uJ z a IJJ F o- uJ z rlJ o x t- ulo (n I.IJIut! F =Eluo- J FoF (, =! to () gJ JtlJ oz 6 = L = () uJ = NOrrvnlv l Itl= Pl I: : :El !! tr .S9l1J= o --l_ "ctt< ='F =;Z z u-Xo o o'- 5 3 :FE FgEFo* dFig EE .j tri 5|g zo F {t! rri o uto- F oo oorc' (\l E o- IJJ J zo E x zo t- UJF- =ulz rol ItFl rJ)FzfzOq <oo< >E-CExttdct<z -l I (tt2,. 9= E(5 =6OI I-l l F (J F -Jl<l =l zl .. >l UJo uJutzaF (E uJ zs = uJl f aalu2xoIF 2 tr) z tarol<uJ: |.J'lltJ, du-<-oH ,1,oo (l, +)(u s-() o(, AJ ct.E a s-,u!o (t, a J 3 n-x llJ cc ^l$ r'{l Fc,(o F{o() CJ\- .l f: ts t \| \ YI\ ,}\v) ut tr U)ooazo Fo. IJJ !a ul dI oF tr =ul o-bJ>cq6'\ = aal(l --t-\ l-lt"lgurAEzo z oPze 2z (L IL tr =l!o.tl.o ul z oL F Eo- JIul-h=:0.o- trl>oOL()oirrxo-x> lll Jr! UI looF co =ral9rc,,; Ba! 'c-t E E 8 AO =.I +. G|DFtrf=E =s.lr € t =Elrl o-zoF()3 E,Fozo(J nln ..i5 =F= JH(J -'iuJ6il= ' rf,N(\llrt Iorsf<'! 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Hq E1 F' F6Qs 3EP d9s8!lt <(oo- HEFc| i a\i >E 3tr zo F f, l:l ol sl sI s\\o \ tl;<CU' rl: t:l<lz IF IE F tzlo <lqlqJlFIJI "l^t -l =lHtl .. >l |lJ ulqJzo tr G UJq J zI = llrlltl *l o z:z9r<oo< =E9EEci<z ttll^ll\^l tl a ir2z-iF u,-6}Eot o: IJJ oz Ytc oz F at, J Pt \,, b (E UJo-ttoEE =.E 3 e-9€ 8 ;EI I =<.; E .iF'=(E\ =l E!trF dtlE h:tl \iil'l'al ("t ('zftr E I I IF dJ i j ^( ii =z -' \N\ N I b' ].(\. ilr JO<FG()1!<zt IJJ F(42oo gF =Ed6 C) GoF() atFzo C) tdour1H \i l, CDs-fi v L,o3 F dF5 h= E >o.E Ebq,F,..E i.tE ilF ql-10i rttooF -aE Jdfi99=6if dd=!br oz ts =g. uJo- tll1l,.l1,, I ls I lE lo ls 15 r=to-,Z r,- .= 6E 1? d sbE; $Fc:r€i EE E:E € EEg-e ssaE: =EE; A i o;E! e5=:9 EEEIg =-0 F'; E F;;FE t;;"9+ q=-o"(5 ): o*lJ.o;EeE5fiEie :EEHB E6F:= - oE 9; sf;;€€ * c t=3O(0=XOc-=->xEF.eg iE!:qI oo -{;i tr o !r .g-BPE0 =>E --itt GI =O(\l Y =Zzu-o ooF^qrz X f >YE 9 OE aoEZt-()oo?<)zX lL<oq ie-F ff-Xz d(\t(5 IJJf-)J (r a uJzY iF IJJ F Jl<l Fl zl zl .. >lo rJ.to UJ UJzo tr l! l! 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J<Qan56 EEN 1? ?" aere ll,t*c* i'), rq go JoB NAME fl ,,-7ruEe- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL MoN TUES @ THUR 2'.3o a1,1i @, CALLEB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr n FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL N POOL / H, TUB n-67*r- tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH n tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PBOVED tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: |'/" i,.' onre fiJepcx t?, r?60-- rNSpEcroR B d-j,r* - * C4,,-{ /-r' *PJt-;{4^-"*L 5'','' JoB NAME INSPECTION: ! y./4-/ DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING tr INSULATIOT{ tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING r] POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS FINAL FINAL ddisnPPnoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: - tr1"1g.:,o':--A' ) i.t r5- \nATC tt t'i jr ..n.t r-\!l/r1,::.tt i-4 l,Ll.i,!--- INSPECTOIl .--:'-*!iau:-' i--. J v ,-Jl:../,'.- ,.-,,, ' -: -C1.,, , 1? . t -.11'; .) ,,, /.- -.INSPECTION REQUEST DATE / READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL AM PMINSPECTION: CALLER BUILDIT{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr ,A FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER . tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,la.sa'77 [/$ectt /4. t? 8O tNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST "*, t/ ty'fo JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr E trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING \ noUcH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,{eeenovro COBRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED jBiRETNSPECTTON REQU rRED €fu.e._ S,t ia^ ." aL -Tr*r,rr+- * S1jsr_. DATE INSPECTOB INSPE|CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM {PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR 1-rfl| I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED F REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE T rNSPEcroR, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM Ptu BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n_ O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL q_aPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME "INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI CALLER PMAM LOCATION: /"to*!r'r- WEq ,r.,,,t. THUR {}.1 t BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \ROUGH / D.w.V. tr ROUGH / WATER\ rneurmo tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH F,]tr CONDUIT rl tr F]NAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED ED EOUIREDdLEEINSPre:H€N"R CORRECTIONS: / ''.-'/ -,."4t!. f t'.ld ,, ,***, 't,t 4t'&; /;.g,ili-'....2.,., DATE /-er JOB NAME .INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED READY FOR LOCATION: PPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr r)gtJLAT|ON q/sF{eernocx GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR. tr FINAL 1t INSPECTORf a ; : I ( t..} ( ( ( L P r.r t" r.,,:(JF xl-7F '; i lr;lIi::ulxi"9Ye:z'<-.: < o't ?.i';2,xl-FCt) <!)<(Jtrz -f:!irSis3gjli.-'<o>_<o:-!|qg€<)l u "t o cti o @ ; 6 F a:(J LL' o F\' UJ o- <n tU IUu- L E UJ F F tU Foz a21zo o f F6oo- o o-: (tt (J 9 u, F trJ ial tr cat!, o o: (D \ \ \s Y(') :E(-) a UJ LUu- =tr[t o_ f------ I I| =ltrs;i - r.\ l= u,l='- I It-to 1F!(J *iE n19 0 ts !lrLlo tL'ir 3t> (JlF o l-,fi o (, a J 9g)-() l.:J r.t ot lvn'lvA tl.t J ?cl ooi; o llJ UJu- o- F F.2oi c tr.lt- J a F tl.l-r t- l(() (.) =t.:lli;l :.1 a: !? c) zIF J:l U)z u, :< sl F o (c F vlJ ^-J:t<r-93o JF:u-)<4r! al:()().( .-i I I o-tu oz o..oul arJ (Jz3 anF(tt :joF oz It' I I (,z irud3</, oFIZa<\c((')fFivlF t,.lc! dt ultrz:) o F ov'O=2O =oofr(roc) trJ<c) zo F F('e * '^i 3 l rHF'2 3 =d;di5'Ergj5*OruOOo(rot_z(, (\ t. uto- F :zco ozotr a() 11,ct J cLI'zt!(, I4 di f.}' ;J z.oz .,Pzd olozz. :):)'JO o- u- o- fE(, ,(r: -t () (1 r-():i -, ll. \:,' :: a: .'; :l ii ri b clt,tl. lr.() I t, n. lil r{.rl -l:rl l:ttu q tl ;?t DOn c <1, Eo.s(l o,t c5c c: oIJ\:.,.\ o 'l.rr ott--l:l. -. ': INSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON /-<\TUES WED ( ]|UUA.,) FRI ."|-.e-/ ' rrr .\4AMtPM BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr B tr tr cl tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL SHEETROCK NAIL TEMP. POWER E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre 3,- t 3 * kO -.-- rNSpEcroR -*\ ) Date /- * o:" Project Application Projecl Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:hLU,Q Block loning Approved: Design ReYiew Board -i Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Planning Itinutes Not yet and Environme of the Meetin -t l_sston approved by the Board Conmission Medbers Present Ed, Drager until 5:00Jin Morgan until 5:30 Jack Goehl Sandy I"1i11s Roger Tilkemeier Gerry White Ron Todd Staff Members Present Dick Ryan Jim Rubin 1.) Selection of a new Chairman Ed Drager asked if anyone would like to be the new Chairman. Ron Todd said he would. Sandy l,tills nominated Ron Todd. Gerry White seconded the motion. Ron Todd was selected as Chairman by a unanimous vote and took over the Chairmanrsduties. 2.1 GRFA Variance Re c. Jim Rubin explained. the Staffrs position on this. Thestaff recommends approval . A11 the effects are good. The expansion would eliminate snow and ice problems. ,Jim Todd, the applicant, answered guestions of the Board. Ed Drager said he feels there is an alternate solution andno need to add more GRFA. Jim Morgan suggested putting in an air, Iock instead. Gerry White suggested a heated sidewal-k. Sandy Mills said. she had gone to look at the site and sawthe problem. She feels there is no justification to add 250 square feet, Ron Todd said they are not solving the probtem but raisingi! op one floor. .fim Todd said he feels it is an adequate solution and is an improvement to the building. Gerry White made a motion to deny the GRFA Variance Reguest for Unit 2-8, VaiI Row Houses, located on Lots 1-5, Block 5 Vail Village lst Filing. "F-5trt?;il Planning Commission Minutes9-10-79--page Tlvo Ed Drager seconded the rnotion. The vote was unanimous. Gerry white said he voted against this reguest because therenas no argument adequate for approval . Ed Drager said he fert other peopLe in the vail Row Houses wourdcome in and apply for expansions-also. A11 the other members said they feLt there were other solutionsthat would be, more ad.equate. Ron Todd advised the applicant he has ten days to appeal to theTown council and that he will be advised in iriting-6t tte denialof his reguest. 3.) setbaclc variance Request for Mor:ntqin Meailows, located onaA Jim Rubin gave the history of this request. He said thedeveloper had moved t.his buirding beciuse of some under-ground springs and after completion of found.ations andframing discovered an error iraa been made ""a it was located' on the lot 1ine. Jim pointed out that the error had beenbrought to the Town'!s lttention by the afpricant. Jim saidthe only alternative to this variince is-io tear the buirdingd.own. ' Roger Tilkemeier said he would-r-ike to emphasize to everyonethat the applicant came forward. and pointld out. this error. Bob Warner, the applicant, explained that they had had someground water probrems and sorved them by moving the buirding.' They took a minor problem and creat"e i'*"j"i problem. Thesurveyors made a mistake originalry. tte siad Lhey asked theTown for permission to continue on- this and receiired a con-tinuance. Bob Ruder asked if there is an avaranche probrem. Bob warnersaid there is no avalanche problem. Jim Morgan asked about impact stud,ies. Bob warner said theywere done at the beginning of the project. Ed Drager asked about the difference betr.rreen thi-s requestand the pierce Addition. Jim Rubin said this buildin-g wasu$}t.by mistake and is existing in tne seiuacrc. The pierceAddit,ion r.vas proposed to be built in the setback. Gerry white said the onry reason to grant this is economic. Planning Commission Minutes 9-10-7g--Page Three Ed Drager asked about how the inspections are done to enforce setbacfs. Jim Rubin said the buiiaing inspector does not have survey equipment with him. Bob Warner said they know the variance might not be granted. They could have te.lifi"d the problem much easier than this if ihey had only known about the problem earlier' - They have spent irore in t-irne with the Forest Service, Town Staff' etc. t-han it would'have cost to change the drain tiJ.e system. He said they have advanced to the iraming stager- have impacted no one and have worked out their problems with the Forest Service. Roger Tilkerneier said to comply with the zoning, four units would have to be moved. Jirn Rubin pointed out that if this request had,corne before the Board before it was buitt, it probably would have been turned down but this was an honest mistake. Jim said the inspector inspects 500 units during a season and cannot possibly check all the lot lines. Bob Warner showed what they couLd have done had they known about the problem and mistake' Gerry White said he agrees that this was an honest mistake but ivery variance muit be justified and he doesnrt think it is justified. Roger Tilkemeier made a motion to approve the Setback Variance Re{uest for Mountain Meadows located on an unplatted parcel in aifhorn. Jack Goehl seconded the motion. There were four votes foi approval and three against; Jim Morgan, Jack Goehlr Ron Todd, and n6-ger Tilkemeier vot5d for approval . Ed Drager, Sandy Mills, and Gerry White voted against. Ron Todd said it can be appealed to council within ten days. A11 the Board Members who voted against said they just did not feel the granting of this setback was justified. 4.) Setback Varia4ce Request for the Cornice Buildi{rg log?ledSetb4ck Variance Request for the Cornice =P$ildilg.l99?!ed 'Jim Rubin explained this request. Cornice Building is Dr. Huttner. convert the upper floor (4 units) The new owner of the They would like to into one unit. Planning Commission lvlinutes 9-10-79--Page Four Jim Morter, architect for the applicant, introduced Dr. Huttner who has been hired by the vaj-1 Medical center as a consultant and recently purchased the cornice Building. Jirn explained that the completi iower floor would be turned into long-term employee housing as soon as current leases run out. Jim Morter said the Huttneis also plan to stop an illegal laundry that has been operating in the basemenl. ;im said the plans will- architecturally improve and upgrade the building. there is no adverse impact' Jim said ttre doctor needs.the paiking spacq to get to the hospital in an emergency. There will be no trees disturbed. Gerry White said there will be no control on the emPloyee housing if tlre buil_ding were sold again or if the new owner would want to go back to foui units. Jim Rubin said they could not 90 back to four units on the top floor Dr. Huttner said he would guarantee that it would stay employg-e. housing while he owned it. Ed Drager asked,i! he wcul-d be willing to have deed restrictions and he said he would. Dick Ryan brought up some questions on the parking space' sandy Mills said it was a very dangerous spot for anyone to be turning in to a parking sPace. Gerry White said he feels it is an unappropri-ate- place for a parking space. He said the doctor knew when he bought the property that there was no parking. It was suggested to make a garage out of the Real Estate Office. Ron Todd asked the applicant if he would consider having the tr'ro issues (parking ana setuack variances) voted on separately and he agreed Dr. Huttner said when he bought the building he did not necessarily think he would be given permission to park there but did think he would be guaranteed parking in the transportation center' Roger Tilkemeier asked about the possibility of having a sPace asiigned. Bob Ruder said he didn't think that was possible. Ron Todd suggested the possibility of approving the parking space for: a twelve month trial basis. Bob Ruder said that is a very dangerous place. He is opposed to parking. sandy Mills said she feel-s his profession does not justify the granting of this parking sPace. Planning Cor".rniss ion Minutes 9-10-79 -- Page Five Jim Morter said they r,rould be willing to have a vote on the two issues separately. Jim trlorgan made a nrrtion to approve the Setback Variances for the Cornice Elilding located on a portion of ?ract B, Block 5, VailVillage 1st Filing with the exception of the parking and with the recluirarent of a csrmittrEnt for €nployee hor.r.sing to be arranged with the Town of Vail attorney. Roger Tilkeneier seconded the nrction. T?rere was further discussion. Sandy !.dills asked about fireplaces. There is one allopable. Roger filkareier asked if they could converb the Real Estate Office to a garage. Jtun Rrbin said they uould haveto ecne back to Planning Conmission to convert it. the vote was taken on Jim Morgan's nntion. The rrcte was unaniltDus. Gerry t9L11. nade a mction for denial of the parking qpa.ce. Sandy Mil1s seconded. Ttre vote was six for denial and one for approval. JacJr Cioehl rroted for the approval. 5. Fnditional Use Fennit Request for er<pansion of the Gore Creek Water'Ileatnent Permit located on . -". Tlrey will go to tbsign Reviw Board if approved today. Jim Morgan rade a rnrtion to apprcve the Oonditionaf Use Permit. Eequest for the eqraasion of the Gone Creek lYater Tteatnrent Plant located on Tlact C, Vail Villaee ?th Fili_ng. Gerry llhite seconded the uotion. Ibe vote was trranirmus. (Ed D:ager had already left.) 6. Anendrent to Subdivision Reeulations and TanLne. Ordinance cpncerning Interval O,rrnership, TinB ffrares and fractional fees. Larry Rider, Tlown Attorney, explained eadr of the above and there was discussion. Jiru Morgan left at 5:30. Roger Tilkeneier nade a nntion to continue this until 9-24-79. Gerry ifhite Seconded. The vote was rmaninpus. The reeting was agourned at 6:00 P.M. l') 2.1 3. ) ptAr.rNrtD ENvTRoNMENTAT., coMltrsstl AGB{DA 3:00 P.M. Selection of Nevr Chai-rrnan GRFA Variance Request for Unit 2-8, Vail Row Houses, l-ocated on tots 1-6, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing Setback Variance Request for Mountain Meadows, located on an Unplatted Parcel in Bighorn Setback Variance Request for the Cornice Building located on a portion of Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing 5.) Conditional Use Permit Request for e<pansion of the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant, located on Tract C' Vail Village 7th Filin9r. 6.) Amendment to Subdivision Regulations and Zoning ordinance concerning Interval Orvnership, Time Sharesr aDd Fractional-Fees. -ffi MEMORANDUM SO: PLANNTNG Al{D ENVIRONMENTAIJ COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,NITY DEVEI,OPI{ENT DATE: 9-7-79 RE: Frontr Side and Rear Setback Variance Request for the Cornice Buil-ding l-ocated on a Portion of Tract B, Block 5' Vail Vil-lage First Filing. pEscRlPTrON OF VARTANCE sEggE€lEq The request is to a11ow a major remodel of the Cornice Building which is now und.er new ownership. What the new owner desires to do is to convert the top four apartments into one dwelling uni.t which is to be used by the owner himself. In doing this conversion,the request is to enclose the existing decks on the North, East andpalt of the South side of the existing building. The present use of these decks is to provide access into the upper apartments which would no longer be necessary with the elinr,ination of the three apartment units The present buil-ding is non-conforrning on all four sides with respect to the current setback regulationstwhich are 20 feet around theperimeter of the property in a High Density Mu1ti-family (HDMF) zoneDistrict]. The proposed deck enclosures reduce the setbacks from 16.5 to 13.5 feet on the West Elevation, from 12 feet to 9 feet onthe North Elevation, and from I0 to 8.5 feet on the East Elevation. As far as al-lowable GRFA, the addition, which is 166 square feet, results in a total GRFA for the building of 1,791 sqare feet. Thetotal alLowable on the site is 21205 sguare feei. One further part of the application j-s to aLlow one parking space on the site, which, however, falls within the front setback (where parking cannot.be located). The pre.sent site has no parking on it. CRITERIA A}ID FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findinqs, Section 18.62.060 of theMunicipal Code, the Department of Communitv Devel-opment recommends Approval of the requested Variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: llhe relationship of the requested variance to other existing orpotential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed enclosures and parking space have no adverse impactson existing and potential uses in the vicinity. The enclosure willactually considerabte improve the visual appearance of the building. Having one parking space on site will also helpefully reduce congestionin the area by reducing the nurnber of cars stopping on Vail ValleyDrive in front of the building. ffi FEC1 MEMO_--Cornice 9:7-79--Pa9e Two Bl.o Thg deqree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and en{gTggment of a-p""iriaaiuq"f t@compatibility and uniformity of. treatment amons sites in the vicinitor to attain e obiectives o s titie without qrant ofprrv1leqe-. The proposed conversion brings the property more into conformancein terms of numbr:r crf units by ,:edu-ini tr,e number of living unitsfrom seven (four on bhe top and. three on the botton) to four (oneon the top and three on the bottom). The provision of one parkingspace also brings the property rnore into conformance by allowingthe parking of at least one car on the site. The size and shapiof this site for the most part precludes any irnprovements andparking from being provided without going through the varianceprocedure We foresee no ad.verse impacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the cornmission deems licable-i-""" .' .' .' .to the proposed variance. No other factors are deemed applicable. FINDINGS: TleJranning & Envirymental cgnnnission shall make the forl-owinqrrnqlngs betore qrantrnqi a variance: That granting of the variance will not consititute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperti.es classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public health, safety, or welfare, or materialty injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followingreasons: B. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance that donot apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOMMENDATTONS lrhe Department of community Development recomrnends approvar ofthe setback variance reguests and -llowing one parking space tobe provided within the front setback area. we ieer ttraC ttreproposed. remodel wil1 vastly improve the appearance and functionof the present buiLding and thal the variance is justified dueto the size and configuration of the lot on which it is situated. *qf- N4}@OT APPI,IC.AI{T: 2], @I'EST OF APPI,ICSM: Plarxrlng and Ervinonnental Oonnission o*.lttn.t /'----->-' Setback Variance t"" Qi* 1}p9 NI\ME OF Pl]tr.,rc B@Y HEARING AFPI,IC.ATICI'I: OIHER @MMEIIIS: DAIE OF HEIIRI]IIG:Septgnber 10, 1979 F0nMAL ACrION & FINDINCS: The Setback Variances was unaninnusly apprcved but the Parking $pace Request (Treated Separately) was denied 6-1. Goetrt voted for appnoval. The tmin reason for denying the parking space rna.s that it uras a dangerous location for the space. Dn. Huttuer agreed to nnJ<ing the three units on the bottcrn flmr arployee housing units. MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AllD ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROII: DEPARTMENT OF COMMTNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: 9-7-79 RE: Front, Side and Rear Setback Variance Request for the cornice Building located on a Portion of Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing.' DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The request is to allow a major remodel of the Cornice Building which is now under ne\^t ownership. What the new owner desires to do is to convert the top four apartments into one dwelling unit which is to be used Uy the ownei himself. In doing this conversion, the request is to enclose the existing decks on the North, East and part oi the South side of the existing buildinq. The present use of lhese decks is to provide access into the upper aPartments which would no longer be necessary with the elinination of the three aPartment units. The present building is non-conforming on al-L four sides with respect to the curxent setback regul-ationslwhich are 20 feet around the perimeter of the property in a High Density Multi-family (HDMF) Zone bistrictl . The proposed deck encLosures reduce the setbacks from 16.5 to 13.5 feet on the West Elevation, from 12 feet to 9 feet on the North Elevation, and from 10 to 8.5 feet on the East Elevation. As far as allowable GRFA, the addition, which is 166 square feet. results in a totaL GRFA for the building of 11791 sqare feet. The total allowable on the site is 2'205 square feet. One further part of the application is to allow one parking space- on the site, which, however, fal-ls within the front setback (where parking cannot be located). The present site has no,parking on it. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS 1-'\-, Upon review of criteria and Findinqs, section 18.62-05Q of the -tommunitv pevg lop-mg?t {ecoErnendsAppr@ Variarrce based upon the followinq factors: Consideration of Factors: The proposed enclosures and. parking space have no adverse impacts on existing and potential uses in the vicinity. The enclosure will actually considerable improve the visual aPpearance of the building. llaving one parking space on site will also helpeful-ly reduce congestion in the area by reducing the nurnber of cars stopping on Vail Valley Drive in front of the buil-ding. The relationship of the requested vari+nge.to other existinq orpotential uses and structures in the vicinitv. (i PEC MEMO--Cornice BLdc. 9-;7-79-'-Paoe Two O- T=le=Ylanning & Envi ission shall make the followinqtindings before granting a variance: That granting of the variance will not consititute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otberproperties classifj_ed in the same district. that the granting of the variance will not be detrimental tothe public health, safety, or welfare. or material_l_y injuriousto properties or improvements in Lhe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the forlowingreasons: B. There are exceptions or extraord.inary circumstances orconditions applicable to the site of the variance that donot apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOMI,IENDATIONS The Department of corununity Development recommends approval ofthe setback variance reguests and allowing one parking space tobe provided within the front setback area. We ieel that- theproposed remodel will- vastry improve the appearance and functionof the present buil"ding and thdt the vari.ance is justified dueto the size and configuration of the lot on which it is situated. The ee to which nel-ief from the strict or literal- int retation enforcement of a s ed re tion s necessarv to ac eve un ormrEv o treatment amonct sites in the vicinit ob ectives of s tj-tj.e ut ant o aprivileqe. The proposed conversion brings the property more into conformancein terms of numbr:r of units by r:edu-ing tfre number of f.iving unitsfrom seven (four on bhe top and three on the bottom) to four (one on the top and three on the bottom). The provision of one parking space also brings the property more into conformance by allowingthe parking of at least one car on the site. The size and shapeof this site for the most part precludes any irnprovements andparking from being provided without going through the varianceprocedure TIe effgct.of the reguestei variance on lioht and air, distributionot tropYl?tion, transportation and traffic facil-ities, pubLic facilitiesand utilities, and public safetv. We foresee no adverse impacts on these factors. g-otlglfa*ors ?nd criteria as the commission deems applicable EO Cne proposed varl_ance. No other factors are deemed appLicable. FINDINGS: Appltcatton Date TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION ['OR VARIANCE Auqust 2I. 1979 Publlcation Date Auqust 24. 1979 Publlc Hearing Date Name of Applicant September 10, 1979 Dr. and Mrs. l,.la'l ter Huttner Name of Owner if dtfferent from Applicant same Malling Address 4545 East 9th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 Telephone (3n3I 32o2gon Legal Description: Lot , Block _, f iling Cornice Tract- A Part of Tract B, Vail Vi'l 'l age First Filing ibit) Appllcation is hereby made for a Varianee from the provi.si,ons of Section 18-20-060 of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to allow 3 rerlrrced <ethenk v.erlrrircmpnf s lna (n) HDMF Zone Distr cant APPLICATION WILL NOT B ANIED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1. Hearing Fee - $100.00 + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OITNERS OF THE PROPDRTIES within 3OO feet in a Single-Famlly Residential; l\lo- Fam11y Residential; or I\ro-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list shalI include the names of a1 1 owners and the legal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fi11ed out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office. 3. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. (This is to be submitted at the time ofpublication ) 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance.(This should include an explanation of the specific hardship. ) The Owners wish to convert four guest units on the second floor to one residential unit for their personal use. The size and configuration of the subject property render it complete'ly undeveJopable under the provisions of the TOwn of Vail Zoning 0rdinance. The 0wners further wish to develop one parking space on the site, for the'i r personal use. Al 1 proposed modifications to the buildjng will occur ing roof.overhang, and are necessary for the proposed PLEASE TURN TO BACK SIDE OF THIS SHEET within the exist- new use. q#t^^ *r"w Benefits to the Town of Vail from the proposed change of use include: 1. A reductjon of density from four guest units to one residentia'l unit. 2. The immediate removal of existing commercjal 'l aundry, and the removal of the ex'ist'ing real estate office at the expiratibn of ^ the 'lease obl igation. /-g. The guarantee of employee housing in the remaining units, whichi are presently being used partially as guest unjts. 4. An improved architectural appearance for the highly visjble bui 1di ng. 5. A use more 'i n keeping with the site. 6. The proposed modifications have no adverse effect on anyone. , MEMORANDUl{ TO:Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: June 23 , 19'17 DE.James M. Palmer Request oi tft. Cornice Building for Rezoning from HDlrtF to CCI i-n accord with The staff has reviewed the request ' for rezoning the Zoning orain*l;"-;;A-h;ve tl^e fo11ow:'ng comments: The applicant has requested, that'lq9 C"11lce Buil-dins be from the **ittinj"ioiii"t""Eii; - it; u"iroit'g consists or seven ':lnits and one real estate orrLce' FACTORS: Relationshlp and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town' The purposes for the HDMtr" -lzone district states "Certain non-residentiar "Jt"-*t" permittei";"*;;;;;iion''r uses whlch relate tothenatureot'v"iras.awinte"-"nasummeTrecreationandvacataon community, where pli*iti"a r"". intlolri-1"-Lre-nd.harmoniously with the residentiar ""h;;;;;;;-oi tt" fi;;;;"; "'' yu do not reel that a totally "o*"t""i*;;ii;i"i i-" r'"iil;i;;; with^the residential cbaracter of the ";t;;:--ihE cot"i^t3"p"""ia"t . 1f l::d"ble emplovee housing near the;;;;-area and '"ilJ-,ir-of this rare type of housing unit does ,ot ,uui-Ll*i.tiUiu rit't",ttiu^t;t";= desire to keep a balance of housins (particularlv tone-terii ;;i;;;t y"i!:-) and commercial space. We feel irt"t i='is imperatii"-trt""t !l:^::*trciar area De limited to the cCi--""ut and n-ot aiio*eO to spread into the areas which are prlmarily residential in nature' .Effect of the proposed rezoning o1-liqht and air; distribution of poprrr''tioi,-l"un=portatioi*?"tiriti"s' and other public f aciritie.^;;& ;;ii; f acilitles needs ' The primary concerilis one of distribution-of population' We believe that a long-term resioenis strourd be encouraged in the area' tr'urther, since ttreie are no putr.iie-;n1;;'-1='l1t;Lk;"15'if '?:to be a greater impact on the transoortation center ' eommercial of ttre apqroximaturv.P3lbol-1t;";t feet would require a oarking vari,rnce-oi"io,r" cars_ (t;;-airtu"en.e between the requirement ili'^'tt3ioential and commercial)' rezoned dwelling Cornice F.age 2 ? - Effeet upon traffic, wlth partieular reference to congestion,automotive and pedestrian lafety ana c"n"eii.rr"u, traffic frowand control , access, maneuverability, and removal 0f snow fromthe streets and parking areas. A commercial space could contribute additional traffic in analready congestecl ar-ea wher. no-on-ri-te parking is available. ,,refeel that customers will d.ouble park al0ng the roadway which woutdcreate an unsafe traffic conditibn, and rnike snow plorving a problem. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposeduse is to be located;.including the "cai" u.na bulk of theproposed use in relaiion to surrounding uses. noe feel that possible uses would have a negative impact onthe residential character of trre neighborhood. ih. ",rr"oundinguses (Apo1lo Park, Texas towntrouses, vorlaufer, Grey & \yhi-tes, vail91gUl 3r9 _af1 primarily """iJ"ntial in character. The onlycommercial building in the area i.s the Blue cow, a non-conforming use, such other factors and criteria as the commission deemsapplicable to the proposed use, Applicant stated at the t'me the cond.itional use permit forthe real estate office rur" g"rrri"a tn"t ne intenJua to do a greatdeal of landscaping and general rehabiritation oo tt" site and thebuilding; to date, substintial landscaping has not been completed.we feel thi's is an import""t .ii. visuarly and should be given ageneral face-lifting. ?he Department of community Deveropment makes the foll0wingfindings: That the proposed rezoning i-s not in accord with the purposesof the zoni-ng ordinance, 'r[e Jo-not feer that a commercial buirdinglF io keepi-ng with the intent of- the ord,inance nor in accord withthe resi.dential character of the neighborhood. That the proposed -rezoning would be detrimental to the publichealth,.safety, and welfare, *ni would be materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. The probable_ traffic problems which could be created by theproposed commercial_building where no on-site parking is availablecould be detrimental to the pubric -safety, and detrlmental to theresidential character of the neighborhooi: - The request is not in conformance with the zoning ordinanceas the probable conversion to commercial would require a parkingvariance for a minimum of four cars, Requests for rezoning have been the subject of many courtdecisions 1n colorado and rn ottrer states as wbrl. Generar.ly, thecolorado courts have ruled that an appricant must prove one oftwo reasons for rezoning, one tirat ttre originat zoning was a mis-take, or two that there-has been a substaniial ehange in the neigh_borhood. The Department or community Development strongry recommends Gornlce Page 3 deniaL of the requested rezoning ae tbe appllcant has shown neither an incorrect original zoning, or a signiflcant change in the neigh- bof,hood. (Moore vs, the City of Boulder, Roosevelt vs, Clty of Englewood, Kizer vs. Beck), Eaeh of these cases is similar to the rezonlng requested by the Cornice in that. they were requests for rezoning from residential to commercial or .[rbm lower zone districtsto t'higher and better usesr'. In each case, the courts found infavor of the municipality denial of, the request. at -t l"J lF..*l,{i L t i I .9 f Lr- o tJ(94JJ J .> I I I F s at) oa z |r)t@6lF nv a, },v.{ I' CDzJu- ^rt:i"_, r,l,: 'l(.,,,al ;J ', iiis \s# JI _b rL =t $ pr[TLl.f J tT ilrEL lj -\,-, ti t- -iFT tuT dr T ?or9r+ gtr- $fIIUt'ir ".-,| ,t)-v.-,t Q\s' ? Itt R) $I\l 3 I v $ $ T $ rtl ) il.II f $o $T d"vav il\tgiPEc tv o. TOWN TIME RECEIVED- AM PM ! orxen JOB NAME CALLER n pannar LOCATION MON COMMENTST TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI ,/' AM.)PM $"AnnrypvED E orsappRovED duto* THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS --1i ", fl nrrNsPEcr r\rsir=.'G*FIEGIIJEST f]orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED n pnnnnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM, E"nppRovED florsnppRovED f] nerNsPEcr |-r'LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE ::i "'i',: .:1.:.. ,. l,AII WATER Al{D SAI{IIATIllil DISTRICT TAP PERMIT WIL BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP"FEES HAVE BEEN P IN FUIL. WATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT P€rmitNo.000270 NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHAN!CAL CONTRACTOB EXCAVATING CONTFACTOF LIG. NO. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. SfZE OF TAP:Watat JE4U4Tr4/. Sewel NUMBER oF UNITS f, 5 x $300.00 = Amount Date Billed 0<: . Finance Director Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - GoldsnrodBldg. D€pt, - While; - Water and Sanitation - Gr6.n; -Public Workr - Canary; - + Tr--_-_-tl -. v 77?-.T- SCOTT.MARTI N CORPOMTI ON Box 1773 Vai I , Col orado 8'1657 December 2, 1976 Mr. Mike Palmer Cornice Building Manager Cornice Buil ding Vai'1, Co]orado 8]657 Dear Mike: Enc]osed herewith is a copy of a'letter from the Town Attorney regardingour lease of Town property for parking purposes at Poor Richards-Short - Swi ng. As per item number four of this letter the following rules will pertain to you and I will consideryou the responsible person to observe theseregulations. Before you begin,to-use the one parking space we are willingto prov'i de you with we need your agreement to the fo1 lowing: l. You wil'l be assigned one parking space near the west entry gate. 2. You wil'l be required to chain off your space to guarantee its use 9y you or your guests alone and provide a key to the lock to Joyce Meredith so that she can open it if the car is not there and the snowplow is. 3. You alone are responsjb'l e for]oss, dannge, fire, theft, etc., ofyour car or anything on or .in jt. You are not to use our lot for load'ing and unloading operations, nor should you or anyone related to the C6rnice Building pirk in front ofour gates. If, in ry opinion, the Agreement is broken due to your failure of notobserving the above rules we reserve the right to cance'l all your parking ri ghts 'indefi n'itely. I I iLtr. to Mike Palmer December 2, 1976 Page 2 If a'l'l of this is in accordance with your understlnding, please sign. below and return one copy to me. Sincere]y, Fitzhugh Scott FS/im Enc'losure cc: Joyce Meredith vdim Lamont Town Attorney Gordon Pierce APPROVED BY DATE a DATII OIJ I.'II';ilTING : IlE}.{}]liRS PRISE}iT : TAKEN BY BO IIOTION: VOTB: APPROVIIII:-*. D I SAPPIiOV].]I) : AI3STENTION: /t L"l */ // sEcoNDED BY | / f )(l /1tt /! - AGAINST: / -("" ohr''rr" "' '-* Sl.llrlIlARY: :! i'; rNseeeftru TOWN OF HEEUEST VAIL ,1, zj D orxen n panrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR FRIMON GOMMENTS: ,, TUE APPROVED E orseppRovED I nErNsPEcr fl upolr rHE FoLLowrNG coRFECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR = LrJ IIJ z uJ()z sE F ul J lt IJJc F J F F uJ J J F Fz ut EIu ul ! :r lu o o z -oJ -f E -l > lre =, =(DF- I t F = ql +F( _- k) \)u '' 2*N u9 -6; z trYii6Fcc2gA> :z:< >O .ni - z F ov,gl IJJz INSiPECGN FIESLIEST TIME RECdVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen f] pannal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE APPBOVE D I orsnenRovED E netNsPEcr t-tLJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS :*i- 'i a DESIGN NI'VI[ill !]OARI) ACTION DATI O]I I{UIiTING: li!HTII3I'RS PITUS]iNT : SUI]JECT: TAKEN BY IvIOTION: VOTB: APPBOVIiD: SBCONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTtrNTION: t:tta-/ fJ I) i SAPPIT.OVIiD : SUIU;UAIiY: j $ A s d 3 ,1, ilr \)T- ril J -JI I\I L _J s_ $ .t{ {_.lg 5 $ttr rlr u { J 0l 3 s )-$ =( -KT\r df;:fz T {.I $ $ t -rl $ $I $ $li \ \t s u\I J Hil $ utr rl t tilt!$d gfiE "r$$$$5*ta (ro {'I tlt-7, ptr- $i -ll.rlt't aa?v $, il1 ? rt'rS $! e t b 3$ ptu *$ tg 6; Fr \$ ;\ 0- $s P $ Jf .N il-:3 $ br $l F fird,i L\ ilt ) * 3 s o $I -\t' d*?'a? o DIISIGN REVI]iI!' I]OARD o DATE OII IvIIiETING: ITEI.IBURS PRISENT: SUBJECT: ACTIOI'I TAI{IIN BY BOA MOTION: /, VOTE: FOR: APPIJOVE)): ABST]INTION: Q,n* AGAINST: DISAPP1IOVLD: STJilhIANY: F Fzc Q 4 3 o F z 3H!n=<F3<: =LaFF_<9.4? <:9zF:clF rl,l)"le.-Ili;Eii 6;^oy,.42<iZ = 4 a zalzzT);9<85vFFol!O<O<otazYrii=::ai;y: ;<OiHriHIir <lo> *!4<o*=Ft.a=< c1 < FJ F E ul r! z J z <g(J;-=ul (Jzf az = lhFz UJ E ul cc UJ cc{ F J aFo J F I 2 Fl) F. z ,: z lnl Ei YZ artl !4cn <: 2^<a aa2(> cf\^- <3 F F .F F tsl F o tc z lrl z s z4l =u,l 1ll F UJ JIL r! F -)J F It tc J J F i € t oo j ii ,il-..,I INSiPECT}N TOWN OF C Srr .-r.<-f-, , \\r-f (. F|EGTUEST VAIL fE iC-r -r - i. JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER flornen MON fl pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE FRI '.=, AMi.PM,' E appRovED E orsnpp Rov E D fl nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECflONS: coRRECTTOilS'i-- DATE INSPECTOR MEMORANDU14 TO: FROl,l I DATE; RE: P'l ann'i ng Comnrission Departtnent of Con:nrunity September 30, 1976 Devel opment Cqlnlcg Building Setback Varjance Request The appiicant has requested a setback variance on the north, west and south sides of the cornice Building in order to extend exterior balconies an ad- ditional 5'on a non-conforming buirding. The required setback is r0,; the applicant proposes approxinately 6'on the north, j12r on the south and 6, on the west. The reason stated by the applicant for the variance is useable exterior space by making it easier to remove snour and of tr.lo persons. The Department of Contrnunity Development has reviewed the crjteria and findings provided for in Sectjon .l9.600 of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclus.ions are as follols: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existingor potential uses and stnrctured in the vicinity. There are no other structures in the vicinity which wourd bejltp"ilpq by.ti.re propcsed variance; to*.uur, the batcony on "tnl iortr.,-riiu"*orrobe within 5' oF the existing pedeitrian path along eor"e cieet. Trre bara;nt-- - itself is-approxirnately, i3 f6ei above graire lut u srfiporting-prost is at the edgeof the balconv. Thjs shourd be checkid by pete er.;rlit oii'ti1. site to makesure it wouldn't interfere with snor.r plowing of the p.in. ln LU improve the a1 i ow passage ?, The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretationand enforcenent of a.specified reguration is neceisary lo achievecompatibility and unifornrity of tieatment among sites in thevicinity or to attain the objectives of tiris oidinance rrrithoutgrant of special privil ege. Corn i ce . - Page Two o Since the building is presenily non-conforming, no exterjor changescould be made without granting a variance. One of ourgoals ias been to encouragedwelling units for 'l ong-tenn residents. A variance is ippropriate if it encourages this use and makes the units nrore desir.able for long-term residents. The large deck areas on the Texas Toivnhouses acioss the creek"which is in the sarne dr'strjct, are all non-conforrning as are the balconies on theBlue Cow and the rear of Apollo Park. 41 lovring the 6alcony extensions woulclach'ieve-compatibility among sites in the v'icinity and would not constitute agrant of speciai privilege. 3. l'he effect of the requested variance on fight and air, distributionof population, transportation and traffic iacilities, public fac'i I ities and util ities, and publ ic safety. [,Je see no adverse impacts upon these factors. 4. such other factors and criteria as the comm'i ssion deems apnlicab'l eto the proposed variance. llo add'itional factors appear to be pertinent. The Departnrent of Community Development wo..r'ld like to point out that the proposed addition rvould improve the appearance of a building badly jn need of improvement. The Departrnent of Community Deve'l opment finds that: The granting of the variance t.rill not constitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with the limitations on othei propertiis c1assified jn the same district. (See Section 2 of ttrb criteria andfindings. Most of the balcon'ies in the district are non-conforming. ) That the grant'i ng of the variance hJill not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety, or welfaren or nraterially injurious toproperties orimprovements in the v.icinity. Ilo other structures or properties are direcily adjacent to ihebuilding in question. The property is isolated by two roads, greenbelt and Gore Creek. That the variance is warranted for the There are exceptional or extraord'i naryapolicable to the site of the vari anceto other properties jn the sanle zone. This is a non-conforning building on a non-conforming site which uras subdjvided and constructed in the early days of Vail prior to z6n'ing or sub-division regulations. The Departnrent of Connrunity Development reconnrends approval of th'i s variance as requested. foiiowing reason: ci rcumstances or condi ti ons that do not apply generally o Town of Vail f,lI,rlcTTlIcAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-.----- 3L2 $7'/........ s/,"*e APPROVALS s.......,&l.,aa Received By chi.f Bulldlat oficlal THIS FORT IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIjRS ADVAI\ICIE NOTICE REQTJTRED FOR INSPECTIONS ^aN^,,,.h.il/.u &kiil Date of Electrical Applican rfil c. F. rrorErrl lo.r D PLUMEilNGi.TMECHANICAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: I rrrEw [J/lotnon D npmooel E nepnrn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER ,<21 MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArroN s r30O .O0 VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT ,rU/,1, td ) . -.n-fl PERMIT FEE \.. il:{, I nrenoveo E orsnppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE F Fz a I tlzt a z a ig!Eiilif,E-- < I '' Q, riieEFE'<3 IHEqE; IEiSEEI e<iJ| <ljl': z: laiEEa I :E:isI SHliI d<tl + ! Te IJJE<t x IJJ z J 2 ,<HY*d6 LIJ UJ Iz) It/ z o zul: UJv, ur F IIJ Jtt tll F J uJ J F ! Er ul B o 2 I o Jl E -l lret - -G'F ; tIt" '*a T0tTlt 0F YAtt EIIJILDTNGi PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AFEA FLOON AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION vut # o READ THIS APPI,ICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COR'n'BCT AND AGREE TO C()IIPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE 6 NEW { I ALTERATION TIONI } REPAIB( I I.JSE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT,OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST, LOADING '{O. OF LIVING UNITS AIR I }ELECI }UIUITI I 1. TYPE OF COtgSTRt CT|OI{ | |lr rV V I HR Z OCCUPANCY GAOUP A B C D E F G H I J Dlvtstot\t 1231 SPECI FI ED 'pka SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR PEFIMIT o PLUMEilNGi/MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl ruEw D noorrroru E nenaoorl ! nepnln RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKSI PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATEI orsnennoveo PL ICAT ION FOR VAr{ IANCE And/0r COND I T IONAL USE PERM I T 0rdlnance No.8 (SerlEs of l97t) App I i cat ion Date Publlcation Da te Hear I ng Date Hearing Fee Fl na I Dec i s lon date for Town Counc I I (we ) i icant) 'co,lgfado. , Vail ' Phone476-06pg(State) -(lltl ^do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail planning Commiss ion fo requesi the fol lowino: o AP rV. \n f\ T\ I Variance from Article 6_'"_-_-i_-r vzonrng unange from toParking Variance Cond if iona I Use Perm ii to a I low In Zone. Secf i on 6.502 portion ofFor the following described property, lt",gl/tract B , Block Fi I ing Number Vail Vil.lage First, Clearly state p u rpose and intent of this app I i cat ion We are requestinq for H.F. so that we may extend our second floor public access balconies to a width of eight feet, thus providi a more usable exterior space which will be easier to maintain. What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case?The existing val onres is ver di ffi cul t due to the r des oi te its 'r nc sed area woul d be I ear Ronald A. Todd James 14. Palmer Applicant representi ng PL ICAT I ON FOR VAR I ANCE And,/0r COND I T l0iiAL USE pr:Rt4 tT 0rdirr ance l{o. I (Series o+ l9i3) a AP ng Date Dec i s ion date for Town Counc i I Variance f rom Arti Zon ing Change f romFark inc Variance Conditiona I use permit ln Applicafion Dare 7/tL/?L pubticarion 0ate He a r i Fina I Hearing Fee (r+ )"t 3 6 ); Cottec/le9/r fio4D ( A O O re S s ,) ( ( (' ( Phone appea r be fo re lhe Vail P I ann ing I ng: -'--,Secf ion fo to a | | Zone. OW wirr g described properfy:| ^+ ,/ + -^ ^+L\J I / | | C r_ |B lock cant) do he reby req ues t pe rrn is s ion to Comnr iss ion io request the f ollow For the follo Fi ling l.,l urnber C learly staie VA rL 76- /gzo p u rpose and intent of this apc I icat ion' X. Rece NTL L,lsrilseO Y\t col.uice- Raotrirl,(ovJo ltrub PLarv irs egu;tte FFti ','t unif Guveeet B What do you f ee I is the basis f or hardsh ip 4tu:'.nt*' t x'itt at gnal ure '0 ./'l !.1. ,4?) | /t\- |'J .-\{li' 9IJ 4-1LIr::-lL t--{-a } ,-..45d,a J. & l,l"^-Ytt at- v*:t # 3 .f-y/* c,'.-.,*<- B*4%y. R'a-",-' /vril R"b{gJz'e Cw/'<4- # Ju4-a/\a-a- (r*a" tf-- ,1**/- rluo-u1t'we^{ 6l ,rv^rn ,k-ltl;r. $ c""-, /rt%. runa--,y.c- zQt q-fu{"*-^W * {r^^ / ttfu+YbL,& fra-''' 4 fu- /1''^'*,'<"* (4- o.r|-.- ^B-tu*, 6Jt*.'l-,' YA. fr,*aL-tl;,.*,-Y.^io W-ZMf .Ufu B,;LA;t 4*-, a' I?p-(tst&- "f|;">f ;'1L" c*4 'ft- rr'-g ;J-,y *fr,n r^v" tlt',/"'t7,' 7nx'oz'-t-'^/ ?,y P^^l6^,'rr. bW fr ZCm o"' /1'1'|1 "'aix"/'n iztn**' fnu$v fr ,,fr*- o.-- e-a+ef'fn f&t q4'"^lf'wA'ts'--"1/"v *a ft*'u6'cp *-,Mw$n;&"t,. \ 2.V; qi4 &|'tr+f.f * fu*4 yno7,,'Et,,oa'' ti'*-"*'r("oa- ' 3' \^' fuv+*d p.pgs;p,n fryu;-az '&^i'Lua*-@ ,&rf n-- co,@ Lt-,-w p 1' lU^%-n:^ a{"'<'a^-r /"^J2t!h--""- Mx-F*c-r*lt a;-t'Lt'., &r/"-'-t' 4,- o'*- '*o/*-;/'Ta' 4 W--^tr, fr" ;d-i'zsJ*^, H,r 1,.*'/," - cru^M />friiz,6"' /-^^pAA *tu;/- co,l,^p$Z. $ //^-Xr doo-;74,-ry8^"*' t:w*-^.tq /t"aU*p.-, /t\.e %b a-n u'ilp rUMgfu br"t'.;{ grJ. /";-,- P e' /"*f [--L 6*J- ut'fun/6-t- B-L v*4+At/b"r':/ v:i*K ,*""'*iMry ftrt'n't/t'z +- ' ; *tr@e+ l,fu,t y aa-u.t<,pz "f%*-,"** SJ\Er^rvJ@. :.:..;t .., ...: '..: ...: : t.' / $ k \J t tr \ \ ( d \ \J a, o {'l I II rq' f,i {t|I\J ; JI LJ \* Eil I I I I q( q,\$\ {q \\t as = $ s t fio, BIE\ ,\I\xt,l* \rt .\\\ o q\i'tr\jj \ ..---\.\\ l l-. t -l'/1... iOJal {./ :t;l.tI tf ,I l'rlB+_ | \l\l i$x Isl it:lr \i| .'\N\\ R:N*\ :\i\,\: \$.. \.6-\ \ A\€= \\ a->! Y ,$ ! Y.l tl 't uLi /l/l\l'Yi n\l I j, Vli,l s N*lrl trl\\La\{* '\\ ,\b.\ - \- tqr shf !,r 't t $ $ t\ o a lJ. K0A0 $\ Flu \yt! p v] 0 prI F.LE IT c d ? LI ? x w 1, v tiJ +k nt f;t [=- E5 $r o 5 I rLu IttA tr GOftL ./\ I #$rilo r\FT. tlr {- \b \ro \; tr \.! sc] ....: : '.. .-. .. t-i r :.',.' '.j ...: .. ..: ,lr1 U V ., '\r dg $$.N $$ I tlj \)T- H _) { \]L L _JL $ oo a UEMORANDUI'l TO: PLANNING COlylivlISSION FBOM: DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIJENT DATE: AUGUST 12, 1976 RE: JAMES TI. PALMER REQUEST T.OR CONDITIONAL USE PBRMIT FoR REAL ESTATE OFFICE - CORNICB BUILDING The staff has revj-ewed the Conditj.onal Use permit request according to section 18.600 of the zonlng ordinance and have the following comments: The applicant has requested that two existing dwelling units consisting of approximately 464 square feet, located. on the ground floor of the cornice Building be converted to a real estate office. The request does not require a parklng variance. subjeet building is located in an HDlilF zone district. FACTORS: Relationship and impact ofobjectives of the Town. the use on development The purposes for the IIDMF zone d.istrict states "Certain non-residentlal uses are permitted as conditional uses rvhich relate to the nature of Va1l as a winter and surnmer recreation and vacation community, where permitted are intended to blend harmonj-ously with the residentlal character of the district, " lVe do not feel- that a real estate office is harmonious with the residential character of the buildi.ng. The Cornlce provides affordable employee housing near the core area and removal of this rate type of housing unit does not seem compatible with the Town?s desire to keep a barlance of housing (particularly long-term emptoyee units) and eonurerci-al space t .t U Cornice Page 2 ll'e feel that it is imperative that the commercial area be limited to the cc1 area and not allowed to spread into the areas which are primarily residential in nature' Effectoftheuseonlightandair,dlstributionofpopu- lation, transportation iacllities, and other public facilitles and public facilities needs' Theprimaryconcernisoneofd'istributionofpopulation' Ite believe that long-term residents should be encouraged 1n the area. Further, since there are no parking spaces on the site' there will be slight impact on the transportation center. The applicant has also requested that he be aLlowed to put a drivevray for loading and unloading on the site, we would strongly recommend that such a driveway not be approved as 1t could create a tremendous traffic irazard due to the steep hi11, curve and narrow bri'dge ' Effectupontraffj"c,withparticularreferencetoconges- tion, auiomotive and pedesirian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability' and removalofsnorvfromtheStreetsandparkingareas' Ar:ea]estateofficecouldcontributeadditionaltraffic in an already congested area where no on-site parking is availabl-e' 'lYe fea.r that customers will double park along the roadway which would create an unsafe traffic condition, and make snow plowing a problem. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposeduseistobelocated,includingthescaleandbulk of the proposed use in relatlon to surrounding uses' IlIe feel the proposed use rvould have a negative impact on the residential character of the neighborhood' The surrounding uses (Apollo Park, Texas Tolvnhouses, Vorlaufer' Grey &Whites) are all primarily residential in character' o Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems Cornice Page 3 applicable to the ProPosed use, Applicanthasstatedthatheintendstodoagreatdeal of landscaping and general rehabilitatlon on the site and the build- ing. lye feel this is an important site visually and should be given a general face-1ifting, As a part of the applicationr the owner has requested permission to fence a small triangular area east of the building which i-s owned by the Town of vail. Pedestrians are cutting through the 1ot and have worn a pathway through the grass' The small traet of land is isolated from other green belt areas and would benefit from additional landscaping as requested by the applicant, and the fence would be necessary to protect the land- scap1ng. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use if an environmental impact report is required by Article 16 of this ordinance. No environmental impact report was required as there is no significant environmental impact ' The Department of community Development makes the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is not with the pruposea of this ordinance and the the district in which the site is located' We do not feel that a real estate office is the purpose section of the HDITF district since j-t does to the Vail- visltor as a resory oriented business. Tlrattheproposedlocationoftheuseandtheconditions under wnicn it would be operated or maintained would be detrimental to the pubJ.ic heatth, safety, and rvelfare, and wouldbemateriallyinjurioustopropeltiesorimprovementsin the vicinitY. The probable traffic problems which could be created by the proposed office rvhere no on-site parking is available could be in accord pruposes of in keepi.ng rvith not relate Cornice . Page 4 '. detrlmental to the public safety, and detrlmental to the resldentlal character of the n€ighborhood. That the proposed use w111 comply with each of the appli- cable provisions of this ordinance. The request is in conforutance with the zoning ordinance. The Department of Communtty Development recommends dis- approval of the Conditional Use Permj-t :. nY i|i 1-- I ( L illF 0l fu ri Et I +H,--. }Nfi $rE F$* EI+f ,' g i E 't. rlt ) $ 3 $o 'E -s $t,$ $${$ i, Eur t t (.eil * tif,- {r fr+ h?' tLT)t .'.*" t: r-,. Jo! 4 ' t% |la8rt! a. EoF 2tld n" aa. April ,D 76 . R..:rD.ir. :i, I firr I)EED. r.d. rf,r P. H.].LL and SqERPILL HFl.'. cerrot Cunber land F{+lf ,t rtt. fiBt b.rr..!, i.r::S1' LenaSS anat EtRSAPrq LirREsE co6t ol Eaole Ll i rldo, rt tt. rend D.!.. \tl l:{I:-.sETll. Ti.! &Jsd!.niea ot tl tiht ].n !.r &l c .*.r&drd otib.@ ol Ten |'ol:ars and o:her dood and valuable cgns i'ierat i i:r- - - - ----gt*t*l€( r, ::! lid D&t i e6.t & lirt Fn ir b.a r-a t aL .ia Fni45 .a tr. €a r.'i. $. NiDt rL.F, ,i r.F5r rn!64d .'d -t!.rt..r. L vc i.a-tr FL.4 -L, dnrra .!a QUtr CL rxED, .!d bt :fr{ pRnrs do E!i... rd€, rL 6r.t ra (F'll CLrrI Gbll. ria F- ieg .atLa€ndt tr iherrlar...<gc -a -ar. !-tq..! l}. rilL iiab. nt sr, cLi Ed d-&a rri:h rL !.id e..! !€s (! tL liEa Frt i.se ir..a b t L0-&a &-tti !0. - F..{ d t.a nr.t. bla.td \aritt i. th. C..-t .t E&jE rd 3.r. .a c.a.'4., i' ri: i orrt cf T?a.t 'a' art a r€rt of sil. leet- bd, !,?-rl'1!!/a, r:=: FlLDiG, Cqlirt-v o: Eele, Stat? ot Colo!.yt,, lce fErtiqiarl.. &s-lb€Crs :01165: Caacrcitq at t'E rbltlEast .r.tsr o: \'ail r,':11n:e, r:-: 'r.l::.or t.s:e lbrtt: 79. !4r O0't-r alds tb Sdrltprl-.. lir -.,'- c!4 | O0' !l-t alds tb SdrLtErl'.' li:F a : ,'- S -l{r!nJ+: tio. 5 a iLtt.lle d! 3a1.15 ee€t. :c .-.!E .z:r.:!Eas}_ -.orEr ., s . - j ::a:t "B"r ._lEl.e Sor*h I.. lJ' lU- ies.-.lcrE * gaster:1 i:.,8 c. s.r:4::.r':t 'P', a dis!:arc' of 19€. !l f,re: -.o :tE 5qlg.Eas.€rl.' s:ref, 1a 9!:a ::'..1::t -f-: _JEic?'br'-\ 1-+.t rl4r9 e\e S.rile!::... l::€ c. sr4:!:r:t 'l' r drst-te o! i70.al f€et I .-!-e.1-.e Sor'-i l:' l{' .i' }ij,;: ..l .r]o{:r }--:!e SoruErl'r UlE of grC :!rci 'B' r:i.stalc€ af 1'}1.nr J.:.r: :. -lf.-f1r', ooint of tLyrislindi .J|q.* :]crti no. 14' n:r 'r€st a i_isi-.?r.i-: ii ::-.: aerrl.t t:t-f'ce Sqlth 8'l ?7. ll' :ta: ! :!j!rt3nc o. ir.:l f.a:r --je:-r ::_i--j.li' I !' ll" r€t a distJic oa 7-1, l: aee:, !se!:oe :;cfr*l ;:' .2,!' 'lr, f 1.:i C.slaie o! Si.ll fNrt, :.a!t c'. l,:3s :o tly. t.€ ec-t 3: b€r-:r.1i:] . lar . "Dhi,!a,rr .rDiar :;ae.,rt . :$:!:...hr !..Jr_ ! if'..rl .t I Ii .i .::!:1 . !.!) IS l'.-I'ltli-.) rct c/ 'rt!.Fi ti'_'. ^'i:: .'.::i :il tr PeCEIPT ny3 ^D-ln.' !-r.:;-F_ic*!:: 3-!tr l{F A- Pn4F t6! nF ?||F a!!.:r]s -: tn: : .'a :o:op.aD.r. -- r- . . a-J iir .:r. .!.-.:-. ::t r ri I :r- lY ,- *4t,{*€=:!:?a?-'_'.---"4-r ..., *--_#-..?-.r.--:t!.. /Fz.1r::-:=--:,'- .*:, __. }, Rsor&ir.r l!0O -.. o'chtl^....[,..fuU.4+$2C.--.'-.,...-.. neftrtion t(o. I d1835-......---.-*.-. ... r.Err D. a|f.--. &.ora.t ERllsT LAREST and BAnAlRl l. LllESE, hustrrdand ri fc, ' TTE*: t E ia9*-:;,21Gtt <ts i t.. | ,.i t.glr ,bL- P. 0. Bor I'el Cooty d !rd. rbdr{..drd tfr (|t0. l.l I dollrh ir hand !rid, he!€bt !dl(.)as to a|t urrlivldad oa6ainlrth ;IICHELL, as Joint TcnrnG rs shrse :rddress is .Vail Col orado n[mf, J'JL 2t,'7e Intafrsti R C€ltE Lo -fourth (l/tl CrDtr ra 00.00 I $ t e lAltl0cHl ard J,'IE F. |||n 81f,,.3 at ta Jotm tara*t. B $hose add.esi ir P. 0. 8or 36280 Cofirencl ng rt thaConrenclng rt tha nortll.a3t co?oaf o? ltll tlllala, tlrtt flllrgi,thence lorth t9otl5'00' Lart !lo.r tta tertt ?lr llr. ot u.3. Hlaithence torth 79or15.00. Itrt !lotli ttaio. 6 . distinc" of 36t.06 taat to tl co?oaf ot tatt Ytttala, ttrSt tttt19:llotlt tL lerata?lt llr. ot U,S. rlghrrtfaat to tla lattltar3t corrar rf iali Tr.cB thence Solth loola'0O. lrrt tlort rhr ltrta"lt ltiG ot ttld tractBi d dlstance ot l9S.3l frat t0 lia lortiarrtrrlr coriar ol r.ldTr.ct B; thcncr tlortlr ttoaa.oo. lart alora tla touttrrlr llia cts.ld lract g I dl3trnca ot 1t0.00 t.rt; tirrca Sartt taDlaroo. lastand .long th€ Southrrlrr llia ct tald rrtct l a Clrtaica ot l0O.0O Bi d dlstance ot l9S.3l fr.t t0 lia lorti.rrtrrlr coriar ol r.ldTr.ct B; thcncr tlortlr ttoaa.oo. lart alora tla touttrrlr llia cts.ld lract g I dl3trnca ot 1t0.00 t.rt; tirrca Sartt taDlaroo. Iand.long th€ Southrrly lti. ct r.ld rrtct l a Ctttaic. of 10O.0fect to th. trua Dolot rt lrglrllrli lt|r3r loitl lfol0r0t. Ilrtdi.trn.. .f ll tt t--.' .r-.r- l--a\ laaat.tt. rect to th. trua Dolot rt lrglrllrli tl|r3r loitl 0fol0.0t. Ilrt Idistcrca of tll.57 fGrt; tt.ica lortl Lttt.ll. L|,t a iilst.|3t at75.21 freti tnlncr Soutlt ttolt.t?. falt a dltiarca rt tt.t7 ta.trdistarcr of 4r.67 fl|t; tt.ico loatl Lrtt.ll' Lft a dtlt.|3a at75.21 freri rnlncr Souut ttolt.t?. ftit a dltiarca ft tt.t7 ta.tgthence Lorth 5to24'00' €a3t a dttt Gr-.rt'l[-ll to.t. ror! 61 1..75.21 freri rnlncr Souut ttolt.t?. ftit a dltiarca ft tt.t7 ta.tgthence taorth 5to24.00. €lrt_a dtttttca-.tt'lS.lf taatr ror! or laa*to the truc point of baglarlrl, tr/,erJ r.rilr*ra art -t,,r irrr_Crt jt f9 O tFrrtss.r iln+.fourth (l/athl lntargt. :l' {irh sll ili spps €nr!.g, sld rrtd(d L ftl0a G radd b ar3firdt3. Eor?n-l i ants and rcstrlctlons of rlcorCr tia tar.t tor lla trar 19t6. rrrtGi I| grantces a3surc rnd lgrea to Flt. It-lrl| ,,/-' f: siln€d fti' -r .a -i " .ftb .U ra- , Ir '" ) f. J.-,,"'"' " Etltl Llllt! ,ihlDnt!.rir! Lrilt! 'r ltlAaita .. .t n&,*tzt*, // *,r"r*-tlrllrA l. Lril3t' rnd x{fe $lnterestl DEdl F, SESSIOTS rd ffil JaI tl$lqE. || .blc l...ntr lt to i_11 l4llld*.glfifo'ntn q/4rn) tdFUtr r{ J(f, r. jilF. |' rc .o rdirtdd i SIAIE ()l'('(rlI'RlDO, l '^^-^-^ "'' tra Cuunty ol tagl r l Th{ for.ruing in"trvnrcnt $b r,lnof,kdgtd f,cfolr nr& dqy o! .4 ra! ,1975,!r ttisr L^ltst rnd 3lltltt A. LAltsE,husbafld tnd ll fi, 'rl r: ' :-* -r No. l95CA. Ile v. '?3 sur,r un" r*1" ^"t,oN.-,Brrdtord pubhhrDs co.. 1s21-{0 sr.ur st)envor, colorsdo-lz.?s Court Fi!ing Stamp ' IN rIIE....9"l.l-I.1I.9.I.-.....couRr IN AND r'OR THE corrNTv oF..-...E A.q.-1..E AND STATE OFCOLORADO Civil Action No.....-...-..------.--..------.-.- Div ERNST LARESE Plaintiff..-...-..-. THE TOI.IN COUNCY1 OF T|IE TOI/N 0F VAIL, the T0Wll CF VAIL,a Huni ci pal corporatl on ,and the Z0NING ADIIINISTRAT0Rfor the Town of Vai 1 , sttMMoNs Defendant.--9-...-. THE PEOPLE OF TrrE STATE OF COLORADO TO fiIE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT..i......, GREETING: You are hereby summoned and required to file with the clerk an answer to the complaint rvithin 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for ihe relief deuranded in the conipiaiut, If service upon you is made outside the State of Colorado, or by publication, or if a copy of the complaint be not served upon you rvith this summons, you are required to file your answer to the com- plaint within 30 days after service of this summons upon you. TVarning: If this summons does not contain the docket number of the civil aetion, then the petition may not now be on file rvith the elerk of the court. The petition must be filerl within ten days after the summons is served, or the aciion may be dismissed without notice upon your proper r€qqsr6 to the court. Information frorn the court conceraing this civil action may not be available until ten days after the summons is served. Thisisanaction* per annexed comprarnt :.----------..---------, tS --=-C::- Clerk of said Court By -.--.---.--..-...-..l-...-0..:....?..o-1..19.1.:...Y..111..!.-..-c.9.1.9.r.l49-.. Address of AttorneyDeputy Clerk (Seal of Court) eThb .urnrnonr is islued purruaDt to nule {, C.B.C.P., a. amoded. Il l.he rumrnont la rtubtished or lcre_ed plthout s coDy ol tl!! colnphlDt, alt€r the word "acl.ion" rtrte Lh( relief demrnded, tf fuy exccutioD ls roufht the rultttnols rnult ltrta, "Thie ls an lctlon lounded uporl torl," Attorney for Plaintiff t IN THE DI III AiID FOR TIIE STATE OF Glvll Actl STRICT COURT COUIITV OF EACLE COLORADO on llo. gRIIST LARESE, Pl al ntl ff, Yg. T{E T0r{il C0UI{CIL 0F THE TOI.III OF YAIL,the T0l,litl 0F YAIL, rffunlclpal corporatlon, and the Z0li I tlG ADIiItIISTRAT0R for the Toun of Vall, Defendantr. t{0'd unders I agrl ns t and all FIRST CLAIH FOR RELIEF l. That the Defendant, the Town of Vrll, ls a nunfcl- pal csrporatlon ln thE State of Colorado, actlng by rnd through tha Defendtnt, thc Torn CounclI, harelnefter referred to as the Councll, rnd the Dcfendant, tho Zonlng Adnlnlstrator for the Tovn of Vrll. herslnrfter referred to as the Ads{nlstrator. 2. Thrt the Plrlntlff lr tha fec orn.r of ccrta{n rarl propcrty sltuatc ylthln the Torn of Vall, Rore prrtlculrrly darcrlbed In Exhlblt 'A' anneled hereto, lnd nore conmonly referrsd to aB the 'Gornlce'. 3. That cuch sltc rnd Inprovements locatcd thereoo, to rlt, rn rprrtmant houiG, xrr platted, rpprovcd and congtructed on or rbout Janunry I, 1964. COI'iPLAI IIT UNDE R RULE I06 ( cRcP ) C0l'lES the Pl al nt{ f f aboye-naucd, by and through hl s gned ettornsys, BR0!{H & I{ARDER, and as a conplalnt the Dofendantr herelnr artd arch of then, rtatet egec as fol I ows: 4. That on or about August 7, 1973 the Councll rdoptad the oZonlng 0rdlnancen for the Town of Vrll, to rl t, Tl t'l e XI I , Chapted 1 et s_eq of the l{unl cl pal Code of Yrll I Colorado, herelnafter the Ordln.nce' rhlch provlded, Inter al{a: Sectlon 20.200 Contl nuance. l{on-conformlng sltesr uses structuFe3, and slte Inrprovenents lavfully estab- I I shed prlor to the effectl ve d-ate ofthls ordlnance may contlnue, subJectto the I lml tatl ons proscrl bed I n thl sArtlcle. Sltes, u3es, stfuctureg, andslte lnprovenents laxfully authorlzed by percrlts or regulatlons exlstlngprlor to the effectlve date of thls ordlnance mry contlnue, subJect to such llrnltatlon as pre3crlbed by suchpermlts or regulstlons. r 5. That the aforesald real property orned {s and ls deslgnated as onon-conformlngu under ordlnance ln that lt uas plrtted, approved and pr{or to the passage of tha ordlnance. by Plalntlff the aforesa{d cons tructed 6. ella: Artlcle 2l of such ordlndnce further provldes, lglgg ' Soct{on 21.102 Dutles... thc Zonlng Admlnlstrator Fsy ssrve notlca lndlca.tlne the nature of any v{olat{on, or requlrlng the renoval of rny gtructure or use In vlolatlon of thls ordlnance, on the owner or hls authorlred agent'or a tenant, or on any other person rho comnlt3 or partlclpate {n any vlo-lat.lon of thls ordlornc€.. r l. That actlng In pursuance of Artlcle 2l rs stat€d above, the Adnlnlstrator lssued and sorved upon Plalntlff a "Stop llork flotlceo. t copy of nhlch ls annexed hereto as Exhlblt n8', for the purpose of preventlng and r€stralnlng Plrlntlff frou spreadlng gravel on the aforcsald premfses. 8. That Plalntlff, ln spreadlng gravel on hls prenlles, ras actlng ln a lawful uanner In thls: repalrlng and nal ntal nl ng the grounds whlch were at tha tf nre surroundlng hls apartnent house In a state of dlrrepafr and drmrgt, boggy, muddy and deeply ruttedivl2,. , the prenl s03 YcrG -2- and In dolng 30, Plrlntlff'g conduct rnd lctfons rcrc In accord rlth thc strlcturer of Sectlon 20.500 of thc above ordlnance whlch provldes: llon-conformlng ugeg, gtructures andslte lnprovemints may be na{ntalned and reprlred as necessary for conyenlent,sale, or efflclent operatlon or us€s ppo- vlded that no such malntenance or repalrshall lncrease the dlscrepancy betneenthe use, structure or slte lmprovement and the developnent standrrds prescrlbed by thfs ordlnance 9. That the actlons of the Adnlnlstrator ln issulnE and servfng the nStop-Uork Hotlce' was not authorlred by any provlslon of the ordlnance ln thfs: her rctlons exceedlng her delegatad responslblllt{es .for enforcement of the ronlng regulatfonc, Has arbitrary and caprlclous, and was ln excess of the Jurledlctlon of the Defendant Town of Valli and as a dlrect result of such actlon, Plrlntl-ff has been deprlved of valuable property rlgh?s and tha use and cnJoyment of hls property rlthout due process of lax rs guartnteed to hlm by Artlcle II, ltS ana laS of tne Coprtltutlon of the State of Colorado and the 5th and l4th Anendrnents to the Constltutlon of the Unlted State3. 4. 10. That such actlon by the Admlnlstrator was vold and of no effect. lr vold FOR RELIEF In the Flrst Glalm for Rellef s reference. d fn partlcular Artlcle 2l tor shall bedutles as pre- ancer and shall forcement of E... doe: not prescrlbe sufflclent rnl tlng the ruthorl ty of thc onlng ordlnrnce neceslary to standards and Adnl nl rtrator SECOIID CLAIH aphs 4, 5 and 7 ed hereln by thl he ordlnance, an hlch provldes: onfnE Admlnlstranslble for such ed ln thls ordln sponslbl e for enonlng regulatlon valld fn that lt guldagl fncr dol I to anforcc the z Paragr rp0rr t That t reof x The Z rrspo scrlb be rethe r rnd ln ll. ire lnco la. ttoa the -3- conport wlth the mandates of due procesS rr guarantred by Artlcle tl laS of the Constltutlon of the Stata of Colorrdo rnd the 5th and l4th Anendments to the Constltutlon of thc Unlted States, In that {t constltutes a dlrect grrnt of arbltrary dlscretton to the Adnlnlrtrator. TIIIRD CLAIH FOR RELIEF 13. Poragraphs I through I ln the F{rst Clalm for Rellef are lncorporated by thls reference. 14. That on or rbout Decernber 11, 1974, Plalntlff flled a notlce of appeal to the Councll, a copy of wh{ch appeal lg annexed hereto as Exhlblt "C', pursuant to Sectlon 21.103 ; !!? of the ordlnance, rlhlch sectlon provfdes !lsgg,!. allr: Appeal fron any adnlnlstratlve actlonor determlnatlon or deterurlnatlons bythe Town tlanager or the Zoning Admln-lgtrator pursuant to the provlslons ofthls ordlnance may be flled wtth the Town Councfl by any resldent or prop€rty otlner t*fth{n 20 days followlng suchactlon or deternlnat{on. In event ofappeal, the Councll, after recelvlng areport from the Town Hanager or the Zonlng AdmtnlstrEtor, FEy conffrm,reverse, or srodlfy the actlons of the Town Hanager or the Zonlng Adnn{nlstrator; A hearlng shall not be requlred.., 15. That on or about 0ccenber 17, 1974, the Councll rendered lts declslon conflrnlng the actlont of the Admfnls- tratorr a copy of uhlch ls annexed hereto as Exhlblt'Dr. 16. That tha hear{ng hld rnd deterarlnrtlon mrde by the Councfl on 0ccenber I7r 1974, ras In the nrture of a quasl- Judlclal proceedlng for whlch notlce thereof to thls Plalntlff vac requlred by the dua proccss clause of ths Conrtltutlon of Colorrdo and Unlted Stater, to wlt! Artlcle II, tZS ana the 5th and l4th Amendnent3, rcepeetlvely. 17. That such hearlng had and deternlnatfon nade by tha Gouncll xas, {n fact, had and nadc rlthout any notlce rhatso- ever to thls Plafntlff, rnd the dctornlnatlon therefore, lt vofd ar ylolatlve of due procerri rnd ha: othcrw{rc deprlved -{. thft Plalntlll ol valuablo property rfghts In thc uge and full cnJoyment rnd lmprovement of hfr property. FOURT}I CLAIH FOR RELIEF lB. Parrgraph l3 ln thc Thlrd Claln for Rellef lt Incorporrted hereln by thfr reference. 19. That Sectlon 21.103 of the ordln!nc6 fs abJcctly and patent'ly vold as vlolatfve of due process {n that lt proscrlbes that r hearlng shall not be r'equlred for purposci of appeal from the actlons of the Admlnlstrator fn that a property osner, such as thlg Plalrtlff, may be daprlved of valuable propcnty rights by the ad h_o.c. aetlons of the Adnlnlstrator xlthout belng afforded a halrfng at rhlsh to pregont ovldance and to cFoss-examlne r{tnesses, vlz,, that tt no tlme In the entlre proceedlngs ls o property orner rfforded a hearlng to present hls dEfense. e0, That by vlrtue thereof, the determlnatlons the Admlnlltrator and tha Councll on Deceqnber 10, I thorsafter are vold and of no effect. nade by 974 and FIFTI{ CLAII.I FOR RELIEF 21. Paragraphs 14 and 15 In the Thlrd Clafn for Rel are Incorporated hereln by thls referencc. ??. That tho declslon of the Councll rendered lgf December 17, 1974 ras arbltrary, caprlclous, and rn abusc of dlscretlon ln that lt yag not based upon proper rnd rdnlssabla evldence, nor supported by sufflclent evldence rdduced In the Adnfnlstrator's Report In that thc only evldencc that concelvably could be or uas adduced at such herrlng was that rs stilted ln parrgraph 7 hereln, rhlch dld not constltuts a vlolatlon of the ordlnrnce and thcreby substantlate tho actlon of the Adnlnlstrator. 23. Ths declslon and determlnatlon mada by the Councll In conflrrulng tho rctlon of tho Admlnlstrator are Invrlld. -5- SIXT'I CLAIH FOR RgIIEF 24. That to permlt the Defondants to snforce thc ordlnance ln tho nanner they hava pursued rould deprlvc thlg Plrlntlff of valuablo property rlqhts In the forst of the loss In the uso, enJoyroent ond lrnprovenent of hlr property, notwlthstandlng the loss of value thereof due to the rostrlctlon placed on Plalntl ff In repa{rlng and nalntalnlng the sane. 25. That I n Plalntlff ls r{ at lau, and unl nStop tlork llotl hls lrreparab'lo SEVE}ITH CLAIH FOR RELIEF respect to eech of the forego{ng clalms' thout pla{n, speedy and adequate remedlec ess onJofned' 0afondants nilI enforce the csn to the detrlnent of Pla{ntlff and to hrrn and lnJury. t'fHEREF0RE PLAI llTt FF PRAYS: A. For a decree of thl3 Court dec'la rZonlng 0rdlnancen for the Torn of. Vall sl t, Tl tl e XI I , Chrpter I of the l{unl c f Coiorado ls null rnd voldi 8. For a decraa declarlng thrt tho Adsrlnl3trator and Councll ln afflrmancG Ing tha (Sarles al Gode r p actl ong thareof t the 1973), to of Yall ' of t,he ar8 Invalld and voldl G, For an order pcrnanently enJolnlng of sald ordln.nco, rnd In pcrtlcular, for rgrlnst the Adnlnlrtrator fronn enforclng thls Plalntlff; the an f orcetncnt an lnJunctlon the srmc agalnst D. For an ordar dlrectlng tho Adnlnlstrator to thc Stop l{ork Hotlce heretofore lssued and scrved Plalntlff and reverslng the dec{s{on of the Councl rescl nd on thls I ln upholdlng the actlons of the Admln{strrtor. E. That the Court entcr an order dlrectlng the Councll to certlfy to thlr Court, thrt portlon of the record of ths -6- procesdlngr relrtlng to tha decfrlon of the 0cfendant Torn Counsll In rfflrnlng the rctlon of the Adnlnlrtretor rgrlnst thls Plrlntlff, fncludlng the report of thc Admlnlstrrtor to tha Torn Councfl and any rrftlsn rcgulr- tlon3 rslatlng to the enforcenc-nt of thc ordfnrnca by thc Adnl nl strr tor. F, For such further lnd dlfferent de.cree or Judgnent u thc Court shall deeu proper rnd epproprfate In thc prenl ees. UROTH I }IARDER Itr 81657 Plalntlff's address: P.0. Box 1522'tall, Colorrdo 8165? er do 75 x l0l ol ora 76-54 c o c 4 I t ) reol .0..all 303 P v (i I'i '..'.: .-..r -l - o Exhlblt nAn :'..'' ,.., i.:1t.==__,il;:-,,,.':,.'.i..r-.'.:,'' i:i+r:-.,.,1r,..;:,', 't ":i '';':,;-;'1''1fi1:i;{::;-.:-.- uce orscRrprioil:t.,r, .:=.--.;,1 . -''..------;.,,'';...,.-t..--, .i,at 4,:r*i.$i:-.1.,r-{::-l"irff;*ffi;;+,',;'*i ;,; tffil y4a. ,; ;1 ffi ff .'. i i|1'--Lr"-r1.or vall, c9"ui:i bt; 91gte, state.or''co1::19 ::::*:1,-.T;..,.: iit:+.,-;ri::.il .i'$;n'ilH::*ll'i; Hl;'";;#i'Ei'".1-"r-""il-ii;'",Bri!1i?li,.i: 1:1'1, ,,"'11ir:,i:''1:..':-ir,1; LOttrOgOCAng gE EnE! tloILllsd=L \,\rr rrst .:-:-- -4, : -.-\:.-- .-:. i'--:iY',ll ;':-.-:j. fli:F.tO;iiG6:'tto i98.31.,f"u. Eo the SouEbness,corner *:reofil\..':_::' ;::r.:ii-i< ';'t-: ;.F;g3is":*:ee +;";!::'+;i;;'lj,:1,::X;ir;:"i"r;:n- #i\-::,=-s+'*l:;1r;,*g:;.''ilii;"i;;;;"';"i";ri:tif ,,n. ?e'46'0Q"'$ l?9:90-_feet aod: -' *:'\-;"ijr.:';,: '':-i'':?j': -i' t:"'-r :-':i: (z)..sr74:16-'00" bI.10o.00: reer; cneni.-ist16;oz" "* ar'oiiioii.,;ll;;;,'"#l:'::::ii;: j-::;i: i.i,'heo:'s 5#zziu'1. w ,75r.21 -reer ro the-true po]1L-'l,tF:"3qi. .:;l.i :1iir :;:-iF.l.;*'-.j.:t: il;;i:'i'i#iilri'l.il ii.zr+eer to the-true poinl bf begioniag;- :"r.-':-lili'.r;':=a.';'-1r: **:il;Ffu*::fu *:.-*;Ii*":''l::::.ft :',i::qmi;:i{'ti-;ipy;iti* 1e:;,, il?k? iiiiil i lill;"e i" ir : i1l iiil" ao . + e i eer ar. oo s =li ; ;; ifffi ii:l,':' +.i -r"; ;;tFid; ;;i:;* i' i.;rr''uhe ersebdia ;-' theaje .t+ 5r ':J:,ij.:r tgdrr cn"o."'* ?1lt?llti;*r'r!.'-1'::::: ::.:H-;.ry:,'"::*,*:i"''#liii.*!rt,2 f,ii+:lii?k?iiiii!i1i..."* i'it:is;iiila ao'+e ieet aloos'.1iffiift;r.*+*ii :lj''+i,-E"" ;;tFiri; ;;i:;*i'i.;rr''uhe ersebdia ;' ttreaje.r+ 5f {ti**:*:;rtxr#*itiffi ;l**:if'E+ffi-^ -_ 'l,J,.l\IJ.Jj&1-Crlrv.rr' v--l- .r:--' ---- r .---^^_.{ er., a- -,4...r ',-" l- - .-i1._ '.; ?"..ripr.ion pere prepared by me.aod;.uader uy supervi.sioo.id.. i..:i/;.';;,-.i1i;.-.-',;..-1 ; '*i rnar 'blti' *i' occoi"te cb jrhe:bes' +j+llr:#,.,fil{i.jli,ti--_r .' ffi 5 ft - !9e r""!. q * :n..1*t*e,'{2.1 q-a1 i ci " q.i. " ie ec . or ol O f z': a9 J 1rs, -uo1i ii. ";;;lf;:l;' i {,ti 7 * i,l=.;'-. =;15. = *t'---, '-' : 'a 1..:.,:i;.Ji:: .--:-ij-l->'.:i;::.j:,.+.'.,'-.-..:-,:i+:---.'.;;-3!l'-::;,:-..'.:-; :';;TTlj'..:.r-:.-'-=-=-*;F:....-.;....:.1..i.:.;',:..';i.:;'1J.3.'.1:-...-;1...1.....l;.1i'..;.:l.:i:;1:j.:. .-:..::::.::''.;...';i.1;:.'......'i...::.j.:j'='-.:;.-.';l'''.i.;-irni -: ,,, .r.;. :..'r ---- -'-..'- -:j.. . J';*,.; j..' : _,,-'.._ . -...=..---:. -- :-_ _i...:- .. ., rri,'-..:- .-. ,.. -,: .....j...-..,.:..:'.j.:,..i..''...li.-:..j...'.-..,''.-:=..li''i,; :i.l!:-: Exhlbft rrCrl T0: The Town Councll Town of Vall County of Eagle State of Colorado TOt,lN OF VAIL. COLORADO leuern It, t974 t:oo pM @oa/*' TIOTICE OF APPEAL A}ID BRIEF tl0ll C0HES Ernst Larese, Appellant, by hls underslgned attorney and pursuant to tZt.t03, 0rdlnarce f8 (Serles of 1973) Tovn of Vail, Inforns the above entltled forun of hls appeal fron the actlon of ihe Zonlng Adninlstratlon For The Town of Vall effectcd Decenber 10, 1974, a copJt of whlch actlon l3 attachetl hereto as Exhlblt nA", and as grounds for such appeal ,. lnprovements sltuate wfthln the To|ln of Vall (Flrst nonly knorn as iThe Cornfceo i That such slte and Inprovenants thereon rere plattad ' : and Eonstructed prtor to the'effeetlve date of thc'"' ': .l.:aforosald.ordinanceandtreother!risedef|nedas 'non-conforning" thereunder, fd teO.zco gt se-q.; (3) ',.,.. Thatonorabout0ecemberl0,l974'Appellantsought dralnage from the surrounding munlcipal propcrty; nhlch dralnage was caused by the acts of the Toxn of .Vall theretofore; (4) That tn dolng thls, the Appellant G.to 3?0.600 supJ_a- 'rhlch provlCes: -.--...-^):.-*tt was actlng pursuant Hon-conformlng uses, structures, andslte inprovehents may be nalntalned and repalred as necessary for convenlent,safe, or efflclent operatlon or use! Pro:, vlded that no such rnaintenance or repalrshall increase the dlscrepancy between the use, structure or slte lmprovement and the developnent standards prescrlbed by th I g ordl nance t ) k ':... (5) That the aforesalrl ordinance does not rcqulro ly f In lvr t tur 5tl tt .t ia ucl rol t,' 5U sa ') ot e€ ld d it st t he el t, lo at1 r, s r A T c Y e It d .|. I I n of Vall flrst hav o repair and naintr 974, Appellant vas rk" notlce (Exhlblt rjmlni slrator For Th appeal 1s nov taken e ToHn of Vali Zoni thorlzed, lllegal , e Town of Val I as p 73), and hag otherx ab'le property 1.l ght I ln violatlon of t orade Constitutlon the Constitutlon o ;: tfully requests a r or For ?he Tovn of' sued be resclnded a he councll seemc Ju:'..\;..-.- :. , ; , . . . : BRO}JTI S HAR'ER Inl in pet aat, e ''l t n9 ex( rot lsr sl he an( fl evi Vai nd sl t been uch onr I I xno e tled ded depr thou trl c the a ,',. u .of rth ors ndp - -;- ' ol s I !lo A s th au th lu al ol to ec at ls b appllcatlon to the To obtalned in order to prenl s es ; (6) That on 0ecenbrr 10, . scrved wlth a "Stop !l , . : lssued by the Zonlng Vall" fron rhich thts !..,i., il (7) That such actlon by t , ."r li' ; .' Adnrlnl strator.yas una'.. tt.: t l. .'''1.-:l .. i. I'' ....,,-i.,:, : the Jurts<llctlon of t,;.: t. ; .i 1"i,:... i Ordlnance fB (Sarles .' _ -t'1 .. ''r',,t2',,,.i- i;. thls AppalIant of val ..;'J.' '' 1 dua proces3 of laH, a': .,,t,,if'r. ' of':Artlcle Ir las; co:. ,' "'' -'-- and l{tn Amendnents t ii.,,i{,i-.i '. ..: {fnited States.l'i-iir.,j'.. ' j'i .: . ; i11i-ti'., .' r.': :' :.. -. '{..:1i'.i{;i''; Lt i s'; .tr lr:!:i.l.: : '..'. i'-'- . :,-'1' t i' -,;1.':i:;iir= Ectl on of the Zonl ng Adni nl stra ''-ll {-,1; ,..lilt'l+tr: tht Stop .lork, 0rcer heretofor I ,;' :li'{: - , , , ij ',: ';t .ir i.-;: .: 'l' " -. ", ':' ,i 'r';.{ l;}:.;:s3hcr- and lfurther. rel left as to *tf.#':i,..:J i o'. .'' :,11i''1ir, ;i i1'. ;."'-iiit i.; "':; .,ii'..''l',i;;iirj;i-',','ln'tha prinnlses. . : . i : ''':'i4;-1i: ' "' : 'r. l. t.-. . ... :;, .. i'" ' i,,,'!l 'e: ii:i d brlef wl thyof 5l b ay 6 I d , Colorado Bl ) 476-547s F iIAILII{G. hls not{ce an do thls llth I J 0 t a I 0 r a 1 E d o v ( I CAT flle Col CERTI F I hsreby certlfy that I the Torn Clerk, Town of Yall, 0ecember, 1974. M box 100 vail. colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 Exhlblt nDo office of the tou'rn atiorneY December 17, .7974 : t December 11, L974 ./. /lflFredrlc B. Butler- Brown & I{arder Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 101Vail, Colorado 8L657 Be: The Cornice zening appea] filed on Dear ltr. Butler: P}ease be informed that the above zoning appeal rvhich 5'clufiled on behalf of Ernst. Larese, owner of The Cornice, was heard, cousidered, and determined by the Tovrn Council ln its-regular meeting on ttris date at 7:30 P.lr4. and the council directed me to serve a copy of its declsj-on on you. The decision of the Town Council is as follorvs: :' l. The Stop lTork Order of the Zoning Arlministrator dated December 10, L974, is confirmed (or aff,irrned) in accor- dance with.section 21.103 of tbe Zoning Ordiuance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, of tbe Torvn of, Vail, Colorado. 2.. (a) Pursuant to Section 2L.lO2 of. the Zoning Ordinance, Ernst Larese is directed to remove *'ithin 30 days from the date hereof the grat'el rvhich rvas placed on the lawn(or former larvn or landseaped.area) of The Cornice on'or about Decembqr lO, L974, and to restore said site to its forncer land- scaped ddndftion.. . _ (b) Or, in the alternative, Ernst'Larese shal1 submit to the Zoning Admini.strator rvithin 3O days from the date hereof an application pursuant to Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance for a variance with respect'to the placing of gravel tI I t I I I t.t { ..'r I', o .- a ,. { Fredric B. Butler' December 17, l9i4 Page 2 on the larvn of The Corulee on or about December 1O, 1974, requesting a variance from the provisj.ons of Sections 6,508' 6,509,. and 6.510 of the Zoning Ordinance 3. (a) The area of The Cornice on which gravel rvas placed on or about December 1O, 1974, has not been approved lor the parking of vehicles in accordance rvith Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance and the parking of anyvehicle on said area is prohibited as being in violation of said article. . (b) Any vehicle parked on said area in viola- tion of Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance is subject to being towed arvay from said site and impounded by the Police Depart- ment of tLe Torvn of Vait, Colorado, and the ovrner of said site and/or the orvner or driver of such vehicle are each subject to a fine and/or imprisonment in accordance rvith Section 1-1-7 of the Town Code of.Vail. Slncerely, GENE A" SMITH Gene A. Smith Torvn AttorneY : \ 'I I I t I I It i I Iiil !oi- #lecEt'tp*.i 1r, te74 (4) REPORT T0: T0ll ' :TNCIL FR0M: DIl,. ICUGHILL, ZONING ADMINISTRAT0R RE: R[IJI...]I REQUiRED BY SECTION 2I.I03 OF ZONING ORDINANCE APP:.i,1 AND BRIEF - CORNICE BUILDING ST0P WORK ORDER 0n December .l0, .|974, the Cornmunjty Development Department noted that loads of gravel were bejng dunrped and spread on the lavrn area adjacent to the Cornice Building. A stop work order was immediately issued to Mr. Larese as the parking area that was being created'i s not in compiiance with the regulations contained in the Zon'ing Ord inance. The following numbered items are in direct answer to the Notice of Appeal and Brief subrnjtted to the Town Clerk by Mr. Butler, attorney for l4r- Ernst Larese: (t ) Statement is correct. (2) Building sjte on which the Cornice was constructed has never been platted. This property js a portion of a large tract, known as Tract B' Vail Vil- lage First Filing and is descri bed only by metes and bounds. Improvements weie constructed prior to the adoption of Ordinance No.8 (Series of 1973), and the structure is a legal , non-conforming use. (3) Mr. Butler has stated that gravel was p'laced to eliminate muddy condition; howevern the area is currently being used for parking. As documentatjon of this fact, photographs are attached which were taken on Decetnber ll' 1974. Even if the area were not being used for parking, it'is still jn vjolation of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20.600 of the Zoning Ordinance states: "Non-conforming uses' structures, ancl site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for c6nven'ient, safe, or efficient operation or use' provided that no such nainte and@ prescri bed by th is ordinance. " The following Sections of the Zon'ing Ordinance have been vio'lated by the placement of gravel over the lawn area:a. 6.SOa - ('l ) "For dweliing units, a minjmum of 1 square foot of useable open space shall be provided for each 4 feet of gross residential floor area, but not less than 150 square feet of useable open space per dwelling unit." Useable 0pen Space 'is defined in Section I '600 as i'Outdoor space having an average slope of less than 5 percent, and useable for outdoor living or recreational activitjes' including patios, terraces, gardens, lawns, swimming poo1s, water features or recreatj0n areas and decks or balconies, but excluding drivewqys' parkinq areas, access walkS, utility and servjce areas, and required Tro[fle-tbftf areas... " The graveled area wiII cover the entire site not covered by the strueture if all of the piles now on the site are spread.b. 6.509 - "At least 30 per cent of the total sjte area shall be land- scaped". Section .l.60C defines iandscaping as "Planted areas and plant materials, including trees, shrubs, iawns, flovter beds and ground cover, together vrith decorative elements such as walks, decks' patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupying more than 20 per cent of a'l andscaped area." There is nothing in the defjnitjon which vrould construe gravel to be landscaping. c. 6.5.l0 - If the area in question js used for parking, the following violations ex'i st. "Off-street parking and loading shal'l be provided in accord vrith Article 14 of th'i s ordinance. " Artic'l e 'l 4 states in Section .|4.500 "The foltot'ting standards shail govern the design and construction of all off-street parking and loading facil'it'ies' $gl-bel reguiled by this ordinance orJrgvide-d jn addjtign to the requjre- ments of thi s ord i nance. . . " ilecember 12, 1974 Report Required by Appeal and Brief - Page 2 o Sect: ?l ..|03 of Zorring 0rdinance Corri i Lluilding Stop llork Order I'Location arrli design - Parking spaces, aisles, and turnjng areas shall be errtirely within lot ljnes ar:ti shall not encroach on any public right of way. No parked vehjc;r: sha'l 1 overhang any pubiic right of way. Except for parking fac,:-i f.ies serving ... less than four cars, offstreet parking areas slr.' ;' lie designated so that it wjll not be necessary for vehicles ', Lack jnto any strqet or pubfic right of way." The area in ',r;;:stiort was checked on Decernber Il, .l974 by Diana Toughill ari.i ijete Burnett; two cars pclt !;'il on the south side of the bujlding werc cncroaching on the green i:,r ;. area adjacent to Gore Creek and one vehicle on the north side of the building l'ras encroaching on the street right of way of Gore CreekRoad'AtthetjmeMr.BurnettandIchecked,therewerefivc cars parked around the building and each of them had to back directly onto Gore Creek Road to get out of the parking area. Section .l4..|00 states in part "Off-street parking and loading areas are to be designed, maintained and operated jn a manner that will ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety..." The drivevray to the parking area backs directly into a corner of one of the rnost heavily traveled streets 'i n Vail. "Aisles of adequate width for convenient and easy access to each parking space sha1l be provided affording unobstructed vehjcular iassage between each parking space and one or more accessways." i'lo aciessvrays are provided ior'parking area and cars are parked one behind another. "A1 'l parking areas shall be paved and prov'ided with adequate drainage faci l'ities. " "Not less than l0 per cent of the interior surface area of all unenclosed offstreet parking areas shall be devoted to landscaping. In addition, landscapbd borders not less than 5 feet in depth shall be provided at all edges of parking lots." If thjs requirement were satisfied, most of ttre s'i te not covered by structure would be landscaped and there would be no space large enough to park in. to z- J. 4. (5) Mr. Butler states that the ordinance does not require application_to^^ the Town in orcler to repair and maintain the premises. Section .l5.300 states "The Town shall not authorize site preparation, buildjng construction' sign erection, exterjor alteratjon or enlargement of an existing structure or Pa!-l!9, fencing, planting, or Srther improvement of open space unless desftn aF6roval hii been gr;;t Mr. Larese did not iirUmit the improvements proposed for his site to the Design Review Board for apprbval , nor has iiy approval been given by the Town or the Design Revievr Board for the subject improvements. (6) A Stop Work Qrder was issued and the Department of Community Developnent feels it was more than justifjed in doing so based on the above violations of the Zoning Ordinance. (7) Action taken by the Zoning Administrator js authorjzed by Section 2.l..|02 of the Zuroing,0rdinance whjch states "The Zoning Administrator may serve notjce indiciting the nature of any v'iolation, or requiring the removal Of any structure or use in vjolat'ion of thjs ordinance, on the owner or his authorized agent, or a tenant, or on any other person who conrnjts or parti ci pates i n any v'i o'lati on of thi s ord i nance. " DEPARTI'IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoni ng Admi n'i strator to fterTll Tl[ TohJr,l i: :r{ IOl.lN-OF VAIL, COLOIIi,; Deceruber ll, lg74' I . p.M. TO:The Town Coun ci 'l Tou,n of Vail County of EagleState of Colorado )\I ) ) NOTICT- OF AP AND IJRIEF P EAL N0l,l C0l'1ES Erns attorney and pursua Town of Vail, infor from the action of Vai'l ef fected Decern attached hereto as avers as f ol I ovls: ant, by his und rdinance #B (Se i tl ed forun of istration For T copy of which a as grounds for t Larese, Ap nt to tzt.to lrs the above the Zoning A ber 10, 1974 Exhibit "A", (21 That such si te and improvements thereon were pl atted and constructed prior to the effective crate of the aforesaid ordinance and are othervlise defined as pel'l 3, 0 ent dmi n r? and ersi gned ries of .|973) his appea'l he Town of ction is such appeal ses and (First (l) That Appellant fs the fee owner of the prem.i improvements situate wjthin the Town of Vail Filing), common'l y known as,'The Cornice,'i "non-conf orn.ing" thereunder, j-{ EZO. ZOO g! seq. ; (3) That on or about December I0, 1974, Appel l ant sought to nraintain and repair the premises surrounding the said building by plac.ing thereon gravel for the purpose.of eljminating the boggy and muddy condition of the ground and to aneriorate the effects of water drainage from the surrounding munic.ipa) property; wh\t'h drainage was caused by the acts of the Town of Vai I theretofore; (4) That in doing this, the Appelrant was acting pursuant to tZO.600 supra which provides: Non-conformi ng uses ! structures, andsite improvetnents may be nraintainedand repai.g9,as necessary for convenient,safe, or effj ci ent operaii on or use, pro_vi ded that no such mii ntenance or repii rshal I i ncrease the di screpancy betrvebnthe use, structure or sitb im-provement. and the development standards prescribedby th'is ordjnance. to (5) Thai ': i:e aforesa jd ordinance cl i,{:s'not require appl , :.ati on to the Town of V., i l f i rst havi ng been obti:l;rcd in order to so l€Di:,, and maintain such preni ses ; (6) That on December l0 , 197 4, Appel I ant t.las personal )y served with a "Stop !,lork" notice (Exhibjt,,A',) issued by the Zoning Administrator For The Tor+n of Va'i I, fronr which this appeal is now taken; (7) That such action by the Town of Vail Zoning Admj ni strator was unauthori zed , i I I egal , exceed ed the jurisdjctjon of the Torvn of Va'il as provided in 0rdinance #B (Series '73), and has otherwjse deprived this Appellant of va'luable property rights without due process of law, all in violation of the strictures of Article Il lZS, Colorado Constitution and the 5th and l4th Amendments to the Constitution of the Uni ted States. l.lHEREF0RE, Appel l ant respectful ly requests a review of the action of the Zoning Administrator For The Town of Vail, that the stop I'lork 0rder heretofor issu'ed be resci nded and f or such other and further relief as to the council seems just and proper in the premises. BROl\lN & I.IARDER : Col orado 81657 47 6-547 5 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that I filed this notice and brief withthe Tovrn C]erk, Tolvn of Vai | , Col orado thi s 11th day of December , 197 4 \ 't , 3) i 0 (l 3 v ( -2- ot Exhi bi t rrArl t't I (. t t.' lt- '.1-Xli i tz-.;. lit,1i,. ,lsi)gcted. :ji-jr.l:i i IiiJil-f InN] ; -: f.. E' I t'.' t.; [--t. h'. t: l-. (.' l.' f. 2..t,- t,.'].: '-. I ,,rrl*rrn rrE To,,,N .LERK TOI.IN OF VAIL, COLOMDO December 'l I , ]974 I :00 P.14. TO: N0l.l C0MES Ernst La attorney and pursuant t Town of Vail, informs t from the action of the Vai I effected December attached hereto as Exhi avers as fol I ows: The Town Counci I Town of Vai I County of Eagle State of Colorado NOTICE OF APPEAL AND BRIEF grounds signed es of 1973) s appeal Town of 'ion i s uch appeal (f) That Appel'lant js the fee owner of the premi improvements si tuate wi thi n the Town of Vai l Fi l j ng ) , commonly known as "The Corni ce" ; (2) That such site and improvements thereon were platted and constructed prior to the effective date of the aforesaid ordinance and are otherwise defined as "non-conforming" thereunder, id 120.200 et seq.; (3) That on or about December .|0, 1974, Appellant sought to mai ntai n and repai r the premi ses surroundi ng the said build'ing by placing thereon gravel for the purpose bf eliminating the boggy and muddy condition of the ground and to irmeliorate the effects of water drainage from the surrounding municipa'l property; which drainage was caused by the acts of .the Town of Vai I theretofore; rese, Appel lant, o tzt.t03, ordin he above entitle Zon'ing Administr I0, 1974, a copy bit "A", and as under (Seri of hi or The ch act for s by anc df ati of ht's e #B orum on F whi ses and (First (4)That in doing this, the Appellant was acting pursuant to 320.600 supra whi ch provi des : Non-conforming uses, structures, andsite inprovements may be maintained and repa'ired as necessary for convenient,safe, or efficient operation or use, pro- vided that no such maintenance or repair shal I i ncrease the d'i screpancy betweenthe use, structure or site improvement and the deve'l opment standards prescribed by th'is ordinance. i . I I i I res h That the aforesaid ordinance does not require application to the Town of Vail first having been obtained in order to so repair and maintain such premi s es ; That on December .|0, 1974, Appeltunu,-T1t personally served r'rjth a "Stop !{ork" notjce (fxn'itit :'A") issued by the Zoning Admjnistrator For The Town of Vail, from which this appeal is now taken;' That such accion by the Town of Vail Zoning Adm j ni strator was unauthori zed, .i 11ega.l , exceeded the iurisd'iction of the Tor'rn of Vail as prov'ided in 0rdinance #B (Series '73)' and has otherwise depriv this Appellant of valuable property rights without due process of law, d'l 'l in violation of the strictu of Article Ir Ezs' Colorado Constitution and the 5t and 'l4th Amendments to the Constitution of the Un'ited States. (s) (6) (7) ed tIHEREF0RE, Appe'llant respectful1y requests a review of the acti on of the Zcni ng A'lmi n'i strator For The Town of Vai I ' that the Stop l,lork 0rder heretofor issued be rescinded and for such othe.r and further reljef as to the council seems iust and proper i n the premi ses . BROI.IN & I^IARDER CERTI I herebY certi fY that I the Town C'tei^k, Town of Vai I December, .l974. FICATE OF MAILING filed th'is notice and brief with , Colorado this l'lth daY of Vai I , (303) Col orado 8'1657 47 6 -547 5 ox l0 -2- !. i a-i TO: FROII{: DATE: RE: SUBJECT: NOTE Diana. Tou:. lri11 , Zoning Administrator Gene A. Snrith, Town Attorney December 13, 1974 Drnest Larese's Notice of Appeal filed l.2-1J--i.974 (1) Report (undated) of Zoning Administrator to Torvtr Council (2) Reconimendation of Ton'n Attorney to Toivn Council regarding decision on the aPPeal l-. Trom reading the Notice of Appeal , your lleport, and the pertinent sections of Article 2O of the Zoning Ordi- nance and {j-scussing this matter rvith you and tr'redric But1er, attorney for appellant, it appears to me that the appellant has spread gravel over a larvn of the premises (apparently) orvned by him known as The corniee and the issue is whether said act constitutes a site improvement and/or cbange of use of the premises (allegedly the gravel-covered fawn is norv being used as a parking lot). I am informed that Tbe cor:nice i-s a nonconform- l-ng development vis-a-vis the current Zoning Ordinance'. 2. Section 20.600 provides that "Non-conformi'ng uses' structures, and site i.mprovements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for eonvenient, safe, or efficient operation or use., provided that no such maintenance or repair shall increase tbe discrepancy betrveen the use, structure or site improvement and the development standards prescribed by this ordinan.ce". \*3.r,.\l'hile the wording of Section 20.600 could be clearer, \"t r.. I think it means. that t'normal mainteDanse and repair" of a non- conforming develcipment is such that does not eonstitute a change of use, structural change, or site improvement so as to render the development nonconformlng to an even greater extent. Any urodi{ication of a structure or site rvhich would render it more nOn-ConfOrming is therefore not "nOLmal maintenanoe or repairtt. . 4. In my opinion the spreading of a substantial quan- tity'of gravel over a'la\ n is clearly a site improvement within I the meauing o{ Section 20.600. \i},ethcr. tl'," act is an aplrr"c- priate improvement of the slte is not the 'rlue. lYhether the improvement renders the site nrore r i,nccln li ,.lng is a pertinent factor in determining the issue it,il .','trr ' . l)al'agraph I hereof . In that regard you said it rvas clear tha L :'.: :.: improvement rvouLd render the site more nonconforming. 5. lrlr. Butler alleged in my discussion with him yesterday that the lawn in question has becorne a "bog" and it was necessary or appropriate for the otvner to eliminate t.hc "bog" by covering the area with gravel . In the event the larvn j-s in fact a "bog" ancl woultl almost certainly remain a "bog" unless some modificatlon to the l.awn is made to eliminate the problem, I imagine tbat the property owneT rvould as a matter of necessity be entltled to make a reasonable modification, regardless of generally being precluded from that modifi-cation by a'Zoning Ordinance provision. 6. Mr. ButLer said that I{r. Larese is planning to file a suit against the Tou'n if the Town Council deuies his pending appeal of your decision. Although that threat may not materialize despite a denial of the appeal by the eouncil, I think that lr{r. Larese should be. directed to exhaust the TOV adminlstrative procedures before seeking a judicial reversal of the council's declsion. Accordingly, I am presently inclined to recommend to the council that it affirn your decision. as Zoning Administrator and in the event that the appellant has an .ppabfutly.treasonable basis for: seeking approval for modify- ing the Iawn, e.g.. necessity occasioned by the "bogil situation, that he is directed to file an application seeking approval therefor with the Building Official and the Zoning Administrator. Then if the appeJ-lant failed to follorv those procedures and filed a sui-t seeking a reversaL of the council's decision, I would have a reasonable chance of getting the court to dismiss the action due to }lr. Larese having faj,led to exhaust his admin- istr.itive remecties. Not only is there some chance that this I t r F\ problem c.rn be resolved .rdministratively, .i.rr any event rov shourd endeavor to get lr{r. Larese to fol'lorv arl applicable admlnistrative procedures before resorting to a lawsuit concern- ing the matter 7. Assume that there [tAy be some proper basis for resoJ.ving this problem administratively. please inform me on Monday, 12-16-1974, ae to specifically what procedures llr. tarese should f,ol-low in his effort to obtain approval for the' "! modification of his lawn which has occurred. lsJm I a, -.,:, ..f ., APPL ICAT ION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE TOr/iN C0UNCIL AND/OR VA I L PLANN ING COMM ISS ION App l i cati on Dafe July 9, 1973 Hear i ng Dafe | ( l'le)Ernst Larese ^+ Heari ng Fee P. O. Box 1522(Applicant Colorado (Acidress) Vail Phone 476-3001' (State) (City) do hereby request permission to appear before the TownPlanning Commission to request the following: ) Zoning Change frorn X ) Parking Variance ) Conditional UEe Permit to al low in Zone . Counc i I an d/o r Vall to B locKFor the following described prooerty: LolA part of Tract B, Vail Village lst Filinq as shown on the Fi I inq Numberattached Exhibit 'rA" Ordinance and of 0rdinance Ser iesSections bei.ng appealed: , Section(s) .Ctearly sfa-te. purpose and inte-nt of .fhis application It is the intentionof the applicant to change the ground Level p@presently on the above described property from rental units to a comply with the parking requirements of the new Town of Vail available What do you fee I i s the bas is for hardsh i n T in this cas is'unable Under present parking requirements the appti e any use of his property other than the pres Siqnatulre of Appl icant- Erns't Laresb INSTRUCT IONS: l. Form must be submifted in triplicate, and all copies must be signed, 2. A plaf map drawn in iriplicate to a scale of nof less than 200 feet to the inch showing the land in quesfion, ifs location, the length and direction of each boundary fhereof, the location and existing use of all. buildings on such land and the principal use of all p rope rt ies within 300 feei of such land. lf the application is for a parking variance, show parking provided, drawn to scale and numbered to indicate the 3. The names and addresses of the owners of all properties wi*hin 300 feef of any part of the land included in the proposed variance,4. All information required by the Subdivision Regulations for preliminary plats where app licab le 5. The Town Council and/or the Planning Commission wi ll set a hearing daie not more than thirty (50) days from the request for zoning change, application for parking variance or conditional use permit. 6. Not less than fifteen ( l5) days prior io the date set for the hearing, the hearing authority shall cause a copy of a notice of the time and place of such hearing fo be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Counfv of Eaqle.AII property owners in (3) above sha I I be no-l-i f ied of sa id app I i cat ion and hear ing. EXHTBIT I'AII 3i2 A /a.{a.x t ?28 'fi e 3la-""^^lt "i114$, iryt-L;! i " 4.1n," lr $ aI \ \{,\ ;Y \ rarJ PlVacf I 42e,1/5o#ou aooe/ic. il/L. I .. / , rct B, VAIL VILLACE FIRST FILING' !, State of Col.orado descrtbed as: lorner of said Tracr B, thence the Southwegt Corner there<rf ; lne of sald Tract. B on the N 79046'00" W 170.00 fceE and [; thence N 9ol0r07" W 41.67 fe.et eet fo the true polnt of beginnl-ng1 " 'rl 5.95 f eec to Lhe EasterlY lhorm on rhe plar of Vall. vlllage oJ7" E 80,46 feer al-ong sald ! na aarpfld€d: !.hence N 57 o24 | 00tt E 3a f*' /.2 s'