Cotumbia Savingc, a Fod€ral SavingB and Losn AssociEtion
Commercial Bankino Division
1670 Broadway - Suito 300
Donver. Co 8O2O2
lrrevocable Letter of Credit
Tslophono (3031 831-9600
Prepared by Slgnaturo
November 24, 1986
rmstion ol Our T€lsx Dstod
Points of Colorado, Inc., a Colorado
Corporation' successors in interest to
Kaiser E. Morcus.
The Town of Vail' Colorado
Attn' The Town Manaqer of the Town of Vail' Co.
$175,000 . 0 0
March 1, 1988
(At our Counto6 at 3r00 p.m. Denwr timo)
W. hereby issue in your favor our IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT
which is available against pr€csntation of your drafts on us al sioht.
Dratb must be accompaniod by:
Yout 3isnsd 3tat6ment readinq precbclv as lollows: rThat Points of col0rado , rnc . is in def ault of its
obligationfuith respect to its construction of a parking structure for twenty-five (25)
automobiles for the use of the owners and occupants of the Eagle Pointe Condomlnimum
Project, Vail, Colorado. "
Further Columbia shal-l have no obligation to determine the validity of any signa-
tures on the certificates presented to us in connection nith this Letter of Credit.
This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our undertaking, and such undertaking
sha11 not in any way be nodified, amended, ampl"ified, or limited by reference to any
docurnent, instrunent, or agreement referred to herein (including, without lirnj.tation,
the Bonds and the fndenture), except only the certificates and the sight drafts re-
ferred to herei-n; and any such reference shal1 not be deemed to incorporate herein by
reference any document, instrument, or agreement except for such certificates and suchcertificates and such sight drafts.
xunder the terms of that agreenent between the Town of Vail and Points of Colorado, In
l76E E,/Es Pg I Burgett N. Woodcock, Sr. Vice Pres.
This Agreement nade and entered lnto this nP--f U.,Novenber 7Coloradothe Town
1985r by and between pointes of Colorado, fnc.Corporation (herelnafter called the rDevelop6r") rof Vail (herelnafter called the 'Townn).
WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of approval of thecondonlniun map for The Eagle pointe condoninium wilhes to enterinto an Improvement Agreementl and
WHEREAST the-Developer is obligated to provide security orcorlateral sufficient ln the judgment of the Town to urakereasonable provlsions for completion of certain inprovernents setforth in approvals on ftle wtlh the Town; and
WEEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide colrateral toguarantee perfornance of the Agreenentr lncludlng constructlon ofthe above referenced inprovernints by means of an irrevocabreletter of credlt.
Not{, THEREFoRE, in consideration of the following mutualcovenants and agreenentsl the Developer and the Town igree asfollows:
1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenser tofurnish art equipmentr miterlal and rabor necessary to beginconstructlonl on or before the thlrd anniversary aite of ltteissuance of a tenporary certlficate of occupancyr (date ofcommencement) r in a good workmanllke rnannerr all improvements asshown on the attached rExhiblt A" in conformance wlth thisAgreenent to be approved by the Design Review Board of the Townof Vall for the constructlon of a pirking structure. All suchwork shall be done under the inspecEton of and to thesatisfactlon of the community Developurei'rt Department of the Townand shal1 not be deened comprete untit apprived and accepted asconpleted by the Town.
2. The estimated cost of
$17 5 r 000. OO .such work and inprovenents ls
To secure and guarantee perfornance of its obligations asset_forth hereinr -the Developer agrees to provide se6urlty andcollateral ln the forrn of an- irrevocable tetter of credit fromcol-umbia savings in the amount of g1z5roo0.00 on a formacceptable to the Town Attorney.
3. The Developer may at any time substltute its collateraloriginally deposited with the Town for another form of collateral
acceptable to the To$rn to guarantee the falthful completlon of
those inprovenents referred to herein and its performance of the
terms of this Agreenent. ff such Letter of Credit or other
colLateral. expires prior to the Date of Commencement and the
DeveJ-oper does not replace such Letter of Credit or othercollateral prlor to the date of expiration then the Developer
shall be deened to be in default under this Agreement and the
Town shall have a right to draw upon such Letter of Credit prior
to the date of expiration.
4. As improvements are completedr the Developer may applyto the Town for a release of part or all of the collateral
deposited with the Town upon lnspection and approvalr the Townshall release such collateral . If the Town determines that anyof such improvements are not constructed in compliance with theplans and specificationse it shall furnish the Developer a listof specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withholdcollateral sufflclent to ensure compliance. If the improvenents
are not conpleted according to the plans and specifications by
the completion dater the Town may withdraw and employ frorn the
deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary to constructthe irnprovements ln accordance wlth the plans and speclfications.
5. The Town shall notr nor shall any officer or enployeethereof, be liable or responsible for any accidentl loss or
damage happening or occurring to the work specified ln this
Agreenent unless the Town contracts to do the work pursuant to
Paragraph 4 abover nor shall the Townr or any officer or employeethereofr be liable for any persons or property lnjured by reasonof the nature of sald workr but all of said ltabilities shall andare hereby assumed by the Developer.
The Developer hereby agrees to indennlfy and hold harmless
the Townl and any of its offlcers, agentse and employees against
any losses2 claims; danagesr or liabilities to which the Town or
any such of its officersr agentsr or employees nay becorne subjectto, insofar as any such lossesl claimsl damages or llabilities(or actions in respect thereof) that arlse out of or are based
upon any perfornance by the Developer hereunder r except asspecified abover and the Developer sha1l reimburse the Town for
any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the
Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss2
claimT danage, liability or actlon. This indernnity provisionshall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer
nay have.
6. The Town agrees to execute the condoniniurn nap for
Eagle Pointe Condoniniuur.
nxsrBll I ; ,_,
(Attached to and ntd€ a part of the fnProvelent AgrecDent dated
day of tfoye$err 1986r betreen Polntee of Coloradol lrco
and the Torn of vall)
#' ,' ,'
The constructlon of a narlnurn of Trenty-FlYa addltlonal 'E
parklng Epaeas wtthln three yeara of the lssuance of a
tenporary certlflcata of occupancy by the Town of Vall tf
deened neecsaary by the Torn of, ValI. The addltlonalparklngl lf neededr thall be provlded on sl'te.
r .,4.
7. The partles
anended fron tlne towriting and slgned by
mutually agree thattimer provided thatall parties hereto.
this Agreement may
such anendnents be
The foregolng Improvenent Agreenent wasne this A{d\day of Novenber, 1986, byPresldent of Polntes of Coloradoe Inc.
wltness ny hand and offlclal seal .
My comnlsslon explres on! S1\\c\O
)) ss.
acknowledged before
Kathy Klng aE Vice-
thy fif.tigce-d/esldCnt
This Agreement made and entered into this d-G9 u.,
November, 1986, by and between Pointes of Colorado, Inc.l
Colorado Corporation (hereinafter called the lDeveloper") I
the Town of Vail (hereinafter called the 'Town').
WHEREAST the Developer as a condition of approval of the
condoniniun map for The Eagle Pointe Condominiun wishes to enter
into an Improvement Agreement; and
WHEREAST the Developer is obligated to provide security or
colLateral sufficient in tbe judgnent of the Torvn to make
reasonable provisions for completlon of certain inprovements set
forth in plans and specifications on file with the Towni and
WHEREAST the Developer wlshes to provide collateral to
guarantee perfornance of the Agreementr including construction of
the above referenced inprovenents by neans of an irrevocable
letter of credit.
NOVI, THEREFORB, in consideration of the following nutual
covenants and agreenents, the Developer and the Town agree as
1. The Developer agre€s, at its sole cost and expenser to
furnish all equipnentl naterial and labor necessary to perforn
and complete, on or before JuIy 15, 1987, (date of conPletion) rin a good worknanlike mannerr aII improvenents as shown on the
attached "Exhlblt Ai in confornance with the plans and
specifications to be approved by the Design Review Board of the
Town of Vail for the construction of a pedestrian path connecting
the Glen Lyon Subdivision to the roadway adjacent to The Eagle
Pointe Condorninium. AII such work shall be done under the
lnspection of and to the satlsfaction of the Corununity
Development Department of the Town and shall not be deemed
conplete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town.
2. The estinated cost of such work and improvements is
$7 r000.00.
To secure and guarantee perfornance of its obligations as
set forth hereinr the Developer agrees to provide security and
collateraL in the forrn of an irrevocable letter of credit fron
Columbia Savings in the amount of $71000.00 on a form acceptableto the Tonn Attorney.
3. The Developer may at any time substitute lts collateral
originally deposited with the Town for another form of collateral
acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of
those improvements referred to herein and its perfornance of the
terms of this Agreement.
4. As improvements are cornpletedr the Developer may aPPly
to the Town for a release of Part or aII of the collateral
deposited with the Tonn uPon inspection and approvalr the Tonn
shall release such collateral . If the Town determines that any
of such improvements are not constructed in conpliance with the
plans and specificationse it shalt furnish the Developer a list
of speclfic deficiencies and shall be entitled to withbold
coLlateral sufficient to ensure conpllance. If the improvements
are not cornpleted according to the plans and specifications by
the conpletlon dater the Town nay withdraw and enploy from the
deposit of collateral such funds as nay be necessary to construct
the inprovenents in accordance with the plans and specifications.
5. The Town shall not, nor shal1 any officer or enployee
thereofr be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or
danage happening or occurring to the work specified in this
Agreenent unless tbe Town contracts to do the work Pursuant to
Paragraph 4 abovel nor shall the Townr or any officer or employee
thereofr be liable for any persons or Property injured by reasonof the nature of said workr but all of said liabilities shall and
are hereby assuned by the Developer.
The Developer hereby agrees to indennify and hold barnless
the Townr ?nd any of its officersr agentsr ?nd enrployees against
any losses, claimsl danagesr or liabilities to which tbe Town or
any such of its officersr d9€nts, or elBployees nay becorne subject
to7 insofar as any such l-osseel claimsl danages or liabilities(or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based
upon any performance by the Developer hereunderT €xcept aE
speclfled abovel and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for
any and aII legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the
Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss'
claim, damager liability or action. This indemnity provision
shalt be in addition to any other Iiability which the Developer
may have.
6. The Town agrees to execute the condomlniun nap for The
Eag1e Pointe Condomlniun.
7. The parties rnutually agree that this Agreenent may
anended from time to time; provlded that such amendnents bewritlng and signed by a1l partles hereto.
--I*"=*OLarry Doll I
Executive Vice-President
The folegolng rnprovenent Agreenent ras acknorledged before
ne thls .29$5af -of -Rovenberr 1b86r by Larry Doll as Erecutlve
vlce-Presldent of Polntes of Coloradol fnc.
wltness ny hand and offlclal geal .
My connlsston erplres onr
(Attaqbqd.to and nade a part of the Inprovernent Agreerent dated
tne Jgaay of l{ovenberr-1986r betyeen Polntes of Coloradol fnc.
and the Torn of vatl)
Pedeetrlan Path connectlng Glen Lyon gubdlvlslon and
the roadray adJacent to Th- uagle Polnte Condonl'ntun.
November 26, L986
AI,IOUNT: $7r000.00
EXPIRATION DATE: Septenber 25, L987
Mr. Ron Phillips
Town of Vail
P.O. Box 100Vallr CO 81558
Dear Mr. Phillips:
we hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of credit in your favor
available by your drafts drawn on Vail Natlonal Bank 7 a National
Banking Corpolationl 108 South Frontage Roadr Westr Va11 r Co
81652r at llte for any sun not exceeding the total of Seven
Thousand and 00/100 oollars ($7r000.00) on the account of Pointes
of Colorador Inc. Each draft nust bear upon its face the clause
The anount of each draft which is negotiated Pursuant to this
credit, together with the date of negotiation must be endorsed on
the reverse side of thls Letter of Credit. Each draft nust be
accompanied by a statement executed by the Town Manager stating
the following:
The Developer has not conpleted the improvements at The
EagIe Polnte Condomlnium Pursuant to the Improvement
Agieenent dated the 26th day of November; 1986 by and
between Pointes of Colorador rnc. and The Town of VaiI on or
bef ore ,July 157 1987.
Copies of involces for monies expended to conplete the
inprovements pursuant to the terrns and conditions of the above
reierenced Irnprovenent Agreement shall also be enclosed with such
statement. We hereby agree that drafts in the amount of
submltted invoices drawn under thls Letter of Credit and in
conpliance with the terns shall be prornptly honored if presented
to Vail National Bank on or before September 26, L987 .
? /)'l Ulk^--
Lisa M. Dillon
Senlor Vice President
LMD! ns
Cross Reference:Pronissory Note
executed by Jay
the amount of $7'000.00
Pl anni ng and Environmental Commi ssion
t ,,1
F ROi4:
Commun ity Devel opment Department
JanuarY 13, 1986
Fal'l Line Time Share PrcPosal
0n November 25, 1985, the-Planning il9-ftuironmenta1
Commission heard a
request to convert tie-Fall Line ipartments to lnterval ottrnership
condominiums. Ine approval process "q'itta for this request included:
1. An amendment to SDDT
2- A conditional use permit ,uo allow time sharjng in ihe l'iDirF zone
di str i ct
3. A condo conversion approval according to Chapter 17'26 of the
suotjivisi';n regui aii ons '
iL j! Dr--,--:*^ "6-r Ea',i*nflra"i:.1 C^-'::ssion approved "his
request with the
fol I owi ng four conditions:
I . 4n 36-5i t9 sh'-rttl e b'-:s be pro'''i rted '
3'Aletterofcreditbesubmtted.totheTorrrnforconstructionofthepath'0.i"..n this project and Cascade Viliage'
4. The Fire Department review-and aponove the final parking lot
confisurati";'il;i; tiiniuinins a'minimum of 51 parkins spaces'
In a subsequent review the Town Council upheld the PEC approval and
conditions and "AO.O=?iu.'*o.e
.onOition!"ti'if'. upptou"i ' Those conditions
1. There shall be no marketing of
tf'e puUf ic right-of-l'ray wi'uhin
2- The Project shalI bear its fair
in the area'
3. The proposed budget for the project be adopted as a minimum and that
there'le an objilation on the part oi-the project to enforce their otrn
oarki ng Probl ems '
tt"tt., of credit be submitled-to the Tovrn of Vail in an acieeuate
amount to cover th' ;":;"';i""'l"t :i!:""1l:t'::,.0:lt,o,]?? :t:ii'mum
l['lll.,l?'i:l':.;l:,''#;; ;:il;;;':li'Jit The Town or vair sharr
determine if th,:r.e ir' .-.!.a tr. t'i is parking withi" I "=z'- '''
occupancy of the o'oltlt'--ihe appiicant wili be required to construct
itrir"r.t"ting if the iown of Vail deems it necessary'
the Fal I Line time share project within
'"he Town of Vail '
share of undergroundi ng the uti I i ti es
3Sn 03SOdOUd J0 I'l0Ild1uf,s3o
O snrJow res !e) Quee t looY
'sun!uttlroPuof, d!tlsJauMo IE^Ja1u! o1 :i':1]j::n
aull ttej aql lJa^uof, 01 1luJaa asn [Puo!?!puo] P Jo] lsanDau
986t '92 Jaqure^0N
luaulJPda0 luaudo IaAa0 f1 ! unul'tllo]
uo!ss !tlltuoJ 6uguue 16
5. The additional parking, if needed, be limited to its own property; not
anY off site ProPertY.
:0I )
A technical error was committed by our department involvi.ng adjacent property
owners notification of-in" public hearing. 14e have. re-advertized and have
,"i-"if pr"cedura'l requlremLnts. l.le are bringing .this matter before the
pi.nnins'"nd Environmental Commission today ii oider to final'i ze the approval
Staff recommendation is for approval of this request ryllh.!h" four conditions
otigin"fly placed by the Planning Commission, along with. the additional five
conditions placed on it. upprouui by the Town Counci'l . l^lhile additional
prUfi. testimony try b. ta'ken at this hearing and may indeed affect the
outcome of the "pprouii pro...r, we feel thal the issues and impacts of this
;;;j;;a have beeh'ttrorouitrly diicussed at both the Plannins Commission and
iowi Council le,rels and'uhat the approval and conditions accurately represent
the outcome of those discussions.
JANUARY 13, 1986
Tom Eriner
Diana Donovan
8r'yan Hobbs ( 1 st meeti ng )
Pam Hopkins
Duane Piper
S id Schul tz
Jim Viele
Peter Patten
Tom Braun
Kri stan Pritz
Ri ck Pylman
Betsy Rosolack
l. Approval of m'i nutes of meeting of December 9, 1985.
Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The
vote t.ras 7-0 in favor.
This item was heard after item 3.
Reouest for an exterior alteration in or!91.!o a{Ll_e_q JS!CIe__tgg!_!9_$!_IG- -
Tom Braun explained the request and the fact that the staff recommended
approval . After a bri ef discussion, Viele moyell@
approve the request per the staff memo dated January 13, 1986. The vote
was 7-0 in favor.
Reouest for a conditional if-and I a conooml n l um converslon
ermit in order to convert th Fall Line a tments into t me snare
condomi n i ums. Appl icant:Ka
Rick Pylman revieled past meetings and menos. Alice Parsons agreed with thestaff jn their concern about parking. Jay Peterson stated that he had
researched parking at other time share projects jn Vajl and found that Apol1o
Park had.9 spaces,/unit and their parking spaces were never filled; the l^Jren
had 1 space/time share unit with less than 50% filled at any one time; Vail Run
has 1 space/untt + 20,000 sq ft of commercjal space and experienced no parking
problem; Streamside has 1-l/2 spaces/unit (1arge units) and had no parking
prcblems; and the Christy Lodge in Avon had 1 space/unit with about 35% useage
of the parking spaces. He added that the bank did not vrant to escrow funds for
the 25 covered spaces any longer t,han 3 years.
Piper r',as concerned about landscaping and wanted the appl icant to maintajn the
lardscaping between the r^oad and the building and the parking lot and the road.
He mentioned that it appeared that all time share projects rvithin Vail seened
to be r.;el I maintained.
.l .t
Briner wondered r"lhat would constitute a need for more parking and Peterson
rlpii.a ir,it if al'l cars could not be parked on the site that t'rould constitute
a problem.
Parsons asked how sno!{ removal r'rould be hand'l ed and vras told that if it could
Donovan r.ras concerned about the impact on the bus system and mentioned that the
bus 'as crowded *'"n-ii-.ioppla t"'pick up people at Sjmba Run. She wondered
if the word "shuttle" should be defined'
peterson replied that many of the people on the simba Run bus t'lere from valli
Hi. He stated that the bus from streamiide ran every 10 minutes and admitted
that the shuttle must be adequate'
Piper stated that a shuttle system t^ras usually provided by all time share
groups as a conven,.n." ina r^r|ndered if beyond that the Totln could prevent
ieople from using the Town bus service'
patten replied that we have required. shuttles with other sDD's, Simba, l{estin,
etc. This is the rule rather than the exception'
Donovan was concerned that condition #l did not stipulate "year round" or
"adequate" shutt l e bus servi ce.
Do n ov a n mo v ell!.- qpp19 v-g-!h e- r e qlr g-sl-gel- !!-q-t t "f t rn"rno a a t'e a l a n
Further discussion followed concerning underground utilities' Patten pointed
out that there was no description of rihut n"t a "fair share," cost, agreement'
etc. Parsons explained that she had put underground. conduit the Iength of.
Hobbit Hjlls and added that Holy Cross stated ihut she had to pay to- have. it
extended to the transformer one block arr'ay' Therefore-:i? did not feel that
she should also have-to pay to get the underground uti.lities to the l'1ot'cus
property or across Donovan-Park. she had al ieady paid 2/3 on her own property'
Patten felt there should be more discussion of what constituted a "fair
;[;;;-" Piper felt the applicant would have to meet with the staff to
determine th.i s because it'shouldn't be determined at this meeting' Parsons
"ppiii""i *"rfA fike to remove the overheld lines. Parsons also mentioned that
there was a water turn-off valve for Fall Line located on-Hobbit Hills
pr:op.rty. She rtondered if there bras an easeinent in this location and was
concerrred that rrhen people came to use it they would trample on the landscaping
of Hobbit Hills. pii.t't"ia t5"t tt'is would 6e brought to Upper Eagle Val 1ey's
attenti on.
Hobbs seconded t[g--49!-9,!. and thqJote was 7-0 in favor of the re uest.
a I
JANUARY ].3, 1986
Tom Briner
Diana Donovan
Bryan Hobbs (lst meeting)
Pam Hopkins
Duane Piper
Sid Schultz
Jim Viele'
Peter Patten
Tom Braun
Kristan Pritz
Rick Pylman
Betsy Rosolack
1. Approval of minutes of meeting of December 9, |985.
Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The
vote was 7-0 in favor.
This item was heard after item 3.
Request for an exterior alteration in order to add .|80 square feet to the
Treetops Plaza Buiding. Appl icant: Pierre Lakes. Ltd
Tom Braun explained the request and the fact that the staff recommended
approval . After a bri ef discussion, Viele moved and Hopkins seconded to
approve the request per the staff memo dated January 13, I986. The vote
was 7-0 in favor.
t.eouest for a conditional use a conooml nl um conversron
ermit in order to convert tments into time share
Rick Pylman reviewed past meet'i ngs and memos. Aljce Parsons agreed with the
staff in thein concern about parking. Jay Peterson stated that he had
researched parking at other time share projects in Vail and found that ApolIo
Park had .9 spaces/unit and their parking spaces were never fi11ed; the Wren
had 1 space/time share unit with less than 50% filled at any one time; Vail Run
has I space/unit + 20,000 sq ft of commercjal space and experienced no parking
problem; Streamside has l-1l2 spaces/unit (large units) and had no parking
problems; and the Christy Lodge in Avon had I space/unit with about 35% useage
of the parking spaces. He added that the bank did not want to escrow funds for
the 25 covered spaces any longer than 3 years.
Piper was concerned about landscaping and wanted the applicant to maintain the
landscaping between the road and the building and the parking lot and the road.
He mentjoned that it appeared that alI time share projects withjn Vail seemed
to be well maintained.
Briner wondered what would constitute a need for more parking and Peterson
replied that if all cars could not be parked on the site that would constitute
a problem.
Parsons asked how snow removal would be handled and was told that if it could
not be stored on the site, it would have to be trucked away.
Donovan was concerned about the impact on the bus system and mentjoned that the
bus was crowded when it stopped to pick up people at Simba Run. She wonderedif the wond "shuttle" should be defined.
Peterson replied that many of the people on the Simba Run bus were from ValliHj. He stated that the bus from Streamside ran every 10 minutes and adm'i tted
that the shuttle must be adequate.
Piper stated that a shuttle system was usually provided by alI time share
groups as a convenience and wondened if beyond that the Town could prevent
people from using the Town bus service.
Patten rep'l ied that we have required shuttles wjth other SDD's, Simba, Westin,etc. Thjs is the rule rather than the exception.
Donovan was concerned that conditjon #l did not stipulate "year round" or
"adequate" shuttle bus service.
Donovan moved to approve the request per the staff memo dated January .|3. ]986
with the word "adequate" added to condition #l .
Further discussion followed concerning underground utilities. Patten pointed
out that there was no description of what was a "fair share," cost, agreement,etc. Parsons expla'i ned that she had put underground conduit the length of
Hobbit Hil ls and added that Holy Cross stated that she had to pay to have jt
extended to the transformer one block away. Therefore she did not fee'l that
she should a'l so have to pay to get the underground utilities to the Morcus
property or across Donovan Park. She had already paid 2/3 on her own property.
Patten felt there should be more discussion of what constituted a "fairshare." Piper felt the applicant would have to meet with the staff to
determjne this because it shouldn't be determined at this meeting. Parsons
said that she was willing to meet with anyone. Peterson stated that the
applicant would Iike to renove the overhead lines. Parsons also mentioned that
there was a water turn-off valve for Fali Line located on Hobbit Hillsproperty. She wondered if there was an easement in this location and was
concerned that when people came to use it they would trample on the'landscaping
of Hobbit Hills. Piper said that this would be brought to Upper Eagle Va11ey's
attenti on.
Hobbs secondgd the mqtion and the vote j[ favor of the request.
,)r.at (
,) L'"', l(',. t,91"lI
T0: Planning and Environmental Commission
FR0M: Commun'i ty Development Department
DATE: January 13, 1986
SUBJECT: Fall Line Time Share Proposal
0n November 25, 1985, the Planning and Envjronmental Commission heard a
request to convert the Fall Line apartments to intervaj ownership
condominiums. The approval process required for this request jncluded:
L. An amendment to SDDT
?. A condjtional use perm'it to allow time sharing in the HDMF zone
d'istri ct
3. A condo conversion approval according to Chapter 17.26 of the
subci'i vi s i on regui at'i ons.
Tha D.l:nn:na :n.. trn,ri."nn,re.t:.. ! C^-"riSSiOn appfOVed thiS reqUeSt With the
fo1 Iowing four conditions:
1. An cn-site shuttle bus be pr^ovided.
2- A user tax be instituted as discussed and
3. A letter of credit be submtted to the Town
between this project and Cascade Village.
4. The Fire Department review and approve the
configuration while maintaining a minimum
agreed to by the applicant.
for construction of the path
final parking iot
of 51 parking spaces.
In a subsequent revjew the Town Council upheld the PEC approvai and
condjtjons and added five more conditions to the approval . Those conditions
are :
1. There shall be no marketing of the Fall Line time share project within
the public right-of-way within the Town of Vail.
2. The project shall bear its fajr share of undergrounding the utiiities
'i n the area.
3. The proposed budget for the project be adopted as a minimum and that
there be an obligation on the part of the project to enforce thejr own
parking problems.
4. A letter of credit be submitted to the Town of Vail in an adequate
amount to cover the most expensive alternat'ive of building a maximum of
25 additional structured parking spaces. The Town of Vajl shall
determine if there is a need for this parking withir'', ?,'a:*: ?f
occupancy of the project. The applicant wil l be required to constructthis parking if the Town of Vail deems it necessary.
rt a
5. The additional parking, if needed, be limited to its own property; not
any off site property.
A technical error was committed by our department invo'l ving adjacent property
oh,ners notification of the public hearing. lle have re-advertized and have
met all procedural requinements. lile are bringj ng this matter before the
Planning and Environmental Cormission today in order to finalize the approval
Staff recomrnendation is for approval of this request with the four conditions
original1y placed by the Planning Commission, along with the additional five
conditions placed on the approval by the Town Council. lihile additionalpublic testimony may be taken at this hearing and may indeed affect the
outcome of the approval process, we feel that the issues and impacts of this
project have been thoroughly d'iscussed at both the Planning Corrnission and
Town Council leve'l s and that the approval and conditions accurately represent
the outcome of those discussions.
Pianning Commission
Community Development Department
November 25, 1985
Request for a conditjonal use permit to convert the Fall Line
apartments to jnterval ownership condominjums.
Aopl icant: Kaiser Morcus
As this memorandum is close'l y associated with the memorandum address'ing the
amendment to SDDT and the condoninium conversion request for this proposal ,
please refer to that memorandum for the descriptjon and background of the
proposal . Briefly, the proposal is for the conversjon of the Fall Line
apartment buiiding to an interval ownership project selling individual weeksfor 53 ciweliing units with major upgraoings occurring to the existing
structure inciuding a recreation building additjon for the use of the time
share owners and their guests. The accompanying memo addresses the jssues of
employee housing and other items dealing with condominium conversions and the
Marriott Mark's existing conditjons regarding employee housing. The attached
memorandum from the applicant describing the project should be used for the
description of the proposed use.
In an attempt to aid the Planning Commission's understanding of the impacts
of a iime share project upon the communjty, I have enclosed a study entitled
"An 0verview of the Resort Time Sharing Market: Conseguences for the Local
Community" done by Richard Ragets, Assoc'i ates, for the National Time Sharing
Councjl of the Amerjcan Land Development Association. I thjnk you wjll findthis orief study very important to understanding the generai nature andjmpacts of time sharing on a local community.
Consideration of Factors:
Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.
The Community Development Department recognizes the Community Action Plan and
the Economic Development Commission report as the most recent documentationof development objectives of the Town. Please find attached a copy of the
Community Action Plan wjth hjghlights relating to this proposai as well as
the segment of the Economic Developmenc Commjssjonrs report on time shari ng.
In conclusion. it is evjdent that time sharing, properly constructed, managed
and maintaine,.i i5 ari dptilupriate ,.". ,!i r,,i,ri ;l:a Town of VaiI. It js
extremely important that any time share project with'i n the Town of Vail is of
ver5'high quality with respect to all aspects of the project, especia1 1y
marketing. A negative impression of a resort conmunity from shodoy marketing
practices related to time share marketing can turn what would otherwjse be a
benefit to a community into a definite negative. Moreover, when one
recognizes that this particular proposal js eljminating an employee hous.i ngproject, it tends to remove some of the positive attitudes one may have
regarding the benefjts of time sharing to a resort commun'ity.
The effect of the use on light and ajr. distribution of population.
fac'i l ities and other public facilities' needs.
A. Transportation Facilities
The proposal includes the provision of a private shuttle bus or van for
the exclusive use of users of the project. There is also easy access to
the Town of Vai'l bus system by walking a short distance to the westerly
side of Donovan Park. Moreover, easy pedestrian access to Cascade
Viliage to the east would be provided via the proposed asphalt bike
path/walkway between Matterhorn Circle and Greenhjll Court. It would
appear, then, that there would be no negative effects upon
transportation fac'i lities due to the request with the possible exceptionof increased use of the Town of Vajl bus system.
B. Utilities
There are overhead utjljtjy lines jn thjs area currently and jt is
recommended that with the development of this project an appropriate
length of that overhead system be put under ground as a condition of
approval .
C. Parks and Recreation Faci lities
The prcject is ideally located for the use of the future facilitjes of
Donovan Park. The master plan for Donovan Park conta'i ns a variety of
recreational and open space related activities whjch would be d'i rectlyutjlized by the time share owners and their guests. Due to the
increased use of these future facjlities by this project, it would be
approprjate to discuss the possibility of a small tax on each time share
week sold to be earmarked for the development of Donovan Park.
D. Other Publ ic Facil ities Needs
The project wou'l d i
Village chajrlift. In fact, we feel the tjme share project shouid not
even be considered without the fu1 | assurance of this Iift. Locat.i ng a
tjme share project is very simjlar to locat'i ng a hot,el within varjous
areas of a resort community. It should be centrally located with easy
access to major recreational amenitjes and of course, in Vail, thjs
means ski lifts. hle feel that this project, if given approval , should
not begin before constructjon on the Cascade Village lift has begun.
Effect u n traffic with particular reference to congestion. automotive and
edestri an safetv and convenienc raffi and control . access
maneuverability. and removal of snow from the street and parking areas.
As a staff, jt is in this area that we feel the proposal fal] s apart. The Fall
Line apartments ha,re histori ca11y had the largest parking problem of any projectin the Town of Vaii. The Fire and Public Works Departments have had direct
experience of the problem. Several years ago, when the Park Meadows proiect was
found to have emergency structural problems, the fire vehicles could physically
not get through to the project because of alI the cars parked along the road
side. In another emergency ca1 1, an ambulance could not get into the Fall Line
parking lot upon arrival due to the congested situation. Indeed, the entjre
neighborhood has a parking problem due to the inadequacy of on-site parking.
Although we would agree that the time sharing project may not require as many
spaces per un'i t as an employee housing project, we firmly believe that less than
one parking space per time share condoniniun would be a problem to the
neighborhood and would be poor planning poi'i cy. A1 locating 5l parking spaces to
the residential condominium units leaves no parking for employees, delivery and
repair trucks, vehicles re'l ated to on-sjte sales promotjons, or visitors of the
guests themselves.
The staff also feels that it is a mistake to make comparisons between the
previous project and the proposal before us today with regard to the park'i ng
situatjon. It does not make sense to support a proposal which simply might tak^
a terrjble parking situat'i on and make it merely poor. The reguiations and
criteria ro evaruate this project cieariy show that ihe project proposal must
stand on its own with regard to physical site plannjng characterjstics.
The appiicant states hjs wi11ingness to provide shuttling of potential purchasers
between the Marriott and the time share project. We feel that there is no excess
parking most of the tinre at the Marriott Mark and that this would be an
unenforceable cond'i tion in any regard. Moreover, the parking iot would have to
be redesigned to allow the maneuverjng room required for large fire vehicles. !,le
feel strongiy that the removal of snow from the street would be a difficuii ;asi
with the amount of parking proposed for this project.
Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposgd use is to bq,located,
irrcluding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounciing us"
As alluded to earlier, the staff feels that with the addition of a chairlift in
Cascade village to vail Mountain and with the pedestri anlbike connection betwe"'
the project and Cascade Vi11age, that this is a suitable location for an interva'
ownership project. Immediately to the east js the Park Meadows condominium
project which is predominantly a short term proiect oriented to the guest. To
the north lies the Coldstream condominjunr nroject which is a mix of resident
owners and short and long term renters. Across the street to the south a newiy
constructed Hobbit Hills townhouse project is being completed. Thus, there js no
1ow density permanent resident housing in the immediate area which thjs proiect
would significantly impact. The accessibility to Donovan Park if a bridge over
the creek is constructed on the east side of the park would be superb.
The scale and bulk of the proposed project would be no different from what js
existing on the site, and this is compatible with the surrounding uses'
The Community Derrelooment Department recommends
be denied based on the following findings:
That the proposed location of the use is not in
that the conditional use permit
accorci with the purposes of this
ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the site is]ocated.
That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whjch jt would be
operated or maintained would be detrjmental to the public heaith, safety, or
welfare or materi ally injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
That the proposed use would not compiy with each of the arolicab1 e r'o'/is-ions of
this ordinance.
The Department of Community Development recommends den'ial of the proposed
conversion of the Fall Line apartments to interval ownership. tr|hile we feel
that jssues of employee hous'ing and physical upgrading can be mitigated (se:
the accompanying memorandum), we feel that as proposed, the project simply
does not physically work on the site. The parkjng proposal is one which we
cannot support, as we strongly feel that there would be a severe park'i ng
problem related to the project. hlhile statistics show that some Vail time
share projects require less than 2 spaces per condo unit, we have not been
convinced that jess than I space per time share unit is in any way adequate.
We simply feel that the site is too smalI to accommodate the developer's
proposaj for 53 time share units. There is a possibility that if the projecr
were reconfigured downward to the area of 35 units, we may be able to support
As was clearly established in the evaluatjcn of the criteria above, we do not
have a problem with the location of a tjme share project on this site. lJe do
have some concerns regarding a major employer within the communjty allowing
an apartment project to become to become completely run down and
uninhabitable and following it wjth a proposal to completely convert to a
time sharing use. We feel this was a completely inrespons'ible lack of action
and do not feel obligated to bail out a distressed property owner. However.if an acceptable mitigation plan regarding employee housing for the hotel a,:u
with a new proposal to sat'i sfy the parking probiem whjch will certainly ari se
if the pnoject is approved as proposed, we could support the conversion to
tjme sharing of the Fa'l I Line project. If the Planning Commission or Town
Council proceeds with approva'l of this project we would respectfully request
a list of conditions of approval which will be prepared for you.
t"It' To:Planning and Environmental Commmission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: November 25, .|985
SUBJECT: Request to amend Specjal Development District 7 (Manriott Mark
Resort) and for a condominium conversion approval for the Fall
Line Apartments located in the Matterhorn area. Appljcant:
Kaiser Morcus
Kaiser Morcus, owner of the Fall Line Apartments is requesting to
convert the FalI Line apartment project containing 54 restricted
empioyee dwelling units for Marriott Mark employees to an interval
ownership condominium project. Approvals from the Planning and
Envjronmental Commission and Town Councjl are necessary with respect to
the following three reouests: Amendment to SDDT with respect to a
restrjction on Fall Line apartments to serve as employee housing for the
Marriott Mark Resort to 'l 989, a condominium conversion approval
according to Chapter 17.26 of the subdivision regulations, and a
conditional use permit for time sharing within an HDMF zone djstrict.
l,le will address the project in two separate nemorandums. Thjs
{ memorandum will address the amendment to the special developmentL district and the condominium conversion request in that the same basic
issues are involved with these requests. The second memorandum will
address the conditjonal use pernit for the time sharing use. Eecause
the 'i ssue of employee housing is contajned within the condomiunium
conversion regulations, the criteria for condominium conversions found
in the subdivision regulations will be used to evaluate the request for
the SDD amendment.
Rather than attempting to summarize the detajis of the request at this
point, it is of more benefit for you to read the attachments from the
applicant describing the project and responding to staff concerns
discussed at the November llth PEC work sessjon regarding this proposal .
The Fall Line apartments were constructed in the mjd-l960's previous to
Town of VaiI or Eagle County zoning regulations. The project has always
been used as apartments and occupied prledominantly by local residents.
Due to the relationship between Kajser Morcus and the Marriott Mark
coupled with the employee housing crjsjs of the late 70's and early
80's, the project developed a direct relationship with the hotel in
providing workers with local housing. This relationship was formalizedin 198.l when the last phase of tha Marrioi" i4ark made its i.lay through
.. the Town of Vai1 approval process. At this time, the FalI Line-.. apartments were.-"stricted to emDloyee housing use by the Marri ott for a
peri od of 8 years.
As the managers of the Fall Line apartments, the Marriott Mark was responsiblefor the operation and upkeep of the apartment bu'i 1ding. This responsibility was
ignored over the last several years and the build'ing became run down, unsafe for
occupancy, and in a state of total disrepair. Upon discovery of these
conditions the Town of Vail conducted thorough inspections in Apri I 1985. A
detajled 10 page report of bujlding, electricaj, health and fire safety
vjolations was produced in April of this year. The report found that 22 units
had at least one of the fo'l iow'ing: structural, plumbing, health, electrjcal orfire problems and code violations. At the time,3'l un'its were occupied. The
building was promptly condemned by the Town of Vajl and the occupants were
reguired to leave. The Fall Line project has been vacant since that tjme.
The following chart shows development statistics for what js allowed jn HDMF aswell as what js existing versus proposed for the site:
Zone: High Density Multi-Family (HDMF)
Site Area: 1.52 acres
N0. D.U.'s
39,726/ .6
106 +
1 ioading
1n ?q6
L7 ,438
30 ,377
0 'loacii ng
0 'loadi ng
Chapter 11 .26 of the Subdivision Regulations deals with condcminium
conversions fon both rental apartments as well as accommodation units. Our
review beg'ins with the requirements for condominium conversions aS far as
provjding documentation for the submittal as found in Section .|7.26.060.
A. A condominium conversion report from the Town bui'lding jnspecton on
the condition of the building inciuding all building, fire, and
related code violations which are detgimental to ihe health, saietlr
and welfare of the Public.
Staff response:
This documentation 1a1as done jn April by the Town staff as part of the
condemnation proceedings. A copy of this report can be provided if you so
B. A report of the proposed conversion addressing length of occupanc'r of
present tenants and their household composition as well as information
regard'i ng rental rates and whether or not the proposal is for jnterval
ownership and the pricing thereof.
Staff response:
C;,'i o;:i3, ;it-,,'l are :;v pr€Seht tenants as a result of the condemnation
action. -fiecause there are no tenants, this information was not required
for the appl ication. The rental rates in effect before condemnation r'/ere
$3Z5lmonth for a one beciroom furnished anci $453ii;;iih fcr_a t"t. ::j., r:il
iurnisneA. Pricing for the time share units would range from approximately
g4,000-$12,000 wit[ f1nancing offered at market rates for 80-90% of the
purchase price for a seven year term.
C. Provision of plans and descri ptions showing site planning
improvements, the treatment of parking facjlitjes and agreeing to the
correction of alI vjolations in the buiiding inspector's report ln the
condition of the structure.
Staff response:
As noted above in the chart on development statistics, the project
currently does not meet HDMF zone requirements in the areas of density,
GRFA, or parking (espec'ia1 1y with regard to the requirement of 75% of the
parking Ubing eicjosea). The parking proposed is the same as existing on
il". :il:.--1. :lt:ls,.'L:.!- F.-Fgsents .96 space/Cr.r Parking will be
addressed in detaii in the Conditional Use Permit memorandum. The 20 foot
setback requirement is violated only on the north sjde of the site where
the building is 10 feet from the property line. Both ihe exjsting and
proposed plans violate the requirement of no parking located within the 20
iool fron! setback area. The building currently is approximately 34 feet
.in height, and this will remain unchanged. Both the exj sting and proposed
projecis meet the minimum requirements for site coverage and landscaped
The applicant has agreed to
page violation report done
these would depend upon the
and the new use.
make all of the corrections'in Apri 1 .|985. The speci f i cfinal building ptans as far
noted in the 10
compi iance with
as reconstruction
Section .|7.26.080 requires the Planning Commission to consider whether the
proposed conversion is consistent with the fol'l owing housing goals of the
At the hearing on the preiiminary (condominium) map, the Planning
Commission shalI consider whether the proposed conversion is
consistent with the following housing goals of the town:
l. To encourage continuation of social and economjc divers.i ty in the
Town through a vari ety of housing types,
2. To expand the supply of decent housing for low and moderate income
fami l i es,
3. To ach'ieve greater economic balance for the Town by increas.inE the
number of jobs and the supply of housing for people who will hold
Staff response: Thjs js the section of this memorandum that will deal with
the employee housing 'issue. Certainly, this proposal has an effect uponthe current situation jn the community with regard to employee housing. As
a department, we feei that the employee housing,issue is an important onefor the iong term viewpoint. Our employee housing crisjs of the late.l970's and the early 1980's has clearly diminished as over-building of
housing stock occurred simu1 taneously. Thjs has produced a renter,s marketwithin the community today wh'i ch provides reasonably priced housing inreiative abundance. However, as is the case with many planning and
development areas of concern, we should not allow ourselves to become short
sighted about housing in Vai1. Allowing wholesale conversions of ex.i sting
apartment projects, chang'ing local , reg'iona1 and natjonal economic
scenarios and the pace at which existing inventory is reduced are ali
complex but critical factors in looking at housing'in Vail for the longer
te rm.
The last major study conducted on affordabie housing was coordjnated by the
Eagle County Community Oevelopment Department in .l984 with ass.i stance from
Rosall Remmen Cares, a Boulder planning firm. Please find attached
relevant excerpts from that report whjch wjll help our understand.i ng of thesjtuation today as well as an attempt to look into the future. As a
department, we feel it would be unwise to reverse po1 icies compietely
towand employee housing in a oeriod where there is no problem, only to fjnd
the problem come back at a later date que to factors beyond our control.
The key to the issue at this point at time js to arr.ive at an acceptablebut flexible mitigation plan for units converted away from employee housing
use so that adjustments to the requirements can be made as conditions
{In addressing Section 17.26.080 A.1,2,and 3, we feel that the supply of
housing within the overal'l commun'i ty at the present time mitigates, for the
most part, the loss today of this project be'i ng converted to condominiums.
In a recognition that some mitigation be required at this time, the
developer has agreed to lease 10 apartments at Valli Hi with the provision
that the agreement may be reviewed annually by the Pianning Commiss'i on to
adjust the housing requirement accordingiy. It is important to keep in
mind that the Fall Line apartments are attached to the Marriott Mark Hotel ,
one of the major emp'l oyers within the va1 1ey. The staff feels it important
that the 4 years remaining on the employee housing restriction not be
totaliy withdrawn, but rather reasonably mitigated for the current and
future circumstances. We would find the fIexible agreement as noted ::."e
an acceptable one at this tjme.
B. The commjssion may require thai a reasonable percentage of the
converted units be reserved for sale or rental to persons of moderate
i ncome -
Staff response: We feel that mixing employee housing and interval
ownership units within the same project is not benefjcial due to the
incompatibility of the uses. Interval ownership users are present for one
purpose--to vacation. Mixing that use with prjmary residents is not Ecro
planning policy. However, if there were a way to physically separate tnese
uses to mitigate the conflicts, we would not be closed minded about
reviewing a proposal to do so.
C. The Planning Commission may deny the tentative or preliminary map upon
finding that:
l. Based on the information required by 17.26.070 and on the vacancy
rate for rental housi ng, tenants wi I I have substant'i a1 d iffi cu lty i n
obtaining comparably priced rental housing. A rental vacancy rate
below five percent based on the most recent town survey constitutes a
housing emergency situation.
2. The ratio of multiple-famjly rental unjts would be reduced to less
than 25% of the total number of drvelling units in the Gore Va'i ley,
from Dowd Junction east to the base of VaiI Pass, with no replacement
rental housing being provided.
Staff response: As mentjoned earlier, the people who were dispiaced from
Fall L'i ne have certainly found suitable housing to meet their needs with
the excellent rental market we are now experiencing. Again, we find no
immed'i ate problems within the housing market which would cause a negative
response to this criteria. The longer term outlook is much more of a
ouestion mark to us.
The final section of the condominium conversion chapter applicable to this proposal
deals with the potential requirenent forimprovement security. This section reads
as follows:
17.26..l30 Improvement security
A. The Planning Conmjssion and the Town Council may require a security to be
posted by the applicant which shall consist of one or more arrangements
which the Council shall accept to secure the actua'l cost of construction of
such publ'i c improvements as are required by the ordinances of the Town.
The improvement security may inclu,.re any one or' q c!ii,',,,;:'-ion oi ihe ,-:::
of security or collateral listed in this paragraph, and the applicant may
subst'i tute security in order to release portions of the condominium project
for sale. The types of collateral which may be used as security are as
fol I ows:
1. Restrictions on the conveyance, sale or transfer of any unit within
the condominium project as set forth on the finai map;2. Performance of property bond;3. Private or publ ic escrow agreement;4. Loan commitment;5. Assignments of receivables;6. Liens on property;7. Letters of credit;8. Deposits of security funds; or other sjmilar sunety agreements.
B. Security other than plat restrjctions, required under the improvement
security, shal 1 equal in value the cost of the improvements to be completed
but shall not be required on the portion of the condominium project subject
to plat restri ctions. The CounciI shal 1 not require security with
collaterai arrangements in excess of the actual cost of construction of the
improvements. The amount of security may be incrementally reduced a
subdivision or condomin'i um 'improvements are completed.
The applicant is proposing a 10 foot wide walking path constructed of asphalt on
the 20 foot wide easement between Matterhorn Circle and Greenhill Court. This
path would provide easy access to the Cascade Village project where a chairlifris proposed to be constructed within the next 2 to 3 years. Some type of
securjty in the form of a ietter of credjt or otherwise would be appropriate for
this improvement. !'le would recommend that the path be constructed in such a
manner that it will provide an emergency access between these two subdivjsions.
Also. the applicant has agreed and budgeted for a $l/week/unit tax which would
raise $18,000/year. This money could be earmarked for a bri dge over Gore Creek
on the south side of the lower bench of Donovan Park or other improvements to
the park.
The staff recommends approval of the amendment to s00 7 and the condominium
conversion request wjti.r'the condition that the applicant agree to providing a^
minimum of 10 employee housing un'its at i site alceptable to the Department of
Co*unitv Developme-nt. This irrangement should have an annual 0ctober review to
make adjustments as trorring-.;ndiiions change. -lJith.the existing favorable
nousing-conditions within lhe Town of Va1 1, we find jt would be an onerous
i;"qriri."ri to continue ine entire project as emplo-yee-housing or to require an
;q;;j ;;;t;r of uniti be provided on another siti for Marriott Mark emplovees'
id*.u.., we feel *iirt iori years remaining. on.an asrgqd upon condition for
employee housing, tnit ttre Marriott Mark ihould prov'i de at-least minimal
;iii;;air; at tfiis poini in ilt". 14e forsee an annua] review for both the
Marriott and the Wesiin-wtrich could include all parties working toward a
toirtion ior employee hous'ing on a flexjble and ongoing basis'
JANUARY 13, 1986
Tom Briner
Diana Donovan
Bryan Hobbs (lst meeting)
Pam Hopkins
Duane Piper
Sid Schultz
Jim Viele
Peter Patten
Tom Braun
Kristan Pritz
Rick Pylman
Betsy Rosolack
'l . Approval of minutes of meeting of December 9, 1985.
Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The
vote was 7-0 in favor.
2. This item was heard after item 3.
order to add .l80
s uare feet to the
explained the reguest and the fact that the staff recommended
roval . After a brjef discussion, Viele moved and Hopkins seconded to
approve the request per the staff memo dated January 13, 1986. The vote
was 7-0 in favor.
2. Request for a conditional use permit and for a condominium conversion
permit in order to convert the Fall Ljne apartments into t'ime share
condominiums. Applicant: Kaiser E. Morcus
Rick Pylman reviewed past meetings and memos. Aljce Parsons agreed with thestaff jn their concern about parking. Jay Peterson stated that he had
researched parking at other time share pnojects in Vail and found that Apollo
Park had.9 spaces/unit and their parking spaces were never fi'l led; the Wren
had I space/time share unit with less than 50% filled at any one time; Vail Run
has I spacelunit + 20,000 sq ft of commercial space and experienced no parking
problem; Streamside has 1-I/2 spaces,/unjt (large units) and had no parking
problems; and the Christy Lodge in Avon had I space/unit with about 35% useage
of the parking spaces. He added that the bank djd not want to escrow funds for
the 25 covered spaces any longer than 3 years.
Piper was concerned about landscaping and wanted the applicant to maintain the
landscaping between the road and the building and the parking lot and the road.
He mentioned that'it appeared that all time share projects with'i n VaiI seemed
to be wel 'l mai nta ined.
3.t for an
Briner wondered what would constitute
replied that if all cars could not be
a problem.
a need for more parking and Peterson
parked on the site that would constitute
Parsons asked how snow removal would be handled and was told that if it could
not be stored on the site, it would have to be trucked away.
Donovan was concerned about the impact on the bus system and mentioned that the
bus was crowded when it stopped to pick up people at Simba Run. She wonderedif the word "shuttle" shou'l d be defined.
Peterson replied that many of the people on the Simba Run bus were from ValliHi. He stated that the bus from Streamside ran every 10 minutes and adnjtted
that the shuttle must be adequate.
Piper stated that a shuttle system was usual 1y provided by all tjme share
groups as a convenience and wondered if beyond that the Town cou'ld prevent
people from using the Town bus service.
Patten replied that we have required shuttles wjth other SDD's, Simba, I'lestin,etc. This is the rule rather than the exception.
Donovan was concerned that condition #l did not st'ipu'l ate "year round" or
"adequate" shuttle bus service.
Donovan moved to the est e staff memo dated Januar 1986
Further discussion followed concerning underground utilities. Patten pointed
out that there was no description of what was a "fair share," cost, agreement,etc. Parsons explained that she had put underground conduit the length of
Hobbit Hjlls and added that Holy Cnoss stated that she had to pay to have it
extended to the transformer one block away. Therefone she did not feel that
she should also have to pay to get the underground utilities to the Morcus
property or across Donovan Park. She had already paid 2/3 on her own property.
Patten felt there should be more discussion of what constituted a "fairshare." Piper felt the applicant would have to meet with the staff to
determjne this because jt shouldn't be determined at this meetjng. Parsons
said that she was willing to meet with anyone. Peterson stated that the
applicant would 'l ike to remove the overhead lines. Parsons also mentioned that
there was a water turn-off valve for Fall Line located on Hgbbit Hil1s
property. She wondered if there was an easement in this location and was
concerned that when people came to use it they would trample on the landscaping
of Hobbit Hills. Piper said that this would be brought to Upper Eagle Valley's
attenti on.
seconded favor
ilnnlnn and Environmental co*irs n
January 13, 1986
'l:30 pm Site Visits
3:00 pm Public Hearing
l. Approval of minutes of meeting of December 9' 1985.
2, Request for a conditional use permit and for a condominium convers,tn
permit in order to convert the Fall Line apartments into time share
condominiums. Applicant: Kaiser E. Morcus
3. Request for an exterior alteration in order to add 180 square feet to
the Treetops Plaza building. Applicant: Pierre Lakes' Ltd.
4. Request for an exterior alteration in CCI in order to enclose a oeck
and add a third floor at the Hill Building,311 Bridge Street, Vail Village.
Applicant; Blanche C. HilI
5. Request for a conditional use permit to expand the Potato Patch Restaurant
by including condominium unit #44.
Applicant: Campbell/Hei'lman, a general partnership
6. Request for a density variance in order to convert storage into an
employee housing unit of 900 square feet at 44 tJest Meadow Drive.
Applicant: Polly Brooks
To Be 7. A request io a;ner,d the development plan of Crossroads and for setbackTabled variances in order to enclose an existing deck area and to add other
outdoor dining at Burger King. Applicant: Snowquest
B. Request for a conditional use permit in order to permr't temporary public
parking using a protective matting on an area 200' x 50' on the upper
bench of Ford Park. Applicant: Town of Vail
DECEMBER 3, 1985
7:30 o.m.
A regular meet'ing of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, December 3, 1985, at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor
Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem
Eric Affeldt
Oan Corcoran
Gai I t,Jahrl i ch-Lowenthal
Gordon Pierce
Hermann Staufer
Ron Phillips, Town Manager
Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney
Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk
The first item on the agenda was the approval of the Minutes of October 25, November5, L9 and 22, L985 meetings. Erjc Affeldt abstained from the October 25, November 5
and 19 meetings minutes jn that he was not a member of the Town Councjl at thattime. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by
Gordon Pierce. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 6-0 on the minutes for the
October 25, November 5 and 19, 1985 meetings wjth Eri c Affeldt abstaining, and
unanimously 7-0 on the November ?2, 1985 meeting.
The second item on the agenda was the approval of -a Booth Creek Tot Lot. KristanPr.itzgavedetaj.ledbackground.informationonthetffi.iscuss.ionby
the public and Council, Kent Rose made a motjon to approve the site for the tot lot
anci instruct the staff to hold a couple more public meetings for more input from the
residents in the area, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. At thjs point, Joan
Carne asked Mayor Johnston if Kent Rose and Oan Corcoran should abstain because they'I ive in the affected area and are directly involved. Mayor Johnston stated that the
only reason for asking for abstention is when the action involves personal financ'ialgain. Larry Eskwith agreed. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, w'ith
Gordon Pierce and Hermann Staufer opposing. Gordon Pierce stated there needed to be
more planning done on the tot lot for the public's sake.
The next item was the second read'i ng of Ordinance No. 30, Seri es of 1985, an ordi-
nance deleting the sales tax exemption for food sales. Mayor Johnston read thetiile in ful l. Steve Barwick explained the background of this ordinance. RonPhillips transmitted E. E. Ciemens'concerns over their cash regjster's limjta-t'ions. After some discussion by the public and Council, Hermann Staufer made a
mot,ion to approve the ordinance, and Dan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and
the motion passed 6-J., with GaiI Wahrlich-Lowenthal opposjng due the the amount of
revenue aiready raised during the budget process.
The fourth item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordjnance No- 28, Serjes of
19E5, an ordinance on larceny. The title was read in full by Mayor Johnston. Larry
Eskwith explained the reasonjng for this ordinance. After a short djscussion by
Council, Kent Rose made a motion to approve the ordinance, whjch Gajl Wahrlich-
*cwenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimousiy 7-0.
The next item was the fjrst reading of Ordinance No. 32, Seri es of 1.985, an ordi-
nance makjng suppiemental appropriations in the Town of Vail budget. Mayor Johnston
read the full title. Steve Barwick gave background information on the supplemental
appropri ations. Hermann Staufer thanked Steve for the breakdown and all his hard
work on the budget for 1986. A motjon was made by Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal to
approve the ordinance, which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the
motion passed unanimously 7-0.
The sixth item was the Fall Line Apartments time share proposal. Rick Pylman gave adetailedexplanation@ion.Heexp1a.inedstaffrecommended
denia'l based on the fol l owi ng fi ndi ngs:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.
2. The effect of the use on iight and air, distri bution of population,
transportatjon facilities, ut'i lities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities and other public facilities' needs.
3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and
pedestrian safety and convenjence, traffic flow and control , access,
maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas.
4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be
located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatjon to
surround ing uses.
Jay Peterson, representing Kaiser Morcus, explained the differences between tjme
sharing and employee housing. He gave lengthy detailed information as to why they
want the request approved. There was much Council discussion wjth Jay Peterson.
They requested a three year limit, after the date of opening, to construct tv{enEy-
five addjtional parking spaces. They also requested a letter of credit to guarantee
the money would be avai'l able for this, if needed, and that the PEC has an annual
review with the developer/owner for employee housing.
Larry Eskwith stated there were three steps which needed to be voted on:
1. A ccnditionai use permit for time sharing within the HDMF zone district.
2. A condominium conversion approval accord'i ng to Chapter 17.26 of the
Subdivjsion Regulations.
3. An amendment to Special Development Distrjct 7 with respect to a
restriction on Fall L'i ne apartments to serve as employee housing for the
Marriott Mark resort through 1989.
Hermann Staufer made a motion that the Marriott Mark resort be relieved of the
empicyee housing conditjon on SDDT through 1989, and amend the condition to be
revier.led annua'l 1y through approprjate channels as to the appropri ate number oi units
to be provided for employee hous'i ng. Gordon Pjerce seconded the motion. A vote was
taken and the motjon passed unanimously 7-0.
Oan lcrcoran made a motjon to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission
decrsion on the Fall Line condominium conversion and remove the employee housing
prc:'ision. Eric Affeldt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion
p;.::ed unanimously 7-0.
Dar Corcoran made a motion to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commjssion
cor-,ii t j ons for time shari ng:
i. An on-site shuttle bus be orovided.
2. A user tax be instituted as discussed and agreed to by appljcant.
3. A letter of credit be submitted to the Town of constructjon of the path
between this project and Cascade Vi11age.
+. The Fjre Department review and approve the parking lot configuration while
maintaining a minimum of 51 parking spaces.
lr: also included staff's additional conditions:
]. There shall be no marketjng of the Fall Ljne time share proiect within the
public right-of-ways of the Town of Vail.
2. The project bear its fair share of undergrounding the utilities in the
3. The proposed budget for the project be adopted as a min'imum and that there
be an obligation on the part of the project to enforce thejr own parking
probl ems .
He also included two additional conditions:
1. A letter of credit be required jn an adequate amount to cover the most
expensive alternative of building a maximum of twenty-fjve additional
parking spaces, within three years of completion,'i f deemed necessary by
the Town of Vai l.
2. The addjtional parking, if needed, be ljmited to its own property; not any
outsi de property.
Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimousiy
Tfre next item on the agenda was the first reading of- Ordinance No. 31,-Serlgtpf
1.985, an ordjnance regard'i ng the leasing of private parking spaces. Mayor.Jonnston
-nffithe full title of the ordinance. Tom Braun gave background jnformation on the
ordinance. Dan Corcoran stated he thought the provision that employee parking
should be given first consideration should be noted. After some discussion by
Councjl, G;jl Wahrljch-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordina499.-1q!th the
correction 'i n wording to change Section 1.A-Q Gordon
Pierce seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanTmously
The eighth item on the agenda was the reading of Resolution No. 35 adopting Policy
Statement 85-7. GaiI Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the resolution,
which Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously
The next item was Resolutjon No. 36 setting a new date for a public hearing on
annexing the Buffehr Creek area West Vail. Larry Eskwith explained that the Vail
Trail failed to publjsh the second notice of four required, and the process had to
start over completely, resulting in this new resolution. A motion was made by
Hermann Staufen to approve the resolution, whjch Kent Rose seconded. A vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Mayor Johnston wanted to communicate
to the community that worked so hard to get everything in by the deadlines how sorry
the Council was for the problems and delays. Kent Rose thought the incident was
inexcusable and wanted to change papers for advertising. Gordon Pierce suggesteC
putting public notices in two papers for security.
The tenth item was the actjon on the lease for Vendetta's deck. Larry Eskwith
explained the lease agreement and why he thought the Counci'l could approve. Also,
he noted that Exhibit A, a survey of the property, would be updated as soon as
possible next spring. After a short discuss'ion by Council, Gail Wahrijch-Lowenthal
abstained from voting, as she has an interest jn the property. Kent Rose then made
a motion to approve the lease agreement, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was
taken and the motion passed 6-0, with Gail Wahr'l ich-Lowenthal abstaining.
There was no Citizen Participation.
Nex: was the Town Manager's report. He noted that Jay Hatfield, a Maintenance
l{orker a the Library, was the 0ctober Employee of the Month and Janiel Turnbujl, a
Flee-,. Technician, was the November Employee of the Month. Gary Murrain, as of
December 1, 'i s the permanent Chief Eujlding Official . Also, Thanksgiving weekend
the Village parking structure fjlled two days and Lionshead parking structure filled
one day and was close to filling one other day. This had never happened before.
At this time, Ron Phjllips asked the Council for approval and comments on a letter
to Robert Woodward of thb U.S. Forest Service. Changes in wording were noted on the
f:i^st page, seCond line from bottom, "falSe" tO "jncorrect", and On page twO, third
paragraph, stri ke out "strongly".
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 p'm.
Respectful Iy submi tted,
Paul R. Johnston, Mayor
T0: Planning and Env'i ronmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: January 13, 1986
SUBJECT: FalI Line Time Share Proposal
0n November 25, 1985, the Plannjng and Environmental Commission heard a
request to convert the Fall Line apartments to interval ownership
condominjums. The approval process required for rhi: request included:
1. An amendment to S0D7
2. A conditional use permit to al'l ow time sharing in the HDMF zone
di stri ct
3. A condo conversion approval according to Chapter 17.26 of the
subdivision regulations.
The Plannjng and Environmental Commission approved this request with the
following four condjtjons:
1. An on-site shuttle bus be provided.
2. A user tax be'i nstjtuted as discussed and agreed to by the applicant.
3. A letter of credit be submtted to the Town for constructjon of the path
between th i s proj ect and Cascade Vi l 1 age.
4. The Fire Department review and approve the final parking iot
configurat'i on while maintaining a minimum of 51 parking spaces.
In a subsequent revjew the Town Council upheld the PEC approval and
conditions and added five more conditions to the approval . Those conditions
1. There shall be no marketing of the Fall Line time share project within
the public right-of-way within the Town of Vail.
2. The project shall bear its fair share of undergrounding the utilities
in the area.
3. The proposed budget for the project be adopted as a minimum and that
there be an obligation on the part of the project to enforce their own
parking problems.
4. A letter of credit be submitted to the Town of Vail in an adequate
amount to cover the most expensive alternative of building a maximum of
25 addjtjonal structured parking spaces. The Town of Vail shall
determine if there js a need for this parking within 3 years of
occupancy of the project. The applicant will be required to construct
this parking if the Town of Vail deems it necessary.
tr a
5. The additional parkjng, if needed, be limited to its own property; not
any off site property.
A technical error was committed by our department involving adjacent property
owners notification of the public hearing. Ue have re-advertized and have
met all procedural requjrements. lle are bringing this matter before the
Planning and Environmental Commission today in order to finalize the approval
Staff recommendation is for approval of thjs request with the four conditionsoriginally placed by the Planning Commiss'ion, along with the addjtjonal five
conditions placed on the approval by the Town Council. t{hile additjonalpublic testimony may be taken at this hearing and may indeed affect the
outcome of the approval process, we feel that the issues and impacts of this
project have been thoroughly discussed at both the Plannjng Commission and
Town Council levels and that the approval and conditions accurately represent
the outcome of those discussions.
Planning Commission
Community Devel opment Department
November 25, .l985
Request for a conditional use permit to convert the Fail Line
apartments to interval ownership condominiums.
App'l i cant: Kai ser Morcus
As this memorandum is closeiy associated with the memorandum addressing the
amendment to SDDT and the condominium conversion request for this proposai,
please refer to that memorandum for the descri ption and background of the
proposal . Briefly, the proposal is for the conversjon of the Fall Line
apartment buildjng to an interval ownershic lro;:ct sell ing individual weeks
for 53 dwelling units with major upgradings occurring to the existing
structure includjng a recreation bujlding addition for the use of the time
share owners and their guests, The accompanying memo aCdresses the issues:--
employee housing and other items dealing with condominium conversions and the
Marriott Mark's existing conditions regarding ernployee housing. The attached
memorandum from the applicant describ'i ng the project should be used for the
description of the proposed use.
In an attempt to aid the Planning Conrmjssjonrs understanding of the impacts
of a time share project upon the communjty, I have enclosed a study entitled
"An 0verview of the Resort Time Sharing Market: Consequences for the Local
Community" done by Richard Ragets, Associates, for the National Tjme Sharing
CounciI of the American Land Development Association. I think you wiII fjnd
this bni ef study very important to understanding the general nature and
impacts of time sharing on a iocal community.
Consideration of Factors:
Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.
The Community Development Department recognizes the Community Action Plan and
the Economjc Development Commjssion report as the rnost recent documentation
of development objectives of the Town. Please find attached a copy of the
Community Action Plan wjth highlights relating to this proposal as well as
the segment of the Economic Development Commission's report on time sharing.
In conclusion, jt is evident that time sharing, properly constructed, managed
and maintained is an appropriate use within the Town of Vail. It;:
extremely important that any tjme share project within the Town of Vail is of
very high quality with respect to all aspects of the project, especially
marketing. A negative impression of a resort community from shoddy marketing
practices related to tirne share marketing can turn what would otherwise be a
benefit to a communjty jnto a definite negative, Moreover, when one
recognizes that this particular proposai js eljminating an employee housingproject, it tends to remove some of the positive attitudes one mly haveregarding the benefjts of time sharing to a resort commun.i ty.
The effect gf the rlgg. gn lish!"?ng air. dislrjbution of population.
transoortation facilities. util ities. schools, pffi
A. Transportati on Faci i i ti es
The proposal includes the provis'ion of a private shuttle bus or van forthe exclusive use of users of the project. There is also easy access tothe Town of vail bus system by walking a short distance to thi westerlvside of Donovan Park. Moreover, easy pedestrian access to Cascadevillage to the east would be provided via the proposed asphalt bikepath/walkway between Matterhorn circle and Greenhi'l I court. It wouldappear, then, that there would be no negat.i ve effects upontransportation facilit'ies due to the request with the possible exceptionof increased use of the Town of Vai l bus system.
B. Utilities
There are overhead utilitiy lines in this area currently and it is
recommended that with the development of this project an appropriatelength of that overhead system be put under ground as a condition of
approval .
C. Parks and Recreation Facilities
The project is ideally located for the use of the future facilities of
Donovan Park. The master plan for Donovan park contains a variety ofrecreational and open space related activities which would be directlyutilized by the time share owners and their guests. Due to the
increased use of these future facilities by this project, it would beappropriate to discuss the poss'ibility of a small tax on each time share
week sold to be earmarked for the development of 0onovan park.
D. 0ther Publ'ic Facilities Needs
The project would increase the utilization of the proposed cascadeVillage chairlift. In fact, we feel the time share project should not
even be considered without the full assurance of this lift. Locatinq atime share project is very similar to locating a hotel within varioui
areas of a resort community. It should be centrally located with easyaccess to major recreational amenities and of course, in Vail, this
means ski lifts. We feel that this project, if given approval , shouldnot begin before construction on the cascade viilage lift has begun.
As a staff, it is jn
Line apartments have'in the Town of Vail.
this area that we feel the proposal falls apart. The Failhistorjcally had the largest parking problem of any project
The Fire and Publjc Works Departments have had direct
Effect upon traff;c wjth particular reference to congestion, automotive anci
experience of the problem. Several years ago, when the Park Meadows pnoject was
found to have emergency structural problems, the fire vehicles could physically
not get through to the project because of all the cars parked along the roadside. In another emergency ca11, an ambulance couid not get into the Fall Line
parking 1ot upon arrival due to the congested situation. Indeed, the entire
neighborhood has a parking problem due to the inadequacy of on-site parking.
Although we would agree that the time sharing proiect may not require as many
spaces per unit as an employee housing project, we firmly believe that less than
one parking space per time share condominium would be a pnoblem to the
neighborhood and would be poor planning policy. Allocating 5l parking spaces to
the residential condominium units leaves no parking for empioyees, delivery and
repair trucks, vehicles related to on-site sales promotions, or visitors of the
guests themselves.
The staff also feels that it is a mistake to make comparisons between the
previous project and the proposal before us today with regard to the parking
sjtuatjon. It does not make sense to support a proposal which simply might take
a terrjble parking situation and make it merely poor. The regulatlons anii
criteria to evaluate this project ciearly show that the project proposal must
stand on its own with regard to physical site planning characteristics.
Ths applicanr staies iiis 'rriilingness i,o provide siiucil iiig of potential purchasers
between the Marriott and the time share project. We feel that there is no excess
parking most of the time at the Marri ott Mark and that this would be an
unenforceable condition in any regard. Moreover, the parking lot would have to
be redesigned to alIow the maneuveri ng room requireci for iarge fire vehicles. We
feel strongly that the removal of snow from the street would be a difficult task
with the amount of parking proposed for thjs project.
Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be locateci,
including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in reiatjon tc surrounding uses.
As alluded to earlier, the staff feels that with the addition of a chairlift in
Cascade Village to Vail Mountain and wjth the pedestrian/bike connection between
the project and Cascade Vi11age, that this js a sujtable location for an interval
ownership project. Immediately to the east is the Park Meadows condominium
project whjch is predominantiy a short term project oriented to the guest. To
the north lies the Coldstream condominium project which js a mix of resident
owners and short and long term renters. Across the street to the south a newly
constructed Hobbit Hills townhouse project is being completed. Thus, there is no
'I ow density permanent resident housing in the jmmediate area which this project
would sjgnificantly impact. The accessjb'i lity to Donovan Park if a bridge over
the creek is constructed on the east sjde of the park would be superb.
The scale and bulk of the proposed project would be no different from what is
existing on the site, and this is compatible with the surrounding uses.
The Communjty Development Department recommends
be denied based on the following findings:
That the proposed location of the use js not in
that the conditionai use permit
accord with the purposes of this
ordinance and the purposes of the distrjct jn which the site is located.
\ That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be- operated or mainta'i ned would be detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare or materi a1 1y injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
That the proposed use would not comply with each of the applicable provisions of
this ordinance.
The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed
conversion of the FalI Line apartments to interval ownership. tlhile we feelthat issues of employee housing and physical upgrading can be mitigateci (see
the accompanying memorandum), we feel that as proposed, the project simply
does not physicaliy work on the site. The park'i ng proposal is one whjch we
cannot support, as we strongly feel that there would be a severe parking
problem related to the project. l,lhile statistjcs show that some Vail tjme
share projects require less than 2 spaces per condo unit, we have not been
convinced that less than 1 space per time share unit is in any way adequate.
We simply feel that the site is too small to accommodate the developer's
proposal for 53 time share units. There is a possibility that jf the project
were reconfigured downward to the area of 35 units, we may be able to support
As was clearly established in the evaluation of the crjteri a above, we do notl' have a problem with the location of a time share project on this site. l.le do\ have some concerns regarding a major empioyer within the community allowing
an apartment project to become to become completely run down and
un'i nhabjtable and following it with a proposal to completely convert to a
time sharing use. l,le feel this was a completely irresponsible lack of action
and do not feel obligated to bail out a distressed property owner. However,if an acceptable mitigation plan regarding employee hous'ing for the hotel and
with a new proposal to satisfy the parking problem which wj11 certainly arisejf the project is approved as proposed, we could support the conversjon to
time sharing of the Fall Line project. If the Planning Commission or Town
Council proceeds with approval of this project we would respectfuily request
a l'i st of conditions of approval which will be prepared for you.
t^f /
tt To:Planning and Environmental Comnmi ssi on
FR0M: Community Development Department
OATE: November 25, .|985
SUBJECT: Request to amend Special Development Distri ct 7 (Marriott Mark
Resort) and for a condominium conversion approval for the Fall
Line Apartments located in the Matterhorn area. Appl icant:
Kai ser Morcus
Ka'i ser Morcus, owner of the Fall Line Apartments is requesting to
convert the FalI Line apartment project containing 54 restri cted
employee dwelling units for Marriott Mark employees to an interval
ownership condominium project. Approvals from the Planning and
Environmental Commission and Town Councjl are necessary with respect to
the foilowing three reouests: Arnendment to SDDT with respect to a
restriction on Fall Line apartments to serve as employee housing for the
Marri ott Mark Resort to 1989, a condominium conversion approval
according to Chapter 17.26 of the subdivision regulations, and a
conditjonal use permit for time sharing within an HDMF zone district.
llle wjll address the project in two separate memorandums- Thjs
{ memorandum will address the amendment to the special deveiopmentl- distri ct and the condominium conversion request in that the same basic
'i ssues are involved with these requests. The second memorandum will
address the conditional use permit for the t'ime sharjng use. Because
the issue of employee housing is contained within the condomiunium
conversion regulations, the criteria for condominjum conversions foundjn the subdivision regulations will be used to evaluate the request for
the SOD amendment.
Rather than attempting to summarize the details of the request at this
point, it is of more benefjt for you to read the attachments from the
appl icant descri bing the project and nesponding to staff concerns
discussed at the November llth PEC work sessjon regarding thjs proposal .
The Fall Line apartments were constructed in the mid-l960's previous to
Town of Vail or Eagle County zoning regulations. The project has always
been used as apartments and occupied predom'i nantly by local residents.
Due to the relationship between Kaiser Morcus and the Marriott Mark
coupled with the employee housing crjsis of the late 70's and early
80's, the project developed a direct re'l ationship with the hotel in
providing workers with Iocai housing. This relationsh'ip was formalizedin l98l when the last phase of the Marri ott Mark made its way through
the Town of Vail approval process. At this time, the Fall Line
t apartments were restrjcted to employee housing use by the Marrjott for a
period of 8 years.
As the managers of the Fall Line apartments, the Marriott Mark was responsiblefor the operation and upkeep of the apartment bujldjng. This responsibi'l ity was
'i gnored over the last several years and the building became run down, unsafe for
occupancy, and in a state of total disrepair. Upon discovery of these
condjtions the Town of Vail conducted thorough inspectjons in Apri'l 1985. A
detailed 10 page report of building, electrical , health and fjre safety
violations was produced in April of this year. The report found that 22 units
had at least one of the following: structural , plumbing, health, electricai orfire problems and code violations. At the time,3l units were occupied. The
building was promptly condemned by the Town of Vail and the occupants were
required to leave. The Fall Line project has been vacant since that time.
The following chart shows development statistics for what is aliowed in HDMF as
we1 I as what is existing versus proposed for the site:
Zone: High Dens'ity Multi-Family (HDMF)
Site Area: ] 52 acres
N0. 0.U.'s
39,726/ .6 43,000
25 35
17 ,439
30% 30,377
43 ,000
0 loading
.96/du106 +I loading
0 loacii ng
Chapter 17.26 of the Subdivision Regulations deals wjth condominjum
conversions for both rental apartments as well as accommodation units. Our
..ui.* begins with the requirements for condominium convers'i ons as far as
providing documentation for the submittal as found in Section 17'26.060.
A. A condomjnium conversion report from the Town building inspector on
the condition of the building including all building, fire, and
related code violations wh'i ch are detrimental to the heaith, safety
and welfare of the Public.
Staff response:
This documentation was done in Appi I by the Town staff as part of the
condemnation proceedings. A copy of this report can be provided if you so
B. A report of the proposed conversjon addressing length of occupancy of
present tenants and their household composition as welI as information
regarding rental rates and whether or not the proposal is for interval
ownersh'i p and the pri c'i ng thereof .
Staff response:
Obv'i ous1y, there are no present tenants as a result of the condemnat'ion
action. -6".aut" there are no tenants, this information was not required
for the appljcation. The rental rates in effect before condemnation were
g325/month'for a one bedroom furnished and $450/month for-a two bedroom
iurnisfreO. Pri cing for the time share units would range from approximately
g4,000-912,000 w.itF financing offered at market rates for 80-90% of the
purchase price for a seven year term.
C. Provision of plans and descriptjons showing site planning
improvements, the treatment of parking facjlities and agreeing to the
correction oi all violations in the building inspector's report on the
condition of the structure.
Staff response:
As noted above in the chart on development statistics, the project
currently does not meet HDMF zone requirements in the areas of density,
GRFA, or parking (especial 1y with negard to the requirerneni oi 75% oi tne
parking lbing eiciosia). The park'ing proposed is the same as existing on
lne siie--51 spaces which represents .96 space/du. Parking will be
addressed in detail in the Conditional Use Permit memorandum. The 20 fooc
setback requirement js violated only on the north side of the site where
the building is 10 feer from the property 1ine. Both the existing and
proposed plins violate the requirement of no parking located within the 20
iool tronl setback area. The building currently js approximately 34 feet
in height, and this will remain unchanged. Both the existing and proposed
projecis meet the minjmum requirements for site coverage and landscaped
The applicant has agreed to
page violation report done
these would depend upon the
and the new use.
make all of the corrections noted in the 10in Apri I .l985. The specific compliance withfinal bujlding p lans as far as reconstruction
economic balance for the Torvn by jncreasing che
the supply of housing for people who will hold
Section .l7.26.080 requires the Planning Commission to consjder whether the
proposed conversjon is consistent with the following housing goals of the
A. At the hearing on the prel iminary (condominium) map, the Planning
Commiss'ion sha'l I consider whether the proposed conversion is
consjstent with the foliowing housing goals of the town:
1. To encourage continuatjon of socjal and ecrncnic djversit, i: the
Town through a variety of housing types,
?. To expand the supply of decent housing for low and moderate jncome
fami I i es,
3. To achieve greater
number of jobs and
Staff response: This is the section of this memorandum that will deal with
the employee housing issue. Certainly, this proposai has an effect uponthe current situatjon in the community with regard to employee housing. As
a depantment, we feel that the emplo.yee housing issue is an important onefor the iong term viewpoint. Our employee housing crisis of the late.l970's and the early 1980's has clearly diminished as over-building of
housing stock occurred simultaneously. Thjs has produced a renter's marketwithin the communjty today which provides reasonably pri ced housing inrelative abundance. However, as is the case wjth many planning and
development areas of concern, we should not allow ourselves to become short
sighted about housing in Vail. Allowing wholesale convers'i ons of existing
apartment projects, changing local , regional and natjonai economic
scenarjos and the pace at which existing inventory is reduced are a'l I
complex but critical factors in looking at housing in Vail for the longer
The last major study conducted on affordable housjng was coordinated by the
Eagie County Community Development Department in .l984 with assistance from
Rosall Remmen Cares, a Boulder planning firm. Please find attached
relevant excerpts from that report which wjll help our understand'i ng of the
s'i tuation today as wel l as an attempt to look into the future. As a
department, we feel it would be unwise to reverse policies completeiy
toward employee housing in a period where there is no problem, only to find
the problem come back at a later date due to factors beyond our control .
The key to the issue at this poinc ai lime is to arri ve at an acceptable
but flexible mit'i gation plan for units converted away from employee housing
use so that adjustments to the requirements can be made as conditions
(In addressing Section 17.26.080 A.l,2,and 3, we feel that the supply of
housing withjn the ovenal1 community at the present time mitigates, for ihe
most part, the loss today of this project being converted to condominiunis.
In a recognition that some mitigation be requjned at this time, the
developer has agreed to lease 10 apartments at Val|'i Hj with the provisjon
that the agreement may be revjewed annually by the Planning Commission to
adjust the housing requirement accord'i ngiy. It is 'important to keep jn
mind that the Fali Line apartments are attached to the Marriott Mark Hotel ,
one of the major employers within the val 1ey. The staff feels it important
that the 4 yeirs remainjng on the employee housing restriction not be
totajly withdrawn, but rather reasonably mitigated for the current and
future circumstances. We would fjnd the flexible agreement as noted above
an acceptable one at thjs t'ime.
B. The commission may require that a reasonable percentage of the
converted units be reserved for sale or rental to persons of moderate
i ncome .
Staff response: l,|e feel that mixing employee housing and interval
ownership uni ts wjthjn the same project is not beneficial due to the
incompatibiljty of the Lrses. Interval ownershjp users are present for one
purpose--to vacatjon. Mixing that use with primary residents is not good
planning po1 icy. However, if there were a way to physically separate these
uses to mitigate the conflicts, we would not be closeo mjnded about
rev'i ewi ng a proposal to do so.
C. The Plann'i ng Commission may deny the tentative or preliminary map upon
finding that:
1. Based on the .i nformatjon requjred by 17.26.070 and on the vacancy
rate for rental hous'ing, tenants will have substantjal difficulty in
obtain.ing comparably priced rental housing. A rental vacancy rate
below five percent based on the most recent town survey constitutes a
housing emergency situat'i on.
2. The ratjo of mult.i ple-family renta'l units would be reduced to Iess
than 25% of the total number of dwelling units in the Gore Va11ey,
from Dowd Junction east to the base of VaiI Pass, with no replacement
rental housing being provided.
Staff response: As mentjoned earlier, the people who were dispiaced from
Fall Line have certainly found suitable housing to meet their needs with
the excellent rental market we are now experjencing. Again, we find no
jmmediate problems wjthin the housing market which would cause a negative
response to this criteria. The longer term outlook is much more of a
question mark to us.
The final section of the condominium conversion chapter applicable to this proposal
deals with the potentia1 requirement forimprovement security. This section reads
as follows:
.|7.26..l30 Improvement securitY
A. The Planning Commission and the Town Council may requ'i re a securjty to be
posted by the applicant which shall consist of one or more arrangements
which the Council shall accept to secure the actual cost of constructicn of
such publ ic inprovements as are required by the ordinances of the Town-
The improvement security may include any one or a combination of the types
of security or collateral listed in this paragraph, and the applicant may
substitute security in order to release portions of the condominium project
for sale. The types of collateral which may be used as security are as
fol I ows:
l. Restri ctions cn the conveyance, sale or transfer of any unit wjthin
the condominium project as set forth on the final map;2. Performance of property bond;3. Private or publjc escrow agreement;4. Loan commitnent;5. Assignments of receivables;6. Liens on property;7- Letters of credit:8. Deposits of securi ty funds; or other similar surety agreements.
B. Securi ty other than plat restrictions, required under the improvement
security, shall equai in value the cost of the improvements to be completed
but shalI not be required on the portion of the condominium project subject
to plat restrictions. The Council shall not require security with
collateral arrangements in excess of the actual cost of construction of the
improvements. The amount of security may be incremental 1y reduced a
subdivision or condominium improvements are completed.
The applicant is proposjng a 10 foot wjde walking path constructed of asphalt on
the 20 foot wide easement between Matterhorn Circle and GreenhilI Court. This
path would provide easy access to the Cascade Village project where a chairlift'is orooosed to be constructed within the next 2 to 3 years. Some type of
security in the form of a ietter of credit or otherwise would be appropniate for
this jmprovement. We wouid reconmend that the path be constructed in such a
manner. that 'i t wil l p.:,.,i.,je an emergency access between these two subdivjsions.
Also. the applicant has agreed and budgeted for a $l/week/unjt tax which would
raise $18,000/year. This money could be earmarked for a bri dge over Gore Creek
on the south side of ihe lower bench of Donovan Park or other improvements to
the oark.
The staff recommends approval of the amendment to SDO 7 and the condominium
convers.i on request riifr-tn" condition that the app'l icant agree to providing a
minimum of 10 employee housing units at a site acceptable to the Department of
Community Developmeni. fni. irr"ng.t.nt should have an annua'l gctober rev'iew to
make adjustments as nousing conditions change' ^Iilh.lhe existing favorable
trousing-conditjons rittin ih" To*n of Vail, we fjnd it would be an onerous
r.quir"r.ni to continue lne.ntire proiect as employee--housing or to require an
g;r;i nrrU". of units be provided on another site for Marriott Mark employees'
xJr.u"tl *. feel w'iii iou". v.".. rema'ining. on-an agreed lPol condit'ion for
ffii;t;; housi ng, ttrat ine ftarri ott Mark ihoul d prov ide at . I east mi nimal
ri[igltion at tiis poini in iir". We forsee an annuai review for both the
Marriott and the w"siin-ri'ictr could include alIparties working toward a
.orution ior employee housing on a flex.i ble and ongoing basis.
DECEMBER 3, 1985
7:30 p.m.
A regular meet'ing of the Vajl Town
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers,
Council was held on Tuesday, December 3, 1985, at
MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor
Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem
Eric Affeldt
Dan Corcoran
Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal
Gordon Pierce
Hermann Staufer
Ron PhiIIips, Town Manager
Larry Eskwith, Town AttorneY
Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk
The fjrst item on the agenda was the approva'l of the Minutes of October 25, November
5, 19 and 22, t985 meetings. Eric Affeldt abstained.from the 0ctober 25, November 5
and 19 meetings minutes in that he was not a member of the Town CounciI at that
time. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by
Gordon Pierce. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 on the minutes for the
0ctober 25, November 5 and 19, 1985 meetings with Eri c Affeldt abstaining, and
unanimously 7-0 on the November 22, t985 meeting.
The second item on the agenda was the approval of a Booth Creek Tot Lot. Kristan
Pritz gave detajled background information on the tot lot. After much discussion by
the public and Counci'l , Kent Rose made a motion to approve the site for the tot lot
and jnstruct the staff to hold a couple more public meetings for more input from the
residents in the area, which was seconded by Dan Corcoran. At this point, Joan
Carne asked Mayor Johnston if Kent Rose and Dan Corcoran should abstain because they
live in the affected area and are directly involved. Mayor Johnston stated that the
only reason for asking for abstention is when the action involves personal financialgain. Larry Eskwith agreed. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with
Gordon Pjerce and Hermann Staufer opposing. Gordon Pierce stated there needed to be
more planning done on the tot lot for the public's sake.
The next jtem was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 30, Series of 1985, an ordi-
nance deleting the sales tax exemption for food sales. Mayor Johnston read the
title in full. Steve Barwick explained the background of this ordinance. Ron
Phjllips transmitted E. E. Clemens'concerns over their cash register's limita-
t'i ons. After some djscussion by the pub'l ic and Council, Hermann Staufer made a
motion to approve the ordinance, and Dan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and
the motion passed 6-1, with Gajl Wahrlich-Lowenthal opposing due the the amount of
revenue aiready raised during the budget process.
The fourth item on the agenda was the second reading of 0rdinance No, 28, Series of
1985, an ordinance on larceny. The title was read jn full by Mayor Johnston. Larry
Eskvlith explained the reasoning for this ordinance. After a short discuss'ion by
Council, Kent Rose made a motion to approve the ordjnance, which Gail Wahrlich-
Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
The next item was the first reading of Ordinance No. 32, Series of 1985, an ordi-
nance making supplemental appropriations in the Town of Va'i I budget, Mayor Johnston
read the full title. Steve Barwick gave background jnformation on the supplemental
appropriations. Hermann Staufer thanked Steve for the breakdown and all his hard
work on the budget for 1986. A motion was made by Gail Wahrljch-Lowenthal to
approve the ordinance, which was seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the
motion passed unanimously 7-0.
The sixth item was the Fall Line Apartments tjme share proposal . Rick Pylman gave a
detailed explanation on background information. He explained staff recommended
denial based on the following findings:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.
2. The effect of the use on light and air, distributjon of population,
transportation facilities, util ities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities and other public facilities' needs.
3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, autonotive and
pedestrjan safety and convenjence, traffic flow and control , access,
maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas.
Jay Peterson, representing Kaiser Morcus, explained the differences between time
shani ng and employee housing. He gave lengthy detailed information as to why they
want the request approved. There was much Council discussion with Jay Peterson.
They requested a three year fimit, after the date of opening, to construct twenty-
fjve additional parking spaces. They also requested a letter of credjt to guarantee
the money would be available for this, if needed, and that the PEC has an annual
revjew with the deve'loper,/owner for employee hous'i ng.
Larry Eskwith stated there were three steps wh'i ch needed to be voted on:
1. A condit'iona'l use permit for time sharing withjn the HDMF zone djstrict.
2. A condominium conversion approval according to Chapter 17.26 of the
Subdivision Regulations.
3. An amendment to Special Development District 7 with respect to a
restri ctjon on Fall Line apartments to serve as employee housing for the
Marrjott Mark resort through 1989.
Hernann Staufer made a motion that the Marriott Mark resort be relieved of the
employee housing condition on SD07 through 1989, and amend the condition to be
reviewed annual 1y through approprjate channels as to the appropriate number of units
to be provided for employee housing. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
Oan Corcoran made a motion to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission
decis'ion on the Fall Line condominium conversion and remove the employee housing
provision. Eric Affeldt seconded the mot'i on. A vote was taken and the motion
passed unanimously 7-0.
Oan Corcoran made a motion to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission
condjtions for time sharing:
1- An on-site shuttle bus be provided.
2. A usen tax be instituted as discussed and agreed to by applicant.
3. A letter of credit be submitted to the Town of construction of the path
between this project and Cascade Vi11age.
4. Effect upon the character of the
Iocated, including the scale and
surrounding uses.
area in which the proposed use is to be
bulk of the proposed use in relation to
share project within the
the utiIities in the
He also
The Fire Department revjew and approve the parking 1ot configuration while
maintaining a minimum of 51 parking spaces.
included staff's additional conditions:
1. There shall be no marketing of the Fall Ljne time
public right-of-ways of the Town of Vail.
2. The project bear its fair share of undergrounding
3. The proposed budget for the project be adopted as a minjmum and that there
be an obligation on the part of the project to enforce their own parking
prob lems.
He also included two additional conditions:
1. A letter of credit be required in an adeguate amount to cover the most
expensive alternative of building a maximum of twenty-five additional
parkjng spaces, within
the Town of Vail.
2. The additjona'l parking,
outside property.
three years of compietion, jf deemed necessany by
jf needed, be limjted to its own property; not any
Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanjmously
, -u.
The next item on the agenda was the first readjng of 0rdinance No. 31, Series of
1985, an ordinance regard'ing the leasing of private parkjng spaces. Mayor Johnston
read the ful'l title of the ordinance. Tom Braun gave background information on the
ordinance. Dan Corcoran stated he thought the provision that employee parking
shouid be given first consideration shou'l d be noted. After some discussion by
Council, Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, wjth the
correction in wording to change Sect'i on 1.A back to ten spaces from thirty. Gordon
Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanjmously
The eighth item on the agenda was the reading of Resolutjon No. 35 adoptjng Poljcy
Statement 85-7. Gail I'lahrlich-Lowentha'l made a motion to approve the resolut'ion,
whjch Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously
The next item was Resolutjon No. 36 setting a new date for a public hearing on
annexing the Buffehr Creek area West Vajl. Larry Eskwith explajned that the Vail
Trail fajled to publish the second notice of four required, and the process had to
start over completely, result'i ng in this new resolution. A motjon was made by
Hermann Staufer to approve the resolution, which Kent Rose seconded. A vote was
taken and the motjon passed unanimously 7-0. Mayor Johnston wanted to communicate
to the communjty that worked so hard to get everyth'i ng in by the deadl'i nes how sorry
the Council was for the problems and delays. Kent Rose thought the incident was
inexcusable and wanted to change papers for advert'ising. Gordon Pierce suggested
putting public notices in two papers for security.
The tenth jtem was the action on the lease for Vendetta's deck. Larry Eskwith
explained the lease agreement and why he thought the Council could approve. A1 so,
he noted that Exhibit A, a survey of the property, would be updated as soon as
possible next spring. After a short discussion by Counc'i l, Gail Wahrlich-Lowentha1
abstajned from voting, as she has an interest in the property. Kent Rose then made
a motion to approve the lease agreement, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was
taken and the motion passed 6-0, with Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal abstaining.
There was no Citizen Participation.
Next was the Town Manager's report. He noted that Jay Hatfield, a Maintenance
Worker a the Library, was the 0ctober Employee of the Month and Janiel Turnbu'l 'l , a
Fleet Technician, was the November Employee of the Month. Gary Murrain, as of
Oecember 1, is the permanent Chjef Bujlding Official . Also, Thanksgiving weekend
the Village parking structure fjlled two days and Lionshead parking structure filled
one day and was close to filling one other day. This had never happened before.
At rhjs tjme, Ron Philljps asked the Council for approval and comments on a letter
to Roheft Woodward of the U.S. Forest Service. Changes in word'i ng were noted on the'
first piE,-second l-lie from--tottom, "false" to "incorrect", and on page two, third
paragraph, stri ke out "strong1y".
There being no further business, the meeting adiourned at 11:40 p'm.
Respectful 1y submitted,
Paul R. Johnston, Mayor
Pameia A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk
Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman
TO: Planning and EnvironmentaL Commissio
FROM: Community Development
DATE: November 11, 1985
SUBJECT: Background on FalL Line Apartments proposal to
convert to a time share project
In preparation for the PEC's work session on this proposal on
November 11, we feel it would be helpful to give you some
backgound information as well as identify what we see as the
key issues at this point in time. Basically, the proposal isfor an interval ownership project at the Fa1l LineApartments. The developer, Kaiser Morcus, would convert theexisting 54 one and two-bedroom apartments to 53 one and
two-bedroom time share unj-ts, each containing 50 weeks forsale individually. A major upgrade of the entire project
--interior and exterior--is proposed, includj-ng a newrecreation amenities addition located in the existingcourtyard. Proposed parking is to remodel the exj-stingparking area, but to have only the existing 51 spaces for theentire project.
The project would be physically connected with the CascadeVillage area via a new pathway and/or stairway to WesthavenDrive.
The proposal requires a number of different approvals from the
Town including: a condominim approval to convert existingrental apartments to time share condominiums, an amendment to
SDD7, Marriott Mark, in releasing the employee housingrestriction connecting Fall Line and the Marriott unt.il 1989,
and a conditional use permit for the time sharing use withinthe HDMF zone district. If all of these are approved, thenthe project will also require approval of the condominium plat
as well as the declaraLions and covenants.
Enclosed please find the applicant's written application forthis project for more detail and information on the specifics.
The fol-lowing outlines the staff's major areas of concerns andthe key issues regarding the proposal:
A. Parkinq
Parking is a major concern 1n that less than 50% ofthe zoning code requirement is being proposed. Thestaff is open to studies and informatj-on which showthat time sharing may not require 2 spaces per
dwelling unit, but we are extremely sceptical- thatless than 1 space per dwelling unit will not create amajor problem for this site as wel-1 as the
surrounding neighborhood. The staff has encouragedthe applicant to investigate methods to mitigate this
parking shortage to the possibility of joint useparking agreements with surrounding projects, but
unfortunately, this appears to not be feasible atthis time.
B. Employee Housing
The proposal eliminates one of the major apartmentprojects in the Town of Vail which is currently tied
into the Marriott Mark's employee requirement.Certainly the 1984 Eagle County Employee Housing
Survey concluded that, in comparison to the late
'70's and very early '80's, we are in a betterposition with regard to employee housi-ng, however,the staff feels strongly that to ignore employee
housing by releasing all requirements on projects at
this point in time is an ignorance of the long termsituation. This area of major concern has been
discussed htith the applicant and we are attempting to
work out some type of arrangement whj.ch would be aproposal to mitigate this loss of employee housing
and acceptable to both parties.
The troubled Valli Hi project has a potentiaL to
serve in capacity of mitigating the loss of not onlythe Fall Line Apartments for the Marriott, but alsoto serve as a centralized employee housing project
for other major employers in Town. Moreover, aportion of VaIIi Hi could be utilized for "specialguest housing" such as Coors Bike Classic racers,
Denver Symphony Orchestra, and other amphitheatreperformers, John Curry ice skaters, and otherperformers and guests invited into the community tofurther special events, etc.
The track record of projects converted from one useto time share is not good. Time sharing has been
most successful when conceptualized, designed, andbuilt for time sharing from the very beglnning.
There are very specific and special-ized design
requirements for time sharing projects that need to
be addressed and cannot be left out because a
conversion project wj-11 not al-low the existing siteto be adapted. There is a major concern of the staffthat this time sharing proposal is a result of a
distressed and unkept property and could be viewed asa form of rrbail out.rt However, it is hard to arguewith the fact that if approved, the building and
grounds will be substanti-alIy upgraded and, in the
case that time sharing fai1s, could be uti1ized for
whole owned condos or a short term hotel type use.
Generally, it appears to be true with many projects
that the worries of inadequate maintenance and
management provisions are becomrng a reality. The
director of community development for Sanibel Island
in Florida does not have a positive attitude for tlme
sharing, especially from the consumer's point of
view, after L0 years of experience with it. Some of
the projects on Sanibel IsLand are becoming run down
and iII kept due to inadequate maintenance funds
because of the extremely high use of the commonfaciities provided.
of course, one of the advantages of allowing time
sharing in a resort communlty is the increased
occupancy in the shoulder seasons and summer months.
The FaII Line project does not propose to package the
sale of their weeks (i.e. se}l an off-season week
with the purchase of 2 high season weeks) and this
could result in the project selling out during hiqh
season only. However, this may be mitigated by the
proposal to sel-I out four or five units at a tlme
before putting the next 4 or 5 units on the market.
On the more positive side of reviewing the proposal, we find
that if and when a lift is constructed out of cascade Village
and a good connection is made between this project and Cascade
Village, this is a suitable Location for a time share project.
Also, as mentioned above, approving the proposal would al1ow a
major upgrading to the entire site and building and even in
the event time sharing does not work, we have a much upgraded
capital facility. If successful-, the project would generally
be in concert with the goals of the community to achieve
higher occupancies for the suruner season and off seasons. The
proximity of the project to Donovan Park is al-so a big plus.
We look forward to working with the applicant and the Planning
and Environmental Commission as well as the Town Council on
thj-s project proposal.
75 3outh frontage road
Yail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000
0ctober ]8, 1985
ofllce of communlly development
Jay Peterson
0tto, Peterson and Post
P.0. Box 3149Vail, Colorado 8.|658
Re: Fall Line Application to Convert to Time Sharing Condominiums
Dear Jay:
l,le have received and initially reviewed your app'lication to convert Fa]l
Line Apartments into time sharing condominiums. The three processes/
approvals you will need at this iime are an amendment to SDDT (Marriott
Mark-Resort) in regard to the 8-year employee housing restriction attachedln 196l; an approval to convert the apartments into condomiums as per theregulations found in Chapter 17.26 of the Subdivision Regulations; and aconditional use permit to a'llow time sharing in the HDMF-zone district.In reviewing your app'l ication, we find that-it is, for the most part, fairlycomprete. However, I feel it.important that a preliminary budget for theproject be submitted to show what the Association fees per time share
week wi'll be as well as replacement schedules for furniih'ings and appliancesas well as recreational amenities. It will a'lso be helpful-to know'what ttre
construct_ion-budget will be for initia'l capital improvements. Also, I
19call allowing the condominium map to be iubmitted later. However, I feelthat the_by-laws and declarations ire an'important part of this submittaland should be submitted at this time.
The last submittal requirement which I feel is important in reviewing theproject.is.a.site plan-showing bike path and stairway improvements connectingthe project to Greenhill Court.
If the above information is received by our office by Tuesday, October 22ndat 9:00 am' I feel comfortable scheduling a Planning Conmission meeting on
November l]th, even though this is a tight schedu'le-due to the amount 5f
interdepartmental review required by this major proposal. 0theruise,the Planning Commission could hear the proposal on November 25, and I
Jay Peterson
r o/.l8/85
Page Two
honestly feel this would be a more comfortable date for all of us in that
I believe there is some further work to be done addressjng some of our
In a preiiminary revjew of the proposal we have the following concerns and
l. Parking is a major concern in that less than 50% of the zoning code..
requirement is being proposed. This project should provide two parking
spaces per unit to meet not only the zon'i ng code requirement, but what
I believe will be the actual demand of the proiect. You may be able
to increase the parking as proposed by adding some compact spaces.
2. The proposal should mitigate the loss of 54 rental apartments by agreeing
to a'mihimum of l0% of the units restricted to employee hous'i ng rentals.
3. The submitted project should assure our department of adequate.maintenance
and management'provisions for a quality long-term project servjcing its
gues ts .
4. A general concern on the part of the staff js that time sharing conversion
pr6jects have a poor track record of fa1 lure and generally are designed: to bail out a developer or owner in financial trouble.
5. Aithough we have not completed a zoning check, it appears the project
w'i ll differ substantially from the HDMF requirements, and these concerns
need to be addressed in the near future.
In light of our concerns, which are of a serious nature, I think the.application
'i s a good one and shows a very substanti.al upgrade to this distressed property.
The substantial addit.ion of recreatjonal amenjties to the property would appear
to be suffic'i ent to the time sharing use. The unit interiors also appear
to be redesigned in a fashion geared toward time share market.
I would suggest that you look into a parking availability, if any, on the-adiacent
Park l4eadowi site and consider a joint use parking agreement jf that availability
exi sts.
We look fonvard/fo, working with you on the project.
Sjncerely, /,.r'
/./ t-ffi
A. Peter Patten, Jr.
Di rector Community Development
APP: bpr
Tom Briner
Diana Donovan
Pam Hopkins
Duane Piper
Sid Schuitz
Jim Viele
This app'l ication was withdrawn
1 uest to c
Planning and Environmental Commission
November 25, 1985
Peter Patten
Tom Braun
Kristan Pritz
Rick Pylman
meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm by Duane piper, chairman.
minutes of the meeting of November ll were approved with changes.
{ request"to amgnd the deyelgpmerlt plan of crossroads and fo11e:[!gqk]qr'!ancesin order to enclose g
The appiicant requested to tab'le this item until 1219. This was so moved by
Donovan and seconded by Briner. The vote to table was 5-0.
3. A, rggue:! fol q frgnt .setbaqk variance in order to construct a new entr.vq[.t!9-[-trva Rldqe North condominiums located on Lot 6, B]ock 6, Vail ViilagelstFilinq.mrst
1 i cant.
ts into time share condominiums which
Peter Patten introduced the project and explained the approval process thatwas required, the request and background iirformation.
First the issue of condo conversion was discussed, and the concern about convertingemployee housing_to condominiums for sale. The staff felt it was important-to.mit'igate the loss of the 54 employee unitsn not of 54 additional units, butwith a minimum number of units to'pei'trapi be ieased from Valli Hi foi ttre'reilainlng{ Jears of the original agreement wtrictr'restrjcted Fall Line to employee frouiingfor the Marriott Mirk.
Patten then discussed the issue of the requested conditional use perm'i t to convertFall Line to time share following the memo dated November 25. Paiten verbalizedthe.positive aspects of time shaiing , i.e. shoulder seasons, etc. He also --
oealE wrtn negatlve aspects from shoddy practices. Patten discussed transportation,utilities, parks, public facilities, aid'parking problems and
recommended denial of the conditional use permit allowing time share, and approvalof the conversion into condominiums and thb amendment to-SDD 7 with itre coniitionthat the applicant agree to providing a minimun of l0 employee housing unitsat a site acceptable to the Community Development Departmbnt'
Fal'l Li ne a
PE - 11/2s/8s
Jay Peterson' representing the applicant, gave a presentation. Andy Noryis,
developer of Cascade Village' spoke to the status of the proposed Cascade Vi'l lage
chair lift and employee housing agreements of the Westin. Ray Wamen of the
l,lestin Hotel spoke to employee housing concerns of the hotel , stating that
the need is not there PresentlY.
Corunissioners' corments :
Briner: Discussed the success of Pitkin Creek Park condos.
Donovan: Had concerns with tota'l loss of employee housing agreement, was concerned
about the parking issue, and suggested pursuing the dollar/week/unit tax for
parks purposes.
Schultz: Did not see parking as a problem--felt parking use is low in time
share/hotel uses in this area. Felt employee housing should be looked at on
a year-by-year basis. He felt that an arbitrary l0 unit requirement did not
seem fair.
P'i per: lr'las concerned about parking and believed that a worst case scenario was
maintaining employee housing with regard to housing. He welcomed the face lift
and fe'lt the program could be a valjd program with the amenjties of the area.
Piper expressed concern about the tax for parks.
Briner: Felt emp'loyee housing may be a serious concern in the future. He expressed
the opinion that the buildings could be redesigned to further upgrade them.
Schultz moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request for a c.u. for time sharinq
ffii-nst sand that a user tax be instituted as djscussed by the applicant. 0ther conditions
own:F6Frfiii3filEli on
of a b'lack top pa tween and that
artment review a o ura 0n e mal nta'l n
nlmum o arKlnq spaces.
h;was n tavor a riner against.
e staff offered the fql'lowing addi!iona1 conditions, which the PEC did not
i ncorporate as a part of the approval :
I rlVvl-yVl'qrrg <rJ q Pqr e v I r,rrs r.FFl
There shall be no marketinq of the Fall Line time share proiect within the
There shal'l be no marketing of the Fal
public right-of-ways of the Town of Vail.
An employee housing re5!r.!_q!1-q!--9imi'lar to,the original_. tr
wiII be plgqe! !A the
The project must bear its fair share of undergrounding the utilities in the area.
The proposed budqet for the proiect must be adopted as a minimum
There shall be an obligation on the part of the project to enforce their own.---------.i-.:------i--i--parKrng proprems.
Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to recommend approval per the staff memo of
Addresses of Adjacent
Property Owners
1. Lot 4 :.r I .
Fraser,/C'ore Development Inc.
Box 3451Vail, Colorado 81658
2. Hobbit HtIl
James W. and Allce L. Parsons
1672 Matterhorn ClrcleVail , Colorado 81657
3. Park Meadowe Condomlniun AssociatLon
1472 Matterhorn Circlevail , Colorado 81652
4. Coldstrean Condoninium Association
1000 South Frontage Road, Suite 200Vail, Colorado 81657
' y'z/rr
715 W. Lionshead Circle, Vail Colorado 81657
0ctober 14, 1985
APPLICANT Kalser E. Morcus PHONE 476-4444NA}IE OF
) IGiserv5c.NAI'{E OF PROPERTY OWNER (type
ADDRESS 715 I{. Lionshead
or prinE
1500 l,Iatterhorn Circle
3149, ValL, Colorado 81658 pnOnn 476-0092
E. Morcus
Vall-, Colorado psoun 476-4444
E. FEE $100.00 PAID
F. Include a llst of the names and nalling addresses of all oltners of property
adjacent to the subject property.
Addresses of Adjacent
Property Owners
1. Ipt 4
Fraser,lGore Development Inc.
Box 3t[51Vail, Colorado 8f658
2. Ilobbit Hill
itames W. and Allce L. Parsons
1672 llatterhorn CircleVail , Colorado 81657
3. Park Meadows Con.lominium Association
1472 Uatterhorn CircleVail, Colorado 81557
1. Coldstream CondomLnium Association
1000 South Frontage Road, Suite 200Vail, Colorado 81657
'":-i .rd 2l73
Pollcv Drtot @TOBER 19r 1994 rt SIOO A'll'
l{rnr of Inrurrdr
co-trtBtA "6y11Sr
A FEERAL 6Avtt{o8 eND LOAN aSS0CIATIC{'! 3nd/cr
tn thc lrnd dlrcrlbrd tn thlr Gchr'fulf lhd
thc lnrurrd lortlrro lrr
refcrrrd to hrrcln ll rt Drtr of Pollcv
Fonl 23lt
Ftlc No' VOOO6?lt
Pollcv No. 11672770
Anount a-Lorn t
The crtrto or tntrrcrt
rhlch 1r rncurbrrrd bv
Thc rrtrte or lntcrert
vcrted lnt
I xnrsEn E. iloRc{rs
Thc rnortnlcr hGFGln rcfcrrcd to ar thc lnrured nortrtl?r rnd thc
rrrlrnmcntr thcreof, 1f tnY' rrc dcccrlbcd rr follourl
rRusTEE oF EAoLd';oiirurv ron rxe [iE'oF coutfislA-sAvlNos' A FEIERAL
SAVINGS AND LOAN essocrnrroN ro iiiunE THE SUn oF
iiconoeo ocroBEi tr; t9e4, rN BooK 3e7 AT FAGE Ees'
tN BOOK 397 AT PASE 996'
Puc 2 Thlr Pollcv vrlld onlv lf Schcdulr I lr rttrchrd'
2173 Foet 23lt
Flle No. VOOO691l
llcv No. 9167"770
Amount t99lr€7O.49
Lorn I
5. Thc trnd rrfrrrcd to ln thlr pol lcv lr rlturtcd ln EAOLE Gountvr
Colocrdor rnd lr dcrcrlbrd rr follotrtl
oCTOBER t7, r97€ tN B@K 276 ni reOe 606 ANI! IIARCH ?2' t97t lil BO(l<
?e3 AT pAoE s4/t AND Tr€ cOrooliiHrrn rnp ron THE IIARK/LoIIOE RECOREI'
cotrtrollNltlt,t DEgt-ARATtotf REcoRDED ttAncfi tl' t98o IN BooK 3Oo aT PAOE
te3 AllD Tl€ COilIniltNIttl llAP RECORIED ltARGll t{' l?80 IN BOOI( 300 AT
73 DEoREES .2 t.|It,lUTEs s9 sEcoNDs E A nIsTANcE QF l42.oo FEETi
Tpenceu +r
I ioiliiiixri 3-sourH, RANoE €l HEsr oF rHE 6rH P.t'l. DEacRIBED As
Ibr. 3 Thlr pollcv vtltd onlv lf Gchcdulc B tr rttrchcd.
2/73 Foaa 23tl
Ftle No. VOOO6?tr
Perc Thts Policv valld onlv lf Schcdulc B lt rttrchcd.
Pollcv No. 8t67277O
Anount t991 ,A7O.1?Lorn {
AT PAOE 183, Attlfi TtG300 AT PAOE 184,
Addendum to Applicationfor
Condominium Conversion
l. Pursuant to discussions and agreements with the Town of Vail
Planning Staff, the Prel-iminary Map. Condominium Declaration and
Bylaws will be submitted upon formal appJ-ication after a
conditional use permit is granted for timesharing.
2. A building inspector report has been completed for the Fa1l
Line Apartments. A11 itens will be corrected including the
installation of heat and fire detection devices according to
code. In addition, all drainage (both surface and sub-surface)will be corrected according to the inspection report.
3. Currently there are no Lenants in the apartment compl-ex and
no current rental rates or proposed rates. The compl-ex has been
vacant since the spring of 1985 when the Marriott terminated its
long term l-easing arrangement with the applicant and the Toqtn
forced a cl-osure because of code violations,
When the applicant consented to an empJ-oyee housing restriction
on FaIl Line for the I'{arriott Mark Resort, such consent was based
on a 5 year committment from the Marriott to rent, maintain and
use the facility. Those committments ended in the spring of 1985
between the parties. The Marriott neither needs nor desires theFall Line for an employer provided housing project.
This stance by the Marriott is consistent with the stance taken
by the Westin Hotel and Vail Associates at Beaver Creek. Eagle
County has given relief to Vail Associates and Cliffside Village
by relaxing employee housing restrictions. The Town of Vail hasgiven relief to Andrew Norris for the Cascade Village employee
housing requirement, and currentJ-y Va3-ley-Hi Apartments is in
foreclosure because of low occupancy. In order to remain
competitive in the market place, the Marriott Mark Resort needsrelief from any unnecessary burden of providing a service
(employee housing) where no need exists.
4. Attached to this applicationcovering more than a yearrs worthwhich shows a continuing glut ofprices.
In addition, the attached ads doValley-Iti (198 units) and many ofjust individual units.
are want-ads from the Vail Trail
of long term rental housing adsrental units at reasonable
not reflect the rental units at
the ads are for projects, not
Please also refer to the Affordable Housing, Eagle County - 1984
study which also shows a continuing decline in the employee
housing problem.
NoTICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Envjronmental Commission
of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section
]8.66.060 of the mun.icipal code of the Town of Vail on January 13, 19g5 at
3:00 pm in the council chambers in the Vail municipal building.
l' Request for a conditional use permit in order to permit temporary public parking
tlsing a protective matting on an area 200' x 50' located adjacent to the west end
of the ex.isting parking area on the east end of the upper bench at Ford park.
Applicant: Town of Vail
2. Request for a conditional use permit and for a condominium conversion permit
in order to convert the Fall Line Apartments into time share condominiums.
App'l icant: Kaiser E. Morcus
3. Request for an exterior alteration in order to add ]80 square feet to
the Treetops Plaza Bui'lding, Lionshead.
App'l icant: Pierre Lakes, Ltd.
4, Request for an exterior alteration in CCI in order to enclose a deck and add
a third floor at the Hill Building,3ll Bridge Street, VaiI Vi'l1age.
Applicant: Blanche C. Hill
5. Request for a density variance in order to convert storage into an employee
housing unit of 900 square feet at 44 west Meadow Drive, Lot I, vail village
2nd Fi 1ing.
App'l i cant: Po1 1y Brooks
The applications for the proposals are available in the Cormunity Development
Department for inspection by the public during regular office hours.
Published in the Vail Trail December 27, 1995.
arna.a a.a..na.aal l. a- a r. c4
oRDTNANCE No. 5lz_(Series of lEEa-
WHEREAS' at a joint special neeting with the City Council on
.Iuly 2? , 1982, the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission discussed
the advantages and disadvantages of tinesharing and its appropri-
ateness in the City of Aspen, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Planning and
Zoning Corunission on August 10t 1982, in order to discuss the
issues involved in timesharing, including but not linited to the
following issues:
l. The potential reduction of short-term units in the City
resulting from tinesharing and the possible effect on the remain-
ing short-term lodge and hotel units.
2. The possibility of encouraging more People to come to
Aspen in the traditional off-season periods and the difficulty of
nrarketing these off-season periods.
3. Ttre effect of timesharing on the smaller' nonconforming
4. The.possibility of tlnesharing adding to the unafforda-
ownership alternative provided by timesharing'
strict timesharirfg regulations in order go prevent fraudulent
business practices, misrepresentations and deceptive timeshare
sales techniquesi and
WHEREAS' at the public hearing on August 10' 1982'
ning and Zoning Commission directed the Planning Office
with work to formulate a timeshare ordinance which would
ately regulate timesharing and address potential problem
WIIEREAS' at a special neeting of the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission on August 24, 1982, the Planning and Zoning Conmission
reviewed and made recommendations on a draft tineshare ordinancei
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Conmission did recommend
that timesharing only be allowed in the L-1' L-2, CC, CL and R-!lF
zone districts and also the t-3 zone district should such a zone
be established; and
tineshare interests were not appropriate in Aspen as they have
most often been the subject of fraudulent practices and are often
not covered by regulations governing real estate transactions i and
I{HEREAS, the Planning ancl Zoning Conmission did reconmend
by anendment to Chapter 20, Aspen ilunicipai U</c]e, 'arr<] .i cJlrdi
the Plan-
to proceed
areas i
use. reviewr by amendment to Chapter 24, Aspen Municipal
l{IlEREAsr the Planning and zoning commission did review vari-
ous disclosure reguirements to be included in timeshare applica-
tions so as to offer substantial consumer protection and did
establish disclosure reguirenents which are included as part, of
this Planning and Zoning recommendation; and
WHEREAS, t,he Planning and zoning commission of the city of
Aspen did recommend, by its Resolution of Septenber 7, 1gg2, that
a ?ineshare ordinance be adopt,ed by the city council as an dmend-
ment to the Aspen Subdivision and Zoning regulationsi and
WHEREAS, the city council of the city of Aspen has determined
that it is in the best, interests of the City of Aspen, its
inhabitants and visitors to adopt and inplenent a Timesharing
ordinance and collaterarry amend other provisions of the l.tunicipal
Code as may be necessary.
Section 1
That chapter 20 of the Municipal code of the city of Aspen,
colorado, be and hereby is amended by the addition of a new sec-
tion 20-24, to read as follows:
nSection 20-24. Timesharing.
(A) Applicabirity. The reguirements of this section sharlapply to alL tirnesharing projecLs and units in the Cityof Aspen, in addition to the-other applicable reguire-nents set forth in this chapter and in this Code andapplicable state law.
(B) Definitions.
( I ) "ApplicanL"cessors and
applying forSection.
neans any person or enbity and the suc-assigns of any such person or entitytinesharing approval pursuant to this
l2', "Disclosure Statement,, means t,hat written, surornstatenent described in paragraph (F), and anyamendments or supplements thereto
(3) rHotel and lodge' means a buitding containing three(3) or more units, none of which units containkitchen facilities, intended for temporary occu-pancy of guests. Accessory use facilitiei rnayconsist of an office, laundry facilities used bythe occupants, recreat,ion fatilities, a lobby oilounge, kitchen and dining facilities ana sifriiiraccessory uses commonly found in assoCiation with a, commercial hotel or lodge operation and meetingrequirernents of the particular zone district inwhich the building is located.
(4) nltulti-farnily dwellingn means a dwelling cont,ainingthree (3) ol rnore dwelling units, not iicludinghotels and lodges, but including townhouses, withaccessory use facilities and off-street parkingused by the occupants.
(5) "Off-season" means the t,ime between the date of theclosing of Aspen Mountain ski lifts and June l5th
9[ -any year and also the time between September15th to the date of the opening of Aspen Mountainski lifts in any year.
(6) nOn-season" means any tine of year not included inthe off-season.
(7't iPersonn means one or more natural persons, carpor-ati.ons, partnerships, asrociations, trusts, otherentities or any conbination thereof
(8) nProject" or "Unitn neans all real property subjectto the tinesharing project instrumeirtsl or in w6icna tineshare interest is created
(9) nPurchaser, means any person other than an appli-cant ryho acguires a tirneshare interest.
(lO) trTimeshare proj ect lnstruments" means any docunent,by whaLever name denoninated, creating oi regulat-ing tirneshare projects or units and c5ntainiig therestrictions or covenants regulating the use, occu-pancy or disposition of a timeshare project orunitr including any amendmenLs or supp:.ements. thereto, but excluding any law, ordiirlnce orgovernnental. regulation.
(ll) rTirnesharing, timeshare and/or timeshare interest"
3s permitted and regulated by this section meansr lnterval estatet', 'l t,imeshare estate,,, or ',time-span estate'r a: such are defined in 38-33-1'|0,C.R.S. 1973, as such may be amended from time totirne, or any other similar concept of propertyownership involving either interval ownership- orfractional fee interests as may be determinea Oythe City Council. ',Timesharing', shall noE incl udea " tiynesha't. t.i rensr. or.. ,.:ser., i'f,ictr isr gq1i,,aC as a
td rn c, t. n.t.fl| a. t, ]l t. at,
;?::';:ili:":: nl;" :: ;ffi ':::t;.ffi '5?'':il. T,:fi: ::;. is divided into five (5) or nore separate time
Periods extending over a term of more than two (2)
(C) Zones In Whieh Timesharinq Shall Be Permitted -Structures Allowed To Be Tirneshared.
(1) Timesharing as defined herein shall be al lowed onlyin the L-1 , L-2, L-3, CC, CL and RMF zones, butonly as t,o those structures for which short term,rental is otherwise allowed, provided such use
would not adversely affect the public health and' welfare, or the character and nature of lhe sur-
rounding neighborhood. Tinesharing shall only bepermitted as a conditional use in the above zones,requiring a permit in accordance with the proce-
dures and requirements for obtaining a conditional
use set forth in Chapter 24 of this Code, in addi-tion to subdivision approval as reguired by thisChapter. To the extent practicable subdivision and
conditional use approval shall occur simultane-
(Dl Procedure. Applications for timesharing shall containthe following:
(l) The established fees for subdivision and condi-tional use review.
l2l Proof of ownership;
(3) Inprovement survey for the property.
(4) A site plan, which shows in reasonable detail,parking' Iandscaping and project anenities. withthe site plan the applicant shall include a narra-tive description of the existing site amenities andarchitectural features and the applicantrs plan, if
any, for up,Erading such.
(5) A vicinity nap showing ail adjacent and surrounding
uses and their zoning and the names of the olrrnersof the surrounding properties.
(6) A written description of the employee housing, if
any, currently located in lhe project and a plan
for retention of that same amount of employee hous-ing on the site.
(7) Disclosure statement as is more particularly
described in Paragraph F below.
(8) If the projecb soughb to be tilaeshared is a ccrndo-
minium, written proof that the condorninium declara-tion allows timesharing, that one hundred percent(100t) of the o$rners of the condominium units have
approved the timeshare project, bhat all mortgageesof the condorniniun have approved the proposed time-
i;:.i.J.i pr,.); er. i, i.'-l :il"r.- :i: L.,rlo ai.l in i i.ir,r Liilr -- i.n
the timeshare project shall. be included in the same
sales and rnarketing program.
(9) The narketing plan for the project including infor-
mation on proposcd sales technigues ( including t,he
description of gifts to be offered and,/or premiums
or pronotions to be offered), sales packaging and
the specific tinre of year use of units is reserved
f,or maint,enance.
A statenent indicating the manner in which thereal estate transfer tax will be collected.
A statenent demonstrating that upgrading as re-
quired by this section will be performed and
agsurances of such perfornance.
A thorough account of the proposed budget giving atrue indication of necessary costs and expendi-
A statenent demonstrating the manner in which
managenent/assessment fees will be heldr util-
ized and accounted for.
Documentation establishing the adequacy of a
reserve fund to assure that the project is satis-factorily maintained throughout its lifetime.
An affidavit by the applicant attesting that the
reguired documentation and facts contained therein
are true and accurate and an acknowledgenent that
the reguirements of this section shalI be binding
on the successors and assigns of the applicant.
( 13)
(E)Tinesharing Standards and Review Criteria. In addition
to those standardF and ieview criteria generally per-
taining to subdivision and conditional use proposals,
the following shall also be consider'ed in evaluating a
tineshare project or unit:
t1)Right-to-Use: Riqht-to-use timeshare concepts(e.9. leaseholds, vacation clubs) are considered
inappropriate and not in the community's bestinterest in that they are noE regulated by real
estate laws and are the most abused form of tine-
(2)Inteqrat ion:Timesharing must be conducted in all
given projecE or not at all. Mixing
tineshar ingsirable as aresidential
with other less intensive uses is unde-tourist use and is inconpatible with
uses or less intensive tourist uses.
(3) Marketjng and SaIes Fracticcs. A projectrs market-
ing program should reveal responsible, ethical
sales practices, and such marketing program shouldnot permit the following. practices:
(a) Use of public malls and streets for salesi
(b) Sales campaigns using phone solicitationsi
(c) The giving of gifts in a decepbive manner to
encourage people to attend sales presentations
or to encourage people to buy a timeshare
estate. Any exact description of gifts pro-
posed to be given by the develol>er to prospec-
tive purchaser and the cost to the developer
of any gift used in a sales or marketing pro-
gram nust be disclosed and shall be subject to
Prior aPProval bY Council.
(d) Any unethical sales and marketing praetices
which would tend to nislead potential pur-
, chasers.
The narketing plan shal1 satiqfactorily demonstrate
that off season timeshare weeks are being packaged
and included in the proposed sales packages, and
that off season periods witl be adequately marketed
and sold. The narketing pl an shall include, at a
minirnum, a multi-week package including one off-
season week sold with one on-season week. A mar-
keting plan may present alternative packaging of
weeks to be sold, if it can be Proven to ehe CiEy
Council that the proposed packaging adequately
acconplishes the marketing and sales of off-sdason
(4) Amenities. A tineshare project's recreational
EETITEfes and amenities shall be sufficient so as
to not create an undue burden on public facilities.
Recreational facilities and amenities of newly con-
structed or existing structures must sufficiently
service the needs of the project during both the
sunmer and winter seasons.
(5) Parking. Parking shalL be sufficient to meet the
AemanEE of the project.
(6) Maintenance. In light of the fact that tirnesharing
Fan*ffiteisive, high irnpact use' a timeshare Pro-ject shall provide and reserve an adequate time
. period for project maintenance. A mininal four (4)
week annual maintenance period r tero (2) weeks in
the spring and two (2) weeks in the fall is con-
siderbd adequate, but, in al I events, the proposed,
naintenance period nust be sufficient to acconplish
ProPer maintenance of the timeshare project.
(?) Budget. The proposed budqet shalL denonstrate an
Effidte indication of necessary costs and expendi-
(8) Conversions. Adequate upgrading shall'be performed
on-xlEfit structures converting to timeshare as
requi.red by this sect ion.
(9) Escrow. Deposits or downpayments rnade in connec-
ETdn'-witn the purchase of a timeshare unit shall be
held in an escrow account until cJ.osing or the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever
ls later. The eserow agent or hol.der of the escrort
ehall be a neutral tbird party not having anylnterest in t.he purchase and sale transaction.
' ( 10 ) Man?9e{en!,/Assesgment f'egs. . A f air procedure for
reviewing/approving any fee increases which may be
nade throughout the life of the project shall beestablished to provide assurances and protection totlneshare ovrners that managenent,/assessnent feeswill be applied and used appropriately.
(11) Reserve. A reserve account shall be establishedto assure that the project will be satisfactorily,naintained throughout the lifetirne of the project.
(12) Occupancy Standards. Occupancy levels throughoutthe life of the project shalL be in conpliance withapplicable building code reguirements.
(F) Disclosure.
(t)General Reguirements: A written sworn discl.osure.
statement containing sufficient detail and informa-tion to allow the Cit.y to verify any and alL dis-closures reguired shall be filed with the Citlz atthe time the application is submitted and updated
as required herein. The disclosure statement shallcontain and fully and accurately disclose the fol-
(a) The nane and address of the developer of thetineshare units as well as a summary of the
developerrs business experience including alIhis background and experience in the develop-
nent of timeshare projects and a resume with
references of the developer and his presentfinancial condition.
(b) The name and address of the plan manager, ifany, and a description of his responsibility,authority and his business experience along
with his resune with references. A11 informa-tion on the plan managerrs background andexperience specifically related to timeshareprojects should be provided.
(c) The names and addresses of the narketing en-tity and the listing broker and a statement of
whether there are any lawsuits pending orlnvestigations that have been undertakenagainst the narketing entity or liseing
brokerr'and if so, a description of the status
or disposition of said ]awsuits or investiqa-
tlons. A summary of t.he marketing entity'sbusiness experience including all background
and experience related to timeshare projects
and a resume with references on the marketingentity shall be provided.
(d) A description of the timeshare units, includ-ing the developer's schedule for completion of
:.Li bUilt i.lg- I 1,.. ^LL ;irr-r pLojt-Ci cl,r gtriLic'L .rlli
dates of availabiliby. In the event the pro_ject is to-be a phase project, the aeveioiurshall provide, to rhe larisfaction oi-[iJ-cityof Aspen, a bond or letter of credit insuringthat all phases of construcrion,,tiii b;-;;r_pleted.
(e) lf the tlmeshare plan is located in a condo_minium or a similar form of ownershi;, -;"--
deseription of the project and any pl,itinentprovisions of the pioject instrunint". -'-'
(f) Any restraints on the transfer of the pur_
, ch?ser's tineshare int,erest in the ti*l"trur"unj.ts or plan.
(S) The timeshare ownership plan (tirneshare, frac_tional fee, interval ownirsnip) which ;h"iiinclude a description of the iigfrts andresponsibilit,j.es under the pl an; tni" descrip_tion should also disclose wiethe, u ;r;;;;;_tive-purchaser is buying a specific irnit^io. uspecific rime or a specific irnir for i-if"il_-ing tine, or whether there is no slecific-unltbut just a specific time.
(h) Not,ice of any Liens, title defects or encum_brances on-or affecting the title to the-unitsor plan and, if there are encumbrances orLiens, a statement as to whether, when ina no"they will be renoved.
(i) Notice of any pending or anticipated legalactions that are rnaterial co th; tinesiriie.units_or plan, of which the app1i"o"i-ni"] ",should have, . knowledge.
(j) The total financial obligation of the pur_chaser, which shall inclide the initiai-lri.eand any additional charges to which tn. 'pui_
chaser rnay be subject ii purchasing the iirit.
(k) An estinate.of the dues, maintenance fees,real property taxes, sales taxes, real esiatetransfer tax and sinilar periodi" "*p"nJ"sr-and the method or formula by which t;et-;;;derived and apportione<i, wh-ich shall i'nciuJewhether maintenance fees are determined at--unit, time of year, or prorata share of t'heoveral] maintenance cost.s, or any other mearisutilized to compute maintenance fees.
(f) A description of any financing offered by theapplicant.
(m) 1'he terms and significant. l.imitatj.cr:s of arrywarranties provided, including statutory wai_ranties and limitat,ions on the enforcernlntthereof or on damages.
(n) A statement that any.deposits or downpayrnentsnade in conneet j on iuith- the purchas,-. if '*
tlmeshare unit will be held in an escrowaccount until closing of the transaction oravailability for occupancy, whichever islat,er. The escrow agent or holder of theescro$r shall be a neutral third party nothaving any interest in the purchise ind saletransaction.
(ol Any current or expected fees or charges to bepaid by_tineshare owners for t,he use-of inyfacilities related to the property
(p) The extent to which a tineshare unit maybecome subject to a tax or other lien aiisingout of claims against other tineshare ownersof the same tineshare unit.
(g) A statement that there is a ten (10) davcalendar period of nutual recission'in inepurchase of the unit.
(r) The. developer must disclose the minirnun per_centage of units he intends to sell befoie hewill proceed with the conpletion of the ii*u_
. share project.
(s) A_description of the rnaintenance to be sup-plied to the timeshare units and how suchmaintenance will be provided, and what iirneperiods during the'year, are set, aside foronly maintenance so that the unit will noi be. able to be occupied.
(t) How the project will deal erith the probJ.em ofa unit not being availabLe to an owner becauseof -a_prior occupant, holding over and notyielding possession of the unit; and, in ttrecase of a holdover problem, what means areavailable to discourage and penalize personswho do hold over.
(u) A statenent of rvhat times of year are highseason (on-season) and are low season (oFr_season), including a statement of when thelocal ski areas are open for skiing and howthe developer intends to market th6 off_sea_son.
(v) Whether all the units in the project, or onlycertain specific units, if any; are availablefor participation in a exchange program.
(w) All unusual and rnaterial circumstances, fea-tures and characteristics of the property.
(x) A description of all insurance covering theproperty.
A description of the on-site amenities andrec-rear:ic,iral. f acii it-i.es vilric.lr are availabtefor usc by t.he unit owners. All on-site amen-It,les must be owned by the homeownerrs associ_at.ion and the developer shall not be allowerl
a?ata '.r a. a, ratrarl i,a,rl|.tll
to charge any addit,ional fees for use of the
lzl A list of any units in the project that have
existing kitthens and any proposals for addi-
tional kitehens.
(aa) A list of the limitations on the number of
Persons who can occupy.a unit at any one Eime
ind whaL those limitltions are for each unit
ln the project. These linitations must meet
minimum-oc-upancy requirements established by
' aPPlicabte building codes.
(bb) A statement that the Homeowners Association
and/or the l"lanaging Agent shall serve as the
ownerrs designated aqent for the service of
Process (in a manner sufficient tso satisfy the
ieguirements of Personal Service in State,
pursuant to Rule 4, C.R.C.P., as amended) or
legal notices pertaining to the timeshare- interest.
(cc) A statenent that any timeshare interest sha1l
be expressly subject to aI1 requirernents and
. representations set forth in the disclosure
statement on record with the Pitkin County
. Clerk and Recorder.
(21 Conversion Property: The disclosure statenent for
Fh'e Eimes-h'are iiniE in a conversion Property nusE
contain, in addition to the information required by
Section (1) above:
(a) A staternent by the developer, based on.a
report prepared by an independent -ar-c!titect or
en-gineei, licenseo by the state of Colorado,
describing the present condition of aII struc-
tural components and mechanical and electrical
installations material to the use and enjoy-
ment of the timeshare units.
(b) A statelnent by the developer of the expected
useful life of each item reported on in Para-
graph (a) or a staternent that no rePresenta-
tions are nade in that regardi and
(c) A list of any outstanding notices of uncured
violations of building code or other municipal
regulations, together with the estinated cost
of curing those violations.
(3) Updating and FiIing: The applicant ?F,?pplicantrs' successors ai?--lEETgns other than individual unit
purchasers shall have a continuing duty to update- -lhe disctosure statemenE and file with the City all
arnendments to the tirneshare project instrunents'
Such amendments shall comply wihh the requirements
of bhis section. No amendment which shall signifi-
cantly alter the disclosure statement or the time-
share-projcct j.nsErurnu.l,ts shall be ef fect j.ve tiirl:cs
rott !| c, t. xrr.ln a,a,|!,tr,
approved and accepEed by the City and filed -in the
Ofiice of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder.
All amendments shatl be inibially submitted for
review to the Pl anning Director who shall have
authority to either apProve a Proposcd amendmenL, as
in cornpliance wibh the- requirements of this section
or reflr the proposed amendment for appropriate
subdivision or conditional use approval.
The foregoing updating and fiting requirements- do
not apply to-the single unit owner; however, the
Condominium Association and/ot the llomeoetners Asso-
ciation, or both if there be multiPle associations.
'shall have the continuing responsibility to update
and file the disclosure statemen! and any amend-
nent6 to the condominium documents and/or bimeshare
project instrunents h'ith the City and, subJect to
ippiicaUfe City approvals, to file the same in the
o-ftice of the pitfin county Clerk and Recorder as
6oon as practicable after City aPproval .has- been
granted.- Once the Condoninium Association has been
iormed, the City shall not accePt any amendments
for review without prior approval thereby'
(4)Time for Provision of Disclosure statement: Before
no later than the
date of execution of any contract of saler the
appllcant or any other seller of a €imeshare unit
sfriff provide the intended transferee with a copy
of the disclosure statement and any amendments
thereto, except this requirement shall not apply to
owner of a single tineshare unit in a.project who
ls attempting to sell that one (1) unit. The or"ner
of the singfe timeshare unit who is attenpting to
sell that one (1 ) unit nust supply the following
(a)A statement of the anount of the timeshare
assessments for the year previous bo the tine
of sale.
(b) Copies of the timeshare and/ot condominium
documents eovering the Project.
(c) A copy of the existing or proposed budget'. If
it f;-a proposed budget, it must also be dis-
elosed that it is only a proposed budget'
(d) A st,atement of the anount of taxes for the
year previous to the time of sale, and how
. these taxes are Paid.
(e) Copies of any documents pertaining to.the day-
tolday or routine operations of a project,
lnclubing any management contracts entered
into bY the owners associ.ation.
(f) A stabenent of any anounts held in reserve by
the owners association and for what purposes
the reserv.e maY be utilized.
(S ) lloLice of any pending si)ecia1 asscsstncnt; '
(h) A copy of the crrvenants, conditions and. restrictions affecting the timeshare projectat the tirne of sale.
(5) Right to Rescind: Wit,hin ten (10) calendar days;EE;-Ee-;ecution of a contract to purchase anlnterest in a timeshare project, or within ten (10)
calendar days after Purchaserrs receipt of the dis-cLosure staeement required by subparagraph four (4 )above, whichever occurs later, either party naycancel the conE.ract without. penalty. The Sellershall obtain a written receipt of the disclosure
statement documenting Purchaserts receipt of the'disclosure statement. The Seller shalL clearly andconspicuously notify the Purchaser in writing ofthe rights of the Purchaser under this section.
The Seller shall also provide an adequate oppor-tunity to the Purchaser to exercise his right ofrescission. Within ten (10) days after receipt ofa written notice of rescission, the deveLoper shallreturn to the Purchaser any and aLl rnonies given bythe Purchaser to the developer.
(6)Escrow of Deposits: Any deposit made in connectionwith the purchase or reservabion of a timeshareunit from a Seller must be placed in escrow andheld in an account designated solely for that pur-pose by a title insurance company licensed in thisStat.e, or with an institution vrhose accounts areinsured by a governmental agency or instrumentalityuntil3 (l) delivered to the Seller at E.he expira-tion of the time for rescission or such later timeas may be specified in any contract of sale; or (2)delivered to the Se11er because of purchaser'sdefault under a contract to purchase the timeshare;or (3) refunded to the purchaser.
(7) Effect: No conveyance of a tineshare interest
EfiEliT-be valid uniess the instrurnent of conveyanceshall indicate that title is being transferred sub-ject to the Condominium Declaration which shallinclude the disclosure statement as an exhibitthereto.
(G) Building.Code-Health and Safetv Requirements. Previ-ously existi.ng st.ructures whffid to tine-sharing use shall, to t.he.extent practicable, complywith current fire and building codes. fn such cases theBuilding Inspector shaLl inspect the sLructure anddeternine that there is no present danger to the healthand safety of occupants
(H) Upgrading Timeshare Project. Existing structures con-verted to timesharing shaLl be physically upgraded inaccordance with the following requirenents:
(l) A minimurn of thirty percent (30t) of the fair mar-ket value (according to a current MAI appraisalprepared within a twelve (12) month period prior tothe date the timeshare application is subnitted) ofthe property prior to conversion to tinesharing
shall be applied bo the reguired upgrading of theproject. Upgrading shall be pursuant Lo plans sub-nitbed to and approved by the City Building Inspec-' tor within nine (9) months after the timeshareapproval by the Ciey. Upgrading shall be cornpletedwithin fourteen (14) months after the building per-nit for such upgrading is issuedi or
l2'l The applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction ofCity Council that funds previously expended havesufficiently upgraded the timeshare project so asto nake further upgrading unnecessary and t,hat theproject will continue to accornmodate its occupants, in a nanner consistent with or better in guality
than provided prior to the timeshare use. Suchinformation shal1 be presented in the form of anaffidavit itemizing the expenses incurred duringprevious nonths and documenting that the expendi-tures have resulbed in an actuaf upgrading of thestructure, the appearance thereof, and/or its guestfacilities i or
(3) The applicant may present a plan for upgrading theproject in phases and post a bond or letter of cre-dit sufficient to satisfy the City Council that the' upgrading will be completed. The pl an must be
approved by the City Council and implenented in
accordance with the approval.
No sale of timeshare units shall be cl"osed until acertificate of occupancy has been issued pursuantto any upgrading p1an. 'In passing upon require-
ments for upgrading, due consideration shal1 begiven by t.he City Council to the fact that the
lodges of Aspen attract cl ientele from diverse
economic sectors, certain lodges catering to cer-tain sectors, and the intent herein is not to cre-ate a unifornity in lodge character and roles, butto upgrade the physical appearance and facilitiesthat each lodge provides
(I) Timeshare Proieet fnstruments. Timeshare projectthout Iimitation, the fo1-lowing documentation or information:
(l) Disclosure statement.
(2) fnstrunents for a timeshare estate as defined andpermiLted by t.his section.
(a) The leqal description, street address or otherdescription sufficient to identify the pro-perty.
(b)Identification of timesharing time periods by
letter, nar're, number or combination thereof .
(c) Identification of the timeshare estate and the
method whereby additional timeshare estates
may be created.
. -'r.i
(d)The formula, fraction or Percentage of the
common expenses and any voting rights assignedto each tineshare estate.
Any restrictions on the user occupancyr aLter-
ation or alienation of timeshare units.
Any other matters that the appLicant or the
City Council. deens reasonably necessary to
consider the project.
(3) All timeshare projech instruments shall provide for
, the following:
(a)That a homeownerst association shall be estab-
lished. Title to the cotnnon areas of the pro-ject and responsibility for maintenance of theproject shall reside within the association.
The association shal1 designat,e a nanaging
agent. The management contract with the
nanaging agent shall allow for either party to
terminate, fot cause, upon sixty (60) days
notice. In the event the manager is termi-
nated, a net, tnanaging agent shall be desig-
nated as guickly as Possible by the associa-
tion. Any management agreement shall specify
the managing agentrs duties to maintain the
proj ect.
A stipulation by the owner of the timeshare
interest irrevocably designating the Home-
ovrners Association and/or the Managing Agent
as an agent for the service of process ( in a
nanner sufficient to satisfy the reguirements
of Personal Service in Stater pursuant to Rule
{ C.R.C.P., as anended) or legal notices for
any legal action, Proceeding or hearing per-
taining to the tirneshare interest
Each timeshare interest with a multiple ol'tner-
ship shall be reguired to designate one manag-
lng agent as the spokesperson and voter for
all of the owners involved.
That the association shall have the ability to
compel a timeshare owner to pay maintenance
feel and if an ownerts fees are not paid' his
interest shall be subject to a lien and fore-
closure or other divestment. In the event an
owner'or his guests violate the rules and
regulations of the association' the associa-
tion shall have the right to enjoin the viola-
tion and the prevailing party in such suit
shall be awarded his court costs and reason-
able aEborney's fees.
How proceeds shall be distributed in the event
the property is taken by reason of condemna-
tion or eninent dontain.
(J)Marketinq of Timeshare Units.The marketing and sale of
tfuneshare units shall be governed by the real estate. laws set forth in Title 12, Article 61, C.R.S. 1973. as
amended. The City, however, reserves the right t,o
inplement its own ficensing scheme should it deem it
necessary. The applicant and licensed marketing entit,yshall present to the City the plan for marketing t,he
tineshare units. In addition to all other renedies orpenalties, any deviation from the approved narketingplan shall give the City the right to enjoin these sal-etechnigues. The applicant shall be responsible for paying the costs of such legaL act.ion to enjoin' including
the Cityrs 1egal fees and expert witness fees. To
aecure this responsibility, a sum of Twenty thousand' dollars ($20,000.00) cash, a twenty thousand dollar
($20r000.00) irrevocable letter of credit or a One hun-
dred thousand dollar ($100,000.00) surety bond for each
tineshare project in vrhich the applicant or marketing
_. ent ity are involved in sha1l be requi red to be trrcsEedlrith the City to ensure that the applicant and the mar-keting entity do not deviate from the approved marketing
(K) Unsold Units. The applicant shall pay with respect to
. unsofti-Eimeshare units assessments and fees egual to
those assessed or levied on sold timeshare units. The
applicant may rent unsold timeshare units provided that
any funds realized fron the rentalr to the extent neces-sary, shall be utilized to defray naintenance costs.
(t) Exchange Programs. If the tineshare owners are to be
permitted or reguired to becoine nembers of or to parti-
cipate in any program for the exchange of occupancyrights among Lhernselves or for the tineshare owners of
other timeshare parcels or both, prospective purchasersshall be provided with a full and accurate disclosure ofall the details, costs, expenses, procedures, names or
persons and other timeshare projects involved and anyother matters pertinent to a Limeshare owner's partici-
pation in such program. The materials provided to pro-
spective purchasers shaII denonstrate that the timeshareproject has been accepted in the exchatrge program with
which it claims it is affiliated and shall disclose what
the confirnation percentage is in the exchange program
with which the timeshare project is associated, indicat-
ing the likelihood of the purchaser actually being ab1 eto obtain occupancy time in another project in the
exchange program at a time and a location the purchaser
(M)Binding Effect. The
any approval granted
binding on applicant
requirements of this section and
pursuant to this section shall be
and the applicantrs successors or
(N) Disclosure of Inforrnation: This Section 20-24 is
creation and sale of timeshare
lnterests within t,he City of Aspen, an no warrant,y or
guarantee is.made by the City of Aspen with regard to
the cornpJ.eteness or accuracy of any information or docu-
rnent.eti on s'rbmitied to the City of Aspen or anj, ap1:::val.
granbed by the City of Aspen. No person may advertise
or represent that the City of Aspen or any of its offi-
a(rr ar a.r,ihJ.lrt a. t, a t. It
' cers or employees have recornmended the sale or purchase
of timeshare units.
(O) Prohibited Practiees and Uses: Without in any way
ained in this Section 20-
24, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly engage in
any of the following practices:
(l) The creation, operation or sale of a right to use
interest or any other tineshare concept which is
not specifically al lowed and approved pursuant to
, the requirements of t,his section.
(21 Sales campaigns utilizing phone soficitors or the
giving of gifts or other gratuity in a deceptive
manner to encourage prospective purchasers Lo viet,,
the timeshare project or unit or listen to any Pro-notional or sales discourse
(3) Solicitations of prospective purchasers of time-
share units on any City streets or malls or otherpublic Property or facilitY.
(4) Misrepresenting the facts contained in any applica-
tion for timesharing apProval , timeshare project
lnstrunents or disclosure statemenE.
(5) Failure to comply with any representations con-
tained in any application for timesharing or mis-
representing the substance of any such applicationto others who may be prospective purchasers of
tim.esharing interests.
(6) Managing, operating, using, offering for sale or
selling a timeshare estate or interest therein in
violat,ion of any requirenent of t,his sectiotr or any
approval granted pursuant hereto'or causing or aid-
ing and abetting others to violate any reguirementof this section or apProval granted pursuant to
this section.
(P) City Sales Tax. Occupancy of any tineshare unit by any-
one other than the owner thereof who pays a fee for the
use of the unit shall be subject to the City's sales tax
the sane as if such occupancy were of a hotel or lodgeunit. Any tineshare project, as a condition to appro-
val , shall be required to obbain the approval of the
City Finance Director of the neans by which this tax
shall be collected and paid to the City. The manager of
the association shall be responsible for the timely col-
Iection of the City sales tax for the City of Aspen.
(O) Remedies.
(1) In addition to al 1 remedies provided by law' this
chapter (see Sec. 20-5) r dlld this Code' the provi-
sions of this Sect,ion 20-24 are enforceable as fol-
(a! The Ci{'t' ;1r* insritttts? irn injttnction. r:'n'1 a-
mus, abatetnent or other appropriate act'ion or
,.ta..r a a,nhttlJr l, a. a r, r.1.
proceeding to prevent or enjoin a user occu-
Pancy or conveyance relating to a timeshareproject or to enjoin any property owner,
developer or applicant from sellingr agreeing' to sell or offering to sell or otherwise con-
vey a timeshare use, before full compliance
with the provisions of this Section 20-24 and
all approvals required herein are obtained.
(b) the City Council rrnay withdraw any approval of
a plan or plat or reguire certain corrective
measures to be taken following t,he determina-
tion Lhat information provided by an appli-
' cant, or by anyone on his behalf, on which a
decision was based, was rnaterially and sub-
stantially false or inaccurate. The Cityrs
renedies hereunder shall be only as against
the applicant and/or the Homeowner's Associa-
tion and,/or unit owners' and,/or Condominium
Associations and shalt not apply to indi-
viduals who have purchased units from the
developer, unless such individuals actively
participated in providing fa1 se or inaccurate
information. The City Council shall cause
written notice to be served on the applicanl ,
or his assignees, setting out a clear and con-
cise statement of the alleged fal se or inaccu-
rate information provided by the applicant or
by agents on his behalfr and to direct the
applicant to appear at a tine certain for a
hearing before the city CounciL not less than
ten (10) days or more than thirty (30) days
after the date of service of notice. The City. Council shall determine at the hearing the
nature and extent of the alleged false or
inaccurate information and shall have powert
on good cause being shown, to stithdraw any
approval or require certain corrective mea-
sures to be taken in the event it finds the
allegedly false or inaccurate information was
naterially and substantially false or inaccu-
rate and had the correct information been sup-. plied at the tirne of initial approval, the
outcome would have been different. However r
withdrawal of approval or inposition of cor-
rective requirenents shall not be an exclusive
remedy and any and all remedies provided by
law may be'exercised.
(2) The operation, sale or ownershi.p of any timesharbproject in violation of the requirements of this
section or in violation of any approval granted
pursuant to this section is hereby declared to be
unlawful and punishable, upon conviction, by a fine
not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00) ot:
imprisonrlent for a period of not more than ninety
(90) days, or both, such fine and imprisonrnent at
the discretion of the Court. Each day any such
violation shall continue shal1 constitute a separ-
ate offense.
--g:3.lJ:.|1!I!ll.!.!.!!- .--
(3) Any purchaser of a timeshare unit sold in violation' of any of the provisions of this Section 20-24shall have the righh, at his option, within thirty(30) days after ciosing on the purchase.of hisunit,, to void such a sale and thereupon purchasershall be refunded all nonies and things of valuepaid pursuant to such sale. This section shall not
be construed or interpreted to eliminate or Iimit
any other remedies available to purchaser at law or
egu itY.
(4) The remedies afforded hhe City set forth herein
,shall be deerned cumulative.
(R) Annual Review. The regulations set forth in this sec-ETon-5eil-Te subject to an annual review by the PIan-ning and Zoning Comrnission and the Cj.ty Counci. 1 in Julyof each year or as soon after July as is practicable.
Shis annuaL review shaLl be to re-evaluate the appropri-
ateness and effectiveness of the adopted timeshare regu-lations in this Section, to review t.he total nunber ofunits that have been timeshared and the irnpacts theseunits have had on the community and to make any changesin the tineshare regulations which nay be necessary to
. nake the regulations more effective."
. Section 2
The City Council hereby expresses its intention to review the
regulations and requirements set forth in Section 20-24 approxi-
mately one year from the effective date of this ordinance.
Section 3
The City Council shall have the pohrer, in addition to other
powers or remedies it may have under state law or the City Charter
or llunicipal Code, to declare a noratorium of up to twelve (12)
months on the acceptance and processing of timeshare appl ications
hereunder or relating hereto, if it finds that it is in the best
interests of the City to do so.
Sedtion 4
That Section 20-5(e) of Lhe Hunicipal Code of the City of
Aspen be and the sarne is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as
fol lows:
'(e) Prohibited Occupancy and Use. It is unlawful to occupyor otherwise use any building, structure or land in vio-lation of any of the provisions of this chapter."
a.ra q c, a.6nt.arr n.a.il,g4
Sqcti,on 5
That the schedule of permitted and conditional uses for the
various zone districts adopted by Section 24-3.2 of tire Uunicipal
Code of the City of Aspen be and the sane is hereby amended to
permit timesharing in the L-l , L-2, L-3r CC, CL and RMF zone dis-
trict' as follows:
(a) Tha! the conditional use column of the lodge-One (t,-lloisfrict be amended to read rRest,aurant; timesharing".
(b) That the conditional use colurnn of the Lodge-Two (L-21
District be arnended to read "Restauranti timesharing".
(c) That the conditional use c'olumn of the Lodge-Three (L-3)
District be amended to read "Restaurant included within
a lodge operation serving guests and othersi timeshar-
(d) That. the conditional use column of the Commercial Core
(CC) Dist.rict be arnended by the addition of a new j.tem
(4) to read as follows: "(4) ?imesharing".
(e) That the conditional use column of the Commercial Lodge
(CL) District be arnended by deleting the word "none" and
adding the following: "Timesharing".
(f) That the conditional use crofumn of the Residential,/
ttulti-Fanily (RMF) District be amended to read as fol-
lows: 'rSame as R-6,/ timesbaring" .
Section 6
The City Council hereby finds and declares that this
ordinance is necessary and Proper for the health, safety and
welfare of the City of Aspen, Colorado, and its inhabitants and
Section 7
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or
portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of conpetent jurisdiction, such
portion shall be deerned a separate' distinct and independent
provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining port,ions thereof .
,t t a c, a. ,nttlir a. a, I t. r.a
100 Loavcs
Section I
A public hearlng on the ordinance shall be held on the 4/
day of W , 1982, at 5:00 P.M. in
the City Council Chambers, Aspen City Ha1l, Aspen, Colorado, l5
days prior to which hearing notice of the same shal1 be published
once in a ner.rspaper of general circulat,ion within the City of
INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED published as provided by law by
the City Council of the City of Aspen on the day of
, 1982.
Hernan EdeI, Mayor
FINALLY adopted, passed and approved this 41__ day of
, 19q2.
Hernan Edel r llayor
Kathryn S. Koch, City elerk
Time-Share Proj Review Procedures
Processes1. Zoning Conditional Use Process
2. Subdivision Condominiurn Conversion
3. Project Registration
4. Brokers and Salesman License
Decision Making Bodies
L. For Zoning and subdivision, the Planning and Environmental-
Conunission is the decision making body, with the Town Council
having the ability to appeal and overrule the PJ-anning and
Environmental Commission' s .decisions.
2. For the Project Registration, the community Development De-
partment is the decision making body.
3. For the Broker and Salesman Licenses, the license is obtained
from the Town Clerkrs office.
l-. The
2. The
Planning and Environmental Conmission meets the
t"londay 6f every month at 3:00 P.M. Applications
submitled three (3) weelis before the meeting.
Community Development Department has 60 days to
Project Registration Material.
2nd and
3. Broker and Sal-esmen licenses can be obtained at any
For more information, contact the Department of Comrnunity Development,
Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado
81657, (303-476-7000) .
o 6//*f/,
lVlar* nestrt
ru Uqnlnrd CIrch,Vr4 Colqaio t165r. lxJq $6M
October 10, 1985
Mr. Peter Patton
Town of Vail
Box 100Vail, CO. 81658
Dear Peter:
This letter will hereby authorize J.K. Peterson to execute on my
behalf, as an individuaL, and as President of M.K. Corporation,
the following appl-ications:
1, Appl-ication for Conditional Use Permit
2. Application for Condominium Conversion
3. Application to Modlfy SDD#7.
Thank you.
--,/%-t"4' mo^r'''z/
Kaiser E. Morcus
APplication 0ctober 14, 1985
PEC Meeting Novenber ll' 1985
I' This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionaluse permit.
The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted.
A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Kaiser E. Morcus
ADDRESS 5 !r7. Lionshead Circle
PHlNE 476-4444
P. 0. Box 3149
Vail. Colorado
Vai1. Colorado
PHoNE 476-0092
NAME 0F ot^lNER(s) (pr.int r type)Kaiser E. Morcus
. Vai1. Colorado 81657 PHONE 476-4444
E. IEE $l0o
F. A list of the names of owners of all property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHN{D AND ACROSS bTNTETS,THE APPLICANT l4tILL BE RESP0NsIBLE F0R COnntCf
adjacent to the subject propertv
and their mailing addresies.
-Ho nFpr-rcnTloN wrLLBE ACCEPTED uNLEss II^I1..9gllaEir (utjSi-rNcauDE nr[-irEr'ii ritquineo'sV iHE-zonrneADMINISTRAT0R). IT .Is rHEAPpr-icnniii-nEspoNsIBLIiv io-r'lnrE nN AppoINTMENT ,':.,.;t.lITH THE srAFF T0 FrND our nsoui ADoiri'ouni iuar,riiini-niqiiinEMENTs. 1.,
0i nFpnovnl Nu5r-sE cdMpliro wlru BEFSRE ABUILDING PERI"IIT IS ISSUED.
Ir- Four (4) copies of the follor+ing jnformation:
'.o.A descriPtion of the. preciie nature of the proposed use and
&liEs operating.characteristicsr n11d measures pr6posed to rnakeEne use compatible with other properties in lhe-vicinity.
A site plan showlng proposed development of the site, includingtopography, buirding lo-ationsl pariirrg, traffic-circuration;
::::il" open space, ra.ndscaped'area, and utirities and drainageteatures..::c' Preliminarv buirding prans and erevations sufficient tothe di:nension., general .appearanc€e scal€r and jlterior! \ all buildings.
D' 'Any additionar material necessary for the review of the application\..;-. as d.etermined by rhe zoning aarniiilii"i"i.
'. As P: aEtachment
III. Tine requirernents
Ttre-plannlns ana Environmentlr-commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each rnonth- An appric"ii".-rltilq" necessary accompanyingrnateri-al must be submitted roii" ,o""i, ;;i;, to the date of themeeting.
indicateplan of
3:00 pm Pub'lic Hearing
l. Approval of minutes of November 1'1.
To be Tabled 2. A request to amend the development plan of Crossroads and for
setback variances in order to enclose an existing deck area andto add other outdoor dining at Burger King.
Appl icant: Snowquest
Planning and Environmenta'l Commission
November 25, 1985
3. Request for a front, setback, variance in order to construct a newentry at the Riva Ridge North condominiums located on Lot 6, Block
Q, lai1 Village First Filing.Applicant: Mike Hazelhorst-
A request to convert Fall Line apartments into time share condominiumswhich would entail an amendment to SDD7, a conditional use permit and anapproval to convert apartments into condomniums. Applicant: Kaiser Morcus
Request for side and rear setback variances, a density control variance,a parking exception, and a variance to the required sbtback from
9 Tqior watercourse in order to construct an addition to the CorniceBuilding. Applicants: James Palmer and Dr. Robert Baker /
Request for an amendment to the Town of vail zoning code concerning leasingof parking spaces in order to more effectively implement the privaieparking leasing program.
Applicant: Town of Vail
l,li thdrawn
To be Tabled 5.
etunning and Environmental Conrmi ss ion
Department of Ccrnmunity Development
DATE:December 9, .l982
suBJEcr' ffilii:.:l,
recen t1Y
Town of
annexed Parcel s
Va i1
in Matterhorn area
pARcEL HDMF (25 du/acre)
,^^^,,--o 33-
Park Meadows ,.Resource
fr du/35 ac) . ?' "nrrr fcc du/acre)
Fa,, Line ;;.$l:;;;' !n', 43'ooo 35 :w
parsons/sanders Resource 0" 0' ' lt
t 6 du/acre
;*::';,; *"*,." ';* o io v 6du/acre
S.'iverly/Mue11er RSM 5? ' 5 '070 ' 5 l0 RC 6 du/acre
rr-rr^-hnrn Tnn RSI-I l1 ? '5 22 ->
6 du/acre
llatterhorn Inn Kl'l
condos .=^\ ^_'__-/<.;js 2-4 unit:
The chart ber ow-represents exi sti ig-^'i1.Bl:l'i:' *:l:illll"
il:'ii.::i 1:'
iii. )'ii*qi' :l^?:l*:l'"::il'1":::i,:"]ilil,'us *"tr -as^reasoning
rtrr our zonlns
a written descrrptton Yl^:'^';.i:;'"-rao for your reference.
;,gt::i: "'iii;:l;l*:l:.:""'riil ;;;:
[;*il^ te;*,I,, ,lllU, ltq'?l:'::. ;::#)cFt ^ru )nil'ir,rc N0. UN ITS
Lur'\rvr ,4-r}) o o .86
{:::1-':::::3''r' ;X s4v6/ il
LA. PARr" MEAD0'"ls ..-. -^-,, ^-^.i.u o!,rners listed by
park r,readows i1 a.condominiuT,::l3r'-,itll i:=illl::;tlrt:f,:"ii:i.:\:'ill^i's con-
tnl^r.gi" counw'T;il:';";:i:'E;,"i; ion!ns:- llll?" :*.1;nll'.,,tiunJfll?irliil
:|;':::: l'l,lli.;";; tiu., *" 'rryi:;:j."ffi,:: i?T['':;;;;;,-*iir be ccme reEal
i:r.i*;ni.g"i;'l'n"'fi'nl'f'!'i"'6il;;';:i: :
The Fall Line apartments were constructed il lll ll9^90's
previotrs to Countv zoning
IIE';,in'ms;i:[lil;,liirilii:.in::li tii!flt:iit,:i:*'m;ilt:'i:u::ililil:'
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Pollcv tlrtrt @TOBER 19r 1984 rt grGo A't'l'
Nrnc of lnrurrdr
@-uilBtA EAVII{GS, e FEERAL AAVtitoG AND LOAtil e88EtaYld{r rnd/cr
Thr crtttr oF lnteFc3t tn thr llnd drrcrlbed
lhtch lr encunbered bY thc lnrurfd rorttltc
Thc crtrtc or lntcrttt nrfcrrrd to hrneln It
v.rted lnl
IxRrsEn E. iloncts
rtrllnmcntr thcr.of, lf tnY' rrc dcrcnlbcd rr fot loulrt
TRt STEE oF EAGLE coWTY Fffi Tie [iE' or cour-ne1a sAvtNcs' A FEDERAL
sAvINGs AND L6;N eitoclarloH io iianE TIte slJt'l oF
RECORDED OCTOiER t?, 1984, tN BOOK 397 AT PACE tr95'
tN BOOK 397 Af PAGE 596.
AssIot.tflENT oF RENTS IJ€RE REcoi'ddn-ocroSER 19, learl lN EoOK 397 Ar
Prlc 2 Thlr Pollcv vrlld onlv tf gchcdull R lr lttrchod'
Fonn 23tt
Fllo No. VOOO69tt
Pol lcv llo. 6L67277Q
Lorn I
ln thlr Schedulr rnd
rt Drte of Pollcv4.
2173 Foem
Fllc No, Vo0o69lt
Fol lcv No. A1672770
Arrount t99t'87O.49
Lorn f
Thc lrnd ncferrcd to ln thlr rollcv lr rlturtcd ln EAOLE Gountvr
Colonrdor rnd ls dcrcllbrd rr follourr
vrlid onlv if 6chcdulr B tr rttrchcd'
ocToBER t7, t97€ lN 8,cg< 276 AT PAOE 606 AND llARCll ?2' 1979 lN BOCX
ilARCll 27r 1974 IN BOOK 233 eT PAOE 93O tr'lD TIG AIGNItED PLAT OF TIE
gtTE PLA}I FOR Tl€ renrut-ome RECoRDED oeToEER 17' ttTB lN BOOK 276
AT PAGE 607' eqr{Tt OF im-e' 6TATE (f O(I-mAm
ur.rrr Nos. A, 8, Cr F, H, .t, K AND L tN ACCORDANeE NITH TIE
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TFFncEl er
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tr.rc 2/73 For& 2311
Fllr No. VOOO6?1t
Follcv No. 91672770
Amount l99l'e7O.1?Lorn *
Thlc Pollcv valtd onlv lf Gchcdulc B lr rttrcfrcd.Prac
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Notes from PEC
Fal'l Line Di scuss i on
Duane piper called second jtem for vote, CUP to aliow timeshari ng in the HDMF zone
di str i ct.
Sid Schultz made the following motion:,, I would move for approval of the condit'i onal
use permit to convert Fall Line apartmEnts to jnterval ownership condominiums wjth
the cohd.i tion that an on site shuttle be provided and that the user tax per unit as
proposed by the applicant be a part of this approval .
Second by Donovan
I,d like to offer I real'i ze that there is a motjon in front of you I would
a point of further discussion just run by you a list of other conditions
as a staff would ljke the Planning Commission to consider as part of a
and I am not sure how to do this it's just that if it does get approved I
'i ke you to consider some other conditions.
There would be no on site marketing within the
of the Town of Vai l
?. There would be a letter of credit for a minimum of a ten foot wide asohalt
The taxes Sid has mentioned
A housing restriction sjmilar to what was just approved I th'i nk it should
be cross referenced with an annual review in October of each year.
0n sjte sales be bussed in, may be unenforceable
No marketing to Marri ott Hotel guests. I feei that that
negative maiketing tactic on the part of this project that wou'l d
reilect upon the community. I think it should be pointed out that that is
the jntention here and thit is something to consider when you approve the
proJ ecI .
7. b.r[ing lot be redesigned to accommodate maneuvering room for fire. trucks.
R1 ght iow that cannot be accomplished. We'd like to have more work wjth
the sjte plan for the Parking lot.
8. That the project would bear their fair share of undergrounding the
uti'l itiesg. That you adopt as minimums the proposed budget for the proiect and that
there be some type of obl'i gation on the part of the project to enforce
thei r own parking Problems.
I just throw those out as conditions that I think should be considered certainly
there is a lot of conditions there some of them may be unenforceable others may be
simply ignored by the applicant who has shown that he has done that in the past-
10. No sales can take p'l ace unti'l a building permit is issued for the Cascade
Village chair lift.
like as
that we
mot ion
would I
L.publ i c ri ght-of ways
Sid: The conditions that I will add to the ex.isting motion will be:
A letter of credjt is recejved for the path between this project
and Cascade Vi 11age
A review by the Fire Department of the parking lot configuration be approved
by that a minimum of 51 spaces remajn.
Vote: 4 in favor, 1 opposed,
TO:Planning and Environmental Commmission
FR0M: Community Development Department
DATE: November 25, .1985
SUBJECT: Request to amend Special Development Djstrict 7 (Marriott Mark
Resort) and for a condominium conversion approval for the Fall
Line Apartments located in the Matterhorn area. Applicant:
Kaiser Morcus
Kaiser Morcus, owner of the Fal I Line Apartments is requesting to
convert the Fall Line apartment project containing 54 restricted
employee dwelling units for Marriott Mark empioyees to an jnterval
ownership- condominium project. Approvals from the Planning and
Environmental Commissjon and Town Councjl are necessary with respect to
the following three requests: Amendment to SDDT w'i th respect to a
restijction on Fall Line apartments to serve as employee housing for the
Marriott Mark Resort to 1989, a condominium conversion approval
according to Chapter 17.26 of the subdivision regulations, and a
conditional use permit for time sharing within an HDMF zone district.
tJe will address the project in two separate memorandums. Thjs
memorandum wi'l I address the amendment to the specjal developmentdistrict and the condominjum conversion request in that the same basic
issues are involved w'i th these requests. The second memorandum wi1|
address the condjtional use permit for the time sharjng use. Because
the issue of employee housing js contajned within the condomjuniun
conversion regulations, the criteri a for condominjun conversions found
in the subdivision regulations will be used to evaluate the request for
the SDD amendment.
Rather than attempting to summarjze the details of the request at thispoint, it is of more benefit for you to read the attachments from the
applicant describing the project and responding to staff concerns
discussed at the November llth PEC work session regarding this proposal .
The FalI Line apartments were constructed in the mid-l960's prevjous to
Town of Vail or Eagle County zoning regulations. The project has always
been used as apartments and occupied predominantly by locai residents.
Due to the relationship between Kajser Morcus and the Marriott Mark
coupled with the employee housjng crisis of the late 70's and early
80's, the project developed a direct relationship with the hotel in
providing workers with local housing. This relationshjp was formalizedin l98l when the last phase of the Marrjott Mark made its way through
the Town of Vail approval process. At this time, the Fall Line
apartments were restri cted to employee housing use by the Marriott for a
period of 8 years.
As the managers of the Fall Line apartments, the Marriott Mark was responsiblefor the operation and upkeep of the apartment building. This responsibility was
ignored over the last several years and the building became run down, unsafe for
occupancy, and in a state of total disrepair. Upon discovery of these
conditions the Town of VaiI conducted thorough inspections in April .|985.
detailed l0 page report of bu'i lding, electrjcal , heaith and fire safety
violations was produced in April of this year. The report found that 22 units
had at least one of the following: structural , plumb'i ng, health, electrical orfire problems and code violations. At the tjme,3l units were occupied. The
build'ing uias promptly condemned by the Town of Vai'l and the occupants were
required to leave. The Fall Line project has been vacant since that time.
The following chart shows development statistics for what is allowed jn HDMF as
well as,what is existing versus proposed for the sjte:
Zone: High Density Multi-Family (HDMF)
Site Area: 1.52 acres
N0. D. U. is
106 +
I ioading
43 ,000
0 loading
39 ,726/ .6 43,000
25 35
55%18,396 28
17,438 26
30,377 46
0 I oacii ng
s,,',tffif*= -rf*
chapter 17.26 of the Subdivision Regulations deals with condominium
conversions for both rental apartments as we1 I as accommodation units. Our
review begins with the requirements for condominium convers'ions as far as
pr4!djng-documentation for the submittal as found in Section .|7.26.060.
A condominjum conversion report from the Town building inspector on
the condition of the building including all building, fire, and
re] ated code violations whjch are detrimental to the health, safety
and we'lfare of the public.
This documentation was done jn April by the Town staff as part of the
condemnation proceedings. A copy of this report can be provjded if you so
A report of the proposed conversion addressing length-of occupancy of
present tenants and their household composition as wel'l as information
regarding rental rates and whether or not the proposal is for interval
ownership and the pri cing thereof.
are uni
ing offered at market rates for 80-90%
year term.
ennati on
requi red
t'ion were
of the
Pl\rlrtsi or" rf - prafis' ?ilulEgsltFf pt 1 ar s s h ow i n g s i tc' p I an-ril ld
improvements, the treatment of parking facilit'ies and agfteing
currently does not meet HDMF zone requirements 'in the areas
GRFA, or parking (especially wjth regard to the requ'i rement
parking being enclosed). The parking proposed is the same
the site--51 spaces which represents .96 space,/du. Parking
correction of all violations in the building inspector's report
to the
on the
cond'ition of the structure.
As noted above in the chart on development statistics, the project
of density,
of 75% of the
as existing onwill be
addressed in detail in the Conditional Use Permit memorandum.e 20 foot
te where
ng and
thin the 20
16ffi'front sdttiaCk area.
in height, and this will
y 34 feet
d proposedremain unchanged.
reouirements for
Both the existing
site coverage andprojects meet the minimum
area. do^r,{-1 , GRF4,lc,tk'^\r sef!o.k5.
I andscaned
The aoolicant has aqreed
GfFs€'vtrl.!fflFfrpt;FWir rthese would depend upon t
to make al I of the correct i ons
final building plans as far
and the new use.
Section I7.26.080 requires the Planning Corrnission to
proposed conversion is consistent with the following
Town i
At the hearing on the preliminary (condom'inium) map,th
Pl ann i ng
Commission shall consider whether the o
consjstent with the following housing goals
l. To encourage continuation of socjal and economic diversity in the
Town through a variety of housing types,
2. To expand the supply of decent housing for low and moderate jncome
fami l i es,
3. To achieve greater
number of jobs and
Staff response: Th'is is the n of this memoran deal with
the employee housing issue.n
ing of
sl mu 's market
economic balance for the Town by
the supply of housing for people
who will hold
within the community
relative abundance.
tod ich rov
However,as s
deve lopmen conce short
complex but critical
factors in looking at housing in Vail for the longer
The last major study conducted on affordab'l e housing rAS coordjnated by the
Eagle County Cormun'i ty Development Departnent in '1984 with assist*rce from
Rosal'l Remmen Cares, a Boulder planning firm. Please find attached
relevant excerpts from that report which will help our understanding of thesituation today as well as an attempt to'look into the future. As a
department, we feel it would be unwise to reverse policies completely
toward employee housing in a period where there is no problem, only to find
as reconstructi on
roblem come back at a later date due to factors beyond our control .
In addressing
housing with'in
most part, the I oss
Section .l7.26.080 A.|,2,and 3,
the overal'l community at the
we feel that
present time
the supply of
mitigates, for the
to condominiums.
/ ii,llm$iil"*!inr!:"i;!]*:::i"i:i.ii:,"""
I an-.acceptable one at this time.
+) O :H":;Tu";t?i,TI iilili!,'?tl :"t:";;";:li"i"i:"i:i::,:'.;n;"derate
\ ,,V\ that the agreement may be rev
LrraY a$.ust the housing requiremen
N\ mttrd that the Fall Line apart\ \J ^.-- -ft rL^ --:^- ---1^..--^ ..,;
L.\,N Enal lne agfeemenl may De fevleWeq annuallJ uy LIle rldllllllrg rvurrrrrr r)- rr
\ ,..\^y- a(i,ust the housing requirement accordingly. It is inportant to keep in
.rrNLf' mfiO ttr-at the Fali L'ine apartments are attached to the Marriott Mark Hote1,'{.t\.. \ one of the maj.p.r""enplgyers within the valley. The staff feels'Jt.important
\ ' \-:/- income' d
\ f.f;!ilf: lle,feel,that mixing "Tp]9v":-h:Y:ilg and interv{,
\ ownersntp unTis within the same project is not beneficial due to the
r .f,a5 incompatibiljty of the uses. Interval ownership users are presen$for one
(e\t5tr- o 'purpose--to vatation. Mixing that use with primary residents is not good
1 - r<sv- planning po'l icy. However, if there were a way to physically separdte these
$^'- uses to mitigate the conflicts, we would not be closed minded about. reviewing a proposal to do so. , L/q./re^) -J.,, odr .rsf-
LO uuvb - ^^va:G'1. 1--"'t
--"{'- -'l*
O< ccvAr^1|y' '{
'-4, '{
"# ^'o?L;" il:n'
tommi s s i on
'| on
nrng ssl0n to
may deny the tentative or prel iminary map upon
&,rrffir'#firnthh$Eqtit;l * n.z6.o7.oand on ure vacancv
ili:, lii,*;;1,"*f;i l:1.:;urun"y' ll,:1ffi dffim;lHIl;'l:{"' "
lpW,five percent based on the most recent town survey constitutes a
i,.*!,'. F ' '::'*'" *2.
The ratio of multiple-family renta'l unjts would be redriced to Iess
than 25% of the total number of dwelling un'i ts in the Gore Va11ey,
from Dowd Junction east to the base of Vail Pass, with no replacement
.: rental hous'i ng being provided.
c,^$,/t5.gr-mffi;.:ill}.l:l,i"!].]ih'ln;,l:?l}..in;":;Tn:];'l::::illilC/' ') J FflTT'irG-mvJtdrtainly found suitable housing to meet their needs wjth
\ ol{iw{./ the excellent rental market we are now experiencing. Again, we fjnd no
rt -k Y.of)U\a" immediate problems within the housing market which would cause a negative
)A-.at-\{^ resoonse to this criteria. The lonqer term outlook is much more of a)Tf.ad\-Y' response to this criteria. The longer term outlook is much more of a
.-\\W-' ' .^ question mark to us.
( L/- -.,.- *2 -eIJ-'
The final section of the condominium conversion chapter appljcable to thjs proposal
deals with the potential u 1 remen for rovement security. This section reads
A.The P ty to beal'l consist of one more arrangements
construction ofTccept to securl{'
such public improvements as are required
The improvement security may include any
of,security or collateral listed in th'is
substjtute security in order to release
for sale. The types of collateral wh'ich
fol I ows:
by th
one or
portions of
may be used
the applicant may
Restrictions on the conveyance, sale or-the condominium project as set forth on
Performance of property bond;
Private or pub'l ic escrow agreement;
'Loan commitment;
Assi gnments of receivables;
Liens on property;
Letters of credit:
Deposits of security funds; or other similar sunety agreements.
I eted
but shall not be requirqSl rtion of the condominium pro subj ect
to plat restrictions.
condominium improvements compl eted.
path -asy access to the Cascade Village proiEC l ift
is proposed to be constructed within the next 2 to 3 years. Some type of
security in the form of a letter of credit or otherwise wou1 d be appropriate for
this improvement. i.Je would recomend that the path be constructed in such a
manner that it will provide an emergency access betwegn these two subdivisions.
Also. the applicant has agreed and budgeted for a $l/teek/gnit te5e,Slch would
raise $18,000/year. This money could be earmarked for a bridge ofe"|Eore Creek
on the south s'ide of the lower bench of Donovan Park or other improvements to
the park.
transfej of any unit within
the fi[t-ilap+]r il
Security other than plat restrictions, required'- security, shall equal in value the cost of the
under the i
The staff recommends approval of the amendment to SDD 7 and the condominium
conversion request wjth'the condition that the applicant agree to providing a^
mjnimum of l0 employee housing units at i site acceptable to the Department of
Cornmun.i ty Development. This irrangement should have an annual 0ctober review to
lni["-"aj"utlrents'as nou.ing-.onaitions..ctrange. -14ith.the existing favorable
liouiing-ionditions within lhe Town of Vai1, we find it:9119-!"-:n":n:::::-^ .',ili|!ili to continue lne entire project as employee..housing or to require an
uat number of units Ue-p"oviaeO'on aiother siti for Marriott qfl.:Tpl9yt"t'
J*"u.t, we feel witrr ioui years remaining.on-an agreed upon,condition for
ili;t; nor.ing, that ihe Narriott Mark ihould provide "t,]:":!.-tilipJ,^miligition at t[is poini in ttme. ile forsee an annua] review for both the
iqarriott and the Wesiin which could include all parties working toward a
soiution ior employee housing on a flexible and ongoing basis'
Planning Commission
Community Development Department
November 25, 1985
Request for a conditional use permit to convert the FalI Ljne
dpartments to jnterval ownership condomin'i ums.
Appl icant: Kaiser Morcus
As this memorandum is closely associated with the memorandum addressing the
amendment to SDDT and the condominium conversion request for this proposal,
please refer to that memorandum for the description and background of the
proposal . Briefly, the proposal is for the conversion of the Fall Line
apartment bu'i lding to an interval ownership project selling individual weeks
for 53 dwelling units with major upgradings occurri ng to the existing
structure inciuding a recreation building addjtjon for the use of the time
share owners and their guests. The accompanying memo addresses the issues of
employee housing and other items dealing with condominium conversions and the
Marriott Mark's existing conditions regarding employee housing. The attached
memorandum from the applicant describing the project should be used for the
description of the proposed use.
In an attempt to aid the Planning Commission's understanding of the impacts
of a time share project upon the community, I have enclosed a study entitled
"An Overview of the Resort Time Sharjng Market: Consequences for the Local
Community" done by Rjchard Ragets, Assoc'i ates, for the National Time Sharing
Councjl of the Ameri can Land Development Association. I thjnk you will find
this bni ef study very important to understanding the general nature and
'impacts of time sharjng on a local community.
Consideration of Factors:
Relationship and jmpact of the use on development objectives of the Town.
/ The Community Development Department recognizes the Community Act'ion Plan and
\ the Economic Development Cornmission report as the most recent documentation( of development objectives of the Town, Please find attached a copy of the
\ Community Action Plan wjth highlights relating to this proposal as well as
\-ttre segment of the Economic Development Cornmission's report on tjme shari ng.
In conclusion, it is evident that time sharing, properlv constructed. manaqed
alflrclntaineLis an appropriate use within the Town of Vqi1. It is
ffiirv t-jme sFaTe proJEtilTEFlnTFe-rown of Vail is of
very high quality with respect to alI aspects of the proiect, especially
marketing. A negative impression of a resort community from shoddy marketing
practices re'l ated to time share marketjng can turn what would otherwise be a
benefit to a community into a definite negative. Moreover, when one
The effept.gf tle y:e on liqht and air. Cjslribution of populatjon.
Tacrr'rtres and other publrc tact lities' needs.$,ii"*
recognizes that thjs particular proposal is eljmjnating an employee housingproject, it tends to remove some of the positive attitudes one may haveregarding the benefits of time sharing to a resort community.
Transportation Faci I ities
The proposal includes the provision of a_pfivate shuttle bus or van forthe exclusive use of users of the project.JtEiE-]3 arso-iasy access tothe Town of vail bus system by walking a short distance to thi westerlyside of Donovan Park. Mo_fg9vC_8.__easJl_pedestrian aqcess to Cascadevillage to the east would be provided via the proposed asptral-bikepath/walkway between Matterhorn circle and Greenhill court. It wouldappear, then, that there would be no negative effects upongralsgortation faci I jties due-fo-TlE-reiuest-wTth irt" FFriur e exceptionof iaqrylsgl usE of the Town of Vail bus_gySrell.
Uti I ities -
There are overhead utiiitiy lines in this area currently and it.i s
recommended that with the development of this project an appropriatelength of that overhead system be put under ground as a condition of
approval .
C. Panks and Recreati on Faci I i ti es
The project is ideal ly located for the use of the future facilities of
Oonovan Park. The master plan for Donovan park contains a variety ofrecreational and open space related activities which would be direct'lyutilized by the tjme share owners and their guests. Due to the
increased use of these future facilities by this project, it would beappropriate to discuss the possibifity of a small tax on each time share
week sold to be earmarked for the development of Donovan parr.
| :,*D. 0ther Public Facilities Needs
The project would increase the utilization of the proposed Cascadevillage chairlift. In fact, we feel the time share project should not
even be considered without the fulI assurance of this lift. Locating atime share project is very similar to locating a hotel within varioui
areas of a resort community. It should be centrally located with easy
access to major recreatjonal amenities and of course, .i n Vaii, this
means ski lifts. We feel that this project, .i f given approval , shouldnot begin before construction on the Cascade Village lift has begun.
Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotjve and
As a staff, it is jn
Line apartments havein the Town of Vail.
this area that we feel the proposal falls apart. The Fajlhistorically had the .1 argest parking problem of any project
The Fire and Publjc Works Departments have had direct
experience of the problem. Several years ago, when the Park Meadows project was
found to have emergency structural problems, the fire vehicles could physical1y
not get through to the project because of all the cars parked along the roadside. In another emergency cal1, an ambulance could not get into the Fall Line
arking 1ot upon arrival due to the congested situation. Indeed, the entire
eighborhood has a parking problem due to the inadequacy of on-site parking.
agree that the time sharing project may not require as many
an employee housing project, we firmly believe that less than
per time share condominjum would be a problem to thece
would be poor planning po1 icy. A1 |ocating 51 parking spaces to -
ondominium units leaves no parking for emfloyees,.delivery and ?
icles related to on-site sales promotions, or visjtors of the
The staff also feels that it js a mistake to make comparisons between the
previous project and the proposal before us today with regard to the parking
situation. It does not make sense to support a proposal which simp'ly might take
a terrible parking sjtuation and make it merely poor. The regulations and
criteria tq evaluate this project c1 early show that the project proposai must
stand on j-ts o-wn w'i th regard to physical site planning characteristics.
The appljcant states hjs willingness to provide shuttling of potential purchasers
between the Marriott and the time share project. We feel that there is no excess
parking most of the time at the Marriott Mark and that this would be an
unenforceable condition in an rd.
ost wou
Effect u on the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located
ncl ud ns the scale an e proposed use in reiation to surrounding uses.
As alluded to earlier, the staff feels that with the addjtion
Cascade Villaqe to Vail Mountain and with the nrd$f,n{htlbiff
rva I
ewl y
'i s no
Cascade Village to Vail "|v]eUntafn" and with the
:*tu+iffiq'B$'Fit ffi$W :' : ;
would siqnif icantlv imoact. TEiHCcessibiIitv to'Dotiovan Park lf att$ffi i 5" E6iistluct'ou'oi ilrfEi'it -$tdaiirtnb -FH$R'wou I d bi' sup6
project whjch is predominantly
!h e }ggn i{iesrtitwr'eofustrsill^
own eF!FlilF{fr04.t,sdttd'rr}bilE.tcfir i.idftgr.s :i'''"4
constructed Hobbjt Hills townhouse project is being completed. Thus, there
low density permanent resident ho.-qg,ing*if the jmmediate area whichflitv to lDoi,idvan Park lf '?
The scale and bulk of the proposed project would be no different from what js
existing on the s'i te, and this is compatible with the surrounding uses.
The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use
be denied based on the following findings:
That the proposed location of the use js not in accord wjth the purposes
perm it
of this
ich-is a mix of residen
e street to the south a n
ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the sjte is located.
That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wou'l d be
operated or maintained would be detrimenta'l to the public health, safety, or
welfare or materialiy injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
That the proposed use would not comply with each of the appf icable p
th'i s ord inance.
The Department of Cormunity Deve'l opment recommends denial of thelproposed*h-'
conversion of the Fall Line apartments to'interval ownership. While we feel
that issues of employee hous'ing and physical upgrading can be mitigated (see
the accompany'i ng memorandurn), we feel that as proposed, the project simply
does not physically work on the site. The parking proposal is one which we
cannot support, as we strongly feel that there would be a severe parking
problem related to the project. t{hile statistics show that some Vail time
share. projects require less than 2 spaces per condo unit, we have not been
convinced that less than I space per time share unit is in any way adequate.
We simp'ly feel that the site is too small to accommodate the developer's
propdsal for 53 tjme share units. There js a possib'i1ity that if the project
were reconfigured downward to the area of 35 units, we may be able to support
c'le#l'y established in the evaluation of the criteria above, we
have a problem with the |ocafron of a time share project on this site.
have some concerns regarding lmajor employer within the conmunity allo
an apartment project to become to become completely run down and
uninhabitable and following it with a proposal to comp] etely convert to a
time sharing use. }Je feel this was a completely irresponsible lack of action
and !o not feel obligated to bail out a distressed property owner. However,if alScS"ggjl$le mitigation plan regarding employee housing for the hotel and
witl-a niiil-pfbposal to satisfy thg parking problem which will certainly ariseif fhe project is approved as"FF6Dosed, we coul{,support the conversion to
8tffi .;Fft*8.!5,.ff ,[1]*#!, lfij€fii;'{t, :5.gl"ll].ll ::sl:;]ll, i'"lll!,,
a list of condjtions of dpprovll.wlich will be prepared for you. ,^"J
do not r
Fe do-r
Town Counci I
Community Development
Dpcomhpr ? 1qR5
Fall Line Tjme Share Proposal
Kaiser Morcus, owner of the Fall Line'apartments, is requesting to convert
the Fall Line apartment project, containing 54 restricted employee dwelling
units for Marriott Mark employees, to an j nterval ownership condominiumproject. Approvals from the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town
Council are necessary with respect to the following three requests:
1. An amendment to SDDT with respect to a restrictjon on Fall
Line apartments to serve as empl oyee housing for the Marriott
Mark resort throuqh .|989
2. A condominium conversion approval according to Chapter
17.26 of the Subd'ivision Requlations
3. A conditional use permit for time shari ng within the HDMF
zone district.
The Communjty Development staff recommendation is for denial of the
request. We feel that there are several significant issues whjch are not
adequately addressed by this proposal .
0n November 25, .|985, the Planning and Envj ronmental Commission revi ewed and
approved this proposal . The PEC recommended approval of the amendment to
the special development district to remove the restrjctjon of Fall Line as
employee housing with the condition that Fall Line maintain a manager's unit
as well as provide 10 employee housing units within the Vaii Va11ey. The
Planning and Environmental Commission approved the conditional use permit
for time sharing in the HDMF zone with the followjng conditions:
An on-site shuttle bus be provided.
A user tax be instjtuted as discussed and agreed to by applicant.
A letter of credit be submitted to the Town for construction of the
path between this project and Cascade Vi11age.
The Fire Department review and approve the
configuration while maintaining a minimum
During discussion of this motion the staff offered
to the Planning Commission for their consideratjon.
fo l 'l ows:
parki ng 1ot
of 51 parking spaces.
several other condi ti ons
The cond'i ti ons are as
time share project
of Vail.
to the cond iti on pl aced
review date in October.
undergroundi ng the
There shal I be no
wjthin the public
An empl oyee hous i
the amendment to
marketing of the Fall Line
right-of-ways of the Town
ng restri cti on simi I ar
the SDD with an annual
That the project bear its fair share of
uti I ities in the area.
4. That the proposed budget for the project be adopted as a minimum
and that there be an obligation on the part of the project to
enforce their own parking problems.
The appljcant has agreed to all of these conditions and we would request
that if the Town Councjl is to approve this project, that these conditions
be a part of that approval .
I Planning and Environmental Cormission
November l'l , 1985 - -
l:30 Pm Site Vislt,r
2:15 pm llork Sessibn on Fall Line
Sfra$* 3:oo Pm Public Hearins
'1. Approval of minutes of October 28' 1985
T0 Bt TABLED 2' 1.ffi::i'l.ll.ii!!..,1n3,"5:l"l3o!;:i.3:"1,":-!ifi;;";::*"11.1""
and to add other outdoor dining at Burger King.
Appl i cant: Snowquest
T0 BE TABLED 3. A request for a conditiona'l use pennit in order to construct a ]ow
power subscription radio transmitter faci'lity on Tract A, Vail Potato
Patch subdivision.
Applicant: Stephens Conmunications
Planning and Environmental Cormission
0ctober 28, 1985
DUANE PIPERl. Approval of minutes of October .|4. Donovan moved, Schultz seconded to approve
the minutes as presented. -0 vote
2. Bequeqt to amen9 the developrnent plan of Crossroads and for setback variances
ln orde!:,to englo:g an ex.istinq deck area and to add other outdoor djning at
burger Klng. App licant: Snowquest.
Rick Pylman made the staff presentation and explained how the Commercial Service
Center zone district works in terms of approval process. There are two steps in
reviewing this request: l, the amendment to the deve'lopment plan of Crossroads
and 2' review of setback variances needed to enclose and modify Berguer King's
outdoor dining deck. Jay Peterson made the appf icant's presentation supporting
the staff recommendation.
Hopkins voiced concern over snow shedding and potential loss of cottonwood. Peterson
stated that the retaining wall could be redesigned to save the tree. Hopkins
questioned the accuracy of the retaining wall height as one travels from west toeast. She thought the wall would be higher than indicated on the sections.
Schultz'main concern was with the cottonwood. He also felt that the wall should
be stepped back. Donovan did not think the deck worked, felt the design was not
an improvement, and suggested adding benches to create a more open feeling that
would allow iandscaping to be maintained. She expressed philosophical problemswith allowing a deck enclosure, then granting property encroachment on Town of Vailland for a deck. She felt the patio footprint needed to be redesigned. Affeldt
expressed concern over how design would work with respect to the site lines fromthe seating areas. (?)
Viele had no problem with the enclosure and agreed with theis valuable. He felt that there were details to be worked
the patio. Peterson requested tabling to lllll to addressconrnission. Donovan moved and Affeldt seconded to table to
staff that outdoor dining
out in the design of
concerns rajsed by the
I I /t I .Vote 5-0.
PEC 10/28t85o -2-
3.uest for side and rear setback variances a density control var
excepti on a variance to t setback from a
waterc e I n oroer to construct an ontot
p1 i cant:Snowquest
Tom Braun gave the staff presentation regarding the requested variances,
the background of the project, impacts of the request, and stt recommendation
of denial. Mike Palmer presented the applicant's request and further described
the proposal.
Affe'ldt felt this detinitely a- grant of specia'l privilege unless the app'licant
could show otherwise. Donovan fel t that parking issue was critical and sever'ly
restricted any further development. Schultz agreed with Affeldt. Hopkins felt
the bui]ding needed remode'ling and a personality change. Viele felt the parking
was critical , although he also felt respect for the owner with respect to the
right to develop his property.
There was general discussion regarding the employee housing restrictions on the
property, with additional concerns from Hopkins and Affeldt were raised about
the stream encroachment request.
The applicant requested
seconded to table until
table the request to ll/25.
25 and the vote was 5-0 in
Affeldt moved and Donovan
favor of tabl i n
4. A request for a setback variance in order to add an east entry to the Concert
Hal'l Plaza Building in Lionshead. Applicant: Brad Quayle
Rick Pylman gave the staff presentation outlining the proposal with a staff
recommendation for approval . He explained the location of the stairway and
stated that the staff felt the use was compatible with existing uses in thevicinity and was not a grant of special privilege.
Mark Donaldsonthis was not a
of locations of
of Lionshead.
Rat 'n t,lillie's. Affeldt moved and sid seconded to approve the uest with conditions
at 0uavie aqree LT,,rove the wa
trees and iqhts be reloca n an area near s t xe.vote avor.
elot as the staff to e a letter to ntaneros reques roof
be improved atop Charlie's T-shirt shop.
gave the presentation for the applicant. Affeldt questioned how
grant of special privilege. Rick. .commented that it wasn't because
existing buildings. Patten gave some history of the development
Quayle agreed to improve conditions of the walkway adjacent to
meeting of 12/23 will be cancelled. Peter
encouraged the commissioners to.attend, A
explained the Keystone conference
short discussion of GRFA ordinance
TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development
DATE: November II, 1985
SUBJECT: Background on Fa}1 Line Apartments proposal to
convert to a time share project
In preparation for the PEC's work session on this proposal on
November 11 , we feel it would be helpful to gj-ve you some
backgound information as well as identify what we see as the
key issues at this point in time. Basically, the proposal j-s
for an interval ownership project at the Fall Line
Apartments. The developer, Kaiser Morcus, would convert the
existing 54 one and two-bedroom apartments to 53 one and
two-bedroom time share units, each containing 50 weeks forsale individually. A major upgrade of the entire project
--interior and exterior--is proposed, including a newrecreation amenities addition located in the existingcourtyard. Proposed parking is to remodel the existingparking area, but to have only the existing 51 spaces for theentire project.
The project would be physically connected with the cascadeVillage area via a ne$r pathway and,/or stairway to Westhaven
The proposal requires a number of different approvals from the
Town including: a condominim approval to convert existingrental apartments to tj-me share condominiums, an amendment to
SDD7, Marrlott Mark, in releasing the employee housingrestriction connectlng Fa11 Line and the Marriott unt1L 1989,
and a conditional use permit for the time sharj-ng use within
the HDMF zone district. ff all of these are approved, thenthe project will also require approval of the condominium plat
as weLl as the declarations and covenants.
Enclosed please find the applicant's written application forthis project for more detail and information on the specifics.
The following outlines the staff's major areas of concerns andthe key issues regarding the proposal:
A. Parkinq
Parking is a major concern in that less than 50? of
the zoning code requirement is being proposed. Thestaff is open to studies and information which showthat time sharing may not require 2 spaces per
dwelling unit, but we are extremely sceptical thatless than I space per dwellinq unit will not create a
major problem for this site as weLl as the
surrounding neighborhood. The staff has encouraged
the applicant to investigate methods to mitigate this
parking shoparking agr
unfortunatethis time.
rtage to the possibility of joint use
eements with surrounding projects, but1y, this appears to not be feaslble at
Emplovee Housing
The proposal eliminates one of the major apartmentprojects in the Town of Vail which is currently tiedinto the Marriott Mark's employee requirement.
Certaj-nly the 1984 Eagle County Employee Housing
Survey concluded that, in comparison to the l-ater70's and very early '80's, we are in a betterposition with regard to employee housing, however,the staff feels strongly that to ignore employee
housing by releasing all regui.rements on projects atthis point in time is an ignorance of the long termsi-tuation. This area of major concern has been
discussed wj,th the applicant and we are attempting to
work out some type of arrangement which would be aproposal to mitigate this loss of employee housing
and acceptable to both parties.
The troubled Valli Hi project has a potential toserve in capacity of mitigating the loss of not onlythe Fa1l Line Apartments for the Marriott, but alsoto serve as a centralized employee housing project
for other major employers in Town. Moreover, aportion of Va1li Hi coul-d be utilized for "specialguest housing" such as Coors Bike Classic racers,
Denver Symphony Orchestra, and other amphitheatreperformers, John Curry ice skaters, and otherperformers and guests invited into the community tofurther special events, etc.
The track record of projects converted from one useto time share is not good. Time sharing has been
most successful when conceptualized, designed, andbuilt for time sharing from the very beginnlng.
There are very speclfic and specialized design
requirements for time sharing projects that need to
be addressed and cannot be left out because a
conversion project wilt not allow the existing siteto be adapted. There is a major concern of the staffthat this time sharing proposal is a result of adistressed and unkept property and could be viewed asa form of Itbail out." However, it is hard to arguewith the fact that if approved, the building and
grounds wil-1 be substantially upgraded and, in the
case that ti-me sharing fails, could be utilized for
whole owned condos or a short term hoteL type use.
Generally, it appears to be true with many projects
that the worries of inadeguate maintenance and
management provisions are becomlng a reality. Thedirector of community development for Sanibel Islandin Florida does not have a posltive attitude for time
sharing, especially from the consumer's point ofview, after 10 years of experience with 1t. Some of
the projects on Sanibel IsLand are becoming run down
and iIl kept due to inadequate maintenance funds
because of the extremely hlgh use of the commonfacj.ities provided.
of course, one of the advantages of allowing time
sharing in a resort community is the increased
occupancy in the shoulder seasons and summer months.
The Fall Line project does not propose to package the
sale of their weeks (i.e. sel1 an off-season week
with the purchase of 2 high season weeks) and this
could result in the project selling out during high
season on1y. However, this may be mitigated by theproposal to sel1 out four or five units at a time
before putting the next 4 or 5 units on the market.
On the more positive side of reviewing the proposal, we findthat if and when a lift is constructed out of Cascade Village
and a good connection is made between this project and CascadeVillage, this is a sultable location for a ti-me share project.
Also, as mentioned above, approving the proposal- would alLow a
major upgrading to the entire site and building and even 1nthe event tj-me sharj-ng does not work, we have a much upgraded
capital facility. If successful , the project would generally
be in concert r.rith the goals of the community to achieve
higher occupancies for the summer season and off seasons. Theproximity of the project to Donovan Park is also a big plus.
We look forward to working with the applicant and the Planning
and Environmental Commission as well as the Town council onthis project proposal.
Gary Murrain, Building InspectorJoe, resident manager of Fa11 Line Apartmenfs
Susan Scanlan, Environmental Health OfficerErnst Gl-atzle, Electrical Inspector
John Gulick, M.L, Vaughn, Mike Chapman, Fire DepartmentWalker Burgdorf, MarrioEt Mark maintenance
April 15 and 16, 1985
cabinet next EO unit 50 is missing the f ire
The laundry room overall conditions were dirty, lots of lint accuornulatedon gas dryersr the ground wire to some of the washing machines are not inplace, debris behind washers. No gas shut-off to two of the dryers -- theseneed to be installed. The sheetrock has had water damage, the fire integrityhas suffered because of this. The general appearance of the room is oneof lack of upkeep -- carpeE filEhy, accummulation of debris.
The boiler room has leaks around the heat punps that are dripping onto Ehefloor and delaminating the plywood, dripping onto the heat exchanger andnanifold. The sheetrock has some patch r{ork, some replacement is needed.There ere open electrical junction boxes in various locations throughoutthe boiler room. There are live wires hanging out of some of the electricalheat pump motors in the boiler room. The time clock needs a cover, elecErical,ires are exposed. Pressure and temperature relief valve is dischargingonto Ehe wood f100r. This needs to be taken to an indirect \{asEe.
Boiler room: access hole to the crawl space under the north rding Ehat needsto have a one hour rated access door put in.
Both laundry room and the boiler room need self-closing doors. A1so, the
f lamable storage needs to be removed,
The electrlcal meter panel located on the south side of Ehe building needsto have each unit identified as to rrhat unit the meter services.
The fire ext inguisher
ext ingui she r .
The cable to the exterior lighting around the perimeter and the courtyardls on the ground. This needs Eo be buried at least 1g inches below ground.
Staircases are deteriorating and falling apart.the north wing.
We are now speaking of
Ttre staircase at the north end (exterior balcony staircase) coming fromlevel 3 to level 2 is deteriorated. Also, there are open areas along thebalcony raiting in numerous areas,
AlL flood lights throughout the complex need to be waterproof EighE or EyPe
of bulb.
North wing attic area is prefabbed Eress, 2x6, 24" on center' no signs of
deflection or vrater leaks from the roof into the attic, A11 settling must
be occurring from the foundation down. In the attic there rrere some aEtempEs
Eo put a draft stop in, but iE has a 3O% opening and is not effecEive.
The bottom side of all the roof sheeting is mil.dewed as well as evidence
of mildew through Ehe corridor area at Ehe far easE end.
Access roof hatches do not have haEch covers.
hatch covers to the aEEic spaces.
These need to be one hour
The entire building does not have any
this will be a requiremenc before any of
The entire building roof shingles need
fire alarms.
Ehe units can
For unit proEection,
be occupied.
to be repaired or replaced -- very
The entire side of the building along every entry door has some settlement
which makes it appear Ehet this may be occurring throughout Ehe whole
scructure on this norEh winP.
A11 the concreEe walkways Ehroughout the building on the lower end' courEyard
area are seEtling, cracked and/or in bad shape and in need of repair.
Entering the access to the crawl space of the north vting, wesE of the boiler,
there is evidence of rnoisture seeping down, some trash and debris in the
first location. As rde go by there are spread footers thaE apPear to be
in line with the parEy wal1s between units. fhis is occurring along the
entire foundation crawl space area. The plumbing pipes show signs of leakage
in many locaEions. As we move to the easE end of the crawl space' in about
fhe third bay over, there is a pretty bad sewer leak coming from both Eoilet
risers. This is a back-to-back toilet that services tqto separate units
and they are both leaking. The srne1l of sewer is very evident. As I move
through the crawl space in a rdesterly direction there are numerous sel^7er
plumbing leaks that are dripping into the crawl space. Continuing on' aE
the very far wesE end, being directly under the Units 13 and 14' there is
stagnant water, raw setrrer, mildew with growth on it entirely across Ehe
gtrucCural members. These structural members beamed, appears to be a TJI
Eype of floor joist. There is deflections in a lot of these possibly due
to the moisture content dorm in the crawl space, causing the wood Eo actually
breakdown and sag, The area under Units 13 and 14 is completely engulfed
in mildew vrith grorrEh. There is absolutely no ventilation in the enEire
crawl space.
Unit 1: Tile floor is coming up. Mildew on ceiling. Sheetrock damage,
taping falling off. Lens cover needs to be replaced over the vanity. We
cannot gain access to the bedrooms at this time.
Unit 2: The only place that looks as Ehough ir might be distressed is down-
ward movement on the center bearing wall right below the areas of Ehe units
thaE have the structural stress. There is a hole in the sheeErock. Thereis water damage in che kitchen area.
Unit 3: The kitchen has an area of the wall that has been burntstove. Looks like someone had overheated it. The bathroom areahas been deteriorated, shows signs of vrater damage, slight mildewlens cover over Ehe vaniEy is nelted probably due to too high of atured bulb in there. The sink is cracked. There is a hole inunder the light switch.
f rorn the
and the
E empe ra -
the wal1
uniE 4: The living room area has some fairly large r^raEer stains, and fire
EaPe has been removed. Obvious leaking in this area. There are some cracksin the sheetrock in the hallway going towards the bedrooms. BaEhroom areahas a hole in the wall under the light switch. The light switch looks likeit has some signs of noisture in it. ceiling has spots of rnildewing anda fairly good size crack over the doorway, entering the bathroom. The tilein this area on the floor deeds to be replaced.
Unit 5: NoC occupied; the casing over the entry door is missing, Theelectrical breaker box panel has breakers hanging out, wires exposed andno cover plaEe' There is a hole in the corridor wall near the wesE bedroom.The appl-iances in the kiEchen are absenE. There is some signs of burningwhere the appliances \.rere. The bottom of the kitchen vaniEy where Ehe
dishwasher was has been leaking. Ttre floor in the vaniEy itself is missing.
Garbage disposal is missing. Faucets are missing. The east bedroom hasa fairly large leak at this time and is dripping onto the floor, saturatingthe unit below. The stain is approximaxeLy 2 feet by 4 feet. rn the closetcorridor area, there is a large hole that appears to be for lhe shower valvesto try to stop a leak of some sorc. The ceiling in Ehe baEhroom has mildewand some deterioretion. cover over vanity is missing. Hole in the wallby the lighE switch, The heaEer heat shield is missing in the living roorn.
unit 6: unoccupied; there is a paEch in the living room from a previousleak that has been fixed at this time. Outside light needs some aEtenEion.
The bulbs are just hanging from the wires. The globe needs to be replaced.
The floor of the vanity over the kitchen sink is gone due to a water leak.Ttre sheetrock behind the vanity is deteriorated. Bathroom has had a waterleak, it is not leaking at this time, but the sheetrock is deteriorated.There is a hole exposing the plurnbing and framing. Hole in the wall nextto the I'ight ewitch. The sink is cracked. The floor under the vanity isdeteriorated and gone and the tile needs to be replaced.
unit 7: The front door hinges are not working properly. There is a largehole directly over the front entry. water stains throughouE the livingroom area. Fire tape is sEarEing to break loose. Kitchen vanity bottomgone, back of the sheeErock is deEeriorated and Ehere is another large,warped piece of sheetrock in the kitchen area. The sink vanity had wacer
and has fallen out. Ttrere is rnildew over the shower area, Ehere is a holedeteriorated through to the strucEure areas. The bathroom sink is not clean
and is cracked. TiIe needs to be replaced.
unit 8: rn the bathroom of this unic the sheetrock needs Eo be replaced.ft is sagging and has waEer damage from the uniE above.
UniE 9: Cannot gain access
Unit 10: Occupied; Water stain in living
is bellying, fire Eape is coming apart.
back wa11 is deEeriorated. The bottom of
bathroom is in pretty good shape, but has
have been leaking.
room, sheetrock in the hallway
Kitchen vanity by the sink; the
the vaniLy is roEted out. The
a Datch vTere the rest of them
Unit 11: Unoccupied; electrical box has live wires and breakers hangingout and has no cover. vanity bottom in kitchen under Ehe sink is rotEed,
Also, the fire tape is hanging again in Ehe kitchen area due Eo a v/aLerleak. The bedroom egress window is broken appears that iE doesn't work.
Bathroom vanity partiwall is deEeriorated and mildewed and the vanity is
soggy and broken. Trash and debri throughouE thaE uniE.
Unit L2z There i-s a very distinct odor of mildew in the entire unit asyou enter it, the window has mildew on it, The kitchen sink vanity boEEom
is moist and deteriorated. In Ehe ha11 ceiling the sheetrock is moist andthe fire EaPe is missing. The bathroom ceiling is deteriorated, with moisture
throughout the bathroom, there's holes and rnildew growing. Bedroom wall
by egress window is mildewed around the entire north wall of extending all
the way to the closet area. Moisture level in here is very high.
unit 13: The entire uniE needs Eo be gutted as far as the sheetrock. rEis nildewed through the fire rated including Ehe ceiling. The wa1ls arekicked in. There is open framing throughour the entire kiEchen, corridor,bathroom. There is a collapsed vanity. The common wall between the uniEs
as well as from the unit above show signs of water dripping inside the wall.This is a leak that is in the bathroom area. The electrical outleEs areaL1 ful1 of rust and mildew. Tlte entire electrical, af t.er Ehe sheeErockhas been removed needs to be inspected due to the moisture inside. Thereis mold growing in all the electrical boxes. There is a gronth of moldand rnildew growing approximately 32 feet up all walls through the unit.The unit above will probably have to be evacuated due to sanitary conditionsand fire rat ing.
unit L4.. This ic an unoccupied unit a! the norEh wing of the building,first floor. The humidity in here is tremendous due !o a leaky plumbingpipe in the bathrocm area, under the kitchen sink there is a waEer leakthat is doing damage to Ehe floor below it. Also Ehere are holes in thesheetrock in the kitchen due to water damage. Bathroom ceiling is startingto deteriorate. rt is mildewed. The floor has water damage. There ismildew around lighE switches, around the tub area, eEc, Ehroughout the unit.
Unit 15r Occupied unit. The kitchen has fire Eape moisrure and the ceilingareas has sheetrock falling apart. on the back wa11 on the vaniEy end oithe sink is deteriorated and moist, the bottom of the vanity is soggy andcollapsed. Bathroom area has some recent sheetrock that has been insEalledit aays type x sheetrock and has not been fire taped yet. There is somesigns of attempEs to repair this area although the repair is noE compleEeat this time. A1so, in the ha1l\.ray there is some areas that look like thevhave been wet, a few stains and tape missing. There is a small sEain i;the living room area. The heat shield for the heater is missing over thezone valve.
uniE 16: unoccupied. under the kitchen sink the vaniEy bottom is againsoggy and deteriorated and collapsed. The sink continues to run in thekiEchen. Bathroom area also has a hole exposing the sEructural membersand some of the electrical wiring, under the bathroon vaniEy it is verymildewed and the vanity is soggy and collapsed. There is also a hole inthe wa11 by the lightswitch, rn Ehe closec in the bedroom at the froorline there is moisture coming up which is mildewing some of the wa11s inthere .
unit 17z unoccupied. rn the kitchen the ceiling is sagging again due Eomoisture end vTater leaks. under the kitchen vanity there is mildew up thewa11, the vanity bottom is completely rnissing. The garbage disposai haswires hanging out of it. Bathroom area shows rdater leaks with growth andmildew around the water closet. The rest of the bathroom looks like itsin pretty good shape. The entry door is in bad shape,
unit 18: The entry door lock is danaged, the key doesn't work so we cannotgain entry into Ehis unit.
Unit 19: Occupied. The kiLchen ceiling area over the kitchen sink is moist,sheetrock is drooping, fire tape is coming loose. The kitchen sink runsconEinously. Underneath in the vanity area is r.7eL, moist and deterioraEed.Ttre bathroom vanity area is mildewed and has deteriorated sheetrock, moisE,col]'apsed, and has standing water on the floor from a leaky valve. watercontinues Eo run in the sink. There is a hole in the wall above the lightfixture by the vanity.
unit 202 Entry door looks like it has been kicked in at one point. Theceiling in Ehe bathroom over the tub is wet, moist, has some grov/Eh, Ehesheetrock is actually coming loose from the structural members. There isdeterioraElon around Ehe base board area on the f1oor. The tile needs Eobe replaced. There is some evidence of water leaks and deterioraEion aroundthe water closet in the bathroom. It appears chat there has been some v/aterleaks in the kitchen area the fire tape is starting to pull 1oose. underthe kitchen vanity again the bottom of the vanity is moist and gone. Thereis a section of sheetrock cut 4way in the kitchen due to a \{ater leak.This area is about 2 X 3 foot, there is rraEer stains throughout the kitchen.The other parts that havenrt been removed are sagging and mildewed. Thekitchen sink faucets run continously and cannot be shut off. Mildew isup the back wall above the vanity, again the vanity bottom is again missing,wet and deteriorated. rn the bathroom Ehe tile floor needs to be replaced,it tholts signs of deterioration. Along the sheet rock above the bathtubis deteriorate4 the ceiling is mildewed and appears that a ne\^r patch hasbeen put in this area. The same location as all other units,
Unit 21: The bathroom faucec continuesis again sogBy, behind Ehe water closet
Eo run, the bathroom vaniEy bottom
iE is i,re E and milder,red up Ehe wall.
Vrrtt 22t No apparent problems
Unit 232 The ceiling in the kitchen
contents, stains, holes were poked to
area is drooping,
relieve rhe vrater
obvious mo i s Eure
Dressure in tha t
area. under the sink is mildewed up the the bottom of the sink, the vanitybotton is wet, soggy, and rnissing. The garbage disposal has electrical\tires that have been spliced together in this area. The center wall betweenthe kitchen and the hallway is starting to show signs as in the other unitsof settlemenE in this area. The bathroorn tub faucet continues co run quitealot, there is alot of moisture, the sheetrock is falling loose around theshower areas. The fire tape is missing. There is sorne mildew and saggingsheetrock. underneath the vaniEy is mildewed, faucet conEinues Eo run, thebottom of the vanity is deteriorated and collapsing.
unit 24: This unit is also settling, and the center wa11 between the t\,robedrooms is screEching away, same areas as the one next to it. Bathroomhas a hole 1r x 3'in the ceiling exposing Lhe strucEural members of theunit above. The center wall in Ehe living room between the kitchen hallwayis se t t led.
unit 25: Ilorrible srnel1 of sewer gas. There is seEtlement in the kitchenarea. The floor sags approximately 2 inches and there is open electricalwiring from the dishwasher hanging on the f1oor. carper is mildewed andsoggy on all urain traffic areas. rn the bathroom there is sevrer leakingfrom the upstairs unit into this unit. There are al-so mushrooms growingalong the baseboard area. There is a large structural settlement in oneof the bedrooms. rn the closet of the adjacent bedroom there is a good3 inch gap of floor settlement, obviously some sEructural failure in thisarea. This entire unit should be invescigated from underneath Lo find out
trlha t causes Ehe settlemenE. This could be severe.
Sewer running from Unit 25 is backed up into the crawl space of the southwestend of the building. There have been unsuccessful attemps to shore up Ehecollapsing floor. There are some signs of the plumbing running somer^rhatin the wrong direction in some of Ehe pipes and they have been moved. Theoverall plumbing under here does not look good. The r.rho le underside iswet and dripping.
unit 26: Has structural stress. rt appears to be lessening toward thefar north unit on the end of the courplex.
Unit 27: Also has structural stress in the same areas.
Unit 28: Same structural stress as in 26 and, 27
unit 29: This is Ehe resident manager's unit. rE has some apparent setEle-
ment problems in the floor strucCure and shows signs of scress.
unit 30: This unit has distress in the ha1lways, midspan of Ehe bedrooms,around and including up to the baEhroom area, showing signs of structuralsettlement of some sort. This appears to be down in Ehe subsLructure andis occurring at the entire end of the building.
unit 31: occupied. The living room area shows some signs of a liEtle bitof sheetrock collapsing. on the wall between Ehe kitchen and the hallwayare again starting to pul1 a!,ray from the frame work. possibly seEtlingof the floor as in all other units. under Ehe kiEchen vanity is exposedwires which are rnerely Eaped Eogether. Tape is missing, Ehe vanity bottornhas deteriorated and fallen out. The bat.hroom area isntE in too bad of
shape, although there is some
over the vanity is nissing,
signs of sEaining on the cei l ing. Lens cover
unit 32: same settling on the cenEer wal1, stretching, sizable sErucLuralproblens, has been patched on several occasions, appears to be getting lrorseas we go toward the r.resE of the building.
unit 33: Bathroom ceiling needs to be replaced, shows signs of disEress.Plurnbing pipes and valves to the bathtub are loose in the wall. The Eoiletcontinues to run. This unit also sholr recent signs of stress along thekitchen wal1 and basically the same scenarios of Ehe rest of the units.Also the cover for Ehe EhermosEat is missing. The cracking is starEingto stretch along the hallway and there have been attempts to patch it onoccasions.
uniE 34: This uniE is also showing the same settlement along the kitchenwarl. The center wal1 areas have had attempts to be patched. There isstretching and putling apart. The light fixture in the kitchen is hangingmerely by Ehe wire nuEs. This needs to be secured in place. There is abad 1-ight fixture in the bedroom. Bathroom fan filEer is complete plugged.Light over vanity needs a lens cover. Light fixture over dining area notsecured to J-box.
unit 35: occupied. The garbage disposal under the kitchen sink is hooked
uP \tith taPe and has exposed wires. The bottorn of the vanity is deteriorated
and collapsed. The bathroorn ceiling around the exhaust systems shows mildew,sagging' and the tile floor is coming away from Ehe wall and has no baseboard.This needs to be replaced. This unit also has a little biE of settlingin the area between Ehe kitchen and Ehe hallway.
unit 36: occupied: Kitchen sink continues to run hot water, again thevanity bottom is wet and deteriorated, the garbage disposal has exposedrdires' some settlement between the kitchen and the hallway in this unit,The bathroom appears Eo be in preEEy good shape although Ehere are someatains and tape coming apart. The settlement beEween the wall and thebathroom is quite severe, probably tr,ro Eo three inches in this area, you
can visually see that the floor is settelj.ng in the bathroom. The hallwaylooks as though everything is moving downward at that point.
unit 37: occupied, vanity boEEom under the kitchen sink is gone. Exposedfraning is visuat, noisture and mildew growing in the hallway. rn thebathroonr area the wal1s are stained and rnildewed. Fire taping is drooping,and evidence of waEer stains and leaks behind Ehe water closet. T"trere isa hole in the wa11 behind the light fixEure, Ehis shows signs of mildewaround the elecErical ouElets, a smal1 hole in the wall. sheetrock issaturated causing che elimination of fire raEing.
unit 38: occupied; the only problem noticeable is EhaE Ehere are someaeParations at the ceiling line around Ehe kitchen. The sheetrock has beencracked in the hallway to Ehe bedrooms. There do not seem to be any severewater or sewer problems.
unit 39: occupied. EnEry door is not identified. under the kitchen sinkvanity is mildened, Ehe P trap is held cogether by a c clamp. The bottom
of the vanity is soggy and collapsed. There is some sagging in the ceilingareas. There appears to be a water leak that Ehey poked holes in Eo relievethe water. water is not dripping at this time. The bedroom ceiling hasdeflected possibly 6 Eo 8 inches. There is obviously some water or someother unknovm problem going on. SheeErock around Ehe kitchen in the corridoris also sagging, bathroom area also has sagging, mildewed sheeErock. Thetile floor needs to be replaced. Mildew under vanity and the boEtom ismissing, evidence of moisture running dor4rn the wal1 next to the kitchen.This is in the same area where we talked about the sheetrock cracking.There is sheetrock broken loose by the entry door and the fire tape itstarting to sag.
unit 40r Occupied; there are slight cracks in the hal1way. The bottomof the kitchen sink vanity is soggy and collapsed. sorne mildew in thisarea. The bathroom area has had new sheetrock put on recently but is nowstarting to settle and there is moisture evident. Under the vanity thereis considerable rnildew and is soggy.
unit 41: occupied; there are some holes in the ceiling, but look like tenantdamage. The wall between the kitchen and the hallway is showing signs ofsettling. The vanity under the kitchen sink has exposed wires which wereattempted to be taped. The boEEorn of the vanity is missing. Bathroom areais in fairLy good shape with the exception of a leaky faucet.
Unit 42z The wal1s around Ehe corridor between the kitchen and living andbathroom are showing same sign of movement stress d.ownward. There is ahole in the wa1l in the living room, some water leaks patched in the bathroom.
unit 43'. unoccupied; vanity bottom under kitchen sink is gone. Mildewunder the bathroom sink, saggy vaniEy bottom is deteriorated and collapsed.This unit is not in real bad shape although there are signs of seEtlement
between the kitchen and corridor area.
UniE 44: Manager does not have a key to this unit.
unit 45: occupied; vanity under the kitchen sink is soggy, deterioraEedand partially coLlapsed. There are signs of settlement between the kitchenand hallway area. rn the bathroom area, the ceiling is drooping aroundthe exhaust fan. Also, there is some signs of deterioraEion in the sheeErockbehind the water closeE. There is a hole in the wall by the light switch.
unit 462 Occupied; this unit does show some signs of settlement. ThesettlemenE is a Little more than the rest of the units in question. Firetape is coming off the walls. The froor is seEtling, you can see it visually.vanity bottom under the kitchen sink is deteriorating, collapsed and tas
some mildew. Kitchen faucet conLinues Eo run hot water and cannot be shuEoff- ceiling in the baEhroom is drooping and showing some signs of mildew.The tile on the floor needs co be replaced, settlement in Ehis unit isquiEe severe. The ceiling in the living room area has a rippling affec!to it, possibly due to the settling.
unit 47: unoccupied; in the living room area the ceiling is sagging consider-ably and does shor.r some signs of moisture coming Ehrough at the fire tapes.
The vanity floor bottom under the kitchen sink is deteriorated and collapsed.The faucet fixture is not secured and there are some signs of deteriorationunder this area. There are some settlements between ihe kitchen and thecorridor, buE not as severe as the uniE nexE to it. There are some cracksdue to the pulling of Ehe wal1s going in a dorrnward movement, rn Ehe bedroomaree there are some stains on Ehe ceilings that appear to have water damage.The bathroom area has mildew growing around the fan and a riEEle bit ofdefrection in the sheetrock. There is a water leak and scain. There ismildew behind the back of the r^rater closeE.
unit 48: Entry door has been kicked in and Ehe door jamb is totallydestroyed. There is a very, very rarge seEtremenE in this area pullingaway. Same with the area from the kitchen all the way to Ehe baEhroom walls.Entire length of the living room wa11 is also pulling away approxirnaEely2" and the floor is settling and you can see this visualry. This uniE hasa 1itt1e different seEElement than the others, extending back to the bedroomwalls in both directions all the way through all the interior walls of thisunit. rnside the bathroon, settling is obvious in this area. BathroomcloseEs continually running. The vanity bottom, again, under the kitchensink is collapsed, deteriorating and has mildew growing up the walls.
unit 49: Occupied; this unit has the same cracking around the kitchen wallsto the corridor wa11s, extending back to the bedroom wa11s. The bathroornhas arater stains and the area behind Ehe shower is deteriorated and isstarting to mildew' The vanity bottom is not in real good shape and thefaucet continually runs. The lens cover over the vanity lights are missing.Apparently there is no access Eo the tie rding between the north and thesouth wings of the building. we have discussed that they \^'ill obEain adiaroond blade to cut through the topping so they can provide an access tothat crawl space.
unit 50: This is right above unit 25, The baEhroom sink is not drainingand as there is no way Eo shuE Ehe r,iater off, it is running continuously:There is some deteriorating sheetrock in the baEhroom, causing the ceilingto come apart. The lighE fixEure has been damaged above rhe vanity andshows some signs of overheating and gelting. There is mildew and cracksthroughout the bathroom area. The settlement EhaE was occuring in /125 isetil1 obvious here -- Ehere are sEructural problems in the foundaEion cravzlsPace area.
unit 5l: This is an uooccupied unit that is in need of some major repair.The kitchen had a water pipe leak that appears to have been repaired. ThesheeErock has not been restored in this unit. The closet area sheetrockneeds to be removed and replaced due to mildew and water damage. The sameItith the entire bathroom. The ceiling in the baEhroom is wet. Electricalpanel plate is nissing and needs to be reinstalled. The plumbing is noLin good shape and there is some settlement is this unit also-
unit 52: There is some struccural damage in Ehis unit. rt is in poor shape,dirty and trashed. Bathroom has water damage in ceiling area, sheetrockaround shower and above tub needs to be replaced. This unit is used primarilvfor storage. llindows are boarded up.
Unit 53: Only problem we see is in the bathroom area.and the ceiling has mildew and apparent water darnage.stains in Ehe living room area. The entrv door iamb
aDart .
The floor is d irty
There are some water
is busted and torn
unit 54: This is being used as an office space. rt is fulL of storageand a smaLl office desk. The kitchen is totally destroyed. Fire raEingsheetrock problems, slight amount of mildew and a definaEe sag in Ehis areain the floor sysEem. Earlier this floor system was assumed Eo be a slabon grade, but after seeing a sag in Ehe floor further investigation \.ra smade and it was determined thaE someone had cut and accessed a hole in chisfloor and ordered this to be opened. upon opening Ehis haEch, we foundthat all the structural members are deflecting quite considerably, being3" or more. Also, therers approximately 6 - 8'i of standing mildew andstagnant water. We are not sure if this is fresh water or i.f it is sewerthat is leaking in here. There are obvious leaks coming into this spacenow. I will not go down in this space due to unsanitary conditions at thistime.
This concludes the walk-through on the units at Fall-Line Apartments.
- 10-
Addendum to Conditional-
Use Appl-ication
A. Nature of Proposed Use. The proposed use for the FallLine Aparffing in 3ne-week intervals. An
owner of a time share unit will have a fee simple interest in aspecific unit for a specific week. As oerner of that week, he hasthe right to use, rent or exchange the week at otherparticipating tirneshare projects throughout the worLd. Inaddition, the owner can exchange his week at Fa1I Line for
another week in the same category as his week (i.e. a winter weekfor a winter week) as long as a unit is avail-able for usage.This a1lows flexibility for a person who canrt or doesnrt want totake the same vacation week each year.
The usage is compatible with the surrounding properties, in that
much of the surrounding property is short termed (i.e.
Coldstream, Millrace, and Park Meadows), In addition, the
Cascade Vil-lage area with a major hotel , commercial space,
educational- facilities, athletic club, and anticipated ski lift
has created a third village area for the Vail guest which willadd a dimension to Vail Village and Lionshead.
The operating characteristics of the project will be no differentthan other time share projects in town, or other project,s thatare short termed.
B. Site Plans. A Site plan is attached showing the currentimprovemenE, pEffifng layout lnd landscaping. a sit6 plan isalso attached showing proposed modifications to the above. The
new site work will include improved drainage (underground andsurface), additional landscaping and a new parking lot layout.
C. Elevations. Photographs are attached showing currentelevationffiposed elevalions are also attached to showrenovations. Exterior remodeling of the buiJ-ding will include a
new color scheme, new roof, new siding and trim, new coveredstair towers, new balconies, new windows and doors. Interiorremodeling of the building will include an additional bathroom inthe two bedroom unit, new kitchen and bathroom fixtures, cabinetsand countertops, new appliances, new doors and hardware, newcarpet and floor coveringsr n€w light fixtures, general repairand painting and all new furniture.
D. Other Information.
1. Parking. Currently there are 51 parking spaces on
site for s4 em[G-yee trousing units. This proposal ca]-ls for the
same 51 parking spaces but in a reconfigured format for 53 units.
In reviewing parking usage for time share projects in this area'
two projects were consulted:
a) The christie Lodge. Two hundred and
eighty spaces are provided for 280 units.
Approximately 35t of the parking is
utilized by the timeshare or{tner or guest.
b) Streamside. Eagle County has reduced
6-e pffi'g requirement for streamside
from two and a hal-f spaces per unit to one
and a half spaces per unit because of
Streamside's documentation showingparking usage by a timeshare owner.
According to a former representative for
Streamside, approximately 50t of the owners
arrived by automobile and utilized aparking space. This usage is comparable
with hotel parking in vail , which shows
approximately 50t usage by guests.
Parking for on-site saLes will not create a problem, in that most
sales will be generated off-site (meaning outside the Town ofVail) and the busiest period of on-site sales activiLy will be in
the beginning when there witt be only a few owners using thefacilities. Streamside, which is a much larger project than the
proposed project, generates approximately 80 walkthroughs a week
or an average of 1l or 12 per day. Presentations are spread
throughout the day so generall-y very few parking spaces wiLl be
needed for sales.
2. Recreational Amenities. A new recreation amenitiesfacility wilL ffie following will beprovided:
New front desk and lobbv area.
Swimming pool.
Spa/ lacuzzi-.
Steam room.
Recreation room and lounging area.
Shower facilities.
All recreation facilities will be restricted for owner or guest
usage. No outside memberships wiJ-J- be sold and no owner will beable to use the facilities except during his stay at the complex.
Obviously the greatest winter amenity is skiing and with the
proposed lift at Cascade Village, the project wiLl be able tooffer skiing access without use of private or publictransportation. Pedestrian access is achieved from the project
through Glen Lyon to the l-ift. The owner or guest can alsoreturn to Cascade Village by ski trail, ski over the bicycle pathto GIen Lyon and return by foot a short distance to the project.
During the summer all of Donovan Park is available atdoor of the project. Untike most visitors to Donovanprivate or public transportation wilL be need.ed by anguest of the project.
Very few projects of any kind in vail will be abte topublic and private amenities that the proposed projectwithout the use of private or public transportation.
the frontPark, no
owner or
offer the
3. Marketing. The marketing of the project willentail- many fadffiEfi'e of which will be:
a) Media Adve!tl5!g.. This form of marketing
@per ads offering familiesthe opportunity to spend a mini vacationin Vail to become farniliar with and enjoythe facilities availabe in the Vail area,
and to attend a saLes presentation aboutinterval ownership. Typically, these adsare placed in papers in Colorado, Kansas,
Nebraska and Texas. In addition, other ads
may detail- the benefits of interval owner-ship and offer prospects the opportunityto find out more by calling the listed
telephone number.
b)llailings. These mailings will offer the
same benefits to a prospective purchaser
as the media advertising described above.
Whil-e the media advertising hits the publicat large, the mailings differ, in that theyare specifically mailed to pre-sel-ectedfamilies in general age groups (between
32 and 47 years of age) and a
minimum income leve1 (approximately
930,000 to {19400 _ per year) in orffioGc-n a qualTffirolpecl. These mailingswill typical-ly be used in Colorado, Kansas,
Nebraska and Texas. No local mailings will-be done, in that the residents of Vail willnot be general-ly interested in the project.
A typical mailing would be a quaLity phamplet
containing a general brochure on Vai1, a
brochure on vacation ownership' a brochure on
answers to freguently asked guestions about
interval ownership, and a brochure on theproject itseLf.
c) Broker Referrals. while no broker or sal-es-
man would be expected to do a salespresentation or do a showing of the project'
a referral fee would be paid to brokers or
salesmen for procuring an ultimate purchaser.
d) Owner Referrals. Once the project sales
program-Ts unEr way and sales have been made,
an owner wilL be able to invite guests to
stay at the project and to attend a salespresentation.
e) fndependent Marketing Companies. The
c different
shows (Sport, Boat and Travel- Shows, Home
Shows, and Fairs, etc.).
f) Telephone Advertising. Telephone advertising
@ place on the front
rangie where people are hired to telephone aqualified prospect (as in the mailingsadvertising above), to offer the salesprospect an opportunity to attend a present-
S) Information Office at the Marriott. Anr Mark Resort
may be set up to disburse information and
brochures to offer an opportunity to attenda presentation. The Marriott would obviousJ-ybe consulted for their consent.
While the use of "thank you gifts" and paid for mini vacations
may be used in a portion of the advertising program, no deceptiveadvertising or promises will be made. Deceptive promises andpractices have had some short term success in other time shareprojects, however, the effects have been short lived and mostprojects are now abandoning such practices.
The applicant is wi11in9 to restrict its advertising program in
such a manner so that no advertising activity wiLl take place onpubl-ic property. Any advertising taking place on privateproperty will have the consent of that owner.
Prior to the conmencement of any advertising program a detailedoutl-ine will be submi-tted to the Town staff for review and
In summary, the time share industry has been criticized for its
"marketing excessest' and. ttboil-er room't sales presentations and
some of these probJ-ems continue to exist. However, with all butfour states now regulating the industry and with Colorado now
having a five day recission period for a prospective buyer to
cancel his purchase, such techniques are diminishing. Thenarketing of time sharing is changing with the likes of Disney
WorJ-d, the Marriott, the Holiday fnn, the Sheridan, and Vail
Associates at Beaver Creek entering the field.
4. Detail-s of SaLes Proposal-. Weeks will be sold in
one week interv ks will be sold per unitwith 53 units available for sale. Units will be brought on linefor sal-e 4 or 5 at a time and until those units are sold out, no
new units will be made available. Sal-es personnel are to begiven so many winter, summer and shoul-der weeks to sel-l- and onceagain are not issued more weeks until all are sold. In this
manner, which is now customary in the industry, a project doesnot sell out all- the prime weeks while 508 of the project remainsto be sold.
5. Management. A management contract will be enteredinto between tEEl6Fi?f association, a non-profit corporation
and an entity set up by the applicant or other professional
management group. This agreement will contain among otherthinos:
a) The general purpose of the agreement will
be to provide a broad and complete plan forthe management and maintenance of the projectfor the purpose of relieving the members,officers and directors of the associationfrom the day to day responsibilities of
management as delegated in the time share
b) The manager will have the exclusive right to
manage and maintain the project. The managlerwill appoint a generaL manager to overseeoperations, however, the selection of suchgeneral manager will be subject to associationapproval and the retention of the general
manager sha1l be subject to annual review bythe association.
c) The standard of management shall be eguivalentto that maintained by the best condominiumprojects in Vail . The duties of the managershall include the followinq:
1. Fiscal Management.
a) Prepare an annual operating budget de-
tailed to refl-ect expected operations for each
b) Prepare budget projection for five (5)
year sinking fund reserve for capital expen-
c) Prepare monthly operating and cash posi-
tion statements includinq reserve account state-
d) Analyze and compare operating receipts
and disbursements against the association's
approved budget, explain variations from budget
and suggest corrective action.
e) Collect the annual assessments from
association members, the monthly maintenance fee
expenses and special assessments, if any, chargedto association memberst and maintain compre-
hensive records thereof. Establish individual
checking and sinking fund reserve accounts, asdirected by the Board of Directors of theassociation. A11 funds collected by the managerfrom, or on account of members of theassociation, shal1 be deposited in a commercial
bank account specifically established to handlefunds of the association or in an incomeproducing account on behalf of the association.
No commingling of funds will be allowed and all
employees of the manag'er will be bonded.
f) Mail notices of del-inquency to any memberof the association in arrears, and exert reason-able effort to collect delinquent accounts.
S) Examine all expense invoices for accuracy
and pay all bills in accordance with the terms ofthe applicable agreements.
h) Prepare a year-end statement of opera-tions for association members.
i) Maintain complete books and records ofthe project in accordance with generally accepted
accounting procedures.
2. Physical Management. The manager wilLprovide the supervision for all interior andexterior repairs incLuding the following:
a) Sewer and water service.
b) Unit interior repair.
c) Garbage service.
d) El-ectricity and bulbs for common area
lights and interior l-ights.
e) Maintenace of walkways.
f) Trimming of trees and shrubbery as may
be required.
g) Removal of leaves and tree cuttings.
h) Cleaning of parking areas.
i) Repainting of parking guide lines as may
be requJ-red.
j) Mowing and edging of grass in common
k) Fertilization of grass and shrubbery in
conmon areas.
1) Painting and maintenance of all outside
areas of the structure of the project as may be
m) Cleaning of common area rooms and
recreational facilities.
n) Maintenance of driveways and outsideparking areas which are part of common eLements.
o) Maintenance of the exterior of the struc-ture and roof of the structure of the project.
p) Maintenance and cleaning of the sidewalksin and about the project grounds.
S) Maintenance and cleaning of the garbage
and trash areas.
r) Servicing and maintenance of the centraltelevision cable system.
s) Maintenance and service of the project
facilities, including but not limited to, guest
facilities, desk facilities, porter and bellhopfacilities, manaltement office and relatedfacilities.
3. Administrative Management. The manager wouldprov service including
the followinq:
a) fn"p..t contractual services for satis-
factory performance. Prepare any necessary
compliance letters to vendors.
b) Obtain and analyze bids for insurance
coverage specified in the bylaws of the
association and recommend modifications or
additional coverages. Prepare cl-aims when
reguired and follow-up on palmenti act as theassociation's representative in negotiating
c) Exercise close liaison and supervision
over all personnel to insure proper operational
maintenance and to promote good management-
rnember relationships.
d) Act as liaison for the association in
any negotiations or disputes with local-, federal
or state taxing agencies or regulatory bodies.
e) Exercise close supervision over hours
and working conditions of employed personneJ- toinsure compliance with wage and hour and work-
ments compensati.on laws.
f) Assist in resolving the problems ofindividual members of the association as thevpertain to the association.
d) Term. The term would be from year to year witha-cancellation clause of 90 dals prior to theexpiration of the calandar year.
e) Management Fees. The manager would be paid anonthly fee for its services.
In summary, the manager of the project wouLd be providing the
same services as any manager for any condominium project excepthere the service Level is more intense and administrative dutiesare more time consuming.
6. Budget. The preliminary budget would be as setforth on the atta'6Ed exhibit.
7. Transportation. A private van would be maintainedior the projecE.li--aEiliffii-to puttic transportation provided forthat area. A pedestrian and emergency vehicle link does exist
between Cascade Village and the pioject. The applicant would bewilling to share in the cost of any improvements to such accessalong with the other users of the easement.
8. The following time share projects are currently inthe Vail and Avon area:
Christie Lodge. Christie Lodge is composedof 280 units and 35 units remain to be sold.
The anticipated seII out should be by wintersend. The pricing ranges from approximatel-y
$6,000 to $12,000 with an averaqe price of
$8'500 per week.
b) Stqeamside. Approximately 250 weeks remain6ie-soni in the third luifaing and 33 unitsin the newest building are presently beingreadied for marketing. The prices rangefrom $6,000 to $13,000 in the third buiLdingwith an average price of approximately
$11,000. A special discounted price wasoffered for the third building to sell the
remaining weeks. The newest building will bepriced between $6,000 to $23,000 per week(The higher price reflecting the availabilityof a 3 bedroom unit). The last building yetto be constructed will contain 39 units.
c) Sandstone Par!. Approximately 300 weeks remain6-Fe soiEEprices comparable to streamside.
Another phase can also be built at Sandstone.
d) Appollo Park and Wren. The projects have been
@sales remaining.
(Beaver Creek time sharing has not been addressed, inthat their product is much higher priced andbasically competes \dith wholly owned condominium
sa1es. )
9. Pricinq for Fall Line. Prices wiLlapproximatery ffiinancing wilrthen market rates for 808 to 90t of the purchaseof 7 years.
range from
be offered atprice for a term
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7:30 p.m.
Approval of 0ctober 25, November 5, 19 and 2? Minutes
2. Booth Creek Tot Lot
Kristan Pritz
7:,50 :
Steve Barwick
8: 15
Larry Eskwith
8: 20
Steve Barwick
Approve/deny the construction
proposed wjthin the $10,000
Background Rati onale: The Va'i 1 Metropol i tan Recreati on
ffi10,000 to construct a tot lot adjacent
to the tennis courts at Booth Creek Park. Two public
meetings were held with residents in the area. At the
second meeting, a majority of the people voted to construct
the playground. Some resjdents were stiil concerned about
the impacts of the playground on their neighborhood. The
staff met with the VMRD on November 14 to update the members
on the work completed for the piayground. At that time, the
VMRD decided that they wouid still be in favor of committing
the $10,000 for the tot lot in the Booth Creek area. The
members agreed that it would be appropriate if the project
continued through the normal Town Council review process.
Staff Recommendation: The staff is recommending that the
@cted adjacent to the tennis courts.
Even though we are reconmending approval , we do feel
strongly that the neighbors' feelings who live adjacent to
the playground should be considered in the design of the
project. Please see the enclosed memo and minutes from our
two-publ'i c meetings to read in more detail the comments made
by residents.
3. Ordinance No. 30, food sales tax on second read'i ng
uested of Counci l : Approve/deny Ord inance No. 30 'on second readi ng.
Background Rationalq: The removal of the exemption of sales
ffived at the last meet'ing on first
reading and is a part of the adopted budget for 1986.
Staff Recommendatjon: Approve 0rdjnance No' 30 on second
read ing.
4. 0rdinance No. 28 regarding larceny on second reading
Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny Ordinance No' 28
on second read'i ng.
Background Rationale: The State laws changed on allowances
ffi fines for those convicted of larceny.
This ordinance would put the Town of Vajl in conformance
with the allowable limits set by State law-
Staff Recormendation: Approve 0rdjnance No. 28, Serjes offfiing.
5. Ordinance N0.32, 1985 supplemental appropriation ordinance,
first reading
of Courlc'! 1: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 32,
Action Requested of Council
of the Booth Creek tot I ot
budget donated by the VMRD.
Acti on
Series on fjrst reading.
Rick Pylman
o. nn
Rick Pylman
Background Rationale: As has been djscussed over the past
few months a number of items such as increased insurance
costs have required that we consider supplemental
appropri ation for 1985. The supplementa'l approprjation
ordinance proposed for first reading at the Evening Meetingwill be presented as well as the total financia'l report for
the Town.
Staff Seco0mendation: Approve Ordinance No. 32, Series offfi9.
6. Fall Line Apartments Time Share Proposal
Action Reouested of Council:Approve/deny the applicant's
the Fal I Line Apartments as a timerequest for redevelopment of
share project.
Eackground Rationale: The proposal to convert the Fall Line
Apartments to interval ownership condominiums requires 3
separate approval s: 1) C. V. P. to a] I ow t'imeshari ng i n the
HDMF zone district; 2) condom'i nium conversion approvai; and
3) approval to amend SDD 7 to remove the employee hous'i ng
requjrements. t,Jhile Planning Commission recormended
approval , the Town Councj l has to review the SDD 7 amendment
and call uo the other items for review.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommendatjon to the Planningffinial of the proposal . The Planning
Commission, however, recommended approval with conditions as
listed in the attached memorandums. The staff recom-
mendation is for denial , as presented to the Planning
Commission for the primary reasons of inadequate parking on
the site.
7. Amendment of Lease Parking Crjteria 0rdinance No. 31, Series
of 1985, on fjrst reading
ueste! o'f Cqqnqil: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 31
on fi rst readi ng.
Background Rationale: The 1977
updating to meet present needs
proposed are to accomplish thjs
Staff Recommendatigrl: Approveffing.
ordinance needs revision and
and goais. Revisjons
(see attached memo).
Ordinance No. 31, Series of
8. Resolutjon No. 35 adopting Policy Statement 85-7
9. Town Manager's Report
i0. Adjournment
7:30 p.m.
2. Booth Creek Tot Lot
3. Ordinance No. 30, Series of 1985, second reading, an ordinance amending Section
3.40.120 Statutory Exemptions of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail by the
deletion from the Sales Tax Qrdinance of the Exemption for Food Sales.
4. 0rdjnance No. 28, Series of 1985, first reading, an ordinance amending Section
9.22.010 Defjnitions to provide that the Town may enforce its larceny ordinance
on the value of the pertinent property if less than three hundred dollars
( $3oo. o0 ) .
5. ordinance No. 32, Series of 1985, fjrst reading, an ordinance makjng
supplemental appiopriations from the Town of Vail general fund, open space and
capital ifrprovements fund, Vail tnansportation center operating fund, Dobson
ice arena iund, general recreation fund, recreation amenities fee fund, heavy
equipment fund, and debt service fund of the 1985 budget and financial plan fon
the Town of Vai1, Colorado; and authopizing the expenditures of said
appropriations as set forth herein-
6. Fall Line Apartments Time Share Proposal
l. grdinance No. 31, Series of 1985, first reading, an ordinance amending Section
18.52.170 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vaii; providing for the changing
of the minimum lot size for the leasing of private parking spaces within the
Town from 10 to 30 spaces; eliminating a requirement that the private'l ot owner
have a lessee before applying for permission to lease said private parking
spaces; increasing the number of spaces a private lot owner may lease; and
prohibiting the liasing of spaces to businesses based outside the Town limits
of the Town of Vail; and setting forth details in regard thereto.
8. Resolutjon No. 35, Series of 1985, a resolution adopting Policy Statement 85-7
setting forth the intentjon of the Town Councjl of the Town of Vail to
encourige al'l interested groups of cit'i zens to join in the combined community
effort to address the important issues presented by the VaiI Mountajn
Deveiopment Plan and the 1989 !{orld Alpine Ski Championships
9. Resolutjon No. 36, Series of 1985, a resolution setting a new date for a pubiic
hearing to determine if certain territory proposed to be annexed into the Town
of Vail compljes with Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., as amended, to
establish whether or not said area is eligible for annexation under the
Municipal Annexation Act o:f 1965, as amended.
10. Action on Lease for Vendetta's Deck
1.\pproval of October 25, November 5, 19 and 22, L985 Minutes
11. Town Manager's Report
L2. Adjournment
EUSES/ $ t
Avg. A&08uilding
Avg. Ai l Seasons
Avg. Apollo Park -
Avg. Cha let Road tt
Avg. Chapei rt
Avg. Charter 8us Lot *t
Avg. Christ iana
Avg. Cnossnoads
Avg. Edelweiss
Avg. First Eank Vail t
Avg. Garden of the Gods ++
Avg, Golden Peak *r
Avg. Holiday Inn/House
Avg. Kiandna/Tal isman
Avg. Lodge At Vail/South
Avg. Manor Vai I
Avg. Ore lJousa r*
Avg. Pepi's **
2/16 Ramshorn
Avg. Riva Ridge North
Avg. Riva Ridge South
Avg. Riverhouse
Avg. Ror,rhouses
Avg. Sitznark 81d9. +
Avg. Ski C'lub Vail **
Avg. Soccer Field )tt
Avg. Sonnenalp
Avg. Texas Tornhomes
Avg. Tivo li
2/16 lyrol ean
lvg. Vai l Associates tt
Avg. Vail Athletic Club
Avg. Vail Trails East/ltest
Avg. Vail Village inn
Avg. Villa Cort ina
Avg. Vil la Va I hal lalvg. Vil lage Center
Avg. Vor I aufer
Avg. 9ard Res idence
Avg. lli I lors
Avg. l{ren
t 'l nE
14 50 3.6
89 80 0.9
50I 30 1.4
1?5?0 31 1.6{ 36 9.011.5 39 2.0
13080 136 1.099.5 125 0.7132 t8t t. l123 190 1.5
1615.5 26 Ll
ln aq ,| ntv aa a.zr8 13 0.710 5 0.522 33 1.5'21 36 0.9
8017 30 0.911 30 2.120 28 0.7l0 18 1.8
1ft0.111 61 1.359 r09 t.325 23 0.912 12 |.072 86 t.223 2l 0.9
{29 12 1.150 80 1.6
't2 t
18 t 16{1l
008330 1231638121 2142 14
t1 r (
21 122t r00022
,1 11
00t19 38t32 40t38tI 41t
0t6 20t63 36t22 71\il 39t2? 56tt7 l3t50 3?t43 34t87 48t
r 11 60t00t5 3tt
0t15 68tI 69t4 80t15 45tll 31t{ 33t-3 -1t6 20tlt 3?t8 29t
0t11 73t2 tll26 t3t5{ 50t13 5?t3 25t50 s8t-3 -ltt
2 50t25 60t55 69t
Percent of Tcta l
Iota ls [/out Coinmarcial Lots
r068.5 2,131 1.6
1068.5 1,?67 1.7
483 309 18123t | 6t s?
t toI t!
I l'lotes: Eased on 3 counts, Feb 16, lB & lilarch 15* 20 stnucture, l6 surfacerr no residentia l units+ includes Gone Creek plaza (10 spaces)
++ lncludes ilystery Lot (ll spaces)^ jncludes 6 enployee spaces (west lot)- csuld not access stpuctufe
ovERAtt t
N0. SKIERS t5000
|t0 cAR
CAR AT HolilE 03.1
TRAI{SP0 CTR 03.1peo/c
suliililT oAY
c010. 0't'IIGHT
0/s 0'fiIGHI
86 5?00600 3t565 25s0 t50{5
0900 t50r50 1500
210 315 881 18901200 900 111 210330 22s 656 9985t0 150 621 120830 23 29 532t0 135 l?t 358120 68 llt 158300 135 251 3683000 2250 2850 5250
21 r200 150
030000 t65
129 735
rst tgt
2250 28505t8 599312 31322 2160 18
09196 1629 64
I 155
I t0
r 00l
37?3 CARS
330 360 681 8{0180 68 200 2102r0 {5 86 r58120 1s 86 158{50 20? t28 ?351?10 1530 1368 3150
28503000 | 500t
btatement of l'urpose
Communiw leaders, sensialre senous nature of the economic, social and gliponmental challenges that face Vail, havc
organized a concerted cffofplan for the t'uture rather than wait for the furu!happen. The focus of the plan is the ncar
future, and the objective is to make as much progress as possible during rhe neFseveral years.
Given Vail's location, physical configuration, programs, facilities, human resources, rccognized markets, and curtent product
orientation, overall communiry goals for the next several years should be:
1. To recognize that Vail is moving quickly from an economy based on recreation and real cstate to a mature resort
community with a stronger more diverse economic and social base. Marketing the communiry and providing service
to guests rcmains extremely important.
Z. To recognize and strengthen Vail's principal products and servic€s:
o Qualiry of life
r Outdoor sports
r Social recreation
r Business and professional meetings
. Educadon and the arrs
J The mountain environment
3, To set community direction through united leadership.
Reaching these broad goals will require achicving a series of other goals.
l. To develop, maintain and improve communiry support programs that susmin and enrich the lives of tesidents.
2. To assure continuing public and private maintenance and enhancement of major community products and
3. To create or expand programs in undcveloped or new product areas.
4. To market and promote all community products within the framework of a community marketing program that is
coordinated when appropriate with regional programs,
5. To create a master plan that provides guidelines for action, cstablishes procedures for monitoring ptogrcss, and
recognizcs the special needs of neighborhoods.
There are nine sections to the plan that have been developed by community and business leaders. Thc sections are Social,/
Culrural/Educational, Parks and Recreation. Economic Considerations, Transporation, Community Design, Utilities,/Public
Services, Water Use./Water Quality and Air Quality,
Social./Cultural,/Educational Considerations
The community should improve communicadons with residcnts and guests.
r Establish central information clearing houseo lmprove use of radio, community television and print mediar Place kiosks in key locations
r Continue improvement of guest r€lations progtams
r Produce wcekly and monthly communiry bulletins
Vail should develop and improve educational, recreational and social programs for children.
Vail should improve as an educational and intellectual cultural center.
r Promote Colorado Mountain College
o Research opportunities for attracting other educational institutions
o Promote seminars and conferences
o Develop facilities to provide for these activities
r Develop process and encourage art in public places
The Vail Town Council should appoint an ad hoc six-month committe€ to study the desirability
permanent committee on arts and education that would develop art and education programs
enrichment and for economic development.
Programs should be encouraged that develop the human, spiritual, physical, soclal and mcntal
. Support drug awareness and education programs
. Support mental health programs
o Support other social programs
Vail should make every effort to maximi2e the use of its recrearional facilities and resources.
o Comprehensive use plan for Dobson Arena
e Bike paths
o Gore Creek and other streams
r Vail Mountain
o Forest Service lands
a Cross-country trails
o Eagle County schools
o Eagle County
o Parks
r Open Space
r Tennis facilities
of establishing a
for community
resources of thc
2. ' Vail-should recogni:e th"t ...r.".ion"lortunities expand its economic base and "ho.rlf-ot. the recreationalproduct effectively.
r Produce recreation guide
r Encourage recreational events that provide national and international stature,
Vail should develop a parks and recreation master plan.
r Ford Park is the top priority.
A short-term commission should be created to:
a Evaluate the economic poaential of greater use of Dobson lce Arenar Research the potential for expanding recreational opportunities (e.g. Olympic raining facilities, sports medicine)r Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of establishing a recreational board
r Explore creative ways of funding recreational programs and facilities
Vail should provide relatively undeveloped open spaces accessible to the core areas (e.g. walking paths and benches
along Gore Creek, corrversion of portions of those paths ro cross-country ski trallsi. -
Economic Considerations
1. New growth and revitalization are essential to the continued success of Vail,
r Hotel rating system
r Neighborhood planning and upgrading
o Special improvemenr districts
o Community incentives and awards programs for upgrading of buildings and sitcso Other rating systems to evaluate community products and faciliries
2. Develop a comprehensive marketing program.
3. The summer season should be significantly developed and promoted.
o Maximize current summer programs, opportunities and facilitieso Study new summer programs, opportuniries and facilitiesr Set up marketing programs to promote the summer season
o Survey summer guests
4. The shoulder scasons also should bc signi{icantly developed and promoted.
r Expand shoulder season educational and cultural activlues
o Encourage complimentary alternative business
o Identify and promore opportunities for recreation, shopping, etc.
a Survey shoulder season guests
5. Study the feasibility of an economic development commission ro organize efforts to direct this activiry.
o Town of Vail, Vail Associates, Vail Resort Association and other interested people represented (5 members)o Economic information
o Study summer economy
r Study the feasibility of building a convenrion facilityr Develop a reliable economic data baser Define the role of municipal government in economic development
6. Employees who provide goods and services to guests should be trained to promore Vail's recreational opportunities.
1. Streets, drainage, bike paths, street ligh6, and signs should be maintained, upgraded and completed.
o Develop ways to finance str€et improvements
2. Vail should continue to have a high quality bus system and should look for long-term fundins.
3. Transportation problems should be studied, solutions found and implemented.
o Develop master circulation plan for Gore Valley
a Four-way stop
r East Lionshead Circle
r Golden Peak
r East and West Vail Interchanges
r Service and delivery vehicles in Vail Village
4. The Town should continue to review the need for additional porking.
5. The Town should conrinue to explore tlxed systems of transportation and other systems to determine the economic
feasibility of using these sys.ems in Vail Village rnd Lionshead.
Transportation links bcrr'r'een Stapleton Airport and Vail should be strengthened and promoted.
The feasibilitv of implementing a transportation system for the upper Eagle Valley should be furrher explored.
The problcms and opportunities of transporting people to Colorado and Vail by air and rail should be explored.
A long-term funding mechanism for transporration systems should be provided.
Develop strong and effective relattonship with Colorado Highway Deparrmenr ro resolve problems on lnrerstate 70 and
the trontage roads.
Comrnunity Design
l. Detailed physical planning should take place to insure planned, informed decisions about land use.
o Develop a comprehensive series ofplans; Gore Creek and its tributaries, master plan and landscaping plan for the
entire Core Valley, master plan for Vail Mountain, landscape plan for Town of Vail, master plan foi parks and
recreation, neighborhood and land use plans.
. Create design guidelines for the communiry and for neighborhoods.
2. Upgrading and remodeling of structures and site improvements should bc encouraged.
r Stimulate community awarenessr Incentives
3, Thc Town of Vail should make long-rangc plans to meet needs for employee housing
+. '*A process should be established for defining neighborhoods and for planning neighborhood improvements.
t A sense of neighborhood identity should be fosteredo Inforrn neighborhoods of zoninq and land use decisionso Set up private/public loint venrures for improvement
5. Maintenance and upkeep should be a priority of properry owners and of the town.
r Completely finish site improvements and landscapinga Create special improvement districts
6. The Town of Vail and Vail Associates shculd formali:e Vail Associates' dedication of land to the Torvn.
7 . The Town should continue to preserve unique natural features as open space or park land to enhance rhe lualiry oflifein Vail.
8. When pine bark beetles, Canadian thistles, or other natural infestations threaten the environment. rhe Town should
set up a preventatrve program.
r Reforestation plan
9' Acquiring key parcels of land through rhe purchase of development rights, fee simple gifts or purchases financially
feasible and other measures should be a Town prioriry.
10. Landscaping and signs that complement the environment should enhance entryways to rhe Town and to nerghborhoods.11. The community should stimulate activity and improve ambience within the core areas.
. Street lighting
. Streetscape planning and desrgn
a Street events, entertainment and special events. Aesthetic and effective signage
Utilities,zPublic Services
All new utiliry distribution and service lines should be located underground and the Town should work wirh utiliw
companies to bury all above-ground lines.
The Town should continue to work with utility companies todevelop contingency plans that can be use<l *hen there arepower outages or when various utility systems are unavailable.
The Town should institute a system to regulate the design and placemenr ofall utility systems for safety; aesthetics, andother factors affecting the welfare of the community.
The Town should continue to supply the various public service companies with development statistics and other dataso the companies can measure present and future demands.
Water LJse./Water O'ality
Surface water, underground warer, and related ecosystems should be protected from depletion and deeradation.
The Town should cdntinue the use of water saving devices and techniques in existing and proposed ,levelopments.
The Town should make the stro:rgest possible efforts to keep Gorc Valley water for the Gore Vallev.
Minimum stream (lows should be determined and maintained,
Reservoirs and other water projects should promote the most beneficial, efficient use of water resources.
The Town should work with the Colorado Division of Wildlife to improve the fish and wiltllife habitar of Gore Creekand other streams within rhe Gore Valley.
o Gold medal srream designation for Gore Creek
The Town should continue to u'ork with the Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation Districr to ensure the etficient, costeffective provision of water and sanitation servrces,
Air Quality
The To*'n should continue to monitor arr quality in the Gore Vallcy and, rvheo deemed approppare and necessary,shouid study and implement measure to control air quaiirv-
Thanks to the task fbrce members, Town C.ouncil, Plannrng and Environmental Commission, crrirens of the communrty andTown sraff who have spent many hours working on ,Jeveloping rhis pian. Success ol thc plan wrll bc in r-pi.-...",ron .t-lhipolicies over the next few vears.
{.r' , r-
A Summary Of
A Socio-Economic lmpacl Analysis of Resort TimeSharing
in Two Volumes
This summary made possible by a grant from:
Captran Resorts International
P.O. Box 06100
Ft. Myers, FL 33906
(813) 472-6400
Prepared for
ol the
Washington, D.C.
Eugene, Oregon
Under the Direction
The Socio-Economic Task Force of the National TimeSharing Council
George l. David, Chairman
eratefi | Acknowledg;rent
ALDA/NTC Officers During Preparation
of The Fesort Timesharing lndustry
ALDA President dnd Chairman - 1980-82
Norman L Conkle. President
Consolidated Development Corp.
Phoen ix, AZ
ALDA President and Chairman - 1978-80
Richard Norman, President
All-American Realty Company, Inc.
Wayne, NJ
Chairman, Nalional Timesharing Council
ol ALDA - 1981-1983
Carl G. Berry, Parlner
Calilornia Resorts
San Francisco, CA
Chairman, National Timesharing Council of
ALDA - 1979-81
Keilh Romney, President
Keith Romney Associates
salr Lake cily, uT
Chairman, National Timesharing Council of
ALDA - 1978-79
Keith W. Trowbridge, Presidenl
Captran Resorts International
Ft. Myers, FL
Sponsors and Contributors Whose Generous Contributions
Made This Survey and Analysis Possible
NTC Socio-Economic
Task Force
George l. David, President
The David Time Share Group lnc.
Stamford, CT
Carl G. Berry, Parlner
California Resorts
San Francisco, CA
Carl H. Burlingame, President
The CHB Company, Inc.
Los Altos, CA
John Reinhardl, Vice President
The David Time Share Grouo Inc.
Stamford, CT
Keith B. Romney, President
Keith Romney Associates
Salt Lake City, UT
Ex olficio
Gary A. Terry, Execulive Vice President
American Land DeveloDmenl Associataon
Washington, D.C.
Keith W. Trowbridge, President
Caotran Resorts Internalional
Ft. Myers, FL
American Inlernational Vacations. Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Bank ot Calitornia, N.A.
Los Angeles, California
Captran Resorts International
Ft. Myers, Florida
DEL Marketing, lnc.
Palmyra, Virginia
Dunes Marketing Group, Inc.
Hillon Head lsland. South Carolina
Fairfield Communities
Knoxville. Tennessee
New York, New York
All-American Realty Co., Inc.
Wayne, New Jersey
Calitornia Resorts
San Francisco, California
Carriage House at Pocono Manor
Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania
Club Land'or Ltd.
Ladysmilh, Virginia
Cox, Castle & Nicholson
Los Angeles, California
Lehigh Corporation
North Miami, Florada
Leisure Resource Group
Austin, Texas
Plalinum Exchange Group
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Resort Marketing Associates, Inc.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Keith Romney Associales
salt Lake city, utah
Bamona, Calilornia
Oriftwood Resorts
Vero Beach, Florida
Holiday Clubs International
Memphis, Tennessee
Investment Corp. of Florida
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Lehman-Pike Oevelopment Co.
Bushkill, Pennsylvania
Lyanne Rennie
Indio, Calitornia
Shawnee Oevelooment. Inc.
Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pennsylvania
Snowmass Inn Resort & Club
Snowmass Village, Colorado
South Seas Plantation, Ltd.
Sanibel lsland, Florida
Suncoast Besorts Pty. Ltd.
Melbourne, Australia
Sweelwater Properlies
Sall Lake City, Utah
Mid-Continent Associates, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Vacation Resorls
Houston, Texas
Vacation Spa Resorts
Las Vegas, Nevada
Resort Condominiums Int€rnalional paul G. Spining & Associatos, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana Dallas, Texas
Helmsley-Spear Hospitality Services, Inc. San Diego Country Estates
The Amerioan Land
Development Association . ! .
is an independent, nonprofittrade association formed, in 1969, to represent the recreational and resort development
Since then it has grown to represeni residential developers as well and today ALDA's membership is interna-
tional in scope. lt includes property owners who are holding land forfuture development or inveslment purposes, and
companies that build, sell and develop:
o Primary residential homes
r Vacation iomes
o Condominiums
o Planned unit develoDments
r Destin4tion resorts
o Retirement and new communities
o Recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds. Mobile home parks
e Timdsharing projects
o Marinas
ALDA is also fortunate to count among its members professional firms and individuals who provide products
and services to the developer - lenders, marketing experts, attorneys, architects, accountants, engineers, adver-
tising specialists, real estate agents, consultants, homebuilders.
To represent a membership which includes such a wide diversity of specialized interests, ALDA organized the
tirst ol its present seven councils in 1976. In addition to the pioneering Resort Timesharing Council (nowthe National
TimeSharing Council), ALDA's other councils are: International Council; Marina Owners, Developers and Operators
Council; Property Owners Council; Residential Development Council; Resort and Recreational/Second Home
Council; and RV Park and Campground Council.
With a f ull range of professional and membership services, ALDA serves as a medium for the exchange of infor-'
mation and ideas among its members and between the industry and the general public, media, government and regu-
latory bodies, and interested business sectors and individuals.
A monthly newsletter, annual magazine, council reports and special publications, such as this survey, provide
the ALDA mem bersh ip and the ind ust ry with im portant ind ust ry research resu lts and a foru m lo r news, featu re articles
and advertising. An annual industry-wide conference/exposition in addition to specialized conferences and seminars
th roughout the year provide opportunities for ALDA members and non-members io meet, discuss and hear about the
latest trends in the business. A strong government relations program ensures that ALDA members are represented on
Capitol Hill and before government agencies and kept informed of legislative/regulatory issues and activities atfect-
ing development interests.
ALDA was founded in response to the real estate development industry's greatest needs in the late'60s ancl
early '70s - a strong code of ethics and an industry-wide response to the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Acl
(ILSFDA), enacted in 1968. In the latter half decade of the 1970s and now in the 1980s, timesharing became a major
new focus within ALDA. Serving the members of ALDA who are involved in timesharing is the National Timesharing
Council (NTC).
Director of Publications & Fesearch: Jeanette E. Smith
Table ol Conlenlr
Sources of Inforniation ..
Consumer Characteristics and Motivations
Consumer Satisfaction
Use of Timeshare
Consumer Expenditures ....
Governmenl' Revenues and Costs
Employment Patterns
OtherExpenditures .... .........12
Other lrpacts ..... 14
A Model,for'Assessing Economic Effects of Timeshare Projects . . ... . . 19
Footnotes -..... ...... ..... 23
Addendum ...25
Timeshare ownership of resort accommodations is growing rapidly lhroughout North America, Europe,Japan, Australasia' and elsewhere. Timeshare projects are no* found in over 30 countries around the world.
In the United States, it is estimated that 3oo,00o timeshare owners now exist in about 500 different prolects.Proiected sales in 1981 are $1.5 billion. As recently as 1978, the market consisted ot only 2so projects with an annualsales of roughly $300 million.l
Nearly any resort area with an established tourist trade is experiencing timeshare development through theconstruction of new units or lhe conversion of existing resort condominium or other overnight lodging units. Inaddition, iimeshare development is becoming apparent in communities with litfle previous expJrience with tourism.Although the bulk of timeshare development is in the form of condominium units, otherforms of accommodations arealso being offered on an interval basis, including detached units, and facilities such as yachts, ocean liners, anc camp-ing and recreational vehicle facilitles. lt is evident that timesharing, as a form of ownership, can be applie<l to a widerange of recreation and other facilities as consumers continue to become increasingly receptive.
In light of such rapid and recent growth of the market, it is natural that resort and other communities askabout the eftects which timeshare development will have on their residents, economy, government, and tol,.ism in-dustry' Timesharing is a relativety new concept which is not always consistent with commonly held conceptionsabout ownership of property. lts uniqueness has contributed to queitions arising in a number of communities aboutwhether timeshare development will bring in a less desirable touiism group, result in excessive and uncofipensatedgovernment cosls, and perhaps even displace current residents.
Thus far, resort timesharing has encountered mixed reaclions from public regulators and localcommuni esin this country. Reactions range from encouragement to neglect to restriction. Several states and municipalitiesalready have proposed, and in several inslances actually implemented, regulations that could readily be generatizedbeyond the local situation.
In the past, most public regulations in the real recreational property market have been crealed for tworeasons, including: (1 ) to protect the individual consumer, such as the various sEc, FTc, and oILSR pieces ot tegis-lation; andlor (2) to protect the host community or the public at large, such as the various taxing, environmentat, andland use regulations.
The image that many persons hold of resort timesharing often has been created by the negatirre publicitycoming forth from the raw land sales industry of the late t96os aid early 1970s. This imageirequeniy consists of aproduct for which a demand has been falsely created, one that is permiated by consumer fraud, gne that is unusedand unusable, and one that does not pay its way in regard to societal costs and benefits. Hence, decisionsare madeand legislation is created that could irrationally hinder future development of the timeshare market.
The broad question of timeshare desirability in a local community involves several specitic issues whichshould be addressed in a non-biased fashion by local decision makers befoie rendering recommendatiom. Some ofthe most important issues include:
l Are the typical consumers of resort timeshares of the "appropriate quality" to make them desirable toattract to the local communitv?
Are timeshare consumers satisf ied with their purchases or is the market wrought with many ot the con-sumer fraud problems associated with the old raw land industry of the past decade?
Do timeshare buyers use their purchase or do the units sit idle, again like the hundreds of thousands ofunused and unusable recreational lots developed throughout the country in the late 1960s and early1970s?
Are the public revenues generated by timeshare development adequate to cover associated publiccosts?
ls employment generated by timeshare development adequate and of a form considered to bedesirableto a communily?
Are overall patterns of public facility use generated by timeshare development appropriate to a healthytourism sector and the community in general?
Information on the above questions is contained in a recent study sponsored by the National Timesharing
Council of the American Land Developmenl Association, The Resort Timesharing tndustry: A Socio-Economic
lmpact Analysis of Resort Timesharing in Two Volumes.2
Besults from this study are summarized in the document at hand. The vast majority of the f indings are posi-
tive toward the resort timeshare industry in regard to the above set of questions. However, two additional points
should be emphasized:
1. The study did not address three evident impacts that improperly developed, marketed, and managed
timeshare projects can create in a local community:a' sales techniques - the hard sales "peddling on the street" approach which frequently r€sutts in: (1)
pressure sales to persons who probably should not be purchasing recrealional property with their
limited discretionary income; and/or (2) disruptive activity to local residents and tourists.
b. Integrallon ol tlmesharc wlth prlmary houslng - industry data has shown that opposition to time-
sharing is more likely to occur in ownership developments than in right-to-use resorts since right-to-
use timeshares are often contained within a hotel or motel where transiency is expected and accepted.c. conversion ol other unlts to llmesharlng - the change in use f rom apartments or other types of resi-
'dential shelter to timesharing which impliesa toss of year-round primary housing forlocal residents.2. Results ol the study cannot be generalized to a/ real 6st8te projects which are termed .,resort tim€-
shares". Many small, marginal-quality projects in poor locations and without proper construction,
amAnities, marketing and management cannot be included in the positive remarks. However, if properly
developed, marketed and managed, there is a wealth of evidence to conclude that a quality resort time-
share proiect will greatly benetit all involved, including the consumer, the developer, and the host
com mu nity.
Sources of Information
Volume One of lhe Resort Timeshailng lndustry was concerned with characteristics ol timeshare buyers.
Questionnaires were maile_d to 26,730 buyers f rom 13 sponsoring companies who either had developed and/ or mar-keted timeshare proiects. Some 33 projects were represented by these 13 companies. Another 6,00b questionnaires
were mailed to members of the lwo majorexchange companies, including 3,500 members of Besort CondominiumsInternational (RCl) and 2,500 members of Interval International (ll).
The questionnaires were mailed in December 1979and January 1980, with a cut-otf date being established ofMarch 15, 1980. Some 9,685 usable questionnaires were relurned for a very high reponse rate ol 36.2 percent. lt is
estimated by ind ustry experts that roughly 215,000 timeshare owners existed in the United States in spring 1gg0. lf thisrepresented the true total, then roughly f ive percent of all existing timeshare owners in the country participated in the
survey. Based upon statistical sampling theory, the high rate of return coupled with the sizeable representation of theoverall population, were more than enough to ensure reliability of the results.
The 9,685 respondents owned timeshares in 183 different proiects throughout the United States, Mexico, and
the Caribbean. The 183 projects included almost all of the large resort timesharing projects in thecountry, and aboutone-half ol the 350 total proiects estimated to have existed in spring 19g0.
Volume ll was most directly concerned with the economic impacts that resort timeshare projects have onlheir host community. In this regard, in-depth case studies were conducted of the following three piolects:
'1 . Kuleana Club nearLahaina, Maui, Hawaii. This project contains 30 timeshare units which are integrated
with 60 wholly owned condominium units. All units contain one-bedroom with 625 square feet. ThL pro-
.iect is adjacent to the Pacif ic Ocean and contains a swimming pool, tennis court, and clubhouse. Ai tne
time of the study, 570 buyers had purchased 1,531 weekly intervals for an 80 percent sellout.2. The Good Life at San Diego Country Estates near the small town of Ramona in San Diego County, Cali-
fornia. lt contains 64 units in eight separate eight-unit buildings, with 32 units having one-bedroom an6
the other 32 having two-bedrooms. lt is in the midst of the several thousand acre San Diego Country
Estates, a large residential-rec reation community. Some 1,400 buyers have purchased a two-weeK
minimum package tor a 100 percent sellout'
3. Sanibel Beach club I I on San ibel lsland, Florida. Th is project was newly constructed f or timesharing ' lt
contains 29 two-bedroom units in eightseparate buildings. Each unit contains 1 '260 square feet' On-site
amenities include ocean frontage, swimming pool, tennis court, and sauna. Here,785 buyers have pur-
chased 1,479 weeks lor a 100 percent sellout'
lnvolved in the th ree case studies were dozens of interviews with local public off icials (both elected and staff )'
a review ol numerous public documents and local budgets, and research into relevant literature describing impacts
f rom other tou rist-rec reation types of markets. whenever possible, comparisons were made between impacts createc
by resort timesharing proiects and those created by othertypes of overnight recreation lodging such as resortcondo-
miniums, hotels and motels.
Consumer Characteristics and Motivations
An initial question that many local communities seem to ask is, "Are the typical consumers of resort time-
shares of the 'appropriate quality'to make them desirable to attract to our community"? In this regard' wnen aggre-
gating the demographic variables of age, education, income, and family type, itappears the timeshare market is com-
posed of a very stable and high quality population. Due to their high income and educational attainment, their age
prof ile and marital status, it would seem they are relatively protected from extreme problems of recessionary trends
in the country.
Over one-half (56.3 percent) had household incomes in 1979 of $3O,oO0 or more, and 17'1 percent had in-
comes of $5o,oo0 or more. The approximate median annual income was about $33'500' By way of comparison' the
median income of all households in the united states in 1979 was only about $16,500.ln a 1977 survey of timeshare
buyers, the median income was only about $23,000.3 lf the medians f rom the two surveys areaccurate' it would mean
that the median income ol timeshare buyers increased about 45 percent in two years. A significant portion of this
increase was due to natronally inf lating incomes during this period. (Average income for all households in the united
States increased roughly 22.2 percentbetween 1977 a;d 1979 ) However, it is suspected that a greater portion of the
increase was due to: (1) increasing costs ol timeshare units; (2i the increasing degree of credibility that timeshare is
gaining amongst hig her income households; and (3) the increasing availability of h igher q uality timeshare proiects in
more expensive and higher quality locations.
The average age of the head of household for timeshare buyers was 45'4 years' over one-half (52'7 percent)
were between the ages of 35 to 54. The vast maiority lf buyers were married couples (89'4 percent)' By contrast' on ly
about 62 percent of all households in the United states "r" no* composed of married couples' only 3'2 percent were
under 25 (most likely due to lack ol discretionary income) and only 4'8 percent were over 65 (most likely due to either
|ack ol discretionary income, a|ready having owned other types of recreationa| properties, or|inding the timeshare-
concept unattractive for a variety of reasons srcrr as neatttt, inconvenience of travel' elc')' lt is significant' however' $rat
almost one-quarter (19.2 percent) of the buyers were in the relatively young age group of 25 to 34 years' These people
can probably not afford to buy a detached vacation home nor wholly owned resort condominium' but are able to
afford the relatively low cost of a timeshare unit lor a week or so, and thereby gaining access to a quality resort'
one of the most interesting findings f rom the survey was the extremely high level of educa.tion attained by
timeshare buyers. over three-quarters (75.8 percent) of the respondents had attended college' with over one-half
(54.9 percent) being college graduates, and 31 .4 percent having done graduate work The median number of years of
education attained Uy ,"Jpo-nO"nts was 15.4 as compared to the national average of only 12 5'
In regard to why people buy timeshares, the most f requent responses were the opportunity to save money on
f uture vacation costs and the exchange opportunity. Thus, respondents appear primarily inf luenced byf lexible vaca-
tion plans while at lhe same time being interested in holding down f uture vacation costs. Resort timesharing is per-
haps the only type of recreational real property which simultaneously offers these advantages.
A wide array of response was found in regard to the distance between primary home and timeshare unit. Very
few (10.6 percent) live within 50 miles of their timeshare; however, about one-third (32.5 percent) live within 100 miles.
The most common distance seems to be just about 100 miles. while most owners live within close vacation-com-
muting distance of their timeshare, over one-quarter (26.4 percent) live 1,000 or more miles distant. These respon-
dents primarily represent: (1) all owners in Hawaii, Mexico, and the Caribbean; (2) mid-West owners who have pur-
chased in Florida; or (3) East Coast owners who have purchased in the Rocky Mountain states.
The average number of weeks purchased was about 1.8. The vast majority (90.0 percent) of respondents
owned their timeshares at just one resorl location. While the remaining 1O.O percent proportion may appear low, it isinteresting that some timeshare buyers are already beginning to collect not only multiple weeks but also multiple
locations, even though being offered the exchange privilege with other locations.
Consumer Satisfaction
Respondents in the survey were asked, "ln general, how satisfied are you with your timeshare purchase"?
Answers were overwhelmingly favorable with a very high 86.3 percent stating they were either..very satisf ied" (44.6percent) or "satislied" (41 .7 percent). Some 72.5 percent said they would again purchase their timeshare in hindsight.
High satistaction was most apparent amongst respondents who:
1. have owned their timeshare longer
2. have purchased multiple weeks
3. have purchased higher priced units
4. have purchased larger units
5- have purchased for use or because they like the unit as opposed to just purchasing to take advantage ofthe exchange opportunity
6. have used their timeshare
7. have requested an exchange
8. have had an exchange confirmed
9. received their own first trade choice in regard to lhe exchange
1 0. were very satisf ied with their trade
11. felt the exchange privilege was fairly represented by their salesperson
12. are middle age and above
13. have attained higher educational levels
14. have higher incomes
15. have purchased fee-type units
'16. have purchased units in projects originally built lor timeshare.
Another question. in the survey asked respondents to rate their degree of satisfaction for i3 specrfic items.Results are summarized below by listing the percent of respondents who saio they were ,,dissatisf iec," wilh thespecif ic items.
Percent of Respondents
Stating " Dissatisfaction "
With ltems Relating to the Unit
'1. cleanliness of unit
2. storage space
3. kitchen f acilities
4. quality of construction
5. size of unit
6. f urnishings
7. bathroom(s)
Percent of Respondents
Stating "Dissatislaction"
With ltems Relating to the Area or Site
1. shopping
2. reslaurants
3. recreation for children
4. responsiveness of management
5. on-site recreation
6. nearby recreation
| ..t
1 .'l
The vast majority of timeshare buyers appear very pleased with their purchase. None of the items in the firstcolumn which related directly to the unit itselt had a negative response rate of over three percent. only two (cleanli-ness of unit with 2'9 percent and small storage space with 2.2 percent) had more than two percent of the buyers check-ing "Dissatistied"' lt is to be remembered that these responses came from almost 10,ooo timeshare owners repre-senting '183 different projects around the united states and elsewhere.
Rates of dissatisfaction were slightly higher for items in the second column, but again almost negtigible.several of these items were checked by more than lour percent of the respondents, including shopping (6.4 percent),restaurants (5'6 percent), recreation for children (4.6 percent) and responsiveness of management (4.g percent).
extremely high 61.5 percent intended to buy additional timeshares, either at their present resort location(24'6 percent) andlor at another location (36.9 percent). such findings not onty indicate a high degree of satisfactionamongst present owners of timeshares, but also a vast potential demand increase in the overall market. In otherwords, a potential market not only exists with untapped buyers but also with almost two-thirds of the exist,ng buyers.only '18'6 percent of the respondents said they intended to sell their present timeshare and not buy another.Some 40'2 percent stated they did not plan to buy additional timeshare but rainerlust keep what they presenly own.
Use of Timeshare
A trequent argument made in the past against traditional types of recr€ational real properties (recreationaflots, detached vacation homes, and wholly owned resort condominium units) was that they rarely are usect bytheirowners' such does not seem to be the case with resort timeshares. some 62.0 percent of the respondents atready hadvacationed in their own timeshare unit. when combined with the respondents who have taken advantage of theexchange privilege, it appears that about three-quarters of the respondents already had used a timeshare unit of somekind' This is true even though 38.7 percent had made their purchase only within six months prior to the survey.
Some 58'1 percent said they planned to use their interval €very year in the futurs. Another 28.3 percentplanned to use the exchange privilege every year, lor a total planned timeshare annual use of g4.6 percent. lf thesefigures are generalized to all proiectJ for allseasons of the year, it appears that the issue of th is type of property sittingidle for long periods of time is much less relevant than it has been lorthe traditional types of r€creationat property.
About one-half (55.7 percent) ot the respondenls had vacationed in their timeshare for a seven-day period,
with the average stay being 8.2 days. The average number of visitors per party for the overall stay was 4.0, including
3.0 adults and 1.0 children.
Timesharing frequently has an image of attaining popularity only in peak vacation periods; for example,
winter lor skiing in the Rockies or beaching in Florida, or summer for hiking in the Rockies or boating at Lake Tahoe
and so forth. Many obselvers of timesharing have criticized the concept due to perceived severe peaks and declines
in seasonal use periods. However, according to the survey of almost 10,000 buyers, timeshare intervals have sold well
during all seasons of the year. Based upon a sample of the almost 17,000 weeks purchased by the respondents,
seasonal-purchase ranged f rom a low of 23.9 percent in the fall to a high of 26.3 percenl in the summer.
Consumer Expenditures
A major reason for positive response toward reso rt timesharing by some local public olficials and others
knowledgeable about the market relates lo the economic impacts created by this land use. One very direct way of
analyzing this issue is to describe the exlent of expenditures that timeshare occupants make in the local community.
Respondents rn thi: survey were asked, "During your most recent vacation in a timeshare unit, what would you esti-
mate your pa.ty's average daily expenditures to be in the local area f or each of the following items"? Th is q uestion is of
special importance, so please be as careful as possible".
For eight different items, the respondent was to write in a dollarestimate in regard to: (1) only the most recent
visit; (2) the daily expenditure average; (3) expenditures for the entire party; and (4) expenditures only made in the
local area. Some 6,005 respondents completed this question.
Overall average daily expenditures for the eight items are listed below:
- Overall AverageItem Daily Expenditures
1. Eating out and nightclubs $25.47
2. Groceries and liquor bought in a store 17.02
3. Recreation (movies, green fees, tours, lilt tickets, etc.) 14.00
4. Local shopping (souvenirs, gifts, apparel, etc.) 13.90
5. Rental car 5.10
6. Other overnight lodging besides timeshare unil 2.67
7. Local transportation (public bus, taxi, etc.) .76
8. Other 6.42
lf averages lo r the eight items are acc u mu lated, the overall average daily expend iture was $85.34. The f ollow-
ing paragraphs provide additional detail in regard to consumer expenditures.
1. Eatlng out and nightclubs. This item resulted in the highest average daily expenditure ($25.47). Appar-
ently, even though kitchens exist in the vast majority of timeshare units, occupancy ol a timeshare is
viewed as a true vacation and does not involve extensive cooking by the user. More than one-half (52.8
percent) of the respondents spent an average of more than $20 a day on this item.
2. Groceries and llquor. Many respondents included a hand-written comment in the questionnaire for this
item and "eating out and nightclubs", ststing they brought most of their food from home and did little
local shopping or eating out. Howover, only 1O.6 percent spent an avarage of less than $10 per day and
31.7 percent spent more than $20 per deY.
Becreatf on. Over one-qua rler (27 .5 percent) of the respondents stated they spent no additional money
on recreational activities during theirtimoshare vacation. This implies that either many timeshare useri
are content iust to relax and/or that all necessary recreational activities are provided free on-site. On the
other hand, about another one-quarter (25.2 percent) spent an average of g20 or more per day.
Local ehopplng. This was another item with a fairly high daily average ($13.90). lt also was an item with
extensive disparity between respondents. For example, 32.g percent spent less than g5 per day while
23.5 percent spent more than $20 per day.
Rentaf car, About one-qu arler (22.2 percent) of the respondents rented a car at some time in the local
area during their timeshare vacation.
O'lher overnight lodging. Only 1 1 .3 percent of the respondents stated they spent any money on this item,
which implies the vast majority of timeshare users travel directly from their home to their timeshare unit
without any interven ing overnight stops. lt also appears they mostly return to their timeshare unit at n ight
even it touring the surrounding area during the day.
Local transportallon. Here, the average daily expenditure was only $.76, with the vast majorily of respon-
denfs (90-2 percent) stating they spent no money at all on this item.
Another question in the survey was, "Please estimate your party's expenditures in the local area during your
most recent vacation in a timeshare fortheenllre time you were there. Do not include the occupancy or maintenance
fees charged for the timeshare". Hence, respondents were requested to g ive a singular overall estimate of their expen-ditures during their timeshare vacation, ralher than a daily itemized estimate as requested in the earlier question.
It uias tound that about one-third spent a total of less than $'100, probably representing the few responctents
whose most receht visit to a timeshare was only for one ortwo days. At the other end of the expenditure range were the13.3 percent who spent more than $ j,OOO.
An attempt was made to com pare expenditures by timeshare occ upants and other tourists/overn ight recrea-tionists at the three case study areas. Unfortunately, comparable data were not available for the same groups in allthree areas. However, some findings include:
1. Timeshare occupants at Kuleana Ctub had average total per party expenditures that were: (a) 62.7percent higher than for all tourists to Hawaii;a and (b) 46.7 percent higher than tor occupants ai wholly
ownsd resort condominium units on neighboring islands.s Comparisons are shown in Table 1.2. Timeshare occupants at The Good Life at San Diego Country Estates had average dally per party
expenditures that were 38.7 percent higher than for all tourists to San Diego County.6 Comparisons are
shown in Table 2.
3. Timeshare occupants at Sanibel Beach Gtub ll had average daily per party expenditures that were 1 1 .0percent higher than for all tourists to Lee County, Florida (the county in which the timeshare project is
located).7 Comparisons are shown in Table g.
. See page 8 for TABLE 1
. See page 9 for TABLE 2. See page 10 for TABLE 3
. In sum mary, it appears that timeshare occupants spend considerably more (either on a total visit or on a dailybasis) than do other tourists/recreation ists. Difterences are espacially significant in expenditures for groceries, rentalcars and shopping.
Average Party Total Expenditures,
Kuleana Club, All Tourists to Hawaii and Condominium Visitors
lsland Condo
Visitors3Expenditure Category
Restaurants, nightclubs
Rental car
Inter-island air.
Other transportation
Subtotal (excluding lodging)
Timeshare maintenance and use fees
Lodging or other lodging
$ 32.57
$ 97.42
'lncludes only those who used their own timeshare unit.
2Hawaii Visitors Bureau, "1977 Expenditure Study", as reported in Hopkins and Penseyres (1979);corrected to retlect
prices ol July 1979, using the authors' methodology.
sHopkins and Penseyres (1979); Maui and Kauai only; corrected to July 1979.
'Assumes one round trip trom Honolulu to a neighbor island for timeshare and condo users, cost equivalent lo
average common tare for 1979.
5lncludes tours, attractions, admission fees, etc.
6lncludes gitts, apparel, other retail goods.
San Diego Country
Party Dally Expendilures
Eslates and All Tourists to San Diego
Expenditure Category
San Diego
Country Estates
San Diego
$ s.43
$87.34 $62.98
lTotal from San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau (1979); distribution bycategorylrom San Diego Chamberof
Commerce, n.d. Assumes average visitor size ol 2.7
2Does nol include air or auto travel to the point of accommodation.
Restaurants, nightclubs
Rental sar
Other tracsportation2
Timeshare maintenance and use fees
Other lodging
Average Party Delly Expenditures,
Sanibel Beach Club ll ancl All Tourists to Lee County
Expenditure Calegory
Sanibel Beach Club ll
Lee County
Restaurants, nightclubs
Rental car
Other transportation
Timeshare maintenance and uge fees
Other lodging
$ 4.2s
$91.70 $82.61
lFlorida Division of Tourism (1980). Weighted average of air and auto travelersr assuming equal proportions each.
Data for air travelers are statewide and probably under-represent actual Lee County expenditures.
Governmenl Revenues and Costs
Given that a community has embarked on economic development which involves tourism, a major concern
is the balance between the public sector revenues and costs associated with the various forms this development may
take. Public policy might seek to enhance development with beneficial net effects on the public sector, or at least
avoid development having clearly adverse effects.
Therefore, an important part ol the economic impact study was to develop a set of reliable revenue/cost
ratios in regard to lhe three case study projects. Unfortunately, reliable "leakage rates", (i.e., the proportion of local
expenditures that filter out ol the local community due to the parent company being located elsewhere) were not
available in any of the case study communilies. However, even if a leakage rate as high as 60 percent were assumed
(which is quite unlikely), very positive revenue/cost ratios were found tor lhe three timeshare projects.
Such ratios were calculated by employing an in-depih regression analysis. Public revenues lrom consumer
expenditures, taxes, licenses, etc., were compared with public costs of servicing the timeshare project and its occu-
pants (e.9., police, f ire, roads, sewer, and water).
When a revenue/cost ratio is greater than 1.0, it means that the project is more than paying its way in the local
community; in other words, creating more public revenues than public costs. Revenue/cost ratios directly generated
by the three case studies, assuming a leakage rate of 60 percent, for the counties in which the projects are located
were calculated to be:
Kuleana Club:2.8
Sanibel Beach Club ll: 6.6
San Diego Country Estates:3.5
These results were based on the most conservative treatment ol timeshare accommodations expenditures.
They would indicate an even more favorable revenue/cost balance it a greater proportion of timeshare investments,
beyond just maintenance and use tees, were included as income to the community. For example, timeshare sales
bring funds into a community which can in turn result in investments and enterprise which bring further economic
benefits. Such benef its are not associated with hotel or other rental accommodation development, although rental
income does accrue over a much greater period of time.
A very importanl tactor related to expenditure patterns and public revenues/costs was the f indlng that con-
siderably less seasonality in occupancy is found in timeshare projects than in comparable quality hotels or wholly
owned resort condominium projects. Year-round occupancy is more stable in timeshare projects because owners
probably feel some type of psychological obligation to vacation there for the time they have purchased. Such patterns
are, of course, very important to local merchants, many of whom would appreciate more steady year-round expendi-
ture patterns.
For the two case study projects for which the information was available, the overall annual occupancy rates
were 78 and 85 percent, high by visitor accommodation standards. In the three case siudy communities, only San
Diego rental accommodations (80 percent) approached theseligures. A more general comparison of timeshare occu-
pancy conducted in '1979 showed that in a nationwide study of 60 developers, the average occupancy ol their time-
share units was about 78 percent, compared to 50 percent for rental unils.s
Employment Patterns
Employment considerations in the three case studies included direct employment in timeshare projects, plus
employment created in the surrounding community through timeshare visitor expenditures. The nature of timeshare
accommodations limits the direct employment it ofters compared to that associated with most rental accommoda-
tions. Hotel and motel operations not on ly provide a g reater n um ber of di rect services than timesha re, but also include
more restaurants, shops, or other facilities which offer employment.
The data indicated that timeshare units are among th€ lowest providers of such direct on-site employment. lt
was also evident, however, that this employment was not sub,ect to strong seasonal variaflons, such as was evident in
many resort communiti€s. lt also consisted ol a high proportion of full-timo positions which are useful as primary
tamily income.
Although on-site timeshare employment is limited, employment occurs off-site in restaurants, stores, and
recreational facilities which attract limeshare visitor expenditures. The relatively high non-accommodation expendi-
tures of timeshare parties, compared to the average tourist party will lead to relatively greater indirect emptoyment
generated by timeshare development. The low seasonality of timeshare use also fosters a steady stream of expendi-
tures in the community, hence minimizing seasonal variations in employment opportunities. The greater the propor-
tion of timeshare in a community, the greater this smoothing effect wilt be.
whether overall timeshare relaied employment, on-site as well as off-site, is greater than for rental accom-
modations was not determined in the study. Timeshare visitor party non-accommodation expenditures well in excess
of those for the average party will probably produce indirect employment which will easily olfset the more lirnited
employment in accommodations firms. A more similar level of such spending, however, given the labor intensity and
relatively low leakage of accommodations firms, will probably be associated with greaterdirect and indirectemploy-
ment created by rental, accommodations. In any event, the community with a relatively diverse and well developed
commercial sector will capture a greater proportion of visitor exp€nditures, and this ability is of greater imporlance
than small differences in expenditure levels among types ol visitors.
Timeshare development also olfers employmenl during an initial sales phase, setting it apart from other
accommodation types. This is in addition to employment associated with construction and/or renovation. The data
indicates, however, that much ot this employment is created outside the communities in which the timeshare projects
are located, limiting local beneiits. Study data showed that sales employment and expenditures were located pre-
dominately outside the local community in all but Hawaii; in addition, the average local proportion for construction
and renovation expenses was about half. Those com m uniiies with relatively developed economies will be able to cap-
ture a greater portion of these development expenditures, particularly it the developer is committed to palronizing
local firms, and employing local residents.
Other Expendltures
In addition to the economic impacts already mentioned, timeshare projects also contribute other monetary
expenditures to the economic base of both the local area and elsewhere. Such expenditures can bedivided intothree
categories including development, sales, and on-going expenditures.
'1. Development Erpendlturer. As an example of variations in expenditures amongst timesharc proiect!,
some comparisons can be made betwecn tho three casg gtudies. For inatance, land costs ranged from
$1.5 million lor the 5.7 acre site tor Sanibel Beach Club ll to $200,000 for the 5.0 acres at San Diego
Cou nlry Estates. Also, while the latter project contributed $ 194,000 in government tees and applications
(including a $ 120,000 systems development charge), no permits of any kind were required for converting
condominium units to timeshare units at Kuleana Club. San Diego Country Estates paid outside aitor-
neys some $70,000 to prepare the Calilornia timeshare registration f orms, while this fee was only$7,500
for Sanibel Beach Club ll and not originally required for Kuleana Club (atthough the project was regis-
tered in the State of Hawaii since the conduct of the case study).
Design and land planning fees ranged from $11,500 for the 30 converted units al Kuleana Club to
$160,000 for the 29 new units at Sanibel Beach Club ll. The former project, being a conversion, had no
site devslopment costs, while Sen Di€go Co,untiy Estat€ rsquh€d about $500,fiD forthis ltcm. The high
costs of building a new project compared to oonvlfting trom condominiumr ir highly emphasized with
the costs of construction. For instEnce, Kuleana Club erpcnded only $240,000 ln thl! crtegory white
Sanibel Beach Club ll cost about $2 million and San Diego Country Estates about $3.5 million. On a per
unit basis, these totals represent about $8,000, $68,200, and $54,700, respectively.
Due to the lack of complete information from one of the projects, it is impossible to provide overallsummary figures for development costs. However, it is known that over $4.5 million was spent at SanDiego Country Estates in development costs, and about $3.g million at Sanibel Beach Club lt. lt isassumed that considerably lesser amounts were spent at the other project since it was a conversionrather than a newly built project.
These figures represenl an average of about $71 ,000 tor the 64 units at San Diego Country Estates and avery high $132,000 forthe 29 units at Sanibel Beach Club ll.
Despite the etfort to document thoroughly development expenditures made by resort timeshare pro-
iects' it is realized that some items have been neglected. An obvious item concerns contributions madeto leading institutions in the local community orelsewhere. Such contributions include: (a) interest pay-
ments made by the devetoper on construction loans; (b) interest payments made by the consumers ontake-out lOans; and (c) income to designated companies from pre-sales escrow deposits.
2. Sales Expendlture3. Variations in total sales costs were less extreme than f or development co$ts ranging
f rom $1.2 million at Kuleana Club to $3.0 million at San Diego Country Estates. However, the ranges arequite wide when comparing specif ic items. For example, Kuleana Club only spent g78,OOo on advertis-
ing and promotion whereas this figure was $1.2 million at San Diego Country Estates. On a per-interval-
sotd basis, it cost an average of 9965 at Kuleana Club, $1,404 at Sanibel Beach Club ll and $.l,g7S at SanDiego Country Estates.
Estimates by two of the developers in regard to the proportion that sales costs were of totat gross salesranged from 22 percent at Sanibel Beach Club ll to 27 percent at San Diego Country Estates.
3. 'On-Golng Operatlng Erpendltures. Developers ot the three case study proiects also were asked to
. estimate their annual on-going project costs. These total annual costs ranged-from $262,000 at SanibelBeach Club ll to $465,000 at San Diego Country Estates. One of the more significant variations In theseexpenditures is the high property tax paid by Sanibel Beach Club lt ($9S,0OO) compared tothe otherprojects, especiaily Kuleana Ctub (93,640).
Wide variations occur amongst the proiects when reviewing the proportion of expenditures which weremade in the local community. For instance, g5 percent of the development expenditures for KuleanaClub were made in the local area ot Maui County (probably due to the expense of bringing in outsideworkers and the availability of local contractors), and 70 percent of these expenditureJfor San DiegoCountry Estates were made in the small town of Ramona (primarily due to the policy of the emptoyer toemploy local people). Conversely, this proportion was only 13 percent at Sanibel Beach Club ll (ori-
marily due to the lack of local labor lorce).
The bulk of sales expenditures, both for commissions and advertising, were made outside the tocsl areas,ranging lrom 43 percent at Kuleana club to 7l percent at sanibel Beach club il.
When aggregating 46 differenl expenditure items for the three case study projects, it appears that 41 .2 pe..
cent of the total expenditures were made in the designated "local areas" and s8.8 percent were made elsewhere. The123 total units and 4,300 sold intervals generated about $7.0 million in development expendatures and $6.3 million insales expenditures. On a per unit/interval basis, this would represent $56,900 per unit for development expenctitures
and $1 '465 per interval for sales expenditures. Some 52.3 percent of the total dev€lopmenl expenditures were made inthe local areas, as were 28.3 percent ol the total sales expenditures.
In regard to on-going operational costs, the 123 units and 4,300 intervals generated about $1.1 million ofexpenditures from July 1979 through June 1980. This represents $8,943 per unit and $186 per weekly intervat. some43.3 percent of these expenditures were made in the local areas.
Other lmpacts
The purpose of this concluding seclion is to provide some brief and rather subjective insights into compara-tive impacts on public services created by resort timeshare projects, whollyowned resort condominium projects, andtransient overnight accommodations. In regard to the two latter categories, emphasis is on: (I) condominium projectscontaining organized rental pools; and (2) larger hotels/motels.
Comments are bfsed primarily upon conjecture offered by ths author and/orthe various interviewees as panof the field research for the three case studies. Actual veritication on the impacts is dependent upon more extensiveresearch' In each ol the case study proiects, interviews were held with staff f rom numerous public agencies to ascer-tain whether variations in demand for services existed amongst different forms of tourisl accommodations. Un-tortunately, these dozens of interviews resulted in little usable information. No public agency in any three com-munities had any quantitative comparative data. Several interviewed p€rsons expressed subiective commenls butcould provide no supporting numbers. Most conversations resulted in reactions of the, ,,on the one hand, ..., butthenagain on the other hand ' . ." variety. From the three case study communities, at least, it appears safeto conctudeihatno definitive answers yet exist as to which type of tourist accommodation creates most demand for public services:resort timeshare' resort condominiums, or holels/motels. The following sections simply provide some quatitativeinsights which may or may not be entirely accurate. lt should be noted that many of the insights reflecl positively onresort timesharing. Again, these comments are directed toward the larger, higher quality p-rojects. They cannot begeneralized lo the numerous small, marginal quality projects containint, for exampte, a handful of converted mot6lunits with neither recreational amenities nor adequate management.
1' Pollce. Tourists in general usually place more demands on the public service ot potice protection inresort areas than do permanent residents, not because they themselves commit more crimes, but because they aremore vulnerable to burglaries. concentrating on enjoyment and recreation, they frequen y torget the usuat protec-tive procedures of locking doors, not leaving valuables in the car, finding a safe place in the residence to hide valu-ables, and so forth.
Resort timeshare occupants perhaps are less vulnerable than the more transient hotel occupants due tobeing better acguainted with their living space (for safe storage) and hence being less apt to keep valuabtes in theircars.
Timeshare projects tend to have higher year-round occupancy rates than do hotels and especially resortcondominium projects. on the one hand, this is positive toward timeshaiing because burglary rates tenct to be higherin these units' However, larger hotels otten have an internal security lorce *hich f requent'iy handles many probtems.In timeshare projects and most resort condominium projects, the lirst telephone call upon the occurrence ot a pro-blem is made to the local police station.
' 2. Flre. Interviewed staff from local lire departments in the three case study communities report that moreserious lires probably tend to occur in hotels due to a higher degree ot transient occupancy, the possibitity ot majorkitchen or electrical tires, etc. However, these buildings are probably better serviced witn tire preventive facilities.They also more frequently have their own internal fire brigade which has received advanced training. Fewer trainedemployees usually exist in timeshare and resort condominium projects. Also, the frequency of firesln the tatter twotypes of projects is probably g reater bocause most units have their own individual kitchen. Occurrence ot fires intourist accommodations was not cited as a serious problem in any of the three communilies.
3. Roads. Shorter-term, more highty transient residonts in hotels probably u8e the local road,/highway sys-tem more intensively because they spend a grealer proporlion of theirtimc sight-seoing. Timeshare and reson condo-minium occupants probably undertake sight-seeing in a more leisurety manner due totheir longer average-stay-per-visit. The amount of sight-seeing is, of course, dependent upon the surrounding attractions and the supply and qualityof on-site recreational amenities.
lmpact on local roads raises an important question which can be generalized toaseriesof other impacts andis basic to the entire tou rism ind ustry. The issue conc€rns a com mu nity's willingness or hesitancy to welcoms tou rists
on a year-round basis versus just during seasonal peaks. Forexample, local opposition to resort timesharing has been
raised by some sectors of the Sanibel lsland community. There, occupancy of resort timesharing is quite high
throughout the year, whereas occupancy of resort condominiums and hotels/motels tends to peak during spring and
winter and fall off considerably during summer and fall. Many Sanibel lsland residents are opposed to high year-
round occupancy because it creales constanl use of local public services, road congestion, etc., and does not allow
periods of low-use. Other sectors of the Sanibel lsland community support resort timesharing because year-round
high occupancy creat-es a more stable economic situation due to consistent expenditure patterns in local stores,
restaurants, and other places.
4. Recreallon. Since occupants of timeshare and resort condominium units tend to have longer visits than
do hotel occupants, they perhaps place greater demands on local public parks and recreational lacilities. This, of
course, depends upon the extent, type, and quality of on-site recreational amenities. Local residents probably prefer
timeshare projects.which provide a full-range ol on-site amenities, thereby making them more self-contained.
5. Solld Waete Dlepoeal. According to interviewed local staff, limited variation probably occurs with
demand for th is pu blic service amongst the th ree types of tou rist accommodations. Larger hotels generate m uch solid
waste due to their extensive kitchen/restaurant facilities. On the other hand, occupancy rates tend to be higher in
timeshare projects altd the vast majority of the units have their own individual kitchens.
6. Publlc Ulllllles and Energy. lt is probable that hotels make more per visitor party demands on energy
sources (electricity, gas, and oil) and waterand sewerfacilities than do resorttimeshare and condominium projects.
This assumptidn depends upon occupancy rates, extent of internal facilities, and so forth.
Most larger hotels have theii own kitchens, restaurants, laundries, and other support tacilities, all ol which
require extensive servicing by water and s€wer. Potential major servicing problems are greater in larger kilchens due
to clogging of grease traps and breakdown of other machinery.
On a per unit basis, timeshare and resort condgminium units probably make greater demands because of: (a)
the h igher f requency of individual kitchens; and (b) the fact that the occupants probably spend more time in their u n its
than do the more transiant hotel occupants which creates more opportunities for showering, hand washing, toilet
flushing, and so forth.
Complaints about perceived h igh-number-of-persons-per-visitor-party have been made about resort time-
share projects. Accusations concern a perceived "piling-in" of large numbers ol persons per unit, which in tum would
create greater demands on wator, sewer, roads, and other public services. Responses from interviewed timeshare
developors negate these accusations and imply that their occupancy numbers are more highly regulated than those
in resort condom inium proiects (where on-site management trequently does not exist) or in motels (where it m ight be
economically advantageous to accept more people because higher rates can be charged).
It also is possible that timeshare occupants are more caretul about the amount of water and electricity they
use lhan are occupants of hotels and rental pool condominiums because they (as a group of many owners) end up
paying utility charges through their annual dues/assessments. Occupants of hotels and rental pool condominiums
might be more inclined to ihink, "Since lam paying a high priceforthe useotthisfacilityand since lam not personally
being charged tor the utilities, why be careful about conserving electricity and water?" Admittedly, the extra charges
croated by overuse of energy and water during a one-week stay ina timeshare unil are rather minimal, and may or may
not actually effect use-habits of the occupants.
A Model lor Assesslng Economlc Eflects of Tlmeshare Prolects
A review of the overall methodology of these case sludies is worthwhile for lhose who are interested in lheir replication inother communities or situations. This concluding section summarizes the broad research and oflers a modellor timeshare analysiswhich is intended to facilitate the assessm€nl of timeshare development in a range of circumstanc€s and in a manner which relieson a minimum ol primary dats collection and sophisticated lnalysis.
The approach and primary components ot the model are illustrated on thefollowing page. Overall, therearethree phases:data collection, analysis, and the assessment of the results. Each of these phases has a number of components as well.
1. Dlla Collecllon. The diversity of intormation reguired, and the number ot locations from which it must be cottected,lead to a considerable time commitment. First, the future timeshare visitor must be described requiring a survey, orlhe use of avail-able data it possible, ot estimate expenditures, average party size, length of stay, and other iimeshare visitor characteristics. Datafrom other communities must be used if timeshare is nol established locatty. itrls intormation is used primarily lor the revenue/cost analysis. Second, comparable data describing non-tim€shar€ visitors is necessary for purposes of comparison. Data allowingmote than one comparison group is most usetul since comparisons provid€ somc of the mosl illuminating resijfis of ihe study.Sources lor this intormation include visitor bur€aus, governm€nt res€arch units (such as state or r€gional tourism oftices), plan-nang departments, or private sector development or banking tirms. A certain amount of investigation may be necessaryto unoarthall that is available.
Third' the proposed timeshare resort itself must be described, using data which are generally collected trom the ownerand/or operator. This includes a wide range ot descriptive and economic data covering expected operations, expenditures, andincome and sales. Much of this material is most useful if the study involves comparisons among severat timeshare prolects or com-parisons between tim€share and rental accommodations. However, cerlain data will be necessary in any case, including antici-pated tax payments, employmenl, and occupancy and seasonality figures.
The fourth calegory consists ot intormation on rental and oth€r accommodations against which timeshare will be com-pared. Such data include tax payments, €mployment, and occupancy figures.
Finally' a considerable amount of data must be collected from the community. This includes data on government costsand revenues by category, the latter for a period of at least several years. Such data are collected trom each level of governmentfor which a revenue/cost analysis will be conducted (municipal and county are used in the current study) and may require visits toa number ot ditferent government units. Population and visitor estimates for several years are also necessary tor lhe community.C€rlain other data used in th€ revenue/cost anatysis are available trom the U.S. government in regular publications.2. Analyrl!. The analysis stage of this study is organized into thre€ components. The tirst, and most detaitect, is the com-parison of public secior revenues and cosls for timeshare proiects, and a limit€d comparison with rental accommodations. Thesecond component includes an estimation of the direct employment generated by timeshare developments, a briet discussion otindirect employment, and a comparison with other torms ot accommodation. Oveiall, the tevelof detail is more limited than torlhefirst component. A final component reviews a range of timeshare prolect characteristics and presenls a quatitative compansonbetween timeshare and other visitor use ot public facitities and services. The analytic proc€dures used for each component ar€related to the level of detail involved and the quantity ot data available.
3. Dltact Revenue/Cocl Analyllr. The procedure used lor the direct revenue/cost analysis is illustrated on page 22.Analysis begins by estimating public sector costs per visilor-day. Budget expenditure f igures lor an ippropriate and recent p.-eriodare used to represent costs. Departments, programs, or other budget categories are ciosen which iepresent expendilure areasdirectly related to visitor activities. There is some discretion regarding whatls included here, but recreaiion, transponatron, pubticsatety and perhaps facililies such as water and sewer are probably appropriate. Care should be taken lo assess whether thesefigures are reasonably representative of the expenses of a typicalyear, considering inflation. Also, capilat items ininese caregoflesshould be included: the capital expenses for the year chosen can be simply taken as the typical expenditure, or capitalexpenditures can be averaged over several years so as to smooth the year-lo-year variations one typically se"" in
""p,r"r "rp"nr"r.A final step in estimating total direct costs is to remove thosl costs which are covered by transferssuch is federal revenue sharing,block grant, lransportation or other funds. Removing these amounts yields the net expenses which must be coverect by tocalrevenue sources.
A portion of these costs are allocat€d to visitors depending on thair average proportion in lhe area's poputation over th€period studied. Average population figuros are summed with the annual average visitor census to yield ihe total number ot resi-dents and visitors to whom government costs can be attributed. D€riving th6 averages can be difficult in communittes with highlyseasonal visitor andlor resident population. However, il is important to include all visilors, if possible, so as to avoid over_estimating per-visitor costs. Finally, the total net direct cost figure is divided by the average resident/visitor population to yield theaverage cost per visilor-year (assuming lhe period study in oneyear). Notethatthis is the same cosl one would assign to a residentlor a year' an assumption implicit in this cost allocation approach. This cost per visitor-year, multiplied by the totat number ofvisitor-years generated by the prolect under analysis, gives lhe total dir€ct costs ihe project generales.
Evaluation Model
Timeshare lmpacts
TIMESHARE DATA (lndividuat Projects and Visitors)
OTHER VISITOR DATA lerolects and Visitors)
o Direct Effects. Total Effects
. Direct Effects. Total Eftects
I Project
Characteristics. Facilities Use
Estimating visilor-related public sector income is somewhat more complex due to the variety of sources trom which it is
derived. The model used is based on the premise that certain revenues derive trom visitor expenditures and the economy activity
they generate in lhe local community, and a portion from property tax and other levi€s on the timeshare project itselt.
Direct revenues derived lrom visitor expenditures are considered in lwo categories. The tirst consists of tax and other
income on that portion oJ expenditures which is leaked out ol the community immediately afler being received by individuals and
firms in the area. lf leakgge rales are available in the community under study they can be used at this stage. The current studyem-ploys a range ol leakages to compensate tor these values being unavailable tor the case study communities. Locat taxes which
most commonly apply to such leaked expenditures are sales orexcise taxes, but othertaxes, such as a room tax, might be included
as well. To summarize, the total revenues from this source consisl ot:
revenues trom leaked expenditures = (total visitor
expendltures) x (proportion leaked from the community)
x (local tax rate on expenditures).
In some cases, there is no income in this category since lhe government unit had no sales or other expenditure tax.
Estimating government income on the portion of expenditures which is retainsd in the community makes use of his-torical data on tax and olher revenues for the government unit involved. Estimating this relationship involves analyzinE govern-
ment revenues over a period ol at least several years, comparing changes in revenues tc ;hanges in personal income ot community
residenls. The maior assumptions are: (a) that historical relationships between the income ol community residenrs ano govern-
ment revenues will hold; and (b) that all visitor €xpenditures which do not leak out of the community can ther€tore be considered
direct income to community resid€nls. The lormula is as follows:
revenues trom detained expenditures = (revenue elasticity)
x (revenue proportion of income) x (income from tourist expenditures)
Revenue elasticity is the change in government revenues which is associated with a change in community income. In a
community with a tax system which is responsive to increases in its residents'incomes, this would have a value of more than l.O.
Elasticity values can be estimated using relatively simple tabular techniques as in this study, or if more data are availale, the use
of statistical regression analysis is appropriate.
The revenue proportion represents that percentage of community income which is collected as go\€rnment revenues.
Transfer payments should be excluded lrom the revenue figuresso as to beconsistent with excluding such payments trom thecost
tigures calculated earlier. Most other lorms of income should b6 included, however such as prop€rty taxes, te€s, assessments, orolher sources ol local government income. These figures are typically available trom budget documents of the government units
involved. lt is necessary that these documents list transfer payments separately, on both the revenue and cosl sides, so rney may
be deleted.
The income gained f rom this portion ol tourist expenditures will always be larger than that gained from leaked expendi-
tures since it includes whatever direct levies exist on visitor expenditures but adds to these the less direct income gained from indi-
viduals and lirms who receivo this income. In Some communities, the only direct revenues trom tourist expendilures derive from
the proporlion ot expenditures which is not leaked.
The revenue elasticity and revenue proportions of income ligures are derived from past financial records of the com-
munity and hence represent conditions of the pasl. In some cases, these conditions may show considerable change, limiting the
appropriateness of using these ligures to represent the situation in the future. This was the case in San Diego County, where
changes in tax laws altered the mean; by which local government is lunded and made past tax collectaon performance unreDresen-tative of future conditions. In such cases, the use of this methodology requires estimating the necessary tigures from other
sources, such as previous studies, secondary data, or protessional iudgments, and decreased the reliability of the revenue esti-
mates derived.
The third and final componenl of revenues are those levies paid directly by the pro,ect in the torm ot property taxes,
license fees, or olher on-going assessments. Only those levies which accrJe to the government unit under study should be
included: that is, if the municipality is the unit ol sludy, non-municipal levies should be excluded, such as county or staletaxes. Inthis study, school taxes were excluded from direct revenue calculations since school costs were considered indirect costs of
tourism development. These laxes w€re included in ostimales ot ths total revenu€ gainod by the community. The totaldirect reve-
nue figure can then be derived by lumming tho revonuos from lsaked and rctained expondilures and lrom direct levi6s.
/ cosr
' on'--
The CHB Company, lnc., Los Altos, CA
Richard L. Ragatz Associates, Inc. (1981). The Resort Timesharing lndustry: A Socio-Economic lmpactAnalysis of Resort Timesharing in Two Volumeg American Land Developmeni Association, Washing-ton, D.C.
Richard L. Ragatz Associates, Inc. (1979). Timeshare purchasers: who They Are, why Thay Buy,CHB Company, Inc., Los Altos, California.
Hawaii visitors Bureau (1978). "i927 Hawaii visitor Expenditure survey," Honolulu.
Hopkins, Michael, and Marjorie_Penseyres (1979). "Study of Resort Condominium Visitor Expendi-turos," prepared for the Hawari Resort Dovelopcrs conference, Jun€ 1g7g.
-..san Diego Gonvention and visitors Bureau (19791. visltor tnduEtry Digost, D€csmber.
Fforida' Division of Tourism (1980). stafewide Quarterly Roportl, Oflice of Marketing Res€arch,Tallahassee.
Romney, Keith and Associates (1979). Unpublished report produced by Keith Romney and Associates.
- During the interim period of time between completion ot The Resort Timesharing tndustry: A socio-Economic lmpact Anatys.is of Resort Timesharing in Two Volumes and the publication ot the Summarycontained herein, Richard L. Ragatz Associates, Int., has completed three adclitional nation-wide surveys otthe resort timesharing market. These include: (1) a 1981 survey of about 300 timeshare owners in the UniteclKingdom f rom 10 diff erent projects in Europe, which was conducted for the International property TimeshareConference; (2) a 1981 survey of about t,s00 timeshare owners in Canada from 102 differeni proiects incanada and the United States, which was conducted forthe Resort Timesharing Council of Canada;8nd (g) a1982 survey of about 5,200 timeshare owners in the United States from 244 ditterent projects, which wassponsored by Resort Condominiums International. The purpose of this Addendum is to biiefly summarizesome of the additional data in order to provide the reader with the most current information ay;itable on thetimeshare market.
The following tables show how selected items have varied amongst these four national surveys (and anearlier 1978 survey conducted in cooperation with RCI). For the mJst part, results have been quite simitar,although some sublle variations are apparent and are more f ully explained in the f ive individual documenrs.
Selecled ltems 1982 1980 1978usl us, us3
1981 1981
UK' Canadas
l. Consumer Gharacteristics
Average Age
Median income
Average years of education
Average children at home
Percent of married households
45.8 45.4 44.5
$37,500 $33,500 $23,ooo15.1 15.4 't 5.01.0 1.5 1.2
88.3 89.4 92.6
48.8 44.1
$30,400 $40,000n/a 14.50.6 1.490.7 87.7
ll. Timeshare Characlerisllcs
Average weeks purchased
Average maintenance fee
Percent studio u nits
Percent 2-bedroom units
Percent paid cash
1.6 1.8 1.2
$144 $119 $9516.7 10.8 26.9
41.9 60.2 30.1
28.8 32.4 32.0
2.1 1.9
$101 $1235.0 30.872.9 24.O92.8 50.6
lll. Satisfactlon wiih Purchase
Percent expressing satisf action
Percent who would purchase in hindsight
Percent who would buy more
Percent who would sell
Percent salisfied with exchange
78.5 86.3 84.862.s 72.5 78.149.3 61.5 47.6
20.7 18.6 13.987.6 89.6 90.7
89.8 88.1
84.7 73.6
74.0 78.6
14.4 13.5
92.8 90.1
lV. Percent Who Purchased For:
Exchdnge privileges
Save money in f uture
Investment or resale
Like timeshare unit
79.1 71.4 75.365.4 59.4 63.037.3 38.8 38.027.7 30.4 30.0
50.6 74.2
71 .4 71.8
49.6 3'1.6
34.5 28.1
V. Miscellaneous ltems
Percent used own timeshare
Percent requested exchange
Total vacation expenditures
Average distance f rom home
60.3 62.0 57.255.4 36.7 32.9
$540 $507 n/a585 598 nla
32.9 66.712.6 35.0
$430 $644364 1,441
1. Timeshare Purchasers: Who They Are, Why They Buy - 1982 Edition. Availablefrom Richard L. Ragatz
Associates, Inc.,998 Ferry Lane, Eugene, Oregon 97401, (503) 686-9335.
2. The Resort Timesharing lndustry: A Socio-Economic lmpact Analysis of Reso/t TimeSharing in Two
Volumes. Available from National Timesharing Council, American Land Development Association, 1000
16th St., NW, Suite 604, Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 659-4582.
3. Timeshare Purchasers: Who They Are, Why They Buy. Published by the CHB Company, Inc., Los Altos,
4. United Kingdom Timeshare Purchasers: Who They Are, Why They Buy. Available lrom Richard L. Ragatz
Associates, Inc.
5. Canadian Timeshare Purchasers: Who They Are, Why They Buy. Available from Resort Timesharing
Council of Canada, Ste 1903, P.O. Box 12, TorontoDominion Bank Tower, Toronto, Ontario, MsK 1A8,
(416) 361-1207, 868-1900.
The Authors
RICHARD L' RAGATZ has been active in research and analysis of the vacation and recreational land markets
since 1965. His Ph.D. dissertation from Cornell University is recognized as the first thorough document written on
these topics, and he lias published extensively in both scholarly journals and trade magazines.
His academic background includes a Ph.D. degree in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University, a
Master's degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, and a Bachelor's degree in Geo-
graphy from the University of California. In addition to consulting activities, his related professional experience in-
cludes: Professor; Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Oregon (1969-8 l ), Assistant prof essor,
Department of Housing and Design, Cornell University (1966-1969), and research positions with the Center for
Housing and Environmental Studies at Cornell University.
DEAN R-UNYAN has participated in a number of research studies regarding tourism and vacation housing.
His work has emphdsized the economic and social aspects of tourism and recreation and has been published as
reports and in academic .journals.
He received his Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Michigan. Previously, he earned
a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering f rom Michigan and a Bachelor's degree in Engineering f rom the University
of California at Los Angeles. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and
Regional Plan ning at the University of Oregon (1978-1981). Previously, hewasAssistant Professorinthe Department
of Urban and Regional Planning at the University ol Hawaii (1973-1978), and held research positions at the Hawaii
Environmental Simulation Laboratory in Honolulu and the Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor.
Application for Modification
to sDD *7
Name of AppJ.icant: M-K Corporation
Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle
Vail , Colorado 8f657(303) 476-4444
Representative of AppJ.icant: Jay K. Peterson
Address: P. O. Box 3149
Vail , Colorado 81558
3. Aut
4. Location of Proposal:
a) The Marriott Mark Resort
715 West Lionshead CircleVail , Colorado
b) Fal-l Line Apartments
1500 Matterhorn CircleVail , Colorado
(See Attached Exhibit for Legal Descriptions and Owners)
a) Parcel- 3 is The Marriott Mark Resort
b) Parcel 4 is the Falline Apartnents
ization of Property Owner:
Addendum to Application
The specific request is to anmend SDD +7 to delete the
requirement to supply employee housing for a period of eightyears.
The original ordinance passed on February L, 1977 adopting
SDD #7 had no requirement for employee housing, however, thePlanning Commission approval for Phase III of SDD *7 passed inApril , 1981 reguired that the Fall Line be used for employee
housing for the Marriott Mark Resort.
(See Condominium Conversion Application for Back Up Data)
LiEt of Adjacent Property Owners
I. Vail Spa
710 W. Lionshead CircleVail , Colorado 81557
2. Antlers
68Ow. Lionshead place
Vail , Colorado 81657
3. Enzian
510 W. Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 8l-657
4. llontaneros
641 w. Lionshead CircleVail , Colorado 81657
5. Lionsquare Ipdge
650 W. LionEhead CircleVail, Colorado 81652
6. VaiI Associates
Box 7vail, colorado gL55g
,.'/^6y,"/ M/rv/r ,,
oa 2173 Foru 23tl
Fllc No. VOOO69tl
Pollcv llrtrt @TOBER 19r 1984 rt 8ro0 A'll'
Nrmo of lnruredr
oq-Lr,lBIA EAVtl{os' A FEERAI- 6Avlil06
Pollcv No. E167277O
firount --Lorn I
ln thlr Schedule rnd
Thc crtrt. oF tntercrt
rhlch lr encunbered bY
Thc crtrt. or tntcrett
vorted lnl
tn thc lrnd drrcrlbrd
thc lnlured rortruc
Frfcrrad to henctn lr rt Drtr of PollcY
Ilxetsen E. nfficus
PffiCEL 6I
lrtlrnncntl thcroof, 1f tnv' trc dcrcribed rr follousr
TRIsTEE OF EAoLd-iouruiv FoR TllE Uie'Or Cournnre-sAVtt{G9' A FEIERAL
sAVINGS AND LOAN eiioclerron ro iicune THE S|xr oF
tN BOOK 9'97 Af PAGE 996.
ASSIoI.|T.|ENT OF R€;Fa yene nEC0RDED-OCTOBER 19' l98rt lN BooK 397 AT
FACE !99 AND BOOK 397 AT PAGE 600.
Prlc ? Thlr Pollcv vrltd onlv lf Schcdulr B lr lttrche<l'
2/73 Fora 23tl
Ftlc No' VOOO691l
Po I lcv No, 81672770
Amount f991'97O./t9
Lorn I
6,Thc ltnd ncfrrrcd to ln thlr rollcv 1r rlturtcd tn EABLE Gountv'
Colorrdo, rnd lr dcrcrlbod rr follotrr
vrlid onlv if 6chodulr B lr rttrchcd'
GTOBER t7, l97A IN 8Fx;]/r-, ?76 AT PASE 606 ff{D IIAROH 22r 1979 IN Foo(
r,lr.rrr nos. A, B, Cr F, H, .J, K AND L tN AccoRDANeE NITH TtlE
te3 AND Tt{E Co}tDoilir.riUl }tAP R€coRDED nARCH 14' IIAO lN BCff 3OO AT
iiciceEs-iz-iliruies 2r sEcoNDS E A Dr€rtrlcE or 24e.Oo FEErt THEr{cE N
clF ZO.Oo FEETT iiEtCe N 83 DEGREEs 25 l'lINLrTEs 45 a€cOlDS E A
DISTANCE OF 64.29 ieErr THENcE S 2? DEGREEs 38 f'llNUTEs 4t sEcollDs E
TFEnceu lr
la eenr oF THE NoRTHEAsT
I rounsxre 5 sourH' RANaE
l*1uc 3 Thir Pol lcv
73 Forc' 2311
Ftte No. V0oo691r
Pree Thir Policv valtd onlv lf Schcdulc F lt rttrctrcd.
Poltsv No. Blrl7277O
Anount l99l'e7O.*?Lorn {l
Addrcr r
300 RT PAOE te4,
&c+Fr Fgor-\ "A-$^or"- r.b.,:rr*J c- - e-.+c,,,,
€Act--- (?l)r.)ry
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3;1ijc* - eAGLd-
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Covrvlar-: r)r l*Y f,eJez-c0'rck :r^-:D
In 1984. it appears that the housing situation hasimproved fron what it'ras-ro"r-y""rs ago. The inforroation inthis study.seems to indicar" itti,t housrng na"-airi'ished as borha perceived and an acrual issue i.;i;;-;B"il!ni"-'i;-E;;i.-county. Although rhe issue tr"" airinlst"a-i"--iisibirity fromlgrt y.35s ag9,-it las ".i-ai"Ippearerl. In facE, iE hasapparenrly shifred fron a situa'tion ,t"r.-ir,!iJ-*r" a majoridenrifiabre eroup in "neeJi-"i-t,o""i;;-;.-;-;iaar" levell:g_f::"ional Etgfp rhar--nJesiIJ",, soneEhing nore rhan Eheeconomy is providing.
The survey showed that Ehe labor force is naturing in68€, remaininq in the area for longer periods oi ti.., andbroadening ir6 residenri"i ro".ii";:- ih;-;;;;; ar Beaver creekhas played a large role in si.e"gtt.ning cf;"-."o"oruics of the1ow91 val1ey-comiluniti""-""J-ai"ie."i'g Ehe locarion of borhresidence and employment. As Selv., Cieek continues Eo grow,and Arrowhead comes-on liner-r"-t"tr expect Ehis Erend coconEinue. rn the pasr, Vaii has been lh;-";;ilnity where rhehousing problen lras mosr crirical. roJayr-;;-';;; rhat this isno longer the case._ Housing has become more of a cricicalconcern for the niddle incoile group than for the rower serviceworkers. seasonal ernploy""" tE"i to want to be-wrrere the actionis and are willing Eo spirnd . ai"ptoporEinate amount of theirincome on housing.
But as Ehe new ski areas in Ehe County raature, joboportunities will become ro.. "or"enErated i.ir crre lower paidservice sector and job advancere.rt 'litt become even moredifficult. This coita i".J-io-l shorrage of housing for thelower incones sinilar t"-rt"i-tlppenea rn rhe vair varrey in rhelate 1970s.
'ith nany-rr'tt. iJi"t income jols arso beingseasonal in nature, iL makes the provisions"oi-trri" t.r"if;g ,r..ydifficult to econonically j""iiFv: For rhese reasons, iE isinportanr ro noc dismiss'h;;;i;;'as a solved rrroblero.
p.rSncl, Lewi"rbt.-:,
- rlv4
From this study, we learn thaE people prefer Lo live inhousing which is integrated within commt:nitiei rather than inprojecEs which are labeled as 'renployee housing". Accordingrr,solutions to the affordable housing problem sh6uld be direcEei'in a decentralized fashion. Affordable housins is alsoperceived as a very- tegl problem for rniddle inEorne groups.specific programs should be developed to assist thefe plople.
one desirable nethod is to add affordable housing unitsto Ehe current housing stock Chrough Ehe concept of a "E.."ny-Flatrt. The term ttGrainy Flat'r is ised to desciibe srnarlsecondary uniEs which are allowed Eo be attached to singlefaroily houses. This provision for affordable horrsing his avariety of advantages. First and roost importantly, It creaEeshousing-which inEegrates the emproyee intb the coiuiunity whileroiniraizing th9 visual impacts commonly associated with i"rg"employee housing projecti. rt benefits senior citizens wh5 areable to obEain addicional income from a rental unit and helpsthen remain in their houre torrm. This concept also does notinvolve the creation of new subdivisions. tirereby moreefficiently utilizing existing urban 1an6. Goveinmental
.agencies shogld provide zoning regulations which allow for Ehe"G-relrny Frat" concept and encourage such units when reviewingsubdivision proposals.
Locar governments should encorrrage sroa11 lot subdivisionswhich reduce the price-of housing. Horn6 ownership brings "it[
it a nore serious involvenent in-the affairs of the comiunitv.Provisions should also be made for the creation of mobilJ hoilesubdivisions. Because of their relatively low cosC, many peoplepurchase nobile homes buE because of the iack of subrtivi6ibns'designed for nobile homes r _th.-y_ are required to renE a space ina-nobile_ hone park. considerable prcgiess has been marle'in chetrerd of manufacEured housing and land use policies should beadjusEed to provide an atEractive location ior this forro ofhousing within our communities.
In conjunction_ with programs aimed at reducing the costof housing, efforts should be directed at -rnaking morcgage moneyavailable at reduced rates for local residents.-' fne Ei[ninterest rates of the past few years have been a probleil forlocars who wanE to purthase a hbuse. Tn Ehis ca"L as well as inall our efforts Eo reduce Ehe cost of housing, public/pri""i" ---
cooperation is very important.
The original affordable housing conmitrnents of Beavercreek and Arrowhead called for housin! to be built on ratherconcentrated areas in their respectiv6 projects. \,,re recommend
:l:: :ll"-requirement be retaxed to atlbw irore flexiUifir/ i"-both Ehe type, Iocation, and tenure of this housing
The _que,s_tion which we should ask in evaluating anyproposal of affordable housing is, "How well does it-'blend intoEhe.comnunity?tt rn order to 6reate a more normai or averageliving situation, we recomroend thaE the renEal housing proiid.aby Ehese 1.rg9 developnenrs be open Eo rhe gener"r p"6ri" ;e--not restricted t,o enployees chat'work for tEat cornpiny. Are-evaruaEion of the le_ntal policy used by the ,Tarne!" shouldbe undertaken in an effort tb Urolaen its o."rrp"rr"y.
, The results of this study give us direction in which tomove, our efforts to-provide housing. for our residents. ttor".rr".,the housing_rnarket is dynamic and Ehanges, when-they do occur,can happen in an extreroely short time Frarne.
our recornmended solution for the next few years is tocontinue to monicor the situation c10sely. rf occupancy races
:hory-signs of increasing and rental units become nore difficurcto -find, the county, municipalities and various other affectedentities roust be. ready to rlspond. A survey "i.ir". to the onediscussed here should- be done^ aE reast ..r".! ior-,. y...", if notat shorter intervals. such a survev can pr6vide a great anountof useful inforrnation especiarly whbn it tan be cornlared withthose done in the past
This cornnittee should remain intact. and prepare annualreports on "affordable-housing_" _within Eagle Cbunty. uewproposals for Ehe provision of affordable fron"ing in both theincorporated and unincorporaEed areas of the "o.rity should bereviewed by this connittee and its comnents forwarbeci Eo therespective Planning Connissions.
- IE is hoped that this report can and will lead toconEinued efforts to sEudy the housing issue and Lo forrnulaEeporicies. rE is again irnportanc to rE-ernphasize the need forthe various entities,,both governmental ana private, to workwith each other in underscaiaing and respondl-ng to changes inthe housing uarket. As conditi6ns changl, policies arso have toDe re-examined to test their ef fecti',reness. Bv doing this,futr:re housing needs can be planned for in an brderl| fastrion.
rn this section, we wirr review the currenc status of 1Iresident housing projecEs of various types .rrd ".rrrn"ii""-tr-r.
results of'an oveiali market review or'iro""i"g for sare in theprice range of less than $150,000.
The eleveg projects which were included in our reviewincrude two nobile horne parks: The Eagle River park and TheBenchnark park,; six rental-projecEs: fliver View Apar;;;.;;;val1i Hi, Benchmark conconiniuns, sunridge, The Taines, and FallLine; and rhree Igl-r-*le projecrs: HonesEead Meadows, iii[in^-Creek Parl<, and Cliffside.
a) Rental I'tarket
Generally speaking,, the level of occupancy of the rentalprojecrs change. qu_i9e roa-ikedly wirh the ".""L.,.
- The "*""pcio.,Eo this.being Ehe River View Apartnents. This proiecE isoperated as DarE of the Federally subsidized "sLctiorr-gi-oro*."roin which Ehe rente! pays 307. of iris i".r."-ri.r-r-it."."i"i5i!F'orthe rent being paid by the government. The River ViewApartments continually roaintain 1007. occupancy. The remainderof the projecEs gener-arly noainrain 1007" oicufi""y during it.,.--winter and drop-to 50-602 during Ehe summer.' rhi" situ;rion is
ll *^::e?:!:C. in a councy whos6 winrer enploymenE requiremenrrs significantly greater than that requireb during thd summer.As the vair varley moves toward becoming nore of r forrr ""."onresort, we can expect a smoothing orrt oF renEal occupancy+ levels.
Mobile llone Spaces are occupied at close to 100%throughout the year. llowever, the """rrf"""y-Jf the unitthemselves fluctuates with the season. Because the majority ofmobile hornes for rent within a park "r. "oi-"onrrolleJ-;t-;;y-one management- entity,, we do not have reliable occupancy rates.Horvewer, we-believe the summer occupancy rate Eo be somewhereclose to 757".
Ownership Market
For Sale Housing projects which wePickin Creek was the earliesE project1980 during a period when cireie !/as aThe project offered low prices coupleclrates obtained through l,tunicipal
Two of Ette threesurveved are sold out.which lras consEructed insevere housing problern.wich favorable interestMortgage Bond lloney.
S ize
Rental Rate:
For Sale:
This proJect r'ras built as a condorniniun-project in 1981 and many of the ownershave placed their units-on Ehe rentalmarket._ Management company surveycontrolled 50 d.u.
Town of Avon opposite the West parkinqLot of Beaver Creek.
Phase I, 165 units and phase II , 20?-rrnics.
$szs -
$500 -
550 -
700 -
bedroom unfurnished
bedroon furnished
bedroorn unfurnished
bedrooo furnished
$ 85,ooo
$ 100 ,000
- 2 bedroon- 3 bedroom
6.Benchnark Condoniniums
Rental Rate:
Locat ion:
This project was built in early 1970tsand is a dorrnitory appearing bi:ilding.
l"fanagement agency survey controlled 43units.
Town of Avon
92 dwelling unics
$:OO - 350 - l bedroon (plus uritiEies)$400-450-2bedroom$450-500-3bedroom
Early enployee projecE constructed inlrlest Vail currently reserved for Eheemployees of Che Mark (Marriott).
West \/ail
53 unics
Rental Rate:
Hon6rstead Meadows
T.ocat ion:
Sale Price:
c)The Tarnes
Rental P.ate:
This condoninium proJect was builc asthe firsE phase oi a-resia""ti"i-developtrent of sone 500* rnixed densityunits.
56 dwellins unitsqzl - 77,000 - tO90 sq.fr.$83,500 I g5,600 - 121'0 sq.rr.
Thiq.projecr was builr in parrialfulfillnenr for the provi"i.;;-;;-affordable housing ritti"-n.a.,rei creetP .U. D.
Itlorthwestern portion of the p.U.l.r.oUunits-30-lbedroom
30 - 2 bedroonRental
$345 - 1 bedroon unfurnished (a11utilities lncluded)$400 - 2 bedroom furnisheh
bedroon furntshed
bedrooro furnished
- 2 bedroom unfurnished- 2 bedroon furnished
$32s -
$450 -
Connents:I!""9 uniEs are part of a cooperative affordablenous:-ng progran worked out between Ehe d.";i;;;;and the Counry. The develop"" "orriti.J-i;-i;;-sale price-s air,l through . pii"t""e option clausecontrols rhe resat: fi" a ieriod-of 5-1,""."-;i"-
:.Yli:^?::Y,P_il!y: Project is a fine exlnple ofPuD.|Ic/ prt_vate cooperaEion.
$ seo
Recommendations on Lodging
LY5g.IT fulyl Time Sharing. Discourage conversion of hotel-type units to
F_ timeshare ownership. Although the real estate transfer tax generates
EC"!|P?/' - more revenue than the sales tax on hotel room revenues, within three
ryorfouryearsthetaxonroomoccupancyrvillexceedtheone-timerealfuE estate transfer tax. However, conversion of condominiums to timeshare-ftWXoFUAtL, ownership has the potential of increasing utilization of the units--and
lRtU qng{ higher utilization means more visitor spending, more jobs, more tax
T'tz revenues. In new time share projects, units without kitchens should be
A continuing concern regarding time sharing, however, is thelong-term management commitment after the sales prcgram is
substantially complete. Approximately 40 percent of the projectrs sales
revenues are committed to sales commissions and/or one-time promotions.
Often, the developer is cornpletely out of the picture; and typically too
many of the time-share owners have relatively little at stake to make astrong commitment during some type of economic setback.
'sua?! palelar apoc aral pup 6u!p[!nq a[qe3! [ddP lle ]o 'luauqrpdao luaudols^aoflrunyn,i:lo,; fiifi*'lli;,'?,11,;ffi1::l'fi1 i3,o:;.;i:llil]:,;',:1.ffi:"3;i:,:l#l
eua^of, aql u!rl1tl"r e6pn6upl axpudoJddv (E 'fpl4-Jo-1q6 lJ t!pil Jo ul4ol 01u0 aJnlJnJls
$g11-rorl nunoJ6J;rrrrn :rr11 6utrr-rnfra: ruarir.ri.r6p luautrllpoJtua aq1 to 6utploca,r pUp 6utzl.
Peter Patten
Jay K. Peterson
07 /24/84
Fa1l Line Apartments
In response to your concern of Fal_I Line Apartments
with regard to the condominiumization of the r.{arriott Mark
Hotel, because the Marriott no longer desires to l_ease the Fall Line
Apartments (please see attached memo) , r would suggest one of the
following alternatives :
' 1. We are currently investiggting the possibility of
using tax-exempt financing to refinance the apartment complex and
if we are successful in doing this (wi-th the Townrs cooperation),
the complex wourd be renovated and we would then rent to anv
employee of the Upper Eagle Va11ey.
2. The project would be renovated and sold to
resi-dences of Eagle county in a simi.lar fashion to pitkin creek.
I^ihether there is a need for this type of housing at the present
tirne is unclear.
3. The project would be renovated and would be sub_
sequently sold as condomini-ums on the open market. Al1 aspects
of the condominium converstion ordinance would be compried with.
f would appreciate your cooperation and help in trying to
resorve this problem. lJhen a commitrnent was made by Kai-ser to keep
the Fa11 Li-ne as emproyee housing three years ago, there was a
real need for rental-type housing. As you are now aware, there
is an over abundance of this type of housing and no one is
projecting an employee housing problem in the future. rt seems
counter productive to hold Kaiser to the prior agreement when the
end result would be an empty, deteriorating complex.
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
August 8, l9g4
SUBJECT: Request fof,u.qgolrgdation units conversionthe Marriott Mark n.iiri',pr,ll,J;. z uoattion.
lf l:l Corporation, owner of pr
:j, nt" i;jtiiidiifi:i, [: nnjj" iliiiiihj i:jHiiffnisyiit,,'H rt,
Fde il';q
iil trifl#'itfir ry IFkJ:' rii, iu;, i]l ",,under the SDlwr,rir, isiui# 3:3'ffi.?t,"il;,r?,r:li Tt'.eil;t";il.xJ:il'lirf;niil.il]llij.; "
iil:ililiiil;rti':::5i,iilt.#ii ;:iilifil- i: ti;1i*r; ;'r,tiff ii#,,Inere remain
ni ii-0"-riji,,';T;niiilff#i:i,j#lir*rjliii:iji,ffffli,rfti,rl,:r,!"iji;rjiil
fll":iStiltHfitl l"9".ements includins Buirdins and Fire Department insr
iilj;:il:nir, iitif i r;''' :st:;'sr i' i?ii1mi;, ::%iii rf;iiir.rirn iec'i
i ons'
i[dilu:;, iri :'d; ili .ln;ff,' ;, ;i ilg,'d Ti: ;?;
ffi f 'ir HTi;:l ;ff :
lrari-n"ro"i ;rtrr'at the present time. ilre priJr';il;., of the Ma*iottuegi nn ind' ir,.i"ir,?s"|.ff "f ;ll :'ill ;jf ; ;f,r*"*"::l r ntenti on rrom the
to condominiums forHpprrcant: M_K Corporation
A. Employee Housing
IlSt:iffiYiloolnll" onase 2 additton-fl.-l!".rfc a1d Town councir intrre rowi-re;;.;i|I an asreemen, o"
"l!:.1:_o into wiiir,iil" uppricant and
fii ;:;i.t3;;rffi r ift";$-'iJl il'i iiii'lqi;
t#ir I :{tr#; ",
ill*i:ill,ir, ;rili::i'fnill'JllltiljiFliililill,ili
"ii:: Tlii:: -of the'ri.iriiv'uL'rre as its own emoloyee.,hous'ini-ini'*irn", to disposegyled by.tlre ,:*'l tt relates to thi lli:t.. Fal.l" iiin""uiu"trents are
g;;;1,; n:l,i'":i[iiiii' ?lr
(5i; ili:fi iij;,1is ff#;F;'';;ii#"
1i:-it;g ;;';il 19'uled to the narriolg^1grr< ioiir."'ir,J'p"oposar atrestricting u,e ra]Tp,l{-ent-er into a v{"itten. ug""ir"nt'#itn rq". Morcusnorma r ;'Ji.;;.' il .1, i;;".:3iiiffi iff l;i":il!r ;:.r,rirl ruj:. l; l,
b r e
projecting an employee
counter productive co
end result would be an
housing problem in the future. It seems
hold Kaiser to the prior agreement
empty, deteriorating complex.
when the
ala olID'
'EW'!= traTvatl. - Sbodro@@do'l?@ !qrt I b.rl!4.ltni .bd- 6r"|n't traDl
iti?Ercff "TIE |'(F'{p (r- tGrfiF;iciiEt bic6' carrr. _rry16r, -n5 or'trrt @' bu!
b tcr'& &fv. r prc ou er* sdta !Itct6. rutt F !p ''ppt6l.'EArrBcnrtartEt-8bibod.r aiff !ogltE**,I:{l*k..']:* r;.q-u
i@ slb*1.Ht3!*5I rDrb
ffi ltir9tla--ri6;; -- L'ro7-7a\6' iaYt G{tt' cr m
(!'c, Dod rd r6rrr so Eli ryq Flrl^Ctdt _lgiPv__cFJfi !9q!q|* @V 6r t7G2323.|8L rc
. di&ofi-a& rrt- rEga - - - o hnEht lda tdn rlFcrl ood@lD- &@b^dt o
# nE8rDt-rr;-Yr|.r!/.;.rt!5o9@qG :ffi HL-"1?.Ilni*fi'ffiitrTffi wEsr qtvt ggFBottlEvanD -@;llrtIGe-i'n*'."-+4r:tr ffitibo@ r!bj|d.!rt, !rr!a!, sri btl -dr.!. Ftl|r. Loan rD(riaiclarrrr'-riffi didalnonE iiii{,rirarrorfuiua-iriiii @
J-.rG+!Odr lrEilDt4 O 6V lan- Irr dD-qtq 6 l!!.r! _ o r{}'r ,minr.h-r+-wE {uu6A f ffi.ffii ffi ffii'du;r;&?.i mo BlDsoox_- a b.&. urnrrld8brd'ri*l@ lO nEfT - ll|!!t rco.E ndtrl DUutd,t {?O-t t tg. * - "lH @ndo ln Avur w*hd/.quqr'-Sc9rg
lA@ litd'tlhdtplor4$o
(c12) 2tr-58o1
- =*;'dfEf;Jfr;6iiiffi suPrnaI,Yt&rrrDonlitlt{tt'tatr @lf Yrd to &nrS'tu! t l!_tDa_bd r9r.lour -latl.'Yru. hont Drt ,r.-t .tt r."trr - a ldl AlDr.tddb n,' 5ffiSHgW;*"-iH ffiffiS#-T"tr Y4I*F{EE?.** -H*,ffi1:1#&iH.P'ffi SffiffiF!ffiffi ffiDh! .l!ctrt4 f Far tis 86uflryO .Jrat Ooru drr6 Erfnlo
= GAf;-6 tF;;effitl. fs9:t--":-q,i:1T**S'"**3O!{r or Rlchart' BEbop {9 ComD'rV'U8: I^4! I b.(bo.o.l Ayrllru.@dc t.UDftqrrH-41!. o!rqib6. nlfrtGr( toDll all e{fFUA6' It Do |[ ttc olt !}l9- tt-*
lE:l*$f*-ffi lU BrrccErrARE - l D.doom. l bor,\&6ia@a c!8, |600/tooo/?lnr.!. rr.!vr! tEnE ErDRoon, !rc arrr- - *f*f-trP:i,.ry,-5*;$
taort-vArl - { bqro@.8r brb. 3trriif*l't
3.0O 4 n boD, &.16r.- lurtLba4- - |It ruCialrtDb4Tf,Ercotln,ttDE dl:tts, OolbG.!!tpba'r'Pq9!!ry'.tr|hE/drtto' oolbd- . .o ' nrxrral rxronrxnox - Furdabod'iffiffiJ-.ffi.ffiffiffi "@ o"ro@ - -"t ffiGiiailit" 4 !'Dd s b'q!'6
@_Gi.jiA3€!._ o rra. s b.co@_-i yrL pa-rurri yx1l g1t srDd r! crocuds n r:v@.*xm*rurywffiW ffi&$:'ffijHi'sF(i6 Hffi,gr'*ffi'ffi;E1ro @noor,ao*" "o*
j, ro- % ..tr phrt rtrtfld ire-gaoe. -o
menoDr'@D"outss'ers- ffi R@
-* i i b.rii. ll.Drro, i"V clrr.4 .r l999ry*:3{. *}; .6:A .lR**".;iffifg&-*Tl#ffi; HffiffiF,mH -ffipt!'iq.*"-l4dqilF'-dd;;L;;; rttqf rlr o|mmioo e-;i-br r;ffi Cru o;F,iF trr q4q cr4 9-91.E..!l
DgPt Ef wrTB 8Tl-It owrloobld tlrr
Ocr! n Ddr, vstl rDd vbr to t!6 rBt cfLFr CrrGL. 3 b.drooD, g b.r}"unfurnlabrd, datl6aa! lltbhctr,. ;rrhd/dr:Fr, dlnqtr rv8ll!'bb. Ya.r
fa.s, f f EOo/DntL Xo Fta. Pls€. call476-10l,1. O
A9OIr - B..!rrCrsolfd gbodmn\c
b.tfr. btal\y f\firlsbr4 ttrula oouts,
bafaal DoolJaauzzl aDd 8ar.Err, eutbtrtr
aDcturc. liOO/Eqni.L Catl U.8r at gld
0 8lroN. 9{9-,1€60. o
I.of,O lln.I LlrlllUl - vdl'8 m€trtfoldrblo a b.dtoos\ tutnlsbcd
rqrl.lDtnt8, bu3. s14D on gt'o\tDd8,' (frtrnlvrU ld.Uo6, ISaO tr. lront {bncll 478-6?60.
AVOF - 8urry 4 b6do@. tBulb-ltltdfintsb.d Ebld. lDd lDltr tou?.b.r!
EDdur!, vrtr dEdr 6aI. bat urb,f 6! atltdr. $8o/E@c.l! ucdfrU thor!.glH!€O. oresrffi
@.1o. g b.dro@" 3 bl!' nrmldb!4!!'Dl!6, -l'b l|dDt, r|!bf/'d4Fr,- cliD, AnrllrDb b l@d t r! lae d@
tEBll BIDAOOI - 2li brtb,
bdulltully funlrh.d to'D.hd.s rul'
crglrdr.d 2 6r Surd!, bot arb, rndEllh Dr! Arnfl|Nc Ddt tDlcirdb@
8.3A OAt|lnffi - a b€d.ooE eL,rrrbc/<ttycr. nr Sat ttJt, vlt c(Vdfct Ciff Drovu 987-l[m, orea6-o676. o
, VAIL RAC@EICUIE - I btu6" odurll. oFrrl.rtd,a. nlrv rnd '\rlvfulotlbcd. olubhourc ur., 1460.@
BIIF,RY cnrrx( @rDo nrrnAlardl!bl!.92o.t07o.'o
!,ffT VAll - 2 rDlt 6 bdo€oailrrlb.A |r!d uDturlllbr4 dr'tlle .rl,tlo/Doatb. Elalhottl B.ntrl.,a?G'66tt3 tr
I^OII-VAIL DOPIAr - ItbiE:orlb.d I
.lraa. -oii'gonda.rdc c.llb !riDl&-.rlala'.t*
r- UirL fi(p/@r\ g !|bo8.|tlo/rotltb, tnolu.l.. uslu3t ..r?+!or, o
tlor te lrDncbr lPrMrtl -b lltcuuntrb oo Oqt CbL tult
isrotad @/Dontb th.r rfilltbSll a?t{rcf ng!i1 or oU.ot.tr
('ttft!'u6 tlrgl YAIL - 3br tqlta.
O.ft I'DBo
ttrt Df,Dnoo& llrrlr 8r1E Effi!llrrtts Ftrr.E/i Yrr, toD oa bwroD.Mal l/rr ld *O.ltO96. Lll url
..eulDaf f -!9e-7974 O
@nrtr||u .Dtl unnl}dib..l tDta,lOl|rrl !o L- vdl 66 5?a CrIln&l . tl!-a721 o .{Elqt 95-160. ., o
PMEI Cnllf - nlrddd 3b.dr!@.. SDar\rrb/drtc,oourrqt . l@ncmt!.l?*".66.. o
@Y F ""tt -Ot* - aE6t-,VdIffinr|Dl6.trt lr- lgd DhtE|llEa D3tct-s?ctl. o
@Odb d !! Afr. t{hc/(hE EEV[rt , rO tlt r-Eier DrGlra XlO/Dclb. o|lryr a?G?t91 q .rE Dar. 9r*ttt{ o
@r tm[ remr - t* v.!.Trr L-. lA5 th.|'u!lllti,.l9flllr-!o'?eta o+
ilrIEElO - atra
I mUffEf "*:g
r |rIfi a X}rrt'a6r m.lt!t, Iau o.fProD.at 0 ndd
76-.1400. Ctg- ler4. O
lA88 VAII, - 3 b.drooE tumlrh.q
Dool. aE60/a.rDE.r, f660/rtDt r.ProD.ltt d R.nt|l Lrnsg.Ecnta?!-.Lo, e|o-194t. O
CAI.L ft8 br your lond brD r!'lrt L w.
brrr| Eenl 3. 3 |rrd { b.droorD,
tulrrrb.d lD.t uDtumlshr4 hdFrrydno[.l vrn.g.'n'D! 476{t,0o, 94s-lea{
t lt @n@I - 8|| b.rl,trsbtEtDh. ruD.r/.E:tr. 8 at hldlir nmgla c rdlrlnllu,@
lr8. L.[pl!l CU,E - t Dd!6dl&lUtrIDdldlf Equ.laa-h|}rrrsDlBaro&l.& lt. CrlI l-97l-lo 3r Ll .aa'|, l-g?l-cooo .?.Blaar .dt4
BIAI-tDdto@.3bth.ntto. OraDlroa, dt rpDu&ora.ieorf Ar|n, ulua 6Dott|, f &h@
,@c l'l! (ball ur.l t-a. f!€G. uD0.EDha.t hol" JrarEi.
Hldllqtrr6r Itb.a?r'F o
wtOl o DA. t|r dur bGtorhA Gr.l atr|t{ r|tc. lll,E b FD r: t*r&a YaO arr{rl ttdtfl.tDib@.1' .\.
r lFqrDd frd) |t EE, u{rlb'!fi, Oad.6ndVD'!!F l ltor lrr0d. Edrr.U. 6&.0lrarl9,l94l3 o
lAtl v !.- ltldrre.ab.rhDo-,fllztlut d Uttlu nE:ot u'3ll!0 D.r DonlD. C.ll .trol,'t-?S@OcL66l. O
lA(ltt"Yl&wPtlx'- lo4t l.b.do6.ab.r\ I aEarr{!.drc'! .rrlcltdrD.rdl 't *'.}^in GddqrdrnaD.6ilbnE t/||rd/cbo&. trInDtfolltn ErncFf'LDb rt u. lor utullr 3t(y*rtrerFttlt. ea+ rel& o
EI IlrtAY llSr - 8 Ebr.nttd.bl DooL @ Dir tz,E dubhr,.Prsat/ 0 nabl lr|rl@{?t {t6,9rFres. o
rfIE Eii- Edd.FrtEUE; am 4 C. @
lr r!ll. 3D.o1a1a ttv14hoplrtt 0 Rrnt l
4764a@, ete-t9r4.
lAllf V^IL - I b.(bom rDllLtD nt,turnraha{ rll ultlltl.r furDlrb.dlCtUmlh. Call aLct l -?F-@@ s!U
An@rlll8 UrIT 106 - a b..bo@
ooab. 6 hr rota l@/Eu! Dfr.t!ddh, AyrlbDlr rhh+r...V. Xrrbrtdd orry Boato.' €!!t-€rYlr
Lrw Ir To'B - nl.d d.b|br
Itrt.BLb.d r@Ll uDrr! b @ld 6 rlrA/!rt? 8o ibl| !.rtr I b.dr@ (hrDlq
lJo llorE-rf 8ilr!ftI n$a!lh|!6tlrtDLo,.ts.uzl Dntl Fr{. .D.l !'ltbD
@ Oc8l GlcL Ab D@, trlt to tb!
Ylllaaa. tanlt| oouttr rnd Du!.ltlo/Ed,h rth lia tro rlrace o
,8 IfASf - brDtrorl, DEnralD.d ddo. tuil b.rb rnd tstdbonr tttVdl abaFdDt od.!, o! butlln lrab.. q6ra, q!lf! lDdl?|ad,@ eoLr .Jrd no irra I'lrtr banti!]a .n r Eutt drpd l!..leru.
IAOIJ-VAII, - ! b.dooE fturrlrht4 aruD. l6€E.IrDrtcEcnlo
wl8f VAIL - lf.tly &r|r.d Id
badam rrrtor8, uDfiltltlbadltsr lGae, l,ro/Dnlb Dlu! uCut'lr@
Cb!roll!6, f d.t 6uLR.roD' 1860. Ct
.tum 9{0-!686, a7&3alerffi
b3droc@. 2 barh. nt! 3 !r!Dlrd' lrrf&I |Dd FtlD hdtrt I lth dlttrAvrfflDbOd.DttlblYls@/D.mth phr 3r rd.ldtfla It
barlDt odr Sduflrydtpdl lt(Jutr"
!.Dd Dldaa, m paL Or't3 fl Bl8hoD .
ilro o ctoot"o* -,,'""vrll tor tvnl g bdrooD D\lsloll. zbrt
SaNDSIOIMAIA - 3 b.drod!" 3 bqt
nlrDleb34 !r!Dlr6, t!8hd/drYt
dl,sbrrsb'r, Frtfi8, Yt.' c( doD{
ouDcrb b\rs. Fd.r!nd. 1660/B0iir las. Avr|l|btc odob8r. {?L
oooDlocmlotrolbtlu .gb.doo:
a b.!h. tuib nlflltsh!4 Drlerta yrJd erpertsna l€@ Dfur ullUtln 47'u
C@YAtrDqunn -tu sqrbo lsruq
l@sr.d |n Er{l.-vrtl f|4hl on E8{
IUw!. Attrlltllrt rmcDltJd plalla
nl!plr6, pool" Jatt-Ezl. url&rdlotr
u,rtlnt- Ijottrul tor lond torm t na
l3?a/EouLb" C8li Lorl rt 476-6000 !L
BnDOKTRAI - 2 bldroc'm. a b!
nrrufshrd condo l@'t3d on Llontrld
Av8rrlbb ooiob.! I for I y6
l66o/roonol Dlut rtctlta 8{ur
&Dan rElrlrld. arul Dlae, Do D.
Ordr d ELhoD 0 Co.,.a?A-666I.
bibo@ 6.t@rtnDr b rcl toF..6u!drilt?+9q!q. o
quEl PRrvAlI - 3bd@ b rr!!
. rEd.Lv. Idr.d lD r*rHalvlll
Bld6a, ![! bur atop, Drdl.Uy
'l[abb{ CoIDlc, Cia, Ib|reE
.naavlar 'lrr
f-'g|6.Ott'ruD. lbortc.o
PntlAtDOt tro laDnoox - I h hi!.rdlE U ordoDtlhrD lqrad bt - .l'rll AtrtLbt tDE d'|l!bi &8 I
trr- $AtlDd 9hr| clclo rod arlc'Elb/d.Ddtqllrtr4 rdglr!.D@
lrO EEEI 'ltnrlElD - lrr'. CJEatlotrE oib a3 D.aotLrab lD! E6. Ar@ Irlrad8Erd,etF6tta O
OrT 3Er IOB IIr1lB - t td6rf*ffi tdrsltrD.di l!6r'dD.lutn,.L{L a!6o/Eontb. uullu.abhd. 06 rbbr lqt loDr3lblEu |l D..rc 6..L Oae-Oaarf. Otuuffi.b t- Vrll b lrc/Doll. 4?l-
IAOIJ.YAIL slorl qRIIK XlAFW8a; ba&o@. a b.$. ur{Utdabrd@rtdlun l6ai.d u! E.DidlDdlGsl o$ta rd rrtn ohrb D-r$!trl
I urc
vArL oott @unal Borl - Itc!- |.m mt\ I moDl! drtqul!.d. a.Lmrd D.tlJd Fplylfodlntr, Dlrrua norl OF@lob
Cc6lSirjji:: ' - jjjjjjj
FOTATO PATgIt - Ir.a.rllf' 4 b.dra
b.lh, J.!urrl, dm, 476-8014.
** t-r-" 4""t" -^-*'BlDl G!.EOnri ArOLY...r 1o8., t€Dmt\ or L.$ F.Nbar.. CaU 3
II'XI'BY DSPLE( lOR R,Elilr -b.dr.w|r Dha dm, 4 bat.}|l, Jsctnfi ib.d oD vrtl Oolt Cours. 4
l.AtllE@nIEfitFr -YGtrE bGE_SubEd.rrarao. t€o.ho!, bnD ftoh. (H.edt?. o'r@ Ito uu - l-.'rdEtru d rEr tto/ffiSrtES li{b rd,E rwf,LrDhrdUrlqD. btt/,D
UI'M'TAD q''!tY DI'PIIX -Fra!..Ctr m. I bd!@r r|.bc/.
EIOIrlUr!.rlTB-ffibtDa. c6d3 1b.!ro6 tartrunoE |t!ry@D" arE Lo{FdAct:b.ro. O
&lgclll [tt llfin@a - rs!r.6.aOburlDsCdc.traDav6tr!, roo.tDulllla rtovrrbtob rlll b..3 .!31r. uall.lrus!fr,torllrrL-.r!A/@. 1@0 (',dt8.Dr@@.v lrdrDd. llrrlI-f5O@. I5o (lFiu oll Jd.lrcb, Oaa-.r.lro frA gl-toL
I|EIT EBDC lID A'Ttr -ltadrbd. nttdE a*G. L-Y.olo,!!-rdEBc|ato,at,t.
Dhr tf/@,a?6-toa?, OffilGt.trr@tb.!,o@.ldr.!tlu,5qY@ b lrr lr. 9ae.tt64 o
It! IDROOI tErIlJB rtbrD!E, U ld, lql d .f ?rO7
tl It lott - l|.uEr.t aI|!-rdrqtn8t|UtbtrStu{rd(l.nbr\lr|CE Jand.rry ldl@.D{ltrnf rdl'aE@!rh,&b.irlllrbflll{lulq[tr.dhr tlotr@. ultlb, L-,Io ts 47;-a7.o
rEa PtatET- 8br.bm.l\ud!!g\FDh|.utlB'Utptrya?64tll. O
| @I dm - !..!}YdLdrl li&n n!!|.H. ht(rrE dt d. r|abc/r!tc. f@,&. to D*r Gl! t: @. Cabb-.tdE47qr$tC?l.rod.o. l-?/|/Frd,, o
oa lc.n trdll}dtu. 6rE"-t t{t6!!!rrIID!G|6bD- r.illb
rrDa, lrrDld. (bL |!xr/rood. fir hr A||OrDL bu!|it'tsd!-rDo'Dl3!ord+?l{r, (r (rtO) A6-I7lttro
lgnll EADnOOX - l|.gt-Vrll duDlq-I-i,
h" ttrllt I'o Fir95-Cra6, l-906-8ot7 ot l-.lrp-U
n&T lnOI flrCIB - t|.r|lrt !
Elroaro.g balb. d.lDo@. tEodlbdnnjr rrnrv Fdd@ m lrdlc-Vrfl.ffi ffitr'ffi";ffiii
61;5t159; - lPlubr Clrhtrrhrtfiiiiii,iii'c -tiuoarc, ttr'br/dr:/!r',
srnr bdluoom rlth ahotlr m!8€8€a
stor!&, nar Ldc-Vdl b rlt' 6oUsrltrtlrlnt I Yur 168c, l3aa Phlt
cloctrlo or t48O Dtua .latflo wnj
(a!rtc. l-w DrEt, Dhoru luDDaf lI!@
BEAVEB BENCII - nlr.Drlhld thrd'
rlLb OJlpl!€ dd brtooqt o\,lrl@Ery
Nc rntbaD LLa. Av!.0tbb l.ErEeu
ar€V ior I J's!, lg8o/monti Plu
elrctal& 8@uftw dlpGll r!qul!6d. lD,
plaa6, no p€ts. Cbrlt rt Btshop at CoaTen
IOWUHOgSE - lrcO 8q. lL, 3 bcdroor
lotl. 2 bat}! cErtot't" znd T*, Er€le
VrJl OoU Cou.ts, D66t tN, gtol
urnJrdsbDd or Psrtla\Y furnishx
fr60. cru sr,lI! 476-e2AI di 433 0
! nrN'l -Htba6|-t68@rld
hm-rcvrnrnDEDr.trfr. l'o tnr 6?C. CrU a?6-gt rah|tdryor&Ddrt o
o Ef[!foalarl"
rtr. ltlo l.tt rhorB ottol..?a!4{?l}e1' O
tt, tblt |lutl - tprnDrr 2t' tll.- S'cdon I J
SIII- lohd.tr.!ol|.E IAOII-VALaIOI!qnIA!!Il,Aitrim x- n- - dirisnrltv a b.droo. 8 hrrh, urora{m r. n- tf,urtulb a b.droo. a btr. urlrB
bot bn-. g cl rrr|d @doE r!!rD ldatad at u.Ebd, rn, g ar tt'r.r.
lerll.bLpa.f Er rtr ba['b7 Ocbtu $ E!b@ otqullrl
CAI! tt8 Ds your f@t Gio !otd. tbrrt rrrrl 8, E |!tt a Ddrrm.tMrrb.d.,ul uDi.rlrLbrl hc,Dd'ly tndtrl rt.qrG"'- . {?l-.LOO, 9{O-
- twED rtg lllrlrlJr r rlLrmdrraslotd.dirllE atroaDL 6dD.t. t a..@
flO EfDn@fa - obfunrtlb.it ondo
b tra VrO rEDirt rotl ladtcrD faa.3 l|!O/D6lD, COI O,'r Ot6o lnDGfr. tdl l-fnt-?Eglt, boaDl-7,u-OltC,l-rnal o
llo BlDE6I @trDo'b Av6.turBlrh.d, lE76lDollb. Ltlr,?E$IIS c bdo Tll4rm. offi
b.E lEG DD! LaL O.Ital Ir,DatcE lan l6g6rr-dr.. l-?i|8-tlO6,t-@4e|o-|?rto
PaSV! Of4B etlt - ()|Gto H-6
v.O Odl O.r.E . tnh iflr d O([rnarG I tqt wba rw. -'h'drldllAr !r!DI|6, { bd@a 6"1
b.rh&- lrr rw. lt lt 16, !cr.d
OrLt, (HaE ttrrltibl(L ff6in Pcnulh dua rtllllr Yr! heDt6rd (scl) 7El-rg?l @ (16)uJ-oatb. o@ffi
b.d!o@ fd V.0" 6!ot AttDbo.li' !ar. ||56 Clt rIl|XtE DtF.xLt-@m______ o
lltrutlaElD EASTVAIL @rmg - TlrD
!o@, fm Dhr uilB. 6 rb.rs. c.Iat&dE o
FTCIOITB PAB O - Lal}vrll rmlt lorlis, ot)o llYtntt |I!. !ttt'&!. 3
b.do@. 3h D.r\ e:D tttoba.tl6/ b tm.a!d. m.ql4/, oryrare rrll to bra no] Crll ? lo a,
r-0G€!,t-10?& 8oD d !D. !m(h.llr ' O
-!.rr tt.trr d t-r-!6-onr!dr-trftrry,arc-61.
Tno srDBFr| ro8Er'.: I
ttJmrbb.4 ur l!rlct6. ATrfoorob ub6@Drb.&rcafrLRdt@ l.qu|ISl'oFarl
f.r DDlb tlt.| ud$[ It! Iwt.
----.-.-.-.--.-:moaxD tEtrt E@nDora Sl'nCrU Rr- ltoat || Oot BPmD.it{/8.llr E@a t OrIr
-_-Rl@orSrall @uPll ro !@r 8
Dd.la |! fll4.rt!. Dor iDrpu6D .
10, ro r|l ltloo/ud\!rt,l|dd^h{r d.!dt lqub.C qU.;
ERATD lrll DSPIIII' oD.,]Boulnurt lrdL-Vrtl It D.dloc0b$, f?!O/ndD. Cdt.tlD 948-C4?6-g8la
aouSrSrfr!a8/noor ra^Ttl
lEcrDdoD.l qpDGn.Efry to! lrrrb.dr@- A b.ll rth lctl on tb!ot'.. A!@ba, BrdDd tqd!6cr|lr ryrb6!.(6vdla'tal.Eont!" EoirElttlqt ta aobA'|dtlor r@!. hrro! a?6-ArBt ?
ox! BlDnoora - ltiiltlbdrdbnraB'!r|4 b@|trdr rrabc/drJ
d.nf barbro@ rnb abd'|a Ela,onal, nir ryllvrll tannrs,srlDEln!: I Fr h-, LtSO.LG5 c t|m Dhr &trto
Loll-Vll! - 3 bdloE 3ri br\
tufF fiEn ab..l dt&. rU rntE-.Orrrlrd t ar a!|at. 37rydD.9a&Gl?lcelldi7'. .O,-,rro llDEoolt, tto latE r
trllrau ArDsSa bAE tl DlElr|aE/llrc, t.-. Io Dar Idlrib s[ffi, bdDral. crllh..r * sl-qEt 6r c 0tlo?06U
$ro ErER@L, orl larts @|lDo bIlrr.dndrrn 'lrtilro. d!Lr||E,r|rE (E r. Esorf|r, irta oltca- htrfrf a rE rtrlu'mibtrn@Elt"cDc
lAtl VAIL - ! b.(!o@ |D.ffiq
or'Drrha4 .ll uulttL. ttrtorab.d"
tl|l/DoiD. OD.t or l-ldlo@cur. offi
@Dtb, @ Drr s(rrtA Ll@/@l! Dll,dlFEt. lnlbbL tEold.Lv. r.'vl@dL4 (|.,t' EoaC.. o,g-Unlrwl. ?60-66?C\^'r.. O
ProDoftt t atl6'l uortimrir tEnlt aurta rwr ttlD olub L
arnldO, t+r - o nr1 q-,ltpry ^ttcp 9.ircInis,erel - o ffirfc1dffi^'1fi"iutdh Dh! dtt[D.dd.Ei b I F]o rtr &a.E|r olAOll-vAlL - 8D..ilar a brbo6,nlalttb.q @ 1ou olr, .lDll. rlllrii, gP. Fgt)rw C f,El T@
latr VAIL - g babo@. trsllrb.4
poof . fa!0/ruonrr. l6ao/nd.t.Protr.lgy t n Dt l IrD.aaro.Dl{?!#o,et$l0aa o
VAIL - f.nu (b8rb
badloo .ttrd, tdumlabrr Lr. L@l@t! Crt u!
b.d!@. 3 b.r\ rsb I 6rq!|o...dlol rDd r,rtfo boln6 fltfr tAnrtbblosr&dIbI&mr'mrb Dfur dr. rD.t.lFEab-6Dlrda So,fr'abDd!:tg|rd Dl-x, Do Fre Ort| $ BLt(I)- a?6-6€81.
SArDOrOll Alra - 3t &o@.t
ftETt b.at !l!tlbo. tr.bc/,.[!hr||bc, rrrtsDa, Ytlt d a
oDed. hr.-Adbr6. l68o/tt-r hr. AtlrUrD. Ootot !. 'al'66806.
S"O@n!l-30..ts"*3ltrV! Ill llwl - llltd d.bf|tv tut'nl.ud& ldr.dc6 Ulnt
fumrab.d tmt l u!n. l!@ldc'|lrA/ ai|I|bb d& I E' I|l!t? g-.x. b!.8b6!6 (n$lr llilo/Edb gDr .Erlr bln UdEaA hrrt{uf illdrDllar -q- rnltrl rdt Cr-. BlrtDtrn, Jur-. h{r
rd t{E dt .tfbd)t6.a"}!a51.o Oet GtaE &!@.rurcrlLVturaa, tauta oourtt fDd bur.|'oO/DDID r[h fr!. lo tn..
!AJOIj!-YAIL - I bd!@ lEft!!-Ab.4 I lrrd|' aD.do|Jr l'rtna rm,
|6rb. ttsaw C narrl f&r..E@!a?l..|.oo.gillera o
8t'trBD([-lD.d!o.'D.9td.rrab/(FJE f rtd. |{@,8roDL,l!@, hdrrru, th4 lcl-o66 I
. Dd!,gae-l8rf o
rlrl,Y n'lraoDlllD @rDo -llrtrirltlu t bcbo@. f' D.rD,!r!t,bo, nrfv 'tr.4
tr.bc^btEys Yr'l @ hr lala la?6/@l!dlr L,rrtotb oatrr li* fo Dde
0.U frr a?!-l!6 6|r c a?6.4+86
ffir|tt n'D!t r@'
, Pfaxllt (l|;EG -. I b.d!o@. l$9.GU lD,ttr ldrrItlD.dr ltr!I'l!..,
Dool" Jt6ur!l. bod rD.l U$DE ato!..l46o/ndb tnD lir. Ill, rrrdort' Eua D b rgt[t dlr.' c{uiIrb 4?Wll c ara-8irc to lrv.4
SrroIJ ! r!Lt. f,lSlDttstlatr|,la Eo-.!atc c 9a$4llll.
tEnllrenM nAt@ FOI!D-t&rt. Errdt o tnlD 'ua CoWi,.st&r'd, b @Erb orll 9a9-FeI'd E |rfEr!@ o.Il 9r9-id, .-:. O
ltnlr Ea(Da - tD.r\ fu*lriEl
Ydl lt ! &b orb,!'r!. tr. trot!f1?0q@ O[ brbtr .ll?t-g. o
Ort EIDnOOI'- Untutnl|b.d$rriqlnl |[ t-l Y|o frrtbDl!ctrohd.l.$/dbtldts-bilt'ortaCrll4?$gAa O
(ElDl Panflll - 3 bibo@ bt lellile.dddy. L6.r.d lltnrhl|d vrllBtdt., nr.! bu. rtoD, grrllrtvn.Edtb.(l Co\pb, Dfr-. IbYGoa-6lt{ o
@r-{, SItD/D6r!. t[ral. Xo FraSll,(l, l-9E&&l? or l{tp-Un|Ifl tnorr OtrlB - bE rt !
D.(bo@,It !b.r..or!co, lr4oqt d
II e8ld
vAlL oOlJ OUAisl EOI|I -t rE" llmo Donr\ 3 nonrn &ttqufid A.8l,!!d D.r{a rrDl
AI.D'|rnL, Drr|rr nflA Ottcnl(08690.,.......,.,.
**" "--ool, co-o -;Ei.EI Cltal U!$lrol,Y-llc.a6. I
mont\ or lasa Purahtla. cdl7S-8e _
sgrIlB lDro tllra nEr! l
nlfv inrllbld I b.dr€[o fD.I"tD
Ftr@l!c, Tn, Dbort, b.lonY, Dr]u lirr l$hrbd &o !t lt. w,@--
lOR 8lln - nrTlrbrd @Ddo
Vd"C b.d'o@.8|| b.rb.D4c rt
orta c doat' cru E|IDI.4To-AClrl}t?O-l@&
*A\t*CnlltfSl - 8ad"rtarh rDttrrDbbaaL 0'|tL6, t!(br!i. rl rd tdd^ l€€o.airsrde R..rE 17c-1826.
rAXl.lD t<, nntT - L.hll. r(
lion tlD !a!bl rllbd io rrnl s
ddrnoyor I bdrom tn u|! rrer
Itrsr Vdl to Lhret{l. mU trt U!
d oNr! dJrour FoFt'lY.I iBrvd'!
cmDloJE rfii doclLtrt rcfolr
PL..$ o.I .TO-W lxL 26. xo)trgEs9-
nlIBEnfaIJS - lrlgr g b.dro
b.r,ll Ltl 0rcDl|6, turnlshld. t
ooulis, DooL Ndl |tahr.lrd' OvErVdl G!.L &rorvtont trltl, I!umE!!. tlO0o/tlnl6r. Dc
781 -2lr48. D|Do. a€A-2$4.
IAOII-VAI! - a b.6ooE, glt
I,OO q. A b@,.Htlrrfnrllr
!rrDl,.6, nt, mloaotrrr!. tgmv,
d*tlnr !|. bat, F.r lis' no
lf o@/fr Dontb. Dlua lllllllld
Drto ur ColoFdo orYou 6rt OI:8t r
hra C.u tos crur r.tc€ 32eF€€o6.
nto BrDnoo! LoBrrl NouE
pd.. |3gO 9or no .l! C.ll buc.'
dt a nrotU tltll@ 6 lrtb.Vr0Oolle|lr O.'|a|l raEtlrtr, r9.OoB ('|!r-O.'|af rabYtlrtr, r9.tc nat 8r b6. 097?li.ry
(Xx)D lfiDAl@6lrrfhtD.(bo@,
f bdb.fiWn[dlb4 Frt|r! FrYA rdFrts{: m Dhr. u!ff41 a?E.b4?.-.,...: o ol{r BlDnoou lloBlll HoME
t ts. CaU 94S-64{6.
Avon 8tslton Iobtlc BoEt PolI
C.Il B.tn eae-4846 o! 8t /8,.r!g-
r@R ElDnOOra - !|l brrE lr4t
Duilq. &stL ct ,rrqtG' rE
dr:tlr,Jrc1El aD|l li'a lDart!!.
IOIAIO PAICE 7t0 - l.ar6lurlrt tdd.Da tltb aDccnYl'', oudm Jaol'tt GDrraltft
luhL,9!tl'r a doll, (bl8nlr kltcbfu- ! balb Lrvntrou6d wlu
!rIB{8. tlos ddttoDd lDtottu'lk
IlrtlnrrogflAlf - 6 bcaboco. Sbal!tdrn!.is B.clal Yrr! li4.l66o/ 'l@
talltt-var !|fu Etru - ltd!.ld.nDqc to D.ta lit t-r, l!@
D.r Ed.aD!ea}.+loa. . C
1tO B!Dn6I - lravd.rfrborDb
E@Tql to rra |!?a ou a?w7{3@
I r rro I EDmr rprfinrrrrS bi naotcs.tlBlrd.loFr^fuui Edb rd rP. 6gt-ogtr -6 l'G7+1!6?0.-o
tto E!Dn6I EErCrOrlBIr (rtrm
x.r rtlt bf 6lt lclo to tD alt@
6IOrTMIOrEIIAESred$L.nrlfrnJrrrthl 3 rDlt Ib(b@lE 1ufurrfc@trnoDliiall9'|F '@
!.lflln8onrS lGal.- r,/r (ncd'
t ba(bo@. t D.C!@ rda batso@rU to l6to, ulol!- tsltd-
ltt'rdaF fi[!t!br4 lrolrdr Ffitlrr lrrrh ;lrd d.rbbrl. lorta, Alobr rsl'.iL,wd rsED4loDlt " Arorum-redr hqra.|{tto. 4?tg6to.abadlo@La4.bdrt,#sr4lttl , qgD Llo- !FI- ::
fi ,Pf RE'Y L@XIID @ ! ltrtrJ|t.lh,r
aDrolout laala-Vrll DoE. D.triirau vlrn rd lol dtDto|D EDd na't ld lol dtDloatrtoorclDdtltcidlirlma; r.at. a blL 8l(Xt 3, lL Ll:nda['toaD tr@lsltlac It5&!@.ldt.lbrD.8XP.q.ald lorc aDrrh ErlDlfflrD trEhdGtFrudtraryd.ltdtrDbdob l.Itdls rb.OI',!..!
ctr eOriAO t' E rarc aU ele-,o'
E 'IAIll
l'l{r{rt8 - Dlhr
dlElLbad t b.do@, gh b.rD Dhl.rtra!,6u C(Dvfll n qu.a qrD.
I,(D- i. O- .t Br !6 bl' i4.li$/qbo! Dhrt-rsucr oll D..ra?+& d.!i a?6-so lrurDa!.dieu - tr
!AO!!-VAL DUPLTX - Itntutobb.d g
tOw. a trr\ .PDrEdDrdY fgra
a 1 gluo l&O tbd b.@t on 9rb
eircn- Ecrurt drt.dc. a.t hcrl.-butb rrrnl]tEl I)@/Mh Phllutt[tli. l- l|!r L-. C.ll D6.olt@
IAAT VAIL DUPLET Of, POITD - 3E@. r.qftrollbd. budl &ol!'nlrplro, r Flrl r|rd anT.l
Brb@rbL lEL J'ur3 lis, lotrflrgr ro Dd. r?+l{9o. __ cl
lto E!DRmI - 8 b.rh' AlDlrqtr tr'
rEnrtdlM- ED rltt rUba/-dttc.
aEu.bL tnEdlrt ly. Sroo/EdtD
Dht .l6rrb f F.r lat. 8lolrfv
drDat! tmrld loal !ili!' D Ftr.
Oirlr c ntonel{. Erbo9 t A@IrryraGruI'. o
mqEffA$l - f b.droo6. f b.r.\
ldl,ETtrb.d @, Yltt ltU!! rr.l.
rDw.AYdLblc lFm.drt brtd r yrr.'
agto-Dd' nvr r\ ph.l8 rlFtr|c Sdurttyasir rrutrrd. sd Dh8a, no D!tl.@
nnmfL IlrlOIttI IlOf - F.u:or.bdad rDnrr:ltlblal I, g, aDa ! bcdo@
rDsa 6u 8.!4/ $ Cro-rufr n-lvrt6-rse'. - o
ETUDTO - nlltdad'tt Lb !t't9l|o'r|.ba/drtc, oeutat D.r!r{: Dod'.a. @ tD.-tl'r lD Ldl?'V.ll Am lE@
EOtrrSTAfl COlDollIlTurS -rroqrr rd tE tit rttrtldl
P+rd ibrt d -lg!O Dd @ rd@
ortrcr oa PBoDItGsor - raor '
r||tl|Db ttAErtf l!'tt{orc t;ba#*f..ffi."s*gE
DrofiaatoBd traldaBt ro PcL.l6to/'*'tL OD rl {?'6-!.-r^1 9!ir+illn cr Erd 1nt) 645-?1'8a o
ET CRl T TINIA - I uoft!
bdb!. 1
I bdbooalaotllc,llir'
-n.ElirU f ta.oco Dhr3tdltoD a@dd rDrL Oolr GcaL fllr, rll oh.D
a?e73ao, o! ({rB)
ara uon Oo!. Oc.L rl!', rll ohD
D.!aorr, llr. but. R.ryonlli^l-c PIr!IUDO! rroBlDntrr- I hblD"
rmn.e:nrlH malcElnluo l6rad raid V.O Ad$b | t'r{ibv br Irir. .66O/@iI Dlur ddl' r'dA!.ffi
'AIT !aIILY (r tED@dbL Fr!/.0b.dr@. 3 b.lD. tatvrf L kt diotlcrrrrd.Gcoar. j
1[O frD8@rr n,RIISED - I.iafcrlr.! ]{9Of D@'bcr n{Ptlrr.tf- lla Em. Anm ll|DrtlmtscYH,9{F066E. o
Otr 8!r lOR tllrB - A Ebo@rnrmu uonrdaUod. @/E@$-ht!,tahrd, 16to/moDlh' utlullctrEUa. Ou tlaUl loua Io Dria 15.TrE r! Bair GlrL *|g-Aaol. tr
h Wct Vart tctr @/Do|!' a?&
Cto. o
r@rorflC IITMTM - ffid ,or
andc c couPla I baitlooD turlEbrdffi l3t6/EamlL Atw L!$r{rDl'l@
SPACI@8 ftrD Bll)n6ra - ADart'
m! |t tb! Ealr!.rdt &dDs chic.
wrsha!/dr5t! r, roodbulblld 3ldr'l
rhloh tlll b.rt !nllrc unlt.
iunnlllrh.d tro fte I Jdr lit |l
@/Eon!h. a6OO drDod! 8..D uDll
omolrtatY turdfbd I F.r I6s |lng:'BhffiffiHst
TTTN'ES BEDNOOL TIK' BAIB -FuralaUC arpuo. Flt Olt l.tt vrll.
|edt. arst .Jrd lr4 c 16rc' lrBt lrd
itur it pqynrdq ai€-tol?. o
car,I. Avotr rarAolrlrT tot
rrormu,lomctaroE.uDn.rt.lotsbldl6!O/Dl]tl tc Fir! liB. gao-U
Sg!BIDO! - 13 tD. b.t c( Erat
Gr.I, t |Dat gbGd'ooqtt'lo||bal tD[1.
t|.bc/dt'lr, !!rDlG' o ul lrt .
h@ t{?{/dEr!- O[ U-.r& t
rDOnllottfo pcta.FlSll c
EDItm't dIgMrI&Y@O@Odt (!!*..lld to Vro OallCEETunnrarut E tcooo. bil lo,l' tlrurl- arr l4 r*br, trif &ibarra.-atdatDrDrS r:tEh- re/d Drll Ur[B
E(nlmr lElC AEnd - ttrl\
art ltb Vg.rdd.@br so.[r lto
Irtr Yrrtlir a[-ttog fG 6t ..,
tAOff-VAIL @fD - abab@.3lltrrLMd.tr&G/d4tE f-..mrr 7rt47't, or796-t864 O
lrOIr-VAtL LItlUStt - 80.d . 8'bdw- gh btl ldr.d..Faico
U ;r rC r'|uUnf oh$, DEI to toqo]tr hto-fllt/ lboltdl rd
nE'Dt!b'( ln.DL'- r'!h blt! bE
uIao, rrual nrbr/oru, an.!.
a ufr atrtLbL, I ndrb.d D.r@!tb tc[-d.8ctt, E Dda crll 0l]Up?Cr?Forrrr Qr$. Do.!SV tbandhErtdr l@r tio iolrt tioota-
hno rD bv.[v.[ct Lttf 5b.d!0.@
irracaoor. tullt -firlalab.d trtL
.rluttbDC gdfrtlold : D.fise
-onrD. Bl a ttrrla liE,l l[l|'
rrourrr. rd&r m rd mr &rrt tl
iror Eo.-rrc d tlr @ tE{r-i Dct dbl c.tlrrry|tvdr@
'(trtr EDn@rr d Yolta
r.tont8.rd. ?l6O/DoBtDrnudia?NOl?.
t olt-vr& - B.rtltul tladrd c
b(b@E abd/dttc, 9t!ll99Fr{n${. l?oo/undb Drt . ttfii;.
LYn!. Ioultrl! PloDartlaa
rlcr frO londtr| APAFfl DT -latmiroouots cn Oo!. Ct!-- t\ul&
nJr!r!M" Loor'Ddb thra r!$tLloll {"6-0Ol Dt4bt1 or @D.o!
d+croo d|Jr o
srtunflSgrD irsl vAtl, - ebd@. !trDL6, ltnt b! lCrD.
|o6o/Edrth tlu. t^|llltrd. Ou I{n4t*g*W o
IEnrt BfDrcOlI _ t,i b|\ r*b.r,
alqDtd. tr<l'drl|G' I or lrtdoria. nrruaua c ldi!'al!M.@
VAIL nJrQgrT CU'B - 1 Eo@
6&,nr.h'nur|tfbd. lElrff n q'lt
oul nemianno, Act Db6. Arr0tbl.
ocrober r0. c!u- I:ernt:to GL ctl
d.Y!. l-g7l-6060 oe.LlBtt fndiiiiirds. rer br DotL o
IABT VAII, - Oolt GIGI lilbrt
6D.b. I bd.ocm. g bl!. illDibb.4
tulDLd, bth ndla r|tDq/drF'olrr' Anll.Db fc l6t hrrn Er a!
TSB!! EIDBOOT - ar| Dt!h'b-ulfirlt i!'totsb.al t |'DborD tlb
ncdra- f as llrlF, bo! q& rd
BIDD. Drt. Avro.rrl ut tDtq{bhb6 l. cdl Rro!,,1?+.a??1. ooffi
uDfL or.alrld., D.tlJ rDd -tuf\tnfnl3hrd. clubbout u!a, t{!o.@
BnBY CFICA COlrE. nn At4rrdLblt.9a6-96?O' o
tufn ablc rDd rEftJlrurbr4 tEfilst r,
liOo/rnontn. Bl3horB R!Dt.l..{?GB6tt8. o
ErtRA IAXI! - ab.dr@ob@ml
crr |.sra !n 116!.. td. thy c:
tari oo oorc c!r.f t5{6/'ion|! Phrrl;crr*. Crll Vrl or E re,47F
mnoor( TrIEtl B Its!@8lff,ffi_1frgbtrtril;ffilg r-!qql94--------l
gltxRlmr ATAVOF - n Yn.ltTtdtld.2 b.dooD. C blb ododntuD.
rrsbc/drtlt. ta6ol@tD- Cfg-
VAII, - I rD.lrDaDl
PITEr CFalt- ltrrtlb.d aD.d!-on'
illrarralmlqry.q,GDur roulr. t€ooSbrr,b.ttrbtr/dry!r'a
D!! rlontb. {1'HO64.
TUI!fiOOB a rrltD t llDnoofr .-H.SS*il6--ffi
nror a7e-{21 tr .tldlaF san--ro€b.- - - o
ntRItUtIM l.ro BIDROOfa - 3 b.tJ\
Olo.obrbr @do fD Aru. f|aDa/gh"ffid3"rffi'"8'i
Itttr {7&l'1t38 d rTutnl! 919-*
:aeU- o".-l|AITAI[I(ttta@ - ! Drbo6. IE\ -D e.'c. tq4atg!ry
E fitnnSElD troll-v &
bdb@ Cl.l Olr{ts, Fltat@@th Dlr| uirurfir (|Jal'6/@A Dltr- unlE-. or
rran- a?+?tl0. O|e'l@tImn- l?E?t!O,9lHo9+ uo
Dg?trr rltr 9Tgr orEloc6na tb "
o{sr naD&. vdf lDd vbt to tb tidgrrrc dFif I b.d!@. t b.rb'
u!furalrhad, ocrllDlr LltoD.a.
'|ah/tbvlr, ,|rqta- rvrllaua T-thr,f f 6d0/;*t' lloDrta IT lranldior.. - o
A\tOt - bru 6dltc !b.An@.t
b .rr tdruJ fumub..t c.6inr. o(tlla
brlad D@l Ja.Erl rd ilDA antencErit. foo/ffi.crll uideCbcffi -. o
fom r8ra IlrrIlB - V.0'. Ed'rfor{rbla I DadtooD, futaftbtdrnrrDota Dut toD cto .tadlofornl vdl lorio. rg& r. t!@lrdlnda{?6-6?80, o
ATOX - A|Ds/ a b.Clooq EdE-t ttl
nrrrab.d tflDi4. lul \m$ utDtacuun. vgir df cru 6GI' hd aD'
r 6rr arir6. aoEo/db- c.ll u- de thoti. cl9,t6o. o
f'!O7Ddh- cln (3rt)-{r'as!a O gtt
MIIIY tuL! llF Ddta h!
o,t6oD 6r rtU tlrtb (86) tlf ' m.o
ort BrDnmr nloEl ox cnll6 -L6, trr.m" unns'Dtlbral CDrlDbg 106
€niimrntuD rt rstlrloqla4 h|. rA/ul9
Ytlr lae. AvlLlL,lt ulllrEu.fuAru Dlcs, [o Dcta llc a
.ra-"Bao- dr ({rB) 6Aa-1747
ialle atrDt!6, d.or. @/EoltL ran -iaa. Aedl.bl. trldlr'L\ytr!ffttrLly.rloaoall
S**to_ pt t?r4+
'cEo(lr rcorllor - b4 d tlthbllrrt l{lr-Vfil. OoabtDrttonD.rtrooDi UrlDt !ooE, Artal|DacaaFlata otarD, lqrdtb.rbllrrD'.llv1du.l. O.rf {76.8aGG al ra.@
r(!l.r Yil?- -
@nA&a&Ilrb..a ru|! ru|l 6llf.
' t!flCo' all ea]
@&f -aE irderrltbffi,rsir.&F. Am/@. d..Dftc I.DE O
tA r.-Y-AtL^ -.! !.q!@,- ! !:!F - 1aO, ErDnOOi. - Irofirr!1rh.d,brl4ftllv t|Ild+rra D.olFDc !A &ritfmri nhr-u|Isl C @rh, o':g.-!I6rlla to D-.. (uO) 6l: i ilrrirAcm - o
Y_.tU'V !,_ f- 8 !.Ooq, flt !O
la!|tl'AIL - r-! b.(bo.E Oot Grarffim.mmffi
veg cor @uRE &[r| -G:E, ?l(m Et!. E Ed! iI'urE Ut - tea4r\ t nan,Sord
ararr,.Dll.66!0' .
tt$rtttc Qu.IrU nrU rrBd ellgltrDll. Ibrrr! gr4 Or,nioh. OIOTo
llnrE llDn@ra @rDO - trr:o||U.Dd Ot l url3r$l.yrr h-. EtOlffifi.-- Dulcbn oo,-J
qtru rm- 'irnn nrr:rerr -ngV.nE4Ad lD.bo@.fr@.ffiE rgIOrE-8Dr!. - O
PIIB AIII';ID - 6 DdloE.. b.r'tqcr b La Y.lL Lto/f?m. a?Gtnf. O
r..TTD I IIDT@I IPA.nIIIT1TE tnn d orc Ed, tr\e, to taj fr?a/q!pq! Et urr a3r-!dn c l-dfa-EatI i O
Cl6f1g/f a rcfl.g rr ^nn.rrg{litfIL fuad.U 8 rd 8b(bo@,uo&rbtufi b lnbcE|tf 6 Dh- rll 9ag-€lob-rnt.Dda. - O
ld,Ed.dtumltErr-.rir.r.{o&ilr}'ry. t?oo/od. arFra[!. o
Ott EIDnOOI -. OotDDl.3atr.
tumrrbrli Db. tl@D l!.- 4tgErml c.tr {?}!adt a5r. rrb ADffi .a atllatt rtr 6 D.E.O
-tll nrGVl - I Eboo.tb.rD. rhb@.3b.t!r!b ldt' Ihir1! rb4Drcorrrt, rlb,,Ct'r DodD. Faf.n-eru. C.rf lar 96-lt67l. O
'nllEKEI.gEIIIEAoEf olaai Frrr.o| r|', nE!r|b.4 Tc,D ofEls[oD. Fdal' lrr tc. Gteq.rl.d.rcrrtt l-s'?Yfa o
lmE @A@I - I tritr torlbotlIdrDcrEirlD, tr&/-dtc. I &cI!,trr la-, tfu)/EdD. tC?-!Olr,lrtrua!. O
" mEW-t j ;i.|!oo/rooa.
nt!D:tdb.(l ffi 8,. Oo 8d8dt@ nd4 t- Yro. hr teulatira Lr. CD|'fb Lrrt alolE.a?c4!a . : o
tEEl EII&6rF - ab6o@.F an!.3rda!D..l!@/intrhtgfi ,ADn E|osal D3c ?t'- t707 c
. qrttnl tat-
otrt ilry.q l(rDo --t!E 0@pTrrt'i.'t l.(D.. uiltr tfrlg.elllfga : O
llOIl-VlIL - Oo f-Dd.. to'!D.rt. ba|r0rbL t EoGrE tuD Eb.. a&^'r.r Db.boeD.IBa f rrl.rtl b!! Ddod. tullDO Dhr ld.
l8?O. Eor! rtlh. hl dd. Cdl
RIADATDITE lbVdt tL[ ^t--r.i.dE-d6. O
EEt rcIr sPlct avltt al! -aE cau@ Iobtlt E@ l+t 16.U EiD eae-AA/6 c t n, ea}ttta o
EB ED DI -l{abr\t d} Vtrl$Cq Aralr cl 6rryr rrrUcTffdff-t-.e'G.(&i
RtlXlI).PAllE. ??0 - hr eaEIuni tlj.bo rltb rrtarl|lrlr, qr@ r.anr4 Grrd! aE.UtE,t [t .ii.L.,Afr UOo, fb(bo(E l btl torDhq5rlh a as-ry
drf .n.rQrb& b toIa.La'.'c{Cat .. o
lrCTlN ETPIv.rl.
D*a blcD rudacrtarl
lcni rih0.3
. tiurrllmn r. lb.l' Errl@llra
Fl6, { D.dro@r t br"', lA.'?bld a$o. tll8 Drr erdr!tr
. ftrEl|b.d. lrr|t r'rry d.o[. A!'l!&.,Dldd F*ba: Ut larr ltc tlrDg!9!rr r..-r",.* Frn V e d:*tienl W ne-'or.- -ai!o !86.- rllui|lflc_ tshfi. !D a bd!@ r.dbbd!. lts. a?'l},tooO, L.p rrytlc-O
Edbor! oab. |!A/E E|! DIlru m.,a7c-u6a - oi: l'O SIOnOOI - lr&n!b.d @ tlr- bDDtlr Aiw- blb!@.!trd,ltrr !i-. t.ao/Edb, iea-t&. o
i ,@IPrtTrLr. rnBrtSBtD - I
I. hboco. 8 hrAidori d rtbl!.Dba. tshfra rrbc/(btE,.fl
tI Ht h.[i.DDfrr6r DooL -tErtv.. boltad l!' Avon/Bc.Y.! Osaal.l-aoo-ta7-o?et. t-tta.3!t-
ryltBlml - .3 b!@. 8 b.rt.Itltlfab.d .o-.iiirEhrri. 6ld' lv;rr.bar/dry.r,. looataal la Avon.AnlbbL rGrrrt r4tr b!. I 'ir.?fiBlDdb gur- .[drb. g6i]?€
&Dd, ltqutrld rd Dli-, D tie@flg&FvAll @rDO - I Ebo6. t}thO.Arto. trlbc,(bl'-'nrIbE ttl{no or ?ga-!Ata O
It?llf .l I&XfID o E n|rrrr rhrrDaolout l{ta-ve b,oEa haaDasFrdn.;r |6.! td,^. drb to
4le/Ddh r@aDart!!c-r,,b!@@.loGl' .h 8l(Drtc'l'|rrn! ltr!| efib n .nr-r.rf 5lunrElatD !d d EE/od,f,Eqrb!. (Edc t. uDltEord. R-.!qF{16IlErflrfC[g|}rola o
4 Clg llrS8 dnrr.fbrlr|u"t DEm rra! bar fg dbnl|l'ta d v|IL l'(x)/@! o@Illdbr t-nryt.6|oDdlaot.{l| gDltorrDqt to ,F.l ruah btqFlNa ;b!f |l lrri d €loaqg|qr!|o. uu-tgr cd?-r&. o
|||tvltllltttm -Sbc!c.!
tlAl VAlt <.!brboaE, fgout,h Y.lllD!.dbr.b7.lrhfid:EAVIA Cnllll tt8r - f bd\o@. aF\ rdtqI &t lllpto. rrOa/ctc. trl rd' !rulf EO Oll(lnur| lLEia?C-l8aa O
tl}'tDlfo nlm - Lea. r@|[.!q!t ED r!lh, rtrb- rar !6Frlo.Odqr d I ba(bo@ ln t!. alrlEt4- r'r|l ro Bru{r. t[I trtr &! boaala oaln!| DtorE qt l.D ayd ltr|l
irn;. - a.brdro.lU trrD.'G' b6, e-qFc !!bre.c,f,crt*rr,nrlr/drrc.ar r,-!- rrs trr u pra--
lreoJErtiir-@ql'tt- lltt-od)a .o
olr altR@I I@Ur i{OE -.,:.
D.t , cr|l eao-oara
trtcr a?
BlaT tt&t vaIL t&Irtor rrD
ltrrcUIrTl AIOII t^latl,y EOIC 6 r
tlcr Crts.,t -r to Yr|l Oottoqll!. -.
ohnrmt M 0 bibo@. trls ldt. 8l|br|l\ dt aaEr rlf, b.r. lrri! &rbfaorr,at,!!'^Er ctb eEd.ob! I rrt!.r ;@/bclD Dltr .'r.ribFr ;fur/bclD Dlur .*rrnq3Eltqtd.tm, ltQ||I!.{rdDIanD
Pd Eol.!d_!r!!a arrhlso. hoD tboly.n,a?Gt6tl. - o
ltnnGlD ItO @nora - | b.t!
E5 Odi
lln.gtl EW EtrE bIA@b, tltDlu.lqf ltlobrt(fDr&. Grd qD, Er@
!4r q!4 rUr,1nrrr. rrnrT!jlr. !|t7nrmtd a-r arA-,ttrtt
blar fur D.u-t
:s:----= rfriuu, rct rirrurlcC-r Ecoroo., @ Hffit&tilrXAIX IEADOtrB - DduD Dlu! lott, a D.th, dl .l.ctrlo.miffi WaE @ ; ^W1ffirffl';i'm{P, ffi."^ff
lro&r.l 'prur'uulltld crll Ib& IrrFgnrll niD laol.l'vall, - a %tE-5lteodAvi.?6-lec*'"oq ffi-g-r-1ftffiJ"fi"'ffi BEnBy. cE-irr_*ormaar--'-o@/morbDhnrel$tc.^*t@
t-vlrLDgprrx - unnrm$bdq % ,^Frr v^rr. - 4 an I .-rdd,'.d c-!1t!.-amror,nrrary te^1p DITPIJX IITH grtl! oltrlootsrf rh' i;ffi;;;d lra-rrof,_d.Eu- um-r#f urcurr-on *n goil Brip;vdt Fdvd'to trc-''igt-or ltlfff"S$i|ffi Rc nlrr s, E-6 _rJ
bdffi,S:SSbd:Hd;i'l fffff4ffi,LfiE-iri"ffi n;iffi:-""' "'""-"' "' g
frlo'ffi;Ea.H"HE #fiipr#g#H|-'q ffiff_6.,4#Th@con8
aru'' otar
q{Arr --, Eleqsr.qs
n*X,*1*"ja#1"3#ffiffiimrlibld andq cu."_b46qr.rcd Avotr - bruo...lrctob.drooE g vryi
t Aydldr. rmD.qlr.vetr I tt.r. ii!\- t irtly rurDrrDrt tolrlr c.^,lrr, PO|!RIDOII'O9ryI99I-_I-t^T*.iF Edrib Dlut .lctric. 88iI St ffiC ldlrcra rsiiriilre otriti un \r'nlrib.d oqP4gE Dttllo locatod rn,
rlt nolrc-rnc ci!!.- !q- F.a ;ffifr-ffi/Dmrb.-cru-ir!.-tfr fd,vdl AtltrllDla, lm4rdral.v fo! I
r BldroD 0 O@D.ny, {70-868r.tr O'gbors. ere-ab€O. tr lrr. |66O/rooDlD Dh! 4d{o."4ery:L EtlDgD U {JWDrnJ/. r'.9-oool.lJ 0 ghoFr. gfgJt€@. O t$. lOO{J/IllltrlED plut .rEEr'rc, .rur E rE.
drIEY qtuFr! il!(tv4EA
"^! trlonrl^llox ; _ll4!I4 u,No TERII rrAs!8 - vru'r 860 Fi.' cdrrti Hobob 0 Co.,!?9 Q9919
.r. f\ rllF ton F! !t 'p. .:
unftrmlrtbcd f, g |rtt ! ba(bo@ effdraruta-abcaroon, nunlsbc<t' -_-
r Odf 8|rO rt Ct\a!rq& n dE rDartrDqrio. t^! ltoD on Aai]t|da T\fO AfDnOOta
'SRNISIGD - l.asoISlIt o o&-rtrai iatt tcattoD. I'2€O N. froDr.rdr tor y!.r & a4& Dc EoDl4 o! n dollrb '
xo.- tns!r.b.d- -tq.!o"DLd1 ro S",H" ffi*"1-o x"ttqpott:.
H/,g$ii,Iffi "fd_-^tr# *H'""1HHjH,RS*# ;ffiri Dhr rturtra s.9€660. o ;iffi;dr6;E--"-c*i[dhrb, rD.rturtt u+grylshrd. l6oo/mo!tb-
f.r-9raf,_-! 99rp9Trrr9.,p_; ffim:rg-?.gg' crti t'tar 3 H,L|t$'l3$tttt ^ilil'+fi{lgTAf,l COl'DoxI[IqI€_ - gri-O 6oEl eab-J645.-- O tnoludld qrtDrqp rgtt:a lo_DqtE nu
cDtt rd trat lr- .va0.Dr.. G tmt rr fo.ru CrccL 919-640r. tri -'frdt rt f0@ Pc ru,D 'ntn lAtT vlIL - Oot| 6r.t Irlbrr
re l,loJ trnl|!$-ro-!*f q AdA. c D.6o@t-n bd]l. il|lntsbld. !6lorllc ITTIIJTIIS - Plroc lor
rur. Ch! it-C D-8. a|!& A!O. o d6-tjoJ, lrr! E tla;lbd/dry.i dnlt -oE orDL l b.drcon nJE sbld
' AiCIdrL '.0
, 1060/Ddio
'. dO€e rqu''Cb r|l&81ffi,ffiilld D lrr igD_y!!r_._(rr Igor -. - -;;*-;; j D.alto@r 6 D.t4rcvc uqrur ere:exo.- - -- E ' hltduv-tt&r'|bd tor!!L' drdt'd-C ar
dEt"1; ' prrr' 'AiDmGrt
Essx cntra pl4za - 2 rD.u!. Effi;#S;r"';"Fn"q,ffi/fl|ror'fi
J!*'&@ tluqrplld,
. Avr0|bL3qUV|0','' *. o
i_. .
T (f;
-#oot br l!. crll l.glg:r!& cL 8lrd.F, I-974-'O0O av.!lr|r .Dd. .rubrbi|lEbaD@. - OlOIl.YAlL Cll'dt - I bdr@. llrr\ GEtoa tdF/llrt'c,li'.af,r ttl-.ltto o ?+t&€t{'6. O
TPGBLY I&AID o Cnrrir., rb,3prolour l.al.-Y.ll boEa b..rl.EFxlr|'| rd br drlqb
Iqt bcletEE|D.luncami''n(l!@.bBlELll@r.ALrad torr a|'rb atrbflr uohfi !r tb t\Et d 3fC/@rD.dbltbootdcf .mtdrLtErr
'U elle{16- ll E rDanatre|e,')la,o
|8T YAILI9SIEIE - Eb..ttooD, 8a\ ,itD abE, F!|t r||b//tE n|Dtn!.ntau,OU {?O- irl|taft
$!VAIIr|rREIN,DINI}FAI -0 tp dFolrrr.'fca |!t aDcttE !o lr b llrDt3 {?t- lll0. o
q[nlRlml AX4\tOf, - tulr irrDrab.4A bdraE f bltr o@&E|DlrEvr.bc/dtrr. 146or'@$. 9{9-7lAO. O'
rlg YAIL - I bldr.ooE |trrtErDt
th! oa Oa[! OlL lClO/D@tb th.raldrlc cdl Yrl c Eialc, a70- -gl+ o
ffi. lloltr-vr|Il. - I'dulrrb.d8b6ro
ryrtqol-8leurlabd'EE,turalaDrd, ;trhrr/dry.r. l{eo:{H&.S-,HI """'r'*B
Ir.allo@t a cr 1irr|r FJr rc.a[,3lE A.[r a6abt br3 Grr6,!l!@/@l\ rdtmr|u, Id rl0.9-!G7a gFt6ita. - o
Wffirrol&.v^rl-ab.dro@.ru.rlttnn a?14-m ueb -ct
F+E-lsl4l'rluJlltDotufi,@lrn .rfir.EDROOI _ n rd|b.d dniri. tn@, r..;!.'_t ilon iiE;r sndtron'
lln _. @mia. - Ir€\t tt !Dre"4 @
TrlAL IInld rdutdru!l. olt 8ln(vro-llga .. . ..-.:*,-g
IlnIlIloI - hflrrul. a, rod I bdrpo
!r u@rsra D-rqtul turrruha,A!@lD., JI|rd, brrat nfiL rd ttAt@ (lr!. G!.L & h!.,,., r'JI to i!,V lrar. t ldr oourtt rtrd bur.
'I(D/urD rlb ri-. to *..a?!-!s?. - o
g}llLfcl@ I - I bdloo. 8b.th, tuilt lrultrrahgd taoludriaEloorrE .l V.ff dra &b@ fn taaVrtl- C.tl B.rt f?Eg6. O
EAnITIIUL &AC!OI'S Ml'ItOL!8 l!LqrDLln 1lr:u lD --.tFv.rt I fulltttu[l3b.4 f ud|'rDtsb.d, -6btot!.f-b!| ItolO[Ar(!ortl!!'Uf ht^rr.rr &'leror ldt trE @t7. IruilEt(bDalt. Ifo p.L. Dtar ., I -66t- OlAl .O
oDo tpac rlal apdrdrlrl|' ytrrd
BduEtul OrDld rgr0&lrootob ldtnf Udi4r I b.drom. I b.'h, dt drtrb.ud|.ErtlD.d ilth aqrr lr!t.F. Eo DrrlCI!. |?@ Dc Eoirr[ fr6o c.FcPtd- all f.Doooultt rl, 9lg- -
6743. oo""@
tUIy ltlr'Dl|b.d. Irolu.!!, rU let41Orufird 3 ar arFar, t1O/@tD,glHt?ac9tl}.6r{, O
tto BrDnooI. Tro raTE -ltlaltru Sulrtda! ln Avu" ltrtt|lroa,trr&d/d!r!r, lir tro fr Idftdrht pr6tTd. l@@rol 6Ulid .E !61-666 dr!|t @ 9t9-O796U
nrBrlGrD Tto @R@I DgttlxIrirEqr rb r8r, @/Eath llaluullua!. Arrll.bL Ootobar. lr..c@
TrO EADn@I - Unttlr,th.d @.b
rn !.t, va|l e,trut&oD.I.@a taD La-* tl6o/Ddt!. Crlt crrl- Ortl!.u toDldru. rtd"t l-ttlt-?€!Ul. boDt-ZltOtCan--.O O
!m mn@I @rD t! arqBr_rl!.,!.d, l!7ElrLoDrb.. Itt.,?'al.t t90 c tnno ??t{zto. ci
fiDllb.d tELl utr tr tD@Llcrbf
fn+?SqtD!, !r 8-uQrotrri
IIYI lr IgtX - Tirt l d
! ryI/l.pr.Aa Eor|t-i-, ffiotrilVEll Cblt OduI"'. rtth vln| d Oc[a
ffi.. (.6) zal's9?! - (*d
Fltrntf-.ilr.o nvd, aato, COrrUrrLy'. runrtgsrp _ a!{qr:!r?'t ro,6ao Fr ffirh 6re: uixin" -E--urinnfr'-iro
-r,u6(}-9179 c IrIr ?a!-llm. o Ortpiic. rniutn6 ElriTarp, rnoli---
EADrrrru.r arroDErD - v? *.#,ipDffii#ii"&3l:gqc._ qr4\r tgirb! cPallrfg I j@-6s?n?fr, ilh-r-_-d3- orr. olralr.v.ll Odf 68r C br&ace- rrh\ ITO-4. n:!!|D!+rbht VD currEArotR g EDnOOx !nRA-D.tr (lll Jullr 9a9-tlF. - O raU, Ordorira6E-;e$ Odt@@ffift,;C.n;b.(!@, aDch rtt! ldfl' uDnr:orrb.4 ru"r iart ntlr u rl-.E?o* ntr'@snffis".Fffiffir,*!A'I,IL - ! ht!@E I brr 14 alf Ao-@ltbly tat. In L lac OorustrV-nrmrr6a.-fi;6 i6fi @@, ai.@aDL. Ito Er!. (816) 65I: . err!,y frO BEDnmI, A Bltrat't.L=ffi@lid Crl| r' nt! yanr rBtlo d3: OiV! EDROOII XOU8! t! n d Cl!r.tr brnr !9anl to-6r, hoor{r rnid-riiAn-niri;;;i'b'd6;.#wrt!.r/dry.r,..rror_.tc__rooq,r?!16o, ere;fe4r--' - --'-"'d ffi,ri Jt$S'#l a8t'!!rslffiiffif60d--;+;. prd.F ilnd- nffil' lnD!ou!.,. trDulou! vlrr cr Vlr C@t1trS"itrffi,ffi,SilS
lACtt-VAIL -- I b.d!@m" qa1g1a- 4?O{?! O
'bl sLrd4orb.d'l*H: ffiWffiffiiH'ffi.#EflH@ erot.Dtlar l-!F,?gar' .obt I bdrEE b.r&,tuliy furDtab.d@ffi
tltct on rnoosotror eiecrrltrDl l! AtE |l rF.bloE.tb.D
VtDlIrl dr n-!d t|rbDf: tfrr,orith llr rob !ltr- Oll F|ot rtr.tn! UqiEr gag-@ao. trffi,rll|D[+. E;h fr,Ert.bat a bd!@.ur lot!, I b.!h. rll .l.otrto.m/E@th Dfur &q) (lDdr nr-ll Lno odL*, a, eo-!?att. o
lFgnln@ t orl-vArl.-8li!,IPI.
,Ol - Alt[*.t-ttb.d!ooE ElD. rddt| nrrdrd. .--n. 6.!:!|tl.ldDd.tDurnarlr|DrE DG!tallsr ft$rbd!. OI Urrr&&61e|9-a!an - O
xBIIolTIlo@mI- thD.rhf|IlolrD.al 6.bearo barad b
- VrfL .lr|lllrbla i'rn-n.'r}r &r I.r. looor'@ Dhr elct rfut frraurv .ltntl rqrilr4 rlal Dtir. Darry abDaa tr!|!.r|4 rd Dtir, Dr. @r|| r! n|-h.D Co..t?i&!66tlt
(' @(PI
'UNII8E!D - IA-ltFaE tl$ FetDcD{Fr.: !D I&. Aro rr...r.n-,,r
rT'o.t Oae-!€CO. O
'I 6lf irR tCaA - t DdlooE.rb!a tdtrtlbbllo(xyerb'|ratrb.o, ltco/Dorit!. urutd.rtu5,6tbhrlqt !o Fa It!rD- $ bc qtE el}'Dtarr. O
ffitM.f'fllltlld,- Frqi(. bc{t c qrDl.. I D.(boom i.Fntlh.dtla 3136/rrcrub. Ayur LrD{rDNrttwta.. gle-6€64 - O
ACIODB TIO EDrcX - fr|r!-
Dr B rDa Brurtr Drrf (5ot&_ub.r/rt!tr!. looaDurDfr, a!or.-rtoD rul b.rt. ra3!!a u!tt.IlIrlAU, fo Dt3 I rrr Lr |'@r'mlD $@ (ba[L 8rD ual!aCr.V irE,|uf I lDr L- |rlollirhrlh, trxt rl]lril C.U .rrolrL. OiO-.HO alF. gC-aElra-'".. e
.Ll AVOI IAtl'Olrattrr to!q!d6otb.abooD.urfurlr.b(llo/etbtbrrlrhr ete-Eo. o
O!!-VAIL - !rllf|! A$!LD.d fho@. r!!!!q/(!!E 6!rtDEn64. nrE noo/uilh ilr uoltriU ldrnD, Iqu[tal!' - proDartt[tdr-.atc-r4to. - o
nau!. 2 d{y Uvtrr! 116, o.rh.drrl4lltnd!" OlrDLa. a b.(!.@r l|ablb|' ru raE &t G lo(l. hlit6lr{., dta,n c tu!t|b.4 ll!@ f'E@t! f,ll' r'0ll|.r Yrr ld-
@r PSJr tr lnnr|IaalD - abO@ f,- Vr& ;'-iorb irtgis.Ylrl L.r. tt56 BrIt ultftEi. Itiodrl-t99-?9ta - o
FT'REIEID I'AB VAtLq'rEXr -SDll@. t6@tirr r*.rrd{.of n Cri476-€c6. o
9IXOL! trlrLl alStDtrct t8ldrrde &+9666 c 9to-rl,l6t. o
r|ralJl-YAIL - O{u lAx).|rrta,l@ r.lL Ilr tb! hElrlr 6tba g rd Ier|brlDrtI!!!rdro.,r|!bc/d!/rr, a <bola. t[rratrbirt outrttmlrba4 d, to rrintr, aou |I!aterrnnull c.[ ea0-6lt?. - O
nuor rix rnreugt @Itparcr
20 udls to r.a! to lor b@ nnrur,a uJrtat to t{rll to tor tD@ nnllr.a,SLdton L brd oo ED ctt.l''|, tfd
!oIXIEIID llAT VAIL - 2|!o@. nr.tlb-. T{'v,O/Dnth D[ua u rgr,
t-?,t60 c etg-|Or .
8,8 @nmll -alih.rh r*bt'.rDtE, r.ab!/&ts. 3 ar Dirld|... ttrlrrH' c ultumltbd_|o.t,ProDc?lI l-{P{tto. O
r!,9odrtqq8_aD qOC4a, ir9r.,rry-
.Frldry, e -6. lod Eouftra OD'DottD-rv. oroaffiroo(tion! b taagd Rlvn Xot a Eorrhr\ !alru{s. LEO/@r!, AvrrLb!.(npblr l. CrD 9t&'06@. O
Sttrolr tan|rtY nrSrDtf,c! -Ilrt*EourlrlD. ! bdrlo4 8 h.rh,rr.b/dttr, nroro. FOoftmtfilrut uulttir. cru tloo-rl,{ .!L boanld 6 4tt-laa6, orr. o
lAoLl-vaIL - u!t\rt!t.!.d 3D.rbooE, 9?O rq. n., nr.Dh...ltr|b/dtrlr bctrl t!' Lrrirl|rerro. Y^rrt--t 366g7mtr plrr
drtE;. cu- D-q!r-1?1iLcg)6 .rGb.'c (6la) gal-eul odtFr rd .tr-nrhr. o
Cmlcl lOCr:rIOX : rEt d t{rb
A!Or, UIAT rcORSE - To rb
tnt tnl II EB - Yl|l'| Eoitbt{.Dl. I DadrooE turnrrDa<l$lEatl|' U! aop @ ltrlrrDdt,otr.l Vrll todr. ffdt t. tro!.,r.La76-C?t l]
Abrbk'u 6,/Etq
-8b.C!FD.ab&@.to6btuD, 00lc f9.
tttuEor! Clrd4d rqulr$ .,nd
) r r--. Jt!O/m , ft-84t.Lrau{.. orrffi85o/mt! Iturullrd-. OEolb cI !|r t-.. DtFotno O
UIEAIOUTTTAIX - lt rrilrb.d ab.d!@' a|t b.rh tr|I'IE r-tl ff@.Iir lI!. llo IEa o.lt SuV.Ctrfl!..b ni|E/ 4?'6 fgrlo. OAffiturntlb4 aFflatc. b|'snt &rtD.mqlanlrlbn, vtra d 8aatro 6aaL@/Ddt\.rdf$b tf cl'rEbc t. CrlIry
SAXDATOII - ItnltrE[b.d ls..t-rray trad' strIbmlntum, 1600. yrtlc-, llrolu&r D-t On-!f. El rn.t
{ffir,8:'ll oslqY' crso.d. ndE
effibilEn 0 b.l!. .lrrt f.D. Som t!.
DarL .f,DofEaa lrchrab Or'pL6,r||b.r/drJ!r lDd .rlrao. Av{Lbt
ootobr g. lr@ ur ultnri. crtt Y.ttHoDnol.bal&Ull. O*'rGGlL @rbElntuDt t badrsro. aff
brrDt"arnaa rD.t rrrn Ycllda C.n@aolrStaltt corDorlttul8 -rarlDv tEt L ldl D@b 10.
|tf Oblh bhrtba r! urotL Iornoua?6-ttso. o^m@.botDne. Yr! lrr l@/b@t!-U, tts rE, flDo/t'i n'ht'. Clll@Tro atDtooL, fro BATIT -gltulDlrbad ooBdo la Avon,f,.aD.F/dryc, fr{o. @/@tD. CrD
Rrol rtoDr (!ra) 6Glagr c Srr|r9ao-lcg. o
tOI!-V^IL-Cbdr- S b.rh.l[ll$L toYlEbrt l. UDtumIb.4rrcbc/drtlr, lea tar haa tro Ftr-l!60 rr ro6tb. C.U rnE eae-4.rol@
trlAT VAIL - Srnddo6r rr\r. ebldroom plur lotl, ul'rrlnlrh.d.Snorbf uDllcgtuuDtl FrtsDg h-t d
Far lour:rt D@1. a6(n/EDf.b- C.U Ua& & 0 &ora el9-.16@. O*ru""rGlllbrfrUr aondo. f|tbd^htc, ontn! tir,!.. orll {7G6cxrl oosn-.Gth. Ool. n ndr, Vdl. rnd vld tn tbarld d B.rtDr C!..L. C b.d!ooD. a b.a[unfurnl3h.d, d.stlncr ll!oh.n,trabd/dr?tr, Slr!'& avllrDL. Ycrlro, ll@/Drrlr funrsbdd f,o DltaR.- 6lt 4?G7lOl. a?o-rola. o
fm/@DUb.hf D-/dFtr|3:
Xo Data c.ll 8rDrv. Groroada ni{t8-r.323.
t-""-""o. - tory " o"o*ftrtlraD.d .Drf i-|L llrDbo .d.ol. to rat lbada. to Dr@/mltr. Arr, hr. &@ Frr
d.Dal|. At rrbDL lo|M l& n lAD.rtrul, Eq gl2t, VrlL_-------:-
IATrIRIIORr8 EESI - thrrlto, YDllvalr, st3raoltvcly fulnlrh1596/nonl,! utulu.. !!olu.l-d.bdrm il'nltbd c unt\,fnllloLll D.l oqdd.rt4 l!90, hl6 lv,Cord DTTEDC l{l., a bdroorbrth. lrdlc bour., turnrgb.dufurnlllr4 nar Dalrll, Drr crrr6eurnaP,rrtf'/ rten&L. {m-gI3P54!e__
toltR alDnmll E@t ln tatrutlph.ndc t n! tor ir uD. Sdortt:ryslltggo-e93_
glq glr&lf LlAal d nJsuo, ttllrlgg brdlEm rroc,b houra l9 msouihrrcst of Vrtl. tSOO/mor'
Avrtloblr nor tjuough Xtld Contro
Dd, OK n r.€ opDoralub/ to sp
ru.4hl but .\royablc wlr ar rl tarorr8 oouruy E l. (!qr ){86-mOa2?-68{ l.
"JtnrlouriEG.* *"n"
No dog. lanob.alrrl llob!. HonD F
'LO 88"n@L - A b.rrt,-rrrrolr,
Lba banls d lb. lqor Rlwr lrGr
nrtrgro lo Eaatrc Cr!|L l?oo/sro:t9ls7. __
ArrON - For 6I 10116rl OrtolDfi|rDl3bld2tdrcm.abrt[mrDdlrlros lncluln{l rr8}Drld'mtsrvrrw. No Fl6. Iolr tnD)Drtfclrr4 aogo/Dr .lL Cdl I
{70- ?EaEgg!g'g_9!9-6631_
oUE EEDnmI - gDirrnrsbrd oonc
AvoL lg0o Dll| u[m.r Ycrls I'prr(.rrd.. CrI a?G36eO or I
DrDla fprrfElntt Vdf Urbrmurrt3h hllu, nrqlE, tuiV crflrtd
Etohdr apCln6a,llvlru rcon d!tstA prlvu. D.rbDtl t6?A F tgou lrrr li-. Xo .DaL. CrU Da
2?9-3tba ot Vrrl at6-6io.
T TO lEDnOOlt - ab.r\tt nrr"rtd
ln l|dl.-Vdl. Cdl bD (btdb.a?S 3lat tor Dr4
otlt ErDnooI uolr8Lanl -6n7-a160.
,TWO IIID THRE! BIDNOOUColdrl,rilr rnd tltllr.o oDdomtntfg!l!(|lll!-otoo e r.n+_E_
NI'TGAOI'S - ab.drstllr Dlu! lotl
0 bdrEE|! plus Hl tdrnhotlE tt6 . Unnrnrfah.d Cdl Rtol ar.lrryj99-
wlglVAIL-!bdroon2ludtmtab.d @/nDDth Dlur uul
crD D(rvlr 696-Ognt. -
rooGt""*Glffi.ficLn.!, b ldL Fltldl nrut[rlth 6.rtlc d lrErDar/rtrt ! l,n|lob. C.rr b aEDloJtdctldtr.!..l@/tlDntlr Cl| UcllUc, nd€!!r.qullrd. 980-8749 or I -?193:-
'l€0O-@/Ddn Vdr V.l|6/, Crl|
raoE i Oorr nrqts ProD.ttc/B
Hom6 C O.rftu. 476,-d4€i2.
QUIRI PRMTI - a bdr@m fortE n dt!.|y. L6.r.d |! t!l|&nuC
Rld6a nrrrhJr aoD, Dar.ErllJ/ ltrn)!@rDlc, Dlcra Dqrvr! 6Ot-61l4
ttt"=urgntowEiJo.o'r bd\ fufDraba{ loir of Dsr
,a6olDonr,b. C.U el' .r lr. L ldr
etg-o160, a?G7l6t.
rJvE EY YOUnA!I! - 1260 ulrnch-6 qr l{lc-Vlll Oott Cotumllhlq I rrm bcl' cC. Cdl f
949-O4q), 9{9-66t!l.
A rtr! turd, lal.l{Uuy tllrclth.d,
b.d, !,trt l|rtr ElcDaD, rra otlDa, (
toc.llol ln UoaBd @ Odt C
|66O/IDDl.b. tir L.-, Io
TOWIIHOUI!! - 0 b.droE aInJrdah64 cErlott, vtrtrB. 20@ sWcd, Vrll. a?lO/rFnUL l-25/f-hon o! 4?'lt-@te
RISFON8IEI.I @UPLI !O ItNt 1bors tn l&Dulrn E; urourot Jurtlo ltt . ltoo/DntL AJ8L lasrry -t"t t* *'
@ZY fNtO BEDR/@lt - h.|rnrrhdnrcCro ln' fct Vdl. 9t6-666 drg[6-7f 6a 6/Elrts.
tatl "!& - &rd"",dn"r.D.,drrDl6. !a(D Clr.bDd.ndurlo Dr.. ete-c@, lta-tota,'rgf'tmffiduDl.i CoEDl taU fut .b.(
l. !!L{i!ri;i- r-.-CAr,a ir I
&ntBlmt AT AvoIb.drooD, a brtb,tulalrb.4 otr LgtAerlllbla llo\rlEbrrD6rtr?9-.Fa7.
- lDrlc U. arrghcr,/dryar,Rlrtr. No fia.C @/@rb,
llrElLoutaT In - 'urdrbd IDadrooE, I balb. Ya.r laaaa.
oodtt br. ItltD& lo' u!u!4lit 6dr ll/r. oolY t76oltDtt?t.'lll?€..
EKlCmrV! 8t$ou lAltlI,Y lrolAAt.c.n! to Vrll oolf co
Itnttirnbhd I b.dlooE lrr8. t.,
brd\ dry x|rlra rd brr, lerSt d
4rrr'ac, aad rDtl |o\'h &r&I8. :Iirt &mo/Dn!h flu! u!
R$ard hl'tt,.Afibur O. abhoPdvrl" a76-!6ttl.
AIITDIO rPAaTr.lln - ttrlD
@Dtr@dv Elr. oD ON G!
hr! -toD. l3@. frr lae. llot-?81-o$.
Tro DGDnd)r - r b*E @/D
Yaar Las. No Dais. trll to llon
@ bur tsuta GEilr B.tn!a, &{rc-@:_
lro aED800r v^n @tru
AlnllrDL @obr gf . PrrilY ltrntwtta, antrtv l.DtattErll rl!. Dx!Y.|r be. On|!t t€@/trsrr,h llEl.4lg!l!9:-
VIIJ.AOE @RE - g !.dron, A
tum|tf|6d o! unnullh.d f l6C
@/rnoDth. 0 EDDtb, b I ltrr i
HOUSE IN UIIfTORII - lgoo,lJstard danualc &Doslt ltqurrd.ry:-
WIEn VAIL - 3 b.dr@ar I
funrrsba4 wlsbrs/drysr. Fo Dtt3.les.. 1660 Dlur uullua. 9,19-
IAOII-VAIL - Drttltrl funtrh.d I!G@. E+q1dr,T. oEtooEDgla. nftc. t?S/rtDl.b Dlu. rrrohra
Odl lvn!, lloullrln ProDcrtt!!Ldrtd alro-7,llto. o
l{t@/mnr\ rnllAtr lorcb.r LCrll vtrIlO! @Ri : f Uai-. C'b"tI"Ll!. |, & 0 Sbdt ea+a5@. O nrrr.trUa o" r.dL&!raD.(l 11600 ro@ffiffi8ffiIffiHeL@tI\/ t@.tr ldtl'D@D|. lO. :
El-0/:1g1lll#r4.ll !'nr}r- Jo varl, golfr- pos _n8r _Bqrr _- rarul'lUNrISID IAST YAIL - E
\rrll C.ll 8.r,b a?Grc6.
hbocE tuDl.a, lE'v
l6!O/E@tb rthr uilfrir,
l?&'?4!O c el*.1(D{
IrlaEDEaa& I - tb.abo@.8Drrh, fuiV tulltlh.d lrolu4rDdEE!r! rlYrlld|! 8d@ b'fd
but rqlaCrll l.t!ao
ru iro. lml6ni[-a-irora oaod
ator _ !\rll, f|Ddrbld Dd G,ul . rt(llltrlt(l q'-rrcd_ FIqi tqv gg.
idi'do-r"r.it'iii,]1q.;tEffi |Jlm|rarDltrltnoa.qrn rdb'Ga
it'nrhv- aE F@. lrrm/mdv
9!!l - _6-r_Ddt, C!o.3!ord. R..ltI IAOI.II_VAIL _ A bd!@. f h .b*Ii -.r76-lsrtl. . o tr4to rrsu.-itcotiii opirfri:.--_-.__._.rr.r-
?rO BIDAOOI, 1"''o EAfE - trabc,'F:tte, +.'Db6,- rr Fl+Sg
ItD.fulatrbcd oondo lB av^; lbtrrll ba.dll$ElrDbh.c l6aa
idb.ildtrj D3id--ro&Ar@C 91 Slf*l'h' rto-'60''
Irots rtoDt (lra) ae6cl7 @ &.ra
U rEr!.BrDsoolt - 8r brt!,
,ra4l.!-y.A!, -_3 bldrylq, s.]$+ ffir-rHors:d'^ftililrtrrlAlr fo{mbc l. ltdltof!r;.ba/dD;.t Dlta;filt.-rda tr@ r' ntxt-Dc DDCL sddo
ad6o ir.-"8;rb,-c.u Jr- ag-6 ryd6, ea9-al8l D4D. O @f gIUDtO rIE Ort - pltvrr.
EAItlIlItL Ercl@FixEOlIlS rtI.lElr|!!&aro bEg'VdL I tulV
nEDbbaO I lDnsltrb.al cah\Enrl&Dr a lootr' qfado rltDd'|! ldlobo 6r@. Iea teE @V. 86rftryqD6lL fo Ddr. DrT! rt l-6684181.0
A!q, nttl[r.iOUnSIt - to rtbo|E rF6 |o4 rDds.Illr Y'arrlErtfful Add nlr|lrDLooidc lrl Lntlldlldt.' E bit!o@. abath.rU rld,rb,ldtrltlb.d rth !tDA. t!4{t f o Ftal|lr! l?lo !E mtl. fitlo drDd.Elar all f|Jrry Cc ltt.l919-07ila. Onar,rffiSrEtt| to tGto lcrrlD@. i,EllL.Sddo Ir b.!d 6 gIrD (rtclr !o!qrD4oE!q!, qtt !4qoa.a !.!Fdry-tltdry. 9-6. lcurl EcrI6! ODDor-
IAOll-VrIL - Uuurtlhd Cbt@duDla rlth tlrl.{|c. Ycrl lrlar,YtAolDlttr Dhl. rd llli, C.U Id/rD
{t6-?a6o c Ole-,$e4 O
I|"II." II,-
'Lit Eil|rd ftndalr! hohrd!4 6 Ardt@AIAI'I'I'IJY N'IIIODII.ID _ I/'
ArDlaE er!ry aq.dl|frl qDosu!! oDI{ '.vr't Oolt Couu, ! b.6o@, gh
blb. t?OO {. A,airoDir.Aboht VDoDa (|U atull! 9ae-!:9o. O
fg nfgof - a t"Oto-.
o.t!. g
DaGoco. 8 b.|l rttb ldtL ulnndlbdEftlorrlvr!, r!|Dd/d!|E. b6h.qr,
DooL ni@.blr C.U l.qr ItXFtATt. fJ
l^tt v^!, - t a*. " b.\br-d^ v fr.ltltabld' D@bc loth
oa, &r.o!rbl.. ro D.E. (ArOJ
Ot*aOfl- Ot - "u-^"0 ad@. glf b.t! WrE rr t, fl@.fa! br tro Drr C.Il 6.Dd.luurbSrwa?Gf8rA tr
lW -atrorotonurauallnrEr altrll @. &.Ee!FcE; rurr d E-rc cr\!t.
| -P'
Urtunm&lD - t bitro.E, I !.t!DDhf.UT @& Iflabd/drytr, @
b\r! rqrta c.ll a?6-€61b,
Gr,u, lor rd, Ito Dae CrIlU
a VAIL DIIPIJIX b tb. dlElElDrtlDd
abc. EtaDd rullao ln VdL lmrd6' a trfterl, rad rltb vlrr! ot VdLOot naD6, IL .taoba rDd lavq6.aL b@ b|! g b.dlooDa, 3 b.r.ba,
t|r' LdL ad|r hal' at! !t!DL6, (bI
Eary clDr ]e&la ODr F.r lialo D.t alt@/Elh plrr utsltJ6'a?6-IOll c am-7lol. AvrlbbL
nE-DLb.al rt|I,lmtr !I!9bo rDaldaol. I'o r3talbcdt. Ito Drlt.!66O/mrD. O r bii &DO r.lE|EdrDd ArrllrbL tsrtlnDc fi. nlDM
AD.rto.D!. 8.a 8g|A, VrIL O
rrr 8fA&tr I.IAS c('ldb,n mtdb..lE b.drooE rrDob hourc 19 rolbarouthrrsl ot Y.tl, lgoo/mont'h.
AYrtfD!. n '; thrurtblls|l C@d}!d
D.iOE, 8.,rr oppot|dttto aDodrqlto
b.|t qlc'ylbl. rlDlc ft ttirt d Gd
@utri!:t tfrll (cdl) 48ffil of&r7-Ea4r. o
"O"Ot "O**O*O*-t"do6!. B.DohD|rf Xob[r 8cE[a PlfL.et9-46€A. O*offitb. b.Db ot rbr lroc Rlvc D6r tbrrDbrn to Eivu 6aI. l7co/DDr.L'9t9-{e97.
If'TIRIYISEID TEN.SI BIDNOOI -D'rltla rD.fiDofr VrU InlaEouatd4lr.t b.rb8. 0r,rDlr6, tulV o.rt t 4 rfr
Eobm rpDllr,Ds, llvlDd rc@, d[Dln6rEE Ddeua D.rts 6; tom Da Ddlb
oa trr lira fo Dcta CaU Dcvrgtg.liul cvr0 {tt-OOlO. O
trtct @ROOI - I b.$. nl'nrlbdr.E tt! l{l}Ydl c.ll b dddlL4n-l|?I.rtbh.d' O
tao rrm rma maoor -Cdil! biD r,ut f .lll'|o @rl@bnJD@
tUIlnOItE - a b.do@, Dht 16 rD.rlS@a Dlrr ldtarrD!@r i@Fta umrrritrhd. c.rr RtoL..mtDaA*1060. o
laoll-YAIL - ltdlillr!b.do(6, lli b.lh ttrurT
@Ecataly furDl.haa 8crt,' CrU em-6197.
Otr! EOR&rt - f b.,l,b. unnnDilh.d
8toD.{t6[ Ianbrr nrtpb6. f60Opc Eonts' ba! t-ootu(H, AerrLDbformbc l. Edd U C@D.Dy,tdg-,ro{6. o
fooubd l'
vD. 3
Do Datao
l@roIIC UrIlJIt!8 - M' for
sb6l. or drca I b.dre nrdsb.dborl @/rooDif! A!,oD IrD!3EelSovrd Cre-4866.
a\Ior &lxnor roalll @gall - ab.(!@. rl|dLruA colbDl l@ @rlb Y!!r; lCaO Dc @rh, Crll
9aO-B'l'(D rrulrdt O
-t "* - t-" "t- ** a
b.ab@. aD.old.l r!! firDbo, SDodtoo.tto!. lC4O Dat month. Crllete-t'?6.rElDal o
*t*t - "- O.r gO"- -"do 3
bdtro.6. &G f l'| bt!a. arlDlra, 1060Ip @b Dhr uotlli. drara! d.Dd.d lrr ldrL 6r9.!ry. Crntrl!.E364l8l bol. O
c,t't m mrr -*or untto -ItsdM |o lrdurdib..l lnl.nvdl&rfiDr.t |om/EdD b I Jrrrlana7a'!o63 0
El VrE. -- l. b.A!q. f bl\ ?tO ETDAOOI _ t r| b.!h,qfEorrb.t,^l0f()/E6tbDhru L- rdr!:d|bil p!!B G..t p.at @&.c.u DdE s'drta .J e:frE.ftnffii-L iFOTDdrOrlln{tsatlt-lelE(a
Enrrv! 8lmtl IAIIILYAOII -Ad,trocat to YrU Oolt Courla.UdtrrB|lDd A bd!@.lrlt! tdlL 8t'rLl\ (ltj/ .ruDr r- Dar. l|IrF (hrfta
tr ataardalhrEalotr} It|ibi. 5m@ Dhr uflidinrobd hrltr lrrbs O. E boDt@-
n@rrrtt m SEAIII - trlr vr|latraltEaDl I brlrooE, I bftn..rre/(Etci ltldE lfo b brlb Stll Dd Ddh Dhlr|lml&' Cirlr@
D!do@. 3 Eh rth Doolrlartlo.d
FrtsDa: llloltsI gbd!@. aibrb.ou r-9r6.(La. o
E RSt &AnDIrO - I^tb rrDr rDr!dd bro. frl.Ea bo.4 t oI- r@, ta.dl tilbn@tolortjut
D.rrb dtold rr.1r* dE!fin{/lll. r.(Fry rrtr hd c act bil'&fr rra. - lfl5/uA!, 160 tr.*r-l!r (bU Dou. faryt 936-tO6!,brt Dr@ aDal DDoa ![rDbc. O
lOR SAI! OB nllfT - 8 b.droc@" t,A
, b.l! lDdL h.n'.rtbho.al!/rr{rd
j ab.4 r|3Dd/drtrE dt9-Coot. O,-luanr roonon tontrrglM &18..v.! EaDoh. B*t loodtoD on
!IAnOrn t..l.' 1660 Cu! ri+nin-
I e.U al'O-!Ol qt 37!6 Ud! 6,
| 1-{86-aOOz cv.DtDttr. all tor
vd. {?t-lal.o
Tro atDad)x @!tDo toB n.lrT -ltl|llbDL tnnh-$.tfv lClo f @tb
Dhr ullUilc. C.lt {7&'l6la O
!AI}I.!-VAII. - lt *b@. lEnrE-tlbd lr.dat llvlDal rr\t ^it\,halollllltl, $m. Itopot7 ad n d.l
U.Dla@mrt a?H/l@, gle-!9L. O
"" ""II, - " -t"-, "
*O.lr}lrtbal e, ht FL r|6on0@,,PloDarlt BaDl.l I.!ra.DaEl,
a?c-+r&, 0ro- te+t. o
TE;u, o(t9.,l6.ff@ b 6 Oor C!.d
&e#/u- //, /q 81
,,..h'rtl,lx"-al,;ntl,-m,t ...,..
H..'offiffi"ffi s ffiffiYErUntryOgf trlll DDDf,OgI AtU@'@Fl:tr4-/q*tc.Err rrE l- D D @! w rt oa *E q'rq. E -ryEED L|E GD trrloq' er |mrd. lEqt 3txEE o9rgtffiffi*-%Fqbr9.lL . D I?TGL
@lDltErI @tDO - a U!o.E q!@-Ffi'O'r
Er-,!E -. Grrr.F-.-r'rt |tElD- ! XEG, &Eh raE o Oar U. l'aA,r@ Dltr6daltEvd.5o/}iloot!! ql1trt N vd c Erb .?!-
uau. .ts. rv, toa,lor rr{. a D!q99o Dlll (h.
a oc-fit c o !44 rcr qt4o+ h-g^9!9t+
Ei..F-.d. a st+ o
-tEBrt BrDaoor - I b.th. afirDlo - Iffirr tt' oatrttuttud!.at|bd.l..F,dt|{tt trrh. r-r l-{ea-lo?r 16 .o .DDo&!-
roodatot , looo/DoDt!. Brol @Larc4r[.Sr@. o
rlAf tEttt, YAI!8 - ab.d.6. r' IAEIYATL DoPllI - I b"!oo' l1|f,6'rEffi.G-{ac;ffi tB *gl3J*5'S*99r.gr w!.rrr,r.'a eO qC Ufnlu'UrllbD!|vu.@d.!!t turdlu c rdla Dffi##ffi,ffi€fiffiEernr'rvffifi Ufroof,.U!|lqg!.-trordFrtsDe s0 sronoou ruBrrSEtD -ry fi;fffil;m'n-ridi-lmp
ffre vart nreA - Octouer f g. f gsa - sactl,on e 83
tlEtlGi rrr.r-:- g!ou4-q*rlp r.eror rm,n .EDndOr :i plrrtrlr Ebrro@.inDt brdrm {,fr, uw- rcoEriffij'i&c-vrifi!F aO, Cr!{f_acaor' rd nd.l eqtiu o yri rEEi o-..rcraI!!!4s4!?94r@lrylqr!. o r+l}rrre.:..€r.19. Ol
9lgsq!E:-.-Egl-|j!6*!LE t4gl!-vil! - tut'ru l t.a.o<hbGo.E -tdltttttrf r,rDt. qrrlt* t4rb !Ie;f!a,.fi;6c, rdrrdb..oD or..L. F_o.;ryBt -.t4 F?u* ri!i4eiG.,n.-ri;A:':i-,,--@ qsFDG-@DcLT;droDd,
&ntlrDot - a Ltro6.-a !rrl- %lU''alrb.d, rrrD.!/drt r.. l{eo:,FoFe7 lPd - 8!43r lqqaEA&@
IrD @mI @tD Il' aror - |ilf,gdi-*fi%sff'J"-D.fi I !o8.rd
lrr r r||r:t!=rc:=r =44!!r,$!0-!6Ca O
IDprrr--t(bll.o'etoro-,o ffi&*P,trffiH*-'"9lgp-.!s 3 I:*--!!?X r.-!g5ss ffii-6-rii-Firi6. c"ulrrlDc!0@rlDErob.cetbtD.Crlt rad:ea65.!-tr8-4aa 6 -j:=:j_w ffifltr*,sxlffi-ffiffirffitrff;ffis H,ffii"ffiffiHffi[v: gfsg$frSH.:, e**34e.,,rgn:__
.'ylrr| l.ors. lrEu.c rr - - Cr i Dr!€ tn COlOttdO OfyOU lft dr3! naltra$!_rdqi!, trrlbc/abtEr ntlr i fir. Ccit-ioi qur r-iie- CL-66O6.r! o(-!'rQ!o& irl! EroD,|il(F.lqrqrDo t[9-{o63. d{tr 9t9-616t, : tr(xrB BEDSoor - 3 "r berrr. Eagrry | quCd. grulo c.r 6eragc, ri'a
uott-i^I! - I bdrw rt ! r..t I Htji;rcuzd and Et'rm 3ho!t!r' 'hrtdulvtllsdib.d6doon-did@d | "- -'*
ilrt LftL Erd6b.6@rlth orD I r arrD 2 BEDRoort AplFruxNEFE r.qrr| Errc m@rnDorD I I atID 2 BEDnml| AI>AXf,TIINbl!, Velltd "{rr-dF. l?'Eo/lodiD, C.ll I n d CUf. ff ar, tncfuacA I{oLlrr rl ats t &61 9aO-4!GO. O I lf t6lEonrn |rd uD. A2?-6{t?I l-6?{-!670.- I l-07{-6670.SI.IOLI
RIEIDEf,C! - IIatmdrrDt lA g b.dnooE ! brtb, I ya11 yaq^Ey REITIAL D!RWnOtrabd/drtr, ar'pb6. l9O/D@r.h I eU wpc of prooor11a. ronr rnacll ld{nr-, crll 0s-{4{ |8t tca I brd,-Iilo rli b-t nrnE. {7'6-Itlocl4 6 'l+lEl& -9 | nrrrT nrronnrnor - nt-
AlOl] TIO IIDAooI - a o.I. allrd. I .arl tJlttJfdshil I, A rnd 3 b6arooffo|r. '|ab.a/&ir. Db;.rr? | ualtl Clott 8.Jrdy al Cl!€snced8 Il3!! C!..r. brta Dot\ 1600. | {?6- 1323.
FEID.I O|ru,atF Or$.{tt6t.rt |
b trDL -E I oryq! .oR PnoDUcrIoN I
I M..r-r'. r- rrts- .!
effidErf-.cd:zroloe !q+'{rP}Eo-?T!bry-Hib3gq5?.ffi
val! nr![f,tll Cutl - I Dd!.E 8' ?iFlDorF 'tA- \ furdf.3 . EoO/DdlD glra --'--------:':-:-fiIitrii tvr-oli. (coal a-ee- utltBYTrc a!l!@I - 3l
dr8 o 6rptqr. cgPDllt V nlfgt:
ooDtortablc llvlla. llt
dt'FolurgElD - r btam bqll tltb/dtrt' ad lqEo' .t
rn ltlBhEo oD tb !.aotnlttr.lo D6ta troycEbct l, talr' lcllt
&t86lDdb Dhr rrllut.la AealaDlt t76o/Eoalh Dlu! utgluc
lror@bc f. ttrr, ba, tt@ EqEtry al2A
da9oal! ta .cvlBo.. E37-O30{'l:4&:-ce6e: o nf,lttnf,t4p- ol! ElDnoc..offi ffi,l*toffinfstl|r Ptrbn cn l Prrl rgDscdDrl.v 9{F?o6o, Ldry tbrd{D
Il@ e, fL rttb dotl& t@|!dlo|l drt!8 rortsltt botfi'#a tr'3H Hii.YClffiif t'n'"*"t".Etq"iilro6o' c iro-recz. o f Ldr a !.d!ooEa ara Qdbrffi ffii"f;HAoffirl.tddi bosre 3 rEd t bd!@ tti!.-v!L DGrd ?"6-?tt
6aDIE (S.U.D.) fa rll [fr rrl9tLDd DlDt!!rgstlcrt!iarfdfurrD.ffi4Salls --:-----'------ -
EA' rlm -now -ocroOcm lDa l!f,OElD-nOOrrAPAAflIEfTt;ffi.. -tc' 6et ili Dtg. c1i ra*, Rad c13 tglo D.le|g-oerOGv-ctbcaacrinpgrtq 4f99-4F @ll l/{ lnlll ra t T tlar vllt. - o@, turr% ii;Eidffiia*pndbri"e
OA.RAO! - l/A d8 atrrrr{Ftd tld' .r6l!tt 9'5-7IE{@ o*Gr*-r."r-/,
nnm&GD fto BlDnmI - S b|rh 1.rr.. ltoo. lrgl''Vrlt|, td @e,El P99. e.filrt oTD!9 g-.'r-h.ht FdDll !o @ ("-@ S3'.ffiTBI.Xlf'.7
flA!,L Cr.8I'r - f.trrrlb.ffita-vtn osr t€ !6r ftt tlrri trru uorv rDlegrDLlli.Ee-;Efri. rarm orn rto Yrr lit' oFlt ll@/norr
6--tl-6rc/amu-bot! tuch hr a76-ltl&
A.da. ffrv ba aaDl4tlat alratrnat
aato/DoDrh Dhr. -lt0fia r-n r-al*/L o
DgPttx to !ra4.-!lro. 3 bdaE zrt
b.ti" 2 an trrqF, t'Ei,micDa!. Forslaala. Cdl 8ur Du6ra tYcDtnga1rc-?€f,A. o
Ofr BlDnOolI - Prrddv tur'ollhrd
.nrtrDlnt lD lrtt vrtr. ?|OO DlltldlDal! a\rrrhbl. fonlmbar f' F8rt.d!. rvlron Tory ndl 4it6-U
Idl EOII! ruSrDllCgl dlrlrLd on
Dltett. 3AO rat rtBh ti reuaD!icdbnftv. lO E$ltr ioE Bcvar
claL t l@ts.D.| !m Dit, quLt, drblc'm{qrED' lidlvt nd tttl JoD, ola
ad nftu63 Pr|9llr ludabsl momrttb bflb aDd lrrodc DrlIlnC.
DGDbaF l& suprnry, 6 to@lbt or
F lr.& lC /BDti. rrdl lqt!flE-ro: Va$lro hoDdltd, l.U IYY &,rcat,
tl.8ru. Colotido 8@t0. Offi
!.dc-VaU. No IEt& tgOO De @D',lr,*irrrr- Dot balud4-pd]'rR49-s664..-ltdr I DE ' * ':--ro
Rreorgt8t.t @g?Il io lrdbdlt lnItnllra 1360 Dht ut|fui. Pua' L'gt
rDd drE|!! (bid rrqullld fo Dara
cru Egr-6?9t - o
EAVtn ECE - 3 bd'o6.1b!r\lulaltbcd ooado ovc llooltltIglrlarlo L.Ir At{lrua lor@Dc
f e f-trr. T7AlD.d' I|hr.Lcrb.
rYrllrbL ln Anon a! a DF16 lorllr$'t.bll|d rl8 . Ran'td pa drgDalh i!. ..cb yEr. C.D Rl
l!l'!tllq'38.j!9-Eoro.._lEf, CnllK PIJ\?). - 2
Jv{l,rDL. bdb ttJfirt.fld. a b.dDlu. loli, a brlh, all rlr'
llt@/moatb Dh! l.''m dlpostl t
o.ll }frnry Coltltl rt 0{0-6?,19.
IOIO tlRI lll8l8 - v.$'orfoldrblc 2 bldrqom, turnrD.,r@ta, bua rtoD on 8xdtll VrU l@dloD- 1260 N. hot!Agg:g8e:-
Tro BEDNMI I('R}IISIIID -bF For tl 3{9O Dd month or nr6,tot l,br EaoL Arron lrsudrq."t c s.9:9995,__
OET AE! lOB wIllTER - 2 b.d
rp.rEnrnts uoturnfaha4 t6OO/nFurntsb.d. fESO/monlb. utl.
EEludd, On t.h! bu! rcuta, llo parg
SPASIOEB TWO BIDROOTa - Aprfir, t.E tdrlldr hrdrsr OWrahar/drlrcr, roodbu!trlng irhloh rul bcri rntlrcItDtuTlrbld. f,o 9.ir I JD.r lc
l€oo/E|or|l.lr 1600 d.D6lL 8|InoDplrtrv nrrdlhrd. I ylrr lcr
l66O/EoD \ 1600 drDodr Cr,UTolto g,to-,t,tao dryr, 916.ggtrg,_
caLt avor ll^raolrtxtDdtoE ulrilrrr
tit| he. 949-
Altor, llll|! IOOBA' - !o. rtrr
&&{r'4' e6, /?ry
oIE rFd ad rDdEllrr vt.'dbttuur (!d[rtr&bt oddbc l|ttnbul!rtl(!d[r[6bt odobc f'tlotlarrf.} t b6!@.lbrb.r[.tclr.ldrlllD..lr'l\ltDat alfitrnoDdaDlrr 37lo ribdd ti& oRrrcu Lododrd$9r9-
GIIAASI IIrSd do.imtrb.dIt b.drm nsh bols 19 ntil..
07a3. - o
ruADt IOB D'IDIAII Oq'P.AIISYS uaia to !@ lo Ir lD@. nnfl-.Sldo Lb.ailo, EIID csrtr hs!|ryg!!r4! $l {Qo6rd Uo.a.u.-
t!|dry, $0, l$rl Eorrtra OrDc-U
{rOX - lbruoorirnlotr oa -'qfi.nl.bral allqr, b.@lt Enh.mq|obdor rtan d E-t|F 6EL*m/i!fri\, trrorhL f otlDb| l. OU@
tAOll-VAIL - a t (b0@. I D.rtrrvr[.d, nolqb f, gDnJmrsb.(
!q&c/'&trr. l.@atalD la-.I5o D!i!.!O tr! Mt.L qU JlD gag-.l(}r6o.igl$41&1b.....,..': Orrerffinri rbd a!.rrEnl -!.rq)!|or |,Ddqqol, fc rr!.lbada. Io pctr.|!@rbfiED. !r-. brr 3@ !fur.t5?oDd.anqb!lqg@h rl.noli..9.rrDot Ec gA8, V.|L O
EAUIOUI,C/IOO fi trlEur! II4rDnb lEr5 tq falvd. t tutbfr,EDl|b.4 r rd!! tD.aL -ih 'h|r.L6Daa a loot datllo r!!ot,t Hr^h,'D t r|leD. Iea tE' oU. Scl'thrdDG' fo F. br .r l..€+0101.6
-!L ldtta torirubo.E 'tt! orDb$. Yurnddqt &'!O/nor!. CrltUr.l& t ba gaa-rlan OrffiIllrt@uolrl!. I badloolo I D.rnrr&c/dJE. nrtC|o1 F@/mthCrr l|ulttlr. 6U !96-.t D|. ..I td%
IAllll lEnGl AIDnOOll - ptusi.nrv t@ torD!@ t{b-y{t. OD@lDr to trr l..!. ha oood(lltd.476-1119. nr.offifil!' nrwbo, rrlbddl:rE. lqrd t[tlqrDtrlo &i6. fo D*4. I yrr br
. & 116o gcrn-*' 911-f romiaOeA(|ll notE a?+6€86 o
torDh.i b L- ln tbr ddunEh.fo Prtob ChD (blrloDDo! cluDFtrllqtE, tu@/Iomr!, - l'ir tir.Erbr t oo" {76-sa8l. - o
PEll AIIIITID - a b.dED. I b.r!duDlE-lD_44 Y.rl, @/}7OO, on tirla!. ,I"A-AO{7. - O
""""ffib.th torrDousa ta Lala, rco(Dur!.r,oEDlrtaly fumllhad or uDfurDllbad.ruba/drrlr, nd or4)rtr Drr DatDtrO{rr r,rDtL D.rb!d. h o@dibt(L.
16@ D.r Eooltr" AfaoAbdlooro. I b.$.lD Wd, V.ll. rrhdvrly turDlrb.aI!@.ADr, but ruta. llorlal DtlEDa.@
lAtT YAIL DUPI.IX - C b.d!o@. rrir-th, ir3Dtr6. d6L far orE rd
r|'Dl. ClLtltl h.tdhlu.l'ood ;ftf,Dfinta
DgPg rc4 D.rL lldp.Djd 6!.udUtb. ItI'r Dur fd .Io6!t at@.YcI. lr..r. |a26/uonIb. {7A l{gorcc ll:3o. O-ffin|adshld. Faulzl Ty,
boat3& Oorr G..t lct b f6t-o Eot l,
!99o/q9_4!- DqyE r -6aa-z{6a, ngbr6r-?@-Ps€o. - tr*'ffi
F, Ll[lqtD m t!! laatla Rt\Dr, lo rta.lgltlyEoDt! 91ur uilUua. Av{LDf!llc'g@bc l. first l.rt" lS@ rour.ttyd.poatt ta .dvlno.. A2t-6261,t-2gg-e@. o
TrO B|lI)n@I - 3b.rtr@dodDll.6rl Pll&s 6!.1 Prrl' f99FqlutdatvIl@!An tD.rrorqr loio rdtodAYdt|blA f yrr lra. nelo.t.
flquqSq. Plc... orU a76-aC26,a?&lA@ c a70-768?. Offil@ bnD& t rd g brboc..o"!!f' (EII-D.) t t!. Dd.oqlrqt.plilbtbr b .rlr rrr@tl nbCr!bad r@ rmrv _onDd t@ dt@, lb et (hrua Dlar oI91ruLt cr6t!! eraRrg*yttIA Ettr! cadrt of Barrrc-GarL rdrlD. o
OARAO_! :- l/t d A <ir6rrt6r foc ror.Fr.fo Pioh rr!., .f?6-lta8o: Otaetr,ffifertLbt!. EIU tgrr 6c. t!D! tor tDaltiql|'bld arp6tEt. Fl8sotr Buc dD
DaID rtth rbtc/ard.Dr born tt8ht'.r-. llry b. cEDloyld .lsrbrr!.l36O/DDtb trlue ublrEr. l-Tt I-.tH- oE1rs@b.rh. 8 Ir al.r"rd!, rdtrrtfabrc !|Irr
l"6agtt 8u. Dut.! cvcdtn6r
ldl Forr Ersrhlr.lt dh|.td @
DEtrlb 8!O r8. trd' rttl @U@tr.6dh nd', l0 nlrui fio@ Eiwr6!.L ta loobDg tcE rr, qut t !t.blr,Do-rDEDt t!4v,Ad rtrl Job, c!eryl .ttG, Prhta ftult!}ril looBrllb -brth .Dd au.a. D.!ltDt.uF@E !t o@uf,Sr.6 Eotrlb! oryrf L.e, lg?ryEiFr\ IrU lDoutrb
to: V|!bd FoFltbq tff f fW hnraD.Eru, Oolotr& (EUD. - O
n'l&'Ofnrtrt-r @UpIt to ! rt b.rl, r!xtnhro. lcoo th.||| t'r||itsr. l|lrst- b4ffiffiP* n"q.on"L xo Ft''
!.I.(}LI-YAIL - ltlturutlhcd IDdlo(rh 8h bltr oDdoEtDtur!" &!d.Ar|d!, rub.r/drltu. yir tra. Eo
!!!+ _ qtl |^'t 6o5ro1b riJv,aTGlallt rJ
CrOrrr, frllrf -;- -rilrlll&t4 Ibd!@. islt h4 E?'!. f bntrw.rEftrDllbla t6dl cru u lc morrIntorDatloD, AYoD lanrlcDcnt8a't6, eleESSA - Or*"*rG
,b.r\ rl.bc/drfu, nmrha<t 16!0 pcr:EoDlD. 6 tooDltr! taa. hcr,ll?9-lEllr. o
iPrX![AI.LYn Rfl8ElD - ab.drooD.f bttr @& tdLd rD. E!4 Vdl.IodhraltDa ar.rE, rlsDar/drf|E, IA.Eolth lada. lrrt V.ll RaDtrla.U
AIDA ll8l8 @noora - I qr
tlrrata, roodtars!, nrbc/(l!tB, ab)vtr of EiruGrI[' Et! Ftiih. f700.lrEl!'teag-.rc3. O
IlIIll IOI'B BtDn@X - 8 b.r.b-lDturDlrb.d. ns 8.lmJr. af f@ DdD@tI ilr.r u|lUttc. not llvts. Dlnvlr796-A9OO, rlro 577-6a6e. Vr(rEIrD.b) /r?&4771. trooffi
FrEnt ld, g bc(!lom. nutfsD.ri trqllA60 Dc Dnfi- f,o f!tr, plarb. Arenrr.q{.q6r hr168, 9.19:868A. O
'l8trl IIrAtS - Vdtb lodrrllol{rblc 8 badrooE. furD,trbcdrFlbot!. Erg eop @ tFouDds.6r,rrl Yru lnuoD. 12& x. hoDr.{rnoA Ir|| bgDDLo! !r 3{O, loi
i#Sdfr"Ir rh.rlc rpu rr *t
AYOI OEI BIDnOOX - rlrbd/drtc,D.b Yl'r d Erreu Gt I. btr lrrD.t{D/m,ihr\ tmtndB 949-.fO6!. O"-Gb.dro@,. ! b.fb p[.|s lcat. Yc.r lc.i. llot*r- qll &D&, crodud! nilry,{76-t!rE. Or""ffita,rBDori co' l!t.b il.rNr, holurDtA@ pt!,D" L@8 tlr tcr-. 1696 pcrDoEtb plul uillluca.. Call Dcrn,.176-3593 drys, .l70-ggOB cy!-nt.di. O
IAOI.I-VAIL - &lnrtr!! Co!d.s.UDnJr!$b.d. a H!oo@, A b.r.b" '.nbtutDl|€, ruDc/drlrlr, poof, sD.roEttd lrrbDtl. AvallrbL l{c rub.tlaeaD-o88e o
4vOI -Tm EDROOI - OoDpli.lyfirrafrr.r4 SrouDd lcv.l, oovcrt-d
FrEDe. t66o/@ftr C.t| lls.$&o&dt9i8..6(D. O
^ffirodnot!' rrab/(t:E Db vl' a(bE 6!.t lrrlt D6nb. m.ldDtreao{A6. O
PA4E 89IAB EOE - Ondoob!6Yrff OoU OorE! '|t! vt r! ql OolcSrDte a dry lly'Dd !ooD. lirh.A:rl
o!'rrtnrr, !.!!D|,r6. 4 bGdrolo!. otab.ttrm., !!o mD. &3 ft. ld.i. hrr.d
tlrt{t!, d.ddMr fudshrd. lJo rts.|16@ Fr r^rnrh ltus ul.l|lt|]!a. t6r
Diril. br. l!@/rEo[h, !fi, lsr"
.Dd drDat (bl)d lrl|!rS, Io D.rs.Oll Odrr 9r9?!S r-Er. e8&3g8lp.al o
lA&T VAIL @lDO - ! D.dto@. Abrr\
U-nfurIlrhad, loaa tarB larrr.|&o/IDmt! Dhr r*ilrd.t. tro prts.'D,D{t drDoala @ bua rqrta CrUDet!B,.r6bt! nn-986o. O
@LlDltd DtrDo dbrtDrl rr 1,8 rd !t droc@ urlfb. Woo@urT!.D6 OrlDb€,
nqlll, dt!! loatton lDd lt!, vErB.
A.'or{rDV tio.d boo $26 to l€6O rEonlI- Imludc r'u, rrfar, tnsh.
fDd rlD&rt'oolr|rlD6r. crhtrd(b nllr6t,.0r9-.t28tt. o
""offia b.drooE, g brilbittfulv imtelrd..rrlrv 2 b.loooli, !r!D]I6. lrrtrqlo6t6. a dory, lA0O f,f fL uat!'
AtrrU!,bL tor lmE dl|ta @tD.,ry. fyEa la|' llqutl\d f?3ryEoDtb. hdlDlud.d. Io D.ta D!9dt llqultcPbonc ,170-31gE ra.lrBd.b or
l-6e7-Cr62o *"lngr O
?1O POIAm P.,lIgII - La.o rnEludlrl ruldrtro nth sD{taoul$vllrrg, d.8a!Dr Fcuzzt, qErnethr!
8lglgbtar Fltt|ra d.ol!, d-r8'!r
LtlobaD" OD! El-fur..nbbilabdraoD.
O btD torabart rttb, I €r ,rqfrvrlLbb td O c lt eoDth Ls. CdU476.Ota.
.outlrcrt ot Yrll.
TEI GAnCE l! oYlrl brlu'i! Drr I.l
iDd I b.drcoD @dd rrlLDlr tc ru:t,Scar bret lcilir, rU br\|r rodud.ndIIIl0dot tutt}lrc, DilE$ ldtu6Dn.brabai tltrlDol btob@! rd ett.Eurrt, ltDlt d mJDbc fidbblr.l{86:f6!O r m$- Culitb lllrya9ae.4a6c. -o
SItPlR'VIlf d LL rad EivlF G!.1Xouat b. In4rDt t bd!o@,. b.rn.r
. &oD.9FoL Al..ob!d ttr|.F, nrd6br4
la3a. l76olEont!,.rrlDr l -?a8-BAOE
or l-999-9e33, O
IAOLI-VAIL DITPIIX - l6q) a. A !badro6. a b.ttr. I c,! lrltio rod rorlrni !try^r!.'! nUlodntd.Da(L 9lmtrq_forrfD, Ulrl to! i6rv rsvo'rh@
-b.r4tiErrqAE*L!D vrr, rr ud&5.
'l!ohiu!. qq (5rrt e.$ r rrq iiie- rel-a o
gX' TTEID ERIE EEDNOOT -DrCE.'.re! Vdl lsr.tDouard!.Cfr b.gr. AttDI|o., tuib/ crDtrl rUIlob.!dr.n.\r.r ll'|la {s&. dDllg!o@.Da|rrr. FrtsDt t6?E IE mtlr@ trr lr-. Io Da.. c5U lbycl?9-691t cY.[ a?t-6.o- o
lAOt I-VAII, - a Drboo[. rrr br!,3rr-rt. - rltb- alaoS!to o9.Da!,rr.Dr/d!tu, !r!DL6. a'l' rDulr.Dbtrr'(lot drD.uDfurattbd.166pll _Egatb. t76-at64.. .vrDrrd.9t9-6?!r -o
TH-Bll - BIDnOOI - trt brth,ldur! lbd @ ryL-Yrtl oottcou!,O DotDa !o I !r!t'r Ir-. Anr0abbhDc l. ft$ rr Do@D_ Edd| !'CDFDy,tAS-.ra6. - O
Atr{lrD!. anr ltrr,q{lb f&fl oDFoUdF OlI. n,r! ot'DcirDrErtoiD.d nr{bDrt qn'|Dr. ltc rt at rt of csoarDlty tsro. (ddt) a6@6r or8n7-t6al. o
IOBrrr aorc @rc!8l(rnnlm -!oqeo. l!|!oDro.rl Loub Ao! IrrI,eao-a!€6. O
lfo EIDn(nfa - I b.l! tdlhot s oqtb. b.ob d tL t {9. nrE Drr r.b.alE|Er to Lru| GlaL l?lDr,ffi ?i!gag"aqtt. O
rotrvt Slxltr tALtl.tEolt -Ad,rroaDl to Yatl Oolf Cou!r..Fln?l|bd t bd!o,trrt tG,3hD.U\ dt.r.Ef ra br,t arDl r.3 br, lrll! (hDL
!fi!!4urD.DtubrFrlgXb/holb Crr iittitc.
. h,r.l|,.&rbr|q. Erdv?t(xLn{qllld q$r'.urbD d. Erd$!' t @,otvd,a?|l-t6tl. o
vIlJAIll @8t - t Da(ltoqh rb.r\trnDrrDd oF tdlr:o[b.A 31600 togr/Eo$.6*?ir-ur l!rrli-.@
VAIL 9o-lr_ @IIRC EOI.I - bD6tm. ar@/p9qtb' t 'nonrh drpo3ll!.qutd. Arltld trrtr rcoli to:
fi ffi rp!+ h[It lt-4 orwrdb. ar
tltl V-AIL- - t bd!(E do,ldl&llrE4ht ad rrdrfirrt lmlu4d-D|r t.ut, [ftsDa dlrars bdalrltrr - Dat rtldot aouLharD'
-ol!1_tar1q!qb. Drtr *t6rr,.Erpa! tc!r61 ..t b (b"nr.. o
_ lro.lqoQqa - 'lnbbft @ lD' !.gop.ft. lEn._ EEDm! @!o_. d @Ihr,?gltlD@t!-.t174n!" o
E 1lI 'lntt to ttf, t! oD, d tb.gur|'ltrlE @tbt ttr*EsctbrtdEtrad t--- l,3 rd ! bdmoi'rr.rr -D rtlh ldta. 8i bryqlreiturrl|rtrwt re'dd ttr. irt! ro 160OIDqtL Frn.|. $ll{i gtO_.fAAg. O
@+Eqq8 ry _l|Dnoor - trr !-'h,lE tllllrba( l/8 .rEl-
'!tD .l!|alq4 rr.hu/dry.r; rB t.rc- Vair.t6frr/@th Dt|| uEu6i, 4?C-lEgeo
luIItBrcrJS DEtol'ti fitrrEor.I _
u bil.. ! !!dr@r 8r| brD4fcurr_Olr'|} rEE rd.i rrr !-rffi.gg"Edi""*
wlaT Vlll. - I bcdroom r
glourd bnd, rtshc/dl:flt Ilt6r abot'l)iDd 6r al rllq (
!4@/Dmt! DllauEuuta No
4?6-8601 d! ,lorp.8-6 rit€)rg!g'!:--
wUtT VAIL - NttlY de' bdr@- oo hr, 3toD, uDnlrnonthlir.l6@/mtlDlurtrg.gl-hnu_9s_!99
lIInlE AIDMbI - I' @ I|.bn$!r.6Vf l.L $@lcm'! lilc
Rtt !r lt l.. CtIrE Af fDgItlE
Dluo dbhrr.bar, dtDal, rrsblr/dt:Er. 348-8&lO drrr, 8t8-??oz
tto EIDRoOI - tu!!l.b.rd.,.th-tt !D E'rr{r. SO t & fa
@t'8toDro urcxataro, Lrr rU.gle-lla'|.- Prlr|iaIlir c!!o
taotl-valL - b'|rr blr !brb!6, gt^ D.tb trE ry -drDdo,
ffiBiliyt#!* 8q'rt;D DltA
offi&NiI ff.r.brr 'trdro. .EoOF Do@. brt tD\gC Arrtlrbb
Lf;1fi r. Elry u ooposr,
avor alt$or IoEE @ttRT - cDdt@r rD.ai6iL, -!.rr.ol lquor:!D vLr. lll,lo D.s Ml!. C.ll9l9-6?O.rE!tar. - O
ot 1!o EnE 8E)n&I Uf,rTS -n&r'|b.d rd rlo{Ur'rl|Dd ro l.|o\Irtl-
-lroltvr!, - | Ur@ Dhr !on,hl.atlllErtrr!|bi@o-rbdd
to BlDn@I - I b.rb, prrtr.lv
frrn,rbad. rubc/dl:rtr, dLbrrabrr,ntill)Ie rrd Du!. t|llo ar!!r|JrIDLrDurltd! l@€lto6. Daar bua I
! t lr- co[r. .t r[rbL ltoaubc I.*wDoi! tnoludd bil .d bdrrtc. aftHlPE. O
A VIII. DIIPLIII tr tb. dtErdD|trDlr!tsc. El||b- rgd@ tD Vrlf. 16rl
^n r ll.lTil. t[d 'll! ytrr ol yd.
Oot nrD&, IL rrrllo4 rrd Bctrq€L Eop? D'!. E badrlom& a'r-!..,pfir loc. eLr tl..r, f|. fttI|bo, &!f.
6fnaD, totDJ/ otDcaDDSti. 6alltlr!. tro Dd.. flloo/Dor! -Dllr
u-!Ir!!!i, av.urbl. tEllrdrrt.v.aDlola @a?G?lol. 'O
:: BlAvlRllfcE-3b.(ba.n f b.!b.TrO alDnOOI EOOEI l! n d CUf. tulDt.hrd oonao oitrrd,orrqC'hL.t 8c Dur|o |l Zla LDum.nl or fc.',UriDrn tda. trttrlta foobciU I tc r-Frr. Ll6bdb Dhl..ldrto.r'r vrlt_- es,_ n{",''b.! a trgffiffiyffitr!qq!e_@e 'lq ry.4!p.. Dry! it&6661. - - -cj
0tre66..Gor{! e{6-?iAa
lqllrBYrro-ErDnoo-r : 3hr\r; ffit?,"f;ffi;-ffiY.|l.nrda. 6Bcrt v fuml.bd !c roD:-be- yit-ru.- ro' u;ooDjot-t.Dl. -l tvllqj- ll:1p_l rje. {?&066a A!,udrt @V o' l-?18l-rrer/drttc, .ed Dr!. far bu!. dis:*' trAtdLD!. f.rctsba. l. I rlrr otr5|-
AttO|DL XcretDbc l. I '!r oDV. --
@ lAg v^r! - &rdtc- uEtteat H- b.€
uxl DoPtrr - *'--,.r1 g*lFo*Hm-qrdr Dnptrr - rartrmratellz s3"?ffistffi--'BbadrooE. a brlh. lrrSa loft,
!rabc/(bt!r. ld !4r, llrlltD.C pttEr CREAIVDIO - (b!lr tqr.,|o|F. ulnr6rrqd_ E@. tryf ilh rr& !o r4r Elofqr D!'Js
LII'rUBTOUS tEnlt ttDBoon
ffi i:trorrlo. ciil licjrcre ric'
TltRlE BGDROOI @rDO - llrrrlAat Gr.L uDti.AIl. YrE lls. ID h or hr ttucb.r. Crlt (fl6-gba.
8UlOa" to"o *"" ** l
nlDy tu8 |,tbtd I bcdrm rFnn
nrt'Cre, T'lt Dbm!. blootrt, D.rr'$rU' lEhd. &oD by n! l9tbacrto lO r.E -2 D-D"
snoG;8P^G uonrurn - r,pslo ln Colorr{b osyou,!t or3t Etta crll fot ou.! rlrr 3r&6{to6..u""-"-"-*i*E6rDlc tlnatlc cr Inrrtr, rr
dDrlr, Jrcuzd rDd d-ln ahor!!. (
I AIID 3 l@R@tr AP Anruan d ortr gr, lah!.d ltolf l'!/@DFrl .,nd uD. 8a7-OA?
Vatlt" **
Dt"tgtolll VDc d DroF c, lor{ andt rD. Xo bc to t Dr ra?g-III
*tct o" ""o*c"tor I
arrrlbbL tD A\ro! rt r Dr16 krrr
fnltttrlDg rlE , R.srrrlal parldnc
tmDtl! ba rch yrt, C.ll RlE-rnr Ufllol' 910-!OlO.
"rol G"* "rz^ - a.nrlbDL. both illnfibac I ba(
Dlua lott, a b.l"lr, fll al.
l?@/noDtb ltlr a?@ dlDoadL :
odl flD.t Cdbtr rl 9t0-67{1.
OUt 8lT FOB WnnlA - 2 birD.rlrttrrla uDirrDlshld. @/Dhrrnlahcd, l66o/rnonth. uulrlhd, On tb! br! rou.. Io trll|ID r,! E6E 6..L 9{D-6{O
& ibr drrr{r hd!!r. (
trrah.r/dqrtr, roodDulDtngrbloh rlll h..! cnllrrItntudlh.t Xo Ftr I Frr l.
ao@./Eont\ t6OO d.DodL 8rm
@mDLt t/ i.uEtlh.4 r y!.r lc
ElO/DonrD" t6!O d.Dodt. crllTorL 9{9-*a4o dfy., 946.glDt.:-
CALL AVOtt ra^llAolratll,
lrtorE&toD,oD gbadoorn.unnrr
.alo/EoDltr td yar. lir. 919
I't,Tl! "tctta* t - t btrtbrt.tr, 'lrlv turalrb.d lDol
-roEwrErllr|ll|rrEhliluFffrEFlfr ;rr---
PF lFrtroqalq
--4. 8 rr iir.l' uoirabbd1..r, C.ll lua Duau aval
'31!!!!4E@!,-M.IIRIIFTTD flI DID!Dar o ha. DfiE ts llablr
D.tr lc@/utb cr| ulufir.-
bst, IOOO mfiW &Dall tn ut
a?/It-6?,u, r -a!a-@@.
SlASOtrAI, n'lumAl, - 2E@ so. :
houro on 7 rcr!. 16 l|rnutd td tC!.sh. FulDtrhrd g b.dloowoodbllr|.tt rDd o.rtC!c., Drfvdvbl7. Irrdb drpdlt, lgu rtnlrcrl'.nd ezo-loag, rc.l
EEATAD OANAOI.'IBAPIACI86nlc vlrri .drrrn! to nEc.u ful 6 b.drooD, ! turfwdrbd ln Lal.-Vrll Yorr
!IOoO pc .Dontlr Cr.s u6l1tL8. Ce19-o!99-do! e4o-6813-ggrr\
lTO AIDSOOI - I bslh oondonr!l Pltldn ct!.! Puls aDDroxlr]
tlOO |q O r1u dorrjo ncbm anAvllrblr t ll|r laesa. nafenttqulr!4 tL.- orU 4?6-7€E7.wlsrd-ffi;.-lr;--";
b6drooq o! br-s rtod, unnrrr|lllhtDnt,b b|sa. @/moath Dlusut!
No p.te Op.n 8|!rr{Alr,zooo Ctn,2. D.owr, 833-AOet.
-OOlllIAt! w^LTID f* t *"*,fatnhrrt! aUfO fr tDonth- rnduulltla E.7-E Ib.
Unirtrrf Bhld tornlrcu-, I bcdloonba$. rlr0rbL lni6-rr.Fly for I
!660 p.r moDt! Cur .txirto rlrSouflry drDotl t qu$d rnd Dl6.rp.tr. Chr'tli AAboo C Corr{ -86Ar.
aPASmEln !d mnT - B-"!
b€dr.oorL g b.$. nrrDL€, cldc t,rurrb uul W6tlI|. t8ao/rDoDth lrrcutllltlc rnd anor mmoud. ycr Jl{o trta, 1060 rr.''.t.lrir'l C{76-{660.4?6.!@r.
ffo BlDnoora - turllsh.d,.ftu! E td?lrrl,0@ {. fL rDfr . b0!. l6@/ffiD. nri, lirr..Dd 'r.'t{. daDd' nrruutc fo Drtec.u odL 0alm6 rir|.,920-gsor
IIITVAIL @XE - ! b.d!o.o,3 b.r\lrrtutllrhcd, loDt tarD laraa.l@/etb th! rtqtb. Io rr.Iru{: d4dt @ Ur l(rra t A
u.lfr.rtal|lad a?OO. gtDrtr
b.dtooD. a brrb, aolf (rdumrrb4 tl$. C.U RioI or rrErqlu !EE-1O6O.
tD Drr'|.!r dttb r|tt! 0rr&a/dtJ|8. brrbi nool!.aaa,. UDI\r!!lrbad. tfo|!g6/r.sl'r, a?t.qE .
rartnaoRr-rb8bIItllIU ffrbd, tuDDJltFalrl.oa, Da.r bu!. f{i
!HL]*p *rirltuiu&a
lEnll All)n@n - C b.tD" tu
Dn! o!r"f\ @ tdrldt Otnrs
l#rff/* atr l{mn (
lEruC 8!DnEI -l!.rh Dh!!8 lttDblq i''.rt' rto, uii,oro rie 37!O Dhta r*irl+b!. 0cconltlb, a?u?a!o
/VovurrJ'€u,, 4, /?il
q{!E!rrr. @rm - r E!o.ffiffi
DGrr, l'ElDa ?'r8-e€0a .o
IDtAnU!-8b.(!oom!noDU. hoea..loto/nonttg+tlPlrErqD
IETE EEOI: IOO U(o !rt!. 8lrG. lr|d. nrsir 'otDauE. Atl. .tDltrao.3@"ffi;Hgnrnoorecerroi-raurnri8 b.dr{oE I bath. furrH/Hf-ff.mi,]',
. 6?Gla€0. v.q a?0.@0o.ffiffi^s
biboo8q 8 h.rti. r'fi! fdtl UdtrEracorri!, rlabc^blr h6ftRa6.DL CaD lan fi-ga?f .
. t:tD-t6o.
TE}TAL -tlrDtrbd.c4 l8l0r I,UAvo!
&txBIDOr er evor - c
9ErFt rtADOtt - l/lDi!!@.. l'blDtr,15:6.nbb..l ,rrrllt .Dd t.rtrjral
'D,l rttb ls D!@b.! 2e IoAl?| 1-Avr0!.b1. tor lon{ o
lrlDc/ibtrr.ttErtabd4 6 -E@lhr hr.
ErDa@ra : -| ,ir.r.
trshlvdyI', 'lr^r
V-rE ;: ,I b.do@ @Ddo,rllult!6!.Elrd.4
rtador routhoracFqry'-A?d1=Dqll. nag/r g?b$ ia,
b.r,b. rhfrlpootr
ta:E" 116@ Dtu! &mtt sna uCdl Vrll lldlr n nta.l.r,a-pt
WEgl VAIL - A b.dlo.trn- trfDttmrabad. Frsr @a .yrr
DI'PUCT &VIII-V &-{b.dt
to.-tEl!o.Lnrtd,3trIl!l,!3b.hlll(b:bl.irdFl|t.anldr.ltf!.an|.lr' f trt,.Dhl uro,l-,O-Dai.,Dt@d
rr'^"'rl ba-.- coldo. 1l4t1t16,ffi ynnrtnr - anao,r nur
a-trarom, dbrtl"-E ffi rrstr-varl
rs.h6. EOD at|trt.l Illdfoorl !os!-krA lbqtrsn-l€d.d Fr qullo€ru*Olritrffi. ftlCE llla H|{r,-rror|a!. ,lrcgrdt obar@Drtlctl @ Dc Eonft
not|a!.r!,llqad!-.tt-% @ trtn @ ln. lcdru
eaoo@ ro ErDnoo!. - r," rd),.' HE-W*#H'*""rn.Ealb.dr f/f 6pid -reh arrld.
!94- tr.h.r/drt a, lD lrrt VaO. IUBI|I&I'D .lml pUrB b.l6!O/@1tr Dlul uEI1O;,'|?O-AOC8.O Drlvrra FLbDa (m 8ahlendnr hbl-: :* '* .F
!94- r|.h.r/drt a; rD !rrt- valr. tlBrr&rtD .rmr pUrB b.
Sffifrdptrffi.Erbr' :@trWffiffiW
lftrg. @, 6o.qo.n rtrq arcrer:neos--rDd.rFi-iG &:@EieG_
ffi Hglt- pqu-zgo:'"o % ffiffi;ffi*.,HFfD+- F lllh irlrry. F-n-.}ac C.!, rat!.rEL-EF. ffnD r&rnqf _ .Brr !.or ra traltE q4trnEirift CfiW-ffi*Hffimmff"*EPF,!l4E-r!Elqllrr{rtrE - Erm. I.ulD. rlD meifcrZeZe: I lDjn.hnrh|. IISII-VAIL - t badroqg! u9f4+!' il.ha/qE i19ot r= rDnctlt Ert I D.(bo@i onr ?ii?ffi' EJfq aeclare runio raa dwr
ie'"ffi&ilg.""e a!lo.t|. rqr@|b :fi;l;Eil16trffi8fi1:=l |6m.Pmnonotrrran4idt+ EF-qEisF E--c-rE '7o-+ro'i!Lleg'
+Eg--Mo !P_!99L. -.o"qgtrrq . .U Itarngnlrf,-sD.oror.lsbclurpl.li9:__tto.ud _trrU ffifr rrs9ffi uarimrrfi[Eni'rr:rec.rro
ffiftrffi#.- 'L't Lra&: .lraturarrslG tis--#-'"-- t-'YdL Ptite@ nnr.n:lnr.-.rio'e.t J-di--fuirnih'-Eai: (:o".?qr.oo,e|}les:__-___,_
rElll E|Dm('|a@fDo - tutDbb.dDd6rtuD! !Dl. Yrt L.- tsoo/ml! 6 L.. Frobre. Crll (3@)716-mtt. o
AtUllOl @rcl loBtlltT - L.'rd
t'rto b oldrrb cyou,F 0.rr Emuri.. Cdl b8orr td6 t2E-006 orrrnffi6.dc. 8tDd. rs artar!. trhn/
drFr, J.aEn aDd ,rur .hctw. (3o:t)rEJ{,,6. O
I ItD r llDtrDI Al^xfLllTE ltrld Cln E-l l8lu.bd. Io Flr3r.?rydb gxt r$ E3t-!671 o!
t ara-to7o. o
inttrltr u evoo er r Fb. lotar '!t'n
urvlltD|( cb. R*rwd F*tDtt !!t
Bi!t! bc c.b Yct c.ll RloI r!@
8PACIOI'STIO BIDROOfT -AFnnbld !D, ldru$ Eurrmc carr4.
YATT, YNJ.ET A r|TA& DIl'lGrQAY -lll uD- d l[lFftli' !ot{ srd rbdl
trcd'lgo t. to lanrntr 476-l I19. o
?\d.$'\^^/A-!f-9 !.!I
THR!! BEnOOI - 0600 D.r month
on E|dr nfir!. l{1. Rttlll Estird'
OYDrutrl. All rDPltanoll . PlulAbnrrafrr, drsDosrJ, -vrlbv(uyan
THf R!8!Rv! - f bdmto. S bdL a
bcdrotD" a br.\ ntJr lofl ltnnarurb(L
mtorgrrvc, rrshlr/drylr hoohrp, pool;6-ffi
homc rn Eadlc Rrvcr Xoblc HOmo Prfk
c{.li 9?6-c*9. o
urturnfsh€d Pldrr on6 J'€.a ll|st'
leOO/monr'fr. FlFDbc.' Irrgs droLlia-oztz. o
DITPLE:K EAOIA-V lL - 4 bcdroorl g
uaur. irurtpol 8trade, storrdo. 2
bodrAom, 2 [rrn, thblDool. largc lotl" I
b6dr.@m kltchrnrtta. lr'.\udrlr l.aulltE
rdn6r. tr
rLL AVO![ LI'IAOIXIIT -foriorieiion oas ucalsm.uDlrylb.<L
jao/moDrh to! Yrfi 16[ 9{9'
i6a:- - - o
t uDlta to tul to lou tDm. frau!5.
rlGouon lr bred on III'D crtt4ll lot
rFlDllrrn! crU {€6-O&?f' XgnIllY-ii&t, 0-6. lqud noudDt oDDor-lnlv. u
Itoll - gbadoom tof,nhttuSa lnd unlt
lrlush!4 8rfs{Pt balltnanl 8outharar
rlrntetfon- vlstt! o( Earva! C'r€oL
gmTmnrtr, lvueltr l{ovlmb.r I . Cau
rar ii gf,t o ghor 9ag+6€o. o
926-23to diy!, 1tr8-7to7 6,!n1lld!|Q
for au $ot8. Coll l -278-00{6'
lIOBnr Eot.!onE gt Rlvlr, a36O Dcf;;ntryt?6-llr9. - o
EEAvEa CrulK rE&T - 3 bdmol&
totruv furnuha" Truus. b.Eidl Dgol'rndEt ina 8auD.r a?oo/montll c.ll@
SE.AIIONA! RrIffAr - ldr uulttle' l'
tgdfoon, uilrrnlglt d' 1960. c.ll u8 tor
Ino!! tntornaUotl. Avon Lrl\ldrll|nl
Scrvts. 949-6866 O
EAOLE-VAIL - 6 bGdroorq C blr.lL
unturdshr4 2 OItPbd. 8t6|.m-
shorrr, lrr{r Dlqlll\oom, Y€6'rs ls88€'
atzs. Singlotra- 2 b€dlootrr a bd\ lon'
$iiff;'i.'"?i$:' tli' ;3Hf;d;
926-1080. o
AVO}I TOI'R BEDBOOM PtI's IDFT -Unnrrnlshld tdfi\houe' Noltlrldtlaln
nood" bgt locr$ol|- vttE8 io Balor
CEk Vstv n!€ fll sh aS6O Por montl'
daDo€8 riqulrod No P€ia. CrU C@!la
94'9-?026 ;u's. 926-3561 Pu'8. o
Rrvor. tnU&Y room, ost'ln kltohotli
Uv1nd,/fsrnUy- rooro- !{60 plur utlUtls
IIJRNI8HED nDOM PLUS b8!h rn'oflverr Fardance on 8€Irsadone'l 260
icrc ranch n6rg ro Bosvcr Crsof, tr ua!
b nas! ud non Smoker wlth Job srld
c.r. l36o/montJl lrlcltldd hst' luhta
End phoru. 946-4167 dlvl-o
m$ffir?#ery fr'W;Wi;fT5 wffiffi[?P,**Hilt't'ffi"]ffid#l;s*"*%ts'ffiry | ,ffiWrml tu
ffiffif#,ffir$iffiHffi TlYr.lsseexffi ffirffiil-op;qg.,6l H;1ff,%lf*Sffi"""ffi k rarurDEDnoolco*,;"1*,f*
roullS Qudllld Pettls tlply
A,.bor.,'t .D.s'iao.d.or-r,.rrrff ."r--* ""..-.t.-.".t m gr*frgtffi"J;i ffizu pr.trottr.a c.tr (soo)'ry s'ur-n'Rlns*rD o"" f,Hffo* f*,ffi"5.i6;rffi^ffi *ffiEAou.vArL - .z b.droom prus.loft. S*-r3bi#i,fl"rilLfft|.r;ru: ;'.,"rd;itdr r."-r:,?.*fg)n:l5l prt€hcoiimooryo.c.rft.3!mo hbaulrtul\y l\r'Irrs}'rd oon(b on d6admo G; dbn-'fi;G iropoan rn orancc. ro& zr,i uar.rurons!uu__!913lrqE* fi;Cal?;;ffiftfr it;rst rucorsn rtur qrn *-".3 !|tr i1ts*9"q8*" ur n{rva.Do ff"i;ro;ftffi"?r.i mdnln- *r.rJ @6rr,rvrutaa9eur4a.rpo149"tt'fi @ *'?]ff'.ffi.tffi@ sEAmNA! RENT4T: - asoo rq.-tL,log oii-hd nirngcr.
ss-;tfi,-.s$,,&iffi^q #n"$fffi'*ffi8$ff# trtr=.H$ Hffiryi#ffiffiq
F'ffiJ ffi '"ffi lilHH lTg151ggT3* H"ru,,E*-3':,HX !ffi3 t'Ag";Jlggg'ffirou!hr.8! of V.ll. -l3oo-/mon!n ;;i'&fi, nl;i,-i;;, ft,\y cG'r.[ d] Oryor, flsrind tqs_i.!{76. I J'!rr 1.s8..
I#f^!fi,ffitYf,Es6 *ffiidffiu*,r::lms #J.*r"'-*uu'i""'*'*-€
r'|la urrDrs. t5r|!rrq'r-. T_I roodDurrrrF r lol!Dl|.!, pflvab and LIZ DUy,.EL E,l!\r!E- v^rr, - -
Xi#b*'ffi ii3,ffi;lffiHf !'fi;I*T6:9"ff*:l;'*1 J): HY"T,i:'ft"ffif.nt'1"f'.tE!-I9&I1!9:9999:_-----J U l -rzo-ar Io rid t-237-288q
PErs e:Jo'wrD --q_qgfg..1rt. 2 * xrrtzo Oenror, FrRBprAcE - H l-o7.
dupr6 !n!!!tYdl,to6o/370o'oncvqr d;-,G- v1;;, "Ctrcnt a--ior:gt €[tAl8 49!S - t block to bur. trot to
% B.surtful o b.droom, -s !;ih, lpf-1.-1soo p9l-lnonor plur uuxq vett,
E".tt vArL DUPITX - z b.drcom. t r,r giggiG- trca tn Fg-f :ld.;,Lg%|git; % rI Efrt.0ffitfi'tft-11]ti?#i'iri| l-rooo pcr rnonth plue- uulttt- n^rr'te u - ce]' gtrlro d
F,'iq.odt'dhbo':r31t19t'# @ :Hiit?Xt.Tlff-eeq*lr. Nol
i,ottd .r!4 errL l+q!.iltvt .. {:t IAOLE-VAIL TIIBTROBIIII - -inra'r, no'i ze-aeaa. O
Hi.S.H','#,ffi7u-frts sffi#-'ffilliffflg: offirftarr.8o- t66o e.r mo6h pr* crcutri'.ridF. nrnt'^rrat v-ali*Erplu ulutu6' Nl
ffiffin5ffffi,SFJWf,3i6i". i vi'ulo *nd;;ld'ifun $rrd6 Pqq - ^chtt6' Eiohop o comDar\v; oNE BEDRooM - A'ron" unJ\rr shGd I
s|r|da rrshlr/dryrr. Yc.f l6sac. }{o *'o-wl- lloar tees6. $26 par montJr. .ro}ul
k.S*t 8endy. -Ct!.!|!.rb B.rltv' u* tx " or.r - l/a drpl.r, a @r'o- b.dram. om -bctj|" ol€o--9^ rM ^h
AverlDlrpr.Exlorurcduc nrn*uur Gn-r6iiiiriuutu-ti;1ryp'#t*l [ffi"";Tj"[T"#ri-""'.Hgi;L;fi{r6nAilancinvur,rgirrE- e monrh pN6_'+gt_}'r crtt,-.n-,:.*: ;::i:rE;;.-i6t6, no urilftrss.;n i ;A'ysl, t!.rl rttlt Yltts of vrll. dsy-!, 9't9'B6CB cvrD!-'- --- sae-arrz NovomD.r iztl. o
o-,il [Aii- nl.lrcrron fld-Bo.vlr ry "-
CltOL lloD b|a 3 badrooha' 3 ul.llt
ffiI"ilXi',L'"'Ht,r,f*H;l ffi-tril,{E&ffidxt xta=;te..-- o
#f iffis:rr#*#unrTi | 9ffi6f;6.-'su,ffi(rrrrcnrb)r?6-arfr. t6l ffifffi t$gl$.'S'L?gfil,|dffi;i
rDllo T!R.I EAaES - v.rtr .o"r I E:SEE -- --- t trt!" Ory uT]-rc b'r' llrtt do'br'
ftiicrirc-al-uccro"n,. r,.rn.riil ffi ffit.ffi#$frtifinffi'-t5rff"ffto*i}1ffiiAl iqt!-c*."r ror oudd iifr.-Dd nropraqln-,er{iGo.lrirorjnoo.&tfi'-dilb.d;l'r i.t r*o. rEl U vdr476'0681-
pUr iaf. pfr lrt lrs OnPlry.' &clq
rglwff.ffi3".s"*'ffi . ffiIffi' r- a.? %g1g;!ftl;!t'r ,.rtr'd'!rri'!rl ffiffi H,-,a rrr do'#i fieffia#ip.ffiiflffi-E'a'r.:=.
.iffi$oi:'-"ih!a!'ou-atl onronam - r*-,1u1rry,l*** roo Dopulx -, rnr.t'.mrdr arr6iE- =r,.n'nran"o'-o"oqf| S$-ffiEf,rx*-H-fi8 *trilFt' ldtHi'*fldtornho.' on rrur i.urry. Er'urnr I e1-pltu uot-iui r.uarq"-!I.rr^p; e,a;'&.iiJil bt-zrrr,. oo69r plr,!L. Lrl6 brm l{ia.!60:6 p.r | j2sm-iin-s -Ei.rnttu'L I r/-: wg(Er D[,tL l4ng Llrn rE5. F.{' Fr I l28OO to[| I loontlr8 lo I }rr- C.ll
month Dluc ulUtttc.. cxl Dtrn. | lqg-htlg_ gr Cbrtri Blsbog O -Ounrag, IAAT VAI! _ Ch.rmln! a b.drooe,{@l ittfodi't. ' -' o rurrriorc -ratrv,ii:yr-i. -grs -;;A
IAOII-VAII - Sunrtvla Oona6,
lmfirrritshd 2 b.droon 2 blt.tl" tlti
dr!Dlr6, ruhar/dlltr. Pool' 8Dl"
o,rirra nrfrrg. Avrllrbb Novlmb.r
ra. e{9-6669. OAffifurnlrhaq around llvtl, covorod
. D|rllnd. l66o/monill c:u LLs. rt 6kr c. Blrort e{9-406o. orffilouthrld ataor. I badrootrL 2 brrh
oD.b. ralErr drtt|Ilo !o llna. outd@r
--mot ucf.Adq mrarrtl vtc. l20ooirc notiL ltd (t6) ?Ol'4e78ivoularrla. o
PAS8IT! SIAB lOXt - O|lllooll |gvlll Ooll CourU tltb vLtr d Ool€
Rr.Ddf .a cory lMna tsm' c.$rdrr.I
csulios, lraDbo, I b.dDotu. 3vi
b&lrr@ms rrc roorl 3tt fL l.il trat d
garagc, aal€n.f t\urrtetu<L o -pcleaIEOO Dcr montl plul ullulJ!3. YCr
lrlsc DtrfrNd, ( 3O3) ?A I -2976. (lOC)928-2600. o
fAaT VAIL @NDO - I b.dsm'z baln,
unfurnlrbad. lona !attr laro !.
fu'rwn bu t6, t f t4
rtfilB AIDnOOI @f,DO - nll!!!b6d
Iirdr-G!.t ud! f ^ll)l. Y-r L.3 lgato/D-Et(lraludl fPl. Y-l t .3 .ru/
Dotl.c li- Fn$b.... crll (lcl)
ma-6!. -" o
tOB nllrT - br-ctqraS!t*E@!rtrtll-6&a O
rcB![D^@I - !li-hth. Ld]'Y-d Veif, oor.r cOURa! Eolc - Iro!dSE eDA. g q{O_y';gi rca. 3a@/@rb. t loonrh daddFJrad rDdris.EttE (loE)
=G;d.-6;fi;H";tr;l'D-U:;;?1|?'e|3A.r.' u efbol6.Darut *tra.C!.*i1d\Cl
r.PAAlrlIrT8 t!lsh.d (L fo Fi..rp. 6:17-6671 o
'rcnEor - art*oo to Tb. vrr8o oqrjroa on t$a
A.Icdrer I
lAoll-V.il.g, - 8 bdlootn Dlus loc\brlfury fumtlbld oD.b oD dad rfllar*. L(f,! l! Erttc bc6o@ r Dfrn
bdh. Yrrl|d'6tlDll fiEo/Dotrlb. C.U@
Pltf8 rIJOilD - 6 bcoroo" f trt!(!da tn L*V.rL&AO/f,tEO,oo.tt !lr-. a?O-!Ot?. oumffib.l\ Esra. &L ltc o.rD.t tadFa Ala Dd&bthedrltD ptlvrl..Dd rd FlL IldDodtt $lrfllltb tr-r btl| rDd doc:t atort.Ycr| br. @/D.oIL a?Grago|ic&to o
rrnor rcna @n@x - 3 bl\rdlalt b.at ur 8.ftr{/. lf l0O po
nrdlr\ Dlur utllltl4 nol Dcvls, DGYf
796-t0OO. .lro 67?-a,ioe. vru?e6-8000. .lro 67?-440e. vru(re.l)47Cr}?t. O
rlltlB LtASl - lrorpuoBrlE t'* (h@. t bd!@. a D.rn
@lb. tdEDrdlr?^D bltlt, ortad
Dol rdjlqEli. ma!{a fl!!. 9Q99
gI alM tlrSl dn.lE,nrrstlbd
A. bd!@ t|roh bdD lg Ellr.outLr..t ot Y.u. 1500/EoDt'b.Arrlld. DntrD.sqrl! ffryl @dbd
DaOL R.r. @DCiriw to4cd !q{bba'ebnDra rtDlc .l ftdt ot coaEEEt - Erll. (CGt) {affi @E?-t6ar. . o
ar. Eao/rDdh l8trff liii ItOi.
.D.lDh@ 9c6-4r67 dryr o
rlr'9t rr lAorr - r/g .nsE a
b.dooD. @ blh. old to t rt! @
CrDt d 8r!n' LD, tcll. EoIn 3180. E@tl Drrr ut{lrd4 crll 476-l!8lt
d{'|, els !6lb .rE D.l rdradfm.h O
t mr o"o t-t-" p- "-qy!@ brDlous. Ega-Vr[. 6 @t!ltotrr lca lir @dfitd' AvrllDLDiEh lA. {76-1119. Offi
D.rb.D! !d A bGd.ooE, twdlbr4 F@
l6?B/'qnD- Xo Dri4 Dlit Avotr@
BlavtB Cnllf tlat - I D.(bo@.
rot lt/ ttJrBt!b..! lbd4 hld D@1,
tsdt.E r |!d a.rD ltootoodD. CrULrr..3& O8bdt. elF{6e. Oarcffi
Dadrooo. urturdrba( lg@. C.ll ut lormt LDftGDrll.D; al!|r Lro!6@rol%
Alrrr torra EtDnoorr PurE rotr -uDnE:orrbal ioroDorD, rdtrDaD.mndal E lol|@" vltrrr to lcvc
GlaL V6t Dl6 lDltb. 18@ pcrunr.n,(bls t.qJrt(l Io Die Cdl OdUr
oa$'l@ Alfr. EB-3001 ?lfr Orm*ffi
BIYE. Ittlqt t!c@. il-la Etobd.
ltvtDd/b,Ew rw. ]160 Cur rfrlttldr.
C.u lllll l-ir,[7-8644 Oc,rrffinsLd fo! ldtv .brblrtt/b tnldrrle O@. lo +I l{n! RFc
Slrtgltlt.ll - Sb.dForq I D.lD.iarrac, ltr.Dlro., uafutllat
aToO/DoDtD. Crll .v.!rqt I
SItlrRIml - I b.do@,I b.r\ o
TV. ttrBlrb.d 0644. am-a.r8a*3lcn
tnt! BIonodU - 3 ltvlnd rooE)Eobor,' 3 at $rt{t Avrll
[o9@Dd ,D|lL tlttt rDd lrd, morro! tqurr$ CrD rtttr ? |€tsl!:--
@Y fro xwll BlDnooxSnrtDud lDllvlqtr@rndbdlnI tuli b.rhr, uonElllb.4 ruslty
&,@/mr! II.ACo" e|ml6q |!q=-
T*O E@nOOrr - I }t b.t\ brltdu
rr l.a Vr& M de fL,u Ellt,!r|lt' t|rbd/drrtr' @/DmLDgsIE*-Brom3lelgg6-999
OOIT @I'R8I LUrI'BY DI'PI,4.llt ltlao. Dw!8 ftusd b. g bcdroc
lotta. orrdr.d bar.d 3rr!$, dlit
lrdtavrll, uDi.lrnllhld leOO/Btgl' Co., 940-0160, .!I ft! Bt!.
t"o t"t^--ffi- - t-r.
colulivtt rullbno ttb tDdi3vlrt!, o.ilt@ Jtdl.d. 6pal
drullbta, r'fYtlr dalr, dd6Lri,.h''! g badro@. 3 bf,b uDnlr'D.ltor!}orD rttD a ar trrrdl Avrl
Dc@bar I 68 tla rrn a elloD
oDtloD to Gl@d lcL. CrU
f /8 DoPLET - 4bG(bo@a Chr.\
darrdq aldfb (bor oDoc. w (i
lAO0 Dar mntl I F.r lita or !o
Damfgr drDorlt and !ct!r!
':g!rgEt91!9:_r rllD - a llrlr b !b$.lr$c I
vell @do rt[ Ddsr rEIa
1660, Do lnllrEc. 9{9-6113 f,olttl3L _-
rln!. aEDaoor llolt8l - I
EAlb.b l! kdlc EdL @Itd4!9ge!99!6-g!t-nrfuuowunr - ! b.c
lrnnrnbb.{ !!6 bar, f O. YirProDcrty RcBtol lllDa6cD
.76-arm. c|s.lg+t.
r.o rcD-mtt -ffivdl !@/DDtbrilur u td!. r(
C.U RM, 0(6r Au&. hqFa*w_
VAIL @At _ I b.doom. trJrnnebc/t!:/u, r.[u 6oc OoldJ'60 Uofuaaf udlar.' Pt(8.Irt!r-.tarBlt.acat a7O-4
IAOL!-VAIL - UnfurDllh.d g
bd!6. 3l| b.rh dmbblE &t{lrarlf|t rl.b/6r:|r. Yar iaa, Ifo'D*r 611 8rDd. 6oG!.f 861V,:l?<t4 0
^ffi' atsr. Al&d ruld.D ln vEll, lod't dG a trtr{a turl rtrh Yllrn o( vfll,.Oct nar&, It .t&boD, rDal E avr'm,.EoD bra g badro@4 g htbt, r
Dhr ld, bl|rbrrO.lr@lrya &oL
all.at to.ry dDa rrelig o!'ltrrh..i fo Di3 0f6@/ndtn glul
ut0lu.r. arru.bld t!.D.drt'v.
a?&lola rE a&7101. o
TEBtr ElDnOOr - llr d.ib,rooaboTt Erllc lD ldt|r$ ltstar1)* D.hL gm/nontL lmU6r
orll t76-€6?4, O
au*oo" t*,1 co"mtott""t - a
ba6o@, I h b.';brwtD4 tuU lfiab4lh
af-Drt !r!DLc, (bI. rtondl ab64rrabc/&Fr. t{25 Dr DDt\ }|266rrld/ dlDd l^tl &b.d!o@ rtD
kC, tl| b.tlr@|'tuIl E{ibo.611) a.
ArrDtr6. datr. l0@ Dc MrD. $@ErrEr d4dl 6c 18 ml,h tas,
@-d. prplar. fo Fr lg8- 60{A0
r/8 DVP!,!X IAOL!-VAI!. - a
babo(6" 3 b6r,\ lDnE?l|b.4 lcoo !q.fl. Jrouzzl, flraplaoa. CaU OrtyI.UDEI IO rDd 1-llt7-166{t D@a O
galr aora! - r bl6r bti!, i!,r lo
l. 1600 Ft 'i.-r}r Dhrt tdltlb.,tm@ulDdr o
Ot**-^t-.,-u'!^.n ttrr lra, |tl16 Da mE!. rtobrf0e.a7o-zala, o
IlEnlt @8@n. TtO BArX -Labvrl I F|r h;. *l@ pcml.h. Itdtl}!l|b!4 JoDD lrbo4416-'412. Offi.rAOtt'Vr.E - I bdr<iiti lrA Dd,b.
tr. todi{,D. Ph@r'tDllat rulrDatt (66) ?6r-.rra?a
PASgv! SrAR EOII! - OtrtooEltva|l Odt 6urr rlltr' vrarr d Oo!.n Dat r d.ft !'vb6 tuir, cllbr&danra, 0rotra. I bctlwl 6hEbw.ru rm. tlGldlbird
rdudahl !Ihr!4 rll .n'ir+r-OEirdl I ar lrrrat tt@r'mr.D-eas.G?7.9ae.cyla o
lAgl VAII, - &ll!o, ual|t}'dihllrlDLa LO r|lrl' taOO &Doduirisa ere-a@, g-T08.
l,rtftt IOBIll Eolll la LtDoh
8D.alor.! 3 b.do@. 3 bat.lr nrbd,l.6, 9'96&&a aa+.?l
tut'a l[lDn@I. trc lxrE -Vdl @rb lEqho, dllht
ucut/ bool-r4', br! tuta l89o/lrtlh lr.!t. 476-6?ea tar,f-!go-?!4'lrdryl.lAOlt-VAII; : OulrrDtlbr.l Eb(bo@
-. S briiqo.6!ro..3
badrdE cofc tthjob
totDDour.t! llth l|rtq!_Ef[l.El Df lAlltf - I b.dr.@E, lt{!9c Cr,D. Lof tlgP t!4 F6r/_rD9gI GOO-looatl Dtur ututir..,Dh.r. 'rn|rr-. c.ll Dra .?t. @c ;i;i!, -dlrrdf [o eirl-lru nry oor iEarr-ltocrri/naa xo---..-.-..--ator - r.r ! b..!.o@; a nt! b.t!. o.rs.' a?}L6g
l{0O .q.. , ft. uatutBlab.d oado,*r-M- '- o
m= *"-t - t -1 't."O
JEE' U$. f turDl|c, 8 ar tFrqF!t&d.bd @tbrrl{r atl bab-vro-lltoo/Eoat! Dlua utUlt!..,: CrU
9|e-.t t99 !
IAAI VAIL - ab.abo@rlt tb6&tlh Stir t!.r oerf @EDa roltsrs.f aFlpLd, r|.bd/dryr, Crtl Ltvry
BrADr toi llLDlalt @?Antl5 rDla to rul !o tor !D@ nE0h8.LotblrbdaEDD(ltclr furpr|!@ all aeogA L@.try-tthry, 9.a Errl EqtDS OtDc-!.Ett, . o
74 frrnln/,'|nmut'4Hl;rmta '
F|b/a!tc. I'tatc,nbr,tlottr. tl'Ill0!O !G @lb" Cdl .tlD gl${.IX !r'|hFqr/cttc. I.6atc'tlrr|r,IoItr. E1!|I(trttr:alll' - gbd@.lbtb.
fOln !c eolb" (|U rllo 9lH{X rlh lltDte. F!t! OK loo/Ed!.ry4-t:l8l VfEr. - A.Erg7 f blcioc!ItT- Yallr. - arE47^ r - oalq SntDlO - Irt&:ol|br4 fuil dr Ecbo.q.E|olq rfr@r _ lllldE rPd - hrcDlrcc. r|rth.r/ dl'l/rr, oov.lcddaot- IO talalDadt. !O DCta, Er*h, E\l/.n^rr ilr.-rtn ! ir.r lrrl.-S&"8.H'lfd"-t$* 0trUtrStb&.H'ii-d"-li$ ffi.Tffiffi@,.r|r!.D!!q'!4hrin DU 9{e1c!o. tr|lDor. |r|l.lblcrEhltn DfE 9{ea6!e| cArr@.blgE'Yri. tr _:Ulm dA,I tlA888 - Yrrrl Dd' rllor{.Dlc I b.dmoE turdrb.d
r rrren hr| roD @ lF.rd,, drrl V.0 l{lb. Uffl l(rrh
I ho|.r no|l Ir qot! rd.lt
. lhtb tqr ar alll ]la4lu,.- o
oB.PnoDrtcsox SPAcltDArlo$ aPti6 Lru tbra.ba n .otd D.rEr& llc$b trr. Cdl Blal .,9r9-60ao. o
EltOEDEoon-rrt@r.E'|$lb Ddn Ea.roodhrl Da ttdmbasl a[tlra u!lt,
13 I trr8 br rld.9d gD u8lt
14 ItrslD*6(arl clrl tuLr:- 604-in I ..
t Ott-VAfL - a L!!o@. I brD;.vr0rlll Id- l. UU,E!|U,
?UFN;^h J3/ I g{g ffi
enffi;raa1",**3l;''g*fffi '#Tfr;-::;^g."','-P",f:""ffifi ;irx-Je%#$!)
oounElr ' I
847-S64 r.
"G!t":goqg,tr9*."-""*3fffi,ffir;'i'rtri**.:ffi*ffi;lru&{$r**KHffit'ffin'Lo otuntlo''cr,-
fitfBIDO! - I Hloao. a b.r.h 6D(b.l'r!Dt|a, h-dy, tulV .qulpDrd Ol.EoD6, adbaa ioE lcw! CrEcIluifaaoi. ChrtatEra rDd laaloD."ul$t".lb* (3!6) !Sg-A6eL O
.atDr tIo E@RooI - 3 bdb. turv
nmtrbrd. r||br/drtu, dltbtrt b4.!rtDlr6, D.lt4 ab dorqt! Io@. 1600
Da tD@ Ctr tc&J-. 476-@43,{7+€700. O
IAOI.I-VAIL DIIPIII - 3 bd.oom- a
. b.r,b.l8!llo{t,tlr|ar c.u r -a78-o648,
AA lgl lXmAfCl b E .n!r 6l.er\&Drfd6r l. I b.d!o@, 3 brt\
lDnrrdabrd uD! lc LE.Eldlrta llntalYir lia. lo Fta ILr nrrDl!6.trabc/(bTlr, dahrub!!' rrd d6LIb aDDoLolml c lntoEEallon c.lla€,rE-tctt o
t "" O "O t* t Oa""-. t *tdtr ddDl 6 Oo!. CllL l&r8 D.!Mr.h Dhrl rttullc. Crll Vd o! Bat rU
eBltgl Crulf - 8p..l r C b.droo(o,rDilrll.brd oD GL t!.r{F, ar|nr
ttr:r oli!. YcIr lar. Fop.tly n rlrfariraid'!.nr, 176il4o, 949- 19+1. O
EA&f,AL Rllnll. - 2600 sq. tL,logb|! m 7 aooa, lE Eltnrtr to LrvuC!-..1. hrrD,lrh.d ! b.d!oom. g
rodurut.d 0rtdr6. h"rt. rDdvtr. L$! drDoall' ld lnL TbrtE b.l 9-- IOa9. ruldAy! f -3O9-?gla O
DU?LEl - g cranrtdr,3 b6o@. S',rtrf\ rr|b.r/dryu, t'r|'b oorDrdto!,!.!!Dlr6, lln|'oubrl Yrr lr!.i, rutDSnLb!.. c.ll &.r DlrdlD {76-a6an,t70-1721. O
cr r*o Ituo" "-r"orae -nr!!9Laa ln ltvlnt ro@ lnd b6droom.I tuU !rt.b6, untumlrbr4 Wbldlly HU.l?@/mt!. IIACo. l?&7I8l,.5tfot
6-*root - a.5EgT.'ff[111
--rii6/-iontti crtt
"ilao-'oo4---P99#"'S:lSH'ffo3*niffil's".I*:^ffi;&}e"if i*iiijl"?i'i*i,il'f/#,1Ho.::S;',t*-;at****',m"*
@."oot ffir5'r$il'HtrlfuA;-"lll#ffi "HHil.-4P1't'"-t*tl-S:.ffi'&!fffllPlt*g
A;;o*-.t.t.-' : "
,ft-nr t olt--^;/Lqg.";ffi tr-;.,D..9g".P,,:gI'!nSEffiff;4.'-u"miffiffimHlfl.-'*'T
m"'mm;ffidkffi*ffi [zriH*".oi,E*eoet\'!uu!r%iiilVFilagglr'
Avor - rq
l4OO *1. t3
fr-o--"pot -- 1g:3e ffiit:
IIXRIFI - a bdrooD. r \| b.$JuiFhrd. D'r orrD.tr fuhc/dr.:tlc. a!8baat, uD.tu!Dlah.d. Avallrblr
lEDadrtdv. la- to rtuDl I. Tylrrunrlt/ 049-!l@. O
r"t ""ttt o*t * !.gr.t- |'/aduDl.r, I b.drooD, 3 beth, aUlDdlr6. ltrtpl|r, JrolEd. ISm Eq.tL X@,-qrdl&lDa llr^'f VA lllraPm,|l?.!O.qurv. O!rt,0(a6 l -42O-8llo. hoD L- l-2l€g' o
oor,r oune r.o:au*Y Dg"Lua - ortllt tlta!, 6!r Uvld l4 3 b.dmm, A
lottr, d*drd h-bd galt3!. !.r!r9l!€,l{0+'VrU, unturnlrbd. lg@/trronril.
@nPonATl - Ecutrturv tumtshld6Dld. olo to VrU Oolt Co\rls
ChJbhq.rr. LrSa 8 badroom r1t.}r lodl,3lt b.!r bd h$, I orr trngr r1llr .rcD.|8dD/tn@t! tc O rloni.br to I Fr.Crff Rbbrr{ s C!r.tr, B[EhoD g%
ffi"trffi*,q*.#;IffiH'.;Uffi iuitttcl cett
fu-esg"'-effitaB;&*P"P#iffCrll Tc6
Pri. OE.
totto !'!8tt^ LlllP"";. t$'"tfo*
*.sl$,'qPrr#r'ln:Enii-'ti' ,t"?I*,;9F{.s_"f-"'"ffi}OW tuntrryPtg.ffi-'fiirFcz[o. o:nfiffi4;-dr'd1?6"6"*' "
d,ar'+'Err - 3 badrod. S b'f4'dL
ffiHffi:ffi ffiffHl""",ffiffii:frffihPtq nreti$-ffiffi'Eir rlter z Pn'
?60-m60.ft--a--"ooy;'XHtH$iBfiffiffi#ffi*.ffi [ti,**]ms:$c'%ffiEfif,i#*rmffi*ml$ryF'",mi*-'ffid ffi{ffiffiqSSft .,iH:';-"'S';;- caosJ
E-tt56 fri5.[fliia"aro-oooa
If "oft
*"&"--;t"o1g'-13"1.3,-^ro . r-"-"-:ifjffiBll
liuror'#u"f"d GIE i-oszi or ffiry;E "qg911t'Hiffi'fi il;;-;."oo""'iblqeq"$t"'Tiff;F.j;;*:t"g,:lii +zr-oozo.iil$r$iE"'"{d;/Lr!- '"q,'"'tffi,w;s#Jr€W
offi" o* rnor-ugofl-flfff|:iXii't;i'q;|.E{*lEgH $is%ffiHw#ffi*Jq6ryr";vglffi"iffilg.'.H,:*l.ii,
|!r rllelttlrr'EIOH AtCtVE VAII'.-- Xtr
t*,ff 'S,i';":fs##-if';
I ii:""iAiq _qs*.,ffi;
rEtob ulii-"artro- -
. iiirnra. Ycrr
^r"l--;.^:s*:s H"A*tff;t.ld- !ry!'*
cr.rl. v6tffit ifrg5l'1$f"#Jru,6ffi -eigtg ar't uto c'''6Alc
Cdlao@/Eqalb:ffiiH'HA.fid Efi' erc-oor'lrf
n/on *l.u 3o, r 9 4
|l'f,lv*,*nt= tcffir; tdlt;lt'*!'*, l ' " '
rut aED ron tT. tott oor mLlDttdl ErDc drdututtbrd l.l.tt bdno @.ba .r'|lbbL. 'ta!d|| trhllloa E-,0rt6 !rEl,r.trlDL fD rlDatar:|' rlt-olaDr' oEa. cEr tr|d -oFat, rD.lEr\@! Ar 6odlh lic ldl f&v.
. r96a l!8&&tolndrb. ere-.arllrfrr&VllrG .
._.var.- Lrtl drD6, lor ttEL ltlt:FM 9CE-IOIO. rit{F r-le-
tlltnl.qt fAAIl '- ! b.drcrrdlrrlLba4 tra b-fi e-18 Eslar&. l?ao, ProDaroz C Ranta|!|{}Ge!t,l?6-+|(P, 9lg-tga,l.7974 .
tlnr!! BlDn@rr@rF - tllrntrbd&!L 6..L uon.ArDl. Yrr lc.e.le6o/
e99tl__9F tc- pinlD.I. Cdt (COg)?!!-gao!. ' 6
SIORAOI FlCl IOB nun - rdrlsiFto b Cotonfb ctou ttrt lrd Eronur$.e CrU 6a cirr rdc !CE-€6O6. Orcunffidlpla. SlDOr ou gua4r, rrrlhar/(ulrlfr Jadlrzl md ltln Bhorf. (log)zrc-ar!6. 6
t AltD I @800ra APAIglrInnS hnd - (}r? E-t tnolud.d tro rte.ll?'B/rDlb tDd uD. 8:!7-487i or
I -€?,t-!Orc. - Ooffi
arrllaDL la Avul rt r Dfloa lorls than.rytbllc .l,aa Rdsrtd D.rErd. Al€rD6rtb t!. rah yar. Celt F,tch et@
&rclc[t8TfO BlDttOOL -AD.ftm.'tl|l tI| ldrrr{s Budnr€! Crrrlar.t!!hrr/drya-!,
roodburntn! ttovr
' IIRIB! - Cbabo@r l}lbb..fun
ElDr.i!. r' arD4 r|rha/ltrtrE, 6tahra!, uDttrDlrh.d. Av.ll.blc
:: rffix-Lv. Lir fo.'t8' f. ry"ldl. nirE eao-6r@. O
tEl nm? Otf, In btbvrll
. duDlG, I bcdrooE 3 D.th,.DDl,|n ltrttll5 J.dE fl@ Aa ' r6-qu.U01!a I I ri* VA ll I taIltl 3t7r@ quti.O|Ir,Oo.]{S
!tlO.D@ l-&tt-8E€g.' :.. O
tgilrt@ EnE rlDn@ra rdarr.l. Lat..v.ll Jo Ddr Lr tia-FqO1@h DllI| tl'lr - IPA Id!!.at&?.o ct 919{O9a O
b!dFo@. 3 h.'\ trlDLr, r!8hc/.&tu, ft8n.|bd uq- lolOtvtatc, .l&/a!aDr. tE lr.a!b.d uD$ l0oo/rtOa, !f6o/arnu. llo Ftq Dlar.Ar@ I|Di{i@t8.[Tld.gre-t66a
t'Itfff &UTftACIfO - 3 tibo@,-A.rnr'fll rEa '@ !rd!a ntrE. I^t(S. lirr @ lo (b.. !l?'& vdl
a?'6-!@1, Drtrr SaHara E
.Stl'Daldt 1rro atDnmra - t brfl,rE lE b..lE-lbh.d.ItErlar.
OIl a?!-80Ga dlc D@ra a O,_.LXE lqt|rtl]ED - I b6!cE C
!.lh @cq rr,v.I. tlFot b. s.|t,
fElllllY AIL& - a b.ilroc
luliorlb.4 Y*t 6tu.I(l f6@l!aluulllltlaa. ProDcrty C BaDlI|D aF@L a?6-{o(t, eag-lea,r.
Pff'fn qfff nOaO - f- "-"60@. rEtlrDr.bc orut|!.d 3,6r!|l,atur!'r h@!rwCicL,Eaffi. a?64f@. g|e- l9+1.
tEIqIt ElI!- &61rfi ! b.d!o(. birdtuID ltlln ib.4 hoc h,b, I 'lrrfgl,rllyaht Chotnt'ClEI|D{@g a?!.tl.|&, eae-te+|.
llE llatl : cAlPtrTtB r!!ffiEi tiltllt ET16 td boudD6l. (
6rf-6ort rturrar
IAAI VAILnrdlbrd e{?6-A00{
be,tL l?
. nlADT IOB D'T'IDIAIt O@I'PATCYI uDrta to lrEt to lor tn@! L[ulta8.taiouoa Ir bard oo EIID crtrr!|r. lorgrDdilD@3 qIIl a€Go8a4, Lotdw-Irdry, e-6. l$rl xqldna ODpor-crnlv. omffit bd!o6 r.'I!b htr l9 n$d.ourhr..t ot v.u. lgoo/lroBth.Avll.bL Dor ttrtr ah lryl hroDrdFOEn !| oDDornldvro-rpadrt dhh! qrq[bla rtnt.! .t d..rt ot ct!s!qrd,t t L (ga1) a6a-oo6t otA:rt-60/tl. o
VAIL 9o-lr.. @IIRB ltoLt - t rUtd!. 3t@/Ddtr\ It Dntb drDctrlrNlrt l QurMrd 6rua !!oli to:4!9t{ e, DrrrF Rd4 OrlnrlCt|. CrGdF. o
IAOLI:VAIL - IrnfrrrDtlhcd g
D..!ro@r th m dr.bdtnfuE|. StndctllraL rrab.s/&tr. Ycrr la.*. trIop!F-_ q{ 8rDry, CloEo.b Irilv.a?!-13.6. b-rffiDobll. hoD.. lg{o/nor![. C.llgrF-loof dlD|F O
lntoh rill h.rt .atlra. untr.
fnfC renOl - 1600 re rmrurlulS! SIfrll rI - afpu DC Dmlnqa lrata nFc. t .'a RteG ladd.
: D-6G l!. a?!-rl19.
V^IL nA@ll CI,SE - I b.(bomlbElduo. barln$d Dbs, Dt(bor{.d. tuIV l\rrllirb.O I JrI.! lr463!/ffirti tlrofrrr n elrt CmD.trbftl Avr rbL DorDb'rcrll l-gfB-AOe).
OOI' WNSA IEI'BY DT'PI.E -li tFD. ric llrf,d |!, t ld.ocEldlt, orudrd brr.d !l,r!tl,lllpltlra!.-Vrll. |I3ftrr .b.4 lE96/mdlll Co" 4?E 7l8l, .rl b D!
orlltarlall) TEn'lt l@n@r
16aa Dc N: ft!o/@r,D, crll .n
HlATlD. OAnAOI tor 6!0!r|7o/r!d|t!. l-?8t-8o16 @ 47q0{
Elrocnfr! on @nFoRAtt run
O-t_Drug. All .Dpu.Dc.r Dludg+rE+q, arpril. nalc/tiryn.@
L!9:l It l^Ot.l - r/a drDlc, Ibaab@, o btD. otd io tot:r ouogttol &r*, l.onr rarr io P.lr. lta8. lodtl Dhr |,llltll-. crn tTC-tlgtt61 e|}.l6tC .rtBllat r!.1rifo.l Or.-@to@ ttDDan,l{b-Yrtl a rDorfiblf,r l--. Era @EU, AlrrtEDir
1.Drcr!!|l@. :o.
lEllr_@sooL EoIl 6 rtdbnltc. - IttOry loco. an-b rfohintlr'qS/nllv r@. lrAO Dh! ur0tuc.crlt I||t l-{7-!6L. - Orus-@J5.at aD. f lrtDlro, 8 cr rrreft-ltl'ar.H on tuaE BUL lrdr-viu.lleoo/nonth Dlu. u!1llrLa. crlr9aD-aa90. o
-IOIO 1Rn tlAS!8 - Vrrl'r m6'-rfod.,bla g D.&!dm. fulat3hGd.Frt4.q!r. Eur rtoD @ Snound!,mErl Vdl laffotl l2@- t{oliht!onb6! nod tr DrAtW rtntatsrDrL toir a|t aaurd. l?0-6?60. O
tlUtE A.E\t! VAIL - trlr duDta rtrberiDcI GIDrar rDat rDorrDlc
!,t rr d Oaa lrrar, Vrrl nd Eanuqrr I M3 b.rtr Dhr loai.qatra F.*l-r J.!|E[ trrtr DIrt.I|g !r,rtL... Irtt. daal., rr!hd',/dryr .d--,rrq!r. ltat@/nooth Dlu,iilllt ra Y-r L-. llo da -C..ll
(-l Jrlrr t..s rr
d.Dodl. CrU rt.oldryr, e38-COl4
gr l CD I-
&ozr^/r'u 7, /?t/
92 r*vart nrart - :.r.;cnrber 7.Jsr - s6.tton E
qtfBIU}l - r 0.(b@.8b.lhoDCalt?l.n, lrrrDdrt, tlilv.qulrd O.|.rdc i@ Ecrr! C l
adraaoa. Chr|rreaa aod aaaaoDa0.btr lbo (816) IES-tlea. O
,|xl lll lltlnA.Icl lo E &rE Gt.I.AJ[ada I, I hbto(6. f b!D.rEnrnfduDll b lDE dL rut LYrs Lr Io Fta. Er ArlDLa.tret.ltG. rll.Brrbr rd (bLlb r''o|!Enl a @lrtlm alllq.a?+r9?g. o
tglul@ lg l ml@I end
alrqF, Ldlvrlt tro D.te Yc! Lr.Wdh I|r! rllllrn IPA I'DD-,a?S'?,tmce|}-aFa C
Enlt EDnoora@f,m - hEoribdDrf G!.1urn froI. Yrl! Lre lot O/6tb c lI!. n.r!ohr.!. CrU (l@)7t6-86, o
glOnegf gerO lOBnrl]n - rof,'rta lDColon b oryou&rnt* mtht a CaU lor d.rr nrd 328-0@A Oro"ffi
a!.rDla. 8ib4. or aFrqts, trrhc/
drtc,J|rrrrr.rd nis abfiE. (eg)rra-#. o
n d cu!. Bsrt lsludld' llo rta.lu'!/Ed,h |D.! rp. 8e?-68?l otl{r+!o?0. o
VAIL toaruED lr lotr - 3
b.(bo@. U@/@l! Cr.t Gtela f orte Y3lrr EA ftaqa?G?lOOo el$'lool O
lto IIDAFI - nol rEorSDl totDu. tror' r^x-t ry4hlrc baDdr Dret c iEIiS tbo E3
EIID ruu[EElr b f,.E(bd 16r6ll ElaD (b.errylF,r@ta r-$o-elf ,Isrlrt-1!!|ab' lO rE.-5 p.EU
Tlro BtDn@n aarrratoBnlltT -Irbnl't'|!b.4 |SOO Dhr ln 164 LC.
Btrtr hrL 6U ndlD. dl!'' @1679,
IrD6 r'tD bs, Ia6lEoDt!. CrU Bttt?s7r6t. o
AVOr - L,La tLr, rDJurDlrbrd 8b@ rlb tobl D. @/!Don[-Y-r Lr ro p.te crli l,lr, !, 8tl It
8bor 019-l€6o. O
lAE WIBITAS! - C b.dtom,8blrb.trrgbo, r|.bc/dryu, a !not! lrar|6?t/@rb" cilt av6 rfr't.dr'n nfg.['t6,91F'6865.
EoE ., Orrtot. il?6-248a.
ROOI XEDID - L&Jr!, txpondble
hmd.. Crll Carcl a76- I3O{. O
II,BAFI !'O EIDNOOI{o@lblatuE Darr rvr[aDlc.
trf VAIL UTXITBY - I D.doo!o. a berh,
tulx/ ttlT$hrd. undlrtlcnDd D.ltsltt.Arr0.Dlr arv Jr'uud:/, lc'ntl t.t'mba. @/BoDtb, Crll Euz al.tg-?!8]'.o
SlItDIo - Slat I/lrIlREOnJ' l6!.1oD.nrw nr}rbbr4 Dlond DorEDg, hr6
rori/c, I prrn ony, I F L!e. fori.. 1300/moDib udlldc lDolud.C
17+96!6 rlGD trytDd. O
@bt\ !!!D!a6, r!8bar/dDEr, O EtonLblie. g7AlDontb- tfo 0.t8, Dl6s6. CaUAtoI ltrDlatrmi 8cw168 94O-U
A\IOr - LIr vlrr, a bdrooD, A b.$,rftb Dlrrlun, lrrly firrElrD!4 gfr$D
Lnnl. Io D.ta arcO/toontb r|lrr[rblr|llr.trErr.r:' 1. Cru ]ls. rt 8E C SborcU
llllG 8!DnOOI - l0C0 Fr E|orn6 lrd. RrYn lrdb nrcr tldrtt,OyD!ut[. AII rpplleDaal Dlu!d$hrsba, dlspo€rl, r!€brf/dry!8.
ul{rgnmSrrrD lsnlG ElDnOOr -Itlrt ir tV tloE LrrlhouF ln lrdc.f.ibF/drr. 1636,/EoD'J! lralbDl.Jraury l. DrDodt rcqu$cd 32&r&o.ltc a Ir.B O
OOL' @Ura! UtXltRY - 3 bcdroonl a
b{r8, bald d${8. On tutt dIUt\lrdbvdl Oolt Coua. Crll Euz,[78-7181. troffirs Vrll n oqultchb. (.to8) 396-3698U
OARA]O! AtcD CIORAOI SPlCl tot ltnL@
IrSl VAIL DITPLE' - 3 b.draE DluBbG !f b.r\ nlfdsbr4 tit la!. OoU6IU l!!tt! d-odl. n'm[y h@, I
b.dr@ Dtut k& 2 brr.\ unnfi 8b.al
Fdrlo Prrob ducq, a b.drodt glus ldi,fulrrb.d veu \'lll{t g b.d.Foonr cl|bttb, furrrllb.d, a!'rt loortloD.Errndar.-cramu! Rcal !rt.!a,aGlru
RIITIR OAEB - 2 bG&m. I b.r.b.uan-mrab.d 16!O par Donth CuruEllu'. Crll }IeDoy rti.r 6 pJn- analI!bDd8. glHl32. o
gl'o"" oo* t* -*u - *r* abadrc[\ 2 16!'0l, urfurrudh64 wlu
- Erfata.b.d--Izoo--Lcoludrs-L.t -hoD.tty 19 nnt! ll.n|acDcn!,{M.949-}e4d. O
Or*"*r,Ogt*^O - 3 o"d-.*usturdlb.4 8rs haf, 9-13 nonthlc.a.. l7OO. ProDclty 0 8.D!rlI|D{Fag aTHrOO, 9{9-1944. O
tElGtrf E?rJ. - g b.(bo@, Flu&4bilsflV nlrDlrblat boi h.D, 4@O 3q.lL ProD.fiy t llDld !.|D..!MU
476-.Hm, 9't9- 19{4. O
3l| BlDnmI IOBL BOII - C&lcttt bool-rp, rr.Bbar,/d,ryrr. ka ol{r.D.avc! I-{38-!I47. thorn byry
Ilgucl - Ltru{8 6!U hod. I
b.d@m, I b.f.\ unfumlsbi! D.rtcilor Ethrt!, partu,rrnt DcreoD, 6upl€
or rrorD nrnr\r. bhrndr Doftlon drtDl lor bm€ cajt rnd prcprrymalnt D6. Cin bal{ your horsdro Cao ba rDDlclltd oltrhll!. Ecnd
ll|totErl.lon, rrfotrDffi, omploJmonlU|iory ta P.O. Box 36433, DEnwr.
Cololrdo 0&lgo. O
tca,El BtDnoor PtuE roFr - t'abr\ rrtrnrdsb!4 lD vrll, rltb 3 c.rglliaf f f l@/Eonth plus uulttba Crllkl!, Ootr n nd! ItoD.ritB/Edrsr
tu lb.4 !I!6orLVttd&I)cvl'rraAlanral laatato-tlaa
clsbtt 0.6-3646.
qft IIAR lla& - lrcO/Eonlb, I
b.rbo.!o. I b.rb, Elta OE lrt VrIl.17+gt, o
PRnTAtl BtD - E err. b.rb. le86/@lL Aru. Crll Gnrol f'lm C,
6ArDBNr! TIO BIDnOOII - I b.r.h.
uDt\E'Orrbad Erl t$lLdad. I Jir lar.crll l?a-2La dtd D.atob.r a Ouaoffib& mato, td Vrll ry lAlr. &,!q%rw a@ ron n, wu oor rn -Udld mdc drdrrlorrD.d l, 3.DdI Dlbo@ @da avrll&t farqtarl| lslualIlt ErlldB nrql|d.EDta IrD rllltorrt -tt-oliolD6oml6tra brrad rdql, ad uahDn &r noat! licu Il llrylt.
1966. $aA-&!o/EdD. .9rH28C,orffd.v!l{l.
ottrc! oB PnoDugnor 8lerlt bL IDAB.!rDltolotuerltabL b aY6 at r IEIF lo'u tlrD
.arrDbr dr. nmrd rltsla lrlfFI!!I:
UDr ltltu!,.b.d I b.drsB I'o D.l!.Crll Cb|rllr Lru bEofd, t' lDLutl474l'arryrltql drd$raDid i..a i.h !tir. crll BLl .l@
m**ig,H.ffi.""Erbrb Fl !.l.arLd a7o-ar1t9. s
ErcE Ary!VAIL- trrt(i'!dd tllh
s''Ua cPclc 9d- Flo-rrstYtr| d OotS n r{.' V.tf ad Ei-ilffi i r..a'm- 3 b.ltr Dht ld\ffi." -t'!!.[.-a b.rb Pht rd\
l.Itr]I'nrq EOITB - lt2alndrt! plu,
arl!f,rbr|l.l4d 8.D rDtl
at I !'rr h- .llbtF.& Cr[ .t.ol
rGrall d;v!,926-30r.
nralt toB trrrDrrs o@PArur! uDta to lol lo tot lD@ l$Il!i.Sdo || bad oo EI,D a8tal^ loD
' EDoand c.ll {@f, YdDdqt-' tii;ry, 9-6. !or.l IIcriDC 09DoFlDet o
PEtlg@8E - a b.a!o@. { b.&tuiviltTllDad.rurrd.r|aba/drttrrDuDtlbrra arrqar ltrfbl|. .trar[f/ f.
GI SGAS' llASl d Ntlq fi,tnllbd
- ! b..!6 nsb b..E tg Efla'in|tDr..t ot Y.tl. agOO,/EoDtD'
ArdlDL Dot tb.lalF f&tl eolroUd
DaOf X.'! oDDott EtE/ ro aDld rqgDhl 6I! ttda .t nrlt c( olrc
oEE'- Er[. (t6) .16&@6r ctatf-!6ar. O
vu,-oort org" "o: - t-r'!G:r! !t@/todt! I romt! dlDdt|eulrd, QudllH tljtb tt'Dv !d
!Ii,tlr! r. Dlrrrt n t A Otltltloh. q
66!0. o
IAOL!-YAIL - Unturnl.b.d g
bb@,3h brh oondoElnlun 81ttt16
asraa. rrabc/drf'rf. Yrr lir. No
ila- Crll &r&, -clo{u.b nilvll?r-r&tr. oWffinobtl. hoE.. .34o/roontb. CrU
tanot Ertr BIDROOII Dlt.r ndryrsn totDDout, l|al.'vau. 6 D D5oEr lra. xr ooatl*' evurlto@-lErr-'r!D8mI - I btD. l!t!EEt hi. I !t!DlE.8 dr tlrldt.-ttldrb.d o t,ldald EllI Lalr-vdl'3lrco/ooao Dlut- utlllllc.. c.ll
tolt f,a'I ttASIS - Vql'r tod
rftorteilr I b.drooa' turnl.htd-ffi.'Y-ffi f*osiffi
- Yrll3 b.r!'Uo uom.grg.6r.andorrrE onotrc, iirrc adir noa/a-; iDd_Csr+ ll!€/b(Dl! e;I'l;lfrrirr fF; -br Io Fa. clllatlloL,
'gal a-'.-a3.rl:.-:-.-::3.S-'--:.!
/Ita*/r/ /q, /qty'
! rp s rytI lra.Mlrr8 bE GI!, g3 tEhfi. Io D.rr!*ffi r'' qI eaz'aozf 5
llnl8 mml - $enIE@q La!. f,rru hab Srts tsrr,
, OtDtue. Alt .DDllrlo.a Dlu'
. d&rub, dbilL'rrlb !rc,!fA-l!'.() dttr, t F?(>7 .|QrDfa O
. u|rFnn@D ECErAtf, - rba(!@rd, trrr tr-. tro rra nd,
Edr{I_ b-r- FOlIoodD, Cdl tran
otngt oB PnoDuqnot SPAC!UINN'Rf,ISIID IARE @DI -Rr, fin VtrDt rlDorD fD Lal..Y|.bc/drl|tr. aOAA/DolI, At|0.bL.rrDu.rt f. DOd rqtrlc Ala-forllc a ItD, Offitdv.[nq| Cll..(a6)eoGt!9o.lt r!DD. O
lAgtYAIL DltPtE - tbd!@Dlrr.
bO. I Dctr. ttsiot.u. tll lia. Oottqtlr IIt tD|a. i'lrrJ' rra. tEboo Dlur ldB f bd!. ulnrrr aH.E rohlohth*.3tdtopll|ldLfu}llrb.rl Vdl'Vl|Lar E b.drriD. tr|Dalh, n[alrbad, ar.rt loorttot.Srandala-CadEua narl lrlrla.a?Dl4d'. .
BI -ItlS ?^t!r -- 3 Dd!d. f b.rh.rd[n,|u, 16@ p no! pU
: lLfltrl@gLlAlt - ! Elro(r. .rdl.Er|lrbil ar rE a, 9ll ffi1..!a. a?OO. hoDartt C 8.Dt lIrD{d. a?Hlt@.Ea+.teta o
t:E,OBf EI.L - a b!do@. Elu&d.ht{Ury nrd.bdf b. hn. a(E 4G FoDrti.t Rd.l rt-n.|F t ^lt?c{,t@. ea&lel.. tr
at'6-tr,15o c e|$.ama - o
G^RIO! BAlAYalll4Ett D.o@b.r t.Vdn tnrota?q8ol7. O
Ur'I'N'I'IEID 1ERIC BIDR@T -8h brD. hDld ts trd!. rtrb !rn{r
avrtLDlr Ir Ar@ $ a ttr|oa lorc tbrDrnytDlDt .b, naEf trrtra nrr,D.Dttr, O!. rah tr!. Ol| nlof arEclu Uqtur gae-Ao{o. O Etiralf.m,-6i dt'iEDltE|bh. fo t*rba rEutrtc l6C(,@
lAEl VIIL - { D.(bo.@" a b.r\rdlEDLE @do, trlbr/df,Ic, mhr trrtl CrtDLo, rllrtpoi b,ErLaD tDor.r. la Eonth lar.aD8d!rf {?6-!aIb. O
r?touvt on @Fonrtr R!F.!A!IEFrytr|.._brlho.D otriooEDaVdl Od CIrr e.rney, Drfnfal6dLD. I b.(bo@. tl| l3tlr rlt!lDdocr_J|.nln tDd I ar !rr{r. V6J|
F5ry tualtlh4 t"t!..,+t.ta ouplrcg.ll(m F 'rtonrh !'lu! u!!lmd, C6nteanRbl {?C-797 c ri'o- l{5?. O.""mooldoDlltuE rtlh tr.f! vt.r,arclooEDa tolt 6!E -3 ar!9l|c,;rab/ctc. C.U t!d, Vflt F D!af!a?6-€636. o
ItrlA ovlIlElAD - 88 Ella i!d.
-Rrtd$ Ylotot D bd.D ltr Otp3uro. IE!@ aDrltDltr{Etrlrr a6O ae tL,! Dilrld 6o c aon dorneitlr
600 4 G E th tor. l0@ rr BDr!"laa-ru. - o
ulxlmouS EoIt - <nohr Btd,{r.8Ddl'trll' rSrr ol0orr lrnra 2gDl
eq. fi" 6 br<boo plu! OD" -8 bari,
Icurrr. loD rpl'uru, bar.at 8rrqg!, a!.r!a, Esd. !r!I,b6, rodstor|!.
106 '.qn.rat4r^q, &m/Dmrh rbtol{bI|rolr fe86, DIl.3 eor rcmcd rndr!UiJ!r, IoSa L.!.nrlhbL. Iu& b.mcuoulour houaalcrDart, brvcoustldr{ f4F!Do!r gorlplc ort^ntrry
D|telTtal Cru.toh!92&g,,ol O
ROOI( RAllm - Hrvato b!,tb" onbusrua. Cdl 47+!629 rfi.r e D.rD or{7G6Oll ct 66 attar 3 p,rn.ruldryr - o
trlgT VAIL - Sdrh l}oar|d! Rd4IB|'rloot.B Condo!, 8 bCdrooE,fr.qr!|hl(D hr ao9. l0@ rrr DoDtJrlBhli uoltb. P!& I y!.r t6e.
H*Hfry troroc, Lirl Dorr!,
TBBIT EIDBOOII; II I,I EATXtor.atroEa nt.h trDtlJ/ room- atulpLfl, o lltD Lrniy LabvdrtulpLfli o latD Ltrrir hrbvdfgdt 6url. I ar ffna., itrt-E i|tt8lo/dtr oa-tgra x-t.-6-!. o
, ioodburDlnt rtovrDart tBtlla unt!.
4 f t|! Lr .ld.t|dll' Cdl .tEtd.ta 080-COI{
rh EnOOImMuII-crbLlV Doo[-uE| r|.ba/djf,c. F. olly.D.av.r l-488-Alt7. Shor8 btry
rOTICI _ Er|r{} andt hd, I0.(!l@. I b.lb. rdfl:Dtrhl Drtcf n|n!t, Fad Fo. dd..F !o.ft tE'b/. rnrh^{r Dodl6 o(r@ b Df,r qr' ..d foF8ttntDlor,E . Oa Dar\l tq! bUdro .\- tt.dDl$r{.lFUr HldoDrllo. rGraof @Dl([tDdtUddt td PO. 8ca !8el0. llnrrr,Odr.b@a O
IIIIAJI' lIO IErcI - YIO@.blnfrn E arrlLhL. I Ub.8lg &A&ll rlrFr d tu/|!rq tuto||b.d'S EfrDn rrsh bot.E lg dli.outbr.at ot V.lt. l3oo/Eo!th.ffiu,! auq||blc ttDtm r! strrt o( orcr€ttffir:" 1s6o1 roo-ooar oj
ERIF -ErD.n@n. - Sj b.rrL b4rffi------' I4-f,O m,fa LIABIS - Vdl'! rlodrfor$bla a_ bcdroolo, furateUcOffift""-ffi iE aHHi
rrwtat noa4 l.or n rltbl rtdrf!EglElrFci.aaTa-€?at. o
norliimvelr - rirootc rl,lF!F! _qDgf,!t r,Dd trrDrr,Eb
ffit.tr*Hi"#"T^Il':[Fap!9 EloDr.J.ota. r[ aDd Dtr,r!.qi !!rDLa,.{r{!_lqtbi ruhr/clm tlt
llloo/Ddn Dnrffi.f* rc' f,o ru q
ltn4qry lEnra rEDnmr rdCBtlF,L-iffinf'H*Hffi{ffiSf;111' rPr'rYD'.r.rF7tq, q l'tt{xrl. o
o[ ele-{t9a o
yAE, 4lErOcD nr lomr - e.D.(!o@,f f @/Mth Dlu!.lctric- ICoFo.-Y.lf -t .r. Ip t{mrr aZ6.TaoO
TfO blDEOOl| - not rcordnt rourE|. xot tr}lh, aDblte&hr-t^rt+oqr. Xor teltl rppltclmr-fcf,3tr-ffi*gls;*3:rH,ffiEo. .o
!m enool ttaIItBtoBnGtT _wffistrGrE&tlgl}\!|!|/a. o
Orl rfA! FAS! - l?er'tDdrt\ !ffiIn'lvllt _ED - BtEL b.ri a26sl
Eftrf* c'll Quct 'lt'r 6.
PEflAOge - tb..!oc"{ b.r\NV$4t f.qjerEt r+c/dttr tDuDrilbld tlrr{F. rvrorblr Jr,nurw r.I4atrD lrr tnchoDtb. crlt-h.Et?!."ltt. . .. oeffi
!d!o, q|!h llrrnE llo/iY'i.\*?G.*d...o,!u-.r&t
P-v4I, lry!il - 8 bltt@.. - 4.
tr||ry-ar|orrLl. l4rhgod Frtt|a:
SiFo;g,flttgt H[t{i
Elr@l -lbrErtdSblc.ep-Erldtd,rcnltr,! rI-raa'l@. &D-..Dt.rOttiE1-*a'l-o
la- at@tEi&
|Dr loa lllrolAlt o@PA.rcrIDllrD lrdto lO: t!o@ fi-itr.a-
vrIL go-lt_ OItnE _trox! - rlDdl.lE ftmo/qlqth. 3 mDrh drr.ii
QuUAra rrtrc ppni to
, LErrrtno4Otuitrib.Cf
rcoE tdlr|trc lta,
[brt"*/r, t/ / HN
UtXUnIOItE EOLl - Llrylob. Btrul.
ED.drauh! ntf o(Oor! F.raa lE ra.q. G, tt b.drsE Dlu. (h. tt b.lD.
||3urz|. toD fDDll|ru.brrdttsr{a f|!rrF. Doaa[totr' !.!rDir6. nodrtost.!.!'plrc. rdodaoct.0600/m h rblouan .
tlt! vAIt IRAlI, claaSrtlloS -tbryrrlvrcf fctu O
lDtAl6 -: I b.doom lD.cloul' Eobllc hoE.. 3c,lo/Eonih. cau*6-toa-.|urr(F .' C
otnqt or troDolotrot ataotard&|!.lE atalfDb.-tlrrlqtlqt -r lrr- Frtaf. EiE ali !r. rd trr. CrI nllt dhE lIO'Drr el9:'!Olo. ... Ooffi.3 tha Ltrl!(b h8ind! Oot r.t|.bc/(!Itrr, roodburdn{ rt'".rhloh rul' b..t ?!Hr! u.Dt!.
Untumllbtd, tro Dda I yDr IcD .tlloo/url}\ $00 drDo6it 8rE lltn@plrt lJr turatrb.4 I Jrrf lir &Itl€O/ml.l! &EO d.9odr CrU JrcI!''l! gar.,Lac dr!|f, gaatof {ry
nlADr tOA noalDtAtt o6lPArttSuDttato n o!to lor trcuilaota.6dd,h bbrdo EltDcrc|r tbfqtft €qOErA l6tdrtr-Dtdry. e-a r{"r Bcrl!|nc ODDo-tjnlF. O
& &A&I I.IAS c(ru&tE:nltb.dI bdroon nnoh boura l9 tntllroutbrrlt ot Vrtl. Stoo/Eonr.lr.Anr0rbL nor lluli{l! Xrylo[tlr(ffd
-DaOK n|!! oDpoalDfvb sFnd rq{h
u,n a{q|rblc rlntat rl stut d (rudrDlrt trdl. (3Gl) ,$6-mEl or62?-64u. o
. .'. .,i:. t9r BtDnoou Loml llout - cibt.
TY lrot-up. 'rrhgr/qrylr. hr ofAy.D.nvcr l -{23-8137. Shorn byrppolnlmlm or Jr. . 6.
umtSIfIsHED ElNCHtrAnX - 3
b3 onr,natloD. l6o0/mntn lbloual|ll|r<ib. leEC, Dltr M ru|ovrl .Ird
uGlUtlrr. l6!F Lr frrr|lrbla Iutbamrtloulour boutalaapart, hrvadtatrrtll{ rGto6. qrDlr or bd:V
DIGTIC CrU John *54@, O
Xt88 VAIL - 8o!D noodfr naniIDtarloolcn CoDdor. a badroom.
tumlsb.C on bur ,op. l€OO rr nontJllalrc lltutJc. Hli I yltr l..aac.U P!oDa!,w La{rf. lrct Do!5.at!-c'|tl. o
. AyOf - 8bc6ooro.2h.rtr. tbr4lom.qb$. brrld w. ldD.d talr/mnl}LItDttr'r|llhl(l lo Ddr Crll lltawllsonltal6-raAO, IouDlrl! Prop.rll.sAehr6" O'
PABITAI.LY FUnmg[lED - I b.droom VAIL OOT' @Un8! IIOI! - IonBrmhtrr|r} ondo, a3?6/Eontb phrs t rt!, tao@/m@tl\ A Ddrlfr dd|adut$rtt6. l{o p.tr. nrffFlna lqrJrrrd, ttqutrqt Aldinld prrttoi np\i tor
U aroFenta Dtruind4ounitrib.cr
rep ciurx rre orr,"* _ ^""rr"Ir" U
.tsrur4r lE (mlyt soorur) for long t^rl TEn!! alDnml. dt|s bdrv ;irm l6.s C b.dram,2'vt bat\ tulI t@ lorrUld.|r, t a0.-Vrtl6 mntf,i lbr.rItnl 2 c.t 811166. ?Vrrou naJqf to,iir Lr. Iua oirtabtc Ar fhbb .9!9:9199-- 3 @
taoglflAlll SmlAff - 2 b.droom, 2
balb @rdo, omDlalrly nrr 8h6d, ncrBrrvrr CrcrL tnttanco. Phonlll?O{tm or <ztOt SSs-EEg{. O
WHISEY ffiLL - Irt'rly C b6drooE\
lumtsrn4 ,rooo sq. ir hd aD, a c8f
dst'aaa, ll100. Prop6rly It€nlal
UaDrd@lut {?H40O, 9{9-1944. O
AVOII - SDrolous 3 bsdtoom,
untumisb!4 2a.r (sr{r, hot, hrb, vtrrsca B6wr 60€[. Pr,oparty nod.f@
II{TERJIOInnAnI - g bdlool'l
unnrrl|lsh€4 grrs h.et, on orr6k 4660.Proporly Rcntsl lI rnrSa Dant,
'[?O-4{OO, e49-I944. O
OyDaIrL t|3h.r/dr:t!r, dao o!!Dbo.
oa orur lol Io 9L. PDot! 60{-o{''z o
'tor.. rrlna .Dtrilt giEltrfl 6| rirrll. tbo D-liEmla b ebdrad tstl,r&
a.!o"-g Dto,tBo
AVOI - Lb rt r, !hb@ rth drrtr[.tI' tir Do ttrta tLn Lbr lt&r g|e-ttaLl
d!!q. . .o
Altll'f - t L vtd, a b.boom, a br,trrlu Db|tln DarV {Uralrhd. aJSnhrrd. Io Data &S/E|o r!fL AlrrtbDbdill.t|rlrtt l. CrU lJar|rolo8Dott0a}{t&. o
. urloarreuD tl|rlt ElDn@r(..-
-llrr| nrulr t@ torlho! ln baa' taarE/dtyrr. @/'r@tlr AvrltdtJ|.au|rt f . DrDdr !!qu|ttd l8&.16f,trft4{ D-m- ' o
VollL! firscty,l?€-gol?.
Mcl.o*/r,u "??r llN
lnm-EEdbl!.E, Lr Fvd aatlbEd Lilra !.8 oa blh llo d
EUD lrltlEt l rJErc,o|l EtA&at rfrrE.. t{*ry.'"*:!lE - l t rtr. lD t6!b- |!r!6 rrh .drrn|!. b$r'e!t-a baa to D.|! o! t5 at & t&dt F{a.It o
l'@-t b rrr.|!6oo.|bD.tiD d.+n!E, !.r!r &!lb-, /lrrl.iDra- ro Ft tfE b\ lf,Ld.ESe'-:-',*EEEmOX-G!or-ttE6 ral ltr. La. l|E f-,(ltDaqE. lll aDDltalaaa rllrrdene., dta-L rrE Cr.&ll$dr|r &7X}'Gd o
L&gIOtCl|m-ETt E{' r..E/l!t b oltIr.lvtt l.at8.alat. atcr! bj..||cEob'. d
wErtlGto Eqtlltr - |LllooE rdt ?-lr ba-,lot-a. Lalt!n.r|| h! l!O/ttE! bU t|Datr+?a|! a 9t0-{o{ - o
O^llt[llYlv^lttI.a& l.Youar tr.lrrr al+!Oa?. O
rytrgl O Onl()lirtt r4r !redrfa|. tdnlc' filfd.laYag SU 5rlr. ieE|. Ett{-tdet ! tc!@" 8rA blli rn!qE J65 aria I qr ..na] Vat?
4o.V ltrFtab.( t&d|.la 6DEi.mFllEUt!hr'-a*-.q,f,-irr|r l1!.t1tt @ attFlitlZ O
lrtB otrtiJ /|D - :t3 s!- rr1rd- tbato !d- b OtEr!,I!MrFt@ uF..lna alo-, !-! Xlr@ ooo a r.r. tbrritiryt*-:-'""
@fDo - O'|.6.r|Dr. SDrtb..trtlbun i&n!rr!- Nrrtt r-a lqn(au)s}c{le o
DID - | bd,@ .6rEIrHd*"^'"* t$
?a^rrat"-/ ( , t?tf
t ! t0[t@ U Et --lF'*-'lgifrffii#fEa stgl------------
itot - tt}. 'r' l4lE!"b! -rS@ t!! d.tt!! Infi!!!f4
AIDI - IrIt rrt' I !'ibo'o: I b!\tl! FlEte. DttnadD'[ al|q*.'::lf;'.ffiif"iltfi:5!!S------------r
tEta lE&on - EotGdr
- fa. ltte l{tt ftc r{-'OttauD' lll 'Dtll'!t" -,ru''dff c. Er r'bqFll+&l&lhn &tFJt.EC O
DsorIll CqF| tr !ryr'i:ry EEIr #{r|! (E a!8r q. F!!!EIb6'Lbrr'lG!!E-F- r8l a aalr.} laf:*eE-4'tldc4rEagltd]itrt0t_(Eq!q-!rygg:-----
lrm ovnxAD - " dLE
tl-..d lEi a!a- llqtla'l
E@.FrduFdlt'&Arl_EEE do c !{eistlru"":::=
Dr tD6 - I t |!od t 44!taottla hoDa. a!t'O/aoot! c'lr3g-sg-------------
^W -lE@.3aI!i6EEo'5I I s"hrdr'.l@.tdltlE/Ml|!I etd I lH:?1tf,i,'ffi$i?"ffi.i
' PlfiUlll,Y XnruqD - r EdloPtotrot SPAct lol t|trT - Lia lolr.t oo, 3;1!r'@! tllEet#sr#ffiYB ffi,1":*:"8
toysgraii-daafrilino.bL - L
% ar(Pnrlrlro - DltdraLlh7oqn r!. llmFarglvrl&- Iaaotrrro, . urltdE L|r!D@ tn oll?.i8.86rl,i
#T ffio Hffi +tr ff"ffi-,S#.'*Elfrnry[ffi@''-# gqryrm rmora'=rriiurib
I.lOl tlnlc ElDnmI Dh.r fi-|rtrsD tollDqlr,l|{L-VdJ. O nonffi
rrYrltr uxruf,Y - a ra(bood l brD.' I'V, mlb.al rDdctrud Fr|bqt'ffiHffi'tEtrtrfrffi
Swar-i9.-*qeGGffii }.E:.fFr&iE ttiin !!DRda.- r+.rra.ur,Bl Dr.lo@rDd l?OO/Ed,L o.lr, cr,DErtl(b b OtF D. nrdr !oqllrlllDrc foDi..C.ll EowUlon.r mor!. lnlo. FLr cll 6&t-gclll ...-, Oa?c-?a60, xduarla Tioirrttcrrrdrla. - a
Ort4l IeIrno|r - Orr uDttmt&.dFtD Etdtr l.DE Ab.[Dr t@o&ldrthalarEtobd. rrosbartll:uldta :ffi*#,[Effi.lr,H
lAgfvlEqqryD0-fbdro@.fb.rb. ae7l6l... . OuDnelbr!.lodltm n tdf -@rD r|rur uEll!.r to *] - # .AV9r-.: gratrr- tbts i b.d'oo-t!.mlr oG-ooya nrolififrd:gF tonrrataD.d.bfi hD.lartlrrar'vratrE :t--!:r!|iq:gt-.!raqs^v::l!oq
fiffiffieEffi!.llffi gqllr gqrpqen o'. esooopc root! o f rrr dEn-fiil !"- d Dcte . - t[Eb' Prrvrb*ifl*6.n.F#ryE, Wffi ffffi."**ardicD6rullr!|irDi. rJtE dlrldy, rrDrUrDrD.aL
' w/D,lot-tatm lcc. fioxta l!f^ -;;l;;ibEu.n8;i6lifiFe;?,H (,ott @Irn8! utntnY -'sD.d!o@.b@' ' -'-6 #-'*jPSSASi,t tHi€H
tre!ffi..+a!ff r# Ho'ff^ffi*i.^,i8*E&r?tr.Yfi tif,ii,llii.*l,ffi ,ggtff\;,t'*F E. 933*!3!{1 6!Eqr, -FrD{/orr!.. . .f:ffi:ffiiffiadffinfr#IffiiTD*l * r\ t b..idtn-Dhf.:d;i:tqEffi 6f#ffiffis,H*sr*iffifriffi-ffi#.ffi*&ff'ffiqtfiT;ffi sieHaffiffi
-,-tgEtj!s:{l |qd a or trt {F. yry D?3loul.ou. -hour.lc.Dcrr. !r".
ffi{HffihJ#ffiireq @
-,fui^-a.'- /f Pr{
DtEErD-aLl!.talI!E&-rttbEryrEadttr. Lrat b r|! !5!r|!,ftrratt, rGllda, I d arr{:,n E d .L..i ruF/(EtE$,d'.Ffa.d!t?|.a Eddrf 1L ad -E lna! aS'dr r@rl, .d a d lEA,El|.bll b.&.tr t.|]|t<rd .ddlr ahi c @lh l-, ]?! Fdt t-aat-l6Ga o
I blc 'l
E rnrrrDql|ltr _tld|!@Elrtoo,bi.arr{a, !r!|f-,ll.b,InitiLff"lqT
. o;;ffi;ffiUad,btlt-trf,
E EE=Etg@tSlUl!E[ - |l|n E d.i-'itsC.irfrrbd
lBl3a. E{. ri#B
C|rlrI l t^vlllllrhi Lv.l:Lt*1!q!5!____l
d'l*, ^*t it'f
ffiff*;"l'ffif;l$Etft.,ffi af,rurDb lFtt l. crr
A onEAT Vrlr _ Iffi""l.H/4H'ffiuH&ffi"g*trdb%-
ll9l_ :- qe4fdd4 . bdruD.
OLltt IOCAIIO' - oll' urir.abb.dr.tDatraa lrpli,It urly tuooLd,IDlr'-+!qDqL nr-orr,'.gD6, eonp.t.@trlrenEmAD -4 bdrun g b.lhlo:ltEEa '|tl tlrtblctDl! &.L |ndI|! l4fo E!.pa rrlb 'adoiln q@|r'rrD,c,lgr6ltrrc, I oer 5q|8r,!!1t D9 o( .*crlt, rr3b./drFFeEp, drrDcr- ro.t arilc. nadutrvurr ratc rDd rrli tr|ah rD.t
=P!^l3ggll !q4 tr. d '-nr.,l+lI{lDdII D.&!6d1" Ceyf:quC rn i
91{!-cl+-9 pg-a|h hB. freo p
aoatlt r{{a-u€o. - o
I tos tcf
id3&Hril.lttffiii#i3H .I'd w: tsl-f7r T
FIAIry t(ta n^'Frl4 oqrPAf,CYilffi?Hfirffi,,ffi
gryouw oR @nroRAlt'nErnrr
,rf}$*llP -rfiDDou!. ovlrtooEn!fr!triffitffi"{ffiffiffi
$lffiT8.Ttriiit3ffi,fr raaavorta-t,
_ r@&urDta! tbvr
ELffiq",*8'ffis..#{r9-€!4l .Elnar o
&ffitr,"u c.tr-DdSE
lr8r Vr& D'ItptFf - t trd cr rbrt@
*lAOll-I.rE ryptI( - A b.qroD. aM-argrrs.3 ar a!||tr, f'lo F
@ffront l-s86-@r/c
Y!! ltrt ri---ia.-E
AV-All.Altt DrMtatlrY _ !
qurntE! !rc EDn@r _ rr
-t+O.l|-VI. t - f b.Ooo.,Erb:ot h_@
0hli$4'.'$lfiH.-'-Tff g:3gEITll) IIDROOI - I b.rbEb.ffiffi-riffrffiI,$fr*rym ertI'ro
:E{.I| !l.s- --rrdv e8lbTra hr rrl}r!!Dd. 3ffiff-;ffiYffiETSEIraaDc/glgt_:g.,r, j.-r$_o f, f i' -i jtn.,rto/etD-rrc:sr?fintrilTg'.?trEFr
Hlt@;cwt:,m Trc- IEDROOI- - 8 b.r!. tuan|h.at@
99^It- ^@un8t- Url^urf - g bqtrwn,I'| ts'rrr lrltdL.tr 8 Ol ,lrel. O !nf,
t= rr{ rurfl't trilll rtrr||rr- ln:rr o -s!glo9q rF t'iitt rcsa !e
Gf,Ffr:i.f .;!.ffi*H,.HffiffidGffiffiffi;=!"LF:1!._:3!g- r+prv c q|Dt
xH^?-.Tql -uq!r. Do D.raffi.x=_:: r_.rr.3r dqytlD G
-. sEE '.rts[lr, O
HBF*"Ssiltts lrs{
!DFf@,aq tnc[t.JrsBua8D _ rgi .btb-^ Blq ta serrarsr.ffi.I#H*-ffilTE ltloDdt_rqurlld rtrrlDllr., Do
L*P BllboD 0 **nB
//ln//t4 / / /gF
DUPI.E'OBIII DISNTTIXATIIO -E b.(!to@. 8 b.rh itD ld!. .olri .Ddlra Drtt r|rba/drr,lr. J.ouzd |.nDsbr b.f.\ !raDlr6. 8!r{ta, lrd ldg.(bf r[,h vLrt cfvall Oo!! n nlr aaalEcrnr 6cl, udUrdsblc l-MO/Darb Dht' ullltuJ. lto Faa I Dtrtlrlir. C.ll a76-lola O
TSRII EIDnOOI rlth lrsrf,c,unfulntshcd- Croalrordr Dcrliy,t76,Um. , O
laoLl-vAIL ttto EDnoot(3li bdrltorDb r,nu dwt ad8 aratltac,ttEd|b.d or unltr.Dllbd, l?()o ro l8(b.%
loltB @noolt, mru! BATB -Itlturbtabrd 6rpld, tu qu!!t rtddm'lrlnd3rl'ocrr^oc Dt'hruhtt|, dt-dIn-
lpa otm. lq{lrtld,nr!pb6,stsrar.lrfll trrt I(bf &c l,Dily. I!fl ro
ootobc .Dd ^nn-r tlatrtla|. l67a srOoaal[| .Dd rinur tIatrtta|. €?A D!|,@lh Dlu. ru|bL,io|r|.r LE llldr&lhDlua ru|bLriotri.t L
lD v.'trah.,rp. I blool n@ hlslD rrqdbf,:D. r Droor !@ bu8 ioD.l/t Ell| ri d frtlD Ad.I C.U VriI170-AOtl or Cololtdo SDrtatr
ryXf Cnrrf lllfu8.r - a b.rtloEoh bla F.ttu. a|!|roaluq|rr,aq|lor.l r'aEra}l|!-rD4loro:rv., arul. ulttrrDl.had.lr@/6s.',+r. 6U l,!- -& tEbdt9rg-,tl&.
AWf-Sr.EDtddaab.dsEuafurDlahad. ah.Dlroa. rflaaa.ul{ral vgr|. |9O/noru. ilPe. iutu
. OnrAl feAUOIl - .oi|r uDn.Clrrbd.hD.s!d!a in|r b D.frrr@td rth;r Dr EtoDo. Drrori!'dDd! €EDtda .llldprln& la c bdb6, llA b.llr@/'ncnO, CrU er9<IaO. Otrrffi
to'Dhol,D rtlh suth'|dn{ dEf |rdvl r. I|lo tst€blo rnh dcfor$rt,6rLnabc, rGulr or. I c.r drrt{c,$tlo. lota o( rtotrac, rrsh,r/dnltr
boohrD, .trrF b rnil OtrDlr6. n ddlnollrht ruar r'Dd. rrrr. Ursh udtoor rwot^!, &d utr d tcml&$Uqtb.lt b.LrtDr[, DlardFuDtt |!d6113 oluD. 6 noDt! li-. l?ra6 D.rDanlI. l-,l..1-166& O
C,mt EIDnOOI !D g b.drooD. 8 b.r.ht€'rrhd! lD trr, Vrll, oD, b{l! ru,t!.l?G€of6 ffitrnda O
l^tr VAIL DOPLEr - ldrd or sbd!ter.4 D.abooE Eh bd\ arr{.. (bcl.
Oll4ru-{O4t or D.nvlr *a-*g!. o
VIRY }JICE - 8 hdrooro. S bdh rn&sr
Y.tL !lrrd.o., irabc/drFa 2 lrirdloc pl8 daa to tu! lout , twttb/ ,'afl)dd.DdlrtDr.Allor).l.Avttllbtr,Dld-I|lab. @/D@r!" {t6-@8O. Ovutffint! lrtDho, r.ab.!/drlr!r. tn l.dVdL I l,rrnl Atr Dfr.o. ttdrtti nrDf.drod arFtad lasa optlon D€oDb.AYrlLb!. ADr|l ltt, D6aDb irUc. f,o
Fte $euEm$. PtI|. o.ll {?6-€060%
AvAIL/LEl rrn ltri^irrrll' - I
ba(!ro@ Dhra ndv noom. tarrDDoutlD Ldr .Atl rarlllq tDdludDa
'||lc rDd drnr. !tA-169, an r!
AVOI' - qD.otout. I b.drooD,r{f!|f! rb.4a orfrri|r Dorrnnrr|d A-ir G...L PtoD.rU t RGhfrrtd.a?o-a{o0,0{D-t9aa. o
Tm BIDnOOI "- a b.$. {Urntrb.d.ruhc/(tstr8, dinrtd!., t!6or'mtb.ItcDlr. C.rr ele-ta6a .mDtD!a. O
lrrOlJ-vrll. IaOUXIAII IIRRACE -q-ql:\||!l3!.4- I b.droop. 6rrra..171r8/DDrD, Crll U: .r 8ts t 8boltU
lAItll-VAIL - A b.dm.'g}t b.$L
Srrq!.. !on6 or aDd{ ta!. dl or rrtloD.l?(P/mtb.9a9-{?!4. O
SPACICDS rPtBnrlln8 IOn n&lT -nrrDbo, ,lrrat, f bdloE I rr.t Cbal!!. f-iG Crlllat Y'tr &ta onflbrtdda Crll P.llI rt el9!4!6 ort-867-t!{7. o
SNtDtortthn roDtr,bfotuafh.E. 8tl bua a.rrtoa.l$lqtDrD. I6t te.m lrt. c abd{,@
lllSl f,ml OPnOx TO aItY - All !.or,6 ro'u{ df,Dplyrun!' t.o'l'!V 3bdrw.8 b.rD, &ubLrrtl. Cma !o
?I4 trdL nryqhrlo'lr.r|t'i or 6fbr (haEy d OaO-O36. -O,ffiEdlmli 6lt6d yr{ rro8 ar tlt.(tlg?o/rodf,b. focrh Eu6h Dor.a. C.llD.bb!! e n-gltsA, a76-.167{. O
l/a DgPIlf
nlfT - 8.|.rr C!!.L
tro 9.t3, Do @Laa I @r!tl lDa!.l83b !o a86Q r @!b,..?ruts' O
lTO BIDnOOI tTttStE.ltI.LE l'rr -ncrl Drl4@/Eont5- D.y! 9f& f 906,t'/!D!|4l art6-683tt O
'^"ffi!r'h, !rtCr6,8 cr lr,rrae t?@ p
DDID Laa. fo Drtr l-06t-Colr' cr-aiD.66?o O
lAtlll-Vrul. @lfDo - turabhld Ib|ffi. n Drldl!|E alt f9, Dr!< 6rD |!.l Enn Cr!!I. G6O-oao
ro"@.d bor An .!al lsta d era fD &r..VdL r4.a ta.D. |SOO r nmtb r.!YrlL bDa i-.D. |ll@ a E@t! tlrrtFtiloB ca u.llld-, C.ll l,lDd. gae-DOrilOEllta
ElAt lrD IJOIIE ITCU'DID ln tbl!
470-AOtl otl€tr-aglr.loido SDrlaaro
Oxl lr8ol.,lll)n@I - l\ll nc d
a06O D.r .monlb, ! brdlooa
uDtura,,rtrad rfrt[laDt ldarad 6 Ul.lral Btrlr acd 6om ArlorDad,ltEllrti tBlual r lItDLa. E
for rslt
EIO8AOT SPrCt troR 8Il|T - toiprla trr Oolondo olyql &r O-tt! Dqrt.htt . CrU tbr our mrer 946-6am. . . . O
I AXD 8 BIDN@I APAATTIIfT8 |Irnd CUII Ec, lslrg, lfo Di!.al76/mnlb tS w. E!It-O87f qt-67{-!6?!. o
YIAR l.lAlll - hElvDr&:tdF .{!q!!d. g !cq!obD, 3 br!h,l?'!O/@$.4?l}'tol?. Ct
8grct Rlrl^l-lDdr!@.8b.&l.r, Yr|| ODlr- hrnl|b.d An0rbti.
orrtat, !.w , dtrbrrab.r aDArtdgatroE, r 'tll .a tD. Art !.tDa qu,.0l
Drarl!a!ddrt.il|IU:. 6 motb o loa.!rhfbu,a. h:fu tot aDrU ADIrhrnt!..qDrll aEot o!
..itDdl6. 8oFy, no D.ta. Oonr..r otin rtlf6-2121 d.Jntm. or Aa?-6639
n.lADT l|OR IXIIDIA?I OGT'PArrCY26 rDlta to F[l io lqr tDoorDa AE$L.8.let!m t, bs.d on IntD .Flbrrr Forq4gDElqr qtn ,486-o6a.l. roDd{r-llrrdry, e-4. &rd SqSsa OpDoFarnlry. ov@ta'E, gm/noDt\ ! nmlh &'Daiitqulr.rl Q'u.!!al prrt|r rrpti to:AroDlrrE, D'trrri naAoluiltb. crOAdn Oo"."ffi
VoUt.t fnrIrt aT6-COl?. U
EXTCA!rV! OA @nsonac nllf,Drl,IE4.4rl|!. tdtrDan! cmlioobDgVdl Oolt Oorrr. &inDy, Drfvd.I6droo. ! b.drc@, 8fa t t[ rltbart@_Jaour6 u}d I an ,t!{!. vqtnr6lr rurru8d6d. InErlda mtlrDav.&mo Dcs moarb Cus idrnr.a 6DbaR ok4l'6-?97 or.t76-1,167. O*ffilba ldrr,rdr Buala!r- C.Dtc!.Waahcr/drtar, roodburDlDd 3tov!rbtoD rlll irr! aDllrc uDl!.urnrrd€bad f,o Dlta I trr b.d, aS@/EoDur aooo carorfu, Crlt .trofTorLG gag-{,!lo dryr, 986-COlaq!4n6a_ . o
Tro nmt.S I'' rltt YAIL orm -ADIU lr. l8tto. ltrlpL.a, rr.Uh/dt!!, b.h/|nl a76-Ol|9r. O
tt"-mdotDtuE tn ggllvrll UuttrlB-Lb.4 rrabc/d4tlr, €! lrrd-FstsD&
_ rrt'r"{rd DooL Loh tuE tr al60 Dlur'nrftr'a qEarEE ttrfr{ rrro !inD,A.u lt lo Fa D!'ooLrr 6tiLotsDll b gro Dra|l! |rdoonrtdmfa
DFDIa Oltr! e.tD. Dal lo Dubllo tr'nnt.
d.Er. rd lrDfb DooL Pbo. a?46€Ol@
gna orr Emool aPlBDarrsT -ErDL, T.rrtbdr' orsloltDl O,o!aG\r.[. tuiV ntratlH, !r!tlle.. d!..t!r|l|l.. rt tir doD tglolrooot.h Drutmrrry qDdL ? tnoqr\ lar. llso
a.B4r arlo rlrrrDadi furalrba4AfU/@r\ ? @tD lra. EClhrvrrLbb lF'n la l-?Cl-Oal aa?6-o00.. o
IOOO T. lL hana ldr6d @ 8 rdi .,tB.UF€h.l|ldaF C.I @3lt rtt r 6FD,,O
OOlt @nC II'IIIBY - I b.dm"2l| bat!, Atwba, a o.r ,rnaa oo' Or*tl! ry ryL-Vdl Ycy L . AIDIIE16?!. loDa ilrE ba$ C.ff. DJ'a7&7181.
IAST VAE DU?I.E - l|.|!, on OotC(ta[- ltl! qr bOto rnd l(il uarttDohb r lr r dDd.ot lt Lt@tlnd c.a ba t!.O-Ed tf lrur rrDt to doDdDloru t.|!r .Altra XEnoa|dtrm-c€?. o
AVO' lAJClrIlt - UDirr|l|b!4 tqt3 brdt!@. rtth drftulr ar.bmarlrorur!, rtlhar/dD/ar. ooratadF tsDa: |o?A/DolD, C.tr Ltr.'|t8td{'SDdteaH6dt. , O.offi
brb. {tr!t&d, fo Dll 5?6/@rD.Crll Llr rt 0t t gbor,r gt$9-..: o
"..'tn!mdr8.sBrt -re86l - !b.rA 6'tFrr^V nedrlf'(bqrt@ualtl o.tFr'\t rerlbDlt !l I|r|oD. hol"rrEr J|.LE { rtttbt tb@. tdll|rFr.rft, U .rdtpuEd ftts!& tlon@/Bnl.L lrfood Patr! ldUG qho
LlElm|rf no.A Ard. ea9{10o. O
oRaoRAT! - {4t" furnrlb.( s
bcdror4 8 b.fh 6rDl[ lD &Ddrtonar016lt to Dur Ag3$rbL trorElr!.V
uniu rtun ll@/Emlh n{dr&la
C|.| |ltBtll-. 8-1.t!|sr d4a& ttqr.rlElr8l cir, D Fta cbfi!. BriboD l,
C(ED.ry, a?+6€81. O
!rd$ r.l d r.o'rt a?+3oa7. O
-.- - t rt!!!!q r
brh. trraD. a rt lrllrlr rt(p FrluL r3 lo F. l-llo'ol? ct.al.6ro o
.drad !o hr Avr||lbL tlullrt6vrhlrr .tiD lf6@/DEi,b' D.toubl!;
Dhr 6ll!Lt. SG.ErydOO rrq|dnd.
|Dat cie, E 9if (Dfll ElrbDD o
lPrct(r|rtotrtD8mIrfr@rr .-lhr latraldt Bualnaa! Cantct, l.rt 'frimilryoi ioootirntar itovi ldEo.trrr{ansl!.'d-tt!@!'grhroi rirl'l.rt- rntlrr- usll] vlt d aeu/E 'rc S$.!tS-!$-l
uDftrmrabaal fo Da3 I rrrr bd .l@/@. |!oO aoodL Clll rtrol@/@I" |!0(t @dL Clll rtrol?ort eag-.l,ttoi de r 986-5oll?ori. 'eag-a+lo: rtivr; 986:ilnrtl.tr
YltR I.IISI - }t,mtly DrCTIC h.rllor.d. ! bcdrooE. I Drlh,ft@/E@a?O-@a7. o.
oort rltb !.!td.,C!@rrordt n dqy,o
lor ront
SIORAOI SPrCE lOR nntT - Irr.d
Drto tn @londo or ypu t[ lr8l DonlJlttla Crll for ou! r$r !116-g@0. . , , O
rmF.d CUt. llc! l.alud.d . No Data.3l?B/Eonth |rrd uD. 8a?-68?l or'
l -67{-66?!. O
naeot lon lrorrourr ow"encv
20 untrr to ldl3 b lor lnoci ba$lc.
8det10n o b$ad 6 EUD can fir l|oa ':
rpDolalnro! oaU /$16-0El4, IorUAy-lldrt, 9-6. lqrJrf E dDa Opgq-
VAIL OOIJ @Irral EOII - I.oDtta!. ?IOOO/@lb. 3 Dodh dlDdtlrqurrf Ql.||ll!.d Fttli rrDV td
AoDdrrlrt Ddrrt noA Orurlrbb. Clo66tp. o
tll YAIL nAlI, - A Grr dro !ordY'a'qf : - O
qAnlol lAf AYAILAlIrt DEGb.F l. .VolIa lur.c'| azC-doa7. O
tAol.l-YAL tto tlDnfirl.. Sr D.r!
tornlour, rtlh olurE .tC an!Ir|€l,
ItmlsD.d or uDflEl'bbd 0l'@ b l@.
lAAf YA& DqPl!|( - Ldtg or.bont&!.4 bdboola !h b.r\ allt.l; &oL.c.[ a?*zl or D.nva 986-t6:ttt. o
AVOU. - SDrolour 3.bcdroorr,ulnrrrurh!4 A aa 3ana.,lDlhrb,v!!v!d E rYE CaL PrlD.ttt U nd.l
rdmt. a?&,ta@, 9t9- 1944. o
AfltDIO rri.b vlnr on LL.
XottlDabrD. . 8l'l Dua aa?rlo!. "golBtdb. IoDr ta! Lr.c.bon@
trAar tnB oPuorrloBdY- a! rr!! .
16 torrfil dorDgqtDEl Lortry 3b!do(r. 3 b.rtr" dqrdarg. OoD to,l?aL, LrThrl.alltr. r{rry
Erlqmvl oB @RI(tRAtr nllfrr!
Ydl OollldE S!D(bc
l& c@Dti.b' tuiDrrb.G ru.$rllrli,
on but xria f,o t ta. hd !t ft rr,
ftt%/Dr$r! Cdl (!Ott) {76-3eto, S !o
EIDnOOI Iil brtb 6nrld
' 'VIBY XlCl - 8 D.drsEL I brth lDE e,VllL n!.pbr, rufrc/drylf, t-lrr.l[d DlrD olo to D|' !q|ta, twut
SI,rRMB oOIDq + I b.abo@ 0.&rL' t/ltb.nlsplr|4l nrU bthr, b.f@ny ot.' '.. tlr rDiat r b.aboom tD.l ttvtna lootl,t''rogld@tsnt tlr lt dlr Rnd. griro Dool,l|.iJul rrd on-llir mrnrdirlnanl l/?
m.tlc crs! ot ln|J]nac to Ednlr CT6Lg.rbavdrl|!! h@I-up, (u!ht!!hlr,
oo\Ilttd frtsnd. }fo prta ]a?O D.!
monti| glua lrtlllllrl I l |r 1..!a A8k' b Blu (610) 9r6'8lD!.: +.
r$rEAtrcE t0 ElAvin crurr - 2
. b.dfoorA e br!!r' V/D,'arrd Jlcuzzt,.' !rrDb6, uDtumldEf &9t. Crll Buz
ooDdgElnluto, futntaha4r nrrly!!mdb!r4 rrlbDlDd. p@I. J|ouzri,raura lruaatEi r!ob,6rDb6 fo DGL.Avr|libL AD l lA thloul! f,olrlrlDclO. l€@ fr @tI Dfu.- r.|!ltJr...@
l/a Do?II mnlrtl - btr 6rLfofla.DaDoErE@$Dltrr.lUIt b flo E EiL altt-.o& O
uotSBtrD tro ltDRmI - 3 b.rh
frla,nm 6, n 85
trlI - Lryr- a t !.qd.d.l!b,arlrnutll 0l3Lr-L n, d r@.E!-----:---------i
lVOl t4ltlllt - !..|r{r!r'l6E brt I Eo r|!da|[ 6nl Ffi!3 6lE!@ldtrdolll||Etb.elHldt o
!drt,D Ir. OtrotorGE1 !bt, at!.G, - -'r - tl
rutvlE@r{! tbt6o.i6-, lil o Lllo dbGrnr!Ef .E rd, tt brcar o b r€d ttEr trt, to offi_=?'"1"-br?ri t? oo|| _-.'t n tr|EtDa
-e, a-a tsb.i6 rar 6'qbl&,t.(Drb.EibEiqIH, O
uduttDtF@-at!ootr6oaLltu.E furatal.t|. !.tlttd.4 -rea F.f l.!L-r.!.dtr6,artlE to-,.|{r.D-^!c[ I rEs.allorGriD.@'Edl tltr tgrd- {?a-$?adq.clilffiGG-=E16?l tat Dolth. E DaalrooDraielLl rIla.6 lci G rblab An-, @ o'c triwbnrt|'ot , tdt a lts;Io, eaatDat, a.t {talraabar lld!r!|arllc, r rr|I ar b rl|.!a!Gdt-cl.oE|!ald-bsro.|l. ffib@I lElD (.nrab, L'rt DDaa bd,Oi[Ia?a-a{al drtnlto. or !8?-CC60aErDar. o;nfiffi"",;;L, '!lr La, E D-/drtG. D..birnffi_-**r5Elnlratlt[UrL&-, n!d{lErr||||rb,lD, ttr.r. abb' t&It r.rE (|U a'}'taa rS. O
ErrlD Driltur ol!u!-
l$!a lor t.attaa. llrad !at,
sdlFtd rEda FIL[, aEaFlr.I-. crta dEilr I Eldlorb!. I ratoc tart Ettnr/dLlEo.6mr@lscdrlaGTlib!to4cI rl-*3?&crol..{a O
CUtrlS Em[ - IBGElf,COtStEal t-d' ErrL tq tlrt &. q4!
hI FrD- -14 rro llo(xlrD@. lq ED |.agf O.f b lI tr- olr l-ltE{itl oE I raa. lt !E t!. GfA---rriif&-||'.rvq lrc^ltol' lt'rurt.- !.lol? :. +,-+ry.n-d::i=rq l$d.'drdrE tbdE larEr@Dltlrlb@c Ltl. lolt' Door. t!!!!rt-arl.I.Ir. rt}ttDt a {t}tg?. c rdratod Flnla; @ rF! !ltt.t!-t? cr '?!r7rE -lDlouDlrlmr{rlaa6r rc-lnr rurirr.-. C.r!.!. E,E tlF @a-:rl Flrla/altral{tt!. tlqott{.oa doi lDnbtl]l at|r ^'rEi5a ^F.rrtrloL rill b..t .lttti stlt, E utle l|', altt !q.Jrilnfl lo !L t F' rr- d 14 tryl q
EbD. -5 cE- orl Jdfit-Td-{l6 EFes6-irE tAt vert -- rdrtrtr-.r-/btrssl--------------- Esi;blffi-1ll:Fitr^! !rr!s- - hErF !.-!t|+ h!. I! e.+!]lg'-------lrtlor.i. t !.d!ooa. I D.l!.?qvd.alt-qx?, : 9 !fl v|tdDo - rE@roqrirltdD.a tulub.br@d '
I|rltrt^!-!E@.tttD tb !r- !!4qt !d rEDa 16'L Yd oDE h|'ng,lnrLD (iGlda E Lar rltt ltlDErddo,..ElrDgraz o l.rr..d 6-t!. Drllaq w-'
td-t-"t""-" -." -'*" ffiffi$,?EiHElnrratllrr cEaarlaaa Ldv. d F trai to lar L1!- F .a[8I O @t! r udEb rl-tn-4b llr ltr3) ua_g. o
rstlEtro&rcEfl-lbE o..d E b rd E Y|'.
-i-nrdE.{i;crt E- !-[dI I{t r'a @..llE! 'idr-tjf,Er-lrc.ffir4 !- o! -l's"a5a. orr! q
ad -r'# tF.F-Ea tSg--_----Effi:ryffi?€ ffi"me""tffiffiffic!=4C---------l tmn@.!ro t t! - qq.!rt'
fp:.rvg,f.ggqr trrr.o = *l'r oi: Lrtt' **tl *'
ud!rana!.a. E D.iiro.6 &Ea. :-]rarld.orlsrErErru ct lrf X[rGt-EE6'-lt.Er* b- = t{FG. !z ct
taalt vrrt - aEo.Erant\ tdLa6od6..|'It tb!!Effiasrmryl ffiHDmrtrEglt n Ittl - |I ord! drf .tsiou l!gBl5"$g=.l3d.: rr!e,!D-gel!!s---r
'l GlG I ffi""':i*-j P#;*s"sai| --- -
-- Crrr. f orlc- 4 ttEid'gl"*ffi&g-,#ffi fri:l. rr r.rc/4r. :'+.9o
lFnG.iif ]Ll't|o[ll[f - L€- rEc.l*dqE EbE;iilradd;Fr-il!-ffi rrr{Fi1.-ffr'|ti_crnno llElE Elttltltult@m'.@ Eg6*dr=s:_____]' rH$.[rEf;..g:E*]".f,"ffijffi!ffi, @lrffiL-T:l ffiffiffir4,i.l-&W,.f,fffi BXfiSffi;^-.ffi ffi:tlH*g:l'1i-ifrrEa-ErEEihr"E !!!E @a!5r ----lffiffiffi
lrllgrm@lrtrmrrrsr Eiff^9$Slx',ffi --."ffi
-r.-rolrEllolt ltE|laiElltr q-[ JtD, aff,@/bh D.tr.Ua. Iry t!rq,! 6.r- 3 !.@.@. lirkrb-6EDer.|b ' Ericeiiiiircrirr*. G.-r;--o*-* -o.f Gl.ffiH'!ffi.t* Er=:fi5id;rid'.8 .:el-e-;'"e* -------e!gg!-------------9 _--= gaEq _o4r4q!c l!9.?9L
mar4,h e2, /? ft
IAOII-VAIL TrO aE)n(xll. tri b.rb
torlDdlG rtb ouud 3 ar arrtal,irErrb.d oruDfE:orrbd llOO lo Eo.el*t?l(rgt$tf. o
\r!ff rtct Tno BlDnoox - e bdb.rllb !r! o, t abc/drlFr, tu l!4
vdl l lr9|l lod CiD. rmtv flntcd&al ar'Dd.d I,.|. o'Il'@ DdblaAvrtfrbb ADIU l!q, Dddbu arUc' tro
rt& $e6lmtb. PratoaU a?13-dt@1'164E.. O,-'finxr crlr lrmtBt- a D.tr!om.
6t,| br.h. Dcrvrb A.ols @ abltq.D!,6 o|l ab B a cr tF{!.Jrala rub,
rD{o"oravr. arlll, u.D.ftl'alabrd.lr@/mr!.6llLlr.t&tSot
l'iro'tt: }/p,rdr zL rgI' - s.ctic
TrO EDn(PI - I trrD odota.t:rdratalL t!r!DLa. vrlb(br!r. h @tLtat(l Eil ltlhr
Avf|l|hb lIry r, @/mooll, I-+
t4tot ElAIturtLtttSIllElD ao
rt rlLDbfsrf fO lb$ hb.
c b.6o@.8brl,rEry.olo b. lflltob.D" lruldrt, aU apgUrar
',tOl-lIgO DGrs.
II)lKl llll IIAll - lmryb.(b@ Dhr. t |i (le. g- .h, iotrrvtrr, lr rDd.d. nritllao, Drr!bc/(!tc, r&rFqDa ftbi. cg|Dfi@brtallltrc|bdotd.hL Db{urDlrb.C &lO lx m
crll .tl rt atA-@9O c D@a?C-L8:q4l3lg)o.E-?t.Edd''_
rx 8 TOnrE@, OOID llAIfaa lbroq6 @.bc. f b.abooo.h-rh, lrrt. (bL c rlr Oola q\
4?t.taS d l-?g&'geatl
-.-__IAOII-VIII l/a DOPIIX - Anrllr@ d Udt}:orrb.d t D.dro@"' .h l@a t!rE, t7oo/drtb. Crll ,,d ooldnu- Bll|rc. a?Gal18.
r/a Do?rlr b l{l}vrrl 6 bdro2|t btb. I an tlriar c.ll &r D,rrrE1 !a?1'800e.- -.. .l
DEItr!, ElCOw! j
b.rb. Cu! ldL €rF$.ts orn i4t
nrrlllb6d @/Emt!. I trr b
lAOrr-vlII. Lourlrlrltntrlcl -ItDtulalrb.d. E b.drooE. ai3l|.!.]?:.a/Edb. CrU IL |, & 0 SboN
8A'rDgtor! - 8.Dcrboo. 'I bFrt|!'[t n!irc.d. bil lErrrb4
ulb cdt er D{ta .Erre l7o-
Id&t ITN.T' &'rIIIB n,lDTrvrlbbt lDlrf l. L ard I D.6o(tullt iIdD.al ir& to tdrT!" bantvtlir r.!lb loaa otrD. n dn@ 3
86rjr, no Fta. Ca[ @to ru:rll
rmll. t76-0$A
YAtr DOI!E.l- t ttl. "",c!..L frlr @ bd!@ rd lqn
tDolr.g . l.flF erDnd. Tb. ard.l a,n ba !.d!.d rt\rr rral tndllorer t ab All|q l&no
IBAAIVI& llrlAIA - Ol}.tul&.v!l&l:b@.t!a:Dd@ltulallbr
6 -.rd ft'Dllh'!
,,IAOII-VAIL - ! b.(bo@. tl| D.tl.
bd o! abdl t ['E rll 6 aj@
tgE^D tt9r&t(u - thlaor6o6latrrE! furatalaa larlEt5! -b.alt rd. _b!rD.E'16,i-l6hrfHE5gr"f.€
.!ll loLtam. l!@ r uth' lltllllI. o.D'Lld.
I rfllltLrE D|tr tt
- EAItr rcB ITTIIDI./NT! @tAF ::. dmf tfo @fml. - t b.rl @(b gtXnrml lto @tml - I I- auDtrb!@loior bE, tdE' : i.'!-&|t ( nt a|tOn-Ocl AEtr|u,I l|U..fFL lq@lbh !a b...d @ EI'D c!cl^ tta !a'D- alooo/Dod!. 1oo, -raD aG80 uofiLr I Eoltr Ic' Eo
trrgorDbd au /raaF@l . n8& . Dhr. r-&xrorEa - 6 l-?{o^dtln.D!ry, Flt, hr Eo.Ea ot'tGr@. - - --o LooA,fror,-Ll'rnBy,^rrro8r= ylffiffiiffir.
H ffiffifffi"-"H$ : iifftiYffiirffii. @--ffis-*mffiE@ffi-*.ffrU &rrBrera.(xtrlr - l bd6r.h- eugGtbr\ni;lrbla r
gtllllt BAg AvAffAEt D.o@' r tlt! !'t!D14.3 n'!:yo6j' rur;r{Gt(X?. -; U mrabUlbo
=q.gh..\. - r-.!' lrf f"l{rl'ru
#Sffi Fffi
::,'ffi Fo..Eui.'$Hugffi
F-a.r- d,- EPil4 S'_E#:t!:ffi mms*Wffiffiffi*ffii4TnEatrb.A bdd.6rFD.V
IE9!!.LISF sES F]|uqttrr tur. .IERI! @rco& 1'ro BArr - Rd l{t-mE an-?7yt c a??ll!?. j 8.snd rr, rurarol-io rire .-..
altgOIEttOEnOI rrrF6 r' &tuu C$L tnhd. utt' nl;';" 1ABll IIDAOOIS
tD,. tdr.rnr au.hrrr c.Bsl; @ l!(b/Eis? t!dr. ltaB l|,
ln:pgfi: !:-*qi?hi'iiiii :, rffi &#!Eh:s-.-HSfi.jff"oill iilli'.ll'& ffi'F. F:.s!-F-r* ffiar-='-ranc:&a trc r. l rG rr-__|l jffi6rG-t.6--i6-a i8 Edt! ':-
fffF.fr8 ffi#*$q HftTtdbl;il:oii'4il Hl*ffi;ffi.*'Felr o--- ltrrrttl - tr*alnr, nrlalrb.d Etr.rtrarc -rrervDc"rr..!r*. ffitc;ffi'J3%frll rroGffil D.rb. @.uor.at. I DltrobB. 3 b.r!. o|ttlE, r&. r-,le.5t!|l o tstob |od nlfdlLl &dlb
'?u/rDd;L.?+to.7. J, l|'om fghlffiiffitr^irrrE.rAl-aD.15o@.r65' iHfitfi 'nnfi;-d:il:o? ry
EVd&rDE hr!||D.d Add. &a O IAOII-VIII, tlErf{l .ltt r{--ffr a.r'|-'I]., ct.
--dirtrr i'itrbd@ffiH%ffi'"S,:
lllll AIDnOOI rlth ar'{.,= nd
ru,turaraDa4 oloraroada Eadlt, - r!4
llDhM tlll lltl - O! !|gr. l?o-tarI' !!o/brD,
Ll?vlll - (ta abn@ODbIt6?#f.ffi/:'ttif H
,.$l!$.o rro ra r ra ra ,
tloll8r Il!
gronrot Erct ton
b.(L ororalb.d,
rlD' fiau' Gn/bd\lDdltSroi .t hr. r|rh'/dF LI ld
lllaaa*t 4, t?tf
|fDtt'otl llll - l..ui|nrl,d\!!r.u -!b r!! loa ba!@l'ohrlo.tl gold! rdtla D-rrll It I.'D!. at$?a!O O
." ".aal.rt- rtl-Itf!,--
|' btDLr@d.l!.llrrDle.@ohf utlE' lo Fa a?3-Lo6..G O
rEI EIt lOl-!tqlo.El|'!!b.d, bt t_rd Gt(ryddl|el. !tp!,4?!t{&. o
!l EEI tgrll@ - lbtld b.Dlt @ib, t'l! F.lott! baludrDa l.tlltti.a. L..-
'trdt a-Fd!tra.trl!GDor! l-. glllnl Offilr"nrwrrn--"rd@ lhr L.! E t& lrr{t.n5t'5t . ftt! .d t?lt!. tltol.d aid@ t'r| !a a b&. arr{rbatati.. ]1s oI rll a r&Ddr.5100. 0
lltt YLU. - 'rllts|
n!i&.rt EE!'6. a|t bl! tarlDdra rthanar Otlt 6lad!@r t'UlL- .b..i c l(.a arE Fl4@btil|l r.ll!t-, Lbq s! d' E@h
=sl3:+leg!l!tlj!:lUaIDOtUn - Id!b|@F b',n*llul or u!|GdaEn Lltrlu&r!.Dtql eo-og o
rrrtFrrr];!ou.rEbgf.'i.ii- alrl.u. aa a.tDv|tl tclttb l6e. &rqr Dal. ,!|!" .dr l |o r.rD, 610 crr l!l!5.aI+G, o
EI-tUAtlED - I bi!o@!q.-6 baoa ni- tD Il!!.E!, !'o ffa!
, lFctEh 9ltr 'rtt*. nt* )..!IE -.ut ryt to ..lrru.t*7-lta r l.ltL-Oo. .J
'|rlaal alt- o ![D,
g u, q, c'('! - t!rv||. vrafifr-r"?ilF.S'Hfffi.g*"ffiiHffiE(Sffi,L,? (*J
uaT YA& Dttl'.It - tdta o, .Donffi;.H1.'S*St?ffi
r,qiai-Er--e d;ii;erollar ar?!4it.!'-rd -is6o-6ffig*B*rg"Fte-c qrq, rrar rb.'riiii.lg115 p__r-tq6l-o? iu rso)!!qlq4 a (l(,!) .ilarra '-E
IaT YA& Dttlt.Et - tdr! o, .tDnrG.4{ EuooE !{l brl!a|r.-.el&t"*a'ffists
Illrl. H..lrIl.- Drurlr 6a loDt@o, a t-!oo. a trll" al-d ?. o.r'ror-L.t t\lg laal.lllfo/dai@rH$.ei.-::!gllllElltat f vlll - TlL... "t:'rgiqtlRrEt It - a ribooE I Llb_grDro, rlrt!.4 ed.b ro d! dEA:* :::!Sg;"BFgH,:H*s
BgrrttAtt cotDoltrrult _ffit gfgT,!..&:
@!u[d. trxl'.drbr.all,tlaUl artbr |EI'|4A rin hlli@au (s)a?+, s. o
rytrcmlJt ! torr n|fra! -Lttl Gr.t'! uat! &|'r, (nlear!ra|t,- t! v.ll'. DOt @tuntraaqPc, Lo*.d 6 odi G..[. rnl dlEiEitr#E*-:3
vlll.Drlvll cn|G rr orrn -t r! trdt Dd I !rbo6, I bao@ rit !|t9taa, rraD-,tbrE.6!E.ffi:"*t-'* j3
v^Il/ll,'lyta CIEA - l&.rlrrrLw.tffi,.siis"sra.l@ oa il! . (!qt) 9tgdo. O
ll^t}Tl'gl, t^tt vrtt, oru) _ htr,(' }!r!o' r.r-. I Ldrso. ! b.!ifi"-'ifi'b3('|$jiffi.(ff].arur.t |r! riL.axl. - O
FffiffiH: ffi.ilsfl,%isHffi.ffitt4
dolrnUt ml, @OnlC - a.d!Dadroo& Da.uutuut fu!olah.d@!Ddr-.4 Ell- iS brr G..[$4, .16 d.!|ra. i.nr{ t3 lt6/n{D- l{', n r!E\a I qrit.. CiU r&t o!::!!!-rsgel!E)!!:lc9:_9
lAtY tll.l rc oorDolr _ cDv.r|orerr|rnrrD r|nlatr tar I, a .nd 3c@. luuJr nJr{rD.d @rt5nrn-ruD rnh aelrg. (l@) {?}
gtctfivt uuPttx _ t{r}.v.! onr aut 6r|!. { Dqlrr.l brb- Ir..effiiffi:.."rfi.P-!
Dlgt 0 ltDml. TrD rltrl9o.6lni- b
9lrl{r ko0d,!dn6. dEr, r.ltsDa |rr-- b r!.ur4 E4O-t IeL boa luD rr|d -r!LhDutqa rrrr -.rl@ta!a Oo!. C.!..t|I! vrll lojl?!.D. rtd, !d.l
Ptlt tV l! vd. I uDn rtrlr.bL to!I|rcD rd AP"u. crlt I't,ub * 8oDn nD rI! r.Grrr-, t?+.lgt?.g-C-o
-Dtutlt Tltttt ltDmx, 1!Btt
g!.rl.a! lo{ao. abart ,rut a(Er|rlr to tDa llL El6lo- d- l;,luD rld a.u!. trDulour n.r.orlri.b\tr{ Oo!. G..t rDd V.r
_rrd,|Dtrt!, tto-, |t.atal DlotaQr ll[v.rr . U!|r/| rrurbta taa ll|ro! ade.H.#iejE"?-j!
llq,Ilrt DErOr|f, HOI| s.!.DLror aDon larD Fbrr! I !rt!68 E brLPr, aa -rQr, utt.aa t6r b.. a r.!,ri5ffi,fi6??Yffiqr tED 3 .rtt rrhLd t&.ar e tr.E a.! roo.nrrtr-6v.! vllln- .drad$r-.t (rott) a?l|Fts? g in-r
9rn, Ibn Ar'r t A-Lt-. o
TtO lZDFmI. a b.ti rrrlr tdr.drrV.ll CbrFl rrlh trinr. 9.rbr|.r..u.nl ld'llon nqrtr rhoR r|lE id!|r.E lo llt . Vh d Oc.. G..icdr I rn .tl'.rr|, t?!- I 9A7. Bor Ayrrrt radrt-
BD ArD l8&AlllrT - r.looDI| rr Atlr.lrYt tiabDo oD htruir ts! VII firla. nd, r.D@.*'".*."j3
UO /rXD lf,l^lr/r.&T - trrur!,.rD6.feqt qld 4.. hd.r. @ viu 6ueee"--::,-1qI loral - ldrtr:.,ir duDld !-,sq|^ a Etroo. a br!. L)O/arrEtrffis,"l3,:"*1!
AVAUJ\ILI ltID.L.ARcn !o ttn96D3 alDritsar tD .t\rovt-vc Ortr - Darqor | !.l\ d-!t {-C.
e?t AIO DOrcI - I bth €!&r-!r-<Eraad. rth Orlr'Laa. ab.c
ffi tt-lmtr ur 'do r-
Qqr nq|l uDt(DI - (DUd.ggFffirH:ffiH
999_!!!'v. (|r rb t.aEL.&
rr.retElut|'ltttuttta|tr|no.u. lFo r! t!lq..! bI !..!o.o. f !.tD. 1llr[r, ab IljL!r!. Lrrral:f! all alrDllEl-lIDrE.
lEr! tortf,cm. oot trLt tbr.i{! 6.4c. a ltob|b.LrrlHmG!.{?+la- c. l.t5-gK
rrll rtrr i'Iln l!.dd rFlr r. r, a.d I t (tu&rnrnld,lllb|O!,!rrnr||b ld.dra,Dd!tlant,DD-,O!Ebr-na?l}{rr"offiffiL.t-o[ Er, h- 4 ]L-/@brul.Loltc1!s!_e=_xg3!g_
IODIIJ AOU @ LaLg/Edl!6U {?r}Mf.
rrt vlt ttrt^l, - orrr6lE@ldrdbrd i!.c,{!dr! lb V.! rSo to br b.rlr!@r itrldLElt u. 6 .d t8 d;q4gglgllgUtrts
@Snct.lltffoEomIlb. II||U I{r I lo GoAE tr'tlrE!' utO|tl Frlol-rs.cr6E;no-=t-, OLlr!-/rbd/..b5 tT/tlhpb^Y nldbd, dfl. all{., F( I lrneEa&.tEG.abAarorAI!{ l{. d Eth h.eae-ltlt
'atrBEnl oEEI-nrd.u. An!|rl. rg!o. F|.|lo!!|a, O dh b.. Il-?{GtFL
sutgDfl (ulo c6 IGrL !.Gr$! 3 td!d. Itur .E rddEri lF{hantE l. l$6 .r Itl]o/Er.13l - ra6a
Rrr" ?sBtt ltDtootll,O/6rht Tb.al r{E Id!ji'. rtdtoi. rbl. Irl lcr8-sE rl LD B.ttl. nol3 6rl {At-Gar.
Irr? vllt Dtt?IIr - taa .rG!. t b(tso@r ll^ taah.nnOU a?'al-.1016. d hrE 6-
rro t@nmr - l \ cEcb,.d nr:dDd. dn&D.br'd\EE|l!|6tD b-. l.lE-{lll.
1ro En@r, lrc l^ttrElDiE lD v.! Y!l{r.
'lt|i@Dd od|lrr .tl l
r.IlIu|lY Dg?tII - Yrd. d b-rs(:r& r,h'| L O dry brat!!!@. t8t6/q!r. .r-F 6, o qt E|!t rnB
f,ff- (s) aorrto' ttr -d-D. A, O (hl
'. (!qt) ltDIr!:g:--__lttr.g.Lla ElmI rotIBqE
E^GcEt luEirri.F@Dr.r tiffi roEEi!. l(lr.rar Eurl!... C.aa.r io rrr rc Or r aitt|.b.r/d.}trr. ro.<tDl||'nrna .lo r -6 i, idr!. a?!'aE-rlrob rtll bart altlr. ultt. -:-
WsH,:$"5s{ ffi#ffiffiH
---ffi*Hl"*r,$sq H,,Fi;;tEEi.?*..:!,.rt rl
! OIl.VlI!, llo !lOA&l[ l,t b.tJ|l.rDlrd-!, nlb orrE a nl,Nta1n''rru c urturnlrbd. l?iD 16 &.!9191!!l!9:!!31-J
Y4Y lICt lrc IOloI - I brl.rtlh Orr,DlD, rr.|F/r!trr. !a La
YrrL I l.nl Od C.o. rGtr ntpr.d|'$ al"a.4 Ir- ogte 6dh.
A!rU.b|. AFO rGtE .G'!| rrtr. Iorr.. l&/tra.ri!. !b.-c.u {?!-ai)6r'rHrsr_____l
.EnBt CAIII utlufiY - a !dm.lh b$,9fit. (idd o adt6E-,6 qrl (| E a nr at|ltt.td.aa qrD,
Erororara. atol. r|.!t\rrolah.d.alooor'dr 6[154GtDd.949{Xn o
n|l.D? r tnDr,rat M? nt5 qDlta lo lEl ! lor 6lrlbI&td6EDri.r.,h.pFbd.O fcoaf. I4|-tlt ;r, hrl tc&l OIDGcsg---------------
v Il, Oott 6I'I A - l6a
.!G-c. aa(f/b..lh. I dD (l!drquls, qrtsb FrU 'iDU b:ll.dra.Dni la4olG'r.\ct
* --r-" -"t- "fbanbfa tdnh- dldDaVt[ Oaat 6!r. tEqt FlEr.l6.ud, ||o. tr,t b!D. rn!ffi lcE .!d 3 nrl atr.ar YrylrBr n65ul ladllla 6El6r,|& Frdh !tr'd5.-r 6d.ian5l llE?7gt a |tC.l4l?. O
@ZYltO reAOOX - r D.tDo.r6.t dt tbrrrd" r!! lrrDlo. &drr.r! aloq)/rood\ I@l la tOlir r-AlS-OlA, O
lEIl tDnU, TrO lAtT -Oraa b@ b !n|! k.
"a!.. .DLI{rl.tldlolldbL-. O! l-A-a15{ O-rtd a.!!d______-________i
n!rT/(tl - ltr!}.r-. {rE|d !!.dr@. llt b\ 3 rt !.t.at.!Il!=_16'. r.{e!.}!q____--9
lrom- !hlldrrlb.ur6&, tltfn, r|&-/(!F. n,6atd, X-t |!hfi,Airlru I{, !.6O/Er! l-{g
9|e-{6r .rL !
O'llrf - 3 bd@ loa !ou... r.rl.E trr!. alu{.l'ilLDb Lr l.l,.391!!lsgegEEs=o!
SltEI\Ul &,t'A - tlrrnr|b.d I!-r@. A !.4\ r5r Et !o Frl.b^rl door. .luDa. Jult, luaua!,aloo/db- {?+l|tm. o
F,rnElsttG !"tr,-r*rct L I Ddt.oo. | !.r\ &ottod!!rDl\r ldtd Et to YrtlLae.l !.[l. Yddd! n rr a.r!O@J!!lCt8gl?!l9ggl
It nlogltl^It lOlrXOOlC oru..lqr.. au!r.D.d ! !.d@ Dlr| (b,Ib\ !trd.-, I bb6l-
^rrrLDbI:rlalggg-or {el!!!llr:!
AlW I'TBIDOI U - 8n $06.8b\ !r.DL.., flrt|.Drl Eltr te|! a baa, Lrt .t tt6,ldb.Ol| l|Frta&!79. O
Ollrr rcC,Il|d - CL!. rrl lc g!rb6r I bt\.rlsliu i,Etdtd.FL.haE(tu'.9l6.tall6!bl--.6u atll$. Lt aar O
I Ol|-VlIL - E bd!6. rEtutlr|b-il .|ta, at a^|!a FtA trog.rt tLlt l ta.!.t.a.Dt {?t.{40O.
olt trDroolt t?ott caltr&lon6 !o AErr Orrt, l.o!oD,t6OO/boDth. u!t\r!nt.D.d. olC-t19:______-_______--9
cott t tt vAtL torrttqB - tE!.a+ llt bulr, lr:{.. !r!.' .o.urfunlaharl on lOV bu, !oua.,l'tr!.bL ADIU I!, tl(D m DarLO,uq,Ctlri;-..tu-i.- +rq ...o.i
nn"t *t"@" - 8 *rr tu1,E-rrt rl.lr/&y.r, !I9ba. orra toD- |(P/Dd!lr Ayr!.!|. r.r?&!ota. oannE-ii6il-""-*'"fa&!a lEdtdl- ovrrtots u Oot'q!L. l! b.. r.D, tutlt |\r'ir.D.(!It9lE, d.d. Ftr,€f. t.l6r'8l!,er Gurb| llFall| 7 drlr ls.llao rulat atudlo aDaltoaat.trrnlD.d lr5/@r!. ? !Eor! l-.tllryb LaaE. lo F4 a?t-6tl oal.rtl-ora o
ttOilrot llllcl '()l lIrT - t r3FE !o&loib@t.rrarlr'!d!lrr otr bq|rl.r- ls-46, ,.. o
Io ti. n0& l9r{ la. lorrD!.r lO. loa)/.6. ua{rL. {?t-l't!. '
Y.iIL vU.LrOt tt tJtr! - I Ddr€Eltru.Dta /tI!! lc-lbDG lo. L@p. G-ri y.! ar!-itlrl ! -{e9-rit.lt o;ffi-r*--6,-".alorlar OI Lrrnnr StrO"rttc I o
rmnlt"':srd*at,ti4 E b lo.!r. l/a ctrwE6oarteaaLIti-'blltErt th6. a?}lo. ' o
I'hI lr|tr ld\ or.rb. ,
tulV .q|.|ltrd E..ib. (Drall ddt blfrl1ffi.
lllt-l(.l lDtllDS lo8tTarlr (I)lDolrr- olo F"l?tf! trlll lli! -tuEr Dor r.olr!a. lr.!d o.r. ton atltlll. &r@,raNr[tE t@ arrlLu, ffirrt rq 6trrr! c![|.rr. r l.dc.6 A.il ld t&llll tO[ | Iaaoo/E D. I talEa nhr td! b-qcbrbirri?a\llioo/mtrr 2td@ Io/mrb.l Jtut rt-|l !-r trr.! rE6 Dtrt rdlatlF'n tbra I|raE bFar. {OI Lr - &1 , e.[r eae-{aat}- c - SlDL
tlrt(ttmJt'6DI (. llab FE, I9[d!1! t Il. b6rltf!E!d,ct ot nct| d rE'bl lr 660 ldr-liirt?o-L|ll iI4 a.t ta D
;{3e!9ts stgt-.-{itt
, ul?YAIt gltmn@ !t dt6. f btL ArOd.'16!O/6oa!! DIu. uatltg,
t laDlrl! Plt .l|r.{aDr
tll lll l0trlroE - ! bd!6" tb\ arr{a, t|d. a(!o. INrc
![ trt lti.It, F .-rrrf -lq,l*|{Lrr|l'. o
on llDlol lvltt^ltt - Afrlla. L6r.a o llrtr tlD tad, a6?!
t&a*\ .-reh tehd, se;
I}IInIOUnAIf, towrf BCtItE oD buatut+ ftEdabrd g b.abo@ Dhtr d@, g' 'r. !tt9bo, 6 b.l@ld. Atdlrbb@
llu g'IIRlml II - a bGdr.o@. 3S. O!!plro, ltlrllibal mt! toelD c L.r. &.rt rl 3196/mt!.ry
OnItiI LmXfIOI - 0'6.- r,rU IrDt Cbrbo6.atrt\rlr Lt{rly'\nrlrt!4
Dod. rd!d. n!rplr6,6 c.la Eodbry
IAOII-VAIL - gt d!@. tDflrmrlh-.( dDOr o.l ltrrap' lct|a. Plorttr .,B.Dtal l.lracE.D't a7O-aaOO,*re{a. oow
Oo'Yr,ritnrrn !D Atroo Ort;l toc€oD.
006/rooth, ulturnbb.A g{fF
@tr IAST VAIL lotttaooEt - Ib.!|o@lr 3h b.$r, art|dl' Alrpbo.
uDlt8Dhhad- oD mV bua Fouta.
AsrllrDbf9rU l!. tlut !.t 'r'6rh crU
rr.bo/dtlF8, f@/DoD[\ l@i! t rro.
.AfDf SUIIRIEI - a.'d I blahooD!.
' tuW tumllb.4 rubc/dr]|u, n!r9lr6,}|?t rd 1626/mlb, Crll LL .t 811 {'tu
lAOll-V^I'.' - I b.(bo@. f b.rfrirr!l!b!4 tro D.t ADIO lC !ofolEbc lO. t.bc/qFr. lElD F@rI Dhr rqlltb. Off 1t@ a?G-{ l@
roohr 8dt@ !.qutrca t6aa poDath Dltl fil!'.rrt rDd uolllt.a?o-oagr. o
Orl rcn@ll" Ofl AA1E - IoruflYd cf bdr! ra bn VIIL Yry Dt6Vfirrntrb.dr Slr{o, vrrhc/drl|E, !Ft!m]ll.Dl!. @/Edh Dnrs UEUiJ-.nl h1!nd.b{?0-64i1 o
"^ott-o^nr roo *tmtr -EattUtrIy tlmlrb.d |l ltq,ELl!11r'!6. ta@/Ed\ bh!- |Fr|{tlabb, 'labd/drtE L-- lrd fgf.Dr6lDt b tlo. D.oDla l-ACto.alpa o
AYATABI.I AInIL lD - nilb/ oh!,elennDr $6or'mr!. hlt- l{€OlEntb. 8 bd!@, 0rtDlr6. fimrrD.4I-Ama.9a$.d)81. o
lERll BlDnOoI - a blt\ E DO!b@, utrnr'tbad I J/rr li!.16@.lto D.ra ADd 3 b..trcoD. I b.rflnrru!h.4 I JD.r lir. Io D.t . atl@.
or gI9'3lt?.o
rlat YIII. - &).!o r/Orlplro,$rc/mlh lrhlb rhr tro D.taG.o-rq/b Ril6/ ItO-iLXP. O*re
.llrrbblr ll|t l- tnr lb.drlo@.lbr\
Itrrnlrbad @ rDtulr|!h.4 €o bua rou0..fo Data. Orod taerl oodo rlt! tota d
arD. al'6-&EO.tet9.
EruE BEDNOOI - A bdb. fuIIbamnq ruh|!/drtE. O.trrpb6, @btr doD. @./DoD,i. ArrllrbL Dor.t?c-!6E8. o
Olt llDnOOX AVAILABI' - ADrtl. Idr.d oa B..eu Drn n6d, aA?!
Dc Dat\ ut{lllli tDofudad 9{9-6ts. o
EO0|C tlm RllrT - I b.do@. 3b.t\trsh bdr. fn E!a!oro. l/8 ro!rld lol otr Oor. G..L I trr lia
rtqulr!4 Pbd a?o-l/(lC. O
AVOI TEBII EIDROOL DIU.D..-'rrnrt irlrrb.d d' rEnrdlbr4rl'dq oal UDL fauftr-tcd, atha!q!a|r!.v|!rr d A!.tc Ch!tr.6rrrat.@/t!oDrh. AvrfbDb Iry f . C.lt Llr|l&o8bott g|}.l8@. O
IOTO t'.|En I RltlTAl, llflon Ir\TIOI| -oltcromdlnilvaTo-.$q,. o
lDrlnDg ron|lBaraR @ramr.Ix-lu.Et Dor rratlDa. Blrld Dar,
uDt\Enlib.d udtr .vrltlbL. Ooc66l!v'lttti ,oublrrt EDcrr!. I badlo@lgf6/ml\ I bdruD p}ur ldltgElmt\ a ba(lrco tl76lnont\ 2bdlm Dlu! loll@/eDtl- lto FraWfro BlDnOOn, TrO BATB .lDl|a.-vrll. udtrrltlfud, Ito D.r..A\^0rbb fDr{ 4l!" ta?! pc DnllLlU
llOLl-VAIL - S b.d|sE l b.r[n!d!ba4 J.durzt tro Fte Croorro.drnilqt, Lrd,4?6-1rlm.
Strtrf TrO BlDnml. Dlll| loli'orwlr... Ar.@r!r G,!.lomab. hfldlti.udrba( dr bur !ouL. avrrbbb.r\Dal. @/mo|rt.b- xo doat. cru 924lerc. o
SI' TT &TT'DIO AIABTltItrl -li.FddEL * bur rt ,D, t396/DonrD, 7Etrt! ld.r. lfo rl.. a7G06Ol orl-7El-s{4.
AAOII TIIIII AIDEOOL - Erlrr W-Lb rt{tulv flt'nllbrd tbroh.iD, vtrrd Birr!! gluL La! rmdl CbrlstEr6.@
IAOI.I-V^IL - g bdroE g}t b.$\
uDftrrnlArdr l$6. dals, |3m/tooDr,b9lua uulltl... C!o.!ro.d! R.rlty{Hm.ep.a O
vArL lroJ8vr torallo PATca cqtaI/1 dDlc. .l !.dr!@, lt b.t\!orrplci.ly furnt!lr.d, roulh.rnEpdl.!r. vl,'r d Vdl llouDt^ln rd
Cr$ \ruLal. I a,! Arraa. r prrluDd
&oL rul||rlDi. p@1" J.ourd, t D.Dlr.Lc! !6!r. l l{.o/mlb. Oll IL r!ry
IAI!!IIAORI - hnDl|b!.! 6'l(!0Dru brl lnlltt!| bh,(l(l l!@ pcr
Atrolr. BlattB crumt tla] - g
bdroc,Sb.t!,tr.Ilarlbrd. Doou.ourrl"t Drtr. !.L. l€@/DDt.b- Avr0rbltf&t 16. Crll l,lr & 8E l' &ofrerol$@, o
ALTAIR VI'IL - I b.droon, ar!rtumr!b.( |6llO/EodD. C.ft
I{rDtL a7O-746O.
Sttf, RMB - a b.drsn rtttr el|rtum.ftlrtrll|b.4 o\rlttd FrlJlt, p@1.
,rourzt. 1016 p.! montb unillChrtte|., Dl!/ @dabttir laa CrllIlrrl& 0 gbdt eao-4mo. O
Mb.(bod. rlrb (h. rllo0 il. li. t/:D.Al'rllbb f&t I to Odobc tl.
^eu.r|.^ooHrll }7ror'elb lntu!- rl4(!ott) !?!ttg€a o
ol{! DID8mI ItXntRmSIM @rmrl E r|oh8|.rl. AnltrlDL ADrlt l. IOOOphr uulrE . PrGcF.rli-. lo do6!.
Crlt .t?!-!gl. O
SItLLlR nlFTA.L - hrdo rD.rtD.tn vro v!l{t. ltunrr}rrat xo pat.
$m/rtontlr Dlua uulltLa. CrU .tinDt
or lioUt {'it6-6al€at, O
BIAVIR CNIIX BIDOIPOINTTornhcu-. lttt, alr 6\rplrd tb.illooE, 8h b.!D, lrop.oosblyf\!nl!b.d ;lth brrllhlltl vltt8.
Avdrblir tor aruud hr Som A/ltDrlr{b UIO |t ll2@/mtL CrU
€llrot (6rt) {CrS6. o
llal VAIL - l^Eurt boD .er0rDl,!
rary f . t'bdrodn, toA Dh, qry, alrb.r\ Dd urb, brr.d lrnal. ll 160 FDtr|l!- Yi! Lr.l?Gdld), OFo sronoor. rr arir -Oonmlb.d @& ln Ld Vdl !Dfbb.rtll!. @ rtsrrn @/Ertblnolr$l '",rnr-a. Dlaot'! Rotdt470-!!34 o
q lrf mATVAIL- 3bilrro6. f b.8LOJIDb€. lDarflrrnc 8@a irmfa,E!.6ll {?6.1117. D.&iL. Otffi
Unnldabad. loraa 16,!l ot houi tnLd Vrll oa ,rarrn" }ttn Cu! uttuttlr.@
llrntt EEDtr@U Hc[,S atOBOSIt -OlrraD, rubar/drtlr, ti$ fary tthrot{b E.t,l.[ob.r l. tro !.tr f,o
lro BlDnOOra - lrllalsbrd on
Sr,Dabtor ndA hr! llolud.d. 6 bu!
l@p, lrtalvlrdEq|Dt rD. Lrttbaolyud d ddL @/rooBtb. I -l'go-a I I Ifql rDtDLDrmrDt o
IAOI.I-VAIL - Il@Ey 3 b.(boc. g
bafA lcat 3lrnDJ/ dlcl oq ,bU sl[l.,
Dool. AvrlLbl. r&y f. glg-loto,{?6-rt4!. O
mo alDneL tunrrmD Eolc -Lr, Vrf- l{.s| f |.bru{! foYEbr 16.
On bur ldrta 1660 Dd mat!. (I!4ru-&|(Ddia{ODe O
-offiVrq llry ld tbroqb, I{otnDb.r. 1360
Dc DDtb. utllfld Dr14 &160 ,..'t{.@
cAst.An . Dnnn (uorgNDor) -lmnrorfatr, ul|filDlshld C badmo'm.
2y. b.ll\ 6rplq- ItDcolLd lnrrlrr rDdlocallon, auDny toulh trolDg.llo@/l!ont!- Av!,ttabll lm.odualcuf
for f trr.8drrry&pod! tqult4rnd
Dlc.e. Do D.te Chfl!. BlihoD C%
7tO FOEATO PAlICA DRnt! - Lae .naotudrt tu6aE rttb trotsubrvtar8, o|rldot Dol |oal J|oitd.cfnrrn a\|lldDt ' 'r-r6ra Eltoblt!
Onc, thra. bad.FooD, ttrraa baibrfinhd.|- rtb tto a.r t|!qprvr$rblr AF,0 16, f066. !6 r&rbnrf
lrdolto.!|m oa|I {?W+1. O
SgIfgEr! CAIl)nl 6 &ndttont
8rt-t'6rra rulD{F
Olatr 8.rll!|tul ! Dadloom. 8lt b.r,lLfuatlb.d torDbo|l!. Ar{I zil ioDcmbd I, 1986 d |66o/montL.for.:ulil
sIltCHrrA.Rf, OFI AIDnOOI - I b.lb"turntah.d, agto/tnonth Inolud.a
utlUu6. llo p.ta. walrndr {76-COlqB,@
zND fl]t, lAOrl-VArL OOlr @I'RSE
bwDlrouso. C b.droon, 2 bd\ drrL d/r,6't'ort, I?@ 4. ft'. l|rfP Fr{.rrtr!./t.ndr lrr.tt lruOlD(btb, +tl
&rtr! or xltlv g{g-rcse. o
t"* ttt*t-to t"*" - ".t'"t*C bdr$E l bdrr lofi^ ArtrDlrd. 1670.Trc AIDN@I IOnICIEED DI'ru'TE6lrot!, Ilf bdlt!, rr.h.r/dr.JDr. Frl.
olry..AF.U l6tb to [orrlnbar tO.l&fr DDl! Dlur uuUua Cdt Tdna?Ftle 6 9t9-81?4. O
" Of.f*AIf, - Urnrrt t-adCtdlo-toraDd.E @ llttr [Ir!ry, r-lrUrnt!m Dbn ,lona Lrm- l6e6/Dnt.t\ lcrruuulr. c.l| D!.!, {76-8eO6 o
Slt?la FII|T I, VAIIES - ntdv
redbbL, a tat lorl. tmt 3 and 3hb@ dDldr.rddda^llDrv!Ar!9lrd, E bryt t|r[rat s|d&t!ri, @ brE arrqt6 rDd J ntt'.
c|lLl hlz d IIA Co...r?6-7lEl. Ooffirvdlrblr ADIU l6-Dombr lO. l4()O
D.r Donl}" l-.1gO-ICfC. O
"tt" o o o""toa - , o"-""-, t""gbttr\ l&{O D.r r|oat!- {70-66e8,a7&ln
BROOKTI|!! TrO BlDnOOr -trufillahd unlt, on criL rvrllllla AptU@
SAlrDSrOm OtI! AlDnOOta @nDO -Ovlrlooldnat fr rlofa nr Bhrd.
drlDlro, prtvrta d6cL nan bu! 3top.
Only $6olEorlt! {764rP& O
Dttitxt ox! B!Dn@I aPAarlnflHrDld, tornhdra dtrlootsDd Ool!C!.L ndry f\lrDllD.C !r!t,bo, (bL
Fllllry, r! bu. rtop. g26lMrtfi phraEurfv dlpdtq 7 Eo(rll li-. tro prra.
{76-060r or l-761-St8. O
*aqlOETO.U" - tO.t""* t O.- ""Its 'P
6orqn RdE
lAolt -YIIL - onnlr:nllbd gb.d!'oom
@ lrab Rn !. OrlE a@! Dlrn
IIFICMJCY - trrrtcilB.ru uUUildI lrchd.d l28O fr EonrL (3fg)I 8€9-Gt76. O
THIXI MFOOX. TTO BAfIT -c\rdam hma tor lrnl W€t, V!.|l.wrlhbL X{/ l. 6 Donl.b or la mon[rl6.s. C.ll l-6O6-.UDr, Otrdd or8en$.
_ %dl rQ, r?fr ffiffifa3. CrllIAOII-V.AIL - gnoal I Dibo@.UDiJ!Dl!b.4 I olt' AI|d. atl',t6:ProDalq/ 0 naDt.! llrD.aatl.nt
470.+a(D. 9to-te{a orasrffi
of an!, It"oDolr at n !l.l Lra..@r
a?6-.!r@, g{e-l9Ll - O
llrrA!! nOOITTAB - Oi! m@ lnw ldflr$ torDh@. DLhrrabE!tt'Dl|o, ruDc/drj|c. tria D@rtr|or.rr|, Dr!.a f,lao/relb Dhr.urutll.924-200{ trffif.t Yrlt @(b. aEnn, m bur UlAr|lDrt/dtlt, b.!L f'rd. Art'|bo,b-ulttd YLn CaU rfta 6 D.D.a?0-6?!t. o
f,91!EgP^,^"ppe - a,-*l5"g:fg!,1frj+t"ffiHr#bt'."F;ruiiE_:u1ffi ue,g_ltll irra-r6-EJil4ffit"5i&)Iffi"ffiT
avot -
qut8pot B -3 b!@@. I h.'h,turotD.( r.th/(tsylf |.o/etb.
l-.fg16e.e -.c7t EolltDrr,
*"-'oGrul' LaiLry leto|fo\mnDc 14,XogoFDa. llg_qia hrr uD, ftl!9LE,rd,h."!l, l56o/Dontb tshrtt.. rtiuurilr, T9 0 -hr.. .tia Rhbroooatfl6-4ofa a-rl"€l op tr."! pd.€ao
BBOOTTRII TWO BTDROOI -nmfrhad u.Dlta. oD ol;L Avr0Alr
4Dr|l 90. f,o p.ta l0?6/'m' r Chn.to.a alt-tglo. n
ruSFOXSrBrt IOFSLOIIXO Prn$Nto abrr! l/3 l{rtt@hoF coDrlo|llr6/rodrtb lDolu&a UUUt|la clo totctt! rDrt bu! ru.na AeflbU.ADd tA.{7G46t9. OffiXlllruo@.b. IblVnrIal|thlal E rt rEbo@ rth Drhnra l|ar|.t D.fh anall|'a! rdf lD olc'. O.r{a, dtd@
J|.U-I rDd lruDr Iabl ldgoD.anqrlbvlrr, rvrlhbl ff.y f. Frl6/atDtb.D.5frr|Db I|D.6/ a?o-lla?
d.tD6: &or. rub.r/(!3tD, n!!pbo,or! badr@ a'DA brih. oa b|.. lrs. tropql4-f,lq eolr. |SOO Cur
rurwo|rk \r,nlr.i{., f,r*r"r,x OWi-ptA: *;*:i*€d!ffi. sT.6*
rLcrr+v{g,,slvDro erer|Trrrrn _H;*kq*::r--l;;Tlfiff;;taoorggrfutlfirfiqiAcif nt11sggbln*e{a6d t1
Hx,Ll*:r^I|lp _ o,_"",v rrl*FI+r. @,rdopr*qg, fi 'rffiffi
;ut*utagq1t19fr{nnffiS*:j,-r313' 9"c-.;, dfrfica-iiunftrrntllrql o -rnd'Tiqs$iG;'":E:','.?ff* q
ffi:ffi**1P&: a ba!h.
Yl EAVI FPlL RllnAtJ - n!.llyrY|ltrrbL ta Yrll rDrl Aegs arl r Fl@t ttE I sxt 3 bldm udtrl\Irn||bad .n l uDn.|rnlh.C Id brEdrlplro, ttr|{a rr!b!f, dr3c. rDatJ..uz{, C.ll hE !l IIA 6,-, 116-ztol. o
+or.r,v+nqrynoo1r$ry!!!!l!h.d at Lou!,trla T.rrro..|6e-lDoglh r$\t r- !llra!. o.\c,ratlarldryc!. Ll.a r.lDtu lall.
lff* ^ tro poontr t-oc(b
troffig6 to;rl{ d.'rnDrldDrDf lrclbr Cb.dro@, C brtb, @ublrr!&. ooD tot l?.a L.[. nl!qP.f_ Lo! bvt r..6.%Il lro &tonr DrrEooEa - dbd!@.. I brrh. lura!D.4 rlDrrshar/drt.t, acolu.tcd dcol oaIaLted lurd. IfqarUJ rul! for
l9CO rlLl rcr l.Dr6l3h 8.r,r, b|r |?!O.rsdlf?&t 66. rBlitry3. @ll.d
a! r-c'7-0!63. .- o
{7e.?lg6bdc6c a |-ta @dtat!!r O
trl8l VAIL - l|Itf !.dro@, Dffnrrbrtb. fo-Drtrv turatabad. rrrbar/q:Dr, aln dal. OD. ftoD lC4O, tro|lno ph! r rrri-. a7c0e6a. O
ffiTffi-;rPueffi,troAv4l+grrsl'! r{n_effiffiiFsHffidt6r O
raahc/drtr, rEdb to nd cpalbL t-@th lc..frUOf fevi* ltg) tr ErD. te?-lt(la 6
- I bcdrcot!-
mxgq-p, rrD
-olf_FuR nsHED-_ 3ffi.tla S*^{frifirsr:Il5*.!33o iaffi,l"[ffi
lor .Lotsb Orll JoD.Ea Xrl!.lf,-at6ct -
fto EIDBOOL - lu. rouh.ldxEansfda Fo/nol! l.Elu(braU$Lr. tsbar/dryar, furatlbrc
ele{rlao .Oc C bddt E:6O, erll|hbrtryta : O
tlAI . VAIL - C DcdmoE" 8 balD"
uafurnlrhad lornboutc, o.rDor3,dlrhruDr'. rr.hc/(tryc, Or'plE6,O..L aooo/Dontb Dlur ultlllt.!.lzrce|oc.4?0-il
IIttRI6El0t - Utttufrrh.d 3badlooD. ltl b.tb. tlr.Dlror,rgDc/e:/rr. drDd, €rlr.al D.rtsntl
1600 Dc rtDrrt!, D.yB (af6) 96L-a€e9,
.ruuqt! (ar6) 8E+.grol. g
AVAIIAEII ltAY 16 - Itrruv, pool,fir a dao!. Drr brr 8toD, L& Vrll,
iu.b/ nmlDrc l3 month b.r. Lm@
altor, &tXBIml u - I b.(bo@, 2b.l\ !r.Dho, nrtdlhtal mtD tomi.b c b.- St|It rl 996/Eolt!
Cdl l.ffy 949-AnE. O
glgDIO t!tlt t.orl - trc r U!16,as!rab.( l!o0 pcr noDtlr a?o-U
r! EAIII CVIAII, loDa ta.E lrd.O|tbDb C.u l| tltb tout .Fdtd. ProI)JtrOLDrd ra.!{@4,a?6.{.d.0|e-leaa. o
tAott-YArL DuPt Er - orlmrlt b
D.ab6D. naba/dryrr. I ar t!r{0,3!.trDiLd, ttl@. hopdrv 0 nEr.lr|D{b.d a?Hroo, eao-lealt offinraLb!4 r!ab.r/&!tc, anTo4 o
bua ho9dry C l{.mr.l X|DraFd{tO-}tm. el$.l9lA O
qtIAIUll - a b.drs6, a b.l!.nrrsLb.d, rr.h.r/drt.t. 0490.
FoDarqt t F.aLl rro.a.n.D!
']trDald). e|e-lea'r O
@.EU\,s 6adr, vrr|ltdw,o
t-vadSqr-rhl.a.|tofduat3t& o
I tDa ||,lratl-84 or
ffiffi+s#tr"HHffi ffimr''lfuffi
ffiTHffi IORlrtrT On€llt ^- f - a U"Ooo_n
ffS,L?iirT:tuq*^ss *or*:vgt - B?utu!,ly n**r* c
ffi#q+fffiffij iffflhinfdffd:""ffi
Hfl"_r ^F,r--oairoi.'ffi"uyH:ffi_!tr, alJH#ffiHl'Jllll .Faq.2. Etq-"#fi"'. dllial
S*J-*^_- ^3,.rrV n-rrr,c o
S#.raln -ea..r l**3,'o^3!. b"6 i#;.ifiTrd
ffi ffi
Hqilffi*.il. Hpg*^"w*nffi#
aer-aaor ori-asl16e.
Hlcly#lflry- gror,oo,., .,^ 0.,,r,ffifn'*fiffifo'";,*ffigy1"o;,14.;!,ffi'ftrfffi:fflls*r-*E.qlF!;!ffi rs-Bfiil <
goo) rzo- tor r-dr-ldr zl_oels-og?a o erEiali
5lr"x*,:rg*Plqou _ a u.,r,,ffi"&Wssg'a*mru,,,qTtnf,,_ur"i6r,6Hu*ttllil+-E'i',iH,'i&ildffi
@Sffi"1*ffi'.fiffiffiffiffi#sH',sin*, {4"--;E;"fffi ffiI; 1.o*::"*.trg-lgr+,qr"nD6d
llc@lFeCfOgl - dbqbood,rd!!|Ll Dc rn I a! ,rr*eFoD.rtt t LDt l rrana.Ecntatlrgl&.st9a o ora?!{gc a?it-ooQ
o ,,_ __- -,qsrt, or trw l|ldcagao
'it /9f(
qrpr* rr-rrrr rdu.s b.unc ffidEE itIF diiiirile*iltd.L r b.d;i6- i t-i{ sEr.d; !m B! ttt!/Ed.uloll5 F.tArG.l' r Ddloc, -ab.$" -AE to !!EF lll- !!ll/Ed. u$b Flgffiranr ldrd E b VrO (A) qll-!!!q oifml-F|. itar lal;. reOii-t6r! itui ffnliGi'iz6-oeoa.-E snrrln ntlFTAL - eldlo |D.rtD!d
-= tn.Vrll .\nU{!. nE!l.b.(l Io D.tl.AIO!! 4,lrBIDO! U - 8 b.(boc6. 3 tm/@nLh filur uts! d C.ll .taDD!! .h. !rrDlr6, firDlsb.4 mt.b io ctr n IIt! 4l€-6566 Omti c lrrs. &.ft rt 3t96/Dtr'W P:AY!I! c*!rx_ BrDolPolnr-_ lorahog, trrr, DrYc @IPLd 3ol|! llDaooI STorl cEltB brdrooE, Ita brlh, lEDroofbly
ooodorolntur! lD AroD, Ott t loadlD, nldlbad ttth btirllatsld vlll&|6(b/rot!. uafutaflb6d,m- AydLD!. bt earnd lI' bom Q/lagl!l|_ ' -. o ll!cu,O- ll-to- ^* ^q!99olEoDr.L cru6tld (6ll) {6r-6006. o
lAAf VAIL - Ir.rury boD rvrtlrbl.
L.ry l. E b.(bo@. ld\ ph! e.qr, Attbrb.bd,u\ brt d ttrr.t.lllm D.rmtD. Yrfll!. a''+g?AO. O
AYOr tEEll EIDBOOX plurbr@t turrllb.al or uDarlairbld.Elt't a. o.l ualt. Lultl.lml" urba:n
lFtBurq v|rrr d EatG G!rI, 6rrt4rl&/b@t!. Atdl|blr Is| f . C.ff U6.%
Lof, o rrlr Rrrcrat, trroniax[or -@
E AIIDB IIOBISAIAB @XDOII][.tlr.E! Dor raDtLna. BrrDd Drr,lDnrdlu rDll6 rrr0Dla go[tdrrvlrq aqtbAa qDorJla I bc(bo@3m/mt\ f b.booa Dru. ldll|rary@t\ 3 b.bo@ AftlDnlb.3
blcro@ Dhl. Lft @/!l.-nl!, no DdrCdl Ur.l & t gbol! eag-{!€O. O
""OO*aII, - " 0"0"""* S O"r.O.l\ndrb.d. J|ourl fo D.te Cr6.a&WgtmrY 1lro AIDROOI Dlur lodi,&'!Db€, hftc 6r.L aoDab, Pr.lttrlv 'fum$h.(l o , Dua rcr,ic. ArflLbla.tur
r. |ooolrDotts lo (blL Cru ga6-E9{O. o
f eOLf -Veff , - U"t*rrr*rd I b"d"*
tomhoJsa on llth At'ly, courol
Ooc Dlra , lont t rm- |(PE/m@tI.lcrt|' d.i. Call Dca476-tffi
c(av! 91 5r*alt tnt- | \r\r..
Irgl fxrlTo TR! BnIlB - vqt tlb'
g Hm. a hrlL lct\ arr|dra 1078.
6rf-169/f rv.nbd! O
TIIRTI BIDNOOT. TTO AAIB -ctrridD h@r foo 'tu! tct, Yrll,
tt'80sbb Ll[' l.6 Doar.b or lg @l!
lco.D. C.ll I -8O6-.ftDl, Otedd or
grxdrrrBr! col,r 6unat - hrut
4 b.(booD. tumlsbld I /3 (lrplE oa dolt6urra 6 pdvrt ct-(b-.3!o. C at
d!ra,8c, J.oEzl br'h hr\ Iorarot|\/lr
al@!!lr. 6rul aIo@/EoDEr lro p.ia
crff l,trr rr 8E t thola 910.,16O. o
r.umnrooa tm,r" B!D*@t - s
b.r,b. @mDlrt tt o!!l!bd d@|Lc
unttri Cvrttilu ftr. Fool, laErJdJrd. "raldbt room, tctrnl! oou!ta,
uDd;garDd plrtsrdi. I?r@ lso./na
Fd@n- FotDt Lddl, 6{0 loob.ro.rtnoAIv@.9tFl9O. O
ttO "-"-", t*O "rtO
*"- -uDturltshd .t 8u!!!trc lD l|Cavrllrlth p@L J.aEzt" @eu!d DrrtsDa:ovcrlool's rlvar, rftbtr/drycr.
8ba!!bts rn H.btD ln.! b.r!r@'.
AvdLbb Iry I. $m Dc @th Phl.
TTO EIDBOOI'. Ih EATR -ItDtLrralrb.d @ab lD E|al Vdl lDtrtDb4tllt oo aEue" @/EontrlEruab ri0!li. at.bcn nodsan-rc o
SItrrrYtlaTVAlL - a H!oD" ! b.$.!r.t,lro, rF,lt*t 8oD nldh[ec|ll a?!-l I t7, Drtt a
AVAIIAAII APRII. ,P - RaI,y chaDl9r.6ffi .lg6O/EdfL lul t4€Ol
rldrib" t b.6oc@. n!rDb6. nlrdib.(lr-6s-@€{. 9{$€081. o
rcu!.- U-
! lcDR(
t600/Lotlc(t Just r
f,08oon 41
lrol,E Rr
C.I Cbrrt
nhpr g
lraga-Vr!tar lcte
@ orlL
badroornrnttDlm!.@/EC.llT@ltro ltDnoora, or! BATB -ItDturnLhll Lrru brtl ot bout ln!| ,v.ll @,*r{m, }lt(l phr'talta16.
Btdlor! n@dr 4?0-463& O
nrnn rlonmr, xcllg uoro*" -Our€!, rrh.'./a!tE, lad. I{r fthFrtD 84t6b.r t. tro p6ts. roroola ndaudl!qu[la|696fEDtb DIur d.Do.& rd l.trw!6.{76-Orel. ooffiLrd €f, Ddri lD l|!t V|IL Y.!|' nl6v!r!t!b.at ,rllb. r|'hr/dr'T. gdll
trtLblr @/Ddh Dh! rn u6.lalbtn n-rdr a76-Ed6a tr
BIST DLA.L Ir TOIW b! ldlt, I@ttaE l/a dllplcr. l,lrt g b.drsb.
fturDrlbld or lrIftralsb!4 6 hr Uta,
lruDdrt rwrA t-8!tl!ar, @u!d f,fforlll l'v! t!!.! &81 for d€bt pcoDla rtt!
td.c@ad. Ccll {76- 1163 (t) or
a?6-ar92 (b). o
.Y|llr5b. Oru uD$ ultur{ab.d. 1600
Dc ubdi Dtua loEO dlDdt lno ulltl
itlrDlsb!4 ll?@ por srntl Dlur
''oOdrD6lt' A.U tbE unltd A brdrooE tlu!
bdl'Z b.lI, rtl clctrb. Plos aU lfr56t%
IAOI.I-VAII, - A b.dmoD" I b.l!. DtranT.t ?{6o/Eonth. c.lt UPA lryDrr{U
lltlcllrc"r /rrABntlIT la ltrDlli
@ Oor! Gd r! trJr,top. I\Jml|ba4fuil lfohlD, c6l*tmr\y obrD rd
trDDy, lC26 Irohrdrt8 ulutld, ? m@t.}rlc.r. ( mayb. londcr). Ito p.tt.
{?E-fi64 or I -78 I -8018. O
O@6Ddq Unnrrdtbrd !l Sun'|eu rn
Ldla.Vall Yafr r!8b!r/(tltc, D@L
J.dta, drrutd D.rtsr{.AndLDlrADIUla &oO lrr DoDLh plut rttlltl!.
uillldd er9{669.
nrQugf cuIE - rD.t. nl'oltb.(l
D(boolo. I D.r,b.llo
lA6tr-vr11 - UDr5111;atrGdgbdro@ ITIRll qFDIOOI : 8 b$j'" 49.D-O!6 E dir ftr!t@. Otur A@! plrD, PpPt' Ygnqlr|D?g -r yit rae'
'oo'J'r'rsbrt'Tdilvrr. leOOlmnlL foir tffi' Uo Fta. And 8 b.drooE, I b.$.
oru D!ia-iid-i&6'ffiGd- -E a.lt.|o!8H I F.' li-. ro D.te l6crc.
^ffiuS#ffi'ffiffi ffi,.P#.""*dffi.qCFRffiffiffit.ffiffi
tlAt Y,luL. - &rdro r/OI!D|lo. br .pDotltdDt, C
lC?O/Ddh tslr* b.ar llo-tpts.
qulorc ltrlEr alt-4tt@. - O IAOI!-VAIL - n @g f b.dro@, !tto@ ffi'ffiffT.tHfrffitdrbb Iry It lnr I b.d.room. I b.$" i?!-fS4A. - Otlll&d crroturabD4 6b.|| rqrla _-fo Ftr OtqrD.l t !d oDdornlbt cf lVO BtDnOOfa tonl'IgIltD AOII -t|n t',6-!eOO. O !.4 Vl|L Xry I l!,!0r{O XoirEb.r 16.
0a br trrna !!O Dc rood..c|llAWf tlllB alDnoorr - Brb t-, i'r-arO grir; lO oh iObuE t&Or llsltd r{rrrrDA.ri, vlrt :
o( lcrtr CF.L. I-r natn Cbr|r,e.., TtO llDtsl Apl*flttfl - !.i
@ vr|t rary Ir tlrur.b roEqbrt ls6o-: pd '..a'\ u0&t- flA !!tO drDr{F
,ffi ffiffi-i3'ffii""tffi"tr"8: rmrroridia. toaolnor.u. Erti ffi l'g'l'l6cr o
\ % BE croaAnaorrloaox- rb!D.
Iffitr;ffiffiH ffidiffiF.trq
-6ra-SEiit ri.i{'iiiir ip,ilE;.@*flr+.wffirffil'#R;
Etr l66o/EontlL .toh! r{usson
%ORIA? 8Ur'IEN RIIITAL -Inbrlocb.a I ladroo"\Nv turrtsh6a
SBet&ff'ltf il8a$"ffi;
ffi io"i. * try oD,y. {?t-?2o,
tfgu:v-ip.- r g*1"op, r^* u".n" ffiijHfffiffiffiranlrll|Dac lrlaP 6lCE lo6()/rn.nrhDtrtt _lg!1l!... crolrlordr n dE cA8oI4B DRrg! (rrOrERImr) _a?Hltoo. lo FL. o t-mnrarrira, -uiillriEfr--a' tair6o.t'^'t Fn ?yr,6rt'i E n afa ba& (!lDla. UeDld tovl!'lr,|.l
badr@.5bt!'nrtdrDaqDool.raolra. uo'E@sr'tq'q'r+ u
taltrr, lrL. aoltlo/|rt 'nrh Air$r'Lr-I.ry is ou uii'* u odfi ffi"tr€s-f|*mea&46@. r.l ..-6.-
VeU.lt(cLUStti FOTeTo PATCE Ct nf, r{ t|[D' o'qtra' u&uE llvllttnd
rre +rrca- 1-t;il-+ i*-iii.ri'.i333,ghoi1l[;i.",1*:ll$ootoplclalt nrlntrhld, aouthacDo.u!!, vr.n d vrtt rronrt r" i"i 68 t trr'8ar V(bldl rtqull4 |od
vrir vurib, r o."-ie""rc -r.D--t!t?; PL"'' no--Dql+ - cht'lr' BlrbaD c
or. rainnc. -pool"-jid;" -t i;;: %I-! 0t-rhL. tla&r'DoDtb. e.D tJlr d, nO EODtNt pfm8 DRIvt - t e r,Dry qoludnr rgd@ rtrb lDdi.aurrr
t.trlrttnJlonr - turDbbrd a!,rt^ vbt8. . (rrtd6r' D@l rd.l|dlztl.
E.r Ur lrn|rrr 661s6 1g6 H gfDqt-ri! tEltth4 'r-rl'ri Hr"r-!r@ HuS'.HHs*s.*S
A\|oX, !!AV!I| Cninr rrsr _ s n dLDr..jtF'U.r6-,_r-9qt^. -t-E rr|it|...it
b.dFdh_slrrrr irr,,rrrrrra rrvri r.^ror- tDtoErEo oau an-6el." O
1!ro BtDnmr FgnM&llD DttPIlr
BrtDor!. lh b.r.br, rrlD.rldtr. p.ta
Otr ADr IA b fovlDDc tb. }|6t! pcmrh Dh! ullutld. CdlToto aT6-{ IOru
vatt. RAanutr cut! - t b.rto@@tnlln br !.oL, adbDlt ltrylabM
fro arDnoor. Tro lATa -nEatrbrd odo rl &lD leu br.atc-Vetl rth vlrb.rl(lyc, Dool"J|.id. €errtdD.rHDt An|lru. Lry .r. a66o 9d Eml! Bl' \trulla.9a9€6!O. OffiiD.^r@q lrrt! !r)r!!y d.oE Ottplr€,nrli fia8lsbr4 Dan ha. Io p.ta
176-8801. Orrom
PrrL tlsM/dtlr, o!@Lo, m buB
rqta. rriDDllrd Dool, JaaEd. 6 Donthc m! yD.r lara a66O lJDmat, 1676rtdr'. Clll rli.F 6 D-8 , gf9-@9o. C
@nlrnlrb.d No D.ta Agrtf f C b
tfoY@Dc gO. f|rh-/&t!t. 3t9O DdDDt;h Dlu. l.|l0rla. c.llTm a?6-,t 169G0?9-21?a O
" or.r-o^tt ,aogroallg llnSac! -ItDrtEDlrb.d 3 b.droon, trl|.!.ta?!/mll. Cdl u!. r! 8E 0 8bd.!U
ff,L llDIiOOrr, Otrl BAlg -.r.tvn rarsb.4 (o t.bt Lb .nat tDl lllt to
Aiu!. AvrlLbb I.y I rElil DdDbar l.
a6OO Dcr noDth Dlu. uullu.!.9a$€660. O
"w. tb !@t lDtdt,Yatl fr'ly tddlbdl .
@pfd.V fi.[-D18b.4 |grlbbb fart li,
PboDr aftF{?@ d$n c a?O-+lElry
TrO aEFOOII. TltO 3.dIE - &116
rt:trlr fD Av@, f|abr/&ytr, !r!plro,rfttrlv itrDr.bdr r70 Da E$.llry rsl c.ll Surn e|g-lgeg o
tao mrm", *" " o *"m ttDtlt@.tDbln llrEtr6, rr|hE/
dntlr, bat lsfuabd Avrtl|D.Iry I&1660/@L+|n-&!sr. o
t *" -t*t-"--to""r.tD.dto@, lco rlth bllL-r-bil rd T9,
. Tg rwrortl.h brrb-r-b.( tnt {t ,@,DurfbA ofo ro UoDrXid. rvrrbbb AI'FO
d*i( n, t?tf
tfVDlO.tultl@ -&qrrtrt!t dtr-Vio. rlb lrtflE tr.bc/
drtt8, Dool. J.aE djlr-,EDlibrfd{trl lolE@ o ttft. ltq) lE
tAorr-vAIL ttt lurxaogu - I
Dt(!!o6. r||6 r.r!r. rodotl;n^{d.rt l&obd, D.rtlrlv ttEdtb(L
lGco/adD. crll tlr |l sl t 8Ete4fu. 'o
lltt YAII., DttPtE - lda oG ablt@DrE ort !DF(U OOIDO -IttlaEL .D u{rr FtI 'hna''br fath tlodi, lad Io rcaairo. nt r-lar-I& odrd rta 6o
rDlhlDa, t!tv|4 , rrll to br! |'D.l
ErrE, ftttD/Edh lDlu(b ulllnla
Cufo! gte-?l&l drF, a?6-aall?
tlt Y^IL - Y.t'rqrD4 !]
Dalltco!. tEbar/drtat' ort,Saltaalat. acoo D.t aoW:-------
ftcl IlSdvAIL - gbduto!,i
E!. !r@lE, ldrff.bot 4lDt bot -trt!r. f@ p m
{?O-C66 c a?l-Gen...---.------.-.
PrEIr Cnlll|r PrAt - a b..llo.b.r\ irrsc/ctE, Doot F68ffi -ott, llql!? to:t.rqt.. '@Dtblb d-n, 3vfray I oi .ooaat. l!z6/to(
o"! ,Dnoor, om lAtB - tbal db i to Ld V1tl. Vct t
A[Eirl]El d!6. r!!hc/drFr.
fgrtlrbt!. ,,t&yDriD Dlt! utl
4ctgg_n otd! 1?6-AGSg _
AvAIItBtt IAY 16 - &rdlo, a
D6l. Dtilrda aLcL Dir ErIg !top.
Vert Xtcty ardcb!4 Ia lronth
a,r@ Dc tiDnlb. 919-{716 rftrr ?{!ll9!98-
oFt BrDnoor tuRme@ -rr Dnt!, orrt lld b& DnLl\ibDat Dlur urudr xo Ft .ttft'4L+6 &'uadry la Vr.l|, or
Dqnva .l&l-67E6.
ozrlTo BlDnmr - I bdhclrwv d@rd.4 '1tb oi"pl.o. I
t fin fImO/rmD& lon! tatrrp!4-a3_!!99_-
6ndo. n tt.b lmlr.d. turrr
reabarldrrrr. t66O ffry l-Augr
|6m Ar{nd r.4?e-?Ht6..
mar vArL TUf,:fBOItSr - ho
locaror nr$t irrrlsha4 3 badro
ber.L- rrshlr/d}]|lr, fuIly equ
rdtcbdl. a|t|LL 47G@Ctat rtlpJrr_..........':
Lrw nrr glftl, ltAY t - 8.rd,
t badroolr oordo, !ti! vtatr,6 rli.d, .! tg6o. C.ll {?t-a ?.
DttPl,Er. Arcf - E b.dtodD
Itrobrr|' !rl'Dt!6, bot uD, ltE r
a.D dacl |rtd rtuc ltaa lnutld
e{},|c8e c o${o€l. ----------..---.Otrl B@nmra -. Plt!n-: I
rrtlrlv tt trltDrd ltSO Prr n
d!,m!dG &D6lt |rd losL tlsrrro
9{S l3O3 ot 470-Aa6{.-.---.--.------
rEST V/IIL DgPllX - ab.d!@nF DntJ\ 106{l t rE n rth6 rj'(gd') 470-8@t or (t@) 47&(sLz')18-*9.
r**ooi*^e.F*-nladlavatl condo lh Danwr t
You hsw flIr g badloml, Prtv /
lDd Uvrndloom. Dlu! lhalt. Etal|.rr l6EO rE rnontL No' Lo/<ttnra dr961l ot'Ir.rutrlltl.r. Io Drtr. 9,19:61I/ull-gfol.
AtOf/BlAvlR CRIEX - &J!rldp' I
bcdrooD. a bath, talhrf/d4/tr'
ttr.lDtraa, turDlslEd rnd./q unnrrt Eb-
d- -nrdhblr
j4T!/tE.ot,!-vir tra rrdrrrA a1'6.e6? or crD6url srlb 6 D.m- DqrtE' 773-
ezrai.i .t6od.rD t.-;. [ar!..4trc\. irlD . tulDrrb4 'D.aa Arrl!
prtoa ln Colorrdo or Jrt]U 86! lrst tru
i..6- Cru for our rda 324-€€06. ,
a ""o"-t, ^r *t"r*t
n d clltr Ha! ulclrdod No rll76/montlr and up. 437-6471r:91!9919-
gO erurs b Fni to low hcotnc i.rtLgslscuon ,8 b88€d on HIJD crlt rla
, *9lolitrDrDt c.ll '[€6'0844. llon(!!i&y, 9'-6. Equal Houstjtd oPI.u!!ry.
t rm, go@/mont!\ C month d€9
ttqufrt4 Qurltlrd D.rtra ttPlY. rtbp8ntz. tlrsn nood, orsnfichI @630.'ffirhr Edr3td3 Bustnra! Cant
Xr$rrl/dtYcr. roodburnlnt 8trrltlch tlll halt enltre ul'ulnrrilbnrc No pel6. I Yrar l6.at.*mlnonuL t6OO &Do81L Crll .r'
lorl. 949-44,iO dsY!, 926'g(
DidlDl47O- 6 aDnOI. ! Elf,lE rltI[;.?ot-g"*rliffi
La d oa trrrErryrr rtrr B!'n{ntl - a b.rb-
a@ aD.l iIL Io Dna La dt q ggtrnrD6! TtO AlDnOOra - a b.r.b'ab4 aoll6.[! a?o-C7l|A g tully trrr{rD.d rh ahc/alytr.#ffi@
rorld, lcato/Edrb, AFd !b4r{h LAnO!. alAuTrtut. tIrRxISElDtovlDb.r. l-E40'8t99' l'tl?| tdi LnOrlta ArU fA lbl\'u$tffitgiffiffi.trx
Arer rIrRfr aDnmI - t si''t @ffi; Hrgffi4n$& l"oortp! rro .BrDnoox -;;6:Tr6trie D''tr,rl;tvfi, ffiH1ffiffiffi,fi#126-lr&. u fi;di!6]-'fiE![-iAq+EF,m.Ary&-68 ifr E"m" @-o - rn ^v'r.l;Er-#' &t76l'lonth. LUl. or ocruaa . ff?-ftailfrrn r*r,rc gr"S".
EtArDo nlrrsDAr_@rmrrrt- .cal6a r 5ififfiiffi]iQ$r-fi.11-i:EtlllID8 nlllgDAf @f,mIllt- r'@@J aDtr rrrblrr/drrc. Li, u ll lZl.luar Dor F.BtlD!. -.E-rl!i grt. mg fOm et'e$i"t@ft' - irn ulic(ior-ortro irroptr l-a,l3-&llo orrdrraM rDlE rtrrbDla0oltr.^-; e.! 8ohor. 1r-9r.-_1[1qgfq 4:ll!}-=tlc? 9,8-km-. i;'ioiio-itll'cfu r.tt. -*-,'- ,rr^rr,' av^r''rr - r^',h r z ^r,oEi:iffHtiirff*;g :*t"' rtrllrYlveItaat.ri+re]*,", 'ffiffiffifffiEffi,ffi: rd'Iirr b 'ctrt 4cAqot :. o-+
; uainn!-lca -rqo, taE!. t4i!!d. araplu.6 d.lg-@ ifi -ro-rn--'s.o -rwrt- -proutoro
O. u|lg todrrf tu b-,-16:6/@tlcrlla?6-leo.f-r .r.-?lal ot|sdd faff,,udriblduH' lbItllu G D-G ClrL oae-Aaol. O
oD !rr4c RltDr. noostJr'
cfert! Ycr3 b8c sl ll'0o
rlduH, TID l--, lo36/@lD. Crrl a?6- l.xri!! ar&?l8l. OgiF 5.rfi- tr m6} -. - - --- :
a aiDnmr r4'no!' qtrrr lturr
'Itiidt-yer, - itlll rhptc co occ 1ro scDnoora. otl i{Ei gr^Do: ' AffiHfi"Tfr}*d11ol11od.El, iDfrrdt I UirE, |Fr.i!t, t! IB!.rmouDt.fD-{-tlr_ttll!!' r,iE -fo- pctr. I|OOO rm-arag,ffi@@
....., I @soota& BA,rI$ rrlcD D4Es -
.'-. AVAtt ABtt !Ot- A@ f,t6o'tore: Dd@. lrrDID ltoD.l!. nlalrrbd,-,r-rs$a- o
.. PAXITI@IARI;I ATTR^CIIV! - Trr badro@ odo, Stdr ctul lanbtt'
lrda-Vlll. 18@ Dlr Dmlb |tdue
. b.itfna, boi talcr. n trmnccs.: gtg-6680. orffi!.4 vdl. a b.(bo(6. ah brl\ 3rlrtF,' lr.Dt o.r)3 trriab.d.. t?S P.r DntL, ou-I-*l$ O...-
4*,u/' n,Bff
ttf,tttttlrtt-A-.t r"lfffioron ^ 29
looattor. aunay aouth frolnt.Um/mnl! AvrlLU. tEtndtd.tt
68 f ln,Ssalryd.Dd!.qulllc.DdC!rI, Do Far Cbrl.. E!|boD 0%
t?O lOlXK, PIIW DAIgI - L- la[ohrlur nidD rt] rFrnllrtrt.tt' atrb Fol rdl Jldtrll."F ||t dtl|F!|.(SaEEioDdr)Ba. Siraa Dadrlo. thr. b.rhiorllarl rlD Fo ar tlrraltre0.DL Agtl lA lgt6. b.lBs6dLdorDrtl6ou 4tml O
t'lnlf, &Rm&
8Allt -M6 D@ &8 !.ot tct V.&rvrrf.Db ltry 1.6 @l!. c tl nonltrlI-. Cdl l.lS-a(![ O.nld osU
lllJoumll OCIIJ qnn$ - Llr||ty
I b..booE fultrbd ul(llplaontFlt€um on Drlrrta a||-(b-L, 8 ar
5lrt.t, Jrd.rEl blh hr\ Dr4fo'r!,!,
JrnDrb. trfU. llo@/EoDr.b" Io Dt.'
C.U ll!a.! & 0 Sbo[. ea9-.t!6o. O
tuta!*togt orto "-tooL - Ibtb, @c.tav ttsdrh.d &6f.ro8
unla ]d||bL E . hol.Iun{l.orrr'.ralthl rooE. larDla ooulla,
ur&iiFa|Dd D.rE!a; hoo aaxD/no'lll6D EotDt Ldar. Cr.(, LnohErrlnd4^vu.g|}olgo. O
*o sttD"@".,m !^* co"s -Uanrr! rD.O .l ArDrtrc b Ltla-Vrltrlb DoL J|oJrt @rrrtd D|rbD6.ovarloola rlvar. rrabrr/drylr,
ahlfgDfa t6 EoDo aDal brrh.oot'r.
At rtl.Ua Iry l. a@ Dc Dnt! Dluru!|l&!I9le{!63. o
tlgt "!* - tgtlt - ,-.r"J""ailtn l/3 dlDls. br|. ! b.dm@r
furtUSlrad c uDttnll.b.4 dr bua Una.hrr|dry !o@. arrDlE.6vrd DGlo.wtu alr't ttul(brr for rlabr g.oDl. ff.ht{x@. clU aGllolt (r) or
!ryru6, t lpqd F4 Strt lctlon &TUDIO wrIH rrrr - nr. ulllltrd.ry turnrshld. 13@ Dlr nEnt[,{?6-
EIDN@I UXIT'RTIaAIDlral}v|o- f..b.r/d:Ic O rmrrth orltrr lra aC@bot!. .toh[ Nlleramli o
oBlat SttIItB nlrTAL -ldrloobo I bd"ooD. tuib| nrDlD.A9_qrl. D6!h rriD !EQ. qt|ri. ory,
fOC!/DoDtD- Irt lgto, uUlru-lsluhl rll rU, ffry dU. a76-7}.m,a?o{ttt ocTffibdtd. f EtDlda bt'h., c|bL lY,trtaDl.ot, llt b,alL l\rrBlrb.d tot
F@1DorD. t/S E!. b6 &trny.@
lgQt/Lolllgl - Orit UtsL !tnod.!.dI badrEom ln AvoD. l.or lalMr-. I lrlrror 6 DoDtb l,!!a.. .tohn lflllor!t76-grc tr
fot AVAI! all - A bc<booql t rrr\unirarrb.4 o! fd, Eavtr CEtDhnl, rllh nrt !r!9l|s. vr.Utrd
odr.ntF. aAEO r! rm fi e$-a6an Oro.uaffidrDld. oo{pld.ty lurnbb.4 a argrrt .. r|d,, bb. Iry I lhr( ltlrfovnbc l. 3t@/rDontI Bdrtud@TtO EIDBOOI - 8ur rourc,lDLrDorDfd[ @/Eo[rf.h lslu(butu$l t. tr3h.r/dry.r, turD$hrd
9a9-O466 dtc 6 Ddorr <o. rvrrLDL
tEl VAIL - 3 b.droorqunfurDlrbad lorBhourc,d||!ntb0, r!.h.r/drf,u,drol. 38OO,hoD!h Dlu!a?GS{€ c a7GgO56.
ITTTEBIInGf, - UDttllatllbd 3b.dtoom, ItA brth, ttr.plroa,r!.hc,/dry!l, dr.pi, oolrlrtd prrbrui
a6O D.r monill D$|8({16)e8a-tdeo,ry
AttOI. SI'IIRIDOI u - r b.dmor 3blb. !r|t'tro. fu:oraha.l Eut! !o@tl 6 L.. qrl:! $ 0t80/uu.%
tt llAv.l Scrrln^L lor{ t rm l.sarvrlbbla C.l! ua rtla yor.rr rpo{foD.d, Ptq|dv 0 ndri.I ffrn{Ftrnl.
a?|O-{il@, eag-Ie{{ O
taOII* tr, Ofl"ft* - Or.-rtr8 Ib!@i rrabc/drlrc, I aE atltd ,ZnFDlr, l&. ProD.ary 0 n nt.lrrrnt!{rrh| 476-aJXr. 9'10-le+t- O
@nl}llrba4 rrah./drysr, c.rDorr. onhrt, hoDatv 0 nanbl llgl{ilrrrnta?rc-a/r@.9{0-r9{.r. O
gU}IRIml - a D.drotr\ a bdh.furnlrh.d, rrahrr/dryrr, 1,190.PloDrlty lt n'.nt'l Ljnrtcmcnt
t?O!t{OC. e49-19{4. O
BIXCHIARX II AItOf - I Ddbo@i!nirh.(! lot rtUnri lg0o/Edl,'@
mngO ;' tD tor!" b-u!tuqtnl'r|j|b.d t b.(booE, f bdb. t/D,
llo/rnoDtl !Drlu.!- b.rr IPA lrrr'\
a?+iaoo. ' ,
AITBTDOE ErtTS - ImtDV dF.rlt,
. tuiollhrd or unfufi rbld E rtlln!
.vltt.hla Cdr ea9-G9- o-'-.olt ItDa{ror Ellorl cBllreifnlD ID E' Ottltlat{n'lEVeb,udrtrFal S'"tre. c
IAOE-VIuL -6J}trl!dEDc<boot.rrabr @ f lth fiI'lr/, collelnoc DLa, lqt tc[ F6/DDr\ tor!ill|tl-, Crll h[ a?+lgEU
Iffr le
8 b.r!"ortpott,
rTtt-8t98 (b).
4tcll Crull3 PLAZA - ll uutt.vrlhDla Ona un[ unntrntrhlA 16!0pc monib plur 1060 d.Do.lL 1\ro u t!llrmlrbrt liOO D.! EoDtll glur fTOO
&DAIL AU r8r|r UrUra I bdruto Dlu!ffi
I'trCrlI|C'r APA*flIIT ln ll|rrrLtdr Oorr Gt!.I |l Drrr abtr nr'ot b!d.tull tfoDm. caDabnrtly oLlr .!rlalolt, glu lslutlqlulllrur,?'rronrnl.raa ( D.yb. loat.r). Io D.!r.{7&0601 c l-76t-toa& o
"It."qu"t""*-,O"O-*oon.tonlnlu!| tor ttnl .vrrfrbl. ItIdM.'6.l.t@'
Tf,O EIDROOTT. TTO BATT| -tumtdt d srb a, alt|ffrll lnE{lr-Vl|l, rt! r|.b.r/dr:/!r. Dool,
laourtt @rttd F klr!. Avrll.bL l&yl. 16!0 Fr montlr plur . uut!tL..949-60!9. O
t^tt"*"O*O - O O"*--ertrny.(bl.llr.DL€,
T;.ttt.^Ir D.le turDlrbd aldo'Ldud tl@ Ddnt
@l!,TfO l!Dn(n|. - I b.tlL Hurn CriIPrrL frDnr'&'rs, ntrDLo. o hl'
tbtla, trlmdrla DOoLFdrtt4 6 tDoadl
or @ lrrt b.n 16@ altnErr, 16%
DLr. CrU |&c C D-o- 919-OOe0. o
UOlf-Ven - I UAt"" f UrftItlrnLh.(l fo D.ir ADrll t! toIortM tO t||la/.b1|tr. fllo D.rDrrtl D\ra nl|lnn Crff To@4?6{IOeor9?'o-al?g o
tAot!-val. Lol'tlltDf ttnnAct -unturnrahrd It badr€on, tuttr.l6','6lrnon!b" Cdl lltr .t 8trl 0 Shof!
C thd.rcr|l't sd4 frrry.riea$-/tldl
1l9O BEDn@rl, OX! BAIA - Ndlytumtlh.{ o tDr lrL .Dd bur lln tn
Avon AtrrthbL llry I untll D!€tDbc! I .f60O Dlr moath plur uulluas.0{e-6860. o
owlortt urrd'vlll. trdlvrdl|lr}st,omc.t.llr i[!r!h!4.ldLDb r&y l&Pho {'r'Hl'@ dtyr or at4Aa rllb ;lvailnta
lf,O aADnOOI, TtO l^lll - Un$ @rtvc tn Avm. trh.r/drylr. llrrDba,
Fr{.ltJr furnrrb.o L?t pGtr DnllLIry f& C.ff &r..rr ea9-l!ea O
t *" to**t-"- - "-u|rr,cb.droE ld! b hrtb.r-bd rd Trt,
T'lI r!@m$rh hl&-t-b.A ttr{t, onbus
Una cld lo UoDrXrd. aYrllrbb AprUtluq{h Od.tb6. Cdl dt r O DJ!",4?B-00{7. o
r't"w&Irr1d6., W|.hlr/dD|!r, 1600 D.tmonth, bcSln lry fe, Cdl EuranU
C BEDN@I, 3 BATII HOI'8E Inll &rhorrr, drdrbb Xly lrt l?60.
Cdl nob t-25t-1L7. O
tS!O/&}tI -t a vrrr -4o DlurlG rtu- rdld, Udrr!|U'.toilrI[m{tl-&ata o
ll0l! mtlll0lgr llolC PrtrI -
.,--, hoiirsrln oroc -, &rnur- li6 8rrbDlaarll ldto D6b' :l* c@drt.b' turllrlb.4 dt u$!r..,.;c,.hl rtr.rir tro Date Prl6 d.n |lr/lsltunoD. 6ll (lo!) a?w, e b
AttatE .I br.\I..IPA
ihrrrD|A Er!/dDrbtis lit C{lIlrr .l Sr t tut 0le.l80o. . . , ;. . O
tn8''tutD:- FPIB ctlAx lltoUtrm. tltt rb, rl@ A. i- t/D.AEftDt fa{f f ig OaLbc ll. A\D&Ei@ Elll.}?!/Edn $u&L rr(!(r@)tm-ttla,' ..
o/tnonth, Crll7,1!o. .r'. l r..
. b.r Ebott or lond t tn, lgoo/mo n
Dlur ut ttlrr, ndou6rd@ tn@lh@ tl'
rro !tD800r. orrgaAbdLl bE
. o^pl4n DnIw (ud$rml) -lED|anlor EdtnlrD.d L bdbo6,tt. Frh. Orda. f f@llad lnvlt sd
r -at|IE aooatt-{96
IIOII-VAIL - E tdrocd ulturElrH.,.olr!t arl|.',rr8D! !t L Entrrrllt.D-qt
# tffrc nad lrDrcEid{?bi to.
t/lgL.l-VA:L - SDqotou. ! t|.drooD,\E Urat hrl Ar{a. t}?'D. F1.ogat, Aetdxs.a.tr' {?6-+{00, eae.,rga{. o
SItllIDOl - I bndtooro, !rrBt.h.d.rrabr/(FJir. toD O@r. |{eO. hoDat ndtl.trr^rr.rmr {?A.|,|OO, eae .te{.. O
IItTEI(xttnAIl - I t dro.lD. nrElD.(La4dl oD bra bo6 ft$, horfif Raoralu.tttur {76i4rt0o. ea&tg+r - C
VIIIAIII - I Xb@. nt!t.U, Avr0.btrqt, l,iD. .''$r, fl$ tdrb ulnr.lFoF!| nod rrF{ffi {?6-ta(p.049-19{4. o
fl8fv & - CU'rltDa 8 brb@E, nrdA.d.Dr tstobalt @/r8er, bl6irrarc.
98fr.. * r.rl{@ .?!-{.m,
ont/ff OrCf, nI ll'L - tlt rloban IUbooE ltlv lurlrt D.4 @ oit Fro.U rtlh
lDQ, quh. o.ry, ltco/Dd,h qtriLbl,r x^el3!o. ntlllr. hohd.4 'lU rat Le oDIi.{74-t72D, ar+{ltr. - b
CAXAITD IACX A IOI|IO.AOIP - Ad lrrfia a'E:r-b6l. On !d tA7-OEta O
Enlt lEDR(fl OlDo - '|!!rrbd D$C!..L ItD$ g)1. tr' b-. l6or'Doatb @)-- t|.!ohrl. cu (t6) ?tc-erta o
ElrDAtOIl tro tCDrdrX - h,!hrir"ttrli.d la r. br3 duh. b tn fo FriOll A, Dr{E a?}lt6a O
Tro EDn@I - 8 brD. r3, YdLr'rD-/i!tu'.r*4s- bdrd..dt bb lt^tr, l60o-luturt l. 1600 tb.r..t!.i.!-?'&rdra o
llttll-Y^It. - a b.drto@.8 brl. nlat.bd-aFrtE vllb orr9Load arr|a!. Ara0abtrdt hb l.tt?lArr unB.tlrrodcdLd. bu.Eldtb. f'6-6!6. O
tl9T VIIL - A Ubo@ toratroot$!4r!.d, rttb flr.Dtro., o..! bur:GOo/ffiD, O,D l-?"t-'^x. ciffia'iarau rwrra.4 E nrtttDl Ei.ctI{FtI!a. trr barb. .afrn frrilDa -i.r otEc CrlL l6.hE !I @&. Ivorr c.DIbr 6tac-ry7 |Dd aa3-sB. O
tttt VIIL &fttDto - YG' obD. @ rb DrrraD .lrd &/r ,at nA ta dt Dabo,l]Dt|d
-6ol'pa Elt! btiJ!2 i|rtitu.6 @r --rg .r{t ltr tdr.tt odtrr lxtrrbhd.ba uultulr D.Dd! rqutril Caub-rE?.nd lO D-o,ga',lBta O
l4xll SUlrt - A b.o@, AY| D.r[n.l'ttau !dbb@. Lla t-!. ae/e|!}!Dtrr.ld,fi. {?ooc63 o
tTnE BDnOI, TtO UI8 - Hqj-.tfc,?. _er{r. rr.b/&!rc, l-- I{'!}fett! lQuEb !. fo D.r.. to @r!!rlsc@ tqurrl l4Al@!t! Dhr &D6!,.d rttLtr. a?G,atgl. - - a
lto B!nOI, Ort l^tt - h!: urbd.r o, br hl |t|4 aldff tIEJue(irnlat !ooe. to ,a.. a6ax) @tr I ti,l--. {76-10ll. a.i+tala. - O
lbe tB
DEI - lII Eh:r.@Arre.Oli
9rl BIDnOOI - 2 D.rD. lorf Lr.l dbdl!.L.l Yr0, !t!.u turatab.4 ar'd.!,Fab-/drtc. aaao/etD t|llr i!!t-,IaD..! L!.lr at'C-tt{l.' O
fwf -- 8D.a!df rEry E bqbo(Eulfirr ab.d, _hot tub, g oar ttr.a..r.ab-/drt!!. P!or.t!' ndd|
a?c-+r@, oa9- lga{ - . o
'IAT - 8 Uro.@, filDr.bd.
199!._ hot tubr otr bur. l6oo/tu-D-a.r.tllo/tlDt r lD.hf b-t Pr.,9-t ttd!^ir.|D{@! at6-a,aoo. gl},leaa C
4nt / gG, t?tf
loglAll dIDt - a.@t lr
'|lLU.' &EO la lo haebt(bfld" tr.Ed.b( dr u|lllrl oo
rqra fo i- PLr a.rr-!t.l@r!(16) anflqg to ! D-6- ir&r.
lfft/Otf - tbr!bl!. tufnt bbdo(E tl. b|\ | rt arn.l' arq!t.l.4etltA
llOlt-VllltlItDlOlPA*lllrT -leblr@' b.. E E !o" !n/rid\ff d-a*t OD !l- |r & t t
rrtt Y JL nICIAII - Orrt llv.r.!d. &rDto.Dd !o!s trtlrqroAt rb Yd Y.r5| n@ qr loh!od. ft&rtbad o rd.!!Lb.al o rDua l-r o3roo rntlah 6u
rrFr tt'Btrato - a tdq a br!.t- lbrr Or.l touln'll. .t d4EbrortE t$Itail o0b3 Ftb' LtD.[htltttG. Ed}el6l' C
llt Ylt! - O-o. rtU ftt. 8 babod. I
brb. Erdtr* ti!r!rd. FL J.dd.! ta.c@11dbhr|oralDltLoa-rr+feO. frr nfr o
E CBIAII( Ir A9Ol - I d!
furotlbd. br l'tutL lgoqD b IItp {?+?160.
lrlnSElD .rtD urll'nrlalcD -
D.&!@ Dh. roG a b$, Alrar, lD&}?I!.d }7 E tr,Ed.H ah.dto@ th!
8 E\ ar{; StDal-i, Itlo. c.rl R!EDdr.SICO
Laritll cutt - I !.(bo@. I bdL fo
hanlDd (}rnl L$r at&a5oo..---_...-.-----.
trolr.Y E - Itai.Ei|lra l Es
tr4a lle. Orrt !e DLa taab.r/6ado.bot\ l@a tEo. C.ll D-0 47e'
', tFtnltxrt - lbd@,tt rb.]fe/ellL' . CS o.tt &.rE Oa9-oae o
'.. EAITBCNG - lD.d6td@. tsD.i r!a.bdr!r.o! o
trnE ltDldtr tl'f, Ml - I blb loaDd fa Dod! G-l I6aI llaDtro tftn
tl-rodor. E t$, JGDA$., tdl'Ellrbll.
TEl EIIM - a D.dto.4. tutul.]r..l!t|.rlE. nll to A.tvrtr, a!64 lEr tq,In.ltrd! @ brr roD {'16-!4m q gl-ltn
€Ih.a. O
EIDBOOI tI TENI' IIDBOOI -IdrdbA.o ld,br tqrlr lmiM.b Dlrrdltu lo @ OD C|at |!td I,rlG"fao. o
ttar vJl& - I s@ rtsrtrl.'r!'
aC66/@r,b blrdDa D-!. AnOAl. JUV orA{r- ri! @ tir ]|r OU a?&dDO brrnrl''6dtoi O
rrrtnBt Avu @lDo - tult nldthl.r'|dGtlEd I L!o.6.td.Ert DooL trFnsL
rturia @b. |.rydL (lql TtlOIot.tc Ett-tt. O
Olt alonl@I - t D.a! d, b CllLh&rr. .nlbbL lrt lt. lD9ll.dr'lrnds. rtord 0d. lot,r GtryD.lnhbti-r tnll-lt*aA. -.. o
fio gtDR&r - | btb, PllLD 6-l@bn!! b Ir- Y.O 6 qc d d@91d. tsr U, roD, .4L F!ED3raaha!/drta!. tlraDlaaa, udtrtDlabilbol@Qi Cr! llln ElIl {?&U!8 toEL
tlOllvr& - E-tt'tdv irr!.Lh.broE" tro Lrtt @t&Ebn)tttt?S/E dtD, 6u nPA lt!.p. 47c7lto
I^ATV^IL - bfv nrtut|H I bdtoor
Datb , lorDboura rlt! a.!.tr. o..oq-i'.....- tu L-rbon otbia l3oo/Elb Crt r!lll!l- xd'nr6ladh Fn.lE| rqud, (tCXt) 0rS lao
t"- -t",tfa- t"--, t"" -Go-{A n-lv a?H3OO.
lllolt vlll. - gb&ooD, abdlln!l-E|. ro Fia Cto-qda n-lo,a?Htm.
trott VllL - ItDttE.dd t D.ilt-!br 6 tttb ilt'|!r, aoDdr!Dt\harrD !5r'db'brrtruu.batG|50.tollal
tltlrd lPrcf f ntt - tdc F! la&rb a!rt:!r-d !r qI bdrr-S-da o
i:.ir!r@rraFel!- raH6!, Edb&'!' tof:1ll?telD.drDtrt-ltntl.cHanq O
Ettt E rrllol tl @Ertl stl,t btd|lobrbotdb d.do
rb(aE@dt-rtE.'tffi.au.6.lH. baxF tltillt e-0. h|:EcAloDFlrrry. O
An t ettllDol - 8.!dl b.6'oqEr'n4drLl rrabc/dfrrr. !t tbo, |{7tI$/@!rL Cdl ll- $ 8ts o t
tf&T VAIL - &.so t/!!.9L.., lgrc/!l$!|b Ll ro gatr 6oru.l I{74-|l@
lvu t?l,E IIDnOI - E br
ht{lr&l tl,&'DltE ld[Do|.D, v|.tbEdt l--rd Chr||td..Ord &l t &.r. eag-466o,
lllrllvAll, - E t dro.@. trAldrdaLl Lrt rbrr llo/Dalbutttb,tutaln-lva&l@. n
Ilf raont - t\EDLld -60 D-tldr bhd llD F Dal}. ro
lI.tIB Y^l! - 8 b.do.o, I
\E LulrLl ie/Dd! oll xPA I
rlc ?n6.
itrtluD A'PB cu^t :tD b.drrrl (b, llco E a. r/D. ann bL x.0(b.ac al. lE !e EIL ft?C/Duaer F5, (ldl) t7} rlaA
EAIA CnrA RIUIDOII' ft't!lr- DrF qrlr$ 0 Daaltoql' arieiraDlt i4dru nltr Dlrrburl-r lt ll.bb b .D!l! I-! f!o!tbrq$ .'/!O .l altDr'@ln. 6u o(arltrat{la
llatvAJt - llE!4t ba@a .rd.Dl. llrb@, blt Dll, ia.t, g|i b|\ b.ihrd ar{r lrlao tt ad! Y-t ;
tto EDtmL I* !#rl -odrlllld to DaV.It blldtll4 oollXm/bl! bl!ff udUua !ahb{Tc-ta{l&
ga} l8tl7 D@
IAOI'.YAIL T'O BTDNOOI - 8@l-tutn.Ld @.b, ll@ 4 n 'ltbq.nllol,nr.ai. lta hd rrld hil, al tu!41dfl -rr b-. lo/@6. (|l!qo t$ b-,at!|-altt-
C^EOL r DBIvl (llofSntDol ltcUtrIvt LlrrgrnI o|PFOElUnfn :
tE .ll !., l,'n.E!lu ! D.abo€,to. a,A A t bt to rLDL, bl or9L/iDtbr I
O.EIE ltbdL{ bvrt rt$ ldr&o.a Ew6 Drurta @b!lE rnh tuUr@ttr 16l.l' !EDg. a'||DraLDt, albbr'I
otr.e, ;d- T.ct!. @.er.elUl S@/@lb
h.d B-8tta C
mPD- bldn.bu t! nrd.fb@. I Bb. t/D. f'!ryltEb |ta!d, Dl. laEq, {?o-?a!O
l-r lrDnooMllt tol lln -aaHtt@/dD b DaIfru lLra, tlalrr
UAT YIIL - I !|bo6, I brtr OtC.ar.e/rtrr. E{ts:D.ld. |{or'@lD' OI.rd! a.rti a?c-ag c {?sIL c
s &rd. r trtr8 dormrnblr t! lr td-/o:F, ft|'5n h! ln!|I|| t&t lla7a-?lo.
EAVB llfol - l t dlo.'turDtrho0 ooododtotuE .ovIdl!!bD Lt atdsL l&Dttrr. ia:, F d! Dltr.ldttDoE ietr{.dl|rrEttES rO6r.wa7l-Ltl.
lar .t r.on iqt, ror - b DOr-e.Sa,(b.!.ELryC,f
'ltttllatD tto llo[oa lor6OaOr.thLtlLEr
-D GD'r:db Dtrutllr6.lldabrota.(lll-4r'a
l|tt &- retrrltL|trDal.l torlLu,| 'tti a.r|r..!o!l-.r.rt'.. l|ul t-.E'rl,d.So/@ttr Dh!r'|lft5, natulr@!tb FI'rV lrqulrr4 (lCXt) 6Ce
IAOI'-VAIL - I Dqbooot !b.r.b.
{ffi-i F.r cts.ludt n
lAItll-V & - Ithtr.Eirrh.d Efo'DDot.|r 6 lllh illr$f, do
DtaD,lor{ t&r- m/Dtlfr krr!D..i {ltOOeOo .rquur
RAqItlI CU,E - f D.d!o@,I b.rhrd.bd. Cto.Iqb n-ry a?O{
AVOI gtrRrDOt - Croa f t a.nnn'|D4 rrbr/ct*. lrDtao.l6ll!,/wrrlqU L5a|le,tue{9-a66.
trttVAIL- &.dor/t'.DtE |l
r%d lo Dr. 6o-s
AVOI TEN,B EDMI - !.Drrunrry furrrLbl !orD!a.!,E-ErCr!.L l-rud,oChtlrr|..& t Sborr OaFa6dI
tAOll-YAIL - t !drw!udur b.4 b!. (brr a6!O/Erllllltr Ctw.L nrlsr {?O-{tXfalr
ALT TB VAL - 3 bdro@.u'ltur .tr.4 lO60r'l@D, CrU I1?&7i!D.
arPta ctt^lt Tror|lh drr! llOO a. A, r/D. AerlLDloal€Df ll,. AvsL E{oa HoL t?\tlllt|r Flll (lqt) t?tr- tS66.
tto t&noora. lrt !At:t -o)@i.!o rd Bt Ydl !D ttaLi[1fD/@i! hahLb lttttrr,
n@l.b {?1}!6al&
'l|nlc !!Dn6\1to latB -ortf, rol tllvrtl".v{bll. t&J f . {l8 6arD L-- CrU l.mo-abf.&nt.
tlrnlc tGDnoor .qiDLau furlltld rbrldr u'uitE . hol, l|!ra,J6.r:l r am r!(n!r.r UDd-atqd D.rLna; l'!o!!trl@ Fot t0 tdlaf lll{(, fuab!AE!. eag-OIeO.
to lrDn@x: tro SatH (
ttD'trltLhd ar, &tn'tv* tr !{!.
Dooa"JEur.l @md Frlra oadrrrb-/l!frB.. th||l.ua tD lJfDcfttooor AvrtLbb YrJr !. lqt
cut rrltttlI-. eae-06!e.
AlgI D3 lll!fir b.lqlr,ldrdrDld. Lrtr t Dd!@, tlrt5|turobkl qt br' Ut , ll|!!ttt&.,@r8.d Frbru aret ,rrtE D.od. r!,L rtGd. c..!(r)c{7}al9(b).
utut urtlrrru.hd. 6tO fE Bll,r.9o.!, tro udt imo$dt?(l
cur |,.'@ d@G, au tbJ! |rrn
cut tdL Sbr!.rud@.n-r(bl!E |l ate-a?{S.
urt(} ttRI RET t lltt'otlAllA$ro.4 Rrlva?lH!@.
A[l tDt YlL - 3 bG!6 rth!E DIE I trr 1..-. to6(r/auDD.t,tturr. cltr ata{aa? thl ?lo.oa/ro-turDr. on atc{..? drrr 6o.oa/ro.Gaf ld.Ii.r O
-grf,El-bllrtriE,t-{lSEEtb for rot
vAtL B.AcQuSt
loi,rii|6nrn tq'lboa?ulaO.
TtODBDnOLttOl/Itl -llrtrg al|rlurr t'| Lab-Ydl, rllh rr
Fol. t|6d Fitrntd.Er|4 AvrJ
l6ato Df Dor|lb Dlur ljtoBrr, ctg.,
cl.ul - r!d. sr|lbDb
Allnlll! &rCt lon n,t[*T - lor,-,rb r!ooLar& a f'qr a* ir* !!d.b tra C.ll&.qrrr.r-l8E-€aXE O aaol.t-vAtl, Ioulrr^tt TltUnturd.h.d I ba.bgodf t^rra.. lC
C.U Ur .! tlt t &!. gaHt&.I .|lD a DnOI
lrla - h AdtCltll B-t Ldlr.U. tro Daa al?E/dpt.Ddqt tgt-!t?l cl-6"a-t(}?O O
".-ffildL !o llrtlo lor l@noL, &ldt@!. .bd oa EltD c!-i^ loc |'PD@u!t, aU{*64 lldry- tr{rt e-U lqrd to.r%
'{IIIt/@b. t EnI tDdt Fi!t$$&nd Frrb 'ttu rc llit!.Dtr. Dn rlo.4ollt|rLD.Olo.otn O
n|nll alDfool r0h .rra.., ur|ftr!l&.(lC]n-!..1n-|Er,arE{tlCO. O
Mtornbqr rll.h otnFu.d 3 c.l a[r,LtLttd.U d urnrr .ld. ftm to $@.et*olt?a c eao{aftt. O
fffVOn - lbrabol!, iud|b.d tbrto@. 3b br}. 8 qr ert.1 nrDl....tthr.l-i*Bt& O
Ef fitfll{o!8t - 6(!ru|ldlq[orrlotade|D|!ltr rnal rEgu{ v|!r dArr'&/B..vcGrLtts.,E a drwra br\ a@a'rr. balod DailooE, btD. rtb tta orn .t|Crrnolffid ar{|. Fdlt of ror{., b!$rytwt 'l|h rrlE aDd (bf,'tr. C.U tnEGEZ?iL!'|,6ASaf .ruirDr!- O
AVOI - ell$rro a hb@. ur{frdafld.aF.DiE |lr{LD-rrdjvr4 |l'!O/@bI?Aqll ItDEa?+?{!O O
FdllfAlOl @tml - SuDE L-
F0.4..A9.O ra!oD.@E lr'bglr.tr|llllrDat dl rdlln Qbr rqtr lir nrDnd r.rt a !}7!r'!E rD. OD (EOG)arC-UO.obA9-E-d.rV.. O
TtO llDnoo|(Orrl lAfH - r.'rboatbl ta arEtlr Ilff tro^roB. aerr
udo D@r$c L Lt@Dc@nthDleae-d&.
r^ctl Elvln roBrlJ taoull,nnl'tlahd t Ddroort I b.tbffi Jr.I{. arr! lqrlo!, C{?} taaa eae- I tl3.
IAATVAJL - Lrtt turtr.hdlb.
Hg.o.tta. -ctorlrdrl
tAotl.vArl xtt Tot:lBort -UD^r'r|lalr.t rrah.!/d r. oDatGll,/trroDo! C.! !ra. .l 8ts t gh6l
IAF CnlEE - lni.rrour[at:
a b.r[ tuDJ fvrrt'llrl .v.il.bla I
bE C !o ? rDo[l4 c.D Ctsro.rla
{?G alt@.
om glDnoou Dlutp -lr'{calouod trf[la frHrl.. rU !8.rrn J&\ErtDol,bo bl.lorU&l@/nbno! Avr!.b!. .t trllria
a?c- I t€tt.
HOaAtT HIIJ - Billltuj. alnw lb.rL ituD!.[. .F" bG O''pf.o,4l.|r&t. tunl|la, ll@ F! t.ldr'!,41t6-lur
tAlDgtlrt! +l b.i!oo!r tila|.rrt e$D|a hrr!,rl.vDdbr OU 6omrl R..lSr alt--.---------.--.
tIrrAtDS rcnf,|latra o[DllE !rtLl!a. Etrtd nar. urrtur!.dabL Ofabra vLn, 6,rrnct dte fl?UlEtl|.t btruldto/sr! to rar Ou lJ- rt Iuotr-vlt!,ltlDrolpiraDttr|T-la;t-d aae.:lt(n
rr|llabLldtelcryEr! to Far Olt lJ- rrr
A l(ln lPEl ll - Ar!.d!OrL Oolt &dr. a Ur6 rE{rrrrdt t glxt. tuml|Ll lattaluS E trru .t lb
l^Oll-V^IL - lA d|Dla oo
Ithtrrrru.bd I b!oe. a!{r. Dtt!ryd! ttr it|lra, CrUa?a-?as.
lilod!.f r-f|.d{!,blqi
-t drD io
aUfrngl&l -b@t/rD(r!-.. d[ D.oDa l. ltalE/DoErb,
reervror;;iit :o!rc.Uh.i'|Il.br.@tbf !I\o rd !d ba rrElthl.rrooutb V.[ Vallt 06 q. to hrr b.6.d,fi4 dcldl.ltau,Oandlaelll--
. dh.orlt|U.C.U{?C-66!c O
6tE - bE!.- -.ar[' tuoLLa tEq. aUL t/D. t$lliaD tdrrBDAIalAa?}?aatI o
tloll.Yr& -i6|ld E
r ffiIl tiai:n-frFE:f;E:El|laB.bt|Eralbrl@d|!. bF,DaddtNon a?+t7t! O
ffla'l 3, t? If
lAtDtloll 1'0 - 8 b!6. a trlltdl!.!$!(n bc/drtr. to Ft.. -lo lnrtrtllll IPAankDar|}?.dO O
E EUn@I. ah AAI'E - &DbEr-nltuttL6Dd (lrDld rtb I ar aErat .roLab-Y.ll Oolt hlt!. ?!qr@b,
''.tDoffid,6trr.&r.(16)ttl-rg, O
Dtll)l - t!., .-i}|r.l|lt l|tlbbda[r{I. I L!o@ dc D-L lr.DlErLt ralt ?y.hr @/rD l!.fic.rn|6.ra?!-!d . o
tl'Dtlon - l.lult! l-a D.&odt Ertta!l|qt n8dEl .U ullllb thr. d. rod TV,r f.d.uro l8,lt. hr!Da'.d.n Brtdr.DUr rq[. hE ar3|,.r .Et[ to d,6ua1tE oIU,t. {DE. - O
ln/atlll0@-loi!m lL.ded Id.|[l,ard,E Eprrr-:r.1*uuti. o
rE trg, - lts!@drFrEftEdht .r.E !{D|ld.Dcrco}@a ol*ffi,(brD to htrr
t..r YGt ab l{t'to latilru(tC5-3a5Atoir. O
l4l.lt.?El'lt ltDnOOI - Lrrurt.a3tE, a ar al,rlal E, EniEuu irdElLl al{D/ @!!' a"O X-&tDii,bvr4a?s'la!l. O
tro EDrur, ('lt ! :ttl (DrDo -trbult b, EqlIE nrb-'t!fE. b-dfl, llrl|LDL Iry r., E /d!.
&tl Yfq;UrfLE - L@a a rD..rt-!. aE!oo, $r br,b. lr!.ar (irL c|D alla&|aDoEu-tdtl O
mIEt llD Enq[ - I Eb. trtnI'r|hl d! r..b/al'.. AY.o.d. :fd Irbs|h forcDG [A- |{!o/ur!, C.rFO63' o
a?lllllll IAY ta - hdb, tr|aEr. DoolF.lvrL (bL nr b.. iolr Li yrll tldidDrl !8 dh b-. l(b E eod,*-.TlEdd?p.t-at!}l.ra?drrr n
lllt]lldl lrD rrtt tt - tuErht-&Ftdrlb F.oIr (3Oc!m,-hr
tltVAIJ.ff - A EuVrhkl|-ldtLo !o9.llllrtL|l. loldv end tqB tD. !..rry.f|l IttbD ltr DIE - At6 Y.0 Vutra lqhr .DtE - At@ Y.0 r'U!.4 ld.!r .lrtDa @ rrtb &rDlD, tr!--d:| itrtDa @ r|lb !r.tID, Ib@ (bolrrtba d or.DtE !Drlc brnro@).lt Vdlr t.Erd.tdbtda blbo@).lt Vd}.r a.nlotd b|aaDo q- aDd tlalufu Ffrua taalr 6('Lad lroarbElra mh |660. &nDbl(lidFrrltad 6('ta|6@.qllDbroia.dlrodbEllaDod.16@.qllDbLOrta(DaE) (o) l-8l!.-t|{.l (h) r-lrt-61!. O
otl @n@r @IFI.altIjt torrIEBIlD -!.h.LDr Pb.r tI. |gd)/qLb. C.fta?+&lAl g ro, to 6 p-b. a!d.t h.6!rG. o
Avaltrl'I.ntltltf - 8 b!.bool!, @ orbr
vrll, nrgtt ('.lr! otD(l - r. t, ghlwd,ln!.bbfrryl.qtr{?t|.,tt{O O
IAIC Cnqllr IIAD'B - Or$ vtrl autr.!drFa. 8bd!ob,2b.f.b, lAli'lttd.rrtdir ldf 6jDlr or lb|.!r.o|'ra!. E a!vr]9!.cabL fiI, A d&br ant e!. Crll LrW ar6lot{, d lis! rEs.a!.! }{o-OtOC. - O
l4rcLto nABlD - abr.looE Ab.!l\trr'E-vrr Ctll Baula'vrr{. Jadrrl Etogrlrrqy!!I.g €O!!C rlto, Lr& rsbr/&trf,s60.ca0-{€3e - o
UATVAIL- Ch,D.rrlt trDaCD..bo(@.8bdfr.ltruUEV ntE$!al, t|6lreE drrDLo. 6c 12 mln L..,164a/@th, 6lt4?+ lgro.br.E aa O
gtt'Rr!(l! - a b.dooa. c b.re. g!O/E!ii
6Il O.rt' g.Ya, 9ae+!9a O
fEtt IrDFI urg ttt - ibrb l,qlD@ !r loabG..t Imlirt|taor!5!id.f@. b.a bi, .r@!ltrr, nrdltralbff
ffi.[l!756, ^'*.* Iry a ]eaR
fEt- rl.rrltl' -- S b@!q1 i[!,|tt 4etde, rril b &Orw, a66al ir !q!4lld dc hr bD lTt-e|:lg * gr-rt ld5, O#En(DI IrtZXg AIDA@I -Ltrcb6rrDr, Ur rqjt.. |:!O/odi! Dhf rtOE. Xoqd, C.U C.il.n-o.{l!-4ru, j ..O
On ltlDtl@I :! btb irirraldtETVTIL r.&a/(lrtc,G.'boiidmrT"'@-qb..
Ir TOrr IOCAttOt - h@c rq{.! sb&!on 9lu ldt' ..rEr Arrd.hd uDrt top.t.C.llelrhtA'|at!-rl66d O
tlnll 4InOI - E!-.\ tul!t'qs !c, lcd, tDrlla. D.rr|r.D|ahderl,b.!16&t
rr l|trtr trrr cnrr! - S bH"ffi* rtso/--.'' tro
AVAI.{EI' Xot - Oulurr (|l!cT, n s.Btb.4 oliD lttdaltt',lo. ro Dr. l-65_Ga.
L*,'H'fH'jP.,'"1.e|lld. cru att-arl67. ..k to,
qAIDgIOltr ?O - I bd$)ffigi"*#3#-"
!AA? YltL - 8 hbo@. f}t bo+rq. uanrEXbr( brU tdr'rlrrnrlilr c.lt t DO/ at 9ac_lr!t
IrtROT - I,8.!d E b&o.@ udr.r.E valt rI\- tta,r a<al a! aDdFDra. xqt batt a OllDLo.-rrJ..urtt, .!d aalaaa. tulnlud'ul!l|b.a ltr L .tdlc 0o_ at6
rytll t!fi "^tt - I b.a".Tf!fii.# &-'*.----,,...-
V^Il,laqlo}l CU'E - r Dqr6(!od+.'!' lttEl|bd. Qubt oltc-L r t-r Lr lL6. atHll
tlrDttolt D'i,nftrl|l|rrt tol-... a?O{t@.
b trictooirDli|!,HryFffi,ffisM3slirya6,?ffifr'"i-_ffid..'ffi
!t!' 4$mx rsnrlsnD DOrr.E _ffe^#'i?'HgFlffiI$r_ !4q. C|.1 to6 a7e.alo or 91'9_o
{qryq! -.E b.Eg_rFr|Dd, trr!:IIg a:.* !r'co, n|Jv n.LDt D.( ir.rE
UEfS5fl t.ll!Wq15'*or,,i .
Tro BtDRmra - r br\ Plr&! (!!tord.6rJuu! rD l.i, vdl m quta ad d@opld,. - by b.L atot\ a,Dpta talEr4'!laaDal/drta!r lllcalaoa, u.aturolahaaLfm/'|onr,!, c.U lrr4 Hut t?G,ll'6a lortgtllZ}7ldo. O
f,rc'.oanlr lrrlsTYll oPRtxtrul.Itn -AeUlAl,. ro n b!.. ldl @td.b!otry. Ib.dFoom ldr|'da drdDntE rtth- nilrDadtr D.cLrar T.nDrr artbDltlr. 4lrldschr\ i.' T.tin hhnr6't @/Eo!iLlr.dgFal6{. O
!-a ltDnoox urtrS toR ttrt _t$(>lll@/@tb tD t t Vdl A|lrDa orF.rv t-.r. EtaDohnei.tr{?} ct33, o
tlIIlRIm:!, ATOr - 8D.el| 8 !d!o4 !FIb' - ltll nE!tdr!4 tu 9bo., fryt.abdtrf Yl.c,Farrrt lm.9re- 6aO6, -O
Ol! EDnmI - I D.t\ brrt rll dboD,tr.t Y.ll. [to.lt turot ha4 a.!d.n:r..r5/tbt!f, l.8O/EEtL 9lu, inlllt|-.E{Dcln fl.b{76-C03& o
AvOf, - 8fddt1 .rmy ! b.dtimrualurntah.d. _ho! tub, 4 aar aalara.rralf/drytr. hoDart| RaDfd Xorfc!'ntt73-.r.r@, eag- t9{{. - o
l OII-VrIL - E b&o@. rlt{U}ablud.Jad-@.6r'...!tarEruuDtlr.'brrdhflrlt(l}7lO PtlD.dtr Belrl !r.{rr',.o! a7o-ilfCo.949't9a{ o
n -u,r-"-i - rp.."oJi-I i,uDnE Ir4 ,lrro, 16?6. P!r,D.t n tlr|)v^^-aiillni a?6_{,too, e{e_ r0... - O
SUfBIDOI - 3 b.drogD. turDtab.d.Fala/drr!!, ro9 0@. x€o. norc{| noniIrD{@a -{.|(D. eae- lga,l. O
l}TnICitlT It - q D6!@. iE !d,nry.lq o uI., h6 t(D. Prgtlt' lrdI..qa@ a?'!-,taoo. e|}.r9aa E
- I b(troqltr lllrye
At[E[I,I. r/aE!tr-MG d|'rrbd, ittrEr a |lf rd !n' O[a?!-alaaaE lr6b-rlj - D'-.I^.-EgtEt-traEr@. uEqC!r. br, trd, L! rD4r G,ElllF, Atcrttr| l4dd, ttr !6
ff rc n.rtaca{l}leLbE
Ital Y^IL - E Lbo.!o. Ftrldt| tult hl&tbnd!!.'rl 6 br rura l5q@!,qD lJ-8frttD6 gae-ira6. O
SgDuUtl U - turltd 3b!6. 3Ur[.!qDc/&tr. tt'|d...}'6 e|b l-r@/ffib. !D &t .rL 6Il Ottrdtd 0D.e.gp8ola .. O
"ffib.d6D. ! b.t\ fur9bo, fuEtarbdl d!u]r€tuLlECo,,ftd\ (?rDOS-8Se O
I nol tTnl8 alItROOI @rD - A a-l totr@btb an@. tul dDabaldatarbbaa Orrl rlr d Oqt narar Do9EE?-Ca@. o
gg SSSI' o_EAr! - rqr.ffi
ioqg.lEf rlD arrrn !rr'!rtr _
iliB- - .r..od te! c.u .".1-o.
toltFl.drrEr-at|} ttlto(aa.d.!'Et5,;aal.|t6ry@,Atrr.
, ;-'tr!rr uElL rEtD bi.ffi'&6'"H*1
. rt|a qr Die-Ci?e.'dar. t-e
. llcEr rro EtDhmI b,, .I.F!Dd di.!Dl|!.d, !4t !lreb,r.'-* t&u, {?+.!dl
; mr.a arts ^-;F?3j"try".iTffi'*ffis1p3'F6'
aIAYB CAlltr - g D.d@ rfro, Eunr*alritrtb,OIal6-Qtl,., . . . O
F@En4 lro raDnoor -rld.d rvr,-rnr.- |-tao t.:urD+@.trtr. lAt uqEt ttoEtEr iltird rnli!.dtrrES"XffiHihi.
!E ettJ
E!:itrilltltFrEr -_a'IIn mtll - l|||.ol(l!l Od (h!r 8 blc 'rds U t{.(r, inrlD.d ||lDdd, D br' .a h919-!{Ol. '.
rDtllDS urrr 'tt! 6urr -EE }l lrL.rtl! lEdrlc.t!o!. ltao/tloatb. cill.6.f
tntuD, 'ltrrlurD - ar ILbl]rA rrb !r.91&a, rrab.r,|.i-l@|fid F ldlai, brlrtttulrlE 0t{ItFErtbtl' Eottlei@.
rrdltr! oln - I blleXO llr ug&ldF a|!bard.tb Ior l. {talE
trrrD gtt@& t/t D!?!tx -c \n|'utliH. $Ea, Olt aDa /a'.rAtll a a?a.l l6lt t! l!.tb
tDtUtL+ !Dilroc.Es&Fr*rGllrctriqtl'orrsautbroL-ald
tltl! tll -i L.Grrr l-3!r!. t&rftrd. ald[ErDhra
'. srl!&d lvr.hrlaa.do' nr rurr lru lrrr d lulL l.?teOry,9l'p-c}!.
Er'llrD@mI-tdrnrvdl, Irr!.lt tt!!lD.4 br tqr.trs 1.. ldo. r@lr tBlultalDto. .:1'
rrrirl.- rtaudodc.uEla!.aPt|L lbttO}6t
nD|rtotrlAl|-|.rryr'&r! b brr ]ir06 bt l V.r rJliafll g-Stla b i.r. -
lYlIl4Il JOII ltt - I brba
tD lDlauEaata ltrtgLo. tunbErbr-. GS bhf rlullr
a?'&Al(D dL A D.E- a?*aao t
I.r:! R{trt - tbmrF taDa |l.l &taE,l&r nrlarfirad,rb,tturuErflrcFaatl!Dl.
llttti[. - lthatbEr
. U'l VlL ftrl/ul - O!r$V Dr; nr!.lla ffiElb rdE b !6, tbrulbr rb 9d Yalaf !o @ lo 6rtEq l|}llDrl crdlllulo.d I3I.Eallx.|b.r,tlD.6|l' r?.DGt OI utrt 1t8r [rtrt' rr'(!r nlt -ou' Ouq(tLEatC'r8n o
i fAol}Y e- ttd@.lbr\iEdu.I fc-r lo f:r Ouun hF. L.i!-' a?Fillo. o
Lan llCUO! - ! b!@,I Ultott ..turliLto q.tD-|Er{r+.lO O
nIolatrtl - !ra Fodh (b'ErdFel-lDrdtlt&
- tBllD4E4ttlEtrE!
t-a llDnoor urtTa xtB|.lo-ll lor'tstlb lr L. vdl.t-rttr'tl.l|.trrn .|a,a?a
alrot t ll rrr,l ulln - trb!|,.rl@lD|i lGrD-d,Ccunlbtva?l}.aam
rr['?rrt-t--"-t.b.e!ba UrEl tr '|ll !t!.Cd,qFndlr3IdrE$r4!.|!a;3tF!r.l|oLb@.eGdto.dbrb,'rqld, ffi tE rtb t'rbl. Uolllar L to fir' t{t}?!t? a atr @Id, l-18+?t
El DllL ll fitlt b lolr loa rcD l,/8|lD!-, bD a DdqE lLEnrrbrt cu{rrn|Dd. G br Ur. Lab:r t@.lrrdE, @'5i D.rb lul lllr lr,-t (br rbrt{B D.!d. rrD !.6s, d aa}Iro(r) c a?'&8t8 ClI o
IrD trDR@r 'lntlaa!, Dnd!a!!. trr b.\ rrabr/dttl
ha. or lrtro ltrolorEbtq ]
thr tt|llln 6tl lb atc-tlfitlTc
EE EtdI'I tll artl rd4!|u..laq.t|hEv-a {m. - O
tr0tl.Yt!, I'I|O trD@[. sta E!
El|5rt!'!6EllCarnarfrlu - !da!bba, ?OO lo E-CaEtlaeo&tt '1 =
t|tlr'fit - . luDlar, irlth! tbdr@. l'a E\ 8 c |!ra:, lrtto.rrb.l.le3ul. O
tO;' tEI 'ID FIIIi NA'|!& a! ea and ldloarlll0.
Iry lbq$ tortEb. ttD to9 'ie|trdr '
?fto/4. rlr ufttb, 6ll r-?6al-a6g !led.C R.-u rqrfr,- . -"Orltllln tttr YrI!'r[IPrrr o odr ci"r*.Or-tldo. gtchoqor.nl |!d Sbqboaoddu. lD trD. P.ft.W nad.h.d, Ldat6.bld,brLh ..A.a,|oA O
gtt Bt tt -'irrntcd g bd'odtl| a h.b.r.ab-/drtrr, !!rDlro, +6 DDLb la&.!a!o/D, 3!o t dl o[ c.|}(' .na c DJfLgrF@ll, ({o{)a5a-ttaa €ud, o
.I Eb.:a?+?adl
Vlll, - t !a&o@'.rtD
.l t-lr'6, untrittf.bd. b
a Eirrr C'!.d. t@.' IaD!. a?C-+,,aoq
@L,Fa^dnE b.l
?r aa ".& O t ab.F '
OitBEDqaPI &tOA b r'.---i.G Lt.' -!6tst, ati-c a@ aa la3 t-! ttn o!?.Dlne o.
tutEtEr-"- hrE !@.
a It- b rU' FoL t/D- hd'-a
Ar rertr lni-. tldl'ar'nl O! ato-OaL a tht!t -€t$@tlD-oln O
- lllttn E'tdmlsqiFo@t|b..E!. rd.lY-'lldE rr.D-.. i[!rod,|t:xyD, tl idb!@LOrT|.(|U. l!.ot{!Le*4|ll. O
tllEf l[lD b ldt/ t- Y.! ES!@r a U\ f!n$.4 rth anTpti.liO.A @b.t'lhlqtD td &).., l!r,EDalol l-!-cbt-
. araGtl i o
tl V^lL rxdotf tuslt El a E@!'lb.-, lrrt|lqb rl rnb n!t9lro.. Elnrlwir alc ltb. Lat ur av|liattabd.r.tsr. EL t-ztl-ttea o
c||t ldrrit| trrti"rE - a Lbo@,!.E LLobrEra lrn !d ! rqlDlf atEt b &-d... lnt dr r6b!!.dlt 8.7O, (lll roq|, Oq.. n aarProt.r3l../lattar_,-loD.r, O.rd.Dr{?+eaa (. o
l8E Ef@L t.:bt!. rdlldrHtorslos.., tatl-VaUt dtalr.aba!,rlb/d'rr A|!!b-, tL!L. art6t L(I)D\r'dra a?}oL.a?o-l@ O
ITIIB Fftl8 - hll tullru aL!o@. a btl @ab. FaE, fr.t|lo,habar/4tar, llororara, Datto, Li!.Eo/b@tb,9{Hda o
llot-t --O -"-" - "-,.rt,"4ar{:. b.rt li41G. antl.bL ID.d.Lv-
S60 tht uoltbr (ln Llr:' ga$artA O
On IIOTOOI - b l.n YdL trfln|ll6|lod, !l@/@b, qU &rr.r B.Fooa?Glltt7. o
AAIlIElOl'l - lYo rs!. Oa. ba.lvi!r!b.t I blrd.@, r bl!, rld tb dDr
,.ttt lvinlt Dd 8b.d!@, I bllalDrc oD t-r l-. to Fia oJl tr Dr{ro{tl}.966{ @{?a.a??l. o
ttot Y & ott Etmla ltr.FDrrlll -Ubtl4 U. o.fl d! b.. to Da] Qau.r ldrt . Eal I|.l| ua 'n a?GEgta- 5ffiBha''r- otrt(blt ell @ar6' O
Efn! q!: a btreolti ttro. -DarLtlrb. O[att-6ei O
tll YAl, rtr !e rt I Dr!E.iadaFd. r'ba|'d.B d.!.tf. DD-.,&rn l-ttr{?ga - O
An Dft lV lIAEl - AD t, Lt V.d.t.&/tDol\ lrr.r.t l4 t'o t aa.a?6-I{ctqt|' ga&..?l! .r!lp!|, E ,.. O
l.tDelgt-t tO - I L!o@. rb.r,b.Ffi.|!tirralEt |.:ry@t! Dlrr rtlltu-. to Fl^.),tl b. 11l-5'fz a 1&4ligf . O
rcbibo@, trEott!.d, 8 b3b. JsE (et)7'l-trt?. o
IISTVAL - Cbtrlba 8 L!@. tua!'rLltr6cr'&rt , 6&. hot|.t , n-!.iI|D{@r {?!-a't@, eaa-iea4 o
llltll-Y ll. l4m .A Eb6. I br!trabr o lra lErrfr. traE rffiar.d arrar tttD/Dd\ .*nd- b.lrfcD',F-rsreaa6l. o
dAtDAlOll AnrA - a bd!.@. 8h b.rb.nrd&ddllD ara.ar trr,n rt, ldarc!, ]eDhrr|uL,ou ADDb a"c-3rlt..!o
'!!OUX[, f hbrb rllD O!.1.@,m1m! drr r,l!IE., o tDr Lr-
'r[.8 &.D t. OIt tqE - CFlttl ab.Dt l€l-166. O-
ilst r tE mr dtavdl a rb Y.!Bqrt clD.l-!.,rhrn helrla d4rFo&.r-r. tbvro larr (lD b-tEDtrdlrr qrtl ad Q|raho.lq,JlaE ra, l5r- .d arbDra DooLtl-- oll {6{m tbad.l @r.u 6qal.40rltEE@tp!8, O
llltlt-"iut - aLllo,lbrnb &'&trtoarE brb, to trr at EI| fntrrne. (Itr ltl| t,r Od. a't'r{a.9.4{ta offiB^lt D@tI bblE q/ lldurtmrrac,tErEr&ld tnaar h&--,-drtc, l.o.ll rt ..d'@. llD rarri4E' at+l|ar. O
lrot .Yrr - ttd!6.r! \t-old.!q' 0c F€, Y.t larrtr.&:nn!i.Io t3, G lbritb, O[ !- rbi -Iollr.biqcb, atl.?{an O
I IIIC- lb,-r.rtIDdq. lr.bDud, Lrn btErl E tn l-[orr.Er& rry. !@ dd'{?}@t. .i.. i.-. o
ttr'llanD - tLDoo. irBtEiErd.a d! re. h/dL d .l[.Iandlahgtl ,. O
llltl&Ylll. - t trtr I bdwE, DL.t|tl|fu.Lt arrl .. @, dt qr'! P!qD.!r tb.l LD..Ed a"c-.aao.0{}lH- o
@!Dllrr!$d, f r. b-r. EtO. h@.!r t lG.iI|D{Mra?H@.9{}t9l{ O
.'rlv, &S lrlub udtln hoD-t| t rd.lIrD./EralH{D.D|}'Ieaa OI|D{E!al\}+(D,e|}luDa.Eora"Hrg,t9-t9ta. tl
autatDol - I b.d!ooa, turatrh.d"iab/d'a. lor !@, taeO h@.rr ,rrE/atar toD !@, ggf hoD.!/ tldt.r Lrl.aFod a"&+6. eaa- leta o
ll'tt-ratrl, E t[t tDla(l - a!!q9q. t lL Enarba FrilQ!q!!4 !!r r4... ID.\ ru tt!!.atattDce3{Da - o
UMfmOlllUXfvtL.D.tk rqar turyllDrLf dd|rtrH-.d'lEal4rr adrr:zE ra IE@ rtaa.!. af roo/Boifh. Odl LDDr . tottNEr a?FD qrr +t+!-i6caf o
ffnltftt'tdt-8D.srSm@Ltr[olr!.d, IrlraL Dar!.r b.drooE.
' Ir!{Ea?H{O,ea}lea{ O
lrlrL& ll -aEE EE@O.d-.!.raDFF .rrf Fa arlrl: .|atr. ttlloFoD.!| t lcrl L.o.ar a?!-{a@.9a+r9L. o
@tEl. b t|D, ohr rrEcrtdc Er-.Ea!| t nd.f Lr{@ a?!+rd'.ea0-19r^ o
@futnLhd c utri.e-qtabad r!! Ed!a\'tD.LtaF lod. a rl alttat -rlo hoD.v tl-t.f L|l..@,4?6-.r.16. eae-leL O
lr||.L!. io rAlr br drgttird$L ab@ E !t t.r*.-r"- r|lb fullaert7 F6lrar TG!!. lrtDelD.' allL:b
cluD, aa tb+1oa @atott't @/qtD,tr3 *arar o
rec..fb l|o!, n$ reu- .l V.0 Lqr-
CblD. ]rta/Eb. al'6{6 dt- C D-E O
W9.O tffi aoed ro lo fr-.. l& :tIFa dor .d tED da tul!| {t!d.D.4GDrbb dlf r|.ts, bL all lY- nr|b!|a d.r.bL ttD to ru @ l--D Da.. On hrlr 697-6C'e. O
SO"IS l}TE|lT!! - tbC"* lll b.r[nEdaLl 8.ed .lr' lo Frr Olla'a-8lt|.E|nar, O
W!r uroc.t tot|ar. @/@t[ Io f:ltt!M,{?+OOa O
@a?HXt6, !-ag-Old. o
tOB nEl OA |^II - I b.&!@ rlrtb bDrrtc. . rrErdtE, ,rElrdq GEat rtt rGt.rrrd. I-t ag&-6\ -Lt@ n b, a?+?ltl, O
lclrlll @llx, - bld lqab (n
!r t_q4._a bib@. qtlts. F E iV!E!hf H! OE m. @.tE' l|--iql a?0-!6, .- o
(tl lllffXt& l- vdl ttiots r.{..|lryD.rrl.6ll.n-UlTla^Ytllbb
' Qlt/la c r.tl!. a?a{''L o
C,r!mtllv lL Dlrlttr G Oa 6!*,o'.! !qrb. t!.do@roL.d E bd@
-rLD b
hrg.lv fir! U, IdalF 15$ lq|lrb..a-|Jtc O
E/IulltuL EtlTlt RIDEE ID ILEo@. I Dalb d rlll lbi|lE r|[|!rl (S. ttrtr l.lrrt hd. .ll r,rtolltald.d. d. t! D.ra LI'-@I|.{?!-dII o
llrat . rct lto tttDlqlrt^lt@lDO - I tsboo. f bt\ tsr i.ECtrr, 16 r!Dd. qd. (. lDtt-t-.4. rrtr 8 lrA r-l b atrD',.?c-&t--bar o
YLElILlIOI - t Llro.a.!.d!|laalrtr.Ea
JDIDOI ? lt,o[ - Wurltd tbi!!o. t S uaA rtb (L(E t!|a-.r&r(!tr o&re.(bl--6r..rtd- br rqll Lr!| Ftnrl Y-r b-
Hrttii rqutl. !o F er rg
tto XttlIIO t/gCE Dlllll - tr- Ir*li 8c l'L4EryrtrtqtEtd rdFE -tllriaErtf,-.F- Ir.br d I br. a b!rdrE rrD I tr .||L .na.!.. t 0L. tE lb.ffi.r-Ee irtr,]rt'o... .' o.-Iltl@E ttDIsE!,l,.rrr#trffH-=-5--'-t
llllttt-YAlt. - E b.!!c. rdalrb4llr|.! 6|NI hoD.!|t [d.J L.D{!r3{rHtdl9a}r9ta o
Utlaulfl|f - Eurrblro IrrL IEr Dhr b.b. arfrh |rrr d rtDE oa t!!, htEltl .Dd c &.tll br nd.h.llbl dra .|l rr|ltrr. |..n/@rD.pr.tr,aE&, O
pt'rt ll|t 'rB --a EtrE Ib\@. eEla.tE t'lD.r[ lD r*.iffi.EtEAta-. -E;
EIttrE UID!o - t-tr rrd.dtEFrt. - -{- rrl inu, ia!d!q.ta!rr'dd{.b,It^-a|ll'E aD?a|nm{ea O
ll?l[!-nbrfq/a!da. rEtirEl.|r,6.t!|E-Ee!ru3 torud. lo tn| lLD-tr|.ED, -r-tilrr.aor@. lrrdh, ID EEfi(br,OO atllall
FftlEF^ @lf (!Irt lEr.tr!lbr llD e, L nab-ftttG. 'rrf.!LElfdrtr5 (b.h al.lrE l-6 El&@m,(E)t'Ltt!, o
!!!q _EE[ ir ^E - rr|JULlGrb.bltlllm.ab?l<tn O
trt& &vt tFa rrra t laox& -(D.b d t.l.d Ebcroc r.!oL tDrqt&rtDYrO ||- E dbd J r5.tb/ rra.dtG3 Ie Dr a tql.c, r{E-(ltr
,aa'E !1, aaa a.!aa.. t\fDtrbd aqdrd!!|bd. tr. t .ld- 6-all-?ral. O
tlti toll ltl @f -t!.cbaloaor fa i rO r!! lrrDLa, r.loortton, atAr/DoDsD- Oiu 916-.rlbar
tlt'ltto, tunllelD - .lt all|F'rttrybvd, rll lbtDL€, rrab/ dtrla4 orld F bljbrltul ldltir!. faoo trdtrl!|r'{lLloa$60.
VIll, lrmll CUtl - I b.lFc. Iffx, Dh.. ttfltlldF dh, to r.lbDb LI' l. a?lt-!O.
t EEL t lrll UrlLE -!-rnld.hlbt.d,O'ltqlr@|ld!trr brdd&Uq.El.a?eC?B
---...--.-.-----|_Oftlrl.ullllll - L.Ell| I E!,oaEohE rbEE Etl.tsatL lglo
r,Dr[ lbqro t6rb. l-rcto, Itlta
lrttvtll. lrOPlE - Ldc.EILb@,Er|b|\-li(bt O[a?ecDGE6{tc$.
Itttlutt lltt llltnoI - a tdD.tl!aLlr!!rr.b/dt!.Atr[.bt :ltn|D lolrDr lq'l{lor'er,bea4a6c
lrrt^Iolt llD U,vl 1T - tlrDtbd r.fr@lIb E 61t' oOqrCrrl.r
th3r3/d\ Lr toDa t-zct
I ID f EU rtr.rllrtt! - t! r.dqE!ddfl,lo FL,ll?l/d.dqrCT-CZr c l+ :t07r0........,...,. O
1zl5 !Dng[, r/!l DttPttI - l!:r udtrltb4 dlD. tt\r |od fltltlt&alClts a?+t164 b-rn O^ -
*tlftolrt - ^-*. t{!.d-.-tult nlf!.Ib.il rU utnftr- Dtr! c.bL arrrd.f|!.ud! ll/t. hr!64.D.!o &oaqr rqr. fttc ,rt r &'?tt lo t!aT0.80O lh&r, e ..o.{ Fo,
ltr IrEEn| Clrctr rto - br-t IIrr. !l]|E nsrru, toFt.I-lS-ma - O
llt Vfil - Lrtr aarna.U ilrdrd SElao. I E\ !..b/'dEtr;w..d.l.o tr r-r atD I|Dr qrgg. {t}'ffia-O
f ryI - t bt!,!|firbd|r'te.i3
tB t-Yd.@e! bG 6Fdn@lr.orla?t{aE o
lqr EqllED I rlndrr - lED.
ffi,ffi.t Lab ltlr rqarr.
Crqrl lnft| - Luda] t@|||rtrilElDla I b!Ea. 8ra brb cEt-,
!b4!qld^!_ t|r.d tqu. rnry, irraE lrcyrD. aniriilE -G[ro
t IrlI- Ertt-!c rrtfr.j o!'Etr-'|!!-'r. raiOc rqj*l!! - tr (lt.l rlt t6.,
reo f! .rror - 8 Dd@, a DdD,ltEl.ul_ lr! E!!q !!l|t{tt. &..9tE!Ed.rs| r{LDr.' |oqrr'qnrr! rbfurd
ffii. o-:"3 Lafiry .d rd*
6. att.
lra YlE EIdl - O!'ub br
d--i.ihid .d d l- rdlb'q{b.c rbvdl vdtr to @:o btl$@. taUaEAE b.(C.qt 18@l{r oD.bqa norl|. Ollairo-6 0
rn1n EtlI,tttoir tlor -ol!-qrd!th!'a?!-re. - : o
Tdrrien - ! tr+o.lbr!.iclrrLr.
ffio,E..- l--r- -o, =Ucptlqll - I EEo. I ELtoE,,tlUU,6G.nhErrADa5(E. - O
tllvrE - Ador/!!DtE, 6rD/'dDHE"- rc D'' o-!'d,Fry
AYAIlllll Jl[t lAt - a Drb@, on
ta ldcu|8tatE tltcro,ttnllDa4I
D.Eth l--. a6O tDaht doB '(ar}56& .t- C D.a- al'oaao 9 '
rio qmr totttEtb DoErylc! I h b.&Eab/drtrc,nr!91r.
Otr".An llioldlo,La!/Eduronn c.ll lb a?glo c
orr BrraoI' rust@D - |.!0u|llab. I t r l--. !r*, La, d.tDtl1t- S|'rft t$aI|lI-D6! OtDbo 4?C-{ra,l.
Otl t@ml llll*IlltT - bL.. fura||Ll rUE D- erb rhr @.u.d drDd, I-r trrG4 AEoabbrt{?a-tata___:-__-__
tEI YllL - lD..rd b rtluna (lb thl. ta |lDlr db 'ldi.tlrit. qur dalbDoa I b tq! ItUt!!
HsrGLr. I !.dt!@,tA art$ I
^''t':ffiGarttlo, atr*\ !-rrlt|I n 11 a,'ttE o! l{fE {?!-?{!O,9a}aea.'
d"t " t T.Grdu-^' nlcllhl &ott|dloa t6!. 16@ |D
Dhr rltllt- lo Dla a?+6rar.
l!/t ll Vll'.' - | bd!c. t
Slfill4r.cob" r?ll.DD.a?c
UO!|-VI!. Drtrtury tuadrL! t blro bt @ralEi t/D' tto/qrtE a?a-74D,9ge..
tlt v,rl'. t Dc€da | '{[r&/rEribta,Drrl1aO.S. lr0rl- Jq l. at.Fbaf i'lo/Eo
F rt tf lEnffi -td.&t!'le9.!, DartLlt lrr!r.!d, b'r rorta ArrtrD l. l!O. rfrtltb drd, to
tll%ll, - l!.&o@ (lrt)|c,!att4!tatr Ditrl Db, DEtldO-Cr}A
FATTBErcB-lurE,tbr\nlttl|Dtd ooadoDlDluE orarlooltottota&a!.D t.b,lrJr.r!. |Dq!lr& b Itr. @ F @thltlu.ldr! rq|ftttFffi#dtr!.-0"'''"E
OnfU}l a brbo(E, 3 blb.ur$ataa EE rr! 6 !.aLA/B(ln hEtrt.d.. -
lrEtE - a:tr. I tsE Sftadu, rLD trrLr|' ts a r"d.OI (H hltl?l.aD. E
Ila'rt' 3/, ntf
Fd{iE |l!o/@tl lllrlbrr D.i[!j .
&rDD. all}?a!O, eaa{ra O
E ra-Irlll ttlDlo - trt Dad d -.tqrlE! -r -..i YarL tttdrLl.tl
tt.a,-r w c[ rtr -.linnt4 turDt|bal 8 b!b. torE (etj7tll1l7. o
l| rrrt^r tllt :- I hb@. n!!ab.d,gool d ln @ br, -''m/tr'- tui'PloFr' t l@i tr.r{@ t?+4{Oqea}reaa o
tlg? YIUL - L||r |EIir { bdrom.n|rrftcrdEllurtAdFla-ttq@, i -! trnarr r!r, ?rw.v tl-d.r LllE r"Hroo. oe-leaA O
utxl'trlott ltlE laDnor - I@ci vful!||Llrb{olud|-ruE . hol. ruDa.rssl, r{|!! tt@,6,Err u.lata|FiDd F E!. }}ob l{
h!@o hut Ldaa 6aO bnrEnArl
AroD. gl$,0leo.
FCf, CnlIX PIIZA - ! \EUt .vr!.'L
ndr untJr|rl|tl|t t€OO Dc Eoatlr Dlurd.!od! ?rD udra turdahaal llt@ Fr r
rrlua liOO &Doc A! Utt! utx. a bc
Dlur lo t bat\.u ddr1d Plce oa!&lld & ct0-67{3.
Irt atDfg)I ttIlxlrtu!. Ib-?|'tl,fro
aru - trd|||i,?l+,alz..ln-F-
tlfi_Y L-- r! U.r, eE4f I I|lt(G, fbr5 ilEtru,T.i@.d,nrtt|lE Eartt|I3 lo !l!is! ft 9ar {to aorbEEE, lr. Frhtt(l !dV6D. ltl.ql ba( lg, ESf rbDcd, (lll {?+ ltfl. o.
tOgIED, AtPn Ot|af 8 Drt!o@.rll(Lar ltxx, 4 C, rrrld&tr, a!|fl@d.r.Vb fot- AL E !E ED,tm/mt!,(rl') t?trlA ct-.
VllLVIlI4O' - I Lb@.!r!B|!A A.u.fir, Dq, tdrt..n rr.- Iiognlrt nd.lIEa@{tt-+t(D-ga}ro|r O
tltfnlDol - a br6!ooE, turtrbb.d.rd-r&tc, Et| Od, l.eo hoD{t' ttslal 5Dra6 an6-{4oc. 049-l9aa o
-rI for relt
I AN' 8 llDN TT A'ABN.lfi8 -ot!' urt r.!.hd, ro D.ia. ll7o/rEr
uD tyt-latl ot 14%-60'''0... ....
rr!.!a to r!io! lo lor t otta
LD.cl6t XI,Doltclr lor rPDotnun!,$..06+f. ffondn|- llldry. 9-0.
B6la!. ODFf- blttY.
vlIL (rclt @ft Il lOIl - tdttt' a4o@/D'rr.b. g @!lh (bDdr! tt
o.artld D.nl.l |.l9u tc a.lo9l^nl& I
rid.! ottalrto\ cl 06600.
TtrRta BlDaooI nt! ,!t{.. un'rl'6d.urlniro,a?u3@.
BAOIT-VAIL TXO B!Dn@r. a'tddola nl.b otFttlr.d 3 oar tttmtr!.d (a uDfurn,.lta4 ft@ togt} a!,n s 9ag'Ga77.
llt IOrNXOIIAI - oone.d.nt l6.ur
drDahtDa rfil .fEgltlrvrat a(A!o
Gur aE s!, a hbooa.'l ba!b. aatata
cd badloorD. ball\ trlih lta otn cm
O,Unr.d a.r{., C.D!t ot r.l.g.- lr!@ fith rral|,f s|rt dt:rlt olu
tEF67?" drYt, &6-8Jol .t ltutrtE
BortgfaE @lfDO - 8uD.ec|trtl|bb. Ap'! Itl to D!..Eblbc.t.lt nun.lrt r.ll r4lu-!t' o
ro\!i tro i.ta. tsld r.la .t lo?a/t&d(16) a7e-!86o, o ro 0 D&. d!lY.
ntrlfT/Otx - Tonloua., turDLl!.d@E alA b.r.b, I cr !r.tr{.. !nrtrbr. l,€*31!A
llaT YAI!. R$aTlli - Orllnqr[lt blt @n&a{ttfut .nd hotDi fc
thlorrrbor,t l.!. vrtl vdlal bottl on. t
baa!€rna. l\j'aLhad or ru|l\lr'rlaMal O i
rErttr La. oDuorr rvau.blr c.ll
otlt llutiloc,tb.art{r,rc tl'4'h.qlllh t-Crrc||tcr-rr!*ti!!ar - o
r.rl llPtE 6 l|b-V.I i|!lt cn EE!r, I b|i. ttr E -! .d t !l)r.d mrEL o. tE|.-rFtlta-offi.f-YdlG@rab.!'q|E Ell (t cu! tqrr aa?l DlI tdh, {?}oaa..tl.Ftta o
ul|ttrEffiarrtliorroIqr.6a6-hrnli brrt{l5rrUD.d1lbElqtr(DD brbdqrn1q|rA[ Ed{|Surr.q'E !9q! Jt4r d t@a Dd.hrd.a+Lrcbtrni=lFanbc
tlott-vltt,': r bd.E aE6.b rrtq)&@.E eErE cr.' It rr, tltlbnr! (llr h t!|n- -. h|!r|b ltq|r,r-, aF-%lO _O
l.!ElE|t0-lbrlro. I Eh.rElErulr.ryctr. F rn EDrhru!'l|l. Inllrrail-?rdtF{tc O
lto aaDnoolr TrO l^?fl -h,|''oD& .! Aj'|nvc ln Lalc-vdt,hd/drtlt, D@1. Jaalrtd, €|,!rtd FAv laL L,y l. a66O Da !|otrli Cu.ur
l'^gr vlIL - LJt. nrd.}t d a bdr@t
ldl hoEr. Oat{o C.U cruat!.dt ne.l!4m-{,@.
Ul^mt CRIaX - InLltrount
b.dr@D, 2 barL fully nrrrulhrl rvr
IrrirDadl.|.ly for O lo 7 rbntlu. c3tl Cro8t
n dV, trd.. {7O- {3@.
"* *""-" ""t-" - "r-url<lvur! latvrla DartlnS. .rl luluo
s.rrDa"J.drzl" D@l,tlorlt &oL lon{ iarit
laao/nronl'r' ,tvrrh!!. r! ruldd8.. I
a?o- I l6at.
SAllD6rIOlfl - 2 bdoon! I b.Urinrlllra4 avrUrblc trDlrdl.raly foa €dn$r. C.U 6o-19..l nilv ,l7o-{3
&tuIB EPEI^IS - l{.ott! to IC!-I Ooll Oour!. 3 bd.lootn aDarl'
unturnLb.d l|l{lo. nrr alql ltlp, ul
tnc,luda(l lt lrlE |l E-v0 |
lDrAnDa llxl Pllt OltIrT -eprorbadoo6. la {L rlda tt$ lraDLo, d(loc.uon. a36O/Eonltr. C.ll et6-
VAIL RACQI'IT cll,l - I bdrsrn" Ia,a!O Cu uulrui/Fr lnonilt No
Avdl.b!. lr|l t. {7G ro23.
"^- t-" t-t- - a* * "rr-, "b.dooEr, I \t !g!" tlllra., d-L C.ll a 73
o! DcrY!! 040-3C15.
AUIVRIEI TtO AtDn@l| - e b.llr
nrrr|lah.d ntn rr)E/(!:nr. Av{.l.bl.
ea!ffioro*tl- 16. l|lo/lllonut
trglAlrlfllJlD LOVl n - tu'nbtud,
rDarurmt, Tl|. flarDla" on oo|t 6.aLjl& ac:6/!ro4l\ li.c. f,o D.6. :.?61
8AlD8lOxl - 'l\ar'.o[rr 1.8 b.dlaorr
fuiV nr''!!bdL .ll uttllu- DL|l oabl. rr.vdLbt r'|ul 12./1. PlrbarDdoD g.rr
br rqt . hhr tar! .t lO?8. tro 9.ir
atGEglO d.qf, 9 .rE -O D.E
f,ltf VIIL - E bdsto 6rCd. un,llmlrrtt t|..otl&!.. brtT aPC-O3','3.
;"o to" ,"" -t.,ro "rt
t tAvruabL .Jl aE- |Ild loc.llol1!{rctll0.............
AVOI a EDnOOI. ! BAm - tr.lr./
r.ruua. arvrunu!. la@ pa Dorah ,luGo-rqi n-lq'{?C-aso. .........
.aE: ! !.ind. IUI! nlnrEf Dd.l!Ot!3. Orll JJI' Io,-'.^ii -!tlir-;9aa{a?l a,
frtllD - lqE|ltrbletuaffir|
lo E rdr|ltul lbboa, E btl n|rult@oDolhl Odlf (bn tdlrt tt!l!!l!!bf .rrr,6t- .d arr{r.g.lE dr C D.E, atl€ q8- -O
IJOtlqLD - I bt!@, !qi. tt||!rna Lf& rD l-r EOr@D' OU JfibDbb&lbgDaa?t O
DCEdAEOIU - aBtottb.Lfo..v.o. frt d.rrrd.E Lr.tarn,r,!l'!/r\hr.l:trG"truc t5.C.'te O
tlEvr8.dl[mdrl'tIltlt! -Ib0E!|d.t-L@hrtor.t|.hhr Er1tr|lD!|.r.|cLr a[-tC?+ O
_lt-q'lt rfrr cl[r - ! b!F. lrLlddlr- o!-rrl| (l! $tr6' 0.-OItaD L:r! - Lrar A.Entd aL!@. I hra d. JErd. !!dro,BffiffStlffi-t" truo' lr'!"
u)ro TlRr nltlTAl, ll{loRlrA?lotJCo-rq.b 8-lV {?|HI,OO.
t^roll-vArl, - g bdso,lb.u. tuf'
J.dn{. fo Fi. C'ro..tqda 8at5,
n^mlttt CLITB - I b.&o<q t b.dl x
lr'llhd cloE!.dt B-16| aTHlq
t!8tvAl - &rrlo t/! tgLa, lElrc/l
. tBh.g bal xo D.L. clo-lor& i
VO' frlnE @nmlr - adr.budul! turt.Lbad tdtt|}orta, "lbrtr 6.L L.. \nllll Ch!|rELr' C.
.r 8!{ {, &or! 9{9-{060
tlOt.E-V./uL - t tidroorD. Bh
uD0|rllbaf Isrt (bla 166rylronu,.,'*q Ooro& N {?C-,lll@.,Dal -
': l@r-ttrq.rrtrfiF$.EmStH.ffi{,
nErLl arni!:a aDaq.n. h!,Drv,h!.1 laD{8l?+4(D.ea*r9ra o
&-lDrytEFa'!d-.FL Ft4 .l!|.tl rdd, ?'ur
tltl v,UL - had! EE. |'jr-EEry.I L!w. id!.Crr-rt taE.ffi-.-E'''.-
Cr tldrfid tl||trtrtl- rb!.ElAtd. oUr tq. tti E t_FldarE E GE/e!. ttr o Gr.i".*qt Q9.tO ql Ery, Oq. n {.Protr.lttx/Lttar loD.a t OasOaDraGtar. o
ct,ldtble&Eq. O
Jtl|r-lrr-.|3{l5EElIt|!E{EEbl|[.E!tr.r&6tE tob iriDtn-.b/drdubErbrs?ttEErEEt=a---
rrll o9t IrtB ttlul. trEtE -Cbd l. a.d lLlrlE!. rEqlbrrb Y.0.|! E otd i rtc.it| r$rl|!E IC b- a i|ttiE' rIE. qF.,xurrl. .!a a.t.ar. tllsttbai rDdrd|Elu. Dr L A.ll- 6- a?O-tlCl. O
E ll Iftl - l brr6. I !..\tuElrbaa oorAootrtuD or.rloolha
ffla/'[ 3/ , /1 gf
F. EFdD|rt.-lr!.aqttaE rlilrd..d 9br D ttrr Gttripot , (hF4t."DEr. o
fF !t=En----4fir!.Iu @btE hr!b lrd:{arGIbDb rd3$r id, !r @!Dhr.5!t hr.'t/ qFG rq|d, adt|--.Dt r c!+r El4 , O-F-g, {?}4ar(i'r br! att-ttll, .dat O
TEEMI-IG5b,ITierbd. rd.d. JEr l. ODiag.dlcEt+tt , .
n trll 6 E?-'l b!.! bhpri' E r-ttt-gal.
Otr@OOTDO-aiE/bdrn vdt
lrtDoldl AIIA - t b!6. s$!.Efd. atra rr.f ar|{r l?oq!OlllEq..a{ln
glClct! Urtl IAIE'rl rro.bb tYr& t b!@. I bl!. r!! a ar IEq|.o, b/d! Dhrrr{llta -l|rd.(llla?'Gt!!O
Ir'l Vf[.; Dab!lblta.8ErDal!. tlrmbhrd lo.'lbouta. ara:r@.rll.! trdt5. !!/dl.Et EEtZ @ lqdrd. Ed IEEots!a!.DOt6a?!l6t-:-D'tlllltPl'lAlt - hold.l I Er.@l a.D-ttfvldohogR-tal L!.ar3a H{aII 9|}r}
(IZYTIO l'|oalu - 'ttrttLo,
tcto Fr., Gi?o r@. lrl (|Il t.nbaf:!6-Ga. -,
tlrA lEIg - gdh lortln rll ai-t ttr, arra|' arnld rrln ldYdb !ct-?.m.
ft*l til[ ltat a*"* tirdad rt6 rrfi/Gr. lndat|EoF,0tIo^lottdcbEEltG- r lrrl d tEr.ar cb.! -Iqra6,ltc6c
-__.___trxlt6lDO -ltw.lriarDtrr. !da, ld. I Lbq nrE rd hrrlrr & JrD.&4]al'lvE d!. . Oadr lla/Edh,tE-T,aaL!nnat
ll&1, I(ftllf - t EdrE 8*ulnq!|brl td ir- rt! n&,brl@r ,..ur.l acuaal d.r, ab.rf.|.. -|!.U lEdlr.t 6f tta. ll l@r'dD thr uto$r r
tbDoa rqutlr(l. .d ll .-, D Dlr o!@ , (b. 4?O-tatt.
;ao, ""r-r n^"ffial' tts bto.Drb. OdlF nrrl
ba.lroora.' ,aouarl, t/D, huaatt(D/@rl. L!6 {tt.Ad r {tA-?a
EIUIIIIT!- btrnrllEarE' hDat arH.lDGr.|IuS. t laEl tt -^nO& thrrrt tn a?l-lg?a
. A[ @I - IE.u!i.tlorDLguaa. tatt Yall, rltrbvrrrbrcttc. EElra, rbl. atErlht tdreb a?aoaA a?}SA
EUrlrlrt urDrnl ot"oFfittrAldhbL to -.bL. bl 6dJn!H@ E{*{/rtna. ffirftb tull aeltZ dliar lba'|| rrlr.tllas d!n, !rtd.!, t/D, .ra I@Dlalb' b/n'@' tr- FaI.
----.-_-_-Ptttt CIII' - t t-!@. hrr$r/@F, i8d/UutluJIud. Llo Dlur ututilx, a?6.rGaf, " .
l'ltlnb rra.,- : :-!-r,4.
Cllt Li Dlitl - Lqr t![EErLtrlEn4lrE I Ll@. 8ra bA ^IJ-IHEDfr.dE r4r. E'bha, ar@rEL -qd. @ttf.:
6rs1 Owr
Otl EOXtrI io dii bdso loruratrL snltdL lD lJaolaid. Sdtd rt{q!.(l atG rllo
UrerrrOmm -tbr\iF.b&d G.i ll-'rbr h bal}Y.rf Ebrd El F?Drd tEIrff r.llrblt alll-711, Orll e{g-
Iroira-rtdihtqDab.l'.l .lcb
l bEttr fro ltDi(Dr - tr^filroLLl a[tl|da l@daLt| t6L @dtrr,t|r*le dlrdE |ttd.Dd tq'|'{ad C-a., DCl'i.lEbtrcbal^+lltl.
?l'x-u 4 n(f
laorDrrtr uDrrlr *'nr.ar - tHffid#i#iaarGffifiwffirr#q
!r'gr.'-v!L rogtratt rrEr !t -mf,'ffi:?6Fr'tffi
q4s-!"'ltt!qD - I Lrr hr 6r3r rwt ra xa!|L lo F, GG,r!H'.ffi#lilffi't'!
qE Yr+, - r EQ*[.-t !!f! rFrErFm.tv lrEEr o[ a?]ltl9. - (i
l'rllDol lEl4 U - 8 brtroc. S b.r\DEIEd rll! taab-/l!:.'. A'rn bL
Fg!9.1.V t So. F., tLo/Dd.b C\.rct, F Qrq?c!qr.a.(.rtd C--.p D-r CDi. .t i.b4| t (b a"6-66ati O
4|-LD r@ltl,f - E Drtr@. t,a br\l+E!E{ tor!5o|Ia rrth rr.b/drt!.Fqbt .J..nr3L_ !fall..t vLr, aEqy,@{.+ anoru. bd.r.br br otll, _lrl@/ifd.- !|lr la0tl|.i FryffitLl%E#aD'.rcr,ri
!-dA irv rtlE filt - i.D nrt!u..!| .ri@Ib.t{lbltEIE!@.trrL @tEV ||rEtu td-. t dfFi"lfa. -DdoDf.a. mEL lf!.Db€..re-_r_ftEE, r!dq. FoL rar- .dl-rEaFq!6t rrtt oaEa CrtCtst| rb rrgDaD.D hrl m/ry1 hto
ffi,-Y"o' 6ilo lolbDr* r.4
f"1iiff/F"ffAiffF?if*Tiff/F"ffAiHif*.aa. trrgo/aoDt!, c.u LDbr to!ttEr {1}A q't, a?Gllli!
_lloll-V^ll bft d|t|a o Dc H,flldEl t Lnlq !.rtr F|trrlanar FrD t't|{. }?|xvEtb dtrrt&L E\ lrrr aD"a&. eag4tD{ O
!t!. t-YlIL_--tr rr Oq' 8 b!@. ra!.arEeT[E (E-!!r'D.tclE|'hrGr tqt r lt!.d!tI|€, i!-Ftrrq.!f E!. tr,EIi re rut'nDd,Otr a'|'F rala.o
q9l Il !O q.Inc{atIy|l. tb y.|lElr- Aa O.'.-rhr'H t llilr Ddfl.d.al|lr. tb y.! r-,.r, Cin !-Eta (Erfr.. IAIald rluaaf qlE!{r !9q. J5r- rd .rt!=tqa !E|-!'r- d |llaltal b t'dl rrc.r.trAcqlLtrdtLbtoG6.r5hrrm O
!fOl|-vrl|, - rLboa.abtbb lddbEro .!?5_ E F. aEsr'E! rurffir'l n'A 'te o..,"D\.'Gri(t
taqlvdl-- I L!@. t Eb. Eo tril .
!|| lE..:!EV.t r_r!b r.h/(!U-.!9 D-, q/HD.(ltr b rt|E IIrI|t b!lq:r5'aG?{an o
!4F,llD !G tEI tErrt. atl.Url! rr,trc, tffit (|li &tlr lord.|EtbtD*.rartl E
ll,@ E- -- a btbo@r i d\qldFlE b/q'!. bD{. bDhr||9, P lrEan}'Talo, ele{td O
qEq{rFr@r -aubrDbre.rybtttll OrFd. qF.t|dr.e-. bld
Alffi@!.- D-'czle-6dt
'qrrltl,ltEfD CttID - t! arE aadl DrloqD. r.n @h !o d! cCulD L-, a D-lC@/D@tb_ tr|lttq|q rl bb .d tea E m.l-!aa-?rD (q'FE). - O
lqt tG_r{l lElf - i-.rD EEr!o@.Ihd,lrY.["b.Lt/D,t .Etq .Er,_ear lrd.t'. OlAG / .dr, (l[ fi!0alO a hE|l-taact-.tGi O
rylFldrlD!qtx - hGr.deutf tl''tqa r@ rlA !.r- htllrCn rDc t ..ulj ld.qiodbrFf llEll, & -F ld ro b[ trD@L_F{|S |f lbtD, O6t{--YtEE ibrn abt ,Eo h4-i._H''iffi..l.f,8##*E
+I!-mIU[ - 8.d I brto@,nrylrdu rd rdFau. l..b6:td,_5tEStrP**E.t"ffiadr r iElr b, lab-Y.[ IdIt r. ',.Er !D rtD lll -, rlb,(ts*. adc.L'rr brr.zll-. oloc nuS$/.*,!trttr ffi.'*t
Ar Ul' (Dl I - lrrrnrrt, nErd aq!ftF,!!.E CtG, Or.tlE, Ty.lo Dcaalrbh,(tIt-r&r&.F.E O
lI|@ - aE60.rdrr.oe!FE-Dlabv.nfIDr.E Ct-.
'ltnCtU!! B&I - l4tlOE.dlECtsG'.D.[|.II-Grn.tltE E atFltl c
lEf llE = |r-r.t li ^r'.- Er.E4r r-, Yra adDt nor. n t- h.r.@ @tf or fuI trr l-. fttlru n-,-940-0t(Il . .... o
PlrEf CnEf tNtDIO - !-.nt^rt aabrlr. !t& Du.a ra0t[ O tir L-.trodf. .ru!r A lo Da. .crlf bdircrlar {?!-ci'Sa, ovffi
lD.tb tonhou.. nnDhd. d.ot. li!lbdUry nuoOa lEi nn. oLlal'|tr'rt b .d &ttr. |tAryEin! rmh.A
' thlb ohlb 6'rfih't Lb!.I|fir@rb
99V.- r''"h-'r. oD trt L.r (?t?)s-a.lE 6ffi(t|*nl|El l6a t r.6. |6|b/@A 9lr|!.n!rb qll t?C-Al!a .rEtD4 O
a'IIn nlrrrt - anrLd. .d vrttbrrr.le.f a Hrw. I b.tD. Fol.ll.d.r-tgrrr .ldre ldnont d fflr |660 Crtrdttra.Dirt'Ddr, a rtb al'c-68b. o
tlll Yrlt. - t h!r@. rdu|llrd.Frdr el8 d br l!{a t|!rr' ''rrr6-a! o ,!tFr! @ aar. lo t[.Dcrt!,t* l atlFl9ta O
AVOI - A Dd!@. nld.Ll rr.b/dtrr.
Hifrr- 0 ndlrr vll-, .?G.{dt
l OLlYAlL - a b.booo. nrtrt bd.!ohr5, lqr Lrd d tbt*t Eru hdr
33r*f* t ndt r rala.?}{rdl
Mq.q|:!. altra|. fod. Eftr rdllfrr.4ttlo PloD.ll , nd!.I Yad. rtc+tc!.9ae-tea o
@tEt[!. Dac e|'., rrDca ho''rV tn-!.r lad, at+.*n ge-reaa. O
@alnar nr r-'la ar! art6D|aa: 6&
Islifl. t R.Dt t raD3. .t6-{{oB
l3l Y II - I LLo@. D.ftdbr firrreibt! GIn.!! c br rqlt |0O/rC.uLlr4&t&oi9te-a6&.
|?l..rtatt,dt b'Mf tl
Larr, al|l-a,gl g.greaA
ll'l$ttltllt - ls!o, tdttr..iat/riq/ar. ara b{f l6?!/autGa6/lrtDta. P!oD..t t nduf
47o'.4.O. glt-l9ad
!I8!V^IL- CD..qtDa a D.abooo. tuar,rt qrplrE, lraa Foftv t )raB {?!-,ra@, gae-19{4.,
tt*t vl.u, : drO r roard'orD.lM& l\rtlrabad or urltrrnllh!4,rl aF, r|t|r !r. b-3 hoD.dv c IIltnl a?!-lr&. ea0- tea4
-!t "t"^"ora - ar -*,,Lairlalbd e ar ,!tat, rbrr oJlrJ@. hor.rtf 0 n od r.t!|- {?O
9i9- l9'a{
Ol! ItDn@ra AP JlIlalltT rib afd Yalt, auDE .r.b, atrl trr{. d.fir|' ta6 DIrr. \aut5, l@a tdE
EOII It 6AXD'IOII - g Llrt E 3lnflirlt nl'!tb.d, tF..! .-D .rdal.a: go/@tl! rDhdDa ulrl|lhnt.vElnt , 176-0916.
*t* -t"-" - "-"r.-, ^-ttXo Dir A t.bL @. L- 6?0/r|)Ld/rtatd.l-65-ma
Olt nDnd)I - r br\ Frudv tuBrrrah/(btlc, ln Va0 Vt r Tornl&o-
Saor$f. Atro.ibl- tnD.drr.6r br orrLO/@!L ltEh-& uuurh bd.Dd !.Crxtt4 !d pli', 6 Fia.a.ltht' o. EbhoD t co. {?+66at.
l tt VAfL - Aab.r! ltc|u. I b$rbalh. furDtab.d tarlrbouaa. aval
UnrDad.fav to oD trr, .a:6/Edttld-Ea/Publto 86ba. hutr o.ldlrb/I\Dllo Ea.vba. hu6r 6iquI!4 rDa c-.a, D Faa cbrL atE6- {?t-666r.
.f,Vof - l-rr Aod @,I b.qeblh arr@, uD^ttltaEl 1{D'
roi&Oi.8 LI|' !6cor'@t! bht!.
OD. tnr l-- t!t*, ba. O.Dt og{g"ag.
l.Bafr lfDnOOI Dlrr bn ar?.!t!qnofutDn@ OD ttl L-. to|lg)/@!!. 6lt E@ tlle, rtl.7&.
mI Cnftl( PIIZA - a rE$. rtdLD!
ult !dlr' bd !A/ql! DltL
.IDoa3 tft vatL tuatlEl l"@/ltED!
t?io t@ All $t! \t!rL 8 b.@q
f.t C t $. .ll d6t. Plir nu I
ColLa d eae-A?aa
BAAT VAII, - t ra. 3 b.&@lo Alt |J
nu!|!.4@bu lort,16!0/@l.b. or
.t 8E t Aldt e{D-{66O.
&tl (nEr IE!lEOU8I - Lnt !bd!o@. 8 !.rb. d llDtt. trjodaL anfulV iEltru. r||D-/drt!r, Orct6dr qm+ @/@tb ,hr ittT.!.Dboo. ( llE) 8gt-{381 o|A7l-'l'fn-
t"""*t-t*-"aat"*."t t\8r'ar'r ar, b, hD, ]7t!. hr}rtrtdtrrotu t ltr 5 b.bo@ Dhr fdtr. r
Da3 t$, arrar, t-a.6. rt rt'lo,lullb6 l|6!aH r.nulr. c DDlb
Sit": Et! crn Ri.r
Tm@n@I -trlufilt'r!Lrtrr Ur L.oa taE lr-' tuE!.otx)/trd. l6dl dl9d' r.!Dal?{, "
tttl YllL - E b.&!oa toib}.6al
Fr.lt LV ied.U .ad f1n6Lhl, oF ldDa, m/@r!.C.DILdAE tea$"llo.
fto E!Dn@I - 8 br\ rrr,r.\r n,I'r
oDd@fdr.6, ttlh Dal!!. li- naaEr'lEet.l{| r| rad tsd,rrt 06 prt
l6j.lyeoltr Cu. rr5trr, +'.'O-€aita
fe*rvrd -l mnD|!, k., R{Allra tollhoi-,r!futldabat otluD,6 u.r rqrt , !:E/dL eD Lt- .r&.!q eae-t|lo.
SrtfDglotl IIIA - Adt.r. O.odnEr br l'rllt a @lbt| l-r h!!
dl t ullr.s tdu.Id,ern|.l!idr,F|!d or h,| Fua. hs r.Ittr|. at lgFia a?rll-S@.
^*"-*'-"ffiil6oGttal FrtsDa, r-E r,Irllha4 E V p@/@|lL C.U U-. 8b t gborr.
lAIl:I-VllL - lto LFl. a b.&@.:b|9l-a, tuht .rr' bl|! E r'|. . ba'r-l6bDa Lab llii. rr adrlr).L.rr G-L, ,rr.O eae-re*,
EGB!.i-Et &;a,ffiffi,ffit
ry"Ivt l|tD rrtnrr torrErEf ry.rFsr.rrtd&a t a O.[(b!rLrt JE-. dql!|. or afia:.I L!oe.l91+ r.|e/dat c. .l|r.6ttr l'l.h.!.GrEu,al'l.lslt O
w4 lqb
Itt? ? lt - t-EUl tb.rlrt@, IS6.d irrn ld blt luba/(!!E !!lr. rrr@lDa |ELtr.!{.|rAaFd rtrt !l,! Dllr rtltr Cl[ DF (r.
Lrb d, a1'F3r?t b De (h.or o-
a,r ttE ffir' -. lr u\I5, E.E! 6I f a t!,EUrlU|| [lI tl - lbiblG, tba!.lrllht -rtD C/(!tr. ^ill.tL@l{/& a trr, ]lllQ/rtD DlrraE,ElrttrE ,irtlit.dE-.D F, CDtb alEr t(b atl-61-- O
t(r timr :.i'i.r..iDr\!d.rlE o!-, otll@a lab n|E. o,D.
to fr.' &r-EdE I- ttb.rDAarl-?t&. - o
hilql - t E@T.Er.r rbIrrt Dr (b. (bEr.!'
ldd [t fo tC oGr trr-Eid..diEE.-6 t abTc:E lldrllbara,tdllrbl&r|.!iouEb.;6
F, l: in-|lG q^ aiftF|l;lSda] , -'' o
E/!d, La rr ol h! trrltQirrliL -. - o'EEtgHlicteffi*fr
03 trr det f.Dar t- VrO lbt!I-G7-AOaffi tr
ttlt YIIL ; bdd f tow, a bira@btu!,. lDb ldtrl tS-/
.tllg EDn(nf Dhr loA..r"dl' nrEl'Lldbru!. ODa lEt 're. to doatEV@th. OU fa r!t!. IPr. atF'
riin vr,t - r uo ibr lci rrdFLt
aibr lotr 6lt/Ed. OD g- !br9aH!@,
l^lDttulrlll-ldlrAtDtIUt rlll - ld]. h.b|!'rs bt-fi/GEDD2 h-. ttrnl.ul.
.D ttl|lnb ffi , ttqd.b rttr. D.tEDa:.d6Dr'!(^L.h.b-lrlqtaEld.bt|raF bD3r.|rfirr .l lgl!. to.Dtrtl&5
{?l-Gt. -:
lro @UX - | bb. rtbrt| nlitrDdGErta' trrh t.8. L- !.G .e'tlEE Dd ad l5r 6 Fdnic,Eoi!-rnt rr!!r rt-6e6. 1
rro EDr@r tutllDot
t.d)/.@!'6llir'!EffirI - 8 Elor$ t!e4da' "trirr.L (tll i.-r e|e. lig a BD$o '
ffi*"ffi;ust)ff,i,s.. io6fi,ra. rrl no-teFrtriurerataro
ioi c otrjcodan.. . . o'
trt?VllDn?tg - le3...b!!-!.{ -
rra blD. t'rar d. !9|!lE6i/3 .ca OI {"C-{6 ot ltsit 96-
abga. .- , o-
avot gtnNql! n - ([dla t lto cEdr-tdet! I--). g bd@. z D.!\Orr*Vtitry. !.rtt| tutrlb.d rth fY' .nrtaarrc. iccru Rrrmrltq dad
Fll('. &.ii.r L?!r'@lb' t.D(!t 943EEr. o
rrt rorrEEro ofr tr^B - 9q411:&!!9 .
trtt Y^IL - IEEriDt b3 fdwLt
&trr. rr!bor-. \de!hd. d r|DlL Jt6L;--;ra iLldi 6U Ir-.t&t
lE fewt: E E@ bdt tirca tar.E !| ta YaO rrrtLd. E . ndd lcr@..!|cilt!r l-r T''ldf n .rt9r$orqt o
rroBvAlL - Ilu!, aataaitr$-/dttr,oDF
!f,I (l8E l'Jr:Zl r t rE$a t t boo.uai r,rslrorua ll'dDdb Clr tld)iB tro uoE n!'fibd }76/Edh Dl|t
avot l4xtr'tto@E!d rrtlDj t!aa&Y@|!OllIl{lo.
rrrf Y^tL - r br;d *rr&ir;uoddED EErlq 6b.a lu.L. @ E!,outlr-t--eEtru o'
q/r*1 flt, t?t5-
.: OllEmOIOlUt - Lddrrblr, Uf ri{E Lr,Yrlr a?}
l?llLItllEE FIED - Ibir.abrhrdrllarrar bLabvd.LO Dl|ru[tr, nrrD atlAt& O
rE&Ill UErtt'l - t b.dir. ! S.lutDtaharl ooDCo .t tla llDborD.trh/rE r. to Da Otr rftbE a I.|!.*n5. o
Mlm/bdht|b.b.tO[ DoaCLrb
-9aHOa..D.-tDa C,
f'lEt OJltI[I 6 fqlo h,htl{ ! bl@. lr| br!. iEdrorlh!.a!ryq$ultld lArc !o trr rrr (!6) Eel-r6a o
tE ]ll - r bb!
-5,abr-rI''hal hratsa"o-+(!.
uoEr D olt trDlor lrlJ
A tr'. 0Ddl bu|'u\r irt!Lb.4 rd. btt Uaic. rd aFolor lo
oa 0q! (I!.L rt! a bru||l t lda.s. to abraa .d lanlrrF/dtc, .d !- d Jaajlauaofi.b, qoa lnr |llttl lo
lc 6!t,9a}!aor.
tulrbhd or udlldla4 ltotu FtA to
Era.(>. E@t rt allg!/Erh. Fotd@ lli &!l:nbD.li.f.Ia.r
tltt vIL - turllbd trrflr@. t Lbo@, a blJr €.lirt t!{, /!dt d F EDa, ,
t-r f-r {lto-ad.
-t -"-" - -ta- -Arur. vlr. ddral' br uglrll.!l6O/E6rI ItD 9lHalarrrr;ffi-r - , btr.DLd lt||t Ua.'\r!| l.llav.
1.oo @rhtt Dtrr l'utn {?c{&tc
r xt! lrnr .bnor ot .b/dt'c, !tt9L.., 3 6t a'L.!tr rlrbbD. 6& !|db otr$.or l..H.bL a'\tt?dt.
llIC BIDmI - 8 b.ll|. ulorDbou... t.tl Y.ll, Dlarrb-/drtc, lriDLo, .bl. alTtltl.lont! 9tu. utlllll... .
l6da r.{rllnl|o8r ctncllb(b@!! &!DLo, tlrmLb.d x..r.'|.E. rar-, l-&!-064.
VIIL VIIJIOI - a bdslD. .r.
r9r,E ! q:'u AE!llhI||l. r31u/mrtb- a.!n{?'}06.
ltr.lrlr - bVdLl bO@.1blD.lr5.lo-,6u ffi LlEatC-asotl o
tutrllm tE|r irnoor - | b.rb bllo IGX'I - 3 btl. tu'DILltr.E/tbrE, l. Y.[ aallituL OOat!4rl c a"A-ll8. O
tutrllm tE|r irnoor - | b.rb blre. ob.r ruda,ElO/tDdLLr hrbDs ele-.tdt O
tll VllL - t Dr&oo. rdl!!l|drFr@.ltao/dhbleab!t ua.d lrrqlt t 0tB ll|o.tt Jubr- rlb tF b- ct! a?&@ b|t|!d@rr.
-.' O
tttftt CBrtr (xttlD - i|oE, Glb rq
. ahrdto. Daat la.!l3taa, aaoo/aooib,arHrtt. o
.EtYrlL - aLbo@. aED'aird-tl: irllhl rd lorcE l. @/bf
tDt ?lIL OllD : hrfr^l rtr, aFa.tl&. {!@br tulr\rtlttb rDhd,aT}.gfa tc -a1 o
UDIAIII}I CEAttl : lbrd a, 8hFo@. t brb. lrtl)/dl Ar ullrg-lbrlr{b Od.b lt- fo tn Sc rqud
.A-V.||bL n-lb a?6-.t.14 o
t4.tiot @fDo j La v.|l. n6ta t3. Ddloo.ld, a brnts!:rqi!.Dd l|rdt nao|cr, oo b.l
b@tuD. .tuDa-&tLED.t, L(b.t- !dvd, O! "t+6ar
.-.O-Dal trii.-E.lr&tf E tadlE Frrr3tEdE tD. i. .(la16lEErd
'IO/fILl'.cl'.''Dclr 6 lrl lirD H.l.cE EarI.' (h rfl&' tlr u.t ltoldl
Dhr rlotr (b trr b- rlb lqd4n, oil t- 3 l{Do3r-66 d, 4lt,a t -69t37 ."EtDar. iU.D OrV f . O
nltrllltrlt-tbE abr\tuDftErU. lrrdE Dd.f|I'1a6o/dd aL rddur atlatrt. o
lfu - 8 Lb6. f bb. t/D. rrr-bt trrnt t! furirrDd. al?t/d! cu trllttsi6ll lrr .rb o o-- 1b
lro mffi - B b[ @Ca.Vturllu d. rr.bc/drc. HqVd\tB trr fD{t ?hr lt, Arto, (al{)&aaa. . o
Ito @r - t,ra br! ?rrb o,.-
-"Thra Fotodh tlr- -rrqry. dtrr h-. O[ }!! l-tL-l(Eo cl-Groa o
lllr[ Oag CC'UTIIIIUII - tlo! |!|16. a b|b, ldutul|u rDt to Ibl|ortlbA ah&, nltd l! bn-brr rb.d !!.Db. oll l' I Boblar&arrr g
'IODIO - !rt| rq-.drEtrtt. l@. !d{ rrrl lLLl|d, O|A/d drt E It..laE at ?aa,9,HaDa O
llllll-Yll! - iw. rdotr I Lboc.-uiElrDrl Eat . -r;n/}?l! rlrtdrt b! h(D.trf L|t.lI|D{@I?\}{(D. O
tll.lalqtt,llll - Llat I Elre@.i.dH.dEt Ervaaea.drffi@ttzto r@. hoD-Er t i@rIrra@a1,!.aaql o
lft A[l Olnul'llll TrlL.dOc. frar trrvn|Eru. DEU.tod.Eafl|r|[rtFtr|-trlErD.lb.|lu/db.OI hJlb.'Dtu6-s.FEaf O
tltllll,otl mnma - Oo 06 c!..r.!dur lb.lco ldfi '5|rb (lll Erti?C-O!OO, IOtt l?!-?aao. or 6.tl.t!t4tn.l-?llO5 O
MrDarrrr An - | baiioo. i*or.C!r, Flb-/dtlq !44!, ryr@!|r.!',lo rarotr l-ltl-ola.. o
otr .trD tfo llEaaxrl lt^t'DatrTt -
Itllttxlt tlo Enx[ - t* brb.nElfu. r..dot-. $5/d, (l|la?&G. - o
ItollDad - ld.lbrb. f'r.!r.hl Dool"
boaED. srrSdhr lo tlr E.rrdulrlr.aFal6 rl.
lrt EDmI - | brh. !a\r rd,.r?!ts!O-L hrt E bav.!. tlD !8,sc rE8Y.nd &|l' tsa dtri&.t .D.d.t.r.
lE-hrbffi.8b6.lE rFr'G, urtnld. rt.!! o
qkart 41,/7 rf
lfnlnffidIt ..P-h,. EA lJEiIO
w 28,/?ts
ffidlar*q frflffif#*Ff 4 EF,s r t#ii,,*F-#
t3ttlt rtto tttlooMlr -mra -trldba4.oOath.E!ll|r!q|!do.t Qca Lqa I| br,o
IrlI. tttIlJL - (tro d!dt-!&l)
aa laa t r- &*, H CIE lrqur. 6b. llt ta- &- lo rq|r.a -l.'rt-6, o
lfD IEE I - rir EL h{r !aD,rd|} U, OIl llr. a?C-{tt{ O
llll vAlL DUPI.rrI - t !d@. 8 td\n.EltrLl, rrab-/&tta. qrF!. 6 br!qr., G76/@lI, (E6)
'pC-rO 61(&l) Or{I&t -crDa.. O
lrott-Vllt. - Ed,rr,lr- I brbs(D DltrLrt ldr lrrra, rd\.4d.D.a 6m lrllru{a ro D.ra, IrctDar oa9-ct!a o
toSrIEEIDTrO BtDAmI - l brlbl.rVr4 &rorod o" ou tE lr-. to Dtr CaUAr D{rD t?6-26ea O
Wbt\ nnDL-, r./lb/(!tG, rtLrlrrabc. bLrrbdn .ri moo/etb Dhl .dri.-
to t tr t"o-azE. O
"MiE b..L H J|lr{. Ltrrr{a rri, Cailsgt.e. o
676naolal - E b(bo.o, lh ha\ t/D,toodrtora. ar.ra4 . LDob-E$t ttrdrt,rdJIllb.C l{!-€ae. . O
tPtrlvtl IJO'BETAD - | bdqE, 8br!.tLEdd, &!CO ldrt r|gln a?O,Aa?l caoDwt!.&!an o
ftoaEXX,I.rP ntlllT lo Etr E' loaEE-nddl'.6ld!r.b, ll {laa O
tm tlonldl @ACt?-GeO4{Lra Ldr a?C4-a o
ietEE itt[.f,. !.r G.!'iiEFisEfiF--FB
rl{l RrABvl - ldr.Eib t hbo(6,l b.t)a!.t t bqo. a bl! tllta dr!.b!trabrr/dtlrc booEuDG _ aLtotaar.. ajde{ FoL rdbudt. O! Lor ElaTL r
PtEIt CR'll - 3 brb!@ Dttr lodL r bdb.loory. aOaO/loDlL Crll a?O-267(1:|a-'cl9- |
lRAIItll ton SIXI - fe3 Ptrr Trrtl.Cqln t&b.r/dryE, C brbo@, Ihtch dltcr, io|t r rDoll, |{to/Dont!. tlr lat,t?o.7133. I
PA'EIIAIJ,t tultlll{D - t r b.ro. rD n
CUll I hd!@.8 btD. b{D (S4 abrtdjvlara. ttra9laoa. aalt-olaaDlna ovarb.glrlv. ODt |o@/DdD. agt-ose.
I{IE-VAIL - 3 D.(bo@. udu*nlbd, LdrE b-. ]a?D.Ee/$e da. Fof|ttt nd.l IrbrrMt zl?6-,radl o
Tllll AlDnmfa - IollL DoD b lllh.EaEatr4l6. o
Ol! RtvtnAII,l @oaf - Btl}vrrr 8b&q6. amo/m!b, C.ll Jr.o gae-C6r!,.atlt{al. o
rAtt VrrL - E{.rfirt I b(!oc. t bA!-.-r,nn feltb tdL l|ru'/€E. &ttlr-, .rr-rDa Ddl. Joi..d
tto En(EI - I brL tuarbrrrrbr/(!Tru, fa v.0, |!aA/dD. o:{?+&?! @ a?+alo. i+
ttO rE;a t"a nll? - !.- v.rl i
-!-i''5.Fiff&-ttrr LGb rP^'o..
- t*tEN
..IA nt _ Etf h. t|rr- !Ean||E.Eribrd.brrrlrattffi,SIAffi
tEtI O.ittlit
'til|Itt b lt[b.mllalr! UlttEI|Ll l. a .d t E6 ,
6etD t lr-. CD-GID@l|USr'b. Dc (EtE!.d ll@torgl - t'Et r ridulraa &dE.tGE{ .fElGt ron-- d rr!4: (E{!r lddb.ErEV4glh-.d bT cI* o &ahr{l a eo-riEto-
q mlltrl8ll-8Drr6.lbLlrltru rt!! r&!fitt-_ lio.[lEd.r.V bo!a. ltE/Dd Datr
lrrylo[ llU - lq.r. h.bot!-ffi
ElYrIL - thno@, FirdE n!!|.d,!--Ep qn!.rc h.. tqtr l&eaD,at --&t&teae{d) o
Bll CIBI lOtfArOC - ter r-!, IE!o, t E drr,.EtuL nl.C.o.q| naffil _EE (!:[' lr..t -rrr-
rrq GE|a E-d,L Cr- r,l|{ltl,
It|.fgT (8tt) Elt-.E6 or (.rl)
["-!||qg"!.---. *lrq4" r e-r{a3t!O/d!,cru er.9a$,lg c Rt brin.robd'3(tll)GE{ o
EII- rcrl1! l(t Ott ttA.R - &sq r.r.|D tI Uad!oo!! Lrr!.hoDr! d\rDta- ald6a44qr Lr vdt ro tdL.rt! frbhtE hr trd. {?.}tEir. o
tlcl W tltl lAlA T. ctsr aiorgra.ldtff rDdBt!.dr|.U.Drt
4ttrc. ldlll ll tllnr Lat -Vd liDla-3l't/bth l@, ira. -lx, rd |.OO
liif,3 cD- 'tq'l$-. on * ?t
C/EOLaf rn[/l - r'n*ra. rh-...r.LlanltDltH I Sro@, e{i D.A *hr-UEld |! ytr ad tqrfo.lary. irrfre{. |lmo/@lD. .rrll,.bL hi'ift..-ryE o trl. i.I'E' Ora rAu[..l...ilDl..r E D-.! CEa. btbD, Oo- {tC-Sat. - O
EOEiS - 8b.(bo@, ! LblLi*ltru@ln!I6 l6afd b t tao*{ar arro.da
' qEllQdlFd rlqr'ltd..d oLr D DarcDnr. EDot t (b- {?!-0661 6r llrra?6-7ttl.- - o
rrVlA'OArl8 OtlFlrrlltra8 - tisD 8b.l!|o@. I hr& urrn$a!.d uDta to 8h!@ '|th !q[, E D.lb' trEltrht AIl br!tsrr tb.d !.ndE c.u v|8 EoD\h.lt a1!-133t. . offiO(.. n oar,lrv fta Lt dryr,|Daala.a.r! aitdl aar rt laFL ! ut@ rttbq!\ lllqqEll, Olt h,D b.D!ErBEIoLa?.}|gl .ttoba.. - Orr"rffi
.od br |!!.I5 Utfi urotu- qu EqIa?O{tOC, IUU! {76-?400. o! C!.rt-?t&oitt, l-?tt-l!ga c
lU! - lc L.h tk!r.-.4t6@.1L! .Frlldr udtrEr|b4 nabE GrtoaSla!.a !.arr laxr/@tI tdrfi b-r
ilE. -
FrG rG i-{r +c.
rru"-ffitlfrqtE, trlro"t ornl@Ela Labl|rr. 3 e.&ir- b lit.-v.ti. lt&.-oGd
lAllllltll r!tr' - a hbo@. t* Eb.e?|.r, rrbr|ltc idlar, .[tl.D!.rad.r{r to Dar OD t.AtU6tA O
lrr l-Y^ll - A td!o. ab hr,b.rbnEl.|Ll lr!. (blr @/E h Dtlr,r4id- (lura(b t-tE a7o_,(Ktc. to
llt !qf! t[In(DI - 3b.At 'rrDd.r,t{rbva|I O.[Fd. Eac a9Dl|.rr, b-r.tt
- -!.ar 6?,!r@t\ h-, titrr 7tt-dt@r ?r6-tdtt O
..YAI!III.'I!LI l&T - 8 b(!to.6. orr d*b IDfaEqan.D, laab-rdrf,u. nrdabd. Cc ll dh h-. llo tEltb- u$tr, totn, a76-llo dc6 D.!- a?'a,6d,rc a r.D.-oDao
AgWfEll llllDl - Udtllr.bd fd.rE_E !b-. H tEr at*ncla-!.'
!E+G, r-r oa bE qrr. rrrurcte,Mlfrlol. .nFDl.o., trutbd o.Uldar,E/d,(l[ Lt & t O$6.. e€-a&O
lf - bra iErU r 56!.qf E b_!-Efr F*-;rfa ad ba tolrE,\id.r,tblllglaDcgae€l. o
Itt tMf,At llr? - !9t! r{r,tD sLloo.a{ct'rrt r.tdLb a, !.abl|r. elr |7m rtb r-rrl a?utaa -Ct
ltLlttlEt 6 Lah lrr- |! LaF
V.O. qrF Dd. tU! tr.IE orl nr6aFol .d l.dr-t tutd.d, 6|IVE ,g{E o--:-Pllllt OIIE @tID - Oorubt.d.qr !..a Vr{ ld!o. I b.d!ooo. a D.l&.ba arata r@a!. rrabr_ot-. tluJaaaLbq. tt-- nu q$.c (&' t'1}to. o
tXIl Al/Il - A bdw!. a
*':v.rl loo/Mr\ 4.,brh d,l-Ga(i
!ry C rE ! tltt - t! hElbrFi!6 h|r. tada: b AE E Lboc. !dD, @Dt t V tu Lt ..dta, LrfrDnF!.. _DdO!!a, Dort|6t fir.tlad,rraD-,/dte. td9!. !d-L.E .!dr.rt|r.|Dqlglr. r.E dLE q.i\ otd!' Ei!9 ro.lb|F.a hrl. tXll/rEL hJ@
n$i#,&, ot {t t !ob!.sl Ro.4
lfo lptdr - | D.r\ |D uarLftrc/dlF. otrtFtiaa faa RE!. o
F^.?itfrer1GG'di rcrb.
7-..liil|_-&_ICIE! I I tdlc q.nrns.t lbfdrIu Dru tu-. OatEe!4||- Et b DC do. rrr]na. roail|ir rG. t ab/Ot-, Gdrlntrrror. l|t|n|rd.d. tofra i@/rt 6ottItoG. Ul! n{$ q|t' arGaltoaDlDar o
lffiA -UreI lr^ntn - b E .ru,iiioHrffi a l't '.!'
lrO!|:VlI', .;-.a.Beo, lr b. roa. daunr {arr3a. tltb alao:llo o!a!a!.lIE qtr! tialt.o, rd!!lrD.i[ !l!F^Eb.ODnE9a$ reaA Elt9a},rr!tru-.ldt _ o
Ullvf&- nEadAt dr6.tt. b
H".Stf"a crr &t?t{qd'!
frO_l|l-!rt rOtlAOcE - Clqr !obn\
FoL t{rd d. f hlEtEtE Drt|'a,rr! .lnar tt! i-, rn/ra DhtF&l+__ (|[ D-a {t}e dlhar.tl$qra -O
lDd.r.UbpFc,Fq!g.!.V ?" g.lc, |.aElDd ttrG. nqt!.tE,tqE d dE--,Dr.a.,G tEDrrb,aGtdir. o
G.nqtltE tqdlf d E--,Dr.a.,G tEDtr6,aGtdr. O
lftf t.tE - L..: I bd.@ ,ffi.tr y.o-nEotEt oht tql.rt6totulrD,cdl u..'sErrbret.4ltl o
lrto IDM - t!-ur[r.r!lrcht'E[,.ELES.E'rFoffi
&If,lDO! ?n.A8! t t U - t b.dooo uDf.atdr.Db. A-& ra.n{h.rll eae-()3ea, o
AvOt A'XRIEI - 8 bd!o(n. I barb"lr|trfdlhat rbol on l|ata nfwr, rrbtF!td, t9r0diL rFRrt-'.'y.t t{lE/@dtl4.6.r (! ona trr. 8Gl'lqy datod tTuri'fo talr t-aa6-6aca, offi
!!!!!, lah.e !c0ur !.a v!t. {?+
l.ll4UDOl - f.{. I bitloonr I bAtornfid,-. D.ardU turn|.hat J|ol'r|.!-ard_roo(l noo!a, aol.rtutn, aar.aa.aaTc/dj!0a}.66t -o
LOVtLt tro DtDBootr Eort -UDl|4'nlDd, Otfue ar. nr o.6r^tlr.-.{rarrlt'r-aEi-Dd lur-!oaDrEGd|fA Ll|L
Ag{-?:46a. O
tAOtt-vAtL - t {r I b.qlo|! Dllr lcG
ttrry nrlt|| tEU.dE !rGrLo.,6?6/ db-D{9-C450. o
Oll !E)R(EI - tr.!t!.h.4 olr OG! C.ra.Lt-,9.tl t.@/|nd!! Dlu. uUltu- .rrt oE
m":.-v 4odr lo{ ".. lr|E
fl L& ItO AE)n@I - I b.tL td, Y.rLIorsf a.nDl|o. Jir l-.. 13& ghr@. I-gU-lOag. {?G%31. O
-a-- qta"Eo - r*" "htldr-t,-d"' S).a l,L t rd &t-. 8d CUf ttAr.ttr,. Eirb@, llt tda &r* fo 6a! or aracs7-ott6!. o
fllt WDll - ! rr bt\ Ptnc(ar 5O,utdl'nlb.d. eU I&. a',|a.a8t{ O
lrAl VA!, Elt?lg - It Lb@. a h&.Itr+!|Drf rrh/(!tac. -rFtt, a ht-|q|... F?udD, (56) Std (b|r.(lll) ea{lt3.rGbt!, O
Ulrt&VAlt jE UlnDla. a bdo6 CrrLrtr ldG trl.ar. rDn!!ru. Xd, Crrl|aor, lo lrr lrutDo gaD-OtaA O
'UAI|UID TrO llDn&l. - I brb br.aYdl a@e a@l-r Lr loFa^OI|at D{r^o a7}a6a o
t* *"OY - ntt"rV n -"ft"C f
b.rD. !t C.o, ri.br/drtlr.dlrBnah', roId.FtEn .|i,
Dnr u!.lnt..fo d- a?6-gfs. n
ttlttr rtDRo<tr roarl.t llort -tuhltd. bd !|rd. Ltu|fc s-, 6!gE.ll{4. - -::!:... 'O
BT!/IOITA - l' b.droodi, rh b.D\ tD.roodrgova, aurqy. B.nchrnarl Tratlar,unfilrrahd, t-{c3-o3{9. o
DOtlT.lOrr IJOf,8I{lr'D - CEl.oot'"abdb.nltqblt41600 lrEhrb. r.d,Our. {?&3{71 (r
.ldD bt ft. An!.r.. O
IID trOnAOt @A(l? - 60-00 a. G.rrrtbou- rta- aYrllAla. a?!-{*18, O
------::- IAOII-VAIL- a b.drc@. un'\rrnlhd LraI qrl$ bt bi! ll?'O rrltErr/lo6 int r. ffi.r|!rd! tR3tdl|.D4et{iH{d. - O
qIB tru, uttl! - rrr rd lcl ,hlr. t ID.rdtErE to(b. h
llttll-V IL'- (Ht orE- idrDborr Etdroo6,l{a D.& r|.b/drtl!, }'€nr'@dbCl|r{r'r- tapA trBq{?€p?4Co. O
@rbrrl96l. -rr'l ord,bnal ib adapFtntu|l.' rru lo ats lria o..al rfr. to
Dr. Or. rrl' ! rufi&" a?C-mq (Ut)
0?8-!6Oa dryr. (ldl) ?OI-,ary'E rur.D.|,|rrl-al O
IEI/rE ItO [m - I E\tEfEr[Lf |.nYE|D.r* bl lo ElO[&fE Dlat-?.o, al!{ta&. O.
lA!.D etru! - t lilrr. ata brb.lq|'aed lr!lo.| rtth rr.Ua/Grt|..
IDdDO! -Jraurd. _ Aoaltaot "rt, ,unq',lE!|q{.la rr|ltA|. hq!$-i b drF. all(I)/Dd DUr rrflg-r nEt|ltd tqr.Ilrl ala Cnr E I:a Cbrr.t!&roo.ataEtr- - O
Eff'lDrtL tIO EffEI - Ir.alXU '@ o rh. r'rf, l6Ct /@tb, Il!.l-tl,glll) 6 Cbr.b tdcelr9. o
VAt - I bbo.o. uofurdrb.d.F EGr Gl3 ffiD tr-, |6{l Dhr,rnirl+ oE Darra. @ ar. to -trfo@tct crrt a?rGtE?{. - O
lrlllI-V^Il, - Lditul, ua!\E!l|b.d bdtrid- 6 ad 6!r, E6/r!@t! Cltuulttt ., IPA t'rn!, {76-?{C0, {74-oao o
ott !D rro BtDRor .ttln|lrrrra -ttElld cf udr'qllbd. rtortb r.4 fotE d E@ r.na r Gltar'diED. Eo-. ldr -El| r aatl@D.lb. T.+u.tb-r(!t Eg*Oa{[.. ..OffiE\ idlt tuIril|bd. La! D(tA !d' G.. C.ll(IG.f R-IE ato-algl o
- al,llll-- E, Yrtl. I b&o@. f D.r.b. ltrfAto ia] Cdl qs!.dr n-lv {?O'l!lin O
Ctl l@I tttltf,tl8ttt - Arr.b-rl! l.r,V.ll hd. drrrrrb. nlrDljo. .edf
lf;FaH' * Dtt. u nr. .7+orA
ItrcI tEIt aEn(Xtl tp?r.E -trb/|bt!, OrrDtE, g lf aria!. Dlr|fut rqtDoD &r @,b or F L--7Vr D{d.!|. {?G!?Cal O
r!G_tr+-tltGqE.:Ir{r.c.F|IIU iErLl rd ir&t -qd
BOYIATI'II AII,DIO - f.r! FlDLd rDitrE rt 4 nllr.ul D-rtrtul vtrr. ldbd!@. }L/@tI lrEh.g b-l. IPAItpr, a?C-7€, atC-OrrD. O
vrE 8r(xlull CUn - lbd@.8u\t'ry@tb t8!ff !r{,Er hEllDd OD.tBl--.aE-l{<)O. O
E uElLt to (fr. Httqt/dl|.fi!..6a \$$t
nutl -,,lllg 6 1985 - Sedtm.B
l - l u lotf -br! ut! n!:!|.Dd I L!w..bt 4!C!,:q1r6! !q9/-@!, Pr. lrlao aD?alo, {t!-ortt. o
r Fua)nt - Ldrd..''''i ftEdt*{ b@ b &|!ry, (blt, tttd.o.bdt, nr bir llm/edib toohdla..r||r|.. 4?&0@1, .. o
.t lL - lrli|'rlDd .r.aqr IE 6 Fo ldla tdlidb Dl|,... I?l. ItD!. {ta-?aoo, a?&
llifr&-.s!ll-idcEtn a6ct.nai.f3.-fl6i[rlonbrit- E
lllllt vdL - a D.doo@. glt b!0. DdtCats rrLlrl dUnC turnr.bd. Dr Dirr
aD tslh .tDlltE rltttIrl Un t/D,
Eiltlfl'rHl ^* s.D3 i,. c: Eud.
lEllOIqDI- IULrdildu.GEtb,|.6/r! It.l trraaDm,aD{ro. - o
tllll.!.Vll!, PAf, a - t b.!o@r Dlu k.l'u!.turotrhac toOO/DoDtL IP . lttrn"
{?'&?.tdr. a?Goa&. o
lSllY,lIL - Udrdr!.! a b.(!ooE tb!. rb Feb.rylrd !r. !@,!E4,Pl. ta'!& r?+?{!(t, {?}Oa:P. n^
Altot. mCnEA - n!dd!.! E bd!6.nalrrldrt|', lO6O/EoDth. ya.r laua.l-t!6-6 ' o
lrOt&YlL - tbauana b.n (i[|!a. tbrb@t ahar rr F||dr, ltooriul,It/l lt!!. a?6-?alo. {tuOalt. O
Ittl YllL DlttIII - Lda or .D.!t r-|!. aLlw. lr^ btD" |rr{r ilEI -lrd oUac.6U L|vaa6-&Ill. O
t.llE IllD|sI tn^llln -t@dhEroaaova, rubc/drlE. !.al- RrtG h|i .6.ldwc ar8.F. r-96-tolD 6r O
llltl&VllL - qqftllt d t Dibo(o.a[lEr dr- Es|o flb bdrd ta.
rtll Yl'lL - lt-tjlt|! rrr. atlt Eh.
r.lats 6 D|! rda- tl|lt'.......... lDlr4 dlr-tbr {t&aatC. tat-09. o
llll| WtI - a bt\ r&tt|aluLlLrDboura, tar! val. Dlabrgba!,fctattc. !r?rE tE anftt' h8lmo/aoDlb Dlua uult!t... atC.Oeat,IrF@. O
ItO llDnoOI - I b.rb oo!4o l!td@|Ira. lrrtlE ruDailtrt D-l!du.ld" F.t ooDaLLi.l atSy'EoDS!t<a+tas,
IAOII.YIIL - ! bd!@. E b.rl. ht C,lurdrbd o. ldrDt b.4 u9rd.la ullItOeL ProFqt t tlGr.i l6raE6- a?!-aadr o
't?lfr @mI - rl^ bth, t alvrAl!O/@l {EtlA 'lJqt
A8llbd toE't E'(br.dF !D..!t I|Eir'rilrrr. Ou brr t-a.6:-. o
^@brt arr|a:.atrEl toFr Et4udt loo&. l'r bi\ E ri!, arr{r. t?F.trEtd t b@. 8rr bl!. I nt arnara!n m, (rll N a?6-a?8t c srno
Mrrabar/dltlr. !n.r lo|.. aafro/D@qrd.and,.loh! llE 9allttc O
t-t"*-- tE--a""d@",-ld, 8 bt!. a!{ar. .Drtqlr to Dc }?!O.6u R.l. a?t-a??l . * lm. O
oBrttr trultol - tllltrbd I bibo@.
foi, t brb. Dool. E rb,6.d@ br to
D.r atGrla6 o
Fitlallo tro lrDnoor - t brn
. aDarEadt tD l|ngrr'l la @rb l-1,}|o/@rb ClI rtrlft3 ou E6| &ettgr-ogta o
itrrlDol 1lo EDnota - | hlD,n b.Ydrr4 rrr trltt' |!tbt bd, toEtr t{tofusun 6.0 O.rt gmter}C6r-Idatra76-MO.rrutarr..Lttf. O
,llt tqt tdrIIIO bt . r.6r tlrt.n t
Dan l!t.l hlruflf uaia at|lLbL. CaD rtrIJt r|tt.a IoDa c trrv Ddr ;roDnvbt llr!{u&{?'Hao. o
'iBIYA!L - thhr|tr Lrt a u@ rrlDEb-ra-Lr arnel tdudahd. ,aabl -rE , t!r... llgl hoDat nd.lla.rart a"Gif4o. O
lltlnldtllllf - a .8t 3 brbo@..iI.athl aqt ldur'Dlha( troD @.ProD.lt t e.orf f&r{iEral a?Ua/t@. O
tfi )tlotll IldPrB - arnn' I t:Eo@.daolt. oharDtol uott. acao/auBrar.
]?txYrtabr, blr.fi h-r PloP:rt t nd.llor{|u|l{?1Hlm. o
Otl EAOOI - lD torl vr!-tlr/d+t3,Ect@Ooi.lhl,aolonr,nt !. Aot!!|ht t l&raMratc-41o. o
ffi-t - a o.t-. a a.'t nort *,rrh-/dE o, lrl,!. I|o'!!| t n3!.iL.l.aEEtatrH.dl. o
fll}l'' ^lL- 8 E!.D..f.aot llobron lnht !r. l6aa Frortt t DdtiIEalnra!...@ I
IOtt Y/lll - 3b.ltoo. arr bA &.tbo
!l E, qryllllFFrlt tol!.+lloq
LIOr8BIDOI CHALI? - fot[hourtutrdrd a bqlwa a bl\
9l8llttb tbrot$ oclobr !f . lo Fr D.DorqrN. A-v.o.bb n-lv at-odtE.
aa o/Io. ucutDloltt.IllT|lS - tur l!
OdUlb rttb. Y.lt R..q- Ol! Crll lLna
4'DftLq .Ern!n
Atot T'o lltnool - lhillnrDd dr,rG.blt to ldra l-E lqL. lurym
bour1!' o9d ltqrrrd rn! b-. to Flo oblllno.9f-llag.
trrt.il]t aorl It lAtDcron -bd!@, I br\ but{ttlv i|tltaEl ttr.E.d r|'a.|I{t'no/rtrlrDhdt..rGE q[ ela -rarDt a?6-Ota
ffinlb/dt'.! dlD[br. ftlv fittr rltdi.t tD llt", t(x)r'@!r! Dhllllrlb
lsXlC (Ird ga-algtC, 14 uttta
Rtla OBEAII'|SI OmOn -lC@Q. Ibds6. I b.rh r.r!Dot! la lrati.!dl.r t\r!r.bd. ltdy@$' (
tlg -!tta rvG!14
Al tlAltl .t!!,1 ?rl - I Drlrc{ra d .Frrdl ro habvdf l!!hPllrrL dIrDO. FfitDj E att 0 IEllI D-.It. q|D|. q. alqoa !@ao@Eo[| toFrtqll6.{d-ts.a! b !.at b 6bal bbtrltll!l?C/6r! a@. talt-arb ttDt-
utllEr bhd r-d, dla lV. tL.tltl Idh'. rdDtu (LDat (|toc04D.6.
tllt llDnml - a bl\ ttt LG, .l BdhrtlD L?.lttbl)!e.@ttt!v]|l|d aolaaL Laa dt@[ rtl drv .(lt@ aI EE nrEr@r|. Datt F@ rt crDG tttCL. t'D,lrlt 6r'hdartf!crd 31 3ro',.r.et cl3'td. (b u.l ldr lbL raorl. D.tfu ril|l! irlau .t L6or'elh.. udtis ODa trt h- r!5 tU
irdoo ou ht.! I-qD63l-t66c cr ii l-dDot?t qmlaal' ot {?+cAr r.bb.tut l-
dlll TrO llDl|ml - I !.d\ ttl \Ifld orrrL-, trr l-r l]s :(bDaL a?'o?{3r.
ECA lgt EAtt Rrr - pouDt rh'ia-ro tldl rlaDor&d.ry b @dl ll'l
DoG- ttsh, In* Dar cFt"Stt -rbotr, r-!ru. !4 V botr ra.V.a$tldrUt @Cqiil aL.tb-l r'?w.
Oll rmallE @m - l.at]vrlflLEdrsE tUD.?ryd!O!.)orlta-, al+cl8L
f,Ofl| IIR trlltl - &xrrt !t' Dt.t!. Ib.dood. ! tull bllr boa ulb' r'.r'lrbtt{ulU oo!.trt tulV nrs!l|D.4 q(Iulltvtrr clrudt!.n rd@a. fo 9dr Dlir6E/Dtrh clrt ..ld8.a t|.rDdtMnon!' gt.l66, O
tWfulalrd. b rc.l dha Loa or &o!t t.t-o.lo Fll &a oil d aN d!r- a?SIttf,. o
VAIL B^qltEr CUr! - 8 bdrwr]oG lbnr b.hia- clr.5 tnal C.u @mlD
UOt gf,t^ll IODOI - aXL {. !. t blto(EGxYli !urur |!A.fi, @Fd.
lto tonm[ - tt,| blb uDr\ttrblrdrrbot! 6 b|. rqra. 6lGv Dalrlrd It-, Yr0 r.ll 6u 9ae-lm .ta 1\.r?ryto,.Ab!I|lL
!r t'. ttiE llmoor tr^tlE -turDtalad. o.Dla. u3llltt.r oor.!.rt,
acoo/EoDtb. l0oo tLpo.lt. 9{9-?oalrld. o
tflD.rv t ldLl Ln ar l?t.Lo. O
tD Y^IL - E bdloo lotllllrlar ol|rrrrUf nrroru rd furntah.di @itd
irrui oran oulL.l a! t lrE!.6at-.ftt. o
!rrtt&Ydt..-. t 86. l'^ Eh.
rardd. bt (Icts ltao/t6l CrtidB C!a-o.rl Riltr a?H:f . lo o
ll.OLt-YAIL - I brltooE, I b.tb.r|Er/i!r. @ blll8 -|!a!i.er toF.Oa r-s?ElA =
lnor?fllI taDtrol - Itttrttlldd br{
, t- totn!a-. E unti 6.!fFtr ctdl'..
Gousn vtra dD-v- c!-L t|.rtt/(!tf.
Eoaarool nt Dlaaa. vrullad oaulnaa.
a6c0/ealr! C.l! l,lta gts t 8tDl!. eae-
AVO' - Dd r furrUaD.d S b..ll$rnndt. nd! to |trnlt, F L !.Ir atld hl, ,aP.
lat5/nErtD. Dar e{H5(n org{e-,|ool. o
EY trf tltrt I,rrT - lg"a l$"o !bndr arta tstallar.d ttdo. holll al l|ttclli. on! l"loo rtu t*n! {1+EA6,|. O
fiIE tfdll UittS - 16 rtld lm' a
td@rn I b.$r r.Ein|'rutlaf Fo do,^ tod
rra trtrl. 6!1.' lru/rtFntl a764dx).tr.?Sta3t o
Pftllrf ctlllrf, colE - cbllnt d
l|.!ru br v.0 ldl,b.3 bd@. a nLn 'lat !o@. taabr/O:lt. nntrl.dll&tn*rE' E- cJr dE (soor ?6-
tM@|. - r
tntl ItAl - t !..i!6. rt{t}v.r. lgr'Dri!.-E
bt! drb.t-6-Ero6o
rrAItrI'OL rtlo EW - '!Eau.E6Drb (E ur tlr..a(D/lEtrltr- ru.
l-t!9ll6aGff l-&91?1. o
trtr VIIL - t b.dFd. uontd.h.d.rra-t Gll dI| L- llaa Dnti[!^!. @ Itrn dt ot. to Ffr..6o!F 9r*!-. a?'$Dta O
'rlat vArL vttuRtllEtD - a !.q@' tbt5 rlDlB Olt lrl lo|laafa tstEbtb r.:dd. qil JJr rylq.Ia ttEe.g-caz| o
r^ltr'Dtt?r Em([(It'Do- a-lr rai uo rurr rroric'rc. a44n
. !3 rrr aaCqt hat|.l. r.r Yaf. ELf---sa6oistod. . o
VAIL -on
?tk&g /2, /7tf
I - Eb{-C.Eio h b-,.-Ob
- dE'D.l.|r,a/tli0,an Or-. O
Itttlii'U!: - llr.G:!,a'Er.LnaIIr.I'Eo,.-Ul-r O! lbr*.E' , ' rD
CSUIDT - t! r-!. -& r!! knItErdr @-d Ftrqr 3!. tdloo.I@ Ut D-r P!.r.rhr t fct rl|r[ar{r!4r@ - c
vAE Lqplt C&lrl - 3 L!,oo. ld. A b&.b_df Cfa '-a- OD @lrlrar{1W7'f. b
t-fl!L- I bn@ r|!l,tdautbd..'DUr rq.'otr hr|lD/db Dht!S-t- rEtan' !c ta' r:
Yri.uo !@rtr-aElo.abD.rrlrDlltE -|L. GlEr @ ad4ttffid, rrtl b .E !ta. ar- rrr- loF. OD rI @[, (16) &73-iorSr (e) ?lr{*tlrr6arrYtr, O
l'l IiEA Gt - t[ -rD qr. rlraE ttr-.Fr,Dfuq-.loa E!. le. !fl,.{ l-trffi .dTs6d,lo r.|. rEbaratl{ra. O
Im|ItDltllg - '6-loab6|Dl l-lr hr|irtt' f|!.&6 3 E6rE EltdbrG!-.. &3(ho!.q,h.- E !.Ldt!.ar ab
rlXD6 - hdln|l lbo@. nrddaFrd b Fftlr. ba.r, PL-..ll 69t9rc5l.E $'{XDI }.o. O
fro arDflDrr - I b lhr H. B Pr!!Orl hri rD LaY.tl tI-qr!,bd.blb @! BC tt t!r.d,dldl-61! -L ElD 6f,' t-O-Gt.Ebar, all-Ae rE rlbh-.O
ffif.at Darb IlDl!, fot-r l&/d
!.t anb, tr .L-'E EEiqE.lDd|rD.|Et-Oa a l-ll3-€. O
XPIEGnlqttFt[ - IgrltEc, ab, drErae.Ot'tr.nB iEaLf rrLtdJE. aF- rt,r.nd qrl.. E/di tir u||!r'(8la)r649 a (ru) at4tr. o
td3.r nb-}d. br l6aa. '|| Dir lurdr rdl 5
Jg} {?!-aol drfl.ara{t.r - a
t.lxlf. lll&flEI - aDEr D.r Et:load. I bttr. Laa Ydl rorlliD on Uralb, o.'qf.rAf !.E!rht n b/tbtc,
-.D. irad Et to Lbd tb!-. aFi!b!t, X.OE ndd. !.u, ODtir b-D.d.{?'GrS. O
ffibdd br Lqlt to rrr. b-.Glr'a6..rarr- 6o,tr4 (bn aDrolabqar O
ltr 'ltt@- Itul'!rbd@.b,F-rDtr b loa Er6' '- L,ldLhqrqElqrErtata, ?Lrr Et3,lo.dbrr.FfE9 O
-l lEM - t-3 ftrr o hr rqr..G. g-ea, 6'tdlA rr hchrao@a o
ruBrrBBrD ort Ei[ - fficrd rlh lrda b trv'- bt . Y.lL .arrtr & &.tf it. cbtr &.Ebar (bd$&dDar ttffi o
ItO llDlw - t$ D6, i[!id.rfa|qt rwt E an!i, lo FGOl@\ @.tn-i\ t*tt "'.|E ob- tsn lb! 9'o-?A qlt {?l-@
lll AtaEVl - Er|rrl A Lho.tEL.d t S@, I Ub !Dr. er0.DbtaaDt/dtr! boofuF. El.lorar1 dfaa-lrE, trad. rdLE.d, OIf Idr E
t'tfr..trrait'lo - bt d crL!n.r, laao 9lu, u!UtU... .r.U.Dl.@t|.toF,OEb6,@!aE.Gf.ErrE6tlt O
t-O * -t- - "- -
lod tEOf,Cor'-rttrsbld r.al Oqr lSl.Gl6l . o
ar-" tl- "-a"* t t^.-r-fr.bt!.b4 -@,/d\Jr-thfrLPrErr I|r@,ltl-.tlH-c
fi'Ilo lvr'tt.rll r@l I - ryb-Eir.d, to ta, fD tErr li6Oag laglffi'?. D
ed$rybatah!!oa rr!
dl QI ! la tr!.'trrtrtdt'-.EatEOdhr.COr@. fol-tfr!Hl-r.-r--.r!..t!! c
tl!|:t|tn fraE$!< r!,
D!i. l
? v /1 /?s5
I--E'DG'EtIErcr:ft"ril,- tIlE FrtE7 tElrBtatbn aerlat (E hr tq!a, m'dh,qll U-.r & t &6r eae-{|!} O
fB - . In r[|E--H$Bfffit*.z 4
lUmI l.lrlllr - ID &.n|lra E\ rqla. l{ c rt|t F.|.ly@.HD. O
lltt YllL ltttottlls!, - | b|!&. tDA ^'-r- O[ &tI IqE|! hrb9aaaa2a o
(!llml - tbrD.FaIUnErbfr--/rEtE, tav.[ ItLr lbrdE rb!!.frv.arrfrL ffiitrbotErt.m/Edh drg uori-. !.ffq|d rqullf .d C..-. qr tn 6ra,attlr O Erbr, a 6. {tA.6l. O
trtYAL -.!.b! ltas, I Lboc. tD*b"' nrlDl.larl lorDloura. avr[alta I
@d!.V E d F!. tryDd! Dhr
-re.E lcD. |n|}lt tE
mtdoe--- tcaT:rED;
IEtll! - Ltr I ld6 t!.8 ".!.l|'!td.ohrru-.hrd,O[!r--rbr'es.e O
&'|lnII!! PS A t t n - t brbo6 untr.Nr0.a..ax) LD.affir e{edle...., o
GnE Eoxxrr -- nirlV-ii-"ro.c rbd!. n!.Cs, ruba/drF. attrlraabr, tbti&. nrrorr';raiidF:
FnIU - hrbr$t!,rDdlo.lhba!. iry inrblbrd rGb.r (|5o.orutlbEr{to{At o
.ltltll - bYd. t Ditroo. r bd\ t{6.lcnOnOGaB-lE a76-am O : rvoirmmr - riaiuauoru.
- bYdl t Ditroo. r bd\ l{6.o|loeu.b B.&a?!atn o
a?DE6. , O
td dr,fi bl t|my'@!, IIA l.||n4ar'?4fit. t?a!aar. o
IlltIRE nt - bdt. ,..n|'d'r nlnr.Ua b.dr@ b@. hDry. ab, !r!DLo.l?fffl'.Ei;t ne/Edrl tehe6
EOLl l(rn nrFT - &d!-.tt Dlrtt, Itbu6. a tuD bdl4 b dn ru[hur{ul!'oqr.L4turvtuarulBlrltt.rbrr ChlrbE rdoFl' Io Dda, Dli-.at"6/@A t,!r|ar...L|ft,b|.9Ddnd86trr 697-6!aa O
a EDn@I, E BlrII DotLg - E.|flturvnE .kl lb! ter.t d& Lil c.bolj t ro-Io Fr. La Gd d aon q'l a','C- 6"6. O
Pllg '-r.? drc -- driftt.ad..84r Dr, fL[ fdtr.lb@-lbt\ldq' '!dr t@. l|ib/(!tr. bDerLri.nq, n-- r[ dia (ln) rt+ldD. o
rVOf : nr*alrU gUtcoDhr tdt { br\ts ua, arlra., qrrE|3 Io !..,ItEfi|tDr.UIt Lb@. lt^ D.rb. baa tA r'.t. ftlto.turolu I b.(bo@. lff bl\l rr at.a,b.a rn E. (l|l esl a?a4?at c 4t(!'. t o
1Alll EDR(DI - I hrl! irrtura||b.lSoro.houra. t.|t tatl. Dlrbr.rba!,rrbddF. t5.Dl6, tbf, rrtE|3, hfa7oo4loo!! Dlur uulltl.r. a?O-Og{t,
IttDmt^lt-l.aAlbbod.tulDlU rd rdtrqtu. !o b.FFt?rtdd ra.raE"al+aa@I'
lrOt&VrA, - r L!!@.txbr!.lriddf[ Eaa-. dd$f rtUFI[r4 tr:f ol-a F@ffir t Itd!.i Lra@,{"C4&. Ci
tts{I^t itltt - t brt!o.e. ftElb.d.
DlaL bd ED. lE r@/ft!(' rrE-.ffitrrvrrcr"'-nE
XXrtE dlE !Ol!Er'E! - L@. !m. Etri@.I br\dlEf r.&f. nr.9Lo.try
rr.b/drtcr tt!. Ytr,lr|tr q.EL, U,fdh Crr r*6ft'|-
l.LtrboD. (8lt) t8t-aE8t or (tlE),ll-/agt. o
riEd;tGi-m/-!fi inrE;6ril;lo D6. ll'C-,lttt. - O
-ffff VftL - ArronhtA!.boG.fl.btrEnbra d! lr.rt 6r &tI lafib
-rEetiFa76. O
t[llEXtI Er lA,c*En illrdd@!,(ha !E i-r to (brE Eb, (lu f6 toE El {tl-rEo
qrbl&lr |..r|rirt -rdlralBt. arhi rDr arrr lffb. h@.i' fErLD{tEa?l-.{E- - O
r;Er.Yrl. lrrE?ts - t L!6.rttst ldt/ tcr|Dhffi:ffi{F a*h E^.r'''|
ll8l tUL - h!6rl rtr. rrrr laEa!. .,6 6 h, nr i.{rih EhrLAlb/r!.t/D&rEa1{tt..|tc o
tmlltorl'I |'!D Urtl j I b!r,b, lloti|IIIE t|r.b/drrr. atqt. !ttDi....@ dE!'at'E r|! fEDato.l9€.qralo-tla - O
'YlEUtl@DmDE-tE!o.dae,irtht d|larEEl b.d!o. r!S!! !!rdrrrEcrr4Io r.L atltla,1*..1-
nq'rllr 6a W,-ll.io.O'*ffiEin .tE.t|!tll}k @!br lqD/d\ LO otd |Dd8lrrLl.-.i'- E utbd, to d{|f g|eAG O
lll lA.Itll - t- tro turatrbd Ib|to@.6.oL,rtr.rdtloinrrr,brrc9ab nBa, aaa/dD, a?!.l!C. l-r|-
I)E I lOIl X'l lt - I b.6@.64nEa ao-, tbd lirrf .rrl5.lt -Dol Ftry@,6U ere-|'()f br9Dohrpd, o
vr8. l.qur C!!l - Sbcroo.ldl. r b|!
W!!EgF, I !{b. rrE d.4 riar/drtt.dXt/brb. h-q!..rdof,rb-a?'EafD...i b lEitoDaE O
&l're. Er'd! Dlt| d
H|b ^$r. l. Clo to ln| ltn .
1!O arDSd)I - t rt b.r,\ PttSa 6!.@6, @/ar!b Dtu. ui.UnJ.., lor{
lH;rH. 8oa'r oao'aoo' or
tOgB BADROOIa - Str|ltr| rnd rp..{o
balb, rdrt rtrr d VrU, 8 or Il!O@. PloD.rtt R.n!.I llrn.a!atc./|,oo.
tloft CEll LtAIDtB - Art|nJlbd.ol., ob.lDtat u!tl. looo/.u!ttElrtDt.t. rD.hiLa bit FtaD.rt0ff.D{.@at tm-i|,.Oo.
O^RAOI Il tISl YlI:. - n! |btd.t|par artltor'et ! t-09t-?t"a
t tT YAIL - r iaarua. I t rtr. turl3tt!. lr'tr h\o9.i!r ldr{.rn6rD.r. {?C-.€An.
tlIrDlO - t- Vro. oD Oon C!..L
n*Hur |3?!/@l!tlllr.6rtlu'
AVOI TrO ElDn@I - lrhrurTuahldFttnDU !o looa taE lal1 ItOl:hltltdaDd! tqutrd rtth tiaa na
lg.- -* anlrdn. Au3 16
GniElnD@ - lB!.-.&daatslf E|.l|| ndE !r&rcF.tf. !E| GPrE[b. 'E| b. li-
. t--Fr-b o
.lvlttlE! rruurttt 3 t uro.qrrdq.filarr! rybYE n6cirir GE ttrrl3 r crtr rdllt, U't q|8b c oal. tcc.@GoV.lot!a,Icr!,@@SErAO Et !@ Ef acEr E!t3!a&1,EllrE! r@.lr!@ rEc..il|tob dld rrFd.w. ttrardbSEDI !d Dhr lldatrl!.c, caru.{t}llqr.4bi.i, C
Otl Em - lsd d rstdd alr, lnoal'. b -ry L-g(t/ElD, EraU |1l-r5, O
Oagt VftI - O!- blb. ttlUb.d 8tt@/foi tE l]lrdLl -do lot..' attsata, O
tlal VA& DgPLE - A U@. !tnr hr.d ifir\t aAO/DoDtb. ioDrlo Fr. (!(Et) 470-7tt! c a?,6-cagc
- *- t"" tst "U@"r *E.lra rr[rlf b dro. l@a tdTt tfurdad ad lEfuta||Dd. utour DtotrilLDb, lle odd ch .l /fE,Oo,l?Ufrtr.
n'llllglD TltO ltrl'n@I b .DDtY.[
r.rrib !filr.fd- h. ll
1600/EdD, arc-.ataa
lPlClOl! tznlt EDnOOll - n!ar9!E \r!n l! t- v.0 6r Dt| !qr.otcletsr|.| Oon 6-L farlt/ furdaht'rlat.al baaa lql ts|.nra fbr lorrtr-o.DL b-. l.tg-i3loo 4 a.D q
f,. O.!r 6-f Dfin, edl.Jr.
ltnll llDnOI OOttF ln l-x.vr|l.bL tblol{h rts r.or! VdV nlvrc a7H964
E l!!f - ltrsrEDLldf. tr alltr {btrndratl, tlr.Dt.a..
tEi il& --nat;l au$J' a b.rboon t
b.tb. ftJs'Dub.l .ttr t'n\iLal. $lP||o1 rrt
..r6llnf- lo ttiatt.dl. fo Daia fr.o adrltarriunrn I.. prdtre lCoo/ltonl\ !l.
ird L.L l'p rilnv dtDdl C.ll {7G lCrr
IOI] rtD tloBc llnll nEfl^u .t/rod..aI tr. El4ldr5r ou &rx rao|Jat tDturbfi$cl?t O
tlOtl"YAIL - t ladloo. e D.rD. t'o brtl.ro9lodv[te !r.|D./&tc.
' 4 ldy@rD, c||l lo tD&q.tIotDt b boDrll al+?alo. o
EAvtA ErcE :i"r uoroco, t td
turDtrb.rl ooDdoDlDluE oeallooltla
loa|rDa.D trlr lnldb bdd.b/ Dt r!n, GOo F @lh thr.ldrlo, -q4|Lc 'tqrfia |'d Dh-, D D.|r chtl'tp.D r d@Fry {i}tolt. o
gOf etlrrEt - a.d I EElr n ryillrau rd uDltEttdrl t|.b/dlt!.trrd.. ErrDa.t tllry@tD. or LbdtEt &i!i Oae-$O. ..'.'.'.. .....".' o
*-ffi*;HF.Yr*nffiit 6 rtth a.!.cl., taaDd/cryc. aseiir .dd b!'- are. .it b h-!-mg^ff*"E.m"*t
'l-{ Ut a tr tAgl vAL - a. ta- +}|!o/mr\ fut'orbrl .lLl u!lurn4!4 orfiai to on rr rr. Eabo! nodr.rloaae - o
DOnFRN' - &rMlolt v4 tl|0r-aJh;ffidrlt bnor6 tlon Pafao
rl8l vAL - ! Drb@r|!. D.firlv Arto'|lrliqlun qrcrrr, ott hr iqt ' lo@/!!tttL
6lr !-.t b t ihor! cr${&. o
Dff Cnrna TOrtfAOOS! - Lt{ tcr.ltt .hooD. I ba$. od ttdL atlttaLot. oL9La1n|l!
traD-ldrrr!8, 3rr t!.''
dt lolaxElr Or! rt l-q4o'l'a.|r|dt uoroon t4tDloDtr. duDht.a rDd€.^.6'rnE+ Lt Vdt to lttrt{r Xlbi$.8 r-l ti.r. {8r8rc. o
Cr&[As DAr9t - ll@drdaa tEE 4t4..urn!'aOd ! !dwD" a\.t brh 6rDlduDoffa U vg- rA 16!.0. ttDry. er!truo.. lttilfaj. .'|0AI. lD!a!.r.Vb @trt hl'nt i'6! !.nq!q..8Dlrl D Far cbttr, lrboD , &" 4"!-[el.- o
llxFtrmtt - I hbo.r. I r.bt!.ftrliDlthl
araia|'nro tora u !.b.{4.. tvr[.bL@.tatt, @/rn.A th, .Idt!.h|tlr cic rqurc.d Dlr-' E Fa
Cb"' . lldb t 6" {?0-!661 d.tl Dtna?+i"!r. o
rrtr V^IL Otr atDn&I - otr Oor. G..L
rU t|Ir Uu. 3leO U*ta tnllllrt. C.lt P. t
a?C-O166. Illll. {?6-?lCO' ot cb.t
i-7oiozti, t-?!6-66r4 o
trtDfo - nFt D.dtlb Dfid !ltd..rrrD.a/Arr. blqt attlFEla Ea!..' -
fnrc. .r SiE n'F b fltlvdl AL' olrn
F itita Dool" |Dd J.ota a/aoo/@'n Dtrtiro!id6.e-.le.- o
8AfDtIOtt a.nlA - I Ltt!@ ltr hlb.ggnd+3gr"!1ffitr%
([t rtD lW rtmol ^PAntrrEll -frlrrln c iott|faOrC r4!!.. FLl ,ocr OorUw rrnr.l I]aC/@|\Fo6d@ r.na .r l$or'edh' TD.lllor.laa;;-cr.al 9&c.ol. o
@Hg#tflgF;'gf4g'ftiill .d{ 6ll D.ntG (.&6ag8 offir|aE/dlrtr, @/Etb' xPA I{Ynq{'7a?aao.-rGore. o
ilu-"-. - a o"*o^ o* a,t,t t
lllDla. rtldr.r dIrla. nsDlbd. ,L hlqr
dl- fnib.o .D9t[td'-tDttlD€l Ji|\ t/D.
r.n-..Dd d-la A6!rbl.8qn r.OuoDrd
fgra) 6aa-a1.{ o
l OI!-VAIL - UtttE rb.it 8-Eq9oD. 8Rm"mmmr.-**t
Amt. lIE CnE - trlaltBt It bd!o@.r.. b.t/dttir, le6o/ooDlD, ti..t rxr..r-?ao-dB!d o
trRrf AtDnmfa - t !.|l\ tEiltnllb..ltornboura, t.t3 V.tl' Dtrbtllhal,r..uriidrrlt ttrtpLa, r|.l, rrtoIl brlroo,iiitti elrir us{llr.|. a?0'oe{Err?taEa . - o
Av('r TfO llDnOOI - t Dd, tdtr rDrrl!6! tdlrf b-t aa&/@l.b. IPA Utltldtiro.lr+'o.il o
AOI(I ron frf,T - &.|rncrt Dtttr' EH@. I tull blbl, B hJD. r.t!rbltdufr&Ft.f.d.fultfurnLba(Elrlttl-rL'r 6rdo ra@a lo Fta. tiialdtu@rb rhr ata..ldrb' !/.DtolDlD[|t6t'ra7-oodc - o
E llDrcOL 6 lAlB DttPlJr - E-ullUSiEnriLl br tar.l dtr[ lola o qo!-!Iq
ib rtr !.r oa d totr Futa- fi& oza o
i-nil Lnrr@r!. alto.+l(I} u
uor &IIARI IODOI - oar, {.rU' t Lltqn'.o/ititrrb'rtll,lli tahd.4-rEcDa qbt..
i*oo Frrrv @ ro Fa.. (310)qlo'ollt ttdryr, |ll b iro. s
lAtttt-vArl - t b.!o@. E b.t!. ht 6'f.ratru o unnJtdat|4 u9ratlt t!!ll
ai!ry@|,! hot-qarlddl|rD{.t4da?6-.1oo o
Ant tllt tfill o bE r .loDt ltot4ui r.
h.tr -yrrd h|rutt urla-rl|U.u.r o|I !tHiHffiF.l#*"t.,'
6Fro e orr' f$oiDo!4- CrtffiEfiffi'ffiti,:?
rtl.i rconrg - s bd-." 3\a brr.
rDIfESd rarlbd.D tED tr.u/qttrr.
lldoc jadurtl, atoauaDl Yl.t' a|llqtT'
E6.t|it.. .Y|llsL unutt l.V rc o
ir. |IIOO/@A Dlu. tttJll|r ldEry-oric rqur*. raa Pnr. e Fi^ cD!! r
E;t. t da {?+861. o
nntt flo tllG! lxlc - ln Nanrut
il.- f'd. lat.r l! AYer 3 !qlt@. I
b.rb. @DL,r.!| nr'!$td alll4.. r.rll.
rrlvrta baloo aa. Doalloot nra9raoal.
irbltEr. tDdd Dool"JGEl ra(l.a.u.
ta@ -vfrr dB-vF O!.L d'Itlv El
b foc|!/lb.a hrl aad/Dt!!. F!6.
Pornta 6da.. oc{o Lloh.D.tl n .rliae-oro - o
a!() EmI - g D.r.lr untutild.
sffitrwg#"Hli'].gEld^.rr!-iic,l5. o
a'rnE EDn@I TnAILIS - ttt td'l|t
t lA brD. rdo\n, !o!a ot dlolt Lt'
aa6o/Grb 9.4-ot6. - o
tlAl vAtL - nulr.trt E b.o!94! l$ br!t.rrnD;- tllb Arrat Or .ul( xqr$.ltrd;-era-G|"g - o
I D$L,artoatlb
tntf vlIL - ttd{..Nf l.'|r { t.qoq lDg3T;gti'Sfii&ffi"tH.ffilFi#.**n6*t
nraBlogrE^tr - I .oil I D.r!!gD..[ndH |'td uttutdb.4 tqE tlmix,.* r forel rrrruroa, aT!. +lC)E
ort llDnool - lD td!, rrDa/&tt'ea h(o ooldhllEloaos. Ffo'raoqtbd rt^D{Fd4?,6-'t{ao. o
sdrRlmt - I hbooa. S !.$. tuf{ rulrrD4/dttlt,L?!.@tndduniddc iro-eeo. ' o
AOI!-VAIL - a bd'o@, .D..id,. I4d!\
o@ ltrtnl |rr. l€eA Pr6.r!t t nat{.|
iienrrrndr rrc-am -___
: Itrt lEhdd. to 9ll I
Agt-L?l c l€%-!dto.
\tt tOE rtrltrrUrt @P4!cT a
| !o rot to lor ltlo@ iEIn EddlL!.
rd o lllrD 6c!-L' br .9F1414.4'dli-6.{ -rdl|.'- tttri, e-c. ls4,rDa dpFF eriry' - tr
L OOt.r (llnEr nOIl - ldra qq'
@/dD. I @lb &Ddl rtctlr[xld nrrs lEv it lroDl^nE t,r|I
a. oiiErroo, er oaso. o
Rlt AlDnOOrt !h a.rlaF t!rn.8 &.qGqOn.'lV.t?An'$ L
rrl-vA[. Tm BrDnooI' a'a s
ttct fgfE BtDR@l| - I bt! t tt -nDd.|-'*BE'#,9'*'HmWFd5:!0"e. o
lVOtmntr EDnOOI - On^laLul hL.t-ltotDbotr D|d (b& E ll,ll ctgqt1ddia dbrtl.Lr|.* 3'G.bottrool nra9laaa. "aultad ollulta'E6/@rL 6lt tlr tL! , &o'.' 0{}aldi o
avo! - rEtrre iE! rEd E E!l@dL E! to lotrta. ftl. Lra arll DU noD.
.€.'o/E@tL Dm!! oaHal@ o!i.e-i,064 o
Et lrc tr^r Btf,l - lo7t r€o 8W
IB t l.lt ltrTt! - l,Ut rd lB EraoE. e Ul qUlOA. lo tloa+ hol
aDd i;dr qrtA t7@i@lL 4'1'.0@ da-?.}g6et o
Ptttlx Cnrrf @rDg - Cet64 .ad
rrtrrr t a Y.h rdtr.i!. c H@. 3b&p-Htalwm'Effi
ir@. o
BBff".;AHfft"l ltffidErr o
r|tt v^n - I E@. q4ed
rrr@. DIt d! i.-. fta! Cu
'' lomtfom - OdrIrLDllqltg!.lda !
;di[b;qil;rlllavr.tdlvoiv!-q I
ilats.r*lur@r.ab.|tr.-F Lld i
bdr@. t lD. tllh lla orlr tnErqr rffi'l._r*:,.8reqqElj!1gq___j i
.aT 9lI& SItlTAIa - Olltstlt Dr
rila)a osratorarnnrml lttal hord !d !@ ,tluaor! A|. Vdl Ydfry toa ola @ tu.t
?iffi-rurntrna or unltrntrh.4 c rD{ 18
rttb lcd optlola arrdlAL. call
'-d-660o- - o
t wt tt lttl oLtoBl d!.ri, v.o .r tb. v.ll8El'! cluD CosDlDlra bhrfltt E Dt.nllDb rrEnb. Ur Y.rt B.aqtt Ch'lD b.a
tEDt| qtr^ !.4r'bll .d qtsD €tEraniltr E. Iord aDd ttbt na Ddl|-.. on {tCa6ao br toLl lDroto.$cD@qr l. & ud ! Ddt@ @lsEllJlDr O
TtO BIDnOOI - I D.lb oobdo- h
r'la!@usal,D, nttgL-,trD/E/6ttt!l' Dil
t!.lud.4 Par ooDrld.r..l lltoo/lloDth.r-a4+!6ra o
trOIt-VAIL - t drlq 3h b.r\ffi1$lgmlffi'oa-r- -o
I-rrig:._r:- -- .r,:-::- -.Ylullll LCAfl OI - 8 Hr.o@, l br\ D@1,rhblDool" rulf qopudlal (b! rdta.|F|!teta rdf to.li Uia. A:rlurr foFlr OD r6L Bl .Err.rr. (lolt) 6?1-C6Oa6lr GC) ?6r-{gta.rur4vr-rEdl o
IIEI Atll - Ioa anroh Eon t. IErd bbdlrF b.!t &.rGar cna.Lloa rcD. a8@. Atn.Dtt Lti rdUtb rr{ lttrdr5' lo rr. lloi!3t {tt-odoa o
-80 rlh ldc td V.ll'l D*,lorl@. brr.lqtr tl6b nrn .hd lp!r'Dotb rlt
Hfrirff t*looc '?+!tor' raB
@ActOU8 lt{xll alDnmI - nu, l.a(!,lpl.n urlt ln t-, Ydl on Du lqrt D.cIot'lrlaoHr{ OoI. qr-L Lrt| furaLbd rrn -l!Dafn!.( DatLa lql td|.!a tbE lorlt iaEtri&n blc li-. I{{3-{{O0 oE ioD br lCtOt. Oott 6if Drrva, Atrdfff. - - O-m@!do, @/Doth Cu. lt{Iu-, !6t t rBl.rr.. C.ll n a.r ea6-8o8{ o! Edrnt-lo6-loF. o
IOUA B@8@I - AIrr,V .ttll .fdorrt {h
b.|.D. ron hn! Ytlt of Varl, I or arr*,aIOOO. ProD.rtt R. .l l.daa.6.o!,t?+.raoo. O
llAt v IL - hrtLllt furd|}rd I D.dro.m
@Dab,Ittrf baalbn and vL'r, aoo fnahd-.U uIft.- @ta .ldrb. t alrrldtcdorDtlalra. ?trat. laa!. a{tOO d.Doal!.ai4}{a?!. l-t tr7l'|t O
@rraDr/rlr:'E, !!@Ld. hta Ol( 406/@tth
DhI| uultrr,9$ loa& o
"- - -^t-a - L"-. a"* t-^.pplr bF|r o9d6 D!to.. ada,?to,b! @olnrot, I Llrw!, l! &,urffa. t. lql$t
trr|ld-rD n4r Ol|,r lolra tarD lo.ar rdrEp!'ro. TbD ooor, and. (brar.4 rnd l\r'iLh.4Btda orrd, a?+{46e, TUb g.vra., O
ll!t, EAVIB EIIIUB OIDG - 8 bdro@.I blb al|rfad, uDtt8ntabad. rtDt 6toBDabrD t f. a!@./Doi!.@.lrrrL-.tElDaDrE tara adIJ/DotI\ @a'rr t-D-ttrt br. o&.ar d.F.tL 9arc. a
lIO lDnora - 8 b.rb Dhr ld, |r PjSDGtt hrl l! LaV|lL trlqr,url!tDooDld.blbt ^oi,|lreE nar* lu, tt i,td,AX)-68I-AI6 cr 8It d.rl t-6,.S 611?
artdoaf {?+,fng rr.Larb. rL br hlro
Mb3a nrv- fa lllnulr! Lo Data. ag(D/Dnlllcrl lurtti tt|tl. lr* &t@ Frnv -F.[b drrlg' tgt.CaAl or l-C!rl-6O6O. O
lltnllaBlD OXI BlDn@I - 8*l'goFu do rlt! lllpLd br l.ivL- trtd Vdl.
.tlrlll &7. O.U oud!is!rr{r colorr.to s!l'|4r. !7}6615. o
SfOI'ICllllI EA.Dta- Ar vSLlr€m.rlacl, ohrlElDt u[r!. l6ao/.um't.r,frOO/V .n tslud- h-l. hofrny0 n ntalLr{.Mrt t?'o{a&. O
aB Ull?ttl, tro BIDnOOI. - A"or!.tu!t!!b.d artb oa Qr rtvd, 16/r|0 Etalb l-76tt-Ileo of chrL l-660.et?t. ol.ltl.lc BIDnOOX @rDO t'l L.r Vdl.rvULbla tltroua! ats iao|'- Vct nbl C.llvyca?&{2tle o
OAnAOI llf tzn VAIL - l!. tLel*h dr.otr. alrS.ao/red.t! l-0€t-747{, o
lA.tl vr& - I bdrooa, t b.r\ itrr!.b.4lc7a. &rrtr Pr.|Ddtt lli{t@rt tll
DUPLIX - 3 !.d!oob,llCe, ari! dtclt, arDdrrftnlfiLb.d, 6r|Dls. tritvlrt. onr hldl ioE bur atrdttrl' or! lrld floE b\r lt|ltu|ll ,Ioaqt nora,
Irtvrta tart r!!d{u.r bof ndalldrboo4 9riv{. t rl r!!dgor4 vd:| lor uuur&t, Drr carld. 86au.
poufa fr.L ord!'hr!4 Avr!$I. L!rrD.dlb'.Yir L- or E!.. l6g6/nFnu! nddtndDolfa fr.ra or|.l&rtYit L- ot D!a.rEu||r4 {i'c-umIit t-! ot el.. to36/!Flr!rt ||ta!ltr€Fqulr!4 {7C-1{9O .rld 6 D-o", or li.Jt
lsar on lo oDl'raLt t /t?F5@.
ffaog-S. --j".s gt$ rlsr v^rI,.Dupt.n --s-b.dr!d!,. !'rDb..,affiotii tctb 6;.ri-Dfiutl i:; r!.b! r''d_s.rdrr,,_tc€/dE tq..Epa !-E
h, -i.qr1-liJr-9a0:ffi -,ifra- {?O-a,!o3 Io Fr.. (loat) t?C-?466 or {?C-6694 O
TtO IEXS tRlG nltrl - D.lur. ! D.O@.5 D.lh @D&, t .! Vdf. Foot. t/D. t .rrn{Llll aboro, Elororrin. Furntah.d orrrlttrrnbh.d aartDl@dt!, Olt t?tl-O+tto orhlu 3el -3E U o! tl'0-6:rco. O
l olt-v^ll, mn'l! atDRmr - era b.rD.aoro- 6010 t-ulr aral Dool, rbrbla alrallllE o9aD.l, r.ahr!/dryar rlora,a,Fi'O/ffnt!. CrU @U.oa (66) tllt-Eeoa O I
lIOIarlAD @t!O - 8 b.drod. 3 D.tJ\ |c'tlfloob e|nt.fD. 8'"lbdrg D@1. uultud I
Ftd EC'i Db@. l&or'Dontb, c.ll oll.q' I(l{x,) 6s-li!.e. o :
tfllRl&EVl - E rrg. ! b.Oo.@N tb.6.rDrl I b.drpD. e b.l! \r.d!a avrllabhtaab.t/d4l!! boolu9a, allcror.ya, al!dr('lt, D@1, ulrrlrtrLlrd, ct.ll Lu 026-t67t. o
@AClOIr8l:lO BIDIOOI - Ar.4er!.t tb.ldra$r Aud.tr-t htar. Oonlrttrl.tdtled.d nd! io rr do. litaurira .Drl
ItO ltDi&X @ItF - Vrrl dr lbhorr.IOOO&srt! Dlur (bD.dr Conr.d, llrn A.t|!d f.ab (bn6r 88t-63ttl O
AT{,DIO AYAIIAEI.I AIr}OAI ! - lral}vdl.(llrDn!.4 Io Jr^ fs6o Cu, b'ro.lr{reaF|?l! or ele-{dt. O ttt t|tt fi,1-ari'-Ifra-&ctonI 77
lrotl-Vr& l,/,4 DUPLET - S bdboob. aliDqiarv rw ri!.b r!odl.n!, b.nl'idl.( |to/@tth flu. ugl&b] IPA tJ'rlr\{7e?{00.4?6-oa&. o
txuttrvr BAID LouIfAjtT(''luorr -alDalr. tD.dor|, ovcl@tlDa -4tplt6ur-.b'!. .|l'!rd!rt u.h6. dtn'I{ !o@, ![tr'ltlsrl.l .brDlc 6r auql!, I Lkwr\ I b..l!irr.har/.lrtat, ag?E/Dont!. a?6-a tA.l.Iulrat o. l-234-aFO O
E TltrDB - E-ulful , b.d'oo'| nr||d.bda9..lqh! lD Fl a bdD f,o Fra Pli-alt fr|^ 949-?g arr.o$-$'6l D$, O
oWr!$rrr!l|D.4 Otrg||d, ltt6 f,h! d.Doc c.llYd l@ nda.L a','a'l:ler. o
lv}oll (Dfm - tuD tut't b.d a !.rbooa\ 2D|rl\ Ora9Lo, 8rD.t tFl, |l7. rrah.r/dJrc.
ard aU tdablt aDDltaia.a ldt d t r AvonLL t'llLrA 6OO-43?-Cltgg @ 3l{-ggtl-ota o
Prrg (nE' Prff - a b4!t tlh irttt''iLi,Fi'i*lltr'Hgu'*l
CEAMII CEAIT'! -t-v.D'br !qr..l
b&@. aa6o/@tlDlrrlUr'r'rL-'EoGrrci'faitf. o
i;i!-Ea-ood 0@' g!1t !.t. Dol**""atngililet
'xtrGt r rrs rrp rrll^OtrrtT .-*ffiJs.'r,B.a*tr'' ^;
7 8 "- vau Tmtt - Juty u;. tss - secrron B
TURXISHID TlvO !!DnOOI rn nl,ll|Ir t t,V.ll. AU ultllult lslufi. Aia ril@Er.5!O/rDonU! al'O-{@l O
Or! ElDn&I ltAAnaurf - Ori! rLlll36o/rur!\ firralrb.d. uttltuaa udu6
ll?O b.Ets| d,t'dr. Lnchr|lrrl' onaloa lttAtE ai6-gtt0 drtl erg-l?('' .c!nlnA/r-La6!b. O
@lI llllAlll - trr.falrtrd a b.(l.t@. I
ffib#**"'on*,''^t'ot; '
lg.alot{,E Flltrol!
A?tlACflw EDTA.RD6 llOItE[ - AvlllrlLIDDd^L|J', 3 barllooao, C !.l\ urflral,rbr(&rDle, a4a( cabla, tro raraa, y-r laa,tlmaDL c.u 946-3aln, rlo |Ilrrc c.ll
LAi{l!, nl.l$llADll - Arnrrl|. E 3biltlott!. I b$. Bt! Vao lornhd,.o on Dlr8U'!, furilha4 r..frr/&T!", ad|nf lqt dEt to Lt&ral !ot!a, Gltl for Lld.. Ita O&n@L t.flDr Oaa F.r laa. IrdaDL{?.}.aa6! or.ouat l-gzr-3069. O Ell^}T lAl l-vlll. tonarSHtD - {brb6. gr br\ b.. h.D. trr6C nu re!
,r'l b, lo Dd.' alm/blrb, 049-..6' O
P^aCE" g''"* at"Pt llt - t t t""* "d\ Eo OFDL{, nJaalbd. Lrtl a.E&f,hld a'|',r lUr b.bdo boo l/a |l Srb(!ori|!-!-Yrrl o
Mtrnl l|abr'atr. ltE au @ uDn|ar.LH,XHaFmllar O
rrln! D6tra olqrla or dnaqa td-,iDn@rf d.br. -ro Da. aoi6/d@Itrood. tagl/@!b lltrLr, all uu|llriIrll\fi sa a.b). IY. tltl' srd La'
6rnb'. rtn! -9tg-loot. {?+f ASO, all lta
I'I{xtnmal{tl) TUIIII BlDRdllI - I b.r!
6.rDld. Qls Rrrttld. o.r.Lq -a bdt PL-nli .run 9t9665. a?Gaael. OffiDrtra!a b.th. lltoh.n DrltllaaatlIt6o^noirbv. ag?-6&9. O
tlalv lt.otr| BIDnOOI - rFlt@rltin
b.D4 !ti9le, t .Ia/ttftc Cld !o
aha'r'DElf cia.Dd hr lq.'d Irirffii Fl4l|oo/mt!. C.ll aG{orl @ 8.h.drd.t.trdA,wri' a aft-a ba O
rorf,ISlllD Or{l IDI€Ol{ - In4ltdd bil
r'|d TV obl., A:r'pL6, g2O. {?6-tr€1. O
AA.LD IOItrlMl - nrlv n$nbu drttld.!!-r ertl.|n vtar, !na9Laa, (bcr, il
!d!oE Zb bt\ l.ltDdt !ooE, t!!tt,llc'm/Edl'h Crr $drhi- fo Daa. 8c.l,.ttf(bld,'tqff.a?\+O{S. O
rtSt YA'L Olt ttDto(x gnt -gnlurnl|bad. rDoq.adlraloya,onUrlFuta.orr trr I--. 3t@r.@r,h D!ir| aldrb,d.Dd rqud, fo 9.r. gD Cb.Datr,t-tto-ots. o
l{fro afruI|l - t bd@, lrA D.tLftodatatn, Ie/D, dlArrahr!, to dallrD!6d$orr SrrEU dorn afll taL o!r!t Day[Ertad Eloy'Dnr,b, 9{9-€5Ia. O
TiO ttltl tntl - Le Ydl boD. E
b.drood. ,t btrtl\ nrrdaba4 I/D, orDolt onb.| touer (gxt) 296-re darl' (loat)
O'4.{tltt nD .Dar O
Watl!!.t, a@ltlri.V nrmtlbdl rubar/drt!!,
TY, llDdl, a!S/e!ib, F.r lr-. hrrldItot ltr llllrtler! R-f ln raa?+{oco. o
VAIL lrgl OXDOr&lrlItIA - Ib.drbb.nrtado, filraurh..l ald uDftrrtt h.4 ,m gd
tl&, IrEhl(b Dit rr|t! ruar. |lll@ rLDoatLlo Fr. {7eaqb. o
OOIct O* "r""-" - ** a-",
@rlbrdnx.dD, Alo& rllh a.rlla. gr BDnllll-r. @/lfDnl}\ 1260 &Dal!, u.nAlr'l!rlr.4utlltl- noa tnchd.l! l|o tuO. 9r0-6:]E. O
Tlll R laLEt - tl' V.l!. n!:!rh.d IbdoD,dacLvltrt,rrltto Srt Fltr.br! t fln bd|r aailS,/lronrb, {?6-366e. l-ffn-16''t. 0
IODIII IIOIB lOB ll0lT - 3 b.dro@,roo@rrnJDt dor,t, t rE d trrd. &rer.ltcbdlr. StzA/D b. C.lt gag-lotg fbratFlntrlap&. o
VAIL nArylTCII'B - Sbtroora.l.n\ 2b.lj!
n@t tdrfi oub udaa. cau -rV EroEunar{76-3744 O
gtlRll(ll AT AVOU - AvrlLbl. A{u* l. a
F.h@D, a b.r[ futnbD.d, r..b.r/drta.@/!|ontb. H.r 6rt!a and oD.Jur li'.
{?GAIC9, ..t for Ttr./rrobrvtttr. O
oW8arflo!. ar!a, avr[rbla for t-r ld&.ls6o/!srrb, PIi- nu {t'ca3oa O
OlIl ElDnOlt - I b.!\ Irrt|db' tudrh.dbrlb.Errl 6dbrn|Jrrur& lll1l6/Donth 9l\r.rdrbrv. D.Dd|lr ls .rxl rdaltsFqutrd Io pa.. eae-{lz. o
lVlLrE lIIDIXllI,t - I t dr@.lD'arbl lFrin! bt al}.v.rl rntua.ttt . d!rD, F{tla rr anlta |!d
urtUntlgBlo otl alDlA)I - &Eo 9ht|nUr.b. 4?&ttal. o
IrltEBCnE-t!dsD. lb&artDor- taab/tbtt?, (a llra tluLE6o&6tD.lfi+lt{1-6mrr. O
T|(, l@R@ll - 8 brb .,D.riJod ro !.d,v.U. Part|allt turBtrhad, tt!.tlac.,r-h/drllr. |!.or'b@A Dhr. r|trltlr-At|ll.DI ^{r- !. Cld to ba ltD. a"Gt5. o
ttl h.+ et r|r* L:f ."1..o. ' o
tlt Y tl, - trdo r/nr?9Lo, Bto/ntorAudrt fr-t Xo Fa. 6o.-cn f-.[ta?G,t{t@. o
lrott-VlE f,/l DOf,rA - a b6n@. a|tbr\ r.la|t| r@ rnb Eoflr. blrirtItl. Eytid! Dlu. rrllE IPA tt!o.{?}?{60,47}OaD. - o
iEry. rFtrrrCl@baItFuoor!.r:artl azrsrtt tstah. d6a !oao. grtr|ra,I'.d. rbd.an O'rilr EE!@-l brb.t.r!.r/4qntr. le?6/EqDtb. atC-{tC{.r'Ebal e l-E lt-itdl O
DlO - tult tdrt! Edtt$.d.rydltc, hl..{r o|rrooba La.tI aDilc tt! E lV.tL !8, @ttdilf&S.r",a r*tu"q^cE
ctttDto av ltrtlr-adEr t - ta!.-v.o,!F!!!q t'9 F+ $tE D|ra liorDaa9tFt?lt @ gL-t{trt O
lrD ttt llnnor tP^Blrrtli -l|ba c rdu|!|Ll .srrrr.r Era!. lo
. O D.aho@ tIl. |r l8a6,.Dd!\ tFa! lr|berlt/bdb.D.lElrdt Ot*. ga.6aol. E
t rn rbtabd, Ftl/b.irD, 0l! {?+€ll'(l rDcE 8gl-SdE 6lg$6&0.frlln VAIL - I b.drmm glur lolt 2ti b.[rJEr''t tltr3!, rr.h.r/dry6. Crll GoGead!
nalbr {70-40oo. O
I.OlfO TIRT| A]CD A'lrr{ER RII TAII -lvrlrbla dl alrd aid IdUoDr Call{?Gtl l9.... ,..... ,................,.,.,, o
EXDqIIIYT@!.FOI4TIOI{ - Or Lrlctd$f. Ar'}Irnllc o.rtr[D !h.Ie. nruJ'
nJralcb.4 ! b.droq!\ 3tl b.lD. !!atb.br Fnt!{tLLbl. b! aunuD! rrd,/or rlJ|t6. xo Dria.C.ll lob. Ar+Na Blrh.'9 C Co.. {?0-6661. C
0m BEDBoOY, Pt BJfIAIi!D - lsGO Cur\rlltll4. I ],6r li... tri, L4 drgo3[. lfo
p!ta. 8o 8.arr{ay, IBBZa y^tt rhDrn OrcJ. or
phorr {?G{l{g. O
tlaf V IL - n-. btr' &furJr 2 b.dr6rn. Ibd\ furr|llhd rgar1'trlrnt.6&t lr.DLoa,ntnaarftlt|.' No rrrdtada f,o D.ta 1lo dultaDartrlnlt lae DtdFf.d |56o/bo l\ Ard,rld L.t &foo Eurtb|d.Ddtl' Cr! {76-1612.o
IJVI II{ Tlll OXIORI d'..t V.ll G !}r V|l,n qtlt c}ub Oondohr urn! F!.hrfng nw\tavtlbDlc a,ma itat. !!ra VrU Faoq\-at Oub hasl.turll stnL, !i4q\$bau ar-d aqut6h coutL,Elatrt rw1r, Jraurzr arrd aruntruAa Dool.P1-.6 ca]l {?6-{ato fo! rulrl tDtorEiauon ono|l' t. A, rrlrl t baooorn @ndor ruurn . O
RIDOa - trrlrr !rr!.4b6@. lta
, i ! ir1!$4 LaEoch t3, t.1q[3qlbhrv.tl{q9o. o
Ur - l-VdL Itdrc.Ibr!.LaA.t,(|U 6G.d, t-lts|ia?+.Inl O
II-V ll, - t !.&o@. 3!r bD.tllbd lr|l.t Ooer" aaato/Edh Dhtrb. Oqrs.l nrft tto-{lb. to
E rXDt - batul ab@ i.clr.daF rrE l! tnvaD hr.. !o fir lt-a.a! Odl| Oa$l@.,.8- ffir D..o- O
OllETElll A - h AEo.I bdt!o(E, E b.r&,rdulltDa( turDLot L/tE th.r drd, 6ffvdl a@. ndd. {?c-zts|i - o
Al9!-@fm - l\tll ilfrld eb..b@.8b|!, !rtC..., -6!. DoL ry. rsbci&ta..d aI E b a99ltrr. tdt d ln .Al!nt f. vlll.a S-6Cf-OlB @ 814-ggt-ll1l o
tlrct Rl/lDIAltt - &r8'. rr tE!oo. E b.r\ l.t Y.U tord.ir. (6 birUr, turnl||b4 rrb/dnrc. r|D.. lqr.dEt to ltrborl hFi arit b! tsdt praof,.
t&.q! OD tir !r- Ddbt.-fi'+g.o or ottd, t-d?{o!! - o
lPACI(xta TIO llDR('oI - lD.r&r.r l}Br||t Arr- fu!.r. (bdudlqtd rr! to rl ood, rr..t.r|rr'l4 |rll(|E lota i.ab/d}'c, rooorrrU!lortlE urrltD.4 Ifoft t{6/tDorr,\l6(6G, Cr! e6-Albo day!, 926-rdac!9aa,
Otll A!tr)R6ll ATAA llf! - Or!.! dd@/@t\ turnlO.rL rutltli l.eh*ll?! F\Els/ d4all' E Dohr||'L &ndoa E- a?!-l0t6 &yr gr$ tftft trtnritrtalEal
ftrl fAIL - hrd.\| ArrrLh.d f badMd, at!! l6U@.ir.l vrrr, IOO IroltSall ldUb @aDr .a-rrta. t lbd/drtdorlrt tr.. lirr& l.rt, ISOO daDo.l{?l-ll?!, f..D ttt!4
--*targf,a o, t'o "-"oo" - t 0."rr.b-/drFr, AJlpfd. P*. OX. l6@/mot|l
9lr! uUlrll-. gaF to{L
lJOf,EIllTD @rDO - I bdlroorl I b.r.orGloob Dd-6t rD. St lnrllJlt Dool, uuull.
Fld crta DDoD., l&O/rronul- C.! 6Uc(1(!) 65-tg6e.
lOnO AnD SHORT tEnl ntlr?',|l8 rr.tl.5l..
AU alri, Dflq.l6!brrl. CrU .tJX Iou atn8.!r6d 6r9.C{7a .,,.................... o
ItE-m[ -tD.lhbnhr.}.V.ll (lBa.44a|Drurir.n!
ItAa[m-&tudrb-Lb:torlbn btdrE b-ldErEltl6ttradbrto,rl'r.Ac/&t :rroot lllrDhaa, rruJtal o.tlltiar.YoGl! (lU t-.&t&6.9re- -
tltt tE)F(lla - lrt bD. plt!! (}..r Ertrb G!O/D@ D|rr..nrk t@r irEt-x. C.ll loatr gaC-loga or -!"t.al-a&r6. o
-TO tlAE tnll RItt - Drlr tDd!@.It btb @n(b. t t YrlL FooL t/U J[otsa-l! aDdrrt. !E!rtl! tur|D|.bd dr
6nl VIIJAOT - tuht bd I b.dr@!r!CDa.9.rbJr3.rutalEo hv,ruDartrta(a\m7+zft.
IO Rl}Tlrn Ddlnliltt rra4. ArDrrdt
8 bi!@. 3 baf\ trab/drtE t,' DAtt.rdu'oru lo 9dr la@/rnonttr c.u (l.r
&.fr. 9a$.61ls r!.Ld.y[ a?'& l0t.rdfDar/rrba!.
rto ICDKPI - a b.&. tull{&!!O/@!l!- birc Cr! r f.d C@dodd,
ND1 C.[ ortF (log) r?,.4971.
{ttn CIIV! ID'rlDO EO@ - r'eddn@d.r.V. E tdooE, C brb. rdilllt hLttrCo. C|'.. .u.-E! I(!.y-! L--rra-o&L. oll g-salb. D aarrG ou
lrOtl.VAIL - 8 tdrcoE!, a b.\ Iro l.rrl,
loD A@r oQD(b._V!ty o-rlllt rrah.Vdr:Dr.llo fta. @/rnonrl! (lll f,o lTUsn .tXoutrtln hoDa|i,t . a16-?40O. .. . . .. .. . ,. O
Bl^l'ln SIXCH - g bcuo@. I b.tLfurnlahad ooodorntntuD ova!lootln!
Icorarru]|rlrl t l(,. Avrlrbla tlrrtadtat U tor Il|l r. 160 p.r rnonth Dl'I alEirlc, eir|r:lgl&pod rqlrlrt4 rrd 9la!, D D.ra. Chflr.
Sbh.D tComlrruf a?C666!. ............ O
ItD B!D!@X - D.!r a b.Or
con b .l 8wulw' ln L{la-Vttt. l€O aq. fL.v.!:r nlc. rlth nr!pbc.. rlahat/drfrrr, ar|(lourlr ap6cld fiatur..a Alto. outdoor hdtadpoot r^d l&\rrzt tpa. cov!r\6d otrktn,t.too/rnonlh plu! uullttrs. 94S-0460. b
4 EllO br'1D.rt bra rd!|' io9.V@D,DGql ea${ldlo.(!a
lA tll.tl ltfllt - 16 |ril ldn I
o@. aDd\ rdtra'|M, Io dr hd6r Cc!l.| }?l)qbotb,atffitba5a1 o
It CIIIA (I'IDO - Mt, od
V Da lU lordd,I D.&o@. f bl\:
-o!ra rooE, nlb/ab'lt lrqrtaaau, PL- nD ooud (lOC) 7tt-ro.
tl-Vlll. - Oo|l qr'- t r!bdr.. !,).8 lhlat\[.hy'&tc.]7lEr'tD .rhur'l|r'- IPf. It!o. a?l}?ae, O----:--gr|ll8 llD llDt@I - I t th.!DtrD.4 Lto/@uryrr lrr Io rirItm. IPl a?l-?i|!O. {?!-OaS. - o
I nroorr CtJtt forl'In)tat - !E I|t brb. alloo D|tI| ddnla(n - o
I tOP Et : &ornctt D!ti. E)oe. t ftr! brb, b|, rin -irrl!{velr.4tuluiarbb.(ctear. CDllbc rder to ,ra, DbrffilSreraerE'Fdtrqts
lO!-UEattO-8bA!@,f ht\9oollFqr ror Ff.' r tb| .d|4ar r.& b.E lfi.| atrr3 ff. looE r!L, DtDrqlt! (tG) ttt-B(A'l) ?l| I-ar','t.Etr!!r'i..rd, O
ItfE Af - ld, D.!h 6f. t@ D!Fd,rFtlllclr ftD.'Gfo.t?E 1610. !r-.!d hr. t& .dtiL lloDi. lEaDaa.0oo{ o
t llAlll,&E@tr(E - Ibrboa.lI rFrwr tdJrrt Lt lratt, Eq&aDlb.@/E a|!.otrrb-.Uri/.rif d.Doti!'gte{f. O
-Itnfi&lD - I D.dr@ b.rD 6Rrr l|! I|aEn ,o lrar t€Oo/.!dldotlti, t5iL4!'on|th|lb,orD.6lt-Clbl6 l-8ata€. - O
't@ o--ffi - dr-c@rt!td.rE!!!L-bv.|l n4.U. Ju!| a?. q|l elat (bloi.b &cba. tt!B-t!-. o
I-{ tntu! Dr lAIn V.AJL - &^Iltrg &l4!O,/rtoD6. nlDirhld r,rd udlrrltrbdf 6dba to dr Jnr L-. Bt6on nantrla{7t-c6gai o
flJNnl-mr l,ruse ri - ; ;n .o","J b..J.l{orllld - r-rur Er.b4,/d5'rr Avrrl|blr
Ha:.q:lr|.ty {9. oII J'ir, a{lrol@l|rb Dl|,.rt[rt! lErjrtEr dapoaa radlrl aDd Dl;-rP lxa. C!.'lf .! B&th.D O b, a|t.^a
S-*ll9-"--TJfi -*:ff*#r.Hi^iX.ii - racuzzt. arcall.n! vlat' auDnJ.
fl*ilHkffi";,,9ffiH#Efifiii'&6jzlaodt. o
lrto BEDFaOM - e balh. \nrturnr6ll!(L
Ysligg"i: 'l',r
trHf -ffi :-HHifr-ttr A 476-?4EO.
ffitJgl ItE lall Ed lcblllro t^r.
-to, L f, ad a Lbo@r nErtau .rrtrdnd,Iot:.'d-g4e{rtlo O
dt^lrolFcq.rrlrl - tdy.rlbr !o.rta, ILbo@. l6tOMdt|ut{lt5,trrr--(bll O. Odr att-8t51, O
ott ttoiml'l.lE GttE ? na @tm6dA-tda. .|iNr!l !Er. a!-. vt r. D6lJ! Jnn 6U|' tqrl, Fr|I.M bruDc
l. aal6/et!, oll o,!al 9allata - o
Prc?IArl 8AI'8 A'D IIAf,AOryl!|l -btrlDa V.[ .ri ior to tE r. A- v.O!bl.R-tf,lB (EOg) {?1'-t576. o
bd@r!. t t| bil\ b.a !$, dtr.aF, il'r |!or!.
alrer to Far lro@/!ogpu! 9t9-4{o6. o
8PA(!O(D ttPPlA DtmIX - C bqlroosl CLr\ rF AttDbd, nrDr.b.d. Lrll nl'66t.hrd arfiar. tru b..bor6 !.@ 6/{ |l 5lohrn l}r0. f-r Vdl. O
Tt{xx! 8lD8@u TnArIrn
I tA ba|}! roodSld!,/!, long
t{8oltnoni}! 049'6600
- In ldt'll..ll.
oa 6hota l.fm,
BH"HI;il"l*.*S""ffif ,LhUU
$w163 949-04?6.
rAtt V^l! uNTItRtflSt{ED - 4 bcdtootn' e
batjr dupbr. c.! Jdx yotlntrli s.fvlt..
0{9-64?6. c)
ox! BDnoOx - r bdr\ F {dIY nrtulhr4
rt,hrr/atrt.r. tn Vrll vltt ,Ibtn}Ltna lDot!
gatarrv. AvrllaDla ,Dd{.ly &! oarl J!a!.a{O/rront! ttroh.d- rtrlttla hu'|ly
drDoat ran.rltd. ar|.l 9lc! rD 0.r.. Chfit.
Aihur O. ErrlbP U co.. {7&6641. o
IAST VAJL - Bu}lrn TttTr... 3 bd'oott\ r
b.th. furnl!b.lt !otnho\r!., avallrbla
trlrDadfabv tot ona tir, lE28/toodh 9lua.ldtfio/PuDllc SrrYl6, lcutlv orDoan
ttqutrd ard 9l6ae. tlo p.ra. c}u|l rt Bl,6ho9 o
co.: {m-668r-. on"t"ffi6D{bt ntrrll. Or|. ya lcl8.. No dotl
a€Oo/monill C.Il K.tr l{ll.or\ llPA {76-
t1!f. o
t aT vAlL - Lra. a b.dFom Ahrt vrrl
t$rrurh6{ on l^! toua, a66O/tmDU! Cdl Lbt
.! & C grro!.. D{9'4!aO O
f,ltT VAIL - t b.d6otlr f,otthttda. unlu.
nl.llruv lurtlrbad |rrd f\Itlrdld o![ttd
irrEna. |6@/tb b- c.ll ll!..l 8B c &orl.bait4&o o
tltT vAlL - 3 b.dloorr D.flldly nrral|hd.
nrtlam qnrro. ql br-a roxa, @o/|noni.lt.
crLl !r .s fu t &o'r eaHla o
lPfE CRIE rOtrBOoSt - fdra t !6' Ibdloo. a brl\ d t'ElL altldEr. OttpLo.nI!' tu!!|'|trd, rrlaldr:F , arsi v'ltl.rclu o|rfia, @/uE !!t th! udlliliiitcolonc (al3) Sa5.{330 or (3lE)sTt-.Nt. o
8IX l.OFI'lg T0 O!{l Il .R - th-dlo.I'a.nd3 bcdrootn lotnlrosrca, duploraa Ind
dndomfnr'urnt. !.4 Vr0 io ldtar{| Xt},
hlfnr! Ibl lrdair {7s I37o. . o
C^SOIj-R DRIVE - l,rontddS. lrnm!.1!r|..
uinlfdrh.d 3 b.drEm. 2b b.lh dupl..(
unarcal)ad ln vlst and lcc4uo[ 'l!u\y.
fa4rnd. tlo@/monut. f,vrlliblc lntnad.laLly
lor oic ycer. 8€cuflty doPo6tl, ItqulrGd. a'd
tll.aE. n; Fl. Clu'13, 8!3hoP a, Co 4?o'
Ei6sl. o
BRooKfRtE - e b.dtoorn' ] % bttlL lt!'nrahod
condoml um leltad ln boru.tdd6' avurDlo
tjnindl^t \y. l56o/mo J| plr! al.ctnc
Scu'lw da94l! ttqurrtc rrt(l pld& lto pat6
Chrg. -Brlbdp a, Co., ri'o-O@r dAy.. BYr.alc-iTar. o
r AfD I M)nOOY AP .RTMll - b n d
cu! E-r t'|ohd lo r|r ll?ura@LD.rlll
'8. rct.asTt oe r 6?a:oG?o: r:::,_,:__ 9
ntrDr lcn noarDr T! o@UP ILT C0
ratt. G rnf to ttr uoo ,r.Etlt-. S.Idld
f ua o iiuo oorcr ltr rPFnIr|'|'Dl c.u
€+Oa{ Lodv' trr.\t. 9-6. l{rd
&naaF-rdt c
Yl!. oolt (!ona tOIl - I4{ t&D''a@O/-Ddb. f @t'D d.Dd tlgtrt s.
Aitraa rnr rrtu E,LtF.Dt ' D.rli
ilaa oiirrru cf ooco o
f,lttf-v rL Tto ErDRmI' 2\{ bdrtffi#'-"ffi l'#.ifi&i.
ce.60?s or ge-06n. o
D$f vAlL R!}l'TAIl - O.rrllnqy ru8
iv.g.btc c.r)tlomrduJnF rr|d holnde for rt|rt
tht.orJdlol^ uh! v.ll vsDty tlm on.- to lour
Effd'ril. nrraun* or uni\r rhrd' o rttd I2
nonth l-F o9ilon rvdraDt' (rrl
|L!-VAIL - I b.drooE, I batb.r/drtB, ltobd ndu-. atr|lrtblo 9r!.. ou r-gll-ooa.. o
IAST VAIL DIIPLII - g b.(lroo!ta$rttLb;L !IrDL-. .I!.t dalr. ..rDvLn ora bl6t Doro bur lDd at@t dorArn |od nauDorbaa4 Dr{vrra Dilt arpoD4 lnt lor uulllJi, nrr oafD.l'' 8rpout. ttta @Dt!&ttd. AvalLbla lrDlradlrtdY-t L- or e!.. 16126,&Dntb nd.d.!tr6llqut!.d alto-ugo .tta 6 D-E- or lrrnat 6 tor.!|na
ol lltlt lumr DottE -D/dtttc_ . Attt r, a or ar{r ff||rflfull.E@6trrLrr {od.bb. ato-Ct6, O
OAnIIII lt tlAt YrrL - lb Erer.,urndDar f r t&oo/@tn, t-d't-,lo+ o
LE ll^f lltl - lttl laa"O !
o@. a.IF lD.iLd tldl. iE.a lr.
!. OoV 7.@O trht{, a?,}!Sa -O
[rE l;:!ef;sraalt O! a?r} llrn or.r/d:r.r, teoo/Do b. tr.r laaa.:0-g6a - o.lm'.-ffirLour., t r! YrU. Dlthrgbrt..c/(!ttr, !rtd&, Olt, Crlot lri)/moolb Plur uuurtaa. t?c-og{t,
Dnd, t lA:lA DODTII - rt-i..,p'au, E !d.l.Gb td c .b..tl-!,lr Ia d.a .ott qli a?+ ItA, O
roro f,nll ntrrAt. If,FORnATIOttOo-q& bs| ItC'{t(I}
ffitAarasEr&--@E!|b||.EgU]! |'r
taoo/Eoltb. uillltl.a'
rrott-Vr[. - I Els rgffis{Ef
rm EOUTI 1-l Ddb'-uffi#iffi.''
rrorlyrtr.-- . -!gt-l!-!* JgG;|E4rit=etql16ffiM-+a o
ffi#ffiEF{#ffi;tt?t 'wrgffis
ffifflffi-rlilffiWEE:ffiffidlF - ,,ffi
ff',W;r##f*;jEiiG6r - o
HEffilEF*ffits"alrr-lol! & 6 D4
oE Gr-
.'l!'rr Ufltl - Urqr te|l-.ldEolLl I LlE 8r. S Cd-.ibilErrd-|E,lalr.Grlh3 |lOOrE!'
'tS dddlEo!|r.h4tat[IrE! ra
dilrE r-,&|| nrtcarD s
4llrll - l-Yr[. I Lboo, t Lb. l|-loF A: trqc t-lrftt..&' O
nr-.G. ; .rE - bI| t[rtd ! ltqr _ I!|,\9,F,.<ittE-art-t;ffiffitrrr*.%aE-'ffi!r!--!-. af.l -.tllE.rt -aI. G'EL ibE
E EE! El - E !E EEtr irEr-. IErqlr trts -ir l|.|.o!|. = rt:.c
,{i{',l.r g' 185-IE
rrst vl!, rrrra, -- qt)
-rtLft@G!D!!D.aD' ' ihcd|tinr l!. Y.tr v.ll{ Foobtu,iFrh.lcrE!{!!rDdbl-qbErg.d.lj.l@ .,, ,i,' ' ''rtttfiI g! L llFrraaahrqn ll&r'?Flrtr'
rErvltl- &tot nltDbidfi D- lo Dar cto-lt?e,$Do ,
rtxl tnl rro oran n.lr lrDL .U rL rd 16
{?6-tl13.. '. '..:.:...r,.",l- '.
l tt YAIL - E bdtqo Dlu. Lffi.f,W@*
ElutrftDonFolAnof -ndb. Au,bar&t OstLl| c
nrD.lilr.( 0 t dt!o@, a\| D.LD. D' !.roit blc ot r!!d swo tt
C.,[ lob. An'hl' lllDoD a, co ' at
ledGnO@rbbrrn.rd.Da aln lbv.g I-r&Da.nltrbY.!Rqtcslc.[tlrqi*8lad Irrrnrf, i6- ldrtd atd ft|l
;EEffE;eEEEg E*qr rzreiru_q iEbE:f:Ht; ffi
|IGIG& = }'@ f (IIDG -(bErcd. Ert ,tDtr+ * =ffiH#Em'ffi.ffiml|m. E Frtrf, trr,hEo EAf C'6rr.lrE -iii_.-c.{E5E-l{Itlvrfl. - Oott o.!- Er!h.. t..
Llo,hEr\r&'/ar.||'iE Er- E rE -E ILloGnr:d
Db -drh Era t,a a?+n|!E o .Frd btrr .Dd!.toFI|b-rti -iE tt--D ..8- E{Cl D.a. Offi,ffi;LEr^ffidlaE ID^' aG".!O,-a6{.n - o urE qdE, rD, to4E,rrb/dtr,r|! r.!!E||G rttD-. !dr- 4AE
Y1,8. lLE t art D[m - r Lb Vllb. ax>!at<]?t a 8tl-lt8-
orr 8@noor, lgSJrrSnlD -EIltl4 I tlt Lt.!lr^ ull
Ddr €o t aurqr, ltlla l|ridlt
irbor, {"C-{t{'!.
fttr VlIt = E br Arntlt Ibrh.nlltiatErid'der.!:**'fEffii"refi.dLr,lgtnrdvotdo
vr& Drrqtt q!! IortlooE - t Lb vllr ax>8t<'?t a 8tr-ltl-
Elr9g,_ at E\ arto ,b -c*r tln o unrtaonrcrdt.4vttFt anrir alrnldtatltlt tilEq. lra E|\ alt(D !b .I!E'b, tl5 Cl{71-l.6' -- o rr*t -a-a!!t - t=- - tfl'l.t-Yltr - ftE!|nrlt 8 td'o@, t !r!o@. t Ub. E,Vdt btrDoD c bb,D.6 f.E|D.t tril.r: !Oo/E.ib. lb, n4t||d' FE afj fd.-lq!{pl rana a1+?ard, a?6aatr '' E qrl_lot bdtqr:.3rrbli.rv.oa4ffi ffi"Hes#"F'-e
iHfff. lolo.r.a\ y..r lru. ,roffi-,'""hrDsr
Clllll tt t! Vrtr. - tb ErDlaUd.ttlar,lUtlO/Ed,Ift-?a?a o
lto tE tt[E! - !-d t bcto6.t S ElbU Lall!, F4 tl4.|drrl.-rD rbrt -&trl].hdbrd crdElaLf F?lrtdlb, cr! a?t.Oal5 albrlll-8c6D{gl O'
u)ftrltDd8ftfllllsT4al!.gFta,ldilolfcd.r,rtid gaga{?'l . . .. ,. .. '. ' ! .
trnlr-V Il, - t !.(M.8 hr
toD 0@ @(b, Y6t Db tlll t
16 d3 @/@$. or Ilt
Uoritt ra Mr5 {?0.?a(} .
st^YnECa-a!.dsFturolrbod ooadoElalut! orr.i&dsLlrard.& EDrll. Gdt ir d! Dlu.L(.ihd tadri. rd 9L.-' lDriE9r64ryan}6CI. ..
r'o lEHJ DE,ab.!;*)dalansbltlYrrltE orliiatlE Dadri! rD.dd lllta. ra dtnd ad t d tl @!!rDoohdlit|rrtlltfFe
'r4 wrll ri iia ven -|.o/ndh' It hd .d tEdba lo o trt br EUD
{?a-c6l}1 ::
E TnIUII ltlA tr - l Dc<lnItmled rllt flr/Cn|ctst!.drL{t Ot @ t-r, FEO/.ldrb,F.Ehz||r!lqu$d
tp tar (brra a Lho t o. {?
lAr,l)rqtrtaf,ti-ttdt@llsIt-lllbdl lo'lb.t tt! I
tltloo! lrtuaalr c{tltat nlrifti'ril - .rdld. l!''!!1ri'. alro/Ed!- tlt ttl|nlilrDd!tqullA.d'|e,E,
Elabor t 0d {?l}!641.
fto lrORaIrA - | !.\ rr{b-rurtc. r|rltlooEaa La}tlrl..loDaG{VerlrrP^. i?!-?{&
trnrr lrDrDr laAllls -It{ hlD. tedlov.' loa ott{aol@6,9t3-t&O
rAgT VAtl, - tlunlbd I bdqtdrnb!! tlb arno. crl ru&rtd gao4t?a
l.^at vAtL ttlluirlaBlD - .
f"."ip crrl &tl rqaru
llltulr4lt t'
f{Oo/ri.!i! bohlb ullrl!
tdot D!e! l!!+rl|-L oll {?O-l6tO b8lGlrl rDlqr f,&ra aUPottol
ztonfibFfrbD.lrco'6itcatlaLlgrrufr.$.clffiibvlfli. . orldorFOte.bc!.@l.EDdtlhDSffl€il|!. D€.l0rFr ruclltr
A lhrE bo(MrtllFobott2,(Dqrebdbrnh.rFrr{htrdoGgEugp'odlrble Aryut 16, 1906
Sl,l5O ps mcn|lt mluural
u8r YAIL - lgb! lbl|6 I
batb" tulalh.d lotDlotll-.'iffar6t o rrc. Sgol
dd,rgatI|b lcia, 4tllEtrlt4.!4C-,Dtar@nt
lErsElutlrbqrrFoaFb![,.OD,,rl trr
lo.r rot
irsl ctFl
Avfrn tf,F
b,.-a^f 91 1'78(
ll0lil-Vlt!. - f -D..froor.rE qe, b.E-,E lo'rlO! t{?!ota ,.
!@l!r5ltmrl -td4/:gl{.h.4i!q{.Elc.aqq3ei,itr3rdC.l|'dra +?!-C?U'O'
'' m-t|,g:!Ed'- I EtrE br. c!
6r t[lj.f.:: lftrLt i'L!,o@,ffittHrT.@v'rFe
v IL OOlt @UnA EOII -- l@a ld!'#ffiffiffi:q
t n vll - Lllr Itdsr!
nn l|bd olr'! tqrr atlo/ea d t S..1 eae-alco
tt*T VIL - tt do@ iot'l,bnr$.lt' nrd.D.d .td n,ldtD
irtbna 166/db. C.u IJ.. !
Enr cnEr lltrEoo8t : tDd$E lbrh. -dtslt'lluirrl' n|!Ett!|l trabn/drtt'
-mubr6 o[ l- mrd.
E*g.r.**,:--l#i-ffiffiu a.trt, rdlllts+. laodra.nlh. uttlltlaa lqoffimr"ft,ffiffi?,q. i-64.t!6 , u
'lti'Y^tr. - a !.er49, p!! .ql-!IFEffitr."E%q -ffis}
#----I$.fiES.?A;-AillBor-\ rurtr' bchra'tt,
trl^l. !t tl-J;:Ern!!lL!.dt!'I-a!Qr.d!.durr*
Anat u* t(, t?t{
% tmlT.rflrrm,ilffit f;Flgfnl-ffis[lsHf,ItrrE trr .- - "-# ffi m",-:L1ffi;;.F.:L?,llltoltl, - nr,:ol|hrt ! brbooE, l|| D.th !?SP,*. r,,| qrlrr lr lq, 9^! .tdnA h..i riclud.4 lU oo..r^.$d, |6OO/Dlr&lr rllh a. .r C.l .t IE land.bIl|I3ga?! c .--
IAIDID1nICltALadrllr!. flrt-t.'tl a l.{
.-.r ffi iEfiffiffiF.affi9i.ffi H,*ffijffi.;HJ"tifI r$rr|h. lltrt Vlr lotltc-.bi u rth@tudt ntDaE6- Hrrlt!'lllIEt ifE llld !n --lor!t@-.bot! l'?oo-sod rJ rrtr@[{U.!ftat@" bd|,|!LTtlffiS%trffiEt$* le*^p'esl-.-J-,?.'t'-xs*tlf ffi-ffiff -''i'ffi ffijt*iffrdimh#Sli ffirrtl V/UL - !&! l!u, lL!E, lr ^rDrDlnrAtrr".Ert - t*s I ffiffffir;:ffi:a i ffikpi;ff, H## ffid--"1 _H.*iffi,H HHLffiffil lffiffiffiis."M5rH,H,gEfrmTdi "., *E
I I ffi fu w;s""mffill"{a o ffi&!frf.Eryeii$LF btql..d,/@rb.{?w.r-.e'.W r iig:itr?Hiliffi YlE @ ffi s""-, **-
lrnE tE rdx rt[a.ra]'€iE!D.q F rucr ntf - - ']r*F 6 ur| lerl qtt 'd (ffirFfif.a-.e:' - --o I i rrar vro - r ** r.ffi ffi ffi."3i"ffi o1'"
ffi I i ffiFH"t"E:ffiiEE ffi:"r'.E::. - :, ,"orlyl' -. Lb@ 5r brbmf .esffi
I i * o rr'-. -. '.?"$"-!!er.le*{ ffiS#-'l"ffi"NL{Hffi | i sr%iffiffiq ry+ryruii Hffiffi3mffi,ffi I i Hlffi;ffiffi, ffi *gmm's"#'s'
ffitHTffi'Hmffifr I r ffi ffi Em"H#ilifiE m.--Isi';f,,ffiffil ffg$Sf;.ffi:*n:.*' % lbi#l3oittusuutc tnor'rtjry6*or3!99'r---! | i F.l*aatttt-bE:Ta6-otl'r? Sffl,ft&&*ot-o"t-"r'. o loorrAE- _-x,.,.ru!!-,.rrrbd.
trtntttxrtn - (bnu.Etouq!.rd. I i 6ffir-Hiffii'offiff-*oOallDllrDrEtr-D|DatLtO(ArOa,t'-|!rG*.!.rr'{t'-|!@.aD]\rFluler I ' ftt ClE lottl(f - UlrrF.lfi EsD. b|5. ttrr n crn qr.llpl I E@.f br\ d tel rd. bdn,Ovrarl .l.ql Cgd.r..raf ll4g I tE' AruU, Eb-/il!rr. a!r3 rt,ro"reme*ffimliffiffiffi*ffiffim##ffimF"il: i, ffi,,1fi;-t"4tr'|.c,D ro"+g3 ffiffi-ffi 'ft;5ffil1ffiffiffi'ffir:'effi*,umr rrs r,mr" rrronr. nor -or1 i ffi:E4*gh!# qr-ralp4rqmoar -^FF-tJrb .H'fi$lt tst@ L4:b' 7'r
our- hlt'.?4n5rc ; i rEdr.U'. ao/@l ntri lcr, Iq41o !!=._ 9PlE_-It!El€!l@ | i *;tff,"emgfig"s tr_E:fip_,-q.:E6*f ffi;*;'*Iffi"WItDhff b..l' lo F.. qnq.l rry I l {G?'"!f. - rr 6r.tr!Ilrr'l! rll roDtr r4?vEqq+lo(, n-rt' {?c{&(I.?+rl@.'.'.''..'-.'...........'''...1..Yrr#nF.a.$36.a!c{F.Fl6!#llaqoro.-a'-puc'id9ilFqglgnlo' iioto -' o ffi ffi-Yi*"g flfiffi.F"-ffi'"#'q
I i ru:tffig*ff #ffi-fiHi3*H'ffi ffii#ffi-.a-**lrffiHEffiffiffiffiffihffiH I r Es;rr*nnttaa-t Hggfrf;ta---m :---
otn\!tb|ln.!e ro-rruoocr.-6 l! # :g5l":ffi.'o'91* 1.!? HHLffir"#;ffiriffi@ffi*tu trr<rra .E i ' --;-.oi-. ee-6.oi' -.--; - Ert Ga4 Dbr .(
r.-.rrtr -nhr..-r--.i I ffi ffi lF'HT*:iE-!cDi'''Dt
oD rrD tto !m |P4dtorlr - n. (r qdbr . : .:-L-r..:Hffi EHt#* rtFTrp dr^-,r reesa r
trrn Olllt vlltl' AtnAIlB DICE'-: O Er I nlllrr@ lD l6th C
|nIOI.l tAtalLY lctua h til, v.b.orsD. I or t lraa, b6 b\ turtlt|}r
Dr(Ittllllo llrf tlll tld !b
thlqtlDt!. Far d tb Ydr lh4 0
.l Olt-? IL - I Dtdloot!, I Dl3!.Ee/&tG. tlrobG nd!fq-. rrSaD|.Dr. to Di. OU l-tr${A o
o[t lB)xxtr ltlttonttaBlD - rtrtstBtt t aYdL hoL dt hrrba,
G.u(bL h4 L DltI.d*5 atl{3a+{?G EA..... ....-.....,,,. ,. ,. ,......... o
tdlll! ttEJr& - E ! O.DIG. a Dd!@.tulb tl!!t d. hr !qrt., F EDa: trtqIriL'ba .lr. IC?U@|,\ lideb
tdrfi. L,r eY.-rD €ra. lo tt!a"!-1066. tt arttDai 9
fl\' EAdI - t b.tD. tlEaltr!|h-/|!r!, lltldro, bl6at. D@l|ou.1 (hi br lcn Io rta llttstr (
'rt\ a&o/bd!. 6ll X. 476{17.a?6-clo
urttf trt(ulllf dt .vdlstD.Y.llEdr' Ci!(brb|DnE lrlaEa Dfry
Ft&Dta ann.rbYdl n 4ta.D Drar-s qrr^ !q!6U rrC {tlrD qllf
td tooE ,..Lr .!tl .vtottDa ftl'-- c[ atlHlllo&cttELl tldDarEoo--ta .rr iX'GmAnafuor O
lorf,r ltD tE t! tIAI Rllffru3.rul&L
AU .|I, r,trs. lqtb'r Ou 4rf, lqdamhrs 6r9.c/l7a....................... O
lIlYtIL - rrhr lEry I E!@. ib|l.frr hl.I|tul.l$.tr!.do.rl*ro torinf tq D.f lta ddl.d63ffiffiil.....'.,.....,'...o
a'IltDO! - lrl !.r t|?a rbdu, lltb\ illt nrd.bd Ln @i! rd !'.. (lll6do..l n-ltr at-aloo O
r-a Elra l' rrtt YArt, - i.t{!a +aaDrEr!. ltlnlu .d rDnltllur. og:o:ryrl!E!-..'HF-'- - - o
Itorront I
*, f#ffi*Hffid! lrttlt sffi
rclrona IIls.uo*l&it^*,it orrr 8. Irrru tdda-tla afa!66'tcY& 8 Uripo. fut!|nrolb.4 ltrDLorarrrt,DEt r!lt-o.tb"!o-@bll.rratcD-la?'c.5t- o
lrfEIIrtt AllA - I L!o@, I Fb.orartoolt{ V.lt l9uat ta, nl.Draoa.rrahc/dr'rr. l6lqt/DDlb. tr.l lar.'
Laxt/Eclf, rd Li3x. (S) ..r-Ai. o
Atllll.ta - UttrntDd I D.dE Iffir-*#i€fffrf,i9ae€70 C'
tlltt - uflltqt ht a btro@' alt u\an-. rdurr.. -a D-t boa hD. bdirc- fr OE !6. trr lc' Oll RLBlr+r?rrcewto o
u[IrE ilm rullYrunllfErD@tlsIArE I !3t@. t U!' n-! @ll-bul <r
fr }lAO OtDa@. l-!8+'7tlr. o
lrlE EDXPI - En b.rD. Labv!4.
az-OtnoO. 4d.Db 'lllv ft4lribd' tofr trE/'il:'-, oo[ttlF'EDj l'lllaa'
!ff;1'e' t"' r-s4'e'ct'r(8
o^"5*^F dl ,q ,(
t!? YAIL - t dr .d utlqt. { b.(bo@.
\dlltrltDr dD!-lD-LJa.r!bEorsi rniii, lllqr PloD.rt|| a.8d
loria@!.f4.m. O
llltl EDruI - Plltol|bd. F-'trrraD.r.r, rr&-/(!tr, dt9dr. qqq t?ui
f,itS?Ydt - hltl.IDd I br!o@, I rt br,b.
ffiS:" Fr ts aud n'T
tAOtlvAIL - I D.d!o(E @Ca.V
fiEttr!.(l 6 tbrrlt aIL l.atd Dor !.Dll?!o/@rLollti|.|l&t&r-atard. o
tr8r Yr& DoPt E - tu&/ n|rdul IE@ Dhr lqli8l b!b. alr{:, lapo orrr nlr lo ,o Go..tq! n-lv.-r?c-as. - offirr.ho/orfr. otrl@ElDll t ab t|lit, @F.r L--lo Daa ll&'/irdb. Ic tlb.IrPr.{?6-%!0. o
&tfiuor q)lDo tlLa.L6...rtD.rll.rynrrr|bd. 3 Dds6. I br\,CO bdtgbr Fool .d oo-ttt l$d!r tool!-Co-qnl|fv{?l'..{n. O
Dorttr toB 1rl Dr&Rlvltrfito - E
D.do@. I bt\ bA &Lr .d A. riLr|.Dcl&r.j6!r, oltc.o, ell .' lr'loeL rri d V.lL Ootr B.Dar.d lbtccrir. uatralruoC lf !oo/Doar'! Dl!|rdur5.lo Ft .{?l}l0l{. o
D}:BICDIIAIII - UD'\ral|U ! b-too
Dhr ld! 8 b&. flrll b.@li l@ Dhtill|rr @ d trt lr-. tg Dral ouqaln-rF4tr-ald. o
lrot - t riv t[dt{t 6tDL. Ft'.rr
lDnt !rbdEtt|lo@.8*lr\r+o!alt l'.
-rtl aHtatd drrr -Lr l5a!. 6tD-aslru1 Yrl| dltt Ydt halaa ad !-v!r
v.o.'lroo. iiiiiv ran *.r--. - liriDl-+ c-r lta Lr L6l@\8firrG+ro o ndcrmere+:aoo'DL' lirr o
AtrruDOt PErAI I t U - 8btro(o,8br\niE|.d tlA trb/drtc' ar|$aDlatEDd.r.b tc @ t!4. }llo/db 9ltt.l-tlt h!ry dagoat tau'ir rd daarDD-a'6 ri4lop t oi aE!6cl: o
i6*-csa o.g.e{atrt. o
TAIAII! tll - I Dr!@., I Dn|r!|Ll rl! nD/dltr' tlllJss/@tllDdf trlloFlfcrctrrl'a?c-l$.
u't|r8otrt - a !..!06.1r! bl!. tlntru!ln,|!!.lEq!|Lvq!otdEl!. at !d lo lal surrrEIE{DO,
ELE f|lrf - rg O.rPt!.#sffii*ffiffiix4..@ lft! It Dt'l! c ro I
rGll66, rrD trtlpai'
m mOOI - U!ftr!$rd.ld llr4lrrd alii llltltt! n8r n| D
ho9.!' tlEr.l t';'a-'-'' t!44Qq-l
lUtAItXtt - 8 bqtroot!, tu!Dl.hccr.ah.!/drttr. ]a78. PloFttt ltlot lLqrn{t6.a{4, o
llftll.VAfl, - t L!r!.@, !|tfutnltD.d.gEl@b rnrrr arnat, axp. Paot-tt r-!.iI|D@ta'lLaab. O
tqt Id)Em iot.l@! t [E da@d
tEtal? Olt rr rt! l|qrt tDdo 6
PIoD.V nEd i"'.|6rft 9qqq-€9. o
tnlfA EAfilg - lfet .!.1 tDry {-
!q!@. rdl}!$.l 8 s ar.ral r|tt (
vfEf OtaFADr[t - a Dqho@ dr.
b, @Dlr.E tEdr- t!! -L|t!rctsDot|. rt@rEr, t!EEi! ann *-L-&iEft\ hr d&..! d.Dd c.ul.{bt6Dt tu tO ..8 -6 D-E- rt Pttrpl - n
Fl fxtt - .lr|rbbb tEDtdrr.V! IDd!o. I br!, n8d.b.d @. t/D'
Y n Ooul(xtittutl - ED..!6rrd'D-dnlryrbrd EDd@.tr M.l oa.{r
al?OO. I''oFlrt Lrt t I.!{.E.Dia?c-.a6. - - o
tllt|OEDdtCY - LULblb-d
'rl(rErt.h.l I'ty@L (lll lE cI$.d-e6o-5"r4 o
lro tDl@I l*^tla - l'dr,E!rrD.4fraffrffgcfrrf.!|OetllS.F@b l.&!I! Dll, r.'or!|-.!tt @' Oll Ldog{;rccn c
i Ort tLll! EROCI .llrRtlllll - lll
. .iftir- !.4 nab/&tr. @ ur llL
66O/snD, lotrlf a tibo.6 bdr-' al
: uuUrir rt4 ruhc/dttE. ltCt0/dL.t-?)lifr.- - o
m t[DnFt - lLrh Elb.t-
tlt lfm C - t- VrO/btcDiEEd.dt!.(!@.lHllorlE l
r A. d.a, rlE/dtlt' at?qa
'rlrctr 8t, ltol colDo- - !oi4fbrl I b!@' Fttrl| !!,r
)r toftttr)l I LrB - ttrltlllD
:f;fr#;"h,-sffi# 'Txe{ga
Etar-lontt@ ott EFOI EOO
4l$lfi$ffiffitEfiiF'rie @ rrl ctnc t! E'
Y&.ll'lqtE IltlI'E-lbcd
-e,i|'!llf lCO.d|tfD,Eubbardrr-. OqE' toDr.,at!-6|lln, O }.rt Olll llla - E Hi"o@,3 hr!'.d,ilq. tcl. ttq|l.o, url''!ld'
DlrlB OtIIxt - tb.E lrEDrrbd tt iloqe. rblt}'ra5 fuE, EEiflulldlat, olota ro oorB tora/rrlDorf,uDtutlqd F ba 3v.O.Ur l?S/Eir!tD.rdab.d b bhfl {tF?tyta l-8!A-aoa!. o
ttl, trDml - t br!. lt|l!,rbd.nabd/drtrrr or|t)Lr. blaw, tr| .D.ts.E oD b.t tqr. roDarPl|luGtar-hrl.EY6b. qU ha {?O{a'E c l-rinarral+ga{o, O
tfl, lEn&A - I|tt| nsdrb.il c O.FG..[, br lb., F.rtla. .aa f@-@lnrrl81 !t!6' a?}lolA
^rr0.DLh@bl. O
tDtr trtr! - ! Lboc.8 htb. Eiidttt&a!b.(rrr b.. D!O/@b. DaaAEE
lffiL tt* .d I|..: l|rt+
t'r@ tGt Fttt III'I! - o|.adl. D@, 8Lt!@. 1 ID,rabc/O':tGlO!rr.b, Lrtt .ll a99lt q lJld.o.rdbElba rot!, rtFL at''f4 ftl!'|brt(l rdl4lfr. IL lErr rO !@ rtrboFd,Aml!-arlta O
gltotl tAIlLt &XtA tq t- V.tL abcro@. 3 nr arrar, DC rA ir|luE toDr. a'r D{r! {t}l!6ra, o
ItttlA&nt VtllAlll - t L!oo. rraF!\ acr-. bt@!-, r!r. bd,@/ml!(llla't}Elle. o
r8rtlTlot UElll - lL!,o@ Dtlt,ab\rm0alL Err. fer$b r3f uttur|D,|b4n:t!-h^r$ !i8Lr O! S"l5lb Ct-?*!as. o
tl EAll tl!& ItlllUElD. or.lt!.dtoata rrltDa tr !r-E loa tcrD -!6tr1r,
turEubrt c lEAElIbaC Utq! DrE {t| r.lio.bta Dl! d.d,CDrtrrl o9 t 0o_
{?c-6061, l-@t9!-aE6. 0
^ffi!Dllrr!ti!q(^qa!!|!|o,t-D.r.t{!, o,l,{talctD F4af. ! 6,/EDLb. to Fta oroulfnD.t[ii gatslltD. Offi!o.E lqt d 6 tro ad- a! laUtraba ndrr
C.U B6-&ll?. -O
tIgI Y ElrgPlll: I b!dro@, lrtDtr€,!-rbr.Ddit r{r, lCao/@atD.IoDai[o, .
ro Frr {?Dzuo @ {?G6!9a, - O
l -ya--f*t* tt brr-n r."4brt tDhd, @/@!' trr l--, brrB,a! f!oD.!| I.|r{@{i|o{lal O
Nl[i rilr
ndaftllilttmt ffiFEmrsgntsq
Enrb.d! dtoa.18&"'"a-hr Ln EEtrrd l-l It r..o
etE ltlfo lEEf - 8br\trEdrb.4
ntillgE O llttq0Ol - I brb. ka
VlO q!! !o D.., L-- {!d E ar D{|aa?'Du, o
lltltl!.Etll -O|trGttf brtrlE-!!rD.dE ''lclllglal|ta trlt 6E o b Ef Dsri&dau(lrd||lDlLl0.dladDodbtttlLl!. OIl4?!-6c.l4
loD tn laul lllt llAtlot -qmqlLrt{?l-.tgcn
tttlYAt - &,60 r/nrt).o, aA?\Y!tDdtfl bi lo t|d^ Go-!.a F
a?c-.ag@,. .,,...,. .. .
toto lar ltD &Lr!r irrrauarr|l.L rU 6- asllqlbl Crlla7&1t19.........,...
ott EDm& 'lttttalt - lt00.rnlrr- ltrrla.|lll*targ,da9oaA fc
!fi$!f;v. l6ar Irrncaorctro'r
tltl VAIL - n h! OI!ry t bqbobr\ilr!fr .EiDd,rbl.trrDlro.anma; torL.s, ro 9.lr lhrDrilD.6 l-- EGl.d. t66o/tootA.db-,l*lot obd.Dd 6U a?}t
Lrvl rt tEt @ttt*t danv.ll .r ibLqu3 (DrD babtDlrEr lrhanlt r.rdLbl, .elit-,tla
f..Rrrt Clrtt6!ll qlt| llaqrrlru |od {ua.h aria!0 !o@, Jac|trt tDd t'lDrllDatL- all a?t-aLobrqt l!D!o!!untoI' t, a.!d I bdr@ 6!d@1!tttEr
l^ttv rlt't'Pftl-8b.rboooruon'adrbdliraoLo. dit d-b. a.gd t!t!' oE Dl(Et
G6 i,ti- .od atoqt ror. $rt ldr;.ihd.h.od, grtrata t.tl and D@4vE L,?.ff-m.t. Dar -rtrd. SE lL DoUL Fi,
@dd-ad, lvrllahl. taD.dl|.v Yt.l r-a
c r.!. .oaa/mo. 8d.F.Dd t{ulrs.
{?&la$ .t- 6 D&, or bltr u..al oa
iqla-O6na OvrodOor'tt!!Yltt'9@trndIdE (D E! l!r'a, .vrdabr. 8aF.db f''ll96/Dot! 6U c.rcIgaF rlIA O
ROPBTY 8^IJ8 AXD UATAOlr@f -abtlna Vdt arr b la Jr-tr- A- vallrDl..'n-r;;tr. (rd) {?!-06?d. o
t m lrD 8aon tlnlllrr ll.v{)
AI d-,9rb* lotbl C.ll.f,t! Lq,|rt rrdgtFl?l
El\'lnlGlql-3bd!@. ll
llLD loltllul - t D.&!@. 8ta Iuotsr.bd tor'bqD rlLlr rgbar,/d.
tDaloot Jaaurtlr aroallalt v!ar. tu!'!Dro|l.L, .v bbb rh'n rt'|.u to!!8, ttlqt/E€l! Dhrl "i r.rr, Fqtffit--"f* ED'tr o'
IEEEr@rli.rlltn- bldru{hf\ tooflotr loDa o. rb.!i taalo,/b.r'l,elMI
lltlvlu/ - Dr!!hd I D.dood, 8||tarrib\- rih tr.{:. ol &tI( Io!
Ol E8OI - I b.r\ rrr&& fi,Elrrrd-/dt , fa V.0 VLr ?grD!d!- .laltmr..At|!AL ld.t Nf br otu:|toor'@llbohrrull -.o{l'rt&,qub.d. .d DLaa, E Dda. Cbrt Ar{b
bDoD r 0o.{?C-!6Cf .
tll,ll BlDld[ t|lll| L.|ar"(Et|nt'|'!-n.-,,!rni* ODa t$ trar lo .l&rbD, 6n E6 tu6. rPA {?!-?g).
lrAl Ytll - Lrll I bd!@ Nt rtn|r! abd. obrtq.| .l66o/@tb, c.!ae reot! 9aa-aeO
ttlr vrrt - E ldsE totttrnda. !F tldv n!:dru .d i.o.6Lb.dr cr
F!EDa, lqor'@! C.! L|r.! 8E U Oeae-.ffi.
tltl VIIL - E b.dooE, Frrdv nn!!t
-qttr3! dlpJtl|' @ b.l r,oJfa, |6@/!r
C.lt tL. c 8E t &on 9a946&.
r1l Cnlll( Tctl'tlog8l - Iroa tob..b@, 8 !.6. d loll| al'|d.ol. nr.'lult tur!!.81 r..b/drt !, .rr.l ile!l| 6rrL @/B!r^h Dlur uul
loab/'le!'| 6rr.|,lu.Db. (Crt)stl-{4lt-
t! Dht utoor(8ll)
gll IOralS IO Ol! YIA.R -&-do,t,&.baalrooro toinboEaa, duplaraa@.bbnrat La Y.tl Ur ldr|lt6r lIlrbr R-f L.r.a7ef6m
4mtlt"ll - 8b.Gooa. I *br\futa!@.bbbro ldrao b l,LDtlda., itrr
H',"ffiffiKH-"foH-%trffi*"#l#ffi*"llmffiffi"tslblt-'&"s;+(6dt) g&r-{sat
'tlrdlttlt ld.tg!99:_ i
! oL!-vAlL roumAlr flBnAc! --f;bo;, E D.dfo.6. tuml|hdlru.,r aa&/6oatr Call U!. .l 6E
tuml|h.4 9d.lDLLr!. .t 8E t &otratr{r, 1660/60
lttttg,lRlmtilt!|dt'.DLr, r&tBbF
l< orlla ll1 lAar VAIL - &.tu^l|ao/b6l,\ nErgbd ar|d uorur!.llh
ffif o r* tra' Bl@m n!
aElo/rldb Dha d.d.Dd rlqr.drt4 rDil DL.-, E
lrbo9 t O" {?H06l d!Yt, D
SAllDOlOll .Allr' - I b.d@r, l'^ InFCrd, r|.bd&'G Odlab, .v|r
lDro.dbr.Nr. lo t rr c.u l-c?t-oo{a
turalrbrd ooldoallluE or.tloolIortlDl6.D Lb ardal|a br!.Lltbd|.l.qtkr|D&.DE !@ltrr. !@ FdDhrddrt, F6d l||! 4.dDlrr, E D.tr cED.rtc.@qZa?tlaal...........
ort .A'm fr! alDtor APtRlLlIlturub.al @ udlrr bd. rtlUtLa Datd
Eta, Oo. badro.@ aana al lgg8/tunlb,bd@ i.rr. .t ]r8o/@tb. lt T.h
E .E6td.eaS,At(rt.
&!RI8l - t-l lr-, L7!. 8 bdsEb.r\ tulV tutabb.( Lrl @lb !D! b!.Ao-o.aLf$laH&.
Lf,Ol,l-Ylll, - t b..l!ooo. 1brrbc/dt:tc,Eab6ndUnrr.l.lLualota.C.u l-t?t-o6aa
^"Ot - *-r- ^r-""4 t--"- "Et b tael!, Frl IAr rntl hl
'l66o/eDr.b. D6 . g{C-ait& org{e-a6i..,,,...,.,.
tnaEtA t^.Ll8 lllsllE -rl$0 rnd l6t
badootD. f !.rb.u|'\rrurbd fo doal. Pootdnt 6unr .lRO/EoBlL .t?0-oo6{
lffilf^ffi*l;i$ffi&Dd thr udtr.r- Ld vrll DiElwt DD''D'ifioc'c+ry1r. o
IEt E l{f.fr - f,.a Yrll. n'rn!|ltd I
' H'ff-?"ffia#-l7t7+ e
d)o 80. tr, rrs! v & I 8!D8mr - a(m
6 - ,n;rt .|d lrl, t!rj!a. 6Jl' aD4 Or-r-
rlo(hrrutla aort, rr.DArralabd ao ft.
-o! F .r
AgOt TtO BIDROOI - I b.$. u.o!.tolrbll-;;- imtu6 bir. lt@/tq|l! UPAlEzrm.li or rti o
l.ltMIL - UD'ltd.bdl tfdlou f
Uloon orr plor..EOO/@dttr 9lua t.ltruLfuTii+&b;uir- rtr. o
IDT IfI' Otf BTDAOOY - U!tufrl'lbd
rorlbrat OoDrbalDrua Eqtrtta qroln'
i5vrr? l'' ror n Dt . |{@/ooot!'
6I ui.r O c Sb"t g{g-a6do. O
ffi ,"BlggSL-t""EEl"L"&"1""--ao(t. u
b.dootc I
\%""J" ,&3t t t{t-
tlttr,RDr - b.dJirl 8 Ddr@ lrlltru.Ertrc rarrvrrr Urr loFrPL-nlt
dJttr tir+.r&o r-o- m-sr5l Po o
rtoEDFmI - llrb.\ PuI!!OrirFlt
ao&. aolor'Doth Dhr urlll.L' loDa t d
iia, c.u n a.t'986'808{ or Ed.!
i -166- rai. - o
OAAAOT IX llAT Vr|IL - t!. A.Dr.a
bJrd!e,Ut6!O/@tbl-cyt'?E?{ O
l{O,/EoDOi.'f er-alrdOto.&
t OL8-V^IL - { 6@. l\r blb b.lt
aaE cruao cuer tur.bb.4 tL b-Ldtcoa fmuraa'- ttltlD@l !rb'- t/D'
EnE raa 6 r*irur lir@bG t.or-i4 alal ooll A6lJ
5oud (El{) oa{-6.l{
&Mi!t - Y-r L-. .ttli'dt.ffifrgf*m,,U.m"{t dJ;; o
EOIttlAIf - Iottn!' lid stllal'utrtoncu t, nrrogla iah ulltu- lx\fi.
a3!O/8atL lo Dd. {?6-3so I .4'6
ffi,ffi;,lYffiEB'ffi-niG ddb pt r rt*'rto add,I|. ?. AtL La?6-?161t. u
#;#5"f#.'ifrf?iH$:enrtV'.ztro<b. - ____--J
tXItX ClIlFtDl ,YlIJ.JrOl b! troE
!6Llr. Itol\tttLlad I. 3 ..oa -q ErG
iniiiiiraruor tc lr- 560- a6!o1ed!
j-J *'. dLri/r. rirltlr .d.t al(! toffiin! Frrrar trr, toolDurntla dF9raa!.
ItOt!!I!8 tRGRt*T- hhE! I D.dtoo@'8
b.Lh @D&, t|at vrl PooL t/D.J.ald' tiE
rlc'rc. otilona! nrBl|naoru.Dturnltbdl
F76/E!Drb. C.U {ftrc4{5 or Dt8erigr-!!c6cr!e-oe o
PtTf,I!' CRtllt @fF - @nvriLntlllay LrlvrU louortaDaalrco!!eb.$lot.. trDr tralE/dttc, ttn'|taan-lq. n-- -lt olld (!6) 17&
tlOft-vAIL - Irlturdth.d a
b.A. Db Das ad n'Fd r|!.LP a?!-?tl6o. r.L b xrlt.
ffi*n;gmmtr'EiH,ffiffi^;Sl#S iid or1. i lilo r o rr+oe: =
. ii;E-r.-i- ki4!'q,lffi5mFm'E#E BBl%;l5r'gHSFel r-tE
I&f"tff""Sfli'ffiTffi;"ia?6-r{aE. s
r -tit-916. u
tlulot t&/tnot- | Hr@.8 br\ D'ol'
;i!tD@L-ru4 @DtloDrl (bt
'D'lffiRnsiuitx$iI= ,-fri rrl..,rna Grtidi-Ldal o
1'lO llEo tltl lltlT - Dh.r. Abdto.6'
a b.t! db, t r YdL tbL t/D. JeE L
a-D aDo , El4orlE t!.tD.uf+ d
&rctOIDrro atDx@I - Aryt@t|lrr'lrrr,ar fnar (btc. o@t!n awE;A-.4 ro DoG do. r-t rrr.tl .d
H, ffi."I"YiH[;,olfr- o.lt E-Eto dr'r B6-tGa
atn&ll e
Orr EnmI PITE CnlII PA-Rf, 'IrDO.;a-rcDr. d'dit{ o@t. ,!-! vld' t@lf.ft#.BB,H'gfir**6
Fnrr aru0 AtD n lalrtrqtrT -
1ffi,If,oEifr.B''f.* ^'"*3
flt fA:It tT - Id, 9dl n rru.bdl I
ffiffiHil*.#ffiYroH--:lgta. u
6 oc. 7r. t!8r YAt! I BrDnoora - u)@i!rr.#;rr ql b.t|| t91ta, orta and ccrr!
roaarraiar ad. utnEltrb.4 ro rlr
0aOO/60ath, u!lll!t.. rad d.9oal!'i-egs'-coeat' o
royI|lllr - tr' lrr .vr!.bL,
ttsoldd ltttta oa &oatldDa Dlr tqJia- lo
irir. lrcoraontl, !!tll!!.. lnoludtd
{i;ioet. e frd-o DjL o
BOIIAIAII - IoEAlt Ld.ilrl|bl. r,l'rUlre f - lrruta irb tlrlllb tE!.6.
l!co/t!6rD' lo Da^ ato-l5o 9 aa-6 -D8'
ffi;*;ffriilerilffilffiEn-&ra'tc+in - o
3g: *-g*.--^"*-ffi""1
rrrrorrloo - qqfqf==gffi ffi.i*dfrdffillEERS*r'traffiffi ffi16 tlDffir#i-riEaEi;;oo. o
Dd€6 9ll| krt^ lft i ! atr{t':n d l-r- Io 6a g"tlrqafrF1E io'P.,. ci6rroar ndqt'
SaDt o!.t l.I€D'oar--apg-037!.,tnln.
lm ltnrml - 8 btb. ttD!\l!lth.4S{S;ffffi*"#"ffi'ftldliFirb6 o
nn'Bn(XD1rAI! - ItDnl'!.t.bdl l-!d,@fi;-rdt-t ht; tuu b.@L aao C\.fiulr do or lrr tla. co fral Go-ufln-lva?!{36. o
Bnt !^trf t!81 - C Ur@.- a br!'ffi;-,"ffi'Ti:i's'1ftE;:l_irr;.r+i3oo. o
IXrttnBORf - a DdbE" er^ b'6" n|\lffiaB;sw'.'as'-"FirdsF. o
rcltr ET DrAla - t|.lt duPlid. l!ffitftffiHSfftrt[*oi |?rto. t n, Er!!.ur 6B lo F
{?&!66a,b.@tt6, lJ
Tto BIDR@X - a b.!h @Ddo. t-! vdl'
ua*ffi'fur"tlthsiH!i:iiEs666.' o
fOU IOgf alU - tt ! VrlLnDl,attrouttt a
iiilfrli g trarqo, a brrb lornlDo'' l?s
-. t!. otaDLlo. iEhat/drtar' -rtora, D"
tile rioo. iwuarr. orr o.t9d. v.ry .rUI'
!li3lti'tli"iii'i-l&""'itf.'El'--o-aaar -
BlXCHIA-nf,. AVOI| COrDO - - Xrc''
.Eturalrla I Dadt@nr 9.rtLl ulluud'
^rrRrtrrgt ltt'I'nrtllD tlo BrDlor
od ra 110.-Y.ll oo LaD ffir' .crl!
S3,-?3ll,L$iitltrlibf iltlfi BIG'rrt-se6a rvolla o
#I$9.:ffiI;t$,'?ffi-tFf-.q :'tai1 O
lrlgrv^fL - a !dr@. a bt\ I LrtL.o.d^rmrf-mnrrm;wUndd;at-o-+oe6: o
Rl.cColT CI.I'E. lOf,o trRI - ttrraLbd f
Elid#-oi.r lilr toD ooor, 6.t unt!, oottclrlt tt;r. dl chD hdr q! bur'ffiLfffi-ffi"""iff);;ai'ii-ii'i--; n- araL3l. o
S#H".;;,.H, ?ffi'""$
rt, -J..rrt t bu tqti ro Dd. {7l|.
Lltl e
rAllt I-VAIL @IU) - e bd!@. lr !'rI.
frmlrC-arpucr drtst{l,|' t..b-/:F;; r-}tt{to, t-?ec-!86t o
@Acro(rS Tro BIDR&U - t,- brrt
arl|aant l0OO{ tl,i aatb vL! a(bNtrffi|. rar'oo rUrirUlr. tDet P.rEnt C'U
fifr4-ere:ocai c,r r-'',67'&!r't o
urtt'Rf,IgllD Ttlnlt IaDROOI I DrPilii.rii<rr. vU tlr.ruud.tD. ah b.|\
Ai..olro. nOr orr.Irla. .U Babd atplLtd'
mfr.Xt"W'.Xt"offi ,f
i:cib:tiA-;;-1--da.o. - c
r^oLl-v^lL /gR!l8HAD 8"UD!O -iib-olroonttr glur ultlttl.. 9a9'!gocg{Htrn t\,tlrrndr
lrAf VAIL HOxt - hrrru.h.d 3 D.dt@m. ig;JI <ffia,r,S ffi,s}ci-ercs r€Drnlt c
nlfunruraE) tERrt IIDROOI --.DtrDl';;ii;;L vdl tlt toouDi.la a|{ bal
nidE. ndfto.lFt d.rn Bdbrg9r||lr
Unii ftba- anha !@!A 9l'leda fl-Elta
II'RITU'IIID SOSEA - On Ll\t db'. i;;fr;frst-ri rtr grtyu.nu Fdet ^El-tF rrorior ifir ararrcant aar
fraiiinol rna apoa oot.b- tbrol.bAt!.t
i:Fg'?i?6 A g:b-to.e. I
PM RImt - I Ddtq f|t hn*''g#ffiJfi!l-,ff
ffiirlle+"r d aDli l6rDl err
tnabo ttul.rya"E-@.r' " .' " """ -
ffiffiieffitr#trqff ea$a?'B........" """"""' u
E v:n E*4.-.r.ry^.l-!il}
ox foFfulogr.Y f.r\Kf - h[n].h'd 2
Slffi,i*ih."#,S-' i:'ffi;
0ae-a633" u
#*:W,3*"L-"H1.1"#-;gDi*.m.9#r"il9ffi,lffilOrntfrlq r. SoOfoonu gtY!
t"f-E6O io,|'tg aPorn ln 'dYut6E -diii r-s2-d6o. ol!9?-63!rt. I -aaz-(rt.5. --ta!4. I
Ptogatr LD.aEt
|od n-l llab'o
ffiffiiffi.Hi$i*Sffi#ffi86iar&in doary. o
AdI CLtttgIDt 9'tu.rol t9 rl&d
Fr^!. ntli|nlrH l. I rd U |tElsoIER#&I*-tterb.DiL
reerur - rlrror! E!:ifEDi!jr-!*l ffidr aLdrb b d$d. tlllL gl lrq' to
-d tural '!aL
tdrtdqa t$atia6'H,:e-.ffiEJ!5ffifiJqiiffieqrf,- offiffi
;E ra-k dl-el r-*. 614 tr
PIltIf CnIE ?Ar,X - ! b.o@o. Z bl\l
DrrvlB @tcr) - D.d.!.t tutdrb.d I
bdr@@. &uhL_ald AtCd. . Eltlt
-o-- o
fro 8IDnOOI - I b.tb. AlfrtLbdl
-.elc7arrrr. ltGDLo. b.l@!V. p@I- "ldffi,Hg-*,H"ffi-f"-1.!5i'diiiii itd-aaro. o
lto lfDROlt - trdV ftrtd.!,4 on Oott
ffi,. ,*g't+"t"]F-mnt
Ecieniilcr i- o
mrH fAl.la - 3 b.d'oo- a bd,\ P'rr'ld\Y
nrrorrui nr'r toec. f76o/dron!b' D'o-Bu!b
iloprqr -lrnrdcnsnr rtld n..l ltr|t la?la-+380. u
tuRrnaHlD Tro EEDnOOY - r Dd}! E 4
iri-riJr-ro xte t-.. n !.tldt- slr Dualrn
iro--aoce. - o
tr gAVt Tlt ! ret.gHtD qu.llltd
!6!!ti| tlllln! tor clcar! lona t'lm rl'rt^r'' I
n .r7 rDad o! urdrr had u J'u\[ Dllptlv L
E:-r--t-.ff. =ffiLffi$q
trffi"aKffi.ffi'tif-m*ffi.ffi-effi.iZorj aca{fio nEbt iD.t riffi. o
anDttIO ttDnmI - I blb.|D'\,rdtrttq
r..;;- 6itud- br !r!o/!!ont'b rPA
edzroo. rrr o utu o
HoJ:o-".-.go$Y-.',ffiA,ird. a?c-t{!O. ..r 6r yrL. o
SAI'DgfOtr! A.RIA - a b.dt@nr 2 b.|I\
o?arloollna Yatl Xoutrlaln. lltaPlaca'
rrahar/d!,'t!!. &iCO/DoD!h. taal laaa'.
aaoo/E;lltr irlr tr.'tldbt (16) a{9-
|A',L o
d'fotlTnlf - Urfutnblt d 3 b.d€r! 2H##;';3ry${foffi:-a-o?o. o
f Otf - ODn fldtbd 3 t d-(!.6. 2\| brn.
rrna. rUrnrr. a|. bil. hd q&' !!..d;rr{.- ibr. Or lcF. lr .t li.. cdl Rrcl
izo-rztt orer0-6oro. o
UIXI'BY AfD tull,Y ruIJ{l8HlD COUDOS tn
AyoD- 2 Hlo6. 8 bal'l! Ranl tEnUl'lo_
orUtr or F.' !aa-. t4!O OJ.furo. l-8?,/t'ti?!. ' o
ffi;"fi,1"Y.t'tEfr6AaO. -
F",ffi"ffiig$ibGHhHR-F*mr*Rt,ffi.$rfriro Ptca aU il|rry A!(bttl 'l
. ea*!?,a[ u
trn!! lltDn@I - lhr ld' arpla{trl'ttu @Dda@l<E ODa ltil -la!'idfiiord tmtlr ur fo traf oru roGo.nr.ir+tso. o
S-r+^"d:o. /98f
E-'-r.?rt - ltsriaf IItE EraOtI'JI,tfqtftbrLrad{[46. - o
E aE-lm.@.lq7tfl arE! tE!II| rErEE a:i.r. gD. holEtr ll-brL{E]atl{o. - 3
t.[!. rf, GtE xE GEr rr|
-|l-acl.d,Lce.Fa b
dlll'trt rlf -.-.1ilUd.Irr|ld, lo F, b, i-D<.lg-dg}lolE' O
lDgllt -,trtrutatdE ttI!. I d trl.r -- Ecro|rFI.-!qt cr,ttiE lar iE|r!.
FaE' rf, EqrD. EE qtc{nr,c?{n o
llft - tt E tlEl aEr rtb@,lU!rurrllllrtt|lo.daar$, uln|'drh|(L |.8a/f!rat !.4E@.r.Erearu. O
umrt@ Ito tEu - &aab!a,LO.l|El[arE-|'0, o
Ill D@LE - rEt bArr lra UL!F[d. !rdE,7D. lo I-, Ec rn,UrEdrbdldrrh 9I-COal
FUE! ltrrrtr! orflrruatlElf Lt t D. u!r'r, Gtt-,--'IBE!@rlltrrll rrrtq|nd'
-,@ibd,ElFE.-ffiOrD r.dE\-clldh&,6trq..'@,aCtCr6ar,
tttt IxI l'.r n llbtldf |rE,b,E rt.rt-r.rff6:r.rrtrircv*'a;-
!Etlcrm.GtltlmerE tn Ll @,e3-c.
tEr,lE&.HHldolOr qr - a?!..td -Irc t?}i
.orrrfirr! I/t to E/ut _ asE| IYrC E!b. a E!r. t''5. t
otaao- liloo/DoElb- t|tltlltaa- troluaEtSC (rI aat-!ra7 GI
YlricEttl'^I[-tbqllllrdE (h[ Lttl fr[ .{?]Ucbardt{Da
tOEIIE-16!eu@tbltrI- Eq rl! n.d-htrGb d-, hr rqf &rb{tsrrll' r./lre,a?+lltt,,___..-|-
r.D.-t trD,
tll l&lllD Erlt DttrlI - lEfabt|o,tEE 8$bb,Lrtt@. I.r aE'. Dar b.E, !@. lra dlacartn aeE&FLtarl|.!tr&5,08 hhqlralt!4Eoh{tEEdb-, . O
P.l]UlI;I totltlAD - lLnt@ tr{t-.
firfrfr'r ill db. €, oB
ra'lltil lEm-'taUd.btdElt?l Ar qf d rE to tr,*Glra-tg, tr
t t IfiXfl - r, iu d, rqf
-rgl-FllrrG.-bqEl- Ed6 --.r_ oa t-aatlG' o
lIltllUEE f - tbla,ablllab to to tt.uorr, b t|rr o!h.t-rI'.&. O
Ed,llltr&tIUEIEE - btr.c8[E]O@'rbrrt Ets/crE,E IUE@drr€,!-tal.8, O
lD fII - i- F. bEqr nfrIo dEr c tr|, GIt r|hr !E{?D8' c'
lrllYlll IlEr tDaA - aL!@.I E\ nE fr F !h.-, 'rlldltdf.i/ E dtrE, lttllEb DrlrE.rr"tE htE. E4r q'6,
@b.-. &.u.ltsE t/D.|o ta, nqrdd. Ee.bL (lI &.ta a?llar.o
@Ildta.lE taoEaba ldbbtnt@LilEE ldE-ro
t+OEtdE-ta{t-@. O'riclr rnr -hrcrnatrqq bf Cr, - m!Ir,l Eto'rn.br-..6!EOI5.lorl-l!.co. s
@rd!!E q, titr ttaEqE -lrr!&EtstborEArdtlr.o. iqtclfl r{|a[r. affi.f ir' it - '-- t %
-b dlborraLalDE- id oandorrt r..Dc/l'l!rE, lrrDla* Ur.,6ar. rDrrE d!.ED. al!&ilDatliG.@rg. O
c[ rII - Fb arl.4.ru.Gtt!:l!. t- aa td adlEr- Dotr,rEb, |rE F'.,,1?!b-trD. O
Itl. Vaaf tluu -Augrng t u.E-:tulfiur!?flEf-
nte'Iglt, Snll llDlml. - !aobt!.l@ t! ldnd1b.dtrr{, e6.6ag. o
lI'TtEl Ottlottl) ttgl - &GarDtSar
l, 8 !.(!!c. 8 !t!. lrda. rt b/r!!|!!q| !@. ltr!|Lt c udurDr.bd. roD[.rE rGd, to t:a f.&,/@b, ou r^!6.{tl-G?o' o
Ilr}tll'L ttta EE - lra brtr
. blbrD rlDtsaa 3 ar alniaf orsYbra
C brT (l!.f. Ud|t!||U. o !-r b-.
' toFL |.!O/DdLO!.rrDsb:at!-tt9teirarattl8. O
'Ol[llfff - UUutlE t br, Ib! do lq lro,V.trlE !E br O?'L
. O! V.[ Eo ht l at8-atal. O
llf,Il EnaPI - ttdlrlGrt d |D
, i*idfi .-* tr.,ucD F\|.-.tF-a
otr ljxlt tlDnml lPAnf,xtrT - allUlllib FJ4 '|.b/r!.tc. 6 ir lb.
166O,/@lD. t lr$r a Ht@ btD, .Urinrr- r.t4 r..b-/dttr8. &ftolttld! Cr.Iuonb.l-7lsoen. o
I'II@llIl Ollt - tra tU, IEn abl\lFrLl (l[lb(A.)6t-rn, o
nIAI PITEA - q'.et .d atD4r ab.bo@r rdlltbat I rr tlltar, rtrt dY.q ll(UI EoD.t| 8d.f r.-.a--a?o-.3tgt , o
Itl'Elllrrtllt - t Drb@. tur!lll
'Ibr&fE, rfDdr. @ UrA ]lE Fqreftdtlo{d'atc{&- O
l O&l-VlI! - lF.lour Mlooa"ual6l|u. f Dr&. |t'rar ne/OtE6rtE lar, ttIE. Fottfr barIr{8,a"64i@. o
ItErEg -lDdaLtlr|!dd|'r frD ltdc,ro bL!d.Dr &. all hrE -r G|}m.o
0.C. t IudO
oF ttD !16l t'm EllIt -,i!.Dbdl dr.rEb,ldEU,qUtaDt Ja hrb eaoaa?e
- a biroc. I
{ uttl It ltt ?rrlerbd. llrrrbd .d4toorlrhr,
_,bift i!t6.4
^ftot - DErrc ftqrlbd A bd!@
EIAXA' t tlt - n$drbd r b.6oGl
Dsl, bd ha, q| hr l?3O, prol*l' nativ...a.-.* a?c-t too o
mtrl Cn!lll - ! b.d!6@, uDturltrb.4rary rlh (bEr gtr a Dar4 bdtsEr.||o . t.'|.!, ltoo. PrnDarlt nan4tra&a.d,{7rHa(It. O.
'ltltl,&trnlDol U - llr'ar.b.rt8!dr@.ttrl\ rrtr !tt9Lo. r|.tr/otr'. h-r-'.B--r3l|*.*.lErl-,g. =
t arvl& ll(tr|oBt tlRRAct -arI b.r.br nr' .haxl tordo\s;landr.l b (or otr tif, tt??Dd-|lh/huto t Tb., Frnt'ttqult4 ut it-t e Dd. Chi.r.!. o- a?!-!66r.
ffilg6o/@llb, fo Dr. {tffi e. re.-oDe :'i ' i':j:i,aig
laxor tor lttP^fcl utlDf,tEorl -l-.n rr b V.lt lg@y'Enlh {rc- !Ora. . O
aYOr tto mndilt - I b.r,b.untuEbri!!.t$ urdr.rhr brt l{60/!!'nll! IPA,47&74!0, r& b! Ilri O
lArOll.vAIL - IrnnEtdrb.d 3 b..!ood, I
b.r.b. nb D.uD .r|rt J { ru, 166/nonUr
lrPA {?!.?t60..rr 6a lrtt . o
lllGBxltll, AVOII OOIDO - ttloa,lroltrrd,rlrld 8 badrcoe, . Britd uultu4.
F76r'oonur Dlu! !.our.tE d.poall Avdl.bLetr.mD.r l. I -62()-0460 dlrL l-{9{-2AOO @l-€eg-6371 .rlf|lndL Ottgffi
OD La!..' ruyE fn Ulnarrr! No Data A'edlabL&fllrabar l. l3@&&ntb Dtrl! udliud. nr{.br. |gm a@vflV d.fis b .dvsro
ra?.ae&t, t-432-6€a . o
IDmrnI' - Itdtrrnt h.d I b.doo@, I b.ri.Il6O/Dd6. Plon-r i-l Lt r..9a9.@to. o
t(f CRll[( PL^Z - E l'!| tla rer!..bL. Ortudt ie{tatrload. l6€O/rEJ&t0O &rlli tro
ua.!a n!dfb.4 l?c0'ltB'Jjl@ eieodt' A!t!r- uD!! I bqbooa Dh! ld! g !.r,L dldttr.b Pla- all la,a4!| Ar&rsa rteag-0?{lt. o
'|lnll BtDROOL - Plu. L,L 6lr|a,![!bd @Dddt'riluD. Ot! trr ldaa,&O/e h tDdr- bd to ddr Crft fdrtllrr!. laPA {?l&'?ato o
Itt Vl!,
Olrdtf b-iUD@E.db.tl-rr,ntbr.U vdY.!riEc b ht6!{rE tiUd ctdltrEf 6.d tld hr tda EdD. O! 4"+6(l
a-t-" "-at-'6ta'd - a"rmdndvatl-||m. o
rEtilrt, - Dd;r/nrtCn lanry@!
ffi* to '.r h tbT
ffi.rrll.lb dl .I ad r-dd 6urlltla , o
txul'tvlootnn inDt - (h Lrard!' lrtffi O@.! .bl1 idbEULI oLlr@.lrr bb. dbE|raadbt!!rad|.rrtr!- Iottr.|l ts lnbr !.Dq' r 6r a?'G6tt; o
,[ mI. tUE@ - E lrrt[tr I !nhrirj Ir. (5d. toa., t- lrahr. tan lr:-b!6d. cEt a?c.{taa o
,llYllL - l3b eqtlhbo@, tcD.flElLl.rlu,dluha.n.rDfra. to ra3d. tq.trr ftg dl!r.
'EED. l-- tlrlra GOaDdD. !r-d f.r, g c.atr l'd. OI a?G.ct3 E'
4o(|L EtbroDlt !L L,Lrldlr| rqlLtol@l!.Dolt 0aHt6 d ..trx).{...,.,,,.,..............,.......o
Eltld cn8 @rD.-'iErrmr ra{r|n.Et L, vl[ rqar@. I HrsG.I br!bB ld! t@E rralF/&tr. tDtoaatllaLAdq, Prr rU @Ud, (loE) t70-tto. o
EnpOIOAft,: (holnd Amr;f Ib'\ n[arrh.d. ri.]rrlarni!. i
r-lAtft (!O7) gol-{€Oat t,t*all
b'\ n''abh.(l rr.h.r/dryu. I. dr-r li!. l-60+03$033lllC*t tild^cr- aE ) ss4*nn r
AlOL !rc8 Clll8 - nlr .lr.d I bduEo.
!!4.r_/dat.r, leoo/monlh, t..! 1.....rarbtr/drtar, Il-?la-n66.tAolI - nhturDrrd 8 bdro@. 3h b,\VtulOtIlC rtof -tEt!@.3b&.!.o1, . !r||afa !oog|o|!-P h.l'- bd rltr-fqdVtulOtIlC rtof -tEt!@.3b&.!.o1, !r||afa !oo!!o|!-P b.l'- bd tl' b.lrdt|n.d- -tr' . G.rrlooet o.!. -rX Ft{. H. OL tOS. Jrr l--. eU n&tsearrfufurn nri 16 .H lrfta .i-r .rr 16 {?H?31 d e4Hgto. ororriisnC1rdf O rri Ulr Ot.rtr,lo ai'H731 d O{HO?O. Orar OD rrl dd.or& (!@) t7c-lg
iar OD_rrl 4!t!or!. (!O!) t73-!6Q!al{r'(dE) ?ll-lltt |[{aat/r!r!f. O lltlltFlllD !OU.r ntRtIlElD CtlD(l tDliu. I bd!@. 8 U!. nd @f.b-to-OlnAtI tf tltl| VlIl, - l!. llreta Etd
hllttoar lttA!o/8t6. l-!97-?Ot{ o ?t?go ?t?g o
Aiu. I bd!@. 8 U!. nd @f.b-to-
4q4A a Fr t r t.lo. OtF.6. f-Cal:'irori}ven-fUra'.olu
trrrar' . unturllbH, Ctflfia?6-.&.
lAFallfl ltlmralm -febr 6rL uonnat hdl a!!(..bL tElula4 Ara.D.t Lt lora?&!!oi. ..:.. .:..
Urltir&-nrlhj d'd.-. .dbl'|e,Flllrwllll &.rr a?C-{fA
ffit alDnlltl - I brr\ Pltln .6c.L@aldbli.d\ raabG/drtc, aaelrEni\
D@LJ..r.lld. trr !o,a.. fo Daa. a?O. Ltlo
IrxnSntD fi|nll 4xrnoll - Id!.!d la ldrrnb, npodyrd, e2.-Oa}.o, . O
EAtmrltl, THRE llDnff)tr - tra ta8ltorD.bd.Dfilllllar3trlaraaaotdvlrrtd brr G!d. IrDnJrflrul oD. yrr lI-.fo Fr^ l66o/@|rb. C.U JcsrrlDl?O.?9t
or Eriro {?O-6lloli.
urrgRl5lsr|lo ttgDto ox l\tlr'DLaa, dfdrradlr,rarhra/a. |g10 Dhr uilltltr, ylrs h4 I--.-.---'...--:_! tlLOBrOOl rrll.rr AlOrOOl' bl,\lr|rat tt!lr..h.OEI C.Il BIA a?C{?tl. gtg-6o?(I
lrt lhndtI ruE ulrl -btf !-L Oa rc,o!t,b!b.{?&llt}?+rIraEr @o?!t' to' ttl'E!|ba! !o.! !D LtrA||!.hD !t fod, lgdt Dt\r. ulEH"EF'lle+ ry
Oll llDRIDL -:- Pl'bn ctrrraha/(b't8. ur d tsol |ertr, trr'LaG 3ll4@drt-Ol${od c l-tfHod.+.':-"-
. ORltilBt^f : fhtmntrlra ! b&oorn, f
nfl||lar cd |I|d t|'a tldE !f,aEre.r.rcoaClr.Eolr D-r btr{'. DGna f .?t|tlfgcD(. l-&7t-e|!9, Ydl a?!-g'?t. ,. O
tfoqt rllD[ry-llnnd.ttI{rt luln h!-. bEtot/lqlrl Dst ro Dda do. !tr|!.DL .dl{ta tala tatb/&tG. roo.D|I!I!aaorl uDltrdM' to Fra l|ryDd. !@rbc Cd!. nEiE {rr E-G.rv6tDo. o
A'l El!BllltrU-8b&o@,ab$.turdrLt rtb rrb-/dr.:ts. At{.u.tDDdtrt !/ ,oa o !'rr, }lAO/!dD Dfi'.[dr!, -crft| d.9d tqulql.rd ci-,D FlA cbr.! .t B.b' t oO {?6661. o
t;O [D8@lI - 8 b.4 lotut! e.d,hE/dr:taf, oYfloEDa 4l| irE @lE Lr xo Dara l6@@h,ll- ttt6.LPA4?!-?46o. l,
ffiEao, I b.r5. ld\ -Lt rd tr. bar.rr.b-/drtB. Jd.a, Or.DL6. er.al. Lrtl(b. rtrt at Ya& Go[t Saaaa ad bt-Cllat rE ur rb.4 llloo/Eolr,h Dluuor' Io Drr.{l'!.lora . o
LloLl-vr'tL tttttlSEtD t?ttDro -faqo/Eor3! glur ultl!!L.. e{g- 1900,gaHd}? rcrnat O
llrnlllglo elrSl - Oa bl&r.hl ILlo@,4 blb.ntt Dllvr. '!lD alaradrLrt'', lt !d, b E@ D.Daa!!u& Otlti.!4oa.nd d.Da!, Orobc iIlq{hADf|It-t3+?laC a E-tOr9, O
. Plrl nlUtl - a bru!@. .trt tdEr..hc/(!tr., @o ol f-, Vdl latlo.q br lqra Dtfrul n dE| o|e-ordl o
@rclcl'l TfO BIDFI !'\ '-b.tnrf rt@, t OO I. lLnDtrs nd dLvrC!r.l d. 6 r&bt{.r ltu rarEla. C.ntrrl & eae-6alC c l-:l6t-t5a?.'. O
lrtlttllll nD tEll lll)rdtl - D\.Ftqa9ar6of. Y.U lDlaEq,rt .lrL 8h ba',lll'rDls. tuIt| orf d. aD E!.D-.99U.6.l'loa lqt6. rlltDa !@6, Dfrrl Fr5njGi'!/bt!ct-rtlr loDa.' odt Durr'r.l-glrt c {tt-ooro. o
Datb €Dlb Lo Arqnvot a,y ltl,lft6.c.Uv.Il{oDnobLa?488r!. O
r llD a EM IDll*IltlE - ItN
CUt R-t bed, Io D.!r lfi,!/.d rd. q! tEll-DO7l or latl-Ot I O
frtn@Irrroq?Atgt- *t|D!t b tG b brbD l&!.b...r.(F.[I l5lo EED atr|r E ltt&lDE! -tr€+'o'ra, I@&V-trrAi, 9-l' lqu4
Yrlt. qlt @16l A'Il - Iea L!.aaoatl/UD. I @ r|t6 tqtltqlafdtH rru t tU tc lb$rDE tbtNrttd,orErb!.olwt E
Iltt ?rIL leDrll - oIrllGV !Ir Lbl@rD adD@ tb tr!
rbrouodS tb Y.ll v.Irt !@ @ to 'lrstrcoo,lElrucrdur ba(c.d tad! b- oF6 Eo.u. On {?'}6tn o
tDro tB nElrl tltolll:llol - ollOEqnhrya?Wo. O
tttl TAIL - && t/ltlDlq Gt o/dh
:fig;io* tc t r osoc !-tt
uttt lBrl .ttD ErrtB itlt,ara -lllldt .U fr .d !dr!b|' OUa?Gllro o
EIItlFL@RrOfanO! - (h LrtltdEr. dB od6.a oD.L. tu&ria .d.!Ut!@.lra b|\ @bVtG{flaabrr@-arrdc. roFl^o! lo\ riDr ldt t oor a?0-t64r. o
lllvllL - t-rnr l|!ry8LE!.o. tblb.i!!IUI.|d,(N.lr.t)ld.Dtcrrre3 to [rE' 19 9ar tlodln.DEqE &--EG . G@/ltE.l. ot!.d lrr, lrxt nqr lbDd 6! aDItrt'. o
@aiod. rD r. F.br rqrbr (lll &tf,Io@helF$t O
38;" yart Tlart - sep tcmtur l3 lgd:i - sedron A
lAtr.t'l PrnA -- t4r!V E !!&!o.ItElt b( o 6!1, tl@y'Bidb. Err brP!oF!| n6t.f lt!{rn6 {"Aa,r@. O
l4nOl ![rEOUat - Id c t-- ord@, !!de@ pfl! 44- a* b.r\ !r!DLo,naarbbd. 1860. a?!t-5gt6 r6t'tttt O
VlGtr l:ql TtO Bmmra - 8 b.rb, b !.r,Yr[L I baalr@E 6o ba l6t.ata nrrpLae_
b@bD. 1660/@tb Dlr|uUIlU.t. CrU R.adrroua t.at. {}O-qttt. O
tlt lEnE AlDn@lI EOI| - 8o'h dlralr Do! ferq r'trrllblr l?@/@t!
uqUqr, EAA-0461. O
AVOlg SOXnIBI - t b.d!ooe. 8 b.ri. 'rtr..6. AtaDL€, r|rbd/dr:tt!, d@r{o!'rrll@nrdr{, lo D.tA l6a6/Earn\ et9'lo6 c{76-?6?!. o
PROPIAIY 8AI.l8 AID IATAOIIIIJIT -Scrrr{ VrlI rr! fttr t6 ttrr A.VdLblr8-,15', lr" (A@) a?C-6Cd. O
AtOt/qtnBIDO3 - I bdloe. 8 btb.lFdlo, t/D. .torqrr Ftlo,tort larD lct l Lr!/Eod!. lo tta cohll.!a. pl--. gaA-O€S O
'1|AMILAPTXf,MfT - a b..bo(a. tb.r\ d.!n llr. uanltllbat l,l(tC I'o rbo.pla-. {?6-{le?. -Offi.vru.b!. 8rtl@b 41, C.U 6tt-0861. Otr"ffi
D.drooE E b.r& .Ft@( rrabd/drtc.
J.duEl. ii.d aborG, lrrDLA, rv$abLOdobc L ol.j'ir tia., 467!/@fh Cr|,. |rh {7C-8797 drrr - Offib.d€b. 8 b.tb &Dfd b SrD.noD, rdq!lo bJa AerllbL trn'n-.r-r.rt u!{ .fi.ulll$/loodh Dlrt| rnnoh.! rirtrttt drDaG
!44 Il!!!1., no Fr. cbrtr lL'lrt 0 co-170-6641. ' . o
RaD Cl.llt - hrd!h.4 trr t b.eoqa. tb.!b, !r!9Lo, br$ (btr rtth abtlErn.r., 167E, rDdl dltn tt Datolt Dla.6ar.6el{. - o
f4EflXrT rcrxl8BD - 8 LbooE E !-,
ff{ffi.. Dhr tu:t h. o'p* "3
lACf VAIL - t rtr -q .4 era 8D-.d-rooE dupl.tl .dultt Dratarlad,@/Ml! {?+tloC G l.D.$.dtoa Ei
SCmml PEral U - 8 b..bo(e. I D.tttuEld ulll. rfl! rrbc/dtt!!, avroAbbDd&lr h @. J'rr, lOl6:L&,/Dd!
Dhr alGlq nrltv .bFr'l |lrurrl tdPL-,--F Fr.. cbl1r .a a'|hotr 0_ oo.a?0-c6at. - cj
la l'll tt lrtl YID - L|rt{ a|.lgd. i![d droftFn|jt O
dLbl@dll|tr(!6) .rrr.
llolllt AOU!. Avoll - g b.dlooir. !lt't&l reD rlt.}l !r!DL6. dntrl{ tlotn \vl.r. 1366/llon!h. Crll 940-0709
IDI^RDO Orl BlDltoora - gntutt!,
f oro|.ar Co!&brnrr.utr SowJh.'n dDo.Gir vgr ot trcr YolL n rU!, hoo/rb
611 u- |l 8la u &or. ea0-466o.
AvOl - 8 bcooorL I ba4\ unfutr lrrabr/dr'tr, Dool rtld l.nnL, 16@/10.Cro-!u.l n-l6' {?!-,a3OO.
AlDl SItlRml - a .nd 0 b.droonr., Ifilldau aDll rlrlfurdrhd. r..batdr!.!!9L6, |tdau! |l 0r26lrLflu! C.u tl& t $dr.. 949-,1!d).
IltvulrErgarD glltDto ol .lttor l.Af
n'lt9[.o, dtrbrsM, rrabddrtlr b@l
a'gto 9lu. rtlulti, F.r li- {7tsE97{.
""".t";r*- -""-" - "- "b.r\ drndr,t!.r li.. Prt 08. fiia8lEc
Cdl Rrct i76-4741. 9{9-@70.
LlVIrO - Arnrv 6n6.tadb-v.t oolt oorrG O.. hil lDoru&
'tnL I D6(booE t{tto, C D.drsa Dh! A
E6O, loct-ad b.drooa oll' Ddvda 6lri
t\jfitabld. no oooEnS, .eEO. llo dod;3. Lh6.6. e{9-.tix{.
IJCrvs,t IOIIR BlDnmlI AOEAI -\nr|lui 9.14 rr3h!l/dl:Dr, l{l?o/@ni,b :rn1[6d. I -779-OAaO.
SUlrY EES? VAII, rgmgB@8! -urroE, I b.r.b, b.\r|rd. 0rtpL6. tlo IIOO/D L ArtolDl,luru oD.lt, dl
')sts-.to66, 6rlnlnat {?!{@e
lA&T vAIl AToDtG - Orr tufnblEl
u!tur!.lsh.{ bor,b bret lllDLai. lgi'6
1360 Dlur d.to.N! |Dd ultltl- lo )049-Eoo.6aa-?tu6.
EtltcErr.Rn ol{t BtDRooll - I t
untufagh.d @do, slt DtlFl a.ad nrAvallibl. lErdodlalrly tol ona tl6@/E|ont! 9tu, .!6u14 8-\rr€ dlt
ttqurrld, rrd Dl6!a, Do FL Ouu rt Bltl
! ot!-VArL - ! bodrooD, a turn.Elhrt lro lavdf ArtDbo. fo
E@. C.U IPA ttDD. {?l}'?iaAa bltrt
r-p.-2 Fp-
ntNTnro ortoa|l tr,l, SPAclo(IAtodrbla 3 baabooE or I badrooe EhoE. f,labd/drFr bebrf, Dhyg\
dubhouD, lrLam.taa D@l lt86-l{16. }
nr$r vt[rd! gao-97&{.
AvOx twD BIDROOX - I b.rb. n-Fdrull rrElud6 b-l |4!O/D@lb, LPA I
aRIOllT laar vaIL < DlO - Frtvrr.lI!.! n tt!!dr. Fot rld J|orJ|st I
{70-6664 l:lo-a 9.E.
lAOl.l-VllL (Xllt @nC - Oo'rE IraJ
DadrooE tara.hor.I.ta olt lllb t lt
6Dadorr, oloa to Dlt taar lia., @/&phr! uulrEi. 6ll Din {?6-8ite3t?Sle6 rruuDavral.tufa.
t#'T VAII, - e b.dr.o@. 8 b.$. p.'F
turrulb.rl cll h6!, !.r$ra. to rta. I
X?A ltDA 470-7,164 t tra I r-rr-a I
"*rrta,"" "-- -"D - a t*plu,lodt,I b.rn a nr!9bd,r8lrr.idd
tuiV qldDD.d Etchd, urnrlntlhd loo,SlJll04'ra Oolt Cour.a. fmlrro I\
drDooL Pl6& aU Ulrd. Itodddt $
!/IIIII-VAIL - IrDtumbbat 8 b.6oob.!l\ t|.|. Ftro duf Fr{ r'!i @/r!iIIPA l{yp.!, 4?6-7{Ae
8l'vf,R ! @l,D6lttAlt U lIItlTACT V.{76-616.
le@ilcf?ll - Orql(t.l !@!, I bdrooD!a\ turd!b.4 rr.br/&rE, @/EoE'-rli-- I -6dl8gE-633.9.rl!-0 :gr,Hlo.n <o-l "*-.rltoo
IIOII-VAIL - a bdr@. 9t| b.r.b. -
a.r.aa, uDturtrt!b.d, r..h.r/dr;rd.,in. Cro-tu& nrllt, 470-.alloo.
frfOf.f-Vfl - E !.drofi\ ornpll
i.Edabad od trI at4| ErfL J.tirrti n tt'f,O/mt]- C.ll Lr.r .t Sb O 8]
lJVl ll THI OMBT dLrt V.rl |! Ur!na{r.- clubconabtdlntuJ . l.ahrdr|d n
|'r0ablo aldltla, tla V.[ n {r!l Oub
l&Dt| q!ra. aaqrrabalt gd tqu.ah 6traahl r@. Jaaud .Ird arlt|luna lPli- oU a1'6-,l8ao br ldrtd lrrtotrDalloq8 ! rDdlt dloo6 @8lot trnl'l..
lrOIl-VAtL - E b.den 9lu lo|!, e tar'|al' qDtlrElbd, Ctu.lo.dr R.{?Hln.
lrlalo(lrl/|tlat.Lf-lbdrllfrtsr 6..L uotud.bdl 1,360 drlltld
obL lr.hr.4 Olt.od br.Ito FL. rlvqt
AVOI - f.E tudd.ltr dr.pld, Fnull.ll,}lr||h.d 3 b.&ooo. att bd.b. 2.
|lrfi ifi'b aDdt&d aaate aoba drErrbn d96jra. rlrtrt ot flr Yort R.|Ird B-YE CIEL Tbc'Dr.br rnd 8ubr99l4rs, J.rja b.r\ lI Aoolllolib,Llrr
ala 0 Abo!. gte{!€O.
!^'l " - - "* tt "-tt"d t *-",bt\ rr.hc/dryt!, ltoo/nontlt Ct!6onnarE tm{r,Oo.
tlAl VAIL - 5 D..trooh. D.r1ldv turnlt
-r-rtbd! aDoartq oo but iruta, t6OC/Er
C.ll l&..r 8ts C &o!. elH6an.
,*aO "** t-tOO" - """a"'ltaDlllaib. Cdt l&* 0at-t!67.
E!Ar/4 CnlA t:l8t OrmIfiTInIS
b.&ooE, a b.r,[ ir''lllh.4 lsrblllbnLhlaluui, ete-,4{14o.
lrlOll-VAIL - Ttr!!.r3r.! lornl|oE
D.dr!@, 9ri b.rb. r,&turtUth.4 t'.ln.4l
Hr#i*' Lrt: d6l. rl'a/st
DqS irlLd t tiln
I to brta nrl.bb |!dUr crLhll gO{E@ .
(arlrqf Ltb0'loB lc. t@, thabs. nai
lrn|r,lll! tlllll! r 15 sl tt
ffi.ffiffiti'ffi"ti-rai.jin'- o
E tltoa Otf EEAmla : 0lns!||ul
rdtDrar @|lnEL thtD4-!gE.!L
av(! - ! DrbEr t brb' !a4a!$.4Hlgruflffim'**B
At'U lUld[ - r.dtD.d94.tuvH.S{T1frilffi"ffi'giE-tlirtoaliat! c
t|llltEtl| - Orqdtc,a!!49o' ilrffit#mtsffiAl:-qr, (&7)8!a€ GrDal rEr-err - O
IAtI.YltL - ! h!so. lrt b!!. rl!
tSi*:."&*liligi#:'#&6fl "d
tllttl-Y tt' - t ldqE @!adtl!G!|U o tlt|it E:oL J6n !Q rntrDlr!! oll lr - !E t eqaacilcd o
LIt/| rt l8r dltBl dt av.0 8& Y.llndit ouD@b!l4 tu.tE altNdITD|n!nIbYIO RqT.Cl! D.
r-D! d|rtr. tql-.U ad llr|! 6rtra.ild-r@. J.cb ad ,trlDlDa D€ltt- dl4ttaaao blcLlllEt E.nir!trdarat@@lr4 o
uot -Yltt - I bFo.E fl' bn' !b\l#B'**|t
IAnttlrtllIIGT-lElc' i+l if*.rOl!u. ltlo rr!!l5.!cd ld{lt taad !.4' to D.ar DDlDala'tlan o
arol - lriu l!dl{a! ""t'r'! Ellrr..ulnsltd M@.8ll bll|. iai sar.r -rth au-d di -L!'!ia-Lr5nosrrrl dt t lcrhEa:d bc cr-' I!GD..E rd lr|o
n r-r n-r+r nrgio'rairralt-il-dF.'r.R - .o
I'OItltffn - kt a!.rb.lory Ltv.0;;I; a'rr.arro. O
ltft IIDMI - | brb. uttlElllElrtd-/|!tt!, o[boEDa Aai. nfit' @-.' bar-la d^ ald)/Dodb. la trD('!.i-t l-r-fo gra |!@/Dodb. la trDo.
Ica at'?.rl o
IEtllrE - t DGo6' ltlat$fElron irLoOor r:r.loF }7EEL rah. at+?.!8 ErE 9 ra-t D&.o
Uaoorr. i* br.b. lf f OO Dfu. .Ldrba?cl{(i). o
a9\tf,. ECf, CREX - }\qnltD.d I bdto@'
r.|bar/(ttT!!. lgoo/Doalb' t..t 1c...'
i-?!6-ii$6. o
vtILAOr rcCA:lror- 3!.dtoo .8b.rl'9ool"rbrrl@L r|l! @.9r$D.l &@r .dMlaia OD rar a!.Dldl!! (&ri) Atz'olol
Arr, (!og) ?Cl-4a16 .ictlaV'ltddr q
{?G ?E?a, ? .-o,4 9.o.. I.l, or 6|r1na dAtt
8an!{rJr .arat &,rDdry. O
@taoada rrll&t b ol-& !or{ La rntalrn!!l|b.d c untt Elduc ltt r D|lDat ||.v t bL. C....6 .d Cbr.|. rt E hODoCo.{"6-t6at. r-@ taa-66. o
AE CAIIA A.4rA - t uuL |lv|llrb!., Otr
t rrludr.t! b.( ldO/D/166O eDdi l'o!a.!. turE rhl }?@/e,/.?u d.Doaq Aui,br- uDla 8 ba.boo! Dlrr L.l. I b.tb. .l|dGfio, Pltl al| L4r luhrrrD .t*-o?+E O
.xrtnAorlvt Etlltnrl8aD lto EDnmIhrb l! !|ab-Y.rl 6tabnIE...|atroE D.U. taab.t/rlrt r. lola t rE,llE/Ddb Dhr ultrnri,6uha{t&lsgtd|tr{?W.rEDaf, O
a 8tt - - a -t* a-,!"t-,a--Frll4 ArtDlro. FuD.! -9a\8 , t/D,r!.Lrrabr, t.rrd!| tutlLb:l |6!O/M&'c.l! &nr a?t-{Oa O
@Mloa Cl| ld. loD !a. d rDl. Oq!Gtat rtr. .D ChD bGa. Or. Drrrr9qD|oL Dffforl tEald to Ftal66o/Eorth. C.u hrd Otlrado (llE),$G9l I r @U.4. c D@ {Gartl. O
rrO BlDa@I - 8 DG. Plltls O! t@Gr!!Et n !c/&!|c, 16@/@lb'
D@l.J..Et ur lqt to D.r., {t& !rl{ o
-"t-" tor--8a**l*tb.irrlrtLl o!.9L.. r!.hrlb, -.Dn/drru.l-7tl-l7'o.I-7$-ttaaA O
a ('ciE tm -"oI - t a.Frrod, f @ A- ft"ilra&rlr.fl br!O-L c. .D tUlndat t&r F ltra, C.llhrl.tol&{8l. c l-A'?-At.t, O
tttll,lllalll, tE l l[OmI - D.FlsaDdrroeti v.|l l8t/c!nE0alD. 8|l hlD.!rql&.. t\,lt| anpa.d,.u L!.b r99!.u,
lFtDS t€E rlDlla rsE" F.|rtf. FrE la.67c,/DBtb @'ir L-. lo Dtr Call Dacrcl-|ao-L.$ or al+6to. O
trll VAIL &tIl - ttrl brl t D.A!@.8D.tb, t/D, orr?orq 6 bra !qt, ,6?!
HIilr..SA ca+ro c,rr. (!6J
r'rriDd, Vro tlta@rldA 8$ b.rD.!r!9lra, turyqFid. rl| llroba |9Dltrnd,lmla raE dDlaa r@E Dctrua D.rE tldt! I r' arqts, 't&/@b 6trr l-rfo 9ar c.u D6rc l-lul$+I!, or {?}oGao. o
Plxl IIDOI - 3 U!o@. ltA D.tb.rraD-/rI:'rtr 6dwDtir! te Vrll ld!@.6br rout ltrtdl nillt 919-cl6 o
ta,rDbt- rtbh|.a I ar a|r{tOt\llrlrrdbv- Gr.t' lrbfifil|Ll oo rr-! L.-
tto Ft. aaao/o@r!, OIl .t-D5lD {r}t'r1tc Ar|.a {7otil6. O
lrt.nra(|'nAlt - E tqbo@. furdrbdrr.b-/rbt!r, arD6( @ uI|' ann htoftll
8@rd rar!|aqd{tH{(D. O
vAIl, OOITC,trngt ll]'fBOIIa - t,srry I
D.(bgo@. f\rllrhl rlr !o@. rr|o|qrtrtolrD, fioD tl&)o. lioD.rtf R.DtrlI^D{ry|la1}4{OO. O
^"('t-@I'Rlu't " - t r-r.-a "bdt"^abrb. 'ltD !t.t||E, rtaDc/(b!E, t lof,'.r.8.t L6ldrdb, Lqrearu. D
lnot - l,lrr. |! r'& lat, na.iqr D.r I
b.d!o@. E balllo D!@- r!b!t.CE.d
at !.a., ul^raol|h.4 Lal/nrtlrrb.d,&/6ll,t 4f ea..oa O
tAtl tAlL llOEORt tlQlaCl - lhboc.f b\ fifitrLt r.r!.Mrr rrr|LDbbdlr.tr b o!|rr. Inlbb plrtdErr,hd! !-tro. Efr| d4c
E#$rl-* * Da cid..3 Drb.D t
l. ln&EtBB - Orud !s, 8 b.(bo@. f }|,l brb. nltorbrl t|.E/drt!. tto/@l,\@'IrLr t-au!,!39-61!l,9 ]E -CD.E
Ctr rrldr'|. (to') $'r{At 'rDal rdrden. . O
t"fr " t - S a.-- t*"ilt -""Fflrd!| ttrll|brt rl||l rdumbDrl onrd
Frtsr|..lom/Ddb. C.U llr.|l EE t &o!!,ga$,16o. O
@Lr,. (boE .!rl Frif At.aCs,trt Lr aofrq-mr- !..|' 8.lbnqt. brr l-teC-g)a t-gft+a!9. V.0 {tC-gf1l, g
tlAt vA.U. - f.I!. I Elro@. ! D.r\Frtldv frrnuhl nrt9lr.. n b/dr'!,it*.rtr* Er c!o-a. ndt
tlllt YAII - Ln|l 8 ldsD .t!.r! Y.lltuarb.4 @ hr to|'G 1000/@tD. 6! l,||... & t &d! gae-,t6d). O
LAIflnmRA - n ory, nu!|bd thbo@. ltt blD. !r!drd, INDCI Dur,
Anr0.bL 8.9r@b C, |ln!r'@b !i6hr-
"rnlrr- 4?!-!601. o
rAorr-varl rottltltt tltaAct -L' rboo. 8 btr@. n! .Ll FGLarr{.. @/aat!, C.U lL .l AE 0 tu!.ot$4!(D. o
LAOLI-YAlt, - I b.<l!ootD, 8 Dr!b,un'!|lD.labarl, Ora9laoc. raabar/(lryar,a66o/r!ll' 6o.F<idr nil6r. a?o- a!6O.O
tt'f CE - (bitt. ttldd iumoqoOct-*ot.d**B
.d-t .[r@,ai'6{ul.
Etltoatt - Er oa8'l tg.! ftfbroF @ryttE!. d''r,'trtEs-d si a bmr |! lDrql L rl'dEZid'|D aa!- tD|a l6a lcE bra lG.!-rn fto oc,e. odoL.dt ruFlr oid a?c44,
Stral !
SPActCi'E TtO llDnOI - aFn6l.lrbldrlfir. Dd,n (b!d. o@tEltttt
l6rad Ddt to Dd do. t\SrllrDL aElhirc toa. trlb/dctr. tgoouflllarilr.ldu'rE lo trr wl'l@D'16@tDoc (In FOt66 O'tr, eac$6tofutrrrr o
tAEt vat! DltPLtI - I b..ltooD'
uDlEdaut lraCro, alll dErt, llDG
rr. @ Dl@l toE br| rql Owt ao!.'q|'a ldl ldaDDcnoo4 9drJ. Frn .d
O. vrt ld rglltri, E aarTn EolU.
inni *i sraat* Ae|tt bL lEd^r.V.?ru t;.r or mr.l62lr@d!. ndaldtqrdrS {?a-lago .Itd o tr6. ot l-rr
liaar c Erbr.p. Orlalu oorDlD. o trl hrEPao E!lr!!- rrl lo qr 14iii;o.-E .rutaae - o
tltttY. tltv|:trt EdlI - tlbrb. Dc aJbrd t/!|..d trob- rr |3tE drr-uoliCGrta o
trott tlt!, - I bc lr^ b|!trrlbr! trA offid I at !rl{!o'.b b, !1D, irt4Dfd q g4|Il &.q
U@I nf Uttt - Olt '!r,
a6- frn--..:..l'r, e.o€7t' o
-rirry. O[ l€(nt) tl&llql o
@{. }T. rtar v & \ BEn@r -,(D1n.R6r' 6 Urt lolla Ola asr or-D.r@ur!lA! Lrq renm'|H' lo Fral{o0/DODtb. ulll ltlaa rDtl d.potll.t.dtc-rlg
avu lto tc!flxrl - abtLrdnll.utor*t-- l@o/b!b. Oll IaxoF!.bf .6-?.44. S
AEEVEEm - tlv.lltld6rt! Ia f btb. D.b. lS ar'.li rt
Idal 6 @ qrl' lr|!4L Ela !.dE
EOIfAafJtl - Ioatbt' li-tvr|l.tl. utt0b(Ebr I. turdrbd 1l! r!0ltb talt4.
Eto/@tb, lo ft , {6-8aoo 9 r4.op.o. - o
raxlt FoDM\o PAI@ UtlrrEtlorl -Erlr| ta YdL lit@Or'Dd! ato- l(x{ o
l|Ott - ttUu!:Er.U I E!@. arr bdb.a!.-. !d.adrt' t!. b-l u qD. bdis{- Fr. ol, ||tS. rrt lir cdl nrol
&c-{?3! @ eat-o?o. o
DUPrtl lon tll D&?Ddrflto - E
btrooD. I b.l\ lo&, ts|.r .Dd tr. !-1.
rraDcltcrtr. lslrrl, ltBLa1 ef|aF lltt
&oL rbri cavll Oor. na!a. .&d E .luC!..L uDturdt.b.4 | l6@/aoo!h 9lutr' ftl;- toDar{?!-lolt O
XArTtRsOnt - { bdboorn, art D.rn nrltl
tCIIt lltl DIAIA - lldt li.Plda !DISarbdE aranaaitsdt irtDlrlsl ur| tq.!a,
rrbra Artd.a a tlb@D ll1l'!, 3 .bal {ttooo trtc. Lr oovt-l! €t xo 9aL
a?6-lC!4, r-? E trti
IDtOSalrL tIYIlo - aDry@b !9 bfevd Od (b!r.(5 D-3lDdtrb brd r Dd@ O.o.rbbn Drt trna.H$ffi*ffigbffisE;rrra. cae4aa - o
fltf YAIL - t lt iErrh! 8 !!Cso@. IuL nru/cr. aeoJbotL 6orq.br.ilir?c-.d. o
rrar vAtL - t!d@. Frrl.IvlEit b.4ffgm'"rmsil3t8'*t
ffi#-rHS.n".'*B -,EArtocrG,tlto49-rq. lut4 :a IHilEt$l.-lilr6Iaaianu
. IltttlfdL - tlb.tgr 5t!E !ffier*rcre -- - o
tr''EtErrtlDDC^W tlE -L'Bffi;g.gx't
ertrr 'Dt vdt @- IUo. f bUUNIIC !t DLcFFSgff-ffffiftefv:*"oE
lltr Y^It. tlgll6 - OD ltsn|t!!! dfifuiiaa.ua l't!!.P!.C E.}! .dl&sdri&- % "t
EErrtI on ftnloQlr - ^l br!.
lfl!! L ttfrrDot - 8 Lbo@. 4 br\rdrl!$r! t|abr/(!tt8. l@a t4:o r-rlr-hllDi EFi ivroat! odoDc l.aalddli o[ €u.d dtG o D-o-i{i$rtc. o
lgrltDol MDroor. 3 lltl'
Hffi'ffii #"
ffiH#ryR#ffiffildxYE &' O[ brqtr-{?t-do e'
Y^tr OOt (DqF.tl - tF6r .ril*lt-*rr'.8ffidfifiiGE;::.i;o+o0. o
g$.98L; L.YT$'*'lf iilfllEiirEll-iro o
Ito BtDldrI - 3 bl! @.b, tit v.l|"r.abd/drJr!.blow.n'rDLaa,lulfuttllH.@/@.! Cr' r!ll!!ra. l-?t-{TtD @
r-?r&$aa - o
EtlOEI la, AvOl COI]DO - ltc..
uDnrElb.d a D.d!odl.l3?!/@!t! gll| Flf'ts| d.DoB A bbL
S.Dtdhr l. I{D4$od.,tr l-4gt-886(.t.&c6a7l.!ol!a: C
ffioo, trt ultF ro.l rlary'
lnlhbL rin.arllllt tot ODI tlft|,!e eelg*la'lU|bL tDDrCbr.lt lot olt -trfl.ffi/*'.."i Dr d.da.b. 86nlt d4o{ffi.lx.t;ahffiryiETrffil:---'-'- o
reor.r-Vitl - r b.d!ooD, 1brltr.Sffi-nffi'g5EfiL*.fia;n p!' '-' o
EttrE @irrtErIL olllpr -rG{|!lr!b!6caLlEdffi
H,[f;;,Xtffi.l*,rEnueg-rt4lqqPg *1Pg
tltf ffAl - lrabv|o 8E@.ab|!d r|th lrdeo. t.r @ 6tli+@ataa+?lEl. o
trgdt - U@DllurtO.flElEdtlv c laa t-E l'aa|.ai&. r-no
i!!!Ll Ar{LD[. lEs[dr.r.ut fot oD. Jtir.It@,/D!tD. ar b-r xo Ftr 6a3qobry.rg$o. o
CEARIIIIT^ID lllrctLall - |Llr@.
8 bd!. n slE, Erba t@. t/D D.&P.L.a. Dt-|;d o@rtLa Lr Y.0. o-t Drr
aa96 Dh,. t!!nr oDtEnlbd, o! to r,ffi|r@t'
IIOrI-YI!. q[, (II'n[ : nlda.llhl'
badlooa rfiDDouL oD I rl!. -talttqt.FisF'&lH"iilglffii:+lE.Era-irrd' =
tndlxt I(X'D! (IIIF - a E'@$rbn lbt\3lttDlE tr.E .ds?G'ffid- ?r-r cll !< ndan |3 ga]
r ATD 8 EDSOOI APAANGTTT! -cltt E-r rEtd, t0 Da1 ar70/Eus 63t-0C?t o t-C?4:&rO.
IIIDIATI O@T'P.T'C|rluta tO lttr! to Lrr tt@. !&lllr &
ffiffiunna b F.tr! toumta to lttr! to tarr t@ !&lllr &L-b.a.d dr llltD of0.rlr- .h! |9!ot&!D
YAll OOlt @Ul6l AOII - td!}tooo/&d!. t noat! &Dd ri$rdlld t.|Ur ttDt' ta &fo|lrrn{4 orwrtoD. cl0a!a}0. -
tAaf VAt nltr? tt - Oltlr{MoaDb !rF.di.nir{ rd DoD ttDtol{Dat tb vdl ydlr n(@ oDrd@t fur$b.d c td[:!lrd. 6
m - do. . lr!t.6l
ryf VIII- tluDrc! - (b. tu !r.b.4 D
qlEat 4tr on !@a _ t brD.ffiffi#HSffitffffirl** Dr.ortr-blDot
:!Ogj-"4L^--. ! .D.qooB. ! b.rb,
Itt l|G|rollltr.!a. loot ta!D.ha{ta&t(ri glQolnF- - ortrd a@8.. !.4!@, rrt!F !F!!+ 'i.E6. EddEe\
ItO Eq!il -_ t brL lr-" *.-
:n r|F&+ !!|baldtc, loo/-dr\.&ffi)#*StgH'!.*;tc*T'r|w|.l4Fo, <0o1 ai<oc';rElriGiroro I nlrrrt, l'EnrarrorC6!.(l Ll5r {lrt-.aarcO,
tltlYAIL- h.do r,ri!!Dbd. B?D,
affi-* to Fr c--!"r
IOtrc f,rur rrD Sltrrta BII|T_
f#!iln. - n'- .d rd,|ar
t-a Ur}Tg t!' lAl? VAIL - &rt?$O/Do!L nrrd.bd |!d urn|,n!iffi"f.:r*.-.:g
ttn!t atDBotr IRAII.IA - b t
I lf bar\ rdtaif bDa or |Dd|.@/@$,gae-B!6.
-@qrw.t.F|rl,t O
lxtcttttql/oomon^nor - Or!.blb/. Arthaltlo OarDaIr ollllltf\rlE|.h.4 ! bdrooll. 3|t b.rb. d )
nagd,Lbl. lor aurn|'[ |Ild,/c rrntd. :
CaU lob, Anhur 8bho9 0 Co. a?+!C
t!8T "^t! - t tJar.-;
batt\ irrD.t b.d.DstDtrt.drii.r.D!o.rFrtr{. f,o r.r.torb. lo dl fnueJn! L.rDrdd!.4lo6ry@,.Dd Lrti ISO ElrlU dalbdl' 6Itlt
lFtr_lmffi,4 ilO lrlI - OdrElr|!.4t|!lr G adt'l,||Glrr9lDa.tir l--- baffi.tfiffi**f."t'rc-T
&IlI CRIIX tttUUOltS! - tdrt!.d!ooe, a brlr Glt lI.BrL a.lt|.f6l. itulV fuml|b.( r| bc/i!f,lr, fltt t|DL aun/., @/@r.'| 9hi .
T.la9hon. (810 ) 383.aAa! or3f7-1Nt.
8IX trotrmg TO Or! YlAl - &udto.3 bodrooD lornhornaa, duDlrtconabDlotutrtl L& Vrl! io EdrN,(P.r!|r! B..l led. {?G 10rc,
out lI'D tto t|lDnoolrA.RTta:nuntabld or !r|l\I|1oLb!4 r''Utua ',.t , Or. ldtwa r.n |t lg2A/DEdrooD Lfi. G aaqt/Eoltb. Tb. ?Lt E C!..1 9t9-Caot.
SglRIml - Y..r b!, t{78. a b..!Ab.l\ tUV nun,rb.4 L.r rao tt nrDt:qlarc.(| n-rv 4?l4lKll.
^rcr--ffiffi;d, ldtlo IED!,E LbL.drL6O/D@tL D6Dl tae-{itab o!
v IL M4gt! CtItE lorrHottr
:#;5. "". btl. artoo Dhr
AVOX,atrcEC tlt- ltrt:l|lH3l
i-Al..Uff t, felo/hoDrh, yrr
VULAOI IDCATIOI - a boloe. 8 brh,lrubol, ..urA Gr.DUord e.pDo!rl@L, rrll to dl ulta arit
D.ta. Oa. r-!. ElDtBuE (1td3l Cq'1 (3og) ?6t-{a7a .v!orna|/i-t
SPACIOID rto IIDROCI - lrrrDlfiltr! h5n-a ed.r.- (hnlqrad Ddt !o Dqt do, tauUO.g |lor f.altr/&.yc. '6ia,r, urftrlLDd lo rt "|.mlw(br.& CrU 9C!.8366 dN|.' 9a\rtoltal.
@ r;-r-" r;mr-tf.mr-, q lr! !ot!a. qta arlloGratDa rorr uDtuaDtau.laoo/EoD3h, Uu|ltl.r .ad at-63-t46.
EOXISTAE - Ldbllrr.ntlD.o@b.al.hullbdithuonbl36O/E@|!. ro FB {?!-g$O I .
IABOE P TATO PATCH UIXI'BY IIOIv!r. rn Vr!. lgoc|oy'rnr.lt {tA- tr
"""t-, to. nll Dlffioa-A"t\drr)od\ 3 bath lqG aobr lnd Iro. h.r/dwar, J..uz:t lr'pho. Anl4t el.r! ot VaU. OoF 8ana. .l'.Ct .t. uDtu![l|h.|t I I ooo/rnoi,'flir..' to ,.aa a?6-t0l{
.vfgt tltlt ottt- n!!ru atirtto6,Sffi.:t".HHlEb5'*T
fU' - ^trt! la tnta!6ar, ,|rer E !*!.EE I illtorlhrtibAraDlEadt$iliL-ffi*l"JH'rou'^t
lr€YluL-EgFqn! furrao -. Lb!@,iffidffoo-rl-- - r.r 6rt. -!.loDt
ffisx:ffii'Hffi4 n,(lEt l.|St "llt. AntDtO - keu. d.ol.
Ud[t-VrlL alDIl - lbtr!FF,lot-, aat't.DtliEI-fEtr.!.-!Ll!.J'IIDOT f !|Ef@I. t !l:fl @t rr.: i|rrt|U..l@ao.Etr@rdrloil(8rt
E loorr- !Ad!*! rd.lrElOOtf - E oaltl rdd Elar !otE olbtl!!D.- FrdS"!!Ob@catnlDfua to ADrt- L lord!|aF|.|E rD.s ht t-:E bI tdr.E
FtO. thl|b,d.(lq|!drd!Dru,tdEloohE ai.rrah/d{'ttr-,te|.llt
- f;ffi:-P
b*/r*^ tt,rjjf
mll ermr - rh hr\ tlo lod.rDH !r!b(-. Oltltrl&ac l art !-ldt$rta. rrrbor/ilrt.a. taat taata.U@llE! Dltulll- dti'iDlt|It(lrl)?|l{r.r LD @]' q
trO UOI@I tltllllEtDlPrrlllllrtl -ulE tEhd.{ @ br| rqlr., |oro/@|t!to F lb $lr * htr G-L el$raol. . o
ul,l? utxuaY tlnE IIDROOU - Ctr b.rb' bd bbld t-! lD ob lt@ d lI1
Effi;" tr%S",!t'"!81'*E
Ii#*.iffintffi,tq|rr! oL$o(D. am/@|D Dha aldfb,ddf.I|. Oot bc I b d JI. r. eorflVrI'C r{rlIi rdDL-, DDia cb8|..ttrDq| t 6, a?'Coaltt. offi|.6CdL ltr. la!!. aTG?.!r o
ffifu''t|bd. ttco rdlldrLl u udutL.
.toh!.!t b {?t-t{Dl a 4?All:-. O
l:un olllrr,ul'l'llllErttlto EDRoora& b l{bvrll 6 !.ill. l|tr..mlloD Dan, trabar/dat t. loDa tarm,!!o,Erh rhr uglln 6ll D-o {?43!Srbr{Dteoo.tabaa O
tlnrt Emdtl f,Onr - ArlV tur!'|u,ldr.d lo dL r* d v.|l ?o d.l- !'@rrE, lnrbDb lbt$f rblou.h tr&ob'
r-8|l4art0 c l.!3t ?'l8 O
EAI'II'I'L tCRIt l'DIOOl| - a$ D.lbtarrbdD rtttr Dt$ a nt 4rraa Orrr i.trdl-E d ltrrudru, oDJrt Li
to Er. l t!r'mtL Cru .t-snrtr {76-?tgta tt! a?$ltagt. O
AlrtOUUtOlltlO IORA IONOt8AI tlt l?ta ban arurl Dtlrir rtrrLbla. Crll t|rtth rqE aDFlia tta.dr. Plolrlt RdalIrp|rbat'H{D. O
verr, ohrogr!! torxgoxt - LduldtI E!@. iEoJ|hl aF tw!.4 c.r trr.al.afEoo. Pto!.rrt R.DLt lrn.a.D.ata?+{aoo, - - o
lAlDtIot tAlt - lrrtt I Lbo@.n[!r.bl a q!I. ttr@. nrb{r PtoFltnd.l L!.aEE at6-a/rqr- o
e'tnlDol - I bl@. lta hrb. ilrlqrLlr..!./drt r, }|et, Prot ltt LlLl
urltFl|loDrlqlt!6tldl-brrirrr|.&rEl'at|} loa o
VftI'RNlItrO &rl'DIO OI AVOT IAIC -tlttDLo, tlabrslF, t||bd/drttr her-!4,
lgf 0 dl' |ltrfru-, trt L-. a?G!e?{. Offiuli.trnt brl I Lt.l|. Orttlro. fo Fi. &l@.
C.ll laPA l,tra {?0-?4611 HE e r&.'aD-6. O
vE tlcl - l.t.dtbqbo@da bhr tcllrElql bl|lraot ntrPl4.
-A.ob.olla rEa d&flb.r. art fFdlnla rid Dr.U dl Ol* ldtb. 6dst- lo Yro vul..l, ! Dltut- lo becqr.E ll@ lroo/@!L DDr .ld*!.
ltAltTttltl - I Dadt@ irrabhql otr& o!frc u ev6. fOOloool' Illr l-tE+ I reoa6rr t-!6cetr", o
r tt VaII. - It b.dr!@, 8 !.rn Fri4UtnrD||H. .,Drt $?E/ooDf.b. cdl ru.riiorzri c elD+zo. o
nFT t. 8. o!8 !!D!dl|a - b lbll tD..&^rt
t-r ?.ll @do. n-EDllDla tol tqa L5
;n$r n!.DLo, drhrthd. c.u {70-0?pr. o
tf8t VAII, - Vdl d.. Sohdr @'|Pb' It
tAOLt-YAtL - I D.dlootn. I b.lb'ffi*, fi*ff.'r"i.lc""*E,vro: o
@Y ONI ElDl@I - (bDdo drFcilt on'an;vdr oott oqrr-, $60 rnolrd- bil'
urillnlrrr! xo &af, ot 16l'0! !.drso tor
orn Db, tt,In!|bd. Llo oollll lll. Do:o-;-f etCil$. nr e=!:______ i
t^tf VAIL - t !rtro.o, a b.ttr nlrn tb.d
@ab. @{ruo 91r, on til, louta' otl tatb- ilutrJ. ld!7Ddllh Dlu. l'Jlrlb roffit#' Tt-SHg.''-*'t
tltoinlmt - 8 D.dr@D. I D.r5' tlr.Q.,udurnlDd lorDbou-, llit vfrr qnry
A!/@r.! C.u nrl a?6-{?zr 6 D{}aiF:- o
VE frcf - I brlsE\ trt bDr blro.laltalEt roo!t, toodbutn-la, alot..
adtTerrrt. onr or !ri6.' llm/@t!.
fir|l&to n'alttrtrV. C.U LdtY.otl tdl,taB-. - o
fro ltttfd)I - t btl\ nrmr.bd.- ht rr-. fA(t/@tD. qr trt l-r !|or&.aI 6od, A!u' Artltl AlEraL'gacl66. o
rlr.tDt al o@0PArct - t.3vru l5.a
ffiH'Jf$.f,--fiottXiiHf:i-tiit'airso. o
lltlvlft. - E brt!@ Ctt "'\ fltd.brl Ifi'frfsii#tSEiffi'*t
lvof ttrafUt!g - nl'd.H Sbdt@'8
?fft llmt - I b.dtoob. t$ b&
r|alrraluL traltt/(b'tt' @vo!61 t*
vE tanio oq ui iour TYra.D lLw'grErl@. o
ItrEtlqtrDllt - D E@.8b!D.!.rtr
!@orbld. dl rt a99llr.d. r|.b/dtc'
vottrrltabd to ta t-t L-. m/@LbD lt|rlr Ftrtt-? I|o{r! t R.r;Lba?!.45&. O
lAttt'.Ylrl. tto llDBOr - h$d.b.dbrlEir Ycr @6 o@Tb'D.lOltB/@rD.o[ u- 3 &l botr 9ag!ax]. o
E@at llg IrItTgfJl - xlut tu.db' g
D.doon,I t tb,qr- laauod Fq loaotllAtloa
-lt l-8t1-&t{6. o
dDaI-tgA!flSIGD - a b.dro@ borrt oDlrar nrar b LtDhrt!. tro gaL Avarrablt
' tdritdllLv,
9lu! utluuoa t4ret')rrL a30O adu'tE drDoaE ln adv|Jl..
aaz.62aa or t-33ia-egAe. O
TtnO EtDR@ra - a b.rb. o\uu{tl @nb
ftnftrD.rb.d CrU Lb {l1}t6l{ O
srtDto atriltltlr lt tlSl YAIL -f'lJurntOrr! ht, rUcrrA n@e b Daaourttbrf5 laatD, d:-.r OII {tH76 GolDtl
ilia niioc o
&tt!Y tttr v^ll, - I S!(6. tdtaDltb.4a. bL lo6/rood! Dhr uro$r rxlEod ato:rcga .- o
or| ltDRdll rPraft{llsr - t neto!,
ar*. o.!.L!4 attrDd.eta b ha l! toeirG!. I -a,|} rcoo .tr.r O D-o. o
tfiBE IGDR@I - I bt\ untutllthdt.rrl[|or trlEtg drt D Ood ll@aHaal
at6ol!|o!3h. ro?.bD.r lbtouab ArtEa7t6o?a o
SnrntB! PrAa! I - r b.qoq 3 b.!\
OtUl It tr8l vAtt - E131o1 .at/d\ i,c.ogb.d rDal uDi&trb-. 6PJorrrtrr'"o-*"1
trtt a
Il|rrDo|lEltt-gbd@. I brb.anr.Et udr rt|r
odc lV,x0.U Oaob I tE @ rr.,to6r'@Dtr d-arb. GrtltrE. 9l-r. Dit OEr 8 !.!.,t , 6" {?+la . O
ttr llf - foiDt roo.btlr lDard Ibcilo. L@Di uni$aLtd 8 Llt!@,L@/@ h..b-! clrut, trrr d f.ttct n Daa. rubr/Ctc b6l-u$ Oll 15
.t ar t 6.!1 9a$'atdo. OffiYdl nE ChD 0o6larumr hlrtlDa
D.qr .tilLDL .d!,t|-. tb. vdl 8.4tt
Ora}aa ldltt 6|'ra rrqttbu rnd auaab6Ilr ri/d rG' -14!r atd tftaElDaDd t- l[ a?{ao tc !-Ll
,nI CBEX ll|'ll(ln - bDa irra. aad. a b.r\ d lDA adaL nr.!l.o., n|ln ab.4 rrba/drfr, 3rr.t Ytr,trr q.Elr aa6le!6 Dha ur litrrDho!. (8tE) A&t-4Egl or (all)4Ut. O
L nA@!t cqta rorTBonSt - I
:9*.. rlr bu\ alloo , rtu. .ldtla
,1, XICA Cnlal - hrrlt l|t Ibqbo@.
Btdfif r, 0e!o/Eonti, rr.r hr..
CIOB TtO EIDnOOI - Arri.unlrablr{| tunlla 6o!ar. ooDlrutett'
rad Ei to Do.l do. rst.|lfrd. ara)! dom. taalE/d?r, rooaDustUlia
.. !,lrtt!!rrhd, lo D.ir t1ElDontb. 1600s. c.ll 96-a866 drrs g.a&)oa
nETttg @rrFFAt[& @rdqts -A,b.tbLEbd@c8tdo6dLb@, trbar/(bts booL-rr. gLy|lqtd.
oD.Dbtr, rri@ira DOL lstltla!. baLf,tEYrD{rg}8ru+ O
tRro&r lrll YAtt tlItDIO - hrtr. (bl
alt uaDDot' For .d J..t6. !tto.{?G@,}.H9.E o
ntxlcttf - af, da6?t ltot l ry915to
eat|r oDtto qraba- 9!ba of E?rff| tot oflir ndr I trarwr r! elrr{dt t. lqt l!'
bullrl.rE tad lbrD ]dral tdln l4a ldrDiEt ltD Os!. .D4 tutrr.4 rnd Onrdd
E[orE oid. {?Ha6g, Tro 8.v{.. O
gl{)n CRIGI IrlXttB - Lll.-vdl 8
b.tlooE g b.r\ tctrtult tudqlE PDry.g b.r@!r tuDLn, Lqts ddr. lry {. E
uD&. orr L- ltqullrl fT?a/DdD.Lt bduid ro Fl^ r)iDqr tlqtdrld. c.ltr-s$s8a(' 1-t0r{B c
Ur'l'rfrarro Prl !r Otll - LOqYdL ls@ rltb ld, 8 blD.!t-t lar ro Fr@,td$, Otr.t@bar'al3al. O
?to alln@I - t bt\ rdlEdtD.( r,gdl rluDlar. Aioaa Dntt. llrtplloa'
rraLbc/ditrr, arrr t $to alfgla or @u9!
df,a'np, @ &!.u{ry, folle o
r RO! @fD - ,.i vdt 8.dt@\ lo{\ c
bat.I|roorr, bs|trbat tEt! aod Lutt&lndult- .tna Ddttd atat orFl ab^mDo6
Oo ur ttu. 6!O/Dntb. CrU r'TrE ?{ar'
m.tmf".W.lgrttr'ffidilata Adl|lL lLr4r .l V.l|
n-l lnara, lrE ,.o
evenearr rc,vtrrSla t -dffiAii!'D.ld@lbq.lYA.tI flt lc,vnt8ln t - ltml.bd I
bl!@ EiiED.ab@lb 0D lrl llAYootrfiol|-. bt@. (a hr tqta. f,o l''t bac &oorte radrrl Llo/ml 8c&66e
PDr| nIEI - 3 bdr! tli D.r!ud$ dd tqrdlltdvdl.Donitrry. AnO.Db !oroD-- r F o_!. ttgaiytiort thr a.. .d .[dla q.llt
rffi !q[ub.4adtaa-'E FL gElraJ
titag t Co- .?clc6!. ,_______
IIIC! SITrRIDO! - 3 bdro.'a, f bd]
furafab{ rraba/&f,lf, atll||blr trovmb.
f lor 6.lg @Dth !-aa, ll?6y'Eon04?C-666 |
etxrt t|m BlDnoor oorDx:xrttl .
Cooelra dactb EobGr t|.rtt/otlbrltfud tar.Er b!, b-$ttulv ftrtlrb
dtlDla, qwala tlctid Frllt{. tD
iiiiiobdrta br loo alr|liDb foY@br
l. .DDuI li!. .oI| lxtJ/od! lBlultabir. a?Hlta
T(o BTDROOTa - a idb, tlr!Dl..'
dLh-r6t!r. furtrtlba4 trr!.lmdlotAln ol
}t.r 166.. l6e8/e l! 6g?'0m1.
an dtv u,rngr nrmer.g - tc .t! lootdt
lor CL- A ta iL lc ot,l fortlod\rj
DioErtld. hortuaa tbtD !.al Vall to AYo
I -a'bcdr@m!.'torn l26oloontJt tar tno:
tntoarrAbon c.tl Lri.Iuc al Fltll nad.t
ttoir.4. {?C- ulE8.
tgr. roor er tlnd - &€o tot uua lqrt
unfuinllhld a badroolr 3 bali condo :
!.alc-vrll { bad.looa furalrb!(t l€OO Tr
nr6uoc. c'ar tsuoa. you DrY ulrtui Q
n irtd9Dua taa!. a?A-OOAo.
fi|l yaA/ trA& - ,r -d5dl !.lrr rbrtratalDrtgr.
rl8dAE - llodbb/ li-."llLd. rDr,o
'ED- t. tt El|bd ili '..t|rt,| trh.6(r/dD, lo ta. at$'so. o rrD,-c.o
8grrr, PBrvAfl lmu.!d t/D, .t|t lfr4ltlau$rh 9ae-I lta. .
- t&.u\ hot hsui. Lrl'E lnclrdt.o
l^Iltl-VAIL - I hl!o@..!lt brb
torDboL! rtt! olrdr.d I qt luql.,qtd@ bot qa, nrrDlb.d ot urd.lttlab.lIttb i6 |rm- Oae-6gtt- eaD-aatft, O
PfAnUl.lif 'l'n|l8lIID - I !.&o@ lrrg,a,6!Or'@! thr DldhtDa (I!c Crueae-ttD. o
tto EDtfi,I - | bl!, tl'ttt|t!r&.4rrab-/tt:E, orl6tsD3 Loa RrtG lnLrla-?dl, oaa ta.r l.da. to 9alt.S6tb6l!, !c tIE IPA {?+?{6e O
tanlt ttDnoor lPABtrllt -ttbtunD.A lrlo/Eootb !ht.. rllltu4#',"Ss?il*.ffi"IHLffi,
r-sFr-ca4.Y!l {?+g'7l. offirrh-/(!!B. !!!9re, at* tbtt d oor!
8|Dff, t-! VrlL- Dllttr l-g.yt-taoo otl-s&@go. o
or| alDnoora @nDo - oll a?&064{. o
ra.!./drtat, llet, PloDattt LlLlr^n 6-Laf..aam. O
f,l.E^lt t|ll -ll\UItED, qiruS6o rr]Da bd-D. laaa lcE tGab.lIlrdl ard!!sd.lttur Dt!F!/ IallLu,t--da.lch .tl$otrto-."Gdl_l.bg-Es, o
itB ClllA P'l'A - I \EL.rdLu. Or
uat ulaErH. aaSO/D@lUln d.94Eo !!'l n.Ed.brl fl@/@tva?6n4llltlDr8|la tE@ Dlur ldltbi!. a[ Gb Pls a|l l.D6f Algts.l
oae-E al o
IOITII8tO OJl YIAA - hrdA I,r,|Dd).dr.lroln lollloel, dutrlaraa andtEranD. tra vdl to ldrr|t Ita irl Lr.i. a?+II'o. o
rrdt: rr& rci-.!.?!. I baadfRt*
\ a\lfbr tuInr.b.4 La,EoDrb l.r!!.r O.lt
-qtl n-Jv a?!-,taldt. o
lrltll-? lL ellDlo I tb tEl! bt @[E. lo F4 l8?a IPA t t!! a?u'?i$atffie r&-8Da o
6d!0E tL tlcEt fttnrlgalD - E
!q!o@. a b.lb 6!dd rD 8.Dd!dr,.4.dto br Ar||IAL lDd.Lbr utr0 .,iD'lr|m/dD cl' utor!!a, E& c.Frr.d DL.-. 16 F. cbsL. !.b.i , 0qa?a-tctl, o
tE@ llE:YlF. A!@E i t;nrl.d.arrt datt gf Dod rdj:aEt.tl?tl
$u !rc\!arb{ xerEd!,
:fO+Vfg. - t b.dto@. tli bt!or&.D r'& oncanr 8 a! a|lra]nr&loor . bot tub. turabb.d otdllrul ]?mbm. 0{D€71rle{fl|, .s ,, tr
- r br\EA !t!D. '
lll| mW - ftit U. r.Il
tod.lD Ed !ar!D.r-. UEnE|tb-
rL r rlD!A-l!!a!.re/d'r.r ha. al&/ -\ tlr urot-.r[ !u DdS (trD lS{tLltl|l.Dt6dt. O
rlu - la$z rEab al|I5!lrI1 rdEtl t Drloo. *ldb. 8+ 0: Ft|r. -GD tlEi
'Crtr dE .5aD. d EdEr1qth ctnat'.rtrof frlalr8t rdld- al* UE.tsrd SfD q,l|E. -tanr rdtrrDlE l! to-!Dd. f lryl/@.
fU LL rl & t&.rr. ele-lE.'tr
rla! vlIL - aldrDtElmh-, to D.ara?l{fln
Drboor I DO.6gD*trrcGan E-!g
Iroll-YrII.-rba!!@.a-f\dr|qlLt lrtDlor |!6() th|. trtfiala r-1 rlGrr
lro @RoI - llro rdrrrbrdb.dd. h.!r r bd. Br|Gt:rrlc hLodt'lhi d.Dd, @/Ddb.gttlrbttd lahttetF€ang,.E D6lGta{!. o
b uts,U,- aqlry
'.!Hr tlDxPr --l|. rb.3 G' lqrrrRH#S"GH{Sffiffi ffi,"te|o-cto& o (6!6) !?
nt lloEf -&lDts. lE EXDI - 'it rrii ' <E t''F-5-a-ffilisffi;lrhlla ffie-G#rsiffiffi 6&E fa'5 ed.-(aal!) D!rr- 4{r U (o1o)o?@ ffit-;;b'ooto,wrnrrl.lo eRCiil - 8 E AEid., aD Y.tLf, rt. h!, t'r l.Itllrlta, StbL!nE!e( @ ti! td.,- l|lE. lttlr'ffib c.u rrdt &7-@lr. o qoldrird-- ealtoa o F !.! @:# .ItO maml - !ur!rh.d rl|od!. , .l-A|o-gln.plrruLEllDltflD?t;r-l!.. DE., b(ri nlEtun, tdrft rrl.l5!| Ba4 r.r-:I'.o t rhldr |- S-t!ae- O PA.EflAl
irr!- .altbtL tr
YlBft&l-6b.(bo@.6brD.Afidd &rnChrb torDbous. trar.F.hg otD FtrtLfF. OD. yrr.@/bo..tln96-€0$ trrsffi
btD rDlta,6 D.d!o@,tb.thtEltr. trothdp& nrlDbo. 9.r!DA rraba/
*htr* EEr.rE! c.Ir lar
ffi6 ht!. nftc l[ Il8lrn lo D.t .AV{!|D!. rhh.rr.}.V, talElDA Dhrr-t0td!, DF*. ll3t, 1600 F.Eryq,d, b d'ru. !lz-!A0a cl-ada-Orn OffiOltd.l4 U!.E abr\ !!4b,l
qlpOlEAC u - I Ddt@.8D+\AE S!4!4!rt!!r||baldryc.dI| !t t bDb r'--lr.tdr fu|Otar. Ga/D. Dhr d.cr. Ery(lDd,.|r tl!..r. E t'.' Cbfi -r|jED t(b,at}!681. - Offiflrr6taD.|L !t!DLo-, tt rb.E& IUb@!6,abil!oo}7 qu{r
ff ro Da' 4?csdc4 rr?
t """"- - "O".!t"-,"*O.Ar.a,lltDlra,ldrd. aaD DUrtr.! li-
Eyi# D-. crean lit
PIII alrl! UIIT - Edlrdddnrry,3badlooE. lr,t brth, tlr.Dleo.,ld|!:ot br{ a6r6/-t -th pru! rfrlllb@
lEruE BGDnOOTT - UDttralsh!(L
uDtqu. (bi6!,I'v|Dd/dnln{t rooE rtlhrth olturu. olrcrrl|r ltdffry. Shb.r.b-
6,!tsrrrbc. dsDd.J, r$ldF.for,elf-oLDlltl oeEt nrrDlroa, .wd vrILf6?!/Mr.h ctrr oD yur !r.8d. Crll!sut!4! Dr E@4,t4 O
lEBll BEDBOOI - 8lt bathIrrDldD tD l|aa t@ D!@DctD!qr!! t.|r!\ lfoO nrratgbaq tgmW
Ll.aI'D { ErDR&r @xDorrxrurrSArrlo.DL r6i.,+r.i^V. l@-ll0@rdrtELb.4 Fr Dryutflllid. vrly Dbuala to rra 8&i!i! trca?rt4s. o
@Ed.It OIl !t rnbtq|t sDdo DrfhoD.rv t n Di.l IrDracDattta"a4{n o
^-"-tt-t"t -OO."tt t*tt Da.lro@. ! b.lb tfiDbor r1t!
!r..Dbo .Dd d!|l'!, uDn rDlsb.d.lo8!/turlrlhc(L 09oo/urn'|r!r!h!(LtrDryg.$€064 C
t!8f VA!I, - Itanlarrb.d I b.(b€oEEo letl, t|| hrD, !tqlr6, 6lt-
oh.'rrna or!G. gr$.{F dlpdl LqttttF .lrdc, ablr ri6/, lgta/E dbG yir b.a CaU
DcauG?NIO6d|Drt?lrctl. O
DfraDg A.nlA - I b.6ooo dbD@, rldcl! Or!, hod Fr'4qudl6/ fuartu!., .vaurb!. I I/!.n-taag. o
our3a, Ilrtplro,Frr fal
'-" *
lD'llDo -tarDr.r@u.d, lldE fa&tE: ldldaua D.dr(ioD, |!OOlDo, loELh.r!rEEl!\ !!r| oa trloti -ma,roc/.blcU{cOO lLt&tSUrgaHAI o
lqtBD@ -tlrluEblo
tto ENB - 8btD. imfrlrlb .| !|' ?&@. o
'Eirb6!*@atro.!!Ltrodrl..e|o.'loa o
!@ @M. O IIB.,-tuAl}ltaEat l|dl lE .d tr!d.l.!|ItlE Fc Lr Sa 6@Er E ir{/ DrE i-?t'&O c[.g"r.t.le. Y.[ a?r]'il7?r, o
crI, ort -'6 c'adt icd$'|5 btorolmllrlulEDoa|c?!qtb o oalrabclodtafDrrdaf L lcttbt&!.rrD t ar. tba
r@l tralor$EIrb.E tc,
-f, tE3d.n iffi, Eroll@
iO tlrgt - ! E@ rrlbrD,L6'VrIL tra dLa @,!doi rbro lb n tts bd/rE,insl.G mo/]rb dE&rEtfi.G7.rnId.JaErryA O
IETYII! -o48b.!!e.8ED.!rt[E EttobrroD.daDoDFa:ED/@. E GbEE ANdl Dm l-ttl{llo .Ebat aUct @B6r lP/aErr! - bDrlYrla laalaLsoa aaroaa llololrrrf4 Errnuf .hrr-r rdt!l!. l'E' tfi b. |.m/ffi
itln@ -r-t} aDrycol. rttlllrrq[.tElrra o
llohff rrolb Io D.tr F- teaAlt
lrorr-9AE- rnMlEbo@.8bth. I.rEortt ft!.o DrlEDa A!I!DL.G rr.Drr/alrtE fo Fra.}?!o/E@. (|tr lqFal!-46. O
tUDBlEl -Udldutbd!@tltbr\ 8 anlFr{t Gddbo3a&
a!ra, rr! ad tbl. !rrt!. rlrr.llrt0/B lb dttlru I Eorn-E |rrri lE trt'f to rD.oL. arolt fcao/D. o.u tullr??{?.8Lel9#ro o
IrrDlEDn@r prX ttEB - I!Flg cut Eit tlolqb(t ro Ddr,
iHffi rDtt qD 6e?'667f t
nlADY tOB n |'lrrrtlt ooooPAtrcY:- 5 ua$r to rre! to lou leEai,E[L 8d!.u6 t! b.r.d 6 EIIDo!$a!la. tor rDDotDtEant orll
ffi4qffi#t"'e-6' lqurr.
qE IOI1SB m Ox! YuI| - &.dq r.4 rE o tElsE torlbolrri..r'otdi.q6 '!'{9!nrnh|fi., Llt vall tc
ffi* P.is nil !-.L
yrr,nroguE qrtD tu'rrEonet _ r
EDmta - a. berb, IU!tIIA'thrtrI'6
rtotr-vAtt Fnrsoulr - 6 |br
, 64'nf h,!'ri. Y/D, rih.
n|g:a VSrt!, @/Dd..|arD-fitiFr lac-Ea€d
rr.tdtiF&lio frM, r' t6a,l?0-66?!.YAIL 9O^I'_@UnC_AOr.t - t DftG:lo. tlfiXrrb@t\ I Ed,b drDold
ttGIlrA QuU0d rnrr lod tc
|IodrEtr, D.rrtt na4 Orwrrd!. OfEst o
IA'IVAIL nImlIS - G.|}Tere b||grllrbL mlbllnrDr adh6;. b!'!@l tDl'ouaDdt tb. Vrll Ydfo| 6@o'n! lo hlr b.d!o@.i i.ulrlhrd .o|'rdr[' &.4 6 .Dd ll @D|i farotttd tslll|hla CrI al6- Gta O
lqq tln rr ErTAt rmoRIAf,ror -Crdr QE'o..b nilt/ a?Gafrc. O
!'4C[tItF @nPOP ''ttor - Or blsD,ESr. .r h.hfro OaEa,a ohrlr. ltriivnEg+!+ t b99o9P,lir b.r\ -'o'.'\FtEl !.tbtliblr tu .rrDrd. rod/di
'lD!c. Iro raa. Crn 86. lr.ib-E. Btrh'rnESTtfASf-ao,erusa-6o6
q!i. a b.doc. Erlf-trvd.8ED.!rtDt|6, rubc/&tu, tEnEltrutFr li- Im Dh- udlnb- nrtlrl-?!&eiD. offi
two BtDnoor PLUS LOtt -V.lL 'Ida tcardu.E l-610-.o
@rcIOrSftoBlDH@E-errtmrq! tb !dn{.tb-- &r&n- C@rc.a@vE dV li!q4 Dcr.to Do.o odr^!.lattaurut, ''tll!, llaluo! atofr.r||e/d!lE,_'dt4ttrd aogt.
I*l$Dfb.d. rq -P9rl _artblDo!\W
EEEM _lra- \ Dr.Garab-,'Lrltu. to tla trtr.6aD/b..rSaU.trd l.IUIEAa?l}??|l8rr, o
srrol,lTBll - Itn^rralrh.d t
rcl. OtOar vurO 0.9-14!S. q
zrls-r,-.a4,T;(lL1{i I q 8f
ffii ffiam.**#L'--*6rochor l! bllr n'DlV run'
fiEtb'- rtr/.- A E.t!i c!!.tr str[Irorl& fi rorlB rarlaB'
c[tB @naxn& lto aall -DnsiDld. btr tbol |Dlt 'rl{.rrDlrd. trt l|I, gFa Cblsonf6i 8eliiry. Dorf l-l'9O-29CD @
-57t-E/$e,-Vdl ,r??A7tl. O
rdo@. at( b.rh. trrdtt !06. 3 cr|.!.6 IIDF trlbb, El l.A..
26-1668 c are'$ra o
AOrt-vaIL AlItDro - ttbr uD$ bL rrs8 IIo D.ti lStO/D. IPA
rDd, $t-?aol li*ln o ur'-r:-o
O tfAC - I D.dFo@ tatD! t'
ra.-V.IL nrt rDal Lt DmtI lolli Apd' tro rl.. nlt!tlH^,[-
msu;(L frml$oo @lD, Ill, alt l
-9?8-@tf. anllrbL &p,rry'& o
rf,t BIDnmrf lPlBflllln - Il
'!l"a!a ratldaDoa aoroal tloD
r8! tlu tooElro loBAu)4l Utur-rotrtr cru usvltbFlr tp.doo b!.d.'
iropcrty C nanirl ltrrnrglDcntlrcftjrb.o
avor - u$ lnrrlllr.tdsr 8p'ot.rtr rlE'mw. r hrh uttnhod ttbffi4
DrAf'DB rIlA - g bdt@ Edlblo, rlocorr Glr' !qq!d Frt.ry
lTO @n@I - a bdb !d;DDq.t!.rHflrffifififfi.ffiry_U
AVO! - SulDt h.lt duDl.t'
uDnrrDtrbd t b.(!oolo' I o.r tFllll'
ttar."i a't€-?Sa o
ot! ErDnoon - t b.r.b tuml.bd
india torat, r76'{ir4q.---------g
Irrgtt - I D.ab@.uDtl4.l|D!4roffiffisffitrEry A,
PICIUn! PIRFCI - O,orttsur -vlll'naah oaFGt r,Dll Ddtt d aI{|[3 a!@ 'cF- r- iarob. a brl. dt obd
O;tt Ef ItAIIItrO - |aEO i.b @iJr
brrtlt-rD nic 6E lrytg lllP lgr'9
TWO BrDRooL PLI'S !.OtT, -iniailmnrn rs'r c{"ct r.nd fir:nabt{
ra mou.l taa onV' |8Eo/Do' troludd@
IAAT VAIL - 3 b.d!od' 2. trr'b
tdrDboD. In[Dt8hcq Taab.r/([tEr
bootup, cglolt on bus touto. No-Ft3'
l€26/Ero. ttur \tlllllB. Yar lia6.
u&lXtti" f.tb f -?!a-gf !9.d
"t'-rRAUr aolt8l - n{nlstrgg
;x:to--Bll ctt?6tftg, vEY nl€. Nonr! n--5rrr.bl. 16 F16i lrldJv|oral orEt3. ntsDlDlt to r't€br ltldlYl4r8l o!
6.ro[ evurou ur 6roqb usrch r.couDla Anr[ibb_Datt
Catt- rcfaoas 9AE-C63O or D6nvu
at@/!o C.I fr!ry f!&€oq r{ta 3 bcdroora r I{h, llylD{-roo_[D.
U dtnrll rootD' lc!l.r!oalttrt9'0. !![mr
e rr.- Avr.tbblr lro.E!dt!l.br. llnda
@lt Ml,YllrlJ'tlElD-&lDr'tdaFz b*e-Azrg. O
bad!@. aDalh,r||hc/(Ftlr. i[!aunajsit iao,rlorc' l06olanm' ITLBA utxItBY EnrL l@Mtor' -tosa- aaiE 6Dly. i-764-a69ar 3h b.t'D, nrllt sb€dho8o.b.btfitw66Di:6{ti[ tr trd.L A[ upstr.b *,q[?}%Bffi l"-ff1lrr;t*''"n-t obd r/ar$aa. ArrrDirc lD irvtDaG. iiiifri'rspdrrc rnribo. I rEISf,Fr E&L - abot lr4t-rr&
trra 'efiia b- -Dre! bt!!oa@. tr,u!.'Elo vsrl' I b.dmoD. elt ElLD.
,aoo/ta: cdr t.rot aad.r.o!- troo eq. t\ tutdrbt4 tro !r!D!dryffi,--ry#"ffiffiIt
a.m 8Q. ft.a l@n@rf - Otuilb.t\ ooOin' ammltrr. lraOO/EA DhllOyoruir, 1760/Eo. a.,ollrDl.. u $ra gttell4ge. O{?'6-rrI!. rJ-ffi ##';s.'"J;g"ill$:f.lL 3 b.r\ tunt irdab.A arlD@t tAOO/Eo: a76-6663 or l-47!-
4a ggF.ry:-'*H***[* 6raa- o
;ffidiffid;'n p.i.' 6it'ae.r.o ffi*$Sfffi,trffi,,:(gI-ntRItIlED - I b.dlooo bout udlttli. c.ro v!ll.t! P!oD.m!
ta fraa ntr b ltld.E|:o. Io D.ta am-6foa O
inttr5tr;illl- il--E' at-' -riry rAotr lvtrgo@ -^E !l!@. r!6
ffi tr}j88t"'"'' tttt''%ffiffi
,lrortrA Er{rood abEia rDftrh. lrrrc tllld tL goq@t!
rno.@pr - nraqD.d- EditiA;-Dd.l ntlrarlr, lLttrltb
TERltI .-StDROOll - 8li D.lDi.rrllrrlr rD lh64 !@ I|@b.FW
2 8.rrxD 4 @n@IOC'EqrDr-ruI8Iiiuru tnnarrv. l@-f r@
irnfurdab!4 tlu Drit r'i!!!L' lEv Dra
,rortr xo'!ctC- noC|ou fq-
(Erorr!B@Roor@rD - DImtU
@.!ra.-vdt Oolfcou'!.' t$O lsltralUl nafuDlrnca xodoer Or loold
[a.bb.6 tm orlct brb, f\rD$b.4l3!o
aTlra ru. no ooounc gt9-4214' l,!.ll
786-6490. rJ
EAOLE-VNL TwO BEDnOoll - abo$'tt-lm,mu'Wilrlttalu fovofo 26 Cdl rfic 6 PsL'4&1?,1lL o
no$Db6 10. C b.drootq Ari b.r.\
eeroec. r|slr/avu' fi/ulrthlrta tDl5&- fa E r\/c- noo4 E d!r-v.l).ar-ml*.ere-lter. o
@RPORAE, [rcEfY FgsJCr@P - 3
br(bd|" 3 bd.b ArDba ta EaldaloDa
raront o bur. Avril&ra lE8ldrr6lyrrixr .'us. llgoo/Eo. ph.|! u ttl6'#Bffiffi,fffi"Eu
8It[RIm! PEAaE It - I bcdraoE ar-.; nrrofrOra, raabrr/drlru, olorT\r
Avrutbb l.Dmaddrly' ona YBI ltls
oDfe. |63!/ba Dlu! .Loalb, srftlY
aidirc rq,rl.4.nd Ci!.' D Ddq@
lAItIf-VAI! - g DdED, C|{ b.r5.
arrn4a. b'nlty locE ttJrorlbaqotr l'$Ifunt llritty Drdcf.d. l66o/Da
Dlut -utur!tc!. !irD1D{o/v..Lrndrb4g-4rra trffib.tb. I c.r .rqF. J.ord! !r!Dtr6'
tnic ddlt tlttr Dil&|'lrr vfrL
GiirC lra:ala0 Ercba vIh alt-
obaarnt ovE,rsldElaro8, Elltcrtltlt
altabrribc, a6aoltlo lrhg tsc'
trL roi tnan DbIuP. @ d.Dd I@
l,aolJ-varr, TorrEoItE - oD tou6Jrs, l|rfF, !ry C bdrsE nrru'
Lsrl. I bail" nrrDbac, trablr/oryc'rdrltribd. F.t ran' 1676 Plul
olltartG to! at ttolEtnaat orllldl43r. raorry-nrd{t, 9-a lqudEqInDaODD{iJlrtEr. O
TlIl, ool @gna Eoll - rdd
b.to. L@/b@t\ I t.i'irr dOcttqrft, ardrlh D.rs FDv taa.rC|!B Dr|rt' Rfll.OrGtto\ Clffino
LO'O ttnlrillmAt ll]toBl|Aglor -@
EUEYr/@nSoErrlq - Orl.l!!btl. &aMOcr|aoDda,arryAaDfb( lEbo@.tlAb.lh'@rDvtal D{oCda h anu rd./ctblc. llo Dar Crll loqfih[ lr.bo9t 6. a?+!Gat. o
" n.neryrrct.ualonrg@ - Ihbo.E ah !t'h lf fcx) Dhr .ldtrb-{?+u@. o
^ffilxlo@r rrabc/(!!/E, F6O/rDtD.trrLa l-?t6-gla Orwa tb ldrlI(l DlldDd C@tc.
taOt.tr-YAL - 8 b.(!lo@. ara - .lr
t rrlbo.I-r[h or6b.l I ar lfrailf.outdoo! bot !ub, fulltabad orrdtEllrb.d. l?OO to lno g9-6ft?8.UlEnll BlDn@ra - CtA D.$. D.ldLcr.rDtd! no.rt tnDDd!, Irbnndlh-d z-ar b4!{_6F{!' rubc/ettc,tcr L.a, ff Sml"ro'rh Dfu, uillfid.Crll br.u h$ual (CrA) ?.$-€CCI,Avrlbbb fc^lt@bc l: Oeffi
rrv.ta, tettrrnlibal 3 b€6ooE ac{b.t\ a+ o.r 6ur6l r,O rbrticrC!dv! aolrr &.tgF. |Dd lrotoeq8or-E!@ aIEa.Eq nar! d trar ycat
krGrdts tdbd D.Ei to D6t o4!€.tttlaurrDt, and llquo! ltora.
, trats/(trlrE, rlo(DrE !6 n re!,' udur! !b.d ro Dda L|tlmrtr.16@ &Dd. c.ll g[-ata6 dryt.F@!O.ret!ar G
c-laco-rou rru rgpry b yo\ls oDtl6
;nr;-"r -?.860 im-oa d i!. Drad astc ot 5?,06'0 ,m @ d tD. D{El I
tdro dodo tr ADildO. l$|'fiY
trrrli-rltr i-d tlb.n lool llrE ld,n
tt EAvt rtLL tEtatLrSEtD,$r&h, r,'|rir. rrlttrg bob8.l@atdn tut ll' nffb.dcrDftl.nldta4It tq'l FoD4r ta 3rd|DL, t|lr.!c@'.d'cDlll rlBtlDogtOo-a?6-!66f ,l-@lt6-s6. - o
nlllTrro @rlFoBaatr.B SPrct@ -Alodrbla I b.droo|n o! I DG(bo6i?.r{b h^'!.1 T|sbc/drtu boots-uD.,plryltgrd. dubbour, ;rmtDg p<il"
lqEE-3aCC. 1.31. Ervcr Yill.{c,E,Fgt& -oorffi
rtirtllur oouo FaoD|I Fl6. TqP!6. ral$l!. nrld&il rld (rmtld
q)tl)ClffAfa ,68 - 8 b.(bo@ Dltt
r.|o, I br\ nrlt iElrab.A llrcO/b.
Dtri uf,lt- 'r!
lia atdj'4 Dol';|fi|ran tdDlr c.anb nlLatnolmrrzoA1go. __________g
- at ul!. to',rG to,l(i,@lr80b, fle O br.d @ EIID
Ilxlt FDxl\l PAtrcE DqIItaYEorc
-l- rllrrl,rll-er)/|t.l! vrll. |6( /tDa rb.
tlra Ddaobo8|l Fd rdl..lrd.atl-Ggt€O.tnE O
?r{-^l^^,(^{^ &i t IP(
duSur!e!. to lt|lcH, ltDctounabvo{r
fr/Ot|-YlIL lOrrnnO - 6Olrrrrr rtlf,|tltttEIE GELtd. I !-"', ltlDlE ne/(!Furturdrb4 mt/ lr|ataal. rs
. d.d.trr ti-, ldtt Dlr rt Erb l-?!+'EnA (
lqR llr!'!, D.obrr tocrDLD, fo D.r4uDtE:or.d. t?tp. 6It FoI' a?0473:%ttgf YAII. . -;. l'dr I b.drwItrmrlu lD.firEl, Ltolm!lElrfi rfrUdr., ablr, Dhd.df/Dlro 9d!. al'H8la .wDbdr. t
E lfCE{BYEf,B- EDr.n*nrESldlr. a* r.rrt talb, t@,a ctu{!. qB|r lrlb. nr Latr?l-?!Cl c elHara O
O llf8 i- t Ebo(E |rttb-..alvr& ttra adt- dh !du &rc !o n ttG:DrU D-,Eddrt |?lo/f?\lo eD,Itbllu-9r8.G7. ArlLDb &anrr/'A O
.. IIt! CAEX r.rar![8 - oE-brlt" (hrDld' rYrllrblc lDmcdblc\t. I
bdso@. tli Eb. a orE lt'raF.
_ rdurat&rattz8o/@ltrDhru{'lE..'lYFdrn-rrr$l@ Ol!QllA-+-'t-lria -uhrcir' r'trrd nrl0 g.F!t@. o
|9@/t'o' c'u r'lt a!t'.Lo?i.. rrorr-ver. - e u"cnoo* t* rro.% a.!r!o. ftrlDl.ca, lota ot !uD,
&ooo m. rr. r rfinoOrr - s tuili&. -' i!&fitibld' rolo/tirdb. cdl trbr
lnnA'ry....-*l: :r":*ffi
qrlD&ff/ll tfa - a t6m Drrr D|!o(E 8r| br.\ |eqQ/elb dlt!bBlh||'r irE' lEdrbrl lfg)i.ha udnl!|, J'!rl ba 4.o_ _Far qu
iEgail--trlr.Ec=Fl @
-'.ff' --- :'rE i---rcl Fr!. trlry tltnJrgElD EItrRrm!& g bab@. a brh. rsD"o/a'rr-
taotr tottEoEEl a ! Dd!6. lla !qol4gtr'D" bclaa ov.9.e-6{?q,b.ti; ;;;draor., rlilTaoiu. Ul-{fi}eo o t8r nrGv!- !dr!r{achbo@,s
ffglVelfr'- fn Cnfr.b||. d''rnG r b.th rd gb.drsE d br'h lDna llc'riGodfC.r-arllHri-iltDEe; !1r!!: - nltCE prrrrC 'reEc/E"?FF,lm;{ffi"*ffi
r JliW ne!!ab(l !r!Dl5, brrunri'Lr,yan lie,g6()/E d,bDhr tl6(
drDctB {70-?Ag. t'
Eottr loRRsmnIIEoPnorlo BInIs n d Otl! tl b(boom. I b.rbva.hrr/ drycr, f{6O/DoBtD. 83?6976. C
tsU ortatt4t, ltuY 'ii^t. Jo Daaldtrrl{l. RaloDdt to r{t&hdvtd.Iac @q[G AYr0thl. E llrqrabllrrolf. OU rllerb grogo c Dov!?!o-trs. . r
'I EAVI rlLL ISTAILISEID.qr|llod rri "- rrlt|!t6! clcD.ld!trrD tatdt. turrlsbadorua'i.rratrDa(LI( your 9roFr.ty ls .nfbbb, DL.ra@DldCbr,ls !l BlsboD C Co.t?e66EI,l-seil
N!INIITO @IITOBTABI.L SPTCICDS -fffiSlt g D..lrooE c 3 bdr$m
Eobll. bE W!sb.!/a!:t!! bool-uDo,
Hqtg!'E4 olrbbdlD, silsiilD{ Dol,!qq6-!86. !igl. Rrv.r YlIh{.,u*at!,' o
CIIE m 19tr - oU.do r$h tdr
f-it?I.eO9..t.'. .t; , . . fAgf VAIL _ euti.fieor bD @b,*'trt ^rD^D^Er|,rFrn - linrl rqtl bad al$rs E$!!CI, I!q:L &.d anh.Orf oduqF, I
b(bo@. 8 b.t!. n$rDbaa/rlod8i.wqhro ab6l rED Ertrtbit vlltl, brtt
{trralrhraCr, rrahat/dtlr.r, a.lt-ollrtDlf oru. D- udllra blld'trt Lr. alSq@lD' l-6ta-HS. O
Iltfa 5{, nE|I - DrrDlrbd8b.&o@rllibnc a b.(bo@ @lb cd'F|-Itolllcnt lat !.Boaa. Cdl 8ur,{?6-l@. o
nrEl8b.d I
4m- 60a..
I AJID 8 EDIMI .APARTIIrIE - IDn d . Clt l Eil lDolrlbc l'o D.ae
f l?l/Darh lod w. t:!7-Bai?l orr-tra-66?{r. o
alADr rcB naloDtlItt @nPtrcY-: &6 r)illr lo lol to lor tED?-h rr3 8.ldoo .t b.3d o|r III,Dorltc!!r. lo! rDgolBlm!D! oall4f,'49|., tacfihJFllrdry, 9-6. lqurl@
VAIL (rclt @tx8! EOI! - Lm6t!m. l.@O/Dat\ I Dolh d@odtrq.drd. qdlnld p{r,|.. rtD\t td
ArrdrDrr. Drrrtt Roaat OrErlob. CI6g{t. o
llEllTlvl,/@FonA:nor - or rut!
nEry. A.|tboflo Om& obdrr" tulV
n EDflD.{ A bdlsror !|| Drlb. @ltrlylol rdfirbla tc arEE a5d./ca
bd,@Eo.6r| b.t;h. Uf@ Dhr alldfi.aft!-la(p. tr
AlDr. mtr CnalI r
bd@, rubo/drtG,
J'Er la$. l -?!6-9€166.
SICI@8 f rO aEDnooI -AFrrEd,rl t&. tdrar{3 Dllls O@lc.CoDrEfeiV load.d DtBl to Dd.tr^.,!asgaurlD!, rud llquo! t!o!c.frlbr/dtlr, r@(DurIUn6 tanr.
t Dfil':nlsh.d tro 0.i8. t{78ld\|ad) (lDGlL C.I g n-Cs€{t dl!r!,96-lc8.Yurn86' O
-Bct Yltr| ln VrI" 3t@O/i.''tfr
r:r&r, ttuSrrErDYArLEaIr!88 -. S lrrdadbtl.qtbGt!.oDLro|Eb\,.rF|L crll a7C-4661 c.it c,.,oa"&Eldt, r- b n dV.
rctltrl PrnrDf - octtsu. r.r. .li 39qb-E!.
lorDbr rftb Alra! rd r!o(Dul!-laa L''! hrEflBl lorEbD urSrcrt rDat Aaroth4 Olu!fitDErl b loa rcE rdahlEo/d!.gf,-lF9t. o
SPrCIqtS tEut EDRooI - I brhDdL bEr ItEtJlDtrU. 6 L{1.lrr Dllrrfil t ab/(!t*,@r.@@\ lraD asE &DodL
LY 4IIODIIJD1 - aI trlb aobUa boEa.":rutbnl4tdL'|qEtodh'ru@/Ed'trt+'
J1 t ?&f
.ldb,cudrbtltrttelHrSa ct
rd Drb 8r. Ofrl 16.!0. 6Dlslir to VaIf $ll|.:. I Ettlt- lobE Gta !16 rlo/@ltr Drl'
b.droo6, I b.th Doblla hoaa'OrEbanI, rtq.BoDr r!&at!,bA. nlrTlrllc Frt @/dD-l-t6-tt8l l0 r.tn.-o p.E" t!.D4
llo mnm|. - I b.l!'@&!Dw.dYrtl. Itrl|rlttlah.d, l6o0/Inontb,
rerlLDL .tr rrlr lA. qll 47+l&ldtc C DrD. O
"ro "to*oo" ""ot -"t -Id.rloobo, Irr arI)ai rD.l tumllb.d,
I3 nonl! li.. oDU, ft8o nDlibdl
tDohdd br. l-at??-8tt56. l-48?-
onlAr BnrDur aluDrrr - ( 19 ti!
oU ErL) lodD! to .brEt .D.l@lI\3 b. @.hr UDa AI'iA' b|l Job rdt| 'rrlaa ttntc l! Vdfry. CrIta?!frEofrErF' o
Dtl|vlB c$ItPlt - bb ,IIf, rrDl tolbrar @doAour tlt! 16l onralm&. Wulql to Dqt lP to
0tDo/moqth. L-738-4685 (b)'l-ru?(r),n
llttAtl nOOIltAIl - Or! r@ ltrUrrl<b t rrDbo|.E wrabc/dl:trr'
nr'oUo. rna |ludo olub. f6l'
aornooic Dl6a. lg?8/DoDlb PhJgrdltda. 9AF2O$1. OvffiH!@ uDa 6 bur uDr, 0r!P||6.
1660-l lt tt tbotD Clrolr. 476-464t9. O
b(bo@. flA b.tb. [ElV r@. a an
ar,lrats. ItDr ErrD. Er l{L.
t?t-?463 c 9.9-l6la O
m !l|le - E Eltcb torDDcD'falvrlL llr- attl ba @!h rd
Ori doa to rt3. nrrlttbd^ta-irotrlir ]7!O/3t@ @lb Ilbrllll-M@J.ultY16.o
qitl Bt IIASDTO - IEO roh *r}l
d$&)lElrl ls'E/tototaoDtl4
Elor d li?,c!o b oD ot tb Drs! attmollaDlrdaFlrurybdtl-uD ira tDaa lmal t rE laDnannrn o!''o FElbr. fl6. llo9
A@. rarrD&, nlcltabd.d (brr.al
ElofE otd"{rc-atl8' $.Ebrrar G
altt tru)arDol noAD t!&T - I
0.(b06 bd ;/-tlrra!. Art')tE l!lrba m@, .rir{ !o@, a bdht,r!ffoir lD trdl i'lti lsEr'ndrtb vlrr d b.E Or[.ll@r'D. crlt Lql ^!Ihr6.eae-6?rt. orlooffib r/arl{[ nrCro. !D llrtDar@. !E7 rd .I,tE|d.d Eob. fbt! tfidu|ll lD Drrc br!l@,
SOOO/Do. CrU fNrst lad.tloD,ea$6?aa tr.mmOtD.uD, f?!O/Do. !.ao!trbl..rEtrta. O
IIOIMTrIOUE - t b..bo@.lltbath. roo.lttov.. a{?o/Eoltb.l{re o
OTKEATI. N@,Y FITNTETD - IbdE Sbr! O&b8.dt@dr!!ohlfAlril|bL ffirLltuito a.U. arm/D. Dhr uirlt!5,nrrrt'dlDdrlqlEt4.d DlatE
Dra cbr't |t Erbot t G- 47o-l6tr. - o
TBR!! aIDROOI - 3h b.tb
torDD@ rll! Oqtc.D.t roo.lbum-tlll -oE, hrE tal l6al1o! Dar&nAdr! rod .AITc'rtaA OtllDofadrl to8 loDd laa lu1dlot^bao/Eoot! 9*F!3e1. o
@rdlrDrrDa4 tDdallo,Dd D.rE!&|om/ml! Dlrt tltll$l Cdl XPAry
lito BEDIR@X @rDO - la AtDfildP,rub.a/dt'tc, lrubo, @/*'aittOll n&I toba (Art) 8to-SaL c &5tU
TTMIO TIAN' UPEDT'PIE - 3b(boc. I b.r\ olrDbo. n y
anD.d. E OE. l&/Dmlb Dtusl' lr-. ota-lorg. ooffi
rdnmrab.d 8 Ht@. g b.tr. t|Il$,lf,ilo/mlb tfu! ufllcr. Yir tqt@
lEnl! alDn@ra DoPllI - 3 b.t!.
nr!Db.., irnr|D.4 lttr, rfi' S€6
D.ru ltrrltd,Vrrl O,at lltoro9!.rclElt o o tllr rt.[. q! cu (rrg)l!s-lFt, l€60 .,Dd trdtl@lb Dlurudutli, O
vat'. oott @onlc - ab.fb boD. atdloL tf|c@lD@rh. a76-Ltl,
It6/tD@rb. foD.t . *U lr-d& Us4rel$4!(D.- O
1*l E|lDnOI - I btl adr.h+*.
VIIJAO! LCIrlOf - Idt d r
bdro@. rD to @ J* L|., Drl
rshd.d. Erturdrb.a crU Ar nte4
a1&8!64 .ErDa!. tr
EnE llDn@l. - gh br! boD lD
rra. (to Ellr r* cf v.tl). f?!o ntlv
tuitrir.d. 16!0 udtrltiE ll!8-65rp4arq tgnlN t@Bdt|r - t b&.gtrFfghffiHffi@
BlrtCEIAnX ffo EDndlrf - I b.r\
uairllt|bad @do. dr E@i.b rat']{m/Ert\ rc ro.Elqt dtDoc@
EnlgfJr-lb.dt@lFluLllto Dt|I ttollh. E Dd$cE hor-616 Dhr ult'tE Ir-. Ery
ttc'!r!a !!cr{!9_, ol!19r:___9
IAOI I-YAIL - UDturDl.b.d
torDDoua.. I badtooro, E b.!h.rub/drttr, .d.m, to Solt drru
oh$Dou;. @/@rb 9lll| .rdt''b
AvrlLDL lEEdr.lt tu @. Jrr.ldJfltv drDd tEurrtd rd DIia, E
Drta 6rta & HlboD t 0o- a?+Baar. O
Wlrdlc-vrll. l6?:6/@lb cl| \t ltlal-?0&9rl9. ot"om
Ldt" I b.!ht@A tstab.! t@.'DdlrlDag ndllili. Jt* D.lDt d |!dcrDi abrnr.d. |oD/mlh. Crll
l-?r'&?,tal, iar! uar. o
I A.rD S IIDN@IAPIIIITT:fTB - IDBd @rt Eit tr}\d, tro drfl?!r'@D rott w. 631-6{Pf cl-a?$6670. Oo"tffi
- 6 uDlta to r!n! to Lrr leDIti |.a gabou@ |! b.rrd m EIrDorltcrla, For rDDolDttaant orll,$6-0&14, rrniafy- lrtdlV, $.6. Iq'.|
Houdrt @rDr!y. O
vAIl OOIJ @ItnAl Aorrt - IagtrrD" g,@/md'q 5 !n.|hrh drDdtFqlrlrtc Qu8utud Drrtld l't)V to:
.AIoFlD't,, DEirrt Rod. Ots!r16b. qt
08600. o
@ihrly. r.rrrhm}ro Gas6s ornrrG fulJJnlrd!b.4 6 b.d!ooD"ttA bd&64or}'rYlrot Dr6coblc tb a,eDf ad./or
tlff"li&ffif* Dct, arh'f Bllho8
varl RAc$nn cutB TryrEoltst - !b.dro@, f |t b.$, ll l@ Dlu! llotrb.a1&l4@. o
AVOfr. BIrCt Cnllf - hsrrabrd 3b€dro@r rlrbavdrtlr, FEO/IooDt.b,yBr llr. l-764-9aAA. O
gFAClOItS TWO BmROOII -AIEItEEll tI! Edrrl{! 8ud.H Crnr.r.
Oo$rlDltEtJy l6af.d Dar! to D6t cd06,rattrurrnt, aDd llquor oto rr.Yisblr/d4t! , roo@urlr!6 dtor!.
lDnlr10,lf6d. llo 0.r.. ]f?A/moDtb,
!qqo_ -q!po!lr cau 92o-ca€6 dArr!,
S?t!" 3068 r9torngB. - O*ffiqurltold tanrds rrlu4 lor dl-n lonttlr FD.taIB. lt|rll8b.d or uDrtrrDlrhld.tt tour t)tlDlrv it rvrllrDL, tlie@r..nCbrts |t ElshoD 0@.{?e608l,l-&624-89A o
"rr,t'r@.Atodrblr g b.d&om or I b.aboom
roob0. boE. Wrab'!/drlDr b@I-utB,plAygqrn4 olribhrl|',srtDrolrd p€l,
!qqE-0126. lsdlo Blv.r vtih{c.a6-tra.. o^mprteri6, unfurlr8brd 3 badroom. 2Yrb!r,\ 3+ orr grrt6!, ittb rb.lt rrd|altet lolrl d.d4!, rDd rlodrtan!,srfl*! dD€u'r, v|!rr d Xrr yort
n|'Dd! rDal Balrlr GlrL Tblr.Erbrlral &rE!rc epplb.E6, J|orEzt adlrlpLoln ln dc b.r\ ll8oo,,h^nr\
Cdl IJr & gts 0 &oF.. 949-ltxtl. O
YIFY trIG - l, 8 .d 6 b"dr"-ooDdor to! laa8a. foodburDt!!&!9.a, rl'-UotatEr1 d&rr.D-rr arba|r drlrla
D.abo@. arlDLr at|tt bfo
'E.LIAII:DIJSEDTAII.BINEIIIA -s nEltrD.d Darqf FH DaoDLI@rDsrL C.U 4m.6!Ol ca&@.dbno.r. o
tllltrft! - (hlbft. .n|CE
.rrrbDb tDdl!.E ll{vlElllbal t
bGEo6. 3rf, DS. a G tllral.rlE/&ru, $ ll@/@b Dhluord-. Iia ro ?/v6'erT u ndg'L
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a?a-?!03. - o
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.Dd I cr ftl{r a96O/Eo@ D@aful"gf dr'r - O
rll! caEG ralrmr8 - oD-b.rt6rDLr, rr l.D!. lDn dr.blt. Eb.dr.@, 8\| blb- I cr trrar.uDn[lirb.A tTlo/Dool! Dht ut|lltli.@
taott-YAlr, - 8 Ddro.lrlalc, tllaDlao., loladucn ibr(L t6ll/EonlD.
e|e-61t1 d eaF r$60.
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hrfr rd I b.d!o@. t bE uoltr ttdlrdDa. UFC.... F E.o& rrDc/
al$/a! DoolrrF, Dlorotwa. LuG8t7r. O
UWLlar6^hrh. tu:otrb.d Io fta. Ydr
NZ Db@. .''. dL. (116) gt6.Olt6A.* o
glli$[tAL nlISIA! - Lltvcr h@r.,r
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dr6-?979 @ (!OC) W-&nU
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C.n llll
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BSg'L'*. t;li t:'i.: "*:L'ii;ffi
ntm oB otr - st' b-rtrttrl, IFid l,*8. R tfi"iili;iittrA estdao lotrAF--b Edb-tll ry9v
iii-i-tcoroon Plu! a-rt1t-c'
D.\t 'Jl!:!A Os{r 3rl8rDalr()'Bffi@
EFE@nM -Sb!\rybvrllarlt|-f.t|l tlb/dtc. tfiFror@
rrDEIDB@I-fu\!@ohodlil6uuilomc. ttDlu!!rt-b.d! hr.ffi'gH,ryjffiWffiffiffi
' .n'f tG, ndrlr?^'ECiiD'lfr
YrElrqrlcDlttrruE -
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rr E vt rttitSdtn dtcE!drL,tl nr nd
&lErb b
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lgnEBEnmu noqtTlrEorl! - ID3HE-%"i:"i;:*ry
tltlYAIL - l?to 8la!.lTrll' 8& -!+It.. I DcdlooE Dtul SrrrlErJjrlrl/arrcr. tttab oonptllol':iP|l*'H"tffi*sF.! !r.- lqtlrt4
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IIcr T;o Ellrnmrr xoBrrt Eorl -ffi
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ErcroIE trBE EDROOTa - 8-Eh-dfr.--b Uul['trurt oo rge
nrrr lotdnnrt aDc/Gtc' 6ru'ffi19'Lg,ggqffi
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fAOII-VAIL - odt6[ic Eb.dooEo.aHli*HBfffifi"+ffi cr*e-oaz. - c
rm IEIFI - t D'iE.Dr.b..! q&
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*g'uars?$WHtGD Eod. lll(P/D.
r-Gt-gE4 l-61?-lEr6.tG[
lAOtl-YAfL - Odtqrii' qb.dooEo.NFBffifi-ffi@andt
l'lo IEISI - ('DaEatrb.al @lbii-irlvra nu lmtur F og4*r.'
-rr iaqilF rlrr-f:r 41 4S99f P
FlN ryI utpln - I brrlrttrra, nlal|bd. a!d rlr. SfLYl llr0. tr3vro.ba btlto braba 6 t ttrt rrl. c alf-(flrrygl.ltlo.-. O?!O/@rJi drt{ll|t r.
Y4p 99S! @_er|_--. b.a!.!il
!!!b- _M. drOA b re..|'@r'@;b. a?!-aa3t..& b - .Ib. .;i.
,_ ltdt loEr|: D.tbr roocato?a.
LdDli ttr.c|e,