HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN PARK UNPLATTED LEGALRiT^'fti- Od\rir,rl{n C€IELOPI|E lt Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxl. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Namer BIGHORN PARK FENCE Project Description: Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL GREGG BARRIE Project Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: C/O NNANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VATL co 81657 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL DRB Number: DR8070407 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE AROUND THE BIGHORN PARK PLAY AREA. 0B/14/2007 o8l14l2oo7 LocaUon: BIGHORN PARK Lot: Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN PARK 2101-124-0000-2 Motion 8y: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiONi STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 0812212007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009249 . DRB Fee Paid: $250,00 Minor Exterior Alterations Physical Address: P"rn1s1o.rZl0 I Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colomdo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fa\: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design raniew must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An applicaton for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Commission. Desagn rcview approval lapses unless a building pemit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Requestl ('ou.-ttn^)- fr- l1 teL f\9 ", -,.-.,,^> ?-te.naa- ?rr',t- ?L\-/ ,.\-(r{+, ,,^r4a},z,fL 9 ,^.,a. ^r,ml u,l .-,r(.2.,*, ,-.,t-T\^jd.5*\-tJ.-r,ia fr..i5. Location of the Proposal: Lot_Block:_ Subdivision: Application for Design Review o ,(,(f, o \,o .Ac \, t?ct 0ouA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:bc Name(s) of Owner(s):'E-9.=-:.f---:.-+-rs Mailing Address:1 ', t,. ku -r'vta, ? n Phone:.l1ci -2\1) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:1?-t,t'1 L,u,r.,n--..- '-i).- v4-r L ?; ,l-4) E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceotual Review tr New Construdion tr Mdltdrt Z:ff Minot Altereftion (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-famity/duplex) ! Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per squar€ foot of total sign No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or $300 For an addiuon where square footage '/crlmmercid building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ,,6250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rsrisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Ofrice Use Onlv: Fee Paid: ru*tinsout", f5'6 J DRBN..: Bighorn Park Playground Proposed fence Puroose. To separate the off-leash areas of Bighorn Park from the play area. To provide a barrier between the play area and Bighorn Pond. Flequested by neighborhood, park users, and Town Council Materialsr Native willow cuttings woven through tensioned fence wire.. Posts shall be treated 6" round posts on 8' centers, clear coated for protection Desion conceot. Use natural materials. Integrate into natural park surroundings. Continue artistic concept used in playground design and "Community Stone" art piece ' Reasonably transparent LAVOUT. The fence will surround the play area. Openings at play area entries, no gateso 4' height to discourage climbing Material sample panel located at Public Works Administration Building \ t.'. \\\\\\tt. \ 't'. tt \\\\ \\- \\ \ \ \-.- sao\. \t'. \ ---..----__---\_\_ .-.-1....--..-\ -..r'\ \,/-\ \\\,r,,\/-/\\/--' . I \-/ :--"r-r-- 1\-,^'--- t-..tI : .'^:L---..-V\ ( X >K !yFENCE NOTES: 1. FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AROUND PLAY AREA 2. PIAY AREA ENTRIES TO REMAIN OPEN, NO GATES 3. FENCE POSTS PLACED AT 8' ON CENTER 4. FENCE POSTS SHALL BE 6' ROUND PEELEO LOG. 5. WILLOW BRANCHES SHALL BE WOVEN THROUGH FIVE FENCE WIRES, AND PLACED AT APPROXIMATELY 2' ON CENTER. c ) : ) ( A.\ vl= =R :if;qili z.o Eo,z.=1!/avft1{u>z3H 1=*.= == d.o -(9 6 GB GB TO FENCE 812111O7 30-9090 1"=2O' 1 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Bighorn Park DRB Number: DRB020294 Project Description: Safety fence around Bighorn Park playground Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 08/30/2002 Phone: c/O RNANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL 0813012002 Phone: 390-9714 gO RNANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO Eric Bain 81657 License: ProjedAddress: Locationr Bighorn Park playground l.€gal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONDO Parcel Number: 210112400019 Comments: approved as submitted BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actaon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 0911112002 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 I ,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fayc 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and @nstruction commences within one year of tlre approval. Description of the Request: X tocation of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: zlDllz.l O O o tq (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 2l, <)Zoning: 4t1 40r/1 /(trcn?a+ijr..) Namd(s) of Owner(s):Tt-". oF Vd,) I Mailins Address: l3O? LJ k ha.n Dr- Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration' \ lmultFfamily/commercial) El Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No fue $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiuon where quare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, windou, additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee I I, (print name) lEflc: JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 6 -J? -0g-which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. tuAA f^- a7-. + (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of rzl02lo7l02 ) PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Buildino Materials Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other sflif ft,I ft^y 4'b*+ hro,^rn Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of L2|OZ|OTlO2 { tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Planl u Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed Fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of LZl02lO7l02 i ) dqIx)K x q mv E. U d I a't\t)t(t| /\d>K3i\ i.t\ls ; /\/t r/ DEPAFTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION o D Project Name: Bighorn Park Pavillion Project Description: Move bus stop enclosure from Slifer Square to Bighorn Park as modified Owner, Address and Phone:Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: Bighorn Park Legal Description: Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: f 0-1-97 TOWN OF VAIL Action: Approved esign Review Action Form Pierce Brittain FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9?\B tGHORN,OO I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: n/a ARTHIJR I. MEARS, P.E., Natural Hazards Consultanr INC. 222 Eaa Gothic Ave. Guuiron, Gloratlo 81 230 307 - 641.)2)6 May 22. 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz, Senior Planner Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Roadvai1, co 81657 Dear Kristan: This letter supercedes my letter of May 8, in whi,ch l concludedthat the proposed restroom in Bighorn Park wilL be within the runout limit of the KAC avalanche path, as mapped by Hydro-Trj-ad, in 1975. The restroom will, in fact, be located beyond these avalanche limits. This revised conclusion 1s based on new information supplied to me by the Town of Vail about exactly where the new restroom will be located. This information was supplied to me in your letter and information package dated Mayr'7, 1989. I have checked your conclusj-ons about the restroom location with respect to the KAC avalanche boundaries. Your work appears to have been carefully done and your conclusions are accurater in my opinion. Therefore, the new restroom building will be located beyond thelimits of avalanche runout, as mapped by Hydro-Triad in September, I975. According to Town of Vail ordinance, facilitieslocated outside of avalanche limits as determi-ned by site-specific studies, such as the Hydro-Triad study, do not requiremitigation. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additional consultation. Best regards, | |ll /llt/\ ^ud ltt((Lttt Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Aval anche-control enqineer Maa Wutiag t Aulanchcs t Aulanchc Contml Engineedng ARTHURI. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards CqBultanu 222 F:an Godric Ave. Gunnimn, Colorado 8l 230 103 - 641.J236 May B, 1989 Mr. Mike Mollica Community Development Town of Vail Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mi-ke: The proposed restroom facilities in the new Bighorn Park prolect are located within the outer frlnge of the KAC ("King Arthur's Court") avalanche path (the "Blue Zone"), as mapped by Mr. Ron HaIley of Hydro-Tri-ad, in approximately 1975. His mapping was conducted in accordance with normal professional standards and utilized techniques and procedures which were commonly used at that time. These procedures have been superceded by updated methods in the last few years. An updated analysis of the KAC avalanche has not been done, but could increase or decrease the runout distance. The Town of Vait usually reguires structural avalanche mitigation(barriers, reinforcement, etc. ) to protect Blue-Zone structures intended for occupancy during the avalanche season (mid-November through mid-April at this location). If winter occupancy is not the intended purpose of the structure' avalanche mitigation is not reguired. Through my discussions with yourself and Kristen' I understand that the restroorn facilities will not be occupied in the winter, therefore they should not require special mitigation- If the proposed structures witl be used during the avafanche season now or at any time in the f rrture, the normal Town of Vail standards for construction in Blue zones should apply- Therefore you should carefully review the future use of this site to ensure that the present non-winter status will not be changed. Thank you for this opportunity to work with the Town of Vail again. PIease contact me with any further questions. BFqt -regards,I U) A/t^ w",'!.viW,,, 6n.Yi r\66rAval anche-contro I lvlott WulinS o Amhnchet o Amhnche Coatnl ErSl*"rt"s 75 roulh lrontage road Y8ll, colorsdo 81657 (3Gr) 47S2138 (303) 479.2139 May 17, 1989 ofllce ol communlty dwelopment Mr. Art Mears, P.E. Avalanche Control Engineer 222 East Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Re: Bighorn Park proJect: Construction of restroom Dear Art: Attached to this letter are several drawings which lndicate thegeneral location for the proposed restroom at Blghorn Park. Fron mygeneral- calculatJ.ons, it is evident that the restroorn building is notln the King Arthur's Court Avalanche path, blue zone, as mapped byl,[r. Ron Halley of Hydro-Triad. I have determined the location forthe restroom by naking the following calculations: 1. I took the Bighorn Subdivision rifth Addition plat and detenulned that the hypotenuse of Lot I is 335 feet. Thisis clearly lndicated on the plat. 2. I cornpared the Town of Vail avalanche map to the plat to nake sure that the avalanche nap coruectly showed tbedinensions of Lot 8. 3. I took the Hydro-Triad nap and measured 335 feet from thevery southeastern corner of the Bighorn Park property Iine continuj.ng south$rest 335 feet. This provides the cornerfor Lot 8 which is indicated on the Bighorn Park survey. 4. I took a general area of 10O feet by 100 feet to show thearea for the restroom. This was platted on ttre Hydro-Triad map as well as the Town of VaiI avalanche map. If you agree with ny rough calculations, I would appreciate it if you would rewrite your letter concerning avalanche nitigation for the o 1.. ,y o restrooms. I would request that you state that the restroom buildingis out of the avalanche area and does not reguire any nitlgatLon. Ifyou have any guestl.ons about the letter or my calculatLons, pleasefeel free to give ne a ring at 429-2138. Thanks for all your help onthis Art. Slncerely,/.1 0t llnrhn{rrTt-Kristan Prit-z Senlor Planner KP: lr Enclosures: Town of Vail Avalanche mapHydro-Triad Avalanche mapBighorn Park site plan Bighorn Park sunrey Bighorn Fifth plat R \ s N\ Is ;S r\. \ ;<s$ $ se.HS h::st' s: ssR;*ni' tl VAIL ?t 0l I I I \ . 1- -/e{$F it-|L HSi\ s s D \i S .r-n a-=,:--\ sq ={= r d *[-*3S SSq""-\q-.--JNJVS'S \ =s L-Ia -.l :>-E.: = >r- c-- :i L- LJ_VIJ'q.')f iq) aT=)- rJ- =Hfl- <<' -'rY'ruli LrJ - ^-fRe* oF l-.(Jx() R xoo od oo @ 63oo a = E o U' $(, = 5c o 3oEoo = -o o o -9.o O j g oO -gct)otu .9G o),6 o o Eoo os o coco CL oO o o ocoo c c) Lfo o?--ocs(g =|r a 0) = TJ Eo o E - oL s€3 )c <o IIso-o E]r Pi I l ot. lo oo. oU !Ef =Eo :f- ;\- k+-J (--.={ \l @ EI c lh Eo Ec .9 oz o .uE o) = = N{ I I I l I I I t I I I l l t t I Si I ver Prepared for State Savings and Loan Association AVALANCIIE IMPACT PARAI"IETERS SILVER STA.TE UNIT K A C DEVELOPMENT VAIL, COLOPADO By Ronald L. Ha11eY Avalanche Consultant Apri1, 1976 t I I -I t I I ll t EI E H fl il fl u il E il I I I Dear Mr. Zal I : Enclosed is upon the Silver Colorado. This provided by your HYDBO.TRIAD,LTD. April 21, 1976 Mr. Jon Zall At] er, Zal I , and Hal i gnan 718 Seventeenth Street, Suite 800 Denver, C0 80202 a copy of the report on the Avalanche Impact State unit in the KAC Development in Vail, study was performed under the authorization letter of March 10, 1976. The results of the study have been discussed with Forrest Mi ckey. If there are any questions, please contact my office. Si ncerel y ' RLH/j h Encl: Report cc: Mr. R. ll. Hubbardcc: Mr. Forrest Mickey ,,| 7500 r , ifiqcrssrPPt A\/F - st ilTF 10 L AKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 PHONE 303-934-2477 AVALANCHE IMPACT PARAMETERS SILVER STATE UNIT K A C DEVELOPMENT VAIL, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL 1 DEFENSE STRUCTURES IMPACT PRESSURES AND FLOI'I DEPTH . 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE I - Location and Zoning MaP FIGURE II - Conceptual Layout - Avalanche Defense Structure FIGURE III - Splitting }ledge Layout -_ AVALANCHE IMPACT PARAMETERS SILVER STATE UNIT K A C DEVELOPI"IENT VAIL, COLORADO GENERAL subsequent to the preparation of the K A C Avalanche study prepared by R. L. Ha1ley during the spring and summer of l'975' and the later review of the town of Vail, a spec'ific request was received for the probable impact pressures and flow hdights that can be expected for the easternmost unjt in the center fourplex of the proposed K A c development' Thescopeofworkfortheoriginalstudy.includeddefinitionofthe avalanche parameters, the runout zone delineation' and definition of the overall effect on the total proposed deveiopment' These items vlere presented in detail within the original report' Thediscuss.ionofthecharacteroftheavalanchepathandtypeof avalanches that can be expected on thjs slide path was also presented in the original report and will not be repeated herein' Examjnatjonoftheprobableimpactpressuresforthesingleunitof the fourp'lex cannot be completely divorced from the effects of the adiacent units and consideration of defense structures' The long dimension of the fourplex is nearly perpendicular to the flow line of the avalanche' and therefore, if a1 1 four unjts were constructed, wou'ld present a perpendicular impediment of approximately 100 feet in width' -- o The scope of the study has been linrited to the impact pressures and depths of the f'lowing snow assuming the silver state unit is the only unit within the runout zone that rvill be completed. If the additional units are to be bui'l t, an assessment of the increased depth of snow bu.ildup or danning should be made. o DEFENSE STRUCTURES Since the south facing wall of the Silver State unit is nearly perpendicular to the flow of snow, the option of providing some type of defense structure for the building was evaluated. The structure is located relatively close to the road (Meadow Drive), and little room is available for a narrow angle spljtting wedge structure between the building and the road R.0.1,1. Based upon the drawings available' it appears approximately twenty five feet (25') is the setback from the road R.0.ll. This would dictate a sptitting wedge with a fa'irly wide ang'le' The configuration of a potential splitting wedge is djscussed in the section on Impact Pressure. Pl acing defense structures on the south side of Meadow Drive would be on the Bighorn Subdivision property, and the otlners would have to agree to such an arrangement. Due to the ownership situation and potential negative impact of such a structure on other buildings, this option has not been examined further in this study. I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I IMPACT PRESSURES AND FLOl^l DEPTH Computation of the probable impact pressures, flow depth, and damming heights requires defining the velocity of a dry flowing avalanche at the building. This has been accomplished based upon a major climax avalanche that would run to the limits of the moderate or infrequent runout zone. The recurrence interva] of this type of event is on the order of 100 years +. Avalanche Flow Characteristicsat Silver State Unit, K A C(Uptritl or South Side) Vel oci tv(m/s) (irph) Flow Depth (m)( ft)Darnmi ng Hei ght(m) (ft) 9.2 2L 2.0 6. s The impact pressure on the unprotected uphili face of the Silver State unit would be 450 lbs/rt2. By virtue of being a'tmost perpendicular to the flow vector of the ava'l anche, the snow vrould build up to nearly the fuli damming height. As mentioned previously, there is minimal space between the road R.0.1,1. and the south or uphill side of the building. A possible splitting wedge configuration is shown on Figure II. This wedge has a central angle of 70 degrees and a leg width of 14 feet. The normal pressure against the outer face of the wedge from the flowing snow would be 145 lbs/tt2. The maximum depth of the snow along the sides of the wedge (located approximately 2/3 distance along the side from the apex of the rvedge) would be 1.2 feet. The 'load'ing pressures and general configuration for the spl'itting wedge is shown at a larger scale on Figure III. 26 -- I I I I I I CONCLUSIONS AND RECO|qMENDATIONS The silver state unit of the K A c Development lies within the moderate or intermediate hazard zone of the avalanche runout area. The impact pressures that would result from the running of a major climax avalanche (dry flowing type) on the south or uphill wall of the unit (rvithout a special defense structure) wou'ld be 450 1bs/tt2. The snow would pile up against the wall (assum'ing the wall wjthstood the pressure) to a depth of approximately 26 feet- The recurrence interval of this type of event is on the order of 100 years. A defense structure located on the south side of Meadow Drive does not appear feasible due to ownership and the potential for adverse effect upon other buildings. The possibil'ity of a splitting uredge defense structure located immediate'ly south of the Silver state unit between the building and the road R.O.W. has been examined. The location and configuration of the splitting wedge is shown on Figures II and III. The critical factors in the configuration are the apex angle (70 degrees) and the height of the splitting wedge wal'l (12 feet). If modifications from these dimensions are considered, the loadings configuration will have to be recalculated. I I I I I I I I ir'/ t and I!I - t I - J- H UJ E,fIL .J LJJ .\ ,J.-' !- i._ ,1; 5l- I Hr a't- _- t-..1*i:fE:.\lg .,t -:,' '--) " q L] t'-l : <^jt\ Lu 5J (r..1 .,: * irl ^i.. t,ilot- [: i'r i-- f_ i,r \,( i{ i_?.t -i,'t.iffdsl, ' u' Y X.ti,1 *o.j;ld -l.a'.Y.-.s6*:'i.-., ,><t{i{+;i{-.i,;isQS;,: tj - --_l t^ --.j q orllF<I d \ \ \ .) I : \} -r '-l E- F ta *- I i I I I I I I I i I I I I I F s F I 111 U<O' / t\.t4o, L- I Lr, Ft oeE Trr Eue,vearoxt 5ir-ved--_ S1*1e,- -- Uur1"1-, Ist IV*r- r ._-/ E _+ WT Dry flowing avalanche deflected by a spl.itting wedge. Design quantities shown are: ho/z = Half snowpack depth h' = Dry flowing avalanche depth h = Cl imbing height ho/z+h,+h-12feet Fn = L45 -lb/tt?, F, = 55 1b/ft2, Fu = 44 lbtfJ 6-J Y- lTi- t^rc4 \^,/EDq E,t . Av*u.+,vg66 o Sc,aca /' t rr- f, ^o 1,. - l*u *+ f:ut 75 south |ronlage road vall, cotorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (30:t) 479,2139 May 17, 1989 otlice of community developmenl Mr. Art Mears, p.E. Avalanche Control Eng5_neer 222 East Gothic AvenueGunnison, Colorado 81230 Re: Bighorn Park project: Construction of restroorn Dear Art: Attached to this letter are several drawings which indicate thegeneral location for the proposed restroom at Bighorn park. From mygeneral calculations, it is evident that the restroorn building is notin the King Arthur's Court Avalanche path, blue zone, as mapped byMr. Ron HaIIey of Hydro-Triad. I have deterrnined the location forthe restroorn by making the following calculations: 1. I took the Bighorn Subdivision I'ifth Addition plat anddeternined that the hypotenuse of Lot 8 is 335 feet. Thisis clearly indicated on the plat. 2. I compared the Town of VaiI aval.anche map to the plat tonake sure that the avalanche nap correctly showed thedinensions of Lot 8. 3. I took the Hydro-Triad nap and neasured 335 feet from thevery southeastern corner of the Bighorn Park property linecontinuing southwest 335 feet. This provides the cornerfor Lot I which is indicated on the Bighorn Park survey. 4. f took a general area of 100 feet by L00 feet to show thearea for the restroom. This was platted on the Hydro-Triad nap as well as the Town of VaiI avalanche rnap. If you agree with my rough calculations, I would appreciate it if you woul-d rewrite your letter concerning avalanche rnitigation for the t restrooms. I would requestis out of the avalanche areayou have any questions aboutfeel free to give ne a ringthis Art. Sincerely, rln.v ,l \).\ llnrhn'YrrTf.Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Ir Enclosures: Town of Vail Avalanche mapHydro-Triad Avalanche mapBighorn Park site plan Bighorn Park survey Bighorn Fifth plat that you state that the restroom building and does not require any rnitigation. Ifthe letter or my calculations, pleaseat 479-2L38. Thanks for all your help on .t TO: Stan Berrlrylan FROM: Kristan eritzfl DATE: April 13, 1989 SUBJECT: Bighorn Park Restroorns/Avalanche Please hold off on building the restroons untll f can get an avalanche letter fron Art Mears. For some reason, this concern came to mind and I think we should cover our bases. It is apublic structure and even ttrough it will not be used during thewinter time, I think we ought to have a letter from Mears.sorry for the delay. Aq?DIIN\JT , EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT f*l,c ft;1,'*. h$rd d*si.{Art,tKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Town of Vailr a nunicipal corporationr (hereinafter referred to as nGrantor") I for Ten Dollars and other good andvaluable consideration 1 the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged r by these presents does GR.ANT and QUITCLAIM untoPublic Service Corporation of Coloradol whose legal address is (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantee") 1 the following realproperty situate in the County of EagIer State of Coloradorto-wit: A pernanent non-exclusive easementl togetber with the rightof ingress and egress, to construct, reconstruct, operate,repair and ,maintain a gas line , br idge 7 and relatedstructure or appurtenance in, on over, under and through: As set forth on Exhibit I'A" attached hereto and incorporatedherein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Appurtenant to the real property set forth on ExhibitnBn r attached hereto and incorporated herein by thisreference as if set out in full herein. Together with all and singular hereditanents and appurtenancesthereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversionand reversions, remainder and remainders I rents r issues andprofits thereof; and all the estate2 rightl titl_er interesteclaim and demand whatsoever2 of the Grantor, either in law or inequity ofl in and to the above-bargained real property interestlwith the hereditanents and appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sane, together with all and singularthe .appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or inanywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, rightr titlerinterest and clain.whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law orequity to the only proper user benefit and behoof of the Granteelits successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and/or assigns, shall noterect nor place any permanent buildingT structure, improvement,fence or tree on the above-described easement, and Grantee shallnot be liable for their removal if they are so placed, Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shall constitute itsagreement and consent as follows: 1. At such tine and in tfre event that the easementdescribed herein shall be abandoned, Granteers real propertyinterest in the easement shall imnediately revert to and bethereafter rnerged with the servient estate. 2. The gas linel constructed on the above-describedeasement and the area of the access easernent shall beconstructed 2 naintained, and repaired in a reasonablemanner I cond ition and appearance. In the event it isneces_sary to constructr reconstruct2 repair or replace the9as line Grantee shatl restore the area as nearly i" nay bepracticable to the sane condition, incl-uding ful1revegetation, as it was pr ior to construction, repair orreplacernent, provided no pernanent building, structure,I'mProvenent, fence or tree shall be placed thereon byGrantor which interferes with Granteers righti herein _3. The Grantee agrees to fully indemnifyT save and keepthe Grantor harnless fr6rn any and all clairns for damage to reai and personal property and injuries on said property during the term of ACCEPTED: Public Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date or deaths suffered this easenent. by persons SIGNED AND DELIVERED this &aV ", \Oa-..^/t-rr-r985. By: Town Clerk 'ExHrBrr A' BIGHORN PARK UTILITY EASEMENT 'i"iiACT#icoRt"' t.*"\ 4""""{l t+S.g scaLE: |"= 30'ilitili$'ii'l i:.U.iiit 1"*;e$i s:ry Ydlas4 9e.zeA6=h lT,lje't he Junlper Lane Rlght- tof Gore Creek. The I tt To,rnhones - Townhous e CoIorado. Southeas t nshlp 5 South, Range 80 17"W, 174.64 feet along LAND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT UNIPER LANE A parcel of land located ln the sE l/4 of sectlon 12, Townshlp 5 South, Range. 80 gesC of the Stxth Prlnclpal Merldlan, Town of Val1, Eagle County, Coloradb, nore parClcularly descrlbed as l0 feet each slde of the follow1ng des crlbed cencerllne: Beglnnlng at a. polnt on the approxLnate cenCerllne of Gore Creek fron whlch an alunlnul! caP belng the SouttieaBt Corner of Sectlon l2 bears s78'58t25"8, 671.04t, thence s65'04'43"If, 73.00'; thence s66'19'lO'I{, l97.O6t Eo the potnt of termlnus on the Northerly Rlght-of -ttay of Junlger Lane from which the Southeast corner of Sectlon 12 bears S88'50'00"E, 905.51'. lengthened or shortened co Eermlnate at t of -tf ay and the approxlnace centerllne descrlbed parcel contaLns 0.124 acrea. Bearlngs are based on the ValI Eas Plst No. l, Town of Vall, Eagle County, corner of Sectlon l2 (alurninuru cap), Towgest to a rebar and cap (LS 2f49); N00"08 | Ehe rance llne. The slde 11nes Eo be p KKBNA INC. col;ltTlilG El|Gllr€ERS At|O LA|O Cfi/ErU5 p.o. mx 97. EttaRul,car-of,Am 8lcl2 ,(!€9e6-3atn! tlollct: Acco?.tlng !o Cblorrdo l.U you rutt cfixnca rnylrgl tctlctt b.rad rpon rDr d.t.ct ln thlr rurvry vllhla llry..6 rtt.? F{r tlrrt dlrccyr? t|.|Ch drt.ct. ln no rv.ot. r.y .rV|Ctlca barad upon an)r dlt.at In thlr rurvay ba corancad rorallut t.n F.tr tror tha drta of !h. crrtltlc.llon rhdn h.r.cn. Ro9$o.t No. ffo.",.i.'" 'o ,*.l:Ta|'t tlttattt?tY '.'' .. - ,. { naco.dd .! oltar DgoinE|t rtg, n.r t{o. Gnd tlo. PUBLIC SEAVICE COMPANY OF COLORAOO UTILITY EASEMENT tht vnd.Blgn.d Granror rFAby ..t..fl'.(h.i r.,c.,pt ol t lrom PUBIIC SERvrCt dQirPAr*y Or COLOHADO, SSO t5O Sti.fl, Dcivrr. Cotorroo, &fr|.a2os. ,n co.rr,darrtdn ol rh.ai h. h..!by g,mtr ufllo lard Co.rrp..ty. rtt garanott a.d !$tn!. to rrt drrnr to (Ditt.ucl, otrrJti, marntarf|, r.trtir aid raoltoa utality li4!| and all httlrrr xd (r€!rc"i. rrr.d ot ir!,?tul ,^ lh! olrrrlron ol |.id linn. throqo, Orai, Lrnda., FrCa |nd do^g . (:.rurE i r.{l rlner fiav tE hflr.lt{. conrtructad atrd r.d.cad irl Lot 33323.,$-h: f- t'a rn r,rr S[ '. __ _ot gct'on _L3_, .,', irtl, "l :lf '-i i'I r fnl{ r!- :t to*|}|n,g -t: . 8r.,o. 8M . ot th. tth lrincrptl ricrrdr.'r In ln. C,rv ot v.i i I ,rcounty ot _EIIg__-._ slrtt ol Colo..do lb. c.nt.r lnc al th. {aaftanr r! d-.r6ad ! la{lol|: . ,:,1I ;rrrcr) ,rf !.rrvi I r-.atrrl :n th(! SE 1/1 of sectio 12, Tc.r"|'lsttlp 5 Sd:th, natl'a.3o.'f th.. Srx+-h Dr r r,.irrrl !,ler.l(lian, lbi/n of Vail, Eiqle C(rlnty, Cblor.&, mrc prrll d{jrx:r r}'r !d ;rs lb lr-tjt t.rr'}r srcle ,,t t}te follc'Iry de&tilr<l ccnterl iru:i, :,?rl ts(rtlrnLrfi rt (r l. rrr (,r, th.-' .rl4.rrrirLrte (-ntcrlfuE of crrr.e Crel( frqn {rldr m altE caFr l-c rrrj U{- S.rrrhr'.lr'l fr nxrr of Sert ion l, b6ar6 578"58'?5'8. 677.01r. tjtarE - 565"01'l.l"vl, :r.i/d'; rln.lrr S('{,"19'l0'al, l9?.06' to t}y. Folnt of tetrn!f,rr C)n tha. ..Tq fkJrth()rly l?rtrlit.< it +;.rv ..,1 )rrnilr:r t^rnc fnm fiidr uE :rr.rtlract or:r of 8Gt14l U' l^"i!rs :;trt".)r''00"1 , qf,.,.','l ,. ,Ilrq sj.clc liJEs t) tx' lersthcrrd or CprtAned tO lrt t-hlr .:Lir iilrr i,i'r, ;/.,t:,r-<)l-4i.rv .rd thr-- a;1,rr-xi:n!lc c'ctrt€rl irE of Corc Crac*. tta ' (kFcrtlr\r i.r!(r.l ..'rl.r:i.,s; 0,124 ,).jreB. .a.t-:l l . In consi,re,rti.,, Jr the ease.fient herein qranted, Srantee aqre?3 to bi rcaPJn3lbla dairaqe t \ !,fo;).''i/ jnd in.tury or ded!h to nny pe.son or perscn3 refultlng frq* tlyneil i..r,r'-.' ,il i,,r,trjp'9 oi:rployees, tgents and contractors, ln th! grcrclsr of tlta,l ri,rtrt5 q,tr:+.Fd i'r the lor{:'}oinq eAsemgnt. :.n' lrrr r.trrr,,t 'r . -^Ii_.__ t..l r^ *dth, lh. rita bouod..y l,n.r ol tht..rfi.ltl tidlb.la|tf a.d rddEt .r.trj.r..rr !o !,r;od,p6r . (onrrnsour trf rp ol r|ol ldt th.n th. iEvt w'rtih .r .n po",tt on Gturtit'l ,aofrty c,Cfd bV tt||l d.i{rft.d c.nr.r:.n. r.r, (rtr'}d'd9 ro ihr tro{rl!d..'r. ol dt. adi|ctnl p.otr.tr.a Io{.th.' wrlh lh rgnl to .nt.' .tc,t t '.1 lv.hrra, lo arrY.t, ooort,ucl, .l.r'rl.in, oFatt, tlgart, rolaa, codtd lt r.d ur t,ry I'n6 .^rr ,".ir, l,rtur.i dnd rl.y|c l, a.d :o ra.nor. oti-rr |nl.r\tr.|l lhatr*rth. hfliaing dra ttl|nltl|l| cf .,ir trsrh.r .,'d ,utrn. y th th. | 'trr to ur. t t orl]dr ol rl|. adrornrig Jrrm,||a ol Granto. d|'itt autraYinq, aonilirrtlo.\ ,. {'..i. II'1r-r\rs :r, ,.r*rr ,,ti 1]r', V,rll East Td^,nhqlfs - Tnrnh(usc Pbt ]ft. l, Uli&l F,}cl,-' Ll)ur,r'.. t r.\i... Si )uth(tst !.rrrrxrr of :;cct rcn 12 (a lunirnrn d[>1 , tlt,ni|le t tq IiTrrL. 8i ,!i ,.r r.. r, r,,r .,!r.l .r!l' lll; 31491 ; 5{t0o0tt'17\,1, l7{.6{ faat ddE tna rt|gllift. rj tonarraa. 'rJbrr, rrnrrr.r. or r.d-.,rh',t ol t.rd utiktv toaa ttd r.latad lirturn aitt darl(t I rtr|V b nqulrad lO o9ittro|t ol rt .0.'o utilrtv co.ratrt cttor .r. rrp.l. .'xdti'l.iv, 4.6 ih. r€hl to p.attlit ira l||l|llarbo ol dra tEllt qrr.r (aflts^y. Iha 6.Fto. ?aLrrrr t,|a .{ttl lO t- Xd ocqrgy tt ..a.,ndtt lot anv 9(|.!9il grddrnt widi lha f.irit.d *orr f'td .nd 'rtidl t tll r'rot irlrrtrrt rlttr or tltf.. ,rr t l thr rtd Cottpr.lt'r hcllitlG thLit o. ua 9rcn 'rrtrrroa tf rhc 6.ahtrr rhalt In m arait indlda tha .tot lo a..cl oa Gau.. fq ba !.tclad |nV bgildiltaa or at'll{tl i tht raxlrrit t.nrd of tc loarta lrv rDobrh hom lra.h{ unnt th.ra.i, h cra ol $a radnar|.nt abl,tdonttrnl ol tL .ll ,h.rt, g.lvilqa lrd rhr.t.'t tmtad .h.ll l.tmina(, lhr wo.t ot ,6grtro9 md |lr.r.|t|t^rig |.'d lr.- r{ ralai.d f,rtt,'' ..d d.Yrc.. ,|all ba do'| wtth caaa; dta xrtl| a dra a|..mmt thrll t inlgf.d Nbrta lr.llY lo ru orrCrnal l|lal and io^drl'oi.tcfu.ttl" rtutr .ncls(ta ttre '|rryular plur}, lalntnrna. maEsrrna dJ ncUla,, Si9o.d rh'r -__5::r_ _ __ ory ol OF VAI . t9 yYrTttssts .,RANrO/ ft rrnda I I V.Phillips, R.cq.d.t III:o srA.t or cot rJBAt)(). I Cruitr 0l I ,!., , r, .. lr t ';2;;---ou", "LLi ''. ior.g.rrne Inrtrury|.nt tval -lnost.<ted uat-a r t r i,i',.: tiatt Ut--..aa1i.- 4.. t*rlrt'*;I,$WEIEY21Nt xUfl |Dy ltrt rrd otltdal tal. ' tf -na t rlltS ! it-.|d- {-rrt. L-l i f .d ..t ciL-.adt artt rarai -ili, OYaa aq Ntn*r tafanetl i{ibTr BIGHoRN PARK UTTLITY EASEMENT., ';,' A \ 'A'fl ot-Yrt rnd th" .pprorlo.t. c.ntG! Iln. '.o t Cor. Craat. lla drrcril,rd perccl contrlnt O.124 .cr"!. i !r.rrtnf,r ,r! br..d on rhc v.t I Eertl loenhoDGt - loenhauta , Tovn o( Vell, Eaglc CoInty, Colorrdo. 6ouahrllt Jcc!tor l! (rlun!nun crj.), lonnlhlp 5 Sosth, lrn3r l0 rcbrr end c.p (1,5 2t{9); rioo'06'tl-v, 1t1.6( tret elcoi I l.a. R LANE LAHD DESCRIPTION UTILITT EA S EH ENT PLar lro. I c ornG t ol l.l.tt to I 4i th! ranlc 1 \ \ :") \ \l ,*'\ t i 20 j\ I'OJI R'T 'A" lltlEr At rt' polnt $.l1 tJrcEnta!'toaa&l{retrdhtror r- td vltjrln I lorr 1' v. 1. At such tine and ln tbe event that the easement described herein shall be abandonedl Granteers real property interest in the easenent shal-l immediately revert to and be thereafter nerged with the servient estate. STGNED AND DELTVERE:D this /8 a"v of .DEC-E/y.Ar.:L, 1985. GORE CRIEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATTON, trNC., a Colorado Non-Profit Corporationfornerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominlums Assoclationl fnc. STATE OF COLOR.ADO COUNTY OF EAGLE By: )) ss. ) Townhornes and Condoniniun Associationl Inc. Vlitness my hand and officlal seal . My commisslon expires ons 0-1-91 . Notary Public q- 'l.r " , a.Vrr.l1 ,l;itddr,.-.0(l- EASEMENT DEED 33tl 23tr E 433_ :,ro Q74Ii:"r{;!f I PHILIIFS.''ilt dr i. REccRDEff, v ^.x\ )^, KNOW AI,L MEN BY THDSE PRESENTS:Jax I ll rg [t't'0[ TIIAT GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASS@IATION, INC.I a Colorado Non- Profit Corporationr formerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominiurns Association r Inc. (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantor") 7 for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledgedr has granted, bargained r sold and conveyed I and by these presents does grant, bargainr sell and convey and confirn unto TOWN OF VAIL, whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd.7 Westr Vaile Colorado 8165? (hereinafter referred to as "Grant€€n)r the following real property situate in the County of Eagler State of CoJ-oradol to-wit ! A perpetual non-exclusive easement for pedestrian access; ingress and egress t ovet and across that portion of Grantor rs ProPerty which is designated "Vail East Tov"nhomes Common Area' in Exhibit Ap attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full. And all its right title and interest in and to that easement recorded,January 2t I98f in Book 315 at Page 8I3r relating to the non-exclusive access easement described thereinr without liability or recourse to Grantee for duties and obligations contained in said deed, which easenent is more fully described on Exhibit A-1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fuII. Together with all and singular hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belongingr or in anywise appertainingr and the reversion and reversions, rernainder and remainders r rents r issues andprofits thereof; and all the estatel rightr titlee interestr clain and denand whatsoever, of the Grantore either in 1aw or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interestr with the hereditanents and aPpurtenances. TO ITAVE AND TO nOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with aPpurtenaDC€s1 unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantore for its- self r its heirs, successors and assigns , covenants, grants tbargains and agrees to and witb the Granteer its successors and assignsr does hereby grantr bargainr sell and convey the sane in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those liensr taxesr assessments and encumbrances of record, if anyi said above- bargained and described real property interest to rernain in thequiet and peaceable possession of Granteer its successors and assignsr against-all and every person or personsr lawfully claining or to claim the whole or any part thereofz by or through the Grantor, which Grantor shall and wiII WARRANTY AND FOREVER DEMAND. Grantor, its heirsl succeSSorsl and,/or assignsr shall noterect nor place any permanent building, structure, improvementr fence or tree on the above-described easementr dnd Grantees shallnot be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Grantee shall have no duty to naintain the easernent, and shall be narned as a co-insured on all property liability insurance. Grantor agrees to provide proof of insurance upon reasonable request of Grantee. Acceptance of this easement by Granteeits agreement and consent as follows:shall constitute oo *r''EXH IB IT A': / ACCESS EASEMENT SUNDIAL, PHASE 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Isl2 s7 st3 T5S R80W t8 T5S R79W N!tN5 ilil n olo20 5060FE-EI SCALE t l"B 60'LIMITED ACCESS COMMON PANCEL 6 AND AND UTILITY EASEMENT il4.33 //d Y-t*aWt ?eceAe--li_ft. pg, .-^-.{ll9l:.-AecordlrE to. Cirlorerb tty you rurt co.r.nc..rUarga! acttc. Drtad rpoa aDy aLtrct In tllr 3urray rlthln rll)ra.tt atSar to.t ttrrl all3covar ruch |l.t.ct. la no -vrnt. rry rnyacUcr burd upon my .ht.Gt lD thlt rnrrty br corriclo trrtD.|| l.a )i..ra tro. tha d.ta ot tha cartlficatlon 3io t b.rroa. oJ LAND DESCRIPTON ACCESS EASEMENT An accees easenent sltuated 1n a portlon of the lluted colloonparcel and utlllty eesement of the flnal plat of the townhoueenap of Sundlal Phaee 2, recorded aa an eaaeuent deed ln Book 215at Page 813 1n the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderre 0fflce.Sald easeoent 1s sltuated Ln the NorCheast Quarter of Sectlou 13, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 l{est, and the Northr,res t Quarter ofSection 18, Townshtp 5 SouthrRange 79 West of rhe Slxth PrlnclpalMerldlan, nore partlcularly descrlbed as follows: Eeglnnlng at a point whlch 11es on the North 1lne of Sectlon l3ln said Tovnshl.p and Range fron whlch the Northeast Corner ofSectlon l3 beare S89o53r24"8, 2I2,36 feer; rhence S00'06t36"W, 115.87 feet, rhence S4lc00r00'E, 156.94 feet; thence S86oO0rOO'8, 110.00 feet; thence s58'55f00'8, 122.99 feet ro a polnt on theEascern Boundary 1lne of Sundlal Phase 2, fLnal plat of thetownhouse uap; thence along aald Eaatern Boundary Llne S25o0l t59-lI , 25.L4 feet; thence deparrlng frou saLd-EagrernBoundary Llne lI58'55r00"If, 119.63 feeE; rhence N86.OOr0O"W,f14.33 feet; thence N4 l'00rOO"l,l , 176.67 feet; thence NOO.06r36"E,125-24 feet to a polnc on rhe North llne of secrlon l3 ln aaldTownshlp and Range; thence along the North llne of sectlon l3SE9'53 j24"8, 25.00 f ee! to rhe potnr of beglnnln!'l '- Bearings are based on the vall East. Tonnhores - TornhoueePlat No. l, Town of val1, Eagre county, colorado. southeagtcoS.Fer of sectlon l2 (aluninuu cap), Townshlp 5 southr. Rangc g0 :;:..::r: ii::: and cap (Ls 214e); Noo'oB'lr7'r{, 174.64 imVt*e* f-.8 s KKBNA INC. coa{slfTtr|o DF|TEERS r,|DLirro gn\€rG3 P.O. OOX 97, emfiFrCOLCAE Ctdn.FOq9a6-3913 , I ;l,'iltii: Ntt ?l \l os pUtr-Lti',:: tiEcot"lt " :?49018 [,t{'$t,, ,1,,' oru*.#-5 KIJOI: ALL I'IEN BY THESE PF.ESENTS: PAG I\'!T AGREE THAT the Toivn of Vail, a nunicipal corpor.t#'l{'drn**, referrecl to as 'rGrantor") I for Ten DoLlars and other good and valuable considerationr the receipt of vrhich is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does GRANT and 9UITCLAIII unto Public Seivice -orporation of Colorado, ancl F.red T. Hiller' III' whose legal address is 5020 l':ain Gore Circle ' VaiI I Colorado 81657, (6,ereinaf ter ref errecl to as "Grant€€" ) r the follot'ring real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorador to-wit: A pernanent non-exclusive easement, together with the right of ingress and egress, to construct, reconstruct, operatet repair and naintain a gas 1ine, pedestrian bridge, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and related structure or appurtenance in, on over, under an<l thrcugh: As set forth on Exhibit "Au attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Appurtenant to t.he real property set forth on Exhibit uBu, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference asif set out in full herein. Together with afl. and singular hereditarnents anC appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining' and the reversion and reversions, remainder ancl renainCers, rentsr issues andprofits thereof; and all the estater right' title' interest' clairn anC demand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in lav,' or inequity of, in and to the above-bargainec real Froperty interestt vrith the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO fiAVE AllD TO HOLD the "u*", together vrith all and singularthe appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any- wise thereunto appertaining, and aIl the estater right, title,interest and clairn whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in lavr oreguity to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Grantee'its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and,/or assigns, shall noterect nor place any pernianent buj.lding, structure, inprovement, fence or tree on the above-described easercent, and Grantee shallnot be liab1e for their removal if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easenent by Grantee shafl constitute its agreement and consent as fol.lor.+s: 1. At such tirne and in the event that the easenent described herein shall be abandonedT or in the event that Grantee breaches any covenant of this Easement, Granteers real prcperty interest in the easernent shall imnediately revert to and be thereafter nerged with the servient estate. 2. The gas line, pedestrian bridger dDcl pedestrial and bicycle path constructei on the above-cescribed easement and the area of the access easement shall be constructed, rilaintainedT and repaired in a reasonable nanner, condition and appearance. In the event it. is necessary to constructr reconstructr repair or repJ.ace the gas line and pedestrian bridge, Grantee shalf restore the area as nearly as may be practicabl6 to the same condition, inclucring fuIl r-evegetalicn, is it was prior to construction,repair oi replacernenf, provided no permaneit OuiIOing, structure, improvenent, fence or tree shall be placeo thereon by Grantor which interferes with Granteers riohts herein. :..''Z ,,: i .;W)., \',i;r\ 3. The Grantees agree to fully inclemnify, save and keepthe Grantor harnless from any a.nd all clain:s, including costs andattorneyrs fees, for Carnage to reaL and personal property andinjuries or deaths suffered by persons in- connection-with theconstruction, rnaintenancer use or in anywise relating to orarising from the easernent ano the brioqe constructei thereon,during the term of this easernent. Fred i. Hitter, III, or anysuccessor in interest reLating to the property aFpurtenant to thepedestrian bridge, agrees to naintain custonary liabilityinsurance coverage relating to the pedestrian bridge in the nameof Fred T. Hiller, fIIl of, anf successor in interest reLating tothe property appurtenant to the pedestrian bridge anci narre theGrantor as an aciditional insured on strch policies of insura.nce,as its interest nay aFFear. Grantees agree to provj_de proof of insurance upon reasonable request of Grantor. srcr'iED Ar.tn DBLTVERED rhis -rd uuj, ot \dtful^- , lllT By: To\yn -CIe r k.r ' . , ,\; _,.,.;, ACCDPIED:, '.\PuUl:e Serviee ger aq EXH Its IT gB BI ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION t2, TOWNSHIP 5 SCX.JTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COLORADOcouNTY, r,"A!t SAST'!'G\tlH.fii!.ii iO!'Jlr{*i.{ AiiErl. ,3'63 26' '$J"oao S tO o35'OO " E N 84046'4t" E, 26. TIE TO THE CONNER OF s 7ro il'lz "E sE. sEcTloil t2 ,563.{5' Ngo"o3'o3"E,t5.21' H +Z'SJOS"E, 15.73! Hc5oeo+4'E, tz.3 i-i::T i-?- N4z?6'25''E, t4. IP do) LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EASEMENT ..TRACT A.' 1 of land located 1n the SE ll4 ot Secrlon 12, Townshlp 5Range 80 Hest of the Slxth prlnc.lpal Herldlan, Tovn ofEagle County, Colorado, more partlcularly descrlbed as fr+^ wl_ ?eceAB'€F. lA, ng aE a polnc on the propercy fine of the Vall Easres - Tosnhouse Plac No. I conhon area fron whlch thest corner of Secclon l2 bears STloIl'17"E, 563.46 feer;along the propercy 11ne of the cornoon area SB4 "4 6 r 41..1{,eet to the boundary lLne of Parcel "8" of the Vall Eastes - Townhouse PlaC No. l; thence along the boundary ofrcel '8" S84"45r41*w, 23.77 feer; rhence S45'O3t4Z-IJ,feet to Ehe approxlrnate centerllne of Gore Creek; thenceng frou sald Parce1 "B" and contlnulng along the trac€, c€rt€r llne of Gore Creek N09"02,44"W, 44.36 feer;departlng fron the approxinaEe center llne of Gore Creek16"8, 56.17 fee t; thence N4 7 " 25 r 25 "8, 14.30 fee c; thence44"E, 12.38 f,eet; Ehence N42"53'05'8, 15.73 feet; rhence03"E, f5.2f feec; thence N84o46r4l'8, 26.26 feer ro an the property l1ne of the Vall East Townhooes - Tornhouse. t cournon area; thence along che cpmmon area Sl0o35tO0'8,eec to Ehe polnt of beginning.' The descrlbed parcel e O.03 7 acreg. A paree Souch, Vall, follorrs Beglnnl Townhon Souchea thence 16.23 f Topnhom' sald Pa rr3.74 depart I approxl th€nce N80"571 N45"20 r N80"03 | polnt o Plat No 3.53 f concaln based on the Vail Easc Townhooes - Townhouse Vall, Eagle County, Colorado. Southeas c LZ (alunlnura cap), Towqshlp 5 South, Range 80cap (LS 2L49); N00"08r l7"l{, 174.64 fee! along Bearings are Plat No. l, Town of corner of Secclon Ifes c !o a rebar and the rance l lhe. ffsfis !r r.r.* (o, rRACr - _l0Tlct: Accordlng to Cblorrdo lrr you rurt Gor.nc. rntl.trl .Cllon !ra.d r+on any dat.cl [n thla rurray rlthln rlryr.n rtl.r yq| tlrrt dltcsver ruci &t.<!. ln no.-rrnt, r.y rnyaallo.r b$.€ spon rny datrc! In thlr turvry br corncrd arithat tan yrart fror tha atttr of tlx c.rtltlcrllon rhorn hrrron. KKENA IilC. CO}TSU.TIT.G EI|GIN€ERS ANOLA'o srnYEtons P.O. SOx ct, EtxR{xt,@l_on oo t t6si2 .(loQ 925-ntr5 ,EXHIBIT A. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BIGHORN PARK, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Wa4L leee{e,en lTe7a LAND DESCRIPTION BRIDCE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A parcel of land located ln the SE f/4 of Secrlon 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of che Slxch Prlnclpal Merldlan, Town ofVa11, Eagle County, Colorado, rnore partlcularly described as l0feet each slde of the followlng descrlbed centerllne: i Beglnnlng at a potnt on the approxlnaEe cenEerllne offron shlch an alunlnun cap belng the Southeasc cornerl2 bears S78'58t25-8,57 1.04 feec, rhence S65"04143"|,,t, !o the polnt of Eerulnus fron vhlch che SoucheascSectlon l2 bears S82'19'58"8, 731.39 feec. The slde lllengchened or shor tened abouc the potnt of beg lnnlng toac the approxlmate centerllne of Gore Creek. Theparcel con !alns p.033 5 acres. Gore Creek of Se ctlon 73.00 feec corner of nds to be . qerElna C e descrlbed '!''i/.!i.:'i Bii.;HOi:ii\i F'i\,i':ii( 6effiei rsaso : fuir# ,---,TII9tt . Accordtng to Cblor.do lrr you rutt cor.rc. rryr.9.r r(tr0n b.j.d rpon rn, d.t.ct In thlr' ,urrii -"litin ,1,yr..t rtt.r tou rrt clscirvcr ru€|r d.tact. tn no-irrni.'.ry r,V.<tton b.r.d spon rny d.f .ct la ttrl r rueviy li .ilic.c ."..rn a t.n ),art fro. rh.-drr. ot ttr c:rtliiiiiioi- ,iil"-i.r.on. KKBNA INC. - COGIITII{G O6IN€ER1; AND. LAro suRvErcRr! P.O. 8OX 9f , EHrpgS,cor cntE €16t2 ,(!oo9a5-ssnt /,,.[ a/ .'X,r/^, '\ 1. AL such described hereinlnterest in thethereafter merged mediately revert to easement property and beeasementwith the sha1l irr 'r"rt=')/',servient^/ estate. this I q' [r'rr"{- 3 3 0 2 3 t*[$.rt j xffi EASEIT{ENT DEED KNOW ALL !4EN BY THESE PRESENTS: J}iitI{{TTE PHILLIPS. .i.iLi CTY. RECORDEIi Jarr 0 ll rgill'86 THAT Fred T. Hiller, III (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantor') r -for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerationr the receipt qf which is hereby acknowledgedl has granted r bargained r sold and conveyed r and by these Presents does grantl bargainr sell and convey and confirm unto TOWN OF VAIL, whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd., Westr Vailr Colorado 81557 (hereinafter referred to as "Grant€€") r tbe following realproperty situate in the County of EagIe, State of Colorador to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easement for pedestrian accessl ingress and egressr over and across that portion of Grantorrs Property which is set forth 1nd desiSlated on Exhibit A attached hereto. Together with all and singular hereditarnents and aPPurtenances thereto belongingl or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions r remainder and renainders r r€Dts r issues andprofits thereof; -and all the estatee rightr titler interest,clain and denand whatsoeverl of the Grantor, either in law or in eguity of in and to the above-bargained real property interestr with the hereditarnents and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenances, unto tbe Granteerits successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor 1 for him- self , his he irs r suGC€ssors and ass igns r covendlrts r grants rbargains and agrees to and with the Granteer its successors and assignsr does hereby grantl bargalnr sell and convey the same in nanner and forrn as aforesaid, subject to those liensr taxesr assessments and encunbrances of record, if anyi said above- bargained and described real property interest to rernain in theguiet and peaceable possession of Granteer its successors and assignsr against all and every person or personsr lawfullyclaining or to clairn the whote or any part thereof, by or throughthe Grantor' which Grantor shall and will WARR.ANTY AND FORBVER DEMAND. . GrantorT his heirsr succ€sso!sr and,/or assignsr shalf noterect nor place any permanent buildingl structurer irnprovement; fence or tree on the above-described easementr dnd Grantees shallnot be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Grantorshall maintain and dedicate the property as a common parcel, including tbe use of the general publicl upon filing of any subdivision map. That Grantee shall have no duty to maintain the easement' and shall be named as a co-insured on all proPerty insurance coverage. - .Acceptance of this easement by Grantee strall constituteits agreement and consent as follows: tirne and in the event that the shall - be abandoned, Grantee rs real SIGNED AND DELIVERED !l- day of i t9e5. STATE OF COLOR.ADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The&, day of Witness ny hand and official seal . I'ty commission expires onr hAy 3, /qq-l ss. Easernent Deed was acknowledged before ne this , 1985 by Fred t. HilLerlE, Publ ic EXH IB IT .'A., EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF.ACCESS t"SCALE::30 A parce 1 of South, Rang e Vall, Eagle f ollorrs: SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SqJTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL lvlERlDlAN, TOWN OF VAIL , EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 'r"{!L E:AST i'i.ri.Vi\:l-ic},iIl; COI'ifr4C:il A.iiit stoo35'O0"E,3.63 N 84046'41" E, 26.26':o8. N80003'03"E,t5.2t'TIE TO THE S€. CORNER OF SECTION 12\ sTtott't7"E r s63.+6' N 42"5J05'E,t5.73r N 45"20'44',E, 12.3 g: N 4726'25'E , 14.30: i-i::T i-;i "4 W+ ^ Wl_ ?eceA9'€P. l7,l?gt LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EAEEMENT 'TRACT A" , land located ln the SE ll4 ot. Section 12, Tonnshlp 5 80 West of the Slxth Prlnc.lpaI .Uerldlan, Town of County, Colorado, lrore par c lcularly descrlbed as Beginnlng at a poLnt on the property l$ne of che Vall Easc Townhones - Townhouse Plat No. I coohon area froo whlch Ehe SoutheasE corner of Sect lon l2 bears S7loll1l7"E, 56 3.46 feec; thence along the property llne of Bhe common area S84 "4 6 t 4l "I{, 16.23 feec to the boundary llne of Parcel "8" of the Va11 East Townhomes - Townhouse PLat No. l; thence along the boundary of sald Parcel S84'46'41'l{, 23.77 feeE; thence S45'03t47"11 ,113.74 feet co the approxlmace centerline of Gore Creek; Bhence depart lng frou said Parcel "8" and contlnuLng along the approxlnate, center llne of Gore Creek N09"02t .l'-4"_W, 41..36 feec; thence departlng fron clii approxLuate center 1f'rie'-of Cbre iieetc N80"57'16-E, 56.17 feet; thence N47o26'25"E, 14.30 feet; thence N45"20r44'E, 12.38 feet; Ehence N42'53'05'8, 15.73 feec; thence N80"03 r03"8, 15.21 feec; thence N84:46'41"E, 26.26 feet Eo apolnt on !he property 11ne of the Va11 EasE Townhoues - Townhouse Plat No. I connon area; thence along the canmon area S10"35t00"E, 3.63 feet to the polnt of begLnnlng.' The descrlbed parcel concalne 0.037 acrea Bearlngs are based on rhe Val1 EasE Townhones - Townhouse Plat llo. l, Town of Va1l, Eagle County, Colorado. SouEheasc corner of Secclon l2 (alunlnum cap) r Township 5 South, Range 80 l{esc ro a rebar and cap (LS 2149); N00"08' l7'I.r, 174.64 f eec along the rance llhe. .g A KA l.t\.t\'\ r'::"!-aA\*,Z-S -. t ?: :'-..'-4i.4,\4V -.4.6W I ab i. ^{" - -c. !- -0 .; .j t? : r8E30 : a a '-t' r?'o- ^ -.,1.d{J.rr.r-?fi. - -lETtCt: Accordlng to Cbtorrdo ld yos .srt co-.nc. .rVlleal actlo4 brr.d r4on .ny datrct h thlt 3srv.y ylthln tlr .yr.n .ftar F.. tlrrt dlrcov.r rlci 4rt.ct. ln no..r.nt. .$r attacttco barad lpon rny drfac! In thlr rrrvey br cflncad rorattsr l.n Farr tror thc atrta of tha c.rtltlctllon tlror|r lraraoo. KKBIIA INC. co'asu-Trr{c otc$t€ERs Arao. LAX) SLRl/Erli€ F.O. DOx s7,EfinR06,C0LOR m !|6te.(!ol9a6-5snt 'o ARTHURI.MEARS, P.E., Namral Flazardr Couultann 222 Eart Godric Avc. Crlnrnon, Colondo 812r0 303 - 641.'216 li/ay 22, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz, Senior pLanner Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 Dear Kri.stan: This letter supercedes my letter of May I, in which r concludedthat the proposed restroom in Bighorn park will be within therunout limit of the KAC avalanche path, as mapped by Hydro-Triad,in 1975. The restroom sriII. in fact, be fotltea beyond theseavalanche linits. This revised conclusion is baJed on newinformation supplied to me by the Town of Vail about exactlywhere the new restroom will be located. This information wa!supplled to me in your letter and information package dated Mayl'7, r989. r have checked your conclusions about the restroom rocation withrespect to the KAC avalanche boundaries. your work appears tohave been carefully done and your conclusions are accurate, in myopinion. Therefore, the new restroom building wirl be located beyond thelimits of avalanche runout, as napped by Hydro-Tiiad inseptember. r975. According to Town of Vail ordinance, facilitieslocated outside of avaranche rimits as determined by site-specific studies, such as the Hydro-Triad study, do not-reguiremitigation. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additionarconsultation. INC. Besta\L) Arthur I. Mears, P.E.Avalanche-control engineer regards, d /Vlew Itloll Walha c Aubrhu o AulancheCqtmlEaglncqtng lnwn 75 south frontag€ road v8ll, colorado 81 057 (3O3) 478-7OOO June 2O, L988 Mr. Richard llat,thews Matthews & AssociatesP.O. Box 3567VaiI, CO 81658 RE: Landscaping at Bighorn park Dear Richard: Recently, I visited Bighorn park. I noticed that the sprucetree and seeding that was added by your conpany last fall doesnot look healthy. I would like to meet with you out at thesite to get your opinion on what we can do about this problern.Prease 1et ne know as soon as possible when you can rneet with me. Thanks for your help. Sincerely,i) \ n \ -[-]<l-,.. U.?YLlIiilLt\ trr r1 Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:kc 75 soulh llonlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty devclopment will be call. September 3O, 1,987 Ms. Nancy Benson 2L509 Cabrini Golden, Colorado B04Ol_ Re: Bighorn Park Restrooms Dear Nancy: Here are the drawings related to the restrooms whichbuilt this faII and next spring at Bighorn park. If you have any further questions, please give me a Sincprely, t/ | l.} I lnrhut KrrhKristan PritL Town Planner KP:br 75 south lronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol oommunlty development April 22, 1987 Mr. Walter KirchVaiI Racguet Club Box L088Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Bighorn Park Improvements Dear Walter: on Aprir 20, L987, Pat Dodson, Ron phirlips, peter patten and r met todiscuss the proposed improvements to Bighorn park. At this tirne, thestaff is getting design cost estimates ind construction cost estirnatesfor the proposed improvements below: 1. Restrooms2. oredging of the large pond3. Additional play equiprnent for the playground4. AdditionaL landscaping From our public meetings, it was evident that the restrooms andlandscaping are important inprovements to the residents who attendedour public rneetings. lle trave not determined the final list ofirnprovernents to the park. once we receive the design and constructioncost estinates, we will discuss the costs with the Town council . Thisdiscussion is tentatively schedured for May 5 at the couuncil worksession. These meetings usually begin at 2:OO p.M. ff you wish to attend the rneeting, please give me a call on Friday orMonday before the.meeting and r wirr be happy to let you know exa-trywhen this itemm will be presented to the counciL. r hope this clearsup any confusion on the question of whether or not a volleyball courtis being proposed for the park. KP:brcc: Ron Phillips Peter Patten Pat Dodson $'ffi[b Town Planner Vail- I HaaeetIEiClubE \ \ aoxroaa VAI L, COLORADO 81658 |E03) 476-3267 {-\ Ap:i1 3, 1987 i.,Iiss K::isten P::itz Tovrn of Vail Planning Depai:tnrent. 75 Sorrf h F'-onf er:e ROad \railr Cololado 81657 Dea:: K::i sten: I was su::p:ised to :eacl that morries have becn app:op::iated f o:: a volleyball cou:t in Bigho:n Pa:1,.. had ttre hea=ings fo: pubLic inpuL a couple of yca:s ag :esicients of the ar:ea we:e opposed to locating a volle l:-^: r .i r,, .i ^ rr-.i ^ ,\3 '-rl r..rrr ,-annt l ection i.; that thc To].cr\-lIJ.Lw Irt LrrlJ !,q-r\. |'.t_v - 9\-\JJ--, Vail staff had a st:ong desi:e fo: a volleyball facilipi,rlrn'-n r:a'-k - :nri ttrat it too:< consiCe:abl-e effo:t on| | r g. |\ ,F rr-^ ,-^^-r e, I i r...i r.\.1 ;,^n.r,1.1 l_h., n;r,-, f O r:ef t-ltcr.a- L \JL L.rs Fg\JPr- J.tr', L-!rJ-r\-r r-rr', tJu.-., Lv vvL ! .,^t l--.,1-.^11 r^^i I.:. \-rrrs) v.,J-.! Lc.\- r J- 'ty deleterl f :orr tltc 1;1atts. lle e-ven h shorr r>f hanils, anrl no one Cesi:ed, a volleylrafL court. Iihc has macle t l.ic. clecision t.o adll the volleyba11 f afLer the l-oca1 :esidents {:oJ.d you of tlrei:: oppositiorr 1"'l'"rrr f lte n.-nne.-t \/ '.,F.; i.rr.-^lr:.r,',-l i l- rv;q qrntr.as:.rd t-O be fo: a ":esiclential pa::k". At that tine, i l.ras tcld th ":csilcrrtial pa:k" rneant undevelope(l , oiren space hhat be used fo: rvalking anri to enjoy natu:e. Pigho:n Pa::k .-, 1'-,'::iru hr.:op d.rr/rr'l OnOC bOrrOnfl f l-O .-'-in jn:l inl-onl-, dfldr-rt'ru r r'ruv s, adCition of a volleybaIl cou:t is c,-::tain)y not in llcc vri th ea:l ie: ideas f c: t:anqu i I oiren sDace . iE the torvn staEf rvants tc fI:,rrrrt the pnblic inpu cal i ni i-.a,.i I -,. --.::s aqc, i thin!: that voLt shoul,l at Ie back l-o the pu:rlic to sce if thcy iirvc haC s 911611,;e of tsest r:eqe::(js, )tl:tj^ ilalLe: Kilch ilhen we ,.1-^ l Iy vc r -L vrn of f rr i rr ^.f - ^^i 1; r,,cr\- l-.t .]. Ly to i L? ..---..1 cou Id L-^ the l- f h.:\\/' ' .,.'-! Pau I Johnst()n - f iay(-): E:ic Appletcn C rt:'r lon P i. e:cc-' K--nt P,ose Joirrr S1cvin iio:;'ran Staufe: Gaj-i tJalt::I ich- Lr:wr:r.ttlra I Peter-- Patr-cn ./ o I ro: Larrv Eskwitht- FROM: Kri stan Pritz RE: Bighorn Park Bridge Work to Date DATE: December 4, 1985 The following is a ljst of the actions that have been taken on the Bighorn Park Bri dge: September 24, 1985: The Town staff came up with a list of basic informat'i on that would be needed in order to study the proposal further. This information was summarized in a letter to Chris Sewell dated October 2, 1985. Chri s Sewell is the contractor for Fred Hiller. November 19. 1985: The Town Council gave conceptual approval to the Bighorn Park Bridge. Please see memo dated November 19, 1985 to the Town Councii. The Town Council specifically mentioned that they were concerned about the liability of the bridge as well as the pedestri an easement. They emphasized that the pedestrian easement must cont'i nue east from Gore Creek Meadows out to Ma'in Gore 0rive. They felt that it was very'important that public access be provided from a public road to the bri dge. &!er!el-!9,1995: The Bighorn Park Bri dge was reviewed by the Des'i gn Review Board. It was given conceptual approval . Please see the letter dated November 22, 1985 to Fred Hiller. This letter summari zes the comments and additional information that the DRB requested. The proposal is now scheduled for the December 4, 1985 meeting. Early December. 1985: Town Engineer: Additional Information Requested: BiII has asked for the additional information in the following areas: 1. Extend path to Juniper Lane where it is shown - it ends at the end of a culvert and ditch2. Need to protect jnlet for sma11 pond3. Show rip rap f imits on sjte plan4. Give elevations on bridge profile5. Minimal free board6. t,lhy skew bridge so much?7. A1 1 drawings stamped8. Structural cal I s9. Typical cross sections for path Fred is also aware that he needs to submit this information. l^lillie has talked to Fred about these concerns. I page two' r?/3/85 Bighorn Bridge December 3, 1985 I spoke with Fred about the information that I still needed. Th'i s jnformation i nci uded: 1. A liability agreement. I suggested that he talk to you about how to handle this item.2- A maintenance agreement for the bridge and easements3. An access easement whjch should include the 1egal narrative, 1egal description and a stamped survey of the easement. I also pointed out that the easement must extend through the Sundial project to Main Gore Drive.4. A util'i ty easement must be submitted and the submittal must include lega1 statement, 1egal description and stamped survey.5. I need approval from Larry Eskwith on all the 1ega1 aspects of the proposal .6. I need approvai from our Town Engjneer7. I need appnoval from the Design Review Board. At this time Larry this is where the proposal stands. I hope this will help you out 'i n understand'i ng the long saga of the Bighorn Park Bridge. Please see all the enclosed information. I informed Fred that all of these issues need to be addressed and submitted to me by December 9 jn order to schedule the project for the next evening Town Council meeting on December 17. December 4. 1985 Sent letter to Fred Hiller confirming what jnformatjon'i s still needed for therevjew. See letter dated December 4, 1985; Fred Hiller. -- / 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657- (303) 476-7000 December 4, 1985 Fred Hi I ler P.0. Box 3863 Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Bighorn Park Bridge Dear Fred: 0n December 3, 1985, I discussed wj th you the final jnformation that is needed in order to present the proposal to the Town Councjl. The following information is still needed: 1. A 'l jability agreement. I suggest that you talk to Larry Eskwith as to how to write this agreement. 2- A maintenance agreement for the bri dge and easements. 3. An access easement which should include the 1egal narrative, lega1 descri ption and a stamped survey of the easement. I also want to emphasize that the easement needs to extend from Gore Creek Meadows through the Sundial project to Main Gore Dri ve . 4. A uti] ity easement must be submitted. The submittal must include a 1ega1 narrative, 1ega1 description and a stamped survey of the easement. 5. I need approval from Larry Eskwith on all the 1ega1 aspects of the proposal . 6. I need approval from our Town Engineer for the proposal . 7. I need approval from the Design Review Board. page two t2/4/85 Fred Hiller I need to receive thjs information by December 9, 10:00 a.m. .i n order to schedule the project for the next evening Town council meeting on December17. This will aliow me adequate time to review the information with otherstaff members. Please let me know if you run into problems. Si ncere I y, {4+^0,+"} Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP/bt f MATIHEWS & ASSOCIAIES londscope Arch ileclure, Plonning & Reclomotion P.O. Box 3567 Voit. Cotorodo 81658 (3O3) 949-5077 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT !qt6{ October 1. 1987 SEMEEN the Londcope Architect (Controctor): Motths,,rs & Associotes ond the Client: -ru,"f' -"- " Town of Vail (Kristan pritzi Comm. Development75 South Frontage Roadvail , colorado gIGsT the Project: lhe Client hereby_ engo^ges the Londscope fuchitect (Controctor) to povide the seNices os sef forth belc^^/, ond theLondscope Achilect (Controctor) ogrees to furnish si_rch servicei. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: be ottotched FEE SCHEDULE, PAYMEM. ond GEiIERAL COND|T|ONS. The term of this ogreernent sholl commence on October L, 1987 ond be in effeqi Until CnmF l a+ i nn FEE: dS%''iff"tisSir$ t3l"'Tj',iijJ"lt t$u Fi *y-Eiehr Dor r ars ( $ 2, 6 ss . 00 ) Agreed to qs of ihe dotes wrifien below: rAriDsclgqAncHtTECr (OR): Moithews & Associoies By Richard- olrn o INDMDUAILY BY: .19s 119. 87160 (dote) (dole) 8y I Matthews (dote) : ... - r1..i,,A..^:i.j: o c ONTRACT TOR o CONSTRUCIION fue Schedulq Principol Cose 540c Bockhoe/Looder with Operotor Engineer Inigotion Von & Repoirmon Londscope Architect Project Coordinofor Supevisor Droftspenon Loborer Speciol Consultont HoJrly Rot€ $ s0,00 38.00 40.00 38.00 40.00 32.00 28.00 32.00 25 .00cost + 2QZ $s00.00 750.00 1 ,008.00 Pcryment The Controcior sholl submit invoices to the Client for fees on o periodic bosis ond the Client sholl poy theControctor the full omount of such invoices within ten doys ofter the ddte of invoicing. n tote Cn-rse oif .7S b;rcentp91 mo.1t! (21 PERCEM PER AIINUM) or 55.00 minimtrm wilbe chorgedfortheomouniot ony invoc6wnicn is notl-iowithin thiny- doys of the dote of invoice ond if ony invoice is no1 poid within sixty doys. the cfie;i shofl poy tneControctor oll costs <:nd expenses (including the reqsonoble fees ond disbursemenis of 'CounseiroimJCorjtrobtorj incurred by the Controctor io collect such invoice or to enforce ony mechonics' lien with respect t$reto, - - -'' lf ony tnvcice is not poid within sixty doys. oll worronties os.specified herein sholl become nullond rcid (withoutreleosing Client from liobility for poyment of such invoice) ond ihotl not be reinstoted by'ony suOsequent riovmentunjess ogreed to in wdtjng by Confrocfor. In the event of the terminotion of this Agreemenf,.the Client sholl be responsible for oll fees (including those forodditiono|work)ondreimbursob|eexpensesincurredthroughthedqteofierminotion." Services: 1. Renove graveL waLk (approx.imately 250 lin.ft.) 2. Spread topsoi1,,soi1 prep. and seedlng of gravelpath area (topsoil supplied by owner).2500 sq. ft. @ $.30/sq. fr. 3. Furnish and install three 8, co1o. spruce t!t)'t'[&n-h 4, Placenent of boulders supplied by o\,{ner20 0 $20.00/each total Note: if additional topsoil is needed ir will bea price of 917.5O/cu. yd. 400.00 $ 2,658.00 furnished at --bSeryicel: Continued from o previous poge u*to,. coNDrTroNs FoR .o*rfi.r,o* I. AI'THOPIZAN ON IO PROCEED: Allc^t/ing the conlroctor to comm€nce onywoft conlemploted hereunder or lo prepore forsuch woft wilt constituts occ€ptonce by clientof thisp.oposol ond oll ih te(ms ond condrtions noh,vithstondino the foct ihe Cre"inoiiol-eri,it#Inisngre€m;r ,;r"r5iifti"ii unress otherwis.sloted. ote vrb.iecl to chonge lhirtv doys ofier tne dote-r'ereot rr tnrs proposot is.oi"lll6ie3 *tFin lLrci in,*y o"v piriJli' ' 2. REIAINR: Ihe client hereby deposits wilh the conlroclot o eJm equolto30 pefcent ol the totot estimoted t€es foro work described in fhe sco@ orservicesos3:*iH[f"i 3PiJ"r?r"3?Jl'J ffitffilg1]T,ilt"?im?:?li:.""* tt tn s nsr&me;iiitorm,noteo in occordorce wth po,osroph 11. iho 3. CI.IENTS RESPONSIBTIIIIES: uoon otecution of thrs Aoreern€nt, ltl€ client sholi furnish the controctoj with o deto ed desrgn of ihe londscope constructidr lo be performed otihe Prol€ct wfrich sholl06 I€osonobly occeproole ro rne Coitr-oitor. togerher wrlh o_ survey cr-th9 pfopelv o. !!hich the pro,€ct is rocat€d(o.suchcthei documont occeolobre lo th€ conhoalor) whrch shows rhe boundorie! or tneFiorecf Jnd tE r6-;iib;;i;riirii.r.fLji$l'.6nrs ond nghrs-cf-wor' within soid bodndorres. In oddirion, ih;'Crient sno -ijmiin tne co"rroiioi i"irn"SiiiijiJr'o,o*,ng sho'ring rhe sxccf u,coircn ot olt ufilitieslocoted on such oroperiy, inciuding electricol service lines. oos lines. sewer lines, tetevisicn cooiei, tetepnone tines ond wolef moins Theclientshollbe responsible for any delects in motoricls or lobor of odditionol moleriols ono looi" lorsei os o. resu_ll of the inoqcuiocy of orry info,moiionrurnished bv ihe clienl. tncluding the foilure lo occurotev drow o( mork ond roentr.v oir uirites oirnei proleci. iie-c]Liiiiicri'poy ror ony srcnJddrtioncl molenols ond lobor on the bosis ot lhe controcior's coe i prus zo pe-rceJ in in6 tlie'l-r moreriols ond ths hourry rotes ser rorn in tha Feeschecuie in the coseof lobor' The client sholl poy ottretmoursoote exoenGi incJrreo in ctni-iiion *rn Jhe furnishing cd such odditionot toE\or. ThechorQes tor odditionoi motenols, lobor ond reitn6ursoble expens€s incurred in conneclion lherewlh sholt b€ rn oddrtion to th€omounts included inthe Fee The cljent shcri beor lhe risk c;f tos or domoge ioonf moteriors to oe oor,ue,.ec &Iniio'itJJnereunoirrr;-rhe ti;;;i6;iiletivery to the job '1. P?EPARAIION OF tt(cRX APEAS: Clierlt sholl ptepore dlwork cteosso lhot.lhe/ore reosonobly occeptoble to thecontroctcrtor f he F€rformonce of thewo(k unde,,his conkoci. lhej.iie shotlbe treeono deor ot o construction d€bris A oreoi prevdusly grodedsholl Oe oro;rfy'compocted ot.finish grodeptus o, minus 1,/i 0 ol olool oid wrth crooer dr.,nooe esioblished. Pcjnts of connecii.^Sry l"*giJ._, rtibo'o^'srliJ- I. uorcen Lighr.ng wrr be propery roc.red ondslokeo fol th€ conhoclor bith€ client The contrcctoisnolinJi oe reouired to comTnence wo,k unrrr rn6 9re rs preoored os p.o/rded obove. After$mrtfft[.:S$S.t t* clront sholl mcjntcin the site in rne corionion ;iidh ; rhr'Eitgropn os o cdnoition precao;ni to conrrocror,s 5. DEIAYS: conhoclo' sholl nol be respcnsible foI celoys ordef3ults wrere occosroned by onycous€s ot gny.!i19 9j! ?nent b€yond ils contror, Inatur;ing bulnoi lirniled tq d€lctVs cousad by tFe Gvn6r geneC cb,itt-ct6r, otner subcontrcclon. orchilects ond/or engineers, othef loncscope crchrt€ctrcrrred ccr,Flict or economrc dlsic€otion fesuting theretcrr[ e'.nOcr3co sncd-gJio, t"bo,, ;;; mctedols. pfoluction fccititieso, rrcnsc)ortoricn.lcbcr cificulfjes. cjvil disc,.ders of orry kind; ocf'oin by civil or rnilitory;otrthcrihej ysn6q pdontios ond o ocoticns. fires, flood, sa/ere ot conormolwooiher conorttons. OVOIOrches, snolvslidss, Occjdents or other OciS ot Gcd. 6. DA},IAG€ IO WORX OF OTH€RS: in ocdrrton lhe conlrcclcr ossumes.no.resmnsrbilrty for ccmoge lo_!ndefground ufitities, cessp@is ond sept clor1. ; inigction syslemsorony otierlinesunles p-opetly locoted bv'os bullt" orowiigs brhLkedGrore commencemenl of wor,i ono unless sord rtems oreol o depth b€bwfhefinotgfcde os requirad by locol ddinon@s or occepted p(cctice. 7. ADDIIIONAI WORKr !t th6 client requests th€ controctot to f\rrnish moteriols or pedorm lobor in oddition to the motedols ond tgbo{ spocified in the scope ds€Mces, ondlhe conkoclor furnishes such "99ltl9Tl moteiioti? i€rr'oiils sucn odoitioncr 6uci rnE 6li-enr shol poy tor such octdirioooi morenors oi theConlroclo/s cost olus 20% ondforsuch odditionol lob;r6iii.,! n5urrV|'otes set tortA in rr-,e'fee Sc-#-Ou te. onOsuch omounts shofl b€ in cddition to rhoFo'e Pro!'ided fo' herein Ail such requests ior oooitiJiol -"ierioi.it r.oor inoir oe ouino.;,26i -dj irin.n oro.r lo the controcrof sign€d bvfhecrienL.rcvrded. however. thot the Conlrcctor moy turnish odditicnot rioteriots o. perform cOoition6r ioocr oosed on,Jrolorde{s ondshoit be entati€<f to8ffiffiff#" tct such moteriols tutnished (o. crclele^i) o"i rooor pertorrned notwiihstonding the toiture of the client io execulo o winen 8. tiO DESIGI.i SEF6 CES:iqe Ci,er,t ,._^,:k no\^,ted3es lnoi t're Saope of Seu ces i:}:s,rot r:rc,-lj9 3ny desrgn se rces ond ony request lhot the Coni;ocis perlorm destgn .serv€es sSoll be to be governed by lhe provisions of porogroph z. 9. V/ANRANIIET Ihe conkoclct wofionls lhct lor o periol of dne yeol follo.,'rng the dol€ ct new plonling; o!l ire€s, shruos, herboceqJs plonlsondorosswill16moin in i"ffi,:^"J:jiffgi.freeorderects ror c perr@ irone !eor to'ic\vng compretron or instoiroticn. pr*io"b inoi-s-rlfr"Erliiiv"ji!Y'o"asuolecnorneJood condilion cnd free of defects for c pericd rjf one yecr tlowrng condrt6ni: E tqqr I ur'\Jrvrr lg LUr I rFrrt IrQn Qt Inslo,roTlolr' provloeo lhotjuch wofipf tysh€ll ba subject to lhegl,::?,,?g'ffl;';:l?tljg*,t?f,::.?91"?.lyps?r9elr"-secouseo octor :ollolung condrtions: Ti'i,li,llle.:pjj:lai1,l1t': Isr',niirs. d,oirshi o; o*-,frl ;;"ffi" u.J,fi . (c).rhecrenrshcri sivethecontroocrwittennor,.eoiolirS'i.i'u"&"ri'!iu,k?l\;ffi;rXr"f#i"nff;;"o'.8,!o"1"#'Jo"rlfJ^oroneyecrroirowng luc f, Dlcnting or co')struc?ron. os the cose 1.oy b€.(g I're 9,rtrcrc ror,s iote ond.exc.usiue o o ',g i.-,diio. oljoli ot shoil be to on/ defeclive moteriols d :) / tF'l.f 0. WRITTEN NOICES AND OTHER COMMUN|CATTONS: / ' l - ' i - 5:l;:j3:':?,r3flj,?flii.lfg:9,.::'$^"11.;^:..n:9g-.9.ha-?c*t.c,erivered Ip6nonoiryderiveredrorh€oddress€€o,irmoiredrotheconrooor or p c Box 3s62, \,'oir..coror.ooo, aroso ti r,r1(u6i"xr.i''"t.Jlii&ri:",;;tilil;'hi;:y:J5i';iJT*?:3ffifi11fiS1i:.toi,T:deemed io hove be€n deliverod, or, if they ore moleO. on-tf,-e iore they ore deposilgd ln the Unrted Stoles moil. { I. IERMINATION: Eith€r oorl'/ mov teiminolo this Agreemeni wilh or without couse upon ss/en do/s prro{ \,vfltien noTrce to ihe other pcrty; pro/i.led, ho./eve{. lholsuch ternrinolron sho,| not otiect-orv r€hrs ond riob;rrfies ccrJr4j prior rc rerm,n6iJn' - I2. DAJ\,IAG€S: The clrent shoil rnoke no demond tor liquidoiec cr ocluol.1omoge.sior d€loys in ony sum in excessof suc,h criount os moy b€specificolly sroted ing$ff;iitJj#omgesmovbe cseseoogoini G-coniEctortoroerowolc6uGioni6irjeo to otnerpenorrs crpoirresororisingoutideth€ 13. succEssoPs AND ^SSTGN$Ihis Agreernent sholl insur€ to the b€nefit o(, ond bs binding upon th€ pqti€s onct fheir resp€crr\€ succ€ssors, heis, ond 6gd repres€ntoti\,*,14. GOVERNTNG I.AW: Ilrrs Ag19"1rr*r'tt srrolt tr? lovernid o). lhe io,\, oi lnc St:::o c1 CatJrcck) QGor4 [r .rl l;jil =i|..Itq=EI \\I lIr rssuE oATE (MM/Oo/YY) ro/2/87 PROOUCER Jennie Reed P.O. Box 299 Eagl-e, CO 81631 THIS CEFTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTEN OF ' FOFMANOT ONLY AND COI{FENSNo RIGHTS UPoN THE CEFTIFICATE HoLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DoEs Noi lfEio. EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLIC|ES BELOIY- COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY LETTER A Colorado Farm Bureau Uutual Insurance Co. 8#EA"" srNsuRED -.-- " -: .-;-\ Richard Marthews ) DBA: Matthews & Associates P.O Box 3567 VaiJ-, C0 81658 CoMPANY !rLETTER \, 33#?A*" D l#?A"" e I.!E.],SJg CENTIFY THAT POLICIES OFINSUFANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEDTOTHE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO INDTCATED.NorwlrHsrANolNc ANY REoUtREMENT, TERM oR coNDrnoN oF ANy coNTBAcr oR orHER oocuMenr wiii nEsp:cr io'wxicx-ixis clnlrrclie nlv 9F^llFU-E9,o. !r,14!rERrAtN, rHE tNsunANcE AFFoRDED sy rHE poLrcrEs DEscntBED HEFETN rs sueJeci io rll fiE rEnud, Eicllsitir,rs, rio color-TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES- LTR ryPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMEER POt]CY EFFECTIVE oATE IMM/0o|/Y) POLICY EXPIMTIOI] 0A1C (MM/o0/fi LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANOS EACH CJ(:CIIFBENCE AGGREGAfE A GI x_ :NEFAL LIABILITY I couenrrersrw ronu I eneursrvoee mrrons IUNDERGROUNO I EXPTOSION & COLLAPSE HMARO I PBooucTs/coMPLErEo OPEMTTONS I colrmcrut I rruoteenoer,rr corilmcroBs | 8R0A0 FoRM PROPERTY 0Atr4AGE I PESSONAL INJURY I Sl"l-L79729 4/L7 /87 ,---1 4/L7 /88 BOOILYl'r{Y $$ X- x_ PROPERTY OAMAGE s $ x X BI APO COMAINED $ soo $ soo x_ X_PERSONAL INJUAY $ soo A UTOMOBILE LIABILITY I mrv ruro I ALr 0WNE0 AUToS (PRlv PASS ) I nr owruro ruros ($liuE*rl$l) I HrREo AUTos I NON.OWNED AUTOS GASAGE LIAEILITY BA-179730 4/17/87 4/17 /88 800rLY II]IJFY (PfR ftmo ' $ 800tLY u!RY (Pffi ACCr()€1fi)$ X x PROPERTY OAMAGE $ 8r aPo COMSINED g 500 EXr l l IESS LIAAILITY UMBRETLA TORM OTNER THAN UMERELLA FORM ar ePo COMEIN€D $$ IYOFKERS' CO P€NSATION at{o EMPLOYEFS' LIASILITY srAruroFY I $ (EACH ACC|0ENT) $ (orsEAsE.PoLtcY uMrr) $ (orsEAsE.EAcH EMproyEE) OT}IER \ OESCRtpTTON OF OpE RArrorvSi LOCrrror,,tSnyEEaleSrSFEEr,A| lrer,rs Lands caper a K'Arr: Tolrn of Vail 75 S. FrontaBe RoadVall, CO 81657 Kristen/Comnunity Dev. sHoutD ANy oF THE ABoyE DEscn,aEo poltctEs aE ca cELrED aEFoRE THI Ex' PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUTNG COMPANY WILL END€AVO! -I,9MA|L l0 DAYS WFrrrEN NOflCE TO THE CERTTFTCATE HOLO€R NAtio.IO-t:: LEFT, BUfFALURE To lrAlL sucH No cE SHAL! tMposE No oBltcATroa{ oi u E&r I I OF AnL KINO UPON THE COMPANY. ITS/4GENTS OR REPRES€|{TAI!VES'---^ry :D nEPQESENr2ryg l-/t-l/'-u--\ ,t Wa*e D|STO \.-- t MOUNTAIN CABLE LOCATION BELL AGREEMENT EXCHANGE LOG NO. LOCATORS NAME DATE '- 1r"'- t'> TIME CoMPLETED i 'j'e':'"- ADDRESS LOCATING FOR: NAME oF CoMPANY ADORESS PHONE NO. Location to be sketched or desctibed in space below. Indicate paint or stakes and numb€r thereof. t..,1\v INDICATE NORTH f, IUPORTANT 18' ollhor 3lde of lho 3tako, pelnl matk ot flag Is conslderod a corrsct locatlon. Dlg to your verilcal dopth 18, elthor 3ldo ot tho 3tako, palnl marlt or llag and oxpose the cable by hand belore crosslng the cable or dlgglng boslde lt. Party Requ€sting Locate Refuses To Sign D t Party Requesting Locate Not Available I agree that the sketch or descriptlon above reflects the location of underground facilities as requested. SIGNATURE PERSON REQUESTING LOCATION D srrPDl sECuR Mtr\E.to. ll95 Ennr lyrnm 8.0 ktnclrco, CA 94124 l5lF8 Pndor Avrnur Clty ol Industry, Cl gt?44 Srbr: Frctory: lll5l 82+1778 Tolox 34{P67 l2l3l 3364501 Trl.r 07-0484 A OIVISION OF ACORN ENGINEENING COMPANY Septenber 4, 1987 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Services 75 So. Frontage Road Val1, C0. 81657 (303) 476-7000 ext. 111) Attention: Krlstan Prltz RE: Big Horn Park & Sandstone Park Gentlemen: In accordance with your telephone instructlons to our representatlve, Robert Churchich, we are enterl,ng your order for two (2) Fairway Serles 2 buildtngs with no modesty screens but wlth stainless steel lnterlor panels and green plurnbing fLxtures. We are encloslng two (2) sets of foundation and erectlon drawings for each of the parks. One set for each park should be approved and returned along with signed Terms & Conditions. Please return these iteurs to our factory in Industry in the enclosed envelope. This wl11 confirm the total prLce of the two (2) buildtngs, delivered to Vall , i-n the amount of $25,692.00. Should you have any question, please donrt hesltate to contact my secretary, Paige Mattice, in Industry as I will be out of the office next week. -Yery/rytt]-y you/9r Krv"Ki':*{a4 Vice Piesldent NS/ encl cc R. Churchich Golf courses, neighborhood paIks, remote park areas . . . our Fairway buildings will provide comfort for all. These buildings are ideally suited to meet the needs of most remote requiremenls. Choose between conventional or vault type plumbing, then simply pour a f lat concrete slab and erect ! Fairway buildings are single use lacililies and do not require interior partitions. Like all Super Secur buildings, they meet handicapped requirements. Exterior modesty screens are optional. As with our Pathway Series, shelter, concession, and expanded chase areas may be added. r5'{"-----f t'""-J /tl -t- 7'-3" 06 APPLICATION FOB TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT Trench-width Bond Amount Permit Fee Total Permit Fee(Cash or Cashier's Check Only) {Heritage Cablevision Television Vail Fire Department (476-7000, 19 ,,rm' 2.-' Elcavating Contractor Name Address Liconse Number 3.-Completion Date (Permit Valid for 30 Oays Only) 4. 5. o. 7. work is ror (circte one) @fdD Gas Etectric Telephone cATV other \__-/ -"----l Length Oeoth - ALL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers on equipment are a must when working on oil. No other obiects can be ured In place of rubber! 8. A signature below indicates a review ol thffireif8d utility locations and approvals. )upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation P4e+eae) ). Public Service Company (949-5781)Cn 2-4 a 8) (Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) ,(Wlountain Bell (1-468-1 000) D $ (949-5530) ext. 223) 9. 10. 11. OTHER (i.e. Police, etc.) Public Works (476-7000, ext. 250) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUBESI \ All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ot utilities - (Senate Bill 172],. I certify that I have read all requirements of the street cut ordinance # 43 and will abide by the same, and that all utilities and the Vail Police and Fire Departments have been notified as required. Finance Oept. by: Eill lo: Company Name Company Address Bond Fleleased Date A![ roved --t reet t n s p ec to r Date Permit lssued Approved by Streel Inspeclor lnsoection Remarks SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT A STBEET CUT PERMIT! White - Public Wo.ks Pink - Controctor Ye low' Finonce Gdd Communiiv Dsvelopmenl Sdn(,,itt ol Contrac, STE\'?.AR.T TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY Post Office Box 1248 Vail, Colorado 81658 (3031 949-101 1 Fax* (303) 949-7713 September 18, 1987 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Depamtnet of Planning 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaIl, CO 81657 RE: Blghorn Park Dear Ms. Pritz: Attached please find a l-ist of exceptions would effect the Bighorn Park property. to tiEle that I am sorry for the delay Ln gettlng thia to you. Hopefully, I can complete the Sandstone Park search next week. Tlrl-e G. tlillians Examiner encl.oaure Posl Office Box 1248 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 476€180 (3031 949-1011 Sancti.ty ol Contract STE\,V'AR.T TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY The followlng exceptions to tltle lrould pertain to the area conmonly described as Bighorn Fark.in the Tor^m of Vail, Colorado. 1. Right of the proprletor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises hereby granted as teserved in United States Patent recorded September 13, L902 in Book 48 at Page 491. 2. Easement granted to Fred T. Hiller, III, by the Town of Vail as recorded June 19, 1987 in Book 464 at Page 717r as RecePtlon No. 349016. (see attached copy) 3. Easement granted to Public Servtce Company of Colorado Utility Easemenc by the Town of Vai1, as recorded February 24' 1985 in Book 436 at Page 979, as Reception No. 333232. (see attached copy) xtA|rttnn|ttt Dcqara fr,l-tarr---' hn6 tro I,I I I t I 3 T c 9: 3 Fz 3 I IotXFi o cl€t -' 1.,A[ t{o. Griit Xo, \"4tl' I ru8llc SERVTCE COmArrv OF COLORADO Urt|.tty EASEITCNI th. urnbltrr.d Gr..ror h.r6r -r.flr.d(F '|c.,n ol t,l_gq.-lftg ard ,r1,/ r mttron FUSLIC St RVICt @ttP NY Of C("'[OaAoo. 55O t5rh SJ.r.r. D'nvr', Coror.do F?02 42(}5, 1r (.'l|'d.rrtirn ol .'+ltci |\. hr"!t tinlit srli) !|.rt Cortp-,t, i$ rlricrio.! $d tt?ia, la t ranrnl to co.rtlfiJ.i. r,pirt?_ 6ar4r!j^ 'eo.n rnl tltr|'ci ur,liry lan.r tid alt ftrn rat ftd d.ricd \*.{t ?r 1Jrill In ''r! oD,'.iron or rard lrri, ti o.rqh, oyn, Urrdar, Eff trd alo6f r .rur, |3 iJd lr.' 'r ritav ti hrc!.trr co.an,trRt ,rd rlp''d ir Lot Stata ot Cdo.-o tia c?rrd t,i. (,1 tia a,|arfant ,! drrcrit r.t t ft,tlo{tl l- i,r!-(..: .rf l.,lri I r.rr.e.l ir' the 5!- i, | -rf sectlcn 12, lti.r*r ip 5 Scutn, RarIF S0 faart L-t tJL' Sritj, !,rinrif)al l!:rrrrli.:., T'nr cl vail, faqle Lq.mty, Colorado, rDr€ partldrlarly dc-q:ril.ed a5 lf lr'{t ea(f srd..-,1 t:le f,)llr-rrilrq dee'ri}cd c€tr\ter L jjre: Begfuinirrl rt a p. int rr t-h{ arproxirEt€ cehterl irE of Core C!.rek frd l|lidt ur a&ri ca!- t€jrg tlic I rrtienl't C(,rrs c: $r':tr'r 12 tEars 578"58'25"E, 571.04'. ttE F S6:.'",)d,{3'lt, :J.frc': t}F,.lr:.. S(a"19,lii'\... 19r.06' !o tlle fEiJlt of t€rrtti.nrr cn t]|e l',;4rt|'{:r1}, Flqht-<-j-ry,:1, 4f .lJJ] if,c,! t-:.{ frrrr bl'.icti t}lc gcrrttrarst cor"Er of S€ctl{tt f2 lt.r*5 ggco.-.,,,,;"1t. .:'r5.i!'. ltr<.: si:,: l in:.g t-: bc lerqthrned or StFrt€tEd to teErdnten! 1-1, ,'!r:rl.rr lilT Fidlt-rif-+,4 .rrri tlre .rpt rrz iJiat. csrterl irE ol Gor€ CrEak. l'ra&r's.rilxt' I,41rr.l .rnt.:-^ns 0.124 acrrrs. Ilc,rr:rqg ..rr !. lrr.c,.c cJlr f-h.r Vail liast 'ltr..ii-r.r1r,s - tir.tfrnse Plat lb. l, iffarf Of :'..i1, xa{tle C<r,.r:}', C,i,.,ra,L. Sout}rast o.,r].,cr'..f Srqti(') 12 (alfidmm cdpl , b.n*Jir l Sotffi. Pj'J/K) 8cj h..: ! .:. :.:+,rr.'rl crl lij :1,:gl , :in0,0F'17'h', ll4-rr,l feet alqq tl, raEE i r'" - S|ocr 333?34;#i - ,l a,- t lr{ttttfS ^c,i : 'l{0Of 0f r in l'l 3 rrtll'l$ N !t!Jr'',q Eiol|(,It_!,trk i,, t'. "=E-*:-::: *, :--__ .;:*-'i'i Lil:-I?o'r|nip i: qrnor __-! Id*.=.__. o, th. -6lh__Pr;nc'd l,t".id.. ;- tr C.'v or *- -._.!:j-t ___ - _ ...,-- __.-__-_,-, Cr'nny ot Ebol,e lr, cunsi4eratro. r{ th€ eeseria,r:t h..rer. ..:"aqi€d, 613.t€e agreGs to b! resPS'Bibla tor dir,rge f.J Drasarlt anl inj:rj of dcalr t,-) any person or p€rstns rcrultlng ft6 tha n{:,lliirqrlat .f !,r,-r':rlq s e";:lr.,rr!. ,!'rents i'r coatractQr;. in thr errrclsc ('; tl. ri ints q.anted n tne fo!'?qoinq easo-.ent- ]'h. ..r,'inl n ,_L __ r.a in rdrn lir rit? ,Dtr'!.lrrv l;.i.t ot ft. tr..'iil .njl ba |.ndftld -d a.'tlrda .?EDrlnr I r!n! aod tr4e c{ r.rl ''rr ,ntn ft. .tEr w,Clh rr .r1 rtoinr! o. Ct.-ior'3 Follitt ct-d bV fi ab'a dtr r)b.-: c?'-!q.r.? erl "r!..j,.i to ?l'|? Ir|tr{4.',.! !,, '\? &|rc'.nr troFdr6I Jg{th"' /lrh t'. '.9F. t. ,. r"r riio. t d 'r. -" r. r.r rr r rry.V co^{rud, rn.r^lt.a olffata. '|rah, iwag. t!{rd Fa l- r.tj1 ,! itv,!.{1 r.d rr.r..c.!l!,r* lrd 4r',x6 .lNl lD r.ior. obi*r ,ntt,tr rp ihr.cwfh. irrt{dtrr| dra lt}'rrtt|''Ot O- rr.j rr,rrhi"'!, .ad toad,." 6,i.; *,e r ifi! tr, u. e r{ h , r" ... r , .dio,...? rr!n.r.! .,r t .rnrc, ddint turr.ti.tf, coort'|.t}dr. aa.l} t.n lcr, ?cr'.f r.qicv. ^r .ro1r',1., I ar$d r rr\,'.1: Gr(t r.lrlrd irrilrr?r.,.d rl.ttca n.n y h. t.qsl.i6 lo F t*t lta opTrr,oF 6r rt|n(i'd uirl,ir ..,rr r'..,ft .;)r .r,rt ih. ,.4rt, id r|e.F.,t !fi. ifir.l|nbn ot dla l-ilhLl cf rrt otn r col'rfrry lhr c'r :or ::r.r\,?. 1L t,idrt to L* .'d DliuEv thr 6.i.rnant fo' |nY lirtpoa. aoorha?i rtft '|a ti'!l ad pr,ntilFr rtpv. trrl.d r.C ^h'c. * 'l n.ri ,rtr'ftre *,!t .r cnJ.r{p, '|y ot thr rad Corno.nv'! ttjl'ti.r that ia t rt lhat!.. S{rda r.r'vr'.rr l,! ?re 6r.rto, rhr,, ,^ ,rc .,.,it :rd n. t r;q\t & e.e(r (i' crL.r ao b..r.ctad ,lt bltdirt Oa atnatr! tF thr E-rr.rt tr.lt|.l or to lo(ra .r'l r.ru!n! lLo'r. lrr.tdr e...tt ti.r|t'l. ln ca. ol d,t pa.rnisn abr{o6trilt cf aa llrr all r{tn Faril.{a .'yt tr!q.6: Craarirr 'ta 'r.16,.rr. Yhr rcrl st .^il.i$qt ..rd 6.,arrr ,i! r.d 1'' !! .,. r . r,.rtd t.r!u ?r r.{ !t!v,..i }rl b. rbtt rflh c|a.; 5a rd-a alaf lf* -enra.rr ,rrf lr 'art'r,.d r.itcrr^r rr,t lo j$ or q n. t..C .t 4 €rt<t Iton"G'r,tlo,'|'ull .nclrd. tr,. .r'tgut?, o'lrrr', t!.n r.{, n!rr!,,{. r d q+rr... E s.rnrrt rn:r *-:ft .--- _ drY ol _. J @c F .iz ci1q; E tr t rr r: sst 5 |<! aI E tYArt or C0LoFADC. I Cqrttylr aa :;c inirw rlt I iinarja# naa.t x il . ." i(-- o,' *..^--"*'**.fr e* e4 A A tS |h.i riv l$d -d offir.l EJ. . i axLa .| aarb! - nF-rra- c-ir, r-t .aD ra -r .t|.rr.-t -a ir Jii -rti, torz, Fo, Mtim araattt, 'ExH BIGHORN PARK %s.$i r pJic.t or trnc Iocrr.d rn rhc sE l/a ot s.ctlon r2, tcv!rtl, ,tootl, l.nt. 8o u..r of rh. st a,,-i,.f ."Ii.i xGrldl.n. lcn clv.rl. r.tr. counrr, color.do. -;;;;;:;;i:li:.r, d.,crt0...r ror.?t c.ch rtdG of chc foif""tng a c I i r I U . j - " . " , . , f f |r . , !cStnnli,t .r . potnt on rhc .pprorlrrtc crntcrltnr of Corr Grrrltro! rltrl ro e I u rr I n u r . c . p - U i i n j ,f,. i..r'i.i.a corn.r of SrGtlarit r!:'f s7E'rr'zs'E- 67t.b4'. t;";;. iii;di;il-". l!.00.; r!.tcr ,s(6'19't0-u, l9t.o6'| ro rh. po!nr of -i.i.r"". on th. No!th.rr,PtEht-or-sit ot J u n t E ? r , l: : : . f i . " ,r,r.r, -iii'i"urhcrrt .ornrr oii::::;:"":',,0:;;:..:::'lo'bo'z. so!.ir'."' i'..rrdc'aer to br :f -i.t. :''. .;.-' :;;;;.1:.::'":::::. i1"..ni,,";ll:' ":::i.'i.*:d.rcrlL.d fric.I contrlnc O.l2a .cr..:--- :-. ,r., l:l'llr;.1].^rr.l:1,"" _:l: r.lr !.rtl ro,aho.rr - twrrcrrr tBIT A, UTILITY EASEM ENT 'ffi EIGI|ORN P'.RK gtl R LANE IlliD DESCPTPTIO!f ulILltY E.r.SEltEI? M #:f#P*ffi*fr'ffi KKBHA IHC.co..fl6c-li*ffi-i.., ro rc r r--il-TliL?. .---L- . - o :r490t6 :.;:EA !rrg: rtL rEN Br rrrEsE pnEsErrrsr . :1" .., '' ' ir lt 2 21 ?t ril .. i ,: ,- ,i, ?tltt th. ?orn of vallr ! nunlcipll corporetl6rii'fhcrrtnaftcr rGlGrSGd to !t rclantos'r, for Ten Dollara lnd othct good rndv.lulblr conalderellon. tha rccctFt of rhlch la hcrcby lctnorlcdg.al r by thc6e FrGcGn!! docE Gnl\lf lnd OUMLAIII unto Publtc Ecivlic eorroratt6n of Colorrdo' and Frcd T. Elll.r' III' eho!. lcgal addrcir lc 5020 f:!tn Gorc Clrclcr V!!lr Cololrdo !163?r (hrrclnaftcr rGfcrlGd to .r 'Grantcc')r thc follot lng tall Prop.rtt tltultG tn tbc coonty of Erglcr Slatc of Coloradorto.rltr \rr,.i . 1*ii,'\i' ul-'.'i i'i\ t'' " \nll tl tall'[f' El$r.E!3-c.EE!--r.cr!E!rEsl iidie- '..-. o '1i-t .r j... ,It/ A F.taatrcnC non{rclultvc Grlancnt, togcthcr rlth th. rtghtof tngraal tnd cgtear, to conatructr rcconstruct, otlrrltttrcprtr and arlntaln r 9!3 linc, Pcdcltrlrn btlilgat lr.dGttrlrn .nd blcycl. pathr, and rchtcd atructul. or aFlrurtananct ln1 on overl undcr and throught Ar .ct torih on Erhtblt 'lr lttachcd hGreto and lncotporlt.d baraln btz thlt rafcrcncc 8r lf 3.t out ln Iull hcr.ln. Al[turtcn nt to thc r.!l propcrty !a! losth on ErhlblB 'Btrtttlchad harato lod tncorporrtcd hcratn bti thlE rclc3anca arlf |.t ont ln tull bcreln. tog.thcr ulth rll aad rlngular hcrecltrFcnts lnd lpFlr!.nrncaa. tharato bclonglngl or ln anyvleG lpprrC.inlng, lnd th.- rcv.t.lon lnd .rerartlonrr -:crrtlnder -tnd rlr..rlndcrrr tcnt!, Ittuar lndprofltr tharcc r r end all thc crlelcr rlghCr tltlcr lntr'..trilela rnd dctt.rg 'hataocvcr. oC th. crlnlor, clthrr ln lle ot I|| - Gqulty oll ln lni tc the abcvc-t..rgllncc rcel floFcrty lntercst, E rltb tb. hcrcdltsrncntt .nd .Fpurtcnrncca.6O lDo AAVE AnD tlo t'oLD the r.rG' togcther vlth llt rnd rlngullr- thc lpputtGalncc! rnd prtvllcges thcrcunto bclongtng os I'n- -.ly-vlre -thcrcunto lPttast.lnlng, -.nd .ll thc G.t!t.' tlght, -tltlatlntcrGrt rnd cla-ln ehltcoGt.rr of thc Grlntorr clthar tn llu or .gulty to th. only FroPGr usc. ben.flt |nd bchoof of tb. Grrnt.., Itr ruccc$ota rnd rarlgnr forcYct. Grlntorr ltr hclrrr tucccrlor:r and/or rlalgnt, ahllt not ar.ct nor phc. any P.rEnGnt trulldlngr atructura, lllFroYCDCnt, lcncr or ticc on tf,c ibovc-doecrtbed cigcncnt. rnd crantG. rhall .. not bc llabtt fot thGlr rcfiovrl lt tbey atc ro pleccd. - i-;::-. lccrPtancc o! tht. .rrcrcnt btt GrlntGG rDllllobnxltuta ltt rgrlanrnt rnd conrant rr fotlo$rr - , - t. At ruch ttra rnd ln th. Gv.nt tbrt tb' ct"t't!t -.. .dalcribcd bcrcin rhlll bc rblndoncd. or ln th. avent thtt Grrrrtt''... "brcache! rny sovcnant of tbl. Elrcn.ntr Grantot'l rrll ProP'rty *.1 .'infrirt la' tbc cascF.nt .h!ll lru'ediatcly tcv.t' to end b' tlicrcrfter' rcrg.d rrtth tltc 8crvlrnt ..t!tc. 2. thr qac llnc, Pcdertttan brldscr rnd Fcd"trlln and blcycli path c6netructeil 6n tbc abovc-dcairibrd Ga6ctncnt lnd tho rrci of ihr rccc6 laacrDcnt rhall be conetructcd, tr.lntllnadr an(: iiprfr-c tn r r.aronlbl. BlllttG! r condltton and. lfF.rroncc ' - rn thi cvcnt tt ls nrc€larry to con6truct, rccon8tructt rcplll. ol scplace th. 9r. ttnc and ledeetrtan brldgo. Grantca rhrll tcEtole thi arer sr icarly t! nay b. Frrctlcable to thc saac con'llslon' tncluclng fulr rivcgctallon. is 1E sls r!ttor.to. conrtruct.lont rcSatr oi rrplaccrcnf, Provlccd no FcrBanent bulldlngt. ttrl:::,rc' lni,roverentr- fancc or ircc shall. !€ Flace.t th.reon by GranBol rhich ln!€rfcrcE rlth GrantecrE rlgbtc hereln. C!tt J0{thr rTrTSiLl'lt;!$[eGrv. rtrfrrGr 3. Tha crant€c! agrc. to fully indcnnlfy, save lncl t..pCh. Grlntor brnlcrs troa any rnd !ll-clrlr.s, ti;ludlna coslr rnaItcorn.y.! f.c!, for drnrgc to rcal rn<l piraonal rs6perty andlnturlc! or dclth. auftcrcd by pcrlona ln- connection-rlth thc' conatructlon, nalntaDancc, us! or tn anyttrc ralatlng to orerlrfng froo tb. crscF.nt .nd th. brtdsi constructcd tbes.on,Itlrlng lb. tcrl of thlr .!!c!cnt. lrGd f. fttlcr, fff, or rnyruccclror ln Irtcrctt rchtlng to th. proDcrtv aDDurt.nant to thctc6..t!lln brldgc, !9rcer -to natnlali cictS;raiy liablltrytnaurlnc. cor.rrg. r.IrtlnE to th. prdcrtrlrn brldgc ln thc nan.ol ?J.lt l.- Elll.r, IIfr os rny rucccreor ln lntcrc;t rchtlng totD. pro,p.rty rplturtcnmt to tha Fcdrrtrlrn bridgc and n!!G !h.crantor !. rn addttlonll lnrur.d on such pollclci of lnlurtnccrrr ltr lntcrcat Dly .Ftc!r. crantccr agrri to Frovldc proot otlnlutanc. oFon rataonrblr raquart ol Grrntor. stcngD r.rlD DritvrRED u,rr 4{a.v or--6rt '',r,-, !1?* :!:::. lGClFlEDr DrbL. J.ria.. 3.1-.t.! auahl .ttalti'r al|.lIltr Iltbart 'EXHtBlr A' ERIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BTGHORN PARK, TOWN OF VA|L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TR.qCT \ rt .rC t BiG}IOftN PARK |.ArD Drtcllrtlor lltDcl Gorlttuctlot :rczrzlr l t.rc.l ot ler{ loc.3.a la :hr tz lla of t..3lo. ll, lcnrllt ttcrch, l.rt. tO 9..t ot 31. tltcb ttlrclt.l ;.3tal.r; l.ar aCv.llr 1.31. Corict, Golas.ao, .ot. t.lclcrlrrl; lererllri .. l0trrt rrcl rt& ol 31. tcllctl.3 d..cslD.a c..3.3lll.t : l.:l.rtr3 rc r tcl.! o. 3t. rp;rorltr!r c.!c.311.. of Oot. Gs..tlrcr rltcl .| rlcrlrrr a.t t.ttt 3t. 3o!ti...! €otrar ca 3a33tar 12 Drrrr ttt'5t't!-1, att.0a 1..3' Ch..c. t6t'Oatat'f. ,t.OO t..3!o cha tclrt aa 3a"rt.!a tror rhlci th. tor3t...3 co3.at oat.G3lo. 12 1..3. tt2tlt'tt'lr 7!1.!l trrt. ?b. .td. llra. 3. l.l.rtGh.!.d cG abotCa.ad .lo!! tbr ;olot of b.tlqrl.3 30 q.3.1a.3. aC 3t. .ttrorl.at. oa.t.tltt. ct Cor. Cr..l. 1,.. a..cllt.a ;rrcrl ccrc.lla P.oltt rGsrrr 44. -. r!f*'];gJ - -Ula& lodl fa C.ttr- frtr-tr- r.,l.lt -rl- ala .t. .t -f*t t Olj rar .rt|rr rtillrt rtta. i t|'tt atl3rar ad -t*.L h r .rt. - -rtl- t ..a |.. qr -t.ct t grta .G' r -jii r- lr ttf trr t- r-aa d aa a"a,l|t'aalt - rrrr|r KKBI{A t]{C.oillrrtnotttlEi5o. tro ll|vtllr|?0.6o,m.qn,6Oa.'''ls, Post Otfice Box 1 248 Vail, Colorado 81658 {303)4764180 (303) 949-1011 Sanctiay ol Conocct STEWAR.T TITLE OF EAG LE COUNTY The followlng exceptlons to tltl-e woul-d pertain to the area comrnonly described as Bighorn Park. in the Tovm of Vai1, Colorado. 1. Rlght of the proprietor of a veln or lode to extract and removehis ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate orintersect the premises hereby granted as reserved in United States Patent recorded September 13, Lg02 in Book 48 at page 49L. 2. Easement granted to Fred T. Hiller, III, by the Tor,rn of Vail as recorded June 19, 1987 in Book 464 at Page 7L7, as Reception No. 349016. (see attached eopy) 3. Easement granted to Public Service Company of Colotado Utility Easernent by the Town of VaiJ., as recorded February 24, 1985in Book 436 at Page 979, as Receprion No. 333232. (see attached copy) l::, ,: ,t j ' 'totalrt.ra l!. r-. f 5 l*..t__o'.r*r lt, Dodrnrrt no.is'dr '!o ll.r \o. aa::]i]--@&!9*zss-[u- _---=.--;-- .j* o"o*::-*-_ft#--- .< ! r! PuBLrc s€RvrcE "o'pArvy ", ";.;;;;,;;; ,^*-*,I'n uarrr*.d G..r?or h.r.b, rr^r*,.6c.-.-.-, ^,. , ^" '.- " ' ---"''"t I H,"i*""i,:!,.T.#^T.,'JiJ1?'STi'l-,H,ffi, gg4g,.- | 3 3 ?, !, 3 2 AomT .?1r5,,n (,rrd{r'r, ot -,,oi, u'rt". qo'o...to I q ib6!rr.11- rq ..*.-r h?'tit !'r"tr trlir r,'{ Corrrc^y, ,113gq961o." 1116 J .r-;+= ' -;i;fi::'fl]:jr cont''jtl 'o'?t'' d''|^r.^ "o'" ,i '.tn,c. *',,',,,.,JTili I :-41t atld aroig I C?)u.r. {r .rirl I,n 5 Firv |1. hd,''-- ' .--';;;l::':;:*f ;;ff;il::: I '' t'' '.;'lfii'',i r:::-:.-: --:.;-.:*-_,.;;t.-,, -ji ! iu?l B azplt'B$ n-.r,prr r.i.,Ji/ .,.-a'..-.- - .-.---r.I-.---_ o'r\. (/r!. __- i .-ill; I 1;;11..1 1,, 6'."l'!-i:i.-:r-3l t!_.rt,Ii,ra,..;'--:'': l:, rr'e,n+ iF 5 sotrtlr,,.' -i "r-, tJnl.. Lii.:fltv, Ltlorarlr,: rt r^ l:yr d.sc.r il€!-" (.I:!.ttcfr I irE: ilrari rrrJl*,.r!, bt ' Ranqe 80 tfast npre part j. cldarly I t i oz G I r !z t "< o I A j:r:-r. I _,t' 'a tl(' S,'j!:tlt(ic-etril r<j r!s T ,!t: iir, _r:r lr. rs l^1.rj c a.i!_r1: i., F:.1.'r:.. 8/. i1, ! | .;t. i,t:t.t '' : :.+". (r t-}!.: Vd rl !,:ist .,',1;,, ;li'.."1:;.'; :":f. :.;'ll1l:_:1":_y. 1, 'qr or'.'o.n, . r- :fi:'r,i.1 'l:yl:T cap) , rt'dncht;J 5 scirti,.''ri .'rr I r:: ;t i,J | . ...,.'^a, 1.,",.,' r :i. iil.i,-!j"il;:,L;; ,-tlt,::tou t h':tc'' '.'aatrd, 6f3i,tee dqrees to be respflsibls forartt in: j.t Cr' 4patt t,r arl ^6..^- tht '.t-1. _tn-: jlJ c' 4patt t,: ary p415sn ,rr pe;s4ns resuittnq'iiom tfre'l' 3 ? . ,.:t:'.,. t:€rtii r'rl r.^t?,!.ar.- :- ..^ ^---^.1 ': ,- frrm l*ricfi an a_Ltlnint! 571 .04'. therre Lernujtus c,n th€ carner of Sectlon lzslr:rtcncd t, teltnijEi.Ao{ Gcre Cieek. Th€ lri cunsiler,lt',.-.,r d , aeC |'r ,-a-J.:,t +. r fl,r''r , at,: :ri .. :..:t at . rl rt!: !: jn."e; .t :"e 6 )...rt 1.,) FaS C_ ?,r !.' .:€rlii i'c Ca'rtrd(l-1r;. in t5e ererciie O-; th€ lff;;:1 1; ;;";'"1' :lI"' .': :: ;:., ';';;; .;;; il:.;;;;;T,1:,1";:::il:.i;11.* ..,:;,::..::, ;..:l ;. ; - ^" ; :1. ;;_.:, x'. : ii.'[ j;1 ;;;i"r Fop.rly ca63rd by tha a6orr ra,. , ry ng ,,\t ,. ..€ , ,1...1 r \' ..,,.; ...;,,t_.,:;.,;,;t.-j;"7;",.7.-1".,,,,,...,2o.i?. rtora. conrror.nd tl'..".:r '_r'f.'i. e4d:i?,i,.,,6 i,. _r. .i.n, r, ,.. --_ ,i :-. :; .:j..^.:'l:-l'- .v'4,.n.: t\,tedtr\. incildine r.. o;|nminE.r.,..rte.. {r- rtt}.,r IE ::.:::., _,,.,:_ ;;:-.) ". ",.;.'.:-.: i.:,:,1 .:.:.1: *j,:",:l-:::t::j,: jt,.t.!_;".) ori co,nF ,tt rra 'l'r.:;! ..*,*. ; t'r1 rt' t't|'t 'o od.F r ri. ,rrt.rldb.r ot th. r-lriiL "iii_ ; .- - E I il to L* r,rc r,(.uFy rh. ?.sm?., t . . ., , . - - _ , _ - . _ . -:.:,"f:/,:- t....'rt ,)tFr. crtatt.t n? f,ft rrr qftt rlt!:,#::'1;,:f;f ;:.:1";i '-. .:':;:, l; ,i ;li::""1 :i'fi{'J;;:#;f,T,fffr'i;{-:'*T*# ' nr s1!rr -,. .r:.rr.as rnj fr _rr.a " ?:::: lr.:::: ::' ;;- ;;".:;';'';1'': : :.: : : : :' "i :: i :: ;s I n d* "6 rh.ll b. otor wrth aara, tha {rt-a ddtG,.nro," r',r, .* *.. r,. ,,.g"r,,. ;.;, ',:,;." ,' :. ::;:,:,,7'ii-:L,- 5.9-td ar, . -_ a ,: 2I o ts .r( 'ln. lo,+q,ry, t 4t!,n\rn ..r &k,1','/t'i|9'd hara, |tr t,|i,,' *rlr,'; : t'Ji rr sorrrm'rj,5 1;r"j; C-IptA* 2a, tSl(trrg mr f'r,o:rO orriiei ri loYta FO' tDtf tc.l/|.. r;etx, aw' 'ExHt BIGHORN PARK : EAS EM ENT BIT A' UTILITY TiIACT A ils."?iy,.'$|{' BtstioRtt P,.RK %*:l$: ^]\G)TIA INU.-'blf;ffifffi"t... 4taw+gs..-{ rrA; t16, A pric.l of IrcC locrrad ,n rh. sE l,/( of Scctton 12, Tounrht, ,s3rlth, ?!nf,r cO lJerz iI .lg ,rr.n-i.r..ro.i Hcrtdlrn. loetr o,v'ltr E.grc countv. colorrdi. .o.. ,..ai"liirly dcrcrrbcd rr t0I.ct.rch sidc of rhe follovlng a . . . , i i . i - " . . i c t I t ,, c : ";-,.t1"-9,9$ TJIJIPER LANJE ].^Ip qls_qillilrrt UTILITI E.'.SEEENT !.itnntr.t .a . ''ctnt an rhc epprorlE.:. <.ntcrlln. of Core Crcctiron shtch "n .t.,=tnu!r-.rp bcio6 thc ;.;;;.;., corncr.t stc3tor;i5:;;: ;0:;:' ii;:;;T. :: j il!, :,jl::;:,;;i.:j;iiji";i;:;;,.:lix: Plth(-of-L''y ol JuitFcr-Lrn€. froa sl,:.r, - i i, I ' s o ., a r, . . " a .orn.. o(i::;:;:",:'",'lill..;3;'10'oo-'. gri.ir.l"- in...,dc'n.r ro L. ::;:;1,.i;:".::;".::lil;i:;ii,. :i:i!:i:..'ni,'"lj:t' ":j:i.';;*l ,,., I I i ' i I t i " i I ' . , o ' J I d . o n -rhc v'tl Err tl ro,nhoacr - rovnhour. cornct o( gGcrron l2 lll ErglG countt. colorrdo. ;;;;;;;:;rr..t to. rGL.r rnd erF;l:"lTl:.:.ri:,I::::Il-o t sourh, i;;;;-;;:;:',::i: i;::: :"' crP (Ls 'ro't' i'66'o;;i;r;: ;t;:;;";.1i":i"ll KKBHA IHC. rJwr qryf tut "o. aq r?.thGr.ca.qloo ara.a5E-lt , ii:'$-r'o 6 ' - tll' 'l .{\,-r r., ,., 1,-'rl..-r" . --i- .- 'r tl lr ltl'ti\(rl t I !asr_r!!l-!t!!-lg,Ls!'Egl o 3s0sir:r4g0l .:.:;Ei- i/ trlrc1: ALL r'EN By rr:EsE pnEsEr:rs. ;Ilt 2zllllt!? .-i ... .:. TIIAT thc Tocn of vrl1, a hunicipal corporrtl6nr'' lherelnafEerrcferred to rB 'Grantcr'), for Ten Dollars cnd other good andvaluablc conslderationr the recelFt of shlch ls hereby acknorledged, by these Fresents does Gn^l:f and OUITCLAIN unto PubtIc s€rvlce Corporatlon of Colorado, and Fred T. Htllerr IIl. vhoae legal rddsegs 16 5020 t:rln Gorc Clrciel vall. Colorado 8165?r (hereln.fter referrc<i to aa 'Gslnteeil, th€ folloulng realproprrty riturtc ln the County of Eagler State of Colorudotlo-uItr A Fc3&anant non-€xcl.ualv€ €aseEcrt, tog.ther tieh the rlghtof lngrcss lnd egraEs, to conatrucll reconstructr oplrrtc,scpllr rnd Dllntaln a 9a6 linez pedestrtan b!1d9ctpedcatrlan and blcycle plthE, lnd related structurc or aFpurEanancc ln. on over. under and throughr A! 3et forbh on Erhlblt 'A' attachcd hereto aDd lncorporatedhcrcln by thls rcference a6 lf 6et oul ln full hercln. Appurtcnrnt to the real property sct forth on Erhlblt 'B'rlttrchad her.to and lncorporlted hereln by fhls refercnce arlf sct oul ln tull hclcln. togcthlr ultb !l! rnd slngular hercdltaFenla snd ,ppurtcnrnc€!. tbcrato bclonglngr or tn anyslBc aPFcrtalnlng, and the rcvarllonqnC rcverrlona, :clrllnder and rer:!lndara, rentg, lsEucs rnd Psoetts lhcrcc., and all thc cEtrtcr rlght, t.ltlc. lanteralt,chla lnd derna.is .hataoever. o[ thc Crrntos . cltber ln ltv or la - Cgulty ofr ln ani tc th.c at.cvc-tarq!incc recl froF€rt!' Ittercstt U rlth thc hereciltanents 6nd rFFurtenanccE. ? ?o FAVE AnD TO UOLD the saEcr togcther vltlr a!-l and rlngularthc appurtcnanccs ard ptlvllcae6 thereunlo bclonglng ot l]| any-vlsr thereunto lFp€rtainlng, anci rll tha cstate, rlght, tltlc,lntereat lnd claln rrhalGoever, of the Grrntor, elthe! ln lrr oa cgutty to thc only Froper uEe, bencfit lnd behoof of thc Gtlntca,tta succaasorg lnd aSslgna forevcr. Grrntor, llg helrrr gucceaeorgr and,/or l8slgn!r !h!ll not cr€ct ncr placc any pernlnent bulldlngr Etru€tuter lnProvcDcnt, fence or tree on thc rbove-de8crtbed eaeet:entr and Crlntee ehall .. nol.b. llablc for thetr reFoval lf tbey are so placed. Accept.ncc of thls eaEer:ebt by Grantee sblll'c5n6tltutc ttt agre€nen! lnd conE€nt rr follob'sr ' I !. At such ttnc rnd ln the evcnt thlt tb! ?lEctent ,. .de9crlbed hereln shall be ablndoned, or ln the .eent thtt Grlnlcc -.' . brerches any covenrnt of lhls E!8enent. Ctant€e'! rr!1 proFcrty .'-'.i -'inf".est ln- the cascrent Bhall tn,nedtately tcvct to anci b! thereafter n'erg.d utth the Bervlent eEtate. 2. Th. gas llnc, FedeEtrian brldge, and pede6trtan and blcycle path conatructeC on Ehe sbov€-ie6crlbed eagerrent lnu thc lsel of ihe accets ea6enent thlll bc consblucted, rialntalned, an(: rcp.ised ln r teaEonable lionner, condttton atld rfFearance. ln thc event lt ls necessary to conatructr r€con8truct, rgPalr- or reFlace the gas line and pedestrtan brldgcr c!antee 6h!ll rcrtorcthc area aa nearly a6 ray ba Frectlcablc to the aane condltlon,lncluilng full rcvegetallcn, as lt 346 frlor to consErrrction, rcFalr ot replaceticnt, provldec no perr-ancnt bulldlng, 6Eructurc, fu:,f,rcverent, fencc or tree ehall be Flaced theteon by crantor rrhlch lnterfcre6 rl!h Granteers rir-rhtc herein. i it 3. the Granteea agrec to fully lndernlfy, save lnci keepth€ crantor harnlcss fron any ani atl-clalrs, ti;fudfnt coJtg ,nitlltorney.a fces. for -Canagc. to real ancl pirsonal ii6p.rty lndlnJurlrs or derthe Euffer€(t by peraona ln' connection' rI tir the'conatructlon, nltntenance, uB9 or ln anlrrlae reliifng to otarlalng fron thr eaGerncnt and the brldgi constructed -thercon. durlng the lcrn of Ehls-eascnent. freO i. Hlller, fII, or aniluccclacr ln lntereat relatlng to the psopcrty appurtenairE to tha?:g:l!fl!" brtdscr lereea ro nalni,atir cietiiriii- iiabrlrryll"Ilt?.: covesrg. sclatlng to th. pedeEtrlrn brldga tn the naniol Frcd T. Hlllcr, lll, or any. succ-eaor Ln tntere6t relattng toth. property lppurtenlnt -to Lhc pcdeetrlin -Urfaec anO nanc' ttricrtntor aa an addltlonll lnsured on au€h pollclei of insurancc,!a-lt8 lnterest fi:ay aF[ear. crantecs egrei io provlde proof oitnrualncc uPon rlalonablc ragucrt of Grintor. BtcNED rrrD I'ELTVERED tbla r94g aay oe \ilthu,- , !3X!, ACCEPIED s %lereeo- a !rrtc artlatrl .at tall- Itb aaa l 'EXHtBlr A' BRIOGE CONSTRUCTTON EASEMENT BIGHORN PARK, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TRACT r? \ !#FH a BiGHCfiN PD,PK LlxD D?5 Cl rtr lox tll9cz corsttuctlotf l^gsHll|l A t.rc.l ot lrad toc.!..1 lo ch. tz lll ol S.cclon 12. toslrhtt t louch, h!t. t0 g..t ot 3h. tlrsh lrl.clP.l ll.sl.ll.!; lorr o! Y.11, !.t1. Cos!Bt, Color.do, ror. p.a!lcultrly drrcclbrl .. l0 t..c r.eb rld. ol Ct. lotlostlt d.tcrlb.d c.!3.att!.t , t.llontlt .C a pot!! oa 3h r2gtottttta crotrrllor ol Cota Csa.l ttor rhtch ro rlurlosr cep belat !h. 3ou!ha..t coaoar of ta€Ctoo l2 brrrr 8t!'t!'2t-!' 6tl.0a trrt; cheocr t5t'0t'at'||' tt.O0 t..3 to the pollt oJ 3arrtoat fror shlch tha Sou3btrrc collrr o( 3.ctloo 12 brerr 3t2rlt"6'l' ,tl.tg t..c. rh. .1d. ltrat co b. lragthrnrd oa abot!.oad .bou3 lh. Polnt of b.alnnlnt lo q.s.l!.3a .G tha .ppaorl..t. .ro3.rl1!. ol cor. Cr..l. th. d..crlb.dprrcel coa!.t4. P.0ttt rc!lrr i.!d A4.-. - r" tF-!'.l':':';iTior"""' . -Efl(l: lGGt alr ta G.t.r- l- r.. Et 3-€ Elr.;l xlla. t|.aa --at -taat t. Olr- r-'r.t drrt. ali,ta rrb. i ?|t alrclt r td -taGL k r rrret. f rc-rrr I|.a t- xt -ta<t t. irla r-r.t r .-r.a -ar !- tr-t ,r- lb_ aata a, tI Ganlrtartlaa tb tara-. KKBI{A tt{c.9t6u.rm oE .tfnt rE. uqo rtwrcS 20. txlr t.llruoa.cq.€rloo axrJldc.lgrt Sonctity of Contrcct STE\^IAR.T TITI,E OF EAGLE COUNTY D 3,n b Po3t Ofticr Box 1248 Vril, Colorado 81658 (303) 476€180 (3(Bl 9f9.10r I The fo11ow1ng exceptlons to title would pertaln to the area conrmonly deecrlbed ae Bighorn Park ln the Town of Vatl, Colorado. 1. Rtght of the proprletor of a veLn or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrou, should the ssme be found to penetrate or lntersect the prenlses hereby granted ae reserved in Unlted Statea Patent recorded Septenber 13, 1902 ln Eook 48 at Page 491. .,, h Easenent granted to Fred T. Hlller, III, by the Torm of Val1D- ae recorded June 19, 1987 ln Book 464 at Page 7L7, ae Reception No. 349016. (see attached copy) ^t-3,.' Eaaement graoted to Public Servlce Company of Colorado Utllity Easement by the Town of Va1l, as recorded February 24, 1985 l-n Book 436 at Page 979, as Reception No. 333232. (see attached copy) :..-. i '! ,' , nora br.ra to.l-., | ., alrat' ttxllt{rl' t BEid 'l - Dorum6f l|o. F | ' : rJ'L :.>.rJ t'rl:-. :r,f I :" .,,,r.1 '..'-.'_,; ..::"'^" r'. irqrsnlD 5 s<rrtJr' Ranoc 80 Hest S g (i..q-ri!.-i ;,s il, r,,r ,,,{ :,; j. , ; I ,i*iil..jlllH,.t;;liyiil,i, -* particrirarry i : H?ill] i;i1,;":"1 tirt 'rro!'rr,..,-t!t{ ce:it'rtirt]:i^?f?-f .-k rr.,', !*rid1 an arudnD A ; 51r . -:'i,"r*, ,;.,;',,'il"lj-i,i.:'i":;:l;,,"-ll.trrars s78"58'ir,"., eii.or;l-il'"il U -1 i:l;"lli.:l:l ::'*.':'-i.:r-::.'r:,-, i.,'.,i,.r 'o'.."'1'11n1 ortenrurusontl'" ; ; "' 'j., .'.: ,t. '.., . ,t' i''-:r" 'i " r'" .. ; ';; l;'H;'Ys'* f'HS :fiI*,f* * | * =?l'j .;,,' 1'',:.'';:, ::-;:ilrt'.,J,1=:'" n:;t DY'-ar (r,',t.rlir,o "r c.-,i" ir*r. n| ; I i.=,.i::,,' ; .l.l,ii:,;ri'*jii{i:Li:d;i:H* s,ffis :n.n,*,_ i I ^i I t='.j .::.,' -.. .s i.r:.: ,.,,*. "" :'r't' (r'rtcrrirPor G'Jrecrcr I | ; I l"',.''.1-;1..1) i' , 't,,t " 'x i'h': vlri '':st li't^-'r r.t''.s.- T::Jr'-r.rsa.' F l at l.ro, l, brn or...4i1, i I E I t,',: i, i,;; r : 'i.'i:,,:ji':,,*l -:' I,l;,1,. 1,;:;.,-,:.:, .lll*t*. 1i-i'-''fi'l1 frfir I ! | lri ,-;rn.,'1o..1- - r. :h. n.,sa-r,. . .^r.r., ,.r^r&., .. i I i i,,':u,'::,"i.'.-o;,':..',::',:,:i'.:a'':;.'':: ;:;:;'':';l:":;.;;;-l:"r::iff:.::,:i,ffi"iHol;""" i I i 't,:.'".'";r;"i' '., ;iii".".;,','^';";;,;l,l;: :. 1"ltrdi.';/'" in *re exerciie oi the I I |,*-::iffl*1,',.::iii"iil' ii:x.:-'T'"rr.1r::".::::il:1i1,?:sx5;s.H i] I I ii,r:;lt ;7 i;i :,'";;:;r: i;i: i:;;;iml:;i''":':1li#j#*ffii# ilIi:;'?';::J;"Ti";:..;; '-';.'niio'''u''1 "'i""ic"'$m'vr'''QUn'oto!r"n'r-; tf -l I g;..?.i:#H;r;i-::r;:i';, '':;l:',1:,:."'.Llil#t:'*;a:t#r,"#ft1'lT;r"'k'or r !l I l',;:T:i,H:*:::-:;;:r,i,;i:.'ii.l'i;;*l:.:?';iJ:r*TJ.H:ff';1ffi fl il I..'*E;*:rj;l.:;:llf,i:i::::'.1:::::Ii:n,'d+....,h.r,,.a4.,-,,,,.r..rb,,.,-.&.r t$g I s.o-co .,, r --: . -. - - - r.v .,r __--j",..r-a3--.--.. ._. ," * i,l-"-:--- :- ffi:l rt --- ---- -lH ii :i ni:;,.:r1"^'. gtzt;t<--pti .!t.orl, ,oa aot frwa rcfarrtlu ----'ir-r- ':''ttlu L ..'f 'ExHtatr A, BIGHORN PARK UTILTTY 4t^' : EASEM ENT TIIACT A Ei(i!.ioRt.f Pr.RK ,s /r< t ot t0 4laH+gs<.,r arr? rro, .IIriD DESCPIPT-IOI{ E.ilnnt?.t it . Dolnr on thc rpproxlB.tc E.ntctllnc of Corr Crrct:to! rill(h rn r t rr - t n u o - 4 r p . ll c t n g , f,. S.riti..a Cornar of S.c!to!;:5:;;: ;o:J:'ii;:;;:. ::' ;i:':"ji:l::,;;::::;:,.,, rr.ooi, -;;;;;: l1:l:-"t-::r or r!iricr Le-1. 1i"",nr.r, -;;:.1.. on thc t{orrh.rr' ii:;l;1,, i'",':;::,.:::'?'' r,o' e." gii. : r' :"' ;;:':;;:',,::;":: ;: ;:;:;1,.:;:", : li""::lil;i:;ii,. :i:ii: i :".'nj,'"llri' .i::i.';;li; ,,., I I ] ' i I t i " I i ' , , t ' J i i , " " ='l: "'1r Errti rognhoac' - roe.hour.cotnct or :.crrcn t? tli""l;gl'..fii'il;..flt":.1". ;;;;il;::t'i..t to r rrtrr.na i.9 (Ls 21491: rron.rrr,rr--o :,:"::h, lrn3r c0,*_iL: i;::: :"' c'e (Ls 2r1e); rtoo'oa'rr:vl iri.ii"i.li'li,ll , "...'..;.':'!'i-,.' "'.'.-i -' :. - ii:'+-'"'o,,,r..i ! ., ,, 1i-: ..l..t.i ":l t " -.i,.r-.. - 1r tt ac [I rtf' \!I tl FASrl Ft:T r Fr.n ' ct!'EllE!3 ssostif i:r ll 2 ?l ?ll'lj :r49016 ...152..,",7J.?-,I \./ tr}}CI: ALL I'EN BY TIIESE PIESEI:TSI THAI thc Torrn of valt' . nunlcipll "orpor"i{irri;''iherelnafterrefesr€d to aB 'crantcr', r for Ten Dollars lno othet good andvrluabl. conslderetion, the recelFt ot lthlch ta heteby lcknorrledged, by these Fre8ents does GnAtI and OUITCLAIH unto Publlc servlce corForatlon of Colorador and Fred T. Itlllerr Ilf,vhore tegal addrcsg ls 5020 t:rin Gore Clrcier vrl,Ir Colorado 81657' (herelnaftcr r.f€rred to as 'crlntee') r the follorrlng realpropcrty rttu.tc ln tDc county of Ergle, Statc oe Colorldotto-ri t r A FarEanGnt non-€rcluElve easerncnt, togcther $ltlr the rlghtof lngragg lnd cgtcsa, to conGtruct, rcconstruct, oparatc,rcpalr lnd Daintsr.n . gas linc, pedestllan brldgc,pcdostrlan and blcycle pathsl and selrtcd structule or aFpurtcnancc ln, on ov€r, unde! and throughr A! aet forth on Erhlblt 'A' attachcd hcreto anci lncorpolatedhcrcln by thls rcfcrence !s lf 6€t out in full hereln. Appurtcnant to the r€al proFerEy sct forth on Erhlblt 'B'rattachcd hcreto and lncosporatcd het.ln by thlE refercnca atlf 3ct out ln full h.rcln. llogcthcr slth lll rnal Blrgul.r he(ciltrnenEa lnd tppustanlncc!. tbarcto bclonglngr or tn lntmisc lFFcrtalnlngr and the rev€lltoa and .scvcrllona, :eralnder and rerrlndcrsr rcntgr tleuer lndploflts tharac. r rnd lll thc cBtatcr rlghE, tltle. intcrGlltclrift and denl,ic .hltsocv€r, of thG Crantor, clther ln hy or ln - cqulty ot, ln aFi tc thc af.cv(-tatqaincc real froFcaty lrtercst. l: rltb thc heredlter.entB lnd aFFurtenanceao = lo EAVE r\nD ?o tloLD thc sarc, tog.th.r vlth a!"1 lnd ainguhr the rppurtlntrceE lnd prlvilcges thereunto bclonglng or ln !ny-vllc thercunto lppcrtalnlnqr, rnd .l! the .Etcte, rlght. tltlctlntcreat lnd claln uhatsoevet, of the Gtantot' clther ln las or agulty to th! only proFer uEe, bencflt and behoof of thc Grrnt.a,tts succcaaora and as8lgna forever. Grantorr 1ts hclrr, succea€orEr and/or lBsl,gn!, lhall not G!.ct ncr placc lny p"rnirnent bulldlngl 8tructure, funFrovcncntr fence or tree on tha above-descrlbed eaEenente lnd crlnt€? chall .. not bc llobl. for thclr renoval lf lhey are so placed.-' .-;:>. Acc.ptancc of thls .r8.iient by Grantee Ebrll'congtltutc lt! agreencnt and conaent a! follob'8r t. lt such tlnr lnd ln the cvcnt that th! .!s3acnt ,. . deF€rlbcd heteln chlll be abrndoned, or ln th. event thlt Grantce-.. "breachea any covenant of thl! ErseDcnt, Grant€cr! rall ProFcrty -i'.1 .'inlc..:t tn- thc eascrent ahall lt,!.edlatcly tcver' to and b. theseafter rerged ultb the aervl€nt eEtate. 2. Thc gae ltn., FedeBttlan brld9e, and pedeatrlan and blctcle path c6nstructci on the above-described eaEetrent andl thc arel of Lhe access elaenent thall be conetruct€d, Frlntalnedr an(: rcpaired 1n a teaEonable honner, condltlon and rfFearance. ln tha cvent l! 16 necessrry to conalruct' recon8truct, repalr ol rcplacc tlc g16 llne and f.,edeatrtan brldgc. ctantee 6hrll rc.tore thi area ae nearly ae ray be Frectlcable to the 6atne condltlon,lncluilng full rivegetallon, as i! r'ae fttor to conEtruction, rcgalr cr reFlec€rent, provlCes no Fe(nenent bulldlnq, 6lrucluro, lnf,rcvarent, fcnce or tree ehall be Flaced thereon by cronLol uhlch tnterf€reE rith Gtanlee's rl!hts hereln. 3. The Grant€es agree to fully lndennlfy, save and k€cpthc Grantor hafflegs fron any eni all-clains, l;lcludlno costa anilattorney'a fcea, for -danage, to reat lnd personal Fr;perty lnClnJurlcs or dcatha sufferetl by persona ln' connection- ri !i.r the'conEttuctlon, Dalntenance, usg o! ln anl.viae rellting to orrrlslng fron tbc easement rnd thc brldci conetructed -ther€on, durlng thc tero of thls eGacnent. rreO i. nffiei, itl, or lnitucccaaot tn lntereBt s€lrtlng to the Froperty appurlenant to thaIted€strlan brlCAe, agrees to nalnlalir cirstinaiy llabilttylnauaancc coverlgc r€lattng to thc p€deGtrlln brldqe-in the nan6ol Prcd T. Hlllcr, lll, or any succ-ssor Ln lntere;t rel.Elng tothc psoperty apFurtcnlnt . to thc Fedc8trlan bridgc and nanc thcGllntor !r .n addltlonll lnsured on auch pollcle; of ln8uranceltr lt8 lntesest tily aFlelr. Granteca agrei to provlde Froof oilnrualnce upon scaaonablc lcqucat of Grintor. srcNED ArrD DsLrvEnED .nra rgl{ aoy oe \j?htk-, !xl?' "'::::.'.... Byt ACCEPIDD r 6..bFs f ada. eerPa a rrrtx ottlnrl aatttr| all-lr- |3l- aa. 'ExHlBlr A' BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BIGHORN PARK, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO LlrD Dlscllttlof lIIDC! COrStrUCrtOi zA! Etlu tf t A D.rc.l of lrad loe.c.d ta thr tZ lla of t.crlon 12, toYlrtl, I !os!h, l.rt. tO g..t of !h. tlrth t31!c1P.l X.rldl.q; tolr cl Yr11, lr3tr Cor|!3t. Colos.dor ros. 9.3clc|,l.rlt drrcrlDrl .. lO trr3 eech rtdr of ti. lollortlt d..c3lb.d c.6!.tll..r i lrttoalrt .c . totlc oa ctr rgprorlrrcr cralrrllar ol Corr Grrtt tror rbtch lo eturllur ctp brllj th. sou3ha..c co!!.3 of tactlo! l2 b..r. !t!'5!r2t'!. 6tl.0l tr.t, 3h.oc. !55'Oa'aJ'g' 73.0O ,..a !o thr polrt oC c.3rl!ua tror vhlch th. toutb..a3 3orlar ol !.c!lon l2 Dcerr 3t2'19't6'2'. ,tl.!9 lrrt. th. .ld. llta. 3o br l..trh.n.d or abotc.6.d .bou3 3h. Polnl ol b.ll,nnt'nt 30 q.s.t!t3. fG Gh. .Dprorlrrr. caoc.3ll!. ol Cor. Cr..l. thr drrcrttrdp.rc.l eon!rl!. P.ottt .cr... TRACT t (#, !t r.rr! ._-.slg, racrtti ta G.tr- l!,i -rt G--r arfr'!l Xrh. Inaa l|-at -taat l. l|ta r..rt rltta. rliI::1.t-r.' t! tlrr3 atr.:r.? 16 -tGL lr r .nrt. rt q -tr' Ir.r t- tr -tt33 h tlla r-ratr r re.. 'r.. r- t-t tr- |I aata at |.l ca'lltlaaSlaa t- t"r-. KKBT{A INC.ooattftm ottatll rE. uro lrMErct 20. 6 tr. l!nrE.,q.o|rgr ara Jtclc.IFt f 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 ollice ol the town manager Septenber 4, I9g7 Board of DirectorsVail Valley Consolidated Water District846 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 91G57 Dear Board of Directors: on behalf of the Town of Vail , r wourd rike to thank you forwaiving _water tap fees for Buifehr creek park, eighorir park,and sandstone Park. The irrigation tap fee for Buffehr creekpark would trawe cost ttre Town $r-4,500. Both sandstone andBighorn Parks reguired a 3/4t water service 1ine at g5,760 per ]ine. In total, the Board saved the Town of VaiI a total of926,020 for water tap fees. This considerable amount ofsavings will enable the Town to spend additionai rnor,"y otlandscaping and facility improvemLnts which will be greatlyappreciated by the geneial public. The Town of Vail would like to continue to work in acooperati-ve manner with the vail valrey consoridated waterBoard. The Board has expressed. an intlrest in forrnari":."g "cooperative policy between the Town of vail and the Vair iarleyconsoridated water District. r believe tnat lhe-t""t approachis to schedule a discussion with the Town council at anupcorning work session. r would like to invite oive uott andthe menbers of the Board to attend a Town council work sessionon September 15th. I will be calling Dave to contirm tnisdate. rn addition, the Board expressed interest in discussing thecore Creek treatrnent plant and Lionsridge treatment plintsites. Kristan pritz will contact Dave Mott to arrange aneeting between the water District and planning Department. weare interested in working with you on alternative iublic usesfor the two sites. vail vallley Consolidated Water DistrictAugust 31, 1987 Page Two once again, r ecooperation onappreciated. would like to thankthe tap fees. Your the Board for theirefforts are greatly RVP:bpr Rondall V. Philli Town tlanager 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olfice of the town manager Board of Directors Upper Eagle Va11ey Consolidated Water District846 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Board of Directors: At the August 26th upper Eagre valley consolidated sanitationDistrict meeting,.members eipressed ln interest in rormari-inga cooperative policy between the Town of vail and the pistric€in respect to permil fees. The Town of vair is interested. inworking out a cooperative arrangement with the Board. r wouldlike to invite Dave Mott and mefrbers of the Board to attend aTown Council work session on September 15th at 2:OO p.M. Iwill be calring Dave to confirm- this date and to d.iscuss inmore detail what the proposal should include. Thank you for your interest in this rnatter. r feel confidentthat we can develop an intergovernmental arrangement which wirlbe beneficial to both groups. September 2, L9A7 Rondall V. Phill Town Manager RVP: bpr lnwn 75 soulh trontage road yall, colorado 81657 (3O3r 476-7000Septenber 1, L9A7 oltlce of communlty developmenl Ms. Linda G. Willians Stewart Title P.O. Box 1248Vail, Colorado B165g Re: Park schedule B Easenent rnforrnation for constructionPurposes Dear Linda: r_ am- enclosing a netes and bounds description for Ford parkwhich should be used to determine scheduie g ritle inforrnation. r have also incruded a previous title report for Bighorn parkthat. was cornpJ.eted by Minnesota Title. rnis report should beupdated for Schedule B inforrnation. As far as priorities, the Bighorn and sandstone easenentinfornation is top priority. - Ford park is the second.priority. I woul_d appreciate it if you would. bill neseparateJ-y for each park. If you have questions, please feel free to call rne. sancere-tv.V I tr),Iar'a}-n^ -I(,1r,ltr) Lur r. 1r | \f.Kristan Pritz Tohrn Planner KJP: bpr EncLosures ,,.- ,.vRM riJ .'iL\. ,, o a,.J ^ ? 'J,-. '. AMER:CAN I.AND ?]TLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT.lgTO RCV. for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policiei of title insurance, Schedule A, in favor of the proposed fnsured-named in Schedule A, as. owner or mortgagee nerein called the Company, insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mo , interest covered llereby in -the land- described or referred to in Scheilule A,_ upon pa TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the of the estate or --- interest covered hereby in the iand described or rei'erred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the Dremiumsland charges therefor; dll subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and tb th6 eonditions and Stipula- tions herebf. : This Commitmeirt shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have bein inserted in Schddule e hireof by the Company, either at tho time'of tie issirance of this Commitm€nt or by subsequent endorsement, This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and oblications hireunder ihaU ceas" and terminate six m6hths^ after the effective date hereof or\ when ihe policy -oi policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to , issue such p^olicy or policies is not the fault of the Company, r ., t , CORIDITIONS A|UD ST!PUtATiO'US l. The term "moitgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security in- strument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or actluires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encunrbrance, odverse claim or othef matter affectinq the estate 6r interest ot morts.aq'" thereon covered by this Cornnritnrent other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to discldse" such knowledge to'the Company in rvriting, the Conrpany shall be relieved from Iiability for any loss or damage resulting fior4 any act of reliarrce hcreol Jo the eiteni the Companyisprejudicedbyfailure'of the proposet Insuredio so disciose such knorvlcdge. if the proposed. I_nsured ihail disclirse iuch knowledge to'th^e Oo*puny, or if the Company othenvise ac<lirires actuil l<nowledge of any such defect, lien, encum5rance, adverse^ cl6im or other matter,'the Cornpany at its option may amind Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not ^rclieve the . Company from liabilif previously incurred pursuant to paragiaph 3 of these Conditions and StipLrlations. .3. Liability _of- the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposc<l Irrsured and "such parties iricluded under fhe iefiirition of Insured in the fo.rm of poli'cy or policigs "oh,niitt"d for:rrrd only for a6tual loss incurred iu reliance hereon in undertaking in'good laith'(a) ti comply with the rcquirenrents hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule" B, o"r (c) to acquire or criite the cstate 'or interest or mortgflge thereon covered by-this Commitment. In no event shall sucli liability exceed tlrc aruorrnt stated in Schedu-le A for the policy oi poiicies committed for and such liabilitv is subiedt to tlre insurirrg l)rovisions and the Conditions and Stipu.laiions and the Exclusions from Coverage bf th" fot* of policy or 1,,,1i'"i"r conr- mitied for in favor of the flroposed Insured wluch are hereby incoSorated by referenie arid nride a part of this Commitment except as e:xpr'essly modified herein. - 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or nray brirtg :rgainstthe Combany arising out of the "status of the titie.to th'e eitate or intcrest & the status 6f the inorrg,rge thereon c6veied by tF'is Commitrnent'must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Conrnritnien-t. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Covcrage above;eferred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: A. Facts which would be disclosed by a comprehensive survey of the premises herein describ.xl. B. Rights and claims of parties in possession, , C. Mechan_ics', Contractors' or Materialmen's liens and lien claims, if any, where no notice therrof appears' of record. D. Any change in title occurring subsequent to tbe effective date of this Commitment and prior to the datb of issiance of the TITLE ?OLlCy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corPoratc n.r1nc and seal to be hereunto affixed bv its duly authorized officeri oi the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a valiclatin! officer br other authorized signatory. .t 3.'/o-uJ*r-h [rrr-e !r'rsirnnrlrce fiom narrrv or ffirxr'rssor*TITLE POLICY Prerident 'tt ' ?,r'r ronu 145. REV.7I i - ' ALTA cc.ttl,:tru=]lr'' 'i970 Rev' -, 'ApplicationNo.--G\LZO6- scl'':EDuLE A T'|T[-E COMPANY . 1'.EffectiveDate; i4dy 12, 1972 at B:00'A'M'. VAIL, COLORADO 81657,. i 2.|Policyor Policies to be issued: ' '^^^ r.\.\n /1al J' ,.''ALTA' OWN3'R'S POLICY Form B- 1962 $ ict,uyu'vu Phone: 338'5947 i r : Pioposedlnsured: K. A. C. 0F VAIL, LTD., a Colorado AC BO3 ,.'r,.,Liniied PartnershiP itl ..ALTA,,L.AN pollcy 1962 Rev, (Amcndcd 1969) $ 1OO,Z}Z.7O ' i i':: \'.' ' 'Proposedlnsured: GORE MNGE, LTD., q Colorado Limited Partnership I 3. The estaie or interest in the land described or rbferred to in this Commitment and covered herein is a fee simple, and title thereto is at the efiective date hereof vested in: ^n r.|F nn ^r^t- l 'tn ^ I .tni +azl Drn*na.r.c hi nuvxi wr,rdE, LTD., a Limited Partnersh'i p I . 4. The lar.d referred to in this Commitrnent is described as follows: ': 't SEE PAGE T'dg ' .; " '''':,... I:-' v'- ' Thti following are the noted. Ali documents is locateti. r-lrat n-t!\'l n n E Ft .l:D(Lt'J!.ll2tlJLU !-u : requirements to be complied with prior to issuance of sai4 policies, unless otherwise must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county in which said property LTD., a Colorado Limited 2. l,larranty Deed from GORE MNGE, LTD., a Limited Partnership, to K. A. C. OF VAIL, LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership, conveyi.ng subject property. O/ 6SU:I.-, TItiiOUGl{ TPOFFiCE OFr GORE VALI-EY ) 1. Certi'iicate of limited partnership, tor K. A..C. 0F VAIL, Partnership, nust be recorded in Eagle County. 3. Deeci of Trust from K. A. C. 0F VAIL, LTD., a Co'lorado Limited Publ'ic Trustee of Eag'le County for the use of GORE RANGE LTD., . Partnershipi To secure lhe sun of $.l00,222110. ' 'ti; Partnership, to the a Colorado Limited scl'nEDU["E B-2 In addition to the items recited,!n the face of this Title Binder, and the Conditions and Stipulations and Exciu' sions from Coverage in the Cornpanyi" o"u"l form of policy, the policy or policies to be issued hereunder shall not o be construed as insutin g against: 1, Taxes and assedsments not yet due or payable and ... office. 2. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 3. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' special assessments not (Treasurer's certificate yet certified to the Treasurer's of taxes due has been ordered)' 4. Deed of Trust dated September 30, '1970 from G0RE RANGE' LTD", a the Pub]ic Trustee of Eaqle County for the use of PAUL SAMPSON $.|49,197.00 recorded 0ctober 9, .1970 in Book 2lB at Page 855. .5. Reservations contained in patent from the Un'ited States recorded S-eptember l3' .l902 in eool +g at p;;;'A9i iu,mmirizeo as fo]]ows: Subject to right of the proprietor of a v.in'or-roi. id-.iira;;;;;l iemove irls oie thereirom shouli the same'.be found to penetrate or inierseii:-ifre-piemises hereby gruntuO and iheie is reserved from the lani hereby granted righi of vriy'thereof for aititres or canals constructed by the authoritJ of the United States. Limited PartnershiP''l to secure the sum of o o\ GV-706 6th P.Ml Souiheast be'ing 211, Page TiiLE BINDER PAGE TI'JO SC|iEDULE A (Continued) 3. The land'referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: 4 pqrcel of 'land situated'in the SE'l/4 of Section .|2, T5S, R80W of the Eagle Couniy, Co'lorado more particularly described as follows: ^-v 'Beginning at a point, on the South'line of said Section'12, whence the corner of said Section .l2 bears S Bgo53r24" E, 532.00 feet said point ggr-r"non vrith a parcel conveyed to .IACK A. l{ITKIil and recorded in book 520 Eagle County recorcisl Thence N 89"53'24u tl, 335.25 feei to a po'int on the Norther'ly line of,tuniper Lane said point being on the arc of a cul"ve to the lei't having a radius'of ISS.OOfeet and a chord bearing N 74o48'48,, l,J, 96.260 feet; Thence on the arc of said curve 97.38 feet'uo the p.T. (po'int of Tangency); Thence N B9o53r2!"'1" i6'1.6'l feet to a point on the East'line of Meadow Drive, sald,point being on the arc of a curve to thb'left havinq a radius of]08.10 feet ind-[rhose long chord bears N 30"S5'Z3r' |.l, ]'l'l .46 feet; - Thence on the arc of said curve'1.17.'10 feet to the p.T.; Thence N 62"04100" W, 248.64 feet to a point on the Northerly line of |"|eadow Drive; Thence N 27"56r00" E' 482.'10 to a point on the Southerly line of said !.litkin parcel; Thence S 88"07r38" E,49.83 fcet:Thence S 68".151 27" E,274.54 feei: Thence S 43"58'05" E,'l 78.88 feet: Thence s 'l 9"5.l i 52,, E, t ss. oo reei iThence S 09'02' 44't E, 203.95 feeti Thence s 57o26t02" E, 123.29 feet'to the point of beginn'lng, County of Eag'le, Stateof Cciorado. APPLICATION FOB TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT o 19 2. ,,-' Eicavatfigreontractor N-8me Address License Numbar 3. Workis|or(circleone)dffiG;*",,)GasEtectricTe|ephonecATVother-\ ,/ -.*__,--.4. 5. 6. 7. Trench-width Length - Depth - Bond Amount Permit Fee Total Permit Fee (Cash or Cg3hier's Check Only) $ ( $ ALL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers on equipment are a must when working on oil...No other oblect! can bo u.cd In pl.c. ot rubbed utility localions and approvals.8. A signature below indicates a review ot ,ngir"?,,?ld )Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation €49-6e80) * Public Service Company (949-5781) g) r Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) AMountain Bell (1-468-1000) { Heritage Cablevision Television (949-5530)t''i'-i,1y. Vail Fire Department (476-7000, ext. 223) 9. 10. 11. OTHER (i.e. Police, 6tc.) Public Works (476-7000, ext. 250) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ol utilities - (Senate Bill 172). I certily that I have read all requirements ot the street cut ordinance # 43 and willabide by the same, and that all utilities and the Vail Police and Fire Departments have been notilied as required. Eill lo: Company NamB Company Addr6s Bond Roloas€d Dat€ Special Conditions flnance -ept. oy: Dale Permit lssued SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts usE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT A STREET CUT PERMIT! white - Publlc \r,,/orks Pink - Coniroclor Yellow - Finoncs Gold - Communlty Development 75 south lrontage road . vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 olf ice of the mayor August L7, 1-987 Board of Directors Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District846 Forest RoadVai1, Colorado 81G57 SUBJECT: Tap Fees for Town of Vail park Construction Dear Board of Directors: Recently, the Vail Tordn Council changed the Real EstateTransfer Tax so that it could be used for not only the purchaseof open space, but also for the development of park land. TheTown is constructing irnprovements at four parks this summer andsome of the construction will reguire sewer and water taps.The VaiL Tohrn Council requests that the Board of Directorsreview the necessary taps and determine appropriate tap feesfor the Town to pay. We would appreciate the Board waiving orreducing the tap fees, if possible. Bel_ow is an outline oi tneconstruction work for each park and tap fees. l-. Buffehr Cre€k_Pe_Ek (Lot 40, Buffehr Creek ffi park is .8 acres of predorninantlyflat undeveloped land in West Vail. The site islocated to the east of the Brandess Building andnorth of the Town of Vail bike path and NorthFrontage Road. In the spring of 1986, Buffehr Creekresidents asked the Town to improve the land byadding Iandscaping and picnic areas. Required Taps:a-l/2n irrigation tap Bighorn Park: The park is 7 acres located in EastVail (east of the Vail Racquet Club to the north oflteadow Drive). Community rneetings were held inl-985. fn L985-l-986, a childrenrs wading pond,picnic areas, strean inprovements, ana pf-yqroundwere added to the park. Residents aLso requested 2. restrooms, a drinking fountain, additional playequipnent, and landscaping. Reguired Taps: Sewer tap, 3/4ti waluer service line 3. sandstone park: The Lotal site is actually L8acres;-Towever only the lower l-.5 acres isdeveloped. This neighborhood park is locatedadjacent to the North Frontage Road. just west of RedSandstone Elenentary School. Existing parkimprovements include a tot lot, picnic tables,volleyball court, and parking area. Residents haverequested that restrooms be added to the park. Required Taps: Sewer tap, 3/4r vater service line Johnston PRJ: KrP: bpr 4. Ford Park: The Town is proposing to completeimprovements to the lower bench of fora park. Grading is to be completed this fall with additionalimprovements in the spring of 1988. The lower benchimprovements include a large inforrnal pJ-ay field,playground, improved bike path, picnic areas, andperhaps a skating pond. At this time, it isdifficult to estirnate what type of tap fees will benecessary for this project until the finalconstruction documents are completed. However, theTown T,,rould be interested in knowing if there is anypossibility of reducing the standard tap fees forthe construction. Representatives from the Town will be at the meetingr to anshrerquestions the Board may have concerninq the tap fees. Thankyou for considering the Townrs request PauI R. Mayor Sincer Itlay 7, 1987 Town of Vail Recreation Department 292 ll. l,leadow Dr. Vail, C0 81657 Attn: llr. Pat Dodson Dear l'lr. Dodson: As property ov{ners and residents of East Vajl we would like to request that the Town of Vail Recreation Department consider insta'lling a volleyball court at the Bighorn Park in East Vail this sufimer. There is a need for such a faci'l ity in East Vail and would be used by both tourists and locals alike. The park is large enough to support such an addition and would be a great asset to an already beautiful park. Sincerely, ^,i I -, &;4 a"'./ &/"";e,--7 t"/it-.- Bill and Christine l{alker P.0. Box 6ll Vai'l Vaiili RrcquEtCl ub VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (3o.r47G3267 April 9, 1987 Miss lcisten Pritz Planninq DepafrrEnt lbr{n of Vail 75 Souttr ltontage Rcad Vhil, Olorado 81657 Ear lGisten: Drclosed is a ooplz of the article ire tte vail Trail that led ne to believe that finds had been aS4nropriated for avollqpall ourt in Bighom Palk. I guess Ir11 rever krsr trw the onftrsion was created, but at least ttrinqs will get straightened:-out. Best regards, 0^b V{alter Kirctt w@ E'rclosure 75 south lronlsge road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlcs of communlly develoPmont Dear Walter: on April 20, 1987, Pat Dodson, Ron Phillips, Peter Patten and I met to discuss the propo!.a irprovernints to Aigh6rn park. At this tirne, the ;;;;;-i"-i.tiing a"rid;-""si- estirnates ind construction cost estimates for the pioposed irnprovements beLow: l. Restroorns2. Dredging of the large Pond3. Addi[,io;al play equiprnent for the playground 4. Additional landscaPing From our public meetings, it was evident that the.restrooms and ii"d"."pi-rg ur" i^F;a;"i irnprovements to the residents who attended ;;;;;if"'r".ii"g';. w" havi not dererrnined the final list of improvements to the park, - once we receive the design and construction cost estinates, r" "itt discuss the-costs with the iown Council' This ;i;;G;i;" ir t."[.[i""ry scneduted for May 5 at the couuncil work session. These meetings-usuatly begin aE 2200 P'M' rf you wish to attend the meeting, pleasp 9ive.me.a caII on Friday or Monday before the neeting and f wi.fi be happy to let you know exactly when this iternrn "iii l" lresented to the Councif. I hope tlti:- clears iiil-i"V ""niusion-otr-tn" ilrestion of whether or not a volleyball court is being proPosed for the Parl<. April- 22, L987 Mr. Walter Kirch VaiI Racquet Club Box 1088 vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Bighorn Park Inprovements Sincerely,, (-l,h^?th I ltllt l\' \ r' I I LKristan Pritz Town PLanner KP: br a.,!D 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlly develoPment May 15, 1986 Mr. Fred Hi I I er Box 3963 Vai1, co1 orado 81658 RE: fighorn Park Bri dge Dear Fred, This morning I cal1ed you concerning the final work on the Bighorn Park Bridge. I am very concerned that the completion of the bridge and the revegetation occur as soon as possible. You stated to me that you intend to finish the bri dge, landscaping, and revegetation by May 26, 1986. - It is very critical that this work be completed by May 26. The construction site is adjacent to the main entrance to the park and presently has a negative impact on people entering the site. I also want to insure that you understand that the Community Development Department will not release any additional Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancies for the remain'i ng six unjts unless a complete letter of credit is arranged to cover the remaining work. In addition, the Town of Vail will not issue any further street cut permits to Public Service if work is not completed promptly. This wou'l d apply to the area where ihe gas line i s 'l ocated. I am also asking that your contractor, Chri s Seweli, replace the entrance gate. At this time, the posts are not proper'ly anchored into the ground and the chain is virtually useless as it hangs so low to the ground. I have had two compr'aints from residents concerning this parti cu'l ar prob lem- I have a -'l so been to'l d that cars are drivi ng i nto the park due to the low chain. The path into the park was never intended to be used for this ourrrose. Please ask Chris Sevrel I to adCress this matterimmedi atel y. lr Mr- Fred Hiller May 15, 1986 Page 2 I am requesting that you provide the recorded copies of al'l the easements for the bridge. The last time I requested this information you had some delays with Mountain Bell. Please submit the easements as soon as possible- Thank you for your cooperation on this project. I will look forward to seeing the bridge and iandscaping completed in the near future- Si ncerely, r,/. \ Dl{vrrtnn YJt).IUl, lr,crl lrl!l Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP:j1t EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Fred T. Hiller, III (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") r for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerationl the receipt of which is hereby acknowJ-edgedT bas granted, bargained r sold and conveyed r and by these Presents does grant2 bargainr sell and convey and confirm unto TOWN oF VAIL' whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd., West, Vailr Colorado 81557 (hereinafter referred to as I'Grantee"), the following real property situate in the County ot Eagler State of Coloradot to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easement for pedestrian accessl ingress and eg!ess, over and across that portion of Grantorrs Property which is set forth and designated on Exhibit A attached hereto. Together with all and singular hereditaments and apPurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apPertaining, and the reversion and reversions r remainder and remainders, rents r issues and profits thereof; and all the estateT right' title, interestl claim and demand whatsoeverr of the Grantorr either in law or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interest, witb the hereditaments and apPurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenancesr unto the Granteer its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for him- self, his heirs, successors and assigns r covenants r grants t bargains and agrees to and witb the Granteer its successors and assigns, does hereby grant; bargain, sell and convey the sarne in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to Ehose liensr taxesr assessments and encurnbrances of record, if anyi said above- bargained and desc:i.bed real property interest to rernain in tbe quiet and peaceable possession of Granteer its successors ano assigns I against all. and every person or persons r lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereofr by or through the Grantorr which GranCor shall and will WARRANTY AND FOREVER DEMAND. Grantor, his heirse sLlcc€ssors r and,/or assigns, shall not erect nor place any permanent building, structure, irnprovementr fence o! tree on the above-described easement; and Grantees shall not be 1iable for their removal if they are so placed. Grantor shall rnaintain and dedicate the property as a comnon parcel, including the use of the general publicr uPon filing of any subdivision rnap. That Grantee shall have no duty to maintain the easement, and sha1l be named as a co-insured on all properti' insurance coverage. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shatl constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1. At such tirne and in the event that the described herein shal1 be abandoned r Grantee's real easement proper ty and bein teres t in the e ase:lent thereafter rnerged witb the servient/ estate. this /SIGNED AND DELIVERED /6 day of 19B5. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTV OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Easernent Deed was acknowledged before rne this dav of e!reg.--, 1985 by Fred t. airLel2u, Witness ny hand and official seal . My cornrnission expires on: hny 3, /491 Publ ic ACCESS EXH IB IT ,.A.. EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SCI.JTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN tr VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO ','rll. iA.ST l'f.:WNH,:fvii:i iitllr{l'4CrN Aiiii. stoo35'00"E,3.6 N 84046'4t" E. 26.26 '$J"o'o TIE TO THE CORNER OF s7t"tt'tz"E sE. sEcTroN t2 r 563.46' N 80"03'03" E, | 5. 2 t' N 42.5305'E 15.73r N 45 o 2o'44'E , tz.3 i..i:iT i-?. 4t?z6'zd'e , A. PP $ru+^HL 7eceARcF. la,l?95 LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EASEMENT ..TRACT A" : A parcel of land located ln the SE l/4 of Sectlon 12, Townshlp 5South, Range 80 llegt of the Slxth Prlnc.tpal Herldlan, Town ofVa11, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly descrlbed as follows: polnt on the property 11ne of the Va11 East Townhooes - TownhousePlat No. I corlrlon area; chence along the cammon area Sl.0'35 r00"8r 3.63 feec Eo Ehe poinc of beglnnlng.' The descrlbed parcel conEalns 0.037 acrea Bearlngs are based on che Vall EasE Townhooes - Townhouse Plat t{o. l, Town of Va1l, Eagle County, CoIorado. Southeastcorner of Secclon l2 (alunLnuro cap), Towqshlp 5 South, Range 80lfesc co a rebar and cap (LS 2f49); N00"08r l7'W, 174.64 feet along the range l fire. 4-9 Beglnnlng at a polnt on the property l$ne of the Vall Easc Townhones - Townhouse Plat No. I coroinon area f rora whlch the SouEheasE corner of Sectlon l2 bears S7l'll | 17"8, 563,46 feet; thence along the properE.y 11ne of che conmon area S84"46'41'W, 16.23 feet to the boundary line of Parcel "8" of the Va11 Easc ?ownhomes - Townhouse PLat No. l; chence along the boundary of sald Parcel "8" S84'46'41'W, 23.77 feet; thence S45'03t47"VI ,I13.74 feet to che approxLnace centerline of Gore Creek; thencedepartlng fron sald ParceI "8" and contlnu1ng along the approxLnat€r center llne of Gore Creek N09"02,4-4"W, 41..3 6 f eet; thence departlng fron clii approxlnate cenrer lfrie'-of dore Creek 1180"57r 16"8, 56.17 feet; thence N47o26r25"8, f4.30 feec; thence N45o20t 44"8, 12.38 feet; Ehence N42'53r05'E, L5.7 3 feec; thence N80'03'03'E, 15.21 feec; Ehence N84'46'41"E, 26.26 feet to a o5lo 20 sis'6.? aaa ff*e'B]aa.! rsaseri -.. .44S. r.,.11 . .lrollct: Accordlng to Cblor.do trr )ros rurt co-.rra rrylatrl rctlor Da3.d lpon ant datact In thlr turvry yltiln rlr Itr.ta rltar F.r f lrrt dltcoyrr asch fitact. In no..vant. Iy rttacSton batac rlpon any aLtact In thlr rurvry b. cnncad toraItrx t.n F.rt troa tha dtta of tha c.rtlflcatlon rhorn haraoo, KKBTIA INC. cou;tlTtxc ElFrrr€Eis Aro. 1Ar0 sJRr/Erpf,s P.O. lOX 97, E(rniOS,COLORAm ttdP ,(!Oq9e6-55r3 t EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TIIAT GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATIoN, INC.' a Colorado Non- Profit Corporation, forrnerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominiurns Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantor"), for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerationl the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained r sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grantz bargainr sel1 and convey and confirn unto TOWN OF VAILT whose legaI address is 75 S. Frontage Rd.1 West, Vailr Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grant€€"), the following real property situate in the County of Eagle ' State of Colorado, to-wit: A perpetual non-excLusive easement for pedestrian accessr ingress and egress, over and across that portion of Grantorrs Property which is designated "VaiI East Townhomes Common Area" in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fufl. And all its right title and interest in and to that easement recorded.fanuary 2t 1981 ' in Book 315 at Page 813, relating to the non-exclusive access easement described thereinr without liability or recourse to Grantee for duties and obligations contained in said deedr which easement is more fully described on Exhibit A-1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full. Together with all and singular hereditaments and appurtenancesthereto belonging, or in anywise appertainingr and the reversion and revers ions , rernainder and remainders r rents r issues and profits thereof; and all the estatel right, titl-er interestt cfairn and demand whatsoever, of the Grantorr either in law or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interest, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenaDC€s1 unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantorr for its- self r its heirs , successors and ass igns , covenants, grants ,bargains and agrees to and with the Grantee, its successors and assigns, does hereby glant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and forrn as aforesaidr subject to those liens, taxest assessments and encumbrances of record r if anyi said above- bargained and described real property interest to rernain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons 7 lawfully claiming or to clain the whole or any part thereof, by or through the Grantor' which Grantor shal1 and will WARRANTY AND FOREWR DE},IAND. Grantorr its heirs, successors, and/or assignsr shall not erect nor place any permanent building, structurel improvernent, fence or tree on the above-descr ibed easementr dnd Grantees sha11 not be liable for tbej.r renoval if they are so placed. Grantee shall have no duty to maintain the easernentr and sha11 be naned as a co-insured on all property liability insurance. Grantor agrees to provide proof of insurance upon reasonable reo,uest of Grantee. Acceptance of this easenent byits agreernent and consent as follows: Grantee shalI constitute 1. At such tirne and in the event that the easenent described herein shall be abandoned, Grantee rs real property interest in the easement shaII immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. STGNED AND DELTVERED rhis /8 a"y ot ,D&ilg.L, 1985. GORE CRIEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATION, INC.' a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation formerly known as VaiI East Townhomes and Condominiurns Association, Inc. By: STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY OF EAGLE ) The foreqoinq Easement Deed was acknowledqed before me this18 aay or Jrcce-r,,rber , 1985 ay 4.r*u L -,4a1/:i _ as -&55t DFtn - of Gore Creek Meadows Assoc iation r Inc . I a Colorado Non-profit Corporation formerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominium Assocj.ationr Inc. Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires on: b-7-gl Notary PubIic EXH IB IT A': / ACCESS EASEMENT SUNDIAL, PHASE 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Ist2 s7 PO.B./-/2i?.35 TO THE N.E. CORT{ER sEcTtof{ t3,r5 s, RSOW TIE OF st3 T5S R80W st8 T5S R79W N s,| N5 6{)50&to LIMITED COMMON PARCEL 6 AND ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT ,,4.33 //i h+awt TizeAee{ ft. 0g, qt LAND DESCRIPTON ACCESS EASEMENT An access easenenr slcuated 1n a porElon of the llnted couaon parcel and ut111Ey easenen! of che flnal plar of !he tonnhouse nap of Sundial Phase 2, recorded as an easemenE deed 1o Book 21.5 ac Page 813 1n the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderrs 0ftlce. Sald easeoent 1s sl tuated ln the NorcheasE Quarcer of Sec t 1on 13, Townshlp 5 Souch; Range 80 Wesr, and the Norchwesc Quarter of Sectlon 18, Townshlp 5 South,Range 79 Wesc of Ehe Stxch Princlpal Mertdian, more partlcularly descrlbed as follows: Eegtnnlng at a polnt whlch ll.es on che Norch 1lne of Secrlon l3 ln aald Tornshl.p and Range fron which the Northeast Corner of Secclon l3 bears s89"53124"8, 2I2.36 feeE; thence S00'06'36"I{, 115.87 feet, thence S4lo00r00"E, 156.94 feet; thence s86'00'00"E, 110.00 feet; Ehence s58'55'00'8, L22.99 feet to a polnt on the Eastern Boundary llne of Sundlal Phase 2, fIdaL plat of the tor.nhouse Dap; thence along sald Eastern Boundary Llne S25o0l'59-t{, 25.14 feeE; thence deparclng from sald'Eastern Boundary Ltne N58o55r00-lJ, I19.63 feet; thence N86'00r00"1r, 114.33 feet; thence N4 1"00r00'l{, 176.67 feec; thence N00'06'36"E, 125.24 feet to a potnc on the North Ilne of Secclon l3 1n 8a1.d Township and Range; Ehence along the Norch ltne of Sectlon l3 S89"53124"E, 25.00 feer to the polnt of beglnntn!'.'- BearLnge are based on the Plat No. l, Town of Vall, Eagle cog.qer of Sectlon l2 (alurnlnuro llest to a rebar and cap (LS 2149)the 'range llne. Va11 East, TonnhoDes - Townhouse Counfy, Colorado. Southeaec cap), Townehlp 5 South,. Range 80; N00"08' l7'.s, L7 4.64 ftfrt/ "J-&Efir ffi&ffi&j?! reago ; h-i.r. r.;s*t] KKBNA INC. col6ttTtl{G ElGll€E RS rr|O LArO 6r.fiV€fi3ffS P.O. SOX E , E'SASOS,COL8A& tle!a.Gol9e6-Xt7! - _fOllGt: Atcordllg to Cirlonrlo lay you rurt corrrna. mttl.gfl actfo. !rt.d epor any daf.cl In thlr rqrvay vlttrln tlr ),ra'3 rtt.? tos tttr! dlrcovar tlcrl aLtact.. ln no rvrnt. r|y rnyactlo.r b|r.d upon an f drtrct ln thlt turvry br cqnced rori tlraa tan ya.rt tror t& alata of tha cartl crtloa rhom hrr.o.r. \ -'l- qASEMENT DBED AGREEMENT KNO}I AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Town of Vail, a municipal corporation, (hereinafterreferred to as "Grantor")r for Ten Dollars and other good anivaluable consideration, the receipt of which is herebl acknowledged r by these presents does GRANT and eUITCLAIM untc.Public service corporation of cororadol whose lega1 address is (hereinafter referredproperty situate into-wit: to as "Grantee"), the following realthe County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, A permanent non-excrusive easement, together with the rightof ingress and egress, to construct, ieconstruct, operate,repair and maintain a gas line, bridger dnd relatedstructure or appurtenance in, on ov€rr under and through: As set forth on Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporateoherein by this reference as if set out in fuLl herein. Appurtenant to the real property set forth on Exhibit"Bn, attacbed hereto and incorporated herein by thisreference as if set out in full herein. Together with all and singular hereditaments and appurtenancesthereto belonging, or in anywise appertainingr dnd the reversionand reversions, remainder and remainders r r€Dts, issues aniprofits thereof; and a1l the estate, right, title, interest,claim and demand whatsoeverl of the Grantof, either in law or inequity of, in and to the above-bargained rear property interest,with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE AND To HOLD the sdm€7 together with all and singularthe , appurtenances and privileges Lhereunto belonging oi inanywise tbereunto appertaining, ind all tbe estate, rlghlr title,interest and ctaim whatsoevei, of the Grantor, either in law orequity to the onry proper use, benefit and behoof of the crantee,its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and/or assignsr shall noterect nor prace any permanent buildingT structure, improvernent,fence or tree on the above-descr ibed e-asenent, and Grantee shallnot be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shaLl constitute itsagreenent and consent as follows: l. At such time and in the event that the easementdescr ibed herein shall be abandoned I Grantee rs real propertyinterest in the easement shalL imrnediately revert to and bethereafter rnerged with the servient estate. 2. The gas 1ine, constructed on the above_describedeasement and the area of the access easement shall beconstructed 1 naintained, and repaired in a reasonablemanner r coDd ition and appearance. In the event it isneces_sary to construc!1 r€construct, repair or replace the9as line Grantee shal1 restore the area as nearly i" may bepracticable to the same condition, inclirding fulLrevegetation, as it was pr ior to construction, rdpair or ::!l:::t""l, provided .,o' pernanenr building, strucrure,rrnprovernent I f ence or tree shali_ be placed thereon byGrantor which interferes with Granteers righti herein -3. The Grantee agrees to fully indernnifye sdV€ and keepthe Grantor harmless f;6;-iny-i"a all claims for damage to real and personal property and injuries on said property during the term of or deatbs suffered by persons this easenent. srcNED AND DEITVERED this bLuu, ", \nZ-^.-/r-"...--L98s. By: PubLic Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date Town CLerk ACCEP?ED: 'ExHrBlr A' BIGHORN PARK UTILITY EASEMENT -i'iiAriT A t.-5,"i'" t{Jlso SCALE: l": 30'iSiti!'iilil?,1 irLltK %-",i$, "$. Y+a4y the :of : "al ,,c wnsh '17' osnhones - Tonnhous e olorado. Southeas t 1p 5 South, Range 80 l{, 17 4.64 feec along ?gce49cn la,gsS LAND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENTIPER LANE A parcel of land localed 1n the SE l/4 of SecEion 12, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 tlest of che Sixth Prlncipal Merldian, Town of Va11, Eagle Counry, Coloradb, nore parElcularly descrlbed as l0 fee! each slde of Lhe followlng descrlbed cenEerllne: Beglnning at a point on the approxlnate centerllne of Gore Creek frou which an alumlnur cap belng the SouCheasC Corner of Sectlon l2 bears S78'58'25'E,67 1.04', thence S65'04'43"1{, 73.00r; thence S66'19' l0't{, 197.05t to the polnt of termlnus on the Northerly Rlght-of-Way of Junlper Lane frou whlch the Southeast corner of secrlon L2 bears s88"50'00"8, 905.51' lengthened or shortened to termlnate at of -l{ay and che approxlmace centerltne descrlbed parcel contalns 0.124 acres. Dearlngs are based on che Va11 Ea Plat No. l, Town of Vall, Eagle County corner of Sectlon l2 (aluralnun cap), To t{esG to a rebar and cap (LS 2149); N00"08 the ran(e 11ne. The side llnes to be Junlper Lane Rlght- Gore Creek. The ffii* rirac' p KKB]IIA INC. ccrl6t|.Ttt G o.Gllr€ERS lrlo L/l|D g,fr1/ETfils p.o. 0or Ert EilF(xl,cd.of,ADo 8lel2.(!dl9a6-354 ll0llCt: Acco?dlng to Cbloredo lr you rutt Cor.n€. rny 1.9.1 .ctloo hrrd r+on .ny.t t.ct ln tlrlr rurvry ilthln rlrye.r| rtlar po llrrt dlrcovar ruch d.frct, ln no ryant. ray arvactld| bara{ upon any at t.ct In thlr iurvay br Cenc.d Drath.a t.n ter.r tro. tha datt ot tJ|. c.rtltlcrllon tho hrrtoo. i \i 6 EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Town of vailr a nunicipal corporationr (hereinafter referred to as "Grantorn), for Ten Dollars and other good a_nd valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does GRANT and QUITCLAIM unto public Seivice Corporation of Colorado, and Fred T. Ililler' III' whose legal addreis is 5020 Main Gore Circler Vailr Colorado 81557 I (hireinafter referred to as "Grante€")r the following real propeity situate in the county of EagIer state of colorador to-wit: A Pernanent non-exclusive easement, together with the right of ingress and egresgr to constructr !€coDStructl op€ratel repaii and rnaintain a gas liner pedestrian bridgel pedestrian and bicycle pathsr dnd related structure or appurtenance in, on over, under and through: As set forth on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and incorPorated herein by this reference as if set out in ful1 herein. Appurtenant to the real Property set forth on Exhibit "B'r altached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Together with alt and singular hereditanents and appurtenances th6reto belongingl or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents e issues and profits thereofi and all the estate, rightr title, interest, itaim and dernand whatsoeV€rr of the Grantor, either in lalv or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interest, with the hereditanents and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the silll€, together with al1 and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in -aly-wise -t-bereunto appertaining I lnd all the estate I r ight, title r interest and clailn whatsoeverr of the Grantor, eitber in law or equity to the only proper user benefit and behoof of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, andr/or assignsr shatr not erect nor place any permanent buildingr structure, irnprovement, fence or tree on thL above-described easemente dnd Grantee shall not be liable for their rernoval if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easenent by Grantee shalL constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1. At such tirne and in the event that the easement described herein shall- be abandoned, or in the event that Grantee breacbes any covenant of this Easernentr Granteers real property interest in the easement shall irnmediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. Tbe gas line, pedestrian bridger and pedestrian and bicycle path constructed on the above-described easenent and the arel of lhe access easement shall be constructed r naintained r and repaired in a reasonable mannerr condition and appearance: In tha event it is necessary to construct, reconstructt repair or replace the gas line and pedestrian bridge, Grantee sbal1 restore the area as nearly as may be practicable to the same conditione including fu11 revegetation, as it was prior to constructione repair or replacementr provided no permanent building, structurer improvement, fence or tree shal1 be placed thereon by Grantor which interferes with Granteers rights herein. 7 ^J:-.^1h:_ i_r,1ntee9 agree to fglry _ indernnify, save and keep,r: 9l?l:?r frarnless from any and alt claims, in-luding cosis inljrcorneyrs feesr. for d_anage to real and personar prop"rtv ineinjuries oE deaths suffered by persons in connectitn -wit6 ih;construction, maintenancel use br in anywise relating to -oi arising from the easement and the bridgi constructea inereon,during the tern of this easenent. Fred T. Hiller, IIf, or anysuccessor in interest relating to the property uppurt"nunt to thep::::::i:"^^.b.:19-g" r _d!lr€€s to mainlai-n c-us€6nary riauirilyrnsurance coverage relating to the pedestrian bridge-in the namiof Fred T. Hille-rr.Irr. or"unv "u"."""o, in interest relating tothe property appgrtenant to €ne pedestrian bridge and name thecrantor as an additional insured on such po1 icids of insurancJ,as its interest may appear. Grantees agree to provide proof ofinsurance upon reasbna6ie ,"qu."i of Grantor. srcNED AND DELTvERED this &/Lauv ot \p/!4'</t/L-, 1985. By: ACCEPTED: Publ-ic Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date FRED T. HIILER, III Date Clerk 'EXHlBlr A' BRIDGE CONSTRUCTTON BIGHORN PARK , TOWN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO EASE MENT OF VAIL, !## WaAE lec-eAaea ylga= LAND DESCRIPTION BRIDCE CONSTRUCTION EASE}TENT A parcel of land located In the SE l/4 of Sectlon 12, Tornshlp 5 South, Range 80 lfest of the Slxth Prlnclpal Mer1d1an, Town of Vall, Eagle Councy, Colorado, rore partlcularly descrlbed as l0 feec each elde of the followlng described cenrerllne; I Beglnnlng at a point on the approfron whlch an alumtnun cap belng l2 bears S78'58'25'E, 67 1.04 f eet to che polnt of terrnlnus fro Sectlon l2 bears S82r 19r58-E, 731 J.engchened or ehorcened about theac t.he approxlmate centerline oparcel con talns p.0335 acres. xlnate centerllne of Gore Greekthe Southeaa t corner of Section , thence S65"04r43"1{,73.00 feet n whlch the Southeaet corner of .39 feet. The slde llnds to bepolnt of beginnlng to. qerEt.nate f Gore Creek. The descrlbed -l'R/.ii:r-i ffis'Es !t rs836 \ . .XoItCt; ^ccordtt\ !o Color.do l|' r/o(, rsrt so-.i€r rrvr..$l .ctlon lrrrd $,on .ny ocfcct in tii.'-iuirii -Jjfiin ,rr::il-.tl:l |o" f trr!.drscirvrr ructr dct.ct. I n-m-ir.ni, -'.ry r,rrflrroa l.3rc lpon any dat.ct ln thlr turvry br colnccc rorttlraa t.a yaar3 tror tha- data ot tha crrtlflGallon shorn hrraon. KKBNA INC. COI'6([TIrG OG|H€ERS ANOL||O g'RVEYG P.O. BOX 9f , EmARDS rCq-ORAm ErEtil .(!Otr9a6-5ttnt EXH IE IT EA 8I ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 Sq.JTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL tvlERlDlAN, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE couNTY,COLORADO \.i.ill. fAST l'rjfjtiH0H!:0 rirlfdh4CN Aiini. Bearlngs are Plat No. I, Town ofcorner of Sec!1on WesC to a rebar aod sloo35'0o"E,3.63 N 84 0 46'41" E, 26. 26 I N8O"O3'03"8.t5.21' AdA N 42053 o5'E , t5.731 based on the Va11, Eagle LZ ( alunl num cap (LS 2149) TIE TO THE CORNER OF szloll'l?"E 3€. sEgrrolt t2 | 563.46' N45"20'44'E. t2.3 i-i:!T t-ia N4726'25'E , 14.30: "4 a+^ Y4L 7ece49,€F. la,l?gj LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EASEMENT ..TRACT A' : A parcel of land locared ln the SE f/4 of Secrlon 12, Townshlp 5South, Range 80 Weet of the Slxch prlnc.lpa1 Merldlan, Torn ofVall, Eagle CounLy, Colorado, more particularly descrlbed asfolloss: Beglnnlng at a poin! on the property fine of Ehe Vall EasrTownhones - Townhouse Plat No. I coninon area from nhlch theSoutheast corner of Secclon l2 bears STloll ' 17"8, 563.46 feer;thence along !he properEy 11ne of the connon area S84o46r4l'W,16.23 feet co Ehe boundary llne of Parcel "8" of the Va11 Easr Tosnhomes - Townhouse PLat No. l; thence along lhe boundary ofsald Parcel "B' S84o46i4l"W, 23.77 feet; th€tnce S45''O3t47"tit,113.74 feet to the approxLmace centerline of Gore Creek; thencedepartlng f roro sald Parcel "8" and contlouing along theapproxlnaEer cert€r Ilne of Gore Creek N09'02'44"1{ r 44.36 feeC;lhence departlng fron the approxiuate center 1lne of Gore CreekN80"57'16"E,56.17 feet; thence N47"26t25"8', f4.30 feet; rhenceN45"20r44'8, 12.38 feet; thence N42o53 '05"8, 15.73 feer; rhenceN80"03'03'8, 15.21 feet; chence N84o46'41"E, 26.26 teer ro apolnt on the property Ilne of the Va11 East Townhonee - TosnhousePlat No. I coonon area; thence along the connon area Sl0o35t00'E,3.63 feet to the polnt of beglnnlng.' The descrlbed parcel congalng 0.03 7 acrea. Va11 Easc Townhiroee - Tonnhouse County, Colorado. Soulheast cap), Towqshlp 5 South, Range 80 ; N00o08r 17"W, 174.64 feet along Ehe rance 11he. $ I\fi,A\L ia8;?* a.a I ffi,*r r 083t -a.r r.v-!i - -tlollct; Accordlrlg to Cblorrdo l.y you rurt co-anca rnytagat rctlci Darad rton ant daf.ct to thli rurray ylthln tlry..n rttar FU tlrrt dlrcov.r auci d.f.ct. ln no.irrnt, 1y' rnyactlo.r b.!.0 upon .q' dat.c! In tfrlr rurvry br cornctd'rorllh|,r t.n Jr'r trgr thc data ot th. arrtltlc.tlo'' rho||| hrraor. KKBNA INC. coasttTDtc €t6lta€ERs Ar.o LArO S.nv€lus p.o. 8ox lrt, Eonnos,cqrRADo r|6 e.(!aED9a6-:rtr3 rr : r, rrPraatrliY(Y rr,.r {. l8l_ ijl ..!.-rr tlr' ii .t ltt' I r{tr l,- :,[ . ! ri i. a(TMPAN r (:, 'l OHAOO UTlLll Y r ASTMENI ?33?32 :*- ': J.,tr l-:lL .!il!. ,|6r..! iL.tl .. 1',r i!r' ,jt,.!. rdry., t at-!rd,) , rr' \4,,J (r/r'r!,r:tr t3 !u(-i "ty)rt arrt .a d ' . ,,1 ,., ., " ' 1\ ''r"! rn<l ali ,'! tf ,ti ir' 1!l.r ai"r(ta r',1s11?,( 'i irrt0t i Rarp€ 80 nll! $tr.ilr il Srrrt lr, , .r,1 !, {t la)l d(t), ir. (.,t,r(1Itltlr.: iir?,1 3a?l'l[ I c3 t E $ a t a o a T 1 ,i , I^l l I I 1- " .i. sa'r firrra f rcm riri.rJr an al.r.nLnr il d?l .01', tnt'|c" tennr nus (n tic (:n.^TEt of s€cttcn 12 sh( ,rtcffYl lo Ldnl ta ' of (k)r. cre€&, tl! I o 3 ,r r.,,llltl( 1,;.1, L.r,,r.rk l. lr!rrr. . .' , I . 'i r"h, l" r,' ,', lli, l(rlnt (ll :.r:r 1r(ir ,t l i)r'..tlt.fr.i,tst , , l, r l, , ' rtll{'ltc(l r l. rr rl,' .rr : "." "t't)lcrl lrr l,.si l" n^ t r r'! r , i .'. ' l,' {,:ur.,jiruf c4}, t t'"tdrtp 3 ., '1 , 'l"|. ili,6,l fc€t .llorrl thl rJli ': ''r",. r lrePs to be resO:nrlblc ffi n ;,, .scas reiul tlnq fron lha r ', r. r(rrr. rn the ercrclse ol Ula .:r: ,* r,'rrtrsa: i lat !b. I , l\xl ol .,,rd (r.v'c€r tr.ll b. dorx *rth orr. thr $rlE| df1 5,e.'-r rr . E ^ a 6 StA'r ril ttt\ )taF tt) \ (-.,.,",t.., :-.- ""'' *|l :..,1 4t ,, .) )i, i I y .. _-,,t,--4 . t..a:.i- ffr4--'"o.l'@ l|ufl nv frltd ri otltoll -.' t -ri -.ita|. -.-.-.*-.+-rrn. r.-r...,- a, .a- .a!. t -Ftr Ga t .hai -rtl ,e )! '. rr,.9) "1, nrtrsd*lrl w.r xlnowla.tg.d tdqa tf lt i -.'t r)' /. ilL! .--:-&!i.{q' ,-ttd^ v otfl .oa &lr(,.L ,4rf {tri ,EXHIBIT A' BIGHORN PARK UTILITY EASEMENT TRACT A -' .* :.":";.r t.. rf3d.a.d.?i i.JiG!iORN PA.RK Y1I aw,y 9s rc,r{ crx ta, ttat l.Ari l,l'(f li':I()N, Ut I l.ilY Ln1,t.HtN',t 1.r,,'erl i;r ll.. :;L liL ..t ir < rton 12, lovnrhlp I ii.,r c,f tir 5l),rh l'(lncll.aI Hcrldlrn, Tova ct I v, r ('lor.\,i{), r"o I r t,.rt t lcular ly dr.crlbad .t l0 . 1.,' loll,,rltrl, .Jtr,:r lLcd (:tnltrllnc: t' irfrr, lt.! ,.' lt I.1:r ,ri tlr a1;.rct!uiltt .tntcrllna of COra Ctafl f r1,b 'rl,l .,rr ..:jr ,'r ,,, 1 lttr.g I lrt' 5ou(ltc!rl Culrrcr ol Sfcl'lof llr h,. r' i ",h':','t, '., i. .', tl.,,,.r li65'0('(l'9, 7l'00'i lbcncr :{L'lt )ir ;, l"/.1t,' I "r 1r, lrir r,f t( rt:.J rrirB on tfr. Hgrtharlt Ii!. r '.: .'i ot 'r:1!,I l ,r f r.rE !ri,l rr,' 5(,rirl,(a!;t cornrf Ot ",t1,, t',r(,, '":.",1 .,() F, '.:',', l'. Ilrc glCc l1nrr to Lr l, .,rr.'.r, j r-r il,,-rt, !.(.d 'o t. rc.lri,rt rl t!,' Junlpt'' L.nc lltht- '! ,61 , 4 ll. .p; r(1 trr'.t. ,1, rrr,1r', ,t C<rte Cr!.L. Tht t , ' . ) : ' , 1 , L r . r r' ! !, t, ,l:/. .,','t. i, j". ,!. Lrcrd 'r ',, "rti t^\( Tqwtr], r:cc - Tovnhoutt '''. 1,',(- t'! ,at!, l,,tl:t ''- rrty, iol,, I er'lo. South.rta I 'r,':,,n l' {al t'l:r,. , r1), i,'rI;rl'1p 1 !rr.th, Prn3r l0 !, ! ', r '.tnr ^ tiil . 'tt) (:1 ,'i..(,). :.(,! 'i.) I't/'V, l/(.6{ Irtt elonj rhG rr'.e. Itna. ,,(;f 'ro uTlL|TY EAIIIIIJT at aat *|| t q It ;;. J'"i',o.;''i.-iloi' "i--.-_.-:ui - -.--.-',,umtor'--ttlr ('l C6k da ttr. c.dt.f l]n. ot ttra ..la.ffirl la d.rctrltd .t lollolt r h. ..r.tn nr ri 'i rt.l ln rdth Thr td. tdrr{t.'Y lr.r. l! ltt. :51^If,.: !S sttrtESats ,-. J,'fHb ;;'"ir-"ui .[ i ;;; ;; '# ;*-;i J ., * p"'rt c't q'n!o'i tFrt !'d rt ! d.ir ' rba.t aanta.tirr atrd.rtr.lltna to th.ltorrrdt|.r ot lna dladrl Fof-tll --,-^^.^ -- -1, .d- ddutnn qd otrmts- to t.rt"' 6i'1'r'ql' tr' dr' olrfi' t*t fllr"-l.llopdrr *rrh l|ra t'gil to t4t'r utln |.d pttmtL to lrvtv qo|!'llltcr' r.|c r4it;rv trnn .rro 'dn.J nrr-.r ri J,-"- .J- tttt-t o9-! tltir.r| liitrc' "E!'t}t'..rr budr6. ..d tor.r\o. wmr rno alrr ic L'-i- *J' ir d. .if*'lno TT! 1 qlryglj3tlll|,.[H:Hl .'H'; ;;";;'K;;";;; ;0i.v l; iJ''ed'i'rrn" "!' -rr'''E r''!J' il;L li t ;; ",,r'.v .i"ttt,t,i"n- "'-fu "'tii'-irv, tl otlf'r !- 79:53"1-?;L-;;;:n -4..t- tr- n r{nt .o {r tio G'Fr =t' -.G:rx tc rtt Itr r ;;';'5i' iii; t i,,*j .rrr ,'cr frril''ri' : A1r1rj"t 1 -g;1 g'tfj$#?..ffi,Hf;' #..FiJi'i; ; * ,r.i ''' ,16r ro *r. q-oer r b rinrd rn ltL! r ri. rrtrrr frld st lo tlrrr' rrY ;;;'tt;-ltt6' iirJ ntrott hr n ol rb rrnlur -r'lnil GRAXTOII '/ ,"* ffir*I;il':g*#mll,. ..- nrr'. itd rhd- ndr b doi'htr -t; |Jr r.l. drr aatrn.it ndt h .aaio.ad l|/t*trtiallY lo ita o''l'ri'l bd Lld cltlolllo'ltctrntr' drrt ;n<lrro. rh. dr|r L. F{i,7.1 i.|ninit', ttr5'|l!.' lro nturt / -, , -- A. 8rr.d 6'r '-..'-- d.vot .-- -Lttt/r. -__----'l[ 'i lit.{rlr]rr1 trt 1 ir V.li I ' l!3t 'l! *_: }l(r'r': 1}'n (i)lr t'r'itl lt)"{bi'ft rnrrEl ',.... rrr Lilirlr 1,,'rrrr f r.., {l) ftr:t ')rr 6rch 5ri(lc 'rrt-l idift'ly \{:i. r I rn ,: r. l!'r.rrt}r ')r' tl! sk+'trt! rnrkod Dfiibit '4" I'y: trx ;.rr' " r,' t. ..l.znt.- lr,drt {B} ,tl l.t\:,. 1ir: / : t., / CT III a t6 D t tI : :ti"r;.:t clrLotrAur' I .. "l -l*',,' t l'.--.-r-i.- M{ {,r'nrn|loi arfr w,tna|irhddctticdd' .'. -rh n.ail:-,!.*Xr|.l. lel -i. ri' -aal-f,.t*-r I -t|r|lt t}t. tor{.ir{ r,rtruot|nt wt droi{9.a fr!'| |r t ovlt s8 reort'n t sJm i\ \.,\b\i t.\ :\ IEBD ---- center:Ihc 81 gaa Ein aEtl a' \, \/\ L'- 4li \, r/ Y.\ -.{ I \ I. lr r l0' (red c*N.tl'i.: At rr, lDint dtall thccefltar'ra3&lrn-tad !"r!|'r : !d vtthb. hE lxirrl f "A" rlfr $o ss{ C.l I l,E I-ut I$8 |2HlEIolElflol Jar $ Y =CD F+ Irlol9lFIloltDlEl8lEIolJIol3e HtE gel q8a qEV =.5oclE>l FIi=lediHl <t-l J - lro z =oF UJTFI Fo z z al IJJE o:uto uJ u, o I I I I I.ol 9*t ;!+E lo| -urlrt;ldl(, I I IlartuJlat<rt>oO(EoR >l EY9= _l CJI I s F a = fulo oz z 3 lll G oz I = = F I l\ Itfros I s z z= Oo!.t E <o6 ; dl o o UJo l Fz fi =l.{s tr< (..)lu tr4 =F' -J (3lu C.r 3 a- sa z6 5 o 3 =Eo aF: uJI z o sa)\o ao s<,) s, CD\tt! soss rJ'rds -J itr EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT tbe Town of Vailr a municipal corPoration, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantort) , for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration 7 the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does GRANT and QUITCLAIM unto Public Service Corporation of Coforador €Ind Fred T. Eiller' III, whose legal address is 5020 Main Gore Circler vail, Colorado 81557 I (hereinafter referred to as rGranteen)r the following real property situate in the County of Ea91e, State of Colorador to-w it: A permanent non-exclusive easement, together with the right of ingress and egress, to constructr r€coDstructr oPerate, repair and naintain a gas line, pedestrian bridger pedestr ian and bicycle paths e ?nd related structure or appurtenance in, on over, under and through: As set forth on Exhibit nA" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fu1l herein. Appurtenant to the real Property set forth on Exhibit "B', attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Together with all and singular hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertainingr and the reversion and reversions r renainder and renainders; rents r issues and profits thereof; and aII the estater right, titler interestr clairn and demand whatsoev€rr of the Grantor, either in law or in equity ofl in aqrd to the above-bargained real property interest, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s?neI togetber with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any- wise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, rightr titler interest and clainr whatsoever, of tbe Grantor, either in law or equity to the only proper user benefit and behoof of the Granteer its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successorsr and/or assignsr shall not erect nor place any permanent buildingl structurer irnprovement' fence or tree on the above-described easementr dnd Grantee shal1 not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shall constitute its agreenent and consent as follows: 1. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandonedr or in the event thats Grantee breaches any covenant of this Easenent, Grantee's real property interest in the easement shal1 immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. The gas liner pedestrian bridger dnd pedestrian and bicycle path constructed on the above-described easement and the area of the access easement shall be constructed I maintained e and repaired in a reasonable nanner, condition and aPPearance. In the event it is necessary to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace the gas line and pedestrian bridge, Grantee shall restore the area as nearly as nay be practicable to the same condition, including full revegetationl as it was prior to construction, repair or replacementr provided no permanent buildingr structurer improvernent, fence or tree shall be placed thereon by Grantor which interferes with Granteers rights herein. 7 3. The Grantees agree to tllt"_indennify, :3ve and keep.l:^::::l:r,harmless frgm any and alr -c1aim", i.6irorns cosrs and;rrorney's fees1, for _darnag,l to rear and pbrsonar prop"ity inoinjuries or deaths. suffere-d by persons in connection with tbeconstruction, naintenance, us6 br in anywise relating to orarising fron the easement and the bridge' constructea thereonlduring the tern of this easenent. rred -T. Hirter, rrr, or anysuccessor in interest relating to the p.op"ity-ipiurt"nunt to thepedestrian bridge, agrees to rnainlai-n "-u"io-rnary Iiabilityinsurance coverage 191aiing to- tn" pedestrian bridge in the narneof Fred T. Hilreir.rrr, or"u"v -"r.""""o, in interest rerating toll:_l:_"n:It{_"!qu.renant to €ne peaestrian ;;i;;. and name rhebranEor as an additional insured on such polici& of :.nsurance,as its interest nay appear. Grantees agree to provide proof ofinsurance upon reasbnaLie ,"gu""l- of Grantor. srcNED AND DELTVERED rhis &Uu, ot \9/!44y'r/,,(-, 1985. By: ACCEPTED: Public Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date FRED T. HILLER, TII Date Clerk 'EXHIBIT A' BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASE MENT OF VAIL,BIGHORN EAGLE PARK,TOWN COUNTY, COLORADO -t- l? /-i i.;"i' ljiiilii-i()fiil Fl.1,i:lii Wa'/4+_ lec-eAaefi tTpga LAND DESCRIPTION BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A parcel of land located ln rhe Se f/4 of Secclon 12, Townshlp 5South, Range 80 West of the Slxch prlncipal Merldlan, Town ofVall, Eagle County, Colorado, Dore parElcularly descrlbed as l0feet each slde of the fol,lowlng descrlbed centerllne; I Beglnnlng ac a polnt on the apfron whlch an alunlnuo cap bel2 bears S78"58t25"Er 671.04 fCo Che polnt of ternlnusSectlon l2 bears S82r 19r58"E,lengthened or shortened aboutat Che approxloate cenEerlineparcel con cal.ns 0.033 5 ac re s. proxlmate centerllne of Gore Creek lng the Sou lheas t corner of Sectlon eet, thence S65"04r43"1{, 73.00 feec frou whlch che Southeasc corner of 731.39 feet. The slde llnds to be the polnt of beg lnnlng to - qerElnace of Gore Creek. The degcrlbed ffi* 6frfiDaaat083a i 3 & f-c.q r.rllil, , _ .||0llGt: iccorollp to C6tor.do lrv you rvrt co_.nc. .tUr.r9r.r rcuor !...d rpon-.ry ocrcci ii ili.,-;";;; 'Jiiil, ,r,yr.B rtltr pu flrr!.rtltcirvcr rucb d.t.Gt. t n -no-irrni. "iiy myrcttoo b.r.d upon .ny defrc! in ahi;-;;rr:; ;; ;;;;"; _r.ttr.. t.n y..r3 tro. th.'drtr or tu ccritiiiiiioi- it'-i.r.*. KKBNA INC. corrst fT tr{G o6lt{€ERs ^NDL/rr{) stJRVEIffit P.O. 9OX 9f , EfiAROS,Cq-OR CD 6 tclz.(lOI 9a6-3S73 ill I 1 EXH IB IT 'B N ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOIJTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO vAlL , ..,AlL. 5A.ST l'fi'JiNFicl,iqilj.:CldltiCi{ AiiH..l. stoo35'o0"E,3.6 N 84o46'4t" E, 26.26i N 80003'03" E, | 5. 2 t' adA TIE TO THE SE. CORNER OF SECTIoII 12sztott'tz"E, 363.46' N 42o5305'E,rs.z3l N45o2o'44'E. t2.3 i-iiT i*;a H+Z?6'25'E , t+. H+A HL 9eceAb€A E,\?85 LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EASEMENT .TRACT A'' : land located 1n the SE l/4 of Secr, lor 12, Township 580 Weat of the Stxth Prlnc.lpal Meridlan, Town ofGounty, Colorado, nore partlcularly descrlbed as based on Ehe Vall Eas! Townhooes - Townhouse ValI, Eagle County, Colorado. Southeasc L2 (alumlnun cap), Towrlshlp 5 Souch, Range 80 cap (LS 2f49); N00"08'17-W,174.54 feet along trS'Srr{ea.a aroE3C ! Sr r.r,l A parcel of South, Range Va11, EagIe f ollowa: Bearlngs arePlat No. l, Town ofcorner of Sectlon lJes C to a rebar and Beglnnlng at a potnr on rhe properry f!r,e of the Vall EascTownhones - Townhouse Plat No. I conhon area fron which theSoutheasE corner of Sectlon l2 bears S7l"lIrl7'8, 553.46 fee c;thence along che propercy line of the conmon area S84o46t4l"W,L6.23 feeE to the boundary llne of parcel "B" of the Val1 EasrTownhones - Townhouse Plac No. l; thence along Ehe boundary ofsald Parcel "8" S84o45r4l'W, 23.77 feer; chsnce S45'"03'47"tt,113.74 feec to Ehe approximate centerline of Gore Creek; thencedepartlng fron sald Parcel "B" and contlnulng along theapproxlnaE€r c€nE€E 11ne of Gore Creek N09 o02'44'W, 44.36 feer;thence departlng fron the approxlmace center 11ne of Gore CreekN80'57t I6"8, 56.17 feer; rhence N47'26'25"E, 14.30 feer; thenceN45'20t44"8, 12.38 feet; rhence N42"53r05'8, 15.73 feet; thenceN80'03'03'8, 15.21 feer; thence N84:46'41"E, 26.26 feet ro apolnt on the property llne of Ehe Vall East Townhoues - TownhougePIat No. I conrnon area; thence along t.he corornon area SlOo35rO0"E,3.53 feet to the polnr of beglnnlng.' The descrlbed parcel conEaLns 0.037 acrea. lhe range Ilhe. . .tr0llct: - AGGortlDg to Calorr.ro t|y you rurt cnanGr rrrtlr.9.r .cttci Dar.d r?on .nt d.t.c! [n thlt rsryry rlthl|r rliy..r3 att r to{ tlrrl dlrcoy.t' ructt .htrct. In oo.ivcnt, ry rny.Crlcr DIrd upon aay drtacl In thlr ruryay br cnmrd xrrlhan tra trarr froa tha data of tha crrtlfiG.tion rho$t hrr.on. KKBTA INC. co6lfTtf|o Ex;hf€ERs AttoLArP En^'EIUs p.o. Box !t7, EfirRos,@LmAm ltctt.(!cl:}e6-Irnt EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Town of Vail , a municipal corporation, (hereinafterreferred to as rrGrantor") e for Ten Dollars and other good andvaluable consideration, the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged, by these presents does GRANT and QUITCLAIM untcPublic Service Corporation of Colorado, whose 1egal address is (hereinafter referred toproperty situate in theto-wit: as "Grantee") I the following real.County of Eagle r State of Colorado, A pernanent non-exclusive easenent, together with the rightof ingress and egress, to construct, ieconstruct, operaae,repair and maintain a gas 1ine, bridge, and relatedstructure or appurtenance in, on over, under and through: As set forth on Exhibit ,A" attached hereto and incorporatedherein by this reference as if set out in full herein-. Appurtenant to the real property set forth on Exhibit"B', attached hereto and incorporated herein by thisreference as if set out in full herein. Together with all and singular hereditanents and appurtenancesthereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and tbe reversionand reversions 2 remainder and remainders r r€Dts, issues andprofits thereof; and all the estater rightr title, interest,claim and demand whatsoever, of the Grantoi, either in law or inequity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interest,with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE AND To HoLD the same, togetber with a1l and singularthe.appurtenances and privileges lhereunto belonging oi inanywise thereunto appertaining, ind all the estate, rlgh[., title,interest and clain whatsoevei, of the Grantor, either in law orequity to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Granteelits successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and/or assignsr shall noterect nor place any permanent building, structurel irnprovement,fence or tree on the above-described easementr ?nd Grantee shallnot be liable for their rernoval if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easement by Grant,ee shalr constitute itsagreenent and consent as follows: l. At such time and in the event that the easenentdescribed herein shalt be abandoned, Granteers real propertyinterest in the easenent shall immediately revert to and bethereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. The gas liner constructed on the above-describedeasenent and the area of the access easement shall beconstructed, naintained, and repaired in a reasonablemanner r condition and appearance. In the event it isneces_sary to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace the9as l.i.ne Grantee shall restore tbe area as nearly is nay bepracticable to the same condition, incl-uding fullrevegetation , as it was pr ior to construction I re-pair orTlll:::*."!, ,provided ,,o' pernanenr buitding , srrucrure,rmprovement, fence or tree shall be placed thereon byGrantor which interferes with Grantee,s rigbts herein $1,^ ^1:-, th: Grantee agrees to fu11y indernnify, save and keepEne Grantor harmless fron any and a1l claims for damage to reai and personal property and injuries on said property during the term of Town Cl-erk ACCEPTED: PubIic Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date or deatbs suffered this easenent. by persons srcNED AND DELTvERED this @u, .t \-oZo.^^/rn'--1985. By: ' Ex H tBtr A' BIGHORN PARK UTILITY EASEMENT 'iiiAriT A ff-*,*f;.' r"€ ili$litjRil ir,t fiit r'*Si %'-"T,i.d^.odel"$"t Y{ta,4y LAND DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT UNIPER LANE A parcel of land located in che SE l/4 of Secclo South, Range 80 I{est of the Slxth Prlnclpal M Vall, Eagle County, Coloradb, more parcicularly feet each slde of the followlng descrlbed cen!erl Beglnnlng at a polnt on the approxluate centerllne of Gore Creek fron which an alunlnun cap belng Ehe Souttieast Corner of Sectlon l2 bears S78'58'25"E, 67 1.04r, thence S65o04'43'W, 73.00r; chence s66nl9r l0'I{, l97.O6t to the polnc of cermLnus on the Norcherly Rlght-of-Way of Junlper Lane frou whlch the Southeast corner of Sectlon LZ bears S88"50'00'8, 905.51t. The slde llnes to be lengthened or shortened to termlnate at the Junlper Lane Rtght- of-Hay and the approxlnate centerlLne lof Gore Creek. The described parcel contalns 0.L24 acrea. i Bearlngs are based on che Va11 Easd Townhones - Townhouse Plat No. l, Town of Vall, EagIe County, Colorado. SoucheasE corner of Sectlon l2 (alunlnura caP), Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 l{est to a rebar and cap (LS 2I49); N00'08rl7'W, 174.64 feeE along the ranre line. ?e.zzAi=h l7,l1O5 n 12, Townshlp 5 erldlan, Town of de s crlbed as l0 lne: k '/& KKB]IIA INC. C(last LTtttlG E Glll€ERS AfiO LAfp tt RvEroRs p.o. Eox !r7, EmioS rco-oRADo SleE ,(!cls-58 13 llOllGt: Accordlng to Cblorrrto l.r you rvrt cor.ncr .ntf I.9tr1 .ctlcn b$.d rpon .ny d.tac! ln thlt rurvry ylthin 3lry..rt rttat F.r tlrrt dlicey.r auci d.tact. ln no .r.nt. ray atryactlo,r brtrd upon any Ot.c! ln thlr rurvry ba ccncad tsratlua trn r|r.r! troa lha data-of tha ctrtltlcrtlon rhoyn h.rron. \ E-ASEMENT DDED AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the Town of Vailr a municipal corPorationr (hereinafter referred to as "Grantorn) r for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration 7 the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged ' by these presents does GRANT and QUITCLAIM untc Public Service Corporation of Colorado' and Fred T. Hiller, III, whose legal address is 5020 Main Gore Circler Vailr Colorado 81657, (bereinafter referred to as "Grant€€n)r tbe following real property situate in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, to-wit: A permanent non-exclusive easenent, together with the right of ingress and egressr to constructr recoDstruct; operatet repair and maintain a gas line, pedestrian bridge rpedestrian and bicycle Paths r and related structure or appurtenance inr on over, under and through: As set forth on Exhibit nA" attached bereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full- herein. Appurtenant to the real ProPerty set forth on Exhibit "8", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fulI hery'n. .. Togetber with aII and ti"{{{*qed itanents and appurtenances thereto belongingl or in anywlle/gfpq4pqiningr and the reversionthereto belonglng, or 1n anywl!€/'epp and reversions, rernainder and {teJ !s r rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the es te r ight r title r interest r claim and demand whatsoever r of th hntor, eitber in law or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property inter€str with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sarn€r together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any- wise thereunto appertaining, and all the estatel right, titler interest and claim whatsoever, of tbe Grantorr either in law or equity to the only proper user benefit and behoof of the Granteer its successors and assigns forever. Grantor , its heirs r succ€ssors r and/or assigns 7 shaIl not erect nor place any permanent building, structurel improvement' fence or tree on the above-described easenente dDd Grantee shall not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easenent by Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: t. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned, or in the event that Grantee breaches any covenant of this Easementr Granteers real property interest in the easenent shall irnmediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. The 9as 1ine, pedestrian bridger dnd pedestrian and bicycle path constructed on the above-described easement and the area of the access easement shall be constructed r maintained r and repaired in a reasonable manner, condition and appearance. rn the event it is necessary to constructr reconstructr repair or replace the gas line and pedestrian bridgel Grantee shall restore tbe area as nearly as may be practicable to the same condition, including full revegetation, as it was prior to constructionr repair or replacement, provided no permanent building; structurer inprovement, fence or tree shal1 be placed thereon by Grantor which interferes with Granteels riqhts herein. 7 3. The Grantees agree to fllfy_indemnify, -save and keep.l:^::::::roharmless _ar?* any and arr -craim",--i"ii"orns costs and;urorney's fees1. for d_amagE to real and plrso";i;;.p"""rU il:injuries or deaths sufferei by persons in connection with theconstruction, naintenancel u"6 br in anywise -relating to orarising fron the easement and the briag"I .on"tructed thereon,during the term of this .u""r.n1 . Fred -T. Hiller, rrr, or anysuccessor in interest relating to the p.op"rty-uppurt"nunt to thepedestrian bridger Egre€s to rnainlai-n "'r"i6r"ry liabilityinsurance coverag-e reriting to-lne pedestrian bridge in the naneof Fred r. Hil]err.rrr, oi'uny iu.".""o, in interest relating toll:_.-n:_"n:1t1 anqurtenant to €n" pedestrian uiiog" and nane theurantor as an additionar insured -on such porici& ot insurance,as its interest may appear. Grantees agree to provide proof ofinsurance upon reasbrr.Li" i.qu-.J' of crantor. SIGNED AND DELTVERED this &Uu, ot \p/Q,r.<y'a<-, 1985. By: ACCEPTED: Public Service Corporation of Colorado By: Date FRED T. HTI,LER, III Date CIerk 'EXHIBIT A' BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BIGHORN PARK , TOWN OF VAIL ,EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Y4ay4+_ lece{€reff l+,e}a LAND DESCRIPTION BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A parcel of land located ln the SE f/4 of Secclon 12, Townshlp 5South, Range 80 West of the Slxth prlnclpal Merldlan, Town ofVall, Eagle Councy, Colorado, uore partlcularly descrlbed as l0feet each slde of the followlng descrlbed cenEerllne: i Beglnnlng aE a polnt on the ap f rorn whlch an alunlnun cap bel2 bears S78'58'25'E, 67 1.04 f,to the polnt of ternLnugSectlon l2 bears S82'19'58"8,lengthened or shor Eened aboutat Che approxlnate cenCerllneparcel concaina 0.03 3 5 acre s. proxinate centerlLne of Gore Creek lng the SoutheasE corner of Sectlon eet, thence S65"04'43"W, 73.00 feec fron which the Soucheaec corner of 731.39 feec. The 61de llnds to be the polnc of beglnnlng Eo iernlnaceof Gore Creek. The deecrlbed ""/" 6*-'Eb i ressc i blt r.rid ::*l!ii!iir:1ff:#:t.J'"i::l'fi Ii,'t#li'fi;fi. ;i!y..6 .ft.r you f t rr! otrc-ovr,ir*rr c.t.ii. - li-ii'ir.ii]"ly .,ry.cum brt.. upon ent, &t.ct ta ir,i r-i"*iJ ;; ;;;;;; .o..ttt tt t.n trr.r tror th.- dr!. of thc ccrtlf iiiiioi- it"-i.r.on. KKBNA INC.co€tlTtrc oGtf€ERti Axo. LA'P SUfi1/€}G P.O. oOX 9f, EilnROS,CCT-OR m 6rel2.(loq925-Itr! ExH rB rT 'B n ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION 12,TOWNSHIP 5 Sq.JTH, RANGE 80 OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL tvlERlDlAN, TOWN ff EAGLE stoo35'0o"E,3.sJ N 84o46'41" E. 26.26' N80003'03"E, t5.2t' r6a WEST vAlL , couNTY,COLORADO '.,,A!1. I A.S'i' l'C',Ytil-ichi::i; iO[{}'{Cri'l AiiEA \tlI 5K) TIE TO THE CORN€R OF S ?lo lt'lz " E 3t. sEcTror{ t2 , 583.{6' l,t +zosJos'e,ls.z31 N 45ozo'44'E . rz.3 i-i:tT i*;2 N4z?6'25'E, t4.30: scALE: r" "4 tr+AHL VeceAR,€F' l?,\985 LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EASEMENT ..TRACT A.. A parcel of land located ln the Sg f/4 of Sectlon 12, Townshlp 5South, Range 80 Weat of the Slxth prlnc,tpal Meridlan, Tovn of Va11 , Eagle County, Colorado, rrrore particularly descrlbed asfollows: Beglnning ac a polnt on the properry fin" of rhe Vail EascTownhoues - Townhouse Plac No. I coninon area fron whlch rhe S.outheasE corner of Sectlon l2 bears S7'l'll'17-E, 563.46 feer;thence along Ehe property 11ne of Ehe comnon area S84"45t41"W,15.23 feet co the boundary llne of parcel "B" of the Vall EasE Townhones - Townhouse PLat No. 1; thence along the boundary ofsal.d Parcel '18" S84o46.t41'W, 23.77 feec; rhsnce S45'"03r47"W,1f3.74 feet to the approxlmaEe cenEerllne of Gore Creek; t.hencedeparttng fron said ParceI "8" and contlnulng along theapproxLdater center line of Gore Creek N09"02 t44"1{ , 44.36 feer;thence departlng frou the approximate center line of Gore CreekN80"57r16"E,56.17 feer; rhence N47"26'25"8', 14.30 feer; rhenceN45"20r44-E, 12.38 feer; thence N42'53'05'E , LS.7 3 feet; rhenceN80'03'03"8, 15.21 feer; rhence N84'46'41"E, 26.26 feet to apolnt on the property 11ne of the Vall East Townhorles - TornhoueePlat llo. I cornllon area; thence along the cpnrnon area SIO'35r00"E,3.63 feet to the polnc of beglnnlng.' The descrlbed parcelcontalna 0.037 acrea. BearLngs are dt Plal No. l, Town ofcorner of Sectlon l{es C to a rebar and the range l lhe. based on the Vall East Townhones - Townhouse Va11 , Eagle County , Colorado. Southeas t L2 (alunlnun cap), TowqshJ.p 5 South, Range 80 cap (LS 2149); N00o08'17-W, 174.64 feer along ffiS'iil;"}_ -c.i a-a ar883t i -'.r r.r':!i TRACT . .i0IlCI: . Accordln9 to Calor..to l|I you rstt co-.nc. .rU1.0.1 actlor !.r.d rfon .ntr d.t.ct ln thlr- rurvry rlthln rllto.B rttar Fr tlrrt dlrcovrr r|rch d.t.ct, tn oo.ivrnt. 4r uy.ctlc.r b.rd ugon rny d.trct In thl I 3!rv.y Or cornced rrithar taa Farr tro. tha drta ot tha Grrtlflcatlon lhorn hrrron, KKBflA INC. co6ttTn|G ol3tit€ERs A'|oL^ro gJRr/€lu:l P.O. lox !n, EmROS,@(on m t|6t2,(!€9a5-3:tnt * i! ..gt l.r. n'l rr '',..X'n EASB KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: THAT GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASSOC.,... Profit Corporation, formerly known as i,a-^ Condoniniuns Association, Inc. (hereinafterrGrantor"), for Ten Dollars and other good &., consideration, the receiPt of which is hereby acknowledgeo' bas granted I bargained, sold and conveyed r and by these Presents does grant, bargainr sell and convey and confirm unto TOWN OF VAIL, *hose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd.r Westr Vailr Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as trGrant€€n), the following real property situate in the County of Eagle' State of Colorador to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easement for pedestrian accessl ingress and egress, over and across that portion of Grantorts Property which is designated "Vail East Townhornes Comrnon Area" in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fuII. And all its right title and interest in and to that easement recorded ilanuary 2t 1981 r in Book 315 at Page 8l3r relating to the non-exclusive .access easenent described thereinr without Iiability or recourse to Grantee for duties and obligations contained in said deed, which easenent is more fully described on Exhibit A-1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in fuII . Together with all and singular hereditanents and appurtenances thereto belonging; or in anywise appertainingr dnd the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders r rents e issues and profits thereof; and all the estate; rightr titlee interestr clain and dernand whatsoever I of the Grantor I either in Law or in equity ofl in and to the above-bargained real property interest' witb the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenaDC€s1 unto the Granteer its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantorl fox its- self r its heirs r succ€ssoES and assigns, covenants, grants tbargains and agrees to and with the Granteel its successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargainl sell and convey the sane in manner and forrn as aforesaidr subject to those liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record r if anyi said above- bargained and described real property interest to renain in thequiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its successors and assignsl against all and every person or personsr lawfully claiming or to clain the whole or any part thereofr by or through the Grantorl wbich Grantor shalf and will WARRANTY AND FOREVER DEMAND. Grantorr its heirs, successors, and,/or assigns, sbalI not erect nor place any permanent buildingr structurel improvenentr fence or tree on the above-descr ibed easement r dnd Grantees shall not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. crantee shall have no duty to maintain the easement, and shall be narned as a co-insured on all property liability insurance. Grantot agrees to provide proof of insurance upon reasonabLe reguest of Grantee. Acceptance of this easement by Granteeits agreernent and consent as foLlows: shall constitute _^:.f EXH IB IT "AE/ ACCESS EASEMENT SUNDIAL, PHASE 2 OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOl_.,TOWN st3 T5S R80W s7 st8 T5S R79IY-N(, ND 605() LIMITED COMMON PARCEL 6 AND ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT il4.33 t+.tra, LAND DESCRIPTON ACCES S EASET.{ENT An acceas easeuent elEuated 1n a portlon of the lluted coEDonparcel and utlllty easement of the flnal plac of the tosnhougenap of Sundlal Phaeri 2, recorded as an eaaeDen! deed ln Book 215at Page 813 ln the Eagle Councy Clerk and Recorderte Offlce.Sald easenent ls sltuaEed ln the Northeast Quarter of Sectlon 13,Tornehlp 5 South, Range 80 l{est, and the NorthnesE Quarter ofSectlon 18, Tornshlp 5 South,Range 79 I'Iest of the Slxth prlnclpal Merldlan, more partlcularly descrlbed as follows:. ' Eeglnnlng at a polnt which lles on the North llne of Sectlon l3ln eaid Tonnahlp and Range fron shlch the Northeast Corner of Sectlon l3 bearg S89'53r24"8, 212,-36 feet; thence S00'06'36-f, 115.87 feet, rhence S4lo00r00'8, 156.94 feet; rhence Sg6o0O'00'8, 110.00 feet; thence S58'55r00'8, 122.99 feet to a polnt on theEastern Eoundary lLne of Sundial Phase 2, flnal plac of thetownhouse Eap; thence along sald Eaa tern Boundary Llne S25'01 r 59'W, 25.14 feet; thence deparclng fron eald .Eaatern Boundary Llne 1158"55r00"lt, 119.63 feec; thence N86.OO'00-lt,It4.33 feer; rhence N4 lo00'00"If, 176.67 feec; rhence NOO.O6r36.E,125.24 feet to a polnr on the Norrh llne of sect.lon l3 1n saidrornshlp ond Range; thence along the North llne of sectlon l3589'53124'E , 25.00 f,eet to the point of beginntnT': '' Blari.nga are based on the vall East, Townho'es - TounhousePral lfo. l, Town of va.l1, Eagle Gounty, colorado. southeactcoy.r.ter of Secrlon l2 (alunlnura cap), Townahlp 5 southr. Rangc g0 :;:t.::r: i;::: and cap (r.s zl4e); Noo'08'| r7't{, 174.e E r1Eg7 *-ft* //i qt . -XlIlCt: ^Cco?al4 to Citlorrdo lr t'ou .urt rn nc. rnyr.e.! actt.r D.r.rt ugon rny d.tact In t t rurvry rlthln rliya.?r-at3.r tog flBt dlrcovrr 3||ci dat.Ct.. ln no rvrnt. try rayactlqr b.r.d spon atv &t.ct In tilr turv.y br cnnced rorl3n..l tan trarrt troa tha rtata of tha crrtlllcrtlon trlorn ha?aoa. KKBNA tNc. coaslrnrrc 1-A}O Rli rr|o P.O. oOX gt, Emeo3.@rnAm Er6lQ.ClOI9a6-:ItA EASEMENT DEED AGREEI'1EI\]T KNOVJ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSI THAT the Town of Vail, a municipal corporation' (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantor"), for Ten Dotlars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does GRANT and QUITCLAIM unto Public Seivice Corporation of Colorado, and Fred T. Hiller' TTI . whose legal address is 5020 I'lain Gore Circle, VaiL r Colorado 81557, (hereinaft.er referred to as rGrante€")e the following real property situate in tbe CounLy of Eagler State of Colorador to-wit: A pernranent non-exclusive easement, together with the right of ingress and egress, to construct, reconstructr operate, repaii and maintain a gas 1ine, pedestrian bridge, pedestrian and bicycle pathsr dnd reLated structure or appurtenance in, on overr under and through: As set forth on Exhibit nA" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Appurtenant to the real property set forth on Exhibit I'Bn r altached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full herein. Together with all and singular hereoitaments and appurtenances th6reto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversioni, renainder and remaindersr !€Irts, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right' titler interest'-c:.aim and demand whatsoeverr of the Grantor, either in faw or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interest, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same' together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in aly- wise Lhereunto appertaining, and aII the estater right' title' interest and clairn whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity to the only proper user benefit and behoof of the Grantee' its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and/or assigns, shall not erect nor place any pernanent buildingr structurer inprovement, fence or tiee on the lbove-described easenentr dDd Grantee shall not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Acceptance of this easenent by Grantee strall constitute its agreenent and consent as follows: 1. At such tirne and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned, or in the event that Grantee breaches any covenant of this Easement, Granteets real property interest in the easenent shatl imnediately revert to and be thereafter merged with Lhe servient estate. 2. The gas line, pedestrian bridger and pedestrian a1d bicycle path constructed on the above-described easernent and the arei of Lhe access easenent shalI be constructedr maintainedr and repaired in a reasonable manner, condition and appearance. fn the event it is necessary to construct, reconstructr repair or replace the gas line and pedestrian bridger Grantee shall restore the area as nearly as nay be practicable to the same condition, including full revegetation, is it was prior to constructionT repair or replacement, provided no permanent buildingr structure, irnfirovernent, fence or Lree shall be placed thereon by Grantor which interferes with Granteers rights herein. 3. The Grantees agree to fully indemnify, save and keep the Grantor harmless from any and all claims, including costs and attorneyrs fees, for darnage to rea] and personal property andinjuries or deat.hs suffered by persons in connection with the constructionr naintenance, use or in anywise relating to orarising from the easement and the bridge constructed thereonr during the term of this easement. Fred T. Hiller' IIf' or any successor in interest relating to the property appurtenant to thepedestrian bridgeT E!r€€s to naintain custonary liability insurance coverage relating to the pedestrian bridge in bhe nameof Fred T. Hiller, III, or any successor in interest relating to the property appurtenant to the pedestrian bridge and narne the Grantor as an additional insured on such policies of insurancel as its interest may appear. Grantees agree to provide proof of insurance upon reasonable request of Grantor. SIGNED AND DELMRED this day of , I985. TOWN OF VAIL Attest: By: Town Cl"erk ACCEPTED: Public Service Corporation of Colorado tt: I lnl !oal tl16 l--..-ltltoll*ll\llllNlt*lllItr IEiOlH PJl=t,lltltll^l olEl =t{6ttHllTttovl liqrl l6t{i l=l Irl altlE lqIF>(.}2.DC3ed i!Z$ Hz" J Foz l- urt z z I = ooz I t 3 t\ I ca)ss I s z ztr o -o I oo ; o l Fz =3 -J lr TU F I]- =l-aF tr< LU ez a)t q) o P +? = F \ {(s IU q..l q oFt ss oz6 6 zn E t 9 =) d o I I I,E I:ul I =o I;;E I+o Ists It-EIolElDIGI I Jar- rq{ T =Y.s ot- Lio r.u EclsjltJI TFII\4 F4 5l 9 t-l2l rl rql_{l (51<lrul I (o (Dero Nro G) (o oo EoJoo-ol3s\-rA.-F -n ato =c, l!o Fzo IElr. IFfo an q) F J lto z =oF ltJ -FI \o o s) 5llJ R TJ {'x rJ 3f- EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Fred T. Hil1er r III (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" ) e for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; has granted, bargained r sold and conveyed I and by these presents does grant, bargainr sell and convey and confirm unto TOWN OF VAILT whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd.r West, Vailr Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grant€€")r the following real property situate in the County of Eagle' State of Colorador to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easement for pedestrian accessr ingress and egress, over and across that portion of Grantor's ProPerty which is set forth and designated on Exhibit A attached hereto. Together with aIl and singular hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertainingr dnd the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and p!ofits thereof; and all the estater rightr titler interestr Ltaim and demand whatsoeverr of the Granto!, either in law or in equity of, in and to the above-bargained real property interestt with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real Property interest above bargained and described v/ith appurtenances, unto the Granteer its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for hin- selfr his heirs, successors and assigns, covenants, grantst bargains and agrees to and with the Granteer its successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargainr sell and convey the sane in rnanner and forrn as aforesaid , subject to those f iens r taxes r assessments and encumbrances of record r if anY; said above- bargained and desc:ibed real property interest to rernain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee r its successors and assigns I against all and every person or Persons 7 lawfully claiming or to clairn the whole or any part thereof, by or through the Grantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANTY AND FoREVER DEMAND. Grantorr his heirsr succ€ssorsr and/ot assigns, shall not erect nor place any permanent building, structure, irnprovernentt fence or tree on the above-described easementr dnd Grantees sha11 not be liable for their rernoval if they are so placed. Grantor shall maintain and dedicate the property as a common parcel, including the use of the general public' upon filing of any subdivision map. That Grantee shall have no duty to maintain the easemente and shafl be named as a co-insured on all Property insurance coverage. Acceptance of this easenent by its agreement and consent as follows: Grantee shall constitute 1. At such time and in the event that the described herein shall be abandoned r Grantee's real interest in the easement thereafter nerged with the servient/ estate. easement pr oper ty and be SIGNED AND DELIVERED this [-day of ,198s I STATE OF COLOR,ADO COUNTY OF BAGTE The &, day of Witness my hand and official seal . My connission expires on: hAy 3, /qgl ss. Easernent Deed was acknowledged before me this , 1985 by Fred t. niLLer2E. Publ ic '.,,,r!1. F.AST i'+\.yi\l-i,:i,:r,$ iit-lir.lh,iCi.i Afi i.i EXH IB IT OAU ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE S.E. I/4 OF SECTION ]2, TOWNSHIP 5 SO.JTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN tr VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO stoo35'0O"E,3.6J N 84o46'4t" E, 26.261 N 8ooo3'03" E. 15. 2 t' $i'oao' TIE TO THE CORNER OFs7to 'lz"E sE. sEcTroir !? , 553.46' N 42"53'05"E ,r5.73' N 45ozo'44'E ,12.3 i..i.:iT i_;i n +zze'zs'g 14. PP do)w+^ H+_ 9eceAbeh la,l?91 LAND DESCRIPTION ACCESS EA6EMENT ..TRACT A" A parcel of land locaEed 1n the SE l/4 of Sectlon 12, Townshlp 5Souch, Range 80 lfest of the Slxch prlnc.lpa1 Merldlan, Town ofVa11, Eagle County, CoJ.orado, nore partlcularly descrlbed asfollows: ,J .9P Beglnnlng at. a polnc on the properEy f!r," of the Val1 Easc Townhones - Townhouse Plat No. I cooinon area fron whlch rhe SouEheast corner of Sectlon l2 bears S7t'll r l7"E, 563.46 feet;thence along the propercy ltne of the connon area S84"46r4'l'W, 16.23 feeE to the boundary llne of Parcel "8" of Ehe Va11 EasE Townhoues - Townhouse Plat No. 1; thence along uhe boundary ofsaid Parcel "B* S84o46'41"11 , 23.77 feet; !hence 545o03' 47"V, 113.74 feeE Eo Ehe approxlmace cenrerline of Gore Creek; thencedepartlng fron sald Parcel "8" and concinulng along the approxlnater c€nteE 11ne of Gore Creek N09"02,4,4"_W, 44..36 {9"c;thence deparElng fron cti'e approxlma!e center lfiie'-of iore dreek N80"57' l6'E, 56.17 feet; thence N47"26'25"8, 14.30 feer; rhence N45"20' 44"8, 12.38 feet; thence N42"53'05"E, 15.73 feer; thenceN80"03'03'E, 15.21 feer; thence N84o46r4l-E, 26.26 feet to apolnt on the property 11ne of Ehe Va11 East Tosnhotres - TownhousePlat No. I cornlron area; thence along t,he caomon area SlOo35tOO"E,3.63 feet to the polnt of beginnlng.' The descrlbed parcel contalns 0.03 7 acrea. based on che Vall EasE Townhones - Townhouse ValJ., Eagle Counry, Colorado. Soucheasc I2 ( aluurLnura cap) r Tonrlshlp 5 Souch, Range 80 cap (LS 2L49); N00"08' 17"1{, L74.64 feet along Bearlngs are Plat No. I, Town ofcorner of Secclon West co a rebar andthe range 1lhe. '{i{ia'sre4;p at ta aa: |EE3C !.ta F.. ^ -' !-l ..dfrJ.rr.vll6. (o, rRACT - .lollct: Accordlr{ to C6lorado I.Y yot, .utt cor.ncr ||lt/I.$l rcllon Drr.d r.f|on rntf d.t.ct tn thlr rurvey rlthln rlrti|n .ftat F.r tlrtt dltcDy.r tuch d.trct. ln no.rvent, r.y rqractlo.r b|rad upon .ny ar.trct In lhlr rury.y br co-.ncad 'oralnu l.n F.rt tror thc dala of th. crrtltlcatloa rllori hrrron, KKBI|A rt{C. coEttTrr{G E rG0r€ERs lroL^|O S,R1/EIOn3 P.O. mX 37, EmRoai ,Cq.oRAOO Crdlt,(!OO326-Irn' EASEMENT DEED KNOW A],L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TIIAT GORE CREBK MEADOWS ASSOCIATIONT INC., a Colorado Non- Profit Corporation, fornerly known as Vail East Townhornes and Condorniniurns Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to asnGrantor"), for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerationr tbe receipt of which is hereby acknowledgedr has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargainr sell and convey and confirrn unto TOWN OF VAIL, whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd.' west, Vailr Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "GranLeen)2 the following realproperty situate in the County of Eagle' State of Colorado, to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easenent for pedestrian access I ingress and egress, over and across that portion of Grantorrs Property which is designated 'Vail East Townhornes Common Area" in Exhibit Ar attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference asif set, out in full. And all its right title and interest in and to that easement recorded January 2, 1981 , in Book 315 at Page 813r relating to the non-exclusive access easement descr ibed therein, without tiability or recourse to crantee for duties and obligations contained in said deed, which easement is more fully described on Exhibit A-1 , attached hereto and incorporated berein by this reference as if set out in ful1. Together with all and singular hereditarnent,s and appurtenancesthereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, rernainder and rernainders, rents, issues and prof its thereof i and all the estate , r ight r title e interest,claim and dernand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or inequity of1 in and to the above-bargained real property interestrwith the hereditanents and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenaDC€s1 unto the Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantore for its- self, its heirs , successors and ass igns , covenants , grants ,bargains and agrees to and with the Granteer its successors ano assigns, does hereby grant, bargainr se11 and convey the same in nanner and form as aforesaid, subject to those Iiens, taxest assessments and encumbrances of record, if anyi said above- bargained and described real property interest to remain in thequiet and peaceable possession of Grantee, its successors and assigns r against all and every person or persons I lawfullyclaiming or to clain the whole or any part thereof, by or throughthe Grantor, srhich Grantor shal1 and will WARRANTY AND FOREVER DEMAND. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and/or assigns, shall not erect nor place any pelmanent building, structurel improvementt fence or tree on tbe above-described easementr ?nd Grantees shallnot be Iiable for their removal if they are so placed. Granteeshall have no duty to maintain the easementT and shall be named as a co-insured on all property liability insurance. Grantor agrees to provide proof of insurance upon reasonable reo.uest of Grantee. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shalI constituteits agreement and consent as follows: 1. At such time and in the event that tbe easement described herein shall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest in the easenent shalI immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. SIGNED AND DELIVERID this /8 a"y ot A&EA3trJA-' 1985. GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATION, INC.' a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation formerly known as Vail East Townhones and Condominiurns Associationl Inc. SfATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OT EAGLE By: t) ss. ) - The foreqoinq Easernent Deed was acknowledged before ne this -!-9- auy or Trcce-r.,rberz , 19g5 by as -:EXzEsrDar)E of Gore Creek ueddows Associatione rnc., a Colorado Non-profit Corporation forrnerly known as vail East Townhomes and Condominiurn Association, Inc. Witness rny hand and official seal . My comnission expires on3 (rr-1-91 . Notary Public EXH IB IT 'A':/ ACCESS EASEMENT SUNDIAL, PHASE 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO S7 P.O.8..,/?l?.35TO THE N.E. CORNER sEcTloN t3,T5 S, RSOw r+. Pe7 LIMITED COMMON PARCEL 6 AND ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT f t4.33 TIE OF st3 Tss R80W st8 T5S R79W N!t N5 6050Iro /G YAaW ?eceAEr-;i- eJ LAND DESCRIPTON ACCESS EASEMENT An acces!r easeIent slcuated 1n a portlon of the lLnted cotlBon parcel and utlltty easeuenc of the flnal plat of the cownhouse uap of Sundlal Phase 2, recorded as an easeuent deed ln Book 215 at Page 813 tn the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderis OffLce. Sald easenenc 1s eltuated 1n the Nor Eheas c Quarter of Sec t lon 13, Township 5 South, Range 80 I{esc, and the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 18, Townshlp 5 South,Range 79 West of the Sixth Prlnclpal Merldlan, Dore partlcularly described as follows: Reglnnlng at a polnt whlch 11es on the Norch llne of Sectlon l3 1n sald Township and Range fron which che Northeast Corner of Sectlon l3 bears S89'53'24"8, 2L2..36 feet; thence S00"06'36"W, 115.87 feet, !hence S4lo00r00"E, 156.94 feec; thence S85'00t00"E, 110.00 feet; thence S58"55r00-E, L22.99 feet to a polnt on the Eastern Eoundary llne of. Sundlal Phase 2, flnal plat of the tonnhouse map; thence along sald Eastern Boundary Line S25"01t 59'W , 25.14 feet; thence departlng fron said 'Eascern Boundary Llne N58"55 t00"I{, 119.63 fee t; Lhence N86"00'00"W, I14.33 feet; thence N4 I "00'00"W , 17 6.67 feet; thence N00'06 r 36"E, L25.24 feec to a poLnc on Ehe North llne of Secclon l3 1n gald TownshLp and Range; thence along the North llne of Secclon I3 S89"53'24'E,25.00 feeE to the polnE of beginnln-g'. Bearings are based on the Vall Easc, Torlnhones - Townhouse Plaf No. l, Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado. Southeagt cor.ger of Secclon l2 (alurnlnun cap)r Townshlp 5 Southr. Range 80 lfesc to a rebar and cap (LS 2f 49); N00"08r l7"lJ, 174.6a f 1gq7 ^l-?*kEhe'range llne. F#'qmi t0830 i ht.rn,.t*i - ,Iolltt: ^ccorarl|tg tc Cblor.do lr you ru:t cfl.nca antlaial a€tlc. brr.d epon any datact Ir thlt tu.vay rlthln rlry..n rttrr tar ttrtt dltcova? r|rch daloc!. ln m .v.nt. r|y at|trcllo.| brrd upon any dafuCt In thlt rurv.y br coencrd rorllrr..| t.n t..rt troa tha drtr ot th. crrtttlcrtlon th6dr hrrron. KKBNA INC. co6lr-Tnc Eit3|r€ERS ANO LAIO f,.Rr/tlffi's P.O. 8OX 97, €DilARO3 TCtLORAE) Sle.FoS)96-lS7l i, EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATION' INC., a Colorado Non- Profit Corporation, forrnerly known as Vail East Townhones and Condominiums Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged' has granted I bargained r sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grantl bargainr sell- and convey and confirm unto TOWN OF VAIL, whose legal address is 75 S. Frontage Rd., Westr Vailr Colorado 81557 (hereinafter referred to as "Granteen), the following real property situate in the County of Eag1e, state of Colorado, to-wit: A perpetual non-exclusive easenent for pedestrian access I ingress and egressr over and across that portion of Grantorrs ProPe!ty which is designated "Vai1 East Townhornes Common Area" in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set out in full. And all its right title and interest in and to that easement recorded January 2, 198I, in Book 315 at Page 813, relating to the non-exclusive access easement described therein r without liability or recourse to Grantee for duties and obligations contained in said deed, which easement is more fully described on Exhibit A-1 , attached hereto and incorporated berein by this reference as if set out in ful1. Together with all and singular hereditanents and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions I remainder and remainders r f€nts I issues and profits thereofi and all the estater rightr titler interestr cfaim and demand whatsoever, of the Grantorl eitber in law or in equity ofr in and to the above-bargained real property interestt with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOL,D the real property interest above bargained and described witb appurtenaDC€s1 unto the Granteet its successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor t tor its- self, its heirs r successors and ass igns r covenants r grants t bargains and agrees to and with the Grantee, its successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, seIl and convey the same in manner and forn as aforesaid, subject to tbose liensr taxest assessments and encumbrances of record I if anyt said above- bargained and described real property interest to rernain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee r its successors and assigns r against all and every Person or persons r lawfully claining or to claim the whole or any part thereofr by or througb the Grantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANTY AND FOREVER DEMAND. Grantor, its heirs, successors, and,/or assignsr shall not erect nor place any pernanent building, structurer irnprovenent, fence or tree on the above-described easenentr ?Dd Grantees sharl not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Grantee shal1 have no duty to maintain the easernentr and shall be narned as a co-insured on all Property liability insurance. Grantor agrees to provide proof of insurance upon reasonable request of Grant,ee. Acceptance of this easement by its agreement and consent as follows:Grantee shal1 constitute , 1. At such tirne and in the event that the easement described herein shal1 be abandoned, Granteers real Property interest in the easement shal] imrnediately revert to and be tbereafter rnerged with the servient estate. STGNED AND DELTVERED this /8 a^y of .DEaFJ!AALL. ' 1985. GORE CREEK MEADOWS ASSOCIATION, INC.' a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation forrnerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominiums Association, fnc. By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. - The foreqoinq Easement Deed s,as acknowledqed before ne this18 aay or -itcce-r.rb e r , 1985 by as -pQ55t VEat -- of Gore Creek Mea'dows Assoc iation , Inc . 1 a Colorado Non-profit Corporation forrnerly known as Vail East Townhomes and Condominium Association, Inc. Witness ny hand and official seal . My cornnission expires on: 0- 1-g1 Notary PubIic EXH IB IT A': I ACCESS EASEMENT SUNDIAL, PHASE 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I s r2 S7 P.O.B.,/?l?.35 TO THE N.E, CORTIER sEcTtoN 15,T5 S, RSOW TIE OF s13 T5S R80W st8 T5S R79W l\)!t Nc 6050&ro LIMITED COMMON PARCEL 6 AND ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT 1t4.33 //dftyaflt ?e.ceAeei- ft. pe> 6J LAND DESCRIPTON ACCESS EASEI{ENT An access easerlent slEuated in a portlon of the lloted connonparcel and ut111ty easerlent of che flnal plat of the cownhouse nap of Sundlal Phase 2, recorded as an easenent deed ln Book 215at Page 813 in the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderts Offlce. Sald easenent 1s si t uated 1n the NorEheas c Quarter of Sect lon 13, Township 5 South, Range 80 WesE, and the NorEhwesc QuarEer of Sectlon 18, Tovnshlp 5 SouthrRange 79 I{esc of che SlxEh Prlnclpalllerldlan, Eore parcicularly descrlbed as follows: Eeglnnlng at a polnr whlch lles on che North 11ne of SecElon l3ln sald Township and Range frou whlch the NorEheasE Corner of Sectlon l3 bears S89'53'24"E, 2L2'.36 feet; thence S00'06'36-l{, 115.87 feet, thence S4lo00t00"E, 156.94 feet; Ehence S86'00'00"8, 110.00 feec; thence S58"55'00"8, 122.99 f,eet to a point on the Eastern Boundary 1lne of Sundial Phase 2, flnal plat of the townhouse Dap; thence along sald EasEern Boundary tlne S25'01f 59'tf , 25,l4 feer; thence deparrlng frou sald'Eaerern Boundary Llne N58"55'00"W, 119.63 feet; !hence N86'00'00"Wr I14. 33 feet; chence N4l o00'00 "W , L7 6.67 feet; thence N00'06 ' 36"8, 125.24 feet to a poinc on t,he North llne of Sectlon l3 1n eaid Townshlp and Range; thence along the North llne of Secclon l3 S89 "53'24"8, 25.00 f eec t.o the polnc of beglnnln-f'l Bearlngs are based on the Vall East, TosnhoDes - TonnhousePlac No. I, Town of Va11, Eagle County, Colorado. Soucheagt co5.r.rer of Sectlon l2 (alumlnun cap), Torrnehlp 5 South,. Range 80 s Ilest to a rebar and cap (LS 2f 49); N00'08r I7'l{, L74. OA f 1lqy ^1.?*krhe 'range l lne. KKBNA INC. cot6lr-nt{G EIFnEERS Ar0 LAIO flrR1/ErcA6 P.O. BOX 97, EmFOS TCCLOnAOO ttcn.Foll926-x173 - -xollCt: Atcordlng to Cilorrdo ld you rurt co-ancr rnttagal .c3lo. lrrrd lgon any d.tr€t In lhla rurvat' !lthlr rlr)t..?r atlar to|. ttrtt dlrcovrr ruch daflct.. tn m rvrnt. ry rqractlo.r brr.d upon any d.t.ct In thlr tsrvay br coQnctd- loritlr.|t tan yorl fror tha datr of tha Grrtltfcallon rhorn irrroo. M I NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 17. 1985 7 :30 p. m. A regular meeting of the VailTown Council was held on Tuesday, December 17, 1985,at 7:30 p.m. jn the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT:Paui Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Oan Co r co ran Gai I l,Jahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pi erce Hermann Staufer Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The fjrst item on the agenda was a vote on appointing a new Planning and Environmental Commission member. After a short discussion by Council, a vote vras taken and Brian Hobbs was chosen to replace Eric Affeldt on the PEC. The second item was the second reading of Ordinance No. 32, Series of 1985, making supplemental appropriatjons in the Town of Vail 1985 budget. Mayor Johnston read the tjtle in full. Steve Barwick explained the background of this ordinance. After a short djscussion by Council, Kent Rose made a motjon to approve the ordjnance. which Oan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimous,y 7-0. The third item on the agenda was the second reading of 0rdinance No. 31, Series of 1985, regarding leas-ing private parkjng spa..t. Mayor Johnston read the title in ful l . Tom Braun expl a ined the background i nformati on of the ordi nance. Larry Eskwith gave additional information. After a short discussion, Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance. Kent Rose seconded the motion, A vote was tak'i,r and the mot'i on passed unanimously 7-0. The next item was the reading of Resolution No. 37 establishing a computer systemfund. Charlie Wick gave a short explanation of the resolution. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the resolution, which Gail Wahrljch-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. --_The fifth item was Biqhorn Park Bridqe easements. Kristan Pritz explained there were four easements for CounciI approval: 1) utility easement for Public Service, 2) utjlity easement for Fred Hil1er,3) Fred Hi11er granting the Town of Vail e pedestri an access easement, and 4) Gore Creek Meadows granting the Town of VaiI a pedestri an access easement through the common area. Larry Eskwith gave 1ega1 informatjon on the easements. Gary Hail, a Publjc Service representatjve, and FredHiller answered questions from the Council. Gary Hall noted he needed a street cut permit at Gore Creek Meadows. Bill Hart and Brian Hobson gave their reasons why they want the approvals. Larry Eskwith discussed with Council broadening the inciemni f icat'i on clause, and the Council agreed it should be done. Council also requested the lights at the bridge be changed to down lights. After much discussion, Kent Rose made a motion to approve the easements, with the stipuiationtna: the language be broadened in the jndemnification clause and the lights be changed at the bri dge. Oan Corcoran seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the morion passed unanimously 7-0, Kent Rose noted the street cut permit was a separate 'i ssue. Gary Hall of Publjc Service discussed the street cut wjth the Council. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the street cut permit at Gore Creek Meadows and that Larry Eskwith make a draft resolutjon for it. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. A voce was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The next item was the reading of Resolution No. 39, regarding the White River Estates easement vacation. Kristan Pritz explained background information on the ;asemenEffifadeiEt Savings and Loan and Sun Savinls and Loan, its parent coiipany, are requesting the easement vacation. After much discussion by Council, Gor"don Pierce made a motion to approve the vacation. Hermann Staufer seconded the mo!jon. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Dan Corcoran ..t f Prolecl Appllcatlon Proj€ct Nam€: Project O€scription: Contlct Per3on and Phone r+b \\q1 Owner, Address and Phon€: Architoct, Addr$s and Phone: L€gal Dosctiption: Lot 1 Block Filing Zone 'Commsnts: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL \,/ .n IK Yr*,.. ,.llt Town Planner E statt Approval Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proieci Description: Coniacl Person and Phone Own€r. Address and Phone: Architeci. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval Rt['oI)Ec 161985 Two lent Tree Tow et, 164?9 Dallas Parkwdl/Suite ?10 Dalf as, Texas 7 5248 / (Zl 4) 7 33 -7 lffi Meno-263.? lOO erwood Blount ompany, Realtors The VaiI Town Council Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Ccloraao 8165? Re: Lot 8A of re-subdivision of Lot 8A, Block 4, Big Horn Subdivision 5th Addition, Town of Vail , Colorado Dear Council: - ..I am the owner of 4857 Juniper Lane, Unit A which is the west side of the two story , duplex located on Lot 8A of the referenced property. I am writing this letter to you ' . out of concern for a bridge thaf I understand is being proposed by a developer on the' north side of Gore Creek and adjacenl to our property. One.of the reasons that we ,. ... , . chose to purchase our home in this location adjacent to th9 park side was the facl property 1ine. Additionally, the construction of any structure lncluding a bridger. ,' :would block or obstruct the view lhat all of the homeowners in our area have back , toward Gore Creek, Additionally, we are concerned that a bridge'across Gore Creek ' would benefit a smaLl group of residents to -ttre north who would use this area as a '. so called itshort cuttr through our area to the bus stops along Junipen Lane, L I am concenned that any structure such as a bridge would not be archi tec tural).y or aesthetically pleasing. I feel thai bhis structure has no residual benefit fo fhose of us who border Juniper Lane and the Gore Creek area. Therefore, I ask that you respectfully deny the developer of the property to the north of Gore Creek his ' request for the consiruction of this bridge structure as lt negatively affects our property. I will anxiously await your decision. Thank you for every consideration in this matter. Sherwood E. Blo MEMBER: GREAIER DALLAS BOARD OF REALTORS ! TEXAS ASSOCIANON OF REALTORSN, NATIONAL ASSOCIATTON OF REALTORS(. INTERNATIONAL COUNOL OF SHOPPINC CENTERS Lfo.$rtor fu6bh.d 6on ur... d.dn.d ..li.bl. h,. I no. sr6rn..d tr u. rnd I sbi.<r b.h.nt. in Fie, otcrio.r, drcn .nd omiiora Fid al6 d 'lrh.L.*d .ithoor no.i... o \, Real Estato Sdes a,ail Iangement December 5' 1985 Town of Vail Plannjng Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Planning Departnent: The Board of Directors of Sundial Townhomes in us, as Managers of Sundjal Townhomes, to state to the proposed bridge being built across Gore Townhones. East Vail have that they have Creek adjacent i ns tructed no objection to the Sundial Si ncere'l)r,-r . C),ou?(tl'"r/u WPeplinski JP/m,v P.0. Eu 39? . Vdl. Colorailo 81658 . 303/47&,0320 0ffice . 122 Erst leailor Driva o Viltrgr Ceutar Slop I Proiecl Nam€: Proiect Oe3criplion: Prolect Appllcatlon Contact Person and Phone Ownor, Addross and Phone: Archit€ct, Addr$s and Phone: L€gal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board N o"," Ua( tf , n l|\ DISAPPROVAL 0 Statt Approval T0l Larry Eskwith FR0M: Kristan Pri tz RE: Bighorn Park Bridge Work to Date DATE: December 4, 1985 The following is a ljst of the actions that have been taken on the Bighorn Park Bridge: September 24, 1985: The Town staff came up with a list of basic infornation that would be needed in order to study the proposal further. This information was summarized in a letter to Chrjs Sewell dated 0ctober ?, 1985. Chris Sewell is the contractor for Fred Hiller. November 19. 1985: The Town Council gave conceptual approval to the Eighorn Park Bridge. Please see memo dated November 19, 1985 to the Town Council. The Town Council specifical 1y mentioned that they were concerned about the liability of the bridge as well as the pedestrian easement. They emphasjzed that the pedestrian easement must continue east from Gore Creek Meadows out to Main Gore Drive. They felt that it was very important that public access be provided from a public road to the bri dge. November 20- 1985: The Bighorn Park Bridge was reviewed by the Desjgn Revjew Board. It was given conceptual approval . Please see the letter dated November ?2, 1985 to Fred Hiller. Th'is letter summarizes the cornments and additional information that the DRB requested. The proposal is now scheduled for the December 4, 1985 meeting. Early December. 1985: Town Engineer; Additional Information Requested: Bill has asked for the additional information in the following areas: 1. Extend path to Juniper Lane where jt is shown - it ends at the end of a culvert and ditch2. Need to protect inlet for sma1l pond 3. Show rip rap limits on site plan 4. Give elevations on brjdge profile 5. Minimal free board6. Why skew bri dge so much?7. 41 1 drawings stampedL Structural calls 9. Typical cross sections for path Fred is also aware that he needs to submit this information. l,r|illie has talked to Fred about these concerns. page two 72/3/85 Bighorn Eridge December 3. 1985 I spoke with Fred about the information that I st'i ll needed. Thjs information i nc] uded: 1. A liability agreement. I suggested that he talk to you about how to handle this item.2. A maintenance agreement for the bri dge and easements3. An access easement which should include the legal narrative, 1ega1 description and a stamped survey of the easement. I also pointed out that the easement must extend through the Sundial project to Main Gore Drive.4. A utility easement must be subm'i tted and the submittal must include 1ega1 statement, legal description and stamped survey.5. I need approval from Larry Eskwith on all the legal aspects of the proposal .6. I need approval from our Town Engineer7. I need approval from the 0esign Review Board. At this time Larry this is where the proposal stands. I hope this wiI'l help you out in understanding the long saga of the Bighorn Park Bri dge. Please see all the encl osed i nformati on. I informed Fred that alI of these issues need to be addressed and submitted to me by December 9 in order to schedule the project for the next evening Town Counc'i 1 meeting on December 17. Oecember 4. 1985 Sent letter to Fred Hiller confirming what information is still needed for the revi ew. See I etter dated December 4, 1985; Fred Hi I I er. 75 south tronlage road' vall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 2, 1985 Chri s Sewe'l I P.0. Box 1076 Vai1, Co. 81658 off lce ol communlly development 1. A survey for the property on both ends of the bridge 2. 100 year flood plain elevations indicated on the survey 3. An hydrau'l ic analysis 4. Details on the bridge abutrent, rejnforcement materials and rip-rap 5. Design calls for the super structure (desjgn loading, snow, etc. ) 6. An agreement for bridge maintenance and ownership 7 . Detai I s on bri dge 1 ighting 8. A plan for bridge approaches 9. Bearing details 10. Backfil'l requirements and weepholes 11. Verification of ownership 12. A-list of adjacent property owners to the bridge onall sides 13. A site plan showing how the bridge will connect intoBighorn Park as well as Gore Creek Meadows. Dear Chri s : 0n. receiving the drawings for the Gore creek Meadows/Bighorn Bridge, Iasked our.Town Engineer to review the plans for any furiher inforilationthat would be needed. Bi]l Andrews, Town Eng'ineer gave me the followinglist of itmes that he would need in order to-furthei study this proposai: ', page two Chris Sewel l 14. A check of existing covenants on the property 15. Army Corps of Engineer ffi n.rri. (pnotL) The staff would'then bring this proposal to a Town Council meet'ing to insurethat the Counci'l was jn favor of such a bridge being put in this area of tJte park. The bridge would also be reviewed by our Design Review Board.I have enclosed a schedule of upcoming meetings for this board. Pleasecall me or Bill Andrews if you have questions about these requirements. S i ncerel y, K*^{"\+ Kristan Pri tz Town Planner KP/bl f:enc 75 soulh fronlage road vall. colorado 81657' (303) 476-7000 November 22, 1985 Fred Hi I ler P.0. Box 3863Vail, Co. 81658 offlce of communlly developmenl Re:Park Bridge, Design Review Board Meeting: November 20, Dear Fqgd: 0n November 20, the Design Revjew Board gave conceptual approval to your bridge proposal . The Design Review Board requested the fol lowing i nfoimati on: 1. A cut sheet on the lighting fixtures for the bridge is needed. 2. The stone work should extend al1 the way down to grade around eachof the piers for the bri dge. 3. The concealment of the gas pipeline should be detailed on the drawi ng. - Bighorn 1985 I am scheduling for the December 4, 1985 meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. At thjswjll be on the agenda. If you have any call. DRB meeting. Once again this time I am unsure exactly where you further questions please give me a Si ncere 1y, U \ o\ flritTc\rr. YrR- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KPlb lf T0: Town Council FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: November 19, 1985 SUBJECT: Proposai to construct Bighorn Park Bridge connecting Gore Creek-Meadows to Bighorn Park. PROPOSAL Fred Hiller, developer of the Gore Creek Meadows project in east Vail js proposing to construct a bridge that would connect the Gore Creek Meadows development with Bjghorn Park. The pedestrian bridge is approximately 60 feet long and 5 feet wjde. The developeli s requestjng to run a gas line beneaththe bridge in order to provide service to the 8 townhomes that are presently under construction. Fred Hiller will also submit an access easement to allow neighborhood residents to cross through the Gore Creek Meadows project acrossthe bridge and into the park. A 20 foot wide utility easement js necessaryfor the proposed gas line. Please see the enclosed site plan and locat'i onmap. The developer will also submjt a majntenance and ownership agreement. PUBLIC INPUT CONCERNING THE PROPOSAL A public meeting was held on November 6th at the Vajl Racquet Club. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the pros and cons of adding the bridge connection. Approximately 10 people were at the meeting. There was no opposition to the proposai. People were very much in favor of the bridge. It was felt that the bri dge wiil provide greater use of Bighorn Park,particularly by residents on the north side of Gore Creek. The staff has sentletters to the owners of Lot 8, Block 4 of Bighorn Subdivision, FifthAddition. This is the only residence djrectly adjacent to the pedestrian bridge. At this time, we do not know how this property owner feels about the br i dge. FURTHER STAFF REVIEt,, The community Oevelopment Department, Public works, and Recreation Department are working with Fred Hiller to review the proposal . At this tjme, we have received a preliminary drawing on the design of the bri dge as well as apreliminary survey. The developer will need to submit further information for our town engineer, the Design Review Board review, and access and utility easements. Please see the enclosed letter dated 0ctober 2, 1985 to Chris Sewe'l l, as well as the thorough list of engineering requirements. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL The developer is requesting that the Town Council give him an indicatjon of whether or not they have any concerns about the proposal . He is interested jn finding out if the CounciI is in favor of the proposal , assuming a1 1 staff concerns are addressed. Staff feels that the proposal will be a positive addjtjon to the park as long as the staff requests foli nformatjon are met. At this time, the staff has heard no negative comments about the proposed bridge from adjacent residents. 75 soulh fronlage road-' vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 0ctober 2, 1985 Chris Sewel I P.0. Box 1076 Vail, !o. 81658 Dear Chris: offlce of communlly development mate ri al s 0n. re.ceiving the drarvings for the Gore creek Meadows/B.ighorn Bridge, Iasked our.Town Engineer to review the plans for any rurinu" informationthat would be needed- Bill. Andrervs, Town Engineeigave ne the roiio*inglist of itmes that he would need in order to-furthei study this proporii, 1. A survey for the property on both ends of the bridge 2. 100 year flood plain elevations indicated on the survey 3. An hydraulic analysis 4- Details on the bridge abutnent, reinforcement and rip-rap 5. Des'i gn cal I s for the super snow, etc. ) 6. An agreement for bridge maintenance and ownership 7. Details on bridge l ighting 8. A plan for bridge approaches 9. Bearing details 10. Backfill. requirements and weepholes 11. Verification of ownershio 12. A_list of adjacent property owners to the bridge onall sides 13. A sjte plan showing how the bridqe will connect into B i gho rn Pa rk as rvel I as Go re Cre6k l,jea dorvs . structure (design l oading, 14. A check of existing covenants on the property I5. Army Corps of Engineer 3&t permit (nqL\k\tbr{ 'r "' ' ) The staff would'then bring this proposal to a Town Council meetinq to insurethat the council was in favor of such a bridge being put in this irea ofthe park. _The bridge would also be reviewed-by our-Desi,on Rqview Board.I have enclosed a schedule of upcoming meeting! for this board. pleasecall me or Bill Andrews if you have questions about these requirements. S i ncerel y, page two Chris Sewel l KP,/bl f :enc K*"{"\t Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner BIGHORN PARK BRIDGE Public Works List of Required Information to be submitted by the Developer SURVEY Establ ish horizontal control Establ ish vertical control Gather topographjc data Determjne profiles and cross sections Obtain hydraulic survey data Tie property corners and land monuments to center ljne Prepare access and utility easement SOITS INVESTIGATION Determine test hole locations horizontal and vertical Col I ect sampl es Test samples for: classification max imum dens ity optimum mo i sture Prepare report of test results PRELIMINARY HYDRAULIC INVESTIGATION Establ i sh draj nage basi n Compile precipitation and stream gauge data Estabiish Iocations of required drainage structures Perform water surface profjle and make hydraul ic analysis Size Structures DRAFTING ANO TOPOGRAPHY OF CROSS SECTIONS Check survey data and plot data Prepare wal kway typi cai sect ion Plot and design vertical and horizontal alignments Determine prel iminary easement requirements STRUCTURE CONCEPT STUDY Revi ew pre'l im inary a1 i gnrnent to determi ne structure I ocat ion Determine feasibility of djfferent structure types PRELIMINARY STRUCTURE DESIGN Establ ish horizontal and vertical clearances required Determine available structure dept6 and the out-to-out length of the structure Determine possible span configurations Compute preljmjnary quanitities for a minimum of two alternative structure types Prepare preliminary cost est i mates Select structure type Prepare general layout and special detail sketches for the recommended strucfure type Transmit general layouts to the Town for approval Prepare and submit applications for all required permits (i.e. Corps of Engineers 404.' Colorado 0ivision of Wildlife Certification) PRELIMINARY UTILITY COORDINATION Prepare and transmit project notification to utilities and request to identify existing and proposed faci I ities Resolve proposed design treatments and determine amount of participation by each utility company Request scdpe of design and estimate of cost from utjlity company Consider time factor Negotiate scope and cost of work Subm it prel jmi nary pl ans for uti I i ty approval IDENTIFiCATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS Identify parcels from design plans Perform title search PREPARE FOUNDATION iNVESTIGATION REPORT Perform fjeld investigation Prepare foundation report and submit to the town for approval . PRELIMINARY t^lALKll,AY OESIGN Determine aiignment, wjdth. material to be used, thickness of mat FINAL HYDRAULIC DESIGN Fina1 Hydraulic design for structure wi'l I incIude: Location, size and skew Structure geometry and materials El evat ions, fl owl i nes and hydraul i c i nformati on Erosj on protect i on FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL Submit folIowing for approvaI: General I ayout Foundati on recommendati ons Hydraui ic report Structural analysis Superstructure design Substructure design Suppl emental specif i catjonsUtility plan Traffic control - if needed Schedul e Final cost estimate MTSCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Bridge I ighting Agreement for bridge ownership and maintenance Check covenants on property to allow project Site plan should include connection into Eighorn Park and Gore Creek Meadows - o z = - $;s.*zl, 5p. 4\IJ€.il\u61U \t.lata ., J ;<clrJa. (L:<>-z o-22z;o-o = . -6-^ +6' .d:R R t|-t-) € iN -'\!G a-'4z ;: .r'a- c- o-1 =il ;f,('t looo z (, I o I I l.l \ \ .J L t q< o--o@ m t -Viq./ x;{-+o ; -) c.-/p \-1-l cq N 'r; /*/."Lo/,e /tf1 ITE 3 - Xt! _ t(Jt v / rll : \'<)\ ,/ '-.: : F -', .'1 , noL 'r t€t\" HH t ldJluv o- - E;6 82.,--/z\r---' ..: ../J '! -/_-_-_\ - oo I NTIR-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLI C I.IORKS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING P4/4 70 4r /*€ @ tl1eo-o 7a pporcz/ /eL€7 frR- Jn4Lt ftno (rr"...',n */-eno) Sr+u /,e ,4+,- Lratty'J@ s,,+^ @ 6,uE C z-2 rt!/ FIRE DEPARTMENT o.r ltre Pe'<P 824 t eG€ P.z<t Ft c€ DateRev i ewed Comments e./ @ aa-\_- 6\ POL ICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conrnents: by: '/,/,* tz? E<-ta6€ -9o /L. P/t|'^tr^' 6 t t zA4 ?€D !z2uc-lttt.4c- C4c<- 5 -rrPtc4L K- 5 g-ct'zo* Fo< .Au.H ? a f47H Date RiCREATiON DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: ,r'- ^Rev'iewed Ay: 6ft Oa Comments: @ e"r*"- /r 6No5 6ruE €<- d'v4a/o.- t o- ay' /rv/.,nly'-L tC(€e-Yo,+Z e Ju- t PtP (a.va - hl,Aeleg / 7'-r S,uo',,.14 €--^.to atr- 4 cucve-Ez' f 2Zc4 Date 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657- (303) 476-7000 December 4, 1985 Fred Hi l'l er P.0. Box 3863 Va i1 , Co. 81657 Re: Bighorn Park Bridge Dear Fred: 0n December 3, 1.985, I discussed with you the final information that is needed in order to present the proposal to the Town Council. The fol lowing jnformatjon is stil l needed: 1. A 'l jability agreement. I suggest that you talk to Larry Eskwith as to how to write this agreement. 2. A maintenance agreement for the bri dge and easements. 3. An access easement which should include the legal narrative, legal description and a stamped survey of the easement. I also want to emphasize that the easement needs to extend from Gore Creek Meadows through the Sundiaj project to Majn Gore Drive. 4. A utility easement must be submitted. The submittal must include a 1ega1 narrative, 1ega1 description and a stamped survey of the easement. 5. I need approval from Larry Eskwith on all the 1ega1 aspects of the proposa'l . 6. I need approval from our Town Engineer for the proposal . 7. I need approval from the Design Review Board. page rwo 12/4/85 Fred Hiller I need to receive this information by December 9, 10:00 a.m. jn order to schedule the project for the next evening Town Council meeting on December17. This will allow me adequate time to review the information with otherstaff members. Please let me know jf you run into problems. Si ncerel y, 4dtu{i+} Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP/bt f z 9 ;_t Lo.-'cDr Y;(()(o J,<n zE:OI .Irxe:\JI -)(D /'..fi*; o 9 (v; or (t) I o F(,) .g_ Oatc9- -=iry. UJ lrJ (o Z\n Eo ]x>ovo 6er $ I GF|( Ft c\U t-J 2 t J I )il\r' lz IE rf, lo tolc | '.,1it9irl',t; (t;i I': 'F t9/ 'l I @ @N I I 2t t -.1NI 6l F, ill@l zl o 4,e', .)C lll '# \ P ,s o ; _._ _ _ll_;:> k,, /t ,l; ,!:. iti I r: 7^e zl ;r ; itf( y:";K rU '" -ii ,'u, s <v h o @ ln zlii':t= /' /4' /tri/?; /:; ,i '-;"- -r y j - _L/ iii o PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTEbI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: U / e7/ < /1'7 €asc-t-t a*, z oA _f,lke'-e^rF a) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI ElJ.l \r 6**^^| DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING /,cca><- 474- //77 kKc,^1 4- ?zO- lZZ3 oatelll_t S/4<t< O S4V S.OC (/^t€S zo 1!t 7€tm/^/47€ 4/ Joxtffi, Zrtug ,*;lO rl€ L.csfrn(,eP(17y ztne ap FR+<z l. h\C) Trab-ue €/*avto g€ 3 o,t. 4 .= ,J1 ,6\.,7 @ B/ciloau ?a,<rc u'T/L)7 G-,,,r(."-re\)r @ 7c4<r ,+ suc v{? oF €)<t c H PAp c€z 6p 56p7pz/ar' ! c e'*6 7//c)-a9 RrcUr-of -.4r1r, /k&ad rs <44"6/'< n72/a r 4G< etv, t1z5 t ct 2./zY CTlre>a<v 7 Reviewed by: Comments: "' Date @ zac-as 5,7.t?rPeb ,+/PRo t'R /4 7€ / ca 4L a,/ zle POLICE D.PARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT I DateReviewed by: Comments: \ I PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El^l PROJECT: DATE SUEMITT PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: hrm'rh SuRve-r a la/Ay'dA /OCl 't'< F<-ct64fc4tat Gz€w. ,t ^tt /21Avt t C fuu,+. V >t t 48ouu- f ga-2.-rv<ce-vne4,-/ /,4fpar. ft7.+rc-- o 0A- lrllLu€ w-?p\ "*^tt(*F Aot Aq"l' I -, /fr/id,+'( uu'mrru? /No7" /f s o Reviewed Conrnents: Reviewed by: Comments:' POLICE DEPARTMENT 7a /-7 Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: , tD-16 flO.$t o @ O eC.5t6,,, .Aa < S F.z ,,ft-= s-/.<, < /e<€ (u._ 4l-,a" , **,o:=) @ 46g eelna-- R)/- 82/06€ .-u-r/r/a.>.J,?7/<€ - osr".-;1rs g,,e €K .1,,,1714,/<- 3 n;-i 737?y^,^^, {, ^t nl*,l wi-M,K,r*orro*frnfKFt.c <ee,),.nn.--*, ogez,-> /a<<--s €-z<. '''*-.WW Reviewed by: Date , ' 14fut8comeDJt\ ' y'covuv*ts(A Qe-./e€ /F Tart di^n t 6droGt oz_ 7d€/t. ur t7-.J7 QZe-ruc s t*t tfg -s€r- '4s C o*t972-rt<7/q.-t /t/N /.t un Date .-a't:'-'o Profect Appllcatlon Project Name: Contact Person and Phone ,+j Own6r, Addr€lg and Phone: r-L -, )-L:,t 'l .; L€gal Description: Lot j Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Secondod by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAT Town Planner Date: E Statt Approval I Tn. FROM: Town Council Community Oevelopment Department n n ,\(r6ddi'l; connecting Gore Creek development with Bighorn Park. The pedestrian bridge is approximately 60 feetlgns a1d s-feg.!-wi3e. The develope.is requesting io run a'gas rine 6en61l-the bridge in order to provide service to the I townhomes that are presently under construction. Fred Hiller will also submit an access easemeni to allowneighborhood res'i dents to cross through the Gore Creek Meadows project acrossthe bridge and into the park. A 20 foot wide utility easement is necessaryfor the proposed gas 1ine. Please see the enclosed site plan and location @ map. The developer will also submit a maintenance and ownership aqreement. PUBLIC INPUT CONCERNING THE PROPOSAL A public meeting was held on tgygghe1_gll at the Vail Racquet Ctub. Thepurpose of the meeting was toTi-scussJh6 pros and cons of adding the bridgeconnection. Approximately J.0 people were at the meeting. There was noopposition to the proposal . People were very much in favor of the bridge. It was felt that the bridge will provide greater use of B'ighorn park, particularly by residents on the north side of Gore Creek. The staff has sentletters to the owners of Lot 8, Block 4 of Bighorn Subdiv.i sjon, FifthAddition. This is the only residence directly adjacent to the pedestrian bri dge. At this time, we do not know how this property owner feels about thebridge. FURTHER STAFF REVIEW The Community Development Department, Public Works, and Recreation Departmentare working wjth Fred Hiller to review the proposai. At thjs time, we havereceived a prelim'i nary drawing on the des.i gn of the bridge as welI as apreiiminary survey. The developer wiil need to submit further information forour town engineer, the Oesign Revi ew Board review, and access and utility easements. Please see the enclosed letter dated 0ctober 2, ]985 to chriiSewell, as well as the thorough list of engineering requ.i rements. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL The developer is request'i ng that the Town councji give hjm an indicatjon ofwhether or not they have any concerns about the proposal. He is interested infinding out if the council js in favor of the proposal , assuming all staff concerns are addressed. Staff feels that the proposal wilI be a positive addition to the park as long as the staff requests for information are met.At this time, the staff has heard no negative comments about the proposed bridge from adjacent residents. .. I.{', .l ,J 75 south lrontage road' vail, colorado 81652 . (303) 476-7000 October 2, 1985 Ch ri s Servel 1 P.0. Box 1076 Vai1, Co. 81658 Dear Chris: offlce of communlly development 1. A survey for the property on both ends of the bridge 2. 100 year fl ood plajn elevations: indicated on the survey 3. An hydraulic analysis 4. Details on the bridge abutment, reinforcement and rip-rap 5. 'Design calls for snow, etc. ) the super structure (design load.inq, 6. An agreement for bri dge maintenance and ovlnership 7. Detai'ls on bridge lighting 8. A p)an for bri dge approaches 9. Bea ri ng deta iI s 10- Backfiil requirements and vreepholes i1. Veri fication of ownershi p 12. A list of adjacent property owners to the bridge onalI sides i3. A site plan showing how the bridge will connect intoBighorn Park as rvel I as Gore Creik l,,ieadorvs. 0n re.ceiving the drar^rings for the 6ore creek Meadows/Bighorn Bridge, Iasked our Town Engineer to review the plans for unt i;rih;; informationthat would be neeied. eir Andi;wi,-r5*n Engineer gave me the forlo'jnglist of itmes that he would need in'order to-furthei study tnis proposai: materials page rwo Chris Sewel I KP/bl f:enc l,A check of exjst'i ng covenants on the property Army Corps of Engineer ffi n..rtt (pUt,\k) The staff rvould-then bring this proposal to a Town Council meetjnq to insurethat the Council was in favor of such a bridge being put jn this area ofthe park. The bririge would a-lsl be revjer^red by our Design Review Board.I have enc'l osed a schedule of upcoming meet'i ngs for this board. please call me or Eill Andrervs if you have questions abclt these requirements. S i ncerel y, Kol"{',\+ Kri stan Pri tz Tor.rn Pl anner BIGHORN PARK BRIDGE Publ ic tr,Jorks List of RequireC Information to be submitted by the Developer SURVEY Establ i sh hori zontal control Establ ish vertical control Gather topographjc data Determine profiles and cross sections 0btain hydraulic survey data Tie property corners and land monuments to center l ine Prepare access and util ity easement SOILS INVESTIGATION Determine test hole locations horizontal and vertical Col I ect sampl es Test sampl es for: classification maximum den s ity optimum moi sture Prepane report of test results PRELIMINARY HYDRAULIC iNVESTIGAT]ON Establ ish dra inage basi n Compile precipitation and stream gauge data Establ i sh I ocati ons of requi red drai nage structures Perform water surface prof i I e and make hydraul i c anal ys is Si ze Structures DRAFTING AND TOPOGRAPHY OF CROSS SECTIONS Check survey data and plot data Prepare waikway typical section Pl ot and des ign verti cal and horj zontal al i gnments Determj ne prel imi nary easement requi rements STRUCTURE CONCEPT STUDY Review prel iminary a1 ignment to detenmine structure Iocation Determine feasjbi I ity of different structure types PRELIMINARY STRUCTURE DESIGN Establish horizontal and vertical clearances required Determine available structure depth and the out-to-out length of the structure Determine possible span configurations Compute preliminary quanitities for a minjmum of two alternative structure types Prepare prel iminary cost estimates Select structure type Prepare general layout and special detail sketches for the recommended structure type Transmit general layouts to the Town for approval Prepare and submit ipplications for all required permits (i.e. Corps of Engineers 404, Colorado 0ivision of t,.liIdlife Certification) PRELIMINARY UTI LITY COORDINATION Prepare and transmit project notificat'i on to utilities and request to identify existinq and oroposed faciIities KeSOtVe ptOpOScO OeSrgn !reatmenl.s dnU Ue'teil tile qilioUria er p\ri ei!'rie,-i, -y €dCh utility company Request scope of design and estimate of cost from utility company Consider time factor Negotiate scope and cost of work Submit prel iminary plans for" uti i ity approval IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS Identify parcels from des'i gn plans Perform title search PREPARE FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION REPORT Perfonm field investigation Prepare foundation report and submit to the town for approvai. PRELiMINARY I{ALKWAY OESIGN Determine al ignment, width. material to be used, thickness of mat FiNAL HYDRAULIC DESIGN Final Hydraul ic design for structure will include: Location, size and skew Structure geometry and materials El evati ons, fl owl i nes and hyoraui i c i nformati on Eros i on protecti on FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL Subm it folIowing for approval: General i ayout Foundati on recommendati ons Hydraui i c report 5;,':.:;i;al ;;li lysi s Superstructure des i gn Substructure desi gn Suppl emental speci fi cati ons UtiI jty p'l an Traffic control - if needed Schedu I e Final cost estimate Br"i dge l i ght ing Agreement for bridge ownership and maintenance Check covenants on property to al low project Site plan should include:cnnection into Eighorn Park and Gore Creek Meadows q @ ; (i -o o @ A5p 4\IJE. J UolU ldJ.>ta J ;<: lrlz(E:<)-z o-22z;o-o) =9 =Pqt-^ d,-qE z\^ \l: <- kv -#K-G385' z CD blo€. Lw'"- j.,b --?\--+-' fuPo F |rOt-- - q< o--m m - 2 8 o( l q,./ \l-,,, ,=q :.\ i t'. -*z {-+o ; Jan BIGHORN PARK PROPOSED BRIDGE CONNECTION Between Gore Creek l4eadows and Bighorn Park Vail Raquet Club 7:00 om I. Introduction to proposal: Kristan Pritz, Town Planner II. Proposa'l Description: Fred Hiller, Developer of Gore Creek Meadows III. Discussion of Proposal IV. Future Review of Proposal o Town Councilo Design Review Board e 75 3outh tronlage road yail, colorado 81657-- (303) 476-7000 November .|8, .|985 ofllce ol communlly developmenl REG ISTERED Re: Pedestrian Bridge, Bighorn Park To: 0wners of Lot 8, Block 4, Bighorn 5th Dear Owners: The Town of Vail is writing to inform you that a pedestrian bridge connecting Gore Creek Meadows to Bighorn Park is being proposed by Fred Hiller, developer of Gore Creek Meadows. The proposed bridgelocation is adjacent to your lot 8, B'lock 4, Bighorn 5th Addition.Ifyou have any questions about this project please call the Conr.munity Development Department at 303 476-7000 ext 'lll. lnwn 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81652"- (303) 476-7000 November '18, .|985 REG I STERED Re: Pedestrian Bridge, Bighorn park To: Owners of Lot 8, Block 4, Bighorn 5th otflce of communlty developmenl Dear 0vlners: The Town of Vail is writing to inform you that a pedestrian bridgeconnectilg Gore Creek Meadows to Bighorn park is being proposed byFred Hiller, developer of Gore Creel Meadows. The propbseh Uriag-elocation is adjacent to your]ot g, Block 4, Bighorn 5th Addition. if ygu have any questions about this project p16ase call the Community Development Department at 303 476-7000 ext lli. ro@Or!-.6 -o6o- i,r 2., Oiii o(u = u.r -o N =E(l, oz, Y ft ( 0. zt or o I 0 .tJ g oFO.(l,o>o(l,Nolrct>)l\+J sf g.5+' E(l,OEL) +t!r- (tGt -cl-uclrFoc =o+tFct c...o oc ctlrl (l,e, L.oo./, Ez,OL40tJ', lJ- J(1r(uU)(u J!L o.r-O (lt!.!.L.o(ug (J ur!_ tg (l,o 04 (u E '- (5 ! O-o g ot.FEL (Jg(,(uo 3ur (uc r+- occr o, o = ot o{J -) > g-.1-, .F :-f ':- - (U ccl !€)OlE .6 -o q,- oo ! o- utF_ O ulsE o=lrJ =d t./|ol! '-6= O f.'- oJEq]c >.r. (J +t Ur > rd(J.6+, t, o = (u (l,EE.E € g€ O= = c.nJrr, E o o c, -or E F (J=<f (o o _ct><f(J ..Etd(l,-': (n o!loo44o-qld.o ==a=o-o_ October 29, 1985 Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear ltls . Pri tz : The Gore creek Meadows Home 0wners are in favor of the proposed bridge thatwill connect our 52 home area to Big Horn park. The bridge will provide a safe route for children, guests and owners to usethe parks facilities. They now have to walk about 5 blocks in the street. If the Town decides to service the users of the park by having a bus stopthere the usage of the system will be increased by people from Gore Creek Meadows. During the past month the bridge has been discussed with owners and guestsof Gore Creek Meadows and everyone has believed it to be a good idea. We are prepared to take on the financial responsibility for maintaining thestructure upon comp'l etion. Thank you for considering this matter and taking into account thjs request from the owners of Gore Creek Meadows. Sincerely, L. Hobbs reek Meadows Di rector h''yn n |lal '; tt'trIll 75 sr,u1h lrc,ntage,oad vail, t olorado 816 5Z (303) 4 7E_7ooo ITEiTORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Ron Phillips O._Steve Barwi ck -ZG=<--0ctober 8, l9A5 Funds for 1986 Capital Improvement projects $.il:: iil.ii",iiiy.lh. uilulhment, we are expectins to have Improvement p..,;o"*]ni3".' jl;rrr-f]llion avai f aUi" iJ."C.pTiulImprovement projects in tsgo. -r;;;. ;; ovor roure ror Lapltal , #r+qp*g!+*" ; ; ; -n:;g: _, n i, i " ii I o : I i Y i : ir: " +n I i' j, f fi : :.,'tha t no chan ees a re-mEzEJn"lri:w;;;fi ;'"i"iil; *::i r rl;:i:ui,^u n, r",I;l""lfll':lllnlll.l.,"::ll :li?f "*p.,iyt,."s for purposes otherthan the purchase of ooen .n^". -^ii":.1:,-"' :" ,r ur purposes other rundins pi.tui"-,ui ;i ^?ff:";:'li;,.if.jyil :, :!:":;o;:,Ul.jrl|i"SZ. t miilion RETT fund 6a.lun.; ;;;i;'[. =p"n.. Unless several n.r.:::lr:_sources are approved for 19g6 it seemslikeiy that we will have to reduce tire sates tax_ jn OSCIF inorder to support onqoing op"ruiionr-i'i tr.," cenerit rrrj.' n"ysuch moves wil'l , of-course, cut into ihe number of CapitalImprovement projects whi ctr'can -U."ir.j"". )r,l -|, -=rtm Y)z ',o!<a :rnT !, =D Imc)zm --l -''"tZ z D-o i r mo(')<-! mJ*z L', IJN FttiI, lr) I D _u' o J o r! o o t: =t !, F '9 ,-t a-t1 u,<t, {-l)< Fc.oa :^.a l^r>1:., ! " : ':rii- i i ;[lr', , f . z :--L1 ; - v t.::: . i ; .-.-i,a . = 2 t) rt,:m::o.l .-..-..81n i rJ Z 5 I'Tl-joz. i 6t;;...1 9acm;.r4\.12r+54:,D a*:o{I"::.1)1:>(+f; ;l *E r! D ro l_ -a ! : ; ; l, -n o mO ttt x3 rn Trn om<?n:.f /-a -r<_> o>Lqr r]m t I I t I I I Il1)It lo m: -|,I ll€rtI t aD.| -telollf mInlo I It ^ol (I) mn! o-D! tllt tDn D!c.''rlo- F-!coortl ^UD@-Dn6o o.r.]tr'- !E.t-tOF * 'oOOol .o (D\ I-l I I I I I I I I I I5t u-llJ | !5a, | !' 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'Ja f! \:I r) .{l- ru I ,r\ tq s }J (D tD (D !! ursro vo -tl -gO.r @D- t-. N o [F IJ t,o o c (f (< ''lv) \o @.{ \o o\ a> >H FJJ >t- oFo ==in<zi4 > t-l42,Hd o c-{ z H z c) z*l (JliF }j<-Jo>o l--t (, FJ F:> | ><(r!c, >HFzztl t->HZ,z,a tu)(, tiz,aH i- '€ (1 c)Fl ! c\L^ !ru rJ_ Z Ei (t':l c) a<.H CHi-<O aHv rDV. *:= =-,, t- -. 6> c i->c z, "a F,-1 F:.)r- c)c)>ajt r-'! rD t<=OF =:<c) z, H >-Jtn;! (ncoa H>z(, 4 "-.t > -oa\t a7{ t:1 -.=a rrt r<H A> t:t Fi z.zo Fo/)= >c)z orrc z,jn r. c)(,c) lr z rnFf t c)F! FJr.v t,j F c) nO=='-) (.) I ^ LJ =n-r=><l: >'att>-<E(a I:'(,a)olzr') -JH>OC)C) idOt{ F:>='":E Fri{ttOOSFrf:l-<>r z, at FlFC)F,iC)3O c)>FI tit F F: E vl (, z F] 55IJ LN (rO oo L' L.) iJ |.J t_,n F- r- L,J !,| tJ 5- \0 CC QO!OOO r- O(rOco GO OOOOL^ o oOr,O ()Oooooo o oooo oooOOOO O OOOO OO (, (, L, Ln cc@'O @ Ur L, O L'| OO LJ I' L' cD@CO Ln! tn OO o \o (-) Ltll, L, C9Do @ !, l o Ln ooo o ooo o oo (' ult L/r (t COO @ Ur L^; L t--o o ooo o oo N) ! o N) o o tJ o N) o o |.Jo 4 '.1 C) zz.i> F: 2. 2. 4 .<42. H F.I FI442. F->>>"Jz. z, rtr:iF 7.= -c i- H3 >fr-O x (, Fi>>r-a orrc)it >=64> 4 H> 44 <az>- t. o\ L^ oo z c ()z tn .< ':j F< .F; (t Fl z z r.-7 at) H Et- Lr C) F] U' \o \, ro o0 \o\oo z oz, z, -O- ::' :': r< u =, c) EFo c> cF<Ol. 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I;)Oai, == o 5 ra z.?-Itrr=5c, rije F F=I ;.1 O x Ho =7 '<CGG'2|u H lh c IBE,-!l oo r a.--r oo Ioo !ioo rJ )>.O!{- oo N OOooOc) cD }\)ONO Lr t-'| o ooo ooo oo hJ 6 oo \cL) h'JOp oooooc) cp N)o t9 !.,O \r (, o ooo oo ItJ(t (,Oco oo oo r-S \Ooo o oo ooo ooo o o t\)O t.Jc tl oooooo Nlu ooooOc| o$ot oooooo l\s!Ol, oooooo Co l\)Oh)O(-'I oooo =ri i=AF u>, z, .a l- *i a z = z, AJ <)oo t\)o z,o <>FO\o cD c, z,*t o .4 cz, I- TO: FROM: DATE: o Town Counc'i I Comhuni ty Development Department July 16, .l985 SUBJECT: Bighorn Park-Allocation of Funds for park Improvements Bighorn Park, located in east vail off of Meadow Drive, is approx.imately7l-acres. $ss,000 from the 0pen space capital Improvment Fund has beenallocated to construct improvements on Oighorn Ra;-t. ihe staff has organizedtwo cornmunity meetings to review proposed-improvements to the puii. -rfie --- first meeting was held on.June .|2, .l985 at tire Vail Racquet Clilb conferenceroom. At that time residents were given the opportunity to review theproposed plans and make recommendations. 0n Juiy l0th a second meetin!was held to discuss the revised p1an. Bighorn rlsidents and the staffcame up with the following phase I prioriiies: (not.in order of priority) ' Maintajn the open space character of the park.' Provide a tot lot that can be used by 3 tb r0 year old children.' Deve'lop the park.as a neighborhood park.- lncorporate a wading pond for children into the park design' Identify key access-pbints into the park so that'the rest of thepark may rema.in in a natural state. (A. complete list of ne'ighborhood residents comments on Bighorn park fr:omthe June 12 meeting is enclosed in the packet.) " The.following priorities should be given consideration for future phasesof development for Bighorn park: ' Restrooms are a top priority and should be installed in .|9g6.. i" The old foundations on.Bighbrn park should be investigated to see iftap fees were ever paid for that original project calTed King Arthur's. pourt. : Landscaping should be increased on the site.' A volleybail court.shou'ld only be added if there is strong communitysupport for the activity. Many people were concerned ab6ut the noisefor this activity. tn lhe rutu-r.e, ih it rs d;aiJ;; ;hai-i-voirevuiii-court is wanted'.many peopre.prefer to see the court located uy itreparking area on the soirth' sidi of Meadow orive. --i"u"rui p"opii winteato see the volleybalt court built in the fjrsi pfiie]' The.proposed budget includes most of the priority items that the staff andresidents want to add-to the park._ The total amount of money budgeted forimprovements is 935,000. The'totat for the p"opoitJ i*p.ou.il"nti"ii-SS+leeS.Please see the enclosed breakdown for the Uuiget. If the Town Council dicides !o uq?.9u9 the budget,-public wo4[s_wogld ue iute to ,iurt dlmost , i,... iygdil!:]v on the.prirject. staff reers thit-seieririi-t[eie"iiprovements have strong support from residents in the gighorn area-. " B ]GHORN COST ESTI|IIATI FOR PARK I MPROVIMENTS Small Pond A. Approximately 80 ft. Diameter - 2 ft. depth 375 cubic yards @3.00 B. Rip-Rap 12"'deep 75 square yards @28.00 C. Sand Beach 50 cubic yards @20.00 s ub to tal Path System A. Approximately 1900 ft. 6 ft. wide 2.50 per lineal foot B. 2-15'Bridges 3000.00 ea. C. 5-6' Benches w/back-permanent 250.00 each subtotal Stream Improvements A. Approximately 270 ft. trenching 18" deep, 6' wide G1-00 per lineal ft. B. Rip-Rap 110 square yards 12" deep 28.00 per square yard subtotal Picnic Area Improvements A. Grading and Seeding B. 4 Picnic Tab1 es - perranent 625.00 each 4 Grills - permanent 125.00 each llo Shelter llo Restrooms s1i25.00 2100.00 1000.00 $4225.00 $47s0.00 6000.00 1250.00 $12 ,000.00 $2 70.00 3080.00 $3350.00 $ 1500.00 2500.00 500.00 -0- -0- c. D. E. subtotal $4 s00 . 00 page two Bighorn Park o Pond Inlet and Outlet Improvements Pl ayground A. RaiIroad Tie Border 130 lineal feet @4.00 Grading Pea. Gravel Ri prap 40 square yards G28.00 lJave Sl'ide Cycl one S1 i de Platforms, Ladders, Swings subtota I $2000.00 B. D. subtotal $520. 00 750.00 700 - 00 r120.00 850.00 1870.00 3000.00 8810.00 E. G. GRAND TOTAL Notes; This estimate does not include the 1. No addjtional landscaping fol l owi ng i tems : 2. No dredging of large pond 3. No picnic shelter 4. No restrooms . 5. llo Vol I eybal l Court *note :, Inlet from Gore Creek to snnll pond should be investigated to supplement flow after runoff $ 34 ,885 . 00 o BIGHORN PARK MEETING l^lednesday, June 12, .l985 /: JU pm Vail Racquet Club SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS' COMMENTS ON B]GHORN PARK DESIGN The following list is a summary of comments made by residents at the Bighorn Park meeting: (Not in order of priority. ) ' A wading pool with stepping stones couldbeadded adjacent to the children's p 1 ayground . ' The chi'l dren's playground is an important asset equipment needs to be geared to chjldren between Right now many of the playgrounds in Vail do not children. ' One person felt that the park should be state. 'I eft in a completely open space The number of picnic tables should be kept to a minimum. }^le do not wantto have a great number of them around the park. The park should be made as a priority for the neighborhood and children. These are the people who primarily uie the park right now. Restrooms should be considered in future phases of park design. Fishing should be restricted for children on1y. The volleyball court could be located across the street by the parkingarea. The owner of the vo1)eyball court in that area should be'asked-if he would be willing to share it. Benches should be provided around the.pond.,. .rt',,iI,.. .(li. ..',. , There should be a space maintained between the path around the pond andthe bank of the pond. This area can be used for picnicking. ,,!u r;,,: lrf ' ., ',,,: i .. The park-should pfovide activities for different age groups. Midd1e-age people would like to have areas to just stroll-thiough the park. some_people'liked the idea of filling in the northwest corner of the parkso that it is no longer a bog area. No one advocated completely leveiingthis area, but perhaFs filliig it in somerhat so that it would irot be - as swampy. to the park--the play the ages of 3 and 10. provide things for younger eisnornOk 6/12/Bs I!g.'ltgff should- look at possible access across thecoulcl bring people in from across Gore CreeX. Somewe should try to avojd havjng many paths criss-cross De better to thjnk of the key areas where access isthe rest of the park in its natural state. The volleyball court should be moved away from the Riverbend condominiurns.A landscape buffer shourd ue ptintea on-in" east side "r-irr. condos. river. 0ther paths people felt that the park. It would necessary and leave ,t 'l 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty development October 2, l9B5 Chris Sewel I P.0. Box 1076Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Chris: 0n. receiving the drawings for the Gore creek Meadows/Bighorn Bridge, Iasked our.Town Engineer to review the plans for any furiher informationthat would be needed. Bill Andrervs, Town Engineeigave me the totiowinglist of itmes that he would need in order to-furthei study this p"oposui, 1. A survey for the property on both ends of the bridge 2. 100 year fl ood plain elevations indicated on the survey 3. An hydraulic analysis 4. Details on the bridge abutnrent, reinforcement materjals and rip'rap 5. Design calls for the snow, etc. ) 6. An agreement for bridge maintenance and ownership 7. Details on bridge I ighting 8. A plan for bridge approaches 9. Bearing details 10. Backfil l.requirements and weepholes 11. Verjfication of ownership I2. A list of adjacent property owners to the bridge onall sides 13. A site plan showing horv the bridge will connect intoBighorn Park as rvel I as Gore Creek l,leadows. super structure (des i gn l oadi n g, page two Chri s Sewel I o 14. A check of existing covenants on the property 15. Army Corps of Ensineer ffi n..r]t (pN<lUk) The staff would.then bring this proposal to a Town council meeting to insurethat the Council was in favor of such a bridge being put'in this area of the park. The bridge would also be reviewed by our Design Revjew Board.I have enclosed a schedule of upcoming meetings for this board. Pleasecall me or Bill Andrews if you have questions about these requjrements. S i ncerel y, \('+^{"\+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/b'lf :enc 75 south f rontage road yail, colorado 81652- (303) 476-7000 November 22, 1985 Fred Hiller P.0. Box 3863 Vai1, Co. 81658 oftlce ol communlly developmenl Re:-Bighorn Park Bridge, Design Review Board Meeting: November 20,- 1985 Dear Fred: 0n November 20, the Design Revjew Board gave conceptual approval to your bridge proposal . The Design Review Board requested the foilow.i ng i nformati on : 1. A cut sheet on the light'ing fixtures for the bridge.i s needed. 2. The stone work should extend all the way down to grade around eachof the piers for the bridge. 3. The concealment of the gas pipeline should be detajled on the drawi ng. I am scheduling for the December 4, 1985 meeting wili begin at 2:00 p.m. At thjswill be on the agenda. If you have anycalI. DRB meeting. 0nce again this time I am unsure exactly where you further questions please give me a Si ncereiy,r/ [ n\ {nstcrn, Yrft Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KPlbl f TO: FROM: OATE: SU BJ ECT : PROPOSAL Town Counci l Community Development Department November 19, 1985 Proposal to construct Bighorn Park Bri dge connecting Gore Creek'Meadows to Eighorn Park. Fred Hiller, developer of the Gore creek Meadows project in east vail isproposing to construct a bni dge that would connect the Gore creek Meadows deveiopment with Bighorn Park. The pedestrian bridge is approximately 60 feetlong and 5 feet wide. The developeli s requesting to run a gas line beneaththe bridge in order to provide service to the 8 townhomes that are presentiy under construction. Fred Hiller will also submit an access easement to allow neighborhood residents to cross through the Gore Creek Meadows project acrossthe bridge and jnto the park. A 20 foot wide utility easement is necessaryfor the proposed gas line. Please see the enclosed site olan and locationmap. The developer will also submit a maintenance and ownership agreement. PUBLIC INPUT CONCERNiNG THE PROPOSAL A public meeting was held on November 6th at the Vail Racquet C1 ub. Thepurpose of the meeting was to discuss the pros and cons of adding the bridgeconnection. Approximately 10 people were at the meeting. There was noopposition to the proposal . People were very much in favor of the bridge. It was felt that the bridge will provide greater use of Bighorn park, particularly by residents on the north side of Gore Creek. The staff has sentletters to the owners of Lot 8, Block 4 of Bighorn Subdjvision, FifthAddition. This is the only residence directly adjacent to the pedestrianbridge. At this time, we do not know how this property owner feels about the bri dge. FURTHER STAFF REVIEW The Community 0evelopment Department, Public l^lorks, and Recreation Department are working with Fred Hiller to review the proposal . At this time, we havereceived a prel iminary drawing on the design of the bri dge as well as aprel iminary survey. The developer will need to submit further informatjon forour town engineer, the Design Revjew Board review, and access and utility easements. Please see the enclosed letter dated October 2, .i985 to Chris Sewell, as well as the thorough list of engineering requjrements. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL The developer is requesting that the Town council give hjm an indication of whether or not they have any concerns about the proposai. He is intenested infinding out if the council is in favor of the proposal , assuming all staff concerns are addressed. staff feels that the proposal wiil be a positiveaddition to the park as long as the staff requests for information are met.At this time, the staff has heard no negative comments about the proposed bridge from adjacent residents. ;ili 75 south fronlage road-" vail, colorado 81657 -- . (303) 476-7000 0ctober 2, 1985 Chri s Servel 1P.0. Box 1076Vail, Co. 81658 Dear Chris: offlce of communlly development 1. A survey for the property on both ends of the br.idge 2. 100 year fl ood plain elevations indicated on the survev 3. An hydraulic analysis 4. Detajls on the bridge abutment, rejnforcement 0n receiving the dra'ings for the Gore creek r-teadorvs/Bighorn Bridge, Iasked our Town Engin,e""_19_review the plans fo" ;;t-f;;ihlr intormationthat would be neeied- gitt Anarewrl-r5*n Engineer gave me the forlowinglist of itmes that he wourd need in'oio"r to further study this proposar: ma'ue ri al sand rip-rap 5. 'Design calls for the super. snow, etc. ) .i- structure (design load.ing, 6. An agreement for bridge maintenance and o,rrnership 7. Details on bridge tightini 8. A plan for bridge approaches 9. Beari ng details 10. Backfi1l" requirements and vreepholes 11. Verification of olnershio 12. A_ list of adjacent property owners to the bridge onall sides 13- A site plan shovrino horv the bridge rvill connect intoBi ghorn pa rk as vrel I as Gore Creik l,leador.rs . .. page two Chri s Sewel'l KP/bl f:enc K'+^{"\+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner 14. A check of existing covenants on the property 15. Army Corps of Engineer ffi n"mtt Q"f,\k) The staff would-then bring this proposal to a Town Council meetinq to insurethat thf council was in favor of such a bridge being put in this irea ofthe park. ^The bridge would also be reviewed-by our-Dlsign Rqview Board.I have enclosed a schedule of upcoming meet'ingi for this board. pleasecal'l nre or Bill turdrews if you have qJestions about these reqJir"nenii. S i n cere'ly, BIGHORN PARK BRiDGE Public Works List of Required Information to be submitted by the Developer SURVEY Establ i sh hori zontal control Establ ish vertical control Gather topographic data Determjne ifrof i 1es and cross sections Obtain hydrauiic survey data Tie property corners and land monuments to center line Prepare access and utjlity easement SOILS TNVESTIGATION Determine test hoie locations horizontal and vertical Col I ect sampl es Test sampIes fon: classification maximum densi ty optimum moi sture Prepare report of test results PRELIMiNARY HYDRAULIC iNVESTIGATION Establish drainage basin Compi'l e preci p'i tation and stream gauge data Establ ish locations of required drainage structures Perform water surface profile and make hydraulic analysis Size Structures DRAFTING AND TOPOGRAPHY OF CROSS SECTIONS Check survey data and plot data Prepare walkway typical section Plot and des'i gn ventical and horizontal a'l ignments Determi ne prel iminary easement requirements STRUCTURE CONCEPT STUOY Revi ew prel imi nary al i gnment to determi ne structure I ocati on Determine feasibility of different structure types PRELIMiNARY STRUCTURE DESIGN Establ ish hor'i zontal and vertical clearances requi red Determine available structure deptfr and the out-to-out length of the structure Determi ne possible span configurations Compute pr"el im'i nary quanitities for a mi nimum of trvo a l ternat ive structure types Prepare preliminary cost estimates Seiect structure tYPe Prepare generai layout and special detail sketches for the recommended struclure tYPe Transmit general layouts to the Tor^rn for approval Pr"epare and submit appiications for alI required permits (i'e. Corps of Engineers 404, Colorado 0ivision of l,.lildlife Certification) PRELIMINARY UTILITY COORDINATION Prepare and transmit project notification to utilities and request to identify ex isti ng and proposed faci I i ti es Resolve proposed design treatments and determine amount of participation by each utility company Request sc6^pe of design and estimate of cost from utility company Consider time factor Negotiate scope and cost of work Submit preliminary plans for util ity approval IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTY Ol|lNERS Identify parcel s from desi gn p lans Perform title search PREPARE FOUNOATION INVESTIGATION REPORT Perform field investi gation Prepare foundation report and submit to the town for approval . PRELIMINARY WALKb/AY DESIGN Determine al ignment, width. materi al to be used, thickness of mat FINAL HYORAULIC DESIGN Final Hydraul ic design for structure wi lI include: Location, size and skew Structure geometry and material s El evat ions, fl owl i nes and hydraul i c j nformati on Erosion protection FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL Submit folIowing for approval: General l ayout Foundati on recommendat i ons Hydraui i c report Structural analysi s Superstructure des t gn Substructure desi gn Suppl emental spec if icat ions Utility plan Traffic control - if needed Schedul e Final cost estimate 14I SCELLANEOUS ITEMS : Br idge Iighting Agreement for bridge ownership and maintenance Check covenants on property to allow project Site plan should include connection into Biqhorn Park and Gore Creek Meadows ; z =lo- $; zl. A5Fr--;4\J.g ++tlc/\) lr r c,JO\9 1 'to rUl2e.:<)z-o '22=*,o -1))- a-^ s:tsf -:f.,"u+,-lr rslBs' trJ n-- z, @ F , ', (l /J,r\-r n0 {' I J.U\-l.a. ,I-v ^ - = \' ,-'' ;' ../r :"../ --f :I fuPo t |oa =J 8 6- o oo m //+tE/ dt ! I I --) I--\ ICJ\oli3 ----r- = | -r= L-Z c j.._-..,.5 - \;-: '5; o 1 '---t - I ,:\ - (\1 |r) /a /i/3 /&/il@V-I.dH tlt - X tir c;: o- ./# J sl l!lol sla =z. =ll-' alBON 3le.:,, Fa LIJE gLyd E= F< llJI t. -c.tltcD4\L €s ot- wFg 0a LrJ z zths= zdl<ol! f-a LU E. iY LLJ J ft'Z -l-r-< = 3Nl"l Hc-wtl ----- o r33HS 3lS -- PROJ ECT: OATE SUEMITTED: COMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLI C L'ORKS INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REV I E},I DATE F4/4 7a 41 7.q€ PUELIC HEARING ^**."0a, Bt ,^t Comme n ts : txftt o / r a-^ro t @ tlt-o 7a Pporcr-/ '/'+t{€7 fre 5'z4ct fruo (n"t'nr 4 A*) .a\ l:) )4". /tr 4+,- 1/-1 ty'3 o'r 'ltre Pz'np @ 6ru6 €ctiv4-7/a^''5 ou pzztDG€ P'<"Ftcc A z'7/ rNttayy''4 E<€Z-B> +2 e FiRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date_ Comments: .7 E, a/./7 tlr'tu 4Rta€€ to "4u 1H ( \-. O /4. P/t'^"tt ^' c' s t 74'n ?€e @ fzuue,lt:z4c- C,1 c- s @ -7e/tc4( ,t- -5e-./zo- Fo'< f.47H POL I CE DEPARTI'1ENT Revi ewed by: Conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date Jr.utpep (a-A - hl.Ace.e /T'-r Slo\r' €-nro aF- 4 Cucve-E/ f 2Zc4 Reviewed by: Comments: t FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER GORE CREEK The purpose of this report is to analyze the impact of the proposed pedestrian bridge on the Gore Creek floodplain. The proposed. pedestrlan bridge is a 58-foot span, laminated wood bridge and will pro"iC" pedestrian access over Gore Creek from Gore Creek Meadows to Bighorn Park. The proposed bridge wi'l I encroach approximately nine feet into the west boundary of the 100-year floodplain of Gore Creek. i i In order to analyze the effects of the proposed bridge on the Gore Creek floodplain, the Army Corps of Engineersl computer program HEC-2 was used to compute the 100-year water surface profiles. The Gore Creek 100-year peak flow of 1460 cfs in the study reach was taken from the report entitled "Gore Creek Flooded Areas, !.lay 1975" prepared by Hydro-Triad, LTD. lJater surface profiles were computed for the existing condition and for the proposed condition. The four cross-sections of Gore Creek used in the HEC-2 program were field surveyed. The farthest downstream cross-section, HEC-2 Section 400, is 179 feet downstream of the proposed bridge site and corresponds approximately with Section 62.4 of the Gore Creek Study and with Section Cil of the FEIIA Floodway Map published in May 1983. 0f the three remaining : cross-sections, Section 300 is at the proposed bridge site, and Sections 200 and 100 are 75 feet and 119 feet upstream of the bridge, respectively. : A'lthough Gore Creek is predominantly a supercritical stream, HEC-2 was run assuming subcritical flow conditions. This is the same procedure FEMA uses and is conservative because flood depths are cofliputed higher than the supercritical flow depth. The starting HEC-Z water surface elevation at Section 400 was taken from the Gore Creek study. The HEC-2 analysis of Gore Creek demonstrated that the proposed pedestrian bridge does not adversely affect the Gore Creek f1 oodplain. At Section 200, the proposed bridge naises the existing Gore Creek flood stage only 0.17 foot and widens the existing floodplain only 0.62 foot. At Section 100, the proposed bridge has no adverse'impact on the floodplain. In addition, ve1 ocities throughout the study reach are not significantly affected. The HEC-2 runs for the exist'ing and proposed conditions are enclosed, as we1 1 as a p1 an showing the existing and proposed 1OO-year f1 oodplain boundary. I {"Pfi c:r\!'ji aaaattaaaltata .ll ltta ll tlllttllllaaat llttttItItia aa tlal IttlItlttat3ta lltttl talatltltaaatlll llt.tttlltlItattlrattaatlalltll tl it J' ti 'J tl It l] raa.| t.)tl.t .t rlrlt3 t.ta o.rl c!ta ||it I ll c' tr Ff ,t q tt atlI l, ..i t: d t a-ll!t' 1. i.. {"'u I:T ,ttt t ttt ttt t t:l t ttratt atlt tttttl!lIt3ttl fal3atrl a!tl ttJIlltatltt ttta It.|a Itllllrltl{tll.ll tltaaliltlllla lltl r t.tlttlltt.tlrtalIttltlit aa,laaa tl 9.t tl itll It +l ttat .t .l tt.la talltl ll r j|.itlttta r tttt! i..:i.:. t,'x.S,i1 -i: tt't t ttttlral'r!l rtrlr:rt ttrSttr" .. tttt ttt,ttttrtt ttrttttrttt ttttttttIttttttrtt r IrItttaattt' attttt,3l>tt|rttt t tt rtttt IT''' a ..._. $ a PI 2 o R .0 rAvl Fc J q, \) E da q3 5M bl€ A a A(' g (ti ci Vl r' c; .:a, o C': i,H ': trt . o. a.,'J rr> iFG-<>..> l'J iIa g ...1 ct o. 'g5 urc.!E JA..oF oc,ltlrJ. o I-ig .' rr r.r rO .-l.ilct ." -c. ! BF a Ll! g Fr fir !t6 | Er ct -.. 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El,, ioiI lrJ aoro-r)| =o t octtZ,c a oo )a- .lrJl r Lr(!t Jc' r avCi!l )'e_,r"d '1r'.,iai ? { .. r;l::i: ,,iq-t. i..f, , i!*:l rt':"ii '':.| ,.i.t ,r,!t I ili':'...': | '.,\r' rt:i ?.;. :":' 1:1 qi t, :." ' ,t- v .'!,:j i.), \t F o\ C' cf rtrr oo Qcl ||||ltci co7 7'iJ lrJ Ll tJ z 7za co () !r(J v) <! t!a G t o. <t c,i: F rl.; -' rFm #,;t ::1.;,1 x.!i.. r'l ,;b.t fi'l"{ |*;:*; B::'Fi |:.i"r',, , .,;i ' ll.: \.:i '.._.! ",.l| Ji h ,;riii . ,r "trit. ' CJ9 o9' cre I i'"{ '.F ?'<t c '<ar, :Q (\ aca 'o a arr . tti tc rOF Ft F Lt{' ct at ct ct.i'G)OOaaoooc, rg ro \o rg<1.la{'- CC'ar(!c.c_ata Cr 'c| c, a:laa.'r: < c e',a50a2c, <l V) (\l -l e c) o.)Oi T0: Ron Phillips FR0M: Conrnunity Development DepartmentK? DATE: September 13, 1985 SUBJECT: Bighorn Park Improvements Cost Estimates Here are cost estimates for additional work at Bighorn park. we would liketo use the $10,000 from the Neighborhood Improvem6nt Fund. Please let us know your opinion on this idea. .r/ 75 south lTonlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department ot transportallon/public works PLAYGROUND PICNIC AREA Install Railroad Ties Install Pea Gravel Erect and Install Slides InsEall Swings Raking and Seed ing Addit.ional Decks and Ladders BIGHORN PARK IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE SUBTOTAL and Benches SUBTOTAL $ 7s0 $1,200 $r,000 $ 2s0 $ s00 $1,000 $4, 700 $ 200 $ 600 $eE $1, o5o $ s00 $1,500 $2,000 ErecE and Erect and Raking and Install Gril1s InsCall Picnic Tables S eed ing PATH SYSTEM Erect and Install Benches Raking and Seeding ili SUBTOTAL BIGHORN PARK IMPROVEMENTS P age 2 S}IALL POND Finish Rip Rap for Other Inlet Place AddiEional Boulders Rake and Seed Di-sturbed Areas SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL $1,200 $1,ooo $ 250 $2,450 $10, 200 '/o FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER GORE CREEK The purpose of this report is to analyze the impact of the propose<l -pedestrian bridge on the Gore creek froodplain. The proposed pedestrian :bridge is a 58-foot span, Iaminated wood bridge and will provide pedestrian access over Gore creek from Gore creek Meadows to Bighorn: Park- The proposed bridge wiil encroach approximatery nine feet into the west boundary of the 100-year f1 oodplain of Gore Creek. ; I In order to analyze the effects of the proposed bridge on the Gore creek floodplain, the Army corps of Engineers' computer program HEC-Z was used to compute the 100-year water surface profires. The Gore creek 10O-year peak flow of 1460 cfs in the study reach was taken from the report entitled "Gore creek Flooded Areas, May 1975" prepared by Hydro-Triad, LTD' water surface profires were computed for the existing condition and for the proposed condition. The four cross-sections of Gore creek used in tha HEC-Z program were field surveyed. The farthest downstream cross-section, HEC-Z section 400, is 179 feet downstream of the proposed bridge site and corresponds approximately. with section 6?-4 0f the Gore creek study and with section cJ of the- FEHAFIoodwayHappub1ishedinl.|ay1983.0fthethreeremaining cross-sections, Section 300 is at the pr-oposed bridge site, and Sections 200 and 100 are 75 feet and 119 feet upstream of the bridge, respectively. : t / AlthoughGoreCreek.ispredominantlyasupercriticalstream,HEC-2was run assuming subcri tical flow conditions' This is the same procedure FEMA uses and.is conservatjve because flood depths are computed higher than the supercri tical flow depth. The starting HEC-2 water surface elevation at Section 400 was taken from the Gore Creek study' The fltc-2 analysis of Gore Creek demonstrated that the proposed pedestrian bridge does not adversely affect the Gore Creek f'l oodplain' Rt Seition 200, the proposed bridge raises the existing Gore Creek flood i stage'only 0.17 foot and widens the exist'i ng floodplain only 0'62 foot' At Section I00, the proposed bridge has no adverse impact on the floodplain.Inaddition,velocit.iesthroughoutthestudyreacharenot sign.if.icant.lyaffected.TheHEC-2runsfortheex.istingandproposed conditionsareenclosed,aswellasaplanshow.ingtheexistingand proposed 100-year fl oodpl ai n boundary ' .. ... -,;..,...1 t,- .J \i' <: i; ;:-', ,. , '- 7S.!'' citji.; TO: FROM: DATE: Town Council - Communi ty Deve'l opment Department July 16, .l985 f+ 3{ uoo J'. **ltd!-\t) v-'$ Klq SUBJECT: Bighorn Park-Allocation of Funds for Park Imorovements Bighorn Park, located in east Vail off of Meadow Drive, is approximately 7t acres. $35,000 from the 0pen Space Cap'i tal Improvment Fund has been allocated to construct improvements on Bighorn Park. The staff has organized two cornmunity meet'i ngs to review proposed improvements to the park. Thefjrst meeting was held on June .l2, .l985 at the Vajl Racquet Club conferenceroom. At that time residents were given the opportunity to review the proposed plans and make recommendations. 0n July i0th a second meeting was held to discuss the revised p1an. Bighorn residents and the staff came up with the fo1 lowing Phase I priorities: (not in order of priority) ' Maintain the open space character of the park.' Provide a tot lot that can be used by 3 to 10 year old children.' Develop the park as a neighborhood park.' Incorporate a wading pond for children .i nto the park design' Identify key access points into the park so that the rest of the park may remain in a natural state. (A complete list of neighborhood resjdents comments on Bighorn Park from the June 12 meeting is enclosed in the packet. ) The followjng priorities should be given consideration for future phases of development for Bighorn Park: priority and should be jnstalled in .l986. on Bighorn Park shou'l d be investigated to see if paid for that ori ginal project called King Arthur's |]o urt. Landscaping should be jncreased on the site. A volleyball court should only be added if there is strong community support for the activity. Many people were concerned about the noisefor this activ'ity. In the future, if it is decided that a volleyball court is wanted, many people prefer to see the court located by the parking area on the south sjde of Meadow Drive. Several people wantedto see the volleyball court built in the first place. The proposed budget includes most of the priority items that the staff and residents want to add to the park. The total amount of money budgeted for improvements is $35,000. The total for the proposed improvements is $34,885. Please see the enclosed breakdown for the budget. If the Town Council decides to approve the budget, Publ .i c l.lorks would be able to start almost inrnediately on the project. Staff feels that generally these improvements have strong support from resjdents in the Bighorn area. ( ' jRestrooms are a rop - The old foundations tap fees were ever a a 3\,ti55 BIGHORN PARK MEETING Wednesday, June .l2, .l985 7:30 pm Va'i I Racquet Cl ub SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS' COMMENTS ON BIGHORN PARK DESIGN The followjng list is a summary of comments made by residents at the Bighorn Park meeting: (Not in order of priority. ) ' A wading pool with stepping stones couldbeadded adjacent to the children's p 1 ayground . ' The children's playground is an important asset to the park--the p1 ay equipnent needs to be geared to children between the ages of 3 and 10. Right now many of the playgrounds jn Vail do not provide things for younger children. ' One person felt that the park should be left in a completely open space state. ' The number of picnic tables should be kept to a minimum. We do not want to have a great number of them around the park. ' The park should be made as a priority for the neighborhood and children. These are the people who primarily use the park right novl . ' Restrooms should be considered in future phases of park design. ' Fishing should be restricted for children on1y. ' The vo1 leyball court could be located across the street by the parking area. The owner of the volleyball court in that area should be askedif he would be willing to share it. ' Benches should be provided around the pond. r : .,, 'ir .. t There should be a space maintained between the path around the pond and the bank of the pond. This area can be used for picnicking. ' The park should provide activities for different age groups. Middle- age people would like to have areas to just stroll through the park. ' Some people liked the idea of fi'l ling in the northwest corner of the park so that it is no longer a bog area. No one advocated completely leve)ing thjs area, but perhaps filling it in somshat so that it would not be as suampy. Bishorn Ut 6/12/85 : The_staff should look at possible access across the river. 0ther pathscould bring people in from across Gore Creek. Some people felt tirat we should try to avojd having many paths criss-cross the park. It would be better to think of the key areas where access is necessary and leavethe rest of the park in its natural state. The vo'l leyball court should be moved away from the Rjverbend condominiums.A landscape buffer should be planted on the east side of the condos. ' u rFnoon COST"ESTIMATE FOR PARK I MPROVEMENTS Snnll Pond c. Approx'imately 80 ft. Djameter - 2 ft. depth 375 cubic yards G3.00 Rip-Rap 12f' deep 75 square yards G28.00 Sand Beach 50 cubic yards @20.00 s ub total Path System A. Approximately 1900 ft. 6 ft. wide 2.50 per lineal foot B. 2-15' Bridges 3000.00 ea. C. 5-6' Benches w,/back-permanent 250.00 each s ubtota I Stream Improvements A. Approximately 270 ft. trenching 18" deep, 6' wide @1.00 per 'l ineal ft. B. Rip-Rap 1lC square yards 12" deep 28.00 per square yard s ubtotal Picnic Area Improvements A. Grading and Seeding B. 4 Picnic Tables - pernnnent 625.00 each 4 Grills - permanent 125,00 each llo Shel ter l.lo Restrooms A. B. $1125.00 2100.00 1000.00 $422s.00 $4750.00 6000.00 12 50. 00 $12,000.00 $270.00 3080.00 $3350.00 $ 1500 . 00 2500.00 500.00 -0- -0- c. D. E. s ubtotal $4 s00 . 00 page two Bi ghorn Park Pond Inlet and Outlet Improvements subtotal $2000.00 Pl ayground A. Railroad Tie' Border 130 lineal feet @4.00 Grading Pea. Gravel Ri p rap 40 square yards @28.00 lJave Slide Cycl one S1 i de Platforms, Ladders, Swings subtotal GRAND TOTAL Notes; This estimate does not jnclude the following 1. No additional landscaping 2. No dredging of large pond 3. No picnic shelter 4. No restrooms 5. i\lo Vol 1 eyba I I Court *note i. B. C. D. E. F $s2o. oo 750.00 700.00 1120 . 00 850.00 1870.00 3000.00 8810 . 00 $34 ,88s. bo i tems : Inlet from Gore Creek to snnll pond should be investigated to supplement flow after runoff -lc 5 .a a @ !jl aEo S33ce!nd6- *fo ='o f iEeoo+ =f6.zgl E 3x6F. e=F Nj6f ir= ds5t Pa'9<tio =.A)6it- r.< =o63 fi= N8.:qD+ oojs q3 xf,qro ={oo+o ='-i=' AP gE' o.n . - =-= { =2?= Fr r; #?irg 9' i$?I: c",14:ftg = Furii* F #'iii i l;nis I ie iii Fl$fii s1;- +iA. J dli;E = =zi: +E g{rigE tii:i5 F'EgBi1 ;i, iit"F 5- :.;:8 qt 1 i+:a a iliiF g; g= ii :n f,€-j; irr; E ;ii;; F = i-trl; F cgl, t + i;iitl Si;i5; q ;EssFi E iii:i H' ==!'j:t" SEsi=t E =:s5:1 I fu"E:; E.+tr :-{ n;'i* E '-.--C [;-;;>o--<ga\ L6ZoIlxrf:(' i'a :, 5 E=E_ r{v N l- -; f*fi iiilliiiflgls,+iiFri;Fli H *.tii*taIr H E o s .. =l$1rE'119 -, g; i#itrii3s ry iiiiiiiir s *iEcl;Fi5 Fiisniiffitili i; Ete'i!3";-;= q+ i ilF: i';i+;7; + ;Ji+.f i?; Ii; { f,iidi;lE Qog EN 3c Y dei =:tPts e ?.47o -y rTYb+r :l!l'Xo ii .- cL *. ! s rr' 9l;;f*3il =-. I;'9d " ii; irFI? SFiiigiF i *i i F;:t*;l! :.8: a4ai a i6 6:sj ffr iii; 9iii3.r i :tE I3;"e iiFi;iF .. trrrt-lFtsFF H)o n)Ft ' Fa.5 0a lr- ctlG. ,:1ilaFF3.1l;*r;ii ': 6- - :',-' I 'liFfi*::*i;5: ,f ;'; $g€::if;fr1E i r*a=itd-i X g:- :- ; $,i J l*gi*iil i Frs =g -+3 5J4 ;A.)'l, =- !!'ii iir; o- =t?t3 Ft; wld. 0ql+.Jo '1HPt! Fl ts Fi' EooFIFl.5 oq v1oFI r*EigFit[i;iEEi 3rlB sii.;li;H FaiF r#l5[e** i*IiiFiEi$iii$ ;A'gglgiiilF*iig Y, o-* ===oe.OO+)E=x 16(-)cJ@uJ_J<)-c]=(a(D=- ?\-lo.)fo -(ud>oFd.t-(9cLU..g= = -O t! L _O tn - u_ ,\Of-_(U=-=F---f-:=oz,zsr-!!-=(J=c-)url,rz,rJrr..o_^== =Aacct€FrJ.rF6or co'. _J CJ O o_ o - /r\ (J = L ca Z.-J.oAFlLoPccoFrr)oErEt ?LlOrEL=(Otr-FD. (Jloz.o({-:->.'3===.. F (J t/1 L zLdL(t-l ot! Lr- H F{c €t.F{ E E fi u EIGHORN PARK MEETING July i0, l9B5 Vail Racquet Club l. Introduction: Pat Dodson, Director, Recreation Department Review of Previous Meeting on June .|2, .|985 2. Presentation of New Design: Kristan Pritz, Town Planner 3. Construction Budget, Summer .|985: Bill Andrews, Town Engineer 4. Discussion of Plan BIGHORN PARK MEETING RACQUET CLUB June .l2, .|985 7:30 pm l. Background on Bighorn Park (approximately 6.43 acres): Pat Dodson, Director of Recreation, Town of Vail 2.Presentation of Proposed Improvements: Bill Andrews, Engineer, Town of Vail ' volleyball court' children's playground' path around pond 'picnic tables and gri1ls" pond spillway Community Corment on PlanJ. BIGHORN PARK IMPROVEMENT BUDGET l. Path To picnic-playground area 180 fr East Path - road to pond 330 Around pond 900 l,lest path-road to pond 360 Total length ll70 feet If I20 feet raised wa'lkway (4 ft wide) 480 sq ft x $3.83 = 1,838 g 1,850 3" base .|650 ft path 4 ft wide = 733 sq ft 733 sq ft x $l.J'l = $ g0O = excavation 3 days backhoe3x8x$50/hr 91200 2,160 TOTAL PATH $ 4,olo $4,0]0 2. Vol l eyba'll Court 72' x 42' playing area 8 x I posts with 4' berms on 3 sides excavation for p'l aying area 1/2 day backhoe4x50= $ 200 Sprinkler repai rs 400 Sleeves for posts 200 Sand 72' x 72' x 1' = 3024 cf - l1Z cy xglg.25 2,044 Berm 8x4 = 32 sf x lI4 = 3648 cf = l3b cy x $.l0 1,350 Hand rake sand & berms, seed berms 500 $4,694 3. Grills - 3 no assembly, actual grills 3 @ $75.00instailation 3 @ 50.00 225 rcu $ :zs -2- 4. Tables -3 Tables 3@$SgS = $ 1,605Installation3@$75= 225 g 1,830 5. Plqyground "S" sl ide I @ $l,870 $ t,970 Wave slide 'l 0 850 850 Inhouse swings, platforms,ladders 2,500 5,220 6. Culvert 60, @ $18.00 $ 1,080 1,090 2,0007. Spillway $ 2,ooo Total without dredging + ]0% $ 21,130 (1Ofl is for contingency) 8. Pond Dredging (approx. area = 48,900 sq ft) Increase depth of pond by an average of 3 ft Volune = 146,700 cf or 5433 cy x $10 = $ 54,330 tf Zft: VolumE = 97,400 cf or 3607 cy x $10 '= $ 36,070 No landscaping of dredged material Total without dredging Dredging 2 ft depth 101 contingency g 2t,130 36,070 3,607 ToTAL $ 60,807 ',}li r'l 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-7000 department ol transpo.lalion/public works PLAYGROUND PICNIC AREA InsEall Railroad Tles InsEall Pea Gravel Erect and Install Slides InsEall Swings Raking aud Seeding Addit.ional- Decks and Ladders BIGHORN PARK IMPROVE}IENTS COST ESTIMATE SUBTOTAL and Benches SUBTOTAL $ 7so $1,200 $l, ooo $ 2s0 $ 500 $1,000 $4, 7oo $ 200 $ ooo u z)u $1,050 $ s00 $1,5oo $2, ooo Erect and Erect and Raking and Install Grills Install Picnic Tables Seeding PATH SYSTEM Erect and Install Benches Raking and Seeding SUBTOTAL BIGI{ORN PARK IMPROVEMENTS P age 2 SMALL POND Finish Rip Rap for Other Inler Place Additional Boulders Rake and Seed Disturbed Areas SUBTOTAL GRAND TOTAL $1,200 $1, ooo $2s0 $2,450 $10,200 TO: FROM: DATE: o Town Council ' Comhuni ty Development Department July I6, .l985 SUBJECT: Bighorn Park-Allocation of Funds for park Improvements Bighorn Park, locatea in east Vail off of Meadow Drive, .i s approximately7t-acres. $35,000 from the 0pen Space Capital Improvment Fund has beenallocated to construct improvbments on eilhorn Pai^k. ihe starr has organizedtwo community meet'ings to review proposed-improvements to the park. Tt; --- first meeting was he1 d on,June lz, tggs at tire Vail Racquet club conferenceroom. At that time residents were given the opportunity to review theproposed plans and make recommendations. 0n Juiy 1Oth a second meetin!was held to discuss the revised p1an. Bighorn rlsiaents ino tne starrcame up with the following Phase I prioriiies: (not in order of priority) ' Maintain the open space character of the park.' Provide a tot lot that can be used by 3 tb 10 year old children.' Develop the park.as a neighborhood park.- tncorporate a wading pond for childien into the park des.i gn' Identify key access-pbints into the park so that the rest of thepark may remain in a natural state. (A. comp'l ete list of neighborhood res.i dents comments on Biqhorn park fromthe June 12 meeting is enc'l osed in the packet.) " The,following priorities should be given consjderation for future phasesof development for Bighorn park: ' Restrooms are a top priority and should be installed in 19g6. i.'' The old foundat'ions on Bighorn park should ue inveiiiiated to see iftap fees were ever paid for that original project calied King Arthur's. pourt. : Landscaping should be increased on the site.' A volleyball court.should on'ly be added if there is strong communitys_upport for the activity. Many people were concerned ab6ut the noisefor this activity. In ihe futui.e, ih it is-ae;iJ;; ;;.a-i-voilevuiii-court is wanted,.many people.prefer to see the court located uy ineparking area on the soLth'sidb of Meadow orive.--5"u"rar peopli *intuato see the volleybal'l court built in the firsi pl;;;:' The.proposed budget includes most of the priority items that the staff andresrdents want to add^to the park.- The total amount of money budgeted forimprovements is 935,000. The'total for the propoi"J irprouur"nis-is $s4,gas.Please see the enclosed breakdown for the uuiget. -tf ihe-Town Council decidesto approve the budget, .pub'r 'i c l.|o1r1s -wou'r d ue Jute to riart drmost r i ,, iygdi:t:]{ on the. prirject. starr reer s thit-leneiirii"t[eiJ'iirirovements nave strong support from residents in the Bigh6rn area-. o ' BIGHORN COST ESTI I,1ATE FOR PARK I MPROVTMENTS Snnl I Pond A. Approximately 80 ft. Diameter - 2 ft- rtpnth 375 cubic yards @3.00 B. Rip-Rap 12".deep 75 square yards @28.00 C. Sand Beach 50 cubic yards @20.00 s ub to tal Path System A. Approximately 1900 ft. 6 ft. wide 2.50 per lineal foot B. 2-15' Bridges 3000.00 ea. C. 5-6' Benches w,/back-permanent 250.00 each s ubtota I Stream Improvements A. Approximately 270 ft. trenching 18" deep, 6' wide @1.00 per lineal ft. B. Rip-Rap 1lC square yards 12" deep 28.00 per square yard subtotal Pjcnic Area Improvements A. Grading and Seeding B. 4 Picnic Tables - pernnnent 625.00 each C. 4 Gril'l s - permanent 125.00 each D. llo Shel ter E. l'lo Res trooms $ 1 125.00 2100.00 1000.00 $422s.00 $47s0.00 6000.00 1250.00 $12,000.00 $270.00 3080.00 $33s0.00 $ 1500.00 2500.00 500.00 -0- -0- $4500.00subtotal O page two Bighorn Park Pond Inlet and Outlet Improvements P'l ayg ro un d A. Railroad Tie Border 130 lineal feet @4.00 Grading Pea. Gravel R'iprap 40 square yards G28.00 lJave Slide Cyclone Sl i de Platforms, Ladders, Swings s ub tota I $2000.00 a L. D. A-^^ ^^)f,4U. UU 750.00 700.00 1120.00 850.00 1870.00 3000.00 8810 . 00 $34,885.00 i tems : E. G. subtotal GRAND TOTAL Notes; This estimate does not include the fol)owing 1. No additional landscaping 2. No dredg'ing of large pond 3. No picnic shelter 4. No restrooms .5. llo Volleyball Court *note :. Inlet from Gore Creek to snnll pond shou'l d to supplement flow after runoff be i n ves ti gated ..:''.',.'-.!J..t.r o BIGHORN PARK MEETING Wednesday, June I 2, l9B5 7:30 pm Va i'l Racquet Cl ub SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS' COMMENTS ON BIGHORN PARK DESIGN The following list is a summary of comments made by residents at the Bighorn Park meeting: (Not in order of priority. ) ' A wading pool with stepping stones couldbeadded adjacent to the children's pl ayground. ' The children's p'l ayground is an irnportant asset equipment needs to be geared to children betweenRight now many of the playgrounds in Vail do not the park should be left in a completely open space ' The number of picnic tables should be kept to a minimum. We do not wantto have a great number of them around the park. ' Il," park should be made as a priority for the neighborhood and These are the people who primarily use the park right now. ' Restrooms should be considered in future phases of park design. ' Fishing should be restricted for chi)dren only. ' The volleyball court could be'l ocated across the street by thearea. The owner of the volleyball court in that area should bei f he wou'ld be wi I I i ng to share i t. ' Benches should be provided around the.pond. r. .rll( . r There should be a space maintajned between the path around the pond andthe bank of the pond. This area can be used foi. picnicking. ,.!r! ri,,. . lrl , .,t, ,t : The park-should pfovide activitjes for different age groups. Middle-age people would like to have areas to just stroll-thiough the park. some.people liked the idea of filling in the northwest corner of the park so that it is no longer a bog area. No one advocated comp]etely leveiingthis area, but perha[s fi11ii9 it in some"lhat so that it irould -not beas swampy. to the park--the p'l ay the ages of 3 and 10. provide things for younger ch i I dren. ' One person felt that state. chi I dren. parki ng asked eienortar k 6/12/Bs river. 0ther paths people felt that the park. It would necessary and leave o IF,t,tgff should-look at possible access across thecou,d bring peopie in froir across Gore Creek. Somewe should try to avoid having many paths criss-crossbe better to think of the key areas where access isthe rest of the park in its natural state. The volleyball court should be moved away from the Riverbend condominiums.A landscape buffer should be planted on it'" east side or-irre condos. lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 ,Ju1y 1l , 1985 olflce ol communlty developmenl t,o\- Wolfram Klawiter P. 0. Box 255 Vai'1, Colorado 81658 Re: Volleyball Court at 4768 Meadow Drive,Lot I, Block 7, Bighorn 5th Dear Wolfram: Recently the Town organized several meetings with residents of theBighorn area to discuss possible improvemeits to Bighorn park. Dueto .the_fact that your voileybal't court is partially'located on Townof vail prgpgfty' the.Town and neighbors wbuld 'lik-er to know if youwould be willing to share that volleyball court with the generaipublic. Please let me know what your opinion is concerninghave tried to call you several'times but have beei ar\yone at home. Please give me a call as soon as possib'le. Si ncerely, Kristan Pritz Town Planner this request. I unable to find o q:-nl'iq? Da,te: Request formby 5:OO p.m. I. July ll 1985 Dcpt: Item/Topic: ' Review of expenditures for Bighorn park l'leet ing Date : July l6 workse budget of g35,000. III. Background/Rationale : $35'000 has been-allocated ro" lmpl3yi1:ll, !o.Bighorn park. ilri:starrhas had two public meetings niil,"'i"r;aents of trre"b'igi;orn area to determinevrhat improvemen.r:.:hould ;; ;;# $ rr pi"i. 'ir,.-i#prou.r"nrs incrudeaddins a path rltl1: pi.ni."'iuir"i una lrilrs,'.r,iiti"n.s praygr:ound,:Hffi'ff"lilil,T;l if*ny::i!l t;';; ;;i;#;',"i1,,,,.,^, is senira, I I . Action Reques-u ed of Counci 1 : To approve the li3t of improvemenis tri Bighorn park. IV. StafJ Reco;i:endation:- To approve the budget for Bighorn park. v' Assurancet (= *g:l ,l---n. Ensineering, E rinance,t_, uutslCIe professional ). must be given to the Secretery to the Tonn ltan:rgeron Thursdays. BIGHORN PARK I4EETING ,.\ July 10, 1985 \ Vail Racquet C'lub l. Introduction: Pat Dodson, Director, Rtcreation'Department Review of previous Meeting on June iA, lggS 2. Presentation of New Design: Kristan pritz, Town planner 3. Construction Budget, Sumrer l9g5: Bill Andrews, Town Engineer 4. Discussion of plan BIGHORN PARK MEETING Wednesday, June .l2, .l985 7:30 pm Vail Racauet Club SUMMARY OF NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS' COMMENTS ON BIGHORN PARK DESIGN The following iist is a summary of comments made by residents at the Bighorn Park meeting: (Not in order of priority. ) " A wading pool with stepping stones couidbeadded adjacent to the children's pl ayground. " The children's playground is an important asset to the park--the play equipment needs to be geared to children between the ages of 3 and 10. Right now many of the playgrounds in Vail do not provide things for younger children. o One person felt that the park should be left in a completely open space state. o The number of picnic tables should be kept to a minjmum. t.Je do not wantto have a great number of them around the park. o The park should be made as a priority for the neighborhood and children. These are the people who primarily use the park right now. " Restrooms should be considered in future phases of park design. " Fishing should be restricted for children only. " The volleybalI court could be located across the street by the parkingarea. The owner of the volleyball court in that area should be askedif he would be willing to share it. o Benches should be provided around the pond o There should be a space maintained between the path around the pond and the bank of the pond. Thjs area can be used for picnicking. " The park_should provide activities for different age groups. Middle- age people would like to have areas to just stroll-through the park. o Some people liked the idea of filling in the northwest corner of the park so that it is no longer a bog area. No one advocated completely leve1 ingthis area, but perhaps fil'l ing it in somolhat so that it would not be as swampy. The_s.taff shou'l d_look at possib|le access across thecould bring people in from acnoli eoii-Creet<. Some we should try to avoid having many paths criss-cross be better to think of the key areas where access isthe rest of the park in its natura'l state. Bighorn Park 6/12/85 river. Other paths people felt that the park. It would necessary and leave The volleyba'll court should be moved away fron the Riverbend condominiums.A landscape buffer should be planted on the east side of irre condos. Houston lrrigotion Co. 230 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 303/476-5994 August 19,1981 Mr. Pat Dodson c,/o Town of VailVail, Colo. Re: Proposal-King Arthur Property-Dodson Engineering Design Dear Pat, Houston lrrigat,ion Co. proposes to inst,all the irrigation system designed by Dodson Engineering including the 5 hp. pump. However, no mention is made on how the pump should be winedi: what type of suction is desired and what type of vault should be used. Also, there is no pump panel or starter mentioned. I would also recomrnend triangular spacing verses square spacing. Total price installed as quoted: $13,850.00 Sincerely, J.N. Houston TO.,IN VAI LOF STANDARD F0Rt4 0F AGREE]4ENT BETI'IEEN 0I{NER AND S,Oec0NTM'CTOR where the basis of oaYment is a STIPULATED SU}4 AGREEI.TENT fr Made this ii ghth Nineteen Hundred and BETI,IEEN the 0rvner: and the SvS-contractor: of September one VAIL.. HOU STON in the Year ofday ei ghty TO}|N OF JEFF The Proiect: King Authur's Court property Sprinkler sYstem The Project Coordinators:N one The Olner and the StlH-contractor agree as set forth below' ARTICLE I . THE CONTRACT DOCUI'IENTS Aqreement' Conditions The Contract Documents consist of this ' of the contract to""ii"il'iiiprilt'll"{ i"J-oit'"i conditions)' Drawings, Specificati;;' ali'addenda isiued prior to execution of this Agreemenr "#";ii r,t"iiiiiitl"ns jssuei subsequent. thereto' These form the contrlci, ana all are ut iuiiv a part'o{ !l'" Contract as if attached to tnii Rgreement or-repeatedherbin and the Onner ilo'ir[-J""iractor igree-to be bounc therebv' ARTICLE II sha'll furnish all materials and perform all Ui ifre Contract Documents for the install.ation system on the property-known-as the King piopertv 'locatbd in Vajl, Colorado' The *-contractor the lfork required of a sPrinkler.Arthur's Court t in of accordance with the Contract Documents and to the satisfaction the Ovner- . ARTICLE III TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION TheWorktobeperformedunderthisContractsha'l'lbecommbnced: . Se'ptember '8, 1981 and comPleted: 0ctober 1 ' 1'981- a ARTICLE IV . CONTRACT SUM The orner shall pay the spp-contractor for.'the performance of the l.lork, subject to aiAitioniand deductjols by written Change Order as agreed-to by the parties, in cirrrent'funds, the contract Sum of a Not nlore than Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and 00/100 Dol'lars' \ ARTICLE V t. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Project Coordinitor by tne S@-contractor and Certjficates for Payment issued by the projecl Coordinator, the Olner shal1 make progress payments sir account-of the Contract Sum to the Sub-contractor as fol'lows: "/.1i Payment or' opinion of' progressed ...t $10,000 on SePtemler Pat Dodson, Proitict satisfactorilY. f ll, 1981, if in the Coordinator ' work has inrrclE vt Fi'nal Payment, constjtuting the entjre unpaid ba]ance of lhe Contract irm, sr'iii-bi'paia by the 6wner to the Sub-contractor .10.. Days- after satisfactory Completion of the Work by the S@-contractor unless oit,erxise .stipulaied ih tne Certif icate of Substantia'l Completion' provided the i.lork has then been completed, the Contract fu1.ly pe1- -?orred, anJ a final Certjficate for Payment has been issued by the Proiect Coordi nator. I'IISCELLANEOUS PROVIS IONS The contract Documents, which constitut€ the entire agreement be'uween the Ovner and ihe Contractor, are listed in Article I ;il';;.;;i ioi-llooiri.ations jssued after execution of this Agreement', are enumerated as follows: 1. Proposal of Houston Irrigation,Co., dated August 11, 198i, includ'i ng material specif icat'i ons and cost as attached thereto 2. Design-Plan of Proiect. ARTICLE VII ARTICLE VIII f. SG-contractor agrees to pay promptly and when the same is due all :ilt-iiiiri-ina a"riiar-u!,""'r in'be-hatf of any emolovee or other Derson including #-contractors or any firm' associatjon or i;;;;;.i;;;,-i;i i.b"; performed or materials' supplies or ili;;;;i-;rirnisnea, ,t'ed or consumed bv the lb-contractor or his subcontractors in the performance.o-f the work contracted to be done. Should *-.ontit.t6r fail to do so, 0wner shal'l have all the remedies Provided be'l ow-./ gwner shalY r{tain f inal payment unti. I I ien wai.vers from a'll materialmen and subcontractors are submitted to owner. See Exhibit A attached and made a part hereof. The Or,rner and the S-contractor for themselves' thejr successors' .ltri^iti..iors and assigns, hereby agree to the full performance oi tit. terms and conditions of this contract' This Agreement executed the day and year first rvritten above' ATTEST: EXH IB IT A Houston Irrigation ComPanY materials and workmenship' guaranteesi'for one ful the i rri gatil year from on system, includ'i ng date of completion. Houston lrrigotion Co. 230 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 303/47 6-5994 ArJgust 1811981 Itr. Pat Dodson c/o [tnm of Vail Box 100 Vail, Oo1o. 81657 Re: Prcposal - King ffihurrs Court Prcperty Ilcuston Irrigation Co. prcposes to iJrstall a firlly autcrnatic sprinkler systern at tte King ArEhrr ProtrErty. I have redesigned tle jnitial design done by the L.L. Jotnson Dist,. Co. Denver ard have changed tte systern frrqn a (valvein-head) to a (block-zone valve). I have also ellninated {7) ryrjlkfer heads due to ctwrges at the site. Ilr ny opirr.ionr arul of Joe lbchera, the 640 gear driven sprfukler heads are the proper heads to use in terms of qr:a1ity, @verage, durability ard onsealnent. By SFrinS the nunber of sprinklers dowr to (60) sixty ard by a oontractors discount of (408) verses a nunicipality of (258) plus the savings of tle re-desigin, I have lolvered the net cost of rnaterials (list enclosed) to ($5,660.00) plus ttn pr-urp ($1,790.00) to a total cost of ($8,450.00) tbuston l-igation Oo. ould in stall ttre systen in a ureeks tfue ard hatrc tlre project totally ccnpleted by S€pt.. 4, 1981. Ibtal Cost fully installed: $18,300.00 J.N. B?uston L) lPlt)ttilR,lir\c,ll-lB'\i,,\ ll-l[-,iDY W.\]'iiR .\i\ll) S.\\ -l'-1'\rt"]O\ 1)ls"il'iltl(l"fs 0950 W Beaver Creek Blvd. . P.O Box Y . Avon, Colorado 81620 ' (303)949-5274 August 7r 1981 Mr. Richard CaPIan Town Manager Town of Vail ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dear Rich: In response to your July 14, I98I letter and in the same order, I submit the followi-ng: 1. Fountain Service and Repair/SnowpJ-owi!9. I be- f Vait Water a Sanitation District I accePt the trade-off of fountain service and repair for the snowplowing of District facilities. Upper Eagle will still have to keep track of the time spent on the fountain repair and service so as to lppropriately assess the charge to VaiI Water e Sanitation District for this service. In return Vail Water & Sanitation District will not have to pay for snowplowing which wi-1l probably be a balancing va1ue. Vail Sewer Plant Fees and Permits. I will recom- sPection fee offered in your July 14th letter. I expect the Board wi.11 approve it next Wednesday. We fuJ-ly recognize'that E.P.A. will probably re- imburse 75t oi whatever fee is assessed and paid 'That is not the issue. The issue is whether it is equitable and properly reflects the costs of the Town, as opPosed to being a tax by the Town. You noCe that as a courtesy, this project should have been taken to the Design Review Board. I \a.$ PARTtCtPATtNG DISTRtCTS. Avon t"'letro lVater . Beaver creek l"4etro water . Berry creek Metro . Brghorn water ^\i\ Eaqle-Varl tv'1etro . Edwards Water . Gore Valley Water . Lake Creek Meado\^,'s Water ' Lrons Ridge Water ,1r,.\\ U-pper Eagte Valle),Sanliatron . Vail lntermortnlarn Water . Vail Vlllage Vy'est U/aler & Sanrtatron (J \\ vail vr'ater & s3nrtatron (1) (2) (3) Service & RePair of Town Founta i. ns Permit & Inspection Fees for Vail Sewer Plant Tap Fees & Water Service at King Arthur I s Court z. CLEAN extend my sincerest aPologies to you for this oversight on behalf of the persons managing the vail witer I Sanitation District at the time tbis Project was begun. 3. King Arthurlr-legI!-illqhorn Park) Water TaP' We accept g6s 6196 yoo i..rr. placed on the districts. These certainly seem like ieasonabll additional commitments we should have to make in return for our waiving the water tap feet? Please have your counsel draw up the appropriate 1on9- tern agreement. l,tr. Richard Caplan Page Two Sincerely t VAf L'TWATER____ r--- - - - August 7r I98I ITATION DISTRICT R DISTRICT c)'saa coRE!vALP*yf James P-ofitins Administrator /:.4-'l JPC: cy cc s Lavtrence t C. Riderr Esq. MArr]IUr & As.!_ol_y!Lgs_ coNs'TRUCTTON CON.r.l(Ac,I lr,'#grf lTffi-Su-frT AGREEMENT dated Sept. 1, 1981 between MATTHEWS S ASSOC IATES ( "CI ient " ) ( "Contractor" ) fj[i-the Town of VaiIreLating to landscape ( "Project " ) con$cruct ron tor Biqhofn park loeaLe,l at nas_!_yEfi6l=-__ I. Scope of t{ork. The Ct ie nt lrer:eby engages the Con-tractor to furnidii-6-6_ln-EE6rials and pertorrn ail necessary raborfor planting or inst.arlation of t.he rnateriars <lescribed -in thenscope oll workn att.ached hereto, anrl the contractor agrees tofurnish such materials and perforrn rirrcli labor. - 2. lnglg9gjg1.g9I!. Ttre Clionr shall pay rhe Con_tract()r t()r tlle mat(lrials and lal>or thrt lrrrrrp surn of $ 2l-r_Z-qq___-. _ 3. n"ulbursabre{gensgs_. 'r'ir. (l.ient r;h.ll reirnbursetne contract()r frtr ce,rtain expenset;,r:; irr:rqirr s1r<:ciEied. Theclient shall reirnburse bhe conEract()r [or (a) postage, firm,photograp,hs and supl>l ies whic-h slral l rre charq,.:<1 al the- cont.rac-torrs cost for such items an<i (b) lonq rlist,ancc telephone carIs,copying, print ing -anc video. tape h/irictr sharr br: charged at theContract-c r I s cost f or suclr items itl r.rs 20 percrlnh, 4 . l1g.!qg.gl _ggi pqymenr. a. The Cl ient her,,.,by cl{-,I)()sits with Lhe Contractora sum c<1ual to 20 p€re-ent i>f t-he rump sum specif ied in paragraph2. Such eurn shal l be d rt--,tainer to be-, appl icrl ag"rinsf tirecharges r:arne'ti and expenses incurreri in sucl.r aggregat,e amountpursuant to Para(lraphs 2 and 3. rf this Agree,nenC iJ terminatedin accorrlance with paragraph L2, thr,: contractor sharl p.";aiitref und arry unused porL ion of the rcta irrcr. b. The Cont,ractor shalt submit,.statement,s to thecl ient f or clrarges for materials and latror ,rntl reinbursableexpenses on .r pprit'rd ic basis. The Period ic charge ShalI be aperc''JnLat3e oI suclr Iump sum which shalt be the same percentageLhat the Contractorrs c-ost of the matr gin]s furrrished and laO6rperf ornrecl during the bi ll ing period lrears to the total cost (ortlre conti:act.or I s reasonahle c.stilnate thereof ) of .rrl mater.ialsto be fu;nished and labor to be perforrned uncier this Agree.rnent.The cr ient shal l pay the contractor: the f rrll amounC oE il.recontractorr s staternerrts within twenLy ,lays al: ter the date oftheir 'leIivery. A Iate charge of l-L/2 percent per month (lgpercent [)er dnnum) will be s[.11-r;c.rl tor the .lmount of anystaterne'nt. which is not paid witirin Lw(-'nt-y days r.rf the date oi4elivery and if dny stah-enent- is n()t- p;rid wittrin twenty rlays,tfie cl rent .;hat I iray th,r (j,)ntract()r: ;rl. l costjj and exper,Seiincttrrc'.1 l.ry thu-' (1,)lltrdctor t') coll.)ct- :;rrclr stalernent, inciudirrgl:he rr:.ir;onab le f er:s and rlisburs,.r;r,-'nLs of counsel for th;Cont ra c-Lor. c. Irr tite r:venttnenE, lhe ci).!r,_Jr:s <1uc sh,.tl. lspecif ir;,'l in Pirra,;raplr 2 wlrichtrre Cont :.1ct.or's cost of the of thr: tr:r:minat i,>n of this Agree-be a I,'.'r'.rr:llhag( rtf tlre IUmp Sum slra I 1 x.' Lhe samc percenLage that.rnateri,ti:: l: urrrisifred (or on order) and labor performed through the date of termination bears to thetotal cost (or the Contractorrs reasonable estimate thereof) ofa1l materials to be furnished and labor to be performed underthis Agreement, and the Client shall also pay all reimbursable expenses incurred through the daLe of termination. 5. Additional Work. If tlre Client requests the Con-tracror to fui6-IEE--TEEEiGTd or perform tabor in addirlon rothe rnaterials and labor specified in the Scope of Work, and theContractor furnishes such additional materials or performs suchadditional labor, the Client shal1 pay for such additionalmaterials at the Contractorrs cost plus 20 percent and for suchadditional labor at the hourly rates set forth in the LaborRates Schedule, and the luinp sun may be exceeded by the chargesattributable to the furnishing of additional materials andperforrnance of additional labor. All such requests for addi-tional material or labor shall be authorized by wribten order tothe Contractor signed by the C1 ient; provided, however, that theContractor may furnish additionaL rnaterial or perform additionallabor based on oral orders and shall be entitled to colnpensationfor such materials furnished (or ordered) and labor performedwithin seven days following the date of such oral request not-withstanding the fail.ure of the Cl ient to execute a written a uthor i zat ion. 6. No Design ServLces. The Client acknowledges thatthe Scope of woiE-doeElot-InET[de any design services ind thatany request that the Contractor perform design services shall be deerned to be a request for Lhe performance of additional laborto be governed by the provisions of Paragra6rh 5. '1 . Client's Responsibilj!!"g. Upon execution of thisAgreement, th e Contractor with a de-tailed design of the landscape construction to be performed atthe Project which shalI be reasonably acceptable t.o t.he Contrac-tor, together with a survey of the property on vrhich the project is located (or such other docurnent acceptable Lo the Contractor)which shows tlre boundaries of the Project and the Iocation ofall- structures, easelnents and rights-of-way within said boundar-ies. rn addition, the Client shall furnish the Contractor witha utilities drawing showing the exact location of aII utiliiCeslocated on such property, including electrical service lines,gas linesr s€w€r 1ines, television cables, telephone lines andwater mains ( indicating size and pressure of water mains inaddition to location if the Scope of Work includes the instalta-tion of a sprinkJ.er systern). Upon the request of the Contrac-tor, the Client shall cause the location of aII utilities at theProject to be clearly marked and identified. The Client shallbe responsible for any defects in materials or labor or addi-tional materials and labor caused as a result of the inaccuracyof any inforrnation furnished by the Client, including the fail-ure to accurateJ.y draw or nark and identiEy all utilit.ies at theProject. The CIient shall pay for any such additional materialsand labor on the basj,s of the Contractorrs cost plus 20 percentin the case of materials and the hourly rates siet forth in theLabor Rates Schedule in the case of labor and the lump sum maybe exceeded by the charges for such additional rnaterials andlabor. The Client shall pay all reimbursable expenses incurre<lin connection with the furnishing of such adclitioqal rnaterialsand performance of such additional labor. 8. Warranties. The Contractor warrants that for aperiod of one ]6EF-FoTT6wing the ctate of planting, alI trees,plants, shrubs and grass will rernain in go<;d condition and that -2- any structures constructed by the Contractor will be free ofdefects due to faulty naterials and workiransllip for a period ofone year following crcmpletion of construction, provided thatsuch warrant,y shall be subject to the following conditions: a. The Contractor shall not be responsible forany loss or damage caused by unusually severe or abnormal wea-ther conditions or any other act of God, including, but noElimited to, fire, lightning, flooding, avalanche or snowslide. b. The Client shall maintain and care for theforegoing materials and structures in a reasonably prudent andcareful manner. c. The Client shall give the Contractor writtennotice of a claimed breach of warranty under this Paragraphprior to the expiration of one year following such planting orconstruction, as the case may be. d. The sole and exclusive remedy for breach ofwarranty shalI hre the repair of any rleFt:cLive structure or thereplacernent of any defective tnaterials by the Contractor at one-half of Lhe original charges to the CIient for the materials andrelated labor provided that the Client shal1 pay one-half ofsuch charges at or prior to the replacement of the materials orrepair of the structure. An equitable apportionment shaII be made to determine the charges for the defective rnaterials andrelated Iabor. e. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH IN .IHIS PARAGRAPH 8 AND REMEDY FOR UREACH "TIEREOF ARE EXCLUSIVE AND II'l LIEU O!'ALL OIHER WARRANTIES, BXPRESS OR IMPLIEI), BY OPERATION OI' LAW OR OTHER- WISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MNRCHANTABILITY. 9. Permi.ts, Fees and Notices. The Contractor shalluse its Uest e its and Iicenses neces-silry for the furnishing of the materials and lrerformance of theIabor; provided, however, that CIient shall cooperate with theContractor and sha11 pay (or reimburse the ConLractor for) allfees and other charqes i,mposed by any governmental authority or ag ency . 10. Insurance. The ConEractor at its cost and expensesha1l obtain puETiFTGbility insurance against claims for per-sonal injury and property damage arising from the furnishing ofthe materials and performance of the labor required under t.hisAgreemenb. 'lhe policies shall be in such amounts which theContractor deems to be reasonably adequate. In addition, theContractor shall obtain a policy of workinenrs compensation orernployerrs liability insurance for the protection of the Con-tractorrs ernployees. The Client at its cost and expense shallobtain fire and other property darnage insurance insuring thematerials furnished hereunder for the fu11 amount of thei.r re-placernent cost, including materials delivered to the project site but not planted, installed or constructed at the time ofsuch damage. The Contractor shall be a named insured under thepolicy obtained by the Owner and the Client shal1 promptlyfollowing execution of this Agreern(lnt deliver to the Contractora certificate evidenci.nq such ool.icv. 11. Al I or ig inal phoLos, video O.wnership of Docuqents lncl Presentation Materials. "raurings anA ren-ciE r1 ng s ,specifications, fflms, 6rrepared by or under tlretapes , mc<lel s and reports - 3- a supervision of the Contractor shall renain the property of theCont,ractor, and the Contractor shall have alI rights withrespect to them. The Client shall not sell or use (directly orindirectly) any of such materials (or copies thereof) for anyproject other than the Project which is the subject of thisAgreement. I2. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement. with or--TTEfrffi cause upon leven days' prior writtennotice to the other party; provided, however, that such termina-t,ion shall not affect any rights and liabilities accruing priorto ternination. 13. Written Notices and Other Communications. Writ,tennotices and other communications shall be deemed to have beendelivered if personally delivered to the addressee or if rnailedt,o the Contractor at P.O. Box 3567, Vail, Colorado 81657, or !othe Client at the address set fortlr below: A1 I notices and other been delivered on theor if t,hey are mailed,the United States maiI. communications shall be deemed to havedate that they are personally delivered,on the date that they are deposited in I nure the ir 15.by the law of 14.This Agreement shalIbe bindi.ng upon, the parties and respecE rve successors,heirs and legal representatives. Law. This Agreelnent shall be governedof Co]orado. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thisAgreement the day and year fi.rst above writ,ten. ARCHITECT: I'{ATTHEWS 6' AS ATES chard T. Ma thews, principal CLI ENT: -4-