HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 8 LION SQUARE NORTH COMMONVa:\ &onsu,c"d G,\rnq 3 f5\o*- I(st I [tons sirrwe' Nor\t1 ,^.tl S"lt Cftt\+qnr,e$. o LIONS SQUARE LODGE NORTH VAIL LIONSHEAD 3RD FILING, BLOGK 1, A PART OF LOT 8 PEC060019 Contains: F Vail Town Council minutes August 1, 2006 F Vail Town Gouncil memo for August l, 2006 meeting F Johnson & Repucci LLP (attorneys) lefterdated April 21,2006D Viele Development, LLG letter dated July 24,2006 (to Town Council)F Viele Development, LLC letter dated July 24,2006 (to Town Council) F Community Development Routing Form to Public Works - March 14, 2006 dated June 2,2006 } Ordinance Nos. 7079 (2000); 7279 l2OO3l Sight Distance) ir*ffi General Information: lll. q:ojects requhing Planning and Environnrental commission redew must receive approval prior to submitting abuilding permit application. Please.refer to the_submittal requirements for the particular approvat that is requested.An application for Planning and Environment"l cormlssion-luiew cannot be accepted until all required informationis received by th€ communiw Development Department. The project may also need to be revieri\€d by the Towncouncil and/or the Design Rwiew Board. r s'rv "Ecs Lv rrE rti Type of Application and Fee: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commi _ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tet: 97 0.479.2139 fax:, 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com . Rezoning. Major Subdivision. Minor Subdivision. ExemDtion Plat. Minor Amendment to an SDD. New Special Development District. Major Amendment to an SDD. Major Amendrnent to an SDO (no exterior mod ifications) $1300 $1s00 $650 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $12s0 Conditional Use Permit Flmdplain Modification Development Plan Amendment to a Development plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 s ru# ffi, ffi ffi .eryn;. w# b.".{d t'4AR 16 2006 tbwn aE_yalt ptign of the Request: Location of the Proposal; Lot:Er'ry UPhysical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: 6/-#".i'4 [t{'i" t8Tzfv 6gi"*-8640 ror parcer no')z-t Gf 67Zo Yoa/ Attfl" G,.4. ", -L-Ut:-12o.-%tz.-- 7-,}.-J. E-mail Address:Fax_____ La_lIrA_nrAfJr,.il( l-.-1. A -'- !-:0t /vvr.\, y' \rqllr"A, ga.fatf\i/rf f.\ |- cr,s^. :$":ffi""4'88-''' H,r*ii.Jb"t" L(;4: o t,**'!*'N.'4.'a***'|+***'****++**+*,*******,|'t++++******+'l****+********t*+*{,**++++t,t***,*r,r****++!tltt+***+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr**********+****t'il.***l******!t****'t*++++****+'i*****++++r*f,**********+*+f++**+++'i******+at++** Statenent Nurdber: R060000262 Amount: $900.00 03/t7 /200602:06 pM Payment Method: Ctreck Init : ,.fSNotation: 342s/LIONS SQUARE IJODGE AIiID CONFEREIiICE CEIiITER Permit No: P8C060019 lllT)ei pEC - Major Exterior AltParcel No: 2101-0?2-0400-1 Site Address: 635 TIONSHEiAD pt VAIL IJocation: LIONS SQUARE L,ODGE NORTH Total Fees: 5800 - 00 This Payment: $800.00 Total Att pmts: $800.00Bal-aDce: 90.00********'*++++**'*{'**+'}'}**+++*'t*'}rt'}!*'}****++++***'****r**+.t*****+*++d"}**'}**'}****{.**f:}rt+*******+'} ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATIOIiI FEES 800.00 ,r--ffi JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal,! /1,;L description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ?fE/ tf /ee(Date) | Paze 2 of 6-04101104 FRCI'1 : Mel ick Assoclates' Inc.FAX NU. : 36s341931 TRANSMTTTAI O *". w zw6 Lg,z3f{ft Pl rEItc( ^sSoclAtgs lN€ COMPANY: Deportment of Communlty Development 75 South Fronloga Rood, Voil, Colorodo 81657 . VIA: fiqx DESCRIFTIONg 2 oppronolform DATE: TO: RE: ENCLOSED: coErEs I 03-30-06 BillGibson Lion Squore Lodge - North Building DATE 3-2t -06 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CI.IECKED BELOW: -For Approvol IForYour Use -No Erception Token ,lvtirke Cortodions Noted _Reiecfed -As Requerfed -Revierr ond Relum-For Revielv snd Comment -Co.rect ond Recubmil COlvth,tENTS: Aftoched is the signoture form from Eogle River Woier ond Sonitrotion for the Lion Squore Lodge DRB pockoge. CC:file ARCHITECTt,tE tNt!tlo83 'IANNINGwwwMlucr.co ^ 955 SOUftIIEiI.B' SIrcET . tfll€E ITUNDRED Slt B'|rl trtEwooD co 8o226 TEL 3 O 3.5 3.(. | 9So FAX iOt.5r..r9sl' FROM:Chris Cooper FR0l'1 : Melick - . i/lor'll-2005 Rssoctates' Inc. !lr3l iron.Eltl$l FRX N0. : 3435341931 !?04t3{031 Eaeue Rncn WATEH &Sennmot Dtsrnlcr g45 Pt6 tr9! r Vrt. goto(.d6 810l? t0?0t r17&7tll9 r B|t (!rS Otg{nt d$dgaud,|! . rwr.Jirld.q! Mar. 3?t 2AA6 LA.Z3AM T_Bi, p.00t/0* r.,iC{ DATE: To! FAX NO. PTIONE NO, FnOil! PAGES: @FIES: Fax P2 OOMMSfTS: for onflrmaUon ard/or problms w-ih this Eansrnission, pleasa call lGhy at 970/47&7480. N FRoM : Mel tck Rssociates, Inc. . ihr.ll-?0li ll:{0 Frrl.tRlSD n, FRX N0. : 3A35341931 970416{089 Mar. 3El zAgG tAizSAn P3 1-815 P ll2/g0l i-{ilr '1i".A\Df urull aFPRovAL&vEBlFlclTroN llla#iiJt.z int ,! Tirii,',crrcs !o vErIY rhal lhe p13Fo6ed i,nprovemgml wi:l not llnpac anl' cristing or lropEsd urililv $n"/lccs' !n0 'FD :o "c1.ty eet"lcc ovulhlltyind bcao9'r icr nesv encrucrior end stlould bc rrfoc in conJundoD t"(n pTPrti|q ycur u?Itc1 ni*t..rtld *i,c"fi'.0 "flctteUms, i riri rfni, ,nclrring g:t{irr$ 2i!n, floo/ tlan, irnd eleritions, Endl be sutnhld ts rnc fotior{rnt ut'i'trcs 1br egprcr,*l ud vsl{lcal|st. Qvwsr etc,5l3,7teg $!tj 970.!sr.r|357{tad sr0.(87.07z2 (cetl) C!ilra5r gtsvo Wrbrt !@lCA8!r|ss'cctn TTCEL HIGH PNg'S'RE GAE ,'10.262,{o7E (El) 97G,463,1401 (lbr) coilofl Rich $lnetEg HOLY e8qiltfug?Rtc 9n.?+7.9t25(!f,J, 97C.9+S..t0tl (far) coilrcr Jell Vn olrl &tEEs|pelEsgrn EICEL ETCREY 070.162.403s ffal.}. Ciffactgl Kir Eogrfi 9iu.e62.{02{ Kelh.nne Eog!c EreL! EIYIEWTTEI 1 trxrrarroil DlsrRrcr 970,{76.7.t0 (ttl, 970,,e76.e099 (hr, ConBct fredflrdec &gFl@!o!d,il€ corc srcrEu 970.458,4669 €m. ll00 (Bl) 970.468.2672 (lrrl Ccntisb Bnd DorElr @ ah.nJA efu* iffi,l1uf lpprulcl 0 vcflfc ion tqfi nlr rignaturc f'on erc.'i of tilE qtlitv c'rnH{cr. lnd no cotF.irnb lrc rntde din(V cn frg tont, ineiown wnl Dresuma mt ulerc are no Fmhcrs and thE derdopmen: cln pFcceo. l. tf a drtry comPrny has conc?rnt witl't lho prcpoced clrr{t^lcthn. thc uulity rtprccertativc rtut! g !,g|y flS-*H verltic!:bn form ttiat tnert ls a pruFlem WniFn 4eH3 to Da EsolvEd. Tne '55uc sioulo lhctt Dg (lBlFo In an a[rch€lt Eltcr lo Feffii*#}ili"'ffili]:'d[i$'iliii'il'lll't'lffi;;;;;;;;ons'Dirirv or$. ttrl'tv omparv rna * im""o* io 'sgo{''' ldtntifiaC ppPkmc. 3. thc6 v€rifierr;ona Gto iot rc{rqrye the (On!r|:!or of u|! trsponriUiiltl O cbtain ! Priblts WaY PCmt nan tho 0cFfinerr sf : n rcl.6 iVo.r,r r: ac ror"n Cl Vrll . in , ry- Pqbl'c ri€htsaf-*av Dr -'aEcmsnl rithh alrc TOwr Ot Vf il, I bu ilditqrat'dt ir trdt t luila. Wrv ill t The Develsper g r€qurrtd and a€ma6 !o ru!|nk rly Eviged dr*h35 E fhe utrlries f8 ieopprryd & re-verlfrradon f ttn cuArnneC iliru arclnr'ca 'n arry tlay afrcr rtro anmrioo *gnaur oate (unhs odtruise lFcficallv nOEd t,Irliio tna coon:a4t ar* ol dtls fcm), r Da'*icPc/',g thnl.lum F:\dd \F0qr{S\tFrrrs\q.nrlrE\0Rnd! Ildlhu?r. ll'2}'2045.o0c Daoa ?4s t 0f la af-wgl.srtrf r rfrgl:06 FROM : l'1el ick Rssociates, Inc.FAX NO. | 3835341931 O *.. B@ zw6 ta.z+at P4 From: Sent: To: Subiect: deris Jam€s Clancy pCtanoy@vailresorts.comJ Monday, February 27, 2006 1 1 :28 Aiil Chris cooper Broken Anovv Lookers As I a[l sure yqu bave gressed, we have d,ecided Eo forgo the temporary locker eolutiorl - t hoBe you erere not holding your breath ihoBe you erere noc nolo:.ng your DreaEn i.if, irotrfa Iike to move iorwara with a more pemanent }ocker eolucion for next year.'she would like the loekers to go J-n the origlaal- proPoeeai locelion - to Ehe righE of the main ""iw fnc" the Broken rrrorry,. She would aleo like- t,o look lnto slighgly larger lockers if po$ibl-, buc eeitt would like tso Bbooc for 40 total, I think gome mea'as of lcreening,/houelnE would also be a good thought.9gregnJ.ng/ rI.€ ut}fllg: wgllJff, alrEL, lrEi a vees u4!rr.5tf r. . Tbig ie obvious ly no longer a \rcry p=""=iog-i.sue, so we do nog need Eo truEh coo hard, but .-r,..'..iiT;-i; firi;-;-;";-ri-i!Jiri"i;td-;;-;; ""-i[lc-'" Jaa p't it behincr us. we will-lneed I" i"i " plan co;echer, Irreaent lt Eo Erundee Reality for a5rproval atrd then go chtdugh DRB. ;i;;; giir. me a call ie-yorr want !o discuse or wben you have a bit of timE so 16ok f urEh,er into this. Tharks ,fim FRoN : l,le I i ck ffssociates, Inc. _ .l{E!tCr ASgoCtATES FRX NO. :3435341931 FAX COVER SHEFT DATE:03-20-06 NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 TO: BillGibson COMPANY: Town ol Voil Community Darrelopment FAt:97O.479,2452 RE: lion Squore Lodge - North Building FROM: Chris Cooper MELICK ASSOCIATES FA(: 303,534.1931 TEL: 303.534'1930 COMIAENTS; Bill, Enclosed ore opprwols from three of the utility deporlments for the Lion Squore Lodge PEC/DRB opplicotion. lwillforword the otherc os lhey ore received. Thonks. oNC I N"". 2a zaw 11:34RN P1 CC: file CONFIDENnIALFY NOTE: The informotion conloined in this focsimile iransmitiol sheef ond document(s) thot follorv ore for the exclusive use of the of the oddressee ond moy conloin confidenliol, privileged, ond nondisclosqble informotion. lf the recipienl of this focsimile is not the oddre-ssee, or o percon responsible for delivering lhis foesimile to the oddressee, such recipient is striclly prohibited from reoding, photocopying, distributing or otherwise using this focsimile tronsmission in error, pleose coll us immediotely qnd relum the focsimile lo us viq fhe United Sfotes Poslol Service- Thonk you. s5 sourlt ]Eu.Et slBEEl ARC H I TECTU T,E I}IIEI H9N9RE9SEVEI,ITY I N t ! t I o t E LArGwooD co 902t6 tLANNTNG rt! gog.igr. t gso FROM : l'le I i ck Fssociates, Inc.FRX NO. :3435341931 9llrr{ eLM Arc.c{t /,{06 9;t0.262.4076 (t i) 970.{5&1401 {fbr: Conraar Rlch SlsrErcs HOLV CIO95 SLECTRIC 9D-9+r.545 hell 970,9+5.4081 (hrl lsrtic: Jelf vroorr. iylcomftntvrnss,roo EXCEL EI{ER(ilI 970.262.+038 (far) Cs':tac's; Ktt BogEft 970:61.4014 K3therirlc BoEcrt EAGTEEVERTI|TRigllrmrtton DlSrRIcrg?o.cii7q,fr(.€.tl 9?8476,4039 ihx) Egfitgct: F?€d Hrclre EB5lcslqffd,rg COXCJIST CABI.E 97c.468.4669 et. lt00 {tel) 97U.46B.2572 (rar) SnHcii 8nC Dorcds br.delv dorcff 6ncehlr.coltcr<.cFm !.EIE& I'ii-.,n'i utitity approvzt & ye 6€list fonr hls dgnltlrrs fforn €ogh sf the Jdiiiy rcfreniFs, *rd nc cornmenE are m*e dlrctdy on the fonn tno Tom lvlh p,ralume lrrat thetE 3te no proltemE 3nd t'1e derrElopmelrl :ar gmcced' : z" lf a uulity compady has cotic€m9 $4$ th: propo-d ccnstrut:ioti, thc udligy raPrEset{*Ire d|e[ t$l€ ctreaty oo:he utrrrty vedft(rt|m bnn Urat riere ts a p,ttlen. wrrm &is :o m rcodrved. -lre lgy.re 3irouil t:wl bc detdlec in rn atbtiH EF b he Torvr: of Vol . Howe.,err ptease ireep in nlnd tiar ii i$ $e aesDongbtllly of tfF urilv trlp6ny and fte oPplcrnt b resolve ident'fied Drttlemg. ; 3. Tfrse rrfificstlong do ngt rclicvc Ble <on:radDr of thB r€$|oneiDillw b ob'aln E Psblc WrV Pcnnit fro.n the OePartnenl6f . pub,tc WBlrs r the Toyun of Va{. h_...v prjttlc ngrrlof-way or ca€etnenl . w,lhln drc Town The De..,Etoper ls requir({ end agrc€g tc submrt qfiy r€vilgd drdwingE to the u$l4re5 fct le€pPro\ral & re'vrrificrtion if tre Elibmitted ia ns are lttened tr atiy wey ncr Utc ari'J',orircC signature tt€tc (unle3s ctnen rise spcc;ficEllv noted v(fiin tlr aonrent a|tn 9f $i5 fofm). D*rcupcrh Slgnrnre F\(.lcv\FCXtH9.Pcf nttr\F f ,roinc\DRqt4{, odrlliio::, u-23-2c05.d0( DEE Psge I df 14 I N.". 2s 2aa5 11:3sRl'l Pz ,ors,.t Th's ror|:. set\ ervEsr ?<o-+rnr,ilJ-l;to*. s4uArac t-Oee*-Ahg 3q-,4fq!str*:{*:xTl r- -- A . v t!.^oet.6ltY OC,.,cn[ .Con EXTEL IIT6H FREESUNE UTILIW IPPROVIL & VERIFICATIOI\I +Hi't{"#'i*,* !c vecf} rhat the propose6 knprovcrnen's wilt ns: irrpact any srqirg or Prtpo?{ Ltli:v sewices, and at5gl to ..llrito scrv's availahlity aitd ootio't ier n"^i conirucnn and shoutd b€ us{l tr': ccnjunctic0 'Atn prepnring v-o'rr-:!ll!-P1..:r$itu scrv's availabliv aild "otiil'Tfrlri iffiil;anl rr-iyia-il.s1q-*fi'Eft$Lgg*ill.v:l:-illy":?:':',i oii';l|ffi;,ffif;lJ,'J i ftil;;", rulutns gcdtns pitn, 1@f fin, anJ eretladons, sha I D€ stDirtned u ihe rollrmtrq ufiftres fur apfrroval and vetlfication ' Autho zed gsfttrm 94ElEGqE r 1n3,'2m5 FR'N : tffi'ri iiit''ilf,?Hl""' ,',l.',.u,IftLN'' : =,ss341e31 I Na",.,4q.28126 11:3sRM P3 ((Dl rrrturYrPPRo'AL&vERlF cArrIoN trHER#""r,rltritydrttthelrope$d tnpovemeng idl nli i3nFscanyg'tlnlng orgopotso LlllB g?'vlces'aid also tq 11a1tfy sgn"icE $abbrtV anA foca#r-f,i-rr*t 6nstrudion rnd .fto"fi#'#O L antuncig1l ";*r pcpattg l'qt cility phn-at€ E.i.duung Init lt Uon$ I Ote puf iniiliiii d'raJi''i-ilan. t*' omn. tnc elervaliqr'' thali De submilt'd b thc 5orowing '/trr(r!t tsr E DgrDrtl tnd vetifiOual. Axs3EELSSD&IIE gcrnerrb DgE avuEsl 97D.3rt t139 $el) 970.384J25f(fa{) 92q657,s722 (calll CryttlG: b,E WtDrs s6@ilUl[e*,sFrn ETCEL+@H DNESsIJEE &!S 070,252,{075 (td) 97".{5&!4el (br)ffict fuch sl$eos HOIYCnOS'ltlfiRlc 970.9,1t s429 (tel) 9r0.0,{s.4081 (ltx} conhc: Jeff vrr! !@Ohoh/EFt4gtr ETCELET{86'Y 9t0.25a.1018 (tu) coaL4lr: Ft Eogllt 9?0.?62.402+ lhthfins Botlrt EA6LERTVCRWATERT 3Aflrf^Boll aDe'nl6t 970.{7et$0 (tcl) 970,+76,,{089 $rE} emFC fredFtdrc S!*ilfl$E!6dotg GoircAsrcrttE Et0.45E.!568 !d. tI00 (hl) rt0.45t,167r (tal SnEst grrC Der@g |,te't eili'{ian -lvqtitvs fransfuft'ec e/t&tu ;"ff;;;i';+;'"3-r*06;n ffiu"o1 opolpv61 g qrift@tion turrn hr titrttures-fi'q,F G!-{q9e-Y!ry-E19o*,lS * cami^cnts 6te nEJc 'thq+r ott itl mnn, irc fo',n "rl nres.,rJtiliiicrelnino frglrs .nd $e de{.lryrratt dr trlceld' a tf t litLy Comoqny hat ao6q6e uf!! tire Dfg.rC eonlru@cn, tiE "6uty P)G3entltrvc CuI, noBe di'?d-y-co k$g Affiuoltdrniififoreisapt-odiini*nCI-n&Gunirrotved- rt'eun'es-hprddurenbcoelraedlnanrradredhmrbtne fivn-* vji. rirnivii.-pra"* fleii'ii'iriri grt-tt p n .,4onsibitff or t]re utilty orrorav atld $a ept!(ant il t€d!'e iffiftdPmblcms' l-Thr!.r,gifidtio donotE$6vcrhccantradef effroreesnribilftYtcobtrinapublcvcryRrTl,lq0te-DsFdttt0}-{ --i FJbtrc wtrts .! de rown or vrir. ririiil-i.ffi irr',E iir*ai#++q4!ri*!${q*-t1g*9 of oscricdt: b@ ll'idrh the Tofir of \rl ll, ]JrB Dqvctsp$ b rocuitld 6nd agtee5 ts arbrnft rnf rccitd dnwingr o tire utiiti4 for feaa (A's. | & fi'v6ti'-'catjon if tt't€ subnlEgt ptrns arealter"d in anyily;fr;il;;d#trig*8ft Oae{unlessottcrrErspxincattvn# 'g'itt 16E64wti8ftt laroa of dtB fom), DDIB .Pq€ I 0t 13ft W!4toRH5',eirqu\$rrvtre\ORE\Cill ddtllso, 11-z&2005dc.( l,'l3rfl!(l6 FRor,1 : Herrck€ssociiftu.f,jl'. Q"-.rF,til,j#;-ri 3a3s41e31* ^. -t !|r. 2a zja6 1"t'36Tn P4 . UTIUTYAPPROVAL&VERIFICATIOII il"iToffifi.r"t lu ver4, ihat rhe rroposed inpmuerreri$ *ill nat ::",g!* dnl eostir'] sr propcs€d u8iiit $+r-/iceq rnc atlo :o vcity sanicc al'ditauti$ and iocrtlon ic rcw ctr-st'uction ald gf+uid b€ rrt(\a ':1 .3lrj{tr.t,(n1 rrth 'Jreii:hug yciit ;(.i'tf plan'tlE screiullog In$.li6tims. A rite pan. includng giedh€ da,r, ibor tler nr{ ele{atici:s. slrlll bt submlt'.fd tr:he ryb|^.tnJ $r'itts QrllcsT 970.S13,7rSg (tel) 970.3e{'0257(f$() 970.667.072? (ceit) conlrcts slove wElers gta letg[Dqwest com ETGEL HI€H PF,ESSJNE GAS 970.252,4t 76 ilsl) 97ti.468. r4cr (f8r) Gntac; F,ich sisneros HOLY CIDSS ELECTRTC 970.947,5{25 {tell 97C.9i+S..1081 (t81) Ecnlld: Jcff ltoorn ivlsoooOlplvrtct6"$i! Erc€L EilENgY 9?0.:,62.{038 (hx} Oot cts: Kt Eosan 970.262.40:4 Kithenne Bogcrt EAGLE RIV:i,WATER E s4ilSTATtot{ D!}tRlcr 9m.{75.7480 (re!) 970,c7e'.408s (fax) ooniad Fred FaslEe t$EcdBumd.ot'e cortcAsTem|.E 970.,f58.4569 eD\t uCO (tei) 970,AEE.?5.72 (j?y.) Co{trd: Erac crorca$ foi apporEl End yetiFca Lign. Authntlrftl Slonetutt aorfi meoti DetE rf fig*(b Q*,*t tw cue{ilARr0m [qllEil. if the uJlhy* Bpproval & ve4tkation hrn hrs gb,iatuies 1'ron cach of flle uHtiw oorpanieq anC cn drc fodar thc -T('{vn wlll pregu$e thEt rhe.,e are rtc prcblefis *nd Fre gerreloo,'nent .an ptac4ed bra Jelv dorca$.:ttcablhl€lnca*,com no (c.ffr€'tts are msdt C'tcluy l M a utijrB'mrnpalry has conserns wiUr ttre propsstl ccr;!ilru-ior, t:r+ ub1rg r€pr€se$Rtrv6 shrit note €l(?Ctr y on *re ,.nlt*y. eer;li€rtion form that there is a prablcm wh|gl nelcs tE be re$olv€d, ?rti issuc gtd)uld flb'l be delaii€d in an sttrctd is*rr o 6e Tcwn_C Val!. trceJever, rlm keep ii nrind tt"6: ir i3 rhe regtgnstDl iy of dE tdlity conpa6, €r,c e aDp crna io rccolir idslttird Fu-qlerns. ! 3. These veflficatittrs do ngt fdls/E $re cdttnctor of tf,F responsibriF./ io abtE{ a .Dublic !rd:y Fcr.'.:!l ftsni d|e l€l*rr:rtsnt of , nJHi?. Wsds at tiE Towfr of V.fl. lJfiIity]hcrtiourrurrt bc olt.iqFC lqtpre dhain! In Bny publis r;Eil:-cf.*af or caserteni I wrthin thc Town of Vtfl. t huildlnt Frrnrlt tE not r 9udic W pannlllind rnurt h6 ottai0+l sFptrrstElu. i The FereloPer lr rcquirts ond atfc+,i ic suAmit rny rweed dnwin9s ic the 'igkres tor rFapproval & lrtverinc€8on ii the I :ubmrited plang gte altered in ony wly alter *re a!|tho.izct signeture rffi (LniesE $he rtsc spediic6jly hoteo yrihr;n the ,fxnmal! ares ct th;s (cro), ' :, DeveloPe15 51$31!t'e DAte Peg€ t or 14t i\cdeM\KAM5\Fefl :|'t!\prrrrrt\9Rbldt'u adCitbF. U-23.tqo5rdor r:/2V2C05 Jan a 31 OS I}8: t8!urnE Er.tcrNEERrt{G s?essso P.4 TUU D:ro, X.r or 23rat drr * Slpt€rbca .tr?? . r.G?rr. llONlAltliOS CO DOMINIU|{ ASSOCIIIION rINC. .non-pto(lBrlllfonrl.r ddy .rtrdr|.t t'rl qLBl; !d.r |la it rHr .t Ur trr| ol lt ltl ot COlorado ,.r||rtl'|.D.tjd L.'lN EQUAiE lrorrfl coHDdtllllu!! ASEOCrAtrOlr,Itic. n',n-D!ofl trlcfu'rrrr llr rrrrrtrd .d qit|||r' !|..r .ra Ir dil. .a tl. t rr rlqrl!. IthE rd Lil|' h O. f.aaaaar,r tl|t, I ;.iitiiillTHt fil 't.r' 0: l98l o.lr*t.l Elelc offlc€ of thc Clerk andpnrttoulrrlt d cribcd I fl t I o( tl lblr rt Coloado . .l d[ nx{ Fi,nT$lg!6. fl. 1l|. |.H r|tB. J U. tii! D.r+ t r rldr|T$rslt fi.t$$. J U. tii! Fr+ t r rld h dr$!|rr&r .C t r. $tt |f $ lo. 00 |ndqthcr good r,nd valurble conaldar!tlon-------- --L------------eIBf r,' ulr .rld D.r1t .l rtF tihr n|d in hnJ pail lf tl reirl lrc|' cl Ar |.ara D.rt tti rt lart rh.J.ol b }6bt dr.lr?.Gl, ||r.l ..'kn rht rcl' l$16 rs6i.d. ibr,..'l !,U, G.nrlt l .rd QOff Ct,lIM, rd Dt tj|r- ,r.r.Db dltlttrilr!, tth,r*. |tll !.|l|!y ${ qtrl' (;LrrI rr|ro iL rrta FrQ| al rh. ..cd{ Ft ltr rrl.--r. .i.i ||.lttr let+t..r, ||ll .h..lff,l, rl.l.. i{.d'..iri' r'l J-r.rd rhhh rL .rll r|.rt rf *r nr* t rl b|l ii .ia b rb ft[qrl'tr rlr|.rll.d rrd $3!t. uf fnhti&. !.' rir: An drlontint otcr, icrolr, and uFcn thc follovlng dcrcribed ?r lpaft)' t A ;.a rcr..l of t.rtd being r portlgn o1 Ltr ling lio. 3. I ruMiuigion fJlsd ln thoAr:c<lrEqr cl tloglrr Countt, Cololrdo. Dorens tol losr: 8, Dlock l, vri! L r.:oNncnci ng at. t,hc t{orLhclnt Corner of 'rt.l|: l{1.00 fcee rtong t lvr E.rt ll,r|o oll,ao of .riil &ct Ir lhcnr lot 0, ghcnce t'Fda.nt .n t trr {in!rnr. rrl rr f. [dl|rr. rftbrd, alt!, ld S 8i:33r00r E 17.58 foct to lhe Lrue polnt $f bcalnnlDgr thcncoconCinuing S 4i'13'00' tf aa.6o ilerr thenec N O{"?'0Or H 2.00 f ttt, "6h€lis.. il"t sili,i Poir Eb.dl i,if"€:"g"Elffi f tio sr 9l l 33' 81?,i.Pe Fet[ t or . tO n^vl AgrD fD ldJ rtc ur. irr$*€ri.lt nt(j|rdl! U..DDi-.r.- I|d Flrflalrr ll tie .: tcL'ndt& .0 h .uta. &anura. .?F||ih3. |||! .I O. rt t ' t|tli {{t' .hra'!rt mC cur r,sEDtci.t r. ll|rLtF tr.t $ tl||ttcl!.io{rh lrr or d lt.t.ti.!|ltFroot3r,lr!Ot.t{bL.Ctttt.datrstCtts lli'qrrd F a.lq l|(rri...El r|.ifn ta. r. ll lN TtTfEiS WiRREoi. fh. 'l.il lrrF cf U! tlrtt '| t tu& lrlttl tt| t'rFdr orE t h h-r$r' :i Si$n b''. th. dat ard y*r r llF( trkw3. wll$.n,nnNrA Elr.JE coNool{iNtuH r!{c, l.l+.-.1 .-,,;u;.t{a,/;: r0 t}rtr. I *1,t: i: o'. oolonauo. - fo|n$ of :-. rls t.frr .r la$t|ir.rnr ..r 'ii-.ai ll. .i,..r,.i .!n.r! Tnt'h'.Uull lla.rr --t1t ,.oE r:..:ra!.t llt \\rni$iari$ {tl|1|r Itir|$* nl' l!|t,.: ,,r.. 'Jtr Yq'!"rttal ;.nn-1;ro[J ! o P.3Jan 31 O5 O8: l8a gLPINE EITGINEERING 9?O9e633SO lv il t-' t-z m v3 = z s'* !*' 1 _l I i\\;l| i 1 i*'l 1'\ ij t ",1 i.? \+i l"I/\ii t '.'iI rr1 !: i-i + oo MELICK ASSOCIATES INC. tr LION SQUARE LODGE. NORTH BUITDING VAIL, COLORADO MARCH L3,2OO6 PEC / DRB SUBMITTAL VICINITY lvtAP DRAWNG INDEX rcros ftrc|lqlvEY$rE|AruJraoccl €i,^N snc oilrA.icE g0tlr crr{clfll!. ralscrrt n $l s|TE |lC}{X,€A{o m^lE tudat no mfiRcotirNa6 {os€@NoRd'|^N ASTl.lG n{rD ROOR PlJrN EC € rcfI llA'I €ti'|tG rocf tliN to^,B tt|a P^InNe ial flttt Eoot i-lN slCONOn@f,n.AN lHnD rlooi n^tfaqmtn€ot?t rl fFIH 't@t ttx{ s!ftr ada.alr R@F E,AI,I toof |€crr EA. E{6trG liro naco6lo sqrh alv^llor€ SEI|G r'JO nO?O6tO NOnrH RFAnqG EISrbl(l ANO PTOPO|'!g WESI BerNloi6 E osnt|(t Afro PioPo6ED trST ElvAror.E PRqPA6EO PATIA ea/^ltc'.rs H u= d() EEvtv d6i: rE 1 \ \"1']\\!\r Ii'j"'t, \ 'i\'r \, \^'.,t\i'li\ \"',\r"'WI /l I ,,ir'ipi,'-ip;rffi " ,t'ri ,r'\tr kassil 'x tt6 io *o-' ! i : i rl.-:F:t:f,'-.1:;. * i:r. xi'! f.ii;':'j o o o o (.\ ;\ o o o o I -L-e-ft€[--Al til ,l ,1, l! rl \\ \\\\t,. \ \\ \\\\\ \jl -\f t -\ LION SQUARELODGE. NORTI{ BUIIDING @t3lt E)qST'ING FIRSTFLOOR PI-AN f scN-€: r/! - t'4 qi- Er E!tc( Assoct^res tNc IffiEt-T! \r/ oa o o liirrl \\ tt\ 1\ t., \ \\ \\\\ -- .- LtoN seuARE ,/ ,' {oRTH CONDOMINTUMT ,/\,/,/ LION SQUARE LODGE - NORTH BUILDING E)flSTING SECOND FLOOR PIAN -T. sCArE: l/8r ' r'.a "i' Er4Etrq( assocr^r€s rNc lffils-T ci_,,* ll \/' I Irr. W,tJ ilil1ilTll'illll;-l-__l l1IttlIIrlirlrrl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L- o o I I \\\ t\ \ ! t, t\ i 3'ruZ \36 \92,68 )==Eo/ z/ /,, I I t I I / I I I I ,//,/ / -/' tl rt,ff-lwrqF+lllllf,"-lll tL__i_-n I i I I i I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_ o O I o i\!\I i|., ULg5 s2 68=E / 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l / .// ,/ ,/ ./ -/ liitrllrlltlIrrfit('L----------- C.==------====5: r \ '.. IHE .,_____^.., \ \ lco =---\.. \'.. lElri-r \, \ '...i \. \ 'r lttt*i3i *\. \'.. lga!-li \'.,. \ . 1a53.i "\. 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NORTII BTIILDING E)fiSTING AND PROPOSED WEST EI.EVATIONS SCAle l,/!. - 1'.c t Ettcx ASsoctatES txc @gb|.d!rdilb. @{ru@@sql @ /..?\ I t = =l t NEW fA'T IOWER SEYONO WTST EWATION NEW WESI TOWER o t t t ANSTING EASI EIEVAIION \__ "***\\- NR" ENITC'ITR BEYO}.O !p!E ta$ Aoor d-er^loa. uc4t - !128t LION SQUARE LODGE - NORTH BUILDING E)(ISTING AND PROPOSED EATIT ELEVATIONS scAI!. r/a|. I'c tltttct( aStoc laTE3 tNc @l3s o \..:.,o ffiffi}Sffitr[*.]-'{@*Ilfl. n.*.4o** ob{oi-u. oNi,t€xad,Be @{gq@@$d PROPOSED EAST EI,EVATION .'.-___- **--\.__ \#!e- NEW EAST TOWER ARsr 'lool Etlv^nop ll@-ol - al2ao NEW WEST TOWR NEW WEST TOWER sor.nH P/'NTIAT EIEVATIONS TYPICAI. WINOOW DETAIL TYPICAI. ROOF EAVE DETAII-TYPICAI. ROOF RAXE DETAIT ELEVATION KEY NOTES o a?\ ffiffi;Sffitr"X* c'-\',-*r,* n*-.*'"*.*,-" O)!b{o"''..@@ \-i:.,, /-'ii\ \::..,/ o oi.rllfl@.Fg @{uq@@rc. LION SQUARE LODGE - NORTHBUILDING PARTIAL ELEVATIONS SCIIE l/f ' l'.c la!ttcx AstoctalEs tNc '61304 FROPOSED BUILDING / ^--fiFOSED BELI.E ILDING f1 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING April 24, 2006 PROJECT ORIENTATION - Town Council Ghambers - PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Anne Gunion BillJewitt Rollie Kjesbo BillPierce Site Visits: MEMBERS ABSENT 1. Crack of Noon- l722Buttehr Creek Road 2. Lion's Square Lodge North - 660 West Lionshead Place 3. Cahalin Residence- 1816 Sunburst Drive Drlver: George Public Hearing -Town Council Ghambers 1. Swearing in of Anne Gunion by Loretei Donaldson, Town Clerk 2:00 pm 2. A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuanl to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is_ not .an aichitecturalfeature allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lol 12, Vail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Appellant: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer;Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Archilects Planner: BillGibson AGTIQN: Tabled to May 8, 2006 MOTION: Pierce In) SEGOND: Klesbo VOTE: 6-$0 (Gunion not sworn 3. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter '12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a site coverage variance to conslruct a residential addition, located at 1816 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0016) Applicant: John K. and Helen Jo Cahalin, represented by RKD Architects Planner: Warren Campbell/ Elisabeth Reed AGTION: Approved with condltions MOTION: Bernhardt opposed) SECOND: Jeuritt VOTE: $2-0 (Cahill & Kiesbo 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant recelving Town of Vail approval of the design revlerrv application associated with this variance request. 2. The applicant shall submit and record an amended duplex plat which vacates lhe duplex separation llne and establishes this structure as a single-famlly structure prior to the issuance of a temporary certlficate ol occupancy or certiflcate of occupancy being granted, Page 1 Tr' Jack Snow, from RKD Architects, was available for questions. Dick Cleveland noted that this was not a grant of special privilege and a physical hardship existed due to the drainage. Rollie Kjesbo asked for clarification of the GRFA calculalions and the amount of addition being constructed. He noted his concerns about a poor architectural design justifying a sile coverage variance. Bill Pierce also did not think that poor architectural design comprised justification of a variance. Ann Gunion noted that the existing structure creates a praclical difficulty, which, as noted in the Town Code, justifies granting a variance. Chas Bernhardt added to Ann Gunion's comments that the existing area is already impervious. Doug Cahill asked the applicant to further explain the location of the proposed addilions and noted that some exisling site coverage could be removed and the request today, lessened. 4. A request for a final review of a major exterior alleration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Malor Exterior Alterations or Modificalions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Libn's Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele Development Planner: BillGibson ACTION: Tabled to May 8, 2(X)o MOTION: Jewitt SECOND: Cleveland VOTE:7-0-0 Bill Gibson presented the projecl according to lhe memorandum. David Viele, the applicant, inlroduced the project according to the design boards erected in the Chip Melick, the architect, described the story boards for the proposal. He included the proposal to add one Employee Housing Unit (EHU) within the northeast lower expansion. David Viele added that many assels would resull form the proposal as presenled. The creation ol Employee Housing on-site should be viewed as an assel, as should the crealion ol retail space upbn fie property. He stated that the purpose of the worksession was to gain feedback from the Gommission regarding possible up and downsides of the project as proposed. Doqg Cahill asked if any setbacks were being encroached upon with the proposal. David replied that ihe existing building at the northeast exisled in an easement. A one-story building would be replaced in the same location. A view corridor was allowed belween the proposal and the existing Montaneros building, which was built directly on the northwest property line. Alex Prizer, a representative of the Montaneros Condominium owners, voiced that concerns that the Montaneros ovwters were dealing with. He stated that it seemed that the setbacks required by zoning were not being honored with the new proposal. He did not agree with the proposal to eiect another building structure within the norlheastern easement. Further, he commenied lhat the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was not being honored in regard to sun/shade, view room. Page 2 corridors, and other similar issues. He added that there was a covenant in place lhat granted power to the Town regarding development issues. His hope on behalf of the homeowners was that the application be tabled untilfurther discussion could occur regarding the proposal. Russ Forrest encouraged the Commission to keep their attention focused on the regulations specified by the Zoning Code and not the regulations specified by private covenants. Chip Glacier, a homeowner within the Montaneros building, expressed concern with the shadowing that would occur over the pool area of the Montaneros building due to the northeast lower proposed by the Lion's Square Lodge. He clarified that the setback issue at the northwest corner occurred subsequently to the construction of Montaneros. David Viele commented that he would nol feel obligated lo converse with the Montaneros ownership component due to his stalus under letter of intent. He detailed the etlorts that had been made lo mainlain the view corridor that curr€ntly existed for the Montaneros homeowners. Alex Prizer commented that it was not his experience for lhe public to speak and then have a developer rebut the public comments. He,commented that simply because a certain design would be allowed under zoning regulations did not mean that it was in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopmenl Masler Plan as well. Jim Lamont, Vail Village Hom.eowner's Association, commented that lhe Masler Plan was not lhoroughly detailed in the memorandum. Jim asked if there was enough informalion for the public to decipher, from the memo, what the issues are that are at stake. Jim requesled that the Stafl outline as much as possible, the details of the proposal and the regulations under which it is reviewed. Mr. Lamont further requested that the adjacent property improvemenls be submitted by the applicant upon a central documenl for Planning and Environmental Commission review. He suggested a "shared amenities" package that would work lo the advantage of surrounding homeowners. Bill Pierce commented that considerably less was being built on the site than could be constructed. He added that spaces between the buildings were, indeed, important to be well- developed and accommodating to property owners, etc. He realized that views would be atfected but that good steps had already been taken to separate the two towers. When one's view lies across another one's properties, there is always a problem. He commented that it seemed to be importanl to see how the proposal fit into its context in lerms of size and volume. Anne Gunion asked about the difference between how the 'intent" of the Master Plan and the "regulations" of the Master Plan are met by the project. She warned that site coverage should be treated carefully. She was pleased to see that the roof height was not as high as it could be. The proposal seemed to be a huge improvement to the existing site and structure. She would not require additional study malerials other than the existing regulations in lhe Zoning Code and Master Plan. Chas Bernhardt commented that today's presentation was a good start. He asked if the applicant might work on an easVwest passage within the site, He urged the applicant to continue to work lhings out with lhe neighbors, Dick Cleveland voiced soine concerns with the public ways between buildings. He stated that the Master Plan identified the need to create more of these public ways, which this project did not propose. He commented that he would be concerned about the "inlent" statement about the proposal's conformance. He added that long discussions had occurred about selbacks, step backs, etc., with the Arrabelle project. The maximum regulations prescribed to a site should also Page 3 not be deemed the requirements for a site (i.e. height). With all of the work going on, he did not think that any parking should remain above ground. A design should be drafted that used the existing/proposed above grade parking areas for a different use. Bill Jewitt stated that the proposal was a huge improvement over what was currently in place. He encouraged the applicant to use the warmest possible colors and avoid continuation of the beige palette that was currently in use within the Lionshead areas. He stated that in order to approve the project, he would need a comprehensive list of the public benefits that would result from the project. He encouraged the tuJo parties to collaborate regarding the covenant issues. He was also concerned about the easement (i.e. what is allowed). Regarding tratfic, he expressed some concem about the entrance to the covered parking area, saying that it seemed like a relatively sharp turn was inevitable, He agreed that alllhe parking should be covered and that no more should be added. Rollie Kjesbo mmplimented lhe applicant on the improvement of the current proposal. He, too, was hesitant regarding the easement. Parking should be replaced with green space, shared-by- vote space for the neighbor, etc. Doug Cahill echoed the comments made about the improvement of this proposal. He suggested lhat aoilinued attention be paid lo the amounl of retail space that may be eventually a valuable asset within this area. Bill Pierce commented that this uould be a great opportunity to look at the two towers in a ditferent architectural light, as the Anabelle was designed (to look like a series of ditferent buildings). 5. A request for a final recommendalion to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment, puruant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow lor an amendment to Section '12-21-14, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to increase the amount of affowable site coverage on lots with excessive slopes from '15% to 20o/", and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0020) Applicant: Helmut Reiss, represented by lsom & Associates Planner: Matt Gennett / Bill Gibson ACTION: Tabled to May8,2006 MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Jewitt VOTE: 7-0'0 Bill Gibson presented the project according to the memorandum. Steve lsom, lhe applicant, commented lhat the request before the Commission today had begun as a simple site coverage variance requesl initialed by an addition to a home in Wesl Vail of -100 square feet. The applicant had been urged by the Planning Commission to pursue the route of a lext amendmenl instead. Much discussion had occurred over the years regarding the limitation ol site disturbance vs. the regulation of site coverage. Steve furthered that residences built upon steep slopes have always been limited by site coverage and lhence were unable lo take advantage even of the 250 addition that used to be in place for single/two-family residential sites. He recommended that the phrase "neW' be placed in the development phrase recommended by Staff. Dick Cleveland commented that this was a request that is related only to a couple of sites and should not be evaluated as a text amendmenl for different zone districts, generally. He thought that the current regulations were etfective. Bill Jewitt commented that he was in favor last time and will likely be in favor of the request Page 4 a again. He saw this as a regulation relating to hazards. He agreed with Steve's comment fhat th-e DRB was the Board that should regulate site disturbance. However, he lelt that a calculable guideline (in terms of a percentage) should be instituted to guide disturbance amounts. Rollie Kjesbo also stated his continued support of the request. He said that the 60% wasa good idea. tf that was a number that needed to be exceeded, it could be, privy to Design Review Board review and approval. A variance should not be needed for that type of request above 60%. Bill Pierce agreed with the other Commissioners. Anne Gunion felt that the allowable site coverage should be at least 20%. She was opposed to restricting site disturbance. She did agree to protecting nalural and environmental features, which shbuld be viewed on a lot-to-lot basis. She would prefer that disturbance be treated on a site-to-site basis. Chas Bernhardt felt that this guideline could not be applied overall, but needed to be dealt wilh on a site-to-site basis. Doug Cahill agreed that since disturbance was the intent of bringing the site coverage down to 15%, it should be regulated now. He lett that the natural forms of the site should be maintained as well. He prelerred to not regulate disturbance but to let lhe site coverage rise to 20"/o. Bill Jewitt commented that the DRB should be required to approvs a site disturbance plan. He suggested it be stated that the Town has reasonably felt that 60% was a studied number (guideline). Anne Gunion suggested that the intent of the regulation be placed in the text to be used by the Design Review Board. Bill Gibson clarified that for the next Commission meeting, Stafl would draft text amendmenl fanguage thal included an intent stalement, a 60% site disturbance guideline, and Design Review Board authority to approve site coverage in excess of the guideline. 6. A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, lo allow for an amendment to an existing platted building envelope, located at 1722 Buflehr Creek Road/Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer SuMivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0025) Applicant: Crack of Noon, L.P., represented by K. H. Webb Architects Planner: ElisabethReed ACTION: Denied MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Gunion VOTE: G0-0 (Jewitl absent) This action was based upon the Interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission that the on-grade patlo to the dorthwFt ol the residence is exempt from the ptat r$trictaon rcquiring that lt be contained wllhln the building envelope, as long as lt is iilled to the minimum helght clearance dictated by the Bullding Code as applied by the Town of Vail at time of constructlon. Elisabeth Reed presented an overview of the statf memorandum. Kyle Webb, the applicant's representative, presented an overview of the request. Commissioner Pierce asked Elisabeth to clarify which portions of the building must be located within the building envelope. Page 5 o Elisabeth Reed clarified the difference between the approved plans and the proposed plans. Rollie Kjesbo questioned amending a plat for the Zeimer Subdivision. Chas Bernhardt noted that circumstances were beyond the applicant's conlrol and ths new space is for the purpose of retaining the terrace entryway to the residence. Dick Gleveland noted that the applicant repealedly stated they could comply wilh the building envelope. He r,rras opposed to increasing the size of the envelope and wanted the applicant to ask for other exclusions lhat meet the intent of the restriction. Kyle Webb stated that he was agreeable to infilling this space to 18 inches in order to meet the building code requirement for clearance. Bill Jewitt recommends this be resolved by the applicant and statf. Bill Jewitt left the meeting after making his comments Rollie Kjesbo recommended that this space be defined as a means of retaining. Doug Cahill recommended that a different s$le footer could have been used. Ann Gunion noted that lhere was no visible difference from the original approval. The difference is that a crawlspace now exists under the patio. Bill Pierce asked the applicant to clarify the structural design of the stair, to which the applicant replied that each stair was constructed with a 17' deep footing to compensate for the poor soils in this area. 7. A request for final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow lorfloodplain modifications, located aI2764,2754, and 2695 South Frontage Road/Lols A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision; and a request for a final review of floodplain modifications, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain, localed at2764,2754, and 2695 South Frontage Road/Lots A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision, and 2450 South Frontage Road/Unplatted and setting lorth details in regard. (PEC06-0001 and PEC06-0027) Applicant: Town of Vail, Louise Young, Brian Hoyt, Maggie Froning, Lorraine Howenstine, and Chas Bernhardt Planner: BillGibson ACTION: Amended Fanal Plat approved with conditions MOTION: Klesbo SECOND: Pierce VOTE:tl-l-1 (Cleveland opposed, Bernhardt abstalned, Jewitt absent) CONDITIONS: For zonlng purposes, the allowable denslty calculations for Parcels A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision shall be based upon a buildable lot size of no less than 1985 platted buildable lot sizes. AGTION: Floodplain Modlfication approved with conditions MOTION: Kjesbo GONDITIONS: SECOND: Gunion VOTE: 6-0-0 (Jewitt absent) 1. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal permlts and approvals. Page 6 2. The appllcant shall coordinate alt grading associated wim ifris proposal with the State of Golorado Division of Wildlife. 3. Prior to any modificatlon, excavation or placement of till within the 100-year floodplain: a. All improvements/modifications shall comply with the study and letter completed by Hydrosphere Resource Consultants dated ?14/06 and 3/29/06 respectively. b.The appllcant must obtain Town of Vail Deslgn Review Board and Building Departmenl approval. c.The applicant must submit and obtain FEMA approval of a CLOMR'F (Conditional Letter of Map Revision based on Fill) or CLOMR (Gonditional Letter of Map Bevision). 4. Upon completion of the lmprovements/modifications within the lOGyear floodplain: a. The applicant shall satisfy all conditions ol the FEMA approved GLOMR-F or CLOMR. b. The applicant must submit and receive FEMA approval ol a LOMR-F (Letter of Map Revision based on Fill) or LOMR (Letter of Map Revision based on Fill) . c. The applicant shall obtain Town of Vallapproval ol an as-built survey showing the modified 100-year and the FEMA approved lloodplain llne. 5. All new structures placed upon any fill improvement shall meet FEMAs criteria to be defined as not within the l0Gyear floodplain. All new structures shall also be a mlnimum of one (1.0) foot above the FEMA approved Base Flood Elevation (BFE), thus providing 1.0 foot of freeboard. Bill Gibson made a presentation of the information provided in the staft memorandum Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer, was available for comment, as a representative of Town of Vail Department of Public works. Ann Gunion asked how this aclion would allow applicants to grade in the floodplain. Bill Gibson explained that the lloodplain line on the plat would be deleted since it is inconect. Because this is Residential Clusler zoning, allowable density is based upon buildable lot area (which exclused areas within the floodplain). Ann Gunion asked what authority PEC has to allow grading in the floodplain. Bill Gibson answered that PEC is authorized by Tille 14 of the VailTown Code and is first step in approvalto grade in the floodplain, lollowed by FEMA approval. Tom Kassmel spoke aboul the Pubic Works Departments coordinalion with FEMA and engineering consultants. FEMA has communicated that this type of request is a common occurrence and simply a matler of processing the appropriate paperwork. Tom noted that the Town of Vail's requirements for this proposal are more restriclive than FEMA's requirements. Loraine Howenslein, co-applicant, said she sold property in Gypsum where lots within lhe floodplain were filled. She said that all these propefties had to do was apply lo FEMA for a change. She mentioned a few inches many times, but was nol really sure what was going on here. Dick Cleveland said he was concerned about increasing allowable GRFA and density for these properties, but that moving the properties out of the floodplain makes sense. He supported the PageT lloodplain modification and the plat amendment if it wasnt used to create more buildable lot area. Rollie Kjesbo supported the application as proposed. Bill Pierce agreed with Dick. Anne Gunion agrees with Dick. Doug Cahill said he would recommend keeping the plat note preventing additional buibabb lol size. Anne asked why the applicant would want the note removed from the plat. Bill answered that it would allowfor me GRFA. Luise Young, co-applicant, questioned what impact this would have on her property. Bill Gibson explained. Dick Cleveland noted that such an approval would allow for'more area ol the lots lo be safe from flooding. Bill Gibson noted that the new floodplain line works to the advantage of Parcel A, but to lhe disadvantage of Parcels B and C. Bill Pierce said that there are winners and losers in this game. However, lhe point is to make homes safer, not bigger. Dick cleveland stated that the homeowners needed to be treated fairly and suggested that the least restriciive of the incorrect 1985 and lhe current floodplain lines should be used to calculate buildable lot area. Bill Gibson clarilied that Dick's recommendation would not allow the property owners to gain additional density and GRFA by filling their lots beyond what would be allowed by the 1985 or current buildable lot sizes. Rollie Kjesbo disagreed and recommended that density and GRFA be based upon the.actual buitdabl6 bt sizes (i.e. not limited to the 1985 or current conditions), but that no lot would have a nel loss of density or GRFA from the 1985 conditions. 8. A reguest for a recommendation to the Vail Town Gouncil, pursuant to Section 12-3'7, Ameridment, Vail Town Code, for amendments to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On all Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), to allow for seasonal use or structures as a conditional use in Lionshead Mixed Use I District; Section 12-7H-18, Mitigation of Developmenl lmpacts, to clarify the inclusion of employee housing as a mitigation of development impacls; Sebtion 12-8A-3, Conditional UseS, lo allow for ski runs as a conditional use of the Agricultural and Open Space District; Section 12-8C-3, Gonditional Uses, 1o allow for ski lifts not including loadin! and unloading areas as a conditional use of the Natural Area Preservation District; Subse-ction 12-1&58, Density Gontrol, to clarify limitations on slruclures which do not conform lo density controls; and Chapter 14-3, Residenlial Access, Driveway and Parking Standards,.to clarify standards for access, driveway and parking for commercial properties; Vail Town Code, and setting forth delails in regard thereto. (PEC06-0029) Applicanl: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede Page I g. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.S, Adopti-o.n and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopm;m Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area.Boundaries and bhapter S, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West. Lionshead" area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Fronlage-Road WesVt-ot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts G and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more -complete legal description is available at the Community Developmdnt Depdrtment), and setting forth details in regard lhereto. (PEC06-0008). Applicant: Vail iesorts tievelopment- Gompany, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Office Building General PartnershiP ACTION: Tabled to MaY 8,2006 MOTION: Cleveland SECOND: Kiesbo Planner: WarrenCampbetl AGTION: Tabled to May 8, 20OB MOTION: Pierce SEGOND: Kiesbo VOTE: 6-0-0 (Jauitt absent) VOTE: &G0 (Jewltt absent) 10. A request for a final review of an amendment to a.major exterior.alleration, p.ursuant,lo Sg?ti9n 12-ZH-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town CoQg, and a final review of an amendment to a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permitted and. Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Lwdl, and i2-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on St-reei leuJt, Viit town Code to ailow for the development of 4 additional multFfamily re-sidential J*"tiing uniis (total of 111 dwelling units), located at'728 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Day SuUOivision, airO setting forth detiils in iegard thereto. (Ritz-Carlton Residences)(PEG05-0021 and PEC05-0022) Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Planner: WarrenCampbell ACTION: Tabled to MaY 8, 2006 MOTION: Pierce SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: 6-0-(Uewitt absent) 11. Approval of April 10, 2006 minutes ACTION: Approved MOTION: Jewltt 'l 2. Information Update 13. Adjournment MOTION: Kiesbo SECOND: Klesbo VOTE: 6-G0 (Jaritt absent) SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: 6'0'0 (Jewitl absent) The applications and information about the proposals are available for public insp_ection during regular ottice'nburs at the Town of Vail Community'Development Department, 75 South Frontagg_.Rgad. .fhe puUfic iilnvted to attend the project orientation aird ttre site visits that_Prqcqge- the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Deveiopinent Department. Please call (970) 479-2199 for additional informalion. Siqn lanquage interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 47.9-856,t6lephon'e for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Deparlment Published April 21, 2006, in the Vail Daily. Page 9 AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMI PUBLIC MEETING May 8, 2006 PROJECT ORIENTATION - Town Gouncil Ghambers - PUBLIC WELCOME o sstoN MEMBERS PRESENT Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Anne Gunion BillJewitt Rollie Kjesbo BillPierce Site Visits: I NINGPLAN 1, Ritz Carlton Residences - 728 West Lionshead Circle2. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District - 2734 Snowberry Drive Driver: Warren Swearing in of Anne Gunion by Lorelei Donaldson, Town of Vail Town Clerk Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Section 12-21-14, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to increase the amount of allowable site coverage on lots with excessive slopes from 15% to 20To, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0020) Applicant Helmut Reiss, represented by lsom & Associates Planner: Matt Gennett / Bill Gibson AGTION: Approved with Modifications (shown below) MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo MEMBERS ABSENT Chas Bernhardt SECOND: BillJewitt l2:00 pm VOTE: 5-1-0 (Gleveland opposed) '2, ln order to protect the natural iand form and vegetation on steep slopes, not more than sixty percent (60yo) of the total site area may be disturbed from present conditions by construction activiti*. The Design Review Board (DRB) may approve site disturbance in sxcess of the sixty percent (E0o/o) maximum if specific design criteria warrant the extent of the requested deviation," In the absence of Matt Gennett, Bill Gibson presented the project according to the memorandum. Steve lsom, the applicant's representative, stated that the proposal set forth with Staff's help seemed sufficient. Dick Cleveland felt that the amendment was neither necessary nor desirable and he was in opposition to the change. Page 1 Bill Jewitt commented that the argument of safety was not a good enough one to justify this proposal. He thought that citizens dealing with thirty percent slopes should be treated as fairly as those without thirty percent slopes. Bill Pierce stated that this regulation would offer a lot more flexibility in site planning for sites with steep slopes. This change would limit the number of homes which masses were located almost directly on the road. Doug Cahill thought that the new regulation followed the original intent of the Code. The Design Review Board should have the latitude to ask an applicant to reduce his/her site coverage to less than 2Qo/o if necessary. 2. A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use (water tank),located at 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block g, Vail lntermountain, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0031) Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Elisabeth Reed ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo SEGOND: Bill Jewift VOTE: &0-0 GONDTTTON(S):1. Prior to receipt of a grading permit from the Town of Vail Public Works Department, a letter from the property owner of Lot 15, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, shall be submitted to and accepted by the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department that grants the applicant permission to re-grade and re-seed the areas of Lot 15 that will be disturbed as a result of the removal of the existing water tank.2. Prior to construction, a copy of the de-watering permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Works l),epartment.3. Prior to construction, a staging plan and Public Way permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Works Department.4. Prior to November 1, 2007, the applicant shall mitigate the visual impacts of the above grade portions of the tank to a reasonable standard.5. This approval shall be eontingent upon th€ applicant receiving Torrrn of Vail approval of the design rEview application and required landscape plan associated with this conditional use permit request. Elisabeth Reed presented the project according to the memorandum. Jim Boyd, the applicant, expanded upon the description of the proposal and made himself available for questions. Doug Cahill asked if the DRB would be reviewing this application further. Elisabeth responded that the DRB had conceptually reviewed the proposal and would review it a final time at their next public hearing. Doug Cahill asked Jim Boyd to further describe the soil stability issues related to the water tank site. Jim explained the soil conditions and how the structure had been engineered to address the issues. Larry Kollusman, adjacent property owner, stated that he was opposed to a large concrete water tank being constructed above his house due to the "unsightliness" of the structure, which might Page2 result in decreased property values for himself and his neighbors. He would not be opposed to the installation of a below grade water tank structure, however. He cannot cunently see the existing tank, but believes the proposed tank will lie directly in the line of sight from his house. He also noted the number of trees proposed for removal. Jim Boyd acknowledged the potential impact to this adjacent property owner. He noted that the ERWSD had not finalized its landscape/re-vegetation plan. The District was planning to screen the tank from this concerned neighbor's house with a berm and tree plantings. The ERWSD was willing to plant additional trees to improve the screening of the tank. Larry Kollusman was also concerned about the proposed tank being four times larger than the existing tank. He suggested that a more extensive soils test might prove that the tank could be buried. Dick Cleveland asked about the rationale for a tank of this size. Jim Boyd responded that the tank was built in the 1970's. Additional water storage was needed to accommodate population groMh and to meet fire flow needs created by sprinkler systems being required in recently constructed houses. He noted the flows analyst for the District would be more familiar with these questions. Dick Cleveland asked why the bids were not viable. Jim Boyd responded that the bids were too high and did not even take into account soil conditions and ground water conditions. Their engineers recommended placing the tank above ground. Larry Kollusman noted that there were large new homes being constructed on similar slopes along this street and believed today's request was only a cost issue. Bill Pierce asked how it compared with the tank on the ski hill. Jim Boyd responded that it is approximately one million gallons. Bill Pierce verified that the tank would not be taller than the tank it is replacing. He noted that the DRB needs to ensure this is well screened. Anne Gunion believed the request met the first criteria for review, the second criteria, and the third criteria. She believed adequate screening would make the tank comply with criteria number four. She wanted to see a landscape plan, or thought that the tank should be construeted below grade. She also wanted to see a letter submifted from a soils engineer. Dick Cleveland agreed with Commissioner Gunion. He wanted to see documentation justifying the size of the proposed tank. lf the tank was screened as well as today's tank was, he was comfortable with the proposal. He was concerned about the proposed trees actually screening the tank. Something other than a solid paint color should be considered as well. Otherwise he was comfortable with the request. Bill Jewitt was comfortable with the request and believed the PEC's concerns were actually DRB issues. The goal should be to save the taxpayers on construction costs, but provide adequate landscaping to screen the tank. Rollie Kjesbo believed the ERWSD would not spend extra funds on a tank size that was not warranted, and believed the landscaping and screening are DRB issues. Page 3 Doug Cahill noted the growth in the adjacent neighborhood, and noted the need to construct a safe structure. He also asked if an additional berm or retaining walls could be constructed to better screen the tank. He noted the challenges of landscaping the site. He requested that Jim Boyd explain the proposed construction schedules. Jim Boyd responded that construction will not begin before late June and the ERWSD is concerned about the aVailability of bidders for construction this summer. 3. A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeafs, Vail Town Gode, appealing a staff determination that an observatory is not an architectural projection allowed to extend above the building height limit, 1979 Sunburst Drive/Lot 12,Yail Valley Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PRJ05-0417) Appellant: Ned Gwathmey and Todd Kramer; Gwathmey, Pratt, Shultz Architects Planner: Bill Gibson AGTION: Staff determination overturned MOTION: Dick Gleveland SECOND: BillJeuritt VOTE: Cahillopposed) Bill Gibson presented the project according to the memorandum. Ned Gwathmey, the applicant, stated thaf the approved space was not habitable even though it is regarded as Gross Residential Floor Area. He believes the observatory is simply an architectural feature because it was not proposed to be occupied space. The Design Review Board and the neighbors both liked the proposal, he stated. Anne Gunion asked if the drawings included in the memorandum matched those that were being proposed by the applicant today. lt was verified that the drawings included in the memorandum were no longer applicable. Doug Cahill asked about the proposed material for the tower element, Ned Gwathmey stated that the roof would be cast aluminum and further explained the elevation drawings to the Commission. Ned Gwathmey asked if it would be helpful to have the owner explain the use. Dick Cleveland commented that such explanation would not be necessary. He felt that this proposal was clearly an architectural projection that warranted a height increase. He was in support of overtuming the Staffs determination. Bill Jewitt also felt that the space was not habitable and was only an architectural projection. Rollie Kjesbo agreed with Commissioner Jewitt. Bill Pierce commented that as much as he would like to approve the projection due to its architectural merit, but he was concerned about the precedent set by approving a projection that counted as GRFA. Anne Gunion said that whether it was occupied or not was not the issue. She stated that the guidelines were intended to provide for varying architecture. Doug Cahill stated that he viewed the space under question is designed to be habitable. Anne Gunion further stated that occupied space was very different than habitable space. The element was far more a projection than a roof. +2-0 (Pierce, Page 4 o 4. A request for a final review of a major e)derior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-lH-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for the development of 4 additional multi-family residential dwelling units (total of 111 dwelling units), located at 728 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Day Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (Ritz-Carlton Residences) (PEC05-0021 and PEC05-0022) Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc., represented by Jay Peterson Planner: Waren Campbell Amendment to the Major ExteriorAlteration ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo SECOND: BillJewitt, VOTE: S0-0 For DesiEn Review 1) That the Developer submits a complete application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the final review and approval of the proposed development plan by the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to making an application for the issuance of a building permit for any of the Ritz-Garlton Residences improvements. Priorto Submittinq for Buildino Permits 2l That the Developer submits a Construction Staging Plan to the Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department for the review and approval of the proposed staging plan by the Town of Vail Public Works Department, prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Ritz-Carlton Residences improvements. 3) That the Devefoper preparos a RiE-Carlton Residences Site Aft in Public Places Plan. for input and comment by the Town of Vail Art in Public Places Board, prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Ritz-Garlton Residences site improvements. Subject to the above input and comment by the Art in Public places Board, Vail Associates will determine the type and location of the art to be provided. Said Plan shall include the funding for a minimum of $100,000.00 in public art improvements to be developed in conjunction with the Ritz-Carlton Residences site. The implementation of the Plan will be reasonably incorporated by Vail Associates into the Rits-Garlton Residences construction schedule in accordance with generally prevailing construction practices. 4l That the Developer submits a complete set of civil engineered drawings of the Approved Development Plans including the required off-site improvements, to thE Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval of the drawings, prior to making application for the issuance of a building permit for the Ritz- Garlton Residences improvements. Prior to RequestinE a Temporarv Gertificate of Occupancv 5) That the Developer provides deed-restricted employee housing that complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13) I employees, and that said restrictions shall be made available for occupancy, prior to the iesuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the RiE-Garlton Residences improvements. In addition, the deed-restrictions shall be legally executed by the Developer and duly Page 5 recorded with the Eagle County Glerk & Recorder's Offiec, prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Ritz-Garlton Residences improvements. The Developer may provide required employee housing on an interim basis, not to exceed four (4) years (November 28, 2008) except that ultimately the Developer will be required to furnish permanent facilities for the Ritz-Garlton Residences employee housing requirements. 6) That the Developer shall be assessed a transportation impact fee in the amount of $5,000 per increased vehicle trip in the peak hour generated (56 trips), or $280,000, and a fee of $6,500 for the increased peak hour vehicle trips (6 trips) or $39,000, created by the amendment to add four additional dwelling units, as a result of the Ritz-Garlton Residences improvements. The total fee of $319,000 shall be paid in full by the Developer prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or certificate of occupancy for the Ritz-Carlton Residences improvements. At the sole discretion of the Town of Vail Public Works Director, said fee may be waived in full, or part, based upon the completion of certain off-site improvements. lf the improvements as shown on the plans entitled "The Ritz-Carlton Residences (based on GDOT requirements)", dated October 21,2005, and aE approved on November 28, 2005, bythe PEC are constructed and completed by the Developer, said fee shall be waived in full by the Town. Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit AGTION: Approved MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo SEGOND: Bill Jewitt, VOTE: 6-0-0 Warren Campbell gave a presentation per the staff memorandum, highlighting the changes that the applicant was proposing. Jay Peterson, representing Vail Resorts, added some comments to the initial presentation, stressing the amount of open space that would be maintained on the site with this proposed amendment on the western side of the building. Mr. Petersen addressed several comments from the pre-meeting regarding the future layout of retail within the area known as "West Lionshead" and how the areas being set aside within the Ritz-Carlton would help to add to the success of retail in "West Lionshead". Mr. Petersen added that he had spoken with the attorney from Vail Spa, who commented that he wished that no after-hours establishment such as a bar ever be installed in the northeast corner of the RiE-Carlton. Bob Fitzgerald, of 4240 Architecture, commented on the architectural story, saying that the proposal presented today was simply an exclamation point to the original proposal. The south westem corner under discussion had never been proposed for open space, but had originally been proposed as the area to locate a lift house. There was no public comment. The Commission generally expressed its support of the amendments as the changes allowed the building to tamper more towards West Forest Road and helped to screen the new parking garage entry for the Gore Creek Residences. Commissioner Cleveland stated that he was fearful of the "creep" in size of projects through amendments made after initial approval, however, he felt the amendment made sense. Commissioner Jewitt stated that he still had concerns over the viability of retail/commercial/restaurants in the Ritz-Carlton structure and in the possible future portal of 'West Lionshead". Page 6 5. A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-8E-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a private club; 151 Vail Lane/Lot 2, Mill Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0032) SECOND: BillJewitt ln the absence of George Ruther, Russ Forrest presented the project according to the memorandum. Doug Cahill asked about negative effects of traffic. Jay Peterson said that while the parking club generates traffic, those that do not belong to the parking club but do belong to the private club will park in the Vail Village parking structure. This club will likely not create additional traffic. There was no public comment. The commissioners expressed their support of the application. 6. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for Ski Base Recreation 2 zone district on a 5.1 3 parcel of land commonly referred to as the "Front Door USFS land exchange parcel", located at 151 Vail Lane/ (A complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0014) Applicant United States of America, by and through the Forest Service, represented by Vail Resorts Development Company Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc., Planner George Ruther AGTION: Approved MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo recused) Planner: George Ruther ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo recused) In the absence of George memorandum. VOTE: $0-l (Pierce SECOND: Bill Jewift VOTE: $0-1 (Pierce Ruther, Russ Forrest presented the project according to the Jay Peterson clarified that the Forest Service no longer is the applicant, as the property is now owned by Vail Resorts. Jim Lamont, representative of the Vail Village Homeowners Association, is in favor of the project but there are adjacent property owners who are concerned about the project. The primary concern of these adjacent owners is the preservation of open space. The concern is that what is now publicly accessible land should stay accessible. There is a consistency with the Tract D covenants that prohibit above ground development unrelated to skiing. They would like to know if the area will be publicly accessible. Russ Forest stated that in Page 7 of the memorandum, the skier seMces building will only be one story. Any change of the development plan will be required to go through the public process. Page 7 7. 8. Tom Braun stated that there are requirements in the conditional approvals to provide pedestrian easements from the skier property to Vail Road to the West. The access required by the covenant will be maintained. Jay Peterson showed the view conidor on the map and noted where pedestrian easements exist. Covenants on the property will not occur because it will cause problems in the future. He also stated that this zoning will require the most public scrutiny. Bill Jewitt said that when the project went through Town Council, there were restrictions put on the project where open space is required to be used for public events. Jim Lamont requested a letter from the Town outlining the requirements of the pedestrian easements and other protections of the property. Jay Peterson stated the approval is what it is and that the development plan is the detailed outline of the project. Jim Lamont said that the public needs to have access to the surface of the site that is not being developed. Bill Jewitt mentioned that the comments by Jim Lamont are not pertinent to the cunent discussion. Jim Lamont responded that this is an important issue and needs to be discussed on the record, Jay Peterson outlined the requirements of how the land will be publicly accessed. He then read text from the White River National Forest report by Tom Nacey. Jim Lamont asked about the agreement with Vail Resorts for public access for special events. Russ Forrest responded that the DIA will include such agreements. Jay Peterson said that the DIA will be final before TCO. The Commissioners expressed their support for the proposal. A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5 Conditional Uses: Generally, to allow for a seasonal use or structure for conferences and conventions, located in Tract A, Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1 Addiiion 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0030) Applicant: Lion Square Lodge, represented by Bill Anderson Planner: Bill Gibson AGTION: WITHDRAWN A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Malor Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion's Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele Development Planner: Bill Gibson ACTION: Tabled to May 22,20OG MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo SECOND: Bill Jewitt Page 8 VOTE:6-0-0 9. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for proposed amendments to Chapters 12-21, Hazard Regulations, 14-7, Geologic/Environmental Hazards, and 1&10, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code, to include wildfire hazard in the Hazard Regulations, and to require defensible space and Class A roofs in high and extreme wildfire hazard zones, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0029) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede AGTION; Tabled to June 12, 2006 MOTION: Dick Gleveland SEGOND: Rollie Kjesbo Rachel Friede made a presentation per the staff memorandum. Bill Jewitt said he cannot support the addition of seasonal use and structures as a conditional use to LMU-1 because the regulations for this land use, especially tents, need to be amended. Dick Cleveland suggested that this use only be allowed for a maximum of 30 days and should be split into seasonal and temporary, with separate regulations.. Staff will propose these changes in the future. The Commission agreed that the word "plan" be added to'inclusion of employee housing" in order to allow a plan that may be coordinated with curent housing initiatives. Dick Cleveland said that the Open Space and Recreation District should not add "and runs" to the conditional uses and that the Cascade runs should stay legally nonconforming. He is concemed that this may open the door for more runs in the O District. He was also concerned about allowing 'Ski lifts, towns and runs, not including lift loading and unloading areas" in the Natural Area Preservation District because this is our most restrictive zone district. Staff will provide a map showing the O and NAP Districts that border the ski mountain at the next meeting. Regarding changes to Chapter 12-18, Rollie Kjesbo asked whether this would trigger 250s. Staff responded that this text amendment would confirm that buildings that are over on dwelling units per acre would then trigger a 250, as they have used up allallowable GRFA. Dick Cleveland made a motion to table this item to June 12.2OO6so that Staff can return with changes and additional information. 10.A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for amendments to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On all Levels of a Buibing or Outside of a Building), to allow for seasonal use or structures as a conditional use in Lionshead Mixed Use I District; Section 12-7H-18, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, to clarify the inclusion of employee housing as a mitigation of development impacts; Section 12-8A-3, Conditional Uses, to allow for ski runs as a conditional use of the Agricultural and Open Space District; Section 12-8G3, Conditional Uses, to allow for ski lifts not including loading and unloading areas as a conditional use of the Natural Area Preservation District; Subsection 12-18-58, Density Control, to clarify limitations on structures which do not conform to density controls; Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, to clarify standards for access, driveway and parking for commercial properlies; and Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, to clarify requirements for retaining walls, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0026) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede AGTION: Tabled to JunE 12, 2006 MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo SECOND: Bilt Jewift VOTE:6-0-0 Page 9 VOTE: &0-0 Rachel Friede made a presentation per the staff memorandum. This item was a worksession. Tom Talbot, the Town of Vail Wildfire Specialist and Bill Carlson, the Environmental Officer, were present to answer any questions. The Commission expressed an interest in creating concrete requirements for a Wildfire Specialist. They were also concerned about creating a cottage industry. Tom Talbot said that there are some credentials we could require of the specialist such as those from the National Wildfire Coordination Group. Also, the Eagle Gounty Wildfire Coordinate, Erik Lundgren, may be able to do inspections for free. The Commission expressed concern over Wildfire Regulations that would require clear cufting trees. Tom Talbot said that the goal is not to require trees cut down, but to protect the neighborhood. Dick Cleveland was concerned about legislation that is open to interpretation. Tom Talbot said that there may be ways to enforce legislation and get the right results through lot-byJot analysis. Doug Cahill wants regulations that inform property owners of the mitigation that will be required before they begin the process, as to not burden them. Staff informed them that the requirements will be triggered by new development, residential additions over 500 square feet, commercial additions over 1000 square feet or an increase in dwelling units, accommodation units or fractional fee units. Tom Talbot said that the VFES has offered assessments forfree to homeowners in Vail. As a result, there have been some successful mitigation projecS. The Commission asked about the creation of the Wildfire Hazard Map. Tom Talbot said that the changes in slope, fuel materials, etc., change the spread of fire and thus are reflected in the hazard designation.. The data used to create the map is a combination of data from Eagle County and a lot-by-lot assessment done by Tom Talbot. Anne Gunion asked the burden placed on Staff to review plans. Rachel Friede said that the burden of review will be placed on the planning team, as to not burden the building team any more. The Commission agreed that there needs to be an education of the Commission and the public. During public comment, Jim Lamont of the Vail Village Homeowners Association said that the current system is set up for more landscaping and keeping the trees. The public wants standards and criteria, othenrvise, we are not talking to the right body for this regulatory process. There needs to be correlation between design review requirements for landscaping and these regulations. Changing the culture for fire mitigation will be difficult until people understand cleady what they have to do. He said there may be covenant conflicts with design standards io allow for metal roofs. Anne Gunion said this muld be approached like Chicago, where building requirements are paramount, and not the defensible space. Instead, perhaps the requirement should be to use fire protected materials and alternative materials. Also, with specialists, not all agree or are the same. Page 10 Rollie Kjesbo tabled this item until the June 12,2006, PEC meeting at the request of Staff. At the next meeting, Staff will provide a lesson in FireWise, and will go on site visits to evaluate the Wifdfire Hazard Rating of each lot. 11. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead" area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesULot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon ffice Building General Partnership Planner: WanenCampbell AGTfON: Tabled to May 22,2006 MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo SECOND: Bill Jewift VOTE:6-0-0 VOTE: &0-0 VOTE:6.0-0 12.A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, and Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to allow for amendments to Articles 12-7H, Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, and 12-71, Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, Vail Town Code, and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to require no net loss of parking, no net loss of employee housing units and no net loss of accommodation units in Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0028) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther AGTfON: Tabled to May 22,2006 MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo SECOND: Bill Jewift 13. A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Malor Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther AGTION: Tabled to June 12,2006 MOTION: Rollie Kiesbo SEGOND: Bill Jewift 14. Approvalof April 24,2006 minutes MOTION: Rollie Kjesbo recused) 15.Information Update 16. Adjournment MOTION: BillJewitt SEGOND: Dick Gleveland VOTE: $0-l (Pierce SEGOND: Rollie Kjesbo VOTE:6-0-0 Page 11 The applications and information about the proposals are avaihbb for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, The public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 475-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 5, 2006, in the Vail Daily. ^/ Page 12 o NING o MrsstoNPLANAND ENVIRONMENTAL COM PUBLIC MEETING May 22,2006 PRoJEcr ORIENTATION - Town councit chambers - puBltc wELcoME 2:00 pm LUNCH WILL NOT BE SERVED MFMB=ERq PRFSENT MEMBERSABSENT Chas Bemhardt 6'iii-.lewtt Doug Cahill Anne Gunion Dick Cleveland Rollie Kjesbo BillPierce Public Hearing -Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm MOTION: Bernhardt SEGOND: Kjesbo VOTE:5-0-0 -ffi 1. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-g-7,Amendment, Vail Town Code, and Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to allow for'amendments to Articles 12-7H, LionsheadMixed Use 1 District, and 12-71, Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, Vail Town Code, anct theLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to require no net loss of parking, no net loss ofemployee housing units and no net loss of accommodation units in Liorishead Mixed Use 1 andLionshead Mixed Use 2 Districts, and setting forth detaits in regard thereto. (pEC06-OO2g) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther AGTION: Tabled to June 12,2006 George Ruther presented an oveMew of the request and the staff memorandum. Bill Pierce noted a conflict of interest if this item is discussed solely in regard to the Lionshead Innand the old VailGlo Lodge and not as a general policy. George Ruther clarified that this item was a general policy discussion applicable lo allof Lionshead. Doug cahill asked George to clarify the recent Town council direction. George Rulher noted that the Town Council direction was to create a "no net loss of accommodationunits' policy for Lionshead. and this policy discussion is broader than the initial thought on simplyrequiring no-net-loss of hotel. rooms. This policy discussion focuses on maintaining aiO increasingall forms of live beds in Lionshead, as articuiateci in the master plan. Chas Bernhardt asked George Ruther to clarify how some of the proposed amendments wouldapply to specific situations. Dick Cleveland asked George Ruther to clarify the conelation between an accommodation unit andthe number of beds. Dick noted that the number of beds is the true @ncern, and not necessarily thenumber of units. Page 1 Bill Pierce and Chas in each unit. that the market will determine number of beds o Bernhardt noted o the appropriate George Ruther noted that no-neuoss has not been clarified to mean the Lionshead area or in anindividual building. tt is betieved to appty to individuat buildings, nowevei. Bill Pierce noted the need for permanent residents in the Lionshead area, and is concerned aboutthe unintended consequence of discouraging such residence. Dick Cleveland and Rollie Kjesbo noted their concerns about considering roluntary rental dwellingunits as live beds if the goal is to preserve true hotelrooms (i.e., accommo-oation uni{"i. - ---- ' George Ruther noted that.the LIYIU-1 zoning does not require a mixed use development. A singleuse building such as the Ritz Carlton is currently permitted. He also noted that rooje owelting ;nit , allowed by zoning have not yet been constructed. Doug Cahill noted that the. use of any of the allowed units depends upon the management of theproperty and the market. There is an importance to the presenie of trotit amenities in itt prqects. Jim Lamont asked George Ruther. to clarify the_ Council's policy direction and some specificelements of the request. George Ruther and iuss Forest clarified the direction. Jim Lamont noted that the. LMU-1 zoning is too wide open and does not capture any one specificgoal of the master plan. He believes thi council and the pEC need to todr more itosely'aiihebroader issues and we are going down the path of the Village rror ttre isizo's with a dead downtownenvironment. Dominic Mauriello' representing Lionshead Inn (Bill Pierce left the room during this discussion) notedthat the.master plan purposely never included a no-net-loss of hotel rooms policy. The only no-net-loss policy only applied to parking w_ith a possible redevelopment of tne lionshead parking structureand.employee housing units at the Sunbird Building. He al'so noted thatlhe majority or tn6 not neosin Lionshead are not hotel rooms. These non-hoiel beds havJi nigrr"t" o".rp"ncy rate than thehotel beds' He also noted that hotel rooms and fractionat ree units iJceive significant incentives inthe LMU zoning. He also noted a concem about.equity in that only tnieJ properties will be requiredto maintain hotels in all of Lionshead. He noted that ohry tne corssite ii recommended as a mixeduse hotel building in the master plan. lt is unfair to allowihe nu to otiro all condominiums and onryallow hotels in other buildings within the same zone district. He noted that the Evergreen wluntarilyagreed to a no'net-loss hotel room policy when they requested a rezoning to LMU, which is verydifferent.than other properties that have been zonbd ttr,tu tor serreral years and are only nowrestricted to maintaining hotel rooms. Dick Cleveland noted his concern about specifically naming projects in the proposed amendmentsinstead of a general policy change. Dick recommenoeo ctrin'ging tne froposeo text to reflect a no-net-loss of live beds policy. He interpreted the council's directiorias mainiaining onty one oiine iiv"bed products (i'e. accommooation units). He is not an advocate of transfer of development rights. Rollie Kjesbo agreed with.Dick in oblaining clearer Council direction of only maintaining hotel roomsor is this discussion about maintaining live beds. He believJs tne omerent types of live beds workwell in Lionshead. Bill Pierce recommended.a policy of allowing permanent resident in the core areas. He is in favor ofmaintaining live beds, not accommodation u-nits. He oetievei ini ooii.t;d. to ippry to ti'e eniiidistrict and the "opportunity/ should not be bome by only one or two buildings. Page2 Chas Bernhardt noted the need for permanent residents and the need for chain based hotel products to meet market demands. He acknowledged that many rential condominiums work well, but requiring hotels may be necessary. Doug Cahill suggested working further to define live beds, instead of only focusing on accommodation units. He also recommended further analysis of which products cunently are working best. He recommended exploring a policy of requiring live beds in the new development projects. He noted his concerns about voluntary rental programs. George Ruther noted the Staffs concern that this policy is not as simple as only requiring a no-net- loss of hotel rooms and the disconnection between the existing master plan policies ind the existing zoning regulations. He stated that if the goal was to address Policy 2.3.3 of the master plan, than more should be done than simply attempt to preserve accommodation units. Dominic Mauriello noted that the PEC should give direction to the Council on zoning issues and to not simply parrot back what the Council wants. Dick Cleveland repeated his desire for further direction from the Council. Bill Pierce does not want to just palch a small hole without examining this issues in their entirety. 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1100 Homsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, VailVillage Filing 8, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PECO6- 0033) Applicant: Phillip and Jennifer Maritz, represented by Fritzlen pierce Architects Planner: Matt Gennett AGTION: Tabled to June 12,2006 MOTION: Gleveland SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE:5-0-0 3. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-68-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for a garage addition within the front setback, locgted at 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0034) Applicant Mailhew and Doris Gobec, represented by John M. perkins, AIA Planner: Matt Gennett ACTION: Tabled to June 12,2006 MOTION: Cleveland SEGOND: Kjesbo 4. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and'side setbacks, located at174O Siena Trail/Lot22,YailMttageWbst Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-001S) Applicant Lois Solis, represented by Michael Suman Architect Flanner: Matt Gennett ACTION: Tabled toJune 12,2006 MOTION: Gleveland SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: $0-0 5. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead" area. VOTE: $0-0 Page 3 generally located at 6116, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesULot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Mllage Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete legal description is alailable at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon ffice Building General Partnership Planner: Wanen Campbell ACTION: Tabled to June 26, 2006 MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Cleveland VOTE:5-0-0 6. A reguest for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant Lion Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele Development Planner: BillGibson AGTION: Tabled to June 26,2006 MOTION: Cleveland SEGOND: Bernhardt VOTE: r[-0-0 (Kjesbo absent] Bill Gibson noted that the applicant has recently met with representative from the Montaneros and the applicant is working on revisions to the proposed redevelopment of the Lion Square Lodge North Building. The applicant wanted lo show the PEC their recently created 3D model and update the PEC on what revisions will be presented at the PEC's next hearing. David Viele and Chip Melick presented the 3D model and described draft revisions being designed in response to the concems of the Montaneros owners. The Commission viewed the 3D model and informed the applicant that additional views of the model and/or other drawings will be needed for final review of lhe project. Alex Prieser noted his objection to the presentation because of confusion about whether or not the item was tabled to the June 26, 2006, hearing. 7. Approval of May 8, 2006 minutes MOTION: Gleveland SECOND: Pierce VOTE: 3-0-1 (Kjesbo absent and Bernhardt abstained) 8. lnformation Update 9. Adjournment MOTION: Cleveland SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: 't-0.0 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 475-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department / Published May 19, 2006, in the Vail Daily. Page 4 o PLANNING o coMMrssroNAND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING June 26, 2006 PROJECT ORIENTATION - Town Gouncil Ghambers - PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Rollie Kjesbo BillJewitt BillPierce Site Visits: 1. Lion Square Lodge North - 660 West Lionshead Place Driver: George Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Variances, to allow for a new single family residence within the front and side setbacks, located at17r+0 Sierra Trail/Lot22,Yail Village West Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0015) Applicant: Lois Solis, represented by Michael Suman Architect Planner; Matt Gennett ACTION: Tabled to July 10, 2006 MOTION: Bernhardt SEGOND: Kiesbo Im MEMBERS ABSENT Anne Gunion VOTE:6-0-0 30 minutes 2. A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Malor Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele Development Planner: Bill Gibson AGTION: Approved with conditions MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: $1-0 (Cleveland opposed) CONDITIONS: Prior to Application for Buildinq Permits 1) Prior to application for building permits, the developer must obtain Town of Vail Design Review approval of this proposal. 2l Prior to application for building permits, the developer must obtain Town of Vail Public Works Department approval of a construction staging plan for this proposal. Page 1 3) Prior to application for building permits, the Vail Public Works Department approval of plans and off-site improvement plans for this must obtain Torn of neering construction Prior to Requestinq a Temporarv Gertificate of Occupancv 4l Prior to requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy for this proposal, the developer shall provide one deed-restricted employee housing of no less than 700 sq. ft., with no less than one bedroom, that complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13, VailTown Code), and that said restrictions shall be made available for occupancy, prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. In addition, the deed- restrictions shall be legally executed by the Developer and duly recorded with the Eagle Gounty Clerk & Recorder's Office, prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. 5) Prior to requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy for this proposal, the developer shall be assessed a transportation impact fee in the amount of $6,500 per increased vehicle trip in the peak hour generated by this proposal. Per the Traffic Study dated June 15, 2006, this major exterior alteration will result in 7 additional vehicle trips in the peak hour. Therefore, the applicant shall pay a transportation impact fee of $45,500. For the Life of the Proiect 6) For the life of the proiect, the development shall install, operate and maintain an approved intelligent transportation sight distance system. This shall include adequate detection devices and warning system. The system shall address all turning movements that have inadequate sight distance. Recommendation to the Vail Town Gouncil 7l The Planning and Environmental Gommission fonrards a recommendation of approval for an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan build-to-lines to allow the applicant to construct the proposed parking area sod roof within the required setback to allor for a continuous landscape area between Lion Square Lodge North and the Montaneros. Staff presented the application pursuant to the memorandum to the Commission dated, June 26,2006. The applicant, represented by Chip Melick gave a presentation of the proposed development application, including a 3-D model presentation. David Viele gave a brief presentation of the proposal which included a summary of the proposal's compliance with the prescribed criteria for a major exterior alteration. Chip Glazier, owner within the Montaneros Condominium Association, expressed his concerns with the proposal and emphasized the negative impacts of further construction in Lionshead. Maxine Glazier, owner within the Montaneros Condominium Association, expressed her concerns with potential negative impacts to the structural integrity of Monteranos building. o developer civil engi proposal. Page 2 Jack Hunn, representing Vail Resorts Development Company, shared his support for the redevelopment of the Lionshead Square Lodge North major exterior alteration application. Alex Prieser, representing several Montaneros homeowners, expressed concerns with lack of compliance to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and the presence of a non- conforming structure. He expressed concerns regarding lack of timely information from the applicant. He also shared concerns regarding easements and the need for further communication. David Viele explained how the application addressed the non-conforming structure issue and the revisions made to the plans since the previous public meeting. Lee Sackna, legal representation for Viele Development, reiterated that the proposal was in compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. He further explained and responded to the issued raised by the Montaneros owners. Commissioner Cleveland indicated that the application was in compliance with the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of on-site employee housing and suggested that this application be required to meet its employee housing obligation on-site. Commissioner Jewitt expressed his support for the application as submitted given the proposed conditions of approval. He indicated the need for public art as part of the proposal to mitigate the impacts of development and to improve the pedestrian experience. He further emphasized the need for the exterior colors to remain interesting and vibrant. He recommended that the employee housing requirement must comply with the Town's housing policies. Mr. Jewift expressed his support for a Lionshead text amendment to amend the build to line to allow for a completely covered parking structure. Commissioner Kjesbo agreed with the findings expressed in the staff memorandum. He asked that condition #5 be amended to strike the ability for Public Works to waive the traffic impact fee and proposed that an additional fee be assessed for South Frontage Road improvements. Commissioner Pierce had no additional comments. Commissioner Bernhardt expressed his support for the application and reiterated the many of the comments of the other Commission members. Chairman Cahill shared his support for the application given its compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. He shared his belief that additional contributions were needed for the AIPP program. He suggested and fonvarded his support for a master plan amendment to the Vail Town Council for changes to the build to lines to create a better transition between property lines. David Viele responded to the input provided by the Commission. Mr. Viele was generally supportive of the Commission's input. 20 minutes 3. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, and Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to allow for amendments to Articles 12-7H, Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, and 12-71, Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, Vail Town Code, and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to require no net loss of parking, no net loss of Page 3 employee housing units and no net loss of accommodalion unils in Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0028) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther AGTION: Approved with conditions MOTION: Jewitt CONDITIONS: SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: S,0-1 (Pierce recused) Bill Pierce noted his conflict of interest if discussions relate directly to Lionshead Inn and are not a general discussion. George Ruther presented an overview of the request and the staff memorandum. Russ Forest presented an overview of the Staffs discussions with the Town Council at its June 2No public hearing. George Ruther discussed the economic impacts of hotels, fractional fees, etc. He distributed a 2003 memorandum addressing the issue. He reinforced the need for a diversity of lodging types. Bill Pierce recused himself when the discussion focused on identifying and regulating specific properties with existing accommodation units. Doug Cahill asked for clarification of the impacts of these amendments on voluntary dwelling uniUfractional fee rental programs. George Ruther clarified how these programs are addressed. Dominic Mauriello, representing Lionshead Inn, noted their general agreement with the staff memorandum with some minor clarifications. He noted their support of addressing 'live beds" instead of "accommodation units." He noted concern that these discussions need to apply to all projects in Lionshead. He also gave a brief summary of the type of redevelopment they will be proposing. Dick Cleveland suggested not including a specific list of development projects with accommodation units. lnstead some "no net loss of accommodation units" language should be added. The existing accommodation units should not be replaced with any other type of "live bed", because "live beds" are not guaranteed to be rental units. He also recommended maintaining the existing "live beds" and creating incentives for additional "live beds'. Bill Jewitt suggested eliminating all reference to "accommodation units" and only addressing "live beds". He agreed that specific projects should not be referenced. He discussed the likely use of fractional fee units and dwelling units during the off-season, when a pure accommodation unit will be vacant. He recommended keeping flexibility in the Town Code. He recommended "live beds" instead of "accommodation units." The concern isn't just having any guest in a bed, but the type of guest in that bed. Rollie Kjesbo recommends using the term "live beds" and more flexibility. He agreed with Dick Cleveland's concern about guaranteeing rental of dwelling units. George Ruther noted that if the intent of the LMU districts is for mixed use development or accommodation rooms, then the Town needs to require mixed uses and require accommodation uses. He recommended adding intent statements to the proposed text. Page 4 Dominic Mauriello noted his client's desire to have a specific policy for their property to provide assur€lnce as to their development requirements. He also wants this issue to move to a vote so the development moratorium can be lifted. Doug Cahill noted that the Town does not want to lose the short-term availability of some form of units. 4. A request for a worksession to review a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant: Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther AGTION: Table to July 10, 2006 MOTION: Bemhardt SEGOND: Kjesbo VOTE: &0-0 5. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed amendments to Chapters 12-2'1, Hazard Regulations, 14-7, Geologic/Environmental Hazards, and 14-10, Design Review Standards and Guidelines, Vail Town Code, to adopt Wildfire Regulations and a Wildfire Hazard Map that will require mitigation of high and extreme wildfire hazard zones in the Town of Vail, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0029) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede ACTION: Table to July 10, 2006 MOTION: Bernhardt SEGOND: Kjesbo VOTE: &0-0 6. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead' area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesVLot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Ofiice Building General Partnership Planner: WanenCampbell ACTION: Table to August 14, 2006 MOTION: Bemhardt SEGOND: Kiesbo 7. Approval of June 12, 2006 minutes MOTION: Jewift SEGOND: Kjesbo 8. Information Updater Project Orientationr Meeting times, eliminating worksessions, memos prior to Friday's, etc.r Community Plan 9. Adjournment MOTION: Jewitt SEGOND: Kiesbo VOTE: $0-l (Pierce absent) The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular VOTE: &0-0 VOTE: $'$,1 (Pierce absent) Page 5 I office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmsnt, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the proiect orientation and the site Msits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is arrailable upon request with 2zt-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 23, 2006, in the Vail Daily. Page 6 VailTorvn Council Evening Meeting Minutes Tuesday, August 1, 2006 6:00 P.U. Vall Town Gouncil Ghambers The regular meeting of the vail rwn Gouncil was called to order at approximately 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Rod Slifer. Members present Rod Slifer, Mayor Fanow Hift, Mayor Pro-Tem Kent Logan Greg Moffet Kim Ruotolo Mark Gordon Kevin Foley Staff Members: Stan Zemler, Town Manager Matt Mire, Town Attorney The first item on the agenda was citizen Participation. Former Mayor Bob Armour complimented the Vail Police Department for hosting National Night out, a crime prevention event. Sheika Gramshammer of Hotel Gasthof Gramshammer expressed disapproval about the vail Village noise ordinance, she asked that a g€ce period be extended past 10 p.m. as musical entertainment enhanced the guest experience seven days a week. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda. a. Approrral of Evening Meeting Minutes for July 11 and July 18. Moffel moved to approve the consent agenda with Foley seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The third item on the agenda was a Wildlife Protection Discussion. Town Aftorney Matt Mire asked Council to review the staff memorandum contained in the packet and discuss possible amendments to the Town of Vail Wildlife Protection regulations to more effectively further the purpose of the Wildlife Protection Chapter of the Vait Town Code. ln August 2002, and in response to a dramatic increase in human-bear confticts, the Vail Town council adopted ordinance No, 19, series 2002, which amended the vait rown Code to include a Chapter regarding the Witdlfie Protection. The stated purpose of the Wildlife Protection chapter was to "protect and maintain wiElife in the Town of Vail and surounding areas and to minimize the risk of dangerous interaction between humans and wildlife.' on July 11, 2006, and based upon the testimony from town staff and Bill Andree of the Colorado Department of Wildlife regarding the dffectiveness of the 2002 ordinance, council directed staff to prepare an agenda item for the council'sconsideration of amendments to the WitOiite Protecti6n Chapter which would moreeffectively serve the purpose set forth above. on July 1g, 200d, the council passed anemergency measure which removed the requirements'for warnings to first time offendersfrom the cunent Wildlife Protection reguiations and also eliirinated maximum fineamounts. Accordingly, first time offenders of the cunent wildtife protection regulationsare now subject to the general penalty provision of the code (up to gggg in dnes andincarceration of up !o 180 days, o_r uodtr;. porice commandei'steve wright reportedsince the inception of the aforeinentioned 6mergency ordinance, 11 residences and fourbusinesses had been cited. He exptained, "ilany castJ "*i p""-pr" who put theirgarbage out before they go to bed.; Matt Donorrah, representing viit Honey wagon,explained "bear resistant" waste receptacles would cost consrmirs Sf'SO pei can'wittr"bear proof sheds costing as much ad $SOO. Gordon asked if refuse coltection would goup if trash haulers were required to provide bear resistant cans. Neither of the trash fau!9rs present commented. Although ft was exptained no ptastic Jntainer would betotally. bear proof, BillAndree gaid- plastic bear resistant contiainers would promote Il_s|!u9 *lSitioning. During the public comment period, Sany J-ctite thanked Council Tor passrng the emergency ordinance, and askEd them to require all garbage to be bearproof if outside all the time and bear resistant if taken out on gao;gE oav. goo Armoursaid. the rgceqly payf .emergency ordinance was appropriate anO timety. Heemphasized, 'we need to be measuied in our response.;'enyls Dixon encouragedmore stringent enforcement_ of the existing code. Chris fitzg6rald ;upported furtlrerexploring bear proof/resistant options. Moffei encouraged resid-ents to report unsecuredrefuse containers to the Police Departmenl. Foley as-ked about the poiiiuifity of usingReal Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) funds to reimbulse residents for th6 purcnase of bearproof/resistiant containers. wright clarified the municipal judge n"b- tne ability to 9:lP_1!_".Sppropriate punishment including the requiremenf ot-oear proof containers.rollowlng me public comment period, the Council directed Mire to prepire an ordinancefor consideration at the Rug. is meeting with reguirements ranginj?rom plasuc trashbins equipped with latches for most resid--ences, to steel oear-pro.rli bntain"rs for multi-family, commercial and construction uses. The fourth item LionsHead parking Structure Redevelopment Request For proposals (RFP)- Due to a predetermined conflict of interest (East West partnbrs amfiamn), Sliferrecused himself from the item and left the council chambers. The afternooii wo*session with Council and two members of the Planning and Environmental Commission(PPEC) and two members of the Design Review aoar? lonay was inienoeo to providean opportunity to inteMew the two competing develbpers that responded to theLionsHead RFP. Those.._two deveropers incrudl: easi wesi Fartn6rs, and openHospilality Partners & Hilhrood Capi.tal Partnership. Straff requested Council receivepublic input on the LionsHead RFP and then provide direction to staff on whether toinvite the above mentioned developgrs to subniit detailed proposjgio the town basedon the pro@ss and schedule provided in the staff membrandum Councit was alsorequested to provide input on changes or modifications it would like to see in theproposed process provided in the staff memorandum. Logan said both oevefopminigroups appeared to be professional and quite competent] He asked for the pbrtingstructure paroel to be appraised and an ixptanation on ilevelopment rights ior tn6plopgrty. He.expressed particular concem ovei tre feasibility of the'timelinesi of parkingstructure redevelopment-and subsequent tansportation impacts. He then asked for aformal recommendation from the pa*ing task f6rce regaroinj iong-term ;arking needs.Gordon asked for an independent constiraion feasibitit! anatlsii. Forev n-oteo the public benefits that could be derived flop the project Moffet exptained Vail taxpayers woutdbenefit simply by not having to Toot tne uiil" for maintenance on an obsolete parkingstructure. Moffet moved to invite the two above mentioned developers to su6mit detrailedproposals to the town and to direct staff to provide an independerit pr"p"rty appraisal ofthe parcel with Gordon.seconding. Hitt explained the projei:t woufo [aG benefits for thecommunity,_although, "l don't want to stow it down...i wint more information before westart spending these forks'money...r need to know the varue of propertv and have abetter explanation of the possible bryry1shio scenarios.' He also encoilrageo waiting forthe housing rationat nexus study. pEC Mbmblr Biil Jewitt;Frdil *ncem that tostart in.the spring of 2008 _woutd-require having .eveMhing riii'iniJ prac" perfecfly.' Hethen stressed. the importance of iommunity-inrotv6meit. oia-Memoer MargaretRogers said she was impressed.by the proptsars and the town courd onry benefit byinviting both groups back. Durin! the'pr'blic comment period, Bob Armour askedCouncil to schedule an evening prisentaiion so as to betier inform the public of theproposed proje-ct and process. Zemler recommended haMng the two appticants holdpublic presentations. The motion passed +2, witr Forey ""i ilt i,ppiilio. The fifth itern on the agenda was an appear of the Town of Vair pEC's approvar, withco.nditions, of a maior gxterigl arteration, puruant to section 12-7H-r, Major ExteriorAlterations or Modifications, Vail tovn 660e, to allow for the renovation of the Lion9gr"l9 Lodge North, rocated at 660 weii't-ionsnead prace/Lot-e, ebct 1, VailLionsHead Filing 3 (PEco6-0019). Town Attomey Maft Mire e*pr"in"o 6uncit woutd beasked to uphold, overtum, or mi:oiry the pEC'i approvar, wiih conditions, of a major .efgli-or .atteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-i, tvtalor e*tlrioi'-nrt"rations orModifications, Vail rown code, to allow for the renovatioir of the Lion square LodgeNorth, located at 660 west LionsHead prace/fot g, Block 1, Vair Lionsnead Firing 3.Pfanner Bill Gibson then _exprained on June 26:, 2006, ir," pEc approved, withconditions, a finar review of- 3 p_ajor exterior arteration, pursuani to-s""tion 12-7H-r,Major Exterior Alterations or Modifiiations, vait iown Code, to allow for the renovation of |!e t-i.gn s3g3l" Lodg_e North, rocated at 6oo west LionsHead prace/Lot 8, Brock 1, vairLionsHead.Filing 3. The Vait rown councit .calted-up' ttn FeC ""tion "t it Juty 11,2006,.hearing. Additionally, the Montaneros condominium Association, Inc. fired anappeal of this PEC action, Representing the Montenaros Homeowners Association, AlexPreiser said the Association.dj! nolberlgve the froposea redeveloprnenf met provisionslaid out in the LionsHead Master Plan. He uetiived ttre proposaiixtenieo an atreadynon-conforming use. preiser also said he was concemed over a lack of easements as !19 ptgp""flgs.were.adjacent and construction would require staging on Montenarosproperty. "We looked to bs part of the planning process alihough r6rt lnat our concernsfell on deaf ears.' Montaneros propefi o*n6r scott wojakoilsri iaio ne feared hispropertys monetiary varue wourd. b-e negativery impacted-'Moni"n"ri property ownerJohn Hogan said'he supported the r6modering of the LionsHJad frorth althoughdisagreed. with -the proposeo sz toot tower. "That direcfly affects liio 1s Montenaroscondominiums." Representing the developer and homeowners association, David Melepresented a computer generated_mod_et oi ttre project ano exptaineA t"ht -h-" believed theproposal met LionsHead Master ptan guibefnes. nJ i#-;dffied when theMontenaros BuiHing r,vas renovated ttrev oii noinaw to obtain tegat iaiements. preiser ggued Fg.t*q buirdings evorved as part of a common oeveiopmeni pran and theproposal did not show that. Ttre spirit oi the original setbacks i" ;t b"6 met." He thenexplained his Association did not have time to adequately address the proposal,s 9r*ins: Altte.rg Lo.dg,g- (adiacenr npn"rtv) Manager Rob Levine supported theproposal and said he believed lt meet6 th; inidnt ano iurpose or n" r-ionrnead Master Plan. Foley said he was apprehensive of the proiect as it would adversely impact Montenaros property owners. Moffet moved to uphold the PEC decision with Newbury seconding. Montenaros property owner Chic Gleicer explained no documentation existed regarding the placement of the existing property line (nine inches from the Montenaros building). Gordon verified the exchange of the property was considered a legal sale. Town Engineer Tom Kassmel described parking space size reguirements (difference between parallel and mandatory valet parking dimensions). Foley and Slifer expressed conoem that no on-site employee housing was being provided. The motion passed 6-1, Foley opposed. The sixth item on the agenda was a Crossroads/Solaris request for assistance in eliminating certain restrictive cownants of Vail Village First Filing, which may likely prohibit the 'public amenities' as approved by the Town as part of Special Development District No. 39, Crossroads. Town Attomey Matt Mire asked Council to discuss the request set forth in the conespondence to the town, dated July 17,2006, from Reed F. Weily, Esq., regarding the town's assistance in eliminating the above-referenced restrictive covenants, and provide staff direction on next steps. Certain restrictive covenants of Vail Village First Filing may prohibit the public amenities as approved for the Crossroads/Solaris redevelopment, also known as Special Development District (SDD) 39. Accordingly, the developer has requested the town's assistance, along with the assistance of the Vail Reinvestment Authority, to eliminate the subject restrictive covenants. Moffet moved to direct the Director of Gommunity Development to start the process, as requested, by commissioning the appropriate study of the subject area and taking any additional steps, including the preparation of an . urban renewal plan for council approval with Gordon seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The seventh item on the agenda was an Eagle River Water and Sanitration District (ERWSD) Easement Requast. ERWSD is relocating an existing sanitary sewer line from an existing utility bridge to a Town of Vail owned tract that lies due south of the ERWSD building along W. Forest Rd. The below ground installation will require a utility easement, Staff recommended Council approve the utility easement as shown with the condition that within one year of the removal of all ERWSD utilities from the existing utility bridge, the utility bridge be removed. Newbury moved to approve the request with Moffet seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The eighth item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 19, Series of 2006, an Emergency Ordinance Repealing a Moratorium on the Submission and Processing of Building Permits and Land Use Approvals in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone Districts which would result in the Net Loss of Accommodation Units, Parking Spaces and Employee Housing Units. Town Attorney Maft Mire reported on April 18, 2006 the Counciladopted Ordinance No. 13, Series 2006 establishing a sixty (60) day moratorium on the submission and processing of building permiF and land use approvafs in LionsHead Mixed Use 'l and 2 zone districts. Said moratorium was extended for an additional sixty days, via Ordinance No. 15, Series 2006. Because the council has now effectuated relevant text amendments to the LionsHead Redevelopment Master Plan, via Resolution No. 4, Series 2006, the moratorium is no longer necessary. Hitt moved to approve with Foley seconding. Moffet clarified his vote was based on no net loss on demolitions and rebuilds. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The ninth item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series 2006, An ordinance repealing and reenacting Title g, Chapter 1, Vail Town Code regarding water quality within the Town of Vail. This ordinance provides definitions and amendments to Title g, Vail Town Code which, will further clariff prohibited acts and provide for more effective enforcement by the Town to prevent injury to the Town water supplies. Moffet moved to approrre with Newbury seconding- The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The tenth item on the agenda was the second reading of Ordinance No, 17, Series of 2006, an ordinance amending Section 12-21-14E, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to increase the amount of allowable site coverage on lots with excessive slopes from a maximum rl 15To to a maximum ol 20% but limiting site disturbance to 6070 on such lots. On Apnl 24,2006, the PEC conducted a work session dudng which staff was directed to draft changes to their suggested modified version of the applicant's proposed text amendment. On May 8, 2006, the PEC recommended approval of the proposed text amendment to the Vail Town Council, as modified by staff. On July 18, 2006, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 17, 2006, as written upon first reading. Moffet moved to approve with Newbury seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The eleventh item on the agenda was Resolution No. 15, Series of 2006, A Resolution authorizing the To,rm Manager to enter into an lntergovemmental Agreement with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Town Engineer Tom Kassmel asked Gouncil to authorize the Town Manager by resolution to enter into an lntergovemmental Agreement with CDOT in order to complete the 2006 Roadway Maintenance Project Frontage Road Overlay project for the amount of $330,000.00. Council approved of the town entering into a contract with B&B Excavating for the completion of the 2006 Roadway Maintenance Project on June 20 of this year. The project consisted of a maintenance asphalt overlay on portions of roads in East Vail, drainage improvements and an asphalt overlay on Arosa Dr., Davos Trail, Garmish Dr. and a portion of Chamonix Ln. The work also included an asphalt overlay on the S. Frontage Rd. west of the West Vail Roundabout that was approved on the condition that the Town would enter into an IGA with CDOT for reimbursement. The projec{ was budgeted as follows: $642,842.08, Capital Street Maintenance Budget; $25,000.00, RETT-Trailhead lmprovements Budget; and $128,896.52, CDOT. After that approval, CDOT was able to appropriate additional funding in the total amount of $330,000 tor additional maintenance asphalt overlays on the Frontrage Roads. Council was then asked to approve a resolution to authorize the Town Manager to enter into an Intergovemmental Agreement with CDOT in the amount of $330,000.00 for maintenanc,e overlays of the Frontage Roads. The amount will be reimbursed to the Town by CDOT at the completion of the project. Moffet moved to approve the resolution with Foley seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. The twelfth item on the agenda was the Town Manage/s Report. Possible TOV sponsorship of Copper Mountain Consolidated Metro District (CMCMD) for membership in CIRSA. Mofiet moved to sponsor CMCMD with Foley seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Foley thanked local resident lan Anderson for his contributions to the community as communications direstor for the Vail Valley Chamber & Tourism Bureau. Andelson recently announced plans to relocate to a new job. 5 o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April24, 2006 A request for a final review of a major exterior alteralion, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovalion of the Lion Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting fonh details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion Square Lodge North Gondominium Association, represented by Viele Development Planner: BillGibson t.SUMMARY The purpose of today's work session hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission is to establish the parameters by which the proposed Lion Square Lodge North will be reviewed and evaluated by the Planning and Environmental commission. Additionally, today's work session hearing will allow the applicant an opportunity to present the Commission with an inlroduction lo the major exterior alteration application for the proposed Lion Square Lodge North renovation. The desired oulcomes of this hearing are as follows: . For the Commission to understand how the proposed renovation to the Lion Square Lodge North is regulated by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan;and. For the Commission to understand how the proposed renovation to the Lion Square Lodge North is regulated by the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District;andr For the Commission to understand the general elements of the applicant's renovation proposal.. For the Commission to provide the applicant with initial feedback on the proposed bulk, mass, height, setbacks, architectural style, parking and circulalion, compalibility with the neighborhood, otf-set of development- impacts, etc. The Commission is not being asked to lake any formal action on this application at this time. As such, staff is not providing a formal recommendation at this time. The Planning and Environmental commission will be asked to provide initial feedback to the applicant regarding the proposal. Staff and the applicant request that the Planning and Environmental Commission table the applicant's request for further review at the Commission's May 8, 2006, public hearing. [. o The applicaql is has submitted a Major Exterior Alteration application to allow for the construction of 9 new dwelling units, 47 new structured and surface parking spaces, and h significant re-face of the existing Lion Square Lodge North building located 660 lVest Lionshead Place. A vicinity map identifying the location of the development site has been ailached for reference (Attachment A). Lion Square [odge North is located within the Lionshead Redevelopmenl Master Plan area anp within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. The purpose of this work session is to provide the Planning and Environmental Commission with information fiiom the Town's regulatory documents addressing how the proposed Lion Square fodge North renovation will be reviewed. Please refer to Section V of this memorandum. Additionally, this work session will provide lhe applicant an opportunity to introduce the Lion Square Lodge renovation proposal to the Commission and the Commission to provide initial feedback to lhe applicant. The applicant's preliminary zbning analysis (Atlachment B), the applicant's preliminary master plan analysis (Attachment C), and proposed architectural plans (Attachmenl D) have been atlached for reference. A letler from an adjacenl property owner has also been attached (Attachment F). The attached letter makes reference to a private sales agreement between Montaneros qnd Lion Square Lodge North. Please be aware that the Town of Vail has no l6gal aulhority or obligation to interprel, mediate, enforce, etc. any private agreement; contract, covenanl, etc. The Planning and Environmental Commission may only review lhe proposed Lion Square Lodge North proposal within the parlmeters of the VailTown Code and the adopted Master Plans. The Lion Square Lodge North site was annexed into the Town of Vail in August of 1969. Accbrding to Eagle County records, the existing 27 dwelling unit Lion Square Lodge North was originally constructed in 1974. According to Town of Vail records, h temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued in April of 1975 and the final pertificate of Occupancy was issued in July of 1976. Only minor repairs and renovations have occurred since the original conslruclion. The property was originally zoned Commercial Core 2 District and was rezoned lo Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districl in 1999. The purpose qf lhis section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities of the Design Review Board, Planning and Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Qtaff in review this major exterior alteration application: zone district.ir-- BACKGROUND tv. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST V. Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for impacts of use/development and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the adopted criteria. The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission's approval "shall constitute approval of the basic form and location of improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building bulk and masg slte improvements and landscaping." Design Review Board: Action:The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Major or Minor Exterior Alteration, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requiremenls are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with lhe design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a slaff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision, APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS The following checklist was created to provide a means of evaluating the Lion Square Lodge North proposalfor compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Masler Plan. The checklist is intended for the Planning and Environmental Commission to use in conjunction with their copies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to locate relevant portions of the Master Plan which pertain to this proposal. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Chapter 2: Introduction s 2.1 Purpose of the Masler Plan o a 2.2 Definition of a Master Plan o 2,3 Policy Objectiveso 2.3.1 Renewaland Redevelopmento 2.3.2 Vitality and Amenitieso 2.3.3 Stronger Economic Base Through Increased Live Bedso 2.3.4 lmproved Access and Circulationo 2.3.5 lmproved Infraslructureo 2.3.6 Creative Financing for Enhanced Private Profits and Public Revenues Chapter 4: Mdsler Plan Recommendations - Overall study Area a 4.1 Underlying Physical Framework of Lionsheado 4.1.1 Lionshead Master PIan Concepto 4.1.5 West Lionshead - Residential/Mixed-Use Hub o 4.3 Connections to the Natural Environmenlo 4.3.lVisualConnectionso North-South Orientation of Buildings o 4.6 Vehicular and Pedestrian Girculation o 4.6.4 Modifications to Wesl Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Placeo East Intersection of W. Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Roado of Lionshead Place and West Lionshead Circleo Pedestrian Sidewalks and Crossingss Visual lmprovements s 4.7 Loading and Deliverya 4.7.1 Properties with Direct Service Access s 4.8 Parkingo 4.S.2ResidentialProperties o 4.9 Housingp 4.9.3 Policy Based Housing Opportunities o 4.10 Gateway, Landmarks, and Portalsb 4.10.1 Gateways and Portalsu 4.10.2 Landmarks o 4.11 Public Art Chapter 5, Detdiled Plan Recommendations o 5.12 Lion Square Lodgeo 5.12,1 Traffic Concerns o 5.12.2 Pedestrian Connection between the Main Building and the North Buildingo 5.12.3 Ski Yard Pedestrian Accessa 5.12.4 Potential Development and Redevelopment Scenarios Chapter 6, Site Design Guidelines o 6.3 Primary Pedestrian Walko 6.6 Pedestrian Patho 6.8 Primary Pedestrian Walk Chapter 7, Design Standards tr 7.1 Landscape Areaa 7.2 Site Coverageo 7.3 Setbackso 7.4 GRFAo 7.5 Density (Dwelling Units Per Acre)o 7.6 New Unit Definitiona 7.7 Building Height Chapter 8, Architectural Design Guidelines o 8.'l Vision Statemenl o 8.2 Organization, Purpose and Scope o 8.3 New and Existing Structures o 8.4 Design Guidelines o 8.4.1 Planning Considerationso 8.4.2 Architecturea Building Form and Massingo Building Heighla Exterior Wallsa Exterior Doors and Windowso Balconies, Guardrails, and Handrailso Roofstr Fireplaces and Chimneyso Detaib Zonino Reoulations Lionshead Mixed Use - l Zone District 12-7H-1: PIJRPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use-l zone district is intended to provide sites for a mirture of nlultiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate tp the permifted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the deskable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This Zone DiFtrict was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zone District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and densityr over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopm$nt Master Plan study area. The primary goalof the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. With any development/redevelopment proposal taking advantage df the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public aft, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. 12-7H-2: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL:A. Definition: The 'basement" or "garden level" shall be defined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantially below grade. B. Permi\ted tJsesj Tne fottowing uses shall be permitted in basement or garden level$ within a structure: Banks and financial institutions. Commercial ski storage. Eating and dinking establishments. Personal seruices and repah shops. Professional offices, business offices and studios. Public or private lockers and storage. R e cre ati o n f aci I i ti e s. Retail establ ishme nts. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses sha// be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: .Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Major arcade. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, TV stores, and repah shops. Theaters. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in acnrdance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-3: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES: FIRST FLOOR OR STREET LEVEL: A. Definition: The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level along a pedestrianway. B. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permifted on the first floor or street level within a structure: Banks, with walk-up teller facilities Eating and drinking establishments. Recre ation f aci I i ti e s. Retail stores and estuAishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier seruices, and daycare. Travel agencies;. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3- 4 of this Title. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permifted on the first floor or street level floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Financial institutions, other than banks. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-4: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; SECOND FLOOR AND ABOVE: o A.uses shall be permitted on those and accommodation u nits. resldential dwelling units, time+hare units, fee clubs, Iodge dwelling units, and employee housing units lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). uses determined to be similar to permifted uses described this subsection, in arcordance with the provisions of Section l2-3- of this Title. Uses:The following uses shall be permitted on second floors and higher grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: and fi nancial institutions. facilities and meeting rooms. and drinking establishmenE. stores. seruices and repair shops. offices, buslness offices and studios. TV stores, and repair shops. facilities. establishments. 12-7H-5: BUILDING USES; GENERALLY (ON ALL LEVELS OF A ouTstDE oF A BUILDING): conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a arcordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of thispermit in Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Section 12-14-18 of this Title. Erew pubs. poi n-operated lau ndries. Qommercial storage. flrivate outdoor recreation facilities, as a primary use. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities. lublic or private parking lots. fublic park and recreation tacilities. fublic utility and public seruice uses. 9ki lifts and tows. Television stations. $kier ticketing, ski school, skier seruices, and daycare. Theaters. Time-share units and fractionalfee clubs. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses Qescribed in this subsection, in acnrdance with the provisions of $ection 12-3-4 of this Title. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 1 2-7H-6: ACCESSO RY USES: The following accessory uses sha// be permifted in the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Loading and delivery and parking facilities customarily incidental and accessory to permifted and conditional uses. Minor arcade. Offices, lobbies, laundry, and other facilities customarily incidental and accessory to hotels, lodges, and multiple-family uses. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and drinking establishments. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential or lodge uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 1 2-7H-7: EXTERTOR ALTERATTONS OR MAAFrcATDNS:A. Review Hequired: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building that is not a major exterior alteration as described in subsection B of this section shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. 1. Submiftal ltems Required: The submittal items required for a project that is not a major exteior alteration shall be provided in accordance with section 12-11-4 of this title. B. Major Exterior Alteration: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, timeshare units, any project which adds more than one thousand (l ,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrato) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Any project which requires a conditional use permit shall also obtain approval of the planning and environmental commission in accordance with chapter 16 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submifted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the depaftment of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. 1. Submittat ltems Required, Major Exterior Alteration: The following submiftat items are required: a. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. b. Application; Contents: The administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submiftal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department of community development. Certain submiftal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or applicable to the planning documents that comprise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. C. Wok Sessions/Gonceptual Review: lf requested by either the appticant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council, D. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submifted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the, application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section l2-3-3 of this title. E. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an erterior alteration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void fwo (2) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative ertensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed, 1 2-7H-8: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-7H-9: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable area. 12-7H-10: SETBACKS: The minimum building setbacks shall be ten feet (10') unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as a build-to line. 10 12-7H-11: HEIGHT AND BULK: Buildings shall have a maximum average building height of seventy one feet (71') with a maximum height of 82.5 feet, as further defined by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. All development shall comply with the design guidelines and standards found in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Flexibility with the standard, as inarporated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, shall be afforded to redevelopment projects which meet the intent ot design guidelines, as reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. 12-7H-12: DENSIIY (DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE): Up to a thirA three percent (33%) increase over the existing number of dwelling units on a property or thirty five (35) dwelling units per acre, whichever is greater shall be allowed. For the purpose of calculating density, employee housing units, accommodation units, time share units, and fractional fee club units shall not be counted as dwelling units. Additionally, a "lodge dwelling unitn, as defined herein, shall be counted as twenty tive percent (25%) of a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating denst\. A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than one-third (1/3) of the total floor area of the dwelling. 1 2-7H-1 3 : GBOSS BESI DENTTAL FLOOR ABEA (G RFA) : Up to two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross residential floor area shall be allowed for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area, or an increase of thirty three percent (33%) over the existing GRFA found on the property, whichever is greater. Multiple-family dwelling units in this zone district shall not be entitled to additional gross residential floor area under the 250 ordinance, section 12-15-5 of this title. 1 2-7H-1 4: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the total site area, unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Bedevelopment Master Plan. 12-7H-15: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At least tvventy percent (20%) of the total site area shall be landscaped, unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. l2-7H-16: PAHKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least one-half (1/2) the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. 12-7H-17: LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVIW: A. Limitations; Exception: All offices, businesses and seruices permitted by zone district, shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permifted unenclosed parking or loading areas, the outdoor display of goods, or outdoor restaurant seating. B. Outdoor Displays: The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the ll o V. establishme4t's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 12-7H-18: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall alsa be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined Qased on repoftE prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of commEston Mitigation of and will be determined by the planning and environmental review of development projects and conditional use permits. may include, but is not limited to, the following: roadway pedestrian wall<way improvements, streetscape improvements, improvements, public art improvements, and similar The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large projects which produce substantial off site Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the review crileria for mhjor exterior alteration applications proposed within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) Zone Districl. According to Section 12-7H-8, Vail Town Code, a major exterior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with the following crileria: 1. That the proposed major exterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District; 2. That the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master PIan; 3. That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood; and, 4. That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. NEXT STEPS The following is a tentative schedule of hearings dates at which the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) and the Design Review Board (DRB) will be asked to rbview, commenl, and lake action on the Lion Square Lodge North redevelopmerit proposal: . DRB May 3, 2006: Work session to inform the applicant of any comments or concerns. No formal action requested. . PEC May 8, 2006: Detailed review for compliance with zoning and master plan requirements. Request for final review and approval of the proposal if all PEC comments and concerns have been addressed. vt. 12 . DRB May 17, 2006: Detailed review for compliance with design standards and master plan architectural requirements. Request for final review and approval of the proposal if all DRB comments and concerns have been addressed. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The desired outcomes of this work session are as follows: o For the Commission to understand how the proposed renovation to the Lion Square Lodge North is regulated by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan: and. For the Commission to understand how the proposed renovation to the Lion Square Lodge North is regulated by the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone districl; and. For the Commission to understand the general elements and concepts of the applicant's renovation proposal.. For the Commission to provide the applicant with initial feedback on the proposed bulk, mass, height, setbacks, architectural style, parking and circulation, compatibility with the neighborhood, off-set of development impacts, etc. Staff and the applicant request that the Planning and Environmental Commission table this proposal for further review at the Commission's May B, 2006, public hearing. VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Preliminary Zoning Calculations C. Applicant's Preliminary Master Plan Analysis D. Proposed Architectural Plans E. Public Notice F. Rimoch Letter dated April 20, 2006 l3 Attachment: A ]lor'r SQUARE LoDGE - NoRTH fttachment: B Zoning Colculotions 3/13/06 Prepored by: Melick Associofes O .-,o* seuARE L'DGE - *o*rrJ Zoning Colculotions 3/13/06 Primary Secondary Building Materia! Def Primary: exceed 500 sf area Secondary: 500 sf area or less conforms with intent conforms with intent Primary Secondary Building Colors Primary: exceed 500 sf area Secondary: 500 sf area or less conforms with intent conforms with intent Primary Secondary Roof Definitions Primary: exceed 500 sf roof area Secondary: 500 sf roof area or less conforms with intent conforms with intent Roof Dimensional Guidelines 30' min. eave and rake overhangs 18" overhangs at secondary roofs conforms conforms Roof Pitch Primary: 6'.121o 12:12 Secondary: 4'.12 to 12'.12 (or flat\ 12:12 conforms conforms Prepored by: Melick Associoles r{ELrcr AssocrAlEs tNt Attachment C tION SQUARE LODGE. NORTH PROJECT COMPUANCE - Lionsheod Redevelooment Mosfer Plon 3/13/06 Submitfol fo Communify Development for the PEC ond DRB opprovol process CHAFTER 5 - LION SQUARE IODGE Troffic Concerns - The vehiculor circulqlion wos primorily deolt wilh by Voil Resorts during lhe opprovol process for the Arobelle proiecf. Sife occess vio Lionsheod Ploce wos reoligned to occornmodote both surfoce ond sub terroin occess to the Arobelle proieci for bolh lodging vehicles ond delivery vehicles. A new curb cul wos odded olong the soulh of Lionsheod Ploce to serye os lhe new fronl door lo fhe Lion Squore Lodge providing goted ond porking occess for ihe focility. A curb cut hos been odded olong fhe south property line of the Norlh proiect fo provide occess lo lhe new lower lwel of .porking. The exisiing curb cut olong the west property line of the North proiect hos been moinloined ond shifted lo the properly line lo the norlh lo provide occess lo lhe surfoce porking. Service vehicles will use this enfry poini, lo the north of the building, to service the building. A troffic impoct study hos been provided by Kimerly Horn lo study the troffic impocls of odding nine new condominium units lo the North proiect. They olso provided the troffic impoct study for the Arobelle so lhey ore fomilior with lhe surroundings. Their reporl sloles thol no infrostruclure upgrodes ore required due fo lhe oddition of fhe new unifs, Pedestrion Connection between the Moin Building ond the North Building - Pedeslrion occess between lhe Moin Building ond lhe Norfh Building wos primorily deolt wifh by Voil Resorts during fhe opprovol process for the Arobelle proieA. A cross wolk hos been provided ocross Lionsheod Ploce between fhe lwo properties fhot ties into the sidewolk olong lhe north side of lhe reoligned lionsheod Ploce. The primory pedestrion enlronce fo the Norlh proiect is fhe eost lobby enlronce in fhe eost iower olong fhe eosl side of the property. This provides o cleor pedeslrion connecfion ond defined vehiculor corridor befween the Moin Building ond the North proiect. Ski Yord Pedestrion Access - Ski Yord Pedestrion Access wos primorily deolt with by Yoil Resorfs during the opprovol process for the Arobelle proiect. Access to the ski yord is obloined from norlh ond south of the Eosf Building. The North building proiecl does not impocf ski yord pedestrion occess. Polenliol Develoomenl ond Redeveloomeni Scenorios - The Norfh proiect is undertoking moior exlerior renovolions with the oddition of lwo new condominium fov/ers fo lhe eost ond wesf of fhe existing building. This odditionol density hos been designed within the ollowsble requirements of the Lionsheod Mixed Use I (lJv{U-l) District. 25I07 GENESEE TRAIL RD ARCTIIIECTUTE SUITE ONE IIUNDRED ONE I N T E R I O R S GOLDEN CO 80,'OI FLANN ING TEt 303.534.1930 www.MELtcK.coM FA,x 303.534. I 931 Primorv Pedeslrion Mdll - nol opplicoble Secondorv Pedestrion Moll - not opplicoble Primorv Pedestrion Wolk - Voil Resorls is providing the snowmelled sidewolk olong the norih edge of Lionsheod Ploce os port of fhe Arobelle prbiect. The Norih prolect will be providing o londscope buffer befween the sidewolk ond the unifs fo fhe norlh. This londscoping will be ochieved wifh o mix of deciduous ond evergreen trees td prolect views ond sun exposure. Ornomenlols, perenniols ond onnuol flowers will be provided for o wide voriely of iexlures ond seosonol color. The londscope moieriols will not interfere with fhe pedesfrion wolk or snow sloroge requiremenk ol mofure growth, Secondory Pedestrion Wolk - nof opplicoble Vehiculor Pedestrion Retoil Slreet - nol opplicoble Pedestrion Pofh - The North proiecl is odping o pedeslrion polh for occess io fhe fini floor unils thol will nof be snowmehed. The motqriols will be iniegrolly colored slomped concrefe consislenf with the surfoce finishes being qsed of lhe Moin Building pool deck. The widih of this secondory pedeslrion wolk will be five feet. Lighting long this poth is provided with low pothwoy bollords consisfeni wilh lhe orchifeclurol design guidelines. A lqwn \vill be provided to fhe south of the poih os o fronsilion to ffre bermed londscoping lo lhe soulh olong Lionsheod Ploce. This zone will be defined by o lowl slone woll. Fences ond Enclosures 1 Service functions for lhq North proiect ore being ochieved within fhe building foolprinf ond lherefore will not requirp supplementol fencing. The outdoor hol lubs will be screened ond privolized with thE use gf lerroced slone wolls softened with londscoping to lhe south of the wesl lower. A new fron$former will be locoted lo lhe wesl of the wesf iower ond will be screqned ond soflened with the use of londscoping. Complionce with Town of Voil Streelscope Mosler Plon - CHAPTER 7 - DESIGN STANDARDS Londscope Areo - A minimum of 20% of thb sife will be londscoped os required. (see colculolions otfoched) Sile Coveroqe - A moximum of TOVo of the sife will be covered by slructures os required. (see colculotions ottoched) Setbocks - A minimum of o len foof selbock will be provided os required, There is o prescriplive eosemenl olong fhe norlh property lline to fhe eost end thoi ollows for o one slory sfructure lo be locoted olong the property line ob currently exists opposite the pool deck ol Monloneros. (see colculolionsotloched) I Gross Residentiol Floor Aieo (GRFA) - The GRFA will nol exceed 250 sf of GRFA for eoch 100 sf of buildoble site oreo. (see colculotions ond drowing$ depicting limits ottoched) Densitv - The densily will nof exceed 133% of the existing number of units. (see colculofions otloched) New Unil Definition - nol opplicoble Building Height - olso see Chopter 8 The building height will nol exceed 7I feel (overoge) ond 82.5 feef (moximuml. CHAPTER 8 -ARCHITEqTRAL GUIDETINES Architecture - The form ond mossing of the building provides for o comforloble pedestrion scole qnd olso breoks down lhe scole of the building utilizing o bose, middle ond top. Buildino Heioht - The building height fits wilhin fhe moximum ollowoble of 71 feef (overoge) ond 82.5 feel (moximum). The moximum iniliol eove height folls within fhe ollowoble for'remoining building fronloge'. The vetlicol woll foce dimensions ore broken wifh horizontol sleps, chonges in moleriol ond color lo breok down lhe mossing of the building in order lo provide for o higher quolity ond more inleresling orliculolion. Exterior Wolls - The exterior wolls ore designed with o bose, middle ond lop. The rhythm ond order of fhe renovoled exterior on lhe existing building ore dictoled by the exisfing condilions. An effort hos been mode io breok the roof lines ond decks. Goble roof forms hove been odded ot lhe deck elemenls lo breok lhe conlinuous horizonfol line on the building ond fo provide on A, B rhythm. This is olso enhonced with the use of poinfed meiol roilings ond boluslers ot the bolconies, A monsord roof elemenl hos olso been odded olong the perimeler of the building, between lhe goble roof forms over the decks, to soflen ond provide deloil fo the new elevotions. The eosf ond west ends of the existing building ore olso defined with o higher roof forms ond differenl yet compotible orticulofion. This orticulotion ond vocobulory of moteriols ond ireolmenl ore whot define lhe eost ond west towers lo provide for o uniform freolmenf of the building exlerior. Mofeiiols ond Colors The bose is defined eifher with o different dorker stucco color or slone, os well os o breok in plone. The middle is defined by o lighter color of slucco. The top is defined by o chonge in moleriol ond lexlure with verlicol siding the some color os lhe 'middle' slucco olong with the roof ond chimney form. All irims, eoves, rokes, trims, doors, ond limber elemenk ore while. Window clodding is bronze. The colors were chosen lo blend with the surrounding slruclures while providing o visuol ond psychologicol wormlh to pedestrions. Window Sizes. Shopes ond Types - All windows hove o consistenry of size ond proporlion throughout the elevolions. Operoble windows will be cosement. The windows will be oluminum clod, bronze. All windows will be frimmed, the color whife. Bolconies, Guordroils ond Hondroils The bolconies hqve been locoled lo provide funclionol outdoor spoce ond olso lo provide oesthelic benefil ond detoil to the building exlerior. Where bolconies ore not proclicol, lhey hove been odded to the building exierior os o 'romeo ond iuliet' bolcony fo provide visuol detoil ond inleresl to the building exlerior. The moleriols lo be used for the hondroil, pickets ond posfs will be pointed meiol. The design of fhe roiling syslem is potterned ofter the order of the building exlerior elevqlions, .-rt Roofs - The roof forms being Used include monsord roofs ol fhe exisling flol roofs, goble roofs over exisling bolconies, ond hipped roofs wilh gobled roofs copping lhe new structures. The monsord roof form on the existing building is o procficol meons of tying the existing slruclure into lhe new design elemenfs of fhe renovoled exlerior ond new iowers, The sfrudurol copocity of lhe exisling building will not lolerole the oddition of o full pitched roof. Adding o full pilched roof to lhe exisling building would olso greotly diminish lhe view corridor being moinloined between the two new lowers for the properfies lo lhe north. The predominonf goble roof forms being used loke fheir bue from lhe simple, frogmenfed, goble roof forms of Europeon villoges. Roof overhongs will be construded with the minimum 30 inch eove ond roke overhongs olong wiih lhe minimum of l8 inches of secondory roof forms. Ridge beoms ond outriggers will be visuolly slurdy membdrs of 6x or 8x minimums. Rofler foils ore nol port of fhe exterior building vocobulory ot this fimg. The roof pifch will be o 12: l2 occepl os noled ofherwise on fhe drowings. Snow fencris ore being provided in locolions lo protecl pedeslrions below from folling snow ond will be pointed metol. Gutlers ond downspouts ore plonned to be infegrol fo lhe roof forms with interior downspouls. Fireoloces ond Chimnew - Stucco chimneys with open mefol cops lo promole oir flow ond screen spork orreslors ore being provided for fireploce chimneys. Porking . Porking Sfructure Design l. Surfoce Porking - 22 surfoce porking spoces ore provided wilh occess from lhe romp olong lhe north properly line. 2. Porking Decks - 34 porking spoces ore provided in the lower porking level with occess from the romp from lhe soulh opposile the Antlers curb cul, The decks ore primorily flot excepf for wh{t is required fo properly droin the decks. 3. Slruclured Po{king o. Porking Spoces - The enclosed porking spoces ore 90 degrees lo the drive oisle ond 9' x '19', with 8' x l6' compocl porking spoces nol exceeding 25% of the tolol of the totol required porking spoces, b. Height Cleoronce - The height cleoronce of lhe porking sfruclure will be o minimum of 7' cleor. c. Drive {Aisles - The drive oisles ore lwo woy ond 24' wide. d, Rompl - The romps between levels ore 24'wide with 12% slope. 4. Porking Need$ Assessment ond Vehiculor Circulofion Porking o. Porking Counf Mointoin Existing 34 New for New Condos l3 (l .4 spoces for eoch unil) Extro Sooces 9 (including hondicopl Tofol P,orking Counf 56 5. Circulotion o. Existing curb cul ond romp locolion lo remoin bosicolly the some. b. New romp inlo fhe new lower level porking slruclure is locoled opposife lhe curb cul to the Anllers. c. 24' wide fwo-woy drive oisles occommodote 90 degree porking stolls. Grodino - 'l . Moximum Finished Grode-The moximum finished grode does nof exceed o 2:I slope. The nofurol slbpe of the sile is relofively flot. New groding fo occommodole droinoge will be blended into fhe noturol topogrophy. 2. Construcfion Fence - The construclion site will be properly surrounded by o non- removoble consfruclion fence during ihe conslruclion process. 3. Erosion Control - Erosion conlrol meosures will be utilized using fhe becl monogernenl procficei. The erosion confrol plon will be prepored by o rcgis;rEd Colorodo Professionol Engineer. Reloinino Wollst. 'Ih. ."t"ining wolls will be designed ond slomped by o licensed P.E. Terroce londrcope wolls will be within the 4'- 6' mqximum heighl ronge. Due.lro fhe relofively flot noture of lhe site retoining wolls will nol exisl on slopes exceeding 30%. These wolls will be veneered wilh slone. Geoloqic/Environmentol Hozords -l. The site does noi confoin snow ovolonche, debris flow, rock foll, unsloble toilc or slop€6 or wetlonds. rlitiiiiiiiiisr Attachment D ao L, = F ;sl lz I = 3l >-l ct o I E r- . -' l. ''". . a1_-:-;'-l Ft'i Bt'\ll' j : I -. I l.i ! gl,l ('\ l,'\,\lii) \'r\.\-i \'-Nl\ '*\. \*', I \t- ', I'd. l 6l -. \ ?91 ,J A E'F,. iI \ \E\ illl j : .l it..;jy',::)2 ///9,:.//J. il r-l !lil i '/ lEJ EE..._8 !, --9 E'1 3 | | t\t I t -L';) \I--J---l+L--t'-"' zE \- -)EgE -^.. EE ---"iEi B6 Ee i I o I I l-tl th ti I t t_ \\\ l\ \.1 "ls..tf \:i\s, I 69 )E/o'z/ ,, ,, t/ /// /.../ ./ lr o I T( r) a, W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL- .\.5r 3B e2 68 f,,/ I I I I I I l I I I / // /tr///t/'/',// ,/( ',./,. '/./',. t ;(}t Y I I I t_ Nl\ \.1 ! E'..!= .3E\e2: =eg /tr/oz/ I l I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I / / /t/,,///,////./ ,,,, '//- ,/ . . -.,, o I I I I I L_- \\'\ l\\l lEt..rE \ti s1 58i' l;ilrlillr;lij!;tlti oo rl ,lm i ; ,I.IIF Eilff lit l,llIL l 5 t I I I o \|Nl\ t\ \.r l$,. 3E\e2; E9 / 2i I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I o I o z8r F]90 iz I I I 9 0 iiii llii It tltl I I rlirtlitrlIrrlittlll ilIt I I I I I I 8; 8;i Eti =Fl*'2l I I L. o o m c'fi Efi u L- I I I I I I I I I I i l I I ,i I I I I I i I I I I o z 8c E3 'z o o z9r:* SE =z |] rxI ll+ JI d ld 1l lF! ll4v L o6z :i4 bI a oI n :l el gl 1 I I I 157 n fffi,, ',t5 ,7 r' r.} 7^ oJ fE tlt rlJ cEt {E { I oa-o ad TL tno oc[l7 sAo { F L}7 flJ f tttJ ItI EA IE(n oo- Ud.o- - ",ii.l *.$- (nn rg|lIx.{F7T-fr H $ 7,tl ,.,} 3m lo Attachment: E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN thal the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with seclion 12-3-6, VailTown Code, on April 24, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recorqmendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for Ski Base Recreation 2 zone district on a 5.13 parcel of land commdnly referred to as the "Front Door USFS land exchange parcel", located at 151 Vail Lqne/ (A complete legaldescription is available at the Community Development Department), and setting lorth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0014) Applicant: United States of America, by and through the Forest Service, represented by Vail Resorts Development CompanyPlanner: GeorgE Ruther A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Goverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Gode, to allow for a site coverage variance to gonstruct a residential addition, located at 181 6 Sunburst Drive, Units A and B/Lot 1 Vail Valley Filing 3 and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0016) Applicant: John Kl and Helen Jo Cahalin, represenled by RKD ArchitectsPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final reView of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exlerior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the renovation of the Lion's Square Lodge North, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto, (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion's Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented by Viele DevelopmentPlanner: BillGibson A request for a findl review of a text amendment, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendments, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Section 12-21-14, Restrictions in Specific Zones on Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, lo increase the amount of allowable site coverage on lots with excessive slopes from 15% to 20%, and setling forth details in rbgard thereto. (PEC06-0020) Applicant: Helmut Reiss, represented by lsom & AssociatesPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final reView of an amendment to a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a final review of an amendnlenl to a conditional use permil, pursuant to Section 12-7H-2, Permiiled and Conditidnal Uses; Basemenl or Garden Level, and 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor on Street Level, Vail Town Code to allow for the development of 4 addifional multi-family residential dwelling units (total of 111 dwelling unils), located al 728 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, West Day Subdivision, and setting f a Attachment: F April 20,2006 Planning Comnission Town of Vail Vail, CO We are owners of two units at Montaneros and have been.for the past 30 years. We are dismayed to have just leamed that Lions Square North has applied for planning pemrission fsr an expansion consisting oftwo towers on either end of their building We are writing this letter to request that plsnning approval to Lions Square Norltr be denied for the expansion of the two towers on eithei end of'their building. Last year Montaneros made a substantial exterior renovation, practically theJirst building to do so before new projects like the Arrabela, and trying to fit ia with the new style for Lionshead. We ryere aware from the beginning that the Arrabela project would block some ofour views and sunlight, but we also were aware that this would probably be ofbenefit to Lionshead and to Vail as a whole. If the newproject for Lions Square North was to be approved, it would not only damage considerably the value ofour property by blocking our views and sunlight completely, but most important it would brake a previous agreement made between Montaneros and the original owuers of ttle plot of land where Lions Square North is presently located. We have in fact looked at the drawings prepared by Lions Square North, specifically tlrc ones dealing with shading as existing and shading with the proposed plans. We wouid like to rnake you aware that the land on which Lions Square North was built, belonged originally to Montaneros. This land was sold to what later became Lions Square North, a Mr. David Cole was the Real Estate agent invoived in the transactior This sale was doIre in the early 1970s aod an agreement was made making the sale conditional to Lions Square North not to build above THREE STORIES HIGH. This was set up as an agreement berween seller (Montaueros) and buyer (Lions Square North) in order to guarantee that the view would not be obstructed by the new building. If the Planning Commission were to autlorize the expansion of Lions Square North, including the he ight requested by this new proposal, you would in effect be breaching a previous contract agreed upon with Montanero's homeowners, as weli as dirninishing the value of our property by obstructing light and views. Sincerely, Alberto Rimoch Montaneros 202 641 W. Lionshead Cir. Vail, CO forth details in regard thereto. (Ritz-Carlton Residences)(PEC05-0021 and PEC05- 0022). Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represenled by Jay PetersonPlanner: Wanen Campbell A requesl for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, lo allow for an amendment to an existing platted building envelope, located at 1722 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer Subdivision, and selting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0025) Applicant: Grack of Noon, L.P., represented by KH Webb ArchitectsPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel Reed A request for final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, lo allow for floodplain modifications, located al 2764,2754, and 2695 South Frontage Road/Lots A, B, and C, Stephens Subdivision; and a request for a final review of floodplain modifications, pursuanl to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain, located al2764,2754, and 2695 Soulh Frontage Road/Lots A, B, and C, Slephens Subdivision, and 2450 South Frontage Road/Unplatted and setting forth details in regard. (PEC06-0001 and PEC06-0027) Applicant Town of Vail, Louise Young, Brian Hoyt, Maggie Froning, Lorraine Howenstine, and Chas BernhardlPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for proposed text amendments to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On all Levels ol a Building or Outside of a Building), to allow for seasonal use or structures as a conditional use in Lionshead Mixed Use I District; Section 12-7H-18, Mitigation of Development lmpacts, to clarify the inclusion of employee housing as a mitigation of development impacts; Section 12-BC-3, Conditional Uses, lo allow for ski lifts not including loading and unloading areas as a conditional use of the Natural Area Preservation District; Subsection 12-18-5B, Density Control, to clarily limitations on structures which do not conform to density controls; and Chapter 14-3, Residential Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, to clarify standards for access, driveway and parking for commercial properlies; Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard therelo. (PEC06-0026) Applicant: Town of Vail, Community DevelopmentPlanner: Rachel Friede The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours al the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97 0 - 47 9 -21 38 f or additional inf ormation. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published April 7, 2006, in the Vail Daily. I ,,i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORAND,UM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development Department June 26, 2006 A request for a final review of a major exterior alleration, 7H-7,Mayor Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Tor pursuant to Section 12- Gode, to allow for the 660 West Lionshead forth details in regard represented the Planning and for a final review of read Place, is zoned wilhin the Lionshead the location of the to allow for the ; a new fitness center ; a significant re-face site. t's master plan of mitigations ol employee housing unication with adjacent (Attachment G) have owners within the reference Environmental Commission approves with conditions lhe a major exlerior alleralion, pursuant.lo Section 12-7H-7,Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for lhe renovation oflthe Lion Square Lodge North, located at 660 Wesl Lionshead Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vaif Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST renovation of the Lion Square Lodge North, located Place/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and thereto. (PEC06-0019) Applicant: Lion Square Lodge North Condominium by Viele Development, LLC Planner: BillGibson SUMMARY The Community Developmenl Department recommends The Lion Square Lodge North, located at 660 Wesl Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District (LMU-1), and is lc Fledevelopmenl Master Plan area. A vicinity map id development site has been attached lor reference (Attachment The applicant is requesiing approval of a Major Exterior construclion of 9 new dwelling units; 650 sq. ft. of new retail for owners/guests; 53 total structured and surface parking of the existing building exterior; and re-landscaping of the d The applicant's zoning calculations (Attachment B), the compliance analysis (Attachment C), the applicant's su developmenl impacts (Attachmenl D), the applicant's mitigation (Attachment E), the applicant's letter about property owners (Attachment F) and proposed architectural all been attached for reference. attached for .t I It.BACKGROUND Al an undetermi subdivided from l{sr'|'flEttilr The Lion Square Lodge North site was annexed into the Town of Vail in Augusl of 1969. point in time, the Lion Square Lodge North development site was Monlaneros Condominium Association property. Based upon the original ent plans and associated documentation, the existing Lion Square Lodge North was'named the "Montaneros ll". According to Eajle County records, the existing'27 dwelling unit Lion Square Lodge North was originlally construcled in 1974. According to Town of Vail records, a temporary Certifidate of Occupancy was issued in April of 1975 and the final Certificate of Occupancy wals issued in July of 1976. Only minor repairs and renovations have occurred since thg original construction. The property was oliginally zoned Commercial Core2 District (CC2) and was rezoned to Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District (LMU-1) in 1999. The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission conceptually reviewed this proposal at its May 8, and Mayl 22, 20A6, hearings. At these hearings, the Staff presented the . Commission a s{mmary of lhe zoning code and master plan provisions thal are applicable to the rpview of this proposal and the applicant presented a general overview of the proposal. .,;*€issl$ig$IV. ROLES OF THE BEVIEWING BOARDS The purpose of lhjis section of the memorandum is lo clarify the responsibilities of the Design Review Board, Planning and Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Staff in review this major exlerior alteration application: Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Envirofrmental Commission for impacls of use/development and then by the Design Rer{iew Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning aiVd Environmental Commission : Action: Thel Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible lor final approval/dgnial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planning and Envi Commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the adgpted criteria. The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission's approval'shall constitute of the basic form and locatioh of improvements including siting,sefbacks, height, building bulk and mass, slle improvements and Design Revfew Board: Action:TheiDesign Review Board has no review authority on a Major or Minor Exterior Altbration, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application.l Staff: The staff is jresponsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans cbnform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The slaff also apvises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Stafl providqs a staff memo conlaining background on the property and provides a staif evah-lation of the project with respect to the required crileria and findings, V.APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS uating the Lion Square Master Plan. The checklist is intended for the Planning and Environ Commission to use in conjunction with their copies ol the Lionshead Master Plan to locate relevant portions of the Master Plan which pertain to this Lionshead Redeveloonent Master Plan Chaoter 2: lntroduction The following checklist was created to provide a means of Lodge North proposal for compliance with the Lionshead F Ghapter 4: Master Plan Recommendations - Overall studt Ar.e$r.r .,{;r.}rsr. Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations Chapter 6, Site Design Guidelines Chapter 7, Design Standards Chapter 8, Architectural Design Guidelines Zonino Requlations Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 Zone District 12-7H-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use-l zone district is intended to multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercial unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to sites for a mixture of shares, lodge dwelling in a clustered, in accordance with the adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities ot the District by appropriate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage)and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Master Plan. This Zone District was specifically developed to provide for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to an economically vibrant this Zone District includelodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead,.,.'t Master Plan study area. io The primary goal\of the incentives is to create economic conditions tavorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the tincentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redC,velopment projects. With any development/redevelopment proposal taking advantagQ of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: sfreQtscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, pllblic art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. 12-7H-2: PERMTTTED AND COND|TIONAI- USES; BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL:A. Definition: fhe "basement' or 'garden level" shall be defined as that floor of a building that is en[irely or substantially below grade. B. Permitted {ses: Ihe following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure: Banks and financial institutions. Co r4m erci al ski sto rag e.. Eatirpg and drinking establishments. Persgnal seruices and repair shops. Profbssionat offices, busrness offices and studios. Publlc or private lockers and storage. Recleation facilities. R etail estabti sh me nts. Skiet ticketing, ski school, skier seruices, and daycare. Travblagencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permifted uses described in. this dubsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Tiile. C. Conditional Usbs: The following ruses shal/ be permitted in basement or garden levels within Q structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance witlV the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: ConferQnce facitities and meeting rooms. Liquor $tores. Lodges land accommodation units. Major a4cade. Multipleiyfamily residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, lqdge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as providefl in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, fV stores, and repair shops. Theaters. Additiorlal uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsectioa in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-3: PERMITilED AND CONDITIONAL USES; FIRST FLOOR OR STREET LEVEL: A. Definition: Thb Tirst floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is locatdd at grade or street level along a pedestrianway. B. Permitted Usds: The following uses sha// be permifted on the first floor or street level within a structute: o Banks, with walk-up teller facilities. Eating and drinking establishments. Reereation f acil iti es. Retail stores and establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permifted uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this fitle. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall'be permitted on the first floor or street Ievel floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Financial institutions, other than banks. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling. units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, Iodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-4: PEBMTTTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; SECOND FLOOR AND ABOVE: A. Permitted Uses; Exception: The following uses shall be permifted on those floors above the first floor within a structure: Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractionalfee clubs, Iodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Additional uses determined to be similar to permifted uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. B. Conditional Uses; The following uses shall be permitted on second floors and higher above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Banks and financial institutions. Conference facilities and meeting rooms.. Eating and drinking establishments. Liquor stores. Personal seruices and repair shops. Protessional offices, business offices and studios. Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Recreation faciliti es. Retail establishments. Ekier ticketihg, ski school, skier services, and daycare.Theaters-. s i.-r&&^rrt.rl$& Timdshare units and fractional fee clubs. Additbnal uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in thls subsdction, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title.\ 12-7H-5: C0ND|IIONAL USES; GENEBALLY (ON ALL tEvELS oF A BUTLDING OF ouTsrDE oF A BUILDING) The following corllitional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditionll use permit in accdgdance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: l Bed afid breaklastas further regutated by Section 12-14-18 of this Titte. I ' Brewpubs. Co i n-op e r ate d I au nd ri es. Comnercial storage. Private outdoor reaeation facilities, as a primary use. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities. Public or private parking lots. Public park and reaeation facilities. Public utility and public seruice uses. Ski liftd and tows. Televidion stations. Additiohal uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subseCtion, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 1 2-7H-6 : ACC ESS9FY USES; The foltowing arcdpsory uses shall be permifted in the Lionshead Mixed IJse 1 zonedistrict: l Home subject to issuance of a home occupation permit i4 with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. and delivery and parking facilities customarily incidental and to permifted and conditional uses. Iobbies, Iaundry, and other facilities customarily incidental and accesspry to hotels, Iodges, and multiple-family uses. Outdoo4 dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and drinking establishments. Swimmlng pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreation tacilities customarily incidentalto permitted residential or lodge uses. . Other u$es cusfomarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary tor the operation thereof. 1 2-7 H -7 : E XT E R I O R ALT E R AT I O N S O R M O D I F I CAIIONS:A. Review Reqdired: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building that is not a major exterior alteration as described in subsection B of this section shall betreviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this title. 1. Submittal ltems ffequired: The submittal items required for a project that is not a major erterior alteralion shall be provided in accordance with section 12-11-4 of this title. B. Major Exterior',tlteration: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building whiQh adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional 6 o fee club units, timeshare units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1 ,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commissrbn as a major erterior alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Any project which requires a conditional use permit shall atso obtain approval of the planning and environmental commission in accordance with chapter 16 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. 1. Submiftal ltems Required, Major Erterior Alteration: The following submittal items are required: a. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium associ atio n's d ecl a rat i o ns. b. Application; Contents:The administrator snatt estabtish the submittat requirements for an exterior alteration or modification application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the administrator and filed in the department ot community development. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and/or modified by the administrator and/or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed development or applicable to the planning documents that compise the Vail comprehensive plan. The administrator and/or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposaL C. Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by. either the applicant or the administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and environmental commission, a conceptual review with the design review board, or a work session with the town council. D. Hearing: The public hearing before the planning and environmental commission shall be held in accordance with section 12-3-6 of this title. The planning and environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and environmental commission may be appealed to the town council in accordance with section 12-3-3 of this title. E. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alleration as prescribed by this article shall lapse and become void two (2) years following the date of approval by the design review board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit r.s issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting the proposal have not changed. 1 2-7H-8 : COM PLIANCE BUHDEN : It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that o the proposed alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Mixed Use 1 zone district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable ele of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master PIan and that the proposal does not neighfurhood, elements of the have a significant negative effect on the character of the that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable comprehensive plan. 12-7H-9: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMENSIONS: The minimum lot tor site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable 12-7H-10: The minimum setbacks shall be ten feet (10') unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead R Master Plan as a build-to line. 12-7H-15:PING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: At least Nventy specified in the (20%) of the total site area shall be landscaped, unless otherwise t2-7H-11: HETGHT AND BIJLK: Buildings shall hate a maximum average building height of seventy one feet (71') with a maximum height of 82.5 feet, as further defined by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. AII Qevelopment shall comply with the design guidelines and standards tound in the Lionghead Redevelopment Master Plan. Flexibility with the standard, as incorporated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, shall be afforded to redevelopment prdjects which meet the intent of design guidelines, as reviewed and approved by the DpsiOn Review Board. 12-7H-12: DENSI.IY (DWELLING uNtTS PER ACRE): Up to a thirly thred percent (337") increase over the existing number of dwelling units on a property or thirty tive (35) dwelling units per acre, whichever is greater shall be allowed. For the pt)rpose of calculating denstty, employee housing units, accommodation units, time share rlnits, and fractional fee club units shall not be counted as dwelling units. Additionally,,p "lodge dwelling unit", as defined herein, shall be counted as Nventy five percent (25%) pf a dwelling unit tor the purpose of calculating denstty. A dwelling unit in p multiple-family building may include one Aftached accommodation unit no larger than pne-third (1/3) of the total floor area of the dwelling. 1 2-7 H - 1 3 : GBOSS BE S t D ENTI AL F LOO R AREA (G R FA) : lJp to two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross residentiat floor area shall be allowed for each one hundTed (100) square feet of buildable site area, or an increase of thirty three percent (33%J) over the existing GRFA found on the property, whichever is greater. Multiple-family dweiling units in this zone district shall not be entitled to additional gross residential floor are7 under the 250 ordinance, section 12-1 5-5 of this title. 1 2-7H-1 4: SITE CQVERAGE: Site coverage shal not exceed seventy Wrcent (70%) of the total site area, unless otherwise specifiediin the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Redevelopment Master Plan. 12-7H-16: PARKING AND LOADING: Off street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least one-half (1/2) the required pa*ing shall be located within the main building or buildings. 1 2-7H- 1 7 : LOCATION OF BUS/NESS A CTIVIW: A. Limitations; Exception: All offices, buslnesses and services permifted by zone district, shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, the outdoor display of goods, or outdoor restaurant seating. B. Outdoor Displays: The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 12-7H-18: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shallbe balanced with the goals of redevelopment and willbe determined by the planning and environmental commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits. Mitigation of impacts may include, but is not limited to, the following: roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracUbank improvements, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenildeuelopment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. VI. ZONING ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Lot Area: Zoning: Develooment Standard Allowed/Required Setbacks All Sides: 10 ft. min. 660 West Lionshead Place/ Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 0.95 acres (41,513 sq. ft.) Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) Land Use Designation: Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area Building Height: Density (dwelling units): GRFA: 71 ft. avg. 82.5 ft. max. 103,782 sq.ft. max. 29,059 sq.ft. (70%) max. 8,302 sq.ft. (20%) min. 9 Prooosed 10 ft. 52 ft. avg. 78 ft. max. 49,394 sq. fl. 650 sq. ft. 26,s09 sq. ft. (64%) 11,100 sq.ft. (27%) 36 DUs (133% of 27) mat<. 36 DUs RetailSpace: N/A Site Coverage: Landscape Area: vil. Parking: Employee 53 totalspaces min. (51 DUs+2Retail) 1 Type lll/lV EHU min. 53 total spaces 1 Type llillv EHU (off-site) Districl District District Districl Zoninq Liohshead Mixed Use 1 Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Lionshead Mixed Use 1 vilt. Section 12-7H-8,pliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the review criteria for major exlerior applications proposed within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU- 1) zone district. alteration shall be to Section 12-7H-8, Vail Town Code, a mafor exterior lor compliance with the following crileria: 1. That the major exterior alteration is in compliance with-tha4tapogQg:ri;i$ari;iiet€t of the Mixed Use 1 zone district; The purposbs of the Uonshead Mixed Use 1 zone district are staled in Section 12-7H-1, Pdrpose, Vail Town Code. As stated, the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district is intended to provide sites within the area of Lionshead for a mixture of multiple-famlily dwellings, hotels, lractional fee clubs, reslaurants, skier services and commeicial/retail establishments. The developmenl standards prescribed for the dislrict were established to provide incentives for development in accordancelwith the goals and objectives ot the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The applicarirt is proposing the construction of I new dwelling units, 650 sq. ft. of new retail space; a new fitness cenler for owners/guests; 53 total structured and surface parking spaces; a significant re-face of the existing building exterior; and re-landscapifrg of the development site. Each of these proposed uses comply with both thb stated purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District and the lechnical deVelopment standards of the district. Therefore, Staff finds that lhe major exteriQr alteration application complies with not only the intent of the zone dislrict, but also the development standards ol the district. That the Redevelo is consistent with applicable elements ol the Lionshead Chapter 2: I Master Plan; l0