HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 4 d�-� �t� —��t� � TO JJN �F VAIL DEP�TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV ELQPM�T 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD ��,,,� i�c,f���..����� VAIL, CO �1657 � .� 9'70-479-2138 ' NOTE: T�IIS PERMIT MUST BE P05TEL3 ON JOBSI`�'E AT ALL TIMES � SCAt�IN�D MECHANICAL PERMIT Permil #: M00-0162 Job Address: 75f, FOTATO PATCH DR VAII, Status . . . : ISSiJED Ltacation.....: 75fi Potato Patch Dc/Lot 4, BII�2, Pota Applied . . : 12/12/200Q Parcel No...: 21�l Ofi302006 Issued. . : 12/12/2000 Project No : �;-'=;:-'T(��;: ;_ � ,�. ; E.r•pires . .: �6I10/2001 OCaNER JOb�]ES RALPH D 12/12/2 0 0 0 Phorie: 25 0 D �)LTE STREET NURTH WEST WASHINGTON DC 20007 License: CON`�RACTOR FIRE WQRKS HEARTH & PA�'ID IN1.2/12f2a00 Phone: 970-928-8758 P.O. Box 2133 0235 Oak Lane Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Uzcense: 243-M APPLICANT FIRE WORKS HEARTH & PATIC} IN12/12/2000 Phone: 970-928-8758 P.O. Box 2133 0235 Oak �,ane Glenwaod Springs, Cfl 816�1 License: 243-M Deseiption: NEW I)[JPLE� Valuation: $S,Ofl0.0(? I�rreplace Information:Restricted: Y #of C`ias.�.rpliances: fl :�of'Gas Logs: 0 t�of Waod Pellei: 4 ■�rtYttt*8tt4t�ttM�t�FitRRii*tii'iiittffYtitittilffiitfiiii�k#LtiRiitMttk� �E SLhqhqARlr kt#tikf##tt�ktoR�kl�t4Y*fM4�ki�k«V�ki�tit►IIitiwti#ii#►i�t�ifk�kR*RiR*t :vfechanicvl--% $166.a0 R�ivarant Plan Review--:� $D.00 Totaf Calculaled Fees—> $363.00 PlanChedc---> $4D.06 DRHFee-�-------------> $0.00 .�dditionalFecs > $0.00 1nv�stigation-� $160_00 TQTAL FEES----------? $363.00 TOta1 Pennit F+�c r $363.00 �L'i11Ca11=? $3.00 Paymznts > $363.00 BAL.ANCE DL`E - $o.o 0 tMF�����N�i t iyt��t*��t E�R�tf#3Ff#!tt/*##�t#�Ft#f##�i#!#i####�i#ff if iti�alsiiisliit�RtR�Rts�R�F������t t�t t i tt�kt�k+«Y4'���F#�Rt#i#f##f#f t#f f f f tf fi t��*t ti4�[fif Item: Q5100 �CTILDING DEPARTMENT 12/12/200a JRM Actian: AP COPIES OF ALL TNSTALL MANf7ALS MUST BE ON Sz PHASES 2 CAIJNOT BE INSTAI.,LED 4N SAME SIDE OF ]3UPLEX. Item: 0560Q FIRE DEPARTMENT COND1T10N OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI-iECK FOR CODE CC7MPLIANCE. Cond: 22 COMBUSTIQN AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7�1 OF` THE 1997 UMC, �R $ECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 23 INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIQNS AND TO CF�APTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 �F THE 1997 INdC. Cond: 25 � � GP.S AFPI,IAI�TCES Sf�,.LL BE VENT°EL} ACCORDING T� CHAPTER $ AI�TD SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIEI7 IN SEC. 806 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 O�' THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 ACCESS TO HEATING EQT7IPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTEI2 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 TJMC AND CHAPTER 3 �F THE 1�9 97 IMC. Cond: 31 BC7ILERS SHA.LL BE MdUNTED �N FLC}ORS OF NOI+�CflMBUSTIBLE COIdST. L7DTLE5S LISTED FOR MOUNTFP3'G t?N C�MBUS'I'IBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 PERMIT,PLANS AND CQDE .ANALXSIS MUST BE POSTED IN M�CHAi�ICAL ROOM P12IQR TQ AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3Q DRAINAGE OF MEC��NICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HF�P,TING OR HOT-WAT�R 8i7PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLO(3R DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC, 4R SECTION 1004 .6 f�F THE 199"I TM�. s*�*���««x*���*x��c�x��rxxrr«��M**��s+a���s+sr��**esee�aas�as:*ss�es�es�s*�«z�+�*ssa�ar:x:�*x��:sMx:asmeaasxaaa::xsa�r«w�+r��a��*��sM�r�*�.r.x�v:s*:x:*��:�s�e DECLARATI4NS I hereby ac�•nowledge Lhat I have read this appli�ation,filled out in full the inforntation required,completed an acc�.arate plot plan, and state khat all the information as reqi,�ired is eorrec�.. I agree to camply with the inforrnation and plot plan,to camply with all Tawn ardinances and statc Iaws, and to build this structure according to the tow�ns �oning and subdivision cades,desigi revicw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable i.herelo. REQUESTS F(7T�I'NSFECTIOi�i SHALL BE h4ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS I1V ADV,4ISICE BY TFI.F.PHI?I�E A'�..479-2�3f�t)R AT OCTK OI�I�ICE FROM 8:0�AM-5 FM. �~ __ _\`_. \��•�� ,�� 51GNAT�[JRE t)F OWNER OR CO�iTRAC�'O'�FO]'�'�MSELF I`�NI3 OWNE -�� � '4#**#*�******�***#****#***���***rt*****�***#�****#****#***##**#�*#***#***############# TOWN OF'VACI„ COLORt�.I)U Statement **********�:********�**�*�*************�*****�***��**���***�*****�*��**�*�*�*��******��****�* Statement Number. Rti00000290 Amount: $363.ofl 12/12/2b00Q9:36 AM Payment Method: Ch�ck Init: LC Notation: #4�64/Fire Worka ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per'mit No: M00-0162 Type: MBCHANICAL PERMIT Parcel i�to: 210106302006 Site Address: 756 �OTATD Pl,TCH DR VAIL LocaCion: ?56 Potato Patch Dr./ Lot �, Blk 2, Pota Total Fees: $353.00 This Payment: $363 .00 Total ALL Fmts_ $363 ,Q0 Balance: $0.00 #�k*****************##**********************#*�*##***********#**#**************:k************* ACCOUNT ITLM LIST: Acco�nt Cod� Oescription Current Paets MP f101ODOD3�113�0 MECMANICAL PERMIT FEES 160.00 PF O�1flD�D31I23bb PLAN CHECK FEES 40.DD PN (10100OD3153b00 INVESTIGATIQN FEE {BLDG) 150.Da WC OOl00fl{1311280D WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.bD . ' . • APPLICATiO1+�LL N4T BE ACC€PT�� IF INCOMPLE�R U'NSIG F� Project #: �/�T 5� -UL a Building Permit #: � I - C9�i Mechanical Permit #: � 970-47'9-2149 (Ins�eCtionS) ������' T�WN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLZCAT�ON 75 5. Frontage Rd. Permit vvill not be accepted without the foifc�wving: Vail, Colarado 81657 Pravide Mechanical Rnam Layout drawn to scale tn include: �; MeChartical Room Dimens�ons �; Combustion Air Duct Size and Location � Flue, Vent and Gas Li�e Size and location u Heat Loss Galcs. � � �_. Equi�ment CutJSpec Sheets � � �� Contact Ea �e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-3Z8-S640 or visit www.�a le-caun .com for Parcel# Parcel # (Requireti �f no bldg. permit # is provided �bave) U� — �, _ vZ ����, Job Nam � n Job Address: �� .� L � � I L� � ���%L� C�c.J C-h Legal Description Lot: Block: �iling: Subdivision: Uwners Nam ' � �, Address: hone: Engineer: Address hone: Detailed descriptio� of wark: _s � L. l t'G Gc t.4-� Work C3ass: New� Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair( ) Ott�er ( ) Boiler Location: Interior (¢�j. Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Does an EHU exis�at this �ocation: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of B1dg: SingEe-farnily�, Duplex O Multi-family ( � Commercial O Re�aurant O Other O No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: � No. of Accorr�modatian Units in this building: No/T e of Fire (aces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood B�rnin Na/Type of Fi�epiaces Proposed: Gas Applianees (� Gas Logs ( � WoodJPellet O Wood Burning (fJOT ALLOWED) Is thts a conversion from a wood burning firepkaee to an EPA Phase II devdte? Yes O No COMPLETE VALt1ATION FOR MEGHAN�CAL PERMIT (Labar & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ � y CONTRACTOR IN�ORMATION Mechar�ical Contractor: Town of Vai! Reg. �lo.: Contact and Phone #`s: ��?�! f�� �,(J�)y��.S E��r�t � ��C '`' -�, .r -��.v�: L �f��' -.� Contractor Signature: ***************��**�*�**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***�*���**********x�*******�** Other Fees: Planner Sign-off: ; Accepted Sy: � DRB Fees: _i' Date Received: _ ; _ � F:/everyone/farms J mechperm : � , APPLICATIUIV �L NUT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET�#R IJNSIGNED Pro�ect #. B�i�ding Permit #: � ' �'�'1 t� 97A-479-2149 (Inspettions) d ��QFy� TOWIV OF VAIL BUILD�NG PERI�iT APPLICATION 5egarate Permits are required for electrical, plumbin�, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. �*rontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Ea /e Coun A.ssessars O�ce at 970-328-8640 or vrsrt www,ea !e-coun .eom for Parcel# Parce� # Job Name: Jo#� Address: �'� �r ; �/, 'j,'� C �� T ,���r } Legai Description Lot: Biock: Filing: Subdivision: C?wners Name' � �p . Address: PMone: Architect/Designer: Address: Phone: �ngineer: Ac�dress: Phone: D taiied description of wor�c: � i,.._; ��-�:L.'--d !`-t `�. �'�i'�:'..�:"�'�-,ll�_,1.�--, Work Class: New y Addition ( ) Remadel ( } Repair( } Demo ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior �) Exterior O Both ( } Does an EFEtJ exist at this loc�atian: Yes O fVQ O Type of Bldg.: Single-family( , Two-fami4y( ) Mlulti-fami�y{ } Comrnercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dweiling Units in this buifding: Na. af Accornmodation Units in this building: . - No(T e af Fire laces R�o osed: Gas A iiances � Gas Lo s _ �� _Wood/Pe�fet Wood B�urnin NOT ALLQWED Does a Fre Alarm Exist: Yees ( ) No ( ) Q�es a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUAY�#�NS FOR BUILDING PERM�T (Labor & Material5) BUILDING: $ ELECTRICAL: $ aTHER: $ PLUMBZNG: $ M�C�NANICAL: $ `�C E,'� ':'t' � �'OTA�,: $ �iEF'IJND C;LEA;VEJP DEPOSl7 T(?� CONTitACTOR I(�iFORMATION General ContracCor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Cant�c�ar�d Phane #'s: ��eir� � ;.: '� }�i rit�� � I,�`�1t �'`�� '����-- _.�;i;r- i r,_ � ��`.,,r `��f�:`r f�l,?.' •`��'�(t, C' � ��., � - ( `r_ � --� ` -. �:':::�3.�nF�'t��}rit�4*�f.�Y?cir�kik�cik�tir�'s:r���Ft�Fie3r#:e*aF+�ie �FOR f1f�IC� WSE ONLYie4c9r*ietY�:�:k*ir*�c�Fir�kie�r�k3c#ir*�Y:rk:k�k&�kie�r�Yirie#.+: � O�ther'�ees: ` ! Type af Cqnstruc�on:� :� � qccepted By: i �' i DR� Fees' _ � aCCtlp�t�Cy GrOIJp' PlannPr�idrs-n - --- -- j Pabiic way Permit Fee: ' i.Date Received� ��Cn�D �� � � � � z000 F:/everyone/Forms/bldgpertn Town of Vaii � ` D�ment o€Community Development � 75 S. Frontage Road Vail,CO 84657 Name: �����C�'_�z..c� l ���� -d.�.��r��� � Reeeipt No. �� ��' � � Address: 5� �!��k�� �° ��"�r. Prflject� Date �Z I � � l �--�7 i �Please make checks payable to the TOINN Q�VAIL Accvunt No. ! Item No. Cade# Cast Each' Total 00'� 0040 314 �110 �oning and Address Ma s 'ZA $5.0� �` ��i �01 0000 314 1112 .Unifarm 6uildin Code-4997-Volume 1&2 CB $54.95 ` � Q01 0400 314 1�12 Uniform Buildin Code- 1997-Valume 3 $56.65 '` � 001 0000 314 1112 lnternatio�al Plumbin Code-1997 i C8 $36.00 " �01 O�bQ 314 1112 ,�nternational Mechanical Code- 1g98 C9 35 00 ' 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechenical Cade-1996 � � $35.60 ' 001 �000 314 1112 L1r�iform Fire Code i ���v C8 $36.0� '� 001 �OQ4 314 1112 fiVatianal Efectrical Code CB $42.60 I* � �01 �OOD 314 ?112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 " 001 OOOQ 314 11'�2 Modei Energy Code- 1995 $'lD.O� " 001 0000 314 1112 Anal sis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes� $12.75 "` t�01 0�00 314 1112 �Other Code 8aoks C6 � 001 C1�00 3�4 12�1 Blue Prints/NEylar Copy Fees B� $7.OQ " D01 O�QO 314 1111 X�rox C4 ies XG $0.25 " 0�71 OOOC1314 1111 Lionshead Master Pian $1.60!$1.60 MS $AQ.00 " Q01 00�0 33 4 11�1 I Studies Master�'lans etc. MS OD1 0000 315 3fl00 f Penalty�ees/Re-Inspec#ions ,PRi 001 0000 3�fi 230� �Plan Review Re-check Fee $40/ er hour) PF Op1 �t]Od 3'IS 2flOp Off Hours Ins ection Fees 4H Q01 0000 312 3000 Contractars Lic�nse Fees C'� i 0�1 0000 312 4000 Sign Application �ee SP $20.00 , 0�'i t]000 3�2 4000 Aclditional 5ign Application Fee SP 00'! fl00a 311 220� Qesign Review Bpard Fee(Pre-paid) DR 001 OOQ4 315 30�0 .Building Ir�vestigation Fee � PN 001 0000 240 330Q Developer Im ravemer�t Agreemern Deposit�2-DEP10 AD Oc�[1:�"�'' 00� 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee TOV) RL 001 000Q 23Q 2000 Spec.Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.�ept.Rev. SA '001 0000 201 'I OQO Taxaoie ��a,s io_�a�at��_�- i a�payap�e _ TP `001 4Qfl0 310 1'�00�Taxable @ 4.0%(Town) -Retaii Sales Tax T7 � Other/Mise.-� MS — — -- 601 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLlCATION FEES 001 Q00�311 2560 Additional GRFA - "'250" PV $2�0_00 ' Ofl1 0{l00 31'f 2500 ,Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 , QOi 400Q 311 2500 Exienor Alteration -Less than 100 sq.ft. 'PV $2�0.00 Q01 0000 31� 250t1 I Exterior Alteration-More than 1�Q sq.ft. PV� $50�,00 ' 001 {1000 311 2500 Special�evelopmen#Distnct-NEW PV $1,5�O.D0 001 0000 313 2500 Special�evelopment i]istrict-Major Amend PV $1,�00.00 � Oa1 OD00 311 2500 Special Developmen#District-Minor Arraend PV $217d.Oc7 a41 QflDO 311 250p Subdivisio� Fees � PV b01 OOQO 31'� 250fl Uariance PV I $250.00 041 0000 31� 2500 Zonin Code Arnendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning _ _ PV $200.0� � 001 Q000 319 3100 �Greenstar Program Other- MS i rora�: � , � Comrr�ents� � � _ '��, .,����- . �, . Cash Pvtaney Order# Ch�c��+ - •�� � Fteceived by:( ,L I F:IEveryonelForms/Salesact.exe O6I48/2000 � i , . . . Tawn of Uaii +�+�� �t1ST�MER REC�I�A7 *�� DATE: i�I13/88 61 RE�;EI�T: 8@17711 CU5TOMEi� LOCATSON flMDUMT 7� TM 2lQS 2185 I f.689.BB *AD CK MICHf�EL LAJTERE�CH CK: 3462 lIICHAEL LAUTE�9ACH D.I.�. TEM➢ER DEYAFL CK 3462 f1999.99 DATE: 12/131@8 TIME: 8:�8:�7 TQipL CH�CK i1889,86 AM�O�T TEHI}ERE6 61868.68 �H�Ff��YOU FOR YDUf� �A�'M�NT! PREPARE� 10/22/O1, 14:53:�Q DEPQSIT REFUNA REPDRT-UPDATE PAGE 1 PROGRAM MR415U Town of Vail - -- ---—---- °--------—- -� ---_ __ -� - - - - -- - CUST-iD CUST(�MER NRME TYpE CHARGE DEPDSIT� D��EPOSIT-ADJ ADJUSTMENT AFTER-R6FUND C(JDE DESCRIPTION T7S-DATE AJ-DATE RMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 2165 MICHA.SL LA[ITERBACH D2 DEP10 DEPOSST 12/F3/�0 10/22/P1 1DOq.00 1004.Oa �000.00- .00 ------------- -�----------- ------------° ------�-�----- TOTAI. FOR CUSTOMSR Z'YPE: B2 lOpD.00 10�0.06 10�0.00- .00 ----------- ---------- ---------- -----------` GRIS.ND TOTAL: 10U0.00 1000.00 3000.00- .00 ➢EPOSTT CDUNT: 1 � G/L 6ATCH CREATED: SATCH-028B3 2001/10 USERID-MHOT'F�ICk AP HELD COUNT- 1.00 AMOUIvT- 1,OQ0.�6 i TO"vVN Qfi VAIL DEP�ThfiENT UF COMMUNIT'Y DEVELOP�T 8�� `if � ��4 � 75 S. FRONTAGE RQAD ��� �a��.������ VAIL, CO 81657 ,�.� 970-479-2138 , — NOTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES '�CCANt�D MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-0162 1ob Ac�dress: 756 POTATO PA�'CH DR VAiL Status . . . : ISSUEp Location.....: 756 Potato Patch Dr.!L,ot 4,B�k 2,Pota Applied. . : 12/12/Z600 �arcel No...: 210106302006 Issued. . : 12/12/2000 ProjectNo : �'+;'.��.,'.:i.;�;_, (;�� �,.--� Expires . .: Ob010/20�1 pWNER JONES RALPH D 12/12/2000 Phone: 25a0 QUE STREET NORTH WEST WASHINGTON DC �000� I,icense: CQ1V'T1�CTQR FTRE WORKS HEARTI� & PATIO IN12f12/2000 Phone: 970-928-8758 P.O. Box 2i33 d235 Oak Lan� Glenwaod Springs, CO 8k601 T�ieense: 243-M AFPLICANT FIRE WORK� HEARTH & PATIO IN12/12/2�OD Phpne: 974-926-8758 P.O. Box 2133 0235 Oak Lane Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 License: 243-M Desciption: NEW DUPLEX Valuation: $8,OOO.dO F'vepla�e information:12estrictzd: Y" +�of Gas:�ppfianses: 0 #of Gaa Lo�s� 0 ti of Wood�'ellet: 0 rrtv�*arrr+r+tsrsvtsa�sstsaarw�ttrss*tsts*t*ss**�sasstsr�sttsr�sasrysstssa iFEE.S�U�L�I.AR�• tf###i��►#�Ifk��ff#fii►ti+l+Itt###►#####3##+!#tt#f###f###1i�4#t• i�9echanical—� $160.00 Res[uarant Plan Review�—= $0.00 Total Galculated Fees--> $363_00 Plan Che�:k—> $40.00 DRB Fee - $o.00 Additional Fees > $0.00 Invcstigation-� $160.00 TOTAL FEES-- , $363.00 Total Perrnit F�-------> $363.00 1�°ili CaSl---> $3.a0 Paymenu - $363.00 13ALANCE DC1F:—> $0.00 ##t�l[R4 f#iii####*#+k*i*M1�*�k:k�F�R##4!FR t#R F�REf RUi1E i it+�iit Utiit�Rititi#i�Rt i�R*�14ri*itR�►�k�R 6 t t Rt R t F t i#SR 4 Ri R Rf rE t k Rt4i i f�*t#iiiRi#+R K R t V�FM M R��i t i#�i#ii#7�i Item: 051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/12/2000 JRM Action: AP COPIES OF ALL INSTALL MANUALS MUST �E ON ST PHASES 2 CANNpT BE INSTALLED ON SAME SIDE OF DUPLSX. Ite�: fl5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIF�ED TO CHECK FOR C�DE COMPLIAN�CE. Cond: 22 COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 QF THE 1997 UMC, O�t SECTIO�T 70I OF TFi� 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 INSTAI,LA'I'ZO�i MUST CONFORM TQ MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND TU CHAPTER 10 OF 'TI�E 1997 UMC, �HAPTER 10 OF T�IE 1947 IMC. Cond: 25 � � GA^� APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED A�CORDIbdG Tp CHAPTER 8 AtV�? SHALL T�RMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 {�F THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 6 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 ACCESS TO �IEATING EQUIPMENT MUST CONdPLY WiTH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.ld17 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 QF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NOi3COMBUSTIBLE COIdST. UATLESS LYSTED FQR MOUNTING ON CQMBUSTIBLE F�,OOF2IN�. Cond: 32 FERMIT,PL�ILNS AND CODE ANAL'YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MEC��iA,NICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTTON REQUES'I'. Cond: 30 DRAINAGE OF MECHANIGAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEP,TING OR HQT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL �E EQUIPPED WITH A F'LOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 �F Tf� 1997 UMC, QR SECTION 1004 .6 OF THE 199? IMC. •i�Fiiiii�FFit+FktFtiiitii#tRt�iasserts�Ftita3i�kitYtttiitii#fitiiiii3+�ttit�l►ifiiistsi�t�S�fR���stRitt##tRt#}ifetc4###RfRyMwt�i�##�R#tRMtti�##tt##fRti*R DECL�T�ar�s I hereby acknowledge Ehat I have read this application,filled out in full the fanf'ormation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as rey�.ured is conect. I agrec io comply with the iitfornnatian and plot plan,to comply with�11 Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure accordin�to d�e towns zouing and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform E3uilding Code and other ordinances of the To��m applicable thcreto. REQL'ESTS FQR INSPEC'I'lON'SHALL I3E A7ADE"CWE?vTY-FOL:R HOL'RS IN ADV.4NCE BY TELEPHONE A1�479-2�3R QR AT�[�JR OI'I7CE FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. f� �` % C � �,._ i C._.`� `•,.��-�--�- SIGNATURE OF OV4'NER QR�4 CT FO SELF AND OWNF I'-�s '�***+*******�******�*****��**********�**�**��**�******�***�**��********�************* TUWN�F VAll.,z COLQRAllO Statement *****��**�*************�****�***�**********#**********�*****************************�**»�**** Statement Number: R000000290 Amount: $3b3.00 12/12/200009:36 AM Payment Meth�d: Check Init: LC NotaCion: #4264/Fi�� Works ----------°-—----------------——-------—-----------——-----——---------- Permit No: M00-0162 "I'ype: MFCHP.NICAL, PBItMIT Parcel No: 2I0106302006 Site Adclress: 756 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 756 Potato Patch Dr. / Lot 9, B1k 2, Pota Tc>tal Fees: $363.b0 Thie Payment: $363 .00 Total AI�� Pmts: $363.00 Ba�ance: $0 .00 ****************************�***�***�**�***t**********�************�*��****�***�********�*** ACCDi�N"T IT'EM I,IST: A[count Cade DeSCription Current Pmts MP 0(}100�03111300 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 160.DD °F 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 40.0� PN fl0100�03153000 INV�S7IuA�ION FEE (BLDG) 160.00 I�PC �O100a�31�.2$DO WI�L CALL INSPECTIdN FEE 3.00 . � • , APPLICATIOIV�LL NOT �E ACC�PTED I�INCOMPLE�R U�NSIG �p _ PrOject #: �/L•l 5� -bL� Building Permit #: � I - Mect�anical Permit #: �� 970-479-�149 (Inspections) ����F�� TOUVN OF VAIL 6�+IECHANICAL PERl�+1IT APPLICATiaN 75 S. Frvr�tage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: Vail, Colarado 81657 Provtde Mechanical Ruom Layaut drawn to scafe tn include: 4- Mechart�ea� Room aimensions � Combustian Air Duct 5ize and l,ocation r Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size anc# Locatian �. Heat Lass Calcs. � � �� Equipmer�t Cut/Spec Sheets � �'� �� Confact Ea Ae Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-3Z8-8640 or visit �vww,ea Ae-coun .c�m fvr Parce/�` ; Parc�l # {Required if r�o bldg. permit # is provided above) � �,�► _ d _ �z _���, ]c�b Nam Job Address: ��� ,��G� �iGc_.�C-h ,CG�� Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: Owners Nam • - Address: hone: Engineer: Ad�ress: hone: Detailed description of work: j_ ' �, �!I'�- �Gc f.� Work Class: New� Addition � ) Aiteration ( ) Repair ( ) Other � ) Boiler Location: InCerior (�j. Exterior O (7ther ( Daes an EHU exist at this IacatEOn: Yes { ) No O Type of Bldg: Singfe-farniVy�„ Duplex ( } Mult+-family( ) Com�nercial � ) Restaurant{ ) Other( ) No. pf�xisting Dwelling Uni�s in this building: � No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/T e of Fire laces ExistiR : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pe1let Wood Burr�in IVo/Type of Frepiaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( � Waoc}/Pellet ( } Wood �urning (f�OT ALLQWED} ' Is this a conversic�n from a wood burning firepiace ta an �PA Phase II deWice? Yes ( ) Na COMPLETE VALUATION �OR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materi�ls) MECHANICRL: $ ; CONTRACTOR INFORMATIUN �lecha�ical Cantr�ctor: Town afi Vai6 Reg. No.: Contact and Phane #'s: C�jv rfG. ,(r�G,✓�� �s,�� � {�N'►c > �� i L.�r,tJ� � c�f�- s Contractor S�gnature: **�**�**�***�******�**�*FOR O�FICE USE ONLYx�********��***�*�*****�***�** C�tt�er�ees; j Planner Si�n-off: I. Accepted B�r: DRB Fees: � Date Recpivpd� F:/everyone/forms/mechperm � • APPLICATION �L N07 8E ACC�PTED IF INCOMPLET� �1NSIGM€D Project #: Building P�rmit #: i'. � �`'t�° 970-479-21�9 {Inspections) , ?�1t�N t�F YAIL d T�WN OF VAIL BUILQING PERMIT APPLICA�QN Separat� Permits are reqai�-ed for electric:�l, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Fronta�e Rd. Vail, Calorada 81557 Contact Ea !e Caun Assessors Q�ce at 97Q-328-864Q or visit www.ea le-coun ,com for Parce!# Psrcei # Job Name: .]06 Address: � 6� c �✓.,,�; ����:y� r Legal �escnptEOn Lot: Black: Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name- � Address one: Arch�tect/Des�gner: Address: Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone: D�tailed descripkian af wark: � � � „i..� - � '� i�,�i= �-�,�,_i;-� . New Addition ( ) Remode! ( ) Repair ( ) Dema ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Ir�terior �() Exterior ( ) Both ( } Ddes an EHU �cist at this location: Yes ( ) No { ) Type of Bldg.: Single-Family( Two-family( ) Muiti-famrly( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Qifier( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this t�uilding: No. o�Accommodatian Units in this building: . 0 o ire aces xis n : as iances ood/Pellet Wood 8urnin No e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A lianees Gas Lo s ���- _Wood Peilet Wood Burnin NOT ALLC3WEQ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No { ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( } No ( ) C�MPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUIL�4ING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTNER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHAN�CAL: $ �C, CY C��' T�TAL: � REFUND CLEANIJP DEPOSIT TO: �ON7RACTQR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Co��ct and Phone #'s: � � '� - ��}=k�N � J�rr� 4 Z��� _�;� u.�o t _: �'n� �" 't j�� ;,k:;�. �C�� c. �� �, , , �., .::..�x,�xt*x����=�x,�x���xx*,���x:������xr��FOR�ICE USE ONE.Y;�f�r,.,�**�f*#*=**��,�*�****�,�s��������: Other Fees: ' Type af Cor�struction: : � Acce tecf �i ': DRB Fees: ', Qccupancy Group. _Planner Srgn-o : � Public 1Nay Permit E�: �, ';- E�ats-Received• _ �l�V�f1 D[�r' 7 U C lr 1 � 2��� F:/everyone/farms/bldg pe rm � ' i • TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONIl�IUNZTY DLVELOPNIENT 7 5 S . FRO�'AGE R�AD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : TH�S P�RMIT MUST BE POSTED OiPT JQBSI'TE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMTT Pe�nit # : E99-0027 Jab Addres�: 756 POTATO PATCH DR Status . . . : �SSUED Locatian. . , : 756 POTATO PATCH �R Applied. . : a3/13/1999 Parcel No. . : 2102-063�02-bb5 Issued. . . ; 04/02/1999 FrajeCt No. : PRJ9$-Q204 E�pires , . ; 09/29/1999 AFPLICATJT MJL DEVELPMENT Phane : 970-476-6944 PO BOX 3451, VAIL CO 81658 �WNER JOIVES RALPH D 25db QUE STREET NORTH WEST, i�]ASHXNGTaN DC ZOOQ7 CONTRAGTOR TR�ANGLE EL�CTRIC Pht�ne; 303-453-5424 P 0 BQX 4Q68, FRISCO CO 8Q443 Deseriptian.: TEMP P�WER FOR NEW RESIDENCE Valuatian: 3�t1 _ DO xxt�r�rrww*�a-w,�wwketrrr*►�fxrre�rrer:r�rtxm<v��sW�r�rv�r�wwrrrw FEE SUMMARY r�wwrw�w�rrwv�ww�rxv�rw,rtwrv�vt��wv�rrrY�rrrrrtr�xrxvv��rww�r�w��rww EIeCtYical---> .Bfl Total Calculated FeES---n 53.�(1 DRB Fee ---� .40 Additional Fees---------7 .00 Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee-----—> 53.09 Will Cail----� 3.do Paymente----------------a . 53.00 TO^t'AL E"EES---� 53.00 SAF,ANCE DUE-----------� .00 rt�r+r+�rt►rr�yvrrrie�rrwrw�ewewrw�r�rrrwtr+trf+v,rtt�+ar+.rr�+�r+�iaa�+.ri,tar+attta.a+++r+�+#:++tr��>tf�M:err+r*rre+r+rr+ra+ra.aafaa�i Ite�: 06pQ4 ELECT�zICAL DEFARTMENT De t : BIIILDING Division; 03/19/1999 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVI� Item: Q56q0 F�RE DEPARTMENT Dept : FTRE Division: 03/19/1999 CHARLIE Act�.on: APPR N/A ++++.:att�rrarww�+ttYrrr�e:rrrree�s�er�r>rr�rtrw+�rv.rrr�r�rrwwwrwwk�a�rvr+wwrv�wrivrrrw�:w:�r,r+�rt+wrwawry�s,�.�fr.++yr.ry��rttvr�r�errr�rrrtrrv CONUITION OF APPROVAL l . FIELD INSPECTIONS AF�E REQUIRED TO CHECK F�JR CQDE COMPLIANCE. .r+.�-*+rrri,t+�..r+++,�i+tr+rswrw�rw#r>ry>��rs�rrrrs+r+r�rrr.rrvaw:v++wvwrrrretro-rs:�r�rrvrv.vrrrrrrr>vrtrrr.++ear+r��reK.e+.r�r►rwrrt.r�e DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read l:his applicati.on, filled aut in full the infarmation required, completed an accurat� plot plan, and etate tYiat a11 the intox�nation provided aa required ie coxract. I agree to comply with the information and ploc plan. to comply aith all Toxn ordinanceg and etate Yaas, dr3d to buz�d thae strveture according to the Towrt's zoning 3rid aubdivieioa codea, desian review approved, Uniform Huilding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R.EQ'UE5T'S ['OR INSPECTYONS SHALL BE MA�E TWENTY-FOUR Ii0LTR3 IN AT7UANCE BY TELBPHONB AT 479-223$ OR AT OUR OFFICE �"ROM 8:00 F1M 5:00 PM 9ICiNATURE OF OWNER OR COI�Fi'RACT4R FaR HZMSELF AND DWNER , � � ..,........................................................w..... TOViN OP VA.L, COLCRADO Stacemnt rwrrrr:r+a�rwr.aa�r:irr,rrr�rr�rrvr+�rw�rv,rrr3.��rarrrr�rrarit.�ai�ar Statemn[ Number: 3EC-0540 Amoux:t: �3.00 04/02/99 17:03 Peymenc Method.: CK Nocation: 1890 TniC: LC Per.nit No: E99-0027 T�pe: 6-ELEC Ei,cCTRSCAL 2E12MIT Pascel No: 210i-063-132-006 Site Addzeae: 756 Pd:ATO PATCH �R I,pcateon_ 756 POT_ATY3 PATCH OR Total F'ees: 53.�0 This Paymenc 53.00 Tptal ALL Pmts: 53.�0 Balancec .00 r++`it*+ii�IriiYr+wrirtii�FfrY+Y'Y+?irr+si+�aart�+iri+r�Y#4reiti++rrri'+ii Ac wun[ Code Deacripcion Amount EP 0010000]1114�fl TEMPORARY PCWER PERMIT5 56.00 WC '�91000631:.2600 WILL CALL iId3F�'CPION FLE 3.00 ""_"""__"_""'_"____________________________'___________ � � � Design Review Action Forrn ,,w; �i' TOWN �F VAIL TOFYN OF YA1L � Project Name: Berndt Residence prjOU-0225 Projcct Description: Addrtion of hea�ed brick pa�ers Owner, Address, and Phane: Wolf�;ang Berndt 10 Campargo Pines Cincinnati, OI� ArchitecdContact, Address, and P11onc: Michael Lauterbach FO Bax 3451 '�'ail, C�JJ 81658 970-476-6944 Project Street Address: 7S6 Patato Yatch � Le�al Descriptic�n: Lot 4, Slock 2, Potatv Patch 1�' Pareel Nurnber: Suilding Name; Carnments: B�►ard/Staff Action Motion by: Action: Staff Approved Seconded by: Vc�te: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: S/9/00 DRB Fee Faid: $20 Project Name: Serndt Residence V A ILDr"�+Tr'1\E V�:RYONE�ODRI3`�APPR(3V A LS'�1 DRS APPR�,BER�iDT MJL DEVELOPMENT INC 9704766947 p. e2 / � - .�. � � . - '.�, '- ' . � Y i ' ' •• . . f �t: f �s�'`; ;�� ; '' �}�,.%tr� Y �t�l1S�' , Ri!l�j�'I�'-�'k�79 2,�38 }/��. {'. .. . ' _ - 4 ' :`4F�F'" t? � }Y4�y"��,.�W. .� ,B, a "kt.. . Y�\� ��' f� : . , .� v �.� �f 1 �7�f�- � .'rl \ � f'li� , �,}r) ��r ��V; '�� '.�i . Y .' r'�.�+ rY�� ��. ;5 :� �. �r+a� , '� � 'i ,` �. ,ti v y �',. �% i' }. y. .�,'1�� �� , s., _ .. , : .. �? - ���� ' . � ,�1pP�IC�ITION1 FOA �ESIGN REV�E'�V AP�ROVAL • . � � � � t � ��� �t':�����i�9�!�� .- � , - _ - ' . � ,� � . , ��IV�RA►L If��dATION . � - , . � :Th�s a�piicatfcjn L� fw an�► Dro�ect re4i,i�ng �esiqn R�+rlew approva�. Any pro�ecx ne�,ir�r�g ��sf9� rrev►e�v nswst .� • r�eoeiv�e Design Rev�ew approval.�rbr tio submitting for a buiEd�ng permit- �nr s�ciiic Infom�atian,see th�subrnittai .> requ�ts for#t�e�arDcu�ar appr�val that i5 requesb�d. The applir�tio�t�annot be�coepted ur�l ail tlie r�equ�d irrForrrratian is subm�ktsd_ The pr+Qject may a� n�tn be review�d 6y tt�e Town Council aMdfa'the P�anning dnd Errvirac�rr�rrtal Canmissian. Deelgn Resriew Board apprvval axpires one year affier f�nal approvel unM+e�s 0 lyuilding perntlt k lusued and con�truction �start�. ' . � . . -"r- r A. DESCRI�I+ON OF 7N�R�QEJ�T: -1 1"�� � s.� 6 r�'4.�t �t.r.• c,.f �r.'...c-�.r�t,. r' � t C o �r��fc.• �.t� ..� ' .R� �w iti,��r t..�� �. riGe� �5• r�rf,..b ■' . o �4 �e• r ' � � c. �t +�J . B.� LOCATION QF FROPOSAL• LOT: --� BLUCK:_ � FbING: � PH1fSICAL 11[)DRESS:_„��fri ���r4'fe /"fFTG� �l�, _ ' C. PARCEL�: �f a/ �G� d�d�s(�Ccx�tact Eag(e C�.+4ss�rs Qt�fce at 97(}�3�8-8b40 fa'par�l #) � � D. ZON3iVG: � . f �. lV�4MEOFOINNER(S}: Nr, E.� qW �s..�,.+P er��•f- � M���: o_ �¢s-f ,�. r, �o_ ���.�� � �� fr -J6�o F. owrc�E�s}szGwarur��s�: G. NAME 0�ARPI.ICJIP[T: ,`a.�� F-t.� ��c� L� MANNG�ADdl�ESS: _ ,�i Lg ,3'�,�'~� E•'1 r �e, S� .l� � �O�E:_ �7 L -G.�,�F,.�.-- H. 'fYF'E OF REVIEW AND FE£. - - ❑ hew Cprts'ht�z#ian- $200 Cor�structio� of a new bui7ding. . � Additlon= �50 Inc�udes any ad�rtfon where square fda�tage es added Lo ar+y � residential or cnmrt�iaf buifding. � - MFnar Alterstion - �20 Includes minor ehanges to bu9ldirzgs and sit� irttprovemenis, such as,rernofin9, painting, wi�tdow addifi�ans, t�n¢�sraping,#encPS and �eetaining walls, etc. ,�-. D�tB f�ees are tn be p�id at the time c�f suqmittal, Later,wher�applying fpr a hulkling �permi� �iease identify tltie a��rate valuation of the project, The Tdwn af Vaii will adj�st tttie�e accotd�ng tn the project valua�on, : � P�FJ�.SE SUBMIT THIS APPLI�JITtON,ALL SUBMITTAL REQt1IREMEN�S � M!D TIiE (��E YO THE DEPARTM�NT OF Gt3MMUNI"fY DEVELORMENT, �5 50UTN�RONTAG�RQAQ,YAIL,COlpRql�i 81657. r l}��n � - r L , , , � � � �E����� e� ��: r��'� ��` ��,e �'�.�. L� _;�. ,`h�`"��14-"�'i��'�'r'\:: , - �►PP������ ,.� ��, r �s� l7�8'Me�ti�tg Ddte. , � . � ApP ticin�Nte�rig Dat,e. � l�rrfe-. lx� :;. h - . :� , � „ ,., :, . .. . . ; ,.� n.ner' "-w ,- }� �ti� Pcaject No � , , . , ,. . � _. , , 5 , 3 �:. < , � ,_ , . �� � .. . , ,: . :. ,..,.. ..... , ... _.. �.,.,; ,. : , � . , ��, pr _ _ r �r�lv G� ,�AlLd/L� /d6rir�=' � MJL p�VtLaPMEMT 1NC 97�4T66947 P. 01 � � M�I.� nEYELUPMENT 11Y�C. PQ BOX 3451 VAIL, COLORAI30 81bS$ QFFIC�(9"70)476-6g44 F����oa 4���a� �tvB�z.�t��o��a�i-z��o � �ro: Ai.r.�sox oc.�ts TOW�T O�'V.A�I. CUl!VfMiJNTTY PLA �t FR(�M: MICHAEL.�. LAi.T'�`ER�ACH AA.i�'E: JCJI.I''31, 2[�0 �: 7SG�OTATQ �'�'�C.�DRIVE PAGES: 3 INCLITI)ING CO'VER Pursuani ta�ur recent cvnversatian, it is our inii�ndon to �nsta9l a brown brick paver driveway at the ab�ve referenc.�d addcess�atk�eT than the cancrete dniveway whiick�was originally ap�roved. P]ease let me ktlow if'th;ts presents a problern. Attaehe�is the necessary pa�r work whici�you have requested. Please let m�k�ow�.f yo� have any questicros or desure£urthet'ict�'orn�ation ar�d thank you in adv�nce�o� yonr consideration. _PLE4.SE i1VITiAI,A.P1D�7A'CLr HERE APtB FAX TO S6NDER TO COPiF7A11�{RECP.IP'�' DELIV�RX ADD�ESS: 757�d�Y`ATO�'ATf`H Dg#S,vA�L,COLORADO 81557 � MJL DEYELOPMENT IMC �� 9704766947 p_ g2 I� J 4 y, . j ��' • '� f t� �"� � ��� � 11�t�. . -. { . : _ _ . �. . • . i. � � J . (� r� . t ., ..i. �'• . n���. • , �����'�!� E��r+ e�" � � �y� �+ w4 'eCrr �{ vt II� yl'� , Y 5� t t�''lfj.I'��y\�gr tp,;yr ;� �w. Y. . .{, ,. ' . � �i'�. �"?y .+: � �' �� � �T����Jg"�,�_�% �iy ��y y�..��,jt� r e,.'� �_:.�r :.ry a 'ti, �!ti'��'�� r+�..,�r ; . :iA �,;.�L �R'� , . }.� dro �, .��, 'jc. . .. . :$ !, �. . _ , . - _"h���� ., " - ;`•. ' .'i... . �:�� �'O��F�� ' �� :����uc;�►izori�FoR o��� �Fw��►aPRt�va� ,: . ,. :_ . . � - . ;:• - . . . .. .. .: . . . . . . ._ . . .. ... . . : ., : . , , . . . .., . . . _ , . , , . , . .. . .: . � . . . ;�� . . . . , . .. . . . - . _ :__ . .. ;..: ��F�nr� � . � - . . � : . � �ltis dpplicatlon is�for arry proJect r�equiring be�siqn Review approval. AnY P�� +'�4��g d�gn r�view musE ' r�eoei�e taesign lteviewr approval priar tn su6m�tg fo�a building permit. Fvr sp�#'�c nrformation,sae t�he subrra�ttdS : requir��for tfie parbcu�r a,�provaE that�s req��e�ed. �7�e appf'�adon�nrx�t be aooepte� uRti1 all tfie reaquirie� �� .. inforrndtion is submitbad. The pro�ec�rr�y a�r�eed ta be reviewed 6�yr ti�e`�'own �nune�andjor#he�nning and Errvirorvrtien�l Comm�ssian. Design Retiriew Sc�rd approval expiras�na year af�er#inal appror►al nnfeis a bu�lding perrnit ins i�ued and con�trt�ction is started. � . � � [. A. D�S�'RIPTIC)N C3FZ1-!E REQU�ST: �i � �c.-.� �f�'�-� �c�.• c_.I" �l`•'�.•��.r�.. � t.� � C O c I''�"�'G.. {,,, v � �t t� a�., a �Ger �S� �•'r4a•r• �r�.. 4� !o! �r ' c. oL ���_s..c_�'J . . B. LOC�TION OF PROPOSI�L: L�T:--�' BLOCK; �� �ll_ING: __ PHYSICAL ADDRFS„S: S�(o �s fr�l'To �TC.� .,�Q. : C. PA�GEL#: �/_d� ��� d 1 d�fCantact�yle Co.As�eSS�rs Office at 970-328-8644 fvr parrEl #) . � ' b. Z�NDVG: � ' E. 1�f+AME�'()WNER(S): (N o �a.. 1F° �+�....� c/-a._.�(.�' 4 � �u�uG�'t�SS: a • �'f�.�f .�� ! �d d i(�` � �I 7 - ��0 7r0 F. ow�v��s)sz�Natur�(s�: G. iVAME 0�APPLIC�IN'T:_��.'�.c�...� F��.�..- <<.� L..r MAIIING AbDRESS: • f f rt• "� �� � pHONE: �T6 G�' �hl. lY��OF FtEViEW,4f+fD F�E: ❑ New Constructroa -$2D0 Construction of a r�w building. . � Addlt�on = �50 Inctud� any addition wh�r� squar�e footage is added to ar�y r�idential or[ommerCial b�ailding. _ �; Minor Aite1'atian- $ZD It��lude5 minnr thengt�t[� �uif�dings ar'►d site imprc33vemet�[5,5t�ch as, reroofing, pairtting, vwindow additions, {andscaping,fen�ces��d retaining wall�, etc� T. � DRB i�s are tn�ae paid at the�ime of submittal. Later,when a�p�y�g for a bui�din9 I���, P��e identify the ac.ct�rate valuation af the pro�ect The�own of Vail wiU adju5i t�e�ee accor+ding to tt�e projec#v0ludti�n. � � PL,�ASE SIiBMIT THIS AF'PLICATION, ALL SUBMI7TAL R�QUIR�MENTS _ AND TH� P�E TO THE DEPAf�TM�NT OF�CQMMUNITIf DEYEE.O�MENT, �5 SOU'CH FRONTAGE ROAD,VAIk,CALORADO 815�T. �rt � • i: -_ ty,:,• ��:Yla� .�:-6`1 j .y_ �7 7�.?tw � 1 'yi�I, � �4 r,v � ���IC�tdf�;�'d� , ' ,'� .�._y:": + ;��� M�i�IS��$�. � - �' #�aPP���`�"leettng�e. - a `� , t111�1` '; ,,,, % .. • .' , , . ,.,ti A#D)ECC �14 � _ � ;S � _ � MJL DEVE�LdPMENT INC 97047669�7 \ P. �3 '''} ` �_ � � \ ..y.+ �✓'r 1 , ,�� �� 1'�i•�' � H � �', 1p < '`�� 1 �'.: 4 �} ` ��fJ � O,` � �� I�:� O r � ���4 � \\ � •+'' [u! ..-�y rr'r�y �� 't ` r JJ� .���. 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LA►UTER,�iA.�� DA'Y�: JULX 3�,, 200Q RE: 7S6 P(lTATO PA'I'GH 1�R�'E PAGE5: 3 INCLIIDING COV��i a- Fursuant tc��ur recern c�nvp'satit�n,it is our intention to install a brown brick pa.ver driveway at the abave re£erenced address ra�her tha,r►t�e oor�c�e driveway vvhich was originally ap�roved. P1eas�let me knov+r if this present9 a problem. Attached is the uecessary paper work which you have requested. Pleas�e le�t me k.�ow if yau have at�y questi�aus or desi�e further information and tha�c y�u xn advav�ce for youx conside�`�tion. ��T.�,AS�I�dTTIAL.AND DATE HEitE AND EAX TO SENDER'1'U C4NF'��£C�i�' A��.�RX ADbRE�S: 76T�QTA'FO P1tiTGH DR#5,VAIL,CQLO�DO Sid57 � ���, /�:�7G� Town af Vail � ent of Commun#ty Development 75 S. Frontage Road � Vaii, d 81657 1 ���e Receipt No. Adc}ress: �j Projec� Dat2�/ vt I� P3ease make c�rec4ss payable to th�e TQUV�I OF VAIL Account No. � Item 'I Cade#� i Total - -- - �- - -� _ I—..'� � 001 0000 314 1�10 � Gornny a��u. � �Zp, I S.pO '* 001 0000 314 11 i 2 Uniform Buildong Code- ��,,. '�2 T , ,I CB , $50.95 ,` 001 0004 314 ���2 �Untf�rm 8�ilding Code- 1997-Volume;i $fi0.65 ;* 001 OOQ4 314_1112 - - -- - _ I lnt�rnat�anal Plumbing Cade- 1997 ;CB $?6.DC " 001 OQOp 314'�112 'Intemational iVlechanical Code-1998 !CB � 35.Dd " OQ1 �000 314 �112 Unifarm Mechanical Cade-1996 � ' $35.6fJ 'i" - _ �- . -- _ _--_- � - -- - - 0�1 t7�00 314 11_�2 ,_nifo�m Fire Code_ I C6 I $36.00 " 001 O�QQ 31�k 'E1�2 �National Electnca� Code �CB $42.60 ' 0�1 0000 314 1112 'Abatement of Dangerous Bldg_'s 1997 ',I �9.95 ' _ .._------ - - -- = 0�1 00�0 314 'f 1�2 Model Energy Code- i 995 i $1p.q0 ' --- - ' �� 001 0�00 314 'f 112 I Analysis of Revisions to_1997_Unifo�m Codes �_ _i____ �12.75 '" - _ _-_ _ --- �- - 00'k 0�00 314 11'12 I, Other Gode Books CB - y -- pY I _ 00'i D000 314 129'� ' Blue Prints/M lar G❑ Fees eF $7.00 '* �1 1 '1 ' 'XeroxCopies �- IXC ___ Lionshead Master P1an($1.80/�1.60) II MS �40.00 ' 001 {]Q00 314 11'11 0�'E 0000 315 30�p Studies, Master PEans, etc. � I MS _ " - - - _ _ _ _ 00'f q000 314 11'1'� I-��nalty FeeslRe-�nspections � PN ; - - _ --- - I 001 (100D 31 i 2300 I Plan Rev�ew Re-check Fse($40/per hour) II �� �01 00�0 315 20�Off Hvurs Inspection Fees �hi -- _-- -A. _ _.._. _. -- _ _ - 001 Od�O 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CC - -- - - t]D� OODO 312 40�0 Si n A lication Fee �5P $20.00 I - --- ._ � __ _ - _. 001 Ofl00 312 4dfl0 Additional Sign Application Fee I SP _ OQ1 0000 311 220� C}eaign Review Board Fee(Pre-paid) i]R . ---- -- - --- 001 0000 315 3000 Buiiding Investigation Fee V PN - 001 0�00 240 3300 Developer Improvement Agreement Deposit�2-OEP10 � �AD j ^ 001 00�0 230 20 Q Restaurant Licens�fee(TOV) �' j RL v�....�. __ _ _� Spec. Assess-Re�taurant Fee to Ca.Dapt.Rev. SA -- --— *Op1 00�0 2Q1 100D lTaxable @ 4.S%(State!-Tax payab�e � I TP �--- _ --_- _ _ __ `001 OOOQ 310 11DOITaxable�4A%{TQwn� -{2etaif Sales i'ax T1 - _ - --_ _ OtheNMisc.- ��IMS - --- -_ _ - _II _ . �01 00�0 311 2500 I PEC APPLI�ATIOAI FEES . _ ' --- __ _ ._- Ofl1 400Q 311 2500 j Additiona! GFFe�, - "254° PV I $240.0� - ! IOW�1 �T Va21 �� GUS�O�R �tEC�IPT +�t� DATE: $/@3/� @1 f7EGE3RT: �1P414 D�SG�1PTipri QTY AMQi1MT T�' TM DESIGN A�VIE�I �rE i i�8.� *DR CK Mlllt� �AC1TERbRCH 6MJL T�ENDER DETAIL GK 30�6 i�.Q0 DRTE: 8/B3/00 TIUE: 13:51:38 70TF� EHEGK f�8.80 I�MaIIVT T�IDERED E24.08 THA�At Y(k.l FUR 'lDUR PAYME�IT! ., ���,� Design Revie�v Action F�orm - ;' T�V'Vl`�T OF VAIL T`d�'�V QF YAI� � Projcct Namc: Berndt 12esideance Projcct Dcscription: Site plan changes Ownea�, Address, and Phone: Wo[fgang Bernd# l0 Campargo Pines Cincinnati, OH Architect!C�ntact, Addreti�, and Phone: Michael Lauterbacl� PO Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 970-476-6944 Project Street Address: 756 Potato Patch Legal Description: Lot 4, Black 2, Patato Patch Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Maximizes Site Coverage (352$ sy. ft.) No GRF'A change BoardlStaff Actio� Mation by: Na Action: St�ff Approved 5�conded by: 1Va Votc: Na Conditio�ti: Town Planner: Alt�son Ochs Date; 4i22/99 DRB Fee Paid: Project Name: �erndt Residenee VAILDATA�VERYONE\I?RI3�APPI�OVALSII DRBAPPA1f3ERTd DT2 � ' Qucstions? �c Planning Staff at 479 2128 ' � " �4 � � � ' + . ,� .' 1 7 � ' _ti \1Fy ' , . ' :_ �� �.� L �.�`} �: � '� I .: � . • ...: : �. ' ' . .. �, .i t'� G { � �YC; � . ��j� �.'. . ' _:�� .�:` . �r .� ,~. _ � f��� 1r �. °' /� � � /�n }} * �ti�� APPLiCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW���� +� � ' r rLb'61 ��-}lVfl11 V1' .IlLLL ��'ray a �-,�� � t�-:��F � � � eir ' y�. .-�; �' 7y � ... $ ` �t�R �� ' �Y{. 6' �Sr�� j�/ R �y�{ y� �.� 1'�y^� ��� � ...* � -:.. � __/.. �lv e i 3�� t .: � �+�� } Y :'. 9'!��.� t-. �IV�,.� . � �i a -. ���y; � .J- .- : . � Yd tc � r t+-S. � zr _ � i . s .�. �� t .;�' i i�1 l •,+`t � 'S l � r �, � � ti,'� 1 � . , ;. 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Eiiviroiinicnfal Comniission �Design Revicw�Board approval expires one ycar aftcr.final approval unless a �:r' �_ �'_ �` , 3 . .��.. , = �� � .� V111�(�Iilti permif is issucd and construct�on is started Y �; � �_5 � i� i � �(j' ��i��� r � ,� ��, � < 4'� T.fi����� �'' rt r. ..f 1 �'.. >�:�,^ - a �1 �'� �T ' � .. � � .•' l ,,'� ��' r ..-'�n . 1:' ' ,.':J �'11y ' � : '�DESGRIPTION OF THE'REQUEST ���'��� � ��'��4 7�� �E� f A�`��?`��' '', - � - p , .� . t ; • � •` � � � '� h.�`� `_ r, : v, .,. 4 � � _�. : s �f �`'3 q ., ,. � p . �,;� r ' .f . , 73 �,..,` " `. � � J' � ' iTR <-��ia � ���..� .•`�1{ �' �..'�'l � 'yu4 -c �' ��ti�� a:' 1 '.,L � ;. `..i - i a �': RA�l�, r i .!' 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'�� ��:'�ar E �F �Ir r'..aM1 � w �-� r � ..LT�Ncw Canstruchon '$200 Construction'ofa ncw building � ' 4 '` � � ,' r t `� „r � ❑ Add�hon ` �i' $50 �i�'Includcs any addition whcre squarc footagru addcd to any residcnhal or: ,a � � r' , ; � s �r��i��i}� �.! .�� , f �:' �' �COI71IT1CfCla�bUl�dlllb' �� :.:. 4 ' �' - ♦ �-��:�4 ''.� �f� T �' � , j^�' ❑ M�nor Altcrahon " ;$20' >Tncludcs minor changcs to build�n�and site ii provcnientti Such as� :t��� '� � . } �, � , , � . . ,.: � . . _ . _.» �. , a,z�.�.; . Y '^,�,�{ > Y � ''�r A' � , �' '�reroofing;painhng;�vindow'addrtions landsc��pmg fenecc and re�ainmg '? , , f ; '}�0'' i + ',i ,Y �:t �7.��_., s� � i ��� j��NBIIS CfC.. `_ �� F �I:..r ���".: i•' � t:,• i ;' � ° � S�1p`'3`�' �'�. t V ' 2�,�; . :.��1� �Y ,' � �' ( \x�r. �`. .�.. • ..� .. .� � 1 �ilt � 1_' •�r:�4/ ' Yl '�`��If.Y� V � . ' ❑ Conccptuai,Revicw '� $0 ;r FoT any appl�ca6on whcrc thc applicant�vishes to mcct�v�th D�ign Rcvicw r tJ ,:4t� L(�r�tit � .� � � . , ... .. :.. :.. . . - �i.. p,tt- .. . . .- �. . . . .�.. . .- � y:('i JY �. �;F "y,, ' , � " ,�`,Board fo'deterrriinc�vhethcr_or nof the�pio�cct gcnerally complies tvith the s -�� > r , '.�� � .'i.`r - �. t � 1 " - . ... .' __. � _ �.�.: - .. � � .. . . :. . _ . v y`1� t . t '. � design guidclmes.;�The,DRB does.not vote on conccptual rcwews , -. i �� r `� ���i � t �� �_ � �',' 1 i 1," 'bYYS(f . . j. i .,:.: f: X i :.: t .�� ;�.` �F ..�.' r '�' l.1� .��r : �,tf�y: eLr,ll� ��:` � � � (� .;� > 3�.Yd'�.1fZ �`�� .; i.,: [ . .4 i ...' . j. . c ..a� J � M �j '. � , ; �DRB fces are to be paid at the time of stibmittal Latcr,when�applying for a 6uilding pemut�pleaSe idcrt6fy 7 �� "a,�+s,"� = the accurate valiiahon of the pro�ect The,Town`of Vail�*nll ad�usf tfic fec according to the pro�cct valu}ation�' } ,Y" *�., ' 7 '�<J }'� ��k . 1 �.Y ! :�A � 1'.�:' 1 L.: S� :.�.tf t� �.'C� �.'j '. I . i fJG .�.p1./ ��Y �.Y� FN 1.� �{ �. ��.1`��P �N Y �.S I ..�� � f5 N n`t � � . .e4'! 1.�. ....�.. . ...��. :^ ;'...'�' . � . ..'.'' � .�.... ..i'. . ' �� , .. '. l� �:;''' PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUB;�fITTAL'REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE r ?'� ; ' '� "` ' "'DEPARTN�NT OF COMMUNIT.Y DEVELOPMEIVT,75 SOUTA FRONT.AGE ROAD, � � ' b �� ���*;`'T . l rYy1�Y�J -���� .'(f ' ` !�`Y.y �'1c51 . '1; i`5 t!'. � , . . .. �`' i > Si� Y s1�.;\Y �,y�,;�,sr,kP j ti r „„ `�..r ,';�; ,; t �� VAIL;COLORADO 81657�� .�r , � , � , �, ; w. �. �, �rb � *�� a'-'- f]'-'it�� > � F a a t_� . �`: e ? � � + . S.k�.{ 1�•� ^{:, c:f ... i . . , . G . - . l� ::l L '. �� !{Y � - �>, ;� �} �'1%�. � .l't � �+. :�.:!. ...�. 4 1�� �J� {Y._f �<ht :.P�r �IlC s � nl t �� �x . j��7 �� a.� � . .j '; '' ,; n,yi <'�^ { ` :Pee Pti�i � Lo:� •�.C�: 'By f""`�'�f"'"` i , ::. ` r �., \ " �' � ' � % ' b . � n t ' � �: �� ,Y: , '^ Applicahonbate: "�, ! < � " . D12I3MeehrigDate: > . ! ; �,. �. •, , _:,'. , �' , � , : , � : • �. . .. ..�� . �:,, jj t.. .µ. '� µ � i��"b�,YY ,��"A"'� ' �� [ r � �� . + �e �.4 t� .:. � y��' AtiSt ' x �+�A� ��J'(F� l V y fL���'�'.r •� r > ! ' `�G�; �^p�'��' �t� r.4`��'';.,,x r .,� t�r y ��� 4 5� �^�4�g ±� � �'t5���1�'""������ . . . . ��.e.,,R��;������� . uVa�a_a t..i1L.l,..h �OR Si� Family Residen.ce, Duplex,�mary/Sccondary ZONE DISTRICTS • DATE: �'� �— / ,� . �,EGAL D�SCRIPTIOrI• L1ot � Block ,�- Subdivision ��� I v �f-t ��,� ADDRES 5: �Sln P�'o�.'l[� Y�?-1T ���lf�. OWNER P�iQI�1G. ARCHZT�CT �'P�l�'P,1/�.L�C�W1Q� �CS,L.Y,�/� PHONE �`t' � ' '71Z � , ZQNE DZSTRICT . PROPOSEL7 USE . �CJT SIZE . 5'T 1�TZ� BUILDI�I3LG LOT 11,REA A1lvwed Existinc� Pzoposed Toral Height {30) (337 0 ,�_ Tot�l GitF1� 'S ��-•� 0 �QOag.c��] Primary GRFA o�_] .3 + 425 �1��.3� 0 5355�v� ' �lD�"lb Tcl�At' S�condary GI�F11 I�`�b + 42s - �� . 4 �� p�i,rrn,»DG�� � pFPf,rc�p� �C�iZ ��.I�. Setbacks Front ao' Sides 15' / Rear 15' � Si te Cov�erage ��b ��j�� Landscaping l�etaining Wa11 Iiciqhts 3' /6' Parking Reqrd Enc1. Carage Cre�it (300) tb0�}) (90Q} 41240)1�4� � Dsive: Permitted Slope �S Proposed SXaPe �I �k � Compl�.�s with T.O.V. Lighting Ordinance Yes No 4Vater C4ursc Setback (30) {50) � Do Pinish Grades �xceed 2: 1 (5f}�) � Y�S NO �nv�ranmentaZ/Iiazards: 1? rlood Plain 2) Percent Slape (< � 30�? 3) Geolvqic Hazards a) Snaw nvalanche b} [tockfall cy Debris Flow � 41 Wetlands v�.ew Corridor EncrQachment: Yes No , �cc� t.is L�CL�IiCjt. �nv��„� � �SG .�ciui.tic���: Ftow much of the a?lowed 250 1lddition is us�d with this rcquest? previous conditivns af approvaZ (check property fiie) : Y �• � � rs �.\ — i,.mm�` . �r — ' ./( �f'�+►�-��'�`� \ 11 �, _ �� ������ Iy ��'� T06�'N OF VAIL �'''' s � M Department of Community Developmerat . 75 Sou1h Frontage Road T/ail, Colorado 81657 9�0-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 -'`` September l Q, 199$ Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 345� Vail, CO 81658 . RE: Berndt Residence Lot 4, Block 2, Vail/I'otato Patch Dear Michael: The Commianity Developnient Department has reviewed the preliminary Ftans for the Berndt Residence �o be located at Lot 4, Block 2, VaillPatato Patch. The followin� comments lrevisiflns need to be addressed: 1. Please provide a title repart, including schedules A and B. 2. �lea5e provide a 4' concrete pan with a 2" invert in between the existing asphalt and the new drive. 3. Please �ave the utiiity companies sign a statement sayin� that it is okay to pave and landscape over their ea5ements. 4. Please widen the 90° corner crossover out to l 5'. 5. Please cut the width of the driveway entrance (includes flare) down to 16'. b. The turning radgus for the curve in the driveway does not meet fire departn�ent access standards. If the fire truck stages from the road, the tRick's hoses cannot reach around the house. It appears that tl�e house will need fire protection sprinklers. Please verify with the fire departn�ent. Call Mike IV1�Gee at 479- 2135. 7. 1'lease show gradina re�,uired to meet the lower ]evel elevation of 8,416 an the south side of the house. (Existing grade is 6' below proposed lovver elevation). C�XEC'YCLF.DPAPER � a � ! S. Please show all required parking spaces on the site plan. The care taker unit's park�n� must function independently of the parking required for the main house. 9. Please show all retaining walls on the site plan which are necessary for windows/c�aors, etc. on the east and west sides of the house. No walls can exceed 6' in heiaht. All walls over 4' in hei�ht require an engineer's design ar�d stamp. 14. Because the northwest corner of'the property falls within a medium severity rock fall area, indicate the approxima�e lacation of the Medium S�verity Rockfall Area, and provide a Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement Form (enclosed). 11. In order to determin� huilding height, on Sheet SDI, include all rid�e elevations and eave line elevations, along with all r�taining wa11s and regradirrg. 12. PleaSe provide calculations for proposed snow storage areas. All required parkin� and access areas shall be designed to accom�notiate on-site snow storage. A minimum functional area ec�uaiing 30°ro of the paved area shall be provided contibuous to the paved area and designed to accammodate snow storage. Turf areas and other areas without trees may be utilized for this purpose. If driveways are heated, then the minimum snQw storage area may be reduced to 10°ro of the required parkin� and access areas. 13. Please prQVide a copy of the material list for t�e exterior of the building, and brin� a material sample board to the Design Review Baard meetir�g. 14. The Landscape Plan needs to show all finished grading, including existing and proposed contours and retaining wall elevations. 1 S. Pl�ase includ� an Exterior Lighting Plan. A maximum of one light per ]000 sc�. ft. of lot area is permitted. 16. Qn Sheet A2, please label the crawl spaces as 5' ar l�ss in head height with a rnaximum of 12 sq. ft, of access, 17. Staff has evaluated tk�e Berndt Residence based on the survey pravided and based on the PIS zoning. The analys�s provides: Lot area: 23,522.4 sq. ft. (0.54 acres) Buildable area: 23,522.4 sq, ft. (O.S4 acres) Standard Allowed P/S Praposed GRFA: 5,452 sq. ft. 5,949 sq. ft. f�,��- Prirnar�� 3,186 sq.ft. 5,272 sq. ft. ��t� Secondary 2,26G sq. ft. 2,2bb sq. ft. -' Site Coverage: 3,528 sq. ft. (15%} 4,715 sq. ft. (20%a) Driveway 2,352 sc�. ft. (10%) 1,7b5 sq. ft. (7.5%0) �� . �. • � The Berndt Residence is scfieduled far a co�ncep�ual review by the Design Review Soard vn September 16, 1998. Before the final review can be seheduled, the above comments and revisions will need ta be addressed. The next DR� meetin� is scheduled for Octaber 7, 19�98. These changes w�il need to be addressed and any revisions submitted tc� me no later th�n naon on September 23, 1998. Sincerely, ��� �� Allison Ochs Flanner I VAILIIDATAIEVERYONEIAI,LI50N198LET1BERNDT .� . � � Geologic Hazard Revtew (Date) (Legal Descr(pt1o�) The undersigned hasfiave read the Hazard Report, dat�d , 19_, prepared by IM/e understand fram tE�e conclusions #hat the pro,posed building is located in a hazard zone, and there is the �oter�tial hazard of reaching the propased house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept t�ese facts and request the Town af Vail Buifding Department grant us a permit. (Name, Owner} (Name, Ov�rner) STATE OF COLQRADQ ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrumenk was acknowledged betore me this day of , 1 J_, by , kr�ow+n to me to be the person whose name is subscribed ia the 4oregoing instrumenk and acknowledged to me that �he ex�cufed the sam� for the purposes and consideration t�erein express�d. My commission expires: STAT� OF COLORADO ) ) ss. . COUNTY O� ) The foregoing instrurnent varas acknowledged before me this day of . 19`, by , known to me to be the person wY�ose name is subscribed to the ioregoir�g insfrument and acknowledged to me tk�at he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: , � c:V�rms'Ihezard � V . � � rilc# �.R;95b9$45 FZl13T AM�RSCAN TZTL� INSVRANC� COMFANY +b'4'4'N�R'S PULYCI' SCHEDULE A ca�-LH7.269-07/22/98 20:39:15 Order Lti7a. ES23563S9t3 Policy No. J9B9837 AmGunt of InsuraYlce $755, 000. CO Dat� Q� P411C]�': ULtl� .�., 1998 2tt 7��.9 A.M. 1. Name af Insurod: k'clfgang C. BerndC A:1CZ Tr�udl 4�'. �,ezndt �, The estat� ar int�rsst in the land which ia coverad by thia golxcy a.sr ��'E �INIPLE 3. Tit1a to Che estate Crr fAter�st in the iand i� vestad in: ed��lf�ang C- b�rndt and ?'rau�� J. B�rr.dt 4. ^ha land refgrred to ia t2'tia pvlicy 1s d8scribec3 as �ollaws: Lot 4, BloCk �, '�ail Aota�c�!p�Cch, �.�cor�zr.�? to r_he reco:�ed ?lat the_eof, ���.sr1Cy Gf �a�1e, sta�� �f Colaradc. ' . -- ' t���a ss�;s63a9e �S'i' AkdEAZCAbT TITLE IttTSURANCE C�N'Y SCHEDVLE 8 Osdor No� E;235n�a9s 8plicy No. �7��9i;37 ExCEPTYQNS FR01�d CoVERAGE Thi� po].��y does nat insure against loss or damsgo i�ttd tha Campa�y wi11 iaat pay costs, a�torneys' �ees os expanses) whioh arise by Yeasan o£: 1, Taxes ana A�se.�smants nat cer�ified .o fihe Treasurer's �T�ice. 2 . A:7y f��ts, x''�-,`ht�, iZtei'est� or �J.a�ms which are not shown b�r tihe public �eccr3s bt�t u+hich could be �xsGer�aiae� by ara 1nst�ection of the land oz� by making in�uiry of �.ers4�� ir �ous�s�ior. t:�lereor, 3 . ���e:n2:�CS, �x elairR� of easemer.ts, ;�ot shown by the publ�� recvr�s. 4. �is�reDanef�s, ��naJ._cts in bcundary lir.es, sh�rtage ir. area, eneroachment�, �:td any fac�s whiGr � �orXect survey azd i�7specti��7 of the 3and wculd disclase, and wniC:1 are not e?-�ck�n by �he public xecords. 5. Ar.y �:en, or right ta a lien, fer services, laiaoz ar mat�rial �iez'etafare or here�fter furni�hed, imaosed by 1�w and nat shown ^y t?�� public recoras. b. I}11 �ax�s and a��essmrnCs fbr thz yeaz 199� aad subse�uent arear�, a li�r., but ^�t yet dt�e ar paya'�Ze. ? . Tre riy?:t of pra�ri�t�r of � vazr. or lodE to axt_act or remove his �zr should th� ���tte be f�u�d to pen�CidtE o1 i�tc�s��� the p��m7.ses the�'�ky g:;:�ted as r«�servGa in [Jti�.te� �t�LES p��er.� reCOXd�c Auc}ust 15, 1935 in Book 93 �t P�g� 2�r; anc2 a�y and alw a4�igri:c.ents t�:�_eof o7r in��rest thexeir.. fy_ Rigi^.� cf w�,�_,r fc� ditCY:2s cr canals con8tr�,�CCed by the authcrity of the CJn�tec Stat�w �^= xe��rv�d in v�i].�ed gtates Paten� Teearded Augu�t 15, 153S in Bvok 93 at P�ge 27°. 9. E�=e7,�nCS, r�t��, co:,dits.or,., r�stric�_or,s �t�d reserrations a� _�nown er �e�e:�rE3 or. the reco_ct�� I31at oi uail/Po4�to Patch, ittCluding, but not }.imite� t� � d�'c'linage anc� u�fllt�' 2a�emrnt traver�i:Sg subjECt pLOp�rty. �0. Ccverian:s, �pz��'itions and 7CZ�txxeti�ns, which do hot inciude � for�'tiitu�e aT �'�.•E_t�z c1�.us�, se� fcrth 1.n the inrtrum�nt r�corded Mar�ch 5, 19'�4 in Foak �33 at Fag�: E2b. r'��,.e�.drr�e-�C vE sai,ci ecver_ant�, conditions and _e�tric�ians by ?�r. �n�`rumen'� YeCO_d�c e�pten;�er 24, 1��5 in S.ok 241 at Pa�e 954. Pravisir�Yi� lecr�,ca:.ng race, calar, efieed, an� Sr2�Ci0ri�J. origin, Lf �xny, are delet�d. �.ip'RC � � � ;�; CON��fETE a�„ ; � �� _:� ;: = 4'Eur a:;T CULC)RADG SPRINU Cn 80931 94Dt'G , „ i DATE PAGL' af Th� ���Ct� ���,��?fl��' r"G c.��vc;d ' 813�I�1 P� r�.�+�evv ed -��i 1 , �� c�t u��v�.� ��11 q8 . E' P�C�L�SL �T'v'lI CX�C� �I�"��i ��r f. �. �V'LG`K, `�1"i c�i�C�"'��'. Q � C:�;Ii.�Z�2 p:.>Cl wtt11 U� ��l ti1Vc:C t l��f4J�'Ctil 1��rC C`�l jl 1 c7� G:�1�11�.\��. U�'i-� �'�1�C7�w�r�v� � . PteC�•x hc�s�e� tt��:t�ut� c�.»��u� `_,��c� ca Ssut��ln�a`�4 SU���ti<�ii���ti �•� �S ak t c Qo,U� c���<.l �Qv"1c�`�C�.('�!t�;�_f' 1'�'�� �U�2ll"r,c'X\F�SJ. q. 1�(ec��,C? 'w�c1�.rl k�hG ��� � G�i r�" c:r�sSO,r��r r.�.r i� I 5 ' �5�e I,��rc��C� C,�v�CGti� ` ,i,-�� thN"�' w iata� cF ��� �3r�.ve.w � eiottciC � �cluClr�a '=1ar�� �,�,�,�1 ro ��". ,.- 4� c.(.5� (.� � � ci kF:. ( i 4�. Tn� t�xn�n c�- ;�,�1 ru�. F�r rh� �vi,�� �c� th� ��}r�uev,r�,� �Iv�:� ���t vYtccl� �+��e t�epqr t mznr acc�5, s�undc�rds ��the �'�� �ru��c �rUyc�-, �Erv�rr rN�� rc�c� , t4�c hU��,K's �rc;�� cur,n�fi �Guci•� ara�;n� tY�� hou:�= �� i�, �p����.: fhctr rhe h�u;� w�l1 h�c�c� {�re prCreC.+lp�� �r�nKi�rs . Ple�s�, v��r�z.j t,a�n, khe ��re��le�Ylrtm��F . Pfec�sG car� �Ya�� n•���ee ar �I�q 2�35. �� Pis�.i;t:51`lCvv c�t��nr3 RrG�i:G�� to �,^���� t�"1(i decJ-�c�: 12s1c'.1 2�CJJC�fX�Ck l� ��L(r ecl 1��C: `-�C.`�t'Yl 51�.al�d�ll;'„ 1'�t,'�_' • (���4hrl��Ci�C]e. i5 C�' 1kIC�.ti,J �t:;pG�t� lUw�,i 4C�J�,1 �yrs..iC1,1-�C�il) `� �e�:.���ha��" u�l ����;r�.l pc�r,��,� ;pc�.e� �n Y�z 5�rc��an � - Tn� c�ave c���r v��,�rs ��r��n� cv�,;�1� t`„��nc�i� ;;�c�x��G�4��1�j U� n�: (ya:rl�tii�C� i��c7,v�;c�c� i� the mt:uti� hG�aC. . �- P�����, sha�v �ti� �retc�.run�;,�c�.115 �'�r� Ih�z :,��1-� �►�n w►ucri ure. n�c�:�����y �u� v.,�c�C9cs�r���c�or:� ���, r�n 'th� ���F �1t"� wt'.�h stc��'SC�' ft�.hG�:'�c: - NC��.JcsilS LC�ri �yc�=�.c:� tr` i�141���"��" J!111wcA.tl� �;v�ui` �i' tn 4���;qYlF reyu;re Gn� �i�c��n�'�r-s c���ic�� cati�l 54ca�viF. Ati��} wc�lt� �rs,,,i,c.,h �XC.�-� G, �; r � c����c.r' c��u'�,�r� cxn �nc�;nr�'r� cl�s�o���ur,c]srun�P �� l- 1�C��'I�ct� ��I i1 i�,r , i . _ ,._. _��� _ �-'�I<�r`Fl:✓F f _ ti��ld 1�1:? �i �'e iirr eG i �C.� �uY{��ic�iVi �` ' i'�. uu;i,i 144 i F';�G�SI Ir1;�1S P�ec�st Gonc��re�ox C.�r�e3�s ����y �t, Bury It, Never Laok Back" Stor�nceptarE ;- ��ti � I,A��1 � � ����� T � �� �pertilre '��. �::.. Trims - 7 3�'�" Ou�side Dram�ter � `� � Far-complete rt.`t�tr�, order housing u�ith trim. ,`� � � � � �f� �Q1��2 'yi � s ,is � % . • . - __ - _��`=�==_--_��_ �. ; P66b3-30 'v'Jhi*= P66�-30 Wt��ite P6fs82-30 W�ite ' r. , �- �; � ��, ;_ -- , � ��L_--T'�Gi .�1/:".- Tt 3�. ! � �� �! � � P6663-31 Eiac� P6666-31 81ack Pb58�-24 Black � ' N1ax.�a . Housings Mcx.Lcmp �o�sinc; Mcx.La�n;� Housings , 50w��A�-2G,ii-2C Ail listscf on 75w 6��AR-30,R-30 P'-T�,?107-TG, 15CJw��AR-38,R-CO P7-TG,P107-TG � �c�e 2 i o. PS-i G.P 1 G&-�'G. 75tiv S?AR-38 ?�1-TG • P21-7G _ ':.: � 75w A-19 P?-TG,P 3 07-TG, -�{; � P21-TG i � ; - - � . :� � Alzak°and ap�n Gone � � ��—� �=� �, � ;. - "� �� � ���: � =��__ R . .t <_ P6b68-21 S�ecu!cr clpar F6668-22 Speculcr geld P6�b8-30 �ti'hite ;,���:; > :'�$..�,�:: Max.�amp Hcusir,gs � ,�;; 75w Q PAR-30,R-30 P7-TG.P107-T�G,P$-TC- ����-�T� ���_�� * �`:����� � 7��vA-19 P7-7G.P1�7-1`G,P2�-��� �.- - I �r:.�, �4 "_ � � � � v ��� ��� ��:.. � ' x i ' - - --- s� �= P6b59-21 S�ecular c9ecr P6bb9-22 Speculcr�ofd P6669-30 White � :� , ,. f _ _ . Max. Lamp Hausings -- _ _ .__ ---- _ .._._. ..... . ��y,,�&� . ,��,�, : 150w Q PAR-36,R-4p P7-iG.Pl(37-TG �.�` ;` � l OGw R-4D F21-TG "`k`' � "� -. 75w 9 PAR-38 F21-TC � : i 75w p;i9 ?21-TG ' '� �` �: _._ ��, }4 rµ�,. ; . . . . .�. . ... ..— ._. .., - (�i�4 �� Open t� �� ' _—_�� �— �f�'.�� � � i�..� . . ���=d e,! ` . . . ....� ��•�i .. It:� �h } � . .. . _ ` _.._ . �r�f �� �� j P6671-29 White P8672-10 Pclist�edbrc�s� ' P6bJ2•29 Whi�e . '� �_'" ,'. ::';;:�,: ' Max. Lamo �ousincs Max.Lamp Housir��s ' . ";�-_, � 15()w Q FAR-�8.t<•�0 P7-iG.P 107-TG 75w�P.AR-30.75w R-30 AEI Ilne pc e �(i.r r► - r.' 5 � l OQw�-40 P2]-TG �5..��,;������:r� � �'-'`_ ��"� . 9Qw 9 PAR-38 P2i-TG �* ���� . � � SCA SLOPEp GEfL1NG ADAPTERS . �A� � J 1��9 `r���i J � � .tM�,rti.:,�� �or new construction only.For use with all trims on this page.See page 214 far cfetaiis, �"�.,'!�• • ti., � • � :���°.�•r�`: � For rrsovntEr�g eEips and honger bar�ccessories,see pa5�220. ,w,, PFt�Gl�.SS 217 ;���� � �:���'� �: , .'/�.�-�.'•. �.Y�{, :�:.::-�.::t � I,�1I1`� �' '~ � � ,1. ���� L ,lsc LQr�%��� �' : ����� ��_ �.l:c f r;:�•r;j„,. '��i����', -+. �,(��.,�rr+a�v,� i� ,.� .i._^.��� _ ... .. ."r�r.,.f'.'1 .^.Sf�G.'l:`Ef.' ac.�c.e�r.r �_� _ �:�.:C(lC��. _r � � � ;,�+'�.���.3�,"' : . 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T 1Y���Rr.. ��� �f� f GUf1 r^� ^1:�� �, �' , 1 � � _ >C.��:_�-��, . �'°����`4, a C- /L .. _� ���° L� . ti ��� ;�t7rY` One ^" _ � - �`� ;'_, _ -_,, �,�t;_;<.. - _t�:__ �, �. sr�,-.'_.•L: � ,� _• - --= _ - � _ - - � �„„ . r �T �R� �?�, • � ��yJ Y��4�i�,1�. �,r,.���!� PfisC�C"a7�E55' 191 *�"�`;•�,�' x:<"<�;;;':;,<,: ��r�:,c..- s`�rt�}, �fi.:i��,n.�'� � ,� �Y ��.1�'�.}".. . . . . . � . y . .�ti�..n'' .� s • � � 09/15/98 1 : 15 PM DESIGN F�EVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, September i6, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION! LUNCH - Community Development Depa�rtment 12:a0 pm AAEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABS�NT SITE V�SITS 2:00 �pm 1. Westhaven Condos— 1325 Westhauen Drive 2. Checkpoir�t Chariie— 'E84 Gore Creek Driv�e 3. Bemdt residence — 756 �'o�ato Patch Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Checkpoint Charlie —exterior improvements Br.ent 180 Gore CreeK �rive/A po�tion of Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing Applicant: Town of VaillArt in Pu�lic Places MOTION: SEC�fV�: VOTE: 2. Joe's Famaus Deli - Add�tion of ex#erior wrap-around counter. Brer�t 244 Wall StreeU a portion of Block 5C, Uail Village First Filing. Applicant: JoSeph Joyce MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Leact� Residence - Construction of a new single family residence. Jeff 1390 B�ffehr Creek Road/ Briar Patch Envelope B, Parcel 4. Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Rvn Diehl MOTIO�1: SE�CON�: VOTE: 4. Berndt residence — Conceptual review of a new primary/secc�ndary residence. Allison 756 Patata Patch Qrive/Lo# 4, B�ock 2, Vail Potatv Patch. Applicant: MOTION: S�CONQ: VOTE: 5. Rae#her resid�nce— Conceptual review of a new single family residence. George 278 Rockledge Rvad/ Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village First. Applicant: Hort�eawners, represented by Pierce, Segerberg &Associates MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: . �.', - 1 an�r�oF�ut �� ! � � * 09/15/98 1 : 15 PM 6. McDonald's - New roof. George 217� N. Frontage Road/Lot 28, Vail das Schane #3. Applican#: George Greenw�ld MOTION: SECOIVD� V�TE: 7. Westh�ver� Condos—Conceptual review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club and Georg�e employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condamir�iums! Gasc�de Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, repres�nted by Robby Robinson MOTION: S�COND: VOTE: 8. A request far additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at George �626 Vai1 Valley Driv�e/ Lot 2, Warren �'ulis �ubdiuision. Applicant: Don and Francis Dianes TABLED Staff Approvafs Schwartz residence — Remove door/stairway �nd re�lace with window. Brent 1136 Hornsilver Circle/Lot C, �lock 6, Vail Village 7� Filing. Applicant: Alan Schwartz C�hmielewski —Addition of gas light fixtures and poles. Brent 2445 Garmish Drive/Lot 11, B�ock H, Vail �las Schone#2. Applicant: Roma Chmielewski West Vail Associates— Install new stucco saffit and lighting. Bren# 2111 North Front�ge RoadlUnplaited, Vail das Schone#3. Applicant: West Vail Associates � Overlook a# Vai1 — Landscape plan. George 1330 Sandstone DrivelLot G4, Cliffside Subdivision. Applicant: Bob Kedrowsl�i Abed residence — Deck additinn. Brent 1610 Sunburst Drive/Lot 23, Block �, Vail Village Filing #2. Appiicant: Alberto & Delores Abed Samuels residence— Modification to roofin� plan. Brent 224 Fores# Road/Lot 11-B, �iock 2, Vail Village F'irsf Filing. App9ican#: B�rnard Samuels 800ihfalls Mountain Hom�s— QECk enclosure and window and door addition. Allison 3094 Boothfafls Road #17/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12��. Applicant: Steve Prawdzik 2 . , . � ! d9/15/9$ 1 : 15 PM Hamlet CQndominiums— Exterior painting. Brent 2014 Wesf Gvre Cr�ek Drive/Let 42, Vail Village West Fii�ng 2. Applica�t: Haml�t Cor�dominium Assoc�ation Wilkes 8� Gaxiala— Install deck windows. Brent 520 Lionshead Circle #201 & #�203 lLot 5, Block 1, Va4[ L.ionshead Firs# Filing. Applicant: W�Ikes & Gaxioia Dore' residence—[7ormer addition. George 100 Vail RoadlLot 35, Block 7, Vail Village 'tis� Applicant: Dore' Thom�son — Room addition. Jeff �5 Forest Road/Lot 33, Blacic 7, Vail Village 15` ARplicant: Jack Thompson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular affice in the project planner`s off�ce, loc�ted at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Fr+ Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour noti�icatian. Please call 479-2356, Telepho the Hearing Impaired, far information. 3 � � u�; - � �. �:��'� ���� _ _ ����' �� � Tou�v o� vAr� �� � � . Deparrntent of Communiry Development . . 75 South Frarctage Road VaiC, Colvradv 81657 9?0-479-2I38 FAX 974-479-2452 r"` February 5, �999 Michaei Lauterbach P.O. Box 34�1 Vail, CO �31658 I�tE: Berndt Rcsidence Lot 4, Block 2, VaiUPatato Patch Dear Michael: The Cammunity Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Berndt Residence to be iocated at Lot 4, Black 2. VaiVPotato Pateb. The following cammer�ts and revisions need tc� be addressed: 1. The driveway pan elevations are flat across the pan. T�e first 10' of the drive is then at 8%, tt�e� the rnaximum heated drive is at k 2%. T}ae driveway grading needs to be modificd tc� reflect this. Z. The plan has cuts over the water-line. The wat�r and sewer district vt+�ill need to apprave the gradir�g_ 3. S�ow storage needs to occur an-site (i.e. no� iza the i�i�ht-o#=v�ayj and be related to tbe area adjacent to it. Bigger asp�alt areas shauld have the larger snow storage area. All required par�Cing and access arcas shall be designed to acc�mmodate an- site snow storage. A minimum functional area equaling 30% of the paved area shall be prowidcd conti�uous to th� pave� area and designed to accomrr�odate snow storage. Turf areas and other areas witbout trees may be utilized for this putpose. If driveways are heated, t�aen the minimum snow storage area may be re�luced to I Q°10 of the req�ired parking and access areas. 4. Please deliaeate the sewer foc lot 5 if it crosses this lc�t. �. Please provide aIl ridge and eave elevations on the site plan, including th�e dormers an the south elevation. ��RE'Cl'CLL''DPAP6R . � ^ ~ b. Please t�ave the utili�y companies sign a statememt saying that it is okay to pave and �andsc�pe over the�r eas�em�eats. 7. A limit of site disturbance Gne needs to be indicated on the pians and delineated � in the �eld with a canstruction fence. 8. Please pravide top and bvttom retaining wa11 elevations on the plan. 9. To allow for�I�e back-out drive, pleas� show ad�quate sight distance. 10. Please show alI required p�.rking s�aees an the site �la�. The secondary unit's parking must function independcntly of the parking required for the pri�nary unit. Beeause bot� cnclosed parking spaces open into the prgmary unit, pl�ase indicate required park�ng for each unit. Req�aired parking is not allower� in tbe righ�-of- way. 1]. Because the northw�st corner of th� �rfl�erty falls within a medium severity rock fa.11 a��ea, indicate the approximate lacation of the Medium �cverity Rocicfall Area, and�rovide a Geologic Hazard A�cknowledgement Form{enclosed). 12. Please pravide a copy of the mate►-ial list for the exterior of the building, and bring a material sarrrple board to the Design Review Boa�-d meeting. 13. Staff has ewaluated the 8erndt Residence basec� on the survey provided and base� on the P��S zoning. The analysis pr�vides: Lot area: 2�,522.4 sq. ft. {0.54 acresj Buildable area: 23,522.4 sq, ft. {0.54 acresy Standard Allowed P/S Praposed GRFA: 5,452 sq. ft. S,bS� sq. ft. Primary 3,186 sq.$. 5,13�sq.ft. Secondary 2,266 sq.ft. 512 sq. ft. Site Cov�rage: 3,528 sq. ft. (15%) 3,51� sq. ft. (15°�0 Driveway 2,352 sq. ft. (lU°�o} 1,177 sc�. ft. (5%) According to my c�lculaxions, the Berndt Residen�e is approximately 2Q0 sq. ft. over on GRFA. � have not received a Pla�ning and Envi�roameutal Commissio� application for this secondary unit to be deed restricted as a�'ype i� EHU, which would aliow for sotn� additional GRFA. If this is intended, tbe application must be subnnitted and approved prior to Design Review Baard approval. The Bemdt I�esidence is scheduled for final revieur by the Design �eview Board on February 17, 1999. T'he above comments and revisions will need to be addressed prior to - ! • this final review. The�e changes wil� need to be addressed and any re�isions submitted to me no later�ha� noon an �ebruary 1 l, 1499, to allow fQr adequate Public Work� review. S¢ncerely. ���'� �� AUison Ochs Planner I V A II.1�D ATr�1E VERYONE�AL.L ISO My9 L F.7IBERNDT2 � � ' Geologic Hazard RevIew . (��te� �Legal Descrlptlon) The undersigned hasJhave reacf the Hazard Report, dated , �9_, prepared by ir'We unrlersfanci irom the conclusions thai the propased buElding is located in a hazard zone, and t�ere is the poter�tiai hazard of reaching tF�e proposed house, causing darrtage. We are �repared Yo accept these facts and request ihe Town af Vaii Building Departmen4 grant us a permit. . (Nam�, Owc�er) (Name, Owner) STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CC3UNTY �F ) Tfie foregoir�g instrumen� was acknowledged before me this day af , 19�, by , known to me to be the persvn who�e name is sub�cribed io the foregoin� instrument and acknowledged io me that he execu�ed the same for the purposes and cor�sideraticn therein expressed, My Commission expires: �TAT� OF COLORADO ) ) ss. . Ct]UN7Y OF ) Tt�e f�regoing instrumeni was acknowledged betore me this day af , �9,_, by � known to me ta be #he person whose n�me is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowlec�ged to me that he executed the same iQr the purposes and considerat�on therein expressed. My �ammission expires: . • �v«msv�oz�.a . , � � � � � � '� � � UTIL.IT�' L4CATION VERIE� ATf01''�f Tl�is form is to verify scrvicc availability and location for new constnzction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prc�uing yaur utiliry plan and schedulii�g inst�llations. "The location and availabiliry af urilities,whether thcy be rn�iin trunlc lines or�ro�osed lincs, must bc ap�ravcd and vcri�ed by thc foliowin�utilitics for thc <aecoi��panyin�5itc�ian. ?S�� �a fi�To /`��Pr T� .�� • Authoriz�d Si�nature � � � U.S. Wcst Co�nmunications I-80f)-9?2-1987 � � 4�68-G860 ar 9�#9-4�30 Public Scrvice Company {)49-57f�1 � �* g� ` Gary Hal] - Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 94y-5892 � � �r - Tec1 Husky/.�oh�i E3oyd � `�-' �' � �1� �}-5,��t t'�c�.t. ;�c l�lx����X - T.C,L � � 9�9-55:�0 �� . Floyd Sala�ar , �� �_ f}`_�� � A-4� ��- R��.:�� �, Eaglc Rivcr Watcr �''� & Sanitation DisErict * �#7Ca-74Kt1 `� << ' �'� `� t Frcci H�islcc � �RQ * Plc��sc brin�a sitc plan, flQar plan,ar�d cicvations whcn obtainin�Upper Eaglc Vallay Waccr&5anitation sibnat�ires. Firc f7c��v necds in�ist �c adciresscd. NOTES. 1. lf the utility vcrification form ha�si�r�at�ucs from each of the ut�lity cflmpanies, arrd n4 comn�ents are m�dc directly on the forfu,t�e Town will preswne that there are no probierns and thc dcvc3o�amcnt can procccd. 2. 1f a ukiiiry company has concerns with thc propos�d construction, the utility representakive shall note c�irectly on the utility vcrifcation form thaE therc is a�roblcm w�ich needs to bc resolved. Tiic issuc should then be dctailcd in an attached letter to the Towm af Vail. However,please kccp in mind that it is thc responsibility of the utility com�any and the ap�lscant ta resalvc identificd ptoblems. 3, Thesc vcrifications do not relievc the coi�tractor of thc responstbility#v obtair�a Public Way Pern�it fron� the Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at the Town of Vail. #ilit I ati n mu t e o aii�ed bcfore d.i���ing i►1 any public nght-of-way or cascn�cnt w�chin thc Totvn of Vail. � buildin�perinit i� not a Pi.iblic W��ncrmit and nnist ac obtaincd seParatel,v.. 4 U�dated fi/97 �IINV M� rll� l.i . � ' � - � �4!'����� -v , :� - __ !Li'�,� Mrl I)Ih . .. �� �' I , .r �u�ti i au� ..., , .. ",AA}i a,u , , z_ �C r,� _._ . �' � ti�M f��v� j k, I �E �`�� �n' l214+ 661�.1 E �' �- F�� I i ! V �rtt � - � ' � _� - , $ yJ� � •,`� � . 3_ ( 18�,1 � \'�, � � ,,,, �inr� �w 8608 7� .`J97� .-, s � ,i� riFy °���•�- . 2.i irrv HSHa �•�'; _ nni� ozb ,,��'. ��fav o��'- - , ,!v,�: � � / . � 1 Wd i�k N�Uh �i I i'�`)> - - 1tM1�� -�. �,�^� IM l. '_� _ i . '`�'�,°� '. � II UD:' .. 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(��„ � � �av oua _ a � � A � '4:°i T; r'�q•i�f �"i�Vh,J �� �� `� � � � I i F nnn �, �i p94 �� � � I '% ;' � 1 Nv f RS�7 ;o V 1 I � i^av riw H tq� .i� � i I 1 ' � rn iR �nn�- n rr� I , i, � � e, -— � � � ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this �s� day of f���'''4"�� , 199�, by Ea�le Rxver Water 8s Sanitation District, a quasi- inunicipal car�.roration of the State of Colorado, her�einafter r�ferred to as "d�istrict", and � • G• ��'�IYDT e , hereinafter referred to as "Property Owner". W HEREA,S, Property Owner is pr�sently the owner of certain real property described as L e-t° f. �L k�� \!k+�. ,located in Eagle County, Colarado; and O Tlq-TO ��}'��MF WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of easernent, 20 � in widt�, running tliraugh the aforemen�ioned property, said easernent are c�escribed on �xhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenc�e; and WHEF�EAS, Froperty�wner desires to construct permanent stz-uctures that will encroach upon said easement in an area approximately Said eneroachment is herein descrih�ed on Ex�iiUit A which is attached hereto and incarporated herein by reference. WHEREAS, said easement is an�a�tive easemeiit presentiy�in use by the DiStrict. �.,� 1410W, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the gar�ies hereby agree as follo�vs: 1. The District shall permit the permanent s�ructure to �ncroach upan said easem�nt. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District frorn the costs of any repairs to t�e District's utility lines which znay occur as a result of the canstruction of the perrnanent stru�tures over and upvn such ca�sem,ent. 3. The Property Owner shall hold the District harmless from the cost af repairing any damage to the structures which may be caused by the installation of ne�� utility lines in said easem�nt, or by a break in present and future utility lines af the Distr-ict, or by the repair of su�� break by the District c�r by other maintenan�e af its lines, 4. Ttae Property �wner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost af constructioz� of any n��v utility lines or iti tlie cost o� any repairs to the Distriet's utility lines, such increase, if anp, due to the �roxiinity of the permanent structttz-es to thc utility lines. 1 . � ' � � 5. This Agreement shall binci the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to axad deemed ta run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such tim� that the District abandor�s said eas�ement. This Agreement shall be record�d against said progerty in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorada, IN VITITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as af the day and year f�rst above vvritYen. PROPER WN�R By c ���� (DISTRIGT� By Dennis Gelvin, General Manager STATE OF COLORADC3 ) ) SS CflUNTY 4� EAGLE ) M The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this il� ciay of � C✓ • C . �,E►��DT O�e.M,Ek. J.998, by as of �� r � . �L l� � , J"r9-� c P� Ti#--r�� � .__� � � otary Pu ic M�r Commission expires: z/�/�°°� 2 � � • STATE OF Cf�L�R�,DO ) ) SS COLJI�ITY OF EAGLE j The foregoing instrument was acknowledged k�efare me this day of 1g98, by Dennis Gelvin, �eneral Manager of Notar�r Public My Cammission expires: ISwsd1'�eng\formslcncroap,r.lrm � �• � luf11M3Tf IO LtliLLptl 1[TitYlnr!u�/�rtlw 1 Y 111 F O 1!A 1 U 1 f 11 M 7 15919 OUYllO'lo3 '7IYA �;i� � �I� E' � IA[YQ H�lYl O1Y201 9�Z I €��III', �1,I � r�: "ia.i��.e"3 H61Y� OlY1Qd i 'J79 # 107 ��S I4�r���E� ,�II�f� +��1 � 1 ' t 1 � � � � \ M Y � ! 1 , 9 1� l� ` � � � � � � ��� � '� � ,.i e � � t \ 1 �� �`` \ \ � � 0. � � �1, �`�``�` ``\� � `�\�`y `� ~ - h�11 \`\` � �y hR�\k� \1,�.�tl- � sZ 3 ` \ ��1 C � �"�\ h�y�� W � � � � .�.°'a� �� ���s������ ��T x� �� �� � � � M t ` � ti=ti" � �� � � ` � "' � Y �� "•� b � 1 � ,�-�� i-'� � � � � �•, `� `� O ! � � > > �-�k ����r � � � � � w � � � � . � � '2 � 1 � 1--T � ��� � � � � � � � ti � � ,a � �� ti � },_:ti \ y'C�� � \ R \ \ � \ \ \ \ ♦ 3 R - R� ti `�� >-°A'ti ���� � � � � o � � � �*`� �� �� � o } y� '_-`�, � � � � �``'" � �ti�� � � � �`� � � ��`��� � � � � � w . °�� � � �...+•� ��-;c� � 1 � � e � � � � � ��� � '� �� ` q . 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E� � � ~J� � ��r .�,� _ �1,` I�pt�, ����, ! , � ,�: � ,� , ,'� i!���Iti�!.�i!: � •' i � �_ , *� ,>- ; I_. . , .. � .. ��r� • •�'� �i/�� � �.a,«.�.. • . ;c: ,�R'+'y . ` � �`l �,FY.°' ' ,�� ,.1 .....��'�! �. . � .� __ . a '.:�wY. . `_•••-� .� - �;c �� ►i��r��g ' � qucstian�l t�c F'lannin�; Staff at 4%9-'1�� �:. - �� A�'PL1CA't'YON FCfR P1,ANN11V� AN'D �NVIRON�wTEKTdL �� C4MMlSSION APPROVAL '�`r� T'0��']�'OF Y�IL �` � �lL � y � _ v L d �- C��;N�RAL I�IFQRMATIQN • `I'}iis application is for any projcct rcquirin�apJ�raval by tlic F'lan��i�74 and Environrnental Comn�ission. F"or sPcc'rfic infarma�ion,scc thc subrt�ittal requirement�for thc particular apprc�val that is rcquestcd. Tg�c application can not bc accc�kcd��ntil all rcquircd informati�n is s�ibmittcd. The�rojcct ntay also ncctl td 6e rcvicwcd hy thc Town Council and/or thc L?csi� Revicw�aard. A. TYPE Q�APPLICATION: I� [� Additional GRPA(250) � Amcndrncnt to an Approved Dcvelopmcnt Plan ❑ F�cd and �r�akfast O Ernploycc Housing Unit(Ty�e: ) ❑ Conditional Use Pernzit d Major or � Mii�or CCI Extcriar Alteratiozi � ❑ I��4ajor or [� MinorSubdivision (Vail Village) � �; ❑ Rezonin�, Q' Majoc ar Cl Minar CCII ExteriorAlteration ❑ S�1;ra Variar�cc (Lianshead) L� Variancc � S�ccial Devclapmcnt District ❑ Zonin�Car�c Amcndment C� Majar or O Minor Amendmcnt fo an SDD II. D�fiCR1PT14N (��THC REQUEST: ��� ��'��L �'��L�D _ n - - -- '�'"' =T C. LOCATION pT'PROPOSAL: LO�"_�'�F3LOCK Z F1�.ING � �`� 'L !�C � ��`? I"��T�'ft ADDRESS:__�S�j f r�'T1► ��FT[.f� .��• �UILD]NGlVAM�: EIZI{�13T �LSl.D��� D. ZONIN�C: _ ��S ,� �I' ., � � E. NAMC OF OWNER(S): � •G h L� �AM.� . M11If TNG Ai�Dl2CSS: � ,� � �l� .�lT�G•� /N�.S. ' . --��!N L/'N'�tt„�-T/ ���f f� �S`X-�3 PH4N�: �/3 �i 9¢r I`l�D F. OWNER{S} SiGNATURE{S):R��,�-^^(.f�'l�l✓ ���1��1-t� � G. NAML OF REPRESENTA'FNE: f G '�L- �+9't'T€� a MAILII'+1G AI7DRESS: a �� 3¢S'r t�'�t-��. �'.a ��fi •�1 � PHONE: / 7� �7� 'G 1� •H. FEE-SEE THE SUBMIT7'AL REQUIREMENTS�'OR THE APPROPRI,d.TE FEE. � SUBMIT T�-IIS APPLICATIU�V,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TH�FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,7�SOUTH FR�N7AGE R(IAD, VAIL,COLORA�30 $1657. .F; k'or Officc Use Qnl� . . � �; �t� �f,�t'�U � Fec Paid: �'�� Ck##: By. Application Date: PEC Mecting Dakc: . � Revixd 6�96 , .: t � � MJL u�v�LOP��r�T�c. �o �o� ��s� VAIL, COLOI�ADO S1b58 CIFFICE (970) 476-6944 FAX (970) 476-6947 MOBILE (970} 471-157Q MEMfJRANDUM TO: ALLIS�I'�10�HS TOWN OF V�T�.,PLANNER FROM: MICHA�L J. LAUTERBACH DATE: €}CTOBER 15, 1998 RE: L(}T 4, BLOCK 2, VAIL POTATO PATCH PAGES: � INCLUDING C()VER P�rsuant to our phor�e conversation yssterday, enclosed is a survey which calculates the area outside tl�e 2f� foat fror�t setback and 15 foot side setbacks that would have been available for development if not consumed by the uttlity easement. The area of the easement and tkae un�sable portion hetween the easement and setbacks totals �,193 square feet. Additionally, anc�ther I,000 square feet an the upper portion of the iot which does not include setbacks has been surveyed at Iess than 3a% slope. Consequently, if the easement were nc►t present, 3,193 square feet of the lot whi�h is sloped at less than 30% would be available to offse#the slopes which are gre�ter thar� 3Q% on portions of the 6,48a of square feet which we i�itially requested for the proposed structure and pa�king area Withaut the easement, tk�e house and parking cauld have been desig�ed at th� front of the lot with the average slope of the site beneath the proposed stnzctur�e and parking area lessened ta 34% so that 20�°fo site c4verage could have been achieved. Please contact me ifyou have any questions and thank yau in advance fQr your consideratian. FLEASI`s lNi'I"IAL AIVD DATE HERE Ai�iD FAX TO SENDER T4 CONFIRM ItEC'E1PT DELIVERY ADDRESS: ?67 P(ITATO PATCH DR#5,VAIL,COLORADO 81G57 �� � � • FR�]M : Eag1e Ua11e� �urUeyin�, Ir�c. FF�Y. I�O. : 57� 8�1� 95�4 Oct. �2 1'�98 1�:3�AP'f F2 L]cto��r� 1 , !�9� M� 4�E' L4�.;*_�.'�;^.Ci'� R= � �ct �, Fi '.ctk 2, �dc , . ?�a�..'..o utcr� "�.� k e, �er y�'..,r' r"���est we h����2 �,: l�uiat�d t'�•�e s�i,cr�e r�et o� sor;� ��£'C � r � tC� arr^Cx5 ;�r :f"i_ n.k.i�V^ �Cr'� 4 , Ti' r� �-��U I.T5 'J,r'2 u5 t'J i �CWa ' � �� . - pY-��. (l, i_ w W � l�t? tat I 'y Hi:.SC?.^1o^� �:CC.E'Dt � '�� au1 ��� �'r���n-�� set�u-�< a�:� 1� 5 c�e �?tb�ack , 1 , ?50 sq �t B - ��'2� c�� ^�+r��sr�E: l e ±r` a.r�,e � � ar� ��rt�7v;est of =�a I �I F��ser^e�t an�a so�.�Y�t::�- o� se-�:cc_k�: ex4�a�' ; nc c�u� �u ' r r;�n± s��l,aC�. a�•�::y ;.:7 w ��}e s: c�w Se-buCk . ��3 Sq �t C ^• RY°E'., e'= .�G^� E'{> t� �"I �'_ . ' ::�j;° fl�� , ,,. . , fl% W . �E'1 i �. �1..,�, _E,-.��,rh,�j�� .�Y. +j.�-ti U`:1�'. _ f".?.'It i G���!='0 n l.+r��.;��.r� !� 4-��ec� ., �cSErv��rt. c.�x 1. O�G �q f'C �� .E`��,S� �u : , i .� V'�i.� l"'.:.�'E' r�I'��, �;,�.,�°�� i ?'v S, Cifl�_°r'F ��', � -�__ .S�,wr WGC=� � ('e�., �' . L , ii . �C� .? 'y`� l ��y S_•�'ve� in� �nc . 4C � LC f��; 12� `ept _�.� � apraTr� aqTC�+ D�iuE ! r J 6r ` � � `rf 1� ' ~� �� ` /; /�B �� f �� r ��f.�. LCJ T 3 f,r�� y�, A_ _ �- �J/,x� .� - � 1 ^� . % : ' / .�f/� L�7 S �`�. J. � � _ �r�f` l�/` / fi {; �_ 4� � �r � /� �� i � � ���f,r / �� ( __ �� /'�,�'' _ - !'�y -�, 'i - L�T A J'r y''''I �"'� '° ��� �/ 1 � - '—..oa.,.em 4�' _r'l/'. � � - -- ---�-' f�-'�--=i-`- -- - "/=`_=- _ _ _-_ , ��=_ =_ _.. =�-"" �-�___�': .'�.u�'`�.;i:-'f'/� . "� � — _ ' ��y- - _ �� � '•�Qd, r� �j r �- `-�� �� �. y-X� __—' f"' � l`Y�s'�l_'r FiJ ! .�� ���y �X s--= 1� - _ _ �; �j,, f, �� ,go �� --�-.;��,.r'`l �X' i ,i -� � �r-'-~ � _ ,r i e f' � �� 8s`�� ��- -��� _ _-_ _ -- rF f�r,�i- - i��J,�.'�' �� r r� - - -- �° �" J�� =' : r' / / �''� �' � — - _ � --- ,�� y /' ' //f� f�/ `� r-` � { �� _� �y��y '�F�`'J/ �,f��� /�' �f�f _f f� . � � ���.ms� Y _ �� 41�. �� �� �— �. _ . ���� `i / /t r � // ��-������"� 1--°-` ��'�" ��� �' �y` �f /' �� � _r�r �r�� .�����-.� � / —�''�! �` ./ . � ���� � r'�►-.�,� � 4����` j i �� ,������� , �� ���� TOWN�F�AIL -�' De�art�rient nf Cammunit}� I?euelopment � M � � , � 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C'olorado 81657 970-479-213$ FAX 970-479-2452 Septernber 22, 1998 Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO $1658 RE: Berndt Residence Lot 4, Blocl� 2, Vail/Potato Patch Dear Michael: The Berndt Residence has been tentatively sche�uled for another conceptual review by the Design �eview Board on Octaber 7, 1998. If you would like to remain on the agenda, ilew plans will need to be submitted to r�e by Monday, September 28. I revieva�ed #��e plans for 24 Beaver Dam as you requested, and found that the slopes o� this praperty were also in excess of 30%, which is why the gara�;e was allowed in the setback. Site coverage was limited to 15%. Because of the excessive slopes on the Berndt property, site covera,;e is also limited to 15%, and the gara�e is allowed in the setback. Sincerely, ��'� ��� ���SOn a�ns Pla�ner I V AIL11D AT A1E VERI'ONEIALLI S ON19 SLE T 1BBRND T 2 L�RFCrc�eor,ar�eR i • � : , �' . . THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PRC�PERTY �� PUBLIC NOTIG� � NOTICE IS HER��Y GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will holcf a public h�aring in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October��, 1996, at 2:04 P.M. in the�"own o�Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a Majc�r SD�Amendm�nf and Gonditi�nal l9se Permit, to allow fflr a "transportation business"within SDD#4, located at 1295 S. Frvntage Road/Cascade Village. Appiicanf: Thrifty Car Renta9„ represented by Rudy & ,�ssociates Pfanner: A rezQning and major subdivision for pro��rty previously unzoned and owned by the Unit�d States Forest Service and transferred to the 7own of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjusfrr�ent Agreement to PrimarylSecondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservatfon �istrict {NAPD), for praperfy located at �ockled�e Road! iegal to faflow....... Applicant: Planner: A rezoning and majar subdivision for property previously unzone�d and owned by the United States �orest Service� and transfe�ed to the Tawn of Vail, pursuant to the �and Ov+rnership Adjus�ment Agreement to Primary/Secandary Residential District and �latural Area Preseruation District (NAPD), for prope�ty located af Ptarrt�ing�n Road! legal to follow.�..... Applicant: Planner: A request for a frant and side setback v�r�ance, to allow for a minor addition, located at 755 West Gare Creek Drive ! Lot 6, Vail Village West#2. Applicanf: Daniel and Karen Forey, represented by the Keating Parfnerst�ip Pfanner: A request for� variance, to allow for the placement of a garage within a front setback, Iocated ak 756 Forest f�oad / Lot 12, Block 1, Vaif Village 6`h Filing. Appiicant: Emmet and Toni Stephenson, represented by Kevin Ebert ��anner: A request for a site coverage variance on a za�e of excessive slop�, located at 756 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Block 2, �'otato f�atch. Applicanl: Wolfgang Berndt, represented by S#euen Riden P'lanner: The applications and information abvut the propQSals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in th�e project planner's affice located at the Town of Vail Community Developrnent Department, 76 South Frorttage f�oad. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour r�otification. Please call 479- 2356, TelepF�one for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Develppment Department , Published October 9, 1�98 in the Vail TraiL '� 1C1M1,i��F YAlZ ti ^ � � La� 4, Black 2, Vail Potat� Patch List of Adjacent Property Owners September 28, �998 754 Potato Patch Driye V4'est - Thamas C. Farnsworth Jr. 2175 Business Center Drive Suite 11 Memphis, Tenn. 38134 East - Toni S. Hippeli PO Box 1696 Vail, Colorado 81558 758 Potato PRtch I� 've South -Anthony& Teressa Perry 1908 Siaelburn�Road Shelburne, VT 05482 North -Try�ve& Victoria Myhren 355 Clayton Street Den.ver, Colo 80206 Parce� C Finance Depa,rtment To�m of Vail 75 S. Frontage R.oa.d Vail, Colorado 81657 , • � � THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE �1�TIC� IS HEREeY GIVEN that the �'lanr�ing and Enwironmental Commission of the Town of Vail wi11 hold a pu�'ic hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipa! Code of the Town of Vail on Ociaber 26, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Tawn of Vai! Municipal Building. In ct�nsideratian of: A req�est for a Major SDD Amendment and Conditional Use Permit, to a11�w for a ";�,3nsportation �usiness"'within SD�#4, IocaEed at 1295 S, Frontage Road/Cascad�+ Village. F,pNlicar�t; Thrifty Car Rental, r�:presented by Rudy 8�A,ssocEates Pdanner: Geoege Rut�er A rezon?�g and major subdivision for property previously unzoner� and owned by the I�nited States Forest Ser+rice and transferred to fhe To�nrn of Vail, pursuant ta the �.and Ownership adjustment Agreerner�f to Primary/Secondary Resid�ntial District and Natural Area Preserva#ion District (NAPD), for property Iocated at Rockledge Raad/ Lots 2, 4, 7, 8A, 9A, and 15, �lock 7 Vail Vi9lage First Filing; Lots 3A and 3B, Resubdivisian of Lot 3 Bloc9c 7 Vai1 Village First Filing; Lot 10A, Resubdivision of Lot 14 Block 7 Vail Village First Filing; Lot 13B Resubdivision of Lot '!3 Black 7 Vail Village F�rst Filing; and Government L.ot 3, all in Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West af the Sixth Principai Meridian. Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello A �rezoning and major subdivision for property previnusly unzoned and owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to fhe Town of Vail, pursuant to thA � �-:� ^•;.�arship Adjustment Agreerxaent ta Primary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD), for �roperty located at Ptarmingan Roadl �ots 1 through 6, Hlock 5, Vail Village Seventh Filir�g, and Gavernment �ai 3� all in Sectian 8, Towns�ip 5 South, Range 8a West of the Sixth Principal Meri�ian. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner. aominic Maurielio A request fnr a front and side setback variance, to allow far a residential addition to an existing �`-gle-family residence, located at �i�� West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 6, Vail Village Vlfest#2. Applicar�t; Daniel and Ka�en Forey, represented by the Keating Partnership Planner. Jeff Hunt A request for a front setback variance, to allow for the reconstruction of a garage within the front setback, located at 756 Farest Road / Lo# 12, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Emmet and Toni Stephenso�, represented by Kevin Ebert Planner: G�c�;,^ .;�ather _�a f�. ., ...._ _-•,nc �rori�.,..., v.-n+�^1 .�'iAr'finr� �'� 'A1_1d� nf a , .. n--..i..at....� .,_- � . . , � � front selback variance, to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence with a Typs ��'� I! ENU, located a# 756 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patc�. � � %� `,� . � ` �j � Applicant: Wolfgang Berndt, rspresented by Steven Riden ri ;!��r�,��, � Plann�r: Allison Ochs � �,�' � � "' ('�" 1 L I I! � r �: G { ,� �� � � � .; TOIYN OF NA[l" � � • t A request far a worksession to discuss a major amendment ta Special Development District No. 6, VailVillage Inn, ta allow for a hot�l redevelvpment, IoGated at �QQ East Meadow Drive, Lots M and o, Block 5D, Vail Villag� 1 st. Appiicant: Daymer Corporation, re�resented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther A request for review and comments of the p�oposed Lionshead Master Plan. Appficanf: Town of Vail Rlanner: Lionshead IVlaster Plan Team The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspectian during reg�la�� affice haurs in the project planner's office lacated at the Town of Vail Community Developm�nt D�partment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upan requesi with 24 hour notification. P{ease call 479- 2356, Te�ephone for the H�aring Impaired, for �nfarmatior�. Community Qevelopment Department Published Octaber 9, 1998 in the V�il TraiL z �' -�; , � � MEMORANDUM 70: Planning and Environmental Commission FR�M: Community Development Department DATE: October 2C, 1998 SUB.lECT: A request far a variance for site �coverage to �11ow for cor�struction of a new single family residence and EHU at 756 Potato Patch Drive / Lot 4, Bloc�2, Potato Patch Applicant: Wolfgang and Traudl Berndt, represented by Michael Lauterb�ch Planner: Allison Ochs �. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The a{�plicants, Wolfgan� and Traudl Bemdt„ represented by Michael Lauterb�ch, are proposing to construc# a new single family residence and Employ�e Housing Unit af 756 Po#ato Patch Drive. Section 12.21.14 af the Municipal Code requires that a lot zoned Primary/Secondary, with an average slope greater than 30%, sF�all have a maximum allowable site coverage of 15%. The appiicants are requesting a variance to ailaw for 18% site coverage. At t�tis time, they have not appa�ed for a Conditionai Use Permit for the Employee Housing lJ�it. According to Section 1221.'�4, in areas of excessive siope, there shall be no required front setback for garages, except as may be required by the Design Review Board. If the variance is granted far 18% site coverage, the garage may still be allowed in the setback, at the discretian af t�e Design Review Board. The applicants' representative has expressed the reasoning for the variance as folfvws: "This variance is sought because in excess of 1,700 square feet of gently sloping builda�le site coverage which is unencumbered by the �rant and side setbaeks is cnnsumed by a water line and utility easer�ent. Consequently, if that area had not been consumed by the easement, the structure could have easily been designed to allow 20% site coverage." A copy of the letter, dated September 28,1998, indicating the appiicants' comments regarding the variance request, has been attached for reference. A copy of a survey completed by Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. has also been attached, calculating the area consumed by the easemen�, II. ZONING AND S1TE STAT�STICS Zoning �istrict: PrimarylSecondary Residential District �ot Size: 23,522.4 �q. ft. (0.54 acres) Buildable Area: 23,522.4 sq. ft. (0.54 acres) Average Siope: 37.9% T� 1 A T�NN OF Y�IIL'' GRFA: 5,452 sq. ft. 5,322 sq. ft. Prirnary 3,186 sq. ft. 4,422 sq. ft. Secondary� 2,266 sq. ft. 54a sq. ft. Site Coverage 3,528 sq. ft. (15%) 4,256 sq, ft. �18%) Driveway 2,352 sq. ft. (10%) 1,780 sq. ft. (?.6%) Setbacks Front 20 ft. 4.5 ft. Side 15 ft. 29 ft. /25 ft. Rear 15 ft. 21.5 �t. *EH�1 has not been appliec! for as 4f 1Q/2(�/98 Area Excluding Setbacks: 13,94� sq. ft. Area Gonsumed by Utility Easement: 1,4`77 sq. ft.* Tota� Lot Area Remaining: 12,469 sq. ft. Area Remaining with less than 30% Slope 90Q sq. ft. "1,722 sq. f#. including area cut off by easernent II1. BACKGROUND Site Coverape Variance Request Site coverage requirements for lots in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zane District are regulated by Section 12.6D.9 {SITE COVERAGE); and are further regulated by Section 12.21.14E (RESTRICTIONS iN SPECIFIC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES} of the M�anicipal Code. According to Sectior� 12.6D.9 of#he hllGnicipaf Code, "Site coverage shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total site area." Arlditionally, Section 12.21.14E indicates that if the average slope of the site is in excess of thirty percent (30°!0) beneath the proposed structure and parking area, "Not more than fifteen percent (1 S°la) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and not more than ten percent (10°Jo) af the totai site area rnay be covered by driveways and surface parking areas." The reduction in allowable site coverage on lots with an average slape in excess of thirty perc�nt from 20°�o to 15% is intended to reduce the overall site disturbance and limit the destruction vf naturai features such as mature stands of trees and other types of vegetation. 2 � � the applicant's �vt and the ather lats i� the vicinity, nor to attain the objectives of the Zoning Gade. Ir�stead, staff believes that the granting of the requ�sted site coverage variance wauld be a grant of special privilege as it wauid result in tre�tment noi enjayed by ot�er�roperty owners in the area, and in the Primary/Secondary Zone District in general. Whi�e few other lats in the vicinity have excessiue sl4pes, many remain und�r 15% site coverage. Most, if not all, lots in the Town crf Vail contain �atility easements vr simiiar encumbrances. 3. The effect of the requested variance or� light and air, distribution of papuiatior�, firanspor�ation and traffic facilities, public fac�lities and utili�ies, and public safety. Staff does not believe any of the above-described criteria is applicable to this request. B. The P�anning and Environmental Commission shall make the fallowinca findir��s befare �rantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the varianc� will n�ot constitute a grant af special privilege inconsis�ent with the limitations on other properties cl�ssified in the same district. 2. Tha� the granting af the variance will nat be detrimenfal to the public health, safety or w�elfare, or materially ir�jurious to properties or impravements in #he vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted f�r ane or more of t�e following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretatian or enforcement of the specified regulation �nrould result in practical difficulty or unnscessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable t� the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other prvperties in the same zone. c. The striGt int�rpretation or enforceme�t af the specified regulatian would deprive the applicant of privi�eges enjayed by the owners of other pro�erties in the same district. V. STAFF RECaMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends d�nial of the applicant's site coverage uariance request subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the site coverage variance will constitute a grant of special privileg�; inconsistenk with the limitations on other �roperties classified in the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 4 � � 2. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditians applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/5econdary Residentia! Zone District. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the spec�fied regulation daes not deprive the applicant of p�rivileges enjoyed by the owners of oth�r properties in the PrimarylSecondary Residential Zone District. 5 � � Lo� 4, Block 2, Vail Patato Patch Variance Request September 28, 1998 Subsec�uent to ihe purchase of this lot, the owner requested tha,t thr�ee notev►Torthy items be incorporated within the initial single-farnily architectural plan. It was re��ested that an EHL7 be cQntained within the structure even though EH[J square faotage in excess of 250 square feet would be deducted from the allowable site GRFA, the gasages including o�e for the EHt1 wvuld be faced away from Fotata�'atch Drive which wautd limit driveway frontage to f�fteen feet Qn the busy sv��itchback, and that the residence be massed at a distan�ce fram Potato Patch Drive and lirnited ta two consecutive levels even thou�h the site coverage n�ight then be Iimited to fifteen percent rather than twenty percent. Car�sequently, the awner af the abovc referenc�d lot as requestin�; a varia�ce from a portion of the Hazard Clydinar�ce (section 12-21-14) which reduces building site coverage ti-om 20%to 15%o c�n two-family prirnary/�econdary�ots in which "the aver�ge slope of the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and parking area is in excess of tt�irty percent". The difference between 20 and 15 percent site coverage an this lot represents approximately 1,2fl0 square feet. Th�s variance is saught because in excess of 1,700 sc�uare feet of ger�tly sloped buildable site caverage which is uneneumbered k�y the front and side setbacks is consumed by a water line and utilit�� easernent. Conseyuently-, if that area had not been consumEd by the easement, the structure could easily have been designed to allaw 2� percent site coverage. The awner is appealing to your sense of Fairness in granting a variance which will allow 20 percent site co�Ferage. A varianc� wc�uld �,►�xarantee the retentian of the EHU, garages facing away from Patato Patch Drive, and a two story building profi3e. �ROM : Eagle Vall�y Surveying,� FAX N�. : 970 845 9504 �ct. 20 1998 03:53PM P� �ctober 1 , i99� Mtke �auterbach RE� Lot 4, Blnr_k �, Vail / Potato Pntch Mike, Per yo�r r�Guest we have caleulated the squ4re feet af s��e sp�� � F��� preas of the 4bave Lot 4, The resutts are as �ollaws= A - Are� a� 2U' w�de �t� l '� ty easP�ent except�ng ou� �0' front setb�ck nnd 15' s�de setback. 1477 sq �t $ - Aren of unusa�le �r;angl� piece northwest of sd�d aas�Ment and south�ast o� setbacks, exc�pting out �Q' front setback a�d 15' wlde sidP setback. �45 sq ft C - Are� o� land lPSS than 3p'f, slope not fnil '�ng with�n any setbacks or 4he above r�entic�ned unusakale area ar easer�ent apx 900 sq ft Please cnll � (' you hnve any questions, �i r:c�re ly, � �.� � Stan Ho eEdt, P.L, S, E4yle Valley S�rv�ying inc , 4Q o 4U ea �2o Feet PQTATO PATCH DRN£ � B L07 3 / A !, � LQT 5 Y _/ C ���L�T� ��q � i�� $ - -��.�� 3g �� s4za� � ta� � �_r�_� � ��"-`-�� - �� ` �r� _ __.___ _ _ _._ TRAC7 C Address Legal Lot Size 5ite Co�erage Percentage Site Coverage Percentage Slope Notes (allowed� (a��owed) (existi�ng) (�xistin�) 7$4 Patato Patch Dr B1, L15 34,63�.0o 6,92�.00 2a% 3,653.00 11% - 786 Pc��ata Patch Dr 81, L14 30,492.a� 6,0$9.60 24% 2,160.00 7% 25-28% 782 Potato Patch Qr B1, L16 52,446.24 7,866.�0 15% 2,973 80 S% 40% site covera e restric�ted #0 15% 780 Potato Patch Dr B1, L17 35,734.00 7,i46.80 � 20% 4,338.00 12% 2fl% 778 Potato Patch Dr B1, L18 20,821.q0 4,164.00 20% 4,120.00 20°�0 - 7�5 Pvtato Patch Dr B1, L19 21,532.00 4,3Q0.00 20% 3,682.Q0 17°io - 7�7 Potato Patch Qr B1, L20 20,710.d0 4,�42.00 20% ok 781 Po#ato Patch Qr 81, L21 18,543.50 3,708.70 20°/Q 4,�72.31 22% - over on site coverage 785 Potato �atch �r B1, L22 18,251.60 3,650.fl0 20% 3,062.OQ 17% - � 789 Potato Patch �r B1, L23 18,543.00 20% ? - 754 Potato Patch Dr B2, L3 20,909.O�D 4,182.00 20% 2,613.Oa 12% 16% 758 Potata Pateh �r B2, L5 36,400.Q0 7,280.OQ 20% 6,413.00 18% - 748 Potafo Patch Dr B2, L7, f 2 40,390.OQ 8,712.00 22% 3,651.00 9% - 742 Sand Lane L3, f 2 17,019.00 3,403.80 20% 3,366.60 2{�°,/o - variance denied >20% site covera e 774 Potato Patch Dr B2, L11 29,750.00 7,437.OQ 25% 3,920.00 13% - 772 Potato Patch Dr B2, LiQ 49,579.OQ 25% ok 736 Sand Lane B2, L6, f 2 1 G,31$.00 20% ok - Averaae Lat size: 28,356.96 Averaae 5ite Coveraqe: 3,694.21 14% � � � � PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION � �� � ��� Monday, October 26, �998 FINAL AGENDA Praject Orientation / LUNCH - Corr�rYOUnitv Development department 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT M�MBERS ABSENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland � - Diane Golden � Ann �ishop (�eft at 5:OOp.m.) �rian [�oyan (ieft a# 3:55 p.m.) Tam 'UVeber Site Visits 1:00 p.m. 1. Th�fty— 1295 S. Frorttage Raad 2. Forey— 1755 West Gore Creek prive 3. Berndt a 756 Potato Patch Driver: Gearge �� N07E; �f the PEC hearing extends until 6 00 p.m.,the board will break for dinner from 6.00-6:30 p.m. Public_Hearin9 -Town Council Ghambers 2:00 p.m. 1, A request fo�a woe�session to review and prvvide camments on the proposed Lionshead Master Plan. A�plicant: Town of Vail Planner: Lionshead Master Plan Team WORKSE5SION — NO VOTE 2. A rezoning and r�ajor s�bdivisic�n for prope�y preuiously unzonetl and owned by the United States Forest Service and transferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustmeni Agreement to Pnmary/Secondary Residential District and Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD}, for property lacated a# Rockledge Raad/ Lats 2, 4, 7, 8A, 9A, and 15, Block 7 Vail Village F�rst Filing; Lots 3A and 3B, Resubdivisior� of Lot 3 �31ock 7 Vaik Viliage First Filing; Lot 10A, Resubdivision af Lot 10 Block 7 Uail Village F�rst Filing: Lat 13B Resubdivision of Lot 13 Block 7 Vail Vi��age �irst Filing; and Govemment Lot 3, all in Sectio� 7; Township 5 Sou#h; Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Appl�cant: �own of Vail Plan�ef: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: JQhn Schofield VOTE: 7-D �..fi�-. APPROVED :: ro��oF r� . � � � 3. A rezoning and �najor subdivision for pFaperty previously unzoned and ow�ed by the � U�aited States Fores# Service and trar�sferred to the Town of Vail, pursuant to the Land Ownershi� Adjustment Agreement to Primary/Se�ondan� Residential District and �laturaf Area Preservation District (NAPD), for property located at Ptarminc�an Road/ Lots 1 thrvugh 6, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, and Gouernment Lot 3; all in SECtion 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Applicant: Town Qf Vail Planner: Daminic Maunello MOTION: Galen Aas�and SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 7-0 AF'PROVED � 4. A request for a front and side setback variance, to allow for an addition to an existing single-family residence, located at 1755 West Gore Creek Driv� 1 Lot 6, Vail Village West #2. Applicant: Daniel and Karen Forey, represented by the Keating Partnership Planner: Jeff Hunt MOTIO�J: John S�hofield SECQND: Diane Golden VOTE: fi-0 APPROVED 5. A request for a site coverage vanance from Section 12-2�-14E of the Zoning Regulations and a front setback vanance, to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence with a Type II EHU, located at 756 Po#ato Patch ! Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Pafch. A�plicant: Wolfgang Berndt, represented by St�ven Riden Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOI�D: Ann Bishop VOTE: 6-0 TA�LED UNTIL NOVEMBER 9, 1998 6. A request for a worksessian to discuss a major amendment to Special Development Dis#rict No. 6, VailVillage Inn, to allow for a ho�el redevelopment, located at 10Q East NEeadow Drive, Lats M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1 st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation; represented by Jay Peterson Plann�er; George R�ther MOTIDN: John Schofie{d SECOND: Ann Bishop UOTE: 7-CJ TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 23, 1998 7. A request for a Major SDO Amendment �nd Conditional Use Permit, to aHfaw far a "transpartation business"within SDD#4, locat�d at 1295 S. Frvntage Ftvad/Cascade Village. Applicant: Thrifty Car Rental, re,presented by Rudy & Associates Planner: Gearge Ruther MGTidN: John 8chofield SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 6-0 _ RECOMMEND APPRQVAL— MAJOR SDD AMEN�MENT MaTION: John Schofield SECOND: Dian� Golden VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 9, 'E988 — CONDITI�NAL USE PERMIT . 2 � � f 8. A rec�uest for a front setback variance; to allow for the reconstruction of a garage within the front setback, focated at 756 Forest Road I Lot 'I2, Block 1, Vail Village 6'" Folang. Applicant: Emme# and Toni Stephenson, represented by Kevin Ebert Planner: George Ruth�r WITHaRAWN 9. Infarrr�atian Update 10. Approval of October 12, 1998 minutes. The applicatians and information about the praposals are available for public ins�sction during regular office hours in the project pla�r�er's office locat�d a# the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frantage Raad. Sign language interpreta5on available �ppn request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for#he Hearing lrnpaired,far informaGon. Community Development Department . ^ � � � PLANNING AND ENIIIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N November 9, 19g8 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS A�S�NT: STAF� PRESENT: Greg Moffet Allison Qchs Galen Aasiand Brent Wilson Diane Galden Do�minic Mauriella John Scho�ield Lynroe Campbe9'I Ann Bishop Tom Weber Brian Doyon Public Hearin� 2:OD p.m. Greg Moffet called the meeting ko order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A requ�st for a minar subdivision of Lat B, to adjust the building envelope, located at 152� Buffehr Creek Road /Lot B, a resubdivisian nf lots 3 & 4, The Val[ey. Appficant: Steve Lindstram & Peggy Forken Planner� Allison Ochs A�lison gav�e an overview of the s#aff rnemo and said the resubdivision request came abau# du� to a computer error. There were no public carriments. John Schofield made a motion for approval. Diane Golden seconded the ma#ion. The motion passed by a uote of 7-0. 2. A request a site coverage variance from Sec�ion 12-21-14E of#he Zoning Regulations and a front setba�ck variance, to allow for the constructian of a new single-family r�sidence with a Type II EHU, located at 756 Potato Patch / Lot 4, Black 2: Potata Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang 9erndt, represented by Steven Riden Planner: Allison �chs Allisan gave an overview af the staff inemo noting the staff r�commended �enial of this request. Michael Lauterbaeh: Look at last page of package Allison put together; direct�d to areas A 8� B on the lot which are in the building area outside fhe front 20' setback and 15' side set back. Would iypically be buildable except for Upper Eagle Valley 12"waterline #hat is 20' deep. Asked Planning and Enrironmcntaf Comrnission Miitiuteti Noveiuber 9. 1�98 1 � � if they could move rebury, complicated and expensiue. They told us pre#ty unlikely, would have to have twa 90-degree tums in it t4 relacate it without gaing out into street and TOV won"t allow the street cut_ A 8� B of area represents Qver 17C}� s�. ft �,f area where ho�se could be located if it were nod far that easement. Thi$ is an �xtraordi�tary circumstance. The only ot�er portion of the lot that is under 30°/'o slope is notated as °C' vn map. MicFtael takes exce�tion t� s#aff's s#atemen# of no extraordinary circumstances are applicable. The other it�m h� addressed is item #1 recommenda#ion. Is this a grant or special privi�ege? All lots in F'ota#o Patch are primary/secondary and are allowed the 20% site caverage. Easement prahf�its the use of this. Waterline is in the most buildable section of the lat. Qwner would like to include an EHU in his development. The area that m�kes the most sense is above the garage. It is a three-car garage, 2 spaces for owner and 1 space for EHl3, which sits i�n the setback, which wau�d be ok by DRB. EHU on top of garage. If we I�nock out the third space actuaily down to 17% coverage. 9f we knock out afl the garage we would be down within the 15%. Going to lose the EHU if have to go down to the 15% coverage. This is the flattest portion af the lot. In the last paragraph, wa are appealing #o your sense of faimess #o allow us up to 20% site coverage even though caleulated up to 18% now. Subject to us applying for and being granted to cvnstruct an EHU and go through all the requirements of the EHU on the prvperty. Accamplish other things, keep th� building to 2 stories and �vn`t have the garages opening �p to 'Patato Patch drive which fowls up the snow plow in the winter. Would have one driveway cut up to 12' wide. Anyone have any questions? Tam Weber asked has #his easemeni always be�n on this site? Michael Lauterbach: Yes. This is a connection fine. Allows water serviceslsystems in easUwest Vail to connect. Tom: (directed #o Planners) Any history behind not counting EHU as site cav�rage? Greg: We are not authonzed to exchange EHU's. Michae� spoke ta a few cauncil members who said take it to them af you (DRB} are no1 able to grant varian�e. Tom Weber asked Dominic Mauriello have we granted variances due tv �asements. Dominic Maur�ello: No, not for site coverage but for setbacks. T�m Weber is r�ot agreeable to an EHU counting as site coverage. Michael Lauterbach said owners were not aware that there was sorr�ething in the hazard ordinance tha# restricted them to 15% site coverage. Ann Bishop stated there seemed fo be a hardship created due to the easement. Would be castly to relocate t�e waterline. Michael Lauter�ach rest�ted that Upper Eagle Valley won't ailow t'�em to relocate the pipe. Planning and Envirorimental Commission tvtinutes November 9. 1998 � � � A�n Bishap s#ated the easemer�ts were not new information to owner sa the next step �hould be to go to Tvwn CounciL Mic�aef Lauterbach wanted to know if the Planning Commission rriade a r�commendation to the Town Gouncii. Greg Moffet said they will say to approve or deny, He told Michael he can go to council and can appeal the Planning and �nvironmen#a6 Commission's decision. He tald Michael h� didn"t think it was worth while to go to council. The owner's can't do what they want on this lot. Always subject to review in one way or another. Clients bought tF�e lot vait� full legal notice of easements and laws of the Town of Vail. This is not a lot you can put a large footprint on. We are here to recammend to Cauncil, "I see no way to grant a variance ur�der these circums#ances vvithaut granting spec�a� privilege." Bottom line. Dominic Mauriello q�estioned counc�9's legat authflrity ta change #he 15°10 site caverage required. Greg Moffet said the Council has not changeci the EHU in the four years he's been here. Qominic said if you use every inch of that top piece you will still end up with an average slope greater than 30°l0. Michael Lauterbach said he didn't think that was true. If you are 6% unde� on tha# part (30°�'0) and only 3% aver on �he other y�ou will still b� under. Greg said that is a moot point. ,1ahn Schofield moved that we deny the request. Seconded by Tom Weber. All in favor of denial. 3. A request for a variance from Sect�an �2-8A-11 af the Tawn of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for parking and loading within required setbacks, located at 598 Vail Vailey Qnve/A portion of Tract F, Vail Village 7'h Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail Planner: Brent Wilson Greg askeci who else had been co��acted (ex part�) by Ski Club Vail. Galen was contacted. John Schofield stated he has a Iong time rela#ionship with the club and h�s wife is on the board of directors, how�ver he has na financiaf interest to gain from the outcome of this rec{uest. Brent gave an ovenriew of the memo. Staff recammended denial subject to the follawing findings: 1. That fhe granting of the variance may be detrime�tal to the public health, safety or v+relfare, or materially injurious to prope�ties or improvements in the vicinity. Planning ond Lnvironmentul Commission Minules No�ernber 9. 1998 3 � , � . za��Cx�cx Dat�: ����f'�-'-�l'`��( , _ , �;'' F ' i Blo;..�: = ri � ;' '�r",'���' ��,'�'1 Lc �l dcscri +ion:Lo� ?in� ,�;�.�i� � � �' i�J � Address �"� O�;rner D 1 '� Phonc (5i�1 %��-��% Architcct ', .V� 1' ��Y� ��onc a'4�`.''`��%� � Zonc district �Y�.tU':� ;,G�'r1�(f���l ?r000sc�Lsc�;a�,��� �;���C��.��' Lot sizc •"`fi ���rh �31�� -� ���__ Buil�blc arc3 ��� 522•y-� � A31rnvCd °�::sti-e; ?'-^��n�CG 'On;�l Rcr.�ainin� l I�'� ; r Total G RFr� �iob2.Z � ?�Su — �`I j-- - - '� - -'�`� � '� _ ;�; ,; ` Prirn:s;� GRFA ?`��I (423) (5:'�*} � �`,� '� y �r �� — - . Scconc�ry CRFA �x`-r a � ��2�) {6��*� =y� - , _'',1{ _ * 67�=42� crc�:plu5 25d a�c�.i�on - D�ocschisrcq�e5ti,-�vaIvc���0.4tic�.i:ion? I�' '��1�'��i��f'-��� . . Ho1v much of�c 21lo�vca 2.�C Ad��:on:s Lsc�ti��:�h tais rrquc�? �"t �� � ^ ��k ��� �,. J 1 / s�iC c4����� (�5�n, � 3�L� �; �- ��_ �� �1�'- Hcigbt (30)��3)�, . ,_� � Sctbac�:s :rant 2�' i�'��y� au�i� ��ck �1 , ' � �^ti-�o�1 5i�cs •I S G 1 11 �t�- '_�' !f-`; _ r Landseaping Vfin:rr.urn ��-i'GI�� ��'�-- Rctaining�Vall Hcighfis 3','6' r ' �` f � �f� � Parf�.in� R�quLCd_ `��_ �_ -� Encloscd G���c Crcdit �0�) (670),,(��JO�(1?0�; ��, �r Dr��•c,,�•ay Pc�..'���d S�opc _ o�o �ro^asc��?o�.�c °to ,; . Complics�ti�ith TG��%Li�ting Jrdi.-�rncc Ycs ''� 10 A:rc finisncd�-adcs lcss�an 2:I (50%) �'cs ``f \Ta EZ�7ro.vncn�L'�-iaz�rds l Pcrccnt Sio c <>�0% � ) P ( ° ? ? �O�a � 2)�=loccp3a.iR .�-- , �)'�Vct?ands ' �)Wa±cr Coursc Sctbzc?:(3Q) (�Q} '"- .�}Geo]��C ri2.1.�rdS a) S,o�v Avalanchc � � b) Foc1t.,�'al� Y�'Is'-�lur�-i ,��e.f11?� ' c) Dcbris Flot�� "� Prc�•ivuscondi�iai�56rJ}.�prc��l (�hcct�rn���-i'c;�� , . Is:hc proper�y non-ccnfom�ing? �csc:�c: � � DESIG�'�'tir,�'IE4V C�C�iL�ST Prolcct: ❑ SUR�t,Y � FLOOR PL.4�5 ��V Scalc B�nc^.�nark ' � G�'�, � Lc�l dcscription � 250 2�di�oral GR.�� . � Lo;Sizc Cr���11r1.ttic Spacc �u:I�blc�.rca ' EHU Eascmcriu • ❑ DU1LDIti C1 �LE�A 1�O�S To�e�phy Scz]c 100;:. �a�d�lain Color'u�ratcrials • ��Iatcr Caursc Sct6ack Roo.`�i�ch Lnvixcr��c�,�F I�a:�.ares ❑ Lu\�SC.�.��PL�.ti i rccs �xistn��ccs utii:�; i�cauo:�s Pro�osed tr�es Sp�t cicvarcr:s . � �.,c;cr:d ❑ SITE PLAN _ ti1ISC�LL.4.ti�OtiS Sc�1c ' Condo rippro�'�l Sui.di.,�a Hcig�` Tidc rcport(.�&B) dncroac'tlmcnts li�ility vc�ificG�on f�rrr: Sc�b�c:� � Pnotos of si;e Sikc COvccaRc V Building m�tcri�l samplcs �:v�s/Ovc:aa.��s(�) � • C.O.Ve:ifica�on Dcc'.;sB��conies SunlShadc:�r,�lcs Gar�;c corzcc�ior► _, Utiliti�(�:ndcr�o�ad) , SitC GI3dC�4SlOpC - ti'ic�v Corrido:s Rc �; 'ag'�Vails - � Vari2nccs Fcr.ccs Plat rc,�:�:or.s Pa.rl�in�;Gan�c � T.amit��F4:�ia5 Drivc��-ay(acccs� un�:��c) . SriQ�T�StOI::�v Fire Acccss . � � =°�-�. /����� � � .���r��� - '� ~ '�r�� rowrr oF v�r� ;� � � � . l�eparrment of Communiry DeveLopment . � 75 Sorcth Frontage Road L'ail, Colorado 81657 . 9�'0-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 "' A��'il 5, 1999 Michael Lauter�ach �� P.O. Box 3451 �� Vail, CO 81b5� �j� �� RE: Berndt Residence Lot 4, B�vek 2, VaiUPotato Patch Dear MichaeL The Community Develogment Department has revicwed the �roposed cha.nges for tl�e Berndt Residence to be locatcd at Lot 4, Block 2, WaillPotato Patch. The followinb revisioQS and additional information will need to be received p��ior to reeei��ing staff approvaI: I. Parking spaces a�-e requued to be 9' by 19'. Please iz�dicatc on the plans the correet nurnber and size oF required parking. 2. Staff will need to receivc an updated site plan, showing tbe changes tQ the secc�nda�-y unit gara�e and any assaciated driveway cha.nges, along with the ���oposed changes to the residence. 2. Staff has� evaluated t3�e Berndt Resic�eflcc based on �he survey �rovided and based on tt�e P,�S zonin�. Thc analysis provides: Lot area: 23,524.4 sq. ft. (0.54 acres) �3uildab�e area: 23,522.4 sq. ft. (0.54 acre�) Standard Allow�d P,%S Pro�osed GRFA: 5,452 sq. ft. 5,428 Sq. ft. 1'rim�t'y 4,93� s�}. ft. S�c;ondary 4�0 sq. fl. Site Caverage: 3,528 sq. ft. (I S%) 3,41? sq. f�. {14.5%) Drirreway 2,35Z sq. ft. (10°�0) 3,817 sq. R. {8%) T`he proposed changes are within �llor,vab�e GRFA. C�R.Er,YCCEDPAPER � � � ' Pleasc da not hesitate to call me at 479-23f 9 wit� any questions. As soon as the adclitional requested info��mation has been submitted, these e�anges aee staff approti°able. Sinc�rely, 1���'� r � Allison Ochs Plannet-I VAIl.�IDA�AtL VERYONEUALLISdN199LE'T1B�.RNDT4 � � � �i}�� , ����'F.= ����� I�' � 1� �.� _v �: � T01�'N OF Y'A�L • ' M Departmenr a,f Communiry Development . . 75 South Frontage 12flad vai� Colarudo 81657 97D-4��-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 T"" :1�Iarch 5, 1999 Michacl Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vai3, C'O �165� RE: Berndt R�sidcnce Lot 4, Block 2, VaiUPotata Patch Dear Michael: The Cornmunity Develo�iment De�artment and the Desi�n Review Board have reviewed the plans for the Be�-ncit Kesidenee to be located at Lot 4, Block 2, VaiUPotato Patch. The Plannina Depar�rnent has a ne�� policy of not issuin� a��roval forms until all conditio�s �ave bccn met and new plans �ave been submitted. Tl�e following conditions have bcen ' placed an t}�e Berndt Rcsidence: 1. Thc plan has cut� ovcr thc wate�•-�ine. The water and scwer district ��-ill nced to appi-ove the �rading. Pleasc have the utility companies sign a statenlent sayin� that it is o�Cay to pave, grade. and landscape over thcir casements. 2. Because the no��hwest ca��ner of the �roperty fal Is within a medium severity rock fa�l area, indicate the ap�roximate Iocation of the N[edium Severity Rockfall Area, and pcovide a G�ologic Hazard Acknow(edgeir3ent Form prior to receivi�g a Buildi�g Permit. 3. This residencc docs not mect fre acccss. The building will �eed to be fire sprinklcd. 4. Plcase provide a�z erc�sion control plan w}�en ap�lying f�a-building Pe�•mit. 5. Un the sout�i east side of the residencc, disturb�d graded areas m.ust return to at least 2:� �radc. 6. Parking spaces are required to be 9' by 19'. Please ad}ust. �`RF.CYGI.F.DPAPF.R � i • 7. Staff has cvaluated the Bei-ndt Residence ba5ed on the survey provided and bascd on the PIS zo�ing. The analysis provides: Lot area: 23,522.4 sq, ft. (0.54 acres) Buildable area: 23,522.4 sq. ft. (0.54 acre�) 5tandard Allowed P/S Proposed GRFA: 5,�52 sq. ft. 5,392 sq, ft. Primary 4,912 sq.ft. Sei;on�iary 4R0 sq.ft. Site Coverage: 3,52$ sq. ft. (15%) 3,412 sq. ft. (14.5%,) Drivew�y 2,352 sq. ft_ (10%) 1,�17 sq, ft. ($%) Please do nat t�esitate to c�ll me at �7�-23b9 with any questions. As saan as tbese conditions have been rr�et, an approval form will be is�ued. Sincerel , � Allison Ochs Planner I VAII.11D AT A�VERYONE 1ALL LSON199 LF:'ItiB F.RN DT3 ` • � � ,o ,� �=m►i� ��� .. 1y � TOWN QF YAIL I)eparrment of Communiry Development � • � - . 75 Soufh Frontage Road Yail, Colorado $1657 970�7g-213$ FAX 970-�474-2452 �M February l9, 1999 11�Iachael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 V'aii, G� 8165$ RE: Berndt Residence Lot 4, }31ock 2, VaiUPotaio Patch Dear Viichael. The Corr�munity Development llepartment and the Design Review Soard have reviewed the �1ans for the Be�-ndt Residence to be located at Lot 4, Bloc� �, VaiUPotato Patch. The followiz�g comments and revisions need tc� be addres�ed; 1. Public Works still has some issues with both dr�veways. The dri+�eway accessing the prima.ry unit nee�s to be w�dened at the crossover. One of the gara�e parking places docs not function adequately. �'be driveway needs to be r�ridened at the entrance to tbe �arage to allevia�e this. Drainagc is needed across this driveway, also. Tfie parking show� for the secondary unit does not wc�rk without a retainaae system. Please show all retaining walls associated with this driveway. Th� heated driveways require a separatc zone in the Tawn right-of-way. I have included a c�raft copy of our Residential Acc�.ss, Driveway and Pa�-king Standards and Grading Standards from our Development Standards HandbaQk. Fublic Works uses these standards ta evaluate all projects. 2. The �lan has cuts over the water-line. Tbe water and sewer district will need to approve the grading. Pl�ase have tDa� utility companies sign a statement saying that it is ol�ay to �ave, brade, and �andsca�e over their easements. 3. The Design Review Board �as some major concerns about the garage in the front s�tbacl�, Ga.rages are a.11owed i�a the front setback at the discretion of the Design �eview Board and s�all be limited to ane story in height, nat to exceed 14 ft. The garage need.s to be pusk�ed back 5 ft. from its cui�rent location. Because thi5 is �ikely to ch�ge G�FA and site coverage calculations, alona with driv�way grades, th� Planniaag and Public Works Departmen�s will need adequate time to review the changes. ���RECYCGEDPAPElt � � w . 4. Please provide to� and bottorr�retaining wall clevations vn the plan. 5. Bec�.use �he northwest corner of the property falls within a rnediurr� severrty rock fall area, indicate t�e approximate lacation of the Medium Severity Rockfall �lrea, a.nd pravide a Geologic �Iazard Acknowledgerrient Farm prior ta reeeiving a Building Permit. 6. This residence does not meet fire access. T'he build�ng wilI nee� to be fire sprinkled (as noted o�the first letter senc.) 7. Staff has evaluated tl�e Berndt Resideance based on the survey provided and based on the P/S zaning. The analysis provides: Lot area: 23,522.4 sq, ft. {0.54 acres) Buildable area: 23,522.4 sq. ft. {Q.54 acres) Stand�.rd Allowed P/S Proposed GRFA: 5,4�52 Sq. ft. 5,477 sq. ft. S itc Coveragc: 3,528 sq. ft. (1 S°/a} 3,S I 0 sq. ft. (15°1a Driveway 2,352 sq. ft. (10%) 1,177 sq. ft. (S%j Accordin�to my calculations, the Bemdt Residence is approximately ZS sq. ft. over�n GR�A. Plcasc remove 2S sq. ft. of GRFA from the Berndt residence. The Ber�dt Residence is scheduled for final rev�ew by thc Design Review Board on March 3, 1939. �'l�e above cornments and revisians will need t�a be addressed priar to this final review. T}�ese ch�nges will need to be addressed and any revisions submitted ta me no later than noon on February 23, 1999, tp all4w far adequate Plannigg a�d Fublic VVarks review. Please do not hesitate to cal[ me at 479-2369 with any que�tions. All comments from previous letters still apply. Sincerely, TGU!W� G�'�`" . Allison �Cb� Planner t V A]L1IDATA\E�RYONBI.AJ..LISON199LETQ3ER.NDT2 � T wn o 'J/cail Dev�77f inent.�tandards Hand600k 3. Residentia!Acc�ss, Driveway and Parking Standards This section (Tables 1 and 2) specifies the ac�ess, driveway and parkin� standards for residential deve�opment. These standards are subject to all COtic�itiOnS aII(� exceptions descra`bed herein. These standards shall �e con�idered the minimum standards. When twa or more standards conflict, the more reszrictive staadard shall apply, - Table 1: DrivewayiFeeder Road Standards Single-family,Two-family, Primary/Secoadary ��jtipie Family iViu�tiple Family St�nd�rd -au;ess�o oot more than 3 dwelling units aaess to 4 l0 11 dwelliag uwits '����5�O�re thau 11 dwelling units (i�cluding EHUs) -fieder road only �feeder road only -s[ruc[ures and all ponions Ihereof withia 150'[iomed oFsireet avement Drivevvay/Feeder Road NLin.WidtL t2' 20' 22' Normal -Access from feeder road to unit5 -Access Erom Yeader w units.shall (I3et911 1) shall catry�ly with singlc-family comply with single-family re ments conrained herein re tiremeuts contained herein �Vlio.Width 15' 24' 24' 911°corner (c2°oss-over) (l?eta#14) 1�Itn.WfdtL 16' 24' 2B' �alrance/Curb-enR i;t}are to I6') (flare W 24'with 10'curb-reeuro (flare Eo 2&'with 15`curb-retum cadius) Detail 1 aadic�s) �Ias Widt� 24' head t`a ?6' 36' EauancclCurb-cut 48'back out lletail 1) �'tini.Grade 0.5°,�0 0.5°10 0.5°.% Centerllne Demil�) i'VIa76 Gra[ie 1(l%unhr�ted 9°fo tmhci[ed 9°.�a ttphes4ed CenteHide 12;�o heate� 12°/u healed 12%Lealed (De�tall 2) 16:'o heated an3 eaqmeered wi;h t]aE temv arC3S iVla�c.Grade S%unhea[ed 8°/a unh�+ied S°/u uaheated Ce�aterllne 12%heated 12;'oh�tted 1(3%heated C ornerlCn�-aver (1)etail 2) �I9&crvs�-at�se grade 8% 8% 8% (Detail I} FuAQ}'aAg�C 45° ''IO° 7l7° m1n.de0ection for flrst 30'of driveway length etail 5&6 Maz.centetllne break- 14°h 6% � 410 over grade (Detail 3 Maa.grade at edge of S% 6% ¢�b public road asphalt (Lletall 2 Maa.lengt�o�mas. 1Q' l5' 30' ;Tade ai edge of publlc ruad asphalt (Detaif 2) l�lln.ceacerllne curntn� '?n° 3p� -ul' raditu De tai14 l0 � � - ?'�wn of'T/ail Development Standards f�anclhr�ok Table 2: Residentia� Aceess and Par�Cin� Stand�rds Siagle-family,Two-family, Pri�ary/Secondary Multip�e Family ����p�e Family St�H�dN'(� -ac�ess io not uwre than 3 dwelling anits ,a�:cess so 4 to t I Jweiliug unies •as:cass tv more Fhan 11.dwelling uniis (inclwiing EHL's) -;eeder road oniy :eeder road�aty -strvcrutesand all�orUOns thereofwithin 150't�rom ed nf street ave�em[ Curb Cuts Carb cnts germitted ]per sireei per uuit �per parcel Min��neceSSUy for ad�quate access (number) Vtaximum oF2 cur6 cuts per lo� Detall ti Parlcing Re�uirennenrs Wn.hor'szontal 24' N/r� N/A elearrnce betweca g�rage dnnrs(parallei tu road)to edge of pu6llc sU�eet p3veme�t 17e1ai1 5&6 Vlln.hnrianntal 5' S' S' clearance beiweer� requ�red parldng space and edge nf publlc stree!or Yeeder road pavement netail 5) �11n.horizoatal ti/A �'rrprn c�ismuctions �'fromabsFructions Gearance from feeder 5'�om buildings 10'fiom build'mgs road to st�raccums lobstrnctlom(e.g., wardrail�,trees, retainiu�waUs,e[c.) neisu� Parking space siie 4'x!9'surface See'['a6�e 3, See Table 3,Comme�ialllvluitiple- (Detall� 9'x 18'enclosed Cpmmercial/Vtuldple-Fsanily Family Farking Lot Standatds Parking Lot Siandards Slght disstaice u�iangie Forward Vioverneut: ;0'pespeuJi�vlar x IO�P2fF)C'�[�1N1IXI X ZSO'latera] 10'perpeudicular x 250'lateral{szricz (Uetall 5) 2�0'la[eral (strict campli:uice may no�be compliance may not be requiretk on.�ites Backwarid MovemenL• 20'per�dicular roquired ou sims not a61e tD nnt able to ghysically complyj t 2�'lateral physicslly cort�lY) (strict compiiance may not be requirad on sites nat able W h sicallv�n iy) Back�adfI'Qrn-around ]?'wide Sack-out into rig�tar-way Hack-oat inrD nghl�of-way prohibited area 20'centeriine radius prohit�ited (Deta114) Designed for 3 psiat turn or less Car turn-�round arPa� Turn-arouud arza: 12'wride Requireci when: t2'wide 2D'cen[aline radins -drivec�,°ay length greater than b0'; �0'centerlinc radius T�esi�ed fos 3 poiut turn or less -cross-ovnr angle is greater than 124°; 1?ccsigned for 3 point turn or less Truck nu-n-arouad acea: -entry angle is less than 76`; Shall he designed so trucicx exit site -accessing a coilector,arterial,or iorwacd as cle0ermined by vsflic engineer eommercial street; or based on uses pn�posed. -backout sighl triauglc tcquirement ts not rttel. Driveway Pau 4'u+ida c�ncrete paa a[edge nfasphalt i'os �'wide coucrete pan at edga ot� $'wlde cos�crete pan at edge of asphult (llralnage) the fuil width driveway puvemcnt as�halt fir ehe fuil width�riveway I'ur the full width driveway�pavernent (DeGtil 1<Sc� inclu�io�rcturns avemeat inciu�lin seturns includiu returns Other Requirem�nts: Vehicular :Vianeuverability Paricing required for eae� dwe�lin� unit must be independently accessible (i.e., required parkin� for one unit cannot block access for parking for another unit on-Site}. I1 � Town o 'T�aif Dev����:ent Stsndards Hanabook Surfacing A�l parkin� areas shall be an in�proved gaved surface. Snow Stora�e All required parki�� and access areas shall be desi�ed to accorn�nodate on-site snow storage (i.e., within boundaries of lot and not withi� the right-of-way). Turf areas a.nd other areas wit�out trees may be utilized for this purpose. L%nheated Drives: r� minimum functional area equaling 30°,% of the paved area s�all be provided conti�uous to t�e paved area and desi�ned to accvmmadate 5-now storage. Heated Drlves: A minimum functional area equalin� 10°a of the pave� area shall be provided contiguous to t�e paved area and designec�to accommadate snaw-storage. Guard Raiis Steep slopes adjacent ta vehicula�- access ways and/or driveways without a proper shoulder may require the installatian of a vehicular guarc�rail, The design and type af vehicular buardrail for private properties shall be desibned by a registered Calorad� Professional Engineer. Vehacular guarc�r�il� on pubtic roadways ox protecting the z�•avelling public shall meet the star�dard of the `�'owzz o�Vail. � t ,� �.�. � Town ol��ail.� :o�merrt Standar�s Hanr�book 6. Grading Star�dards Thas section (Tables 5,6, and 7) provides a suzz�aary of grading standards of the Town of Vail. A]I gra�in� is reviewed by the Desi�n Review Board �o dete�mine com}�atibility to t�e existin� topography, tp revier�v the extent of existin� vegetation removal and to preserve si�nificant � features on site. All tempr�rary grading shail meet the standards for pesmanent grading. Tdble 5: Grading Standa�rds Grading Standard Additional Review �nr ApprovaE P.E.5tamp Re uired Tem ora Graulin Staodards � Gr�,de Z' away from the �' vertical deepest and furthest structural tben 2:1 member to dav light maximwn Greater th�n Yes � 3' �ertica] and/or steeper ihan 2:1 Permanent Gradia Standards Pviaximum Finished Grade 2;1 Temporary Slope C'rotecrion 3:1 —2:� Rc uircd Perzna,ncnt Sio e F�otectioA 2:1—l:l DRB Yes E�cisting Vegetafiion Grading a.round exisiiz�g vegetation to be preserved on-site shali be outside th� critical roat�one. Table 6_ Critical Root Zone T e Criticai Root Zone Trees Area definea by a radius equal in feet to each inch of cal�p�r m�eas�.u�ed 1' above the natural p ade Shru�IBushes Area defined as 1' beyond the canopy oi the lants fQliage Natural Feat�res Gradinb that is de�menta� to existing ❑atural features is discouraged. Thase areas of a site that are dete�nined to remain in a natural state shall be prote�ted dut�ng construct�on. A site-specific construction �istuxba:ace plan s�all be prepared, outlining ti�e areas to be disturbed a�d the methods and devices used t�a proteet thc remainiiag portions of the site. Construcfion Fence � All areas to be protecteci shall have a nan-removable corastrucUion fene� or other approved device piaceci around the areas to bc protected. Erosion Control 17 � T wr�v Vai1 l7ev�inent Stanc�ards H4ndbaUk a n All sites with disrur�ances will need to provade erosion control measures using best management practices. Site areas �reater than 1 acre or sites with total disturbance �reater than %2 acre shall provide an erosion control pian prepared by a re�istered Colorado Professional En�ineer. Fiood Ptain Sta.ndards: ':Vo gr�din� is permitted in the 1Q0-year flno+� plain without Planning and Environmental Commissio� approval. If an appl�cani wishes to be able to �-ade ina the 100-year flood plaira, an environm�ntal irnpact report is required. The envi�anmental impact report shall include impacts tq vegetation, ripaz�a� areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculatir�ns to shaw no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as stating that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. ''vs� pennanent improvements shall be constructed within 1' ofthe fload glain line. 'Fhe flood plain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floc�d p�ai� on a �na�mum 1"-20' topobraphie 2' contour ma� using the adopt�d Town of Vail fload pl•afiles (the Federal Ezn.ergency ivlanagezzaent Agency F1UOd Insurance Study). A site specific study performed by a Professia�al Engineer per . FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA rr�ay be required. Trae tr�pographic survey shall reveal the method for c�eterminin� the startin� point and the starting elevation fqr tbe flood plaiu delincation. Retaining Walls ALl retaining walls are reviewed b}r the Design Review Boa�rd to deterniine compatibility to tke e;cisiing topography a�ad the materials in use. "I'able 7: Retaining Walls Lucatian or Type Maximum _�dditional F'.E.Starr�p Reqt�'ed Height Review or A roval � R��w�� o-�° �'-6' Yes B�r�c� o#' 4' or !� the Combinatians walls difference o:F exposed hei t S etial Retainin Wal�s � Right-af-Way fl-3' Public W orks 3'-a6' Public Vi�orks Yes DRB 6' + I''�blic Works Yes pEC DRB Setback (1(�' from Public W orks Yes paved surface and 2' PEC from acijacent DRB ra e linesl in Front Setback Q-3' - On slopes �eater 3'-b' I71273 Yes than 3d% and t�lated �� � � - Totivn of'�ail Deve?opment Stctndards Handboak to access ' , Bou�cler Retaining Walls Boulder retazni�g walls must rneet all tbe standards of retaining walls. The heig�t listed for retaining walls is the expa�ed hei�ht of either a sin�le or combined height of combination walls. If the batte. (�iope of the face of the wall) is greater than 1:1, a P.E. stamp is require�. Combination Retaining Wal.ls , Combination wal�s are determincd if the u�per wall falls vvithin a prism defined as starting 1' behind the face of the lower wall at the lowest finished grade line and rheu back at a I.5:1 angle from this starting poin�. a � 19 Pr�nted by Al�ison 4chs �06/99 8: 16am - From: Mike Mcge� To: Allison Ochs Subject: fwd: Ser�3t Res�denca °==NOTE====------=----3/09/93==4:39pm=- CC: Dick Duran, Mike Mcgee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 have reviewed the glans in detail and visite3 the site. We will r�quire a fire sgrinkler system. A monitored fire �larm system with a Knox box will be required. I have notified i�tike �,auterbach of the s atnz. Fwd=by:=Allison-0chs==3/09/59==4:38pm=- Fwd to: Mike Mcaee - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanks. I, too, will notify him. Fwd=by:=Mike=Mcgee====3/D9/9y==4:47pm== Fwd ro: Allisan Ochs, Dick Duran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . washed my hands and can't do a thing with them. We're requiring a ta.re alarm and Knox Rox. iVo �ire sprinkler is required. - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - -- - -- - - �age: i � � s � . Community Deve�opment Plan Rauting Form Routed To: Gt-eg Hall, Public Works Return T�: AlliSOn Ochs Date Routcd: l!25/49 Return Sy: as�.}� Project 1�a�ne: Be�-ndt Resideroee Project Add�•e5s: 7Sb Potato Patch Drive Nr�ject Lc�;al: Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Pat�c� Project Dcscription: Ncw Primary/Secondary Residen�e A}��rnved _�_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with eontiitiQns _ __ : . .:. <: ... C���Vt�TS � l 2 - - t w '� w�� �� C�r �' -�-. `-� E^ v,'�� ` � . Z f 4(. � 'cy n � <c.it . � " / O � o Ls- - v r�►_ ��` �:y � v `e�I'�_LaI v�,.. �e- Q � � l" L - s . �I � �� � � � �1 - _� ,-/� � � ��, w ��. � � b � 5 Ce/\ ; � � V`��-+f,� �r� �i.v�r.i. �t �` �` c---� -F� ���' �L 'J�. ��- 4 � �-�-- Jt� �/ ,�c �.-� .��; 5 �'^�� �`5 I.� �..re c.,.�e i , � � S �-� �c 5 � � C ir u� s -��- LU � 7 � 0 ' � L4 O Y ✓I �� l J�► � � t.� ��'J � /► K � �,..r:11 �� � � S ha W � � �v�- - �.., Datc rcccivcd: Re��icwed by: Date reviewed: F':',T•4'T�RYC�'tiT'�IIRIF".RCIi"rTlti[��)%ROI;T!*�(i�Pl:H[.IC''14'(lt l�1 AST'T�R.FRM � � Communi�y Development P�an Rout�ng Fo�rm Roured To: Greg Hall, Public �4'orks Return Ta: Allison Ochs Date Routed: 1/25i99 Return By: asag Project Narme: Bernd� Residenee Projcct Address: 7Sb Potato Patch Dn�i�re Project Legal: Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Project �escriptio�: New PrimaryfSecondary Residence Approved Denied (cite detai�ed reasons) _x Approved with co�ditions ___._. . __ _ _ _. __ __ ._._ _. _______ __. .. .. _______._ _ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ._ .____ _ ___ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .__ _ __ . , ... . : , ! � .. .....�. ... .������`7'� .. ::: . ......::. .... ..:'. . . . � : > South East side of Home. Disturbed graded arcas must rcturn to at Least 2:1 �rade Parking spaces are 4'x 19' please adju�t Please provide an Erosion Control Plan when applyi�� for Building Permit I'le�5e provide statements from the �►tility companies releasing their �i�ht� to their easement and allowin�; for parkin� and landscaping in the easements This bouse rnust have fire protectian spr�nkl�rs � � �rr� r� ,- c�G �D/!•� � �N i�V.IFj `� • NdTE-- �(7PY OF RERM1� T� BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DRA�WNINGS ATTAC�ED � -������T CONSTRUCTION PERM�T' �r�oN r�� i3, �9gi � �, �; � � DI#TE �• p }'" ryp r �+ PEIZMIT N0. ��4�U� l�Wll Y !aI 1.TYPE OF CQNSTRUCTION I I I III I V V department of community development 2.QCCUPANCYGROUP A B E µ I R M BUILDING � ' 4` z ELEC�RICAL � SO� TO sE FILLED 4UT COMPLETELY PRlOR TO 15SUANCE OF PEAMIT DIVISIflN 1 2 2a 3 4 � TYPE�'JF PERM IT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : d PLt�MBING l?�CK HQT TUB AI?DTTIO�I � � BUILDING ❑ PL�IMBING _ __ _ � MECWANICAL � ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUN�ATIQM T�TAL 5 500 ❑ MECHAfVICAL �56 P�TA�Td FATCH TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FE�S LEGAI. LOT BLK 2 V-N R-3 Q 5,500 BUILDINGPERMIT 77 DESC. FILING �atat0 pStCll �t PLANCHECK 3$ JOB �VAME: �IZK/AZIZ HOT TUB ELECTRICAL 44 OWNER ��N INVESTMENT NEw�> ALTEi2ATl�f�Xi AD�ITIQNAL( 4 REPAIR{ ) PLUMBING MAILADRRESS 740 SAND I,ANE p�V��LINGUNIYS AGCOMMODATIONUNITS M�CHANICAL VAIL 6-2166 CITY PH. HEIGHT IN FT NO.FlREPLACES RECREATION FEE -- _ ARCHITECT MORTER INSULATION: TYPE 1HICKNESS R-VALLl1E _ pESfGN REVIEW BOARp id MAIL ADDRE55 1�F3 EX MEADOW I3 ClEAN-UP DEPOSIT IOO 4 ! ` ciTV VAIL PH. 6-5105 �� ` us�T,ax �, � AOOF •-' � R R. COl� ------ _--- . , ' NQTE — COPY OF PERMIT TO B� K�F'7 ON J�BSIT� �, • � . ,-;�� . coNSr�uc-rronr �E�nnir � DATE �+ PERMtT N0. { 1.TV'�EOFCONST�RUCTION 1 II III IL�Mj�` • IY�A� 1 fa� depertmartt vi community deveiopment 2.00CUPANCYGqOUP A B E H I(Q M eurtoiH� ��s ` -_ , ._ � i ELEGTRICAL �;� - " T08EFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT DIVI510N 1 2 2�4 p `" ` - �YPE OF PERM IT GENERAL DESCRIPTION dF WORK: � PLUMBING � ' C� BUILD9NG � P�.lJM6lPEG _ � , - ,_ t_ n ��CMAN�C�� [� ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUNDATION - � e- � � [❑ MECMA�VRCAL ❑_., <� TyP€ Gaou� c.R.�.a. vn�uatroW PER iT FEfS LEGAL LOT =� BLK �� � � ���C�G� BUILDING PERMI� ; ,-, _ , , FILING t �."' �,,.� , `' _�: -, 1 I � -- �.�' PL�N e��c�c �� JQB NAME: � , `� �� ?,� €LEGTRICAt � � OWNER NAME�. '� ��--- ;�;-�'���=a�:�����-` NEW( ALTERATION i ADDITIQNAL( ) REPAIR( ) �PEUM9lNG ���1`` ��-'� �-�"� MECHANICAL MAIL ADDRESS OWELIING UNITS ACCOMMODpTlON UNITS CITY �� "�1�� ` PH. p_!� 4� �`' HEIGHTINFT. NO.FIREPU4CES �ECREAT�C}MF[E ARCFlITECT FIRM ti 7�%(t S �`� q� INSUTATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OES�GN R�YIEYY i90AR0 , ' - 1 '. l�� MAILADDRESS I;'�-` �.. ' 1 '� �Yi.�,'`-� :'i . F�ooR CLEnN Uf'D�POSi7 _ �C CITY� f `� ( f�. PH.���� '� ��' �xT.wn��s E18E tAX HOOF GEMERAL FIRM �k��.`��� �'y,? . ��;�i:S i. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL RE4.Np. TOFE ELEC. �°'$ TOTAL P�RMIT EEES ;` l � - TELE. ,:- � �� �`L.;``.. HEAT SOLAR WOflD � . ,! � — � ..��., r � r f �� �, FIRM � '�- �- � -' `- ' ''� '�,L .~ ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEECfED: ILDlNGOFFICIAJc•� ,/ �q _— `�— LECTRICiAL J~' �� Y N INITIAL ��'. ���V !� —s�—L !—�� — IVTRACTOR TQWN OF YAIL REC3.NQ. � ST ,�� ONIhEG AOM��1 STR OR `�`L bAT� TELE. �` - `�- � -- BLASTINO - ^,f,. i , rtG PLUMBING �QW�OF VAIL REO.N0. •,• 1 � r.• �. �' `� CONTRACTOR - oE�o ,�„ , -, _ . �,�� I hereby acknowledge thet i have read this appNcation, filled out in full the informetion required, MECHANI�AL compieted a�n�ccuraie plot plan, and state that all Rhe�nforr�a#fon provided as required is correct. I CONTRl1CTOR ���F vAi�RE�.No. agree !v comply with the informatior� end plot plan, to comply with a�l Town ordinances a�nd state Iaws, end to build this structure according to the Town`s zoning and subiiivision codes, design - review appraved, Unifvrm 8uilding Cvde and ather or inances t own_epplicable thereto. OTHER FIRM �� Tnwu nc�eu acn ►.�n I(�NATUR UF O ER OR CONTRACTOR FOP. HIMSELF CONTRACtUR TEtE. AND THE OWNER. � � ���� Design Review Action Form TOW,'V OF V�41L �; To�v �F vA�L Project Name: Berndt Residence Proj�ct Description: New Primary/Secondary Residence 4wner, Address, and Phone: Wolfgan� Berndt 14 Campargo Pines Cincinnati, OH Arehstect/Contact, Addt�ess, and Phone: Michael Lauterbach PO Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 970-47G-b944 Project Sn-eet Adc�re5s: 756 Potat� Patch Legal Descrigtion: Lvt 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Parcel Number: Building Name: Commerrts: Board/Staff Action Motion by: C�ark Brittaiiva Actian: Approved with cvnditions �econded by: BiLI Pierce 'Vot�: 4-U Conditions: l. "That the a�►plicant works out the issues with PubLic Works 2. Must provide a fire alarm sys#em Town Planner. A1lison Ochs Date; 3/3/44 DRI3 Fee Paid: $2�0 1'rojec� Name: �erndt Residence V AiLQATA`,EVERYONEIQRBIA PPl�OV ALS11 DRBAPpIZ1BE RNLDT A►• r � � � Receipt funds 5c �aSH DE�dSiT FO+=h�AT � Name: /� /� /��}�C- � +4-�T�R��� Le, Qescn ion �ot_ �cck �- l � � q� � g � Acdress � I SuC�:vision_ t��/ i��s .` L AdCre=_s '7 �.- a- �[ „v r �ale of ExF�raiion: _ / — 0 / DE�/ELOPER IMPROVE�4IENT AGRE�M�NT THIS AGREE�r1E�JT. ma�e and entered inta this _��day of -�e�- , �"a��� by and among .���•- �C � ,b L�hereinafter callef� the "�eve[oper"), and the TGWN G� VAIL (herer�after calfed the "Tawn") and A�rT (hereinafter called the "8ank'). WHEREAS, the Dev�loper, as a candition of approval of khe ��.r,��« �-•� / plans, dated �- �S . i 9� wishes to enter irtto a Devekoper Improvement Agree�ment; and WHEREAS, the Devefoper is obligate� to provide securi#y or co�lateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make �easonable provisions far completion of certain impravements set forth below; and 1NHER�AS, t1�e Develop�r wishes to provide collaterai to guatant�e performance af thi� ,�greement, including canstructcor of the above-referenced improvemer�ts by means a# the fo3lowing: Developer agrees to establish a cast� deposit with ihe Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ /, voa �- (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) ta provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT P�,, � �,r �fa� �`J'� 7—�- r � "°!� �- � ° ! �' 0 / � ��-.�s � ��O , ` — �-- r¢ ` a l � i or� U1/AIL'�,�ATr11EVE:tYQNE',FORIVIS'�.C]IACr1SH.COC � � '� � • �I�W, THEREF�RE, ir� consi�eration of the follawing mutual cavenants and . agreements, the D�veloper and the Town agree as foalows: 1. i he Developer agrees, at the sole eost and expenses, to fumish a!I equEpment and material nec2ssary to perfarm and compiete ali improvements, on or befare ?- f ¢ - o / . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanl�ke manner, ail improvem�nts as listed above, in accordance witt� all plans and specifications �iled in the� of�ice af �he Gammunity Development Department, ihe Town of Vai{, and to do ali work incidentaf thereto accordir�� to and in compliance with the foi�owing: a. Such ather designs, drawings, �aps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-re#erenced gavernmental eniities. All said work shall be done �nder the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, th� Town Engineer, the Town 8uilding Official, or ather officiaE from t�e Town of V�il, as affected by special districis or service districts, as their respective int�resi may a��ear, and shall not be deemed complete until a�proved and accepted as �or��ie�ed by the Town of Vail Community Developmer�t Dep�rtment and Public Works pepartment. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to pravide security and colEateraf as follows: A cast� deposit account in the amount of $ ,�, o bo r` ta be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth abave if ihere is a default under th� Agreernent by Developer. 3. Tiae Developer finay at any time substitute the collatefal ariginally set forth above far anather form of coilateral acc�ptable to the Town to guarantee ihe faithfu! completion o� those improvements referred to i��rein and ih�e performance of th� terms o� this Ag�eement. Such accept�nce by the Town of alternative collateral shall �e at the Town� s sale discretion. 4. The TQ�vn shafl nat, nor s#�all any of€icer or e�pioyee ther�of, be �ia�le or responsible f�r any accident, loss o�damage happening or occurring to tt�e work speeified in this Agreement prior to the compl�tion and acceptance of the same, nor shal! khe Town, nor any afficer or ernployee thereof, be liable for any persons ar property injured by reasan of the nature of said wark, but al! of said liabiiities shall and are hereby ass�med by the D�veloper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify ar�d hold harmless the �fown, and any+ af its offic�rs, ag�nts and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilitie� to which the ?c�f 4 F:'�EVERYONE`�.FO�MS\DIAC�ASH.DOC . �, . � � . T�vun or any of its offic�rs. ac�ents or err�pioyees may become subject ta, insofar as any suc,h losses, claims, damages or liabilities ;ar action� in respect tt�ereaf) that arise out o� or are basad upon any �erfcrmance by the Developer hereunder: and the Developer shaff reim�ur�a the Towr� �or ar�y and ai! legaf cr ather expenses reasonably i�curred by tt�e Town �n connectior� with inve�tigating or defer�cfing �ny s�ch 8oss, claim, damage, liability or ac;ion. This indemr�ity provision shaE[ be in addition to any ather liabiiity whict� the Developer may have. 5. It is mutually agree�' that the �eveloper may apply to the Tawn and ihe Town shall auth�rize for ,�artial release of the collateral deposited with the Tawn for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are const�ucted in complianee with afl plans and specitications as referer�ced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will tY�e amount of the collatera! ihat is beir�g held be reducec� below the amount necessary ta complete such improvements. 6_ ff the Town determines, at its so�e discretian, that any of the improvements �contemplatec! nere�tnder are nat c�nstructed in comphiance with t�e plans and specificatior�s se# for�h in tt�is Agreem�nt on or befc�re the date set forth in Para�rap� 2, the Tawn may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter Qf credit as nec�ssary to camplete the unfir�Eshed improvements. The Bank shall releQse such fur�ds upon written request from t�e Town stating th�a� the improvements haue not been completed as required by ihis agreemen�. 7he eank s#�all �ot reauire the concurrence of th� developer priflr to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such im�p�ovements have not b��r� complete� as requirecf �y this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written request. If the costs of co�npleting the work exc2ed the amount af the deposit, tY�e excess, together with interesi at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the prop�rty and may he collected by civil suit or r�ay be certified ta the treasurer of Eagle County ta be colEected i� t#�e same manner as delir�quent ad valo�em taxes kevied agair�st such property. !f the permif holder fai�s ar refuses to cemp9ete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined ;n this chapter, suc� �aiivre or refusal s�hall be considered a viQlation of the Zoning Code. 7. T�e Develo�er warrants all wark and matenai for a penod ofi one year after acce�tance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work fs located on Town af Vaii property or within Town af Vaii right-of-way pursuant to SecTion 17.16_250. 8. Tl�e parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amencfed from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and exscuted by all parties hereto. � of d F:',EVEf�YONE FOP.NIS'�QIACASH.DOC ' 'f w - i � aatec! the day anc+ ye3r first abo�e writte % Developer STATE OF CQLORADO ) } ss. CQUNTY OF EAGLE j T�e faregaing Deveiaper Impravement Agreement was acknowledged before me this I { day of '��� c.�,���,�-- ,--�-g' by f'�-t��,�._� t. ��:,-��-k-�,�h�._��, .. �;,v�� �Itf�F,'SS (Tly h3f1C� 3f1C� Of�ICi�� S2a�. `,`��ptura►��n�i»������ ���'''��4��� '4�'J'�'�,��'fi My eomrnission expires ���`'�t �- ��� F-_�=,�= �,-' •'N �-r•• .'��: a = � R�..�^ �,-. �,.-.� �' C�-;. ; `�---�-p �'"� = tary f�ubli�c i�j�.. L 1 C = . ; � ,� '�f''���'C 7 L C�`�`���,` s� \ ,,f�l�`�f!Il I!f!1 I l lt i N1�1t,`\\ Planner, Community Development STATE OF COLQRAD� ) � 5S. COUNTY OF �A�LE } The foregoing �eveloper Emprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 19 by Witness my hand and afficial seal. My commission expires: Notary Pubiic �k�f 4 F:IEVERYONE�.FCRNiS1DIACASH.OQC Town of Vail ' ' ��ment of Community Developmer�t � 75 S. Frantage Road Vail, CU 81657 1 Name: �1�3,C�. ��' � ; -v- '����l'<<.x t��- Receipt No. �� ��' 1 � Address:-3 5�, f�.-k t.lt, �, � �-_'� � Projeet: Date 1�-/ � � / LrZ> Please make checks payable to?he T{�Wf�OF VAIL Account No. Item No Cade Cost Each; To�t �� -_ 001 OOaO 3�4 111 �Zoning and Address Maps �� - .ZA $5.�0 " Od1 OOOd 314 111 Uniform 8uilding Code- i997-Valume'f&2 CB $50.95 j' 0�1 D000 314 111 Un�form Building Code-'1997-Volume 3 i I $60.65 ' - - --- - _ _ �d1 0000 314 1112 Interna�ional P�umbing Code-199� �,CB $36.00 * fl01 flC1�0 314 1112 Interr�at�onal Mechanica!Cocfe- 1998 ,,CS $35.00 ' a0'! Ofl00 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code-1996 I $35.60 " 00'E OQOD 314 1112 Unifor F r ode 36.0 001 0000 314 1112 �3ational Elecincal Code CB $42.60 ' 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Qangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 * -�--� . - ----- -_- - 001 OOOD 314 �1'f 2 �Mode!Energy Code- 1995 $10.00 ' Otl1 OOOfl 314 11'f 2 �AnaiysRS of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Gades $12.75 " 001 OOOfl 3't4 1912 Other Code Books CB " 001 QQ00 31a 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7_00 ' 00'I 0000 314 1111 Xerox Co ies IXC $0.25 ` — --- - _ _ a01 0000 314 1111� Lionshead Master Plan $1.80!$1.60} MS $40.00 " _._ _:-..— _ - __-- - - - -- 001 0660 314 1111 5tudies, Master Plans etc. MS * OQ1 0000 3'15 3000 Penal Fees/Re-Ins ections PN a01 �OdO 311 2300 P►an Review Re-check�ee($40/per hour) PF 001 �000 315 2000 Off Houra Inspection Fees OH -d-•-a----- -_ � _ _ -------- - 001 0000 312 3000 ,Contractors License Fees CL u_ _.__ ___ 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee 5P $20.D0 d01 Q000 312 A000 Add�ional S�gn A�plicabon Fee 'SP 0�1 0000 311 220D 'Design Review Board Fee(Pre-paid) , I DR �01 0000 315 3000 Building Investigabon Fee PN 001 000�240�30D Develo�per Improvement Agreement�eposit D2-DEP10 A� Q(�Q,�� 001 D000 312 1000 ;Restaurant�icense fee TOV 'RL 001 �0��230 2000 ISpec. Assess.-{�estaurant Feeto Co.Dept.R�v. I SA -a --- - -- '001 000�2a1 1C - .---- - - -- '.TP 'i- — MS 001 0000 311 25i , I -- ` ToMn of Vail 001 0000 311 25 **� CUSTOMER RECEIAT ��+t - - - ss �- - - 001 0000 311 25 DATE: i�ri��ae e� R£CEIpT: @@11711 PV $20o.Ofl ; OD1 31125 PV 50D.Ofl p01 OOOfl 311 Z5 CItST�MER LQOC�TION AMOfJNT TP TM 'PV ,$1,5�a.Ofl �l _ -- - - 21Q5 2iN5 1 #iB88.88 �AD CK MICHAEL �.At1TERBACH Ck: 3462 001 O�flO 311 ��MICHAEL LAUTERBA�H I,�-�� 001 0000 311 25 IPV 001 QOOG 311 25 'PV $250.00 D.I.#�. _— __ TENDER DETAIL z5o.ao GK 34�2 siBe�.BB Pv $2oo.aa bpTE: 12/13f99 TIME. b:29:21 -� T07AL C�#ECK #1680.B6 � �TOTAL: f�� ,,�, ._ RPIOUNT TEMUERED f1�9�.p�E - Carnments: TH{�NK YOl1 FOR YQU� F'�AYMEN?' Cash RV�oney�uraer r� �.��ew:x* _ �'� ! Received by:( �. I I F/EveryonelFormsl5alesad.exe �1d�d� PREPAR£D 10/22/O1, 7.4:53:00 OE'POSIT REFUND REPORT-UPOATE PAGB 1 PRpGRAM F]N415U Town of Vail -�------- �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------°---- -- � -- CUST-ID CUS'I'OMER NAhiE 7'YPE. GHARGE DEPO.�,ST DEPOSTT-AD.T AD.7USTMENT AF'CES2-LZEFUNL? COD6 DESCRZPTION TX-DATB AJ-AATE AMQUNT AMUUNT P.MOUNT AMOUT]T ---°--------------------`--------`°------------------�---------------------------°-- � - ------—------------°'---------------—------ 2105 MICHAEL LAUTE32BACH D2 DEP1� DEPOSIT 12/t3/00 1Of22/O1 1000.OQ 100U.00 lOd0.00- .00 TOTAL SOR CUSTDMER TYPE: D2 100Q.00 1D00.00 1000.00- .00 __-------"-- `--°--`------ ------------- ------------` GRAND TQTAL: 100a.A0 1000.00 100�.00- .00 1:EPOSIT COUNT: 1 � GfL HATCH CREATEn; BATCH-02883 2001�10 USF.�RIA-MKOTWICA AP FfELD COUNT- 1.U0 AMOUNT- l�[700.�0 •