HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL REDEVELOPMENT 1996VI-JVJITvF\ l-cr.tts 3Jd*^?".,1. B^rlq6-'oo t t0) This packet contains information related to the issuance of the Golden Peak Ski Base RevdeveloPment Building Permit (896-001 1). GradinglDemo permit issued: 3120196 Full Building Permit issued: 4125196 GOLDEN PEAK OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT PLAN I. INTRODUCTION Vail Associatcs, Inc. ("VA") has frled an application to amend the Approved Development Plan for the Golden Peak Base Facility. The amendments includc revisions to vehicular parking on the site, the design and function of both public skier and Children's Center drop off, as well as alterations to employee parking, lift capacity, end ski base operations. In the course of the submittal, VA has madc certain representations regarding the physical site plan and thc operations of the portel. The Town of Vail Department of Community Devetopment has requested elaboration. This plan expands upon end supplements the application and, to the cxtent it is inconsistent with the application, supplants it. This Golden Peak Management Plan is intended to enhance the experienccs of guests to Vail and of the residents of the Golden Peak neighborhood in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the agreement between the Town of Vail f'TOV') and Vail Associates to manage peak periods in this resort community. In effect, the measures proposed in this plan are means of managing or controlling the demands upon the Golden Peak portal and the impacts upon its surrounding infrastructure. The concepts and principles of the Program To Manage Peak Periods Agreement (the "Agreement") between TOV and VA are therefore incoraorated by reference into this management plan. I A reality that must be recognized in examining the creation of infrastructure and operational systems for Goldcn Peak or Vail at large is that both the ski company and the greater Vail community are engaged in the winter and summer resort business. For reasons beyond the complete control of the community the demands for and use of resort goods and serrices will always be subject to specific or isolated events such as the Christmas holiday or a world class competitive or cultural event. Events such as these will by necessity mean that Vail will erperience surges or peaks of visitor use that may be mitigated, but will not be entirely overcome or eliminated by investment in hard assets. To the extcnt that such high demand events tar the capacity of our systems and our collective patiencg we must also acknowledge that these events, if well maneged, are also what give us life, vitality, excitement and special appeal. It is the elfort to "manage well" that leads to the creation of this plan. In its application VA has proposed significant physical improvements to the Golden Peak portal. These include: - doubling the skier drop offzone capacities; - improving drop ofTflow end function; - giving locational primacy to public transit; - structuring and landscaping private auto parking; - improving lift eccess to balance portal use across the Village; and - improving bese lodge facilities for the guest and local alike. This major investment in hard assets satisfies to the highest degrec possible thc programmatic requirements of the Golden Peak project's planning professionals. The proposed management techniques which follow are meant to be flexible guidelines and dynamic tools which may be altered, revised, enhanced, or even eliminated over time as needs require to *manage welt'. And, while these techniques are described in terms of VA or TOV responsibilities, it must be noted that others, the greater Vail community and each and every Golden Peak neighbor, must likewise contributg act responsibly and treat others equitably in managing or mitigating the impacts of use, growth and congestion during peak periods within our community. For their parts, pursuant to the Agreement, both VA and TOV have immediate responsibilities to undertake growth management measures. Section III (pages 11-16) of the Agreement outlines these immediate responsibilities under Tier I of the Plan. VA's obligations include m€asures which might mitigatc impacts at Golden Peak such as providing bus passes to appropriate employees for use on the Town of Veil system, encouraging carpooling, and pursuing Park and Ride sites for employees. TOV's obligations, set forth in the Agreement, include controlling peak trallic and parking issues, productive management of tralfic circulation and parking systems, creative allocation of the bus senice, effective utilization of law enforcement perronnel, and better distribution of skiers to different basc aree facilities. o For these purposes it is pertinent to note that in the Agreement "Peak Periods" are defined as: Christmas Peak: December 3l; and That period which extends between December 26 and High Season: That period which includes Presidents' Weekend and each weekend beginning the third weekend in February through the end of March. "Nonpeak Periods'are defined as: Those periods falling outside of the Christmas Peak and High Season and which normally include the early ski season, Thanksgiving, the pre. Christmas Period, the January to mid-February period, and the late ski season. Another pertinent concept in the Managed Growth Agreement is the benchmark capacity of the mountain which has been defined as 191900 skiers at one time ("SAOT"). The theory behind the Managed Growth Agreement is to implement tiers of manag€ment techniques to control infrastructure demands and operations at or below the 19,900 SAOT threshold. An additional factor for consideration is the design day standard for Golden Peak planning studies and infrastructure assessment which is 15,000 SAOT, a typical skier day count for the current Christmas Pealc The physicat infrastructure of Golden Peak is designed to accommodate th€ portal dcmands of a 15,000 SAOT event. The Assessment Committee, described in Section VI of the Agreement, is the entity charged with monitoring, evaluating, and refining the operations of the community management plan. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Assessment Committee is likewise charged with this responsibility, but it is understood that for these purposes the Assessment Committec may delegate its review function to the Vail Transpor.tation Task Force or other designee and shall include representatives ofthe affected Golden Peak neighborhood in the review process. The project components or elements which might be considered for tiered management techniques at Golden Peak include the following: (a) Managed Parking Structure; (b) Public Skier and Children's Center Drop-off Areas; (c) Employee Parking; (d) Mountain Operations; (e) Local and Community Programs, such as DEVO; (f) Ski Club Vail Activities; (g) Adult and Children's Ski School; (h) Loading, Delivcry and Trash Removal; (i) Snow Management; (i) Ticketing; and (k) Special Events. II. MANAGEDPARISNGSTRUCTURE The Approved Development Plan of l9E4 depicted 130 surface perking spaces, primarily located on the north side of Tract F along Vail Valley Drive for all varieties of users of this particular portal and 6 interior parking spaces for the residential condominiums. The Children's Center plan of 19EE required 12 spaces. t Taken together these total 148 spaces for drop off and parking. Presently the surface lot existing at Golden Peak holds approximately 150 automobiles or less depending on the amount of snow storage on the lot and the elliciencies of car storagc Of these 150 spaces roughly 18-20 are used by employees; Spraddle Creek Property Owners r€senye and utilize E spaces; 4 spaces are used for Cross Country Ski Van pick-up and drop-off; and approximately llE spaces are available for use by the skiing public for a fm. Parking requirements for the Ski Base/Recreation District are addressed in Section 1E.39.230 of the Vail Ordinances which reads: "Off-strect parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52 and/or as specified on the Approved Development Plan."(emphasis supplied) The language of this section permits and contemplates a parking function and design unique to this district and its development plan. In response to this unique environment the parking structure proposed in this plan consists of 14E parking spaces (including 5 handicapped or ADA spaces) located at or below the street elevation and lrndscaped across the top to provide an aesthetic benefit to the development and the surrounding neighborhood. The fundamental concept ofthe organization and management of thcse parking spaces, the equivalent of a Ticr I management technique, is to create a managed or reserved "right to park' mechanism designed to control the availability and use of the spaces and hence cut down on indiscriminatc trallic flows while providing for and paying for the aesthetic I benefits of the landscaped structure. The mechanism formulated to provide this managed parking product to the public is a non-equity club or association of up to 500 members who would have the right to park in this structure for a fec. Two tiers of membership in the associetion ere contemplated. The first tier would consist of up to 75 members who would have a right to park in an identified reserved parking space. The second tier of memben would be up to 450 people who have e right to park in the structure based upon a monitored and computer controlled reservations sy$em. It is thc intcnt of the applicant to initially offer 75 first tier and 200 second tier memberships to the public. Parking memberships would be sold in the fall of 1995 contingent upon final approvat of the Golden Peak Base Fecility Project by the Town of Vail and sullicient subscriptions to commence construction of the parking structure in the spring of 1996, but no later than spring oI1997. In the event that thc necessary subscriptions are not forthcoming to commence construction in 1997, VAI will initiate discussions with the Town Council concerning payment in lieu of parking alternatives. The fint tier member would securc a right to use a particular parking space on e year-round basis. Hence, the ratio of lirst tier members to parking spaces reserved for thcir use would be I to 1. The second tier members would have a yerr- round right to use a parking space based upon availability and prior reservation' monitored by e computerized rotation system to insure equitable and optimized use. The initial olfering of second tier memberships would constitute a ratio of o approrimately 2 members to evela parking space. These members would call the parking manager more than 24-hours in advance to reserve their use of avaitable spaces. A resenation list from among the members would be compiled daily for the managcment of entry access by personnel stationed in the attendant booth at the entry to the structure. Access into the structure would be permitted upon presentation of a photo I.D. identifying the bearer as a member and a confirmetion of a resened parking space on the parking availability list. In the event that all parking spaces are not fully reserved and utilized by the club members, VA, as operator of the facility, reseryes the right et any time of the year to utilize unreserved spaces for other guests, members of the skiing public, employees or other penons who likewise must call and reserve a space less than 24- hours in advance. This short-notice use by non-memben would be peroritted only on a daily basis by reservation. However, this managed operationel feature would expand the available user groups and increase the utilization ofthe structure in non- peak periods without adding appreciable, unwanted traflic. Further, if the utility of the structure can be maximized by offering additional memberships for salc, VA will do so after the first year of operation establishes typical occupancies. Itr. SKMR DROP OFF Skicr drop off occurs presently on the east side of the existing Goldcn Peak structure and immediately to the north of the Children's Center. Existing conditions provide for 2l head-in spaces adjacent to the Children's Center and 10 o parallel, or active parking spaces, in a loop drop-off area for the general public, totaling 31 spaces currenfly dedicated to all drop-offfunctions. The proposed plan nearfy doubles this capacity by providing for 30 head-in spaces dedicated to Children's Center drop off and 29 spaces for general skier drop off north of the proposed building, totaling 59 spaces for skier drop offat this portal. (A.) Tier I. Managemcnt measures to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. During the Christmas Peak period and Presidcnts' Weekend VA will staff the General Skier and Children's Center drop off zones with 4 to 6 people, sptit between the drop offzones as tralfic needs demand, during peak arrivd and departure hours or approximately from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. These trallic manag€n will direct trallic, assist and expedite the loeding end unloading of passengen and equipmeng encourage the timely and swift departure of vehicles, and enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking by calling for the removal or towing of offending vehicles. 2. During the Eigh Season period VA will stall the General Skier and Children's drop offzones with 2 to 4 pmple, split between the zones as traflic needs demand during peak arrival and dcparture hours. 3. During non-peak periods and during evening or night hours the drop off zones would be staffed or managed upon the operational discretion of VA as l0 may be needed to prevent congestion or vehicle stacking into Vail Valley Drive or the bus lane. During these periods and times, except for special events, VA wilt permit parking by the general public in the dropolf zone surface spaces consistent with the practice and use of other VA parking lots such as North Day lot. 4. Permanent, static, signage at the top of Blue Cow Chute will be installed by TOV indicating that there is no public parking at Golden Peak and that only Children's Center and skier drop off is permitted. 5. In Section V (page 25) ofthe Agreement additional skier drop olf zones have been identified as "pressing current transportation and circulation nceds". VA will therefore cooperate with the TOV in identifying edditional skier drop off zones elsewhere in the town inctuding Ford Perh the Main Parking Structure, Lionshead, and other locations which will be formalized and improved by the Town of Vail. Initially TOV will develop and implement a plan for general skier drop on the upper deck of the Transportation Center utilizing existing physical improvements and facilities. 6. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee, will specifically assess access to and egress from the mountain at Golden Peak" together with trallic and drop off impacts associated with the skier movements and will make recommendations for ll adjustm€nts or improvemenb to the Tier I management techniques described above. (8.) Tier IL In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques above have been implemented and traflic congestion in the drop off zones still results in vehicle stacking into the street or bus lancs to a degree detrimental to the ordinary operation of the infrastructure, tlen the following successive managem€nt efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season: 1. VA and/or TOV will implement additional Tier I techniques which heve not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I techniques already in use according to the recommendations of the Assessment Committee. 2. TOV, pursuant to its general obligations in the Agreem€nt to implement pro-active manegement efforts in coordination with VA to control tralliq will increme utilization of law enforcement personnel during peak periods in the management of traffic at Golden Peak (Section Itr. A.2. a., page 13). 3. Based upon the impacts of traflic congestion and as transportation needs demand, TOV will implement an clcctronic signage program which would display messages on the town arterials regarding traffic conditions within the town parking garages, drop off zone trallic status conditions and lift maze conditions rt the base portals. 12 fV:EMPLOYEE PARKING Presently lE to 20 VA employees park at Golden Peak of the approximately 500 employees who are based there in Peak Periods. Another 25 to 30 spaces are seasonally leased by VA from third parties for employee parking. The remaining 90Vo of Golden Peak based employees park in public lots, use public transit, or use other private parking spots. (A.) TI9LI. The following management techniques will be implemented sequentially upon redevelopment to mitigate employee transportation impacts and serve the needs of the community's employees: 1. VA, together with TOV, will enter into negotiations with the Colorado Department of Transportation to secure, if possible, an employee park and ride intercept lot on Highway 6 in Eagle-Vail. This lot would be used for VA and TOV employees to park their vehicles in Eagle-Yail and utilize established public transportation routes to continue on to their job locations in Vail. In the event the CDOT site is not available or unsuitable, other sites will be located and secured for a park and ride lot. 2. To the extent space availability exists during non-peak periods, V. A. will permit managed employee parking by reservation in the parking structure at Golden Peak l3 3. During Peak Periods VA employees will carpool to the soccer field lot pursuant to the Holiday Trallic and Parking Plan es managed and operated by TOV or alternatively as managed by VA. 4. During the Christmas peak period and, in fact, extending beyond it from Decembcr 24 until Jrnuary I in eny given year, VA will implement its Holiday Traflic and Parking Plan. During this period VA will provide free bus tickets for the Avon/Seaver Creek bus system to alt Golden Peak based staff. Parking in VA lots such as West Day Lot and North Day Lot, will be available for free to employees who carpool. Employees not caraooling will be charged e fee. 5. VA will add the Eoly Cross Lot to its parking inventory for peak-period employee carpooling. 6. As necessarT, VA will assign employees calpooling locations in particular lots among the West Day, North Day and Holy Cross properties and manage entry access into these properties. 7. VA will lease 20 parking spaces from a third party or, alternatively, purchase 20 *blue" parking passes from the TOV for parking in the town structures. 8. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski scason, the Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques l4 v. described above, assess the operational results, and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plan. (8.) Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and employee parking and transit is still a concern, additional methods of employee transit and parking will be undertaken at the recommendation of the Assessment Committee or its designee. MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS (A.) TlgtJ. Management measures to be undertaken during peak periods in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. VA will extend its periods of mountain operations later into the day (e.g. until 4:00 p.m.) to spread out the departure times of skiers from the mountain. 2. Employee passes will be restricted during the Christmas Peak and Presidentst weekend. 3. Improvements to thc food and beverage offering at the base facility restaurant, including apres ski and dinner offerings, will be designcd to attract the skiing public and stagger the public's departure from the portal . 4. VA will cooperate and coordinate with TOV and the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding the installation of signage at base facilities, including Golden Peako advising departing skiers of road conditions l5 and, if conditions are advene, inviting or advising departing skiers to stay later in the village and draw out their departure times. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess mountain operation impacts and make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques described above. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and congestion still exists in the portal during peak periods, then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season or Peak Period: 1. VA and/or TOV wilt implement additional Tier I measures which have not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I techniques already in use according to the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee. 2. VA will continue to take operational measures to balance the functionality and use of its portals, as well as on-mountain circulation. DEVO/LOCAL AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS "DEVO" is an abbreviation for the Vail Development Team, a Children's Ski School Program consisting of300 chitdren which offers specialized ski school classes to the children of locals and front range skien. The high conccntration of locals vI. /I l6 participating in thc program results in an inordinetely high drop off impact on non- peak Saturdays which mimics peak conditions throughout the season. (A.) IigI-! Measures to be sequentially undertaken concurrently with redevelopment include: l. The DEVO program does not run during the Christmas Peak or over Presidents' Weekend. The program will continue to be limited in this fashion. 2. Arrivals for the DEVO program will be staggered in edvance of the typical ski school or mountain opening times. DEVO arrival witl be scheduled for E:30 a.m., one-half hour prior to tift opening. Pick up witt likewise be scheduled earlier than regular mountain closure. 3. Drop olf for DEVO will be formalized and managcd by DEVO instructors in the Golden Peak skier drop olfzones to prevent stacking into the streets. 4. VA will investigete splitting the DEVO program further and basing some portion of the program in Lionshead or staging it at other drop offzones. For example, moving the Freestyle Program, approximately l57o of the DEVO skiers, to another drop offzone such as the TOV structure will be erplored and implemented if alternate drop offs are created. Staging DEVO out of the Lionshead Teen Ccnter will also be explored with TOV, including the creation of short-term, 30 minutc, dropolf and pick-up parking spacer in the Lionshead Parking Structure. / t7 5. DEVO race events will be moved in whole or in part to other local courses. 6. Upon the conclusion of each ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess the impacts caused by the DEVO program and make recommendations for adjustment or improvement to the Tier I techniques described above. (B.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques have been implemented and DEVO still adversely impacts portal congestion then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Period: 1. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain portals. VII. SKI CLI'B VAIL Ski Club Vail is a private, non-profit ski club which is not owned, operated, or managed by VA. VA, however, provides on-mountain access for training and racing events for Ski Club Vail. Ski Club Vail training accounts for approximately 60,000 gate starts per year and Ski Club Vail racing activities account for an additional 15,000 gate starts per year. Generally racing activity, including Ski Club Vail, runs from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and frequently occurs seven days per week during the ski season. l8 (A.) Tier I. Management measures to be taken concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. Ski Club Vait programs will be coordinated with other special events, as was done during the 1994/1995 season, to prevent overcrowding ofgroups in the portal at any one time. 2. Start times for Ski Club Vail during peak periods and high season will be coordinated so that Ski Club Vail arrival times will occur before the 9 a.m. peak hour rush and will be terminated later in the afternoon to spread the departure from the ski mountain. 3. VA will allow and encourage Ski Club Vail users to arrive and depart using the General Skier DropoffZone. 4. Upon the conclusion of the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques described above, assess the impact of Ski Club Vail on the use and elliciencies of the portal and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plan. (B.) Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I measures have been implemcnted and Ski Club Vail still poses logistical problems for the optimized use of the portal, the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee will be implemented. 1. Ski Club Vail will be terminated in whole or in part in its use of the Golden Peak race cours€s and base facilitv. 19 VIIL ADI]LT AND CHILDREN'S SKI SCHOOLS The Golden Peak portal is somewhat unique in that it supports a full children's ski school, including nursery, as well as the adult ski school. Approximately 371000 ski school students per season, or an averag e 264 per day, are serviced at this portal. The size and scope of ski school activities in the portal are naturally constrained by the size of the base area facilities. The Children's Ski School in particular is functionally timited by the building size and the ski yard available for introductor'5r children's classes. (A.) Tier I. Management measur€s to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrenfly with redevelopment include: 1. Ski school clesses will be coordinated with moming arrivals of other special user groups so that ski school classes will sequentially follow thc arrival times ofothcr groups and activities and spread out portal arrivals. 2. VA will emphasize I "one stop shop" of lessons and equipment, including overnight storage, which will reduce the need for arrival by private automobile as wcll as reduce dwell times of automobiles which do arrivc for drop off. 3. VA will promote in its marketing materials the convenience of public transit which seivices the area. 4. VA will explore the implementation of telephone or electronic preregistration in ski school, including the Children's Ski School, in an effort ^/ 20 to cut down the dwell times of automobiles dropping skiers off for ski school registration. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess congestion in the portal related to ski school activities and make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques discussed above. (B.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and congestion associated with the ski schools still results in crowding in the portal then the following additional made by the the following management steps will be sequentially implemented: 1. The recommendations for improvements or adjustments Assessment Committee or its designee will be instituted in season or Peak Period. D(. 2. VA will make improvements to its Lionshead Ski School facilities upon the redevelopment ofthat portal taking pressure offofthe Golden Peak portal. LOADING, DELTVERY AND TRASH REMOVAL The Golden Peak Base Facility requires the delivery of food and liquor for its restaurant operations and trash and recycling pick-up for all functions located at Golden Peak Curently, food and liquor delivery takes place daily between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and again between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The majority of / 2l food and liquor deliveries are first sorted out at the Gondola Building in Lionshead, then delivered to Golden Peak by VA employees. Currently, there is no formal loading dock at Goldcn Peak which results in the need for two (2) daily food and liquor delivery trips. In addition, there is a trash compactor at Golden Peak currently which results in the need for daily trash collection at 7:00 a.m.. Recycling pick-up is done by VA and occurs as needed concurrently with food and liquor drop-olf. It is estimated that current delivety times will remain the same to avoid interference with skier trallic, though the addition of a formal loading area and storage may reduce the number of daily delivery trips by VA from two (2) to one (f). The addition of a trash compactor at Golden Peak should reduce the frequency of daily trips required for trash pick-up. (A.) I!er-I. Measures to be undertaken concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. Delivery times will be managed so that no delivery or trash pick-up will occur during the hours of E:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2. The Assessment Comnittee witl review and assess truck deliveries and service at the conclusion of each ski season and make recommendations for alterations or improvements as necessarT. (8.) Tier IL In the event that some or all of the above measures have been implemented and if loading, detivery and/or trash removal results in 22 operational inefliciencies in the portal then the following management techniques will be implemented in the next succeeding ski season: 1. The recommendations of the Assessment Committee will be implemented. 2. VA will endeavor to deliver larger loads directly to Golden Peak and store additional food and beverage on site thus reducing the number of trips or will anange night delivery to avoid traffic congestion. SNOW MANAGEMENT Snow management at Golden Peak will be conducted in e manner similar to that in other VA portals. Snow storage zones have been depicted upon the revised snow storage map prepared and submitted with the Application. (A.) Tier I. The following menagement efforts will be undertaken with respect to snow storege and management during the ski season, including peak and high season periods. 1. VA will by contract with third parties or through its own forces plow all areas of vehicular circulation as depicted on the Snow Mrnagement Plan by 6 a.m. everT morning upon a snowfall of 4 or more inches. 2. VA, through its own forces, will remove snow from sidewdks and plaza areas depicted upon the Snow Management Plan by means of a bobcat, an ATV and/or by hand between the hours of 7 and E:30 on all mornings following a snowfall of 4 inches or more. 23 3. VA will store snow in temporarT snow storage areas within the drop off zones and within two to seven days of a 4" snowfall will use loaders and trucls to remove the snow stored there and transport it from the site. Impacts on traffic congestion will determine the speed and frequency of removal of snow from the temporary snow storage areas. VA will remove snow immediately if snow storage results in congestion in the drop-off zones causing auto stacking into the street. 4. At the end of each Peak Period and the ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will review snow removal performance during the s€ason and, as nec€ssarJr make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I techniques described above. @.) Tier IL In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques designed to manage snow have not effectively cleared the snow from the drop offzones or other public areas and/or have impacted circulation on the public streets, then VA will implement recommendations made by the Assessment Committce or its designee. SPECIAL EVENTS AND SKI RACING Golden Peak is the site of many ski races and special events during the course of a ski season. Typically thc racing season begins in mid-December and runs through ear$ April. Training for ski racing can be broken down as follows: Ski Club Vail generates 50,000 gat€ starts per y€ar; high school programs add 7,500 XL 24 gate starts per year; and corporate/club training events add 7,500 more starts per year. Actual racing starts for these three user groups are approximately 151000 gate starts per year for Ski Club Vail, with an additional 2,000 starts per year for local high school programs, and 101000 starts per year for corporate and club racing. These total roughly 102,000 gate starts p€r year and average 4.5 ski racing events per week Daily activity for ski racing typically commences at 8:30 a.m. and continues until 4:30 p.m. Of these race events two or three major televised events occur each year, not all ofwhich are headquartered out of the Golden Peak coune. These include the Pro Tour, FIS World Cup and North American Trophy Series races. In 1999 the World Championships will be held at Vail and opening ceremonies are scheduled for Golden Peak. Race starts and demand for training space have been growing steadily for the past decade. Special Events which occur at Golden Peak, in addition to the routine racing programs, include various snowboarding events which draw typicatly 100 to 250 people, the U.S. Pro Tour which draws about 500 people, and Hot Winter Nights events which draw 500 to 1000 people typically in February and March and up to 3000 people during the Christmas holiday. (A.) Tier I. Management techniques already utilized and in place at Golden Peak or which will be implement with redevelopment include: 25 1. Snowboarding events typicalty held in non-peak periods are usually small with minimal impact on portal arrivals or use. Arrivals and staging of event participants will be managed with VA personnel on an "as needed" basis. 2. Hot WinterNights events are held during olf hours and do not interfere with other portal arrivals or demands on infrastructure. These will be managed with VA personnel on an ttas neededt'basis. 3. Major events, such as televised FIS racing events, the World Championshipsn major bicycle race events, and summer fireworks will be managed through the standard special event permitting process of the TOV. 4. At the end of each Peak Period and ski season the Assessment Committee or its designec will review and make recommendations concerning Special Events and racing activities at Golden Peak and their impacts on the portal and congestion in the surrounding infrastructure. (B.) Tier tr. In the event some or all of the Tier I techniques have been implemented and congestion has still resulted at the portal which ndversely effects traflic or surrounding town infrastructure then VA will implement the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee in the following ski season or Peak Period. In addition the following succesgive management techniques will be implemented: 1. Special events will be moved in part from this portal to down valley locations. Vail Associates Real Estate Croup, Inc. Informadon contacts: Bctty Lnndgren - &45^2512 ConsUuction informgtion Rob Perlmsn - t45.5721 Opcning informatlon GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT coNSTRu_qTIoN UPDATE lllrL196 S6eet construction along Vail vailey Drivc, on the north side of the Gotdcn Peak building' is now eubatantially complctc, -Minimel trifiic aenyr around Goldcn Pcrk ghoulrl now be encountcred, crcept whcn necicrory for thc perlodic itrgtcas tnit egre* of rupply rnd dcliv-ery truckr. Inst;llation ofthe asphalt for thibus turncround area, as well u sidcwalk access from tho bus lane to the base of the Riva -Batrn express lift in fiont of the Children'g Centet' is now complcte. Final hackfilline of the nrkins shusture and &e lodgc buiidins is abo rub*antialll' complc{c' sitc Application of cxterior sheathing on thc building is undenfiay and will bc ongoing as -well. Instaltarion of cxtcrior stuoco an? stonework has oommenced. Intclior frsmitrg, installation of Ule and drywall arc continuing throughout the structure. Constuction activitios can be expected in and around the Golden Peak redevclopmcnt eite between the bours of ?:00 a.m. to ?:00 p.m. Mouday tluough saturday. Dust and noi$e potcntisl ctn cxist bet$'een thosc houre. Ar alwayr, pedcetriane, biqypliste and rnotorlsts are rcrninded to ure GItrr caution whco trevetirtg around thc Goldeu Perk redevclopmcnt rite. LODCE OPE.NTNG UPDAIE Following is a sy,nopsis of kcy dater and notrble lnformstioo, Pleasg undcrstand we are worklng diligentlfthroulhout thr n.*if"w montrs to completc the project as gtckll.and as. eflicientlv as pori6tr. However, koep in mind &at all of the construction schedules are dynamic and aubject to chauge and rcfinEment. We wll! keep infonnation and updatc communicatlon flowing continually' Thuk you for Your Patience' Frldrv. Novcmbcrt r The $mall world Physchool Nursery (for non-ekiing cbildren agcs 2 nrontre o 6 yearr) at Oolden peak opcned. Hows are E:fb a.m. to 4:30 p.m, Rssefi'dions are required; phone 479- 2044,. The bug nunaround and nursery drop-off are aiso opm. r THBRE IS NO SKIING OR oTHBR SERVICES AVAILABLB UNTIL NOV' 23 h*E*t ol v?t\ ,6rv!r crc€t"f$n tng,tlerd'' dnd a,{fuW Aukhvllsge' 13? Benchmsfk Road. POBor959o Avon. Colofsdo' 6'1620' Phone 970 i45 2535 ' far970t452555 $ SrCIrdav.Novcnler23 . The Gophcr Hill beginner lift (chair l2), the Pinochio ropetow and tlre children's Magic Carpet opcn offering beginner tenain to skiers and Snowboarders,r Thc Ooldcn Pcak Pavilion (a 80' x 40' tent shucure) openl rerving limited gnacks, drinkr and bubecuc itcms. Tcrnporary restrooms will also bE installed.r A modular bulldiog opcnr houriag the lift tigket ofnco ard Ski urd Snowboard School registation.r Ski rnd Snowboard School lessons (lcvrls l-9) for both adulc rnd children wilt bcgin.r Adult and Childrcn's renlels ars availablc in the Childrcn'l Center in addition to the Childreo'r nbil rhop.r On Wodnegday, Nov. 27, the Ngrdic Center at Ooldcn Pcrk oprns offering snowshoe tours, brckcountry tours and Nordic lessonr rs wcll as rentrl eguipmcnt Dccenbor 16 'tt . The uew Rivr Brhn (chrir 6) openr,. Tbc cntire lowcr portion of ttre new Golden Peak bale lodge opens including thc Wrcck Room (the t t5.lert piza rGstaurant), cmployec locker roomr and techooms, Panial portlonr of ttto nain floor wlll bc opcn including the Snowoll Rcntsl rnd Repelr Center, ttre tiskct offica rnd ski and ruowboud rchool rales rnd registntion. MldCclcsc r The Nstorante Belh Riva and the Bella Riva bakery rre rchcdulsd to open, as are the odrer public portioor oftbe bu0ding, Flease ltmanbcr thst all &tes are subject to clrangc and, again, '.trank you for your patience. €l I r!i.,. Tailfumclatoc hd $staie $muP, Ino. a a a. a. a a a a a a... a a a. t.a a " Ir$mrdotrcsttcb: ncnyl.udSqn -9.5.2572 Rob Flrlnm - t4t.5721 GOLDEN PEAK REDEYELOPMENT CONSTRUCTIONUPDAIE l0/l/96 lhf!,a,t!tt|[ xutt Cnalt||Fltr riadtand rafi.bra||t|t t4lhn'':'. ',ii,il.r.:':': '.'.. '..,,i.r.,r..,.r1..r. .-,r. r,, I,. ,rr.rr r., , i'. ,..-. "" ":j: "1'.1 ,!!.,,...' Brcanrc of rccrnt colttrucdotr chrllcngcr dgc to wcr$rrr ud tlre couplcrity of tlc rordrork pfiurcd, pcrlodlc trrfic ddeyr rround Goldrn Pcelr wlll bc cacounlurd urtil rpprodni:dy thc ;d of Octob.r ?th. A tigrifald lnouut of rordrtuk rlog Vdl Vattry Orlvc, ineU{ing curb, 4rttcn rad ddfivdk cdfiusdoo ir involw4 rnd will ccntinn to pitriC tr6c f,ow in 6o arsr. Dcfuyl crn be opcstad o Vril Vdtay Drivr fr6l tb fltt cdacc b lvtanor Vail up to ad baluding tbc }Irnrm Rrclr Rmd intcccicn" Prapphg, fumirg rnd pouting of d& m Eadc ud olcvcod alcck toplng cr thc prrti$ ea;ic [ rc$'c-rplctc, Woahrr pamisilg' $rbrproofiry and brald[irg of prfirf rtntcnss aofl Oc bOgG b*ilding, will rco be ccnnptotcd. Roof d6ol.i!g ad rwf "dry,'in" co,rtnrcdoarceoiog*v3Uwi$ Epprgtdffitdy 3 moro wc*s ufiil corylstioo' Applictim of ![ffilor rlodhiog on ttrs btdldhS b gndcnrry rnd will b€ @8oinS. hrtalldim of oCcior rtucoo ard rffisrork will innodiuoly fnllor. I\fiority of rhrllorr utilitv inrtrllatio m thc routh drlc of ttro lodp buildinc |!d pding *"iot ,r. it cmpho, lt il uticipOa tlgt by tb wtclt of Oc'tobcr ?th ths ttqidity of rbdlotr utility innrllrki m tbg Drth db of tho buildrry witl also bc oouploF, Ar rocnrr thir wuk ir complCo, w€lfbg emi6itrg. odsrirt nandainride ggdilg rDd rttc n'octwill bqin h prcprrUio Sr momrHry h tho arca Cortructimotht tttlsboapo i8 sfphSwbic.hiDchd6 orrbr, gutlc6, hrchUmrculdrr3r ad fto hudicrp "occn nnrp drccro-Vril Vrlloy Driw rnd ln tom of tbp childla'r CCnbr. Bxtariw rtsrc ritC-wallr, Er rvoll rr sttracti\rc pavEfrt@o dlb\'9db, arc anrndly boiaginfillcd, Irtaro cortrudi@.advity will am' ftcur m cqloting tbc idtsbr oflb buildi!8. Irtuior fuinirry il coUnuing tUongtout th! ltusttuo rod inrtallatio of dls urd drymn bnr o*unmcnO gn-ta tcnm tctttt. Ioitiat U,,n-n noO uvicc oquiprncd, ruch ar sxb||r|t hood!, ftr the loum lcwl nrtruard, th. Wr3ct( Roon, will bc dolirtrod md inrtallcd fir il!*. It ir .ntitip$O Olt ll'ifri! dtc -trfit wcek U.S. WGtt rnd Vsil furocl$ca, IDo. will bcir F lling t trpU,* *U. b tb! b'uilding, Conemeal ftr ths beaiug ryetm a'o tq il lr th! Erin ftrildr gsrr GquiEquut fot ths b'uit$oS's utiro cloctrioal rytur. Cm$rucdfi u tbc rupc rtnroills ftr tbl bott@ qmiorl of thc Riva Ealu (chrir #6) ir SouE ""tt, er mo !l Oo adEr tanninal tupGr tuucturE ir cctated, inltdldG oftb tift i*G *itt lqrpdirtly follorw. Ingtrltrtion of ol$triosl $,Ling ii cnseing rrd tht lord bdng fortbtlifti! rdll o rchcilrlefu hbNovcmbc' o13? !.nchmrt iord. FO Sor gSg. Aunn, Cohnrlo r l!O0r phonr gT0 !f3 2!35' fir l70 t'5 2313 Golika Pcrk Rodatloprur* Cilnrrrotifi Up&b -prgc2 r0/v96 Cortuctisr artiviticl crn bc cnpcctcd h aEd erouildths Goldcn Pcrk radcvolopmut dtr b*rvcan tbc hsufi of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.n. Moday througb Sdurdty' Duct aod noin pofrtill cr! add bst$s tholo hours, Pcriodia ingrar rndqrcsr of arprply rnd cocrac truckr atthp rie will alrc eottinrc ud may rbo dolay trrfro b 6e a,rce, fu rlwryr, pcdcrtrirnrr bicydirtr ud notorlrb uc rcmildcd to urc crilrr crudon whco trrwllng rrouud tbt Goldcil PceI rodnnJopmrnt dta ft appruolrtc arour coopcntior dtd undciltanding el wc movo ftrqtudto irPrpw dl ary€c,tt of tb! Oolddr PGtli pocal to Vcil Mouurin, COnrfnrfim rcbOdulc, with any nodifigtrtifil, ir li46l bclw: (er\ieotto cbrap u mtudil gdid1;) Activitvlt Eid6 &SbADU br*!n OdobaT'Notrcoblr I Frrirh of trurlldhl - slpi$ l'rhl rki fuility cmpl*io mticiDdd fs hbDogsdDtr' 19fiGrr$c htrris o JIJ- 1B '96 @?IWPN V.A.R,E. GROUP f.1 Infornrdoq oodtatr: EALUldgffi .t/.3-L512 RoD P!fln|! - t45-5?21 GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCIIONIJPDATE 7lLOt96 Sipificant cxccv*io $ tho Ooldsn Posk costruction ritc har been conrplaod, Mqior tra,f6c dolayt in tbc aloa haw also coascd, Mirnr taftc stopplgo b allmr for tbc pcriodic ingrc$ ud egrcs of rupply and cdncrpto trucks * thc dto will csthug throu8lout tbc omrtnrc{ior prcjcct. Duo to ttc rnount of conrtnrctloa rcdvity rnd horrry equlpncot tnfic in tbc rrcr, pcdrrtrhnr rnd blcycllrtr rro rrmhdcd to urc crrtra crrrtion rbcn trrvdin3 in rnd rrould tha Goldcn Pcrk rcdo'clopncnt ritc. FuEiEg rnd pouring of awruE for the rndorgrorud ps*ing garags ftotingp and ftuadstior, ic cmtinuing u ir rhrllow utility inrtalltion m tbp rorth ridc ofVeil Vallcy lhiw. In ftsd of thc Cldl&ffi'! Ct[tff, Iay o$ rnd cmrtuotron of srrrbr and grtters, rs rnll ru parkilg eod bue trruuound sr!!t, hff cornnenccd. Conrtnrgticn of thc bottm terminal Nlding fu tlr Oolh Poak E tpltrc lift ic cmtinuhg ad tho bundstionc ftE tls lift torrccs on tho morutaln arc bciag pourgd, fbc najonity ofthc boo olaodng ulog th! apprurd hft digtrffi har boril curpktcd. Conrtnrstio and cxcavatioa rativitice can bc orpcCIed in and aroundths Cold@ Ps,ak rcdcrvslopmcut ric bstws th. hours of 7:00 e,m. to 7t00 p.m. m tbre dayr. Dust eDd Doiro potmdil crn odrt bcturccn tholc haue. Wo apprcciatc pur coopctdion rnd unacrstmdt5 ar rc novo ftawad to iurpmrrc rll aspecb of thc Oold€d Poak porbl to Vril l[orutab. Conltn$do! rchcdule, with ury nodiffcrdonr, ir listtd bclow; I1il,4*Iggiqtpp no{ T1tato Qroop, Ill. larftsprd cr ttral' rrattFbttffiutIhr 0|&1 lrd{." .tr{\ a.tllt\cVItbr||lr!urm!ry AgtivityDosidicr CfiErc'tc crst in phoc - rtustu$, Efilgc & clcvrtq rhdb Brc,tflll ofrbuoturr . bar lodgr tuildinl Btccl rsof &udsl Orragl FrstrtOrngobddll Sc.hrduLdDrllt (nbjcato "t'-f uoultudo aqauos) ltry 8 -A'{utt 12 lfiry 2t . July 29 Inly 19. Saphnba 17 July I -Au$nt26 S.pt, l9 . Novlorbs I Innic &tilh of buildi4 ' qfotU ttotil *i frcility comilaiq rn{oiprtrd ftr bte-Ihcrobcr, 1996 t)lt7 trnchmr* iord. Xf lor el3 r Avon, Colorrdo r !1610 r phonc 970 145 1535. frx 970 'fl 2555 t?a.Cat'>ar,Y- to[zt lqu rga\ruov,n"r, \ocln* iDDr'\ne, w,-ce-+ roewn-Sinin, qwe,.anza-n- cl,vLa- fro.--:tJ.: ;ffi* WVINI^-, . \o"drlb d.e,e . t:c;t<-t =c..lrs lT 6/rea-', rcblJ aJrea/ au'' 74 1tu'l -Ii+-.gt* *dp /t'l+ltt/*or- - l.Lav. t7ry Cfn** b Wlv lwrtzfiuiun lld" *{4 - fi bl* 4 "a"pt^"tL -614^ y d Yfr€ - r,rpf a.t* 4 t,il-, +w'f{o4&,;L , 6h..^lc^,.os 59\ilffi\l\Jucr,'- r,bF all.4 ato- 116 -P*61na*^'-tu-+*vt \ ^]\r )({/v - ru..drt,\.na1- \\fl I^,,1^4 -> [oud< -.api,nqrql u €a klwr^iwct^a,,( furraq, Nil/tp w4t//"fu 'TQ)= n* 70.3 dfuq^* Aydb T0o o /pt// Mruw+taw tl,rwq *_+ tuu,_ Llla,rrhlT (/,tot-. W4A"t,,"-WUry ttt- U Y b,,f ^+ W TCo , t.e I*+ wvdo rco (( C*ndoltu - ryhe flrtfr,"rt-/r-, fuW*1 *la-a-jz- ,,,*ll -Tkutt V-aX"L;ng t Jt lrr, ,t , ^{)O ryvl rt-/ ,Jt,+, t/\/ ttI;ti L,/ l' - '"'-7 ,l,/J..0d *rl[ rQvuir.r K q\Y, N tltvLb x \^),\& Qu.ur11 x s- r r(r, r- rz\- y' ,/Ji*6.R- = sa>'14' .-t'--i C*Gl*o rtRt g tlq b*; {/. tq6t- ./1 A rJ I t - !L:, kec €ee ,ddetkl lqY.3 J (A*rt P"ak Ref.ft<- I cb*Lk {e-cii i**w t;'!;*d"h,l.d G- tft /fu,urJO '177- 3tL(o O thprvr i'/- , Rec Qz+ = 70 { -s6 ef : ase,,l{ evrt aLo€ rt,'g >"{*C€ ORDINANCE NO. 2 Senies of 1974 AN ORDINANCE FOR THEASSESSMENT, LEVY, AND COLLECTION OF A RECREAT]ONA L AMENITIES TAX ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND THE CREATION OF A RECREATIONAL AMENITIES FUND. WHEREAS, the Town of Vait, Colonado, heneinaFten neFenred to as the t'Townrt, was founded as a necreationaL Facitity and has developed into a pneeminent nesont and necneation community; WHEREAS, the napid development of buildtngs and incnease oF popuLati.on within the community has bundened the exi,sting necneational faci li.ties in the Town: WHEREAS, the Town Council oFthe Town constdens it is necessany fon the Town to pnovide additional necneationaI amenities in the Town to accommodate the i.nFlux of nesidents and visitons to the community; WHEREAS, the Town Council deems it necessany to create an additionat sounce of nevenue fon the Town fon the funding of additional necneational ameni.ties in the T orrwr and to encounage developens to pnovide necneationat facitities in pnivate devetopments in the community; and .-WHEB@inance, Ondinance No. 5, Senies oF L973, cneating a necneationaf@as enacted pnion to the adoption oF il..l;-.ffi;;iG6ru',iffen;a'rc-.dirl"n"e No. 8, Senies oF 1973, which modified the zoning distnicts of the Town, and the fee is pnedicated tn pant on the zoning distnict in which a bui.lding is constnucted; said Ondinance No. 5 altows a peniod of six months aften the issuance oF the butlding penmi.t fon payment of the fee, which has nesulted in senious difFicutty fon the Town in cotlecting the Fee and pnectuded the Town fnom obtaining the nevenue at the time it was needed; and said Ondinance No. 5 has othen deficiencies which nequine that it be supenceded by a mone compnehensive ondinance which among othen things pnovides fon a tax cnedtt; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL oF THE TOWN OFVAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Title. Thi.s ondinance shalI Tax Ondinancerr . be known as the riRecneationaI Ameni.ties Section 2. DeFinitions . Fon purooses of this ordinance the fotlowinq deFinitions shalI appty: A. Buildi.ng: As /-nr{a aF \ /= i Ivvv9 v. w $L r, defined i.n the Unifonm Title V, Chapten l, as Buitding Code, Town amended. o B. Building penmi.t: As defined in the Unifonm tsuitding Code, Town Code of Vai[, Title V, Chapten l, as amended. C. Building OfFiciat: As defined i.n the UniFonm Buitding Code, Town Code oF Vai[, Ti.tle V, Chapten l, as amended. D. Zoning distnict: ,As deFi.ned in the Zoning Ondtnance, Ondinance No. B, Senies oF [973, Town of Vai[, Colonado, as amended. E. Floon anea: As defi.ned in the Zoning Ondinance, Ondinance No. I, Series of [973, Town of Vail, Colonado, as amended. F. Othen designated Town ofFicial: An ofFici.al designated by the Town Manager. Section 3. Levying of necneational amenities tax. The necneational amenities tax as pnovided in this ondinance shalt be levied by the Town fon the constnucti.on or enlangement oF each building in the Town aften the efFective date heneoF fon whi.ch a buitding penmit i.s requi.red Fnom the Buitding Officiat upon the penson, conponation, or enti.tyapptying fon the building permit; this tax shatt be tevied one time onty and is not an annual tax. Sectton 4. Tax assessment. Fon buildings constnucted in the vanious zoni.ng distnicts oF the Town the tax on each building shatl. be assessed aften the Filing oF an apptication fon a buitding permit by the Buitding Officiat on othen designated Town official i.n accondance with the foll.owinq schedule: Zoning Distnict t) sFR 2)R 3) LDMF 4) MDMF . 5) HDMF 6) PA 7) CCr 8) CC2o\ a-c/- 1O) HS 11) A 12) SDr Tax nate pen squane Foot of ftoon anea <t 16 .zc Rr\ -rF .tn .25 thnough .75 Sectton 5. Tax cnedi.t fon necreationa I amenities incl,uded i.n a pnivate development. In the event the plans fon a butlding on enlangement which ane submi,tted to the Buitding OfFiciat in conjunction with an application fon a building penmit tnclude necneational amenities within said development the penson, corporation, on entity apptying fon said bui.tdtng penmit rnay nequest fnom the Building Offi.cial on othen designated Town oFficiat a tax cnedit netating to the necneational amenities tax assessed against said developmgnt; pnovided, howeven, that with the appnoval of the Town IManagen the aFonesaid necneational amenities may be developed on pubtic pnopenty nathen than withi.n said development. ? Section 6.Types of necneattorra I amenities considened Fon tax cnedi.t. Types of outdoon on indoon necneationaI amenities which shatt be cons i,dered Fon tax cnedit ane as follows: t) tennis count; paddte tennis count. 2) gotf counse; pitch and putt counse; dniving nar€e; putti ng green. 3) footbal.t field; basebatt FieLd; soccen field. 4) basketbatl count; votleybatl count; handbatt count. 5) ice skating ni.nk; ice hockey nink.' 6) svv 4i.ng pool. 7) e) e)museum. 1 type detenmined by the asonable discnetion to be Town Managen acting appropniate and benefictaI vi.sitons. pe-dre.stnian tnail fon Town, its nesidents, and Section 7.Computation oF tax cnedit; rnaxirnrm cnedit allowed. A. Basic cnedlt. The penson, conponation, on entity upon which the tax is assessed shall be entl,tted to a basic cnedit of fi% of the cost oF the recneationa I amenities included in the assessed development, pnovided that said cnedit shall not exceed 50% of the tax assessrnent. B. Additionat cnedit. An additionaI cnedit agai.nst sai,d tax in an amount not to exceed 50% of the tax assess rnent may be allowed fon satisFactony necneationaI amenities then needed by the Town within the neasonab le discretion of the Bui,tding Officiat on othen desi.gnated Town offtcial in accondance with the following schedule: Cnitenia Considered Maxirrum cnedit ttre l) Community need 2) Pubtic access 3) Desi.gn of total pnoject 4) Quattty of rnatenials 5) Seasonat usabitity 6) Coondination with The Vail Plan 7) EcotogicaI compatibility 8) Open Space 9) L-andscapirg 1O) Othen pentinent fiactors C. Maxi.mum cnedi.t. 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Pnovided, howeven, that the rrnximum cnedit allowed unden both subparagnaphs A and B heneof shall not exceed 7E% of the tax assessment. D. Exclusion fnom tax cnedit. No tax cned it shall be allowed with nespect to a tax assess- ment fon a buil.ding on enlangement constnucted in zoning distnicts SjFR, R, and A. o Section 8. Retnoactive efFect oF tax cnedit. The tax cnedit pnovided henein shall. appty netnoactively to the necneational fees assessed unden Ondtnance No. 5, Senies oF 1973, Town oF Vai[, Colonado; and the effectuation of this provision shalI be cannied out by the Building Officiat on othen designated Town ofFicia I negandless of whethen a panty assessed with a necneational ;ss l'Ylakes irppticati.on fon a tax cnedi.t theneon. Section g. Payment of net tax due pnior to issuance of buitding penmit. The amount of tax assessed neduced by any tax cnedit nelating theneto, to-wit the net tax due, sha[[ be paid to the Depantmen! of Finance of the Town pni.on to the issuance of the buitding penmit fon the buildtng on enlangement on which the tax assessment is pnedicated, and the payment of said net tax due is a pnenequisite For the issuance of said buitding penmit. Section 1O. Reevaluation of tax cnedit and net tax due pnion to issuance of occupancy penmit. In the event a tax cnedit was allowed, upon the Fiting of an application fon the occupancy permit fon the building or enlangement on which the tax assessment i.s pnedicated, the Bui.lding Offictat on othen designated Town officiat shatt neevaluate the tax cnedit and if said cnedit is incneased on decneased will nedetenmine the net tax due; afLen such a nedetenmination, any addi,tional tax due on any tax nefund owing shalI be pai.d pnion to the issuance of the occupancy penmit, and said payment is a prenequisite fon the issuance of said occupancy penmit. Section 11 . Exemot entities. Govennment facilities, schools, hospitals, and chunches ane exempt fnom thi.s tax . Section [2. Recneational Ameni.ties Fund. Thene is heneby cneated the Recneational Amenities Fund. Alt necneational amenities taxes collected punsuant to this ondinance shatl be paid into said fund. The Finance Di.necton of the Town shall rnaintain a special account fon sai.d fund. Secti.on 13. Recneational Amenittes Fund to be used only fon necreati.ona I amenities. By nesolutton the Town Councit shall appnopniate availabte funds from the Recreati.onaI Amenities Fund fon the acquisition, development, or rnaintenance oF tand, buildings, on facitities in the Town to be used only fon necneationat punposes, including but not ltmited to such necneational amenities as panks, picnic aneas, playgnounds, open land, athletic fields, skating ninks, golF counses, tennis counts, handbatl counts, bicycle paths, pedestnian paths, and hiking tnails. Section 14. EfFective date. This ondinance shall take eFFect tive days aften publication foltowing the iinal oassaoe heneof. I o Section 15. Repeal of pnion ondinances. Upon enactment oFthis ondinance, Ondi.nance No. 5,-Senies of 1973, of the Torrun of Vail, Cotonado, is theneby nepealed. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED 'that cn the Sth day of Febnuary, t974, thts ondlnance was intnoduced, nead on finst readirg, approved, and ondened pubtished once in futt and a pubtic heanirg was scheduled at the negulan meeting of the Town Councit of the Town of Vatt, Colorado, on the t9th day of Februany, 1974, at 7:3O P.M., in the Municipat Buttdtng. INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AS HEREIN AMENDED AT A REGU.LSR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, ENACTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this t9th day of February, [974. E-ect Eagle County Atta raorS -Oo 3036E-Q0698r91 0222 I S?04?93 1 18-25 ;S 3 FE0 0 $ t996 PEAUIf I$FO8$I'TrON tt t i|}*rt r r*r**l|.*t t*****r rtr. l'-E].ectrtca]. C l-uccbd,nibal [ ]-otbor ,hii't ar 970-328-854 'AICEL it 2lo t 'or Parcel # I rPPLrci Iitta*r*r*fl* lc)d-su*ar", rob N oN. t:f ** tl ***it*f*tlf a Plurbing t LoEal Deecrl O$Dcrg Nars: Arehitcctt Geneta]. Dct iJork Clas8s llunber of l*i**tii*a*t [ ]-Alteratlon I trnLEs: A IUIIDTNG: |LnurINc: r***t*tri!.*tl leneral'@nt rddress: ilectrLcal.ddrrsc; 'lurDbingi conddrcss: €clranlca]. ddresg: Itt-**atr-rt UIf,DING LUITBING ECEE.NTCAJJ LEEIRICAL IHTR trVPE OTIB !EE: ,DErngs: -.rr'"- -:.:- . **t*+* r**r******** FoR Ir 61/t&L Dil*E:- rqv'CO[VI[4. DEV. DEPTBE Fr!I,ED OUT couPI.EIEtT oR I8 i{hY NcIl! BE AccEzIED Add:lae3 Pll.{lbJE!;L p.l[|llrlrt?{L l-Repair t l-oEh.q fnbcr and F!,rrplapes: oar Appllances- Cas toEalQ Hoodr/Prlt.t-L INFORUITION tt *r -r..****tt*tttt** *J**r,.JSAgit town of vetl Bca. Ng./t/-/+ @JZ2J_ Pbonr Nwnb.xtsot-?Ao--ZZao :Llb-Cblf rown or vat:. Rcs. so./4-{ Phona Nu:lbor :?o3.t37 -4.tao -C@1. rown of vel,t eq. xo. /t/--fPhone NurBbcr: EgIl- Zz:il- @ro rown or v.lt R.s. No,/q7'4 Phene l{Ufibcr:W- OFFICE qSE ****r***t*tr*tr**tt'**r*t*t ***tt BUII.DING PIA}I CHECK FEE: fr%.O,b + PI.I'}IBIN6 PIAII CEEGK trEE: I'fECHA}TTC.f,IJ PIAjI CHECK FEE: .RECREASTON TEE: CI.EA}T.UP DEPOSIT!TOfII. PERICIT FEES! BIITI.DINGI STGNATURES aoNrNc: SIGNATIIRE: Er.EcrRrcAr.,: | /t O9 I' o0? !,GcltAllrcAt z l-G,tE CZo J-ACdtttonal I Number of,Acconnodttlon Unltc: ffi: I V,&,cooTorAEsW Pti lnE ot **t* ftn,o ofr 6vH;Q,^r lt7 ll,,rr,6'rD,6b: N,lul n13,nn,6vo,^: -T,- rl4,o ,o*.* O # +to,* " 3,uoo 7* l, oa, 6e. eo . 13 e,ox (ts' cb. @t 143,t4o'* ). 652" @oruyo o##?o,o^ \ tatrn"(*y (ldcta,rl Ft(ann. gr./8. la" D- t 3?ptt,^. l)fu.,rotg 0/6Y*X-€ -(tIrE aF 9*,L. *l* ft:ini":SliES riJ.I [: " ;1*,.+ t{*o.* TO FRr DA RE 0-90 t lU.ll I ALL COIJTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUELIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY Job P lf you 'Public Com of Vall I havE ls any .ls the ls other :tllEIIl-c0HtN uutr!|,*r.Utt.t: t e t.L.t r r v+ / e0 r +o-rr'nUU. r Z-o PERMIT'IS REOUIRED ll.t 2) 3) 4) 5) 7) 8) I ls this'a new resrUgnce? I is dernoliilon wort beinj performed res lhe use of tho right easatncnls or public proper.ty? that ofn work needed? belnil repaved? access needcd lo sile exlsting ddvaway? fpcrty lo be usod lor staging, r lcnclng? no to 84, ls a parking, slaging g plan required by Community nt? x 6)ls any $ralnagc worft belng done atf€ciing tha righf of way, eassm€nts. or publip property? lsa-e Right of Way Permit' the dght of way, eassments or V X X ycs to any of these gucstions, . jPublic Way p€rmlt. must o-a obtaincd. rmit' applications may be obtatned at the pubtic worrs oftiee or atlopment. lf you havc any qu€stlons please calt Charfia Davls, the Town on Inspeclor, at 479-2158. answered a/,the above guEstions. s Signature ft r $. follming questionnaire regarding I thE ndcd lor a .Pubflc Way Permlt': NO!tr x x x X r fencl Job &*c.z) $utt- A. GOLDE.N PHAKffiE AND l';' . ,''i' i].1,[^^_.:--.=*Y : "il i''.!li lt .l '. I I il.'t;,.1l''li,'l' : ! ..r, pE$rlIcATtoN .0r ' DEDtctrlor rttD otJuBlSHlPOIJUBISHIP I'1 | I 'i | . 3ilou lll t{Ell Bl TltEEEj ttEgEllrg rh.r vslt trrolS"erc, rnc. r r | ;.r Colorrdo.corgoiielon,; bglns eole..,oener ln.f.o.c,eluPl:.91^iil^ .. I ' rhor r.el trcPrr3J lllur!€d 1n,thi torr of Yrtli.EtSlG coun!y,.. : '..atonB 3hr cre of ,olC cFrvc'havlngl r delEl oE rc.sef,rr.l '-:oo '"loiiiir, i rrarurl otl li;.5s:i-r'l rnd r ehord bearlng-.rortth 6?-delreee lt I':.. Ih3t D!r3'of Srcitoh 8, Toonchlp t Souih' Rdrte 80 VsgE oq Gho . Ort frioifiri-uiirdrrn, loun ot irtl, Erjle-couqry, corolrdo,b:1n!- : . ir:soreton lf Jrrcg Br vrll YllIrgG Seventh Tllln8 ee recoraed tn lhet:gliice of thr, Eoelc gouniy Clerk anC B.corCo E ' Descnber II, r?ori Ilre ':iil'ideiioi"iirif i-i' -l""nl.d ve tl -vttrrso rtf th'tlllns ec neo:ded. -.;,iil.iiliii.itii-rr,i eiiic count! Glrrl-rnd Bec9r40r Novsrbct J5'. le65' f llr nc. tot5tt rnc, gn u'npl..tr.d i p.rc.t ot .r.h.t'iliisli-ii-iil-iirnrr . --i, -r- .L|''L,^r. -.:r.r ci..r^- t'4Lalio rnre . arr r,t iulally' dagC'tlbart ' | ';L;";":-iotile-."il.o-I"pletrrdlprrml ot t'hd rocr3ll ln 3h'.tFurt\ 'i' iii:.iil'eiiiiiiri"lra-silii"r'riilqtnr lgrr Priclcuhrlv d'retrb'd i ,;l]]iiiiJr, Feqrqo{nj1ar_rb..."eritrciri ecrici'ct thc loucbrer! qubrcsr | ,'. oi,irr--ndiir,riifiiiiiii ie urolFieiqon !i :1!9lcE rourh.00 derreeo ' -l-Jii,;iiuicr 0o'trspndr e{ct a dlefrnci'ot ait'sl'teoc. !o Gh' PorNr 0F ' ',. ..'| ., ,.stcIdNIXO ct rhq parqet 1co u. a"a.ri[.i, .irn pirdt belne on Ehq oouch.rlt .. I ...;iii#:ii:';; iil.:'?lv;ii vcrteriDtlv€ anc be{nt on I Forn! ql"i::i:' :'i.'{. lie-'lnc irisi liliucplr rillcenicigr 166''e t"!rs+ong rhe erc , l''--l1r'urie lrviii I'J.lili;tlil ci'iriir 57 rtnurer l' epeondr' t lSoif'"0"0n., .. .lr |':lit:'H"ii:ii;:li;;:*',ri:iti,.;illn"ll'i"ti'!:,ll"l'lB';i";;,;--- I i,,cJr..lie, li.iii[ia.i" r'iioreJ , j.. I .1 - : ' '' :l'' ri....:: I l.l I i ' rhrr Plrl'er sr.itoh 8, roerchlP r sout!", R:fBe-l9 !:9! 3!j:!t ; I i' Ilcit!'Jlliift-ii l|a;ir roai;'l:irrsucr roulh 75 dertces 20lrnurer | ;.,dll;r;.;i;-;lli i:ailiii,:. "l,ir!lbo.r"'s slond eeld rlrlr-ti-v6y rrncl '::r? ;';;iil";!'i**.i;.i::"1{:l:;",lHi:...i,i:.$;,:l,rlo'l,liil. , .' | ' . rlonr 3h. .te of ,l{ iFry9'!9v.dt1r; r derll ol lo d"rr" vu I | ',loO 'jlooiia.,'l iiaiirioifiel.oo:lir'r end r chord beartns.rorrth 6? de 1 i : :i6 liiudil'oi riecid. nbt e dl{rencc ot 3{'79 fdscl THBNCE eourhI ":'rc airrri. tg;i;;;!; il,l.::rli :.:, ^.,1:,::::.-::":l':: f:::'::.: ,I RECREATI ON I IOISTRI.CT PARCEL i,i,,' :;l ll ','i: . BETNG A FORTION O-F,TIRACI'I r, ValL vlLLAgE 4V.EN DEDrlrrn FILiNG 'AND ;TRACIT B:L VAIL VILLAG E SEV EN T H riur r.re AND AN UNP.LAITED;;PARcq! LoCATED lN SEcTloN 8,T.5 S., Ri80W., 6th. P;M., :TgWN 0F VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY' I i cqLo RADo , M INOR SUBDlvts,tgN FINAL PLAT I ": 'ii ;il;;;; io iin.il" oZ ac"ondi'eert-r-dhtsner or {0'00 rccr'ro t L Dolnt aD ,t'r "..d'uii.iiti-iliiil"l-" 0'265 acra Plscel cr hnd tecorded.l :.in-iiof aei'rt r.ri'iii iii'.t,; orrrc. or shc Egrtl ccuBry clelB.rnd I ilriillri:'riiuLs'rronC Dhc boendrrv llne o! sild percet.:*l!:ll::1"8 ij :;!e;ii;;; .f11_19'g.i:::-l? ?1"::::.:: ii'::::.::':";,ol':i:::"::.. | '.l;iloo';Lri--ii"ii di'ii-;;";r ,rg rrnucec J4 eeicndr slrc I drrrtnce | .,'of 155,28'i".ii-'li"iinl6i-a"iriicls Elnuget 59 secondr eee-3 r dl'rrne' |,''i,li io.oo-e!;!,t ;-;;ii; "; ;il'*.!l-ltltl;:r*:Ll:":,:: :":i.:::::t'Ol t9rtlU flr9.ts I Pvllll err''rE; 'r.'r '-trr'!-l'uir"ll'-riiiii'ioirl-Cd-a"s'i"l tq rlouris'22 gecondr't5c 8 dlrcrncs .,'i,6i-ili.d irii ircnl rira-iiirriior*ii rroo.Bo'o rrDrr'cnd cap round :' . Iia-*iilo-ii=ririli i[irrii'lipii.tni eeld' rtshs-or'erv-rtn' souch ':ot-G;;; zd'ii."iis id-euoondi'""3-'-'tle.rrncp of 358'01 f€er !o .,: i'ruili-inr-ltp' rcrira l"a-""il.a Ls rrt13, l!li!.i P:l::":"-:*""::::i .:1";;!;'lir'lrp'ilili ;;d-;;l.a Ls rrtr3' berhg r P11*-:" :h'.":l:hl " [".il6iv-:.ini ir'iiii i.irllirte". ssu'oth Btt'nl; tllENCE rlonS' caid : i ..,"iffii;;i ii;; ,;[.-Eiroilos "ouririr rouBtt 7e dcareos le slnusas or ' L.' .eeondr ...c . oiuliiii-"i"rii,io 1-'"tr notrh 8! d:c::::-'l^:1iYt11,,.* | ';,. ,, socotrdr csg! t'orrlu*g'ii-iii'ii-iits st a no' 4-scber foundi roush I -' ;; ;;;;;; ii-ir"ultilf-ilconde crst a dlFrrnce ol 355'17 feet to .l lra rsbir end crp found tia t"ii"c Us ttltrl acrrh t2 dagrcce 59 Blnuceg'- '' r; " iir'!liil;-';;; ;-ii;t:tn'; ;i to1'ez f"ut co al rebe! tnd csP round'r- :i' ;c";;ffi ii-iuri-iiiii-3'potng on,ch:,"'i:,1*lli:t-lt"i,?toX"ll'l-,," ilir[!'il.ii. ;iiils';;";";"li!i'tli.'ir. Ie73, etri .nol-Ia!r!f rn l. . '..the oiflc "r iilfiiis-l' c""iiiiir'it and n'ecordori tHEltcE eouch 06 | ,,.i iliir"..-ig,rn"ii.lril"..onJe'..rc. dlagrnee of 35{.?8 fes! llont l.:..rrtrtbouncory;i;;:;;i;-;;;I;int"ipe*na:nd.T!:h:1'l'}l1l,:^*l"g: !'fini!"ii';il.r:l:,fi:.'lllllii"l'le';;il ;;;'iil'i -ixrncr "ooth.;.ig'ilii.i;; il-tin"le.loe eccondc uerc g dleeance ot Lo22 '16 fe'r to 'r eoloc on !h. cabi uo"ia"ti-liot of r 0'963 rcre R1cll d1::::o::,| . : t Pollr on !h' crnl boundlry rln'-ot I ur'sr 'crF P'lr" !e' . | . :", ,.o.piioi'il1-iisiis-lt-it'u'oilrtt cf lhe E.Ble-councv clerk and I il.;;;;;;"ixiiis iilii siiri il;*aiii rln. ctre ioilcvtng eogrseli -lllth I ..'.,02 rtcarcie 4g-"rnute"- 19 accondo v"si a dlereice ot 214'27 feerl aoulhi '...4r aegreil ii'iii"i!l;ii ;;:;4:'Y:::: i*::::: :f l3l:i3::::'.:*'n:;; ;;;;;; ;; ;i;;;;iii i.""'ri' ""'r-a dlolrnce.o! 395'11,1::'.::.. i u'.cErrr$::-*::::':::: :::::!:;'::-:'---ir e-;rr^r i' trFNnF r^"lh 'r/ :8 EIB ,% E4:67PN V.R,R,GROUP r,5 i I i., . 09 drgru {{ olnutcr 0E tecond3 uaa! . dtrrrrnce ol'535.85 f..l-rlont ritd irnrccline !o thc ccnsec of i.ld S.cclon E! THEt{cB 'oush 09 dQgrrcr {4 dnutrr o! srcondr r33! . dllr.ne. of 1tr26.58 fqcl to ' rsbrr l'und, rnd brln! lh. be.t avldrnc. of lhc rcu3hcar! Gorne! ol th' Eoulhclrl' ourr!.r ;t lh. norrbress qurslcl of a.ld 3.G!ton Bi THEIcB Detgh 00'. il;;;; ir iln.iia or reoonda urac :r dlt;enc. ot 8t5'6' fmt so I Polng.ii"lr,.-.i"ci-il.i"a.ii rinl oe vrrr v111.8c Flf!h rrlrrs et rroordrd'. ;; ;il oitG.-ci iii'r.ri" -iutiv-cr.rr ind necorder' rovsubrr-lSt " ' iicil-eil.-"0.-toislar -iirxcz eiona retd-bound'rv llnF loulh 6a dorre'o" '13 linuiic 5t rccenda'c*! . dtsG.nar ot 322'05 fs'! ro c aolnl-on' Gh. roulh bouldery llne ii vo vffhg" Etr3! ?ttt'rg ac rccordcd.ln lh|, Otltsa o! rhr Eetla gounly ClerL rnd Reccrdel on Augurl or ttot'' ili" iol-iolgrl IHBIcE rloo3 old bourdrry lLBc rhe forlor'lnt. Gour"' ! li"it-oz iiir.i. ao .rnut.i-3a-leiondr casi r chgrnec of z8r.a5 f..l to l robrt anc erp *.tr"i i,3.x.l :cur'h ?9 de5tsre 5! rdnucca 5E -cscondriici i-iiiiiilc o? rzo.rc ?i.i c6 e robir rn4 cap found 8nd !.rked x.l.lt,i norrh 33 degr... io-iriue.. 02 lccond! -iret a'dlcrancc-of llo.12 !s33 ro I r8t3! .na-c"p tound cnd rrrkcd 1t.9.!l.i noFlh 32 dEBte'3 30 rloucce oz aecou3 "";; ;iri;;;;t-ii ecr'oo feeri .ro r rcbrt rnd iip-iJ"ii-."e isrke,l L3 iilotl-i.rrr, lp-dcgreer 69 ntriuc6r 15 !rcon.l. ""!c-i-arri.n.r or aoa,si-ii.ir *i-irr )0 diSrcee 28 llnute3 58 cosende ;;;; ; JG;i;r" oi icr.rz iiii:coipclnc oo ihc e.'s rlsh!-ol'ecv..llnc of tllll cr.!L clrc]6 ".rt poinr'bclq on I curvc Go .hG rlghti tflEllcE .-al.l;.i-"i gr.ii t..i-"iong she ric of 3rld curve h^vlo!, I d.ll5 of 2E de6rrcr 43 llBqtG; 0o rlconde, I r'dtu' ot t6t'92 fee! end r ;;";i il;i;; noretr 33 i.il.i-ii-ii"urrr ia1119gs 'a!G ! dlrrmce .l So.lr teei to r pofui'lf 3ovcrt' curvli -rBtNcE 9'24 feat rlont thr rrc ol srld csrve ti"iig-i'iiiit-oi di a"s"tee l! nlnurer-l3 9e'eondrr.! radlu. of 156.05 fcec -iDf-r:chord b.rrtng north 46 itcgreea !? rlnuscr 58 reconda .mr rdt8r.$6; "r. l:il. i.-i!.t11qct norch 45 rlrgrccr 36 Dl$ur.B t6 rcconcr ."".-i liiiin.c oc ii'eo ri'!.30 ' Poh! of curyc---- to thc rlthG on tne acusi ;i;il-;i;;v ltnc ot Gure'ereek Boaitl TllBNcz is.il-l.iE atoog rbe q.i-'oi iriu curve hevtng a delce of 80 d'3rq€s '- 36 otnuces'13 recondar i ilai"i-ti-io'oo r"ti anc r'chorrt brerln3 nprth fi ;;;;: ;{ ii""I"i'sl rccondr eer! s dlrlanc' ot-25'87 rc.t to I potn! cf.r.v?r.c curv.i- iiiiie tio.io-iirt clong crtd aouth rlghc.ol-- riry ltnc on the grc ot t.ia- iui".-t rut'nc t dalre-of !0 dcSrccl-4!.!lnu3e! oi"li'.iai' " ,rdiue .t-zzi.qo rcr rnd-r chotd b'rrln3'!1!!! 69 drgrcel 6i iiiiili.tt ccionaa ""ii-.-atas.ooe o!' u9.0r fsc!r -_TllslcE soslh ;i. ;;;;;;;'tC ;i;;;;; oi-ioJonrl'"'G''d133aDce oE !r1'16' r"t so I polnr of curve co .n" ,igiii - DtiNcE _r^dls3rner of t3l,5E f€cr rlon! tbe arc ot ..ld Gurve n""iir-i de'iie of' 90 drgreca 18 rlnutcr -03 . 'tcqnd3 ';-ili;, ol 83.13 trcr anc i chord brrrinS scsgh 19 icarecl 0f l(nuscr 05,rcccntlr G..3 r 6l8lr;;i if .-iis.ag f33! 3o I Polns of cunrr go thr Icft bclng r Polnl on tiil "cil ltths'of-Yay llDE'ot vell Vollct Dtlvsi' iiiiCi--.iiriencc ot S..tf-fecc ilon3 rtr-'rrc of ".ld curvr h.vlns :';T;;. }'ii'llui."l i2 ntnutt" t8 rlcondr r rad(u3 ot 173'00 t:ct ina s chotd berrtig eoulh of d'irscl 36 llnute€ 26 r:condl 3'rc I ' ,rittn"il-ii ai.i5 i""c il ii.-ni+"i-.t bcstmtn3 censrtnlnt 4t'903 lsEat tera or lccl. havt by cheaa PtcasoBs lild DsGr Pllteqd 'Bd sub'llvtdcd thc "l'iiii i'oci .nc Ltgct. ra bhom on ihla ttnrl Plr! undct sh' n rl ini-.iii. ii-oori.n Fcrt-8&t !t.! .nd lrcrcriloa Dlesrlc! hrc.lr..' i'-iuiaivretco tn thr roin ot vrllr leglr County; colorrdo! end acii-rtii.ri *cepl sh. ierpcnr$rirsy-tbr.sbc eorplcelon ol requlrrd llgroveuencai rnd- doaa hrrrby drdlcrte 'trd r'l tPrll ;;;;;i-t iil-rrt of cha Publlc ro'd' rgd o!h'r Publlc hProvoDrBrt oBC pl.css ts shotr. ol lie lccolplnylog Plat go c'hc uae of rh:' iiiirii-ici."iri anc aoca-troiiiv iiaic.rG rarclt 2 ud lhorc Do!!loB. il flrd r.rl ProPorry chtch rrc ladtcrlbd !E srBellrc on lh! ieccipinvrnr itri al-..iitcoct fot tho purpoa' 'hoen h'rconi tll iii. irctiuy-'cirn! thc rl8hc to lnrlrtl'snd Erlnteln nrc'rt'ly ;;fui;;;'i; thr snttcv rcrPonslbr' t9? ?rovtdlnS !h'..3tfl'lc3' iii-rii"r,-.i. ".a.t.oti-'arc irrebllrhsd.' Exriumo *rr..'..{ L c "'t *LC)M ; tl. Prrrldant ' 09NEIS 3 -rl . .,,\ Pi:'.:i'lT )., i5a7 rK;JAST F,BL O{; ? 31 .;i:1 . ; r- Involco No. ,; 't' .Dale-Voucher Groos Amount /Eounlf .i I l'),')V,lf 7lr i,f_-rLql:i,j !l '"; , ,11; i, . 7 r:i\u5i. F.\II- I TY il') t irl'-) li . 7:; Chock No. ' .Dalo Vgndor No.Vondor Name i ,, ,TotalAmount : ",'zi.( l-, lrrli i ', I j rlrll:iIrlil )Ir ,,il.t {iI vn I "i r1 Pr-ril .7t, r. L:l lolLl, !il. r:0q l2 t5q e?r: l5 e t 180 I e5?:Iil. N9 'ilta ;'Vl-'tt Permit Numbers Vail Associates. Inc. TRANSIIIIITAL LETTER DESIGN AI\D CONSTRUCTION 479-3ltll) Telephone 479-31$ Fax # PROJECT: Golden Perk Base TO: Town of Vail Communlty Devclopnent CONTR,ACT NO.RT4{) RETERDNCE NO: Gpb96.61 DAIE: March 19. 1996 ATTN.: Jim Curnutte m ENCLOSURES AR.E NOt AS N0TED, PLEASIE INNORM US IMMEDIAIELY. IT CIIEICIGD BEIOW, PLEASE: ( x ) ACKITIOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ENCI,()SITRES 0 RETT]RN ENCII)ST'RFJ TO US. WE TRANSMIT:() HEREWTNI FORYOIJR: (x ) APPROVAL ( ) REVTEW&COMMENT (x)UsE TTIE TIOLLOWING: 0 DRAWINGS() SPECIFICATIONS O CHANGEORDER ( x ) IN ACCORDANCE WTIII YOIIR REQUEST_ () IJhIDER SEPARATE COVER VIA- () DISTRIBUTION TO PARTIES (x) RECORD ( )- () SHOP DRAWING PRINTS() SHOP DRAWING REPRODUCIIONS (x) OTHER INIIORMATION PRODUCT LITtsRATT'RE SAMPLFS Owne6 and Opetatott ot Vail, Beaver Cr"ek Retott COPIES DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACIION CODE N/A Memo fmm AEI describing eS. for rechmatiotr of GPB dte. VAI clcck No. 3103411 in tle amout of ${19,898.75 ACTION: A. ACTIONINDICATEDONITEM(S)TRANSMITTED D. FORSIGNATTREANDFORWARDINGAS B. NO ACTION REQI,'IREI)NOTED BELOW TJNDER IIREXVTARKS' C. FOR SIGNATIJRE AI{D RETIJRN TO TITIS OTTICE E. SEE IIREMARKSII BELOW REMARKS: Th" ""d-.t" ft- AEt l" N71,919.1[ it i" oor ,r tug t89,r9E.7s. 3t19t'96 (wmr ENcrosuRE(s) BY3 Rick' Caudel, kojec{ Manager Phnnlng, Ihstgn & Constrrc'tion J : \arninast\forms\transrc.AIn PO Box 7 . Vail, Colorado . 81658 . phone 970.475 5501 tt TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Jack lluln - Tswa of Vail Glenn D. Palmer - Alpiue Engineering, Irc. March 12, 1996 SUBJECT: Goldel Pcek Rcclgoation Plen Opinion of costs ro provide reclanation plan: l. Replace Bike Pathl -I00 LF x l0' wide x 2/12 divide<t by 27 x 2 x $45.00/Ton .100 LF x Il' wide x 4/12 divided by 27 x 1.9 x $17,00/Ton SIIETOTAL 2. Haul in fill material n providc 2: I slope in front of shoring (to renrain), Assumes the arcavarion for tle garage has not been cxcavated lower than elcvation 198- Fill in Front of Shoring: 410 LF x 1/2 (10X20) divided by 27 x $.10.00/CY Fill in Holc (From t98 to 200) 210 LF x 170 x2 divided by 27 x $10.00/CY SUBTOTAL 3. Finish Gcading (Prepare Surface for Seeding) 2daysx9hours/daY: Dozrr ($130.00 pcr hour) Laborers ($25.00 per hour) 2 days rucking (rcmovc rocks, construction materids) 555.00 per hour 2 days FEL (load to tucks) $65.00 per hour SIIBTOTAL s600.00 s440.00 s1040.00 51s,1ts.00 $26.444.00 s41,629.00 s3690.00 $990.00 $1170.00 s5850.00 ,.4 4. Hy&osccd (2.5 *rc X 32000.00 per acrc) 23 trecs at $t00.00 cech SUBTOTAL 5. Add Trees Rcuoved SI]BTOTAL TOTAL If you havc ury qucstions rcgarding this opinioa of costs ro providc mc at Alpine Engincering, l.nc. (9701926-3373) $5000.00 51t!4oo.oo s71.919.00r- rcc lasration phn. plca-sc contrct RECCT - llro Tom cf r/f 4 ,//.) ru l/DITTE z/ r .' , rt-.--.----:- ' r' Ng fi980 RDCEIVED FROM ADDRE$S Permit Numbers HOW PND_ a la it ha Eduards Busincss Ccntcr,?.O. Box 97/Ednards. Colorado/E16321970 9:6-lI7l/f'X 970 9:6-3]90 d/A\);(l n\ DAT ,n4lrelu u)JoBTITLE: hn Pcn< /Zpn/Eaubw ,.'rmrt p4yr, fuu Nrmcr €*e A*-Namc: Ptc* ds-p- Comprnyr lAeEe Qemprny: /n dr-n1r,*,Comprnl,: fil bs*,rr*,t FAxf: 8(f- z,sfs;FA.\rv: 119. 3t 4a FAlffl; 47?- 345 Nrmr: fia tl*Ylt*)Nrmr: fu,t t{UA l{rrnr: fr61 ?t^l.,etl;r:rl, Comprnyr -J,5*Companl': h)an /da*U Comprny: T1,tt ot trrt fpi FAS|: lZe- #ag F.{.\tr: /- tat -6aO - C(rg FAX*: 1V?. Z,rS2- Num! rbcct) fda\il(|l $ "',@AXE[fr t/.asrrr REMARKS:U(.-rL? fuet* hl httal*tttto*t 4bril fu&yc -a:: &nt fusl fu*tc t*troc-tatt. I+a 77lo frmy*e S?ut fu t?'te 4nn I /*rro*.tt- a.tlt o}ttt&. Titz Santtt* 4a4. n * ft** Sru, |Pt?trn*+x-y B'* Etx 1'lr4. E, &- gs. E*zano ol Sewto A)trl fuc Bacn*rz at rtt la6,4ooil. T* /n"*r.d ar+t Du*-r)a El futz,ta /rrnt* ., y'rt, fltsect*t6.X-tc- Ato Tllc lcfuasr gr. ts * Bc fun* znaa,L,.')G. It *. ho sr" &ea*ra *. Qqcttrnrs- Ann h* m., :1ff tll T9 1[IItr tI *at It-i tIt. t P [[ sg IF Ii |i Isrl tlu lI IT lr t fii illi il! iil tl lr tr l[ i1 I; i!r1 ti FN Vail Associates Real Estate 0roup, Inc. Dav.lop.6 ol v.il, Eeaver Crack Rctorl 8.ah.lor Gukh April 17, 1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte, Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 re: Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopment Request to Amend and Partially Release Condition of Approval Dear Jim: As you know, one condition of approval of the Golden Peak Ski Base redevelopment plan related to the finalization of streetscape irnprovement plans and review and approval by Public Works and Community Development Departments. Specifically, this condition reads as follows: 4. The final streetscape/roadway/bus lane construction designs must be reviewed and approved by the Public Works and Community Development Deparfiients prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the project. All plans have been submitted to Community Development and Public Works and Greg Hall has exhaustively reviewed and commented upon these plans. Alpine Engineering has revised civil engineering plans and submitted written narratives to respond to Greg's comments and it is the Applicant's belief that there are no substantial constuction issues outstanding regarding the sufficiency of the plans, with one important exception. The structural and civil engineering plans for the pedestrian crossing at the Gore Creek Bridge are not resolved at this time. The Applicant's schematic plans proposed an 8 foot wide pedestrian crossing on the west side of the bridge so that a functional pedesfian path would be created from the parking structure to the Golden Peak ski property conforming to the Town's Streetscape Plan. The original concept was to cantilever a pedestrian bridge elernent off the west side of the bridge to accommodate this need. Subsequent to approval we have undertaken structural studies to implement the schematic design approved by Design Review Board in February. This schematic design contemplated the addition of a precast consete "T' to the west side of the bridge to carry the pedestrian loads. Subsequent structural study and design have revealed that the use of the "T' joined structurally to the existing bridge would severely complicate the bridge construction and substantial foundation redesign would be required to implement this solution. Apparently environmental and construction timing issues are likewise raised by this design. Consequently, our engineers have drawn five or six bridge altematives, submitted them to Public Works, and subsequently submitted them to our contractor for feasibility, cost, construction timing review, Though we are committed to resolving the bridge design issue and the timing of construction of the pedestrian improvement over the bridge so that a path is ultimately completed over Gore Creek, we do not anticipate that we will have these design issues resolved in a timely manner to pull our full PO Box 959 . Avon, Colorado .81620 . phone 303 845 2535f fax 303 845 2555 €) constuction pemlit and maintain constuction schedules for completion of the base building in December, 1996. We therefore ask that the condition described above be amended and released as to the bridge design. While we continue to pursue design resolution and detemrine appropriate consfruction timing in conjunction and by agreement with the Deparment of Public Works, Community Developmen! and the Town Manager, please place this matter before the Council for the earliest opportunity of a hearing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Verytuly, Vail Associates Real Estate Group, lnc. n-,*-/ + Cl ' David Corbin cc:Weitz Cohen Construction Co. $ DESIGNWORKSHOP Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Tourism Planning Transmittal Date: April 22,1996 Job Number: 1066 To: Jim Cumutte, TOV From: K. Ethan Moore 935 Sourh Frontage Rd. W€st Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone 970-476-8408 Facsimile 970-476-8409 Comments: Jim, attached please find updated DRB and building permit set drawings for Golden Peak. The conections I have made, and outlined below, are from our April 16 meeting, and address the issues you pointed out at that meeting. I would advise you thrt we will further update our site DRB sa for dre July DRB meaing, as we also discussd but fiose revisions are not included in dris package. These drawings are to satisfy our curr€nt DRB committnents, md bring the building permit sa in compliance with the DRB set. If you have ury questions at all regarding these drawings, plexe contact me as soon as possible. The attached sheets and the conesonding corrections are as follows: For lhe DRB set: l. Overall Site Issues Plan. Plan has been modified to show: a. Crosswalk to Manor VaiV Ford Park cormection is now a paverstone crosswalk b. Walls at chair 6 have been modified to reflect building permit set (note: In this one instancg I have brought drese ualls up to the most current DRB approval, in which they approved our removing the stone band from the bottom of the walls (April l7 DRB meethg). This is also reflected in the building permit set updates) 2. Vail Valley Drive Bridge Drawings. Again, this drawing will be finalized for the luly DRB subnittal, but for this update, the note regarding the color ofdre railing has been added (to match Vail Intemational Bridge). For the Buildins Permit Se l. Sheet L4, layout plaq has been modified to show a paverstme crosswalk to ManorvaiV Ford Part, and ro update the detail reference to the chair 6 retaining wall. 2. Sheet L7, detail 2, has been modified so that the wall is not shown to be over 6'. 3. Sheet L9 has b€en modified to add detail 10, chair 6 retaining wall. 4. Sheet Ll2, planting plaL has been modified to show 7 gallon material to screen the gas meter 5. Sheet Ll3.l,landscaping at lhe Childrens Center boulder retaining wall, has been added in its entirety. 6. The Vail Trail connection plan has been adde4 with a note regarding the width and max. grade ofthe tail. 7. Exhibit *A' from addendum I has been added to clariry a[ top of wall elwations for site walls. F &\uni,\1ru j*e4- l*-l YtL4{/4 +o l7 rsN^AfuA hr,. Ttrt ,!er*ov-l 4 s}s,'t--z''- ffi ,rffimg#ly;1ffi w ot u,ztr+ I w\,\r.,,<- "'& a^ib" wtltvr,' DESIGNWORKSHOP .a\o 4)t q/. wp . VJA/A., Winlarc -'6 quua w_ w dula A ffidL orata Vaill(6 -ltft l,uttL "p4. @v,^^A : Fqu,*4ji,,_ sute:15 co 80202 623 2262 623 3155 Denver; [ox: 303 pr'orrcr 303 'b!. olL *f 4 AAV " - @rvtt /bh, u, ra.<.*t,U ItlplunteaL j t,l1.1b- wo-1rt, ,) ilut r,r^o+ io Ab. _ tr€> oL _4 g.'r4* e. wryp4b - ?) brry-4yffi;r * Mn 6*' el .a+ --l O Utlvlo**+ t fu)h- vo vw.,Wi *,-1 . oF aiv,C@ \r4AV '- t. lb1O D)M. cor'Wu W' dtraMry. -/ ,,",.,*rff*.tt*,r, Wbl - -fTvreilbJ- q iwzl?)Alh ? -tttiw-,?Aa';l/ (z+-1 l#-^.wwry-(Ovt-I{tve .f,t ?f 1 ? 11//- owft> d(hn nvNLW, 6 l'r' vv',* aaz,,&\ l'\*t" - lu*w ''\ ?ry' vt+@\14 t ff: Ftor"t{a-rtflz1a5 / t*-'ve qtu]at4'h (-- ^vtu'vk , W.6, .- eylUnll- - ?4 , F Udlz- qf^A- Main Olllce 1000 5. Frontrgc Road W Vail, CO 81657 [ox: 970 476 4&8 ltltor*: 97O 476 4433 One Tabor Centcr | 200 Scvcrtccnrh 5t, tuite 5 t5 Denve[ CO 80202. f,x: n3 67J 2262 phonei 303 623 ll55 b ruLllm+'h d-.,;r)Puo[) DAF ' *4 - utud (plu- oF 5.-\^)<-< ujv\<, wndrr briLqz, , *7 - \)A\tu( wla3v--b,\w fo,t [Nr,..vro<- Var_t wAlu+.,oa, *z> +x- =houJ/\ On A-Lt uVp\icd-btz drai,rr,n%T'",*. . F g W-!-A brtdqo d&+?til^ ,^ .il) *{*-"-" 'r\rur\ V^.[ -Irai\ &tauta'l+nrn vb"Nitv,Sy^ALztd| '* 1' fehrrrt tD $Ze brj ltulw t,qb -> ^a?bbt'1 *.zz 'pe.(-. .drr _ .*Hl,- ,v\€2 - Nhrrrre ia ,evt+ccl &,,,MLqar wPcow,vr,ra^-{- aq+uw*: UJV\01/€, W @L sl,rrn*gc*.pz dov.s+. ,*,\. I ru{r\ @! @.v*t,vvvJ r'M(ryv+ glar^-, L+V.$,| r<Azu+s h+.'f (AJiqlw tnndL Vl TA-) 0? loodtnq docP docx, nC W e-pprova,(, -Jt, z6u.=+ w +- ieia. (ca*.+ 4.3 7> '(,(,{ fu:r.p\a\q ril W +M,12-rr, - rrtl(,v2{ fu o,g,vouudy'q bze L+Y\t-e,.+ Ele-', {\* \\wwc2 0^ ea+l +ide ,6v\'u-+ $p'a.@ ) qo *o DAB -(or a'4{tcil-u-k sure.enlnq{ ?w;\tv utt{, bDo{'h \nn, \ of bed^- a"wio*tr 9M \\€d V r@nrwci {ro,,u ww). dro'ulrlua ,fu,a.+ Lb lpuqcE<-A *an+k>rwr fr- awilut^K.c= Urdp( c*\ev( Ir t{+ [J^4-, nrusl * lu,vl+ao*4," ahez-l f-+ " U(U - 5<w\L tla+ t\D\ fu^ rtply>wd d. ruw,[ Vzr- run b('ed f,ru* ww,l . drdwftip \- to nQ,9 )ow\ )iJry ,,0,4 b!fr #a' r'tb 7"n =n1V1[9 - 2- 6yvy,p t111 YrYr= ,q Pzn'[a YortW (4 WqYt CpW. *totUg L1 +'rrl\g o <.'by + q'Z\a )rrryg \Aq t4'! ln{tfifx qy) r\^t\ytu M} A Aa+ vvldd^o {c1S +a@p uvA\l,opi.U +40\o\dg<( l'lW ? +'+AN 1-vTW vo v0 ot49 lw1 t^'tcf,'l\9Y\\u P ,D Ftw + 8,,n*rp dq w ?^ffiro^'U mrN( +e pan$dil qZA aLfi hu0l\lYl\\l M0@lt{' .o,,qal-9 l1T +ry1al^fu W \,\Q q W+q )4,navn\-F'o-r ?\ry|s -ht dgg Ll, 4 \\lfr\ -=r,ro$ larlQ *nt Ve^cW2Ix \4/rW F AzqV\ yara-tdAv 164 )trvl 4V\,\ Q+4vr2 ?unqv/q W 1et 1sv/ V?qV)h'zQ t zzv\9 , /@+t4* +vtQ Ja w)tJ<. {+o+ 440 r2\luffl\ ,r\.1 +W al<u ry ry I -Yl )!rrt\f,' \4 ' - ,0u,tr1vl in T^A ::Wr;irySY'.;t'ml:^l,W?,V'/eE q U 7Iv ll-tu w)ld '\) -yaurr \[\l\r\-s.7 T Vry ( \narnnr q> fla) 4+ la Pna '" ivi L"f n:* #,ryr n+ ry flnn -wVuQC -4]. Ww.4vrvt\9 Eae- hq ranro,A(w - rnn4d wnqt 4ft 'l^\J- o ' ,/ .t ^AA !v>{e *t: Fteta wgW O,anrrul- e:f-CuA b"' &Dzu-* fvv-dqn;N vv1z,5 a)a*k ,\nyvu! c,.t^U/ltklL .'-.--.*rglcQlpp ..i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Golden Peak File Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton February 22, 1996 Final list of conditions for the redevelopment of Golden Peak An application for an arnendment to the developmentplan for the-Gol9:ili?k Ski Base was ;i,'fiiffi bt Va1Associates to the Town of Vdit on May 15, 1995' The Planning and inuironmentat Gommission had four worksessions to discuss the redevelopment. The wo*sessions were held June 1 2, 1995; September 1 1 , 1995; October 9, 1 995; and Octobei -23' iS95. n tinat meering witr rhe pLC was hetd November 27, i995. At that meetlng' th€ PEC. iJJomrenO* appr6vat tUi i uot" of 6-0) of the amendment to the devglopment plan wlth the followlng conditions: 1. Prior to the Town's issuance of any Building/Grading/Demolition Permits for the redevelopment, the applicant shalibe required to enler into an agreement w1h the Town. T'his will insurbihat the proposed on and otf-site publ6 improvements associated with this project are'compleled in conjunction with with this redevelopment. 2. The Town of Vail and Vail Associates agree that the 148-space parking structure is an integral component of this project, and that it will be constructed as an element dt tne CoiOen Peak Ski'Baie redevelopment. lt is also acknowledged that the construction of the parking struclure may begin in the 1997 construction season. 3. Staff recognizes that changes to the project may occur at the Town Gouncil and tne nnd D-esign Review Boird stagei of this redeveloprnent application review' However, onde final DRB approvaihas been granted, any substantial change_s made byihe applicant to thb'project will be required to be returned to the PEG and possibly Town Council for additional review and approval. 4. Statf will prepare a memo the the Design Review Board identitying the PEC's iuggeste'd rivisions to the bui6ing arc-hitecture and site plans. These revisions are as follows: .Thelhreegab|eroo|scoveringthelargedeckareasontheeastand south side must be moved back a minimum of three to five feet' t The roof material used on the mechanical covering/architectural elements should be the same material as used on the remainder ol the builcling roof area. This covering should be mounted on posts so that it is 6"-12" above the flat roof surface' 5. . The design for the south skJe main entry should- be as depicted as shown on the originaldrawings submitted to the Town of Vail' The final streetscape/roadway/bus lane construction designs must be rwiewg! ano approueo by the Public Works and Communitv peyet9pm91.D-:?-1[at: I :' ;;i;t 6'G Lsrin"e of a Buildins Permit for th€ project' T.19 fi5l :f:Hi?" irpioue*int ptan should not inciude the addition of new sidevYalk on the east side oiV"if V"ffey brive from the bottom ol Blue Cow Chute to the Ramshorn Lodge property. The Environmental lmpact Report must be revised/updated and apqlov.ed by the Town, including the Mill Creek Geological Hazard Analysis, Prior to lhe lssuance of a Building Permit for the projecl. The Mill creek circle Plaza is acceptable as designed by the applicant. However' the Art in Public Places goarO snoufi consider this location for the placement of a piece of art. The applicant will complete construction of tre Vail Trail extension from its current termiids, located OehiirO tne Children's Center, to the western edge of the Vail essociates property prior to the issuance of a Temporary certificate of occupancy for the base lodge lacilitY. The design of the seasonal tent, proposed to be located near the ski race course finish arei, must be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior lo its placement on the property. A comprehensive sign program for all on and off-site signageln the area ot Golden peak must be revi|wed and approved by the Design Fleview Board prior to the issuance ol a Building Permit for the project. statf and the applicant will work together to come up wiffr a mutually agqeptable solu1on for the final location of the proposed attendant booth for the parKing structure. stafl recommends several improvements to the landscape plan, however, since the landscape plans requires besign Review Board approval, these comments can be aOOiesieO at thit time. The applicant shall add two 20{oot evergreen trees in the residential condominium iiaza anO the specimen maple tree must be relocated from the residen$al condominium plaza to the public skier drop-ott plaza. Section Vl (B) of the Golden Peak Operational Managemenl Plan (DEVO/Local and Community Programs) shallbe amended to read as follows: Tier ll. ln the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques have been . ifrp-lemented and DEVO still adversely impacts portal congestion then the, foliowing successive management ettorts witt be undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Perlod: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. t After two workses6ions with Town Gouncit on November 28, 1995 and December 5' 1995' ittE io*n Council, at the 1r'ecember 19, 1995 meeting, approved (by a vote of &0) the Golden peak Ski 6ase redevelopment appllcation with the following conditlons: 1. Prior to the Town's issuance of any Building/Grading/Demolition Permits for the redevelopment, the applicant shaf be required to enter into an agreement with the Town. this agreemehiwill specify the obligations of the Town of Vail and Vail Associates as-tney relate to ine dotOen Peik redevelopm_ent, i.e., transfer of . easemen6, detaili on cost sharing, establishment of tlre Golden Peak Operational Management Plan Assessment Committe' etc' 2. The Town of Vail and Vail Associates agree that the 148-space parking structure is an integral component of this project, and that it will be construcrcd as an element df the Goiden Peak Ski'Baie redevelopment. lt is also acknowledged that the construction of the parking structure may begin in the 1997 construction season. lf any Certificate ot Occuiancy for the redevelopment is requested, and the parking siructure is not complhed, the Town will request that the applicant provide sufficient collaloral to insure its completion at a later date' 3. Statf is directed to prepare a memorandum to the Design Review Board identifying the PEC and Town council's concerns with the project and requesting that the DRB focus their leview on the following issues: . The roof material used on lhe mechanical covering/architectural element should be the same material as used on the remainder of the building rool area. This covering should be mounted on posts so hat il is 6"-12" above the flat roof surface. . The aisle widths in the children's center parking lot will be reevalualed by the Town of Vail stafl and the applicant's representatives in an etfort lo piovide a sidewalk of acceptable widh, inctuding landscape screening and ietaining wall design. The final design is subject to review and approval by the Design Heview Board. 'comprehensive sign program that details both on and off-site signage. ' Building colors, materials and details Landscaping, site details and materials . Design ol the Mill creek circle plazawill be reviewed with regard to . increaied landscaping, screenin! of the telephone utility box, and final design. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. vYicG The final streetscap;/roadfayibus lane construCtion designs mfst be reviewed anJ +ptJueO by the pubtic Works and Comrnunity Development Departments prior to the issuince of a Building Permit for the project' The sidewalk proposed on the east side of Vail Valley Drive, tlg l^d-eYllfiigrn the children's center to the soccer field, and a pedesrian connection to the Ford Firt pa*ing lot shall not be considered to lie a part of the Golden Peak i.orGropti,nt plans ano wilinotoe constructeci in conjunctiony]I^L:.S,919tn eeal imirovem'ents. The Town Gouncil and Vait Associates agre-e !q worK In association to custruct future off-site improvements connecting Golden Peak with Ford pa111 and the soc.eiiiefO parking lois. Additionally, tre final soluton for irprouing tne existing 1tanoi Vlit slOiwak will be dehybd untilthe realignment of VailValley Drive is comPlete. The Environmental lmpact Report must be revised/updated and Tqpv.e-O^ 9t tnt Town, including the Mill creeli Geological Hazard Analysis, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the project' The applicant will complete construction of the vail Trail extension from its current terminus, located behi;d the children's Center, to the western edge of te Vail Associates property prior to the issuance of a Temporary certiftcate of occupancy ioi tne uisei toige iabitity.- riiJoiiign of this trail rirust 6e reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The design of the seasonal tent, proposed to be located near the ski race course finish are-a, must be reviewed anit aiproved by the Design Review Board prior to its placement on the ProPerty. The Golden Peak OperationalManagement Plan shall be amended as follows: A. Section Vl (B) (DEVO/Localand Communlty Programs): Tier ll. In the event that some or all of the Tier ltechniques have been ii-pnrenteO and DEVO still adversely impacts portalconges1on then the foliowing successive mandgement ettbrts'witlbe undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Period: " 1. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain porfal Section tl (Managed Parking Structure): Any reference to the number of tier I parking spaces shall be changed from 50 to 75. t The Deslgn Review Board had two conc€ptual reviews of the redevelopment proie-ct on- ili"r.w i, rgSS anA felruiry Z, 1996. On fe_bruary!1, 1996, The Deslgn Review Board ipiii""lra tnv ivote ot 5.oltlie lolden Peak Redevllopment prolect subJect to the following conditions: 1. The Streetscape Lighting Plan will be approved by statft 2. Add paveri to'the cioss--walk between M-anor Vail and the Base Lodge Building' g. The wall north of the Children's Center is not approved with this application. .4. The sewer line under the bridge crossing Gore-Creek will be painted to make it disappear. That color can be approved by staff' S. The'handrails on that bridge witi inatcn in color to other handrails in the Village' such as the International Bridge. 6. Field adjustments regarding tte landscaping may be.made. .These changes shall be timited to the souft side ol the buildirig on tod of the parking slructure and are related to the snowcat operations. 7. The Vail Trail and watkway adjustTents can be refined-and worked out with staff. g. The Town ingineefs (Crdg Hitt) letter must be addredsed and all issues must be resolved. L By June 1 , 1996, the following items need to be returned to the DRB for final aPProval: /.A. All exterior lighting for the building.z' B. The exterior signage prograrn. L--.C. The Race Building. D. The TenUPavillion design' E. The Children's Center wall. 1 f:bvcryone\hwt gol$crk\fiaal.I$ 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development April3, 1996 David Corlcin Vice President of Development VailAssociates Real Estate Group PO Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Golden Peak Ski Base Design Review Board Approval Dear David: This lener is intended to remind you that at the February 22, 1996 Design Review Board meeting, the DRB approved the Golden Peak redevelopment with 8 condtions. One of the conditions requires that several outstanding items regarding the Golden Peak redevelopment must be reviewed and approved by the DRB prior to June 1, 1996. In order to comply with this condition, the below items will need to be reviewed and approved at the May 1s, 1996 DRB meeting: 1. All exterior lighting for the buitding;2. The erterior signage program;3. The race finish buitding;4. The tenUpavilion design;and5. Regrading at the northeast corner of the Children's Center. Aff information for the above items must be submitted to our otfice by April 22,1998 in order to be reviewed by the DRB at the May 1s, 1996 meeting. lf you have any questions, please feel free to callJim Curnuile or me at 479-2199. Sincerely, lW,vtut Ufatnlfuvv Lhuren Waterton Planning Liaison Otlicer tPo"ouo'*"' ,7 /t ils la6 /^./r| ' .-- ORt ;V4 ep Ara^r^, 'E"t4dcf a_ pq,rels ;.-tn"6*i ,v LilJy< **rk ^ru@l= {- L* JLy* ( vw Q C ,u"K{ fQat -\- ,..,, (, q-( t s (e(e f+7 -trf[^,ut *i{ f , c};",,1< ^rsp s[r"+/ /4 /bC woc[,A (,t* 'l@ k*f egisf 1bc*hry-ffirD -'--/ {,fr.hz,ir t tL--_- -tt '--Wa4fr"'s V*g.*s{/YL wiCC f'4n-sc*. L{ w f ,vvi&* pda) ghd - t^ti CC f *u ,o0 e Cep l{,s-'tatrTefiit C@ ct 6)C c Tdfs,rTHu- reEfhO 6ethe frT Qc*e l"a %' ft<FrEDFerr"tl frvezsrrrrg wA..g F-arsn*q ee'f-E ft^efAEc|cA\EP *;eryre'- (99'6Pft{ EHffiqs*F ww"2Y a;trta*v-laI9tF, --oa)- ruDt*e /*tuC UDg eAv4- -^1"*J.1e tnoke ectt{ 4"*+ 6r-g-tfu44.= M4*9 t<,t<./v- qA&a<eoe/_ -P,eA C,uqc epctw{r--.,*C *tq-S fCq,ecLa,ege-7 1e -{-u- se>{/;p-s -,Ue+A (d{"/ {;-* &cqGr6.) )r:.**-q. & cled?ep-a2c.> o,6 qffpaqcdda --/v<.t4- Qi-oL OL,1 v de a-.rVsu#Si -p*-A b#f eFM €)c,k &zqn-*LL;C --Zg FfA fur,sz7 *J:E f /nfuoA VdCkdc aft '".t,Qe-ss -CeA aTpvve- w edJ,#e -'i* c;;c LGJ'- t,&"a6e#"2'6PMrTced Vet'/ Q4'-t,'&uh6, ffir @*e- L,6 L,ft;? , =rgq Fr\o€ry^"q,4TelP Pquit'L -&@K WIT bmL - 0e(a^4- -;*r;ii+= Ga ecC CsU Qfua - lr.ppr{s..ooe /A*) -----hiy' )-{.e, ry,_.fgc qrpttv uq| * .A&e W*4-: F, ,<)o= (4 ' 9r2an (tu\o *f - czpp=+ =lvyiag Pa*P 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 974479 -2 I 07/Fax 970- 479 -2 I 5 7 March 20,1996 VIA TELECOPIER Jim Mandel, Esquire Legal Departrnent Vail Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Dave Corbin Vail Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Gentlemen: Office of the Town Auorney l.tAR Z 0 1996 TOV.CO[\4M. DEV. DEF[. Attached is a "Preliminary" Development Agreement which hopefrrlly incorporates the changes that we have discussed. Ifit is agreeable to you, please execute the telefax copy and retum it to us by telefax and regular mail so that we have an original signature. Jim Cumutte is meeting with some VA representatives today and is hopeful that the grading permit will issue. Thanks for your continued cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, -.2^',frn7, ant-nla"4' R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTIWaw Attachments xc: Jim Cumutte {p*"nuoru", I t PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE FACILITY This Preliminary Development Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective as of this _dayof , 1996, between the Town of Vail, a Colorado municipal corporation ("Town") and Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporation C.VAI-). RECITALS: A. VAI has requested and the Town has approved an amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code (Ski Base/Recreation Zone District). B. VAI has submitted and the Town has approved a development plan which constitutes the principle guide for all development within the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation District. C. The Town has agreed to assist and participate in off-site improvements and VAI has agreed to assist and participate in off-site improvements andit is the intention of the parties to set forth in this Agreement the responsibility and obligation of the parties as it pertains to all features of this development. D. It is anticipated that the Town and VAI will expand this Preliminary Development Agreement with modifications and detail as necessary. Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows: l. Responsibilities of VAI. VAI shall: a. vAI shall be responsible for the entire development plan as approved by the Town Council on December 19,1995. This responsibility is conditioned by and subject to the responsibilities ofthe Town as set forth in paragraph 2. b. b. vAI shall be responsible for implementing the elements of the Golden peak operational Management Plan, which is an integral compohent of the Golden Peak Development Plan, and is attached hereto. c. No changes to such plans shall be permitted until amendments to the approved development plan are considered in accordance with the provisions ofSection I 8.40. I 00. The development plan and any subsequent amendments thereto shall require the approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter I 8.54 of the Municipal Code prior to the commencement of site preparation. d' The following improvements will require the granting, creation or acceptance of easements for which VAI will be responsible. The easements need to be in place prior to the issuance of a Temporary certificate of occupancy for the Golden Peak Lodge. Those improvements which will require easements include: I' Pedestrian and bicycle connections leading to, and around, the Golden Peak Ski Base Facility, which will require cross easements to be prepared by VAI and to be entered into between VAI and the Town to asswe the unrestricted use ofthe public areas in and around the Golden Peak Base area. 2. The Vail Trail as it presently exists and as proposed to be extended to the westem edge of VAI. 3. The realignment of Vail Valley Drive. VAI will be responsible for initiating discussions with any property omers affected by the realignment (i.e. Vorlaufer, etc.) 4. VAI will develop a drainage easement for the existing culvert and for any extension ofthe culvert for this purpose. 5. The development provides for bus lanes and public skierdrop offfor which VAI will provide public right-of-way easements. e. VAI will be financially responsible for the development of all on-site improvements and those improvements immediately adjacent to the property, including the bus lane, children's center drop-off, general skier drop-offand the sidewalk on the south side of Vail Valley Drive. f. vAI will be financially responsible for the following off-site improvements: l. The cost of the Manor Vail entry redesign including entry realignmen! sidewalks, landscaping and walkway. 2' - EiChty percent (80%) of the cost of the realignment of Vail Valley Drive from Chalet Road to the Manor Vail South entry. 3. EiShty percent (80%) of the cost of the implementation of the Sheetscape Plan, as approved by Town Council on December 19,1995, from the Transportation Center to Mill Creek Circle. 4. All off-site signs which are specific to the Golden Peak Ski Base Facility. g. As referenced on Page 5 of the Golden peak Management plan, vAI will be responsible for the creation of a neighborhood assessment committee which will assist in the assessment of neighborhood impacts fiom the Golden Peak Base Facility. 2. Responsibilities of the Town a. The Town will promptly review all documents prepared by VAI, including amendments to the approved plans and easement agreements. b. The Town will be financially responsible for the following improvements: l. Twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the realignment of Vail Valley Drive from Chalet Road to Manor Vail South enbry. 3. Twenty percent (20%) ofthe cost ofthe implementation of the Streetscape Plan, as approved by Town Council on December lg,lggi,from the Transportation Center to Mill Creek Circle. 4. All off-site signs not specific to the Golden Peak Ski Base Facility. 5. Snow removal from the sidewalk from the Vail Transportation Center to the intersection of Mill Creek Circle and Vail Vallev Drive. 3. Off-Sitelmprovements The Town and VAI will work in association with one another to design and construct future off-site improvements from Golden Peak to the soccer field and Ford Park parking lots. Tliis Preliminary Development Agreement for the Golden Peak Ski Base Facility is being entered into to insure that the proposed on and off site public improvements associated with this project are completed in conjunction with the redevelopment and managed in a fashion consistent with the Golden Peak Operational Management Plan. It is anticipated that this Preliminary Development Agteement may be modified, amended or expanded with additional detail. Any such amendments shall be executed in writing with the same formality as this Agreement. If there are no modifications, amendments or expansions with detail this shall constitute the entire Development Agreement for Golden Peak Ski Base Facility. a I Date as of the day and year firct above nryitten. VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC., a Colorado corporation flfold*v.3 TOWNOFVAIL, a municipal corporation Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager Attest: Town Clerk I Vail Associates Real tstate 0roup, Inc. Darclopcts of vall, E!a6r Crcek'ncro4 kowhead:and o|c,.rlot eul.h vltwQ" February 21,L996 Mr. Jim Curnutte, Senior Planner Town of Vail 1309 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Golden Peak - Engineering Concems Dear Jim: Alpine Engineering has prepared a narrative response to the issues raised in Greg Hall's memorandum dated November 10, 1995, most issues of which were discussed and resolved at our meeting on January 31,1996. Kindly furd enclosed and attached to this letter the Alpine Engineering response. In addition to the comments made by Glenn Palmer I add the following: E}N/IRONMENTAL AND DRAINAGE ISSUES : Greg refers to a 1983 Hydro-Triad letter pointing out that a moderate avalanche hazard has occurred infrequently on the southeastern portion ofthe site. I believe Greg is actually referring to a copy of Joe Macy's Environmental Hazard Report from the 1983-84 Golden Peak submittal which I included in our submittal again last May. In that document Joe noted that avalanches occasionally occuned on the southeastem portion of the site. This was a reference to the extreme southeastem portion of the 49 acre site, an area uphill of Northwoods and Pinos Del Norte. Joe indicates that wet spring slides have occurred high up the slopes in the Aspen trees as is common throughout these areas in East Vail. To Joe's knowledge no avalanche has occurred in this treed area and reached any of these structures. He believes there is no danger and we have no experience whatsoever of avalanches affecting the Building Site for this project. t2. 137 Benchmark Road . K) Box 959. Avon, Colorado. 81620. phone 970 845 2535. fax 970 845 2555 qt Mr. Jim Cumutte Golden Peak - Engineering Concems February 21,1996 Page2 SURVEY AND TITLE REPORT: 1. The two to three sheds located above the village ski trail crossing of Mill Creek are old pump station and storage buildings for the trail crew. Jim Roberts of Mountain Operations does not anticipate that these buildings will be eliminated or altered in any way from their current use. 2. The title report calls out an easement from Mill Creek which is not shown according to Greg Hall. Upon examination the title report is referring to the 1987 plat, ofwhich I am sure you have copies, which does not explicitly call out for an easement for Mill Creek but merely depicts the general location of the Mill Creek culvert on the map. MANAGEMENTPLAN: One blacklined and three clean copies of the revised Management Plan are submitted together with this letter per the approval conditions of the Town Council. SITE, GRADING, EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND SNOW PLANS: 10. In our discussions with Greg Hall on January 31, 1996I indicated that the applicant did not intend to widen the bike path on the south side of the building to accommodate bikes as the grades from the path to the plaza are such that bike travel can occur from the path to the children's center or busstop entry sidewalk without using the ADA ramp. 15. The condo courtyard parking has previously been revised to improve auto access. These changes are reflected in plans issued subsequent to November 10, 1995. tt Mr. Jim Curnutte Golden Peak - Engineering Concems February 21,1996 Page 3 28. Snow and trash removal from this location would seem to be a matter for the Applicant's maintenance staff to handle and not an issue for the town engineer. 31. The stairs on the east side of the building do not need to be heated because those stairs are of open grate design. The space below is snow melted and drained per plan. 32,33.& 34, The snow storage areas have already been identified and approved in the plan and the Applicant does not contemplate any revisions at this time. We are beginning operational review for plowing, snow storage and removal for next season. 37.,38.&44.The applicant signage plan has been removed from the application package to be resubmitted separately. 39. The distibution of the increased pedestrian trips is based upon a reasonable presumption by Design Workshop and we have no more accurate information to offer. BUILDING PLANS: The items raised by Greg Hall concerning the building plans have either been resolved on the civil drawings or are interior to the structures and not requiring of a response to the town engineer. STREETSCAPE PLANS: l. Streetscape improvements have been placed on the most recent survey to conecfly identi$ existing conditions. t, I\ft. Jim Curnutte Golden Peak - Engineering Concems February 21,1996 Page 4 2. J. 4. Walk widths have been approved by the Town Council and will not be revised at this point. Design Review Board has directed us to place four lamps on the bridge. It is not the Applicants intention to widen the bridge itself beyond increasing the foundation necessary to support a double T allowing for widening of the pedestrian crossing of the bridge. No comment. The issue is before DRB. The Vorlaufer parking has been resolved on the current civil drawings. Plans have been drawn to reflect road realignment or adjustrnent at the Tivoli property. The closure of the Rams Horn southem drive is not a concern or the responsibility of the Applicant and will not be addressed by the Applicant. The Applicant does not propose nor has it been charged with the responsibility of altering the existing walk at the Galton Lodge per the councils approval at schematic plans. The Applicant has designed to the required 20ft. minimum width standard of Gore Creek drive and that is reflected on the plans. Per the approval of the council the sidewalk on the east side of Vail Valley Drive is not within the scope of work for the Applicant and hence the Applicant proposes no change to the stream walk connection. ). 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. ll. $ Mr. Jim Curnutte Golden Peak - Engineering Concems February 21,1996 Page 5 13, 15. Per approval by the council the Applicant has offered additional design time by Design Workshop regarding the extension of the road to the soccer field but is otherwise not changing the dimension of the previously drawn schematics. The town may direct Design Workshop as it chooses in further study of this road. The Applicant does not intend to realign Gore Creek Drive east of Vail Valley Drive and recognizes that the civil plan as shown does not tie or die into existing curb or drive pavement. The plans will be revised to reflect this conection. The Applicant has made no effort to provide a new entry sign to Mill Creek Circle. Hanson Ranch Road will not be narrowed as a part of the Applicants project. See civil plans for treatrnent of the East Meadow Drive and pedestrian crosswalk. Traffic calming measures for Vail Valley Drive east of the children's center are not the Applicants current responsibility. Signage for the Frontage Road concerning Golden Peak parking will be provided in a subsequent Design Review Board application. Cost estimates are being prepared by Weitz Cohen for streetscape improvements at this time. 16, 17. 19. 21. 22. 23. €! Mr. Jim Cunutte Golden Peak - Engineering Concerns Febnury 21,1996 Page 6 If any further response is required of the Applicant please advise me accordingly. Verytruly, VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE GROI.JP.INC. n1;/qL David G. Corbin Vice hesident DGC:it co6in:012196 $ r, - a\rI' ALPINE EN6INEERING, INC. Fcbruary 9, 1996 Mr. David Corbin Vail Associarcs, Inc. . P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Respoase to To$,T of Vsil L,etter Dated November 10' 1995 (Golden Peak) Dear Mr. Corbin: : The fotlowing will addlesg issues raiscd in thc letter received from thc Town of Vail dated Novenber 10, 1995, regrrding the Golden Peak project: EITVIROIIMENTAL AI{D DRAINAGE ISSIIES: l. . A statcnreDt rcgarding contaiuuent of the 100 ycar floodplain wittrin the proposed stotll sew€r has bceu includedin thc drainagc rcports. 2. The headwall and proposed stom sewer ecdension have not specitically becn deigned to cary the f00 year runoff event, however, assuming ttlat 30% of the inlet strucule or less is cloggc4 it shoutd:carry it Thc report and plans havc bccn revised and submittcd to the'Iovm of Vail describing:thc dcsign- 3. Drainrge calculatigns for site work and roadwork adjacent o Golden Peak havc bien submitted to the Towu of Vail. Wc have not specifically studid drainage issucs on the Vail Valley road rvork.; Thcy eppcsr to have becn studied per Mullcr Drainagc Report for the Vail Srcet Slope Improvements, dated March 1991. 4, Complctc cngineeiing plaos were submitted for the sitework on Tuesday,, Februery 6, 1996, includinq Addendim #1. 5. We havo updated ih..rrui*n "ntat report on the Mill Crcek culvert extension, aad have bccn waiting to COmplAc Addcndum #1, to makc surc the repofi, plans aud drainagc rcports remaincd ,consistent. 6. The B.M.P. lear,'M-"g.reut Pra€tices) for the construction deuratering permit addttss these issges, which inclsdc tc rse of deep wells to intercept grourdwaer beforc it rcaches tlre constnrction area ind bcforc it Cets dirty, interceptor drains, sump pumps with grarrel and sand filrc,rs. If thar dcesn't work,. dercorion ponds which will also percolate some gtoundwat6 back into the grorind could be used. Eilwuds Busiaess Ceriter'?0'Bor 97'Edwards,colondo 61632'(970) 92t3373 'Fax (970) 92&3390 fl o 7 - llr.is witl De€d to be doue by allowing only a small rate of water when diverting Mill Cdek b4ck to Eist Mill preek aftcr construction scheduling, constuction of the extensiou after Mill Creek peak flows iwhcn all of Mill Creeh can be divcrted west), ard the conscicntious usc of srrarV bales and filier fabric. plan has becn revised to include the Childreu's Center gnding. 9. We have rcceivedithe ter€r tom Russell Forrest giving the approval to usq Town of Vail storm sewer/channcls to carry watcr from comtruction dewarcring, altowing us to submit the Constnrction Dewrering Permit to the slarc, 10, This has been addiressed in the revised EIR. 12. It is my understrnding that llydreTriadls letter refermcing the soufh eastcm Portion of the lsite", is tlc SE pbrtion of the "lot", which docs not impact the pprposed building site. We have contasted R.J. Irish rcgarding debris in the flow and DEBNS flow rnencn, and .submined a clarificatios lcrer per discussion with R.J. lrish regarding tiis matter' SI]RVEY AIIII' TITLE REPORT l. I arn not sure exaotly where Village Ski Tnil crosses Mill Creek (possibly at thc divcrsion. s6ucure?), but therar are some buildings shown on thc offsitc utiliry plan. I believc the Uuifaloit .* for Saorrymaking and othJr ski aree suPPort PuIPosT. To my tnowiedge, ti€ty rernain' 2. We contscted Lard Title to resiarch easements and other title issues, which to the besr of our tnpwletlge,.are all noted on Cl "Existing Conditions Plan". I an not.aware of a Mill Creek casemanq,,plcasc forward this information to us or to LaEd Title 3. tr am not sure why the bikc path doesn't fotlow the.platterl btke path centerline, but.would spcculate thar the:aligrmcnt was cr€ated bascd upon cons0nrctiou plans, but wh9l it was built' . a. landscape archititct or cotrtracror decidtd the path would work beuer if it c.os shifted sliglrtly, uot knowing that a centerline was already planed. 4. Bsscd upon our cxpcrience witb similar pnrjccrs, it is best to ctnate most easements gEgE they are conjtructcd, o'i-else easenrents don't always line up with improvcrnents, as spccula3ed . above (No. 3). i We met with all urility companie.s who iudicacd rhat !f Orey oeeded an eas€ment' they .preferred that it hte qeated after construction. i We would appreciate a list of improvements that you fecl will require an easemedlt be crcarcd for it so that we can: : Il. Add it to list of easemenrs nceded for utility compurics fur' futrrre ereation' . 2- . Greck for possible conflicts before any improvements are ruade' ,o t. The scdirnent and'erosion control parking area, and.off-sjte ski run o IT'ANAGEMENTPLAI\T i The rnanagement plan hag been revised, and is waiting to be submined unril we are fairly positive that plaus are fibal and not supject !0 change. I bcliwe dtat bus turning radii urd stopping distance items have been discussed wish you and satisficd. tfthis is not tlc case, please coutact me. . T[e 200' pullout sight dis.tsnce is referenced in the State Accass Code, aod ITE "Gsidelines fof !g@ MgigI Sbect Design". Ahhough.I acknowledge the irnportancc of adequate sight distance, I believe tbat tbe plmring wall u thc, condo parking a.nea only reduced tb€ 200' recoramended distance by lt' to It5', and I am not sure that Vail Valley Drivc should be classificd as "maj6r urban" road. Nevertheless. the planter wdl is to be reduced in height to provi& 200' sight distance (sec sections attached). i Tbis information nns provided to Greg Hal[ on the plao titled "Sight Distsnce Plan"- Plcase note the curreot bus stop shelter is locaed concctly ONLY ON C24. 'i I bclicve $is iteq has atready been addrcsscd. Ifyou have additional cotrcernsr plcase contact5. 6. 1 E. 9. t0 I l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.The drive entry into rie condos now 20' wide, and the backup area is 20' nonh ofthe Goldcn Pcak building oortb wall facc. R+landscaping of this area is reflected on landscape plans per addendum' ?. t?. J, 4. Same ss #5 ; : Samc es #5 Samc as #5 ,': ADA ramps have,beeo revised per Addendum #1, C5A (the C&G layout plan). Please note we can revise or includc on Vail Village Road plans wittr futurc addcndums. To be shown by DWI. All concrpte nansiare 4' wide. The bike parh was widened to l2', Itern bas becn uqdified The angled perking spots are shown at ZQ] ftet. By snipiug prallcl Parking 8t e 9.0 stdl wiffi ;d iirf,raintl a 15.0 aisle widtb for'OO' p*klng; the length of sall lines could be 231. This may bc a bainmerhead to be uscd for vehicles to tum around (and not to pa*). Refff to Vail Associats, Inc. t7. o 18. This crosswalk b* beetr elimin:rted. 19, Manor Vail will riot close this passsgcway. To improve sight disance, thc large spruce will be rymo.v.cd and e landing urd gate installed at thc proposcd curb put to match cxisting wdk. 20. Cross slope is: (207tt - 206$ = gto f/j-= Z.1SW (at trench drain): lt: The arca inlet will be moved to the center of the.paver border to provide 2% (ftom building to drain) and 47o (f.tn wdl to drain). As uotcd on plans ("Locuions May Change Duc to Visual Effecr"). , 21. Grading on lfl)%, CD s* gives 1.6% ard 3.4% slope. 22. A fieuch drain with rim elevation of 931 is on grading pl4n. 23. Top 9f wall 2101 bottixn ow wall 209! west end - ,?' Top of wall 210l bottom ot wall 207!east end = 3.3' high 24. Crading has bcen;modified to bc at 8o/o fot a short distancc of 40', appro#matcly 50' prior to ctest , 25. See 4oposed grades on Sheet C23. 26, See C5, lf additignal information is rcquirc4 pliasc contact me. ,'27. G.radiug plan (C5) reflccts gradcs. Thc inlcts wcrp detetcd bccausg of nininal dcpth of soit 'orrer thc roof. Finish grade should direct runofl away fiom tbc building at 20lo minimum' 2E. No comment. 29.. . 'Thc goomc!try U^i. of .urU and guccr layout was provided by DWI for saow removal dire&ion to the wesl. l' , i1. 39 40.. 41,42, 43. : 4. 3. sight distance supplemenral plans. ;1. I ! I I I I a @ Rrfcro DcsiEr wo*s@i rqspoosa I.; lf you hevc any addidonal.qucStiou, phaso connct ma .: t .l VRiL PUBLIC LJORKS I D : 3054792166 MRR 11 '96 13:58 No .006 P .01 lnt€rofllceMEMORANDUM lo! Jim Cumuttc fiomi GrcjHall ubhot Goldc.n Peek Building Pcrmlt Rcvicw drto: March I l. 1996 The Public Works Department hns rcvicwod thc building pennit plarrs oud rcports for tho Goldcn Pcak Development and has thc following comments that will nccd to bc addressed prior to thc bulldng pcrmit bcing rolcasod, ARCIIITECTURAL BUILDI NG PLANS | ) Ttrc bus sbcltcr roof appears tr> drain right o4to thc plaza and entry to thc shcltcr. All runoff Itutu ruofs which rnay dmin onto plaz:s, walks\d drtvcs shall have a gu[cr systcm to iittcrcept the fbws and thc flows pipal to thc storm scwcr iystcm. I.ANDSEAPN ARCHTTECTTIRE PLANS / Shcd lA l) The trces to bc rclocatcd at thc wcst propcrty lino should bc shown on thc plan. 2) Slpw thc trccs on the plan thot ncsd attcntion across the $trcct st Manor Vail, Chalct Roacl, and Ramshorn anrl notes ns lo who is lo pcrforn tho work. Shert L4 l) Ttc walk 1r, tlc cart trf thv Childrurr's (lurrtcr upcrtu to bc thown ut 8'. ElsJ.ll | ) Providc thc alectrical plan for thc strcct lights. Slad.Lt I ) Dctail 9, Thc Town of Vnil rcquircs 6" of ABC and I " of sand undcrnca0r all pover walkways. It oddition qt thc roundobout wc placod Mirufi 600X fibric undomcath tho boso sourrc ffor additionul stabilization duc to thc cquipment loadingr placcd on ftc walk$ during snow rcrnoval opcrotions. What cdgc rclaining systcm is callcd out in thc spccs? 2) Dctsils l, 2, and 3. It shoukl bc notcd and ior modified to show that rrunps in thc pover walkways arc to bc conshuctod with pavcrs. 3) Dcrail 4. Tbinuct tho pavore on a 6r'oonorctc stob ploccd on 6" of AEC, Rcrnovo notc on Sawout lo povcr ulgc. Sh€4f r.2 l) Dsiail 2. Walkway is only 6'widc in this scction. CIVIL ENGINENRING PI,A NS thccr Cl tC' AqS t URIL PUBLIC IJORKS ID:3034792166o MRR 11 '96 13 :59 No .006 P .02 O Jim Crrnuttc Pogc 2 March I l. 1996 l) Notc on mountain olosing should bc rcviscd, Sheet C3 l) Thc tagend should note the shoring linc bcing uscd on thc plans. 2) Notc q. Silt fenoe should bc rcvisxl to stalc that rll sedirnent contml shucturc$ shall bc inspcc'tcrl, otcsncd and rcpaircd within a dny of a storm occuffcnoc. 3) Providc adctail ofdrainagc ditchce tobc constructcd. 4) Thc dctail of thc sodimcnutiorr pond, is this tlrc silnc as thc lcmporary dctcntion ponds us gallcd ott on ihc plans? Thc mininrum sizs for scdirncntation basins as callcd out by the UDFCD Critcrir Manual is 900 cubic fcct of storage for evcry I acre of oontributing nrca. Thc hatchod cirotes would Eppcar to mcct thc nrca for thcso volume rcquiremorts, howcvcr thc dctail docsn't meet tbc sizo Fhown. 5) Provitlc a dctail of thc siltation berms/straw bales using an iulct Ettilcturc. Thc detail providcd does nd urork for this situation, howcvcr. thcrc arc many instances where thcy arc shown bcing usad on thc plans. 6) All intcts bcing uscd as siltqtion bcrms and dctcntion pond outlets should bc covcrcd with a filtcr f*rio. 7) Show thc cxlcnsion of thc silt fcncc to covcr alt grading at thc Childrcn's Centcr Parking lot. ?) The dctcntion pond shorvn at Mill Crcck Circle. l"low docs it drajn out to thc inlct? ! 8) Providc a diversion ditch abovc thc top of thc out for the building, Scctiou W-W Shcct C4 I should show thc ditch su wcll, I l0) Mud tracking control dcviccs. a minirnurn of 50' into thc sitc at cach gatc will nccd to bc i providod. Providc a notc and dctail of thc dcvice and whcrc it will nccd to bc used. i I l) Pmvidc I Dotc on mud tracking, strcct swccping, dust control and thc nccos$ary mcsns I nqcdcd to addrcss thcsc problcms on thc plans, I | 2) Section Z-Z Shcct C4 shows a diversion clitch abovc thc shoring, tho plan does not. I l3) Ttrc notc stating thc crosion control for thc on mouutain grading should s.iy sec Shect Cl9 for /limits. / l4) Hrr it bccn dctcrmincd whcthcr the clcctric manholc is to bc relocatod or shorcd yct? -/Sheet C4 l) Provide u tleAil of thc dccp wcll discharge point. Rip rap protcction should bc providcd. 2) A no{o should litstc thc dischargc will nccd to function properly during pcak runoffperiods as wpll. 3) Nolc 10, it may be tppropriatc during thc performunce of thc utility runs in Vril Vallry Drivc to usc ttc cxisting pavcd purkirrg lot es fic dstour route whilc ths work takcs placc in Vail Vdlcy Drivc. 4) Thc rcmoval ofthc paving and thc bus turnaround rrt the Childrcn's Ccnter cannot takc ptacc until the temporary bus turnaround has bccn instaltcd and not beforc April 15, 1996. Sheet C5 l) fie kgend nccds to fill in thc curb and guttor and rctaining wall symbols, 2) Gruding plan will nccd to trhow thc full cxtcnt of thc grnding on thc mountain, wetrt to Mill Ctcok Circte. Childrcn's Ccntu lrlagic Carpct. bikc path rcconstruotion ,ctc. lf this will be a VRiL PUBLiC IdORKS r5034ie2166 Jim Cunuttc Pagc 3 March ll,1995 scpart& pcnnit by Vail Associatcs thcn only thc full cxtcnt of this contract wlll neeal to be shown which includcs thc arer wcst to Mill Crcck Cirelc along with lhc wcct proporty line antl &e bikcpdr rpconstruction, 3) The existing oontour$ in thc abovc mentioncd arcas will nccd to show up on thc plans. 4) A note should bc addcd to consult shcct L2 for infonnation on trcc rclocation/protection limits' 5) Rcvise grnding at thc skicr drop off arca to rcflcct rcvisions madc by Design Worltshop, 6) On thc wcst property line should u small swnle be providcd in thc skiway bctlccn contourF 20GZt8. 7) Contour 212 on thc wcst sidc will ncocl to tis into cxisting bcyond thc cxtcnt of cxcavation. t) Are frcrc drainage ditohcs atong Mill Crcck Circlc which nccd to tic into tho proposed curb md gtlttcr? lf thcrc is, a pipc will nscd to bc providcd undcrncath thc bikcpath to convey this wotcr rs woll. 9)Watl drain on tho condo coufl appcflrs to ba on tho wrung sidc o?the wull. l0) Arrows for thc wall drain on thc cast sidc of thc parting structurc cntry appsar to point in the wrongdircction, I l) Drain Tl entcrs tha storm scwcr systenr wherc? 12) The cntry to tho truck loatling arca appesrs to be missing a roof/building linc as thc Sradc above is 209 and thcn the next gra<lc is I 9l without a linc to show thc cdgc of thc building. I 3) lt eppcars thc walk arca bcrwccn thc rcstaurant dcck and thc stoirs to the skier drop off plnza is vcry flat and it rney be di0icult lo drain out as designed. 14) Stpw whcrc all thc roof drain$/guttcrs tie into thc stonn scwer sy$tcm. I 5) Why is thsrc parallel storm $swer runs on the south sidc of thc building in thc rostaurant plaza. l6) Why arc bcnds bcing placcd in thc storm sewer at P6. P37. P44. l?) Prwide u rletail ofhow thc cxisting inlcc will bo cappcd. | 8) Ne l0 should havo es approval by thc Town of Vail addcd as wcll. l9)Thc abandoncd cxisting s(orm scwlT al the Children's Ccnter should cithcrbc rcmovcd or fillod and pluggcd. 20) ThG nosc at thc Childrcn's Ccnlcr cntry/ bus pull out witl need to shortcnd 5'. A notc should be addcd to stalc that prior to forming thc concrcte for thc buc turanround, the TOV will bc noti{icd and will bring a bus into thc urea to cnsurc rhc dimcnsions of thc turnaround do mcet thc rcquiraancnts of thc bus. 21) ltc grading of thc bus pull out is critical at thc pan and moss slopc of thc roldway. Thc bus has a 5' olacaranec 6' in ftont ofths front tires ofthc bus. Thc busscs curcntly oatch as thcy pull out of frrc bus turnarouod al Gold Pcak. 22) Wlut r'izc storm are the grcasc and sand intcrccptors sizcrl for? SIllt-lA l) Providc a lcgend for thc pavcr pattcm. 2) The 4'conc. paD st thc Childrcn's Cenler ptrking lot cxit nccds to bo labolcd. 3) Ic thc pan ot thc Menor Vail south cntry in thc project or not? 4) Providc lighting and irigation sonduits to thc Manor Vail nonh cntry. MRR 11 '96 13 :59 No .006 P .05o VHIL PUBLIC IIIORKS u0547e2166 MnRJ'96 14:00 N0.006 P.04 Jim Curnunc Pago 4 Mmh It. 1996 5) Providc ptan El. t or thc strcct light electrical plan for review by thc TOV electrician Lco Vasqucz. 6) Thc bile path rcquirus 6" of AllC. ?) Thc 6'oonoretc walks will nccd to handlc the hcnvy loads of loaders and trucks <luring snow rcrnoval clrerolions, it may be wisc to placc 6" ABC undcrncath thern. 8) Ttrc scorcd ooncrclc fm thc condo parking should be shown rcaching thc pan, 9) What sizc is the pun for thc condo entry? l0) Pnovidc dctail of MOnor Vail Pcdcstrian curb cut. I I ) Nccd to Clarifr what thc notc match existing curb means. l2) The mils rcpolt wc had Koechlcin pcrform for the town rccommends 5' ltBP on ll" ABC. Tho cxisting road way is fairly consistant 4" HBP on 6" ABC. Whst will bc thc slructursl $cction of thc roodwey once the ovcrlay is completetl? Shmt C6 l ) t cgcnd calle out PR-USW and PR-VA. plans notc thcm an PH-USW and PH'VA revisc. 2) All rod cuts will nocd to bc coordinatcd with Larry Pardcc TOV Public Works Dcpartmcnt and rcquirc a public way pennil to pcrforrn. $&el-gl I ) A notc should bc providcd to refcrrncc shccl C I 9 on remaining nolcs 2) Notc fre docs not apply 3) Bruce Milkc as I oonlact should bc replaccd with Leo Vosquez TOV. Shcat ClO l)Thc phn view should show thc stationing from thc profile on it. 2) A notc for thc jcrscy banisr should be nddcd to Btatc sc€ sheet C | 2 for dctail. 3) ls thcrc any reinforcing stccl rcquirctl in banicrs A, B, and C. 4) Scotiwr of thc barricrs should providc all thc dimensions necdcd to construct thc s0ructurcs. 5) Thc proposcd grado on the profile should show thc curb md guttcr crossings. 6) Pravidc thc hydraulic gradclinc on the profilc and the supporting calculations in the rcport whlch tskcs into ac,count all loses associatcd with thc linc, ?) Is Clasc tI pipe adequatc to handlc thc possibility of largc cquipment crossing thc pipc with thc littlc oovcr providcd? 8) Thc rip rep wB$ sizcd assuruitrg ulowcr velocities is this appropriatc for ths rip rap plocal bofore thc first conlrol struoture? 9) Thc rcport and tletail notss statc tho rip rap will bc placcd in thc channcl bottom and on thc sidc slopcs. The plan only shows thc rip rap bcing placod in thc ohanncl bottonr. I'lcasc rcviso. Shcrt Cll l) Show cxisting contours along thc west propcrty linc. 2) Show full cxtcnt of grading by VA. 3) Appcrs grading of ncw walk to thc south rids of Chilftpn's Center docs not mcct ADA rcquircmcnlr. Sheet Cl2 l) Dctail of MH #2 shoukl bc rcviscd to show RCP versus CAP as shown, vRrL PUBLIC LdoRKS f3054792166 MRRO'96 14:01 No .006 P.05 JimCknuttc Pegc 5 Much I l. 1996 2) Wbil is thc dowcl spacing and rcquirul cmbedrnent lengths at thc divcrsion stuchuc. 3) Corl path crossing shoultl bc reviscd to bike pnth. Thcre is 6" ABC on bikc paths. 4) lcrrcy barrirr detail $tato$ rip np at bottom and sitles of channsl. Plan docs not nhow rip rap on sidee of chonncl, Rip rop on sidcs of chunnol is also rccommcndcd by UDFCD Critctis Manual. 5) Shold gradcs of ovcrflow ditch bc gcntlor than 2:l? 6) Strtioning on thc control structurcs is not consistcnt with thc stomr sewer profilc providc an cquotior noto to clarify. Shcct Cl3 l) Profilcs to P4 Bhows PVC pipc , calculations untl plan show CMP. 2) How arc pipcs with shallow covcr as shown on thi$ sheet and sheet Cl4 going to bc kcpt ftoh frcczing? SleI.C.u l) Pipc run P4l A to I,47. Docs it makc scnsc to bring thc pipo lowcr into existing culvcrt or take thc prpc auross the street to obtain morc covcr on pipcs? Thc calculations stated minimum slope allowod for this run wa$ 1.08%. Slopcs providcd arc lcss than this. The pipes moy nccd to bc up sizod. SIELCI5 l) Rcmovc sign portion of tho plan. Shcat Cl6 l) Profilcs which tic into cxisting asphalt should be extendcrl rt lcast 50'into thc cxisting to onsursthe fit is appropriats. Thcsc iucludc CI. C2. C3. C6. C7. Ct, Cl0, and Vail Vallcy Drivc. 2) Provide profilcs ofthe concrctc pans, 3) Providc cross scctions cvcry 50'and 0t othsr oritica'l tlcsign locations such as cxisting . drivcways. 4) Gradcs of lcss than 0.05% ure vcry flat and will birdbnth. Provide spcoific speoificrtions on how grodes less thsn l% will bc constructcd. 5) Providc curb profiles and curb llyout for thc rcmaindcr of Vail Valley Drivc. Shecr Cl7 l) Rcmove thc nolc on thc usp of truncated dornes on thc handicap ramp. 2) Providc a dctail ofpavu stonc handicnp ralnpg 3) Typical road scction shows a mountablc curb soction ravisc to show a benicr crub. 4) Fibcnncsh additivc i* rcquiral in all cxposcd ooncrctc curbs walks, ramps and pnns. 5) Thc 2.0' spill curt dcbil shuultl be similar in sizc to thc 2.0' barricr curb dctail. 6) Providc s 4' concrctc pan dctail. lt may necd to bc S" concrcto on 6" ABC to kccp from cracking undar hcavy loads. 7) Providc a dclail of thp trunsition from pan to curb. gx$trcu | ) For thc ourb inlct and arca inlct dctails provide a notc that thc prccast ooncrctc boxss arc reinfcoetl, 2) Why is thc clbow rcmovcrl frorn thc sand and grcasc intcrcepor? VRiL PUELIC UORKS i 5034792166 Mnu 'e6 14 :01 No .006 P .06 Jirn Curnuttc Page 6 March I l, 1996 Sheet Cl9 l) Providc a revegetation plan for tbc grading on ftc mountain. 2) Note should bc providcd to stty scc shcct 03 for crosion control details and norcs. 3) should any sodimcntation ba*icrs be provirtcd at low point in silt fence? 4) Ttc opcning in thc silt fcocc shoukJ piovidc a culvcrt orossing for a diversion ditch to allow access and still maintain erosiou conroi mcssurcs. . 5) Trenoh dctnil should stttc oompaction roquirements or notc whcrc thcy nrc Shact C4. 6) Shallow utility conduit notcs. Rcmovc 6c. Notc 9 rcplacc Bruce Milfc as a contsot with Lco Vasqucz TOV. Shecr C20 J) fbc sl|v_cy shows 0 widcr plantcr arca ut the Vorlaufcr porking nonh of thc building to thc bridgc. lf thin nerxls to stoy . it grcatly impaots pad<ing, Sheet C22 I ) The lcgend will nccd to add syrnbols for ncw curb and guttcr and ncw etrcct tights. 2) Pmvidc curb and guttsr profilcs. 3) Providc Curb and gutter $tstioning layout. 4) Providc x-scctions evory 50,and at criticat tooations. 5) Frovitlc a landscapc plan, 6) Provide a notc to dcmo Vorlaufer rock plantcr. ?) Providc o dctail of trow thc Vorlaufer plnntcr is {o bc rcbuilt. 8) Tttc dcsign may necd to bc rcviscd or obtaht approval from Vorlaufcr with rcgards to iram #l shcct C22. 9) Ptovide s notc to scc bridgc plans for bridge consfiruction details. l0) Show clcctrical plan for strcct lights. We may nccd to obttin an cascmcnt for thc strcct light uhown on tbc Tivoti property. I I ) Rcvicw rcvinions to the horizontal alignrnent of thc shcct ptuns at thc 3/l t/96 rnecting at thc fotl.owing locations E Mcadow Drivc, E Gore Crcck Drivc, Manor Vail north cntry and to discuss with EVHArcprescnl.ativc firturc irnprcvcrncnts from thc bridgc to Vail fiait Chnlcts anrl Rams horn to scc if chungcs can bc accommotlatcd. This includes th1 poasibility of widening rhc bridgc en onc sidc vcrcos both sidcs wtrich nray rave both partios sorne ixpcnsc.l2) Thc | 8" pipc on thc wcst uidc of thc bridgc tieing iuto thc existing pipc should bc conncctcd with arnanholc. l3) Nolc 4 nccds to statc " to bc in conformancc with traffic control ptan us approvcd by thoTOV. Maintain lraffic untl bus schcdules on Vail Vallcy Drivc in additlon to acccss to all sicle sbccts and drlvcs. 14) Thc lcplncul walk at thc Ramshorn will nccd to bc 6'widc. This will also need to bc notcd on Shcct C23. Sheet C23 l) Notc to trim trec at thc Ramshonr 2) Pmvidc match linc stations. 3) Notc possiblc redcsign to thc Manor Vail cntrv. VHIL PUBLIC U0RKS ni 3034792166 !t Mnu 'e6 L4zg2 No,005 P.07 . Jim Cumutte PtgeT March I l. 1996 lletG;l4 l) We nccd to c$tablish a l5'ares $outh of the tluough lanc for futurc watl/bikc lane. The cuntrt dcsign shows 12'oaet of walk. 2) Tho walk shoulcl bc 8'al tho bus stop and thcn transition to thc fututr cxtcnsion, 3) Dcsign wo*shop will ncod to providc dcsign options of thig cxtcnsion anca soon. 4) The town rcgulations do allow a 6'rctaining wall in thc right of way for tho purposc of roadways with out a variancc. 5) Show grading for thc Magic Carpct arcn. BRIDGE PLANS l) Provldc thc oonstruction ptans for the bridgc widcning. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT I ) Providc calculations for thc dctcrmining thc hydraulic gradc line. 2) Makc the final modificationt to thc drainagc rgrort to reflcct thc approved and to bc coustructcd drainagc inrprovcrncnts. DEVELOPRRS IMPROVEM &NT AGREEM ENT l) The agrccmcnt will ncetl to addrcss tbo co.rt of thc improvcmcnts, thc cost sharing arr0ngcments, thc lransfcr of prcpcrty and cascmsnts und thc maintcnancc of arcas in common, RESPONSE TO I t/t0/96 ISSUES l) Responsc to itcms 32.33,and 34. Thc snow storagc arcus had not becn approvxl at thc tLnc of thc 1 l/10/95 mcmo nnd it should bs notcd thesc commcnts ncc.r| to bc addresscd prior to final approval, Thc qtcrational reyicw of thc plans should bc abls to dcal with thc issu* raiscd and should providc grcater insight into how the sitc will fi.rnction and if any modifications arc necdcrl. Vail Associates Roal Estate 0roup, Ino. Oavelorys of vall, 8!aEr C.!ct'f6ort Attov/}F d-and ,|ctlrhi' Gulch w .9e' February 21,1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte, Senior Planner Town of Vail 1309 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE:Golden Peak Project - Plan Review Dear Jim: Pursuant to the meeting held on January 31, 1996 between the Golden Peak Project Applicant and officials of the Town of Vail, the applicant has filed a preliminary draft of the construction staging plan as well as an application for building permit and plan review. Please let this letter serye as recognition by the Applicant that the Town has permitted the Applicant to submit for plan check prior to final Design Review Board approval and the Applicant understands and agrees tlat if subsequent plan changes are made as a result of the final permitting process that the Town reseryes the right to require additional time and additional fee for review of the plan changes which might be submitted. If anything further is required of the applicant in this respect, kindly let me know. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE GROUP.INC. hu)eic.l David G. Corbin Vice President DGC:it corbin:022196 137 Benchmark Road . PO Box 959. Avon, Colorado. 81620. phone 970 845 2535. fax 970 845 2555 tt r .. qI4AR-A6-1996 13:49 42 Wctt Mctdoa Dfi:gc Ytil, Colorado 81657 ,01-479-22J 0 drt FrRE DEPr.97A 4?9 2t?6 P,@ lvlarch 5. 1996 Dao Sturch ChiefBuilding Offciat Town ofVril Building Department 75 Sorth Frontagc Road Wcst Vai[ Colondo 8t557 Rc: Goldcn Pcak Ski Base Frcility - Mechanical snd Electficgl Plan Rcview DcrrDan; The Fire Depsrtmcnt has reviewed the electrical and mechanical plans zubmittcd for thc abovc project. Dtrc to thc lack of fire sprinkler plans and fire alarm plens, we efe unablc to make a COmpletc rerricw. If the applicant elecis to prooccd under "fast track" ru1e3, we havc no oijJ6on wtttr an e*cavation permit but theprojcct should not even includc thc irutalletion ofthc undcgrotnrd utilitiesuntit we ge,t thc rest ofthe information, TItt items wc identified , in addition to thost items tisted on thc Fsbruary 16th lettcr, fu$lude: l. The Firc Protection plans were not includcd in the zubmittals' Z, We could not find ths location of thc dies€l tank forthe emergency generarcr- Wc did oOt. tbe plurs call for a'fuel h€ater." implying the usc of a diese-l tank. We still rccomrnond ucing rratural g8s E$ a fuel nrpply duo to problems associated with under Found fuel tar*i, diescl fuel and oold weather' and rclated issucs' 3. Thcre was no refercncc to the requiremcnt for an electrical shunt trip or octerior dicconnect. 4. Shcst E 2.1 indicates a "fire alarm panel annunciatoC' on the q<tcrior ofthe hdldfurg. Thc symbol used on the ptans is -typically uscd for the main control panel, .Thc loca6on ir not ipproved for the main panol. 'Thc term "fire alarm panel arrnunciator" is not clear, ,fire alarm pgnelC' and *annunciatord' ara two difrcrent picces of cquipment. T}wt]J 0FuAtt . ,. .NRR-6-1996 13:49 .VRIL FIRE DEPT,o Croldcn Perk Ski Basc Facility Plan Check Page 2 4. (cont.) We coutd not find ury other reference or location showing or indibating the fire alarm pancl in thc location egfccd to by the architect and thc Fire Department- S. Shcst EZ.z does not include the slrunt snitch required by for amplified sound in the 'gr€t room" or the bar, as required by Ord. 25, Serics 1991. 6, Tlrc moCbanical plans do not show any firc Protection items related to the fire sprinkler systcm, standpipes, and related systems. 7, We havc not '€t complctcd thc assessmsnt of the mechanical ventilation systefil thc ncrd for smoke contro(s!, or cmergcncy lighting. We are somewhat hindercd by the lack ofa system description describing the irtended s€qusnce and control firnctions' I havc relayed this information to Glcnn ctayden @lcctrical Engineer) and lcrry Mlls (Mechanical Enginecr). Once we receive more COmplete plans, we will be able to Complete our rwi6w' Pleaso contact us if you need additional information. Sincacly, -/ MchaelMcGea FirEMarltal cc: Tom Mahcw, Pierce, Segerberg fusoc' Jim Curnuttq Planning Department Chuck Feldman, Building lnspcctor 9W 479 2L?6 P.A3 TOTfl- P.A3 Printed by Suean ConnellY From: Suaan Conne].].lr To: Jim SultJ ect: good (he a]. tact.fu11}" ug t ) silaceprocegg andmig}.E bave Fr^rd=by : =Susan=Conne]. I= Fwd tso: Lauran Wa.tereon 5 l28gn ===N6Tg=== ==2/23/96==1 :431lm== CC: Ml-ka MollLca' Randft stouder ai cfr. DRB meetl-ng wEdnesday, !'iF Lalnonts Jrtgtgt.tc.d tslrac 'we debrief re: ttrcr a;ia6 Pea.k Process- Mrke and r thlnk Etrae ie a. good idea; wtrats do ]zou think? IF we do ic. Mlke nad I ideneifed tshe fo1lowing people who should be a tr)arts of its: Pawe Corbin, Beth l,evine, vArs ].arrdeca.pe arctrcl-ects, ,Jl-m l-amonts, Hans woiaric-n (DRB- - l.es, r know lre l.e now of f ,but. tre ttas a perspectiw-e) ' g-omeone from eec (Greg Moffec?) ,maybe Bob a.mo...r. Bob Mcl-arrrin a1ready has eexrcresEed incerest and \^torr]'d ]-Lkeus tso cor-dinate tstre sc}. errdL lng wl- tslt Atlne so tre can Parcicitr)at€ . LeL rne know wtro else strould attend and whats ]-ook].l.ke a couupLe of good Zl:lrorrr blocks l-nwl.l.cl.. Eo do tstt1s '(in a. coupl-e of weeke-. -) ThankB ' Fwd=bfr: =Lauren=Idat.er e=2 /26 /9 6::5 :2 spm:: Fwd to! Susan Conne]-].]r J- LdW t creats ldea.h-[h ,t^n 'il/a-+["^- 'l-h^^J'A ,lu vA ml-glac begEo erzen wtren he I s ingu]- tsingf we rtaa inwo]"ved in ttris wl"tsh otstrer vA Projectg, tle a good I)erspeceive. Page: 1 Printed by Jin Curnutte 9/95 8:53am Fr@r traurca frtartqr To: er.g ErLlgubloctt eo:-arn p.rk lt.girrg P].rrt ---NO{!E--------------2 / 15l96--a ! 5 3D@-- CC: atLn Ctr.rlrrrtc. Ttta g'attaraa cqltllcloE for thrt G;oldctt PGak- r€dat\ra!.ottDarrt ltaa gLrtan cvarlt daDaEto.tlt r cot>Y of thc DEoPotrd ii-.Elrag praD. i tsrqw ttrrt Lrrrlt Pards' rna-frir-1 Mart1Dcz trartc Eqltl.aiacd tha' Dt.,t!. Ir ]tqu bavc aay addltlolitl imcntr, plor.c g|lrta ttt.@' to Jlm lnd t[., Itf liRritNe' ..t ttaxt lta&ra.dry' n DRT l2-zt-get. tga rtqtlt to cqtl.aG . I1st to giva to .tt!a contrrctor. tt!.akt t Page: o iln, P*k o hea.0or: ruu,( -tetty ybqC'fq slbtA t-l@rv, Yvy{al . nlh F"Lzi' br,,r,? i,- qP f/a,<ts -/- s#(,t f-zV te, w M- Geter,?jfr.y o8o f re(,;:i/\.----- woi.K- frIaf t'*rJ t {rc, Apr,)( /5 --- C(req c?,^{d- e *loa,a Lqf :--O<C- L LJg oley'/ *{c . 'fiik^4{,'r}J u{*"'ufi gftrrcJ lqqY'- Co"'pl6g n h,JoyrV - Co,,u =tLr*',+ &P q/p(,'", , !- P.f eilltrc- f h'u ck.k &e- t- S,.rg Mt"lUt',Lr,16a -6o- *r""l",rhl +h*fao I;q,JLb n*y t*dt k frf c*W€<*s ' '' ---' wco+ ou,( A* rrf*/n- {bt, frO t$rry f,*.{ fu ,!-- ...(o, o-/*,,,u1 / gh,ro! 4a^,elJt y pCap' 17 5 7c, -d- Vh <q* ar€ N*/.u, p i,*t ,: y1\w -lu &,L& (&,,*)(,"-y', ,6ru, *r -pn./-,{o hk uukPaL,ryY p"-tu,* be6r'€ u.ff'eP rS /S;seeel(t {lv le rt / ftb 71. ^/ ----CerlutQ--' :l9y* -Twa 4 Qru\a, ou#i qc{,d#i - .--€W \ L.' ke -lo ut c4-9-.{'n c/14 V,af-*{ frfi'@4/0- (t@Uc Printed by Jin Curnutte frodr3 LaurG'l ltat€rtotl To! atLn CulrrLrtta sulsj.ct: Gtold.n Paak ---*crrE--------------3 / r 3 / 9 6-lL. 2s an'* tt€ dLd dl.c!.r.t tttc gradinE/d.flo P€rml' t rt DRT !od.y. lttk. I{cc.. ' D.tr, G.cg tlall w6r. ok wlth l..trltrE th€ ttctml-t 'ercA raLd that }.c L. utitLrrg -.forinforlratiotr ttray aEa auPpoaCcl co glrwc to trlD to,Dorlot attd ottc. tla gata th't, I' . i! ok to i.tuc th. Pcrt|[l.t. lt dl.d ag.6. tltat a conbo. gradlng/d.no it f irrc. Dan r.ld that buLl-d1ng l.t E.ady to l,rruG th€ frrll ltuildLttg p.Erl-t, brrt er€g aard l.tl- kG tt6tcd that tliata atc ttuanirour lt6r.rct to .ratoLtta b€for€ th'y ar6 clo!. to .1qmlttg off. ttt.t l-s a]-]. ... 4/96 5:2Opm Page: 't%,&, &3fl-y s: ^f -/! =-"'iUU- ; paTcr?J =t7Ar/onvaa,ab# ar+_ )Zgdn ._ ( 6nf ' **qtGWg -):M e er_+n oq b g oO )5/-t ^@fufru zr:Sgt Cat@ ZrttJr!;;W Srfirc v,2oft,s z6d'tdjffia ^f),.T2 -'-Gtr21-3fr a A++ -I' 2 i *. o t t,arr n?-J6-a*sV ":i|=J - )- ),'/ry T**7 ^T*'176O-e>1/ )a"/eq HuuJ-- -?/ Ja?rv@ ?Wlfai 7aettuld {a,tfu7s .?:ryrt+4r:/a2 1' -*i/ &.,'tr rD JazaTrt -2/ TnM kdon q' se/ # re*1 re 414q'Tru J. T*.'J.a afuv 21ylZlq ryouJ)ff2 4?'d )mh"/ do7 ./t*l &tg N @:h 2:,r/4, tJ p <\".\*\)-- o t3- q 6 c..\ 1:oo Au": February 26, 1996 Mr. Terry R. Utz Senior iroiect Manager Weitz-Cohen Construction Company 899 Logan Street, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80203 RE: Golden Peak Skl Base Construction Staging Plan Dear Mr. Utz: The Town statf has completed a review of your rough draft staging plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base redevelopment and offer the following comments: 1. Site Fencing - As discussed previously, the Town will allow a six foot high chain link fence ai tong as the fabric is green and is a double mesh (two layers)' ... Please amend y6ur ptan accordingty. Also, please indicate that the gates will also have the double mesh attiached to them. You will need to fence off the bike path, on both sides with fence and signs' signs will need to say path is closed and provide aPPr.oPli+e detour signs. ptease fence the bik6 iath on the east side of Ski Club Vail and Vail Valley Drive. Fencing and signs will need to be installed at Vail trailwalk pa$, a]l service roads and trails coming down off of VailMountain to Golden Peak' 2. Working Hours - Requests for exceptions tg the Monday thru Saturday (7:00 AM to ZOO efvfl working hours must be approved in writing by the Town of Vail public Works Depa-rtment at least 24'hours in advance of an required extension. g. Staging of Materials - Please remove the word "geneBly" from your discussion concerning the roll off trash containers. The staging of all.activities must occur within the ienced area. Please extend your fence to the Children's Parking lot and add one more gate if needed in that area. 4. 5. construction office Location - Please provide the emergency phone contact numbers requested PreviouslY. Traffic control Plan for Allwork ln R.O.W. - Every permittee shall.provide a construction traric conl[fitan in accordance with the most recent Manualon uniform Traffic controt oevices published by the state of colorado (MUTCD) for each situation, phase or part'of the work. This plan shall have.the Public Works approval Odfore tne iermit is issued. Every permittee shall provide and maintain all suitable traffic control devices as prescribed on the approved construction traffic control plan for the duration of the project' Additional safety iegulations may be prescribed by the Town of Vail public Works.Department' A ionstruction iraffic control plan must be prepared on approved plan for construction site, road and culvert work. Tirese plans will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, flagging, etc..') And the work.zone area of construction. This plai wlll expire on OdtoOer 15 and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (tength, width and OEittr or work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. The plan also must include a general schedule and sequence of all construction activity. During the duration o-i construction, vehicular and bus tratfic, as well as atpedestrianiano bicycle traffic, must be maintained and protected at alltimes on Vait Valley Drive. No road closures will be allowed. Also you must provide safe passage for all emergency vehicles. Due to the fact that the golf course bridge will be out of service, for up to 3 months, the main acces; to the Golf Course, all the residents and business within the area will be along Vail Valley Drive past the site. lt will be essential that smooth, continues and safe access be provided. lt is felt that a temporary roadway could be utilized during the installation and upgrade of utilities within VailValiey Drive. The temporar! roadway must be constructed to a minimum of 24' ft. Wide, stripped and signed' Soil Storage - lt is necessary for the Town to be aware of your proposed location f"t tt"ri.g "arth spoils in conjunction with the review of your overall staging plan' lf the stoiage will be occurring within the Town boundaries, please amend your plan to spe6ity where. lf it is your intention to store soil outside of the Town boundary, please amend your plan to say so' Temporary site development sign- Please add another section to your plan ;titl"AGgrag""Jtiis section snould say that;The Golden Peak property.will be allowed one temporary site development sign per section 16.20.160 of the 6. 7. 8. 9. Vail rnunicipal code as well as traffic control signs specified in section 16'20'170' No subconiractor signs will be allowed (banners on cranes, etc.) except as irOiot"O on the prei/iously described. Temporary site development sign' All weather anti- tracking surface- Anti- tracking surface needs to b€ installed at allaccess points to coffiiionlnd staging siies. The surface needs to be 50 tt. in fengtf; beginning at the edge of pavemLnt, extending into the site. - The contractor shall have available 10. quipment capable of etficiently sweeping up earth and/or other materials from paubd surfaces. This equipment shall include irit"Ot" provisions for the applicaiion of water ahead of the sweeping brooms to pi"u"nt dusting, for the picrup, internal storage and removal of sw.eepings, and ior the cleanin! of areas of heavy accumulation beyond the capacity of the sweeper. sweeping willtake place on an needed basis which may be more..frequently than daily ir a-s directed'by the Town of Vail. lt shall cover all areas adiacent to the con;truction site as well as any area where tracking has occurred' Please show location of where disposal of all sweepings will be. Dust Control- Please have a water truck on site or access to a water truck io use on dust control, at construction sites and staging sites' You will be required to provide one temporary bus stop an! -bu9 turn around. The location witt Oe at the east end of the soccer field off of Vail Valley Drive' The Golden peak Proiect shall be responsible for any and all materials and labor for the bus stop and bus turn around, Bus Service- You need to keep the Town of Vail bus service running on time, if you t no* or think that there witt be delays to bus service, Please.call Mike Rose who is head of the bus department, let Mike help you in coordinating the bus schedule for the summer ihrougn your construction site' Call (303) 479-2178 Special Events- Please tell us how you plan on working around all Special il*nichtakep|aceinaround6oldenPeakAreaduringtheconstruction schedule (i.e. July 4Ih) and through out the duration of the construction proiect. Please amend the proposed Golden Peak Ski Base construction staging plan to address the comments contained in this letter and resubmit a revised plan for our 11. review. Also lreep in mind that we will not release any permits (Public way, Grading,- Demo and Bui6ing Permits) untilthe tt"ging and traifib controlplans.are complete and approved by Town-of Vail. it you have aii iutstions or.comments about the content of this letter, ptease feelfree to iontact me at ybur convenience. I may be reached at 479-2198. SincerelY, larry Pardee Construction InsPector cc: Jim Gurnutte Larry Grafel Greg Hall Mike McGee Chuck Feldman File Printed bY Jin Curnutte 4: 13pm To!subj €ct The \/aif Assoclat€t R6aI Estatc GlorrP forl'ardcd tlte fol'-'oi wal1 - we ttror.rght you migltrt f irrd somG of it inforloatl.ort lte].olt to he]-pful-, 5o l'e are passlrlq| it along- . - GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT CONSfRUCTION UPDAEE 4/aa/96 cotlstructiotr at eol<lerl p€ak L9 cr.rlrerrtly tracklnq on sc} edrrle and ttat rrot ili-g."t, aff€ct€d uv spiing weether eonditiong' ctrairs 6 arrd 12' iiislil;i.i-r"o--tnl i'ora.i Peak portar' croscd sundav' Aprit 14ttr fro ttre gcalorl attd ttrc ar"-.-iif-q of ctlair 6 ( ttre secol!'l old€3t chalr orr vall l{ourltal-n} tlar alrGady staEted' Pl-tcdllvlrrgbarb€cncornl)let€darrdd6-wate!1n9r'el].arldsttorl.'tqactlr'itl-.8 cotttirtue. D.!|otltlort of thG oraglnal Goldcn Peak bui1dings artd lcctions of. ttle parkl-ng Iot tras ai.go beclr .o-itataa. Mass excan'atior! activity at tt!€ site r-g contint.rl-ng. Ttro I'ubll.c is once aqlairl r€mLird€d ttlat Parkirrg i-s rro ]'onqer- availablc ir! tt!€ coial- 1laak alca. Becauta! of cortstructl-oa safcty and l-labllity conc€rrrs ' .'tf.c.rrt'trlctr.!€Park€dant}taarcasl.].].b€to},eda!t}r€ot,ner'''',.I)el!se. co'tatrrrctl-orr 'chcdtr].c, witt! a'ry modifications, l-s ligted br'low: ActL\rLtY Dlt!cELPtl-on aa coldnerrcG g ) Itass exca.rtatiott of buiadittq .rtd parkirrq aot. Dur! and nois€ pot€ntial from 7 a.m- to 7 I).m- Ele\rator ttraf t l'!tsta]-latl-on D6ep rrtl.11ty €xcavat1on a].ong val1 val].€Y Drlvc. Traffic on Vall val]'€y Drl-ve wiLl ltc detotrr€d ttrrorrgftr ttt€ Goad€n P€ak Parkir_rg lot. TEaffic do]-ays can be €xPected ? a.m. to ? P.rn. for aPproxiBate]"y 2-3 lrG€kt . concr€te cast in Place - stnrcture Backfill of strrrcture Steel loof f J.aml-irg Garage Pr€casE ea.raqte backfl-al- If f/oLr tta\rc arry qrrettlons togar<lllrg ttt€ corrtent of th13 notc' P]-eaBG contact i"tiv r",tt agtenl fair, Aseociales Real Eitat€ Gtorrp, at a45-25'72' Sctredrrled Datcs (sultJ€ct to clrarrg'€ corrstructaon Aprll 9- May 31 May 1o-uay 31 Eartff-May 3ta.-rt exp€cted May I -Jul-y 1A }''ay 2g - arunc 2 4 .frrly 19 - Arrgnrst 2 9 .Tufy 12 - SePt€mber 6 September 19 - Octolt€r 30 Fror!: Dc!l-r6a l(och€ra Page: Yail Associates [eal [state 0ronp, Inc. .a.r.a.aar.aaa. Inforaadoa cootects: Betty L|tndglla .8454572 Rob PcrlEs!. 845-5121 GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTIONL1PDATE 3t27196 In an etrort to ke.erp ncighbors and intercstcd partics informcd about mnstrustion progr€sE at Goldcn Pcak as the rcdcvelopmcnt project raoves ahead, Vail Aseociates Real E*ate Crroup, Iac, will be sending out periodic construction updates. Thcse updates will iucludc pertinant construc'tion schcduling information, and alcrt ncighboring reridents to potmtial tra.f[o delays, dust or noise factors whichwill be a port of this major construction projcct. In addition to this periodio written updato, r tdephone r:umber will be made available with a recorded meEsage featuring costnrction update information aftu Varl Mountain closes for tho ski season. We apprcciato yotrr coopcration and undcrstanding as we movc fonrard to improvc all arprsts of the Goldcn Pcak portal to Vail Mountain. Alisting ofthe proposcd oonstruction schedulc, with significant events noted, follows. Datcs arc rubject to modifioation and refinesrent as connruction cotrlmc,toes, Activity Description er|lbp| rt foJt :.99''t Pibdrivittgof12"Hberms, Neccssaryf,'oirrlaaf antiis-iuniw.,sc fm installation of tcmporary vcrticrl supports for :crcavation rctaining wall s. Nolsc potential frwn E:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Mon - Frtddy. Ivfiass e(cavation ofbuilding ud puking lot Darst qtdnolse potentialfrom 7:00 am. to 7:A0 p.m. Eh;vator shaft installation @ utility arcarntion aloug Vail Valley Drive. T@c &lays can be expected 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p,m. Cmcreto ca* in placc - stnrcture B'dCn ofstrusturc Stcl roof ftaming Gcagcptcast Gragcbackflll Sshedulcd Datg (rubj.ct to *rUB |, ooldruclic c6!aFat) March 28 - April 15 April9 - May 31 lv{ay l0.lvlry 31 mid-May start s,pcctcd May8-July18 May 2t - Junc 24 July 19 - August 29 July 12 - September 6 Scpt. 19 - Ost. 30 t\ t\/\\\ \v/lltru|!||r[nflEl!,lnlqm tattllll 'llT lcnchrnrrk iord r FO 8ox 959. Avon, Colondo r 81620 r phone 970 845 3535 . lrr 970 EaS 2555 $ dnoug ']'d'U'A NUEE:TI 96. TA d# February 16, 1996 Dan Stanek, Chief Building Official Townof Vail Building DeParment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: GoldenPeak Ski Base Facility Dear Dan; The Fire Deparhnent has reviewed the plans submitted for the building permit for the above project. flue to the lack of mechanical and electrical plans, we al'e unable to make a complete review. Mechanical ventilation, fue sprinkler plans, fire alarm plans, undergrmnd water zupplies, and related items were not included. Ifthe applicant elects to proceed under "fast traclC'rules, we have no objection with an excavation permit but the project should not even include the installation of the undergrcnnd utilities until we get the rest of the information. It appears there may be a problem on sheet c-6, with the water zupply for thg _ building *tney intenO on supplying a fire hydrant offof the 1ry3fsl'main supplying the fire sprinklJr systern, zuch an arrangem€Nlt would tend to rob the fire sprinkler system if we tried to nsi the fire hydrant. The plans are not clear enough to make a detemination. Other ltrqrs: 1. It is apparent they will need a Knox Bo& minimum Model 4400 R. 2. The Fire Protection section is not included in the qpecifications. 4.Ihere was no reference to the requirement for an electrical shunt tip or exterior I n 3. We could not find the location of the diesel tank for the emergency ,\J disconnert. GoKa Peak Ski Base facility Plm Check Page2 5. sestion 16130, Part 1.0 General, l.l Description, F. , requires approval of the fire alarm systerrby DenverFire Dqnrtnent. Perhaps Vail Fire Departnent wouldbe a better choice. 6. Seotion 16130, does not reflect requirements under ord25, Series 1991, requiring waterflow devices be Class A- 7 . Sheet C-17 does not reflect sufficient detail to detemine compliance with VFD or UEVW&S specifications for fire hydrants. 8. Sheet A-3.1 does not allow adequate coverage from standpipes. A fire hose cache may be required in each stair (#'s 7 & 8) at Levell79. 9. Sheet A-7.1 does not se€m to allow room for the required fire standpipe given the refuge area. Once we receive more complete plans, we will be able to conrplete our review. Please contact us ifyou need additional infonnation. Sincerely, MichaelMcGee Fire lvlarshal cc: Tom Mahew, Pierce, Segerberg Assoc. lr+-*.-*J,-- LfI O \b.,feru$s \*ues' lr + 11 GOLDEN PEAK OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT PLAN L INTRODUCTION Vail Associates, Inc. f'VA') has fited an application to amend the Approved Development Plan for the Golden Peak Base Facility. The amendments include revisions to vehicular parking on the site, the design and function of both public skier and Children's Center drop off, as well as alterations to employee parking, lift cepacity, and ski bese operations. In the course of the submittal, VA has made certain representations regarding the physical site plan and the operations of the portal. Thc Town of Vait Department of Community Development has requested ehboration. This plan expands upon and supplements the epplication and' to the extent it is inconsistent with the application' supplants it. This Golden Peak Management Plan is intcnded to enhance the erperiences of guests to Vail and of the residents of the Golden Peak neighborhood in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the agreement between the Town of Vail ("TO\P') and Vail Associates to manage peak periods in this resort community. In effect, the measur€s proposed in this plan are means of managing or controlling the demands upon the Golden Peak portal and the impacts upon its surrounding infrastructure. The concepts and principles of the Program To Manage Peak Periods Agreement (the "Agreement") between TOV and VA are therefore incorporated by reference into this management plan. A reality that must be recognized in examining the creation of infrastructure and operational systems for Golden Peak or Vail at large is that both the ski company and the greater Vail community are engaged in the winter and summer resort business. For reasons beyond the complete control of the community the demands for and use of resort goods and services will always be subject to specific or isolated events such as the Christmas holiday or a world class competitive or cultural event. Events such as these will by necessity mean that Vail will experience surg€s or peaks of visitor use that may be mitigated, but will not be entirely overcome or eliminrted by investment in hard assets. To the extent that such high demand events tax the capacity of our systems and our collective patiencg we must also acknowledgc that these events, if well managed, are also what give us life, vitelity, ercitement and special appeal. It is the effort to "manege well" that leads to the creation of this plm. In its application VA has proposed significant physicel improvements to the Golden Peak portal. These include: - doubling the skier drop offzone capacities; - improving drop offflow and function; - giving locational primacy to public transit; - structuring and landscaping private auto parking; - improving lift access to balance portal use across the Village; and - improving base lodge facilities for the guest and local atike. This major investment in hard assets satisfies to the highest degree possible the programmatic requirements of the Golden Peak project's planning professionals. The proposed management techniques which follow are meant to be llexible guidelines and dynamic tools which may be altered, revised, enhanced, or eyen eliminated over time as needs require to 'manage well". And, while these techniques are described in terms of VA or TOV responsibilities, it must be noted that others, the greater Vail community and each and every Golden Peak neighbor, must likewise contribute, act responsibly and treat others equitably in managing or mitigating the impacts of use, growth and congestion during peak periods within our community. For their parts, pursuant to the Agreement, both VA and TOV have immediate responsibilities to undertake growth management measures. Section III (pages 1l-16) of the Agreement outlines these immediate responsibilities under Tier I of the Plan. VA's obligations include measures which might mitigate impacts at Golden Peak such as providing bus passes to appropriate employees for use on the Town of VaiI system, encouraging carpooling, and pursuing Park and Ridc sites for employees. TOV's obligations, set forth in the Agreement, include controlling peak traflic and parking issues, productive management of traffic circulation and parking systems, creative allocation of the bus service, effective utilization of law enforcement personnel, and better distribution of skiers to different base area facilities. For these purposes it is pertinent to note that in the Agreement "Peak Periods" are delined as: Christmas Peak That period which extends between December 26 December 31; and and High Season: That period which includes Presidents' Weekend and each weekend beginning the third weekend in February through the end of March. "Nonpeak Periods" are defined as: Those periods falling outside of the Christmas Peak and High Season and which normally include the early ski season, Thanlisgiving, the pre. Christmas Period, the January to mid-February period, and the late ski season. Another pertinent concept in the Managed Growth Agreement is the benchmark capacity of the mountain which has been defined as 191900 skiers at one time ("SAOT"). The theory behind the Managed Growth Agreement is to implement tiers of management techniques to control infrastructure demands and operations at or below the 19,900 SAOT threshold. An additional factor for consideration is the design day stendard for Golden Peak planning studies end infrastructure assessment which is 15,000 SAOT, a typical skier day count for the current Christmas Peak The physical infrastructure of Golden Peak is designed to accommodate the portal demands of a 15,000 SAOT event. The Assessment Committee, described in Section VI of the Agreement, is the entity chalged with monitoring, evaluating, and refining the operations of the community management plan. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Assessment Committee is likewise charged with this responsibility, but it is understood that for these purposes the Assessment Committee may delegate its review function to the Vail Transportation Task Force or other designee and shall include representatives ofthe affected Golden Peak neighborhood in the review process. The project components or elements which might be considered for tiered management techniques at Goldcn Peak include the following: (a) Managed Parking Structure; (b) Public Skier and Children's Center Drop-off Areas; (c) Employee Parking; (d) Mountain Operations; (e) Local and Community Programs, such as DEVO; (f) Ski Club Vail Activities; (g) Adult and Children's Ski School; (h) Loading, Delivery and Trash Removal; (i) Snow Management; (i) Ticketing; and (k) Special Events. tr. MANAGED PARKING STRUCTURE The Approved Development Plan of 19E4 depicted 130 surface parking spaces, primarily located on the north side of Tract F along Vail Valley Drive for all varieties of users of this particular portal and 6 interior parking sprces for the residential condominiums. The Children's Center plan of 1988 required 12 spaces. t Taken together these total 148 spaces for drop off and parking. Prescntly the surface lot existing at Golden Peak holds approximately 150 automobiles or less depending on the amount of snow storage on the lot and the elficiencies of car storage. Ofthese 150 spaces roughly 18-20 are used by employees; Spraddle Creek Property Owners resenve and utitize E spaces; 4 spaces are used for Cross Country Ski Van pick-up and drop-off; and approrimately 118 spaces are availsble for use by the skiing public for a fee. Parking requirements for the Ski BaselRecreation District are addressed in Section 1E.39.230 of the Vail Ordinances which reads: 6'0ff-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 1E.52 and/or as specified on the Approved Development Plan."(emphasis supplied) The langua.ge of this section permits and contemplates a parking function and design unique to this district and its development plan. In response to this unique environment the parking structure proposed in this plan consists of 148 parking speces (including 5 handicapped or ADA spaces) located at or below the street elevation and landscaped across the top to provide an aesthetic benefit to the development and the surrounding neighborhood. The fundamental concept of the organization and management of these parking spaces, the equivalent of a Tier I management technique, is to create a managed or reserved (right to park" mechanism designed to control the availability and use of the spaces and hence cut down on indiscriminate traflic flows while providing for and paying for the eesthetic benefits of the landscaped structure. Thc mechanism formulated to provide this managed parking product to the public is a non-equity club or association of up to 500 members who would have the right to park in this structure for a fee. Two tiers of membership in the association are contemplated. The first tier would consist of up to 5e I members who would have a right to park in an identified reserved parHng space. The second tier of members would be up to 450 people who have a right to park in the structure based upon a monitored and computer controlled reservations system. It is the intent of the applicant to initially offer 50 S first tier and 200 second tier memberships to the public" Parking memberships would be sold in the fall of 1995 contingent upon final approval of the Golden Peek Base Fecility Projcct by the Town of Vail and sullicient subscriptions to commence construction of the parking structure in the spring of 1996, but no later than spring of 1997. In the event that the necessarT subscriptions are not forthcoming to commence construction in 1997, VAI wilt initiate discussions with the Town Council concerning payment in lieu of parking alternatives. The first tier member would secure a right to use r particular parking space on a year-round basis. Hence, the ratio of first tier members to parking spaces reserved for their use would be I to 1. The second tier members would have a year- round right to use a parking space based upon availability and prior reservation' monitored by a computerized rotation system to insure equitable and optimized use. The initial offering of second tier memberships would constitute a ratio of approrimatcly 2 members to everT parking space. These members would call the parking manager more than 24-hours in advance to reserve their use of available spaces. A reservation list from among the members would be compiled daily for the management of entry access by personnel stationed in the attendant booth at the entry to the structure. Access into the structure would be permitted upon presentation of a photo I.D. identiSing the bearer as a member and e confirmation ofa reserved parking space on the parking availability list. In the event that all parking spaces are not fully reserved and utilized by the club members, VA, as operator of the facility, reserves the right at any time of the year to utilize unreserved spaces for other guests, members of the skiing public' employees or other percons who likewise must call and reserve a space less than 24- hours in adyance. This short-notice use by non-members would be permitted only on a daily basis by resenation. However, this managed operational feature would expand the available user groups and increase the utilization ofthe structure in non- peak periods without adding appreciable, unwanted trallic. Further, if the utility of the structure can be maximized by offering additional nemberships for sale, VA will do so after the first year of operation establishes typical occupancies. In. SKIERDROP OFF Skier drop off occurs presently on the east side of the existing Golden Peak structure and immediately to the north of the Children's Center. Existing conditions provide for 2l head-in spaces adjacent to the Children's Center and 10 parallel, or active parking spaces, in a loop dropoff area for the general public' totaling 31 spaces currently dedicated to all drop-offfunctions. The proposcd plan neerly doubles this capacity by providing for 30 head-in spaces dedicatcd to Children's Center drop off and .flg totaling 59 spaces for skier drop offat this portal. (A.) X!er.!. Menagement measures to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. During the Christmas Peak period and Presidents' Weekend VA will stalf the General Skier and Children's Center drop off zones with 4 to 6 peoplg split between the drop offmnes es traflic needs demand' during peek arrival and departure hourc or approximately from 8:30 to l0 a.m. and 3 p.m.. to 4:30 p.m. These trallic manageru will direct traflic' assist and expedite the loading and unloading of passengers and equipment, encourage the timely and swift departure of vehicles, and enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking by calling for the removal or towing of ofTcnding vehiclcs. 2. During the High Season period VA will staff the General Skier and Children's drop olf zones with 2 to 4 people, split between the zones as trafftc needs demand during peek arrival and departure hours. 3. During non-peak periods and during evening or night hours the drop off zones would be stelfed or managed upon the operational discretion of VA as 10 moy bc necded to prevent congestion or vehicle stacking into Veil Vellcy Drive or the bus lane. During these periods and times, except for spccial events, and use ofother VA parking lots such as North Day lot. 4. Permanent, static, signage at the top of Blue Cow Chute will be installed by TOV indicating that there is no public parking at Golden Peak and that only Children's Center and skier drop olf is permitted. 5. In Section V (page 25) of the Agreement additional skier drop off zones have been identified as "pressing current transportation and circulation needs". VA will therefore cooperate with the TOV in identifying additionel skier drop off zones elsewhere in the town including Ford Parlq, the Main Perking Structure, Lionshead, and other locetions which will be formalized and improved by the Town of Vail. Initially TOV witl develop and implement a plan for general skier drop on the upper deck of the Transportation Center utilizing cxisting physical improvements and facilities. 5. Upon the conclusion ofeach Peak Period and ski season the Assessment Committee or its designeg will specifically assess acc€ss to and egress from the mountain at Golden Peakn togethcr with trallic and drop off impacts essociated with the skier movements and will meke recommendetions for 1l adjustments or improvements to the Tier I management techniques described above. (8.) Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques above have becn implemented and traffic congestion in thc drop off zones still results in vehicle stacking into the street or bus lanes to a degrec detrimental to the ordinary operation of the infrastructurc' then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season: 1. VA and/or TOV witl implement additional Tier I techniques which have not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I techniques already in use according to the recommendations of the Assessment Committee. 2. TOV, pursurnt to its general obligations in the Agreement to implement pro-active management efforts in coordination with VA to control traflig will increase utilizetion of law enforcement personnel during peak periods in the management of traffrc at Golden Peak (Section m A. 2. a., pnge 13). 3. Based upon the impacts oftraflic congestion and as transportation needs demand, TOV will implement an electronic signage progrrm which would display messages on the town arterials regarding traffic conditions within the town parking garages, drop off zone trallic status conditions and lift maze conditions at the base portals. t2 IV:EMPLOYEE PARIilNG - employees park at Golden Peak of the approximately 500 employees who are based there in Peak Periods. Another 25 to 30 spaces tre seasonally leased by VA from third parties for employee parking. The remaining 90o/o of Golden Peak based employees park in public lots, use public transit, or use other private parking spots. (A.) !!eLL The following mrnagement techniques will be implemented sequentially upon redevelopment to mitigate employee transportation impacts and sene the needs of the community's employees: 1. VA, together with TOV, will enter into negotiations with the Colorado Department of Transportation to secure, if possiblg an employee park and ride intercept lot on Highway 6 in Eagle-Vail. This lot would be used for VA and TOV employces to park their vehicles in Eagle-Vail and utilize established public transportation routes to continue on to theirjob locations in VaiL In the event the CDOT site is not available or unsuitable, other sites will be located and secured for a park and ride lot. 2. To the extent space availability exists during non-peak periods' V. A. will permit managed employee parking by reservation in the parking structure et Golden Peak l3 3. During Pcak Periods VA employees will carpool to the soccer field lot pursuant to the Holiday TraIIic and Perking Plan as managed and operated by TOV or elternatively as managed by VA. 4. During the Christmas peak period and, in fact, extending beyond it from December 24 until January I in any given yeer, VA wilt implement its Holiday Traffic and Parking Plan. During this period VA will provide frce bus tickets for the AvonBeaver Creek bus system to all Golden Peak based staff. Parking in VA lots such as West Day L,ot and North Day Lot, will be available for free to employecs who carpool. Employees not carpooling will be charged a fee. 5. VA will add the Holy Cross Lot to its parking inventory for peak-period employee carpooling. 6. As necessary, VA will assign employees carpooling locations in perticuhr lots among the West Day' North Day and Eoly Cross properties and manage entqr access into thcse properties. 7. VA wilt lease 20 parking spaces from a third party or, alternetively, purchase 20 '6blue" parking pesses from the TOV for parking in the town structures. 8.. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques t4 v. described above, assess the operationel results, and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plen. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and employee parking and transit is still a concern, additional methods of employee transit and parking will be under.taken at the recommendation of the Assessment Committee or its desiglee. MOITNTAIN OPERATIONS (A.) I!er.I. Management melsures to be undertakcn during peak periodr in a sequential feshion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. VA will extend its periods of mountain operations later into the day (ag. until 4:00 p.m.) to spread out the departure times of skiers from the mountein. 2. Employee passes will be restricted during the Christmas Peak and Presidents' weekend. 3. Improvements to the food and beverage offering at the base facility restaurant" including apres ski and dinner olferings, will be designed to attract the skiing public and stagger the public's departure from the portal . 4. VA will cooperate and coordinate with TOV and the Coloredo Department of Transportation regarding the installation of signage at base facilities, including Golden Peak, advising departing skiers of road conditions 15 and, if conditions are advense, inviting or advising departing skiers to stay Iater in the village and draw out their departure times. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period end the ski seeson the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess mountain operation impacts and make rccommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I mrnagement techniques described above. (8.) Tier IL In the event that some or all of the Tier I menagemcnt techniques have been implemented and congestion still exists in the portal during peak periods, then the following successive management efforts will be undertaken in the next succeeding ski season or Peek Period: 1. VA end/or TOV will implement additional Ticr I measures which havc not yet been employed or will enhance those Tier I tmhniques already in use according to thc recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee. 2. VA will continue to take operational measures to balance the functionality and use of its portals, as well as on-mountain circulation. DEVO/LOCAL AND COMMI]NITY PROGRAMS *DEVO' is an abbreviation for the Vail Development Team, a Children's Ski School Progrnm consisting of 300 children which offers specialized ski school classes to the children of locals and front range skiers. The high concentration of locals t6 participating in thc program results in an inordinately high drop off impact on non- peak Saturdays which mimics peak conditions throughout the season. (A.) Tier I. Measures to be sequentially undertaken concurrently with redevelopmcnt include: 1. The DEVO program does not run during the Christmas Peak or over Presidents' Weekend. The program will continue to be limited in this fashion. 2. Arrivals for the DEVO program will be staggered in advance of the typiel ski school or mountsin opening times. DEVO arrival will be scheduled for E:30 a.m., one-hllf hour prior to lift opening. Pick up will Iikewise be scheduled esrlier than regular mountain closure" 3. Drop offfor DEVO will be formalized and managed by DEVO instructors in the Golden Peak skier drop offzones to prevent stacking into the streets. 4. VA will investigate splitting the DEVO program further and basing some portion of the program in Lionshead or staging it at other drop offzones. For examplg moving the Freestyle Program, approximately 15% of the DEVO skiers, to another drop offzone such as the TOV structure will be explored and implemented if alternate drop offs are created. Staging DEVO out of the Lionshead Teen Center will also be explored with TOV, including the creation of short-term, 30 minute, dropoff and pick-up parking spaces in the Lionshead Parking Structure. l7 5. DEVO rac€ events will be moved in whole or in part to other local courses. 6. Upon the conclusion of each ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess the impacts caused by the DEVO program end make rccommendations for adjustment or improvement to the Tier I techniques described above. @.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques heve been implemented and DEVO still advenely impacts portal congestion then the following successive manrgement efforts will be undertaken in the next ski season or Peak Period: 1. DEVO will be relocated in part or in whole to other Vail Mountain portels. i ineluding derrn vdley pertals aeeessing Beover Grcek Meuntdn- 2, DEVC) and ether sueh leeal pregrams will be terminrte* VIL SKICLITBVAIL Ski Club Vail is a private, non-profit ski club which is not owned, operated, or managed by VA. VA, however, provides on-mountain access for training and racing events for Ski Club Vail. Ski Club Vail training accounts for approrimately 60,000 gate starts per year and Ski Club Vail racing activities account for an additional 15,000 gatc starts per year. Generally racing activity, including Ski Club Vail, runs from E:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and frequently occurs seven days per week during the ski season. 1E (4.) Tier L Management measures to be taken concurrently with redevelopment include: l. Ski Club Vail progrems will be coordinated with other special events, as was done during thel994ll995 season, to prevent overcrowding ofgroup in the portal at any one time. 2. Start times for Ski Club Vail during peak periods and high season will be coordinated so that Ski Club Vail arrival times will occur before the 9 a.m. peak hour rush and will be terminated later in the afternoon to spread the departure from the ski mountain. 3. VA will allow and encourage Ski Club Vail users to arrive and depart using the General Skier Drop-ofrZone. 4. Upon the conclusion of the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will monitor the Tier I techniques described abovg essess the impact of Ski Ctub Vail on the use and efliciencies of the portal and make recommendations for alterations or enhancements to the plan. (8,) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the Tier I measures have been implemented and Ski Club Vail still poses logistical problems for the optimized use of the portal, the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee will be implemented. 1. Ski Club Vail will be terminated in whole or in part in its use of the Golden Peak race courses and base facility. 19 VIIL ADTILTAND CHILDREN'S SKI SCHOOLS The Golden Peak portal is somewhat unique in that it supports a full children's ski school, including nursGrJr as well as the adult ski school. Approximately 37,000 ski school students per season, or an average 264 per dayr are serviced et this portal. The size and scope of ski school activities in the portal are naturally constrained by thc size of the base area facilities. The Children's Ski School in particular is functionally limited by the building size and the ski yard available for introductory children's classes. (A.) Tier I. Management measures to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrenfly with rcdevelopment include: 1. Ski school classes will be coordinated with morning arrivals of other specigl user groups so thet ski school classes will sequentially follow the arrival times ofother groups and activities and spread out portal arrivals. 2. VA will emphasize a '.one stop shop" of lessons and equipment' including overnight stomge, which will reduce the need for arrival by private automobile rs well as reduce dwell times of eutomobiles which do arrive for drop off. 3. VA will promote in its marketing materials the convenience of public transit which services the area. 4. VA will explore the implementation of telephone or electronic preregistration in ski school, including the Children's Ski School, in an effort 20 to cut down the dwcll times of automobiles dropping skiers olf for ski school registration. 5. Upon the conclusion of each Peak Period and the ski season, the Assessment Committee or its designee will assess cotrgestion in the portal related to ski school activities and make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier f management techniques discussed above. (8.) Tier IL In the event that some or all of the Tier I management techniques have been implemented and congestion associated with the ski schools still results in crowding in the portal then the following additional manegement steps will be sequentially implementcd: 1. The recommendations for improvements or adjustments made by thc Assessment Committee or its designee will be instituted in the following se&son or Peak Period. 2. VA will make improvements to its Lionshead Ski School facilities upon the redevelopment of that portal taking pressure off of the Golden Peak portal. DL LOADING, DELIVERY AND TRASH REMOVAL The Golden Peak Base Facility requires the delivery of food and liquor for its restaurant operations and trash and recycling pick-up for all functions located at Golden Peak Cumently, food and liquor delivery takes place daily between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and again between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The majority of 2l food and liquor dcliveries are first sorted out at the Gondola Buitding in Lionshead, then delivered to Golden Peak by VA employees. Currently, there is no formal loading dock at Golden Peak which rcsults in the need for two (2) daily food and liquor delivery trips. In addition, there is a trash compactor et Golden Peak currently which results in the need for daily trash collection at 7:00 a.m.. Recycling pick-up is done by VA and occurs as needed concurrently with food and liquor drop-off. It is estimated that current delivery times will remain the same to avoid interference with skier traflic, though the addition of a formal loading area and storage may reduce the number of daily delivery trips by VA from two (2) to one (1). The addition of a trash compactor at Golden Peak should reduce the frequency of daily trips required for trash pick-up. (A.) -I!gt t Measures to be undertaken concurrently with redevelopment include: l. Delivery times will be managed so that no delivery or trash pick-up will occur during the hours of E:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2. The Assessment Committee will review and assess truck deliveries end senice at the conclusion of each ski season and make recommendations for alterations or improvements as nccessary. (8.) Tier tr. In the event that some or all of the above measures have been implemented and if loading, detivery and/or trash removal results in opcmtional inelliciencies in the portal then the following management techniques will be implemented in the next succeeding ski scason: l. The recommendations of the Assessment Committee will be implemented. 2. VA will endeavor to deliver larger loads directly to Golden Peak and store additional food end beverage on site thus reducing the number of trips or will arrange night delivery to avoid traffic congestion. X. SNOW MANAGEMENT Snow management at Golden Peak will be conducted in a manner similar to that in othcr VA poftals. Snow storage zones have been depicted upon the reviscd snow storage map preparcd and submitted with the Application. (A.) Iigl-t The following manrgement efforts will be undertakcn with respect to snow storrge and management during the ski season, including peak end high season periods. 1. VA will by contract with third parties or through its own forces plow all areas of vehicular circulation as depicted on the Snow Management Plan by 5 a.m. eveqr morning upon a snowfall of 4 or more inches. 2. VA, through its own forces, will remove snow from sidewalks and plaza areas depicted upon the Snow Management Plan by means of a bobcag an AIV and/or by hand between the hours of 7 and 8:30 on all mornings following a snowfall of 4 inches or more. 22 23 3. VA will store snow in temporary snow storage areas within the drop off zones and within two to seven days oI a, 4" snowfall will use loaders and trucks to remove the snow stored there and trensport it from the site. Impacts on trallic congestion will determine the spced and frequency of removal of snow from the temporary snow storrge areas. VA will remove snow immediately if snow storage results in congestion in the drop-off zones causing auto stacking into the street. 4, At the end of each Peak Period and the ski season the Assessment Committee or its designee will review snow removal performance during the season and, as necessary, make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the Tier I techniques described above. (8.) .Tier II. In the event that some or all of the Tier I techniques designed to manage snow have not effectively cleared the snow from the drop olfzones or other public areas and/or have impacted circulation on the public strects, then VA will implement recommendations made by the Assessment Committee or its designee. SPECHL EVENTS AND SKI RACING Golden Peak is the site of many ski races and special events during the course of a ski season. Typically the rrcing season begins in mid-December and runs through early April. Training for ski rrcing can be broken down as follows: Ski Club Vail generrtes 60,000 gate starts pcr year; high school prognms add 7,500 xr. 24 gate starts per yerr; and corporate/club training events add 7,500 morc st$ts per year. Actual racing starts for these three user groups are approximately 15'000 gate starts pcr year for Ski Club Vail, with an additional 21000 starts per year for local high school programs, and 101000 starts per year for corporate and club racing. These total roughly 102,000 gate starts p€r year and average 4.5 ski racing events per weelc Daily ectivity for ski racing typically commences at E:30 a.m. and continues until 4:30 p.m. Of these race events two or three major televised events occur each year, not all ofwhich are headquartered out ofthe Golden Peak course. These include the Pro Tour, FIS World Cup and North Americen Trophy Series races. In 1999 the World Championships wilt be held at Veil and opening ceremonies are scheduled for Golden Peak Race starts and demand for training space have been growing steedily for the pest decade. Special Events which occur at Golden Peah in addition to the routine racing programs, include various snowboarding €vents which draw typicalty 100 to 250 people, the U.S. Pro Tour which draws about 500 people, and Hot Winter Nights events which draw 500 to 1000 people typically in February and March and up to 3000 peoplc during the Christmas holiday. (A.) fu! Management techniques already utilized and in place at Golden Peak or which will be implement with redevelopment include: 25 1. Snowboarding events typically held in non-peak periods are usually smell with minimal impact on portal arrivals or u$e. Arrivals and staging of cvent participants will be managed with VA personnel on an '.as needed" basis. 2. Hot Winter Nightr events are held during off hours and do not interfere with other portal arivals or demands on infrastructure. These will be managed with VA personnel on an "as needed'basis. 3. Major events, such as televised FIS racing events, the \ilorld Championships, major bicycle race events, and summer fireworla will be managed through the standard special event permitting process of the TOV. 4. At the end of each Peak Period and ski seNson the Assessment Committee or its designee will review and make recommendations concerning Special Events and racing activities at Golden Peak and their impacts on the portal and congestion in the surrounding infrastructure. (8.) Tier IL In the event some or all of thc Tier I techniques have been implemented and congestion has still resulted at the portal which adversely effects traflic or surrounding town infrastructure then VA will implement the recommendations of the Assessment Committee or its designee in the following ski season or Peak Period. In addition the following successive management techniques will be implemented: 1. Special events will be moved in part from this portal to down valley locations. f,*. u,f t-,-3 ._--- -- -. -:: -- -:-=::, -- ------r: -:-:---:= ,h.- ALPINE EN6INEERJNG, INC. ' . Mn Rrfiictl Pbrt"st'' i Town'of Veil 75-S. Frcirqge Road.veil, CO E1658 RE:' Gotdcn Pcak licder-etop.ncnt Dcsr Mr. Forrcst I lbe pmposcd oor- ,t{o octcnsion of the Easr Mill Creel drainage as part of rhc Goldcn Pcak'Rcaacrcrylnt pmjecgjwi)l nor advenely a,ffqgt gdiacent oropcnics. or increase $q quq0iitv or vcICSltY qf:f,oqd utatcrC (at thc outlct of thc cxisting 66" CMP nontr of Viif vJtcy-Orirr1. fteasc notc lbc foltorring orccfuions and/or clarificarions: :Tbc storu sewp extension docs not changc rhc basin sizc of Mill Creet{, thercfore, runotl quemidcs re ndt changed. 'Itc Arny Corps of Enginccrs requestcd that more runoff be diverted to Wcst Milt Creek at tbc_dirersion stn cturc. Dwing major runoff events. flow should bc cqually splii and thc sane' as tistoricali (o.r post diversion strucnrrc events), During tow flow events, morc runofr ig' sllpc.d ro bc tlircged to the west branch'and less.to the eas branctq as directcd by Army Corps of Engineers. I 'Ibc 100 ycar rlnolf cvent will be contained *irhin rhc proposcd East Milt Crcck srorm scwer (assuring an aiuat split of flow at the diversion structurc). . -Vclocities at thb storm sewer outlet are carried in the same pipc as axists and arc slbjcct to thc sanc hydrauilic characrcristics as eutists, rhereforc, ourlet i,eiociries witt mt chalgJfiom. hisroric conditids. -The sump for thc parking garage is proposed to dischargc to the East Mitl Creck drainagc . suale- Althouglr thc sump is oot part of rhe sork proposing ro modi$ rhc floodptaiq pcr lour "bazard rclllations", rhc dischargc rvill not adverscly afect adjaceDt properties. Tbc urnp wilt likclj discharge tt/ater year-round. Currently, the East Milt Crcct( cbenncl is srbjccr to 240 cfs for Oic tfi) ycar runoff event During low flow events, more water rvitl bc divertcd . to West Mill Creek thc additional -5 . 1.5 cfs surnp dischagc is likcly lcss than thc rcduction.' in flow to East Mill Creek as a result of flow that is diverted to West Milt Creek. During thc' wintcr montis nast Uitt Crcck is normally tumcd off. . P0. 80r 97 . fdwards, Colorado 81632. /l97q 92efi 73' Far (90] 92&J390Hwar6 Businesr Sinccrcly,ux^ Glcon D. Palmer, PE GDP/mm cc David Corbin Jack Hunnm o : -fie poposcd ibeadwall sfuctnrrc is to havc: : ia) ll^arga inla capacity than thc cxisting hcadwait structure. :b) itr;i#:lfito ftnction durile.d'ebris (in the flow) ntnoffcvcnB riran the c) , Thc ability to allow some overJlow of rhc'siructurc which will be directcd to ' additiooal inlets dovrnsfcam of tbc headwall. If you have any questiogg please contact ma Ele ffi.$sfr.% ?uss* t. ?.oo oo intenofficeMEMORANDUM - to: Jim Curnutte. Lauren Wharton from: Greg hall subject: Gold Peak date: November 8, 1995 I have reveiwed the Gold Peak submittal and have organized my comments into catergories with regards to the particulars ofeach segment ofthe project. In addition I have given a complete reveiw of the submittal. so some of the comments will need to be addressed before PEC and others will need to be addressed prior to DRB. No matter what all the comrnents will need to be addressed at some point before building permit. TRAFFIC STUDY The applicant submiteed a traffic analysis coducted by TDA Colorado, for this prqect which the town did have certain concems with. The biggest concern was the traffic study was only using an increase in portal hips of 50% while a report by the consulting team of RRC in another part of the applicants proposal was a statement on use projection estimating the portal useage would double over previous demands. The second concern was the determination of the design day in which to design the phsical improvements. It was decided the design day would simulate a 15,000 skier at one time day simular to the day the fiaffice analysis was conducted on 12/30/94. A third component was the distribution of the increased trips to a particular purpose and to the appropriate mode. The majority of the trips were assigned to the Towns' bus system and increased pedestrian arrivals as shown in the following table. GOLDEN PEAK ARRIVAL DEMANDS EXISTING AND PROPOSED CURRENT1500PPH PROPOSD3OOOPph People Veh Parking People Veh Parking Intown shutle 300 8 800 l0Pedestrians 510 0 1334 Golf course route 30 2 75 2 Courtesey Van l5 5 50 12 Employees 25 20 20 35 30 0 Childrens'Center 100 70 36 100 70 35 Skier drop Off 300 135 28 400 180 35 Paid Parking 220 70 130 220 100 150 Condos00065l4 The result of this analysis was that both the Childeren's Center and the skier drop off would be desinged to handle 35 parking spaces to meet the design day requirements, The current design oo oo Jim Curnutte Page 2 November 8, 1995 falls short of these requiremants by 5 spaces in the Childeren's Int and by 8 in the Skier drop off lot. A management agreement was drafted to discuss the applicants proposal to handle those days in which demnad exceeds the design day physical facilities of the sitc. This agreeemcnt is not only required to discuss the handling ofthese pesk demands but also ensures the Town and the Ncighborhood that thier concems of thc sitc not meeting the physical requierments but also a continueing monorting of the situation with the developer that if the assumed cstimates may indeed be wrong the parties involved are required to resolve the problems assossiated with the developmnmet forever and thc fiscal resposibilities for any necessary improvements will be agrd to and implcmmented . Therefore the usual urgcncey of requiring the developer to implemcnt all improvements that can be perccived due to thc impacts of this developmnmt at this time, most of which we can only speculate, are not necessary due to the ongoing management of the impacts and the required solutions being implemented as we monitior the portals useage over time. ENVIRONMENTAL AND DRAINAGE ISSUES The cunent site does have a small portion of the sitc in a designated floodplain. The August 7, 1995 drainage report frrom Alpine Engineering will need to addrcss the mapping of the floodplain or state that the 100 year flows are contained in the pipe so the floodplain is contained in the pipe as well. The report was also showing how the 500-ycar flood which the proposed storm sewer cannot handle was to be routed through the site to avoid flooding ttre building and the adjacient neighbors. The grading plan does not show these required improvemcnts. The necessary drainage improvcments for the site work and the roadwork will necd to have the appropriate drainage calcutations provided. All final drainagc improvements will be accompanied by complete engineered conshuction drawings, All plans in the environmental report on the Mill Creek culvert extention should be updated to reflect the findings from the 8/7/95 drainage report by Alpine. The CDOW has extreme concems with sediment loading of the waterways in the Vail area. How is thc groundwater that is collected to be disposed of in a way to ensure close to 0% release of fines? What measures will be taken to ensure that the work in the stream channel will not cause a scdiment loading once the flows are reintroduced into the channel? The sediment and erosion control plan docs not addrcss thc large arcas being graded south ofthe building or the work for thc Childrcns' Ccnter parking and bus tumaround. A colorado Dcpartmcnt of Health permit is requircd. Remove the altemate 30 space parking lot from the report. The report states snow removed from roads and parking lots were to be placed in a site which would mitigatc the pollutants associated with this type of snow. The cutrcnt plan has this snow being removcd from thc site, whcre is the snow being dumped at and what metods are used at the dump site to mitigate the pollutants? oo oo Jim Cumutte Page 3 November 8, 1995 The 1983 Hydro-Triad letter points out there is moderate avalanche hazard occuring infrequurtly on the southeastem portion ofthe site. The letter frorn Mr. Irish states no hazard form avalanches exist provided thc slopes are properly groomed. A large portion of the slopes within the mountain boundaries are not groomed, especially the very steep natural tenain most prone to avanlanche hazards. It appean there is a discrepancy betu,een the two consultants findings which may need to be resolved and if there is a hazard present it will need to be shown on the approved development plan. The staffs position with the findings of Mr. Irish with regards to mud and deb,ries flow hazards is ofconcem since there have indeed been in the 30 years ofVail's existence a debrics event at this locaion. In addition within the last five years, there has been a significant slide on the slopes above Mill Creek which the debries reached the sFeam. At this time we feel an additional opinion is neded to either substantiate Mr. Irish's opinion or to verifr the staffs concem that a hazard may in fact exist. If a hazard does exist which may need to be mitigated the mitigation will need to be shown on the approved DRB plan set. SURVEY AI\[D TITILE REPORT The town recieved the existing conditions of Vail Valley Drive on lll7l95. We are in the process of reveiwing it. The survey for the site did not show the 2-3 sheds just above where the village skiway crosses Mill Creek. What are there uses? Through the consolidation of the out buildings, will there need be eliminated? The title report calls out an easement for Mill Creek which is not shown. Please explain the platted centerline of bike path . Why does the bike path not follow this platted centuline? The final establishment of all the necessary easements for roadways, draniange, paths etc. will be accomplished how and when? MANAGEMENT PLAN SITE/GRADING/LANDSCAPE/EMERGAI\C Y AND SNOW PLANS l) The tuming radius for the buses is extemely tight. The placement of turning templates on the layouts leaves no room for enor. This is a very big concern of the bus dcpartment. The tums the bus has to make requires tires to be right on the curbs going in turning throuth the turnaround and pulling out. This is unacceptable. 2) The safe stopping sight distance for the roadway is 125' measured in the center of each lane. Thc roadway will nccd to bc adjustcd at thc castcrn turn of Manor Vail and the Ramshorn to achicvc this distance, Thc requircd sight distancc for the skicr drop offand thc childrcns' ccnter parfting for pulling out is 200' in each dircotion measured l0' bchind the flowline in thc centcr of thc appropriate drive lancs.. The condo planting and wall necds to be adjustcd to accomidate this oa of Jim Curnutte Page 4 November 8, 1995 distance for the skier drop of area. The rcquired distance for the bus pull out is 300' measured simularlyas for cars in each direction. The location of the bus sheter for the golf course route will need to be sited in such away as not to interfere with this sight distance requirement. 3)The tumig radius into the the truck ramp does not work the drive will need to be wider, trucks are hitting the walls and driving'onto the landscaping.' 4)Prcvide a 6'walk betwen the Childerns' Center and the condos along Vail Valley lhive. This could bc accomplised by narrowing the drive lanes in the Chitderens' Center lot. S)Move bus gate back to accomidate the walk and the ADA ramp. 6) All ADA ramps at radius need to be extended around the curves to gain the full width of thc ramp. 7)Provide for ADA ramps at the bus stop and at the Skier Drop offarea. 8)The ADA ramp on the south side of the building to access the bikepath needs to be wider to accomidate bikes easier. 9)All Concrete pans at drive intencctions will need to be 4'wide. l0)The bikepath adjacient to the raised curved planter should either be widend or placed a min of ?;fr::T.t#J;::frlfh inthebus rane is much smallerthan shown inorderto accomidate the bus movements. l2)The angled parking spaces in the skicr drop offarea need to be shown at thc correct length. l3)fte north space of the condo courtyard is almost impossible to maneuver into. l4)the enty into the condos only has 9'drivelanes due to thc gatc post andcnty station. This is very naffow 10-l l' preferred. l5)Plaza at Mill Creek Circle and Vail Valley Drive looks like it will encourage people to use it as a skier drop off. It should be desinged in a simular way as Mayor's Park where therc is a planted area which seperates the seating areas from the roadway. 16)The Manor Vail ADA ramp acrcss from the Childrens' Centermakes no sense unlcss a walk connection is being proposed. l7)The manor Vail ped connection going wcst on the south side of thcre building will nccd to be closcd with landcaping and berming and the peds will need to be encouraged to use the connection to the north or thier drive to the south. l8) Why is the grading of the main plaza south cross sloped at8.3o/o which is also the grade those using the accessable skiway ned to cross. l9)the grade of the main plaza north is extremely flat to have it drain to the skicr drop off. 20) Provide elevation at the bottom of the main stair in the north plaza. 2 I )Why is the retaining wall between the stairs and th ramp 5' high at the hard surface ramp accessing the bike path. 22)Grading of ttre bike path should be 8% max. On the west side of the site. 23)Elevation 94 needs to be matched on Mill Creek Circle. 24)Provide grades of bike path at the curved planter wall. 25)Drains are needed at the upper walk at thc NE Corner of thc parking structureand at thc west center entance to the reshaunt. oo Jim Curnutte Page 5 Novembcr 8, 1995 26)The area behind the condo walk connection to the plaza will be a collector of hash and very difficult to remove snow it should be revised. 27)the exta area in the westem edge of the skier dropoffangled parking could be eliminated. 28) there is an area not showing any plantins in the condo arrival court adjaciurt to the walk to the plaza that needs to be landscaped. 29)The stairs on the E side of the building sbould be heated. It is almost impossible to remove snow from the m since they are in awhole. A drain is also needed. 30)Show more on site snow storage areas adjacient to wherc snow is being rernoved and left.ie north plaza and walks.- 3l)How does the bus turnaround get plowed and the snow get deposited in the Childerens'Center lot without entering the street? 32)how does snow in the western temporary sights get removed without disturbing the landscaping? May need to install an area of reinforced turf. 33)Manor Vail entry is mislabeled as Chalet Road. 34)The vehicle directional signs will ned stop sigrs placed at all the drive cxits. 35)Apedehian directional guide sign may be needed at the plaza of Mill Creek Circle and Vail Valley Drivc 36) The directional sign for the skier drop offwill need to address courtesy vans 37)The distribution of the inceased ped trips may need to be more porportionatc to the existing ped demands. 38)The grading necessary to move the bus shelter for the Golf Course routc will be needed to be shown 39)Full site drainage report and plans will be required for DRB' 40)Full Site utilitey plan is requied for the project 4l)Full civil engieered plans are reuired for the roadway work prior to DRB. BUILDING PLANS There arc numerous areas along the building where the grades either apperar too flat to drain or there is a need for a drain.. These areas will need to be addressed prior to building permit issuance. The parting stucturc appeam to have very generous drive lanes which coul d be reduced to reduce the overall size of the structure. The parking spaces on the lower NE corner of the structure should be added to each ofthe appropriatc lanes versues having their ends touching. It would appear that 2 spaces could be added to each level at the SW comer of the stucture with' a very small modification of the building. The area next to the westem most accessable space should be filled in more as it would be impossible to pour concrete into the wedge as shown. Why does the people using the accessable parking for this portal need to exit out the structure go down a hallwy turn into thc "wreck" room to acccss thc uppcr lcvel of thc building. This especially seetns absurd considcring this portal is advertised as thc fully accessiblc portal. oo oo Jim Curnutte Page 6 November I, 1995 How are the retaining walls of the site finished? How are the large walls adjaciurt to the parking structure finished? STREETSCAPE PLANS The Streetcape improvements will need to be placed on thc latest survey showing the correct existing conditions. The minimum wlk allowed is 6'revise all proposed walks less than this. Only 2 street lights will be required at the bridge, placed on the side of the direction of tavel. The bridge widening will need to accomidate the wider walk and also a bridge railing , assume l.57side for the railing Thc parking at the Voulafcr needs to be vcrified with thc ncw survcry, it apppcars therc may be a portion of building jutting out into the spaces next to the bilding which thc spaces are just barely legal as it is. The project shoul be removed from the Tivoli property. It should be investigated to close the ramshorns southern drive and place the walk behind the tree as ahown on the master plan and pick up the lost parking space on the closod driveway Thc neck down area at the gatlin should be widened and the tree trimmed and the ramps adjusted if this is to be the major means to get people to the portal the minimum width of gore creek drive w is 20' the path should have a smoother connection to the streamwalk by cutting thr corner Provide apan or curcut at the volafer parking instead ofthe curb shown The dimensions of the road to the soccer field is 40' flowline to flowline and the wolk is 6' this will need to be shown correctly. There will need to be a design to show how the roadway widens just east of the Childern's center and how the two projectstie togather at this point. The realigument of Gore Creek Drivc East will need the homeowners apporval as the roadway only is allowed in the right of way Has any work been done on the request of the Mill Creek Circle Neighborhood sign/enty Hanson ranch Road May be narowcd even more Sight Distance at the Ramashorn is critical can anything be done to improve it. The necking down of E meadow Drive and the apprpriate ADA ramp will need to be modified Full enginecred plans for both drainage and rcadway will be rcquired from the VTRC to the soccer field Do you think any traffic calning desing stratigies should be inplimented alog thir stseach and extended to the golf course along Vail Valley Drive? TOV PIJ SHOP D i 479-2130oIo '155"9 :58 No . 001 P .01 Dqanncnt of Pilllt Wotl;lTrtr.rlort.tior Torllv0F ?I Scrrl Ftenttgc Rotl Vtll, Cl.lortdo 815J7 tOr.17 9 - 2 t t 8 | FltX t0 t -47 9 -z | 66 TO: FA:( PHONE .tr_IBNqUTTTAT{ SIIqET .fh coMPAMt r.reMs: (--dr^ l[Jt.V - FAr( PHoNE lluu"r*, z*$lz rnou, -, -]b&,lo --. oarr: rt r. niQO ., liK). OF PAGES IN DOCT'MEI{T (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHE T): RESFONSE REQUIRED?; SEI{T BYI TOV{N OF NU}IBER: VAf Ir (303) DEPARTIIET{T OF FUBIJIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION FAX PHONE {79 - 2130 O- Lr *trJ+r?t {.ri J' UI bld4r, dFdj &+ It tl J' { uJ d ff, J ?t I I /..'-'r--'r'.--' .-\rl^ ./ llcr:] /il 'i ro a '1$' r$p Htj t 2i{r ! 4- oo ,/.h:j ,.lUllLi Il,J AUIj.Ll'.J tLlll'ul{ ll53 b !l:,. U AUII \\oo 1.1! t,/ t,tF I UI f, T B EI 1liuE6{ fF.l- rtjr 1I;"ti r$u I i=", +4'ir o- {iliii} *xil,3* 4i l+^ R{FIJ r ltn$tH n r-)0 %T J.r dd n oo T + ( --vtd ifr $-J & O NBN { $ ( .s $) {t 5O r l. I,t Ht 'l $ T J4 D -l d d + 4,\ E I 1I d0HS nd nolS0' d I00' oN 6E: 6 TOWN OF VAIL 1109 Vail Valley Drioe Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX 3 0 t -47 9 -21 6 6 D e p artm e nt of P ub li c Wor k s /Transportati on MEMORANDUM To: JimCumutte . 0rtorr^\-.n'o^ ' From: Todd Oppenheimer nFlatY'lDate: January 29, 1996 RE: Golden Peak Plans. I met with David and Ethan at Design Workshop this morning to discuss my comments on the Golden Peak plans. Although they had received my comments late most of my concerns had been addressed. I understand that some of my comments could not be accommodated because of site constraints and that the PEC has signed offon them. These relate primary to the streetscape work along the ski school parking lot and the layout ofthe bike path by the Apres Ski deck. I still have 2 significant concerns that I would like to have addressed. The first ofthese relates to the area which is primary the roof of the parking garage. When this area was first presented in plan by Dave Corbin this area had a "parkJike" character. It was a mown turfgrass area with landscape plantings, fencing and other features. The plan which I saw today showed the areas which were turfgrass as native grass. This creates a major difference in the use and appearance of the site. I looses its parkJike character, reduces the impact that the planting will have and impacts the function of the bike path. I feel very strongly that the area should remain as turfgrass as shown on the earlier submittal. The second area of concem is the planting bed between the skier drop offparking and Vail Valley Drive. The design of this area includes a 3.5' wall against the parking spaces and a 2 to I slope, 9' to 12'widg from the top of the wall down to the back of the walk. The area is heavily planted in deciduous and conifers trees with various shrubs, ground covers and flowers. My concem here is the steepness of the slope between the wall and the walk. I told Ethan and David I thought the slope should be no more than 4 to I for several reasons. These included soil washing down on to the wallg trouble getting plants to establish on such a steep slope and the extra steepness caused by the tree planting (flat rootball on a narrow steep slope). They are berming against the wall to avoid the cost ofveneering it. I told them that I would rather have them lower the grade and use plants to hide the wall. The requirement for veneer would be up to DRB. Having a flatter grade to work with will also allow more variation in the placement of the trees. Although the plan currently shows the trees staggered, reality will cause them to end up in more or less of a straight line because of the grade of the bacldll. Again, I feel very strongly that this area should be redesigned to eliminate the steep slope. Pleaso pase thcce comm€ots along to Dav€ Corbin as soon as possible. I can be available to mee with you aod Davo if necessary. ptease la me know the status of VA's reply prior to thc DRB meedry. cs. DavidKenyon Cireg llall Susrn Corndley q o;o; TO'VN OF VAIL 1309 Vail Vtlley Driue Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t 0 t -47 9 -2 I 6 6 MEMORANDUM D ep artm e nt of Puh li c l{or}'r lTr an s p ortation To: Jim Curnutte, Leuren Waterton From: Todd Oppenheimer ffiRE: Comments on Golden Peak Ski Bese end streetscrpe plan submittal. First a suggestion. Consider requesting more plan sets on large, complex projects. Review and comments could be completed in a more timely manner if staffmembers did not have to wait for plan sets to be routed. Following are my comments on the Golden Peak ski base and streetscape plan submittal. Notes and sketches relative to the comments are on the plan sheets and should be forwarded to the applicant with the comments. Please call me at 479-2161 if you have any questions. Sheet I-1, Site Plan. l. Move path 5' to l0' away from the Apres Ske deck planter and sod area between planter and path. People and bicycles will tend to congregate in this area causing congestion on the path. 2. Skiway gets to narrow as it leaves the garage roof Move plantings l0'to 15'to the west to create more room. 3. Planting beds between the skiway and path on garage roof will be crushed by snow, grooming equipment and ski traffic. Add more conifers to better define edges during the winter and consider temporary, portable fencing to protect areas. 4. Indicate installation of metal landscape edging between all planting beds and sod areas. 5. Add 6' sidewalk along Ski school parking lot. Push planting areas south to accommodate. 6. At Ford Park access walkway, move plants to the north and construct ne% more visible Ford Park sign. Add a second sigrr at the back portion of Manor Vail aligned with the walkway. Construct new walkway from that point to the end of the lvlanor Vail bridge. A sketch plan is attached. 7. Lodge plaza pavement should be concrete unit pavers. Colored concrete in plaza areas south oo OO of building is probably okay. Shect I-2, Site Greding. L Grade of walk from Ski School south door is to steep at l2%o. Reduce grade to 8olo maximum as shown on plan. 2. Applicant should furnish grading information for review on the condo entry court area. There is insufficient information on the plans to understand how this area, including the walls, will function. 3. The steep grade between the garage roof and the skier drop offarea is to uniform. Add large areas ofboulders as rock outcroppings to allow variations in grade and breakup the slope. Incorporate rock work into landscape plan. Begin rock work in place of 3'+ retaining wall at the bottom ofthe slope. 4. Refer to Greg Hall's comments on other grading concerns. Sheet I-3, Planting Plan. l. Refer to comment l-Ll on sod area. 2. Indicate limits ofturfgrass areas. Indicate ground surface material south ofski school. Indicate areas of native seed and what the desired seed mix will be. 3. Add 6'walk at Ski School parking lot, retain 4'minimum planting area and add 2' cobble bumper overhang area. 4. Increase number ofdeciduous trees and add as many conifers as possible in planting strip along Ski School parking lot to improve visual separation and screening. Use large caliper deciduous trees that can be limbed up for carlpedestrian clearance where necessary. 5. Area west of bus lane along building is to formal. Use planting scheme similar to other areas with a combination of conifers, deciduous treeq shrubs and flowers. 6. Add shrub areas to planting beds on both sides of Manor vail entrance drive' Shrubs will add an understory layer to the trees and serve as backdrop to the flowers. 7. Refer to comment 3-L2 for treatment of garage slope area. 8. Refer to notes 2,3 and 4-Ll re plantings along skiway and bike path. 9. Move trees back from edge of walk along skier drop of lane at least 2'. 10. Applicants plan to transplant trees from ski lift realignment clearing will probably not work. oo oo Many of the conifers are beyond moveable size, the Aspens are mostly clones with no independent root systems, the hillside is too steep for equipment access and the soil is very rocky. Ifthe applicant wishes to continue pursuing relocation, I would like to have a letter from a qualified tree relocation contractor outlining how they intend to perform the work. If the applicant wants to not relocate the trees they should add the same number ofthe largest available nursery stock to the plans in zubstitution. I l. Add Pinus aristata, Bristlecone Pine, Fraxinus Penn., Green Ash, and Acer Ginnala, Ginnala Maple the list of plant materials. Delete Snow-in Summer as a groundcover and propose something different (preferably a combination of things). Snow-in-Summer turns weedy and dies out after a couple ofyears. There is a lot ofgroundcover area on the plan. Applicant should be more specific,regarding what plant is going where. I can furnish a list of the perennials the TOV uses upon request. Sheet I-4, Snow Management Plan. L Turf grass areas used for temporary snow storage should be reinforced with a material like Grassrings to minimize damage from loading equipment. 2. Refer to Greg Hall's comments regarding snow storage spaces and pushing routes. Sheet A1.3, Bus Shelter. 1. Specify type of finisl/treatment on concrete retaining wall. 2. Designate space for ski rack in vicinity ofbus shelter. Note: the plan sheet infront of A1.3 had been removed from the plan set. Streetscape Plans. l. Consider changing the alignment of W Drive as it crosses the bridge to allow the planter along the Vorlaufer parking to remain. One space would change to a compact only space and would be compensated for by increasing the size of space #1 along Staub Park. The extra space which comes out ofthe planter would not be needed. 2. Increase the size of the planter at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive to compensate for lost landscape space. 3. Replant as much of the Vail Trails planting to be removed in the same proximity as possible. Loss of planting in this area effects the aesthetic character of the street and impacts the residential units. 4. Straighten alignment of curb and walk at Galatyn Lodge. Buses do not use the pull offlane. r oo ot 5. Detsch wdk at tbe REms Horn lodge to save large spruoe trses. Close south driveway to increasc landscape space. 6. New asphalt aoro$ MII Creek park should follow the existing "cow path" alignment. See skach on plan shoet. 7. I do not soe the iderecction Mill Croek Circle and W Ihive as a gatheriry spot ding s plaza. Roduce paved area to walhrays only and deeign a landscape/art featurc for the aroa. What is tlrc $8tus oftho large telephone podestal locatod in the center ofthis area? VAec4,p*U,^*-, ) -uu f @q-/' p, te- LcfrA+ - tA)t &*'n fuu I 7-n Taxj'{C ^ \r- t+)tL t t<rt)-.Kfi Ap,u', r tg lYdr"0<,u r u/-ofiff.) ,, /, e€{2e ,clreoL- ,"q -,lv--l6)d/ "Jr -9 N UtV oL ra-g -a l"i I .'/,,, J t1t T r r l, intenofficeMEMORANDUM DRAFT lo: Jim Curnutte from: CrcgHall subiect: Goldcn Peak Final DRB Approyal date: February 21.1996 fre follou.ing items will need to adjusted on the plans for approval. @)t" flagpoles on the south sidc of the bikcpath will nced to be placcd 2'off the edge of asphalt Jo alow for maintenancc and to provide a safer path. 2) The nose of the spliucr island at the Childercn Ccnters cntry and the bus pull out lane will need to pulled back and additional 5' feet. 'Y) The qralk the heads east from the Childereens Center past the bus stop is required to e 8'wide not 6'as shown. -- y 4) The grading plan for the area by the Childercns centcr bus stop will need to bc reviscd to show - '-' the rcults of number 3 above. ) A tandscapc plan for thc area by thi bus stop rvill nced to be provided. 6) The targc tree on thc north sidc of Vail Vallcy Drivc just east of Chalet Raod is to be rclocated. ' Thc dcsisn of rhc sidcu'alk should be recvaluatcd in this arca to detcrmine if this is nccessary. @fn"ra]ls of thc bridgc should follow rhe rving walls as a safety ral to kccp peoplc from going ovcr thc cdgc. This will rnodify how thc columns fit on thc bridge. 8) Thc frral desing on rvlrcre thc stonc belorv thc bridge rvill need to rvorkcd out. . 9) Thc ar€a ncst to the southwcst corner of the bridge currently has a wooden planter that is movcd in and out. The nerv design should eliminate the asphalt area.between the sidervalk. wingwall and stairs to provide a planting area. t0) fhc area bctwecn E gore creek Drive and the bridge will need to bc woeked out with regards to irnpacts to landscaping an othcr improvemcnts. I I ) Thc entry to E Gore Crcek Drive is not shown correctly and rvill necd to be modified. l2) A dctail of how th Volaufer Planter is rebuilt should b providcd. @y" cotrcct pavement treatments for the rvlak ways are not shown on the plans. dIYn plant list for the landscapc plans is required. 4$ttre landscapc does not address the improvemints/removals on the Manor Vail side ofthe street. Final rcview of ihc construction drawings may causc additional revisions of the plans. The final construcdon plans willnced to be approved prior to building permit issuance along with the final revisions of thc envicronmcntal impact statemcnt. We are in the process of reviewing thesc final documcncs and should havc are cotrunents no latcr than ncxt wcck. Printed bY Jim Curnutte 05/96 4:04pn FEotur Todd OPPelrhclmer CONE IRMED To: Greg Hal']" ' ,Jrln Crtrnutt€ sutrJect ! fttd. Gold Peak --,NOTEtc-r' ----------3 / O5 / 9 6--3 : 4 apmE: I'\re looked ov€r ttlq aatrd8capa and lr.rig|atiort p1arrs for th€ eotd Peak skl bage add havg ttr6 followl-rrql coimcnts. 1. TtrG flow€r tr']"arrting lacks ally l'magittatiorr. I ttlorrgtrt tttey were gol-ngr to .]"c the Tol,!r3 115t of percntllala rdhlch I furrrl"slted to tttam. Iirrtead, ttlclf }.'awe only 4 varietics of flowcrt and a ]-ot of ltr.rge, si-ngle-3Pecl-e groutrdco\rer aleas. Ttrl- t 13 not ttre itvt. r would likc to rGc in thia aEGa' Th;y should rcduc cth6 g.rouildcover arels by addLng addl-tional. strrulcs arrd irrcreagl ttte flot'er lilt to abotlt 4() at)ecles. 2. No lrrigatlon 18 Ettowrr for tlte !{anor vai.I Plarrtlrrgs. If t}r€y arg I,lalrrring ort attacttitlg to ttrc xAtror vail system lta shor.rld g€t a lGttc! conflrminq ttt16 fEom lltanor val-].. If they ar€ atactting to tbair own systern thet wi].a tra\re to sttor' l-t ot! th€ plana and pEo\rldc tl6€ving acroas val1 val].€fa orivL. Har1d ltat€rl-ng l-a rrot acceptab]-e and ttt€ plantirtq|a wi]-l not 31tEv1ve w.ltt. orrt irrl.g|atiort. 3. I dl-d rrot rec6Lt e the aarrdacape Dlans for tttc Btr€ctscattc po.Etlorl of itre r,rork. $tra.t ls ttte statrrs of ttt€ Vorlauf€r Pl.atlt€! (V.V. Drl-v€ at1d Gore CE€ek Dr.)? I tra\re to say, from a lnal-nt€nartc€ atandpol.rtt, 1t r,toul-drr' t ttu!t my fc€ll.ng|a lf it !'€nt al|tay. P1ea.€ lct |uG krtow uhat is goirtg or! at tltat locatlorr. I wi]-l return ttte dra}tl-rrEs I hav€ to Greg. t\rd-by: :Gr€grllal l:-r--3 /O5 / 9 6-*4 : O 5 ptn-- f!,d to: Todd Ot)perrheimer CC: it1m Curnutte Todd ttiere ls no latrdscaPe Plan of f.ei for tltc stc€tlcaPo uork. I rtaa al-ro gol-rrg to rclay cotlurerrtt to ttlcm ttLttt i.'g:ard to tt!. irrLgatl-ora at lltalror vail-. Page: Printed by Jin Curnutte 05/ 96 4:04pn Flonr: atlm cr.r.rnuttc To3 ChaEll€ Da\ris ' Cttuck Feldmantt, Dart Starrek, Dlck Duran, Grcg rlal-1, atef f Atcrtclo, irim wcb.lr, Larry GEaf€I . Laiiy Paldee, Lau]cert Watertotl, ltike }tcAlec, llikc Mo].aica, Rr.rt g€a 1 Forl€at' sr.raaD corr!|ell]/, Terri tr{artl-n€z, Todd oppentreimer, Tom she€ley subject! Golden P€ak R€developmctrt cc: Bob lltcf.aurin, Pam Braatdmey€l A tr)re-cong tructi orr meetirtg hag te;tl-\rcly bcGtr scltedrrl'cd foE ltednesday, ;tatnart/ 31, 1996 at 1330 pm rrith v.A. arrd th€lr corttractor. Due to t} s w€ry strort cottstruction steatotl that v.A' traa for coltrpletLnq ttlls proj ect by ncxt chrlstmag tttGy noed to g|et tlteir ducka irr a rov, asatr). Ita strou].d be Prepar€d to dl-acrrss our cottce.rns re]-ated to: - Buildinqr P€tmit Lssuance - orr-site conatructiorr atagl-nE - Road imt>rov€mentt / Ei"u'trrq/aic. - otl.er i€sueg Pl€as€ EesPolld to ttlis message to l€t m€ ]saolt 1f yorr cart makc l.t . I f the malorl-ty can|t i{€ ttil]- need to reactred'ule. wa do trarr€ safetfT meetl-rrgs at 1o:oo and 2!Oo wad.. trop€frrlIy you catt attend the 10 3 Oo ot're, alto rcmcnb€r ttlat we catt excrrse orrrse]-ves from rrp to tttree of ttrege m€etltrgs Par yea!. Tt!€ wed. Mtgl 16 orr drrrgs artd alcotlol irr the irorktr>lace. Ttlanks, ;tc Page: t FI LE COPY 75 South Frortage Road Vail" Colaradb 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX970-48-2452 February6, 1996 D epartrne nt of C onmuniry D eve lopment Mr. M'rchaelClaffey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, CO g1SO1-2563 Ref: Vail Associates Golden peak RedevelopmenUMill Creek Dear Mike, Ll"-Tl,yl i: completing its review ol the Golden Peak Environmentat tmpact Report. I am wriling ro 9rmpty let you know what ihe Town of Vail's comments are on Vail Assoiiates pioposat to conveit g7g feet of open channel of the East Branch of Mill Creek into an enclosed slormwatei culvert. Theycurrernly cover this area in the winter to allow skiers to pass over the channel ro iccl.J ski lift;. TheEast Branch ol Milt Creek was constructed to allow additional capacity for flood events. Although theT.ow.1 has a policy of protecting and enhancing riparian areas, we teei tnat this area does not haveslgnrrcanl nabnat value and that there are valid operational requirements that merit the additionalculverting proposed in this project. The Town has worked with Vail Assoicates to address the corp's interest in diverting additional flowsdown the main stem ol Mill Creek, which does have valuable riparian habitat. The Town did have tobalarrce multiple issues in looking at this issue which include: 'l) protecting and improving aquatic habitat.. 2) not increasing ilood hazardi. 3) maintaining a minimal flow on the east branch of Mill Creek for aesthetic reasons. The Texas Town homes border the the East Branch of Mill Creek which are near the confluence of GoreCreek' The Texas Town homes do value the East Branch of Mill Creek as an aesthitic amentity andsome flow on the East Branch needs to be maintained. The solution that Alpine Engineering d6veloped 19t^91?1ins." 1 foot high berm at the Millcreek structure, we feelwill increase flows down the main slemoI Mlll ureeK during lowJlows.while maintaining some flow down the east branch. ln addition, this designg!9utd improve the ability of the channel to coitain a flood event bt incieasing the intet capacity trom380 cfs to 480 cfs. {S ^r.rrrro r^"o i'if frt 5 tt"t The Towriis also reviijwing sedimentation controt measures for runoff and dewatering activities' We are ;l["s ;ir;;ffil;i; ;;;]s" i"oirentation conrol for 0 fines. Please sive me a call if vou have anv quest-'ons oiionerns regarding this project' . Senior Environmental Policy Planner x.c. Dave Corbin, Vail Associates LYnn Schorr, AlPine Engineering Sincerely, Vail Associates, Inc. Ownen and Opetata5 of Vatl, Beaver Cleek Retort and Anowhead Mount.in March 19,1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT USE OF HOLY CROSS LOT Dear Jim: As requested, I am writing this letter to confirm our understanding with regard to the requested use of the Holy Cross lot, for construction laydovrin and staging for the Golden Peak Redevelopment project: l.We acknowledge that the subject property is not necessarily zoned for use as a construction laydown and staging; We acknowledge that, as the owners of the subject property, we have permitted the Town of Vail utilize the property for construction laydown and staging in the past; We acknowledge that, prior to our purchasing the property, the previous owner (Holy Cross Electric Company) used the property for construction laydown and staging; We hereby commit that, we will not request further use of the property as construction laydown and staging without first making an application to the Town of Vail requesting rezoning to permit construction laydown and staging as approved use. It is our intention to make this application within the next 12 month period. We appreciate yoru concerns and your consideration in this regard. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. cc: Chris Ryman David Corbin Joe Macy Director and Construction 2. J. 4. I PO Box 7 . Vail, €olorado .81658 . phone 970.476 5601 It