HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 6 UNIT 11 'T'C7'vl�'It! GF Ve'�i�.. U�PAR'I'M�I'��I�()�-' CC)h�IML?1`Ji'I�Y U��'�LUP11rI�N'I- 75 S. FRC�NT�AGF' Rf_)AI? Vr�,li„ C"C} �i1fiS7 �17t�-=�79-2138 ~"`�,�.-�ti�� '������. '�=%Z"-�G'-�-, °NC}TF,: TIIIS �'TIiMlT Nv'�IJST I3f: POSTTI)(7N JC)I3�1Ti: AT 11LI:T1t��tI:S '.``�+ 1� r"117�i7�',"li,T�4F RC1l�,i� PI:R�1!IIT Pen�iit �:- BQ?-���15 PrE}jcct h': t'RJOl-04"f,� .I�rh llc�dress_' 77[1 PI�TIIT[�PlyTCH i)R VAIL Status.._..: IS�L?ED Lcrcati�m......: PC)TATC) ['11T'C'I9 �C)ND�)S iJiVl"�' 1 l Ap�liec:{...: 111[11f2(3(}7 F'arcel Na....: ?1 Q I Ofi31�I{}I 1 lss�i�.�l ...: l 1 J]�r'2(�U7 Expires...: d�,�'1Qr2Q(k8 �JWt+DER VAIL, GEORGE H. & S��ERLY A. 11/01,�2C107 H��i7C)L,FH, �TC)S�I�H �. , Z�.�.4� F"QREST F�NC7LL CIR E"TSH�Ft� IN �.�038 AP�LICANT RUSTY SPIKE EN"I'ERPRISES 11/Q1/2Q47 Ph�ne: 91(}-47�-4374 P.Cs. L�C}X 1517 VAIL CL 81658 Licera��: 464-H CC)tJTRACTCiR RUSTY SPIKE E1VT�RPRISES 3.1�01./�(lp7 �1'koz��: �'14-476-4374 ]P,O. B�7X �.517 VAIL, C�] $165�3 L�ic�ns�: �5a-B l�esc.iptic�r�: I3ATI-�R[)C7M F�EMCJQEL AND 4DD THF�EC 1��IND(7W'� C)ccupancy: 1�3 Siat�le Narnify �esidence Ty}ac Constrtrcliotz: VB Valueilitan: ��U,54��.4]U lievisic�n Valuati�n: �[1.€7U 'l�ot��l 5y l�( Added: (l iskY•14+}4r+1##a}4atVartRr*#s�#YWiYYWfY+kt#a##iiW###Wi#f#V#Y�tkW4Yrt�.a�f i'I:I.;SUfvT1U3�1.R1' �raararr+r*rsw+*�rc+x�=xxMxKr*�aa**sx�:�ssr�•rr=�s*��s���..s+r�» f3irildirtE;---� $55z.85 I#est�iara���Plan Itevlel4`--} Si).(7U I�D1?I CTIC�11.itC[�I'CCS--> 5916.29 I�ihnC'3ic°ck—:, $359.35 ELc�scatiUnPce----------� $U.90 ncldilic�i�.al[ees-°---°---� $U.D❑ h�vesti�,atin�-� $o.4t� .C(�.I.AL I'CLS----------= $'316.?�] I'�l:�l f'ermia Fc�-------> 5�35.20 11'il�C'�slC—� $9.00 1'��}�nc��la---°-------_.___.- Ss16.�o F3hLANCL UUL'-------'� So.o0 w.R+wr�i.«a•xrx�.v*Rw�KZ�w#rrswrx+px�xri�a��rt=aa�ar�.sa+xs�x�srMx�.ax.+ksre�:+*»wr..rsrmsrwxs.*w�xkM�«�yc«r�y�rtr.r�►sa�r.x�+rrxwt�w�s.�k*e�e►ts*oers*+�r�raes*M.�s.��ew l-lp�roVa�s: I:�e�1: t75].OQ BC72LI}Z1VG DEPAR`�'hTENT il/12/2407 cgunian ActiQn: AP �tern: �75400 PL�,NNTN� I}EPARTM�IVT ��-!fl�1�an r r�� ��t�o�: �.� Item: 05600 FIRE LIEPARTMEN`I' 11f fl2/2�Q7 mcg�e Aeti�n: AP SmQJ�e detectt�r is nca�. shc�wn, Install per IBC �r if fire alarm systern is in fact pres�nt, k�av� �larm co�pany contact VPD before demQ. rtent: Q55flQ PLT}3LIC WflRKS *tassx.kM.�t3a3�aY�tA�tt-+�#*e0+kn�kAlAVt'r*#!�####i##►kt##iA�!ZiFy�t+k###k#sf+r#+*+!!M#s##►�wt#xdl!*tlf+h��74*+.4++4k►4#V##Y�FiW*#�M4ix#skiA�srr�iN��Ft��RlxRF�a �ice Cc�t�ditic�ns p��e of�this lle��.ur3-ren� fc}r any �:onditint�� that �t�ay a��iv tc� this perrnii. I7L:CL/1�t1�T1(7N� I }��r��y ackn�wl�eige tha# l l�a��c t'e�d tl�is a��plic�tt'sflti, filled c�ut sn l"ulf the inl«rmatica�� rcquirc�i, ca�t�ptctcd an aLCUrate plot pla�, acRS� statc;tl��t�ll tltie iiif�c�it7�rii��r �s rec�ttirec� 3s corre�t. I a�ree to cc�i7i��ly w�itl�tllc ii�for»>�tti�Ta a»d PCnt p�an, tn�:c�rr�ply wiif�al� �l�vti�n�rdi�7ac�ces�nd sta�te I�«s, and to build tfii5 structure accardin�;Y�,the tn�v�is 7nning and :�utadiy�isicm cc�cies, rlcsi�n rcvic�v �p�r«r,�ecl, lnteniTi4yai7�sl �3ui�cling at7d I�.esidtnti�l �'nel��and c�[��er orc�inances c�l'Lhte -l`c+�vR ap�lic�.blc tlicrctr�. RFf�UF;S'I',�i'I''C1FZ IY;tiI'1?(-.I`f[]N SIi:LI.i..&E i41:11}i^:714''F:�\"1'1'-f�'[�l�lt INUI:�S 11'�i AAVAV{:k'iiY"I"I�:1.1?I'iIS71tiE A'1'479-2t49 C?R A"I'IDI�R 4�F�+ICE FROM1�IB:UU A{11� J i'M1i. � f�:� s�� SIC`,NAT ' E C)F U f�It�[t C'U�N"I'f�A{°[°t.)R 1-'(-)R HIMSI�l�I='AND OWNCR ��������*������������*���**���*������*�*�*�*w���*�����*�**����*M*���*�������**�*�*��*��*�����*��*�*w�*+� C'�NC]fT1[71'�S t'�F� API'RC}VAL P�nnit#: 807-�3�5 as of l l-l�-���7 Statias: 155ULD �***�*�x�����������*��***�*�**�*�**+�*�����*����x*��*w����*����*�*�*��***�������x��***����*��*�x*���*�*����w* Pcr¢nit T��p�: A,1]171A[:"T M�' C3IJII,�} PFFtMI`[� Applied: 1 t101r'2�]07 ;I�r�lic�nt: RU�TY SP[KE �l''d'6'�:RF'RiSE� Issuccl: 1 ]l1212U07 ��!�}�-���3����� ���t� �A�?lP�;: '��������Q� J�b Etc��lress: 77I3 P[)TA7`[] f'�1"I�C:H i]tt �'AfL Location: f�C3TATC] PATCH CDNI}C�S [_)NIT I 1 Parcel Na: 21(31 C1b31�?i]1 1 DcscriE�tic�s�: �I1T'!iK[)UM REMUI3�L AIVll A.I7I3 THREE WINI7OV'd5 ���:��*��*��**�*�*��***�*�**���**����**�***��*�*Cot�dicica�3s:��*�**�*���*����*�������*����*������**������* �.UIl�f�: 1� (I3C.QG.): FI�L[7 iNSFEC'TiC)NS nRT RI:{�11lRF.I)•I°U GHE:CK �`C}F� �CC3DE �C'+UMPt.I!1NC;f:. �'c�nd: 1� [f3LIJG.}: A�.L PCNETRAT[f7Tti5 Ii�l WALI:S, C'I:II:[NGS, fiNI7 Ft��ORS T4� B� SEAL�D WfTE i t'1N AI''f'lt(]VEF� �'IEt�: �VlATERIAL. Cnnd: 1 (1=11t�;): �'�RE; DEPARTMrNT,hP3'RflVl1l, iS R�;�LJIItED �3�:I�Cllt�; �,NY �+J��K CAN 'l�I: STARTf D. C��nci: 1 G �13I.1�G.}: (SFR) 5h4C3I��TJF.TF,C'T[?RS 11RF: Rl:Ql.11'�t�I� 1'��� S�CTIC}?�I R313 QF THE 2aQ3 IRC'. C'��ncl: 3t) (BL�+G}: EMGAGL°I+[CY F:SCnF� f1`ti[] R�:SCIJ�; L)I'�:N�NGS l�RF REQIJ�RFD "I'{7 IVfLL"I�SF.C`"1'1�)iV f�31[�()P"I'H�. 2i}f�3 fRC C)R SECTIC}i�I 1025 (}F THI: 2{�U3 lE3�. rt���*�*��/��*�#�#����**#*�#*�#���*�����#����*����#**�*R#*###E#�****#�#�**�*�#M#��*M*����*���� �'C7G'�JN C)I�VAIL, CC7L[)IZAL7C) 5t�tcmen� ���*���*�����x��*�*���***���**�������*�����:���::::******:�.***��«��*��������*.�.���*����*�*�� statement r�umber: �zo°roQO2��� am�u�t: $�i�.zo 11I12/�24�T12 .58 �n� Payment r�ethod: Check �nit: LC NOt36GIC?Il: #23777/RUSTIC SPIKE EN'Z`�RPRIS�S 1NC. P�rmit Na: P3fl"7-(1345 'I�rpe: AI}DJALT MF BUILI3 PERMI'I" P�rcel Na: �lpl-�l�i3-1901-1 �it� Addt�ess: 77(3 PCl'T'�T"4 PA'�'CH DR V�IL T�acatian: P4T'?�T{] 1'ATCH COIdI)f7S Ui�l'I'T 11 To�al Fees: �915.20 This Faym�nt: $915.2(b Tota� .�1LL PEnts: 5915.24 Balance: $a. 0[r *�**�**����*z�*****��**»�****�������r�������x��**��**�r�r�r�r*��r*�*�r��m******�*a�*r*�r��*�*���**�� i�CC{}UN7' [T�M L1ST: Acccunt Code TJ�seriptit�n C'urre.nt Pmts SP Da104043111104 BC7II,DII�G FER�'+IIT FEES 552 .$5 PF' L}OlOLY0031123D0 PLAN CHECK F��S 359.35 T^IC G1�]�940033.12804 W��L CALL TNSFECTIbN F�E 4 .40 . �J �4FPLIC�1Ti�N W�LY�NC}3'BI�AGCER�'ED I� LIVCONIPLE�E G1R UF+IS t F''r�aject#: �� ��� �� �� ^1 � 6ui4ciing Pem�it#: `�� � �,� � ,� 9T�-4'79-21Q�9(l�spe�ti�ras} a _ �'Ut�N`(�FYAIL � T(]�'WN t�F VA1L BUILathJG PERM�T �aPPLICAT�0�1 5epar�#e P�rmits are requir�d fcrr eiectri+c�l, p3um�air��„ r�echar�ica�, etc.4 7S S. Frantage Rd. �,�� r ��� Vail, Go�orado 81�;�7 -�, �---�� C[]NTRACT�F� INFCDR�lAA71�7N Generai+C�ntractr�r: 7nw ai�eg. �r Cont�ct and P�on�#'s: ri '�' ��I _ �. ' �G � - °��--� �1�:� ,� �% � a I��. �maii address; �v[�T"�i S4� � L 1!�V�t�-.�-�+�R�'�! �J ` , f^�1�'i� Cor�tractor Signa Cf3MPLETE VA�UATl�MS Ft7R BL11L�fNG PERMfT Labor 8� 11�ateriaf� B4J�LDft�f�G:$ �� U U' [.� '�1-ECTRICAL: $ 4.`f�?�] c'i' �1THER: $ PLUiI+'IBING: $ �C�bC� �' `' NIECHANICA�: $ TQ�'AL: � �`� � �1`t`� F�r F'a��l# �crnta�t Ea fe Caun Assessvrs Q�ce ai 37G�-328-86�4(J ar "sit wv�v.ea 1e-c�ur� .c� _ ��r�� , ; � � � i - ��: �- I `��� - 1 � �. _ . , y.. � .�ob Narne: ��� �;.'�Tb��.tr � I I ,1ab Ad ress: . -__ � ___.. '� '�L.'�"L'��1 '�_tt Llf�ti�'� # , L.e�a# pescripticsn lot: (� Bl�ck: �; Fil%r�g: _ Subd�visfon: �7��% �'`ry��� ,1�"'� �'�( - C?r++��rs Name: ���:�-�, ���il�..� Address: t,�� ��� �� � �`�r+�����,� Phr�ne: ,�,� � f�rc `�ctlae � ner: _ At�dress: ,�- -, P�one: r -'� �- r,J a;; �. `� ��,,'�i.r�7 �cr�'i� 9' } ��` ` Engineer: �,;��� Addcess:r A I� P��ne:c �'��13r� �e�i�ile�f d�scrfptic�n vf wprk; � �;+� .''+'?d'��` �,'r,:i i',��,�°1= '=4- !_�:�,� �`1`��� G�C�G t�(? +.� W��ic C[�ss: �7evrr� ) Additic�n( J Remode!�� R�pair( ) dera�c�( j �ther{ ) VWQr�c Typ�: lnterior[ ) Exterdar� ) Sat�s(�C} Qoe�an EHIl exast�t tf�is lncatsorr: Ye�� � Na{7�,) Type cr#Bldg.: 5ingle-familY{ ) Twn-familY{ ) Multi-fasrtily{�Cp Commsrcial( y Restaurant( } (]ther( ) _ No. c3f�x'sstir�g []welCing Llnits ir�this bsailding: ,�.� Mv. vf Ac���r►mo�dation U�sits in this building: liar�ces Gas L s W��d1P�11et Woad Surrt9n N e f Fire l�ces Prc� osed: Gas A liances �as �o s Wo�d1P�EIeE 1Ne�Qd Bumin N(�T�L�pWED} C7oes a Fire Alarrr� Exist: Yes( } No [7ves a Fire Sprink��r Sys�em Exist: 'Yes ( } h�o� F+QR CIFFICE USE {�NLY er e�s: ii ype a �ans ru vn: � � Acce t�d Ec : � � . Pianner SigE�-off: _ � � 1 a e �ce��e �. � f]4cum�ttt2 Q5,+2�126Q5 � � . �• ?'�'',1i�'��.� ' I�rSBEST(]S T�S�'ING REQU!#�E�E�VTS THE TOWIN OF IIAlL AND STATE aF COLORA�C7 DEPARTMEN�` �F PUB�LIC HEALTH R�QUIRE ASB�ST+DS T�STI�1G ANY T1NIE WHE�J 'V�A(]RE THAN 16C1 �.F. (�F l�+[A��RIAL W lLL BE �[STURB�� C}R RENICIVE�. AN ASBES�'(7� TEST ANQ REl��3RT !S REC�UIREL3 T+Q B� SUBMfT�E�WITH Y�3UR BtJILDI�JG PERM6T APPLICAfiIC7N ��R A�LL R�MC3QEL, ADDfTI!dhJ flR C�THER Pl�QJECTS 9N1/C}LI/aNG ANY DEM[3�fTlOIV QR REMC7VAL �7F �UILDING MATERDAI..S THAT MAY CaNTAIi� AS��ST05, BU��[7fNGS �GON�TRUCTED A�TER C)C�'C7BER '�2, ��88 THAT HAVE IV(� ASBESTt�S GQh1TAINiNG MA7ERIALS ,�RE E�EMPT. A GC}PY C?� �H� REPD�T IU9UST �3E Sf�BMIT�EC3 W'iTH YJUR BUI�[][�1� pEf�Ml�' AF'PLICATl�JN • 0 have �ncl�ded th� asb+�stns t�st and repart with my �uifding p�rmit ap�i��atian �pp���;�3n1 sigrrais,rc: dai� a� . I c�e�ify my prr�j�ct wifl nat c�ist�rb or rema�r� m�re than 160 s.f. Qf building materiaf. The co�struct'rc�n �lans s�abr�itted w�th rrty �pplac�#ion c��ar�y indicat+� #his iro�ormatican. (T'�is vvifl be v�:r�fied t�uring pi�n �e�riew, ar�d,-��II d���y y�ur rpject if found to �e ina���a�at�) � F F, ���� �r V �•�'1 .J� �:� ,,: � .� ��� � ��� applicant si�natu `f dr�t� Q� • The building was ce�nstructed after Uctober 12, 1�88. Th� date af cr�r�stnac#ivn was orlgin2�l e4nstruc�an date ap rc.an! gr�e ure ate �:�,cde�rl�O�MS�Perrni[s'�B�ilciing�bt�ildi;eg�pei'mit_4-17-2Df17.DaC Page 5 of 7 [74/F7/2�107 C�esign R�view B�ard A�CT'L+Qfi� �DRM , 1 arva�3-�.r,o�`c�:,�at.�.rs.�r n�-.tlrt^r`i-c ��,n,�+�� � �5�o�.d�F�c�ce:�q�ac:d.v:�u,Ec:o�aCC II]b57 �,f.� tcd�470�.d39.Ft3D f�x:9i0.i7'4.«�52 ....,� -�k. w�b:urww.varlpttv.car.� gfvject�arcr�e Y'AA.°N3ADC�'NtS Odi�l�eEOOiber. �1p545 F*'a�act O�: �F{NN Ai+P"Rf)IfAL TO Adp T}'�E MR1�RVt5 Part3r3pan� (,7Nil�! VAiL,�hP.��E11k'Rl Y A 1(7�tflilfJ7 RJU�)(kPk,145EPFR C. i i�e r��"i kH[xm C�R �E�tS 1N 9G036 A(+i't6SiWi HklN�.E3VtNE,MCHf7ECT !�(Ohf7CIil7 Ft�nrie:970-�12fi-501'J P.C�.BUJc 1lQS +5VC1�i EI3 ffihIU tl.�et�:i�;1pp41p13"T9 �ject Addrr,� ]7iD POTATU PIC�#OR Y,Ri4. Lur.�ticrs: Pp7Ai'Q p0.7CH CANi�`'a IJFIFT t I Legal i?es�riptiwn: f�,a�b lllaek:��'7'7t#VOTAfLI D91TC�i k7H1VE[ FarCd fi�er+Ger: d1EY1-Ofa�1971�}-F C� Ff7kd4�0'Int��s�trsi?C�SEMG` ec�nrss�ae�xr�w �t;a�,s�: �: �7r�r�a seca++d t4yr 1f� D1�alltpprvvak 1iF/U8J20Q7 C.�: Cond:Cf�ti0u9447 [PWM)c 1�Io dk��qc�s I�It�rse plartw n�r br nv�de�nalr u�W€�ca+v�ri[mm'tpti Cnnd C� d�tM+7'[�FtE app�a,l�es�eE+'*_'�+�a,pQS�yt�r'�Di+esrg�.e'le��rnih TQPR1 U Y'2d 9tai6l'A�P[�"id[1!{G�I�fa tn��6VllC2ior�d['[h'7,�CS. Cor1d:atll [��vra.a�s�ar rxx�,�aud ca zn a.�raro�y�c�xe o�ap��. �:z� �pp.uwai ar nYS p.o�ect sYwl R�,e�nd��d r■r(11 vr�r�u�.,�d,e dztc d 1�6 e�wcrKa�u�ie�s a's�lr+g perx���d and cu�tru�x.on 4 w� �nd a diigartl�yur�d t�r�d�. Ptasu'rer #smlr P�'1 bRE fee Rai� S20.�O � +��e+�r�e and B�verl� V�il Unit #11 77� P+��ato P�tch Dwriv� Vai�, Col�rado 8 �b5�' Lat b, Bl�ck 2, Suk�di►���ic�n 7'7� Pc�tatc� Patch D��e � Parcel Numk�er; �1 U�-flfi3-�9U 1-1 Perrr��t ��nstr�c�arn Do�unr�en�s for: ..��:" ;�P=-- �����-�. 1) Wir�+da�v additi�on ��,�� ��'�°�'� ��`�'`�`.� � � - � �� ..� �" ��_�p � �� � � 2) Bathrovm remnd�el = t �}'� � � n 'i� �d �? �, � i_ s7 fi �� <�7 ��4� r�� �� �� 'C;Cr) [' ` i.!s- � i ` ..'�: �3 °� � ^t. C)-�� ��j f� ��..a tS � ��] � � �� � t7 rl � J C �«-+ �`*, CD �'C7 � r C'�.0� '-J --. T -� �-.y... U u'C 'V+., �? A '3-� C1 � �f !3' Y� �� � C.]V 27 �C? �6S '� R.. ��G p� � �TJ J� � h� � � q �� � �l� a �'� c� a ?" ��, "`" �[`���. ��-�`t-�� 4' � � °--� �. `` . � � �, � s- '-� � w-�•� ~ � c `���, �F �� iS .�.. � Q.r �� C.� � O� �� ��w�}J L.L�+� !.. �� �' ��0 q ,j�=' t�7 � 4 'T �e, �� .� O R1 �� .. f3 [7 �3 '� c7 � ��±.Cb 1� � i m �� � 41 I� U} �] � A O? .� �S3 O� �'� �. `'' ` � �'_ �` °' � ° G�vzntract�r: �; �� .a ���`�...� � u��i.� . � �'� , '3 m '� 8 �'`���-�� �St}+' �pil�� Ent��]I i5�5, It�C. � o a ,, . ° a � P.O. Bvx 1517 � �� ��� �� �� � - ►�, �� �� � Q � ��� � �. M � ������ �.� �.� � VaiI, C+C� $1+�5$ �` _"�i � "�� �.cn a,� °� m � � ��7�� ���-�1�� !�P� i C111�'�l �� 1��°:r � '' F � �— ic _,a �a� �1 W c3� Gy cr �,� ....;, aar � ._ �, �� �.G��, s} � a�-� � �97+0) 47fi-+�5+D7 +�F} ������..��'�. ��� �� � =� ;: �� �,�.� a� � �� �,,_ �� �, �. ��, � �e �' ' „ ��" � �' « � � �. � C�ontact: M�ke KrQhn ��� sy xa ���., �,-i iu �'P T� � �n � � u e �iu� [� � � S.� C 4s3�tL Y Gi G7,o N«'�+ GL G�u�e and Bcver�y Vail Be#� �e�vin�Ar�cbitec�.I�e. 1)rawiu��/Date � Unit#11 P.C�. Bc�x 1825 1[3-24�-(�7 77(}Pvtata Patch I?rri�e �A.vc�n, CC3 8I6�U Va�l,+Ca 81657 (9�70) 42�993 (Phene) (970j 92fi-�3�3 (F�) �� � � I�dex: � +��av�r �1 Ind�x, �a�.e �1 LJ��►�� Level Plan AZ �levatia►n A3 Sec�iQr� A� �niar�ed Bathr�om Plan �I Electrical �'Ian � 1 �tructural ��ade: �(��3 IR� 1. Th� fir� se�ar�tion betwee� the units is a ��} ht�ur��rtY wal� assernbie.. �. T��e pcc�pc�sed project dc�es nc�� a���r any af th� ex�stin� unit separat�vn w�l�s.. 3. T"he exi�ting s�+�k� dete�tvr sh�r1 r+�m�in in the bedre�a�m. '���11��'d.� �CI�.�S: � . All n�w cor�struc��on sh�ll fc�l�ow curr�ent cc�d��, �. All new constructit�n sha11 �atch th� ��c�istin� m�texial� �nd quality except wher+� nc�ted 3. `The general �c�ntract+�r sha.11 ficld v�ri� all �imensia�ns. Cc����nd Beveri� Vail B�� I�€.wiae Ar,ehitect� l�c. Ur�w-in�!Da�te 1..�� tlnit#11 N.�J. �3vx 1825 1{?-24-(l7 77(l P�otato t'ateh Grive Avvn,CQ 8 i 620 Vail, C(� 81 fi57 {97�D) 92b-4993 (Fhnne) (97t3) 92fi-�95�3 (�'a�c) ��' � ,�,�r�s ��R�ii s ����� , ,,,t, • � � , �,��! :� � � � � �,� `� �� � � '� � + '� � � h� � I� ,�, � ��r''"� � tv1 ; � ,� �r��, � � � � � �, , _ . �.� �fr� r � , , 4 � ti�� �� �� �T' �'`'�t� ..�'`�r � - -- ,- ��..�.,. ���-•- � ������.�,�..- - � �� � � �� ��" � f 't d� � -� . ,�r�,� ,�,- �` _ �,. _ } , �,,��-�s�t �������w"t �>t,��''' ��" � �_ ��� _. f � - . .f � 1 . r a,�� ��� � �f � ! � �,c� / ' . � — . . � ��� � � � � . �, * � ���:� 1 �+"� # J � -.� r.� �� ��� ��� �� _� �,��.�.� ���w v�c��� t�.o.� �s�s ��..����-� 77i3 Pvts�a Pat�c�I]rive Avo��,C`A 81624 Ya�i�,f�l�165T �97Q)9�6-4993{�� ('S�7�tl)9?�Er-Z'993 (F�,tt) -�. .. .� 1 � � � ��,�,�.�..� �..,� I +�i�f ,�,�r�`M+!�#�'' ` ��� � a�� , � �.��. � � ' f��- �� � . ���� ��� I�'°'' U�it#�1 P.t)..Hox 1$25 �" ''�i`°'� �1fl Pvt�'i�'al�h Drive Avvn,�[]Sl 6�0 Ygil,GU 8��,57 (�)9��-4� (�� (S�7�1)9Zfr-2493 (F�c) �'��� � !.�► . �. � �� �� .�' f �# � : ,� � � ��•�. � ` r ,�'�t��' ��� �, ; ��� � , r : _ � ~ .5�.. " . � ' � `'��" •� - ��''�'� ( � �f�•►�'�' Urzit#11 P.f'�.Box 1$"L5 �,y�-,� T14 Pvt�F�bc�Dhriv�e A�rc�n,CU S 16� Vs�1,��i55�' (9�@)4�i6-�4495� (Phc�) (9'7D)'9Zf�2993 (�`�) r��. -L_ � ' ' � � i F r � � � � � . ,, , , � '�'` ` � `� + 5j � f � . � - i � ' ^ � ; � i , � J�+r � � � { � ��` � �, , , i � . - � �' � ^ � � . �,�� � � � �� �� ' ����r-� � ! a .� � � _ � � 4 � i � �`: � i � � � _ =� � �� 4 w � � � _ _ � � �� �. � � � � � �' i � . � i P ' + � � � . � � _....�.�,, 4 �� ' . i, � `�a' • � � ��' 1 �� � R A� `". � �� � _ � � � ��'��-� � �' �� � � . � � �. ��� j - �,�,� ����� ; ,._. � . wl . . _ t` � ''� J � � ��� q . � ��� � - �� ��� � � �. . . �' ��� � ,� . � '� * ' W� �� � � ��� � .� � � � � � �� � � �� ���� � � w� . ` � �Wt�► _ ' *=�i�� �' � �� ��� � ����� � � . ' �. � � � � $ � � � � � �, . ,,,` - -� ���y �� �� �� � � �' {��� �.� �� . . �.-....,�.-. - � . _ p ���� ,� -- ' �''� ��'"� ' . -�' - �.� �����g ���� �''� � . � �� �CC�I`tifSULTAI�JT�, IfVC. [:�7u] ��i�-�'��� ' �.n.r-3t��:��72 �.�c {a45-`1 5�7 V�il,["�c�lu���rr�u B'1�aSB ���V�lr/�. T�: Beth Levine DATE: 1QI�8{2Of�� ,lg�B,M�JAd9fR Q710-"f9 PROJEGT.• 77D W`atato Pat�h#i� [] �r�v ❑ M,��nh��ror►�s �] R�s�nrs� fl �c��r�rc�arr�rwcH,a�vc� C]n 4ctot'�r '�7, 2(�Q7 I visite�i ti�e abvve-neferenced site t�a af��rve the lacation vf ihe new window. This new wir�dow opening wil#be spproxirr�at�ely 10'wide, �n�3 wifl be�acated in the narth r�vall o�ihe upper�oar b�drovm. F�fter reviewing the existing stru�fural d�awings from 1982, it was determined thaf tt�e roaf frarrsing is �arallel t� the wall tf��t will be rnodified. Thersfore. the �new header shafl c�n�ist a� (3y-2x1Q'S sup�ortec� by ('IJ�2x� trirnrrier on each side. Np additional b�c�king is required belnw the upp�r floor I�vel_ E'�e�se ca![wi4h any questions. KftM�r�nsult.ant5, Cr�C- rf F. ., ycs..y�. _ .y �ry �+�. F������'�' � �fG111EL?: �, '`'� �t�,,:�, Y �[3PY T'a: � � a . ■ ��T • ` �. , � � 5 7im p_ Hennum, P� i�•• •`��,.,j�' �!r+4 ss s w�'�,�._'. ����`�- R�+v���p: !�, l Y�r�� "I��I��N C7� �'.AII� I3f:l'��7'fv��:NT�Jf=��1��M[,iNi'I�Y I7{?V[:�.()I'ME;N"t- 7� 5. #�KClN'I:ACiF. Ri7AI] VAIL, CrJ E31G�7 97(1-�79-?I3� i�C!"i'F:: 'i°l l[`� PI:[ZMI'1�MLiS'1'L3E: E'US�'EL?��N JiL7B5l`C'E A'I'�'LLL'1'IMi:S rI.I:�'TRIC,hL �'�RM1�1' N4r�ajit #: L�7-(}3�1 t� , �' i .t Joh �t�di•�ss: 77(� P(�TAT+C] P�4TCII C3R VAIL St�hiS . . . : 15��1CD I:c�cat��r�.....: f'{)']'t�'1'U E'A'I�C'I i C4JN1)U� UN1'L` 1 I I'1p�rlier� . _ � 1 1!dr�l2UU7 t'�r�;el C`+l�..,: �1 Q I O(i?1 Jf�[ 1 IssiG�d . . , 1 l ll 61?U(J7 L,;��l f�escri�rio»: �,- ,� i , .��-+ , Lx�aires . .: fJ�f l�/2{i08 Pr�ject No : O'ftdNER VAIL, GEJRCiE H. & BEVERLY A. Zl/14/�(l07 RANi}�LPH, �C3SEPH C. . 114{76 �'Ok�:�'I" FC�171.�L, CIR FISHEftS TN 46038 AF��}L?"CAI��' J:7C7UBL.� Q �I�EC'Z'RIC �,1/14/r[]�77 Ph�ne: 970-7�8-�78a P,O. SO� 242 EIJWA�tlyS CC7 81632 Li�ense: 19�}-E CUNTRP:CTt7R DC7LTBLE 4 EL,ECTRIC 11./14,��Q07 Phone: g'7�7-7�8-�780 P_C3_ F30K 242 EDWAkI]S CU 31632 License: 19(l-E Desc.i�tion: Mt)VE ANL)11Ull L��.4'I�.ES .'1:`�ID LIGHT� Valttatiuiy: �O.�CI 5c�u3rs� fe�:1: f3�J[� ��r.r�z«nx*.rs.*w.�s��a#a*��*xr*r.�e�fts.tt+a�r«a���trrtswtre�r=ssxse ]'f:L SUM�t-t9�V MtWMt+lrtltlMikkisk►rtlt►4k41t1*+Y!###k!*ki#i�*���I�Y#*7kYiF�ti�Rt7t Fl�clncal------=' $51.'�� luLal{'a4culxti:J fc:�+--s $55,'�5 I31VCSll�„7lIUl1-_--:• $U.C� hrid��ti�ioi�i 1=uc:;--.-...----> $4.04 ti4'ikl C.il4------_--=' $a.aa 'I'��ial 1'c;m�il 1'ee-------..> $55.?5 `T(JT,�.I_i'L.CS—> $55.�5 P.�vnSems- � $55.75 [3��1=Ah�C�i?U L-------? $D.4 0 #4x*�yyi#►+IS��#t�irrtiWWSiRY�F##t#�f4rY�#iyY#*is###�#}a#i�+#4•�i#�3k#f?i�#�4#t#k4#�iftaii's#fe#��fir+�•#8��tat�M�##t+i.fte�p�sstsai#a#t�ii�f#�+ik+tiM�1+ h��3r�va1�: I�.[�rn: Cl 6 Q Q fl ELEC7I'RICr'�L L7�P11RTM�NT ]lf 14/2flQ"7 sh�kir� Ac°Gion: AF Ft►i#��liFiiF#1st�syt�Fts#ilaiiaiii�i4M►l�AEa�Oles�t�{�tr=�sf\►Rf►►t�R►ls�4tz�k�!l�f3�t!l�tYifr�lR�#1lite�#�e*�yYyy.vf��ye�r�tYypyrtlW�!#�*!�\eaf�ta��y. �a�d: �� c�e�r�Di�rrc�r�s c�r �p��a�al� tBI,DG. } : FTELI7 INSFEC"I'ICJNS ARE R��i3IRED TC] CHECK FC7R CrJi)E CC�MPLIANCE. fr►t�ra.;r.�t�YSwtYrkska#kti###i#i###d#!!iRl�t#ki►tt}###R#i###1#ti#t##s#fk#Ff��F#���*�sd�*�#Mk4w*�.+Mr#Y��!#sk►+i�da#*t�wA�l��+td#tt+l+��kf+�ff�ilf+f+ktM#!+il�� I]�CLl1RAT��1'�S I 1lereby�tcknowleclg� �h�t I ha�� reacl thi� applicatian. iill�c� �ut in �ztC� thc infonnation rcqi�ired,cc�anpleted asr accurate �Pc�t plar�, �►i�d st�tz t���t all Fhe ir�foni�atioF� �s r�qEtircd is cQrrcct. [ agree to coaii�ly'wr�•it13 t�ac inl�artrs�tic�n�n� piol pl:�n, tu cor�7��1}1 ti�'sch all 1'�wii ordu��iiccs and stnte (�ws,t��id #v �i��iid tlzis str�zeture iICC(?CCIIPI�, lU �}]C kOWIlS Lt]i11t1�c�tlCl SLI�7CIlvision codes, ��esign revie«r appra��ed, 1rlterr�atinnal [3uilclPn�ancl i�esicienlit3l L:t�ciis tznd e�tfYCr ordinsi��ces c�fi��e:Totivn�ip�licable theretn. I�F{�UrS'l:S i?(}R li<!"il'l.(..I'i{)N S3lA9.1.1i1:ht,V)f�."I Li f:N'I V-F'(){.!I[1Ii]U1iS I�AI�NhNC1�11Y�' 3'I IdNI:A'C'<d7!7-?IA4�4]H+1,'I'C�I_]IL i)I�i'1C'��!°12()M R flll 11h'I•�Pl'vt. ��_� � ��r�roved, If1E$TRr�II{)3i3� E'�E11If.�111�2df1CJ 1�(:Sl{.I4'11I1il� Cl]fI�S i111C� [7�I1�'T`CY�C�ITI'eiRC�S 47f tf1L' IUW[1 c'1i3��ICe3��L; 1�3Gr�'1[3. Rf{�U�S'T'S fC1R f`JSP'I�t'i.ICSN Sf fiAC.I.F31:MRI}G"fV4°F1�lTY-FC3UR H(3lll�,���1;�17V,Ah1[:F' I'E:i.I:F'F[t7NE f0 �I�#�7 OR ' 7LPK[7f'f IL'f:I'l�f7h�l��t7Q A�9-�P�1. �ICN,�'1T C OF 'NER l�{�C3N'[`ft.��C:'I'(:? }�C7�i H[[wZ�iE[.�Ai�1D C}ll��?V[�R **��*#�#���s���*#�*�*#�*����*##*#�x#*���*#�#�*#��ae�������*�����*��*��*�*����*�*#***s*a#**** �����N or va��L. co�.c�ttt�ac� s��r�►���►�c ***��������**��****�����������*����������*��*������,�*���y.��*���*�**.*�*���*������*****�**#�* Stat�ment Nt111ybe]C: RQ7C�a�2539 �rnount: $55.75 11/16���071b:25 AN1 Pa�nenC Methad: Gheck Init: LC Ndtation; #i51081DOUSLE 4 ELE�TRTC PermiC T�l[�: 1?47-0321 'I`yge: ELECTRICAL PERMYT Farcel Irdo: ?_1[?1-063-19t71-�. Sike �'+ddre�s» 77D P{7TAT0 PATCI-i L}Ft VAIi, Lc���LiC�r�: FC7TTiT0 PP�TCH CDIVlf:7�� UFJT�' 11 T+�tal F'ee�: $55.75 '3'hi� Paytncnt: $55.75 Total AI,L, Pmts: $55.75 Bal.arace: $Q.O� ����*��**+�*��*���*��*��+��r����w��wa��ww���rw�*�a���h���a�*�*�*���*��z�*�*�***���:�*�*�x���+*��**���** A�`COLitvT [TEM L157': Account �ade Des�cription Current P�nts �;P t}0144G+�3?11I.9�] �I�FCTF�ICAI� PF`RI�IIT FEES 51.75 WC OQl0�QQ3312$00 WT.I,L CALL �NSF�CTZQN I�E� 4.[30 310'1�I2��7 �9:02 �7�-748-978� �OUBL.E � ELECTRIC PA�E H2 APPLICA"1'�+l'a►[rl WI�L NOT BE ACCEP'�D IP�NCOMPLET��R UN�I[;1�y � ,� '� ; � ,,' ``;'" `,�1 Pndj��: � � duiktlnp pe�rnit#: �t�1 �34 5 � � E�ctr�ical P+ermit�: � i� 'tAt,t, � �` � �� 97G-�Li9-�149 (In�1i0iR�] ��S.FY+o e Ad. V�aii,� 816�r7 ��� - - �WN ���I�IC ELE�I�AL PERl1►!�'T APPLI T�iQN .��— ; � '' . �'' _ �4�T1tACTO�R TNlROR1KAT�0'l� ��CI�Im��1`: �0�11R1�If�� �. I�iO,: '�11� I�'�l'�GI�8T1� P�l�,�'S: 5�'TzrC �� ! C� t — Si`3 r.�: � ; y - ,�! C.�trarJba+� , _ �l�LETE SQ. F�TAGE�+DR ARE�r OF wDRK ANfl vAIUAnDN �'3F WDRK (�bo�r S�Mat�Na�� AM�UFiT(�F 5Q FT LN SfRLfiCTUI�: � Et��CAI VAG.4IATIQ�f: $ C7o�` �Q1lT�e�t 9?�-9�"+!�8�U orr Ir#iit le-�atrn . h�,r P+i�,�sl�R` Par+c�l � _ �����: ��,, �,� ,�.�,,� �a���.��� ��� ►� . I.e�a!De�aiptlan L� 6�a�k: Fl[��: Subelvl�iar�: ' � Phvne, � � �I�inea�': Ardsiress. t3 � ne' �'�r De�ikexi�ipti�an o� • ,�v�,�7 r�Q `+ �W� 1��►'►�ct-S 'F- [.-+�"S . Wbric{�: Mew{ ) J4�fd�ticr�n [ } Rert�cadel R�palr( } Temp Pow�r( ) []k�wer t ) . W+pr�t Ty�^pe; Intie�k�'f�jQ F�aerior( ) �( } ' D�s an �Ht1 +�ask at t�is loc�tivn: Yc�{ ) No( } Typ�al'91e1�.: �r�I( l D�I�r� Mu�f�"amiM( ) C�mrn�rci�9{ ) R�urarrk( } vtlrwer( l rwo�,c�� r�� ur�rn t�� ��r��r,�: r,�. ��►� ur�r� ��+t�� t�,��: � Is th�i� rrn�t fc�a 1�at tub: Y+�s Nv b�a Fi�A4�m, E�k: res �- r�n ar ri m es c� ��Mrartlwyt�f-�ry►wltryr�wwiN►+4ttla*�r#1k#olti^lrtT��atrs� 'R�� u�.Q'��.�ft7tfew�lt�sswtf�r���rr�rrrwwwlesra��rwrwle�rr^�'!s+ ° 4 .. _~����� �1 t '� ,•r� . ,x9 1 ' ''�`�� '3(4� '`.=1' x 1 ' � � .�- �a.�� £ . -�.P .�_}�.���� ��'Y'e ` =-�a,,- � 41..:i 7'�f�� �',� �.,`�.-�x e.L.�,� .+.-�� k a-w[.�. j �= ll����ll-?3-I�S.PL�C Page 1 flf 2 1112�,1� IU�I�'V7'�l (3F '�'A[l. DEPARI'Nif;;�l-l'U!��C:�MMUNI�I"Y 1J1_:Vf:1.C)1'M�N'1` 7� S. FR(3NT�LC;E RC)���7 'VA(l., GC� 81fa57 '�7D-479-2138 N()TL?: 'I'1-I1� PCf�Pr'il"I' �IiJS`I' I3f: PU�'1"�fa (}N J�J�35C"I`I� IIT ALl_ 'l'1P�9�S IIr��C:l[�"lh`I('�1i. P�ft�'�9I1' Permit 1#: I'1r9(�7-U3�x1. �J..�,, � _ �, _ �.4�— 3[�b A�Itire�s: ?7fl f�{�TA'1'(3 YA'1'CH DR VAii.. Statr�s . . . : 1SSUE;U Lncati�ri....,: 1'(�'1�A`["U PA"I`Cl-i Ct`�NC)�}� L!Nf'3' 1 � I1�F�Ige�i . . : 1�!(?4�`2{3177 P�rc:el Nu...: 21�I U�3 i!7�I 1 lsstictl . . . 121051'?f}07 �.egal 1.}�s�c�iptioii: q��e �C I _�'``f � .� E:;psres , ,: 06f�2f?QC18 Praject F�'a : �3WNF��2 UAIL, �FQFtGF: H. & BEV�kLY A. l.?./04/i0�7 RI�NDOLPH, JC?SEPH C. . 11.4Q6 F(�l�E:ST KNC]LL C�F� FIS�IERS IN 4�D38 AFPLICANT T)�DG1'NS MF:CHANZCAL �LC 17/p4I���7 Pho]r�e; f97C1} 569-398� 32137 HWY 6 �'f7WAR�J� �C}I,t7RAI10 81632 License: 3'7'�-1� C�NT�ACTQF2 T7C}WNS N1ECH1�bICAL I�T�C �zlo�/zoa�r Fh[�n�: �97f}� 559-39$5 32137 HWY �, EI7WP.F�I7,� COLC)RAD+3 €�1�3 2 Lic�nse : 375-M [J�sci�t�c�z3: R�.LC3CEIT�? 2 Fi�!e�l�f 1 i=�lN3 '4�alti�t�i�»= �3�f�.�}a l�irt�ph�e4 lnf�smauun }X�strec[�d� Jd u!Gas r1p��fi:,nces' U il c�l'Gas[.c�g+ U N uf L�'oud P�II�t: i] s�r�ttrys+�r+err�rrres�r�.arFSt�r�rpe�s�saspfisrr►srteevtr+sy�s�.reyrr�r�a� FF,I=S�:IVS]V114R�'' •�#!Yil��i��k���t#1tlY�lY�!ll�ti�t�Ri►i#1��ti�tlwsti►4iii.►itR4 Adc.cfi�nicnt---> S2fl.�a �teshuiranf I'lnn ftcview—'t $4.00 Totfil Ctilculated F=ecs---� $29.{7� Plsn�hcck---' S�.0� Tt]TrIL E 1L5--°--°—°--? $25.o[r Add�tir�nal l'ccs--------� SO_0� ]nvcst�gation-? SO.�p I'ntal E'::naut Fcc---------: S2 5,{a 0 L1�'ill[:all----:• $a-0 p Pay�mcnts------------------a $2 9.�0 I�!#l..A�IC:I-'I)i11-..........� SU-Oc+ t#tFYi�V i'tWY�e�Ylr[!Mf�r�t'lflyft+�YiKXW.s.tif1 Pfk Yi*i.W#�y IR'�'�'fY�ylRS�N�s.t�tw.fnlik�Yt!!��ltkl���lrtliYS��Y�9k*rtlt��'tfMMi��l��ltet�lRY�fRY!<!�'IR�Yi►y#R�ltFK!*1tt�ylalt�e! Item: 4510Q 3UIL�+Ii;TG DEFAR`I'M�NT 12/04J2.C�C]� cgur��ran P.c�a.an: AP �.t�m: C�5 6 b d �'2�2E I]�PAR'I'i+�tEN'I' CUI`�Ii3I�i�1FJN C��" APPRG+VEII. Cond: 1� {BLDG. ) : FIELD rNSFEC'�'YC1NS P,RE R�t�UT��D 'Ft] C�-T�CK �'�R CUD� COMPLIAN�CE. C onci: �2 (BLDG. � ; CC}1uI�LJS'PIC)N A�CR IS .R�4�JIPEL3 PER CHAP`['E'I� '7 OF THE 2003 IhTC' AND SECTIC�N' 3G4 GF THE 2003 �F�C AS M[7DI�'IE� BY' TC7W1�� Cl�` 'VATI�. �or�Ci; �3 ��LL1G. } : }30III.�El� TIrTST�1.LLI1'T��N MLTS'3' CC713�'ORM T'O MAt'�UFA�T(]RE�"S SNSTRUCTIC?N� AND CHA��ER 1� aF .THE �4�3 TMC. Can�: 25 (BLD�. } ; GAS AppLIAN�ES SHRLL B� VENTED ACCURDING T� �I�APTER 5 O� THE ��q3 IFGC. C:U�1Gl: 2 9 {IILDG. ) : ACCE55 TO ME�HI-�NICIa.L E4U1]PF�'1�NT NlUST CC3M�7.�`]� WITI-I CHAP'T`�Ft 3 C3F THE 2C�03 IM4 AND CI-IA1�'L`ER 3 UF THE �Q03 IFGC, , e����: �� i F3�Dv. � s BC�ILERS aFiALL BE P'IC)L7NTEI) t�N �'LC?OR� QF' NflNC4�M$US'�'IBLE CC�NST. UNLESS LI�T�l7 F4R NIUCTNTIlaTG C}1V CUME3LTSTIBLE FL�}OR1iVG. Cond: 32 {BLtJG. } : H�E2MI'I', I?T�AI�IS ANL7 �UDF AI�F+L}Y�:IS MTJST B� PC]S'I:'�;T� J:N I�PC"I-IAr�'IC�.J:.� �C��JM Pl2�bR "T�J AN INS�EC�I�7N RF_.QUEST. Concl: 3(} {T3LDG. 1 ; BOILER F1QC}MS S�i7�.Le..� BE EQUIPPPET3 WITH A FLOC?R DRAII4I aR C)`FHEE�. APPRJVEI7 NIERNS F�1� DISFUSIN� OF LIQUID W�STE PER SECTIQN 1Q�4 . 6 . �.=rrsr�=sts�+cs�t.a�.ssw.ss.aawe►«+fs.ss:sra.�ar.s�.as.+s.#sKf+s:sr:srsrsM.ss.asa*rs�rst:�s.:r�.aswa�s�.aas��.*t�a�.e�ss:sa�t�w►s..�as*s�s�►a�aaas.as+..F DECI.ARATI[��E S I I��reby acl�nc�w�c�l;��tliat 1 lta�'c ri�cl iliis a�plicatie�n, lilled c�iit iri 1�4l1 tl�e ini'c�r�n�ti��► rcquired,ccsrxipiete� ary �cc�irnte plt�l pla�i, �713Cj tiL3Ei; Lf1r�t�7�� L�7L' S11Ei]fI71�iL1[?fl e'i5 1"L'{1LFIfe[� is ciarreet. I abree ic�ccrmply with the i�if�rr�iatitian an�l plot pl��n, to e�ar»pIy �r`itlt all Tc�w��n o��dinan�.es �nci sk�ttc laws, �tnf� to hualci ihis stsru�etur�;accc�rding t�thc Ear�srns z«nir��and subdivisian cor�e�, �lcsigri rc�vie�u ���SS-ovzt�, inl�:rnationaf F3uildit��;anc� IZes��f�iatial Codes afl�l�tlt�;r�rdinances ofth�; I'rswn �pplicabEe tlrter�:to. ftF:C?L!GS'1'S i(]]�I*:SPEC'1'3(7i•l S�iAI.L L31:MAC1}?'P'WF.IVTY-I'tJUR t{UURS IN.^�D�'A Dl'TEI.E:E'I I �E:- 9-.�.1 9 OR A'I'U[JH t7f�FICF FfiOh9 8:{7[b Ah4-4�'i��, � i�, TLJ R1��{)l� VI+'1�''R(7 L.'.(73�f'i' �_. � �**���»»�»»�������������»»*������������������.���������*��**�����«*���***��*:*�****���*�:��� 'I'[�Ir�'N OT'VAIL, C'(?I,[:l{��117fJ Szatcrne»t �r�wwa��**���+����rw�rw�ww*w��*��x*�u�w��w�**�*��k��*���������+������*�**#�����������s�����a��*�a��ixw*�wr� :�t�,t�ment C���ml�er: R07C1UC72ii4J F�maunt: $2�. [70 12/05/2fl07'i?;5{� FM I�ayment MeChod: Check Init: LC PtTrat�LiC�rt; #23789/RU�'F'1' STaTKE �t�7T�Rk'R-CiE�.°i P�s:mit Nn: M07-0341 Ty�se: M1ECIiANICAT., PEI�MIT �'arcel 1Va: 2Z41-d353-190�.-1 Sit:� Adclre�s: 77Q �D'TA"T`O PATCH L�R VAIL Loca'�ian: FQ'T.'�T'C7 1��.I'CH Ct�AiD�}S [.3NIT 11 TUtal Fees: $?_9. 60 ThiS Paymen�: $�9.Q0 Tptal ALL Pmts: �29.flp Ba�ance: $p.�L� ax�r�**�k�*���*���:*�*:���##�k��a�axx*�t*�k�#*�#*�k��*#�*******�t*��#*���Y�k�**�**�w�r�r�*rr�r�wrr�rt*�k.#r �c�a�.r�v�r �TCn� �_.isT: Account Cad� riescrip�ion �urr�nt Fmtis MP (JD1D00031I1].DO t�IBCH..�LNICP,L 'PERMIT FEES 24.dLl 1'F ar�2aoao�iiz�na PL,.�1�I CHECIC FEES 5.pD WC �Q10C7��311z8C]0 WIT.,I, CAL,L II�ISP�CTI�IV FE.E 4.qfl r w. ,�, �' F,�,�,I ,�� C�'�'�� � r � � • APPLICATIL)N WII.L lV�7�E AC��PTEa IF INC[)MPLETE OR UNSIGN@D �. T(7V Prvje�t#: � �3 Building Permit #�. � � � �� Mechanic�i P��ermit#: � � 97D-4T�-�!149 Inspectf�ns� �����` TC3IRVM (]F VAIL ME+�HANi�AL PERMIT APPLICATI�N 75 S, Fr�r��r�ge Rd. Permit will not be aecepted withou#th€� f�l[nwing. 11ai1, Co�orada 81657 Prnvide M�chanica! Rvom �yo�t drawn ta scrale�o includ�: � Me�han�c�! Rv+am �ir�ensinns �..� -_._ ' �'___ `�r° �` , o Combustior� Air Duct Size�nd L.ac�#ion �r ti l- k.l c. � , �,� � � d Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size�rfd Locatian � ��i ��� , z f-� o Heat Lvs�+Galcs. - ::,` :.�� ❑ Equip�ri��rt Cut/5pec Sheets j��;� �, 4',� �� C�i�iT1�ACTOR�N�'OIL"41ATIClIV � � '` arnca n ra or: own o aa eg. o.: on er�on a � cTr� .. � E-Mail Address: Fax#: Gantract�r Signature: MECHANICAI.: $ � � '��'�-�-- _ - 6 - i .�orn f r a c� l�arce� # Jab I�am�: � '� ]ob Address: � � L�al Ues�riptio� Lot: Block: F�tingt Su�div►i$i+on: t�wners (Vame: Addre�S: Ph�ne: Engin�er: Address� __ Phc�n�: D�taiied descript4c�n o#work: Wc�rk Clas�: �lew { � Add�tior� ( } Alteration � R�pair� ) {7ther ( } ,�; Bailer Lo�ca�on: Interior{ ) �cte�ior ( ) Other( } Dves an EHlJ��cist at this €ocatinn: Yes { ) No ( } Type 9�Bldg; Single-family{ ) p�plex( ) Muzti-fami3y( ) Commercial( J Restaurant[ � Qth�r[ ) fVd. of Existing aw�lEing Units �ro this building; #Vo. c�f Aeec��nmadati�n l��its in this building: a L IN Pel�et Wc�o� Burnin NaJTYpe�f Fireplaces Pra�sed: Ga�Appl'rances ( ) Gas Lcsc�s ( J WoodJPellet 4 ) IN�od Burning (NDT AE.�.ClW�t7) Is thEs a �onver�ion from a uva+� burnin� fireplace to an �PA Phas� Z�de+r�ce? Yes ( } No ( ) t ���*�:�*��:�*�k������*����c* �k���k**��*��*�*����****�c�ca� �' F(3R OFFICE USE �MLY DRB F�es: { [3ate Received: - -- ---- 1�� r•;�ca��,��1�nvc�.,nPPU�:�T�c��s+��c�ir��R�txne�s.oac n�Fns�a�rss -�,* �-'°�•• . ;� ,� w � '� * ,. �� � ��'�'�F�' �� �� � � Tnwn +�f Vait Mechanieal Codes and aesic�n Crit�ria ♦ You must obtain Design Rer�ie�nr B+oard �Q�tB) approva[ i€any of th� mechan'rcal wQrk w�IM involr�� AMY eacteriar work.TM�s includes and is not limited '�n remor►al and r�plac�ment of dr'rveway snow m�l't systems. Please�vnta�a P�ann�r at 479-2�.28 far additio�a� inform��i�ar�. � Th�Tvwn of Vail has adapted�e 2QU3 Internat'ronal Mechanica!Cade and the �pQ� International Fuel G�s Code, + AI! r�ew �nstsuction with�n tFre T�own vf V�il is consider�d ta �e of unusually tight cvn�truttian, thus all combustian air is required ta be drawn from a�tside tF�� structure fvr m�chanical equiprnent. T�wn uf Vai! �irealace �rtfinance In September af 199i,the VaiM T�wn Council adopted an vr�inance which restricts te c�anstructivn and use nf ap�n heartF� fireplaces within mun�cipal bvundarie�. �inc� tt�at �ime #�� ordinanc+� has undergc�ne r�umerours char�ges and rerrisions,stri�ing fvr campramis�,y�t�ff�ct�v�enes�in addres�Fng the air quality issue, Ther�#�re tF�e f�nll+�wing eriter%a h,�s b�en adop�ed: s �o�tstructior� of ap�en h�arth w�od hurn�ng firep��ces is na longer permitt�ed wit�in Tow€� c�f V�il municipal bvundaries. ♦ DweUinq Units—Each new dwelling unit may eontain: �Dne(i) EPA Phase II+c�rt�fi�cl svfid fuel burning deV��ar�d no more th�n�inrc���,)g�s appliances (B�rer�t� v�. Twa �z} gas I� fir��laces and nv more than twv (2} gas appliance fi�epl�c+es {B bent). ♦ �e�#rict�d_Dwe�lina Units— Eath new restricted tiwelling unit may Gnntain: On� (�.) 9a� log firepiace�nd not more than one {1) ga� applian��firepla�ce. ♦ AcGV�nmvdatian Un�ts— Eactr new accommadativn unit may c[��tain: One �(1} ga� lag firep�ace or crne {1) gas app[ian�c�fireplace. �r Yf#�nro vr more separate dweilir�g �nits or accom�moda�ion units are com�i�ed tca fiarm �ne I�rger �nit, th�e cam�ir�ed unit may retain ane woodburning fireplace(if�ne alre�dy�xists) �nd r�v mcrre than 2 gas appliance fir�places, ar may�+�nvert �p ta twa�xist�ng �ireplaces tc�gas. ♦ If during �he course t�f� remudel �tt �xisting rnrt�adburnir�g �repla�e is altered ar mc�wed, the unit mu�t then cornp�y with all provis�Qn�of'�h�ordinanee. That isf t�te fireplace must �re converted to n�t�ral gas ar r�Qlac�d by an EPA Phase II certifed unit. F:lcdevlB[IIL.�71t�lG1APPLICA�'[4?NSIMECI-tP£ftM2fi1(15.D(�C U(r'U��UUS `['t)W� ()t� V;41L • T)i:�'r'+RTMI?�f l'tJl�(:UMM[.�NNITY' DFVEI,t7P1VIFN"t' 73 5. F�(�N'E`AGE RC]II17 V,A IIv, C(3 �16�7 97t}-47'�-?13� N(�f'lu; Tl-11S �'ERMTT MtI�T i3r P�S7`L:L3 C]l�f JC�}�35ITC AT AE,i,TfMF.S PLUMBING P�'R9�'I�T f'er��tiit �: PQ7�0'��4 �S�3c,'�{ .� :�'t '� .inl� r'Iddress: 77[� ['(J'l�A°!'{J� E'tt'F'C.N f)R VA[L St�t�ts . . . : i�SL1Fl� I.c�catior�.....: PC�TAT(� I'.�1"I"CI-� C'C'1\'�}t`�S [1NC'1' 1 1 11���alied . . � I?![��41200? F'ar-cel Na...: 21(}1 f�t43[901 1 lssue�i . . . 121f��CZDU7 I.,e�al C]escripticyrt: -. _� . ��� � E�:pires . .: tlGflt}"?12�1�8 �— - ; I'rc�ject No : `��'` y r� � "- o��r�r�r� v�xz�, c���c� x. s� ��v���� �.. 12/a�/2o�� ��r�ca�.,��, Jcas�:�x c. . 114�b FOItEST KNOLT� CY� FISHEF�,S IN 46�J3� AF�PLICANT I30WNS MECL�.�rirIC�L LLC i2/�4/2007 1�hoTle; L97D1 569-3985 32137 HWY 6 EDWART}S co�c�xa�a s a.��� License; 373-P C`�7NTRAC_TC)Ft �7C}W�3S ME�r�At�FICAL T.rL,C 12/[}4/�U#�7 Phone : {97C]) 559•-3�$� 32137 HWY 6 �t.JWARDS CJLt]Rt'�DC7 8153? Licen�e: 373-P 1-7��ci�t�or7: �TL()�:A'1'!; 1�{3XLl:�i', � L�lb'r^�`T�CI�tfE:S A�1D SIIL7W'TR �;x]«atic�a�; ��.5[)0.[l+6 3•�r-zrta;ti lnfnrmaii�an.Rr:;tricts��l:"? ��fGas:1�plt�nc�-s: ?'? �ul'Gus Lags: ?? r�uf' Wood NafScr '?"? ,..�R�e..:s..�r.�i+#dwYi+#�r�#fi{#ri#iMiV•si�l�irr*sa�f+P�+t�RS*►�#Aw• FFr S[Jti1i'v1,�1FtY •rt•��i.rl���4�#!+4lrlfiYl*ryy+Ti�4�•sV�Ra44►f!•wMT+fR�#isi4�• ('lumbins�---=' Sa 5.[�[i Itewt�taranl f'len I�evi�w--3 S U.0 4 'f�l�l[_'a€cula�csl I't�es—°' $6(7.2 5 f'I:m C'fxeck---� S z 1.15 1'Cl'1 AI.F�I:I::ti-.___�____} �5 q.2� Aclditrc�naB 1 v4s_�.-._y $0.4 0 InGesugxiiun-=� �q.�r� "l�otal f'cmtit[ee s $6 0.2 5 w1'ill C'�ll_--.� S�.o a �'avn�ents • �5�.:5 f3.�IL,�I�CE i)lfE � S�.4 0 .rrt.sa�.�ss��aea4�tar.�t•F4r�f#f1fa��Y.44r#tw�aYa�.4Wr#frM�.�►�.yr�+i*xri.wf+�r�f�.t.t+�#t+#i��#f+iR�iF��*f�s���F#a#is#;Yrt+�#FM�f��YR�4t1?aF►sfRaY�IS*4ts##a rrem: c��1c�Q �u���ir�c� ��:�a��rr���T 1�/o4/2af�7 �gur�ian Activn: AP It�m: g56(}0 F`:CJ�� �EPAFtTMEI�TT �i()Nt�I"!'l�N L��' APPRt7VAC. C e�r_c3: 12 (73LDG. ) : FI�LD INSPECTIC?NS 1LR� REQUIIZ�L� TO CHECK FC7R C�JUE CO�PLIANCL. YS�4Yxf#}�r��;atRfffWYM�P1�It4jI#�°#Y'��►#yY1���t�4YR1R�ftRi�k�Ez'fRR3i�###�##E4L1�R#�f1F'f��MlMe��«ii�FMfYRV*�/4iiN'liiMil[lMV�iYff�!\Fii�Fl�f�R#iR�fR�#tE,ff4l�I« �L�.�Ll L811 Y•l'��d e� i f��r�L�y a�kr�u�a�led�e tl��t � ltav�e �°e�rd t��i�s��y��licatirs��, fill�:c� c�ul in Cull 11�e i��lar�t�atia�i� rc:��uiretl, cam�3let��i ai� �Lcurat� �la}t pl�n. anc! 4tate tliat t�il t}�e i7�farmatic�n as rec�tsircd ss correct_ I a�rec to coEnp[y w�itl� ihe irrformatiar� nnd plcat plasa, t�cgrn}�ly with ai! -I c����j3 aF��i►l�airces anc� siat� la�vs, c�115� h7�'Ftf1I[� 1�175 StiLICtU�'C�CtC}i'C�11'd�L[}lff�: Lt�4'VI1S 'LOf]]fl��it]d SL1�)[�lViSi011 CI�C{@5, �esi�n review ��prcar�•ecl, Ir�t�rna[ic�nal Ruifclir��;anc� R�esiclerrtial Cr�des anc� c�t�er ordi��at�vfthe Tvv��� a�plica�le#1�eretc�. 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Site Address: ?70 PJTATC7 �ATCH DR V71TL Loc�tion; POTATC3 PATCH CD3hT7DaS UNIT 1� '1'otal Fees- $60.25 Tl�is Pa}rment: $6p.25 'Pr�tal ALL Pmts: $�Q.25 Balance- $o.ac+ �w���*�����*��������������x*�s:*s****�:a�s�***�+�***�*m***�k***��*���:�.w�*******++��*�����rr��� ACCLU'.+IT fTI:�7 1.15'I-: 1?�ecount Cade T7e9cription Curre�it PraL's PF 0(}1�00Q31123�0 E'I,P�T�,T CH�CK E'E�:S 11.25 FP QQ1J00(731117.D0 PLTTT�IBINU Pi�d2NlI'T' FEES 45.Df} W'C pf�lpp��3112600 S+�3LL CALL ThSPEC'T241V I�;� 4 . U[7 ' � a��c.ic�rro�r wa�� raar s�t�c��Pr�Q��r�ucor����r� c��ur��ir��i; ' t' �, ;` - . Pro��c!� #': , `` Building Perr��t #� _ ,�' - �. �' Plurnhing Perntit #; ���e�����' f ,� 970-473-�1.49 �Inspectians) 75 S. Frant�ge Rd. Vai1, C[�larac�u 81fi r7 `��° T[)WN C)� VA�L PLUMBII�G PERMIT APPL�CATI4N ��; � !r � . , t �Uf�TRACTCIR INFI�RMA'fYOM Piu ang CankracCor: Town c�f Vail R�g. iVo.: C��et Persan and Phone #'s: � � - --Z-'7 4"a E-hlail l�dt#r�ss: . � ,w�.,, Fax#. �-�,l � Contractvr Sigr�at �: • . . � , ��t �CDMP�ETE VA�Ll1ATIi7N FOR PLU{HBI�IG PERd++IIT �l.abor & Mat�rials) c� PLUMBING: $ , (�{� �� r isit uv�ea fe-caun .ccrm far P�rcef# Parcel # . ]ab Name: _ �� .�ob Address; �"/�� � t j t �ega! Descriptir�n Lat. Block: Fi�ing: Subdivisian: � Owners I�am�� '� Ad�r�ss: Phon�: Engineer: A�dress: �hone: Detailed des�cri�tion af wor�C: � ��� � ��� 1Nork Class; New � ) Ad�iitic�n ( ) Alk�erati�n (�} �te��ir( ) �ther ( ) Type af Bidg.� S�c�g�e-farnwly(� ) Dupleac( } Muiti-family( ) Cnmmercial( } Restaurant( } Other[ ) N�. OF EXI5�If1� DW�IIifl� I.1f1105 lff tI115 I7UlI(�I��: Na. of Accommadation Units in this buildin�: ,r:�x��*���x�,�*�r�a���,���;,���*�x��x��;**,�*��r:���FL U�F10E U�E L�NLY*�x*,r**�*,�*:r��r�,r�*�*�*��x��**�*���*�:�* . . .. _., � �,,r I-. ..�� _ I �`� ._ . . '. � 'L�.--S I.� L� . . . F:�rdevlFORP75�PERMITS1B+�ildir�g'�Rlr�mbing�erm"rt_11-23-�905,dac Pag� 1 v�1 41,I23(ZQ�S a- +. ' {�1-14-2008 inspec#ian Reques# Re partfng Rage 29 7:41 �m_ v�l, �(3 -�C`�tv„ Of -_ Reyuested inspect Qate: �4llonday,January 1d,20�$ Inspec#ian Area: CG Site Acfdress: 770 PQTAT4 PA7CH []R VAIL PdTA7[3�ATGM GbNf3C}S Ul�17'�1 WP1E7 Informativn P�ciivity: �Q7-4345 Type; A-MF �u�Type: AMF Status: ISSI,JED Co�st Type: C�ccu�s ancy: Us�: VB Insp Ar�a: CC� €7wnee: V'AIL GEOFiGE H.&E3EVER�Y"A.- Cs�ntractQr RU5�4'SP!}{E Eh3T�R�'R15ES �'hone: 970-476-4374 �escription: �ATHR�3C�M REMC3QEL R�ID AC�D THREE WINDOWS iiea�ested In�aectianls) Item; 90 �L�1G�Final Requested Time: �2:34 PM Reques#or: R�JST'f SPfKE EhfTERPRISES Phane: 970-476-4374 Cornmen#s. Chris 376-6�48 Ass%gned To: J'MO�IDRAGON �ntered By: JSUTHER K Action: 7ime Exp: Gr�rr�rnent: � . � `� �" � � � I ' " � , ��A r r'�' � � i' i �, Ins �ction FlistQ � ftem: 3�} BLflG-Frarni�ng "`Appro�ed" 121051D7 Inspector: sqremmer Flction: AP APPR(]V�D Comment: nQte: 3 2 x 1(]'s for header�er engineer letter Item: 5� BLDG-Irrsufaticsn *'Ap�rovecl ' 12120!(]7 Insp�ctar: JFtM Action: A1P APPROVED Co mrnent: Itern: frD BLDG-Sh�etrock 14aif *•p,PProWed"' 12121lQ7 Inspector: JRM Ac4ion: AP APPRCJVEC3 ��mrnent: (fem: 9i} BLDG-�i�al Q11a9108 Insp��tor: J�M Rctian: NR NaT READY FUR IhlSPE��`ION �4rnmr�nt: R�FT131 Ruan Id. 7515 �� - - _— - �1-48�20�8 In�pectivn F�equest �ieporting Page 27 4:26 prra - ___ _ Vati, C�Q - Ci�y Qf __ __ --- Rec}ues#ed tnsp�ct t}ate: Wednesday,January Q9.Tt}D8 !ns ectian Area: SH �ite Address: 771D P+UTAT�3 F'A7C'Fi DFt�I/AIL PQTA'�+p PA3'�H CONDQS 11iVIT 1 t �'UP1�Infarmation Act'tvity: ED7-!]�21 l'ype. �3-�L�C Sub 1'ype' AdUP Status: ISSl1Ef7 Const Typ�: C?ccupan�ey: l�se: �nsp Area: 5�i C?wnar. VAI� GEQRGE H. 8�BEVERL'rrA.- C�ntractar, DC1�1��E Q ELECTRIC Phone: 97(3-748-9780 Desenp#ion, Mf]V�Ahl�AQD DEVIC�S A�I[}k,�CHTS - ,� '�-- �2ea�teste[�In�rke�tlon{�1 �r �� r r . )tem: '!9Q �L.�C-Final � � ��` � Y - Requ�sted Time: U9:i}�AM R$questor: �G11�6LE Ck E�EC�RI{G �'hane: 914-043fi -or- 97Q-4'i8- 5137 �Ge�mments: will cali S#eve 914-0{316 #11 Ass�gned Tv: SNAHN " Entsred By: QG�QLI��N K Acti��r3: Time Ezp: � � � �- a � ��''��� _`" � ���-- '� �.'�f�� � - �'` �. �j�I[ r��,.' ,A:?'!�/_@ � . � 1 � ���' !�l �,l�J' � ��� � �j � �' �. 1' � 1 � � �_ �. lnspec#ian Flist�ry � Ikerrt: 11p �E�EC-S�rvice Iten�: 12b �LEC-Rouc�h "ARPr�ved•, 1�11�1i17 InSpectar shahn Acti[�n; APAPP'�C1V�D Commeni: ftem: i30 E��Gr��onduVt Item� 944] E�.EC-Misc. Item: '�9C1 EL���Final �� �,�'� � -�. � � � � � � RSPTT31 Run Id: 7458 �: � . _ _ __ Insp�ec;tri4n R�'Me/yque/+sr,t R� orting Page 1� `#.L�_�111. ...__.._........ YSl�•f l�Ll ' 4e#L�-...l.R� Ftequested lnspec�date: Tuesday,January�48,�U08 In�pec#ivn Area; CG Site Acfdres�: 7T[f I�O'�A��PATGFf�R V,+41l. P(3TATQ PATCH GiJIVGOS llNIT 11 AJPID Informatian Acti�ify: M47-(D341 Type: B-MECl-! Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUE� Canst Type; C�ccc� �n�cy: LJse� Insp Ar�a: CG C]wr�er. VA1Z, GE(J€�G� H. c4�BEV�RLYA.- GvnU'a�:#�r; ��3WNS M�CF#ANICAL LLC Phone: {97(}j 5fi9-39$fi DescrEptivn: RELOCATE 2 BATH FA�IS Renuested fnsoectionfsx Iterr�: 394 MECH-Final Re�ywssted Time: 11;80 AM i�e�uestvr: aOWh]5 MECHAI�ICAL t�LC Phone: 471-2795 Comments: will rall 6il!47i-2735. unit#�1 Assigned Ta: JMQh[DRAGC7hl Enter�d By: DGO�.DEN K A�tion: Time Exp: /'-� ! ` � ` ,I ; � � �� , � , �� ; � tnSRectfon H9stwr�( 1tem: 2f}0 M�CH-Rot�c.�h *`Approv�ed`* � i2{20I4T Inspector: JRM F1�tion: AP APPRDV��3' Comment: BATH FANS MEGH ROUGH APP�iC7VE❑ , Item: 31(7 MECH-Heating Item: 315 P'�MB-Gas Pipinq It�m: 3�() AAECFR-�xhaust Hnads Item: 33[� M��k�-Supp�y Air Item: 344 MECH-Misc. Item: 3J0 �AECF-{-Fir�al REPT131 Ruri Id: 74�1 ° �'FS'�}@CtFOf{ @i�i.l�Sf �part�n+g ag� 4 26 �rn ---___._ Vail, C4-._.�i�_�}f Req�ested Ins�aect[�ate: Tu�ss�ay,.iarruary{i8,2008 Inspectian Area: CG Site Address: 7T0 PC]TATQ PATCH DR VAJL PC}�AT�C3 PATCH CC)ND+f35 UNI`�11 WPlD InfDrm,atior� ACtiviity� F'�7-�2{l4 Type: 8-PLMB SuG Ty�e: AMF 5tatu5: ISSUEE] Gonst Type: C7ccu}�ncy: Use_ Insp Area: C� Uwrter� Vi41L GEC7RGE F!.+�.BEVER�.YA.- Contractor C?OV'�NS hAEC�lANIGA��LC P�vne. (97�]569-3986 I�esc.ri�tion: RELCICATE Tf�ILET,�LAVATDRIES AND SHOWEF2 Fte�qu�st�c!Insaectionis! ft�m: �90� '�L.M6-Final Fte�uest�ci Time: 10-30 AM I�squest�r: {}flWNS MEGHAhkICAL LLC Phona; d71-2795 Camm+�nts: �nrill call 471-2195, u�nit#t'i1 Assi�gned Tcs: JMQ�1dRAC�fJCV �nt�er�ed By: DGC�LD�N K Acnon: __ Time Exp: � � � � �� � t'� ���'� � �� s! ' ' j R4., ! L� � I � ./ � ' r, � f IfYSRdGtiiQfl FII6tOly i r' ltem: 22Q PLMB-Rough![7.W.V. "'ApPrc��ed"'• 12l1�107 Inspeclar� JRM Actinra: AP�4PlPRDVED � Comrn�nt: FLOW TEST Item: 230 PLMB-Rouq�rlWaier "�Approved*' ; 12I11l07 Insp�:4tor: JR1N Act��n: AP,4PPROVEC3 � Cc�mm�nt: STFtEET PRE55Uf�E Item: 240 P�MB-Gas Piping Item: �6p PLMS-Misc. It�m: 29q F'�M8-F'in�l a�$F���� �un za� ���i