HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 15 UNIT 8NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TTMES M09-0201 PRJ09-0540 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 1010712009 lssued, . : 10/1312009 Exoires. .: 0411112010 $60.00 Will Call------>S15.00 Use Tax Fee---> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> 979.00 TOTAL PERi'IT FEE-> Payments--------> BALANCE DUE-_-_> $79.00 ($7e.oo) $o.oo $0.00 10.00 @ UruL|z Town of Vail, Communily Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2 1 39 f . 970.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 0.479.2149 Permit #: Project #: OWNER MORRISON, ERIC. BERNER.MORR 10/07/2009 PO BOX 17314 GOLDEN co 80402 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN 10/07/2009 Phone:668-3760 1685 PAONIA coLo sPRtNGs, co 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN. CO 81645 License: 323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lN 10/07/2009 Phone:668-3760 1685 PAONIA coLo sPRtNGs, co 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M Desciption: REPI-ACE WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACE W|TH GAS FTREPLACE (cAS PIPING BY OTHERS) Valuatlon: S2.594.00 Mechanical Permit Fee-> Plan Check--------> Investigalion--------> MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 4690 VAIL RACOUET CLUB DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT I, VAIL RACQUET CLUB Parcel No...: 210112431008 APPROVALS llem: 05100 EUILOING DEPARTMENT 10/07/2009 JLE Aclion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI{NCE. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAs APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 |FGC. Cond: CONooi 1 101 SEPAMTE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GAS PIPING BY OTHERS DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stats that allthe informalion as required as correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and applicable thereto. codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR AM.4PM. mechcanicaLpemit_041 908 lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( 10/06/200S 11 :25 s70e27s222 . :i11... . '..., . . :,. '\. ,. i ,.i:ii,r,i;;l.iliii-riiiiiirlH !iEC}IAilIGAL PERMIT tr' combwuon,Ah Duct SEe and Lolatlon ' o FlueorVcnt$zro 6cs Flplng Phn (ll4pllcblo)o l.lettorrotsUUcmro Equlpttlrll S.tShe* br Boll.r/Funrcr ' Yq !44fl ry qrl.g Fn4 w rytE l'lt wtth N tt utndgrrr*'trwrtldf ' Fndrc? 49ollcrFonr ilflli" Indudero Equlpnrart Cut Sh€€ts tor FhephccClag S€E (tlmufrdun/r Inlb stowtng mrkt, modrl I !PPtgr/.| ll$ng)' @ 002 / 00? o tttrtunlol Room UyowPlan vrl$ DlmoElonq PliolcctgElrtAlCmrl 4Z4d-'--tffiier eus tz R II^T| r&:masrp - (ilumb|?) (gtl|0 Bulldlng iPEmll #: M.ohmtp|l Fefmnr: Lot ;i J Elock t - gubclY4don:Conhrtsl fnfenDillon: Csn'flrrll carr.rnrmr Addr'r' ha ga t( C 2.32:Dcblld Dacription ofWqrkr g*z?..Jd+ FK lq4^4 raraas tsrX-r{ t+r4 trP.FPt-AcE * DrC-Ec-r \,Edr 4*5. f lFEl.ttq:c-q q gui PlplnE lnclud.d X e!4 rtprne bv ohrn ts Wogd to Or| FltrPl.oD Oonwnlon suto:-.t4-?v-9!@ Conbot Nrm: Controt Phonr:. JFcmmriclal PrpPetmrl ouncrHrnr;#P'rc- H.D E P-J6o M E-Mrll tner n ruftffiilffL Oountj Arprco vblt*ntr,.|gbuunJP|ue) JTlnlntilrmt:- Eolbr L{ceflcn: Int rigl (il0) Exbrlor ( ) Ofior ( l Numbff bf Ellttlng Flr.Phq.rl G.rApf,llEnool( I qarLogl( )Wood/Plllrt( |) lYumbst Pf ProPored FiIlPlaoet: oar Apdllgnclc ( I ) ft! Log. () T|Dr cf fulldlng: SinglrFmlly( ) DuPbx( ) MulttFemilylo commtdd ( , Rcltrunnr ( ) Oth|' ( )CompLtt Vrlurlon for il€ohenlad Pltmit Mrtrnlctlf:.Dau Rtgllvfdl 10/08/2009 11 :29 FAX 5708279222 - Do noi or us9 IIESTERI.I FIREPLACE or o0iernam vaPors and 564 SS fPl Fireplace Bsllt-ln Dlrpct Vsnt Firaplace tlsttlal Gas or Propene Rpcidentlal or Moblle Home @ oo?/007 Telted and Llctod byw OMNFTSsI Lrbonlodc3, Beaverton, Oregon Repod * 02eF-80b5 ANSIZ2 r.8Bb-2003 or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SI'ELL GAS. Do notlry to lightany appllance.. Do not touch any eloctrlcal cwltch; do not uso any phone In your huildlng.. lmmediebly call gas suppllerfi'on a nelghbofs phonc. Followthe gac suppllcr,s Inrfuctlonl,. lf you cannot roach your g.s ruppller, call tfie ftrc afopartnenL- IngtallaUon and rervlce must be porfotmed by a quallfled Inrtrller, rervlce agency or the qas ruppllcr. cxaetly, a f,rr or explcion may result caualng plnperty damage, peeonal lnJury or lo€a of tib, moblla honre, wheru not ptrlhlbibd by locel codra. Thle app_lirncc h only tur ure wftn thF typo(sl of g.r Indlcrtcd on tte ndng pl4o, A convull|on ktt ls Installation Manual Iu- Inrtsllen After Inrtrllatlon givo thic manual to thc homc. owncr and erplaln operailon of thh heeter. @Copyfight2008,T.l. $10.00 10041210-000 4081128 tllvtt lf, Dllttltrallcurr ol illr www.trwieproducrts.com 4E00 Harbour Polnts EIrd. SW Mukilbo, WA 98:175 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTIE AT ALL TIMES/":-'\ nmtFvnV-Gffi- Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970a79-21 39 t. 970.479.2452 inspections. 97 0.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Addrsss: 4690 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT I, VAIL RACQUET CLUB ParcelNo...: 210112431008 OWNER MORRISON, ERIC - BERNER.MORR 10/07/2009 PO BOX 17314 GOLDEN co 80402 APPLICANT R & H MECHANICAL LLC 1010712009 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 E'\I,Ltr co 81631 License: 184-M CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC 1010712009 Phone: (970) 32&2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE co 81631 License: 184-M Desciption: GAS PIPING ONLY FOR NEW GAS FIREPLACE (FIREPALCE INSTALLATION BY OTHERS) Valuation: S500.00 Permit #: Project #: Status . . Applied . lssued . Expires . Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-----*--> TOTAL PERMIT FEE-.> Payments-----*----> BALANCE DUE--.--> M09-0200 PRJ09-0540 ISSUED 10t07 t2009 t 0/13/2009 04t11t2010 Mechanical Permit Fee--> Plan Check---------->$20.00 WillCall------->$5.00 Use Tax Fee---> Total Calculaled Fees-> Investigation----------> $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/07/2009 JLE Action: AP $4.00 $0.00 $29.00 $29.00 ($29.00) s0.00 s0.00 s0.00 APPROVALS CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internalional Building and Residential Codes and olher ordinances of the Town aDDlicable thereto. L BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( lo-tJ-"8 Date N€.uloa Aug'(Asoe?- Print Name REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHA mechcanicaLpermit_M1 908 Department of Comm unity Development MECIIAT{ICAL PERMIT Eoiler/Furnace Aoo[Ertlons MUST indudc: o Mechanical Room LayouvPlan with Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Slze and location o Flue or Vent Size / 6as Piping Plan (if appllcable) g Heat Loss Calculatons* o Equipment Cut sheets lor Boil€r/Furnace \ f,lot re4uitd lot 9nE 6it? (anl) biler @le,nQt t wlth tD sygent dange, or snow hclt PDJect Sbs.t Addr€3!: h3l es V-,a ta-scf (Number) (Strr.t) B|,ildlngrComplex Name: Fireolace Aoolicatlotts MUST indude: o Equipmen[ Cut Sheeb for Fireplaces/Log Seb (Manufactur€r's info dtowing make, modd & approval llsting) ' Dshilod Deecription of Work: /+']al 6ns ti".c s t-r - WJ^Y"' Y(^n'. o.uo Lot tf - Block # - Subdivision:t t-q (Sulte #) LC Contractor lntormation: A.& H ilcct'tA^t'ct,l a>4"rY-l+f,at id;ffirrd;Gfffi;ffi d Gas Piping lncluded o Gas Piping bY Othen o Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion : Boiler Loc€tion: Interlor ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Number of Existing Fireplaocs: Gas Appliances - Gas Logs - Wood/Pollet - Company: Company Ndress:;fuQ City: P."<t<- SEte; ftLztp: * t 63 | ContactPhonc: ol-lq J Z* ? 6 tl 7 ' Tor/rn of Veil Contrachr Registration No,: I K *'4 Contnctor Elgnrtun (ruqulrcd) Property Information Tenant Name: Numb€r of Propoced Flreplaces: i Gas Appliances - Gas Logs - Wood/Pellet -I Type of Buildingr Single-Family( ) Dupl€x( ) Mulu-Farnily( )Commercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) otfrer ( ) Drtc Rrcelved: l r , iili'J (Commcrcial Properties) Owner Name: E n'L /1affis on Complee Valuation for Mcchanical Permit: Mechanlcal $: C;\odcv\rbrmir,ncr iB\birildinghcchoniLaljdrnri(_l 00 |09 {oo."o coh uqlr.l.(oltt | 'd t098'0N IVCINVH)]I/i HIU lllvii :0 | 600tr '9 'ir0 { .D,n /,t6 7.1 {.e {,4 V\ ul 3:e iE t +e Fr|' ]af,p F|. q" 1...,t P q) :N r F t tg F= * 0o.E tlr1 d t" ti,i Tnj ,^1t.62V15 da",i J Jo {{ .5L h J ;IJ -a 2 t 6fi- (8 g z "a .1 e 9 vd s s,4 $ V 4. 9 ITll 4 o. a, I It5 t & v & 't {)z fl, Y a4 qf,; t 3 3 a u 5 "e nt 1*s Gv tii g% lE _$ti I ?o P b2,. t c i#q Fl $, .^ 1, _[ u ?*(- .J c f; r) I !2 a .DT ..6 4 9 t) tt f '6/, l.r) szssEzEresl''ott ffi IloH utru rffio t' fiiiii oT*i bi;''n-''\ i doUr W g fr,v E (, 7 D ? fu 1 Ei I\Y*Il J Hig gefr P spp EitpP7I dv fr d F I b il f B { 2a @ ; .) U v'f1 g & + :J o ).I ed HUBI:trtr GEtsz 9A 'LcO | 'd ,098'0N a , { to l'-'tt{ rf,l F I F +rrE +$l& $ Vq c Jolt 6c ta" ur ii^ il,lt ; q a, #I { -!