HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONSHEAD FILING 6 LOT 2 VAIL RESORTS SKI SCHOOL TENT t ..� � � l � � � Allisor� Lassoe had nQt�ing further to add. . � � ��� _� , �����-�� �jC�- r:� �� Jeff Bow�n stated that the original approval for the wall height v ' for #he gar�ge to b� located in the frant sett�ack and that to tu n the garage inta a two- story structure was not the intent af the original approvai for the wall hsight variance. Bob Armour opposed GRFA being Iacated in the front setba�k. Bil1 Anderson agreed with Bob's comment. He asked the app��canf why h� desareci ta buii� a 24 fioat tall garage if no floor area �vas allowed. Dan Frederick felt tha# th� 24 foot tall garage was a taetter dssign than what the F'�C had pr�viously approved. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the request for a setback variance t� aIIQw for GRFA t� be located in the front setback with �alton Williams secondin� the motion. A 6-�7 vate denied the applicanYs request. Anriy Knudtsen stated that he would discuss the situation vuith Tom Moarhead to d'etermine which board (PEC/DRB) has �urview over which sections of t�e Zoning Code. 4. A request for an update on the canditianaE use permil approval for the tent to be used for the Vail Ass�cia#es ski schoal ta be locatec� south of the Lionshead Center 8uilding/Tract A, Vail Lianshead 3rd Fiii�g. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vaaa Associates Planner: Andy Kr�udtsen Andy Knudtssn presented rnodified drawings of the pr�pose� tent to be located at the Vail Associa#es ski school located so�th ot #he Lionshead Center. He stated that the DAB had a��roved th� tent with #he conditian that #he exterior tent have a "woadsy, western-like" appearance. The PEG was not �oncemed with the proposed location of the tent. Jack Hunn explained the tiifferences betw�en the currentfy prQ�ased tent and th� ient approved by the PEC. Bill Anderson inquired how Vail Associates pro�ased to achieve ihe "woodsy" concept tf�e dRB had requested. ,�ack Hc�nn stated that this would be accornplish�d via a series of a�plied logs oer th� exterior. Kathy Langenwalter �oin�ed aut th�t the c�rrent tent was nQt what tY�e PEC hatf recently appraved. P1anning and En�ironmental Commfssion Minutes October 10,1994 � � �� !� i Jack Hunn stated that since the DRB had requested that the PEC review w�ndow modifications to the tent as a cond�tion of approval that he felt that it was a good opportunity fQr the P�C ta look at the currently proposed design o# the tent. Bill Andersor� did not have any �oneerns about the proposed p�astic windows. Bob Armo�ur and Jeff Bowen did no# have any issues with fhe proposed plastic windaws. AlGison Lassae stated that she was abstaining from thds iterr�. Dalton Wil�iams was concerned that the woodera exterior wQUld give the appearance of � m�re permanent structure. He statet� that he was not in favor af the proposecf p�astic windows. Kathy Langenwalter summarized that the PE� would like to see the logs eliminat�� fram the gabfe ends and that the PEC cfid not have a western theme in mir�ci wt�en they approved the original tent. She stated that she would prefer f�ags as opposed to additianal railings for t�e tent. Jeff Bowen made a rr�otion to approve the proposec! tent modifications, that the proposed log treatments r�ot: be required, fhat the poles be ro�nd rather than square, that railings not be required and that the windcsws �viihin the gables not be allow�d. Bill Anderson se�anded the motion and a 5-0-1 vote approved this request with Allisar� Lassoe abstaining. 5. A request #or an update for a major amendtnent ta the Glen Lyon SDD ta allouv for a revision t� the master plan to allow for th� expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at �QQO 5outh Frantage Raad WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDQ. Applicant: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates af Chicago, represented by Pierce, Seger�erg and Associates F'lanner. Andy Knudtsen '�ABL�D TD OCT�BER 24, 1994 Jeff Bawen made a motion to tabfe this item to the October 24, 1994 with Bill Anderson secanding t�� motion. A 6-0 vate tabled this request to the October 24, 1994 P�C meeting. 6. A request f�r front and side s�tback v�riances t� �Ilow far a nerr� residence to be located af 1788 Alpine Drive/L.ot �3, Vail VE��age West �st Filing. Applicant: Thomas 1'heys Planner: Jim Curnutte T�B�ED INDEFINIfiE�Y Jeff B4wen made a motion ta table this item indetinitely with Bob Armaur seconding this item. A 6-4 vote tabled this item indefini#�ly. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 16,i 99a � I I , � , - . • '� �� �` ��� Kathy Langenwaiter was most concerned with the site planning for this project. She felt that an ap�roach that would fil� in the existing side ot the wes# buifcfing would have #he leasi impact on the Frontage Road, the lnterstate, etc. She felt a cfifferent approach wa� neecied for this site and statecf that this was what the SDD crite�ia was about. She said that sh� wou�d like to see a plan tFrat was more sens�five to fhe site. [�afton 1Nilliams agrsed with Kathy's comments. He said that shauCd the applicant proceed with t#�e current proposal, tha# the two phases be reversed s� that the parking structure vuas buift first. Bill Anderson s#ated that it appeared that the current proposal was des�gned around the current building and that possibly a demolition of the existing building should be consid�recf. Ker� O'Brien stated that they had previously approached the staff with a plan that called for utilizing the space at the west end of t�e site but that the Town staff felt that there was too much site disturbance with thaf plan. Andy Knudtsen stats�f that the scale of that project was much la�ger. �Gen O'Brien stated that he cauld bring this sc�nario t� the next PEC worksession so ihat the PEC could review it and cornpare the two proposals. It was agreed that #he applicant would retum for a discussion at the ne�t PE� hearing, ih�t a site visit was not needed, but when the following hearing was scheduled, the applicant would stake the site. � 3. A r�quest for a conditianal use permit ta allovu for a tent to be used for the VaiC Associates ski school to be located south of the i.ianshead Center BuildinglTrac# A, Vail Lionshead 3rcf Filing. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing t�ail Associates F'fanner: Andy Knudtsen TY�e PEC members elected to forega a formal s�af# presentation of this item. Kathy Langenwa[ter asked the applicant how electrical power would get to the tent. Tim Kehoe stated that their first choice uvould be to underground the lines. The s�cond choice would be to run a line from a different lacation that woui�f alsa be underground. Bob Armour inquired �rvhat the specific use of the t�nt was. Tim Keho� respdnded that the tent v�ould be us�d Sar children's sk[ schoo4 �ctivities. �lanning and Environmental Commission Meeting Mmutes Septamber 26, s994 4 �, _ � � Jeff Bo�ren made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use perrnit per the statf inemo with the condifion outlined on Page 4. Bi1� Anderson seconded the motion. Kathy Langenwalter skated that she would Cike the motion amended to refleet that if the site is used i� subsequent years that the recreation path be relocated. Jeff amended his motion and Bill arr�ended his second accordingly. A 6-0-1 vote approved this item, with Alliso� Lassae abstaining from this item. 4. A request far front and side setback variances to allovv for a new resid�nce to be located at 1788 Alpine Drive/�ot 11, Vail Village WESt 1 st Filing. Applicant: Thomas Theys Planner: Jim Curnutte T�BLED TO OCTOBER 10, �994 Jefif �owen made a motion to table this request fo the October 10, 1994 �PEC meeting with Bob Armour seconding this rnotion. A 6-� vc�te tabled this 9tem #o the October i0, 1994 PEC meeting. 5. A request for a worksession for a Special Development District a.nd a major CCIr exterior �lteration to allow for the redevelopment and expansion af the L'Ostello Lodge located �t '05 West Lior�shead Circle/Lot 1 , Block 2, Vail/�ior�shead 3rd �iling. Applicant: Alien, Inc./Johr� Dunn Planner: Ranc�y Stouder TABL�D TQ i�CToBER 10, 1�94 Jeffi Bowen made a motion to table this request to the C�ctober 10, 193� �'EC meeti�g with Bob Armour secanding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to the C�ctober 10, 1994 PEC meeting. 6. Apprave minutes from September 12, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff E�owen made a ma#fon to approve the minutes from the September 12, 199� PEC meeting with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. R 5-D-1 vote approved th� minutes for the September 12, 1994 PEC meeting wifh Kathy Langenwalter abstaining as she was absent from th� last PEC meeting. � 7. Update on Comr�unity Development Director selection process. Mike Mal6ica gave �n update af the Community Deveiopment Directar selection prac�ss to the P�C. 8. Reminder: Adlison Lassoe wii� b� the PEC r�presentativ� to dhe DRB from October through Decer�ber, 1994. Planning and E�vironmen[al Commissian ivleeting Mmutes September 26,i994 � � � ' �P'� ,. � �;; � �. � � � TOWN 4F �'AIL �' 75 Sauth Fror�ta�e Road Departr�rent of Com��iuniry Development VQiI, Colorado 81657 303-47g-2138/479-2139 FAX 30.3-479-2452 a�to��� 1�, 199� Mr. Jack Hunn, Director, Design and Construction I Vaif Assaciates, Inc. P.�. Box 7 Vail, CO 81fi57 RE: Ski School Tent at the Lionshead Base �ear Jack: On �ctober 11, 1994, the Town Counci! reviewed the decision af the Planning and Environmental Carrtmission (PEC) �.pprauing the Conditianal Use Permit far the $ki scho�! tent at th� base of Lianshead. The Town Council expressed conc�rn about the proposed tent. They vnderstand that the use is limited to one year anCy and highfy discaurage a second year in this location. If Vail Associates finds that the floor area is benefic�al to the ski school program, the Town eneourages you to fi�d a permanenf building to lacate the use in. We alsa encourag� you to incorparate this need into the programrrting far any redevelQpment plans for either L+anshead or Gold Peak. Thank you for your cooperation in working on lhis effort. Please �ive me a cali if you have any questions. Sincerely, � � � An�y Knudtsen ' Senior Planner l l�sin Review A►ction F�m I 9 TOW�I OF VAIL Category Number ��--� Date f' � �' �� �� 6 , 1, a `' �;_ Presject hlame: ��,� ,� ��.� �.��� �-. a�.� ��� �� . � u� � Building IVar�e: " Project Description: d�°. � ���� �+ 4� F ..� � �+'�� �° " � � s���' , � ��:r, I c` � � � `14 Owner, Address and Phone: >�-� ,_�f ` z �c j�i ��� �� �_ : :,.s �t:; P':� � i,> `—] }� _��� S �- � ;� Ar�hitectlContact, �ddr�ss and Phone: '�"' Legal Description: Ls�t ,��r Block - Subdivision�;', , t , , . .�-� �, � � Zone District ���-� ProjectStreetAddress: ,_.; � �� r ,� __ �ommerns: Board / Staff Actian Motion by: Vate: i Seconded by; ❑ Approval 1 y ��f'� �� � �,� � �-� t�� � ❑ Disappro�al � �f � � � [�Staff Appro�al � s � �Qnditions: ���:. � �` �' , �'� _ ' ' ���^ , �i,� �� � � I _ �7 `�r,�a � 1r .r- � � h �, � c , r1�' r� f�� � �' �` 1�:r'" �.; ��r��f c � ��8 c i� . e' .- �' `d xr � � � ,���-- � S.w a r- � p� h c. "r' /r 1 r i1 ! . C�,� � _ t:. . /'> � e i / f ,I � P-x �{° � � .� !i l� �f`� .� �� P l v'. .-s +.'�r.x�r i c-K... �s� .'r4 "4° ,:< :`��, L•l.' C iti,_s c7� � ,�_;_,_ ;� -'�-� '�i— �.p.(/�r� ei_ �C. 1(� y, �'3-"�.1 vi� ,f i� d�:r.y�� , P � �•r �`�'f ,� �r� aC s /F y+' . � p� . � 4�" '� i r �C�'I���R �.-y— �/f'-1 ,f. ✓�.,,I �. � r/ � . '� �f s-._. ��- ="c. . � �f �_� �_' . .i a � `f �,.� ! Ti own Planner Date: ' � .-. DRB �ee Pre-paid ',� _ _ I - - � � P�.ANNWG ANQ ENVIRONf1��ENTAL CUMMlSSI�N - - _ --� �ctober 10, 1994 �-�'Y� /�s� AG�NDA k..a-�..a v,� , � �,,,-T-�� Praiect OrientationlLun�h 12;15 �.m. Sit� Visits �, , �- 1��'' 1:Q0 p.m. ��"'`� Fr�d��ick .��°'=� 44 Willow Place Drivers: Andy and Jim Public Hearinq 2:OQ p.m. 1. A request for a conditiortal use to aliow fQr three empioyee housing �nits to be located at 44 Willow Piace/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Viliage 1 st FiBing. , Applicant: Jay Pet�rson � ,�<$`� � �/o-� ' � -�`-`' Pianner: Andy Knudfsen r�°l� � � � _,� �.. : �'��,e_.�� c,���((.;f:��. S ,���'�- �_, 2. A rec�uest f�ar a setback variance ta aEiow for GRFA ta be located in #he front setback far a proposed structure at 2$40 Basingdale �aulevardiLot 4, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. � (` -� 9 � � � ,-, �'{� l�ti c.� - �,,�� ��- l�w���. •ti� Appiicant: Daniel Frederick Planner: Andy Knudtsen �� � � � �/.- � (� -o � c� �<:t..,�' z�,� �..t.< r � 3. A req�+est for an update on the conditional use permit approval for the tent to be used for the Vaif Associates ski school to be 1QCated so�th of the L.ionshead Center Building!Trac# A, VaiE Lionshe�d 3rd F6Eing. ,p �,� �.�� , ,���� ��_�� Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associates ,� ,�- : ��� ���� P6an�er: Andy Knudtsen ��" 4. A request for an update for a major amendment to t�e Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a ' revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the �len Lyon f�ffice Building located at 1000 South Frontage Raad WesUArea D, GEen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Ca�umet �'ederal Savings and Laan Associates of Ghicago, represented by Pierce, Segerb�rg and Associates - - Planner: Andy Knudts�n TABLED Tt� O�TC3BER 24, 1994 , °�icf(�� �rv'�`" ' 7 �.t,,,,t��r- l� 5. A request for front and side setb�ck vari�nces to �Ifaw for a new residence to be loc�ted at 1788 Alpine Drive/Lot 11, Vail Village West 1 st Fifing. ' � � �5 �� A licant: Thomas The s � PP Y � �� Plann�r: J'rm Curnukt� TABLED INDEFINITELY �` � � -- - � 1 i � � � � �6. A request for a setback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence that would �xtend to within 4.7 feet af the prQperty line at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margarek Gross Planr�er: Randy Stouder VWITHDRAWN 7. A request for a workses�ion for a Special Development District and a major CCII exterior alterafion io allow ior the redevelopment anc� expansion of the L'Ostello Lodge located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, B1ock 2, Vail/LionshEad 3rd Filing. Applicar�t: Alien, Inc./John Dunn Plann�r: Randy Sto�der TABLED INaEFINITELY 8. App�ove �inutes frvm September 26, 1994 PEC meeting. 9. Gounci! Update: •�pen Space text amendments. i 0. Vail Cammflns Update. `� � r. ��'�' ,�J.',k.�,�.�,�,.� � � /�-�' %`��).� � �� � �� C� ��-�-����� �s %. � �e � ��s � �� � - �.,� �-�,�L �k � � . � �✓ � � � � � � �v c�y�,` � � .��.,.+ � . +-z V�`-C ��y 1 � `�� �� � � �� � � ��.,n_�_� . ✓ �� �`"` . � � -�.�'�. � � .�;,�,., � ' �, _,J� ti"` ��.-� � /L�� �, �f' � Q�"YU--� � �sign Review Action �m T�WN OF VA�L Category fVumber � - -- - Date Id/-���7� ��'��� �cvs-� ��; .S c ��-J� %-��` Project �larr�e: - Buiid�ng Name: ^ ' Project Descriptian: -�--r. t ���'� ��f'� � `.l� a �/ /� {!�, �'✓('�ft L — F�I �"w�I, �'K �>,�P 4 ��- �a�u� l��-c� ��1rtr�--� �c�P ��L�-! 1 Owner, Address and Phone: �� r� �S�-�� �-�-GL�.-4�� � ���-� � f� �S Architect/Contact, Addres� and Phona: A �' C t,iL Legal Description: Lot T Bdock � Subdivision �� , r L���� -� ` Zone District Project Street Address: � S%�� Comments: � * Board / Staff Action Motion by:��tr,n,�Q Vote: r� �l = Secanded by: �('�.��� � �Approval �3`� � ��� ❑ �isapproval p Staff Approval � �- . � "`.'4� CanditiQns: . � �'� �� ��'t�-�� �/ !tiz_, �-c�r�.�[..� Cs��.�-��a --�k .9tc-�:.�.-- � ( v � L [:J`ut yt'� � �i,'7� I� � c/ "���i ,�� c,[..a _ / � v`-� dl _ � --- ���.. .�� _ 7awn Pianner Date: f� DAB Fee Pre- aid �f� �� —� / f �� l�k... �+�•'J��Y[e�GZ'�� , � � M�MQRANDUM TO: Plan�ing and Environmental Commissi�n � .,,` � �° �� �� � FROM: Community E7evelopment Departrnent �[ � DAT�: September 26, 1994 � � � � � SUBJECT: A request for a conditianal use permit to allow for a temporary tent to b� used for the Vaif Associates ski school to be located south of the Lionst�ead Center BuildingfTract A, Vail Lionshead 3r�! Filing. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associaies �� � LQ� � � � Planner: Andy Knudtsen L DESCRIPT`IOh! QF THE PROP�3SED US� Vail Associates is propasing #o construct a temporary tent a� the base �f fh� Lionshead ski porlal to faci�itate ski schaol instruction. The tent will be made of white canvas supported by pine logs. I# will be similar in app$arance ta the structures at the Piney River Ranch. The sides of the tent v�+ill also be made of wfi�ite canvas and can be rolled up so tt�at the tent #unctions as an open {�avilion. The tent wilf be 18 feet tall at its highest paint. fi will be 4f3 feet long and 25 feet wide. There will be a woodert floor constructed in the interior of the kent, whieh wi1! be Ic�Cated apprpximately 2 feet above existing grade. It is iniendeci to be flush with th� level of th� snow on th� outside of the tent. Staff understanti� #hat tY�e tent will not be used at night and will not have any lights inside. The tent will not require guy wires ta s[�pport it. On August 22, �994, the Planning and EnvirQnmental Comrriission (PEC� reviewed a proposed "clam s�ell" structure for this site. Due to the co�cerns expressed about its architectural compatibility with �he Lionshead area, Vail Associa#es is no fonger pursuing that concept. Tt�� current proposal is more along the lines o# a traditionaf wesiern #ent structure. The Tawn is considering this tent s4ructure re�uest as a "recreation facility", which is listed as a conditional use under S�ctiQn 18.26.(340(Dj. Becauss it is a temporary b�ilding, it is nat . required to be reviewed under the CCII exter+or alteration criteria. Vail Asst�ciates understands that if the structure is appro�ed, it would have to be remaved immediately a#ter the ski seasc�n. Vail Associa#es and Tawn staff haye agreed that the ter�t rnust b� removed by April 22, 199a. For the 1��5-96 s�eason, it c�uld nc�t t�e repl�ced with�ut another conditianaf use review. �� " �-'��&'�. C` � �`� /�} 1 � �J a�? � ` � �e �cJt-� ' � �, -�o�-� , , � � �-� �-s�} � � �� �� �/� � = �'� -t-� -t--�- � � ` 1 II. COMMERCIA� CORE II ZONiNG CONSiDERATIONS Zoning: Commercial Core II Area: 1.645 acres or 71,656.2 sq.f1. Allowed Praposed �ieight: 45 feet 18 feet Setbacks: 1d'on all sides N: 22' S: 105' E: 8d' w: iao• Site Coverage: 70%or 5D,159 sq.ft. 1.4%ar 1,400 sq.ft. Landscaping: 209'a ar 14,331 sq.ft. 94.9%or 67,986 sq.f1. Paricing: Parking is not required 1ar temporary slruclures. III. CRITERIA AND FtNDINGS m n r mmends n r vi w of ction 16.60 the Communit Develo ment De art e t eco Upo e e Se , y p p appro�a! of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on de�elopment objectives of the Town. ' The development objectives of the 7own of Vai! can be found in the purpose section of the zone district as well as the zoning title of the Municipal Code. 7he purpose sectior� of the Commercial Core II zone district calls for a mixture of uses. Section i 6.02.020(D, 10}, the purpose section for the zoning title calls for the provision of recreational facilities. Staff believes that this recreational facility will continue to augment the ski school program in the L�onshead area. We believe that ski school facilities are an appropriate use to add to the mixture of uses at the Lionshead skier base. 2. The efifect of the use on light and air, distribution of popufation, transportation facilities, utiiities, sehools, parks and recreation - facil�ties, and other pubEic facilities needs. Staff believes that there wi11 not be any negative im�acts to the criteria referenced above. 3. Effect upon traffic w�th particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and con�enience, traffic flow and control, access, maneu�erability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. 2 • • Staff �elieves that there will be little impact on traffic ar related issues as th� proposed structur� may actually increase pedestrian traffic i� t�e area, but is not Iikely to g�nerata additianal vehicular trips in Lianshead. The Fire Deparkment has stipulated that the fent may only be used for one hundred ar�d eigFtty days, that the canvas must be fire retardant, an�i that the maximum occupant laad be sixty-seven persons. Vai! Associates has agreed to cornply wit�t these standards. 4. E#fect upon the Gharacter of the area in which the prapased use is to be lacated, incl�ding th�� scale and b�alk af th� propos�d �se in r�la#iorr t� surroundin� �ases. Staff believes that the proposed tent is consistent with the character af the �.i�nshead area. We beiieve ihat the materials, canvas and logs, add to the character of the structure. The fprm of the buiiding is eonsistent with a traditianal western tent. Staff believes that the proposal is reasonabie, given I t�at it will be limited to the 1994-1995 ski season. Staff believes that if Vail Associates finds that tk�e floor area is needed for th�ir ski schov9 operations thai Uail Associates propose a permanent stt'ucture in th� future. We believe that for a one-year trial basis, the proposed structure is ac�eptable. B. Findinas The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make #f�e followinq findinqs before grantinq a condiiional use �ermit: 1. T1�at the proposed locafion o# the +ase in accord with the purpases of the conditional use p�rmit section o# the zoning code and ihe purpases of the district in which t�e site is focated. 2. That the propased location of the use and the canditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimen#al to the publie health, safety, or welfare or materially injuriaus to proPerties or improvements in the vicin+ty. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable , provisions of the canditional use permit section of the zoning code. � IV. LfQNSHEAD l3ESIGN CONSlDER,47E�QNS This loca#ion is not identified in any of the Subarea Concepts. 3 - � � ` V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request with one condition. We believe that the proposal is consistent with the cri#eria as discussed above as we!# as the findings. Specificafly, staff believes that Finding 1 is me# in that the purpose of the facility is consistent with the Commercial Core II zone district. We beiieve that it is appropriate to accommodate guests with additional ski school services at #he Lionshead ski base. Concerning Finding 2, staff believes that it is met because there will be no impacts to public health, safety, and welf�re. Concerning Finding 3, staff finds that the provisions of the Zoning Code are met. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the request with the following condition: 1. Prior to April 22, 1995, Vail Associates will remove the structure from the site. Any proposal for the 1995-1996 season must be reviewed by the PEC as another conditional use permit. Staff strongly recommends that if Vail Associates f nds #hat #his €aci�ity is beneficial, that Vai1 Associates propose a permanent facility in this general location. c:lpeclmemosl�acla m.926 4 � ��* r u�� � - . r � • � � • � a i ��� � � �� � � � � a �� � � i r- 1�►.'�. - �- . ���►�� . 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Cc.�sc� � �w� ' Z�`W✓ � � S'�U w ��att � � ' � � ' ��� �-�`��` ��y ��t.. !� s Lar�dscapi�g: / Reviewed i�y: Dale: Commenis: • �e� k1'r, t2nt rP.ef,�re a Sta��ca�eq ����1� wo•y ? v� Shcw �cctv,�cr��� so . Fire Dept.: Revievved bY: D�te: � Comments: � .� . . . Distributed td ihe �ire Depa�tment, Pualic Works, ar�d Landsca,ping on ��/.� i � �t'1' C�t�w�.��10�r�'f41�5 �X�tY1��l N�� va�rllc.'.Y? . � � ..,�...,.�....��.,.�... F�elurri lo �/�� ��rc:Is,j/� Town Planner Et�T�r���T�EF�TI�L REVI�W PR�OJECT: lj✓��r..5�'��i�� ��r�,r:�x�T /�1�t�lr✓.�� C�ATE SUSMITI'ED: � �ATE o� �U�LiC H�_nr-iiNC; cor�r�tNTS Nc���� �,,r: BRIEF D�SCRIPTIQN OF� "��!-IE FfiGf'pSAL: . FIRE DEi'AR'CMEN�i' Reviewed by; . `TJ,�',�� ;f��c�' � Uate: � /; 7� . Comments: , . . �J��J��� ��/'F' /�E1�i. �iZC��� , / � �J ���ri:%C'�r �F�/C�i���J� ��,��>rc��— %v �'c�Fsr J.r;fj.l� S�i TF`��,�-o /�%f�•'.�'��,y i'`�'��r.r�ri+.o'�� � I—ti� �/i�'t4' �'�'�'l/'i/G�J.� . , %�r�/�•/�F/i�� T�.F!r���i�T !cC,Cl� ��c . �✓i� 6�Y N�lif��/ . ��s7 %���/rtl ��'d ,��!L� }�F7��c/�. � ����R/f1'/��:1 �'�-'-v� �v�%��i�'f�' ���iJ ��`� f'��i� v�C���i.�'i�� /�CG//:?Fll7f"�,�� �'�;✓��;FF� `�J/� C_��/' �j.l��/, �y`�5��,,;N �-.��— �r ����' �1� J-;�1��,� 1� �r�.K- � �i'�I'�.�/A�G'rt'i' �1(��fl f�'1.0 7- l��'/J� Sf�rl/G �u'�`- �� ( S�c�%/rd�rV�j� '�'y� � Jf�JIC�f��E'�/�✓� c�l`� �fc��%�� . �. � � _�<<�._ l/��%:J,�/ii`/.�'���� �1,�'i/�rt��� c�5 r.�,r��� J'� . . n�i..d t�rs�cz � � � TO: II/�(KE iVI�GEC GR�G HALL TODfl QPP�NHEIMER ' Return Eo Ar�dy Kr�udtsen Towr� Planner I�JT�ER-D'�PARTMENTf�L REVIEIN . PROJECT: ��° � -� <�t���� i ii� L-� �.�-�_,.� ._f'_j��"-� DAT� SUBMITTED: `- r, DATE OF PUBLIC HEARVNG ���'ts' �C?MMENTS NEEdED BY: �, BRIEF DESGf�IPTY0�3 C�F THE PROPOSAL: � �� � � �G� � . ,��� � �',�.�-�� � . � �-�.� �'-��._ ��- .�:.��� Engineerinq: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: . . Landsca�ing: Reviewed by: �ate: Comm�nis: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: D�te: Commenls: �istribuied io the �ire Depar#ment, Public Works, and Landscaping on �//.��5�. ,� i � �.. � � � �� ��P � � ,� T�w�v oF v��L ! 75 Soier.h Frontage Road Depart�►�ent of Co�nmuniry Det�elopmelzt Vail, Colorada 81657 , 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 I September 9, 19�4 '� Mr. fiim Kehoe I Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Bax 7 ' Vaif, GO 81658 Fax: 479-2054 . RE: The "clam she[f" at th� Lianshead Sk6 Bas� Dear Tim: ! would like to help clarify the review tir�es for any proposal to be constructed at the Lionshead Ski Base. In prder to make presentation at tC�e Septembef 26, �994 Plannirtg and Environrt�entai Commission (PEC) meeting, please have plans s�bmitted to aur o#fice no later than Mor�day, September 12, 1994. This will allow us a minimal amount of time ta route ihe plans through the Fire Department and Publ�c Works Department for their cammer�ts. It will als� allow the Community DeveCopment st�ff to develop a position �n the praposal. If ycu have �ny specific questions about temporary structures, permaner�t str�czures, the Design Review Board (DRB} process, or the exterior alteratiQn process, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your cooperation. Sjneerely, �� � �� And "Kn�dt�en . Y Seniar Planner � ` 1 � � � Q 'y tq � , ! � Ci � � � � � � 4. Approve mir�utes from August 8, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 8, 1994 PEC meeting with Bill Anderson secanding the motian. A 3-fl-1 vot� approved the minutes from the August 8, 1994 PEG rne�ting with Kaihy Langenwafier �bstaining as she �as nok present at the August 8th P�C meeting. 5. Daiton Williams updated the PEC on #he roundaboui proposal for the four-way stop. It shouid be noted that Aflisan Lassae arrived at 2:00 p.m. for the meeting. 6. A request fior a conditional use permFt t� allaut+ �or a Type I! err�ployee housing unit located at �26 Forest Raad/Lot 5, �lock 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner: Jim CurnuttelGec�rge Rukher � George Ruther made a preser�tation per the staf# memo. He stated that �tafif �nras recommending apprc�val of this request with the #wo conditians outlined on Page 6 of the staff inema. �ill Reslock, the architect far this project, stated that he did not �ave any additia�al comments but that he vt+as cor�eerned about staf�'s requesk regarding the cpmrnon sewer. Kathy Langenwalter state� the common sewer was a Public Works iss�ue. Je�f Bower� made a motion tb approve tt�� request for a conditianal use permit to allow for a Ty�e II employee housing unit per the staff m�mo ancluding the two conditions on page 6 Qf the staff inemo. Dalton 1/UFlliarns seconded the motion ancf a 6-0 vote apprpved this request. 7. A request far a cor�ditional us� permit to allow far a tent to be use� tor the 1lail pssociat�s ski school to be located south af the Lionshead Center BuildingfTract A, �fail Lionshead 3rd Filing. App4fcant: Joe Macy, representir�g Vail Associates , PEac�r�er: Andy Knudtsen/George Ruther George R�ther mad� a presentation per the staff inemo. He stated that sta�f had an additional concern regarding this request cancerning the parkir�g requirement. George revie�red the criteria for a conditional use permit with the PEC and stated that staff �eels that the c�aracter of the Liorrshead area would be negatively impacted by the �roposed tent. He stated that staff was recommending denial of this request due to its lack of compat+bility v�rit#� its surraundings. He added that shoufd t�e PEC choose ta approve this item, that staff was recommending two co�ditions outlined on Page 4 of #he sta#f inema. Planning and Emi�onmental Commission Meeting Mmutes August 22, 7994 r� . � . � i • Jack Hunn, rEpresenting Vail Associates (VA), stated that VA felt that the prapased teni was appropriate for the uses they en�isioned for it. He sta#ed that Susie Tjossem, ski school director, wau4d explain how the tent would enab9e Vail Associates to i a�agment t�heir training procedures. He added t�at the proposed tent would blend in we�l with the existing building. Jack said thai they would be able to add trees ta this focatior�. � I Susie Tjossem stated ihat video and the us� of biof��dback has became one ofi the new technalogies which Vail Associates is trying to incorporate into their ski schc�ol, Jack Hunn and Kurt Segerberg �resented t�e PEC witfi� a mode! and explained haw i the praposed tent would function. Kurt Segerberg stated that they had looked at several permanent-type structures and , stated that the proposed °clam sh�ll" was comparatively low profiie. Greg Amsder� inquired whether th�re rr+rould be a floor in the tent. Jack Hunn stated that there wQUld be a flaar and they �vould like the floor to be 2 feet above the summer grade. Bill Anderson stated that he had a problem with the architecturaf design and espec�ally with this rnodel. He was aware that the �EC had approved fent-type structures in the past for temporary uses but fielt that more thought should be g+ven to the architectural eEements and how to blend this in with the rest of Lionshead. Greg Amsden stated that he fiait the tent appeared "ir�dustrial" and did nof fit with the �est oi Lionshead. Jeff Bowen stated that tt�e idea behind it w�s p4sitive. hle suggested that the tent should be more '"circus-like" and less industrial looking. Allison Lassoe agreed with Jeff's comments. Dalton Williams stated that he agreed vvith Bill's and Greg'� comments concerning the architecture. He believed that the proposed trees would not grow in the proposeci loc�.tipns. , Kathy Langenwalter had mixed feelings about any temporary structure. She f�lt the tent sho�ld be softer and less industrial in appearance. She acknowledged th� applicant's righ# ta locate a structure at the proposed location. .�ack Hunn stated that they had �een researchi�g diff�rent struc#ur�es for approximately six weeks and tf�at the "clam shell" st� far w�s the t�e$t solution regarding snaw load �nd flexibi'Ijty. Bill Anderson stated that kh� a�plicant had found a tent that was funetional but that it did not fit in with the resf of the Lionshead neigfi�borhood. He said that he w�uld still have a problem with the "clam sheil" regardless of v�hat co��r it was. Plannmg and Envi�onmental Gammission Meeting Minutes August 22, 1994 � . � � G�eg Amscfen stated that the applicanf needed to consicfer whether a tent was an ap�rapriate structure fior the functions whi�h Vai[ Assaciates had in mind. He felt ihat the ��C supported the a�plicants proposed use but a more suitable structure n�eded to be selecte�. Qalton Wiiliams supported the proposed use of the tent but stated that �e could not see how the tent could be Iocated s� that it woulti r�ot e�croach Qn the Magic Carpet or snowcat operations. George Ruther requesteci that the applicant explain t�e propose�i fnterior Eightir�g #or the requested tent. � Jack Hunn stated that the proposed tent would bs used during the daytime only and II that only exterior lighting was being proposed.a Kathy Langenwalier asked the applicant whether he wanted the PEC ta vote on t�is item or ta table it so that the applicant could cont�nue to wor'k on the structur�. Jack Hunn stated that he wvuld like to tabfe this item and come back b�fore the PEC. Jeff Bowen made a motio� to table this item to the September 12, 19�4 PEC meeting. Bill A�►derson seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote tableci this item to the September 12, 1994 P�C rneet+ng. 8. Propased text amendrnents to Chapfer 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space D�strict and Chapter 18.36, Pubfic Use District, of the V�il Municipal Code ar�d the creation af Chapter 18,33, Outdoor Recreation f3istrict. � Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: �im Gurnutte and Russ Farrest ' Russ �orres# made a presentation per the staff inemo. H� stat�d that staff was praposing a two-stage process. The first stage was the appraval af the text amendmsnts to the Zoning Code. The secortd stage woulti i�valve siaf� review of the land uses throughout town and rezane parceEs accordingly. ' Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, stat�d that VA was concerned with the�� ' proposeci text amendm�nts specifically in regard to ttte Vista Bahn ar�a. He stated that this area needed adcf�tional ski base facilities. A �econd concern with the i propaseci text amendm�nts concerns the parcel �f land located adjacent to ihe Lodge at Vail. He statEd th�t �h�irlift 1 was Iocated in this area and that shauld the text amendm�nts pass, that VA wvauld not be able ta replace this chairlift. Jim L�mont said it w�s his understanciing th�t the text amendments woulei not affect ar�y specific piece of land and asksd staff ta clarify haw the rezvning pracess wauld work. Ru$s Farrest explained how the rezaning process would occur. Jim Lamont was conc�med abnut fhe pa#ential ta rezane parcels Qf land that already had estat�lished uses. Plannmg and Environmenlal Commission f�leeting Mmutes August 22.1994 4 I � � � � , ��illa , � t; �'. �.� , ' G: " i ,� �Vail Associates, Inc. ' � . � Gca�urs and C�rat.�n u(b;��k a�td BtaR�cr Crvek�Rcv�ru. ll�C�:.�.�l��lll�)lCS f'osC O1fi�r 6ox 7 �Vail,Culoradu 81658 C�nc�o�ninium Association for Lionshead Ce�titcr 520 West Lionshead Mall Vail, CO 81559 Vail Associates, Inc, �'�A±�� � Crca�un:uiJ(�xr.itnn rd V.ul:iri.P Rc.rvcr CrcckA Rc!.�rts IO(}? .,� Post Officc[3�ti�7•Vail,Colura�lo 8]658 �)�1'I11��iC5 C� Tawi� of Vail 75 Souti� Frontage RoacJ Vail, CO 81657 ` ••.•°.• • �uuvr,.aa4G.7� 11l1.. � Cmntntc;ind Oprr,nnr�n!l?�d:�nJ Ikavcr Ctcck� e P��st Qllicc IIux 7 •Uail,Cul�iradn S1fi58't[s ryc�aOlympics� V�1�� ASSOC1�lC5, jI1C, I'.O. I30X 7 Vai1. CO S[C57 � /�� �-�' j Y}!� � ��� �a �k �o�� , ���``� � � �� � l� �� Vail Associat�s, Inc. � Cmutarw:md Operarnrs nl l'a�� and[k:n•cr Creck'Rc.v�rts � li�,cr 011iic[3ux 7 •�lail,��I.vr.ic]u f3�65� � 1��2�)��'111�}ICS� Tree Tops Condo�ninium Association 1�3 Cast Mea<!ow Dri4�e, Suitc 397 Vail, CO S[Cr57 tlttention: Marbcl f3arnes `�' � ��4 -- : _ C�C�.�S �� 1 � ' � f � � � � J �- �� �- - c�� c�s ��-- �.�.�- Z I� " ' � � �w .- THIS ITEtiA MAY �FFEC7 YOU�i PRC}PERTY PUBLIC NOTIGE N�TI�E lS H�REBY GIVEN that the Plannin� and Environmenta! Commi�sion of the Town of Vail will ho�d a pubfic hearing �n accorda�nce with Sectian 18.66.06(3 of the Municipa! Cocfe of the Town af Vail on August 22, 1994, at 2:0(3 P.M. in the Tawn of Vail Munieipal Building. In consideration o#: 1. Proposed text amenciments to Chapter i 8.38, Greent�e�t and Naturat Open Space District and Ghapter 18.36, Public Us� �istrict, of #he Vail Municipal �ade a�d the creation of Chapter 18.33, aut�oor Recreation District. Applic�nt: Town of Vai! Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forr�st 2. A requesi for a workses�ion for a major amendment ta the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revisic�n to the master plan #o allow for the expansion of the �len Lyon Office Building located at 1000 Sau�h Frontage Road Wesk/Area D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration b�ilding 9acated at 1309 Uail Vaiiey Drive/Unplatted parc�l located north of the f-70 Right-Of-Way, north of Vaii Viliage, 8th Filing. AppEicant: Town of Vail, represented by �reg Hall Pla�►ner: Andy Knuc�tsen 4. A request for a setback variance to allow for a new residence at 5128 Gore �irclelL�t 4, Block 3, 8ighorn 5th Adcfition. App�icant: Ghislaine de Teron�rrne de Fernandezlrepresent�d �y Duane Piper Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5: A req�est for a conditional use permit to allovti+ for a tent to be used for the Vail " Associates ski school to be Iocat�d sauth of the LionsMead Center Building(Tract R, Vail Lior�sl�ead 3rd Fil�n�. Applicant: Joe Macy, representing Vail Ass�ciates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A req�est for a variance firam Se�tion 18.69.Q40 (Developmen# Restricted) o# the 11ai1 Municipal Cade t4 allow for the construction of a building dn slo�es greater than 40% for a si#e located at 4403 Bighorn Road/l.o# 3, 81ock 3, Bighvrn 3r� Addition. Applicant: Betty Luke, represen�ed by Mike Lauterbach Planner: Jim Curnutte � � ' ,. �. 7. A request for setback and site coverage variances and a major exteriar alteration in Commercial Core II (GCfI) for the Lifthouse Lodge, located at 555 East Lionshead � Circle, legally described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail �ionsh�at� ist �iling. Applicant: Robert T. and Diane J. �.azier P�anner: Jim Curnutte � 8. A request fvr a conditional use perrnit tv albw far a Type 19 employee housing unit � }ocated a# �26 Forest Raad/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. • i Applica�t: Rc�n Byrne - ------li ---------------- Plar�r�er: Jim Curautie_-------- -------- � 9. A ret�uest for height and densi�y variartces and a major CCII exierior afteration to the I L'Oskello buildir�g located at 705 Wesi Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rc! Filing. ii Ap{�licant; Alien, Inc./Jot�n Dunn Planr�er: Randy S#ouder �I � j � � THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPER�Y PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HER��Y GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Comrnission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing i� accordar�ee with Section f 8.66.060 of #he Municipal Gode of the Towr� of Vail on September 26, Z994, at 2:04 F'.M. in the Tnwn of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: i. A request for a worksession fo� a 5p�cial Develaprr�ent Districi and a major CC11 �xterior alteration to allaw for th� redevelopment and expansion of the L'Ostello l�odge locatect at 7�05 tNest Lionshead Circ{elLot f, Black 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, Inc.lJohn Dunn Planner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a varianc� ta allow for a wall in the front setback to exceed 3 feet lacated at: 2427 Garmisch Drive/Lot 13, Block H, Vail das Schone 1 sk Filing. Appiicant: T.J. Gonners Planner: Jirn Curnutte 3. A request for front and side settaack variances fo allow for a new r�sidence to be located at �788 Alpine Drivel�.ot 11, Vall Village West 1 st Filing. Applicant: Thornas Theys Planner: Jim �urnutte 4. A requ�st for a w�rksessic�n for a major amendment to the G�en Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to a!(ow for th� expansion of the Glen Lyon �ffice Building located at 100t? South Frontage Road WesUArea D, Glen Lyan SDD. Applican#: Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a conditional use perrnft tQ alEov� for � fent to be us�d for the Vai6 Assoeiates ski school to be located south of the Lior�shead Genter Building/Tract A, Vasi Lionshead 3rd Fifir��. . Appricar�t: Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy I�nudtsen � �, � � , ,s MEMORANDUM ;, TO: Plannin� and Environmentai Corr�missi�n r�� �,''.� l_�'` FROM: Community Devekapr�ent Department .._ � G� DATE: August 22, 19�4 �� / SUBJECT: • A request for a conditional use permit to ailow #or � tent ta be used far the Vail A�sociates ski school to be located south of the Lionshead Center BuildinglTract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Jve Macy, representir,g �'ail A�saciat�s Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRQROSED USE Vail Assvciates is proposing to canstruct a "clam shell" tent structure for the Childrer�'s �ki Scfiv�l Program. This wouict be a temporary shelter located immediately east of the Born �ree Express, befinreen the Lionshead Ski School IocatiQn and the MagQC Garpet lift. The "clam shell" is 45 feet Iong, 28 feet wid�, �nd 16 feet-1 incfi� tall. The term "�elam shell" is #he brand name of the tent structure that is proposed. It will be constructed out of an aluminurn frame with a white polymer covering. The purpose of the tent is to provid� additional space fnr #he ski school program. Vail Associafes has told the Town that they need the additional enclosed floor area to facilitate the skt schooi in Lionshead. The tent wil� have entrances arr the north ar�d south sides ta allow passage through it. The Town is considering this tent str�cture request a recreation facility, which is listed as a con � ional use under Section 18.26.0�40(D}. Because it is a temparary building, it is not required to be reviewed under the exterkor alteratian criteria. Vail Associates under�tand� tl�at if the s�ructure is appraved, it �ut�utd hav� ta be removed immediately after tF�e ski seasort. Staff believes that a May 1, 1995 deadline is appropriate. Next season, it could not t�e re�laced without another conditional use review. I!. COMMER�IAL CO�E II ZONING �Q1�SIDERATlflNS The 2oning Code does not provide a specific parking requirement for recr�ational facilities. Simitar to the analysis of the recent addition to the ski school, staff recommends that the applican� provide an ar�alysis shawing the increme�tal increase of customers tt�at are likely as a result of the tent. At this time, sta(fi has not asked far t�is analysis. If the Planning and Enviranmental Commission {PEC) decides k� approve the proposal, sta�f will v�ork with the applicant on the determination of the parking requirement and ret�rn ta the PEC to canfirm the appropriate amount. As the site is zoned CCII, the applicant will be required to pay into the parking fund for any floor area determ�ned to generate traffic. � • � � ti. , Zoning: Commerciai Core II Area �.645 acres Qr 71,656.2 sq. ft. --_—_ —_ —� —�:_--R vi�ed_._—�—_ Proposed Fieight: 45 leei 16 feet-1 inch Setbacks: 10'on all sides N: 60' S 40' E 120' W: 2i 0 Site Coverage: 70°/or 5D,159 sq, h. 1.8%or 1,264 sq. h. Landscaping 20°/or 14,331 sq. tt 94/o or 67,726 sq ft. Parking: As previausly discussed,the sile is zoned CCII, the applicant will be required to pay into ihe parking fund for any flovr area, determined by the PEC to generate traffic. IIL CRITERIA �1ND FINDINGS Upon reuiew of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recamrrrends d�nial af the canditional use permit based upan the follpwing factors: A.. Consider�tl�R-8���e#efS-:---- -- _^_—� � 1. Relationship an�i impac� of the us� an dev�lopment flbjectives of the Town. The development objectives of the Town of Vail can be found in the purpose section of the zone district as wefl as the zoning t�tle af the Municipal Code. The purpose section of the Commerciai Core li zone district calls far a mixture of uses. Section 18.02.020(D, 10), the purpo�e sectian for the zaning title ca�ls f�r the provision of recreational facili#ies. Staff believes that this recreartional facility will contir�ue to augment the ski schaol program in the Lianshead area. We believe that ski school facilities are an appropriate use to add to the mixture of uses at the Lionshead skier base. 2. The effect of the u�se t�n light and air, distrit�ut+c�n of �t�p�lati�n, transpartation facilities, utilities, sch�ools, par4cs and r�cr�ation facilities, and other public facifi�ies ne�ds. Staff believes that there will not be any negative impaCts to the crit�;ria referenced above. 2 , � � � ' � 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference t€� congest�c�n, automt�tive and pedestriar� safety and canvenienc�, traffiC flQw and contral, access, maneuverabiiity, ar�d removal of snaw #ram the street and parking areas, Staff b�lieves that tk�ere will be little irnpact on traf�ic or related issues as the proposed structure may actually increase pedestrian traffic in #he area, but is nat likeky to generate additional �ehic�la� trips in Li�nshead. 4. Effect upon the c�raraeter of th� area in wF�ich the proposed use is ta be loca#ed, including tF�e scale and b�lk c►# tt�e prc��osed use in relation tc� surrounding uses. Staff believes that the charact�r of t�c area would be negatively impacted by the prap�sed tent. We believe that the "clam sh�fit" is a f�rrn that is r�ot consisten# with the current architectural character in Lionshead. We belisve that it will b� a sh�rp c�ontrast to the buildings lacated to th� n�rth of this site, as well as the siream and the riParian c�rridor, It�c�ted t� the south of the site. We believe the ci�rr� shell reflects a r�ore industrial typs of structure. We understand the benefits of versatility and ease of construction; however, w� da nr�t believe #hat the prtrposed tent is of a quality th�t is �p�rppriate to L�� . lacat�d in this area. B. Findin s The Planning and Enviranmenta! Comr�issio� shall make the Foilawinq findint�s_before granting a conditional use �ermit: 1. That the proposed location of fhe use in aCCOrd with th� purposes of the conditional use permit sect�on of the zoning code and the purposes of the distri�t in which the 5ite i5 loc�ted. 2. �'hat the propnsed IoGatio� of the use and the �onditions under whie� it wauld be operated or maintained would not be detrime�atal to ihe �ublic health, safety, or welfare ar materia4ky injuriaus ta pro�erties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with �aGh of the applicable pravisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. LIO�JSHEAD �?ESIGN CON�1a�RATI!)NS This location is not id�ntified in any of the �ubarea Concepts. 3 I � � . , ' V. STA�FF REC�OMMENDATIpN ' Staff reeammends d�nial of ths conditiona! use request at this iocatiar�. Though it rneeks t?�ree of the eriteria, staff be9ieves that it does not meet the fourth criteria dealing with the effect upon the character of the surrounding area. If the PEC were to evaluate khe criteria differently and were to support the request. �ta�f would recommend that the PEC add two conditions of appraval. We believe the str�cture should be r�moved #rom the site no later than I�Ifay 1, 1995 ancf r�ot be allawed to be reeonstructed without anvther canditional use review by the PEC; and that the appffcant should provide a parking analysis and return ta the PEC to confirm the required number of parking spaces. c:lpec',memoslvaGam.B 22 � L�`�;h� ��� . _ ,��L.�� �, , -�ql�-�� � z-,�, ��,�,. '� � -�-�..�,.�..-�-L.�..�.,-� �1 _. � fl ��h��s ��N�( M�-�'�f, - ,.1.�.�--c,� � ��v� . .��..,�.��,�,�.�.`. ? � � - �.,-� �r�-�t-�.-+�.r._.,/ ..ca�n, . �-t,-r-...e�... �1�� �_--�--�7..�s.-; � �-�--� . rr . __ �w __����� 4.�. . f�-CL-�a—�-nl .rU ���,/..� ��� / / � yI�'`' _ � �".. -�. _ �.��wy,.,. ...v._oe..��n...a�w��....�. .�....,...._- . ..�".����.✓' � Y l � � � . 1 , 4 • �i ` ►_ � ���`?!�� �.t�{�,- „�„��,,, _�,,.,,�_.� .. __ __ --- � , - ���.i -� __-`r�#�---_" ! _ ---- ��1 P ..�_ � '�-�..� ''� ! �- 1 . --- -�--- �- .r. , , �...__��_�( :, � �- .. _.' � ' _=--�. :.�=�-------�-- . . � _� ,.� �----- . � . , `� ;� , l __ __�. --��^1T� ``.��._..�� —.-�,__ �.. �- � '-- _ - _ ._.r..____ ...___. . _.` � � • \ ' :SG.j, • i� _ .o `` � � 1�� ��� \ n,�. � � � '� � ` ,� ��. � �• , � ,, ��.� � �� p 1 � `,�� �- , �� . . �, , . . , . � ��- ,:, � ; �,, � � ;. ;. ,� , _-- � ; . � r-- �� �J== ��`0' � � i � �1 r' � ,�b �. � , ( . �G .. �'�,\0,. �.��r �� ' �� � , �- /�'`I'�11�I �.e I . ` � � . i � woe FIEVISI03V: J.r oH.�pid� Sheet: sea�B& U�� b�l•�D'T�= �.zl � �,.a,.h, L�`�-#�b "-t�+T� D,..,,; p,L �` � �e«�, P.c. n.�_n. n.<<:�•C4.`I�' — — — � ` � ,� � . `�� '�� � ` . �y � f J1 ( -- � '• 1 Y � n r � k __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ ,�� � �. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ � � c 0 G_ � � � m ' . t f� � -- � � m � X !� � t�n Z -� I�, I�i � � � � ' � r p� S t � REVISION: �.►�w.�pc��1i Sheet: �s�� �l�I l. 1��GIfi'7�h -,.z1.� A�wciRtea � {d{.,�j�[y�� (��f � '��' Dnrn: �j�.� �� bl l I��.�.V Ir�. Afc11�t!{Sf � P.C. A.I.A. L1.n:,,��,�4 ,-+; � � . . . `�,-- :. _ . � T�: M(�E McGEC Gf��G H�rLL ,�TOQD OP�E(�H�(MER � � � ' - � Return to Andy Knudtsen � � Town �lanner INTER-DEPA��ME�I�'AL REViEW :• PROJECT: �` � C �p 'l`I,rf.�, � c�c,. �� 'f .�.��- • DATC SUE3MITTED: 8" / DATE OF PUBLIC H�ARING 2 COMMENTS f�EEa�D BY:�/r7 ,., ,,.,,.. BF�IEF DC-SCrIPTION OF TM� PRC�P05AL: fY���y � t� 1 . �.c.Z,� � a£e t. � �t�..�_� (�y ���. �,�f 6 � r ��'' �. L/-,!-.dv-� J'� . . � . r � Er�gine�ering: Reviewed by: �er�` Date: �l�7�w`I Camments: � �10 r.arn«1 e,.nt5 • I . : I . � r i.andscaping: . Reviewed by: Date: . Comments: Fire D�pt.: . Reviewed by: p�k�: � Camments: � I�istributed ta the Fire Departmcnt, ('ublic Works, anti Landscapint� on ��/�� ,_,_� � . . � � � . � � .. . /f �- � . 7Q• MfKE NIeGEE ' G�EG HALL TODL QPPE�IHEIM�R ' Return to Andy_Knudtsen ,,,..,.---- Town Planncr f�TER-DEPARTEU1EhiTAL REVIEW :� PROJECT: �� [' �y:/��,-f „ � i�r,. ,�<r J -c.ti.0�- • DATE SUBMITT�p: 8' ! DATE 0�= PUBLIC HEARING 2 COMM�NTS NEEDED E3Y:��� , ,., E3RlE� DESC�I�'T10N OF THE PROPOSI�L: � J' �' 4 . � C'rl`�t�\r r i.� �C t � � ��� �.1__;r�! f� �`f�_, /w j�!'�� : ( ( ' �" � �1`.�Vr f . • t f . r � Enc�ineering: Revi�wed by: Date: Comments: : 1 �� . n L—, . �' � � " v � , .. � �� � � �` � _ . � � Landseaping: �� . 4 / � , Reviewed �y: D�te: ,��'�. �` , � . � Comments: ', �i� � - �� � � . �/� U"�- .`, V ` ` � . . " � � � d � s � ; � �� . .. � , o .�` � C2 � . Fire Dspt.; _ . �. , . �-� �-�� v�. . � Fieviewcd by: ����� D�tc: : . Comments: ,� /1/G�'`?j�L:��r�.���/�'�-r'"�r / d / �� � .. Z } �/'�y�c'�GCU y//i L.s vw !���j J I"/(� � �c5'�1 � l��°� I � l , �� ���,�,�,� ,s � �� �-�y� /, � �� ,9���-- - . ��J �r•✓�fieo ''"'°� �J/t°'1"� l`� � � ..�a`�s,��,� �/�C �2,Ylc� ,3 C . / �/ f�/Bin''` AJ ✓ i .� �� ��L� �v`���C • • � Distri�uted to ti�e Fire Depariment, �'ublic Works, and Landscaping on__ �,�/�,��r ,�_ . l ) �r_�sd.-�°�' �° �a{'�is' �°�'�obrz.�'� � 1� /..7���� /�¢ J� *',�r1r�,y�' /J��' � _� _�, ' p�- C./' � l - �G� i J�r nC ��a�„��`"�/ - �i � �� ����. " L � � PRODUCT FEATUR�S & BENEFITS FLEXIBILlTY Qnly three structuraf components - 4"�+" beam = 8$", "B" beam = 132" and arch curves} allow for d'sreci interchangeability. � The custprner n-►ay tailor the Clamshelter"� v+ridth, height and length ta specific site �r app�ication requirements. EASECSPEED QF Clamshetters with spans of up to 80 feet can b� i�stal�ed INSTALLATION at rates c�f 65 square feet per manhour using simple hand #0015. . � No cranes, scaffolding or heavy equipment is r�quired trr assist in Clamshelter installation resulting in a cost- effect3ve install�tion. All frame components weigh less than i 00 pounds allowing twQ mEn to lift any Clamshelter part. STRUCTURAL Designed to withstand 90 to 12U MPH windload and 10 INTEGRITY to 40 PSF snowioad (depending on buElding sizel. FRAME IVIATERIAL C�amshell Buildings, Inc. anodized aluminum {606i-T6} . frame is corrosion-resistant, long-lived (5�fl yearsl and aesthetically pleasing. When comparing 6C61 with c�ammonly used �C��3, 6061- T6 offers a 30% increase in yield strength and between 27°lo and 42% i�crease in other allowable structural properties. PRE-ENGINEERED The Ciamshelter is pre-engineered to accomrnadate � iOPTIi�NS af accessnry options. The extruded aluminum frame readily accor�modates an external weathershell as well as an internal insufative or blaek-out liner with its multip�e "tracks". T�e frame is extr�ded to accomodate electric�l cable or cond�it, lighting fixtures, haists and sprinkler systems without compromising or alterin� the aluminum frame. A range of door systems can readily be installed irt any side bay or flat end. Yhe Clamsh�elter is also furnished complete with a rai� gutter system. � � , � ! * CLAMSHELL DOC�R Provides c�ear span, full height access. AlEows free movement of equi�ment into and aut t�f the Clamshelter without the restric�ions posed vtiiith rpll-t�p ar sliding doar systerns. �/IINIMAL Clamshelter's anndized a4umin�m firames �ssur�s a Ir�n� life REPAlR/fV1AlNTE�I�NCE free frorn carrosion. Weather�hell panels �re r�paired/replaced indi�,i�dually �n. site. = Punctures resufting from careless heavy equipment aperators, for example, are repaired in place with � Clamshel! Buildings, Inc. provided repair kit. Replacement weathersh�ll panels are installed in or�e t�aur fr�m ground level. SH2PMENT The Clamshelter's interchangeable compon�nts afifnrr# Iflwer weight and volvm�: resulting in lower surface shipme�t casts, the ability to air ff�9�Ylt tc� remate eegions, �nd mi�imal space requirement for i�ventory. cbiw p 1mu Yc m�n�IT sr t u r�s.pr o � � ,,,,, F'�L E ���' Y ,� TaWN OF YAIL 75 South Fronrage Rnad Departrne��t of Conzmunrty Developr�ient G'ail, Caforado 81657 30.�-479-2138/479-21.�9 FAX 303-479-2452 August 9, 1994 Ms. Beth �evine #�ierce, Segerberg and Associates 100t? South Frontage Raad West Vail, CO 816�7 RE: Lionsh�aci Ski School Children's TeRt �ear Beih: -,. Thank yo� for your rnerr�orandum summarizing our meeting on Rugust 4, 1994. I think it is important to reiterate that the Town certainfy wants to �aoperate v�rit� Vail AssQCiaies irt providing � high quality skier experience 'rn our community. To that end, we want to suppart '�ail Associates' effor� to improve the GhiRd�er�"s Ski 5chac�l. However, we are concemed about the appeara�ce of the clam shell and 1 thought that this follow-up letter w€�uld help clarify inat concern. Please call me if you or your clients have any questions. Sincefely, � ��.� � � Andy F�nudtsen Senior Planner xc: Kirk Segerb�rg Jack Hur�n , I i I I � � Pierce , Segerberg & Assaciates • Architects • P. C . • A. I. A. !�4'��,� '� ���`'��r'� I I ' ° � , �� , � firIEMORANDUII� ` � �,ll� ti= . . _ � DATE: ,t�ugust 4, 1994 � . . ����t�'� ', �� r* TO: Jack Humu co��: vau � �a� FROM: Seth Levine . SYTB.TECT: Lionshead Children's Tent Meefing with Andy �udtsen at d�he �'own of Vail Andy and I met ttt�s morning to discuss the '"c�amshell" t�nt for �he Children's Ski Schflol in Lion�head. ,A.ndy's initial c�ncerns were the image of the struct�re and the fact t�at an ex�ansion of the �hildr�n's �ki Schoal �iatl jnst been apprc�ved. Our discussion then foeused Qn #he need far an outd�ar, heated gathering space to both e�ha�ce the skier experienee�nd help w�th skier safety and congestion in Lionshead. Andy said the Town is aware nf this need for the community and would be wi�ling to help Vail Associates. Andy thougl�# a year-�ong apprflval for a temporary s�rac��re �vould be appropriane to validate �he necessity of a structure in tf�at locatidn. Then perhaps a cnore permanent structure t�r a�prQVal could be a�btained. Andy's only o�h�r concern wa� if there would be any ather iterns arr�und the structure. cc: Kurt SegerberrglPSA Andy Knud#senlTOV Mai+t Ofjice,- 1000 5outh Fronta�e Road Wcst • Vai1, Colorado 81657 • 303147fi-4433 One Tabor Center • 120U Sev�ntecnth Stre�t, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorudo li0302 • 3Q316?3-335� � � . TO: MFKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD �PPENHEIMER , . Return to And Kncsdtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW . PROJECT: V� C Gt . jC�,I'�-�, � �.e..,��� `� -r_.-�,pL_ . DATE SUBMITTED: DATE O� PUBLIC HEARING 2 � COMMENTS NEEDED BY:��`7_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION QF THG pROP�SA�: � . . �-�'`i'�r.v��./ ,� �C,t_;�-� V d ��_d ��*�• s. r ���'� �k��?' S . z._� � � Engineering: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: . ' . , . � i �andscaping: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: . I .. ' Fire DQpt.: . Reviewed by: Date: Commenis: , � . . i � � . �. Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Wo�ks, and Landscaping an � I .. i . � � � �� - - - -=-_`� ��-�- � � -- --� --- - . .. `...�'--_. _.'"1�._._�-�' � � Pierce, Segerberg & AsSOCiat� s • Architects • P. C . • A. LA. � V ail Associat�s ;� J U� � 2 19�4 � Lianshead Childrens' Tent ,_;_ ����._ � �U1fVi4li�f�, U�;;IGiV t�� C�7PdSTR�.,CiiOid Vail Associates woul� like ta propose the addition of a new, temporary fa�eility to complernent the childrens' skiing program. This f acility would be ltycat�tl next to the Born Free Ex�r�ss Chair Lift. The facility wiTl be�tetnpora�y, simgle, attraci:ive tent structure. The Childrerrs' Tent wijl be �esed as � meetin� paint fQr the Childrens' Ski School, thus minirr�izing the present traf�c and eongestion in Lionshead. The size and bulk of the tent shall be of a smaller scale than the �orn Free ExprQSS and shall be white tc► bl�nd in with the r�vinter imag�. The ten� rvill be a wonderful gathering place for parents ar►d children alil�e. I I I Muin D_/fice: 1000 Souzh Frontage Roa� West • Vail, Colorado h1657 • 303/�76-�433 One Tabor Cen[�;r • IZ00 Seventeenth Strcet, Suite 51 � • Deover, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355 � � , _L�-H� �1 '����-+ ' ._._...., � . � .�_.�--,___-- , . � � �--- :� `` . E �,-���'`�`.-�l-h' � -___--�.---�; ��...�=�"�: . .��". ". . l/ ! I � ���-�� � __ �� p,� _, __.._ _._ : `~`_-----�-- . -- _ � .1 / � _��_,.._____._ �`"'�-�—_....�-_._ ,� .__� `....`�-•-�.__` _-.- � • : � , ,�2►�L � � � - ��,, , �'D I � _ _ � � ���� � . , _ Z , � � �� � � Z ������� . _ -. . , _ .. _ . , S .. _.. _ . . ..:_ _. , , �I �i!�-�ul�" ��� . ��___. . ;. ; � �� �J� i o��.. , �. ;� � � /� � \V I _" •', ! � ,� / ` / � � O � ��' /� ` i; \� 4� r' ,�� � ,. �0 r' � '� � �?��� � ,�� �.� 1 ,,.,� � . � o� �� ` �... � � ��.�,� _. , � �-..� � �� �.�� _._ . . _ . . �w,,J�y r� . w.. ...,... : - _ � `,'`-..� ��_�\ C� ' � ;'' �``� �` ,�`�'--�. � � I Pie�e �' itEVISION: ,�r x..�prvG�'p Sheer. � __ _. _.... . . _ , s�a�a� �.�� _ • �.z� q� A,,�.�, C , _ _ ���'rr �: �jt, �` � �� . , P.C. A.I,A. _ D.u:',.IL�•� ` _ . . 4 i � r �� � I ' � �..1� � �y � '...`a� „� �k'� , '` \•ti.. � ���`�'� '� �� �� � ' ' ��� , , � � �� ,;-~ I � � � � ; �� � ��- , �� � � - � � R � p � � I � m ti 3 , I �� � I � m � - � I � � -� � � � � , I i ��,��� I � . I i � � _ � Pieroe _ ! ' REVfSI�N: J��w.�i S�er. � L p►�� -,:z1•� �� �l�l. _ l��l ��.�- v I,-� � i �•� � n.�; �V, ,�,Z � �� U N�� 'fi�-�'T P.C. A.I.A. D`c"�'��'�� , 'y X,r -,` � � � r � , 1..��„n�'s� '.$' � �M r �A'��'� ° � Date of A 1 iCation July 25, 1994 ,��� . . pP E � -' �U� 2 5 tigg4 pate pf PEC Meeting August 22, 1994 ' CO�V�ir''�"V������ ONDIIIONAL USE PE k ��}V APPLICATi4N �OR C ���1��� +� �1� y-� .� � I. This procedure �s required for an,y project req�ire�"�o o���ir� � �itl�iial use permit. ��' ���� � ���•� The application will not be accepte� until a�l tinf• �ati� ���5 �, ,, A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Associates ADDRES5 PHONE 303-479-3Q12 B. NAME OF APPLIGANT' S REF�tESENTATIVE Pierce, Segerbera & Associates Architects, P.C. , A.I .A. ADDRESS 1000 S Frontaae Road West S�ai t_P �O(} F V� � 1 , rn �?1 ti 57 PHONE476-4433 � G. HAME OF 04�NER(5) (print or type; .�i� VATL ASSOCIATES,IP]C. ' OWNER(S) ' SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS P•�- Box 7 VAIL, CO 81658 PHON� 303-479-3012 D. LQCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGRI.� LOT 6LOCK F1L11�G ADDRESS Vail Lionshead lst Filing, Tract I� ��� 7��� E. F�E $20U PAID X CK �f� BYPierce, Seq�rberQ & Associa�es Architects, P .C . , A• T •A.• THE �E� MUST 8E PAI� B�FORE THE pEPARTME'NT 4F C�MMUNITY DEU�L4PME�1T WILL ACCEPT YOUR PRQP�SAL. F. A �ist of the nam�s of �wners of all property adjacent tcs the subjett property if�CLUDING PRC3PERTY $�HIND AND ACRUS� STRE�`T5, and the�r mai�ing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIB�E FQR �ORRECT �OWNERS AND CORRECT Aa�RE55E5. II. RR�-A'PPLICATI�N CfJNFEREfVCE: � A PRE-RPPLICRTiON CONFEREN�E WITH A PLANt�ING STAFF MEF46ER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERh1IN� IF ANY AD�ITIONAL iNFORMATION IS NEE�ED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED llN�ESS IT iS CQMPLET� (MUST INCLUDE ALt ITE�1S REQE�IRED B`l TNE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR}. IT IS THEAPP�.ICRNT' S RESPONSIBLITY 70 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT wITH �HE STAFF TO FIND OUS ABOUT ADDITI4I�AL SUBMITTAL �EQUIREMENTS. PLEASE N07E THAT A CO�IPLETE AP�LiCA7i�rr �1I�.L STRCfi,P4LIPd� TNE APP� '�AI QR(}f,ESS FOR YQUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMHER OF CO�UITI4N5 OF AP THAT THE PEC MAY S�IPULATE. ALL CQNDITIONS OF RPRROyI�L MUST BE �OMP , BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS I��D. `�l°$ �°'"��"^ ' �' �y ,`� '`. �a,;:e''�. �,� �� � ��� �� ��°� ��� , `�.�",' ��,ti ��' . ;;:� � ���� �ov��� . �� ;�•���� �� .. ..... _ � � • � • •;{:: :.:{<.i. ..:x.s•. ,;yv v.}.; 'Xsl- '':i:%r` ''ti' i.;r'F:. :>:'t1• .::�:x' ;:»:f.�:�a:i i;�.i:; ...�>:i. ';1:':' �ii::tk:a: •..:`�i_:..:.-: ,r y . . .:..:.::...:...:.. .::::;..... . .. ...:. .. „.... ,n�... �......�:... •.•:.t�5�., �>��� :. .•.�:x..- . ..$'•.!y .ti.v.� }}'.... •: ......}:?4i�.f•: •i^'� . .. • •'r..�:�..:'+:. .v�:w::{.:rij}';u i�.;♦ irij'.vr.'v, v.'y.;u%:'n . . 1 ^T` . H. ..�..... . :.w�:. ..,. � . . . . Y...v.1..V....3.".`.`.a.£:.`X'........`/'.. 41..... ....%,.:.^...:....v..•:.......v..........:>::.::•.:x:w...�v.:•:a?:.::•:,..:;::rr•r,#. ;.�".t. :;'•;'G: ,;:.:. . . .. .:., ..,.x::•�;,::.:..s:<:t�::�.., .,1,... . ..�°`...a.....�,......_.........r....4....<....,,.....<.........� ...>....�.........,......-..,.t........-......,t.........,4 .-....:.,..r...,...�,-, ..::. ....,....:.v::a;.,:E':i?i...+Z?4:;::ss:�kar:'o�r.r•::'•>..-.r.,ti.x.;...:�'�r,;:3�;:::....fi�::•;.::•;:^:��3:� y: TOWN OF VAIL RP.CE�T NO. � ��� ;>; ::�: r " ll$PAR'I'MENT ON COMMUNPI'Y llEVFlAPMFsNT i': 1VA11IF � ��� ^ ; {.r ADDR6.S5 „ DAT&�/�/ � :r �'' PR4IGCP � � `� ' r� r3; ; C}IECK3 MA�$PAYABLS TO 7�DWN OP VAII� v: fi: >'. .�.: ACLbl3NTN0. >I ' 7TEId r70. ' ' Tr#X COS'1'FJ►. <' ' TOTAL ' #;: �, •r: �c, {` Ol 00Q0 415A0 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 5.00 * ''� 7 (310000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 '' r$ '�: 010000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 * :�� ��'. 01000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 * ��` 010000 42415 UIVIFORM FIRE C�DE $�•�� " `� ` 010000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $3Q.t}0 * �''`' < Ol fl00a 42415 OTHER CODE B40KS * < 010000 41548 �LUE PRINTS MYI.ARS $7.40 * `: 010000 42412 XEROX COPIES $a•25 * ':�. 010000 42412 STUDIES '" ;;� �; Ol UOOQ 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PR�GRAM �S•� * �� :; pl U000 42371 PENALTY FEES/RE—INSPECTIONS �� � 010000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE—CHECK FEE $4Q PER HR. M�� '�: 410000 42332 �FF HOURS INSPEGTIOIY FEES �� i �: Q1 0000 41412 CONTRACFORS LICENSES FEES �; �� �;; pI 0400 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE ���•� � �� 010000 41413 AUDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE $1.00 PER SQ.FT. �' .� ��` .�; 010000 4244D VTC ART PROJECT DONATIUN :� �: 010000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE � ;� Ol QD00 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE BUILDING � :;< 310000 45110 TOV PARKING FUND �� , }� O1 QOQO 22Q27 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND - �� *O1 D00�21112 TAXABLE @ 4% STATE ' I ':'` *Ol 0000 4i010 TAXABLE 4°10 TOWN '> �`' Ql OOp4 42371 BU�LDING INVESTIGATION h` �, � OTHER � � �> 'PEC APPLICA'1'�ON FEES > $' 1 ADD TION G A "250" 2 .W x�: Ol 413 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT S20Q•00 �' ' �:: Ol OQ00 4 ' E7XTERIOR ALTERATION LESS THAN 1Qb SQ.FT. $200.OE} �� �� �> Ol 00U0�1330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION MORE T'HAN 1(K}SQ.FT. $SQ0.00 , r�; 010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELqPMF�TT DISTRICT NEW $1,SOO.QO 30 SP CIAL DEVELOPMEI�iT DISTRICT MAJOR AMEND Sl t)OO.QO �' ;: Ol U000 413 E ;; Ol Op00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MINOR AMEND �200.00 � �? OIOOd041330 SUBDIVISION ':` 010000 41330 VARIANCE $��•� '`' `�' Q10�(l 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS ' $250.00 '' ' Ol 000d 41330 RE—ZONING $2�•� '� OTHER �: .. OTHER ,a t� TOTAL: - � >:; �> "•COMMEN75: y: �' �Mi :�r �:; �; ?c; � �2 .F:; Y> �' 'x,. :;�: CAS131 ]CKte DATE: ! � REC.BY: E`> 4: '�".•.:..:.:.:. ..:.:..::..:v�:...:.v.:: •;.1..:.:.v.::n:..::.:.:.-v:.:n..::::: - .�... �....{ .v. ......_......:._.....n._......... ♦....{... ........n.....::i::..:�iC:�r::"i:•e:::.;i�J:�•::.::::�i:�: . •.i•.1•:ti•.v:i::•:�n•.i ::ft: � � Y � DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMETJT PIERCE, SEGEHBERG 8� ASSOC. �E \CHE❑ CNEGK IS !N PAYMENT OF 1TEM5 CESCRIBED BE �'F �` >�RECT PLE45E NOTIFV lJS PAOYIPTLY NO RECEIPT CESi ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.l.A. DELl1XE - FQRM WVC-3 V-2 DATE DESC RIPTION AMOUI'�6T 7/22/94 52�. 00 200 . OQ PEC Fee - Vail Associates' Tent Project 18446 . Q0 �-z \./ �={'-=;`--� ��a F �_�N I L '�i�=��i I�ne�,��_ C���f� _ � i�a€=���.c'? '- ----r�� �� --?��_�� ', .:F., fi ^�.'t�i ',, '.. , - _". ' .�.�.,r.__.. r,:_r..._F_.. ..—> ---.�_.�.�-—,.�=: _. �,�:_.,-�_,_•,r��_.��C'�TT I�_�hdGL i a;, . � ���7 �` _1_i�_t,!_iG_i -'� -. �-_;� eIf17�=�UF1L- �31t� _ c_. i - � -•-• . -� - _ , :�Vj 4�.`_i�_1 _ _. . G_i,L_iG_i �--�?�F'7 f'= if�f_��_f + r°rv T . -. ;=.�J'.:�r3'�!t' -�r.A�-�1 � i ,�:,.<:.>.�w....:.. . •::.:.Ya[:v'i:;.:;:{44?}l'.,5:.'C•yi:' .�.. �.. ...'. S S �j.}.\.. y TdWN O�'VAIL RL:GEIPTNO. ����/ DEPARTMI'iNT UF COMMI]N[TY I3EV�.QPMHNT `� NAME ��C� � � "! �1/-'� - ;r: ` }:: /�jJ,1 J / h ADARESS (/r/V � �� ��" ��' DATH�/ L-�� ! `;}` 1,�� ,�IG�� PROJEG;i' - C}Ii'.CKS MAT)G PAYA�3LE TO'I'OWN OF VAII. >;z ACCOUN7T NO. i1EM NO. TAX COSI'FA. 1'�TAL ''' :s.:: ::: O1 Q000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS �S.flO * <� 010000 42415 ' UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 550.00 * > O1 E?000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.b0 * - �:� 010000 4241� UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE ' S32•00 '` ; 010000�2�#15 UNIFORM FIRE CODE ' S36.IX1 * ;:; Ol OQ00 4241� NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.OQi* <: 0100004241� . OTHER CODE�OOKS * �= OI Ofl00 41548 BLUE PRINTS MYLARS I S7A� * :: O1 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES I �0.25 "' »� <:: ': Ol 000E}42412 STUDIES " - : Q1 OOOQ 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGR.AM ��•��* ': Ol Ofl00 42371 PENALTY FEES/RE-INSPECTIO�v'S `:� Ol Od(30 41332 � Pi..AN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE $40 PER HR. '' 010000 42332 �FF HOURS INSPECTION FEES ` : 010000 41412 CON7'RACTaRS LICENSES FEES :: Q1 0000 41413 � SIG N APPLICATI�N FEE 520.00� ; Ol 00fl0 41423 'ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE 51.00 PER SQ.FT. � F: O1 0000 424�0 !VTC ART PROJECT DONATION t: O10 �331 ,PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE � � ' O1 0000 1 INVES'TIGATION FEE BUILDI�*]G � - : 31 0000 45110 TOV PARKING FUND � O1 0000 22Q27 �TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND '' *010000 21112 TAXABLE @ 4% STATE ' "� *Ol 000Q410i0 TAXABLE c 4% TOVi�N ; O1 0000 4237I BUILDING Ii�TVESTJGATION "� OTHER �< PEC APPLICATION FEES �: 01 Q000 41330 �A DITIONAL GRFA "250° � 2��•� ��� :: Ol Q000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT �ZOO.aa < 010000 41330' EXTERIOR AL"['ERATION LESS THAN 100 SQ.F1'. �200.00 ::: 01 0000 41330 EXTERI()R ALTERATION �MORE THAN 1�0 SQ_�FI'� �500.00 >� 010000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMF�T DISTRICT NEW 51,5�0•00 '': �:: O1 (3000 41330 �SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (MAJOR AM�ND I $1,OOO.QO '; 01000041330 �SPECIALDEVELOPM'ENTDISTRICT MINOR AMEND �200.00� :': O10[)0041330 SUBDIVTSION : O1 dOpO 41330 VARIANCE $250.d0 >� 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS 5250•00 ;; O1{]QQO 4133Q RE - ZONING �20�•� OTHER '`' OTHER 'k TOTAL: �;�E COMMENTS: � � I:: CASH r �c�.#� ' � DATE:LF-=!� REC.�Y: #: \ DETAGH AND RETAIN TH15 STATEMENT PIERCE. SEGERBERG & ASSOC. ,"`� `-�'EO cHECK is ir� vnrr.�er�T eF i�EM1+s oesccxiaeo E__� Rc�EGT PL6ASE NOTIFY VS PROMPtL�'- H� pECEIPT -' ARCHITECTS. P C., A.I.A. �ELUXE - FORM WVC-3 V-2 DATE DESCRIPTIOIV AMOUNT �/2z/�4 52�. ao �oa. aa DRB Fee - Vail Associates ' Tent Froject 18046. �0 ' �-� � � - -- -, �__ _,__�._,_�_�______._______ f I 4 E � , I � � � b � � ' � � � � �G 3 � � c � ; I � .� � v �� � I � :; � � I a+ y � �� � � � I � ; E � I . � � � I � i � � � � -'�. � I � � ,, __�._.___.��——-_..._._.-�-———_.._�_.._— � vr , '.o - -f'_��-a ��F !_�1=a S L 7 .�. � � ; i � ti ` � I I ` � r, ,,, . �.��`-_F'�.i-3�����_�= i�•�h � � - � f t + . _� � � � : _...._.._._------_.__._�._�—�a�-F-���=a�.i—..._ � � , o , �t � a ' - _. __ � : ._ . .__ � � «ti ti � < _ .�'_.�., ry� ' 1--1 M.+ �1 ��� �'• �- --- --- �_�: �,�r�°r. rt�EF'FtT€�� [�F'E� ° � �° _,..��'c� . :'Fi4_d,t�14� � � t`` ? � W I � i J i � � _T-e-:, �3.���� �r;�-���nt p�i� ! G 4 � - ---- _ _ +_� � g� �.. _ ' ��;, t�t�j � �•, ; y � r � _ i i L�1, 1•ii�i 7 '� � &- I � � � � i i _ :6_�s-�F=_ `-,-=r�� r I 6" i I ` o I i `��; � I ;, ,� � Y � - ..,. r-.i��i � C� -.. � j --��..�....._—��__.—�..�..�..r------- j � � � � 1 , I I ! ' i i � � � . �revised 9/4/91 � DRB APPLICATIaI+� - TOW� OF VATL, Ct�LORADO , DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : July 25 , 1994 DATE OF DRB MEETING : AuQUSt 17, 1994 ********** � THIS APPLIGATI4N TnT�LL Nf7T B� ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED �NFORMA�`ION IS SUSMITTED . ����r��*��* . I . PROJECT INr�R�`,ATIQN : ' �_ \�� : `; � A. DESCRIPTION • Vail A.ssociates - Lionshead Ch��7.rens "1�E t � �. .,i, � �� t �' '�� � � i-�,�, � • B . TYPE OF REVIEW: P y.C� X New Constr�ction ($200 . 00) Minor A�te r�fion ($20 . 00) Addition ($5� . 00) Conceptual Review ($0) C . ADDRESS : Vail Lionshead lst Filina Tract D �J . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision Vail Lionshead lst Filing, Tract D If property is described by � meets and baunds legal I description, please provide on a sepa�ate sheet and � attach to this applica�ion . E . ZONING: Commercial f'ore II F . LQT AR�A: zf r�quired, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area , G . tvAM� OF' APPLICANT : �ail Associates Mailing Address : Phone PIERCE, SEGEP.BEP.G & ASSC)CIATES H . NAME OF APPLICANT' S REFRESENTATIVE ; �RCEITECZ'S , P.C. , A. I .A. Mailing Address :.1000 S . Frontage R.oad T�lest 300 Vail , CO �1657 Phone 476-4433 z , r��.r�r� aF aww��s ; vAZ� �ssoc��TES, z�vc. � *S T GNATURE (S) : �/" Mailing Address : _ vArr., c��g,L��R Phone 30�-479-3f�12 J. Condominium Approval if applicable . K . DRB FEE : DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application . Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Va ' will adjust the fe� according �o the table belo to ensur.e �he correct fee is paid . �, �J� �� FEE PAID: 200 . �d l� FEE SCHEI�i1LE : , � �� �� �lALUAT'I ON FFE S J - $ i0, OOQ �G . °�G S 10, 0�'� �- $ 50, 000 v' :�C . u0 s �o, o��. - ; ��o, oaa ,�roo . or �15.�, 0��� Y 5GO/ GJJ �2('C . OU S54Q; rr�l -- S1, 00�, OCC $4u0 . OQ S O��er $1, 000, t��)0 5500 . 00 * �E�SGN kE'�T��W BO�,.fd.D AP�'ROV�sL E�pI�ES OI3� YE.F�R AFT�1? F'IN.AIa �,�pROVA� �T2�7LESS A► �UILDI�G PERMIT �S ISSUED AND CQNS��tUCTI4N IS S'I`�'.,R��D. �*1,r0 s�;.PPL7l'�.^�'�Z�N �lI,J. H'� PRQCESS�D WYT'HO��°E Q��7Nc,R' S SIGNA'�U:.�.� 1 � _ �-��, ' LI'1'Y LOC.ATION VERTFICATI ' S U B D I V I S I ON �A� l� L 1 o r � !f G�� � I�i� F l�� � ►�t-� ��-�Z' i� JDB NAME t►t+�� s t-tT tr� � r-� � ��rZ.� rc� � A 1! I �-t C�1�l _ LOT BL�CK F'ILING TY�+�-� �i �` , AD D RE S S �, �- , ���=�T 13t F' �r+��►� �J L��w�'-fi� T� �1 rn ��r�c. l/`� � � '�'�-�°�`A� �' �r�` The location and availability of utilities, whether they be m�in trunk lines or propased lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accampanying site plan . Authorized 5iqnature Date U . S . West Communications 1-800--922-1987 _ � `� � /L 466 fi860 or 949 9530 �� � / �`� Pt�blic Service Company 949-57$1 � � � � / � Gary Hall �� Haly Cross E�.ectric Assoc . ` �, / 999-5892 / �/��� � �� Ted Husky/Michael Laverty � Heritaqe Cablevi�ion T .V. 949-553U �w ��.�/ Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle valley water & Sanitatipn pistrict * 476-7480 -7 F'red Haslee �� / �'Z�'-9� NC�I'E : 1 . This form is to verify service availability and location . This should be used in conjunction with greparing a utility plan and scheduling installations . 2 . For any new constrvction proposal, the applicant must pravide a completed utility verification form. 3 . If a utility company has cancerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative � shauld note directly on the utility verification form tha� there is a problem which needs to be resolved . If the issue is relatively complicated, it shauld be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail . However, please keep in mind tha� it is the responsibility af the utility company and awner to resolve identified problems . 4 . If the utility v�rification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and na comments are made directly on the form, the 'Fawn will presume that there ar2 no problems and that the development can proceed. 5 . T�ese verificatior�s do not reli2vc the contractar of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public U,orks and to obta�r. uti�location� befc�:e ,s d; �qinq in any �ubl�_c r� ght-of-way or eas�-mert in t�;e T�wi� of Vaii �: b::ildina p�rrr�it is ._:ot a sLreet cut pezr�it . A GtrPet. r.ut �;ermit must ��e obtain�:r� separately . * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevaticns whea� obtaining Upz�er �;agle Valley Wa�er & Sanitation signa;.ures . Fire flow ne�:is rr�s;. .�e add��ss�d . 9 7 o- �. � � , " . '. �LIST OF MATERIALS � J � I ' NAME OF PROJECT : �ail Associates - Lionshead Childrens Tent LEGAL DESCRIFTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION ' STREET ADDRESS : Vail Lionshead 3rd Filino�, Tract A _ _ _ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Vail Associates - Lionshead Childxens' Tent i The following information is required for submittal to the Design � R�view Board before a final approval can be given : A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOft � Roof Nigh strength PVC fabric White Siding H�.gh strength PVC fabric L+Thite � Other Wall Materials �Structure is light-weiqht _ aluminum Fascia Soffits , Windows ' Window Trim Doors i Daor Trim Hand or Deek Rails i Flues Flashings � Chimneys � Trash Enclosur�.s Greenhouses i Other B. LAI�DSCAPING : Name of Designer: None � Phone : PLANT MATERIALS : Botanical Name Common Name Q,uantity Size* ' FROPOSED TFiEES �� - .�— � EXISTING TREES TO � BE REMOVED � _.__.__�— ' *Indicate caZiper for deciduous trees . Minimum ca].i er for � deciduoUS trees is 2 inches . Indieate height for eoniferous trees . Minimum heictht for coniferoUS trees is 6 feet . I 7 I �. `� PLANT MATERIAI� Botanical Name Common e Quantitv 5iz�* , — - PROP05ED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs . Minimum size of shrt�bs is 5 aaZZon . Tvpe, 5cxuare_ Foataqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TXP� OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C . LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: T� exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate �ighting plan . Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. None D . OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc . ) Please specify . Indicate heights of retaining walls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet . None 8 - . � � ZaN� CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/� Z�NE DISTRICTS DATE : Ju�y 25, 1994 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; I.ot Block Filing ADDRESS : Lionshead 3rd FiZina, T,�act A OWNER Vail Associates PHONE 479-3143 PIERCE, 5EGERBERG & ASSOCTATES ARCH�TECT ARCNI ECT P PHONE 476-4433 20NE DISTRICT AqricuTtural and C?�?en 5�ace PROPQSED USE Temporary Tent **LOT SIZE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total Height (30) (33) 16 ' -I" Total GRFA 1 , 26p 1 ,260 Primary GRFA + 425 = Secondary GRFA � + 425 = Setbacks Frant 26` Sides 15' / Rear 15' Water Course Setback {30) �50} Site Coverage 1,260 Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6' Parkirig Reqrd Garage Credit (300} (600? (900} (1200) Drive: Permitted Slope 8� ACtual Slope Date approvea by Town Engineer: _ View Corridar Encroachment : Yes� No ??? � Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood Plain 2} Percent Slope 3? Geologic Hazards a) Snaw Avalanch� b} Rockfall c) D�bris Flow 4} Wet�ands Previous conditions of approval (check property fi�e) : Does this reguest involve a 250 Addition? r10 How mvch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note : Under S�ctions �8 . Z2 . 090 (B) and Z8 . Z3 . 080 (S) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not construct a second dwel2ing unit . �'he Community Development Departm�nt may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under ' Sectians ].8 . 12 . 090 (B) and �8 . 13. 080 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time �mployees of the Upper Eagle valley. 10 � _ - .