HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY LOCATIONS FOR ATT INTERNET SERVICETOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 97 0 -479 -2t38 APPLICAMT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Electsrical--- > DRB gee Inve6Eigation> will call----> TOTAIJ FEEg- - - > ELECTRICAL PERMIT \totoo.}Ob AddrCSS: -}650 SIJNBiIRST DR LOCALION. . ., IWT SI]NBURST DRParcel No. . : 2101-091-04-O4AProject No. : PRJo0-0070 RTVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2TO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGI,EWOOD, CO RIVIERA EI,ECTRIC, INC. 2TO7 W- COI,I,EGE AVENUE, ENGTEWOOD, CO DOWDI.,E STEPHEN F & NANCY B PermiE #: E00-0034 SLaLus. -.: ISSUED (RIGITT OApplied. . : o4/Lt/2ooo Issued. . . : E>cpires. . : Phone: 97Q-949-6095 I011-0 Phone: 970-949-6095 80r_10 'r'h.r-^-\ 'l-,Lgs DEPARTIIETiIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POST"ED ON 'JOBSITE AT AII-, TIMES 130 WATTEN ESTATE RD, REPUBLIC OF STNGAPORE 287600 DescripEion: WIR.ING FOR INTERNET SERVICE (AT-I)Valuation:r_, 000 . 00 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 .00 53.00 Total calculatcd Fee6---> AdditionaL Feet---------> Tota1 PermiE Fee--------> Palments-------- BAIA}ICE DUE.- --. oo ************rrr, *******rJ*tt*t*a****rJ****rt*t* ****trrtr ITE-M: .06000 ELESIRICAL DEPARTTiTENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:04110/2000 JRM Acrion: AFFR appnovroItem:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:04110/2000 JRM Act.ion: AppR N/A rJ * r** * * *? ** rl** CONDITION OF APPROVA], r-. FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLAR,ATIONS I hcrcbv acknowledge tha! I have read Lhie EpplicaCion, fi116d outs ln fuLl the infonat.lon reguired, compl€ted an accurata plo! p1an, and state thats all lhe inforDalion lrrowided as required is correct. I agrcc to coBpLy with the infomacion and plot p1an, go comply with all Tol|n ordinanc66 and state IrwE, and co build thie €truciure according.to the T0I'!'6 zoning and gubdiwision codes, dcBign review approved, Itniforn Buildlng code and otshcr oldinanceB of tshe Tot|n applicable lhereCo. REQI]ESTs FOR INSPECTIOI{Ir SHALL Bts I,nDE TWEIIfT.'OIJR HOURII IN ADVANCB SY * * * * * * * :r :r * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIIJ, COT',ORADO statennE ************************************************+*************** staBemnt Number: REC-061-4 AmounE : PalmenE Method; CK tilotat,ion: 2113 53.00 04/t0/OO 16:09 INits: iIRM Permit. No: E00-0034 T1rye: Parcel No: 2101-091-04-048 sitre Address: 1650 SINBURST DR tocatl-onr 1650 SI'NBI'RST DR B-EI.,EC ELEETRICAI., PERMIT 53 .00 This Payment 53.Oo Total AtL Pmcs: 53'00' Balance: '00 ***************:f *********************************:l*******+****** Accounc Code Description Amoullt 50-00 3.00 (RrGllT oF wAY) Total Fees: EP OO1.OOOO31114OO EI.EETRIE}'L PERMIT FEES WC OO1.OOOO31128OO WILL EAI.,I, INSPECTION FEE 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraEo 81657 APPIJCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project *: ?Rd\o- oozo Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: €O6 - 97o'479#rnspections) Conbct Eagle CountyAssesarc Office at 9 or visit www,easle-countv,com for Parcel # lofruame: A'lr u!5 a Vnt[Job Address:lbbD S,nbu nf ?r . Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: fuf H[5'"z r r" +. .,,t sr,ll.,AXddli tnercn*f lo,sr. t1W Engineer:Address:tett.tnrt %, . frXfH-oll enone: Detailed description of work: I ),ni^ lerrr I ilc * o u- r,ppi,a s,1l^l ,l b.v L. fVn ,$nnJ\.^J *Txl*,J (snvico\l1 Work Class:New QQ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Q4) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Sinsle-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) fther( ) UT;Llf/ No. of Accommodation Units in this buildine 7y /4- Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (8 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( V ll Doe- t Fiie Sprinkler Syate.m Exista Yea (J No (E COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: faiv iktrt € UELftt4,'*i,7;"]Reg'No Contact and Phone #'s:- K.lti/nni'n 6 ar) ?v? eeTf Contractor Signature: ,, _ * * ** * * * * **** * * * * * (* :- k.******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********,t*rr************************* ::f,lt B Fees:I i:::.::r' ' / F:/everyoneiforms/elecperm TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPLTCAI{:T COIiMRACTOR OWNER ELEETRICA], PERMIT ,JOb AddTCSS: 1476 WESTTIA1rEN DR LOCATiON. ..: L476 WESTHAVEN DRParcel No.. : 2103-121-09-001 Projects No. : PR'J00-0070 iIOBS]TE AT A].,L TIMES Permit #: 800-0035 Status...: ISSUED (RIGHT Applied. . : o4/L0/2000 Issued. . . : E>q)ires. - : Phone: 97O-949-6095 801r_ 0 Phone z 970-949-6095 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON RTVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COTLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, RMERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COTLEGE A]IENUE, ENGLEWOOD, NORRIS AIiIDREW D III 195 r,A, VEREDA RD, SAI{:rA BARBARA CA co co 801L0 93108 DescripLion: POWER SttpplJy FoR ATr IN:rtsRNET sERvIcE valuaLion:1, 000.00 ElecCrical- - - > DRB Fee InweBtigatiorr> will call----> ToeA'. EEES- -. > *t r **r t 'r tr i * * *i DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknor.lodge thats I have rcad Eltis alrplicati.on, filled ouE tn ful,I the iDfolrtraLion required. conpl,eled an accuraEe ploE p1an, rnd €eate ChaC aL]' c inforuation provided ae required is correct. I ag?es Co coEpl,y ?ibh t'he informaCion and ptots plalr, to comPly 9,itsh all Town oldinances and sEate lawe, and co build t'hits strucCuro according tso tsh6 Tovn'! zoning,and subdirr-iElon codes, d€6ig'1 review approwed' UniforR Building code and other ordiDanc€E of t,he Town applicabL€ therebo. 50-oo .oo .00 3 .00 53-OO 53 .00 .00 53 .00 Toeal calculaled Fees- -- > AdAnti.onal Fees-- -- --- --> Toial Pe!'nit' Fee ------> PaymenLs-------- 53 .00 BAIA}ICA DUE----.00 rr.| ttt**:l** t * * ** * r * *itr t*t r *a tt'a*ti*t:ri t ***** r, I9eqri .qqqqo EIECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{T Depr: BUffiDING Division:O4/lO/2000 JRM AcEion: AppR aDDroved irm- I9e,qi .q5gq0 FIRE DBPARTIIEIilT -Depr: FrRE Division:O4/LO/2O00 .fRM Action: AppR N/A ***t**tt*tr****ir*tt********+t *******rrr*t***rr****r*ti*t**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]- . FIEI-.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI.IS 9IIAI,I, BB UADB !iiEITAY-FOI'R HOURg IN ADVNTCE BY *******************:t******************************************** TOIdN OF VAIL, COT,ORADO Statemnt,**************************************************************** StaterErt Number: REC-0614 Amount : Palment Method: CK Notation: 2]-L3 53.00 04/r.Ol0o t6.L4 INitr: JRM Penruit No: Parcel- No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code EP 001000031r-1400 wc 001000031r_2800 DescripEion EI,ECTRI CAI, PERMIT FEES WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE 800-0035 Tlpe: B-ELEC ET.,ECTRICAL PERMIT 2103-121-08-001 1475 WESTTIAVEN DR 1476 WESTITAVEN DR (RIGHT OF WAY) Total Fees: 53.00 53 .00 Total AL,L PmEs: 53 .00 Balance:.00**************************************************************** Arnount s0.00 3.00 AppucArlon wILL Nor BE ACCEPTED IF INcoMPtETEOR#i"fiBp . OOl" Building Permit #:-ir"*iGrC"r^tt*r-f,6@ e7 o- 47 e -:lryl nsPections) 75 S. Frontaee Rd. Vall, Colora-do 81657 or visit permil7ls plovided above) Job tddrer;sz 71/robName: A'fT U% desFription of w( ,ut l,'hlc ,n o l,v ;r{ :^ .',11'l' rI b Itff 6no"Jl.^& ' |\ WorkClassr New00 Addition( ) Remodel( )'iepair{-) TempPower( ) Other( ) ffir "" EHU "tist at thls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior S4) Both ( ) TypeofBtdg.:5ing|e-family()Dup|ex()Mu|ti-family()co'*,o.|()*"*@ trlo. of nccommodatlon Units in this buildingl 47No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a Fire SBrinkler SYstem Yes( ) No( Does aFire Alarm Exlst: Yes ( COI,IPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS ANd VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tAbOT & MAIET|AIS) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: COT{TRACTOR IN FOR}IATION ?v? 6a7ff-rvlkrtA €t-E;t>r1c; F :/arefyone/formgelecperm F oo ' Oo)5 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRON:TAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Electlical - - -> DRB Pee Inveatigal,ion> will call----> TofAJ. FEES---> DEPARIMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TI{rS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0036ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Job Address: 2507 AROSA DR SEatus..LocaEion. . .: 2507 AROSA DR (RTGHT OF WApplied. Parcel- No..: 2LO3-L42-01-001 Issued. -Projeet. No. : PI{.f00-0020 E:<pires. rSSI'ED 04/to /20oo RIVIER.A, ELECTRIC, INC. 2TO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, RIVIERA ELEETRIC, INC. 2TO7 W. COTLEGE A\TENT'E, ENGLEWOOD, TOWN OF VAIT-, ? FINA}TCE DEPARTI4EN 75 S FROI{:TAGE RD, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 970-949-6095 Phone:. 970-949-6095 co 80110 co 80110 Descriptj-on: POWER SIIppLy AT:r INTERNET SERVICE Valuation:1,000.00 FEE SI'U!,IARY 50 .00 .oo ,00 3 .00 TotaL calculated Fees-- - > Additional Fees- ------- -> Tolal Peruit Fee----- ---> PawEenEa------- 53 .00 53.00 B}I,ANEE DUE-..- .OO rr*rr elr a a r **** {*t * * r***r a t* at Jr* r * |l *t!r *t *r* * ** I!eF:,Qqqqo ELECTRICAL DEPARTT4ENT Depr,: BUTLDTNG Division:o4/LO/2000 JRM Action: AppR AppRovEDItemi .Q5600 FIRE DEPARTMEI.IT Dept: FIRE Division:O4/LO/2000 iIRM AcEion: AppR N/A tttrttalri'ra**t* ******t*.'**r*rr* rt,rtti*,r*ri**tr**a**+***r*r*},*t**t*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE FGQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. * r ** t rt i t i trrt r r ril'r t t t:l tt !r **rr*rt * t* t* * * **:l* * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknos'ledge lhat. I have read thj,E appllcation, fll1ed out in futl ehe Lnforoatlon regufuiod, corq)l€ged an accurace pl,o! pla!, and rbaes ghab r1l thc lnfor$ation providad ao required ic co!!cc!. I aglee to coEPly ri,fh the i4fordatsiot! a!!d plot plan, to co&ply eitsh all tot.lr otdinancaa and stat. lawa, and tso build thi6 stlucEute according to the Tovn, s zonlng and 6ubdivi6ion codca, dcEign r.vi.i approwed, UniforE Buildiog code and oLher ordlnenceg of t'hc Torn elrlrlica.ble tsheleEo. **************************************:l************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO stsat,emntr ***********************************************************t**** StaLefirlrt Nuniber: REC-0614 Amount: PaymenE Method: CK NoLation: 2113 53.00 o4l1oi00 L6|L7IniL: .TRM Permit. No: EO0-0036 T149e: B-ELEC ELECSRICAL pERMI'T Farcel No: 2103-142-01-001 SiE,e Address: 2507 AROSA DR r-,ocabion: 2507 AROSA DR (RIGI{r OF WAY) Totsal Fees:53.00 Total A[L, PmLs: Balance: ********!i*:tt!t:trr****************************:.******r*********:l*** Account Code Descriptlon Amolrnt s0 .00 3 .00 This PaymenE. 53 .00 53 .00 .00 EP O01OOOO31114OO BTE TRIEAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIT INSPECTION FEE Ir".^ ApprrcArror{ wrLL Nor BE ACCEPTED rF rNco}lPLErE!R#i".?rBa*. "-,Building Permit #:-fi;;Gitilitt no'aTgffirnsvections) 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Parel #A55€5tr,rs at9 of 2@wa@ vftu_Job Address: Legal DescripUon Lot:Block:Filing:SubdMsion:ffilq1dH?grb Xu-ffi^.rt\u[,NtW ffii I Remodet( )'i'epair( ) re Work Type: Interior ( ) exterior Qd) Both ( )T-s a. EHU o.lst at this location; Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-ftrnily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-faml[)cc 'mmercial ( ) Restaurant( )other( )VTl[lT) ll f,fo. of rcommodatlon Units in this building: ,ffiitoins' ry Na /t =.t,ylIs this Dermit for a tLot tub: Yes ( ) No (d) ' couPtETE SQ. FEET FOR l{EW BUILDS and VATuATIONS FOR ALt oT}lERli (tabor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION T $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR INFORI'IATION *** ***** r. ** ******** ** ** * contact and Phone #'s: Eolb thm,^^'?v1 Go1{rVftttr+ €ttCtt..tc F:/everyo nqformtelecperm TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8a657 970 -479-2L38 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER EIecbri,cal- - - > DRB Fee Investigat. i on> wiLl call- -- - > TOTA! FEES-__> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEVELOPMEI.{T ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE. #: 800-0037 NOTE: RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2107 W. COLLEGE AVENTIE, RIVIERA ELEC:rRIC, TNC. 2107 W. COLTEGE AV.ENUE, ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Job Address: 1764 AIJPINE DR Status. . Location. . .: L'764 ALPINE DR (RIGHT OF Applied.Parcel No..: 2L03-L23-21-001 Issued.. Project, No.: PRJ00-0070 E:qrires. ISSIIED 04/to /20o0 A .f FAAS & SONS 6522 TROTTER DR, III'NTTNGTON BEACH BiIGI.,EWOOD, ENGI-'.EWOOD' Phone: co 80110 Phone: co 80110 cA 92648 970-949-6095 970-949-6095 DescripLion: POWER SI'pPLY FOR ATT IIITERNET SERVICE Valuation:1, 000 . 00 FEE SI'UMARY 50-o0 - oo . o0 3 -OO 53 .00 Total ca]cul.ated feea-- - > Aaditional Peee---------> Tolal 9elEit Fee-----__-> 53.O0 . o0 53.O0 Paltllentg- -- - - - - BAI,A]'CE DI'E.. - - .OO r***r*******1*t Ileqri .Q6Qq0__E!ECTRTCAL DEPARTI4ENT Depr: BUILDING Division:04/10/2000 JRM AcLion: .A,PPR APPORVED Igeqri .Q5€Q0 EIRE DEPARTI'IEMI Depr: FIRE Dj-vision:0411_0/2000 JRM Acr,ion: APPR N/A 'rririrt!r**r*r'r.art*rr!rr**rr*!t*t ****r*rt*rr*i** COIIDITION OF APPROVAI. 1. FIELD INSpEqTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. ttt***t*tt*{ DECLARATIONS I horeby ac!<noltlcdge bhat I have r6ad Ehi6 appLicaEionr filled out in f,uL1 t'he iltfonnatsion rcquircd, cornpleted att accurats Plot plan, and Etate tshat all tshc inforilaLion pro'r-ided as Eequircd 1! co!!pc!. I 49Eee to conpLy trich thc iltfoftation altd plot pLBn, Eo codply with all Tol.n ordinatrc6s ana state lass, and to buiLd this st.luct'ure according to thc towlr'r zoning arrd aubdivieion code6, d€Big! r€vicw approvcd, UnLfofiE Building code rnd oEhar ordinancag of ghe Torl|n apFlicablB th€rcto. -213s OR Af oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A& 5;00 PMRSQI'ESTS FOR TNSPESTIONS SHAI.IJ BE MADE TflEI.}TY'SOUR HOURS IN AD1IANCE BY FOR HIUSEI,F AIiID OI|NER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * *,* * *** * * * * * * * ***** * * * !r * * * * * * *i * * *TO$N OF VA.II, cotoRADO srarelnnr,*!r*********:lrr***********************t!r*******r*t***************i stat,emlt Nunber: REC-0614 Afiount :Palment, !,lethod: CK .Notation: 2113 53.00 04/Lo/0o L6:27fniE,; iIRM Permit No: 800-0037 rnpeParceL No: 2103-123-21-bb1slt,e Address: 1764 ALPINE DRLOCAIiON: 1?64 AI.PII{E DR : B-EITEC ELECIRICAL PERUIT (RIGIIT OF ICAY}Total Fees:Thls Payment.53.00 Total ALL pmtsr Bala[ce: .00************:r*********************!r****t**:**!t*****************rt* 53 .00 53 .00 Amourtt, 50.00 3 .00 Account Code EP 00100003111400 wc 00100003112800 Ileecription EI.,EqTR,XCAT PERINIT FEBS WTIrI.I CALIJ II{SFEEIION FEE - APPUCATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE^D. . Froiect *: ggjOo.OotP Building Electrical Permit #: 75 S, Frontaee Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 or Yisit for Patel @dg. permit # is provided above lob Address: I { AuPrlf y{,robName: h'fT V%VAtU f work: br.z$ rrtra4 r,. rr\h r lF b ^Jl^) +T WorkClass: New00 Addition( ) Remodel( ) 'nepai'( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) ffi"" EHu *i" atthls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior $4) Both ( ) 'TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e.fami|y()Dup|ex()Mu|tFfami|y()c"-'**'()R".t.@ tto of Acommodation Units in this building: 7yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units In this buildlng: for a hot tub: Yes ffifr'exist. Yes( ) N9 Ooes a fire Rlarm Exist: Yes (No( colt|PLETEsQ.FEETFoRNEwBuItDsandVALUATIoNSFoR'ALLoTHER's(tabor&!|ateria|s) ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTO R IN FORIIIATIO N f*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******'t*******r************+******** ?v? 6d7{&lbrhmu< Town of Vail Reg' No.: fLtvtwt+ Fl€crnra F : /everyone/forms/elecperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970 -479-2138 APPLICAI\TT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript,ion: EIecCrical- - - > DRB Fce --- > Inwestigation> will call- - -- > TOTAI, AEES. -. > DEPARTTI'IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TEIS PERMIT MUS? BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT AI.L TIMES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Permit #:E00-0038 Job Address: 1813 LrONS RrDGE tP Location. . . : 181-3/1833 r.,roNs RrDGEParcel No. . : 2]-03-!22-o2-023Project No. : pRJ00-0070 RTVIERA EI-,ECTRIC, TNC. 21_07 W. COLTEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO RIVIER.A, ELECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COT,LEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO WAECKERT-,E iIOSEPH F & CINDY T11713 CANTERBI'RY, LEAWOOD KS 65211 POWER SI]PPLY FOR ATT INTERNET SERVICE SEatus...: ISSITED LOOApplied. . : 04/LO/2000 fssued. . . : E>rpires. . : Phone z 970-949-6095 80110 Phone: 9'70-949-6095 80110 ValuaE,ion:1, 000. 00 Total Calcu).ated Feea---> 53 .0050.00 .oo ,oo 3 .00 53 .00 ,00 53.OO 53,00 Adaitional Feeg- - -- -- - -- > Tocal, Pernit Pee- -- -- - -- > Palnnents - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE-..- .OO Ilglni,qqq90_EI.IECTRTCAL DEPARTIT,rENT Depr: BUILDING Division:04110/2000 iIRM Acrion: AppR AppRovEDrtem: .05500 I|IRE DEPART!4ENT Dept: FIRE Division:04110/2000 irRM acuion: AppR N/A ****** tt+****+f **i**a****t*****ttt**t*t**r*rrr*** *ir********r**!r***r****t*:r*r*rr**************t*************r*****r*******r*+r****** 1 CONDITION OF APPROVAI., FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknowlcdge Lhat I hav. rcad thiB appliqafio!!, fil1cd out in full uhe infordaeion r6guired, coElrleted atr accurate plot plan, and .ta!c bhat all, the infor6alion E rovidad ra requircd i. corscct. I tgr.. co co6p1y nith t'he infortnalion .rd plot pLaD, go coeply rdth all Town otdinanc.E and etatsg lairF, and to build t'hiE Etrrtcture according to tshc To*n,a zoning and subaiwision codcc, detign rowicr approwed.. Unlforu Building Codc .nd oEh.r ordinanceE of tsh. Tor.n applicable tsh€r€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHANL BE MADE TI{ENTT. FOUR HOURS IN AD NCE BY ItsI,EPIIONE AT 4?9-813S OR A? OUR OTFICE FROU g:00 AI'l 5100 PM/2 OR COMRASToR FOR I{IllgEI]F AND OlllNER )WN OF \IAIL,, COLORADO StaEelt|rrE. ************************.**************:l************************ SEaLemnt Number: REC-0614 Amount:53.00 04/LA/00 16:30 Init: iIRMPayment Method: CK Not.at.ion:2L13 Permit, No: 800-0038 epe: B-EtEc EtEcrRrcAl PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-122-02-023 SII,E AddrESS: 1813 LIONS RIDGE tPr,ocation: 1-813/1833 TJTONS RrDGE IJOOP(RTGIIT oF WAY) Total Fees: 53.00 This Palment 53 - 00 Total ALL Prntss: 53 .00 Bala[ce:.00 * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** !* ** * * ** * * ** * * * * * AccounE Code Descript,ion AmounE, 50.00 3 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO ETECTRICAL PERMIT FBES WC OO]-OOOO311-2800 WILL CAI,L INSPB TION FEE APPLIGATIoi{WILLNoTBEACCEPTEDIFII{CoUPLETEoRUNSIGNEDProiect#: 7P56'Oo1O Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #::on- o()r 97o'479'..#Insoections) mrTv0p 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vall, Colorailo E1657 COMPLETE rovided above) robAddress: lB15 hoN:a,oog ttoProb Name: A'lT l)y5 Vfttt- q/?{5"o Xl itA 'tn t'1[ | rf b Wo*Cf"tt, rVeJv0O Addition( ) Remodel( ) 'Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) D*r .r EHU "-ist at tf,ls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 04) Both ( ) -_e Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MultFfamtfi( ) C"rntt"id ( ) Resburant( ) Other( ) UTIII No of Accommodation Units in this bullding: 7yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes Sffi Exisc- Yes ( I No ( Does a Fire AiannEistr Yes ( ) No ( sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS KIR AtL OTHERS (tabor & Haterials) ETECTRJCAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: COT{TRACTOR IN FORHATIO N 1'*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLy****************************+**rr***** ?vj €,a7{lVfkrtft €t-Ettwc. F :/everyonef orms/elecperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROADvArl,, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIfT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT .ATL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: LOCAt,1ON. . , : 1.480 BI'FFEHR CREEK RDParcel No..:Project No. : PRiIO0-0070 Permit #: 800-0044 Status-. -: ISSUED (RlApplied. . :YoA/I7 /2000Issued...: 04/L7/2000 E>cpj-res . .: to/1a/2000 Phone: 970-949-6095APPLIEAItr RTVIBRA ELE TRIC, TNC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENT'E, ENGTEWOOD, CONTRACTOR RIVIERA ELECITRIC, INC. 2TO7 W. COLLEGE A\TENUE, ENGTEWOOD, co 80110 Phone: 970-949-6095co 80110 1, 000 . 00Description: POWER SItppLy FOR ATT II{TERNET SERVICE Valuation: **r * ', rr rit*.r** r*.r***r*r i** rrt *t**rtr***i**,* FEE slD4{tuly *r*}r Blectrical- - - > DRB F€E lnvestigaEion> lfilL call----> TCTTAII FBES- - - > 50 .00 . oo .00 3 .00 53 .00 Tot'al Calculats€d Fees- - - > BAIAIICE DUE.--- 53.O0 .00 Additional Fs€6--------- > .00 Tot'al PerniE Fee--------> PayarntsE- - ----- ilt'r * *9 * il r +**** r ** ra * ir* tlti,r * * r*ra *** Ile.qi.q6Qq0 ElECrRrCAr DEpARTrrrENr DepL: BUTLDTNG Division:94/L7/2O00 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVEDItemt.85600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIR-E Divisi-on:04/L7/2000 ,JRM Action: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1 . F]ELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAI{CE. **** +rr? !,**.}itt DECLARATIONS I h.relty acktrorle€! th.! r haw€ read this rpplj,cation, filled ou! ln fuII gh. inforoation requited, coopletBd arr rccurrtc plo! plan, and sbatc that all the inforoation provided a6 r6quir.d ls co!ree!. I aEErte to couFLy rl,th thG infolu.tion and ploE pLad,go coEPly lrith al1 Toi.n ordinanc66 and stsaue lawg. and tg build lhiE EEructuro according to the Toi.n. s zoning a4d subdivlgion eodee, deeig:a revicw aPprowed, Itniforu Bulldl-ng code and other ordinanced of the .rot.!l applica.bla ch6reto. REQT'ESTS FOR INS9ECIIONS Sl'A'.IJ BE UADB THENTT'IOT'R HODRS II{ ADI/ANCE BI **********tl!t************:l*:,r**!t:l****:t**************!a************* TOJ{N OF VArrJ, CQTJoRADO Statemnt***:t*:t'l******ir***********!t************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-061G Arnor:nE: 51.A0 O4/LU00 t3:31 __::T:i:_Y::T:' cK Norarion: 21r.3 rnir: ,rRM perurir N" ; -;; b : ;il - - -r,*; ; -;-il;- - -;;;cilil-;;*;;- - - Irocatj_on: t4B0 BIIFFEHR CREEK RD (Rlelfr OF WAy)Total Fees: 53.00This palnnent 53 . OO Total AIJIr pnts: 53 .00Balance: .00*t********!ktl****!t**********************t:l*******!t*************** AccounE, Code Description l*nount,EP 00100003111400 Er_,EqrRicAJ_, PERMTT FEBS 50.00wc 00100003112800 wrlrJ cALt rNspEcrlo$ pEB 3.00 APPLIC.ATIOI{ WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IilCOI'TPLETE OR UIISIGI{EP Proiect #: P?tc0.ao'Ia Building Permit #: =DO- 66\*Electrical Permit #: e7o-4TgWInsPections) 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) PrcuidgqlloveL Ue€k rzl despription of wc ,'ucF;l..,lc rdpw ,11', * rl *"" a"* *.* qq Addilion ( ) Remodel ( ) 'Repair ( ) ft ffi "n EHu e"l" at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 0d) Both ( ) t'to, of nccommodation Units in this buildingl 7yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Y ffiFiffitinkie-SYstem Exist Yes No( Ooes a nire Alarm Exlst: Yes COItIPIETE ELECIRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CO NTRACTOR IN FORI'IATION ***********************f*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* ?v1 6a7{tvtkr/t €ttLf}-tc F:/e\€rlronqfoflrE/elecperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIr,, co 81657 970-479-2]-38 APPLIEAIVT CorifffRACTOR Descript.ion: Electrical- -- > DRI| F.6 InveqtigaEiort> tlil.l Crll- -- - > TOTAL FEES.-. > RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC.2to7 w. coLLEcE AVENI'E, ENGLEWOOD, RIVIERA ELE, TRIC, INC. Phone z 970-949-6095co 8011_0 Phone: 9'70-949-6095 l_.,000 - 00 Tot.l calculaEed fe€B---> 53 .00 DEPART14ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPI,IEI{T NOTE: TIIIS PERMTT.MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT .A,LL TIMES ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Permi.t. #: E0O-0045 Job Address; Status...: ISSITEDLocation. . .: LL21, VAIL vIEw DR (RIclrT Applied. . : o4/L7/2000Parcel No..: fssued...:Project No.: PR,f00-0020 Errpires.. : 2107 W. COI,LEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 .POWER SI'PPIY AlT INTERNET SERVICE VAIUAt.iON: *i**tilttrr FEB sttlntARy rrrrrrr*r*r**** ***r****irrr*** 50 ,00 .00 .00 3.OO 53.O0 .00 53 .00 s3 .00 Adaliitional Fec6- ----- -- - > Tot.l Pefmit. Fec--------> PayDent.F - - -- - - - RAIA.ITCE DUE- -. - It,e.m: .06000 ELEqTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept,: BUILDING Division:94/L7/?000 iIRM Action: AppR AppRovED iIR!,rIEem: .05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMr Deob: FIRE Division:04/1,7/2000 ,JRM act,ion: AppR N/A ,r* ?r *r*rr r i ** t* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Itt*t*t*t**t'rs* t******'r*t****!r**tt****.tt*ir**t*+*t**!r**t******t*t*****rr********r***t***a**t+***lal*+**ai**tftt****!r DECLARATIONS I h€leby acknowledge chac t htve rcad this application, filled out, in futl the inforuation rsquired, cauplelod ln accurahe plob Plan, and a!.Lc tshat all the inf,ot!.tj.on provided aE rcquirBd i.6 colrect. I agucc tso cdmply with th€ inf,onaLion and plot pLan, to comply with all To$n ordinances and tlacs lare, aid co build thi6 stlucturg accordLng t'o the To$n, a zoning and eubdivigion codc5, datigrr revLcr applovcd, t nifortu Building code and othcr ordinarrccs of t}te Town al'plicablc therelo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADB TIIEIEY'FOUR HOT]RS IN ADVANCA BY TEIJEPIIONE 9-2134 OR eT OIIR OFFICE FROl.l 8:0O AI.l 5:0o SIG}ATIJRB OT OR CON]RAETOR HIUI}ELF AND OWNER *****!t*:l***tt*****************************!t***:r****!t**********rtl* ToY|I{ oF lIArTr, cotoRN)o statellut**************:t!t:l!t**************************t*********:r*:rr****tr* statelmt' Number: REC-061G .Anount: 53,00 04/12100 t3;35Palnnent Method: CK Notation: A113 fnlt: ifRM PenniE rifo: 800-0045 Type: B-EIJEC ELECTRICAI" pEm{ITLocation: 1121 VAIIr VIBW DR (RIcIfT OF WAy) ToeaL Fees: 53.00This Palment 53.00 Total ALL pmts: 53.00Balance: .00*************!t************************ir***********!a**tl**'l******* Account, Code Deecrlpblon AmorllltEP OO1OOOO31114OO ELESTR,ICAI.. PERMIT FEBS 5O.OOwc 00100003112800 tfltr cArJr lt{spEqrloN FBE 3.00 - APPLIoATIoil WILL Nor EEAGCEPTED IFIt{cortrPLErF HtIl*Tf,,3O$. m"ra Building Permit #: Electrical Petmit #l no'at9#rnslections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 '70-328-8640 or permit # is u'L)robName: A'lf Ups Vfttt- ,11^ | rl b Itlf d-"JLttU ***|; rueJv 0O Addition ( ) Remodel( ) 'n" ffir a" EHU "-iFat $is location; Yes ( ) No ( )work rype: Interior ( ) fxterior ff) BoSt ( ) |( ) Restaurant( )othert IUf|11---_-,..-ffiE Ac.ommodatl"n Units in this building: 7yNo. of Existing Dwelllng Units in thls buildlngi for a hot tub: Yes dEF-Fire Aiarm Exist: Yes ( ) No COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VATUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $AMOUIIT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: COTTRACTOR INFORIIATION ******* * *********** ********FOR OFF:ICE USE ONLY************************************* 7v1 C,a7{f-rvtett* ell€efntc F:/everyonqforrns/elecperm TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIillfAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI\ilT colrrRAcToR Electrical- - - > DRts Tc. lnwe6tigat.ion> Wi]l call----> TOTAL FBES. -. > DEPARIIJIENT OF NOTE: THrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ELE TR]CAI PERMTT COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIiTT ,Job Address: Locat,ion. -.: 231_ EAST GOREParcel No..:Project No. : PRiI00-0070 RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2TO'7 W. COLI,EGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD,RMERA ELECTRIC, rNC- 2IO7 W. COLLEGE .AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, .]OBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: 800-0046 SLatus...: ISSITED CREEK DR (Applied. .:A04/t7/2ooo Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 970-949-6095 80110 Phone z 970-949-6095 80110 1, 000 . 00 Total calculaled Fe.B---> 53 .00 co co Description: PowER SIIppty FoR ATT INTERNET SERVTCE VaLuarion: *rar*******rr* FsE st MMAIY 50 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 53.00 . o0 53.O0 53.O0 Additional FeeE------ ---> TgtsaL PetuLl F€e--------> Payuentss------- BAIANCE DUts---- .OO ***rl*****J*r*** tt*rr*t***r*rr*r*********r***a**a**r**********r***tt**rtj**rt* a**t***** IEe.q:_,Qqq90 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEIW DepL: BUILDTNG Division:04/L7/2OO0 'JRM Action: APPR APPROVEDIt.e.m: .05600_EIR.E DEPARTMENT Depr: FIRE Division:04/L7/2000 JRM Action: APPR N/A .*tirrr*1*r*rr, ,****rri+rr**ii COIIDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIEEK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ****r***r******t**t*t*+r**i*ir******t****ttJr ******+**t*ttt* DECLA,RATIONS I hereby acknovledge bhat I have rced thie application, filled out in full the inforBatsion r.quired, conpleled an accuraCe plot p1an, and 6tate tsheC all tho inforDalion providcd ae required i. co$ect. I agrec to conply with th€ itrfornation and plol plah, tso couPly $ieh al1 fosn ordinances and 6cate lasg, artd co build thiB etrqctule qccordinE co tha Town. s zoaing and subdiwision codee, deaign rewie* atr4rrovcil, unj.fon Building code and obher ordin nce6 of t:he 1|orn applica}Io ther€co. REQUASTS FOR INSFECTIONA SHAIJ! BE MADE THEMTY,FOT'R HOURS IN AI)\IANCE BY * * * * tl * * !t * * * * * * * *** * it tl t * t; * * :t ia * *il * * * ** * * * * !t * * * ** * * t t t t l, i * f * * * * * i t t. TOm[ OF VArL, COIoRADO stareilmt*************************************rt*********************r***t* SEat,emnt Mrmber: REC-0G16 AII|ourt,: 53.aO a4/L7/0a 1,l:+SPayment Method: cK NotaE,ion: 2tl-3 rnit: ilRttl Permlt No: E0o-0045 1lpe: B-ELBC EIJEeTRICAIT PERIIIITI,.OCAt.iON: 231 EJAST GORE CREEK DR (RIEIr OF WAY} 'hi' paymenr s3.00 r"r*I"iii lff:: i3:33 ** * ***** *** * * !r **** !r ***********!r****** -.:?l*::i **tl*********;19** Accoulrt code DeeeripEJ_on .RrbuntEP OO1OOOO31114OO BIJEETRICAIJ PBRITTIT FBES 50. OOl{c 00100003112800 WIrJJ cAr'L lrspBcrrof FEE 3 .00 ApPLIcATIot|WILLNoTBEAGGEPTEDIFINGoMPLETEoRUI|SIGIEDF oiect *. gf too' o0lt)O Building Permit #: Electrical Perrnit #: ezo'+zsWlnsPections) 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colordo 81657 or visit no bldg. permit # JobMdress:42q r/-rr r*ef kOt-€ CY O4trobName: h-lT Uls deTription ,rn l';t'lr r f work: lJfr/ f',11^,1 rI b workclass: Newffi Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) ffi;EHU *ist atthit location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior ( ) Exterior s4) Both ( ) ercial( ) *"to@ ffiof Accoffiodation units in this building: 7yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ffiYes() No Ooes a fireAtarm Exist: Yes ( couPLETE sQ. FEET FoR NEti, BuILDs and vALUATIoNs FoR ALL oT}|ERs (Labor & Materta|s) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ aAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CONTRACTOR IN FORIIATION f*******FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY************************* ******'t***** I Phone #'s:- min,. 6 D?v1 6a7{rVfkttrr €UELtta.t4' F : /iveryoneforms/elecperm TOIiIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 974 -479 -2L38 APPIJTCAI T corinrR.,,aeroR El6ctrical - -- > DRB Fg. InveEtsigaLion> l{tLL c.ll.- - -- > TOXAI, FEES- -- > DEPART!4ENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E00-0047ELE TRICAL PERMTT .fob Address: Location. -.: 470e MEADow DRParcel No..:Project No. : pRilo0-0070 RIVIERA ELEqIRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COTLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, RIVIERA ELE TRIC, INC. 2107 W. COLTEGE AVENUE, ENGIJEWOOD, Stat,us-..: (RIGHT oFApplied..: rssued. . . : E)<pires. . : rSSI'ED 04/t7 /2000 co 801r_0 co 80110 Phone : 970-949-5095 Plrone z 970-949-6095 Descript.ion: povitER supplly FoR AlT INTERNET Valuation:1_,000.00 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 . . o0 53 .00 '00 Total caLculag.d FOGE-- - > .Ddditsional Fcea- -- ------ > Tobal Pertiits 8ee--------> ?al,uenta-------- BAT,A.IfSE DI'E-. - - Ileqtj..QEQQ0_E_IECTRICAL DEPARTIIEIIT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:g4/L7|2OOO JRM Act.ion: AppR AppRovEDIEQm: .05600 FIRE DEPARTT4EMf DeDL: FIRE Division:o4/L7/2ooo JRrt Aciioni AppR N/A --5- *** *, r * 'r * 'r* t t*r* t* COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1- FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLIArileE. ***r******rt*f * jrtttt!, jr*rt*ttri*i*rrrrtitr*.alj* ,r*i*tr**r*rr*r* *r*rrriirrttir* DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknowlcdg. lhat r haw. rerd EhiB application. fltled out. in tull the infornauion requireil, coupl.e.al .tr .ccuraee pLotplan, and Btsag. that a1I tshe information providcd aB requir.d ir corrGc!. I aEEes Co cortply rdtsh the inf,orftaLion and pIot, p1aa,go coEPly tfith aII Town ordinenc.d tnd strto 1ass. and to build EhiE Et'tucture according !o lhe Tovn, € roninE end rubdiwigiod codes, dedign rewier apptoved, t niforrn Builaing code arld oth€r ordin.nces of the Tor.n applicablo Eheteto. REQITESTS FOR INSpESTIONS SIIALI, EE IIADE I'GIITY-POItR HoURs IN IDVANCB By TEIBPHoNB -2134 oR AT oUR OPFICE FRODI g:0O LU 5:0O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF A}TD OWNER APPUCATIOil WILL ITIOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGIEDproiect #r WJo0,0D'I6 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #:?oo -oo,c s7 o - 47 9 - 4W nspectio ns) 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 Offieat970-or visit Parcel #if no bldg. permit # is rob Address: 41OO ltrlE K.robName: ATT l)fs desgription ,,r t f.'l,lc t f work: vtt{ fi i?4 ", ^ t,1l 'l ,f w ,\ workclass: Neil0o Addition( ) Rernodel ( )'Repair( ) TempPower( )..other( ) D*. *' EHIJ e-ist at tn|s location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior ( ) Exterior Qd) Both ( ) F TypeofB|dg':5ing|e-fami|y1jouptex()Mu|ti-famiV()c"''**'()**oru No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: 7yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub'. Yes ( ) No @Yes() No Does aFirc Alarm ExlsH Yes ( cor{PtETE SQ. FEET FOR I{EW BUILDS and VATuATIONS FOR AtL OTIIERS (tabor & l{aterials) ELECTRICAL VALUATIoNT $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: CO NTRACTOR I 1{ FORTiIATION ******************************FOR OFFICE USE OtILY***'r***!t***:************rr************* ?vj 6,a7{V ltirrt € tt'tt\tc F : /ei/eryone/forms/elecperm **'***********!t**i*************************rt**************t**tt!trt* TO9II{ OF VAIIJ, COLOR.ADO Statemnt*****it*************!t**********!r*************!t**i***!r*,*********** Stsatsennt Nurnber: REC-061G Amount: 53.00 li-/t,tlAA L3:48Payment Method: CK Notation: 2113 Init: dlRtr4 PER!,!IT 53 .00 53 .00 Permit No: 800-004? Tlpe: B_EIJEC ELECIRICALLocarion: 4700 MEADOW Dn (RIGHT OF V{A,t} rlris Parmenr, s3.oo rot.loHi ffi::; !r ** * * *** **** * **** ***** *********:r *:r!ri*..?:l?i::; *******+* * * *;93**Account, Code DegcriBtion ermlunt,Ep 00100003111400 Er.,EefRicArr PERMIT FEES 50.00wc 00100003112800 wrrJL CAIJ. INSPECIIOII FEE 3.00