HomeMy WebLinkAboutE03-0185 (7)inspection Request ItAfl rn _ Tnw 6:46 am - - Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, September 30, 2004 Inspection Area: EG Site Address: 250 S FRONTNTAGE RD RD WEST VAIL I 250 6&ID information SUED Activity: E03-0M, Type-. 8-ELEC Sub Type ACOMI imp Area Status: : ISSUED Occupenc : Use: Const Type: Owner: EVERGREEN LODGE AT VAIL TD Phone: 328-4111 Applicant RNERIA ELECTRIC phone: 328-4111 Con rector: RiVERIA ELECTRIC Description: circuit distribution RN_,e-80Qlns tioMsl Requested Item: 190 ELEC-Final Time: 08:00 Phone: 989-012323 Requester: RIVIERA ELECTRIC Comments: will call 989-0123.5th fir. 13 roams Entered BY: DGOLDEN K J Assigned To: EGLATZLE Time Ext:J Action: Item comments: oor item Comments: unit 3.35 334 333 336 301 329 and hal" only Item Comments: entire 3rd floor Item Comments: THESE FLOUR. ARE FINALED IN STAGES ONLY AS LISTED PREVIOUSLY o, ~ S©S s D6 S 0 7/ 6-1 -71 SAG/ 67j S` z ~f 5 z 7/ .2 ins Ion History Rem: 110 ELEC-Temp. Pourer el Rem: 120 ELEC-Rough Approus Aclivn: APPR APPROVED 10/17/03 Inspector: eg Comments: all units on 4th floor Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: han 86104104 Ins p~t way Actiom APPR APPROVED vr: eg Comments: all units on 3rd floor 06108!04 fns . 99 Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: 3r floor hallway Ae21vn: APPR APPROVED 08/31104 Inspector: Comments: 0902104 17ns~peunitsctor 1~fioor Action: APPR APPROVED Comments: 28 units on 26d floor Acton: APPR APPROVED 05/07/04 Inspector: e$ Comments. 5th floor haitway 09/09/04 Inspector: eg Action.- APPR APPROVED Comments: 2nd floor hallway Action: APPR APPROVED 09/14/04 Inspector: eg Comments: 1 st floor hallway Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Rem: 140 ELEC-Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final Approved Action: APPR APPROVED 12/02f03 inspector: eg Comments: 4 th floor Act: APPR APPROVED 07ments: Inspector: eg33 336 301 329 and hallway A lh!Comments: unit 335 3343 Ate; &R APPROVED 07113!04 Inspector: eg Comments: entire 3rd floor Action: Pi PARTIAL INSPECTION 081 Comments: Inspector: )rm CemrrseMs: THESE FLOOR ARE FiNALED IN STAGES ONLY AS LISTED PREVIOUSLY Run Id: 2407 REPT131