HomeMy WebLinkAboutBell Tower Building (2)lnwn November 6, 1987 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllce ol communlty developmenl Mr. Hermann StauferP.0. Box 1188 Vai1, Colorado 8.l658 Re: Signage for the Lancelot Restaurant at the Bell Tower Bui ldi ng, Vai 1 Vi 1 lage Dear Hermann: You have requested that the staff determine the amount ofsignage that you may have on the south sjde of your restaurantwhich fronts along Gore Creek Drive. I have calculated thatthe restaurant has 46 lineal feet of frontage on the south, 7lineal feet on the southeast corner, and 33 lineal feet offrontage on the north (patio area). The restaurant has a totalof 86 lineal feet of frontage which a'l lows for 17.2 square feetof signage. The restaurant is allowed two signs, as it hasthree frontages. The existing signage for the restaurant .i ncludes a 5 squarefoot sign jn the brass canopy and Z wjndow signs each having .4square feet of signage. If you keep your exjsting signage isit is, the project wilI have 12 sguare feet of remaining-signage. You had mentioned that you would like to do apainted wa11 sign on the south elevatjon. A wall sign may be12 square feet. However, please note that a hanging sign mayhave a maximum length of 10 square feet. The staff is not allowed to give staff approval to any signthat is over 5 square feet. For thjs reason, if you wish touse al 1 of your remaining square footage, the proposal would need to be reviewed by the Design Review Board. However, .i fyou propose a sign that is at a maximum of 5 square feet, thestaff will be able to approve your signage reguest. I have enclosed the sign application and Design Review Boardapplication. Please note that the sign appljcation requires a $20.00 review fee. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerel v.,) I -'n IL./ , I t,.t- lrrrfan fffft. Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Enc'l osure TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Valuat.ion: Job Address: LocaE.ion. . . :ParceL No..: Project. No.: 2].0L-082 -63 -013 PRJ99-0318 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT #:B00-0038 Status. - .201 EORE CREEK DR 201 GORE CRK DR (BELLTOWEAppIied.. Issued. . .Expires. . : ISSUED: o3/28/20o0: O4/20/2000: L0/L7/2000 APPLTCAIVT BROUTN_WOLIN CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 701_, VAIL CO 81658 COMTRACTOR BROI^IN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION OWNER P O BOX 701, VAIL CO 81658 BELL TOWER PARTIiIERS LTD ONE TI'RT CREEK vrLr,AcE SrE 505, 3878 oAK LAr,ttN AvtpM(cqflfit. Dgvga+zr Fir.eplace rnfornacion: ResEricEed: Y *of Clean-up D approved amount date Sq Ft: *Of Gas Logs: PEE SUUXARY Description: REPLACE 3 EXISTING WINDOWS Occupancy: p'L/82/A3Not. in table!T\pe ConsErucEion: III l--HRType III L-Hour'Il,pe Occupancy: Phone z 970-949-4L86 Phone:. 970-949-4L86 #Of Wood/Pal1et: Tocal CalcuLated Fees---> 9 ,025 Reatuaranl Plan Rewiev- - > DRB Fee--------- Recrealion Fee-- ------- - > cl.ea-I4t D.po6it-- -. --- - > Add Ga6 Appliances: Building ----> Plan check- - - > Inveatigation> wi.lI cal.1----> r45 .00 94.25 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 100.o0 342 -25 3 42 .2s AddiEional !'ee6---------> .00 Total PeroiE Fee-------_> Paymenta------- TOTAT, FEES---'-- 342.25 BAIANCE DUE---. .OO Refund DeptANN ICDept Dept: PUB WORK Divisi-on: rr*itt**t*tr**r , , r r * f i * i * * r * l r i r * , * i ., { a * * * * * r * **+l*i*r**a**** See Page 2 of this Documenc for any conditions that may apply to this permit DE CLAR,AT I ONS I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this application. fiLled out in ful1 the i,nformaEion requirad, comPleted an Item:051-00 03 /28 /2000Item:05400 03 /28 /2000Item:05600 03 /28 /20OOItem:05500 03 /28 /20oo BUILDING DEPARTMEI\fl| 'fRM ACE1ON: APPRPI,ANNING DEPARTMEI\TJRM ACIiON: APPR OK PERFIRE DEPARIT{EI{:T.fRM AcEion: APPR N,/APTJBLIC WORKSJRM Accion: APPR N,/A Dept APPROVED : BUILDING Diwi-sion: : PLANNING Division: : FIRE Division: to contpl.y lrith all To{n ordinances and sEaE€ laws, and to build Ehis seruclure code6, degigTl review approved, Vnifonn Building code and other ordinanceB of che accurate plot and plob plan, subdivision REQUESTS FOR INSPESXTONS S1IALr, BE MADE TWEr[rY - FOUR HOUXS IN ADIRNCE BY TELEPHOYE It Send clcan-Up Depo6its fo: BROWN-!ioIrIN CONST OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSE].F AND O'|NER ******************************************************************************** EONDITIONS PermiE, #: 800-0038 as of 04/20/00 stacus: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit T149e: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant : BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION 970-949-4]-A6 Job Address: LocaEion: 2Ot GORE CRK DR (BELI_,TOWER #1)Parcel No: 2101-082-53-01-3 Applied: n/2e/2oooIssued: 04 /20 / 2O0O To E>cpire , Lo /L7 /2oo' Description: REPI,ACE 3 EXISTING V{INDOWS Conditions: 1.. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTA}'ICE.2. AIL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEIIJINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3- SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTI,IEITT APPROVAL rS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED. 75 S, Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATTo\JLL Nor BE AccEpTED rF rNcoMprEnf q? - 03/{ Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 ( Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Patcel # (.fcer * 2lol- o&L-(.3- o/t) rob Name: T&l(Tu** o+-f,;. *{VJ!:;*,tX#o'E'6"rc c.&Z, >, . /ntrArust (fr1 Legal Description rct: rt Block: (-$Filing:F'.Af Subdivision: owneqlaPe' .l4a /Jr, ilr.AddresV 7. o 1 rcai\ t |VPo s _s "ffi ho ne : g o 6 " 3 7 | - a Ll >> Architect/Designer: ,Na aL ll Address:Phone: Engineer: No ne Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work: F<p/x* 3 t-xiSl,rq I'athnl WnM qltnt).w,;s bth 3 tdentrcal<p< wi,^)orus- fu1Gg ivar; sA*,fr4 "AJ AftlJJrlh,\ av,^J "tin)n, .t, k rel/eLJ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (!) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciatlf Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinql GasAooliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) CoMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ O rorAl:S g hS9- REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: General Contractor: o,tn- lir l,n (; Contact and Phone #'s: T2,"4 e 1ffi -1, Town of Vail Reg. No.: ,t******t *****************************y.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**,r*******'!********r!*:f **********t!**** F :/everyonfforms/bldgperm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 IOI,V.\i Department of Community Development ProjectAddress: Jot E 6ox Crc"kDr. &"tAu* &"f L / This Checklist must be ampleted beforc a Buildina Permit apolkation isarcptd. o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkino or material storaqe at f !t o c fl o // Dr* dFC.< ft"^ fiJi"lo*s o ,All pages of application is complete 4|, o*" "oo;;;;,*o (ir required) provide a copy or approvat rorm , n 4 n,^,L_ IU Condominium Association letter of approval atbached if project is a Multi-Family cdmplex q) * o Complete site plan submitted 1! zt o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) /V A ao o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring t-1,., ,4* ''Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) t t),+I-*L.,/ ( nef)allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval 17 Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyoneformtbldpermz B",* -tuk 6J, 7'- Received By: BUILDING PERMTT ISSUAITICE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecls impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and Ume frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may aftect tuture permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:7,,A; 6rn. B*r,-t- Print name I n tililk6,,,^_ Signature Project Name: Date: 8"1,t -t nrr.- /$,." .4r'..- hj''n) *' F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A "PUBLTC WAY PERMIT" rS REQUIRED At tllv lT PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF *an OO r*U FOLLOWING QUEST]ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': tr o o o D Is this a new residence?YES NOX Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NOX No-x-- YES No )d Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public WorK at 479-2L98. I HAVE,READ AND/ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. /U-JA9'* E*^,.-at,t^ (^r'/.E^- . Contractor Signature Company Name JoborProjectNare' Be// Titt" d$,.'. 4t* L/,n)o*' Date sisned: z/sl /otl.r-r- No*- Is any drainage wo$ being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ NO )o Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Nop-' Is the Right-of-Way., easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ No_10_ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO_x_ F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 TVWNOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: ^r A /[l ^rFill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. ) Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifi7 (locate) respective utilifles prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work), This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit, You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notifled, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit", ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an a I have read and F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 TOWN OF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depatment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessry. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. '2/t..-->irAgreed to by: | | "u['"'J (>ene l5raur"-18."*' ('^)o('" 6-4' t"'-' Signature Project Name:Bell \o^* d{$,," ,!r'- (rJ''^l*t Date sisned: i/r-' ' /l F:/everyoneforms/bldperm6 Please read and check off eadr of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-IO: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED r Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud,.dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. a Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notifi7 and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agen! may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removeo from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. D Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED u No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipalry in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and paced in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: F JeYeryone/fo rms/bldpe rm7 ' '| O ,E$$lo.'*\" e\g1TnnilNf.Gi Design Revidiil Action Form-st{t "TowN oF vArL iTllfttf.FttAlLlY r\ A Vtr{tr / ProjectNarne: BelttorverWindows ProjectNumber; PR.l99-0318 ,/ f; n omer, Address, andPhone: Xe5|:'rl*r" /ll ll^ Amarillo, TX 79105 ll ' L )-a* Prqect N-alne: Belltorver windows rroJeqt tluliltrcr , r F\rt 7 7-t .' r" ,/' r, n/ Jldlt- Project Description: Replacement of wood-trim bay windows on east side of ,/ L'j apartment. PL"Ltpt- ltlrltL r-',(Jr! r!-J (806) 374-2422 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phonel as nbove Project Street Address: 201 East Gore Creek [lrive' Vail Legal Description. Block 58, Vnil Village Filing #l Parcel Number: 21010E263013 Building Narne: Belltower condo Comments: CondominiumAssociationApprovalreceived. ?-;) ,1,/q Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner. Ann Kjerulf Date: Lll29/99 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Belltower Windows Board/Staff Action Action: StnffApprovedwithCottdition 1. This activity will require a Town of Vait building permit (please call 970- 479-2325 for more information). ao BELL TOWER CON DOMINIUIII ASSOCIATION Ponthous€ Apadment i0100 N. CEntrel, Suite 200 p. o. aor 1f2EE !^elt]owel Eutlding D.tlrt, Ter.r 70231 Amarilo, Texas 79J0s?0t E.rt Gore Crsek Drive {Zfa, 03i3100 (806l 3JT4_Z4ZIVail, Colorrdo E1657 (s?0) 476-21e5 October 26, 1999 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention Ms, Ann Kjerulf Re: Bell Tower Associates. Lld. (Bell Tower Condominium Assocration) Parcal 210108263013 Lot A Block 5-B First Filing 201 E. Gore Creek Drive Ladies ancl Genflemen. Pursuant to my tetter of october 19, 1999, I have enclosed four photographs of thewindow in the BellTower penthouse Apartment. Please advise if any other information is needed by your department in order for you toprocess our Application for Design Review Approval- Thank you. Sincerely, . )a-0.r* nn addr" T' Wales Madden. Jr. mew Enclosures cc; Mr. Hermann Staufer Mr. Dean Macfarlan ,/Mr. Richard Brown o BELL TOII/ER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Penthouro Aprrtment 10100 N. Cenlral, Suite 200 P. O. Box i52E8 Bell Tower Building Dallar, Terar 75231 Amaritlo, Teras 79'105 201 East Gore Creek Driye tr14l 932J100 18091374-2422 Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 4761125 October 18. 1999 Town of Vail Department of Community Deveiopment 75 $outh Frontage Road Vaii, Colorado 81657 Attention Ms. Ann Kjerulf Re: Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. (Bell Tower Condominium Association) Parcel 210108263013 Lot A Block 5-B Fir.st Filing 201 E. Gore Creek Drive Ladies and Gentlemen: Please refer to the Application for Design Review Approval filed the week of October 11, 1999. Allof the owners of the Bell Tower Ccndominium Assocation, Mr. Hermann Staufer of Vail and Bell Tower Associates, Ltd., a Colorado Limited Partnershlp represented by all of the Partnership parlners, discussed the subject Design Review Aoproval request at the annual meeting of the condominium Board in vail on october 13, 1999. This request has the unanimous support of all owners, and your approval is respectfully requesled. You have asked for a photograph of the existing casement window, and we will send this to you as soon as the film is developed. Sincerely, \,U clQoA c\ad<\r-' ?f, Wales Madden. Jr. rngwcc: Mr. Hermann Staufer Mr. Dean Macfarlan J Mr. Richard Brown VA55 5 or-O.r*, (1) ARTICLE B. COUTMERCTAL CORE l (CCl) DTSTRTCT SFCTION: l2-7B.l: Purpose 12-78-2: Permitted And Conditionai Uses, Basement Or Garden Level 12-78-3: Permitted And Conditional Uses; First Floor Or Street Level 12-7B--4: Permitted And Conditional Uses; Second Floor 12-7B-5:- Permitted And Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor 12-78-6: Conditional Uses; Generally 12-78-7 : Exterior Alterations Or Modifications 1 2-78-8: Conditional Uses; Factors Applicable 12-78-9: Accessory Uses 12-78'-10: Lot Area And Site Dimensions 12-78-11: Setbacks 12-7B'12: Height 12-78-13: Density Control 12-78.14: Reconstruction Of Existing Uses; Generally 12-'7B-1 5: Site Coverage 12-78-16: Landscaping And Site Development 12-78-17: Parking And Loading 12-78-18: Location Of Business Activity 12-7B-19: Reconstruction Of Existing Uses; Cornpliance Required 12-78-20: Vail Viilage Urban Design Plan l2-78-l: PURPOSE: The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to provide sites and to maintain tle unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commerciai Core I District is intended to etrsure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. (Ord. 21(1980) $ 1) 12-78.-2: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES: BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL: A. Definition: The "basement" or' "garden levei" shall be defined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantially below grade. B. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be perrnitted in basement or garden levels within a stru$ure: 1. Retail shops and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores. vA565 0?-03A.TXT (20 Art suppiy stores and galleries. Bakeries and confectioneries. Bookstores. Camera stores and photographic studios. Candy stores. Chinaware and glassware stores. Deficatessens and specialty food stores. Drugstores and pharmacies. Florists- Gift stores. Health food stores. Hobby stores. Jewelry stores. Leather goods stores. Music and record stores. Newsstands and tobacco stores. Sporting goods stores. Stationery stores. Toy stores. Variety stores, Yardage and dry goods stores. 2. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barbershops. Beauty shops. Commercial ski storage. Smail appliance repair shops. Tailors and dressmakers. Travel and ticket agencies. 3. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation ofproducts or-t.r*, (3) specifically for sale on the premises. Cocktail lounges and bars. Coffee shop. Fountains and sandwich shops. RestauraDts. 4. Professional offices. business offices and studios. 5. Banks and financial institutions. 6. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subsection Bl through 85 of this Section, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title so long as they do not encourage vehicular trafific. 7. Lodges. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditionai use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Household appliance stores. Liquor stores. Luggage stores. Major arcade. Meeting rooms. Multiple-family housing. Outdoor patios. Radio and TV stores and repair shops. Theaters. (Ord. 10(1998) $$2,4: Ord.26(1989) $ l:Ord.21(1982) $ 1(a):Ord. 25(1982) $ 1(a): Ord.6(1982) $ 3(a): Ord.8(1981) $ 2: Ord.26(1980) $ 2: Ord. l6 (197s) $ 3(A)(A): ord. 8(1973) $ 8.200(A) 12-78.-3: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; FIRST FLOOR OR STREET LEVEL: A. Definition: The "first floor" or "streer level" shall be defined as that floor of the buiiding that is located at grade or street level. B. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street level within a strucfure: l. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores. vA555 0?-03A.tr' ,no Art supply stores and gaileries. Bakeries and confectioneries. Bookstores. Camera stores and photogaphic studios. Candy stores. Chinaware and glassware stores. Delicatessens and specialty food stores. Drugstores and phannacies. Florists. Gift shops. Hobby stores. Jewelry stores. Leather goods stores. Luggage stores. Music and record stores. Newsstands and tobacco stores. Sporting goods stores. Stationery stores. Ticket and travel agencies. Toy stores. Variety stores. Yardage and dry goods stores. 2. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation ofproducts specifically for sale on the premises. Cocktail lounges and bars. Coffee shops, Fountains and sandwich shoos. Restaurants. 3. Lodges. 4. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subsection Bl and VA:b5 or-t.r*t (5) 82 of this Section, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title so long as they do not encourage vehicuiar traffic. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shali be permitted on the first floor or street level floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Banks and financial institutions. Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Household appliance stores. Liquor stores. Outdoor patios. Radio and TV stores and repair shops. (Ord. l0(1998) $$ 3,4: Ord.25(1982) $ 1(b): Ord. 18(1981) $ l:Ord. 8(1981) $ 2: Ord.26(1980) $ 2: Ord.50(1978) $$ 4, s: Ord. 16(1975) $ 3(A)(B): ord.8(1973) $ 8.200(8) 12-7B'4: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; SECOND FLOOR: A. Permitted Uses; Exception: The following uses shall be permitted on the second floor above grade within a structure; provided, however, that a conditional use permit will be required in accordance with Chapter 16 of this Title for any use which eliminates any existing dwelling or accommodation unit or any portion thereof: l. Multiple-family residential dwelling. 2. Lodges. 3. Professional offices, business offices, and studios. 4. Banks and financial institutions. 5. Personal services and repair shops, including the fotlowing: Barbershops. Beauty shops. Business and office services. Tailors and dressmakers. Travel and ticket agencies. 6. Retail stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores. Art supply stores and galleries. Bakeries and confectioneries. Bookstores. vAs6s 07-03A.rxr (50 Camera stores and photographic studios. Candy stores. Chinaware and glassware stores. Delicatessens and specialty food stores. Drugstores and pharmacies. Florists. Gift stores. Hobby stores. Jewelry stores. Leather goods stores. Music and record stores. Newsstands and tobacco stores. Photographic studios. Sporting goods stores. Toy stores. Variety stores. Yardage and dry goods stores. 7. Eating and drinking establisbments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation ofproducts specifically for sale on the premises. Cocktail lounges and bars. Coffee shops. Fountains and sandwich shops. Restaurants. B. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on second floors above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use pennit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Dog kennel Household appliance stores. Liquor stores. Luggage stores. i'A5 6 5 or -O. r*, 0) Meeting rooms. Outdoor patios. Radio and TV saies and repair shops. Theaters. Type III empioyee housing unit (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-6 of this Title. Type IV empioyee housing unit (EIILL) as provided in Section 12-13-7 of this Title. (Ord. l0(1998) $ 4: Ord.8(1992) $ 20: Ord.25(1982) $ 1(c):Ord.20(t982) $ 5: Ord.8(1981) $ 2: ord.26(1980) $ 2: Ord. 16(197s) $ 3(AXC):ord.8(1e73) $ 8.200(C)) 12-78.-5: PERMITTED AND CO|{DITIONAL USES; ABOVE SECOND FLOOR: A. Permittee Uses: The foilowing uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade: Lodges. Multiple-family residential dwellings. B. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the second floor above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title. Any permitted or conditional use which eliminates any existing dwelling or accommodation unit, or any portion thereof, shall require a conditional use permit. Such uses may include: 1. Remil stores and establishments, including the following: Apparel stores. Art supply stores and galleries. Bakeries and confectioneries. Bookstores. Camera stores and photographic studios. C.hinaware and glassware stores. Deiicatessens and soecialw food stores. Drugstores. Florists. Gift shops. Hobby stores. Jewelry stores. Leather goods stores. vAs55 07-03A.rxr (so Liquor stores. Luggage stores. Music and record stores. Newsstands and tobacco stores. Photogaphic studios. Radio and TV stores and repair shops. Sporting good stores. Stationery stores. Toy stores. Variefy stores. Yardage and dry goods stores. 2. Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Bakeries and delicatessens with food service, restricted to preparation ofproducts specifically for sale on the premises. Cocktail lounges and bars. Coffee shops. Fountain and sandwich shops. Restaurants. 3. Professional offices, business offices, and studios. 4. Banks and financial institutions. 5. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barbershops. Beauty shops. Business and office services. Smail appliance repair shops. Tailors and dressmakers. Travel and ticket agencies. 6. Theaters. 7. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses descnbed in subsection Bl through 85 of this Section in accordance with the provisions of Section l2-3-4 of this Title, so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic. or-t.r"t (e) 8. Type III enployee housing unit (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-6 of this Title. 9. Type IV employee housing unit (EIIU) as provided in Section 12-13-7 of this Title. (Ord. 10(1998) $ 4:Ord. 25(199s) $ l:Ord.8(1992) $ 21:Ord.20(1982) $ 5:Ord.8(1981) $ 2: ord.26(1980) $ 2: ord. l6(1975) $ 3(AXD): Ord. 8(1973) $ 8.200(D)) 12-7B.4: CONDITIONAL USES; GENERALLY: The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I 6 of this Title: Bed and breakfasts as further regulated by Section 12-1+18 of this Title. Public buildings, grounds and facilities. fublic park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and tows. (Ord. 3l(1989) $ 8: Ord. 16(1975) $ 3(B): Ord. 8(1973) $ 8.300) 12-7B.-7 : EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: A. Subject To Review: The construction of a new building, the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area, the alteration of an existing building which modifies exterior rooflines, the replacement of an existing building, the addition of a new outdoor dining deck or the modification ofan existing outdoor dining deck shall be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) as follows: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized ag€nt or representative on a form provided by the Administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all peninent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application Contents: An application for an exterior alteration shall include the following: a. A completed application foml filing fee, and a list of all owners of property located adjacent to the subject parcel. A filing fee shall not be collected for any exterior alteration which is only for the addition of an exterior dining dec[ however, ail other applicable fees shall be required. The ownefs list shall include the names of all owners, their mailing address, a legal description ofthe property owned by each, and a general description ofthe property (including the name of the property, if appiicable). and the name and mailing address of the condominium association's representative (if applicable). Said names and addresses shall be obtained fromthe current tax records ofEagle County as they appeared not more than thirty (30) days prior to the application submittal date. b. A written statement describing the proposal and how the proposal conplies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the Vail Village Master Plan, Streetscape Vlaster Plan, and any other relevant sections of the Vaii Comprehensive Plan. c. A survey stamped by a licensed surueyor indicating existing conditions on the property 'uAs5s 07-c3A.rxr J) including the location of improvements, topography, and natural features. d. A cunent title report to verif ownership, easements, and other encumbrances, including Schedules A and 82(1). e. Existing and proposed site plan at a scale of one inch equals ten feet, (i" = l0'), avicinity plan at an appropriate scale to adequately show the project location in relationship to the surrounding area, a landscape plan at a scale ofone inch equals ten feet (1" = l0'), a roof height plan, and existing and proposed building elevations at a minimum scale of one-eighth inch equals one foot (l/," = l'). The material listed above shall include adjacent buildings and improvements as necessary to demonstrate the project's compliance with urban design criteria as set forth in the Vail Village Urban Design Cuide Pla4 Vail Village Design Considentions, the Vail Village Master Plan, the Streetscape Master Plal1 and any other relevant sections of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. f. Sun/shade analysis of the existing and proposed building for the spring/fall equinox (March 2llSeptember 23) and winter solstice (December 2l) at ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and two o'clock (2:00) P.M., unless the Department Of Community Development of the Town determines that the proposed addition has no irrpact on the existing sun/shade pattern. The following sun angle shall be used when preparing this analysis: Spring/Fall Equinox l0:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Winter Solstice 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Sun Angle 40o east ofsouth, 50o declination 42o west of south. 50o declination Sun Angle 30o east ofsouth, 20o declination 30o west of south, 20o declination g. Existing and proposed floor plans at a scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot (,/." = l') and a square tbotage analysis ofall existing and proposed uses. h. An architectural or massing model of the proposed development. Said modei shall include buildings and major sitc improvements on adjacent properties as deemed necessary by the Administrator. The scale ofthe model shall be as determined by the Administrator. i. Photo overlays and/or other graphic material to demonstrate the relationship of the proposcd development to adjacent properties. public spaces, and adopted views per Chapter 22 of this Title. j. Any additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Administrator or the Town Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The Administrator or the Planning and Environmental Commission may, at his/her or their discretion, waive certain submittal requirements if it is determined that the requirements are not relevant to the proposed development nor applicable to the urban design criteria, as set forth in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Vaii Viilage Design Considerations and any other relevant sections of the Vail Corrprehensive Plan. VA5 O:or-t.r"t (11) 3. Appiication Date And Proceduresl(2): Complete appiications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted biannually on or before the fourth Nlonday of February or the fourth Monday of September. Submittal requirements shall include all information listed in subsection A2 of this Section; provided, however, that the architecturai or massing model shall be submitted no iater than three (3) weeks prior to the first formal public hearing of the Planning and Environmentai Commission. No public hearings or work sessions shall be scheduled regarding exterior aiterations prior to the biannual submittal date deadlines. At the next regularly scheduled Planning and Environmental Commission meeting following the submittal dates listed above, the Administrator shall inform the Planning and Environmental Commission of all exterior alteration submittals. The Administrator shall commence with the review of exterior alterations following this initial planning and Environmental Commission meeting. a. A property orilner may apply for a major extenor alteration (greater than 100 square feet) in any year during which he or she shall submit an application on the February or September dates as set forth in subsection A3 of this Section. Said application shall be termed a "major exterior alteration". b. Notwithstanding the foregoing, applications for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area ofnot more than one hundred (100) square feet, applications to alter the exterior rooflines ofan existing building, applications for new outdoor dining decks and applications for modifications to existing dining decks may be submitted on a designated submittal datc for any regularly scheduled Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. Said applications shall be termed a "minor exterior alteration". The review procedures for a minor exterior alteration shall be as outlined in this Section. All enclosed floor area for an expansion or deletion pursuant to this subsection A3b shall be physically and structurally part of an existing or new building and shall not be a freestanding structure. c. A single properfy owner may submit an exterior alteration proposal which removes or encloses floor area ofone hundred (100) square feet or iess on a designated submiftal date and will be reviewed by the Pianning and Environmental Commission at any of its regularly scheduled meetings. 4. Work Sessions: If requested by either the applicant or the Administrator, submittals shall proceed to a work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Administrator shall schedule the work session at a reguiarly scheduled Planning and Environmental Commission meeting and shall cause notice of the hearing to be sent to ail adjacent property owners in accordance with subsection l2-3-6C of this Title. Following the work session, and the submittal of any additional material that may be required, the Administrator shall schedule a formal public heanng before the Planning and Environmentai Commission in accordance with subsection 12-3-6C of this fitle. 5. Hearing: The public hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission shall be held in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of this Title. The Planning and Environmental Commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the appiication. The decision ofrhe Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council in accordance with Section l2-3-3 ofthis Title. 6. Complia:rce With Corprehensive Applicable Plans: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance ofthe evidence before the planning and Environmental vAs6s 07 - 03A. rxr c-t Commission that the proposed exterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the CCl Zoae District as specified in Section i2-78-l of this Anicle; that the proposai is consistent with applicable elements of the Vail Village Nlaster Plan, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan; and that the proposal does not otherwise negatively alter the character ofthe neighborhood. Further, that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vaii Village Design Considerations, to inciude, but not be limited to, the following urban design cousiderations: pedestrianization, vehicularpenetration, streetscape liamework, street enciosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that the proposal substantially complies with all other eiements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. 7. Approval Approval of an exterior alteration under subsection A5 and A6 of this Section shall constitute approval of the basic form and location of improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building buik and mass, site improvements and landscaping, 8. Lapse Of Approval Approvai of a major or minor exterior alteration as prescribed by this Chapter shall lapse and become void fwo (2) years following the date of approval of the rnajor or minor exterior alteration by the Planning and Environmental Commission unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diiigently pursued to completion. 9. Design Review Board Review: Any modification or change to the exterior facade of a building or to a site within the CCI District shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter I I ofthis Title. B. Conpliance Burden: It shall be the burden ofthe applicant to prove by a preponderance ofthe evidence before the Design Review Board that the proposed building modification is in corrpliance with the purposes of the CC1 District as specified in Section 12-7B-l of this Article; that the proposal substantially conplies with the Vail Village Design Considerations, and that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character ofthe neighborhood. (Ord. l(1998) $ 1: 1997 Code: Ord.4(1993) $ l: Ord.4l(1983) $ l: Ord. 25(1982) $ l(d): Ord. 21(1e80) $ 1) 12-78-8: CONDITIONAL USES; FACTORS APP LICABLE : In considering, in accordance with Chapter l6 of this Title, an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core I District, the following development factors shall be applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I District. B. Reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 District. C. Reduction of nonessential oflstreet parking. D, Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles. E. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. F. Continuance of the various corunercial" residential, and public uses in Commercial Core I District so as to maintain the existrng character of the area. G. Control qualiry of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Comrnercial Core I Dstricr so as to rnaintain the existing character of the area. or-t.**, (13) H. Effects of noise. odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the envirounent of Commerciai Core I District. (Ord. 16(1975) $ a) 12-78-9: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permirted in the CC1 District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Minor arcade. Amusement devices shall not be visible or audible from any public way, street, waikway or mall area. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and drinking establishments. Swimming pools, patios, or other recreational faci[ties customariiy incidental to permitted residential or lodge uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (Ord. 6(1982) $ 3(b): Ord. 16(1975) $ 3(C): Ord. 8(1973) $ 8.400) 12-7B.-10: LOT AREA AND SITE DINIENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). (Ord. l2(1978) $ 3) 12-7B,-llz SETBACKS: There shall be no required setbacks, except as may be estabfished pusuant to the Vail Village Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. (Ord. 21(1980) $ l) l2-7B.-l2z HEIGHT: Height shall be as regulated in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. (Ord. 11(1982) $ 2: Ord.37(1980) $ 2) 12-7B,-13 : DENSITY CONTROL: Uniess otherwise provided in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, not more than eighty (80) square feet ofgross residential floor area (GRFA) shail be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildabie site area. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre ofbuildabie site area. (Ord. 21(1980) $ l) 12-78-14: RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING USES; GENERALLY: If any building or structure located within Commercial Core 1 District on June l, 1978, is subsequently destroyed by fire or other casualty to the degree provided in Section l2-18-9 ofthis Title, that structure or building may be reconstructed to the same or substantially the same size, dimensions, lot coverage, and height in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 12-18-9 ofthis Title, so lotrg as the appearance of the building or structure is the same or substantially the same as existed prior to its destruction. (Ord. i9(1979) $ 3(a): Ord. 13(1978) $ 07-03A.rxr (1'VA555 2) 12-7B.-15 : SITE COVERAGE : Site coverage shall not exceed eightypercent (8092o) ofthe total site area, unless otherwise specified in the Vail Viilage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. In Commercial Core I District, ground level patios and decks shall be included in site coverage calculations. (Ord. 171i991) $ 8: Ord.21(1980) $ 1) 12-7B,-16: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: No reduction in landscape area shall be permitted without sufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified in the Vail Village Design Considerations as adopted in Section 12-78-20 of this Article. (1997 Code: Ord. 21(1980) $ l) 12-7B.-77: PARKING AND LOADING: OFstreet parking and toading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title; provided, that no parking shall be provided on-site. All parking requirements shall be met in accordance with the provisions of subsection l2-10-l68 ofthis Title. Loading requirements shall continue to be applicable to properties within Commercial Core 1 District; provided, that no Ioading areas shail be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. 13(1978) $ 3) 17-7B.-18: LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY: A. Limitations; Exception: All offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections 12-7B-2 through 12-78-5 of this Article, shail be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for perrnitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display ofgoods. B. Outdoor Displays: The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. (Ord. 34(1982) $ 1: Ord. 19(1976) $ 9: Ord. 8(1973) $ 8.51l) l2-7B.-l9z RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING USES; COMPLIANCE Rf,QUIRED: Any building or struct\ue located within Commercial Core 1 District may be reconstructed to the same or substantially the same enclosed floor area in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 12-18-9 of this Tirle. The building, however, shall substantially comply with the applicable provisions of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. (Ord. 2l(1e80) $ 1) 12-7B.-20: VAIL VILLAGE URBAI{ DESIGN PLA}I: A. Adoption: The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plau and Design Considerations are adopted for the purposes of maintaining and preserving the character and vitality of the Vail Viilage (CCl) and to guide the future alteration, change anci improvement in CCI District. Copies of the Vaii Village Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations shall be on file in the VA565 o?-oQ.rxr (1s) Departnrent of Conmnity Dweloprnent. . B. Revisions: Revisions to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations shall be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission with official action to be taken by the Town Council by resolution on a semiannual basis to ensure that the plan reflects the purposes and intent forwhich it has been adopted. The review an<i action sha[ take place within thitty (30) days following the public hearing on the applications. (Ord. 2l(1980) $ l) vA555 0?-03A.TXT (1t Endnotes r @opup) 2.Schedules A and B. referred to herein, refer to Schedules A and B ofthe title report. 2 (Popup) The submittal deadlines conrained in this subsection A,3 are hereby waived for project applications for the 1998 calendar year. o Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 18,2000 Barbara Meyers vrA FACS|MTLE - (81 3) 221 -781 0 Re: Belltower Condominiums / 201 E. Gore Creek Drive Dear Barbara: The Town of Vail has no record of required approvals lor telecommunications or public utility equipment al the above-referenced location. Pursuant to your request, the following is a synopsis of the Town of Vail's permitting requirements for these facilities in the Commercial Core I zone district: . A conditional use permit for the installation of public utility equipment, subject to review by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmenlal Commission. . Design review approval to ensure compliance with the Vail Town Code, subject to review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. . lf any additional enclosed lloor area is proposed (for associated equipment or screening), a "Minor Commercial Core I Alteration" approval by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission is also required. Relevant code sections are attached for reference. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate lo contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, tr...*-t--- ( Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll {g """r""ro r r* 12-78-5 ration of products speci{ically for sale on the premises. Cocktail lounges and bars. Coffee shops. Fountains and sandwich shops. Restaurants. 3. Professional offices, business offic- es, and studios. 4. Banks and financial institutions. 5. Personal services and repair shops, including the following: Barbershops. Beauty shops. Business and office services. Small appliance repair shops. Tailors and dressmakers. Travel and ticket agencies. 6. Theaters. 7. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in subsections 81 through 85 of this Section in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 12-3-4 ot this Title,so long as they do not encourage vehicular traffic. 8. Type lll employee housing units (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 1o(1998) $ 4: Ord. 2s(1995) $ 1: Ord. 8(1992) $ 21: Ord. 20(1982) $ 5: Ord. 12-78-7 8(1981) $ 2: Ord. 26(1980) $ 2: Ord. 16(1975) $ 3(A)(D): Ord. 8(1973) s 8.200(D)) 12-78-6:. CONDITIONAL USES: GENER- ALLY: The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 ol this Title: Bed and breakfasts as turther regulated by Section 12-14-18 of this Title. Public buildings, grounds and facililies. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Ski litts and tows. (Ord. 31(1989) $ 8: Ord. 16(1e75) $ 3(B): ord.8(1e73) $ 8.300) 12-78-7i EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: A. Subiect To Review: The construction of a new building, lhe alieration of an existing building which adds or re- moves any enclosed lloor area, the alteration of an existing building which modifies exterior rooflines, the re- placement of an existing building, the addition of a new ouldoor dining deck or the modification of an existing out- door dining deck shall be subiect to review by the Planning and Environ- mental Commission (PEC) as follows: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a torm provided by the Administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall Town of Vail June 2000 12-78-7 12-78-8 other elements of the Vail Compre- S 1: Ord. 25(1982) $ 1(d): Ord. hensive Plan. 21(1980) S 1) 7. Approval: Approval ol an exterior 1 alteration under subsection A5 and 46 <K12-78-8: CONDITIONAL USES; FAC- of this Section shall constitute approv- TORS APPLICABLE: In consid- al of the basic form and location of ering, in accordance with Chapter 16 of this improvements including siting, build- Title, an application for a conditional use ing setbacks, height, building bulk and permit within Commercial Core 1 District, mass, site improvemenls and land- the following development factors shall be scaping.applicable: 8. Lapse Of Approval: Approval of a A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commer- major or minor exterior alteration as cial Core 1 District. prescribed by this Chapter shall lapse and become void two (2) years follow- B. Reduction ol vehicular tratfic in Com- ing the date of approval of the major mercial Core 1 District.or minor exterior alteration by the Planning and Environmental Commis- C. Reduction ol nonessential off-street sion unless, prior to the expiration, a parking. building permit is issued and construc- tion is commenced and diligently pur- D. Control of delivery, pickup, and ser- sued to completion.vice vehicles. 9. Design Review Board Review: Any E. Development.of public spaces for use modification or change to the exterior by pedestrians. lacade of a building or to a site within the CC1 District shall be reviewed by F. Continuance of the various commer-the Design Review Board in accor- cial, residential, and public uses in dance with Chaoter 11 of this Title.Commercial Core 1 District so as to maintain the existing character of theB. Compliance Burden: 11 shall be the area. burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before G. Control quality of construction, archi-the Design Review Board that the tectural design, and landscape design proposed building modification is in in Commercial Core 'l District so as to compliance with the purposes of the maintain the existing character of the CC1 District as specified in Section area. 12-78-1 ol this Article; that the pro- posal substantially complies with the H. Effects ol noise, odor, dust, smoke, Vail Village Design Considerations, and other factors on the environment and that the proposal does not other- oi Commercial Core 1 District. (Ord. wise alter the character of the neigh- 16(1 975) S 4) borhood. (Ord. 1(1998) S 1: 1997 Code: Ord. 4(1993) $ 1: Ord. 41(1983) Toznn of Vail 1298 o l\ lrllbEII IOWER PARTNERS, LTD. lo'rs'Ta*w /";4,./e August 7, 1996 Mr. Mike Mollica Office of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 t BellTower Building 201 E. Gore Creek Drive Dear Mike: I called the Vail Town office when lwas in Vail last w.eek, but it was closed. As ltold Craig Snowdon, we are changing the ouidoor light bulbs in.the front of our apartment. The size of the down lights have been reduced fiom sixty watts to either, forty and twenty-five watts for comparison, and we have unscrewed the lights in the globes to see what effect this produces. We will plqy around with the lights ori the back balcony similarly. When we have finished our experimenting, we will call and arrange to meet with you to receive your reaction. Thanks. Regards, rgr6-1Q.'r,r^ fAfr4lZ\n. Wdles Madden, Jr. mem .cc: Mr. Craig Snowdon Rd: io nn"; f .%* ?--^*^ 3838 Oak LaWn Avenue, Suite 400. Dallas, Texas 7 5219 . 214-559-4599 . FAX 214-559-4606 2Ol E. Gore Creek Drive,3rd Floor. Vail, Colorado 81657 .9'10-476-2125. FAX 970-479-0499 PO. Box 15288.Amarillo, Texas 79105-5288. Physical Address: 724 S, Polk. Amarillo, Texas 79101 .806-374-2422. FAX 806-379-7049 --f w",(u_, Project Application Date 5,20,76 Proiect Name: Project Description: ffiruoran+Fhena Owner, Address and Phone: @ooress and Phone: Legal Description, Lot A ,Blocr 5-B ,rttingV,V;//'-e 14 ,zone CcI comments: (Zo t e' f- '," C^-/ I Y Design Review Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner 5.2d,7bDate: $t"t Approval -- -@:^f,r** .,A' lrWn r rtto -,{ . 7 {,>)n cs ainn4 urst r,oll / 4'l.F. t*1a tol\' =€ElE-'F,WV|W'"h" ?v)t4ve;'{ffi;'',i*i *"r vo,f it4n ("llar) 1W*,- m--.v1tw lvon E'iulh . rlpllo- :LL fO\A/tR coNboM/Nl/(, ^Af. i0e/- ,-,t/;{ o,lFfv'/4 di . I. STA IR A-l t- 7I b N 22.5 L.C.E. STORAGEUNIT R-I ??.4' ts. I UN IT R-l 3.O n .4' 'o .iSTA IR R-l :. ELEVATOR]S C.6 THRU I tl K-l -JA *Jb .hlhn,, hi,U t4 ,r;{frfffi ,.frnF" o tbo1 , +tl/qb r&n.o L.c.E. DEcK urutrtn-t La,'hve) | t ( :' "qF A.\ $ G F 2 =o> n:}OtJ :} t! (.1 J 44,2' L.C, E. DECK UNIT R.I o $ iq'L --l' =' - . P-l'- J\ , rco.7, rf) //. r' | 9.G' I.l\ UNIT: R-tB .t t- ll. t' | 9.G' UN IT R -IA I.G' \a 9.6 I " Dtgrcx REvrEt{ dua0epprrtcArron ' To$lN or vf{ co DATE RECETVEDI OTCE OT DR8 MEETINGI alttlttttll Itrtal|lftt t. A, W: D.IIYPE 0F REvlsttl -lfarf Conctrructlon (f 200.00,_Jddicton ($s0.00)J-!dno! llteraulon (f20. 00) lconcepuual neview ($0) C' D. O. $, I. il. If Droperty is described by destript,ion, ptease plovide co [his applicat,ion. IDDRD99t $EGAI/ DBSCRIPTI $ubCivt'sion J**ZoNtNOr W+ - lruO 0F APPIICAI.ITr MaJllng- lrlt{E or onNER(s): B10ck : trh a neegs and boundE L€gal on a separaLe theet and aftach '!. D. t I Atp&ter8rf/Ng :'//,tt/L Nor 8s PnocssgsD r'Irilow ol{lvE8,s Srct'!|fux8 Condoninlun Approval lf appllcable. DnB FEEI DRB feesr t8 $hown abovc, are to ba pald at the t,lsre of subrBittal..pf rhe DRB applicat,{on. LaEer, when applylng for a bullding permil, please ldentlfy bhe accuratevaluaLlon of the proposal, the Tolfn of vall will adjust thefee according to the table bblow, lo ensure the correct feeie pald. IF8lICAN!t ft,i,r ',w I'A EEE-ECUEUI&T VALUATION| 0'$ 10,000ii0,00i. $ .5u,00uf50r0o1 ,$ t50r00of150,001 $ 500,000 0500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver fl,000,000 DZSTGN 8ln/I8I| BOAXD APPROVAI g'(PIR8S APDROVI|I, UDII,ESS A DUIIIDING PEFI,|IT ISI9 STARTSD. FEEI 20.00 $ 50.00 t100.00 $200.00 ${00.00 $500.00 OllE YEAI AflPIR FfNNJ r s F.qEB ANDJONSTR ge!:roN Post ll'" brand lu transminal momo 76-fl I.,TST OF MATERIA]]S {t{Al.lE OF PROJECT: Tbe following inf,ornation is Review Board before a final A. BIIILDII{G IiAIIERIAITS: reguired for eubnittal approval can be given: lryPE OF IIATERIAIJ IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,OT_2- BT.OCK 63 STREET ADDRESS: to the Design COIJOR Roof Siding other wall Materials Fascia soffics Windowg t{indow Triul Doora Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Plaehings Chinneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses ReEaining t{alls Exterior Ligbllng Otber I,AIIDSCAPING: Nane of n | .,^ I ot{q ttiltz. , tl , I t tt 44r. fomf'fir .t, hlz lla Designer: Phone: B. o on*ruv1 {r/rq,nlf^dffd't 'Mtl 6oqt dlov?-bli,r '-# I gtoo.1 toww brrrldrrg e Yrr[ {,\onls , r thuo lra* . '-ufurtw oflq+iflbrrHrrq [r,], , 'ifw{o h/rn . ,hilft# hiHrq . rril ,d*{, t tfi"ntt-o'o F Jqiffir,rnf {dt-- I I t- I t_ I 4M , +/nf7b. o o W_AMtr+,n# f,or"lM , 1r*ulv, {trrtr bullJrr4 . na[ oVadrlt' rufiH0[r f;Ww,*,|#hI r--./+-!P et{'?'t t Snowdon and Hopklns o Architects tF tl o Tt T--lIP IKI @F T'RANSNflOT"T'AL 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vall, Colorado 81657 - WE ARE SENDING YOU I nttacnea n Under separate cover E Change order ft erint. 97o476-?,20r FA)(476-7491 TO THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: tr Copy ot letter ! Shop drawings (As requested ! Fo, you, ,r" {For approvat D For review and comment tr FOR BIOS DUE b( Ptans tr Samples I Specitications Return - corrected prints Submit -copies lor distribution Resubmit-copies for approval n ! ! tr tr n ! Returned {or corrections Approved as noted Approved as submitted 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US the following items: coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /rlp/lp 2 VWA4ftnlstrilrlL /4'ltinu /?'i/, ,, b/r#i"o lwy'rm /llri/1u I W /r lil1r r '4 7'/+b I t, ancloturaa ara not ,a notad. kindlt nolrty ut at oDca. oft|erf,DJljN I0 s96 FILE COPY -}3 STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Jim Curnutte George Ruther ,.:- Dominic Mauriello:, Judy Rodriguez .' 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p'm' Kevin Deighan has resigned and Greg Amsden was not present' 1. A request for a residential addition utilizing th.e ?59 p.rlinance' located at 748 Potato PatchAot 7, Block 2, Potato Patch 2nd filing' Applicant: Mario Montalvo, represented by Pat McDonald Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an oveMew and stated the concern staff had with this application was the landscaPing. Gene Uselton had no comments' Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt asked George if his would go on to the DRB' George Ruther said yes, but if the PEC would like additional landscaping to say so now' Galen Aasland asked if the tree is required to live for a number of years. George Ruther said that this is a standard requirement attached tb hndscaping. Pat McDonald, the applicant, had nothing to add. Henry pratt made a motion for approval with the additional condition that the landscaping be approved by statf. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. Mike Moilica asked the PEC to give staff direction on exactly what hey would like to see regarding landscaping, in case fhis application is staff approved' Ptanning od Enviromerilat Coomission Minuter May 13, 1996 r MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Henry Pratt Diane Golden Gene Uselton Galen Aasland Publlc Hearing PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISSION MaY 13, 1906 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Deighan Greg Amsden Henry Pratt clarified his motion to note that staff and Sre applicant agree on what landscaping should be. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0' 2. A request for two residentiat additions utilizing the 250 Ordinance' located at 775 Bptato patcn [ot 19' Potato Patch' Filing #1 ' Aoolicant: Kirk Hansen & J. Randolf & Kevin Schumacher Pidnner: George Ruther .. Galen Aasland abstained, as he has worked with the Hansens on fiis project in the past' .' George Ruther gave an overview..tfryn rlv.l.ey ol the criteria, staff is recommending approval no*e-u!r, as obierved at tl1l-g l'riJvisiiby staff 1oday, the applicant will need to modify the exterior lights on the building before it goes to the DRB' Nickolas Aaswat, an adjacent property owner, spoke about her concerns with the roof line' The gable will affect her view of Vail Mountain. : Andrew Abraham of Morter Architects will be happy to look at the gable if it affects the view' He will give his clients the option of being good neighbors' Gene Uselton had no comments. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt said the house is a "wall'on the street. He reminded the adiacent property owner that the PEC is not in a position to protect views' Greg Moffet agreed with Henry's comments. Henrv pratt made a mo1on for approval with the recommendation that ttre appllcant w-ork with the i,i's'tiObi;d rhrltatt io Oeat vriiin he views and that the applicant work with the stiaff to bring the lights into comPliance. The motion was seconded by Diane Golden. It passed unanimously by a vote of 4-0-1 with Galen Aasland abstaining. g. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to the-platted building Subdivision. Applicant: Dr. & Mrs. Steadman, represented by Ric Fields Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of he request to change the building .""9lof^?-11"^tJ3l"^11"1 neieiuas no nei increase in the total buildable area on the lot. He also stated that he recelve0 a il;ft;;i "pp;*"ltrom nJ SpiaOOie Creek Architectural Control Committee. He stated that statf pterming and Envirmerotel Cmmission ",Y",fftu 2 .{ was recommending approval of the request. Greg Moffet asked it the applicant had anything to add' There were no comments from the PEC Board' Gene Uselton made a motion for approval. Galen Aasland seconded the rnotion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 4. A request for a minor CCI exterior alteration to allow for the replacement of a skylight'ivith a roof dormer, ror.t o .t'zoi'e.Goie creek Drive (Bell Towei Building)/A part of Lot A' Block 58, VailVillage Flrst Filing' Applicant: Bell Tower Partners, Ltd., represented by Craig Snowdon Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica stated that the applicant is proposing to add 60 sq. ft of additional GRFA' He said that staff is in support of the diplication with no conditions attached. Greg Moffet asked for any non-applicant public comments. There was none. Henry Pran asked if there was any sign-off from the Condo Association' Mike Mollica stated that there was a letter attached to the memo from the Condo Association' and also a letter from Beth slifer, a neighbor, in support of the application. Galen Aasland asked if the applicant was in compliance with the lighting ordinance' Mike Mollica said if there was a concern about the lights, he will be happy to check. He will make sure all lighting meets code. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval as outlined in the staff memo with one additional condition that staff will review the e)derior lighting. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. S. A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 4840 Meadow Lane/Lot 2, Block 6, Bighorn sth Addition' Applicant: John MeschPlanner: Jim Curnune plenning aod Environmental Commission Minutes MaY 13, 1996 .. Jim Curnutte gave an overview of the request and stated that the applicant is not fully utilizing the 250. He stated tnat sffis recommehOing approvitbecause ttid criteria have been mel He atso srated that fie appnc;;;'ili;.tJ to oo i_sddt survey, in lieu of th_elopo surv€y as required ililbiliv;,k;: Ji"iir*-'di"i"o'triitirere witt'be no nelative i1glcts !o anv adjacent propertv owners. The only "on."ri iiiii n;;E til minor image, 5ut the eEC mry^y5n to leave hat concern up to the DRB. Aft;hffi;;;tn;itir Fic i'rlv *ant to remove the condition reciuiring additional landscaPing. John Mesch, the applicant, asked if we can resolve the mirror image, do we have to go to the DRB. Jim curnutte stated that staff cannot approve it because of the minor image issue' There were no comments fiom tlre PEC' Henry Pratt made a motion lor approval with the deletion of conditions 2 & 3. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton' It passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0' 6. A request for a worksesslon to discuss a pgposed minor subdivision to allow for a c-n"nd in tot conriguiation, located at 1794 S. Frontage Road/Lots 2 & 3' Vail Village West Filing No.2. Applicant: Antonio & Val Aldrele, represented by Brent Alm Pidnner: George Ruther George Ruther reminded the PEC that this was a worksession and he reviewed the memo ilHA ;il aio OiscusieO the issues of concern that were listed on pages 2 and 3 ol the memo. Greg Moffet stated that he wanted it on the record that he owned Lot 11, which was an adjacent foii6 tne "ppiicant. He atso mentioneO that he doesn't see any problem with a conflict ot interest. George Ruther stated that a portion of the utility lines are being recommended to be buried' Breni Alm, project architect, has nothad a chance to talk to Holy Cross, but the applicant would like to underground a portion of the lines' Greg Motfet suggested checking with Holy cross to see if an underground tine didn't already exist. Henry Pratt mentioned that there would be a cost impact to bring the power line out from the creek. Brent Alm said if it only services one house, the applicant will consider burying it' Ptmiag od Eavirmeotgl Cmoissioo Milutes May 13, 1996 4- FILE {;OPY MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 13, 1996 A request lor a minor ccl exterior alteration to allow lor the replacement of a skylightwith a roof dormer, located at 201 E. Gore Creek Drive (BellTower Building)/a part of Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: BellTower Partners, Ltd., represented by Craig Snowdon Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The Commercial Core lZone District requires Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approval of an exterior alteration request prior to the addition of any enclosed floor area to siructures located within the district. This request is to allow a dormer addition, consisting of 60.3 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), on the fourth floor, or loft level ol the building. lt is located in residential condominium Unit R-1. The proposed dormer would be south-facing, towards Gore Creek Drive. In order to add this dormer to the building an existing skylight will be removed and an interior storage space (less than 5' in height and not considered CAFAI will be opened-up and converted to habitable space. The 8' roof height of the dormer will enable this space to be lully utilized as GRFA. Although the roof will be raised to allow tor the dormer, the exterior walls of the existing struclure will not change. Please see the attached drawings of the proposed dormer addition tor further details. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this minor exterior alteration request: 1) Zone District: 2l LolArea: 3) GRFA: Maximum Allowed: Exisring: Proposed: Remaining After Addition: 4) Site Coverage: Commsrcial Gore I 6,098.4 square feet 4,878.7 square feet 3, 191 .0 square feet 60.3 souare feet 1 ,627.4 square feet No change in sile coverage will occur bocause ths dormer addition will be added to lhe loft level, which is located above €xisting floor area. o,Parking:The existing GRFA of condominium Unit R-l is aksady over 2,000 square fset, and th€refore the addition of 60 square feet will not necessitate the addition of another parking spaca. ThEreforo, no monetary contribution into the Town of Vail pa*ing fund will be required as a result of lhe proposed dormer addilion. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I 18.24.010 Puroose: "The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment' The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities frlat distinguish the Village." It is he statfs opinion that the proposed dormer addition to the BellTower Building (Condominium Unit R-l), would be in compliance with the Purpose Section of the Commercial Core I Zone District as stated above. We also believe that the addition will not negatively effect the scale of the building nor detract trom the overall appearance of ttre buitding, as viewed from the pedestrian levels of E. Gore Creek Drive or Bridge Street below. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes three elernents which establish the review criteria for thii application. The first of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for future development and other improvements. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large-scale, land use planning and design considerations, and finally the architectural/landscape consideration€, which will be reviewedby the Design Review Board, establish the criteria for evaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal. The Vail Village Master Plan and the Streetscape Master Plan address specilic goals pertaining to the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. ln addition, traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal. V. COMPLIANCE W!T}I THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE There are no specific sub.area concepts relevant to this proposal. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The lollowing design considerations are a critical element of the Urban Design Guide Plan' They identify the kiey ph-ysical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to ensure that new development i3'coirsistent with the established character. The design considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianlzation: The proposed dormer addition will have no impacts on pedestrian traffic flow because of its location on the fourth level of the building. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed dormer addition will not atfect visual interest and activity along E. Gore - Creef Cirive and Bridge Street. The dormer should improve the appearance of the roof, as it will punctuate a large unbroken expanse of south-facing roof area and will break up the mass of the roof. D. Street Enclosure: Due to the location of the proposed dormer addition, and the relatively small size of the dormer ( 7'wide), it is statf's 6pinion that the proposed addition will not have a negative impact on street enclosure. E. StreetEdge: Staff believes that the dormer addition to residential condominium Unit R-1 will have no impact on the street edge along the Bell Tower Building' F. Bulldlng Helght: Building height will be unaffected as a result ol this proposal' G. Views and Focal Poinls: The proposed dormer does not atfect any of the Town's adopted vierv conidors. In addiiion, the dormer will have no impact on the line-of-sight from eitrer the east or the west ends of E. Gore Creek Drive. H. Service and Delivery: The proposed expansion will not affect current service and delivery patterns. I l. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow patterns as a result of this addition, as it is located within the existing roof area of the building. J. Architectural/LandscapeGonsiderations: The statf believes that the architectural detailing of the proposed dormer will have a positive impact on the appearance of the area as viewed lrom the pedestrian areas below. The proposed addition will have no effect on existing landscaped areas on f|e property. VII. RELATED GOALS AND POLICIES IN THE VAIL VILL/AGE MASTER PLAN The following are the goals and obiectives of the vail village Master Plan which are relevant to this proposal: Goal #1 - Encourage high quality development while preserving the unique architectirral scdb of tire Villaje in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial lacilities. The proposed dormer addition is consistent with the established zoning and the existing uses in tne d,red. Overall, the staff believes that the proposed 60.3 square foot dorrner addition would not detract from the appearance of the building. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested minor CCI exterior alteration. A review of the relevant Urban Desiln Criteria and the Vail Village Master Plan Goals and Policies indicate that the proposal is in conformance with the applicable sections of these documents. f leveryone\pec\memos\belllower.51 3 ,4 I UW tK UUI A PART OF LOT o, O.H UUt VAIL VILLAGE FIRS TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUI (!owN oF vAlL,A PART OF LOT O ,f:t t3t ttaart Ll.llloa rfi4! ( TOI'N OF VA A PART 0F Li tantr tc3 art|l at 3.1 - rr.rl 'rr n laarc ag3 I,txrlr II,-r!-'l coRe cREe,. DRlv€ t" -;ggI t/t coalr ttttror tla. 'h4trrla' btr'rlJ ira ' . ,11V. 7lu trr A'-!,' .,... 1tis7 - lltf,ltb, ?df$rlt Srt ' H'* tb '.lu I't nh'rl !!3 acr||al r- ltcra.lrt G.l tal.traa |.n t.r . tart ftl! sal. ?WfrfrW fl$d'*,ry 's€.E rct o FL. PLAN FOR OIM. VIEW X X I A-l b sroRAcE AREA Ir{oT HAS|TASLE I )f D ctgNt 70uNtT &Low UNIT J 1. ,242tlE1t.a.? te-rl I.,HAETAELE) UIV/T ,?'/ rcLAtV (RJA I{OT XAETTASLEI GN'fOUN/7 E CLOW UNIT DI DLOFT LEVEL lvonl . llnllb c .O ftvn) otlTLthte oFUTIIT EELOW .lnilhutg [rirldirrt '{rrl ,hlowdo , lll= ltt-Dt' , .str\r ara-) T i F-.tr t -I e. s , i cTb5a r! : -i c 6.f,-.T 1--1- -.* 1 ( H oF9fd r.i Ej3 ,9e (DTE t 3 9' qlltEUFr|oF 3 ,o'lt F|r) l) 2[ g ,q'z t, I U l.. :\0 N 0 o ,L'ct F< =-e ,99 h l.. )r ,su \> 3a ; ,3',€ 5!gE -*+ $E oo orteliq hqrl4rq tri 4rAq, o xM,t/lWlrrnt *nrLiol cqth dlovttliu ' cYt1f,1\sfio o vrctr, ovwltloNtM!hf ryffi'o trWw,*ilnh| ta*i,g wt -rhdF 6ffi, owfhlP-borri "VA'W,4.dtq' hsr r ' .t | 'l I . '1tr*toh It(W butl4t$ ' .boilhn,r hlrHl , Yq[ .alon4o ' l'tAY- 6-96 ttO|^{ 1 2= Sh'|Ol.lDoN tL HoF April25, tg96 FT Fdl4' Wlttrw t'U/A{,U-YJ o:o t(ro Designs E &^{),. c/t%To @; sr.r'awtlq Slificr Desigrrr, Inc. I Shftt Dssi6na - Retail, Iuc. Mrs. Wales Madden, Jr, PO Box 15288 Amfrillo, Texae 791 0$5288 I DeAr Abbiei Sincerely, J*h ThJnks for your letter and request for our approval of your dranges to the Bell Tower Building. Rod etopped by Craig'e orffioe and told Craig that wE havc no objeotionl at all. Good luck wlth getting the necessary Torvn of Vail approvals; the dormer should be an improvsmont to the exterior and interlor, Beth Slifer President BS/aef VriUBmvcr Crccly'Acp"n lE2 Ayon Rond P.O. Bor 55{0 Avon, Colondo 81620 970,9*9,1631 Fu 970.9{9 I I22 A Coll mll l'ctpor.t'rn o Bnr Townn FARTNERS. tlD. ADnl 6- lltlrll BELL TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BY: IVh. Walcs lvladdcn, Jr. .TOWN OF YAIL . c/o Cbaig Snowden Bell Towcr $rrilding.'z0lBcorcChockDrivc :vqil CO 8165? Re: Application br exterior alterations Core I, Vail Village Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 970 476-2201FM 476-7491 Apri 1 12, 1996 Lauren Waterton, Pl anner; Town of Vaj I Department of Community Development 1 10 S. Front age RoadVail, C0 81657 Lauren lrlaterton: .",-:.'r'"i1"'i'" /-: .,' 'z. /") 9.;.-,* 1-u-7- '''7''' '-t2' r.:''<- ') . :, "1.-'.{ |.) '!it ..-. 7.' Attached is a submittal for a minor alteration to the Bel'l Tower Bujldinq in C.C.I. The Condominium Association wishes to replace an existing skylight unit (which presently is leaking and overheatsthe existing bedroom) with a roof dormer as shown on the attachedsketches. This dormer would be built over ex'i st'i ng structural beams (6X16 at 6'-6" o.c.) and be no higher than the exjst'i ng ridgeof the building. The shed type roof dorner would match allexisting materials and finishes and allot. for a conventional operab'l e window unit to the bedroom. This dormer would extend tothe south wal I of the existing storage area to al low for maximumpotential for window, while not extending into the vaulted ceiling space of the area below. A window shelf (39" a.f.f. ) would becreated over the storage area and no additional habital spece (above 5') would be created. This proposal would conform with the purposes of C.C.I. as noted in 18.24.0'l 0, and would actually reduce roof mass and provide added detai I to the Vi 1l age image. As for the Vajl Village Urban Design Guide Plan' the 8 issuesj nvol ved ( Pedestri anizati on Veh i cl e Penetrat i on, Streetscape Frame- work, Street Enclosure, Street Edge, Building Eci ge' V'i ews and Sun/ Shade Analysis) are unaffecteC by this proposal. The proposal complies with the Vail Viliage Master Plan and Street- scape Master Plan and reinforces the desire to upgraCe existingbuildings, while preserving the unique architectural scale of theVillage and improving the qual ity of existing residential unjts inthe V i1l age core. The arch'i tectural image is consistent with adjacent properties (Gastof Gramshammer) and is very compatjble with the character ofthe neighborhood. o Thls proposal allows the owner to improve their property without impacting the community in any fashion. I hope you will be able to review and approve this proposal at your 5/13/ 95 PEC meeting. If you have questions on this natter or need additional information'please contact me or my office. si Snowdon ..-- - r- I Bell Tower Penthouse Dormer 57 57 AdJacent Property 0wners: * Gore Creek Plaza Condo Assoc.c/o Vail Mgmt., 201 Gore Creek Drive' Vai'l' C0 81 * Creekside Condo. Assocl ationc/o Vail Mgmt., 201 Gore Creek Drive' Vail, C0 81 * Lodge at Val I124 Gore Creek Drlve, Vail, C0 81657 * Lazier Bui lding 386 Hanson Ranch Road, Vail, C0 81657 * Gastof Gramshammer . 231 E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, C0 81657 * Bridge Street Building ConiJominiums ZEt srtdge Street,-Vail, C0 81657 t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that rhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wil hotd a public nearing'in'iiCorOance *nn $ectioriie.e6.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ;i7;i ilfi;trs, Gesl;i too P-M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A reouest for a densitv variance to allow for the construction of additional GRFA' located at 3130 Booth Falls CouiVLot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Brent and Barbara BinghamPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request fora residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 748 Potato PatchAot 7, Block 2, Potato Patch 2nd filing. Applicant: Mario Montalvo, represented by Pat McDonaldPlanner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to the previously approved site-dev.elopmentplan tor the Innsbruck Meadows SuMivision, tocated al2i72-2892' Kihhickinnick Road/lnnsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Innsbruck Meadows Development, represented by Bob Borne Planner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 4840 Meadow LaneAot 2' Block 6, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant:John Mesch Jim CurnuttePlanner: Planner: A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to the platted building envelope' locatbd at 1299 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot 1 1, Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. Applicant: Ric FieldsPlanner: George Ruther . A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed minor subdivision to allow for a change in lot confiluration, located at 1794 S. Frontage'Road/Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2' Applicant:Brent Alm George Ruther A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the reptacement of a skylight with a roof dormer, - {cated at 201 E. Gore Creek Drive/A part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. 1ftp,,..nr, urarg snowdenPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for an inferior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1081 VailView Drive #1 09 B/Hornestake Condominiums. Applicant:Rebecca JaffePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for residential addilions utilizing the 250 Ordinance; located at 775 Potato Patch Potato Patch #1. ' Applicant: Schumacher / HansenPlanner: George Ruther /Lot 19, Arequestforaminorsubdivisioltoa|lowforlgYseintheproperty|ine|ocationbeMeenLots2 a 7, iocated at2446atd il'56-ii'';mfif ftqn-gtliiJioci-eliiesubdivision of Vail Das Schone' Fitins No. 1 and Lot z, " ,ili[oj"iiii'. 6i ro6-e' s a'iiii]''bidtk a' vait oas Schone Filing #1' Applicant: Planner: Karen Scheidigger Jim Curnutte A request for a buitding height variance, |ocated at 1339 Westhaven Circ|e/Lot 23 G|en Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: BillAnderson Dominic Mauriello lllllllllll Sion|anquageinterpretationavailab]euponrequestwith24hournotification.P|easecal|479-2114 voTce or'+zgrz356 TDD for infotmation Community Development Department .. Fu6iistreO nptil 26,'1996 in die Vail Trail' :ni' t ,rrLd l26r9a Bi::iffifi:3fi^n;wb APPUCATION FOR DfiERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon revlgw b regulred lor th6 alteratlon ol an exlsting building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement ol an exlsting bullding located in the CCI District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DESTGN REVTEW BOARD (DRB). The appllcatlon wlll not be acoeptod untll all Informatlon and fees aro submltted. A" MME OF APPLICANT BELL TOWER PATTI!.\ERS' LTD ADDRESS?.o\ EffiBrbS -70 ) .r-lB. NAME OF IIAME OF BUILDING OWNER(S) (Prlnt or Type)rSru To,rn,o\ Pqfiil\ERs LTo STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS P Grurns, \r{C CIE|$ERflL hF{n\Eq (Condomlnlum Aseoclatlon approval wlll also be requlred, lf appllcable.) cIELL Towtr( cor\Dornr,\$,.lfi RssrJ.^t+:!L e E. D.LOCA OF THAN 100 SO. rr.) THAN 100 SA. FT.) PAID $- CK #- BY THE FEE I'UST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. PRE.APPLICATION GONFERENGE: A preapplication conferencE wlth a plannlng staff member ls strongly suggested to delermine if any additional information is needed. No application willbe accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the stall to lind out about additional submittal requirements. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICAT]ON WILL STREAIvILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECBEASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A" lmprovement survEy of property showing property lines and locailon ol bullding and any lmprovements on the land. \ c. 1il. FILE COPY T0,WT,I OFVAIL 75 South Fronnge Rood Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX97M79-2452 May 23, 1996 D e p artment of C ontmunity D evelopment Hermann Staufer Lancelot Restaurant 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed modifications to Lancelot Restaurant Dear Hermann: In response to your conversation last week with Susan Connelly regarding the process for modifications to the Lancelot Reslaurant, I have outlined the process below. lt is my understading that you wish to remodel the interior of the restaurant (including the kitchen) and to expand your existing dining deck. The process for each project is listed below. You may wish, but lt is not required, to proceed separately with each project. Interlor remodel of kltchen and dlnlng room lf there are no exterior changes, and no expansion to dining area, only a building permit is necessary. Contact lhe Town of Vail's Environmental Health Officer, Paul Reeves (479-2333), to discuss modifications to kitchen prior to submitting for a buiHing permit. Expanslon of exlstlng patlo Modifying the existing patio requires a modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit and a Minor Exterior Alteration approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission. The process for approval is as follows: 1) Submit an application for a Conditional Use Permit and a Minor Exterior Alteration t0 the Department of Community Development. 2l After the application is submitted, you must request from Town councilto proceed through he process with your application. Because you are proposing to expand the patio onlo Town of Vail property, the approval to proceed is necessary. This can be done at a Council worksession. 9) Approval ot the Conditional Use Permit and the Exterior Alteration by he Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). 4l Approval of all exterior changes by the Design Review Board (DRB). 5) Modification to your existing deck lease with the Town ot Vail. Contacl Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead (479-2107') for more information. {2*tn"uoruo Board, afteryou have received approvalbythe PEC and DRB. The Liquor Board meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Contact Town Clerk, Holly Mccutcheon (479-2136) for more information. 7) Once all of the above has been approved, submit for a building permit. Contact the Building Liaison Officer, Dan Stanek (479-29211for information regarding requiremenF. lf you have any questions regarding this process, submittal deadlines or requirements, dease feef free to contact me at479-2128. Sincerely, brr'r(r- fubkr+tl-' Lauren Waterton Planning Liaison Officer cc: Susan Conn€lly, Dircclor of Community Dgl,€lopmenl i' .,.afrf$rr O Iryln-r=,tfe-t= 'lAtt /1 , lljrJz/1511c fP\4ilALA O ru-J",fu)*"Ury^"+uk"n'- rr'"- ' 7ffi'4d;*";Yffi '/tL--5823: u ' nA \-/ - ttaqQ€ faz-s ftrtrtl"-) la*xasr- \---ry // u,<h.a-t x^l@"-^ /,f-a l'' (- s(n= ) -ffi* /t"*-^N.U u--rt1 rV-;W,.(<: tla/4/-?4 L. ---L- I I --t :, T-l)-O''.,O+Og a\\v __\\- \ D D BSt TOWN I UVV LH UUI . A PART OF LOT o, BO VAIL VILLAGE FIRS OF VAIL, EAGLE COUI (TOWN OF VAIL)A PARI OF LOT o ,f:t --? €;c.LS-_ ,l$gt coRE cRgErt DRlvs t",# trt 'rac, La.lllca ( TO'YN OF VA A PART OF Li ttL tantlr|' trtt tc3 ll|l tff I'l ff>- lcg Iaurrl. II,! --t :l'Ottur btrrlJjrqr ' , 1lV, Yl"n ' trr 'ht'!.' ..-.' 7bo\ ' 4lttllb' !,firr{1,rtJ|.o, Hr* 5b ,{u I't Rlr,rt*|,fl r nplzlg rr3 |.t||ar rttrt. trr !.1l|I aaallrat3 t lr'itlaatItll Ittrt t llar .lcr3 llf 133. lLL l|[ C. | . ts ttct tt lra A-l -{ Dt )M C .. srali R.l , E, ELEVATOR ,irs c.6 Tl{Ru 12 A R-l -JA -Jb :LL TOWtrR CONT'OMIAI/U,bl c 5_ STA|R UNIT R-IB .5' N .l'9.O' {9 UNIT R.IA .g' {ls 9. ,s. t' UNITR-l 3.o .4' r5.a' iqf- -:,./ - Itg.o' !\"-- LtiJC * Ft-q aUe ! ''' L.qE. sroRAGEUNIT R-I .r' !, t L.C.E. DECK UNIT R-I t6'S'.6'ftva) : 2t n>;<o]rr! ' #.2' L.C.E. DICK UNIT R.I otl ,hlhwr hirUr,il ,u;,(ilffi ,.ffr6. ,1bA , *tttl1t, tSEE l3l FL. PLAN FOR OlM.o VIEW X X D sTonacE AREA I ''IOT HAEITATLE I ]'o"1 *JD \a A-l DI A ntlrcI 6nrt tj.4''' 4,8LOFT LEVEL .lnrflhurrr [irldi,rl .(trl ,hlrralo , trr= lr'-t" , olvlll . ilnl1b # t 70uNtT aElow UNIT at*t.t,-/'h ,^'r/ \ -,XAETASLE) UN|T R.I C'CLA/V (F.IA T{OT HASITASLEI otLEN 'fl' UNIT DELOW UNIT V/7- R- / 1twz *- r'firFr UA/t7' t?- / B6LOW fc o<lTLthle oFUNIT AEL&V .DF^a t-at-\l I !FaIF a -I jP, i - t cTIt5a € :ai e ff5-vl-a t-a- - $ { H |D_ uc t,1 6 Earz.3(-' ttdJlrl tiq J o GaF-f lr'|dj r.i !9zJ3 o a HI u:J ,z'et E< 3E 'c q r( o F3 LiE!3 {n*\\$ *lt4 {',\Oe 1( rtsss+ 5!rF''_'t+ $E v*( ilyh,u, -l- I .ffiu*J hirHq . nil ,d-{o . Tru-rf-rt o l- I L- I . pn'{rol hf*_l*t Fhn, o g*rhvst {r/rq,frffiuffi$'t '?t"rL:wl oe'& 'lwn-fii, '-# I ttoo.1 lhu- llng' , 1WW rrrr[ ,4orz4o , rtffi, o?wldt, $mrt0hr ryffiv trWn",4flh| @n',$r JR# ,k/i./riwv bid/lin , vql ,nlon4o ,: v+" fr-q' " qoq ' *lnl7u: , u*wu {hnn bnrlJrrig , o qbaq 'Ilnl7u, ---^. T Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro TemLynn Fritzlen Jlm G'lbson l'lerv Lap j n Robert LeVine Peggy 0sterfoss None Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk RrclrPJ 21€so MINUTES VAIL TOI,|N COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, I99O7:30 P.ltl. A regular meeting of the Vail Town7:30 p.m. , in the Counci'l Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}II{ OFFICIALS PRESENT: There was no cltizen particlpation, the first ltem on the agenda. Next was l public hearing on the 1990-91 parking po'l icies. Stan Berrynan gave anintroduction to the hearing.stating the Pirking-a;rd Traniportation naiiior;- - ' Committee had met several iimes to-discuss recommendationi tor tfrese-poii.i"..Arnold Ullevig then gave an. in-depth presentation regarding ttre proposea poiiii.tand the reasoning fon the changes from the current piactic6s. Hi then heia aquestion and answer session wiih Council and the pubtic. Trevor Bradway feli tnepoficies were discriminatory against Village worf.irl "nA ttot" who had [atd inio theparking fund for parking spacei in the Viliage Transportation Center. Josef Staufercommented that making employees (who get off-work at 2:00 a.m.) park in iora Firtwas unfair. There was some discussioi regarding employees getli;lg off at iite-' IgYItl,"nd whv coupons worked well before-and s6me beoite tritea t6 get ria Ji-tnem.Mu.ch discussion by the public and council ensued regarding pros and-cons. RobLeVine made a motion to tab'le the item and send it Sack t5 Ltre Advisory Commiiteefor further review. Tom Stelnberg seconded the motion. -Jtm ejbson stited he-wanteoto pass the program with the following conditions: Iift restrictions on tht vittagtparking structure parking; parking frie at Ford Park; and other modifications to bemade as the program.went along. He felt thls was a itep in the.igtt aireiiion.Mayor Rose explained why he felt it should go back to tire conmjttei. A vote wastaken and the motion.passed 5-2, with Lynn Fritzlen and Jim Gibson opposea.- ionPhi'llips asked council to specifically name the items ihey fe'lt the llvisorv - Committee should review. Lynn Fritzlln felt the added stiess on emp'loyees [ecauseof the parking and housing situations was bad, and the plan could trltp-Uy proviainga pass specifically targeted.to Village employees. Rob'LeVine thoughl t[e'VillageTransportatlon Center could be shared by a'fii.st come, first served-basis by accessor pricel include the coupons at a reas6nable rate; ina tirere ue one pass wjttr norestrjctions for.$750,.thit the person could come ind go is tre preii*h.--m"vo" hor.remarked since the audlence felt the blue parking passEs wouta iromoi.-rot.'i""r inthe Vill.age than the coupons, he felt a coinbined-window sticker'and coufon-progratwas good and would work. He added he did not think there should be any'sunfr"r-charges for the Village parking structure, and was not sure differentiit-rites oneverything ln the Village struiture was pioper. Jim Gibson itroushi i uiu.-oii"-should have "a number of times used" and'not "number ot-aiyr.i;--Fiissv oitJ"Fi".connented the audience wanted to have the ability to do whit thev iiiteU ind-pirkingwhere they wanted, and paying more was not an issue. The third 'ltem was a Consent Agenda of the following items: A. Approval of Minutes of July 3 and 17, 1990 Meetings '' ",3l3ill$ialii:l3ariiiiitiFtil?;iiriet!4q1tg,i8i,et$:ilffn':lll{lln,"rcontrol for the prftnaiji/s6condary"ioriC'"dtstrlit (Appltcait: f6wn of Viit) Council was held on Tuesday, August 7, 1990, atof the Vail Municipal Buildins. C. Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1990, second reading,supplemental appropriations from the Town of Vaii an ordinance maklnggeneral fund, capltal trn i o proiects fund, Communities for Drug-Free Eagle valley fund, special parkingassessment-fund, Vail marketing fuid and thi real esiate ir"nli!r't.i, tunjiof the.1990 budget and the finincial ptin ior the Town ot viii, io'torado;and authorizing the expenditures of siid appropriationr-".-""i'firtnnereln. D' ordinance No. 29, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordinance amending theplan document of the Town of vali employees' peiitor ptiil-iii ifiii.s- - - forth detalls in regard thereto. E' ordinance No. 29, Series of-1990, second reading, an ordlnance amending theTown' s,p:lt ::-1lg,Fi re-.pensi on pi an aoiumeni-suujei[ io-ippi:J".i"'uvsixtv-five.percent (65%) of the' Townir ioiii"-"ni firemeni-ina-i.itingforth details ln regard thereto. F' ordinance No. 30, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordinance amending thetrust agreement pursuant to the iown of vail emiioii.ii-pljnliJn-pian; andsetting forth details in regard thereto. G' Reso'lutlon N9. 19r Series of 1990, a resolution authorizlng certain Townemployees and offlcers to sign ctr6c[s ariwing-on an operaling-account to beopened bv the Town at the FiistBank or viit ind furthLr auttririiing certa.inemployees of the Town to make deposits in saia account. H' Resolution I'lo. 19, Series of 1990, a resolution authorlzing the Town ofvail to :l!_i :"I" deposit vault at ttre rirsigank of viii-anJ-auirrorizinscertain-officers to sign a lease therefor, to-terrninate the-i."i", tosurr€nder the box' return the keys, and release the Bank from any'liabilityin connection therewith. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve.the Consent Agenda as presented. Tom Steinbergseconded the motlon. There was no discusslon uv council oi irre prUiic.-"A-vote wastaken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. rlnn Friizren rras iut oi ttre room atthe moment. Next was -Ordinance-No.. 25, Series of 1990., Fd'6;btfil-Tiltidlirg| qn or-dlnance amendingSitocl'al Develooment o'tsirici'Ho;=zi;'ure virr;niitonii,iiiir'iirii;i;;i;;''!ettineforth the details in-regard tt'erelo] -iiivi"'io"!=r!"i'tLe tul tjt'te of theordinance. Mtke Mo'lllcaitated the only-ch.ng. r"d"-.ince first reiaing-wis unaerSection 4.E. A new paragraph had ueen iaaeJ.- L;;;t iskwith then discussed vailAssociates' waiver of right'of reverter clause whici Jim Gibson r'aa quJiiiJned atthe first reading... Jay. Peterson, representing ttre-ippticanl, t.u.-ui.iiriritainformation regarding-the parking siiuatton, inu aiJ"iot feei ltre orainini";, n.nparagraph 4-E. was fair. After iome discusiion bv Councif anA-Jiv,'a'molion toapprove the ordinance on second reading with the iuaitionat tanguiie wii-miae uvMerv Lapin. A second came from Rob LeVine. n voie wis taken aid lrre motiJn passed5-2, with Tom Steinberg and Lynn Fritzl"n opposeO.- -'-- Flfth on the agenda was 0rdln_ance No. 22, Serles of 199(ordinanie-i'.'iiiiil,siio'il;Fij*"iiriiry ,.r.rred ro as .ftrf#irtati?ffllFi3i;;r;r"nothe development plan in accoidance wiih ctripie" i8.40; lrre viii-mijniiipii'coo";and-setting forth.details.'in.regard thereto' (714 l,eat Lionstreia cirfie,"lits 4, 7,c, D, Block 2, vail-Lionshead 3id Fitins) (Aipiic;;a; -lq-k iorporaiion'_-xiis.,Morcus and Marriott corporation). rne iutt'tiiie-wii-read by I'tiyor-nose. "jim Gibson made a motion to'tablerthls ltem untri'irre iJptir[.r-i'eiiiitid;;;uie;-per Ithe appllcant's r€quest. Rob LeV'lne seconded the motion. rrtstan'Fif[i-"i'pl"rn"a'what rezoning the appllcant_was trying to change to and why. n votl'wi. i"[.n anothe motion passed unanlmously 7-0. Next. was-0qdlnance' l{o..1 27,- Serles of 1990f flrst reading, an ordlnance amendi nqchap,ter.ls-04 of the vall Munlcipat coal 5y ttri-aaaiiili'or sec[ro;]8.0,i:itiiiirbri:]pub$ and amendins Sectjon 18.28.b30 0f the-trtuni.iJii-iJa.-i"-il:;;;-'i;;.;;;:''=" rpermitted use in the comnercial Service center ionJ aiiiriii;-ir"naiiig'c[.ii.t18.28.040 of the Va'll. Municipal Code bv ttri iauiiion-oi-ar"w pubs that se'n beerwholesale and Brew Pubs whlch sel'l fifieen-piriiii-"f ihe manufactured beer or alefor off-site consumptlon as conditiona'l usei to itre-Corrnercial Servlce Center zonedistrlct; amending chapter 18.28 of the Vaii trr"iiipii'Code to pnovtae ieriainrestrictions in the operation of a Brew pub; ind ieliing forth ietalia i; rJgarothereto. The full.title was read by mayor noi".'-n"Jv lnuotsen gave brlefbackground information on. the requeit. -He stated $rrie crringii iJ ir'e doue wtrictrhad to-happen regardlng this reqlie.i for a urew-pru, ii lt had to be defined; 2)council had to make a brew pub d use by rigt'i;-.a[a-i)-ir,.v rria io iiai. rpriiti. -2- ( '1 item for conditional use. After some discussion, Andy then answered'questions ofCouncil. Merv Lapin then made a motion to approve,rt[e ordinance, which Jim Gibsonseconded. Larry Eskwith suggested combinjng the lh{to\ditional uses shown in theordinance 'into only one. Merv then amended his m-oUI6nA approve the ordinance anto combine both conditiona'l uses into one. and Jim ailddedllis second. A vote was nto only one. M6rv then amended-hls iofitrnA approve the ordinance andboth conditiona'l uses into one, and Jim ailddedllis second. A vote wastaken and the motion passed unanimous'ly 7-0. tfi1S second. A vote wasui;** Avo'Ee appr{ve requests forSeventh on the agenda was anlippe.'1i,rsf:,the, PEC decislonlto appt'f,v"exterio\alteration and landscape variance ln order to construct an addjtjon to theLancelot Restaurant at the Bell Torer Bulldlng:'located at 201 Gore Creek Drive (Partof Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing) (Applicant: Hermann Staufer,Lancelot Restaurant). Kristan Pritz gave background information on the exterioralteration request and explained why staff recommended approval with two conditjons: l. The appllcant nust remove rai'l ings surrounding the patlo from November 1to May I of each year. .2. The applicant must participate ln a proJect lnvolving the property owners and the Town's Pub'l ic llorks Department ln an effort to resolve drainage problems adJacent to the Bell Tower Building. These dralnage problems are a result of the undirected drainage off of the bui'lding. Staff does not feel that the appllcantshould be required to provide the so'l ution individually. However, staff feels it isfair to require him, as a property owner ln the building, to participate and pay forhis fain share as deemed by the bullding association. Any drainage improvements necessitated by the deck enclosure shall be addressed by the applicant ln the Design Review Eoard submittal and building permit plans. Kristan then revlewed the landscape varlance request and explained the reasoning forthe request. She stated the staff recommended approval of the variance, and reviewed the P'l anning and Environmental Commissionrs vote for appnoval of 5-2. Kristan answered questions of Council. Peggy Osterfoss felt these were good ideasfor the area. Tom Steinberg cormented there should be an agreement with the app'l icant that he pay a parking fee, and if Council amends the ordinance and increases stated fees sometime during the next year, he would be increased as well. Peggy Osterfoss made a motion to uphold the PEC's decision to approve an exterioraddition to the Bell Tower Building, finding that the granting of this variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege, and was substantiated by the VailVillage Master Plan which encourages a wide variety of activities, events, andstreet life along pedestrian ways and plazas, and inc1 uding the condltions requiredin the staff memorandum dated July 23, 1990. The motion was seconded by MervLapin. A vote was taken aid the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Peggy 0sterfoss then made a motlon to uphold the PECrs decisjon to approve a variance reguest to reduce the landscaping to increase the Lancelot's deck. She stated the granting ofthis variance wou'l d not constitute a grant of special privilege, and was in compliance with the Vail Village Masten P'lan, and {ncluding the conditions that the landscaplng be added between the two bui'l dings,bench/possi bl e I andsidpeil"area. Tom Steinberg seconded e motion.taken and motion passed unanimously 7-0. Next was an-rdiipiil?5t"One-"ipprovillof the proposed residence -at 3010_Booth CreekDrivq (Lot 4,'block 3, Vai'l'Vi'llage 1lth Filt;g) (0rrrner: Gebrge pi'rCaulttns,tJr.)i rShelly Mello gave background lnformatlon regarding the request. Ellot Goss, an architect representjng the Caulkins, presented the Council with drawjngs of the bui'lding in quest'ion. Kristan and She'lly then answered questions of Council. lrlerner Kaplan presented to Council for thelr revlew photographs of residences ln the neighborhood, stating reasons why he was opposed to the building of the new hom€ next door. Harry Frampton, a neighbor, requested Council overturn the DRB decision because he felt the Swiss style chalet in a contemporary neighborhood was totally out of place, plus the house needed a garage. August Grassis and Byron Rose, neighbors, supported Mr. Frampton's statements. Pepi Gramshanmer felt the house wasfine and should be approved, that everyone shou'ld have the right to buj'ld his/her own home. George Caulkins read aloud a letter he received from Rod Slifer in support of the chalet style as far as real estate price was concerned. After much dlscussion by Councl'l , staff, and the pub'l lc, l,lerv Lapin made a motion to uphold the DRB decision with the condltlons the shutters be done in a solid color, a landscaping plan be incorporated on the open area, and a two car ganage be put on the property. Rob LeVine seconded the motion. Ned Gwathmey stated how the DRB had come to its decision. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-3, wlth Mayor Rose, Tom Steinberg, and Lynn Fritzlen opposed. Mike Cacioppo gave reasons why he was against the Counci'l 's decision. ot the -3- rl At thts time, Councl] declded to take the last two items out of order to expeditethe last item a member of the publlc was waltlng to address. Therefore, actlon onproposed 'lease between the TOV and the Eagle County School District for a playgroundat the Red Sandstone Elementary School site at 551 North Frontage Road was'neii.There was no discussion by Council or the public, except to delete the staff recommendation that the lease be conditioned on the School District renewing theTown's ldase on the elementary school gyn. Merv Lapln made a motion to appiove thelease agreement, which was seconded by Jim G'ibson. A vote was taken and the motion j passed unanimously 7-0. Discussion regarding an appeah.of,rarDRBrdeclslontonrthegtlittemyerjresldenqe whichlncluded a new detached garage and gondola bulldtng and'a''revised front eritry (338 Rockledge Road; Lo! 1, Block 1, vail valley 3rd Filing) (Applicant: iln. lliltemyer)was next. ttllke Mol1lca remarked this item, which had been approved by the DRB, had'been called up by the Council. He presented drawings of the plans and a scale modelof the detached garage and house. Mlke added it had been a unanimous decis'lon toapprove the plans by the DRB. Ned Gwathmey, Chalrman of the DRB, gave additionalinformation regarding the plans and DRB's reasoning for the declsion made. JohnI'llttemyer also added background informat'lon. Ned ihen answered questions ofCouncll. Lynn Fritzlen made a motion to uphold the DRB decision, whlch peggy Osterfoss seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, with Merv Lapin opposed. There belng no further buslness, this meetlng was adJourned at 12:15 a.m. submi tted, ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman \ Resoectfu'l1y PamelaA. Brffi -4- REVTSED 7l23l9O TO3 FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Envj.ronmental Coururission ConmunJ-ty Development Department Jul.y 23, 1990 Proposed Addition to the Bell Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, VaiIVillage lst Filing.Applicant: Hermann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant on February 26, 1990, the PEc reviewed a proposal for the Bell Tower Building which included a ground level retail expansionalong core creek Pronrenade and additions to existing residential developnent on the upper floors. A landscape variance, heightvariance, exterior alteration, and conditional use permit werereguested. The staff reconmended denial of the proposal due tothe negative impacts that the proJect would have on the overallfabric of the village. The item was tabled by the applicant anda nelr proposal was submitted. ?he current proposal to the Betl Tower building involves only aground level restaurant expansion along the Gore Creek Prornenade. The nature of the proposal requires the review of two separaterequests. These requests include an exterior alteration which is reguired in the Cornmercial Core I zone district in order to add enclosed floor area to an existing structure and a variancereguest to reduce landscaping on the site. No site coveragevariance is needed on thj.s appJ.ication because the existingoutdoor deck is considered site coverage in CCI . Therefore, thecovering of the area with a building will not increase the nonconformance of the site in relationship to site coverage. However, a variance to reduce the landscaping will be necessary because the brick pavers that will be removed on the outdoor deck and planter area are considered part of the landscapingrequirernent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Connission Cornmunity Developnent Departnent July 23, 1990 A variance request in order to reduce landscape area atthe Bell Towei Buitding at 2ol Gore Creek Drive, Partof Tract A, Block 58, ValI Village lst FiJ.ing.epplicant: Her:mann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant I,ANDSCAPE REOUTREUEN?S IN CCI ARE AS FOLIFWS The applicant is reguesting a variance to decrease the landsllped area of fne Bell Tower Building il connercial core I. currentlv 14.5t of the site Ls considered to be J.andscaping. The-pio!-osal would decrease this to 10.2* by eliminating ZSg_1:q, ft. of existing paved patio area. Approxirnatefi !9-sg.*ft. of the existing planter to the west w11t also be removed (9.5 sq. ft. of stone wall and 9.5 sg.ft. of soil). 165.5 sq. ft. of the exterior deck area will remain with 65.5 sq. ft. of the deck on the applicantrsproperty and 1OO sq. ft. on Town of VaiI land- The landscape definition states that a naxinum of 208 of thetotal landscaped area for a s5-te nay be used for lrcore development such as walks, decks, terraces, water features and other like features. (Section 18.04.200) Also, section L8.24.170, Landscaping and Site Developnentfor Cornmercial Core I states: rrNo reductlon in landscape area shall be peruritted, without sufficient cause shown by the appJ-icant or' as specified in the vail village urban Design Considerations. r! Below is a surnmary of how the site relates to the limit on hardscape that cair be considered as landscaping and the reductionin planted material: I. I ( Lot Size: 6,L44.16 ag. Existing landscaping: ft. 785 sq. 9OO sg. ft. I hardscapented ar IT. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Sectl_on 18.62.060 ofthe Vail Munlcipal Code, the Departnent of ConnunityDevelopnent recoqmends approval of the requested vaiiancebased upon the following factors: Proposed landscaping 504.5 or 83t of hardscape104.5 or 17t of planted naterial509 sq. ft total or 10.2* of site A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relaFior,rship of the recruested variance toother. e:4gting or potential uses and structuies lnthe vicinity. While architecturally a fine building, the BeIlTower property iE lacking in landscape features.It should be noted, however, that this situationis not unigue to the Bell Tower Building. TheI{all Street Building, the corsuch BuiLding and theA & D Building are other exanples of propertiesthat do not have a great deal of on-sLte landscapeimprovements. In.nany cases, the landscaping _ .'... which does ocqur is located on Town owned-land or boards to deternine the relative inportance ofeach consideration involved in a given situation. The staff feels that the request to renove ;*%i:;:"ft. of paved area is not excessive and that theusefulness of the existing 437.5 eg. ft. patio islinited because of the northern exposure. Therequest will not have any negative affect onadjacent properties. The benefit of therestaurant infill outweighs the Ioss of hardscapepatio. The renoval of a snal1 portion of the planter (9.5sq. ft. ) should also have llttle negative Jrnpacton the area. The applicant proposes to add norelandscaping in this planter including f tree. In addition, the open grass area on the north sideof Gore Creek Pronenade provides a uniguesituation in the Village in that lt Ls one of thefew najor landscaped open space areaE in thisotherwise developed area. This greatty nitigatesthe lack of landscaping associated with thebuildings along core Creek Pronenade. nn''(''"*t4 The dearee to which relief from the strict andliteral interoretation and enforcenent of asrrecifLed reoulatLon is necessarv to achieve 2. conoatibilitv and unifornitv of treatnent arnongsiteE in the vicinity or to attain the oblectlvesof this title without qrant of special privilecre. staff believes that the applicant has shownsufficient cause to reduce the planted area by 9.5sq. ft. The CCI landscape section specificallyrelles on the Urban Design Considerations toprovide a gruide in decision-making. As stated Lnthe exterlor alteratl.on memo, the proposal conplies with the considerations. In addltion'the applicant is upgrading the planter by adding atree which will have nuch nore landscaPe inpactthan the present 9.5 sq. ft. in the planter.Staff could have reguested that the applicant pull back the expansion by two feet to ttre east. However, our opinlon is that no significantbenefit is gained by this change. The effect of the requested variance on liclht andair. distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, publ-ic facilities andutilities. and rcublic safetv. The proposal would not affect any of the abovecriteria. III. REI..ATED POLICIES IN VATL VILI.AGE MASTER PI.,AN. GoaI # 3 of the VaiI Village Master Plan states: rrTo recognize as a top priority the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout the Villagerr. Relatedobjectives and pollcies include: Related objectives and policies include: 3. 3.1- 3.1.3 objectivePhysicatly irnprove the existing pedestrian wallnraywith landscaping and other inprovenents. PoIicvFlowers, trees, water features, and other Landscaping shalt be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adJacent to, or visible fron,publlc areas. one may argTue that the addition could in fact be considereda physical irnprovenent to the pedestrian streetscape. It should be noted that the applicant annually does a great deal of tandscaping to the area with colorful planter boxes and planted pots. outdo-or_dining is an inportant streetscape featureand sball be encourage in conmerciat infllt orredevelopnent proJ ects. Tle.proposar is encloslng an existing dining deck that haslirnited use. Both the northern e4toiure ani ttrererationship of the existlng deck wittr ttre interl.or of therestaurant llnit the uEe of the patio. The instarlation ofrekord doors on the north elevation, will Lncrease thelivelihood and_activity of this deck by increasing thetransparency of the facade which is especiarly inportantduring the winter nonths when the outdoor dining ieck isunusable. rV. FINDTNGS Oblective Encourage a wide variety of activities, eventa,and street llfe along pedestrian ways and plazis. Policv There are exceptions or extraordinarycircumstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that ao not apply generallyto other propertieE in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcenent of thespecified regrulation would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the ormers of ollrerproperties in the sane district. 3.3 3.3.2 A. B. That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special prlvllege inconsistent with thelirnitations on other properties ctassified in the samedistrict. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, ornaterially lnjurious to properties or inprovements inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of thefollowing reasons3 1. The strLct literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical-difficuLty or unnecessary physicalhardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. c. 3. o V. STAFF RECOIT{MENDATToN The staff reconnends approval of the requested landscapevariance. The applicant tras shown both-sufflcient cauae for the9.5 sg. ft. reduction of softscape and the renoval of paved paiioarea per the urban Design considerations. The code reiies oir tneurb?n Design GuLderine consideratLons to be the crlteria foranalyzing a request to remove landscapl.ng. We feel that theoveralr benefits of the proJect clearly outweigh the removal oflandscaping (paved and planled). Jy Pekww tr6^ [,nudw q' t4cod. add-thrvu ,r-.cf I ,r ii"" Fr* \t0"tcttiy* Wry-n, ffir- '&tvk^{v\utLt+ ' c9.la tcXeu v Ye,,wtgtyg, \r\M\4)A , drd,n(h srA'c !(ofl(t{,[u{L wdl , \l'( I ['1 ICJL a'A!'tt\UUu+'{'- 6/]d. re t'f7+ntt t81.-- WOr-Ktlg&',,'/ f F U/d {rr| .-/wrttr n1 , Daltc*', wtt-t.,sa-nLr1 6Lt sf&(T,s y<osowz V\^J-IA tJroUJ9 1*,fiJd, yenrwp b**\ v^c4vr bv<- 5'(\,o1t/ d" diltnS 1v1 ryr'1ferr- wcvev- ) irn ywed r* PtN 0"^,X-' elylLr+lr., wtvtd+"ctt"PL \LP ' ry{.e,,-t& C\r,r,t ck- vadk wwlt'u^'M gyn: t\ z/ v*'+"1 Vltl yxt ^nAxw1L.Cvn:,^ -/ \^,i*"! \Atl Nl\\.ry'-EWLz - r/i \[1 n.d,rt" L.[n 4 ulay V,MW- d,s&) N\'ol *t "'Yb" ute'et c^'-]- *l-+ l,a.'t.,C 9C a-{zr v'' z'1 0'5 fvr-,. r- r''at.u! (ltuut:erd l^,.1-.rp,,1,, ft"t, ' r\c r edl'u-c,h ci''r 01, .lawds*{'n*\dburu+ o,t..rt' ;"::n;il \,,.'lJ':I,' wu"'^- iwtlrt'4 Wl ^irrtv-- -_ ):n^, :-K y, gLt-u,?.'u1p N^-ti.-av )$, Attr-r,\rl 't r a,n-;- Pwrc&fa. ( 'l ) e4 a n ir 1tI '.fai l'- ) oo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Conmlssion Cornmunity Development Departnent ,fuly 23, 1990 A requeat for an exterior alteration in order toconstruct an addition to the Bell Tolrrer Buildinglocated at 201 Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block58, Vail Village lst Filing.Appllcant: Hermann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REOUEST Approval of an exterior alteration request is reguired for anyaddition of enclosed floor area to structures in the Connercialcore I zone distrlct. The propoEal includes a 272 square foot,ground floor expansion of the Lancelot Restaurant adJacent to the Gore creek Promenade. The expansion includes moving the facade8.5 feet towardE Gore Creek Pronenade and adding rekord doors andglass roof producing a glass front. The new enclosure iscompletely on private property. The area is currently used as adining patio. 165.5 sq. ft. of exterior deck will remain with 65.5 sq. ft. of the deck on the applicant's property and 100 sq.ft. on Town of Vail tand. The depth of the outdoor deck will be6' and will have 4 tables. REVIEW CRITERTA FOR THIS REOUEST The Val.l Village UrbaD Dealgn Plan includes three elements thatestablish the review criteria for this application. The first ofthese is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of whllc6-Tdlenti'fy potential areas forfuture developrnent and other inprovenents. Secondly, t39- U-Q3! Degign Considerations express the large scale, land use planning ana-EeEi-gn'cb-nsiaerations desired in the vitlage. And finally,architectural/landscape considerations, which will be reviewed by 1n6- oesign Revibw Boaid,- establish the criteria for evaluatingdetailed design considerations of a proposal . r.-The Vall VlllaE. lttst€r PlaD also addresses specific goals -rpertaining to the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout the Village that nust be considered in this -application. In addition to the Guide Plan and the Vail Village Uaster Plan,traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal . Please refer to the acconpanying nemorandun that addresses this zoning issue. THE VAII, VILI,AGE I'RBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN There are no specific sub-area concepts relevant to thisproposal . VATL VILI,AGE DESTGN CONSIDER,ATIONS The following desJ-gn consideratione are a critical element of the Urban Design PIan. llhey ldentify the key physicalcharacteristics of the Vlllage and provide the tools to assurethat new development be consistent with this establlshedcharacter. These considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: This proposal does not directly affect or change theexisting pedestrianization systero ln the Village inthat it does not increase the encroachnent of thei ' building into the Gore creek Promenade walkway. Theaddition nill have a ml-nLmal encroachment Lnto the view' ,,'' " from the top of the Ctritdrenrs Fountain stairs down! onto Gore Creek Promenade. The applicant has nl-ninLzedthe inpact by using a pitched glass roof on the front.,1 of the addition. This will allow some transParency through the enclosure to the Gore Creek Promenade behind. B. Vehicle Penetration: vehicular penetration, or circulation, will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal . c. Streetscape Frarnework: streetscape franework identifies two alternatives for improving the pedestrian experience in ttre Village. These lnclude the developrnent of open sp,ace including landscaping along pedestrian routes, qnd lhe deveJ.opnent of infitl connercial storefronts alongpedestrian corridors. tfbile the landscape inprovements Ean provide a softenin{ of buildings and a colorfulfranework, the com:nercial infill can provide activitygenerators to give streetlife and visuaL interest tottre pedestrian. The proposed restaurant infill alongthe Gore creek Prornenade will provide such an activitygenerator. while the existing dining deck couldprovide such activity during the summer, its poor northfacing location (relative to sun exposure), has resuLted in the deck having little success in providing such activity. This enclosure would rnake the dining are rnore useful year round, while rnaintaining an opendining area during sunmer nonths due to rekord doors being proposed along the entire north elevation. D. The additlon of glass rekord doors and a glass roof totle facade, which are comnonly used in the Vlllage,will add transparency to the front of the restauiant.This feature will greatly add to the llvelihood of thisarea by allowing for greater visiblllty into theinterior of the restaurant in the winter. The staff feels that this J.s a great improvement overthe exlsting facade of the restaurant whlch provideslinited visual acceEsibitity. In the sunner, the doorswiLl allow the restaurant activity to extend out ontothe deck area. The success of the doors as a method ofadding vl.sual interest and also creating successfuldining deck space can be seen throughout the Villageand Lionshead (ie. Blurs, Up the Creek, Vendettars,etc) . STREET ENCIOSURE The purpose of this consideration is to maintain aconfortable relationship between the width of streetsand the height of buildings. The one story restaurantexpansion along the Promenade will establish a moredesirable rrhuman scalerr on this side of the building.Because of the extensive use of glass on the front ofthe addition, the inpact of the addition will beninirnized in regards to street enclosure. STREET EDGE There are no standard setback requirernents forbuildings in VaiI Village. Rather, proposals arelooked at with relatj.onship to the site and thesurrounding developrnent to ensure a strong street edge.A strong street edge does not iurply perfectly aligned lacades along entire street widths. Rather, slightlyirregular facade lines, building jogs, and landscapeareas create life and visual interest for thepedestrian. The addition will fill the void along coreCreek Promenade which occurs on this portion of tireLancelot during the winter months of the year when thedeck is not used for dining but rather for snowstorage. The proposal will bring the activlty of therestaurant closer to the pedestrian on a year roundbasis instead of just durlng the summer nonths. Buildino Heicrht Buitding height is unaffected as the one-storyexpansion is below 33 t in height. E. F. G.Views and Focal Points The proposed expansion does not inpact any of theadopted view corridors. one view conslderation was thevantage point foru the top of the staircase betseen theChildrenrs Fountain and the Gore creek Pronenadetooking west. The view of these EtairE ie inportant toprovide pedestrians wlth a point of orientatl.on as they meander through the Village. This additlon will have avery linlted inpact on views from the top of the stalrstowards tlillow Bridge. The applicant has nininized theimpact of the addltion by ltnittng the size of the expansion and proposing a glass roof form thatpreserves nost of the views towardE the Gore CreekPronenade. The enclosure also has no maJor l-npacts onthe etalrcase up to the Childrenrs Fountaln from the Gore Creek Promenade. Service and Deliverv The proposed expansion wiII not require any additionalservice or delivery. The seating capacity will not be increased due to interlor renodeling whlch will removetables fron the existing interior of the restaurant.Although the applicant will not be adding any eeatingcapacity, he will be adding 86.5 Bq. ft. of floor areato the restaurant (272 sg. ft. of new dining area less 185.5 sg. ft. to be renoved by a kitchen expansion =85.5 sq. ft. of new restaurant floor area). Theapplicant wiII be reguired to pay a $2r162.50 Town ofVail parking fee as a result of this additl-on. Sun,/Shade There will be no significant increase in the shadowpattern as a result of this addition becauEe theaddition is within the existing ehade pattern of theBeIl Tower Building. Architecture/Landscape Considerations These designof the Designis inportantroofs. considerations are tlpically the purview Review Board. However, in this case itto address the consideration pertaining to H. r. J. As stated in the guidelines, roofs within the Villageare tlpically gable in fom and of noderate to lowpitch. The proposed low pitch roof forim is in keepingwith the other restaurant expansions Ln this area (i.e.Blurs and Up the Creek). The applicant has worked veryhard in developing a roof form which does notdrastically depart frorn the existing roof forns in the vlllage. The staff feels that the detailing of theroof wll.l successfully tie the addition to the existingbuilding and that the forn will be harrnoniouE with the-exlsting streetscape. A landacaping variance Ls necessary in order to do thisexpanEl.on. The addition wiII renove 253 sg. ft ofpaved area and 19 sq ft. of planter area decreasingthe amount of landscaplng fron 14.6* to 10.2t. The-appllcant has proposed additional landscaping for thewest stone planter. RENTED GOAI,S AND POLICTES OF THE VATL VII,IAGE }fASTER PI,AN coal No. 3 of the ValI Vlllage Master plan statess ItTo recognize as a top priority the enhancement of thewalking experience throughout the Village. I ReLated objectives and policies include: 3 . l- ObJective:Physically inprove the existing pedestrian ways bylandscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policv:Private developnent projects shall incorporatestreetscape inprovements (such as pavertreatments, landscaping, lighting and seatingareas), al.ong adjacent pedestrian ways. Although the proposal is renoving outdoor dining area, thisaddition will actually increase ihe success of tne existingdining deck.. Becauae the patio is north facing it is unusibleduring the winter and has linited use during the spring, sunmerand fall. The use of rekord doors and a glass rool as theprimary,elenents of the elevation will provide a transparencywhich will a1low greater visual access lo the interior-of thirestaurant. Thie is especially irnportant during the sinter whenthe north facing outdoor patio is not used. The existing facadeof the restaurant does not provide such transparency. fheaddition will inprove the streetscape of this- area Ly addingvisuar interest to a void area of core creek promenade which seeslittle activity much of the year. Although the proposal will be removing landscaping, it is thestaffrs opinion that the proposed irnpiovements to-the streetscapefraneworF outwelgh the inpacts of removing bardsaap€ typelandscaping, i.e. brick pavers. Oblective Encourage a wide variety of activities, events,and street life along pedestrlan ways and plazas. 3.3 3.3.2 PolLcvoutdoor dining is an inportant streetscape featureand ehatl be €ncouraged ln connercial infill or redevelopment. The proposal is enctosl.ng an exl.stl.ng dining deck whlch experiences linlted succesg. Both the northern exposure and therelationship of the exlstlng deck with the interior of therestaurant lirnlt the uee of the exieting outdoor area. The added transparency gained fron thls addition and the proxinity of the new interior space to the pedestrlan way le especlally lnportantduring the fall, winter and spring when the deck is practically unused. The increased visual accees to the interior actlvity ofthe restaurant whlle the outdoor deck is not Ln use wLl.l havepositive irnpacts on the livellhood of the area. STAFF RECOM!{ENDATTON The staff reconmendation is for approval of the reguestedexterior alteration with the condltlon that the landscape variance be approved. The revl.ew of the relevant Urban DesignCriteria and the VaiI Village Maeter Plan goals shows that theproposal is in confontance wl-th the appllcable sections of thesedocunents. The staff would like to further reconmend that the PEC require the applicant remove railings surrounding the patio from November L to Uay 1 of each year. In the past, infill proJects of thiE type have been supported. Wefeel that the proposal has rnalntal.ned a eufflcient operable outdoor dining area and the deslgn of the addition is consistentwith the roof forms ln the Village area and nore speclfically Gore creek Pronenade. The staff feels that this proposal has naintained the design elements of both the Bell Tower Building and core Creek Pronenade whlch ls critical to the streetscape framework of the area. The exLstlng Bell Tower Building typifiesthe desired character of the buildlngs in the village and thls isin keeping with that character. In addition, the Etaff findsthat additions of this tlpe along Gore Creek Pronenade and in other area of Town are quite successful In provlding enhanceuentto walking areas throughout the year. The staff would recomnend that the PEC require' as a condition of approval, that the appJ.icant participate in a project i.nvolvingth- property owners and the Townts Public works Department in aneffort to resolve severe dralnage problens adJacent to the Bell Tower Buildlng. These draLnage problems are a result of the undirected dral.nage off of the building. l{e do not feel that theapplicant should be reguired to provide the solutionlndividually. However, we feel it is fair to requJ.re him, as aproperty owner In the bullding, to participate and pay for hisfair share as deemed by the bulldlng association (see attachedIetter forn T.o.v. Public Works Department). I I- --+ ?a,9r'a7L,N,1l4 -ql F - ---r;-+ il1 s7' s2)i;21-114 o 6 'ET t= $ iloR- s: xi .t-tIiIJ I)\ll. W gt,w - ,trtt 13>ar''?F.t-a-t]a?e 4.32f+r [L Litn LF [arLJ Ci( -r' '4t.a) a ja a r'l t5 rcsth tront go noad Y.ll, colot.do El ast(soitlat$215t d.p.rtm.nt ot publb uorlttr.n poddoi Uay 31, 1990 TO: Eulldlng owners: FRO}T: RE: \z\rl1989 atohn calt ltlountaineerlng & Blus Restuarantc/o Vail ttanagenent ConpanyTlnber Haus ^.,Astan Berrlrnan, Directot /lVJhtbl lc lforksr/Transportat I onBrick Pavers ln the Gore Creek Prouenade *t**t*****l*********f***t*****ta*******lt***tr****ttt***aaitttltt our DepartDent bas conpleted an lnvestigatlon ot brlck pavera whlclrhave heaved Ln the Gore Creek Prornenade. We have deternined thatLaproper root dralnage froD the buildl.ngs abutting the plaza lsthe priuary cause of the fallure of brLck pavers. Five roof dralns exlst between the Tinber ltaus bullding and Blus.One downspout exists on the west end of Blus. Trro roof dral.ns arelocated on the weet end of ilohn Galt. All of the above dralns arenot properly tied lnto a aysten rhlch blpassee the plaza. Thedrains deposlt nrnoff dlrectly onto the brlclr plaza area. Olrertlne, thls dralnage hac undernined several areaa of brlck pavers. The only permanent solutlon to the probleus occurrlng ln the plazats to correct the tuproper root dral.nage coul.ng off the prlvatebulldlngs. lltre lown of Val.l proposes to coordlnate and perforn thc rorknecessatT to corroct all the drains and relnir all affected brlckpavera. lfe have prepared cost estl.nates for each of the prlvatebulldings. lbe lorn ls rllling to begln vork on these proJ-cts assoon as we have entered lnto letters of agreenent wlth the propertyouners or Danagers. Pl.ease call ue lf you have guestl.ons or needany additional Lnfornatlon. j'- ffiffi'; ", :.1$-tt:iili;"iiili:J:"::to:1'.1: :ti!'.,tr'.,. S " 'r':' "!l' .;: 1r;-t) \/, H i,,tL q'[lE-["ii'rl ' F . 'l'":.ll 1,,r .. ' F=.-{t-}.'', @r-{ #.: l9llj!i,1, U! .' .:i;..:i, lif,ll."i,[i ; ' ' " '<, , "r i,i'"'" ;i.. ' 'r: ,:|i. ,: '.:.'; .,ii :,.1.i;, j:.i :11., j.; . . . : ' " '! i .' ,'ir i/'"' rri , rlri .it. :.r.;: ll .: ' i;, r'l "',,tr. ,-r I r:!;..:.r-rj. !..i ffi,ffi,i II I :t' ; @ E] ,:qq.. TO: FROI,!: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmisslon Connunity Development Departnent July 23, 1990 Proposed Addition to the BelI Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drj.ve, Part of Tract A, Block 58, vailVillage lst Filing.Appticant: Hermann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant On February 26, 1990, the PEc reviewed a proPosal for the BelI Tower auilding which included a ground level retail expanslon- along Gore Crtek Prornenade and additions to existing residentlal developnent on the upper floors. A landscape variance, -heightvarian-e, exterior alteration, and conditlonal use pernit were reguested. The staff recommended denial of the proposal due to the negative irnpacts that the proJect would have on the overallfabric-of the vlllage. The itern was tabled by the appl5.cant and a new proposal was subnitted. The current proposal to the Belt Tower building involves only a ground level restaurant expansion along the Gore Creek Promenade. The nature of the proposal reguires the review of two.separate reguests. These requests lnclude an exterior alteration which is reguired in the Corutercial Core I zone district in order to add enClosed floor area to an existing structure and a variance reguest to reduce landscaping on the site. No site coveragevaiiance is needed on thii application because the existing outdoor deck is considered site coverage in CCI . Therefore, the covering of the area with a bullding will not increase the nonconformance of the site in relationship to site coverage. Horrrever, a variance to reduce the landscaping witl be necessary -..f1 Arbecause the brick pavers that will be removed on the outdoor dec\iffif are considered part of the landscaping reguirenent. f'-rila- tIii \u r,t ,elt r 1oi co,y\ L ton'oi&)ed nduc{oxi" flo,rrJC{ oq i-&2, /bq- { or 17 olo Fv' \cl ,Ya 2_r TO: FROI,!: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Connisslon Cornnunity Development Departnent .fuly 23, 1990 A variance request in order to reduce landscape area at the BelI Towei Building at 201 Gore creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, VaiI Village lst Filing.epplicant: Hetmann Staufer/Lancelot ReEtaurant I.LANDSCAPE REOUIREUENTS IN CCf ARE AS FOLL,OWS T-A ^flTth" apprlcant is landscaped area Tower Build decrease thein Conrnercial Core I. Bv @states: 65.5 rrNo reductlon in landscape area shalJ- be pernitted without sufficient cauEe shown by the applicant or as specified in the vail village Urban Design Considerations. rl sq. ft. of the exterior deck area will renain with sq. ft. of the deck on the applicantrs property and loo65.5 ft.- on Town of Vail- tand. requestingof the Bell a variance to Ne,o" arrgiFraras-, ,rTlrale t \.E\,rL- , lrs e-ve ,J**ures.fdfurrently ia.ot of the site is considered to be Ean-AGAFt'ng.,,.Ihe pioposal would dggg5:ase this -!'o ]o.rz-t-bgletirninalin6 frZ sq. fL. of existinf+frtio areactv4-ra${-pl;;;;;;i;;IErv-ig Ec. rt. or the exisilns planter to the wbst Irii] be-remoieu @)S. ft. of stone wall and e.s sg. f..,:t ffif, s.24.u0, randscapins and site Deveropme ^gMr dPiil+l IT. CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS Upon review of Criteria Findings,Section 18.62.060 the Vail Municipal Code,of Connunltyf the wdc Development recornnends based upon the followi rs:requested variance of 2. While architecturally a fine building, the BeII Tower property is lacking in landscape features.It should be noted, however, that this situationis not unique to the BelI Tower Buildlng. Bhel{all Street Building, the Gorauch Bulldlng and theA & D Building are other exanples of propertiesthat do not have a great deal of on-site landscape inpgovenents. fn nany cases, the landscaping which does occur is located on Town owned land oris in right-of-ways. It ls the role of the review boards to deternine the relative importance of each consideration involved in a given situation. The staff feels that the request to remove 272 sq.ft. of paved area is not excessive and that theusefulness of the existing 437.5 sq. ft. patio islinited because of the northern exposure. The request will not have any negative affect on adjacent properties. n addition, the open grass area on the north slddof Gore Creek Pronenade provides a uniguesituation in the Village in that it is one of the few najor landscaped open space areas in this othernise developed area. This greatly rnitigatesthe lack of landscaping associated with thebuildings along Gore Creek Pronenade. The deqree to which relief frorn the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of a specified requlation is necessarv to achieveconoatibilitv and unifonnitv of treatnent,ano4o dris\|ng \nfrofifres\u9ant d{qa do\s/ noQJ PfeBent/ ) a sufficieit c-ausE in thE staffrs opiiion. ',,^i.{u{b Tffi* q4( beJllnr +\^l 1Y 11f t,ca^.-{B\ht.',ln- i,M$i,\fth$" ffi * ffi i\,tf i'rffi-fr rd^,$fi.0:5'5," ffi-\;f.$ i,"U, K**T trllltil ffitr*) fl *,ffd$ft . H,:affiffi ., iax,nd A*"'Jfffi1tr$* $Trrilffi*S\ utilitles. and public safetv. The proposal would not affect any of the abovecrl-terIa. IIT. REI,ATED POLICTES TN VAIL VILI,AGE ITTASTER PI.,AN. Goal # 3 of the Vail village Master Plan states: rrTo recognize as a top prlority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Villagerr. Related objectives and policies include: Related objectives and policies lnclude: 3.1 3.3 3.3.2 obiectivePhysically inprove the exlsting pedestrian walkwaywith landscaping and other Improvenents. 3.1..3 PolicvFlowers, trees, water features, and other landscaping stral.I be encouraged throughout the Town Ln locitions adjacent to, or visible from,public areas. one may argure that the addition could in fact be considereda physical inprovenent to the pedestrian streetscape. HerJevsrr lr thls c t. It should be noted that the applicant annually does a great deal of landscaping to the area wl-th colorful planter boxes andplanted-pots. rhe obiective Encourage a wide and street tlfe PoIicy variety of activities, events, along pedestrian ways and Plazas. outdoor dining is an inportant streetscape and shall be encourage in connercial inflll redevelopment projects. featureor The proposal is enclosing an existing dining deck that has IimLted use. Both the northern exposure and the relationshlp of the existing deck with tlre lnterior of the restaurant linit the uge of the patio. The installation of rekord doors on the north elevation, rtill increase the livelihood and activity of this deck by increasing the transparency of the facade which is especially inportant during ttre winter nonths when the outdoor dining deck is unusable. IV. FINDTNGS A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with thetinitatlons on other properties classj-fied in the sanedistrict. B. That the grantlng of the variance will not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, ormaterially injurious to properties or inprovenents Lnthe viclnity. C. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reaaons: 1. The strict l-iteral interpretation or enforcementof the specified reguJ.ation would result inpractical difflculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to the sanesite of the variance that do not aPpty generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regrulation would deprive tbe applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of otherpropertJ.es in the sane district. @ lk otp I t re,,J lw rlal^ Ul L rur#lt\ rr <- /- ," ;,1/ i .n/J.,ntt n n ^nJ ^ta'.,).0 , a!"afu +ta f. f r { *d":.+;y r{"i#"4";;'d-'t'Ku'!' & /nFA pl ta o<a'T, -t-t"' i";d; U,! rillrllo/|ry'. f// Aq 4' hJl< ' t), Ji .tr "a.(old, q' 1) :,"1!,rtr#frW%ffia Nq/r!414* N/r^/xL A^Maf'n'r,TY.+mrt"TM4 ) ^,,/4a t a!.aru ffiW*J,/ tu /r)C,q&1, ^4t4,y/'Ir- tr'*tr r/' arry,'n Ai-d u{ V A',*d/ n TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environrnental Connission Conrmunity Development Departnent JuIy 23, 1990 A reguest for an exterior alteratlon in order to cons€ruct an addltion to the Bell Tower suilding located at 201 Gore creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant: Hetmann Staufer/Iancelot Restaurant DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED, REOUEST Approval of an exterlor alteratLon reguest is reguired for any abhition of enclosed floor area to structures ln the Cornmercial Core I zone district. The propoeal includes a 272 sEoare foot' ground floor expansion of the Lancelot Restaurant adJacent to_the 6ore Creek Pronenade. The expansion incLudes rnoving the facade 8.5 feet towards Gore Creek Pronenade and adding rekord doors and glass roof producing a glass front. The new enclosure is cornpletely on prlvate pioperty. The area Ls currently used.?: a dining palio. 165.s se. it. of exterior deck will remal'n wlth 65.5 sq. ft. of the deck on the applicantrs property and 199-tq.ft. on Town of vail land. The depth of the outdoor deck will be 6r and will have 4 tables. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The vall vl.llagc urban Deslgn Plan includes three elements that establish the ieview crlteria for this application. The first of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, nany of which identify potential areas for future development and other improvenents. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large scale, land use Planningand design considerationl desired in the Village- And finally, architecf,ural/landscape considerations, which will be reviewed by the Design Revlew Boaid, establish the criteria for evaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal. The Vall vllltgs l,tatt.r PltD a13o addresseE speciflc goals pertaining to the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout tfre Village that nust be considered in this application. In addition to the Gulde Plan and the vail Village l{aster Plan, traditional zonJ-ng consideratlons are also a factor in this proposal . Please refer to the acconpanying nenorandun that addresses this zoning issue. THE VAIL VILI,AGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN There are no specific sub-area concepts relevant to this proposal. VAIt VILI.,AGE DESIGN CONSIDER,ATIONS The following design considerations are a critical elenent of the Urban Design PIan. They ldentify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to assurethat new developnent be consistent with this establlshedcharacter. These considerations include the following: A.Pedestrianization: B. c. This proposal does not directly affect or change theexisting pedestrianizatl-on systen in the Village inthat it does not increase the encroachnent of thebuildlng into the Gore creek Pronenade wallalay. Theaddition will have a nininal encroachrnent lnto the view fron tbe top of the Chlldrenrs Fountain stalrs down onto Gore Creek Promenade. The applicant has nLninizedthe inpact by uslng a pitched glass roof on the frontof the addition. This wlll allow some transparency througtr the enclosure to the Gore Creek Promenade behind. Vehicle PenetratLon: Vehicular penetration' or circulation, vill remain unchanged aB a result of thls proposal. streetscape Frameltork: streetscape framework identifies two alternatlves for inproving the pedestrian experience in the Village. fhLse inituae the development of open apace including landscapJ-ng along pedestrian routes, and the development of infill conmercial storefronte along pedestiian corridors. wtrile the landscape inprovements-an provide a softening of buildings and a colorful framework, the comnercial lnfill can provide activity generators to give streetllfe and visual interest to the pedestrian. The proposed restaurant infill along the Gore Creek Pronenade will provide such an activity senerator. While the existing dining deck could irovide euch activity during the sunner, its poor north facing location (relative to sun exposure), has resulted in the deck having llttle success in providing such activity. This enclosure would make the dining are more useful year round, while naintaining an oPen dining area during Eumner months due to rekord doors being-proposed along the entire north elevation. D. The addition of glass rekord doors and a glass roof to the facade, which are comnonly used in the Village,wlll add transparency to the front of the restaurant. This feature w-iU. greatly add to the livelihood of this area by allowing for greater visibl'lity into theinterlor of the restaurant ln the winter. The staff feels that thls is a great improvenent over the existlng facade of the restaurant which provides Iinited viEual acceEsibility. In the sunner, the doors w111 allow the restaurant activlty to extend out onto the deck area. The success of the doors as a method of adding visual lnterest and also creating successful dining deck epace can be seen throughout th9 Village and Lionshead (ie. BIu's, Up the Creek, vendettarE' etc) . STREET ENCIOSURE The purpose of this consideration is to maintaln a corfortlble relationship between the width of streets and the height of buildings. The one story restaurant expansion along the Promenade rrill establish a more deiirable f,hunin scalerr on this side of the buildlng. Because of the extensive use of glass on the front of the addltion, the inpact of the addition wilt be rnininized in regards to street enclosure. STREET EDGE There are no standard setback reguirenents for buildings in Vait Village. Rather, proposals are Looked at wlth relationshlp to the site and the surrounding development to ensure a strong street edge. A strong sfreet edge does not inply perfectly llfg":afacades-along entiie street nidths. Rather, slightly irregular facade lines, building jogs, and landscape areat create life and visual interest for thepedestrian. The addition witl fill the void along Gore-creek Promenade which occurs on thl's portion of the Lancelot during the wl.nter months of the year when the deck is not used for dining but rather for snowstorage. The proposal will bring the activity of the restairant cloler-to the pedestrian on a year round basis instead of Just during the sunmer months. Buildinq Height Building height is unaffected as the one-story expansion Ls below 33r in height. E. F. G.Views and Focal Points The proposed expansion does not inpact any of the adopted vLew corridors. one vl.ev consideration was the vantage point form the top of the staircase between the Childrenrs Fountain and the Gore Creek Pronenade tooking west. The view of these staLrs ls lqportant to provide pedestrians with a point of orientatlon as they neander through the Vlllage. Thls addition w111 have avery llnited lnpact on vlews fron the top of the stairs towirds WiIIow Bridge. The applicant has nlnlnized the lmpact of the addition by liniting the size of the expansion and proposl,ng a glass roof form that preaerives most of the views towards the Gore Creek Dronenade. The enclosure also haB no naJor Lnpacts onthe staircase up to the Childrenrs Fountain fron the Gore Creek Promenade. Service and Dell.verv The proposed expansion will not reguire any additional service or delivery. The seating capacity w111 not be increased due to interlor renodeling which will removetables from the existing interior of the restaurant. Although ttre appltcant will not be adding any seatingcapacity, he will be adding 86.5 sq. ft. of floor areato the restaurant (272 sq. ft. of new dining area less 185.5 sq. ft. to be rernoved by a kltchen expansion =86.5 sg. ft. of new restaurant floor area). The applicant will be reguired to pay a 92,162.50 Town ofvlil parking fee as a result of this additlon. Sun/Shade There will be no signifLcant increase in the shadowpattern as a result of this addition because the additlon is within the existing shade pattern of the BeIl Tower Building. Archltecture/Iandscaoe ConsLderations ?trese design conEiderations are typicalJ.y the purrriew of the Design Revlew Board. However, in this case it is iurportant to address the consideration pertaining to roofs. As stated ln the gruidelines, roofs within the Village are tlpically gable in form and of noderate to lowpitch.- rne proposed low pitch roof foln is ln keeping ilitfr tne othLr iestaurant expansions in thls area (1.e. Blurs and Up the Creek). The applicant has rorked very hard in developLng a roof forn which does notdrastically depart fron the existing roof forms in the H. I. J. ViIIage. The staff feels that the detailing of the roof iitl successfully tie the addition to the existingbuildlng and that the- fom wlll be harmonl'ous wlth tlre existlng streetscape. A landscaplng variance ls necessary in order to do this expansion-,-ees r andscapdrng+Jb,erlfgEF requl-rl-ng a varl.ance. Theiaattroir wiil renovru ie. rt-or paved areaalA t446 (a'lprqqdecreasing the amount of landscaping from 14.6t to10.2t. The applicant has fll-+)roposed ryy.'additionallandscapLng for the west etohe planter. RELATED GOAL,S AND POLICIES OF THE VAIL VfLIAGE UASTER PIAN Goal No. 3 of the ValI village Uaster Plan stateE: trTo recognize as a top priorlty the enhancernent of the walking experience throughout the Vlllage.rl Related objectives and policles include: obiective:fhysicafly irnprove the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and otlrer irnprovenents. Poll-cy:private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as pavertreatnenti, Iandscaping, lighting and eeating areas), along adJacent pedestrian nays. 3.1 3.1.1 Although the proposal is renoving outdoor dining area, this addition will aclually increase the success of the existing dining deck. Because the patio is north facing it is unusable during the winter and tras linlted use during the springr- Eumner ana fill. The use of rekord doors and a glass roof as the primary elements of the elevation will provide.a transparency irnicfr tlitt attow qreater visual access to the interior of the restaurant. Thls-|s especially lnportant during the winter when the north facing outdooi patio ls not used. The existing facadeof the restaurant does not provlde such transparency. Thg addition wlll inprove the slreetscape of this area by addingvisual interest Lo a void area of Gore Creek Promenade which sees Iittle activity nuch of the Year. Although the proposal will be renoving landscaping, it ls thestaffrl opinion Lnat tne proposed inprovenents to the etreetscape franework outweigh the inpacts of removing bardloapo tlpe landscaping, i.e. brick pavers. 3.3 3.3.2 obiectlve Encourage a vlde variety of activitles, events, and street life along pedestrlan ways and plazas. Policvoutdoor dining ls an inportant streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in counercial infill or redeveLopnent. The proposal is enclosing an existLng dlnlng deck which experiences lirnited success. Both the northern exposure and therelationship of the existing deck nith the interior of the restaurant lirnit the use of the exiBting outdoor area. The added transparency gained frorn thiE additl,on and the proxinity of the new interior space to the pedestrian say is especially inportant during the fall, wlnter and spring when the deck Ls practically unused. The increased visual access to the lnterior activity ofthe restaurant while the outdoor deck is not Ln use sill havepositive impacts on the livellhood of the area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff reconmendatLon is for approval of the requestedexterior alteration wlth the condition that the landscape variance be approved. The revl.ew of the relevant Urban Designcriteria and the Vail Village l{aster Plan goals shows that the proposal is in conformance with the appllcable sectLons of these docurnents. The staff would like to further reconnend that the PEc require the appticant remove railings surrounding the patio from November 1 to Uay L.c hU oarl^- W, In the past, infill proJects of this tlpe have been supported. I{efeel that the proposal has maintained a sufficient operable outdoor dining area and the design of the addition is consistentwith the roof forms in the Village area and rnore specifically core Creek Pronenade. The staff feels that this proposal has maintained the design elenents of both the BeIl Tower Buildlng and Gore Creek Promenade whlch is critical to the streetscape framework of the area. The exlsting BelI Tower Building tlpifiesthe desired character of the bulldings in the Village and thiE lsin keepj-ng with that character. In addltion, the staff findsthat additions of this tlpe along Gore Creek Promenade and inother area of Town are qulte successful in providlng enhancementto walkingt areas throughout the year. The staff would reconmend that the PEC reguire, as a condition of approval, that the apptlcant partlclpate in a proJect lnvolvingthe property owners and the TownrE Public Works Departnent in aneffort to resolv€ severe drainage problens adjacent to the BeIl Tower Bulldlng. These drainage problems are a result of the undirected dralnage off of the buildlng. tle do not feel that the appJ-icant should be regulred to provide the solutionindividualty. Eowever, we feel it ls fair to require him, as aproperty owner in the building, to participate and pay for hlsfal.r share as deened by the bullding association (see attachedIetter forn T.O.V. Public Works Departnent). _1,, ?'_i ?arLtcr'aa _{ I I--+ a.l lll , s7^ /';p1fi6 o ./.1 +- - ---t;--+ i 6-q Tt= $ ilo. 13- F: H ,F Tiil-ro ftT, l-i-, it{..'.,r- l. - -r:: 11F.,ffi tt ::;i ;;$l -::' )(- ).,: ,-rj. r ;. I r,nt'-T.:.': ' -ll^jll fi <i],;:;ir;.,.. jp)_ jr'.. - :l iJ ' :..: :- '.1.'r * r ..:)-.."- ,, 11.1i.,.-?; l:i :;+r-;, r. . .,'.'. ':.. t.tI I I I I -l -{ Wfu^N r*38t ." rti-fl-t LF [atLf t I F- @ ul I,\ ' /vy' Tt"'r^ HdA' lr;rotnzorrr*u'in'5) PLN{NING AND ENVIRONI,IENTAI, COMMISSION SePtenber 24, 1990 Presentchuck CristDiana Donovan Ludwig KurzJim Shearer Kathy warrenDalton Williarns Uembers Absent Connie Knight The meeting was Chairperson. Item No. L: StaffKristan Pritz Mike MollicaJill Kanmerer ShellY Mello Andy lGrudtsen Penny Perry called to order at 3:25 p.n. by Diana Donovan, chuck Crist and Dalton l{illiams asked Penny to make changes on pages 10' 11, and 14 and Penny agreed' seconded b altoa t{llLi VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR ften No. 2: villaae lst Filinq!Applicant: AxeI Wilhelnson JiIl Karnrnerer explained that thissite visits. public connents. Jim Shearer stated that he planting and KathY warren, agreed with hin. iten had been discussed on the The board felt they were comfortable with the reguest per the staff memo. Diana asked if there ltere any couments from the public or the applicant anal Ned Gwathmeyr.lepresenting the applicant stated ff,;t-ih; applicant agreed-with the staff meno' There ttere no liked the ProPosal with the nost cnucX Crisl, lnd Diana Donovan all PEC Uinutes 9/24/90 Meeting Dalton liked the proposal wLth the mostagreed with Dalton but felt he could bethe proposal with the nost landscaplng. VOTE: 6-0 Item No. 3: Eynnetry and Ludwigeasily swayed to support 18.46.090 (Bl densitv and 18.46.100 (Bl floorarea, at Ibt 53 GIen Lvon SubdiviEl_on, t4Z6Westhaven Drive.Applicant: Coldstream Condomlnlun Association. Shelly Mello presented the proposal for staff. She explainedthat the applicant was reguesting a najor amendment to SDD No. 4--Cascade Village, Area B - Coldstream Condoniniuns. Theapplicant was proposing to anend SectLon 18.45.100 (B) Floor Areafrom 65,000 sg. ft. GRFA to 67,930. Shelly reviewed thebackground_of the proJect and rationale behLnd the reguest.Shelly reviewed the zoning considerations, criteria, anddevelopnent standards used in evaluatlng SDD amendment requests.staff recomnendation was for approval wlth the conditions -found within the nemo. Erich llill, archl-tect representing the applicant, explaLned thatKevin McTavish, nanager of Coldstream, wiehed to explaln thereasons for not going forth with the enployee unlt. Kevin I'lcTavish stated that the council would requlre a recreationfee in an exorbitant amount to be paid at the tl.ne an enpLoyeeunit would be conpleted. The fee made the cost of conptetlng anemployee unit cornpletely unreasonable. K?tl.ry warren asked Kevin if he would agree to the site coveragelirnitation called out in the staff memo. Kathy felt thatenclosing of garages would be an asset and wanted to giveflexibltity to the applicant that allowed such an enclosure. shelly Merlo felt that it wourd be possible to word the conditionin order to exclude the enclosure of carports as counting towardsite coverage. 6-, Present Chuck crlstDiana Donovan Connie Knight L,udwig KurzJin ShearerKathy lfarrenDalton ttillians In the interestpubllc hearing. PI,AIINING AIID ENVIRONI,TENTAL COI,II,IISSTONJuly 23, 1990 Egaf€Kristan Pritzuike ltollicaShelly ltello Andy KnudtsenJiIl KanmererBetsy Rosolack Penny Perry Susan Scanlan of tfune, work eeEslons were held prior to the A lrork session for an anendment to Town of Vall ordinance No. 24. Senies of 1983 and Ordinance No. 28. Series of 1987 qoverninq wood-burnincr fireplaces, gas logs. and qas appliances. Applicant: Town of Vail Susan Scanlan presented the proposal as per the staff meuo. 285 S. Frontacre Road West.Applicant: Amoco Coro. lom l{cQurdy, representl.ng the Amoco Corporation, responded to the issues addi6ssed in the neno explainlng that contanination was found on the Gateway site. However, they dld not yet know the.. extent. After tatk]ng with staff, Amoco chose the proposed slte because it would caus6 the least hardship for all concerned since any other location deleted parking spaces. Regarding alternate- neihods, the proposed design was ihe lest for the situation. It was posslble they would need larger wells, however, they trad alre-dy allowed for additional Bpace in the room for an addttional air stripper. Amoco originally proposed to use a portable building. -he sald ttrat etaff had connunicated concernsItrat a portable iuilding would not meet design crlteria. negardi-ng the use of tht Gateway site rather than the Alpine Stindard-site, the present owner did not want them to use the baeement as was origlnally planned. The ouner had expressed concerns of liability and parklng. 1 A work sessl.on for a conditional use permit an4 a,setback Chuck Crist asked how noisy the system would be and Tom UcCurdy explained that the only noise would be generaled.by a compressor. rhe conpressor would be wlthin an enclosed building and the irnpact would be ninlnal' He felt the noise fron the highway would be more obtrusive. Chuck then asked, lf the problem sas nore extensive thanoriginally thought, would Anoco have to bulld another station else vhere? Fron what dietance could the wells be punped? Tom t{ccurdy explained the wells could prtnp up to 200-250 feet alitay. Dalton and Ludwig had no comente. Diana asked how deep they tested the water and Ton McCurdy explained they test anywhere fron 20 to 40r bel'ow the ground surface. Diana also asked how nuch water would be processed in 1 day and Tom Mccurdy explalned that the systen proceased 35 gallons per minute. bianl was concerned about how the Water and Sanitation department would handle the situatLon and how it nould affect the Townrs water supply. Ton lllcCurdy explained that the water would be discharged to the l{ater and Sewer plant and the water plant discharged to the Townrs streams. He did not feel that 35 gallons a minute would affect the water supply. Kathy Warren asked Tom Bri.ner, the architect for the proJect, if they would be able to berm on either side of the building and Tont stated ttysstt, on the sides but not the front or rear. Diana felt that the applicant should consider extra insulation to nitigate the noise. She asked Kristan if this would be an oppoitunity to clean the island/atea-up and Shelty reminded Diana ana tne bolrd that there iE a possibility of a sidewalk as well. Ton UcQurdy explained that there was an unldentified easenent and Diana felt that it was an issue that staff could handle and inform the board if it wouLd be a problen at the next rneeting. shelly felt that the Town needed to see the final reports when they -ane out before nakinq a reconnendatlon and Tom tlcgurdy did;trt feel the flnal reports would affect the location of the building. He felt the present neeting nas to center around tbe aesthetics, noise etc. Chuck crist asked hov the air dl-scharge was done and if it required stacks. Ton litcQurdy extrllalned that vents would be used. chuck also wanted to know if there would be an odor and Torn McCurdy explained that the odor would be no nore than the gas station itself. Bruce Gilly, representing !'!re Holldav HoY?31 "-!?!:d that the onners were worried abou€ the property value golng down due to iii"-"""i.rlnation that appearei tb be-under the Holiday House-. -building. rhey woula ffii to see the area cleaned up' -They did ri"t-t.-X""* fi there was danger. They dldn't want to find gas in their laseneni.--ie askedr-lf they used the existing wells, ft"*-[t. plpes wouta be laid ind fon itcCuray explained that the plpes wouta all be undergrounded. Jin Shearer asked if the fumes fron the alr dlscharge would be fl.anmable and Tom McCurdy anEwered rrn6.rl Dlana Donovan stated that in general she felt the proposal was a trnecessary evil.i The plannlng and Envlronmental cornnission public- meeting was called to order al z:30 p-n. by Dlana Donovan' chalrperson' Since the neeting was running late, Item No' 1 was postponed to the end of the meeting. Item No. 23 Mike t{olllca explained ttrat the appligalt? were requesting a .. variance from a naxinum allowable-iralf beight to provide for the c""siruction of "-ii.r =i"gie ianify hone. -The variance requested would arlow ror waii n"igf,tt rangiirg from 3 -e"99 to 1o'5 feet in rr"ight. rne aveiiee ;r"i. of th6 l6t beneath the proposed ie=iaen"" and driv6way wis approxLnately 5o*: rn order to access the site, the applicants .o"re prologing-a drl.veway with a rnaxinuut giiae-oe 'e*. f[r-"-"i"if reconrn-endition-was for approval of the variance request;d-iJr " maximum wall height of 10.5 feet Bcr--the ir"*iiie= ""bhitt"d.--stirf believed the r-quest would not be a ffiif"ii"g" ind would not be detrimental to the p"lir. teaitrr, ,.i-ty-or-welfare. The to.pographic conditions of i11g-iit! Jreaiea-unilf,t" developnent consideiations, and.the. staff believed that a niiasfrip woutd-be imposed upon tle applicant if the strict and l-ig!';f interpretatioir of the zoning.code-v:t:--t' be enforced. me-iinaings sirpporting the varlance included IV A, B, and C2. Pan Hopkins' representing the applicant, agreed.wlth the staff presentation. srre-eipiiined thil, as the.arctritect on the ;;;j;A;-!rr"-t"i"a vi-ry hard.to airoid askJ-ns for a variance. Hortever, "*""tt"r'.t" eofi testing deened the varlance reguest- necessary. Pam ;r.pi;i;"a trre €ype of naterl'als to be used in "o""tt".ting the;iii ana showed-photog-raphs 1nd e4anples' ilt" added that the .ppii"""C had upgridea tfre Iandecaplng slnce the original proPosal. chuck crlst asked what color the wall was proposed to be and Pam answered trgreY. rl ConnLe ltnight explained that she had seen Georges Boyer' -an;-j;Anl pioperti-o*"i, { trtg room earller and asked if he was i"i-"i rsiftrit tie piop6Eal and t{ike explained that he wanted to nake sure tne none i""'ptoposed solely on the ownergr land, that it would not encioacfr tirtdthe open space tract innediately adJaeent, which it did not. Condition: 5 12r-14r Enqleman spruce 2 12!-14 I Blue SBruce 6 3n-4rr caliPer AsDen VOTE: 7-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 3: Andy Knudtsen presented the proposal explaitilg,that the applicant proposed to build i sun room on an exieting deck- in- -;;;;r-;-h-is-Eineie fanily residence. The sun room would be 16 i!"i lV 12 feet ina woufA be located Ln front of the ll'ving room of the residence.---fft" existing structure currently encroached -3r-6il into the west side yard ietback and the applicant proposed to align the new-iaattiott-with the existing house, creating a Einllar setback encioactrnent. The staff reconnendatlon was for "ppi""if-"f the r-questea variance. Because the existing house ,i's i" the setback-creating a physical hardst-tlp, the owner i.="*.a--i.ii"f from the strict setback reguirenent. The variance would ""i-U" a grant of special privilege as the tlpe of ;ii;;ti;"-ri"-:""tification for other variances ln the.past.-- There would Ue no-n-gative inpacts on adjacent propertl-ee. The ielated finding included Iv A' B' cl and c2' Meadow Rid<re Road uark t{ueller, a loca1 engineer representlng the.applicantl -- "xpi"fn"a trrit trre dlEtaice frorn Lhe property line was actually 8.5 feet rather than 11.5 feet. Kristan asked lrlark to o<plain how tlre inconsistelcy occurred and ii;;i-;i?iainea that, at -ttre tirne of the applicarion, they vere unable to find tfre-introvement Burrrey. ThLy- had slnce located it and found tne -aisc-rlpatt"y. fne aistance-between the buildings would be the same. IJudwig Kurz asked if any trees-would need to be relocated and Jim r;;;iif,J---tu ,iyes;, irriv would be moved to tlre front of the lrome. Krlstan explained to the board tttat etaff was still supportJ-ve of the variarr"" "t"i irto"gn ine orlginal flgures were not correct' fi; ;t;il--j""ifiicatioi to support the pioposal was due to the i""t-if,"-"6atttot would not encroach any further. than the !"iJtiiig ;"iiei"; ;;e-; ieisonaure setblck was still maintained with the request. Conditions: 1.slte VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Iten No. 4: Mike Molllca presented the proposal for staff explalning that the lppiicant naa propo""a i. tbcaie a televlsion studio in the iliti"a rodge irnfln was located within the CornmercLal Core II zone district. r,ir[rri"-tte zone district, television statlons were an allowable-"sE "" flrst ffJor wLtir an approved conditional useper.mlt.rneusehadrecentlybeenaddedtottrezonlngcodely-t-n"-"pprov"f of ordlnance No. 23, Series of 1990 by the Town Eiruncf r 'o'n lury ti , tggo. The ordinance required that any approved televiEion station have a productlon roomr/studio which woufa be vlslble fron the street or pedestrian nall, and that the television statl.on be trcablecaEtfr only. The staff found that the request net the Conditional Use penmit criterla and reconnended approval of the rrcablecasttr tlpe of televislon studio. BilI Perkins, the appllcant, agreed sith the staff presentation. Chuck Crist asked t{ike for ctarlfication on the parking fee reguirenent. He wondered why had the space not been required topat a parking fee in the past, if In fact lt had not. l'like-xlrfatnea that, ln the past, a portion of tbe space had been considered retail as oPposed to off,ice space. Retall sPace had a different parking fee requirenent fron offlce space. Diana asked the applicant what would happen during off-seaEon andBitl Perkins explained that the statlon would renain on the alr. Hol,rever, the norning show would be deleted for off-season and infornation that IocaIE would be intereEted ln would continue. Connie ltnight asked why satellite dishes lrere not included in the ordinance and Bill Perkins explained that there were aeparateguidelines controlling satellite dishes and that T.V. stations should have to go through the same procedures as the rest of the zone district. Connie then asked what was going to happen when the Sunbird Iodge was redeveloped and Bill Perkins explained that the statlon would need to find a temporary operating space. However, the new plans would be designed to acconnodate a T.V. Station. BilI expanded on the issue -tatlng that he would hate to pay a parking fee when he knew that the redevelopnent of the Sunlcird would include parking facilities. Kathy Warren was concerned that the back portion of the floor plan called for splitting a window with franing and asked if whoever nade the motion would nake a particular reference that the area be reviewed carefully by the Design Review Board. shearer. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR lteLNo--5r landscape v.rlance ln order toaddition to the Bell Tower Buildl.ncr at 2Ol Gore Creek DrLve. Part of Tract A, Block 58' Vall T\LE COP\ Shelly Mello presented ttre proposal for etaff-explaLning !.hat the PEC reviewed i proposal for the BeIl Tower Building on February26, L99O shich included a ground level retail expansl'on,along Gore creek Pronenade and aaaitions to existing residential development on ttre upper floore. The current proPosal to theBeII Tower bullding -involved a ground level restaurant e:<pansion along the Gore Creek Promenade. The nature of the proposal required the review of two separate requests l-ncludlng an ex€erior alteration reguest and a request to reduce landscaping. The landscaping varianCe was necessary because the brick pavers would be renoved on the outdoor deck and a portion of a planter because of the deck enclosure. The staff recornmendation was for approval of the exterioralteration reguest with the condition that the landscape variance be approved. rhe staff reconmended that the PEC require the appl-iLant to remove the railing surrounding thb patio fron tlovenber 1 to May I of each year. Staff also reconnended that the applicant be-regulred to-particlpate in a proJect involving the pi-operty ouners-and the Townrs pultlc Works Departnent in_an effolt Lo resotve severe drainage probleros adjacent to tbe Bell Tolrer Building. The staff felt that the proposal had uaintained the design elenents of both the Bell Tower Building and Gore Creek Pronenade which was critical to the streetscape framework of the area. In addition, the staff found that additions of this type along G9r9 Creek Pronenade and in other areas of Town were quite successful in provJ.ding enhancement to salkl.ng areas ttrroughout the year. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that there weie two basic reasons wtry the appllcant was proposing the expansion. The first was-that the kltchen needed to be expanded and the second was that the patio had never really worked due to the north exposure. He felt that, in the beglnning, no one.liked to see a patio space enclosed. However, with the introduction of Rekord do-ors, a ieck could be enclosed with the opportunity to. open the arei up as weather pernitted. He felt the inprovements were positive. Ifldwig Kurz felt that the staff recommendations were rnisleading ttrroultr the use of adjectLves and adverbs. He llked the proposal and was in favor of the proJect. Dalton Willians agreed he would tike to see the railings renoved. He also wanted to see snon and debris rernoved daily. It didnrt make sense to hin to have the entry door recessed. He felt by bringing tlre door fonard, the applicant could make the area noreinviting. He asked Etaff why the deck was not counted tosard aparking-fee ln the past and Krlstan explained that decks dld not have a-parklng fee requirement while enclosed space did. Dalton felt the proposal would be a good inprovenent and supported the project. Chuck Crlst asked the staff to explain the difference betweenrrllardscape and Livlng landscape.o Kristan explaLned ttrat, in the code, 20t of landscaping ls allowed to be trhardscaper, le paversr Eidewalke, etc. rn cclthere rras no overall * of tandacape requJ-red for a site. ccl zoning stated rrNO REDUCTION" in landscaping should be allowedwithout sufficient cause and conpliance with the Urban Design Gul-de Plan. Chuck asked the applicant if the flat portion of the roof was proposed to be gravel and Hernann Staufer answered that theportlon of the roof that is flat would be netal' natching theskylight franing. Chuck then asked about the railings and flower boxeE and Hermann stated ttrat he put the flower boxes out every year. Chuck encouraged the continuation of flower boxes, hanging plants andgenerally supported the proposal . Kathy warren quoted the zoning code as stating "No Reductionrr of land-caping without nsufficl.ent cause.n she did not feel there was sufiicient cause. She felt the code inferred 20* of the site should be landscape as the site coverage t was 80t. As far aa she could calculate, the area under review was down to 1.7t landscaped area. She conmented that, in reviellng ninutes fron the explnsion approval in L987 ' every ConrriEsioner had made statenents regarding the landscaping. She didnrt feel the e:<pansion needed to encroach further. Hemann asked Kathy to inagine the bullding without planter boxes, hanging baskets etc. The pavers/hardscape was covered up durlng the winter. The proposal was losing pavers and adding transparency and he felt the transparency would liven up the areayear round. Kathy warren stated that she supported the Master Plan Policy No. 3.3.2 regarding Outdoor Dining as a streetscape feature. Honever, other exanples (1.e. Blurs and Vendettas) were open for lunch and the Lancelot Restaurant itas not. Jim Shearer agreed that the raillngs should be removed during thewinter. He santed to see the landscaping on the west end inproved even though the land waE not owned conpletely by the applicant. Jin Shearer asked Hetnann if he was going to conslder opening the restaurant for lunch and Her:mann replied that the kitchen was toosnall presently, but that wlth a larger kitchen he could be openfor lunch. Jin then asked what would happen with the grutter and heating with a flat roof and Craig snowdon responded that theroof was really not flat. It had a sllght slope and it was heated. illn felt that Lnproving the drainage on Gore Creek Prornenade should be made a part of the approval . Craig said that the paving system at Iancelot Restaurant was four years old-and they Lad nEvei had any problem with lt. All the other bulldings on the Gore creek Pionenade had to do below grade dralnage. All the buildings in the area would lrave to partlcipate in the cost to complete the drainage. Kristan felt it dld need to be part of the approval and stated the rnemo included thls condition of approval . It rras a publicrzprivate effort. Hernann replied that he wouldparticipate. Jln sald that he was in favor of the proposal because the restaurant already used the deck space and because they were using Rekord doors which they could keep open, and it increased the iivelihood of the village. He felt that the increase in transparency was positive and that the western planter should be improved. Connie Knight had no problens with the Lancelot exterior alteratLon request. However, she felt dlsillusioned !y-tnebuckled paverJ and felt that the Lancelot should participate in the restoration of the area. KrLstan explained to Connie that It was hard to force the applicant to participate unless all partles in the area agreed. Th- appllcant was agreeing as a condition of appro-val topartilipate when thE work-was done and Craig.snowdon explain-ed Lfrat tfrl proposed work would not hinder the inprovement of the buckled pavers. Connie santed to know where the snow would be stored and lt(ristan explained that the hrblic Works department would have to ]lft and truck it out. Diana felt that, in reality, all the appllcant would have to do is put Rekord doore at the ixistlng exterl'or wall. She did not support the staff reconmendation. She fel't there ttas not sufficient cause for a landscape variance. 1]he reasons used to Justify the variance were the same that sere Etated for the iaattt-on in 1987. To Dlana, thls neant the needs should have been rnet in 1987. she could not suPPort the use of public property for a deck and there wae easentlally no landscaping.- itoirer iaskets were great Ln the Bummer but the building was bare ln the winter. she did not belleve sufflcl.ent cause had been Ehown to remove the landscaPing. Chuck CriEt asked Lf the planter to the weet could be expanded to the north and Craig etated lt would be possible if the Town vould allow the expansion slnce it was Town proPerty. Kristan wanted to clarify the staffrs posl.tlon. She reiteratedthat the staffrs posJ.tion waE not to allow the landscape variance sirnply because there was no landscapi{r9 on other-buildingsneaily. Ehe nain reasons for supporting the variance are that the pioject meets the Urban Design Considerations and that the renoval of the landscaping had been compensated for by the addition of a tree in the west planter. Dalton l-iked the idea of Rekord doors and felt that by going outfurther, onto Town property, they would be left open nore often as heat from the building would make the apace more useable. Hefelt the increase of transparency was also a good inpact. Discusslon of the motion: It was also reconnended that the appl.icant extend the westplanter onto Totiln of Vail property if the Council would apProve the encroachment. felt that pedestrian flow would be blocked by the planter in winter. Diana stated that the motion was to pursue the possibility, that the appllcant needed to work on a solution. Hermann felt lf a tree was planted that he would like to walt until after the paver work was done. VOTE: 5-2 IN FAVOR WITH KATHY WARREN AND DIAI{A DONOVAN AGAINST. itaythe seconded by Jin Shearer. 10 A notion to apnrove a recruest for an exterior alteration per the etaff neno with the followlno condltlons was nade by Jin Shearer and seconded bv Dalton WillLans Condltions: VOTE: 5-2 IN FAVOR WITfl DIANA DONOVAN AND KATHY WARREN AGAINST. Item No. 6: !.. Ttre appll.cant renove the deck rallLnq between Novenber 1 and t{av 1 of eac}r year and remove snortfron the area on a daily basis. 2. Applicant: First Bank of Vail Andy lGudtsen presented the proposal for staff explaining thatthe appllcant r,tas requesting a variance from the landscape standards to add two cornpact car spaces to the parking area southof the 1st Bank building. Three aspen and two sPruce trees would be relocated and 189 square feet of landscaping would be removed.lhe staff recommended denial of the request stating that the reguest wouLd be a grant of special prlvllege and had a negative irnpact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic. staff recomnendedthe restriping of the south lot and renovlng the sign adjacent to the parking that stated trPrivate Parking, Unauthorized vehicles would be towed.rl craig Snowdon, representing the applicant, explai.ned that First Bank had a constant short-tern parking problen and the proposed location was the only feasible location. Regarding the signage that related to the back parking, he said they could look at signage for the parking and could do thereslrlping of the parfing tot. He felt two additional parking spaces rtere a posltlve aspect for the publlc use and I't would also help the First Bank. Dalton was not ln favor of restriplng. He felt there was just enough space to park now and that standard size cars would try to use the snaller spaces. 11 Kathy lfarren opposed the decrease of landscaping. She said thatstriping at an angle would help, then the care would have to turn arou-nd by the durnpsters. Andy stated that the staff suggestionto restripe would result ln epaces with 9 foot widths, which would not be subEtandard. Diana felt she would rather see treee than two nore parking spaces. A uotLon to denv a request for a landscape varLance per tbestaff netno was nade bv connle Kniaht and eeconded bv LudltLg Kurz VOTE: 6-0-1 TTITH JII.T SHEARER ABSTAINING Item No. 7: Postponed to the end of the neeting to be tabled. ftem No. 8i Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Stewart Colton Staff explalned that the applicant did not have condoniniun approval and requested the iten be tabled. Jin Morter addressed the board and stated that they dld not wantto table the iten. He claimed that the condoniniun declarationsstate that, if the applicant did not have an answer within 1o days, approval was to be presuned. Jim mentioned two concerns of adjacent property owners. Kristan responded, explainlng that the staff received an unsignedletter with two conceins. She sald that condomLniun assocl-atLon approval rtas very inportant and a signed letter of approval wascritical. Jin uorter Eaid that the adjacent property ownerrs concern uas the third level deck which he offered to remove. L2 Ross Davla, repreaenting Mr. tlatson, an adJacent -owner{ fett that the plans ioofla good. He was concerned about scheduling of the consiructLon. Url Oavis suggested that the applicant was asking for an unnecessary setbact iirlance from a non existent lot line. He further suggested that the lot llnes had been vacated via a 1964 condominium naP. Krlstan stated that she hras sorry that the proJect had been affected but felt that the staff could not ignore the fact that they had not received a Letter of approval from the condoninlun ass6clation. Krietan added that she- felt ttris was a civll issue that the owners needed to reeolve before the staff reviewed the request. She concluded that the etaff wished to table until the luiust 13th PEc neeting. Andy lnvited !tr. Davls to present. hlg na€erial for further study prlor to the next ueeting. She tol'd Jin Morter that he could go to the Design Review Board for a conceptual review on August lst lf he wished. VOTE: 7 - O TN FAVOR OF TABLTNG Iten No. 9: Road.ADDlicant: H. Ross Perot DLana asked the applicant if the stakes outlining the footprint of the house uere Lurrent, and Jin l'lorter answered rrno.rl Discussion centered around whether the board was comfortable enough to proceed though the stakes were not current and it was decided to proceed. l{lke Uollica explained that the applicant was requesting a.site "o.r""ig" varlanie to allow for the-construction of a neY single iinfiy-none, with an attached three-car garage.- The existlng singf-e faniiy hone on the site was proposed to.be denolished, due to itructurai. concerns with the foundation. Given the steep slopes on the lot, the site coverage requirenent of the property was-Iinited to 15i. Because the slopes exceeded 30*' the applicant was allowed to locate the garage within the front EitUacf area without a setback variance. Mike reviewed the triElJry of the project, the zoning analysisr -and the criteria and iinaf"is appticifli to-the proJect. ThE staff reconmendation was for apfrovii. Staff beLievla Lne lot was encurnbered with a physical hardship, due to the extreme slopes on the Eite. staff 13 also believed that the granting of the variance would not bedetrimental to ttre public health, safety or general welfare ofproperties or personE in the vlclnity. For thoBe reasons, stafffett tnat it would not be a grant of epecial pri.vi-lege to approvethe varlance request. Jin t{orter, the architect representing the applicant, explainedthat the site had a hardshlp. Given the opportunity, the applJ,cant would prefer to put the garage under the house. In order to do this, the house would have to be ln the frontsetback. As the detaited plannlng began wlth the previous proposal, they found it inpractical to rernodel. The currentproposal net all other requl.renents. As ltLke had stated' they could build a carport and lt would not count aE site coverage.Jin pointed out tree locations and offered to replace any treesthat would not have been removed by the previous plan. Chuck Crlst asked if the area across the street would still be revegetated as in the previous proposal and trin answered ttyes.rr Connie Knight asked why the PEC did not revlew the 250 reguest and Kristan explained that the 250 reguest was not part of thesite coverage variance which should be looked at on its ownmerit. Jim Uorter stated that lf they were not to recelve the 250 request, they nould delete a loft bedroon on the top floor and therefore site coverage would not change. Jirn Shearer was concerned about landscaplng. He wanted to be sure that the appllcant would Eave aE nany trees as possible. Hefelt that the excavation of the home presented a high risk to many of the trees on site. Jlm Morter explained to JLn Shearer that they had looked at nanydifferent scenarioE and the current proposal was the beEt. The trees to the northeast of the house would have a big irnpact if removed. Kathy warren felt that the applicant should be requlred to extensively landscape due to the loss of rnature landscaping andJin Morter agreed. Ludwig Kurz felt that the applicant should keep all poseible trees-with the condition that any danaged trees be replaced with mature/substantial trees. A motion to approve a Eite coveraqe varl-ance oer the staff neno with the followinq conditions was nade by Kathv l{arren and seconded bv Connie Kniqht. Conditions: 14 o The Eite of the exietLnq etructure be taken back to natural grade and landscaped. The area across Beaver Dan Road be reveqetated. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Kristan reconnended that trees on the site be photographed and sizes detetmined before a buildlng penult is released so that i trees dle due to construction, there would be agreenent on size and tlpe replacement trees. Item No. 10: 1. 2. 3. as a pernitted use.AoPlicant: Dean Liotta Andy Knudtsen presented the proposal for staff explaining that the-applicant i.ras proposing Lo -hange the-zoning code to allow a Urew puf as a use by light in the Commercial Service Center zone district. The requEst was to deflne the brew pub use in the deflnltion sectioi of the code, list the uae as a pernittgd !:ein the csc section of the code, list the use, with llnited off site sales, as a conditional use in the csc Bection of the code, and incLude a paragraph' also Ln the csc section, regarding operating charlcteiisliis. Andy revlewed the background research that had been done and the appl-icable crlterla and fJ-ndings. The staff recornnendatlon was for approval of the reguest' Andy, at the request of Iarry Eskrrith, clarified^the difference letiien on-site-consunption,-retail sales for off-slte consumptlon, and wholesale saleE. Krlstan felt it was inportant for the board to understand that the brew pub use was Lntended to be acceseory to a restaurant. Dean Liotta explalned that he r'as not planning on brewing 9n a. conEtant baEls-. He wanted to brew 3 to 5 times per week (Brewing took approximately ?5 minutes) and he would like to be able to Urew airitng normai working hours. If lt becane a problen in the_ future, he-would be happy-to change the hours of brewing.- He had been given a 1000 Uarrel-a year cap. He stated he would hate to 15 be at loo0 barrels on Decenber 15 and be forced to go 2 weeks without business. He asked shat would happen in that sl.tuatLon? Kristan explained to Dean, that if he was that close to his cap, tre could come back and request a higher caP. Dean felt that the sale to a restaurant patron that took a 6-pack home should be considered on-site sales. Kristan stated that,not only restaurant patrons buy beer to take out, but others would use the pub as a liquor store and it would createadditlonal traffic. Diana felt that If the pub was golng to have both sales for off-site consunption and wholesales, they should be consl.dered as two separate conditional uses. Dean showed the board pictures of what the eguipment looked like and how it would be laid out on the site. Kristan suggested that if the odor was a problem, the staff(T.O.v.) could initiate a code change. Dean agreed that he would cornply with future odor control ordinances. Kathy warren suggested that the issue be discussed when he cane to tle board for a conditional use pennit for off-site sales. A notion to reconmend approval to the Town QouncLl per Exhibit A of the staff neno with the followinq changes was nide bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist The barrel per year ca|) be l-ncreased to 15oo. 3. The Section on Conditional Uses--(Ll be anended so that sales for off-site consumption and wholesales be separate conditional uses. VOTE: 7-o fN FAVOR Item No. 13: 1. 2.hours be deleted. nodification on l,ot C and Lot D' and the & Associates. 16 Mike Mollica presented the proposal for staff. He explained the changes that had been made ltnce the tast work session includingroof-height percentages, the adJacent pocket park (Town Council had given pennisslon to proceed wlth design), the removal of sLdeialks to give a nore lnfornal access' and nodlfications to the retaining waII near the Covered Bridge. Dalton suggested that the Town move/dunp the enort elserthere. l.like explatned that the staff interpretatLon of heightrestrictLons would be spllt 5O/5O with the 50t to the east takenoff of Bridge Street gr-ae and the SOt to the west taken from the grade fron the northwest corner of the building. Theinterpretation was taken from how past situations were handled. Ned Gwathney, representing the applicant, felt that the-grade from Bridge-street should-be used entirely. The elevation from Bridge Stieet was clearly the elevation that was inportant. Regardless, they would still need a variance. Kristan e:<plained that in order to allow the Covered-Bridge Building t6 use the Bridge street grade for deter:mining height the etaif would have to allow the same grade to be used throughout the Village. Doing that would create future problerns. Dalton Willlans felt that, if the applicant stayed withln tbe height gruidelines, the result would be a nassive buildlng erontinq the road and a big yellow wal.l (Pepi's Building) vlsibte to the north. Kathy warren stated that she did not see a physical hardship to Justify granting the variance. Ned Gwathney reviewed the village Master PIan points which he felt relatea to the proJect, stating that the Master PIan calledfor the stepplng down oi buildings fron the rrontage Road-and called for l- 3 to 4 story building ln the vlllaqe. Ned feltthat the existing site was a hardship. They were in the floodpLain, the bullding ltself was in bad shape, the cost of denolition and redevelolnent was a hardshlp. The existing bullding did not meet safety concerns. Diana Donovan felt that the floodplain seened to be the only true physlcal hardship she could see. She asked what the Bqt1arg io6tage of the aiea of the existing building that was within the ttoodflain and Ned Gsathney ansltered tr60 sq- ft.rr. Diana felt she rnight support a height-variance for not encroaching into_the floodpiain. -biana felt that the other hardshlps that Ned had llstei were self Lnposed in that the owner was aware of them when he purchased the building. Jin Shearer stated that he had been trying to weigh the pros and L7 cons of the project. He felt that, personallY, -he cane up rlth more pluses than ninuses. He felt-that the project vould be the chanc-e to ask the Town to find a dlfferent location to dunp snow. He felt that the buildlng was the flrst inpreasion of Vall Village and dLd not feel it was deeirable to have the bulldings-all the eame sl-ze. He llked the pocket park deslgn and inproved eafety features. There was no doubt that the proposal yae above the allowed height by the difference of grade to the rear. He was in favor of the comnerclal epace downetairs. Connie loight stated that orl.glnally she had thought rrnot nore downtown i;filln. However, after ualking around the buildJ-ng she realized it did need help. She did feel the proJect was stlll too dense. Kathy warren felt the proposal was for 5 levels not 4 and that the lpplicant could get closer to the hetght called for in the code.- She did not see a physical hardship. Diana Donovan felt the project was rrgood and badrr. She needed Dore reasons before she could support a variance. She felt, lf the applicant would drop the creek sLde elevatlon down, theproje-t would be closer to receiving her support. Diana asked what percent of the roof was too tal} and the merno said 53* and Bruce Ann replled that the greatest percentage of the roof rras an area below 33t and that they were moving that area to the back so that nost of the unused volume was toward the back. Diana replied that it was really not the Boardrs absolute right to trade in this area. Dalton agreed with the staff. He felt the appllcant was 99ing to have to llve with the rules. Maybe stepping down fron Pepirs buitding would also help the height situation of Pepirs roof. Heliked the design of the Project. Ludwig asked if there was consistent interpretation of the gradei, and Mike replled that there had been and Krl'stan and Tom 6raun had conferred-as to shat had been done in the past. Ludwigfelt that it was an irnprovement to the building but felt that the helght was still a number one concern. IGistan sald that a couple of Board mernbers asked if the applicant was going to consider an sDD. she sald that it was an oilton but thaf it-rras not an easy Process gither. - Ned repliedtirat underlying zoning would still have to be considered. Kathy said that, with an sDD the applicant could probably use 18 Bruce Annra argument regarding novlng the nass of the lower roofto the front of the bulldlng and the masg of the higher roof nextto PepLrs. Connie said that she would vote against an sDD. Dlana polnted out that under the existlng zoning only the height needed nltlgation. illke explained how the aunteyor would deternine the View Corridor from the demoll-shed parkingstructure. Bruce tnn felt that they were clearly out of the View Corridor and Mike eaid that lt didnrt apPear that the proJect would go into the View Corridor, but that verificatlon was required. Kristan sald that ehe santed to be sure that Ned knew all of the other options. Ned asked for a definltlon of rrhardshipr and KrLstan explalned the definitlon. Item No. 7: Item No. 11: Item No. 12: A motion to table itens NO. ?' 11. and 12 to the Aucrust, 13, 1990 neeting was nade bv Kathv warren and seconded bv chuck Criet. VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR Annllcant: Vail Va1lev l{edlcal Center 19 Iten No. 1: Approval of ninutes fron the itulv 9. 1990 meetinq. Ttre folloyl.ng changes were requeeted: Page 2--change oRudyn, twice ln the first paragraph to Ludwig. Page 2--strike trand second home rentalr! Page 7--add rrentire Cascade SDDrr under the sq. ft. calculations. An infomal discuesion followed concerning staff nemos. 20 TOWN COUNCTI, AGENDA REOUEST Request forar nust be given to the Secretary to the Town ltanager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdavs. Date2 7/25/90 Dept.3 Conm Dev lleeting Datez 8/7/90 Site Vislt: 20 ninutes Work Session:g Evening lteeting: X Approxinate length of tine iten will require: 30 ninutes I. Iten/Topic: Council Appeal of the PEC decl-sion to approve requests foran exterior alteration and landecape variance ln order toconstruct an addition to the Lancelot restaurant at tbe Bell Toner Buildlng located at 201 core Creek Drive, Part ofTract A, Block 58, VaiI Village 1st Filing.Applicant: Her:mann Staufer, Lancelot Restaurant. II. Action Requested of Council: Uphold/overturn PEc approval of expansion. III. Background Rationale: On July 23, L99O the PEC approved by a vote of 5'2 a requestto expand the Lancelot Restaurant by 272 s,q. ft. onto anexisting deck. The reguest involved an exterior alteration and a landscape variance. The PEC recomrnended that the westplanter be irnproved if the Town Council would allow the landscape inprovenent on Town land. Kathy warren and Diana Donovan opposed both requests because they did not seesufficient cause to warrant the removal of the planter areaor pavers. They also felt that the proposal was not in keeping with the ttaster Planrs intent. On July 24, L99O, the Council voted to calt up for further review the PEc approval of the two requests. IV. staff Reconmendation: staff reconmends approval of the landscape variance and exterior alteration request. v. Assurances ( Icgat, Engineering, -Finance, outEide Professional) TO: FROM: DATE: F€: PlannLng and Environnrental Cornrnission ConmunJ.ty Developnent Departnent July 23, 1990 Proposed Addition to the Bell Tower Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, VailVillage 1st Filing.Appllcant: Hermann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant On February 26, 1990, the PEC reviewed a proposal for the Bell Tower Bullding which included a ground level retail expansionalong Gore Creek Pronenade and additions to existlng residential development on the upper floors. A landscape variance, heJ.ghtvariance, exterior alteration, and conditional use pemLt wererequested. The iten was tabled by the applicant and a newproposal was subnitted. The current proposal to the BelI Toner building involves a ground LeveL restaurant expansion along the Gore Creek Pronenade. Thenature of the proposal reguires the review of two separaterequests. lhese reguests include an exterior alteration which isreguired in the Cornmercial Core I zone distrLct in order to add enclosed floor area to an existing structure and a variancereguest to reduce landscaping on the site. No site coveragevariance is needed for this application because the existingoutdoor deck is counted as site coverage in CCI . Therefore, thecovering of the area with a buildlng will not increase the nonconfornance of the site in relationship to site coverage. However, a variance to reduce the landscaping will be necessary because the brick pavers that will be renoved on the outdoor deck and planter area are considered part of the landscaping. To: Planning and Environnental Comnission FROM: Connunity Developnent Departnent DATE: ifuly 23, 1990 RE: A variance request to reduce landscaped area in orderto enclose a portion of a dining deck for the Iancelot Restaurant at the BeIl Tower Building at 2O1 Gore CreekDrive, Part of Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village 1stFitlng.Appllcant: Hernann Stauferr/Iancelot Restaurant I. IANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS TN CCT ARE AS FOIJIPWS The applicant is requesting a variance to decrease the Iandscaped area of the Bell Tower Building ln Connercial Core I. Currently 14.6t of the site is considered to belandscaping. The proposal would decrease this to 10.2t byelininating 253 sq. ft. of existing paved patio area.Approxinately 19 sq. ft. of the existing planter to the westof the dining deck will also be removed (9.5 sq. ft. ofstone wall and 9.5 sq. ft. of soil). 165.5 sg. ft. of theexterior deck area will remain with 65.5 sq. ft. of the deck on the applicantre property and 1OO s_g..ft- on Town of Vail land. The landscape definitlon states that a maximun of 2ot of thetotal landscaped area for a site nay be used for rrcore development such as walks, decks, terraces, water features and other like features. (Section 18.04.200) AIso, section L8.24. 170, Landscaping and Site Developnentfor Conmercial Core I states: rrNo reductlon in landscape area shall be pernittedwithout suffLcient cause shown by the appllcant or as specified in the Vail Village Urban Design Consl-deratl-ons. rl Below is a sunmary of how the site relates to the linit on hardscape that can be considered as landscaping and the reductionin planted naterial: Iot Size: 6tL44.16 sq. ft. Existing landscaping: 786 Eq. ft. or 87t hardscape 114 sq. ft. or 13* Planted area 9OO sq. ft. total or 14.6t of site Proposed landscaping 504.5 or 83t of hardscape104.5 or 178 of planted naterial609 Eq. ft total or 10.2t of site II. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Sectlon 18.62.060 ofthe Vail Uunicipal Code, the Departnent of Cornnunity Developnent reconnends approval of the requested variancebased upon the following factors: A.Consideration of Factors: fhe relationship of the requested variance toother existinq or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. while architecturally a fine building, the BellToner property is lacking in landscape featuresper the Town of Vail Code. This situation is notunigue to tbe Bell Tower Building. The Wal.lStreet Building, the Gorsuctr Building and theA & D Building are other exanples of propertiesthat do not have a great deal of on-site landscapeinprovements. In many cases, the landscapingwhlch does occur is located on Towrr owned land oris in right-of-ways. ft is the role of the reviewboards to deterrrine the relative lnportance ofeach consideration involved in a given situation. The Etaff feels that the reguest to remove 272 Eq.ft. of paver area is acceptable as the result willbe a deck infill sl.nilar to other projects such asBlurs and Up the Creek which rneet the Village Urban Design Considerations. The reguest will nothave any negative affect on adJacent properties. The removal of a portion of the planted area (9.5sq. ft.) has been mitLgated by the applicantrsproposal to add more landscaping lncluding onetree to the planter. Staffrs opinion is that thlslandscape proposal will trave a positive J-mpact onthe Gore Creek Promenade. The dearee to which relief fron the strict andIiteral inter?retatLon and enforcement of aspecLfied recrulation is necessarv to achievecbmpatibLlitv and unLfornLtv of treatment anong Staff believes thatsufficient cause to 1. 2. the applicant has reduce the planted shownarea by 9.5 sq. ft. and planter t alI by 9.5 sq. ft. The CCI landscape section specifically relies on the Urban Ilesign Consideratlons to provide a grulde ln decislon-naking w.hen revLewing any request to renove landscaping ln the Core. As stated in theexterior alteration memo, the proposal conplieswlth the consl.deratl.ons. In addition, theappllcant le upgradlng the planter by addJ'ng atree Ln the planter. Staff could have requestedthat the applicant pull back the expansion by twofeet to the east ln order to Eave the plantedarea. However, our oplnlon LE that no landscape beneflt or lnproved bulldinggained by this change. Goal # 3 of the Vall Village Master Plan states: ItTo recognize as a top priority the enhancenent of the walking experLence throughout the Villagerr- Relatedobjectlves and policies include: 3.1 objectivePhyslcally inprove the exLsting pedestrlan walkwaywith landscaping and other improvenents. sicmificantdeslgn ls 3. Tbe proposal would not affect any of the abovecriteria. III. REIATED POLICIES IN VAIL VIIJLAGE !i{ASTER PLAN. 3. 1.3 PolicvFlowers, trees, water features, and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adJacent to, or visible fron,publlc areas. The proposal does conflict sith 3.1 and 3.1.3 in that aportion of the existing planter is removed. However, the appllcant has proposed to compensate for the renoval of aportion of the planter by adding a tree and more landscaping. 3.3 Oblective Encourage a wide variety of activities, €vents, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. Pollcvoutdoor dining is an iroportant streetscape feature and shall be encouraged ln cornmercial infill or redevelopnent proJects. 3.3.2 The proposal Ls enclosing a portion of an existing dlningdeck. The northern exposure linLts the year round use ofthe patio. The lnstallation of rekord doors on the northelevation, will increase the llvelihood and activity of thisdeck by increasing the transparency of the facade. A openair dining deck alEo renains given the a<panslon. IV. FINDINGS A. That the granting of the variance will not constltute agrant of special prlvllege lnconsistent with thelinitatlonB on other propertleE classl.fied ln tlre samedistrict. B. That the granting of the variance wl.ll not bedetrimental to the public health, eafety or welfare, ornaterially injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of thefollowing reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcenentof the specified regulatS.on would result lnpractical difficulty or unnecessary physlcal hardship inconsistent with the obJectLves of thlstltle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinarycircunstances or conditions appllcable to the aamesite of the variance that do not apply generallyto other properties in the sane zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcenent of thespecified regrulation rrould deprLve the appllcantof prlvileges enJoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMIi{ENDATION The staff reconnends approval of the requested landscapevariance. The applicant has shown sufficient cause for the 19sq. ft. reduction of planter and the renoval of paved patio areaper the Urban Design Considerations. The code relies on the Urban Design Considerations to be the criteria for analyzing arequest to remove landscaping. We feel that the proJect neetsthe Urban Design Considerations and that the applicant hasnitigated the loss of 9.5 rq. ft. of planted area by the additionof a tree and landscaping (flowers, shrubs) to the planter. TO: FROl,l: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Developnent Departnent ituly 23, 1990 A request for an exterior alteration in order toconstruct an additlon to the Bell Tolter Building located at 201 Gore Creek Drl-ve, Part of Tract A, Block58, VaiI Village lst Filing.Applicant: Hermann Staufer/Lancelot Restaurant DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REOUEST Approval of an exterlor alteration request is requlred for any addition of enclosed floor area to structures in the Cornnercialcore I zone district. The proposal includes a 272 square foot, ground floor expansion of the Lancelot Restaurant adjacent to the Gore Creek Promenade. The expansion includes moving the facade 8.5 feet towards Gore creek Pronenade and adding rekord doors and a glass roof. The new enclosure is conpletely on privateproperty. The area is currently used as a dinlng patio. 165.5sg. ft. of exterior deck will remain with 65.5 sg. ft. of the deck on the appllcantrs property and 1OO sg. ft. on Town of Vailland. The depth of the outdoor deck will be 6 feet and will have4 tables. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THTS REOUEST The Vail Vlllage Urlran Deslgn PlaD includes three elements thatestablish the review criteria for this applLcation. The first of these is referred to as the Guide PIan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, nany of which identlfy potential areas for future development and other Lnprovenents. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large scale, Iand use planning and design conEiderations desired in the Village. And finally, architecturalr/landscape considerations, which will be reviewed by the Design Review Boaid, establish the criteria for evaluatingdetailed design considerations of a proposal . The Vall Village ltastor Plaa also addresses speclfic goalspertaining to the enhancernent of the salking orperience throughout the Viltage that must be considered in thi's application. In additlon to the Guide Plan and the vall Village l{aster Plan,traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal . Please refer to the accomPanying menorandum that addresses this zoning issue. THE VAIL VILI,AGB URBAT{ DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN There are no specific sub-area concepts relevant to this proposal . VAII VILI,AGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The following deslgn consideratlons are a crltlcal elenent of ttre Urban Design Plan. They identify the key physicalcharacteristics of the Village and provide the toolE to assurethat new developnent Ls consiEtent with this establishedcharacter. These considerations include the following: B. c. A.PedestrianLzation: This proposal does not directly affect or change theexisting pedestrianization systern in the Village inthat lt does not increase the encroachnent of thebuilding into the core creek Promenade walkway. Theadditlon will encroach into the view fron the top ofthe Childrenrs Fountain stairs down onto Gore Creek Promenade. Vehicle Penetration: Vehicular penetration, or circulation, will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal . Streetscape Frameuork : Streetscape framework ldentlfies two alternatives for inproving the pedestrian experience in the Vlllage. These include the development of open space Lncluding Iandscaping along pedestrian routes, and the development of infill conmercial storefronts alongpedestrian corridors. While the landscape improvements can provide a softening of buildings and a colorful franework, the cornnercial lnfill can provide actlvity generators to give streetlife and visual interest tothe pedestrian. The proposed restaurant Infill along the Gore Creek Pronenade could provlde such an activitygenerator. l{hile the existing dinlng deck provides such activity during the sunmer, its north facingIocation (relative to sun exposure), has resulted inthe linlted use of the deck. This enclosure would nakethe dining area more useful year round, whilernaintaining an open dining area during sunmer nonths due to rekord doors being proposed along the entirenorth elevation. D. The addition of glass rekord doors and a glass roof tothe facade, which are conmonly used in the Vlllage,will add transparency to the front of the restaurant.Thls feature adds to the livellhood of tttis area by allowlng for greater visibillty into the interlor ofthe restaurant in the winter. In the summer, the doorswilL allow the reEtaurant activlty to extend out ontothe deck area. The success of the doors aE a method of adding vLsual interest and also creatLng succeeEfuldining deck space can be seen throughout the Village and L,ionshead (1e. Blurs, Up the Creek, Vendettars,etc). In sunmary, staff finds this deck enclosure supportable because lt le a north facing deck, a ueeable outdoordining Bpace wllt still renain after the enclosure, andthe rekord door design is incorporated in the renodel . STREET ENCIOSI'RE The purpose of thie consideration iE to nalntain a comfortable relationshlp between the width of streets and the height of buildlngs. The one story restaurant expansion along the Prornenade will establish a nore rrhuman scalerr on this side of the bullding. STREET EDGE There are no setback requirements for buildings ln Vailvillage. Rather, propo-als are looked at with relationship to the site and the surrounding development to ensure a strong street edge. A atrongstreet edge does not irnply perfectly aligned facadee along entire Etreet widths. Rather, slightly irregular facade lines, building Jogs' and landscaPe areas createlife and visual interest for the pedestrian. Theaddition wiII fitl a portion of the deck along Gore Creek Prornenade. Deck area Ls still naintained with the proposal. The proposed deslgn creates a stightly irregrutir street edge which conplies with thiscriterla. Buildina Heiqht Bulldlng height is unaffected as the one-atory e:<panslon ie below 33r in height. E. F. G.Views and Focal Points The proposed expansion does not Lmpact any of the adopted view corridors. one view consideration was the vantage point for:n the top of the stalrcase between theChildrenrs Fountain and the Gore Creek Pronenadelooking west. The view of these stairs ls inportant asit provides pedestrlans wlth a polnt of orientation asthey walk through the Vi1lage. This addition wLll havea slight funpact on long range views fron the top of thestairs looking towards Willow Bridge. The enclosurehas no inpact on the view fron Gore creek Pronenade upto the Childrenrs Fountain stal.rcase. Service and Deliverv The proposed e:<panEion wl.Il not require any signiflcantadditional senrice or delivery. The seating capacityis elightly Lncreased due to lnterior remodellng whichwill renove tables fron the exlsting interior of therestaurant to allow for an expanded kitchen. Theapplicant sill be adding 85.5 sq. ft. of floor area tothe restaurant (272 eq. ft. of new dinlng area less185.5 sq. ft. to be removed by a kitchen expansl.on =86.5 sg. ft. of new restaurant floor area). The applicant will be required to pay a 52,L62.50 Townof Vail parking fee as a result of this addltlon. Sun/Shade There will be no increase in the shadow pattern as aresult of this addition because the addition is withinthe existing shade pattern of the Bell Tower Building. Architecture/Landscaoe Considerations These design considerationsof the Design Review Board.is inportant to address theroofs and landscaping. are t1pically the purrriew However, in this caEe itconsideration pertainlng to H. I. J. As stated in the guidelinea, roofs sithin the Vill.ageare typically gable in form and of noderate to lowpitch. The proposed low pitch roof forn is in keeplngwith the ottrer restaurant expansl.ong in thie area (1.e.Blurs and Up the Creek). Ttre staff feels that theaddition is cornpatible with the exLsting buildlng andthat the roof forn will be harmonious with the existingstreetscape. A landscaping variance ls requested for this expansion. The addition will remove 253 sq. ft of deck paver area and 19 sg ft. of planter area decreaslng the arnount of landscaping fron 14.6t to 10.2*. The aPplicant has propoeed additional landscaping for the west stoneplanter (Please see attached landscape variance meno). REIJ\TED GOALS AND POLICIES OF THE VAIL VILLAGE UASTER PLAN Goal No. 3 of the Vail Village l,[aster Plan states: rrTo recognLze as a top prlorlty the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout the Village.rl Retated objectives and policies include: ob'lective:Physically lrnprove the exiEting pedestrian ways by landscaping and other inprovernents. Policv:Private development projects shall lncorporate streetscape inprovenents (such^as paver treatments,- landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.1 3.1.1 The proposal is removing outdoor dining area. The use of rekord doors and a glass roof as the prlnary design elernents of the expansion will provJ-de greater-transparency and street activity.this is especially important during the sinter when tlre north facing outdoor patio is not used. The conbination of the rekord doors, expansion of enclosed dining, and renaining deck area will inprove tle streetscape of this area by adding vl.sual interest to Gore creek Promenade. 3.3 3.3.2 Obiective Encourage a wide variety of activities, events' and street life along pedestrian says and plazas. Policvoutdoor dining is an Lnportant streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in connercial infill or redevelopnent. The proposal is encloslng a portlon of an existing dinlng deckwhili mlintalning some open iir dining area. This results ln 253sg. ft. of pavers and 19 sq. ft. of planter (9.5 wall and 9.5 pfanted arell being renoved. The appllcant proposes to rebuild the ptanter wall and add a tree to the existing planter. Staffrs opinion is that the new tree, design of the enclosure and a-ssociateddeckrneetthepo1icytoencoura9e@comrnercial infill. STAFF RE CO!,TI'IENDATION The staff reconmendation is for approval of the requestedexterior alteratl.on contlngent upon the landEcape variance belng approved and condl-tLons llsted below. 1. The staff will require the appllcant to remove raillngs surrounding the patio from November 1 to }lay 1 of each year. 2. The staff requires that the applicant participate in aproject involvlng the property owners and the Townrs hrbllc Works Departnent ln an effort to resolve drainage problens adjacent to the BelI Tower Build1ng. These drainageproblens are a result of the undirected drainage off of thebuilding. We do not feel that the applicant should be required to provide the solutlon individually. However, wefeel lt ls fair to regulre lrin, as a property owner in thebuilding, to particlpate and pay for his fair share aE deemed by the buildlng association (see attached letter fomT.o.V. Public Works Departnent). Any drainage inprovements necessitated by the deck enclosure strall be addressed by theapplicant in the Desigm Review Board subnittal and buildingpennit plans. The review of the relevant Urban Design Criteria and the VailVillage Master Plan goals show that the proposal is in confornance wl-th the appllcable sections of these documents.tfe feel that the proposal has naintained a sufficient operable outdoor dining area and the design of the addition is consistentwith the Urban Design ConsLderations for the Village area. Theproposal is also in keepinq vith the design of Einilar deck enclosures along core creek Pronenade. The staff finds thatadditions of this tlpe along Gore Creek Promenade and in other area of Town are quite successful in providing enhancenent to walking areas throughout the year. (i ( -r. tt. :? C,CC, I 7F roslh lronlrgo ro.d nll, colorrdo ElC5?(so3l47$21tt d.p.rtmant ot Duulc rod(|/trrmpottrtlon ltay 31, l99O TO: FROU3 RE: vArL1989 Bulldlng owners:John Galt l,tountalneerlng & BIus Restuarantc/o Vall l,tanagenent ConpanyTlnber Haus ^-AStan Berrlman, Director flVJPnbl tc l{orks,/TransportatlonBrlck Pavers ln the Gore Creek Pronenade t**aa*****rtltt***t*****t***tttttit****at**ttrt**ttl*tata**ltattt Our Departuent has conpleted an lnvestlgatlon of brlck pavere whlclrhave heaved Ln the Gore Creek Prouenade. l{e }rave determlned thatLnproper root drainage fron the bulldlngs abuttlng the plaaa lsthe prinary cause of the falltre of brl.ck pavers. Five roof drains exlst betseen the Tinber Haue bullding end BIus. One downspout exiets on the west end of Blus. Ttro roof dral.ns arelocated on the weet end of John Galt. All of the above dralns arenot properly tied lnto a ayeten rhlch blpasses the plaza. Thedralns depoelt nrnoff directly onto the brlck plaza area. qter tl.ue, thl.s dralnage has underulned eeveral areas of brlck Pavers. Ttre on!.y pernanent eolutlon to tlre problens occurring tn the plaza Lg to.correct tlre Lnproper roof dralnage cornlng oll tlre prlvate bulldlnge. lllre losn of Vall proposes to coordl.nate and perforn the rork necessarT to correct all the dralns and repatr all aftectcd brickpavers. tfe have prepared cost eetlnatee for cach of the prlvatebulldlngs. The Town is rllllng to begln work on these proJects as soon aB se hbve entered lnto letters of agreenent vlth the property owners or lanagers. Please call ue lf you bave guestlone or needany additl.onal Lnfonatlon. II I $=" @D u] ,:\' w ?LA ata f- - ---tf-+f I I,l -l s+ *tlvz,;a. 6+ E t= { dt F:',ft t't!I.t I W At'w - a.3t 134c.'??.1'1-l{^Pb .bwsM)tF3\ t+.Lat+' iril' . tf {l : * } * i'OUN GALT Repalr tco roof dralns and tle inInstall one catch basln and nrn Pavers. BUIIDING catch baslne.15 ft. of dralnage plpe under Dayllght plpe ln grass ar€a.Regrade q1d resod grlsg over to accouodate drainage.Repalr all affeeted brlck pav€rs. Lbor t [aterlal payable to the l8orn of Vall g1SOO.OO tl|t*t*taltttatttat*lla*t*ttt**tal**ttrt**ttt*ttrattraatrtrtt*r*i*r BIUS UIIIDIXC fnstall tro catch baslns and tle ln roo! dralnaqe.rnctall r0 ft. of_drarnage prpe under rirJi piviie ana planter.Dayllght plpe ln grasa area. - Regrade and resod gras? area to acconuodate dralnage.Repair all affected brlck pavers. Irbor t Iaterlal payablc to the Toun of Vall gzt8OO.OO ttttaattaa*tlttrrt*tt*tatala**at****i***t*****aa**arrtt*a*t*t*tt* TII.IBER EAUS UtrI,DIItc Tle flvc roof dralna lnto two catcb baslnr.fngtall tuo catclt baeins.Inetall 65 ft. of dralnage plpc under brlclc paverr.Dayltght plpe tn graca aiea. -. Regrade and rctod grasa area to acconnodatc dralnago.RepaJ.r all affecteA Urlcf pavera. Iabor t ttaterl.alc payablc to the Town of Vall S6900.O0 o 11: 30 1: oo 1: 3O 3:00 SITE VISTTS TABLED 1. 2. 3. 4.1 Io PI.ANNTNG AI{D AIN'IRON!.TENTAL CO!{I'ISSTON JttNE 4, 1990 Site Visits Revl.ew Air Quality sunrey questions. A $ork session for a najor subdivieion, a request for a variance to the maximum height for retaining walls, anda reguest for a variance to the naxlmurn percent gradefor a road, on a parcel connonly referred to as Spraddt-e Creek, an approxinate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail r-70 interchange andeast of the Spraddle Creek livery. PubIic Hearing Approval of minutes from lilay 14, 1990 neeting. A request to anend Sectl.on La.L2.o3o of theVaiI l,lunicipal code to provide for Bed and Breakfast operations ln the Two FanilyResidential (R) District.Applicant: Town of Vail A request for an amendment to an existing conditional use pernit in order to add 868sg. ft. to the daycare facillty at 149 N. Fiontage Road, an unplatted site conmonly referred to as the Mountain BeII site northof I-70 and west of the Main Vail I-70 interchange.Applicant: ABC School. A request for a side and front setback variance in order to construct a garage onIpt ?, Block 3, Vail viUage 9th Filing' 898 Red Sandstone Circle.Applicant: Pautr Testwuide I o o 5.A request for a variance fron the uininum lotsize on a parcel of land described as thatunplatted plat of the southeast L/4 of the eoutheast V4 ot Section 1, Township 5 south, Range 81 west, of the 6th Principal l{eridian,Iylng northerly of the Lionrs Rldge Ioop as shown of the recorded plat of the Lion's Ridge Subdivlsion recorded JuIy 25, 1969, in caBe 2, Drawer L, and Book 215, at Page 649.Applicant! A. L. Shapiro & Co., A Colorado Nominee ceneral Partnership. A request for an exterior alteratl.on and a landseape variance in order to constnrct anaddition to the BeII Tower Building at 2o1 Gore creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58Vail Village 1st Fillng.Appllcant! Hemann staufer - Lancelot Restaurant 6. .'OHI| GAIJT ET'IIDING Repair two roof drainE and tie ln catch baslns.rnstaLl one catch basl.n and nrn ls ft. o! dralnage pipe underpavers.Daylight plpe ln grass area.Regrade and reeod grisg over to accornnodate drainage.Repair all affeeted brlck pavera. IEbor t ltaterlal payable to the Town of Vall 91800.00 t*att***tt**lt*l******t**t****tt***********a*a*tt*t**ttt*** *ai*** BII'S HTTLDI}IG fnstall two catch baslns and tle ln roof drainage.rnstall 40 ft. of drainage plpe under brlck pavtrs and planter.Dayt.ight pipe ln grass area.Regrade ?nd leeod Erass area to acconnodate dral.nage.Repalr all affected brlck paverE. Iabor t ltaterial payable to the Town of Vatl $48oo.oo ta**al**l**ttllla***:t*|tt*******t*******t*t*****ttt***t**i****a*** TIIIBER EAUS 4rILDII{G 1!1e flve roof dral.na Lnto tno catch basLne.Install trro catclr basl.ns.rngtall 65 ft. of dralnage plpe under brickDayftght pipe ln grass area.R€grade and reeod grass area to acconnodateRepalr all affected brlck pavers. Iabor t llaterlals payable to the Town Pavera. drainage. of Vall $6e00.00 oo d< PI.AI.INING AND ETWIRONIIENTAL CO!.TI.TISSION FEBRUARY 26, L99O Present Chuck CristDiana DonovanConnie l(nightLudwig Kurzilin ShearerKathy WarrenDalton l{illians StaffKristan Pritz Mike Mollica Tom BraunShelly Mello Betsy Rosolack The Planning and Envl-ronmental Conmission meeting was called toorder at 3:00 p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. ftem No. 1: Approval of minutes for Februarv 12, 1990 rneetincr. Motion for approval of minutes with corrections was made bvJim Shearer and seconded bv Dalton Williams, VOTE: 7-0INFAVOR. Iten No. 2: A recruest for variances from tbe side and rear setbacks to allow for the expansion of an existincr horne on Lot 5, Block E, Vail das Schone Filing No. l-Aoolicant: Tom and Nancv Ricci Mike Mollica explained that this was a reguest for a variance forthe east side setback only. This was dj.scussed on the site. Motion for approval per the staff rneno was nade by Kathv warren and seconded by Connie Kniqht. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR. Iten No. 3: A recruest for a side setback variance for Lot 6. Block 2. Vai] Villacre Sixth Filing.Applicant: Clinton G. Arnes, Jr. APPLICANT WAS NOT PRESENT fABLED WITHOUT VOTE Iten No. 4: A recnrest for a side setback variance. for a garaqe and storacre roon for a new residence, onLot 15, Block 1, VaiI Potato Patch.Atrrplicant: Bruce Kasson Shelly Mello explained that a residence had not yet been constructed on the site and that a hardship could not be found since the storage could be built elsewhere. ject, rt"t.Onat the applicantTom Briner, architEct for the Pro'wanted to take advantage of this steep site and nake a garage with one space for vehicles that were not used very nuch. Hestated ttrat this was not storage but actually a three car garage and showed a nodel . He said that the third car would be mostlyin storage and the variance that was being requested would be underground. Kathy asked, rrl{hy not just shift the hone 7 feet to the left?rr andBriner claimed that more trees would be lost this way. Diana said she felt the only way she could slmpathize vith the request was if the footprint of a hone were narked on the plat showing which trees would be lost. Dalton felt that he could not Eee any hardship on an unbuilt lot. l,lr. Briner said that not everything was black and white. He feltthey were not doing anything disastrous and that if nore treeswould be saved, he felt the Planning Conmission would eupport it. Connie said that she didnrt have any problen with the property variance as it was underground, but that at a later tirne the onner may want to add to the top of it. Motion for denial per the staff meno was made bv Daltonl{illians and seconded bv Jim Shearer. VOTE: 7-OTODENY Iten No. 6: A request for an amendment to Snecial DevelonmentDistrict 23 and a oarkinq variance to allow for anoffice expansion, to the VaiI National BankBuildinq at 1208 south Frontage Road West, aresubdivision of part of Lot D. Block 2, VaiI Jin Shearer removed hirnself fron the Board due to a conflict ofinterest on this iten. Tom Braun explained that at the last neeting the Planning Connission had asked to have more information. one of the thingsthey had wondered about was whether or not the Town could ask the Bank to have more parking than was actually required. LarryEskwith stated that the parking for the bank was consistent withthe parking code and that we could not ask for more. The staff was still uncornfortable with the proposal. according toTon. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that the bank had between llarch 15 and l,larch 20 to exercise their option. He repeated that he felt the conditions asked for put then in the same position as the hospital . If the hospital parking was notstarted they can't occupy their nelt space. He felt the sane should be applied to the bank. He added that by the tine of a TCo for the bank in JuIy the parking structure would be under way. Kristan stated that a TCO for the hospital addition would not be released until they have obtained a building permit for their parking structure. Chuck asked whether or not the Highway department had okayed the new proposal. Kristan replied that they had no problern with it. Connie stated that she was unconfortable with the tirning that theparking needs to be in place. Kathy said she felt that the cart was before the trorse and thatthe application should come back after the parking proposal is inplace. Motion for denial was nade bv Connie Kniqht and Eeconded byKathv Warren. Discussion contlnued before voting. Diana asked if the banksould connit to 12 spaces. Jay felt this was unfair to requireparking beyond what was required by the zoning code. Diana asked about the access from the bank to the parkingstructure and Kristan replied that tbe access is fron the frontof the structure down to the bank but ttrere is no bridge. Kathy foresaw great problens. Dalton asked whether there would be a connection betneen the two underground parking lots between the bank and the hospital. itayreplied that if they were connected, they would lose spaces inthe hospital parking lot. VOTE: 2 - 4 - 1 KATHY AND CONNIE IN FAVOR OF DENTAI-, Motion for apnroval of a reconrnendation to the Town Counciloer the proposed modified conditions was made bv Chuck Crist and seconded by Ludwiq Kurz. Conditions: 1. As proposed bv tbe vail NatLonal Bank inthe memo dated Februarv 22, 1990 from Jav Peterson to Tom Braun.2. The Town Attornev shall review thepurchase or lease aqreement bethteen the VailNational Bank and the vail vallev l,ledical Center.3. Five spaces rather than 4 soaces be purchased. VOTE: 4 - 2 - 1 WITH JIM SHEARER ABSTATNING. Iten No. 5: An amendnent to Special Developrnent District 4' Cascade Villa<re. to arnend Area D, Glen Lyon Office Buitdinq at 1O0O S. Frontaqe Road W., Lot 54. Glen Lvon Subdivision.Aoplicant: Gten Lyon office Building - A Colorado Partnership. Kristan Pritz described the proposal including a reguest to notbuild the parking structure durLng Phases I and II. Phase I would include an office expansion. The lot is narrow andexisting trees dictate where the parking lot would have to belocated. She referred the board to the TDA parking analysls. She showed which trees would be lost or moved. Kathy asked if ttrere would be valet parking during peak tines.Kristan replied that there would be. Kristan expJ.ained that the staff was recommending approval withthe conditions on the previous neno plus the conditions on thiE meDo. Kay Saulsbury from Colorado ltountain College explained that CtilC has a parking shortage which seena to increase. she felt thatthe present parking does meet the Town of Vail standards but thatit is still not enough. DLana eaid that unfortunately it does meet the Town of Vail standards and that there ls nothing theycan do to increase it. Chuck asked if the parking structure would be constructed with PhaEe III and Kristan replied that it would. Dalton felt that there should be a condition that if the Brew Pubis opened during the day on weekdays the parking structure would be constructed. Kristan stated that was already part of the phasing plan. Kathy asked Andy if he would go along with the conditions and Andy replied that he would. Diana wondered bow the Pub could be prevented from opening for lunch during the week without aparking structure in p1ace. Andy said he could not open duringthe day and weekdays because the tenants of the office building had been pronised parking and he would be cited by the Toltn ofVail. Andy Norris agreed that parking per the ToV reguirements would be provided on site for the east buil-ding no matter what. He agreed he would have to decrease office sguare footage or add underground parking to neet the requirernent. Irfotion for anproval was made bv Kathv Warren for recommendation to the Town Council rcer the staff nernos with two added reconmendations to the list of 8 as follows: 9. The Beer HaIl would not be open durincr the week davs.if the Beer HalI is opened for weekdav use, the narkingstructure must be constructed. 10. Emplovee units would be restricted permanently. The motion was seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 7-OINFAVOR Itern No. 7 A recruest for a conditional use pernit to nodifvan outdoor dining deck, an anendrnent to Applicant: Clark Willinqhan/Bell TowerAssociates. Ltd. Chuck Crist left for a short while. Tom Braun stated that there were four separate reguests. Anexterior atteration to add enclosed floor area, a heightvariance, a variance to reduce landscaping and a conditional usepermit to establish an outdoor dining patio on the second floorof the building. Tom showed elevations and site plans. Tom first explained the reguest for an exterior alteration. Itwas for three things: the addition of a dormer on ttre fourthfloor of the building along Gore Creek Drive, the addition of afifth floor and expansion of the fourth floor on the north sideof the building and a 270 square foot ground floor retailexpansion adjacent to the core Creek Promenade with therelocation of an existing dining deck to a roof top dining deckabove the proposed expansion. The residential addition would addone dwelling unit to the property and a total of 2 r 278 squarefeet of GRFA. Tom reviewed the Vail Viltage DesignConsiderations with respect to the exterior alteration. Thepedestrianization and vehicular penetration are not affected bythe proposal . With regard to streetscape framework, the proposedretail infill along Gore Creek pronenade will provide an lctivitygenerator to give street life and visual interest. Ton statedthat the dining deckrs location would have little success inproviding such activity. I{ith regard to street enclosure, thedorner proposed for the south side of the building would notchange the street enclosure along core Creek Driveappreciatively. The one store retail expansion along thePromenade would establish a more desirable rrhunan scaler! on thisside of the building but any perceived reduction in nass on thisside of the buil.ding is negated by the introduction of a fourthand fifth floor. Street Edge: Slightly irregular facade lines, building jogs, andlandscaped areas create life and visual interest for thepedestrian. The proposed retail expansion is consistent withthis criteria. The addition is slightly recessed frominprovements of the Gore Creek Plaza building. Any certainrhythn has been established along the entire length of the Prornenade. at 201 Gore Creek Drive. Building height: Height variance is reguired to allow additionsto the upper floor on the north side of the building. Theexisting building is non-confonning with respect to allowablebuilding heights. The proposed addition would increase the degree of non-confomity. Ton felt that one must conslder thefurplications of this proposal as it relates to future developnentapplications. If approved, the proposal would introduce a fifthfloor element along the Gore Creek side of the building and anaddition of tlris nagnitude is inconsistent with the Urban Design Guide Plan as well as the height plan outlined in the recently adopted vail village master Plan. Tom then discussed vLews andfocal points and then discussed serrrice and delivery. Sunr/Shade issue: Tom stated that the Design Guidelines say rrAll new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the sunmer and falL shadow pattern on adjacent properties or thepublic right-of-wayrr. Ton said that the proposal would increase shade along the Pronenade, the shadow pattern at 12:00 noon on March 21 and Septenber 23 would be 4 L/2 feet in width. Thisinpact is both unnecessary and unacceptable to the staff. Tonrsnext concern riras the arctritecture/Iandscape considerations. Hestated that it was important to address this consideratl.onpertaining to roofs. Staff felt that the flat roof was out of character with the Village and the manner in which it was proposed displays little to no relationship to existing roofforns on the building. The staff reconnendation is for denial ofthe requested exterior alteration. The staff feels that whilethe proposed additions rnay benefit the owner and the tenants itwill do little to benefit the overall fabric of the Village. TheVillage is based on a very delicate balance between tbe built environment, open spaces and space between the buildings and itis felt that this building has reached its optinun level of development. Craig Snowdon, an architect representing the appJ,icant, statedthat the dining patio has been reduced to a little hole. The sun on the deck would be increased by raising it to the second floorlevel . Those on the deck would also have a better view of both core Creek Prornenade and tbe childrenrs Plaza. Craig felt thatthe first floor retail space was a definite plus. He stated thatpeople do not look up when they are close to a building. Hestated that the fiftb floor would not be viewed at all. Theclosest view would be fron nridge street. Regarding the height along Gore Creek Drive, the height conplies with the Urban Design Considerations for the Village. Craig also said that the Gore Creek Plaza building had set a precedence, therefore the BeIl Tohrer building would not be increasing the situation. Regarding Service and Delivery, Craig said that there were 230feet from delivery point at l{illow Bridge loading area wtrich was comparable to the One VaiI Place Building and the Hong Kong CafeBuilding. l{ith regard to sun/shade, the 5th floor does not increase the shade. The 4th floor roof does affect the Sun/Shade. with regard to the architecture, steeper roofs could have been designed but woufd have made it much nore of a heightproblen. With regard to restricting the two enployee units permanently, Craig asked if this had been done any other place in the Village. He felt that it seened extreme. Regarding Iandscape reduction, Craig felt that there was more tolandscaping than dirt. He stated that the orJner regularlyinvests $5,OOO per year on landscaping for such things as windowboxes, flower baskets, ChrLstnas lights etc.. Craig felt thatthe section of landscaping being used was not highly vlsible. Healso inforned the board that presently the owner of the Bell Tower owns part of the property that the publlc stairE are on. He also pointed out that ellninatlng the patio at grade willincrease the Pronenade area by 1OO to 125 feet. He felt thatreplacing the landscaping with stainray had very little irnpact onthe view. Hennan Staufer, who owns the restaurant, felt that the Iandscaping was a trade-off for staimays that work the sane as apatlo. Rod Slifer, who owns tlre unit on the top floor of the building tothe west of the core Creek Plaza building, said his concern waswith the top floor addition on the north side of the building.His view has already been inpacted by a vent on the roof of tbeBelI Tower Building, and if tlre addition was approved, his viewof the Gore Range would be totally blocked. He requested thatthe current design be moved back 10 feet which would allos hin enough view to satisfy hirn. Craig replied that the addition would infringe on Rod Sllferrsview but that it would not totally block it. Rod disagreed.Pepi Gransharnmer then spoke frorn the audience. He ltas concernedabout the height and the number of variances. He said that ifthe buildings keep on increasing in s|ze, it would destroy the Town. Kristan explained the height lirnitations to hin and pointed outto him that the staff was recornmending denial of this project. Kathy wondered whether or not a site coveraete variance wasreguired. Ton explained that patios and dining decks count assite coverage in CCI so that the discrepancy uas not gettinggreater. Kristan added that the staff had looked at this veryclosely. Kathy agreed with the staff on this proposal and didnot feel that this was an appropriate expansion in an appropriateplace. She said that perhaps the Gore Creek Plaza did set a precedence, but she didn't see why the Town must continue withanother similar expansion. Kathy said that fron the ltay Palacethe visibility from the 4th and sth floors was apparent. she didnot feel that the roof structure was appropriate and was concerned about the design of the retail deck. Jin had no problen with the retail addition, but he did have aproblen with the upper rrskyscape[. Connie agreed with Pepl thatif the Town kept growing it would die. Regarding enployee housing she felt that it could be kept at 15 years. Craig snowdon said that he was willing to replace the units priorto the issuance of a building pernit somewhere else in Vall. witha deed restriction. This would have to be reviewed by the etaff. ConnLe asked Hernan how the waLtresses would get to the deck. Ludwig did not feel that growth would kil1 Vail , but that Vail-did need checks and balances. He stated that if tlrer€ waa a precedence set, one dld not have to perpetuate thLs. Ludwlg alsofelt that the BeII Toner Building was an attractive one atpresent and that the addition night destroy the quality. Dalton also discussed the Gore Creek Plaza Building roofaddition. He felt that it was ill advised and that now that itis constructed he felt that we should not repeat this error. DaLton felt that the angle of the addition could be changed sothat it would not affect the vies through the stainray. Diana felt that the existing nassing rtas appropriate, that it wasthe end of a row of buildings and a very pretty building. Her concerns were that one more unit would increase vehiculartraffic, that the ernployee units nust be permanent, and that the second floor railing blocked views. She had no problen with theretail infill, and Diana asked for clarification on sitecoverage. Ton reptied that the site coverage was non-conformingat present and wasnrt changing. Diana felt that when one asksfor this number of variances, the proposal could be inproved. craig Snohrdon asked to table the iten. Motion for tablinq was nade bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Connie Knidht. VOTE! 6-oINFAvoR. ftem No. 8: A recruest to amend a Soecial Developnent Districtfor the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5. VailVillage Fifth filinq at 365 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Family. Connie Knight renoved herself fron the board due to a conflict ofinterest. Kristan explained changes since the last review. She said the applicant had rotated the building slightly to decrease the encroachrnent to the east. Pan Hopkins, the architect on the proJect, said that because ofthe conmon easement for the swinming pool and the recreationanenities, the building was pushed as far west as possible. She showed thj.s on a site plan. BiIl Hanrnon, a resident of the Vorlaufer, was concerned thatthere would be a decrease in hotel roons, he felt that hotel rooms were inportant and disagreed vith the wording of keys versus lock-off rooms. He said this is a similar situation tothe Raurshorn when it converted from a hotel to condoninlums. He was also concerned about the flat roof. Greg Stutz, representing the Vorlaufer condorninium ownerE andUr. and Mrs. Chandler and l{r. and t{rs. Carol, said he felt that he wanted more time to analyze the request or else have the roof rnoved 10 feet lower. He Eaid he had not had sufflcient tine tosit down and talk wlth the architect. Since the building is notto go up till 1991, he would like rnore tiroe to look at it. l{r. Chandl.er said he bought his Vorlaufer unlt 21 years ago and has been able to watch the torchlight parades. l,[r. Carol said the sane thing. Don Hare, representing the Garden of the Gods, said that he had two or three neetings sith l{r. Carol . The plan had been reworked and they had done as much as they felt they could do in stayingwithin the setback restrictions that exist on the building now. Dan said that they would like to go ahead with the plan. Theyfeel that they have stayed back as far as they can. titr. Stutz asked that if Special Developruent District had expired, how could this be an amendment to the SDD. Kristan replied thatthe saroe process was used. He explained that he felt it should be advertised as a new Special Developrnent District. Chuck Crist returned at this tirne. Diana asked if it was legal to proceed. Iarry responded he feltthat it was legal to proceed. This was strictly advisory and would go to the Town Council. More dLscussion followed concerning whether this was an amendrnent or a new Special Developnent District, Kathy stated that if this was a newSpecial Development District she sould change her approach to theproblem. She felt that what was being done to tbe property sasto the neighborsr benefit. she also felt that the setbackvariance could have been done within the present zoning. L,udwig felt that the deveLopers had worked with restraint andsensitivity in light of what could have been done. He wonderedif extra tirne rnight be appropriate and that they would have a chance to look at the proposal again. He stated that he had an opportunity to look at the view fron the vorlaufer and that theresas no question that the views were lmpeded. However' he feltthat the developers were using sensitivity in moving thebuilding. Diana felt that the Garden of the Gods vas doing a good Job with the proposal. She stated that if the Garden of the Gods wereconstructed up to their setbacks, it would be a wall toward theVorlaufer. she said according to the guidelines the board vould have no reason to say no to the proposal . She added that there rrere no private views in Vall . She sondered if an sDD waa necessary for this proJect. Kristan replied that the stafflooked at it as a brand new proJect wben they were told that thebuilding would be torn down. The first guestion they asked was why have a Special Development District. Kathy asked if a SDD nas leaving options wide open. She also wondered why it was necessary. Larry Eslcwith replied that the Town was getting benefits with a SDD. This way the staff has theability to supervise the architectural design and that a conplete developnent plan had to be reviewed by the staff so that there was Dore control with the SDD. The appJ.icant asked to table to lllarch 26. The rnotion for tablinq to March 26 was nade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv .fim Shearer VoTE: 5 - o - 2 with Chuck Crist and Connie Knight abstainina. Iten No. 9:A work session to discuss an exterior alteration.a stream setback variance. a site coveraqe variance, a conditional use for a deck enclosure and a new outdoor oatio and an amendnent to the View Corridor for the Red Lion Buildin<r. (3O4 Bridoe St.lApplicant: Frankie Tang and Landmark Prooerties A work session - no minutes taken. a work session for Special Development District22, Lot 1- 19, Block 2. Lionsridcre, Filinq No. 3.Applicant: Pat Dauphinais A work sessl.on - no minutes taken. Itern No. 10: TO: FROI{: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Conmission Conmunity Development Departnent February 26, 1990 Proposed Additions to the BelI Tower Bullding at 20L Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Clark willinghan/8e11 Tohter Associates, Ltd. Proposed additions to the Betl Tower building include a ground level retail expansion along the Gore Creek Prornenade and additions to existing residential developnent on the upper floorsof the structure. while this proposal involves one property andis being reviewed as one application, the nature of the proposal requires the review of four separate requests. These reguests include: 1. An exterior alteration to add enclosed floor area to the existinq structure. A height variance in order to add additional floor areato the building. 3. A variance request to reduce J.andscaping on the site. 4. e conditional use perrnit in order to establish an outdoor dining patio on the second floor of the building. Fron a procedural standpoint, each of these requests must be addressed with its own memorandum. There is obviously a great deaL of overlap between each of these four requests. While each application is- addressed individually, the Planning Connission is encouraged to consider the collective inpacts of the proposal when evaluated as a who1e. 2. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Conrnission Community Development Department February 26, 1990 A request for an crsterior alteratlon Ln order toconstruct additions to the Bell Tower Building locatedat 201 core Creek Drive.Applicant: Clark Willinghan/Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REOUEST Approval of an exterior alteration request is required for anyaddition of enclosed floor area to structures in Vail village.The major elements of this proposal include: t. The addition of a dorner on the fourth floor on thebuilding along core Creek Drive. 2. The addition of a fifth floor and expansion of thefourth floor on the north side of the building adjacentto the core Creek Pronenade. 3. A 27O square foot ground floor retail expansionadjacent to the Gore Creek Prornenade with therelocation of the existing dining deck to a roof topdining deck above the proposed expansion. The residentiat addition will- add one dwelling unit to theproperty and a total ot 2278 sguare ft. of GRFA. The proposal iswithin the allowable GRFA and unit linitations. As proposaed,the property would have a total floor area of 161025 sq. ft., ofwhich 464 sq. ft. is GRFA. REVTEW CRTTERTA FOR THTS REOUEST The Vail- village Urban Design Plan includes three elements thatestablish the review criteria for this application. The first ofthese is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a nunber ofsub area concepts, rnany of which identify potential areas forfuture developrnent and other improvements. Secondly, the UrbanDesign Considerations express the large scale land use planning and design considerations desired in the village. Fina1ly,architectural/landscape considerations establish the criteria forevaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal . fn additj-on to the Guide Plan, traditional zoning considerationsare also a factor in this proposal. Please refer to the accornpanying memorandums that address these zoning issues. THE URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PI,AN There are no specific sub-area concepts relevant to this proposal . VAIL VILI,AGE DESIGN CONSIDERAIIONS The following design considerations are a critical element of the Urban Design Plan. They identify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to assure that new developrnent be consistent with this establishedcharacter. These considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: This proposal does not directly affect or change the existing-pedestrianization systern in the Village. B. Vehicle Penetration: Vehicular penetration' or circulation, will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal . c. Streetscape Framework: Streetscape frarnework identifies two alternatives for inproving the pedestrian e:<perience in the Village' ThLse inctude the development of open space and J.andscaping along pedestrian routes, and the developtnent of infill commercial storefronts along pedestiian corridors. While the.landscape iruprovenents Lan provide a softening of buildings and a.colorful frarnlwork, the conmercial infills can provide activity generators to give streetlife and visual interest to the pedestrian. The proposed retail infill along the Gore creek Promenade iill provide such an activitygenerator. While the existing dining,deck could frovide such activity, its poor I'ocation (relative to sun exposure), has rLsulted in the deck having little success in providing such activity. D. STREET ENCIPSIIRE The purpose of this consideration is to naintain a corntortaUle relationship between the width of streets and the height of buildings. The donner proposed.for the south side of the building will not appreciativeJ-y change the street enclosure along Gore Creek Drive' The one story retail ex;ransion along the Promenade will establish a iore desiraLle rhunan scalerr on this side of the building. Houever' any perceived reduction in mass on this side of the building is negated by the introduction of a fourth and fifth floor. E.STREE]r EDGE There are no standard setback requirelnents forbuildings in Vail Village. Rather, proposals arelooked at nith relationshlp to the site and surrounding development to ensure a strong street edge. A strongstreet edge does not inply perfectly allgned facadesalong entire street widths. Rather, sliqhtly irregularfacade lines, building Jogs, and landscape areas createlife and visual interest for the pedestrian. The proposed retail expansion is consistent with thiscriteria. The addition is slightly recessed from improvements on the core Creek Plaza building, and acertain rhythrn has been establiEhed along the entirelength of the Promenade. The new ding deck, wbil.elocated on the second level , will also contribute tostrengthening the street edge with activity along the Promenade. Buildinq Heiqht As outlined in the acconpanying memo, a height varianceis required to allow additions to the upper floors onthe North side of this building. The existing buildingis non-conforming with respect to allowable buildingheights. The proposed addition would increase the degree of non-confornity. Please refer to the accompanying height variance nemo for additionalinfornation on this request. Many of the older buildings in the Vail Village exceedpermitted building heights. one must consider theinplications of this proposal as it relates to future developnent applications. If approved, this proposal would introduce a fifth floor element along the Gorecreek Side of the building. An addition of thisnagnitude is inconsistent with the Urban Design GuidePlan, as well as the height plan outlined in therecently adopted vail village Uaster PIan. Views and Focal Points The proposed expansions do not inpact any of theformerly adopted view corridors. Another view consideration was that of the staircase between theChildrenrs Fountain and the Gore Creek Promenade. The view of these stairs is irnportant to provide pedestrians with a point of orientation as the neander through the Village. Not only will- this be unaffected by the proposed retall expansion, dining activity onthe roof top of this expansion may serve to draw thepedestrian fron the Childrenrs Fountain down the stairto the Promenade. F. G. ,s'y tt'f.l /{\J +(,,ttf ,r{{ t( \€o CSrv H.Service and Deliverv The introduction of one or two new retail shops along the Promenade will requl.re addltional delivery and senrice. The nearest-loading zones are located along Gore Creek Drive adjacent to the I-,odge and on Willow Bridge Road adJacent to the Sitzrnark Hotel . The distince to these toadlng zones is arnong the greatest found in the Village. Pioviding a delivery point through the buildiig was evaluated, but was found to be unfeasible. ST'N/SHADE Design Guidelines state that rrall neit or expanded truildings should not substantially increase.the sumrner and fali shadow Pattern on adjacent properties or- the public right-of-way". Development proposed-for the irpper flo5rs of the BeIl Tower building wiII cast iirlreasea shade along the Pronenade. At 12!00 noon on March 2L and Septernb6r 23, the shadow pattern would be 4.5 feet in wialn. This furpact is both unnecessary and unacceptable. As stated in the Guidelines, it is not the intent of Sun/Shade consideration to restrict building |eightallowances. Rather, they suggest ways to design a building wittrout l-ncreasing shadow patterns' Tl" aesign 5f tnis proposed addition lras not responded to this criteria ln an acceptable roanner' These design considerations are tlpically the purview "i-[tt" oesign Review Board. Eowever, in this case it is inportan€ to address the consideration pertaining to roofs. As stated in the guidelines, roofs within the Village are typically gable in fotm and of moderate to low pitch-.- freeitinding shed roofs, butterfly roofs and iiat roots can be f5und but are generally consldered to 6ilut of character and inappropriate' Not only is the flat roof form proposed with this building out of. character witfr tnivillage, the nanner in which it is piop"t"a displays little-to no relationship to existing roof forms on the building. I. J. OTHER CONSIDER,ATIONS In December of 1988, the Bell Touer building received approval to convert ttre building to condominiun ownership. there are two srnalL studio units in the building that have historically been used as employee housing. As a part of this condo conversion approval , the applicant has agreed to restrict the use of these two units to employee housing for a period of 15 years. The proposed remodel would eliminate these two enployee units. Asiucfi, the applicant needs an amendment to the previous condition applied to the condo conversion approval . The applicant has agreed to acquire a new unlt(s), prior to.the issuance of a building permit, and record the same restrictionsliniting their use to enployee housing. The staff feels thatthis is an acceptable solution, provlded that the unit(s) are located within tbe village or Lionshead core areas and arerestricted pemanently as euployee housing units. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornrnendation is for denial of the requested exterioralteration. A review of the relevant Urban Design Criteria (and the requested variances), indicates a nunber of shortconingsrelative to building height, sun/shade irnpact, off-site improvements reducing landscaped area, and overall design. rn evaluating this request, it is important to take a look at theexisting level of developnent on this slte. The property isessentiilly built out to property lines on all four sides and isbuilt to a height in excess of what is pemitted under existingzoning. The additions proposed would exasperate these conditions. It is not the staff's intent to be overly crltical of the existing structure. In nany ways, it typifles the desired character of the buildings in the Village. However, the proposed additions go beyond what is appropriate on this site. At some po5-nt, the Planning Cornnission nust ask itself thequestion of rlhen to draw the line sith tbis tlpe of infill developurent. VaiI Village is based on a very delicate balance between the built environnentr open sPaces' and space betweenbuildings. Sinply stated, this building has reached its optirnurn level oi developroent. While the proposed additions may benefit the owners and tenants' they will do little to benefit theoverall fabric of the Village. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Coronunity Development Departnent February 26, L99O A request for a helght variance I'n order to construct an ad-dition to the BelI Toner Building at 201 Gore creek Drive.Applicant: clark willinghan/Bell Tolder Associates' Ltd' DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED Additions to the upper floors of the BeIl Tower building include a fourth floor dorner on the south side of the building (along Gore creek Drive), and a larger-addition to the norfh side of the building. This larger addition introduces a fifth floor element from the Gore Creek promenade side of the building. By definition, the dorrner along Gore creek Drive does not necessitate a variance. The variince reguest before the Conmission is for the addition proposed to the North side of the building. Building heights in the village are regulated.in a manner that is intended to encourage height and rnassing variety and to discourage uniforn building heights along the street. The building height restrictions are as follows: 1. Up to 60 I of the building (building coverage aiea) may be built to a height of 33 feet or less' 2. No more than 4ot of the building (building coverage area) nay be higher than 33 feet but not higher than 43 feet. t:ne 6O/40 split is designed to encourage varied roof heights irotg'Uuifaings. The a6solute highest point of a building p"rrnitt"d by ioning is 43 feet to existing grade. This lroperty is-unique in that existing grades 319nS. Gore creek-arive aird the children I s Fountain area are I feet higher than the grade along the Gore creek Promenade. with respect i" Ini= aiplication] iu,provements proposed to the south side of tne luiiaing are'meaiured relative to Gore Creek Drive and improvemenfs on the north side of the building are measured to the Gore Creek Promenade. The existing structure is legal/non-confoming because existing heights exceed that pernitted by the Urban Design Guide Plan and the zoning code. As submitted by the applicant, 58.5t of the existing roof is over 33 feet and less than 43 feet, and 41.5t of the roof is below 33 feet. The proposed expansion would increase this discrepancy to 64* of the building being above 33 feet and below 43 feet, and 36t of the roof being below 33 feet. These calculations are accurate with one exception. The existing roof, when measured from ttre Gore Creek Prornenade, is 44.3 feet inheight. The flat roof elernent proposed on the North side ofthe building neasures 51.7 feet to the Gore creek Promenade. This is 8.7 feet over the maxinun threshold of 43 feet. In sunnary, this request is to increase the percentage of roofheight beyond the 60140 split' and to also approve abuilding that is over 51 feet in height at variouslocations. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ofthe Vail Municipal code, the Departrnent of Cornmunity Development recommends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the reauested variance toother existinq or potential uses and structures inthe vicinitv. The height variance is resulting in a directinpact to pedestrian activity in the Village bycasting increased shade on the Gore Creek Prornenade. However, of greater concern is the long range inpact this decision may have on other development proposals in the Village. The Village core is perceived as a mix of two to three story facades, and ttre ValI Village Master Plan hasproposed general building heights of three to fourstories. This proposal would introduce a fivestory element along the Gore Creek Pronenadeelevation. Sinilar proposals on other buildingsin the Village could establish a dangerous trendthat would potential.J.y change the character of thebuilt environment of the ViIIage. The design controls outlined in the zoning code and the Urban Design Guide Plan are intended to establish a maximum building volume. This proposal is not responsive to those paraneters, and presents aIegitinate threat to the existing character of the Village. 2. 3. one justification for the proposed addition is that the property is within its GRFA allowances' None the i"t-s, it should be understood that sinply having atlowable GRFA to build does not assure the appli6ant the righ! to develop this square f99!age i's'pioposea. G-appricant his chosen to utilize itr"-ipi"" within thl-existing buitding with three full iloors of restaurant, retail , and office space. This square footage does not count as e'nfe. As such, -the building lras excess GRFA that rii U" utilizid. As stated, the proposed addition doEs not cornply with the general parameters establishea ioi building volurne. The obvious alternative for the applicant is to reallocate Jiirtitg uses and develop additionat GRFA in space that is-now used for cornrnercial purPoses' There is ctearty no physicat hardship to substantiate this variance request. utilities. and Public safetv. The reguested height variance would increase shadow-patterns oi ttr" Gore Creek Prornenade' This inpact is addressed in greater detail in the exterior alteration memorandurn. III The illustrative height plan of the vail village ltaster Plan recomnends three to iour-story buildings. The proposed addition would add a fifth floor element to the structure. This propot"i-i"- inconsistent with the designed building heights as outlined VWP. IV. FINDINGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute a giant of ipecial-privilege inconsistent with the iinitationl on otirer properties classified in the same district. A. B. c. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, ormaterially injurious to properties or improvernents inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: 1. The strict llteral interpretation or enforcernentof the specified regulation would result inpractical difflculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obJectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstancest or conditions applicable to the sarnesite of the variance that do not aPply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulatlon would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of otherproperties in the same district. STAFF RECOT{MENDATTON The staff can find no bases to support this reguest. Thereis cLearly no hardship evident to allow this development, and there are legitinate impacts that would directly resultfron this proposal . Staff recornmendation is for denial of the requested height variance. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PlannJ.ng and Environrnental Conmission conmunity Development Departnent february 26, 1990 A variance requeBt ln order to reduce landscape area atthe Bell Tolter auilding at 201 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: C1ark Willingharn/BelI Tower Associates, Ltd. 1. The relationshiP of the recruested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. While architecturally a fine building' the BeIl Toner property is lacking in landscaPe features.ft should be noted, however, that tbis situationis not unique to the Bell Tower Building. The WaIl Street Building, the Gorsuch Building and the A & D Building are other exarnples of properties that do not have a great deal of on site landscape inprovenents. In nany casesr landscape I. LANDSCAPE REOUIREMENTS IN CCI ARE AS TOLIPWS L8.24.170 Landscapincr and Site Developnent. No reduction in landscape area shall be pennittedwithout sufficient cause shown by the applicant or asspecified in the vall Village Urban Design Considerations. By definition, landscaped areas include wa1ks, decks,pitios, terraces and sinilar features. A retail expansion proposed along the Gore Creek Promenade vould eliurinate 240 sguare feet of patio area. A stair case and walkway to access the deck are Proposed on Town of Vail land. These improvements would eliminateplanted area and also constitute a net reduction in landscaped area. Whil,e this is technically not theapplicants land, these improvements must be considered because they are an element of this overall developrnent plan. II. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vait Municipal Code, the Departnent of Corununity Development reconmends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 2. improvenents are located on Town land or right-of- ways. The intent of the Urban Design Guide Planis to consider buildings and landscape irnprovemente with respect to how they relate to each other, and not dwell on arbitrary property lines. The rernoval of the ithardscapetr patio feature is not a najor issue with the staff due to the northern exposure, replacement of the deck on the 2nd floor retall infill. However, reducing the size of the planted area for circulation to the proposed dining deck is of great concern. While on Tonn of Vall land, this snall pocket of qtreenery provides one of the few landscapefeatures for this property. The removal of this landscaped area ls inappropriate. The deqree to which relief fron the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified recrulation is necessarv to achievecornpatibility and uniformitv of treatrnent.anolq Cites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectivesof this title without qrant of special privileqe. The loss of landscaping is no greater than is whatis necessary to provide access to the new diningdeck. However, it nust be understood thatcirculation to the new dining deck could beprovided in a nunber of different ways. one obvious alternative l-s to design circulationwithin the existing buildlng. This alternative would reduce the anount of dining deck area aswell as the amount of new retail space that could be leased. Hence, the circulation is proposed on the exterior of the building in order to maxinize leasable and usable square footage within thebuilding. There is no physical hardship tojustify this request other than the applicantsdesire to maxirnize the efficiency of their proposed development plan. The effect of the recruested varlance on licrht andair, distribution of oopulation' transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities, aM The proposal would not affect any of the abovecriteria 3. III RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL VILLAGE I.IASTER PIAN. eoal # 3 of the Vail Vlllage lilaster Plan states' rrTo recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the ViJ-1agett. Related objectives andpolicies include: Objective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian waLkway with landscaping and ottrer improvements. Policv: Flowers, trees, water features, and other lands-aping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible fron, public area. one may argue that the walktfay and stairs could in fact be considered-decorative streets-ape elenents. However, inthis case their purpose is not to serve the public interest, but rather the developers interest. Trees, plantings and flowers are a preferrLd alternative for treatment in this area as opposed to additional paving surfaces. IV. FINDINGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with thelimitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granti.ng of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare' or naterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fo1J-owing reasons 3 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical lrardship inconsistent wittr the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the samesite of the variance that do not aPply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. A. B. c. V. STAFF RECOUTdENDATTON The staff recomendE denial of tbe propored landscape varLance' While generally eupportive of the lnflll over the sxlstlng patio' tne stitf cann6t aEcept the lntroductlon of hard aurfaces on an existing planter. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environnental Conmission Community Development Department February 26, L99o a conditlonal use petnlt ln order to construct a second floor dining patio to the BeIl Toser Building at 201 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Clark Willingharn/Bell Tower Associates, Ltd. The proposed dining deck would have no effect on vehicular traffic in the Core area. Reduction of vehicular traffic on CCI District. The proposed dining deck will have no reduction on vehicular traffic in the core area. This proposal does not affect any existing parking on the property. The Lancelot restaurant currently operates a dining deck at ground level- located along the Gore Creek Pronenade. As proposed, a retail expansion would be built over this diningpatio and a new dining deck would be located on the roof of the proposed retail expansion. The proposed roof top deck would be lpproximately 470 square feet. The existing ground level deck is approximately the sarne size. Proposed access to the new deck would be from a new walk-way Leading off of the childrenrs Fountain area and a circular staircise that would lead from the Gore Creek Promenade level up to the new deck. The circular staircase is located entirely on Town land, and the walk-way from the childrenrs Fountain is predominantly on Town land. The Tordn council has not approved Lhis proposal , however, they have granted the applicant permiisi6n to proceed itrrouqh the piocess for review of this development plan. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW OF THE PROPOSAL There are seven specific criteria to be used when evaluating conditional use permits in ccl . These are as folLows: A. B. c. d D. E. F. Control of deliverv, pick-up, and senrice vehicles. The proposed dining deck is equal in size to the existingdining deck. As such, there shouLd be no increase in dernandfor delivery or service to this location. Development of nublic spaces use bv pedestrians. The proposal does not effect public spaces, nor does itinclude the developnent of public spaces for use bypedestrians. Continuance of the various. commercial . residential andpublic uses in CCI District so as to naintain the existingcharacter of the area. outdoor dininq patios are a vital elenent to the characterof the Vail ViJ-lage. This ralses the issue of whether ornot it is appropriate to relocate this to a roof-toplocation. The existing deck lacks direct exposure tosunlight, and as such, has historically been used onlyduring the evening hours in the suntner months. I{hen compared to other decks in the Village, this dining patio isnot in an ideal location. The relocation of the deck is notconsidered to be a detrinental change to the Village. As outlined in CCI zoning, dining patios and decorativepavers are considered landscape features. Fron a technicaLstandpoint, the retall expansion at ground level isresultinq in a net reductlon of landscaped area on the site.In addition, the proposed steps and walk-way on Town landwilt reduce the planted area adjacent to the site. The lossof planter area necessitated by the location of the stairsis significant and is addressed in greater detail in theexterior alteration memo and the landscape variance request memo. STAFF RECOIIIMENDATION fn concept, the staff is supportive of the deck being relocatedtop a roof top location. However, the circulation irnprovernentsproposed for Town land have negative effect on the overallappearance of this project. For this reason, the staff recommends denial of this conditl-onal use pernit. control crualitv of construction, architectural desiqn. andlandscape design in CCI District so as to naintain theexistincr character of the area. G. oo+t'.t' ,t- +*:'-[*w J'F \. -.-.- -l ^^ -l aifiov *ows, T | - rlaitt , qlcffhoh, trollln hw loV +uvwtlr\fhl*, 4ffi Vw g9i,1l +1r' 400.5 +b0.1 I {9o.+' , bdlloww. lonrl.drno , r00l plqn " rrt't( ' vatl I oolorT4o ou vtl lp iln vv) oro^ firive, t' '"nowAon nA ltWKMq ,orrhthdq Snowdon and HopP.ins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 April L5, L990 Mr. Tom Braun Town of VaiL Planning Department 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 RE: Lancelot Restaurant Expansion A part of Tract A, Bloak 58, Vail village First Filing, vail, co Dear Tom: Enclosed are four sets of information on our proposed request for an addition to the Lancelot Restaurant in VaiI Village. The applicant, Hermann Stauffer, is requesting exterior modifications and alterations which requires sulmittat of the proposal to the Town of VaiI Planning Departnent as per CCI zoning (Se-tion L8.24.065). This proposal is requesting changes to the following three areas: 1. A Conditional Use Permit (Section L8.24.030) for partial enclosure of an existing outdoor restaurant/bar seating area along the pedestrian ltay of the north side of the Betl Tohter Building. 2. Exterior rnodification and alteration to the west, east and north elevations to accommodate conversion of an existing patio to restaurant space. 3. A change in landscape coverage (Section L8.24.L7O)' These requests fall within tbe guidelines of the VaiI Village Urban Design Guide PIan and Commercial Core I zoning; naintain and enhance the rlnique character of the Vail Village conmercial area; upgrade portionJ of the property; and is consistent with the purpose (section L8.24.010) of ccl. Page 2 Mr. Tom BraunApril l-5, l-990 The existing and proposed perrnitted, accessory and conditionaf uses (Sections L8.24.020 through L8.24.08O) for the basement, first, second and above second floor level are maintained. However, as previously noted, a Conditional Use Permit wiII be required to nodify the proposed outdoor dining patio (Section L8.24-030). The lot area (61029 square feet) and site dimensions (97' X 70') as per Section 18.24.O9O are above the ninirnun required. The setbacksjSection L8.24.LOO)r height (Section L8.24.1-20)t and density control (Section t8.24.1-3O) !"ill be unchanged. The coverage (section 1.8.24.LsO) of the property with building, ground Level patios and decks will be unchanged, however there will be a loss of f'landscapingrr and site development (Section l-8.24.L7O) due to expansion of the building into the patio area. Parking and Loading (Section l-8.24.L8O) wilf be consistent with existiig conditionl . No on-site parking is provided, and parkl{t9 spaces ior the change in restaurantTbar space will trade with kitchen elpansion, as per t5wn of Vail standards, and require no additional splces. f-,oaaiirg requirements would be unchanged and the existing 16adin9 zone al6ng €he south side of Gore Creek Drive would still service all portions of the building via the west alley and the Children,s P1aza. Emergency access will be unchanged, as no elements of the new design will project further into driving lanes than presently exist. The project wilt conply with Sections L8.24.L90, 1-8.24.200 and L8.2A.21O, and le developed as per the Vait Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Considerations of the Urban Design Guide Plan are as follows: 1-. Pedestrianization is encouraged by reinforcing the edges of Gore Creek Promenade. The present exposure of the building is reduced and encourages the winter use of Gore Creek Promenade as a stronger pedestrian walkway. The extension along the north wall adds to the-pedestrian scale lnd the new facade wilt draw people on to other shops beyond the staircase. 2. Vehicular Penetration is unaffected by this expansion of existing ana estaUtisneA uses, and will use all established traffic and access patterns. Page 3 l{r. Tom BraunApril 15, l-99O 3. Streetscape Framework is reinforced by bringing the building down to grade, where the pedestrian can have a better interaction. Addedvisual interest is reinforced by opening up and expanding the existing dining activity toward the walkway. With all of these improvernents,the quality of the waLking experience around this key building in the Village core is greatly increased. 4. Street EncLosure is inproved by extending a one-story base element around the north side of the building. This lowers the scale of the building down to a vte1l defined ground floor pedestrian front, and ties into the open area to the north, giving it a confortable enclosure to match sirnitar elements on the west (Blu's) and east (May Palace). 5. The Street Edqe is reinforced by the front windows, creatinq a facade very much in keeping with the unique character and pedestrian scale of Vail. 6. Building Height is un-affected, as the entire expansion is within the existing envelope of the building. The new roof lines will add variety and increase the mix of buildinq heights which is a desirable element in the guide plan. The existing roof condition is non-conforrning is 5l-* of the roof area is in the 33 ' - 43 ' height and because of gride change on the north side, the entire elevation exceeds 50' in height. 7. Views are not impacted by the building expansion because all irnprovements occur inside the existing building envelope, and are just creating a new facade inside view planes of the existing building. 8. Service and Delivery is unchanged and is consistent with the Town plan by using existing loading and parking zones presently,established itong eore Cieek Drive. Emergency and naintenance access is not changed and will continue to service the building and other buildings beyond the p1aza. Trash and deliveries will still ,|a handled through the existing service alley along the west boundary of the property, and the Uuitaing expansion should not interrupt with its existing use. g. Sun and Shade are not irnpacted by the expansion along the north edge of the building. Page 4 Mr. Tom BraunApril 1-5, L990 Architectural detailing and landscaping considerations will be addressed during the design review stages of approvals and shall not be expanded upon at this time. I hope the enclosed inforrnation is adequate to continue the review process. If you need more inforrnation, or have any questions on the project' please Let me know. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS Craig N. Snowdon Partner CNS/s1h Enc. APPLICATION FOR OR MODIFICATIONS VAIL out. ort tication--;4fJlf4l -Date or erc neetins 4lltf 1t EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VI LLAGE I.Plann'ing and Environmental Commissionof an existing bui'lding which adds or outdoor patio or the replacement of an DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE review is required for the alteration removes any enclosed floor area or ex'isting building LOCATED IN THE CCI PROJECT MUST BE REVIEI^IED BY THE DRB. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS ril C. NAME 0F OhJNER(S) (print or type) STGNATURE (S ) ADDRESS pnontJlh_-74!x_ D.LOCATION ADDRESS 0F PR0POSAL: LEGAL ? E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEl.l YOUR PROJECT. BY II. PRE-APPLICATION .CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILLBE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY'TO MAKE AN APPOINT- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION hlILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PR0JEcr BY-D'ECRFASING THE NUMBER 0F coNDITToNS 0F AppRovAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSMD. THE FOLLOI.IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property 'l ines and location ofbuilding and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of a'l I property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and thejr mailingAddTCSSeS. THE APPLICANT l.lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREcT MAILING ADDRESsEs. pnonEflb -53LL PHONE PAID cK# BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,tlLL OVER ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleof l" = 20' SHOWING EXISTING AND PR0POSED IMPR0VEMENTS T0 THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the Commun.ityDevelopment Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentll|ITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION shail be shown on the site p1an. C. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be required for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade. D. The existing and proposed 'landscaping, patios. E. The location of all exist'ing and proposed buildings, structures. and improvements. F. .A title report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN I.IRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE I.IITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT.AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.0'IO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAI{ DESIGNGUIDE PLAN REGARDING: I. Pedestrianization2, Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framewofk4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Build'ing Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, MODELS (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE TO DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE I.IITH THE CHAMCTER OF MEANS, SUCH BUILDINGS), THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN NOTED IN SECTION THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOI.IN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUESTHAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEt,l OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVINGM0RE THAN .|00 SQUARE FEET 0F FL00R AREA ARE 0NLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNdAaLi. +revNEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY OR NOVEMBER. THE PECH0LDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSI0N WITHIN 21 DAYS 0F THE SUBMiTTAL OAIE.- n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRTLIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEhJ. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl.l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION I8.24.065 A5. I.procedure Permi t. appl ication APPLICATION is required wi l'l not be )I Date or Application 4/11l1D ,l Date of PEC Meerinq 4l'tlloll - FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for any project required to obtain a conditiona'l accepted until all information is subm'i tted. Thi s use. The A. c. NAI4E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS ' ,HoNEjlb.'W_ B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ( ADDRESS q,vht enoue 'ltfufufuL_ D.LOCATION ADDRESS E. FEE $'IOO PAID THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. cK# DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. OI^INERS AND CORRECT AODRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBEN TS STNONOLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADoITIoNAL INFoRMATIoN Is NEEDED. No AppLIcATton wii-.: qF ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INcLUDE ALL ITEMs REqUIRED_BV iHE zoIlnel9!I.NIiIR4i9B)._ II_l! THEAPPLIcANi's nEspottsIBLITy To MAKE An nppornmerlr}IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS: PLEASE NOTE THAT A !9I!!EIE APPLTCATTON l,,rLL STREAT,|LTNE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR Y0uR PR0JEcT BY-DECREASINc rHE NUI'IBER oF coNDrrroNs 0F AppRovAL THAi THEPEc MY STIPULATE. ALL coNDrrloNs oF AppRovAL MUsT BE coMpLIED uITH BEFoRE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISS'I]ED. F. A list of the names of owners of all property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STREETS, THE APPLICANT t.lILL 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT PH}NE4lh-'1,101 NAME 0F 0!.INER(S) (print or type) or,rNER(s) : .SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS LEGAL- 0\te.t" G:U -t-eIIf,' F€ur-f+t copies of the following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics, and neasures proposed to make the use conpatible with otherproperties in the vicinity. B. A description of how your request courplies withVail !s Comprehensive PIan C. A site plan showing proposed developuent of the site,including topography, building locations, parking,traffic circulation, useable open Epace, Iandscapedareas and utilities and drainage featu,res. D. Preliminary building plans and elevations suffLcientto indicate the dinensions, general appearanc-e,scale, and interior plan of all buildings. o D.ATE SU3I.IITTED: C0l'!','El{TS llEEltD BY: IITTER.OEP.qRTHENTAL REVt El.l ffi,Lg DATE oF PuBLrc HEARTNI:%12?O e PEC BRIF.i: DESCEIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 7 a /k>2e4,.r2ed Rd!..iEfTi 0?l DEPART!.::NT i 't r. .j-:. Revlewed.by: Cg;,ents: cLE 4/ztqaknfzq fWawar fu "",/*/,^-L) dl*t ; Lo,^^ tat*ote J (I renoc/el J/ - arsurooni^-fu, "//% /" reet pl"",t ffi .-/z'rnpc/p- ne,/zac/e/ ,77 sF7dz4'- /2(mav4/' atcussruary hg ,s az at/rrnar/e/4s -rrzuzLr- /a.( ri aaf.Zzz,Vtcr'Cc/ Reviewed by: PUBLIC UORKS.// P.eviered byzJ:J Contents: FIRE DEPI.RTI.iENT Wr. {tu/TrrzO Date Date Corrnents: POLICE DEPART]4ENT Revielred by: Connerrts: Date Date SENJ BYsA ; B-3@-9@ 9:5?AN ' 21.4979?54?)343 4?6 t6L?iE 2 3N Cfif,ccnac,oata gcvrnt^h lloor Dp,lht,Trxas73207.ltll 2t18s5-3706 August 30, 1990 Mr. Axcl lltilhelmrcn c/o Arnold, Guntbmcy, Pratt 1000 S. FtootsSc Roed West Vail" Coloreito E1657 Tbc proposed c.harycs to the cxterior of rpacc c-2 (onently thc Timbe.rhq*), Pa thc cobitr desig" of thi ncw sigu for Vail M6uatainccring as &t forth iu thc drawinp from Arnold, GwEthney, Pratt Architecls are hcreby approvcd. t andlord: Bell Tovcr Associatca, Ltd. TOWER ASS&rATES, LTD, !01& Gorr CrYckDn Yall, &lorp/lo t7637 g0g 17&r2s Bcll Tqwer Condominium Associatiou II It' * $". i +tl f Lf .t '{lrl-TsI|l t 13 I[ $tk TZ s t .,1-F(t 5a I I I I I + k $ L t t L JFl.-lGt+rl FllI I,a s oI 3* ftt a--- J+ t\ r-lr----Ti .l ro-<r.___t+ I. t' I 3l - 171 rl I t l'l :tl .a- r-t { trftil$ iffi uffi rtIL=sSs {. ri* .- \t trr .l I:. I I J It t[ \,: '1L . tlu $Ii itlI l\ ,ti:.;, i I\..t. $1; lll 'li";l .l l1 .,,1(t-|II'Ii-. i +Hl \ n .' i{. I ..t'l tr t F"- $? TT T oo st $ "..1 JF -t ,-l L *I II I.l'I -1.al> .l .ft f I I Il I 1 rfit'1,: rk t$i t--slr''t f$ I+,atIt-ar ,l I I { I +---J+ I 1l - 171 ' r''-fat*a---- it D F 5 tl \ : T i I[i t.,':t- .,'{ ,i, I :',, ; 'i, : j :.,. i:::: l :lit';:ii,,1rf$it!;1;fffiii,r, o fr .4,!- -tl\( or.\i\\ d) .$ fJr{a ._arI 'rl I rt lnt I \ \ rf rl iii iit J\ I I,l i --lI 1 I I -J r! .- ----- f,. I t \r r \. _\ I 1 If { ( o * I {..f August 30, 1990 Ms. Shelly Mello, Planner #2Town of VaiI Community Development75 South Frontage Road West,Vail, CO 81557 RE: Application for Exterior Alterations in CC1VaiI Mountaineering Store - Bell Tower Building Dear Shelly: Enclosed find the Bell Tower Condominium Association approvalIetter for the above project, and the Application for ExteriorAlterations for the same. The application is to remove 22 sguarefeet, a protruding display window. The purpose of this application is to lmprove access and vlsibilityfor the new tenant, Vail Mountaineering. The alterations proposedare more typical of the existing buildlng than the currentconfiguratlon (see northeast shop entry). Dontt hesitate to call if you need additionaL information. Sincerely, ARNqLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, INC.I tllt\ Bv t vr- Ned Gwathmey, AfA NG/ad Enclosures: $100 Check - Application FeeApplication Forn4 Copies of DrawingsList of Adjacent Property Owners Preponderance of Evldence September 20, 1990 Ms. Jil1 Kammerer, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81557 Re: Application for Exteri.or Alteration inVaiI Mountaineering Store - Bel] Tower Dear JiIl: Pursuant to our discussion yesterday, please the above project revised to show a pLanter Fol$o.f ccrBuilding find the drawings ofon the south end of theentry. The owner has agreed to leave the windows per the DRB application/ approval . Don't hesitate to call if you have further suggestions orguestions. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. Ned Gwathmey, AIA NG/ad Enclosure Tree /o Frtdtu)-/,{r,2 t"*loatrcnjfi( ,r, ? ,lI F il9) \DC \vYa-, 1 t-\1e:tt{${^a l, $ \,.,rP\s -2- 5z (LxPN'-o)>-- \0\)c)-,6s =oft#l $i ealg{l $i 9* 44a -.Q-%.tr*cEo- o+ d- o o=lrb t[J tt m=$ I brr-g NF1/1dW -]ly^ H E 6 3' s H R s P tu E$ s9 .{g EiE t6 F /tL\tr F1 P $ F\) d , \'lz E-+t.\iuri il .\=--sbr nr,X\"\t\lL l>rr-g rl Ki s P \\ R [$ E$ s $ /trb\fr rO\) cl 6*<o0 Hr s H ea6{ E; Qr o a R ;lf -s: E+ Nh/AilaW 1lY^ H : & 3 $ E ?H ;E Jg $ Hr P $ ft d { ')J) F il I +,\, 4''-_n _b.?l-'| +3,-- tlv*---L_---l -J/ ^l6l H4 6l I /(L F\tr R $ P tu E$ r0\) cl 6*<o ru Hr s ffi ee6t E; 9* o I l>rr-s N1y,5tflaw ,11y1 f\ iB NE FA sD €g H;t Jg $ t TO: FROM: DATE: RE! Plannlng and Environmental Conmission Conrrunity Developnent Septenber 24, L99O A request for an exterl.or l{ountaineering Ln the Bell Creek Drl.ve, Part of Tract ::::,""_,,"!::c,Pr Departnent Tower Building, 201 GoreA, Block 58, ValI villagelst Fillng.Appllcant: Axel Wilhelnson r. DESCRTI{TION OF THE REOUESE The VaiI t{ountalneering (formerly the Tinberhaus) is locatedat the southern end of the BeII Tower guilding just west of the ChildrenrE Fountain. PEc approval of an exterior alteratlon request is requlredfor the additlon or renoval of any enclosed floor area tostructures located within the ccl zone district. Thisproposal calls for angling of the north wall of the southern ground level display window, changing out existing windows' and the addition of another entry column to match anexisting entry colu:nn. Approxinately 11 sq. ft. of window display area is removed to allow for the remodeled entry. eaa-itionally, the removal of the portion of the window wiII necessitate-a nodification to the existlng roof line. No landscaping will be removed as a result of this proposal . It ls the appllcantE hope that the renoval of the northernwall of the southern window and the addition of anotherentry column will Lncrease the vlsibility of the storers entrance to pedestrians arriving frorn the eouth. II. BACKGROT'ND On Augtust 29, l99O the oesign Review Board approved new signage and changing out the existing windows. IrI. COUPLIAIICE WITH THE PURTDSE SECTION OF COU}IERCIAL CORE T 18.24.010 Purpose: The conmercial core I Dlstrlct ls intended to provJ'de sitee and to nalntain the unique character of the Vail Village Conmerclal Area, with its mixture of lodges and conmeicial establishments in a predonlnantly pedestrlan environment. The Conmercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate llght, air, open space' and other anenities appropriate to the pennitted tlpes of buitdings and uses. fne alstrlct regulations in aectrdance with the VaiI Vlllage Urban Design Guide , Sqil\atta Deslgn Consideratl.ons prescribe siteri"flpelopnent standards that are intended to ensure thetirintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered{o,:iu t arrangementE of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and publl.c greenways, and to ensure continuation of thebuildlng ecale and archl.tectural quallties that distinqrulsh the Village. The propoeed Vall ltountaineering entrlmay/renodeling projectis in compllance with the purpose of the CCI zone district. The addLtion will not negatively affect the scale of thebuilding and slll inprove the overall quality of the space. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR TIIIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes threeelements that establish the review criteria for thisapplication. The first of these is referred to as the Guideplln which lncludes a number of sub-area concepts, rnany of which ldentify potential areas for future developrnent andother inprovenents. Secondly, the Urban Design ConsLderatLone express the large scale, land use planning and design considerations, and finallyarchl.tectural/landscape considerations which will be reviewed by the Design Review Board, establish the criteriafor evaluating detailed design conslderations of a proposal . The vail Village ltaEter Plan also addresses specific aoalspertaining to the enhancement of the walking experiencethroughout the Village that uust be considered in thisapplication. V. COMPIJIANCE WTTH THE URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PI,AN FOR VATL VTLI,AGE There are no speciflc sub-areas relevant to this proposal . VI. COIIIPLTANCE WTTfi THE T'RBN{ DESTGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VATL VIIJ,AGE the followl.ng deslEn considerations are a critical elementof the Urban Deslgn Plan. They Ldentlfy the key physical characterlstlcs of the Village and provide the tools to assure that new development be conEistent with thisestabll.shed character. These consideratl.ons include the following: A. PedeEtrLanLzatl-on: rhe propoeed facade alteration will have no impact onpedestrlan traffic flow. B. c. D. E. F. G. ll. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetratlon or circulation will remain unchanged aB a result of this proposaL. Streetscape Frannework: Streetscape framework ldentifles two alternatives for inproving the pedestrian experience in the Village. These lnclude the developnent of open Epace including landscaplng along pedestrian routes and the developrtentof lnflll connercl.al gtorefronts along pedestriancorridors. Although the proposed alteratl-on does not propoae connercial inftll but rather the renoval of ioumercial area, staff bell.eves the alteratlon w111 have no negatlve inpact on existing pedestrian activitygeneration. The window change wiII not alter.shop irontage transparency. Window openlngs.and light sizewlll renain unchanged. The appllcant simply proposes to flip the three snaller panes fron the botton of the window openlng under the larger pane to the top of the opening above the larger window pane. This proposed wlndow nodiflcation will match the window treatment ofthe adJacent (north) conmercial space. Street Enclosure: street enclosure will renain unchanged as a result ofthis proposal . Street Edoe: The facade alteration wlll have no effect on streetedge. All existing edge of building and edge ofplinter lines adJa-ent to the street and the pedestrian corridor will renain unchanged. Bul-ldl-nq HeLsht: Building helght will be unaffected. VLewE and Focal Pol-nts: The proposed expansLon does not affect any adopted view coridors. Senrice and Deliverv: The propoBed expanEion wlll not affect the current serrrLce and dell-very patterns. I. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow pattern as aresult of thiE addltion because it ls wlthin tbeexlsting ehade pattern of the building. J. Archl.tecture/Iandscape ConsLderations: Theee deslgn considerations are tlpLcally the purviewof the lleslgm Review Board. The realignment of aportion of the existlng box window will neceEsitate aninor nodlflcation to existing roof llnes. covered entrance ways and landscapinlt areas are encouraged under the vail Village urban DesLgn Gul.dePIan. Thls design element will be l-ntegrated into theVaiI litountaineering exterior alteratLon. Although the covered entrance way currently exlsts, staff believesthe additlon of a colunn to uatch the existingsupporting column will inprove the synmetry and balanceof the entry way, more clearly define the connercial space entrance and inprove the visual appearance of the facade. lthe propoaed alteration will not lnpact existing landscapLng. VII. GOAI, #2: TO FOSTER A STRONG TOIIRIST INDUSTRY AND PROMOTE YEAR-AROI'ND ECONOUTC HEALTII AI{D VIABTLITY FOR THE VIIJAGE AIID FOR TIIE COMMT'NITY AS A WHOLE. 2.5 OblectLve: Encourage the continued upgradJ-ng, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and connercialfacilities to better serve the needs of our guests- 2.5.2 PolLcv:llhe Town will use the naximun flexibilitypossJ.ble in the Lnterpretation of building and fire codes in order to facilitatebullding renovations wlthout compromisingIlfe, health and safety considerations. VITI. STAFF RECOIiII,IENDATTON staff recomenda approval of the proposed facade alterationwith the conditlon that if and wben a special improvenentdistrict is establl.shed for Vail Village, the applJ.cantshall not renonstrate against the fornatlon of salddistrict. The proJect neets the design consideratLons as described above. .\ tr tkh ___Ti.. .l 5 --...----* t.l.! I \g\ N _{ \ + s t II l$ rF lftt' l$ + ItI 3. h3rtrs it ri* EII "* st,q f-bI-ts {r{qr : I ) ttla'* I ilo :HI Itffi r':r \t N t \ tt s Lv)st NR HR o(i t\. s& is$ t2'/- iE6'{N t$rt +r' tir$ ii.$ /\ t\t\ 71 It i \ II i '--'l tI I IIJ I I rL$ * 'r-r.--{-\|. o ii .i[.,*$ 1 'l l I $tb {s r t'N,l\,1- F!a $$ $z 't II .,1 I '--1 I 1 I I.lJ l R N sl0t tvlI$ a\ tii iitnLJta LJ I -+l Mi l rf l*' lii + tI i Ga sHi IIII ) !-t a \+ \ftIf-sItrs$ /\ I it ri*F*l ',$z s 7.q No\J sL-7, )1i--3l/\ F \1R r-!_lsl i C. 8\,ts & $ $ N st $" Rea { \v 3 J+ I sl - s7l ntt,.:i) ir T,s E ;1 ,l 5 ---?._ _ _td :i..., ^ri,ll.r: I'it!l :t I 1l' ,iil iI.*;, ti'\ t 21'49792542)I @ . 21.49?9254?) 343 4?6 1612rs 2 |--^lnilt TowER Assocraros, LTD. 841l, futcCrrekDr.vall Colorr.do t7637 N9 a7h2r25 100 Ctr?ccnzCnltra Ssvcntf, floortulltt, Tlrr,r 75201'ltll ,r4 8E5'37M August 30, 1990 Mr, Axel lvilhelmsen c/o Arnold, Gunthmcy' Pratt 1000 S. Froutrgc Road Wcst Vai[ Colorailo E1557 Tbc proposcd changcs to thc cxterior of ryacc C'2 (arnently thc Timbcrbrys),..od thc color afi .i.itp of thi ncw rign for Vail Miuutainccriqg as lct fotth in thc drawiags ftom Arnold, Gwatlrmcy, hEtt Arcbitecis are hcreby approved. -'l /// I f/: b<:i -1 1,,'7;"?-'f l'.) !,2 .'a. i ,"-t ', f >7r/; y'/.1/ ,// o:r' , dt 24- t Lardlord: Bell Tower Associatcs, Ltd. ;: ) "'/ )u Bell Tower Condominium Association (!,-il{ i-)sftr)lillttr f lL\T\i \| 1t .t -TlLr z.-fIr\+- I L !-t t rFi -lrrl .: rl srt t F $Tti T t I{ra $tk frE= H, Ss$ iI ri* Bll Iaq INd zehq Ks o I:l I a---J+ I+ f-P1l - 171 It r____ Ti...l > --"+.- ---q{ t.l t +t $ Ff a- E!:' '6, ilo iHl tt$ na I.[ti ,ilt-i.. i.1i:,; k $ !-L t Ar Fl- 4r",.'l'"r',1 a rtt i* i$ -lfl -lC -t.r||* i". i +H[ \ I+ I I I I I I _$ H$ he H$ .'t't tT 3 ! ! ra It "ars't''l t F: l3 T fli| {s III I I I I E[ $ I I l I v .lttF c os-: s +---JI t ,t . rt 'll .' rr:. .!'.I'!F,llar i?.{ .1? t's' f\-. ra t\ I d ?i-..ki+ !*itI \ : T ) II tr!' --Lrl' '!l i".. 1l - 171 ' rt-F Itl.- -i?: t\ \ I "lGIt I I \ \ T \ os\ic\ ts he 6S q i J i--..J'_l I I ,llJ ltl r\ tii:hl $$[ -----I I I T \& :s L\:r- L )- .h, t,\- \,' f, I $ r\ iii:hi $[ o l a'