HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 7 Lot 05 & 06°o 3 O O 0 O O RESUBD /V /S /ON OF LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 7,. B /GHORN V/S/0/v F /FT,y ,400 /T /ON q SUBD /V /S /ON IN SECT /ON 13, T55., ,Q.BOW. OF THE 6TN PR /NC /PA,C MEN /D /AN TOWN OF V,4 14 , EgG,LE COC/NTy CO)ZORAOOI Sheet 1 0 Y-c 1 I I I I B7° °04',24 "� /93.97 —9 N ,234.7'fofa/ — — — ENT (Proposed) — NNE /N 9 AGS r)2 /TY E AS EM ° N8 7 ° 04'24 "E /70.07 cp- \ \ ,Cot 5' - - Cb- A7 90 °00'00" E — 2 7/• 14' — — — — -— — — — — — — — — — DRA /NAG,E To he 1/o c a sed \ \ NII to to \ \ \0 1 \ 1 h R A /NA6 �- 07 N \ 1 � 8 s \ \ \ \ 0 25 so 75 100 Sc ale : /'= 30' S61R1/'EYOR'S CJC)eThC-Ar4TE : I, /lennefh ,E.,eichards, do hereby csrti {y �ha� I am a Surveyor /ioensad under the laws of the Sta to of G'o%rado, ana' that this Plat %s a true, correct, ana' coi»,o/ete P /at of a '?esabdivision of Lots 5 and 6 ,Block 7, B/,9horn Subdivision - Fi,V h ,4da'if /on as /aia'-ou ;x, ,v/a 7'YIect', a'ea'ic a fed, a�a' shown hereon , -Iha t such ,o /a f was ,-nude from an accurate survey of said pro/oerty by nee or una'ef- A7y supervision and correctly shows the /ocat/ons and o� the lots, easements, and ,S1`reefs of .said subdivision as the sao7e are staked upon the ground /h compliance with a,00M:ab /e reyu /a (ions governing the subdivision o� lond. 1n wi triess where ol, I ha ve se t n�.y hand and seal this / /�`� day o{ ri /,4. D., /97-f'. 110, ifegisfered ,Land ,Surveyor No. ,2193 t c.• s f C,ERT/F/C.4TE OF O � D,rblCATION /Ynow al/ n7en b these /vreSonts that the undersigned re {ens herein fo the fo/lowlhg described /ands as the "Alacted ,Cot 5 and ,Lot 6, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision-FilYh 4ddifion, in the Town of Vail, County oil' Eagle, State off' L'o /ora do, containing 4®, 959, 9 square feet or /, 124 acres, more or /ess. That the undersigned cents {ies that she is the true owner o7e all the plafi',ed Lands su,bjeet fo easements a4ee rights - aP-way of r'eeard. That the owner by these Ree'SOnts does hereby /ay-out, plat, Subdivide and Resubd %vide It/70 P /afted Lands info such lots as are shown on this p lat under the ,-same and sty /e of 'ieesubdivision off' .Lots 5 and 6, Black 7, Bighorn Fi {Yh f/ddifion, " That the owns,- hereby dedicates Ac the Town of {/ai! Aoe the use of the pub /%c a5 pub /ic street Meadow Lane shown hereon, subject to such easeinenfs ana' -s-o'-way in, through, or over /Darts of sold !tract's as are Reesenf /y vested off' record or ,shown on thiS ,o/at iha;4 the owner hereby dodicafes to the Town of Vai/ {ar the use ote 7�',a ,Dahlia the drainag�r and 41YWify easemenfa shown on this plat for the purposes of consfruc� ion, moir,tenance, and reconstruction of sewer, water, gas, and electric and tolephone trensMission facilifie s_ That the owner declares and agrees that the P/atfed ,Lands shall be .subject fo the Protective Covenants County, Colorado as recorded in Book at Page off' the records o�r the C /erlk and ,Qecora'er o{ Eagle County, Colorado which are iaeorooroftd herein by i'eferance . ATT�"ST= , C • )- Q-4 S abefh C', ,Larson ST,4TE o•F V SS COUNTY air EAai- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged by i»e this Ah- -'hday a{ t7,dl�i/ ,4,0.,!976 by ,E /iz abefh C ,Larson as owner - , 4y eommi s s;or, Expires 17,74 eh, y, 1979 Witness my hand and seal 4 � Notary Pub /ic TITLE C,EP T /FI CAT, " bm-• L does hereby 4-ha,' J have examined the ` 7i'f /e to alllands shown upon this P/af and that T%t/e fo such lands is vested in Elizabeth e .4a.,-.son free and clear of all liens, ;,`axes, and encumbrances vxCepf as Ao A0 WS -e, Faift vimx-r-r c vQ s t-e.< � t,:, ccSs e sr -Faz c� a.�a6�� ••:sco.✓ f L�a�ed this Z� 'day 0/7. AD., l9 7 A . This P/af was 7110i /ed Por record in 4he 04+4'ice oP the Cou.nfy Ole,-k and Recorder o{ ,Eagle Count at 90 A. M, on the 30 +� day o� �Pcem bek -4 /.9'7� Case =�" ,Ora wen '8' Recevf-Aon No. F` '7 Protcefive Covenants are recorded in Book / I'-`J at Page ,Eagle County / Pecords County Clerk and R corder �JPPR D V.4L OF N NCE o44 ET4 l6 jE b /C.4 T/ DNS BV TA14- TO WAI OF VA14 : This Plat oP.4 RESVBDIV15 /ON OP LOTS SAND 6, BLOCK 7, B /GHORN SUBD /V /S/ON- F/FTH A,DD/T/ON ;s hereby Approved by the Town Council o{ the Town of Vai l, and the dedication oi' the easements shown thereon are hereby accepted by the Tawas off' Vail. �' { TOWN COl/NCIL OF THE TOWN OF VA /,L a V� ,4TTFST- . ' of . J 4PPPO VAL OF VA IL PL .4NIV //V /G COMMISSION.* This Plat o.F A R•ES413D /V /S /OA/ OF DOTS S ,9ND 6, BLOCK 7, B/GfiOR/V S11BD /V/S /ON- F/F771 .400 17710N be ana' the same is hereby appeoved. V,4 /L PL,4NAIIN6 CONJMlSS/ON B Y -7cz --Q-d �� • fe Chairrr►an D.4TE�: 1a 217 .4TTEST: /°reOared By R/C17114R D S JCIVVG /N,EERS Wr, R.O. Box C° loo, 4VOn , L:'O/OrGZ do , 8l(OI,ZO Ni I