HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 4th Addition Lot 12� ;� �; �� r � �� �� s � �• \ . . � . to �,/� ;- n�i 0 �' \ --.. . , . \ PEDESTRIAN , DRAINAGE , 8� UTIUTY E�SEMENT�_� i � . �., A RESUBDIVISION OF RN 6DIVISI0�1 FO�RT �OTr.12 61GH0 � , TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. 4484 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VICINITY MAP SCALE I 12p00 � \ . \ � 0 H A 101� a r LEGl�►L 13L�SCR'�PTTdI! �- PA�. At r � - - r�w�r . .. . A pa'!tt ef Lot 12, B��l�! ` �e�y► �� Additfon, Tawn of Vail, Eagle County, Cblo�rado, � rart�t'��iar deacribed as- follo�ra: � � � ��:� . � � O 1 Seqinning at the portl��aat c�"!�� ei� ��I �.ii�t; thence . N 53 °17' 00' Fi 52.'87 l�eet a�. t"�t ��1�"T� �'�g'�'lt-of-way l�ine of Stream�ide Ci�cle, ml�o �rig �#� �II�� �e of said lot;�� thence S 46'39'38' W 6'�..?A ��� ��t !t' 4'�'2�"��p" W 4.3� feet; . thence S 46'39'�" W 8�.1�Z !!`+l�t� ��#�.'�'� r�lt � Southerly line of said �.ot; thence� S�Z�en�oeR E�� � �e Southeast corner of safd 3ot; thence I� 36'4��• '� '!�"!-� !"�eet to the Point of BeqinningR containinq li,�'�'4.�9� �� �'teet or 0.267 acres more or lesa. . ,, LE GAL DE S Cft7P'1.'�'Oi� �- irARC'LL 8'r '; ''' ... . .. ;� '' . A part of �,ot 12, B�.gho�rn 5u''�d�v�lt°�t� '�`�� Addition, Town ' of Vail, , Eagle County, Colorado, mo+�r^e pa��eu3as�,y described as follows: � - � , Commencing at the NC�e`�Y�t�l� �.�tr�r _� °"� '��; thence N 53 ° 17' 00" W 52. 87 feet to �he: T�s�e l�otr�! !!!!� '��inning; thence N 53 ° 17' 00" D� 2P�i.60 feet �a �he No�'l�w+t�t�! �lrtt!'� of said lot; thence S' 36'43' 00" W 36.89 feet ;tc� �i�e �'�'��t`°�corner of said lot; thence S 22 °00' 00" E 20�..7�' fe�ctt �� ti #�6 ° 39' 30" E 82:82 f�et; thence S 43°20'30" E 4p�3A �"!a�l� ' N 46°39'3�" E• 61. 70 feet to the Point of �eginn�fngr oo�i'�rr� �17, 413. �� . feet or 0.400 acres more or less. YOR' � CERTIrICF.TE: ., _ _ I do herebvi certify that I am a Reqistered Land Surveyor licensed the laws of the State o� Colorado, that this Plat is a true, correct, �omplete Pl�t of_ A RESiJBDIVISIOIJ OF Ln�' 1:?, BI�HOFt] SUBTIIVISIntI 'H ADDITION, as laid-out, nlattec�, c�ec�icated and shown hereon, that Plat was made from an accurate survev of Saic� nronerty hv mP and � my sunervision and correctly sho�.as the location and d�riensions of ots, easements and streets of satid subdivision as the same are sta�e�d the ground in coMpliance caith applicable reaulations governinq the .vision of land. . In witness �ahereof I have set mv hand and seal thi5 2�_ �, dav S�`�� _-_-r..-__' A• n. 1`� R 1. � �����c�.•�-�► �• ���"'`''y- Ma�cus O. �/�as' �2QgiS�mi'�+d P +F G.S. �tlo. 40/0 f' U tfUJC :_. 'UU � 1420 VAIdCE STREE T AVON,COLO 8�620 Inter������ LAKEWOOO.COLO.B02�5 i303) 949-50�2 ��neering�d. �303] 232-0156 0 � � � I ; � . ; . CERTIFICATE OF O��NEF.SHIP AND DEDICATION: . Know all�men by these presents that the undersigned, being sole 1 F owners in fee simple of all that real pron�rtv described as f_ollows: , Lot 1?_, Bighorn Subdivision �'o�trth Addition, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, containina �.667 acres more or less; have bv these presents laid-out, plattecl and subdivided the 4ame into , lots as shown hereon and desiqnate the same as A RI?ST1BnIVISInN OF LOT 12, " BIGHORN SUBDI`IISION FOURTH ADnITIOP], Town of ��ai l, Ea41e Countv, ColoradC�, and do further state that this subdivision shall remain subject ta the � protective covenants filed and recorded for this suhdivision in the � Office of the Clerk and P.ecorder of Faq].e Countv, ('olorado, as Document No . 153't 00 . . ` � � Executed this �� day oF ���� �, A.D. 1A81. � ,,�:� �r''•�> ; � �"� E F .. �,��� � �; .. ,_ T �,I,�,r �,I ls Gs :: � - �.. �� .f:� � ;���- � ,��� � �, ,y s �. ,� . .. .� - �� :� '�y � - - a , . �.� � w�� . . , , � � � � � . _ .� � �`� , �, � { STATE OF C�LORAnO )� � ��" ��' ) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ' -- The foregoing dedication was ackno�%�ledaec� before me th� s�� . F yy►� A D 1981 � d a v o f �SC.,`_"! J�St„`_�' • . • • �� � : � �„ � i , , P4y commission expire5 �_�����- �S ���_,. � � ,-� k� h k� : � ��� `�' . . � .{ _ . ✓ �•:itness my hand and seal. '��.a �.C, . , ` �.:,w... n � .^,�' � ';r 7�`l C� V ` � o-.� � . ; � ���- '�. � �! i ��L- � - � �: J � ;" ;��� Notary Puhlic , , - p F'or zoning or �ther land-use reaulations of the Town of Vail, the t���o Parcels created bv this subdivision are deemed to be one lot. '�o more than one two-familv residence shall he allo�aed on the comhined , areas of the two Parcels. Allo�aable �ross Residential rloor Area (rRFA) for the t4�o-familv residence shall he calculated using the comhined area of the two narcels. APPRnVAL OF THE V.AIL PLANt1ING CO"'!*"ISSIOTT: This plat of A RESUBDIVISInN OF LOT 1?_, BI�HOP,N SUBDI��ISION FOiJRTH ADDITION, he and the same is hereby approved. Date;_: �� � -��- � BY: Pttest: J :� ,�„ � �°�� � CLERK ANP. RECOP.DER' � CERTIT'ICA'L'E : RtC #��' C� 3� � ' ^'nis nlat was filed for recorcl in the �ffice of the Clerlc and � r� � Recorder at _3:3�L2. o' clock, _._C__...,�..*�'-, �O_� __�F �� a�_ �G� p(j�,�,,,� and is du].�� recorded in Plat :Book ��� �, Paqe tlo. _����. � �te s � io: oo pal F'leal case ��� � °. (�ae�w t �t `�j'/ ` . , '� � 1� �.a ;r BV �`�1�_� t�LZG�i'�u.C�:_._ . . ,:.� erk ancl Recorc�er '••..�. ,�-•' 'l�a+y w�u �psc� , �'��.OR��b�` , . f�e��C 33 � ..�- . .h Pe,�G Sso , �