HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 1st Addition Block 2 Lot 3� NO SCALE CURVE C1 C2 C3 ` FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH AIUM. CAP L.S. No. 16827 DELTA 04'23'03° 01'33'09" 03'19'05" RADIUS 897.69 897.69 897.69 ARC 68.69 24.32 51.99 VI C i N ITY MAP TANGENT 34.37 12.16 26.00 CHORD S 43'00'32" E S 45'S8'38" E S 48'24'45" E 68.67 24.32 51.98 ' TOWN ' �F VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, PLAT RESTRICTI�N For zoning purposes, the three parcels created by this resubdiv�- s�on are to be treated as one ent�ty w�th no More than one two- faMily residence allowed on the coMbined area of the three parcels, Allowable gross res►dentlal floor area for the two-faMily residence will be calculated based on the coMbined area of the three parcels. HAZARD NOTICE Lot 3 l�es �n a Debr�s Avalanche (High Hazard) zone as del�neated and deflned in the debrts flow and debrls avalanche hazard analysls Map prepared by Arthur I, Mears, P.E „ Inc, and dated NoveMber, 1984. Lot 3 lles In a High Severity Rockfall zone as delinented and deftned In the rockfall Map prepared by SchMUeser & Assoclates, Inc. and dated NoveMber 29, 1984, A slte speclfic hazard Mitigatton study for Lot 3 was prepared by Arthur I, Mears, P,E „ Inc, dated June 6, 1992, �G � N 49°11'00" E 50.00' FOUND No. 4 REBAR FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP PARCEL A 1NITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16827 L.S. No. i6827 W, CNR. LOT 1, BLOCK 1 A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, �� % BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FlRST ADDITION BLOCK 2, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION �IL�MENT�^n No 949.0�. W FIRST ADDITION ' � N 47•4p� 4$� E/ . 3/ E _ 349 .7 . � � � p(� R=897.69 0=09' 15' 17" L=145.00 T=72.66 N 49 � � CH = S 45'26'39 E� 144.84' _-� � gp,S15 � a�IN�/ \ UTILITY EASE�IENT : ► r. tfl� U N P IATTED � �o ! ��� .., ` 10' SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP • L.S. No. 26598 PARCEL B 0.6422 ACRES 39668 LUPINE DRIVE N PARCEL A 0.6422 ACRES 3966A LUPINE DRNE 50' � N 44'47'57 E S 89'46'S7" E � 25.00' 14.50' � � / N n � � N 55'21'19" E ° �� / � 56.68' N 0 PROPERTY LINE N 43' 14'48~ E J FOLLOWS PARTY WALL Z ` � 25.00' BUILDING OUTLINEJ � � � � � � UTILITY EASEMENT �9, �5• A� S LOT 2 � 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE—VAIL N��' Accordinq to Colorado low you mu�t commence arry hqal ocUon based P.O. BOX 1230 u n any dMsci in this survey wRhin three ysan after you flrst EDWARDS. C0. 81632 d�covsr such dst�ct. In no ev�nt, may ony acUon based upon arry 303 949-1406 defect in this surv�y ps commenc�d more ihan ien ysan from the � i DRAWING DATE: 7/27/93 date of the certHieotion shown hereon. ���'�$ � � � � � � PARCEL C 0.01412 ACRES S 45°58'15" E 25.00' � � � .O !L ✓ ` SEl' No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP � L.S. No. 26598 30 0 30 60 90 Feet SCALE: 1" = 30' C 0 L � RAD 0 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Gateway Developr►ent, Inc „ a Colorado corporation, betng sole oMner In fee slMple, of all that real property sttuated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot 3, Block 2, B�ghorn Subdivts�on First Additton accordtng to the plat thereof recorded in the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contain�ng 1,2985 acres, More or less, has by these presents lald out, platted an d subd�v�ded the saMe �nto lots nnd tracts as shoMn on this flnal plat under the nar►e and style of ' Final Plat, A Resubdivislon of Lot 3, Block 2, B�ghorn Subdtvis�on Ftrst Addition ', a subdtvtslan �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Coloradoj and does hereby nccept the responstb�l�ty for the coMpletton of requlred InprovenentsJ and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publlc roads and other public IMproveMen ts an d p lnces as s hown on t he nc coMpanying pla t to t he use of the public forever� and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are �ndtcated as easenent on the accoMpanytng plat as easenents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the rtght to instnll andl nalntatn necessary structures to the enttty responslble for p�rov�d�ng the servtces for which the easeMents are established. Executed this �� day of ___A �����______, A.D „ 1993. �41NER = Gnteway Deve t opMen t, I n c„ a Colorndo corporatlon 2303 East Dartnouth Englewo 0 80110 BY` - --- -- - ---- Gnry Art . Pres 1 de�l . .. . ''�l r � STATE OF��f•����► � - - -- �ss, ' . COUNTY OF�� ��> ' �' ' " � , : '�� .�. The rego I ng t str�ur�ent was ncknoa► le�ged'before _M� Ttl� i s Z.� day of ��. ��'�___, A. D., 1993 Gn�*y Arthur' as � Rres t den t of Gtxteway Deve l opM�t, I n c., n Co t orado �orporn I on: �.. :,t,�: •, '�4 , My Cor►M i ss � on exp I res �'---__-��„r-�� `�'�G �-l. �. Wttness My hnnd and seal .�w' ' � . " i:.;1��. ,-l�w..�+ . ,. _ _ y� — — — --- ------ -:��, rvotiary � `� ` . Address �� y � � i ; aF s«wkea `�_. � �N� �. *��' r.. ,�, ,��.:t:. �. � • � • 's . �, � � .� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR' DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that FirstBank of Tech Center, N.A., being the holder of a nortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Engle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Lot 3, Block 2, Bighorn Subdlvlston Ftrst Addttton according to the plat thereof recorded tn the off�ce of the Engle County, Colorado, Clerk nnd Recorder, contnin�ng 1.2985 acres, nore or less, as shown on this ftnnl plat under the nnnt and style of ' Final Plat, A Resubd�vis�on of Lot 3, Block 2, B�ghorn Subd�v�s�on Pt"rst Addit�on ', a subdlvision fn the Town of Vail, Eagle County, � Colorado� agrees to the ded�catton and setttng apart all of the publ�c roads and other publlc inprovenents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the public foreverJ and does hereby agree to the dedicatton of those parttons of sald real property which are ind�cnted ns ensenents on the nccoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shorrn hereon� and does hereby agree to the grnnttng of the r�ght to Instnll nnd natntatn necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeMents nre established, Executed thls � day of _��.� __________, A,D., 1993. MORTGAGEE� F�rstBan Address� �'� STATE OF����___) �SS. COUNTY OF ����) The regofn nstrunent Mas acknoMle bef e this _�day __ �! __, A.D., 1993 by � _ _____ as __ of FsrstBnnk of ech Center, .A.. My CoMr� t ss � on exp i res �___�,� I»�I� W i tness My hand and sen l , -` � - = •- � - -- � Notnry Publ�c Address�_ �� _�_ ����� :Y , -��1 �a• � . ... �� � :5; ,�.� - : . :: - ��'`, � ,.:.'t ` ' :ti . ���^ -t,, TITLE CERTIF'ICATE Land T�tte Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certtfy that the title to all lands shown upon this ftnal plat has been exaMined and ts vested ini C�a�cwa_ _QcvelQ.prrewf-,�-,�nc_�--R Cvlbrc+da__Cerp�ra�h�B�!�� ---- and tha��tle to such lands is free and clear of all ltens and encuMbrances, except as follows� �0«d �--tr�t_rccov,deo�- _ cxt � SL 199� _,�eo /G_ 59c F�c� 71q� J�!2�f_x�tttS-.ruo!''�tC���_5�1�t_R_�._ �gQoK __S_Rp _�e =1ao, ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th i s a�� day of _�.'1��______________, A, D„ 1993 . Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vatl, CO 81658 . BY' -----�- ���\----------- <S i gnaturE�) �ij!rtN J'__�OI!'�'h __Sr � _�'i'�'/P. ��r' (Print naMe and t�tle) Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIfICATE This final plat Is hereby approved by the Town of Vall Zoning ,,., � day of � _____, A , D „ 1993 . AdMinistr _ _ `�` � Attes ��"` � � Town Town r. � �- -- - -- ---- ------�I---- Zon i n dr� i ra Town of Vatl, Colorndo . Nl l GEi'� Ll..� (�,, N� G 1�L0 SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE �I d�`hereby cert�fy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor ltcensed uhder the Caws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat Is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My supervlslon and correctly shows the locat�on and diMenslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sald subd�visi'on as the saMe are staked upon the ground �n coMpliance w�th ap�t�cable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on of land. `+,4e t ts{a ;fir�rl ��� s t fi e y' ,� �i In w � tness thereof I have set r�y hand and sed�,:�M�ts ;;`°�'�� -,,day of SfOJ�+���--- � A . D , , 1993 , : � .M�;,� �-:.. ,1 ., , �,�„�F .�, y �,� : �•°� �`!a ; ; �� ��65 $�.�_ — -------=.� —��-*=�i------- Stan Hogf e l d� ; � >,,, • ' �' ` ...•• � y: Co l orado PLS 2�5�9f�'� �� �,,"� �.••''� ����..,..,: ,. �...,., N�TES� C1) Date of Survey+ August 1993 (2) Bear�ngs are based on a l�ne connectsng the exlsting MonuMents Marking the westerly corner of Lot 3 and the westerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Btghorn Subdivls�on Ftrst Addition being N47•40'48'E (see drawing), (3) MonuMentation as shown hereon (4) Street Address� 3966 Lupine Dr►ve CERTIFICATE DF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certtf that the entlre aMOUnt of taxes due and payab l e as of ______ ��_?!__9_3 _________, upon a l l parcels of real estate described on this f�nal plat are pald �n full. Dated this __/__ day of _____ ______________, A,D „ 1993. l� Treasurer Eagle County, C orndo CLERK AND RECDRDER'S CERTIFICATE ���'� � � Th�s f�nal plat was ftled for r ord �n the off�ce of the Clerk and Recor� er on th i s�.�(%I�,L day of _ i,�i/11 ___ , A. D,, 1993, at �_�S o' c t ock r� M. Recorded un de Recept i on No ,�/�Q SO _ i n Book �� at Page �� . L�A � ,,°� � ="= �— - ------- -- - ---------- ��'t` ,� erk and R rder i° �s''�"�'� gle unty, Colorado « ��� � . ' — ---- ----- - --------- . lo�tAD� eputy JOB No. 1851 I