HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 13 Block 2 Lot 19_... ;. ;�� ���� WHf TE RI VEFt N A T I 0 N A L F O R E 5 T SCALE: 1" � 1000' 4� Y 10 V A I L Y I L L A�G E, T H I R T E E N T H �' I L I N G %,� _..�s� PARCEL � ,� � S 1����SS � V A I L Y I L L A G E V A I L GOLF" C OU RS E 11TN FILING �. _ _ 3 2 10 it PART OF SECTtON 3, TOWNSMIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 V4EST, 6th P.M. V,'r. � o• A�o ' � �K F��P ���� SET A No. 5 REBAFt �t `�j WITH A ��" ALUMINUM CAP ` � V P.L.S. No. 30091 � �,�� 8 p'�' / FOUNR A No. 4 REBAR WtTH A 1�" ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 30116 / / o so 40 Feet ���� ����� �U �'id�'�I ��', LL� ������ � ,����, c�a �� �z� ` ` � �9iC�� 4�9��69� � f�x (9i�� 479-�55 �oT 20 d 9� � �{ i , (�� � . N6�`�0 � �� \ l`Z• t9, ��� !Z , �� � .�O� SET A No. 5 R€BAR WIiH A 1�" ALIJMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 30091 AME NDE D F I NAL PLAT � H I TE E NT� F I L I N� IL ILLAGE '� R VA V � '� l BL K 2 L flC � � � ��C�f�M�E�L1� "CLUST�Ef� �NE DU�'LE�") TOWN O�' VAIL, C�UNTY �F EAGL�, STATE UF C4LORADQ LANq E�S� SUMMARY I'ARCEL AFiEA ZUNING ADDRESS LOi i9 0.3609 AG. TWO-FAtNILY RESIDENTIAL 2470 BAL.D MdUNTAIN fiOAd / / PARKEEVG & ACCESS �EASEMENT VACA�� BY THfS PLAT ���. � N �c9� � O °-� CA� �� � �� \ ��, > � � � �ifl:, � go 0 �� , 1� �� . 56�` � � TRACT A � � s� � FOUND A �Vo. 4 REBAR •WI"iF�l A 1�" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP (P.LS. No. I1.LEGIBLE) Certifica#e of Dedication and Ownersh�p Kr�ow all men by these presents that iimathe Tye 5tockton and Brielle M. Stockton, being sole owners in #ee simpke qf all that real property situated in th� Tawn of Vail, Eagle Caunty, Golorado des�cribed as follows: Cluster One Duplex, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State af Coloraclo, per the pla# thereof recorded May 20, 1975, under Rec�ptian No. 135992 in #he affice of the Eagle County Glerk and Recarder; containing 0.3609 acr�s more or less; have by these presents iaid out, plaited and subdi�ided the same into lats and blocks as shnwn nn this final plat under the name and style of Vail Village, ihirteenth Filing, Lot 19, Block 2, a subcfivision in the `�own o# Vaii, Counry af Eagle; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of requirec! improvements; and daes hereby dedicate and set a�art a!I of the public raads and other pubiic improvemen#s a�d places as shown on the accompanyir�g plat to the use o# the public #orever; and daes hereby cEedicate those por�ions of saici real property which are +ndica#ed as easement an the accompanying plat as easements #or the purpase shown herenn; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for pro�iding the services for which the easements are established. EXECt�T�D thi5 ��d day of , A.D., 2013. .--�►r Owner: � Address: 2470 Bald Mountain Road Timothe Tye St on Vail, CO 81657 STATE OF ����r� � ) ,SS COUNTY �F �a7�� ) T� fore oing Certificate o# Dedication and Ownership was aeknowledg�d before me this �� day of UI.r , A.D., 2€�13, by Tirr►oth� Tye S#ockton. �—�5-15 ���� a�, �/ly Cnmmi��i�an e�cpir��: ,_„ �^�' �''�'�� �'"� _ � � ^ ��` �����d '�t�°� mk����Al ��' ° � r, Wi#ness my hand arid official seal, ��� a3 ,� ;�k ����� . � � �.��� � ; �=���^���a -- �. ; � �. . � . .... � €iF�� � �,. N otalyy �u b I ic °5� �,� �, � `�„�� �;� ,��� {�, �``� +�„'� t.��,;�. �r�,��� : Owner Address: 2470 Bald Mountain Road Vail, CO 81657 STAT� OF � ���� ) }SS COUNiY OF Q � ) � Th regqing Cartificate of �edication and Ownership was acknowledged k�efare me this � day of �. _, A.D., 2013, by Brie�ie M. Stockton. My Commission expires: "'[ — ���` � v��b�,�� _ � � ��: INitness my �and �nd offic�af sea{. �� ''�` �' � � ';� �`` , i �� 4'������ �," tl E °����. _ ....... , _ __-_ ___ , ; Nota ublic � � �� � `� � � � ��� >a � �� �' �`'� ti, � �. ���� NVt`_ • �,,�,: �' .,� �� - `�kza�'� Surtieyor's Certificate f, da hereby certify that I arn a Professional Land Surveyar licensec� under the la�rs o� the State of Caiorado, that this pla# is true, c�rrect and complete as iaid out, platted, ckedicated and shawn hereon, that such plat was made from an accura#e survey of said prnperry by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets n# said suhdivision as the same are sfaked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing #he subdi�ision of land. 1 � !rt W9tness Wher�of, I have set my hand and seal this �' day of s��.`� , A.D., 2013. Sarnuel H. Ecker Colorado P.L.S. No. 30fl91 ; �; � GENERAL NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: JUNE, 2013. 2) BEAR[NGS BASED IfPON THE LIN� CONNECTING �HE i1�ONUMEIVT 5ET MAFiKING iHE NORTHEASTERLY CORN�R AN[} THE MONUMENT FOi1ND IN I�LACE AAARKENG THE SOUTHEASTERLY C4RNER OF THE SUBJEC7 F'AFtCEL, BEIPlG S25°29'OB"� (SEE DRAWfNG}. 3j NlONUMENTATION A5 INDICAT�.D HEREQN. 4) 7HE SOLE PURPOSE �F THIS PLAT 15 TO VACATE THE LOT LIN�S nEF�kC7'ING UNii No. 1 AND UNIT No. 2, VACAT� THE PARKING AND ACCE55 EASEMENTS, AlVD VACA7� iHE COMMON AREA DESIGNATIONS CREATED 8Y THE TpWNHOUSE AAAP FQR GLUSTER ONE pUPLEX RECOFiDED MAY 20, 1975 IiV BOOK 239 AT PAGE 843, SO AS TO Cfl�ATE QNE PARCEL. 5) THE tlOUN�ARY DIMENSIONS, �ASENtENTS AND REGHTS OF WAY SMOWN HEF4EON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FpR THE SUBJECT PRUPERTY AND 71TLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY LAND TITLE Gl1ARAN"C�E CQAAP/tiVY, ORDER No. VTF50036465, EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 17, 20t 3 AT 5:OQ P. M. 6) NOTICE: ACCOR�iNG TO COLQRADO LAW YOU MllS7 COMME�JCE ANY L�GAL ACiIO�E BAS�Q UPQiV ANY �EFECT IN rtHIS SURVEY Wt7HIN THREE YEARS AFT�R YOU FIRST �ISCOVER 511CH DEFECi.1N NO EVEiVT, MAY ANY ACT�ON BASED UPQN ANY DEFECi fN 7HIS Si1�iV�Y BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FRONI7H� DA7E OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HER�ON. '7) LOT 19 IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTfVE COVENANTS AS CANTAINEq W WS7RUAAENT RECORDED NOVEMB�R 10, 1972, IN BOOK 226 AT PAG� 146 AN� AS AMENC}ECl IN INSTRUMENT RECQRDED SEPTEMBER 21, 1978, IN E300K 275 AT PAGE 628. 8) LOT 19 IS SUBJECT TO EAS�MEN7S, CONakTION, COV�NANTS, RESTRkCTiONS, RESERVAiIONS AND NOTES ON TH� RECORDED PLAT OF VAI�. VILLAGE THIRTEENTfi FILING RECORDEn NOVEMBER 1Q, 1972 IN BOpK 226 AT PAGE 145. 9) ALL REFERENCES TO R�CORp DOCUMENTS ARE TO THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF TNE CLERK AND RECORD�R'S OFFICE OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. �0) THE ADDFiESB ON THIS PLAT IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TOTFl� TOWN OF VAIL FQR UPdATED ADDRESSiNG 1NFORMAiION. Administrator Certificate � Tfi�is final plat is hereby approved �y the Tpwn of Vail Administratar this a�- day of i� , a.d. 2013. ATTE�T. N "w, � A ministrator � Town o# Va�l, Coiarado Title Certi#icate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certifiy that the Title ta ail lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in Timotf�e T��e Stockton and Brielfe M. 5tockton, th�t title to such lands is free artd cfear of aEf liens and encumbrances, exeept as fallows: �U � —.. , _ --- �,° . Dated this � day oi , A.D., 2013. Agent signature Address: 610 West Lionshead Circle, #2U0 �/� � � Vsil, CO 81657 �. ,, Agent name �-[�l.l��� �I �� "; � CertifECate o# Taxes Paid I, 3he undersigned, cio hereby certily that the entire ari�ount of taxes and assessments due ancl payable upon ali parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in #uil as of Wl 3ti �U Dated this �'�'� day of c)vl,ti.Ul _______ , A.D., 2013. f�e� �v � 5�4.�.-�.� b CI�i�Q�Y � � 7reasurer af Eagle County �,p�p�1� a�OU i`'� Clerk and Recorder's Certificate �r� This Plat was filed for racord in #he Office of the Clerk and Recorder at `�-`3�a'afock ��!, on this � day of � , 2013, and is duly recorded ai Reception No.�131395� . � � �� ��� � � � , C4erk and Recorrfer � p �� � �� �� . `� ��� V '� � �,�,'" gy: , ep�� � ��� ,�„� B,� sE o�,� 6/26/2�13 a�cr�m ar� SE aP,��vc,va: 11-596p1at ��: 11 �596 sr�r 1 a� 1