HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4 Block 2 Lot 8 - Amended Final PlatINDICATES FOUND A No. S REBAR NATH A 1 }" ALUMINUM CAP P.I.S. No. 30091 TOP OF ALUMINUM CAP ELEVATION = 8521.82� (BASIS OF ELEVATIONS) PORTION OF ENVELOP VACATED BY THIS PLA INDICATES SET A No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 �" ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 30091 l�l����� / ACCESS, UTItJTY AND LANDSCAPING EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 745277) & ACCESS/UTILITIES EASEMENT�\ AND MAINTENANCE DECLARATION (RECEPTION No 9@�GeiG} �o i 3 I '� Sro3 ! N20°Ot'34"E — 134.24' �� N42"12'11 "W 73.87' N48'53'S9"E 15.00' �\ ACCESS EASEMENT � (RECEPTION No. 99i93� ZOI 3 ( %5(�3 LOT 8A � AMENDED FINAL PLAT LION'S I�I D�E SUBDIV15iON �i LI NG No. 4 A I�E5UBD1�lI�IQN O� LOT 8, BLOCK 2 LOT 8B T01NN OF VAI L, COU NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOI�ADO LAND USE SUMMARY� PARCEL AREA �AND USE ADDRESS LOT 8B 1.383 AC. ONE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1467B ASPEN GROVE IANE `., TRACT A .�oo•nn'�7"� _ 1R� (14' TRACT B Certificate of Dedication and Ownership "`' Know ail men by these presents that Danny R. Carpenter a�d D. Kaye Summers being sole owners in fee simple of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado described asfollaws: �ion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4, a Resubdivision of Lot 8, Blodc 2, Lot 8B, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, per the plat thereof recorded November 29, 2000, at Reception No. 745271 in the office of the Eagle Counry Clerk and Recorder, containing 1.383 acres more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this amended final plat under the name and style of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Fiiing No. 4, a Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 2, Lot 8B, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagie; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accomp�nying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which ar� irj[1i��ted as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does fiereby`grant the right to install and mai�tain nece:�sary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. EXECUTED this � day of � A.D., 2015. Owner : ����_�� —�-�� Addressw5�39.,H,igh Drive nny R. Carpenter � Skt�Synee Aha�Sion, KS 66208 STATE OF %S�U f � � � )SS COUNTY OF �tC SCY) ) The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Owne �Q� / , A.D., 2015, by Danny R. My Gommission expires: d Witness my haIn,d official seaL . � � ` 1,(��,, � �,.,..-., Not Public S88°44'52""W 55.oa' o ao so Feet SCALE: 1 " = 30' rship was acknowledged before me this o�02 day of Carpenter. . . 0 r�yoa� o��n� �re.�ste Owner : Address: 5639 High Drive D. aye Summers Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 STATE OF ���e SSDU�� ) �SS GOUNTY OF Ct'L S�(� ) The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this � day of ��� , A.D., 2015, by D. Kaye Summers. My Commission expires: � Zi Witness my hand official seal. ����� �� � � � �tM�a.r�+�n�: aCilB No y Public �++���`�� Title Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the Titie to all lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in Danny R. Carpenter and D. Kaye Summers, and that title to such iands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follo / .--� �.�-� c+r Dated this Z� day of w` A.D., 2015. Agent signature Address: 610 W. Lionshead Circle, Suite 200 - Vail, CO 81657 Agent name s...�+'^ v�"""'„"'' '"� - .e�.TJ`�'--� 02-. - �--- Administrator CeKificate i� This final plat is hereby approved by ihe Town of Vail Adminisirator this 3'day of c��.. , a.d. 2015. � C- inistrator n of Vail, Colorado � � Surveyor's Certificate I, do hereby certify that 1 am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this /�l day of ,H, /l'1� , A.D., 2015. � Samuel H. Ecker Coiorado P.L.S. No. 30091 GENERAL NOTES: i) DATE OF SURVEY: JANUARY 2015. 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE LINE CONNECTING THE MONUMENTS FOUND IN PLACE MARKING THE NORTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLV CORNERS OF SAID lOT 88, BEING S01°15'08"E {SEE DRAWING). � 3) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO MODIFY THE BUILDING ENVELOPE FOR LOT 88 AS INDICATED HEREON. ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF LOT 8B, PER THE PREVIOUS RECORD PLAT SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FQRCE AND EFFECT. 4) NOTIGE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANV LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCAVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFEGT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENGED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DA7E OF CERTIFlCATION SHOWN HEREON. 5) STREET ADDRESSES ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES.ONLY, VERIFY CURRENT ADDRESS WITH THE T04VN OF VAIL � COMMUNITYDEYELOPMENTDEPARTMENT. � 6) THE BOUtdDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE REGORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTV AND LAND TiTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY OFDER No. V50034768, DATED DECEMBER 28, 2012 AT 5:00 P.M. AND ONE REPORTQRDER No.555121, DATED DECEM�ER31,2014. � � 7) LOT $B IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTNE COVENANTS RECORDED JULY 7, 19851N BOOK 418 AT PAGE 738 AND AS AMENDED IN WSTRUMENT RECARDED AUGUST 75, 20W UNDER RECEPTION No. 736720 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 UNDER RECEPTION No.767308. 8) LOT $B IS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON PLAT OF LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING No. 4, RECORDED�Al1GUST 1, 19801N BOQK3U5 AT PAGE471. 9) LOT 86 IS SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 4, A RESUBDNISION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, RECORDE� NOVEMBER 29, 2000 AT RECEPTION No. 745271. 70) LOT 86 IS SUBJECT TO HOLY CROSS ENERGY UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF-WAV EASEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2W4 AT RECEPTION No. 890343, SAID. EASEMENT BEING TEN FEET IN WIDTH THE CENTERLME OF WHICH BEING AN UNDERGROUND POWER LME AS CONSTRUCTED. 11) LOT86ISSUBJEGTTOTERMS;CONDITIONSANDPROVISIONSOFAGCESSNTILITIESEASEMENTANDMAINTENANCE DEGLAFATION RECORDED J �1+7 �^� S T Z7 Z� �� n.¢�sn c'�w-� vu o. Z 6�$ l'7 S`� / 12) LOT 86 IS SU&IECT TO TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PRpVISiONS OF EASEMENT RECARDED , sez�sr— �,.,�4T Z--� Zo\ 3�a.�v-�. o�v n.�c . z�l 3 l is `3 � 13) ALL REFERENCES TO RECORD DOCUMENTS ARE TO THOSE REAL ESTATE RECARDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERKANO RECORDER. 14) LINEAL UNITS INDICATED HEREON ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. 15) THE BUIIDING ENVELOPE CREATED BY THIS PLAT HAS A MAXIMUM HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR A PORTION OF THE RESIDENCE T6 BE CONSTRUGTED OUTSIDE OF THE ORIGINAL BUILDING ENVELOPE. THE HEIGHT RESTRICTION IS 8496 FEET STARTING AT THE SOUTHEASTERN GORNER AND CONTINUING TO THE SOUTHWESTERN CORNER QF THE SOUTHERNMOST WALL OF THE � RESIDENCE (SEE DRAWING). Certificate of Taxes Paid i, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taues due and payable as of the� day of �j,Q('o ]e,� A.D. 20LS�_, upon all parceis of real estate described on this plat are paid in fuil. Dated this �i�j_ day of VVZ Q�, A.D., 2015. KGdt,►'���PQ� ,'�a�, C%1.�.�[.4-��%�4'40/y Treasurer of Eagle'CtSunty i�OSI't0 ( Clerk and Recorder's Certificat �� � This Plat was filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at �'clock A.l'� , on fhis � day of �,a.� , 2015 and is duly recorded at Reception No. o2D%5099.33 Clerk and Recorder Deputy oan�av sr SE DA�. 3/72/20Y5 cr�cxc7, er 'SE �n�c,va: 04-201—aep �� 04-201 srrFcr J a� 1