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0. 2010 resubmittal letter to TOV 11-15-10
1. Ever Vail final doc 1-10-10 rev
11x17 Comprehensive Project Overview_sm
2. fiscal impact report
3. FINAL_BBC_EverVail Retail_11-30-09
4. skier parking memo revised 10-26-10
5a. Ever Vail - November 2010 TIS
5b. Ever Vail Trip Gen Comparison Letter
6. Arborist 11-2-10
7. Ever Vail_Town of Vail EIR_NOV11 2010_Final
8. CDOT Environmental Clearance Letter_Frontage Rd_Vail_May 2010_DRAFT
9 Floodplain Mod 01-19-11
An Overview of the Lionshead Mixed Use Zone District 0315
Ever Vail Imapacts On Transit Services 072310
Ever Vail Re-Submittal Applications, Action Forms, And Notices
Ever Vail Transit Center Program 030810
WITH VIDEO EV TC presentation 3-1-11 overview