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5th Amendment Residences at Briar Patch - Amended Final Plat
Briar Patch Association Conveyance to the Town
Briar Patch Association Conveyance to the Town (2)
Briar Patch Conveyance to the Town of Vail
Briar Patch with 40 slope
Exhibit-P-Envelopes with ILC
Letter to G.Ruther 3.30.11
Parcel D Topo 071111
Parcel D Topo with 40 slope 071111
Parcel E-with 40 Slope 071411
Purchase Contract (2).DOC-#4010114v1_BUS_RE_ - Purchase Contract v3 Revised 7-20-2011.DOC
Purchase Contract v3 Revised 7-20-2011.DOC
RE-Residences at Briar Patch - PEC110034
Residences at Briar Patch - PEC110034
Restated Declaration of Covenants Briar Patch REVISED FINAL DRAFT revised 7-12-2011
StCharles EMail 072011 - PEC110034
Title Commitment TOV50030963-1
Yenter Companies Timber Ridge Rockfall Mitigation proposal agreement
Yenter Contract 090910