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00. VEAC Agenda 07-14-2020
00. VEAC Agenda 07-14-2020-V2
03. Economic Recovery Efforts in Response to Public Health Crisis
04.1 Alternate Housing SItes Initiative Memorandu of Understanding 07012020
04.2 AlternateHousingSiteInitiative
04.3 Memorandum of Understanding Exhibit A Development Cost Reimbursement 07072020
04.4 Memorandum of Understanding Presentation Memorandum 07072020
05. Update from Chris Romer who is unable to attend VEAC on July 14
06.1 Vail Custom DOR 6.15.20
06.2 Vail_Production_Notes_06-15-2020
06.3 Vail Daily Occupancy as of June 30 2020
06.4 Vail RAO as of June 30 2020
07. Update from Chris Romer who is unable to attend VEAC on July 14