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1989 Resolutions
1989-01 The Rental Rate for Deck Space Located on Property Owned by the Town
1989-02 Temporarily Extending the Terms of the PEC and DRB Members for Two Weeks
1989-03 Support of the Doubletree Hotel, Vail National Bank, and Vail Valley Medical Center
1989-04 Thanking the Many Organizations and Idividuals whose Dedication and Hard Work Made the 1989 World Alpine Ski Championships a Success
1989-05 Endorsing the Efforts of the City of Denver and the Winter Games Committee in their Bid for the 1989 Winter Olympics
1989-06 Designating Firstate Financial as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-07 Designating Sterling Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-08 Designating Secureity Bank as a Depository of the Town
1989-09 Designating Farmers State Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-10 Designating Coral Coast Savings Bank as a Depository for the Town
1989-11 Designating Bank of Horton, as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-12 Designating First Federal Banks of the Carolinas as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-13 Designating San Antonio Federal Savings Bank as a Depository for the Town
1989-14 Designating Sterling Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Town
1989-15 Designating First Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Town
1989-16 Designating Franklin Banks as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-17 Designating Security Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-18 Designating Hawhorne Savings and Loan for the Funds of the Town
1989-19 Designating Midstate Savings and Loan for the Funds of the Town
1989-20 Designating Exeter Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-21 Designating First National Bank of Glens Falls as a Depository fo the Funds of the Town
1989-22 Approving a Sale of an Easement Over a Portion of the Platted Forest Road
1989-23 Creating a Temporary Town of Vail Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee
1989-24 Creating a Temporary Town of Vail Marketing Advisory Board
1989-25 Setting the Date for a Special Election to Submit the Question of the Town's Participation in the Eagle County Television Translator District
1989-26 Creating a Temporary Town of Vail Art in Public Places Board and Adopting the Art in Public Places Program
1989-27 Petition to Withdrawl of All of the Property Located within the Corporate Limits of the Town of Vail from the Proposed Eagle Valley Metropolitan Television District
1989-28 Designating Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-29 Designating Underwood as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-30 Designating Eastern Savings Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-31 Designating Kislak National Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-32 Designating Republic National Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-33 Designating Standard Pacific Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-34 Designating Century Bank of Suffolk as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-35 Designating Century Bank and Trust as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-36 Designating Brentwood Square Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-37 Designating Trustcorp Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-38 Designating Columbia National Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-39 Designating First Cheshire Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-40 Designating Sunwest Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-41 Designating Pioneer Federal Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-42 Designating Fidelity Federal Savings Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-43 Designating St. Edmonds Savings and Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-44 Designating Monadnock Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-45 Designating East Bank NA as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-46 Designating Charter Bank for Savings as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-47 Designating Bay Loan and Investment Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-48 Designating Coast Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-49 Designating Mission Viejo National Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-50 Designating Souhegon National Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-51 Designating Center Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-52 Designating First Capital Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-53 Designating Security Pacific State Bank as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-54 Designating Westside Savings & Loan as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-55 Designating Homestead Savings Association as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-56 Designating Lyndonville Savings Bank and Trust as a Depository for the Funds of the Town
1989-57 Approving the Amended Town of Vail Personnel Rules and Regulations for the Employees and Officers of the Town of Vail
1989-58 Urging the Congress of the US to Resvise the Cable Communication Policy Act of 1984
1989-59 Adopting Certain of the Recommendations of the Vail Transportaion and Parking Advisory Committee Related to Short-Term Parking within the Town of Vail
1989-60 Support of Eagle County School District Special Election
1989-61 Endorsing and Supporting My Choice... Drug Free Colorado Red Ribbon Campaign
1989-62 Recognizing and Congratulating Red Sandstone Elementary School for Winning the 1989 State Champion Physical Fitness Award
1989-63 Adopting a Municipal Court Judge for a Term of Two Years
1989-65 Approving an Assignment of a Purhase Contract for the Purchase of Berry Creek 5th Filing
1989-68 IGA with Town of Avon and Eagle County Outlining Issues such as Future Public Use and Financing Contingencies for the Berry Creek 5th Filing and the Miller Ranch
1989-69 Establishing a Tax Anticipation Note Fund(Tan Fund) of the Town of Vail