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2005 Resolutions
2005 Resolutions (2)
2005-01 Designating Public Posting at TOV
2005-02 Designating the National Incident Management System as the Basis for all Incident Management
2005-03 Expressing Vigorous Opposition to SB62
2005-04 Recognizing Rotary International as the Premier Services Club in the World
2005-05 Dsignating Signers on the Investment Account held at Charles Schwab
2005-06 Authorizing Street -Cut Permits to be Issued between March 15 and April 15 Each Year in Certain Circumstances
2005-07 Designating two Properties Identified in Attachment (A) as Parks in the TOV
2005-08 Conditionally Approving the Consolidated Service Plan for Vail Square Metropolitan District 1,2, and 3
2005-09 Approving the Amended Lionshead Public Facilites Development Plan to include Tax Increment and Bond Financing as Authorized by the Urban Renewal Law
2005-10 Expressing Respect and Admiration for the Hard Work Betty Ford has Contributed to the TOV
2005-12 Approving the Amendment to Core Site Development Agreement
2005-13 Approving Parking Capital Investment Agreement with Vail Associates that relates to the Arrabelle at Vail Square Development
2005-14 Approving the Adoption and Confirming the Effect of the IGA with Vail Reinvestment Authority, Vail Square Metropolitan District 1,2, and 3, and Vail Associates
2005-16 Submitting the Registered Election held on November 8, 2005, Ballot Issue Concerning the Issuance of Bonds and an Increase in Taxes to Finance a Conference Center
2005-18 Supporting Referendum 1A, Establishing a Home Rule Charter Commission for the Purpose of Developing a Home Rule Charter)
2005-19 IGA with CDOT for Maintenance of I-70 Frontage Roads for 11.24 Miles, from Mile Post 172.2 to 180.3
2005-21 Amending the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan to Allow for Changes to the Architectural_Landscaping Considerations for Colors
2005-23 Repealing and Reeancting Resolution no. 15 2005 Amending Certain Sections of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan
2005-7(a) Designating the Middle Bench of Donovan Park