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1995- 1 Amending Chapter 17.26 -Condominium Conversions of the Vail Municipal Code
1995- 2 Amending Section 18.69.050 of the Vail Municipal Code Regarding the Maximum Allowable Height for Garages in the Front Setback on Lots Exceeding a Thirty Percent Average Slope
1995- 3 Vacating a Pedestrian Easement Located at 890 and 891 Red Sandstone Circle
1995- 4 Authorizing a First Supplemental Trust Indenture to the Trust Indenture Executed in Connection with the Town of Vail Single Family Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992
1995- 5 Animal Control and Carriage Operations Ordinance
1995- 6 Amending Chapter 18.71 of the Vail Municipal Code to Preclude a Dwelling which is a "Demo/Rebuild" from Being Entitled to Additional Gross Residential Floor Area to Qualify for the Addition of Up to 250 Square Feet
1995- 7 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 16, Series 1993; Amending Special Development District No. 5 and Providing for a Development Plan and Its Contents
1995- 8 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 7, Series 1993 to Provide Changes to Area A Requirements for SDD No. 4 that Concern the Development Plans for the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) Development Site
1995- 9 Rezoning a Parcel of Property Legally Described as Tract C, Vail Village First Filing from General Use District to Primary/Secondary Residential District
1995-10 Rezoning a Parcel of Property Legally Described as Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing from Natural Area Preservation District to the General Use District
1995-12 TABLED
1995-13 Amending the Charter of the Town of Vail to Protect Designated Open Space
1995-14 Providing for the Major Amendment of Special Development District No. 31, Golden Peak House; Amending an Approved Development Plan for SDD No. 31 in Accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code
1995-15 Correcting Ordinance No. 1, Series 1995 which Amended Chapter 17.26 - Condominium Conversions of the Vail Municipal Code
1995-16 Regulating Roundabouts and/or Rotary Traffic Islands and One-Way Roadways
1995-17 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 3, Series 1977, SDD No. 7, The Marriott Mark, Amending an Approved Development Plan for SDD No. 7, Amending the TItle of the SDD to the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail SDD in Accordance with Chapter 18.40
1995-18 Amending Section 9.22.010A, which Contains the Definition for Larceny
1995-19 To Change the Zoning of 67 Properties in the Town of Vail from their Current Zoning to the Natural Area Preservation District, Outdoor Recreation District, or the General Use District and Add Golf Courses as a Permitted Use
1995-20 Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Adopting a Budget and Financial Plan and Making Appropriations to Pay the Costs, Expenses, and Liabilities of the Town of Vail for 1996
1995-21 Amending Section 5.04.120 - Transfer of License and Section 5.20.100 - Exemptions
1995-22 Making Supplemental Appropriations from the Town of Vail General Fund, Parking Structure Fund, and Others of the 1995 Budget and Financial Plan and Authorizing the Expenditures of Said Appropriations as Set Forth Herein
1995-23 Amending Chapter 2.48 - Compensation of Town Officials
1995-24 Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 18.39 - Ski Base/Recreation District of the Vail Municipal Code
1995-25 Amending Section 18.24.050(B) of the Vail Municipal Code Setting Forth New Procedures for Eliminating Any Existing Dwelling Unit or Accommodation Unit or Any Portion Thereof Above the Second Floor in Commercial Core I and II Zone Districts