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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ 7M OF on¢ഀ OOMWJMrY MVELOPMWഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: KRUSE WINDOWS DRB Number: DRB090159ഀ Project Description:ഀ Participants:ഀ APPROVED REPLACE WINDOWSഀ OWNER KRUSE, MARK R. & BERNADINE M 06/04/2009ഀ PO BOX 1028ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ APPLICANT MATTHEW SEILER 06/04/2009 Phone: 719-955-7500ഀ 2255 RELIABLE CREEKഀ COLORADO SPRINGSഀ CO 80906ഀ Project Address: 2199 CHAMONIX LN VAILഀ UNIT 12, VAIL HEIGHTSഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 2,3, Block: Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS FIL 1ഀ Parcel Number: 2103-114-0401-2ഀ Comments: See conditions belowഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 06/10/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00ഀ AL.ഀ L 4:1 11ഀ 4 Department; ofi.Community`Development;ഀ 75South Frontage Roadഀ s Vail, Calotaഀ X F*ഀ rAഀ t u xഀ Application for Design Reviewഀ JUN 0 4 2009ഀ Minor Exterior Alterationഀ 111ഀ General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor Chang to bU ~lli h UiFs;VAtLഀ provements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applica a aiഀ Town Code sections can be found at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information - Town Code Online. All projects re-ഀ quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Designഀ Review cannot be accepted until,all required information is received by the Community Development Department, asഀ outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan-ഀ ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless aഀ building permit is issued and construction commences.ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercialഀ $20 for Single Family/Duplexഀ Single Familyഀ Duplexഀ Multi-Family Commercialഀ Description of the Request: j~& C e 0 "Aden CJ.sഀ Physical Address: - 2, 1 qq 14", a,M &1) /1 X LA 14 P it11- I ~v /Z west !/a, ~o g~~s~?-~1~~8ഀ Parcel Number: 10 3 11 U 0 Y D I P- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Property Owner: * M Z~VI 4,0"- ~2 c- sഀ Mailing Address: C. L o X, /o Z q AV a,1ഀ Owner's Signature:ഀ Z)ഀ Phone: q 7, - qq q -E p la, Iqഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Trഀ Mailing Address: o~ S~y7 e ~c' C, /6' r u '0ഀ 0 6 Phone: - 9 --'Nഀ E-Mail: S Q,i 12 2 K fbt i t od L S. o PO Fax:ഀ For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check # IV/ ct5 Iഀ Fee Paid: Received From: 4-4_a nA.Q Cup 0,n-f c, i re CA--ഀ Meeting Date: -7 DRB No.: T 909o (Sqഀ Planner: _i_ Project No: f9i _0ഀ Zoningഀ Location of the Proposalഀ Land Use:ഀ Lot: B!ock: Subdivision: OL; I :Btold~ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R090000608 Amount: $250.00 06/04/200902:23 PMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLEഀ Notation: 47451ഀ HOMEOWNERS DIRECTഀ ഀ Permit No: DRB090159 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,Comm/Multiഀ Parcel No: 2103-114-0401-2ഀ Site Address: 2199 CHAMONIX LN VAILഀ Location: UNIT 12, VAIL HEIGHTSഀ Total Fees: $250.00ഀ This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00ഀ FROM : Mtm FAY, NO. :ഀ Mountain Music, Inc.ഀ Market Place Buildingഀ 41184 Highway 6ഀ PO Box 5870ഀ Avon, CO, 81620ഀ FACSIMLIE TRANSMITTALഀ Jun. 01 2009 09:44AM P1ഀ Phone: (970) 949-5060ഀ Fax: (970) 949-1998ഀ TO: ^ `_0'jus FAX:ഀ FROM: DATE:ഀ RE:ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Mountain Music, Inc.ഀ JUN 0 4 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ PAGES: 2--ഀ if/! A ~l Jli'I t~' / lഀ COMMENTS:ഀ vഀ vഀ 1ഀ sഀ qഀ Uഀ Oഀ c~ഀ xtഀ 1ഀ cഀ aഀ lVഀ .~VVVഀ t~ഀ f~ഀ Jഀ Ed WUSb:60 600E To 'unfഀ 'ON XUAഀ S~_lഀ v~ഀ "vഀ ~Jഀ WI-W: WG~ -ഀ ■ഀ q~e~ 1ഀ ഀ rഀ Eഀ Z : t ~ഀ ഀ Mഀ a rഀ ഀ - -ഀ _ ~ -ഀ Iഀ S~ cc"~ഀ T (6C fഀ ~~KrSഀ f !(A , e)ഀ Fio o Kഀ Renewal By Andersen ® . CUEഀ CUSTOMER NAME: Li+L"rഀ tഀ NOTE: Review this worksheet thoroughly. Once it is signed and accepted it becomes part of yoഀ purchase agreement. Any changes may result in an increase in price.ഀ w'~tഀ h ULLED with #ഀ utamrnഀ K1 ruu Screen ❑liall'Screen PI Hard w~rഀ YPഀ ❑ FF Brickmold Tvpcഀ (DB onlyഀ Color Iഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ Dee ription,--A ` )~j-/Tr ~7Tt~teഀ >ഀ ErFiberglass (standardഀ ❑ TruScenc-ഀ ❑ tandardഀ 9Metro (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ Picture Framcഀ 1ഀ I ❑ Fullഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ Location V' rl T ~M)ഀ ~ഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW;ഀ 0 Bump Outഀ -ഀ BAഀ LL ML ULഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ hഀ Color: Ex[ Intഀ 0Standard ❑Ferrഀ OSLI Hingedഀ ❑ Increase Openinyഀ 0Cascade ❑Pebbhഀ ❑ Decrease Openiniഀ ~fZഀ SASH RATIOഀ ❑ Nഀ Sill & Aഀ Size W 1 Hഀ ewഀ prorഀ Glass T : CLR ow-E Sunഀ ❑ illesഀ a ternഀ C~ഀ Double Hung Windowഀ Typeഀ Tech Measurementഀ -ഀ Typeഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oഀ iഀ l Sഀ ❑ New Interior Tnmഀ A1 ~3 ~t1 I , ~ഀ \ഀ t^ n'/ഀ ~h Y /t`ഀ Color Ext Intഀ rഀ eഀ tyleഀ ❑ 3:2 ❑4 2ഀ ❑p easineഀ aഀ ,ഀ 1ഀ ❑ Litesഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ Wood Sureഀ t / 5/ X v Iഀ Wഀ SI/S3 W Hഀ Sഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ Typeഀ Otes:ഀ 2 W -Hഀ GPW or CPWഀ ഀ Iഀ lഀ lഀ 1ഀ 2ഀ 0 New Int.Returmഀ 4ഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ :ഀ :ഀ , 0ഀ IOഀ :ഀ :1ഀ N~ rick Tഀ ❑ Drywall []Woodഀ ❑ TyPcExtcnor Trimഀ peഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ to ramcഀ onlyഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ ❑ Bottom Supponഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ Exterior Trimഀ ED with #ഀ Q Insert" - ❑ Full Framtഀ Location I I t O(ഀ BA LL' I\ L ULഀ Color: ExJtIW4-lnt_ഀ Size W / V H-6Z .ഀ Tech Mcasuremeniഀ aഀ t0C) J ULLED with #ഀ (DB onlyഀ EfFiberglass (standardഀ ❑ TruScenc,ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onl3ഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑ Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pcbbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext tntഀ ❑ Litesഀ SI/S3 W Hഀ S2 W Hഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ Color ( II.)I) i T4L-ഀ ❑ Standardഀ Ef Metro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ 0 Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ 0 I:I:I 01:2:1ഀ El In;ert Brickmold Typeഀ d Picture Frame onlyഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noncഀ 0 Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openincഀ ❑ Decrease Openinkഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ 0 New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New lm.Returmഀ ❑ Drywall []woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ (DB onlyഀ 129 Fiberglass (standardഀ Colorഀ ❑ Srഀ U rr tsnckmolo typeഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ Descriptionഀ (Z ~~jQ(r~l[^ഀ ❑ TruScene-ഀ s:ഀ eഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ~Iഀ ❑ഀ m tro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Noneഀ nticrtഀ ull Framrഀ 0 Aluminumഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ Locationഀ ❑ Temperedഀ 11 T-Handle (CW & AW;ഀ [I Bum Outഀ BA LLഀ M j LtLഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ 0 Remove Mullionഀ Obscuredഀ []Standard ❑ Ferrഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ ❑ Cut New Openin-ഀ ❑ Iഀ Oഀ iഀ Color:ഀ E.xtഀ iഀ 1l-lntഀ ?ഀ fഀ []Cascade ❑Pcbbltഀ ncreaseഀ pcnഀ nrഀ ❑ DecreaseOpcninfഀ Size Wഀ Hഀ ~ഀ SASH RATIOഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Glass T~ :ഀ _ഀ -ഀ CLR ow-E Sunഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Pഀ tteഀ Double Hung Windowഀ Typeഀ Tech Mea uremeniഀ aഀ rnഀ Tyഀ eഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ Oഀ iഀ l Sഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ pഀ rഀ eഀ ❑ഀ tyleഀ ❑ Casingഀ -ഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ Typeഀ ❑ Litesഀ S I/S3 Wഀ Hഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ -ഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ TYPcഀ S2 W Hഀ GPW or 'PWഀ t-ഀ ❑ New Int.Rcturn>ഀ 0 Baഀ /Bowഀ ❑ IAA 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Drywall C ]Woodഀ /ഀ yഀ Finish to Soffiഀ /ഀ 'e] Insf~t Brickmold Tvpeഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typcഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ Picture Frame onl)ഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ ❑ Bottom Supportഀ 0 Overfit Trimഀ Exterior Trimഀ The Abo%e specifications are correct. No other work or materials will be provided. I authorize Renewal By Andersen to process this order.ഀ Signed: r Date: Signed: Date:ഀ JNI WINDOW WORKSH~'IT Pazc _X:, _ ofഀ lRe~ newal By Andersen: ° CUSTOM WINDOW WORKSHEET Page of ~ഀ NOTE: Review this worksheet thoroughly. Once it is signed and accepted it becomes part of yoഀ CUSTOMER NAME: purchase agreement. Any changes may result in an increase in price.ഀ MULLED with #If)-ഀ Descriptionഀ , Insert ❑ Full Fram(ഀ Location in clerl-Iഀ -L,6z I I, A:ഀ BA LL ULഀ Color: Ext V_t,Int VVഀ W Hഀ s Type: CLR ow-E4) Sunഀ Measurememഀ 1 1) MULLED ith#LjL9ഀ Description C 1~ഀ Vഀ Insert ❑ Full Framiഀ Location tഀ BA LL M ULഀ Color: ExtW~-Int \J 4ഀ Measurememഀ (DB onlyഀ ❑ Fiberglass (standard:ഀ ❑ TruScene-°ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑ Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ Litesഀ SI/S3 W -Hഀ S2 W Hഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ (DB onlyഀ $ Fiberglass (standard.ഀ ❑ TruScene-ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ PatternTypeഀ Color: Ext In[ഀ ❑ Litesഀ S1/S3 W -Hഀ S2 W _Hഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ Color UM •~YZ~ഀ ❑ Standardഀ ❑ Metro (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW:ഀ b No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1:1:1 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onl)ഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ Color W VV, T-ഀ ❑ Standardഀ AMetro (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ Casement Wind wഀ OSLI Hinged _ഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ l:l:l 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onl3ഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Type-ഀ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnsഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Type _ഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnsഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ MULLED, withഀ Descriptionഀ ,tSI Insert ❑ Full Framiഀ Location ~y_ഀ BA LL (YE ULഀ Color: ExtV14 Int~,,J~ഀ Measurememഀ (DB onlyഀ ❑ Fiberglass (standard;ഀ ❑ TruScene°ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ Litesഀ S1/S3 W Hഀ S2 W -Hഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Supportഀ Colorഀ ❑ Standardഀ ❑ Metro (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1:1:1 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onl)ഀ ❑ Overtit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Type-ഀ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnsഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ The Above specifications are correct. No other work or materials will be provided. I authorize Renewal By Andersen to process this order.ഀ Signed:ഀ C..".-ഀ Date:ഀ Signed:ഀ Customerഀ Date:ഀ :Renewal By Andersen ° CUSZ M WINDOW WORKSHE. Paeeഀ r NOTE: Review this worksheet thoroughly. Once it is signed and accepted it becomes pan of y1oഀ CUSTOMER NAME: 4J X11 ~t~~ s u 5 purchase agreement. Any changes may result in an increase in price.ഀ LULLED with #ഀ uഀ iഀ Dഀ pഀ escrഀ B~Imcn Full Fram,ഀ Locationഀ BA LLഀ Color: Ext Insഀ Size W Hഀ Glass T CLR ow-E Sunഀ Tech Measurementഀ Notes, 'Xഀ (D13 onlyഀ fiberglass (standardഀ ❑ TruScene-ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑ Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebblrഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext Insഀ ❑ Litesഀ SI/S3 W Hഀ S2 W Hഀ ❑ BayBowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ color ) L fl t4-ഀ ❑ Standardഀ @,lCletro (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AWഀ No Lift/Pullഀ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2!3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ I:I:I ❑ 1:2:1ഀ El Insert Brickmold Typeഀ E~f Picture Frame onlyഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ FF Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Framcഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ 0 Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openineഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnrഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ p~JoS MULLED with #ഀ Description'` A`k~Ytk t~T, CT~Uഀ Insert ❑ Full Fram,ഀ Location ~l.~z i2U0I-Y)ഀ BA LL ML ULഀ Color: Ext l~f Intjkl±ഀ iat?ramഀ Size W Hഀ I-, 1ഀ Glass -vpe~ CLRഀ ow-E4ഀ Sun t~ഀ /,tomഀ TP Nlca~t 3 nilഀ >ഀ 64ഀ CIAIഀ ;votes:ഀ 0 -V~ a 3'14 x ~a-ഀ (DB onlyഀ Color U) h , I Yഀ fiberglass (standardഀ ❑ Standardഀ ❑ TruScene°ഀ ff"Metro (CW & AW,ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ഀ Temperedഀ ❑ T-Handlc (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ No LifL/Pullഀ ❑ഀ Obscuredഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ ❑Standard ❑Ferrഀ OSLI Hingedഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebb t .ഀ 1 'ഀ e Ueഀ SASH RATIOഀ Windowഀ nഀ blഀ Hഀ Dഀ ❑ഀ Grillഀ hഀ tLx~Cഀ gഀ eഀ uഀ ouഀ -ഀ Pattern Onഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ Type E!ഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ Color: Ext ntഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ഀ Litesഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ SI/S3W Hഀ 02:3 024ഀ S2 W Hഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ഀ BayBowഀ fഀ eഀ t Brickmold Tഀ eഀ [9 iഀ ❑ Finish to Sofഀ itഀ ypഀ nsഀ rഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ [Picture Frame onlyഀ ❑ Bottom Supportഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Storഀ Typeഀ ❑ Ncw Int.Return>ഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ w0I MULLiED with #ഀ Description ~~~,tഀ IR"I'nscrt ❑ Full Fram,ഀ 2,-ഀ Location H-Q;~ഀ BA LL ML Lഀ Color: E.xt jaf_Inlo'lltഀ Size W 4 ~ H -52-ഀ Tech `lcasurcmcnlഀ iutc~.ഀ S+cc k b k v\Aa 1Jഀ (DB onlyഀ fiberglass (standardഀ ❑ TruScene-ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑ Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext Insഀ ❑ Litesഀ SI/S3 W Hഀ S'_ W Hഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ Color ice) T\ 1ഀ ❑ Standardഀ M-10'etro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW:ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ 0 3:2 04ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1: [A 01:2_:1ഀ se Bric old ypeഀ FS onഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Opcningഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returmഀ ❑ Drywall ❑Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ R...... Iഀ The Ahme specifications are correct. No omer wore: or melerlM.' K nl oc I'll"-CU. ,ഀ Date: Signed:ഀ Date:ഀ Renewar By Andersen ° CUSTOM WINDOW WORKSHEET Page ofഀ NOTE: Review this worksheet thoroughly. Once it is signed and accepted it becomes part of yoഀ CUSTOMER NAME: purchase agreement. Any changes may result in an increase in price.ഀ MULLED with #.S 17ഀ Description P y_ഀ K Insert ❑ Full Framtഀ Location aciഀ BA LL ML ULഀ Color: Ext_UJIf Int U I iഀ Sizeഀ Measurementഀ Diaeramഀ (DB onlyഀ ❑ Fiberglass (standard,ഀ ❑ TruScene-°ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑Standard ❑Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ Patternഀ Typeഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ Litesഀ S1/S3 W Hഀ S2 W -Hഀ C4ഀ r C l i C, /-)Dഀ ULLED withഀ Description C Iഀ B Insert ❑ Full Framiഀ Location O&dഀ BA LL ML ULഀ Color: Ext ~ J R nt w 1Aഀ ❑ Bay/Bowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffiഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppoഀ (DB onlyഀ K Fiberglass (standard.ഀ ❑ TruScene-ഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑ Standard ❑Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ PatternTypeഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ Litesഀ S1/S3 W Hഀ S2 W Hഀ ❑ BayBowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffitഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Supportഀ Colorഀ ❑ Standardഀ ❑ Metro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW;ഀ b No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ 0 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1:1:1 []1:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onl3ഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ Colorഀ ❑ Standardഀ S,Metro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW,ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ Casement Win wഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1:1:1 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onl3ഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ Q New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returmഀ ❑ Drywall []Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnsഀ ❑ Drywall QWoodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ JMULLED with #5-Aഀ Descriptionഀ A Insert ❑ Full Framtഀ Location 'ReAഀ BA LL M,~L UL ffഀ Color: Ext j R Int W ~-tഀ Measurementഀ 14ഀ (DB onlyഀ ❑ Fiberglass (standard.ഀ ❑ TruScenewഀ ❑ Aluminumഀ ❑ Temperedഀ ❑ Bottom sash onlyഀ ❑ Obscuredഀ ❑Standard ❑Ferrഀ ❑ Cascade ❑ Pebbltഀ ❑ Grillesഀ PatternTypeഀ Color: Ext Intഀ ❑ Litesഀ SI/S3 W Hഀ S2 W H_ഀ ❑ BayBowഀ ❑ Finish to Soffitഀ ❑ Build Roofഀ ❑ Bottom Suppcഀ Colorഀ ❑ Standardഀ ❑ Metro (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ Compact (CW & AW'ഀ ❑ T-Handle (CW & AW;ഀ ❑ No Lift/Pullഀ ❑ Casement Windowഀ OSLI Hingedഀ SASH RATIOഀ Double Hung Windowഀ ❑ Equal Sashഀ ❑ Oriel Styleഀ ❑ 3:2 04:2ഀ ❑ Cottage Styleഀ ❑ 2:3 02:4ഀ GPW or CPWഀ ❑ 1:1:1 01:2:1ഀ ❑ Insert Brickmold Typeഀ ❑ Picture Frame onlyഀ ❑ Overfit Trimഀ ❑ Traditionalഀ ❑ Picture Frameഀ ❑ Noneഀ ❑ Siding Cut Backഀ ❑ Bump Outഀ ❑ Remove Mullionഀ ❑ Cut New Openingഀ ❑ Increase Openingഀ ❑ Decrease Openingഀ ❑ New Sill & Aprorഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Interior Trimഀ ❑ Casingഀ Typeഀ ❑ Wood Stopഀ Typeഀ ❑ New Int.Returnsഀ ❑ Drywall []Woodഀ ❑ New Exterior Trimഀ Typeഀ ❑ Coil wrap Existingഀ Exterior Trimഀ a.~;.Pn vismiഀ The Above specifications are correct. No other work or materials will be provided. I authorize Renewal By Andersen to process this order.ഀ Signed:ഀ Customerഀ Date:ഀ Signed:ഀ customerഀ Date:ഀ