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ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ Design Revievv Boardഀ ഀ ACTION FURMഀ ~ഀ Depatttnent of Carnmunity Develapmentഀ Mo ~F VE ~ 75 South Fi-ontage Road, Vail, CaEorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ wea; wvvw.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: TRUSCHEIT TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DRB090161ഀ ഀ ~ Project Description:ഀ PHASED REMOVAL OF DEAD LODEPOLE PINES: 12 IN 2009, 12 IN 2010 AND 5 IN 2011.ഀ Participants:ഀ ഀ OWNER TRUSCHEIT, ROBERT E. 06/05/2009ഀ 2338 HEARTH DR 39ഀ EVERGREENഀ CO 80439ഀ APPLICANT TRUSCHEIT, ROBERT E. 06/05/2009ഀ 2338 HEARTH DR 39ഀ EVERGREENഀ CO 80439ഀ Project Address: 4017 LUPINE DR VAIL Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN SUBഀ ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-122-1900-4ഀ ഀ Comments: See Conditionsഀ ഀ ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ ഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 06/17/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Cond: CON0010784ഀ The applicant and/or contractor shall keep a copy of this permit on-site during theഀ performance of all work.ഀ Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $0.00ഀ ഀ ഀ FROM :ROBERT TRUSCHEIT FAX N0. :970 926 2190 Jun. 04 2009 10:09AM P1ഀ ഀ ഀ F .J •i~:" ;f c, ~rli II I, LS~ഀ hi~ qG`~.nF>" ~ .RC~ A~;~ 4 r~, ~~v 2 ti ~A•~ *V.. .v~. ^x r q F i#7.~,ഀ tnfഀ ~krs ~,'C~` ~it ~ഀ ~°SS ~f~, ~ഀ ~ഀ ~'Q,'~,i2„~,it' ~.¢.3~~u~~.,!'~V~iick n. r q.~.+~lq ~x 31rrr, ~ar ?°Y` ~Gnb"~~' • ..37Pa''~t~r"'~Y~'4.~,.„ ~~.~,T~n~~+q,~~;~ ~ ' s.'.~ . l~~ r,:, ,r..ഀ in'~~'.,~1L) ~r, yn.,~1~~ ~~a~'j~~)g~f~".qp~~,.~C1 h~c~3^^yu>6~~ifaa+r+~S';+, "~,a.ty'1n~9,t4~f +r'h~hi,a~k 1" ya+~~~'Ji~~(' vU,.,,~~. ~ ~'a. s~ A 4,"~ ; K q T~ ~ ~ q. .~u; ~ .k ~Y`~ .b•~~ഀ ഀ vഀ lap gj~h-ഀ e,p~$evte ~ ~ ~5rd~. fp~~~~ഀ 'y ^ 4~~~yy,`~"h,+.~'~a ~..~.~..,`,lati ..Y~~~p~~Q~;wk ~rM~~`,. ~F-biY~9)..~~~iA~,.A~'"~'°`n. 3 .,,+q`~,•~~ .1~~~~~ Y`'1F~7i'~~l~yll~~ .ഀ jiഀ ~ ,af ."'r",~Vഀ .L ' yrഀ , ~ഀ h~ • r ~y,ഀ ,~~~tk^F~~.y4 12 J Fr ' ivT~N" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y" ~ ~ • ~~s' . :ഀ ~ w` *~f m"i'~`+ ,i: 1ex,'~txJe ~~1 ~ vro~ ~w A . w~~`~" ~ 1^,~"~j.'~ ~ '.^t ~~p;..ഀ ~ . ~p~., . n ~ , ~ eഀ . . . . . . . . . .ഀ ഀ . . . . .ഀ . .ഀ .ഀ pe:,ad` .ഀ . ~ ~ ,o;i-: Disea;sed;'Tree;=:Rem~o~vഀ :ഀ . _ . . . . . . .ഀ . .ഀ :ഀ ഀ ഀ .ഀ ഀ . . . , ~ഀ . .ഀ .ഀ „ , . . . .ഀ ~ : : .ഀ . . ;ഀ ; , . . : ; . : . : . .ഀ , :ഀ enera! 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Allഀ of these trees have been dead for several years and none are currently infested. Weഀ have no live trees showing evidence of infestation.ഀ ഀ As discussed at our meeting, the plan below takes into account several factors inഀ optimizing the removal of the trees, including the substantial expense to be incurred,ഀ minimization of disturbance to the property and neighboring properties, mitigationഀ of disturbance to the creek and protection of structures on the property.ഀ ഀ I have divided the trees into three groups as shown on the survey. Group Iഀ (currently identified with blue tape on the property) will be targeted first andഀ removed this Summer. This group includes 12 trees, 41% of the total. This groupഀ includes trees proximal to the east property line, adjacent to the Thomas property.ഀ This group has been targeted first to afford maximum protection to the neighboringഀ property. Upon approval of the plan in total, I will immediately file for a permit toഀ remove the Group I trees. Upon receipt of the permit, the trees will be removedഀ within eight weeks of the date of the permit, to allow for time to retain and scheduleഀ a tree removal company. The trees with diameters of 24 inches or less will be cut toഀ 6-7 ft. lengths and placed street side for processing by the Town of Vail, as discussedഀ at our meeting.ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ }ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ Group II trees are those proximal to the creek and will be removed in like fashion asഀ Group I, in the Summer, 2010. Group III trees are those proximal to existingഀ structures on the property and will be removed in the Summer of 2011. Please noteഀ the location of the trees on the survey is approximate, but the dead trees are easilyഀ identified on the property in the areas marked.ഀ ഀ In closing, I would urge you to consider the extreme expense that has been assignedഀ to Vail homeowners by the Town of Vail with the tree ordinance. I would urge theഀ Town of Vail to allocate more funds to assist homeowners in the tree removalഀ process. Vail has received the benefit of a tremendous amount of revenue from theഀ sales transfer tax from real estate, and should now allocate funds appropriately toഀ assist homeowners in the protection of the same real estate.ഀ ഀ Please contact me at the address or phone number above to provide approval forഀ this plan or should you have any questions.ഀ ഀ Thank you for your assistance in this matter.ഀ ഀ Sincerely,ഀ ഀ ~ഀ ഀ Robert Truscheitഀ ഀ ~ w 3<' y ~ ~ഀ at°~~e°~' ~ / agഀ °3~a~~ ~ , ~ഀ 609) 3/1/t/O 3NId177ഀ ഀ >aao- ~ _ - - % - - -ഀ ~s~ഀ ഀ Z~_ഀ C)ഀ Q) ~-tiഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ oഀ ~w ;ഀ O ~ഀ ഀ f ~ \ \ I ~ IIഀ 1ഀ Iഀ Iഀ aഀ njഀ \ D P('ഀ • ~ ` ( Iഀ ~wഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ g ~ " ~ y ~ ✓ \ \ ^1 ; c..ഀ e ~ഀ \ഀ ZDഀ aഀ 00ഀ o 4ഀ 0ഀ iഀ 00ഀ • ~ - a \ ~ y ~ N n ' 'ഀ y S ^ I . ` ~ 9Lഀ 'n 4 ~ i •ഀ rQ O ~ ~ y ~ . . 1ti ; ~ x \ x 2 . 1`_,✓ / I / ~~I~~ % ~ %yi ~ 3'y~ ~ ~ 1ഀ ustഀ chഀ ~ ~ 11 Z , "L T ` sഀ - g$f8'ഀ \c ~ y ~ ~ - ~ ~ i i %ഀ A ~ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ Oഀ . . • " .%'Q ~ 0/~~~1~ iy.~ . ~ i~ //rJl~\, ~ / ~ ~ "ഀ . . 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