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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ TOWN W viaഀ CQ%% MTY MVELOPMEWഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: ERWSD WATER TANK FENCE DRB Number: DRB090189ഀ Project Description:ഀ INSTALL CHAIN-LINK SECURITY FENCE AROUND GORE VALLEY WATER TANKS IN EAST VAILഀ Participants:ഀ OWNER GORE VALLEY WATER DISTഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ APPLICANT DENNIS GELVINഀ 846 FOREST RDഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ Project Address: 5004 SNOWSHOE LN VAILഀ 06/15/2009ഀ 06/15/2009 Phone: 970-476-7480ഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: Block: 19 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1ഀ Parcel Number: 2099-182-0000-1ഀ Comments:ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 06/22/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00ഀ Applicationഀ Minor Exഀ Design Revi4ഀ )r Alterationഀ General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving mino~r hanm"4iloptjVA" site im-ഀ provements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retain ica a Vailഀ Town Code sections can be found at www.vallaov.com under Vail Information - Town Code Online. All projects re-ഀ quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Designഀ Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, asഀ outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan-ഀ ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless aഀ building permit is issued and construction commences.ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commerdalഀ $20 for Single Family/ Duplexഀ Single Familyഀ Duplex Multi-Familyഀ Commercialഀ Description of the Request: 111 ff<. a,& A, ( ,w'% Ire l G~ഀ c.~ G ©,'Q (~a /(~u fury r in V A_,' l .ഀ 500 ~ഀ Physical Address:ഀ Bഀ Parcel Number: )09 l ~a (C tact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Property Owner: ~~-e VCLII ILJ and -DLA- l d)e V2GcLjഀ 0ഀ Mailing Address: )CiYZJf ,mo d, VA4 1 ~ LU x/ (9 5-7- - 7 70 - q 7 U 720ഀ Phone: `170 -17 Cc _ -7ഀ Owner's Signature:ഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: b? ijo j 6 e t U , 4/t4ഀ Mailing Address: J L~ A0 a hGV~ഀ Phone: 971) -N7b ° 7 y a oഀ E-Mail: Fax:ഀ 7G~ഀ For Office Use O sh_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Aut Check # -1 Fee Paid: - G6 Received From: VJ~ഀ Meeting Date: / 161 DRB No.:ഀ Planner: 22 C1 Project No: Y (Z -s) Cq~ 2.,4Zഀ Zoning: Land Use:ഀ Location of the Proposal: Block: Subdivision: ~c6tr~t5 jഀ Apr-09ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R090000724 Amount: $20.00 06/22/200904:33 PMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: LCഀ Notation: #4525/ERWSDഀ ഀ Permit No: DRB090189 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,Comm/Multiഀ Parcel No: 2099-182-0000-1ഀ Site Address: 5004 SNOWSHOE LN VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees: $20.00ഀ This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00ഀ Awrrl"ഀ 1GAF-1,ഀ June 9, 2009ഀ Design Review Boardഀ 75 S Frontage Rdഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ EAGLE RIVERഀ WATER $ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ (970) 476-7480 0 FAX (970) 476-4089ഀ www.erwsd.orgഀ SUBJECT: Fencing Project for Gore Valley Tanksഀ Dear Design Review Board,ഀ Please find the attached application materials for your review. Just after the initial application page I included correspondenceഀ between Bill Gibson and I that clarifies some questions regarding the application process for this project. The onlyഀ problematic section of the application is the site plan. As you'll read in the subsequent pages, we don't have any formal plansഀ for this project; the design engineer was RBD who, at one point had offices in Vail, Ft. Collins and Colorado Springs. Afterഀ exhaustive research into this company, in hopes of attaining original plans, I am still at a dead end. Any phone numbers orഀ emails associated with this company are no longer in service. I do apologize for the subpar quality of the site plan submitted.ഀ Please let me know if you need any additional information or clarification. Thank you.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Karen Shanleyഀ Safety Coordinatorഀ Eagle River Water & Sanitation Districtഀ JUN 15 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KSHANLEYDESKTOP\EAST VAIL TANK FENCING PROJECT\DRB PACKAGE~DRB COVER LETTER.DOCXഀ June 9, 2009ഀ Design Review Boardഀ 75 S Frontage Rdഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ EAGLE RIVERഀ WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 846 Forest Road 0 Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ (970) 476-7480 0 FAX (970) 476-4089ഀ www.erwsd.orgഀ SUBJECT: Fencing Project for Gore Valley Tanksഀ Dear Design Review Board,ഀ The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act (Public Law 107-188) was passed onഀ June 12, 2002. Title IV (Drinking Water Security and Safety) of this law required each community serving more than 3,300ഀ persons to perform a Vulnerability Assessment by December 31, 2003. The US EPA implemented the process underഀ direction from the Department of Homeland Security. Subsequently, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District performedഀ a Vulnerability Assessment in October of 2002 and it was specifically noted that the Gore Valley Water Storage Tanks shouldഀ have perimeter fencing to provide additional protection for the water supply. Since this study was conducted, the District andഀ the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, which we also manage, have been identifying key locations that have heightenedഀ activity or potential for intrusion. Some instances include Vail Tank 5 (Booth Falls), The Avon Drinking Water Facility, and theഀ Edwards Tank (Homestead).ഀ While we have held off from fencing every tank in an effort to allocate funds appropriately, it has become apparent that theഀ Gore Valley Tanks are susceptible and need to be secured. This has been noted by numerous instances of vandalism andഀ high traffic through the area. Specifically, we have seen several bon fire rings atop the subterranean tank as well as adjacentഀ to the above-ground tank. The above-ground tank's cathodic protection was vandalized and physically removed from the tankഀ during the winter of 2008. Backcountry ski tracks abound on the site and, during the week January 191h, five backcountryഀ snowboarders were seen atop the subterranean tank. The Gore Valley Tanks are the sole source of water storage in the Eastഀ Vail area and must be secured more effectively.ഀ The EPA also funded a project known as WISE (Water Infrastructure Security Enhancements). WISE is a collaborative effortഀ between the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Waterഀ Environment Federation (WEF) which has developed materials to assist in the implementation of security recommendationsഀ for water and wastewater infrastructure. I have attached section 5.0 of the WISE document, Finished Water Storaoeഀ Facilities, which was used in our decision making process. Based on this document we have identified our design basisഀ threat (DBT) for the Gore Valley Tanks to be base capability vandals, therefore requiring basic perimeter fencing with aഀ locked entrance gate.ഀ Attached is the standard 10' security fence tank design that we plan to install at the Gore Valley Tank site. We would like toഀ receive input from the Town regarding an acceptable color to be included with the installation and any other comments orഀ concerns.ഀ We are committed to finding a process that is workable for us both in managing these facilities productively in the future.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Todd Fessendenഀ Water Division Managerഀ Eagle River Water & Sanitation Districtഀ Enclosures: CDPHE Letter, WISE Section 5.0, aerial photos of the Gore Valley Tank site, fence cut sheet, Intermountainഀ Tank Fence schematics (similar to our plan for Gore Valley), plan view schematic of tank site, supplemental photosഀ c: Linn Brooks, Karen Shanleyഀ C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KSHANLErDESKTOP\EAST VAIL TANK FENCING PROJEC-FORBPACKAGE\EAST VAILTANK DRBNARRATIVE.DOCXഀ STATE OF COLORADOഀ Bill Ritter, Jr., Governorഀ James B. Martin, Executive Directorഀ Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Coloradoഀ 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S.ഀ Denver, Colorado 80246-1530ഀ Phone (303) 692-2000ഀ TDD Line (303) 691-7700ഀ Located in Glendale, Coloradoഀ http:/Avww.cdphe.state.co.usഀ June 9, 2009ഀ Design Review Boardഀ 75 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ Laboratory Services Divisionഀ 8100 Lowry Blvd.ഀ Denver, Colorado 80230-6928ഀ (303) 692-3090ഀ Dear Design Review Board,ഀ pF•Cഀ 1876ഀ Colorado Departmentഀ of Public Healthഀ and Favironmentഀ The security of our public water systems is vital to the health and well-being of those they serve, andഀ threats to these systems come in many forms, both intentional and accidental. We have seen from theഀ 2008 Salmon//a outbreak in Alamosa that a crippled water system affects much more than a resident'sഀ ability to obtain safe drinking water. It can shut down schools, day care centers, hospitals,ഀ restaurants, recreational facilities, and laundromats, as well as manufacturing and industrial processes.ഀ One can imagine the impacts of an intentional contamination when the contaminant is unknown andഀ the water cannot be used for any purpose, including firefighting.ഀ The Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmentഀ routinely conducts sanitary surveys based on guidelines established by the Colorado Primary Drinkingഀ Water Regulations and the Design Criteria for Potable Water Systems These documents can be foundഀ on our web site at http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/-drinldnqwater/OuickUnks.htmi. Using theseഀ documents as standards, our engineers inspect many aspects of the water system, including treatmentഀ processes, storage tank integrity, and physical security. When deficiencies are observed, they areഀ ranked as Significant, Minor, or Recommendations. If deficiencies are not corrected, the system isഀ referred to our Enforcement Unit, at which point fines may be levied against the system. It isഀ important to note that over the past year, the Division has begun to escalate the enforcement of theseഀ deficiencies, and it intends to continue this practice in the future.ഀ The Design Criteria for Potable Water Systems is currently undergoing revision. By instruction from theഀ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the security portions of this document and of the sanitaryഀ survey itself are receiving greater focus and scrutiny. The distribution system, of which storage tanksഀ are a part, will also receive greater attention because of its inherent vulnerability. When a vulnerabilityഀ or deficiency is identified, it becomes the water system's responsibility to correct or mitigate theഀ vulnerability. This is part of the due diligence that all water systems must practice. If the waterഀ system has not practiced due diligence in regard to a known vulnerability, it may be held accountableഀ for harm to its customers that is related to the exploitation of this vulnerability by vandals, trespassers,ഀ or other ill-doers.ഀ Page 2 of 2ഀ It has come to the Division's attention that Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) hasഀ recognized vulnerabilities related to its Gore Valley water storage tanks in the Town of Vail. Theഀ Division recommends that the system erects a fence adequate to protect the storage tank againstഀ vandals and trespassers. Section 1.0.4 of Appendix I, Water Storage, of the Design Criteria for Potableഀ Water Systems states that measures should be taken to prevent trespassing, vandalism, and sabotage.ഀ These measures include signage, fencing, and locks. Fencing should be designed such that nearbyഀ objects, such as structures or natural features, cannot be used to scale the fence. If such objectsഀ cannot be avoided, the fence height should be adjusted accordingly.ഀ Securing the public water supply makes sense for many reasons, the most important of which is theഀ health of our citizens and visitors. However, the legal and economic impacts of a contaminated waterഀ supply can be far-reaching. Together or separately, these factors should outweigh any objections aഀ community has against employing adequate protection for this vital resource.ഀ If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Mary Messec Smithഀ Drinking Water Security Coordinatorഀ Water Quality Control Divisionഀ 303-692-3581ഀ 5.0 Finished Water Storage Facilitiesഀ 5.1 Scopeഀ This section of the Draft American National Standard for Trial Use covers water storageഀ tanks and finished water reservoirs used within a potable water distribution system. Itഀ establishes benchmark physical and electronic security features for protecting a storage tankഀ or reservoir (referred to as the facility in this section) from vandal, criminal, saboteur, andഀ insider threats. The malevolent act of greatest concern is the intentional contamination of theഀ drinking water with a toxic agent. A similar, related concern is contamination with a foreignഀ substance that does not cause health effects, such as a dye, but does create a loss ofഀ confidence or even panic among the utility's customers. Other concerns include destructionഀ or damage to the tank or reservoir and related appurtenances so that it cannot serve itsഀ intended purpose, or destruction or damage such that a rapid release of the stored waterഀ causes property damage and possibly harm to people living near the tank or reservoir.ഀ 5.2 Facility Missionഀ (1) The mission of this facility is to store potable water for distribution to customers. Storageഀ is needed to meet daily flow fluctuations, for fire fighting, and for emergencies. Three typesഀ of potable water storage are typically employed in the water industry: aboveground waterഀ storage tanks, elevated tanks, and covered reservoirs. Aboveground water storage tanks areഀ constructed of concrete, steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), or wood with the tank floorഀ situated at grade (that is, it is not an elevated tank on columns). The diameter and height ofഀ this type of tank will vary depending on volume requirements. Elevated tanks are typicallyഀ of steel construction with the tank itself perched on steel legs. The tank is accessible via aഀ ladder or system of ladders. Covered finished water reservoirs may be slightly larger andഀ are often constructed below grade but with access and vents at or above grade.ഀ (2) Usually, these facilities are not staffed, and operations and maintenance personnel visitഀ the sites infrequently to perform maintenance activities or to respond to failure alarms. Theഀ tanks and reservoirs are often located in residential, park-like settings or in the midst ofഀ more densely populated urban areas where the public has access to the base of the tank. Inഀ other cases, the tanks are isolated from general public access. Potable water storage facilitiesഀ at more remote locations within a distribution system may be provided with chemicalഀ facilities (chlorine and/or ammonia) to maintain chemical attributes of finished water as itഀ progresses through the distribution system. Measures to address chemical facilities areഀ presented in Section 4.0 (Water Treatment Plants) and are not included here.ഀ (3) AWWA Manual M-42, Steel Water-Storage Tanks, (1998) and D100-05: Welded Carbon Steelഀ Tanks for Water Storage (2005b) provide additional information on the design and function ofഀ steel water storage tanks. Concrete tank standards and information are provided inഀ AWWA's D110-04 (2004b), D115-95 (1995) and American Concrete Institute's (ACI) 371R-98ഀ DECEMBER 2006ഀ GUIDELINES FOR PHYSICAL SECURITY OF WATER UTILITIES 5-1ഀ Guide for the Analysis, Design, and Construction of Concrete-Pedestal Water Towers. FRP tanksഀ are covered in AWWA standard D120-02 (2002).ഀ 5.3 Philosophy of Security Approachഀ (1) An effective security approach for water storage facilities includes equipment or systemsഀ to deter, detect, delay, and respond to a threat prior to achieving his/her objective orഀ mitigation of the consequences of a successful attack by the threat. The equipment andഀ systems for successful detection and delay of a threat should be matched to the capabilitiesഀ of the DBT, which are usually established during a facility's VA. In addition, equipment andഀ systems should be selected bearing in mind that the adversary must be adequately delayedഀ until the utility's identified response force arrives.ഀ (2) DBTs considered in this section include vandals, criminals, saboteurs, and insiders.ഀ Characteristics and capabilities of the two levels of threats - base and enhanced - uponഀ which the benchmark security measures in this section are based, are presented in Table 1-1,ഀ Design Basis Threat Capability Matrix. Threats with capabilities less than or greater thanഀ those identified in Table 1-1 require a less or more robust security system as appropriate.ഀ Physical security measures are recommended without regard to cost or other factors thatഀ may preclude their implementation.ഀ (3) Benchmark security measures for deterrence, detection, and delay are provided in thisഀ section. Approaches for consequence mitigation are presented in the Interim Voluntaryഀ Security Guidance for Water Utilities (AWWA 2004a) and are not addressed here.ഀ 5.4 Benchmark Security Measuresഀ (1) Table 5-1 establishes the benchmark measures for a recommended security system toഀ deter a threat or detect and delay the threat until the appropriate response force arrives. Ifഀ the threat includes more than one DBT, for example, an enhanced criminal and a baseഀ insider, the security system should include the recommended security measures for bothഀ threats. Recommended security measures for a specific DBT are indicated with a check markഀ in the table. A security measure without a check mark for a specific DBT indicates thatഀ either the security measure is not recommended or a more robust security measure isഀ recommended. The security measures of Table 5-1 have been grouped into the followingഀ categories:ഀ • Perimeterഀ • Site (area between perimeter and facilities)ഀ • Facility Structuresഀ • Closed-Circuit Television - Alarm Assessment (fixed cameras)ഀ • Closed-Circuit Television - Surveillance (pan-tilt-zoom [PTZ] cameras)ഀ • Power and Wiring Systemsഀ • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - Physical Securityഀ DECEMBER 2006ഀ GUIDELINES FOR PHYSICAL SECURITY OF WATER UTILITIES 5-2ഀ (2) Security decisions are site and utility specific, and the measures identified in the table areഀ good practice options to be considered, not rules to follow. Additionally, the measuresഀ presented in the table are for typical water storage facilities. Storage tanks with differentഀ attributes or threats with capabilities in excess of the descriptions in Table 1-1 may requireഀ additional or more robust security measures. Appendix A provides additional details onഀ security measures (specific sections are referenced in Table 5-1 where applicable).ഀ DECEMBER 2006ഀ GUIDELINES FOR PHYSICAL SECURITY OF WATER UTILITIES 5.3ഀ yഀ Yഀ Cഀ F-ഀ CDഀ Oഀ aഀ Cഀ Oഀ Qഀ Qഀ n~ഀ Cഀ @mഀ 6ഀ ccഀ c~ Eഀ W Lഀ J Uഀ Cഀ rmഀ mഀ coഀ Uഀ Ojഀ Cl)ഀ .4ഀ r.ഀ COഀ O 00ഀ O CDഀ Oഀ Cഀ 'C O a rഀ Cഀ O.ഀ Nഀ 1..ഀ Oഀ hഀ Oഀ t-ഀ ~jഀ Oഀ rഀ vഀ e-ഀ tഀ rഀ Q mഀ rഀ rഀ O cഀ rഀ Nഀ hഀ 00ഀ 0ഀ m pഀ t~1 oiഀ Nഀ Nഀ _ഀ 3ഀ ~pഀ Nഀ Oഀ V ~ഀ >ഀ LAഀ Wഀ Hഀ Cഀ ~ഀ >ഀ Jഀ Tഀ mഀ yഀ l0ഀ LGഀ .Oഀ mഀ V ~ഀ ഀ Tഀ '7ഀ 7ഀ Tഀ ?ഀ 7ഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ G Jഀ 7ഀ Wഀ mഀ Oഀ .Oഀ lQഀ dഀ >ഀ Uഀ mഀ Jഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ 7ഀ Tഀ ?ഀ Tഀ Tഀ mഀ Nഀ 10ഀ mഀ Vഀ Vഀ oഀ >ഀ m mഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ Cഀ Illഀ Eഀ Lഀ Uഀ ;ഀ mഀ Jഀ Tഀ ?ഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ mഀ yഀ mഀ mഀ •oഀ V mഀ s mഀ Tഀ ?ഀ Tഀ 7ഀ ?ഀ Tഀ Jഀ Cഀ Wഀ l0ഀ .Oഀ Cഀ .mlഀ Tഀ Tഀ Tഀ 7ഀ Tഀ mഀ Y!ഀ t0ഀ mഀ wഀ eU0l~J8}84ഀ mഀ oഀ eAeled •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ Vഀ Cഀ fAഀ ^ഀ m Cഀ 'E yഀ coyഀ mഀ rm+ഀ coഀ y 07ഀ tmഀ Eഀ Oഀ Coഀ Uഀ _ഀ mഀ coഀ Cഀ yഀ E~ഀ •N 7 mഀ rnmഀ yഀ mഀ n coഀ COഀ °ഀ mഀ y r_ഀ o~ഀ CL mഀ ,ഀ toഀ m fqഀ YNmഀ Cഀ Cഀ y Cഀ CCഀ .G mഀ > 0ഀ Vഀ ഀ mഀ Nഀ 9 Cഀ wഀ O y 7 C mഀ 0)ഀ mഀ Cഀ Cഀ yഀ E 3ഀ mഀ aഀ te-ഀ C mഀ Eഀ L Lഀ Oഀ c mഀ yഀ V M 3ഀ °ഀ m°ഀ coഀ yഀ ~ഀ Cഀ V m mഀ yഀ U Cഀ Oഀ N mഀ omഀ y>ഀ Yഀ aഀ 8 mഀ wഀ .0ഀ ~ഀ m~:D++ Cഀ °ഀ Cഀ Lഀ yOഀ m O mഀ .ഀ Eഀ Cഀ m yഀ ഀ a co EDഀ •O O>ഀ c0--9ഀ O mഀ y Eഀ UOഀ y=ഀ mഀ mഀ Eഀ C»ഀ Nഀ Cഀ N`ഀ ഀ rഀ maഀ -roഀ iഀ mഀ Qഀ mഀ wഀ 01!ഀ mഀ 2ഀ lഀ m,ഀ ~aഀ Yഀ vഀ Oഀ ഀ 3:.T, Gഀ 0ഀ Z~ഀ Cഀ C iഀ Yഀ 2ഀ Fഀ Wഀ 0ഀ caഀ Qഀ ~clഀ 6ഀ w u,ഀ yഀ 162ഀ 1 jwഀ Nഀ Yഀ cഀ Hഀ mഀ rnഀ 0ഀ CDഀ iഀ 'C7ഀ cഀ Oഀ 2ഀ Oഀ Qഀ mഀ Oഀ N Eഀ wLഀ J Uഀ Cഀ F- mഀ Tഀ rഀ o ~ryഀ Nഀ Oഀ ofഀ Oഀ qഀ O Q -ഀ Oഀ r-ഀ CVഀ Mഀ Mഀ Mഀ rഀ Oഀ Q/ഀ 0 Wഀ coഀ rഀ rഀ Oഀ hlഀ rഀ rഀ rഀ Mഀ .ഀ aഀ ~ഀ Nഀ Oഀ M ciഀ Mഀ sഀ ഀ toഀ rഀ 3ഀ ഀ ~ Jഀ 12ഀ cഀ LUഀ mഀ Cഀ Jഀ mഀ Nഀ Wഀ mഀ Vഀ V mഀ C> 7ഀ W 41ഀ ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ C Jഀ 0ഀ Wഀ mഀ a+ഀ Oഀ ~ഀ Wഀ mഀ ~ഀ Mഀ aഀ Wഀ mഀ mഀ c mഀ W m 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ aഀ G Jഀ LUഀ Cഀ Eഀ vഀ >ഀ Jഀ mഀ aഀ Wഀ mഀ .dഀ cc 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ aഀ cഀ Wഀ 'aഀ cഀ >ഀ _ഀ mഀ mഀ Jഀ mഀ Nഀ Wഀ ~UOI}~8}8Q •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ mഀ Cഀ Lഀ mഀ $ഀ oഀ I mഀ oഀ Wഀ 0ഀ Oഀ Vഀ Uഀ >ഀ N> Vഀ Ofഀ .r Cഀ ` 'Eഀ 'Eഀ Yഀ -0.8ഀ 1011 tmഀ Eഀ m~ഀ ° Eഀ W Cഀ cഀ 1ഀ 0ഀ O Wഀ °'oഀ Wഀ 0Mഀ oഀ t~ Oഀ Tഀ m 3ഀ 4 mഀ Eഀ Cഀ •Uഀ oo _ഀ ,ഀ 2ഀ 13,8ഀ yഀ O>ഀ 0ഀ ഀ L-ഀ 0 0-ഀ mഀ Nഀ -Sഀ WCyഀ c Uഀ -ഀ mഀ pഀ yഀ COഀ m•-ഀ .ഀ vEഀ oഀ Uഀ oഀ m cഀ rn oഀ a~~ഀ Eഀ E rnഀ cഀ rn~ഀ cഀ avഀ N cഀ ,o.aഀ yഀ aഀ m~ഀ Cഀ D >ഀ 'ഀ E mYഀ 6ഀ mഀ Cഀ *Uഀ Wഀ yഀ L Uഀ Cഀ 7L 8ഀ m mഀ = Yഀ i a~ഀ cഀ wഀ a?ഀ ഀ aഀ m 'i7 Vഀ d Nഀ Oഀ w 2ഀ Wഀ S Nഀ c cഀ oഀ Bഀ U) 5ഀ 0wO7ഀ `iഀ zYzഀ 1Qഀ Wഀ rഀ Wഀ 0ഀ zRഀ 06ഀ EELഀ Lഀ 47 Wഀ bbdഀ Cl)ഀ xഀ O:ഀ Fഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ COഀ vഀ Cഀ 0ഀ Oഀ vഀ Oഀ Qഀ Lഀ ~Oഀ caഀ .Cഀ .7ഀ N Eഀ Wഀ F mഀ mഀ O t'n0ഀ Vഀ Xഀ ~ഀ vഀ (Vഀ N Oഀ CDഀ a 0 C.ഀ Oഀ Nഀ Nഀ Nഀ COI 67 mഀ Mഀ Nഀ Oഀ m 04ഀ Oഀ Oഀ mഀ mഀ (Oഀ O•ഀ Oഀ Oഀ tഀ rഀ rഀ tiഀ 3ഀ aഀ mmഀ 12ഀ Cഀ LUഀ mഀ aഀ cഀ mഀ Jഀ ~ഀ •ഀ mഀ aഀ mഀ mഀ aഀ dഀ 7 7ഀ ~ഀ 12ഀ utഀ 0ഀ ~ഀ mഀ mഀ mഀ ഀ 7 7ഀ ?ഀ mഀ mഀ mഀ aഀ C mഀ m mഀ LAഀ Jഀ Cഀ LUഀ Eഀ Vഀ >ഀ Jഀ ~ഀ mഀ Hഀ c~ഀ coഀ aഀ mഀ C mഀ m >mഀ 7 7ഀ 7ഀ c ~ഀ Wഀ aഀ Cഀ CDഀ mഀ tl1ഀ mഀ wഀ vഀ mഀ 0ഀ eAeieaഀ Ccഀ Oഀ Lഀ O Lഀ Laഀ •ഀ °ഀ mഀ G Oഀ m 0ഀ o Cഀ m [2ഀ 0 mഀ 0aഀ 0ഀ Nഀ Oഀ Aഀ D7~ CLഀ 'ഀ L>+0ഀ bഀ LL Uഀ Vഀ LbL Uഀ m wഀ E >.5ഀ Coഀ E~ Uഀ `ഀ mഀ ~pഀ = m O mഀ m CDഀ 9ഀ m"c 3ഀ >ഀ mഀ ca m 0ഀ ccoo"cഀ N (Dഀ Nഀ W j N C .ഀ O V C Y Nഀ t0 bഀ m Cഀ mഀ d bഀ m L 7ഀ N 'a Oഀ N L 7 fAഀ L mഀ Yഀ Gഀ ~jഀ L m Oഀ Y O Oഀ f0 N O 0 .0ഀ Yഀ t0 Uഀ c6 Oഀ m Oഀ C ~ഀ ~ഀ ?ഀ c0 " V Vഀ T 0-ഀ -j O m J Oഀ J E a 0ഀ >b yrഀ .ഀ 'O mSഀ I- E oഀ Hb 0ഀ Xഀ tNഀ 9ഀ 0ഀ c 0ഀ 'Lഀ Z Nഀ aCLa-ഀ ry CL a-ഀ Nഀ Yഀ Cഀ I--.ഀ mഀ rnഀ 0ഀ mഀ -oഀ Cഀ 2Oഀ 0ഀ .Qഀ coഀ U)ഀ caഀ ഀ 'Cഀ 7ഀ COഀ N Eഀ W cഀ H coഀ dഀ Mഀ Chഀ -ഀ rഀ Oഀ C7ഀ vഀ pഀ cs dഀ rഀ rഀ Nഀ 25ഀ cഀ 'ഀ rഀ rഀ rഀ pഀ Nഀ Nഀ D O aഀ :p CLഀ -ഀ ഀ rഀ p Mഀ a;ഀ O. 0 Oഀ mഀ CA Nഀ rഀ Ca r rഀ rഀ rഀ Q y mഀ Nഀ Nഀ Q Nഀ o)ഀ CAഀ 3ഀ ~ഀ oഀ rഀ ~ഀ ഀ doഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ rഀ nഀ M dഀ Tഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ Jഀ Lഀ Wഀ mഀ 'Oഀ Cഀ ~ഀ Jഀ Nഀ !0ഀ coഀ .dഀ mഀ V mഀ r- gഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ ?ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ Tഀ c~ഀ 3ഀ mഀ wഀ 0ഀ caഀ mഀ .ഀ coഀ mഀ ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ Tഀ Nഀ 10ഀ mഀ 'Dഀ L mഀ {0 mഀ t Jഀ Nഀ cഀ ioഀ wഀ Lഀ Eഀ Lഀ Uഀ ;ഀ Jഀ mഀ Nഀ Nഀ mഀ Vഀ V `ഀ mഀ r>ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ Nഀ wഀ Mഀ cഀ mഀ Jഀ mഀ ?ഀ Tഀ 7ഀ 7ഀ Nഀ {0ഀ mഀ euo!=owedഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ mഀ 0ഀ gfeieaഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ •ഀ a lഀ 0 1ഀ `O Iഀ aഀ Nഀ l0ഀ U Vഀ m Nഀ O_ഀ CLഀ O Oഀ CLഀ Oഀ Qഀ Oഀ 42)ഀ pഀ <4ഀ Oഀ Uഀ Yഀ x Cഀ Cl Oഀ yഀ p Oഀ COIIIഀ NOഀ Oഀ cc NEഀ QNrsഀ Cഀ cca0 ccഀ Wഀ mഀ Nഀ Oഀ Oinഀ ro'aYഀ 0 Oഀ ~.Cഀ UYഀ f~.1Y Eഀ Oഀ VYഀ •ഀ `Dഀ ~ഀ ~aഀ m(Dഀ ;ഀ ammoഀ CDoRഀ 3>ഀ mcccഀ •ഀ m oഀ 'ഀ acഀ {ഀ 7ഀ vഀ w tഀ 0ഀ m- m Lഀ C Nഀ E'ഀ 9 (Cഀ Cഀ cc -ഀ r E' A mഀ m m Cഀ O O.ഀ 3¢ഀ O `ഀ L Oഀ Oഀ w -ഀ Oഀ cഀ ~ഀ mഀ U)ഀ = m-v 0ഀ B 7 Nഀ m O.ഀ >ഀ 0`ഀ > myഀ mഀ mഀ mഀ >r-'mvഀ 3ഀ >--mvഀ Oഀ Oഀ OYഀ Vഀ 0.0ഀ Nഀ 5ഀ N-Oഀ Nഀ Yഀ E- 3 Eഀ Y mഀ Cഀ 7ഀ mഀ Yഀ C U mYഀ Y Nഀ ~1ഀ C V O Qഀ Nഀ Y m ,qഀ C V 7 E 2ഀ ~ Oഀ mഀ I Lഀ 2ഀ Oഀ Qഀ a Eഀ U Oഀ co 0ഀ H O N 0ഀ N Cഀ I Oഀ t0 C C7ഀ I- V N 0ഀ M.5 O .Cഀ H 0 'p Nഀ cc." 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