HomeMy WebLinkAboutB09-0210 Arosa Duplex Mitigation Confirmation 030410www. vailffov. com
March 4, 2010
1St Bank of Avon
attention: Adina Dean
Post Office Box 5270
Avon, Colorado 81620
RE: Mitigation of debris flow hazard at Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge, located at 2657
Arosa Drive, Vail, Colorado
Dear. Ms. Dean,
This letter is being provided as verification that certain measures have been taken to.
address the Moderate Hazard Debris Flow on the above referenced lot. Prior to
construction of the new duplex residence a study was performed by HP Geotech, dated
August 6, 2009, identifying the extents and impacts of the hazard designation on the lot.
In response to this report a method of mitigating this hazard was designed and installed.
In a letter written and signed by David A. Young, a Colorado Registered Professional
Engineer, with HP Geotech dated November 16, 2009, it was identified that the
mitigation solution was constructed per the engineering requirements. These
documents are attached for your reference.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me by email at
wcampbellCa7vailgov.com or by phone at 970-479-2148.
Warren Campbell, AICP
Chief of Planning
Town of Vail
xc: File
August 6, 2009
J.L: Viele Construction, Inc.
Attn: Brent Arnold
1,000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202
Vail, Colorado `81.657
Subject: Conceptual Debris Flood Mitigation Concepts; Lot 8,, ;Block C; Vail.Ridge,
2657 Arosa Drive, Vial, Colorado
As discussed in our telephone call with you and Mark I iinabf Peal;. !,and. Consultants on.
August 4; 2009; we are providing conceptual debris flow mitigation concepts for the.
proposed. duplex at the. subject site. We previously conducted a. debris flow and risk,
assessment of the property:and;presented:.aur findings ui a report dated July 24, 2009,.
Job No. l'09 226&1
Building the project as shown on the conceptual site plan and providing: a .high level of
protection against debris flood impact will not be practical. We:discussed moving the'
building to the east and reconfiguring the east unit to provide space for ad, wall
between the building and the. existing flow channel. Filling .in the. drainage for the
driveway will constrict flows. A box culvert can be provided below the driveway but the
drainage flows into an undersized culvert ; below the site that will backup in a design flow
event. A lame debris flood event could overflow the.ex sting 61iannel and flow onto
Arosa Drive:
llen;oi?rcl1 l'rttla :ti p[e tl iic;il, Inc,
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Job No. 109 226A
+Conceptual Mitigation Concept: Provided the duplex-owner accepts: the potential.for
at least
2 feet:above the:building.
rovide.a"low ride of impa
lie, potential. Wlien the
1, we should evaluate the:
reduction of the risk to the site for acceptance by the duplex owner.
.If, you have any, questions or need further.assistance. please let us know.
h .
Steven L. Pawlak; P:.. "
Rev. by: DAY
cc: J.L. Viele Construction
Peak. Land Consultants
Scott Ashburn, (scott cr v eleconstiuetion:coin)
Mark Luna, PE (luna@peakland.not)
i-ker 0:7-841-71 19 - ('01orado. Springs 719,663-5,562 o Silverrho me 970-468.-1989
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November 16,, 2009
J.L. Viele Construction, inc.
Attn: Scott Ashburn
th Frontage Road West; Suite 202.
Vail, Colorado 8;1657 Job No. 109 226A
Subject: Observation. of Boulder Deflection Merin Construction for Debris Flood
Mitigation;. Proposed Duplex, L.ot. 8, Block C. Vail Ridge,, 2657 Arosa
Drive, Vail, Colorado
Dear. Scott:
As requested; we observed construction of the. debris flow mitigation boulder deflection
berhi at the subject site on Noveixiber:3,.:44 and 12, 2009. The purpose of our observations
was'to evaluate. compliance with our previous recormnendations. The;boulder berm
deflection wall is part of the debris flow mitigation for the site development.
:Recommendations for the boulder deflection wall were provided in our debris flow
mitigation report for the site dated August 3 2009;, Job No_ 109 226-.
Can N:oveinber, 3,. constructions of the boulder berrxi was just underway and we met with the
contractors to discuss the proposed; construcdoh.. At this thile, the 30 in ch diameter
culvert below the proposed drivewgy.had been. installed and the building foundation.
back-fill was. essentially complete. On November 4, construction of the berm was
proceeding orii south to i ortl . At the time of our NoWiribez 12 site visit; the berm was
essentially completed.,.
The deflection. bernlAs located just west ofthe. duplex. currently udder constmction.afthe
site The. berm,is from about 4K to 6 feet tall with the louver portion, of-the berm. anchored
into the ;h §ide soutliw. 68t ofthe duplex. The beiiii was constructed`witli about 2 to:5..:feet
diameter:.suban'! ar to angular boulders embedded about 1 foot in fhd natural ground
surface: Th'reconlinended 2 feet of eiribedu ent was obtained bv:aa additional 1 foot of
fill along the front side The westeii' ,boulder side of the berm facing the. drainage
channel was battered back at about :Y2 (horizontal) to f(vertical). 'Filter :fabric was,placed
on the. eastern, down, drainage: side of the boulders to. separate the boulders:.from the on-
site soil backfill,. The baclefill slope;ofthe berm*was ,front about l to 1!/2 (h) to 1 (v) 00w11
to a shallow drainage swale near the duplex:
The boulder berm has. been constructed in. general accordance with our previous
recommendations. The steep backfill slope will t6nd:to erode.and slump aril should be
either flattened to the design drawing grade of l3/ (h) to 1(V) or retained at the toe such as
with another boulder wall to provide the flatter slope. grade prior to .revegetaY on. Regular
m1aintenance to the deflection berm, especially after a debris flood event, should be
lPr il.(.er 303-841-71:19 G C olorado Springs 719.633-5562 0 Silverthorne 9704584989
J.L. Viele Construction, Inc.
November 16, 2009
Page 2.
expected. Other applicable recon-unendations and precautions provided in our previous
reports should also be observed.
If you have any questions or need further: assistance, please let us know.
David A. Young, P.E.
Rev. by SLP
cc: Peak Land Consultants - Attn: Mark Luna, PE (luna@peaklaind.net)
Job No. 109`226A