HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090251Design Review Board਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ 1bWN OF VAi਍ഀ Ci l'.U-UNIrY DEVELOP%IE117਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Project Name: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES EXT RENOV DRB Number: DRB090251਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ COMMON ELEMENT: RE-PAINT, REPLACE GARAGE AND UNIT DOORS, INSTALL NEW EXTERIOR਍ഀ GARAGE LIGHTS ON ALL UNITS (1 TO 44)਍ഀ OWNER MORRISON, JOHN E. & SANDRA D 07/09/2009਍ഀ 5097 S FRANKLIN਍ഀ ENGLEWOOD਍ഀ CO 80113਍ഀ APPLICANT STEVE ANKERHOLZ 07/09/2009਍ഀ PO BOX 296਍ഀ AVON਍ഀ CO 81620਍ഀ Project Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL਍ഀ UNITS 1-44, COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-124-2100-1਍ഀ Comments:਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP਍ഀ Second By:਍ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 07/14/2009਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of਍ഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).਍ഀ Cond: 0਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with਍ഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.਍ഀ Cond: 201਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of਍ഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.਍ഀ Cond:202਍ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following਍ഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is਍ഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.਍ഀ Cond: CON0010853਍ഀ All new exterior light fixtures shall be "full cutoff' in accordance with Section਍ഀ 14-10-7, Outdoor Lighting, Vail Town Code.਍ഀ Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00਍ഀ General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site im-਍ഀ provements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail਍ഀ Town Code sections can be found at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information - Town Code Online. All projects re-਍ഀ quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design਍ഀ pai!t ~t as਍ഀ Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Com pie ; p਍ഀ outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed b 'C6ncl arid/of-ti n-਍ഀ ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year f the date of approval, u I a਍ഀ building permit is issued and construction commences. ni 1 1਍ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial਍ഀ $20 for Single Family/Duplex L਍ഀ TOWN 07,F ~~AI~_਍ഀ Single Family Duplex _ Multi-Family Commerci਍ഀ Description of the Request:਍ഀ ~e- ga c ►t f਍ഀ r਍ഀ y` 41 `਍ഀ e jM਍ഀ neiz~ uatf'cz~4f-਍ഀ k){਍ഀ r਍ഀ trn~lf਍ഀ orS਍ഀ /~i~w <CL rS਍ഀ 111~w L,~~fs.਍ഀ Physical Address: 6/- SZ਍ഀ JW<1ael'i਍ഀ .਍ഀ Parcel Number: Z l 01 1 2 Lf਍ഀ 2- 1001਍ഀ (Contact਍ഀ Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ Property Owner:਍ഀ Q਍ഀ 1C1r_1 IOW਍ഀ l਍ഀ A o/r1e_S਍ഀ r~਍ഀ a਍ഀ Mailing Address: I L2. ©਍ഀ x 176 2-਍ഀ c),਍ഀ b / 6 51਍ഀ Phone:਍ഀ q/70 q y 9- 3 y/਍ഀ Owner's Signature:਍ഀ ਍ഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative:਍ഀ tr c਍ഀ A k Q o z਍ഀ Mailing Address: 00 pox਍ഀ z c/਍ഀ A ✓0 t---਍ഀ o .਍ഀ gl6 z o਍ഀ Phone: q7~ 9 t/~. G c f਍ഀ E-Mail: f! a k ef- J y (z- z I 'V L I4 41 oo . L10 w~ Fax: Sa " -e-਍ഀ For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check # 1-7'!-Z-਍ഀ 9਍ഀ Fee Paid: Received From: ~VnIC.P~~41Z (y1L਍ഀ Meeting Date: !K1 SIMI DRB No.: PC- b03O?/15~਍ഀ Planner: Project No: F K)0M 1 - 0 u਍ഀ Zoning:਍ഀ Land Use:਍ഀ Lot: Block: Subdivision: I XAN,,0k dA e਍ഀ Location of the Proposal਍ഀ Application for Design Review਍ഀ Minor Exterior Alteration਍ഀ Tm QF i਍ഀ JOINT PROPERTY OWNER਍ഀ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER਍ഀ This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of the subject property. For exam-਍ഀ ple, the subject property where construction is occurring is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This਍ഀ form shall be completed by the applicant's neighbor/ joint property owner. In the case of a multiple-family dwell-਍ഀ ing or multi-tenant building, the authority of the association shall complete this form and mail to: Community਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452.਍ഀ I, (print name) S ~"c L A cd` 6` ©~z a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property਍ഀ located at /-/5-7T Z //,~7 -e.1 provide this letter as਍ഀ written approval of the plans dated D which have been submitted to the਍ഀ Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad-਍ഀ dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:਍ഀ n਍ഀ rota -r IJGo r-਍ഀ far- V-JOO਍ഀ ~kf 5਍ഀ 7- e-0 2'਍ഀ (Date)਍ഀ Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you:਍ഀ tf I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en-਍ഀ sure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations.਍ഀ (Initial here)਍ഀ o I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re-਍ഀ view process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further re-਍ഀ view by the Town.਍ഀ (Initial here)਍ഀ ਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ ਍ഀ Statement Number: R090000812 Amount: $250.00 07/09/200909:29 AM਍ഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLE਍ഀ Notation: 1792 ANKERHOLZ਍ഀ INC਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No: DRB090251 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,Comm/Multi਍ഀ Parcel No: 2101-124-2100-1਍ഀ Site Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL਍ഀ Location: UNITS 1-44, COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES਍ഀ Total Fees: $250.00਍ഀ This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00਍ഀ PROPOSED MATERIALS਍ഀ Building Materials Type of Material਍ഀ Roof਍ഀ Siding਍ഀ Other Wall Materials਍ഀ Fascia਍ഀ Soffits਍ഀ Windows਍ഀ Window Trim਍ഀ Doors਍ഀ Door Trim਍ഀ Hand or Deck Rails਍ഀ Flues਍ഀ Flashing਍ഀ Chimneys਍ഀ Trash Enclosures਍ഀ Greenhouses਍ഀ Retaining Walls਍ഀ Exterior Lighting਍ഀ Other਍ഀ Color਍ഀ XleoYiu m S-4/ t, 1/ Lfi to z, e਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. /਍ഀ Fr^otk-t ofoo1S - S(K AlIt'AFa~1c` {Joe( 5 Photo fj('A 50'.'e cdav''਍ഀ G&1'41e or°oors - ooerl"'4 6"r Co S~ P ~tio+o਍ഀ Page 1 of 1਍ഀ Bill Gibson - Courtside Townhomes (DRB090251)਍ഀ r--- - w - . From: Bill Gibson਍ഀ To: ankerholzinc@yahoo.com਍ഀ Date: 7/14/2009 4:13 PM਍ഀ Subject: Courtside Townhomes (DRB090251)਍ഀ Attachments: Courtside Townhomes.pdf਍ഀ Hey Steve,਍ഀ Please find attached a copy of the design review approval for the exterior renovations to the Courtside਍ഀ Townhomes on Meadow Drive. As we discussed, all new exterior light fixtures must be "full cutoff' to comply਍ഀ with the Town's dark-sky friendly outdoor lighting standards.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ Bill਍ഀ Bill Gibson, AICP਍ഀ Town Planner਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ p:970-479-2173਍ഀ f: 970-479-2452਍ഀ file://CADocuments and Settings\AdministratorTocal Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4A5CA... 07/14/2009਍ഀ ! 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