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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ TO*W 0f V&ഀ 004M,1tNrY MVELOPAI Wഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: SIPF SHRUB PRUNING DRB Number: DRB090305ഀ Project Description:ഀ APPROVED PRUNE OVERGROWN SHRUBS IN BACKYARDഀ Participants:ഀ OWNER SIPF, ERIC D. & SUSAN H. 07/31/2009ഀ 3700 S GILPIN STഀ ENGLEWOODഀ CO 80110-4013ഀ APPLICANT SHAD BLAKEY 07/31/2009ഀ PO BOX 3932ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ Project Address: 3876 LUPINE DR VAILഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: SHAPIRO CHALET SUBഀ Parcel Number: 2101-111-0700-1ഀ Comments:ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 08/11/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00ഀ rഀ _ Department, of Community Development,ഀ 75 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, Coloradoi.ഀ 970'=47~ ;ഀ Wet? vvwinraiigpv~ഀ De elo `menl Re a , r-n, n~ its;ഀ Application for Design Reviewഀ Tree Removalഀ General Information: This application is to request tree removal in the Town of Vail. As part of this application, theഀ property owner may be required to replace trees that are removed. If required to replace, applicants must replant treesഀ by November 1st of the following year from the date of approval. Please be prepared to provide a tree replacementഀ plan. Please see tips for tree planting and species selection on next page. Design review approval expires one yearഀ from date of approval.ഀ Fee: $20 for live tree(s) / $0 for dead tree(s)ഀ 'I Cഀ Description of the Request: 6.&C 1ഀ Tree Species (removal):ഀ Comments:ഀ Tree Species (replacement):ഀ Comments:ഀ Number of trees:ഀ Number of trees:ഀ c U44ഀ Physical Address: 3 e~'-~0 L (AP / rJ V- 64AV Eഀ Parcel Number: 2-10 l 111 ©'~-oo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Property Owner: e kc pഀ Mailing Address:ഀ Owner's Signatureഀ Phone: 10 3 `1 7-5- D 6s gഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative C ~f 6t''~~ ~t ~~/~Yr~~ ! ~3~•• i17~ഀ Mailing Address: 3 92-ഀ Phone:--r/ • 9,70) q1 lഀ E-Mail: (✓.uG'M~ c-om►ci~ r h ~vtG1 I.4~3n/l Fax:ഀ For Office Use Only: Cash✓ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check #ഀ Fee Paid: Received Fro : G V10ഀ Meeting Date: 2CI DRB No.:ഀ Planner: P Project No: ~(Ig ✓~7, -1ഀ Zoning: r Land Use:ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: 13Lo QQr _ Jഀ Uഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000942 Amount: $20.00 07/31/200909:50 AMഀ Payment Method: Cash Init: JLEഀ Notation: SHAD BLAKEYഀ Permit No:ഀ DRB090305 Type:ഀ DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUPഀ Parcel No:ഀ 2101-111-0700-1ഀ Site Address:ഀ 3876 LUPINE DR VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees:ഀ $20.00ഀ This Payment:ഀ $20.00ഀ Total ALL Pmts:ഀ $20.00ഀ Balance:ഀ $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Codeഀ Descriptionഀ Current Pmtsഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200ഀ ഀ DESIGN REVIEWഀ ഀ FEESഀ ഀ 20.00ഀ Dഀ Oഀ ~ഀ Zഀ c'ഀ Dഀ rഀ ~ഀ Dഀ b~ഀ cഀ ~sഀ IPAഀ + SFഀ yഀ lഀ sഀ ~nഀ s ~ഀ y _ cഀ t_ഀ Nഀ Oഀ Dഀ goഀ ഀ n -1ഀ Zഀ oഀ _ഀ {ഀ Zഀ c Uഀ +ഀ per.ഀ ഀ rriഀ -~pഀ -ഀ Iw ~ഀ J ~ഀ Oഀ $ഀ ,ഀ mഀ 1ഀ pഀ Dഀ nഀ Nഀ rഀ coഀ Dഀ 2ഀ Oഀ D oഀ nഀ GDഀ ~1ഀ rഀ ~ഀ .ഀ ,aഀ Yഀ lv~ഀ 9~=ഀ - mഀ inഀ i..irഀ 3.ഀ rഀ sഀ :ഀ I-ഀ mഀ U)ഀ c LOഀ coഀ O0ഀ Zഀ Oഀ C f) Oഀ W Tഀ ~COഀ MLഀ o~ഀ T_ഀ ~aഀ rawഀ = Cഀ cr)ഀ >ഀ cഀ G-) 0ഀ Zഀ C-)ഀ o mഀ z®ഀ Zഀ 0 0ഀ 0ഀ o> NOMEഀ D Qഀ Elamഀ O -dഀ Oഀ 77ഀ iഀ iഀ