HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090334Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOWN W via OOMANNSY OEVELOfM,EW Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vail'gov.com Project Name: VAIL RESORTS HR & SNOWSPORTS ADMIN DRB, Number: DRB090334 Project Description: Participants: VAIL RESORTS HR & SNOWSPORTS ADMIN BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGNS (EAST AND WEST SIDES OF CONCERT HALL PLAZA) OWNER HUGHES LAND HOLDING TRUST 08/17/2009 28 ANACAPA ST STE D SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 APPLICANT VAIL RESORTS 08/17/2009 JEFF BABB PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 Project Address: 616 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: SUITE 300, CONCERT HALL PLAZA Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CONCERT HALL PLAZA CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-063-1801-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 09/24/2009 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRS Fee Paid: $50.00 T Department,of.Community Develop 75 South Frontage I Vail, olonc~t Y. n r LEM A lication for ~esi n Revi L~ P P 9 I I Sign Application AUG 1"7 2009 Ganeral I nformation: This application is required for any sign that is located i the Town of Vail. All sic quire Design Review approval. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be review on-line at www.vailgav.cam un er Vail Information-Town Code On-line (Title 11 Signs). A. application for Design eviei 40RVAILd until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. Design Review approval lapses unless sign is installed within one year of the approval. Fee: $50 PLUS $1.00 per square foot cf total sign area Business/Building Name: V&L-., ZE50MCS "0-- SNV~+JSPO~-iS A&^%k-4 C%4 L4-VkAZA Number of proposed signs: 2- Number of existing signs: •tZ Length of business frontage. Il ~t lC.\~l.~C T~ LNG Height .$ign(s) from grade. ` FZ ®1~~~ /-1 Y I ype of sign `check all that apply): ~)quare rootage of Sign: T~ v J r t ❑ Free Standing Sign w*Hanging/Projecting Sign ❑ Window Sign a"Wall Sign VlBusiness Sign ❑ Building Identification ❑ Subdivision Entrance ❑ Joint Directory Sign ❑ Menu/Display Box R,"Business Operation Sign ❑ Open/Closed Sign ❑ Sale Sign ❑ Sign Program ❑ Gas Filled/Fiber Optic ❑ Temporary Site Development Sign ❑ Other Physical Address. U t"T w • ►-~o~su~4~ c.1~~-c 5-) ♦ :c *A 3c» Parcel Number: (Contact Eagle Ca. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel nc.) Property Owner: pV~~ LA nGS ~^Q~~f~!•t fit- \~~,'1 `2Lw T Mailing Address: L~ o, `T• ~Vl'C~G l~ ~~.tiTA~4~e'3i4~.1~ ! CA ' p31c~t - ~~Z4 Pnona: CS~o'5) Sc~4 232- Ownarls Signature: Nf,pe Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Jiff-r-c7 34.,-is yo...~ CO at45ntj Mailing Address: G/o boy: -7 f Phone: -76--t- KczQ4t, 61'031 c& E-Mail: Fax: C°t'to) - -[oo`d For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check Fee Paid: VT. so Received I m: Meeting Data: I f-0 DRB No.: ?J - ✓Wf~ Planner: Pr ;ect Nc: 6`9 10 Zoning. Land Use: L-ticn cf the Proposal: Let: Block: Subdivision: 14H 4 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R090001027 Amount: $67.50 08/17/200902:50 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 5989 JEFFREY BABB Permit No: DRB090334 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2101-063-1801-6 Site Address: 616 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: SUITE 300, CONCERT HALL PLAZA Total Fees: $67.50 This Payment: $67.50 Total ALL Pmts: $67.50 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 17.50 T0WX0F Vi/d' JOI NT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of the subject property. For .xam- pie, the subject property where construction is occurring is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This form shall be completed by the applicants neighbor/ joint property owner. In the case of a multiple-family dwell- ing or multi-tenant building, the authority of the association shall complete this form and mail to. Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452. 1, (print name) join[ owner, or authority of the association of property located at ~7 l+ to'~S~'~tCdt~ GIaCVC. , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated v(% -k l0.01 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad- dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include. _`C_-p w~~w t3u-s 1.+aIE- bS lprc~TL%C= %.c S~" C7.3E 1_oG4Tc1 G /`1 T.s c w c .7 o f ~•-F c 3 y t ~O r~ c ~ 4 ^S a a sac t-OcA T~ awl T'tJ c C~. ~'T Ce~i'J c jr- -r.4 c Jt ka t j ~t7b1- Yp ` yV1d V til~a I +J L4 u ~4+J Zc~ l~/~Gc 5 S ~cl.`,5'704...-~S 4r~ Vet l~ ~ S - ~a.ar ~ to b F'F«c ~-C7 L. p~'CS~ l ►y S~L"ra 3t3~ 1 ' ~a~' eof.~CCb--T 44t~` ~~-424 + , r- ~ ~ 1 (Sign ture) (Data) Ad itionally, pleas. check the statement below which is most applicable to you. understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en- sure compliance with the /own ,s applicable codes and regulations. (initial here) o I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re- view p--, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further re- via- by the Town. (Initial here) D ~ Mr, ~y/ I L AUG 1 ' 2009 TOWN OF VAIL Pagel of 2 Jeff Babb From: Kim Hughes [kandthughes@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 1:54 PM To: Jeff Babb Subject: Re: CHP Hi Jeff, Thank you for sending copies of your sign design. Yes please present this with our full support. Regards Kim On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Jeff Babb <JeffBAvailresorts.com> wrote: Kim, Thanks for getting the lease amendment back to me. Chris Jarnot will be back in the office Monday and as soon as he signs it I'll get you a copy for your records. I'm going through the Town DRB sign application process for some new signage, which requires a Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter to be completed. It is appropriate for an "authority of the association" to complete this form if you are OK with me acting in that capacity for this instance. I've included the form for you to look at as well as a preliminary proof of the signs (we're leaning towards the upper left version for the east sign). I'm submitting for a 2.5'x 5' sign above the east doors and a 2.5'x 2' hanging about the west entrance. Thanks for your help. JEFFREY BARB VAIL RESORT OPERATIONS DIRECTOR VAIL RESORTS, INC. P (970) 754-4008 ~LCLDWC AUG 1 . 2009 I~I F (9 70) 754-4030 P.O. Box 7, VAIL, CO 81658 TOWN OF VAIL 8/17/2009 Application for Design Review - Sign Application • Vail Resorts recently relocated its Human Resources and Snowsports Administration offices from the plaza level of Concert Hall Plaza to the garden level of that building. • This change has warranted the need for new signage, which can help direct our internal and external customers to this rather hidden space. • The following pages will detail each of the 2 signs requested. August 14, 2009 ( AUG 17 2009 IU TOWN OF VAIL Sign Number 1: • This sign will be located on the east fayade of the Concert Hall building above the garden level entry door at approximately 11 feet above grade. • The substaight material will be black Diebond (metal sandwiched rubber) with various colored vinyl lettering per the attached drawing. • Photo 1-A shows the east fagade of the building. • Photo 1-B shows the outline of the sign placement. • A new light fixture will be installed on this fagade to illuminate this sign. Additional information is attached. Location is shown on Photo 1-B. The sign meastires 5 feet wide by 2 feet, 6 inehes high for a tota4 of 12.5 square -B.016FL--~ q0 36• ^~ehema- FE rr-i~) AUG 1 ; 2009 TOWN OF VAIL i i 1 i a i t ~L ; \ cr c' y COD CO ti 11 LO M 11 104 CO M M M M cc 12v COMPOSITE ACCENT LIGHTING 12v FIXTURES COMPLETE WITH: 36' 16/2 AWG EXTENSION CABLE, r( DECK MOUNT BASE, STAKE AND CONNECTOR FOR FLEXIBLE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION • Constructed of rugged corrosion free composite for harsh environments. )04 • Use to achieve dramatic effects such as: Rep borosilicate glass lens for water resistance W Rep and affords easy lamp replacement. 9223 12 9223-40 970Fully adjustable swivel base with 1/2" male fitting easily attaches to polycarbonate stake (included) or surface *+A, Ah, 'AIL stl 7T \ Y' MRC16 itionai imps: 1 Accent Lighting The Ambiance. Landscape Lighting System's rust and Diffuser corrosion-free composite ength: 7" I fixtures are designed to )w max, withstand harsh conditions erminal) I such as coastal areas and grounds that are heavily treated with fertilizers and other lawn chemicals. The color is permanently molded into the black and chestnut finish fixtures for superior weatherability Choose from die-cast aluminum, composite, brass or copper to suit any design or style for dramatic outdoor accent lighting effects 1 12v DECORATIVE ACCENT LIGHTING LANDSCAPE 92061.834 Transformers • Use to achieve dramatic effects such as: downiighting, Weathered Bronze Finish Page: 509 uplighting, moonlighting and spotlighting. 92061.836 Cable • Angular glare shield affords easy lamp replacement. Torched Copper Finish Page: 509 • Fully adjustable swivel base with 1/2" male fitting easily Clear Tempered Glass attaches to conduit or power post. • Large swivel allows for precise aiming Diameter: 3" Height:: 7" Accessories Pages: 506 . • Directional accent lights provide optimum light output 92061-83 f Wattage: One 50w Max. 92061- (MRC16 GX5.3 BI-Pin) A or accent and security lighting. ccessories • Select encapsulated halogen lamps. Page: 509 • Listed for wet locations. LANDSCAPE s R Lam 92062.834 p Page: 600.601 Weathered Bronze Finish 92062-836 (M) Medium Base Torched Copper Finish Diameter. 6 W Height: 7" Wattage: One 50w max. P Warning: Use of other manufacturers' (PAR 36 Screw Terminal) components will void 92062-83 920 8833 worronty, listing and create a potential safety hazard. 61 M OSe 503 SeaGulilighting com Sign Number 2: • This sign will be hung from a wall mount on the west fagade of the Concert Hall Plaza building above the garden level entry door at approximately 14 feet above grade. • The substaight material will be black Diebond (metal sandwiched rubber) with various colored vinyl lettering per the attached drawing. • Photo 2-A shows the west fagade of the building. • Photo 2-B shows the outline of sign placement • Photo 2-C shows the bracket to be used to hand the sign from the building. This bracket will be relocated from the plaza level of Concert Hall Plaza. • Existing lighting will be used at this location to illuminate sign • The sign measures 2 feet wide by 2 feet, six inches wide for a total of 5 square feet. 4 0. 2 feet ou AUG 17 2009 TOWN OF VAIL I I ~_I J1 )a L _ , 1,64 4 I i ; y. i f 16"LT - l 4 L__ SL44M NVMP>M L